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S?769S F Ni 
Appellea, ) Pd 
va. ‘ ‘gi 


a eee. 2 v4 G T.A. G 


Plaintiff brought an aetion to recever dansges for persona) 
injuries syainet Daslere Tranepert Company, a eorporation, and 0.¥. 
Thomas, plaintiff's breather, Yuere was a jury trial und a verdict 
Judgment for 88760 against beth defendente; defendant Dealers Trane. 
pert Cenpany appeals. 

the reeord discleses that shout four o'elock on the morning 
of Kay 18, 1631, plaintiff, s married tosan, with her baby, was 
riding im « ¥erd coupe with her brother, the defendant G. ¥. Themes, 
and Leyal Fairall, a young man, They started from Latrange, Illineis, 
te drive to Corydéen, iowa, the former hewe of the three adults, When 
they reached «a goint between the viliages of Laweille and Dever, 
Tlidneis, about 100 silee from LaGrange, the Ford struck the rear — 
end of « truck, infuring pisintirr, ‘the Ford belonged to deFendant 
Thomas, “he drove the car frou tne time they started on their jour- 
ney until they resched Meadota, whem Pairall took tie wheel and was 
driving the autonebile at the tize of the collision. 7 

Plaintiff, her brother, the @efondant Thomae, and #airail 
mil testified fer plaintiff, and their teatimeny is that the taree 
gree up tegether in Covyéen, Lowra; that at the tise in question 

Plaintiff lived at Hinedale, lllinels, her brether Thomas at LaGrange, 
and Fairall in iowa City, Lowa, ‘They were driving to Corydon te 

. “tenes & graduation in that eity. 
The might wae dark emd clear; the pavesent of the road, about 
18 feet wide, wae dry and in good condition, ‘The brakes of the 

tet 5 De wa” 
SS we | a 
a Dory 
) P ‘7 

Stages & 

ra kO.ATeVS 

£aseers¢ tol weijoce> teveset of noktor as onagunh vetensats 
2,0 bat ,eoiteiaote 4 ,yaeqned Moqeaet? ste Loa Peatnms 
tolbbiey 4 bm slat yteh a caw oved! ysedtend Ee 
<oaert At¢iaey axhuetead jetashan'teh ated teateys Oras wwf 
gone ao doole’o weet tuods tasit woceteess a 7 
Used cet Sele ,aeuow dobre « \Titdate te _ teat 

seme .F 00 soehaeted ond stodsord at dgkw sexto 
ahem LE ogmetied aot hedteye yea? ont GANON & 
ee et tehe aonly ae ‘te sued tomo! ot yawel , 
s , tered has offiomad ‘te sopeLity ant ananted sehen 
ee eat owxte Btet aay ,egaetded wt “aetdm aGL ty 
— Hineneted of Segaoted brel edt .Titctoty gatiwhak sown 
| weet ‘thewle ae belwets qeult emks oe wort tae Ont vend @ 
aa ime Keewte ont xood Liwtdat mestw ,avobenll Resign yaad staan 

ae a9luiifoo ad? Ye emls ott ta okhde wom mad 5 


tanta te wnaelt duadaeten ete stat ond — 
iL word oi? sess ol yrowbtend ahend bao , ite stand 
re melteoup ad omts nit de tant paved sere 
: “ i te sesedT tector xed sabonk set hed abit 
8 main ot anion ome vane ane 

witomeobile were alee in good condition. 

¥aivrall testified that just before the agcl@dast he saw red 
lighter on the highway between three and tour Aundred yards aneoad; 
that he waa ‘driving at about forty to forty>Sfive miles oan hour «ad 
knew that the red Lights were on some vehicle but could not see 
the vehiele; that as soon ae Re saw the lighte he sleved up a 
little but 414 net apply bie brakes; that when he was about three 
hundred feet avay he sav that there wae more than oné vehicle in 
the road shead of him but thought there ras sufficient reom to 
permit the Ferd to paes betreen them; that he eav o wan in the 
road leaning against one of the vehicles; that the two vehielees 
appeared to be om the onpomite shoulders of the pavement; that 
ehen he vag about three hundred feet avay Ae put on hia brakes a 
Littles that the trucke same in full view when he wae from seventye 
five te ene hundred feet away; that the read af that place ren 
about ¢ast and weat and tve wheele ef the truck on the nerth side 
were on the shoulder; that the other truck wae standing in the left 
lane on the pavesent about parallel with the ether traek; that | 
when he war about seventy-five feet aray he applied Sis brakes, ald 
Thomas applied the emergency brake; ke turmed te the Left te avoid 
the truck but waa unshia to de ao, ond the automobile as iAdwd 
around and afruck the truck standing in the left lane, injuring 
plaintirr, | 

Thomas teatified that at the time of the secident all three 
were witting in the one seat of the oar, hic siater te the right 
heldaing the baby in her lap, himself in the center, and Faireail 
| driving; that he first aaw the red Lights ahead on the read when 
they were shout 1500 feet away; that when they were about 3 0. 
away hie sister asked Falrall if he ese the red lighte; that the 
Ford wan about seventy-five to one hundred feet away frou the red 

Lights when he realized that two trucks were shead of then in the 

fy ogee 
Melihixen beay al onia he econstaa 

" a ahig: mn 

her wow ao Geeklog et oxeiod dem sacd heritonwd leery he: 
pbeaite ete, PAH wept fae ends avented wamtghat wit “ zie 
bre xwon te ae 3 dm re had uteet oma fu trian mae vied st 

at @indsdev en 208% @tom eae epost tang wninaundli 
(OF amet Saigi ine haw guane Seawads ted waka Tee Renlle Beart soll 
HO ok Bom a mam Oh ede gud aoOwded moon «t otetion: : orem 
“Aadaldoy ors ont sais jaotodsor ede 30 mn os 

road; that he pulied the emergency brake, Fairall anyhied the feat 
brake, and the car elid around and collided with the syaek ip the 
left lane; that at the time of the collision Fairall wan driving 
from 25 te 30 miles an hour, fhe evidence further shows that there 
were twe trucka with trailers traneperting new automobiles te Davene 
port, lowa, ‘he witness further testified thet the trucke were both 
etanding et111 at the time of the esllision and that he ear this 
when he wae about 75 feet from them, 

Plaintiff? testified that shen shefiret saw the red lights in 
the road s:ea4 af them they were shout two aity blecke away: that when 
she firet law the Lights whe seked Fairell if he eaw them and he ree 
plied thet he 441d; thet the Ferd was treveling "sretty fast,” che 
eould not judge the speed; that when they were about 76 ar 30 feet 
from the red Lights ehe could diatinguieh twe big truacke in the 
road; that she then told Fairail te slew down and that he heard her; 
whe then saw there wae going to be « collision snd seraamed, 

Csri Jonneon, oalled by defendant, testified that he was 
driving one of the trucks; that Zarl Pitkin was driving the other; 
that on the evening of Key 14th they left Hegwisen, lilincis, which 
is part of Chicago; that the twe trucks were leaded with new Ferd 
autowobiles for Davengert, lows; that wher they reached Sandvich, 
Tilineta, they stopped and hed eomething te ent; that the aceidéent 
heprened shout 4:30 o'elock in the aercing, dust bafore daybreak, 
near Dover, [llingia, about 146 miles from Chicarzo; that the truek 
Ariven by Fitkin wae shead ef Jehreon; that Fitkin had pulled the 
track to the nerth of the pavement and was parked on the shoulder; 
that as he appresched Fitkin's truek he could pee red Lights about 
three-quarters ef a mile sbead on the truek; that there were five 
red lights on the rear of each tru¢k; that when he was about %o0 
feet away he could reeegnize the outlines of Fitkin's truek; that 
it wae standing still, Vitkin had bis left arm out waving for the 

font edt hotiegn Liartol ,etard yeoogeame ont LOK OC. aM sheet 
_ sit mk Mound pt thy DOALKIQD bax hnugte HhLe aD gmt hmm yesland 
BaveKd sav Llowtel mokebtion odt Yo eae oat te duct ramet Mok 
munis sad? ange wate gonehive oat sued cm EO 
| <m9¥eS gi aetidaaaive Wea gatirogquacts atediars dite atownd owe atew 
deed eter eXout? esi? tome bobtiteot agddruaft aaoarte od aeol, vee i 
otst qs oc ted) haw mobo lifer att to omtt ant ¢4 Abite yt | 
Leet 07 ton AY tuo 20y. oH, pade | 
Se eh ae 
made test pyawe aluokd vthe owe swede ore daprtecinper ge nt | i 
uatan mod? wan ou 2 Lhovkel Satan ode ate wad ts a 
* font yovete” gakiovert aay feet od tat, BRD i, 
an ate suods wtaw YOds ussw tad? phoege ems sabhel..geq t 
ont sh quart gid ow? canton hk aa 
"fh Nemes ot toed eum mmeh wate 90 L fare, 7 ‘ any 
heme hee sokenttoa « ssnin wr me ma mene ‘ 
MAT toe DeAIaNd, taba) OF MA SLan RONNIE AMAD oog 
ay ‘teas ous gay iKh sam aks@l Ses Medd jaxouss gM¢ Ye ome yabyhab 
ie ne PboakLsh .towkogek Pol yedt Gel yak Yo, gators salt ne aed 
x Pra whe debe Kobanl oxew mxqwes owt ot say pogan had “Lins “ in 
ee rHodwhaak Bevlgaon yess ovde ted? jowel .Proqme ovat tet epkidenetus — 
“ dmehiens eat Sede rhwp ot pithdtemes hed bax beqoute wed? .atamhest — 
viawniged ewrsied seat ,gobetem eat at fooiste ath wm : 
AOE et pene mort aeitea OAS soode sed 
ee Ded ing Dec MEAEES Hea pqpene’ le heoe we ae ee 
ten My oKt om Roryan one. ime Aqpaninen ate pat tres odt of sexe 

ng wea astra ane mee 114 ot et une ack 


witnese to pane Aim and toe yo shead; ny a passed the truck he 
was driving on the right or mnerth lane of the pavement; that nae 
he was paecing Khe heard a squeaking of brakes and humediately after 
the Yord smaghed into the back of his truck; that at the time of 
the e@liision nie truck wee «cing ebeut 25 or 14 wiles an kowr, 

Pitkin teatified that Ke was driving cna of the trucks 
leaded with autexmoblies to Davenport; that Jennueon wee driving the 
ether; tast after leaving Kedgwisch they met at Sandwich where they 
had aguething t¢ gat; that whem he wae between Laxollie and Dover 
he estopped becauee he did set see Joineen tehind him; that Jonnaon's 
truck was slower than the one the witness wae driving; thet he pulled 
eff the pavement io the nerts and parked on the ahoulder end walted 
about eight or ten wizutes for Johnsen to come up; thet #«hen Johneen 
approached he was driving itt the nerth or right lane; thet he mo- 
tlened for Jebnaon te come ahesd and tuke the lead; that he etuek 
his left arm cat ef the window smd eigualled Gin to pese Bins that 
at Johnson war paneing he vas traveling in the sorth lane, and there 
wae a oraeh. This is eubstantiaily all the evidence an te how the 
accifent cecurred, 

Defendant contendm that it wae guilty ef ne uagiigenee bee 
@ause the evidence shows that one of itm trucks wae etanding aorth 
ef the pavement on the shoulder, ond the other traveling in the 
nerth lane and did not stop vrior te the accidant; that even if it 
be astumed that the question of defendant's negiigenee wae for the 
jury, such negiigense, if smy, was not the proxiaate exuse af the 
eollision with the resulting injuries ts plaintiff, and therefore 
the court should have directed a werdiet for defendant, aa requested, 

It seems te be the theory of sclaintiff that Valrall, at the 
time in question, wae driving the ford ear aa sgeant of Themat ang 
therefore toth Theoman and Fairall were guilty of esntribatery negii- 
@emmee, but that suck negligence ia not iuputable to plaintiff whe 

eit owed ont Soanaiy wi\gnid yhebiti ey 0" bine’ ibil'eese at seeneaw 

go Lead jpaeebvey on to whine Adsed Se eee bat eb gilvied Gee 
cogts: Usd oVienkd ved evens We ghbtabbgt's htand eat yaleeee aaw oat 
hg ant) ot hy dant pMuwet ota Ye dod wie ort Neda! pete 

‘yrvod’ ae ee fhe 60 Ve OF dunde pinioy Raw Woetd 81 HERR IT EO OME ee 

“giowtt a2 Yo ome gulviey mew on dame PORT tie atate! oe 
ait galvive te aoemiet test poqaevel cP aetidomosie Mehw bepeet 
qed? stone datvhew® ge fom yodd aoe ivgiel yutvell dette dacs pees 

devel bau oCthenidit Heowskd sow ed eva tally ythe OF piROnOe dod " 
a aowavet Sant ywts baled moeacigt vow tol bin wi seuaohe beggar wa NG a 

elie av tad? pgnlvith saw eavayte eat 08 EE 
bebler tae wtivotie et ao bevtey baw often OF of Paww 

menndet aeite Yate p qe bev oF @ovaitet co’? sevtaind atti edie tte 7 | 

-te of fed? jomek Jah Vo iotod wif WP yal va ew an berwnondoen 

“teeta sa ded? phos t add oad fio hewald weay of Ryeutsl to? somone | 

tet? 020 wey af sdk We fteagte Waa’ weninte cn Wo te is a. 

walt bits wees Huon oath “at yniktivett die vt / il 
Devudiiiesiias BA eomeb tee oxi te isantcayeon 2 What” odes 

Pe ; i 

baw ‘sone gtigen oa etna hee “th edt atten 
hed gubydias naw Gab urs ae Pte de edd tee 98 ‘ocit 
(gdh nd gatfovent sedto wit ae tp Lvie Wir ne SaOwad eas Me 
oa es ee oe ‘toy Gee Fon S45 ' st ; ‘ : 
_ et a9 saan? Quer @ trahasteh Yo Adtideup wp dale 
‘gaa te si ude aettaesy ‘ors S80 eae yy S org eegea 
eo eee eee ee 
RNupey Sa Fadbae teh ZO Folie eo MMOeERD oven 
att de  Dtetiat sand vibbatase to esceuiangin “aha + : 
i i wiendied trait han bro oD 

waa riding ae a gaost in the Yord. Under the low the nerlivends 
of Yaugmaw or Falrail onuld not be imputed to plaintiff. Mut han 
fore she sould recover she must prove that eho wae in the axereice 
ef ordinary sare for her own cafety (Onn v. Bryer, 04 121. 599), 
and mast aleo grove by A srependerance of the evidence that the 
defendant wae guilty of neglisenes “hich proximately contributed 
to her infury. 

Par, 16%, (2), oage 2496, Cailli's 1943 Statutes, srovidee 
that "Ho driver of a vehicle shell stop the same on any durable 
hard surface State iigheay er ellew it te etand in such peoition 
that there io not amole room fer two vehicles te pase avon the 
road, nor shall any peracn unlead hie corge er tranofer it from 
one vehicle to ancther, exeent in cate ef emergenay, won suck 

Plaintiff's evidence tends to chow thut defendant violated 
this etatute at the time in question, Defendontts evidence wae 
te the contrary. Plaintiff's evidence tends further to shew thet 
Plaintiff was in the exereise of 4ue care Yor her own safety, haviag 
salied the attention ef the driver te the lights shead ef them in 
the resd, In these slrausataices, tie queationes? defendtont's nege 
ligence, and whether plaintiff was in the exercise of 4us care fer 
her orn safety, wore questions Tor the fury. By ite werdtiet it 
found in favor of plaintiff's contention, and upen « consideration 
of ail the evidenes in the record ws think we are net warranted in 
Aistarbing the finding of the fury on these questions. 

But aseuming that slaintiff preved she was in the @exereiee 
of due sare for her own eafety, and that 4ofendant wae pulity ef 
negliizenee, the question remains whether the negligence of 4efendant 
Wae the proximate enuse of plaintiff's injuries, Defendant strenue 
susly contends that ite magiigenee, if any, war rot the proxizate 
@auee of plaintiff's injury; that such negligesee at wont merely 


Pomnlignn ost wi ast Tete shot edt wh froKg, a ROD RE ROR 
ond fet .TRatotg of Satamet of aan Rien Ltanke se neal we, | ina 
miorexe att at now ode tect ovetg teum ode tevooe: Adwea pale. oth ; ‘i 
(ORR HEL AGP soe 1 geo) qletar ave qed Kok enem vagathee Te) 
od? dat? toepbdve ott to aa wetehaoqerg « YF aveug cade, team baa 
batudsxsnoa Yiossalneny dosae anomyinnd Ve yt bhay tev .genben eb, Ae 
MAbiroTs ,eatadeds EOL of LEbgo ans, sane o(@) thi iexatus ee 
Shieh Yon a0 omnes 98d gore Hada atoldev « te xwvith oY dt 
 ReRSieoG down ah hands of Eh walle co yew, ota2% ene tnwe wad ‘i 
_ et so ageg of retegiagy owt 183 aget ofamm fon ot omedé ag ~ 
ae ah wero? t¢ ages nid. bonkan Hated TO OE 


Re aeaehtve a! farbimtes  .welianwe ah omhe ott, pity sta 
inst ace at orkut ofeet eoambaye a NUAALELS 4 

os fokinee eth yl amet ot “a aneMinney ‘90%. - 
oeioae » nme ne atimenns «ANNs 8 
‘ah padaere Aa Sl. em RO AAR, 88) 

furnished « condition which made the collielon possible and that 
plaintiff was injured taroeugh the independent negligenes of the 
driver of the Vord, ond in these circumstances defendant ie not 

What is the proximate couse of actionable negiiwence haa 
been the subject of many decisions of thia court and of our Supreme 

eourt, in Seith + Oo, 241 ITLL, 252, the oourt in 4ie- 

cussing thie question, speaking by Hr. Chief Justice Cartwright 
said (p. 286): "Yo constitute proxiwate eause the injury must be 
the naturel ond prebacle woneeguence of the negligence, and be ef 
such charketer ae an ordisurlly prudent person eught te have fore. 
seen wight probably occur aw a rewult of the negiigenee.***(p, 260.) 
The test is whetner the party guilty ef the first act or oxziselon 
might reasonably have autieipated the intervening couse ae & natural 
and prebable consequence of his own negligence, and if a9, the eon- 
neetion is sat breken, * 
In Hel e@,, SHE Tl. 466, the court, 

speaking by Br. Juntioe Dunn, aaid (p. 471): “if it can reasonably 
be concluded from the evidence that the aceldent would not probably 

have happened except fer the failure of the appellant te fenee ite 
track, then it fellews that the neglect te fenee war the proxinate 
@ause of the accident, wilens seme other disesnmnected efficient 
eause which sould not have teen foreseen by the exereiee of ordinary 
eare has intervened.* 

Te the same effect is Hortoe peton Store of Cnicags 
265 Ill, 331, where it is said (». or “inat constitutes proxi- 

mate cause has been devined in numerous decivions, and there is 
practically nc difference of opinion as te whet the rule is, The 
injury must %« the naturel and probable result of the negligent act 
@r omission and be of such a character as an ordinarily prudent 

person ought te have foreseen might probably eccur as a result ef 


dent? hem sidiseon melaliien ef? obama dotaw astsinene a” hea Linu 
eat te tore gligon saebaseebad et dawerss boxstat aee ‘vulsntaty 
‘fon wa tants eb eeu avd coup eto seas? wt baw beet nat te vevixb 
“wat eonoulines citeaphioa to oeune otantnorg ong eb teat 2 | . 
emmantt tae te bow dxwee eesty te saolsteuh coho Ye. Soo tdue oat aged 
agth wd @uwoe ode SEC .akT 2a +20 andl tian ainden ak dete 
_tagherriwd soituss tela 2H yd palunege \, snodseoup whiit puulsasia 
oa foun YIUEA os Manes otamtnong ofeth saaoe or 3 (eas a) nae 
te od base , 00 y4 tgea outs te sous upoenoS shisdorg ban feruton oat 
“Otek sved oF Idyio aoeteg Jashirig ebeealbxe me 22 wopedunm an. 
(.808 .g)***.enanghiges wei? To Siomet © es tuose videdeng s0gta meee | in 
| thetestae xe fon daw? of to wiley ceune oes aiid ose at tad oat ches 
ferstan 2 tz eaury gabaorsegal eid betaqtolsas ovast eideasaaer ohn 
<—- eae ,oe ES bas ,euaegiigan awe ald te somenpeenee otadeomm bus 
rr) edt ,d0d .£4i S28 sai aRfh oS A shelled o¥ aathel al x v4, 
_— gum 92 BA (RED oq) Bien yee ootzant 8k gt ahiwoge 
Uiledors tan Bisow tapb been oe) Sas soamhive exe sent bone te aoe p om 
wh eure s oF fan Lieqne eas te wrwdiel ea? tet lad benee ard ot 
- etentzow ony saw wa oo of fon Lge watt (add swakie® a one teat ; 
ide Ete besvansces ts 19829 Seon wee Lom iaabiooe ome 2 oe 7 
wage ¥e ou torexe ous of meer mad ered sau pewoe ae a , ons - Pach 
_ Mehmaown dat ad 900 | 
ened) Y, $8 _ sera 32 Hs et seers ome Oct e.. , ‘oth if 
“oan evretitanos sot” “soe 1) bes at 22 otode £06 aan baal ene 
fs a etedt bite stiviniosh avetnaus Of Seal? a halite | ; 
et sth fm wad Soaiw ot am aolaige Ye wont 1ub om thie 

oe sees 
i ara 

 Aandurts YLiteckix no a6 Tasomtade # down Ye 96 daw motnahag xe 
i re ttwers ne eee Witetesa, sky be om | ; 

OD Me 


the negligence, although 1t ie not esvential that the peraon charged 
with negligence should have feresem the preeine injury wiieh sight 
result from hie act." 

int im the Seiting case, supra, the court, further diseussing 
the question of the preximate cause of an injury, eaid (pp. 475e474) s 
"In casee involving quite similiar foets different courts have arrived 
at oppowite conclusions, “he question for our determination is 
whether there was any evidenee requiring the submission of the 
question ef proximate cause to a fury, ond if the facts are meh 
that men of ordinary Judgment may arrive at dfforent convlusiens as 
to whether or not a fence would probably have prewented the secident, 
thes the condition was such as required the submiseion of the ease 
te the jury. * 

Im the inatent case, the night was dark but clear; there 
was evidence te the offeet that beth lanes of the pavecent were oe- 
cupied by the two trucks ond the question for iselelen then ie, 
Bight an ordinarily pradent person have foreneen that =» cpliivien 
might probably coeur? We think this question was for the jury. In 
these cilrewmstances the court 414 mot err in denying defendant's 
mation for a directed verdict, 

Complaint ie alac mode that the court erred in refusing to 
inetruect the jury «et defendant's request, that the statute of 
Tllineis required meter vehicies to be equipped with headlights 
Visible at least 206 feet im the direation the vehicle ts sppreach- 
ing, and that this statute was intended te provide a light for the 
guidance and benefit of the person driving the aatowoblle as well as 
fer the srotection of others whe use the highway, The court instruct 
ed the jury on this statute exeept that 14 4id not tela the fury thu 
lighte were for the benefit of the pereen driving the automobile as 
well as for others who were using the highway. The argument is tha’ 

the evidence chews the lighte on the Ford sautemobile threr Light 


ogtacs sounsie ad! gad? Lo ivoonew don wl $2 mpatele some tigen addy 
digte do fee Yewtek ahoong wf co oebreR ered bivedd womey Llyn ashe 
* de eid wert ofumen 
igaven Ld neu teem 880 .oegee ,oooo peleiol eid af bod. 
ee oT Cwies Yo tame oombimony ea) be welvawmap nae 
vitae eves eoiuwee Pao EDS of0nt Saliade ofinp gabvievad seaee wi” 
ti Mghdnaioteess roe 18? aodieouy ol semodemfadee Oflnogge te 
edt ‘fo mbfacdadve o@y gafukupet eeaebive yao Gav ered? weddode 
‘dene Gt ede Oe DE baa ~ytHt w OF saueo odehtaete to elton 
5 Cubientoaee Same TM te ayiaee gem Seragbut Yrankbro Ye em sede 
me bivas ont hefanewrg oved (Luderq Kivew boast 2 Jon 4e Todoodeed 
bovadhens ‘te sotetbedsa ed3 bethepet ea dove eaw Bedet haga ado ned ; 
| | "ett ome ot a 
© Geass puede Oecd nab tae vey oud joewe Faded meaty ie 
+90 ot8 PBnMNAG ond To BAe, ATOK Fasd MOTD OndrOd MORentE aaw 3 
»32 aedd seolaioed 10% gotfeesy edt baw Rdawee owe: esit oh hinhqa 
“ Helek ites # caatd cbeaetet ovad mented teobone YetNhalhTe aa yet 
at seueh oa? set taw weddeonp oh? dake w% Meebo welt (tytn | 
| ia acarmmetaaal gatyeee of bid ten bib damen ae ‘ pecnhsnaiense: ceeds — 
tolbtey beteowih # set aoheens 
| se _—— af teres sewew pny ade oho oo in ab aobeLqad Rak 
ee eae 
 @iigh het iw Seymhape od oF Gotelven sunen bomtagen gigas 
apawovnge ef efotdorvedd aolsownah odo of teehee, sened tee tibety 
edd ae MBE w w6bromy OF bohcesak mew oowop se whe Sas bam vant 
j ftww vn eiMowsuw oe yRavhib mowtag on Yo SE ToNe New wonmll 
werseaENPewes wx Yow wet uN oe wumnin’ wmneneneN , 
dd exwh OM Lier sen LG 22 tam PomDRe cembNeE WED sehanhentall ri 
a WEiiomsrne Ont QalvInb Monney we Yo Vaened omy 50 oem wht 
° Mid tamer Hee ety te nse ye ou OMNW ate wOK Gm law oe 
* tet world CLidewed an peek ele ae eaeQhs ct engin snannive en 
. ih a 

enly about 100 feet ahead of the ford, oe dafendont Themas testified; 
that these lights were not in compliance with the vtatute. Ye think 
the instruction was properly refused sines no request was made thet 
the eourt apply the instruction te the evidence in the ease, ore~ 
ever, the three adultes in the ford teetified they saw the trucks 
when they were several hundred feet ahead of them, it io certain 
that in no event wae defendant prejudieiolly alfected by the req 
fuenl te give thie offered inetruction. 

It is alee senteoded that the eourt erred dy refusing te 
dnetruct the jury (ae def ox Amat requested) that the emoreise of 
ordinary care by the driver of the vehicle in a public highway 
only required bi» te lowk suead while driving end thet there was 
ne duty upon hin to look backward to agsegertain the position of par 
sone appresching from the rear, We think .t obvious taat ne juror 
whe is presused to have the qualifications required by our statute 
would surmise that it waa the duty ef the driver of the truek in 
question to icek back te ees #hether there might be a rear-end 
@ollision. We tidnk thie isaetruction eould serve no useful purpsere, 

After the verdict was returned the court permitted plaintiff 
te fille three additionsl counts of her declaration, over the ob- 
feetion of defendant, and this action is eoupiained of on the 
ground that the omended cownts introduced new aatter inte the case, 

In thie comneetion it ie said that the second and third adéitienas 
eounte charged it wae the duty ef the defendant, Desiera Transport 

Company, not te stop either of its acter tracks on the paved sortion 

ef the highway, ete, But thie identical allegation wae sade in the 
eotnts that were-in the d¢cleration when the case vent to the jury. 
There _ no ditrerent charge in the additions. counts in this 

The Judgment ef the Guperier court of Cook ceunty ia 
HeGurely ond Batchett, 3¢,, concur. 

be | ay be | vane 

if _stannanecs Satie Sebbiee'tady ne See one To paibelie’ ‘90D OU tit ete 
tthe oF Seoutate acs ity woNEbiesioy KE dom wow eM would dled i 
ae - ebaw Bae Keevpet Cu ogitin heww ied wine waw pre gpley: xe 

‘ ‘AO atr-an qatenomnerwn dota wateran, 
"kee (Rare el et (ee Tw hawiln tewr hixhaint teen bine WOW dale 
f cellnndintiennativigiaon sedonsawetienct 

sto ktomwsian Bexerte etd ovlh’ oF alk 
OP Qalew ter od Some MWeo: ONE sad) nobieraey GetA Ud aos: 

ey ea Roeemd Oat Cane {naveouper Foubastes ab’) iceet ait Fo 

es HOt atelesd awd "te apes” anelarnaet or 
esa Yo henaaseieee ob annie BAF Hina er 

pone abd at 
wemee eT Ke kant Ataencen ad Te exh st) one 18 baa bat 
Bova ast se adowtd upton neh to xyite ed # te 

Shee wer ae Settautate devltnadl abe dutt 
| i's Sn inaeisihhe oa ~ ‘tara fae 

Mine La % som et rf 
Pah sciaiabiianl ee Le Regn iit A i inde 



Defendant in Srror, 


Plaintiff io brror. ) 

279 TA: 6152 


Theedere Groark and KRebert Eowuan were indicted by the 
errand jury of Ceck county for a comepiragy to take pribes, ete, 
The Jury returned separate verdicts finding each guilty as charged 
amd the defendants were eenteneed to a term of one year in the House 
of Cerrestion, “ne fine and ne eests.* Groark 4id not seek & Fe- 
yereal of the fadigvent, efendant Sewman hee eued out this erit of 
error. The indietwment ie in seven counts, The firet charged that 
the tro defeniants senevired with diverse other persone unknown 
wmlawfully to extert money from the public by verbally threatening 
to accuse thes of driving asutenmssiles at excessive syeed and in dine 
regard of traffic lights. 

in the aeeond count it was gharged taut the Yiliage of Alles 
Center was incorporated and that ordinances were in feras “nich were 
auly adopted by the President ond Seard of Trustees of the Village 
ereating the offiewof Maraball, Captain ef Folies, and Felice orfi- 
sere of the Villege; that Groark wae appcinted and soted as Village 
marehall and police officer, «4 Sowmen wae appointed acting eauptain 
and police efficer; that divers persons were unlawfully driving au- 
tomobiles at unreasonable speed and vitheut regard te traffie lighte 
and otherwise in violation ef luw; thet it became the defendants 
duty to arrest such persons or eause thea te be arrented and proee- 
euted, But the defendants betrayed their trust «wid conspired with 
eaen other and with ether persons te eerruptiy acecpt money as 
bribes from the persene whe were violating the law in driving 

era. AE ey s A Te ea 

Tees CHT Ava ta a: UTA VE . 
4 a x & i yy 

wake Ud hevelbaul otaw thie wreath Puodes bau Ato | 
hte ~aedindosdad of yet gegen. “ x02 mee ante 
bogies em YIituy deae yathacd atotoxoy ataqes anentet, Sh 
panel ot Gh tany One to aaee a 97 booassaes (Stem afaadae ted aA vg wa 
Ot esi dem DA dead "asa hand ame 0 ogi Ra Mo: ved 
te tiww ates owe Bows Gad anaool $aadao 2a sfanmabah at are — 
Pest bogrece spstt eat  ,weuaog, am von at at pena 
apna GReatey Tense eeneved agiw erstgegen af pee ne oy 
gtisnieo tal sisetten we ohidug sit sont. wren 

| trotxe oF 
ty hake ay a mee 
wats = bus Avege oytaacane fa settvososue aaivice he 


nee Seite 

det ie had 


Daa a eh pes ie peer ‘ange ee 

vette Ye, eeesiiv oy tat Jogsnde saw at sauce — bed 
had H sy 

spoil nator hie ,sobint 1° esate, + Kase domes oe 

Sete eng 

aie sc gy one tawre ata, -% 


In the toird eeunt 44 wae charged that defendants were ape 
pointed police officers under certain ordinanees of the village; 
that it was their duty “to arrest, to cause to be arrested, tea 
prosecute and to cause to be oresseuted" the persona unlarfully 
driving sutomebiles; that the defendants vonepired with #ach 
other to take bribes fron sich Law viclators oo that auch violae 
tore would not be preseauted, 

The fourth eount ofiarged that the defendants were police 
officers; that they knew arrest slire bed been given to sersens 
for traffic viclations by ather police officers; that it was de- 
fendants' duty te prepare compisinte in writing before the felice 
lingistrate charging ouch offenders with such viglutions, but that 
@efendante cenepired tegetier and failed to present such complaints 
and were thereby guilty of compounding such offenses, 

the fifth count was nelle sreavsed by the State. 

in the sixth eount the defesdantes were charged with conspi- 
raoy te obtain $1000 from the cublis by weane of the condidence 
game; and in the seventh eount, that they conapireda te obtain 
$1006 from the oublic by weans of false pretenses, 

Twenty-three witnasses tentivied Yor the State, Ten of 
these testified to money payments made te Grourk and thet charges 
af traffie violation wsade by other pelice officers of tne Village 

were dronped, Of the twenty-three witnosese called by the State 
two testified they gave money to defendant, Sewmen, and that the 
charges wade against thea were not brought before the follies Uagia- 
trate of the Villiage. Bowman denied he tad received any mesey from 
the two persone whe gove testimony against hin, snd dented he had 
received any money at omy time frem anyene in econneetion with any 
traffic visliations by sutemobiliate. 

Bowman was bern in lilineis, wae thirty-six years old and 

1 ta" va i ei) 

7 +e Sidem sue \ i 
“qe Chew etuabseted fads Aeyxede saw th faue0 pune edt at ‘ foo tg 

jegeiiiv sis To sevacatite miagape vehaw ateaiTle egiieg betakeg Wh 

od ,bodeown ef oF Semi e& ,dnomn of" Yawh ehedto maw eh dame 

LiWtenkaw enoarag sit “Besuebaorn 94 of buime OF bin aommoneng i‘ 
signs Gtiw Seriqados gtanharted eff tart jeotidonetua gatvich 
cahely Sour dart om enodaioly wes shes omit eodind exad of soto 
sheduvenore of dom date t 
doktee ecw wtiahne wh odd PoKt do_raMe snvoe iewot or : . 
aiowrey Of aeviy ased hed agile seerre weed yond dont Tiedt m sa iy 
Neb mew 22 tate ywHeLtte oot Leg wedte We aaolteroly olitaxd mee 
‘Poh seM ostd wroled gabsiew oi atntateuos wrmgete OF uth 'edouh a x 
did tot noottately owe uthv axobaette wom gaint’ ebanded 
mene due deonntge oc? be link baw teitene? bertqesws nae 
sedentre doth gaibauognos “to ys thug edotedd” 
spewed exid ve niacin aban saw shinee 3 * 

\agecit® ate 10 eteott to ‘ietitih Wend ‘et thei 
_ re ity dbl bat ine ssenhaete’ heeneutingoneet “we niin 

wae brought by hie parents to Cook county when one your oid, Ke 
@nlieted in the United States army in wales he served five and « 
half years, He saw service in the Palilipgines and was overseas fer 
tre yeare ond four menthe during the World war and was angoged in 
@ munber of battles in France. After his return he aoved to 
Wheeling where he was auief of poiiee for more than a year, In 
2923 he waa employed by the Villiage of Liles Center, thrmagh the 
prenident of the hoard of Trustees of that village, Se served on 
the police feree of the villoge until the time of the trial; during 
part of that period he acted as chief ef police; at the tine the 
indictment was returned againet Bie he was tight eaptein ef police, 
gubfect to the erdersef Greark, the chief of police, fe bad never 
been arrested and hed never had any trouble of any wind until the 
indietwent was returned, Sixteen witnesnen teetified that prier to 
the indictuent his reputation for henesty ond integrity was good. 
There was no evidence to the gontrary, 

The evidence disclosed that during Kay, June and July, 1943, 
wolice efficera of the village arrested «4 number of peraons charged 
with driving autemoebiles in violation of traffic regulations, such 
as excessive speed, running through ved Lighte, Liiegal garxing, 
ete.; that most of such persons were given arrest slips by whieh 
they were notified to apvoer before the police magistrate of the 
villege at certain times; that mary of the persons who had been 
given such slips rere not preseouted and that no charge was lodged 
againet them before the magistrate; that in many instances the are 
reat slips were “pulled” at the request of divers persone and that 
in many of such cages no woney wae given for such fallure te proce~ 

the two witnesses whe teetified they gave money te the de- 
fendunt, Bewaen, te prevent the pressing of traffic violations 

agsinet them were Harold &. Watecn and Stuart Letterhoim. 

et bho to9y emo user Eaves dood of wdweraq ahd qd Sityword aaw 
@ bie ovt't Bowtes ad coke mk yeee wed eshaT se ad Bods tion 
wt aoswtevo sav uw aeniegh {te ont of oodvene wee Gh veteey Bad 
a2 bagagee anv bee tow fine” ena gahtwh atiaem cet Baw wiedy lowe 
a? berew ef aeugen eid ae8ta = yeenotl af molited te Eada aw 
ei .feee 6 cml? even tet sebfes te Bole aew od eveutw gatlond® 
ots yack? ,weeewee ee hki Le egadi ll ets of begeique new od e8eg 
an hewnse G1 .wyetilv sed? ‘te asedaut? “te aunot wit ‘te goedtaete 
ubted ;ieant oni to ult ed? Livay eyelhte edd Ye ware? wetfog edt i? Gf 
adt- oak? odd 82 ined fon ‘te Take as Bedos on hoting sails My Hi 
eetter ‘te aiatges tighn saw ad aba tastena bemrudor www Sanus Ihab 
Wess bes 8 6 Woodiog ta Tolwo wid ,heeoss Yootebue aly of soteun 
60) Leen dukd ere 2 ORhOTs GHo Sod HOVER bod God setewens a p ~ 
# Roive Inds Sel Tidsed eosveusie aeesKde deutEder wae ad at 
sboog saw Ysiryodut Sas yseened NOT welded ger eh geonds toad coi es 
 euersnee odd of seandive oa daw ont ” 
20 ,eiud bas emul ,yOX paruh gudt RenoLoetD eoambive om i ah 
Syteke atearey lo teCaum m boteetie egellie at ‘te susetine sohteg 
Howe ,kamd te Leyes 2 tens ro. asiteioty at eetideansus ani vine Pere a i 
gehts Sogo Lhh .atight bax Agent gateune deege eviensoxe ea 
Kottw af agkin deere sevky oxi sewed viowe te seem dail os : 
“et Ie atewts kya eeblog edt erected sesnge at beLteson wee gm x it 
sind Bask abe anewrng wits a quinat dnatt poms — Ape thy 

Watson testified that on July 1, 1934, he was driving throug 
the village of Biles Canter om ale way to play golf; that he passed 
through a ref light at a street intersection and wae arrested by 
motereycle officer Griffin, eho gave him a ticket or arreat slip; 
that Griffin eslied his attention to driving tarceugn the red Light 
whieh witness “readily admitted’ he had dome; that aven receiving 
the ticket witness put {ft into hio pocke} and went on his way; later 
he examined the ticket and metivced thet it calied fer his «appearance 
on the following Guturday at the Tows bali im bilee Center, before 
the Police Xegistrate. de further testified that he was going te 
be out of the city at that tine, and he them dreve te the Town hall 
im Biles Center and spoke to defendant, sowuen, sheved him the ticket 
and told Nim hea would not be able te appear on Gaturday as he was 
geing te leave the city, and asked if the matter cuuld not be are 
ranged “rt ut away"; thet Mowmenm «tated that if he appeared in 
sourt it woul4 orebably coat wlimese 615 er 320, but Bownan said, 
"Fix it wp with $5; that he then gave Bownan $5 and the ticket; 
there ‘s evidence in the record to the eifegt that mo complaint was 
Fiied snd nothing further done in the watter, | | 

Officer Griffin testified that he wee a metoreycle officer; 
that he rode a motorcycle for the purpose of making arrests for 
violation of village ordinances; *we have speed ordinances and red 
Aight ordimances;" taat he want to work for the Viliege in June, 
1933, but mede no arrests 4uring that month; that he arrested Yateon 
faly ist for runing through s red Light in the village; that he 
gave tim « ticket and tusmed in « duplicate at tis effice of the 
ehief ef police in the town hall; test the tieket eslled for the 
attendance of Yatson in the town hall on July ath, ot 3 p. m.; that 
he 414 not go te court that day; that prier to that time he asked 
defendant, Lowaen, if the ticket would be in eourt end that fewuan 
said "ke,* that tae ticket had been “pulled”; that he afterward 
talked to the chief of police, Groark, about the case and asked if 

pexds geivich saw on eSbRL , £ viet aed eaatd bar iisaes rare wren 
bennea wal Sesid : doy yete od yee old ~~ redued ache ve ‘eoe.Lahy 

a begat egw ben aolsonened ni fonts & te tight aoe 2 mat 
| +ahfe #aetie to tedols # bss evay enw al tbe moi tie asoyore! os 
diy hi ben sind siganotae guivinh a8 aoltued ia ST al batten abrttx 9 sods 

anivtsoss tiem Feat yemob feet asi “edd kaibo wired ‘anomaly sehay 

£ Hae IS Re 

ssal yaw eia Ge tase baw ions eke eval an hdd snout ty fried, Red » 

3 ve 

oasteouas eid tet Bethe #2 dase boo tsen baw teiods othe abeque on hh 
* va eet ; x 

a 4; 

OXI ,x8SeN) BoLd al LLod awoT ost $a abrutas 9 patwoLie® oct mo 

a gatoy aaw od tects bottitasd xosidan' ob “sotante iyek von ay i a 
thos ame ® outs av overs aus oxi how: . ake tas ta begat R oy ‘ : 
dohe and as heweuia , mantod sfanbae toh o none hue aod @ 

Mery ae ee a eae del 

er oe feeh ebraadd ae tascue ot aida *s son Ryan oa nist bioe ‘oe 

ee adaleabtidhee 

. wie ad ton Lees weddsn oat u ‘bexias i rxehe. oud ovaod SP 
iF We, Sa Pyihe ITE 

"at beawonce on BY basis besade nerod tend 1 yen. nat er 

phen anne ouid A xe oy ansas bw Saee Udedorg bien bsaan Siw 2 samy 

By ey MP Bo al 

a yeumons ane bas a6 Lemathete orea aon on toute "308 tate au =i 

wie GL ey aay eA Pa et 
wes ecg iene on dnitt sees sit o@ bros oat nil bce ait Ce ; ? 

stotsen ons ak “ah wedawt Baal ae 

yao okayores on a ase oa sone bethigees uta 09 fy i — 

“te? eferrts wath das te enogeng ons aot vio yaresen a rt — 
bet hee eennsaihte beens evad owt reeoaantbro suecaiy had 

i mk muni taV odd vot atew of sae vd fact “a io ~~ 


eee CE 
5 MS 

ea esis some cine wai a2 Care box a ‘dguo ut stone mo 
iets ae che See 

ra “eas %» vatrie edt te sino ttewd “ a bamut om sexes o mks 

tt P rae Ficnp todd sor" 

 foituo oi ewkt Suds oF tekte saa al sacs stuns me i) ¢ 


Sect a th a 

4 Tee 

twit warn 

Ua hoses bane sano od? suode ,txooed ‘oi hin 

; he was to appear in court at the time mentioned; that tna ehief ree 
plied no, the ticket was fixed; that he 4id pot sppear because he 
understood the tieket hed been withdrawn, Gm crore azaninuation he 
teetified he reeeived hin appointment as police of floer through a 
trustee of the Viliage and that 1t wae customary in the Yillage to 
do political favers by often withdrawing arrest clips, 

Stuart Setterholm, calied by the People, testified that 
about ten or eleven o’Glock on tee night of Jume 24, 1945, he was 
arrested for speeding in Silea Center by efficar ile and taken te 
the pelice sistion where he wae kept until about one e’eleck that 
migat, at whign time a friend sf bie browght eighteen doliars te 
the gtatien, whie® ~ae put up and ho wae released on bond; that 
the next day, Sunday, Be went back to the tewn hall in bilea Center 
Pureusnt te « telephone @ali te nis noce, of whieh he wag notified 
by hie sister; that he eaw Chies Grosrk im the latter's office; that 
Groart asked the witness if he would be ahle to be in eourt on 
Saturday; witness replied that he could but it would be "kind of 
hard,” ond that Groark asked him if se eould do anything for bim; 
that Greark then drew a beok out of the dravrer of hin desk ond 
showed bin the agount of come fines which had been deposed for 
Tunsing threugh lights and speeding in other cance, “and he asked 
me if he took out the $8 for the fine if it wowl4 be ail right ith 
me;" that witness «nid it would; that jaet then Captain f2orman 
came in; thereupon Groark explained ta Sewnan what he had done for 
witness; Groark then left the reom and Sewaan apened the drawer and 
geve witness $10 of the $18 whieh had been deposited; that he never 
received the ether $4 and never went te court. Fitness further 
testified that the $18 wae brought to the station by a friend of 
his, Kini Lewis, ny 

Lewie teetified that in resvenee te a cali he towk $38 to 
the police station at Kiles Center at the time in question and 
left the money toore to bali cut Setterholm; tuat he get.a receipt 

Ht Yello On? Sext Thombltanw ombt ext do dues AE MBOqRE OR owe 
‘ee Geunped teegqe Sob DRL va Gast Phowht daw sounds oa yon Beh Ee en Me 
ai Goheeealowes enero | 6 jawetieitie ase bad 2098s on hoosexedam vi My 
oe Kgwordt @oolTte eellog aw tnvataicggs ald boviebes od daha taihahdalll By , 
of omen: sed ot Yimacdass gow th Sods hax ogaile¥ was to: ‘eotemns’ i 
2qhis teowss gabuwrbad lw neste ye @sevat webdtion o6 

Galt Bab ltsees \elgoot aNd ed baLian ,mbodan tse trans ¢ ott 
eared (CaS (88 onwt Bo do_ke od a0 daede' o ove Le cr 0d aneter 
of hAUAY Bd LLLW adOLTte QO endano°COLIE AD galbooge wt ‘bsseerra fy 
S8Ke Moolote ome Suede Lid aw sqoX caw SM Orsay motsage ‘ophteg” 

‘gt #4050 omesigle guards cha io bbe LET b 0 

si i 

Dies ‘New send teed fad de lae eo att mee te diem pe 
tetee’ ot Pxe* ewene teite at galbengn tas seeyhd sige ne yea ssi 
Siw setts The ee Bhaow ot HE asthe onto Of Oat tay Hae it TE wie 

hast schetqnd mac Sua tart yodioww bb Metin cee tn 

mercer cmtbeanaatndessinspaseiewceeds rs 



| vow iv tan? yhoo heoems ammd deah lie Bit we % ‘ett ve | 
— Ree? othe co fue e covet batt et want . aN 

fer the meney; that the next day he gave ietterhelim the reecipt 
and that some daye afterward Letterholm paid him back the $16. 

Officer Biles testified that during Jume he was a goterayele 
efficer of Kiles Center, patroliing atreeote, de identified a copy 
ef the arrest ealip he had given Setternol@ Jane 34th in which Zete 
terholm wae charged with apeeding; that he arrested Setterhelm and 
teck him to the station md Be waa locked up, 

Greark tostified that he did net tale te Jetternolm af the 
station and aay, “1 hed w list of fines and thet I oowld fix it ap;* 
that he did not remember a cegh bond being dapowited by ge tternolm 
‘er a friend of his by the name of Kink Lewis, a colored gentiesnan;* 
that he 414 not resember Setterhcim afterward, seking him about the 
$18 that head been put ap for the bend; that he never saw Zetterhelm 
umtil the tried. 

Bowman teatified that he was a polle@s officer in files Center 
since 1923; that 1% sae the gmiers) pragtice in Riles Center te with- 
draw arrest tickets or Keve them fixed witheut any eonalderation; 
that this wae done as a political favor; that he never teek any seney 
from anybody fer “pulling* a tleket; that Wateon 444 net give him 
$8; that he never saw Yatsen or had any xnowledge of hew hie ticket 
wae fixed; that he never tock any eoney from Zetterhola; that he 
Teuenmbered nothing in connivction with “hie cage; that it was the 
peactice wien cauh bond wae civen te give a receipt for the agney, 
and that later when the matter was diasesed ef, te return the money 
to the ¢epositer; that he was net at the palice station the afternoon 
ef fume 26th, “hen Setierhelm testified he went te the station and 
received the $106; that his hours were from @ «6. mw, until 4 a. m.; 
that he 4id net give Zettertolm $16 which had bean deposited as a 
cash bond by Zetterholm; that it wae the practice to return any 
money shich was put up for cash bond, not to the person who gave the 

bend, but to the pereon making the depocit, unless the latter gave a 

pecans aud alodiesies e¥ey od y sxen ont baa ‘youos ‘est ™ 
_  ehG oct Aped ale Dhow akpstuedtod Drawiar ia eyab omen tant Das 
efeqetedoa # sav od enul yatuwh duct be Pthteas ath woot tho ‘adi 
_ Wee » heliitaebs ok ,asnotda galiiosiag ,t92a0d seth Yo t99t To 
“eben Hodse ai vd6S oamh Bigstegias mevhy bad od qtie seoqse eat Yo 
han MigResIoS hatactis of feds jygalneege athe beynade ame aloes 
1G bedvot san od bas aoltats od? ef mid dood a . 
os? t# alodmedeoS oF Ahad toa bth od sate bokriveed Areosd hee 
"sqm #2 242 bivow I godt bas seal? Yo teli o had I" yen baw modteze 
miagaetiak yd bediseged anied bned isso # sedanmet fos bao oa Coan : 
*;asuaitoeg borolog # ,eived dalé Ye emea edt yd abs %e stint iy - 

omen avdbh af, tool tte fear Pres # saw of dedi bolittacd ne we Snisane . r 
ithe gf Yeeeod aeiid ai eplsdatq Lewenoy of aaw aa rads jones, one 
_pebsetehianee wie duodsiw box tt weds ova hid atedule fore, : " Pein 
pean, ea dnod teven oa tea? prove't, tse tdh tog # se enob aoe. ebay S | 
sha orig fon Lh agate tan? ; todos a “y ail tet otgae mov 
foxiy.ds ain wot Ie syho tegen ene. hes 79 monsa wae seven 6 tad tt 
ef fed gedesdzedteS sect yonem ype. Sond, xeven oe Sasa sesh pow " 
mid men 21 fasts poraw old: civ motdeonson al yabiton ber | 
 Paen ef? got sqboent a evita of savy sev baad damp age 
ee ost panies of To bewsqeth aew median yor - ody x84 

7 ko 


written order to the contrary; thet at so time urior to the ins Lot- 
ment Was any charge made ageinet hin of jerwaisins, 

There ie considerable other evidenee in the record, some of 
whieh wili be hereinafter referred to. 

Defendant contends that there io mo evidence wnuieh tenda to 
preve that Bowsen was guilty of conspiracy with Greerk or with any 
ether person, The essence of a coneplraey ie the unlawful combina. 
tien or agreement to acesmeliesh & eriminal or unleaeful purpose, 
Pecole vy. Urary, 335 111. 839. We think there ie some evidence 
that would tend to suppert the charge of conepiracy, Seotterieale's 
teatineny, which we have heretofere diseuesed, wight tend te ehew 
an sereoment between the two defendants to unlawfully accept money 
from him, this iz conceded by counsel fer defendant, but it is 
said that Setterholm wae an sceouplice and therefore his testimony 
ie entitied to little weight; that hia teetiveny ie “se full ef 
ineonsieteicien and conflicting statesente as to be unbelievable; * 
that it is impossible to reconcile his teatineny with that ef 
Lewin, whoue tevtinony sige has been heretofore aentioned, Fe 
think the question was que er the jury in the first instance, but 
whether, usen « consideration of all the ewildenge there is a roascne 
able doubt on this phase of the cape obviously io far the ecurt, 

Complaint 19 alee made that the evidence was insufficient 
te sustain the allegations of the second count (wHich changed the 
vielstion of ordinanees ef the Village of Niles Genter) fer the 
resson that no ordinences or any ether evidenes «ne offered on thie 
question. in this connection eoubeel for defendant say that ae a 
matter of fact there are no ordinances of the Village of Niles 
Center defining the duthes of Captain ef Felice, the vielation of 
whieh waa alleged in the seecnd count. Under the provisions of 
e¢etion 1 of chapter Sl, Candll's 1945 Statutes, page 1410, every 

court of original Jurisdiction is required te take fudiclal notice 

totvmh ao of Tabiy pads om te dads jetatsaop pals oF sash ee 
: spatodgnor’\ Ze sada dan dene ebew omnanp ye now t9a 
to. smes ,b2000n 97 42 Aoumpiye toute eidmisbiaaog ot wat 
oF borne ton rofhaslems » of kt ner 
at Bhaes dohse oonmbive 4 om al qipds Sods abapinoe taabun ted 

by hes ca 

i Hee ve a a) 

ye ddiv x aiaex® Atiw qpartqemoo lo yt ibog maw aaawok Fats ovene 

es rs) 

onidees Ltwalas ot at cant iqanco at sonsnne oat 

_ steoqteg dvtwmtas to Lpaiadye » saliquaas of sapmne: | 
soambive amon ot oxedd dakdt OW GbR LL SER yea 
a! mioias 40s -YoRtigarce te wyxede et? Itoqque of bane | 

Yesem Sge00n ey ing as atssaboo 29s ome ese ane 
wh sh sud ,tandaeted 10% Iaeauoe xd per abs 
eweuouttens G10 exotoxeds baw seliquoses as uw mlodted mics 
te (Adel om” eh qtonliaed ahd dad? {tdylow oaaans ns ‘ | 


2 2} aa 

_*peideveliodag ed ot so tana sada aattor Sace baie weto 
Re Amdt aohe ytaahtaet eli eLlenqoes 09 okdtavogat wh #2 

9 Mt sRemoliaos erotetetad need ead ents ynoul sen? caging an 

het seeratt taxi? 943 nt yaw ost not on eam aokse mp one & 

nme td ia st ylewedvde onne ond 19 een s: tae Avon oie 

_ Lav, iment sos u esate at) we reangalhey Ye 

tae Je dew tIg coy Spe ere, oes wee Ne “ a or - . 

ae tet ee saadseteb 40% Leadves aeltevanc 
| ReAEY to ogektaY ont to evoue ron ongne.s eodd tout Yo tedtam 

= sottaloiy ont gokiot 20 yt beanie oe: ebage eee? 
* enolatvorg ial whet Baoan ho yet. 

‘ my 

of all general ordinances of mw wuanielpality, ond by see. © of that 
Aet this court is Likewise required te take Judleial notioe of ail 
matters of whieh the trial court was required to take judicial noe 
tice, But wsueh ordinances, if any, should be brougnt to our atten- 
tien in the briel, or otherwise, The statans:t of weunsel for dao 
fendant that there are no such ordinances how not been challenged 
by counsel for the People. Under the secend vount we think 14 was 
neecessary Sor the People to make groef of the provisions of the 
Villiage Ordimances on the question alleged in the aeeund count, 

Defendant further contends that the gourt erronseuely per- 
mitted police officers to testify, ever his objection, that only 
certain peroentages of the number of peracns given arrest slips by 
them appeared in court; that this evidence was incompetent and 
highly prejudicial because the evidence shows that a great many are 
rest slips hed been withdrawn or “fixzed" at the request of » number 
of persone other than the police ferce of the Village. Yo think thie 
content ion must be gaatained, The fact that » large number ef arrest 
slips were given by selice officers te persons charged with violate 
ing traffic regulations asd thst a great many of such pergone ¢id 
net apoear in court, would in no way tend to prove that Jeownan was 
. Peaponeible for the failure of sues yersons to appear before the 
police magiatrate, and yet the Jury might huve theught he wae to 

Offieer Harrer was asked, “What percent of persane apy cared 
in court se a result of tickets that you issued?" and over defend- 
ant's objection he answered, "About fifty per cent." A number of 
ether police officers were asked similar questions and answered, 
giving vericus pereentages. We think all such evidence was er~ 
Fonecusly aduitted ond waa prejudicial to defendant. 

tn the inatent case the defendant, bowaan, wae 36 years 

eld, had been om the police force in the Viliage of Biles Center 

fact Jo R .ooe han ,Bidasiotiwm ate abonnniicd thkends tie BY 
ila ‘to wolson Lakelhnt stad oe borkuget oobiwael el dred adds Ped 
not dalodbal aing o¢ hoxkupes sue Simon Seley edd dodtw hd erestam 
~tetie 10 OF Ikoword od binedm ,yme 82° ebeannt hed sone out .eokd 
Oh 16) Keane Yo Sesaetnde od? loatweatte te ,totre SAF ab mohe 
Beyreiiade ased 204 tet eeeaendiao Mons om ote een? todd taste? 
ew ih Aalds ow fuveo Huvoen adt todd .eleeet td rot Leditvcs “Yt 
arid le sdetedvorg este Le leer eden of efgoed od¥ Yat Yuddboden 
sree ferent mh ana SIR oAN ot Jol Seen 
whey Yleweaaotte P1geo ote Sucld whi oaos Touetwt fasbaeted 
tino Gadd ,sotsooido etd weve .YRIGeOd of wuDsTTIO ae. 
wi agh{* deere mevig enosi9e YW tedaua Gus Yo HeQe 
hes toocequconk sav eoushive efrit tatit 7etwoe mt borenosibi’ aes 
“te yen savrg a dads sxoce sonobive od nusved Lelethutery Yndyhd 
teduwa a To Saeepex oid te “hoxt't"* co owmthsthw oeed pad balTe toot 
Add Amkdd oF oyeLsLV ect 26 e010? Snd.Log wid ‘wast telite aabeeee he. 

sore Ye odmun ogtal # fadd dost oft toadetaue wa bébm nebtneseie 

ctutoty div hegrace aaowre¢ o¢ Steel Tte aBttog ¥¢ aovig o¥eW nettle 
bis eaoaneqg Aeee Yo Yen taetg 2 sand Ban amd Maluged 6Yrtert ‘vat 

Bae maawed fads @votG Of hasé (au oa at bivew ,txnee nt Yaoeda 104° 

Od eteted ta0qus of savatee dows Yo etwite® ond +0r dtdigiegdod ” 
@2 Qa OA Ayuons eves Sigdm YrEk wad Pen setiog 



 fexae qe aeTEE Te dapeta, seAR" jboken baw tenet wees” ” 
| andi wee ne Mecenet my sate conden tevllie aed 
‘to weve A Fone eq yet Swot” ,berewenn od melsbetds algae 

RP Rae noneniVe soak Kio Aue 9 veventiniett 0 wo ra i 

cnt Unenmnndunins dane rane 

| qutne anattene exetsav sas mb semen eke a8 no mbodhai’ A a 

for about ten years; he had wiwaye borne » good reputation for 
honesty and integrity and at a laweabiding eitisen; ke had newer 
been charged with any offense prior te the returning ef the ine 
dietment in the instant ease, and the only evidence against hin 
is thet en ome eccanion he received « few dollare. Keet of the 
evidenee of wrongdoing intreduced on the trial was againet the 
other defendant, Greark. 

for the reagone stated the Judgment of the Orininal eourt 
ef Cock county le reversed and the cause remanded, 


MeSurely and Ratehett, J7,, oaneur, 


pets ty BR gor of lbee cee dibheehee 3° te eee _ Ft 
Pa aon s.seet Sens 6 ¢ 
at agy ae print Gere, meena tae a nm 
ot h pond af Memon oo ae ay ¥, Meee pane e ws 
we V pawn Mae ee Sere ee am, nen, ee 0 ome a0 
Pen § Med food _.euedton wo RN + bertones » Rdinthe 
. Ae Sete pee Ab S, Le a 

oR hee Yate ee a Dy soning Ih Sukh hae on ae nF hark any ered j is ws oe ant a 
Senonnwy geueo ait San beeover te 
a ee ee ie Mn wee MR aoet wets 
OE er A veg cen 

“2. aa0 fA éoease keri, waooten Yo Sbtinam OMe be | 

a @-=. 

at hae 

HG AL Beg ace 

tee nee 9% af 
tin Frwlegnene’ saw ehartiaw whet a ay 

ey: ae RP sr haw Y 

jaties = “ho setaree set Oe "homrt” ee inves! "at st 

eile we segnd LY nate Ya yt oebeey’ phe Pergo ae ' . . 
fie Dis totes sated « fb dead pare 5 fetiia tos nam a 

bhe Sheehy Awe “Te year one ar ay wie serio ok ee 
tam wrote ef tnt aw aa we Poee ‘(ota i 
iit hig wa Te ot ay. Me hy uwkew’y ante “eute’ , 
Se wk Gh. Sapa ae? Fake eet exe Mee: ae ‘Iisa Pr 

are Jyh age’ a 

RG? a RARE Te ee Gel ese eer aera 
agate tar. we Mew eee pee Rate sei 998 ; caltianss 
g Remar Cah Lee anes SNe eR URS + Fe 

wee tee ocala ae ohn eee ge 




Defendant in Errgr” } mRAOR PO 

ve, . OF 

me hastathte te tevew, | 29% 9 | L ASG Ss 


Defendant was sharged with gontributing to the delinquency 
of a miner child and upon trial by the court wae found guilty, 
sentenced to isprisonment in the houge of correction for one your 
and fined $200, He secke « reversal, : 

Ceunsel for defendant first says thal the court erred in 
overruling defendant's metion to quash the information upen the 
alleged ground that the eharge is uncertain « that the inferiation 
charges that defendant wilfully enecuraged the complaining vitness, 
Betty Kgdeen, “to be or to become” a delinguent child. Lt ie argued 
that the use of the word “or” le a fatal defect. The word “or* in 
an indictsaent is = fatal defect oniy when ite use renders the state. 
2, 349 Tl. Lee. 

ment of the offence uncertain, ole v. varre) 

The offense charged im the information in question itm not made un- 
certain by the useof the word “‘or", and ie in the language of the 

Mereover, the motion to quash was made orally, witheut desig~ 
Rating any particular part ef the information as defective. Thie 
motion ancunted te a general demurrer waieh calls in question defeats 
in substanee only and net these merely of form. — People v. Fox, 346 
Til, 374, 

The enly substantial defence preegited is the Ldentifieation 
of the defendant as the person guilty of the sets charged. The of- 
fense was alleged as having occurred September 16, 1933. Betty Jone 
Rydeen testified that she waa eleven yuere oF age st that time, in 

of i Oo Hel © y g Tone at wrtsotesd ck. Ree ree ES 

PAWS BEY XO WOLALGO BT CHRAYTIM, resavoom worreut .o 

wasupal Leb est? of yaitudiuenes déiw be grotto bay sembee ted | wthe t 
“(ytilug bane? eae fimoe odd Yt Ladle? nett bie bikie’ toad rt 1. a 
wey sao x0 nottoeriee te saved odd iat tow niioe Heya ot hewawidon if 
neta vor & adoee oR 0088 domtt ba ae 

at bowre tinoe of? tod? eyse toxkt saebastoh rod nergy ye ae iN 
eff ooew aoléiamtotal «f¢ doawp of aoitem a* saabay A 

moltemiclat ent sass - aleadzooow 6) ograde etfs tact paveep, Soest ie: 
,wooaliw galaislquoa eff begetwonne qihwtiiw saab ae ob sass oii ‘ 
ougee of 81 .bilde fanupatiod » “oapeed of to od of" moony eten i) 
wt ee" Raow osff .toetsh tntet » 94 “20” brow out To one eat sant a 
atwts eof erebaex een e¢1 apdw yfae oa eh att 8 Sh O nee 

teeh tuedtiw ,yilere ohem caw dnawy of aoltom oxy omens ne 
| hat .avkten teh an websomretat add Yo 430g senaeisiibis tae maison if) 

pe set <heyrade ween oar neti 
y Bidvgnsell OERE sah a0 


the sixth grade at egheol; that on that date ehe saw the defendant 
at 4th etreet and Calumet avenue at 10:30 or 11:00 etfeleek in the 
morning; he had hie ear parked and wae walking around; that he 
galled her to come over to Ais car and said te her, "De you want 

to see something funny?;" that ae opened Lis trousers, exposing 
his private parte, «nd ande s most obseene sugge@ution te her; that 
ehe ran sway frau thie car and to Ser Some and told her mother what 
had hapeened. She next oaw him January 4, 1934, shen he was Locked 
up; she identified him as the man she had seen September 16th; ahe 
was cositive he wae the man ae both times he was in a dirty eclered 
greon Plymouth esr « a two door sedan; she did not remember the kind 
ef clothes he wore but remenberad that he wore a green het. 

Upen the trial ahe was asked whether she saw the defendant 
in the eourt room and first eald she did not see hin, but a few 
minutes later ehe eald she “just saw him* « the man eltting over there 

| Bennie Heyer, ten years of age, wae with Betty Hydeen on 
Septenber 16th and heard the defendant call Betty, saying he wanted 
to ask her a question; teat she did not pay any attention until she 
heard Betty exelain, “Ghi* and her face turned white, and Betty te1ld 
her what the oan had dene. oth girls teld their wethers, She aleo 
testified that she next suw defendant January Srd; that he wae in a 
green Plymouth ear and ‘oume quteide the eur and beckened te her; 
that she went home and told her mother, who watehed the defendant cut 
of the windes and told eomeone im the house to cali a policemen, The 
police came to the houge and the witness, Bennie, deweribed the san 
to them, The police then arrested defendant and brought him te the 
house where the witness tdentified the defendant, Yitnese says she 
ie positive that the man arrested wae the wan ehe hed seen who ac~ 
eonted Betty Rydeen on Septenber 16th, 

Willias Kasterson testified that he was a poliee officer of 
the city and that he knew beth Betty Rydeen and Lennie Hoyer; that 

danbam eh ene wus one wseh doe wo secs ;hoores Be ehaty WKe Hat 
ade wk Aoelotn 003 £4 to O820L ta GueweR Soruiled Wud deerts dts be 
ad Jac? phuwere yalbiiew enw bow bedteq tee ala bed oA ppoleren 
faaw woy 66" taal os blee bist tao obs ef ove emo OF “6H hotties 
qalagrume ,exvadond etn bene qo ost tastt *;?yanet galdiemos sox of 
sane ted of aolsceygue eneoade Seon # bem hme hae .8o%eg mtarkig a kal 
teste testdom ved bled baw ened cel of Ste see oct sent youn mex bale 
hetood sae od neste ,9E0L ,) yrounst atl wan fee OD \Beheqaad bad 
ody pHhOL tedesas got neee bust octane bHt oa uti bettitnest ede yaw 

bewwhoo yItth @ at sew os tombs Sted wh aw edt aw on bvivitvon tow 

hakt ocd tadenanx dou bib ode jeboe seoh owt a = to Hitmen tl ahety 

sted mpety © O10ew od add bovedmemeT dud exow Of wextele to ; 
fneher'teh ef3 eae sito tailed beian dew eatin taked oa? neg"? ‘ 

wet & dud paid oon tom hth ode Hier foxkt nae moor Mies She AL 

nih wove gabOtte sam ed? = YadiC nom daet* onlo Shad oan wAtEL Hoel 
ho Meee ystek ashe vow ,age to etaey ae? stood eniagm aot 
beraaw ed yaiyoe , usted Lidm saebems lob ‘est exe Bae WaOE eedastqde 
wpa LBfaw woltaetie yaa Yor doa bh odd Yedt fatale esep tod tae OF 

blot ysend haw ,otldiw bemiwd one tos fan “told” abe tons Ytook nine ; os 
sate oi ewndson sted biog withy stot Jea0b bait sae 9a Yate tt i 
a aE daw ool case ;R4t Yuswast Paahas'tes wee tuo ode Yat Dor tHOD i 

(tes of hanson baw tao 012 oblasue onse haa rao Adwomelt idea: 
aio Poadse teh ofc Aedprew odw , Herd ax tod Bhot fae east Cawe one dat 

se Meisoding © Lay of wawest oud ah emooriee Bked date Snbitty Viti “tH 

tom edt Kediresh etnaot seuendie ed bre vane ody oF nia wht toy 
HHS OF okt styserd daw Toate teh deteowns aes woven oxT ‘sts 
ole eyes cesar le tanbae Wh ame dettigowds eet esl? mst ev H ¥ 

he saw Jetty Kydeen January Jrd at the hurnaide police station; 
that he called on bre. ieyer, wo deseribed the defandent, whom 
the officer arrested and brought beck to Mre, Heyer's home and avked 

Bonnie if thie was the mum; that ehe eaild he was and that he was the 
game man who had nedded to her “today” ond tried te eall her ever to 
his car, and that he was the aan who had @¢xpoeed himaelf toe Betty 
Rydeen; that Khe told Kis fellew officer te take the defendant to 
the police station and he went te the home of Betty Kydeen; that 
at the station both children positively i4eatified the defendant. 

Defendant testified in his own behalf that he worked at a 
booking place on Cottage Greve avenue; that he got to work every 
morning at ebout 11:30; he denied the offense; denied ne wae in the 
vicinity of 44th and Calunet avenue September 16th, but said Khe was 
there January 4th end was waiting for his sister-in-law to come ont 
ef the church «hen he was arrested by the eohios efrficers; ne Aenied 
that he exposed his persen to the Rydeen givh Geptaaber 16th, danied 
he had ever said anytiing to hey, and sald he had never seen either 
eof the girls before he wae arrented. 

7 Another witness, o girh thirteen years of age, in the eighth 
grade of school, usom the trial seinted cut the ¢efendant op the men 
who about the middie ef Septesber ake had seen on the sidewalk at 
85th and Prairie avenue; that at this time he cot cut of hin car and 
etcod up ond whistivd; that se epened hie trousers, expecing hinmeeif; 
that she was about thirty feet from Aim when he 414 this, mi the 
witness ran away. Another girl ritness, twelve years old, testified 
that she saw the defendant Septeaber 16th at about 19:06 a. m., on 
Sth street, tetween Indians and Michigan avenues; that ahe saw hin 
unbutten his trousers and expose himmelf, This witness identified 
the defendant in the court room st the time of the trial. 

This ie « case where the eredibilityref the witnesses is 
peculiarly within the province of the trial court te judge. the 

skin’: biiabiacthb: aah’ séatebeeh bite Venti toe am Maas Ui ball 
bedae tum omad &*¥exel Jaci od dood tdguotd baa bedastas seok¥ie oid 
wit ene bH tot? baw eew of bine ode todd jamm add saw wba? 2 Stn 
of wave tod ILeo ¢) bolts ban “gabor* vod of? bobhon bad ocr nom apes 
‘géve% of Lineald benoaxe bad ode mam 9469 saw eit Gait Shs it a a 

‘Phed paeedeh “ero To gue of) oF Paow ort baw Wieads’ al: De : 
“paniilneted watt Bakrtduond Uviz lade woxbiiie’ Mw helbade aa ta 
hte hedtvow et tosh Lieited ave old wh be P2de0d" dabietec roy eae 
sieeve Sev 62 fog out tah powmve ovesd sgatied’ ao wate ii he 
ait? at wow sof hoki’ poume tte 649 bebkoh 6H ,08:£% dbotta Ya gator ny 
oi’ Gil Shas dia”. teSt weGindiea’ outewi' dokiitad hk Mie’ Yo yttutoty 
fue tues oF we Landen dete ‘ett wot saltiow aew dan dd) yeoune oe) 
bitodé ba Tews HTS oottee old yd bodebirs daw bi abe ldoruito’ ait “YS 
hotilin GbE todsoveel L21) mbeby oad OF Howrdg aba bocstes of Sl 
Wiit't4 ‘tehew" nweor bait’ bet’ Nie’ Wom” eeu 60 palin abe Geme Ba oa 
‘ botestte ene bd otter ataty oat % ai 
Gnhts wet uk ope Yo wikey westeled Inky o “another ce lla i 
ees oF oe fants toh 943 tive bedatew Kalu” oad meow , , toomen te oe | 
| pe Whawwhee ste Bo neon Sot one radius tqet te ‘othbbiu ott ee ee 
an tad WRX 20 Yeo You bl Bit) alee te dont jaumeve statard oo) ae 5 
Miesaitat galvouke lerpebbad aft belwgo ot fant ibectetew bie o ‘pesee 
eae hae jaded Ste od abte ati mot Geet \oabed steele Baw ode bast 
perth inss bio Steey ovtows’ enoad bs ints teodsomk gawk fet tr 
"te ce ce COTS tude a MOOL Soden tga guaban'es ‘oats 0 Oto ted 
bit tin! ote teat jwounmta digtiier® bao ua tba woswiad staiade ‘ee 
| farreesest aeeayiw akat Afeautd sdodae tae wtokant? , 
talet etd te wat gal ‘to mba’ 
bel ee. wath ‘Bebigd £0) osingedeat 


court had the opportunity to observe the demeaner of the witnesses 
on the atand, their intelligence ond the reasonableness of their 
etories. The identification of the defendant by the witnesses was 
positive, We would not be justified on o review of the evidence 
in disturbing the eonelugion of the court em thie queetien. In 
Peoole vy. Schladweiler, 31% 111, 653, where the identification of 
the defendant was in gueetion, the court said that since the ident’ 
fieation in that case was positive the reviewing court would net 
aisturd the judgment of the trial court. Thie ie applicable to the 
instant case, omd the judgment ie affirmed, 


O'Gennor, ?. J., and Watohett, J,, coneur, 

woakentito ody tw ndttansio® nel brides ds of Yitnrteque silt had’ Fives 
Tht YW ener Ltaitanany ot Hae wommptitiosnd stay” ,hhube bai de 
“Sew soRcKe lw act Et Pasdxeteb ene to nol sooltioabhd eat ‘nebo 
Weebive ot Yo weiver « no te Httet od don below be  avabhiey 
a a reyohenndminscnndinalindercanepnh y/o. 
© boLiaolthouads edt wrome 808 Sor ae os ¥. 
Stwoht Ott Gone tndt Dia sevon ony Vaotdebkp Ad” ah siti Sk" bad 
ton biwew a2u0e iaiworver eat ovithieg daw e6ed Pith ad Wea! 
ott oe psa ces sh aha iaube tabiy bid te sanianit wit’ desbad 
wi _—or wt er oid Siw endo tantent 
— : “ ogatte! te wha Ze dats a 

aC are q Hay ) (imi See oe ho? ee on 9 ‘ae heals bm Sa Re ipipe 

Me pycoy SY RMN FE an Gt oll ba ae ve mesiy Sew Se as yin? 
ie ey A oe eae rea BAP ee Re Pree Bay A rey Neer erie ai ‘es 
Sidhe a yd ry z Goris: MAF of Gobwies asa bine bot om. Fseahy 
we hhen mui ow od 
,Oeines Ray jie wea Ga" 4 iiebe alt es 
ee fie ae ‘ey WROD pea Se de ones iw “ann 
ee he ae Tas foe COS ey SePaP Ba OEE 5 RH “ue he obexy 
| On Hilo Pu te ae eee ‘ast uate ost 
eon mkt S80 fe Beth “Caen dint has Po 
Pichia 4 Rae: aCe ile bi iit baie 
hey SE SS OR OEE NS mA "fers pee iiger wie badd 
Haan 5 Ah Hi po " fhe Po wi , oes Nek TRESS eee sid ah neoad bw 
he MELT Gate eet Mee wi Gad ‘ae ‘hie uty ‘bol 
Oy Bex tiene dees sone pay RUMOR 4: Sime ehe aha : 
% evs BES uae eet emia. ae heionicniivy WAT ude 2 at eady 
ar hae alia” nal sy Pianta v9 bad 
EL MESS PP MRT OR ual eRe ae aia INE alana ea sma & Pa ‘via | 
ee Ge ee CMe gree Hye ian WE WAY wand with aw ytemd bicsweiy 


tw ws TALISHD, 




LOUIG LINELISG, Interverning ) 



a Corporation, 279 I.A. 616! 


Plaintime, J. ?. Friend, having @ Judgment against Jageb 6G. 
and Sadie Levinson, garnisheed the Reywal Buiiding Cersoration; Leuis 
Liebling filed an intervening petition claiming the ameunt due Trom 
the garnishee; upon hearing the court found for the intervening peti- 
tieoner and gave judgment sgainat the garnishee for 71516.50, for the 
use of the intervening petitioner, 

Plaintiff appeals, firet making the point that the Judgment 
is irregular in form, asserting thet it ie not proper te enter jJudg- 
ells, 40 Lil, 
at ¢. oetrolt Gooner & Breage Holiing Bilin, 37 
iil. App. 264. Counsel for the intervening petitioner properly re- 

ment in favor of an intearpleader, clting Glover 

App. 380, and Walter 
plies that at the time these cases were decided there was ne stutue 
tery authority for the entry of judgment direetiy in fover of an 
intervening setitioner exeepting fer sesta, tut that subsequently 

the Legislature, im 1931, by amendments to both the garnishment and 
attachment acta, permitted euch judgments, Chap, 62, mee. 1%, 
Tilinois Statutes (Gahil1), the etatute en garnishment, and ehap, li, 
eee. 2%, Ullineia Statutes (Caniil), the etatute on attachments, 
Theee statutes authorise the entry of judgment direetly in faver ef 
the intervenor, The judgment in this case was entered in reper fora, 

Peale ORI ITS ey aa 
(a a Ge 


Teal Re yj x 
ae cl ‘ 

nnit Senmebih 

ris fe” & gaete bey ee ae | ab 


aves 4b SORA 

satanbaeted pay 

ay J” wi eta te us 

gataevredal , SRLIaTd . 
eatin tks 
lara BL eVs~ ' pegerenetiini 

; c ha he i ee adh : 


ite fae 

i al 


«TAUOY, ERX Yo aolanao aut rn TIMUBOK ont 

0 devel teatage sssumtut o gatved sbeoiat 4 .t ,wiiteteit ae ; 
piwol paoltoxerral gale wth Lwgen este beose korea ,aonddved sibae dow 
aext vub favemm od? gabealate molditeq yatsevindal ae behtt palidets 
iteq yakomwveotal ent ret bawot gxee0 ett yakaood aoqu joocia horney oat 
nid cet ,08.8L826 x0? sestelaray eff tonkege taeayhul ovag baw ‘wanokt 
Toso? 130g yntnoveetat oitt To ud 
fuewyhwt ent ted? dudeq odt paldan text? ,eleeqen Vittate rt 
huh tehes ef weqote toa of th dace gabdeoeen pare? ad Wiidich at te 
-fLE Ob sabie8_ at aerate galtie swaheoneeabik ta 0 sore at ~ eS 
“9 qiveqots teneleiteq gabmevietat ef tet Leeawed ban Seiie tt re i 
— Ont ea ered? boblosh oxew seeno seed? omls ont te tals vette a ‘ 
aie ae te toret ab yktootls sommghol, to qetae ont at ‘erin eres i ve 
, “Ld we wpeaden fue tud ,2tvew to? gabiqesme an ap kt ttag yak owes ne 
btn Poona tinny old tod of utosabuene Yo ,te0L ab jorudekalyel ‘a 
| (fl .o0n 80 ,qadd .edammyheh deme hodtioney ,abon ove nets 
PF LE guste bae ,Josmindaung a otuteta ont » (£4heie9) aesutete atoutt. a 
saimomionste ao osurits bid ,(LékeKO) uedured® steak ert , a on i 
we town ‘ah vitoorts snomphul te yxtae watt ‘oxivodtom astusns | | 
- hil at hersdne saw peace abtd mh taoimphu out “not 

Plaintiff's erineipal contention is that the clain ef 
Louie Liebling, intervening petitioner, wae based upon « fraudulent 
transaction, Te consider this peint necessitates « resital ef the 

Kovewber 22, 1932, ®11 liermam executed hie chattel mortgage 
eonveying to Jaech 4, Levineom gertain chattels, conaisting mainly 
of lav books leeated in «a room of the building controlled ty the 
Reywal Building Gerperation, of which Herman was a tenant. 

Suguat 26, 1933, the plaintiff, Friend, recovered a judgment 
against the defendante Jagor G. and Gedie Levingen for 916,196.95. 

About Sctober 16, 1653, the Keywal Building Corporation 
distrained for rent againet Aernan and seized the oroperty deseribed 
in the chattel mortgage te |ovinsen. 

Levineen, a8 mortgagee of the Lerman mortgage, filed a 
replevin euit fer possession of tne diatrained ghattels segainet the 
Reywal Building Cerne ration, ; 

Oeteber 23, 1933, Levinson executed his note in the eum ef 
$1800, payable to the intervening petitioner, Liebling, and te se- 
eure ites payment executed hie e¢olliateral agreement pledging te 
jdebling the Hersan note sad chattel mortgage, above seted. 

January 19, 1934, Levinaon recevered « Judgment in trever 
fer $1500 in his replevin sult againet the Reywal Building Corpora 
tion. On this ease day Friend, by virtue ef his Judgment againet 
the Levineona, served the Keywal Buiiding Corperation with garnishee 
muvmone, tut on the same day, befors the servier ef the garnishee 
summons, Levineon aseigned the Judgment in trover obtained against 
the Reywal Building Corvoration to Liebling, the intervening peti- 
tioner, and « motise of thie assignment wae later on the same day 
served upon this corperation, the garnishee, 

January 2%, 1054, Liebling filed his verified intervening 
petition setting ferth the above facts and asserting that by reason 


te alelo on? fang wo nak ino? oe saqionbhty we’ Pubvatert 
ehubwet? # fogs besed aaw ,romeiti¢og galoovietal ,galidelts ulwol 
one to Jathoos a sededlegeosn fauleg eld? t9h ease oe eto Rtowe mast 
phar -naottosnnett 
eeystem Iszzasio old hedwoone mowewll Lik S604 PR wdunvor arcing 
qinkow yalsetnans ,ainttaty alestoe avantved .0 dove ef wattiida’ 
one yd SoLiovioos gahhtind od? to soot # ak bndagol silood wat 2e. 

. -tanned # ney mapa Molde to .S0iatoqtoD aarbitet Lowen” 
amp but # ‘porsveset bunker’ | VWikdalete emt ,€60L ,G8 sawyer 
90,881, 0£6 tot soantved eibat bas .0 doael atnabemn'tod ort tantaga | 

aottateqtad yaibliv@ Eweye odd ter ,OL aedeted ted 
Miizogeb ysangota edt hexiee bao aactell Sanleye amet tor bontotteth i 
po RRA VOL OF, spapstom Lestecde, oat, Mh 
_* hott opens ton amish el to ooyngs ton oe MODAL VO o pideee . 


si feakage wind sass beniersaib ont ta aolavouang ot anil abyolaes, 
tod Sa oe t09 POEL: 
te wim ox ab fon ats betvooxe nosasved oEEG% ER womogee® on 
“oe od ban ,gaiidett ,temelsiieg antne rte sms ods of eideyeq 00nd 
08 yabydota tannvetgs Leteretioe ald daduoene gasmyag fh etyo, 
«hoten ovede ,epanitox Sos sata bas ofes Sewell ad gakideds _ 
Tver? Ht trompdul « hetevesos wont vou ohbOL 0 OL exe ama pres hk 
akouto) pribitue Lewyeh esd duslage dhwe mbvesgey adsl ad OOBLY ter, 
fan beye Sassybwt, abel te ourahy A shoots Wh waee whee a Oke | 
inkeesy dsiv apltetoqiod salpitwd Laeyed oat bovree ,enosatved i 
weste bias 35 wae Yo golvage G12 wigied eed oman O83 mg dd gerry: 
soutewe bealetde tevott al ¢uoayhol eas demgiene mpenived sagem » 
sido yahuvrnetat sao palideht of moltexoqxed gabbitvk Larges oat, 
, wae act 49 ode new sammmghene, cued te dle us — 

of the assignment of the trover judgment by Levicwen to him he was 
the legal and hens Fide owner of the judgment rendered against the 
Reywal Building Corporation; that by virtue of hie statue as pledges 
of the ferman note and mortgage, which was the baeie of the judge- 
mont in Leyiusen v.Reywal Nullfing Sergoration, tae petitioner was 
the equitable owner of eaild judgment and in equity and goed con 
science was entitled to receive the proceads of the sane, Ag we 
have said, judgwent was entered in acoordance with the prayer of 
the intervening petition. 

It is well settled sy numercus decided cagen that fraud 
will not be presumed tut must be proved, Like any other feet, by 
¢lear aud eenvinelng evidense. verry, 242 221. 

117, an¢ cages there clited, 

Gouneeh for plaintiff make various attacks upon the bone 
Tides of the tranenction, They sway that the original ehattel morte 
gage made by Kerwan wae fraudulent. ‘There is no evidense that this 
is so, and, moreover, the judguent obtained in the trover eait by 
Levineon, the mertgagee, based upon the validity of the Jerman note 
and chattel mertgage, would seem to estabiieh their genuine charact 

Plaintiff argues againet the walldity of the ioan of etoba 
23, 1924, by Liebling to Levicsen, and the collateral agreesent to 
eecure the sane pledging the Herwen note wnd chattel mortgage. It 
ie alleged that it te highly improbable that Liebling, whe was in 
the restaurant businese, would make a loan te Levineon, = young 
Peetor, There wae evidenee supporting the goed faith af the 
transsetion, These parties had been acquainted for many years and 
Liebling teetified that Levwineon had befriended md aided him durin 
hie sehool 4duys. Furthermore, the cheek evidencing the amount of ¢ 
loan wae intro¢uce4 in evidence. This wan signed by Liebling te 
the order of Levinson for $1500 and bears Levinson's indersenent 
ond the notation that it has been paid. Plaintiff argues as te 

eae of uid of nogndwad yd Saeagbet tevets oct Le teengdaen ont? Bo 
Ad Suulega hevedson Jagmybut de te tomwO BbLI pang das Logot odd 
ogiele ee owtete bhai te onduty qt Gadd jaedsexegtod yaledded taweea 
epbwt ed? te sieved of? sew dotdw ,syagtvon bon oton seateh ond, to 
eer wRoksiies acs ppd sagoe Let, Lawrer wad 
eis Boog Dax dhotsindstideaedeanama a 
we Sh | Sue et Le Ghoepouy edd ovionwE Of beititne sew sone tog 
‘ts wens ok elw sonabiooes af boredae alana 
fuer? seoo aonee behloeh oxstgena ys telson oiww eh dk igen . 
ye ,@os3 tedde yom oil ,bevonge od Semen ed bommeenG OG Fem LLiw , 
62 89S , erred fede lt .v semmetos .tonebhive galenivaos tap teeta 
ebotiv orede sneer, 
saad, bh nage Aeinaten annie eine igeinke emo re 
fam Ledinsio Cnalaive eas Jesd yar yodt aabinenmint: iad Seeamahe 
sid? Jess eomebive of os oxedt ,taeiuhunwh ao ooereel Xo Cham egey 
Fon Neseh ada Wo "IIbLiey EMF aequ dened ,pepenisom ont ,mopabved 
dete te wool oly To yetlbilav ent seaioge aougte Vesatase add, 
Of Foovorye Leweselloe eae bee ,mowalwed of guided yo S6eL ee 

th enw oot ,pakLdold ass Oldadorqmh YLight 02 4 sh home toa ut 
ast? te vole? beet en? gaterocqum Oommbtve sew oxen?  veedeet 

hate attawe emow 46% he taleupos waned bed selecne eee! .solsennneye 
2ivs itt bob in baw Shaw ered baw aonebwed Patt Kee Vitesd yelléokd 
+ Ya Pewune an? yithonohive deed ede , orecndsent heninenaniual 
ed guiideld yd hoagie sav ehut  .oomaies wh ' 

Scovqnguautsjmenceragpecapmesn.atisacsptiiestuan maya 

ile sneree PibeakeM shboe meet pel da dens | 


many miner detalles which he ageerty indicate that the traneastion 
Was not bone fide. Fa do not find sufficient eubsetuntial evidence 
te justify the conclusion that the transaction was met in good 
faith, free from ony fraud, 

Ye find ao reversible error in the rulings of the court in 
sustaining objeations te questions by piaistiff's counsel. The only 
ebjection shown by the abstract to Gave been sustained by the court 
Was ¢o6 a guestion relating te certain books to be takem in the ree 
plevin suit. the objeetion went to the form of the question, which 
was subsequently repeated and anewered, 

The righte of Liebling arising out of the assigmaent to him 
of the judguent in Levineou v. Reyes 

precedence over the rights ef the ninintiff bused apen servies of 
the garnisiment process. It hae been neld that the fact thet a 
Sarnisnes wat aot netivied that the Jatgment hed beem aagigned until 
after the service of the garnishee gusmens will not defeat the aseign 
ment. _ Peace 199 11a, 87; Kaight wy 
Griffey, 161 Ll. 38; Prig¢ 6 Til. App. 418; 
3 Yo.ounnam, 81 21k. App. 240, 
The trial eaurt wae fastified in sueteining the intervening 

petitioner's claim thai he wae the equitable sener of the judguent 
againat the Building Cervoration and thet ite agulagnument te him was 
valid, “e would not be Justified in disturbing the conclusion of 
the court, and the judgment ie affirmed, 


G'Gennor, P. J., and BMatehett, J., soneur. 

{ , 


“Mektuunemett ode dane stoo that erriied ox Horde SSD Yonkn yoke 
eoushivs fokinededie tastot tie kali ten ob 6?  .ehet aged ton daw 
“goo4 a2 fon saw coi Jonnnerd ent fast Holevtemie off etirent be 
hnet't yeh ett eae ae dat 

“wt detieg aah Yo eneabive sat we aes ehalaanaateunialte ge Rest. 
faq att .feeewon wo T2isalety yt exolesenp of wdoltortde yataiadana 
frses vhs US Boalasene aeed veed 6t dvetiuds ott yd swede mol teetde 
-o4 #28 Bt audet od of otecd niedues oF galtator asiteoup A op ‘daw 
folds ,aektecup odd To ata? act of daew aolteetdd eat © idle nero 
betewrena baa Dosawuet YLiaonpoedua env 

secetnadecnannntannatanatinadilentinscetigbaapesicvaniiet stis::°!9°°% x tohw ‘ 

| eT m siiyed ot faeyiat dl? To 
te estvre moqw deand Yitdalala ed? olsen le SONAR 
Siig dante Wome ail daiste Biwi teed ead #2" Lunneoty divine tony ost 
Law Redgivas wood Bact Snmergbot, dis sett HOP LLGo Few wav ooudiitily 
ratvalmnuahiatempbecmmnpeamnesphinicistinss Op 

ahowwre tad oad yotatesous wae ae | 
ae ery ey so a me 
Xe actrutonse ott yabtrwtath awnninne eerie 

| pameamaboiieceivesidiesciyjuench 

meaakahianiins: abet ee ee 

Ae ine ee a ON aL A EDR R TR MM a a 1 Selene Pee une d SMT 

im Base pas oh cS cmt 

ih cf 
a ri ay, , ka ne ba eine, wee re | non 
Cie RR ab Sas a ad Ee ag ORM RS' RE roc: Gi aa armel ee Sa Nee wera Rced ey) eh te eke lee 
i Mey : e. 

mekiwentua RE ek w. 8 Jee wee petit aie fe ea 


ted ag: glee ee) ae 
le i i 

Seiler a eee her ee 

B76B4 an 

Appellant, LA 


OF GUICAGO, « banking eorp¢ration, j 
CHICAGG, a banking corporation, j 
Appelieos, } 


Complainent filed his bill seeking an ageounting of eertain 
notarial fees snd for sn order on defendants te pay the sane to 
him. Defendants resneetively riled general. and epegial desmurrers; 
the trial court overruled the dewurrerea of the HideGity Trust and 
Savings Rank and ruled it to smewer; the dewurrere of the Uid-City 
Satienal Bank were guetained and the BILL ae te it was disuiesed 
for want of equity, Cewpliainant apceale from thie latter order, 

The Gill alleges that he wae a duly appointed ap¢4 qualified 
notary publie in Geek county, Tlliineis, and entitied to the fees of 
euch office; that the Gavings Sank was an Lilineis corporation, and 
the Batiensl Hank a nationsl busking eereeration, both deing busi+ 
ness in Chlevego; that the davings Sank received fron ita eo rrespoend- 
ents comercial paper for presentation to varlous parties fer pay- 
ment or protest; thet from April 1, 1926, te Kareh 30, 1933, com- 
Plainant was selected by the Gavings Hank as «a notary public for 
Pretesting suck commercial paper as required protesting ond that ae 
ouch netary public he wade euch protests, whieh work took part of 
his time, the bank furnishing him desk recom without charge; that 
complainant kept no itezised recerd of charges for such notarial 
services anf thet the same vere retained by the Savings Benk, which 
now has poosession of auch resords; that both defendants have re- 
fused to deliver said records to the cospleinant, 

That on or about May &, 1953, by a written agreement the 

aos y” 

Sites: y 

\ ch HARON .W GlAweo 
fe MOE LATA rm weer dale —— Ce 

wie BS OLED “putin 28 

ve Bak ees 
anksazoctas a8 B, 

Pe ad 

ip Ke, AL e Y ¢ 

Eh i ae RS Pa Bee ead 
aie ti te seueaas eee mean meainetiaa Bou 

: a W in cae 
aites te pale soaps nae ‘galiose itd ais bolt? pa Be di 
i eS a ay 

ot hume ode Yan of adaaban ton | wo tebro ae Te haw set fe 
jetertomeS katooge haa save belt Levi tescnor oh aha’ as a 
“ban towel ysiD-hid odd Yo aterxumed ond he Luvteve tu00 tan ond 
eehd-bi4 out ‘16 wrowrened ony yxseene oF PF be tie haw + dali ailkealt 

bovaiaeih ea 34 of an ifid eat bas bonletave ‘otew ‘dea lone 

iobte redial wtay wort ofercqn tasaiatqudd .xthupe te ¥ 
ee ki eB 
witiiaup hae bodatocgs ¥luh a baw vd bast eogetla tne wet 
8 eet od? of boiitvae bus jelemi Lit Gates xeod ak Gilad ve 

ie Waltexeqtos aloal isT as’ saw Kant egatves: dy tout yoottre lay 

‘aban’ giioh drew ‘Mer teortes acktund gabbtbae 5 vac katte ot 

emnqnews oe ath sort beviesss dacd nyakves ‘ott tat yoyne te rae 
eee Pri ashinea auoksev of solsagaoeerg 10? wee intowemee ase 

eu grey 

-n09 beer 108 doxelt of Oke Lf Liga mowt Fadi tee 
“t08 ot fdne yxaton “ ee kine aasivad edt ‘‘e ‘tebon toe aa 

sok aye ce i Wp ‘ fre 5 3 v P 

14 tass hewn gaidwesorg ‘bexinpes an wae Eatovomune ‘iw nabtentore 
te Ptee Noct tuew sod aw ahedete iewe than “od wt kau ‘ inte ¢ sour 

penis pepenete Suaueiw sno kaos mata gatinduratt aad ost vente abd 


faliaton vous Tel aeyissty Be dxowb, hetioat? an qos Pambe Lente b, 

dotitw ,tant oyeive® ad? yd bealetey etew omnes od? nat bam aootwxen 

-tianiokgase oat of mbxooet blew work tod ~ - | 
eat fuemeengs aadtiaw @ ye AECL ,G yolk tueda to a0 tout 1 


Ft , it 

it eds ovnel ugmabaeteh sited tale pehxooet down te aoleasowog sod won 1 

National bank took over all the aneete of the Savings Bonk of overy 
king sand aleo the quarters formerly occupied by the Javiage Bank; 
that sald contract between the banks contained, aiong other things, 
the folleving previelena;: 

"h. Purchaser agrees: 

2. To and does hereby guarantee to pay, in aecerdanee with the 
terms thereof, ail of the liabilities of the Selier of every kind, 
nature and deseription, ineluding all liabilities growing out of 
any trust relationships seaumed by Seller ae a result ef the 
operation of ite trust department, but exeluding ite® liabilities 
to its steckholders as sugh.* 

That by this sgreowent the Sationsl Bank agsumed the ine 
4ebtedness of the Savings Sank, ineluding geeplainent's slaim for 
notary fees, 

That witheut reference to the records couplainent in unable 
te state the syecifie number of items protested by him and the spa- 
eifie amount ef fees due him or the swounte to be credited to the 
Savings Bank; thet the Gavings Sank has newer paid ecoplainant ony 
of the notarial fees collected by 1t for tin, snd taat approximately 
$10,000 Ls due him from defendante for such fees, 

That somplainant hes ¢ecanded from defendentea his netarial 
Fecerds and aecountea, *hich have been refused, and complainant hae 
been refused inepeetion of such sceounts and recerds. 

Yae b411 prayed for an accounting and an order om d4efend- 
antes te pay complainant sueh sume as may be found due kim, 

The trial court evidently wae of the opinion that the bils 
stated s good case as te the Gavings Bank, ond that Yank hae not 
appealed from the order overruling ite deourrer., The only question 
then presented ic the propriety of the order sustaining the de~ 
gurrere of the Kationel Bans. 

The theery of the bill ie based upes the opinion to Pitaeb 
¥. Continental Bank, 30% X11. 265, where it was held that a notary 
employed by a tank to protest ite commercial paper in ontitied te 

i ye kia {> PY) 

crave Ta Homi egadvel oat t0 atowsn edt Lie seve Xeod dank tanoltat 
aad apt wae ond yd boterase ELiemr9? oredremp watt oa baa bald 

—" godte gnosw ,bealetade evend oat naowted . : ey SPT or Es P 
: ‘an SCN 

pf i x we 
ady dtive apashtooos ay ef Sad aeteny ao gn, Bo y of 
gbald quevs te apes A] te 5 aa ad Yo ike 
% RYtH Be Sim aacnetons 
’ ao Fae dLuaet & a settee % Serta? Spe, owwten uta 

s2 kid as ei bulexe awe foe Fag 4 to mot 
ae oti 22 gu 5 nga ee ee ate 

oad oct bomen tewk tongital ext peemense slid 06 00, 
$oh ebede o' saealodqueo palhuiont amet agaleet ent, semaine 
efdann wd sionis Lqnae stiesitin Nite tne dalam - 2 
-sen O89 ban mis yd heotaedone omeel, se south lil 
oat of heskboxe ad of stavemm ott go ahs awh te? Lo avons otto 
yaa fasniodqnoe blag reves goat Maat agaived odd tast raat eynived 
Geiouinammee tadt dae ,whs tet Hh yd boseeifos ene, intenton att to 
” , ee 
‘fobvator old ataghurleh ment Behance gad fannie hemes tad? 
Gat Aneatetques haa ,beeuter navd owed stabs imal 
rene ~abIESRy das ad nwooee dave Yo nokdeaqual hoster mead 
bora op sabe an hae aatémworee an aa opens ERE Ae sthoe ie 
gh en) Sow, od en ae came Bowe tanake | 9h 9890 
Abbe 983 tedd modaigo aud be sae _Ltanb ae dmon takRe eat. ras 2, 
Feet mad dod davis bee hnek apatves off oo a0 ouse Sonu a 1 rie 2 
aokdseuy yito Act .toTmENMS OF) gellvaxove aeixe ed? Tt besoegga 
8b ade Qalciatong rabse.ed? Xe ytedngeng et wh edang seat 
: oe op eet teat dale 42 79. eerum 
‘ pore st wenatee, ond agen beees at FEES OM? Re penn OF as on ou a 
| ae # dant biked wat Gh tony ,208 LE BOE» gang : ng ea 
| PA betthiay at sageg, Lateromans aad sander ot sad 0 xt boyotane | 


all the fees as notary publie in that conneetion, 

The Hational Bank in this esurt firet contends that the bill 
joes not show the statutory steps whereby complainant became a duly 
qualified and acting notary publie entitied te collect fees pursaant 
to the statute, There is no morit in thie peint. The bill alleged 
that he wae a duly appointed, qualified and sgting notary public. 

Te have pleaded the stepe which remulted in bio appointment would 
gum, 213 
Tli, 466, cited by the defendant Rutiomal Hank, 1) wae contended 

be to have pleaded the evidenee, In Poople vy, 

that an snewer sworn to by a votary public was inveild because the 
Rotary had not registered Bis notary certificate vith the County 
eourt, fhe court held that o pereon meting ss & notary under eoler 
of autherity will te held te be m motary de foeto. In Eetermick y. 
Higgins, 190 [1l. App. “41, om affidavit was attacked on the ground 
that the sotury taking guch affidevit hed net filed the certificate 
ef hie appointment im the offiee of the sounty clerk, The eninion 
holde that 1t does net follow that gis sets winll be void beeuuse 
of thie failure. We hold that the silegution of emeplainant that 
he wee « duly appointed notary public was 4 stutasent ef facet and 
net «a sonclusion of law, 

¥e do net see upon what theory defendant Hotions Bank ean 
eseape the explicit Lanuguagé@ eantained in the NEw 8 Ges et vaeraby 
it sequired the aveete of the Savings Yank and agreed to pay "ald 
of the liabilities of the Selier of avery kind, nature and donerip- 
tion,” excesting only the Golier's Liabilities to ite eteckholders, 
Ag we have said, under the decision in Pitser | 

supra, the notary public protesting eommereial paper for the bank 
is entitled te all ef the notery fees. Complainant wllegea that 
the davings Benz, for whies be acted as netary public, has retained 
and kept all euch Tees, There can be no doubt bul that it was 
obligated to turn them over to compininant and ke was mmtitled to 



stolionmaoa tats wk olldag ‘eaten os geet odd ihe 
the om: sags shuns tage rout? ftu00 shag at dant koaoisat oat en | 
ist * namo od Pubudadaues YSate ne ‘eqede wretitads ex route ton ava 
aietag aent doeilon od beiditus oltsug reson patior howe howe 7 Laxp 
eyeita {hid eff tateq ald? al dias on ad ores sntutaga ‘ond ‘o 
selideg yietea palios bax bolitionp sbotateqea olub a now od tans 
hive dueutaheges wld wh bed bene sto btw acosa wat Sonesta owed ah 
8% sauniiatdsores at abeoe's al sanaehten odd boneaty ovade as 
bebastavs eaw ¢1 ,dmed Lanoldoi Famba» ted es w potle yt 


i 2S 
ony ‘gaueced bhiaval saw olidua etaton s xf ot srows tomas - sass 
Lhe a2 e 

“fused oat dtiv stasltirxes (tston ali hovesalger ‘ten } hoen4 eaten 
olen wehaw YIntoa & Ra Zalios aeneeg a said bied umes oer eens WN 
2 Apiaaodad al tect ab vis toa “ os o bind vs fe 4 ei lrostne ve | i 
wong od) a0 boioadta saw tivablYie ms ,fD0 .qgh «SET OOF om at | 
tani isr0 end boil? toa bad otvebh Ye sioue andes bi eon edt te 
aolaigo ext exe le _sauos oad S eoltte ont ab tanndad ngs | a 

“pauened blov od iteds ates ols. ‘bass woltet son eon ae sant “eld 

dons tomate Lasao ‘te nob tage Lhe ous ‘tent ‘bio oth) ot abdi Yo 

Bre toe to jaemdade a naw obidug weedon ALS LEY encie 
“ts aed te notesiones ve 

re yiis ps Be iz teste a4) f oie 
gee dant lausisen Sand im toh erosas “gatie ace ove tea ob ow 

“era fom 0 0 tye ois al beutedzon epovanel ‘Hod saxe oat » 
Dee See 

Sin* we ae Boorse haa inwid agatvad oft Yo ndnane sed nn . 
toh hes wren , babal crews Ye tol foe oat he wed aRhdott oat te 
exebiedsvers agi af selsttidnis a’ aeLios et ao | ae 
‘ABBE Aodomakeng) 2 sont’ ae ae knead oat sebau sbtew vend oH o 0h Aa 

Bee ante aan nyt a 
- tnaid na) tor nomen Eatorension yabrwedore obiduy yeston ont tne 
fat soyelia tusutelqmed mee? eed on ost? 20 ‘ihe © ab bechivm & io ty 
pony aad ol idwa Ctndon 66 eden od cotdw ted eed -— mi 
tee 4h dad suit Sdwob om od dee “othatt ‘eve doue £6 . a 

&  pelttiee caw ed bite tusnhotuncs of ‘wove table eames 



* 3) Se 



recover thes, or at least a part of than, im thie aetion, which is 
essentially an setion for money had and recelyved by tha Sovings 
Kank for hie use, Thier obligation wae a liability of the Sayings 
Bank whieh the Hational Bank agreed te pay. In Seefield vy, State 
Bat’) Bank, $7 fet. 23%, the court beld that a comtroet by a 
national tbenk te aseame and pay the ilabiiities ef another bank in 
coneideration of the transfer tu it by the other bank of ite office 
furniture, lease snd cash acveate is not wltrs vices, tat ie within 
ite powere conferred by statute to aonduct a general banking bued- 
noes. it aheuld net require argument te euptert the conclusion 
that when a bunk takes over the entire assets of an old corporation 
ite seuets are impressed with « trust in Paver ef ite creditors, 
and where, ae here, there was a @xerese agre@aunt Yor the pure 
Ghasing bank (the Heationul) to ssewe the Linbilities of the eeli- 
ing bank (the Savings), thie ineludes the Lieabliity of the Latter 
bank to the coapleinant fer motary fees @arned by him and collected 
by the Savings Genk and retained by it. 

Compliainamt in not eetepped from anverting hie cleim ageinet 
the National Bark. Useee cited whieh have teen held te present an 
equitable eetoprel inrelve seme conduct on the part ef the eomplain- 
ant whieh saaounted to 2 participation ia the tranguctions, Such « 
ense is Chigsco Titie & Trust Co. v, Promidergest, 3468 t11. 546, 
where gouplainant wae held @ateoped te question a asuter's gale 
from the fact that fe waa actuslly present at the sale and pertici- 
pated therein, And again, in Beng 333 11. $45, cited 
by the defendant, it wae held that complsimant would be estepped 
where by hie etatenente and conduct he leads anether to do something 
he woulda not have dome but fer auch statements and eaenduat. In the 
euse at bar nothing that compiainant 414 or did sot de had any 

connection vith or relation te the tranefer of the aasete of the 
Savings Sank te the Bational Bank. As far aa the bill thegioses 

ai colsiw ,aolten abd mi ,and? te ttaqg © Qeeek ta co 4 aod) weveeRt 
 Syeived sat yt Revieses ban Asc yesom to? coldos ne yLiattasese 

‘ Shalvat ety Yo Wiiidell » eae notteyl (de até? soww add 162 tne 
Boar .v bie Meine al .yoq of bowtye Mae farcttal ent dgdde Need 
a ed t9,ttmoo # ducld bled Seu0o ade ,8O% shot VO gael feet 

ai vaed weriicae to eels liidads af Yaqg tte oneeee Of ined Len hten 
serits eff Yo Mand tedte oct yd of of tetenent ode Yo moltetettencs 

sidtlw #4 fuel ygexky aati fon ot atoune dese hun seaek potthaw? 
oheed ythined Leteany 2 Soxduan of etutnta qd hette tase atewee ath 

avhewieace ey Jreceus af teemegta etivpes toa Hives 41.2008 

we teeteqtes Bio as ‘to etegee exléne ost? were oedet domed « genw dade i 
 yatedliiers 222 Io tevel ah Jeund ae sohw Lense xqad ote stonan add i 
| wwe old 167 dapanorge RevtERe no ev era) ~oTEee orm beR 
Shien ea Lo aoliLiRéalt ed? omvosn of (Laaoheak edt} daed gatendo— 

Pebiat edd to yelildals ed? sabulomt cide , (egaivet-ond) shred end 

tov ie han att qd beacee aeet yxesom vol Inst texemon ont of tasd 
s ShogdoKeatetes’ NMRA : 

eats mies ohx guldcesaa mend heqgetee soa of tanatatened © ‘ 
tie toseete Of bied need ered ceishe Dette debe wand Lanotind oxit 
itetemes om? te tung ocd ae foubaon oman oviovat Lecqeter eftas tips 

& Hest .aaoligesustd O6¢ wl neldagloldioy @ of botamom: ‘galde fas 

tke ete teom a ayivaoup eda hamne nets ati halal 
etitey bes vise cf 2a Seseete eLieutos saw eG Past tee? elt ered 
petae HOR LAS ECE plone. WY chMee mb mbege Sah. enbsnach Nedew 

 yOt® 1427 808 ,demaapde 

 Peggeres ee hLwor tamtedemes save Dien saw Od ,tanhae ted ect wt 

Uivemoy Ob a wasiten abacted poabaee baw wdanemtese alt xe onede 
oth at ‘scotia hoe etvemesage cous xo sus eavh eyed tom béwOw of 
qq tt 6 Sim hes me hb emcees te: PANO Te AE ; 

OME Goan at No wa TameEd ld “ee btn th 
ren ) LES wud a ma» tat ated tad + | 

complainant had no knowledge that such a transfer wae contemplated 
and knew sething of At until 4¢ wan completed. 

Defentant argues that complainant ia gulity ef laches in 
filing hia bill, Wereh B), 1955, ean the termination of the 
eeven year period in which compleinant performed netarial services 
fer the avinge Kank; Ray @, 1954, the transfer of the assets of 
the Savinge Bank to the Hational Bank oeeurred; the bili of com 
piaint was filed June 22, 1953. ‘The special demurrer allegee, 
ameng other things, that if complainant ever bad any de. 
Sands aguinet defendante, “the sume oF some part taerecf have ace 
erucd more than five yeare prier to the filing of said bili," 
This ia in effeet a plea of the statute of lisitations, Chap. 83, 
eec, 15, Tlidneins Statuter (Cahill) which says that such efwil 
actione must be commenced within five yoara nex: after the cage 
of aetien acerued4. This demurrer wont only to the firet two 
yeare of the veried covered by complainant's bill and in effeet 
‘e@mite thet Liability, if any, can be fer the fees secruing during 
the five yesare next gricr ts the riliag of the bill. 

In Evana v. Moore, 247 111. 46, it was said that eourts 
of equity adopt the limitstion wrevided by statute for analogens 
Tenedies at lew an fixing the poried beyond whieh any delay ree 

quires exciaration. kyen, 586 lll. 20, repeated the 

ancient axiom that “equity follews the iav” and held that only 
when the delay renders it imequitable will isches bar the right 
within the statutory lisitation. 

We do not see how the pertion of complainant's ¢laim 
arising during the five years just prier te filing the bill would 
be barred by any statute of limitations. Boreover, the Katigqnal 
Bank took over oll the assets, records, and place of business of 
the Savings Benk, thus practically putting it cut of business end 
Leaving nothing to may ite erediters, An examinatien of the 

footac Lene com aw eee? « deve tacit eghe tweak om Deal Sandie laaee 
otekqmos anew 2h Litew th Lo gakdtes wank eve 

at wastouk 26 (tiieg of tesmtalguas tadd eoayte tanbae ted.) 49) 
gid We dottoukatod oct an , S008 08 Mowe hike ahs yeahhh? 
ssvivase Lattadon bomietieg Souniaiquos dotdr at belted tan aovee 
43 adonen ad¢ Yo wlanatd om ,SEOL .B yot pinadegnivad, edd )t92 

amoe Yo (Lf eA phowtusce Maal Lenotdatcntt of sant egatved, act 

| \ahye Lie tontanet Leloagt eat  ,€6¢i 88 trata, few LAK nam snhede 
aod 19 nate le ys bad “ove Fanniatques Td rect yegekas notte. gnome 

1 8 erhd blew Yo gubee? ontt of cabrq eneey avid madd epee hOwTe 

“8 stud sohoweENtE Xe boubede 088 20 ‘nete mtoeNRa ah ab abst 

Rivio cove pect wees pte (Litre) sudetut® wheabi£l yeh oe 
 ¢vuee edt caa'ts Seow eteey Owl? ntdi lw heoneees ae Cane anolien 

pe? gard? edt oF fie frtow tormaeh slat bowen moktoe, ko 
f$ee'tte at tue (£24 o Saetiaigwe yd hetero holtey oie Ye otaey 

hosongy gaivesea @o9% oft 19t of mao yyme Th WMMRGads tote a@tabe 

hdd walt “Lo gakis® edt of rodty oxen arene Ovi add 

sities teed Dies cow ok 0B LOL TP pened sree AB ok 

 Migeleas KOT etnteds YF hebtvere weltothals emt seebs, gthepe Te 

ees yeted com aohaw Baoyed bolxreq ost. gata? cetemneiieiindhinl 

wnt’ togeooex ,Oo ASI 808 yapemiged se eenel 

et. ee sow tb taiiarnneknpiens nian 

a ext Tod eosens Kibw eldadingeal ¢& eesheet yaieh omt,aode 

. ; saagecmemEan 12H 
wtate o tiene tyos te aolived ost wod abe, tomo ah 

an BARE? oF aaaanncosretnpeintessen econ 

“ fanentint otf rovedeam: ‘vimelearbale Ye stmtade wane ween aM, 

Ye wanakont te wbate baw aivrosen usrnenetaiae sagen oo am 
i pbanthnd to te #2 gabewne: soeee ahve 
i “ees ww hoenemmeael oe see stone OF eee 3 



beoke of the Savings Kenk would have shown, as the Will alleges, 
that the notary fees carned by complainant ware retained by the 
Savings Bank. Under the decision in the Fitech osse, the bank 
had no legal right to do this, fhe tational Bank must be pre- 
sumed to knew that these fees were unlawfully retained by the 
Sevings Bank, which was obligated to pay them te complainant, 
It must be presumed that the Netiotial Bank agreed to pay the 
Liabilities of the Savings Bank with knowledge of thie obligation. 
in the light of these facte no equitable coneiderations appear 
which wonl4 bar cowniainant's right to reeover against the Rational 
It wae error to sustain the deourreres of the Aatiumel Bank, 
ee the bill states a case for complainant against beth defendants, 
The decree diauiseing the bili is reversed and the couse 
is renanded for further proceedings coueistent with what we have 
gaid in thie opinion. 

O'Conner, ©. J., and Matehett, J., coneur. 

vavgslta Lid 96 ee wade pvad Dino” Aaah apalves att Ro'edeed 
add yd beaiatot expe foamlatoans yt bert Beek erorom wt tas Y 
daed oa .9eee goaaly odd ab aelodowh ase soda skewed agarvas 
~eng od tem Maed Lomalsad att sabes wb 08 Haute Lage hat 
odd yd Aontadon LAA ivndan atom ase? wooKd sadt wom! of biawe 
tanstoignes of andy Yay of Petughide as desde jae galede 
ictal ai we of DevtyA Aaah Kenolteh add sone Doman od font dT 
otegttte, aid? to oybsivens atiw dap sgaivet odd to wots bidet ; 
(abaya anokioiedteage odn2 dupe 9m avon eands Ye She ade aE 


we Real 

Konoieat ous faniege users of figs Bi tasate sexes tad bkoow ae kete 

enn ee es, eet 
ves kano 903 ous te snamenets att povoninang aseaataaii hub ener 7 

: a Ys a, | EY es ae ec 
I) 8 DH REN Nagy SOMBRE eT ae aaa LikcBRe fi 
2, Osco eee Ne ae 
He RP SaS eee We ie PR 

Pee ee ee ae eee deen m. ani 

Pane Ne ae aa RS RONEN ai te ST RR 

37750 fi 


Appellant, é 

va. f st 
) ? DY COOK couUNTY, 



279 1.8.67" 



: Appellee, 

Complainant filed his bili te restrain the collection of 
& nete axeoutied by Sim and held by defendant; answer was filed; 
Gefondent also filed a erema-bill asking for judgment on the note; 
Complainant answered thie; «a deores wae entered diswiseing eom- 
plainant’s bill fer want of aquity and granting the prayer of the 
cross-bili, holding that defendent recover from complainant $2366.75 
with interest, Complainant apnenis, 

The controversy arrives out of the asle te complainant of a 
Perpetual Kemberekip in the <edinah Athletie Club of Chicage formerly 
in the mome of Alexander 1. Ureenabaum *ho hed died leaving Bie 
wides, the defendant, holder of this nenbdarenig, whieh she desired 
to sell. 

The Sedineh Athletie Club, originally » defendant, wae de- 
faulted and shortly thereafter wont inte vba kraptey and the parties 
were restrained from further preoeeeding against it. 

The R111 allegee that complainant was induced to buy this 
Perpetual Membership by slerepreseniations made to hia by ene ef 
the officers of the club as to ita finsneial semdition; that the 
Club wae defendont's agent in the transaction snd reasoneible fer 
these misresresentstions, 

Refendant's crogs-bi}l alleged that she was the widow or 
Alexander i. Greenabeum; that om Movember LG, 19%, she received 
fron the Medinah Athletic Club a note fer $2206 signed by complain- 
aut, which was tendered and accepted by her in payment of the Pere 
petual Kemberehip in the club owned by her deceased husband, seid 

eee atte 2 a 

4 rae (opie: hg 2 weary oa 1 aae 
‘Ras09, me « BR NR ee eae Secret me] 

e a 3. a Ld velaniy hk Seged ae obs 
va ii ey) i eR ; i Pee (OPE ie pee 
.2HU09 RET Wo MOTRTGO au ameri ae xsmtuex OTT, tH sil 

AD . Fy Rs 

to acttocites elt alerted of fftd wld bettt duewdutginad © 7% 
phate’? wow tower poonbaw'ted yd Bivd baw ati qe betudite tema 

snout ag treargdut to? satdee Ikidsneors e ROLE? cute erates 

suey gaiaehusis hewdne oow sonveh a pets hetewdian prey ae 

eit Yo seyatg O0¢ galtowty bun yYsiupe To daar aot tite erensatate 
sosaiad tnaate Lance ott toveoss taahieteb ‘ae deine ttie-esor — ste 
4  atdewqa tne 98 - steotitnt tat a" i 

a 46 diematatewon of law o49 to tae eed tea youlvotsiee aay 
canis oginidd Le dutd Bhvettsa dockaek ony af ‘tank haat 
phd yotverd hoth host ote muedaneetd yi sonmte EA "toe Wath 
petiaed oda dotew ,qtdaredsem ofa? to tobLed ,snadaeted. aad eWobhe ee 
ation of 
“oh aun ,fasboe'teoh o yitenighte ydwto ‘aneatais: inten enone 
poling ad) dae yorautatwd oat tanw sed towered? cients bas bation | 
#1 Joatege galbssoory seddawt wowk honiavioos ewe on 
_ ahs Wet 09 Deoubat anv suantetenen sash onmnsla’ £86 Sa” a 
he oso vd nde of ehom anoliadaseor gorge yo qfaeuedned siete 
et Bentt jaoisinase Ladoawart ati of ao dulo if te wtenttte odd 
wm matin bene nokseasnert oid at ttepa at danheeten gar dake 
eee emo asneaeroete le onay ’ 
~ wobiw one aaw ge fad? hegelia Cildwawot ef doubaw tet a 
| Rowkeaee one ,OkeL OL TdnevoN ao duct pamndmmet® Wt rORmeRetA ; 
ateione Wi Aeaple OUERS wet aan 8 dedD ettnste anton ot not 

Se en va 8 

menbership having been sold by the club te cosiplainant; that on or 
abeut Decesber &, 1930, she received Trem complainant $220, the 
payment of the First installment en the note. Ghe sileger that the 
whole of the mote le mar due and unpaid and aske the ceurt that 
eomplainant be required to pay the amount due thereon. 

The cause wae referred te a macter in chancery to take 
evidenee and report. The master found that the material sallega- 
tiene ef the till of complaint were proven, that the ersee-bill 
wan without equity, and recesmended a decree in aceerdance with 
these findings. 

A preliminary point ef practices arises with relation to 
orders upon the waater's report, 

Sovember 15, 1955, tha ghanecslior on am 9x parte hearing 
overruled the defendant's exeeptiens to the manter's revert and 
entered an order aperoving the resert. ihe last day of the term 
was fievenber léth. theresfter, os Deéewker 7th, the court ontored 
@n order Yaenting the order of soveaber 15th appreving ‘he report, 
and the matter was set dewn for further hearing. January 4, 1934, 
the court susteined the exeeptione to the repert and «tered a dee 
eree accordingly. 

Complainant argues thet the order of Sovenber Lith evere 
Fuling the sxeeptions and approving the muster's report is a fins) 
order which sannet be vacated after term, citing Barnes 3 ™ 
226 111. 605. That ease, however, is net in point. it inveived 
@ partition suit and the order held to be final wee one apsroving 

the uacter's repert of sale under a prior deeree entered by son- 

The master's repert possesses no slesente of a judgaent. 
It 1s merely advisery. An order approving 1¢ is merely interlocu- 
tory and subjeet te Fevieion. The court has sewer to agcept o> Pre 
Jeet the report at any Gime until there has been @ Final deeree, 


to a9 dads ;Juaatatqce of duls oti yd Bhow aged gates qdetedaen 
ade ,ose4 # aw el Semon nowt bev indies ota ,OfCL ,6 Tedeeget tuode 
od? fakd nonetio ont .oteu odd no tasmiledaat Jar2¥ est to doomean 
tat fayec ods oem bie Mean bom ond won ot efom #2 Ya olody 
oto @T6 SY oub ‘towens edt yoq of Read 0), ta i meal 
oted 6? yxeometo al uefeom o of heteelet saw onuno ant 
‘sayelio intrested o8% todd Havel wdeee edt oveqeT Bae semebive — 
Lildoonore OA fend jaevorg orew Satatquow To Lthd ond Yo wmole 
 dgiw eonehta0—s al 6e199h # bebanmnased venison sieds iy naw 
Peay ee sis iw  spabbal't ome 
Jee: motte ler Stiwnentia soltuerg To #nkog ‘yteatat teoeq’ A atta an 
+? ae a +) ,Suoges @!totsam os prerny 
gaixeed efieg xn an oe tollevdady edt yotel ,k aodaoved: he 
8 hae Pteqet ef teseam oA? Of eal qvaxe 8! Snabae teh ose be Gort 
(O maet ods Bo Yoh daod GAT .Jt9—eT Odd yarvoNdas TOTO ne seeatie | 
yeteqet wl: gAlveitgy 296K aedaovod Te sabvo sit yaleeoay ; 
sPEGL ,) ysewns’ .galised tondawt “vod Aweh tes sew cosseaitdiae is wri 
Dirssadl we heweene ban Froqet en) 42. mnsabstented peaass stb saa oat | 
<Wre d#i wdsevek Io tohte end “Sedd eougne + tmoanatennd sore | 
‘ccntebpipnanniplupmavarbansinvenis agise reed 
% ope aalvio .ewd ween hedanad ad” S09 

Desuaed Ode nae Lett ed ed ied vebte vaaenaalii | 
ue wtioe Yd beresa seiaeh wette # tebe edaw Tee oumne: whee 
a way fi rd beni te ‘Nanas ‘ tat ified 
Moghul # iv acoso dit: vn 
wou at an ae snare gts WONG BA: 

Simons v. Morzis, 525 111. 199; Adkingen vw, Sent, 88 By. 628; Pitmepm 
Yo. Theraton, 65 Kaine 95; K i Ringshyry, 70 Bioh. 222, 

The evidence shews that in Septenber, 1950, defendant tele~ 
phoned the club asking sbout the Sorgetual Homberahip of her husband 
whe hod died » few menthe before. She was told that it was custenary 
for the club te take ever the maeberenip ix ease of the death ef a 
member; that the widew would be taken eare of, Ghe subsequently 
Learned that the san with whoa she talked over the telephone wae kr, 
Crippen, at efflicer of the elub, She haard nothing further frem the 
glub until the Latter part of Kovenber, 19%), when Crigven handed 
her complainant's nete for $200, telling her that the nete tad been 
given to the club for « mewbersadlp ond that 1t Kad im turn bean sent 
te her by the club and give to her for her huchbend's mexberehip. 
About Decenber Sth she reseived through the mail complainant's eheek 
for $220, representing the firet ineataliment on the note of eonplaine 
ant, tegether with a letter te this effect. #he: the second inetalle 
ment of $226 cane due she telephoned eompluimant asking for a remit. 
tence ani vas told by eomplsuinumt that he 4id met intend te pay an 
he had lest euite « sux of money, and olso becauge the conditiens 
under whieh he hed purehased the membership had been mierepresested 
to him by tae elub. 

voupiainant's testiseny te that he was & resident member ef 
the club; that he regeived a letter from Crippen dated Oetober 17, 
1950, stating that "A desth bas occurred sucng ‘The §00' ~ Gur 
Perpetual Bonbership Roater;® that the xembership wae free from 
dues, taxes and assesenente; thai he vas invited to f1i1 the 
Vacancy; the letter said “This rester hae been closed for nearly 
two yeare"; that the resident senbershiip of comploinant cowld be 
applied torard the purchase of the Zeppetual Kembership ond terms 
te sult compivinent's ecnvenience arranged, Complainant testi fied 
that he attended a aceting of the officers of the club Getober 

meat yom) ht Be of-.¥-_ in date fit O0® wbsy 2 
ie tote OF Lye ata jhe satew 26 nodorg 
ntfsd Tombawted ,OFCL ,wodwesyet wt gay wireite epaebbye ea OO” 
paedwadl tos To Ghinveduel Landoqwt eft gvete gaives eto one Sonate, 
preceteus naw 22 fund bied ast ant Vorolted eovaom wet a beth bad GHW 
a te dtawd oA V6 wave at Wdircodund OXY deve Sidd OF dil> oa x0t 
 Ytbaeupeedive eff Yo ereo maxet eo Ninow wonky bot soitt Yaad’ 
18 eb Witortye ted ody <eve Bextas bite testy WEY bho Ad eee bee 
got mort aechrt gatiton Mow oO duo Hd Yo week tte as lib 
febted moqekaS acdw Coe ,teduevel Yo dung wetaot SHO Petnw Cite 
need Wert Oda outs Youd Wat yatteay ,COvRe rod Odell UY huluta Lemos sed — 
fuen seed ated at bad 2h toss Gao qhaattodionm e ‘aot duly edt wo wig : 
GPtrtodiee e haddand reel cot Yt of nevis hae iil Se 
doodla W'beinitts Fysee thea 6) deity WV VT aaa 
witha Lane te eton eit ae vabuk tatuel Yox!t oft yati eben tgex ote te : 
ntkatout fownse off oot? .Se0%ts aft oF xwazet » ce tw oildvgot sda ‘ 
thu @ WY gotten tnentatoned betedeo tet pis ous once O88E Yo tieeat rs | 
at le Wt Nie ink cot tty ot Fait tite Avo YG BEDE a 
: seek ihwen ext enuneed we Le has vunaon Yo aie a betep toot bunt id ty 
| es set Tak Gane a eat it he a 
ee Feb lie « enw oof duct wk mara ivrrschanttsst jak re 
te redone bwtab aoquixd wort 102/81 # bevieoer wt tuitt paulo Wie 
oo ee ek a nn ee ee vatiere out se 
Bc “ort wert Wow qlderedan aa saat one at Mares | 


tng wns again invited by dr. Grigpen of the waxberehnip committee 
to become a member of the “Vive dundred Club." Ge waa iwld by 
Orippen that the club was in « seund Sinemcinl condition, that 
every departeent showed a profit «ad that he knew of no investment 
that would earn ag large « return as this Perpetual Meuberwhip, 

Thereupon eoruplainant signed an application addressed te 
the Medinah Athietle Club wherein he wade appiivation for Perpetual 
Kembeorehio in the club, screving te pay therefer 63660, Un the 
same date he gave his cheek fer 2400 and turned im hie resident 
menbership at $1000 and geve his pete wherein ho promised te pay to 
the order of the Redinah Athletic Club $2214) in monthly instaliments 
of $2720 eneh. 

Some Any after elguing 4n4 delivery of this nete te the 
gliub, somelainant at Crinpen's request, chacged the payee of the 
note frou Medingsh Athletic Club te Xre, Alexander 1. Greenabaum, 
the 4efendant., ‘Thie ia the note that Grippen subsequently delivered 
te defendant. Uo to the time that eemplainant wee ached to change 
the name of the payee in the nete complainant did not know of Are, 
Greenabaum, Several days after this, purduant to w letter, come 
plainant attended a meeting of the slub om Sovember Ldthy he then 
learned that 496 Peroetual Bemberekips, and not WA, had been geld; 
that several of the departments of the elub were not waking soney; 
that the ¢lub wae in debt om the bends Mleuted te bulld the new 
club heures. 

Boverber 2let complainant wrete te the elak, returning his 
Perpetual Zembership card, snd etating that en seceunt of financial 
feverses he could not make the peynenta on the note given in payment 
ef the Terpetual Besberanip. fe seked fer the return of the $4610 
paid and the return of bis nete, to this Er, Fyfe, sheiroan af 
the menbership coomittee, replied that it was impoosibie te retract 
the mesbership transaction as the agote had been turned evar te the 


, eeatdamos qiteredapa ont Yo aoggisd oF Bf, Segprm atone 

yd diet saw ol dD Denke. ov att eat Wo tein & enoond of 
(fas ,agiiibaon Latoaeakt pasos e ah age duke eae sadly 
fosatesves oa te wows af fond die Fb lowg @ bowexie sms caged, yee 
a gbilexeday is, Japieqsys sid? pa arses a eprel on. atap pimew ta 
_ OF hennetdde gettooktnge ee beagle saaiiaiquos moqueTeNt ia an 
fast ogi’ 4et poiartigua shaw od atoweny dud olteteis «Kaba ast 
Oe 80 .00REF Teletey yaq oF anicotae ,dulo oft ak qiterndaed 
_ -ttobbees att ah bowie ban OOM 162 doesn ols omy ed stmh gnaw ‘ 
® Yee 0? bostaorg ad akoredy ofom ald eveg bam GOOLE te qidevedamm 
atromisateak (isdoem a1 SRG dulo ettoldts dankhek ot Ip Bona ot 
| ‘ 5 OPO, PEE, X9 
eae of ston ain? te conhien how papery @is — Fo wit 
ode Lo SOAR sud bopansio ,seoupet e'mmaalxd ta guamtelamen Ate 
1 stieneneeTR 4A rebneKe tA .axl oF AUK vito tdta Mantbol 2oxt fon 
“bowwrdiek ehinaripoadue coqghx® godt ota wt a algs, bane 1 tall crf : 
|, Mynadlo 92 boxas naw Puamiatgnen tad? ats edi of ol _ sfamban ts ‘. 
4.804 Ye wont Pom bib Jaeniodyavs egon ont al soueg ond octsd 
mee 4 teTSeL & of danwatug ymdee sofia awh iasoyes sie 
Maat ok 4aabS Todmpvol, me duio odd Le ynideom @ behupste 7 
jotow weed bad ,008 toa bax ,eqlidaredmed causoes 200 gods, ensues Ae 
9 d¥eten gatdan sen etew duia od? Yo stunngtageh ocd Ye senpves tome 
MO Oat BL Rad OF betwokd wbawd 9 we adh mk tb . 
: ahi te tele ah 4, Ss apse an , ee 
me te fanqose ne stadt yaiseade fig ashton at 

defendant, Mro. Greenbbeum, a4 cowplainant's resident mesbership 
traneferre4 to ancther, Caomplaimeant then had a conforener with 
Vyfe and Crippen, at whieh eomplainant charged Crippen with mierep- 
regenting as to the fineneial conditiom of the elub. eo teatified 
that he 414 not charge Crippen vith freud., At this eenference it 
Was ogreed that Fyfe vould undertake to eei1 the Perpetual benber-+ 
ship for complainant, whe sgresd to pay the December inetaliment on 
the note held by Mra. Greenabaum provided hie Perpetual Yemberghip 
hed not been sold by that time. Aa we have seid, the Decexber ine 
stalinent was paid, but the installment faiiing due in January wae 
mot paid, 

There is mo norticular sconfliet as te the feets, The ques 
tien is largely one of low, There is also very liitie diepute as 
te the luw, The queetion is ae te the applicability ef the law te 
the facts, 

Complainant argues that the ¢lub wae the avent, representing 
defenfant in the sale of her hasbend'’s Perpetual Zemberahip te hin. 
fhe chancellor wae ef the opinion that the Glub beught the seubere 
ship from defendant and #el4 it to eemplainegt, Under the constltu- 
tion sand by-lava of the elub, art. 8, #e¢. 3, the club Bad the right 
to purchese the cesbereship, at thie time there were three er four 
vaeancies in the Pergetual Hemberehip reeter, The ciub e214 come 
Plainent » Perpetua] Yemberehip fer $3600, accepting in payment his 
resident mewberaktp at 910600, hie cheek fer 2400 ond neta for $2266 
payatle to the club. Complainant's resident nesibershnip Was then 
transferred by the club to another, Three er four ‘aye later the 
Glub requeeted complainant to ciange tae name of the payee in his 
mote fren the Medinoh Athietia Giub to the defendant. It alse 
ghouls be meted that while the club recsived 43600 fer the Greene. 
baum membership, defmdant received only $2000, ‘whis is ineomeietest — 
with ageey of the club; ir if were her agent it should have aeeounted 

| iy | ie Foy Pim many 7 
al a ye NNT 
: Sy ee ae ic 
1h ete ‘ayy ne 4 
Sa Be han [ 


qitet=dosa tosbinen a! toenlalqees ban paxeddaedeD o9ek soabhaitins 
dele goaetetwoo « far moat Pamatelgmod ,tnd¥ona of Bovis todd 
<yotaio ASY nsewtsd bogretle Fuunhn gave Mélée ta yaegG hes Baa Pye 
BePERTerd OK dive ore Vo neteinaes Fobenanht Hat OF ee galdnddes 
$k genet Iaos nit? th beet? Adby tocute? eptars ton Be bd Fade 
<todans teutoquet odd Live of wiatcwhne biuaw eh EE Beotge aaw 
me Coen intant <eduooed ait yaq 09 ‘Bewrgs ade \/sanatdcened HOt ime 
giderades’ feugoqtet eld heblveta aaedeasoth sort yo biiet when wee 
oat tedusoeT off hive ovad ow uA Veaitt dactt yd Wiow hawt Yon Ted 
ae vases at ed gatice’d fomaltotnad edt dud elnaerielrabancatg 
temp otf = .efoat of? of Ga tolLiaca tadwolixaq om ob erat” i 
ak Atuqeld afte l Rw woke at orony swat Ye one ytiyret et io 
oo wel sit %o winaatbee ‘edt wd ea ak ooleveay wat jwer stot 
, ; oe @akS pivatdta toni haw DW scundond 
| yak tamee cor nnd a ae 
mist of qhiferedaee Laudeqret #' buncdaunt thd Yo eter eh fowRhs'ton 
weedanat eit? tigued funy eile tant nile Sat Oy EN 
aushtence oft coho .dpintalquen of 92 bfow bad Yathe DMO Ye 
Pee ee ee ee er 
aes tp eee? etew ened onthe whe fA sebelnredtinain edt er dioreatyy OF 
ate bone Cule an  peetect qitersdae’ wteqres bay at Sebenehy 
at feomyed eb yatiquoba ,OOReH tot eidehehenthiatindheiaaalll 
anaes at afon base Gong ‘at woods atd ,O00St de qos f drebtees 
a aew elumvedesm Laps ter @ dawihetgmed © eee oe er i 
ROE se OER! ewoT re wbudT ancl one OF hake WHT qe ort ae 
| ate a eo at ee a eu AF ata pet be 
ee er — 
a soe oe sok ORDEH Hetboet dnt’ sarenile Wear potion | 

te her fer the entire proceeds of the sale. There in etrony aup- 
pert for the conelusion that the club was merely an internediary 
through which defendant received complainant's note. 

The rule sutherizing the res¢elecion of « contraet or ag~ 
count of fraudulest wiereypresentations is well eutablighed, There 
must be a false statenent of a material feet, -neown or believed 
by the party making it te be untrue. It must be made Sor the pure 
poses of inducing action by the cther party, and the party seeking 
rescission must believe the representation te be true and rely 
upon it to hie injury. Peout vy. Hoy G4) Ug., 263 111. 84; Arankewskd 
¥.Enapp, 268 Ti. 143, 

it ig not clear that the representations were knowingly 
false and that conplainent relied upen them in purchasing the Per- 
petual Menberehip. The particular statement sald te be ao waierepre~ 
sentation wae that the club wae is a sound fimevciel senditien, ewery 
departeent shewing a profit. the halanee gheet of the club, intro- 
duced im evideses, shove that every departeent was auking a profit 
exeeot «a few like the barber shop, magazines, billiard reom and 
telephone; that the lees from these departments was 911,006 per annum 
ae againat a profit eof $256,485 per annua from the ether depariwente, 

Complainant argues that it wae falee to state that the roster 
ef $00 Perpetusl Meaberships wan closed, The resord dees net show 
the number of Perpetual Kemberships on Qetober 17th, when the state- 
ment was made, but it doos appesr that on Hoveuber 27th there were 
enly four out of the five hundred undispoéea of. Complainant tox- 
tified he 4i4d not buy the Perpetual Kewberchip because he vas told 
the Five Hundred rester waa full. 

The language used by Crippen may reasenebly be characterised 
ae “puffing etatecente,” being merely his opinion of vaiue and ae te 
sdventages te be derived by complainant in trensferring bis menber- 
ship fram the resident aeabershin clase te the Perpetual Kemberahip 

“que goers a sk exes? eine ox? Yo ehoesong oxdtap oma tox, ‘98 oF 
exaibonne dad an (iown oaw dude ond sass aotsssoae» one 10% #t0g, 
sedge o' don ako Lemme bevioons taabae to ais hate Apvense,, 

. _" a9 teordaes a re agive tones ona eahalipgous skirt oat Sie” 
etent .barinkidatas Liew a2 aaolictassetqotasa sapinbuee® re james, 
bovekiod 20 awons ghewt kabisgaw ste Jone saga eelat . oot foun 
ei emt xo% obs od joum 2) ,owntae oc of 31 gnkten viaeg oad ye 
gations Ceteg ods due ,yetag seddo ont YO mottos antowbad 2p emeg, 
. vier dav mars ad 08 aolsatanaexqer ed? ovellod tum spleslonet 
ddarodnexs ihe £62 GOS ,.92 420 vel wv seed | yuwbed ofd of 2s aogy, 

EOL 153 B88 goed ay 

Vsalvout exes saoliatasaqiqer off sant taeke fom eh sh 

~tof ens galeecoing ah ands og bodion tasatalqsge sad? bas @ 
auqeseta & od of 5ise tnoassada talvoliteg eat ghia seal 
Yieve ,mobsihaoo ietoasalt bayoa # ai saw dulo ste saad oaw 4 robs 
eortal ,dulo ad? Yo feedy comaied ofS sttotq # gaiwede tanassanen 
a2ioxs # gnbiag saw sopasiageh ytove sads swede ,sondive ab wasn 
bas ager biebiihd sseatangen .osss rodtad edt ofS Oat a me 
avery, OPiS. cae Siereet cons Fh PRL ORM 

code tom eso neeves, oak .besoly enw agtsinredmes 

| sedate sit aoote , mets aedoreg ne nqhdnredaei auioyee® 

sew ead A208 wodmever mo tasis neoqan aneh $f tus, atom, sam tana | 
ated siimekecomed 20 besogedbalr hethawal ovAT suit te aq tet xhae 
biog sum i teunood thie rode Loudoqint etd ant 4a 80 SAAR,» 

nee a Mis ie 

eri ead see en | 


Complainant teetified to the effect that what mevad him te 
the purchase of the Perpetual Seubership wae hie epinion that it 
would be an exeellent investaent, "1 bought it purely for invest- 
ment,” - and that one of the ressone in making the purchase was 
the expectation that the Perpetual kewbership would greatly ine 
crease in value. It is 4i1fiewlt to escape ihe conelualon that 
complsinant wae induced, by the eoay terne and hie cope ef profits 
in the future, to purchase the ferpetual Remberahip, 

@ven if the foregoing reasons are not whelly conclusive, 
we are of the apinion the faet that camplainant ratified the pur- 
chase of the Greonabsum membership is eufficient te deny sim the 
Fight to rescind the transaction, ovember “7ta, after ful 
knevledge that all ef the Perpetual Kembersnips had net been eld, 
that severel departwents ef the club were not making money, and 
that the fineicial condition wae anecund, the complsinant aade a 
new agreexent with Fyfe, chairuwan of the meubership comalttee, 
whereby Fyfe agreed to resell ecuplainent's aenbership if compiaine 
ant would pay the first inmatalimest on his note in the hands of the 
defendant. Thies agrecummt opersied ag a waiver of ony fraud and 
a9 an abandonment of any claim te @quiciable reiief, 

In Reger ng, S87 TLL. 244, the complainant had 
knowletge of the fraud which she claimed bat wade a new sentract 
te dispore of her interest. The court held that where a party has 
knowledge that he hue been defrauded but aubsequentiy confiras the 

original contract by making new agreenents respecting it, he there} 
by waives the fraud and sbandons his claim to equitable relief, A 
party defrauded camnot be allowed to deal with the subject matter 
of s contract ond afterward reseind. See alse Brewn 

242 Til. 409; Donian v, Jou, 170 Til. App. 41. Pursuant to this 
agreement with Fyfe to dispose of couplsinant's Perpetual Kexber- 
ship complainant remitted te defonéant bie cheek for $2230, accom- 

ee wis betes tesiw fade gouTre ods of Soktignes Cnamhaiqae® <<) 9) 

tk tad? wetalays utd caw Gitesedae® davtequel edd Yo enede tag ond. 

oteoval 6% qLorwd Th sngwed I" ,Jaseewe, tonlieete na od Sivew 
aay eeadereg od guidam af eaehaet oad Yo wae Pads Danie * oom 
ett ylteety bivew eldeusduod Lasgoqgtet 048 ted? aobietosane ef» 

tatt agisulonss 80: ogeoee oF Adve sTthh of OL .oakey wh Onee te, 

eéitetg to eqed sid kee Goud esse O89 Ed ,Ronehal gew tamale lenen— 
qt rede dt Lanteqtet eff agedousg of ,etwtet edt mb» 
.eviewlones yiled? joa ots sapsast galegeres O49 TE meV yoy e 

( wthaeg aed HOLLter Malalgsor fadt fomY ode mpiadee OA Io otarew: 
ede mic Yaob of daololTive si qitecedmem amidaneoed oct Re eset) 
{int aegte 208 tedeevew .aeksensaatd eft padgest of sitgte - 

sbice meed son bed aqiceteduel Invteqnes exe Yo Lie sods opbe fwont: 
Bae ,Yonom gotina Jon erow Guo OAs Lo Siadestaqed LateveR sent 

 # Sham Mnmtotymoo ont ,bamcet saw Moletbaee Letomentt edt sas 
\Potbinncs Giserodnein orld te moc tedd e1YS site semupengar wpe 
saiistques tf giiavedhow w'inewlatquoa Lienert of booty ety qworste 

edd ‘to abead oft ab often oid ae Soemidasend gecdt ont! gay River: one 

teeta RE PO AT ELI nn sSnndam ten 
tekiox eidaikeps of mtato yas Yo teesmohakde ap ea 

ped Pemeke qmoe ery ,Ode SLT TO ‘epleyth yom ak | 
| teatns on hn 8 Stade nna a M6 sma 

aed ystag @ erode deat bios Puer ett .teotrdak geal Te comets wh 

oMY Kerk teos YLtawepoutve Jed Debusrvked med ema ot tent egtetwoml 

-on0d Gd tf gniscegeot BtameTyS wen gulvme YF toetiae Lantgdeo 
i. a etkey sitedinye 08 uiwlly aid snobinde bua booed od? seview yd 
Me, i toeldne oni activ Leah of howekie ot Feeney diashiihidainen 

‘ia of trimwetwt 668 eek sane aaeaniee c when im 

| ae eetoen fd seiebur ed oF hore duo 

"sedan tanta X* tnwitin fence Te euogeks of WY dey summers ; 


panied by « letter in which he says that tale is fer the firat ine 
stallment on the note given in payment “of Perpetual Kewherehip in 
Medinah Athletic Club whieh was recently purchased by me." This 
Was an seknewledsment of reesgnitien ef the validity of the sale, 
made after complainest hed full knowledge of the Tinsnetal condition 
of the elub. 

& final sensideration whieh is conclusive againet complaine 
ant ie that defendant became « holder in due course of tne note, 
free fron any defenses to 1%, when she accepted It from the elab 
without knowledge of any fraud whieh the elub asy have praeticed te 
induce ¢emplainant to make the note and te subsequently make defend- 

ant the payee. bee, 365 111.505, ie in 

point. in that case Yorber lent imeberten some money, reewiving 
hLeamberton's note for 99%) secured by & chattel mortgages; wren the 
note fe11 due Forbes called on Lavberton, whe told him ke would 

get « cheek fron the Drumm Gonetruetion company to pay Forbes in 
full; Lawberten then faleely represented te Drane, president ef 

the company, that he could secure a used uutozoblile from Forbes for 
($050; Dracm agreeing to thie gure Lambertem a cheek Ter $950 signed 
by the Drumm company payable to the order of Yorbea; Lawberton gave 
the cheek to Ferbes, receiving bie note and chattel mertgage; forbes 
eavhed the check but Sruom never received tae wutorobiie; the Drasm 
Genetruction company sued Forbes to recover the smount eollected 
by him om the sheek. The Supreme court Meld that piaintiff eould 
not recover, suying that when Forbes received tie cheek from Lane 
berton there was nothing in the character of the inetrument to 
charge hia with knowledge of any iafircsity or te put his en ine 
quiry; that Forbes beoame the holder of the cheek in geod faith 

and for value ond therefore it was not subject te any of the 
defenses claimed by the Prusm Construction company, the maker 

of the cheek, 

+9 wT 

‘Lint gout ons tot 2 ott? tame eyon oA Molde ul Teder as w be 
at girersdwt Lenteqret te” tnbayee ak tevin fen ont ke dhamtte 
Ghat “Loe vd heweiotwg yLeseoot enw Holde dot® obde Ga Montbell 
olan wit Te ysthtsay ond te Bold injoset bow Paemybekwemion ah wee 
aks thaas tatomatt ole Le narnaner! Ett veal duomletqnns tote shai 
 aalte 98 Ve 

atte Lquee tohtoge ovkewlomos af ulaw noltardhienss pany a 
{Sten odd to betwed dub ak aebtod ik oumbed” stmbive tes gad bt) gah 

dito Mf mov't 2 botqvods ote able (92 ot noons'teb yhh Mott sent 

of bé5i feared ovat yam Mako ody cokdw buat? yao te oybe tenet suede 
abaetheh Gite Ut4 tinge dda’ of” bald’ ‘oton head olen hel dipecapiyreet 
mh ok ooelied B08 yaa 
 gabvissed ,yonom bebe bea be bedi taek dodvot sees said al” tate 
el? Aoliw oyeyitan LUteds & borunee otee ‘tot otha e andredied 

ethel ox ato b£6) ade ,nobeedied ae berries bodtee Gah’ ee GOUR 

ak aatset yaq oF yauques solfeut toned naire llama ton 
$e Shobtobsq , caret oF bodueaexqes ELoute? went Aedeodomdk 
Hot aodtol not? eLtdenotus book & bumdea bives 5d daMd ee | 
penile G80G eet wood) « hodtodiad ove and? oF “aittontiye ernest 
Svey modieduad O0G40 Yo hb4O Sad of SXdeyse yheqeDD ale odd Ye 
_ eeduot ‘yeuendtam tediads bam O95m ald gabvienen jbedael oF Apede oat 
ened aif yolivonetun oA} Revtvne ewved mult Sod Meds with’ Monee 
bate tion Iavoms edt avert ef asduek bore Ynaabs metbietbundd 
— Viiialelg tad bien tech emwzgee oo logmty O29 ke ae. 
nical MOU Medes 68d fovioset Sodaol deme dads pabyad jeovon | 
gh Smabedwnd ase to Thtectade bds ak gatieg ow aaw oteild’ modued 
st ne abet doy of vo yeBiattar yam to bgnetrem div wid egraite 
| ERE ing ak nite oad to -sieb Lox oat amine wbieot Sky tekhinp 
git) Yo yee od Soo hduw tem daw $2 HeoreENMD bie tithe et ban 
til outs Cenand pepo mow wt beh bonito 

a  anisheayee as Hp 4 ‘ a gt yi ey Rae 

an. % ‘oat Ohh 


Substituting complainent Guith for Drusm, the Medinah Club 
for Lamberton, Kra, Greenabaum for Forbes, ond a note inetoad of 
a cheek, and applying the holding in that case, the conelueien ie 
slear that whon defendant received compleinant'a note payable to 
her ghe received it a8 « complete instrument, Tree from any de- 
fenses arising sut ef any infirwity in the waking of the note. 
She never anew the compleinant before she received the note ond 
knew nothing of any representations which the club might have 
made to couplainant, The mete tas a nogetinkle inetrusent, come 
plying with oi) the reqguireseats of seetion 82 of the Kegotiable 
Instruments act, chap, 94, lilimoie Stetetes (Cahill) snd was 
d@livered to defendant before maturity, She ie # solder in due 
course for value ageinet whem ne perevial defense, such as the 
defense of fraud in croeuring it, ceuld be sucesesfully aeserted. 

The chane#llier's deeree iw clearly sustained by the 
evidence ond is seeurding toe law, afd it fa tueretore affirmed, 


O'Conner, *, J., coneurs, 
Batohett, J., diseenta/ 


dwt Sentbex odd mune vot dein tnastaymos guttathtedw® ...... 
(Ye beodaat stom 6 hae ,eodted ne% anmdsanend .928 ,andredamd, aOR 
#h aptewlenes off onan dav? ah gutdsod ons yabytege, be, Nowa & 
(Me Shdereg atom al tnemiolgnoe feviaoes goetaateh sedy tant gooke 
~8b Yas Rett werk ,fevawtiaad oleiques ¢ se 3k bovlesey ede. tod 
Ofon edt te gatkom on? at YiortIak yaw to tue antotan goene} 
baa efon esa bovis? ein emwied Jantlatomey om? week geveR OMB 

| ovat dyin dude eat dioktw eHetdadapgougets, yas Ko aabddom wm 
cnee ,AnowIeM! Sidwlropen # gow nea OMT, .tuentetquon of phew 
Siselsoyes one Ye Mh Keltee0 Te stunwetiupet ode Lo Atty, painte 
naw Dew (4ibded) wotutas® wioatsar 188 Gato foe shaeutgess — 
oh 82 Tehies © ah one  .yshiwten o1oted tanbup toh of porevtign — 
i Be owe enaeleh LounieG Of sonw Pealnge OuLey TO? oRRMDD 
sborxseed YLivtasgoeue of biuee .¢2 yalieoore af heart pe sawed 
Ode UF homietess —lanede as ootemh #! wokivomery ptt |). 
rhomth a Micletads wh Id daw ,eed OF yMbropes ef haw, pmngdd ye 

_ A ATE b tiohetey Vhoaket add eel Ahlan 

wee , deecipeh a? bite at 

Re hea MM my MM a Mea alin okt . eee Maa 

owt ies teeny aah 

Pea ARE UE. sea) ERR ee ‘ee 

eee ee ee ee ee 
phew oe ew weed? meek 
ee ee wipes 

j eS Beh & i 


; erie TE Mea Rog SNARE aN all RN a 3; ity isi A AMM che a ye hats ie baa igihoin 
; De mS A re cg PL GRR fig ie kare Ieee wetaie” nee Hinks 
| pay i Beiter ei Fue SO CRS dha jgoinexale ie Mgt Bontaks Wem: f + 
if , + 


| \ se 




BANKYURG TAVET COMPANY, a foreign corpo- 
ration, ae Trustee under « Traet Agree~ 
ment dated Mareh 25, 1929, 



1979 I.A.616 



Compieinant filed e@ bill to foreeloee o deed of trast; 
enewers were filed, the cause referred to «a master in chancery whe 
heard evidence and made a report recommending a doeree in accord. 
ance vith the prayer of the bi21; exceptions te the report were 
everruled ond # decree eutered, Crea whiek defendants appeak. 

The firet point made by the defeisiants challenger the trust 
deed on the sliege4d ground thet the acknowledgment waa taken before 
a Rotary publie who wae an officer of the tank wiieh sade the morte 
goge. There ia ne oreo! that the netary public was an officer or 
etockhol4er in the bank, He testified he was a alerk in the rem 
estate loan department of the bank, Ke ense ia eited, and we doubt 
if ome qould be eited, holding that on seknowledguent by a slerk not 
penefictally interested in the inetrament is invalid. 

it ia next asserted that there fe ne competent evidence that 
4efendante executed the prowlesery notes or ecupans in question. 
There was ample evidenoe to thin effect, One witness testified he 
was faniliar with the signatures of the defendants and that each 
ef the notes bere their signatures. Defendants did net deny this 
testimony, Moreover, complainant makes a prima facie case in a 
foreciooure proveeding vy introducing the trust deed and netes, 
Fereman vy. Gohm, 542 111, 280, and preef of execution of the notes 
is not neoeseary in the absence of s eworn snewer denying their 
execution. Dean v. Jord, 180 Ill. 9. 

It ie nekt eaid to have been error to s4mit in evidence 


as S808 

mM EBA Fee"? taker cates Buses 

PEGE OR sana boda sas, 
, #2 Lisgqa 


Apases & 

WorAatuE MORN casesa eh toan.pie 

es a avenmot .© SHARR ,WOGKBOt .t mTMuat 
010° ALT ey ag fie sadaationeh J ART Ae 

cian a hae 

rdaued to boosh « eeeleerot of Lihd « potht dmontasqued mn 

ante cred ante al todeom a od beyae tor ines nat bo te? ote" o* 
«btoooe at setood ® gulhanmmeoss droget & obam btm onebive ‘praed , 
@xow Sxeqet OM? of anelsqooxe piild eat ‘Ye ‘rewrite “end athe rome Jy 
“donqae atoubae'teb dobte wot't ,boradas eetoeb # baa bole 

gourd ex? angie listo staat natoh ost “d show ‘galog dort? elt 
etcted mlat saw Suasiyhoiwentos oat Jatt havory boys tiv odd ao bows 
from eit oboe Hedow And od? to woltte an saw odw obideq croton « 

Tae aR oe y aN 

ene Bs sa 

to woltie we sew otidug qtsdon oat fact Qoore ¢ on et 
saet oolt suk Edy # saw od bottiieed ef stand of? at tebiodie 
ddwoh ew baa ,bofin ef eons of = sinad ext to Sanmeteqed meek atatee . 
toc Bxolo » <t Snamghotwouten me saith yath hen “hot he! ad bitwise ons th 
biioval al daomwrdent ony ab boteows tat’ ettate. * onee 
“tastt osmebive tuegaques om af avedd fet bodteene sxon ok 9% | 
| statiaowe at enegies 10 Rotem yroen uote walt he tuomae Bdanhrw ted 
od DePLidend eaontiw ond .tos'tte ahnd of eonphive sigan saw wxed? 
hen fast ban atinbao'teb of7 Yo aoredangte edd atiw waht twat caw | 
aide ynob tou Kih adanhos tC .abeetenghe chad? ered eaten ead divs 
a at ones eion? emisa « podem fonate Semen ,tevewmne =, . Ln 
todon hae boob dautd edt gakeuborsat qd aaliesoong ecunoteorot 
tegen a6? to doltwooms Te toot bas 068 itt Rae iodo 
thod? gulynob xowens otowe # te egannde odd af issusoen toa at ae 
| a ee a ae ror 
“poathive at subs of sere seed ovad of Bien then at # ins Ye 

the application Ter the loan and o supplement therete beacause these 
documents were not set wp in the bill, We de not think the pelint 
ie important as no prejudice could reavit frem taelr introtiection, 
Jennie 7, Johnson teetified that she 414 not sign any oaper. auther. 
izing the bank te hold money for the payment of taxes and these 
docucents were coupetent te impeach tails testimony, 

Defendants reine the question of consideration for the 
mertgage. The record shows that the antire pregeeda of the lean 
were used te pay prier mertgages, taxes and expenses, 

It i euggercted that complainant welved the option to ae 
ece@lerate the maturity of the loan, citing a cause where it was held 
that acceleration must be tisely exercised upon the sosurrenee of 
the default. Trinity County Bank v. Hage, 18) Omi, S64. But in 
the inutent ceee new defaulte ocaurred avery cix monthe, The exere 
eige of the option to saceelerate the maturity was timely. 

Defendante peat aay that there ie ne proof that the mert- 
@agere, decnie J,, and Frene G, Jetmeon, had title te the prenises 
at the date of the trust deed. In Wahi vy, Zeeiok, 77 111. App. 226, 
6 Similar point was wade ond the eeurt held that thiv eould not 
avail the defendants; that ol) that was sought by the bill wae te 
subject to the payment of the indebteiness “whatever tithe the 
mortgagore had, and the extent of that title is not here open te 
inquiry *.* 

Hereover, defendemt Thelmer ¥. Jehngen testified tat he 
wan the present holder and took title subject to unpaid texes and 
the merteage and foreclosure, 

Defendants seem to argue that because no money physically 
came inte their hands owt of the sreceede of the loan, the trust 
deed is set a lien sgainet the preperty. Yae statment of the 
argument refutes iteeif. 

Seme complaint ia sade as to an iter of $652.55 appearing 

| Mast Seasons osetode Show ggue a han neod ond 20% modda | 
/ gudley es Ants? ton ob OY TERM BAP af ge tue _ ton ore nesnmae ob 
sottoubersat ties? aor't thoaor biwes bedoutows ou ae taadroqak at 
stadt .tagad Yas nals 708 bib eda sans ho Ptitees aoansiot .% stone’ 
; a ead bas noned ‘te Padargag en? zo? yemom bLos oF meg, ar path 
' | a eit? deasqut of snadoquos ouew adaocsoed 

edt 29% aoiswtebisnes Ye dolseenp Ont seieor Gana asi: 
Meo ed ‘Io sheoveote eulioe ocd tas? wwesdn bows oft soon ttom 
‘ soonmogxe bun sexe? ,asyagirvem toltq Yue ie eee otew 
Lea bY Wathed old Wevrbw' dant tdhbe” 4d Dibenkbie' cH © “ae 
pied aww $2 Orde enon 2 galito aot bay Yo <irtwiak out cell 
eo doaortives ont nog bentowexe ‘deat of bebx noise canon 
ui txt eed’ tod TRE Lape : ney peace 
aw8x0 eat edd mom nie UIEve betteve adfvetoh won ones Vaivont ext 
1S SS cwahe gale qhMtded od oFexd todbe be wObTEs oft th Pry 
“Levelt oad fad} Yoong om wt otsdd” tad yor txon vtnaburtec “°" ° 
abate ee oa bis ty ben jtowaitel” 0 ameek bin | ie orkt evden 
BOW Veqh 11. 80 [ee koeS ov Laie aT .ohed seabed bee To Sbhb OK Te 
yom pies wkat gens biod trevs bag Bim Obolt Rew dito Sethe se 
“9d eaw Lfie od? yd engboe caw Pend fis dD {honed toh site" Eteiee 
4 edt 9L9L? wevexaue® sdoubstdebnt eirte thienigaly bod OF ohatihh 
‘ co hye ved sou ui ive Dade ro" tanta ond - planar 
rll Ss eee ie 

oe aot” weet 

nt pace Beat Peed abdasiet that mati 
2 | all noma? nanyed ot waded eerhy eoenl on ahi Sa 

_Linoleydty yYeoom ou eanwsel Jak? saya ot owe aFaete a 
Bical ext? ,ahok on) to wheedore oc be Foo warns 
“aah to delhi ate oaY _ ettbeoite one raniags! ett Coe 

em a ee a 

- aakewoeee BE .ReD Yo meet the ef’ al oboie wh on ee 
— ny « od we sem at Shee Stee ef +i sk “s 

is the master's report which it ia sald should not be charged te 
the defendants. The recerd shews that of thie aseunt $104 wae 
ueed te pay insurance premiums om the property and def sndante 
were given credit fer the balaiee ae ahewn in the master's atatee 
ment of aecount. 

Gther eolnte are made whien are not of substantial ime 

The dearee bas been entered, tale bac been Kad end the 
period ef redeuption is raniing, At the conclusion of the brief 
fer comslainant counsel saye, “ren the mowt oharitabie viewseint 
whieh we can aezume, we are wiglily anable te anderetaad the reason 
fer this appeal.”® fhie exeresses our own thougut. 

The degree ia affirned, 


G'Gonner, 7. J., and Satehett, J,, eoncur. 



gg hegtade od Jom btwasts Side ab ¥2 Hitaw dnogen ateddddal Wad m2 

"aadete at tote ald | it atl ed eon tad od te ad eoviy ioe 

aah braner youn te tom ‘te domend ‘eben bend dantoa oat” = 
etd wa dae ig i get i 

“gad baw bad Mood wast ofon oti lo 
sad 4° yatanwe Ob Aon 

‘tekxd edt to solduloass 62 
‘Patogwely aldedixess boom odd aort eee 


“nonaet as basterebas 09 ofdany’ (ilouw sxe ow ,ohumee epee 

uabtaiak stain aes othe pdoregges age. “sual ober 200 
ish a Lite ebb »b watt ead 

ah ch ee , “ice Dovtioivods 84 Deetes Ste bo eg tbat a wth 
sé wie ct odots tenn ba ael¥ar wd "> > ele 

af Bilis hee j weal 0 neve bee [Fe eee cain . 
ie tt pee he” =e Pe ae Te ag al i 
Ae oF ead. ee Rie Be, ce Toa Hee ee a mivoee ae a ney te ee 
ried £0" Pee Tiina es wie hl 
F gee saaiw™ “aie ae eR Me Rape Peas eae” ros | a 
oe Bbcs ered cae Wi WORE) how iw Peete WY ee aiieh Wesnsiod om 

ee eK gant 0 Wiad pent Bie) a pepe At 

Me eer eas Be Ne We RE ee wi Eu P pgnalininty th abe 
wheats @ Rant Seb web idan oath 

iy (preter lh We Yaa” Ree A ee eee i: vb 

uth had a Vb sherk whe te Pie a ae ee 

eee a Vetere eae CR ee POOR het eee ae ‘bre 

: eeie ee teenie 

; | PN i ape ise Ti OT aS Dik ane 
views BE eee te wart he OF Ra eho OS AS eopeniow aii 
2 . . eo er 

$7836 \ fp 

Adminietrater of the Estate ef AUBH ¥, 
VASS, Deceased, 


ean (orPAL 
GOUAT OF y up fe 
2 { 9 I.A. 617 




Rush ¥, Vase brought a suit against defendant claiming « 
balance due of $19,490 on account of hie written contract with 
defendant, The jury returned a werdict for plaintiff ror $12,000; 
defendant appeals from the judgucnt thereon. 

After suit wae commenced bat before trial plaintiff died 
and the Trust Gompany of Uhieago wae duly sypeinted administrater 
ef hie se2tate, The deata of the plaintif? wae suggested and the 
substitution ef the adwinictrater wae mute, the clerk of the 
court, in recording the mane of the adninietretor, by errer wrote 
the nowe "She Caicago Trast Company," Upon the trial the plain- 
tiff introduced a certified copy ef the letters of aduinistration 
granted te The Truet Company of uhicage. However, in writing up 
the judueemt the clerk again erroneously entered the name of the 
Plointifr's administrator ae “The Ghicage Truet Company. * 

Defendant in tale court argaes that the judgment in faver 
ef “fhe Chieage Trast Compony* is irregular and void, as the 
preef shows that *She Yrust Sempeny of Culeago* wae the adminia« 

: trator, A mistake in the nowe of the adminietrater is not grounde 

for reversol. See, 6, ebay. 7, LLlinois Utatutes (Cahill) provides 
that mo judgment shall be arrested or reversed fer errer in a name 
where the correct name appeara ence in the procecdings, The copy 
of the letters of aduinistration introduced in evidence is part of 
the proceedings and these shew correétiy the naze of the aduinie- 

i), Rem DRM ue eas if 
7% cS ny 

aan ae 
eat slismtagTod # COONS To VeRO | 
i -% HOUR te eeatat oy * te a 
| Csoueat “ . 
ad atte ; inthe Aye, “gage et a 


,@tano i CAs 

‘ stan Sinq@a at NO ae 
es [ 5 abs ] @ nh war or me ba 3.6 rl Nig a 
or ee | ae 

«THUGS BRT To molurao Gut CRANE Ime peer a Pentelrag i 

nad ah tb 

* anintels fumboy toh ¢ediage diov # tegeetd sea. ho dewh bikie 
_ Bthy toasiaes wetylve ata to samoone ae 9Ob,eLd 2 ub wonnsod 
7099,S46 to" Thivaiels 1 sokbsev # hemetoe Ch eat «taal ie 
Rens Paoaganh oa aos? & Sepqer saat 
both Veivatesg Laixd exoted sad beosnamne gov Stim med tA i f 
( tetessialahs dotaloqas yinb caw egnelad to yanqued suunt oad ta 
gd hae Seanogque saw Trkeatot edt Yo deeab eat wetasen ad Ye 
te ae Lo od Johem gam todettehahahe alt to cobtaphredel 
ie etexe tours ys ,tetertalalaba ea7 to eawa add gabbroset as Ms 

waite ty em Labned edt aggl *.yanquod taut ogevka ect* omen ot im 
— goktextolaiade Yo wrested odd to yeon bette! @ heombordml Tht 

x qw gaiiiew ak ,tevewol .ogental to yneqeed gant oat ot toto 
" edt To tunn out beretas Ylewoonorte mtays ureto eat tamaphat os ee 
y ee 
1G *,yamgae® sewst ogeolsd eX?" as rotendataboibe — okg 

8 torn? tid tanombyt aay tad? evayne Pawo ehdt ah taahoe tet 
aa? we {Slew bas tedegovst of “qaaqued guuret egret at? aat® te 
mahedahe sid ver oyaate® Yo Yavqnod dmunt Omt® te n°  ewouin y tee 
_ehawors toa nd tetetintalube ert Yo vane Sule = satis teball. 

ati . 26 sen eM eidoort00 woith wade ae 1 

trater, Mereover, by order of court all the records in the ease 
were corrected ao a to Kame the plaintiff os The Trust Company of 
Chicago, adminietrater of the estate of Rush ¥, Vase, deceased, 

Plaintiff claims thet under his contract with defendant he 
sold defendant am interest in a patent fer the eum of $25,600, on 
whieh there is 919,400 «till due and unpaid, Befondant replies 
that under the terme of the contract defimdant was to pey the bale 
anee of the purchase price for an iaterest in the patent out of 
the profits of the corporation, and aleo that plaintiff hae breached 
the contract by failing to ageign bis interert in the patent te the 
corporation meztioned in the agreement, 

Ypon the trial the construction of the contract was asubaitted 
te the jury. ‘his was errer. where there is no sabiguity in « eon- 
tract ite interpretation and the rights and liabilities of the parties 
under it are matters of law resting exelusively in the court, Carsten @ 

uo», 286 Tli. 355; Dunn v, Urionfieid, 

se AEA te 

#14 11d. 298, 
Although it was error to submit the contract in question to 

the jury fer econetruction, yet if ite conetruction wae correct we 
would not be 4iavesed to reverse for thig ressenm, as counee) for de~ 
fendant 414 net object bat seemingly acquiesced in the subaiasion to 
the fury. 

Ve muat therefore censider the entire centract, whieh is 
as follows: 

by and between Rush 7. Vase ef thicags, County of Gosk and State ef 
inois, hereinafter ealled the VNDOR and Baward X. Graig of Chi- 
ot aa of Cook and State of Thlineisa, hereinafter aalied the 
: 3 

WITKRSSENH: WHERSAS THR VENDOR ie now the sole owner of the 
tent and all rights and interests thereunder for a new ond useful 
rovenent in ‘Sxpansion Plugs’ originally isaued to Pidridge s. 

Hertem ef CGhieage, Illineis, by the United States and numbered 
1,587317 and bearing date of June 4.0. 1926, ond whereas the VEKDRE 
is desiroue of acquiring an interest in the said invention, Sov, If 

gaan ef? at abrosex ed? Lie fayod to weds0 4 \twroerel \revers 
‘te YaeGuod tavxT sf? en Tisaiele dy comm Of ae oe DeteeTIOO OteW 
qpenpeses ona? .% dent to agnteo ed? Te Tosartad mk wha sogacim 
ot tnahne tos dokw toaxtues etd xabaw sadd emtele Yiteniely 
te ,OGO, URE Ie msm One ‘tol Fastaq a Mk teetefah ma Cnasas'teh bios 
| eee tusbhue tet bhaeeus hme oud L£itn OOb, O29 at wren? Ag dso 
~{fad ed? you of any Para oh soarsnor out To sand aad veda Sade 
to fue tuetaq an? af teexsdal ae tol oslng edadotng oF te sons 
“besisaoxd cad Thitatetq gad oale but ,nokiateqtey elt to est iong ont 
sud 08 fap 204 ‘ea? al ¢e@rsdmd oid aglees oF gakhtat yd somrtaas wat 
 — fitentonge ead ad ‘nus ivmnn annotate 
borttadue now goattace od) to moltoursande ofl Loktd ony neq 
«a0 2 at ytiwgidee on et atid eted® torte ‘eae akat “aot eae os 
aekéteq oud to apbetitdels bas sbayix bad bas sottasmeretak ft sean 
parigted .oss08 edd al elovinw.foxs pone wei 16 ‘teestan ouerth: wana 

~bieiidols? .y save ;606 .1ti 96d | +9080 , 


ot no iseouy a tomttaoe ous thades of rox aw oh dpronsta 

ew doertes sav neltevegancs of) th tex marbsivebanee’ Wt Wei’ ons 
“hb x07 fasuson 20 wORnoT ahd? tot obtevex of bonogale ad tow biwow 
of agtectudas ect? ak besesiuyse vigalaeen seed Brent om hey tit a0 

“eeu! ott 

@k te hite tomziaoe ouksue eas weblanee Dchdantel fan eW 

‘ante ea | 
: et pees cose egies th uae eerie 
wd ae 

ots belles tod icdloved veleabitt ‘te eta Rae ‘hood te 

@if Yo asawg eiow edd wen at FOUARV See Nas ae 
istenu Daa woa a 20% tebiaveneds ateors Se teen wd 
(> «BE gyhdThlE of bowead | Sieaiad ats : a vee 
botedaua bun aedadé 
| SUR eet egonedw bas al enh, 
& 708 .weltonwak Bhow nad ad pene ig 
</ (oongand) SRALRK CAACYGES. BVIG —_— 

(AEOL oh qtscnst 16 cab SY ody abdd ohom Dae 


the VENDOR agrees to #11 absolutely,to said VENDKE, FLYTY-TVO gor 
eent (82%) in the anid invention with ali the rights, tithe «nd 
interest, royolties, privileges and powers belonging or avpertaine 
ing therete, 

If 18 AGRERD that uson the signing of this agreement which 
hereinafter acknowledges obligation and agrees te and eutiimes the 
arrangenent of payment by the VEADER, the VERDOR sagreem to exoaute 
an effectual assignment of FIPLTY-T#O (59%) per seat Anserest in the 
patent se eutlined ateve, 

® corperation in te be formed ond that the VERUOR and VERDRE shall 
@ach execute an effaetual agsignment of bie entire interest in the 
patent to the vorporation and reoeive therefor stock in the eane 
cervorstion in prerata value of hie interest. the presesed naxe of 
the ¢orperation is “Herton Yoeden Sxpeneion Piug Cs.' 

PAYRERT by the VSNDEE te the VENDOR is to be met ae fellews: 

THIRTY<FIVE HURDRED (93,860) dollere tn cash on date of 
this contract together with twe notes for of THOUeAND ($1,600) 
dollare each bearing same date, first sete payable siaty days from 
date, eecond note payable one hundred and twenty days frem date, 

Tue VeEDES agrees te advance fundies to meet paynent on axrder 
for $00 ,00UG sete of Aarton Yoodon Bapaneion Pluge, s@ per eontract 
of VEBDOR with Sidridge H. Herten of Amelia, Va, 

Shipment to be made as follewe; 100,000 sete ef plugs shipped 
during the month of February, and $0,000 each month thereafter 
wntil the total amount has been whipped, Ghipsents are to be made 
with invoices which shall bear dating of not leas than thirty days 
from receipt of goods, The eoet agreed on this order is te be 
twelve deliare (912.00) per thousand, hie coat is to be antered 
om the books of the gorperation ae cost te it and credited te the 
VEBDBE'S persenal account. 

TRE VARORR agrees te advance moneys fer the current ox 
penees of the functioning of the corporation, in aainialning a 
representative office, advertising, sad saierics to sulemen, sane 
to be charged the corporation ond credited to the VEREEE, 

fo further liquidate the obligetion the VEkEDuE agrees te 
Let all returning principal, together with o11 orefite ereditable 
te him remain intact, «nd pay the eame over te the VaDUR until, the 
balence has been cleared. 

iH TMSTIQORY SHEREGP, Ye have hereunte eet our hande aad 
geal this 7th day of January 4.0, 1051. 

Kush °, Vas pet 
@ITNESS: % & Craig ( GAL 
A. ¥. Howe,* . Edward M. Craig." 

Prom ite consideration we are of the epinion that tne de- 
fondent's interoretation of the contract wast be suatained, 

Evemining the centraet a8 5 whole, whieh we mast do te 
arrive at ite weaning, it will be neted that while the vendor, Vass, 
for a coneideration of $25,000 egress to sell te the vende, the 
defendant, 52 per cent interest in the patent for the *‘exoansion 
Pluge,* there is no unconditional agrewsent of the vendee te pay 
this ameunt for this interest. 

The third elause refers to the provision, “which herein- 

\ RTL) amet 
r ; Ce ee 

‘oq OWP-¥TEIT , SRCMRV Kies of Vere a of avenpe SOCWEV 
bam piste y tae om iin tiv notganrval bine ak (28g). 
@ gntgholed eisvey sigelivite i Stayer feos 
Seite guveestge oie Yo yatugie on igo CawBA i 
ec? eeniisas bax of aeetyge ban eo 
adueeee 6 erate Get srt end yd p72 ee te Enenogawra 
ee ab Jeotsdnd Pawo TOG (eee } “VRTATTAIY Yo. 2 

4 oun iat cee bie ae rr iatos 
dads BRANV Soe SOGMKY ode yd GeOTe An 
Liasin Se ee eeraly tis” tsll “tel Paes el ee edtcoeeene 
ods at taowdal exisae eld te Jonangloee tavteo De ag eésnene cane 
eats ef? at toate xotetett pags bite : esas 6? daeteq 
to gama eer tt. od = .tuotodal o 6 Okay ataiote 
7 aug natant cy aotral’ ef nol taceqroe ¢ 

teveiict an tem oy - oh ROGRRY +e 
ta efe® ac demo ek ate ties (008 "Ee erent etree 

(000, 4¢) GHASUONT HHO. xed anton owt atin wasitenes towetiine. 

abet ayad tixiten eitayer Sten fattt ,etad emma evga ted done rh r= 
-otab o0%t ayab yldews bas hethaul ono Sten tenant 

tehec me Saeuyeg team oF aba? or ype As Tk 

£4 agte 
Soansaoo TE an ae siete aoe menery: ell moda tne eine Og oat 

bouqidce eyalg Lo atea 000,004 towosie? eraee eae oe 
torneo? KtHom tease oon, 08 bra , at ‘ 

-_ be dee at "hea eee 23 act two. tas Steves f 

od of sl tebe aiad ae beexge tees oat por 
oo Letegen ed Ot at 2008 elt ~ baeevodd tog a 60,6 os wuel 
_ was 08 bediboxa be G2 ef seme a8 aol 

“<e dno s1K9 eas %Ol Syenom semevbe oF 
 Ҥ gabtiattlan al ,Mostetocted eft td putes 
tee ,eewmeios oF suitseian ban ,palelsne ifat 
SAAS ad? of tocbh ans hae aclfaitoqtoo 803 begued 
8 @oetne RAHA ene Meitegl ide emt @ gr TST: cgi 
ehdatihets asttete Ile adie tittegos giontee sal 
eet chdean KOGGEY on? OF KEVO fmt Ot} wnt baw re hy % 

bie hans tue see etnworen gras ot soneien. i Luge 

eeOL tlk geese bs Ad ges , 
= eee .% dap cab ve eae pM 
hit ) gto? Jae bite: te kg 

" 3istd .M biewbhd j ape or ea? 

~oh eat Gasis wolnkye silt ‘to ote ow Sota tenon 592 nox’ e 
Aentatens od Jaume teec@ang ef7 te  matatonerstad wn at 

al dup a baw “é 
ny i) cael ee 

gue er exe Chit tot we a Like * ssh sada t ‘ovin 

eae tL ee. 
ans ce S 7 

after scknowledges obligation and agrees te and outiines the arrange} 
@ent of payment by the VANORE.* This clearly indlestes that we must 
heok farther into the contract to ascertain what "the arrangenent of 
payment by the vendee”* may be. 

It is next previded that a cerperation Le to be formed, to 
whieh beth the vendor snd the vendee shail ansign respectively his 
entire interest in the patent, recelving stock therefor, 

The next provision “outlines tae arrangement" whereby the 
vendee is te pay the vender for the interest in the patent. It says 
this payment "ie te be set ae foliews.® There is to be a $3500 gaye 
ment in cash ond two notes for 41606 ench, paynble 60 ond 1# days 
from date, The vendee then agreea to advance funde to weet eupenees 
on an order of $06,000 sete of expanelon pluge as per a pending con- 
tract of the veuder, The cost of this order wae agreed upon and it 
Was agreed thie coat was te be entered om the bowke of the corperae- 
tion snd ereditedA te the vendee’s perecial seccunt, 

The vendee ales agrees te sdvanee money for current expenses 
ef the corporation, including e/fice rent, advertising and ssisrics, 
apd these amounte ore to be credited to the vender, 

4nd, finally, the contract provides that "Yo further Liqui- 
date the obligatien” (referring to amy Welamce due on the contract 
price of the interest in the patent sol¢ to the veridee), the vendee 
agreed that oll of the imeene, both orincipsal and prefite coming to 
him frem the business of the corporation sheuld remain intact, te be 
paid ever te the vender, Vass, untii the balenece of the contract 
price was paid, 

These worde ere unasbiguous and cléesriy mess that the de- 
fendant would pay the balance due the vender by reesiving eredit 
fer the advances just stated, the balance te be paid out of the ine 
eome coming to defendant from the business of the corporation, 

The evidence shows that in addition te the initial paynent 

“ad vn shan nes ve : lt | 
of ,hemca ae asad amb soxooroen daald abl veg tae eek at we av 
eka YOUitoogaot agian Linge ashaev eff bre wens oait sdod ie Rete 
“ "(arterial aloota waty teow starting ons ah tenaetat ‘ocd 
i ans esatnety * tee QaoTS oad evadsttue” aotakrotg ston eat 

a yen at cdnang ed? at seeuntad od? 10% cotnev aay gag OF ar onder 
eae 00RBE A od of oh axedT *.awelior da adle'nd ot 'WA™ tnomigdy ahah Re 

en i 

eeab OBL ban 08 sfdaqey «snes O9OLE wel eaten wnt Aid dna ah Ye a 

aenunque deem of ahast eoanvia of aveiaa nedlt oHbKOY Ott” ae e 

~A09 gathoeg « svq aa Syulq doleangxe “te. ‘ehoe detticy:.; | 

th baw aoee beatys eau Tob te aide Le faod ont .x0be: 

natonts: wy te adeod edd fe betodim a oe ‘eaW. “std pin AS 

q |. ation teaeaieg at tebunt 8at of botteete.t “ 
whaeoene' smopawe tel, yeaon eaaseha oF obras. oaks pohoee oi nee 

cL all al 
veokrates bae aatetsrevde Lape atte p Sanetint Lee uitad C798 . 

whupik tedeie't of” dad? ashiveta, toastaos ae yetteaty ont ne ie 
toattnes oat aq Oa peaks ye of gatrretet) “aoltoghido ot eteb 
oobaey eat , (webaDy bu9 6) Bho tasteq adt ak seanodhk end YO woke 
' oF palaws ati teng dae tegioatag dtgd ,omooat om? to fie tadt beonge 
OS OF .doetak mtames bLuods moLtesoqien Mt te sepminad of? are ate 

dpprtaen oct, 20 gnaeled ond Siam ona, «Ahi a ae drm 

"altace: nats ‘te casas. ote. + sort taabseton oy 

woaysg tatttnd oat of molsinne at tas ewes ponenive » - 
Wi debccanllh ® ‘i 

of $5500 tn eash and the twa notes of 1000 each, which were paid, 
@efendant advanced, on account ef the expenees of the sontract for 
$06, G00 sets of pluge and for current expenses of the corporation, 
between $7000 and $8006, The jury correctly conatrued the contract 
in thia respect by allowing defeniant eredit fer these asoeunte, this 
awarding plaintiff $12,000 inetend of $19,400, cluimed by im, 
fue jury, however, did not ao fer enough and sheuld have 

gonetrued the last provision as we Keve indicated. fhe evidence 
aheved that the corporation never made any profit but that there was 

a ‘\ @ lees ef asp roximately $8006, There was, therefore, no income coming 

Hiv / te defendant out of whieh he ovuld vay the balanee ef tae purchase 

ai / prion get —eewtese 

y another factor whieh necessitates a revereal of the judgment 
ie the failure of the vendor, Vase, to keep hie agreement to seaiga 
ever to the enrneration hie 44 yer cenit interest in the patent. There 
was testimony that he wae repeatedly recuested te do se, wid that ke 
replied “he waa coing te held off to see hew it went, tbacause under 
the patent iaw, if he held it new, be still had « right to «tart a 
separate corporation with hie interest in the patent, ® 

Ver the reason that the contract provided that defendant 

would poy plaintiff the balenee «hen his profits, aecumuleted in the 
treseury of the corporation, should be euffieient te pay, sad there 
were no profits, and beonuse, alac, plaintiff decidned te carry out 
Bis agreesent ase to the aseiguient of ble toterest in the patent te 

the corporation, there can be ne recovery in this ease. 

Defendant made a motion at the elose of plaintiff's caac for 
a 4irected verdict for defendant, ond sigo after verdict fer a judge 
ment non obstante verediets. The lsiter motion should have been al-~ 

lewed. the judgment is therefore reversed, and, a8 upon a oroper 
eonstruction of the contract and the undisputed evidence plaintifrr 
cannot recover, the cause will not be remanded, a 


O'Comer, *. J., amd Katehett, J., concur. 

} shiag wus fo hate hae GOOLE To softon owe? ono ben dene ad O8UTE to 
gt Poatdaed edt Yo weumeqas odd ‘to taboos mo, bookevba thande toh 
' \aaddeten x00 aay Io aoe mare fisoitse tet son vant 'e wiee 000 cod 
‘Goartacs od byuvtanco yLtoottee Ytut, 6HT 00085 baw OOOTE asented 
bat ,otaveun enont vol Sihove tanbas hb aulve in yw teseuet eidd at 

ye aaa “a bemtelte ,OOb 0£0 Yo bartank ood 289 ‘bsahaty noe 
ovail “Aioode “ban elgivons wet oy don bah (covewot jvant’ ont’ ech fiat a 
eomebive ot sbedadibak evad sw ad Holelvorg inet” aid be 3 

aoe eeestt Sart tod dPtore eae ‘haan seven no bse togred ode ‘pasts bowedte 
aalsion eaceat on o ete rons ae “ome 00088 vindentzoreee to ano. ; % 
’ te 150 nasa o 

Ly ie 

sansiorac ou? te eoaated sry ye | woo ea so ete 

 daemptut ais ‘to Lap taver ” assashoenona ie bie ‘aodent wa ton eee 

agheoe at dusmnetge ali qeest ot oan \tohaey ‘oat Yo haebtit lt a 
ered? dagdng est af tootetal gion 199 bd ahd Herter 
OA Sad? bam ,en ob of bodeonper Ubsdasaet 


ag daadn 0d dight « bod Sikte of ywom 31 bei od 18° 

; lec * davteg odd ak teoreaad aha athe aolieveques | 
fashaetoh todd bebivose teaxthes bad’ shia” noehet’ ‘jae ‘i 
ods al boda Luawoos eadtioxwg ald tote wodated oi? ‘ube oe seed 

_— exestt bin weg of Faole Mive od shvode ,notban 
| i erie oe bosk Soot Vidinlote ante ‘seaunoed baa eh ion 
o. on fenbee aid ab suewsad wid to treaia hoes edt 0 ood bubknne 
‘( ,  \wewe aad al yrevoves on of now emi wohter 

wot chase a Tt ivatety Yo euele ome te Aothen & abom dun! 
3 @ tet dolbiey t20ts opie baw ,@aebaateb wot Solin 

aged ered hisede auldom enw oat 

ae m3 aka couebiv’ gm a ont? Bite | Sis “oe 
4 -) ghekuser ad fae tone. Seren 
i; ah s re fy a . 

AROS ia yl 

Ws Gad a FY Ch. ae aera a ye ik aa nal 

%, : 
ec ee a all 


TR cece 


a corporation, 



279 I.A.617 


@ corporation, 

att irae eee ett ela in eal 


On February 23, 1933, plaintiff, as the contractor, 
commenced an action in assumpsit against defendant, as the aub- 
contractor, for damages for the claimed breach of » written con- 
tract, executed by the parties on Deecmber 15, 1951, for the doing 
by defendant of the general excavation work and the removal from 
the premises of all excavated materials for a new office building 
for the Illinois Bell Telephone Company at 1333-45 Yest Monroe 
street, Chieago. Plaintiff's declaration consisted of a special 
eount and the commen counts, to which originally defendant filed 
@ plea of the general issue and two special pleas. ‘Gubsequently, 
after replications had been filed, defendant filed two additional 
special pleas and a plea of set-off, to which replications alse 
were filed. Plaintiff claimed damages in the sum of $5,549.52. 

‘The cause was tried before a jury during November, 1933, at which 
much oral and written evidence was introduced by the parties, 
resulting in the jury “finding the issues for defendant and assessing 
defendant's damages on ite set-off at the sum of $200." On January 
22, 1934, defendant moved that the court remit from the verdict the 
gum of $199.99, the remittitur was allowed, and the court sntered 

judgment against plaintiff “for damages in the sum of one cent, 

’ Pa eh ee 


a fed , 

| a 

| Sa Cees OO atte 

} | I iad 
RIGSALS MOAY JASTIA ettiallogga peri 


PLO A ess | pst 

2 Sarr Pewee 

THUGS DHT TG WOIRIIO ANT Ararviaea Year nOreUt cera sat 

erodonrdinoe off os ,Tiliaialy recy 288 vis 

~dyo off wa ,taabroteb tentape iisqmumas at nettss na a 
“neo nedsixw « to dosetd hewtalo of x0 eonennh mhi9 otoa' 

moult Isvomst edd bas izow nettevsexn teneeny a8 > faahe 
 gatb£iud pot22e wr a vot afettegan hedavaoxe tts to apakensg ot 
somes tye" nachind. nna eater Sak a | 
istooqa 8 20 bedutenoo voltoraleoh a'titiaielt »ogaeddtd .teents 
‘bell snabae teh ULlesiudxe dobiw o¢ ,atnuee sonme end bun doo 
eUisneupendse .aaetg Letoeqe owe bre owaek Lonmaep ed? to alg 
isneisthbe owt beftt tacbavteb .heltt seed bed anhtsetiges udts— 
cade enolismaigot dotedw od ¢Yte-toa io seig.o hme aaelq dalvogs 
+88+Ob0,29 to aus acl? ot segemeh bamtalo Pt isekelt bE etow 
dotde 30 @2S0L eyodmevell gaisah yxwl # excited bebe gay enna as 
vuokimeg ent UF Seoubordat caw sonshive nevi ban f a 
Bitegons ban sndbitetes ror wedeat: td pack tt 2 gates 
exaunal a9 *, 008 Yo sum edt to Yo-don oft mo sotianah tyne i 
b nd tekkeoy edt moxt 3 imo due > osts hast? have itis" Yee 

" petesne tuwoo ents bra showers sew ‘ewes die eats | 0080828 20 sa | 

’ Fo be eh prey eT a 
einoy ono Yo mun ed? mt wememab 102" ‘telat faces whet iy 



end costs of suit." Plaintiff by this appeal seeks to reverse the 
A eopy of the sub-contract sued upon wes set forth vere 
vatim in plaintiff's special count, and on the tricl the original 
was introduced in evidence. It is on a printed form, drafted and 
in common use by it in its business a5 a general contractor, but 
before its execution certain additional provisions were added in 
typewriting - one to the lst paragraph and another to the 24th 
paragraph. The present controversy arises largely because of these 
provisions, which in the lst paragraph may for convenience be termed 
the “rider” or the “five day clause," and are av follows (italies ours): 
"It is underetood that the contractor (plaintiff) is to 
earry on its work on this job in certain trades on the 0 ag 
peeiee commonly known as the Landis Award. <And the ei igi 
defendant) agrees to carry on his work with Union mech and 
2 of 

hereby guarantees that there will be BOS 0 sie 8 ware for 
any reason heaps ttt and haved subcontractor ther agrees that 

shoul ee xyeluge to work on this job, in 
3 event he will secure other men 6. mplete the w and if he 
faile to penuae Mi Fk al thin five days after any stoppage, the 
contractor, at his option, can take over and complete the sub-con- 
tractor's Seite as he may see fits at the expense of the sub-con- 

tractor, using the sub-contractor's equipment for such completion 
without charge." 

Im the 24th paragraph, after it is wtated in printed type 
that "the sub-contractor shall complete the several portions am the 
whole of the work comprehended in this agreement by and at the time 
or times steted below," there are the following provisions in type- 
writing, which may for convenience be termed the "“4-hour eleugce® 
{italies ours): 
efter not sittansion by ve comnnoed tthtn, twenty-four (24) aa 

. It is further understood and agreed that the sub-con- 
tracter will pny the general excavation as directed, within 

four tece (14 any3 fa Soe a a Ok and shail instali the 
equired er of steam ¢s s an equipment necessary to accomplish 
this purpose.” 

tm plaintiff's special count, after alleging the execution 
ef the sub-contract on Pecember 15, 1931, it is averred in part thet 


eft ogxevex of aceon Ieoqce aids yd Titeniali “stiwa te adaoo bane 

+ Srigary hal, 

“sey siixet dee caw noge bewe sootingo-due eft to ygoe A 
fentgixo ef? Lait? en? no bas .tra08 fateoeqa s*tiisatetg at mtéad 

bne Bed torh yoret bedntny 2 m0 at 42 .ebnehtve et toowboxtad aw 

dud yxotootdsos taxoneg # aa anomthied 438i HE $2 YC eau sonmos mt 

gt bebbe stew emoleivotg Lanoléibds sintieo mobiusexd ‘etl exroted 

Adds etd O8 tosidens tne Aqsipexag dof edd 0d Ono, - gatitaweays 

Sued? to caltsoed yLegtal noalita Yerovortsoo tmovezq eff .lgexpeteg 
heared ed oocoinevnes ot Ysu Aqetgetaq Jal edd of dod. »enelatvorg 
s(amwe aotisd!) ewollot ca ota hue ",onuelo yeb evil" ed? to "rebts" and 
a al setshcese) tosoardmoo od Jods Nha at g 

edé mo sebetd mingree at + we ¥ 
astinoe-dua end hes sbtewA aibned OD « 

Laid sith xo nist : lin 
peed squose en o¢ ILkw aes Gey wed 
aGO7Ba TOMI INI IolostInoodus : 
nt ped aad no x 53° ys 

te eas ag das 
edd «Da code w oriette vat vit au iiw x ys whe 
“10 ont etelgace bus : omar , 

=itbe ene eay to ORnegnre a sa goa ; 
neiielques dase sot stay olliny a Tpatnashenerdne a Cae 

ro bw 
eet he ted xq at hodete ef 92 teste qXkgetgetney gee ost’ Wt ei nerd 
edd to anotdveg Lsvovee ote stelquon Linde sotoorinoosdue edd” ads 
‘ot? oft #6 bas ye tnomeotys ald? at hohebrterqmoe stew ott Bo ‘eLedw 
ou! at anoleivotq getwolfot oiff wre wend “,woled hedadw semty co 
“enue ‘stod-bO” ond bourfed od eenorme yee TOY Yout do kee yyntetrr 

enge~dis eid tard oe — santaen z 
y se go Rm ee evegie ed 
+ | bre £ 

“me itupexs eds prize Lhe x08ts ‘stnuvs > tatooge stitontadg at ti : 
is 0 Eg o> she 
cine Ta gi bexvtovs at ry; 1450 ad ‘todas 9044 so doettnoo=dus teastesotns ad te 

te LT cntaigs "danas sit Sard, 


“on or about Deceniber 24, 1931, plaintiff notified defendant to 
Commence work under the contract within 24 hours efter the receipt 
of said netice;* that defendant failed and neglected so to do; 
that thereafter, “on December 29, 1931, plaintiff netified defendant 
in writing that by reason of its failure to carry out the provisions 
of the contract, plaintiff would proceed to employ others to do the 
werk and would held defendant liable for domages suffered by it by 
reason of such failures" that thereafter “plaintiff contracted with 
the ValparaisoConatruetion Co. to de the work called fer under the 
contract at a cost of $6,365.82;" that the total yardage exonvated, 
as determined by a cross-section plotting, amounted te 6020 cubic 
yarda; that by the contract defendant had agreed to make the exeavations 
on a basis of 80 cents per cuble yard, amounting to $4,8163 that by 
reason of defendant's ects ani its breach of the vontract it has 
become lisble to plaintiff in the sum of $3,549.52 (the difference 
between $3,365.52 and $4,816); that plaintiff was always ready and 
willing to perform ite part of the contract; and that by reason of 
defendant's failure end refusal te carry out ite terms, plaintiff 
has been damaged in said sum of $3,549.52. 

in defendant's original two special pleas the defense is 
in substance that no demage was suffered by plaintiff. in one it is 
averred that plaintiff was net obliged to be put to the necessity of 
paying any sum in excess of (4,816, for the cost of the work, ete. 
in the other it is averred that the amount of $3,365.52, paid by 
Plaintiff for procuring the work to be dene, wis in excess of the 
amount for whieh it, in the exereise of ordinary diligence, could 
have procured persons other than defendant te have done the work. 
Defendant's twe additional special pleas set forth other defenses 
which were not stressed upon the trial. Defendant's main defense, 
atrenucously urged upen the trial, is also stated in ite said plea 

<= ; 

od tnatuotsh bettidon Yiidatale .LE@L .d8 cedeed s¥eds 6 oO" 
éqiavs« sdf s92%6 ered Mi middiw foatiaes ond robs Mvow eomemmbe | 
feb OF we Setoelgen dae belie? teinbmeted dad ";aotton biee Yo 
duabaeteb hettiven tilsesely ,Lo@l eR twodmooed no” gteeteoned? Sade. 
anotatveca ef? ino yrtag of owhiat wk Yo noeeon Yd dade gateiar mb 
oa? ob ef etenes yolqnus of Soeotig Sivew Wiinialg .deetéaes ait To 
eS #2 YS bovs¥tue segausd vel oLdeil tnanoleh RLod bkwow dee ateew 
dgiw bedontinen YtLinkadg® sodYeoreds eadt "yorulted down to menaet 
add tebew cot BoLlas Arew odd eb o¢ .00 mohioussaneDosistegie’ efé. 
chedsvanns sgabtey tadod od? Sanlt "488.806.6¢ To tae0 w to doausano: 
Gidas 0860 #8 bedawens yynlsIody nokioue-eneTo o Yd benimeoted an 
enoliavacxe or: aku of hoonge had sehnotes Souttnoe oe ye dads AOS, 
xd tesa qogeune of gotinnese «bret edie xeq npn! Ae 2 ae 

Wuttatety vow? off two yume of Lenutot bas outa ats sat 
88. @dBy 8 to musa bias at ponent need oat 
ad oumetob orig eae ta Latoace ows Lonte!te 2" taboeteb - ‘alate 
ai #2 eno ml =. Tttémtele ye here tiae Rae epgamsb on tadé sonazedie ak 

to YWisaecer: odd of tuq od oF bogttce Jom ane Ditentstg tants dads boreers: 
i Se y RS 
1999 qltew wad Yo teo9 cul? 102 .918,58 Yo uno at ae ws borat 

dk: 5k: sinatss akeabscaas ot 40 eamaleaaaae ete 

bive® .ouneniith Cieskhte be stoners eld at ingens rs) txvemn 
AxoW sls 9n08 ova 0% seahanto® made oto 1 bes 

“penneted combo £670% foe vende hadvegs inmesehien ont pelea 

( gaknetOD mtaw aténebae tea cubed ott inte Nititir'Heat'Guay Meter 

 sedg Bhow aft mt betade oats at kebrd aay Ogu beats etiownode 


of aet-off, in which it is averred in substance, 

that defendant was ready and able to perform the excavating work » 
required to be done by it under the contract, when notified to 
ity according to its terms; that plaintiff, in violation of said 
terms, “entered with men, machinery and equipment, of plaintiff's 
own procurement and hiring, upon the work," undertaken and agreed 

te be done by defendant under said contract, phen dese than ea 
“ ereviaed for in said contract, whereby defendant was ered 

and prevented from performing the work to be dome by 1t under anid con- 
tract, slthough it, “within less than the period of 5 daye,” was ready 
and able,” with a full force and equipment of machinery and union 
mechanics," to perform all the work required by the contract; ani that 
by reason of plaintiff's conduct and its breach of said contract, and 
Mos no fault of defendant, defendant was unjustly deprived of 
large profits, and suffered damages. 

On the trial plaintiff's principal witness was ite president, 
Robert F. Yilson. several other witnesses testified for it, including 
ite superintendent, Fred Nelson, ami several officials of the 
Valparaiso Construction Co. Defendant's principal witness was Thomas 
ie Russel, its secretary. Other witnesses testified for it, including 
Lloyd B. Little (business agent of Local, 150, international Union of 
Hoisting Ungineere, affiliated with the American Federation of Laber) 
and George Long (a steam shovel engineer and » mewber of said Local 
Union.) Several letters, passing between the parties, and other 
writings were introduced in evidence. The material facets disclosed 
are in substance as follews: 

On December 24, 1931, plaintiff sent a letter by registered 
mail to defendant, which was received by defendant on Saturday, 
December 26th, - the day after Christmas. The letter, after referring 

te the contract of Deoomber lbth, ia ae follows (italies ours): 

You are hereby notified that oe site wil Lea: 

for you at 7:00 AsMey Monday, Decomber 28th, 1951, and that 

we desire you to have your i.uipment on the premises at Set time, 
reacy and to proceed with the completion of your cone 
Tact without further delay. 

Ve are advised by your Representative, Mr. Russells that 
Chauff are on strike ageinst this particule 

We wish to eall your attention to the paragraph contained 
rider (or s’ elause) attached se bee contract, 
pEOVsC2Ne 10% contingency Of strike or refusel of any of your men 

This is to notify you that unless you can settle your 


sgonsdadva mt beztevs et oa do kdw ai ,tie-sea to 


gator aritavaoxs eft mxetzeg of elds brs ya" 7. denna sb aie 
e of Doreen now ,foeitnee ee tebrw 3 33 
biee to notiafety as avthiete le jaeld Ye J ak i Pt ets sat x0 a 
Mensng ony aotecedt te gy pene 
nedatis tow 
hott web Hud ee Ranh: cia na, Som 
hoxeba aaw inebneteb Ydeternw atostines weber nk tot sbabtvert 
ange bine’ rebel $f WS GOW v6 OF Bebe esd getavotvog 
yYsor sow "yuyoh @ Io belteq add madd aeotl niddiw® ne 
nots ban Ytentioas to tawgtvps baa evr? roy 
gods bee ptoaxdnoo od yd betinpet drow oft Iie srotaeg 02. -solmtoeg 
fan ytoatines biae io dovexd efi hme Jowbnoo a EEL 
Xo beyizqoh wAsemins anw sunbwoteb staabreteh bo via Bodom on 
swegamah bertetinn bas qrettony 
einebieotg e3i sew auentiv Leqienite eitivnialy Latwd aR was 
guibyfont qél xot bektiveos wocaehtiw welide Larevet »noalit, .% dxeded 
git to aLatottte Iarevee tee «moalel bev .sapbnesmtaoque abt 
” Gao? cow eaondiw Legtontsy a*2aubso%ed 400 moktourianOd patsneetel 
gnébufont (ti vot beltitsed wossenthw xeds0 etetenose ett «fonantl od 
to nolnt! Innvtisrredad .O8L Looe Xo sdnoys umonkued) esedel» & frgekl 
(xedht Ye noijawbe% sasitems edd diiv betalittis .otoesiged gnidatell 
Invok bine ‘to sedwew 4 bas veontgne Loveds wsose, ab 20m sore de 
povofoeth vdoet Lobistem off soemobhve nt heoshortmh ore palette 
led smveilo? asa eonodadue ob one 
botesaigot W totfel a Ince Yitdmiely .L6€L «OQ aodaseed 10 ) 
eysbtnded Go Miehnsteb yd bevieost cow sdoldw seantuniee: ot them 
gilureter wdte «zeddod ed? samm@aiutd tedte Yebiedd + fdas redineqoT 
, vivpaatath aoiiadi}) awoilet sa xf _.A0Gl todo ont te toortmms ade oF 

| ON. gis Gn | 
woy 20% ; t 

2 toHTIN 09 8 

aux ofiden noo woy enetny tod? woy Yttion oF at ait 


labor tro — @ arrangementa te preesed with thie contract 
aes specified in the contract, we aha ¥ 
@ | th whatever equipment and men we gaa are 

oe ape ane conditions may be necessary in order to "sianaeke 
this Exeavation and that we will charge to your account any expense 
er cost of this work over and above the 80 cente per yard ealled for 
in the contract to your account and teke any icgai steps necessary 
to collect any balanee due us because of coat for the work over and 
above the 80 cents per yard prescribed in the contract. 

We would appreciate your advising us by return mail just 
vhat you propose to do» so that we may net be put to the expense of 
Ordering 2quipment to the job, if you can arrange to go shend w 
She contract 

Immediately after the reeeipt of this letter defendant » 
by ite representatives, took steps ito overcome the labor troubles 
that it was having as to the particular job, and of which troubles 
plaintiff had been advised. iumerous talephene conversations were 
hed with representatives of plaintiff regarding the progress being 
made therein, but on Tuesday afternoon, Decosber 29th, (about one day 
after the time that defendant hed been directed by plaintiff to start 
work), and without avsiting the outcome of defendant's negetistions tw 
overcome said ishor treubles, plaintiff entered inte a contract with 
the Valparaiso Construction Co. for the doing by it of the exeavation 
work, and on the seme day caused oy allowed that company to move its . 
equipment on to the job-site, ready for work on the fellewing days 
That compeny was a non-union Landis «ward Company, and did ‘emergency* 
work. On the afternoon of the seme day (December 29th) Russell, 
defendant's main representative in the ponding negotietiens, had a 
telephone conversction with plaintiff's president, ‘ileon, and 
advised him of the progress of the negotictions, and «tated that the 
outloek of a succesrful terminetion thereef was goed, that the Loesl 
Union was going to have a mecting that evening about the matter and 
that all labor troubles probably would then be settled. in this 
conversation, according to Russell's testimony, Yilson expressed 
indifference as to whether the troubles were settled or net. On 
the same evening said Lecal Union came to an agreement ani directed 

tastiaoo ae Ad dw tee ons Pager cont 
oe Saeig a ¢ ok bekiio 

tinea lupe <eve ey sie € 7 
temas oe sete ro ee Yisvaaron od yaw weokits “OVO? 

enneqn Yne tnueves cusy od egxatin Likw 
Zot holioe huey teq edie O08 geld wyods hak pigs 

Ctansoovor aqede i ene edad bre tewopen * 
bee tavo vite aig tot tuop Ye eewaned ax web 
/ eieetonee etfs tub bth 9 yan. 

ae Distt iti oOo tat eet e 
page eh zt i dA My hy lh 

te nae 

4 bettinate® eebtel ahlt Wy ‘teenead prene (erst iat?” NOR 
eelduert redel edd wmdsxeve of aqedo Kood cabvitednbaWtqer att Ww 
aaidivont dndsw to bem qo, wolwetiray taf) OF ao stitved’ wow ot tail 
tow anoiiaurevese® enolqetnd avotcmt sboatvha ime bat THtkthte 
|. ‘pitted esergeng eile gatbxaget Yekenbale to ebetvannensiqe: dehy Md 
“B® ome svods) .AsGR cedeeoet ygpeonied te yehaont ao tud ynteredd sham 
Sunde of Videntaty YS hedoo rth mood Beit sxnnew'¥ed hdd womb eid eoi te 
oH omoLsndiogan alexetmeteh Ye emosdwe onl? vetstiwe’ duet ta (tov 
Kéiw teotdnod a oink serene Yrktelalq yweléverd pases 6 eT OT 
moksasons ‘alt, Yo 41 Ue SatOb ed AO oo ment Wt  toung tiv bits 


| a hs os em 
pefoexky bus énemotge ae 64 eae molnd Koos 0. 


certain of ite particular men, whom defendant wanted for the par- 
ticular excavating wor§, to go om the job, ete., and the existing 
@isputes apparently were ended, ami beeeuse of this outcome defendant 
ordered ite steam shovel, manned by union meehanies (as mentioned in 
the contract sued upon), te be moved onto the job-site, and te be 
ready to proceed with the exewvation work on Yednesday morning, 
Deeember SCth. On that morning representatives of the ieecal Union 
found the Valparaiso Censtruetion Co. in possession, carrying on the 
excavation work with ite steem shovel and other equipment. There- 
after defendant's further efferts te proceed with the job under the 
contract sued upon proved unaveiling. 

On the morning of Tuesday, December 20th, plaintiff, by 
seid Yilsen as president, sent te defendant the following letter 
{itelies ours)+ 

Following up our ictter to you ef December 24th, we beg 
to advise for aE, ee 

nasmuch an you have mot lived up to the terms of the 
contract of December 15th, “in commencing work Ae 24 hours after 
by the undersigned to you te start wer t e 
appare ignered the notification," and “have thereby failed to 
live to said contract,” it “will be ne ory (7) for the 
ln, Pel to employ others te do the wor supply the materials 
Seiten fer in said contreet, and the undersigned advises you that 
4t will proceed to employ others to 40 said work and supply said 

materials, and will held you responsible and liable fer any ami all 
ged sand om = then kind % gv wy g the terms and_ Se as . yes y 

nb Fac! shargé to you the cost we : 
igned has to euploy ethers te do bedause of your aferesnid 
failure te ive up to the terms of the contract." 

On Thursday, December Slst, defendent sent the following 
letter te plaintiff (itelies ours)+ 

“You are hereby notified that under the terms of the 
contract of December 15, 19351, by and between the undersigned and 
your corporation, wherein the said T. Me White Coe was referred to 
as the Subcontreetor, and wherein it wae covenanted that the 
Subcontractor was obligated to carry on the werk therein mentioned 
—, pechentese a eondition hee arisen between your corporation 

nion jurisdiction over the mechanics necesssry to be 
pa od in eonnsetion with this operretion by reason of cortain acta 
ef yours, er fer which pnt are Bhar gore ppg end as & consequence 

thereef said ill not t seid mechanics te peitoum the 
werk oceieed” waler tiie oa a ge ‘ter the undersigned 


“tog odd spt betnaw dnabneteb sso. mam malenha wee. ork st » nieene. 
gniveine edt bes eoo20 dog ots #0 om OF xen ant a wekuoks 
tnabneted eamotue elds Yo sauncod kus shots orew vituersces ‘lverll 
nt benoltnon ea) goinadoom vote yt bonaem «Lovee moots ait boxsine 
Od 04 dns yatte-dot ost ose hovom od of a(moqy hewm deaxeney ent 
sgcietest Yobsenhe’ mo drew molievacme sale ate een of yhaoz 
rpind Lopod edt to aevitednone wes peterem add mo 908 xediaroe 
ods no yeigrxso «motguoceoq nt .09 motdouts and oetanagta¥ oat baru’ 
-ovedt « dereeng tupe soto na Levee masts a82 thy Sipe mebsevacxe, 
add reheat dot, onl? saitiw beonong 02 sixette roddus’ *'#aabmeton, rete 
sgatitevanys beworg moqe Some to 

ve Mudabala ait eS Tedmn 990) ewabaont xe AEST 9 m0 tow ‘a 
testes gabwetins of? tnabmotoh 0% tnen »tashhoetg o6 a 

: nec) 

ws yes eens i 

gad ow atid as xedms sec te voy 2 xedtos m0 

oie cos ott Sea oS u cmeaant 
drow gatosmmseg at” tedmooes to 3 

TOW Bode st ria Se 03 pers rong ay tf arias { 

oF bette’ getedt eves” VF trey a* 

sateegan gat okt), eau ae ra Bee 0? ben ieee 

jest woy aoutvis bengiatebaw < pd te al x0 ‘etine 
bien oe bin Axvew blag ) dw gh 
iin ime yma tot efdatl rg otehen 

fo bs j ae n@o vex 0% saa 
biaustite 0% to oaweped Ob of a8 
"“eFOStI NOD eda 

ba i menage 

ot ee 

: eds 4p axed ait sole sant ted ‘08 Keeton 
twa bemplatobme et toe i ord 

ot bexeetes saw aod ofr’. < aT pt ty thes ‘nist fy itot 
ent tot teleseetey naw 32 shosentw tre ator se Tea 

benolinos nicredd dcow oe Bo YXtRO beaath ie 

nolsgeteq eo wwoy méswied meelue cat ae ee 2 S Sede 
ed of Visageven seinotoom aft reve anbdbibe Siw give ein off bee 
siog miodtes to aonnet, yd anceonnete ebale dite met mos, nk hoyelqme 
Sotenpesno> o an bh cog ‘rym yl vig = k . ‘ _ = 


You are further nae t>08 that by reason of your actions 
pet acts for which you ar gible your company has made 
impouedb le ous tha i signed e .ubecontractor under ba 

agreement» to proceed” under bhe terms of the contract» 

You are further notified that unless» the conditions which 

by heave caused which have made it impossible for this Subcontractor 

te proceed with the work under said contract are remedied at once @ 
as to permit the undersigned to procead under said centract, the 
undersigned 5 _ eonsider treet ed and 

iable es whic ergsigned 8 sustain by 

Feason of your corporation making it impossible for the undersigned 
to perform its agreement." 

On January 28, 1932, plaintiff sent « letter to defendant 
in which, after referring to the subecontrect of Decenber 15, 1931, 
end plaintiff's letters of Decernber 24th and December 29th, it is 
stated as follows (italics ours): 

"On aecount ef your feilure to proceed with this work, 
in aecord with the terms of your contract, we were ob 
e-let (7) this contract to the Valparaiso Construction Ce. s 
eontracteor has now completed your work in a satisfactory manner 
and the cost to us of this work amounts to $6,365.52 as evidenced 
by the enclosed bill from the Valparaiso Construction Co. 

We also enclose herewith, copy of Cross Section Plat 
pared by He He James & Cos, showing - total yardage for this 
re o) 6,020 yards, whieh, at your contract price of 80 cents 
per yard, ld have coct us $4,816. 

The excess eeat te us, therefore, OM. 89M OS YOME 
are youx contract, amounta te vo,544. 

@: cost an guest ¢ you ac 3 se UB lately he en you : 
opose ° ake care of this ; thee ioe, chould we fail to hear 
rom you within a reasonable time, steting when and how you will 

take eure of this &, we will turn the matter over te our 

attorneys for collection without further notice." 

Counsel for plaintiff first contend that the “verdict 
and judgment are contrary to the undicputed evidence.” After 
eareful comsideration of the evidence, and of the comments thereon 
made by the respeetive counsel in their briefs, we ere unable te 
agree with the contention. 

Counsel for plaintiff slso contend that the verdict and 

judgment cannet be sustained under a proper construction of the 
provisions of the contract of December 15, 1931, sued upon. The 
argument is, as we understand it, that the provisions contained 


ig sats battiven bag vat om ney 
5, Sais Ss TD 3f. a 4 : 
pfigieebail eds at ie dicwogs mogul 2 
gdotee anattitues ed? eae tnw tests bob then tends’ pe a 
Todeextnoodue aidd sol eldiesogut si ebem evadulolew heaves ovasl 

@ gong 3a bolbemex ota doatineo bias tebay Mow of? Siku 
axis ghonvioee. Ate bien pom me te of gy tec we 
A ‘s : as Sir J 

bom toob gel ey vj ome th me oe nD 78 16q 70 “ae te i ae 
Py, fl ath 2 BP aoe 
tngirioteh of tediel s jnec Tilintasg gSS9L._88, gammmel M9909 oo) 
4Lo@L «Sf tadusas% to soazinoedua odd of ambuxehet teste dotdy at 
at 2k .de@S sedaves hae did, tedagoed to eretial£. attthiadade bee 
a (enue noblest!) avoltek ry dodate 
eitow aldi dite beasotg of eufial 3a caved i 
93 bene orow oF ,soatines «oY to eure 
8 205 molioutieme> extereq{aY en? of 2 als 
tonteam yrotostalias & mit dttew iwoy 
hoonsbive as S8.886,6¢ of simone atow ald of ew 92 
400 seltogiisne? oalateqinY oft mort saad 

#s£¢ notdoe% waord to ved wddtwovred 6 i ol 5 re 

aldt cot ogee Ietot a fates 20D 4 p ol ol yd box Tq 
‘ein 08 cc ee : ae 20 ge! 

“ey teats eta bond 

ibe ey weet tie 
ie? ri ey ee 
sha *, ook son * 

xed% = * womebive hedogdinny end OF Y | 

noeteds einomes oft to baa ,oonabive vite be noliazebteneo 4 

oe olden ow ow patelcd wings at ‘samsod ev ie: 
Bhs datas ath jinitd tasdaoe owta hadi x0 fonaued 
a te Ge eA we. Riis nL 

‘eid 26 mahiouiganan tegona, a abe beat nt are Achim inommgbst 

i ita’ Segue ial ‘san bil +s hoa bid 

anata haw ahGRk oIL vodmunot 20 yore, 

ieee fel $ ; SelM e357: : soi S32 s ee) . 
bentetnes wnotstvorg od? dnelt oft pemtoxs how wes baal pad sromgte 


in the 24th paragraph (or 24 hour clause) slone should govern, 
without taking inte considerstion the typewritten provisions 
(er five day clause) as contained in the lst paragraph of the con- 
tract. “e esnnot agres with the contention or thie argument. All 
provisions of the contract should be conecidsred together. And 
we ecammet agree with plaintiff's counsels* further argument that 
the provisions of said “five day clouse," or rider, “do net apply 
to the time that werk shull be co:menced in the first instance, 
but only apply after thea work had been Q ommenced, and there is 
thereafter a stoppage of such serk, in which event the subcontractor 
(defendant) shali be allowed five days to reewme work." In view of 
ail the provisions of the contract, ani considering the peculiar 
facts aad circumstances as diselosed from the evitenet, we regard 
such a conetruction as strained and hypereritieal. And such a 
construction wus denied sy the court, as ts evidenoed by the court's 
medifiestion of plaintiff's instruction Noe 1, as tendered, and 
giving it to the jury as modified. fhe instruction as tendered 
wae as follownss 

"fhe Court imetructs the jury thet the contract dated 
December 1S, 1931, between KR. Fe Wilson & Company and {. Me. white 
Company provides, ameng other things, thot the sub-contracter 
agrees to cerry on his work with Union mechanics and guarantees 
that there will be ao saree tak of his work for any reason whatse- 
ever, and further % should his men strike er otherwise 
refuse to werk on the 3 job, that in thet event he will secure ether 
men t0 complete the work, and if he fails to resume his «ork 
within five duys after any stoppage, the contracter, at his eption, 

ean take over and complete the sub-contracter’s work, as he may see 
fit, at the nag toner of se jects the fury thet. this 

th ~con #ygubcoomtre ctor han eGnanesd 
sunt fe ie Star pedlers Coon 6 

ore ee of the y idence, Of he Vourt, 
ut be. 2: Bite c | mever commented works the said 
Brevision does not apply." 

The court modified this temicred instruction by striking 
out the second clause, (above in italics). Ye de mot think that 
this modifiention constituted error, eo plaintiff's counsel contend. 

Counsel also contend that the court committed reversible 


_ atzeveg bLuede enede (seuedo swirl DA ro) dqoryatng HP dS oda at 

AnOLokvoug geddtaweged sks fo ti ono han i Spee ais kw 
“OD outs 0 dqatgerag sok ote wi bemtsdnes as Sg 

bat’ Seetigonoe heres.tence ef phos doansnge ea te wn - wie 

told 2 6a assttcst teLeanies ort ribs ohh athy 

‘Yigga #@on oh” otebhx 7? *,onuate Yad ovat aren "abhi 

aeatndant text? of? mt beones-oo od fads aebw side amks edt of 

wt ored? bra ghoornmnoh reed bat drow eid sutta vlan eae fut 
odeatimordua ext tmove dotty ef «krow dowa to ggeqgeta » tafbaer 

to wely ni ".dtow amuses of eysh evit tewotia od dada (a 

maltwoog etd yntrod teres tha sfontinod pd 20 totatvoxq od tte: 

rege oon qoonshhys | Wit? ot? teeoLeakd me avonadnanoate we ins sabi 

> £ peu bre fasts tieregysl bow bentoste \ae cattoucsene® 4 sous 

e'tuues pdt xe beopobive at 2% atzmon wee w betnad as 

we? Na S- 
aca a Wy 

hos .desobued aa af 0K oidoustant eNakamtaly 20 he 

bore bne as seitvartent eat +e thboa as ve a 0448 one 

Regesane O68 2008 atow: eae "> ae 
| edit ih po - bas YRacpee® & a@ a) 

ie SHpo~ding mrid Sets weer 
ie hte ao imetoen mole! detw : 
Gately Mexaet ere xOt aon aid oo 
euhwitaadeo ie F yg yp aro w: | 
geudde wruren en treve tedi nm lf Be 
weow eis enweet of afin? of naeaie nd wo. 
smolsqe aid ta ,xodoatdnoe oof yapnqgots oo) Weal? rasta ay 

Son Yau ed ac giow a 'teto ie oid ‘ 

phan ge bee , 

watibede ql noivonxsans bore heed nats baton smo oc 

BRE RENO EE SS. ae nthe 
dente saoctels ‘tom ob @¥ «(aebtaha mk eves) soamate baboon bmooee effs otro 

se REST eth) ie nak erm 
o buedaoo Lonasoo af iiinbaly ‘he vtoxte teduat canon tbe 

took tipo 
I na eee 
oidterevs: hod tome dmo9 outa tas baedews onte | 

ay te 

oe ded 

error in giving te the jury instructions Mos. 6 and 8, as tendered 
by defendant. ‘¢ have eavefully considered these inatructions, in 
eonnection with all tke given instructions, with the provisions of 
the contract sued upen aud with the facts and circumstances as 
diselosed by the evidenee, and are of the opinion that voth in- 
atructions were preperly given. And we do mot think taat any 
prejudicial errer was committed by the court in refusing to give 
plaintiff's refused instruction No. 2. Amd it is our opinion, 
considering all the given instructions, that the jury were fully 
and fairly instructed. 

Vinding ne reversible errer in the recerd, the judgment 
ageinet plaintiff ef January 22, 1954, appesled from, is affirmed. 


Seanlan and Sullivans iJe» concurs 

a bereaned nn afi hen ® ameall anoltest ant yxilt ree 37 n wh xotte 
wi sumotiourxtant eaodd bovebiombo Ututems oval bY  Phabneted yd 

Ey te sngde tvo1 edd Aiiw gandliguisend movig by Ltn Keiw Koldeonnoo 
in os avenedomorte bas atest odd Kélw bun hoyw beww oarsne oft 


ae wnt lied sai netaige add Yo ozs tne .wodbhhwe vai! ye ‘boul & 
‘i 7 é | ae sass ands Jon ob ow baa snovisisogent ver omeboncta 
“guia ef patoster mi sues od WW bedé bane ssw rots Labykt 
sHoluige wo si 22 be «8 sok mobvoussant bekitor's : 
aes one out atid ‘tesit senoksourceant sori bead hid 

“yet owes. 

“noma, ns “gbuooet esl ai sorxe ofdtoxeve? « 
bomekYha ak qmox? beLesags shrer gk8 Yael 
MENGES "ee Qe Y oad ast Inne ak a pimnligal : 

Het y 

" ‘ 
. * § 4 ; al 
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CLIO TER? Wee Pig hewseron wet | 




Seep eee Be 

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a nn 
37468 H | 
Appellee, oa 
COMPANY, a corporation, | rR % 
9 Appellant. Fed 9 i AG 6 ] Pe 


By this appeal defendant seckse to reverse a judgment 
for $1100, rendered against it on December 27, 1933, following 
a trial before the court without a jury. The action, commenced 
on September 6, 1933, was based upon a cortifiecate of life 
insurance, issued by defendant to Zrnest Galle on February 7, 
1932, under the provisions of defendant's group policy on the 
lives of the employees of the National Biscuit Company (herein- 
after called the Biseuit Co.) Ernest Galle died on Yovember 
21, 1952, and plaintiff was the beneficiary named in the 

Among the allegations in plaintiff's etatement of 
Claim ere: (1) That Ernest Gallo was a policy holder in the 
defendant company and had paid all premiums up to the time of 
his death, and (2) that at that time he "was employed" by the 
Biseuit Co. Defendant's defense, as stated in its affidavit 
of merits, was that in accordance with the terms of the group 
policy “the said certifieate of insuranee was not in foree" on 
the date of the death of Ernest Gallo “because he had left the 

guploy of his omployer"(the Biscuit Co.) 
“prior te November 9, 

19323" thet his insurance “wag cancelled on November 15, 19323" 

i Aa 
? om : } . : \ 
| 1 KA | 
; . : 1 
| av 
| eSRad TS TO TG 
| ¢ A ; ielistog soo 2 
.2HUO0 REY Go ROTMIGe ART CUVLO YRAMIAD caret ouraiies « 
t kr a ee > he P 
treapvet @ sotever of alsea taabnoteh aoges emi 

PAivolLot ~,4GeL _VR eademest mo 32 damtage sempeemnntnkbhh wai, 
beorgmueo ~oldoe efT .yuwi, a duodtiv ézyoo edd exoted Inixd “ 4 
etil te steoltitves a mequ beaad saw sCECL 4d todmedqo’ 80 
WS Ulawree’ ao oLis taser of tmabmeteb qt beunat y sone ment 
ad? mo Yoileg qvoxg e'inehawteh to anotelvorg end mohmy »SECL 
~nteied) ysequod divoold Lametial edd To seoyolgme edt To aeves 
vedmevet mo beth ofleP gaemei (400 thwoeh® off befiao ced'te 
ed? af bomen yretoltened ed? asw — 880L £8 
To imasteta atthitatedg at wnedtagetta extt prea pote 
ett? mi woSLod yotLog o ew offa® dnomti tad (£) . “soxe mate 
Ye ents estd of qn exwiuwny Lie bheq sad nw Yueguen sxaheuteh 
ads qd *heyoLyse aaw” of omit Sune on tant (8) ‘bmn asldnod abet 
divebitte aéi nt bedads ea .senoteh a'émebnoted . +00. ‘thupad ce 
querg ef? Yo amet oft dikw sonabtesss badd ean «adiven 20 
ro “optot ak son ace gomswant Yo edaattidxes bine ost" yohtog 
td fret tnt ot oeusdod" OLtad dnonxt Yo Aéaeh oxtt 30 obab wolf 
(.09 gtmai ould) *zoypiyme ak ‘to vod am 

6 EE a cs 

eo xoduevell ot rotxg" 
eysuen 28 sedans von mo beLfeonss saw" sonerwonk wa seat fee 

and that “within 31 days after his lay-off, this defendsnt was 
notified that said lay-off was to be considered a termination of 
his employment ina ceordanece with the provisions of asi.d group 

On the trial the group policy, the certificate of 
ingurence and certain other writings were admitted in evidence, 
Plaintiff's only witness was Frederick 3. Wye, employment manager 
at Chicago of the Biseuit Co. For defendant three witnesses terti- 
fied, viz: Joseph Dasaro (foreman of the ieing department of the 
Biseuit Co. at its Lexington street plant in Chicago): Prank J. 
Cathamer (eashier of the Biscuit Coe at the plant); and Lowis R. 
Appleton (superintendent of the plant.) And defendant also intro- 
guged in evidence the depositiona of two other witnesses taken in 
New York. Some of the facts as disclosed from the evidence 
are in substance ae follows: 

Ernest Gallo commenced working am an employee of the 

Biseult Ce», at ite Laxington street plant about ugust 7, 1931. 
After working there for over six months the certificate of insur- 
anes under the group policy wos issued to him by defendant under 
date of February 7, 1932. At that time enc thereafter the regular 
employees (Gallo being one) of the Bisenit Co. did not work con- 
tinuously. Sometimes they were temporarily laid off. As one 
witness testified: “Seme days they (the Biseuit Co.) worked 
fifty-five men and the next day only four.” The policy provided 
that the major portion of the premiums fer the insurance should 
be paid by each employee insured and the balance (at Least 257) 
by the Biseuit Co. It wae the usual practice that the amount of 
the monthly premiums were deducted from the payments due for 
Wages or salary. ‘Sowetime during the month of October, 1932, 
Gallo and other employees working under the foreman, Dasare, were 
notified verbally that all insurance premiums should be paid by 
the 15th day of the month. DBasaro testified: "1 told each 

oyee that unless the insurance premium was paid on the 15th 
of the month, and no later than the 15th, the insurance would be 
cancelled, and that if they did mot have any woney coming for this 
particular period they should come down personally and pay the 
rifty cents 80 thet they would be assured of holding their ingur- 
QNeee o's insurance premium for the month of October was paid, 
On November 9, 1952, he worked as a regular employee for three 
hours and was paid therefor on November llth. it dees not appear 
that the insurance premium payable November 15th was deduct 
therefrom, on whieh particular date no money was coming to him 
for work done, and he did not pay in cash on thet date the monthly 
premium. He again worked as a regular employee en November 18th 
for nine hours, but he was not paid for that work, end ot the time 


aww trsbmeted whit »Ytow~ad whe xetts aveb £6 mbdtiw" dod bee 
20 pOtgeninzed « Sereblence od of saw Tto~yal bias sane betktion 
query bice %© anoletvenq edd Adiw sonebrooe s mi Sneerco Lume abe 

eat GAG 
te steoitiereo add «yotLog quote odd Lated mde nO 

seorehtve mi bevtinha otew apateinw todte ahadtes ona constwent 
soyanan tnomyotaare (oy +8 dofrehox® saw sey et vine wrescar: 
SO “AB: ae. eh a 9 Pe 
live? eeecersiw oerts tadbrat b tot 0d bievaltl Seng: ‘to ogsotil ta 
oft to tnomgungeh geio? osft te nanoxg?} expend age eney bert 
ab tnert tlopeotdd at tole doords antentesl eek és seo Sheoare | 
oH @iaed bee ¢(deef¢ end $a 26D slvoetd ote ‘to tezsdino) temmttad 
-owtet ove inshreteh ber (.denty odd Yo trebadteliegue) madedgyn 
vi soolae weavandiw tertte ows lo anodtleodsd edd wonebiwe al booth — 
serolivs oft sort beneLoath os atest odd to omed waltoY wen 
Pawo Lok 26 Sonadadue mt ote 
st? To sevelqne nea es gabivov hedrompy oLiat duet els 
»LOUL . 7 towgar\ guods tmalq teense notpaixel ati was 
capers: bo ateoitivcse oft stidaom xke seve rot 202 peat ¥ 
tele ipeboete® YT mis oF beweal aw ag F | Mi 
vadgot. aid ~giteated? oma emtd Pads dA Qt ytewuda® 
“seo sow f40 Ib 4o0 dimoul® odd to. (ono emled 
ono at .tte dfed witerequed wtew, | 
sebbenee ta ear no io on? xen ald 
woug Y wet % 
cy, Senet oats 40% ee ee ast te. 
mate wee hii 1 fod olde gen! ond oS 6 ; 
eink WY RREEIO BS eA B Fe is 3' 3 
vxosttttt wrodete. 26's dino a ges cals 
Orava: Sieh 0 ees art He ONE d 
va bing s¢ bivoss she nines ie once dena ot 
biog i" 4% id 4 
wee spat ering 
ae Looe Ope sas ane wake terry aa rane 3 
efsd se? arffomo “vamos h Ue 
wt a We Glan ares Gaoo biwerte vould | 
~wianh viels gx bled 26 bemeus od Btwow yore © 
shisg eew wsded00 to snes oft tot mulmeng eon: 
aenid rol exyedtgoe rere. ua 
me som avobh of ey 
etoshe ls a7 4 Siteyag muse ay 
pe ast pdcgh ened ncr an by 
jot off efeh BO kg 
cash Stat as Seton ah ee foe oe nieye oH 
ont edd 32 bite ene tet hee bt fi fan, jor one id «eT 
WG Oe aes ee BE RRS SEA RN aN 


of his death three days later on Yovember @lst, thore was a credit 
to him on the books of the Biscuit Coe more than sufficient to pay 
the premium for his insurance payable on November 15th. In the 
meontime the Biscuit Coe, on VYovewbor Lith, by its cashier, cauced 
Galle's insurance card to be stamped “eaneelied,” and thereafter 
mailec to New Yerk, where it was received by defendant on Hovenber 
23rd (two deye after Galle's death), and a few days thereafter 
defendont cancelled Galle's insurance ae of November 15, 1952 

The policy also provides in substance that tipon the *ferninntion® 
of the employment of en empleyee hie insurance was to terminate. 
But it dees not appenr that Gallo was ever notified during hia 
lifetime by anyone that his employment with the Biscuit Coe had 
been terminated. ‘the pelicy also provided in substance that a 
grace of 31 days should be granted to the omployer for the payment 
of premiums after the first, during which period the insuranee 
should contimie in force. 

At the conelusion of the trial defendant's motion for a 
directed verdict in its faver was dented, and the court found the 
issues ageinst it, assessed plaintifi'n dameges in the sum of 
$1100, and, after motions for a new trial and in arrest of judgment 
had been overruled, entered the judgment against defendant as first 
above mentioned. It was not disputed that if plaintiff was 
entitled to recover anything of defendant, the amount should be 
$1100. The bill of exceptions discloses that prior to the entry 
of the finding the court made in part the following statements in 

I am going to find in this ease as follows: That this 

man wee in the employ of the Biscuit wt at the time of the eupposed 
eancellation o ne cert eates; that this ia shown by the evidence 
amd particularly by the fact that he worked for the Biscuit Co. 

after said eupposed cancellationg that nothing in the record dis- 
eleses that he was laid off permanently on November ¥, 19423 that 
no notice was given to him, after the supposed termination of his 
employment, or supposed cancellation of hie certificate, of those 
pomeened, that on the contrary, he wag telephoned to by the foreman 
(Dasare) on November 17th or 18th, with reference to again reporting 
fer work; and that by virtue of the wording of the policy he “had 
eertain rights" as to his insurance, becouse he either contributed 
to the premiums therefor by deductions from his salary, or 
voluntarily paid theme 

"I realize that under the law one wust pay his premiums 
im order to have his insurance, but under the policy in question 
I think that they (the employees of the Biscuit Co.) are entitled 
to notice, even after a certain time, that they have not paid 
theix insurance. There employees actually contribute. * * * From 
the evidence I am goimg to find the issues for plaintiff.* 

Counsel for defendant here wake two eententions, as 

greunds for » reversal of the judgment, viz., (1) Pleintif? aid 


tiber « now exerts atels todmevel, so tedal ayeb oerd? stack ais m to 
“sg o¢ Jneiottive mets #tém-soD Algont® ese ‘to oe 
eit mt ,.d¢0L zodcmevek ao aldeyeq eomatsent ald to Mer apt» Red 
howmen « tetdeano aft ed eAveL codwevot mo geod) thupekt-ont 
sadtoorerds bas *,boileonao" hequada ed ot bree eoneatuant o*oLLe® 

tocktevelk mo dusbacter yd hevieget saw th ovede he pgiteoy oF be 
tofteoted? aysh wot a baw ¢(dtaod atolls’ shen 2h owd 
aaraee of ‘Ta dne vor ounstivent 2 'olLad 
* st eihe ae add oometiadua at gh 
sieninnwed G) caw eonatirens : — 
aig anivezh bebtisos stove ear Ripey fete sae 
bag. «09 tigate on ilw deamyolqme aid todd 
a éscit somadedwe mi ge ben sale yoileg Haag 
Soeayeq etd 2h sey. eds 0? becom ed biwode , 
sonement at holreq sotdw aude eftatit off te pool 
oor mk gimkinen. b 

2 40% moktom aVashsoteb Laive one Yo nolaulonos MEA BAe eR 
ons tares tuapo add bee ghbetros was rove % adi mt totszey hetoerth 
So. mwa add sd wegomat a titembedy bounsoun tt: tathase wewebd: 
tromghut Yo taenxe at hue ketgt wen & rok snoitom zedke «hee 4@0Ltt 
#uzit eo tnshiosieh tansage $ sro bss od? bexedno «bekuneeve apo. hat 
agw titindadq Yi dass haduqats Jom, een $<. shenolinan. eveds 

of Biwosie omrone af? gtnebaeteb to gudrigyns sovoass of hakdiimne 
Uitee e? oF eeing dard werokoaib anolsqooxe to Libd od -OOLte 
at atnomedads aatwaisox ess arog ab sham Son eats amid old Bo 

Pai ck 6 NS t} be Dye 
we “g 4 oa ae yas “gay 

ghit dedf seweliet se 2359. eiss as » ay of 3 a 
ph end to ems aid 48 you 3 a3 Ms i} at 
tyy odd yO muodw ei aide dadd yedsoltiazes 

20D Siwrati edd yok beaeor. of tall dost ww 
a eee aay mb Le nas 

ait ue a eet es 
eenet = pa pstge tassel 

tunel” Pr py 9 ag Beth 
vedas! e200 i Fire ‘oak. oe : a 
565 - ee shal ee tabi voueo w 0) 

te tae ay Bias exe tpse os) ant ad 


mot eufficiently prove thet ornest Gallo wes insured on the date 
of his deeth: and (2) the finding and judgment are against the 
menifest weight of the evidence. After earefully reviewing the 
present record, the briefs and arguments of opposing counsel and 
numerous authorities cited therein, we are unable to agree with 
either contention. ve are of the opinion that the trial court's 
finding and judgment ia emply sustained by the evidence and by the 
law. in this connection the following adjudicated cases may 
appropriately be citet: Cogsdill v. Metropolitam Life Ins. Soo, 
158 So. Care S71, 375-43 lease v. Traveller's Ince Soe, 204 
No.» Care 214, 215-62 

The judé@ment of the municipal court against defendant 

should be and is affirmed. 

Seanlan dnd Sullivan, JJ., concurs 

Rake MD ost GUAR gt 


Appellee , 



Appellant. 2 ¢ 9 Tne 6] wl 


In an action for damages for personal injuries received 
by plaintiff in an automobile accident about 2730 o'elock on the 
morning of December 18, 1932, there was a trial before a jury, 
at which «a wass of oral evidence and photographs and X-ray pice 
tures were introduced, resulting in the « eturn of a verdict 
finding defendent guilty and assessing plaintiff's damges at 
$12,500. On January 20, 1934, the court required plaintiff to 
remit $4,000, and entered a judgment against defendant for $6500, 
which by the present appeal is sought te be reversed. 

Plaintiff's declaration consisted of four counts, to 
whieh defendant filed ea plea of not guilty. In the first count 
it is averred in substance that on Uscember 18, 1932, defendant 
was in possession ani contre] of an autemobile (a Packard ear), 
being opersted on a public highway, known eas Reosevelt read, or 
Route No. 6, im or near to the City of Geneva, Kane County, 
Tllinois; that plaintiff was riding in another sutomobile (a 
Ford exr), being driven in an easterly direction over said highway 
there; that defendant should have seen plaintiff and the automobile 
in which she was riding as it approached defendant's automobiles 
that defendant so negligently operated his automobile “that the 

automobile in which plaintiff wuc riding was enused to strike md 

ne [ 9 ch Tt e oO% 7X. F Tee ee ects eek ae ee as 

aaa ne eh OHA 
hevieoo: aotiytat fenoorey x 10% espana b tot woitos ne “a 

add no toofo's Of:8 suede dmoblova perigee ne at thteniste we 
ett, & eveted Lalxd 2 saw exesté saeeL at wedaood 19 eae 
col Yr-X bra asiqergotedy base senebtve Leto to eeam © dette hie ja 
totbvoy o te auto: odd at gettiovet pboowberiat orev cout 
te aepemes a ttiinial¢ patonseas ous WLiue thee ; r 
of Tihisielg Setisoot Sampo od eer ,O8 yams “0 pe 
700885 49% aasdsotoh senkege tnemgbut « betaine baa .O00,5¢ thnot 
cdoutevesx o€ O¢ talguon at Leoqus tnosste oft yt dtolatn 
@} .edmoo wot to hetatemes aniiereioed o'ttitntali 

@euee geri? ef? ml .yetlen tom te aety » betlt snikiilad’ aka 
faabavted «SEL ,0L xeGmwoed ap det souetedve mi herueve at $2 
e(tae byetoc% 2) eLidemedwe me to Loximeo hms RO Lawensog wt usw 
to cheer JLeveqoe! as aworl «yawigtt olfeue a ae be texaqo aniod 
ryinse® ene evens) to ysl ent ot t0@m te ME 4d ot eds ) 

a) eiidompdua xetlfone at gathit acw tenn torte patontcet 
‘yowrigid bien rove melteenth yLretace mo at maekebd anted (x00 prot 
olidemotu: aft bus tiitaielg mops eve hiwade srishasteb tart tered 
‘{ekidomotus a'inshse ted bedoaougge +4 as patbex sow ode Aoki at 
aid ted" olidomesun ald dedereqe “ldnegs gon oe susdaerer shored 
bem ettede of deauen naw gabhis aw Yitentate | | 


collide with defendant's automobile on said highway3" and that 
Plaintiff, being then and there in the exercise of dus care for 

her own safety, was thereby thrown against divers objects in the 
automobile in which she was riding end seriously and permanently 
injured, ete. in the second count the charge is that defendant 
negligently opereted and controlled his automobile in said highway, 
*without exhibiting on ssid vehicle two lighted lemps of a white 
light or lighte of a yellow or ogiber tint, visible at least 200 
feet in the direction in which hiavvehicle was precesding, and one 
lighted lamp so situsted as te throw « red light visible in the 
reverse direction,” contrary to the statute, ete. In the third 
count the charge is that defendent negligently caused his automobile 
"to stand on said public highway there, without displaying any lights 
on the front or the reer of the vehicle, although it was then during 
the period from one hour efter sunset to sunrise,” contrary te the 
statute, etc. In the fourth count the charge is that defendant, 
“although it was then night time and dark on said highvay there, 
negligently and carelessly caused and permitted his sald motor 
vehicle to stend on said highway there, without giving plaintiff, 
or the person operating the moter vehicie in which she «as riding, 
eny warning, by means of lights or any other means, of the presence 
of his said motor vehicle on said highway there,” etc. 

On the trial plaintiff was a witness in her own behalf 
and she testified as te the details of the accident. She was an 
occupant of the Ford car, sitting on the front seat ot the time 
to the right of its owner and operator, Walter Sauber, who tenti- 
fied as her witnees at considersble length. Two other occupants 
of the car, sitting on the bask seat, also testified for her. 
Yefendant, the owner ami operator of the Packard car, was his 
principal witness. Your other occupants of the Pack=rd ear, called 
as his witnesses, gave their versions of the accident. From the 

| 7 tev? bee "syomiulrt bes mo elidewotua attnntmotwed dilw obiilos 

; ¥e% oreo off le calenexe ood mi eted? hae modt gmied ,Tiltiniai¢ 
ald ni efookd® exovih deniage evox? wloreld onw pytetaa awd tod 
| Ylioonemieg bas YLasnites bom yribit aew sale flo taw gt oftdescine 
| ‘*esbnotes fads et ogres at? imuoo smoven* itd ait atte « boreal 
ss gumstigtet bine st SLivewotme att belforénee bua bo dexeqe Ytomyttgon 
etide « To agmal todtigtl owt efotdov hives mo gatvadhdiae suoddiw* 
| 90% dueet ts ofdtuly .satd vodms to wollwy « to etstght ne sight 
| ene hus qantbsooorg saw efoldevvatn dotdw mt mottoorth ef? at ook 
at mt eldiely iaigih bes o words o¢ se bedeutie on qual bodsight 
pride ade wl .ofo yoduseda odd of yxextnos * nottooulh saxoves 
atidesnfas atl hoowns Yteeglfgen taabeoteh tadd at sprado walt seargp 
adsisit ye gaivelqall suadtin soon? yomiatd obtdua pian wo bmate of 
gatas mot eow Ui dguadete .oteidev oft 29 t89T, iba 
ad Ytotieoo "~oaalumwn 92 donne torts Mod ONO mT? & tog, 
cinaiaetes text at oyxado edt tnuoo dimer add at de votutad 
seemed? Yortlpid dion wo ates baa sats silgtn west, gow ah dgsrost 
todos hbiew abd botthered bea reper, ylaneoan snk, ePtmnahtael 
ii isebasg cavity swosd ow yor eed Youtghd Phos mo heege o¢ ofotdev 
ractbold ae cis doddy ot ofetsiev vote od? yatiamge ante v1.9 
| soto “yenuls yourgid Sioa 9 ofe Oidm bkns 19 pt 20 
tiated nwo yet si seentiv s ew Pidahelg dates ne ering pad 
na ww of? daehtooe ond Io ahkate beds ov an botiitaed ¢ tn oa 
amt? oad de daea tmext oft ae gakeete “908 A, Oe to thageoe9 
widens ons qrodve® cote ytoteusge hus wae ett te od c ut of 
_ Seneaenoe cate ows dank stdetebtanoe iio ‘onan ted os 

ik ws bys ee 4 sigh. 

stmt tot bobtddned os Le vtae8 wad ota 0 antyete Ey) oe , 
ae fi Kye 4 j 

ld ann yxa0 bumtost edt Yo xotsx0 tag comwe ona 

Po nL mre a WN ay aat ya ite teh | 

betes c20 banloot eilt Yo stmequoo cede wor sanentiw & rhonkig 
i ome Ce cihebae mek or 

“a wen ~tnabkows ult ta Waebourr cleat ovey yesueontiv abd es 

evidence it appears in substance that the Packard ear, coming 
foom the west, entered the elty of Geneva and waa travelling 
@arterly through it on Roosevelt road; that near the gent Limits 
of the city there was a curve im the road te the lefts; thet just 
after the car had rounded the curve it stopped because its supply 
of gasoline had become exhausted; that shortly thereafter the Ford 
ear, also having come from the west and having travelicd exsterly 
through Geneva on the some road, spproache said curves that before 
it reached the curve ite driver did not and could mot sce the stand- 
ing Packard carj that after the Ford ear hat rounded the curve, 
travelling at the rate of about 25 miles an hour, ite driver did 
not see the Peckard ear in time to avoid a collision; and that a 
front part of the Yerd car violently collided with a rear part of 
the Peeks rd ear, esusing plaintiff's injuries. The testimony of 
plsintiff's witnesses was in irreconcilable conflict with that of 
defendant's wiinesses on the questions (a) whether the ecollici on: 
occurred a few feet beyond the curve or many feet beyond it where 
the road wa» straight, (b) whether or not the tail-light on the 
Pagkerd ear wos burning at the time, and (¢) whether or not the 
street lights on the road were lighted. 2 to the front lichts 
om the Pord car its driver, Sauber, testified on crose-examination 
that he did not see any ear ahead of him until he got within 25 
feet of the Packard car and that he then saw it becaise his “bright 
lights” shone upon it, which lights throw light shead 40 or 506 
feet, and thet his front Lights had two beams, “one straight ahead 
and one down-tilt." 

The main contention of defendant's counsel is in sube 
stance thet the jury's verdict is manifestly against the weight 
of the evidence om the questions of defendont'’s negligence and 

Plaintiff's contributery negligence. “¢ eannot agree with the 


ee PO SED 

Ee emmys a me ee 

 pitmos steo hicdeeT oft dal? sometedua wh eaeogqe ¢h eonebtye 
gitiievart sev bus evens) to yehe cult horedae _daew onl? moot 
atiatl tose oft sao tod? phage Sfevesood mo 34 Ayuorsid Ultotaae 
desl, dots Gatel edd 9% baot edd at eviwo » aew odd Ytto add to 
Waegwe eth cousved beqqots #2 oyswo edd bebdeuyen bert neo edt todte 
ydmetease belfovard yaived hae Juew ed mozt emoo ombvad eute «mee 
wroled tad? qevine hiss hedosotags ghaot amen afd go spanned styvomtd 
-haata eft eee som hives bna Jon bbh revied adi oweno oft hooson of 
ALb gevinh att «tor! on vole B8 duods Yo efox ald Jo gabilevand 
 & ted bon 1gnotalifoo » biows of emtd ak a0 baton’ eM? woe tom 
to dusq taet a sie deLtlLoo YLinelety ree bro edt to trey ¢mort 
to womtseet off .avisubad a tthintele gmtauee god ferstoe’ ent 
te sult Aviw toLLIw09 siéeLtenovert? at asw nemnontte #'ttenkee 
~MOteiiies ed? tedderdw (2) enoliaeug ot 0 woseon: ty ol énahmeteb 
sted $2 Saoyed tool yom te ert ed? droyed took wet » howmuego 
eid Bo stiglinLlad sae don vo watdorw (d) tlgderta wae bage eet 

est? som 20 sosivesd (0) bas yorkd od? Je yatmwd now too wemipatt 
 nittip ht dnewt edt of 9% +bedsight exvew beet odd po mteiyht tootte 
“mobawatemne-dver co letktteed ytedual Seevith att en bto% atom 
Bi aecteiw Gon eof Livam mite Re hoade m9 Ye oom dom BES ont taste 
digind" oll eemmosd $f wea moss ost dade brie ted BeoMeet edd to toot 
OF x0 OD Aawihe Jeg S worms wiutged sotety «tt age onode “addyht 
bosabs wna eo” yamaed awe bet widyhs cnet ein Mi 

‘ oS gthantecetion Bib AERA ett ins 

wide nk at Leenwon «Simba tot Y mokdee sme teal eaT ae bod 
dfgtow oxy bentaaja Vitwottaad ef fetover etenuh ‘ous ducts wonate 

bra peneg! tae eMaobre teh Yo enokive india stito tv. itt ‘Re 

td adie compe tennss eo 

Lares Cprerr ray ee a ina 
Ya ro Aor Fey weed wom Y 


contention. We think that in view of all the evidence these 
questions were peculiarly within the provinee of the jury to 
determine, and thot the verdict as te them should not be disturbede 

Defendant's counsel also contends that the court committe 
reversible error “in refusing to withdraw a juror ami continua the 
case beceuse of the deliberate act of plaintiff's attorney in bring- 
ing out the fact of defendant being insured." Ye find no sub- 
stantial merit in the contention. The incident occurred while 
defendant's witness, Comba, was being cross-examined by plaintiff's 
attorney, but the recerd dees not show that sald attorney wos 
blame for the perticular statement of the witness complained of. 
Furthermore, the record does not disclose that defendant's attorney 
obteined « ruling on his motion to withdrew a juror, or asked that 
the particular statement of the witness be atricken, or asked that 
the jury be instructed to disregard it. (See Williams v. Consumers 
Cos, 352 tli. 51, 55.) 

Reuslly witheut merit, in our opinion, is defendant's 
eounsel’s further contention that the judgwent sheuld be reveraad 
becouse of certain remarks of the trisl court, claimed to be pre- 
judicial te defendant. As it appears to us the remrke complained 
of were directed against plaintiff's attorney and were in no wise 
prejudicial to defendant. 

It is finally contended (a) that the jury’s verdict of 
($12,500 was so excessive as to show passion and prejudice on their 
part, and (b) that even with the remitiitur of $4,000 the judgment 
of $8,500 is emeessive. Considering plaintiff's testimony snd 
that of her two physicianz, Dre. Forrester and Killeen, as to the 
nature, extent and permanency of her injuries, which was uncontra- 
dieted, we find no merit in either of the contentions. 

The judgment against defendant of January 20, 1954, 

appealed from, should in our opinion be affirmed, and as 4 is 8 80 entered. 
Seanlan and Sullivan, JJ., coneurs 

“abowobxo on ef 4t tne ghomti2 of wotatee mo at | 



enacts gonebive ed Lhe 16 woky ai godt Amid? oW .metieedans 
ot Yewh od? Lo eontvouy ode siddiw “Urativesg etew anoltaegp 
sboduméent> ed som bdwore med? of en sodnaey add sold bum » ochutegeb 
eidionye guyoo ed? Gets obmetmoe oude Ieegwen a'éimebmeled . 
ott sonkigno bee sot, « wethitin of poiewleox ai" setee, oldlerever 
-yntud at yertetio a 'iisateda te jon giauedi tek ods to onseged gene 
wwe om batt oe «=p Rotwent antod saabgseted te toad edd suo aut 
elisy botevece gnpbtent eT smetiaedmoo oft at throm tetinede 

@tiRiintely ys hestmexs-esoeto patie’ enw yoda) .eaonitiw oénabmotod 

of tow Yorvo2d « tee esd weds don veob bro90T ord due axommosts 
sto bentefquen asertiw ent Yo Snametate taivetisaq od’ cot emeld 
Yenselts wNinabeoted dade enekso tb som B20b hugoor ods «oxomnodt et 
dosid denles ve . VOTH, # wWexhidlw-o¢ mossom ate mo sativus « hontaddo 
taht heaian xo amstolzta od aneadiw os Yo dmemptate xekvoldzay odd 
QAOTANMOD 4 OIRELLLE e@H) 82 biegorst) of botairytemt ef quwh silt 
, (228 oft 0 5 8 ae 
poonnennng at .selago wo ai ytisom duedd br sdiehdatedes ee 
omy Od 02 Domingo .2mwoo datré est do cumin 
tamtaigues ottemes ed? ov OY atangge 44 84  stmabs 

te got busy a yuh ede ‘tana, fad foveal yo yttant® af * | 

3; 26 foot 

| chon so oeibuieve hts aolemeq wore 0) as eviaseone, 28 enw 008,SL5 
trombut ed? 000406 Ye mutssatany edt diddy nove gadd (4) bam ateeg 

bon YNowiiest e'Titintel¢ gatrsbtenod aagome ef 008,8% to 
ef of ao ytoelLIN kung todnezpt sod senate tegig a: ce te desld 
~stdeeonw wan deine saatruiai ted te Yoronameg tine snods comudan 
-anot inetno9 odte ‘x0 xastaie ad esa att 2 ow «betosh 

‘ebb 08 crus te sessba Yoo tenkeys | 

Cee a Asi ead gl ea ee eee 

ties a Cateebadig 

2 EE 

OSC ay 

ae f , ra 
37507 So 

foe, £ 
ASSOCIATION, a corporation, ; H 
CHARLES SPALENKA and cy iy ¢ <a 
Appellees. é 


in an action of the ist class in assumpsit, coumenced 
against defendants on July 26, 1933, upon their promissory note 
for $6,000, dated January 26, 1931, there was a second trial 
vefore a jury at which much oral and written evidence was intro- 
duced by the parties. At the conclusion of e211 the evidence and 
upon defendants! motion the court, on December 15, 1933, directed 
the jury to find the issues against plaintiff and such verdict 
was returned. On January 5, 1934, a judgment for costs was entered 

against plaintiff, which by the present appeal it seeks to reverse. 

The first trial before s jury wees had under the original 
Pleadings during November, 1933, resulting alse in a directed ver- 
dict against plaintiff and the entry of a judgment for costs against 
it. Thereafter that judgment wos vaeated, plaintiff was given 
leave to file on amended statement of claim and defendants an amended 
affidavit of merits thereto, andthe second trial was comuenced on 
December 12, 1933. 

Plaintiff's amended statement of claim is in the form of 
two special counts and the common counts. Im each of the special 
counts the note sued upon is set out in full. In one special count 
it is averred in substance that on January 26, 1931, defendants 


etohdn @ gMOTTAZOORA 

poe moat cametA ft C. ddinensl tee 
co ee a a a eee 

be en ale bao AMBTAGA ‘BaLAABLD 
2 Mivnwwt » Ad aiipaapaaen 
* { 2) fied G savoLtones | 

$25, cRdae Teh 

a whe 

boonacnes diag st santo tak os “Yo mobion ma wt j 
eten yrevnlmozg aiedd nog €E@L gdh ut rr) stnatanieh 4 a : 
fadss Enovee 2 saw ones eee 238 Wweunst bots pe 

verted ese eons hive nod 2 tw baa Leto sous fo ldw te emt a on 

bus wonwbtve od fle to motautoneo oft tA ssoktuag oa? yd boo h 

_ botootth ees od rods 9, ao atueg os moksom tadaabao ted nog 
_teioxev dewe bne titintetq femkege nement edd batt of our, od. 
beteine kev ataoo set suonpoul.o MOL of yraunal x0 ‘ Domearton, gam, 
eORTevex od suave Is iseqge ixeaotq edt qd doldw «Mitintels. teriaps — 
ienigize ed? «phius hed cee yah @ exo%ed fabxd. teak? ad? » % 
~xev bedeotib a at eals guteLunet , Stel .rodmowey. gotieb rssteess, 
fantens ateoo <0 tnemehet a to ystne ealt bee Wtintatg Jantens goth 
movts anv Viddatelg «deteoay aev taemgbul tadd xedtsoxedy +44, 
bebmons am stsaboate® tne atete 26 facemtats boheme me OAT Of, epmek, 
no teonecnes naw Lets) baoove eddie ~otoreds ahve Yt thvebstte, 
eg + 8k. entoneats 

to axed aa ai at mhato ey oeheame.!9Aehnth ec. 
sivoge edd Yo dose at sags some ect tas adeuen Latooge owt 
srures fptovgs, qno al. At bevated 

- pimabaeten ECE 628, exaust, Ho tad sonst 



executed their note and “delivered the some to one John 0. Bastear,* 
whereby they promised to pay on or before one year after date to 
bearer the sum of $6,000, with interest before maturity st the rade 
of 6% per annum, payable semi-annually, ete.3; that on January 26, 
1951, said Bastear “sold ani delivered the note to plaintiff, for 
value and before maturity, and without giving any information to 
plaintiff as to the circumstances of its execution and delivery to 
said Bastear, and without plaintiff having any notice of any kind 
whatsoever of any defense which said defendants had or might have to 
a suit thereon by said Bastear against themj” and that the mote bee 
ceme the property of plaintiff and has remained in its possession 
ever since. in the other special count it is averred in part that 
after the execution and delivery of the mote te Bastear, he 
“negotiated” it to plaintiff, and plaintiff is now the owner thereof. 
in plaintiff's affidavit of claim, by its attorney, it is stated in 
substance that the nature of its demand is for money due and owing 
to it as the owner of said note; that no part of the note has been 
paid, and thet there is now due thereen to plaintiff from defendants 
the sum of £7,147.50. 

In defendants! amended affidavit of merits they admitted 
their execution of the note, but denied that they delivered it to 
said Bastear individually, and alleged that they delivered it, with 
a trust deed, to him “as an officer, agent and director of plaintiff 
corporation.“ They further denied that on the day of its date 
Bastear negotiated it te plaintiff or that plaintiff is the legal 
holder and owner thereof; alleged thet Bastear, in receiving it, 
“acted as an officer, agent and director of plaintiffs" denied that 
Bastear, at any time, sold and delivered it toe plaintiff; and alleged 
that plaintiff gave no value for it and “is not an innecent holder 

thereof for value before maturity, or without knowledge of any - 


*‘ woutont 0 slot enn Oo? cane ed boreyifed" bua stom aedt bedueoxe 
ot esteh sotte taey ono oveted vo me yaq Of beehmpugq yor? yéotedw 
6 mt cfd ¢o Utbmdew oretod fuexeiat ditw ,000,86 to mame oft Ywined 
(Oe Yranist so fois goods »uliaunne-imes oLdeyag aa : 
tot «Titete dy of ota ost ray * Seetub bina . Lee 
of noida int yu gatvly tueddiw hae .yshiutem ertod bus rn 
ot YIeviLul dom oedivonee aft To aoonatamvorty, ont of: a0 Senin 
batt yrs Yo vetion ene “ qaiwed vil dmtalg Awaddte dein ot tn, 
ot owe! tuyia to bod egmwhneteh biea dottv oxneton wis 8 coventat 
oad odor ot todd? ban “qmotd tantege zadteak Bias Yo meron ‘tive E 
soinewseng ott ah tenteass aad ban dudtate 20 yesegeTE osld om 
jai? tung af jorrewa af 42 Jouon Satesqn sotto out oi soanke z0¥: 
ot sinetuel of etom edt to yxovtton ‘an, masemeoe 90. sal 
rtovredd Teno ad¢ wen ad Btdntelg baw _itiatete of 2° sda 
Bt hetate ah st yomtotse adh yd amtalo, te thyahAthy. atethembatg. a 
gsthvo fm omh Yemom 0% a inamoh a9f Yo oxutan od Jas, eomatadin 
seed anit ston od? Yo jung om said yoson Dhan Xe cme alt me Oi 
(Bimakactod mort Witintele af aoowds oxb wan ak ezadd tad, dem, ba 
TAP 1 


nettiata yod adizom to bivah tty, hetwweme * a a 
a? at bewavifeb yes todd belmed td .otom oat wm F = 
(fiiby qth bowmvede® yaad tans bogeliq ham «eitauhevtons te ; 
Vitsiatg to weJowrth bam tage yreeltio ga ga" mb od 
_ Stab ath to yak oot mo. tadd botmoh xoddau? oat Posse 
pad peiphaberinyeliygeess Sper : 
ael gatviooes mt ,teedeok tans begetle i iverecd, yecwe Pane® 
Gait? dotnoh "4 TRitekels te xedoonth bas Anope nen no betog’ 
doyle ina ,2Ubtntesa of tt berevELos fmm dom, oemhs xan, dm, qtantnel 
Robot iaovenal pm Jom a2" peo ¢2 19% elev om yen, 22hdmta 

 efte Te egbeLvent tuettie to. 


defenses,” ete. They further alleged in substance 

That on and prior te January 26, 1931, Bastear, as an 
officer, director and agent of plaintiff, “was engaged in 
negotinting and soliciting mortgages for and on behalf of plain- 
tiffs" that he, acting as such officer and agent, “did negotiate 
with these defendants for the mking of a loan by plaintiff on 
certain property owned | them, and did agree that plaintiff weuld 
loan to them the sum of $6,000, provided that said lean was secured 
by a trust deed om defendents' property, - said money to be paid toe 
defendants when the title had been brought down by the Chkeago Title 
& Trust Go. and a guaranty policy issued, and that said note and 
trust deed were not to be considered as the obligation ef defendants 
unless and until said title was so brought down, ete., and the money 

to mT) that relying upon said agreement ani promise defend- 
ants executed said mote and trust deed, and delivered them to 
Bastear, “who received them as the officer and agent of plaintiff ;" 
that plaintiff, upon their receipt, “failed and refused to pay said 
sum of $6,000 to defendents, and failed and refused to return upon 
demand the seid mote to them, - all with the intent to cheat and 
defraud themj" and that by reason thereof said note and trust deed 
“did not become an obligstion of these defendants." 

That on April 28, 1932, plaintiff promised te return seid 
note to defendants provided that they would pay the bill of the 
Title & Trust Co. fer said guaranty policy, ete.j that relying upon 
said promise defendants paid said billig but that thereafter, in 
ao said promise, it refused te return the note to 

That a meeting of the “stockholders” of plaintiff cor- 
poration was held (time of meeting not stated), at which meeting ssid 
stockholders “adopted «2 resolution” to the effect that, “sinee plein- 
tiff had not paid to defendants the amount of seid note, the note 
should be cancelled end returned to defendants, and did by said 
resolution direct the officers of plaintiff corporation to return 
seid note and trust deed to themy” but that in spite of the resolution 
plaintiff's officers have failed and refused to comply with the 
resolution or to return the note ani trust deed te defendants. 

That *no consideration ever was paid to defendants by 
plaintiff or any other person for said note;" and that defendants 
are not indebted to plaintiff in the sum of $7)147¢50, or in any 
other sum, om account of the note or otherwise. 

On the trial the principal issue was whether er not plain- 
tiff became a bona fide holder of the note before maturity in due 
course and for value, and without notice of any infirmity in the in- 
etrument or defect in the title of Bastear to whom it was originally 
delivered. On this issue the evidence introduced by the respective 
parties is in irreconcilable conflict, but, after considering the 
mass of Oral and documentary evidence, we are of the opinion that 

such evidence ae Was offered by plaintiff and admitted by the court, 
Standing alone, wos sufficient te have warranted a jury in returning 


owindadve at hegeile xed Yemt ots *, amen te 

to Os ,teetecll ,tées ,&& qrnwmel of solag bon oo Penne 
at bopenne cow” ,TiFdntefa to negs baa tee e too ltt 
~nintg 26 tinded me hie 10% aegepitom gutiiotion dae eS ae 
eéstivoger S25" ,io~ga bre teotTYe Mowe wax waltos gad 
mo tikttntatq yt neol a to potdaw edd +02 etaabmotod oe pir 
tiwow ttivntealy daft cere bib See sword qd heme Ydcovond Ahetre 
beuueee saw saol bles gadd bebivosq .000,64 to mae esd meld of mao. 
oe? bisq od oF yYenom thea ~ ,ystueqota ‘sdusbrieteh Be beeb Jarre 2 % 
eit? ogeedai odd yd awoke idgweud meod bad ofits eff mena stuehae te: 
bua eton biaa Jivld Deve ,bewaal yolLog ewratayg @ be 60 Caw? 4 
etnebretebh te coltepifde ald as betebianos od of ton oxew booed ber ba 
Yonom eit bem .soto , nod dnfgwotd oo maw afte biaw Die a 
~hne Leb eaiawtg tue snemeenge bise mogy gniyiet fads 
@@ orig hevavifeh fam 4bosh Juuxd bon etom blew oinexe ve 
"etitvaiatg Te decoys bas veelilte edd sa aodd rayon hy 5 
Dios You ed hbeewles knoe boLiat* »éqhoows hath coat snus” tad 
mogN NiNtey oF beewies ban beLtal ban Wh org wn oy ‘ee be o mu 
has taede of tnedoh edd diiw ila - gamete of prod Ne 
book tautd bun often bise teased nesses yd fond bre + husk 
‘,minabsotes sand? le noltaghise am smeped tom ee 

bias seESY oe o¢ hoaimoetq tilintale .8bEL ,8& Lhaqi mo Salt 
eds to Ifid acd yaa en yous sate yet etre : 

soqe privieot gaits g.ade «ypifog Yrorteug bias ean’ 
i ,2eS testes Jacit yn qiltd bles diag Sehtaad tou Oe Be 

_ Of eton ed? numtox of honntor 32 von imate, my fe UP ie 

«roo Tiivatal, To "ote hioddoese" oft ‘to pnkvecm 2 Gad 
bigs paivoen doidw t2 ,( betdats ton ey te eute ; w solinte 
-nialg eattie" qian’ tootte ef? of “notiulonet @ hetqpba* arenio: 

oton oi$ ,edon bien te dnwome od? atnabneted of bing 

blo yd BL tne ,etnabreted of benxwtost fata o 

muvser of moiveteqzres Ttisniaig To stooltie eds tooukh me fous 
eertaleans off to wtign mi deuld donk “qeumsls oe beso temtt hue eton b 

om? city ylqnoo of beew'itex baw belie? eval estes ) @ PST 291 

sdinahseteh o¢ Sood Sewtd kee fon ald oxedet o¢ ao mod 

4d adoeine tet od. Stag ar twvo aolde: 

“pushastod gard bem “tefon bine tot mooted 
aU mt co Wa PHL VE te mre edd mi PEdd 

sseiwredise xo oFom oat 

maha ty ton xo xotdeto amw opant fsqtonbig ode tated eat nd” 

oun ms Witwirs told etor ea % tet 9 er = ere 

valida’ eid YW beduborint eonobive wits emant ‘end eo 
edt? patrobtamos twits .s0d .sorlinds efdattonoverst fit a poe 
tests vena eat to eta ew Lesesntes ar es ine "38 a 


a verdict im plaintiff's favor. And the record discloses that other 
evidenes was offered by plaintiff (refused admission by the court) 
tending to sustain its theory that it became a holder of the note in 
due course. And we are further of the opinion that the court erred 
in not submitting the case to the jury, in directing a verdict for 
defendants, and in entering the judgment against plaintiff upen the 
verdiet, and that the judgment should be reversed and the cause ree 
manded for another trial. As the eeee ony be tried agnin we refrain 

from a discussion of the evidenes- 

in Libby, MeNeill & Likby vs Cook, 282 11le 206, 213, it 
is said (itelies ours): 

"When a motion for a peremptory instruction is made by 
the defendant, if the court is of the opinion that in ense a verdict 
is returned for the plaintiff it must be set aside for want of se 
evidence in the record to suctain it, a verdict should be directed. 
If the court is of the opinion that there ie evidence in the record, 
which, Sanding oLones is eufficiont te sustain such a verdict, but 
that such a verdict, if returned,;must be set aside becouse against 
the manifest weight of all the evidenee, then the motion es d_be 
enied. * * er 


Genied, po hele oonexuise te to deny te pleintite § 
pi trial jurye re may be in & record evidence w 

stendis g2L0ne, tends te preve all the material averments of the 
deceleration, and which is therefore sufficient te support, warrant 
or sustain a verdict in favor of plaintiff, and yet, upon the whole 
record, the evidence may so prepondcrate against the plaintiff that 
a dye or ne in his favor cannot stand when tested by a motion for a 
new ® : 

See, alse, Alien v. Ue 5, Fidelity Co., 269 Ile 234, 243; 
Ghiengo City Rye Coo v. Martensen, 198 id. S11, 512. in the Martensen 
case it is seid (italics ours): 

“and we have decided very many times that on o motion te 
take a case from the jury, either at the close of plaintiff's evidence 
or at the clese of all the evidence, the naked legal question thereby 
Yeised in this court is whether or not thera is any evidence in the 
record fairly tending to suppert the plaintiff's cause of action. 

i @ weight the test: Ip would 
be useless to attempt te reitera @ reason for S Trulee If, 
ts contended by counsel for appellant, the trial court may, at the 
‘lose of 211 the evidence, take a case from the jury merely because 
@ regards the clear preponderance of the evidence, - or the over- 
helming preponderance of the evidence, - as being in fevor of the 
efendant, then the right of trial by jury is left to the judgmumt 
a diseretion of the courts and no one would seriously insist upon 

@ rules 

The judgment of the Municipal court of January 6, 1934, is 
versed ami the cause is remanded. REVERSED AND RSMANDED. 

atlen amd Sulliven, JJ., concurs 

<oside fait? eeaoKoath brovet exff ba stovet oe tkhimtetg af ielhtev se” 
(gumbo etd yd métuatete power) Yrtenkaly ye totette ear oomeblye | 
at efeo edt to tobted 4 omoeed 42 dade greens att sisiowe ot pabhand 
sexio .dxuon act fasta motaige add to wkexh ote oy BRA sootHEe oath 
wot dathxev o qoaiconks ml gyre att ot daao odd gntadtacr ton a2 
eid moyw Tiiintelq feniogs ‘{aompdut edt gabseine ak bins. wstenbastod 
ae ounes es bms beetewst ed bivede dnampiel, erie. dost tages atonbany 
niotlet of 1 age pek<d oo yuu nese of? @ takes voridonn 29% betmast 
seonebive est: 9 notsasouts a sont 

$k GUIS OOS VILE SES gHOND +¥ YS A tea a “au 

bal Fy 

phect at no kvorvdont Teg & 2at 
tolbree 8 BB 2O ai said me e ode = ek 
, eaters diene aot © Bie ton 3d dnmm of at 
soxrih od bivode @orbmv & PY 3 unease sum Oe 

, Hrovet ols nt wornshive a2 sunt godt aebaiqe . 
“ond folhtey o sows aiségese 3 oo et 

saniags easagnd odhas #as of sammeponeee 3 

a noksor m pee gre 

pS0K gdOR WALL ss aaeeeaamaial oy sob. coe a 

et tS a oasot 
| soso wanted!) men pay 4 

et motien « mo todd oomkd yr wun toy bebtbeb sad of bake 
sonobive a’ ritimbedg be ane’ seqio ot te i ott os 
xgerds seldargr Lage ad? ef .cene®: at P 
ado nt ooo hive iS Be gerd Jon TO, TORARAW 
savitoa to vase? Beet iatontade oad reqeyie 
° piwseer af a ae to. vs a ak ‘ 
a tk eines : di at ouch 
et te etRem 2 aro Lekst odd Pe 2 
‘epuaosd vlerom igo ens moxt vero 8 @ 
=nevo ahs 3O * __gomebies ofa bi CORALODHOTS TE TEs 
gd to covet ot gute? ea - 4 ive asi 
sapomhuy, odd oF hed af eb. vil, ws Sete? yo, ddgt 
snes dotent gid bio 9 ont bee t 


at wees hd Grsusal tO ¢uHOo » Lamp beel oft 
“GRAM CLA qunenan “ebiohetarot a 

——. - | 

Sat eceeecnromenee? 

37293 “* ; 
Defendant in Error, 
ALBERT Je HOFAN, Beiliff of the 
Municipal Court of Chicago, and QOURT OF CHICAGO, 
WILLIAM KLDINE, Doing Business es } 
Plaintiffs in frror. 2 6 9 Tk. 6 l g! 


A tort action. In « trial by the court both defendants 
were found guilty as alleged in plaintiff's statement of claim and 

plaintiff's damages were assessed in the sim of $650. A joint 

judgment was entered against defendants in that sum. This writ 
of error followed. 

Plaintiff rented an ap2rtment to one Charles Harrisy 
and on Mareh 29, 1953, there being due her an arrearage of rent 
in the sum of $220, she caused the seizure of certain persenal 
property of Harris under the authority of a distress warrant, and 
upon the same day a custodian appointed by plaintiif removed said 
personal property, which included a Chevrolet automebile, to the 
Loyola garage, operated by defendant Kleine. The inventory made 
by the custodien failed to include, as part of the property dis- 
trained, the automobile. A distress suit was filed in the 
Municipal court of Chiesge by plaintiff against Harris. On april 
iO, 1953, Harris filed a replevin suit in said court against 
plaintiff, John Doe, Mary Roe and defendant Kleine, doing business 
es Loyola Garage, for the recovery ef the possession of the automobile 

in question and other personal property. On the same date, a 


an ; 
“;Oos0mo To TAwOS 
ea ry 2S 5 Biwi ww te 

etnebovteh siod jtyeo edt yd Lestat « mi onited ieina , 

“Mine bat WW thomodads a tittabate ad onesie ae din uso 

#itol A 088% Yo mua ode nh honvenss oxew 6 wad e 
‘ as ae sous dsatd- at admnbeso dob temtese 5x 

© aon ibechetict ms en 

bea ginavamy aaeedath » Le Wsxosiue ait. tebe ‘shaste vesacore 

ape erg oa. 

btow bovouys tisedede ve ile bie 5 om 

oO o> xtsosoa id Yo dxag be yobs rn 
, ies gi butt He aes ee 

tunkase eae uae at diwe nbvedaes ns 
rrr od wth i " 

epont aut sehoo somtosa taobmatob tise oni 

Yh cai Nits am Fike nies it he Br as 

| ethdenatin ool? te noiawnco seeenshins 
ui. # (8dab emoa ost) m0 

» bh wer ae ie ua hee PM WU ets 9 has Ny L0,8 

replevin writ was issued, which was received on April ll, 1933, 

by dofendant Noren, bailiff of the Municipal court, who executed 
the writ on ‘pril 14, 1933, by serving it on defendant Kleine, 
doing business as Loyola Garage, with the result that the automobile 
wes held by Kleine subject to the order of the tenant, Harris, 
pending the disposition of the replevin suite On April 15, 1933, 
in the distress suit, upen motion of plaintiff, she wes given Leave 
to amend the distress inventory on its faee, mune pro tune, as of 
March 30, 1933, so as to include in the inventory “one Chevrolet 
Sedan.” On May 20, 1935, en order was entered in the replevin 
suit finding right of property in Harris, plaintiff in said enuee, 
but that the said property was held by the defendant in that suit, 
Ke Blankenstein, plaintiff herein, for the payment of the sum of 
$220; that Harris pay to plaintiff, within ten days, the sum of 
$220 and interest; thet if payment should be so made, Harrie should 
retain the property replevied, but that in default of payment 
Plaintiff in the instent suit should recover possession of the 
property from Harris and that a writ ef retorne habende should 
iseue for said return. After the service of the replevin writ but 
prior to the entry of the judgment in that case, plaintiff presented, 
at the Loyola garage, a claim cheek for the automobile and demanded 
the return of the ear, which was refused upon the ground that the 
Car was then being held for the bailiff, unter the writ, and that 
therefore they could not deliver the oar to plaintiff. Plaintiff 
offered evidenee to the effeet that prior to the execution of the 
replevin writ the bailiff wee apprised of the existenee of the 
éistress claim. 

Plaintiff contends that "this court cennot properly pase 
upon the question of liability or non-liability of these defendants 
sinee the record shows they submitted no written propesitions of 
law to the trial court. Vor thie reason the judgment ef the trial 

O6@L , lf Linqs a hevieoot sew doldw ,boweet gaw thaw mivelget 
bedeoexs ote «Sao Legtodne! edd Yo Piilted «mexoll gashastod yd 
genie ti ineiamteh op 24 gabraone yo .oeek .b£ Linq mo thuw uae 
OLlidemoiwn edd galt tineor odd didw .epete® sLoyod aa snonteud sates 
eaivtat ,tnomed ond Yo cob off oF tos Ldwa pane Ne ioe vow 
gSb0l 4@£ Lingi nO thee aiveltqet edd to nettteoguth exis gui bneg 
eveel movin aow ode ,Tilentat¢ Yo moitom mnogu etive eeortuls pat al 
to ee gests OG opm ~eoet att mo Crotmovet ewotéa tb de bens 08 
Pelperedd exo” Yrétneval ot at obuLfont of 48 O@. seer ee dotati 
wiveiqex odd al bevedes eau tetrte me ,f80L .0S yall 20 *.anboe 

sous Sten a? Tibkeatele pabotedl at eexeqony te iitgit yahoo? the 
tine tede at teedweten edt YC bled aay ytteqong hen pat santa ioe | 
Xo me sd? Yo sremyne of? sOT entovod IWhéntaly se 

edt te moteunpscy severed tivede thie motor 7 ™ 1 

hisvode ghmednd proton to tine © teil? bie ebyaal, apst YotegotG 

tne tixy atveiges ot ko ontrroe edd aedd)  » snus os, Nhe, 20k guna : 
ehedae gong, RitiHinlg <vene decd ok tnmagoat, aus bi ¥ etree $f toby 
bobrameS btm elidguedne eat cot doadto sihute a ia Lay 
ont ted peor oli soqu deauten aon Mo dsly 9 tee bn ads te SPAY, 26 
dots fame gt ioe ede tebe sS2hibad we woh bio guied ms Ws w 3 ° 

ti ontely ahead, of isa off teviteb son, | 

¢ sia ie BS ov 


Res fs0c0s4 seuss awe aa? ‘aut sis asi ‘ - ~ nh 
_adnabustop nent to Wiltdeif-non | to Wiiidall to makes 

to steht kaagesg ceva ben om potttadws walt woah 
Saixd et No emounbul, ost sonnet abd aot fe) 


court should be affirmed." There is no merit im this contention, 
It is the settled law of this ctate that it is our duty te detere- 
mine whether the judgment is in accordance with the law and the 
evidence, even though ne propositions of law were submitted to the 
trial court. (See Pe, Coy Co & Ste Ie Ry» ve Chiesgo Rye, 300 IL1. 
1623 Gentrnl Trust Coe v» Hagen, 249 Tlle Appe 507+) 

Defendants contend “a judicial officer is protected by a 

writ of replevin deeeribing specific property which has been duly 
-dgsued and which ie regular upon ite faces; henee the beiliff committed 
no tort by execution of the writ of replevin in this ense.” This 
contention is a meritorious one. In Sample v. Broadwell, 87 ill. 
617, 919, the court evotes, with approvel, the following: 

“In Wilmer ve eee 7 Vete. 257, Shaws Che Je sayse 
‘As @& general e, the officer is bound only to see that the 
process which he is ealled upon to execute iw in due and regular 
form, and issues from a court having jurisdiction of the subject. 
In such ease he is justified in obeying his precept, and it is 

highly necessary to the due, prompt end energetic execution of 
the commands of the lew, that he should be so.! 'tt is 

Beviabs "ho ony that 2 person shalt be cqasti ied tas itapancer 
who acts under the process of the court.'* 

(See also Boyden ve Bxanks, 26 Ille Appe 169, 173-5, wherein a number 
of authorities bearing upon the subject are citedy see algo Gilbert 
ve Buffalo Bill's Wild West Coe, 70 Ille Apps 326, 328¢9,) Many 
decisions of the sister states supporting the rule laid down by our 
eourts might be cited, if it were necessary. it must be borne in 
mind that in the instant case plaintiff dees not claim that the writ 
of replevin was void nor that the Municipal court was without juris- 
diction to issue the seme. The writ was regular upon its face 

and the wunicipal court had full jurisdiction in the premises, and 
the only knowledge that came to the bailiff related to the merits 

ef the cause of sction in the replevin suit. As stated in Watson Ve 
Zabeon, 9 Conne 140, and State v» Weed, 21 Ne He 262, an officer 
cannot assume judicial functions and decide questions judicial in 

character. Parties sre entitled to a trial before the court 

eneidvesaog add al ufvuie oo ah -ovet?’  “.eeteltte ed Sivodw semen 
“tatobh of Yuh seo af 25 derlt otate aldd Yo wal batddas ed? at 9T 
ai? Ane wal edi diiw gonsbiovcom nf af Soongoul odd tondoriw onda 
ped od beddimdim exew wod to naoltleeqerq om mpvedd meve ywonghive 
ef£IGGE 404M Onmeidd ov oN oh 099 BoD ged gel O98) sdumeo Lnbad 
(FOS say Gill CSR yregal av wed 4 de9 
Yd hedesdetq ef ss0ltto Latothet 2” hmodvoe adanbretet . | 
Vint ased and sotdw ytindoty oftlooqy gakdivors> sthvedges: to tiew 
hestiomes TILLI6 ood wormed toont est meqw tetepet of dodsw bob Bowens - 
eift “.ees0 adds al nivetqot Yo ¢iew eff ‘To tbitwooms ys seodcon 
 .££1 98 .Lfovbeor! .v often al .6n0 avotretixes'# af mobdaedins 
ai sgnkwoliol es ,Levergg¢s Atty yeetewp semoo oft ¢@ld a 
“pEyee eb oth , wads «Tae soda y a? 
ets Jarl? of ufeo hawod ef & 7 . ; 
talimet tem sub mt wt Siusexd of moqe beLLay at eh {28007 
ine thts ao Mae Sib pe gedved ¢ Bae $e Bn oo & «rot 
. dt bas tyooeng att go mt f oan some o. 
%o solfuvexe oitegzons bin ¢qmorq .onh por ot Yrsage: 
gs oe — ed 6£notls ed tuald. @ why 
TEs mi eaergred oad, ayan, ‘es Lakes 
feaasq: Sas: sos enhoo of Lisde geareg 8 gerd. 
#8, duos eit te anovotg aed 
weenie 5 xheibibe c@80L «WOE vqae o£f1 08 sainaxt oy ‘pebse 262 
#edEID vein wos {hodiy ote dookéus ads moqw’ Sait a icsbe Babatbit” he 
‘weed (06882 .bR2 wqqi oLLI OF g20d taey Silty a tLste ote thu ay 
“ud 4S mb bial odes edd yabixoqque abdeda «ddets aft to andberyen 
bi emed 06 thu 61 .essunoonm exon VFR VBbdD of diated Atlin 
siete asia asetd miele Jon seob “‘thbnbalg sano ihebent ef ab Laead onde ; 
maka, Gwedeiw sow dies Lagteinil wil? tests ton Dov saw nive. . 

gent ad? soe ‘taluges aaw gia” edt iia oct into matin 

atizem edd 09 bedelon S2hited edt of aman dante cabot vine a 
wY aoaisi ai bededs wa .dkste abvelqes bd KE odtow to’ eeano edt te 
* gedtto ms o8BS sl VK 2k Cay Sv Boede ‘ane ORE seco © wate: 
it katexhart anoitest) oblgob ome anbloonil fekoibe, esuraas — 

ee shin’) 

“peneo odd sveted Lalsd & of Bete tine ove wots | 9% pens 

a tal 

and an officer holding = writ or a warrant is net liable for ite 
execution although he knows that the plaintiff or complainant 
will be unable to make out his case or even that the case is not 
prosecuted in good faith. The cases cited by plaintif?s de not 
apply to the facts of the instent cases 

It is unnecessary for us to consider defendsntat eon- 
tention that, under the fects of this conse, defendant Kleine wag 
fully justified in refusing to turn over the automobile to plaintiff, 
fer even if the facts mate out = prima facie case ageinst him it 
wes the settled law of this state that a joint judgment sogainst 
several defendants could not be reversed as to one and affirmed as 
te others. As we have held thet there wag ne liability on the part 
ef the bailiff, the judgment, therefore, must be reversed as to both 
defendunts. (See Livak v. Shicogo & Urle Rt. Re Goo, 209 Ill. 218, 
226.) In connection with this ruling as te defendant “eine, it 
must be remenbered that the instant ease was tried in 1955 and the 
present Prectiee sect did not take effect until January l, 1934. 

The judgment of the Municipal court of Chicage ia reversed 
and the cause is remanded. 


Gridley, Pe Joy and Sullivan, Jes concurs 

gti vot ofdelr Yon ef daettae » to ddxw a gihbtod tov tie m1 one ‘bith 

‘gnatislquoy rd Vktnintg att ted? twork eM dyloitte Hoksveexe 

Son uP bane odd Jedd nov 6 caso bei ro wate oF wtiaeal be Htky 

ton ob desmueed ud tedte woeso amt WOE Seog HY nvtioeebey 

ee  gtane domtnmes ett to Beoat eld ee Ytage 

-seo ‘adawbnetel cobtumos oF at OT voreasoonne at HT" om: +a 

tow arbntY trobue tod poors atdt To wtdet ata eioiy | tate ronaned 
eMiitabete bf oftdomotuc off tovo mut od gittewted ar bb 

Oe ht viwaieoe hatdenpmammneitt dato ee edt 

ao bantPi2s ‘Bete bab of GA boextyer BU'FON bebes” Betti 
prog, ect tania on baw bred? hut sal Wit wa F " 

voit +t : wee Li | 0 

Baby! ai Gudiaadt ‘Hise nad a eter jos, 
fagteve tad agaoid) to suo or ma 

pes onde St ( x 
We ‘ase 
4, ii 
: yd ay 
md ny a 
‘ ele ng ’ 
i WB) ai te aoe 
se bi 9 
rv poe 
q 4 3 Ve 
¥ af "r 
ve ret ¥: 
GSAT he SEH oy & ? 

A WR SP MMR Deal he aR or Bib Sesinil GR TEE 6 5 Ba 

he a wa he ae he 



COMPANY (of Fargo, Worth Dekota), 

a corporation, Yn+rTrA fg »Z. 
‘ Appellant, 2 6 Y beoNe, 6 1 § 


BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, @ corporation, 

individually and as depositary under 

an agreement between it and Joseph 

Ae Auchter et ale, dated May S1, 1929, 


corporation, JOSEPH Ae AUCHTEN, 




Pine et et 


Complainant filed its bill against defendants amd after 
answers had been filed by all of the defendants the cause was 
referred to a master in chancery upon a stipulation of facts. 

The master filed a report recommending that the bill be dismissed 
for want of equity. The chancellor confirmed the report and 

entered a decree dismissing the bill for want of equity. Complainant 
appeals. Defeniant Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company 

yas dismissed out of the case by stipulation. Wo question is 

Yeised as to the pleadings. 
The master found from the stipulation of facts, the 

follewingt That complainant was a corporation organized and 
existing under the national banking iaws of the United States; 
that prior to, and for some time after April 1, 1925, the Coeur 
PD’ Alene Mill Company of Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, @ corperstion 
(hereinafter ealled Mill Company), owned large tracts ef timber 
land, approximating 36,000 acres, and a certain saw mill, all. 

ee ale 

oR ad AY TSS 

Oe 8 na  gttotdaxenxen @ 
Bio AsLeOVS | baw l fog’ “a . | 
» REL Je ee 
WORT JARUTA oul + ASOD r nae | ' 
(koltexoqtos a Bee EA 
aes ee + aeovred NOTA Me 
PSL 4ih Yak bodad yale 96 ted me 
4 am, ¥, p 
‘ ‘ wa 


zagis tan edasbootoh dentays Liis ati he £22 srantatgno® i 

ear oawie esd adushnotod edt to Lie ys beLtt mos { bee oxowens | 
.Gdont te olistuqtts » moqu yxeenade ai weduem 5 of on 
Pewelnath ef LLid edd gods antbneamoves aoqer a ‘both Yedenn oT 

See BT eS 
bas $voqox oid hems tres oLLooamcsto “nal? suttups i) imaw 0% 

bee ne 

tiaxiotgnuod .ygiwpe to gxow tet Lite ots gutaudmads seteed « boxstae 
aaqMoS FewuT ts donk atoniL{l Indsomkined tashwoted a ae 
af noideuyp off swottaiughts wd oenn eae 2 fie Sonktense sam 

edd padont © solveLugiée odd sott bagot tedean ost 

hia boainegio soltereyion a saw tmamtelguos tadT tyatwotto? — 
{sodade bodtal on Xo aval gabiand Sanotenn odd xohnw gattalxe 
moo? ed BSL 4L Langs codhe mid emma ror bas yor cotte dadt 
ee ey anheeell 
Mian xedut? to nivaxd emret domme «(yoqmed Sts boLiee woftamtoree pe 
ws fie «ilim woe miegtes » bum (200A 000 — 82 pick eonitiiin eee - : 



located in the state of Idaho, from which lends it was cutting and 
marketing large quantities of timber; that Fred Horriek wan the 
preci¢ent of anid corporation and ite principal stockholder, and 

Re We. Mller, ite secretary and treasurer, thet Merrick and Mller 
were ite principal managing officersy that defendant Baker, Fentress 
& Company was “ongaged in the fineneing of diverse and sundry timber 
eorporations, association and organizations, the marketing and the 
selling of bonds and mortgages secured by timber lands or tinber 
properties;" that about april 1, 1925, Herriek, Bilex and Mill 
Company, being indebted in the sum of $800,000, executed and delivered 
to Baker, Fentress & Company their joint and several obligutions, 
“which were first mortgages 64 por cent serial Geld Bonds in denemi- 
mations of $1000, $500 and $1009" whereby they ond ench of them 
jointly and severally agreed to pay to the holders ami owners of the 
bonds $50,000, ebeolutely ond uncontitionally, on April 1, 1926, and 
a like sum on the seme day of each year thereafter to ani including 
the year 1934, end $350,000 om (pril 1, 1935, together with interest 
on sll of said sums at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually that to 
eeeure the payment of the bonds Mill Company executed and delivered 
its trust deed or mortgage, whereby it conveyed to @xchange Wetional 
Bank of Gpokane, ‘ashingion, and Calvin Fentress, as trustees, the 
eaid eew mill plant and the 36,000 acres of timber lands, together 
with certain water rights, railronds and other privileges ani 
franchises; that Baker, Ventrese & Company offered the bonds for 
sale, through ite sales organization an? through banks and other 
bond houses, and the entire issue of the bonds was thus eolds that 
about May 1, 1926, complainant purchased, in the open market, tm 

of the bonds of the face value of $1,000 exch for approximately 
$10,000 an¢ssecrued interesty that prier to June 14, 1829, Mil2 
Compeny, Merrick and Sller paid $150,000 face value of the bonds, 



bre nmition aaw $k ebitet Aotdw moxt yodabt to state aft at betavol 
et apy totrxel bert Sactt pvedehs to eetstinewp ogtal paltoy rem 
boa ytobloddoofa Laqiontmy s2i tre mottetoqtoe bien Yo tmehbeerg 
velie bee deobrtoM tel? Ptetwenosd bow Tmwnsoxoes att Meng ot 8 
asytingt gtedell tmehmetebd fads petealtte galgenam staqhent an orb 
wedak? qrhmim Soe sverth Te petonad!® ettmt togmyno” Y naw ened & 
esi? one yrttedtiam esd yengiiontnegzo bas mottateguen senots tog 2 
asdut? ro etaal rodmt? yd Seuuvee abgagived bas “abaad’ te ambts 
‘£eu pee weLkd gdodutsd .480L ,t Tings duods dade 3 Be to xeq one 
botevited baw beduoexe .006,008$ to ala aff mt seaditat yated <yaaquod 
eemOliagilde Lazoves ban smtoj, xed “enagued a: a “ not “sedated 
ntuqed 2 aheo® BOO Labtee doco 19g 40 eegeye som deci eae dae 
maid to Sone bao yodd Ydetedw ".00L9 base v0ae .000Lt 20 enettan 
ett? to evenwo ee stedded att oF yaq of boorga YLtoroves bas “Eintol 
fee 4BSOLof L2NGA ao qxddamotsitnoom: hea pedwhoad’s 4000,089 shaed 
gattwdent tee o¢ tedteered? t3esy dose te Ysbd emma out me mun ott os 
doowdad dike weddopot ,8fOL .£ Livg) me 0004086) am seek easy et 
ef dust? TefLomenonInoe afdeysg gtese Koq Bote gue bias Ro Ste se 
hoxevii6b bas boduoere Yoequed ILI etmod odd 20 Secure odd exes 
Sasiolem sypastoxt 0d hegewneo of fo weite segagiamn Te “host Seuns abt 
ete gaseteunt Ga gotontnet wtveeo tne gttad geting eeretogs to staat 
wedteyod cahmal vedalt Ye dorse 990.68 add paimanbenasuncal 
fru soyetiviny veddo bra sheotiew gadiight + (io athe 
tot abaod ade Sotetto taaqned & sesxsast jpenein-enttt qa hia! a 
r9t9O be eitied Rysorte san auipontengio ‘oneeateth dendtpsitite. 
dud? yoEOe amts aow ebmed add Yo mwand exbims. old bag enoused baad 
ms gfortran aoqe oft wt ,hoemitocg dawninkgues «P8OE ok Wak ee 
| Vhedamixe rege wl Mons OG0yko 20 oudey seek. ade 20 a r 
FAME QUEL 4 oomt o2 cobeg, dame gdagredad, bowsoge tan 
eebmoxd eft to only Soak GOO,00L8 bing necLi hes ays exol 


and paid to compleinant and other holders interest on the bonds 
maturing on ond prior to Octeber 1, 1928; that at the time of the 
default hereinafter mentioned there were outstanding $650,000 of 
the bonds, whieh included the bonds owned by complainant; that on 
March 23, 1929, Baker, Yentress & Company forwarded te complainant 
and other holders of the bends a printed notice. The master here 
inoludes in his report the notice, which, in substance, informed 
the bondholders that default would occur in the payment of the 
principal and interest due spril 1, 1929, due primarily to the fact 
that Herrick, the chief stockholder of the company and one of the 
joint makers of the bonds, “hed failed financially." The notice 
also states certain facts and circumstances thet led up to the 
failure and various efforte mate by Baker, Fentress & Company to 
work out the situation without dieturbing the bond issue. The 

meotice then proeeeiz os follows: 

“We are faced with the problem of determining the best 
method of protecting the first mortgage debt, which, as nearly az 
we ean now determine, aggregates about %700,000, including interest, 
unpaid taxes, insurances, expenses, etc. We believe the first step 
is to get title to the mortgage property through foreclosure, 
thereby eliminating the claims of all o ereditors relative 
thereto; and that the outstanding bonds and coupons should be used 
te buy in the property at the foreclosure sale, in case no one 
@lse bids sufficient thereat to pay off the mortgege debt, including 
interest and costs. uch a suit will soon be instituted, A year 
for redemption after the sale is allowed under Idaho law, 

"You will soon reecsive a draft of an agreement creating 
a Bondholders’ Protective Committee. if the committee should become 
the purchaser of the property at such foreclosure sale, we recommend 
that as soon as it aequires good title thereto, it should attempt 

stly to scll the property for cash as » whole, for an amount 

sufficient to pay the mortgage debt; or, failing this, to sell it 
on terms to some experienced operator willing to take over the 
operation and work out the mor debt on a basis satisfactory 
te the security holders. in briel, to provide a live obligation 
as soon as possible. 

"Our stockholders, their familios end immediate 
connections hold approximately one-fifth of the $650,000 of bonds 
now outstanding. ‘Ye will neither buy nor sell these bonds at the 
present time. You be assured thet we will exert our best 
efforts to work out this situation satisfeeterily and av speedily 
- possible, and we count on your fullest eo-operation to this 


gained ai om teexetni exobied sedfo dae tnamthalques of bieq bas 
cult %o omits exe de dud 7OROL yd xodoto® os tobmg dee nq gabrrdam 
to 0O0.edH yalbnoraywo oxow execs Renolisem vedtanisted Iiustob 
Mo tacd pdmantetyroy y¢ homee abcod ods bobaonk dolidw yabnod edt 
deni siymes of beleertel yasqued & asvsdmeT qteded ,OSOL 46S Apwall 
wre totes ofS .seidon sednlag o ahned ot Yo wtedLod xedgo Ame 
noesetat peenaiodna si stele eaoiten edt \dteqet ald st sianoadll 
ett ko daamyeq malo ah tse blvow tluaton amd | exit 

| dent odd oF “ibrqmlag cmb . MORE yf Lorq, exd teotedm) be seqtoadey 
ed? Yo ene dee Yanguoe edd? To sobledtoose else eds A abeike Sead 
_eotten of® "»ylinionani? bedtet hes” ,eberod eal? Yo acoder sates 
_ ede of qu Bol dasty usoned astoonty haa ston} aiatren aeinte gets 

od EXeqwed & avotdnst eroded yf otem etx tte oweltay fre 9th 
aff .»ewant baad od? petdewtath tess kw wettaan te oat wo stro 

ravoteg? a5 eft aoe 

: a sm % ‘4 a 
gE ES a gatauerstol 30 » te misors ent Helo aig to ses 

. tepaedal gabtiad ragincor’ ie ae soteun ne ateuese 

wi apimedorseh fyse thao 7shs ia isegote euageves of “s ot aes 

bees ed hivedu amoques tno ebnod grthbasdedao ¢ 
ene wr auae nk ,»afeer erueeLoe%o% | as 
pal iuioat « e@ ee rereteen one tie wu 08 ¢ 

Se Sine ea Or ae, 

ameved. pod mamteye a. Se 0 Feaxb & wvieest a ah =, ‘Sam 
grate "er Sasa 
# iat at of ettat aabils Nagy oo et oe 
oni ovo vigor oF oni 
tod gr abbag 4 

¢ vate adaod @ 
Res wo bon vitrosestattoe a 
ae ; 
aids 08 nohsereqo-on Seodio® 


The master further found that about May 31, 1929, “at the request 
of Baker, Fentress & Company, James A. Auchter, Henry 7. Chaney, 
James Fentress, .ustin Jenner and Le F. Stevenson as a bondholders 
protective coumittees entered into » Bondholders Protective Agree- 
ment, which Agreement is in evidenee;” that sbout that date a copy 
ef the agreement and a notice were forworded to complainant and 
other holders of the bondss that complainant received copies of 

the notice and the agreement aml “accepted the terme of said 
depository agreement and * * * forwarded to the Continental Illinois 
Bank and Trust Company its bonds as aforesaid, and on * * * June l4y 
1929, deposited with the Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company 
its bonds ac aforesaid, * * * and that * * * Continental Illinois 
Bank and Trust Company issued and delivered te complainant its 
ecertifieate of deposit thereunder * * *, That of the {650,900 of 
bonds outstanding (645,000 thereof (including complainant's) were 
éeposited with said depository and like certifieates of deposit 
issued therefor;" that thereafter Calvin Fentress, as trustee of the 
mortgage secuxing the bonds, instituted a foreclosure suit in Idaho 
egainet Mill Company and others for the foreclosure of the mortgage 
or trust deed given te secure the bonds, and in 1929 Mill Company 
was adjudicated a benkrupt and J. A» MeGovern was elected and 
Qualified ss truetee in bankruptey of the estate of Mill Companys 
that on June 2, 1930, Fentress, on behalf of Auchter et ale, as the 
Protective Committee, purchaced from MeGovern, trustee, all the 
right, title ané interest of Mill Company in and to the 38,000 

acres of timber land, saw mill, water rights, railroad, and certain 
ether franchises and privileges, which were all conveyed to Fentress 
as trustee for said Committees that in November, 1950, Chaney and 
Pentress made a decd eonveying to Coeur D'Alene Pine Company, a 
Delaware corporation, the properties conveyed to them by eaid 

teowpens ol? dn” ,e50L «Lo yolk sugde deme bowot zeddau? ffeiny agy ' 
yen?» yseeh yseddew. .A somel gynmqmed & gnoxtnet .zoled to 
erehfodbaed a on moamevede «TF et baa sonnel miege suerte womeh 
~sorg evidegtoxrt eyebfecsmok « oimi bevedne 9edd imag pei fl sig 
Wop # stab Jed? suede ded’ “jeunphive at af dnomegays deidw gtnem 
bite instiaiqnes od pebtowse? etew eokion # has fugmeqtge O€8 30... 
te ewiges bevicoes twamlalguge tedd gatmod odd Xo ere bLost todge. 
bee to aered adi betqacgn” bee. sqempetye od? tee option ae... 
aloniifi Ladnentined sid of bahtawsel * * * bug tremeonge waee teegee |... - 
edt era * * go bua ablasexots ea shaed ati ynequed deur tne anol 
ynequos tour! ome uno etontiil Lataenkhiaod ont dddw bed tgoged 528 0L.... 
GhoukLlt Ladnensiged *.* * teks daw % * *, * sdlane7g2g 2a abped wah. 
ati énsmlalquoo e& bevevilod tue ei apebilrg yore i | 
20 GOC~08d? eas Lo fadt .* * * aeheawetedd diseqeh te edeal ) 
oxow (x 'taatialqmos yrtbufent) townads 006,839 peisensie 8 
¢ banged to setaclitdsves efit ms ‘wont nage bhee i ot 
ed? %o cedeatd aa eanetgnsit nev iat wwetaoneds dade, "an alge 
ont bt at $ Esme + oumeotoena? ® ‘botst tant voteod aoa ia 

5 weit 

wma reat exer oo ner ethno’ ante Solel we nots vie » damn awed 
hes Setubte hw nebvesow <0 oh his tqinicied a bod wotbata e 

A wisiguo LEN te states ont to Yotqumctined tt we dowe? Prone dy 
odd eh este te wotefows te se fe vteaten Nee If ee meas 
edt Ii3 «besuirce errrevonoit mort beoadoruy vost! m2 wy imedpnetes 
cg hatha Mt 2 ane see 0 eiccnatest Et "ts de Pet, 


sheriff's deed and said trustees’ deed; thet about October 4, 

1930, said Protective Committee forwarded to complainant and other 
persons who had deposited bonds, a certain notice; that complainant, 
after receiving it, forwarded to the Protective Committee its pro- 
test in writing; that notwithstanding the protests of complainant 
the Protective Committee thereafter esused 2 corporation to be 
organized under the laws of the state of Delaware, known os the 
Coeur DP’Alene Pine Company, with an euthorized capital ef 8,600 
shares of common stock of the par value of $100 each, and 1,400 
shares of preferred stock which have uot been issued; that the 
officers and directors of emid corporstion were the members of the 
Bondholders! Protective Committee, C. @. “iddall, the office 
manager of Baker, Fentress & Company, and his assistant, Ramsay 
Vebsters that the deed from Chaney end Fentress to Coeur D'Alene 
Pine Company wes made in consideration of $260,000 par value of its 
common stock, 75 per cent fully paid and 25 per cent unpraid, md 
$38,470.29 evidenced by the grantee's promism ry note which 
represented moneys which the comuittee hed borrowed to pay the 
expenses of the fereclesure, including the amount distributed to 
the $5,000 par value of bends not deposited with it; that thereupon 
the $860,000 of said common stock was issued te the holders of the 
eertifieetes of deposit iseued by the depositary of esid committh e, 
“to exch certificete holder a certificate for 133-1/5% of the par 
value represented by their respective certificates of deposits These 
certificates were delivered to the Continentel Illinois Bank and 
Trust Company whieh in turn delivered them in exchange for the 
eertificates of deposit, but complainant did not exchange the 
certificate of deposit issued in its neme for said stock;" that 

at the seme time the directors of Coeur I'Alene Pine Company adopted 

the following resolution: | 

yh thdedbO suede fore phess *soddained b¥oe ins boos a *ttbrede 
tetys Sera tmetialanes of bebtawiot ooF8 tanted evivor Jon Biew “oeek 
ethenieiguts sadt peotien tietcoo a .ahtod hodicoqed ‘beat od anoateg 
“ory td} soddineeD ovidoetert otf of nobrawet (fF gakvioser xeeth 
thantnignes to stuotone wd gaitbnededetwsen dads pyhidtiw of baud 
ed of nelisteytos s beuwets red‘teovertd’ oetdimad evissosox® eit 
eit ac nrent yetaated to efade ed? Te omod ons ebm boatnayxo 
O02 to Led iqeo bosteedsen ma débe yynsqnod salt ens titd Lead 
OU L tke howe OLS Ye avEav xoq ont? to Xoods homme Xe & 
o89 tals {basset weed fon ovedt delde doose borxetong 2 aotade 
ee Yo uTenen oto ovew molterdqreo Bian to aveseenth baa wend tho | 
‘gsitte ost  iteee .© 49 coodetemed wvidopdedt | 
Yroned ,matetene ald tee eyequod & ‘wasrdnet qtedlatt Yo eponan 
eeefi" awe02 of aneuioeT bas yormel? mot heoh ont gnats wader 0 
ad: t® elev isy¢ Quo, dad te noltsse hi ants ih phen aw ae “eeinge o ent 
bres dings joo teq Of few blag tier tres oe nme8 
doi:ty ston Xt ma inorg ¢ ‘sednany ont xe boone div ' 

wild han ad bowwrsed hus eetilemon etd Hetale paca 
“ed bedudivieto teams eats mutt batosd «ommatoons’, se anoque 
moquosods said ist ditw bedisoged don shaod Yo suday tag 06048) ads 
ex? % exobLed add od bom! sew Xoode somaoe biee to 000,088 exit ot 
to Stiimes bina to yYtadlaaged sid vd bowrent ‘ataoge’ 20 astnoltitses 
tag ed? to RENIASEL sok atani ites a rohtodt tant itexes co shan rare 
aed .tieoqess Yo aodeoltisteo sviseaqaot stot wa uunoens poems * 
fos tad whom irr Lstwont ined ond at hovavtieh oer | ae 

ad? ot ennntoxe ‘a erostd hovovt Lob Perry at ‘datde'™ aise up 
. Lier es ree i o 
| etd egeatioxs gon 6th onan atquae tud shaogo to ae } 

teat “loots bEse aot ose adt nt boumat theoged 2 8 

"tae atte 
betev a aap? ‘oxts onokA'd uso ® onaeoort® até ome ease oft ta 
. ee praia oat ba 


"Be It Purther Resolved, that in the judgment of this 
Board anid property is necessary for the purposes of the cor- 
poration; the same is the full consideration of the issue of 
said steck, 75% paid and nen~assesseble and the directors dewres 
and adjudge thet eeid property is of the value of $617,000." 
Also the following resolution: 

"Be It Further Resolved thet this corperetion will | 
bring ne suit anda esert no personal liability against any helder 
of such stock certificates of stock for the colicetion of unpsid 
portion thereof.” é 
That on November 12, 1950, Coeur D'Alene Yine Company mailed to each 
holder of the certificates issued by the Continental Iliinois Bank 
and Trust Company as depositary of Bondhelders' Protective Committea, 
a @all fer the payment of 7} per cent of the par value of the stock 
and a call for a stockholders’ meeting; thet in the same communication 
there was contained the following nottieer 
2  *Shie company will bring no suit and assert ne personal 
liability for ny unpaid ealis, but will look to the remedies 
against the etock itself fer collection." 
Theat on the back of the commmicetion certain seetione of the gancral 
corporation lew of Delaware vere printed, snd saleo the followings 

"The Coeur D* Alene Pine Company in iseuing this « teck 
has agreed not to bring suit and not to assert personal liability 
against holders but to look only to the stock for collection of 
the enils.* 
That complainant, in respomse to this comuumication, sent a letter 
stating that 1t ¢ould net end would not accept the ateck, protesting 
against the assessment mentioned, and objecting to the entire plang 
that on February 25, 1931, complainant received a communication from 
Coeur D’Aleme Pine Company which notified it that it was the holder 
of 1351/3 shares in the said company and that there was an unpaid 
assesoment of $1,000; that the Coeur b* Alene Pine Company would, on 
Mareh 13, 1951, preoeed to sell at public smle such pert of the 
shares “of each of seid delinquent stockholders as will pay said 
eall, with interest and incidental expenses and will transfer the 

shares so sold to the reepective purchesers who will then be 

entitled to certificates therefor;" that upon receipt of this 

* - 
a me 

wine te: srr cont stk sate, str 
—ga0 ae Oo eenogung edd > oP idee brass 
i emumd aly Se mole RAY ye 
Siweee axot youth od toe algaagae oH 
"OOO, 7400 te autavy ody to ah ydregenq Biae oahaida fhm 
samhintonn ett wat OmbA 
site soitaverroe eft tat beview (ies Haase 
‘aghiod yur tamioge Etiitdels goog Ryall tow ie Pe dime Ox aatad 
htuqaw te moitveifos ead set seat 
tons mokt 
Meee 69 bellem eneqaod only ometla'd taped 080s oe Tedusves ao deifT 
deme afer If fndtertinod 069 xd bovent codashitsPepo ws Ye dobhed 
esattinne® orisoosort twrehkeddaed Ye Yeedisogeh ox YeQued sett ban 
foots oi to eufew woe oft to énrve ‘cog GY Do tmemyeq eds Kot Shae a 
roLsayinmmes ames ed? of dads pamtioom ‘wxebkoddoote a seh Lkaete hae 
reoitan geiwediet ade bemieimen aaw ae 

fasoxsey on dtenea bee ive on Pa oa =e: iLie ‘yuaqugs.. 6 i eee 
 ekeeson ect at stool iiiw ond nbageus ee titdels 

9 BOL tes ay * ieee wr 
kexoneg 963 Yo enokdeoe alstion mottacdmmmog ot to aped ett mb tant 
igntwolio? add coin hm ybedntyy otnw oxsmated 29 wah nebiawog 

dooes cide pntsend nt yooqued emt? se ot i na a 
Witidslt lanoeveq duesax oF Jor re oh ae. Stys 
te meiveeiles «*o% doove ef? of vine 

“Babveeterg sloota exit tqevca ton bivow hme tem hf aaa’ - 

tielg oxties vslt G9 grbtoohdo hem «benottasm tedmnovens edd tentags 
mort soitaolaweanen 2 bevkewst ditamintgnon 4 LOOL BS veewsdeT me desld | 

wwhtod wi? met go) Sosty Of Sort hion adehdw Umogeo® eats eoedAtd tweed 
 bdege ng aoe ones? dualy bas wtageee blew ald ak nosade 8\E8EL 
mo whine yung Smet pwede ts: -tewod.ertd tastt 100008 te. tres 
ada Yo Som Howe olen oitéeg tm Lion 0d heoowny « Ked Ah doen 
pha qoq: Lhkw aa axobsorbiveta ‘tmonpabsed: bhog De tone toh hn 

abit to syiovet mogu dass *;2o tend as doohtheree 02 : —" ; ae 


conmmnication complainant again protested, and the sxle was 

postponed from time to time by an agresment batween the partieas 

that at the time of the foreclosure of the mortgage and the said 

sale of said property to Coeur D'Alene Pine Company, “the complainant 
was the holder of 10/645ths of the entire bended indsbbcdness. That 
the fair value of complainant's equitable interest in said property 
of November 1» 1950 was 10/645ths of said sum of $617,000, which was 
She value of said property as offered by the trustees and the Coeur eS 
Blalene Pine Company in the trenuefer of said property to anid core , 
poration or $9,255.82;" that upon the enll for the payment of %e 

per gent of the face or par value of the steck, the holdere of all 
of tae stoek except about 1,575 sheres immediately paid said ageesse 
ment and before the sale oecurred the nusber ef shores upon which 
She assessment had not been paid had bean further redueed to 869_ 
Shares; that since November 1, 1950, Coeur i’ Alene Pine Company 
hes undertaken no operation whataver; has wade a second call upon 
its stockholdera, and from the two ealle has realized the sum of 
©101,132, and with the -pprovel ef beth directors and stockholders, 
dismantled the mill originelly covered by the mortgage, thereby 
reducing insurance and elimineting the expense of caretakers; has 
ceased to pay taxes on 11,450 acres of land regarded as valueless 
has sold 5,471 seres af land for 63,9603 has paid all of its 
debts, and on Decomber 31, 1932, had $29,945.31 in its treasury to 
defray the carrying chorges for the year 1932, “hich were eatimated 
at $23,515. The report continues: “It is contended on behalf of 
the complainant, that the amendment te Section 12 of said Bonde 
holders’ Protcetive Committee agreement, by adding the followings 
‘Such espiteal stock may be issued as in part unpaid, and to that 
extent payable on the call of the Board of Directors,’ was not 
binding upon the complainant by reason of the protest made by it te 


eew afes cet? Dime cho teatong ainge tonatndypos BOLE sokrunmne 9 
jootiang off soewded trsa8 ys er ye om’ og sats mor: vemaganog 
Shan sid Lew wgoptuom ons ie ‘Wnnina viet ‘ad ah alll itd “deep 
daantatgnon esi” .ynqwo! omii onteta'd saved of YOxegome biaa to eta 

Ho, anaes, a 102 hee oft aga, ta pee nare eatin 
fie to otebLou ody edoota od! io opley sag ae @omd ould 30 sav, tog. 
~sevees bier bieq Viedetbout amugla Sea, dweda iqoaxe shops es to 

ene nen ee ne wa 

— breoes & shee aput meentatin wddecenh 4 on ee ad toh ) 
Sesaee ems bexiiaet vod elles ows osld. aor? bun. aesebfodioorn aft 
at 4 We: Cua Aa 

eaxwhipridoads fen ayedoetth aéed te levetca odd sdb bee . ‘ 2 

Som Sate 

\Gereds <opent rom eit w bere rE vhLonkytro Ltt wth te ‘ 
eee! TO gy Ee. ee Rane 

: neti tetedntorss te cxmsaxe oa aattantmt ie hess heads ered pab bes * 
Higher MRR SFR ITY ~UERGRN MSE >, COMER oR SRN ROARS” SACRA ORD aia PARR UNG UWE: ar tiie St Nay b oe s Be ae rs 

_yrnedoutey ar bubnaget bral te seton Ono, tt so ‘one we 98 

‘gal sity Sete om 

ate te tte ta andl 1900608 xo bane =) ewan S142 ew ned 
: 0 yureaerd edt mt Lena0ayint onsl efOCE oft Tadao 90st i oe °! 
bedamites omen sto tate SECE Boy ent 20% sopra | at he f 
Yo Latte’ ao beturadmos ai si" wount da 

haath . riety oa 

| sbuoil bine 16 GE mabvon! of ameubsomn exit test? y onan? que 
Shika eh hel ili Ete IN 

sgnkwollot oat gerdihbe “e sthemen tes wort heme? ovistoo dort 

| » Soak Benet sae a hate 
asd 09 ben ¢bingaes soe at en pemen? od am foots coe 


“den aan t atodoetid to brent ott re theo aid mo 
MEE 8 
of 0h of vin tertene oat Ye neath & 

Pie oy? " 



goid amendment. It is further contended that the only pewer said 
Bondholders’ Cemmittee had, was to supply deficiencies in the 
original agreement that would necessarily carry out the original 
intent of the parties, and that the provision regarding amendments 
wae not intended ac an sutherity te permit medifiestion of the 
plan thet would definitely atrike out the Original undertakings 

of the parties: thet seid original agreement expressly provided 
*vregiatere? holders of certificates of depesit shall act he per- 
sonally lisble for such compensation, expenses or indebtedness, or 
for any action taken by the Committees’ that the altered plan as 
edopted imposes a contingent stockholders’ Liability upen those 
who accept the stocks that the complainant, being a National Bank, 
is prehibited from entering inte any stock venture whereby it would 
become liable to assessment on the steck, The complainant further 
contends that the Bondholders’ Protective Conmittee were trustees 
for the benefit of all the bondholders; thet ae such trustees, they 
were bound by the terms of such agreament so long ae they continued 
to act, and that they had no pewer to emend the agreement after the 
sale? thet having used complainant's bonds for the purchase of the 
mortgaged promises on a plan waterially different from the one in 
foree at the time of the sale, the defendant, as menubers of the 
committee and the new corporation as s purchaser with notice, are 
lisble to the complainant for the face value of the bonds and interest 
coupons, vith interest thereon. On behalf of the defendants it is 
contended that the defendants who constitute the Protective Committee 
aeted in good faith, with an honest desire to do what wae best for 
the interests of all ceneerned. That the complainant has not 
proven any fraudulent, collusive or wrongful conduct on the part 

ef any of the defendants, and that on the contrary, the acts, 

eonduct and proceedings of the defendants, as chown in the pleadings 


bine wewoe yfeo of? Sacld boteesemo vemiwt ef FL .aeeerbronia Hen 
on? ai eofenmiatteh yieqws of ace yhett voestiamot 'erethiedhnet 
fenigizo ed tye. Utes viiteseeven bitow Jedd tremeetyn Lente Pro 
aixawhneas gaibreget noteivorg etd eadd bus .aekiung oft to Saddnt 
of? Yo Moers ELbom stuxoy of ysbtertiem ma a0 tobmoderk fbn iin 
ABKbind robes Lenknite atid ano oofbrte ydotiabted piwow tort saky 
bebivery Lonexaxs tacumoran Sastteixo bien dee phottrag bit Yo 
“ey od on LLmie Skangoh To sodeortherse 2 orshtod hexedalyor* 
40 ysnenboddennt ro seanoexe yrelccansenos Home to? SLGHEL UlLstios 
ao nakq bevedis ond dest? 'yoortimned ett yO minke? gotten Yo tOt 
aod! aogu YStLidetl ‘etohfortuese diegmtienoed & sevogmt botqobr 
yiHed Lewotio » gmbed ,imertatqmoo edd gard tloote od tqwooe only 

bien ot ierour cusnor dots ne oft untretne mont bovteding at 

setidiwit duenielquos em? oxoote ext? wi fnemevowen of efdatt ouooo 
acotmixt crew co’dtamel evtiovter’ ‘ore bLodhned | emt tadls brodsy 
Ress pecetuurd ffove ac sats qaxeblodhaed on? ‘th to threned eat! 10? 

a le Se ee ave 

benttewoo Yen? es ume os emomenes doue 10 amet wl? YS bned exer 

reser | 

dakw wae 
ont todtc sromormes odd bateme of teweq on ta oat sets “bre vee 04 

oni 20 sandorug end ot ebaod wo ‘suanialeuee bomar sath ost poh he vote 

oe os he 

tek afte asit wort snocatthe vi felts ten make - te soataory 

ous eoobton Adiw teandowmg « on moddoxoquen wen nie hero eodd temao 
were sett ors whaod esld to sukiw sys off tot dmamdalquno aid 02 
a ai $i sdachne'tod et te tated nO  .noereds soocedal Hehe oe 
easS tamed evivoatérd ond seuetienoe oie ainshaeteh ald tadts bo! od 
get ned vaw adv ob 08 sréewd acne fs hs kw ate beoy at “ 

hy By Ans 

ton ued tant alguoo ona daa? » bentaones Ae ® Sond ad 

feng ad ne douteon Larignoxn 20 avenues «emal one! 
sedan edd D oaalanie oats RO tect fae sotmstnotob ast 

sate Ga 4 recy ee a 

mpathooi add th mvedé ah ene to pone a tas 4 a 9 é 

bana vo Ws 
ext ‘to axe daroct as etmatare teh etd qtlvs ads ‘to omy att 9 ts eorot 

fabs ce a, 


and exhibits end by the facts stipulated, indieste thorough 
impartiality toward former bondholders of the Coeur D'Alene Pine 
Company, ani that the complainant has at all times had due notice 
ef all plans. That the defendants who constitute the Protective 
Committee in all respects acted within the seope of their agency 
as created and defined by the Protective igreement and the amendment 
thereof. That under the terms of the protective agreement, the 
depositors submitted themselves te the control of the majority, 
including the right to amend the agreement in any way thet was 
germane to the original sgreement. That the amendment eas duly 
and regularly adopted by a majority of the depositors of the bonds, 
and that it was in all respects germane to the plan and purposes 
of the agreement. That said comaittes hai the power to iasue the 
asseesable stock without the sentence added by the amendment, but 
if it did not have such power without the amendment, it certainly 
had it by reason of the added sentence. That the terms of the 
original agreement are being carried out and thet therefore com- 
Pisinant hes not suffered any damages and the bill of complaint 
should be dismissed. The Master finds that under the terms of 
said original agreement, said Bondholders’ Protective Comittee 
had the pewer, whenever in ite judgment it might be aiviszble, and 
from time to time, to amend the seid agreement and that unless 
within a period of fifteen (15) days from the mailing of notice of 
any amendment, the registere? holders ef eertificates of deposit 
representing more than 50% of the aggregate principal amount of 
the deposited bonds er eoupons, filed with the depositary, written 
notice of dissent, or if at any time within the period, registered 
holders of such certificates of deposit, representing 51% of the 
aggregate principal amount of the deposited bonds and coupons, 

filed with the depositary written notice of their consent to 


darqrol? edwollnt ptetelagita etost oft yd bas etididz bas 
anit eneli’? imeo® off te exobledhnod .teatrot teewed yeiteltaoget 
soften owh tel sent? Lie fa eet tmonialques ef? gadé han cymeqaed 
avicoetort off egutidanes ode stnobasteh edd tad seneig Ife. to 
-‘Yompae ales Ro sqoowe ede stdeio dedee adoogaet Ske at oeddtmued 
dneubeoms tee bee Sremwerg eviveotoxi end yt hexhieb, tne beteetp se 
odd ,orkameernn eviioadexq end To worsed est? tebe dad?  » howreds 
vetivotaw od? Yo Lotdaob aad of aeviocmed? teotdtiadsa exodteoged 
Gav Fase yor wre mt dreameonge one tome ob defytt éxlt aint barkomd 
Yih ee thombroms edd dal .daomesrge fanighro aff et enmurreg 
eshued @ft te ntodicogeh off to eitotam aed bedgobe YPratupet: bas 
 epkoqey Ane oodq ed? of smawrey adseqeet Le nb aad gad’ bie 
emt omect of towoq edt het cotSiamod Dies tetT sdhemeb ge eft To. 
Utero Mt _seowbrom odd semitlw xeweg down ovat Jom bhbr dk RL 
ot? Yo amvod end taltT ,oometase bedbe off to monet yd dt bas 
 {nkelgwes Ye Litd edd bee gegamab yaw betetiee tom sud dnamtol¢ 
$0 enrred atl? cote Jack? halt cetea of? shonntumtd ed hirede 
| ebtdtamed ovtteotesT terwbiodhnoS blot ,imemoomges Sontaixo bton 
hits ,oLduatwhe od sagt $i seemphul eff mk sovesedw yxewog oxfd hast 
needa todd dee teamowTys bten ahd heme of gemtd oF omttimoxt 
(he bolton to gebEtam oot work ageh (86) moeetet Ro hotteg.« atddly 
| $heoyeh To eeteolttestes te exbbted boxedetgor afd pimemhpemags 
(teen dingtoming staponye odd te ROO meuls anon guhemoeges 
moddien eyrndinoyed ec? Sitw doLkt yamoquoo te whnod bedtaoqeh mat 
beredadgox gbotreg add sidsiv omits yw to be XO «invaake Ye spon i 
wilt 26 Kil puddnoaeqor qhtsogeh ko avdoniiituaouteste te erohted 
A ee aR Se . 
96 tnatinet eked’ Ye WoteoM motstnr yuatts 


such amendment, then in cither case would such amendment be binding 
upon all the holders of certificates of deposit. The complainant 
who owns 10/650ths of the face value of all the bonds, is the only 
party te said agreement that is now objecting to the method pursued 
by the seid Bondholders’ Committee in carrying out the reorganization 
plan. wen though the amendment to said Section 12 materially 
changed the terms of the original agreement, eaid amendment was valid 
and binding on the various holders of the certifiestes of deposit, 
unless 60% of such holders objected thereto in accordance with the 
provisions of said agreement. The complainant being the only 
ebjactor, and owning only 10/650ths of the face value of said 
bends so deposited, is bound by the said agreement and the fact 
that the complainant is a Nationel Bonk and prohibited from entering 
inte any venture which might make it liable to acsenament on the 
stock, eannot be considered because there is no shade daniel the 
complainant for the recovery of eny stock liebility. The defendants 
are merely seeking to enforce the asgesement levied ageainat the 
stock apportioned to the defendant and which hae mot been paid in 
full. The Heater further finds that the Bondholders’ Protective 
Committee wae faced with either forcing the eile of the property 
given te sccure said bond iseue at a seaerifice price, or holding it 
until such time ac it could be sold for a more reasonable price. 
The plan adopted by the Bondholders’ Committee appears to be for the 
equal benefit and protection of ali of the bendholders and shows that 
the Committee acted in absolute good faith." The master recommended 
that the bill be dismissed for want of equity. 

The Bondholders' Protective ‘greement contained, inter 
glia, the following: 

"(6) The Committee may supply dsfects and omissions 
in this Agreement and may make such modifications as in its 

judgment may be deemed necessary or proper to carry out the same 
properly and effectively; and its judgment as to expediency or 


getintd o¢ teowhremn tome olwow eaay coddte mf med? (toeabaome some 
taseielgnues of? «iiooger to estan heres te atehied eft 1a moqe 
vinw af ot yard add Lhe Yo owLary vont odd to misOeR\OL emwo lade 
beavis hedtom ott e3 untveetde wor ul sats Inemeetys blew as Yerag 
solisstusgrows sae duo satytves #f vedthase? letebiodbaed bhae addogd 
{iintvotem 8f mobdoe® than of énomhavma edt Mgtodd m9vd. cml 
bitey wav tenuous Siow ,imencotgs Lamtyteo est to meted of?  hegaedo 
etignqed to codsoltiedeo off to avehted ssottey add mo. gabbald has 
edt dite sonebyeces mi ofetadd getsotde suebLed sowe to ROR coetnw 
yino afd antod wngatniquos off .dAaemenye Bhar te eH bak vong 

bien to euloy soe asta ro a3080\0L “lao gekave due «rodoetde 

font wf? tno dtomeetge bten aft yd hewod at «botheoge® on.abad 
gaiteding nox? hotistdory has ans? £esokiel » 9), dmemhalgnas ont dade 
ott o@ inouencene e¢ ofdetf a2 oem tdgie doldw oumtney ys oink 
expt hemhapantndi en af otetd euassed boweblanes od tonnes «iota | 
atncbas tet edY .ysvitidall doodle ene fe yrevooet edd x0 tnontasonoo 
edt Suntayr Dolved tnecasues ont wexotan of gatalnen texan dee 

mf Bis mec ¢om amt dylde dag anchnoted afd of beneliveqqs aeote 
aviteoter? ‘atehLedsned acd? das’ baht xesidw? xedagl eft Saad , 

oo etreqenG eft to etre dé gatow? aedtte din bee’ aw cetttunad 
th gaibfod we .eohrg softness 0 te oneal Smad bhee emse os aovkg 

tohsg eidenossen eto s rot Stes od bieos 2s as -emlé dose Lidaw , 

| ett sot od of eeeegge eodtd tamod ‘enee heemeetiast Acetate smite 
‘ted? awed tne eteblodhned ol! to kia te nekteodome tats. | 
pohnemitvet tetonmad? *.kotut seog. etutesds ab:veten settimehatt 
: vettwye Yo tan x02 heawbm th ad Ltd ed dastd 
 todat ~Sentainoo Imei ovkvoodort terohtodemo® od® 60 itis baer 

ieeatten ntti 
Ettoloaie te a¢osteh. ylaqwe you eett heed off |. 
ade am @ = smerers oats ph ghar at 


necessity shall be final, The Committee shall also have the 
ower, whenever in its judgment it may be aivisable ami from 

ime to time, to amend this Agreement. All amendments shall 
be filed with the Depositary. If it be the judgment of the 
Committes, which shell be conclusive, that any such amenduents 
will materially affect the rights of the holders of certificates 
of deposit, notice of such filing and of the nature of such 
amendments shall be given to such holdere by United States 
registercd mail at theiy last known addresses, Unless within a 
period of fifteen days from the mailing of auch notice, registered 
holders of certificates of deposit representing more than fifty 
per cent of the sgeregate principal amount of the deposited Bonds 
and coupons file with the Depositary written notice of dissent, 
er if at any time within soid period, registered holders of 
eertificates of deposit, representing fifty-one per cont of the 
ageregate principal smount of the deposited Bonds and coupons shall 
file with the ap toga Minh netice of their consent te such 
amendments, then in either case such amendments shall be binding 
on all holders of certificates of deposits; and 211 of them shall 
be finally and conelusively deemed for all purposes to have 
assented to said amendments whether they received actual notice 
or not, and shall be irrevoesbly bound ond concluded by the same, 
and thig agreement shall be modified accor¢dingly> 

he & 

"(8) The Committee chali have a first lien on all 
deposited Bonds and eo @, and om all property which it may 
purchase, acquire or hold, or which may come into its bands, for 
eompensation and expenses (including the compensation and expenses 
of the Depositary and of such counsel, sgents and employes as it 
may select) and for any and all indebtedness incurred by the 
Committee. Registered holders of certificntes of deposit shal i 
not be persohally liable for such compensation, expenses or in- 
cebtedness, or for any action taken by the Committee. 

oe & + 

"(11) The full legel and equitable title to all 
deposited Bonds and coupene and any property received hereunder 
shall, for ali the purposes hereof, vest in the Committee 
immediately upon the deposit thereof hereunder, but the 
Depositors respectively agree at any time or times, on demand of 
the Committee, to execute ani deliver to the Conmmittes any and 
all other transfers, assignments and euthorizations required 
by the Committee to evidence the venting of the ownership of said 
Bonds ani coupens in the Committee or its nominees. The Committee 
shall have and may exercise, in ite diseretion, all rights and 
powers of the respective owners or holders of ssid Bonds and 
coupons deposited hereunder. Immediately upon the deposit of 
their Bonds and coupons hereunder, all right, title and interest, 
legal and equitable, of the Depositors in ond to the money now 
or hereafter in the Sinking Fund provided fer in said Mortgaze 
shall vest in the Committee; and the Depositors, so far as they 
lawfully ean, hereby authorize the Trustee under said Mortgage 
to turn such Sinking Fund woneys over to the Committee, or to 
pay the same, in whole or in part, upon its order. 

"(12) Witheut limiting the other provisions hereof, the 
Depositors fully authorize the Committee, in its discretion: 

wh Le 

wd eves evdo Ifede endiiomed edt. «Lani Pat Hew sagoven 
wort tis efdwatvhe ef tae Ji Sroastgbst edi ai tevemesdtw . tow 
iiesia sieowbreme Lin .tmemeotgs alae brome of pamtd ft.0% 
ots to tnoegou, old od 2k Tl oe ytadheoqet ef? deiw ted 
sixguincus deve you iad? ,evinutopee ed iLada dodsiv 120tiore 
@etnoltiduse To evebLod end to alegix off S08T¥S yiislisten 
foun to wtaten oe? to bae aaiilt dowe to a tia siiwoged to 
aéced’ aodio’ yt arabfod mowe oJ ge? ad & eine breasts 
& tititiew aveieU preagevbhs avemd taal xt od? paretetans 
betetutges .ooistex doge to onllian ed? mow pom ety os 
Wii seed orem witdnecexqget fineqoh., to pe hae tg es to sashes 
hao betlasyeh off ‘to — sy | eset phy agin 4 
esmenaih ke outten aedsiuw yxatioeged Ww ® neo 
te wteBbiod bereve bye * i Bbicee tres ivishe emt? 2, has 
ge to. dneg soq ame-ytts? yatineoerges » 7 he 2, <8 to#ept hn 
i ehoguow bro shrot totleogeb edd to dtavome 
ws @2 tneerten tied? to cotton, sodtiur won Poo ey eat a hw pak 
sabeate od finde e¢nembness Hooe ones teritie al made 
iiewis med? to Lie bee piieegeh to eetaottitres to arabia Lie no 
ered oF seeoyre¢ Ife vo? bemeed yeviebLones baw Y od 
eaten tawion bevivoss yvodd tesderw edmomhnema blee od bednsaas 
qaaee sale YO Sehwferon hes Need yLdeooverr! of Tiadw > oll eft ve 
«ytgni>vecea Sektibom od Lints snpeuee Ty aed bet 

I vee 


fie me weit tori? « eved Lads ve2 nod ott (ei 
yet ¢i Bute yrovene Ile ne hes snemoques. ee 
tot gabigi. edi of@i ameo yem doidw vo ,hbled to eas 
aperngxt ie tatvoansqaeo esi gaibutess } "So'ben gone a ans 
$i cm seyelome baa elmoge ylemnwoe dowa To 
eric xe bexsvont sgembeddohml {Le an 
Llada iiseqoh to eadeelitiizes te sxeblod bevetely 
=k %o noenoare sel iceneqmon dows tot sidetl vf. 
ei¢tmme® afd yd neties wolton -— 

Sg gt egumnbegse: es Shay a 

| fis of ofth? of@etiwoe ten feget ffvt oat tegen’ isa 
vohmeted SeVieowt YHiegetg Ye bre anoquen bus | ce, Simei bes 
sottinen off nt tyoy Noovert aneoyrey sits ‘ter 
atid tud ,vebhwoved toetedd theeget mid moqu (Ledalben 
Ro trameh ao ,eouks *o emit ye he oonge Yhovisooquet aved teoged 
ine yn cot¢dimsot) add of toviied fos edavexe of gooddiaued add — 
oe thoes amiscubrotine bre adepatytees qaceeRuanud caste Lhe 
bien to qitezenvo eat ta selene exis ro 0 wg 6) oeddtumed end “ 
 @ertinwcd eff secenisen eft se eettiawod aft mh enoqguer hae | 
fan nteigit iLe queljeronhh edt md geatoxexe You bre even J 
fit; obew® bhen te oxebier we eran evbdosqeet oe ho axe 
te tigeqoh ed soqe yLodaibensl .  ehaneted vodtecqeh RB 
gteomedni fey off ,idgit Lie «sebrensed smegien bas phere! 
wor Yorom od oF fms oi axotieeqed alt Xe veldad Inps 
eyeniroN btae al. wh hobhverg hei. : 
yeads as ust oe gatodleoged etd ban ond ¢ iasod ad be 
Sodas pid nota aedeuee wait 
at to geedtinwed old of to¥O aypeOn gpl 
sxshte ati soqu .2teq ni to ; oie. r¢ 

of? «teers enoiniverqg wetdo oie gal thos, 
‘ so Gye rapt mek wt sotd kame? wet oi 

“(a) To foreclose said Mortgage; and, if the Committee 
deems it necessary or advisable, to purchase the mortgaged 
property st the foreclosure sale, using in payment theref or 
the Ronds and coupons outstounding under said Mortgage in 
accordance with Sections 11 and 12 ef Article V of said 
Mortgage (to which reference is hereby made), and also using 
seid Sinking Fund moneys (if eny) for the purpose of making 
such payment and for the purpose of paying the costs and 
expenses incident to such sale or ineurred hereunder by the 

“(p) Im ease of purchase by the Committee at such 
fereclosure sale, to dispose of the mortgaged property in 
such manner and for such price and upon such terms and con- 
ditions as the Committee msy deem advisable; or, it no such 
sale is in prospect by the time the title to the mortgaged 
property, free of redemption, is thus acquired by the 
Committee, to organize a new corporation to acquire title 
thereto and distribute its eapital stock or securities ratably 
among the Depositorse 

RY & 

"“(g) To do or cause to be done whatever the Conmmittee, 

in its diseretion, may deem expedient to preserve, protect 

er enforces the rights and interests of the Depositors, in 

such manner and om such terms os the Committee shall think 

preper; te enfores by legal proceedings or otherwise, in 

respect to the deposited Bonds and coupons, all powers vested 

in or conferred upon the owners and holders thereof by the 

terms of said Mortgece or otherwise; and, in genersl, to 

execute such papers and to do such acts as the Committec, 

in ites diseretion, may deem proper in order to carry out fully 

and effectively the purposes of this Agreement," 
The Bondholders! Proceective Committee amended clause (b) ef ssetion 
(12) by adding to it the following words: “Suen eapitel stork may 
be issued as im part unpaid and to that extent payable om the call 
of the Board of Directors.*® 

Complainant states that "this attenpted amendment is the 

erux of the whole matter," ani contends: "I. The bondhslders? 
protective committee had no power to smend the bondholders! 
protective agreement after the sale of the mortgaged premises," 
and “IIe The defendants had no authovity under the bondholders? 
protective agreement: {a) To organize a corporation with 
assessable stock. (b) To attempt to waive the personal liability 
te the corporate ereditors for the assessable portion of the stock. 

{e) To require a national bank bondhelder to accept rssessable 

steck in lieu of its securities." 

eesiimend edt ti eke 3 LopagsioN ok btie ta sua odear dt “eg yn ; 
rete cage wed “gogne $e ak a a4 
to tercald 2 aittes es phan te ero aa | 
eS ites eho brite tye not feet ih abnot 6 
oY bie: dc. te Bf bre {Lf amor ‘Bit * sanabeoven’ 
get aur good bite . (eben “yefexed ot penne Be doldy of) 9 fi 
gitiiant Yo oeoqig eft rot (yas tt} gutae ioe i 
Maia atéeoo oft yaiver to seoqing t ban Y ee — 
ptt YE wobnweten beTtuont to else dows 03 oP snetont oo Te 
* si 2@ sedtiomod ald yd vari | to eneo ‘2 («)*, chy 

OF yiregory begayttom efi to seogeib od .aiea Stuag teen 
~f10.0 pp atvet dove moge baa pe Me gh ~_ oe Sea TIA 
dove on tt .x6 obdeaty nit add 

Sueur? 2 old of ofthe ‘dis 
ts best Pere @ to out 
¢ is fais taxeqz04 oe m9 oF 
yidedex asisituose x0 feats eli aE: seul fad baa 

eoottiameS ed reves aw omoh od oF cathe to gg 
doostorg .evreasrq oF Inslhbaqxe mee — : sete 
wet eatod Laoged edi ko ataetedat fair 

ae ffetie sogz tanto d ait eo wns 

Me adele XO ayhihssoorg. eset” 

betaey « Lewog Ifa .emecues bite shaok be 

YW tooteis axtablos bra atenwe @ 

i efeterey at .haa 494. @ TO: 

; ae oy peg dove ob of Ro eqaq dove od exe 
“leet Ho YtIgo of ite ae oe ame ivetonth inact 
stnemeetga ald! iat ont ULevttesys Bits 

motives te (cd) cauein bebaome asd timed evttwosindl ‘qt tedtneeat 
wan vcote dap tom awwe" pebrow haat on hai oF Samael hed 90) 

*ecee fareme begegdzom end To - ott sete 4 ow 9 a 
tare blodpnod ont realness weston “on batt he dh ak 
a. at, gpolsozeqros: # oat rf ar 

oof Lo) dane 
ysitiastt Ianosreq ond eview o@ samedta of 4a 
sinote oes Se: meh tend. © Sdgame ‘ 

eldaassnac tqpas of asta cherad 

W.eottitwoen ad? to eae pean 100. 


Defendants have argued that the organization of the 
Coeur D’Alene Pine Company with sgsessable stock was within the 
power of the Protective Committee “even without the amendment 
of the agreement," but we do not deem it necessary to pases upon 
this contention. We agree with the following, from the report 
of the master, “that under the terms of said original agreement, 
ssid Bondholders’ Protective Committee had the power, whenever 
in ite judement it might be advisable, and from time te time, to 
amend the said agreement and that unless within a period of fifteen 
(15) days from the mailing of notice of eny amendment, the regia- 
tered holders of certificates of deposit representing more than 50% 
of the aggregate principal amount of the deposited bonds or coupons, 
filed with the depositary, written notice cf diasent, or if at any 
time within the period, registered holders ef such certificates of 
deposit, representing 51% of the aggregate principal amount of the 
deposited bonds and coupons, filed with the depositary written 
notice of their consent te such ewendment, then in either case would 
such amendment be binding upon all the holders of certificates of 
deposit. The complainant who owns 10/650ths of the face value of 
ell the bonds, is the only party to said agreement that is now 
Objecting to the method pursued by the sald Bondholders’ Committee 
in carrying out the reorganization plan. ‘ven though the amendment 
to seid Seetion 12 materially changed the terme of the original 
agreement,ssid amendment was valid and binding on the various holders 
of the eertifiestes of deposit, unless 50% of euch holders objected 
thereto in »sccordance with the provisions of said agreement» The 
complainant being the only objector, and owning only 10/650ths of 
the face value of said bonds so deposited, is bound by the said 
agreement." The eases cited by complainant in support of its cone 
tention I may be readily distinguished under the facts. That the 
Protective Committee had the right, under clause (bd) of aeetion 


ef <@ meisecinagro said dads howgze oval gtaabas tod 
ed ciddiw asw soode ekdoagcene déty yueqnod ont? enela'c ‘e009 
dnebooine ont deodtinv smye” seddimapd evidowdert ad! Yo reweq 
rags wang od Yraweeoen sf moet ion ob ow dud " tmoneerge oad to 
_axoqet oft mot gamtwolfo? ext dilw cemge oY snottneenee ais? 
cinometge Lantgiro hice to emxet ed? tebew sete" vtodsom edd to 
nevenstw ,sowoy odd basi aetdiamod evi sontort tanebLod bao. bias 
od yaerke oF mts sece ew sofdanives oF Saf tin th tneeaber eet at 
meeetk? to bolxeq o niteiw enoine tad bee inners bow watt brome 
epines ond .teemhnsae Yaw TO bobtom te eee et ona mort wqab: (2) 
R08 mods eto pelinosexges diuogeb te asdéanithecee bo axebtod boxed 
cemaqwos to ahmed heticogss ody le sevonie Maen, esngetays edt te 
Wis ie TH vo .inomnth Yo votvon metiixw «yaad toons bale dutw bets? 
to wedont tiers Mowe to wseblod horwFalger host 

om verted onté 
odd Yo Cassone Lnqtont 1g etagevage od We ALE yatdnesbrg 
nugeixe Yrodtunqed wit tw BeLhY yenouuos er eh it 
biver wens reidio mt mudd qtrombnone fowa of skbunpo rhedd % : 
. 9 BP Mefaas those Te AtUbsed aMt Lie BORN. REMEEE. OG: DARREN MO: 
3o eulay sant sili Yo wIOKO\OL eawe oHw snamiotgmes ede »dtgoqob 
won a dod doomoeme diese ot yeuag elmo end a gubood oft tha: 
eessinwo? ‘exrebLonived blow oxt yet hatateq hostiow otf?.09 aatsootdo, 
drowinems ond Apeadd caw .omdg wohdechnaysoet wild dio onrerine a ; 
annie anotzav end ne guibetd tm biker paw taainenn on tmacerye 
(— bedooide exebLodt toon Xe OA onetay qhtengoh Yo nedeotthexey: eat te: 
ER, RUSE NUN ON ARS per Se dotodd 
te adt02a\ps chun wusane time xopenhdd vind, elt: pebed sammbadghes 
bien edd yd bowed af phodineged on mined bhew vaiesealipibnuall | 
008 eas te dsequue at tnemiolawon WW hedio eouse sill  “soremeonge 
edt teatt eaten’ ef? xebsar detutmgatteth wibbact | ea yume Es ates . ie 
noltesa 10 (¢) cnundo cohmw ,toybx aid had oodd tame pvhinede < | 

4 GM % 


(12), to organize a new corporation cannot be questioned. 
Complainant argues that it is «9 national bank and that 
defendants knew it te be suchs that under the federal iaws it 
eould not accept assessable ateock snd that the Bondholders' 
Protective Cownsittee had no pewer to require it te accept assessable 
stock in lieu of its seeurities. Az an answer te this contention 
we quote from complainant's reply brief the following statements 
"The plaintiff concedes that the powers of the covumittee are not 
eontrolled or limited by the charter powers of the complainant." 
In couneetion with the instant contention it is well to note what 
complainant asks us to do. fo quote from the conclusion of come 
plainant's brief: “We, therefore, submit that in so for ae the 
decree of the trial court dismissing the Continental Illinois Bank 
and Trust Company, it sheuld be affirmed, but in all other reapects 
it should be reversed and that this court showld enter a judgment 
ageinst Joseph A. *uchter, Henry =. Chaney, James Fentress, ‘uotin 
Jenner and L. ¥. Stevenson, the members of this Bondholders! 
| Protective Committee, Baker, Fentress & Company ani the Cocur 
D* Alene Pine Company, the Delaware corporation whe took the 
property with notice of its trust and character, for the sum of 
$9,255.82 with interest from and after Wovenber lat, 1930 at 5% 
pursuant to the statute in such cases made and provided." Come 
pleinamt reiterates the foregoing in its reply brief. The conten- 
tion that the Protective Committee had ne power to compel complainant, 
a federal national bank, to accept assessable stock in Liew of its 
securities, is not urged by complainant merely to save itself from 
a judgment, for in its brief it does not ask us to reverse and 
remand the deeree with directions to award complainant a permanent 
injunetion restraining defendants from ever enforeing any stock 
liability against complainant, nor dees complainant ask us to 

hone hiaews ef tonnes melesteqres wera Wetitegto 02 ,(82) 

geld tow aned Lewettxn » ab $2 dodd compen Poamhiteaed © woe 
ti ave dexebot es? vehnw ted? idoue of of 02 wont adttebne teh 

‘atch Lovbneat old gait bee deode eLdeuatinae Hyoeos Pom Blade 
eldsenooms Sqeeta of Jk exiwsat of ssweq on bat setdteed svivesdert 
seitinesnoo ald? cf reweme me a) ,avhibereern wt Yo wort nb doots 
(inomedede yeiveliel edd tebiw ulgor teapetakqueds mot? S¥oup ow 

don exe cotitunes ens to axevbg sft seult eebeoneo Wisalely’ eat” 
*.Gnnetalquen ed Yo etoweq velvety om q bathed fae peltornes 
dutty efor of Lhow af Jf mol teetnow seetomt ext Méhw neleoeatod tt 
ano %6 sOlawienos off mort ateup of 0d O¢ om Bind tnbtbalgewd 
ert a owt oe mi dat? thaive petetoxedd ow «thted a MmanbelG 
het wionitt: tatnentsned st yeltentaate: drues’ Heber ete te" eotbeh 
adosqaey cedte £14 st deo yhomtitia o¢ Biieds ea eniigt Sharet ha 
dheawhit & tedke Siwete Pedos ehis Jad ome berbved Od ptvode #? 
siscin atesdes® seaat (yemdfd .t yenot” (pedal la abbot beliags 
Yerebladinek std? Yo wiedase ad? toemvede 7 nak roast 

tNCOD off ine esque & stottast ytoded podthiane? ovitestert 

edt¢ Hoos ow mottoreeros owned etd puRbgied enkt sabi tt 
Rese est? Sot crotoatnts ed stared eb hte Ob nt ee avy eigeee 

oe ge ober , Hk code vin vedaw paw OTS HbeeRal ote OLORR ED 

an8d ".oobbve1g bas cham doeae down A Sdodede edt oF Analg 
sénastitqwos Leqmes oF ie60q om bad codtiawod evivoesort edd GANT RORT 
‘adi to wid ei Mudse eldavacdee tqodon 6% .taid LdRStian Lareber a 3 
mori kodd2 ores oF ULotedt Mmantatknss out soa ak aonb 
: Sp eas Io tetatne sos tantalqnoo ii Y 


Teverse and remand the cause with directions to the chanceller 
te enter a decree holding that the amendment to elause (b) of 
section (12) was beyond the power granted the Protective Committee 
under the Bondholders’ Agreement and order the Committee to proceed 
in secordance with the agreement. Complainant would upset the plan 
that seems to be satisfactory to all of the stockholders sare itself 
in order that it misht chtain a persenal judgment against the 
members of the Protective Comittee, Baker, Yentresas & Company, and 
the Cocur P'Alene Pine Company. It now seeks to justify ite 
attitude in this court by insisting that matters have progressed 
to a point where they cennot be returned to status gue and theree 
fore nothing remains but to grant it the judgment it new seeks. 
This is a wide departure from the purpeses and prayer of the bill. 
One of the objects of o protective committee is to guard against 
the evil that « smsll minority of the bendholders would have the 
power to resist arrangements which would be for the equal, venefits 
of all unless superior adventages ure conceded to them, at the 
expense of their fellows. The only ense cited by complainant in 
support of its instent contention is First Nationa] Bank ve Converse, 
200 Ue. Se 425. Im that case it wae held that notwithstanding ite 
subscription, a nntional bank, taking stock in «4 corporation 
organized for purely speculative purposes, may plead ite want of 
eutherity so to de as 2 defense to the claim of a reeeiver of such 
corporation ‘or the double liability imposed by a state statute on 
the stockholders thereof. The court, in that decision, did not 
ehange or modify its former holding that 
‘As tneidental to the power to lom money on personal 

security, a bank may in the usual course of doing —_ business 
accept stoek of another corporstion as collateral, and by the 
enforcement of ite rights as pl it may become the owner of 
the collateral anid be subject to liebility as other stockholders. 
SeWE tanettek sa patocgn ihe testieated pewst of necepcing i 

good faith stock of another corporation as security for e 
previous indebtedness. * * * First Watienal Bank vy. National 

teilevoagy oli od anottoustio diiw gapeo, add hmowet bre, eatevet 
to (d) omvado of inowhoome ed? dod? patdlod setegs » codme of 
settingo) svidosdox. odd betnaxy rowog od? bagyed aay (SL) masdaca 
beasesg at eodtitesod eld tohto hes JremeetyA ‘wrehLocbnos edy to hes 
ely edd Joegu iivor inorialgan) «tnemeptge off9 Mity eonshrooen a 
tions? e¥as exeblomients ods to ite of quedgetatien ed o¢ semen dadt 
: edt Jeniage srempamt, Lemquieg s atagdo ddyia th todd wobze at 
hes gysiequo & ase téme? etourd 2063 3d himrgd eviseodety ent te exedwem 
ett YLivawi 9 eloee wom 21 + yRegnOo ext? emetAtt amogd ead 
Henaergoig eval eravtom Jose yaivetont yd twee mid? mt ebuthtta 
coxedd brn OBe auads of bemruder od Jonuao Yad oxedw datog # of 
seaves wom of toomplal ed? tt taamy oF dad, antanne aehiton want 
-Litd ede to meyetq bee aoeeqing eff most wrmecagad ohty 4. at ate? 
#enloys brury ef at aodtinnee evitestoxg 2 te atoetde sd? to and 
‘edi overt Aivow stobsononed oat to ytieontm Lfene 2 and thee edt 
nftinaed Lass etd sot o¢ bivow daisy atnomegnatte tetgex of sameg 
| edt da eundy os debeanog ous segniaerhs robsemwe enotey Le ke 
at tnamielgmes xd betig exyo yin at sawal ted thes 29 gameqxe 
erwne : gijeh tacit si solinsteoo deetent adh to sr0qque 
Bit gusseted: inion iats bled sow ¢h eweq dadd mt), +200 09 41 908 
aoisiazeg1oe 2 a1 dvote gnitet ined Lonetéon s .motiqhwedua — 
te mew wth bacdg Yas noseqiug ovidatusegy, Vem wot Scenes : 
dove te royiooos o to mato eal of seme toh & a Ob oF 04 yths | 
a. siaata odeta s WW hewequt yilitdall efdued edt xo% sm 
ep _ f0m HID yaoheiooh Io! at gtisor oH .toenedd exehtetloose ot, 
_. Path pat econ peu lsaninlens : 1 ‘a 

mt te ot 92 
vet ae 4 

vt eo 

sad deoed inne iceue 
mt eye 

@] Ge 

Bxchange Bank, 92 Us 5. 128." 
The court, in the Converse case, bases its decision upon California 

Bank v- Ke » 167 Ue Se 362, wherein Mr. Justice Harlan dissented, 
and in the Conyerse case that justice states that he coneurs in the 

opinion of the majority solely beesause of the majority decision in 
the Kennedy casee In the Converse cane Wr. Justice Brewer strongly 
dissents from the conclusion of the majority, and in hia opinion 

(pp. 441-2) quotes the following from the opinion of Mr. Chief 


92 U. %. 122 (126, 127, 128): 

"*vhether a national bank, organized under the nations 
banking act, May, in a fair and ¢onpromise of a contested 
claim against 1% growing out of a legi te banking transaction, 
pay a larger sum than would have been exacted in satisfretion of 
the demand, so as to obtain by the arrangement « transfer of 
certain stocks in railroad and other corporations; it being honestly 
believed at the time, that, by turmins the stocks into money under 
more favorable cirewsstanees than then existed, a leas, which would 
otherwise accrue from the transaction, might be averted er diminish- 
ede* And answering thet question in the affirmetive, it was saids 
‘Its own obligetions must be met, and debts due to it collected or 
peoured. The power to adept reasonable and appropriate measures 
for these purposes is an incident to the power to incur the — 
Liability o¢ become the creditor. Obligations may be assumed that 
result unfortunately. Losns or discounts may be made thet cannet 
be met at maturity. ‘ompromises to aveid or reduce losses are 
oftentimes the necessery results of this condition of things. These 
compromises come within the general scope of the powers committed 
to the bourd of directors and the officers and sgente of the bank, 
and are submitted to their judgment and diseretion, except to the 
extent that they are restrained by the charter or by-laws. Banke 
way do, in this behel?’, whatever natural persone could do under 
like circumstances. * * * Deabing in stocks is not expressly 
prohibited; but such a prohibition is implied from the failure to 
erent the power. in the honest exercise of the power 49 compromise 
a doubtful debt oving to a bank, it ean hardly be doubte’ that 
stocks way be accepted in payment and satisfaction, with a view to 
their subsequent sale er convergion inte money so as to make good 
or reduce an anticipated loss. <uch a transaction would not amount 
te a dealing ins toeks. 16 was, in effect, so decided in Yleckner 

ea eriog 

v> Bank of United States, & ‘heat. S51, where it was held thet a 
prohibition againat trading and 4 ealing was nothing more than a 

prohibition against engaging in the ordinary business of buying ma 
sélling for profit, and did not include purchases resulting from 
ordinary banking transactions.*" 

Mx. Justice Brown concurred in the dissenting opinion of Mv. Justiee 
Brewers But whether or not the couplainant in a suit wherein it 

‘Was sought te held it for a stock Liability might interpwe the 

"G8L 2G .U 80 yanek opmademe 

Bingoti ted noqi solutosd oti seeed yoras owtoynod eftonh 4» sewdored? 
 gbodneseth maltal eoivart . zit nhetostw 180G ua aU TOL exbengert av S98 
> AED Hel sional Rika aebate? eipht ag: buite 229 geteveo) od mi baw 
gi moiniovh yslrotem ond to oamsood YLerow utitobem eri? ‘to motaiqe 
“lunotie xewett eotiant .+k sate eatery? ead af  .weso yhore™ oad 
seiniqg eis mt bie .ytivoles off to nolewlonod oft met? eéneents 
‘teletd xf te molntqn oft sox? griwolLo® artt estanp (B-Ld0.0qq) 
singt, ognedoe® Lenotiet .v dnel Lenolie® dort? at otis’ eptiays 
2(B8L Tal _OEL) SEL ooo ae 

ftanolian ett sebew festnegto »anod Lanotéan @ wedded! Sy coe 9 ae 
son guitnad 

Maat Gimas cathe ce pe ERE 

Yo molto: tates “7x hoteaxe ceod ovat biwo 
fo telorete « tremsguatee add yd. OF, a6 
chtenpet gnied ¢i jemoisexegioo teddo bre “oeenlin B sasbi is 
tobe Yono ofni etueda malate yd gdede « co Liens 
bivow dotdw ,owel a ,badeixe mod? mel? aeonad ey astieay LOM 
~Hutainit to hedueve od digia »molte ws ONtoon an ly tend 
thios waw tf govitsnciits odd at reldtouy Tati and soeaay 2 
%o batgetios th.02 exh added «8 i ie ad) 
aetuasen odatigetega brs Med: ation ot be oF ‘ besos 
) Othe satemi .o¢ rey ais of ernie bad my at comet assy 22 ane 
— hbemuass ed Yom anol dagildd in toto moda 
onas® Jai?’ chan o¢ i, nt b ansol « Pognnas Te 
Ot eetaotl soubez S ers ‘od ‘eéahaeneil® oui 
Retin Fe eagiias to mois Sheet eis? to otinest syne my mt 3 pre 
ined *: F) * e eemnitia Gant ge Fe oat 
@ etnege bas eteot ona axe 
Se ate afotd Pro Ry bey od rong bs t <iestd boda 
axtned B.: Seaio te t6 ‘estado ye? yi bentaxdeet sits ay 
ag lens bivoo yy tr. rp ye tage 6 ton pee pe 
seygxe von oi adogia ai ga ‘ * . f 
os stelint off mozt beliqnd ef mots icidosy « dome ery Aris elon: 
eeimezgeoo of sewed sali te eaiovexe deemed of? ml « teweg ee 
tals hettioh ef yLbtad mo $f yan? @ od qatwe. pa Sat 
of weiv a diiw ,nelveootatins bia tnemyag al betqeces 
ee ofan o) ae o8 Yoho off oe baxovmod) me, eine 40 adua % 
6 ton bivey neisocenatt s dows enol bodagioitnn na 6: 
on Ts: nee tis bobhowh oe gioette ah gant dL, >) geaood« mh) gal 
®& goad bad see ii stede .LSt otaadd & he 

& sadé @xos anldson sew pnifae b bam ¥ BIO POR ays a“ 
bres, Bed tq saontesd yantbzo old mh aLegs no. 
oo ene: | Shakeel See bih Soe yttion 10%: 
taunt deaanersd: 

fy) ee has 

sotiint we % m0 feedero satenouatt ads ai sorcumsae ew 04 (an 
ap # wt oxaci otue « mt tnanda ie aid don x0 madsody, pare ns pone 
ald emigre dad ftghm Ye NEidalE Moots a -xet 8b Bee 

~L Je 

defense of ultra vires, under the facts of this ease, is not 
controlling, as complainant is not being sued in the instant 
proceeding, and from its position in this court it is clear that 
it is not fearful of any sueh suit. In these days of reorganiantion 
4t is mot unusual to find a corporation or os fiduciary in the same 
position as complainant cleims to be in as to the Coeur D' lene 
Pine Company stock, and it is conceded that the limitations upon 
the contracting power of certain corporations or fiducieries esannet 
control the scope of reorganization plans that follow the bond 
holders’ agreement. if complainant cannot hold the stock in the 
mew company there are apt ways in which it may protect itself in 
that regard. 

Moreover, section 13 of the Protective Agreement reads 
as followss 

“No member of the Committees shall incur any liability 
hereunder for any section taken in good faith by him er by the 
Committee, nox any other lisbility hereunder, except for his 
own willful misconduct.“ 
The master found that defendants acted in good faith and with an 
honest desire to do what was best for the interests of all con 
eerned. ‘Ye approve of that findings Saving so acted, in view 
of section 15 they have incurred no liability. 

The deeree of the Superior court of Cook county is 


Gridley, P. Js, amd Sullivan, Je, conour. 

1 yee ee 
rae ht 


dom et ~ouno aldt Yo atoct add tobe sgeutvy stiis to sand ied 

; fimetdanmi aid mi Sowe. gated Jom ai inamtaiqhoo se yantifetiads 
o) -dastt toefo gt dt dumoo eidd mt wolgieog edt mod: hie apntboondxg 
rolisainapwoer Yo «yeh ouedd ni itine Mowe ww Lo Setuoed dom ab et 
 ptinn eff ok yretewett a 10 mokdeteqros a batt 6¢ Levenmy tom at ot 
aneli' mu990 est of ee mt ed of amtelo smbniadquoe ae motsiaog 
nogu exotistinif£ eit dade heheosos ek 32 bmw ylooda yogmed eat 
Zona astvatoubst 20 guotintogroe aiatxes to towog guibtoantnoo. ond 
-bwod edd woffot dad? ansiq noisastnagroes to sqeveled’ Jetinod 

ett mi Xvovs edt blot ¢onmso tnamteiqeos 21 .daomeoxge laxebiod 
mh Woatk sodomy Yam at slyidw nk ayaw gn ote om Bi 

2 Tiina Yee 

abaot iHomeetgh svivostoxd eats: to as mottos ecpreona > pu etal 

fi. sh auc 

gettteats Wine work fiarie cndtnennn wath Se 
aid qd coms yd Hoist beog mi meded molioe yp 
‘gid tot tqeoxe «co hewme rel he Pa, % 

| Serestieed on ‘beret ait 7 
at Wasoo A009 to tao Gasiiacieed to oe: 

h My 
rn ‘ ‘. 3h a ot nee telets feta wired, we 
‘ ‘ ; eS ae INR Aes Te Ae oeeR 

i Saystees s . 
j an Ta ae ) oe 
ti Pay “pat . ¥ 
tC k ® I idshins 
Pa Poe wR Le Laeeg 
oe: ly SR Re 2. YR bh oe 
, Mar sabia Sci "45 ae eae 

Sgae ees 5 whl a ie a, 

ye sibel aly pat abate s 

ca En ome 
ya ay yee i, any vrais 


vA aD f 
j al : 
37465 @ fy 
ROBE? B. BOWSS, Administrator 
of the Estate of Robert i. Bowes, AP? BAL FROM CLIACULT 
: (retitioner) Appellees, COURT, COOK COUNTY. 
Py YAU cer ae (eat 
269 1.A.618 

(Respondent) Appellant. 


in the Probate court of Cock county Kobert 3. Bowes, 
administrator of the eatate of Kobert U. Bowes, decensed, filed 
a verified petition for a citation against Irma A. Ulm, respondent, 
which recites that respondent “has in her possession or control, or — 
has concealed, converted or embezzled, goods, chattels, moneys, or 
effects, books of account, papers or evidence of debt, or title to 
land belonging to seid Hobert 4. Bowes, deceased, and that she has 
knowledge or information of or concerning indebtedness or property, 
title or effects belonging to said deceased, which knowledge or 
information is meceasary to the reeevery of same by suit or other- 
Wise, and that she refuses te give to your petitioner such knowledge 
or information.” The petition prays that a citation be entered 
against said respondent pursuant to the statute. “hile we cannot 
find in the record a citation order against respondent, both pare 
ties assume that one wes entered» iIn respondent's verified answer 
te the petition she states “that she has in her possession or 
under her control me goods, chattels, effects, moneys, books of 
account, papers, and evidences of debt belonging to said estate, 

‘ Ra dis.® 
at 3 \ 

‘ bis  aeere 
4 i ; l ‘ 3 ww Ol Sa 
oCHBANOM a2 08 oM Teese 
ak read Buoy 
. j ’ ‘ % Of BRS ees T 
wedacteiubabs. 2uvom of onste waa te 

TIWOALD MOTE TARSTA  geowel i ¢xedall. 
eXTHUOD 7000 « THQ9 4d .o eebkogga’. ‘cowensngen} nem Prencetypers 

"Gal Daindis les Sd 

, { absnablliliad -ietesaekat 

stnatleoga : ee anise 

aMeyex Pues 


eRowoE «2 srodee yavoo fod to duvew ededoxs odé mt 

boLt? shoassooh yadwod 6M PtedoHt to atadne ont to | te | 

vino brogeet yaa ok est Sentons nokdndte » rok mobthieq ptEh 

10 .Lowinoo 10 sefaneasoy tod nt sad” Inebnogeer tailt_settoos: fottn. 

20 cayanon yeiediarta yahoos: ‘qheiaaodus 10 bedsovmos sbelsesno> aa 

og eiens x0 stdeb te eonvhive XO areqaq «tasoves to aleod eadee tio. 
want grin tact ba .bevavooh. cegwod th dtedod bing of gatyueted hand, 

LWSGONG TO esembeddohat yataroomes 10.20 molsamrples xo vepdowons — 
x0 eyboLvonx doldw ,boageosd bios of ynignoled adgette 10 efths. 
-iedite <9 Jive yd emea to yreveoes oud of Yuesaooen ef Mold aurotat 

egielworal dow wenottiteg swoy of eviy of seater ode touts dae. oaks, 
bereine ed soliadio « dads wyaxq moittiteg afi *.p0d dnerey tard 1 
Jonnes ow eList’ .odutate edd of snaerug Inodaoqaer bina daniags 

“tog sied ginehneques daataga sedu0 nobiatio « araoes ede ai batt : 

‘tewens beiiiuey a'inebaegese: sl «bwxustae saw emo dase vewuan wots 

to moleeeaseg worl mi nad ede dadld* an tete ode sotstivg oat es 

to edood ,ayenou gavootie yaletiado ,ahoog on o7 

sotasdus bisa 04 yaigneind tdeb to ai A ie ks Te ol | 

nor has she any knowledge or information of any such except as 
to the proesedis of a death benefit already collected by the 
administrator herein, as she is informed and believes; said 
death benefit being derived from the Steamfitters Protective 
Association, of Chicago, as the respondent ic informed ani bee 
lieves, and is about the sum of Twe Hundred Twenty Five Dollars;* 
that “said deeedent and your respondent were, up to the time of 
his death, the owners in joint tenancy. and your respondent is 
now the owner, of the contents of a ssfety deposit box at the 
Woodlawn Safety Deposit Company, 1180 Bast Gard Street, Chicago, 
Illinois, as follows, to-wits:" Here follows a statement of 
certain "Keeeipts from Bondholders Committees, bonds, certifi-e 
cates of stock, "aan fee preuissery notes of $100 eache The 
respondent etates that “as an evidence of the joint ownership 
of the decedent and your respondent in the foregoing items, and 
the individual ownership of your respondent since the death of 
the decedent, your respondent does hereby incerporate into this 
answer a written agreement entered into between the deeedent and 
your respondent, covering the foregoing contents of the said 
safaty deposit box in the Veodlawn Safety Deposit Company, an per 
exhibits mumbered ‘1, '2,' and *S,' hereto attached, and made a 
part hercof," ani/*te be hence dismissed with her costs." We 
will hereafter refer to the exhibits mentioned in the answer. 
Upon a hearing the Probate court entered an order that the 
property held by the respondent was the property of the estate 
and ordered her to deliver the same to the adminietrater within 
thirty days from the entry of the order, Respondent prayed an 
appeal from the order. Thereafter the petition came on for 
hearing, de nove, in the Cireuit court of Cook county, before 


as é¢geoxe owe yro to molieertotal to epbefworst yee ede ead tom 
att yd betosilon ybeeria titened diaeh « te aheeseng eft of 
bine tooveiled bos hearrotni ai ede oe yabouvd wodaxsatniabs 
evisootess exreddi tmnet® od mozt bevizoh gnied t2iemed éaoh 
<od fen desxotat of txohsnquen aff an copantsil be suekbabenens 
“tatello evil ysaowl bocheull owt te ave onl? trode ab bas esovels 

to emis exit od qu perew tnebanqees, wuey na Anchoewh baa? shade stent 

givtanbenqnes wiry hes .qonemed tatoy nt ememasadbiblaah wh 
ei? sn xod dineoqed yYvelen «2 Yo atnednoo odd Yo ,tenwe old won 
eoyooitd .feetda brtd tusk OBL «ynaquod thaoged ytotad nwalboov 
Yo fmometate o awelfet sel *stiv-ed ,ewelle? on entomh Lit 
ebthsten yahmod “needdtamo® arabfodbnet mbt wigieset” atten 
ad? -houn.005b..20.00t0n Yereninnet ant Aebetaate te webeb 
qisdenomwe sate, edd Yo sunebive as ea" dade aeteta snvknoqaet 
tne ,auesi gatopotet eff mi Snebroqeet 200% tno énedooah edt to 
%o déeob ots Gonts tnehndquer <uoy 26 qidaxonwe Kawbtviomd esd 
‘Widd ofmt otoroquosnt ydorkd se0b smb hnogasit soy tnehoson’ dats 
tun tnbboved edd moowiod ornt Keredne themberge” nbd iew h° towhits 
hive edt Yo denetmey yAtonetot ald gatteved ,mobnogaes “iy 
<bq as «touquod Pieoged ysokas nwelbasW oad mh xod sheogoh yoORAa 
6 haa bee , bedostia ovored ',6° baoe *, 9% a bored ad thitxe ; 
oY “.atnon teu Mélw bénelmatd ovnied od’ stadt 

“ Yewarts OM9 wt bexotinom adhdidxe odd 09 cetox 202061 

ets tail? —_ botedne etd i wh puitacd a m0 

“wot so Suto ; tke tbe’ ond ‘woitoored? gritty 
‘ wins Aga ica Bean La 
i oroted F axénuses sfo00 te ad stwot ‘odd at yovon. mae 
; some hie kata RENE via ll 


the court without a jury, and at the conclusion of the hearing 
an order was entered similar to the one that had been entered in 
the Probate court. Respondent now appeals from that order. 
Respondent contends that the order of the Circuit court 
requiring her to deliver to the administrater the preperty in 
question is erroneous under the facts of the cave. She contends 
that the rights of the parties are governed by a contract of the 
said Deposit Company with Robert M. Bowes, the decedent, and the 
respondent, dated December 10, 1928, whieh established a joint 
tenancy between the decedent and respondent in all preperty in 
the safety deposit bex; that the articles which respondent is 
ordered to deliver to the administrater are the contents of this 
box and that she, as the surviving joint tenant, is entitled to 
the property under the contract. The property consiated of a 
number of receipts from bondholders’ committees of various de- 
faulted bonds in the face amount ef $4,100, certain bonds not in 
default of the face value of $3,100, ten sheres of the John Re 
Thompson Company stock, $630 in cash, and two prowissery notes 
of $100, made by Herold Bowes, one of the heirs. At the ¢ ime 
of the renting of the deposit box the following contracts or 
agreements (exhibits mentioned in respondent's answer) were 

entered into: 

"Date Origs 12-10-28 
fafe 7976 
Rate 5.00 

Signature ih. M. Bowes 
sdédress 3613 B&B Re Me Bowes 

Paeetas © vrecking Ricken 
ecupatio Wr ng Sngineer 
Mother's Maiden Name Martha Anderson 
(Mrs. Irma Ulm says $/8 Andrews 
& ture Co-Renter ivma A. Vim 

Address 5726 Midway Park Phone Aus. 0942 
Birthplace Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 
Gecupation Bookkeeper Mother's Maiden Jame Mary Ae Drown 

Reference Mr. Bowes’ daughter 
Remarks — 


grixoed on¢ to moteutonon edt da dae axtwh a tuodstw txwoo ond 
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RRR ' Rome) A (1 
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BA as CER Seah t rave cor yg 
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rai ‘aewok «x 


Chicago, Ile, Origs 12-10-28 

Received from Yocdlawn Safety Deposit Coe, of Chiesgo, 
Tlle, Feeeipt No. 7364 for rent of Safe Deposit Box Vo. 7970 
which is leased by me subject to the terme of said receipt, and 
to all rules and regulations of said Company, as endorsed on 
said receipt, also acknowledged to have 2 keys of seid Safe 
Deposit Box. 

It is hereby agreed that the contents of this box may 
be withdrawn ani removed therefrom in whole or im part, by all, 
or any one, or more of the Renters at any time. 

The liability of the Bank by reason of the Letting is 
limited to the exercise of reasonable diligenee to prevent the 
opening of said safe by any one other than the lessee or his duly 
authorized representative, end it is expressly stipulated that 
no unauthorized access shall be inferable from proof of partial 
er total loss of the contents. 

The renter shall not use the leased spece for any 
purpose hazardous or illegal. 

RHB dy LeMeKe Re Me Bowes 
ee # 
Safe Woe 7970 Date 12-16-28 
Reeeipt 7864 

It is hereby agreed that a1] articles and property at 
any time heretofore or hereafter placed or contained in said 
safe or box, now do and shall, so lone as they are contained 
therein, continue to belong to the Renters jointly, with right 
-@f survivorship therein, and way be withdrewn and removed there- 
from, in whole, or in part, by all, or any one or more of the 
Renters; and upon the dexth of any one or more of the Renters, 
the title te all articles and property then contained therein 
shall, upon every such death, vest and be in the survivor ani 
survivors jointly, with right of survivorship therein, and such 
surviver or survivers, and any one or more of them, shall have 
the right to remove ani withdraw from eaid safe or box all, or 
any part of the articles and property then, or at any time 
thereafter, contained therein. 

Under no cireumstances whatsoever shell the Yoodlawn 
Safety Deposit Co. be held liable on account of the withdrawal 
or removal by all, or any one or more of the Rentere, of ali, 
er any articles and property from said safe or box, whether now, 
or at any time hereafter contained therein. 

Signature Ke Me Bowes i 
Signature Irma Ao Ulm Seal)* 

On November 29, 1932, after the death of the deceased, the Yoodlawn 
Safety Depesit Company ellewed respondent to withdraw from the box 
all the property therein, upon respondent's sicning the following 

"Chicage, Tlie, 11/29/82 
I hereby certify that 21] the property placed or stored 
in the Vault of The Yoodlawn Safety Deposit Cos, of 
Chieageo, im pursuance of letting above wentioned, has 
been withdrewn therefrom and is in owner’s full 
possession, all cleims «geainst and lisbility of said 
Company being debarred oeccordingly. 

Irma Ae Wim" 

GS40f+-85 egixO go tit ro) 

eonan isto to 9s0D shaogoG ¥telnk awelbooY 

ove? set aee Meoged 6 to foot xo? Sov shor 2 
bee gégieces bisa to lh ei? of toetdwo om o beokat al Mh ged BE 
m boerebme as .yaeqmoD hise to enotvaiuger Qun eelor Lie of 
stad biea tw ayed & evel of begbelxemion ou tn orereres bine 

Yom xed glad To sinesdnoo oats dads beetgs beet d at et 
gifs ww attaq at 20 slot at mocteceld hovomet here “pong oe 
eomtd win ts atedook — a. 2 LO 

ei gaitied edd? to moewmex qd anne esfe 1 Rahdadt aah sath 
tuevetqg of sonegif{id eLdanouses te = bed hub 

eid «xo eensel wf aocid axons os gp 
was eet ae Sea 

Salt bodaiugtie yLusetqxe st tt ie cee ¥ 

fakixeg to toouq mort eddst9tal ed {lode 2008 
“ia TOL epega bevaol ate oom. 0g shee 

newol oM ok 
BE-OL-kL etek OOTY .o etad 
ts en now Seances iis igo side. a . 
bsaistmeo 10 pen 
bekisinxe> ote yet? es yrrot or ae hd awa 
seipix Ae iw ohintol, oh, seeseen ons of yao 
-g tod? fevouns ‘been “bitin of gh og 

te orem to eno to , ils dus ‘a hy: , 
Sarsz eno ute Ln ME Poe Seen! aan 

saaea? ba 
ine raps pals 

maiered? beoniatnos ned? yuseqotg bas nefotiza 
tis tovrivive of? nt o¢ bas toov .iftaeh sdowe Yrerhe moqw 
fowe Bae ,xlowesdts qidatovivave to JMgia ditw qyfinkot 
ovat f[fade yet? to oom tO One Yo bho »ezovintea ce . 
a0 «ifs sod xo stse bles moxt weubtldiw tee ovemet to 
sak? yuo so to yard Yoxeqowg bow aafolixa odd eto 

rwelhoo oft [Lada sevreoetady seomesamsoxly om to 
fawathdtie edi te dnuooos ao efdall bLod od 0d 2 
efis Ie gatesnet eft to exog To eng Ysa to alia qs Lavemet. 
sworn sodiodw «xod to etan bios mozt <ieaong. Be elolixe Yt * 
smieted? bemtednoo to oc omits yam 25. 

vers apy oM off ourtenats ital ser 

feel) calles) aerti eutengit 

fwalboo! add ,boeacoeh ad? to dined eft ted%o REL ,@k tedmover nO 
mod odd wort werhlttw of sme haogest Sevelle ‘Wreqaey theoged yseter 
sancti ori? yatrate e'émebnoqees nog! niga cage torvene 

Re\es\LL ori, seqgantse" 
- heredu 19 beat wa ons Lin tote 

to a+o% eae at pt ody $iveY omeomt ... 
aati ,bewolsmen pe ieee oad eosauatue 2 qousota 
fist a'semwo ai af bain sovlexsds, crorhiligly meod..ogidqit 
phew Yo ystikdatl bis dantepe amtalo Lie» aa MM | an gurnawd 

‘Useibrosss borxadeb gmbed meme gcc 
Gut A aoe OS ilatieaiaiage | 


Thies receipt appears upon the reverse slide of reapondent's 
exhibit 1. That the deeedent and respondent signed the agree- 
ment and that the property in question was contained in the bex 
at the time of the death of the deceased is not disputed. There 
ds nothing in the record to indieste that there was any duress 
or fraud in the signing of the agreement. Ye claim is made that 
the decedent was not in his right mind and in contrel of his 
mental faculties, with full power to sign the contract or refuse 
to do so. Indeed, the only argument made by the administrator 
relates to the alleged construction given to the agreement by 
the deceased at the time he signed it. The agreement is a clear, 
unembiguous statement of the contract between the parties and in 
the absence of any evidence tending to show duress or fraud 16 
is conclusive as te their reletions to the property. The instant 
contention ef the respondent is sustained by Illinois tr. & Gave 
Bank v« VanYlaek, 310 Ill. 185, and Redox vy. Reder, 312 Ills 20% 
(See aleo Graham v. Barnes, 259 Mase. 534; In re Peterson's Estate, 
239 Miehe 452.) 

The administrator wae allowed to introduce certain svi- 

dence, over the objeetion of respondent, the purpose of which was to 
show that respondent made oral statements that tended to show her 
interpretation of the agreement between the deceased and her and 
that are inconsistent with her present position in reference to the 
ownership of the property. The administrator contends thet such 
evidence was admissible because it tended to prove the construction 
given the agreement by respondent and that such construction should 
have great weight in interpreting the contract. 2 the contract 

is plain and unambiguous, its construction as a matter of law and 
the relation of the parties is to be determined by its terms. it 
is only in esses where, from the words used in the contract, doubt 

arises as to the meaning of the contract that the acts of the 


a'eneinoqest To shia saxever ot hoqw etebage Sqieoex aldT 
-senge off bérgie tnebatqaeyt brs tnebeveb ed? tadT ff Ihdisdxe 
xod etd at bentednds ssw notisesip ot ytcoqenq pd sake ban ¢mom 
oxedt ybedwquih fon ef boewoced ond 20 ddoob only. te. outa’ od de 
aseuub wre eaw otodd decd edaolbnl of bxooes “oad ih ‘guidion wb 
teed obam. gh alado ev .tnomponge odd to gatepiea end mt huwek xe 
aid to fondmos nd tne balm detgiz ete at tom aaw shebeoed ond 

st S sie s 

@eutos so toaténeo atz muta of TowOg ihet atte raedsiuea® Laduan 

OO Ne Tp 
phtaxtetutnbe oid yd oham tneawgis vino edt Seereritgad ake 
to weet Laebe wwe 

ud: Quemeempa ad? 0¢ nivig mottowcmate pegesin ould of 
eteoto « af Smemoouge, ed? 431 _bemgta ot outs oo tu Sagneeeh ess 
mi bne eolixaq ed? neewied tvetines od? to doomed ate suowy ddan 

$h bustt co pastwh woe of gathaed somobive ys Yo eohontanead 
Snadont off .yeteqoug ond 08 onokaetor nterte asta | 
2388 A+ tT niomhisi ys beniatawa at smobneqees wild’ 
e@O8 w fll SLO gtehok ov xobew wn 288k. + LEK ore 
gdadak mtmowto tet et at 1088 saan Cs saeuat vay oats ese) 

: ok dap 

ee stladros souborint ov powolLes aa ae ett | ph eed 
o¢ aaw dptdw to saeqiwy ond oie hatoge ot to woriostde edt sor swoaus 
rex wode o¢ bobted sat! winometate ino whan Inohmodest Fudd 
anh rest bre beansood oats noswied decaverae edd to os: tox ng 
ont of comvuetor mi sottiaog tadeonq ton ety ecntnbeinnah ote teat 
dove tnd? shavines resetielninhs edt .ytzoqesg edt to gidazonme — 
noltowtsanos olf evotq of bebued 32 sayeood sidtasiahe een 7 
bivels soidowstenoo stove Jott tna Ioabemgeoy yd, : oO TS yorpaien 
towténoo of3 a »doetinoo uk paisemprofak af ptihew toot ovad 
baa wet to rotten # e¢ Holi pareinsion ett aeuangt swuowgidmecy one ekete el 
ak tus? att Ke Nomberte dol et of al tnd tte <s * somal os 
| tuo .Fomrsnen ex at poaw ubtow eat mcr’ .axedy aude at ime « 
odd te atan oat #id¥ Vhdktike "sa? Wil 

= Gm 

parties may be taken into consideration te aid the court in 
ageertaining the meaning intended by showing the interpretation 
placed upon the contract by the parties themselves. (See 
Rosenbaum Bron. v. Deyine, 271 Ill. 354, 557-3.) The rule that 
the courte will look to the acts of the parties indiecnting their 
interpretation of the contract, where its terms are ambiguous, 
will not be permitted to prevent the enforeement of the legal 
effect of a contract which is unambiguous in language and meaning. 
(Consolidated Vis Pe & Pe Cos Ve The Louisville Herald Coo, 211 ill. 
Apps 569.) Many other cases to the sume effeet might be cited if 
it were neceseory, but the rule etated is the settled law. In 
iljineis Tr. & Say+ Bank v» VenVincks supre (p> 192), the court 
held that “evidence of the inconsistent words or acts of the parties 
is net competent." The contention of respondent that the trial] 
court erred in admitting this evidence of the administrator, over 
her objection, ie oa meritorious one. 

Holding, as we de, that the property in question belonged 
to respondent and not to the estate, the judgment of the Cirewit 
court of Cook county is reversed and the eause is remanded te that 
court with directions to diamiss the petition for citation against 


Gridley, P+ Jes and Sullivan, J+» concurs 


ni émuoe of2 ble oo mobtexobtenes ovat noes of Yaw ooddxay 
soliotexqroing of? gnivade ys hobwotnt yotraan ald gabstetreose 
ef) .avtevioamentd estinag edt yd Soatines off noun booatg 
tat? odvr.ofT  {.H-TOR hE + LIT LPS yomtved ov pnexd mmdnengt 
atest gniiestbes avtereq of? Yo atom od? of, Moot Like vtuwen eatd, 
 esuougicdan exn amied atk orodw ,toorinos ond to podiatanquedms, 
Legot exis te tneweproine ef? treverg of Sotdiuueg wd dom LLhiw 
“painsen bxe oyauyant mi exownidmarm: at sottw foatsape a. Be toate, 
Lil £18 p90 bLarol raduol og? +¥ 20° of @ 0 il bedehtonne?) 
ti hetio od ¢etpln sanhite onen edd of meson xadto yrAl.. (88a eae 
_ BL awed, hefdtes oat Bt botete ofwz odd. Jud «xzennepen exe ab 

, deseo od? 2(S2L 4a) gmawe wloat¥nsY ov Anal vee, d..52 bond seh, 
 poldzeg ed? te ate to ebtow énedahaneont oft Yo somebive™ Pasid bie 
Laixt ortt fost? deodooqeet to mekinednoo aR: Po Semoaphe: dees jah 
Tove 4voterdelniabs odd to sonphive aide sais haha at ore. su00. 
ath ae 1on amohcod Even @ ab yebtone bso seme 
fepnoied hotsueup at Yexeqoty od’ Yad? yo wigs “yaEBEeR oelo oo?! 
thozi0 odd to ixempbet, of? yotaten edt of ton baa sunbangeox i 
toils of boheauer ef wane ond fins beweow'r wi YinwOe s8eO Yo sxmoo 

é' walt menses 20% netting ond datnet0 4 Sera sene oeliager 

eeROTT ORE MIT cA GEA cme ry me 
i¢in sprees edementd ana ett 

styores whe erie tm i 
Day claim. matty a | 

ee Me ee ls Rt ae : 

neonatal ak ayy Sine” Sac erata Shiai 

te ia Sd senna " ye 


HARRY Le WELLS et ales 


COMPANY, a corporation, 
et ales 


OF CHTGaco, 

279 I.A.618* 

COMPANY, a corpore tion, 



Plaintiffs, Harry L. Welle and Blla Ge Yelle, hie wife, 
sued, in agaumpsit, The Central Republic Trust Company, a cor- 
poration, formerly the Central Republic Bank & Trust Company, 

@ corporation, successor by consolidation te the Central Trust 
Company of Illimeis, a corporation, and the Chicago Trust Company, 
a corporation, Alien Be Meonnell and Virginia B. MeDonnell, his 
wife, and Earl Geo. Gubbins and Mary L. Gubbins, his wife. The 
Central “epublie Trust Company, ‘lien &. MePonnell and Yarl Geos 
Gubbins were served with process.  Gubbine and MeDennell were 
G@efaulted and there was a separate finding and judgment entered 
against them for ©17,301.15, which judgment is not involved in 
this appeal. The case as to Central Republic Trust Company was 
tried by the court without a jury and there was a finding in 
favor of plaintiffs and their damages were assessed at the sum of 
$12,740.74. Central Republic Trust Company has appealed from a 
judgment entered upom the finding. Plaintiffe have filed a 

erosseappeslpraying that the judgment against Central Republic 

WV a 
. { vets do CELE ot Tre 

TRIOD. FATTO hohe ¥ 
” ergrqiey ili 

00.45 THO EG he mang ne pe bol wey 

‘B10 :kT evs =n 

e Wg de gee Bieeeage 
s2yD Sut TO KONTO ‘att cuprynsag, RAHAdG ce a 
etiw aid efile .f all hae ellew .t ytial ,etireseett’ 0 
eto @ gynsqwed Janx? olidegel Lovine® on? .9 taqmvees ‘m4 Bowe A 
eWraqued gaurl & anol obLduqest Lerdtod edd YLubeY ymolditog 
fares fovtned edd ef noldeblLounss Yt Tesesvony Yaottovqroo 
eViagsod vautT ogee tdD od bas ynoidetoqtoo @ 4 alonFLED Ye Yringeod 
eid ,Lisanoiet .8 ainigx«iV bus Lhonmoce oD MOLL gmotiargios s 
ett .9tiw als pastddsd » J yrall hee entddw® .oe® frei baa wetiw 
coed L18¥ bus LLemmodolt .X moll) ,ynsquod seus? offdmpoot termined 
etew Lfonmetell ome enitds? sessed adie hevabe etew ankddy? — 
batedes teeagow! bee guthat? oleteqes « ae ered? bne bedIuatob — 
ai bevfovnt ton el seeamghyt dobiw 16E. LOG NSE tok sedd tantapa — 
naw Yecamod Seurt eliewqed Leadred of as osap off .Leegye elds 
. ab yatiatt caw oxedd ban Umel # suoddiw txmoo edd ye botat 
to amen odd te hesxsane oxew sepameb tiedd bes s¥ttinladg te tovet 
: (8 mort bolooqgn sad Yanguod taurel oitéuqot Laxdmed eantadhiess 9 
p bot? evad Stkivmint? .gathel? od moqu botodme trempbut, 


Trust Company be affirmed and that this court enter a special finding 
in favor of plaintiffs end against that company in the "further sum of 
$4,660.37, or a total judgment of $17,501.13." No point is made as 
to the plesdings. 

The facts, save in one or two instanees, arc not disputed. 
On May 10, 1924, plaintiffs, as purchasers, entered inte a written 
contract with defendants sllen &. Mejionmell and Virginia 5. MeDonnell, 
his wife, and farl Geo. Gubbins and Mary L. Gubbins, his wife, as 
vendors, for the purchase and wale of certain lots in Chicago. This 
contract provides that the purchasers shall pay the venders 411,000 
for the property, $2,500 as earnest money, and the balance, $4,500, 
payable 21006 or more every thirty days thereafter, with interest at 
six per cent on the entire remeining unpaid balance, “until principal 
indebtedness ie reduced to the amount of First Mortgage, when the 
purchaser shall receive arranty Deed." On August 20, 1924, the 
Gubbinses and McDonnells conveyed by deed to the Chiesgo Trust Company, 
as trustee, certain property which included that involved in the con- 
tract. The deed stated that the property was being conveyed to the 
Chicage Trust Company, as trustee, under yrevisions of a trust agree- 
ment known as Trust Yo. 1234. The deed also provided “that in no 
ease shall any party dealing with the anid Trustee in relation to the 
premises, be obliged to see te the application of any purchase money, 
rent or money borrowed or advanced, on caid premises, or be obliged to 
see that the terms of this trust have been complied with, or be obliged 
to inuuire inte the necessity or expediency of any act of said Trustee, 
or be privileged or obliged to in uire into any of the terms of said 
Trust Agreement." Trust agreement No. 1234 had practically the same 
Clause therein. On or about October 23, 1924, the Gubbinses ami 
MeDonnelis assigned the contract with plaintiffs, and eleven other 

like contracts, to the Chicago Trust Company, as trustee, under the 

gril bnl? Ratueke & seine D1NGD ehis tedd bee bemsl!te ed qragned fawxT 
to miva xeddiwt” od ai weqmeo tadé gentege Soe attlintalq to sovel al 
an cham ok gniog of ".6L.£08,TL¢ to Inompiwt Legos « xe PS.Ob8,4e 
0 pe tanbbaaley edd 94 
ehatuqsib Sem aim ,aeonatanit ows to omo at bree eatoe? on? 
| metéiua a otnl betetne .ateerdoxrwg on gattitnisiq ,aser Vor pete = 
| qhfonmoGoi «8 sintgtl¥ ban Lrommocok «i meLis sdmabnoteh Kiiw Spans 
| te gotly etd cenkddyD .t yxall bre antddu® 00D Seat tae ste 
sabe? segeotdd mt etel atadies to ofew bme cvadoxug ont rot ov 
§ 000,££5 etobnev od? weag Llane arenadommg of? tesld vohtvort fouxinon 
1008.84 ,oonnlad odd ban .yonom suenxas an ‘doa.83 09" oqo 
$a geotoeni déiw ,tedtsereds eysb Wards ‘reve oven bend v048 tdavac 
Leqtontac Litas" ,senslad bieqnw paimteaes extine edd a0 dmoe xeq xin 
Hd ody yegeyduod daxlt to Imwane ed? oF boodhot af wuemboddobnt 
‘idl — gtd ( S8OL 40S Sengws 20° "shoot ‘ysasrtal ovtoso: Lads toqadoray 
sTanqwod saweT oyeelsy eft of hoot yd beyarned oLlonnotie' ‘tng aeenkédud 
“moo oft a? bevlovet tent bobwloal wlobiw qxeqonq: seanevanenessiintl 

~ootge tavte « % edinbuirienne eben <eennienet ih eseuiiibeiadiebialiie 
On ni dads” bedivetq osle deed oAT and panes ata nwa 
ett of mobiolot nt atewtT blow add détw yatleeb yaad 
eYerom seatorwd us te noiiseliqga odd oF e60 oF SeQrtdo’ od vhttion 
43 beygilive sd ve ,tectmorg bia mo _deeneyhe 0 sewetted-yRom xe! dRo* 
bepilde ed to yiliiw beriqnis meod oves tured aide to nites edt tasis 200 
,oodammT hive te don ye Lo YKenetheqxe’ to Yteavonn ait ovnh-emkoat: of 
bien YO attet ets To yr oat or teprd 0% bogtido so: | 7 
satan Odd YEIrottonvy bal ALCL eh semempetge seusT”  % bn 
ins seanteeud ofl (MARL (68 redovel ewods' xO nO sms ssnso 

wnitee’ novele bing ,otRtoniatd Ai2w doawanos ealt bemptacs: i Lage 

eat ohn obey ah ¢cequed SemsT nected ns neat 


said trust agreement and the eaid deed. Prior to the assignment 
plaintiffs had peid to the vendors, on account of the contract, 
$3,067. After sequiring title, Chieage Trust Company advised 
Yells that "from that time on my payments should be made to the 
Chieage Trust Company, that they had title to the property and 
they held my contract,” and as « result ef this statement and 
instruction plaintiffs paid directly te it $905, Later, Yells 

was inetructed by Chicago Trust Company to make all future payments 
to Subbins & NeDonnell, a partnership, end at the sume time he was 
told that the said partnership would remit the payments to the bank, 
and that plaintiffs' contract would be credited with all payments 
80 made. Thereafter plaintiffs made ell payments as so directed, 
It ia admitted that the bank actuslly received from said partners 
ship $6,991.19 which was paid by plaintiffs te the partnership 
under the instructions from the bank. FPlaintiffse aleo paid 
$1,882.26 for general taxes and special assessments on the lotsa, 
whieh payments they were obligated te make under the terms of their 
contract. The contract between plaintiffs and the MeDonnelle and 
Gubbinses provides that the sele was made subject to a blanket first 
mortgage on which the approximate shere of the lots purchased by 
plaintiffs was $6,100, and further provides that when plaintiffs 
had paid $4,900 on the contract a deed to the property would be 
given them. ‘ells testified thet after they (plaintiffs) had paid 
$4,900 om the contract he had ea telephone convereation, in August, 
1926, with Wr. Kleder, the aseistant secretary of the Chiesgo Trust 
Company, in which he told Fleder that they had paid on the contract 
the emount necessary to obtain a deed, and thet Kleder anid “I 
eould get a deed subject to the remaining belance under the first 
mortgage on my contract, or I could continue to make my payments se 
I had been in the past, and when the balance of $6,100 was paid, 



inewgiven ort? of welxt .boob bios off tne dmomeekRe taut? bias 
stomténoo est? te dnwocen mo gatobmoy afd of bheg best athivmiste 
hesivia ynageod Jamrtt ogen tel e9L0tt gaitinpos meats 100488 

el? of sham ad bLwortle afnaryea wr mo emt? satis mot” todd aLtoy 
bae <ixeqotq et of e£8hd had yous dnstd cemoquot seurct onesie 

hese tuemetate abst? ze iiguet 2 as bne * toendnoo wm Afed. Node 

slfe’ «retest ,8088 th 4 yLivorld bteq cttiintert soteourteat 
atnomeeg exurd ast {is sxem of waged tewsT ogantdd bd hesowesags say 
asw ef ami? omen off ge bne eqidetonsxeq a eLionmedem a antete \ 4 
daned edt ot atnomyng ead Yimet bivow qidetendt9g bites oa tats Sia. 
wseomyod Lin Aekw bed thozo od biuow sostinoe etthtatady a ie 
sbetoot£b on ea atnemtag fis eham stti¢nteiq mos tooreds 

ae | 

SA aga 
~readreg biae soxt bevieoot yLtauton anad onde ase testiase, et ‘T 


qisoxendxsq eld of atttinieals yf blog sew doteiw CLof0P.d$ qide 
btaq cole altkimtalt .xned ert? moxt emotvousient edt tehay 

+ gato edt mo atnemnoons {stooge ban sexa? Lexeren x0 8-288, 1% 
tort lo anred off <obnw oxlem of betegtido otew Yad? ednomyeg dotsty. 
hee nifennotiod edt bun a¥tiéntely apewded soexgneo ont  »foandnng, 
turlt seanaid a ot Sooldue obom saw oleae odd tad? anbiverg aeantdduo 
Wf bevatiorwg atot od? Yo erase eganixoxgge aft dott 20 epagtzom 
attivniatg nadv tad? aobivoty sodtywt dae 90OL9% sow ottlintela 

| od binow ysteqerg ef? of bob « fostémes ont mo Oe dD bteg bast 
bkeq hel (ettivatetq) yoxds tote tad? poftisaed aLloy amedd ports. 

_ tteargi at ynotter terns aneriqofed 2 bait ont toaxtmon anf? 0 000.08. 
Saker ogee to end to vinioteos Inatepas ent «tobeLs ai Soiw gOSOL, 
tostinos on? mo bteq bet yodt tod? sebe et, blot ed dolite ot yysnqued, 
I* bien robeLR tadt bua .d99 » statdo of yroevecen tawome odd, 

? “” 

“teat art! tohty consled yatnionor sald oF tomidug. ied saad 
ua atuauyss ys olem of emmitnos blue I xe » yt a 

ehteq 2aw fecres rt to sonsLed wat made etn Am oe fixe 


Ad fi * vist en 

Psa f 


the bank would deliver me title free and clear of everything,” and 
that, acting upon this atatement of Kleder, he then sent his cheek 
for $261 to opply on the contract. Kleder denied having this con- 
versation with Wells. Flaintiffs, acting upon the telephone cone 
versation, thercafter made payments that aggregated $4,190, After 
said sum had been paid, Yells was informed that the Gubbins & Mebounell 
partnership was having difficulties with the defendant bank, and he 
discontinued payments until he cowld ascertain what wne the proper 
thine to do under the circumstances. He then learned that the blanket 
first mortgage on the premises had matured on May 7, 1929) and had not 
been paid nor extended, and he thereupon took the matter up with 
Central Republic Trust Company and wee told by it to see Gubbins & 
Medonnell. Yoreclosure proceedings upon the “blanket mortgage" cever- 
ing the entire property were commenced May 28, 1930, and a daeree in 
complainants’ favor was entered September 29, 1931. Plaintiffs’ 
attorney informed the bank several times that plaintiffs were willing 
to go ahead and complete the transaction. Plaintiffs made several 
written demands on the bank for a fulfillment of its agreement but 
these demands were ignore!’ by it. They, through @ representative, 
then tendered to the defendant bank $2,340 im gold, and demanded that 
the property be conveyed to them, free and elear of the mortgage, but 
this tender was refused. laintiffs thereupon elected to rescind the 
contract and this action is brought to recover the moneys paid by then 
upon the contract, together with interest thereon at the legal rate 
from date of payment ani the amount paid for taxes and special aprease 
mentee On the tricl of this esuse it was admitted that if the Chicage 
Trust Company is liable, the Central “epubliec Trust Company, successor- 
trustce thereto, is alee liable, 

Many of the points made and a great part of the argument in 
defendent's brief ere predicated upon the assumption that plaintiffs‘ 
cause of action is based upon a guasi contractual reletionship, or 

bre “agitdsyxeve to qs0lo ban eect ofiit ou tevhdeh biwew ained ont 
domis atd taon weds of ¢gebeld Lo dnemedade elcis noqe guitvow pda 
-noy piult anivat tednob xoheLi .fosnemo edd no Ylqau of £084 xot 
-ioo englgeted old segs gation .etiivalel® «alle sft kw wohtaeney 
| s9STA ORL~d} Rosoyorage dnsd sinamyag odam todtwowds «noldnaxey 
Lionmode & smiddad edt sald domtoint saw eLlow , blag meee. has mre dhew 
of fas yalnad gnahneteh ef dite sotsivotitsb gatyad now, qideventneq 
mugetg els eew tasiv mtadtoose biwon od Lian stneeryeq boumLi Rove 
toduald oid decid borasel merid oh seeoneteruetis edt aehew om of. guid: 
fest Dek fom eg CREL 4% Yel mo berntan tnt soutmong of? ‘no epepi non sont 
atiw qu rotten old Xoot noquetetd of hae ybobnoixe ton hing noed 
@ untdtod vee of 92 Yd HLod cow hae yooqneo sees? obtinge lt! arse 
-r9vo0 "swage road tednald" on? moqu syaidvovorg otwedLee70% —  « ALonmodalt 
Hi eoreh 9 ben OLE 488 Yar hosmennios oxen yotegeuq/exbihe odd gmt 
‘atitgaialt .L8¢L «@h rodswdqee botedae naw tovel ‘edasmtates 
gabiliw ovow eBtivahadg tadd gomid Lexeves aned add bonse2ad et peda 
faxeves ehau eikiiningt »ottoasmat? ed etelqnon bua. bestia on.0¢ 
tod tuemeetge adi Yo taemiittlet a xe? aned, asd mo atnemed meethev 
eovitaimoxonget # apsould .yett Ȣ) WW bovenyt erew, ahnameb andi 
tel? bebrameh baa ghlog at ObS—Rt Aned dncdmaton eds, 0% denobavt mods 
dat yogend tom od to top lo hae sett snes OF beyoygeD ad Neuogong ads 
odd intone: ed bedoate noquozed? stivalals .hegwtes may uehned abdé 
mt YW bleq ayenes elt seveRes of set ahaa bas goatdmoo 
edox Loget eae fa moeted) thovednl diiv rossened atoatinen edd mage 
~opogea Ietoege bas goxed rot bieq sewome edd hem amr: 20 ah mess 
ogmatdd edd 22 dole betddwhs wow 2h sigeo wtds So debnd edd mg. cnn 
“Tosvorowe eYmaqued gaunt otiduged Lexsned. oft pret rt 
ut tnpamaxe ads te dx9q sooty bone, ebiom + stato 829 OE osc tau. 


20 (qhdondiiatex Laudostdmo on, a soe i a 723 x ones 


implied contract, whereas plaintiffs claim that they can reoever 
upon an implied contract or an express contract with defendants; but 
in the view that we have taken of this appeal, we do not deem it 
necessary to consider the question as to whether or not plaintiffs 
have a cause of action bused upon an implied contract, and therefore 
many of the points made by defendont need not be considered. 

It is conceded that when plaintiffs had paid $4,900 upon 
the contract they were entitle? to a deed. While Mleder denied 
having the telephone conversation with “ells in ‘ugust, 1926, it 
appears from the record that the trial court, who saw and heard the 
witnesses, believed that “ellis told the truth as to the conversations 
We have earefully considered the testimony of both witnesses and also 
gertain facts and circumstances that tend te throw light upon the 
controverted question, and we are seatiefied that the trial court wes 
fully justified in believing the testimony of Yellin. fefendant makes 
the somewhat strange argument that Yells, a business many could not 
have relied upon Kleder*s statements to him. It is a matter of 
common knowledge that preectieslly all persons desling with large banks 
relied upon statements of officiale of such inetitutionsin 1926. It 
follows, in our judgment, from the testimony of Yelle, especially 
when considered with other facte and cireuastences in evidence, that 
the Chicago Trust Company expressly easumed to deliver title te the 
lets, free and clear of ingusbrances, provided that plaintiffs paid 
the balanes, $6,100, due upon the contract. Chicago Truet Company, 
as trustee, took title to the property by deed. It took an assign- 
ment of the contract between plaintiffs and the Gubbinses ani 
MeDonnells. it exercised complete authority, in se far ss pleintiffs 
were concerned, over the contract and the real property involved 
therein. it exercised a iike authority as to other purchasers who 
had econtracte for lots in the subdivision that was conveyed to 


j a 

tevooet tno yess fat? mtato attientate asstaiw ytoortnos betiqut 

dud qinobueted Medw toetthoo ausiqxs Mo to doatémos beltemt an Hoge 
dt wow tom ob ow ,Lneqqn ated to meted wert ow dnl? woke edd at 
atiidntats to xo terderw of ua mdt¢aow) eff webtemeo ot Ytonnsden 
erorerodd bn jtoetta0s botignt ne moqy toned aotten to sade « oval 
ehetebionos od tom beer tnebrotob <u ebeat atntog re to yom 

ogst 000.9% bheq bod ottitnint sede dnde bobecnos i ree: 
bolneb vobsl® efid? .beeb « of bekitine ox0W yonte rr ey 

$f ~aRer vdoway! mt affey datw noticarévase onodgeted ad? gatvad 

edd Weeet bee wee oy girwoo Latte ome deed beooes Ste mot Bhesgga 
etigotiaereveds eff of ae Mdutd std Biot attev tat bevetted yeobnend ii" 
ouis bas eoncentdivw diod te wromitass of} boxeblenes etketerss ovat st 
‘etd moqwd Sstylt world oF bites tatid toonatemotic tos atost mhagtad” 
anw ftw6o fic? ofd jad? bebtaiges ore ow hae ,moleebap hedteverinds | 
wolom tnobevltet atte to ymomtiebs add gutvartoe ai hesntsant xtiet 
“Hon ison qnne suemtend © patter tad Swomgth Oy the se ond 
teeta a aT cated od cence imi eel Nl! 
guined eyxsf to gatieot anowteg Lfp yLLadisdwty ads Sybetwomt Hounds 
$0 .DSOL tt anOt¥e trent Soweto aLelotrte to binemddade mbqv belie 
(—- ERakoeqae carro” to Yaomtsoss ett mitt .anemgbet duo mi yewortot 
bids {einbidee kd dhccabhinitte’ hdd Hat Held WE a 
etd of sii! tovitob of heausen Ulaeerexe nie’ “ial oinsiid act" 
“bkeq ethitateta tatd pebtverq jnoonstdavont te 4608 Aen Seed yabot 
ewanqad fae? opnotsd .toatindo edd moge owt j00L,09 jeonstad edt” 
 engities a oot $1 .hoeb yo yitoqdtg edd os Weld dod puodauee Ha 
bie seantddy? odd be wYridntale meowded sosttnve ond to tno 
attivntelg es ut oa at eetixodine odetgmoo hontetins ox “Saitemodell 
beviovnt <txeqeta Leot ent ban tostdaoo ed? seve sSeexpon00 ote 

tre? Oe) 

Pee e 

ics ow areusdoxuq ‘onde of ea Ydtxoitan exit s ‘bealorexe dt snboreds 

82 boyivibs ‘Waw Baste’ nabntbaes aed mt adot not stooxdt 
4 He mM a Mi Me Lee | basil a a re te ane 

SO NNT ee 


Chiesgo Trust Company, Trustee, by the MeDennells and Gubbinses. 
From the time it notified plaintiff Yells to make all future pay@- 
mente to it, under the contract, it received all moneys that were 
paid under the contract. It made agreements with other purchasers 
similar to the one that it made with plaintiffs. Defendant, in its 
reply brief, preetieally concedes that it might be unjust for the 
bank to retain the moneye paid it after the telephone conversation 
if Yells’ version of the seme is to be believed, and in the oral 
argument before us counsel for defendant eonceded that if said 
version is to be believed, plaintiffs would be entitled to recover 
the moneys paid after the telephone conversation, plus interest 
after the date of the demand. 

Defendant contends, in its brief, that the telephone 
conversation, “if it did oecur, could not bind the Trust Company 
on a contract, because of the statute of fraudse" In support of 
this contention defendant cites eases stating the well known rule 
of lew that the mere payment of money under an oral promise to 
eonvey land does not take the promise out of the Statute of Frauds. 
All of the cases cited relate to bille for specific performance 
and have no application te the facts of the instant casee 

Defendant contends that plaintiffs cannot recover because 
they did not keep their tender good. it is a suffietent answer te 
thie contention to say that when plaintiffs tendered the amount due 
under the contract to defendant, in gold, the bank refused the 
tender, disclaimed liability, stated that it could noi deliver 
title, and referred plaintiffs to Gubbine & MeDonmell. Thereupon 
plaintiffs, as they had a right to do, rescinded the contract. 

The eases cited by defendant do not apply to the facts of this 

Defendant contends that “under the contract, Yelle 

probably had a right to rescind when he did not receive his - 


suoenigdul bre eilommo’eM eat YC yootane? qymqne® tebe opeotit> 
~tnq emsdu: Lle glen of effev Utintely beltthven of emby oft moat 
oxew dould eyenom Lia, hovteoot #2 ydomxtnoe ent awhtw 4 of OF athe 
expredlocg wwslto déiw einomsetys shaw $1 sdhewtnoe este tobnar bhai 
git at gingbroted .etiismtale délw ebest ab desis one add oo aalinie 
eld vot gautew ed denim 34 tact? amboome ylheotioeng « todad ylgoms 
ipliserarnos sxetgqeted oft vette #2 blag eyomon eslt ainvet o¢ and 
faxo off ai daw ,bovelled od of of emme ett to nohexey *alfel th 
“bina Ti sed? bekeonop sundae tob 20% Leanuoo ay oxpled dnomupae: 
twvocot of beliline ad bimew attivataty ebevelied ed\ed at melee 
teotetat sulq yiolsanzoynoe onerigedos od? xothe blag. syemom att, 
sbramwh ot. 20 otah odd code 
pnorgeled edd dadd ,totad ati ot ,ahuetnop tnehmeted 6 6 © wb 
 Xnaquel geweT afd gatd Jom divec yuepo bib. th 22" «nohdewtevnoo. 
to dxoggue x “.ebwort to edstede elt Yo oumaned ytectines a ne” 
eLur mworml ILew ad? gniiata apace andio tnahae teh nobsandioo: atdd | 

of culmorg Lavo ms Tehhe yonom 2o dnemyny suet ont Batt one eS 
cht To sdudads od Yo duo eaimorg edd offend fom coed bmal Younsd > 
| Sottero dieg pLLtesga TOl RLLd od etalor bedhe-nease add tomLts’ 
+9000 insgant ad? bo etont et oF mattast iene om ovat Sma 

aexsped yevones sean zYidnlaly todd abuedaas tmabneted! Gow pol 
ot xewane. dupintitun « eb, 2%, abemp aobend ahede qed tom bth Yond | 
evh invone oft heteomed atiliniely aeww dad? yor OF meTinesmmo alt) | 
(Od Dens 29% dnad wt phon af eimmbnokod oF #mmsnoo, walt webs 
“Noviieb som biwoo 62 said bosate qyetitdell bomtetesre yxobned 
Aoquexed? + £Lonnotelt & actdded oo wMRtemate beet fee orttt 

adoetsncn esd bobalonst yob of taghr # Daal ype we ae PRs 

_ wate 2o avost odd oF vlgge tom Of dtmbemket Ws tthe won wt ) 

it ae 


deed subject to a mortgage in 1926. Wot having slected to take that 
etep and having continued hia payments, he clearly lost any right of 
rescission based upon that breseh.” It is eufficient to say, in 
Tesponse te this contention, that plaintiffs continued peyments on 
the contract beeause of Kleder's statement to Yells and defendant 
continued to receive the same, and it is therefore in no position 

to raise the instant contention. 

Defendant next contends that “the plaintiffe next got a 
right to rescind, as against the veniors, after they made the tender 
October 27, 1920 (aseuming it was « good tender). They di¢ net elect 
to reseind by bringing suit until Yebrwwy 15, 1933. This is not 
prompt and imnediate action.* It is a sufficient amewer to this con} 
tention to say that the evidence shows that after the refusal of the 
tender negotiations were carried on for « settlement of plaintiffat 
Claim and that participating in these negotiations upon the part of 
the bank were Mr. Leonard, a vice president of the bank, Mr. Watts, 
an attorney for it, and Mr. Beckett, connected with it. The argue 
went that plaintiffs did not want the lots snd were concerned only — 
in ebtaining from the bank the moneys they hed paid is not wmrranted 
by the facts and circumstances of the exnse. But for Kleder's 
statement to Yelis, plaintiffs would have had title to the lots in 
August, 1926. 

Defendant contends: “If we have failed to persuade the 
court down to this point, there is still ome item making up the 
judgment which is unjust. That is the item of interest, amounting 
te $3,455.29. The contract provided that the purchasers should be 
entitled to possession of the premises sold. If their tender made 
October 27, 1952 was good, they were thus entitled to the possession 
down to expiration of the period of recemption, Octeber 29, 1932-6 
Interest for the period down to that date amounts te $2,852.023 

todd gaat of Sotoete gatverl JOR =6+ORRL mh apenduam « of dootdua byob 
to dlgin yne tool yLteedo atl pndnenysq aid Sommbdnoo gartwed bee qode 
“mt cue Of daelottive af ¢t "ones dad? noqwibeesd motastonox 
fo etromyoq beuniiroo eYilininle set yroltaetmos elif? oF osmoqent 
{riabusted baa eLfey of Inemedodn w*TObeLE To sawaed tontdioe wat 
ttotéteog on mi etotwtods ef th bite ,omee off evidoet oF Beunivnes 
sKoténetnoo tietent ont oa tne od 
& 909 txen eFtivwtoly off" tad’ eboetnde Ixer tavbeetec 
qebned ef¢ obom yet? rod%e yorohwey af? suntage as ,babowet of Pdi 
doets von bib yod? .( seemed bewg & vow od pobewwus) ter a aeeeTsO 
fon ef shed 260 .8L yrowrdet f2emw thw wxtonind yo betonet 08 
eno eli? of towane snotolttwe « ot é1 * “snOeee boebboum ‘bre tqnorg 
esd 6 Eevirtex eft tette tnt ewer wove tt "Ot ae 1 mu it 
tettitnisfy to dmsuslitee o ret no ‘bebe, etew anolrehye 
to diet oft moqw anotsatvegon evens mt spall ict ER ty le tl alll 
saddoY ce ytnod ons to dmobiverq softy w (brated Ja Otee aid Sue 
eupite edt’ af sit hw bedobrinss sFtedodt SMe hell 102 Sek Withee ha 
Ele berreoros stow bath stot off dmaw vow bie WYEtiktala’ dante nem 
hedratra Jon st bing beet yo? eyomou orfd waned! eft UY setetetde mt 
ateoberi xot fof “bas off to weomedamwetio bits Wont edd yd 
&E stot eit? 09 ottte bart svat btdow ineasagnegn 2 voile of tnomotsda 
© a het eh ohm ORO tewgen 
edt? oXowstoq of belle? evad ew 21 rabnedhen Yadineted oo 
ect? qu gitttem wet) ofo Lfite of oxeds , tatog ‘sid ‘ov ‘neoh Pitibe 
gatinvons yiiersdnt to most edt at sath” — ‘ak ote Sree bert, 
of bares eveundotumy fd tatd dentvesy Foaddne a. Se 
| wba totined ted? OT Bod wodtnong itt se httediacleg G Hene 
“mohuasasog od of hoLitine emt? stow yet «booy diw S80r (8 <etoieo , 
8ECL 4@S redes00 ynotiqaetes Yo holreg edt te woktertqxe oF mob 
Kensae,ae 6: céniiomn B#A8 tit od leaatenionetbede ae 

— ih 
ksi wit eee EY oO Raat icin ny 


interest from that date to date of judgment emaunts te but $603.29. 
if plaintiffs are entitled te recover the various items included in 
the judgment below, interest however should heve been but $605.29, 
fe give plaintiffs interest for the deprivation of the use of their 
money for the entire peried of time is, we respectfully submit, to 
allow them something they have slready received, and does not square 
with the equitable charaeter of the plaintiffs’ action." if we 
correctly understand this contention there is no marit in it. The 
contract between plaintiffs and the MeDonnells and the Jubbinses 

"That no right, title or interest, legal or equitable in 
said premises shall vest in said party ef the second part until the 
deed conveying the premises, as herein agreed upon, shell have been 
delivered, or im case of failure on the part of the party of the 
first part to deliver exid deed in secordanee with the terms hereof 
agreed upon, shall have been paid or tendered in full to the party 
of the first part." 
Here, plaintiffs never had title te the property and never had 
possession of it, although they had the right to a deed in August, 
1926. They did not then obtain title beeause of the statement of 
Kleder te Yells. The cases cited in support of the instant conten- 
tion have no bearing upon the facts of the instant cases 

We now come to a consideration of plaintiffe’ cross-appeal, 
wherein they contend that they are entitled to a greater amount than 
the trial court sliowed them, viz., $3,067 paid to the vendors, under 
the contract, prior to the time that the deed and assignment were 
given to Chieage Trust Company by the vendors, together with statutory 
interest from dete of payments to date of judgment, amounting to 
$1,495.39. ‘# to this contention of plaintiffs, defendant etatess 
We must tell the court, frankly, thet so for ca we ean find, this 
is a case of first impression. * * * The precise facts of this 
ease, however, do not seem to have been involved in any reported 
eage.* Under the facts of this ease, as we find them, the Chicago 


288.E08% tud of otmvrins Inoopbul to e¢eb OF Gah Vacs mott sentednt 
ni hobutont amest wvolvey edt tevooet of beléléne orm wThientelg 2i 
<€8.009¢ sud rood ove binede tévewed sootednt ywoked énampbul emt 
thedd Yo sau of? Te moitevineeh end ao? seotetat athivntalg evig. oT 
of yiiadwe “liwidoeqest ew gat emis ‘te balieg oubdae ods tek youen 
etenpe fom usob ote yhovinoot Ydeetia eval yoli gaiddiomee mosis wodls 
ew TL “.moiton ethivntetg odd fe xedpaade oidatinpe etd dtiw 
eat .ti ot ¢ivom on at exedd aolénednoo ald? baadaxebaw yLioorsz00 
aveniddud off bea aflonmodol ef? hs ethitatalg neowted a 

at eldnéitnpe to Laget .iaoxtmt to ofttd qttigtt ies 
od? Lites Yreq baosca of? to Ysxeq bios wt doy ne at 
sooed overt Liade ,noqy beeps closed oo 
ones eee ed? mo oxutia' te sean a 
¢ Adie ooon nh beet biag 

had iesenis siassiieminen ai ee ofpit bod novon aURttntasg com 
shawna at boob » od tigtx exit dart yond Mamodiis .f %o solesennog 
Yo snemesase oss to cemaced efits mtatde med tom bib NomT  -dseL 
“teineo Inatant als te stoqque at bedte avsao edt -ello¥ of sebeLt 
snaoo dastont edd 16 atest ald moqu gattaed om eval sohs 
eleoyga~neets 'atiiiaialg to soliaveblanes 2 04 exes won w. ' 
nadd texons wehew1g o at heLitine ox Yond dad? baton youd at 

webhaw gurehmoy afd of hiag 700,69 qoutw quedd bowelle see Ladze etd oa 
view Inssmyiass tra hooh orl? sand ams od? of sodag gtowrtnos said 
VWolstiate dite vedsoges eatotney eff Yd Yaoqmed fast oppetd? of moyte 
Of gatiauons yinomybul to atab of adnamysg to ooh sat sponptes 
seedate Iuntuelod .attiiatalg to agtineinpo atde of wi. 108 Rdg LE 
Bids qhatl aay ow oo tat om taslt _yirimer? «fxwoo ont shed, oh a hl 
aidd to stant eeloong eft * * # | aegeenamt tart? 2 bie 

hed t0q0% Yao mk beviovel seed evad of meee, fom 4 ob stevewed yenne seer 

epeetd® ef? gmodd batt ow es, “soeep atte 9 tet ote coda "sean a 
) S45 46% Suavegee — 

ae | 

“en ee 


Trust Company, aveigues, agvawed the asviguers’ Linbility wader the 
vontract and thus created controat relations between it amt plain- 
tiffa, or, to state it im another way, 11 stood im the shees of the 
vendors in respect te the contract, The contention raised by 
Plaintiffs in their srose-appeal wost therefor: be wieteined, We 
find, therefore, that the triel court should heve asaeesed plain~ 
tiffs’ damages at 917,301.13, instead of $12,740.74. 

Thao judgment of the Municipal court of Chienge te reversed 
aud judgment is entered bere in fuvor of plaintiffe and acsinet 
écfendamt in the eum of $17,301.13. 



Gridley, Pe Js, and Williven, Je» conoure 

( nttaLg bee $2 geomded snetintot toszdnon beteene mud? bem Peasdney 
odé 26 mdorn ost oi deota of sow rodvons mi 22 eget OF ang eR BAe 
(eY sbontageuy e6 oxoteredd dame Leeqganmauxe thes wh abktimbele 

( mbitady Aecweens overt biwedte teveo Labsd wilt panieinattnaibaniascieh 

bt nt rear 

ont Te Ystay wid To Frey Ohi MEO OTEEint Ww “are ML WO ote 

MeN Gedo te LI eonahegoom me. beet tian coe see tae 
[pung ef3 ot iiv? ws howohned te thee weed evn aloft ~ * 
Ph aks ' nh a 
aa Bik a 

4 ees ee ee aes Me aye oe w Ses Pag Re ahmed “ a2. 
: : piacyyo-geme “ethliniels te mitwanbhanes 468 HS Busi wm, 1 RRB Aad fi 
aM oe fe ae he Ne oe CAS Tee a. Se a ee: eas ‘ante. 4d tessa ntigite ‘gaat 5 
- : ite A aa: eer Rs 2 

whi geiuenwr od! ed Atay POyOt eomde gate see weme. 

ROAM PSE atthe. 5 RRe RANEY RO Se ae gail phe Fh ad 

Kein yoteenes serohwer ade cpl eet BET yin aad 
a ek ee a sient 
ee Sr i BT ie a ee Bi i ae eS ‘ue t bina, fee. 

QSR4 FG Oe Ses wa dowry. onl Bm snaton vom 

PRACHERE tee #5 beer Saek aes ete oF me we 

MANDEL WH. Hee rs, 


pounce 1979 1.4.619' 


“Leimsiff euct Mark Jampolic, Sidney Jaepelics and 
Theresa Jampolis te recover the cum of $500 on a bond signed 
by them, together with interest at the rate ef etx per cont 
per emum. The bend was one of a verise of 416 bends that 
were ssoured by a trust dead upon certain property, Mark 
Jampolis «me the only defendant served, The esac woe tried 
by the court. Wo «videnee was offered by defeadunt. The trial 
equrt found that plaintiff take noshing by Bis suit ani fhint 
defendent Mock Jampolia reeover from plaintiff his gente. PMiain- 
$iff hes apvemled, Defendant Bas not filed «a brief im this o urte 

The third amended affidavit of merits sets up « number 
of defences to the claim, enly one of shieh seed be noticed, visos 
that plaintiff is precluded from suing upon the bond in an ection 
at daw by reason of artiele [if, section lp, of the trust deed 
stcuring the bends which reads aa follewar 

“aAytiele lil, Seetion 1. It is hereby declered snd 
mt as a condition upon which each legal holder or holders 

aril ox omy of eaid bomia receives and helde the seme, that 

me holder or holders of ony of said bonds or goupens shall have 
the right to institute aay preecesdings im law or in equity, of 
whatever echarseter or kind fer the foreclosure ef thie dead of 
trust or for the execution ef the trust herein provided, or for 
the appointment of « receiver, or for amy other remedy under 
shis instrument, er for enfereing the lien hereby created, *ithout 

firet made appliention to the Trustee, as hereinbesore 
provided, and until the Trustes shell heve «rongfuliy er un- 


Nod it re Ok, Tea ep hwaees.. baer] 
RHP tes “ta oe pehenes 


A ~leT MM PeObeey 

tan wnt ; a 

: eile” aad ein < 


s00,.0TKD + ped ye 
J 9 tO ev ge <3 yn 

Wier 20, iguerpbak Ame 

sTAVOD ALT WO MOINITO SET cunyitae Raden oe ORT AYL, 9 Mh » 

ten atkogint yerht yatLoyaat drat voum Whvetest 
bomgta baot & me Oa8 te mie ots Toveser of Wiingeal sewcndt 
iaos u9q xe te oaet ssa te geetedat dite vedltepod queds WW 
dad? elmod OL8 Wo seltos o te ene aaw tog edt smunne tog 
due « USteGOTE nind<60 neq hob yenxd be ‘heaithd baw” 
bolt? see onan off  hevroe taeheoteh ylno eld ane abroquet 
Int<é ef stachne tb WW devetie exw oonpdive of .tewes eat ‘wd 
toute to thom otal ye gedsivon oiled titintety tad? bewed sue 
~ntal% .adooo att Tilewtels mort t9veces alfoqnal Xvet taabietod 
efiuu cm eles mi toted » belt? fon sad tmehavted »hekapyqas ead Tid 
tedaus © qv ade ethiwm te ¢ivebitie hebuome wekds edt ~ 
ssnl¥ sbovisan ef tea dodiit Te ome Uno yatale auld of nesmeteb Te 
(— akion me mt bed odd weqe gutwe went bebutowng wt Rsdntely tone 
boob Sours edd Ye gf maiden gil efehite Ye nomeoy WW wal te 
howolio? an obaex Moldy yhnod val? yaduiroce 
hee bovatooh wioxodt wh tt ok muksoed «ik » 
doce otis 

etohien so te bled 
Sate vowsnnd? 8 
ount Stake ouaties ee eee 190c shrag 
bat po ng porch fi 
te b elds he wmsebinowes tua Se 
v8 te she sioved deat? (oo ao 
hem Ybesox + cedfo™ wan. 203 eet 8 

juatite gbedasrs ytexedt me ie ene -aeaieata 
exetodalivwesd on ,eedomr? of? of apie 
Mona €O UEtvegnoTe over Lads eed uct 


Yeasonatly failed te institute prosesdinges for the ferselosare 
of thie deed of trust, or for the exeqution of the trueta here. 
under, or for the appointment ef a reoelver, or for any other 
rexnedy under tuis deed of trust, or for enforving tae ilen hereby 
created, ae the ¢nme may be for sixty (46) daya after the civing 
of metice in writing te the Zrumtee so to do, Aili rigtte of setion 
wader tain deed of trust or under any bends or courvens seeured 
thereby, say be enftoreed by the Trustee in ite diseretien without 
the poeeession of ony of the bende or ceupone er the production 
thereef on any trial or precesdingsa agreander, * 
The court found for defendant upon the theary that thda sestion im 
the deed of trust barred cialiatiff from suing at iaw on the bend, 
und the enly qu¢etion pregented by thie appeal ie whetner or not 
the court's ruling was justified under the facte and the law, The 
only Language in the bond that San any bearing upon the inetant 
question is the follewing: **** for « Puli deseription ef whieh 
4e0d of -trust and the terse and oonditione under whieh thie vend 
is ieessed, secured and bid, and the Limitations en the rights of 
bondholders, referenes ig sade te oadd deed of truat. * 

fhe inetant question is sentrelled by Gevianges v. 
Sengier & Sepdell, 354 lll. 302, very recentiy decided by our 
Supreme court, (See also Cummings v. BighiponeLuke 
277 Ili. App. 476; Baye r 

Ke. 37537, opinion filed thie date.) 


Bvwen if we savused that seid section 1 of the trust deed 
srecluded the plaintiff fren suing @t law on Ais bend, neverthelesa, 
it is clear that the lenguage in the bend upen which defendant aunt 
rely @id mot fairly iselude, by referenee, tae neesetion sleuse of 
the trust deed, and, therefore, umdey the @ecieion in the Gewianes 
ene, plaintiff would heave « right t@ bring a persenei agiien to 
Tregever an the bond. Put even the language in the trust deed upon 
which defendant relied does mot preelude piaintiff from maintaining 
wn aetion at law uper the bend. 

3% wae stipalated in the trial court that if piaintifr 
had the right te esintaia kis action there wae due him $9644.06, 

exereiontet att 10% heeseiq efusitank of bodis? - 
evted ateuwis of? Yo aoltugene sc? tet to ,sautd 
asdeo (ae xet to ,tevieots « to ineatatoqqs af? +02 to eres 
Ydotsd Aoki ons yatoxetas rot to ,senxt To bowed ala) tebay 
eatviy ea? 12flte exyeb (08) yeaa t0l o¢ Yom oned ot? On , 
woison te e@eyixn {LA 0b Of Of sodawit oA? of gaktine al Py 
bewess aaoguves te ehaed yao xehaw 0 dawt? Ye oak edas 
fuqisian aviserteaih esi at seteutT on7 4d beote tas vt oa 
molfoubotd ou? 19 Bnequen te abacd edt to yao Te 
“,tepaunted ayalhessere 70 takud Yue wo 

@t aolécee aids suds yroods on% soqu Sanbasted tot bawclt gums of 
~dnod oct ae wai ta golive wott Vilialete bowed deus De heohene 
fea I twildodw of Lamege abit yt bo dndaera nokteoup ving edt baw 

$f eds Oke baw Ofecd wrt reba holt eaut eaw gab irr atu Si 
fnagead ord sage yattect yre aad dactd Baod 643 al eyamgnet tine 
dolde te nelsqizoaeb shut & tot ere" sgatwolie® ocd as mohtoonp 

baod abs odie Tebow en 28 Lhase baw eared ons dae ange’, Yo Beeb 
te — eas ao emoizes md edd bao biog dma detvape ,boumed eh 
* Sours to heed pies ‘et shes | at Congas 3°5.¢° °C, 

~¥ pamdweo U4 boliozzaos ef nolssoup erg 

100 YW bebtebh Uiviboot Yaey 20E LLLE ORE , 

Mand AS wandaneatiose \¥'agmtalys’ onle ee) | 
el 29 Ned 608 Medenoayt wesbut ov tevell ‘elk pro Pa 
Kiatae Utde Bi iit ‘neralee Pee a 

hen deus), nse to. saneeeel bhah'd ili Wibdis WL ek vce 
| aCe Lede seven bao ald ao wae ta Batve aort Pritntate bat bonw ay i og 

 thum toakae leh aodew meg baot ont” mt agaepawt ear ib a ws on 
30 eaneig agiionq-0m oie Secirs tow ed ,ebeceat tints? doa ‘bib eee - m 
Q2aghwed ods a2 noleiond o8s vedas ,orGTOTSA ban “bead ‘Suwnd ve 

0s nelsee iancereg » gabtder digit o ved thiow Wilialate ae , 

| ar ie sour? otf 4) egeagaed ete atewe fet” ee te ioe 

bry “a” Perr 

rr eat? 
ih ong 

ve 9 oni: ee Ippo 
: keane 18 : ‘te 4 hy yi BB oy haere eens 
a r Aas = * \ in ' ois et ied Us RR .Aaa kd g Qe es | aa aR re hae 


piue interest at seven por cont per annem from pril G, 1034, 
There is therefore due plaintiff the wum of (979.48. 

The judguent of the Municipal court of Chience is 
revereed and judgment will ee enters? here in faver ef plaintiff 
and agninet defendont Wark Jampolis in the sum of (570.48. 



Oridleys oe dese amd Sullivan, Js, concurs 

ih yer wer Ger ace «a oh eo ca uM 


8 yn : wir, ‘ee ri 

Ss ae 

hae amy ng: rh 

es age ree ee ana pryetts 

en eet 


Pasion j bigs te » 



be es 
on ta taro af daagee ahs 

PR wae Re pre esanecg Mek s wai hoe ade ae 


ET Hy Weed, hale how RHQ ee pM tt 2 i word a a Or 

7" ingle» " 

: iP Stee ry ee Bee: or Bits Save a MS —, . tats if wt or ory 

Ne ee ee Noe 


PERE 32 GH ORL LLG ae TER week cou ot 9 
RIE Bis Maree Tey op hese dae. cores” ee BD sents te . 
: " : 1 es 

ie NMS HE ae wmalio tint auld bem , ited heen iieleg | tamil 
*, 2en08 Fe bOeh A408 Gt abo ae ee 

hte ah y 


i ad & 

OLDE ie Ae, Ai che a S Rp et Sy aba a ot tm: sini 
yen ath 

AOR he, Eg Gy BO eae MCT “ih ike ee "ane a 


Riis Fed Bald. WE Rodda 

Ma Vb ale Sie. thor WR eethorg eet ‘iahily wii i - 
: E 5 : % 4 au: U a 

AG PEAR oY Tied A ipeiaed WS taney Meng: ea ei aa eet bcodl mehr 
ee ee ee ee | 

i " re : ae. 
Oy Ae AT, Level tens sem eed WS hee ab a ae Rereienpenk 

ee ee ee ee a es ee 


Be ee wap, pes et 

ae ea Pe oe 


SEAS Me elens, EA, ee i svt hai wai wie” 

«Brewed Vn Bi te te et iiouaa RLY Oa!’ ha ating inst in, 

ME rime Ue None nd ips re Hil NS Gi Us 

ye i: agit aye ae 


= NET ie ~~) 

THAR 8, GEARY, as Assignes, ete., Lt 
COURT oF /cuxéago, 
Corporation, ) 
Appellant. P 

979 1.4.61 9g 

Plaintiff, as assignee of Yorewan-State Trust & Savings Bank, 
as receiver, and Joseph &. Ford, as successor receiver, ef certain 
premises, sues defendant for rent cf a store room in the premises. 
The trial court found the ‘Leaiite against defendant acd mtered judse 
ment against it for $1,800, the fuli smount claimed by plaintiff, 

Plaintiif's statement of claim alleges tuat on December 26, 
1930, Foreman-State Trust 4 Savings Bank was appointed reeeiver of 
the prenises known as 3501 West Hadison street, Chicago, and as such 
receiver msnage? and centrolied the presisea until July 16, i93i, 
when it resigned saa receiver and Joseph B. Ford was appointed suc- 
geseer receiver; that on Kareh 7, 1925, defendant entered into a 
lease for a store room in the premises fer a term commencing May 1, 
1928, and ending April 30, 1931, at a rental of $125 per month from 
May 1, 1028, to April 36, 1929; $135 from May 1, 1929, to April 30, 
1930, and 9150 from Kay 1, 1930, to April 30, 1931; that upen the 
appointment of the bank as receiver defendant atterned to said re- 
ceiver and paid to it the rental provided in the lease for January, 
1931, to April, 1931, both inclusive; that defendant fatied and re- 
fused te vacate the premises on April 36, 1931, and by reason thereef 
it became a hold-over tenant for a one~year period from May 1, 1931; 
that the bank, as reseiver, elected to consider defendant as a olde 
over tenant for a period of ome year and that there is due and oving 
from defendant the sum of $1,800; that on January 27, 1933, the bank, 

\, eee petylood 26 “ats "96 Hee ie 

AO LiGGR co abe toren? dbegatt © 
ie ahs ee, st pes up ; % 

“elo ‘fT tes | dan lingaa ste wiih “ra of 


vinak ayahve® 4 Sot? 9f022-neayt0% Yo oeayiace os ,Ttitalelt — 
— gbeaeeo te (teviecs: tesesooue an baet wd eer tssets el 
,eoniverg edd ai me0t ores @ to seach 10% taebem teh cone , pont : 
eubwt Botetas bau fashsoted stanlage eouesh edt bawet xo dant 03 
sUtbistale ys bemtele favemm Liv't end 008,16 Bot 92 tenbeas 
,98 teduscod so tadt seyetlia alaig to sanmeteta art “se Ss 
* to tovieses betutoqas sav asad agalve’® & soutt tot , 08! 
pe om bas yopsotstd .seonte aockball te0W £082 en ambast phowrg ot 
SERL BL ULul Leda seniunzg ol? beLfetsace bus begeaia Mevheeet 
~onn hetaiogqes sew broek .2 dgenet ban tevheoet “saat 
: as o¢at bozetan dasheotoh ,O80L ,v sete go tend jrovieoet tesene ; 
| ft Yea galomeanoe axrod « tot seaiaerg et2 at soot erx0da a ter osset { 
ox? itaom x9q BELG To Letewt @ te ,60L ,O8 LivgA gathas bas | 
108 LdxqA of ORCL ,f Yu mort BELG FOOL ,08 tingh of 080k x yo 
on? moqu Pastt P1ECL 08 tings of 06K if eat abet oust haa (nets i 
“9% bkes of bectetts suahueteh revieoes aa Mind OHS To deonret ed ] : 
__ eRtauast tet naael axe at Aobiverq Ledawy ott 4h ‘ot blog baw ‘ein 
: ‘ Das boikst sasbaeteb sand jovleutent Atod Conl ney, am 18%, af 

as receiver, by an instrument in writing, sasigned its claim against 
defendant to plaintiff, and on January 14, 1935, Joseph 2. Ford, as 
suceesser reeeiver, by an instrument in writing, assigned hie elaim 
against defendant te plaintiff; that both aselgmments were in pur« 
suance of an order entered in the Superior court ef Cook county, in 
ease 529253; that plaintiff is the actual bona Fide owner of the 
Claim against defendant. Befendant's affidavit of merits denies 
that defendant became or was a hold-over tenant ef the receiver of 
said premises, and denies that the receiver elected or had the right 
ts elect to consider er hold defendant as a held-over tenant fer any 
period of time; Aaenies that defendant ie indebted te olaintiif in 
any sum whatsoever; denies that eaalid bank, as receiver, had the 
right or power to execute the asgignment to plaintiff, and further 
denies that Joseph B. Ford, receiver, had the right, power or au- 
thority to execute the assignment to plaintiff; denies that the 
Superior court had jurisdiction to enter the alleged order in case 
$29283, and denies that plaintiff is the actual bong fide owner of 
the claim. 

Defendant contends that “the erder of the Superior Court of 
Cook County, entered January 11, 1934, directing the receiver and 
euceeseor receiver to agcign their claims to the olaintiff was wholly 
ineffectual, because, (A) the Superior Court had lost jurisdiction 
* * # over the ease nearly two termes before such order was entered, 
(B) Both Foreman-State Trust & Savings Bank and Jeseph BH. Vord, the 
former receivers of the property, had filed their final accounts, and 
the same had been aporeved, and they had been discharged by the Court 
at the time the order of January 11, 1933, was entered and at the 
time the ageegignmentes to the plaintiff were exeeuted. either had 
the capacity to execute such assignments as receiver." As te den 
fendant's very technical argument in support of thie contention we 
may aay that while it is true that the court had lest its power te 

ps ? r 

teaiegs atelo eit dengieas ,gattinw al thomerdent os vd ,tevicoes an 
es .frot .4 deoeol ,f80L , bf yxewmeld an bine .Webentele of saebneteb 
atefo eld bomgiese ,gaisiaw of Saomerdent oa yt ,xevleoe: tesessone 
-suq al wrow afnompiaes. ated fad? ;tthiakely od tambo toh ne 
ai ,yiavos deed Yo dxmeo telieque Oxf wf botetne tebse as te eoneue 
“ $ie Yo tenes Shit suet Landon vcd ak Vidtoiele todd ;2OR98E eneo 
soloed atiiem Yo sivebi tke et enehas tee staabueteh Ponteps melo 

te tevieset o3 to sus n0g ieVvo~b Losi & —" bebe saw oed toedaated 3 tat 
dtigix edt bed to beteo le sovieser oss dawit solagh bog senelnera bla 
oe tT trmmed teve-blod # ee sasbas teb biew to tehlencs ot rte 
ah Tiitaielo of betdebat at tnabae rah sauseid eetand ims %» abuse 
ent bad ,tovieost ex ,dasd blue add eolush CERPn ee AE eS . 
tosidaw?t bon ,titiniatg of sasanglees outs esugexe | f TF diigde 
| sha ZO Towog bdgde oad hash steyhooet ehrot .f dgoaol sade 1d Saal 
| : oid tac? asined ;Urbeatate ot saomayinas ont ofmmone, at Xf : 
geao at wbre begetie odd todas of notgotbe drut | best fw99 7 ola 

as ‘tonwe abit ased toutes oad et Yidtatede dass solaed hae 

to du0d, volxsqu® odd to whie oig* teat “abae 400 ‘teehee tee Senet) 
’ bae zoviooox add gattoor th S694 wkd (aaunet ‘berstas s¥7 aued toed. j 
yLtonw anv Ttitalele emt ot ante Lo about? gious ot _Teyter ; . a ; by 
tobtolbekrut geod bad des09 rolre gee adi (4),  waLKOD _shautoeTiagk 
,beretae aew tobto dove oxe'ted wutod owe ‘Vitam gage, ont woyo. # * * 4 
edt heel .< sqeeot haw xaad wyatt vad a faust ote -mamero’t 90) 
hte 1 ataui0eee fant? atedd bettt hast eo raoTs acid Ye ae tog Kipeewet 
“exx00 head ye hogiasiog tb ined bag yeas howe sherrtve*. ng bad tipinpeil 

, *ie toad how .besunexs oxow y Mibdatate ost oe nt sommgians pit oud Rs 
i ae of 8A * xovieset 36 stuomagtane owe os eae. 

Ae ate 

ow ek? ae¢00 wide “to trecqua at samme | Keadaiond ey | at de 

ot xome9 att deol bet tun0o ont todd ownt ok oh “my, Sasi? oe we 


amend any of the matters finally adjudicated during the course of 
the litigation, plaintiff, in her petition, did uot attempt to 
have eny matter that had been finally adjudicated changed or ¢or- 
rected, In her petition she merely called the attention of the 
¢ourt to her right to certain assets of the receivership estate 
whieh had not been disposed of by any order of the court. in 
paseing upon her petition the court merely determined that she, pot 
the owner of the ecuity of redewption, waa entitled to the claim fer 
rent againet defendant, and ordered the receiver and the suecessor 
reeeiver to assign to her all their right, title and interest in 
the claim for rents ageinst defendant. The owner of the equity of 
redemption, if he had seen Pit, might have appealed from that order, 
but he did net. The owner of the equity ef redexption is beund by 
the erder, snd we are unable to see why defendant should complain ef 
it. Nor are we impressed with the argument thet defendant might be 
called upon to respond twice to the same claim. 

Defendant further centenda: “The Foreman-Giate Trust & 
Savings Pank, seting ae receiver of the property in question, had 
not the right or power to elect to hold the defendant as a tenant 
for another yeer.* The argument is, thet the record fails te shew 
that the receiver executed the lease by order or consent of eourt, 
and therefore the lease ig net binding and the receiver would have 
mo power to elect to hold defendant as a tenent holding over for 
another year. It ie /suttietont answer to thie contention to say 
that defendant tock possession of the premises under the lease in 
question, attorned te the receiver, and is in no pesition to cone 
plain thet the record does not show that the receiver executed the 
lease by reason of s court order, ‘he owner of the premises, of 
course, might complain if the receiver hed leased the premises without 

@ court order or contrary to a court order, 

——— ae 


, Ye seruoo off golrus bodedthuths eltontt etodtaw sad "re Gah" Bitomd” 
9d Squetta gon bth ,wbiditey ted at | Trtsatelg (hetdeghdie eas” 
“too to beguedo hetacthwths <Llenth need bed tat? toten he ovhe 
gat ‘te moltactte oft baflas ylotoh odo moltiteq Yaa kl hedeey 
bisive qhiaxovisset off ‘to atecse miatieo of style ten of NOE" 
al .d1v0o Sat ‘to Yabro yas yd Yo boveneth mood tom hat Mobiw’ 
toa ,oxe Seid bomlurtoteh yletem dro oft aolsiveg tod oad Qattaby 
x6 mialo @Hd of beLitine saw ,avlsqmeber to yttups bat Ye Gerwe oHe 
“wosescous silt boa tevieoe1 edd hershro hae ,tanbasten Yennga sane” 
qt geouetat bas ofthd ,¢dgit stead) tty Yen! od” phen’ of ahVbebet 
| ‘te ytupe eid ‘Io tome ofT .dmabusteh sentogh’ stuor vot atte ome 
(— yxobro Jedd aot't batoogue oved aigte ,92% dow Bad OE aha 
ed bawod ef nbiigouphex Yo ethupe ered to tedwe ert | fen Wie bof Fiat 
te nite lguoo ‘bivods tashactos Yaw soe of ottumy ote Ow bee bre “Seobew sit 
os | aitgin tuobaoiob tend faemigze wid ddIw Bordo equit relia elt LE 
: cmtalo sues odd of soled baogess of X@aw | 9 ae | 
~ @ feu? o¥e¢S-saneact off sebcisddoo soda font aetoit A 
ae paalivens wk Ustoqete ost to tevieset ee aattoe toot bigeye 
“"puaned s ts tnobaetes edd blod ot f60lo ‘of towde 46 Site ont tou 
woute ‘ot eLlet prover ood tant job ddbmugte ‘oar YW tony tedione We 
: P19 to dasenes to rebto ¥d oueel ont Bedveen pa negponcotee 
ovad bliuow xeviecer otf Baa yatbald som wh'weast Wad” 
. “a reve naiblon dee wo & ta taetadteh Brod’ ot eon ed 
ae ‘es “nol Fiat aoe ‘and 'o2 “Hoda tnd ta rege PE rh 7 
ui al oeaat oat tohaw soekoote oft ‘to dolvadadsd teed “WA vain te 
aco mano ‘ed salsteog on al a ‘bas ivtien cat ao Nude em : , 
odd bodvenxe: ‘gavteost odd tust? ’ ‘waste ‘fod anal bebe se ate 
“te ase dno g ‘at to x8 ATO ‘eat vtohte trode # i 69 
uot pevkaong out honaot ‘beat sovisost ont us atsiquos sigtm ,oaxwoo 

nich vache, 
wi00t0 Sceus a “od (uat ea TO * 

Le SOOMEGS Bhat i EL | Beets BF OT 4 ay oh. peri od me . 


Defendant contends that “the trial Court erroneously ex- 
eluded competent and material evidence offered by defendant md re- 
fused to receive competent, relevant and waterial evidence offered 
by the defendant tending te shew an election en the part of the re- 
eeiver to held the defendant for double rent during the period of 
occupancy after the termination of the lease," The law is settled 
that where « tenant fer a year or years holds over after the expira- 
tion of his lease, without heaving made any new arrangement with his 
landiord under which such selding over takes place, the landlord, at 
his eleetion, may treat the tenant as a trespasser, or ae a tenant 
for another year, upon the wame terms as in the original lease, and 
this though the tenant has mo intention of helding over for a year, 
nor of paying the same rent. (GLinten Wi 
99 Til. 151; Weber vy. Powers, 213 113. 376; Peek vy. Christman, 94 
Till. App, 435.) 

“Zeving onee eleeted to held him to the one liability, he 

is not permitted to shift his position and eleet te hold him to the 
other, And yee nate wih be construed as eomnstituting such an 

eleetion," eck v. Christman, supra, p. 457; see alse Clinten 
¥ oO. We f ; Supra, p. 159.) 

In the instant case the defendant offered te prove that on or about 

May 20, 1931, a Mr. Knepper, employed by William fT. Geary, agent 
for the receiver, brought inio the offlee of defendant company a 
letter from Geary, signed by him ae agent fer the reeeiver, in 
which a demand was made for double rent for the premises for the 
month of Bay, 1931; that the letter was handed by Knepper to Albert 
A. Yort, am attorney for defendant company, and that Yort, efter 
reading the letter, stated to Knepper that defendant had been a good 
tenant for many years, that the property inte which it was about to 
move Was still occupied by a tenant whose lease had expired and that 
therefore defendant had been unable to vacate, and that in view of 
the fact that defendant had been such a good tenent and would be 
out of the premises by the end of Hay, 1931, defendant should not be 


“xe Yisuoscorrs xo Mains ade" Sodt ahasdnee dampaated  . 
9% hao Sania teh yd bore tte epcmatve Lalis2am jaw dastequcs bebulo 
kote Tio soarblive inlnotan bac sonve Low FRI OGD, oviooes ef hemwt 
~o% o1if to dug ext no meltveds ca wore oF gaihaps tpmbmp tod ond ue 
Yo botieq oat? yatiwh daox videsod to smebaw'top add plod ot teyteo 
boltiea ef wad ect * .onaed ous to motieatarced exit rote Yosuguaoe — 
-atiqze ent tot'te teve abied siasy 4 tepy # T9T teams s * oresty, ae ae 
ate stdw iomgaetsa wa Yow shun gaived dwodsiinw ,oagel An 20, OP | 
ta brotbawd eff ,0usiq sedet teve aaibdor sous ig eter robay . oe 
tanaet # Ge 70 ,TOnsngoeTs a aa fimo} #0 Saont oatmeal 
Ape ,epaes fentgtso odd af as gonet aoe one SOqe 1PRO, PORE ORD | ie 
<1asy # tol tev gakdfon Yo aoltundat on gud dammed odf ait 
“apabm®_.7_.09. At049 ett¥ aotets2) -trex omex edd gutyng To tom 
d@ ,namgoixd) .y Aped OVE , ffl EIS Neral «2, OME, 1 iE 

porern ene ome ot ald bled ef betoote sone 
Sree ¥ . 
Maseg so esin sen ;VE 1a ,et ge , 
tuode to mo dadt vvorg oF bote'The tasbaeted aug — cone poem e 
taoge ,yrs00 .T mellis¥ yd beyotqam ,reqqoms sale AECL 08 ye 
-& yangno Iapbaoted Yo eetito ed? ot ah, tdauond stovloget ost tet 
sh ,tevleoet od tot daega wn mtd RM Aeande .yameO mort wetted — 
et tot sealwwrg odd xet doer ofdaeh tot sham aew brewed « sokde 
teedia of togqead yd haboud aaw reset add fast (oO +8 Yo dtaom me 
rote «tre todd bas ,yewemoy Saadsoted rot YOmON ae ATO eh 
boo 2 ased baci Sob cin toh tad? tw9qond of botate meted ea? gatheet ie 
of suoda aaw $f sig babe otal Yireqerg oad sons ena ae adiannall 
saxdd beta bartexe Bis pace I scone sasaet aw haiqs » A i i 
‘ te wo ty ait dent bas ,edoony of sidaay meet ben 9 nie have" 
od biwew baa tne booy a done mood had . iapeue tee tad 
od ton biwosia Prahuo tab , OL , yall Ye hase oat w 08 mtg 

Ss ss 
A i 


held for double rent for the month of May; thet Yort handed back 
the letter to Knepper, at the same time saying to him: "Take this 
letter back to Mr. Geary and tell him what I heve told you and see 
if he won't withdraw this demand for double rent," and that there 
upon Emepper took the letter away. The court, upon objection by 
plaintiff, refused to permit defendant to show any of the alleged 
facts set up in the offer. Slaintiff does not contend that defendant 
might net have shown, by proper evidence, an eleetion by the landlord 
to held defendant for double rent rather than as « tenant for snother 
year, but she attempts te sustain the ruling of the court in excluding 
the offered evidence upon technical grounde. Plaintiff first con- 
tends that the proper foundation for admitting secondary evidence had 
not been laid, az no notice had been served upon plaintiff te produce 
@ letter, the contents of which defendant sought to preve. There is 
no merit in this contention, as counsel for plaintiff stated in open 
court that plaintiff denied that there ever wos such a letter written 
by Geary and that if notice had been served upon plaintiff te produce 
it the answer to the notice would have been that mo such letter had 
eyer been written and that, therefore, it could not be produced by 
Plaintiff. im an effort to preve its claim ae to the alleged election 
by the landlord, defendant called as a witnese, Knepper, who testi- 
fied that when he made the call upon defendant he had no letter from 
Geary and did not present to Yort any sueh letter. Flaintiff argues 
that defendant, having enlled Knepper, is bound by hia tect imonye 
There is no merit in this contention. The law is well settled in this 
state that while a party to a suit carmot impeach the witness volun- 
tarily ecalied by him, he may introduce other evidence disproving the 
statements of such witness. As stated in Chance v. Kinsella, 510 
Tiles 515, 523% 

"The appellee ealled the appellant as her own witness, 

‘She was not for that reason bound by his testimony but might chow 
the truth by any competent evidenee, even in direct contradiction 

doed bebuad sroY jacid pyell to dimom off not det oLdyob a hited 

git? ode” tmttl-of pakyan amid owen on? tn ,ceQett o¢ teeter ont? 
oon bre woy blot evad I dedw mid Ifoe bus Yuebe . a Of ond teeter 
~oxod? vat? bee ",dmex oidwob rot bnameb aftd worbdtiv a *wow ent ‘tt 

Ui osootée noms «ies ad? .yawa teddel add Zoot vequent noqu 
bepeiia olf to yre wore of ¢nabneteh dhereq O¢ bogwitet «Pisishalg 
inebnoteh godt baetnes fon weed Tikémtali .x0rhe atid at gw dea Gina? 
bxelinat edd yd mobsoele as ,sonebive reqotg Ww sess ovad don daty den 
rosigoua tO2 inaned « as mastd redter snot efdwoh «ot Snabmotes ted ov 

gulhufoxe oi gumpe ee te gutiuz ed? miataws of stomnaso eae aud e884 

. See 
“seo gazkt Tikinheli .ebrworg Lnolmdved mous sonsbive “pomethe sts 

ey a ecm ee ee 
besi eonobtye Yiohneoes gaiidinte rot molsabasot eqone ents ieee 

eawbeng of onde so sere et 8 SE wigan nil 

WW henvhoxg od tom hisdy 32 youwtoreds <tath-dan initial ti 
molseols begeita ei? of as akele att evew ef @ugthe ae at, ‘stdtntale 
siivod ot ,Tequonk ,suentiw @ en beifes tmadevteh ghrothmek es yo 
sott totded on bal od Inehnsteh moqw Ling sed obs ost sraslw att bokt 
eeuges Trbialel .xeddex dows wu 270¥ 09 tnoeerg domibsh dae yEa0d 
ocean Seed wit yt bowed of , voqgenlt betlen privat ,danbuetab taste 
gta at’ pettvou Liew of wat ed? omtieedieh what mk #tuent om ef oxedt 
(miley anandiw od stosogut Zoniae Yiu x of qhukiy & wide felt ofads 
“esd padvorgetd eonsbtys tertde sontoriat name one tw Sennen 
out retool « ¥ Loven iad betate i at odend tw ate rt 

‘yasendie nwo tod on tualieggs ¢ 
woe ftdgtm tud yuomtived aid yd b 
moltethattacs fooulh ak seve , 

f what the appellant testified, but she could not eall in question 
the appellant's credibility." (See Bovel ve North Roseland Motor 
o Sy 275 Ille ‘ppe 566, 571-2, where eases bearing upon ¢ 
,uestion are cited.’ 

Plaintiff contends that the authority of Geary to make the slleged 
election ice not shown by the record. The objection to the offered 
evidence was a general one. Moreover, plaintiff, in preving her 
ease, offered the following? 


Real Batate 
Room 2316 » 126 Ne. Vells Street 
Telephone Randolph 5774. 

Chicago, May 29th, 1931 

National Tea Co. 
1000 Crosby Ste, 
Chicago, Illinois. 

I herewith return check for $150.00 forwarded to me 
with your letter of this date. 

We have elected to hold you for another year at the 
game rental, $150.00 per month, for store 3501 We Madison — 
Street. If you make the check in payment of rent for month 
of May, it will be accepted. 

Yours truly, 

WtG/sk Agent for Reeeiver™ 
In addition, counsel for plaintiff stated to the court that Geary was 
the agent for the receiver, handled the building, and that all rents 
were paid to him, as agent for the receiver, by defendant, and counsel 
further stated that the landlord had the right to eleet, and that in 
the instant case the receiver did elect, by means of the letter of May 
295 In view of pleintiff's attitude during the trial, she is not in 
a position, in this court, to contend that Geary did not have the 
authority to make the election that defendent claims he did. Plaintiff 
finally claims that even if it be conceded that Geary was authorized by 
the receiver to uegotiate with defendant for double rent for the month 
of May, this would aveil defendant nothing, as the offer of evidence 
shows that defendant did not abide by Geary's electian, and therefore 
. Geary had the right to make a further election to hold defendant as a 

hold-over tenant for an additional year. There is me merit in this 

tolzaerp ak Iiav ton binoo eda tad tae tsp 
reer saz i aaah ev oe ny Steves on ea} = hose agaee o a 

bogetin edt orlon o¢ Yrsed to ytizoneue oft dads obnddmos Yibdntate 
hexe'tio en? of mpiiostde og? .bxeoet odd ys meetin dom! at nokiod£e 
won guiveng mt ,lidéglialq a toveetel vend Lowsieg « caw sénebi¥e 
tgndwoilet eft mecapanbanged 

eng re soy ne n? & a wean? 

sag fh: .¥ ot a8 = ae xo oft mt SEA SRE 

LEE es OS volt eis 

on od bebrawxet 00.0813 rt eugte i 

eng ¢s % tostona sete atte aot 6.8 
Oa oY £008 erode tot linen 
dinon tot tenet to snemyeq at 

‘ ' tt - , — eG ae 

‘ ? emwoY i pH Mes 

N *UTAOD . mekisaey . BB ele y aw 4 CHE v 

"“gevievel to? é 

daw YIned jade sxmoe ons ot bodads tivatats xo? Lranwoe senteaee sd 

Phe ee 
ptmes Ife tad?d bos spmtbLind ont betbnnd sxortooes ota ror 
e spe ees Saag SOR 

foantoo bre 1 thabaeteb ww swevioees ons xo tnope es enihal og bkag ange 
Pavey b. 

mt godt boo rdooke ot digits ont best protbnat outs taitt botate roses 
eee Wake ov a” % 
ek te tedtes bole Xo anaom XC ytoote bid ‘tevtosst eats ease smutant ont 

dé ted 


at dom ak sate tabs ‘odd prbxss ehudbtds oMagendedg » wetv ar see 
nds trend Son beh qraed tad? bdo os P09 atad nt _seazetoog » 

ttsaters “bk, ost embato tmabeoto gait mottoote ot oon os | Wedron 

at boxitodiue ase Grae teak heboomon od #t th novo ands emiazo vilowi 
Anon est cot imo ekdsoh <O% iaatnotet aie etattopen of revkovos eds 

eonobive re 20040 ans Ba vontsson tt.nbe bob Shove biwow ahs « sy 30 
ue Ber bane ee 

exoterads hus ,sebivets Pomel at ie a le ei sneee 
e% Ad owen 

a oe een} op haa vad mah Snek® nomrel ai 4 rm hide: bes cia 

ee unt icon os et byl taoy dnoas 2000 ". we eanet 204 we: 


@ontention. The right of eleetion belongs te the landlord and not 

te the tenant, and the election made by the landlord eannet be 
rebutted by proof of a contrary intention on the part of the tenant; 
and proof of an election by the landlerd ean be rebutted only by proof 
of a contrary intention on his part or on the part of the landlord 

end the tenant. (See Jeber v. Powers, supra, ppe 282-3.) Ve ore 
satisfied that the trial court erred in excluding the offered evidence, 
and as defendant vacated the premises on May 29, 1931, plaintiff, 
under defendant's theery of fact, would be entitled to a judgment for 
double rent for the use of the premises during the month of May, or 
$300. The trial court allewed plaintiff judgment fer $1,800 upon 

the theory of fact that plaintiff was a helder fer another year at 

a monthly rental of $150. 

For the error of the trial court in refusing to admit the 
evidence offered by defendant, the judgment of the Municipal court of 
Ghieaga ia reversed and the eause is remanded for a new triel. 


Gridley, Pe Jey and Sullivan, dey Concur. 

heathen’ acid te oe © eat ste "0 soa nial hd menineens 
eee OW (28-888 agg eatasn oreret + zegey oon) _ s taanes ont 


reonobive berethe eld gaibuloxe at betes #88 Lai«t ost dose hedtabton 
pVidtatoly  20l 88 yall mo VORlNeM ene te deoey gnehao ted a 
tot tnoayhut # od beliline o¢ biuew yinst Yo yroed? etnabmotob robe 

xo , yes to oénoe ett ghiewh seetmorg eff te eau of? +O ono ow 

neqw OO8,L¢ tel éneapdet tilintealy bewelie dxwes tibet at ‘ ‘ 
ta teey vesitons tot tobfed « caw Ythimlela rr ! 7 



Ride RG 

‘eR i iz Sale i iy ‘' ad Diag ome 
fi a % tit, 

rt ty q 
) a \ 

ites’ wee deals 

Kere Dip ngs ‘ rah mates Aue 

'rieenkede We wea at * 

a9 Aree Os nt ‘ty swede ad, gtnbehw 
Ne Gad h, ik: Piast oe ‘ . 
vewenie ae th 2A sewn emails wmatate x i 
Sate: sheet ays tin 
Sear Eo EMD is MRE dk 

Tah ae i he 

a toee este ae te & 



Appellee, } 


commas | 
ANC: age ey 
eorporation, 2 v4 9 1 (es 1 a) 

Appellant. ) @ Vt ae ay 


Plaintiff sued defendant in asoumpsit upon a fire 
insurance policy. <A jury returned a verdict for plaintiff in 
the cum of $1,680. Defendant appeals from a judgment entered 
upon the verdict. 

Defendant has sseigned and argued ten points in support 
of its general contention that the judgment should be reversed. 
From our view of the ecnse we need consider but one of the points 
reised. Defendant contends that the trial court seriously 
prejudiced its rights “by undue participation in the trial, in 
examining and ¢ross examining defendant's witness, and in comment 
and remarke conveying to the jury the Court's opinion of witnesses 
and evidence in the case.” As bearing upon its argument in support 
ef this contention defendant cites many pages ef the bill of exeep- 
tions. The anawer of plaintiff to the instant contention is that 
"the Court naturally wes exasperated by the failure of counsel te 
produce any meritorious defense end although we do not like to 
accuse counsel of seeking to produce error in the recerd by proe- 
voking comment by the Court for the purpose of further delay, yet 
to all intents and purposes that was the apparent objective. Counsel 
cannot complain of that which was the reeult of his own conduet, 


Clr rey aa 
wi “ah, dmes hie 

| »TAUOD SBT TO Fo MmIa9 oT cuAAVLEaa AIMADS, pry 0 
oxtt # moqu éinquieea at tnebaeted hase Witdatart © FO 
ai tiitsials xet solizsey o denwier yup A ovmmiveiit 
hin eam ety anelals tein Hgreqpudececnebendt 
troqqia at sintoq mt hewyrm baa bomykeca wad wnstiiae: wt ewok 
sbeatevst od Bivede saemybut, off tad? nottnodnos Leteneg att to 
adnkeg ed? Yo ane dud tobkanoo been ow seas edd te wety i100 mort 
yfswoives tenoo Latyd afd datlt abnetnes taabaoted  .deulet 
at ,lok«d od? mi motisqtotized embay O* atdphy ett bootbuteng 
tasumoo nt Axe .asentiw e'inzhastob paitioaxs eaote baie yalainaxs 
eeaventiw Yo notniqo a'#xw09 edd Yul od Of gaiyevmen extemer baa 
stogque mi Saouwgze eft moqy gaitesd eA 86°. seen edt mk eonobive bee 
-qooxe to Lftd- end to eogaq yaw aedto snohmeteb moktnetnon aldt to 
dedt wi molinedsos dnatend edd of Vihintely Yo tewuns efT .anokd 
o# Loanuey to etuilet ed? yd heteteqaaxe aaw Ulleadan fxm0d eft" 
od ext Jom 0b ow Myuodila baa osnoteb umobtod bron ya soubony 
-onq «<d brooon et mt r0xr eouborg OF gebdeos to Louayeo savooe 
wey eyatoh rostawt te saoy ng ood 10% Fxwod odd Yo Mnemmeo gutter 
foenued .eviteotds tnoteqys etd cow sould semoqteg bes edootnt La ll 

efosbaoe awe aid to tise off new doldw dace bo a tonus9 

Absolutely none of these comments vers provoked by appellee or his 
counsel, nor was any ruling brought forth at the instigation of 
plaintiff's counsel, Fleaintiff wae not at fault in any regard and ~ 
should not suffer fer things provoked by defendant's counsel." In 
eonsidering the many statements and actions of the trial court of 
which defendant complains, we have kept constantly in mind plain- 
tiff’s position in reference to the trial sourt’s conduct, but, 
under the record, we are unable to excuse the acts of the trial 
court upon the ground urged by plaintiff. In our opinion, counse) 
for defendent only sought to protect the rights of his client. It 
would serve no useful purpose for us to cite the many actions of 
the court of which defendant complains. That defendant was ser- 
iously prejudiced by the conduct of the trial court eannot be 
questioned. Indeed, plaintiff dees net argue te the contrary. 
The contention that defenient waa without any meriterious defense 
is not borne out by the record, and in our opinion jurtice re. uires 
a retrial of this ease. “hile a number of the alleged errors orgued 
are not likely te oecur upon another trial, we may say that special 
interrogatories Nes. 1 and 4 thet defendant requested the court to 
require the jury to oanewer should have bean suvmitted to the jury. 

Plaintiff hee made a motion in this court to strike 
defendant's abstract of record from the files, which motion was 
Preserved to the final hearing, The motion will be denied. 

The judguent of the Superior court of Cook county is 
Peversed and the cause is remanded for a new trial. 


Gridley, ?. Jo, and Sullivan, J., coneurs 


ain to celleqqe yw hedevotg ete sdmecme enots Bo enon qlotmlends 
te mobiegiien! edt ga ditet sitqwesd gakivs yo cow tom .Loanwes 
' bes beeper yoo af dfust to tem omw Yihomiel® .foanwod o' tdentela 
RI ".fonnwen atinsbmetod YC toxovoty ugaid? tot ce Yiwa don obeede 
te sunoo Labzd og? Yo eneifosn hme afanuntodn wom ade enero blames 
-gialg tule ci qidwetenoe tgod evead ew eeahe lame ‘tnabmetod dobty 
atud ytowbaoo aunes Tekxd add 04 somete les ae mo kd hag errnes 
fakxd eX? Yo vtoe ald enuone Of efdenw on ov sbreoee stoke 
~ foanuos qnoluigqe we al .Titdmbike YW beguw bAMeRy odd neq éxmee 
$I .tnotlo eft te addats elt doedong of éstquon vine spaheahes = 
to aucidgoe «moa ed? offe of ow tot cvagusy Lwteew on evree bivew 
ote caw teahroteh tad? santetzaey Suadewtes Moltw te txmoe oat 
“e@ fenten eros Loree edt to sowhmon ents v¢ beothubeny kame 
eYxetimoe off of ongie on soos Titintely ,bewhnl shame samp 
sansvh suettesizem Yon dweritiw anv dnabnotod judd mohinesnoe ont 
acrtv et ovttent noltiqo amo nt tne yotones enlt ‘ye owe onxed von at 
deupia exerts bogelfie ony to teduad = haan: -2200 add to Labrdeto 
Lateeqe tad? ore yan ow staltd coittorn noqu wove ¢% visdtl dom eee 
od tuven off bednevpet dmeheioteb gesid & Oma Le 
vcurt edd of beds tece peed ovod biveds wane oF wml ent eaten 
watts OF sree wate of mOdsom a ebm wom RAAALT oe ys 
eow aottem detde uot? off mach feoser ‘te tewneade a*suahaate | 
sbolnod ed fLtw molten sf? santrecd Lett) edt 9d devreaet 
ak ciniseo hed tw tenon xoneegae ost eimmmbnt ea a ae 
ke sxpendoveetpatgmamansia 03ers) 
CARA CEA CERNE io een Pwo one® | | 
a © ra a 

su ites eam omens rs 

cht a eee yaitor a 
ES A wievted ‘ha on 

ter a aim * voli 

37717 | f 
Defendant in Error, 



Plaintiff in trrer. o a 9 T.A. G 1 Q| 


Defendant, Abe Soncher, was presecuted in the Municipal 
eourt of Chieage upon an information which contains the following 
charge: “That «be Poncher heretofore, to-wit: on the 3 day of 
February, A» 0. 1935, at the City of Chieago aferevaid did then 
and there wnlawfully offer for sale and did #011 a certain Motor 
vehicle, to wit an Automobile the eriginal moter number of which 
had been defaced and altered» In viol par 256 ch. 121 Re Se 
1955," etee Ima trial by the court, a jury heving been waived, 
dofendent vas found guilty and was sentenced toe imprisonment in 
the county jail for a period of 180 days. 

The statute covering the instant charge (Cahill'’s I11, 
Reve Stes 1935, che 95a, pare 36) reads as follewes 

"Pare 362 Possession or sale of vehicle «ith altered 
engine number or without any engine sumber- Uesignation of 
number by secretary of state- Seizure of vehicle~ Prosecution. ) 
Sees 35. 4 person or persons, firm or corporation, who, after 
the taking effect of this ‘et shail #11 or offer for eale in 
this State, or who shall own or have the custody or Bs agpmcge 
ef a moter vehicle, the original engine aumber of vhich has been 
destroyed, removed, altered, covered, or defaced, or vho shall 
sell or offer for anle, owm or have the custody or possession of 
a moter vehicle having no engine number, yor pig electrically 
propelled motor vehicles, shall be deemed guilty of o misdemeanor, 
and upon conviction thereef shall be punished by a fine of not 
less than two hundred dollars ($200. nor more than five 
hundred dollars ($506.00), or by imprisonment in the county jail 
for a term of not less than thirty days nor more than one hundred 

Ms ai Cig ne | 
eal: x \ aperint 
a Mihm | 
en chal les var: 
“* J vary? 
4, PHM, 
g fete ( @O XPATS UT GO S210ut SRT 


LD. ATS. Snail MA ee Oa 

Holnw to xs dun soon Santyire odd ex tdomesuh as a th of +9 


Leytotsusi et mt hetuoese¢ | naw sent oda «tna et ‘oe ea 
gatwollet ens atitatnes doldw po Ld ome att Ba OGM ORAD. 3 te 108 

to ysb & edd mo tdiv-oF , oto Lodexed. napevnaee Osa donee 
ned? bb blenezo%te agaotd) te yl0 esid ea 1 8E8E. © +h eens i 
reson niatzoo # Lisa blb be oLes m0? xe2te ale ertectd fame 


be Hs 

0 of £86 oslo B28 x9q Loty nt -boredte io boasted need bad 

) cbovkaw need paved wut 2 tues eld yd Lobes 2 ok 00 yee 

Te | 

Ton sea 
' gen % omit « Yd Soule 

berthuasl ame madd orem xO eyed aren) 

- gh éneunee txqut had beonedaon aon bre eiLiuy bao wen 

oayed oes to betreg a 08 Laat yan a 
KEI e'Lfisted) oguaso énatont ext gattoveo edutate oft ‘iinhiee 

tawollet as aheot (oe ota 1280 ote +08ek 88 ° 

ees ease 
botedia ditw eLotdev to else tm sotasonnot 28 ent | Bi 
te noliangies ~tedaur eatgno wwia iwoddiw +6 cedaum ont: 

( sokdugouer -ofoisov we ack? senesuny ip Glouse ep Or 

Be) , enoliawegr1os va * ne j 

ak elas vl sette wo fiona Linde SoA a 
aoiaeeeneg to yboduro of? evar Te . 
seed wad doldw to sedmun entgee Lankyite oid goiedsdey +t 
ileds ofw ve ,hovated «ws ghoveves .hetetio g ber 
to moLaneaneg 0 Ybhodase eff oval 10 wwe geion «6% tote 
ylLeotudoole gery | nay exe ,redaun emkpne om qk ot | 
im a te yliog poop Dag Foe nye A 

evtt nadt oxoot von (OO, 
List Yrmo off mi Inommontiget we Xe 


eighty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and upon a 
ESQ GF oe 
year nor more than five years; * * ** 

Sefendant relies upon a mumber of points for reversal 
ef the judgment, but from our view of the enee we need consider 
only one. Defendant contends that the information is fatally 
insufficient because it dees not aver acts constituting « violation 
of the statute so as to advise him of the asture amtmupmume of the 
accusation, and, further, that the record of his sequittal er con- 
viction under the inctent information would not be a bar ta a sub- 
sequent prosecution for the same offense»  Uefendant's major point 
is that the information should heave alleged the persen to whom the 
offer to sell and sale were made. That the information ig fatally 
defeotive in that regard appears clear from a recent decision of the 
Supreme court. (Pegple v» Brown, 336 Ills 267. See aleo People ve 
Slaveys 355 Ills 35%, 365, 366.) The casen cited by the People, 
People y+ Glassberg, 326 111. 379, and Young v» The People, 195 111: 
2365 hold that all exceptions that go merely to the form of an 
indictment should be made before the trial. Defendent alse argues 
that the information ts fatally defective for failure to allege the 
original engine number altered or changed; that such allegation ws 
necegaary in order to enable defendant to plead former jeopardy as 
a bar to any subsequent prosecution for the same offense. Ye cannot 
agree with this contention. ‘“hether or met defendent would have been 
entitled to sbtain the eriginal mumber by means of a motion for a bill 
of particulars is not before us for consideration, as no such motion 
was made by defendant. Sefendant aise argues that the infermation is 
fatally defective for failure to negative the exception embraced in 
suid paragraph. There is no mevit in this contention. The paragraph 
provides for two distinet offenses and the exception dees not relate 

te the first offense, and defendant is charged with a violation ef 

s som tce seme eth ag ie ate Deas 
ene said asel ton Ye mez om b grey 8 all ni svermon — 
knexovet t0% séatog to usdaun » pags eetlet éaebaa tet TLIC: 
tobfanos hoon ow ome ene to wely awe sett tad strempbul odd % 
qiisdet at sottamiotnt ext dats abnotane danbaotod sata gp 
noléetoiy » gai*wittenco avon 19¥n don atoh 3h seuaved énetos tiwent 
ed? %o Gunmaakam cusien ons to mtd eatvhs of a0 0 eéutate od? Be 
(soe 20 iadtiiyon ets to brooe1 os dault ,<otituat ghna <uohsouee 
«due 2 02 sad 2 od ton bivew noltamieini snotant ons tetew sobieky 
énteq tetas u'inebneted seameTte omen ed? xo nek dunesotg, pi 
oils mone oo sonteg old begelic owel Sivorte moliversetrt ed? tadt et 
Clindah ot motinnretat ast ded?  .ebam over efes tem Diea et sete 
ed? %w seteioos @rvect a wrt sapio exseqge bragex tetld wi ovdtorteb 
eV Shae’ vain ook «TSS ofLI BE .gmont «¥ ehaoet) + duane emenqua 
_gniqoe! est yw bodice nouse off (2094 9 tds 2088 9ShL 086 expwadd 
efit, S@£ enigens off ov paweY bee OTe aii B98 vatedeest) -v shapes 
rin 20 gro} ead Of Yoxon oy sol? smodtqoume Medals biod —Bts 
eeagun Oala Sraboete? «fel ede supted ebam ad bfvode snomsothnt 
afd syolie vt tLe <0 evidvetoh YLLeta® af nodfnave Ink wt dats 
sow soltegetio deve ¢add qhegnsuly ve bouseia cochmnt ontgne Lantgiro 
Be EdcAyos, teswek brete oF Snake teh olden of tohTe AL yreeosen 
Jonuav OY anette seme off vet sedivoeneig Ineupeedes ye ot aad a 
seed oymi bivew taehmebeh ton to cacdent) - i ear ae 
Lite 4 sot nelion 2 Yo annem ef cecum Lendgtse ads mbaede: of a 
m9 tec: stows om mn 1088 oxo dance 0% an are tod ton at s a. 
at pedtancco tet eats oxstt nema oats snahaeted sore Soyos 4 
It boosts swksqoons elt ovEdapem oF eUmLbet = 
Aqartoy 82 .nolsnodnoe wits wt tvos on at oxeat 

» BE ow Pa 

een yy ee de id 

a sotazed ken elite ok Weld be “seemenng deat ma 0 



that offense. ‘e mist not be understood az holding that if 
defendant had been charged with a violation ef the second offense 
that it would have been necensary for the information to negative 
the exception. (See Peephe v» Semmler, 345 ILi. 272, 274.) 

The judgment of the Municipal court is reversed, and 
ae the Seople may see fit te emend the information and have a 
second trial ef the ease, the cause is remanded. 


Gridley, PP. Js» and Sullivan, J., coneure 

Reon oyed Given sarhehet tan ce ial alle 

ttew x en dena » Yee -aaitanem of weaning 

Meee eR any wis + it Beret ws Bee ee ms wt: inboalll 
Pe et ~ 

any of rob tnacot edt tee-eeamns nied a Sts 98 tact 
Cat y 

(A owAd bie Hebdanwo tat ead hii aoe 
“apitesoky @ ee ives lit ok" Weal allt? theta — 
ag? 3% ORCS arene Aas Gh, axeanvalt ie seal cli | 
vee ve Seddieper abs te bueoes oute wat a senreath, 
Oa #6? aod 4 of fon  ywdeoo t : hee 
jeheg “elem <‘tuster tot eens Fig = cals wat a } 
Bay Ee OS cme wel, lomo ont lene PONT 
Ciaeek oF wedivonmust ent dad . / sates ener ae 
CS eS RR Read heady & OS -Rerbiis ee: 2 
a¥ hue. a ae ee Sod sue ow ps 
ARRAE, WE! YS bedio chuno ORR (Ah Qa it 1 ai 
ee ee ee ee eT ane vi 
ma Am jpg edt od phere oy: ae sobs d asm i 7 get tk 
cm de: patie deociahhs, «tad watt cere ak ad ws 
esl wetlie 2h “iui thw tiktea tue ita nde 
om peliquvtil« Seve tecd qiteppetn de) beeedilive os % 
oad. Nloviveitting omer fag ty ani siclla a iabioane’ wee 

Sere £) .O cee ae EN ee eto ueee te: Sai 

Ps a bweiaicars i Lege ont outs smb oe 8 se | 

shed sd bliae’ ae ha lant 4 

Plaintiff in Error, i 
Defendant in lirror. 

2<91.A, 6991 


Plaintiff, ‘abash Railway Company, brought thie fourth 
Class contract action in the Municipal court against Gus Dreyfuss, 
defendant, te recover $499.80, which it claimed represented 
defendant's indebtedness to it as the balence eof carrier charges 
éus upon a shipment of hides made by the Southwestern Hide Company 
from Laredo, Texas, to Chiengo, lllimois, April 2, 1951. Plaintiff 
alleged in ite statement of claim that through an error in extending 
the charges for this shipment on its reeerds it originally forwarded 
to defendant its bill for $391.36, which he immedintely paids and 
that, when ite errer was diceovered within « few days and a correeted 
atatement of the carrier charges sent to him, he refused to pay the 
balance. The jury found the issues fer defendent, and, after over- 
ruling plaintiff's motions for a new trial and in arrest of judgment, 
the court entered judgment against plaintiff for coats. This writ 
ef error is brought to reverse the judgment. 

It is conceded on page 16 of plaintiff's brief that, in- 
as mech as no bill of exceptions is included in the record brought 
te this court, assignments of error prediexted upon the admission 
or exclusion ef evidence, the giving of instructions or the refusal 
to give them or any other alleged erroncous conduct of the court 

in the triel of this cause, cannot be considered or reviewed by 


j * 
' nd ee «B08: a aed 
i \ 
. ) ~ ~ ; « > 
| ~. 
aw \ fe ' , 

bond etext oh sonean 


20049 IHD TO TAVOO ads sw ae 

(GD BeL QS Sh emree a sme 

he * ‘ t at 3% 

Méxwet cidd idgwoid . (naga? eauthiel dead a. 5 gVeddenbadt 
eseutyete ax} Fanieygs J1wo0e Loqtotmi eid 12 coltoa dowzino santo 
hedmmactqst beaialo #2 dotdw .08.0¢)¢ revoost of edmabirs tod 
aograrto xeliiao to wonaied od a2 22 of cneudeddehal #*énshnstod 
vrsgmod ehti mxoteomisuee odd YE obam cob Xo amometde « noqe wb 
Visswhell .L20L qh Lhaqa yetomktik ,opavidd of onaues soberes mex 
puthnedxs al torre on stguwensds tad? mtelo Y9 tnemndnde ath nt bepesta 
bebiswret YLisntatxo df ebzoces eft se dmometie abdd wot eopradto oat 
hua phieq yLogathorms at dotew 4d%-L08% sot Lid att tnabnoted o¢ 
bevootiee a baa oysh wel 2 aidéiw hoveveseth eaw tore oti aodw dada 
eal? yaq OF heavier on ymtd oF txo0 appracio telrxee ed Ye smemetete 
“gave tevte «hae .Inabaoteh tet eenwnet edt haure? wat out seveaied 
esnomphal, te iaerta wt bre Istis wee 2 tot anvisem oiIiinialy yahios 
dive eid? .eteo0 tet Vtitekale sumtage soompbot boxetao ‘ous99 ota : 
-topaghut, ett caxever of astyword at terre to 
“2 dul? YoLné o'2tivaukedg Te OL opog Mo Soboommn et Ot ra 
dityuerd braces os at sedwland wt ene teqours Ye Abe on os dou on i 
tiekwulwhs ens nog bedanthore torte to adeomeg hs as etme anit ee | 
faguint odd xt protsowisest te gatvig ans soon bive Xe mokeutoxe 10 
teuoo edi 20 evbner amnoKoste boyoitn wadito saat aes *. 


this court. 

The questions then presented for our determination are 
whether the trial court erre (1) in denying plaintiff's motion te 
yaeste the judgments; (2) in denying plaintiff's motion to correct 
the record to show that the judgment was entered Mareh 11, 1932, 
vather than March 10, 1932; (3) in denying plaintiff's several 
motions for further extensiens of time for the filing ef ite bill 
of exceptions; and (4) in denying plaintiff's petition in the nature 
of a bill in equity to veeate the judguent. 

As to the first .vestion it meed only be said that in the 
absence of a bill of exeeptions this court enannot review the order 
of the trial court of March 1S, 1932, denying plaintiff's motion of 
that date to vacate the judgment. The motion wee made within apt 
time (less than 30 days after the judgment order) and was supported 
by plaintiff's counsel's affidavit asserting various grounds upon 
which the judgment should be vacated, but without a bill ef exeop- 
tions this court is powerless to disturb the order of the trial 
court fer the alleged abuse of its diveretion in denying such motione 
The svorn statement of plaintiff's counsel as to what transpired 
during the trial cannot be considered as » legal substitute for a 
bill of exceptions. 

Plaintiff's claim thet the sourt erred in denying ites 
motion te correct the record as te the dete of the entry ef the 
judgment is without merit. The record shows the judgment to have 
been entered March 10, 1932, Plaintiff's motion to correct, 
supported by its counsel's affidavit, was entered and denied June 
22, 1932-5 Pinintiff econesdes and vecognizes on page 36 of its 
brief that the affidavit of its counsel was insufficient in lew 
to authorize the court to correct the record, but insists that 
beenuse the edition of March 10, 1932, of the publication known 



otape elds 

etm molventorreted wo 10% betnossxg wads anekiueup eff 
ot motvom a'Iilistsic gniyneb mi (£) bexte txwo0 Ladxe of? teddede 
inoxreo ef molten o'ttitniate gabyuob at (8) tdmompbut ef? oteaay 
e880 Li dove bowie saw Snowpbat, eds toxtt wore of brow: axle 
faveved 2'¥tidatadg poiyeot wt (8) gR8eL ,OL dotell mad? tesddax 
Ifid adi Yo petit? ode rot omi? Yo enolanedxe vedas? eh anoltom 
ouwtan es? mk nettiteq a'¥thintetg gntyred mb (4) bee pamotiqeons Yo 
etriemphut, ad? odeeav of etiups mt ILid a to 

ome ah dott biea od vino heen #f soktaowy saxk? odd OF oA 
xébu6 os¢ wolves Sonned txivev aids anotiqoone Ye tke io t0 peer 
to mobiom e'ttttntals yalyned e8ECL 1S dons te dewoo date odd ‘we 
tga aieltiw eben aaw moivom ett » trxonrg bert odd oaoey oe oean ses 
bet veqque new bas (tebcto dmemphul ett xo2%a ayod 9x ast e00t) ents 
nog phnwetg avoitey yatdzenas sivabk ta e *£oanwon armuanbase ‘ 
qeene to ilid » évoddiw aud sbetacsy ed bLwode snonpout, ext otsty 
| iaiest ef? te zebzo aft Cxpsatd os aso Lrerog ot ssw99 etae cots 
anoltom deve guivneS nt notiexoal as Yo eauds begoite eat sot Sade 
bexiqanext éesiw af aa foemuos a 'thbimbale to svete 3098 ‘roma od 

2 ahd 
a tot edudtdadue Lawes s ua borobtenco od tonnes tats oat ante 

ate aatynoh nt herre txueo odd batt ‘este’ behh ‘aes 
ete to “Tine ed? to oteb oxld of n0 breoo% ad toenras i | ss ss 

, Otay sel? 

ovad of deompbat ad? awode Srooot ontt ~thea suite of sae ea 
; stone oF mes dom a 'rtzinbest 8808 Of dorsi boxedaa nak 
‘paw’ helned tan boxedpe saw tivanh ts a *heeswoo a8 w Sernecae 
A ‘nat 70 05 onan mo oostmgooox tnx aohonnae TREimERE. “ROK 


‘wat wi tuo tot t huwet waw foanuos eat te dhvab ita ot todd rolsd 

2. : Cae BGS Las 
Susht adaised dud chxan0 ots sovrees oe mp9 paid oxtredsue ot 
se rane 2 iy ad 
son noisoetsig ont % anes or oti to moxatbe ol 

yGuacan Ge he eee ead at i 

on ew 

as the Municipal Court Reeerd showed this cause te have been the 
first ease on the trial eall of Judge Borelli, the trial judge, 
for March 11, 1932, that fact is conclusive that the judgment was 
entered March 11, 1932, instend ef March 10, 1952. It is undisputed 
that the trial ef this cause commenced March 10, 1932, It is a 
mattex ef common knowledge that reporters fer the Kunicipal Court 
Record, in preparing their reports on court calls, necessarily have 
to secure their informtion concerning some early im the afternoon 
for their paper, which is published on the evening ef each court 
deyj and we may readily aseume that, when the reporter visited thes 
court room of the trial judge im thie ceuse to get the next day's 
trial eoll, he fellowed the customary and usual couree in placing 
the case then actually on trial at the heed ef the following day's 
eell. The appearance of this cause on Judge Borelli's eall for 
Mareh 11, is not decisive that the trial of the case was not finished 
and judgment entered Merch 10, 1932. ‘This is not the character of 
evidenee upon which courts permit their recerds te be chellenged or 
corrected. Weither a judgment nor the record ef a court can be 
amended after the lapse of the term (30 days here) upon the mere 
recolieetion of the judge or the affidavit of a party to the cause, 
(Page ve Shields, 102 111+ Appe 575.) The record of the court 
imports «bsolute verity and » note or memorandum which would authorize 
ite omendment after the adjournment of the term mist necessarily have 
been # note or temorandum which ean be said to have been made by the 
judge or pursuant te a requirement of the judge or of the lowe 
(Yegley Hospital v. Strong, 235 111, 153.) A mere announcement in 
the Municipal Court Recerd of the anticipated position of this cause 
on the ail of the trial judge docs not satiafy the requirements 
of the law 

The third question raised by plaintiff is that the court 


oft seed eval ot casoo elds bewode breve sumed Laghokoul mld - 
cophut dalxs ons «tiloreds ogoat to Line Lasts ads mo wean setht 

saw daommpbyl, add gadst oviewlongs af toat Sadd .RE0E off dou ned 
boduqaibny ak Si .S00L QL Move to bemdant «Rb0L «Lf dowel hotedne 
Sar st .S60L ,0L dovall beononues eoame ehkd ko fabtd oft sashe 

$09 LoqiotauM sid x03 aredieges dads epbeivendt aaauwo Re wetdan 
eve yLiracsenen gallon drs0e ge eétoget siesds guizeqexg wh »btesell 
Mogwretie aid mi Yiiss ome yalotecnes misonzolms thes oxueca OF 
Jiveo does to yaimeve edt pe hedeiidug at dotdw .teqgeg tinds 20% 

edt hetiaty zesxeqe: odt masiv «tad suman YLkbeox Yau ow ban TYyab 
a'yab txes ed} fey of couno etd o) egdut Lalsd od to moot éxeo0 
putontg a2 eat Laves dae yremesewo eld bowellot ot yLieo tabi 
a'yab patwoltet eft to heed oft ta faite mo vLloutos mand eae ald 
wot Ifoe etiifered ophyl mo eaueo ated to eonenseqqa eff, «thao 
bedsint? ton new enone ad? Yo Latxt esd test? ovintooh Jom wh ol Monat 
Yo tedpwxesto est tom at old? AECL .OL sow bovedms, dmsugheh dem 
%o hegnefiads of a2 abxocox tied? thmroq eduwee doidw segu eomabhve 
od neo 21u0o 2 to bspvet odd TOM tmompoul, » seddtoM »besroxcen, 
ore ott moqu (eted aysh Of) mzo¢ odd eo pugnt edt sod2e dehmome 
swauoo, of} af ytreg 2 te shrabltiea adf xe oghuh at Ie no isoollooet 
duos sd? to breccs odT «(BFE .qgh sft SOS pebtotele ov wmwd): 
eutrodive bisow dotdy mebunxemen xe adem o his ytlrbv ofukowds vtroqmt 
evad YLiiacaoven Jou mod odd 39 soommwobhe oft cedta trembaoms ef 
om Yd shan need eved of bisa od ase sdedde mebaetomom re efor 2 noe. 
wal att Ye a9 oghol off Te dromextypet. oof snewatag socephyl- 
at inemoonsionen eves A (ROL 9fL% S82 gumotte: +r Lat bene woke) 
auton aid? te modshaog bedagtedéan ond Yo buocel ¢19% Laqto taut edd 
adnomesionas alt Ylatias tem veoh optus} Lote? aff to. peeenant De 
dase one todd of mtomtaty Ms pane sober, ee’ sw rahe 


erréd in denying ite several motions for further extensions of 

time for filing its bill of exceptions ond we find it to be 

equelly without merit. Vhen the judgment was entered Barch 10, 
1932, plaintiff prayed an appeal and was allowed sixty deys to file 
its bill of exceptions. it appears from plaintiff's counsel's | 
affidavits that May 4, 1932, the parties filed with the clerk of 
the Municipal court « written etipulation to extend plaintiff's 
time for filing its 6111 of exceptions twenty days. This extension 
wae not sanctioned by the court and no order allewing it appears of 
record. May 28, 1932, the court sllewed plaintiff on extension 

of ten days. dune 9, 1952, plaintiff's motion fer « further 
extension was denied, It will be boted that, conceding to plaintiff 
the stipulated twenty day extension of May 8, 1932, not allowed by 
order of the court, it had ninety days within which te file ita 
bill of exceptions. The trial court held that the ninety days 
having elapsed June 6, 1932, it woe witheut jurisdiction on June 9, 
1932, te grent any further extension of time, It was only after its 
motion of June 9, 1932, had been disallowed that plaintiff sought on 
June 22, 1932, to amend the record as to the date of the judgment in 
the manner and with the result heretefore indiested. Its obvious 
purpose in seeking to amend the date of the judgment to March 11, 
1932, was to have ite extended time for filing ite bill of exceptions 
expire on June $, 1952. 

Notwithstanding the court's order of June 9, 1932, denying 
it a further extension of time, plaintiff persisted in presenting 
similar motions June 22, 1952, and July 22, 1932, ani on October 31, 
1933, it presented a bill of exceptions for approval with its motion 
for leave te file same, all of which motions were properly denied. 
That the recognized and established rule is, that after the expiration 
of the time allowed fer filing a bill of exeeptions, a trial court 


te antolenesxe vedtxy? wt enotion Laxeven ed? guiqneb ah bet 

ed of ot tnt? ow bes enotiqooxs to Lite wef patti? vet wane 

90L Mocs boxstne sow dusmgbul edd mod «=. ebb Swomtdiw YTteape 
oitt of sysb Yixte bewelln cow hum Kavqgs ito BeYuny Deity yeas 

, a Loanuoe a Yitentalg moxt exaoqgn #2. eméheqeexd to Ske wer 

to dxeLo et Motw belt? notsreq edd ROVE .8 Yar Vastd addyane Tew 

a'Ytisnlelg tnotxe of notiatoqtia master « Subd Enq hi batt wah 
soteneixe afd? .ayabh yYaows ancl sgvoxe to iftd abt pattie sok Ombd 

te gteoggs gt putwelle rebto on bun drwoo oft YW bemektemes Yom éiw 
mokametxe ae Yi dnbaly howelle sxu09 ode gSe0r .aH yim “Dixebe4 

_ gqetesyt 2 10 sohion a'¥tbantete heer 0 bait soleh dR 
Riitately oF gatbeonee »tadd besos od Lfkw 31 shettob oat no tanedin 
Vd fewolin ton .860L .8 ya To aot ened od Yeo) Kotaivette eat 

“gdh @£tt of dotde aistd be mab vient hast 32 ,dusi0o edd te webTe 

aysh Yiontn ost? tats edt suo faked ot” sanetiqeoxe Yo Ltn 

et onul ae moliothes cul, suedtstw saw ah Seek a ‘emurt Doagate wnivadt 
adi wed%e vine sow 2 emt? Yo notanesxe sedduut : tno dnery OF ,8EeL 
no diguoe Whintaly fast? bewelLoeld need bat Seer .@ ont $6 Rdbiie 
Bi inempiut oma Ye efab oft of en brovox ond biome Od EUR (ki shirt 
euptyde gil shegecthat exotedered @Lumet bid Mbdw bin’ Chiba mtd 

_., ££ sexe of temmpiwt oct Ye stab add herece of gntvese at xeqrig 
anpiigqooxe te Litd wat pmnLhy s02 oats bohemdae df oval of amir yeeer 

nN i RBG Ye nae moot 

eaient sees ? ans Ye xobre e'imwen est pal : | 

“ gatinooog ai bodatoxog ‘wiismlate oath) %6 Ae hanedxe ‘wedtewt a a2 

| ht r9das00 mo hmm 4S80E 188 qint bas 860 QR one anotion teshate 
aotsom att Mdbw Lavetaqa tet saotiqeaxd to itty # wesdonergoek 2 60L 

ahetneb elroqeng oTow anotion doldw %o Lie ,emem ofk? 6d ove x0? 

notimttgxe est xod'te tests cal eLut bedadidedee has bentnyooes odd teat 
| duos Lali? © gnmotigeoxe to Kites gabsey ee sak al re 


io without juriodiection to either appreve such bili of exceptions 
or to further extend the time for filing come, requires no citation 
of authorities. 

Plaintiff eornestiy and vigerously compleins ef defendant's 
fraudulent conduct and of the manifest errers ef the trial court in 
the trisl of this enuse, but it is sufficient to state that plaintiff 
was afforded ample opportunity t¢ preserve by « bill of exceptions «12 
of such alleged errors for review by thie court. The case me tried, 
aecording to the record, in one day, ant it io difficult to under~ 
stand why piaintiff's counsel could act have prepared ani presented 
its bi11 of szceptions te the trial court fer apprevel and for filing 
within the ninety days allowed. 

It is alee urged in one of ita counsel's «ffidavite thet 
May 24, 1932, plaintiff turned over ite bill ef exeeptionsa to defend- 
ant’s attorneye for exomination and epproval er correction with the 
understanding end agreement that it sas te be returned fer settling 
and approval by the court Jume &, 1932, and timt they wilifully re- 
fused te return asme. ‘“@ find ne substantiation fer this contention 
in the rewerd and it is sufficient to state thet if defendent's 
attorneys were guilty ef any such conduct the court waa avaliable for 


Septesber 9, 1032, plaiatiff filed a petition in the sature 
ef « bill in equity te vaeate the judgment. “ee are of the epinion that 
the court was justified in refusing te consider this petition. “eetion 
21 of the Municipal court act gives te the Municipal cours power to 
vaeate a judgment on such a petition only in cases where no wotion te 
vacate is made within thirty daye after the ontry of the judgment, 
and in thie ease such motion was made ami denied within thirty days 
from the entry of the judgment. (lera v. Fields, 156 111. Appe 341.) 
Aa order denying o motion made within thirty days after ite entry 

oneisgeoxe ie Lits dows evowggn tadtie o¢ pektedbudte, awodabwoas 
moiiedic en sexiapet ~amme BAktli 1% ents «te Rowdee atasldaw) Of ve 
etd tsnabiane te 
S'inakso teh Ye eniaigues Vouorgty hme Ydawund RRAMALS (000) 
ai sues Leitd odd Te asext teotinas eff te dow domhnoo smoiehune? 
Vhitatele gold ofgte ed jam pkviwe af 22 dod eoomee absid Yor Sedat el? 
Lis analiqeors te itd # YS evreneg OF Yimuiroqae OLgme dobre Magee 
eloie? sav cease eff .dumee eid? yd wedves wt aterte Segedla Mowe to 
exudes OF F£0027229 af SE bom «esd on” mh ydapenT add9F mmdirense 
besuon one tora borage wrist tom bivoy Leones wi Mimtel@ yew baade 
gaitst “ot ims Laverags 10? fume faktd edt oo aendequore Yo Lhkd at 
) showelle yeh yeouta ad? mbdthe 
Sack sd ivabs 2s a*Leonwes wat te ome at bagty enka oh OX 
-bawtes of nnologe oxo te ££id ath weve homme Titimdede BGRE 4 DS Yat 
sat dsiw meitvevtes te Lavetcas bra motiankuane sol eyooed da atime 
patiidon THY bentedox od 62 vow if gags saamorga fee gout bru da weeny 
woe ULLNTLLtw ead? dads hee QSCOL a8 oma Puma esl ve Sevomnee time 
motinodnes aids x02 aptgatdnagedoa em batt oF pean mmudor of hnawt 
dmsbawtod Us test goade of smokes tive @h 22 bem freoom ems gh 
el eidettevs ve sue edi Jouhaos seve yaa Bo Whey wow oyemnetde 
yay ibaa pte» 
eration add ma nostitoy . pest ‘ettatase aShOL of taceadqet — Nee R 
fedld molaiqe ogi Ye ots oY .teenphet ad? staeoy OF ErREpe wh SLi at 
maites’ .notiiieg sidy sobtanee of ‘Qadewtoy tf DekRRtew, saw tawne off 
oe? x9re snimo Leghodaw’ oft oo eetiy toe ores Leghohmt ode te Le 
a notson am srody aese wh Yiae moheiog = Meus oo secmmptial se eneny 
| qdmioamy tisk, slg Ye Yrdme eld cade eysh YouhEs aiulete ohaet af wddaery 
aga heats Aiidtv holpob brn ota sew moktus Moke wenn whee AY Sie 
(.SO8 oGaA oi Ld SOL aghiekt «+ gett) ee ee ee ed? moe? 
qetme vat vod'ts weal yoetdld mbites stale oo ioe & BaFuRb obs aA 



te vacate = judgment of the Municipal court io final and no subse~- 
quent motion to vacate it will lie, but the only method of reviewing 
it is by appeel or writ of error. (Collins v. Drab, 200 111. App. 

Sueh other pointe ac have been urged, wo think, have bean 
fully covered by our discussion of the foregoing contentions. 

Defendant's motion to dismiss thie writ of errer, reserved 
to final heoring, io denied. 

Vinding no reversible error in the recerd, the judgment 
of the Municipel court is affirmed. 


Gridley, Pe Je» and Seanlan, J., concurs 

~eodia om bra Lesh? ot trues Kags ote 20 comm ve 
 «Baiwetves lo heaiom ying add Gad qeif Litw af edesaw oo Shed 
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A eo basa ey ae RE A Pe 

if tle ay 2 os ou 5 2 ee wae t *eik 

a weeds geeartaal Yi A 

i tusk, woke Wk ede, cal, vv ons oe 



sae, 5. 

= WED 






On appeal of GUTDOOR 
Ineey Garnishee below, and ce 
DOROTHY MALE SEF, Intervenor | rg 9 r A Bd 2 0 
i ethoO WJ 


a Rg Ne Nis i tt” ac it err agg et lia 


This is a fourth class action in attachment in which 
John Ae Bonder is plaintiff, the le He. Seff Advertising Company, 
Ines, (hereinafter referred to as the Seff Company) is defendant, 
and the Outdoor Advertising Agency of America, luce, (hereinafter 
referred to as the Guidoor Company) is garnishee, After a 
judgment for $971.03 was entered against the principal defexnient 
December 1é, 1932, a rule wes entered against the garnishee to 
answer, which it did December 31, 1952, asserting that it was 
mot indabted to the Seff Company June 14, 1932c, the date of the 
service of the garnishee summons upon it, nor sinee that time. 
Plaintiff filed his notice of contest of this amewer October Il, 
1933. An order was entered January 5, 1934, fer a rule upen 
Plaintiff toe notify the adverse claimant, Dorothy Marie Seff 
(hereinafter referred to as Mire. Seff), an officer of the Seff 
Company, as well as the wife of Harry i. Seff, its president 
and general manager, to appear and defend as intervening petitioner 


J Goin, . . d tt ganag Chr rf - “ar “ee ~ wf! 
" Ne si . Seite ae Cede eat etary 
. \ _ : HPD) ~} a a ey 
" | , “™ | 
i Soave 

a ha 

ery staat 2A OT 
mR | OLLOGEA 0 rac. Vi LG" 

4 ; SO vem Duper id 
22099 ORICITAAVOA | | of oH 
MOHT JAABTIA , - — PP, seg 
uo stot OO” ee ar : 


“8 ‘ ; 

fie ewe arty sates 

_ eTHV00 SET TO wor ra6 ott auanvranc wae MOISES, fae 

dotdw oi simomioatse ak soties sania Aetuot a at oias oe 
aUemqued gatatdrevba Yio! oH «i any etidéatadg as hen: ante’ 
sisoinots af (ymqued tes odd aa od berretex i63tsnkened) sont 
ted taniored) yoni «sorrems lo Yoougs paialdsevds wwohssO ef? bre 
«Metta §6sedeiniag ei (ynaqnod reebiu@ sud as of bosKele® 
Inobioloh Lagionizg etd suniege berosae saw 60-4508 tod snougbut 

od eedatnieg esd Janiags boredae ean oLwx a ghC0L 93h t9dmoond 

aow th sais galicecaa eSh@L 4lé tedmesod bis #8 soled «Towens 

add %e eieb edd gSh0L got ennl yamqued Mee Seal 4. Aetdohas som 
somig dadi eomte tom «tk moqu emoamya eods ewe ese to eotvren m 

gif todoje0 sowema aidd to fastneo to oolion ead posit wteatese 

mou eLat 2 tod ~ MOL <a vragmal betedns ane tebro mA ees P 

Yee obuall Vetaned ‘inamlate eavevbe ease Baie ot Las 



on or before January 1%, 1934. re. Seff filed her intervening 
petition February 27, 1934, alleging an assignment te her by the 
Seff Company of the money due it from the garnishee upon a certain 
sdvertising posting contract. 

Upon the trial of the issuew by the court without a 
jury the following finding was entered: 
Maxie SeGf and for plaiasitt a0 $0 sine mundred seventy eee” 
and 03/100 dollare ($971.03) im hands ef garnishee, Outdoor 
Advertising Agency of ‘mericna, a Corp." 
After overruling motions ef the adyerse claimant ons/ gurmishes 
for a new trial and in arrest of judgment, the court entered 
judgment upon the finding Pebrusry 28, 1934, against the garnishee 
for 3971-03. This appeal followed. 

Plaintiff's judgment against the principal defendant, 
then engeged in business in Akren, Ohio, was based upen his 
Claim for salary and commissions for work and services performed 
fer it while in ite employ. 

sbout June 17, 1932, the garnishes summons was for- 
warded by the Chicago offices of the Gutdeor Company te BR. T. Me 
MeCready, general counse] of garnishee, at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, 
who advieed the treasurer of the company to make no further paye 
ments on the Seff Company contract until further instructions were 
receivad from him. July 30, 1952, Harry He Seff, president of 
the Seff Company, mailed to McCready a copy of the alleged assignee 
ment of the interest of that company in the posting contract and 
advised him that, pursuant te the terms of the assignment, Mra- 
Seff desired that thereafter payments on the contract be made to 
her. Thereupon McCready, notwithstanding and disregarding the 
fact that this cause was then pewding in the Municipal court, 
advised the garnishee to make the balanee of the payments on 
the contract to iy which it did, forwarding to her four checks 



gninevrote! ted DoLit YroO sea »AECL gtk yteumel eroted go mo 
ai? yd ted of trommiuen oe petinsifn ghOOL qPR Yrawtdel molsiseq 
aietueo « mnogu sexeimseg off woth tf owh qonvm est? To Yaagmed thes 
stooxdnoo gaiveog gatalsterhe 
& woth sxw0o eas Yd weuont esd 9 Lottd ods maqy ss 
iborsdme caw pabotl't a out on 
énemiafo satovbs auetsv aewaak sdz eS oe 
ono Yineves borhan ein ef * in imate wok Ba 
toohswe ,ootainwg 7 amy wk (0eL¥ 
00 a .aoitem Yo Yortea* 
oosia tircny Vict teremiofs oatevha edi Yo anotiom ai? weve roth ‘sevtsA 
30 2 20th i. 
beredas YmwOo edd yssemphwl Yo ¢eoTKs nt bas baphicl # wot 
ogdoiouny el? Senioys .StCs 88 yrawtdet yakhalt ett 6 
showollet Ladgdd wit? 8065008 ro? 

vinnonoted Leqhontag ods tentepe énompbul a 2isabes 

rf iy ae ma 

 schngevanadiens quae apie ab sunntnatt iS tenant 

“tot nav axtommita sondetaray edd (ater tL eout britvwsh esti 
la ora os ‘ateans aeobea odd %s eoltte se 

oyeq todduwit om oan of Yequos ale to 
eiev enolisuxdent sestdewt Iltan ¢oasdaon shidale BE edi pete 
to Jnoblaer¢ ties oH Vesa e8bOL 208 vive stk wort bovieses 
eminen beogelia of? ‘te waies 6 eootdou eo vette ‘er 0 Ykee tee eit 
tn doattnes gutésoq odd mt vexegmoe ade to ts sore tat vos 0 fe 
au efnecmrptacn ans to maT ods oo semua yaae mi Sontvha 

od wham ed toexdnoo auld we wacomeng masts pat Hotkeod Tes 

Pa ean 

‘adoaso 0% ptr oF ener wee an ots mie deb: 


for $368 each. 

Both the intervenor ry contend (1) that 
the assignment was given to the assignees (intervenor) by the 
judgment debtor (eff Company) in good faith and fer « valuable 
consideration, and thet the peceiainien wae justified in honoring 
the esvignment and paying the funds to the assigness (2) that, 
the judgment debtor having been adjudicated e bankrupt, the 
trial court chould have directed that notice of the pendency of 
the garnishment section be sent to the trustee in bankruptey of 
the Seff Company under the previsions of section 11 of the 
Garnishment 1¢¢3 and (3) that the trie] court erred in entering 
judgment against the garnishee witheut a finding of fact mew to 
the issue raised by the contest of the garnishee’s anever of 
"no funds." 

Pleintiff's theory is that the alleged assignment from 
the judgment debtor to the iatervener was not made in good faith 
mor for a valuable consideration, and that the garnichee was not 
warranted in honoring such assignment snd paying the funds to the 
alleged asvignees 

Ae to the second contention of the garnishee ond the 
intervenor it is only necessary to etate thet it was effectually 
disposed of in the trial court by the order ap ecring on page 
57 of the record, reciting that the parties to thie cause had 
stipulated that "all testimony relative to bankruptey or by 
bankruptcy officials be stricken.* 

As to their third contention it is sufficient to 
state that the court found “the issues * * * for pisintiff as to 
* * * $971.03 in the hands of garnishee, Outdoor Advertising 
Ageney of America, a corporation," which it had wrongfully paid 
te Mroe Seff after the summons in garnishment had beon served 

wpon ite 

eng atlas BOE) tot 

dasit (i) basdteme nuteionnene nmeinintiied odt it Mieke 
aid yt (somevisdni) sengieas afd 0? miinaepdiniiaanats 
eidauley 2 29% bas déial beog wl (yacqued tte?) tatdeb Josapint 
arhuesed nt holtidest wav codainzay of? ded? dma pnotietebtenoe 
eats (8) goomgleas osfd 04 ebmut esl? patyoy bee treamytuges odd 
add qiqucined 6 bedesibaioa aeod aaived roAdek roampaat, sid 

to Youebreg ef? to eoti er tests badooedh: evad buieds two | inbed 
to yelgeainad at eedasrd oale 0% toe od Hotton sonatas ‘oft 
oni to £1 noises te anotes vor ext sone yaaquico Tet edt 
gaizedne wt bette P09, Kates oslt teas (E) ban 420% enon tact 
o¢ ax font Yo pad bet’ & sswert bw codateiey etd. ie . pores 
to xowenia e'ensioteiag ed? to aoedse outa ‘ee beater ounet on 

Mout ssoamp toes dogo Lto eat? dads pe wresd? at yibond | 
M92sh booy st sham tou saw xomevrsdas ess os ‘setdon du cap 
| #on saw codainrey ons daté bee cmoitnrebtenoe | oh 
ed os port as onbug bas snommstose 1 ti spuaee 

ed bas eidatniag odt %6 solinedmen “hoo0s es aw Th <e 

Ulnains tte now oh Sastt etate a ‘taaz00e8 “uno ae 1 

SBsq a0 gubraeses tebxo od YW $3h09 Latxd ot bad lath he 

had exuse oti? o¢ aotiuag “oie dads gutshoor » 

w te ‘wwtqureined ot evtiator womtseed Lta* cari Sides 
Seaatosta bad ataiotts Ate fo ody: 

ies. ; 

it if only necessary then to consider the first or 
major contention of the garnishee and the intervenor that the 
finding of the trial court thet the assignment in question was 
not made in good faith nor for a valuable considerstion and 
that the garnishee was not justified in honoring the assignment 
wee against the manifest weight of the evidence. 

De Ge Ballou, & salesman ond plant inspector for the 
Gutdoor Company, testified, substantially, that his company had 
& contract with the Shell ©11 Company to display certain adrer- 
tising for it im the City of Akren, Chios that the diaplay posters 
were already printed ami that it was only necessary to have them 
posted on billboards to be selected; that two eompanies were in 
that business in Akron; that he went there between April 15 and 20, 
1932, and discussed the proposition with Harry H. ®eff, president 
of the Seff Company, the judgment debtors; that he advised geff of 
his desire to give the Seff Company the contract for the posting, 
but was hesitant to de se because of its precarious financial condi- 
tiony that Seff assured him that his wife would advanee the funds to 
finance the Shell contract if it was assigned to her te seeure re- 
payment of such funds advanceds that Seff took him to his spartment 
ané “in frent of me anked Urs. Seff if she wae going te finanee this 
contract previded he received it from our office, and if she would 
ao that, why, she would be satisfied with the assigning ef the con~ 
tract;" that he returned to his Chicago office and made hie report 
and recommendation both to the Chicago and Wew York offices of the 
garnishee; thet thereafter it was decided to let the contract te the 
Seff Company and same wos drawn and forwarded to ity that the contract 
was returned properly executed; that “there was ne assignment at that 
time - 1% was proposedg* tiimt the contract provided for the payment 
to the Seff Company of $360.68 for May, 1932, and $368 each for the 

Py = —_ —~ —— = —_ pad a ie. ea — A>, Rae = Pat i Sa-e » @ che 
eee se sb RR re AG es ES i rae eon: Se SS 
el antes ee a a pa RS PSNR Te —— Sg eee a pe — — — = —— c a 


to garlt edd tebiexo» of medd yravagoon qlee BLOF yin) oo” 
sci? garld romeviotnt oat tee setintanep ot 16 Mebinedaes tolem 
sew mottvesp wt snemmylevs ett todd trvoo Ledet ont, to gathnd? 

5 sate mokiotobinegs efdasfey « set som dtte® been mt oham tom 

dnommetane etd gatxoned af beliidan, ton eon seduhatey od? tacts 
xy cn  seorobive of To stgtew taetinnm ed? ¢embage..aan 
‘ost x02 rodvoqaat énaiq bus nemesiog @ « MOLLE 00 of ny 
hast yraqmoe atl saute ecitalimedadva: abel Mtoed qyanqug? xoahtwe 
~xevbe niatiss yatiate oF ‘nmquued £10 Afeds ext ditw soartaog, 

axedwog yalquth ald vant qoltO gman Yo MPED wed mb gh x0, ate. 

sana s ovat od Yrenseven vine Beak at dads bate ida wearrin one 

ni oxew we kage owe stadt tbedeeLes od of abunodls 

4 OR ban ar Kia! noowied oxandts snow ball sake a <a, wi 

Ha at 

~ibnoo fatonent} auoitsoorg ott te concent ow ade imbibed ¢ aaw tu 
of abst edd sonsybe ntvor ee. ahd, Felt mi. ose 36 opts 

atid eoneatt 92 onion saw ade 24 Wye samt bene oa to dost Sk 
blwow axe tt Snes ceottto xwo moyt 2s Ameer tb ty ie bis 

months of June, July, “ugust and September, 19323 and that neither 
the Seff Company nor Mrs, Seff know anything about the Ghell con- 
tract until he broached it to Seff and Mra. Seff between April 15 
ami 20, 1952. 

He He Seff testified “that the contract will be properly 
carried out because Dorothy M. Geff had agreed to advance the moncy 
for the performance of the contract, with the underatanding that 
the contract would be assigned to her as seeurity." He further 
testified that Mrs. Seff not only financed this contract but 
advanced other sums te take care of the general business of the 
Seff Company before the “hell contract was even heard ef, as well 
as after it was discussed and entered inte, and that it was agreed 
that all such advances would be covered by the assignment in 

Mre. Seff testified that, "He (her husband) wanted me 
to finance the Shell account and he sould assign the account te me 
ané I teld him that [ would not advanee money into this company 
unless I was given pretection and svcurity for these advances, 
as I did not want to throw my personal money into the company and 
have it lost.” ‘he alse testified that she hed made other advances 
to the company to sid it in carrying on ite general operations and 
that the conversation between Ballou and her husband and herself, 
which Ballou said cecurred between the 15 and 20 of “pril, 1952, 
took place exrly in May after the alleged assignment had been 

The original contract between the Outdoor Company and 
the Seff Company is not im evidenee, but the alleged originel 
aesigument of April 28, 1932, is, and it sets forth that the 
original contract wae executed April 16, 1932. A eareful 

consideration of all the evidence inclines us to believe that 


NRA Grice AEM ay eS ee 

eS Se are 

oes Man ois ies $t Ss ied 

Reonevhs reise ebem bast ede fans heltitecs oaks ome Ba 

coltion Gadd Sra y2ECL ,rodwetas® fms dungel yetvt pemwl Yo astémon 
enoo Ife? said fuede gaisiqwa woot Tide vert see Guageed Pied ed! 
af Lixq’ aeowded Tro® .utd baw Brot af 22 bevigwore OM Litns Port! 
| eee Om tees 
wuxeqetg ed Litw sosténoo edt dad” bebttdeed Tre Mw 0 
yonon end sonevin of hooTge bat Ted «Mh ydsoxres satsoad Jud betaine 
tadd gnibastetehexs afd Adiw .dooxdnee edd to wonedtrotieg edd x0} 
teditvt of ".Yluseed aa xed 0d bomgkade od bidow feacande wal 
| dud Seattoon wistd hoonsalt Umno fom Yoo .ewt dade HOPS 
od? Yo auoniaud Lwreney oi to exe eins 04 eave silee tebiterh 
Kiow as eto itcen neve saw dostdnos Lied oft ereted eqn 
beorgs oar ¢t tatd hon sedut toxetne bas hetameaks sew $2 rede a: 
ai ares ct etd yi we ed bison swonyvio dae tie bat 

eet hetmaw Uleadend veut) Uk" edad? betibicss aN | wa 

a ade 

kde, Gage 

_Wreguon abate ‘otmt yonom eonevba ton hiuow X said abd btod X ba 
ESHER IO... hia’ Ra seks 

420s via eas ot Wituovs baa nolsoodong noyty oan eee pn 


mat To 
fa emoliaxege dateney adi mo grigutes al ¢t bis oF yReqmes ce 
_ atfesved bua headend tod hae walla seowsed: Roldentoynes erg sad 
oRECL gLitq Ro OF dam BL salt mogwded barmso bias welled so id 
seed bod sreminions begetia ats othe tq, 90 

See conn) wah at anoint fonten Etats 

istterao 4. »8beL he pe hehe. wae dos be 
$ecit wvotieg of av comtinad eomebive add Ile to sozoacobtone 


the original contract was not executed April 16, 1932, but on o 
date considerably later. The record is silent as to the identity 
of the officers, directors and stockholders of the ‘Jeff Company, 
other than Harry H. Seff and his wife. Wo notice of the assignment 
of the Seff Cowpany's interest in the revised contract ef April 23, 
1932, having been given to the garnishee prior to the service of 
summons upon it at its Chicago office June 14, 1932, the Outdoor 
Gompany, on that date, forwarded its check for $360.64 for the 
first payment due under the contract to the Seff Company from its 
New York office, which Harry He Seff testified he thereafter turned 
over to Mrs. Seff. 

The record discloses the following copy of a letter 
written by McCready to the Seff Company: 

“July 30, 1932, 
He He Seff, President, 
The He He Soff Advertising Company, 
Akron, Ohio. 
Dear Sir: 

Outdoor Advertising Agency of ‘meriea, Inc+, has referred 
to me as their attorney your letter of July 25th, I regret to be 
obliged to advise that your account is of necessity held up in the 
hands of OAA by reason of the attachment of which you have had 
notice. This waa a foreign attachment served at the Chieage office 
of GAA in the suit ef Jolm A. Bender in which he claims $1000. 

This attachment was issued out of the Municipal Court of Chicago. 

If you have an attorney in Chiesgo that you whuld Like 
te employ to try to have this attachment disposed of in a legal way 
I will be glad te cooperate with such an attorney if you will give 
me his name and address, 

Yours truly.” 

It will be noted that MeCready's letter refers to a 
letter of July 25, 1932, from H. He Seff, president ef the deff 
Company, to the Outdoor Company, not in evidence, and, from the 
tenor of MeGready's reply, it is logiesl to infer that Seff's 
letter demanded the resumption of payments upon the Shell contract. 
From the readiness and willingness of the garnishee to honor the 
alleged assignment of the Shell contract to Mra. Seff, when a 

copy of it was received a short time later, it is also logical 

‘6 mo ud (BUHL yak Lire, botuermm Jom acer toeniRgs 
Yiinoht oid oF ae tnedia et beeper os? estat xiew ) 
sUingmed Bet od? to evebLoddogte bua sroderats wiesiinets . 
dramagions odd te eokton of .ethw ute bee Pret oH VTtee sats cong 
c€8 Liege Yo soawtoos boatver edt af daerssrt eyeagmed Wee edt bi 
to satvace ods of sohyg codgteriag edit of wevly ond | ch 9 BOM 
toohinO ods —SlCL yA ommt eostto opaotd? ett de. ah nega arvommuns 
ott rot 20,034 tod soedo nti babtawsot saementietitenee: 

ath mort ymequoh Meh edd o¢ tostiane ed uebow smb dmomyag, goed 
bemrtrd coPtewredls Oxf Sebtidusd Thed «Mo eraall Modan. prnrreary 8 
Mattel a toys. snbvettebadé matateeiih imover ome 
“Aypagued kod edt of, ybpw a wee 

e822L .08 ytwt" inl 

ve tor, pat 4000 yootem 2 rw ly Oot 
0a HT dues cist te eer agi azote XORd we 
ead mk ad qua “ited Selecacen * he ak saue¢os ppt Bene be 
wey pe Fe vg (to Sopudostia elt Be mgecet ef fad 
eine « onaold® & ta herrea Jeamines se pal @ ote old 
.OOULE tattate ext st tobred «A cutel Bo thae. ost 
sqnatso gy enue ia ot ene — te a Dewee! ry @ 
yew Lane. # pt to teneaets pyr ape ag ve 
pol ifinv soy th Ywrseitie ce. dows di le afen qoop oF hed ; se 
Ya anes sad ees: (ASR RAE aie itada 
@ of waetes, sadtet a haheentel dnd pal a: Elie . 

Yoel edt to: smobsnong 5 tke, steal eet 7" me 

“at thee. deat tated of Leetzot at thetone sit wi sia 

td noned.ot wedataray oi? ko we Rb L LW 
Snow «Mek aml of soaxtmos kien’, ent te 


to infor that Seff's letter of July 25, 1932, to MeCready neither 
eonvineingly urged any such alleged assignment nor enclosed a 
copy of same. Then when no other means would apparently avail 

to procure the resumption of payments by the garnishee in the 
face of the pending garnishment action, we find Seff writing 
MeCready July 30, 1932, the following letter, enclosing 2 copy 
of the purported assicmment by the Seff Company to Mra. eff of 
the Shell contract of April 28, 1932s 

"Mr. TN. Te M. MeCready, 
Attorney at Law, 

240 Fifth Avenue, 
Pittsburgh, Pae 

Dear Mr. MeCready?t 

Gmelesed find copy of the assignment which was made to 
Dorothy Marie Seff. You will note the terms state the checks 
may be made payable to either the company or herself, at her 
Giverstion, and that notification to the debtor ia waived. 

Under these cireumstances, it is not necessary for 
De We Seff or The H. He Seff Adve Coe to notify the Outdoor 
Advertising Agency of Amoriea in writing that their account was 

te $59 pt. ; ae or wW ‘4 

We have sinee been notified by Lb. Me. Jeff to have this 
eheck made payable to here 
Very truly yours, 
Harry lie Seff, 

The copy of the purported assignment enclosed is as 

Akron, Chio, April 30,9 1932. 

Yor one dollar and other valuable considerations, we 
the undersigned, hereby sell, assign and transfer all right, 
title and interest to the attached revised contract #20248, 
dated April 28th, 1932, from OUTHOOH ADVERTISING AGENCY oF 
AMERICA, INC., for poster advertising im the City of Akron, 
Ohio, for a period of five months for which monthly peyments 
are to be made in the sum of $441.60, less a commission of 
16-2/3% to DOROTHY M,. SEFF of 753 W. Market Street, skron, 
Ghio, at the option of DOROTHY M. SEFY. 

We hereby agree to notify the OUTDOCK ADVERTISING 
AGENCY OF AMPPICA, INC., that monthly payments be made to said 
DOROTHY M. SSFP, and we hereby agree to turn over all moneys 
‘Made payable in cheeks for payments due under this contract 

for outdoor advertising which checks may be made payeble to 




‘ emg 
i ‘ 

tadsias Yaaeulelk of «8SGL 428 yhab Yo aodtad eRe dead 
8 hesokens 108 tremens begetin some Yin f 4 _ Re Os Vem 
Ehova “inexeqga biswow aawom gordo on ede nod? seman 20 we 
aly ai seaduinseg ocd yd atnomyng te noksqaween at oTNAeTE 

— Ralilcw Teh batt ew .xoiion dmamfatarey gathnog ati, 20, 200 
Ue « paieolone .xedsal putwolled odd 4Bh2L .08 viel ybooxDel 

30 Tiel. .et of vseqmed Rie, of? ve tromptenn. ni? 

ante ond Shade narced yr even ILlw 

wed de a tivared co viedo add 

eboviaw ak totdeb of? of mot 

aot yteoeeoon Jom al fh 4 feuitoxto on PUN eee 
Toohewe al? yRider o¢ san oVbA too oH si ae? to Yb 

ase tareoes aries bans paps ~ aobxoma te 

yer i“ ai ais i 
ee ewe 
“ ey 

Fe yas } be * os 
 Fmamagt eA" 

S80r Ge Lieqd Gortd Gawwtl Oooo 8 a 

Ow qattoltsrebteae efdaitley xeds@ eos ts 
at fie totniexd fae mpieen gilee we 
109% Josedmos toaivet bedoatsa ie 

“a0 TOREA MELA pobiggi AOeaTwO vest wt 

i ie “ying nay he Nae 

‘ours srTmayCA ‘woeaTye ed? vison of wet 

“ie od whem ad a2 Ce “ae pid 

ha) vapnevel ile weve & oF sige 
teartaeo afd teh, ont, thee 
et aldeyaq sha od Yon ssteeely sotel 


The H. He Seff Advertising Company, unless Dorethy Marie Seff 
pe modes pa Brg J Get hm given to the Outdoor 
By Merry H. Geff, President.” 

The italicized portion of Seff's istter is refuted by 
the testimony of Ballou that when he diseussed the matter with 
Seff and his wife, not only head no assignment of the contract 
been executed but the contract itself was not in existenec, 
and that it was only proposed that, if Mre. Seff financed the 
Shell contract, the Seff Company would assign it to her when 
executed as sceurity for such finaneing. 

‘fter MeCready received Seff's letter of July 30, 1932, 
he immediately advised the garnishee to complete the payments on 
the contract to Mra. Seff, which it dids poying her $1,472 in 
addition to the $360.64 previously paid to the Seff Company. 

In view of the alacrity with which the alleged assignment 
was henored by the garnishee, it is difficult to understand why, . 
if it was actually in existence during the period from the time the 
payments were stopped on the centract, about the middle of June, 
1932, until July 31 or August 1, 1932, when it reached MeCrendy 
and was honored, it was not produced enrliere MeCready teetified 
that Seff called on him at his office in Pittsburgh demanding pay- 
ment of the account to hie wife and that ire, Seff urgently demanded 
payment. in his letter of July 25, 19272, Seff demanded payment. 
Yet no assignment or eopy of an alleged assignment eppears in the 
picture until Seff mailed it to MeCready with his letter of July 
BO, 1952. 

Aithough the garnishee paid $360.64 to the Seff Company 
on the date that it was served with the garnishee sumone and 
$1,472 to Mra. Seff during <ugust and September, 1932, after such 
service of summons, ostensibly on the strength of the alleged 

vtec vicen witevem weotew ; pea yh 

wohsey oft of movig moltavd tices, ares  postqe, cor Be 
OMLES Tap, hag em Hi. «fi, | 


Ww jwektsort 5 02 a Ke, Me 
wi bedwter kt wettot atitel to mobexeq boxtol iba! Mee IS 
dio testo edt beaawouls od motty doctd “wORLeg oe ‘wmomtteed od 
‘Posntnos wlt Yo seismetttons of teil Vide Sou sath “ahd tins ns Yhed 

‘sOomedutes ‘nt Pot aow Hoett arti thon) Saletan rat 

eMEOL .OS yLtul te redsol a Mteh bevieoot cmnuaiiia ite unde 
Ko atasmmag of wtolquos of sodoiming sid Soatvhe Ykednthemat of 
HE SV att zon unkyee BEB of Motte, e209 saat 09-8 aie 2 
wyrisgio'!) Yb08, auld. oF bisa, Viematveny S00D8h ost ed osis 08 Saphir 
tuommtoan opelin ed? sotsty sd)w chtuoale ext ™ patsy aE, 
| ctate instexphrar os SLi itEth at ot ponds toreg © 
ods omits odd.mmat heltog ont gutsah: sonege tte we: 1 SEMeem: ame 
roan Yo oLbbim old tepde: etoortane: alt no “hequade exey | ts pa 
Chote hertosst yt sed seer et Goaraus x0 £6 Lut Sim, rd 
boltitaed ybaerDen +totfxa0 beowborg ara, Mar ” | 


Midas 3.7 

vehanend yltnog wy xeee 00x Salt hee ohte ond of isin iad ee pe 
taeorag tehmemed Te st as at tM totdat ahd at senapond 
edt at axasage insangtean boyeiie Me 20 YqOO TO 

SS 0 

vit to wattel abi atw “where uw ae J 


Wade he 

Shia honed a a ee 


asvigmeent te her, it appears to have purposely refrained from 
relying on such sassignaent in ites ‘anawers It was not until 
Pebruary 27, 1954, that Mra. feff, although fully cognizant of 
this Litigation, condescended to apprise the court in her inter- 
vening petition of the alleged assignment to her of the funds due 
under the contract, which plaintiff sought to reach by the instant 

In se far ag the record discloses the Seff Company 
corporation was operated as a family affair by husband and wife, 
amd it has repeatedly been held that the business of such a cor- 
poration cannot be so conducted ac to furnish a mantle of protection 
te the family stockholders and officera when their dealings with 
the property of the corporation result in the fraudulent deprivation 
of the rights of creditors of the corporation. 

Bellou testified, as did the Seffs, that the contemplated 
assignment of the Shell contract by the Seff Company t¢ Mre. Seff 
was to secure her for advenees maie by her to the company to 
finance that particular contrect. That amount could not have 
exeeeded $700. There is no credible evidence in the record that 
the full amount due under the contract wan to be asaigned to here 
Yet we find the Seffs, after plaintiff hed commenced this setions 
attempting to pyroemid Mree Seff's claim under the alleged assign- 
ment to a sum in exeess of $1,852, the full amount of the contract. 
It is ineredible, considering the financial straits of the Seff 
Company, thot ite president would, in ites behalf, assign the 
entire benefit accruing under the Shell contracts even to his 
wife, for the amount loaned by her to the company to finanee it. 
Such an assigument would necesearily have to be held to be a fraud 
upon the ercditors of the companye If any assignment wos made to 
Mrse Seff by the Seff Company on or about April 30, 19325 we are 

MaTt heer het yhoo ores west of auaoues th eed Ot serena bean 
fins tam asw 31s towane aga at domangtone Howe no watytet 
to tnacknped ~iDee dyisesiditia «tea vonk dasld g2hOL .°h yoawcdet 
-tednt vet wt neo odd sebogts of bohngonobnos ynObtagiiis abst? 
agh abaw?t et fo csi oo Uremratees togetfe odd Yo mededvog gatagy 
inadiel eit yd doset oo ddquee Thhintalg doldw »twxtmos edd whiny 
semingead Sot nat ean beat deme ihna ile ji 
sStiw ban brodsst yi tlatta wlimet # a Sivtenntgn ante seal 
-too 2 dove to soentend odd fade Siem wood Vbatasgex aah $k deve 
seideetow to linea a detest of en tedowbace wa Od Sonmee molsarog 
aitiw opatineS sett neste asenttto on» wwe hinchinete: Rbk at ae 
sokiavivesh ttetviwetk of? mi Sievert nohvetoqoo sts Yo ieqomm ot 
sug isoroqupe ost de exodtbore Yo asinine 20 | 
hetalgnsinos od Sake —aYied add Db ea ybokiiieed malioh — 
thee sex of cage tet ef 9 Seta dedithioe deme . 
“od wiaqune ed i ces ef shat sectors 02 seat omieee: i di 
| ovat son Minoo smuems dad? |. toontuve cadwoltung nels wore? 
tas beooos ost nt gomehive vidhbow on wl exes?  s0OTd Bobdwoxe 
ate of bonglern od 93 sow toxttaoy ed cebew aud, Sone Loar eat 
qkolies atdé bepaommo fal Tiisebate cotta ye Tes eee. | 
 —ughues Begeila ony <ehme atalo a '33ee (at himeryd 84 ge 
sdocinoy dd Re trtvenn Xue etd (R688 No eanen amare 0 hte _ 
Whos edu xe eGienés intone) att gettmblonee yetdtsetems eb ot 
(eels maivan tistled eat mt <hneww eomttoeent Wit eat: cena | 
std at nove ytoontmon Llodt old uobay getwcoos f ; 
yeh Sonat? of yregues ott oF cal wé Denso tens ~ ‘okt 
Aunxk @ of oF biel ed oF eved YLiinesonen kivow daumgises sie doa 
et show cow drommgtans yar tl eganqmne eeth be axoctbere wil nO 
| Ore ae GSERE (OE Ligh trode <6 0 -YRmgMED ree oe ve on od 


eonvineed that it was not the assignment received in evidenge 
and relied upon by the intervenor and/ garnishee im this cause. 

The manifestation of overreaching on the part of the 
jeff etrengthens our opinion that this alleged assignment was 
not in existence June 13, 1952, when thin proceeding was instituted, 
or June 14, 1932, when summons in garnishment was served upon the 
Outdoor Company. A careful inspection of the instrument must 
yerify the suspicion that it wes bern of convenience and drafted 
in an attempt to mect the peculiar facte ami circumetances of this 
ease. It provides that “payments cre to be made * * * to Dorothy 
Marie Seff * * * at the eption of Dorothy Marie Seff, We hereby 
agree to notify the Outdoor * * * Ageney * * * that monthly pay~ 
ments be made to said Derothy Marie Seff, and we hereby agree to 
turn over all moneys made payable in cheeka * * * which checks may 
be made payable to H. Hy Seff Advertising Company, unless Dorothy 
Marie Seff exercises her option to have notifiestion given te the 
Gutdoor * * #,* 

In her testimony Mrs. Seff indicated strongly that she 
would not trust the Jeff Company with her moncy and stated that 
nothing short of an assignment of the contract av security for 
her money would satisfy her, Then, although the purported assigne 
ment specifies that the monthly payments are to be made to her 
direetly and that the ‘eff Company agreed to notify the Outdoor 
Company to so make them, we are urged te believe that she accepted 
an assignment that further provided that the payments might be made 
payeble to the Seff Company. in his letter of July 30, 1932, to 
MeCready, Seff states: “You will note * * * that notifiestion te 
the debtor is waived.” On the contrary, the alleged assignment 
specifically provided that, “We (Seff Company) hereby agree to 
notify the Outdoor * * * Agency * * * that monthly payments be made 

ennebkys al bevieout saxenpions edt don vow 32 dade boontvney 
aeaiod abet mt onda hecegy na someviein?t off qd meq Beliot han 

ois Yo dug elf mo yuldesetieve to sdiateotions OAT 
now Smommalens beyutlea ald’ ded? metatqo we enuddynesia etter 
shedgtizen? eae gatbereowy ald? mew gSi@h off onwl soetalxe BE ton 
ett megs bertee saw é@noulaiatey ni atiomuwe tiie gles et onus 80 
tama tmemertiant od to noidooqent Ivterse A .ynaqaed coobded 
hogiant Sees comets Ye mod war of tat? wolotqans ont ythrov 
aldt to seonstaawotts tae udest totiveeg etl? doom of dquedéa me al 
uldoxt! of * * © ebm of of ote wdmemeng” edd eobiverq #2 senso 
vderwed © 4 tte! ettet ylieved to motiqs ele ta « + Veet whan 
yoq Yiiltnam todd * # * yonegs © % ¥ eoobéad Bd Ubon OF BOTyS 
0? sors vores ww ims ytked ofteM widexed bist of obast 6d aéeion 
You astnedo doidw * #4 sooo at ofdoyen shed eyonon Lie tovo must 

Vioxor owoLay eyRaqUOD gutAhtrovs TheG VK ik Od | oe 2 
ott of wovig mobiastiives evad of notiqa xed gouty 

he + + oon 
oils dads YLanetin sedaeibat Yea ee ee 
fasts hedede han Yano wed ite prayed Wied a guard 90m ASO 
| fot yitwoee as toeténoe ot? Yo Jeommptond as to Peers ymition 
aac bedtoyteg adf dowosldin .nedT tet Ylatiae tivow anos sed 

 sgost oF ebm od of ote aduemee Yidsnom ostd ‘tart? ae. 
aeobtud as ytitor of teense wang” Yee edd dade bea toe th 
betyovssz ode dad? evelted of hogy ome ow suteals oan 08 oF ‘m0 
cham ad dityte adoonyeg ost Sat bedivery wetdew? ded dnommgl a0 
od EOL .O viwt Ye vedver ols aT .qnoqudd Yel odd of ofdavee 
of motdsottiion gad} © * © pton LLtw woY” seotade Yor qxhaerdell 
daounghuas begella ede sWesitoe asl? 0 Wert chgn bd 

ed corps Ydornd (ymeguod The) i baldd’ seks os “wb 
sham of wdmeeryor vistsnon dusld ‘eh omogi * # # pode ia 


te said Dorothy Marie Seff.* 

The alleged acsignment iteclf is = contradiction in 
terms. As heretofore stated the Outdoor Company received no notice 
of it until leng after ite purported execution ani long after pay- 

oe discontinued beesuse of the services of the garnishee 
summons upon it, the first payment under the contract having been 
made te the Seff Company. The only conceivable manner in which 

we gon account for the strange verbiage of this instrument is that 
it was drawn in an attempt to fit the situation as 1t existed July 
30, 1932. Under all the facts and circumstances of thie cane we 
find no justification in the record for the action of the Outdoor 
Company in uaking payments under the contract in question te either 
the Seff Company or Mre. Seff after it had been served with the 
garnishee summons. 

A eareful examination of 211 the evidence in the record 
impels ua to the conclusion that the trial court was entirely 
warranted in ite finding and judgment, end that, in any event, 
considering the many improbabilities and inconsistencies in the 
evidence offered by the garnishee and intervenor, this court 
could mot held that the finding and judgment were against the 
manifest weight of the evidence. 

This appesl was brought here under the Civil Practice 
Aet, Cahill's Statutes, chapter 110, page 129, et segs, and it is 
urged that plaintiff's brief and argument should be stricken from 
the files of this court because he failed to file in the trial 
court his notice of appenrance after appellants had filed there 
their notice of appeal ac provided by rule 35 of the rules of 
practice and procedure adopted by our Supreme Court at its 
December, 1933, term. Plaintiff's counsel asserts that this is 

the first appeal under the new Civil Practice et in which he 

# Phew ofr wena She 0 
ak mobiolbeattnes @ er ‘Stven “Shree Fea — mee Rake 

eolvem et tevtedert treged roehéyd oft bedava ov 
«yoy tedtts got tne aelfesexs bedtugtme wf 6d ke pated 
Meee teeta ol? LO oobeteN eo YO wrieedod pewmbdmodElb ‘moe 
fixed grivart dootsvoo etd tobtw dnomyeq deedt add .¢2 stéqw Bhomite 
Hotde mi aecrtiow efdavioonos elec od? + Ymaqmod “‘Ytes est? a? ‘épum 
Gait ot Snomution? ald) Yo ogatdrav ogadotha only td? thvedes nay Bw 
‘eivt bodatie 9? od mobdawdta ont 242 oF dqmodda na at treed we G2 
Wi? eurd ald) to edonivenotls hme vest of cts deka “Vaeet Vox 
teoStH0 sie ‘to motted edé to? bxGoet oatt at ‘nOTiioed ident oft Bake 
xodbhe 6d MOktecep ‘ni fouxttes “ot! ty beut ebcanct gaa 'nd “olde 
hendasntnedanteneivachiciaeroboee eT tr awit 
prover ott mi eomebtye tft Ltn te uotdontwane sisi erated 
“koutsme sow ewes Eeted vd? dostd wobbvtondn a i alog 
eineve ye mt giant bas edreargiour, ban oithnt’s ut oe 
ett! 2 abkorisduteroont bre webs tiidadorgnt et ei Lerner 
 sginoo ‘andd gtemevxedet bea eudakerny eld ‘et 519 
‘oat datas ete# hnem-eidin bas ciel add sot Se 6 ii 
oustive sili Ye dikgtow ductima 
sokigart Livid od? tehay ove totyuord naw toouss diet” ee 0 ‘ 
al #b fins spade to eO8L oped GEE todqeds yavtudade o*ixtiled \¥oh 
“pga? omlefsds od bhsede demeaugia hoo torte ivi dg tad? bopics 
Eats? oid mt o£E% 08 etter oof obbiavdd dtvoy etdd RO hott oil 
‘etinats bee? Bast einaliouga aod'ts vonocaeage % evtion lil’ $80 
| “ts soley sald Yo G6 oer yt tohiverg ua Lavege to eodéon xhedt 
agt oa dumed emrorrgare 0 a ‘hetqoba semooeng bead ‘08 vatg 
as aude “dat advenss foamseo ‘ofiteabsts ses tid ‘comme 

eo it # be Pag 
sa rar al ‘tea ecktonnt tivio won le ote awa 

ut a 


participated; that he, being somewhat unfamiliar with the 
rules of court and the act itself governing appeals, sought 
advice ond guidance from the office of the clerk of this court 
and followed it, and that hiv failure to file notice of his 
appearsuce in the Municipal court after notice of appeal 
resulted ian ne injury to appelianis. 

She Civil Practies act was enacted to assist litigante 
in having their caves tried - not te keep them from trying shair 
eases. ‘ie are not iuelined te indulge in highly technical 
interpretations ef this act ~ eapeeially uaiil it is generally 
and uniformly understoed. Inasuueh «as appellants suffered no 
injury by reasen of plaintifi's failure 4o file such appearance 
in the trial court, the motion te strike plaintiff's brief and 
argument, reserved to hearing, is demied. (Schnorick v- 
Prudential insurange Comeamy, 277 111- App. 36.) 

For the reasons inlieuicd herela the juigment of 
the Bunicipal court is affirmed. 


Gridley, Ps. Js, and Seanlen, J., coneure 

ai détw aeklinetes talvawes gated ~ot dedd “qhetagtoliaeg 
tsigues seleogge pnderevog Weeks tos ont hua dxwoy Yo vole 

| deo ebdé te aivede ods 2e sodtte ond wont camebiug das opkbas 
Qh le eetton o£b3 of emtted adh dod? dme ath ghowel tet him. 
 dewega te eedsos sanshuaeinatobesiousitne 6 ye 

~tathaht pres tenes adn side 
Hiatt ARSE sO aes CRO 8t A = NO SO Ey 
 dnedmiioed Uuigiit ni plana of donttand fom 926-91. .9oneR 
cttoreneg at sclansealadseieitaiabiaapbuantestatevimsiied 


“Be taemgiut, ot, moaned botne, Raikes | 

AB ar Wh Yer ap were we p epte Phys tan 

Bree 4s ae ake ee is 
wae gy elgigge 

‘ A iss § - 
SiMe OLS Bg stores fe PTL EARS 
4s 4 CORE RR Fok Beis ORM F 
strono® a’ < * 
1 iit é Ht i : . pia sah ; : maa § Ab ap Sas % wed Pa 

a arene Vy & He 

Se eS 

eT ee: oe ti mae gare ey Bi ¥ Rees a rs OB To é o Wey, wt te chine a Ms 

i y | oF 
$7537 at ‘ on nl | 
* wut ; i 
Appellees , fe 4 
a corporation, 

F delle G ww VU 

This is an assumpsit action brought January 2, 1934, 
upon three corporate first mortgage bonds of $1,000 each, all 
dated December 1, 1923, executed by defendant and payable to 
the bearer or his order December 1, 1933. Upon plaintiff's 
motion defendant's amended statement of defense was stricken 
on the ground that it was insufficient in law and did not 
state a defense. Defendant electing to abide by its statement 
of dations, an order of default was entered against it, plain 
tiff's damages were assessed at $3,061.26, and judgment entered 
for that amount. This appeal followed. 

| Plaintiff's statement of claim alleged that December 
1, 1923, defendant executed a series of firat mortgage bonds 
aggregating $300,000, payable to bearer at different maturities 
with interest at 7% per annum that he is the owner of three — 
such bonds of $1,000 each3 that all three bonds matured December 
ly 1933, but have not been paid by defendmt or anyone in its 
behalf; and that there is now due and owing him from defendant 
$3,000. (Included in the statement of claim is a photostatic 
copy of one of the bonds.) 

| Defendant's amended statement of defense, after admit- 

} wilt 
4 is mth 
| N — >, 
Lt Sc F 
% 7h bt 
sa oh, I 




“ SysUOO SEY TO WOTKTCO SH? Gimme stihl wis 


q "a he ag 

hithS dh vaca, adamted okie semen, no at et 
Lia tose 900,f9 Yo abmod egegtrtom gattt ¢ 

of eldoyeq hon inabasteh yo beduvexs 88 ohm ot | 

xodacost tadt begetio miaLo tn oxamedate onesies ty 
ehnod ependrom gertt te weltoe as betuoexe | tuabaoren 
veldiuiam teoret2tbh a teased 98 eidayen £200, 0088 ae 
porte te sonwe edd ek of dont gman neq BF te 4 rx ah thw : 
aeduoso bettan abcod sorts iis tatt yloae 0004.08 to mela 
wee ak enor to dmbaotso yd “, wood tom ovat Hat att een ys 


ting the execution of the bonds and their maturities according to 
their terms, alleged that plaintiff is not entitled to maintain 
this action against it for the reasons, inter alia, below set 

“Bach of ths bonds described in the statement of 
claim specifies on its face that it is one of a series secured 
by a first mortgage or deed of trust of even date with avid 
bonds, duly authenticated, acknowledged and delivered, con- 
veying the property and assets of the Ludlow Typograph Company 
then owned or which may thereafter be acquired by said 
Corporation, including real estate in Chicago, Cook County, 
Illinois. Zach of said bonds also contains, inter alia, the 

“*tReference is hereby expressly made to said trust 
deed for a particular deseription of the terms and conditions 
thereof on which said bonds are issued and secured; and for a 
deseription of the nature and extent of the security therefor 
and the rights 6f the bondholders with regard to sueh seeurity.t 

“Said trust deed (Article XVIII) provides as follows: 

“tit is hereby declared and agreed as a condition 
upon which each auccessive holder of 211 or any of said bonds, 
and all or any of the coupoms for the interest on said bonds, 
reeeives and holds the same, that no holder or holders of any 
of said bonds or coupons shall have the right to institute any 
proceedings in equity, ef any character or kind, for the fore- 
Closure of this Indenture, or for the execution of the trusts 
hereof, or for the appointment of a receiver, or for any other 
remedy under thie mortgage or decd of trust, or the lien hereby 
created, or otherwise, without first giving notice in writing 
to the Trustee of default having been maie and continued as 
aforesaid, and unless the holders of one-fifth (1/6) of the 
amount of the then outstanding bonds have in writing notified 
aud requested the said Trustee as above provided (and a reason- 
able opportunity has been afforded to the Trustee, after the 
receipt of such notice and request, to proceed and exercise the 
powers herinbefore granted or to institute such action, suit or 
proceeding in the Trustee's ewn mame), and without also having 
offered to the Trustee security and indemnity satisfactory to 
it ageinst the costs, expenses and liabilities te be by the 
Trustee incurred therein or thereby3 and such notice, request 
and offer of indemnity may be required by the Trustee as a 
condition prevedent to the execution of the powers and trusts of 
this Indenture, or to the institution of any action in equity for 
the foreclosure hereof, for the appointment of 2» receiver, or for 
any other remedy hereunder, or otherwise, in case of such default 
as aforesaid in payment of the prineipal of any of said bonds, in 
the payment of any semi-annual installment of the interest thereon, 
or any other default by the Company, its successors or assigns, or 
failure to perform any of the covenants or stipulations hereof, 
to be kept and performed on its part. 

“9snd it is alse agreed that no holder or holders of 
any of the said bonds, or any of the said interest coupons in- 
tended te be hereby secured, shall institute any suit, action 
or proceeding in equity for the foreclosure hereof, or for 
the appointment of a receiver, or ony action cither at law or 
in equity for the collection of any of the money evidenced by 
such bonds or coupons otherwise than upon the terms and con- 
ditions and in the manner herein provided.' 


od gulibieoes geldiausem “ied? bon abaod add to meiiwoexe off yeti 
nisdaten o¢ beleigne Jom ai Thitnialy da? hopelia .amre? thedd 
tou wolod gnife todmt .amonnot edd cot ¢2 damboge notdon wate 

to inemedate oss mi hbodixesed abmod eds Be Hoak”® > 

hewmen agites a to one ei Of gadd gost atl ao gf OE miaLe 
hive clétw odcb meve to ganze Yo bood xo om tavit a yd 
“noo ,~howevideh hus begbolwomion ,bedeolinetiiva yinh qubnod. 
yasque? dgamogy? woltul ed? to atesas bax YWasqoug’ oe J gaily 
bies yd bexinpos ed rettantedé yom doldy to benwe ne 
eae 9 dood yoneotdd ai etatss Inex gat bekont ghotts: “0g T 

eid gaife wint ,walednoo opie abped bles to deat sailor 

tauz$ Sina of shect YLueangxe ydeced.e@t sentereteit’ 
atoitionoe bre amet et to sotiqivoesh tskwotéxeq a tet | 
& 70% bee thetwooe been hewont exe abaod blew mg oo no teexved 
{totetadd ytinweos eld to ¢retu hie esmdanm4 : 

',ysiavoss sovu o¢ busgex Allw aebLonbaod ead | * ocd on 
sawgliat ae sebivetg (ILIVE efeigzaA) gee 8 te ERB! 0, 98 Ciciul 
noisibnos a ae beetae bes berafoeh yde rar i. 
rained bkes to yne “vo fle to sebtod syiagem 
ena bise oo taetsdnt edd tok emoquoo odd 
, Se axebled to usblod on dad? .oman att ah, 
on ‘otudtiant od vagix odd evad fier Rape yo 

~etot oft vol abaid co tefonxedo yas iia si be9o: 
Saar ay oune 

ateutd of¢ to noliiveexs edd tot vo 
toto Ura tol xo ,xaviases 2 to Jdnemialogge lg ky 
udered mokt ef) te ,teurd te ‘boeb ‘to open a Ybbaot 
guitiqw ai sotson gatvig gaxtt twodtin phon see is ey besasto 
Be besmideod bie ebhat nosd gitPyad | tivaleh to seveutl od oF 
eid to (é\f) dttit~eno 20 srebied aft saetaw one BaO%0 Le 

‘beltisar gatiizw x? overt abmed yotbaededue ‘wens “taste : 

~soraet 2 bee} hobivesq eveds as ootenmtT bisa asi? 
eid xovle ,ooteuxt ed of bobo tin need wail ys teverogg 
eid geiorexs bre beesowg of ydasupet bus soliton dowe te aq 
xo dine ,motion dove stuiivent of w bednevy oxebedi@red 

pelvad eale éuocdiiw bus , (omen owe a'oedetT afd ot ; 
ot Yrotostulvaa yélomebnt baw yhiuteoe er ee ryt 

odg yd od of esiti{idall bas aennwegne 

faevpet .ookionm dou bua pedevardti xe seooeats 
&® es secvuuzT od? yd bewinpet od yan penne bs 
Xo aterxé bas euoweg edd te metdusexe and od. des ra 
Tat Yinpe aL melios yao to Bsoltingizent ad? of to 2 OTH fi 
wal to ,revicve: w to tmenttnkogqe ef? wot » koe vor Sree, 

tineteh sews to saac ak sceneners x6 Posy nome ¥ 
me vennne biow to we 2e dag om oe. walt bad ame a 
esoeted? Sueredat odd te Fiaelioke mee une to Je 
XO qifighvas 10 ayouusoowa ad! » yasqeed on ead, 7 ekuateb 2 
stoored enoltaiugise re atmeneveo ed? Yo ths rags B 

: «ieee edt ao me atyer cabal = 
to exebfon xo tebfed en desl’ heotgs wee at pcs | 

~ni enaguen Jaotedni bing oft Xo Wea 40 <a 
moldos lime yas etudivant LLasts betes : 70 
2% Xo giowtont oumaelsexe? exid rok ys | fit gril besoon 

‘en wal ta tedéie molten ys to ,xorkooet eco. 2 rom a wat 
YE boerabive Yeo oft te ye fe motieetion pad ste pe 
 --H09 Rae sured eas moqw ait eatwradie aseqwoo foste 
',bobiverg miened tennan ond mt Pho enoleth | 


"Plaintiff had due notice of the terms and conditions 
of said trust deed and of the terms and conditions under which 
the said bonds were issued, and was not and is not a bona fid 
Ges 'ceatis nels sinttctions sad Getenese cheve eet forthe” 
ditions prosetents "Wadenn ecid eenlitions and cagh ef sham” 
legal Tight te maintain Rin caid wuis against the seid defendnats" 

Defendant contenis that by the express provisions of 
the bonde and the conditions in the trust deed to whieh they make 
reference, the plaintiff, whe did not comply with those conditions, 
is barred from maintaining this action; that plaintiff is bound in 
particular by the condition that no bendholder shall sue at law 
on the bonds unless the holder of at least 1/5 of the amount of the 
bonds outstanding shall first have made demand upon the trustee 
that it take action; and that the reference in the bonds to the 
trust deed is sufficiently explicit to incorporate inte them its 
terms, at least to the extent that plaintiff was put on notice of 
that provision of the trust dead which limited his right to bring 
this suit. 

Tro questions are presented for our consideration on 
this appeal in determining the sufficiency ef defendant's amended 
statement of defense. le Aseuming that the bonds im question 
contain adequate and clear reference to all of the restrictions 
contained in the trust deed, fe there any limitation in any 
provision of the trust deed of plaintiff's right to maintain this 
action at law? 2. Has plaintiff » right te sue at law for the 
recovery of the amount of these bonds or is he relegated to the 
provisions of the alleged “no action eleuse” in the trust decd? 

Although a eereful examination of all of the prebintiee 
of the trust deed leaves us in scricus dowbt as to whether it 
eontaina any limitation, even by implication, of plaintiff's 

Fight to sue at law on his bonds, we deem it unnecessary to decide 

geeks ibnes bre sored edd. to enhton: mh Semel | 
aoise x0 bes d's Gon ei tan om eng Mh to bus booh dai 
te ed a on eer or gb 
non les enya Pe b eter on aaa oa t 

2, tou evede segnetob haw saolaed 

~00 pondy pyle baa bosut taancs gp iy eto 
os: te dome bee estoldivbnes blew aaeioU =. 

natl bein bal Yikdwlaty ,bebtalina bar a. ote 
* tania bon sale sos age diem bhea kd mlasnbes m4 bad Eman 

te smotai vere wore eld Nt nda alates F ' Aine 

xi bawod at Widalaty ‘tats ination sida ee: a0 bs 
wed ty oor LLesta sobLosaavd on toad fats thoas ate wt rm 

ati to Hhwous edt Ye OE Mnees ee Yo TedsOd wit oe | 
oodgere eit? noe basae b Sbrat ovat dere “ant 
aut Of chmod aot mt ‘eonoreter ott teste em matte: 

edb moss baad stesiypbaat oe Lima vomne c 

oa Sea) kee api ib yt erottas 

joe laren s ‘énehno teh Re yomidol tine welt it tmxe 

- Matdeawp mh atmoc sale dart peta de m3 
anokiabsas one 20 ila od sonete ten vio Le 

cymes tb matted bake yaa onde ad, boar tas 

ants mietmtow oe ‘aright oVRibtminkg, 20 bon t 

mete: 0% wal te ome. et igh * beeen: eal 

$8 estas oe on 5 2600 | eva a ws “= ae 
TA cee Spel ies 

are see 

. “i iy t at F 


the first .uestion inasmuch as our determination of the second 
question will be conclusive of the issues presented. 

In the recent case of Oswianza v. Wengler & Mandell, 
358 Ill. 302, the trust deed under which the bonds were issued 

contained the following provisions: 

“Every holder of any of the bonds hereby secured 
(including pledgee) accepts the same subject to the express 
understanding and agreement that every right of action, 
whether at law or in equity, upon or under this indenture, is 
vested exelusively in the trustee, and under no circumstances 
shall the holder of any bond oy coupon or any number or 
combination of such holders, have any right to institute any 
action at law upon any bond or bonds or any coupon er coupons 
or otherwise, or any suit or proceeding in equity or otherwise, 
ene in ease of refusal on the part of the trustesc to perform 
any duty imposed upon it by this indenture after request in 
writing the holder or holders of at least twenty-five per 
eent (25%), in amount, of said bonds ss aforesaid, and such 
refusal of the trustee shall continue for sixty (60) days after 
such demand as aforesaid. Wo action at law or in ecauity shall 
be brought by or on behalf of the holder or holders of «ny bonds 
or coupons, whether or not the same be past due, except by the 
trustee or by the requisite number of sondholders acting in 
concert under the provisions of this section for the benefit of 
all bondholderae In the event that pursuant to the terms hereof 
holders ef at least twenty-five per cent (257) or more, in amount, 
of said bonds shall have joined in exercising the right to act 
in lieu of the trustee, then mone of the remaining bondholders 
shall have any right to institute any legal procesdings of the 
same or a similar character for the sume default of the mortgagor." 

The recitals contained in the bond in that case upon 
which the defendant/ relied as adevuately incorporating into the 
bonds by reference the above provisions of the trust deed con- 
taining the so-called "no action clause" are as follows: 

“Said trust deed and this bond, as well as all the 
other bonds aforesaid, are to be taken and considered together 
as parts of one and the same contract. * * * Both principal 
and interest bear interest after maturity thereof at the rate 
of seven per cent (7%) per annum and are payable in the manner 
described in the trust deed * * *, For a deseription of the 
mortgaged property and the nature and extent of the security 
reference is made to said trust deed, to all of the provisions 
of which this bend and each coupon hereto atteeched are subject, 
ee same effect as if said trust deed were herein fully 
set forth.” 

This court in deciding a question similar to that 
presented here in the recent case of Cummings v. Michigan-Lake 

Building Corpe, 277 Illes Appe 470, quoted from the Oswianza 


Snooos oft te molvantexetes io a9 damnanh sotdeesy tart? nt 

sbeseonsmm sewaal atid Lo evieutomoo od tie howe 
iis bral A xe fgnel «¥ aanalead Ye. once Smpeen. eutt ee 
bewast beer abned of? dbidw coor bead dated. ott R08 LEE ge 

saoieiveng andwoLto? edt seuiaanos 

bexsoee sed abnod edd to yo Io tobted yrewey 
pastexe offs of Sooldve asa oft aéqesos yer 5 noo toh 
ssottos te ddaiz. gueve daatd épensotaa ; 
at -otrdme hut aid? tebe te : oy iupe ni <0 eed ta 3 | 
seonsiguwestc on tebiy baa. ¢ee ome mf bi 
<0 tedanm Yh 16 MogMeO tO 
Ye efsdisunt of digit yoo evad «areal 
BROGNOD TO MogiOn Ys TO ehrod to 
eeatwsedtzo to yWinpe ct rb fang 08 : 
mrottog of Setanxd oe : Xe 
mi feerpet teits e eins yd neq 
se¢ oviteytnow? rong v H Sen be bLo 
owe aee1gts es she & 
tatits phar gy J yim nah tot sunignoo Tieden Ls ao 
fiede ywinpe si to wal is molios of . : 
abned yc to arsbled to tebied af? to 
alt yd tyeoxe yeub fang od semen aft tom 38) 
mt oniios atebLodinod Yo todmun evialnpe 
te ditoned ot xot motioos aid? to aneleive 
teotad xorted off of tnavarug Jatt tnove cra 
«<tnwome mi .oxtom to (RES) Inpo tag evi sett te 
» aa od Stigia ads yutsiorox bonito fs, 
uxeblotbaed anintemes add to enon aoodr 
ous to egnibsesotg Inget yrs otutijans ad ' 
Ratan esoret ede To iisateb ents wind vor codestedo™ val 


e109 beab teusd oat to caoehvorg oveda ea ied : 
tewollel 22 eis "oouale noivos ost 

oid ifs um Liew us abaod aid? iets boob sats 
wetijeges betsbianes das nooiad od ad eta 4B. 

legieonizg Sdd0k * * * ,tenténos somes oat ‘ho 
etet ofS 22 looted? Yiintss tetvte taet 

ant weed + 
Tanen ens mk a ets MENG ay 
et to moks canae Aik ee sent 
Uti cede ‘Z tnoixe bitte etuden ef? bre YotegotT™ | EGY 
anoiLelverg edd ae) fig of gbeeh janté bine oF ab sunete lot 
,toetdue ere betloatis ofet ae os 8 a Hoidw to 
_. Lis? wlesed ster hes’ thon | ben D00The: cath apse 
Pra Se! 
Wer ee . 
ddd 62 takinic seidepar a pathieed at tu00 ana 

ap Oe keen 
a 1 : 

statnnmishit «7 sina Yo seo inooot ald at 9 oe be at 
il Sis ie 
" ‘gesetwed xd mort hetoup .OTS saga + Lft vee, a £0 | 


ease, the following: (Pages 475 and 476.) 

"It follows that if there be read into the bonds in 
this ease the no-action provisions of the trust deed it must be 
by on appropriate reference found in the bond. * * * This case 
resolves iteelf ihto the question whether there ir in the bond 
lenguage which may reasonably be seid to incorporate therein, by 
reference, the no-axction clause eof the trust deed. * * * The 
language is so phrased and arranged as to strongly indicate that 
the obliger was spesking solely of the security. ‘The purchaser 
of those bonds would not be impressed with ony other thought. 

It would not occur to him, from this language, that in case the 
bouds were defaulted on maturity, os ie true here, he might be 
unable to collect beeause of some provision in the trust deed 
limiting his power to sue «t law. Unforcement against the 
seeurity and » suit at law are metters of redieslly different 
import, and to destroy the right to sue at law, a provision of 
such character in the trust deed must be included im the bond, 
expressly er by elear reference thereto. Sturgis Nat. Bank 
ve Harris. tr is and. Says 3 Baits (351 Thi. 465); caged 
VY; Branden, @ We ¥e + * * © The importance 
of bonds of cats character as eomnarcial paper requires that 
limitation on the right to sue, opyearing in another instrument, 
be so clearly referred to in the bond that the purchaser of the 
bond will not be decsived but will be notified thet he is to 
leek further to know his rights as a bondholder. If a principle 
of publie poliey be invoked, it is quite important that in the 
traffie of bends the prospective purchaser thereof know from the 
bond what search of the trust deed or mortgage is necessury in 
order te learn his rights. * * * If the common lew rights of 
the helder are to bs limited 14 must be done by appropriate 
referenee in the bond to the previsions of the trust deed or 
mortgage, that he may have warning that his right to sue in cuse 
red pr ys is limited by something not appearing in the bond 

Beh . 

The prevision of the bonds in the cuse at bar that 
defendant relies upon as containing a sufficiently clear ceference 
te what it elaims is the “no-action clause” of the trust deed 
herein or such reference “as will reasonably put the bend purchuser 
en netice that he must consult the trust deed in order to as¢ere 
tain his rights” ia as follows: 

"Reference is hereby expressly wade to said trust deed 
for « particular deseription of the terms and conditions thereof 
on waish said bonds are issued and secured; and for a yg pore 
of the mature and extent of the security therefer; sad the 
ef the bondholders with regard ta such securitye 

“This bond may become due and payable in case of 
default in accordance ef the provisions of seid trust deode* 

; Defendant insists that the word "issued" in the manner 
in which it ie used in the phraseology of the above provision 

renders the referenee contained in the bends here te the terms 

(.0%D bite 3VS aeget) tative Lo? ott ,oags 

nt abuod eff etnt hoor og oests St thalt awed #1" sl) oo 
od gaum ii besth Jeuxs efi © onoletvesq not doa~on ode came ahs 
ease eielt * * * wbheed wid.m dated wor 

auod sdf ei 2 weeds teddecly molieomp odd otdt Le 
Ut ycionerls sdereqioond O¢ dee od Yidananae x Yoon 
owt + * © ,08 durée ext to watelo solios~on afd | 
tad) edeoitet qiguotta of ea bogmatta be beawedg oa ab. epew 
xepetko ant? Ha age aay To be ge wititetge eaw toglts 
ed ¢. tedzo, una ditw bopaed fom olvew eheed see 
ois coon ol vedi, apemnent ald ype a qmia. os tu 
ad ivpim ef .oted eect of em eychradee mo bed! a 
boob fauud oft ot Gs wd VO Tey emge to aascoed goutfeo 
wR tanlege depeere tee . pans an ~ ot %eveqg, wis 
soar lane b apeipee a of oe areddent 9% pre oe a a ae 
to moinivose @ ywal da enn. of tagia. Ord nd 
ahead. eng ul bebwkont ed team bewh gaterd wad mi te 
dat » tet giecai «etwunds eeeexe tox, upp 

oun (doh <0 £2) ee . brie, oma 
oumatecan et  & ** Sw y4 ee  * i 
fasd wvxlaner xeqee Istovennos eq tetp: ane “aha, 
sikamivagond “caitenn mt priveegys .ove oF tapi ead. 

elf to xeustioswg edt Jad? beod eld mi. of Foie fans to 

ge ab ad dest pebtigon of Litw ged O°. 
eigionize u Xl. »tebfosdinod « we sitdlatc p bes 
edt oi tadd tnedsogn! wetiep wf, ah pre 
edd mont worol teeter saeco tg avldeoqae abe 
pk “egrets Saag  ogagirom «¢ heeb dnartd ole Pin’. ; 
1 he atiigts wei soups ede Teo * * % pen bs 
‘ stulzgorgga Yd nnoo o¢ dumm ch hothads ad; 
te beoh taurd odd to anoltagiveng ad? ne. fed 
eam ok oun of digit ald sede gehazenw ovad,' 
Boa eae BL sanicahe i don — beth 

date and ds saco eld oi abned edd 2e cient pe ree 
eouptskex wsete yliaciat tins .o gaiaiadaas ‘pe ‘logs. prope ‘i » 
bees tawtt edt bo “eeuelo maldon-an" oad wk. re: 
teautomg badd alt Jaq gleanenant Side as 

hoeb. ¢aued biaa of ghana Yano a0, sta To 
loeteds abolvitnes Lea serted | tO tm he 
siastr ae aut hte t bemNOee has. whe f 
$ off doe {70 ke vend G2 SGhnee ead ke d 

owe hiwvees Moire 04. bt ages 

fee oan ni ohdeyea bas ob. c 

* hash lanes Rhee to Rist alveue ‘eat Ailes» 

Tenten odd mk "besead” baow ath hal atodger 

and conditions of the trust deed, adequate and sufficient to 
restrict plaintiff's right to his action at law. 

We are unable to agree with this contention and are 
of the opinion that the reasoning of the court in the Oswianza 
ease, as applied to the reference provision of the bond there, 
is pecularily applicable to the reference provision of the bond 
here. The word “issued” is coupled with the word secured and 
in tho brief compass of three printed lines on the bonds, econ- 
taining the above recital, the words “secured” or “security” 
eceur three times. 

In noch v- Brandon, 249 N. Ys 263, the recital in 
the bonds referring to the trust mortgage else used the language 
“the terms and conditions undsr which said bonds are issued 
and secured"and was as follows’ 

"* * * to which reference is hereby made for a 
deseription of the property mortgaged and pledged, the nature 
and extent of the security, the rights of the holders of the 
bonds with respect thereto, the manner in which notice may be 
given to such holders, and the terms and conditions under 
which said bonds are issued and secured." (italics ours.) 

There the court said in conetruing this recital at pages 268 
and 269% 

"The provisions all have to do with the trust mortgage. 
They refer to the rights conferred by it upon the bondholder and 
limit and explain those rights. They are so linked together as 
te indicate that the obligor was speaking solely of the security. 
A purchaser scanning the bonds would have the same thought. I¢ 
would never oceur toe him that when November 1, 1941, arrived, 
beeause of something contained in the mortgage he might be unable 
to collect the amount due him. He would interpret the statement 
that the bonds were secured by and entitled to the benefits and 
subject to the provisions of the mortgage, as meaning that a 
foreclosure or other relief might be had thereunder only subject 
te its provisions. He would see that reference to it is also 
made to determine the terma and conditions under which the bonds 
are issued and secured. Again it would mean to him as it means 
to us, that only by turning to the mortgage might he discover 
the precise nature of the lien he is to obtain. He would see 
that the bonds were to be issued not only upon the general eredit 
ef the corporation, but upon the faith ef some collateral 
mortgage. To it he met go if further imowledge 2s to this 
security is desired." 

The opinion in the Oswianza case was filed before 

od insloltive ban stavpabs, shes dtauxd edd te enetdtoace baw 
ek to olson ale op sodgie am inhhaptnds sotréast 

OR ae tee 
ete hata noricednes dale, sid bw 207HA ri ons: ate ‘of... ica aie 
De Sea 3D 6 Wadi 22-2 

asses st nh son oft Yo aetmoanoe ed dnd naknig® 
5 TR NAAR. yet Ha pray hay 
ore heod ed Re fo batvexa opmaeket eng ot noblaga va a8 shag 
gorse wie 
baod odd. *o halves sonetetet ede ‘Oe ekeaoiiege 

ac Jaye ine pee ry 
ass bouwose buow neté tw ‘betguran at " bemraak™ btow att 
i Aig a fl 
=709, gabnod edd BO wonez boda ts scouts. ko BB ATOD os 
AeA al Hales a as hi 
mytsuosa” £0 *poxusoon” absow ost iad toon eves etd r 

4 ‘ 

ditty: OS SSN ea ge one x, 

ia. res ao 

ep sirymas ond beaut bute euigeees janes eat’ oe Bas nod one 
¥g Set ale 

‘Roveak ote ebsod Bisa setae ‘eo tie cade A 8 aired 

esudnc estt boghetg om bogend rem | a analy ty 
ont to. oes pe ep Ee — wae 
e aolvon Ww ‘sonra it 
wee anos iboog hae martes ‘edd bia 
{.wxwe aotingt) “.hetwocea buns 

858 asgeq de Lasiven elds guiotienos, at bias, dimeo odd + : 

anion saat oxid Se bw | arotalvo te re kk oid 
me tabLodhaod za cy oma, tigit on? oF ; . 
aa sadtopos Pesinit on ets Fy saiigks enont platqxe brs 
Seatdieen nn to Yfetou yr a oe te etd teld 00 
oz + dhgwosde end ova Z Magri ons 2 ; te , 
ghevia«us , ther .f teduevet geste | 2% 
eitany of trigia onl onend ten odd a . 
tremetstie add getquetni Siwow of 
bra etiieroad esl’ oF bololine baa 
“# tate pmineom an . ep: i 
fongdwe yksto xehnvexodd her od teiyin Tettor 
ouis ai ti of eometetet Pant ood” w OH 
‘whned ond doiaw +ebpar caret ional ta pe Bg mh 
uteom 3i' as mtd of meen bLeow $f amt: 
veveoalh af idate apegd ton ang 
gee SIvow of yrange of ak ‘oni — 
tthexe inxenoy ef? nog. tess hee Fa pew abst 
 Sertetatios one To dd tot oat edt Jor9¢ 
Nad od we egbelwons codtawt th regen oe 

: ciao DOLLY gow Sam sxmatwed esto mi mols 


defendant filed its reply brief in this cause and defendant's 

counsel] earnestly urge that the cases of Ledgerwood v. Hale & 

Kilburne, 47 Ved.(2d) 518, Crosthwaite v. Moline Plow Co., 298 

Fed. 466, and Oster ve Building Development CO, 252 Ne We 
(Wis.) 168, which the Supreme Court, in the Oswianza case, dis- 

tinguished on the facts of each as containing sufficient and 
adequate language on the notes or bonds therein, to incorporate 
by reference limitations in the respective trust deeds or agree- 
ments on the right of individual noteholders or bondholders to 
bring an action at law to recover, uphold their contention that 
the reference in the bonds in the instant case was also sufficient 
and adequate for the same purpose. ‘‘¢ are umable to agree with 
counsels’ contention. 

It is also urged that, inasmuch as the amended state- 
ment of defense averred that plaintiff was net a purchaser of the 
bonds in due course before maturity without notice of the limita- 
tions set out in the bonds and trust deed, a sufficient defense 
was stated and that the statement of defense wae therefore 
erroneously stricken by the trial court. 

In connectton with its wajor contention that plaintiff's 
right to sue st law om his bonds was restricted by the alleged 
"no action clause” of the trust deed, the defendent strenuously 
insisted that negotiability of the bonds was not the test as toe 
Plaintiff's right to bring this action at law. in the instant 
eontention it advanees rules governing negotiable ins truments 
in support of this alleged defenses 

The questions arising in this case are primarily 
questions of contract, and, regardless of the question of the 
negotiability of these bonds, the real question here is whether 

the bonds by their terms are subject to any provisions of the 

be id 

a'iashao'teb bas SAND oer ai gored eget, att boris tnnbaetes 
% efsk »¥ boowsanbot to ae2s9 asta taste opm ‘Utoontse “Eeanwos | 
BES .209 wolt omtion . $ e8L8 (58). b0% ve seer IN 
oW olf RUS 4.0 inommoloros aebhLins +¥ xsd80 ne nad «hott 

“ath ,eeso azisiwed @ edt mi yduwod omerega exid donee s80E (ate) 
“fee tnotottive gatuiadnos ex tose to etost esta 0 ba dagens 
sdarogroon! od .wtoredt ahned xe aodoq out? mo erent sa pobe 
-ontss to abeod taut eviesequey ard nt wot dnd tat 80 caxete one 
of wxobfoxbned to stobLoriston Lacbtvihnt te iifgia wit 3 Pa atu 

sand Holinetno hes bLodes popvenes. ot wok 9m nokzen rr autad 
tuelol Yiws oals saw @ee0 dmngoatt extt oh a bao age ak sonoretox 3! 

dite oetee of oXeeats xa ev sHeOg=Ny omaa all xe 

-oisds bebneme ef? &s cdomeant tastd bent cas at a 
esis oe xeaado tug @ fon caw viddubaste sett semnewe « 

hy AY, 
RP cea eo digs * 
a Me 
oe od oy 
" rs, eee 

canstsh jansbiiiua'a honk: tuexd-ensieheed i ai the 0, snict 
stelexeds anv venstoh Yo tmometada ofS tad bie bedeth Few 

| edxrwoo Laiud sais yd vinaaiaiiad Usirooneste 
a'htidmiatg dnstd nolinedaon “rt. “wit mie, neRs 

oe ee Saof ef? rie ay oad oli é weed ie 
dnatiek ood at swak Ha notion scale sais on | - os pa 

outs % nolia0up otis to avezprages shee a tino Yo ante! ined 
 eutbete ak eves oe ldassyp eet ol? anno? oueitt a eit ys pow a tied 

compe Fgh 
Be ae tk. * 

siedd ué mtn oa 

eid to anolalvorg oer ot tooteum ota azo? 


trust deed affecting plaintiff's right to sue at law. We find 
no merit in defendant's last contention and hold that its state- 
ment of defense was properly stricken by the trial courte 

Our decision is controlled by the QOswianze case, 
inasmuch as the reference in the bonds here is limited to the 
desoription, nature and extent of the security as it was in 
that case, where the court concluded that “to hold that a 
provision of the trust deed limiting the right to sue at law 
was thus included by refermee is to bind the bondholder by 
a stipulation of the trust deed, of which the bond gave him 
no warning or notice.” 

Yor the reasons indicated herein the judgment of 
the Municipal court is affirmed. 


Gridley, Pe Js, and Seanlan, Je, conceure 

ee ae 

Le rae 


Sait oY .wel ts owe of tat bee a’shentatg: il ey ‘deeb 

“viate es) dens bios bas moLinsd x09 toad an mt trem ox 
‘tumes tales afd ye nextsirde Vesonorq cow ee 
ae :e ratte! hall 
eoasg sei bwad etd wW bettoxines at fo22005 ‘uO 

eee aL Us 
GEMS OM Ae a baal 

bevad “od ‘bodtnart ak ove ahaod out at eonoxete a 

oy ; ECA ae DARE pus rs 

al aon ap as ‘lamas ‘ead to dneaxs ba oxtne wae + 

Rin. hee Aye aires a heuer ay, aval Bea mld a 
Rrvterbeterder sg tpg). * 

meas eae Pe ps 

wl és ome of tilate ota ait simas Deot tomes ou? 

* t ARE ihe 
“A rebLoittnod oat tute ot at somite w heb 
< & re pet ti a 
mtd ovay aod oi Hotaw 0 sboes rt 
be oe | Ox Bhs f hte ae 
: * ah Yd Ne: sok ik ol 
te snows, exit atoxed ateotbat ane *« 
cee my $ eh id 
t . ) 
to deems wa ae aaah eines ’ ‘i 
Une Sate? wih I pe hota ‘ananusetl 
} Seka eey meh el ae WER ee eh riiiies is el sil 
# ay v4 
ae ¥ g Be fad 
P Oh; Bad ee 
> . Be? ; See A WX 
pe Ph ARP aa 

ee a ae a 



Appellant, a 



Appellees. 269 TA. 626° 


en eee ae 

This is an assweapsit action brought February 11, 1932, 
by Vrank A. Aeskad, plaintiff, wpon four bonds of $1,000 each and 
certain interest coupons attached thereto, all dated January 15, 
1928, executed by defendants and payable te the bearer or his 
order January 15, 1932. The case woe tried by the court without 
a jury, the iscves found againet plaintiff and judgment entered 
against him for costs March 6, 1934, 

The pertinent paragraphs of defendants' last amended 
affidavit of merits ares 

"That the 340 negotiable inetruments referred to in the 
statement of claim are upon their face, and the fuce of ach of 
them, stated to be seeured by a certain deed of trust which was 
filea for record in the office of the Lecorder of vecds of Cook 
County, Illinois, as DSecument Number 3742468, and which become, 
by reference a part and portion of exch of sald bonds; and that 
waid deed of trust co ms the following provision, jo wit: 

*SADPTLCLE VIVE, See. lle Ne holder of any bond or 
coupon secured hereby shall heve any right to inetitute any suit, 
metion, or proeseding in equity oz at law for the foreclosure of 
this indenture, or for the execution of any trust hereof, or for 
the appointment of a receiver, or for any other remedy hersunder, 
unless sueh holder shall previousiy have given to the tructve 
written netice of auch default ani of the continuance thersef as 
hereinbefore provided nor unless, also the solders of one-fifth 
(1/5) im principal amount of the bonds issued hereunder, then 
outetanding, shell have made written request to the trustee and 
shall have offered te him a reasonable opportunity either te pro- 
eead to exercise the powers hereinvefore grante: or to institute 
such action, suit or progesding in his own name, and the Trust: 
shell have refuced or unreasonably delayed to comply with such re- 
Quests, aor unlere, salvo, they or some ene or more of the holders of 
said bonds shall have offered to the trustee security and 
indemnity te the sstiefection of the tructee, agninst the 
costs, expenses ani liabilities to be incurred therein or there- 

by, and such notification, request and offer of indesmity 

» bred syyes 

te» : = ro ‘s 
| EM Se TS ae aoe 
2 hi 
* o Ma, : 
\as ’ ne el eg ‘Tek ayes at So seman t 

; " Seannre © PawOS 

'0S90 ADCs So OC vale 

a ie ear) et fuivecg 
Fe a Sane eeuty. nae 

eSECL g LE Yrawtdey two moldon ¢taqmman at i 
ba dose 000,59 te abnod wot moqw a thhingelg abetens . 
184 YAU hetad Lin ,otexetd dodoatia asoqued, Junxedat 
ait to totaed oid 09 eideyog bua ateabnoteh WW hedipen 
duedsiw fxv00 ot YS bodtd aw onno off »8E0L ght: aun * 
boxetne inompbut, hue Yitntale dentana beuot somal ont ven s 
ee mis. tantey “ 
hohtome tee tatnabsotsh te edgergereq rarer oar Sane oe 

esd at of boxretot edmomutien? efdatiogen OBE wld Par | 
to done Yo cont end? bas aeomt tied? noqe ove miate Yo te 
new doidw gewrd to beoh ataires # YS bowsoe od od of be2n 
dood te ebood te whbse0ak ad? to ee ald gh 
evateeod Soistw ban ,88bcave 
sods bre gabnod blan te Me ey Bt) ose molt aog fa 
idiw of gitotalverg yetwe wid to. 
to brod uns Te tebled ek wae | 299% uae ‘oe 
atina yme atweivemt of idalx wea ovad Liate ydeted ber 
to eteaotoesol edi tot wal ta xe Yiiupe eh OAGO Lg 
aot vo ,teeverl geared yoo te solkvawen ade 2 “th 
csnuemne Yboust seddo une ret xe weve i 3 
cedures of3 of sovig evas 
ae Yteorteds soneuntinos edd to ana 3 
“J0tit-one 29 axebiod OA2 Aare 4 ty ts 
ast? ,rtebawoeted bewent vhost en? te en giond 
bite cotaut? offs of duanpet mesdiuw wbhax evant. Pn 
ory of tedtio yilavireqqe oldauovmet « mid of boxe 
etiélienk of 20 betnany ous matalvene qews “eat 8 7 

ae om 
tots no bier Peuas 

ettoutT eft bon youn owe abd 
-ex sews adiw yicuso ea? seyaleb <t . af ous 
to etedtod ott to oxox Te offe oxea ve yess 908 pte Lr 
hrs qhisoou sotauxd ols of hetetto eva Linda absion 
elt teniogs ,oetset? one To sottoatabiny on? oF adi 

~ereds to misted? berqwenk ef o@ apidsisdsst tas 
“iinewhat to t0%%e fms sapzpet | 


are hereby declared, in every such case, at the option of the 
trustee, to be conditions precedent to the execution of the 
powers and trusts of this indenture for the benefit of the 
bondholders, and to any action or cause of «ction for fore- 
closure, or for the appointment of a reeciver, or for any 
other remedy hereunder, it being understood and intended that 
no ome or more holders of bonds and coupons shall have any 
right, in any manner whatever, by his or their action to affect, 
disturb or prejudice the lien of this indenture, or to enforee 
any right hereunder, except in the mamer herein provided, and 
that all proceedings at law or in equity shall be instituted, 
hed and maintained in the manner herein provided, and for the 
equal benefit of all holders of such outstanding bonds ami 

oe & & 

"*Seetion 13. All rights of action under this 
indenture, or under any of the bonds or coupons, may be enforesd 
by the trustee without the possession of any of the bonds or 
coupons, and any suit or proceedings instituted by the trustee 
shall be brought in his name, as trustee, and any recovery of 
judgment shall be for the benefit of the holders and registered 
owners of said bonds and coupons.' 

"And these defendants aver that pursuant to the rights, 
powers and authority granted to sald trustee in said trust deed, 
the said Osear H. Haugan, as trustee, did on the 28th day of 
August, Ae 0. 1931, file and exhibit his bill of complaint in 
the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, in the eause entitled 
‘Osear H. Haugan, as trustee, vse Carl Thorgersen, et ale,’ case 
Wo. Be226927, wherein said Oscar He Haugan prayed for the fore- 
closure of ali the unpaid and outstanding bonds secured by said 
deed of trust, including the instruments sued on by the plaintiff 
herein, and all other bonds of said issue, and these defendants 
aver that such procecdings were had and taken in said cause that 
said Cireuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, did on to-wit: 
the Slst day of January, A+ i+ 1934, enter a final decree wherein 
the Court found that there wae due, owing and unpaid te Usear He 
Haugan, as trustee, for the use of the holders and owners of all 
the bonds of said issue, including the plaintiff herein, with 
respect to the instruments sued on, the sum of $239,811.53, and 
directed the sale of said premises for the satisfaction of waid 
debt and costs, with a provision in said deeree for a deficiency 
adeeree against these defendants for the amount of any deficiency 
remaining upen such sale, which deeree still stands in full 
force and effect, unreversed and unimpaired, ani that by virtue 
sf said proceedings taken by said trustee on behalf of the 
Plaintiff, the entire claim and demand of the plaintiff on the 
instruments sued on herein, and ali liability of the defendants 
therein, became merged in and fixed by said deeree efore= 
described, and the alleged right of action sued upon has become 
barred by said former recovery." 

The ease was tried upon the following stipulation of 


"1. That the plaintiff, Frank A. Aoskad, was on and 
wior to the llth day of February, A+ De 1932, the owner and 

der of four eertain instruments commonly known as mortgage 

bonds, meade, executed and delivered by the defendants, Carl 
Thorgersen and Hans Chre Bricksen, all dated the Lith day of 
Jemuary, Ae De 1925, and bearing numbers 274, 285, 505 and 313, 
together with unpaid interest coupoms tiereon, cach of said 

ead to motige of% Je yoeeo dawe yrevo ri shetaLoeb Yeon oe 
ond So nolinoemo aft oF Pr sso emottiinoo ed of _oos 
eit to jiiened ead «ot suvtnebnt giad to etauxd bas 
“70%: 161 molios to eaxas te moidee we of bao «ated. 
wie tok to «tevieeet s to 2 ougs edd tot xo roreets 
tet bebnetnt bie bowterehae gated of ,zehauesed . 
. “te even Lieds anequvoo bus shad te. exeblo "prom se" 
etootts of solips thedé to aid yd .ievedaily  ¥itte mh gtity 
eoxotne of to gotninetml alas bo melt axis eetibytetd to d 
bus «boblvozg aiored ieciem edd ML dyooxe , tebeweted tigiz y 
ghevuvitent e¢ Iisdea ytinwpe ai xe wal te agnibeaoomg Lie Ff. 
edt ret base ybebivety ateted tomnew oft ot benindaton fie be 
fos ghnod gaiinadaiwe dove te exebled ftw to often? , 

e* “ . 

eitt tekes notiee to atdetx (£4 46£ nottowee” ¢ CHG 

beorolnas ed Yam ,areogwoy to abned afd To Yha TehNY TO gt 
To ebnod edd to yis to moiesoaseg eds dupdiin po: 

gotenutd? edt yd bedutiianr anetbesvotg vo fize ya 

_. 2a Ytevoost yan bus ,etuintd 26 »eemn ets 

beotesaigey bra atebfed ely To Ryman aid zoek od 

oo bre aber 

eetiaitt edt of tnawetug’ Farid jak "pihahueteh | a 

ehoeh Janzd bkes ni satawis hiew of Setnaty ye ftom 

to vab MSS oft mo bib ,sedunesd ap , a 

si inigfgmoo to [fic eid siditdxe Sma elit , 

bofttine eanso ott at ,etonili(l .ysnwie) Aeod ‘to 

ene ‘gels to gneetogred? Lied .ev ,ootousd am etorauel 

~9to% di tot beys1q eget -H tede0 bias FE ye 4g ¥S 
Sisa yd bewoes ahmed gaibnedasuo one biagas at if 
Ttismisig ed? yd’ no bewa atmomvidand oy wig ro ‘ 

esnabaoteh eaenls bas «sveel biea to ebnod 

tad) eapeo bhea at ‘neled bas bad orew epi ageeone 

ttiv-o@ mo bib gatonilLl 4ydawod wood te 

stotedw optosh Isnit eg watme ,bEeL of oA epssursia ; : J 
é ‘eoseu #%. 

ei tesa of biaqny bre gatwo ,aeubh saw O79, 
ife te evenwo bea stebfLor adi to way eft Yo? «ee 
dgke quteveds Yilisiely etd yrtbulomt yomeeh bias to ahmed 

bus .é@.If6, 2589 to ave ont eno howe edmoemertant edd ot oo 

bisx to moliontaldae od 10% aealmerg biea to afew add be 

Youstotieh » 19% sotvst biaa mi woleivesy es athw on | bg 
Yortotobteh Yoo Lo tewvome ait rol. einabwoteb omedd | 
Livi st absade Litte eovool sipidw salen rar 
ousiiy np jeid bre ,botiaguins bag beatevota 5 
ele Yo tiafed no ootamud bias ‘ds sedad op 
* afd nto Mhidntelg sult ‘to bmasteh bete miato g 
wimibastes eff Yo ythlidall Ife hea yotesort ne bewe edeemesdant 

i orto'ts oo test Olae yd best? bes me he age pr ike neds 
tel weak node pee nattee te. digit begets edd } ae  bedivoved— 


to noi tu Lmtd nitgwo.Lto? ou sq ‘bokes rd es 

il so Sew: snanien: ro _— nel a mei ds 
brie wenra odd ¢REOL s+. pcan gil 

sped cot ae wrbox Yinomees %. 
fx20 ,ddrabaeloh edd yo hevevifoh hae hetgoexs sham «qnbmod 
to Yo aml edd belted Lie . mended pew ete cae, oo ‘text 

? 266 bra 806 . GSS «OVS atedmex gubeced hme » 
bias %o wen impemnmeons ee mengeniownt 



bonds being in the principal sum of $1,000 and each of said 
interest coupons being in the sum of $303 that subsequent te 
the filing of the suit herein there was paid on account of 

said bonds and interest coupons the sum of 1,500, without 
‘prejudice to my ef the rights of the defendants, or either of 
them, to contest said proceedings or to interpose any defense 
that might be available to them or either of thems that a true, 
accurate and correct copy of one of said bonds is attached to 
and forms a part of the second amended statement of claim filed 
herein, thet mone of seid bonds was registered, that exch of 
said bonds became due and payable by its terms on January 15, 
1932, and that plaintiff purchased said bonds from State Bank 
of Chicago. 

“2, That the terms, previsions and conditions set 
forth in each of said bonds shall form a part of this stipulation, 
and that the bonds sued on are part of a series of 540 bonds secured 
by a trust deed filed in the office of the recorder of deeds of 
Cook Countys Tllinois, as Decument No. 8742468. 

"3. That on the 23th day of Auguats Ae Je 19351, Oscar 
H. Haugan, the trustee designated in the trust deed securing said 
bonds, filed and exhibited his bill of complaint in the Circuit 
Comet of Cook SOAs Tilinois, in a ee : age entitled 
D a Trustee Ve Car eo» and bearing 

mn gaid Osear He gen or the fore- 
elesurs of A the unpaid and outetanding bonds secured by said 
deed of trust, including the instruments sued on by the plaintiff 
herein, and all other bonds of seid issue, and that such preceede 
ings were had and taken in said cause that on the 3let day of 
January, Ae be 1934, a fimal decree was entered therein, a true, 
aceurete and correct copy whereof is annexed hereto and forms a 
part hereof, together with a true, accurate and correct copy of 
said deed of truste 

"“4- That if it should be determined by the Court that 
the plaintiff is entitled to recover herein, then in order to avoid 
the neceseity of accounting or Sennen ts ete it is agreed that the 
amount of the finding in favor of the plaintiff and against the 
defendants is the sum of 93,205, ig tore with interest thereon 
at the statutory rate from March 6, 1934 

Plaintiff's theory is that, since the bonds in question 

contain an unconditional promise to pay, such reference as appears 
in them to the trust deed securing the bonds applies only to 
such security and in no wise restricts his common law right of 
action to recover on samej that any action taken by the trustee 
under and purstent te the trust deed cannot affect his bends or 
hie right to recover in the instant actions and that, under the 
facte and the law, the lower court should have found fer him 
with judgment for"$3,205, together with interest thercon at the 
statutory rate from Maroh 6, 1934," pursuant to the stipulation 
of the partics. 

Defendants contend (1) that the terms and covenants 

oy J 

et gnowpovdya gatd ORE Yo moe ot wh 
to émiocun mo blag enw o8edd stored thaw ond 
‘Peodilw yOOtyl) be wite oad wi Oo Print ‘ito | Sos 
to veddie +o borne ‘et Yo etetgts Be Yo’ 
sre pig Or Pw. oink of Lo ogni Peeovag Mak tye 
eaved # to cemsio ss dh 96 etiedios on 
ov botontin ef ehrod blax ‘tw sro Yo baht teers pee : 

' bOLL3 alalo to tnemededa betndam Aneuse orld te way 8 Brn one 
to dove donk «herodatpor vow shed Siam to emomt Sand yntoterl 
¢3f Yrewanl ae awtet ash yd wideyay bee exh oneced abnud 

ret oted8 toxt ehred biee bee nel tig Tet inkely ae Mt 

dee enotsi bros “hee are tet ve satered ott teetr 
smeltalugivea aisdd to traq a rot ebaec bias a 
a ebnod Ob2 te eee aadt ‘e Lontes ke ap een a 
to ebook te tebxecen odd Yo wottho ody mk bodk® 

Siee Yt dose how COO, 55 to aig fins ned oat nt putes. > jeeletes 

Taped «£e0e eG ad ata & to Yee MISS wats ioetst y 9 GO 
hiss gxhiseen pooh dats ect? af betemplacs eeduwts 
sivoriS oft nl dmladques to Lil’ eld bedlidisdxe page 
bed dda oo ttiledteo » mb yelomiLii 
Biitsed bana ¢.» ores : 
“—92ek sud “20 Ty . 
‘ bias Yd bawvowe mbrod eathausiens has ‘hts 
Ttisnialiq edd yd mo bews etmomuetdent oat ge wi gf 
~besvctg dene godt oe geueet bhaw to wbnod wesido Lia be 
te yeh dal! osff no ded camed bise at tna bast: 
gourds yulered? bwretne sew eotdob Seat? y Soot we 
# warsok baa oderett hexensa af teoventw yqod | re 
i gee goerTte0 bre esetuoen _etleed a 

ge? fowed edd YE bemterroted ed biveds’ 
biove of “obvo ai med? .ateotor nb agi i 
oes tails heerye al d) ,Koldne: 
add taniena bis Viksatage ef : aon 
| soerods tepteimt Aste weetenel 2208 
: ", SEOL 7 5 doxalt By 2 i A @ 
nol teaue eh ase oad bonta daddy a tonite aritee o A eS guitars 
azenqus va soretotoy dosa eter OF Sa tmore Lemorstt room na 
9 yin est fags abaed adi gaituges’ ‘peek taut oat meat 
to iat: wit noon’ ase oaed satis it ae % 4 xugee sel 

To shod wid dontts dennaa boob Feist od O¢ tmaiewy hoe tebe 
od? iphey gtedd baa inotion Imagens of? mh wwyeoet od dig | 
mii tol beet eved Biwocde cheval cowol pad Ean ald 2. 32 i 

ssid. der eweosants eaexodn aod. sodvened by me . 

hare ron rite ots taut (2) | ‘anes caaakaweee | 


of the trust deed securing the bonds sued upon are incorporated 
in the bonds by reference, and that the helder of such bonds 

took them subject to the terms, conditions and covenants ef 

the trust deeds (2) that the foreclosure decree entered January 
Sl, 1934, im the Cireuit court adjudicated the rizhts of the 
bondholders and is binding upon plaintiff, even though he was 

not a party to the preceeding in which it was entered; and (3) 
that the entry of the deeree merged the debt or bonds seeured by 
the trust deed in the judgment end precluded any and all holders 
of the bonds secured by the trust deed in question from preceeding 
to enforce obligations, rights or liabilities growing out of such 
bonds except pursuant to the terms of the deeree. 

As to defendants first contention it is sufficient to 
state there is nothing in the trust deed that expressly forbids 
individual holders of bonds to bring actions ot law thereone 
The only restrictive previsions in the trust deed limiting an 
individual bondholder's right to proceed to enferee payment eof 
hia bonds in ease of default are those heretofore set forth in 
defendents' affidavit of merits. Zaamination of those provisions 
demonstrates that such terms, conditions and limitations as are 
therein imposed apply only to proceedings brought under the 

trust deed itself. 
We are clearly of the epinion that, under the facts . 

in the instant case, the mmig purpose of the restrictions con- 
tained in sections 11 and 15 of Article V of the trust deed was 
to limit individual action omly in the institution of fore- 
Closure procesdings or other actions at lew or in cuuity under 
the trust deed, and not in the commencement of on action to 

recover upon the personel obligetion of defendants, ani that 

Plaintiff had the right to sue the mortgagora for a judgment 

besaxoqisent axe soy deve when ots mat ratoes boob suits: welt te: 

abnod coun to tokted eft sed? baw sesio te tes YW abaed ort’ nh 

%@ ainarmved bas seolitives ,amed edt od Poe beue redid toed 

vtamaa hoxetne soxesh oriumetoo'tet oxy batt ta) thosb cewsd ott 

ons Re avaighe veld dedanihubse drupe divowd end at lb seas 

anw on siguods move .2ittntets noqy aathntd et haa wxeblodt 

(&) Se ttevetne enw 26 dotviw ot guboervorg ali of Panne ee 

“ed bexwo08 obnod 10 idob eft hoptem vetoed ofs Yo yxine odd teitd 

erohfed Lie tna yam bebutvony twa tromebug 2x3 at howe duane edt 

adthessorg mort nettesup mt boot ‘taune acd we sonvonn sine ad te 
fo no ane walrony ve bod Etdo ht x0 adios epee 

aideet ytaderighs $i boob dound ass at mgunae 
4 _ smooxed? wal tn esotioa gaind oF anned swe "i As 
fa gah tiet, book dourd ed’ mt anotatverg 19h: 
. fe deougeg core the’ oF dodo oF tight * 
“gt disok ton ototedstad onoss ors fhuster | 
supkedeyee ceeds to nottentenal’ satttem to Seah Wg 
Ore wen emoltotiat tae amoksthnos camtad Hone taiit eed 
ee robau ddguond caalbebeeny ¢ od ‘ule vlaae bosognt ators 
7) teat ob a doutd 
“phot el <ahnis todd notnige outs cr) vies te one we ad 
hive anetiet<deer etd to ssoqg ix old ad inate is ” is | 
aw hows gauct end to T ofedixa to Of how in rene at bos 
(sexo? Ye moltuitvant ods at vine notioe ath fein bel 
cohaw Yiiupo m2 zo wel ta euodsen xedto xe ay rt eq etme 
a oe ‘molten an to snomesmeumes oid ai le ‘a dara 
gait tam yudnabooroh to witeayhide Lesmeseg eld ogi iveeek 

REN 4 ; q 
snoumbal, 2 tt atogsyduem std one Od Sdigiz orld hat Thhiatalg 
ya as ; ane eves eal Cadet CF) daetoeew eee MM Se platy 9 


on their personal obligations. (Sehatskis v- Rosenwald & Veils 
267 Ill. Appe 169-) 
If we assume that the quoted provisions of the trust 

deed are such as to limit the right of the bondholder to sue at 
law, are they incorporated into the bonds expresely or by such 
Clear reference as to bar plaintiff's right to maintain this 

The only provisions of the bonde in the instant onse, 
from which it might be argued that « limitation in the trust deed 
of plaintiff's right to sue at law ie included by reference in 
the bomis,are as follows: 

"This Bond is one of a series of three hundred forty 
(340) bonds, numbered consecutively fvrem ome (1) to three hundred 
forty (540), both numbers included, all of like tenor and offeot, 
exeept as to respective smounta, numbers and maturities thereol, 
aggregating the principal sum of two Hundred sixty-five Thousand 
Pellars (£268,000.00)," (here follows numbers, amounts and 
maturities), "the payment whereof, with interest thereon is 
equally and ratebly secured by @ Deed of Trust im the nature of a 
real estate mortgage, duly executed, acknowledged and delivered 
by the Mortgacore, mortgaging, tranaferring and cenveying unte 
Osear He Haugan, Trustees, of Cook County, lilinois, certain real 
estate loented in the City ef Chieage, in the County of Cook 
and State of illinois, ref e@ being horeby made to said Deed 


of Trust for number and deseviption of $29 premises cenveyed 
and mortgaged, the nature and extent of the scourity theret 

ePan nd, th Svar s of the Liga A eS eLders of aiid bond 

nd ef the Trustee in respect of such security.” (Italics ours.) 

Sven 1f the trust decd does contain a se-called "noe 
action clause,” it is veadily apparent that the above italicized 
language in the boud contains no adequate reference thereto, but 
simply constituted a referemee to the deseription, nature and 
extent of the security and the rights of bendholders thereunder. 
The deseription of the property and the seevrity constitute the 
subject matter of the clause, and te hold that a provision of a 
trust desd limiting the right to sue et lew was thus included 
by reference is to bind the bontholder by e stipulation of the 
trust deed, of which the bond gave him no warning or notice. 

(Gewianss v. Vengler & Mandell, 358 Ill. 502+) 

EE yp TRI my 

> SEF Pa 

PS Seahaperieeenresermag se oe 

hte’ & Bioverssel oe abfatedee) sunebiegiive Lameaxeq xieds ne 
testes of2 to ancleiverg “ateup ocd add enone ow TE ooo. 
fe one 06 wwhlodhned ed? Ro tdpit aft Maki 08 endows one boob 
dove i te eLnecwrse adnod sald oink Detienoqrooms yest, ore awak 
ghdd atoteiem of itgts a'tiiinieds tag of ne @onerstes saete 
Sithan:’ stich: ab obs waaay 

qeeom dmedamt oid. ah. abroad ede ss sabia Namie ‘ 

heob dewrd odd oh sotsagloti a sadd demgre od saniiitiadiilieds - 
nt epnotetet Yt hebulort ef wed te ou of istgin-e Mhignhade So 

 baee Liat as enaeehagd ade 

Yixot Serhan 
pet a oe @2" 


ala Mevwney dscuedet oda die 
a to exiffen vid mt 3 dal : 

pene batiotaes ma bupie nan. iaaetbesee’ 

feet Miattes «ahonkil o faed 
Picea saat copes ot 

, aa 

ge EIN = Bs 
oe SF gay seale ss Be a_i 

son" tired, 8 ataines acob ‘bowh asset =| bs ee 
Rave =p Rega ee oi 
heateiiatt oveds wld dere dnoreqan bho ak he oe 7 

vrehecwsedtd avobLedbned te addghe orth ee 7 a 
Sead Oe Ses 
mF i mega Pee oats Spies ermerg By 20 nol qixeaeh at 


Defendants’ second contention that plaintiff's rights 
as the holder of the bonds in uestion were adjudicated by a 
deeree of foreclosure entered in the Cireuit court January 31, 
1934, in a proceeding brought by the trustee to foreclowe the 
trust deed executed by defendants to secure all of the bonds of 
the isoue, even though he was not a party to that enuse, we 
find to be without morit. 

it has been held that the owner of a note secured by 
a trust deed may sue the maker of the note in assumpait for a 
judgment upon the personal obligation; that he may sue in equity 
fer the foreclosure of the trust deed} or that he may recover 
possession of the property conveyed by the arust/ty an aot ion 
of ejectment. These remedies are concurrent or successive, ag 
the owner of the note or trust deed may deem proper, and he may 
pursue any two or all three of these remedics sinultancously. 
(Lindheimer v. Supreme Liberty Life Ins. Coo» 263/spbs 524, ant 
Cases cited therein.) 

Thie we believe te be the correct rule where the note 
er notes er bonds evidencing the debt secured by the trust deed 
are held or owned by one individual. The reason for this rule 
is obvious, but it can have no application here. 

We think that it is the recognized rule that where 
an individual holder of a bond er bonds (a part only) ef « series 
of bonds secured by a trust deed does obtain judgment ot law 
upon sueh bond or bonds, ao levy way be had thereunder upen the 
preperty covered by that trust deed. 

it must be conceded that in the absence of provisions 
of the trust deed limiting his right to maintain an action at 
law, the individual holder ef a bond or bonds of a series secured 
by a trust deed may sbandon and waive his right to apply to the 

SO a ae er 

ae aR 


coreg eit 




eddyis a'Ditsmtaiq sadt nokenetses Mose! TenEbnE es 

a Yd hotsoliybin exer notdonsy mt abmed sid Le ented oad ep 
11% Yann) Susoy Sivek ati a boveded exemetostet to eeteeb 
wt? eunfexie? af setant? ods ye tquierd pet hwopoig o ak .ouer 
Qo abmoxd add ko iia wiveet of adeninetod YW Sedaeeme bows daiiut 
ew psaseo oncld of Yiseq o Jon adv Od @yends weve ‘sQitunt ont 
otivem tuedtiw od OF talt 
ud bowtese ston @ toe cenwo ets dadt bio Rood aad dz 
s «pt ¢ieqacen mi stun att Wo coin et oat Nhat 'iek FoRth 
Giiwpe mi ewe Yom od dost? jmotteplide Lenowidg ond Rog animphi 
satiate wry teid uo tboob tart ws No weno a 
nol som sos WNRRTS wld et heyawnes YesogeuT adit Ye motwaons 
as eavioadnows ww tmoctwonde Sn netounwe amet «fms 
“gat alt cxegorg aonb Yee boob dais? 1 eten add te r 
“Eaescad ued sebeao' «meet 1 oon? eer 

aton: ott ered wher soort0s oat fos 08 peat 
boob seurd ete ee horwose odio sh 3 
elet alse tet eevser ost + au ivdibad ane we ior 

: é 4 } tui at ‘s 
esi sited nalisoklenn wn ead nso ok da «aunt 
, De ae os GAD aad nas 

ns afies meowrits sae ee a sass fntda oF 

se iw ~ ig nage: people 
emolat vow Yo sensuts odd wi bask ne bownes, baal dest OL 

eee So haek f Jet homens 

ts stttan a minima of Sis ald sabia toed, 
it pees Oo Gt foro ee 
“betinen uaison « Te ebuad w baed 2 Yo : 

: lem eke Kote Ags wie? 1m 
oath “eb ced ob tabs ask wea bn oe ; | 
ees ee “ee 


security and sue at law in a personal ection. (Oswiansa ve 
Vengler & Mandell, supra.) Having abandoned md weived his 

right to any claim on the property secure’, how can it be said 
that plaintiff's rights were adjudicated in the foreclosure 
proceeding, in which he had absolutely no interest and to which 
he was not a party under the doctrine of class representation 
or my other doctrine? 

We find devendante’ third contention to be equally 
without merit. they urge that the entry of the decree of 
foreclosure in the Circuit court merged plaintiff's« bende, as 
well as all the other bonds eecured by defendants’ trust deed 
in that deeree, and precluded plaintiff from procecding te 
enforee payment of his bends in any manner except pursuant to 
the terms of the decree. The fallacy of thie contention is 
obvious. It assumes that pleintiff still claimed for hie bonds 
the benefit of the security of the trust deed which he had 
abandoned and waived when the instant action at law was instituted 
to obtain a personal judguent on then, which the trial court 
erroneously failed and refused to enter. 

Defendants cite many cases upon the dectrine of merger 
te the effect that by a judgment «t low or o decree in chancery 
the contract or instrument upon which the proceeding is based 
becomes entirely merged in the judgment. ‘Ye are in full accord 
with the rule se enunciated in the cases cited, but fil te see 
where it hae any application to the question involved here. The 
foreclosure procesiing was not besed on plaintiff's bends. The 
trust deed no longer afforded them any protection or security 
and the deeree could give no relief to their owner, It is 
insisted that to permit a judguent to be entered in this action 


+ pasigtweo) .moldon Kanone o mh wat ta Se ‘ian wetxanee 
atc teviow bes bemoaneds gaivet (. equa | 
bie ed Ff nad wd, bouwéou ysteqotg Ald de bake Que Ott 
“oxatatesve? ode ‘at todsdl bathe exee eadglt # "itsrate ‘badd 
détide Gi tne Siocédnd On Utedudoads had od deldw al guibecsene 
noltednounaget enele Yo auladooh ott vehny eetey, ‘s don vaw io “tal 
Sentrised endo ‘oe 
“ eitaupe of oF notirsdmes bridd tagumbewiod halt ale | 
%o soxveb oat to exit etd ‘gotd oyee yedt td sem 
‘an yebeod a*Vikintaty topren fxwoo sivoetd odd at © 
boob Saux? 'ainabeotoh ww bomwess ahnod taddo ae i 
Gi guthoondrg mort Witalala bebufoosy bin «' i 
oe Vane Dents Noel Ges St ceed he WH a 

eee iy 

iF cof ea Lik abseil sabia Sb we etude ents 7 ca ube tate 
fe Oe th Reais 

bedusttant saw wad te nolton Santen? odd mow evi ow ies 
“tuseo atst 4 oA dolste santé a0 Jaommul, anmost0g « ‘staies 0 

ies wes gay ™ 

steone 98 bowwriox tam bela 

Ft nn 

Pe eg “ig 

Viwonada at eoxoeb a 10 wah te tnssmpoul, 9 daté toete 
beaed wk gathoscerg oats te istw Ogu dese dont ood ‘dowtsmee at 


ee a 

trove Lint mi ove oF stenegivt oud nt twgren voetline some 
sea of that dud sodte woano add at batatonume ao osiet oot sete 
oat? soveil tevdownd mobiaouy aii 0: sobdantdqus vse sud #2 oxede 

fw Ge ey 

ed? .ehnod e'tthdninte wo honed Jon sow sat sooner eumexoore? 

“ebxuoon xy noltectong gta welt bebre tie epmet, on tend Sewed 

Fhe aR met fat 

al 31 srenwe ted} 9¢ tekLox on oviy hives soxeod ant? tae 

+ E ry 

é ‘males ube ct bexedne 9€ 08 oahu, sherog 08 tas 

US eet wn & BB hes as R's iol w 


aga # | By e: 


would be permitting two judguonts to be entere! against the 
4efendants upon the same obligation in courts of vonourrent 
juriodiction. the bonds enjoying the security of the trust 
deed have been decressed to the extent of plaintiff's bonis, 
ami the fereclosure deeree of the Cireuit court equld not 
possibly, under the laws have included them aa obligations 
within its purview. As we view the matter the judgment 
entered by us in thin cause is and eon be the only judgment 
entered ageiues d-fendants on their ebligation arising from 
plaintiff's bents. 

The judgment of the Municipal court in this cause 
must be reversed, and, as the sole defense te the action was 
that plaintiff had mo right te bring am action at law against 
defendents, judgment will be entered here in faver of plaintiff 
and sgeinet defendants fer $2,551.85, whieh inelades $3,205 
principal and $146,835 interest. } 



Gridley, Pe. Jey amd Geanlans Jey conours 


ody demtape beredmy ad 0% vtmoagoe, om saiteheseg 04, Aton 
snoriwones te neraee MA noltaghice oman sd jog ads sae ts 
fausd od) Yo Yotiavon edt yodyokae abmod aft Co a 
sKOG eB kttunlesg to taedee ond ag soneenved. sed wad boob 
fe nee Sxye Fhvpr1y ws 2e, seTRLh ORMDOLDONBT xe tne 
eROLiRBiide ao apse KoomLont wnat gunk ost So 
trompia, ed? ceddom ed! wolv ow a4 rwokyany, ath wtalitty 
snemghet, yino edt sd man iin a2 pumen ath! wb en Yd boxodae 
Moth yihotze medtmglise menerntheantnensithesioerd spe 
sates wnat 
1004.00 2h. oe eapeaeten adam ea Bho f 
caw sotéon off! 9 oemoteh ofou edt om ghd. .Ronxeyer me F 
fantage wol so melies me uated oo asfads om hak Vtimheky dm 
ttiintalg to vevet ah exed boxedas.od LiLhw 

Te aed ‘alae Cd i 
fy "eA <iaveinivan ; 

a. “emmee 5 aden Baa ER 

A ad frome ave Rte me 0d 

ea) bg ee 5 te 

SHER ane eee at at evi oot 

“aN C8 wk Wore sone tine nomeaag 
pal awe SiR ey esha. os tien a 
vom cod oe ae 
“ : aes Ba ha i a Lo) cravat 
: wet a ats seb eet ¢ bea. aoe . 
ae ~~ onset nate 

+ Le NONUK, as successor ) / 
tee, etee, : 
Appellants, or Ton 

#69 LA. GIOS 

October 5, 1932, C. L. Noruk,y an suecesvor trustes, 
(hereinafter referred to as plaintiff) filed a bill te foreclose 
& first mortgage trust deed exeeuted April 10, 1923, by defend- 
ants Wiehael Olynise and Vereniea Olyniee, his wife, te secure 
payment of bonds issued by them aggregating $60,000, $7,500 of 
which hed been paid and cancelled prior te defendants’ default. 
Merch 19, 19345 a decree of foreclosure and sale predicated upon 
this bill was entered, which this appeal seeks to reverse. 

Plaintiff's bill alleged inter alia that subsequent 
to the execution of the first mortgage trust deed the Olynices 
(hereinafter referred to as defendants) executed a second mortgage 
trust deed (recorded May 2, 1932), without consideration, to one 
Pleming to seeure payment of a purported indebtedness of $10,600, 
merely for the purpose ef hindering and delaying enforcement of 
the lien of the first trust deeds; and that the records of the 
office of the clerk of the Cireuit court disclosed that there had 
been filed April 30, 1932, a purported claim for mechanie’s lien 
agsinst the premises involved by one Stanley Olynice, « brother 
Of defendant Michael] Olyniee, which was fictitious and fraudu- 
ent and filed only for the purpose ef encunbering the 


ral i 

f i si bi 
; 4 1% 4 Hah 
’ : rT ft oh  @Bsve 
‘ i ; Sere. 2 heel bol 
‘ | Torasvows ae yRUOK a f 
3 7 ‘ N ve ae , 4 
| eTHOO AQLGAVR BOLT Lassa a Sar e ‘LOWE, 9 hd ie 
: Pits “dike, UR, gg ALE a ee 
et THGO] AOE oie © — ae Tabahé iv 
; } soit éo OUMRYTO 
OSE en a cone 
| 1. @ the 
TaMOD SAT TO oie 190 aut aranvraee wavas.rue 
Aaa Seite 
sdedouxt xovasoeme mm giz ot 40 @RECL 9@ aedoted 

saetoorot of Lkid o batt? (22éeledy an of beteeher 0d! 
| ataiateh Ne «BENE OK Lee toduoeme deeb Seund egensrom Rath 4 
orion OF yotlw eit sootnyt? asiaoteY bus ootmyLo Lyset adas 
he 008.7% 2000,006 gulseqotaps modé yd bomoak ahaa 
-diuatod ‘ataabnoteh of solsq bedioanas tie blog me 
oq hotsetiong efse has exuacivexo? 20 sorosh « «heel 8 sora 
seetevex of exesa Jsequa. abdd sotety abototae ean Lf rel 
dnoupoe due dnd? site uotmh bopette Litd a'wekembess 

sosinylo als tach Cenad opegeuom tuuth odd 29, an wo 

ors oF eaotierobiams suoulitw _( SSCL xa bobs i soz) boob 33 sowed 
2000, 0L% to ansndedsdohnt betzoqumy « te sroeryeg ouoes of an ba L" 
Ye inoue gadyeLod One uatotatd to eoogung et w? lone 
edt Yo abreser oft Jatt: tay ytood dausd fonea ote ‘Ye moat od 
bad wtosls dai bometoath Pues tiger ods to awoke auld te ootth 
neil e'oinadoen x0% sitete dedzequug # «set 08 Lhaeh baLt? na 
vedtord » yooteyto yolaeds ono 6 Seviovad soatnong odd 9 antoy 

rubiaxt ton enotéhiedh aay seltw .ootegto koadtoth taabeo te: 
edt getvedmene %o conga sift «ot < a ws dns 


premises and hindcring and delaying the enforcement of the lien 

of said first trust deed. Defendants in their anewer do not 

deny these allegations. Vieming and Stanley Olyniec, aled made 
parties defendant and served with swemons in this cause, failed 

te appear and were defeulted. Prior to the filing of the bill 

in the instant case Fleming, the trustee under the second mortgage 
trust deed, filed a bill im the Circuit court te foreclese that 
trust deed and requested and sccured the appointment of a receiver, 
who took possession of the premises theretefore conveyed by the 
respective trust deeds and proceeded to collect the rents. 

Upen learning of the appointment of such receiver, 
plaintiff, upon leave granted, filed « petition in the second 
mortgage foreclosure proceeding in the Cireuit court in support 
of his motion that the receiver be discharged, Thia motion was 
denied ani he perfected an appeal to this court seeking to reverse 
the order denying same. 

it appeared upon the hearing before the master to whom 
this cause was referred, that defendants, the owners of the equity 
in the property involved herein, conculted attorney John J. Coburn 
of the lew firm of Coburn, Kearney & Coburn, concerning their 
interests in this litigations thet Mr. Coburn thereupon entered 
into negotiations which culminated Secanber Siy 1932, in the 
execution by him, representing the Olynices, and by the solicitor 
for plaintiff, of what purported to be a written “contract of 
accord and settlement.” im substance this contract provided that, 
in consideration of the Olyniees securing the dismissal of the 

second mortgage foreclosure proceeding, the diecharge of the 
reeeiver therein ani the release or satisfaction of all liens 
and judgments then standing against the property, end of their 

TSP Loe ee 

welt ost? te deomonite ine ead galgealob bam gitre batat baw eealmorg 
tom 0b ‘ovnne tiedd at ednnbootetl .beob ews declt blo to 
oben oste ,onlayl® ylasd? brn potaet? .enobtiagetia vests wb 
helist goaneo eid? ot eneoowe déiw tevres fei eceomearimay! ‘weneteR 
Litd ef? te gaitht edé of xolut ~bod Lins t9d ote hen ene et: ? 
egayirow bmeoee odd tohew eotewtd ond qymkan ft ace santonk oat mk 
tals eaalorrwt of faves ¢tuoxtd off mt ikae a baiit sboen aw | 
i etovicect « to ipeminiogys ef) Setees Mow podwouipore bas boo jet 
| et yd deoyermes ors tose neds senda tg ods BT] wetenpencg Sone act 
| suénes odd tomLive of be beevong bets a boat tear? ‘evisooqaet 
| quevieoot down to dnemintog¢e ot to gukeceek og ~ 
Brooer of) mi mitiveq » Lett ,hedxery neariniat dace tl 
dxodaie wh Srweo Pivot oft at yethoosory ome: 7 
caw Hokvom ehtt <beytedenls vd tevivoes aiff taatt te oa ai 
getover 6¢ gribtows seme wist of canal nn bodevtrveq of ban dete 


woste of ‘etone edd ‘inevamarenn 19h Aso 

Melupe ed? to axonvo ond qutentneted dont .bowsitee wow emma ‘ibely” 
xiwiod .% setcb ysnxovte betivexoo »atoren Reviewed Yreqore odd mt 
“tod? gittoxeonoe aataeledh memes agape 


_@elivery te the Coamopolitan State Bank, as trustes, of a clear 
title to the premises free of ali Liens and encumbrances except 
the first mortgage, taxes and special aseesomente, plaintiff agreed 
te pay defendants $1,500 and to release them from personal lia- 
bility on any deficiency dooree that might be entered in this pre- 
ceeding to foreclose the first mortgage truct deed, 

tt aleo appeared that purswant te the terms of thu con- 
tract defendants procured the dismiesal of the second mortgage 
foreclosure procesding, the diecharge of the receiver therein, 
and that plaintiff, as successor trustee under the first mortgage 
trust deed, took possession of the premises; that the mechanie's 
lien claim heretofore referred to me released; thet «11 judguents 
which stood as liens against the property were either released or 
motiefied of record exeept the judgment of one Reitan, who agreed 
te accept in settlement ani satiefaction ef his judgment $300 out 
of the $1,500, which the Olyniees were to receive for their equity, 
when sume was paid to them; and that plaintiff repudiated the cone 
tract and refused to comply with its terms because some of the bone 
holders refused to retify his action in executing it. 

After overruling defendants’ exceptions to the master's 
report, the court adopted the findings and recommendations of the 
master and entered a decree of forceclooure and sale, the portions 
ef which, pertinent to this appeal, are az fellows: 

‘ee The court further finds that on December 
Bist, As Ge 1932, subsequent to the filing of the bill of complaint 

in this esause, the complainent herein, entered into a written 

under which the said complainant underteok, in considerntion of 

the said MICHAL OLYNIEC and VERONICA OLYWIC, hie wife, executing 
a deed of their equity, in the property herein sought to be fere- 
Closed, to the COSMOPOLITAN STATS BANK, as Trustee, yi Baid 
‘premises free end elenr of liens and encumbrances, except the first 

mortgage taxes ani special assessments, to pay to the said MICHAEL 
OLYNIEC and V&PONIGA OLYNTEC, hie wife, the sum of FITTESN HO 
BOLLANG ($1506.00) within thirty (30) days; that under ssid agree- 
ment, the complainant undertook te release the said MIGHALL OLYNTEC 


“esto a Xe .:edanrd no ainst gdut nad thogomeod, odd .o8 Rrevhted 

tqrome aeoretdavone hein smelt Lin to ope? sealmerg add oF obote 

boetgs Ziivalaiq aatmensasaen Latooge ba sonnel grmageren temkt mde 

-v1y gid? ab boreine od tdinim dedi commed younhodneb wa mo YAAEhG 

»bée bh deat? egegdsom #exl? add ovatocsedi od aahbone 

-noo ai¢ Ro awxet edd od tgawaxng dad? bevaeqgs pads IZ.) sound 

- egsyd tem heooer od Yo Leoetamth odd heruong adnahanten toad 
atieteds seviseor od? Yo oguecdosth esid. centhennemy: ~ ooneh 
sgagitosn daxtl edi whnw oedans? toseerene Bh» 2 tad ome 

hoerps ore tation! gre te sramyhst ol? tqeone | 
tuo 008% tnormiut ald Yo nottoatataas mo tmoottice a seen 

ettiupe thes cot oviovet of exew moodey so watt aby tab, 
ano odd betdatbuget DOkemhate Sod tna toms a Steg or omen ad 
=Aapd offs Lo oat nuarsced cgtmet att aie Yemen et Meunier hes Sood 
Rise! ig (stb aektusee md tobias ats —Rtin et houston anebzed 
—— ataetaam itd od eamtigeone teteehaoteh pmkbionrsve ett 
| add Yo amoitehanssoses bao apattet? eld betqohs dueo edd ydnoge 
anolsxeg ws salen bar etmnodeoxe? te seseod a boxedes baw aden 

torohist ae ome »laogge merits stot to 

i s RCOGA en tose chase caddiwt econ. watt P 
J errr rg Litd@ edt Yo Lit ost o& dam 

/ steal BS odsh have we ebecedl. dt 

hw als ,DaTEYAO sono v han 3° 

2) yetkae nae he J iad 
emma SAHOTHM bites ol? caselet 04 Mood<o her seantatgnee edt 2 ome 


and VERONICA OLYNISC, his wife, from my personal liability on a 
deficiency decree in this cases that the said complainant, in 

this procesding, sues in a representative capacity as Successor 
Trustee under a certain Trust Deed executed by the said MICHARL 
OLYSTEC and VENONIGA OLYWIEC, his wife, which Trust deed was 
introduced in evidence herein, and marked as an exhibit in this 
proceeding; that under the terms and provisions contained in onid 
Trust Deed, the yr, yg herein, had no power te purchase title 
te said property Place same in the possession of ancther, nor 
did eaid complainant have power to agree to release said defend- 
ante from any pergonal liability. 

“THIRTIATH: The court further finds that the defendants 
having been parti¢a to said Trust Deed creating the trust herein, 
had notice of the limitetion of the power of the Trustee there- 
umder, ani that it has not been shown that the defendants were 
harmed becsuse of the failure ¢f the said complainant to carry out 
the written agreement entered inte between them, or that they 
parted with any consideration in relioenee thereon; that the defend- 
ante, MICHASL OLYNI8C and VECOWICA OLYNI40, his wife, heving had 
metice of the lack of power of the Trustee, it must have been 
contemplated by the parties that said agreement could not be 
affected as againet the holders and owners of the bonds and interest 
coupons secured by said Trust Deed, until ratified by them; that 
the svidence shows that some of the bondholders refused to ratify 
eaid agreement, ami therefore, the court finds that said agreement 
is void by reason of the lack of power of the avid complainnnt te 
enter into such an agreement or to bimd the holders and owners of 
seid bonds and interest coupons «se bemeficiorier of eatd trust." 

Defendants eontend that the contract of “accord and 
settlement" was binding upon plaintiff emi the bondholder bene- 
fielaries of the trust deed herein, and that the court erred in 
not dismissing plaintiff's bill for went of equity; that the 
éefendants were damaged by reason of their removal of the encum- 
Dranees and liens against the premises in compliance with the terme 
of the contracts; and that plaintiff was estopped in equity from 
preseeting te oa decree after entering into the contract of “sccord 
and settlement.“ 

Plaintiff’s theory is that, even though the contract 
in question was binding upon the holders of the bonds securee by 
the firet mortgage trust deed, it would not be a defense to this 
action, inasmuch as plaintiff's right to a deeree of foreclosure 
and sale was recognized in the contract; that in his capacity as 
succeaser trustee he had no power under the terms of the trust 
deed forsclesed upon to bind the holders of the bonds secured 

i a | 


amy wohiidars Saneeees. eau epee or ohh 4 
ah ,tnanialgase bioe oid dnt shee” at bewben'es 
toneooeus an Yiioages Pon ght en (Mis Mii. t ree 
GH\HOIM bdae oxte beswean how Juwe? sagt 
aaw feet tawxt Aoisw yotiw utd , OUIEY.G go 

pile me tididee me a0 Solus bee qatorvd ys ie 
hine mit beniotnws anoiuivery bon acted od? neha dust iviceed 
oLihe @astionag Qo tawog om bas «abotod ee wie ¢ Peers 
wae <ocfage ie, mnpoarenes, os oh a jaastaignos bese S86 
= bohes eenelst ot oonge bisa 
eGdiLidalls Lonoacey moet ates 
etrishsetes of) dads cbeti coteust sxmeo ei? WHIRTE 6: Tah eet 
green tonrxd off paigaeto beet dewzt bhew abv 


wed mane’. te veweq end te woldatinls aid ont | 

‘enw adnebmeteh odd sana 2 mnaes need fom sor th analy ‘fa ® hen 
Iie YX she et inantalqmes bles edd ta exulia® fe ob 

sand 1 — meow dod otal ha Tetere beet : 
~Deie’ Fast) cae. ated’ com ifes dt iw 
gaived petiv eid ,OWIWTIG ASTIORy 

wees ave teom of sou tesa® ae 
ete 3 Me ge bycenypn blow @ nold 
tears nod ost boa 2 on | tom 
tay vad "i bek en one —. ae % 

P's sir ibe ae sok Mao a onge, tt fe qiemootys bin 

oO? dmaniafquao biae of? to + ty sand id a Ane 
te to sroemetge 

te stemwo tax wuebiod edd pate oF 
“edmurad btae Yo astisteltoned es enoqnee tas 

bose presen” to soatdnos ate tad baatnow | ad Me bry ie 
iene vipee Wee 
‘eonod we boat bese esi bate rhomtata, aoqu orth aa cme ! a 
sen ee hic 
at borre tau09 old dost tne snioved sone jeune wie X90 | 

(rae hd ies 

ona dad? tysiupe te tee 50% us o'thtintadg unl 

, some h Hn ui ay 
‘<aeme tts 30 Levers ‘shod he ssiteeaehs ea bepama dante 

emxed ont? dite eon! Semon ai age haw ag otis senkage web, bes nonaexd 

mor? wehepe mt boqqedee anw Tidntatg, tant hae tioetémos: oat 20 

proven” hig somtanoe ate int patze dae 8s RS sm — 
He est as 

| ¢uartuoo od ttyweds move ydodé ul reed? e'Rtmlas 
“Wd Sowsss abnod oxy Lo wtbbLes ost moqu gAbhald nom seddwous iat 
alts of ome hen & ed ton taro Fry cheat dened 9 one 
eruneioo<e% be eniget: a ae sight errnieetate we mee 
me Widongen als mt dane iaowntaen ‘2 nb hontingen 
tea’ em te meng ute wwe remo on ‘tus md se anne.  twaNeS om 7 
bowen sinod wate te: wee Lai mut said 08 oa =e = : 


by the trust deed by the contract in question; and that he we not 
evtopped from going ahead with the foreclosure proceed ings. 

The real question presented to us for determination ia 
whether plaintiff, under the provisions of the trust deed in the 
inetant oase, could charge the trust eetate by his executory eon- 
tract or could compromise or yield any right alrendy accrued to 
the owners of the bends, which the trust deed was given to secure, 
without the consent or subsequent ratification of sll the boud- 
holders. ‘hat the power ani authority of a trustee to deal with 
the security or trust estate is cireumseribed by the provisions 
of the trust indenture is mot open to question. The general rule 
undoubtedly is that a trustee eennet charge the trust eatate by 
his executory contracts unless authorized se te de by the terms 
ef the instrument creating the trust. The trust estate camot 
promise, and unless the trustee is bound no one is bound for he 
hes no principsl, and the rules which govern the relation of 
principal and agent are not applicable to trustees, (26 BR. Co Les 
1316, 1517s Riedall v. Stuart et al.» 151 Okla. 266, 2 ¥. (2nd) 

The Olynieecs were eriginelly defaulted for want of 
appearance, which defsult wae vacated August 22, 1934, and leave 
granted them to answers Ne cross bill wae filed seeking affirmative 
relief against either the trustee or bondholders because of the cane 
tract or ite breach by the trustee, and their ansver simply cone 
tested the trustee's right te maintain this action, averring that 
le was estopped and precluded from so doing by reason of the con- 
tract and his failure to pay them $1,800 and release them from 
“any personal Liability om s deficiency decree in any foreclosure 
on the pert of complainant" in accordance with the terms of the 

sen naw ot dad? bra ipoisasup mi gortinge ads’ ue booed F ‘hr 4 
_ payak dep obg exreetsete® ot ARV Riedy ostintinck ial 
at moliantregeb set ay @2 bednonony wedtoomp Laat oat’ 3: 2 Ua <6 
ood nt book davad odd ke enotetverg adi sp heaw aa ahi seutsae 
~foo Gxodimexe aid ys ofadae some, othe eqanio dives .hesn, ¢ 7 ar 
of hoster hwo Le digs una tiely ce es imonymos nwo ey) il ; 
eotupen 6¢ noyts Rew ied sennd odd doldw axboed ads “he axestae pale 
~hred asi? Lin Yo saisepititas ¢xouposdm 0 tewaKos ot éumlthy 
althw Land ot cosas & Ye Yibredive has sown ot } 


anoket vox, out wd pedizvamuorto ak esadee downs: ‘19 wisuoen oat 

| efare Laxeney eat? snolseous Of ogo den ot sewummint 
| Mth etatos tewsd edt ogxado Jonnie ane GS ineednet 
sarod wilt YS Ob oF On bentralliun eneiaw edometno 3 ve 
fonnes ofetes saved oY  «tawed ante case ahianclandilie 

esl cot inwed at oto oe bewod at vaduirrd ent dent See yontmony 

Yo moitator ed? sreve; doidw soter od? tmb gtegtontig on ted 

vel sD HBS) asodeurd oF Sishottqus Jom ote Smops hae Leghiabeg 
(het) .¢ 8 wbe satdo tus sata At elope aVseL ater 
eee Meh Caene 

te daar xOt bed tvntod etteatyine onew senna” saleable: 

eWoet bas qhS@L 48S targus dedaony wow divas sob yooneteegge 
ovitamtitte patdees beflt sow Litd sede oh stern Oe mode bermiTg 
noo elf To eeuaced euehiedbned to vedere ole sorted tate ‘teiker 

ono0 yLgse rewame “Llodd Bece bisects dave sce end 



The trustee brings this action merely ae a representative 
ef all the bondholders and for toute? wed think that it is clear 
that he had no authority to enter into any contract which would 
deprive them of any of their rights. The release of the mortgagors 
from personal liability on their bomde surely constituted a 
4eprivation of a substantial right of the bonthelders, 

But, even though we assume that the trustee's saotion in 
entering inte the contract was binding upom the bondholders and 
that the contract wos breached by him, was there anything in the 
contract that precluded plaintiff from proceeding to the foreclosure 
amd sale of the property or thet could possibly warrant a chancellor 
dismissing the bill in thie cause for went of equity? It will be 
moted from the italicized language in that portion of the contract, 
last above quoted, that the parties contemplated that « deeree of 
forvelosure and aule would be entered in thie cause. 

As te defendants’ claim that plaintiff was estepped by 
reason of the contract from preceeding to a deeres, it is sufficient 
to state that not only wae he not estopped but that the contract by 
its terms anticipated the entry of a decree ef foreclosure and sale. 

There is not a scintilin of evidence in the micter's report 
that defendants parted with anything under the contract or thet they 
suffered any damage because of ite breach. The facility with which 
they discharged or satisfied the seeond mortgage, the mechanic's 
lien claim and the judgments of record sgainst the premieces, a11 of 
which were made charges against the property conveyed as security 
by the first mortgage trust deed shortly before defendants’ default 
on the bonds secured thereby, lends color to the allegstions of the 
bill, whieh were not denied in the Olynices’ answer, that all of 
these evidences of indebtedness, with the exception of one judgment, 

were fictitious end fraudulent and were created and lodged as liens 

ovisutrmoonqet « a9 yLonee mobiwe widt wget omtamed eR 6G: 
unets od #9 Haste saksté oh baw Kyetedlh wit hee sammie alt. deti th 
hisow deleéw dretimes wee ofat sedee o¢ yi inediwn om bad od taut 
areganécom @¢ te erentor of” .edeptx ciedt to yne te mod? avinged 
@ beantivense cLotwe ebaod ches me ysetidwks fenow. aq moet 
<etohledined od? Yo ttyly Latimatedue @ te metheringed 

WE mottos otuetaut? oft tatd sowenn ow sguots mews gta 06 ok 
bas wrobLodnned ox? wou yoldeté eum onrsnod eds ded gabrodae 

ail? wt getheitustd etedts BAW caihd Yd hedientd dor deodtedes one anute 
ormeotoero? sd of natheatong movt triéntale bokutoeng shuld vou ae * 
sotfeonatn a tnortow Ykdtaddy Blwes Pile 4 wreqery i YO the chie 

sdoatines off to mottset soit ok egangnad dorbeliad® ond: : . “ sol 

 Lobeon ated mt’ Boxténd oe biwow’ oie ‘bno! Wanedions? 

ed beqabdes aaw eutemtate sed? atete ‘edrobaeten” wee ia ‘iat 
tndlor twa at $1 \eordes 2 6% gnbteeserg moet tostinws odd to meade 

US Hocrdnds xT sokt tad beggoves fem BA sew Yew dom dash wtade ad 

dxoqes otreddom off of somobive to aLiieniow « dow eb eset — 
walt ‘tard 16 toortnes ote vebns uaidiiye dake bedeay wimetew ed godt 


‘solty Motw Qittton® ef? toned of? Yo themed wpann’ que siren tare 

solneteamn st yogageroa bavsne aid potiutiaa xo Dogradon th myetd 

Ye ooroeb fb bait) nedhtgibtnos whiney ott dead" bbeeup és ad ee, 

ad Ifiw sf tytiaod to dnow <et Saved wh ot Lore ot satsetaadt | 

olen hie ewreetserot to eotesh ke widne att Sudugtohina wrod eo) 

10 fia \avatmsxa onl? dumtege frosee Yo eduomyhut old hem mtwty mmbt 

Vitwoee an Seysumes Yereqowe wld detiage eograly chan exow soldw 

Pustob ‘edeteoteb eww led YLixema beet tured ognydtom tens? wnt ge 
ests to nnolseyelta wd of toLos wbtot yetiontdt bermion ahhed Ode ate 

“Yo Ele dads yatwana tasokato itd nt BULHOD JOR oxewuteldw yatta 
coe hu mo to moriqooxe eit) iw yamedhaddebad te asanabkye eaeds : 

_ WAL an bepnet hen boteens onmy ten eomisacch Si MNESOANENAN 


Lee 2 fn 

o Je 

against the premises for no other purpose than to hinder and delay 
the enforcement of the lien of the first trust deed. 

We agree with the finding of the master incorporated in 
the decree that, “it has not been chown that the defendants were 
harmed beenuse of the failure of the said complainant to carry eut 
the written agreement entered inte between them or that they 
parted with any consideration in recognition thereof.” 

We have onarefully examined the terms of the first trust 
deed and find no provision therein which, either exprossly ox by 
implication, sutherized plaintiff to execute the contract in question, 
and there is no claim that it was authorized by the court, The 
trust deed by its terms preseribed and restricted plaintiff's 
authority te denl with the trust property and it must be presumed 
that defendants, having executed the indenture creating the trust 
estate, had knowledge of the limitation of power of the trustee 
contained therein, and that he could met legally bind the tonde= 
holders by such contract. 

For the reasons indicated herein the decree of the 

Superior court is affirmed, 

Gridley, Ps Jo, and Seanlan, J., concurs 

shoo odour HaktS one, tenes ae te. irometoIne of 

x statatangnenh:setnen, ih, Ye neehbek. tthe ee. Om. hell 
new sinabrekteh eft tect nwede pomd ton wal ah” stasis eoroe ot 
duo Grtse ot smanigiguon bios efi Yo omiked en? Yo eaatape at 
yadd Jedd to mod? soended oink beretne suemoren wettien ef 
S,Roprtads Aedsegeoex ai swIdeTebtampe Yeu Ath mre 

deuxd taxk? of? to meet elt bonlonxe viluloren vend OF 
F MG vo Ylncougxs ct, tae aoc ising bat tm bm 
 qmoitaonp at toosince els odwooxe of T2teatala dentrodiue gnoktaohigat 
| ed? .dxwoo ett yt domtamitxe eae gt teats, as fo om sh xed? pmo 
_ -atPertadg betokstas bme. tagtronorg, pony es heed taux? 
RES OF FO Ht. ee. eR TE nies 
tewit edd quiscox ommtmonet eff betusexe yt | 
eadarsd orbs De, sores, petted tats OM 

tag Gy ra Se hel eats 

nine ook nas an oS yn 

ne yee errr Pa) ‘yaa 
gee mee PA ete A 

tae wef hie 
EON Lp ROR E ale ciel 
REMI, g OEE ap has elke may aa | 
ab Rae aay SB ag ote sty tay at iad 
a toe ; me 2p Boke oom WP et gh at te aR Re ie Sei ogee 
ama neha ooh: om 

37190 / ff 
Plaintiff in Error, 



Ve i 



Defendant in Error, 


This cause is in this court by the plaintiff upon a writ 
of error to review the record, wherein the court, without aid of a 
jury, upon a triel found the issues against the plaintiff, vacated 
the judgment of December 30, 1932, entered by confession, and entered 
judgment for the defendant, This action is based upon a promissory 
note containing a warrant of attorney to confess judgment, exeouted 
by the defendant on October 5, 1932, The plaintiff obtained a judgment 
by confession for $186.54, in the Municipal Sourt of Chicago. Upon 
motion, after judgment, mede by the defendant, she was allowed to 
plead a defense, the judgment to stand as security. The note in 
negotiable form, with a warrant of attorney to confess judgment, was 
payable to the order of the Chicago Electric Appliance Mfg. Co., and 
by this company endorsed without recourse and delivered to the plain- 
tiff, who tontends that he was the holder of the note before maturity 
and in due course, 

Upon the day and date of the execution of the note, the 
defendant also entered into a contract with the payee company named 
in the note, agreeing to purchase an oil burner from the payee for 
§179,50, payable $25 in cash upon the installation of the burner, and 
the balance in 12 monthly installments, beginning November 5, 19332. 
Two weeks after the execution of the contract and note, and before 
the first payment was due, the contract and note were endorsed by the 
payee company to the plaintiff, who is now the holder of the 
promissory note and the contracts 


iis 5 Oeste 

“ mn \ Pants Has »% GUORAH 
torrid tk Wavabers 
s, "gta 





reo AL @¥ Se os ie ae 

sora nt tnsba0t 9c take 
»TaUOO au TO MOLMIIO BRT GaRavIusa S363R wore ora amy amt il 
tivw 8 soqy tthinislq eat xd P1100 elit a at geus9 abet ovoh baad 
‘gto Dis tuod?iw .sxvoo sit nioredw  brocer odd wolver af Paid ig 
beteoay ,Ttil¢nisiq seat tantoges eovant ont baire’t darct moa eveut . 
boretas bos jnoitestmos yd Setetme weer 08 ‘rodug08d to ‘tanugiet ‘eat 
yrooelmerg s mnoqw beesd at noltoe elAT ‘staabasteb oa ous 9 tok ty 
beduoexe .tuempbyt eaothed of yoatod¥s 46 duatiow 6 
tnemgbut 2 bemtetde Wieatels edt Seer ,a tédodod: ate nebo 
nogU . sogeoid® to devo Lsqlotau edt mi (b8,88L) dot sil is 
ot bewolls eow ede .tasbaoteb edt yd sbom (tienghyt ‘tests anal 
at etom od? .ytixueee es baste of tmomghvt ‘eit “eansteb 2 beelq 
asw ,tnemehy, eeetnoo of ysmtotis to taoriaw s the not eldarvoye 
bas ..00 .gtM eonetiqg& oltteel® ogeotd0 eft to tebre edt ot oldsyaq 
 mtkelg edt of betevifeb bas eaxwooer tuvodtiw bestobas yancme9 eidt yd 
ytisutem eroted stom edt to rebled. edt aaw. ed sade ebastaoe ody yhtht 
| e100 oud at bas 
edt fon edt to moltvooxe edd Yo ets bas ya, odd noqu 
hemen yisqmoo seysq odt dtiw toatinos 4 otal beretne oats tnabusteb 
wot seysq ed? mort temiuud Lio as sasdouig ot gateergs ston odd mt 
bas ,redurd ed? to aottealistani oft soqu deso mi 88% eldayeq 08,808 
SSCL 48 tedmevod gntantged vetron List end viddaon GL at eoneted ont 
eroted bas ,etonm bas toertnoo edt to noityooxs ont rede ateow ovT 
edt yt beerobae exew eton bas testtaoe edt .eub enw on ; te tenth os , 

oft to webLod oft won et ortw F etttbabadg ont of 1 ii sa 

fhe facte in the regerd establish the? the plaintiff at the 
time of the curchage of the note in cuortion was «tteorney for the 
payee Sompeny, and received «© pert of the trengestion the promissery 
note and the contract. 

From the fsete it ia apoareat thet the slatatiff aed 
kneeledge the considerstion fer the exooution of the promiasery note 
wee the inetaliation of <n oll burner to Se used and operated te heat 
the budlding otcupied by tenonta of the defentont. The foots alee 
indicate thet the of] burner foiled te best the preeiaen, Thie 
fse% eas borne out by the witmees Aaron Atelier, the «gent of the 
Applianee Mfg, Go., sherein he toatified that wean o vielt te the 
defendant's premiaes, he found the furner felled te heat the 
ereaices, and notified the sempeny of this faoty thet the o11 burner 
hee beom removed by the defendant and the Sudlding ie now being 
hested by the use of cond. 

A tenant «ho sotupied the preaiace at the tiue the burner 
wae inatelied, testified te the faet that the burner shen in oceration 
fated ‘to furmiah bext and thet he hod te wee « atove to keep his 
premises properly hested until the furnsea in whieh the of] burner had 
beem Inetelied wes remeved and the preafiges heated by use ef coal, 

9 The plaintiff contents thet be is » Bolder in due courses 
thet failure of consideration is ast cospetent evidence «gzinat 
the plaintiff; thet he beeune holder of the defendant's oromiasery 
note before enturity for value, eitheut notice of auy infirsity in 
the instrusent. However, the question te be determined is was the 
plsintif’ when he porehaeed the mote, together «ith the sontreat for 
the inetelistion of on of] burner ia the promiecs of the a 
«properly charged with the oowlitions of the contract entered 
by the partion. 

From the evidence, the pisintiff obtained the promiasery 
“mote, together with the contrast signed by the defentonte This 

edd te Vetentadey at teat HeRidedun brovey ot? ak otitis , Otome | 

od? WO? Yorrosss wey aokdewup al ehoe wnt Yo mandonoe 9 Yo sake 
Wenateane ott ReLiowannre madd ta ledeniy a bewkamoy — sveounes some q 


stuabast ot odd Ye efacnes w 
eka? “snoutaors ond teed of Betton wenn Lie ra 
om?) te troge ott | arshioae, Ret eoeathe oat ant ¥ Ww too saved 
ail 08 #iniy o sev taut betthenog ee abyrode. ae - hs 
oat tae 8 hoLtet xomrud eae daub abn | 
are oid test rent akd? Yo iramoe bas by 
ny [bated roa sb gritiiud dt the trnhanton eto dd ya 
isis bist, @ ase | 
hat one sae te eeadaone oat at pie od ota a 

“onda whoo on? 


? Psi (os Ag 

oub ai sob Lod adh oa baal abatedenie % Y 
“3 as seanbave ‘intact Yost ab bebe 

i, oe 

pre it er 6 sebon bn 

contract provided for the installation of an oil burner for the 

heating of the defendant's premises, and the plaintiff had knowledge 
that the consideration for the note was the installation of an oil 
burner by the Chicago Electwie Appliance Mfg. 0o., there being no 
express warranty contained in the contract the Company impliedly 
warranted that the oi] burner was £it for the purpose of heating 
the defendant's premises, and sufficient for the purpose intendéd, 

The evidence indicates that the oil burner failed of its 
purpose and was removed by the defendant, after notice to the 
Appliance Company by its agent of the failure of the burner to proper=- 
ly heat the premises, and as a result of such failure there was a 
failure of consideration in the execution of the note by the defendant. 
3 piano Go. ve Lindner, 6% al, 221 Ill. App. 94; Hallock v, 
Gutler, 71 Ill, App, 471. This court in the case of MoKeown v. 

Dyniewioz, 83 Ill, App. 509, upon the question of an implied warranty, 

"A mechanic who undertakes to construct and furnish 
mechanical apparatus for a particular purpose, impliedly 
agrees that when constructed it will be reasonably suffi- 
sient for the purpose for which it is intended. The law 
implies in the case of all such contracts, in the absence 
of an express agreement or clear intention to the contrary, 
that the apparatus furnished shall be reasonably sufficient 
for the purpose, Springdale Cemetery Assoc, v. Smith, 

32 Ille 252," 

From the facts as they appear in the record, we believe the 
court was justified in its finding for the defendant, and there being 
no reversible ¢rror in the record, the judgment entered by the court 
is affirmed, 


a ay Ng At: 

edt tol sequed [lo as te avktellat¢ani edd tot Lebiverq sostitaes 
eahetwond bed I2ttalela edt dus .soatnesg e'tashaereb, odd Yo gabtsod 
fio aa te moktelisteni edt eaw ston ont tot sosterebisaco ot todd 
on gated exedt 4.00 «gtk eoasifeqa oixtoe ls eyaeidd edt yd tenxud 
Vibetiqué yasqmo0 edt toastace add ak beuistnoo ‘tasree esergxe 
 gakteod to MQatue.odd vot HR eew temnud Lio edt tsdt betasrrew 
ebabustat osoqzeq edt tot taelottine bas .seetneng e'taabaeteb edt 
ati to Selist temiyd Lio odd tadt aeteoisas snaebive oF 
odd ot sotton xretia .tasbaeteb edt yd heyoues oy Soe eeoquag 
~teqerg Gt teated edt to erulist adi te taogs sti Va Yoaqwod sensi iggé 
# sew oredt ermlict dove to tivaer « as bas seeeinorg edt toed. we 
stasbasteb sit yd eten sd¢ Yo aoltucexe sat at nolterebtence bad wmnthen 
w¥ Sogdish {SC .qqh .LLI I88 is #8 steghatl 
eV Mwosgol to seso sit at grvoo wid? LT) otqh ekEE ‘Seiitaibiah 
eVenatisw bellqmt as to nottesup edt nog .C08 sqqA — ae mar 
delarst bas tourtames of eedetrobay ote 

yiheiiqméi ,exoqruq telyottusgq s tot eae 
~fttwa videaosser od iitw ti leductesen Ge, tedd as 

wei edt ,bebaotat ef ti doide rot SRogiay to2 | 

2 88 ‘ 
ont sysifed ew .broos: edt ai rwwoqgs wade as etoat out wort inc q 
gated sredd bae etaabacteb edt rot gn tbat ets ot bartitent ecu ttu09 E 

tuo odd yd boretas tnemghut edt ,broses edt al Raat eidterevor on 
- sboarttte a 

soneeds edt al rh st en gay dows poe to ogeo edd md 1 os 
Yrstiaes od? of aolias t2oLe eeergre ms te.) : 
inetoittwe yidenosser od {lade bedetn zit ete & ott todd | 
adtin® .v soosrA yretemed: siakontoss ; Ce 


(Complainant) Defendant g \ Error, 




of said Charles A. Beck, FRANK Hh. , COCK COUNTY. 


and OSCAR V. HUNT, et al., ay et ee 
979 T.AL Gee 

(Def@ndants) Plaintiffs in Error. 


This is a writ of error directed to the Superior Court 
of Cook County to review the record, wherein the complainant filed 
a bill of complaint to foreclose a certain trust deed securing the 
payment of three notes, aggregating the principal sum of $4,500, 
bearing interest at 6% per annum until due, evidenced by coupon notes, 
and 7% after maturity. 

To secure the payment of the notes, Charles A. Beck and 
Ellen H. Beck, his wife, ex#euted and delivered » trust deed, convey- 
ing the real estate therein described. The bill of complaint made 
certain defendants parties to the bill, and upon the issues being 
joined and defaults taken as to certain defendants, the cause was 
referred to a master in chancery of the Superior Court, who reported 
on the law and the facts, and recommended that a decree be entered 
for the sale of the real estate described, 

Upon objections being filed to the report, which were 
overruled by the master, such objections were considered by the 
court as exceptions to the report, and after consideration, the master's 
report was approved and a decree entered for the sale of the real 
estate deseribed in the trust deed, to satisfy the payment of the 
principal notes and interest coupons. 

Defendants Charles A. Beck and Ellen H. Beck contend that 
they are the makers of the notes and mortgage, and the owners of the 

| (Rosner MAS 


tore | £ tashasred pe og il 
rus  H0Ma 6H uaaIe laota Ad 

PP woe + oomaxant a a rane a oat ace tae tat 
Bi Sa a ae R { id % t oy. ed 
“res 7hi leet g ne aa 

stort at etiitateld (4 

0) iy 

sTAUOO SHT TO , HOTKIGO Sut Gasavilaa sam sonnet PXESIERRS mn 
tryed tolreqg& edt of betoetth torre te tinw # at, Hae se: ‘ 

edt gutxuses haeb tent. aketreo 2 pereekinsy ot dessins 20 i 
2008 de Yo nye faqionixg adt galtsgetgys aeedon ponds Te 
89t0n moquOo a beonebive .oub Litany mune req RO 38 teord 
+ Yih y : , seid por rsp 
bas does .A Pn sated edt to tusmysq od? ero%e of etree 
~yeraoo deed teuret 8 bersviteb bas botuvexe iiss aid oe 
chan #akelgnioe Yo LEAs oat Para tote 

betrogex ede pa pater ieie ant wes eunaniah a xadali: - vt hetxores 
‘petétas od corel « tadt Hebasmmoper Baw Cie we phar oct mo 


Leer edt to else edt tot botetme eeto9h 2 bas hin righ 
; edt to taemysq edt Yreltse ot ,beod teutt edt ak b 

eoquoo teoretal bas sete id - fons 

Het ASAT Lui 
pone ae 

property described therein, end are necessary parties, and as to them 
the decree is void for want of service of summons. 

The summons, dated Maroh 12, 1931, direoted to the April 
term, was served upon all defendants except Charles A. Beck and 
Ellen H. Beck, and as to these defendants the summons was returned, 
"not found", Service on the defendants named, however, was by a 
copy of the bill of complaint served upon them in California, with 
notice of the commencement of suit, and for failure of the defendants 
Gharles 4. Beck and Ellen H. Beck to appear and file a demurrer or 
answer to the bill of complaint, they were defaulted. 

The deoree recites - 

"that the defendants Charles A. Beck and Ellen H. Beck 
wife of said Cherles 4. Beck were each personally duly 
served with a copy of the bill of complaint herein and 
a notice of the commencement of this suit more than 30 
days tigre to the ist dey of the Nay Term, A. De, 1931, 
of thie Yourt. 

in the consideration of the contention of defendants 
Charles A. Geek and Ellen H. Beck, his wife, that there was want of 
service of summons upon these defendants, the question arises can 
these defendants complain of want of service in this court for the 
first time upon a writ of error? This question is important, for 
if it follows there was want of service upon the named defendants, 
the chancellor was without jurisdiction of the persons of these 
defendants, and the decree entered foreclosing their respective rights 
in and to the real estate described therein was void. Upon this 
question the court was without assistance of counsel, nor was it 
aided in the consideration of this problem, 

We have made an examination of the authorities of this 
state, and find the rule to be that a defendant named in a proceeding, 
either at law or in equity, may question for the first time in this 
court upon a writ of error the trial court's jurisdiction of the 
person of the defendant and its right to enter a defavlt and judgment 

modt oF a9 Bao ,eeiineq Yresesden ove das sthoredt bei, : ‘ 20 | 
.enommue to eotvxes to ¢asw vot blow ak woreee wae 
Litas edd of betoatib ,f@el ff doxell botad «Suton ‘one 
| bae toed .A eelracdid sqooxe atcabaeteb Lie moqie wre: Baw 

_» sbectuter asw enommss edt etasbasted osodt ot am baa “i008. H wogsa 
s yd esw .tovowed hemes stachaeteab ext, 0 eotvreg | s"heuot toa" 

dtiw ,slmrotifed af medt aoqy bevres tafsiqmoo to ILid edt to Yoo 

atashneteb od¢ to etutiet sot dos ,tive to tnemeonensoo odd. te eotton 
to xetaumeh ¢ elit Las teeqqe ot Aoed .H meliS bas d996..A golzadd 

_shotLlusteb orew yodt .tmtatqmoo te Ltd asd of sewaas, 

7 Betioer ina ies ree ft 

food .E gost bas #oed..4. ge ¥ baateh edd 
; _ cme dose 9 eel . “on ei) biee to t 
; sie net ce) 6 diiw Sevier 
CE madd oxen thu Piteed eae 0 ovtton = 
efSCL yell «A yarzot ry edt to yab tal ia z Z . e es 


102 instroqui ‘at molkicoup aid? ‘Trorre to ‘thew a og srogtoered j 
poe see oem 
ednabaotop ‘bomen ad} noqu selvrée to trie asw 6t9 énbltot #2 F 

seed? to anoereq odt Yo nolvotbetuvt tuoddiw dew toLfeon 4 

stdgit evitosqeer tiedd guteéLosrot Berédae botoed ody Bae hel | 
«git? nog) Blow esw Atoteds Bediconab Stetve’ Teor ite ot bas a 
all eer tod — to eonsdwlsae tweltin saw dxgoo edit etta op 4 

"mo taony efit te Aileadaditisdo Gad at Sania 5 

‘gidé to seitizoddue édt to aodtankuaxe ae obem Svad on peniyee 
yonbbsoootg 4 af Boman tasbasteb & sand of od ofut de baht Bac ots ade 
aids at omit jy adé tot angen ive we a cee a | 

where there is want of proper service of summons upon the defendant, 
as provided for by law. 

In the case of Filkins v. O'Sullivan, et al, 79 Ill. 524, 
it appears service of summons was had by a special deputy sheriff 
upon the defendant, The return of the deputy sheriff was not 
verified by oath or by his affirmation before some officer competent 
to administer an oath, as required by the law of this state. Judg- 
ment was entered by default, and the court held that the defendant 
could take advantage of the lack of service in compliance with 
the statute for the first time in the Supreme Court. To the same 
effect is the case of Hansen v. Klicka, 78 Ill. App. 177, where the 
court held that where a decree makes » person an apparent party and 
recites service upon him by publication, establishes « lien upon 
his land and orders it seld and the proceeds paid to others, he has 
a legel right to resort to a writ of error to secure its reversal, 
although he was not served with process in the suit. See also 
People v. Evang, 262 Ill, 235. 

The return showing service of 2 copy of the bill of complaint, 
notice of the commencement of the suit upon the Becks must be within 
the time allowed by law, and the time of the service must appear from 
the return, properly sworn to before an officer empowered to administer 
oaths, It appears from the return filed in this case, to whkeh is 
attached a copy of the bill of complaint and notice of the commence- 
ment of the suit, that the return was signed and sworn to by Robley 
E. George, of Los Angeles, California, on Mareh 33, 1931, before 
E. H. Clausen, who purported to be a notary public, and from the 
seal attached it appears that he was a notary public in "Los Angeles 
Co. Cal"; that no certificete was attached that E. H. Glsusen was 
& notary public empowered to administer an oath to the affiant, as 

required by Sec, 14, Chap, 22, Chancery Act (Gahill's Ill, Rev. st. 

 y@tashaeted of¢. noo enomuy Yo sofyrse toqerq To thaw ed etext oxen 
shai emo bebtveRe’ ie 
gS LET OV fe Ye Lae t tpyerg yw Vv BHhULia to vase ens wt 

| Rrisede Ytuqeh Lstosqe * YW ban sew whounive ‘to solviee etseqgi th 

ton esw Vilvede ytuqeb eat to atte: ent strabaeteh ead mogss 

FReteques TeoLtt6 emoa orOed moltamettt# Red we xO tee Wi beltirey 

~ghwt: .efste sidt to wal oft yo Bertuper ow itso ae ratelatmbs ot 

“ dishrekeb ect teit bled t2y0o edd bas, tivation yt heretae sow tem 

“Mtiw eoneliqnos mt eotvres to woal-adt te Sgstmevbs eat biwee 

ease Odi oT . .t2yo0 smerque ent at omit textd ond tot otutsge oxy 

odd oredw .VVL .qgA «ff 8Y yextot ty wy eRe to een ott at tostte 

bas etrsq tnocaqes As moersa 8 esicm ‘pettets: ® erode tat = 
foqy mail a sedatidosee wostnonioug we nie toque ‘scaveme met 

eat od .eredte. ot. bisw abseoorg edt bun bios 77 ent Bry _ 9 

-fsarevex edi eryose ot torre to tiow 6 ot fresex ot By a Iagel 8 

? oats 908 tive edt ak onpeam atin bovres fon aew od A tawodgs 

. i sats airs s38 Ragin ¥ ahsoss 

nslonoo to Lite edt to yqoo 6 to solvies gato aster ba — ee mae 

addin ac dat BA9eg edt noge dive out to tt 

Ley SEA eos ak 

wort ragga taum sotvres ott te outs oft has ayel ws ben 


steininds ot botewequs ro0stto a8 stood o# arowe. ‘Yaewia A yi it ie: | 
ek | doce ot .@eto aldt at best anton, ont ae, , em ma 
‘~vortosuoo edt to, soiton bas tntsignen to hie ans to . 
weldon wi o¢ azowe bas bengie enw muster 91 ont tact st 
eroted {ECL ee sore a0 atmrot bio ces tegat a0 pha 000 ff 

gong aoe 
ont mane bas, aptidieg, Waton & ot ade “3 0 off i 


es ytuastts ous og sito | a8 “netetmtabs 08 be . bey pepe Sangeet 
” MN Ln deo Bes sy ashy 
i ate, aver LEI at Litdsd) toa vreoaedd has ie. seb Ps we 
ti | be 

It is to be noted from the statute that the officer admin- 
istering the oath must be empowered to do so at the place where the 
oath is administered. Service of a copy of the bill of complaint 
and notice of the commencement of the suit, must strictly comply with 
the provisions provided for by the statute of this state, and 
failure to meet the reouirement that the purported officer must be 
empowered to administer oaths at the place where administered, is 

In the instant case there is no certificate that the 
purported notary public hed the power to administer oaths, nor does 
it appear that the named notary public certified under his official 
seal thet he had such suthority in the state where the oath was 
administered, Trevor v. Golgate, 181 111. 129; Desnoyers Shoe Co. 

i National Bank, 188 Ill. 312, 
Fer want of service provided for by the statute of this 

state, the court was without jurisdiction to default defendants 
Charles A, Beck and Ellen H. Beck, his wife. They were proper and 
necessary parties, being the makers of the notes secured by the 
trust deed now sought te be foreclosed, The service conferred no 
jurisdiction of the persons of these defendants, and it follows that 
they were not before the court, notwithstanding the court in its 
decree found that it had jurisdiction of the persons of Charles 

& Beek and Elien 4. Beck, his wife. 

We have reserved to the hearing complainant's motion to 
strike the certificate of evidence, which appears in the record and 
was filed subsequently to the signing ef the decree, The certifi- 
cate was allowed, presented, and signed by the Chancellor, within 
the time fixed, at the time of the entry of the decree. No objections 
were made by the complainants when the certificate was signed and 
filed, and what appears to be a part of the proceedings may properly 
be incorporated in the certificate, which has a bearing upon the 

~timhs teolitte edt tad? stutsate ost moxt boron ed of at aE 
edt eredw eoslq ont te of ob of betowoqme ed taum déeo ont aabsoded 
| tuisLamos to ILid edt to Yeo s to eeivres | boxoteladmbs al dtso 
 dtiw ylgmoo yltottte tem . dive ont to tremeomenmoo ot to soiton bas 

bas ,otste eldt to stutates adt yd sot bebiverq enotetvorg ont 
ef gece xeotiro betxoqkng edd tadé dnemextuset off toae ot e: 

4 eae art y 
‘af ,betetelatmbs eredw eoslq edt ts addse reteintmbs of betswoque 

ott teadd otsolti¢res om et otedt seso ‘tnstont oat at 

via? aes J 

eeo0h tom ,edtco <otelaimbs ot xewoq ent bed ob Liu vision | 
fstoitte eid tebas bettitxes ofiduq yustont bomen ant todd xoeqas a 
paw diteo ed¢ eredw otste odd at yi ixonttue fous bad on vi Sane 
‘92 9048 exoyoused qOSL oLLE £81 ,otsf00 -* sama ,becat mer reyed 
«818 «LfX BBL Lay 

sidt to stutste ed? yd tot bebtvoxa eotvres to omen: -. 

bEgc +xye 9 

, ae oe 
a Oeil 

. WR res ue 

ot eee t mel nt 
: etasbaoten tiusteb of mottoibetast tuodtiw enw fx00 ‘ia 
i] wr’ a sshd 

bas reqoty stew yen? “otiw aid etoed «i noLis ne ost 
Fal ys ¥ siaged 
edt wd botsoes aston edt to ersdam odd gated ,20k; | 

Tat wart 

om berretaco salvroa ox? .bosoloetet ad ot tequoe wou bead teurct 
fed? ewollot ti bus ,etashaetob osed? to asoetsq ant te A 

£2 one 

ett at tro edt gatbnatadtintoa atiwoo eft oxokos ‘tem ox" 1 
oa ae izod to unoereq oft to noite thatsyt Ma ok a 


Lie ; wer, oor 
~otiw aid il ip MS 

ae: teatie 
ot rotten eo! inantatqmoo palcood ent ot bevrsset ovad ow 

bas brooe osit nt etseqqs doide s0usbive to seesnbveon St 

~itiixeo ofT .sbz00b oft to palugie exit ot Utneupeedze bottt 

een oh of 

nidtinw ,rolleonmsd® edt ww beng te bas .besnecerg sbowoLls wet ser on A 
anottee {do of .sotoeb od? to exter ext to omit ont a! ‘Domed 0 att 

ry team 

1) of 

bre homie Baw ateoltiérso anit medi etnsntsignos oat ys obam “ atte] 

equ @ wag YO 

Vrecote yen ayn ibssoor: ont to req a od of exseage pees ak  ybelit 
etd aoa 5s heaed 5 eed fotdw cotsoltisxes eat wt bet. xe ree 

question of service upon the defendants Charles A. Beck and Zlien 

H. Seck. The motion with therefore be denied, 

Other questions have been called to our attention, but we 
do not deem it important to decide them at this time, 

For the ressons stated the decree is reversed and the 
eause remanded. 



From a reading of the record it is apparent that the 
real contestants to the decree are frank N. Reed and Flora M. Reed, 
his wife, who are in possession of the premises by reason of 2 contract 
to purchase and that they have been in possession for a considerable 
length of time and apparently will continue so to be. The defendants 
Gharles 4, Beck and Elien H. Beck, his wife, never appeared by a 
motion to quash the service and are appearing on this writ of errer 
represented by the same counsel that represents Frank and Flora Reed, 
From the authorities cited in the main opinion it can be adduced that 
a writ of error will lie to review & summons which does not comply 
with the statute. The Supreme Court of this state in the case of 
Trever v. Coigete, 181 Ill. 1288, has held that such summons is void, 
While I am concurring in the msin opinion, I feel that it would have 
been the proper practice for the defendants Beck to have appeared 
in the lower court and made a proper motion to quash the service in 
order to provide the complainant with an opportunity to secure a 
better writ. So far as the record discloses they received 2 copy 
of the bill of complaint and the omission in securing the certificate 
of magistracy could have been corrected by amendment. 

The purpose of process is to serve notice on 2 defendant. 

Precess that is irregular can be quashed by a plea in abatement or a 

Olle bas aoed .4 sekrad’ evadtestep ony ogy 60lvred To mottearp — 

sbetaeh sd evoteredd iti wo ttom om? vatewe “dy 

ow dud .woltnstts wo of belise need trad eno tteedy xeHAe™ ©! Gee 
ne  eSaikt abit te mont shtoed oF gnattogat #4 mseb tom ob 
oat bas beetever at serosh edt botste endends ss eeeTO0 OMe 

hey 2 fa natis Medeiliy 

eCHCWMAMZE CHA GRena VER ike tie RRS SRS Ree ena 

S2U0UO0 .% ‘cua 


od? Gadd tnoteqqe ef #2 brooex edt Yo gnsbeor & WOE oo foOwS 

beet .M arell San Soot .W Adsxt ors esteeb adh oF ednatestion Laer 
resttno® # to noeset yd eeatwerq od? to motad@avog mt s¥u! daw: (ettw wid 
eidsrehiencs s rot aoteeeseog at need svat yodd todt bas wanders ot 
etashasteb edt .ed ot of ounitace Lhiw yLtdonaqya bas oakd Xo dtgaes 
“a Xd betseqds veven ,étiy aid (toed SW MOLI Baw tose A geltadd 
torre ‘to titw eidd do gnixveeqqs S28 Bas SS ivtow sae" ‘delaup ot MoLtom 
sbeot stellt bie neti etasesrqet tadd Loenvod oman oid ye betaeeoryer 
tedt beoubbs od aso tf woldiqo iam edé at bavid eeltinodiue edd were 
| vlqmoo tom eoob doitw enomeura & welver ot ell Lfbe torrs Yo ¢itw's 

YO Saeed edt mt orate etd} to Pgod ‘emssque en?’ | stutete edt détw 
sbtov et etonmse doue tans bled and ORE VLIT LAL iygesiten Ww gowede 

vad bivow ti tant Lest I ,aoivtqe man edt at gabriwones ms Yetidy 

bouseqqs eved ot fost stashnoteb odd rot eetioatd teqote adh nese 

ni sdivres edt deawp ot md thom Ledonq “2 Sbam Ste MueOHoweL ext ab 

$ etubex ot Ylartroqqe ae dtte’ ‘tiscisiqnes edt shivorg of 26ht0 

Yddo 4 hevieoet Yet? eeoloath bioods edt Be eaten’ shhew totted 

etsoltitaes odd grixwosa mi noleplno sdt baa bas ta talqugo to \ELtd eft Yo 

COURS O OS Seren batems ye Satesrtes anesd ‘ews ery Bia aeatiss 
dapbaeres S Mo 9oiton evtes ot ef eassorg to egoqtid eat Rhee 

‘8 0° Saonetads mt selq a yd noses od ‘veo irecueeias: et tans avosort 
sFooLReewey ode ws heveragepont 9 “ 


motion. These matters should be injgcted into the case at the 
earliest opportunity by the defendant. The defendants Reed had no 
concern with the process as related to the defendants Beck. The 
counsel thet represented the Reeds in the proceeding is now 

here representing the Becks. 

In my opinion, while the Supreme Court has called a 
similar summons void, it should be considered as irregular and 
voidable and the proper forum in which to correct it should be 
the court of original instance, If no process whatsoever had been 
served, a bill of review would lie in the Gircuit Court to vacate 

the decree. 


odd te caso sit otni betoptat ed biuode axottem seed? , .mottom 
stashavieh edt yd ystautioqqo teetizes — 

om bed hoot etashaeteh of 

ed? 200% stashnoteb ede of bodeLox ao gnoeong Ont Mttw mt¢0m00 
wort ai gaibepporg ed? si eboet ond hatnovenqen tadt Loenyoo 

a befleo nad truod emerqua ont eltdw ymolniqo MAL. ~ santo 
bas relygetzi as hotshienoo ed bivore ti ,biov exommve telinis 

od bluods tk teoertos ot doldw ai surtot reqonq wit hae sidehioy — 

neod bed teveostedw eesoorg on Ti ; seonatend lanigito to, droo edt 
etsoav of dr0D tivotiO edt ai OLL bivew weives to Litd « ybeyres 

wit snot tne tent 

: rain 
j i Wea ee swainteeni “gt 
; joe age ta digmet 
. tek th webaadth 
eee dere sabia ‘ot doston | 
~~ ee ie wnrdeioe won o 
om i * By: ae ist wat eee 
HEE eee ae eer te fice ‘a 
fi Ss diiadiie Nhagad tie j 
peek whKs a sal ” noes 4 
i the eal oR Hebe shisoitn wd b a Ath | 
ae aed Dwaiey og they vt wae nese | 
dies Reins ae ae ata towel ade eh 
5 hae de Rela Boeing ay ehlneeh nd POORO | 
ne bs ae ong eh ge ne rnted 
ee etapa “hie Fav way te 
sol vt Aieed “artengen he 
- ‘ at ah aap te war sing MR Hye : nt 
tty J, pata od dex ~xloeiw.s we out susnor’ ay 


37239 ane, 


ui 4 



ee. fe 
Plaintiff) A elleey\ j 
(Defendant) Appellant. cp PY | la 2 
269 1ASO2ZF 

This is an appeal by the defendant from a judgment entered 
in the Municipal Court for the plaintiff in the sum of $557,50 in an 
action of assumpsit upon a certain first mortgage real estate bond in 
the principal sum of $500, dated April 1, 1928, due April 1, 1932, 
bearing interest at 7% per annum after maturity, signed by the defend- 
ant and payable to the holder thereof, To this action defendant filed 

an affidavit of merits. 
Upon the trial of the issues it was stipulated by the 

parties thet the plaintiff was the holder and owner of the bond sued 
upon and that the same was the obligstion of the defendant and was 
properly signed and executed; that nothing had been paid upon the 
principal sum of s2id bond; that the bond was due by its terms, and 
all interest had been paid to maturity. The decument was received 
in evidence, and provides, among other things, that - 

"Both principal and interest are payable in the manner more 
ag camel desoribed in the Indenture hereinafter referred 

9 * 

For a description of the mortgaged property, the nature and 
extent of the security, and the rights and limitations on the 
rights of the bondholders, reference is made to said Indenture, 
to all provisions of which the holder of this bond does by 
the act of becoming such holder agree." 

it was also stipulated that defendant's exhibit 1 is the trust deed 
securing the plaintiff's bond, and that the trust deed was properly 
executed and recorded, and authenticated. It wes further stipulated by 
the parties that the plaintiff made no demand upon the trustee to 
institute any action, nor did she join with any number of bondholders, 



rs “yee Lhecgs (thttute ta)... 

oh a : 
.ODAOTHD Apis ee apa 
[Sov.A.T eyo" tasLieaga (enebeanot) bh 


*TAU00 HHT %O MOTMIGO ANT GaRaVIlaG Jaeay ZorTeuy outoreans, PM © bw 8 
bereiae dnemghu;, s mort tashagteb add yd Lasqqs as et eld? jd abkovy 
as ak 08.Yaé$ to mye edt af 2kitatedq edt ot fxyo0 LegtoiaumM ede at 
ai Dood etetee Lsox egsgtzom tari? alstreo 4 noqu thequvacs to getter, 
8ECL tf Ltrgd eubh ,880L .f Ling betsh .008$ to mum Legtontug edt. 
~basteb edt yd beagie .(tixutem tette mone roq BY te teorotat gatraed 
belit dnebnoteb mottos sidt oT .tosted? tebLod adt of eldays¢ bas tus 

eatirom to santas as 
sit yd beteingite esw ¢i seveat ont to Lelxd ont valet 

beve baod et to reswo bas tebLod edt sew Ititntele edt ted ettzoq 
esw dae inshbasteb eft to aoltestide odt sow omen ont tant dae nog 
edt aoqy bisg seed bed yaidton ted? ;betuoexe bas boagte ‘vregorq 
bas ,euret evi yd evb eew baod edt stadt jbaod bier to aire Leqtoatra 
bevieoes aew tasmoob edT .ytizutem oF bisq ased bed seoretat ile 
~ tedt ,sgaidd cedéo yooms ,esbivore bas 12 ; 

STOM Tenmem edd at eidayeq ere teotstai bus 
betrstex restantored etutmebal edt ai bedivroe 

RRS Ste ee a eG ae ae a 

yd aseb haod etdé 29 seblod 949 dodity te eno jeeracerg | sah ont 

beeb teutt odd et L tididxe etinsbhacteh tent betelugite owls wow $I 

Yiteqora ssw beeb teytt odd tent bas .buod a'ttitatelg edt gaituooe 
“betsiuqite sedéiut sew #1 .betsolttaedtus bus ,bebroser hae betuoexe 
ot.esteutt edt soqu basmeb on ebsm titatelq edt sedis ‘eettzeg edt 

eteblodbaed to tedaumx yas dtiw ate ede bth rom .noltog Ws stusttent 

either the requisite number provided in the trust deed, or others, 

in any demand upon the trustee, and that the trustee did not refuse 

to act purauant to a demand, 
In defense of this «ection, the defend»nt introduced the 

deed of trust from the Tower Automobile Corporation, as mortgagor, 
to the First Trust and Savings Bank, as Trustee, The trust deed 
provides, in part - under Section 6 = 

"Whenever under the provisions hereinabove contsined it 
shall have become the duty of the Trustee to institute 
legal proceedings upon the written request of the requisite 
number of bondholders, and upon the deposit or tender of 
deposit of the requisite number of bonds with the trustee, 
and upon tender of proper indemnity, and the Trustee 

shall have wrongfully or unreasonably refused or failed to 
aet within sixty (60) days after such request and deposit 
or tender of deposit of bonds as aforesaid and on tender 
of indemnity, then and in any such case, but under no 
other condition, the same number of pondholders who under 
the provisions hereof have the right to demand action by 
the Trustee, may jointly institute such proceedings in law 
or equity es it was the duty of the Trustee to institute, 
but for the equal benefit of ell holders of the bonds and 
cou then outstanding, *** Ho action at law or in equity 
sh be brought by, or on behalf of, the holder or holders 
of any bonds or coupons, whether or not the same be past 
due, except by the Trustee or by the requisite number of 
bondholders acting in concert under the provisions of this 
Seetion for the benefit of all bondholders. In the event 
thst pursuant to the terms hereof the holders of twenty- 
five (25%) or more in principal amount of bonds then out- 
standing shali have joined in exercising the right to act 
in lieu of the Trustee, the remainder of the bondholders 
shall have the right to institute any legal proceedings 

ef the same or 4 similar character for the same default of 
the Mortgagor." 

The opinion of this gourt in the case of Cummings v. 

Michigan-Lake Building Corporation, No» 37197, is material upon the 

questions involved in the instant case, The form of action and the 

facts are similar, The language of the bond in the case before us 

is somewhat the same as the language of the bond in the Gummings 

case. The language of the bond in the Cummings case is as follows: 
"Both principal and interest are payable in the manner more 
specifically described in the indenture hereinafter referred 
to, *** For a deseription of the mortgaged property, the 

nature and extent of the security, and the rights and limite- 
tions on the rights of the bondholders, reference is made 

seteito to ,.heeh deurd edt ai bebivenq seduum otsnkupey. ont xodtie 
eevtox ton bib setewt eat fait bas ,ootesrt odt soqw. dasme b yas at 
shasmebh & ot _atewetug ton ot 

edt Heovubogtai tashastel ed? woltoe ghdt te canoteb wk said 
stogegiitem as oltsreqred slidosotuA tewelt ads mort tone: te hood 
£806 teurt odT ,8oteutT se .dasd agaive? bas tewsT terkt edt of 

(7 8 sehtoe8 vobau ~ treq at ,eebtvong 

: ey ot eeteur? reefeurtt oat 16 hm dpa feud I 

nthnbaun aft to teeupes mettinw ong tagel 
pen pa ,e7sdIodh: to tedmn ©! 

to tebast to Vogt sad . cs 4 
“steigogewe? ont bas 93 ladupe 
setent? oft baa * yiumonit Sl oie 

: Lkat x1@, be ode idsnoasoray so yiduts 
yore ne Sad ne Tests Teay & 
‘rebaot So) pres 4 

on tebag Pll nore 

zahen ofn eyeblodines ot eaghe otea 8 oval 

‘Saad hy iy 

wel ai egaibseootq dows edwtitent cisntet as 
etutitent of eseteutT edt to ydub ox 

but ebsted edt to ereblod dla ‘te. at toned 

Se p34 mi to and te noises of *** -sathastah 

oe ‘to cebied edt bo bieded ae To” pos ng 
vesq ed omar oft ton to ane 

ofw Ot eedman otietupex. edz > seleesd oa 

eidt to enoleivorg iit cane freenes MS 3 

#nsve oft al .aréhiedbsed Lia te titeae 

~yinew? to sreblod ed¢ Ttosted emxet Bee. 03 r 

. =ipe madd ebaod to-tavosin: Leqtod a Ze ro. (Re 

tos ot tdgix edd gaiaierexe ai bex nh red eed 

atebiodbnod edt to sebgtamen edt . = 

egaibsseootq Lengel yas otetttens oe 

to tinstsb mse exe tot tesvoetade. 

odd noqy Latrodim, ef verte a9 5 i cilia 

ay ee seo edt at baod ‘ode to purged a ee Beni | 
 pmerfainO edd ok bHod edt to eynigaal ont we omae ox tngrowon 2 
_Sewollot ae ef eves eyatinms® oft mi Brod at to 

erie tonne oid wt eb 
Perxeter reftant a ali ce Ory 


to said Indenture, to all provisions of which this bond 
and each coupon hereto attached are subject, with the 
same effect as if the same were herein fully set forth.*** 
$aid Indenture and this bond, as well as all of the 

other bonds secured by said Indenture, are to be token 
and considered together as parts of one and the same 

fhe defendant in the Cummings case centendéed that the bonds sued 
upon and the trust deed referred to therein are, by the recital of 
the bond itself to be taken and considered together 2s parts of one 
contract, and the bondholders are precluded under any circumstances 
from maintaining this action at law, This court in its opinion said; 

"This position was in accord with the defense set up in 

the affidavit of merits. In the very recent decision of 

our Supreme Court in Oswianza v. Ne and Mande o> 

(Dec, No. 22474 = Agenda 42 = June, £534) the court stated 

that ‘the rule which plaintiff in error would invoke as 

to the necessity for reading ali terms of one contract 

into another made at the same time and as a part of the 

same transaction dees not apply to cases of this kind. 

Sturgis Nat, Bank ve Harris d Savi ank, supra, 
35. » 465), and cases there cited.! Since that decision 

defendant has changed its position and has, by leave of 

court, filed a ‘supplemental memorandum'!, in which it calls 

attention to the Oswiangzga decision and ‘submits the following 


(a) That the question of negotiability is not involved in 
this ease; (b) That the bond im this case contains 

A agi gael i ge to incorporate therein by reference 

the no-action clause of the trust deed, and that under the 
holding in the Oswianzga case supra, the judgment of the 
lower court should be affirmed,'! 

Our degision is controlled by the Oswianga case, 
wherein the trust deed, contained the same provisions as are 
relied upon by the defendant in the instant case, and the 
bonds contained the following language: 

‘Said trust deed and this bond, as well as all the 
other bonds aforesaid, are to be taken and considered 
Somerton as parts of one and the same contract, *** Both 
principal and interest bear interest after maturity thereon 
at the rate of seven per cent (7%) per annum and sre payable 
in the sanner described in the trust deed. *** For « 
description of the mortgaged property and the nature and 
extent of the security reference is made to s2id trust deed, 
to all of the provizions of which this bond and each coupon 
hereto attached are subject, with the same effect as if ssid 
trust deed were herein fully set forthe'* 

in the ‘supplemental memorandum! defendant contends that the 
bonds, by reason of the words which we have italicized, ‘contain 
appropriate language to incorporate therein by reference the 
no~action clause of the trust deed,! and argues that the 

baod eidt doide toe ecete. 
odd d¢tiw ,tootdse eta mF ghee Ppt fogued Fo eat: 
i ead toa, me oat pla Ae oe at Lb es. : 
Boe * oe ote Oe f om a. itiod 8 i de Re es 
ae od of Ste ,Sistaeba a ae 
ome ot bas sno to atteg ea" ruitogod betehiaaoe. bas fe 
. boue ebaod 6 teth dahetiatn ante, ene ade cane 
to fetiosr odd \d ,ora alerted? of borteter beeh dautt edd das sogu 
ene to eixeq as tedtegot bexehisnos bas aedst od ot tlontt  daod edt 
eeoustemyotio yas Tehau bebulossg ors etebfodbagd | Vee 
sbise sotaigo atk ai tuuoo ett wnat es salios, levine 



PI e 

oe ite | a, 

ligne lpms at 9s 

" yh 2 oe 8 tees cx ‘Aiea me coh ack aie 
wt kp i att, east Fncbnoe 
aVse pak bae wk aa ad dnb oh Yi 
® avs ws Pos par mE le 

iieo ti dots : 
guttwolok ® ont cetet! ban nedeloes 8 

@* et 

ai bevlovai ton ef xii Lidabs onan te. 
- co. Babsteoo pesado eidd af baed ent: ASD. 
sonazet ot yd otetedd etereqroomt of egangaad et 
adh: seben Sade ban, haeh 4 muni OSs IDLO Gi 
ms ed Xo fremghy, eat ». nt bow iwed | 

28nso omasiwed os Ry Parpe nin 
ere es asoleivesq amee ed / 
edt base ,Saso tnsteni oe ae ie os 

ie nod py bonisénco ah a 
ad? Sis es flow poe oh seats | 
bershiencos Bar nous Ste ta as A ic 

Atod, *** .soartnoo ome ot 
aootert ag ago lye teers 
eldsysq ets Reng 
s 20% 7** we eeee o teott ond ai Be 

bas studen edt, bas. : 
“ybeeb daurt biee of obam si bee senies 


soqveo dase bus baod sid 
oe ti as toette Snae oat ae: 

aintacak ebanintiott eas om. LE BAITS 
ait pomoxexen: wi nlared? 8 SLOG 
pnt tadt semgee Bae oh 5 

aed case sustains this contention, We deo not agree 
with the contention nor argument. All of the provisions 
contained in the second paragraph of the bonds have to do 
with the trust deed and the rights conferred by it upon 
the bondholders, and the limitations on the right of the 
bondholder if he would seek to enforce the trust deed. 
As stated by the court in Enoch v, 249 N. Ye 263, 
269, wherein a similar question was involved, a purchaser _ 
scanning the bonds would think that the obligor was speak- 
ing solely of the security, and ' he would interpret the 
statement that the bonds were secured by and entitled to 
the benefits and subject to the provisions of the mortgage, 
ag meaning that the foreclosure or other relief might be 
had thereunder only subject to its provisions.' In the 
Oswianza case the court stated that negotiability was not 
a prime factor in determining whether the plaintiff had 
the right to sue at law, but that there was no language 
in the bond which fairly incorporated, by reference, the 
no~action clause of the trust deed, and that, therefore, 
i plaints sz, the owner of bonds, had » right to sue at 

In the case of Cummings v. Michigan-Lake Building Corpora 
tion, supra, the court passed upon the same questions involved in 
the instant case, which opinion we will follow. Therefore, the 
trial court did not err in finding for the plaintiff and entering 
judgment for §557,50. fhe judgment is affirmed, 



& ton ob OF .soktnetage eidt 
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noquy #2 yd hevretaos eiduit odd ban boosh Paws 
edt to tigin’ edt ag amot nt tmbt ade Das ge 
bee taytt oft eototae oF user bivew’ rk 
2888 o¥ oi GBS eee +v ak tured & 
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Sgabencl ox aew etedt todt tud .wel te oee oF wig « 

od? ,soreretox yd Roig fhe Sime Mh 7: tists io baw 
eroteredt? , tet base ROS 
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‘ uty f on pares os bes niles ab siiiaaiieal A ‘9 

37290 ao 

WALTER WOZNICKI, a minor, by uarhe \ 
WOZNICKI, his next friend, 

Defendent in brror, 

GC. G. OSTERBERG, doing business as 

(Defendant). COOK COUNTY, 

CARL E. OSTERBERG, 279 1 A62 44 

Plaintiff in Error. 


This cause is in this court upon 3 writ of error directed to 
the Superior Court of Cook Gounty and prosecuted by Sarl £. Osterberg, 
as a defendant, from a judgment for $17,500 entered by the court upon 
a hearing before the court and a jury in an action of trespass to 
recover damages for personal injuries sustained en June 19, 1926, 
by Walter Weznicki, a minor. 

The declaration of the plaintiff by his next friend alleges 
that the plaintiff was thirteen years of sge at the time of the 
accident, and further alleges thet 0. G, Osterberg and Carl &. Osterberg, 
doing business as ©. G. Osterberg and Son, by their agents, negligently 
operated an automobile truck on Western Avenue at 3lst Street, in 
Chicago, Illinois, on June 19, 1926, and injured the plaintiff; that 
defendant Carl E, Osterberg filed his plea of the general issue, non- 
ownership, non-operstion, and that he was not associated with Charles 
G Osterberg at the time of the accident, Upon the trial the plaintiff 
dismissed as to the defendant Carl &. Osterberg, it appearing from 
the evidence that this defendant died on Mareh 239, 1926, prior to 
the date of the accident, 

‘Of soars YO TIAN 


vie a0 scien 

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Due i "ih mt 

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‘ “is omelet as 

,TH000 SRT YO KOIUITO THT GasaVIGEG naan cv ea 
of betoorth corre to thew 8 fore tryoo eidt al et saan a -, ee 
earedr9s 20 +¥ L2a0 WW beturecong fas ytnued wood to teed otto 

noqy tuv00 edt YW bexetae OO8.TLE tod taemgbut 0 mort a . 
(of Bkaqeon? to aottes an at yrut s bas tuvoo aw stoted gat 

ems Std. baAn 

edt to emit odd te og to erney wostcté’ eow 7a ant tent 

sadzete® .@ Ins0 bas gredto%e0 .9 .0 tad? segells redéiwt bas stasbloos 
Yitnoallges ,atasgs rledt yd mol bas grodzeted «b B) as e a | gated 2 
gt .teotde teLlE fe eumeva atoteeW go Mount oftdonotue a sapere 

tedt jttitntely edt borstal bas BSL wel oan 0 oatiee 



-sen ,eveei Ietomey eft to selq eld belit arcade a feed tnabaated 
soitadd dtiw betelooases tom asw od gadt ‘bas | 9 | 
riivatsly edt [ets# adé meq -tnebloos edt to eult oft te a reted . 
moxt paittceqqs th .gredrete® .E feet taabasteb outs of a eaetasts 


3 ee 

SA AS Ee LO ee | aS Sa 


From the evidence the fects are substantially that the 
plaintiff's minor was about ten years of age; that prior to the 
accident he was walking on the east side of Western Avenye which is 
a north and south street, towards 3lst street with his brother Joe 
Wognioki, who was ebout thirteen years of age at that time; that 
upon the day of the accident the boys were looking in store windows 
while walking along Western Avenue toward its intersection with 31st; 
that Slst Street does not extend east of Western Avenue, but extends 
in a westerly direction. 

There is conflict in the evidence as to what the plaintiff 
did upon starting west from Western Avenue at 3lset Street, The 
evidence offered by the plaintiff is to the effect that the 
plaintiff stopped at the curb on Western Avenue at Slst Street and 
waited for a chance to cross Western Avenue. A southbound street 
ear, proceeding on the southbound track on Western Avenue, had 
stopped at the north side of 3ist Street, when the plaintiff pro- 
ceeded on the crosswalk directly across the street in a westerly 
direction on the north side of S3lst Street. After the plaintiff had 
started and was in the street, the street ear proceeded, and to 
avoid being struck by the car, the plaintiff stopped at or near the 
east rail of the northbound street oar tracks, waiting for the 
street car to pass, and while standing at this point in the street 
he was struck by the defendant's truck; that before crossing he 
locked to the south and saw the truck, which was about 300 te 350 
feet south coming north from the bridge located at the drainage 
canal; that the truck was traveling at a fast rate of speed; that 
the driver did not give any warning of his avcproach by the use 
of the horn, and thet his truck struck the plaintiff and he was 
thrown a distance of about ten feet and injured, 

The evidence of the defendant is that the driver stopped 

edt todt YLieltaciadve ore atoat edt eomehive edt most == 

adt of toltq dentt gags to exeey met tuode ean tomte chi it hehina | 

et Ao kstw oynevA aredaal to abla saan odt so aatilew, Ban ert ‘peak bene 
oot tedtexd aid diiw tooxt@ teLt ebuswot efeette dauo8 bas dixoa s 
fact yemit tead¢? te eye to eraey asetridt tueda nsw ose {o b 
awobalw stote mi gatdool erew syod est tavbiooe oe 16 hth ate ih 
jtalé dtin meitoseretal ati brewot eunovA avetes® gaols gabalew olidw 

sap oph sade 

ahoodxe tud ,euaova mrotesy to tase baedxe fom geob toot tele tet 
Ae sp Preset 

sag ttoor bb isoteoy » ca ” 
ttitaisla edt tedw of es sonebive mr" a fob Ltneo aL exed? 


eit .teorté tefS ts ounsvA azeteel mort teoy yettuade | 
ed? tadt toetts ed? of af Yitntalq od? yo b | 
if bas soorte teLS ta eumova aretaow 0 dtu ont te 

wre ts 


a toorte benodituoe A » ORES nreveok seers ot sons 4 woh oo 

"bed <9 OVA mreteaW m0 dostt buvodituor eds a Mere 
| ~org Ytdatsla adt ody ,toorté tele Yo bts dttoa ode be qote 

ureteon & ai teende odd enores vitoonib ppp & . ua _e 


ot bas , .bebssoorg £29 Sutin ‘outa pms oat at, on he mas | 

“at. yee ts beqqets Tt itaialg ont to ont wa as ® | btox 

Ba edt tot gaition setoost ‘T89 toonte bawodutzon 6 ou Ro Lter ° Re 
toorte ‘odt mt tatog eidé ts patbaste oLidw bas 48 | | ot oF me is orte 
od yatesoro oroted deus plowtt e!tanhasteh ont w vais een of. 

"988 od 008 tuods saw dose vloust oc 80 bas Mtu08 @ oust ot bedool | 

. | eganterh edt tes betsbo. sybin edt wor? acy atk i od bv ft wh 

ne “tata ibeoap to ater tant “ ts puklovsty ene fount he be & fen 

osu edt yd donors esd to gaiorss was ovts tom bib rovinh et 

- eaw ont bas Diitabede, edd dourta veuxt etd tadt be a ron dt to, 

borat bas tet aed tuode to soaate tb awoz 

nents wevith edt teat ef tuabneteb end? nat oousbive ote Pe S| 

at the bridge to the south, a distance of about 250 feet, for 

traffic; that when the defendant's driver neared Slst Street he 
saw the boys coming out from between two automobiles parked on the 
right-hand side of the street. He operated the horn and, at the 
time, he was going at a speed of about fifteen miles an hour. The 
Older of the two boys stopped and grasped the younger boy by the 
hand, and as the truck was about opposite the boys, the plaintiff 
let go of his brother's hand and started to cross the street. The 
driver swerved the truck and proceeded about fifteen feet and 
stepped, Plaintiff, however, coliided with the right-hand fender 
as the driver swerved the truck,and was thrown to the ground and 
suffered injuries for which he now seeks to recover. 

From the medical testimony in the record it appears that 
the left leg of the plaintiff's minor was severely injured, and 
that at the time of the trial was almost seven inches shorter than 
the right. The left knee was stiff. The thigh, ankle and toe 
motion was normal, but there was a space in the middle of the thigh 
where the bones seemed to be separated and the plaintiff was required 
to use crutches, and according to the medical evidence, the boy's 
left leg is useless and should be amputated, 

The question is was the driver as the agent of the defendant | 
in the operation of the automobile truck, guilty of negligence, and 
was the plaintiff free from contributory negligence? These two 
questions were questions of fact for the jury. 

The jury by its verdict considered the plaintiff's evidence 
ef the occurrence the most credible, which was to the effect that 
the plaintiff while on the north cross-walk at Slat Street, standing 
in the east car tracks, looked south and saw an automobile truck 
about 250 feet on Western Avenue at the drainage canal bridge, and 
while he was waiting for the southbound car to pass, the defendant's 

automobile approached from the south at a fast rate of speed and 


ok toe? O88 tyods to eometeib s yituon edt.ot epbind edt ta 
od toons? tel® berson tovith «'¢usbawteb ed? mode, edd poLttent 

sdt no betreq sslidewotue owt neowted moxt tuo yaimoo ayod edt wea 
‘odt ts (base cxod odt hetereqd oR .toette edt to ble Aaad=tdgit 

oft .rdoi me solin avettlt twoda te beege ¢ te gateog enw od..omkd 
‘ott yd Yor tegnuoy eds bequatg bas baqqote eyed owt esd Yo cebse 
tikiitelq edt yoyod edd e¢tacqco dwode aswateuxt edt aahae yhmed 
oft .deotte eft eeote of hetiste bas bacd a'xedtotd eld te og aed 
bas test meettit tuods bsbessota hue jourt edt bevzowe coveeh 

‘tohas? basd-tdgix odd dtiw bobtifoo ,teyewed ,TRitaislt .beqqote 
bas bavetg edd ot nwordt esw baaydowrs ont barrens -waFtED, add ae 

| stevonet of axeee wom of sotdw. sot emtewpas boxotive 
past? ersdqgs ti biooet edt ai yaomitess Laoibom, ond MORE oy by de te 

bas: ,bomtat yleteven kew tomim e'Yiédasada ed# to aol, frel.e 

fads eittoda eedont nevor teouis nsw Isixd odt to omit edtte tedt 
‘got bas. ofine ydgid? ed? sttive sew seam thet, ody, riigis edt 
dg tit odt to elbbim oft mt sesqe s aew-oxedt, dud. stenren eer motion — 
herthopet sew Ttitntelg odd. baw botezagee od: oF deusea eonod ed? exostw 
atte ‘eid: ,e0nebive Leotbom edt of gatbrovna baw, esocoture 99u 08 
sbetetuqus od bivode bas sesloew ef gel trol 

| tasbast ob i to tmone edt se tovind ant saw mh mokseewP OAT Gp oy yy oe 
brs jeouegiigon to Ytitug \Nourt eLtdomoivs edt oe moktereqo oat mt 
ows Seett Seonesligen yrodadiztnee werk souk Yldakels, odd, ney 
ettut edt sot tent te enohtenan een anakinney 

| Gonebive e'ttitnialg ent bexsbienos teibrer eth ys yuu. BAT) stone 
get goats edt of enw cotdw ,eltikbexe dpem edd soaerru090 a2 
 gatbaste ,toor#® tale te ALew-neere dttes add ao situa Thtate a aid 
fours elivowetue me wae base dtuoe betool ,sinetd woe, ten9 aa wt 
bas yogbind Lease sganterd edt ta symevh axateeh so t9 t OBS, tu | 
ettiakasteb add yadeg of xe0 baneddéyoe ed? rot gadties ecw od atti 
_bme heeqe to ets tast « te divoe edt mort bedosorqge eLidomotus , 

Cernat Walter Woznicki, the plsintiff, who was in plain view 
of the driver, and caused the injury. The view of the position 
of the boy at the time of the sccident wae not obstructed, and if 
the driver of defendant's truck had looked he would have seen the 
plaintiff and his position on the oar track, and if he failed to 
note the place where the boy was standing, then of course he was 
negligent in the operation of the truck and eaused the injury. In 
any event, the driver, in the operation of the sutomobile truck, 
should have proceeded with caution so aq not to injure plaintiff, 
The driver, when called es 2 witness, testified to the fact that 
he did not see the boy until the auto truck reached 3lst Street, 
where he swerved the truck and the boy ran into the frent fender of 
the car and wes injured. His testimony would indicate that he did 
not see the boy until he swerved his truck, His evidence upon this 
point is not altogether satisfactory, and the jury rightfully, when 
they considered all the evidence, returned a verdict for the plaintiff 

He are satisfied thot in the opsrzetion of the moter truck 
defendant's agent was negligent end the plaintiff, a lad of ten 
years of age, exercised such degree of care and caution as one of 
his age, intelligence, experience and Capacity would have exercised 
and ordinarily us@ at the time of the occurrence, 

“e having indicated that the verdict and judgment 
entered by the court, upon denial of defendant! « motion for a new 
trial, was justified, whet we have said upon that question disposes 
of defendsnt's contention thst the verdict is against the menifest 
weight of the evidence, 

The contention that the court erred in instructing the jury 
upon the question of damages, upon the ground that the agssessment of 
demeges is not limited to the evidence appearing in the record, is 

without merit, From an examination of this instruetion, we find it 

wolv aisle ai eaw ondw riiitvaielte enft ,4dolnsoW tot Low tonte 
soltiaog edt 30 wety oct .yauiat edd Deguno bas .tovich edt ko 
TE Aas .betourtado toa sew tuebloos edt 29 ombt ode #8. yod.edt to 
Sat gece oved blvew od bodoot bad dow 2 ‘taabasted to xevixh. edt 
ot Sefket of TL Sas ,doait x20 ait ao woltioe ald bas Littalelq 
asw ed eatv0o to mod? ,gathaste saw yod ed? exedy.sosiq od? stom 
af .vtutat edd beayso bas dossst edt to, aoltsreqe edt ak taeghigon 
oust etidenedys odt 29 notterzey pdt as «moveth.edt ytmove yaw 
gtiitotels etutat ot tom aa.oa NALS SOE i ol 
tedt ¢ost edt ot helttinet ,ansatiw sec belfeo modw. 

stooms® tal2 bodosst dosnt otus edt Ehinw od odd 98. Fon hth 

to tebaei taotk edt ofas max yo edt, bas sound end bovrewa ex vexed 
bib ed tedt etepthat Sivow ynontiaet att shorute ow has x20 ost 
SMt, Seam omobive ati. ons afd, bewsewn, of stitnw od wilt oy tom 
mode .Yituttdate yout adt bas, .yrotostestsa, sods oor fe, PicBags. 
Ritatele oat rot totbrev 2 Demurtex, ,eonsbive edt Lie bos Xx 
dourt rotom.edt to sotterteqe edt pt Jult Detlattaa ona of ip at 
(Mot Ro bel s sPiidatalc edd das tmogtigen saw diosa ite | 

fo eno a8 aodtuea bas ors9 to setgeh doug Monsey ry 

- ~begtowexe sved bisow ytlosqas bas soneitegxe cones. & 

ee ssonotruo09 edt to omit edt to ow tzntbro as 
boone teemghvt Bas ipsbuev edt. tod? betsothal gatyod a mei | 

eo & zot soitom e'tasbagteb to feimeb moqu 4s mh OF me 
eesogaib settaeup tat soqu bisa. vad ow, tedw. adettas hea 
teotiaom odd tentcgs,ad tosizov edt. tedt. nodteretaea atéacbacteb 30 

bas Leber: saphena - sopmobive efit to tdgtew 
‘oon edt gattorrtent at betRe txvco edt tedd) sottastace Qt lit ne 
20 dmemcnooss ot tact Sruomy odd nog «nogemsh ro sedteoup edt moqy 
ek _— edt of gatreeqas somebive edt ot dotimil ton et, 29gsmsb 
tt batt ow ,noktoutieat eiut to sobtaninexs ae. moc. sdtcom tuosttw 

me | Bit Wc ei ht wee 4 Mee es a 4 Tye Vasu wae pat Bie Wye Prac g t Wa it ee hy i eee We tial i Shite. 

cvwore ede movl Sedosertaek Of iamotus at 

ae ip ate i . 

states the rule fairly upon the question involved, and requires the 
jury, in assessing damages, to be guided by the evidence, 

This instruction, in somewhat the same form, was approved 
by the Supreme Court of this state in the case of Donk Bros.Coal Go. 
ve Thil, 228 Ill. 233, and Gicero Street Ry. Go. ve. Brown, 193 111,274, 

The refusal by the court to give defendsnt's offered 
instruction No. 31, which is in this form - 

"The Court instructs the jury that if they believe from 

the evidence, that the injury done te the plaintiff was 

the result of the fault or negligence of the plaintiff, 

or the fault or negligence of both, the plaintiff and 

defendant, then the plaintiff cannot recover, and the jury 

must find for the defendant. 
was proper, and this instruction is not applicable to the facts in 
the instant case. The instruction should have been qualified to 
include the rule that a child of ten years of age is required to use 
only such degree of care and caution as one of his age, experience 
and capacity would exercise under the same or similar circumstances, 

The damages, while large, are not excessive when we consider 
the plaintiff was in the hospital three years; his left leg is per- 
manently injured, so that the leg cannot be used, and the plaintiff is 
using crutches and will use them the rest of his life, unless the 
ieg is amputated, and then even if an artificial leg may be used, he 
will still remain a cripples It will not be necessary to repeat the 
nature of the injury, as it is sufficiently set forth in the facts 
herein stated. We are of the opinion that the damages are not 

There being no error in the record, the judgment is affirmed, 


‘eae i aeereh ade yl 
edt estiuper bas ,hevioval metvceup sdt moqy yYlaist elux edt setate 
|  \) shone bive edt yi beblug ed ot 4, eegensh, gitsabees ot , yet 
bevencgs enw ite? sate add tapwemer of ,nettourtent. eeat uring hick 

inod to sere, edt af etate efit to e2uod. snliaiianan 
sare btt BCL ~avork .v Das ghSE. fil B68 _ALED ov 

 BeveTio stinshnateb eviy ot #100 ade YE Leeuwen ed] pooce gow 

~ oxot aidt af ai doidw .£8 «ol mottourdent 

‘ goxt evelisd yedt Th ted - oat atoumtend 
eew Ttitatelg — o¢ onob yru al oft test pea aii 
J Qthtitele edé te conmegiigen to tiast edt to thue 
bas ‘hintele edt ,itod to sonegifgen xo t 
‘toruTso ‘sa ; 

ala Oem odd Das ,1évoOoeT ont | Bgl mie 
ny ' Seago a oct tot & me 

: tee we. $y fogs, ; 

a stot eds ot oldeottgcs ton ‘et ao Ltouréea aide bry a a 

Ol Nik ae bs a 
ae belli Leu 906 eved bivode ‘nobtoundemi att | mt ode 
ti ‘ag a a 
| sear ot } boxupet el a6 to eTeoy ase ‘to ‘bitte 6 tat me bud 


at Wiintela ond bos (beev v¢ tonne gel oat dade oe bor 

sth if ore a 

oft eeolay ,etit ‘eid to feox ‘ont ‘ede say tf iitw bre bas adoture adue 
ex heavy ‘od You sof istoltites fe tt gove edd ous \ depatvens “a | 

Sich i wae ion MH 
edt teecex of qrsessoen od. ton Litw a solute 6 ‘ntewox Eade 
Cee iy sek te Eade 

“etost oild ak déxot ton ‘Umeloittve ab tt us ye 

toes 4 tens rab / ‘0 
fon exs ‘gogemab odd todd goiaiqo odt te exe ® 

cetera si! te tHtatew 


shewntite ef taemghul edd .dnecor, odd mi sone: is sma ee 
iiohreomapeen ovo AMIRI A: neil isch ato wat eyes 

af ‘a Bee pos i P EE AR emniniieieian 

Le) Se eR Ee ae ss iaincae ¢ wast Ber 

(Plaintiff) Appellant, 



2¢9 1.4, 622! 




This cause is in this court on appesl by the plaintiff 
from a judgment entered in the Municipal Court of Ghicago in favor 
of the defendant Anna Reif in an action in the nature of an 
assumpsit proceeding. 

The action by the plaintiff was based upon a promissory 
note in the principal sum of #1,000 and accrued interest. Stella 
Nasiopulos, the maker of the note, and Anna Reif, the endorser, were 
defendants. On October 10, 1930, Anna Reif, the owner, endorsed 
and delivered the note to the plaintiff, The maker of the note, 
Stella Nasiopulos, after service of summons, was in default for want 
of an appearance, and the cause came on for trial against the defendant 
Anna Reif. Upon a hesring, the court, on November 9, 1933, without 
the aid of a jury, entered judgment for costs against the plaintiff, 
To thie action of the plaintiff, for recovery of the amount of the 
note due, the defendant Anna Reif on August 24, 1933, filed an 
affidavit of merits, which was stricken by the court, and upon leave 
being granted, the defendant filed an amended affidevit on October 
13, 1933, 

It appears thet Anna Reif, prior to October 10, 1926, was 
the owner of certain real estate in Cook County, illinois, which she 
sold on October 10, 1926 to Stelia Nasiopulos, co-defendant, and 
received from her as pert purchase price, a promissory note for $1,900, 

ata Leggs (PRs LELE) 

| “oonotn® to oP REETOREEN. AA ae Sen oe 
tie g O he Q y cS Rd Eke yee: ekamile an uta , i ‘i 
‘ « neat dark 

an thbasg edt yd Apagas 10 Hnckd' > ide ab ai’ ‘buat eae 
‘poROrER aL ops0ds0 29 tras Loctoamor od sk Dirttne Haga 
ns to stutsa oft ai nottes’as mt tie anak ta bast 

yidontnorg s nog bedsd eow Ytitately oft Wd torten bath 8! 

‘giiet® .t#eerstal bevtoos bac 000.1% to fuse faq bon tag oud ak ‘oe 

orew steetobas oft .tiel SHA baw .oton edt to ‘gegen ade". edlide 

‘boetobad ,xenwo ods ,rH6T aAtid (OCEL Of wedds0d 20 % 7 

= 9800 eit to todem OdT .Ititdtslg edt of Sto odd boxer 

‘ae ‘tot Hivetob ak eed .ecommse To solviee xotte , 0 Li i 
trikbasteb edt temtsye Lekzt rot mo oma bens ids'nkcs Ste 

- gunild th” 2802.0 zeduovoll 20° jptuen eld wgaizeed 2 so ayo, ‘eid, Nai 

ri biabeds edt tentegs” ‘ataoo “tol da dmy barb berets stu 6 : 0nd oat 

ot to tasoms od? to yevorer ‘rot Pitts oat tem noitos ei 

| ‘gs ‘bettt weeOL ide tasrauA so tied anak dadhnoteh oad ‘ek Gd 

4 veel siubile” tenes add vd hoilbixée ese sols yedlves orem 

_ edge no tivsbitts bebaone men bat 9 sled 

BBC at 
ciel ,880L , OL zedeto0 ot ty ates ann, sont ane, Te 

y one Moise eetomi Lit .ttnw0d 4000 ive at ates Laer ateeroo to. tomo edt 
hus ,tuebnateb-oo weodugonect allete ot aeeL ,OL rodo#00 no bite 

Lae Rpt My 

000, Le sot stom ytoseimortg # soleg tnatren oz0q as 2 x0 mort 

and ten interest coupon notes, all of which were secured by ao trust 

deed upon the real estate; that Anna Reif held the principal note 
until October 25, 1930, and during that time collected the accrued 
interest and surrendered the matured interest coupons that had been 
paid; that on October 35, 1950, the defendant Anna Reif was indebted 
to the plaintiff, her former husband, upon a certain judgment entered 
in the Municipal Court, and to satisfy the judgment, made part payment 
in cash, and endorsed and delivered the note of $2,000, together 
with two interest coupon notes, not yet duey to the plaintiff. The 
The principal note bears the endorsement of the defendant Anna Reif 
in these words; 

“In consideration of the sale and purchase of the within 

note by Oscar Gottschalk, I hereby guarantee the payment 

of the samé with interest thereon from October 25, 1930," 

At the time of the delivery of the note the plaintiff 
delivered to this defendant his exeeuted release, dated October 25, 
1930, by which the plaintiff released the defendant "from all claims 
or demands from the beginning of the world to the present date." Did 
the plaintiff release the defendant from all claims by the representa- 
tion of her former attorney, who acted for the plaintiff, that upon 
the endorsement of the note in question she was so released by the 

The defendant admitted the endorsement of the note in 
question secured at the time by Andrew Host, Jr., attorney for the 
pilaintiff,as payment, and the payment of part cash to satisfy a 
judgment obtained by the plaintiff against her for borrowed money. 
This attorney had been her counsel, but not in matters relating to 
the present litigation. The defendant testified that in a conver- 
sation of the attorney with the defendant at his home, this attorney 
advised the defendant to consult an attorney, but stated in the 
presence of Mre. Rost's wife and the defendant's son that the signing 
of her name on the back of the note was but = formality; that the 


testd @ yd betwooe axew doidw to Liles a soton nea wes teorstat mot hus 

eten Isqionitq edt bied hiss sand tect [etetes Ler ont aoqu beeb 
beytoos edt betoelion emit ted patiub bus ,Ocel a8 zadotod titan 
meed bad tacit? enoquoo teetotal besten edt borebaerise bas teorstat 
reap asw tie” eand taebasteb ed? ,O8CL aS redeted. ‘no dest jdleq 
hetotae thoopbhyt oistreo & moqu cbusdaud weees rod ,ititaiele ed¢ ot 
tnemysq req sbom ,tnemgbyt adit vtelttee ot bas atrwo0 Iecloinul edt ai 
_  renftegot 000,49 to ston ott hotevifed hus boerobne bas. egfipao. a 
out otEtdntsLe eat of geub tay tos ceton HOGHOD 

se smith tnsbaetsh edt to taensetehan eds Btsed oton Sai 


aidtiy sat to sandoxug bra ates odd 20 Lo Lt ane, 
rnOBe! ent sstnatsuy ydered I ,wladoas 
288 sedetood mort qeoxed? Fnoxeta: 

~stcone3gor ons x auisto ifs nox? sasbasteb oat sanoser a7 ge 

alt ttitnis exit xot betes of ott. comet rod 
“mogss zt ‘ iq Egy hee gi oR i othe ha 

| one ws beeselet o8 Bew ore nokteoup ai oto ond to 



s ‘Yielian ot dass ‘tnag to domes ‘oad ‘baa aa i VAG BB: 

| “eyes bewoz rod tot xed tan begs ‘Vilindalg, ong Ww m & at she tas 7 

ot ‘gniteler eretton me ‘ton tod ,leenwoeo cod eed ‘bas. R 2 t o : ast 

tue taee 8 ab tadt botiitaet tnskaoteb edt “to ttegttat tases set 
“yennod ts wid’ .2mod ald ts. taxhasteb outa tbe Warotts edt to motte 

7 tet ak hetate td cyenrorte as #uen00 ot cea, a bse 
‘gatmgie ‘edt ¢adt sow a! duebaoteb out bas otin etiaoil : yb | 

“odd tadt jyttLemre? stud esw etoa edt to sond ot 0 ewes xe 20 

payment of part cash and her endorsement of the note settled all 

Claims between the plaintiff and the defendant. 

There is evidence that upon default in payment of the 
promissory note by the maker when due, a written notice of the 
default was given to the defendant by the plaintiff, which she denied 
having received, A notice to produce certain letters addressed and 
mailed to the defendant, was served upon the attorney for the defend- 
ant by plaintiff's attorney. The letters not being produced upon 
the trial, copies were admitted in evidence, marked Exhibits 2 and 
3, bearing date November 16, 1931 and 4ebruary 16, 1932, respectively. 
From the tenor of the letters it appears the defendant was notified 
thet the maker Stella Nasiopulos defaulted in payment of the note 
endorsed by the defendant, and that the plaintiff would proceed 
against the defendant unless the amount due was paid upon her written 
endorsement and guaranty of the note. A notice appears in the record 
addressed to Stella Masiopules to produce a certain letter addressed 
and mailed to her, in which she was notified of the maturity of the 
promissory note signed by her. This legter was not produced, and a 
copy of the letter signed by the plaintiff's attorney notifying 
Stella Nasiopules of the maturity of the prombssory note was admitted 
in evidence, 

The record does not disclose that the defendant is unable 
to read or that an artifioe was used by the plaintiff to prevent the 
defendant from reading the form of the endorsement and guaranty which 
appeared on the back of the promissory note in question; nor was she 
prevented from informing herself as to liability upon signing the 
endorsement appearing on the note. The defendant, however, denied 
liability as endorser, but apparently was willing to accept a release, 
signed by the plaintiff and delivered to her, of all claims against 



fis belttes estos sdt to tneneerohad ted bas daao sxsq to taomynq 
standaoteb ext bas Yrttatsla sdt asowsed enbs Lo 

edt to taemysg at tivated moqu tadé somehive ef exedT y, piven 

edt to eolton nattiew 6 ,oub mocw teaem edt’ ud ston ¢10 a hmor 
botmeb ede dotsw ,ttitnielg sdt yi tasbasteb edt of novig naw ¢Lastes 
oon Beseowbbs etottel alst<es sevbers of sottom A - bovisber gidvad 

| =baeteb od? tot yéatotts edt soqu bevres easy ,tnabasteb edt oF be lism 

| .ylevitosqes: .S80L ,8L yrewtdet bas (Lr .8f todme vor otab 

noqu beoubdrq jautod tom axsttel sat .yemotts eltiitakelg ew tis 
“bas & atididxa bedren (sonebdive at bettimbs exee gétqos” ccthdoaal 

beititon asw tasbasteh sit erseqae ti arettel arid ro ‘rouse ‘bev deet 
eton adt to gaomysy al betiueteb coluyolestt atone soiini, gd} tat 
bedoorg blvow tiitaislq ot telt Sus ,saahasreb ot YW bedrohae 
settizn ted noqs bisq eaw ub taveme dt apetow tasbasted add teatege 
budoer odd ai exsecch eolton A ston od? to ‘Yineteny ie seo 2TobAe 
boseerbbs xettel ateizeo « eonbota ot eolucotest effort ot bosassbbi 
“etd to yirvtam odt to bettiton ase ede Hotde at .xei ot Bel¥aw bine 
‘2 bas .beouborg ton saw xetael eld? sed ye bemgia ‘stom Yroeeinory 
 gutytiten yenrotés e'ttidaisle edt yw Demgte 4et"er edt Yo Yuod 
bedtimbs vow ston yroredmotg odd to Ysttwtsm edt to eolimd tea arcade 

oldeau ef tusbneteb oft tadt seoloeth ton esos Srover oat 
add tmoverd ot Ttitkialh edt yd boaw tow Soltites ats tari’ ro beer ot 
foidw Ytnetsuy bas tremsetobse eft to mrot eft gutter indie Hhanbinbrried 
ede saw tom jtoltesup ai stom yroeatmosy ext to Woad edt mo betasyqes 
“edt galagte noay YWiildsli of us tlewred palwrota? sort Betnovsng 
‘betaeh stavewod etostreteh ed? “seven sat oo gntteoqas ‘Fnemeet obey 

a s taeoc% o¢ sniiliw aow Yldmersqge tid steatobas ‘ee Uiltde ls 

“ania, omtsLo its Ye yet ot dating me sioner odd yo bongte 

it «kt TH baba banites | 

ator wit To weed rat nat il te ae 

Pile Ae 

her, including the satisfaction of the judgment against the defendant 
for money borrowed from the plaintiff. This attitude of the defendant, 
however, is not borne out by the facts in the record, and it would 
seem rather inequitable for her to accept the satisfaction of the 
judgment in question without paying the considerstion te the plaintiff 
for his action in that regard. 

It does not appear the evidence is satisfactory thet a 
fraud was practiced upon the defendant. Evidence of fraud must be 
clear and satisfactory; it is not in this case. Another trial will 
be necessary, end this court does hot desire to comment further upon 
the facts. The judgment for the defendant is accordingly reversed 
and the cause remanded, 



| 2 
insbuoteb oft tentoga jaomghut edt to notdosteltse ‘oil? yaboutoht yxed 
stushasteb edt Yo obutitie eid tt bindelg edt mot bowotred youoit x62 
bivow $1 bus ,bsooor edt at etost ou too snrod 0H af ,xovewod 
oft to nortosieltas ot tgsb0s of red tot eldertupeat xedéer bbe 
wetdatela ong oe notverobtenoo ou gabvec tuodstw no tteawp ab 
Mey abreget “tad? al m0 
8 taste Wrotontattes et consbive edt teecke ton e00b 1 
oe tam buext Yo somsbive + taabastob sae sows vont 

et bo Lamm 

ie abst = aston +9820 ent at ton no fe 

“boetevex = \igadbroooe a £ taabaotsh rio! peer " 

2 # 

Seandgr ache ‘ aie c . 
“xcan ou iit ctoahantm big > td Dedvotae 
MOtSiow Tosi 0: Potonn #44 aeataw henins f.. eakee 

t as — ) a. ae Bice @ take d 
EOD AT ce es &% : TiaGm 4 
Pym tee Ber is ae are t eG ae eT 

en2 t6 Yvinnias S67 Jo peti idem ene Ode Ghee oe aT a ioe a 
DEA, ,Reorboty wor atw *edwas ele 1 Elba d e nea’ ‘rgeesmony 
aiytiter yearotdn se tt iteiskg ade ed Baas regwed ‘ete v6 weed 
beiiinihs assy ctor qromedmota of? Do Ye :. ot he ab leno nem aL sere 

Sides ef techie) “os facd SabLoasd Fox pee sabia Pes ae 
mg neresg ef Siesnke ly one vo beg baer ORE ee ee Pte ee: wre ov 
fatuig “iretnd: Sta Tnhanseteine ele te ney eee tek Bees tote be deiner 
oR Yow ton juolisesp at ehiew YeoseleDTe SeP Fe Bea ae we hoaneces 
ities Aon VC. sBe LA Bl a Fae shor dare. ede a | 
batuwh yxseewod ,éoptesen oft “Vode. Sey ae enone ita wero et 
aeetor «. fan ot ghitile Aov. Vie Poe a 


(Mis.o Lie 20 yee oF 

ste oh 

“a : y 
(Plaintiff) Appellep? Ce 
Ve bi 





(Defendant) Appellant, ) 7 ‘é) Rak G 9 Qe 

This cause was tried in the Municipal Court of Chicago 
upon an amended statement of claim filed by the plaintiff and upon 
the issues formed by the proof submitted at the titel. The court 
entered a judgment upon s finding against the defendant Chas. H, 
Brandt & Company, Inc., for $100, and dismissed the sotion as to the 
defendant Harry C. Swanstrom. fhe defendant company brings this 

Plaintiff's evidence tends to establish that he procured a 

purchaser for certain real estate owned by the plaintiff and his wife; 
that the defendant agreed to and did act as the plaintiff's agent in 
securing the execution of a written contract and in receiving part 
payment of the purchase price; that a written contract was signed by 
the plaintiff and Axel Bort and Hana Bort, wherein Axel Bort and 
Hana Bort agreed to purchase the real estate for the sum of $2300, 
and to assume a mortgage of $1500; that $100 earnest money was paid, 
and $700, the balance of the purchase price was to be paid upen 
delivery of the deed. It also appears from the evidence that the #100 
earnest money was paid to Harry ¢,. Swanstrom, an employee of the 

defendant company, by Michael Bernick, attorney for the purchasers, 

and that Sernick testified to the effect that he paid $100 to Swanstrom 

to be held by him, together with the contract, until Swanstrom received 

a telephone message that Bernick's clients had returned the $100 
advanced by him. 

os oppepsceersaectoar 

: ret i 4? L wr 
ioaad tt kombass . 

TAUOD AAVTOLYNOM { ) yx se oe 
Sat gsr 

pis voreod 

eODAOIHO TO a aK i) 4  roMase a .eaHo 

Pea aae ee 

Seen mt: rove ne aN LO rake Df 
set SG “or 
ogeoidd to sued Laqiotauii ent ai helt ew oan elaT: © 
mogu bas ttitnielq odd yt belly atelo to trenogete inhi ito 
“Ptu00 6fT JLedtt odd te betthadve toory wnt we bearrot snvoet oat 

+H sead0 tasbaeted ont turteye gatbatt pei: # beredine 

ot come geal 
& bexyoetg od tadt detidstes ot abast enced tet =? ie 
«*~ettw etd bas ttitatsaliq edt yd beawo o¢stas Leet aistzeo tet reeedotuq 
«ak daege e'tiitalelg edt es tos blb bas of boorgs sasbasteb oft sie 
|  deaq gaiviesor oi bas toattaco nettixnw s to soktuoexe edt yabiuose 
wW ‘pemets ese toatinoo aetiirw s tedt ;oolxq seadorng edt to esis, 
‘bas tof LoxA atetodw ,trod sas bas trod Loxk bas idntsle edt 
 0OS8$ to mwe sit tot etatee Lset oft sandonuq of beorgs tro enak 
oes gow youorm teentas OOL$ tadt ;,006IL2 to comytrom # einnees od bas ; 
| “goa Bisa od of new s0itq oucdeme edt to soneiad | te b bos 
Ort edt tedt comenive oft mort ateogqe oels #1 aheod edt to rerio 
odt to seyolqme as .mortenswh .D yrtsh oF Bisq adhere sneannek 
extensive ed¢ rot yenroettce ,xolatem Leadodl yt ‘<tnsgM08 tas steb 
mortanant of COL! bis od tad? sootte env of hotthteet Aokwxel tant hao 
bevieost mottarew® Ittay ,toatinos edt dttw redtogot .mid we bked od ~ 
| DOL} edt benmder Bad stmetlo atsotared aah voriqelot s 

It further appears from the evidence that the Borts did not 
want to go through with the deal, and Bernick, requested and received 
the $100 advanced by him to Swanstrom., Swanstrom advised the plain- 
tiff by letter that he had returned the earnest money "because 
Bernick could not collect the earnest money which he advanced when 
you were at our office Saturday. He returned the abstract to us 
today, so we had to refund the $100," 

It also appears that after hearing the testimony of Michael 
Bernick, a witness offered by the defendant, the court interrupted 
the submission of further proof on behalf of the defendant "to prove 
the same facts by Mr. Swanstrom as testified to by Mr. Bernick." 

The court then intimated his reason for refusing to hear further 
evidence for the defendant by stating - 
"He will testify the same way. No use taking the time 
to hear him. How are you going to get ar the parol 
evidence rule in this case, ***# 

The contract in question was signed by Axel Bort and Hana 
Bort, his wife, the purchasers of the real estate, as well as by the 
plaintiff, and contained the terms and conditions of the purchase, Ags 
a part of the purchase price $100 was received by the agent of the 
plaintiff, and the abstract of title to the property was delivered to 
the purchasers. The agent, without authority from the plaintiff, re- 
turned the money so paid to the purchasers' attorney and receipted 
for the abstract of title delivered to the purchasers, 

The defense to this suit, from the agent's evidence, is that 
at the time the $100 was paid and received by the agent of the plain- 
tiff, the money was paid conditionally by the purchasers! attorney, 
with the understanding that the contract was to be held until the 
money was returned by the purchasers to their attorney. The money 
was not so returned, and upon demand of the attorney for the purchasers, 
it was returned by the agent of the plaintiff, and the purchasers 

refused to perform their contract, The evidence does not disclose 

ton bib atroli od? tadd eomebive edt wmott etesyge tedégatyt®, oo og nny 
hevisoes bas beteeuper ,dotated. bas cisah oct diiw dgvordt og ot tasw 
-tislg otf beelvie morteaew® .mottenewa of mid yd beonsvhs OoLe edt 
esuacod" yetom teantes edd bearute had ed tad, amet ire, thas 
iia’ tail 
du et toattede 6d¢ hoduvtor off ‘ .ysDawtek ooftto we ta erew soy 
".00L§ ed? bawter ot bed ow oa tii 
fesdo it to wtomitest edd geireed ‘tests ‘bead prasqae oats ea 

befyutrstat ftu09 edt tnebasteb ‘ont vd beretto parrtng & ,doinred 
ever of” tasbasteb ent to tiered ao toorg redtw? to okesindue ont 

W,dotered “sail yo of beltitect es mortomewe ni Dally ‘atost omoe 01 
redtast ceed ot gatevter rot noasor etd hetsmets. ‘e 
- gaitate vd tnobaates was wehive 

ues pean te! teb 


sodw boonsvbe ef doidw yenom fuentes edt teelloo toa ’ 

— SO ee ee ee 

omtt ent gutted eas ol «Yaw Suse edt yt 

ee edt Savors tag Wg 3578 vex yoy bo pe | . 

. | a8 bea, trot Lexi yd beagia saw nottneup. ah seendent sh “cbewtitecen: 

edt. yd en [iow en ,etates Iseu ot to etersdonug oft. ,0the ath oten 

eA »Sesdoruq ed? to enoltibuoo bas emret, odd beontatmeg in sagas 

edt Io tnegs sdt yd beyteoar sen OOLE eoizq, enadonuy, } 

ot bezovileh eew ytregorq edt of aLeit to soortede. odd. as, «Sbitatata 

~st ,Ikidaielg edd wort ytitediue dvodtiw staegs off »  -azensdotug add 

| bedatsver bar yontodts ‘ereasdomg edd ot Diag 98, yoaom, att Doamut 

sarseedotug eft of baxoviteb eitit to doantade edt sot 

tasit ™ wemtinn, e'teegs ode, work ,tiva aidd ot tenoreh edt igecwy Rdlawh 

~nisiq, oft to tage add yo Deviope: bus Sieg sow OOke, ostsanth o8tcto 

.Woarotts taxesadonug ot ys yileaoktibnos bing. oar yonom odd athe 

ost Lita bled od ot aew soerdnee edt tedt gatbnodexshay edt dtiw 

> Xecom sdf .yomxotts tiedt o¢ exeredoruq oft ye bertuter ese qecon 

.sTessdonwe edt Tot youtoste edt to haameb soqy bas ghoaruieto@ dom saw 
| aresedorwe odt bus ,ttitatel¢ edt to tmege edt yd, donusten, oon tk 

eeoLoeth ton soob eonebive edt .tostéaoo riedd mzotxeq of henwtox 

the plaintiff agreed the money was to be received by his agent con- 

ditionally, nor that the plaintiff empowered the agent to return 
the money upon demand of the purchasers! attorney, 

We have examined the record and are unable to find any 
evidence that the plaintiff understood the money was received conditioi - 
ally by his agent. An agent is only empowered to act for his 
principal upon the authority conferred, and may act if within the 
scope of his authority. Unless the money was received condi tionality) 
was agreed to by the plaintiff, the agent of the plaintiff in accept- 
ing delivery of the contract conditionally was acting without authority. 

There is no question that between the parties to a contract, 
evidence may be admitted to show a written document was not to take 
effect as 2 valid agreement until the occurrence of some future 
contingency, Sugar v. Marinello, 260 Ill. Appe 85. But this rule 
does not apply to the facts in the instant case. The plaintiff did 
not agree with Axel Bort and Hana Bort, his wife, the purchasers, thet 
the contract was to be delivered to the agent and received by the 
plaintiff conditionally. The agent of the plaintiff acted without 
authority, and by so acting he assumed the risk when he returned the 
money to the purchasers’ attorney without first obtaining consent of 
the plaintiff. The case being a fourth clase case, the evidence is 
sufficient and controlling upon the questions of fact involved, and 
the court properly entered judgment for the plaintiff. 



“ato tnage eid yd bevieder od of sew yomon edt bestge Biitatal edt 

yos Balt of sideay ots Bae brover 64d henimoxd evel OR ° oe 
woltibrot bevigoet aew yenom edt bootetrobar ttitntel¢ ef? tent? eomedsive 

| edt atdtiw ti tos yam bas ,borrstnod ¢tivedtws od? moqw Leqtonteq 

Xeno tt1a00 boviecet sew ysiren oft esolat wyetrodtus eld to eqeoe 

 wiqeote ak tiivntel¢ ont to tmege edt. thitntelg eddy ot Hogtgs Baw 

ye brbadtes tuodtiw anitos esw yilswoltttaoe testtaee ed? to qrovbleb aa 

atoertnod @ of eoltrsq edt meowted tude mobtaenp on: et pred ‘OCR eat 
edet ot tom sew tneusoob nettixrw © wore of hettinhs od yaa 

eivdut emoe to soaetzy006 edt Lbtonr tuonsorge SELav = on tevtte 

olur eftt tui 28 .q7d «LIT 008 jolkeutxel ¥ ba “ | 

blb Vittnieic edT .oa29 tnatenk orit mi etost out of wacs fon esob 

tac? pavsendotig odd .etiv @id srod ane has rem Lexa ddtw somgs tom 

nescet of trogs edt betewoqme thitmiale oft todd tom ,yllemottid — 
-Warotis 'ersecdonng edt to dtawsb mode yorom edt 

alt tot tos ot berewoqms YLno-B WHOge mA Venoye Bad YO YLLe 

edt Ye bevisosr bas trons edt of boveveLsd ed of aaw toartnoe ent | 

tuodtiw betos ttitnisig edt to dmege edt 4 yillenetttbwoo, Thitatsly 
edt benxutex of medw deft oct benteee ed giivos oe Yd bar UP Proteus 
Jo duoeron untatetde tesit twodtiw yeotoste Tesescdoruy edd oF yenom 
‘ek sonebtve odt ,oee0 evelo dtit « gnied send exit - Vritntet¢ ot 
bas ,beviovel fost te enotteouy sit mow seh Mordnon ban Ynesotrtve — 
‘sittitulele odd rot toreayhey munaineteet:: saationdl 

eae Oe: 
r i. ids Wade 
3 108 ut AK 
er (Sim et vilacmge Crit ee et 
“ye TSR ad thes epelued ene: eae 
eee OY Ae A aie ey 
J diene. act. ce ; i is fined -pescoy Jase glenda, ome Rew 

an Pere tas Ay 75 BAH Bie ce euros erm, a } 

Peony Pe 

Sao Lown a wo Gorthive eff ehhertago tiwig ava ot nau 
, pis 




ap ) 

Plaintiff) Appellee 
} sep . (ne oPERIOR COURT 
Ve # 
TABER MILL, INC., a corporation, COOK ala 

. (Defendant) Appellant. a yy oe T a e 9 9? 

This is an appeal by the defendant from a judgement for 
$671.29, entered in the Superior Court of Gook County, in favor of 
the plaintiff, in an action of assumpsit. To this action the defend- 
ant filed its plea to the jurisdiction in the nature of a plea in 
abatement objecting to the service of process and jurisdiction of 
the court. 

The plea set forth, in substence, that the defendant was 
@ Massachusetts corporation; that it never transacted business in 
the State of Illinois, and never qualified for that purpose. It is 
further alleged by the defendant in its plea, that the defendant was 
engaged in the business of manufacturing shirts, ties, pyjamas and 
similar goods; that it sold its products at various times to the 
residents of the State of Illinois by elicitors who solitited orders 
from prospective purchasers in Illinois, on a commission basis; 
that the orders procured would be forwarded to the main office of 
the defendant at New Bedford, Massachusetts, for acceptance, and if 
accepted by the defendant, the merchandise contracted for would be 
sent 6.0.0. by mail from New Bedford, Massachusetts to the purchaser's 
address; that the defendant conducted no transactions of any kind 
in the State of Illinois other than those stated, 

The plea further set out that William P, Martin, upon whom 
service of summons was had, was not at any time authorized by the 
defendant corporation to do or transact any business on its behalf 
as an officer of the corporation, 

va avavs 

| HORT a C es siti 0 ust 
TAUOD HOLME -—. “oetioosl (tttabek 

etoltetodios 4 .-D8I ‘ai Perit 
+ tne LLeqca (taebasrod) 

Mi @@ An, A. T ase reve 

a ae 
LAey . 


| -YTHUGD 2000 

~THUOO BHT TO UOTMIGO ANT CEARVIURC IaasH ‘forrent oiktarean’ ak 
Ke ep sort tt 
| tot ¢remghut s moxt tasdusteb edt yd Ieeqqs as at eke? pt 
{ Ro tovet at, ytewod dood to #xy0d toitequé oi¢ at boxe#as “86h 

-baetebd ent noitos etdt of .tiaqmuers to aottes as ab “sHittatslg, edt 

Cay Pee y sk Bak r 

“mt sefo # to etuted edt at noltoLbatxut edt ot vole wot BoLan os 
i ixut bine eeoderq to soiviree ode ot 
to aoitoibelrut ine eeesorq to + yabvooido s ete 

ait > oid 

aew tasbaoted st tent .ooastedue ai .dtxot toa s0lg ont 
ean oo anh Yen Kast 
ai seonteud betosancrt teven ti tent wo ttexoqnos z B 
—s« BE GL .e@eeqroq tadt ‘to? beltifoup reven bas wetontiit ‘to stata 4. 
, ies Abe at 
paw doebaeted ent tead .aefe ‘ett at tashastsb ont a ‘beyeLis todd 
: a. hay ». Bs j 
bas eametye eet? ,ettine gititutsetyunss to eeoakend ost ai begag Se 8% 
add of eomit avottey te etoubora ett bloe #t Goat vale 
erebto Bettetios one sotto brow yd whowistt Yo ‘stedt 
5 $etesd moteedemoo 5 ao  etontitr at borne oe 
16 oodtto niem edt of bebrowrot od biver ‘herve ong et 
ti Bas ,soasdqeoos tot .stseenddnnecl bx 
ed bluow tot bétost#ace oatbnadorem eat rebee 
| e'resedorug edt ot et teeudscnnall ‘(brotbea wok mor how cl 0.9 hate 
| bait ye to anoitosanstt on bevoubaoo snstastob ait. o 


 giodw aoge ,aitrs .4% meilliw tadt tuo ton “dew ole aoe : 

| eat yd poxtrosiue omit yas ta tom esw shod now enone to ‘eoivise 
| ‘Basted ati 0 asonteud vis tosenstt to ob of wokter0¢x08 * asome a 

»toltteroqroo ‘ond to cooltt 

The plaintiff filed a replication where it was alleged. 
"thet the return on the writ of summons was true and 
that William FP, Martin was at the time of said service 
of summons upon him, an authorized agent of the defend- 
ant company. 

A hearing was had before the court, without a jury, and 
evidence was introduced by the parties upon the issue made by the 
plea, and the court found the issues for the plaintiff, The 
defendant elected to stand by its plea and thereupon was defaulted 
for failure to plead to the declaration, and, upon a hearing, the 
court entered the judgment appealed from. 

The defendant maintains that the filing of the plea in 
abatement was proper practice, and that the trial court erred in its 
finding against the defendant upon a hearing of its defense as 
alleged in the ples. The rule of law is that in an action to 
recover the amount alleged to be due the plaintiff, want of a license 
in the defendant to do business as a foreign corporation is no 

No question was reised by the defendant as to whether the 

sontract, in and of itself, was made in violation of the law. 

In the case of Ross v. New South Farm & Home Co., 191 

Ill. App. 353, there is an interesting discussion by the court as 
to the right of a defense such ss is set forth in the plea of abate- 
ment offered by the defendant. The court said; 

"Section 67c, chs 32, Hurd's B. S. (J, & A» Para, 23527), 
which prohibits fore corporations of certain kinds 
from doing business in this State without being first 
licensed by the Secretary of State, was enacted for the 
protection of persons dealing with such corporation and 
not for the protection of the corporetion against those 
with whom it deals, Wo foreign corporation is bound to 
comply with that statute. It may refrain from so doing 
and be safe, provided it at the game time refrains from 
transacting business and exercising its corporate powers 
here, If it undertakes to transact business or exercise 
its corporate powers in this Stste without complying 
with this statute, it does so at its own risk," 

in the case of Pinch ¢ Co. v. Zenith Furnace Go, 245 Ill. 
586, the Supreme Court of this State held that a contract of a 


sbogoits saw ti oxede moiteekLige: s beLit Midalelg edt 

bus euxt esw anomawe To ¢irw oft no. te 
_polvies Dice to emi? edt ts ssw atdrei ou ad Ziti 
sts e trege lea 
. : ‘ons 

Tae oh 

bes .vrst © twortiw .txv0o adé oxeted’ Kall bie gaiteed a0 OT 
edt yd obem eneel edt aequ eoliiraq edt yd beoubortal eow somebive 
 ad'y 2tEtaislg odd rot semeet oft bower txwoo edt bas .ole 

‘ betiastebd cew noquereds bas selg etl yd baste of betools tnabasted 
edt (Yntreed s nog pbas \ooltetslooh eft ot beck OF Stylist tot 
snort belseqqs taonghyt edt betetas tod 

O°) fb pele odd Yo gatikt odd todd enistales taabaeteb. off 60! Oot 
ath al berre txyoo Esirt edd sedd base ,oottoaty teqoTg Bow Taeeeteae 
es semsteb ett to gitteed « moqy tacheoteb erft sembayd’ yutbait 

ot mottos as at tedt ef wal to elux edT .a8ia ode nt begeLis 
oemsoll s to taew ,Ltivmiedy edt stb od of Doge ts devont edt reveoes 
°° ont wt fottsroqres agterot & es enomtient ab od sieibietob watt att 

etd eae id 

edt sodvody ot as tasbast eb edt iW boster Bow -monteoup Of. ie 
owed edt. to. moitetogy ot ober esw eticeds to bag rae 

‘O enol & pe for oc ¥ +Y go 30,9060 oct a catia ie 
Bs tau09. ode te ngsanyeesh aniveoretat. an a el 20h 2 

«(F286 818h oA 4 oh). 28 of ob ’ 
‘ebatd ntatreo to atroftaroqro 8 tit 
gaxit pated sued? iw. stage elat xT acenteud 

- edd tot Setosne arw 4 “% 

bas aoitaregroo dove Abin tt 

180 °° oped Terbege notte teg¢red 

| ot bavod al soltstoqroo maitre of . 
 Batod ov mort wisrt or ~OsheRi 
mort antertex oe A emeg by fe tt be 
erewoq ststogTéo efi gota | See Lyosenart — 
getozexe te asent tonsnext of seis rehuass ti 1, sox00 
OS meet Lomo toodtiw etese wide mi es Bt) 
"dels awo ett te oa 8 bic a ts Statste « : 

LL ane x00 songs Abines OM 192.8 domes 3 3p Err te tae baeveb 
# to tosxtnoo s ted? bled etatG pidt to xvod em 

ee ee 1 
es ‘ 
i ‘ m 
Rane 7 thy ' 
i : / 
» » ach j 
F ‘d 

foreign corporation does not violate the statute prohibiting 2 foreign 

corporation from transacting business, holding or disposing of 
property, or maintaining a suit in the courts of this State unless 
it shall have complied with certain requirements. It is not a vio- 
lation of the statute for a foreign corporation to enter into a 
contract with a citizen of this state for the purchase of personal 
property in this state, and for a breach of the contract, if such 
eccurs, such corporation may maintain an action for the recovery of 
damages, provided the contract is but a single transaction. I+t is 
apparent that if the defendant could maintain an action for a breach 
of contract, as we have outlined, the plaintiff could maintain his 
action, even if the defendant was mot licensed to do business as 

a foreign corporation in this State, 

Upon the question of service of summons upon the agent of 
the defendant company, we have examined the record and are satisfied 
that the service of summons by the sheriff of Gook County upon 
William P. Martin was e proper one. The evidence in the record 
clearly shows that Martin was an agent of the defendant company} that 
he appeared voluntarily in this Stete in order to ascertain what claim | 
the plaintiff had against the defendant company, and for the purpose 
ef transacting business for the company. The service of summons was 
in compliance with the statute. 

The defendant having stood by its plea of abatement, which 
we have indicated wes not a proper one, and without offering any 
other defense, the court properly entered judgment for the plaintiff 
in the sum of $671.29, The judgment is accordingly affirmed, 


mgterdt # gnitididorg etutste ed} stsloiv tou soob mobtardqzo0 aytexot 
to gateogelh xo gatblod ,wecatend galtorenat? mozk adttsroqroo 
sneinu etste eid? to atruwo edt ai thus sgrtakstaten no .ytteqerq 
~ofv tom. si ¢1 = ,atnemorinpex atesxeo ditiw besLquoo, syed ifese $2 
_# otal istae ot aeltetegios agiere? s rot etstste et to sottet 
Lanoareq to, sander od}, Tot, ofste, Bist to gente s deiw goerteae 
Mose ti .Toortaoo edt to dosetd s cok boa wotste pkét at, ytxeaong 
to yroyooor sid tol soites ae aladalom Yam noltereqzoo doves ,erz0o9 
ai tl .solttossast? olgnip s tud et tostiaoo edt Debtvory, .eepemnd 
sosexd « tot saoltes as mistaiam bivoo sasbavteh ad¢ ti edt tnoreqqs 
Bit distaiam bivoo ttitatelq odd ,beatitue evad ow 24, tonttn09. ko 
es seeatni! ob of boamsolt tex any tnaksoteb odd Lt wave sottes 

Ro taegs edt soqy enomue to soivren to, mottpoup oat nou. uti . 
heltetéea ora bas broost ott beatmexe eyed ov .xmagmop tasbasteb edt 

) noqy yinwed Food to ttitede edt Yo emomme to eolrnog odd tedt 

brooer od¢ mt esonebive ed? .ea0 teqoty & bew aitnel 47 euspus 

tad? Wyasquoo tmabnsteh ed¢ to taegs ae eaw attired tot ewode Uz fo 
mislo ésdw Wistteoge of tobro ai otete ebdt-mi vitanoautey Soxsoqea, i 
seoqtug adt rot Sas sYasqnion tnebuoteb ont tenteye hed TY. 
‘Saw akamaie Se Waived ont +Wangnos it xo? enowtend 4 } ie at 

mH ent odd ‘tet soma 

a OT ee a eet ee 

ee * 189 ua ag 

HA UREN Me ene 
18 1, re oer his tl ae 


epeOTTOT Ne getter rte 
et pent 

etter a 

wae yl 

Plaintiff in Error, 


a Corporation, 

Defendant in Error. 2¢9 I.A. G29 


Plaintiff sued defendant in the Municipsl Court of Chicago 
to recover damages slléged to be due under a policy of insurance 
issued to plaintiff by defendant, by the terms of which plaintiff 
was insured against loss by theft of his automobile, its equipment, 
or any extra perts thereof. 

in his statement of claim, plaintiff alleges that on 
September 26th, 19352, his automobile was stolen from his garage 
located at 13335 Lawndale Avenue, Chicago, was recovered by the police, 
and that he then ascertsined that certein accessories and parts of 
the value of §2300.00 had been taken therefrom. Defendant insists 
that the claim is fraudulent in that the car and parts were not stolen, 
ag alleged, but that plaintiff, in conspiracy with others, took the 
parts from the car, or caused them to be so taken, and falsely 
represented to defendant that the car and parts had been stolen, 

The hearing was before the court without a jury, the court dound for 
defendant and entered judgment against plaintiff for costs. The 
appeal is by plaintiff from this judgment, 

Plaintiff testified in substance that on the day in question 
at about 12 o'clock he put the car in the garage back of his house, 
locked the ignition and the door of the garage; that in the morning 
he opened the door of the garage and saw that the car was gone; that 
he made a report to the police and saw the agent of the insurance 
company; that he signed a proof of loss in the office of the agent 

5 " 

hy Ys iy er ee > BRBIE 
: piuod Jacrotee ' ’ eT ENE” 

; ws i ee 
| , /ODADIED TO. — RENE Batam wis 
| T@RD Ase vVS si “snot at vaatanee 
| Wavoo Gr Yo MOTUTSO ‘MAT GRRRVIuEG takw MOTTO, ia’ Lee 
& AS 

ogscit® to two Ieqioinw ed? ni suebasteb bewe iat nrre 
eomeivant te yoifoq = tebay eu od OF beyslie aegemia eee. 
°PtLtntele dott w to eimret edt n done ¥ mises ‘6 Boon 

‘jto dott wogelfs Prbtate le ‘mbato to” 
eegetey eid ‘mott molote orw. ettéomotus sla er 008 | 
yootlog ett yi herevover aaw pogenidd .oenevA oLébaw. 7 

to eirey baa esivosesonk mistrod tad? benietreses | a 
“ebétant tasbootod .mortetedd medat seed Dod done : cr ota 
todote do Stow Boreq bas ths Sas ate WE bobteche ‘pele 

off Hood jatetto détw yootiqemos at cibiatela tad te 4 

“yfeatet ‘bas towed ow 6¢ of modt ‘beaueo to. ‘si ae tak mre 

,telote aeed bad etzsq das tao edd tadd ‘tushaste® oh Ls oe tb 
28% bawot tryoe off yytet & swodtiw txv68o eae rr re a 

ai? vateoo rot tittelstg gontige sremabat Be pee eae ee r | 

| | stuomghot etd? monk ‘Ween tard wa eee 

gd teaup ak yeb odd co tate eonrdedue ‘ak batt itads ¥t ‘a fr Ae Cid RE 

ya r 

ou ~osvod eid to dosd egetey ont wk veo odd due eit aoodvte BL guods te 

guimtom odd ai tests yogeteg ad¢ to 100b edd bas ‘coxekngt ott oto 

tadd jemog eew reo eit tedd wee bas sgetsy edt to roob et bensqo od 

3 eonsiwestt edt to teas edt wee bas eollog ont ot troger vspenr’ “ey 
tnoge ot Yo odio odd mt val te toomg 2 beagie ed tate ti q | 

of thé defendant company; thet thereafter he was notified by the 
police that the car had been found and that the tires, springs, front 
fenders, lamps, headlights and axle were gone; that the agent of 
defendant company agreed to pay $235.00 and costs of storage in 
settlement of plaintiff's claim; that all the missing parts were 
replaced at a cost of §137,00, and that the repairing cost was 
from $35.00 to $40.00. This witness on cross-examination further 
testified in substance that he had made a prior claim on a policy 
issued by the Chicago Motor Club when this same car was stolen on a 
previous ocoasion, when five wheels were taken off and that the claim 
was settled for $145.00; that he also had = claim against defendant 
company for two tires and a spot light in August, 1933, and that 
during nine years he had five claims regarding this same car, 

Louis Geller, a brother of plaintiff, testified that he 
paid $140.00 to one Warshawsky for parts and ¢8.00 for towing the car. 

gaul Geller, ® witness for defendant, testified in substance 
that he is a naphere of the plaintiff; that on September 26th, 1932, he 
met plaintiff on the street, and that plaintiff told the witness he 
would like to strip the car and collesct $300.00 insurance on it; 
thet the witness told him he would have nothing to do with the matter; 
that a few minutes later a man came along, and that defendant told 
the witness he was the person who was going to strip the car; that 
they (meaning the plaintiff and the person mentioned) went away 
together, and that about two hours after he saw plaintiff come into 
his (plaintiff's) house bringing the wheels of the car} that 
Plaintiff told him he would give the car away to his brother and would 
collect $300.00 for insurance, and that plaintiff stated that he had 
collected money in this way before, On cross-examination this witness 
stated imxsubxkamax thet six wheels were brought into the house by 
plaintiff that night. 

ee eee 



edt ye beltiton esw of xotteoredt stadt jyasqmoo tacbaeteb bat ‘to 
txort cagadeae weotit edt tect bas bavot need bed 10 odd todt vokton 
to taeye edt tote yenoy oréw ofus bas addgifbood const <vezeheet 

ah enerote to adsoo bns 00.2883 veq ot booxgs WxaqHoD org 

otew efzeq on ten.ti out iis tedt ints to e'ttitalela, te 19 ais 

“- eaw #200 yattfaget edt tart das .00.76i9-Re teoo.e ta -benalqer 
seddayt noltsnimexe-eeore ao wnentiw eld? -00.088 ot 00,888 mort 
yoilog «mo wisfo tolta s sbam bad on tadd sonetedus mk beltitest 

og m0 Relote eee 120 omee efit nodW dyL0 toto ogkold oct ye boweat 
milo 6¢ dott bis te medest orow efooswsvet medw ynodexooo nvodvesg 
saabasted tentess mlclo « bad ols ed tad? 700.8019 cod bolttee mow 

tet Boe .85CL ,temmel at tigil toqe a bae setts owt sot yasqnoo 

«t80 omee Sidd gatbreget autelo evil bet ed oteey ania goiseb 

ed tedd Heltiveos .tite¢aieiq to rediord e greiie® #eived 
»ts0 oft gotwot sot 00.83 de etrsq tot ylewsdeaey’ sao of /00,0M} diag 
evnstedue ai heitivest .iashaeteh tot eeentiv 2. er0L ion Lyme: oe 

od ,S8@L {MeO codmetqes? no tad? 7 Yt itntslq edd to wedges o Bl os) tads 

ef tutatiw ex? Diet tiitutela todd bus ydoonte odd no Tktadele dom 
tot no sonetuast OO.008) to alles brs 189. 9d¢-qixte. ed eft bivow 
yrotdim ont déte ob of gaiston eved bivow od mit blot exoatiw edt: sade 
blot tunbustob tet bas .ynoLe emeo ase 2 sete eetuate woh stad? 
tedd jreo add iste of grtog sew odw noexeg ott sew od neoad ty. edt 
“yews tnew (benottmen nosteq odd hae Thitadele odd gatasen). yeas 

otmt Suoe reteutsi¢ wes ed teths stvod ot trode dedt bas yroddeget 
todd gree od? Yo eLoodw eit ymtgaind oma (o*ttitabela) wbd 

biivow Bae todterd tid of ‘Yaws «a0 ont aréy blvow ed mit blot ‘MM itaisiq 
bai ed ted? dotete Witntale toilt fue yvoderwent Tot 0O,008%) to9LLo0 
esonttiv éidt nottsrinexs<s9eot. nO .etoted ‘yaw abit mt yenom be foetios 
1 eee ae ete at 

ie “iyi toe eel setentath 

ml td Foor # Big ia oa 2 alt hamabal 


The record indicates that the witness, Saul Geller, and 
plaintiff had some controversy about financial affairs and were not 
friendly. However, in view of the fact that the court below saw and 
heard the witnesses, and, from their manner and mode of testifying, 
and from all the od reumstances in the case, was given the opportunity 
to determine the truth as to the matters in controversy, we feél 
that we are not justified in disturbing the finding snd judgment. 
Therefore, the judgment is affirmed, 



bite ,telfed inet .evettin odé fedd eotaokht? Brooey eat! © 0! to 
Poet etew Bas stistts Letenseit tvods Yersverineo ‘uot hed WhLatote 
bas whe wokéd fty0e odd edt 8t edt to welv al ytevewod |, ylbaseet 
Bulyiltesd to afom bes rennes ted? mor? bas yeoesouttw edt buked 
tiauttoqce ont asvis eow yoase odd af Ssanedsneeete One Lie MONT bas 
Lget ov ,YErOVOTIAOd Li eTOtItem ant OF be dtuTd odd ontmTeteb ot 
isha ne aceon A EE ee 
ee wa lode  RMRITEA Sct sects Grif seca gach jaala ¥ howeak 
gietooedt teas hes Yee weale? Seer whom eek) aay Ho Lacon: suodvong 
imdbetTeS Cotten atete 2 bet ota ka de i ee 
Foue Sue ,SkeL: esos ak 2  AUOHOD .G yRORe GHA bs Laie x 
sca0 enee bide guitrager te belo eel begs Gee: ieee yo beak 

at Gade HALT Loe , Yidulely Ye vasyedad’ a geek ahead ~ 
tho O87 Nadvo? Ter oh .) S8re Stuy cel giana eee ve ea Shan 
ghketeih ci haltivguat? .teatesieh too epemiee a ern git Hager’ 
O° gaeGl Moe cecseveeat wo tne , 22 ivniaig ott Re eae eee tealy 
ei eesatien oft Elot “hitdtels ¢adt. Str _gtoorsee Gs ee Wi sadutk tos 
(92 ne: soeetrest OC .0OR} so niles bx oul a a wd ee tikwoie 
“<ousits mit gtie 63 Of nabites eved Sinew o@ mbes bige* es toate 
bie? teehee tsh tadd bas gente see: ee aE, eects wat @. dash 
iuddt: seer oso ahate ot goday cow oy Sere eee tei. ag await ln ost 
‘ayy seer (aeeciinse eeawed) malt) deh Th teehee eo oman) ved? 
Ooh Bee Yo rlack#in eae eg ores. eebedere aye eee ‘seni sstonavaet 

jets pean ate Ye vleese eae chun eee han take 

Rivew bee coPherd #hf oF QE cee ame Bry See nadealy edie Sinatary 
bet @¢ fete Dotshn Te rte le tat! te poe eee, ‘ACY snaE tee 
sagaeiy wide no lteter my eee gee ee ‘ysaiae’ be emtioo 
ed gaye odd whol Pigehet chen Rie Ril r tat: smametrsimaamt Av atte 
| ntigo to Pata ate 
pans hae aa ae vis i RATE 


rd } 
37246 on ra | 

OF CHICAGO, a Corporation, 

Appellant, MUNICIPAL Court! 

Ve i 

Appellee. ms ¢ Gy Lee G 2 3 



This is an appeal from a judgment against plaintiff for 
costs entered in an action of forcible entry and detainer, brought 
to obtain possession from defendant of an apartment in a building 
located at 1545 South Keeler Avenue in Chicago. It is admitted that 
_ Plaintiff, The West Side Trust & Savings Bank, wes trustee under a 
mortgage trust deed on the land and the building in which the apart- 
ment is located, and that plaintiff, as such trustee, took possession 
of the premises in question in August, 1932, Whether such possession 
was obtained by order of court, or otherwise, the record does not 
disclose, On July 26th, 1933, defendant moved into the apartment 
without the consent of plaintiff, and without stating to plaintiff 
his intention to do so. On July 28th, 1933, defendant was served 
by p}aintiff with a demand for immediate possession of the premises, 
Subsequently, the action in question was begun, the complaint filed, 
in which it is alleged that defendant unlawfully withholds the 
possession of the premises, and on September 15th, 1932, after a hear= 
ing, the court found the defendant not guilty. Following this finding, 
the judgment for costs was entered against plaintiff, from which 
judgment this appeal is being proseauted, 

By what right or claim of right defendant holds possession 
of the premises, is not clear. The abstract recites that "defendant 
is rumored to be the owner of the equity and moved in five weeks before 
the trial," The trust deed referred to is not in the record, and 
the record is vague as to whether defendant is or is not the owner 

“SOarvhe a TeUsyY Bdie Teaw ant 
.sHietserogted & ,OHAQTHD 9 

a Phe eR ERS IMT 

*yQOKOTROowO te 
| ead _ alana to HAHGAD .& 
“ig C. O. 7 I e y Pe om OA ccd on alipeebetions 
) gat hotwarh tea Sele hee ee 
tot Tittmtelg tantege tnemgbut s mort Leeqqe ae ah akdt 9 
tdgword ,renisteb bas yrins eidierot to aoitern oa at sania ateoo 
gaibliod s at tnemiseqs as to tasbasteb mort aofereseog atside of © 
tedt bettimbs el tI .ogeoidd at euneva wetean fidu0k Gael Peni 
& tebay setertt esw ,dost egatvse & taux? opie tae oft .it ’ 
-tisqe edt doidw ai gatblind ed¢ bas basal edi mo beeb teytd opagtsan. 
nolesenseq woot ,ostemxt dowe sa ,tiitnisiq tedt bas ebotecot al tae 
noleasseoq dos rodtedy .8E8L ,temguA at molteesyp ai 8 -_ ent ‘to 
ton eeob hroost odd ,eaiwredto to ,.tiweo to tebse a bentatde sw. 
tnemirsgs ect ovat bevom sasbaoteh ,580L ,dtOS yint m0 eae! ki 
Bitalsiq ot guitete tyodtiv bas ,itttatelg lo ¢usemoo ont thin | 
bevise acw tnabasteb .SECL MSS yLob a0 408 ob of mots 
seoeimetg eft to nolaesesog steiiommi tok basmeb s Atte tise 
ebeitt taksiqmoo eft ,muged esw aoltesup at aoltoe edd ,yLimey ie 
od? ebloddtiw yLivtwelay tashas tab add hegelia ef te Aoeen ah 
=teed 6 totte ,S80L ,tL redmedqe? ao bas ,aeeimery edt Yo. potesse2eg 
apatbalt eld? yoiwollol .ytiivg tom tuehasted odd besot pase, ot wot 
foLdw moxt ,tiitatelg tentege beretme eew atnoo Tol temp, wt, odd 
sbetaosretg gated af Lseqga. sig ts 

motsesesog eblod tashasteb tigit to misio ro tigit tonw ¥ 
tnebactsbh" tadd eetioer toavteds edt .xselo tom at ,aoeimerq edt 
owted efeew evit at bevom bis ytiupe edt to Tenwo edt od 08 § wa wt ek 
bs ybuover edt mt tom ef of Bexreter Beeb favs? edt nalatee oat 
wcntuim ett ton nt «co et tuseboetsb codtedw of ec oan alte 

of any equity of redemption in the premises, although the court on the 

hearing seems to have proceedéd on the theory that he is such owner, 
The only testimony on this question is that elicited from « witness 
for plaintiff. On cross-examination this witness testified in effect 
that he was informed that defendant owned an interest in the equity of 
redemption, but that he had no actual knowledge in regard thereto. 
None of the cases cited by defendant is in point. In each 
of these cases, the question presented to the court was as to the 
right of a trustee under the terms of a trust deed to obtain possession 
of mortgaged property after default, and how such possession might be 
obtained - whether by an action in ejectment, an action in forcible 
entry and detainer, or otherwise. Here no such question is involved. 
In the instant case, in so far as the record indicates, the plaintiff 
was in lawful possession when defendant moved in without its consent 
and without any established right. 
An Act in regard to forcible entry and detainer, Cahili's 
Iliinois Revised Statutes, 1935, Ghapter 57, Section 1, provides, 
"that no person shall make an entry into lands or tenements éxcept 
in cases where entry is allowed by law, and in such cases he shall not 
enter with force, but in 2 peaceable manners® Section 2 of this Aot 
provides "that the person entitled to the possession ef lands or 
tenements may be restored thereto in the manner hereafter provided: 
First - When a forcible entry is made thereon." 
In Hammond v. Doty, 184 Ill. 346, the court said: 
"In an action of forcible entry and detainer only the 
immediate right of possession is involved, and the title 
to the premises cannot be called in question. *** The 
material question for the jury to determine was, whether, in 
fact, at the time alleged, the appellee was in the actual, 
peaceable possession of the premises in question, and whether 
the defendants below, the appellants herg, entered upon such 
possession against the will of the appellee, the plaintiff 
below, and retained such possession. *** Under our Statute 
of Forcible Entry and Detainer actual violence, amounting 
to a breach of the peace, is not necessary in any case, Any 

entry is forcible, within the meaning of the lew, that is 
made against the will of the occupant," 

i ar i i Ba ee 

edt mo trues oft dguodtie ,eeelmenq edt at soltqmabet to ytlepe yas ke 
stonwo dove ef ad tect yrood? oft ao b¥heevoxG eved et gnoce guixsod 
aeentiw ¢ mort betiolle sett ef solveoup ‘aldt ao Yuombteed yiao eit 
wootie at beltiteed aseavin elds aoifanimaxe-erets ad «eMitatala rot 
te yeivpe edt ai teotednt as beawo tasbhbnotebd tait bemrotal ssw ed tadd 
<oteredt breget at eybelwond Leysos on bed ed*dant thd” fottqmeher 
doacenal- «t#aloy ‘at et tusoteteb yi Sesto eeeno edt to enol 
edt ot as esw treo edt ot betmeestq aotteeup edt eeee2so0 seedt to 
nokessneeq atatdo of beoh teutt s te emtst oft tobuy safest? « to ddgex 

ad tig Hots esezod dows wod baa st fusteb zotts yreqorta boysgtsom to” 

efdtorot at noitos ae .Inontoete ‘at nobtos me (YO renters ~ bemistde 
sboviowat et nottaeup dove om exe joatwrellde’ x8’ _temtes 
riitabaty edt .esteotbat brooser edd os tat oo ai 4eoad tnetant ed¥ mI 
tneenoo ate tuodtiw al bevex tnebasteb ready noleedesoq betas int tew 

" \edgiz bedebiandse ‘yuo’ hash Be 

" “Bt LLbsieo etenlsten bas Yrdae eidioret ot brsget ae tox aa 5 tae 
eeobivory ah noitoss .¥d ‘setaedo e8S8L sestudsd® Bowtves eton£ttr 

) trie’ exitine 

tqeoxd etaemenet ro ebast otal vets ne oven Iladte morte ¢ ‘ont dado" 

ton iLeda ed sesso dove al bas ered ‘ve bewlts si rine bredv beuds At 
toa ald to § nottoee "tennant elisesaed” eal tee” (oore? dvi retne 
£0 chant to no taneezoq ‘ott od bolskias dose add “ted?” aebiverg 

- sbebiven | rettsored reansm oft al oferodt beredeer ‘ed You “atmememet 
= ‘noon eds efem at yroae aidtee 
‘thise ‘favoo odd ote efST SOL .ydod sy Brome lia a 

on vino gt ‘bas. bs eldiexd? te Sie as kel 

eitie adv. ins ROG 29 | sae 

edt *** 0 ua st at ab eo GD 

ai .tedtedy .eaw porte rateb of ot. reat ast 
etavtos edt al saw 98 2, 
reddertw bas ,nolteeup fs ee lme xc ef to sot ae : D. 
aes Jags Maen eee Se ee ith 

eet 2s. or ey 2 Wes bw 4 pape e us f i 
stutste x0 reba + ato tseseaog oune on 86 
‘gaitavons .gonsioiy iagtos. eveeieti mans | oidtoxe | ty 

Yok =, e8ed Ye ak yrseeeoen ton yells , Na alt 

oo Ug eo tate gwedvedt. to Baaguoeo emt idtie 
cuTnes ee ee hy iy went ace 


iliw ed 

Ky he S hea fsstdbed ol 
oo: See CF) oP Orie 

WR! Wala 

reyeeecs | STA eNy Be «My a F ths Lisp y ete Get atte eh eb pt ata wT tag aed aera gett? 

peer ae aed: Waynes 

We also call attention to the case of Groff v. Ballinger, 
18 Ill. 300, where the Supreme Court said: 
"To constitute forcible entry and deteiner, under our 
statute, it is not essential thet the entry be made with 
strong hand or be accompanied with acts of actual force or 
violence, either against person or property. If one enters 
into the possessions of another against the will of him 
whose possession is invaded, however quietly he may do so, 
the entry is forcible in legal contemplation." 
From the record filed here, as heretofore stated, it 
appears that the plaintiff was in the lawful and legal possession 
of the premises in question, and thet defendant forcibly entered 
into such premises without any disclosed right to do so. The plain- 
tiff had the legal right te prosecute the action brought here, and 
we are of the opinion that the court was in error in its finding and 
judgment, The judgment is, therefore, reversed and the ceuse 




sa Rate ee SP ty Bi yn wry bok dp 7S a. 
LE eee, 6 OE eet] Ae Wee 8 

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“uo tobay .renisteb dns - ee ee tel ae wo 

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“se Goret Laevex - 
mii to fiw ead? 

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tenigges wendtons eetage sone 

BRE a Ke 


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nokeeoseog Layel hos Lutwel edt af sew tt htatele ete dads exmsgye 
petetas yidtexo® tnebasteb tadt Suv ,sotteosp mf eentwenq Say to 
-nindg eff .on of of ¢dytt bewoloath yas tuont hw seelusta tone ofHt 
_ bets yore tiguowd noktes eft etyoseora o¢ digit Leyed erit ben TEP 

fae gnébett vit mt rose mt eon tuwoo ott cntuannatpatetiedon 

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sid Pe 

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ai? ot hetvisce eeree wae vate aah irwtg 
tt gt otevedt Rasetedy Ge Yeh meaet 

ahew mk wom. aceteees ~— me SRLS 
Oe hie MOL oo ae ees ae 

we woe F fain ‘ne ek 

oti Bree ima eaniente 
L808 BIOL” pir og 

Be and saan Le kes or aw 

Lo See Mt ee wel 

fae esankenenk ae 

¢ dae2ens WAR seg 

a Sar Ae vt Py greter ' 

Ie: Ske he, oe Reet Fe 

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$8 Lae age! PR ny 

> tal 



. pee ae 
37318 or op lor, 
ee al 
Appellee, .’ = 



QGOMPANY, a corporation, 



By this appeal, defendant seeks the reversal of a judgment 
against it for $10,000,00 and scests of suit. The action is based 
upon a charge that plaintiff was injured as a result of the negligence 
of defendant's servants in the operation and management of a motor 
truck owned by defendant. It is admitted thet defendant owned the 
truck and it is not denied/that plaintiff was injured as a result of 
its negligent operation. There is no claim that the damages are 
excessive. The ground for reversal urged here is that a young man 
named Walter Slupak, who was operating the truck when plaintiff was 
injured, was without authority, express or implied, te do so. At 
the time of the accident, which happened on February 3#d, 1932, 
the truck was in use by defendant for the delivery of its papers to 
verious news stands located in the downtown or loop district of 
Chicago. The accident happened on the north side of Washington 
street, a short distance west of State street, in the city of Chicago. 

Walter E, Grams, produced as 2 witness for the plaintiff, 
testified that he was a retired atéorney-at-law, having previously 
been city prosecutor for the city of Chicago; that he witnessed the 
accident in question, He further testified that at the time and 
place of the accident he "was waiting there to buy the last edition 
of the Chicago American, which arrives there from 6:15 to 6:30 every 
evening. The accident happened at about 6:20. While I was standing 
there that evening I saw 4 truck pull up there and stop eight or ten 


i ee 



: 20008 «& AGI 

4 Pk ie Ailey hey De me 
i 3, OO 
ve pei oa 

tnomghuy s to Leerever odt adeoe guskusteb .Loeqge ald? Yoon 49) te: 
-tbeesd at aeiioe edT tie Yo eteeo ban 00490, 048 ‘wot 22 Jentege 
sonegiigen edt to tiveet ¢ as bow{ai sew thitniadg tet oyzado 2 soqu 
mete « to taemegenem bas solterege sdf ak, atasvroe s'tnabasteb te : 
exit homme -tuahaered sade het ¢sahe Ot 41 , ovSSAhmNeee ws beqwo towns 
to ¢iveet s es betwtal saw Ititaielg ods oni tom et th bas xoust 
ere sogsmeb odd talt minto om et ered? .noktereqo #reyiiyen att 
fom gaoy s tedt ea oted bogus Learevex tok baworg est sovianeore 
pew Ttitatelg nedw dourt edd gaiteteqo esw ode tequila cotleW bemas 
th .08 ob of ,betlqmi to anarqxe weblxontios | 100 Ww nse” borwtad 
e8ECL .bee yressdel ao bemegqqnd dotdw .tnobioos edt to emit edt 
ot exeqeq ati to yrevileb edt rot tashbasteb yw eee al new Mount edt 
to #ointtelb qoeL 10. awotmwob edt at betsool ebaste awed avoltey 
Hotgaides! to ble déton edt so bensqqad tmebkose sd? .ogsokdd 
sogeotdd to ytio edt al ,teette etate to teow sonsteth trode 8 .toorte 
etiitateiq ed? sok eeeatiw s on beouborg eee ®t wos Lait | 
yavotverg gaived wwai-te-yenredtes beriter » aaw ed todd bottigaed 
edt boesentiw od tad? pOganidd to thio edd tet noduooeona to ased 
bas emit eft ts tedt boititest reaibnut on wnotteeup ak tnebtoos 
moltkbe tesl edt wi of etedt gatthan ean" od tmobtoos ods 2 to sonia i, 
yrows 08:8 of 2:8 mozt oredd seviesa doddu eaeotrenh 
| gathasta osw I eLidW .08:8 ¢uods te bemogqad taebtoos ot spakasve 
med 0 tints qote bus etedt aw leq douxd « wee I satnove teat ae di 


SS ee a ee 




feet west of the State street cross walk on the north side of the 
street. It was a Chevrolet truck with a covered top, and 'Evening 
American! was painted on the side, *** The regular driver was 
Jimmy Huggett, and the other person on the truck was Walter Slupak, 
a boy of fifteen or sixteen, For two or threes years it was my 

habit to go to that corner and buy a copy of that particular edition 
of the paper. I saw Huggett and Walter Slupak every day on that 
truck, or a horse and wagon, and I saw Walter Slupak on the truck 
almost a year, although Huggett drove the truck longer than that. 
*** That night Huggett and Slupak drove up, stopped at the curb, 

and the news man, Alterie, came over to the truck. Huggett counted 
out the papers, gave them to Walter Slupak and Walter handed them 
to Alterie. Huggett jumped out of the truck and ran toward Dearborn 
street, and before he left he said to Walter Slupak, 'Now, be sure 
and wateh this truck and keep those kids away from here,! *** When 
Huggett left the truck Yalter Slupak was on the seat of the truck. 
When Huggett drove up he stopped the motor. After Huggett left, 
Walter moved over into the driver's seat behind the wheel, and two 
or three minutes after Huggett left my attention was attracted by 
the motor starking, and the truck started becking up» At that time 
the boy was in the driver's seat holding the wheel, As soon as I 
heard the truck start I looked up and saw the truck moving backwards 
and back up against the curb. *** The truck backed up against the 
curb, climbed the curb and pushed this news stand, in front of which 
was & woman buying a paper, whose name I later found out was Fisher; 
it pushed the news stand to one side, knocked the woman down, *** 
and passed over the woman, It backed up against the corner window 
where I was standing, broke it, then backed onto the State street 
sidewalk, curved around and backed up against the building. All this 
occurred in about half a minute. After the truck climbed the curb 
onto the sidewalk, it seemed to cain momentum. I saw Mrs. Hodge 


ed¢ to ebis dicen edt mo ALew asoto teotte stat® edt to teow Yost 
gaineva' bas ,qot hereveo « dtin doutt teLorvedd = asw #2 .deette 
vew tovixh telyget oft *** ,obie edt ao Hodakeq wesw ‘asolromA 
eisqulg te¢LeY eae Soutt edt m0 oer 94 tedto od¢ bas .ttegguh yuntt 
| ye asw #t erasy serit 10 owt tod. ued aie fod ao0gd2 kT te vod s 
| mottibe xalvoiteng tat to yoo s wd bus xenreo teas 0? og of tided 
| “dent? Ho yeb qreve dequié sotisy bae ttesgul wee I »T9GRG odd te 
; dowtt edt mo Aaquls xodlew wee I Das an attel bre oaxod | &, * ourt 
| sted nsdt regaol aout ont avorb $teygut diquodt Le aes 2 teomLs 
| oud edt te beqgote aus evorb dequle bas sdoupull tagta fast e. ren 
| __ betas tteggquH tous? edt of 9v0 ence oitedda ynae owe, wt aca 
node bebasd xodkew hus xaquie redisi ot met hies seThgan, 28 + tue 

Pt 35 el 

axodz200 brewos 9% bas doutt edt te tuo beaut 

x it We Hest tet, 
eave od wont! a toqu ia xotLel ot bise eit: fret ed oxoted t 0 s 
eas Reps ea fod 

6 Lule ah ae 

sfoust exit to tan ont 0 “Bsw asquia redLaW dowrt sit Fao t tteagun | 

“Pte tteguul teeta stodom ont beqqote od w rO% 
owt t bas ood ent baided tase strevinb edt otk 



| ‘edt *** tered mor? wre ebia ezortt qoed ‘bas fourt etdd ew bas 
AO LER Pe TAPS. Vee é 

yd bedesrits Bay noltnetts wa fteL #teagul rots. a 
ane test tA ae gatiess | botrste ee rics & ede ‘bas 

+ seb Rete oud bexoond soot ene ‘et 4 boots ron eat, bed cau aE 

wobatw xenz09 et tontege au betosd Es sa8m0% ont ‘ovo be go,' 

teorze atate oad o#s0 hedoad med? sit orien bie yee Sf ating 
etd? CLA vantb Lind ods tentegs ur boroad bas 17 . 

duo ont bedutio Lome ants rotta wotuntm ® iat 

 epboi seul wae a ‘saurtaonon ales ot ‘benooe rs ent 08 
nes 33 ne Mogg 8 weet ee eee atid . 

sateen 1a ELS , a 

Tok Lge cain ajiiht SEES 

after the truck stopped, on the State street sidewalk about twenty 
five feet west of the building line at Washington street. She was 
| lying down. I picked up Mrs. Fisher and carried her to a Yellow Cab 
and then I saw Mrs, Hodge lying on the sidewalk and someone picked 
her up and put her in a Checker cab. i had never seen her before 
the accident. *** after the accident, I took Alterie to the Iroquois 
Hospital and there I saw “rs. Hodge being carried on the stretcher 
out of the hospital and being taken to some other hospital. Prior 
to the accident, I had seen these men on the truck many times 
bringing this particular edition of the paper about the same time 
every evening. ‘Several times I heard the driver tell Walter Slupak 
to keep the kids away in the driver's absence; Huggett would collect 
from the different stands around and I saw Walter on several occasions 
start the motor. *** I had seen Walter come up Eee Te RegeENE driver 
on the truck, and I] had seen Slupak stay in charge of/truck during 
Huggetts! absence. When the driver left the truck standing there, 
there were five or six boys there that hung around every night. They 
would jump up and down on the running board, reach in and monkey 
around the levers and push the truck backwards and forwards, playing 
around, i saw them a number of times, nearly every day." 

Reeco Alterie, a witness for plaintiff, testified as 
follows: "My name is Rocco Alterie; I live at 561 Bunker street, and 
am a néws dealer, working for my father, who has the news stand at 
State and Weshington street. He has been at that corner fourteen or 
fifteen years, and has two stands there, one at Washing/street and 
one at State street. I had been working for my father nine or ten 
years before February, 1932; I am nineteen years old. I knew a truck 
driver for the Chicago Evening American named Marvin Huggett, and 
I know Valter Slupak. I had known Huggett about seven months, the 
time he had been on the route; and I had know Slupeak about the same 
time, He began with Huggett. During this period Huggett had a horse 

I ieee saa a oa 
i) re i 

Loy Coat 

i “yiaone twods ALewebte deorte oteas edt 0  sbeqgote sours owe xegka 

Pree SBE tha, 

dao woLtsY 8 oF ted betrre bas rodert snl as bagotg 4 . 
SaeRee, Was 
beioiq sacsmoe bas ALswebte odd 9 antes aghoi_ work wee ¥ mots bas 

oe hae 

eroted, tod meee teved bsd I .dso rexeedd # ak red tq ‘hes qy xed 
r &Eh 

uy Os 

etouporl edt of etzegta toot i ,taebtoos edt xodth ales Rp ges es ad? 
| redoterte edd mo betrrso gated egboli ver wee f ‘exedé bas Aad icege 
| tolxt .Latiqeod rodto emoe of neiat gated bas Agsiqeod eat te. tuo 
| ve eemtt yates Aourd out so mom gaodt nee bout i stasbioos ot, ol 
: emit omee ont tod s roceq edt te moittbe rekuottxsg ue 7 al Bs : 
adequte redlen ifet tovirh ont breed I eomit Aereves 


LONE. eat Pes 2) 

eno besooo Lstevee 0. rotLe’ wae I bas pavers, ebaste katapcche) 
REG sean 

sovitb naluaer | ea itiw qx mop rotLer mooe bed i +e ” 

gait, souz?\to earede at yete oqute tee bea 1 ba 7 a is Hee 
vk Akh 2a Ore a. 


| eenttes bLuow tteggul jeousads s!revind ost at vers abi ont ab 


conedt yaibaste Xourd ot ‘iter zoyinb ead mos ; -sonvads 
wat pttats Yreve bavors gaurd ted ered ered ate Ay tot h bad 
: ‘yourom hats mi dosor sbxs0d patos edt 0 = aes 
patyelg gebrawsot buts ebrsyiosd four? odd Aso “. i 
Bik ‘ aS hottitess Ft Sfatelg got event iy 8 “abroath 0 
has atoerte 3 redntl 198 te evil r gotmeetA 4 eee! ef, oun a | iw “ i 
! ts baste ewer oat eed or rede? mm rot _gulstren _sreteeb A cet Pn 
79 seormot rems00 teat te need east iim . Pi 

‘a aby og 

",ysb qrere Yarsen emit | to * * de ‘oI xed Ere) 

ws ¥ be ht fait, 




Coo SRG go RET 

te resey seas st 

nee 2 to. ‘ente redder wm wot > gabszon 2 med Bad steer a4 4 RiP oy 
xoutt s wert I blo sreey nootentn as I me ed om oy Bongo 
_ das .tegpatt atyratt aanaet sence 9 , 
oad etsaom moves oods ce : 
ence edt tyods, aoaut® ore . 
‘e sarod 2 had steogagul Cre ‘aap + waheet vabemeill Pes aoa ve 


Ss — 

esw ode _stooxte aot gntite sk ‘ts eats pathited od? te teow, toot, ovit 

ides bas etete 

o¢ : 
7 thon 


and wagon and for the last three months he had a truck. *** Slupak 
used to get down with the truck about 3:30, his first trip, and 

would stay until/ 6730, the last trip, and during that time the driver 
would tell him how many papers to gkke to the news dealers; onee in 
a while about 6:50, when Huggett went up Dearborn street, Walter 
would cross to the southeast corner and collect for the day's papers, 
When I saw him give out papers from the truck, he was on the front 
seat at the time and he was in the truck. I saw him ride up on the 
truck with the driver every day he was there, during the seven months 
he was employed by Huggett. I saw him on the truck when Huggett went 
away, and on those occasions he would be either in the driverts seat 
er on the side. ‘Some times he would get in the truck and start the 
Gar and warm it up, and once Huggett was coming down Washington street 
from Dearborn street and the truck was parked on Washington near 
State street at the corner, and he pulled up about twenty feet and 
just moved over and Huggett got in and drove away, I saw that myself, 
I noticed him start the truck or warm it up for the driver when he 
was away or coming back quite a few times. A number of boys used 

to come ground that corner at that time, but I don't remember whether 
Huggett ever told Slupak to keep the boys away from the truck. iI 
have seen Walter chase other boys away from the truck qubte a few 
times, hen the driver came back I saw the boy open up the ignition 
step on the starter and start the truck, Once he pulled up 26 or 

50 feet and moved over in the seat and let the driver sit down. He 
rode away with the driver," 

Charles Volker, a witness for defendant, testified aa 
follows: "I am employed by the Ghieage Evening American in the 
capacity of branch manager, *** About two years ago I hired a boy 
by the name of Walter Slupsk, He was used to sell papers throughout 
the loop, and also to distribute papers from the truck to other boys 
throughout the loop on the same street the driver had, *** He was 

ae ee stout © bad od edtaom cords taal edt , Tot bap ms MoRSw bas 
¥ ; H hea 

‘hee lst tetit eid 08: & suods fourt sat ata Eten toa of Seay 
xevisd ort omit ed? pateub bas gist task exit Resa wir 3 ia 
ab sexo jereLsed arent ont ot ofts ot erogeq Ves wor hear fies 3 biuow 
x9¢ Lal stoorte axodze90 aur tow ttougul nostw 08 38 tues ‘eLbin 9 
sereqee. atysb ott xo soolion bas TeHTOS tenedtuos edt of OTe ) bien 
tnoxt eit Ho asw od lowes ont nowt eroqee tuo oviy ates wee J. wen 
edt HO ad obis m tcl wee t +douré od at Rodd ou bas omit ext 18 goa 
edécom asvoe ot gadmub werent ecw a ws yisve evi ab oss fiw, Sere 
taow teaauit asc Anu out 0 mad wee 4, 12383 os Wb yor Pi oa 
ts0e alzevith edt at xodtto od biuow od “emo bnso0e seodt a0 a9 bas are 

oat tuate bas owt ‘edt ak tog blow ed aemtt emoe sehin et 0 bd 

Tees AS 

soorte notgatdssy awob gatnoo BEM ttougul sone bag soy, t4 otaw bas tse 

. | Tsea nodga tes mo bested sew Mount ede bap eects e srodrsed mort 
bas test yatiows tuode qu Dotiog ot bas sTearoo a had i state 
Ti9eu ‘ted wee r -yeus evorb bae at toa, 4 gui mM bas sow ma, Mayes, f88h 
ed oat revied ont cot au te mrsw 70 fount oat trate se ites toa t 
‘boew eyod to xodmutt A sponte wor 8 ‘satup oad j agtnoo 20 ® Jere ear 
xedtede redmeno #'n05 t tod somtt ‘tadt ts rennoe tase wore : = sno of 
F “dont? ona mort Yous ayod out good ot Treas Per te! bald bs 

wet a etksp tows edt mont vers eyod redgo enee tHE. 908 oved 

Aaa es peer Hy 
£ t edt ym od edt wee I tosd omso 
headgl ig. q eo x ‘rovieb ae eet 

ie ce 

te 8s qu be iLug of e0n0 siowtt ‘ent ‘trate Sas rattste Mh gt: o qete 
Wy Re 


oH samob tte ‘ovizh ext tel bus te98 one ak evo boven bas teot cd 
Les Pa aes 

OY DES ,etoe mooie 

86 | belttteot stasbast9e sot seentiw s “qx040T : | 
‘ edt at neotroms ‘gainove ‘egootd ‘eats w. beyo 


mu se I sawostox 


: ean E eee 
“yoo 8 beris I oye. ersey owt ‘twoda hp stegenen eo rai te wR ae 
tuosguordt sreqeq ites ot bows een om anu pi 0 Sree, odd x 

axed ‘neste ot sound ent mort axeqeq of ae ime Oe de ts oan oat a 
BSF ox aye bad, revith edt poystn.! one pet silat ma sch ea 

not allowed to be on the truck with the driver. He had nothing to 

do with the truck. “*** I was not at State and Washington streets 
‘the night the accident happened," 

Marvin R. Huggett, the driver of the truck, testified aa 
foliows: "I have been employed by the Evening American as a driver, | 
and on February 3rd, 1932, I was so employed. *“* Mr. Volker sent 
me a boy to be stationed at Washington and State streets to take 
care of the boys and save me running and doing the work. *** I never 
saw him drive a car, I ordered him to keep awsy from the truck. *** 
at about 6:20 that evening I parked the truck on Washington street 
about thirty feet west of State street. then I left, the motor was 
not running. Walter (meaning Slupak) was not there. *** I have 
known this boy Walter Slupak, since Mr. Vokker introduced him to me. 
*** I discharged him two or three times. *** I thought I had the 
Tight to discharge him and I did discharge him on several occasions. 
*** I looked the truck, took out the key and threw it beneath the 
speedometer cable, The key was fastened to a chain which was 
fastened to the truck. *** I never told Walter where it was, but 
he must have seen me put it there, He knew where to find it.# 

Carl M, Guelzo, a witness for the defendant, gave the 
following testimony: "% am employed by the Chicago Evening American, 
I was manager of city circulation, and it was my duty to run the 
entire circulation department, hiring drivers, and doing everything 
pertaining to circulation and delivery, I am the only man who 
hires drivers for the American. Charles Volker works for me, *** 

i have a driver named Marvin 8. Huggett. ‘*** I assigned him to that 
particular truck and route. The instructions I gave Huggett ere 
that no one is allowed te drive that truok but himself. He is 
strictly responsible for the truck at all times; no one to be riding 
on the truck but himself, A boy named Walter Slupak was working for 
the company in February, 1932, *** On February 3rd, 1932, he was 

ot sikdton Bed of sxevixbh edd d¢bw sound edd mo od of Bowolts ¢éa 
atesrte ingen bas widte fa ton eew r **4 eae? edt déiw ob 
" beneqged tusbioos edt lig bd 
es beltiteot .xourd ad# to tovith bad .dtepgi A mtvxe 
; rovith & ed asoftemaA gotaevi edt x Bexvoigue need aved thie _ due ttey 
“$aes toffeY wx **" .bevolqme os eaw I (Stel (bre yrhusded no Bae 
“‘@alet of atestte odet@ bas notynidesl te beno itaga od of Yor 4 Sm 
seven I *** dxow ond yatob bas yadmivt om ovde Dae dyed edd Yo oxse 
*** \xousd odd movt yews qodd of wid Devebee I .2t0 » ‘avid’ Wid wae 
“testfe ricegonal a0 towns ott ‘baling I Lrmevel tit whaihenged te 


“elit désousd #1 wordt bas yod edd tue ood eloust ‘ed? bextool 
“aan doidw nisde s od henstest ¢ eaw ‘Yor sat Sind ete 
tad wesw #2 etedw “notre bios teven 1 ***: hearth rr’ oF bene: 
n $k Balt o¢ exedw wont 6H Jexedd #2 Lovell on 900 eved doum ” 
edd ovex yfoabastsb edt cot seontinw S a Lou vit tna” @ Pagel 
aso broms ‘galnevi opnoldo odd xd boyotane ma BY syne tess SPs F 
“ett mut of ydub yt aow #2 bow .wottelsoute whe to ‘séganen ‘be r 
gals yrove gatob bas verovirb patsid vtapadnageb a0 tte himerhe 
 ~“Sdw mon yino ote me I yereviieb ons worts ivoxia’ 
*** on tot aexzow texio¥ eelred) .A 4 | 
tant of mid hengleda i #4” “sttogauit “a preening: 2 ovad 3 
exe ‘steauil evey ? ancitowxdent edt Jetmor Bae woud saved 
8 Geo tfeamsd dud towed das? evtcb of bow hod et ie se tt 
gutbt ad of eno of yeomke Lia ts fount ‘ad# tots fe vite 
fot galvtow sow Sequié x8d Lev Bemem yor A ‘seoumad tut 
gat ed (Seer (pad “vtauaded a6 *** (ehel \yzaee 

stationed at Washington and State streets." This witness was 
asked the following question, and gave the following answer; 

"Q, Did you hire Walter Slupak or didn't you?" 

"A, Someone hired him, but he had to come to me for 
my OKe" 
This witness further testified that "Charles Volker works for me *** 
and did not actually hire Walter Slupak. He (meaning Slupak) had 
been discharged several times by Huggett." *** On cross-examination 
this witness testified that "This morning they asked me who hired 
the truck drivers; they did not tell me that Hugeett had testified 
that he had discharged Walter on two or three occasions prior to 
the accident and that Mr. Volker had out him back to work, and I 
did not know anything about that, and if it ocourred, it was without 
my knowledge or consent. If Huggett discharged the boy several 
times and Mr, Volker put him back to work and he continued to work 
for the American after that, the man who did it apparently had 
authority to. *** I knew that one of the duties of the driver was 
to leave the truck at State and “ashington streets, and go over to 
Dearborn Street to make collections, and I knew that while he was 
away, the truck was allowed to stand in the street unattended," 

Slupak was not called as a witness. The record is con- 
fusing as to who employed him. As stated, Volker, the branch 
manager of defendant company, testified that he had hired Slupak, 
but the ciroulation manager, who was Volker's superior, testified 
that this branch manager, Volker, did not do so, but that some/2n 
authority did. 

From the testimony in the case, it seems evident/ that’ 
Slupak was ‘employed by defendant, and that Huggett was placed by 
defendant in entire charge of the operation of this truck, a 
dangerous agency, and of Slupak, in connection with the work to 
be done in connection therewith, We are not impressed with 
defendant's suggestion that Slupak was ‘on a frolic of his own," 

Sg ce i il SE a Boe 


asw anentiw eldT "“.ateerts otst® bas sotynidesW te honottate 

“ytewels yatwolloY eat oven bao (notvesim Yatwotlo? bad boxes 
 Myoy tabsh to tadinle xottad datd wey Bi ipw! 8! Or O 
Tot om of smoo of had od dud ,mid Berta ane Mii candied 

i dl A = 
es9 an rot wivow Gexifot osfredo” gait boltiteed rocdivt seontiy etd? 
bad (Asquie goinssu) o8 .faguiG rosie ontd yftewdde Yon BEN hae 
noitsmiuexe—aeoro 10° *** ",tteygull yd wesit? ereves ‘boprdifest® mood 
-portd vifw om betes yout 'gdtirrom ein" ved borrrtas® kaewe Wy Ode 
“poititest bed staygull tadd em \LEed son BED yodr jerevirs dort oat 
et xoizg anoleseeo o8tdt to owt He wotLay Bogreifouae ‘Bent sit tat 
AE bus ison of woud mid tug bod roxXleV su ede Bile daebteed ede 
trodtdw eon $i .bortusee 82 TH baw dsit trode yatta voit 0 | 
| ferevee yor ot boytetbarh teeggek TT Vinee to Wybekword Ye 
drow o¢ heutitnos ef bas Arow oF toed wit fin; voaitoY sail bits’ ebate” 
‘amt yLdmereggs 1 bib enw ihe end? bait rove sso Hrolik ‘eine tok" 
cane: vowieb: ddd! Te eedeb’ out Ye end Gale honk Y See Peale 
od teve 03 bas .eteotse motgn tien’ bre’ ofste’ ts apie ony & feet’ 
aew 6d. ofidw ted? weak I has lenolielioo ean bt sadiet sbitind 
*" behaottanms testis oft at Baste ot bewolfe ib Moire “bite” ‘ent 
ere eee ree 
donsed eff ,todleY .Bedste eA” corti bovo lane Gite bt 3d : : 
Assi Borin bed ot soMt boktisaot yyasetod tmebm to ghham 
“Badtitoet yuotroque altotted ew ondw: (eégeaun toftatior ts aie : 
SEP lemon tid dud (oe OB dom bEB” veaaree Seeirees' stad 90a" 

ieee i) eet 

a. ee emood #2 ,oaee edt at! elated eal ‘lenideille 
yd beosig ew Peggull tudt bas ,tanBaoteb wh be a , 
& gfoust iaidé te noltevege wedi "te: sruteio ont ht wena 
“ot dxow dt dtiw motdoennos at plaquld t6 bins yoitsye’ Buotegm 5° 
‘ itiw Doeeoxqmd tom ors 8W  .dtiworsad no ttoomide ' ts | 
re os Sanat aan a alice ik tea 


as suggested by counsel. On the contrary, from the evidence before 
them, the jury could reasonably find that when Slupak started the 
motor, on the occasion in question, as it is admitted he did, he 

was apparently doing what he considered to be a part of his work. 

He was doing what the witnesses testify Huggett had previously 
permitted or caused him to do. If Huggett habitually permitted Slupak 
to start the motor running, he should have anticipated that he 

might start the truck going, as it is testified he did, with Huggett's 
acquiescence, on at least one previous occasions, 

yoVv.e May, 108 Ill, 288, 

an action was brought against the railroad company by the adminis=- 
tratrix of the estate of one Christian May to recover for what was 
alleged to be negligence on the part of the railroad company, which 
resulted in the death of the decedent, In that case, the deceased, 
at the time of his death, was one of a number of hands in the employ 
of the railroad company in the lumber yard connected with its work- 
shops at Bloomington, under the immediate control and charge of 

one Fricke, who was also in the employ of the railroad company as 
foreman of the lumber yard. Immediately before the death of May, 
Fricke, together with a number of persons, including the deceased, 
was engaged in removing lumber from the yard to the car shops. The 
lumber in question consisted of heavy planks, For the purpose of 
removal, it had been placed upon a small car which was used in 
handling lumber in the yard and in removing it to the shops. ‘This 
ear loaded with lumber stood on a track near the shops, and on the 
same track stood a large box car which had to be moved before the 
lumber car could be run down to the shops. To get this latter 

car out of the way, it was necessary that both cars should be pushed 
some distance beyond a switch so that the box car could be switched 
off to one side in order that the small car loaded with lumber might 
pass into the shops. To accomplish this purpose, Fricke ordered the 

Stoted eonebive add mest ,ysextnoo edd a0. niente, ¥ betas, ee 
eit besists weqesl sodw stadt balt yideuerser hives went out ettods 
od ,bib ed bevtimbe af df ae .noiteeup ai aeteso: eat ao .rotom 
strow eid to freq « od o¢ berebienco ex tadw enka vei id 

| Anqule bebtinnsg Tisuetded tfeggul LI sob of mis Doeune xo, bettimeeg 
| od tend hoteqtorine erat hivede od .petanss. rotom ait taste of 
“ etiteguell dttw qbtb ed bestidaedat th 20 <Gaiog Aourd aft dxadve tetgtw 
th - sftoinseoo evoiverq emo tasot ta. 210, oo 
.88S »LfE 80L yew « wanobitt 

gbeaseoed ed¢ ,oaco todd a. .taobeoab, att 30 tach att, hen 
yoique sit ai shasd to tedaya « to amo eon, Hpi oath 
~trow eti dtiv botoeases bray tedmus edt ai 
te egrade bas forimoe etaibeaui odd rebar ,coege. 
es Yasameo beoslter edt to yolque oud at ose son ody, ,ex0tet one 
{eli o dtaeh odt-oteted yYetsthounl  gbhrgy, reds edt te samezox 
ebeeseoed ent gatbuloat .sageteg to tedmun s dtiw tedtegot ,efotrt 
ed? sagode seo pul? oF bray on? most xedmwt, gutvoner af begagae asw 
to seoqseqg edt tol sedaclg yvsed, to, Sete ©. aebtenup as, redmus | 
gi beeg saw doidw reo fisme 9 moqu S9oe 

lg mood. bad 34 .Levemer 
“BINT sagods ost of tf gatvomer at bas diay ody ai rodmul gatlbaed 
ode a bas ,eqode edd teen xostt « no boote ‘seciaaek: Ole mn, 3° 
ont ovoted Soiegaghest sassy 05 OR Sune 

men to push the box car against the small car, which action shoved 
the lumber so far over on the small car thus losded thst it would 
throw the lumber out. The two cars were pushed in this manner for 
a distance when Fricke ordered themen to leave the small car and 
push the large one out of the way» Some of the men went to the end 
of the planks as they projected from the emall car and held them up, 
while the others pushed the large car as directed by Fricke, and as 
soon as the cars were separated some of the men, including the 
deceased, went between the cars to push. Fricke was told that if 
the men proceeded as they were doing, the planks would fell and 
some one would get hurt. He insisted that they proceéd with his 
direction. The order was obeyed, the lumber fell, and as a result, 
the decedent was milled. The question arose there as to whether 
ér not the conduct of Fricke, whe was in direct control of these men, 
in directing them to do what they did, was binding on the railroad 
company. The court said; 
"When a railroad company confers authority upon one 

of its employees to tske charge and control of a gang ef 

men in cerrying on some particular branch of its business, 

such employee, in governing and directing the movements 

of the men under his charge with respect to that branoh of 

its business, is the direct representative of the company 

itself, and all commands given by him within the seope of 

his authority are, in law, the commands of the company, and 

the fact that he may have an immediate superior standing 

between him and the company makes no difference in this 

respect, In exercising this power he does not stand upon 
X the same plane with those under his control. His position 

is one of superiority. When he gives an order within the 

scope of his authority, if not manifestly unreasonable, 

those under his charge are bound to obey, at the peril 

of losing their situations, and such commands are, in 

contemplation of law, the commands of the company, sand 
hence it is held responsible for the consequence," 

To the same effect are City of la Salle v. Kostka, 190 Ill. 130, 
Wenona Coal Go. v. Holmquist, 152 Ill. 581, M. & 0. BR. Re Co. v> 
Godfrey, 155 Ill. 78, Fraser @ Chalmers v. Schroeder, 163 Ill. 459, 
Worthey v. ©. ©. 6. & St. L s GOs, 251 Ill. App. 585. 

We are of the opinion that the evidence indicates that 

cin Ba acai 


bevede aoidoe doiny .te0, Liawe ef? tandegs. seo xod aid sleuq ed oom 
bivow tf tedd bebsol audt xno Liens edt no t0ve usb,os redmutuedt 
tot taanae widt ah bedavg stew ateo ows enT | .tuo srocimuel ott, wont 

. bas is0 Liew edd svacl of gemait betebre ededat agin mometeath 2 
bane odd o¢ ¢rew mem odt ho astok «Yew edé to tuo ano egrek edt sieag 

Qt medt hied bas ts9 Liahe edt mozt hedpetenq yedd mm easly jedi: tho 

es bac ,einixvt yd Betoerib as tse eytel edt hedeuq eredto eit oLidw 
odd gnifufons .vem oft to emos Detersqes oxew etd edd ea door 
ti tedt Blot ssw edoixc? .desq ot Bree exit meowted taew yhogsened 
. brs List bivow etasig edt «anieb exew Yodd va bebpesorg som edt 
~ etd dtiw besoory yYods tat beteteal ol .tiyi toy divow any ems 
(dlueot's ef ban yLleY redaul edt {beyede dow Xela oT “.nodtoweth 
Kan westt to Loxtnoo doorth ui caw enw ,exoitt te towhsoo edd tom nd 
« Beorlias ent mo aitbhokd maw 4 fib godt amanda 

~trow ati doie Sudcaniet busy sot abe treo pat  WiRameo 
_ fo moqu Yisordtus exetrtoo yneqmoo bsotiier a MOMWY fo eooxe 
“to gies 6 to lortaoo bas sgreddo eisd of ique ati to : 

| eeeeateud. ati to domstd salnhtuey we & he wb Mem ony, 
ginemevom sat gaitoertih bas ga at osenigie dove 

«fo doaerd tad} of soagaer Adiw: a Way) Mong? 
yasqmoo edt to evitstmseetqex toorth edt af ,evont atl 

ooo he eqeas edt aidtiw sid yd asvig yr By ff dK 
i AN on omy edt to ebasmamoo edt renee al ,oTs rnd us eid 

a4 te solteque viatbemmk as evad yer eo eae 
aldt ai eometettlib on seasm ve att bat utd noowted 

“ote Duate ton each ed towoq ebty amit at stoeqeet 2 o/ 
“ gotdieeg afk .Lorinon eld tehav seo? ddim onsiq omen odt = A 

ott aidviw vehtro as eevig od oedh a 
~sidsnoesetay yitastiaem ton ti oom frodiue ald to eqooe — 
_ dtveq edt te .yedo ot hoyod ene egtedn on goa nit 

x... .e7s ebsanmoo siove Sas sengitaubie ©. ‘edd ant 
Bae .qynaques: eft to abmsmaoo ody ties 00 
theorems gee 4% brag = Mots tenogest bled et z 

the B ba) CAs eRe 

“ot +r 08s sina v | exe tostte ons he Mey of 
Sat al aie ag Gus. hake ze et hg's eae 
i 209 af sf 29 3 sil 188 ees coi talons 

2 it cL ebeorsios «v xi OF ok . 

»888 ome hi a3 fas vy , 2 
eating ee f ie NOR ste Yen: MS Eh SR bind Rae cs A 
‘teat ‘esteoibat const ive oda reds no tniao edt to ore ow 

ee Rat wee Pie Rita LOY Or . a BUNge ond, otas Pdi et 

although Huggett had an immediate superior standing between him 

and the defendant company, still he was permitted by those in 
authority to have such power and control over the truck, and the 
work to be done in connection therewith, and over Slupak in this 
regard, that in acquiescing in Slupak's acts in connection with 
the truck, he made them the acts of the defendant company, It is, 
therefore, our conclusion that the negligence of Slupak in the 
operation of this truck, beeame the neglizence of the company 
and that defendant is liable for the consequences, The jury was 
evidently of this opinion, and we do not feel that under the 
circumstances the verdict and judgment should be disturbed, There- 
fore, the judgment is affirmed, 



ie. Mie nbewted girtbnete Lorredia stetbemmt o 
Se eeita ge Bedethetteg! ete ont seapenpiyriehinraple cern 
SHE Ret Galovrt Site Te¥e LStitnod bad Tower dove” evade BY YHEnolitiie 
Le ehit mt sequle ravo bes de srekedh wottesnceo nf siioh’ ot OF atow’ 
(—  eithw meLP0enceo ot beds Wlequte AE yi tbeolpon AE edt Yoxeyee 
i — VUtteqmos daebasteb brit Yo ados ont wodd ebuwt ont tour? edt 
ia ‘edd. eet Srewte nthapieenenhmaenrmenapenniiedspcioensh. 
if ViteqmOd odd to. odmeyligen odd omened \Xourt'e, 
— aiow aeeiet ent © \eoemeipeemod ede oY GLevtL paiirepincinyetn 
ia ‘ogdd Toba tedk Leet ton ob ow bus (soteteo site te ‘yLaweb sve 
ore? apcepenaemeeneced papenanesbeseie bad Prong cote 
vedeady of at Solio ue ga * itm 2? prnensine ati P OG 
ie weeks Vo dostwee seer dh af Gee gee | Loe nha wi By 
baos ikon ondd. ee yoktonkt ana yt | mbonoo' J .woeatw'Gnd Ste? Yaa 
Lat a(S 
Mi amy wr aol hes > garehrieo. -Camewae Sanat Lhe a 5 4 tiga? tHe 
te miss «& oe Lore 10 Luis @yruuto eed OF get ik ogee er Yo 
yoaratowe we he deed hun bie RD i BE 
ede gatsooin baa greeny RY 
hah eck Shared cari ena ae ‘pallie ae 
Mire) ee ree CS eas Siereey FE) eoty’ at iste bond oy iy 
olan Oe bt ee ey Lecasanaiad Aa it 4 eh 254 
remem Se gach wee | 5 a 
ee ee wns ated a 
Qe See ee A “tena ‘a aio int f 
ng emo el Bree, i 
erceae ate 

Res 1 she 
‘ Hoconall ify 

a ee i i ce onl 

SL ee Re A 

i ee aa eae 

Sh aoe a xw ey & io 
Rees tos ete 
| ‘ghee ties mak mp ticen wats 
RS — LGA ER GR matt 
an aprsge fl babe bcd 

7s i 34 

at ees ae WS to nie wi | 


¥ a # 

ree tek Qe cbehoo male 6 

yeaa is Oe eet gms apa age rot »¥ "pained eres i hid é 

. 2G ee at oe) Py ee P Rats  agQ8 2906, a8 4 sada 

Pega ae ? aoe re 
gada entne tbat oanobsve ead tnt Pendent’ oat : 


Appellee, yo we 




2¢9 LAL62s 



This is an appeal by defendant from a judgment of the 
Circuit Court of Cook County against it for %2,000.00 upon the 
verdict of a jury in a suit brought by plaintiff against defendant, 
based on an insurance policy issued on the life of plaintiff's 
deceased husband, The declaration filed in the ease consisted of but 
one count. The insurance policy, is set out verbatim in the declara- 
tion. The death of the insured is alleged and plaintiff claims the 
indemnity provided by the policy. Defendant filed a plea of the 
general issue and two special pleas, one of a tender to plaintiff of 
the amount of the premiums paid, and the other charging thet the in- 
sured had procured the policy by making false answers to questions 
contained in the application for insurance with regard to the con- 
dition of his health prior to and at the time of making application 
therefor, and that he made false statements with respect to his use 
ef alcoholic beverages, and in regard to the question of whether or 

not he had other insurance on his life at the time of the making of 

is attached to and made a part of the insurance contract, The record 

dees not indicate that a medical examination was had of the insured, 

The policy was evidently issued on the strength of the answers made 

to the questions. The questions and answers to which the court's 

particular attention is called, are as follows; 

: POOR ee, 
~ Moy om 
,% SEEN 
Fe ’ 
MORE LAGER atl Peesieneill 
. ‘ 4 bea ye, | 
' ; 3 OFS male 8 anal “qPOLlogan.. ky site oe” Twi 
| Sno, Saar and om 
aan wil a a Ce 8 feo its 
fe Ge oY Oe ta hogabes 8609 Qiong 
apt a3, we Bo Siva ym ety iy 2 BB ea aoe: aia et “Crs } One 


adt to tnsmgbyt # mot tebaereh yo feseqe ae bpeapesireranad 

edt moqn 00.000,5% Tot #f tentaye yaved Woot 1 
emg Fertegs Tittksle Yo tiguord thwws at iva w to. ito: 

“S BIWLOMteIo To OTE oat no heweR! yoLlog sonstend m8.mO t 

tud to betetenoo ease edt at bellt noltesiveb ody ( wbasdeud, 

caxaloeb edt nt mitadvev tue ou ef yyotiog sokwiitlllp eat’ Shae 

ed¢ emialo ttttatelg bas begelle st berwent edt 16 a: vec ‘sens 

edt to eefg s Lofft tnebasted  yolLog ‘edd ye web ee ct Lem 

te ttitalelq ot reboot « to eno ,eselg isiosga owe bak vest kereney 
-ni edt ted¢ yatotsdo resto edt bas ,bieq enyimete ait Yo tauons edt 
eno ttseup of srowens eaLet atten yf yoLlog ost Bomioord bat bexwe 
-s00 edt of braget dtiw eometvent rot sottsotiqgs’ ould me beatstaoo 

molkteoliqgs gutdem to salt sdt te bre of toizg ae Loot ald ‘to ae 
sow ais of toeqeet déiw ntasmetata teLst obex oi sod bes , ) 
to tedtede to motteeup odt o¢ Drege ai bas | cosganeved ottfodeoss to 
Be goitesm edd to emit edt t& etki eld ao patent we clacclvalba 

noktentings Lenigite edt to yoo stontentoa & aottes : 

Now x 

paseet, ad? ,toerfnoe eometuent sult te freq a a she ea ot — te 
sbotwan? ect to bed eew no ttentmore fnotbon & ted eteolbat ton ae 
obam etéwece edt to dégaoxte odd m0 bouaet vsnabive am ot oc _ el 
a! taro eft dotde of arowsae baa auotteeup dt senoltooss edt | 
sewollet as ere sbolles ei sobtaes va 1 8. rt 

"Question 21 (a) Have you any ailments, diseases or 
disorders? If any, state details. Answer: None, (b) Have 
you ever been sick or disabled? Answer: No. Question: If so, 
state date of last disability. Month --- Year --- ts} of 
what disease or disability? Answer: Never serious. (d) Name 
and address of physician consulted, Answer; None. 

Question 82. Have you any physicial or mental defect or 
infirmity? If so, what? Answer: None. 

Question 23. Have there ever been any cases of insanity, 
tuberculosis, epilepsy or suicide in your family? If ao, 
state details. Answer: No. 

Question 24. Have you ever had any of the following 
diseases or disabilities? If so, state details below. If 
‘none’ state below. Appendicitis? Asthma? Bronchitis? 

Cancer or Tumor? Discharge from ear? Epilepsy or Convulsions? 
Chronic Coughs? Consumption? Difficulty in urinating? Dropsy 

er Heart Bisease? Gall Stones? Gastric or Duodenal Ulcer? 
Goitre? Gonnerhoea? Lumps or Svellings? Loss of consciousness? 
Pleurisy? Pneumonia? Rheumatism? Rupture? Spitting Blood? 

Spinal Disease? Syphilis? Severe headaches? High blood pressume? 
Albumin or Sugar in urine? Aeoidents or Injuries or Operations? 
Answer: None. 

Question 25. Have you ever sought medical or surgies] 
advice or undergone an operation? If so, state details 
including dates, Answer: Nos 

Question 26, Have you any impairment of sight, speech 
or hearing? If so, state details. Answer: No. 

Question 27. State neme and address of any physician 
you have consulted during last five years. Answer: None. 

Question 28. Have we your permission to refer to such 
physician for complete information? Answer: Yes, 

Question 29. If in the opinion of the company medical 
examination is gequired, de you agree to submit to such ex=- 
amination? Answer: Yes, 

Question 50, Are you now in sound health? Anewer: Yesy 

Question 31, (a) Do you use or have you ever used whiskey, 
wine, beer, or other alcoholic beverages? (b) If so, to what 
extent? Answer: Nos 

Question 32, Have you ever used them to excess or intox- 
ication? If so, state details. Answer:No. 

Question 45. Are there any additional facts or special 
Circumstances known to you which might affect the risk of 
insurance on your life? If none, please state 'None,' (If 
you have now or have had any disease named in24, state full 
particulars below.) Answer: None," 

‘"o eeaseeibh ,atoomlie yrs voy eve (¢) LS aolteemp*® = = 
evel {(d) .sm0k :towemA .alisted etate . tL fenebhrogib 
,oa tI :aottes~P .ok :coweaA fheldaetb xo ® teed teva soy 
to 3 -—~- T20¥ ~~ diaoll .ytlilidsetb tasi to etab etate 
ome (5) .avoitos revel :rewamd Tyttliderth to sarealtb 

sono :tewand ebetiamnes aeioleydg to paobbs bag 

To toeteb Satnem to Isiolayda yas YOY io 88 soltaeny 
«800% :rewand Ttedw poe YI tytimrttat 

«Vtinsent To eeas0 yas need reve erent oval »f sotteout 
gon tl fyilmet ay at ebtotue To yeqeligea ¢ ehitstst 
yey eon of txawercA 

gatwoliot et? to yas bad reve ~" sve Ae ne 
tl .woled slisteb state ,o8 t seltiiidasis 

. Vetdidomera Tamdtea Lge 
fenoialuvaod xe yaqelliog Txse Aicasenee + 
, weqestd Cunitenttu al ytigoLtt 
fxeoll Lanehoul xo oittend 

Temwaseteunse to ave opie ; to eqtwd Tseddreaso0 ‘hole 
Thoola ttig® feorvtqei fweitenwedh fsloomyend Ty | Free: 
fonuaeet¢ bootd agit Tasdonbsed etevee oat tet eseoe id L rie! ily fi 
Senettareqo to seliu{sl to asmebieea feats ae ms Laue 

Iseigtwe vo L[aolbea tdgv0e 1ov9 voy svell was tetas, 
eliated sista ,.o8 tr (apttarese as vee Ps 
«08 3T 

doseqe ,tdgie to taemrisqmt yoe voy “evel ot 
eo stewand oatisted ateta 408 aie 

~tetoleydgq yas to evetbbe bas 
sono stowesh wetaey ovlt sa IH 

~fowe of retest 6¢ soteelmrag toy ow y 
-89Y :xowend fnoltemrotal *Seesgioe: . 

Isolbom YWagmoo edt to nolnigo edt mi t oS 

xe dove of timdye of seTg2 woY qbotk: el n ri teniosxe case 
i. ae srowada aoktenine =. 
“Yeor rowers {dé Lod bavoe ab wort voy Ozh 1.08 ae: cal ae 
yoteldw beau to7To woy eval To Say oa i tteoyo 
screen (d) tata Sl re 

moda TO BROoxs of mest beew xeve yoy pas 
-oliprewat alieted e¢s 

| Inbooge to etost Lenoitibbs yar ered? pg cl ite 

to del edt tostia tdgim ee , 
TI) “% enor! otste Sesely 
fivt adate .SSnt boman censelh. we jy* 
"enol : 



Attached to and a part of the application for insurance of which the 
questions and answers are 2 part, 2s hereinbefore stated, is the 
following: "I hereby certify that before signing, I read each and 
all of the questions, answers, statements and agreements above set 
forth, and I further certify that my answer to each of the above 
questions has been correctly written herein, Signed at Chicago, 
Illinois, State of Illinois, this nd day of February, 1932. William 
P. Moss (Signature of applicant in full) M,. J. Pankey (Agent actually 
soliciting application). the policy of which the questions and 
answers are a part, contains the following provision: 

"fhis policy and application herefor, 2 copy of which is 
hereto attached, shall constitute the entire contract between 
the parties and ali statements made in the application will 
pe deemed representations and not warranties, and no such 
statement wili avoid the policy or be used in defense to a 
Claim thereunder unless it is contained in 2 written appli- 
cation and a copy of such application be endorsed upon or 
attached to the pelicy when issued." 

On October 23rd, 1933, the case was called for trial and a jury 
impaneled, and on October 24th, 1933, after plaintiff had submitted 
her evidence, plaintiff asked for and was given leave by the court 
to file a similiser to the first of defendant's pleas and a general 
replication to the other two pleas, The general replication merely 
joins issue on defendant's special plea and condludes to the country, 

Plaintiff testified in substance that she is the widow 

of the insured; thst they were married in 1907; that the insured had 
worked as an automobile mechanic for eight years, days and nights; 

that some weeks he worked 105 hours, other weeks 98, 97 and 46 hours, 
and that he never lost 2 day; that on February 2nd, 1932, when an 
agent of the Federal Life Insurance Company was at her home, her 
daughter, son and herself were the only ones present, and that they 
@iscussed matters of insurance; that Mr, Pankey the agent of defendant, 
talked to her husband and that he answered the questions; that Pankey 

Gid not really ask all of the quéstions, he just went on and wrote 

bar daok beet Xt .gniomte oveted. Pry \tivaoo. vorod. 3 gab cio 
toe arods etnono orgs bas atnensitate .etowens ceuobteoup edt ‘to iis 

evods edt to dove of towene ym tadd qhasrep. coda. xs ‘bas ,dttot 
,ogeoid®? ta beagi® ,ntetved asrtitw vltootroo mood: aad anal foemp 

LApSaT & ‘? 

mstiIW .S8CL ,yrovidel to yeh baS eidt yetomiktt. to. abet, i 
yilertoa smegh) qyodaed oo (iit mt sasoliggs, to exste@gse) pean sf 


1 me 
bate eso? eau ott doldy te yetsog ‘edt Waott-ontage wathtotsoe 

tmotetverq. satvotlo® oft: net ge LB 

ea dotdw. te ¥qeo 4 qotersd gost tnotlg 

woe toartaee online edt et teatl 
sn ‘fotteciiqge edt al ehom ednomod 
ae He om bas ,aeitneriew. toa. ae a" 

‘g ot onmsteb ai bees ed to ¥S ‘tog fg Blows £, 

~Licgs metiizrg « at beniatnoo el ¢i aeeinw tebapyere 

_ 0. Regu Sopoiae ag “Nefotead aoe dege to 

ageplhenehy : 

4 =J3 

bettindyve bed tit¢ntela. reste. attest tbe reder00. ea 7 
diya oni W veel, mavig egw bam sot Deaas  actaiuateiny a® 

busi ben wry 

 dateneg ‘a bits asoly a! tanbaoteb to ‘taunt ott of 

ylerem nottactiqet Laxeney edt .esetq owt reaite odd pecan 

+Wetasoo edt ot rebylon00 bas selq sare the wt Rae, Lonsieenend entot 
wendy edt od ode tadt esuatedee xt boltiveat rie bets ore 

bed betuent edt tedt ;TOCL mt betarem exow Yous tasd ;doswent edt 0 

qediigin® bas eysb «BTA tigte rot. ‘opaacone slidometne m2 a2 bexzow 

aecnod 8d bas Te Be adeow redte wexuod g0L hestron ox! exloow' enon tant 

se cody .BEOL cia ie fo borye oe * Papronceae ye tedt aad 

re ‘e vad WP 
7 5 a Piety q rg 

Root Petia bt 

yednet tefd janoiteasup edt berewens oid fveald bite 
etow bas co teow test of .enotteeup odt to Lis wee * 

down; that Pankey asked her husband if he had ever been sick with 

any ailments; thet her husband said he was never sick outside of a 

cold and that it had been some time since he had had a cold, that 

he had been sick, but he did not recollect when, but it was some 

time ago; that Pankey asked her husband if he head ever been treated 

by a doctor during the past five years, and that the insured said that 

he had his family physicians whose names were Dr, Enright and 

Dr. Fielding; that he asked her husband if he ever drank been, wine 

or other intoxicating liquors, and her husband said, "Does a fish 

swim?" that he did not deny that he took a drink the same as any 

other man. Pankey asked him if he might refer to the family physician, 

and her husband said, "Yes",thet her husband did not write any of 

these answers, he just signed his name to the dcoument; that her 

husband received the insurance policy on the 9th day of February, 1932, 

and that it is in the seme condition now as it was when he received it; 

that from the q2nd day of February, 1932, up until the Zlst day of 

Jsnuary, 1955, her husband worked every day, including Sundays; that 

he went on trips and did not come home for four or five nights; that 

he worked 12 to 14 hours a day; that from the 23rd of February, 1932, 

until his death, he did not lose any days from his work; that he went 

out on a job, caught cold and died on the 21st of January, 1933, 
Priscilla Gackhoff, a daughter of the insured and the 

plaintiff, testified in substance that she was at her mother's home 

on the afternoon and evening of February 3nd, 1933, and that her 

brother, father and mother were also present, and that for a short time 

her husband was there; that Mr, Pankey, an ingurance man, was there 

between 6 and 7 o'clock in the evening, and that she heard = conver- 

sation between Pankey and her father and mother concerning insurance; 

that she heard the questions asked of her father by the agent, and 

her father's answers to these questions; that her father aaid he 

had been sick about two years previously with 2 cold, and that he had 

déiw dole moed reve bed of ti bandend ted betes yodast tate sand 
"g to ebtetvo tole tevea ecw od blee basdeud tod ted? jedmomtia yao 
‘todd .bl60 © bad bed ac oomte omit moe mood bed $k Had? Bas bide 
“omen sow th tut iaty too Llooer ton Bib ed tud tote mood bar 8a 
| bescost goed revo bad od ti busdemt rod betes (ouneT Hedy ‘bya’ ont . 
tent bhee betwent edt tedt bas ,exrsey avit tesq adit gaktvd “totoob ss a 
| hae tdg ire 1 exew eemen osodw tite LoLayin teat “st bi ; 
eailw azoed Anaxh reve ed ti basdesd red’ bodes od ted? pgm 2 
" datt = 8900" .bise hasiiand rod bus .eroupat gattsoixeant rath 
yas as esse edt Anizh s Zoot ‘on feds yoob tom ‘pb bit’ ea t 

vaake levi viikmst anit ot t9t9x teigin ont ti mid bees’ yous 6 i 

te Yas sticw ten bhb baedeud rod tat "20Y" bie 

tod tadt hs (aE eat ot amen east ema | 

to yob teLf edt Litow qu ,856L — to wh a. at 
tadd jayshove gutbulons .yab yreve bexzow basdeud tad .bbeL ‘ 
toed getdigin ovét to xuot tok emod emoo tom. bab, bom ea tx¢. a0, Siem, 8 ‘ 
cSECL ,yrsurdel Lo Huth odd moxk tadd gyeb p atwod AL of Sf bedtrow od — 
tney od todd yltow eid mont ayeh qos esol tom bIh od vite aks hems 
(ebCL ,Yueunsh to #elS ost ao beth. a Met LOD eB hte 

eit bas berwent edt to woddygush 2 ,Pheddos 7 

prod strediom red ts esw ode ted eonetedue oL d 
ted tadt bas ,28@i .ha8 yraurde to galaeve, 

oa .tngge ent vd satis: tt ‘idiaen ibaaauaa oe 
he face ‘od bien xedéet tod todd jenodtestp coed of evewens 
bed ed tadt bas ,bloo 9 ditw aeons ereey ont todas 

geen Doctor Enright and Doctor Fielding; that Pankey wrote down the 

answers and thet her father did not do so; that Pankey was talking 

and writing at the samé time; that she heard Pankey ask her father 

4f he used intoxicating beverages, and that her father answered, 

"Does a fish swim?” that she did not hear Pankey ask her father if 

he had ever been intoxicated, and that she did not remember any 

further cuestions being asked; that Pankey did not read the document 

to her father, but that her father looked it over, and as she remembers, 
the agent picked the document up and asked her father to sign his 

name, which he did; that her father worked almost day and hight all 

his life, and never lost any work. 

The testimony of these witnesses was objected to by counsel 
for defendent and the objections overruled, and motions made to strike 
1% out, which motions were denied. 

Elizabeth Moss wes called by the defendant and testified that 
the insured made application in his life time to the Metropolitan Life 
Insurance Company after the issuance of the Federal Life Insurance 
policy, on or about August, 1932. She was asked whether she had 
completed proofs of loss on the policy of insurance issued by the 
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. This question was objedted to by 
plaintiff, and the objection was sustained by the court, 

Charles Sulzer, assistant manager - supervisor of the 
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, testified that the Metropolitan 
Life Insurance Company paid the amount of an insurance policy to the 
beneficiary, plaintiff in this case. The application was offered in 
evidence by the dédfendant, objection thereto was made and the objection 
sustained by the court. 

Richard Koehler, a witness for defendant, testified that 
in December, 1932, he was connected with the Holy Cross Hospital as 
an externe; that he knew the insured during his life time and had 
talked with him; that he took the history of the insured when he was 

tdt nmsh oheun Younet tant jgadblol <o#D0u bua tig ban rotood ‘noes 

gataiss sow Yyousaot tede joe ob toa bib redtet 19d vast bas etowens 

| redtet rod dee yeas’ Based onde tent j omit ome ont ts patticw ‘bae 
,deTrewans redtat red ted? bas ,sogareved satttsebxodnz ‘bows ‘ed tk 

ti sedtet tod dee yodnei reed ton bib ede todd "tmiwa ‘dait 2 ‘teat 

was redmomet gon bib eda test bas botadixotat nged 19v8 ‘bad on q 

taemuoob edt bsot ton bLb yeined tedt “pede galed bite itso reddit 

axeduemer: oxi es bas ,tevo ti bedool reddst ren tadd duel aul te xe Ot 

eid agie of tédtst xed bedas bas qu‘ tnemydob sift ek dallas | 

fie taata bas ysb teomle bexzow dist rod tedt gbth Ba Mobaw ‘inn | 

” " gtzow Yan te0t rowel bas’ obat eit 

feeayoo yd ot besoetdo sew nescentiw ceed} Yo wutbatteer i i bas 
edtate of sham anottom bets olurasve ano ttoatdo oat Bas” taab wie rob xe 

seri Sata aah ll 

“ede Pe bewes: sonstuent te vettor dé 0 spot te 1b . whe q 
a of besdetde aew no ttesup aiat ~ynsqmioo onscumat peng : 
: “stau00 edit W bonistane esw aottosjdo end ~ Apaumaaad | 

edt to zoalvreque ~ noganas taste fons erosdue eeitedd — . 

ant iloqortox eat todd boltitees “yreqned | somettare ‘I ot ‘s : is 
oat et yoiloq sonmmweat as to trvome out hows “pte : 

7 tase bofttteet ctashaet eb rot sebatiw a , ib 
| be tse tae0H enor vor edi ithe | battens heed ot 8 

in the Holy Cross Hospital, and that the sheaf of papers which he 
exhibited contained the history thet he took at the time; that in 
getting this history, he asked questions of Moss and that Moss gave 
the answers. This witness was asked the following question by counsel 
for defendant: "Now doctor, did you ask him whether or not he had 
suffered previously from any ailment or disability?* Answer, "Yes, 
did." The question and answer were objected to by counsel for 
plaintiff, the objection sustained, and the answer stricken. Counsel 
for defendant stated to the court that he wished to show that the 
insured died from stomach trouble, that the insured gave a history 
of what wes the matter with him, and that he had the same ailment for 
two years. Objection was made to this offer, and the objection waa 
sustained by the court. Defendant by his counsel offered to prove 
thet in the statement made by Mose when he entered the hospital, 
Moss admitted he had indulged in alcoholic beverages freely, and 
that he had had a similar attack to the one which he suffered two 
years ago, of which he had fully recoverdd; that in the application 
made to the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, at the time mentioned 
by plaintiff in her testimony, the insured was asked, “Are you now 
insured in this or any other company, If ‘Yes! give particulars." 
And thet he answered, "Me$ropolitan and Prudentisl," giving the 
particulars and making no mention of the policy in the Federal Life 
Insurance Company, This offer was also rejected by the court. ‘his 
witness testified that at the time Moss entered the hospital, he was 
asked, “Have you ever been attended by a physician during the last 
five yearst"and that he stated, "No." Objection was made to these 
questions and answers by plaintiff, and the answers were stricken 
from the record, 

There can be no doubt but thet the cuestions and answers, 
& part of the insured's application for the insurance, became a part 

of the contract between the insured and defendant company, and we 

| “ “a B 

od dotdw aneqaq to tssde old dedt bas .Lhtlewod evox) YLoN Ont Wt 
ni tedt ,emit edt te Moot ed tasld yrovetd ed? Boni avaoo betid tive | 

oveg ugok ted Sas seoli to enotseeup hexas ed .yrotetd aid? gaktiey 
feenvoo, yd sotteoup gniwolfet att betas eew weeatiw etd? saxowend odt | 
bs of tom to vodsenw mid en oy BED ,rotpob wor™ rtaKbaeYes 40% | 
,29Y" ,vowamA *fysilideeih to sonLte xno wort Vnvokverg berottue 
tot Leanyon yd ot betostdo exew towed Das noktebypy sd? Y bEBOR 
deeaved aedoitte towens edt bas ,beninteue peat eck ont adit nko. 

got toemiie omse edd bed od tedt bos. mid dtlw cedtem ods extern 
naw goltootdo edt bas ytette etdt of ebah eaw motiostdo lens ersoy od 
:9vera: o¢ betette Leenyoo. eld yd tashasted: stereo ox? bit ba ete 

en pegeteved offodeois ai begiuvbat had om er re 
. owt betottwe od dotdw eno edt of Mostee tetindn a hast bait on baat 
Holteoilags etd at tet jbbrevocet YLint bad ed moide” Yo 034 exaey” 
boroltnem emid edt to ,yasqmo9 eomeryent atid aatilo¢ettell ent of ebem 
Wom HOY STAY boxes asw betuent wdt wWtomttasd 16d a) Yetintéte Ye" 
Nseteluetine evig 'eaY! YI .yanckoo rodte Yuk to Bids wh soenedt” 
edt patvig “qiehiaebyxt bee mstilonettel” Seréwaas od edt ber 
eiil ierebel sd¢ nt yoliog sat to motinen om gatten Bus eralyotireg — 
eidt .tavo0 edd yd betostey ole eaw tetto elit oUdteemo0 wonmitrent” 
cow Of .Letiqeod eft Bevedus veo ott ed? to tone Bott iteos eeendiw~ 
took ont gudwh mstoteyle 6 ys bebust ta avett <3v9 oy oval” (besten 
ened? of obem sew aotteotdo aK” \beshte bit Herlt Baa"torcey Bvt? ” 
fexoixzte stew exowens oft bas ,ttltatelg lh exewens — 
cerewaas bas anosteoup edd stadt sud tdévob om ed sn irae pdemost ith 
drsq & omnosd..9onstusat oct rot aotteodlaqe armani: Yo gna a 
on bus .yasqueo taabmoteb bas bemraat sae’ | 

are unable to understand upon what theory the court permitted evi- 

dence to be introduced by plaintiff, in making her case, which sought 
to vary its terms. There was no showing that the insured was under 
the slightest duress, or that he was mislead in any degree in making 
his answers to the questions propounded, 

By its special plea, defendant alleged that the insured 
had given false answers as to the condition of his health before and 
at the time of making the application for insurance. A witness was 
produced and interrogated as to statements made by the insured with 
regard to this matter, The court sustained objections to all this 
testimony. Upon what theory the court made this ruling, we are 
also unable to determine, We are of the opinion that defendant was 
denied a fair trial. Therefore, the judgment is reversed and the 
cause remanded for a new trkal, 


HEBEL, P.J. AND WILSON, J. concur, 

Roo ovat fem art ee 

-tve het tinreg 100 ont yrosdt on mocas onesexobau ot eldany 9 ors 
tdgvoe foLdw e28eo ted get dohem ne Maintsla wd beoubordat od of eons 
xobay esw bexwenh edt stadt guiwode om anw ered sented oe “wav ot 4 

gatten as eetgeb yne at me asw on seat 10 seeonb teatdgtie edt J 

| sbebavogory anokteoup pee ot erevane etd 

é ‘bewwest ed? tadt bogoLts tashasteb este Intooqe poh hod nye 
‘: Fron exoted dticed ed to ao tt tbo odt ot es “eroreas nist fork See 
eew aseat iw A sone tot wottsotiqas oid | gat talsns to apoE eo 
atin borwast edt ve ehan atnonotete ot as bese 30" m eae | 
aide iLs ot asiottoe;do bentetave txu08 out stot tam at ot 

“ots ow gatiue abd ore es ae ) 
asm | tasbastet teat no tng edt bah ous -*. eee 

~ oy 

poe i: BL Kae : sal Pah aie: ad date ; 

Y a Sof? Brera ; . 

‘J Sa eee Say ey PL ras RLHOY 

nae eon Gee ok eae « 

i % ; 




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ayy PT a Ca RR RARER Boek tad Le oeey Hs. 

we te cas qHeting “aa ieee? aa ienl 

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OPA Arie f ‘3 s 

cae en ce ee oe it Hane ih ae eke eS ee a ee penne: | 

me seita 
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ena venti” 
F | i eae nike ae not 

i apse hs) 
diag hens y were 

"Tosisurt aliens ene wr. | 
. ( a ae 
ey ie ea ani dl ar ep ee oe ge ugh Re Oe ti te ik gies 4s i ot ee tay vs 
{ | : | 
i Yan My % ic me w 2 yay 


ISABELLE GLOMB, Administratrix 
the Estate of Walter Glomb, deéeased, 




Ve | 

Appellant. 2 re Q i K 6G 2 3" 


This is an appeal from a judgment of the Superior Court 
of Cook Oounty for $2,000.00,entered in a suit of Isabelle Glomb, 
Administratrix of the Estate of Walter Glomb, deceased, against 
the Chicago Motor Coach Company. The trial was by jury, and the 
judgment was entered upon a verdict for the amount mentioned in 
favor of plaintiff. The action is to recover for alleged pecuniary 
loss by the next of kin of Walter Glomb, occasioned by his death, 
The action was originally brought against Maleom Pearlman, Victor 
Pearlman and the Chicago Motor Coach Company. Prior to the trial, 
and in consideration of the sum of %3,500.00 paid to her, plaintiff 
entered into a covenant not to sue with Maleom and Victor Pearlman 
and the suit was dismissed as to them. 

The charge in the declaration as to the defendant, Chicago 
Motor Coach Company, is that the intestate on the Sth day of September, 
1931, alighted from a north bound motor coach of defendant company, 
which had tome to a stop at a point north of Ardmore Avenue and at 
the east curb line of Sheridan Road in the City of Chicago; that 
deceased attempted to cross the street in front of the motor coach, 
and that the moter coach started and moved three or four feet and 
stopped; that when the motor coach started, the deceased jumped and 
came in front of a north bound automobble, which struck him and killed 
him, carrying him about 80 feet, Defendant's position is that the 
motor coach, after it had come to a stop at the point mentioned, did 

i ‘, 

; \ ma bla,” 

TABITA ‘Ye nixtevtetaimbs ,@Modo a.amaaet 
«boas <4s0L0 TOtLew Yo stadee: ond: - 

TAUOD vn coetingyk io. of oF oomek 

; ' Sis Wer ef. 2 

sYTHUOO 1000 


'p S a, A.t 0 + Ss e@aaliagqA : © erewase eid 

~THUOO BHT WO MOIMIGO BHT GBASVIUAG Liaw Sorlvaut eft asvly bad 
truod rolvequeé edt to tnowgbul 8 mort Lneqqs ne ah 6hdPely one oe 
.dmolD ofiledael to tive s af boretae, 00.000, 8) rot ytauod aloo? te 
tentose .beecsooeh .dmoL) tetLew to etetel edt to xtudecte tatmb& 
edt bes cyrut vw sew Leltt od? .yasqmod dose® sovol ogewktO edt 
ai benolineom tayome odt rot folbtev s aocy doretns vow taomghest 
yrstnvesg beselic rot tevooet of wk aottow od? wttitakslg to covet 
efitseb eid ys benolesooe ,dwol) tedLeyv To nti te dxom odd Uo enob | 
rotoiV ,neatirtset moots tenisyes tigquotd yileaigizoe Baw Aoltos ed? 
~feitt edt of toixd ,yasqmo9 dosod roto’ ogaokdd ost bas asuteeet 
ttitnielq ,ted of bisq 00.008,8) to sve edt to aotintebianco ai bas 
namirae% rotolV das moofsé détiw ova ot tom taameveo 4 otal boratad 
modt oF es Seeeimeld asw tive edt bas 
ogeoidd .inebmoteb edt ot as moitersineb edt at eguedo edt 
sadmetge® to ysb dtd edt no statestat edt stadt ek ,ymeqmed dosod soto 
<weqnoe inabastsh te doxoo totem hayod diten s mett hotdgiis .{8@L 
te bas eynovaA orombtA to déron taiog #8 te qove & ot SRed bed do baw 
tedt jogsoicd to yWi0 edt ai beot nebivede ‘to ena rue tase edt 
eflogo0 totem edt to taonk at toerts oft eeoto of botqnetts Soeseoeb 
bas teet tot to serdt beves baa hetxete deeoo totem sat todd bas 
bas ‘beoquut beansoed ext gbotrete dogoo tetom odd oda teat eqmne? 
boLLtd bas mid xourte dotdw ,eftdomotus hawod Mize s ta daoxt hs 
eit tat ef sottivog attashasted test 08 guods mic st eee a 
bib ,bonottusm tatog edt #8 qote-s oF smoo Dad +h xette i800 Todo 

in ihoseer 

not move until after the deceased had been struck by the automobile, 

and that he was guilty of failmre to exercise dare for his safety. 

Sheridan Road, at the point in question, runs north and south, and 

Ardmore Avenue runs east and west and intersects Sheridan Road near 
the place of the accident. 

Plaintiff produced one witness in support of her claim, 
named Sterling 8. Jones. This witness testified in substance that 
on September Sth, 1931, at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and 
just before the acohdent, he was playing ball on the lake beach east 
of the point of the accident, and that he was approximately 30 feet 
from the east curb line of Sheriden Road st the time of the sccident; 
that he saw the bus there, and that when he first saw it, the rear 
of the bus was approximately 4 feet south of the north curb line of 
Ardmore Avenue; that he saw the bus approach going north, and that 
it was then about 35 feet from the plsce hci it came to a dead 
standstill; thet he saw the people getting off, and that he saw the 
young man, whom he afterwards ascertained was Walter Glomb, as he 
alighted from the bus; that the step from which he (Walter Glomb) 
alighted was at the front end of the bus, and that there were other 
passengers getting off in front of him; thet while the bus was stand- 
ing, Glomb walked west around in front of it, and that his, Glomb's 
left side was then about 2 feet from the front end of the bus; that 
the driver of the bus was stooped over, and that et the sound of 
metailic grinding of gears, the driver jumped, and at that time, 
Glomb had passed the radiator cap in the line of the vision of the 
witness, The testimony of this witness, as shown by the abstract, 

(meaning Glomb) 
then continues as follows: "When the bus started, he/jumped into the 
air, He jumped to the north and then to the west. I mean in a 
northwesterly direction. He got beyond the line of the west side of 
the bus before anything happened. He was past the front line of the 

eiidometus ont yd dourte aged Aad bexsaoek add cases 2hede ole tun | 
eUtotsa eld tot otad seiorexe ot ormiist to vtikog asw od sadt base | 
bes ,dtuoe baie dizom anwt ,nottseup mi tuiog oft te yhsot aahiceds | 
taen bsok nebirede etoceretat bane tesw Dae ten® aur oumtevA Srembta | 
ataedieoa od? to eoalq oft — 
amtslo tod to trocqua ai eeentiv ene beouboua tti¢nie ls | 
tadt eonstedue ai beititees eeentin als? .eomsl 1.6 gablcete beman 
bats .oonsetts oft at foolo'o & tuoda de <18GL 0G Codmetqe® ao 
tens dosed exel ot no fled gatysiq now sd ytnebdoos oft etoted taut 
foot OF yLetemtxorngs ase of teat ban ,tnobioos edt to vmtoy ear Ye 
jiaebloos edt to omit odd te baoll nabivede *o suki duvd tone ‘one meat 
room oft .ti wee textt sd mosw toit Sas ,oreutd mut ee wee ewe 
to emil duvo dixon edt to Atyon teet A YWotnilxonges eew auf oft to 
test bos ,ddrom gatog dosorags avd oft wee of tult yeunevA eronitA 
Baob 2. 0% ouso ti oxoity sont edt moxt took 88 tuotle medt! waw'tt 
opt wee od tedd bas .ITo yatiteg elgoeq’ edt wae od tent er 
od ee ,deol9 tote cow. beaisireces sbrawredta ed wode" (mmm yey 
‘hewoe rotioW) of doidy ott qote od? dadt quod ont moth Bonde 
xedto grow erst tadt bes ,aud ed? te bae ¢nott ed? oe sow bevdytts 
~haste.eey aud odd ofidw tot quid to teoxk ai tte gaitte, exegaseasq 
 widwoiO ,akd todd bas .ti to taork o£ hawots teow hodLew dmolo ygak 
tadt gavd edd Yo bae taott ed? mott test 8 duode med? eaw obke JtOL 
to Angoe of? te tedt bas) .xevo beqoota ean aud edt to revinh oat 
souk? dade te bas beams tovixh edt yaseeg to palhetzg oflistesi 
sit to moiety edt to onil edt at qeo rotebher ot Deewsd bed deol 
atenr tote ott rut meade es Recttiw sidd Yo yoomhresd edt” sanontiw 
edd odnt bequyt\od gbotrste sud edt nodW" semolict ae womibtaso eae 
os ath mom Ty yteow edt etnedt and trom ott er pegien: pee 
to hte gaew ed? to.eall ‘est baoysd toy oH ',nottoonth yluerweudetom 
odd Yo ontl tnott edt tecq sew oH .homeqeed walt ytd on ted wid wit 

* He was quéte Clear of it; approximately two feet when the bus 
started, When the bus started, Walter was about the center of the 
bus. My line of vision wes about the radiator cap. When the bus 
startéd at that time, he went in a northwesterly direction, jumped. 
I saw him struck by the automobile going north. He traveled about 
six feet from the point when he was approximately in front of the 
radiator cap and in the north of the bus before it struck him. The 
ear thot atruck him went sbout 100 feet before it came to a stop. 
*** As to what the bus did after it started, the bus approached - 
started - and rolled about a yard or four fest, three feet or four 
feet, and then stopped, before the young fellow was picked up in an 
automobile and carried north. The bus did not hit him. It was a 
car from the south running north instead of the bus> thet hit him." 

On cross-exemination, this witness testified thet "the lake 
itself is 200 feet east of the east sidewalk of Sheridan Road, I 
was on the beach at the time the accidént happened, playing catch, 

We were between 50 and 60 feet from Sheridan Road. You asked me if 
I was playing ball,—- but I had retrieved the ball - it wes then 30 
feet east - it was then over my head. While playing bail, I was 
standing there and ran the direction of the bus - I could not miss 
the accident. *** I saw the Cadillac behind the bus after the bus 
had stopped. At the time the bus came to a stop, it was not visible, 
*** When the coach came to a stop, the rear end wast into Ardmore 
Avenue about six feet, The body line was hugging the curb," 

Maloom Pearlman, a witness for defendant, testified that 
he was driving a car north on Sheridan Road at about Ardmore Avenue 
about 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the day of the accident; that he 
left the center line of Sheridan Road, possibly two or three feet in 
order to pass the bus; that “near Ardmore a boy went out in front of 
wy oar and I injured him, * * * I saw a motor coach there. The motor 

coach was about 20 feet from the corner of Ardmore, discharging 

aud eit medw toot owt yLotemixerqaus ;ol to teelo e¢awp aew eH ‘a 

| sit te tedmen ont duode now setLeW .deoeste avd ent madh, «boteage 
nud eit medk .que totmthen ont tuods wow sokeky to-omkl KM) mad 
beqmyt ~Nolteetih yixeteowslion 4 cl tnow od ,omit tet te bOdzete 
 tueds bolevert eH .dérom gnieg slidonotus ett yo douste mid wan 
edt to taort at yLletemixorqqe sew od nosy dmieg ont moxt seek aie | 
ox? mid snurde $f exoted aud ont Yo demon edt mt bee qo totetber — 
 .qote # of omso tt exoted teot OOL tuede Jaew mis dounte tedt coo 

~ bedpsores aud end photrate ti reste bib awh ot ges ot OA 197 

) muok to toot cenit ,te0t ts0t to bsey o todas beLiox bas — betuste 
we gi qu hedoig paw wollat gavoy edt exoted ,heqgeta ood bas ,teet : 
-i @ aew tL mid tid ton bLb awd ed? »dtuon betas bas olidomegua 
"amit thi Sacd paul et Yo heetent deren gatanvy, dtuoe edt. moxt tao 
asel eft* tad? beliitsot asentin eldt Viol tsntnexe=220n9 a sue i. P 
.» sbeo% mabtzed® Xo aiswoble gare. ont ko saan, £008, G08 at theadt 
.doten patyela .boneaged tapbioos edt amit edt #0 someone Ho ban 

tL om betes woX ~deo8 ashiveda mozt, teat CB ban 08 aoeuted exew a | 
08 ned? eon ti ~ Lfed edt pevetuter bad 1 dud mefiles yatyeda ann, J q 
“new E efisd gatyesq eLidv .baed ym revo mode ew th tene deat 4 
aati tom bivoe I ~ aud edt to nottoorth oat net, hue oxedd gpatbaste ; 
oy aud edt codte aud edd buided oallthad edt wee 1 + .taobtoos edt 7 
oidiety toa now dt .qote s of onae ed ent emt eit tA. vsbeamota bast 
| kombtA otal dam bas seer odd gate # ot onze doeoo at mony *%* q 
dew, edt gatygud com oatl ybod edt ener epee 

dade beitidesd ,tachneteb tok aaeatin 4 «mamlgesd, mood Mh, 2 
OUMOVA oxonttA suods #9 bnos ashtsede ae Axon x0 9 gakvish | 
on tadt jtnebloos odi Yo yeh, add ao aconmeths edi mi Aooko'o, & ued : 
at toot sould to ont yldieeog,,.beol mebinada Yo subs rotaeo ond @ToL 
to taort at dso inom You « exombsaA teem" dedd gant edd ens a “_ 4 

bf P8e, 

roton od? .01ed¢ desco rotom 6 wae L* *? mud homabach, 
| “gaigredoeth <oxombra To.reaxes bial seh Gh 1986 

passengers. It was alongside of the curb of Sheridan Road, As i 

passed the coach a boy ran out in front of my oar. I stopped as 
quickly as I could, * * * As to whether I looked toward the bus when 
he jumped out, st a time like that I really didn't notice anything; 
I saw the bus was there. The bus was where it was when I passed it. 
*** The ceach was standing when I passed. The coach was not moving 
when I was alongside of it." 

On cross-@€xamination, this witness was asked this questions 

"Q. Do bry know whether or not it moved three or four 
e . 

"A. I think the coach might have." 

"The Court: Do you know?" 

"A. To my knowledge the coach was standing." 

"The Court: Did it move or didn't it move?* 

"A. It did not move," 

William Elkins, for defendant, testified that he was the 
driver of the motor coach in question, and at the time and place in 
question. As to the accident, he testified as follows: "I made a 
stop at the regular stopping place. Several passengers got off and 
several got on and I heard some brakes sereeching. The regular 
stopping place is 30 feet, I guess it is, north of the curbstone and 
about 2 foot away from the curb of Sheridan Road. After I heard the 
brakes soreeching the car (meaning the automobile) stopped and they 
were pulling some fellow into the car, Some fellows came over after 
a while and helped put the fellow into the car, My motor coach was 
standing still, From the time I heard the sereeching of the brakes 
until the time 1 saw this man picked up, my cosech did not move. Stand- 
ing still all the time. *** I didn't see this man eross in front of 
my coach. I was watching my passengers getting on and off," 

Lillian O'Biern, a witness for defendant, testified ag 
follows: "On that date I was a passenger on a coach at Sheridan 
Road near Ardmore, about 2 o'clock, I sat on the right hand side, 

Sea ee ee 

ce Oe ee ee ee a ee ee a ee ee 

 gedts ‘<9¥0 one awe fiat aniod 189 ‘exit otnd woLiot hoy 

2 eA gbsof mebived? to duyo-ed¢ te sbiegnoLé sewitl oseregmeseng 
‘as beqqete I .x2e ym bo taett ai. deo men yor s domed odd begeee 

non aud edd Htawet hetool Iovodtedw of eA * * *:.bLuoo°] ‘aavysionap 

(porideyie eolton #tabib yiiesenr I sadt oti omit « te ,tvo beguetvet 

ott Bésesq I new asw. dt stedw sac oud ont ered? seaweed odé was I 

gittvon tom asw doseo en! .bonseq I mode gutinsta asw MonoovedT *** 
“Sti to obtegaele ver 2 gone 

dnelteeup eldt bodes saw esentin vidt .coktantmexe-esote a0" £"! 100 
“vot to ooudé Bevem di tom to todtedw wanta ts xy ol kai r 

x iy OO ve Se Pep 
om. OE ERR 

",ovedt tagin slosoo eat nist r rc 

a a Y ae wo Dis) Ga & fant 

af wom vOX ¢ oa : 
‘ yr 4 CM eh Bs 7 Hel Fs Sess eh na 
“a pathnase sew dosoo eat ogbeiwonx w of oA" 
+ i Peas %, map 
"Tevou tt #'!abib to even tt bid ste oat" s 

Uh ARS, 

*.ovou dour tp rd : “An 

edt ean ed tacit boltitess «dasbaotet = eas Ps 
RY ; RS ee ey As 0h hie. Bey 
mt-eosla bas omit ost? ts heck io tteeny aa dosoo wegen odd to rovinb 

ie ED. Hh. Lewin 4 

ikea tiek eee of 
® ebam I" :ewoLlot as boitiveos od ,taebiooe edt © ot me snolie 
oak Bs 

bas tto tog atognoeasy Lereved soalg gategote xs Linger oat ts lacie 
ee at Mabel 

z, » OM ine 
eLuger ‘eat sgaidosotoR: asdaxd omoe bxsed I bas 19 49a - 
en1 S Uh Al Se a abt 
bas ‘enotedeso eit to dixon .el $2 eneny, I ateot of ll 


we ARe nent eet Miho Gas 
edt breed 1 rest .bsoll mubitode ‘to dao ods mont wre took 
ne anne ame ag 

’ yout bas beqiote (eLidonotus odd 3atncen) rao edt petancwren | on 
ayes. Gat aay 

sew feo rotom ya 1189 odd tat woller edt ing boaiod ban stan s 
asserd ertt to gitisdoooroe ott breod F; ont? ‘ons wort of 
~baste +9 Von ton bib Kos0e wa Aoty bestoty tom add mse a , 

$a w, hy oer 

den ty Be 

' “ae ' 2 fy | 
to aot at RBOXO sim ebdt soe ¢ mbt a EL ott a iitte ast ; 

"tte bas a0 gatties arogmoeneg wm 1 galsdotse “a new pee seas 
‘98 bottivess xtusbated x02 secatin 8 areleto homo a 
“ebired®, te sionoo 8 ft xopmeceag & Baw t eteh add so" 

| | Dux aes ARR 
voble baad tty tt edt mo tee I stoolo'o g ‘dad ae b 

aa rea ie 

upper deck. As the coach approached Ardmore Avenue, the coach 

stopped and we heard screeching of brakes. fe got up and looked to 
the left side of the bus and looked over. We saw them taking this 
boy in the car." She was then asked the following questions by 
defendant's counsel: 

"Q. Had the coach moved?" (Objection by plaintiff as 
leading, sustained, ) 

"Q. At the time the coach made its first stop at Ardmore 

Avenue until the time thet the young man was picked 

up and placed in the car, did the coach move?" 

(Objection by plaintiff sustained.) 

"Q. From the time that the coach came to a stop at Ardmore 

Avenue and you heard the squeaking of the brakes and 

the car stopped and the young man was picked up and 

laced in the oar, would you say the coach moved?" 
Toeieulion by panini? scateined. } 
This witness then testified that 
"The coach stepped and we heard the squeaking of the 
brakes and we got up and locked over and saw them 
putting the boy in the car. Sat there awhile and 
that is all. When we looked over the side of the 
Gar, the coach was parked along there where it stopped." 

On cross-examination, she testified as follows: "I was on 
the upper deck, If the bus moved two or three feet I would heave 
known it. I did not see him hit and knocked down." 

On the hearing on the motion for a new trial, which was 
overruled, defendant presented the affidavit of Walter N. Murray, 
one of defendant's eattorneya, in which the affiant states in 
substance that neither he, nor to the best of his knowledge and belief, 
anyone connected with the defendant, knew of the existence of the 
witness named Sterling S. Jones until Jones appeared on the witness 
stand on behalf of the plaintiff; that affiant talked with the police 
officer who hed made a note of the witnesses names, and had seen the 
police report of the accident, and that Jones’ name did not appear 
thereon, and that the police officer who took the names of these 
witnesses afterward told the affiant that in taking the names of the 

witnesses, he did not secure Jones! name; that on the trial of the 



i * nye # * 
denon ods ,ounevh exendras bedosotaqs docoo old on -1008 neva 
ot heteel bus qu ton a seodord to yaidovoror breed on be ‘beqqote 
aise guiist medi wee eW .revo bexool bus aud oat to sbie mer odd 

yd anoivsesp gatwoliot edt bettas nose acw ode aso ‘ott at od 

:Lenawoo | ett tars! 

Ve ae 

ant he 
er ttientele yo no Ltootdo) "Tbevem fos09 eat bak we ™ 
( .beatetase . suathasl oon < sane’ 

otombaA ta qote sarily ett ebem doses eft eutd edt ta 9" 
bettote aw aan yavoy sdt tedt omits oft Lita Bonnell 

"favom moses odt Dib tao of mb. 
( benistews tiitatels vs ror’: ala 

srombtA ts gqote s ot omes doage odd tadt omit ed? mort op is 
bas seistd sit to gatiseupe edt breed yoy baa euaeva 
bas qu bedoiq ssw nan gawoyerld baa bequete a0 

"Tbsvom donge edt yee soy Sivow .x80 ode t Oe sig 
( boatefove Yifialatg yd aaktoeta 
' tedd boltitesd nede senaete ener 
odd te goiiceypa edt bused ow bas beaqote —_ edt” | 
med? wee fos reve bexeol bas gu ate ow bus wotand 
bus olidwe scodt #28. .ca0 odd ok te one wed wr 
ed? to ebfe odv tevo hedtool ew a t tedt 
“  begyote tf etedw oredt gnols bexteq ese dena at eo te ports 
fo esw I" s:awollot an beitistest oe to Ltemsnaxo~2R20%9 00 Heb osup 
eved biwow I feet serif co owt bovon aod ade tL “stood toga odd 
".twob Dexeond bas thdomtd: 908 tom. Bld Tevet wont 
asw dotdw .feix? wet «2 tet asoitom odd ng gakte6d @ff0mQ, .iocate 
(TIM. totiewW to tiveblits edd betmoaen@, tuabaoted».beluereve 
fai astedea tasifte edd dotdw at qeyentotie stinebaoteb bom | 
aise bas egbeLwond aif to deed. edd of tom ,oxd test ion: ds 

Ont ‘Yo eonetelze odt to wead ataabneteh odd dt : = 


erontiw edd so herseqge eenol Litur eeaol oh gabhtere bomen enoativ 
eotfoq odd ddiw betist taettte teat ytt iertelq edt Ro! tieded: ao buste 
ed? moos ber bas .vemen poncont tw’ oft Yo ston. # Sham bad ondw T90kkte 
qeoqqs ton bb omad ‘eehol tend bas , heeoeooe ot to roves sobteg ; 
Seeds to evinen ont stoot ore reat to voilog eit eit Bats, aid 
ed? Yo women of? gutted mi tatd dacitte edt biot brawretts aseaentiw 

eit Yo Keiet exit Wo Fant yonna “esnoW oxuooR fort bib et saensemtin 

cause, he, the affiant, tried the case and had no means of impeaching 
any statement made by Jones; that immediately after the trial, he 
investigated the matter for the purpose of determining whether or 
not Jones was an eye-witness to the occurrences about which Jones 
testified, and that he was then informed by representatives of the 
General Accident, Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, which had 
made a settlement in behalf of certain defendants in this cause, 
that Jones had made a statement to them regarding the accident in 
question, A copy of this alleged statement of Jones is made a part 
of this affidavit presented on the hearing on the motion for a new 
trial, and is as follows: 
"September 8, 1931. My name is Sterling S. Jones, 
age 36, reside at 1944 Montrose Ave. Phone (non6). Estimating 
plastering, etc. Business — Van Idersteine - Long Beach 4644, 
About 2 pele Sept. 5, 1931, I was playing ball on the 
beach near the foot of Ardmore Avenue and justiready to catch 
a ball when I noticed a body thrown in the air about 5 feet 
high and the next instant a woman screamed, I immediately ran 
over to the Blvd. Sheridan Rd. and assisted two life guards 
in placing the man who had been struck into a Cadillac Coupe 
owned by ir, Pearlman. I did hot see the actual contact of 
any autom@bile strike the injured man, who I later learned 
was Walter Glomb, one of the life guards. I was about 60 
feet away from the street at the time and cannot truthfully 
say just what car struck this man. I am not sure whether the 
car we put this injured man into was a Cadillac or a Packard, 
(Signed) Sterling 8. Jones." 
In People v. Heinen, 300 Ill. 498, the Supreme Court said; 

"Where there is diligence, and the new matter does 
not conflict with the rule concerning cumulative evidence, 
and is such as to strengthen the conviétiem that prise 
has not been done, a new trial should be granted. (People 
v» Cote 298 Ill. 207; People v. Wright, 287 id. 580; 
Wilder @ Greenlee, 49 id. 253,) 

In presenting the matter contained in this affidavit in 
support of its motion for a new trial, which we deem to be pertinent 
to the inquiry here, it is shown that defendant in thus calling 
the court's attention to the statement of the witness Jones, was as 

diligent as was possible. Jones ig the only witness whose testimony 

guidosequt to ansem om bed bas eeso odd belut ,dneitts edt ,ed .eauso 
od .isixt od¢t rotts yletsibommi test jeen0l yo ebem dasmotete. yas 
to tediedw guicimzeteb to seoqiyg edt tot rettem edt betegitaevat 
eenot deoidw tyods seonestryooo act ot. eaentin-sye As sw aenol tom 
edt to sevitsinererqer yd bemrotal asdé aew od ted? bas; .beiti¢eet 
bet doldw ,colterogro0 eonstuyaes otid bus oxlt ,tmebiooA [erenep 
joauso eldt at etasbasteb aiatreo ‘to tiated at taomeliion s oben 
ak teebioon edt gatitsget modt ot tnemetste 4 sham bed esmob tedt 
tusq s ehsm at eenot to trenetste begets aids to eon 4 0 £teeup 
wed 5 tot soitom edt mo aaryass edt no betaseetg Ara, eidt to 
sawollot as “at bas ctaist 
vttssten  Caey aeokt ” Rak ae SACL a Seaunpgen 3s 
oAh9S dosed gaol - eaieterebl as¥ - asontaud 20t9, rohit 
edt ao iled pistes asw I .LéGL .d .tq98 ateg & 

dotso of ybserttest bas euasvé etombtA to. toot edd | imal 
test @ tuods ris edt at mewordd yhod 2 gt Pros fed s 
mer yletsibeami I .beusotoe ‘asmow « tastani | e zo diaid 
abies stil owt botatesas buns .bA ashitedé « (ft oF x9V 
» eqved osflibsd s otal dourte need bed odw asm + ped wg Looe 
to tostaceo Isutos oft.see tod bib I perme se 
bentsef tetei I odw .nam borutat odd oxttte or Bddaa nu 

08 twods aswl .ebteng stil edt to eno ifvaen vere, d 
yiluidtuxt tonmrso bas omit odt ts testte odt mot? yaws a 
edit tediedw orve jon ms I ism eidt doutte 1so. “co hee 
ebrstost s 160 offi ibs0 6 asw otal asm bousiat ali tug 
N,eemol .8 adifrete (bemat®) 
sbiee Srvo0 sserqu® eft (S@R .LfT O08 .memteH .v aigood at 
" se0b tetism wee edt bas .goregriib at ered radi si vat 

,sonebive evit © guintsemos efur add dilw Co a 
“eottent tedt safeelo t 10 9 edt meddgnotte of es Move hy 1 

stages Siig is ed Ainoge fsing. ob 8 Pao 

fhbcne pm le ren thane : 

at tivebitts eaidt ai fo site Sct imine a 
tnont#zeq ed of mosh ov doidy .isizt wea s sot sotto a#t.20 tzocqup 
git tise eudd af tnabuoteb todd qwode et #2 .exed yxtupat adit 9? 

as asw <89m01 cosntiw edt to taemetate edt ot sotigetts ealtzuoo. oat 
Wuouiteot eeody aseatiw ylao edt, ri acnol .eidteeseq saw as taegiltb 

ee SRE ss Ch evi ; ot Pe eas pz! gee Be aged fis 

at all, supported plaintiff's theory, We are of the opinion, after 

a consideration of the whole record,, that the court was in error 
in refusing to grant a new trial, and thet the judgment should be 
and it is reversed and the cause remanded, 



yar hate fitth 

teite wsoiniie sad Yo tl on ve te atonnentote 
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ois Te SaThTataexeises 0 qneniny TOtel Gey ww we bet shea 

weg © tet cotivcom sat ao eriipet eat 119 ‘Seteainiina 

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ae a ito e «(Saen) one wi avi arortaaN ones" oe Le io) 
oboe HO as atod =~ aegeteceh? sav i C6 9S Oe she. 

f wityele eew 2 Ati 26. aie wes “f, 
ey tee Payee he ee hag i 
<@ject Jan sueewe orembhek tw Feet 
che ont ad swords yhed, 2 bee 
sbsaaetee Samar *n reek 
ont Heteleds Day th gH ‘ 
ba) sc otal Soarcte aaad 3 coker aban 
9 Lantos oit..cen soa OkP pro slg 
eth T odw xn Betytms tas autres. & 
OS derod.n wae t oO ot be a 7a. Se, is den 
‘Vitwittwat todeoo fas wake nt fo tesite war: mony 
eat soci saw 57RD mu Thee aiok somcte 3 
gE BEGs cP wt oe tt feet ae Re oFad eas bewmtad ek 

sotso of thy 
reat’ So tidedn 
her ¢lesaifeont 
ebr ay 

\ stiat 


‘nvnot 8 yttivere (hanya 
sien Piel savages oc? Lee LITT Ce Pee eta i 

aon THe tam wear gall ete Re tees as 1 
ipotehive eritetaws saoseseoai, Mie Oe ie 
Neoddcnk ees ce ede Hac tgnrta, or 
aigaod) ~Lotemeg od Piuosge ine eee te 
ee gk FHS asian “Vv 


nt HirnbL ttn Htc 
‘saga la % me &} Poel 
Dp an aes Me 

OH Oe . BeMA > 
bale A 

Watt ee et ee ot i 

ettnwa yin Wn Ging) 

37376 Pan 


OF AMERICA, a corporation, , f 
Ve eo as 


On Appeal of PHILIP CONLEY, as 

Administrator de bonis non of 

the Estate of Anna Jaroszewicz, GOOK COUNTY. 
(Defendant) Appellant, 

} 4 Fu > , ae 
‘ 279 L.A. 624 
(Defendant) Appellee, 


This is an appeel from an amended decree of the Circuit 
Court of Cook County, awarding to Arnold Fenner the entire amount 
of an insurance policy issued upon the life of one Anna Jaroszewioz, 
deceased, the beneficial interest in which had been assigned by 
her to Arnold Fenner prior to her death, In the decree as amended, 
the court also found that sn alleged claim of the administrator 
of the Estate of Anna Jaroszewiez against Arnold Fenner is without 
merit, and by the decree this claim is denied, It is this last 
mentioned portion of the decree that is in question here» 

Originally, a bill of interpleader was filed in the Gireuit 
Court of Geook County by the Prudential Life Insurance Company of 
America against Arnold Fenner and the Estate of Anna Jaroszewiocz, 
seeking to have determined the ownership of the proceeds of an 
insurance policy in that company upon the life of Anna Jaroszewicz, 
The beneficial interest in this policy had been assigned to Fenner 
by the assured. Upon the issues made and joined in that case, by the 
bill, the answer of Fenner, and the cross complaint of the adminis- 

trator of the estate, the cause was referred to a Master in Chancery, 
who heard the evidence, made s report in which he found that the funds 
belonged to Arnold Fenner, and recommended that a deeree be entered 

Sveve . 
a i a A 40 
V : 
mitiod TIUOE ID sede te ere: corn 
a eacaemntiatinael 
es ,Yalu00 TIJING to A 20 
, to don atned ob a a 
eYTHUOD F000 aphabenenst aah te aaa ane 
‘ c ie | v y S <tnachaned aa a be haan 
BGO AL peat ie. 

eit OOH 
esolloqga samen ea 

tivorld ed? to eeroed bebaems as mort Leeqqe an ef eidT egal 
tavome atitne oft tenmel blontA of galbrews ,ysmrod Xeod to trv00 
esolweseorsl anciA ano to otil edt moqu beweat yotlog sonetvent te to 
yd befytess mood bad doisdw ai taorétal Letottoned oad eboeseoeb 
~bobmome aa coroeb oft al .hteeb sed ot rottq tonne blonta of tod 
totettainimbs oft to mielo begeile as tedt bavot oats tooo edt 
tuodtiw ef ronnel bLomtA tentege solweseorel enna To otetak edt to 
fest eidd ef ¢2 .deltmeb et mielo aid? sensed eft yd bas atitom 
sored mofteeup at ef tedt eorssb edt to soltrog bene 2taen 
ttuori0 edt mt boLit eaw tobselqtetnt to Lid « ,ytiaatghs0 | 
to Yiaqmoed eonstvenl stil Iettmebutd sit yo ytawod seat txyod 
<rolwexeotsl anmd to etsted edt bas creams bionth tentegs: ‘sotromA 
ne to ehoesorg add to qidetsawo ent bontmrotob eved ot patioon 
peerentneeet snod te stll edt moqu yoaqmoo ted at yortog 8 ey : 
ronnot ot bomgieus ased bad yotlog eidt at teoredat Ls often \¢ 
dt we .Qes0 tedd af bomtot bre ohen seveat oct noqd abe vad 
‘ matatnbe eit to ¢nielomoo eeoto odd bas yrennet to rowens 

a, ee ee a a me * 

a el de ee eS ee — 

See ee ee ee 

i - aUegonedO: ni retesk « of bherroles saw seuso ont. eters 
| baat gdt tedt baer ed dotdw at sroqet s ebam vonebkve af 
| Be ed seroeh s tad? hobasmmooet baz atonal blows ot 

to that effect. Exceptions to the Mester's report only on the 

question of the ownership of the funds were sustained by the court, 
who found that the funds belonged to the Estate of Anna Jaroszewicz, 
and entered a decree accordingly. There was no finding nor order of 
the court with reference to the matter in issue here. On appeal to 
this court, it was found and determined that the funds in issue 
belonged to Arnold Fenner, and the decree of the Cirouit Court was 
ordered reversed and remanded with the direction to the Circuit 

Gourt that a decree be entered in accordance with the opinion of this 
court. Thereafter, a petition was filed in the Supreme Court, seeking 
to have the finding and order of this court reviewed by certiorari, 
which petition was denied. A mandate was filed in the Circuit Court, 
and subsequently the amended decree in question was entered in that 
court, by which the funds in issue were awarded to Arnold Fenner, and, 
as stated, the claim against the estate was denied. The former 
appeal in this court is numbered 36050, and on January 26th, 1934, 

an order was entered here that the record filed in that case be 
considered in connection with the appeal in the instant case. 

The only issue before this court in the former hearing, was 
whether or not an assignuent of the beneficial interest in the 
insurance policy by the assured to Fenner was absolute, or whether it 
was made to seoure an alieged indebtedness of the assured to Fenner. 
There was no suggestion that the claim in question be allowed as 
against Fenner, Upon the only issue here, the representatives of 
the estate adopted a dual theory; First, as stated, it was insisted 
that the assignment of the policy was made only for the purpose of 
securing the alleged indebtedness of the assured to Fenner; second, 
that if such theory advanced by them, were correct, still it had no 
merit, because of the fact that the assured was not indebted to Fenner, 

but that Fenner was indebted to her, and for that reason, the 

¢) ' hia / F W) Nye Re Wp 

edt ao Yao troqes e'xedgadl ent Nee ileeaceaei peat owt 

etxuoo edt yd bomtetave etew ebavt edt to qiserenwo edd te aetteoup — 
asolwosaotst saad lo stated edt of begnoled ebberctt edt todd ‘Baarot ‘ortw 
to tebto tom galbalt om eew etedt eigatbrooes soroeb & Pann ~~ 
ot iseqes 20. .exed euaet ai rotten edt oF £2" . 
ouset at ebaut edt tedt bontunoteah das penny new, tH teiee thee, 

| gew truod tivgorid exit ko setoeh adt bus ,cenas} SlomtA of begnolod 
tivorlO ed? ot noltoorlh edt dtiw hedbnemex bas bourse betebro — 1 

eidd to molaigo edt déinw eonsbro20s ai bereine ed, enna tate tu00 r 
gatiosa ,trw0d omorqwe edt ai belit asw noltiteg # ,reviseredT .tavoo 4 
ctusyontres yd bowetves s1ueo afdt to xelso bas yatbatt edt oved of 
tryed. ¢iuord9 od? at beLit ase ofahnen A »beingh ghw soteiteg dokdw 
‘tedt a2 boretae saw nokteeus oi eos0eh behaeme edt yligoupeadua bas — 
cdas .x9qnel bioatA.ot bebrewe oxew eveet af sbawt edt dotdw yd gtaygo 
menzot ed? .heined aaw otgtss oft taniags mise odd ghotate .e« 4 

_ abS8L .dt08 yroune) mo bas.08085 betedaa af txs09 edt at eoqga 7 
od 9a80 tadé af belt brooer edt said ered beretae Pi inte Cell | 

v> 902s tastent edt ai Leaggs edi_dtin aolteenmes. iii 

new ,galtsed yemtot ed? mi tusoo eid exoted ‘eueet so Pas .tiven | 
odé gt teers#at Lstoltoned edt to. tasampteas, as toa xo xedtedw 

(#4 todtedw co ,9tulosds acw yeaasl ot betwans edt yd yoilog sonstaead . 
stoAnel ot Hotwess sit to eeenbeddebal beseits ag, ren ot. obam ean 
28 bewolle ed notteoup at mislo.odt edt mokteoagva.oa een ered? 

to eevitetaoaerger odd ered nage Yl. edt aogl stone femtege 
nated, nents: chetatp, og. yt dxxoedt Lomb sc hntenhe watesaet ‘ 
<%o osogrug ed? tot, xlao. bom sen Yello odd. to, ; teat 
» sbaopee jre0c9%. ot betuees edd ko — dobas sendin a are 1 

aot betdebst ton eaw betuses. ost, sid tosh, ou, 20 oe 5 
reek se) Mt -meeset, tadd rot, bae,qrod ot pacing. 

th “ te Shien ety ae) ae ae Nola Sah at ee ee ln eee ee vine pe 

assignment had no validity. 

It is shown clearly by the evidence in the case, that 
without limitation, the assured head assigned all the assurable in- 
terest in the policy to Fenner; that she had frequently stated to 
disinterested persons, including agents of the insurance company, 
that she was indebted to Fenner in a considerable amount, and that 
she desired to secure him against loss in case of her death; that 
she stated to others that she desired to have sa business, in which 
she and Fenner were mutually interested, continued in case of her 
death, and that in such event, it was her desire that Fenner should 
have the proceeds of the policy, in order that he might continte 
such business. 

The following document was presented to the Master, marked 
for identification, and was offered by the administrator solely for 
the purpose of showing that Fenner was indebted to Anna Jaroszewicz, 
and that she was not indebted to him; 

" Chicago, Dee. 20, 1926. 

Let this be known that I - Arnold Fenner owe to 

Miss A, Z% Traczowna $2565 two *%ousend five hundret 
and sixty-five dollars, 
A. Fenner, 
1741 Washington Bld, 
Chieago, Ill," 

The Master considered this document heard evidence concern- 
ing it, and made a finding with reference to it. It is this instrument 
upon which the @laim is made that Fenner is indebted to the Estate 
of Anna Jaroszewicz, 

On the hearing before the Master, one Walter 6. Cecil 
testified in substance that, prior to the execution of the dooument 
in question, he heard a conversation between Miss A, Z. Traezowna and 
Arnold Fenner regarding their financivl affairs; that she stated that 
if Fenner would make out 3 note or statement signed by him, that she 

could borrow some money on it, and that Fenner wrote out the document 

» | 
: eWhbiLey om bed tramatedh 

fintt ocean sot mt sonebtve edt yd ylreoto avote wk FE” O°"! oF 

~—ai efdpivees @at Ife heirgtens bes botuese es ,moltstimil tuodd iw ; 

. gt Betete yltnerport bed oe tadé premiteT of yoRtog omt ah teoted 
aWinqsioe somatwent edt to stnege gatbylon! .cnowreg betewtetn teks — 
tot bas .tavemes sidsrebionod « ai Tomtet of betdebal’ ssw ede gate 
teit tideeb vod to seeo ni Heol teittoys okt ouroes of Horkesy oie | 
(dOkdw oat ,cacittend = oved of Derkeoh dite: tad avoute of bodpre’ oie | 
rei Yo Ses0 nt bennitnoo .beteotetns ULinirtim crew 4eHeeT ME 
blyede rennet todd ortesh rod eew tt ,taeve dove wk tedt bie’ thee 

SO egettaos Higte ed tedt rebro at (ventog SARs ebesooty oft ovat 
«dvecort d heweivoxr dxveo ee. bens ( amombaiid? tour 
bere redecl Odt of betnseerg esw tasnuceb gatwottor adh 2° Volde 
tot yfefloe rotertelaimbe eft yd hexstto pew bas Ho ltsONTHtiObt Tot 

. : caacontaet shirk Ot otdobat vsw toanet tate attwotls to saben bit 
sone ot potanbat pan rie ta 
laser Oe ose eanenell meant al fa he ee thong 

ot SW SLomth ~ I tet awond od’ ekat e 
tie evil aie ows at MIWORO. | 
om arene ni TEP at 4 ep I in a 

<ar69m00 Sonehévs breed tremyood etdd hotoblends rates at? OOOO 
tnemvttemtt aids ef ¢1 «tt of sometoter Atte yakbatt # eben stare gee 
atste edt of betdobnt ei cenmet sed? oboe af meek odd dokdw moqe , 
talent . 0 okwenmersh anil Re 
bs ) fteed .D roxis¥ ono ,toteeh bcd eroted gakreed’ ont no nae os od | 
— HomerOOb eat to moLiweeXS ait OF solr taut sonstedue mi panstest 
bas ‘Maite ae? »% eh eetli noowted aottearsvaes « breed on molded ee . 
‘tent Ketsta oe teat jartstts Istomeni? «lodt patbreger rented ‘eek 
ite bad Gud Yo beng te tebmetete to Stet BLO Olam a sao 22 ; 

fmemuooh sig tne ototw temo tadt baa .d2 no -yemom emo 

in question and signed it; that she ssid, "I want to give him the 
money he has coming from me (referring to Fenner)," Further, she 
said, "I want to borrow this money on the strength of this note, 
and that is the reason I want to use the note;" that she further 
stated that she could thereby get money she needed for herself, 
that she could alse give Fenner some money she owed him for salary, 
and that she at that time owed Fenner certain moneys. No evidence 
was offered by the administrator to contradict this testimony, 

Upon the matter in issue here, the Master found and 
reported to the court that the note for $2,565 of December 20th, 1926, 
was signed by Arnold Fenner and delivered by him to the deceased, 
not as evidence of indebtedness, but as an instrument to be used by 
Miss Traczowna as collateral security for a loan to seeure funds to 
pay Arnold Fenner on account of his salary, In the cross complaint 
filed by the administrator, there is a prayer for an accounting 
between the parties, and in the decree appealed from, the court 
approves the report and recommendstions of the Master in all partiou- 
lars, including this claim. We are of the opinion thet from the 
evidence adduced, the Master was correct in his report and finding, 
tyat the court had jurisdiction of the parties and the subject matter, 
and that the decree of the court is fully supported by the evidence, 
Therefore, the decree is affirmed, 




m ie Sur Pe re 
edd mid ovty ot tuew I" btee one tome sts pour bas aottecup mt | 
ede tose “-(remne% o¢ gaburekex) om moxk gatmeo eed od yoaom ; 

stted eld? to diguaxtea oct oo yonom elds worsted of taaw 2", biag — 
teddist oda ted¢ "yotem edt say of daa I sonset edt at add Ane q 
atfoared tot hebeen ee yonom toy yleredt bivee ode tadt hodete 1 
reise s0% mid bewo ede yenom omoe rsaael ovig oele biveoo.ede tad. ; 
sl oh »eyscom aistreo zeqmel bewo ould tadt de seyret bas | | 

she _ na bawot =ntaalh ‘outt sanes oueet at anaerslnen us peony, YY ltt sini . 
,asez 808 reduset to 388.5% xot efom od? tad? tuyoo edt os mane 
ehoassoeb ont ot mid yd herevtieb bas rennet Blowxa yo beagle aon 
Yd beew ed of tnemwrtant as ge dud snvorhetdehnt to nenpbive es ton 
ot pba sruose of nsol 6 tot ytinuose Lereftstioe ae amwosourT eath | 
#atatonoo apoto odd aI ,yreiee ald to daveooe mo, nesnell bigars. Yq 
galtamoss as tot royeTq 8 ai eted? .xodentelal ft ot ‘WG. boLer. 

tango edt .mork befseqie pereeb ort at bas .20ftroq odt seowted 
-woltcag ils aj retesh edt to anotdshapmacoet bus, roe fit ey 

edt mort tent motnine eit ‘to ere ok amtate elat pha sie | 

| ggmkbait bas treqot add at toorz9o pew rodesM odd homctibe eonshlive 
stettam tootdya ex brs aotirsy od¢ to oktedbeinu, ded true edt taht | 
 spemebive odt yd betzogave yiiut at trvoo. ond to eenoeb od? ted? bas . 
aias t nr a _ shear itis ef sevoph edt ,orotoredt. 
OTE ee pRTMATTTA germ 6 Lie ot Se octet daha ote 

sill : i Pe RR a Pa et am IP! 

Dares) ma pres teeed 
panes a Rey sth ombkie none’ me 

ieee bi ret nae “ 
ak, RAHM. ‘mote ise 

Reeser eat PS ETL ang 

$7631 > 
MILO B, HOPKINS, co-partners doing | 
business as ALEXANDER GRANT & CO." 

(Plaintiffs) Defendant# in Err 


(Defendent) Plaintiff in Error, 

Dy FY oO 4 hf {> 6) 2 
279 1.4. 624 

MR, JUSTICH WILSON delivered the opinion of the court, 

This is a writ of error sued out by the defendant to 
reverse a judgment at law rendered in favor of plaintiffs on 
September 25, 1923, for $1,058.90, The action was in assumpsit 
and the case Was tried by the court without a jury. 

No question of law is raised but the defendant insists 
that the services alleged to have been performed were at the 
special instance and request of the Ca®lton Hotel Company and not 
the defendant, From the facts it appears that the plaintiffs 

were certified public accountants, 

Grant, a member of the plaintiff partnership, testified 
that he had performed serviceg/for Heist and was acquainted with 
him; that on or about April 15, 1929, Heist telephoned him and 
stated that he and several other persons were at a meeting and 
contemplated investing some money in a hotel projeot, but before 
they did so desired to have an audit made of the books of the 

hotel company, 

Grant testified further that he started two of their 
employees at work on the books and two or!three days later called 
up Mr. Heist and told him that the affairs of the hotel were in a 



ONS s "Pais Stata ease 
‘a2 eonaba edge 

q OT HonKs 
_ «suo \poranqua 

.YTUUDO. H0g0 

a hte 

. » APOE 4A MOD, 
-Torrd at tittaiss¢ (#asbacted) hetee a ih 

oh has tts aie eh tem - 


2ST RG Ube 

| cas a oh glen a aig 
<tiuioo edt to notaigqo odd beteviled HORII MOLTAUL .AM 
OF tiebaeteb edt yd too beste torre Yo diuw a wf ata” ane a 
Ho st2ldateld o tovet at berohavr Wal te ¥ibupbat 8 batéver 
Tiaquvsas at asm mottos ed? 08,880, 18 tot S802 8 todnesqed” 
Vivi # tyoddtw sxv0o ed yd Settt saw cago edt bag 

“Stelent tachasteb edt tad boetox 

; ee Riou), een 
ek ves to noldeoup of, ; wg os ‘2 
#2 stew bemtotreg need ved of bogelle seotvren od? tedt 
ton brs yaeqmod LetoH Motiied edt to taeupex bas soustant feteeqa . 
‘GERivatsla odd dads exseds tt atost edt mot tes baoteb edt... 

js - -sStastave9es déLdeg Dosttizes exow.. 

i bettitass Widetentroq ~ipeteme edt to Tedsen @ inate a 

ANAS Petuteupos nan bas tutelt rot\geotwxo ‘beiratied ‘bail ‘ad Vial” 

_ Bas mid benodgetet taton ,eset yer uitqn edi Xe) a6 dad pak 
fas gatteon 2 ts exew esoareg tedto Istevea has od tadt betede , 
Stoted tud .tostorg fotod s ai yerom Oa O8 Bait aovad besalquetaos 4 
edt to atood sat to ban tfSue ay oved od Bextesd oe bIb yods te 

tied? to owt betrate ed dad¢t todiaut bealtitaed toast) 
Seliso tetel eysh eerdtizo owd bap adtood oft so trow te ae9yvoLyme 

Sat exe Loted edt to axtette edt seit mee boos bus tafe sx qe ‘ 


bad condition and asked him if they should go ahead and was told 
that they should and would have néthing to worry about in reference 
to: payment for services, The witness testified that he knew nobody 
connected with the Oarlton Hotel and that he talked with nobody but 
Heist about the job; that at the time he made arrangements with Heist 
he quoted him the rates per day for both senior and junior account- 
ants; that at the request of lir, Heist the final audit was directed 
to the Board of Directors of the Carlton Hotel and statements were 
sent to Heist, He further stated that he had some correspondence 
with the defendant in regard to the claim and was not told until 
many months afterwards that he was to look to somebody other than 
Heist for payment. 

fhe employees of the plaintiffs testified as to the time 
consumed by them in auditing the books and the account was received 
in evidence, 

Heist testified that he called the plaintiff Grant and 
told him that the directors of the Carlton Hotel Company had decided 
to have an audit made of the books and that he, Heist, had suggested 
the plaintiff's name and asked him when he could start the work. 

He denied having told Grant that he contemplated investing money in 
the hotel project and also stated that he told Grant the work was to 
be done for the hotel, 

There are no records of thedirectors of the hotel in 
evidence, nor is there any resolution on the part of the directors 
authorizing the employment of a public accountant to examine its 

The trial court heard the evidence and saw the witnesses 
and was in a better position te weigh the evidence than would be a 
court of review, 

2 i, oe 

5 " 


ate ee 

cated ee 

bot sar bus haode oy Divode Yo? YX mA beden Sina Oude ‘ q 
eoustetes ai tvods vxtow oF gaidton eved bluow bas biuoda vost we ; 
yhodom went es tadt hektigued aventiw edt sesoivaes tot taemyeqnot 4 
dud yhodou dtiw betled ef tedt bas Soto aotixs0 ed? dttw betoeanco | 

folek dttw atnenognetta ebam od emit edt ts tadt dot adit ¥xods tater 
_ mtasosoe tots ban soisea ‘dtod 10% yab te¢ setet odd wtd betoup od b 
betooris aaw tibus Lantt edt tao «tu to teawpox oft oa ted? jtatas i 
etew atnemesate has Leto actitad edt to atotosttG Yo Dasod edt of | 
eomobnosert0o smoa bad of todd hotata redtawt oi stale of taee j 

iitou Slot ton agw bas mists adi ot brayet ad tanbaetob edd déiw 

tiadd sedvo yhodesor of dool of asw ed tad? abiswrodis a é tou yon 

emit edt ot as bettiveet stiitvatef oft Yo weoyntams om 9 bo" 
heviooex ssw tasosos ait bas sxood oct guittbus at med? yd Demasoo 

vast tae ft 

bas tast0 Tittatalg od¢ Betfso od tadt Bortivect teten | 
hebtosh bad yxsqmod Lesoit motixed ed? to srotostih edd se ate ‘08 
beteogyira bed ,tatell ad tect bad stood ots to ohana Hthws aa evad of 
| wiltow edt tzete biveo 94 aedw aid boise bas omem e'tiitaielg edt 
mf yooom gattaevat botslomedaco ed ted? tuenh Biot gatved betaeb oi 
ot anw itow edd gat) blot of tad¢ betete cain bus dosgorg feted ods 
ac REOE POF Fee coed oF 

” gt Lesotl adt to wrodootibedt to abtéoer on eek oxen’ o 
axotoetih od} to dteq edt wo nottwfoaa'e “qts ered ef ton pomebive 
att onimaxs of tnetavooos ofiduq s to tnompolque Sit gatebrotdus — 
| ,adood 

* Res 

| Raseeatiw odd Ree bay eamebivo | uit tsa, fat00 faint one i 
& od Sindw asi? sonebive edt daisw of soltiecq tetted a mt nee ~~ 
sweiver to tiv0o 


We see no reason for disturbing the judgment of the 
Superior Court and it is, therefore, affirmed, 



edt to ¢ 

Sine: ay 
seen a Tay 
Coda. eras 
tut Yhpdes ctiw betic? 

Mb MIs otaroogrewesy ohae od amty apie ob dda 
sith eatin cons 5 aiuw, Oss Soden Atel tod yall eee metal ae ae 
Raroorth wsw tiles Land odd dateR cee $4 Heanerr om ns 

OTe aleenes ata hee Lote optics edt te wxodoengil 
Sducbamsesr0 smoe hig ed $208 Shdhell ‘tha towe ae 
khpry Sket ton. aan. Bae. kel wht oe Praaes a8 4 
Radt xeivo yoadeuos., ot toed. of enw. ai & had airs 

bsnce heh Ex nepal Sesot medtcan pat’ ph ld call 
Betanguare bat ,duio go dace bai wild a Ke Wl 

| jase egd state, binee 2A saris abt Rating, hi 
a ‘ences geht noved hotetombi ane, ad ‘aah, event 
hdl Ae Ate att deem ALet od tae Seta: | 

oe, LAR ue 

To ak teooll tak Ty eeiledé oe 
mrad vod and Se tas bd ihe akties tai j 



ne ff | 
@ Corporation, as Trustee, f 





D. Le BUTOW, doing business as 

Appellant, Zz y | A. 6 2 4’ 

wa 2 

MR, JUSTICE WILSON delivered the opinion of the court, 

This is an appeal from a judgment in forcible detainer 
brought by the Chicago Title & Trust Company, a corporation, as 
trustee, against the defendant D, L. Butow, doing business as . 

Butow System Service, The only issue involved is one of fact. 

The defendant insists that by payment of rent he was 
entitled to possession of certain premises located on Prairie 
avenue in the City of Evanst@n, Illimois. Plaintiff insists 
that no lease was made to said premises and that the money paid 

as rent was, in fact, a deposit, 

A Witness, Mitehell, called on behalf of plaintiff, 
testified that his firm was the renting agency for the Chicago Title 
& Trust Company and that he attempted to negotiate a lease with 
Butow, the defendant} that he prepared o lease and presented it 
to Butow and that when Butow brought it back to him, Mitchell, he 
told Butow he would submit it and that he should pay a month's rent 
in advance, This was in the month of February, The witness further 
testified that during this month he telephoned the defendant and 
told him that the Chicago Title & Trust Company had refused to enter 
into a lease and was returning it} that the lease which had been 
prepared ran from March 1, 1934, for a period of three years, 


y | SHOVE 
" \ hs, 3 \\raacuoo TEUAT & BATIT OBavirHo 
, eeetantT a6 ,woltiateqroo 2 
: MOBY JATTLA | | é 
1 4 . » he. «@etLeqga ; i: 
a ‘ w¥ 

: , es ani 
£S0.A.1 CYS sdaslSoaga 

»tts0o sdt to sotmiqo edt botevileh HOBAIW VOLTAUL AR 

Teniatsh efdtorot nt taemgbs, s mott Ieeqgs ae ef and? | 
Qa ,foltstogtoo s ,.yasqmod teutT & eLtiT oge0idd one ws siquers 
. €8 ekeatand gaioh .wotwi oJ .0 tasbasteb ont tentegs sotautt 

stoat Yo emo af beviovat exeat yiso ed? .eetvxel aetay8 wolwt 

asw ed teot to tasmysq yd tadt efetamt tasbucteb edt ree 
eitistt oo botsool asaimetg atetrteo to no taaeee oq ot beittine 
ateafent tiitaielS ,eafomit{{l ,a@senave to ytd ott a oxmevs 
bkeq youos edt tant bas asaimetq bise ot sham aw easel on tailt 
stisogeb s. etost ai naw tast es 

,ititatelg to tisded so beflso Lfodow tit ainanie 7 
alti? ogsotdd odd tot Youoges gaitnet odt asw writ utd tadt holtitaes 
dtiw sssel s etattogen of betquetts od tart bas Yangnod gas? & 
#i Detaveetg bas eaaet s betaqetg ed tant jtashuetob ont Wotas 
od ,ffedotim ymtd of toad +4 tdgwotd wodiwG nedw tadt bas woud of 
toot atdiaom s yoq bivede of tadd bag tt tiedwe bivow od wotwa bLot 
seddaut saentiv edT .yxavidel to dicom edt ai eaw eld? .eomsevbs af 
bas tanbostob eft bemedgelot ed dtmom aids gatiwhb tedt bettiteed 
xetne ot boaxter bed Yeaqmod teurt & eltit ogeotdd ocd tedd mtd bLot 
«teed bed dotdw easel edt tedt tt gaiautex ase bas easel a otas 

sBrsoy oti? Yo botrog s tot .P0L ,f dos mort aps beveqetq — 


The defendant Butow testified that he talked with Mitchell 
and paid him the rent for the first month} that he moved into the 
premises some time in February} that Mitbhell never told him that 
the lease had to be approved by the Chicago Title & Trust Company, 
but that he did say that he would see the other parties before he, 
Butow, signed the lease, 

Olive Mae Brown, a witness called on behalf of plaintiff 
in rebuttal, testified that she had a talk with the defendant in 
which he said he did not see why he should bring in money to show 
good faith and that on February 19th Butow said to her, "Supposing 
the lease isn't accepted, what about my $30," and she replied, "It 
is not customary for our office to retain earnest money deposits in 
the event we are not able to obtain the acceptance of the lease," 

This was démied by the defendant, 

From the evidence it appears that no lease was signed 

by the Chicago Title & Trust Company, as trustee of the premises, 

The trial court heard the evidence and saw the witnesses 
and found that the defendant did not have a lease and was not 
entitled to possession and evidently was of the opinion that the 
$30 payment was earnest money and not rent, We see no reason for 

disturbing its finding as the evidence is conflicting, 

For the reasons stated in this opinion the judgment of 
the Municipal Court of Evanston is affirmed, 





ifedotin dtiw detLat ed tects bertiteod Notua tashasted edt 

eRe oe 
edt otmt bevom od tent iditaom derst edt ‘tot daar off abd 136° bate 

tad? mid Diet toven Leddt iu act {ymewtdet of amt? omoe seatmorg 
eYanquo® tarxT 4 ofe2t opsoid® edt yo bavotgas of of bed easel odt 
198 oxoted soltreq xedto ode eee bindw od fadt yee Ath ed tadt ted 

| | 9a00f odd Deagte .wotwa 

tifttvatelq to iieded no hefllse seentin « 
ai trabeoteh 

IOC 98M ovt[o 

edt viv 11d 6 bad oda teat Desstined hsttuton at 
of Yenom at gatzd Bivode ed ydw von ton b&b ea bien ed dotdw 

een sted of eae woduat Gr YehrndeY ko Hat Di Uttad Boog 

" shotéves ode dae." .O8¢ ym diode’ tad (bbedesen Hank ial? e 

af stteouch yenom tesazse ateter ot eoitte ‘wo tot yremote 

ton at 

‘ : oe aoe Wy a 
* ,9aa0L att to sometgeoon oft tistde ot aide fou ore ow Fe 

ataehasteh add 14 bea usw alc 

ey vty as Le bie ( 
aii taa ininieh taille, erseque ti sohobive odd ‘doey 8 

aecineme edt Xo eolmrrt ag ynaqnod ere s otter ogseiao sw 
Raw wee ¢ My 

asaveat tw add wae Main oushaee ade bese te Saget oat aan 2nat Oe 
#0a Sew baz seset g sved ton bib tanbasteh edt +g OS 
ent tad? motatge edt to sav yLtaebive bak motes on of bertttae 
Tot moaset ou cee SW | ene dom bah Yoo Sutionam” idee’ 18 some Oth 

sgttttozitacs af om bive' edt as in atl: ait 

te tasmpbet ond } Melalge tas at Detets 

-Pomtittn 2k fanart 29 Arh deleteeti att 
aS ” © het é gwhs Ly 
TAIT THEMEN, © em ee  pemieetaas 
iit etme todd So ttuveod 

001 we et My she BEER» 

BAA tS RP» nae hort ob ae amelie BS ae eanet & Oe tact ie 

a ¥ . ’ naa x r x8: 
reoty awit ty bodeeet a tet (Ue ye eames ee Aazoge st 

sam ee galt Motee - 

i aprons wetul of 

eS ee ee 


37666 Z ee | WA 

ex rel WILLIAM F, JAHN, 


CITY OF CHICAGO, a municipal corpora- 
tion; EDWARD J. KELLY, Mayor of the 
City of Chicago; DANIEL J, CARMODY, 
Commissioner of the Fire Department 
of the Gity of Chicago; MICHAEL J, 
stiprot tniengys Rica Pe oS 
v .s) C2 gos * 3 ; > r, 
JOSEPH P, GEARY, and ALBERT 0, anpeRsou, JO '¢ Q | Ae 
Members of the Civil Service Commissioner Cee es 4 
of the City of Chicago; JAMES A, KEARNS, 
Treasurer of the City of Chicago} ROBERT 
B. UPHAM, Comptroller of the City of 


MR, JUSTICE WILSON delivered the opinion of the court, 

Plaintiff instituted hie proceedings in the Superior 
Court of Cook County in mandamus seeking a writ to compel the 
defendants, City of Chicago, Edward J, Kelly, Mayor of the City 
of Chicago, Daniel J. Carmody, Commissioner of the Fire Department, 
the Civil Service Commissioners of the City of Chicago, and others, 
to certify petitioner to the position of Captain of the Fire Depart- 
ment of the City of Chicago, This petition was filed July 6, 1933, 
and a general demurrer was interposed by the defendants, The 
demurrer was sustained by the trial court and an appeal from that 
order taken to this court, 

The eseential facts set forth in the petition seeking 
the writ alleges that the petitioner Jahn entered the services 
of the city as a fireman in the fire department on August 1, 1914, 
and was subsequently promoted to the rank of lieutenant in the 


etasilegga , Ch ae 7. eon ee aan ine 

" TAVOO SOLRETUS ys af edt 
 ,YTHUOO 3oOoD Gt tay tate 
: -BTOTIOD Loqtot re » 
os to RR gs Af sg " 

oO »t Roeett eee to a8 

Hee eyeing Me Sexo "onde ae 

a ee es 
ut tL tae eke 
stuioo silt Lo aotatgo edd berevited MO2IIW SOITEUL . fe 

“goltoque edd at agntbesvera atd bol se tbemaothstamedt: Oo adh at 

edt Soquco of tirw 5 gaidess symahenn at \tawet Sout Ye tereh 

yti0. edd Io toys .yiled ,b brawhi mee, to weno «ataabaoteb 
Japatrage 912%, edt, to tomosaimmod .xdowred .b Lokaat 
eeTedto bas .ogsoidd to yell edt to azenoten sumed sosveen Ae x 
~trsqed eift edt. to aiatgsd to soitivseq oat ot -sesodt tog yie “* 
,e8eL <8 Uiul bolt? agw aoititeq eid? ,ogsoldd to Ye20 ont to tanm 
eat ataebootsbh edé ed heaogtedit spline sine it s | baw 

tad? mort Lesogs as bas Pres Leitd odd eo bee 

eaiises soltiteg edt at dirot 398, atoat sec lacouiatanc Ci 
xenotttteq ait “et ‘ we negita ti PE eee: 
geotviee edt betetas adel 

adt e eit ain si to aner odt “ initieadiinadl 


Classified service of that department} that a promotional exam— 

ination was held by the Civil Service Commission for the position 
of captain and on August 30, 1929, the eligible list of successful 
Candidates was posted and that petitioner was on said list as one 

of the successful candidates, 

On April 14, 1931, he was Number 1 on said eligible list 
and that at that time there were three vacancies in the position of 
captain in the classified service; that on September 3, 1931, this 
list was canceled and the rhree vacancies which existed at the time 
were not filled as required by the Civil Service Law and the regula» 
tions of the Civil Service Commission, but were permitted to remain 

Defendants contend in support of their demurrer that the 
petition shows on its face that the eligible list was canceled more 
than two years efter it was posted and that by reason thereof the 
list beoame ineffective and the petitioner left withott any enforee~ 
able right, it is also contended by the defendants that on the face 
of the petition it appears that the plaintiff was guilty of laches 
inasmuch as his petition was not filed wntil July 6, 1933, one year 
and ten months after the eligible list, upon which petitioner's 

Rame appeared, had been canceled. 

The first proposition was considered and passed upon 
by the second division of this court in the case of People ex rel 

lynch v. Gity of Chicago, 271 Til. App. 360, In its opinion in 
that case the court said: 

"and we are of the opinion that the well-pleaded 
facts, as alleged in the petition, are not sufficient 
to warrant the court's judgment, which commands the 
present civil service commissioners ‘to forthwith cer 

tify from the eligible list boekee December x af 18 te 
the name o chae ce 

9 position of sergeant of a emg etc, In the lith. 


-usne Lsactiomorg s tadt itasudtaqeb ted? to eokyrea boltieaslo 
uolthecg edd tot mofeatmac® ootvre Livtd. aie yd blot asw sottent 
iutaasoowa to teil oldigtio edt ,@90L ,08 Yemgwd wo dag aiatqeo to 
emo an takt Blow to enw temoititeq tadt has betnog aint astsbibaso 

sotebibago arwneein ad to 

Re é 

tail eaidigife bies ao Lf tedmsi easw ad TEOL at teh 2 | mH ft 

to soiticog elt ai setonsoav sont orew oxedt omit. tect He) te bas 
eidt .£8@r ,2 redgetqes so tsdt jeoivree best innate exit st mtataas 
omit edt te betatxe sotdw aetoasosy seri: odd bas b Los ao aan tet 
~aiuget edt bas wad sotvred Livid sd yd boriepot ae becsit ton onew 
atenot of bettinreg stew tod .0.tie kieebty eotvres: LivED eae to ‘asott ; 

. .tusoey 


ott tad? retumeb xteits to txoqgre at Sretaco shnebneted 
etom beLeouso asw tell oldtgile edt tadt eost att no awore aotttieg 
odd tootelt noaser yd tat bas bevsoq asm st setts exaey owt madd 
—orstae yas teodtiw diol temofsived edt baa evivoottent omeood tant 
eost si? co tadd atmebasted odd Yd Bebnotacn opfe of YY ,tdule efds 
sedosl to ytling asw Tiitaialy edt todd etseqqe tk mokt ited’ allan 
a eSOL 8 Yiul Lidmy HeLit ton aaw wottited até ae sone: 
“bi onotst¥0q doidw coq ,taii eidigife edt todts conan “E bats 
en ! NS pletesings elt when? sborse 

Om boaaea bag bexobdanoo aay 1 mote souene 7 a € r ‘ges 
fot 29. sigeet to eas® est ai suveo alkt to moketveh baad: 
| ft Molsico ett af 088 .qaa LST INE ,opepid® to. v 

bebgelqeLiew wit ted? mo 
teokolttue tou ore cHols 8 

abagmmoo dolsin 4 
bir dé ivat<ot of ost arodote 
ty hae ATE Te he Oa B 28 ’ ‘i S / Af 5 
eortte oni Tot tonya ot 
agit edt of . ,ote ' 20. Oo”. 9.4 Sanegzoe 

is PRO ba 


paragraph of the petition it is alleged that the eligible 
list, as posted on said date, 'was canceled on January 

2, 1930' (i.e, more than two years after it was posted, 
and more than a year before petitioner filed the present 
petition). Because of & provision contained in section 
10 of the ‘Act to regulate the civil service of cities! 
(Cahill's St, ch. 24, Par, 694) it is apparent that said 
cancellation of the list was lawful and proper. The 
provision is: ‘Said commission may strike off names of 
candidates from the register after they have remained 
thereon more than two years,’ We think that when said 
old eligible list was canceled it became functus officio 
that is, it ‘had become of no virtue whatsoever ~ 
vier's Dict., Rawle's 3rd ed, p, 1323), and petitioner's 
name, not being on any list, could not legally be certi- 
fied by the commission for the position of sergeant." 

We agree with the views expressed in that opinion, 

The fact that there was a vacancy at the time the list 
Was canceled, in our opinion, does not vitiate the right of the 
Civil Service Commission to esnecel the list and to require a new 
examination, There may have been very good reasons for not fille 
ing the vacancy, It may have been for financial reasons and the 
desire to make retrenchments in the cost of government, The matter 
of cancellation was one within the power of the Civil Service 
Commission and we will not interfere with the discretionary right 
of the Civil Service Commission to take such action, 

The delay in filing the petition is sought to be excused 

‘ by the petitioner for the reason that his delay was caused by the 
statements of Anton J, Cermak, then Mayor of the City, to the effect 
that he, Cermak, would see to it that the petitioner was certified 
to the rank of captain, but that Cermak died before correcting the 
aheged wrong to the petitioner, There was no inherent power in the 
mayor to bring about the promotion of petitioner, as this was a 
matter coming under the cogniszance of the Civil Service Commission, 
in conjunction with the head of the particular department, If he 
had any rights he should have acted promptly in his attempt to 

a. a 


Bidikgiie. ad ee eget ro: ects ; 
et go Bi Pk poy hy sii bia . edits a8 | 
ebatreg aon ry RLRGY OF BTOM eB 1oeer haku es 
hare tty ow pee Tonoitivoq ox ra ‘2a0y & Pains bas 
seitoor 2 wlataon moleiv Temes 

teegtio to saivese Livic oat a e Stataes ot godt “oy te of 
hise tadt taetecgs af th rae @: ot@ et Ls ‘ire 

. oat oe ape Bern Anenak 6 airtel di ° Boe gesen v4 

© Boman ‘io edista yem soleektmmeo x 

hoalenox evad yodt tette , Tetelger old int aes 
bise sedw tedd anidt sW ',axvsey ov? andt otow soexeds 

ouroed ti holoomse dail ef@i 

sa HY Pees ata tp geoneg hat OE at 
al senott tg (RGRL on sims at ; 
‘hee ed titesel” oi bioes ue a 10 as 

-tagegtea Io motttacg edi xot aolaadimave edt, he, el 

Mg: in i be] 

saotatge todd at bessondzs awelv oat ibe cosas . 

, Se UO Rear” age 
eit edt omit oc? ta yousosy a a8 ant pk fost out, ‘iknele ~ 
edt to tdgix ect etaiviv tom sob ,solaiqo tw0 al ,beloonse agw 
Wor # otispes of bas tell edt Leoaso of soheaimac? aan ine 
~{Li% Jon tot anoaget booy yrav seed oved.yam.exedt .. ..sotd, 
edt bus anoeasx Lelonsnit tot seed eved yau tt. euean pe 
xettea edt ,tneanteves to daco edd ot ataanianettet alan oF erkaod 
si eotvies Livid edt to seweg edt. ubdtiw ono Aew nottsiivonae Yo 
Sigis Yrewoltexoath add ddiw exeletus ton Lit ew bas sokaatamed 

Ne ay 

bonwexe od of diguon ab moitited oft pantae mk ‘yale ag on 
edt yd boasso saw yolob aid tadt mogox ext “got tond rer edt vd 
roatte edd of .Vst0 od? 20 toyaM aorlt .Ammaed .1 notnh to ataomedtsta 
bettitrse aaw remoisitog edt tedt &t ot 209, weuatagiagennn 
edd gaitoerxeo stotad beth Asetol add ted ,wletg 

nid af sewoq taetodat on sew sredT  ,4tonolditeq pe mp ou : 
S eaw eidt es ,romoitideg to aoktomony ont yes galas ot totee 

motentamed, sete Ravers a to honey bieele _ bear yekmon. 
od tI nottoauta 
ot tanedte ‘ata at vite ° 

; DGS ee, 4 8 to ‘ is i : as ail 


secure them, One claiming a right to a position under Civil Service 
should act promptly so as not to disarrange the service nor allow 
rights of others to intervene, 

It is insisted that laches does not apply to a proceed~ 
ing of this character, but that the cases quoted and relied upon 
by the defendants showing that the question of laches may be 
raised, are found upon examination to be those predicated upon 
applications for certiorari. We believe, however, that the question 
may be raised in a mandamus proceeding where public office is 
involved as well as to a petition for a writ of certiorari. 

In the case of People ex rel _Lyneh v. City of Chicago, 
supra, the court in its opinion, said: 

"It is decided in this State that in a mandamus proceeding 
the defense of laches, appearing on the face of the petition, 

may be raised by demurrer, (Schultheis v. City of Chica 

240 Ill, 167, 170; Tenneaiay Fr Gite y of Ohigtee 220 TL : 
485, 502, 503." 

The same question was passed upon in the case of Schultheis v. 

City of Chicago, 240 I11, 167, and it was there held that laches 

¢ould be raised in a proceeding in mandamus. 

We believe that the second position taken by defendants, 
namely that the petitioner was guilty of laches, is well founded, 
A writ of mandamus is not a matter of absolute right. The court 
still has a right to exercise its discretion in ordering the writ 
and if the right is doubtful it may be refused, Kenneally v. City 
of Chicago, 220 Ill. 485, The reason offered for the delay in the 
filing of the petition is not sufficient in our opinion to justify 
the action of the petitioner in delaying his application for the 



solvres Livid rehire eer 4 ot bidie' a. ioliglil* 90% ‘sat SIu098 
Wolls Tom solveos odd egusttasin ot toa ae of Vitquong tos Bivoda 
_ senevretad at sxedito te addin 

~besserg ¢ ot vlgga tee pre asoat tats betetani at a: 
foqy batter hag betoup seago odd todd tua eistosnndo atc to wn 
“Se Vem sodoal to nottaehp ony tedd Betvode, atmbsoteb ody wd 
soggy Beta tberq sods ad ot. ao ttenimexe nege Burot one Ubeates 
Sotveenp edt tant eX9Vawod .Sveifed eW rdtstotizeg Tor Pyrite 
ef soitte ofidrs stoddy galbesoorg evmsbeem 8 mt beater of veer 
-£istoitise to tit £ tot mottiteq « of an ifew ss bevlovai 

er le v done fax x8 9 Lg 00% to seco ott ar 

‘bise Holatgo et hens ewes ‘ot ® caxgus 

vito. sedis : sost rr, sae piate, 4 1888 242 of bod.ned at etd ith 
EET OS coun SONG sony $a He are asuuss (ONE eet ore 

5 anmntar ao renee ate 
SEERAL $0 NEE a tet HE Wile SME COE GN a oe Ba 

bier Wd aoxet ott te0e birobew bat’ ¢had eveliod off ic 
subiehawet itew ot eetoat to’ yertiy’ nsw temoltiveq ate todd fier 
PANO eM vengae étntondd xs rotten & tom et timédnom Yo“dixw 4. 
dare edt gattebto at notteressh St! Onborexe. oF Hiyit s aad ift¢a 

GAD. yLtconnst vbeawter od You 32 Lettdueb ef igee edd te = 

it ah yetod ody cor beTe?lo nosaet edt “lags , cht Ged ds 
Ct det et codatere two mt tnototirve ton ot ott Hed’ vat te ametey . 
edt wor mitnaten atd heme at nde ghon edt 36 > noltos odd 

BS Pua 
Me . & ee 

ae a by ber ie gest 
2 Jicw 


For the reasons stated in this opinion the action 
of the trial court in sustaining the demurrer to the petition 
is approved and the judgment of the Superior Court is affirmed, 



mines ads five Bec a itis 0 a LR 

molt tteg ort of 

wekle tes oetgs be ert SA Me! 56 of , 
sbomtitts et 

edt moimtgo yt at detats = Senn: 


“havo? 2 et witty 4 

ae eS ns Bo) 1 ree miata bade 

Roast Mukti Dyes Dedeop odeae att Kalle Bit dete 
“Pr teh sonal Yo mditebep 2 gihdy 25 ak, 

Kiet Phi we tows, guKs ay oi wo sT online. setae bh 
welsevp eff godt eeVege! ,ovelled s¥ REARS E ' 

iis AM 
’ ae “cube 4 

ef soltie stide: etaiin pathencova beembene a c* whtes ed yak 
-sietolise to thew « wet pn biti & aa: desis ert 

‘Hie "alin ath ‘a’ 

guthece osy Stamnes 3 ek fat atti ede oh . 
eteit tag — te ye ooh! Ay 

i | ePTOOTIE ene 
, uae LS Le to atiD .0 pi i bones 

Y Rote ba ight Gis, ia ed " 
whan NS sa MT ES te ER 

WY Bioteti tok te waa pat ab ‘ear Beene wae 
Redeas fate head erage pax et at ered Weta aoe” 
eT re i 

ent : Sh ei igi aida ay eae aay uber ronotkedy 
| eee we tdgie etnleada he dugdiy me tea at ; 
“haire. edt antwedre it” enndercde ss ood Be 
mag oO ELL veut whe TOe et vine’ De barred wa 
phe ik eles ads 6% Carved te Beet war ‘ae ‘it 
Vhs. A woke) mate and deo tolycew tae ee si be 4 
ek wat hin com eas aa vation ae nt oat ol 





WILLIAM MOISANT, for use of 

corporation, 2 

(Plaintiff) Appellee, MUNICIPAL couRT, 

COMPANY, a corporation, | eC 
(Defendant) Appellant, Pd r a EL athe 6 py 4 

WR, JUSTICE WILSON delivered the opinion of thé court. 

This is an action by William Moisant, for use of the 
Crescent Furniture Company, a corporation, against the John Hancock 
Mutual Life Insurence Company, a corporation, on an assignment of 
wages, There was a trial before the court without a jury, result- 
ing in a finding against the defendant for the sum of $225.79, and 
judgment was entered on the finding, From this judgment an appeal 
was perfected to this court. 

Moisant testified that he was in the employ of the 
defendant corporation on July 31, 1929, and continued in its employ 
until August 1930; that he received §20 a week and commission} that 
he was paid in cash} that when they, the agents, were short the 
company would pay them and that when they had collected more than 
the $20 and commission the corporation would take the balance left 
over the amount due then. 

Defendant insists that from this evidence it appears that 
the company did not owe Moisant at the end of each week, but that 
Moisant owed the company, The trial court found otherwise and we 
agree with the finding, The matter of payment was onty a matter 
of bookkeeping, but it is apparent that the arrangement between 

4 \, ee BTayvs 
% te | i etieial 
e-em to eax cot somaren » MATAITW 
ats | _ B aY HAsO rs ‘PHIOGRAD 

Gite JAvIy rave 


cooltogga (euttarers), be (3 
| aV 

* s giacteacige Ni colt stogtos a SC eat 
“KOO .A.L CVS | ensictocgen Acumen | 

ettyoo édt to solaigo ed? betevileb NOsdIW TOITeUL eal om aval 

edt to eastot ,tasetow meilitv yd mottos ia ad ater ‘al i an 
Yoooash slot eft taatsgs ,soltstoqroo s evasqniod ccs koert taeoerd 

~tivact ettot, # tuodtiw gree od¢ oxoted feitt 6 egw oe oe 
bos ,C.88¢% to ava off tot ¢nshacteb add tentage galbnet : at aat 

fzeqgs as tasmabhst eid? mott spakbait ed? mo berets enn ae 
,tayoo aidt o¢ hetoetreg asw 

edt %o yolqme edt af esw od tadt bettitaed tasatol 
yolqme ati at beunttaco bas ,@80L .f€ yivbano notterogtes tushaeteb 
tad? imoteaiumoo bas deaw s OS¢ hevieset od sant ;O8OL teagwa Litar 
edt trode srow ,etnege odt , yet oodw ¢eadt ideeo of bleg aew od 
sed otom betoelioo bed yedd seody tect bas medi yeq bisew yaaqmoo 
ttel eoneled oft oxet biwow soltenamen edt goktatmnoo bos OS} edd 
melt ob tasoms odd revo 

tadt exseqg¢s tf soaobive ald? mort tedt etetant taabaoted — 
tsdt tud .deew dogs to bao edt te tasetol evo ton bib enaqmoo odd 
ew bas satwrodto bavot dxu0p Left? of? .Yasqmoo odd bowo taseioM 
settam s yYéro saw tesaryaq to tetien ot agntdalt ent détw ergs 
neowtod tnonegastts edt tadt tmoxsqas af $2 dud ygatqesittocd to 


Moisant and the defendant company Was to the effect that he was 
to receive $20 a week, If he did not collect anything, then the 
Company Was compelled to pay it. 

After the receipt of the notice of the assignment of 
Wages, the company should have withheld payment of the salary and 
Commission due, The moneys collected did not belong to Moisant, 

but to the company, 

It is insisted that the plaintiff hae not complied with 
the section of the Practice Act in regard to the bringing of the 
action, This section provides that an assignee may bring suit in 
his own name if he complies with the provisions of the statute, 
This case, however, is brought in the name of the assignor for use 
of the plaintiff and the statute is, therefore, not applicable, 

the Ev. Lutheran Augusta Synod, Appellant, 267 T11. App. 606, 

No objection was made at the trial to the pleadings and, 

therefore, objections cannot be raised here, 

We see no reason for disturbing the judgment of the trial 
court and for that reason the judgment of the Municipal Court is 




taw ed gadt tostts edt of wew cneimee dasoaoted anit bie andihiel 
edt aodt .gaidtyas teelion toa bk od a teow a oth ovtooor ot 
ott req oF bectequos ase Yasqnoo 

to taomtrmiaees sid to soften edd to tqieoex oft testa 
bus yxelea edt to tuemyeq bleddttw ovad bivoda ymsquoo edd .eegew 
ainseioM of gnoled ton bth betesLiee eysaom ect ear maka RReR, 
. sage eit of ted 

dtiw beitqmon tom ead ttktatel¢ edd tadt hetatent at ¢% 
efit to gaigaind edt of Sraget at toa eoltostd edt to solteoe odd 
ai tiee guizd yam ofagiaes as tedt eobfvetq aoltsee efit mottos 
sotutete ent to enotetvord eit détw astiqnos ed a4 uae owo oid 


ean ‘tot songteas edt to smn odd nt ‘tiguord at eoverod, ,eas0 eidt 
2 eee, Pena { 

: voldsotioas Fou orator al ‘otutate ons bas thee edt to 

ebas agnibselg eft of Leith edt ta ebam saw moidoatdoool) eo vox 
,oted herist ed sonaso ancites(de ,exoteredt 

git? odd to trembut edt gakdtiteald 16% mosses or een oF. 2p ~) 
i awed. Isqloiavl edd Yo ¢roughet ede dtoaedt Hee xehcbes teen 
‘nage att wet io todd bake wl }igipemniika 
oTRMALTRAS THAMOGEE! ces fad! Bee wee? Pow Biorew cage 
tak Fale Pomorie ott eee faa OF & oxtit 

.AUOTOO.iigimitalt Cae seen 

yay Sats Ro 
Reka kare Ra BE eee. qld 
* hae Rew taeeion 

ahs gta. lat Swe wore 

tut tooteaa eh 29 ! saigaoatoos to. j 
, ‘ HeUMlinA, A | 


37706 a in F 
2 ee e 
(Plsintiff) Appellee, 

a0 x 
(Defendant) Appellant. ) 2 v4 9 Toh. 6 2 BI 


The plaintiff recovered a judgwent against Charles Gabel, 

Sr. because of injuries sustained on the night of October 22, 1933, 
when it was claimed he was struck by an automobile driven by the 

minor son of the defendant. The son, Charles Gabel, Jr.,was originally 
a defendent but was dismissed from the ease at the end of the 

The original declaration charged that the sccident happened 
while the plaintiff was crossing St. Charles Road in a southerly 
direction at or near its intersection with 14th avenue in Maywood, 

Cook Jounty, Illinois, 

January 31, 1934, three additional counts were filed by 
leave of court again charging that plaintiff wes erossing St. Cherles 
Road at or near 14th avenue at the time of the accident, 

March 20, 1934, additional counts were filed by leave of 
court. The first of these counts charged that the plaintiff was 
walking in an easterly direction across 14th avenue at its intersection 
with St. Charles Hoad; that the automobile of the defendant was 
driven carelessly, negligently and improperly and that the driver of 
the defendant's automobile failed to keep an outlook for persons 
using the highway and that by reason thereof the automobile ran 
agsinst the plaintiff and injured him 

The second additional count charges that plaintiff was 
walking in an easterly direction across 14th avenue at its intersection 

hy, : 
WORT dad { .\ . ooo» setureR 
: ‘* rg 2 «RRO AST pale, OS Lipase) we Le 

Arsittoe apie” °° 3 te Veknown a nes oui 
te So. A. I e ‘ ge: When Peipaggexssc: ele oeggarw 

eRdee das. were B 


coded apized? tacisge tnemabul » Rexevepes Xhisasety, amy 
SEGL .88 tedotod to tdgin edt no benteteve eetrutat te seusoed .xB 

tld, XS Sovixh eLidomotus, aa Yd spurte. ase hinihpa lil iad 

tanigita asw sth ateded eolzed0 108 oat nab, 
sit, to bas eft t# esno edt mort persimath enw mu svaerhe 

enouged | tusbjoos ont tea Degrade notepeabod | i 
, xedtvop. 6 ah bsofi poLzedd of6. attegor ecw 

Oe soe 

eboowyelt at oumeve, done tw sedtoangaent vod seen 

Ca hs ae 

: “secon 

“OY BeLtt orew vtnyoo Leiotsehbs sory auersytenpdaia eae: 

salted) .t8 gatewoto saw PRE aleley ted? gatyteto cat Poe Mn 

tug gic, gt m@ebtoos ode to Posed pat. ts. mtv: ay es 
Yo onset, Xd, beLit ator etns09, Lenostibbe att Dek 40 O% dor. 

acw tiitalelg edt ¢sdt begtesio etasoo seedd to exit ee 
itosetetal ett te eumeye dts seetos ao ltteer tb Vrstess me mk galifsw 

pey taobaeteb edt to eLidomotus edt tadt cane se ya fe sit iw 


anoateq tot tooltvo as qeed ot hettat ‘sche a ttasbueted ode 

to wivish edt tact bas yLreqotaml baa. Xx DER 


ast elidomotus edt tosredt moeset yo toad baw Wwortgtd odd gaten 

amid spt bas eT ey 

cen ” iin, aa . 


with St. Charles Road and was in the exercise of due care for his 

own safety; thet Charles Gabel, Sr. was the owner of an automobile 
driven by his servant Charles Gsabe],Jr., in 2 northerly direction 

on 14th avenue; that defendants carelessly, negligently and improperly 
operated and drove the sutomobile and failed to have it equipped 

with proper brakes and that by reason thereof it ran into and injured 
the plaintiff, 

These two counts charged general negligence, There is 
no evidence, however, as to the condition of the brakes. 

At the end of plaintiff's case all the counts except the 
first, seoond and third additional counts filed “arch 20, 19534, 
were stricken on motion of defendant. The third additional count, 
however, sharges that the plaintiff was walking across St. Charles 
Read and not across 14th avenue as the proof shows. 

Gonsiderable stress is placed upon the fact that the 
original declaration charged that he was crossing St. Charles Road 
and that it was not until a considerable time after the filing of 
the original declaration thet this allegation was changed, so as to 
make it appear that he was crossing 14th svenue. ‘his may be accounted 
for, however, by reason of the fact that plaintiff was so severely 
fnjured and was in the hospital for seven months and over, suffering 
from injuries to the leg and head. 

From the medical evidence it appears thet the head injury 
sustained by the plaintiff created a condition of amnesia and that 
the happenings just prior to the brain concussion might not have 
become clear for some considerable time after the injury. 

Upon the trial plaintiff testified that on the night of the 
accident he left his house between 7 and 8 o'clock, crossed St. Charles 
Road at 15th avenue and walked east on the south side of St. Charles 
Read as far as 14th avenye; that there was a stop sign on the east 


eid tot etree sub to ealenexe eds af acw bas haoh gebradd use ditty 
olidonetys as to temo od? ecw, .18 .fedsd aoltedd tet {vtetes awo 
tottoorth yiredtiom # af pathafodad eelrad® taevroe eld yd movixh 
[vecorqmt bne yLtmegtigen ,yieeelezeo atashasteh ted? jounevs diet moe 

heggtuns ¢f eved of bolts? bas elidomotus edt overh hae bosareqe— 

bexutat bus ofmi mer ti tooredt moanex yd tedt bas sederd gecory dtiw . 

- &Rdtnbelg ont 
at ened? .oonegiigon Letemey begrsdo adavoo owt ened? 
~eoterd ait to moLtibaod att of ee ,xevewed, ,opmebive om 

edt tqeoxe ainvon edt Ife seso a'ttitaislg te dae dt thn » ioe uM 

qds@L .OS dove beLit etavoo Lemolttibbs bridt has baovam etexkt 

.tavoo Lenoithhbs bridt sdf .tasbasteb to soltem ao nedodnte, stew 
eeizedd .t8 avons goitiew aew ttitaielq odt tert eeyzede .ravowot 
veworls Tootg edt es erneve athL saores tom bas Deol 

gid teat dost oft mogw beosly st eeervte ofcexabtome9 tie - 

beoh eolxad0 «tO gotesor® enw ad tedd begtato mos peb:Lar 
‘Yo gnilit edd rests omit elderebienoo s Lider von ore a 

ot ke Oe ,boynsdo eew soitesetia eiit tad? noiteredoeh Lantgito veal 
tevowoc od yan eid? ceunove APML gutevoro asw ed dedt eecaqe these 
ylerevee o@ vaw tittetelq tedt gost edt to mosaet YW “erovewod (30% | 

gatsetioe ,xevo bos edison aeves rot Latiqaed ant iat mam bas: 
heed bas gal ed? ot eodmy 

Yuba bag edt tedd eresggs tL eonebive {faoifem eat nash: ft L os 
tedt bas eleeres to soitibnoo «2 betasto Metiededy act ee a 
-eved tea togim molaagoaos atatd edt o¢ toing tout egatmeqgad. ost 
eerutal sat vedts omit sidsrablano® moe ‘to 389.L0-omoged 

edt to digin oft ao teed hettitest thitaislg Laid odd moa» ‘gtr? ont 

afxad0 .#2 beeeotd ~toolo'o 8 bas JS aeewted tegod onan 0 nasi n 
pelted? .t2 te ebie mises ont to teas bedlew bas eunevs: 

Sek8 edd no mgte Goda s caw oxeddtedt: seanuciuend ” steaheoh 

ET Ta pele ae PE nT Ee 

side of 14th avenue, facing south and that he was familiar with the 

conditions surrounding the intersection at that place; that when he 
got to 14th avenu@ he was crossing in an easterly direction, and 
observed a Gear approaching from the south, that the car was between 
50 and 70 feet away; that he had reached a pobht six or seven feet 
from the west curb when he was struck; that immediately thereafter he 
lost consciousness and did not remember anything more, 

Charles Gabel, Jr., the driver of the car and the son of 
Gharles Gabel, Sr., the owner of the cary testified thet he was 17 
years of age and that his left eye had been removed but that the 
vision of his right eye was good and that he could see without glasses; 
that he used glasses for small objects at a distance and for reading; 
thet on the night of the accident he had his glass8s one He testified 
further that on the night of the accident he was driving east on 
St. Charles Road; that at no time was he driving north on 14th avenue; 
that on the night in question it was dark and raining hard; that both 
the headlights on the automobile were burning and that the windshield 
wiper was working; that there were two automobiles coming west on 
St,» Charles foad and thet he was driving at about 30 mikes an hour 
and could see about 40 -or 50 feet ahead of him; that the first he 
knéw about any accident occurring was when he was about in the middle 
of the block between 13th and 14th avenues and driving east on St. 
Charles Sead; that he heard a crash of glass on his left; that he 
heard his car fan clicking; that he pulled over to the curb and got 
out and looked at the front end of his car and saw the left headlight 
was bent back, the glass shattered and the shell of the left side 
of the radiator was dented; that after he looked at the front of the 
automobile, he noticed several people 40 or 50 feet behind him and 
saw @ man lying on the street just south of the line that went down 
the middle of the street; that there was a street light at the south- 

ont dtiw tatLinet sew ed tedt bas dios gatest .oraeve dt) to ebke 
ad uedw tet jedaiq tai es aodtoonreies edt gakinworwe enoltibaes 
bas ,feiteorth Yiestese ne mt giteeor® cow of emma dhl ot toa q 
_Mevated eaw t20 edd tedt ,dtvoe edd mot gatdpsopgys TsO a bowxondo 
toot moven to xin tetteq a bedocor bed ed dadd jwrea took OF baeGe 

of watisereds ylotaihennt stadt jlourte aew od oedw dave teow ode got 

.stom galddyas teduemet ton bLb bas asoneneioenoe, teal q 

(ho. moa off bas cao edt to navixh ent qth _leded.eokaadd . | 
TL esw on todd beliideos gtao ed? to st9oawo edd qot6, lode neknadp 4 
srasig tuodtiw eee disco a ted? dos boos sew eyoutdyls etd Re gokmhy 
jaaibest tol bas eonadeib s ts atveide isms sot aeeealy dee ad dasit 
etiivasd el ono eBaasly alc hes of daobioos add lo sigin dd, ao-dadé 
no tase gaivinh eaw ed tacbioos ed? to tiga edt ao tach wedtuat 
ouneve Mehl no dixon gatvigh od ssw amit om te edd ghoohwelzedd .#@ d 
dtod.tadd ;brod griates bus Aueb eew th aodtooup wd teyem edt mo dadt 
bioldohaiw edd ted? bas geinwci oxew oLidomotua edt ao etdytibsed mat 
mo teow gaimoo selidemotus owt row oxedt. test jaatirow sow cogs 
“od ms pedite Of tuede te yaivich ssw ed ted? bam bag eekeatrate 
od dent? edt todd yokd to Deeds toot 08 sop Oh deeds ose blwoo bas 
sibbin odd ai tuods sow od modu ow gakrauDee! tnebkos yas dwetin.wmpnal 
«t@ wo tese gnivixh bas eeunove didi bus dees noowted doold odd to 

off tadt {tte etd mo easiy Xo sesro. s bused od dest gbsol wofradd 

tog bus duo odd of tovo beLiog orf stadt. pgotdodle metcae etd breed 
digilbssd etal edd? wee bos t99 eid to Sn9 gnort edt te bostoel bas too 
ebie ttl edt Yo Lieda edt bas borestedta onadg ot qdpad) tned),eow 
edt to dnorl.edd ts bexoos ef reste todd ybotaedy new xogatbar edt to 
% bas mtd daided test C2 10 Ob elqooq Laxoven Seoktomod enemas j 
i“. snow add endl odd to dive seut toexde ont) ao gay i) 
~hewom dt te till teorta s sam otedd daddy ytoonte 


west corner of 14th avenue; that he went to 2 telephone and called 
up his father; that he rode over with his father and the police 
lieutenant to the police station where he made a report of the 

Edward Koch, a witness called on behalf of plaintiff, testi- 

fied that he was lieutenant of police of Maywood and had been for 

12 years; that i4th avenue does not cross St. Charles Road; that there 
was a stop sign at its intersection with that highway; thet when he 
arrived at the scene of the accident he saw an automobile standing 
on St. Charles Road about 8 feet west of 13th avenue and on the south 
side of the street next to the curb; it was headed in a diagonal 
direction; that the left headlight was broken and there was a dent 

at the top of the radiator; that he saw a man lying about the middle 
of St. Charles “oad, about 125 feet east of l4th avenue; that he 
talked with Charles Gabel, dr. about three minutes after his arrival 
at the place in question and asked him if he knew what he had hit 

and he replied that he did not; that hé asked him where he was coming 
from and he replied that “he was coming from getting @ gun for his 
father"; that Charles Gabel, Jr., told him that his windshield wiper 
was not working. 

Edward GO, Feldman, a witness called on behalf of the plain- 
tiff, testified that he was a sergeant of police for the Ville ge of 
Maywood; that on October 23, 1932, about 2330 in the afternoon he 
with Bailey, the Chief of Police of Maywood, examined the place 
where the accident happened; that Bailey picked up several pieces of 
glass from the pavement on the St. Charles Road and handed them to 
him and he placed them in an envelope; that he and Bailey went to 
the home of Mr. Gabel, Sr. and that Bailey took the pieces of glass 
and placed them inside the reflector of the left hesdlight of the 
automobile, which was a Chevrolet, 2nd that Mr. Gabel, Jr. said 

that it looked to him like the same class, meaning the same glass as 



baliso baa enotgelss s ot iaow aul batt jeimevs agar to TeMtoo teen 

soilog eit fas tedtest eld adiw 1ev0 abot od felt “yrodten Me 4 
adit to froqer | « ebem od sredw notteta eotlog oat ot ‘faametuell | 

; Si iL oR ae 
[deed (itlintsle to tlended ao belies eaontin # look Srawha . yom od | 
ot deed bad bus Seowyes to seliog to tuanedyets saw ot Fens bert ; 

eit dent jheoi walred® .2 eaor tem ssob ounsve diel Gade qareeyoRt 
on aody todd pyewtgid tale dtiw aoitooetotm’ ott te mpte qetee ea 
aribnste elidomotus ae wee ed tavbioos oft to engee ant da bevitrs 
itues oft mo bons exnove A#8Ll Xo teow soot @ suede heofi eotnadd.18® ani 
Lanogelb o af bebred vow $4 jdxu oft ef tuow toorte edt Yo whker 

“ Gneb © ase Ores bas aexoTd enw dys Lonod YYOL abit, Patt gtoetomtbr 
elbbim edt tvodes gaiyl men « wae on todd jrotskber eit te-qot edeew 
o! | en tadt jemmeva déh to tase teok 88L duods ,bno0l gabradd ate de 
fevitrts eid vette setynia cout tuode stb ,Ledad: potato Stiy bediat 
vahhd bad od tare wood ed Tk mid betas’ bas noitesyp mk eosk amt sa 
qvimoo esw sd evedw mid Sevas ef tedd yton Sib od ted? Petiqe: ed bax 4 
etd vor my s gatttey mort giimon caw od” tedd edigen)ed bas mort | 
qoqiv blegiabuis eid dud mid Blot goth Leded eriradl. tnde q*eedtaty " 
-xtsig oft to Tisted m beliso eeentiv s ynamblet «0 htenbh Alvoo be 
to eg olll¥ eft ret eoifog te tasegree 6 enw pe se q 
ef moomtstts ot mt 0849 tuods ,28eL 88 redote@ mpatail | q 

~eomkey oxtt Dectnsxe ,boowysh teeotlet to Reha oo sryaiten saw 

to nessiy Lerevee aw Deteiq yelied tadd jhensousd taelionm edt ovedw 
ot mond bebasd has deol pelredO 6 ad? mo tnomeveaq ott morhmesly 
ot tow yeliet bus ed Sad joqolevae ws at meld bovate of toma mie * 
aantg to sevelg odd doot ysliad Pade fms jx aaa oleate att 
edt %o fdyiibsed titel ent to cotoeltor edt obhart medt spalg 
bee sth ,leded scl tedt dae gtefortved? « maw wotes 

se nsniy nan ut guano eon a se mt 

that in the headlight of the Chevrolet. 

Robert H. Bailey, a witness called on behalf of the plain- 
tiff, testified he wes the Chief of Police of Maywood and that he 
talked with Charles Gabel, Jr. at the police station and asked him 
if he knew he had hit a man and that he replied that he did not know 
it until he got out of his car; that he, Bailey, then went out of 
the police station and looked at the automobile and found the left 
front hesdlight was bent back and the glass broken and the shell of 
the radiator caved in; that the shell of the horn on the front was 
bent; that he asked Charles Gabel, Sr. if his son had permission to 
use the car and Gabel replied that he did; that he asked Gabel, Sr. 
where the boy had been with the car and Gabel replied that he had 
sent him on an errand for him at 19th avenue and St. Gharles Koad; 
that the glass which he picked up from the street was 15 feet or so 
east of the east crosswalk of 14th avenue and just south of the 
center line of St. Gharles oad, 

Defendant insists that there is no evidence to support the 
allegation to the additional counts to the effect that defendant's 
automobile was proceeding north on 14th avenue and struck the plain- 
tiff while he was crossing the 14th avenue crosswalk from west to 
east. This statement does not receive support from the record, The 
Plaintiff testified positively on direct examination that he was in 
the act of crossing 14th avenue in an easterly direction at the time 
he was struck. Charles Gabel, Jr. testified that he was proceeding 
east on St. Charles Road and was not on 14th avenue, but that fact 
was one for the jury to determine, 

The driver of the automobile in his testimony admitted 
that he heard a crash. The condition of his automobile showed that it 
must necessarily have come in contact with some object while proceeding 
at considerable speed, The only thing that could have been struck 


stelorvedd ait Yo Hgiiboad, ont a teas | 
~tadate eit to tisted mo betlae saent iw 8 2 Yo fee oH secon 7 | 
ed tadt bas boowyit to eotfcd to teidd edé osw ed bostigned hie 
mid bevies bas moitate eotleg ect to «th ,loden. eeluadd nt iw - besint 
wort tom b£b ac gad? Desiqet of tect has cam a. did Sad od woo od BL 
%o tua daew modd ,yatied .ed tedd tao etd to dig, tog od Lita tt 
tel edd bayot bus eLidomotys edt ts bedool fas soliwte @oitog adt 
te Liede of? bas nelord saslg edt has dosd tacd aew tdgilbead taost 
pee tnect edt ao atod edt to fede eff? tas yt nevse tofethex ot 
ot Moteaimton bad moe ald tL oe .feded eelred dealee oditadt ytd 
ot@ ,feded hedes of tant yotb od tad? hotiqen Jeded tas yan.edd sew 
pad ed tess betigqot LedaD Bae cao sifi ditiw need bad yor edt exedy — 
jbeot eslzed® .t@ baa ounove dt6L ta mid rot hoscts me no wkd ties 
(wa xo feet GL eew tostte edt mott qu bedate ed dotdw eoety odd dad 
) edt te dtwon tewt bes suncve dé?’l to dlewsnors tune edt te tase 
sbeofi aslradd #8 bbiciaaill 

edt suoquue oF eotebive on at sed? ded? atetemt daabasted yoy) ; 

ee eS ee 

Se ee at, ee ee 

nc. dae 

ee ee ee = 

altashao'lsh dsdt sootte adt of etapoo Lenoltibin edt» ohenneente , 
-niala edt doutée bas exmeve dtht no détom gatboooony am eLidomodus — 
ot taow moth alswasoro euneve dthl edt gateaot® sam ad, oListw ‘whit 
of? «broeet oft mort toaque eviesor tom coo tuametete atdT tame 
ni esw of tad? soisaninexe toorth mo. Kovsdieog deskitet Westatate 
emtt ect ts mottoorib yivetess as ai auaeve doh ‘Bubenoye To. Os. 
 gabbecootg ese oc tadt hoititeet orb |, fodad eolved® ..dowrte nat 

fost gadt dud jeuneve ata mo tox ew bas bso wodrad® #8 montds 
oo) emkmmoten ot yuarh edt rot en any 
 hotehahe yaomiteod eid al eLidenosus ant mene | Ae mae 5 

th 4 tadt Bewode eLidometus atd To mortiiace ed? ulearo & a 


co ee ee ee 

muneoodst eitdw sootdo omoe dtiw toatnos mt moo wwved “4h snenea a aut c 
gewrte mood eved Biuoo tact ene vino od sheoqe éidanshienee Gs 

was the plaintiff. There is no evidence of a collision with any 
other object, 

We believe that it was competent for the witness Bailey 
to testify thet he found glass at or near the intersection of St. 
Charles oad and 14th avenue and that from appearances it belonged 
to the broken headlight om the car in question, particularly,as it 
was gimilar to the glass in the other headlight. The fact that it 
was not picked up until about 18 hours after the accident would 
only go to the weight of the evidence. The whole question was one 
of fact for the jury and we have no reason for disturbing the ver- 
dict inasmuch as it has been concurred in by the trial court in 
overruling a motion for a new trial and entering judgment thereon, 

The admission of Charles Gabel, Jr., to the effect that 
he was on an errand for his father, coupled with the testimony of 
Bailey to the effect that Charles Gabel, Sr. had stated to him that 
his son had gone on an errand for him, was sufficient to fasten 
the liability upon the father as the owner of the oar, if the jury 
believed this evidence to be true. fhe admissions were properly 
admissible in evidence, Spieg v. Sussman, 264 Ill. App. 528, 

Gabel, Sr. testified in his own behalf that his son had 
gone to 15th avenue and St. Charles Road to borrow a shot gun in 
order to go hunting with him the fellowing day, but it is not clear 
from his testimony as to whether he sent the boy on this errand or 
whether the boy went on his own aécount. 

Plaintiff argues that from the evidence it is apparent 
that Gabel, Jr. was driving north on 14th avenue and did not stop 
st the through street known as Sts Charles Road, but-swung in an 
easterly direction over this second thoroughfare, striking the 
Plaintiff while the automobile was in the act of turning and carrying 

him a considerable distance east on St. Charles Road; that the driver 

wie dtiw moletifoo s te semebive om et ered? ele: edt asi 
Ree ee en ane  stootae ‘xedde 
yelte acentiw sdt tet twetequeo esw tf tent avetiod ot 

e8@ to nottoseredat edt reem to te desig Bavot of tatt ads Widest ‘of 

hegaolsd th eesastseqys wort tad? bad suneve dtht bat beot welras 
$b as yireivoitver wnoltuevp mi x09 oft wo tigttbesd iad dt 
- ‘edd tost of? vtrlytibood totto oft mf deets oct oF tbttete bow 
“bluow smebloos edt e8tts exo Bt tod Lttmw at belted Yow sily 
eo wsw aotteoup efotw of? .aonebtve sift Yo tity tee ode oF 63 ma 
 Stey OHY gatdruteld tot woeser on oved ow buo Yast’ Bet ‘ok vost Ye 
a? gg wales lines ante Yar it werrweniow koe ‘al EP WE pueer ‘2 
Hooetit? toemgtut gabrotay bua’ rebey vin sor WG GREY 
dautt ‘teovee’ ode’ et, KW Uteited Witches Ga Pr ete 
Lo ‘yrowhteed ont déty betqioe (redter whd: toy bias ad 
feet Mant ot bodete bad re ,fedsd selrsae tease ato oslilt — 
 pitesk ot the torttud asw ‘ahd ot parteehesdne Scare 

rene erew ettotzeimbs odT orrd od oF 90 
{888 Vaqh VLOr 28% oeupane sv going” ot 

‘bad moe ati tet tisded mwo atd mi bottivwet oe ig te 

ove Hck of ono 

at my dode » wortod of beot esfxadd 432 Bas oy 
thelo’von ab #2 dit yysb gniwollot ont mid Mt tw gabon 
%o Snerre alt mo yor ent tase od teddodw oF eb 
, “tovoode awe Bid mo tréw yor ats 

prereqtia ef tf evaebiys odd mort tadt “Songs Stirasalt + silane 
Gots tom Sib bad eeneva déot no devon giivied al aa te i? 
ne ak gure ted boot eelved® 498! ab owort tooth : “ 
oft untiicty ,oretdyuoted? baovee ait} teve so toedte sammneged 

gat yer: bast gutewd to tos Ott af now Slivomotus eifd elidw Yt 

ie wipsh ot ‘i : 
eovinb ont dodt jheok esinadd 4 no tase are Lanpavino é aie” 
eoytao wa? ears ee , ta 


of the car was negligent in not stopping, abthough there was a 

stop sign at this intersection, It is also insisted thet the driver 
was on the wrong side of 14th avenve in proceeding north, inasmuch 

as he struck the plaintiff whe was but a few feet from the westerly 
curb of 14th avenue; that the fact that it was dark and raining and 
the driver had an impaired vision, created a condition which would 
have required a more vigilant outlook than was exercised by Gabel, 
dr, in the operation of his automobile, 

Defendant insists that the plaintiff was negligent 
inasmuch as he saw the car approaching and did not exercise ordinary 
care for his own safety, 

All these were questions of fact which required the 
submission of the case te the consideration of the jury. 

There was ne error in the giving of the instructions 
complained of, The jury have the right to consider the circumstances 
surrounding a case as well as the testimony of eye witnesses, 

We find no reversible error in the record and for the 
reasons ststed in this opinion, the judgment of the Circuit Court is 



vie : bu for ‘gete ra 
& sew oted? duyodtde esitiqgots ton at ‘tusghigan ' new <e oe to 
ae st Nees] 
wovich oft todd betetant eels ai st sno ttooarotat aldt ‘ts ‘mgte gore 

doumasnt wittom gaihesoors at au Hevs cers: to ete “ator o fo San 

sa cieot oF 

vxetaon odd mort test wat 6 Sard aew ou ‘Wultatesg ody douxte od ff 
a Ws, oo pg * is dm 

‘bas gaintes hee Musab adel at ‘tasfe toat oat tadt jeunes ee 
Bee: opt gt i ‘ 
biwow dozdn ao1t Lba00 B betsero wolere Dontegut Bi bait xortch ordi 

40k hia 8 ary 
«tednd w boetoxexe em asdé AooLtue taeltgty orem re a \.,.Aae 
a Laon kag 

ee soLtdomoitus ald to antennae edt awk 
ot Pitas Cae OR as sli os] 

" tneghigon esw ‘Wleatesg ont taut efatent 4 ge 
tay ‘Ate at 4 on i 
yronibre | eatorexs ton bib bas gntdoeoracs x80 edt wae a as domme 
i 2 sees 3 
“aqtoten aro abd eteo 
yh OME ‘¥ RBs AB ge fe te int ee ‘ 4 

‘oat bertuces si Lie ‘fost Yo eaoitsoup oxey eeodt bm 
> Ra a Fis # vy a, 
‘ wt add te a ltarehianoo ont ot ‘een0 oat ‘to notestudua 
7 e ee ara ® Ce og ‘g's Kap apr oar ee 
enoltoustent ott te oad ade at rorz9 om asw oTeat 
pa 20 tadt OOo Ee Bil Be 
poouistenozie edi rsblenoo of tdyat edt ovad vin, sft to bentalquon 
% He teh Sa aah ore g oe 
seensentin eve to wiontiee? odd as Lien 88 9as0 aw Sbawsorass 
trig eg > a hehe ay a he ., 
auit sot bas brooes oxid ak Torre okdtexovex on . ill 

f OF MeRaos Lee : 
et au0d e1u0x lO | ong . tomb oat wokco cone ad boted . 
; fon sweet ane 9 aie 
é uy rs ET yay | eg ee re oe By Se ey coder bi 4 : 


ott ae nosey Ms seit! ‘oe ond 
+5090 ‘t aah: Ae 
lire, | Fup i Be) es) ae eee dye a Sees ee Pi poenigd 1 Hu) 
wiaweess wey ate oe Soe end — . 
y OCe mae? Pale whem een tao, ah hie 
# 2oer me ite TR ete Gee ie) eh ; 
ook ed age ae oer Pee een ite sll 
homie Re eee inetd Honk agiigaoe re 



iy het Be owe r DES ee | a ; wiry aire 
yh) ws, 

’ Bipeitid aif oe 

, j ‘ 8 aes oe s ae) we an 

oe Na ee ee eat eee ake She Re hae LM rd fie olgoreeed 
eae + ‘aes 4 . + 

; a j ih 

5 aw Ys 

37667 ye 





| he yROM ClacuIrwedRT | 

vs. “i j 
, g 



. sa) alll” (esis lea 
979 1.A.629 


December 19, 1999, Richard L. Willians filed hie bill te 
foreclose a trust deed Anted Jume 1, 1926, given te eegure an ine 
Gettedness of $91,860, evidenced by a serivs ef netes, Abraham J. 
Hennings, trustee, vas wade a purty defendant, ie answered the 
bill and on August 19, 1932, filed his erosm bill to foreclose a 
trust deed dated Auguet 16, 1926, on the same prewisee, given to 
seoure an indebtedness of $125,060. The cause was referred to a 
master, who took the avidense and found that the Hennings trust 
deed was a lien on the premisen prior to the Lien of the Yiliiaus 
trust deed, A decree was entered im accordanee with the revert of 
the master, and Wiliians presecutes thie appesi, contending that 
the lien of hie trust deed wae crior to thei of Hennings. 

Counsel for WLilliase in their brief say, “The eele question 
in this case is that of the priority of a mortgage junior in point 
of time and recer? te one senier in point of time and record.® 

The record diseleses that the Filliama trust deed resites 
that the lien created by it is subordinate toe the liens of two prior 
trust deeds, one dated Ucteber 10, 1991, which was given to secure 
an original indebtedness of $76,000; and the other dated Decexber 1, 
1923, given to seoure an orivinal indedtednesa of $65,000. The 
(WALlinns trust deed states, “T415 16 A JUNIOR KORTOAGE;" and furtner, 
"for the purpese of paying eff either ef the encuwbrancea secured 
by the two Trust Deeds above mentioned, «*# the Grantors herein re- 
serve the right to incumber said premises with a new Trust Deed ac- 


( : \ 2: ve 
' raars 
\ ‘ 
Rages cb wei auaLLuz® shack: 
ey, ; j ; S eee Tee ete uy 

\¢ ivonxd ORK ert" 

’ whe F Rees a 2 oy f iy nl 

“Tr anti io 
¥ one au ROT ‘sa 

“88a Jk. eve cele | 

. BOERS O Bal i. ee ae mia ee oil 

tayo pont “ie art cena a, 

* hie base hdres’ 

ed Lia etd boil ame btti® ai puns bt eee ef wémoed pea 
FE oe FY at * ; 

oat ae siuees oF avin sOROL af out poten awn sours be orolootet 

is ¥ Pay tM 

% otter eaten ‘te asives & yd baonwbive 1028, £08 % ' 
‘ed Sexewens oh .dunbaeteh ysxeq # when ans * sootuat: 

3 vig soalaerg bouts ont ae anes , 34 tease beta I oe = 
>t Rea Fe Be 

a of boris tex kee pene ‘ost -009,0848 Is er ie wail 
tau? syaioneli ede saste bawot baw sonebive ote ost os sae $800 team 

* guisdahw ond ‘te weld sis od xoltg avedinng ‘ot ae mit as " fee ob 


we #xoqer one heiw eonaht 00% at bere tne aw sor08b A ahews 
test pabhastaee hae cas oket eosvonvora ane hie bate ete 
is agnianett te sass ee naltg anw noon gamete po 7 
| aniteous fee est” ,yoe Yelid chest at semditey aa ened ie 
| Gnkeg at rohawt opegttom a To yisolie odd Yo tadd ad onan, au om 
*.bresey has omty te gakog a2 tolnes eno of broner bag gmt 
aetions boob tauxd amotisi® oad tadt sseotonth eenee ont 
sets oud to eusdt od? of otantiredue of 42 yd bedewte melt oe a. .. 
“@ruDed of novia sew Mokde AOL ,0f radesod betes on shows: a 

“ wees heteh tedio 4% hae 7000,0T¢ %e 

die uit ae + :RAADTAON. MORNE AOE GRRE cnnenl shi 
: wane aaa vag Yo cedd he 7 natin, Ye seam ih 


euring the payment of a sum not exceeding the amount af the incume 
brances so pald of f *#* providing however, the funds derived there. 
from shall be used in paying eff gaid exiating incumbrance whick 
#iall be duly released of record sand to which new incumbrance this 
Truet Deed shall be subordinated. * 

Williams in his bill claimed taat bete Ke, 46 of the seriea, 
for $36,260, was due and unpaid. On the face of the note appeared 

The macter found that there was due Wiiliaus fer principal, 
interest, costs, sviiciter's fees, ete., $46,960.06. doa farther 
found that there was due on the indebtedness seoured by the Kenningas 
trust deed for the principal, inturest, costes, ate., $155,446, 78, 
The sasounte secured by the first and seeomd trust deeds, which were 
prier in paint of time to the Williams trust deed, became due and 
payable befere the indebtedness secured by the Yiliiams trust deed, 
and in 1926 the then owners of the property procured os loan through 
Peabody, Soughteling & Co., to suable them to pay off the balance 
due on the firet and secend mortgages, For thie purpose a $125,060 
bond issue wae prepared by Peabody, foughteling & So. ond solid te 
the public, the Kemminge trust deed secured payment of this iesue, 
The master found thet the $126,000 remilsed from the bond lesue was 
@isbursed an follows: Amount remaining dua on first mortgage with 
interest, §72,125,00; ameunt rewaining due on #econd mortyage with 
interest, $45,990.06; paid Peabody, Aoughteling 4 Ce. a conmiasien 
of 5% on the $125,000.06 bond issue, which included expenses for 
engraving bonds, cost of survey, releases, ete., $6,250.00; “On ace 
count ef rebate of interest $555.50, *** Prineipal pald to kr, and 
hrs, Sounders ....... $90.50 (the owners of the pronerty,) making a 
total of $125,000," — 

The chancellor found in sesordanee with the findings of the 
master that the Hennings trust deed wan a lien on the preaivses prior 


a«mupuk ad le douse one antbowaxe ton mum @ te aomyeu omg . ; , 
-9tadd haviaed ebow't sat provewed auibheoce owe wre bheg ga soousnd 
meet Hate, maa) 

ats eonertdavent wea duldw of bas hiseer to bbehiher yiah od tiade 

» * bodaathvodse of Liade heed tauat | 
Prk Tie Ob .0% ote 488) bomtete L114 abd mb angstcrY ; 
betacuaa ofen of) te spat and ‘ad shbigi ‘bai viis- oar 108,088 wt . 
_teghodixe +6 anstLiiW ewh saw exedd sadd bale? v9dodm oar” atone 

“ie ‘ge PG if 

 -eusdea't oh” (40,080,806 ~— 969% bate tine eet ie 

Agidw eoaatdavoal gulsul«e biea ‘rte whted, ah 

ered dette ,aheoh Phin Baosee bita- auth ent ed heen as oun ott 
bie sub ommeed [boob Sound aad LLY ede oF bate et tatig nd te ) 7 
hood faint waakl LW end ye boreoow Savnnasdobak asd Wtoted #1 
“Agios avel @ berueote YireqoTe ont TH weOdwh Hone wt | it 
\@oneLed off ‘tte ene oF eer ekdand ot ks ‘gat Lottigwel . eonne" 
eit a oveqiia alts wat Leogegtren baoned bad ower aa 0 uh uy 
of Bion haw .d0°S gurthdkawen ;xbodast UC botagite ‘baw’ brigs ee 
waned ahat Yo Serta beteaea hows dace Prema: wate 

ie egeyttom sett? ao web Aniatanet Pinot © teventer a atode lh 
LW ogeyIxem Saveoe Go oad yateLowwe Frvedh’ ;OOYURE RTE (goers : 
Vadtae Rtnoe ye .40 #8 istceongelie iene ae fer sesiznze 

caw ‘aor #0 088 69 | Ves0 juadaesee eebwaat eebee f want 
paw (48 oF bteg’ fxqtoated wen yoaeaag Peoweat wats 
id — hae ond tei e969 oat) 08 808 teeta axe 

By ‘hi Mtibiien ; Kap sepa By hy eB tes oT 
ry te" aqetbadr edt tdhw"dinabibbbh ad sae ref toe 
wane! dou tose ost ne not a abw boob tik wpakiad is 

to the indebtedness segured by the Viliiame trust deed. 

Counsel for Wiliiaws stutes that the only foot im dispute 
iw the sonteation of Hennings that Gacar ©. Magen, who ewned the 
note prior te the time it was acquired by complainant an¢ prier te 
the making of the Hennings trust deed, orally agreed that in sare 
& loam were made by the ownere of the premises to pay off the first 
and second mortgages, he would subordinate hin nertgaxge to the lien 
of the new trust deed. 

Rk. 4. Krammes, calied by Hennings, testified that he was 
associated with Peabody, Houghteling & Use,; that im 1926 be bud 
d@caiings with Sandere, who owned the premisca, concerning a lean 
of $125,000 to be secured by a trust deod, the proceeds of which 
should be used to pay of f the first and second mortgages on the 
presises; that shortly after Peabody, Houghteling 4 ©. agreed with 
the owners te make the loan, he tuiked to Oscar C. iiagen whe then 
owned the notes secured by the #iliiamse trust deed and advisee him 
ee to what was teing dene, and asked Hagen to subordinate the loan 
of the trust deed securing the notes owned by Hagen to the new 
trust deed which wae to be executed securing the new lean, and that 
Hagen agreed to thin; that afterward the $125,000 bond Leaue and 
trust deed were executed, the benda sold, and the proeeeds used to 
pay off the two prier mortgages on the premises, and he then called 
ageain on Hagen to have the oral agreement earried gut but liagen ree 
fused te 46 so, stating that the new mortgage was too large. 

Osear ©, Hagen, called by complninant, testified that some 
one came te im from Peabody, Houghteling & Co., concerning the 
making of a new mortgage on the premises and asked bin to suberdi~ 
nate the lien of his trust deed to that of the proposed new trust 
4ee4 ang that he refused te do so, sxeept “ae 1 would be governed 
by the terme of the trust deed." fie further teetified that the 

Peabody, Houghteling & Go. representative then offered wim $000 

hood femcd emeisiiW ote ys botepee esenhotdebul ott “ 
eSmquhb ak goat yise noid tacit aetete ak ALE x02 soaaued | 
ent hoaws ow ,aegal 0 1920 tans eguianel te s0Liu9 $00 edt “a 


“ selrg neta fnoukaseroe qd boxkupoe ean it omis evi av roltg oten 
gare ab dadé heotge uliene bees emxd ‘gat anol outs te pation 


swat ofc Tie yaa oF sonlmexg ods te arsAwWE ede «id sham oxew asol s * 
gebk out of eRages om ala etenibrodue bisow wal tegen eros bases baa 

a A ‘set 
“boon town? at oat 

ane od tans beLtigass agate aa be Ling stoma aati : 
bet oa SROL wt sade 7.00 4 ‘sak ieddgwolt , ebodons abe oo 
anol % Batarsomon noaluorg ons beawe exw setabase Me Anke : : | 
sho hate te sheeserq od? ,besh taunt ry wd ‘peureee oe 4 o# 900 900,884 39 
oat m0 Bo yAys tom baooes has pexat ont Ye we of adage y iM i 
wie elo a! 22 é eailermynk eet rey ret ta citaeas wifi: . 

ask ° oud edauibtocus Ce] asa boxes baw sono gates od ee we 

ig won ead of meget yd bouwe aeton ods yabrwooe hoeb ao 
Sree oie 

dant pus ,anol wen nats gaizesee besusexe od a ene biden book 
‘ats ‘ban ovesi Saod OO,a848 ond panwaes ts bas le yey — 
‘e bean shoovexq edt haa bkoa abaod outs .betuvens oroe boad sau i 
belise nasi oc ban aoe sang oult ae eagagtzon rely py amt 

See os Bae 
a0 sage dud ue bo ltias iaaneora ete oe ves oe 

“208 deda bortitens Pan abe Leos < bosins ‘aaa 8 

ens gatatesnes 5 90d a ‘ga Lod dguok rvhodaed wo" yy 
pts oe Ba Fe 
_atieetee og aud boxe ane erature ens 20 > ounateen s . 

“oat todd botreaneg Testo om c, -bowp snus ada 
“ sa or fa 9 “ae 


i iat 

ay e 
a a 


in cash to subordinate the Liem ef the trust deed as stated, but 
that he refused to do me. 

The master in hie report commented on this conflict in the 
testineny of the two witnesses, and im the Light of all che evidence 
he found that the testimony of Krammen wae the more credible, «and 
he found the facts ae testified to by that witnema, | 

Complainant Williams centends thet “Under the law of cubroe 
gation, the trustees Zernings ( revresenting the bondholdere) has po 
tight te even claim subrogation in this ease. If anyone oowld, only 
Peabody, Youghteling eeuld do so." We think thie contention eannet 
be sustained, The agreement of the parties, as found by the master, 
wae teat the lien ef the Viliiams trust deed wae to be suberdinated 
to the lien of the Hennings trust deed. The proeecis ebtiained from 
the esle of the $125,000 bend lesue wae used to pay of f the firet and 
eecond mortgagee that were due and were « orior lien to the Willian 
trust deed. In ether werds, the $125,000 wae used te prevent the 
first end second mortgages going Lite defekt, Nereover, the fille 
fame trust deed expresely provided thet if funds were obtained to 
pay off the two mortgages, which vere prior to the ®iliiams mortgage, 
the Willians truet deed would be suberdineted to the mew truet deed 
given to secure the payaent of the money with which te pay off the 
firet and seeond mortgages. In these ciraunetances it would be 
highly inequitable to hol? that the lien of the Williges treet deed 
Was superier te that of the Hennings trust deed. 

But cosplainant, Villiome, further contends, aa we understand 
the argument, that in ne event should the Hennings trast deed be held 
to be a prior lien for the aneunt of the indebtedness represented by 
the twe first mortgages, beasuse the filliome trust deed expressly 
provides that it 1s te be subordinated only te ene or the other of 
the truest deeds securing the teo first mertgages and not to both of 
them, because the trust deed exoresely provides: “Vor the purpose 

ed f shetetl oe beak mail ue w aw ht idl caiecdin ai dine ds 
‘ohio ei | aS) EARS od dot 
adi ik dat ctxeo whet no befaomed Proqer eld mt betegetnt ae 
eobebive edi Efe X60 Fog h® ode al Leal | deane ds lw ows och te ial ‘ ¢ ; 
i lk bad thee Wow ony enw ebumaeet to non! fed dd Sodd’ basso 

; 4 
seontio teed vd of poh ihveed ri ‘edo py a | 

Seecwa to wet ote rose” Yurt¥ ehoodeon wmetlte’ Saobhelemed mr 4 
ox eet (wxpbtodbned oft ynitneneteay) agatanell bedeine 4 
eine "\biveo suoyie’ Xx pane WEHY af ‘no ldngoeane Blake ire - 
 ponuli’ aidhyine tnod’ oH) smutite SW" > UNE haven” Pretest ; ~ ir 
|g tosiain one Yat haved om bold teq sur Yo baduectys sav lheudovaue oe 
i besuttoxesue hadith tow ved bani fhe ropsil vite itt ong Ys re - : 

ui ay ws wa Ware iar oat 
oon cab oxy oF melt doike & orew Baa bat ¥xov Fad) <a oy 
“pila teaver 6% Deku eae 000,088 ond” labtow eo a 
~ittY bi} jxovoncow .dtudtoh adhk yotoy sbangetem badede bas fect 
gt Bethke so oxbW nbaivt UW dad bobs very ey ty ee 
aan omibii eat od Pred Labi’ ii stranation a” | 7 

ted od bowb faind ayatado® wat hd jul ay eibonjaa oak 
w Bornes a Weoubstdadat oid non ia aid us ar a ad oe 
heat sa he change —_ semua W's eee es 

of paying off either of the ineumbrances sequred by the two Trust 
Deeds above mentioned," the granters reserved tne right te enecusber 
the premises with a new trust deed, whieh was to be a prior lien te 
the Willisms trust decd. We tuink there is mo merit in this conten- 
tion. While the word “either” might throw some doubt om the question, 
yet upen s reading of the entire provision of the trust deed it is 
obvious that it wae the intention of the grantors, in case they 
borrowed money vith whieh te pay off tae two Firat merigages, taat 
the trust deed securing euch indedteiness would be erier to the lien 
of the Filliame trust deed, beesuse the trust deed provided that the 
grantors reveryed the right te encumber the premises with a new trust 
deed “*seguring the payment cf a sum not exeeedting the smount of the 
ineumbrance so paid off." This otvicusly applied to one or beth ef 
the two prier trust deeds, 

Complainant sakes the further peint, "That ander ne stretoh 
of the imagination should the Hennings' seeond mortgage be found is 
Sete to be sanead of the Wiliiaws' firet mortage because only 
$118,115.60 thereof! was used to retire the first and second released 
Mortgages and interest thereon, and that, theratore, regardicusa of 
anything, Willies sheuld have been decreed to be ahead of the Nene 
nings seeond mertgage te the extent of the 4ifference between 
$118,115.06 and $125,600.06, or $6,885.00. 

“(a) That certainly, the amount of $1,293.85, which was paid 
te the owners of the presines cut of the Hennings’ seeond mertgage, 
thereby subordinating Wiliiama' mortgage te s larger amount than 
necessary, should heve been paid te the comp) sinant,* *e think 
there ie no merit in this sontention. 

The master itemized the woy im which the $178,000 wae ¢is- 
bursed, as sbove set forth. After saying the amount due on the 
first and second mortgages, $6,250 «na pald te Peabody, Houghteling 
& Co, for commissions, which included the engraving of the bonds, 

Gost of survey, releases, etc. We are not certain whether this 

dayit qwa edt yd bewueen ananatdmwedd ed? Yo zodiie We gah | 
tedavons ot fight oat Sovieres @tadaetg silt * »bomold aan ovoda boos 
od mokt tobte a od of vaw sigkit peek Jautd wom 6 ake aontaora ‘ont 
~8es ae8 aid? ab thesm om wt oreds aad dt s¥ ahees feared seat iia oat, 
‘oLIBOup VA MO Fwor omON WorAd Seiybm *aosis to* Stow ald eskat ee 
ah J4 boob toucd odd to soledvora erheue oat te gatbaer a egy toy 
NOt ame at ,eredaeny on 0 motraesak ant caw #2 taut onetede 
fadd ,peneytiom tart) ow? odd To you 08 do haw “aie yeaon | ¥ ys 
mil edt of reltq od bivow seoabetdebal seve yatrweoe dood foun — | 
ant tacd hedtvots bod teutd odd seuaged ,boob domed ana Rca ate | @ 
hous wea # atiy eostanig o6¢ indewene of eKgaa ant havieses wut | 
eas ‘te ¢avome eft gatbesece fom axa a to taamyng ond gal-tuoea" Beoh 

te ddod 10 ono of bellage yfawolyde als? *.Te bbag oa a mg 

“sto texte on sebaw dastt* atateg wonguut ada euseg rr 

cine) eeey ae ; 

Bi Sawot ed egegitom haces ‘'egakamel en? pivode sel tenbyenk eas eas a] 
yiae Seusved sgayerem tard? "ane i220 nat te haodio od of stat 
beanotor haooen bao textt edd wrhset of beow ane ommend 09 86,0518 
_* Bae ibtAgo® ,eto te tends bane bits amontade seonstal aan piel, 

b- La 

08 adi Xo hewta ed of hoorgeh ood ved bfveda nae ee vt 

avowds od e009 50 TELS ald te baetxe ee oF soeyrten bacon vs : gene 

100 268,06 e 100,000,288 baw 00,0 64,6448 

“hag aaw prima 138,868, 49 to drome ant Uataaee dnett tet ay rT 
 (Ogegdiem baonen "eget oe HK ans te tue Bada! wats te misc oda 

tty a awe x ne 
4 See PeKome sogtad 2 of age tom, Mam kik 

a: 2 

dalst of ".Punaletqmoa oft oF pteq anod ova tveta , rset 
iil _ stiehtomtame abit ak threw on at 
| “oAth gar 000,284) of cota a yaw ot bemtnee) totems ont 

Acad mo eeb dawone esd yabyag rag'ha sre oe ee tn . 
“ antivsagues hodast of Bing aow O88,0%¢ som bagece bs tom sa 
| qthaod ost Le gathvarcgne aaie debutant fohan cong tne Lamon se tA 

ehas te dgede Bhasin sou oan ow ye one Lot vere 


item is objected te by complainant, but we think the expenditure 
wae entirely proper beeause it is obvious that anyone borrowing 
$125,000 to be secured by a mortgage would have to pay a coumission 
fer obtaining the loan and for performing other necessary services. 
The master's itemization shows that but $555.50 was rebated to the 
owners of the property, not $1295.85, as seems to be contended by 
complainant. This rebate was made to the borrowers to eover in- 
terest between the date of the bends and the actual time when the 
money was advanced. We think thie item was preper, under the cir- 

The deeres ef the Cireult eourt of Cook eounty is affirmed, 


MeSurely snd Matchett, 77., ceneur. 

(we wai wig Nh AE a eas Aiea ie, 

- senedeeos (YtaRseson tedso ontematens se bam. 
ts ot Detadet saw 08,0606 sud dads anode ; ao t 
ve debapsnoe pd of. pannn Be 8h -EORLG dase + 

Petite cee vm mes pid a 

—_— e ; , F r t 
Roe + Tag Rey ; Soren SHAR + (a e SRR 

hee: a o @ wh 

veyy Ms ee ; it, 
ne, RA ah a 


BARCELA YUROM., Adm'a of the 
Estate of Joseph Skakiteki, 





} we 
279 1.A. 625° 

Plaintiff brougst an aetion againat the defendant to re- 
eover $506, the face of an insurance poliey ieeued by defendant 
te Joseoh Geabiteki, there was a jury trial, « verdict and Judge 
ment in piaintiff's favor for the sacunt of her claim, and defend~ 
ant apoeals, 

The reeord discloses that Jane 25, 1923, Jowepi Okabitaki 
made apolication te defendant for iife insurance. Ao medical em 
atination was required fer the partieular kind of polley for which 
he applied. Four ¢sys later, tune 20th, the goiley was issued; 
e4@ht days aftervard, Fuly 7th, Skabitekt wont to the Geok Gounty 
heepital on account ef tlinees, He was disuiveed frem the hoevital 
July 22nd an@d August 1°th following he sgain went to the County hos- 
pital where he remained until Geteber 1, 194), them ne died. in 
his written application of June 25, 1931, Skabiteki stated in rephy 
te questions thet he had mot been siek or 411; that he did net have 
heart disease and that he had never reesived any treatwent in a 
heapitel or inetitution, and that he was in sound health. fe deo 
@Clared that the snowers eade by him were true and that be was in 
sound health. 

it ueppeare from the record of tne Cook County hespital that 
Skabiteki sent to that hespital Deeenber 6, 1929, where his ailment 
Was disgnosed ae chronie myocarditis and pediculosie; tat he was 
disechargeé from that institution January 8, 1936, but the record 

actor wor “aaa 
2 0A EH vo nt | { 

F; pontoon Oo worreut ‘pater Scand a Lemon 

ee 2005 8 AD END HE SOAMF RAE Sao 
yi is be 

eet OF Srmbue ted ons Saaloge maldes ne di yewrd Tiigakels yea 
fanbasteb yd bewnal yoiloy souetueal me Yo obo? exit 10008. ron 

_webet, bas soibver «4 ,leing yas @ saw, ox0dt Hes ot, seve = 
shae teh bao ,alelg ae to taveme eft tot trove? erritgatalg be toes 

hdagidede Agoeol ,JE0L 8h oat, saat, sonaipenty, Lome | 

re foo thes eX .oomezseal ett cet fasban teh of ‘nobtnobsogs chem | 
do Lit sot yokiog ‘to baka taiveliiag etd 196 ber hapa one ‘gold ’ ; : v x 
«phownwd eaw yoliog ond ,AdGR omat stot ayes ur% sons cas on 

¥tauod Hoes ens oF Jitom hint des ee viet fae “neste eyed pte 
aoe oa mot? hoawluals saw oli -aunatih bid snmoooe a0 eye : 

mi both od mode ,160L ,£ x0deded Litmy beaten: oa oreo 1 hol 
— ehges of Bosate hivtidads , 602 ,02 paul ‘to aottne thaws aotsiow : ‘a 
. even Soa bib wa tenis ;££2 te Mets awed tom bad out dena hort of 

ob oli 

Bh mew ot Jac? hax owed wsew abd shaw ero bad ta Perey 

4iecloses thet hie condition was “improved.” It furtier aspears 
from the Cook County Soepltal reeards that Gkabiteki wae again ad- 
mitted to the hospital July 7, 1931, amd Lis condition wa» diagnosed 
as cardiae decompensation with arteriosclerosis; that there was | 
*shortaess of breath, eweiling of Lega, nausea and oecasional vomit- 
ing. *** Vor the past 2 er 5 yourspt. has beoowe Sugrt of Jmesth 
upon the lightest exertion;" that he was disenarged July 22, 1951, 
*inoreved;" thet August 1%th he wae again at Cook County hernital 
and remained there until hia death Seteber 1, 1931, The ecertifie 
eate of the attending physician etates that the lamediate cause of 
the insured'e death wae “orgenie heart disease, * 

Dr. Yolff, who had been eonaected with Cook County hoepi tal, 
teetified abeut cortain records conesrning the inevred made by him 
while connected with thet hospital. It eppeare that Dr. Yelff ex- 
aenied the ineured and hie diagnuesi«s wae that the patient had 
arterioveleresie, cardiae deoompensation, aurleular fibrillation 
ond he@ been afflicted’ with arteriogseleresia for abeut five years, 
This examination was meade July 7, 193i. 

There is cther evidence in the reserd from the doctors 
whe trented the patient, all tending te shew that the insured was 
wuffering from some tepairvent of the heart for 4 censiderable time 
before the wolicy wae iesued, 

Plaintiff testified that she wes a cieter of deceased; that 
deceased in hie Lifetime waa a butcher working in a meat market 
every day, atid aspeared to be in goed health; she had never knew 
hin to be otherwine, | 

John Geeinski, ¢alled by plaintiff, teatified that he had 
Feceive? the application from Skabiteki; at that time insured 
anewered that he wae in goed health and that he appeared to be 
healthy; that the witness had seem Skabiteki werking in the butcher 
shop ané he appeared to be in good health, This is substantially 


Sraequs Tedgwt FT *,hovarqak" naw noksthaee att gam? gee: 
«he alage caw kistided® fac? ebtoset Lasdenoit etwas heed ony wonte 
posongalh wav aeitthate wld bas ,f6eL .v ydut fathenost of9 of pestta 
aaw oinds Sand jaleotelonolisdre ait hw aol taaasguooeh ontbaso 6 

«$iuoy ianglesves box avauan gayet te gu iowa nord 1%» wae adr erie” 
‘Hier le da aA Bm musi iq eraoy E ay 8 dune ont 10% #% .pak 

5 wees ,88 viel begtedealh sar off tend “;moletere teetagife end soow 
Latiquod y2avod L00d $e Ainge any on KEES Pwiguk tests * ;bovenqat® ] 
oEtigase wit EO f redote0 Agno oka ihtan ote) honlenes dae 
‘te eauas ote tbe aad oa tend astase ate Leydig yalbaette ot 20 gap 

* enanalh dna olneyto® sow ateod semen 

hat toner qiawed Xood athe bo sonnnes used hac oniw aTiLor , et ae 
Pir ‘ea ehas betweal oid gntreeace shroeer aiatres twos bo Inte to 7 
“ae TrloW Dove Smsz ee hell phat been ened athe ee ae | 

my atotoub sid nor? brane ong ak vonshive wets a2 oxo 
| eae botwaak one iuas wots oe smi baed ite imeteag. 96 bean 
oaks aldarentanes a tot gused ont Yo foquatagad, taen sont, 

__sbowent sew york 
tact shoassost to wogeke # eae Y atte tact? holt toang nite - 
uh totam term 2 ae abiaey xosto gud & eaw ombsorhs mi 

berwnak omlt text te 1 iblethdewe did % mal not ng ‘ a hovias 
ae pa of bexas age ox sett hae ao kaa boos at eer of shew: . 
ig edt ak yataren Dinttdost woe hae anna, th 

Lyuagedve bey ener a Las boon at of hie bocca 

all the materin) evidence in the sane, 

The poliey in question provided that "Ne ebliieation is 
assumed by the Company unless on the date and delivery sersef the 
imeured io alive and in sound health;” snd defendant eontends that 
the burden was on slaintit? to prove that at the time ef tine delive 
ery of the polley the insured was in yood health before recovery 
ean be Kad; that sus groei is & condition pregedent which suet ke 
wet by the plaintiff, ‘herve are some Gases that announce the law 
in ac¢cordanee with defendant's centiention, bur we hawe reeentiy 
Garefully considered thie question and resesed the somelusion that 
where thore ia euch provieion in the policy the burden of proving 
that the insured was not in goed bealth at the dete of the Llesuanes 
of the policy war a matter of defense, Swanson v, Pradential Ing. 
Se., 271 Tid. Apo. 38. 

the defendant fartuer contenda that tre undisputed evidence 
sheve that the insured, in Bis «plication, aude foleae and frendue 
lent anewera te qaemtiens gut to Aim; that these answers were material 
to the risk and therefore the eoart should have directed a verdict 
im defeniant's faver at the close of the evidence, as requeeted, Ye 
think this contention must be suntained, Tae undisputed evidence 
shews thet the insured had been a patient si Cook County heepital 
from December 6, 1929, to January &, 1930, a4 whieh time his ailment 
was diagnosed as chronic myoearditis wid pedieulseis. And in his 
application of Jume 25, 191, \¢ stated ih answer to questions that 
he had never been 111, had not been confined to a hospital or other 
inatitution for medical treatment, and that his heslta wae geod. 
Five days after this application the policy was iseued, and eight 
Gays thereafter, July 7th, he was again confined te the County hese 
pital ehere his trouble was diagnosed as cardiag decowpensation. 

¥rom the foregoing it is obvieus taat the answers were salise, 
and that they were material, ‘hese facts were not contradicted @ex- 

.8aeo OS At wameSive felbtetan walt Lee 

#i molieslide o8* Jada Bobivory mobfeawy at yotteq war’ Oo! 

eid Reorsd vrovkteb baa cfs add ae anotaw yangeed oft yo hentia 
tadd ‘ebastaco Sewhaeten baw “pitt feed Bawoe at Suc writs of AORReaE 
vb ieh 83 Yo emt) odd 4 fend evote oF Tiltalate a see ott et 
YIsvse0t stolod APLvss boo, al wav horvent offs yHLox wf tees 
Ot daut sipiow domheoste aeldisaos « ol Yeoorg douse Vand (iat 6d naw 
ent BAS GONGOUN Fads a9NSS OME Ate HLONT! {YriSadeig ost QT wee 
 eLinwost evad $Y oud (foksausass a davhas'tod APkY eGaSbTOOGR ME 
gait nolenioacs ex! Pecaaet bai Aelheney adds Beteh Peas yitnetes 
guiverg to mahind adv yelled eds af wetalvowg deme ot evens ene 
 PeGduaek 4h? te obeh o0d Ya dikeod heey al goa Gew betaad ents fast ; 
‘Ral setioskyxt .v a6gaeet Jeet leh “to aesten A ee? YOR Leg od 
ee ee 

eomshite tetegs thas cf Youd wb saee tendiwt gaepaeten ea! OP 

awhaer? haw eo lst bod paoltastiqde sid al /betuweat wl ede @eéile 
aiueien we" erswene seed? Samd poh os Ouq eaol faery of atowena tae 
folsisy @ betoexlth eved bivodt Pauee was sage TPT bine webt on 6 

— F , bedesapar ay ,opceblve enf lo seal od? ta “eve? a Fanta led at 
Sono hive Bovuqe thud of?  .bealstiaw ef gous woke siee Ch Woke 

| hed towed tamed A008 76 santteg a ave Bad bert one ede wwORe 
Soneils wid emis doluw ge ,O6OL .6 yroumet oF , CRUE ye Tedagoed ae tt 
gt att Bak .oteciwolbog bac aldiimwoys olacti ea bevgagel) saw 
ed wacldeoup of twwau &2 bovwte o , 260k 88 emul Ue avidendiqnt 
Ti cteatad to Lad igaod & os Dealtioo need gon bed , £02 amed Tove bart om 
- | «hooy sew Adieed els date bao ,gmemaest iaoiies Yet ammivuditend 
fle bins jbouned daw yoblod oft métbawtidge obit wtta eyed evtt 
tout YsmUOd Ons oF BORE des aleye MAW oi SOT ENT yee Weoeestt See 

i hy 

«yng Rernopecsed albtan as bodemyith tev ofotaurt ‘etd eredv S60tG : 
a Nias onow waren Wide gauis savdo wk TE engeetd baal fee 


cept by two witnesses who testified that the Ineured appeared to 
be in good health an¢ worked at hie usual eecupation in the butcher 
ehep. This testimony did not contradict the fact that the anewere 
made by the ingured were fuive and material. The gourt should have 
directed a verdict at the clowe of the evidence as requested by 

The judgment of the liunioipal court of Chicago ia reversed 
with a finding of faet, See, 89 Civil Practice Act. 


ReSurely and Katehett, J7,, concur. 

Ne ee 

of bexseqqe Semmal ode sett beltidees qlv seeeant ly one yt fqem | 
rertstut O02 oi molinquang Leven ett te dmlvew has Miteed boon ak ot 
“ wtewane oi fond Gout Say dolbastaos tom bd ymontdest eta?  .qorte | 
ed batenwpet an onpbive edt to owls ont oe — ae 

Aeeneren: ef eaneks Ro tien: tmgSedint ttt: tomnaghely tall se 


i Pin : een 6 te ’ 

dod sehtomn? Livid @8 .co® doe To gatbatt w ddhw 



gy Pe othe Paes Py SRN Re eRe coeur 
capa ake ee a eee Seapine “mee rads 

Se epee oe aia See gaa Bak ee TR Pe ae i es 4 ‘exit "d : 
tod ae ae ‘poe aly 

hittin ee ae Pyle a ay dale geet ee ee saan 
Sion DeLee whit nel teadigie wit al aan one eae mea 
Ea wcoil oie. ttt ot “het Reed Pere ae ene et 
Hite ea eeyt th Sei. GPa eerie ant yeaa Ga aay vg Ue el 
ie 6s oy white (oO *e ee ee ee a | 
mal ooh Ty yet ivaicigan od Joe eee “ah ieee ike 
wre aoe 9a Vedtod wa ae Bek ‘winteill wt tnt nme 
Mea ft eel ae ee wp ala aaa 
oy aces ea " oe Met aie bee ee eee ae oe tia De haw 

jk hee, RRO, REE ae Da ote haan kg 

Wer 2) Me eae a a HAS ew aie hae Bees $ ree ON: ee aE Poa os 

or foul he 02) ee Jeet saree sag: weit ae 

ore? Quo vakiod wy eee heey ‘pk eke 
iain eee AW 4A Mee ae ‘newcal agan ; 
sao eh aaa aye Ae lee i) wid re — 
Ye RCI EO Ae Meare ip FG Ea eae Elihu 


ite horenes Sey ovew walk epee dd Seattle eer til hi . 


a Corporation, ) b ff 
(Pieintirr) Appellant, ) 4 (- 
ve. j 
HSSRY 1, LEMONS, inc,, @ a Corporation, 
(Defendant) Appellee. APPEAL FYROM CIRCUIT 

a Corporation, 

COKPARY, a Corporation, 
(Intervenor) Apoe@llee. 

79 T.A. 625' 


Pleintiff brought an aetion of attachment against Henry L. 
Lemons, Ing., a corporation, to recover $19,739.41 with interest 
thereon. OSefendant was a sioneresident. The Continental Censtruc-— 
tion Gorporation, a cerporation, wae served as garmishee. It 
answered that it hed in its possession a sum of money, due under 
a contract whieh it had theretofore entered inte with defendant, in 
exeens of the amount claimed by plaintiff, but that prier te the 
service of the garnishee summons en it, the Firet National Bank and 
Trust Cempany of Tulea, Oklahoma, claimed te be amtitled to the 
money under an aseignment from defendant, Leeons, Inc. The back 
and snother corporation, which it is net necessary te notice here, 
intervened, The case was tried before the court without « jury, the 
facts were stipulated, judgment was a@itered in pleintiff's faver and 
against the defendant, Lemons, Ine., Tor $22,505.66, but the fands in 
the hands of the garnishee ,$23,5536.60, were awarded to the inter- 
vening bank of Tulsa, The defendant appeals from the judgment award- 
ing the money, in the hands of the gamishes, to the intervening bank, 

The record discloses that defendant, Lemons, Ine., entered 

inte twe contracts with the Continental Conetruction Corporation, the 


ne aettonge | (Pasate, aj 

HaLearorr0d a oak exon “ 
seo liogga (durhew'tw@) 

oS Ma een 

“gyvonts modit aaa ¢ 

seal duct : | 
— PeuaT oma mus ‘aamorRan reary aT 
3 sate imma: @  YiastoD 
, tafe fain ost Hiocgh (xoue Aber esr By 
laeg .B.Te 
FOWROO'O ESITSUE kM ton epee ; 
oJ ytnel geniegs taesiondie to aolion ma diguend Wihemtess | 
 feotedal dtiw £2. 00°, C18 tovoset of ,metdateqres » ,,on) ,nanme, ; 
_ sowstenos faginontined ed? .tushiewr-non 2 ean tonhae Toe ' 

$l ost touey on bovron saw ,nobtareqres @ nuiale 

uebrs ov ,youom to mua o aolenoenog ett ah hed of tet betewnme 

at ,taahaoteh ste otal betedas exolotened? hast 22 dolie toaxtiion = 
edi of toltq tadd ted Vittatate yd bemlale Jamom edt to. avenne 

bre desk fonotied texk% old 3! co enone cedetoney oct Yo oivies q 

add of bettiows ed of Romtato smonnti® ,anitat te yang faaek | 

faed off onl ,onoond , faskao teh mett teomegieoss as tehaw yeoman 

,8tes soljon of yisenceen tom a2 3) Solksiw ,moliateqtss addons bane 

ext ,yxut @ Suorltiw Sewn of etoted belt! sar ewan oat -bonovesdar , 

baa tow? s'Ytivateda al betovas saw foomghul, ,botetuqite orew atont " 

ak abawt oat dud «33 208 SSE tot, oat ,anonmd ,tanhao ted ott fentene 

«angel od? of bobtare oaew 08 068,228, ondedumey ode to ohnad one 

“shawn tepaghet, old mort aleogee Sanhasteb oat eked te ned | paki or 

slaw pataovesd al ede of ,codetimeg edt Yo eboed od ah semen a gat 

 porstas ,.omt ,aaomed enenaionad duald eeseteels nee am jeaac i 

garnishee, one dated September 9, 1930, for the eonetruction of 
about 113 miles of gas pipe lines, ete., in Milis and Warren 
Counties, lowa, and the other contgact dated December 5, 1930, for 
the construction of ® additional miles ef pipe Linea, in Marion 
county, Iowa, The contract price for the work wae $1,100,000, 
Oetober 27, 193G, and again on January 3, 1931, defendant, Lemons, 
Ine., entered inte two ascignwente in writing with the Firet Nat- 
fomal Sank and Trust Gompacy, Of Tulsa, Oklabema, the intervenor, 
Bach of these assignments recited that Leawons, Ine., was desirous 
of borrowing money from the Dank and to secure the payment ef the 
indebtedness it assigned the moneys due and to become due it under 
ite conetruction contracts with the Gontinental Conetruction Cor- 
poration, to the Tulaa bank. The aseignments contained the fol- 
lewing: “Henry 1. Lewens, Inc., Ran thie day mid deer by these 
pregents, s@11, assign, transfer, ‘get ever and senvey unte The 
Piret National Bank and Trust Company of Tulsa all ite right, titie 
and interest in and to a1] owas of money due or te hecome due under 
said contract.* 

Lemons, Ine., began the construction work under the con- 
traete, in Iowa; the garnishee, the Gonstruction comoany, was moti 
fied of the two assignments and thereafter paid the monies coming 
due, to Lewons, ine., for its construction work, tc the bank; 
$127,124.93 was thus paid to the bank before the service of the 
garnishee suanons, and after service of the summons, $31,581.15, 
leaving a balanee due in the hande of the Construction company in 
excess of the amount of plaintiff's claim. 

The facts further shew that uyen the faith of the two ae- 
signments, and te assist the defendant, Lemons, Inc., in performing 
ite work, the Tulsa bexk made loane to it aggregating $281,000. 
The money so advanced was used by Lemons, Inc., to defray the cost 

of the work required of it under the two contracts. 

te Meltouttenco 1? ret ,OCeL .@ tedaetget betas om | onsta 
sorraY tae @ffb8 ak ,.03e posal. egky wag VO Ge Liw Si Side 
tot ,C8CL .o cedmpeet bedsdh toautaeo sedge oct bar ,ewOl ,nettnwod 
selta af ,soaii ealg to ao itm Lenotsihba Oe te mot owtt ditee ‘oat 
000,004, £8 saw Saow e402 «¢2 eoltq Soettane edt ewel evemune 
(enosed ,toabantob ,LE0L ,€ yroniet wo nheje hae O6CE Te Zecesoo 
ete gexkt off As iw gaisiaw ai @fneempiene ow? ofmd botetne ,.0nT 
*tenevtetah oft ,smodaldG ,aetut YO ,yusgeed sae bod dois Lomod 
aserlesh sew ,.on1 ., nage tant begtives ornbinity teen eacdd to ‘toatl 
exis Ae taaeyag od wiveee oF how dae od? movt yousm gatwoxred Yo 
Tohax 92 sub smeved of has sud expen ond hemyieas #4 sanabasdebat 
-t00 noltoursaaed Letmeattne® off Adtw adowttitos wolseutsanos afk 
afet ou dealasaoo edaragiees oat toed ania? ont: at saotsaron ies 
. wandd yd aeeh bas yob elds ped ,.901 ,amomed ok yeaen : at : ‘ 
eat ofau Yovion han evo fos. ,Tekener? ,aptese, atten. taewene: | 
etihe gti be ath Lhe sefut Yo yneqmod gaye hag Xawt, Lemoltell, ox | 
tehu vb omesed of to sub yonom To amuse Lhe of hae at da ade hat 
“-aes exit xebaw kiow sol tows anon out ‘yuan rs rye 
abd on Baw ,\aaqnes settoursened odd ,ondnlatey odd javel ak ,atoate 
gakaoo aeinom ois hing todtaecads bee wane ciny ows add Xo bekt, 
_ planed edt af vtiow noigexntanes wti 20%, onal thei of oh 
ous te so tvase ons ototed taed a? of biag emit sew SO, ARL TREE 
| fe ine, 184 Amon of Lo aptyren teste hem, anenmve Pe ae 
at yragnge makdonxé cage eat No ohasd aig ak ou wenn Le & aabwned | 
; pede, a'TUitalale 29 taumme est Le samen 
ae ote ows ony to apie edt nena sadt wade, wadénnh afend 908 s st aud 
gutarrots09 mt ,.90% .naommd , , tanh nn ted, eat fekeam of ban aden | 
_ <000, K88G aadcegozape #4 pt onnol adem Head abel otf: sotron wth : 
oe su09 odd yertod of ,.0nT ,apaad yi, bot, naw hogan 

 Mentene ort ont, podem, $2 to be rT ox, ; hae | ie al 

Wrom the stipulated focte it farther appears that plaintiff 
ie an insurance agency anf had furnished to the contractor, Larons, 
Inc., Yorkmen's Companeation and Public Liability ineuranee, The 
two construction contracts speeifically provided that the contrac- 
tor should furnish ineuranes, and plaintiff iseued the policies 
which were accepted. It in agreed that there ie due te plaintiff 
from the defendant, Lemons, Inc., for ineuranee presiuas on the 
policies, « balance of $19,739.41 and interest, being the amount 
eued for. 

Plaintiff's poeltion is that Lt ie entitled te be pala the 
amount of ite judgzent out of the moneys remaining in the hande of 
the Construction company on two theories: (1) That by « proper 
eonetruction of the two sasiguments the bank acquired no interest 
in the moneys held by the garnishee Construction company after the 
assignments were executed; and (2) that wholly apart from such con- 
atruction, sinee piaintiff furnished the insuranee epecifled in the 
twe construction contracts as part of the work ander those contracts, 
it “has an equity or equitable lien, in, or upon said fund, prier te 
that ef the intervener bank;" that the assignments were merely 
equitable aecignments, 

In suppert of the firat point counsel fer pialntiff say, 
“Properly construed, the assignsents in question did not pase nor 
affect future or contingent earnings;* - that they di4 net pase 
ner affect moneys earned by Lemans, Inc., for the werk it porformed 
under the two conatruction contracts after the date of the execue 
tion of the twe assignments. It is conceded by beth parties that 
the two assignments aid net purport to sesign the construction cpn- 
tractea, and counsel for plaintiff contend that the assignments did 
net ascign *all monay due, or to become due thereunder, and ali 
benefite accrued or te acerue, but merely aasvign ‘the right, title 
and interest’ of the defendant contractor in and te ssid moneys 

+9 eh 
wibpaters tacts ecrer roarist ai aden" begotegies outs “aogk i” 
amon , tofewrtaen add ee porta hare boost bas yousae vonexuanth nes ot 

edt soon cue nt qehiidals elided how ae Ltaenegued o* soaite? ond 
oat fa00 esis past? hebivetq Vilaottieoga atonttasa woltovtiemes. owt 
aetotiog ould bowaed Misalalg ban ,seaetengh MeeaeNs Stoo Tot 
Titakese os ond wh red? taat beotye ak ai sbodeoose eter dotsw 
edd se Boatss 9% cous went xo? os 0et Stout ataabow tek os nom 
Pavone eit uated Soo dak San Lb. t0Os¢ to eanetad a anatphiog. 
7 ater howe, 

ons biag od of bots ions a $k tade ab nal tnog ot Mubgatest Vointelteaead 
; ES Abas. 
20 abasd od ni gatakamet aysnon oAy Ye jue damabut, sot Ye Savome, 

aeHD rae Dem 

teqetg & wt saat (4) tan inoesi? ond a0 qaseane aoksourseas? 4. 
teetetal on hoxtupgse daed wat esnomylesa one sand to » selgometagys 
esis 199% ew gmos aaktorrcrened ‘secatateg ond yy, pied pea ne 

\ageatsaen ine? xebaw dxow odd Xe saat as ubinetins renee ut 
ot tokte , hit bles Meas to eat oat #ige2 Lupe hes supe ae cael ale 
theron ores adaonny tans out sas "paling xonovas gal ont. te test) 

"Tema et, 

wee Tibvatasq “0% fevawon , tudeg fork’ se a tt 

tom aen9 sou bit nstiaenp at ngaenny lana ond Down tonne, ye 7 
ad ton bib yeas tad? - “{egalmene saeyattaco *. out nee : 
| boerretcoq $i tuow ode x0? «om ,enomed yd bemtne ed hg ty: os LE: 
gene 489 te ater ene wnt asaettace aot toirstanoe ont © 

KY seat sult 

sant aoliieg sized ‘a benecaoo a Pe sttmongivas ¢ qve ows te note 

~"ao noitoursance uit ng hows oo rrocmsg son bah tron teen Oe ERE: 
bib agsonaytnns wats Sesid haw eae Vabsabate wt fonmueo bee ch bb 

- * 
| its baw sTobanereds aah omosd ag to oh wrnon Ate on oe 

emt , tly ha waiat astona vioren sud Dares et to heures 9 bas 
ho tae ahd 
exesen bhee of ban at xoteattsos tawhae'tob ext to ‘gooredat | 


and benefits," We think this contention cannot be sustained, By 
the express terms of the assignments, Lemons, Inc., seld, assigned, 
transferred and set over to the bank of ules “all its right, tithe 
and interest in ané to all sums of money due or to become due under 
said contract a to all benefite accrued or te accrue there- 
under.” We think this language is plain and unambiguous, By it 
all moneys due or te become due to Lemons, Inc., under the contract 
were assigned by it te the Tulea bank from whom Lewone, ine,, was 
borreving money with which te perform the werk. 

The contention of plaintiff, ae we understand it, viz., 
that the money wiich would become due under the eontracts subse- 
quent to the assignments wae not assigned, but tuat emly the “right, 
titie and interest in and te*® s11 such soneys, is hypererities) 
and whelly untenable. Under the two sssignmente and the undisputed 
evidenee, the Tulsa bank was entitled te the moneys as against 
plaintif?, wke was but a general erediter of Lenens, Ine., 
Hawley y, Bristol, 3° Conn, 26; Mallin v, Wenhaw, 209 Lil, 282, 

Counsel fer plaintiff have cited a number of authorities, 
some of which held that after acquired interest in real estate ia 
net conveyed by a quit-claim deed, but clearly they are not appii- 
cable to the facts here, 

Ye have examined ll the authorities cited by counsel and 
are clearly of the opinion that none of them sustains plaintiff's 
contention, Ye think it clear thst 11 was the intention of Lexons, 
Ine., when it executed the two agsiguments, to assign ell moneys 
that were due or that might become due to it under the two conatrue- 
tion contracts, to the Tulea bank, and we know of ne rule of law 
that would prevent sueh an assignment. 

(2) Has plaintiff an equitable lien, superior to the claim 
(@f the Tulsa bank, on the money sought te be reached in this action 
because it furnished insursnee to Lemons, inc,, as required by the 

ein le a 


qa. .bentetewa ad tocnme aaiimaduow afis sicdety ll © dt toned hme 
shoagiaea bie , 005 ,nHommk ,eravamalege oft Lo eanat seorgxe oat 
ehdkt ,ddght ath Lia” uta Yo Xnad ocd of eye tos hme dorvto tanend 
ebay anh gemoed of te oub Yonom Lo same tte od non ab ee oe 
-otedt suteen af 19 hewtoea sdtieasd Lis et ha\ ou toas$noe bo 
$i yi .awouyddawow daw aledy at oysugaed aide Moab wv a aa 
toaxtase 943 sehay ,,94 ,anomed oF euh emoved of re oub en: tte 
G2¥ 4 .9Gi ,onoumd mody mote Anes eekwl odd Co a 6 Somoleas ota 
whew ead ontetreq of do ldw se hw youn a een 

satty «24 baaterebaw ow bo ,Ttidalete te wokiuptaey est 
reoduc agoatiues odd soba oh amoned bsuoy cadity ‘yep apy Sage 
tigis".9ad yiao Jot gud ,dengions toa caw agammaylons ould be Aercad 2 
foods borteqyt af .ayodeu dane iia "2? bo me pcg 1 eahrat 
hotuuathau sis bas atrewginas avd gil? copay .9kdaandimw ytkow t 
sonlege va aypoom oct af, bets time aaw daa stu 407 rE 
gal ,asomd te \tesibers fare 2% a ted ware ose RRP A 
RR, LAL O98, ane oy dL iam (AS nae OE dl 
yeh irestus to tedaus 8 betig svat, Tiktaledg tet fascwed | 

nr i 
af etefee ines al daciatal botiupos tefte gadt died Ho kei Je ono 

+kiqga gon ete you? yfamefo Jud ,beoh whe Lod Liy a Ma * cevaes ton 
| y bee / 19d ataett 91? 6 | alle 
hots kon anon ¥@ baste ltioaiie’ oat te bontmane ved ov pane 

e'titgnloly waledaus #003 To esen ted¢ sohaiqn al to vinaele » ete 
vo qtsoamd Bo aoiicter oat sow sf tad? sankey ot sakes ev tee 
wyenee Le aytens of ,atasengiogs ove ond de gveans: tt mete og 
~pirit anes owt ond sehaw 4h of amb saooed teigka fei? xo ub ore tent 
wed ia ates. an, te Woad, on bas ,snad, on ig? sy of nto toaxgnce aokt 
by picniiten, dani tnoangleas i one aero x r oar 
Rhato or wt iii anh aidestoee ne eebatare, eax | 

oy mek toe ohsle at, dosoaes od O29 tans yeaow ony bd sited an 

is fa 

nye i Len i Os, 

ante? oft te 
SFL Lead hie 

«part at wnt oh 
‘adh, xd bez lopot aa , pal ,soomed oF socmtue pens Toewstat 


two contracts made by Lemons, Iinc., with the Construction Company? 

Plaintiff's conteition is that beeause it furniened the 
insurance te Lenons, Inc., the comtractor, as provided in the 
sonatruction eontracts mtered inte between Lenone, Ine., and the 
Censtrustion Company for the doing ef the work in iowa, it “hae an 
equity in the fund, derived from these contracts, in the hands of 
the garnishee;* that the twe construction contracte required 
Lemons, Inc., to furnish insurance "as a part of the work” and 
therefore plaintiff hae an equity in the fund; that the Tulea bank 
took the two assignseents subject to all rights which could be ase 
eerted againet the assigner, We think this argument ie unaound. 
Undoubtedly the bank took the two asuiguwente subject te all 
rights wilch the gurnishee wight assert against the aeaignor « 
Lemens, Ine, But the bank did not take the agsignmenta subjeat 
to claims of general eretiters agsinst the assiguer, arising oat 
of the contract. 

The judgment of the Circuit court of Cock county is 


BReSurely and Matehett, J7,, concur, 

| “tenngnoe welteutsuaed elt sakw Oth aOR Ys ahoms sdpensnee omg 

walt hedukaret $2 sauased tast of BOL wd aoe o ehesaless » natt 

‘and mt ben ivory ae xotemxz nee Rd ak aE RMDh OF ‘oomacumed 

“gate howe 409k 0d avowted eons berad ae bitte coddowntampe 

“ne east ak eaeol aus Anew ania te aston ef g0% cae 

‘t9 abso ‘ou ak sasonx2a0e sends mest having ome, at at -eeape 
, bextupor stoursaoa ao btountastoe Rial | BLint waht " peestehanen sit 

‘Son “drow om? te oq aa” (Sotereak Medawi’s od cath areca 

find walu® odd tadd saw’ asd ad Yihupe, on apd *upakese ® 

~ee od dives bio dsiw etoads iis of Speatne 88 mea 



ad Yeauon x00 te rome. tiveth® sdf to ¢ 


bi SS he ED ree aKa Dy PA tif suis ae pid i 

= his of tomidue atuemateoe ows ext Papas - 

wig - tompisee oid tvatage trenae doyle soda taney ould Sia ‘* 
sootdue strony ieee os edad ton bib dnod odd fe8 ek ya 80 ry . 
” $u0 aatalis -tonjtens wald teatays Btoe thote. alia te wmtatee he Z 

SRO ah ae 

Levee 2 ‘ if 3 rf Ny 2 rae ‘ 
+ , tole oe i, 4 oe eo i flo Red % 8 on 


‘ we Pap he | AR phe i a mua ten 

: stay oF potsnatoes: 


ket | ay | ee Os? % Py i. % nisi so mM seat 

bee Bae) ay wie cle il 
wih oh Rime 

eet oe HF tenet nate 

ue fee vont ste ae 

if mis see ti eh Br 

37778 y 

Plaintiff in frrer, 


Defendant in Error, 


by thie writ of error the People seeke to reverse a jJudgnemt 
of the Municipal ceurt ef Chicage, setting aside a judgment entered 
by that court under Section 89 of the Praeties Act, and digcharg- 
ing the defendant, 

The record diseloses that on the night of September a4, 
1933, Patrick Marquez was arrested and on the next day enmplaint 
was filed agninet him in the Runicipal court of Chicage charging 
that he drove and operated s meteor velilole in-the public highway 
-g@m the city of Chiengo while drank er intoxieatet. On the same 
day there was a hearing before the avert without a jury, the de- 
fertent wae found guilty os charged end sentenced to ane year in 
the fouee of Cerrection anda fine of 2190 was tapesed. Ue was 
delivered inte the custody af tie keeper of the louas ef Gorree- 
tion on the sane day. : 

Decenber 14th following, defeniant filed a metion under 
section 8 of the Practica Act ond seetion 2) of the Muni¢ipal 
Court Act, te vacate and set aside the judgaent, wid in suppart of 
this two affidavits were filed, ‘thers were ne counter affidavits 
filed by the People amd mo pleading of any eharacter, so it muet 
be sesumed that the People raised the question of the suffieieney 
ef the petition and affidavite as though it had denurred, Del'end- 
ant was brought from the House ef Correction uvon order ef court, 
and the matter wae finally dispesed of on January 17, 1954, when 
the court suntained the motion, vacated the judgment, then heard 
the cuse appsrently on its merits, found defendant not gulity and 

7S 7a 
= : 


| ‘<00an 

‘aga Bie eee! ta 

» deotqunet wag 

Rowadv'o mDtiwUe oWtaLELAG RA’ 8! KLMoGH 

i, sia Kaan £209 HE a 
: piaaieh 2 seven, oF agen olqget on? toTHe 30 aia ahdt inane i 
hexedne tapoyoet « blag gaitdor ,eyaoid® to Purge tags at out to 

| : 

} eptasondh baa , tas pelteert ori? ef 08 nettoes aba) hin a 
ae. : ok ip « Fe te... 
oS: 0 dine S98 te taly tn ott, ne test apastonth, ‘rsepes oa fs . 
‘aa. aa es. 
‘- “taba Lemoe BNoh KOR ot? 20, hap: peteezza, sew Soup tell 

“ ' a 

. anbytass oxsotdd to trnoa Lao todaust ont a ate yemkays y 
qarrigds ad idug ois ahd ekoider ne Om, #, bo tetege tae rs ‘ 
lta oo a0 shotaoixes at to dmeth oflde egan tt ’ o ’ 
ct ooh osit awh “ duottia tame oft wr ated aritend #, : 
ee aesy ene of beoavdane bre henradde na yt Shep bewet ene q 

“paw ol sheeogeal sav COOL) to anit & Bese: noltearr06 to éuan ba 
' “GeTI09 To sauoll elt Yo isqeex oie to ener Yona 

gave 0 ORR 

; waht nokten # betit tnebawtep suttiwo ffLo% aro oat 
Bi ipo leqleinusA ofe to  neltoon bane toa eo hton® ‘oat sich Fe: ¢ 
ee te Troggs al bas ,Jawambsl, oxlt obten ‘Son baw atnbae of seh P00 ) 
ativabl tis tetaves aus wrew ooale” hott? OtOe | | 7 v ‘owt : 
f deme th oe iedeacasio ean te sa haw Le on he 82e00% pe 
a “yone toi Ytwe eae "te aattasyp ex? poaint eigoe” dt he 
q “ba tos shorted bed Fb dywods ae etivabitts bow ao! i - 
: _ ftw00 te tehte aogu wet ieorred te eewoll ost mort 6 

eh : : = 
ot By ie Was BE RB ei ok 

es ones ara opel Ao ee Pus got ‘Viaadt aaw 

BY ah an: 

discharged him. Ne evidence ia prenerved in the reeord, 

The question ther ia: Are there suffielent facts shewn by 
the verified written wotion filed under section 69, and the affi- 
davits in support thereof, to warrant the court in granting the 
motion? The motion was verified by defendant's mother and afterward 
defendant filed an affidavit, or supplemental peticien as it is 
designated, in which he svears that he wae arrested about eleven 
o'elock p. m. of September 24, 1935, and shertly thoreafter con. 
sulted an attorney who had been retained by defendant's mother. 

The eane wee eet for the feliowing morning in the Municipal court 

of South Chiesage. Ym the morning of September 23th, about 3:45 
e'eleck, shortly before the coming of the cause, defendant's evunsel 
advised him that he would not be able to try the case on that day 
Because he was engaged in the trial of a case in the Cireuit eourt 
before Judge LeBuy, ir the county building, and advised defendant te 
apprise the court of this fact and te ask the court for a continuance 
until the fellowing morning; that at thet time defendant's counsel 
speke to one of the clerke of the court and advised him of the fact 
that counsel could not acpear st the bearing because of his engage- 
ment in the Cireuit court in a ease then on hearing, and that he 
would like to have the onse go over until the neat morning; that the 
clerk thereuvon promiaed the attorney the case would be centinued, or 
he would inform the court of counsel's request. 

The affideyit of defendant further cets up that when the ease 
Was enlied for trisi he epoke to the police officer (about ten feet 
from the Judge's bench) wio hud made the arrest, and told the 
officer that he wanted a continuance; that the pelice officer 
told him te keep still, 4¢ wae geing to trial aad wae “going to get 
gent to fall for life;" that the case would have to come to trial; 
aefendant replied that he wanted « continuance but wae commanded by 
the officer to keep qaiet; that the officer syoke in an undertone #9 

Sreoe% e4) ah bovaseetq et eeasbive of wad bogiétoals 

es ewase atost dnoiotTie gxedt omh tak ery.) notdvostp ect atl 

-bYts ot ba» ,@6 mobsooe robay botht aolton andddrw heliiney eat 
odd yalinwexy ah feuos oc? Inextew oF , Townerte rroauen nt adiveb— 

btavtetto bow tediow a inabaeleb %¢ be Diddy cee ottom ont Taeltom 

mb tt ae mod) biog! dat abee qqua to ,Jivabi'Tta oe boetl't gnsbasteb 

fovele ivede bedaoxte saw od Sad) atewe wd doldw wt ,sotsmmteeh 

af99 tes tagods YLsteds bao .LEOL , bs Tedms tHe Te mt re doaie's 
| » tesd a0 a! taaban teh vd healkadex aed aed ote wm ote ie bad have 
txuoo fagleias’ sad ‘at gatatom galwollo?® sdf sot soa sew onan en? 
80:5 guods , A288 sedmetgeh To galmicma od? ab enna Ge, Xp 

es asoa a! gaabas tok ~eaueo ons Io aalsoe ont etg'ted ylerode. epewind 


wb tect wo vane ox2 xi Of ofde ed ton biwew rod pomy. bat boatvh 
truvo ¢huerkd eas al seo a % iaitt ont al begenne ‘ean os onvaned 
0? tusbnsteh beaivbs bas saaibilud ysanoo oft ok ,ypstlal spb eteted 
‘@onswaismes @ TOt txu09 of ise of ban tos? absy 2o sume ett ontrege : 
Loeavoo a! gnsbar'teb awly fuss da tedd :autuvow nalwol to’ ony hee 
tos eit to mis bealvbe bas P1400 oss ‘to extefo eff To. on, 0. 
os fed? baw seaiteed me ads sane & at fauos diwerkd one a: hi | 
edt tad? ;gaiaiem Saou ecg Lisay tevo og denn ont ven o. ont k ery 
6 steam enne od binow sane e037 yorroste ont doe hne te roe motes ais io 
| -deouges a Lonmvon To tuo pdt mora biwey. ost 
earn ons core dads qu ton zoudiwt Sneharted Ye thyeb tT Oe o Fae ae 
feet wo! twoda ) aeoiTic solLew aut of oxogs of Labt? a9? belts 
oats ‘bho? Ans faart0 ox? obam bad ocr (ilsand at aabuk ome may 
P “goose solieg ant saad seoanuat? sop + aedunw od todd sot Ire 
toa ot autog® saw bas Saigs 04 gatoy van od htite ened of mtd oe, 
| jiabes at oa00 ot evad bivew oan ead tesa yom tet, that of sang 
; es Dodane oaw Sud eonaual? aoe @ hetnew a6 fet degawg, Gomer Pan 

=956 HON ald Lo sausoed aaizand act te xaeqes fom SLveo foam 

BPE gree 

ae ee as is etage xs9itie odd sass poekep wet 18 

Ns iiss ' 1 : 7 se A wet ae Pee ee 
‘A die ete j A's u eos M4 i aes ‘ i, mg wes LS ee ere al 
Vi : Bs Ba : ; 

the Court could net hear what was said; that defendant was ia great 
fear because of what the officer had said, ani waen the cane was 
called he wan afraid to say anything to the Court; that the selies 
efficer said to the Court that defendant was intexieated the night 
before when he wae arrested; that defendant, on account of hia fear, 
4id not say anything to the Court; that there waa an interpreter in 
eourt who translated the Kexiean language inte Boaglieh; that the 
interoreter 414 aot like defendant; that when the Court asked the 
interoreter who defendant sas the interoreter reolied with aome 
4imarnging renarke that the witness did not clearly hear or 
underetand; that sithough defendant had been drinking some the aight 
before, he wae not intoxicated; that the aceident reeulted from 
driving hie autemebile into s gasoline station to get gazeline, when 
he atruek « stone or reek which caused the sutcmebile to ewerve, 

- gtriking the gasoline pump and’ doing some damsge; that it ceet about 
$26 to repair the damages, of which defendant's mether had pald about 

Befendant's attorney filed an aSfidavit, saying that he had 
been retained to represent defendant about eleven o'eloek on the 
night of September 24th, ant that he saw defendant and learned that 
the ense ne coming up the following morning, and advined defendant 
that he could not be present at the hearing at that time beosuse he 
was trying 2 cave in the esunty tuiiding im the Circuit court: that 
on the morning of the trial, about 8:45 o’aleck, he speke to the 
gierk of the court and apprised him of the facts and want«d the 
ease continued until the next aug that he understood the case was 
to be continued, the clerk stating he would speak te the Court and 
aperieve the Court of the faeta, 

Where a motion is filed under section 89 of the old Practice 
Act, “The suffieiency ef the motion, whieh is regarded as a deoiara- 

tien in a writ of error coran nobis, or a motion under the statute, 

snoxy nt naw anhes'teb Sous ;hiaa saw tase and ton bkvoe Pred edd 
‘ger e2a0 of% agow bas ,biee Aad 4eolt?te 647 tate to otuaged tag? } 
eetfee ont tado jérod ond 0d yaltoyan yee oF Blotte new of boLiad 
$data ent totoukxotal aew ¢anhasteh dade sumed od od bite teukTe 
\toet fii Te sivooes ne ,dmeben tO salt. PAETRO TA Bowed Rete basted 
gt tedouguntat me wow otedd sade 4400 Bt Od Gadeldyne com dom Bibb 
bat radd {Hektga® ofat eyangend pmobxel bat Bete Danas. ese webe 
edd faten trwod St node temt penehee'ted oRt Foe BEM tederve 
fiber PEW Bb bce tesenieritnt ont nae raprigiertce 

bata uate ater nachae nikal aaa | 7 
mort Bollowet faetivon odf Sehs pheteobvotal ton enw oe , % on ne ~~ 

ae ste ,batfonry fog of nGliate ehtfesey a otal wtPtem due’ priate 
| gptews of sildomtioe eh? teense Mokew toot «a wnote «touche ot 
° Feds fews $f todd yogourh omoe yatob ban quae ond Soman end hehe 
twel biog hud texitom et eaohie'teb do lew te ,eogmnnt ect 0 ain se ont 

had aif fond yatyen ,Sivab iw am bolt? yenvestw ottuabawted 1G 
$x? no ASGLo"o sieve Le tweds #natinw tod fusmercere ob wantin saved 
* godt howtae f San Mahde'ten wee dt Pade ter age 2" dt | 
 dawkue'teS bestvte See, pabeton pahwoltet edd ee gales ean ws " & 
ad eeunoed omit tadr ta yatraed Odd Ya Peeaeee sesinteataimaad onset 
“tat pixies Fivovh® odf at gatncted ytane emf BY eens 8 “ 
 ‘g@? of Stage Od ,dootete Coie sundae tae? te sina ‘i ps: +m ; 
ect te tne bad "eeOOr 9s to wa’ hon tetas Baw 26a ‘aie oo srste 7 
sae geno odd Bootarehnd od dant yyek sara of¥ Ete’ pound sno on 
ara Scat igs tcp ova bau at eget 
uA silane hte at? Ye 6 aokigow weber sates cotton 5 ona ar 
ciel a an eycee ab sigtdw ,soltom sat te ym 


must be raleed by demurrer, plea ef hulle est erratum, by motion to 
diemise, by pleading epecial matter in confession ond avoidance, or 
by making an iesue of fact by traversing the declaration, *** In 
this State the issue of fact may be made, and is generally uade, by 
affidavite in suppert of the motion and by ecounter«-aiiidavitea deny- 
ing the facta set up in the motion ond affidavits in eupsort taereof, 
in whieh case the burden of proof is uson tie party Gaking the mo- 
tion to prove hie facts alleged by a prependerance of the avidenes,” 
People vv. Crocks, 336 Lll. 266-280, 281, 

Refendant contends that he was not represented by counsel on 
the trisi of the case September 25, 1035, te which conteition the 
People regly that the record, *hiech imports verity, recites as tole 
lewa: “How comes the people by the State's Attorney and the defand- 

ant as well in iis own proper serewm as by counseh «ise comes,* and 

that this recitation cannet be contradicted, citimg Maing y. Cogner, 
67 Ili. 536, Im Peggle v. Green, 396 Ell. 464, the oourt, in dis- 

eussing the motion under section 8) of tne Practice act, said (9.473); 
“fhe order made on sucii motion is a final order and diveetily review. 
able as a final judgment. *** It ie generaliy recegnised that the 
preceecdings uncer a motion er petition in the nature of a writ ef 
error coram nobis are civil in their nature, «** The burdem is on 
the one senking to set aside the judgnent, to prove by a prevonder- 
ance of the evidence the facts alleged in his petition or awotion. 
Errere of fact which may be availed of under seetion 8 of the 
Praeticen act, or section 21 of the Hunicipal Court aet, include 
duress, fraud and exeusable mistae, 

“A writ of error ceram nobis, er a metion under the statute, 
is an appropriste resedy in criminal cases ae well as wivil and fies 
te set aside a conviction ebtained by duress or fraud, or where by 
eome excusable mietake or ignorance of the accused, or vitheut 

negligence on his part, he hae been deprived of « defense waick he 

t a “WE Aevuy! Be Pere iM 
Pe? ye oa ae 
: ’ y iio 7 ’ rik 

of aolvou yt .mudexze doe giles 2e cola, «sessiah ys. beater ad, seme 
: “6 yosanb love bas agéaeeiaos gh Kadtam Imiooge gathao ie vd yovsan th 
al eae .golieteiooh odd yalarevets yw font te onped am gation yd 
wi wba, Vilotonny % ek bas ,obem od you pet to oneal oy 90°48, PEGE 
Se ed 2vabs Y 1249s use ¥d bas poison of? te Proqqum at pt ivebl tte 
 Yoorsug ssoUgNe AL Bdivebitts bax noltom ens at gu tom einer ons yar 
sem ont yaidan ysisg 90d Bons ak Yoorg ‘te an bind oe oe oo sight mk 
“.onpbive oat 20 eonmxobaeqetg « tS bonetio atest abs. prong, 9 20n 
« BS 088 -d08 Lhd Bh , 

Ets) jnmanee ” bes apeetget toa, euw ex El Shaed soe a wi 

_ eH mtr ced ace dokdw od BBL 185 redmpsqed wRae oxi Ba | 
oot Be andtooa ainy erreqal say dhe She dike bad Rg Fe 24} 
bao te eas béue Berto ddA a'esese eas xe efgong. oud os ve ; wot" javed 
baw ,aaoe oe Ls fonanod Yd ta mereg FOGorg Ave ata of Meee, tag 
+Eeenod_o¥ satey gates sdodelbarsaae od fF onnne orites toes 0het AaMt 
3 mm, al sitwes art OOP -Ldk CBE BONER 0¥ 202% ah (0, AAD 

teta.e) bive ,fon soldooxt ods Yo @ molsoos xehaw Wold om om anh 

: wisdacuorg a xs re ot , toaaebatt ais ehies son gt gehen we 

— os 

; 4 ™: Stony x0 short xo agoxud yd bh banies taade aiid 2 onine 

swolvex qiseoulh bias xebr@ daati « 6h golsom dome ae wham aghee oatn® 
odd ta8d koaluyoves Yiotemny at di te" ,tomingh ; Sok «on one 
ei sitw @ te eiwten ade at aotiliog t. mokion 3 eney 4 ¢ 

mo ah spbtud est +> .ouutom ulead ot vie ote gifen mmnse sore 

sBO45 cn we sole tioy ald ab boyoiis steer ony eqapaive Fa Mie Ps) 

| eiit 2e CB met toes red Yo be ttave of yam Aedeiw toxk 2 hailed 
ebuiont tes frsed faqiotank od te Ae lina be 99a oot 

iss AGO: ee £ on a: % » hae Ramee) a! , 

vsti ade ous tabaus agitox # te ,ahdan ease, Pd UIA aes 
waif bne tivis as ifer ea sano énatuire al yoeuat ofa kag 


| “twedd be 19 sboauaca oft To sosurommt x0 sate. eg us| 

at a onmared a te Fvid gy bev ¥ asd a4 yi ata 29 sh : 

could have used st hie trinl, aid wuien, if knewn by the court, 
would have orevented eonviction,* 

And in People v. TParcorsa, 358 111. 446, whieh wae w proceed- 
ing under section 8 of the Yractice act, it is eaid (p. 490): 
*Geunsel for plaintiff in error have charneterized their petition 
as one in the nature ef a writ of error corag nobis. it is argued 
that while the regerd shove that slainutiff in errer appeared by 
ecurnsel, he, in Pact, Had mo counsel, *** Referenee to the petition 
divelorses only the atatement that while the record showed plaintiff 
in error was represented by counsel such fact wes untrue.” the 
court then discusees further evidence and apparently considers the 
question as to whether defendant was in fact represented by eeunsel; 
and in holding the petition ineufficlent the eourt aeald (p.481): 
"Thie petitien does not come within the rule governing petitions in 
the nature ef write ei error carag pobim. There is no evidence that 
plsintiff in error was convicted by duress, Sraud, or by mistake or 
ignorance on his part. *«we 

"The court in the triai of criminal cases is bound to see 
that counsel ia previded, when requested, for defendanta unable to 
precure such assistance, * 

In that case it was further seld that a motion under section 
& of the Practice act was designed to serrect errors of facet hap- 
pening at the trial which the court would not have sommitted ir it 
had been in possession of certain facte unknown te it, and it was 
sais, “It ean scareely be said that tue court did not know that 
plaintiff in error wae not represented by counsel." se, in the in- 
stant case, it ie not pessible that the trial judge did net mew 
Whether the defendant wae represented by cowisel because if he wore 
Se represented ke would be in the ocular presence of the court, 

In the inetent case, can it be said that defendant was 

jee ond bal awoux 2 “i tw fewe blu ‘gis te ‘shat? Stas OE 1 

: © aad eae bibncebdn” oval hikes 
«hessotg # daw doddw aah .2tt B88 8 oigos a. we @ E 
(Gah .¢) bise 22 oh \dom soltoort end to 8 olabite "Sle? jek 
“golahieg uied? hectissesiaso evad torre ah “vibrate te aol enka 

pi a 



i 4 

- bewpts “ab ot aiden 2399 texte to tice a to etutas cal a)” bas | : 

“ f 4 i 
ww bexaoqes tox ak tridgadate ‘gandd avers prover, “eel tat 

é fh oe ae: Me ee a 5 

ndlsizog ed? of sguets'toh #e .ipaawoo ans “baat vou ak wait, "99 iJ 
ligament bewoda Asooat eat Pyar Sasld Soo woiass “oi” ‘tis 
ed ee » ae ponte oie : 
‘est “.ewxsuw aw took ava founwos i bedaneetqot aan ae ¥ 

tion oot Te Dep: i 

oda ersh tenes ‘line teqga baw soimbive “seubuet aoeguonth yy 
{Eoaawon a boduecezess dou aa sew tanbus'tob “wouitode “on ti okaan ' 
“:(ite.q) bios saves ons tao te 1 ttwaad seis Save edd rt. pintb lot vend 

“gt atoliiieg gutmiwvoy edux odd mhddin smoo “gen asad uo) 20q" at ys 
dads sousbive on 6) oxect .eh6om waren tote to ashe ee 

" xe © etabe ti ¥ 20 hepsum evired qe badoivigs rey ‘tedée ‘a erste 
opi alow” tag eh nd opherongh 

e089 ot Lemna ei seaan drones to sats bepvilvnd Huis" * a ; 

| tga dant Ye exarz0 soevtee of aces ics adabeia 
os. 5) ‘betd lames ovat tou biwow ‘ttw09 ‘eal slaw i ta mre 
 gaw ah bas .@) od awoodaw ‘added Leys 2 16 nol , 

taild ‘vend Ben bib ferns ere af od” kame 
wt ost at ,ot *teanwop vd badasaorges toa ‘tee wits ent mercer ; 
; e won fon bth oghut tetzt out tals Sitibned beads tk Mave tents 
“aate ‘ea th ooumoed Ise nwoo vw ipsa Ot Silas, of a, whe ke we oan ik 
oe Gi i Big 

‘ Gn “true act Yo ooneuntq tafuos ad a hod bdnow ‘oa 

; nave dasha I dads biaa ae ak neo suse saabial " 2 % 
Ona ‘ee gota ones &« 26 GerenRee MORE mH it oa if heey Ax ’ 

gonvicted by “duress, fraud, or by mintake or ignorance on hie part?* 
We think this was a question of fact Tor the court. the affidavite 
in support of the motion disclose facte whieh indicate that defond- 
ant, through fear of the solice officer, wae aot permitted ta ntate 
hie wide of the case to the court. These averments in the affidae 
wits were not contreverted and the court might well have concluded 
that sueh facts were shown by a preponderance of the swidence, as 
the rules require. 

Uyon = careful eongiderstion of the antire reeord we are 
unable te say that the finding ef the court in this respect is 
ageinst the manifeat weight ef the evidene. 

The judgment ef the Municipal sourt ef Chicago is affirmed. 


KeSurely and Mateheti, JJ., eanuour, 


*YANRG MIA me Sonezengl me odadnin WH we sheeeh senenant naar vga We “ini 

em er eres ate 

sdivabitie adi 171M Old TOL toKT 29 mOLseRwD @ Baw Abe iat Aahae 
Mig re notion 6d Ye © 4) 
Renta sa8h Ghanthes, nly sppe eacionlh selon 9 freee 
he 2 ¥ a 

eg a FS. ° é 
otate ot begdtonoe tom enw sipoktie colton * odd to ; alk Aone 
Kee Ay ‘io @ Aobtu nae ee 
nabttia ost At nememorn swash fame pi, seat, Se eal 
| Viton neh tnt 
- Sehwiomes eves Liaw saighx Fru00 ot bam bodrever! be Bi 
fit orn we ah tmiow th £28 R Yh oe ny cael De ae 
ea ,souebive (MS Yo soamtmbaomerg a YE omach ome aden adeeh sun tem 

s Royientaen jca3 owevia Soagexy of? 
* ; 

Pe Ea ex Dake Pete "Lt, feed | eae Woieea tha » eh i 3 viene 

et ow bre0ex ostisan om te ne lgereblends tbe 
esa o Pes Ti ae Os Fai a¥ iis Meee wee ihe 
ai tocquo aiid at ¢xuoo ea Ye auhat ead alt Gane. was 

ave. * .eaessant sue ( Mie faaoeee i See % ae 
sons bive os Yo diytew dyleow fae tis 

2 ike bi fa Ny te ih Ph Soe oive ‘oa te RRR ambae ae 

omens we Pee sige i Fa is Wnw Geb tek eres 

gf an F843 : iaoe MIL SPS We HLM @nF tid tae Li Ripe rom pai ei bs 
r a r Ms 
Pear SHR LYY GR EL GeO «Osteo ween Si rie ie oe Pee te 

ie Ohara Yh WO , bors) , ohne Ve Ope e ¥ ea wie one + a = . : 

jon «f domed 4“) nova Exudoisad Yeo di oe -onhe si ‘at 
Scie RP Re Teh ts YRO Soe gale abit se i “Aven sa 
| * poe dubien dedi” eked 
ROlsGoe WASGE Babies w ares Bhat Wat asd nate shes wane” ase “agate ees 
wit $24% te etorte roepieg of bantees ane fue oobdauet ‘yt 10 -@ 


Pe 2? Rese poe Ared Fee Bier Powe pale senda ated od “tm a 
. ear ch tue .¢!i 85 weyoa atanl alabane Ys iubinilaweee ‘or “coped bat 
Sh aust i Bee - Bh wWeree wee cast Show He drone tak OE 4 

eit gf af 26 *,feummp yt ae mea ese mie sone ab ‘and it 
Op daarerie i init eh, ore eet ba bee we 2 ae sittue wer ot eve ‘inate frase 
ts. Beene dave, eater ts qe peg seas i tagie aie senda wate oh 

“rt G8 wily Ty MOVOROTe Baleow wee aR af iba el f 
ae 8 diy Bevo Tre Sen”. De aye wie chee iced baadyih: pieces ce 

ais ER w ey Reg 
: ¥ 7 aye ns 

 - 37839 

Defendant in Srroa 


i lov CHicage, 

Plaintiff in Brror, 2 re 9 I A G9 eg 
@ ew 



Beyer Greenberg, who was a defendant in an action brought 
in the Municipal court of Chicago, filed his peti tien againet the 
defendant, 3. 3. Grateh, “ho wae the attomey for plaintiff in the 
Runicipal court action, praying that a rule be entered against 
@ratch to show cause why he should not be adjudged im contempt of 
court. Defendant, Grateh, anawered the petition denying that he had 
been guilty of such contespt. The matter wae hears by the eourt, 
an4 an order entered finding Grateh guilty of eoutespt of court, 
and a fine of $100 or thirty duye in the county jail wan impored. 
Gratech presseutes this writ ef errer. | | 

The record discloses that April 19, 1932, Jace’ Al toan 
eaused judgeant by confession to be entered aguinet Reyer Greenberg 
and Jeannette Greenberg, hie wife, in the Municipal court of Chi- 
cago, on two junior mortgage notes signed by the Greenberge and 
eened by Altman. On the sume day Grateh, as attermeey for Altman, 
eaased an execution to be issued aid om his written erder the exe- 
eution was returned nulla beng by the bailiff the same day. There- 
upen Grateh filed an affidavit fer garnishee sumone in the case 
end it was afterward served on the garnishee, the lyde Park Lenwood 
National Bank ef Ghicage. The matter wan continued from time to 
time, and in the meantime the Hyde Park Kenwood Nationl Bank foiled 
and was taken over by the Auditor of Public Aecounts, Afterward, 
January 13, 1933, by agreement of Gratch, representing Altuan, and 
idenel A. Sherwin, attorney for the Greentergs, the garnishee pro- 


‘T8000 Bar Xo SO1K149 SHY @2euVlaea so Wo 

#Aguotd aeivoa as al tuehuo'teb 2 eav ote 1319 dae 10 oe Neenen 
oa2 jnaisye aoliizseg ald belit ones tad Ye seu90 Knqtodaul ant ab 
od? ai Tiliateig 161 yeuresze 943 eae ose istero a ok é 
, fenteys bowsdm od sina 2 taut patyorg ,aokten dunes fi 
te fquetnes a Senialiba od fou Aiuode od in seuse mete OP ates 
bed oc Sac2@ gulyosd ooisites of} beteweas etetaw .inebae ted Sell 

«?xuee ot qd fused aew tettem exT +#quetaeo dexe ty 

stitw0s Yo tquedaes Yo ys Liws dosetd gatbait seemthes' cotaitaas ar 
howoqal aaw List ytawes ex? ak Syeb ysutys To G046 Ye ent? « baw 

| etomte to giuw ehas Sesieractg dotar® 

mass La dooet S504 ,@L Lhrga gant aesoiosts Steeet off abies 
Biedaeetw toys seniegn bexetas o¢ 9f agteas taco td suemghut beaves 
-1d Yo s1s00 feqiolun edd af ,oliw aid ,yxedmesad e2tonnect bas 
bas egtodase1® oat yd bemyie eoten eyesstom tokaut ont mo 03a 
sMemstéA tet ysorstia an ,iater® yah omen of3 nO end fA yd boaee 
“9x8 off tobi asiiiuw eld ae bas beused od ot neldusexs ne Seeuae 
werent yeh ouna odd Yited edt <d guod alipn beweutex sew noise 
soso ett at enema sedaiuces rot Stvabitia me %eL2? dotaw® mnogu 
heowaed dist ebyi od? ,sedeiatey add 0 bovine btewte?is sew st hae 
e¢ eat? moxt devatence saw Wotiew off .epeoidd te daad kamottea 
 bedtst ane® fnoltat hoowsed dxe% sbi of salfasen alt at ban ents 
qbtarwitA «= .ataweosa obidut to tedlbwA end od weve seded tow bas 

ae ,matisA gals nesetcest OD NO CRONE ET < 


yee eedelatag ed? ,eyredaeete ed? rot yomredde atwnedt oA ie 

eeeding wae dismissed for went of prosecution, July a7, 1954, ey 
year and » half after the diawiessal of the garnialment proceedings 
againet the Hyde Park Kenrood Jiaticnal Hank, Grateh filled another 
affidavit for garnishee summons in which the New York Life Iineur- 
ance Company, the ietropolitan Life Insurance Jompuny, and the 
Equitable Life Assurance Sog¢iety of the United States were named 
as garnishees. ‘hey were served. ‘he petition for a rule te show 
eause which wae filed ty Heyer Greenberg (enue of the defendantea in 
the Municipal court, by bie sttorney, Lienel a. therwin) etates that 
the three insurance eompunies were thereby prevented from paying 
ever soney they held, being the property ef the defendant, Jewmnette 
Greenberg. After the garnishment proceedings were brought sgainet 
the three ineurance companies, the petition fer rule to shew cause 
was filed by Greenberg through is ccunse:, as abeve atated, The 
substance of the allegutions of the petition eo far as it is neaese 
Sary to state them here, ia thet the two junior mortgage notes, upon 
whieh judguent was eonfecsed, were secured by a junior mortgage en 
Freal estate ormned by the Greenbergs; tuat the Greenbergs at the time 
the judgment was confessed and the execution returned nulls bona, 
“were operating « large greeery and delicatessen stcre at 55th 
Street in whieh they were interested." The charge in the petition 
seexs te be that because the Greenbergs owned the real estate, on 
waich there were two mortgages, and were interested in the grocery 
store, the affidavit for garnishee suamone filed by Grateh, in 
which it was stated that the Greenbergs had no preperty within the 
knowledge of Grates liable to execution, wae faise; thet Graton 
knew all the facts and that he fraudulently induced the bailiff ef 
the Municipal eourt to return the execution nulla beng, sand fraudu- 
lently induced the ¢lerk of the Municipal court to issue the garni- 
shee summons. 

The reeord further discloses that the judgment by confession 

 s & = 4 

Nero aPhGL ,VR vse sHol sussnetg Yo tmew wer, boro baw ts 4 thar mg 
ag abboes ots Poscuis howny eat Xe Lovoloh ih oar ‘pe ted a San ta0y 
wedtoue be kit doger®, , sand taxotted hooene® sen% ened oie tantese 
<ayenk oi dzot vail oad Aolaw at amomuug, easedrsay, wot dhvabi ts 
“gi Bow ‘vdaeed ‘pontetuenl etid angi f£eqerdel ent rangeod conn 
howad over sesotS dosha est To yselook aeawtuses otha ofdad twp 
wode of eiut » 20¥ aohilieg ext .bewred erew ext woods tnteg o 
ak adnabowted oti “ts one) gro dane sd ‘weyoil vf bail? eww ap her oaueo 
todd astots (niwtod® .4 iavell ,yoorette wid et |, Pewee fag shai oe 
 gatyeq moxt hegusvetg ‘ydetteNs wxew en tniequtdy winatiedh ois _ ~y 
Stonset ,snabss teh ocd ‘to Yoooqetg ody gated Deed ons: (eine v0 
teatoge tdguord o10w agathonsdty tidiudehivdy edt Hoe tA” same sore 
“paums wode 0¢ vtur Tot aetelieg oid /Wetacddoy eoaetwent Ber dt 
edt <heteds evode on ,ioenwds abe dquotid gteduewet ef oe a 
| aoodsd dh ¢i an tat oa okt idee Odd Ye aldbtigetta aay ‘te ‘baited 
meqn asdont ogayt toa tolaut, ows oft bade wh sored: wits otere ‘or tae 
ne #9) X08 cok a of herwede oxsw bodes kaoo aw smite ke 
oo ods ‘te agredisds® ond duit agtedases) one ord fe ewe stetes tows 
sand ‘qiina boatcdet moltioses ond pad Béaee'tned Sdhteenctdl “ost 
“A982 fa erode mbbaotenliod bac Yaodoty sgtel 2 ye bet 10 ete } 
narsiieg ‘ond af oytatio Oat “ bodaotesh atow ysl Motte at seonee 
fe jedadne Lkou ed hoowe agtedadage OH) Sebabed dane od a omen 
tisoors oii) od badeotera eer haw ,neyeyd tom ow dxee ommie Ko kae 
ak (Me tet® yd bs Lk akon’ eoAelitteg xed etvah Tha ont yonete 
oslt ddd bw yaadqerd ba Aud wiytocinband bit dane Dedede’ dt! aah 
"GndunW dead yaa tar baw jnobdueexe oo UitRhe Medste te bynehwent 
w mites ‘pad open Baars ed gad dire : seve) ts wont 

hi es S73 

moh oe ‘ed Sova ang hast, #2 tod? eed tooth aed sar't oe 

was for $255.32, together with $7 court costs, and that the real es- 
tate on which the Greenberge had executed the junior mortgage seour- 
ing the two notes upon which judgment was conSeased, as above stated, 
was subject to a firat mortgage of $30,000; that April 7, 1952, 
twelve days before the furiqment was confessed in the Municipal court, 
@ bill te foreclose the first mortgage was filed in the Ulrealt eourt 
of Cook county in which it was alleged that there wae $29,042.80 due 
under the first mortgage, and that the property “ae net worth te ex- 
ceed $25,000, Aprii 1%, 1932, (the seme day the judgment by confas- 
sion wae entered by the Kunicipal court) the Gireiii eourt ef Jook 
county appointed a receiver for the premiete conveyed by the tre 
trust deeds and the order appointing the reeeiver found that the 
premises at that time were werth lese then £75,000, snd were seant 
and insufficient security for the indebtedness seeured by the firet 

the procedure followed by Gratch in eausing the judgeent te 
be entered by confession in the Nunicipal cauxt and the bailiff te 
return the execution en the same dute nulla bene, sné the Piling ef 
the affidavit for garnishee summons, hae been the preeedure followed 
for more than thirty yeare in Cook gounty. As far a9 we are advised, 
we have never heard thet this preeedure was fraudulent until the 
petition fer rule to show cause in this case wae filed. The order 
signed by Gratch authorizing the balliff of the Municipal esurt te 
return the exeeition immediately mulis bone estates, wneng ether 
things, that if the bailiff believes “thst nothing can be realized 
on eaid execution, and, in the exerelwe of your discretion conclude 
to and 40 return esid execution nulla tema, the plaintiff will waive 
any damages that may acerue to or be sustained by hin by reason 
thereef, and pretect you as if you held the same full GO days. * 

@e think it obviows that it ie grotesque to contend that 
Plaintiff, in the eenfeesion of judgment ease, could heve had the 


fu 8 saws oat sadt has stn 90 awe eo Adkw Teds eget she HORE eR 

Ce etal ae 
ten enayd ton roLewt esta bo dwosxe basi earednee ta hay ig hetw ag otat 

x Pt A hee 
wbetate erode pe ebomne toe aav snemqbut sig te woe ‘s0son ows bose pak 
eh wel wry wim: 

REL , ¥ Ling gust 1000, 088 te ogentzon sour * ot so0tdun Rv 

| tees Logie taut outs ai ‘beesetaeo eae Aaesmbot, ont oxo'ted este 
Paece thootde ord mi he £2 hosed opens tom sexs oat gecteotes a % ‘f 
fut 08 £2, eng saw otedt todd beye tia age n Mots at ood te 

qs awon 
Sreneinteg a 
“ae of ditov ton saw yeteqotg oat fasts has oars rom taXdt ott | baw 
rene oe 
<eetnee ye dco my bul, ans yah a eit ) 880k * Linea * 44 ane . 
a 2 e 
A900 eo dtueo ¢ Aver td eat (gum00 tagh otawit ad Ao Soentns ef 

“py rhe ot SLES 
ows ast w boxorace avelanrg atl x02 xovisows s ee 

eat tals hacot ‘tovieoes oa ants atoqye robs ont ate ene a 

' ‘ta ees ae 
tanpe wre bins 000,888 tw dd nook atzow o1ew ‘ents test te 
2 SR Cae agky 

garth eas yd hoxaoes san abescopai oat bind hue ‘fopke tha ak ie 

bee yf be Ske Gee: 

y tt’ Se Oieaedine. 
o tana ede gatauco ad lator ai howosso% orshevers ont? 

wae pon pnw at yee 
ot VibLtad ons base fsuae Laqho bawil aut vat aabesetaon wt beretme od 
fo vow ag 
mT parca al fas eauied, ahdne, peas ome aa ae “nelsncexs ost mewtot 
2 Cee Wee eee ee, eu tone 
“powocte ersbooere uid aoed aad vemoanue ‘goin dicta tot Aheaat tie oe 4 
gaan?” Ae eh nan be ," 
) * “ 
| hoakyba xa ow us te 8A qonwos ood a _staey Weed ancl mae @ ouge ayt 
LAgew sue Lebware aicbso alg feds Weed tove 
my art Oy" mm 2 heb ans fag me! a vad ow 
‘sobre ott bok? gaw ease ana ad seneg wodte oe osu tov astetoon 
i ee Oe Be 
ot rime Lago bss ed? Yo YEE Lind os patetredive Ardurd vi! beats 

aedt0 Biome ,eotets nao? esse eiesatbomad aabsvoexs ed maton 
0 seh Ni a PSS , 
Sealine ed ano paldion test” agro tied Wald oat th dal? , 
vee Bae ea re 
ebu foxce wolswroadb cd % ouloroxe vas at ea old woene ae - 

a iy Ty bon 
- omton 4 fire reasadade vas _ettod akiva ods vowms btew _nnees z, baw of 
" fonae yh abs xe boatasavs o¢ 10 ° sunoe van é salt aoyacmh 
| RTS Rae Pa eae eae 
* .nyeb oe iat fone y ‘ate biost 0x oy a 8 soatene - P 

— o 
Ce oe tad henenee of eupnotora ot #2 twsid auotvde at dmkod o | 

ay eae Bast ovad biuee Seno saameder, bd omer porcs + ase at , i 
medi wee os ee wae iy 



Sudgment satisfied by levying on the real satate owned by the Green- 
bergs when the vroperty was subject to two mortgages, the first 
mortcage being in foreclosure and the property in poesession of a 
receiver, it is equally grotesque te say that plaintiff might 
gatisfy his jucgment by levying on the interest of the Greenbergs 
in the greeery store. The petition werely alleges that at thar time 
the judgment by confession was entered oii the execution returned 
nulla bona, the Greenberge “were aperating a large grocery wd 4eli- 
@atescen store at 56th etreet in which they were interested.* TJuat 
what thoir interest was does sot appear; whether the property was 
emcuxbered is not disclosed, Moresver, if the dreenk orge had angle 
property to satisfy the judygaemt, the proper and simpie thing for 
thes to 40 was to pay it. Altuan, the judgment ereiiter, nad waited 
more than two years befere he garnisheed tae three tneuranee aoe 
panies and during that time ne had received fo payrient on the judg- 
ment. The proceeding ia whelly witheut serit and is an sttewst te 
prostitute the oerseeear of the court. 

The judgment of the Hunicipal ecurt of Chicago is reversed, 


MeSurely and Matehett, JJ., coneur. 

iN  @ te neleaseney ah eereqerg ait baa axueofoaret ‘at amiee 

™ egrodanetd acit to panned ad oud ae natives wi soya, oka ‘ 

tn oeht vd boawe obadoo foor on) a0 antywas w be Petser 

| amet hd soeaend ten ewe 02 seoldwe ase vegeta ont swt raged ; 
me Sat 

Rh geet Eh Be ge 

* Say de Vibtatase sexe ean or oupnesoxs Lloupe eh a * 

pake or te tant oye Lia ‘lots neds ting oat onets yaeson | 
7 beatut ox notsuoeee ond baw beret ae ane feisaetnes eo tes: Sy 
“abieh ban qusenas opal o anitareqe ousw* wyts daserd ont : 
“gout *.bedeouedal otow was hig Rete atk seotte woee te deste 
4 turmuebioe sare” alee ; 

“eaw xiaegors os? todeede Viesase toa enod ean dueroeat a ee ; 
digas bad eytedavesd od “d vseveorolt shone ionts ton ob Yorn oats 

2) Rhaeb j ro 
rot pantald ofqate ‘ban 9g one ‘tam apbut wis “Waltan 9 ” es TeqotE 
bethew burst Tos ibors taompbut, ost? ssid LA wt we ot aan ob ae 98, maa ay 

 eteo Sonmtwenk eeridd oalt boodelecay on exotad eran oat | sel, out econ | 
spbut estf no Suomen on beviowes hai out warkt gaits 3 saica pms aptang 

Lik & ee et Hy 
ot sumoede ae oh bas dtnom 2 weed bw eitede at anthoseore eat — 
if  sehors eee SE Betets 
ot tn09 ia wee unponeete ae eont 
mk Ree. ats ie vidal 

7 sbawnaven at eusotetd ‘te dnnied tages ait ons ° | 
a i Oe ee ae ey jrond Pa oe i, 
ue aaRAEIVAR Salad | re 
Huser dg whe: mw “ad & Sa See see es ‘os ‘et ve 
; ‘i mt. 8 * PRY weet “4 ii Cringe awa 
| stimmaee , 2% : 
wk Si eae vet nekehieg: 
Keak dha wal ‘Eh e kat gue lewd Ter eudieae ms aM 0 Xe woman 
a. git BER TS 
, f Rae eRe tf 
we 28 + itt 5 he ee 
=” - v 
nity Wee yt Ue 
iy ar fd aide. Su 
oe; oy m ee “ 
He t & ‘4 Pee S 
v 0 5 Mi i rs 

37848 } 
BEILY MARGHETTA and WICHARW- wancux in, | 
rn } 
AnPE gl. ¥ 
} CURT OF cuxease, 
Agpwlies, } 


Vebruary 219, 1934, plaintiffs c5eused Judguent for $711.07 
to be entered by confeenion in the Hunicipal court of Usicage 
against daria kardelia on & prowiveory nete eaecuted by Kuria 
Serdelia and her husband, Jowesh Sardelia, whe Rad fied prior to 
that time, Afterward Karia Nardelia, the defendant, filed her 
petition praying that tae Judgment be yacuied and eet aside, The 
Motion was allered and thereupon the defendant sevet the sourt te 
diemise the suit. The motion wan sueteined, the sult diguivaed, 
amd plaintiffs appeal. 

The sourt apparently held that the pewer to cxonfeas Judge 
ment wae Joint and therefore there was no suthority te confeas the 
jadgeent against one of the makere of the sete, The warrant of 
attorney te confesa judgment was in the follewing language: “and be 
secure the payment ef said amount ........bereby authorize, irre- 
votably, any attorney of any Court of Record to apprer for.....e 
im such Court, im tor: time or vaeatien at any time hereafter, amid 
confess judguent without process, in faver of the helider of this 
Bote, for euch mmount as may appear to be unpaid thereon, together 
Stets and ...seereeeEOLiare attorney's fear, wai te waive and re« 

lemse ali errors thich may intervene in any such proceedings, and 
Gongent te immediate executien upen said Judgment, hereby ratifying 
and confirming all that.......e0l4 attorney may do by virtue 
hereof. his 
Bhs ceecdstecesesMh@ecceseseasss Jevegh (&) Bartelia 


arin Rardeiia.* 

min : 4 We ety Bh MAL: (ee 



moet Ot aeette + ae oariest : 
ope, ats eAsciemale ath . ee 
8 g ) A I e . 9 kiotan of 68 eewigogn | 
j wr et err’ 
ee Way 
10,4179 tel sareuhut basuen ettitnbate , beet’. er eaaabtaaiet heal 
CBM LMIORG twas Leqleknedt ont AE Koteeotads YE boron Sao " 
— ehtal Yt Resveend OF0a YLOdakmot” © a6 ALieheet’ aldak 
oF totty hols hed ow ,aLiohuwd Agoadt \haadebe ‘ead ibthat™ | 
$e DSLEY plasbaw'tes ote ,ellohial ebeet biteere sta “vomke | bate” " 
ont when fue ban besusnw oS Yinmabut wat fade yaiiede Beli eg * 
“OF Ftude ods boven Sanhae tes atv noquetéty tae ‘Bewshld Yow ‘woteda” 
dometumth thee sey wrgnmnentinteonesvena” tte dé stints 
- aghat asetson or oi thai elaihe sieuidl tien 
odd waotnes ef xFirodsus om aew weeny Wrotwody Hae dase aw i ae 
(RO Paeweew ae Letom see Lo wre bP LS ey’ npedicansnld 
it bua® isysigael gtlwelic?t was at wew sasmptvt ase loos o¢ qoonetsa 
woe shelrodive yYdored...,.... treme blae te 2 cag ott ole 6 
dvaveec@l? tenqus of dtecas to S20@0 Yee toe qooroate Ye, 4 fa ;es i 
Bke ,reFtaored ams Yn tH Aolioowy we emis ated ai , Pwed fon a 
— wbsid Yo tebLod ed? Ye cove? at <PR900TE Swoxtie Sraaeey b ssh eaetaco 
_testawaod stoeteds blagay od es Tsoage Yeu te Puwom Bowe «oR setom 
“et bas eview of baw ,eoe't o yeated sa MTBLLOD soeeevesee bate ete0n | 

baa ehenanooneny soue Yie al eaorinéal yoo do baw aterre iia come 
ei eutnie <e ob Yom “orretia it) ee fkn mnidared ‘onl 

aso Ru 
12049119 te rav09 

ceri iia 

o 3 4 alisthrat tt) thyaa ot. mre 

tad eg my 
* aliobist alae ene 

We think thie warrant of attorney wae joint an¢d not several, 
it did net sutiorize any attorney te canfesa Judguent against 
either er beth of then, but #¢ think it autheriaes « conf eunion 
ef Jutguent against both, Where a warrant of attorney ia joint, « 
Judgeent entered againeat one only of the partiss «he signed the 
warrunt ie void. Gendan vy, Bailen, 276 i141, App. 342, and it wae 
not necessary that defendant, in her affidavit of meorite, set up 
a periterious defense. Cendian vy, Salien, 278 114. App. 342. %e 
think the court 414 not err in vacating the judgment because it 
was 4 nullity. 

The defendant filed her goneral apotarance and under these 
clreumetancer the court erred im digciselng the suit. Gentem vw, 
Bailen, 275 ill. app. 393, 

tre judguent of the Kuniloiyal eourt, ineofar ae 1% vacated 
the Judgvent emtered by confeseien ie affimied, bul the judgment 
dismiowing the suit ie reversed sed the cause Yeassded; ond leave 
should be given plaimtiffe te file an amended etatenunt of ela im 
if the sourt is so advised, | 


ReGureiy and Katenet?, JJ., soneur, 


Oat 5: 

molaan tues ® noakuodiun ah datds ow ii m3 

2. ae De ee Aye aie 1 ae S05 Go eee given oe val, Diy omy dal 

1 sit eR it a Pig c ct r Fey Bus fy mt ee 


| baton ah og anna au0o igaintons ont, 2 
 tasomhat ods ind , boom ite ef aoleae tase ve 



37635 Oy pare Lt | 
af ‘f wa 


¥ a ) sen ROK dai 


COURT OF coon coun, 



279 I.A. 626! 


Complainant filed ite bill to enjoin or reliewe from a 
threatened forfeiture of w lease; the chancellor, after bearing, 
erdered the bill diewlesed; complainant appealed to this court, 
which reversed the order of dismissal sid remanded the cause 
for further proceedings in secordance wits the views stated in the 
epinion weich wae filed December 4, 1932, Gane be, 36091, noted, but 
hot published in full, in 268 111. Apo. 631, 

Upen the retrial 1+ wae stipulated that the eause would be 
heard on the same pleadinge ond evidence contained in the certifi- 
eate of evidence of the Tirat trigl, the transeript of the order of 
reversal and remaniomt, and the opinien of this court on the firet 
appeal; it wae aleo stipulated that cll the evidence uprearing in 
the certificate of evidenee offered by elther party should be eon} 
sidered as received in evidence on the trial, irreaneetive of any 
ruling of the chancellor on the former trial excluding or limiting — 
the legal effect of such evidence, " 

Upon this seeond trial mo evidenes ether than that contained 
in the certificate of ewidenee of the former trial wae offered, At 
the conclusion of the second trial the chanecelier entered a final 
deeree in favor ef the complainant, granting it the relief prayed for 
in the bi11, Defendants now present their appeak from tuat deeree, 

Although defendente argue te the contrary, it is well «stab- 
lished that questions which have been decided by this court on a 

7 un an fae eee a 
if ACERS, Oa phi aig Py 
MF j ites Meh ah re as 

i j : ' 

b | ‘i oe C020 TRTKUCO BAONR AMAL 
| te sean RONG NO ona i see 

ty aUod 2009 “O THUOD 

ee rent BES We 

if aaa tg is 

9 5" oe t evs , | a4 duter ot Seba 

_-TAUOD wat fo 4OLATTO. oat _—e YAMRGAeM MOLTAUR AM os 

ie holes eat ey a 

2 wrt ovelter to atetas of Litd eth petht sanatate 
sgaltesd a9fte (xsl iosaeds ods ‘poamel w % emutherer bitaiecom 
— ates of befasqea trantaiques ;heweioath sits od) boxobte 
eam ece bobdname has tneatealh te tebro exit beaxover sonee 
ed? al bedetd awety ont Udtw éonwBt00es nh agathoooora ‘asde om 
sud , below — 0 wend ECL , Oo sedupsed bear anv Hokie nolntge 
168 .qgh fi @o8 at shut ri seaensceue fm 
ed Biow ORNS eit Gas bedelugids saw 3 fatster ot “a 
| PYG eree end al boatadnoe sanebive bax tanthan te ‘omas “ed m0 —_ 
‘te Yebve edt Yo tabvoemest out? _telrd earthy out ‘te “eomebhye ' te ‘tte 
oun ead ae Sewoo elds Te nelaige ens bas “ fasabaemet bas rv ee 
“gh yabtanqga sommhtve ent ite tone betatwgtte cole enw $2 ihesage 
atthe of bivora qiteq tedtte yd heteTte eemebive te eteottisea ont 
ye te evizoegeortk , felt? sift o¢ soasbiye at paviocet ae bowbde 
© posta se gathuieae Lotet sume? Oct ip tollsouncis ede Yo pat tee 
io 8  \eonebive some Yo teste Kaye t eat 
_ benta? doo dadd tial ‘sero sonebive om Lalt! baever aidt mogt 
tA bow The base Leiat xeergot edt Te esaedive te ateot tise and wa 
a ianlt a betetae tolieoaniio ect fade? hnogee Ad Ye so hewtomoo ont 
’ t Beyete Welior eat 32 galiaaty ,#aaatatguos oul Ye revet ot oosoah 
a  eereoh fa82 wer Leeqqa tied? sapaerg woo ainahaw toe teas one ak 
. tow wt 22 ,yxettaos odd of oumte afunbaetod dguosttta — 

i mo tumey ald? yt Bobiows aved evan dolsiw saotseoup anst be 

former appeal will mot again be considered upon a second aopenk. 
Such decision is tinding not only on the trisl court, if the case 
is remanded, but also on the Appellate eourt in any avbsequent 
eppeal. Union Nat. Bank v. Hinges, 187 111. 109; Fosple vy. Militser, 
301 Ill, 284; Berganroth vw, Pink, 927 111. App. 744. 

We made certain findings in our forser opinion and reversed 
the enure “for further proceedings in accordance with the views 
statad in this opinion.” Thie was a final adjudication of the 
questions therein decided, and the trial eourt, follewing our direo- 
tions, which it was obliged to do, entered the order disposing of 
the case. In People v. DeYoung, 294 111. 350, it was keld that where 
the opinion of the Appellate court atsted and determined the Lenues 
under the law and faete tuvolved in the enee, the remanding diree- 
tions to sreesed in accordance with such views asounted to a 4irec~ 
tion to enter a decree aa prayed for in the bili. See alse Tribune 
So,_vs_Imery Motor Livery Ge., 354 111. 537; ¥ 
Packing Go., 213 111. 397; Humphreys yer, 242 (11. 86; Sanders 
Ma Peck, iM 111. 407; a eran erexr, #31 111. 164; Reggen- 

buek vy. Breubaus, 330 Ili, 4, 
The queation then presented is, ®hat was decided by cur 

former opinion? It should be reoalied thet in 1909 Virgil &. Brand, 

Horace 1... Brand and Armin ¥, Brand leased te compluinant appreximately 
76 serees of land in Cook county, which, with certain ether acres vere 
te be used by complainant as a golf course; this written lease ran 

to Hareh 31, 1959; at the samo time the lease was made the parties 

| exeouted an option contract whereby the complainant was given the 
right te purchase the 76 acres for a named price; in September ,1926, 
complainant served uotice on defendants that 1t would exercise ite 
option to buy the 76 neres; defendants replied that complainant was 

in default under the lease amd eculd mot exercise this option, 
The complainant filed ite b111 in the Superior court of Cook 
county seeking performance of the option centract and after hearing 

( mM bah NR A maa APS i Gal 
) CWB) RR ao st a TY i i 
a me Mah teehee 

Sosgqe bacovse & soqw domnhsenes od ake ye don iikw Laoqes comet 
fens od? ‘th ,rw0eo Lebtd ond ao Yow tom gethatd ab notetoad dot 
tapspeadue yew at two6 Staliogad 4% am onta dud yhebaames at 
TRMELALM wt ofan | 1 @Os 140 VAs pina AEE SNA, eae 
DPR Gh LE PER ee BO 4 
Apexevet bas ietalqe taxset twa al egathat alediee okun of 
' ppdtw’ Gif dite sensSeeonn at « egaibessetg tedfat tot” seune ont 
oi? to nottaothuthe Leal? « wae eet “.wetalgo atid nt bedate 
“peith i009 guiwollet , txs00 faits eda based bob ined Ahote i anol ianup 
™ pataces th soho ona ategen ey of doytide sav a ole gemots 
arse ctw “tn biog aw ti 488 fit Bes vagueYed . sfaged at 
teuash ent beutawstnd han bedage fzwos otaLionna au to nobatee § 
moetlp galbonmor eae PRG ‘ait at bevioval esoet ban wel, eat > vil 
+ PP ORED, ® oF hedawers awely ose i tw ounronse: al ‘peovors of 
gaedt«t euke oo@ .kkid oss ai ‘we? bowere an + sored « <otm 
“ Aamatteusetal x smrine® ;968 441 ene + te saan 
 AMpbaes 70S .f27 SPS ,zeyed py. a ) aig 
“ efepagel PAE £11, ses Stam Wo cons xost as 
bas Bisa one. — ae 
‘tue xo tobtoob oow “haste wa panes ro nal snoue oat 

kei ard 

mar ante aasito abasaoe | Aa de ae romeo 400d ‘iy yen, 
we omens eadeixw eis enue aie * 08 imachonn’s t bs i od ot 

nein a ot) ohem uny onan i oad oniks esse ont in are ol oF 
i t teva anw tanainfqmon ons deeow teat a0 avin » s botannae 
Lees. ab jeoksa bones * xe? eons ww er nm vancaru ob aks 
ov rity eatozene Aivow gf touts adanhae ob ae epic : ‘ma Bh 3 
ey, tasnialqme Sint beksgor “eiaahaote’ 3 jaweee ee . a Ae. 

has pnokigs ate calorexe. fom dinoe baw oaoet emit mans 

rf a 

000 te $e mobs gut oats at rnke anh bel taants 

x 1%, 4 : is “y 

ebtained a favorable deerce; defeniuits appealed to the Supreme 
court where the decree of the Superior court was rovereed and the 
cause remanded with directions to disaiss the suit. Leke Shore 
Sountry Club v, Brand, 339 Iii. 804, 

About five months after that suit wae diguissed the tnetas 
bill was filed to prevent defendants from forfeiting the Lease or 
to relieve from a forfeiture if one had slready been deelared, 

In the Supreme court decision in the option case it was 
held that the complainant in that cage (complainant here) wae in 
default in a number of covenants of the lease, and hence not en- 
titled te enforce its option. Defendunts in the present case 
argue carnestly that the findings ef facet and of law centained in 
the opinion of the Supreme court constitute an eateppel by verdict 
in this case, Reference to the brieds riled upen the former ap- 
peal shows that thie same point was presented tc ue at that time, 
We there held that the iesues in the two cases were different and 
that no estoppel exists. Ye quoted from the Supreme court opinion 
in Py Aa "an option eontract dogs not come within the equitable 
wule against forfeitures, The question ef deeiaring a forfeiture 
is met involved"; snd we said, “it is clear that there were no 
equitable genetderations ner any question of forfeiture involved 
in that case, This ie clearly stated by the (Supreme) court; but 
the cuestion involved was one of comtract only, while in the ine 
stant ease equitable considerations are involved beeause the bill 
is filed to prevent a forfeiture of the lease *,* in that opinion 
we followed the well settied principle tuat a court of equity hae 
power either to enjoin a threatened forfeiture or to relieve from a 
forfeiture if one has already been declared. Lilinois Merghante | 
Trust Co. v. Harvey, 335 111, 284; @ 

BeKinney, 184 111. App. 476, We mleo Meld that equity will relieve 


i Ns c APA Se 


ae Bet & 

“ome tqud edi ev heLasq@a atoobactoh tgoxoes eldetovet a bemladlde 
ott baa hoste ves aaw Jtupe vokun gue auld Le oeresd ony wrod dinde 
enol edad »Siue ote caked of eaokeoweth paathigcvnngh sy’ 
hod) 012 Wee heer Ly | 
fatent ane boae tum in vaw tive tedd teste edtcwm ovtt sueda 
19 guar t ost gatdtetrot mort eiaahueted taevety of betty eaw thie 
hetefooh ased yfactle bad ono th @xuthetvet A nett wiedit . ] 
waw ti send aoisqo oct al aotaltoch s2Hop swore edd wt = ; 
oat asw (ote Snsaiotguaa) enna Sacd ai dmntetgowe oi Vata 
“ate Jon eomsd baa jwaeel odd ‘te éinareves Wo totam & ab ition 
easo Jaenetg od? at odanbuoted .aoliqe abi eoxeta of twee 
ai beatagnoe wal te bas sont to wyathalt of? teat (Yld newts pen 

| tobbaey Us Isquodes ax edudideaos saveo eavigwl ent ‘to ‘aontted ae 

‘Lge weuet edt doqu bail? @telid oat oF Coereren: banned Gat 
\emkd Sent te eu 08 hésnone tq zen sale omec whet Zi 
hie tose Tilb eter Goaxe ows ont ME aeweel off tent re roe oe 
 pehakqe givso somtgat eas aot Sotone OW .ateten oocade a tah 
afdatiupe ed? miitiw amon Ion aseh soartads aoltgo HA*’ jonan\, : 

_ ered ietio? # gniisiosh Yo aoitne vp oat eotud te tret thiliene awe 

" ‘en otew tess Jasds sete of o4* vhiea ow ‘haw ronda tou ak 
bevioval etutietset to aetéaoup yaa toa anol saxend S stead topo ; 

i “ted rte (omexqua) etd yal betasé ylissio at aber ahd ire Ll 
Lak ont mi othaw ,xtao doardacd to ono eaw bowkowas nell ee 
“££1¢ 6 oauaved davicrsl #ts ano itatot tawoo di hyn ltd 
aotatae tans at * 8 ‘Seeek one i bata a depict ie erie et 

“« mont owed tes ot Xo wand torre bow seals a aie w oe iy, 
bes aka uaa y i we saneld ies LE 888 xo bit ay 36 Haat 
orezion iikw whup tad blow, ou ds, av th am. +f a f venation 


from a forfeiture wire the claimed breach hae been waived by the 
landlerd with knowledge of the facts, and where the breach ie 
trivial, has not been made in bad faith and can be cured. 

The principal alleged default relates to the obligation of 
complainant te erect a clubhouse upon the leased premises costing 
mot less than $25,000, The eclubheuse contemplated by the Lease was 
set ergoted upen the demiced premises, although wm locker end caddy 
house corting over $25,000 was constructed upen the leased prentacs, 
Complainant's elubaouse, coating over $100,000, was ereeted on 
preperty adjoining the leased prenisen, purchased by complainant 
subsequent to the execution of the lewee, There ie an abundemece of 
evidence that the ceeplainant, by ite legal representative, nego- 
tiated with and entered into em agreasient with the attomey repre- 
senting the lesarerr ¢2*t the Learore would’ waive tug shhignticon 
to erect the alubhouse uree the premiess deuleed by the Lease, 
Counsel representing both partias, raspectively, testified, md it 
ie established by thia testiceany that Such am agreament wae wmode and 
that a writing te thie effeet war to ba drawn and the leasore’ cxeo 
eution procured by thelr atteormey, but welch var never executed by 
the leseors beeavse of the unreseonatle dsley om tha part of their 
attorney, ir. Reventsel, It fe enid that the counsel whe represented 
the defendants in the matter was net asutheriszed te suke such an agree- 
ment. There are writings from beth Horace L, Brand and Virgil x. 
Brand consenting te such an agreement. Kr. Lesging Resenthal, whe 
represented the lestors in these negotiations, testified that he had 
been & practicing attorney in the Gity ef Uhicage since 1991; that 
the father of the feferdants wae a client ef his father, Juliueg 
Rosenthal, and that he, Lessing, bad represented the defendants an 
an attorney in tines past, his professional relations with them 
having started even before he wan adwltted to practice law; that he 


eae yd bevinw nved sad soewed bomiutp ect om Ow Oued teTOOR a mez 
at sisnerd oA! ommee bow .adeo't eat Io oyhetoomt atte pretkast 
beTLG Of ano bam Mtet bed at oho aead tem ance, Lakehead 

to meltnylide oat of avtelox Sino lob bogetia daqteuttg epi. uae 
| Bileee geada tq boaeed ans seq ennoddude a soete of | smenlelques 
asw onnel suis yd hednigustaro sauoddiude eff .000,72@ maedt opel toa 
ghhan fra tetood « sigimsidto .eralaeng heckumh ods neqe betoake ton 
segkun ty heeeel ed nowt betaurtenso aaw 000,804 cove gattaoe eaves 
mo beteots aaw ,000,0058 weve guivees ,omunddude 8! Saamhedqued 
te sonmbauda ne ob ore! .osaed of? to noktunexs adtond ne useedizs 
een ,ovivatmmaergt Laget ast yt ,smmatatenen et tant sanmhine 
<wtge Yureisea ais Wiw dmamowtys aa otal Aevede has che Beteks 
avttentide of? ovker Minow mrenent oct teat moened ant gpatoawe 
saael eid yd bowiows sesiowrg add cece eenatdwig walt. tomeet 
hb fae yhertraed yyievi too0n08 tn koaag Abed gnitneapscet Leone | 
hed shun baw fasmeniye se tans tadd ytomt tend ahed yd heed Soman ed 
seme ‘eteanat ont hea anath ed ef aev SonTte aha ot gaia few. eats t 
qs Aetmecne Y9vSR wGy Snlaw fod ,Youtorte Tess YO RetMOOTG mettes 
ghedd te fag 9d? 20 Yales ofterouuetan ot ‘te ooueeed etosest edt 
| bataedangsx atw fsaawen edt fads bier of 9! (-fadeeeeel hy yyemnetia | 
“s07%8 Sh Gove adem of hosiiedése #06 ea Ledine aaf ol a¢owhas'ted odd 
oA £igtk¥ few haere .1 eoazel dted mot agaksinw etm etedt .deem 
odw ,inddasao® pikeand 1% .tsemsetys oe sows 08 gmkiagenon Bante 
hed 04 (add bell Maes paagttebieyen ened? a2 gi geee ond’ ‘hotmsaenget 
gat ;L00L woate ogeciad to ysd owt al warettn sabedteatesa nied 
abtink ,teddat eid te taelio o eew etaaben tet oct To remted a 
(Ae AteAhSTAh Sf hotnonoiget bed ,gaduerd yaa saat  eatesiniantn 

mpdd ithe snelteter canotecotorg wkd ,Seeq combs ak yomnol 

oH tad [Wed Oo Montg of pareduhe aaw Of eroked seTe) 

represented derace lL. Brand and siso the brethers, Virgil a md 
Aruin,in certain matters; that he wae their legal adviser and rep- 
resented them when in 1906 they purchased the land which was subse 
quently leased te complainant; alec, that he represented them pro- 
feseienaliy in the making of the lessee, and that in ali of these 
transactions he was acting ae attorney for the three brand brothers; 
he confirmed ine testineny of Er. Ceri Meyer, tie atterney fer com~ 
plainant, «ith referee to the agresment that the ieseors would 
waive the obligation of the complainant, lessee, to arect its 
@lubhouse upon the dsamiee4 premiees, The evidence establishes the 
fact that beth parties conecerne’, seting through their respective 
attorneys, in good faith agreed that the complainant should ke re. 
lieved of the obligation with referenee to the site of the clubhouse. 

As we cai? i» our former evinion, ao sbiection er complaint 
Was wecs that the clubhouse wae mot built en the Aswieed prenises, 
and defendants receive’ gavment ef rent in accerdanee with the tere 
ef the icase fer egre than ¢ceventeen years siter they knew that the 
@iubhouce ticd been bullt uper the adfoining preperty. The seveptance 
ef rent with knewleten cf a claimed Aefault canstitutes a weiver 
theres! ao that me forfeiture ney theresiter be asserted on that 
ground, Yabator v. Bichele, 104 Tl, 160; Vintelore v, Pappas, 319 
Tll. 115; Hoses oonie, 186 111. 392. 

Rereover, it has been held that @ covenant to erect a build- 
ing conforming to certain specifications by a certain date Ls sua- 
eeptible of only ene breach, which is not Luter than the time 
stipulated for the performances of the covenant, MeGlynn vy, Moore, 
26 Cal. 324; Jacob vy, Down, (1906) 69 1.3. ch. 495 (iing.); Stephens 
be» (1925) 64%. J. oh. 56 (Eng.) 
The instant lease smtinel that the clubhouse should be built by 
April 1, 1912, 

Anether claimed default is with oufenmes ts the taking down 

be a iteah¥ ,aveddosd a0) vais bas haaet ol oommell betunsorges, 
aqui bow teatvhe leyet thend awe od tad? jategtom shorty abbas 
-sadue enw teddy brat edt Seotuloteg yest 8204 ab nod watt be tammee 
-wtG xOA? HOSnOnOrgeX Hf todd one ;enawtelgnoe OF benaed ¢LIseup 
enedt Yo fin ok Fosi9 bun ,amowd Oc 26 gmbiem extt ah ‘bane tone 
poxedierd bawtd sects ef eek yorredta an qabtos sew eet aaeteomunent 
~me tek yourelis als , Tey IueP Jak to yaombvaes mete: bomck ae - 
‘bivew atesaed we tact teametge edt ot Soan're'ton Kabw , dem tas 
agi soo oF ,seened ,eenteiemoeo ose eset dept fe aut ovtew 
odd aedulidatas sorbate od? ,cooieora Pealorh ent isto 

- ovitesqest aied? syuctid galtes ,houteomes aettuae rte tots soe 
bt od Hinoie Taeaisiqnan ant taut Sootye thal heey ab . ay rn 
<eanedduke ext Xe othe eis 02 wonexe'tor xt te noisustise vit 2 bevakt 
tnlelqans to seisostde om ,aotuntyo wartot tae ad ‘Rem er al are) home 
tnaturxe beaiaeh edt no tliat gon enw exsreasitenlor out tact sham naw : 
ante? a2 th» sesediooes mt duet Is tomeyag hevingex ednobwe tobe | ats | 
et? fuid weer yom? tothe ateey saetegren Natt oxo <0 onan aah Ww 
ooratqesdse ofl .Ydtogetg galntetha ent ang titud need hawt pawoddute é 
Meview # eedutizawos sinter hemiato «© Be ee ee ee | 
fend ap badieces of usd insted? you ates is'tret en dad? ea kwetont! 
OLS , enema oY oteletaly 7OSk . 06a ipianapenasenctenito ah 
888 AAT OE ae — | 
abiied & sabte oF tummvee adem’ ind med eas ab oe ae | tan | 
sane cl stab aiatwes of sabsdenintanpesetenstianeaaiiaia 
eke wate va it tofed tom ad vober Pee micLiaiislh 

of a $25,000 deposit held in trust by the Chieage Title & Trust 
Company for the benefit ef the lessorm as security for the erection 
ef the clubhouse according te specifications and within the time 
limit, and alse as security for the performance by complainant of 
ether provisions of the lease, The lease provided that sa seen as 
the complainant, in erecting ite clubhouse, should expend a owffi- 
cient sum of money so that tae $25,000 in the hands of the trustee 
would be sufficient to complete the suliding, thie money goula be 
paid cut by the truatee for that purpose, and any balance remaining 
in the fund showld be paid te the complainant previded it waa not 

in defsult in any of the covenants ef the lease. ine reeord shows 
that after negotiations were had between tue parties for 4 aubsti«- 
tuted performanee of the covenant respecting the clubmcuee, that the 
attorneys fer the Lessors wrote to the trustee inferming 1t that 
they represented the les#ere and autioriged and dirested it ig de- 
liver the $25,060 ¢everited to Alfred 5, Austrien, one of the ate 
terneys fer the complainant, whe would eall Tor it the following 
fay. Ar. ieosing Aoventneal testified that shartiy batere Ke wrote 
thie letter he hed sathority frem Horace Erand te deo ao; dr. Rowen- 
thal testified that ot thie time Aernce brand “sommunicated with me 
and teld me, in substance, that 1 might consent to the withdresal of 
the deposit, de was auting for all ai thew and 1 was acting fer all 
of thes." Ko testineny was introduced contradiating that ef “Kr, 
Ronenthal. It thus appears that complainant was acting in guod faith 
when, with the consent and authority of the attorney for the Lessors 
it withdrew the deposit on August 13, 1909. iL: should again be 
metiaed thet for seventeen years after thie depesit was withdrawn 
the lessers made no complaint and 414 mething about it. ‘This pro- 
tracted silence tents te eatahlich complainant's elaim that the 
Withdrawal ef the $25,000 demerited was expramely consented te by 

the lessers, 


gourd 4 oL727 egaoidd off yd fauce ah Blok sieogeh (000,286 am bia 
moteeane ect to't etirucce ae eirassel oat te titesed aus x02 w 1 que 
gate eatd alsit ho bie anolenolitoses 62 pabirecea onsen | es 
‘te “tneats Legare rc wo nance Treg oad to? xa hrueee 86 “pale baw. soins 
an noon as sade beblverq evael nut -oneed oft te enelaiverg mie 
ai'tie 2 breaxe biveds ,snwodielo oft aalsonze ab $i nLeqmme 
eefeut? edd to abass odd wh 000 aks esa tons oa ‘(omen a'ga* vas 
ed kines qo now alicia waalbitud od otolqmes 09 taslolYiue od biwow 
gatatamey ebasind qn ban ,esoexug fat? tot epteusd ote et tie ‘bkwe 
fon saw 31 bobiveta énuchthionss 643 of blag of bivbme ‘hawt ot ai 
wworis bioses eat .damod wait %o atunimvou ould he yi ‘ak hut | 
oliades & ret eoléuag odd Koodo ds bau otow ana biol souea mite 9 
odd and ,oawosdute eid yoltoogeot #annvves ond ‘Yo obnewt 199 mn 
Gaus gh galuvelal esdaurd 043 09 e¢otw atonnel ous vot ele 
“Gb of 32 bodgetls ban omer eis me bos stoweed ost bed % ergot coe 
adn odd Yo ono ,aubisews .0 betTsA 08 bedtaceen oe at a “97 i 
yalwotlet elt #4 tet Sian biwow ose inandal rill’ wnstad 
“otexw uk st0ted wren sand beiiioans tasdnoneh 2 

om Kbiw betesiaauung” bnetd cnocell amid ‘nthh Fa toa Pinbar hs tan ha 
te iaenadiltiw odd 6+ dnwsaoe — i acs Gere a of ft 

sth Yo fads galsolboxtacd bovithont at aw ‘yhwbai 
ita? boos al yaltea sew fanmiatemos dads wtane vs | 
* gubabas odd tot yantodta ould te td seonaiva’ bee #apend 
od absaye bLueste yt oer EL seugna’ ne Hoo ad « 
‘pwexbit te saw theogeb atsd aedin azavy asedusen : Seottan 
| “org ald? .th dude anihstom bid baw sabe tomo’ a ear a ? 
"pat tad mato et gnentatiains fn eet yas oF band 6 emo tte Betouee 

Phe tp guy ree 
Ba ot besnennce qlawetane ane haghsonas “oo ane wi ray nes chef 
aah ak TAM 

Bereover, the lease provided for the withdrawal of the de- 
posit by the lessee (complainant) if it performed the clubhouse 
eovenant, or, for ite withdrawal by the lessores if the iemwee aid 
net perform the clubhouse cevenant by April 1, 191%; se that in 
either event the deposit was subject te withdreral on that date, 
It was not contemplated that the deporit should rewain beyend that 
date. That the leesere made no request om Aprii i, 191%, or at 
any time thereafter for any of the deposit, is sonelusive evidence 
that they knew it had been wlihdrew by the complainant pursuant 
te the agreement sade in 1963. 

The record amply justified our findings usen the former ape 
peal that the actions ef the complainant vith reference te the site 
ef the clubhouse and withdrawal ef the £25,606 desoott were tn 
goed faith; that the obligations with refermee to thew were waived 
and therefore there were so grounds in these respects te fustify a 

Vith regard to four private homes woieh the club permitted 
te be bullt upon the deuised premises, we Seid thet thie was net 
sufficient to justify a ferfeliure, These, costing $20,000 eagh, 
were built in 1915 and the lessere made mo somelaint sbout their 
presence on the land untli the lassee attenpted te exercise ita 
option tn 1926. i% cease te be congeded that thease residences may 
be somoved at any time up te the expiration of the lease. 4onze-= 
quentiy no real injury has been suffered by the leseors as a rerult 
of the crection of these resideness, Indeed, they might be cone 
sidered as added sceurity for the sayment ef the rent and the pere 
fermence ef the ether covenants of the lease, 

Kereover, tue lense expressly permitted the subletting of 
the leased premises, or any part thereot, te reputable persons, pre- 
vided that ai the time of sush subletting the lessee was nat in de- 
fault either in the payment of rent or in the performance of any 

sh Way "cdt Lhiblndiptd Vin “Wie Wellies Gabi sd ttl 

 gaWedduio ed? Kowse'ting 31 Th (usmle cqman) soa 

bip pesaet oad “tL atoesel oat yo Lawnvadtlw off xe? | 

“nh Send oe S20 .f LingA yo tnemoved seweddute dt ified ie 

eteb fads 86 Cowaxbddiv 64 Yootaun wav tisoeeh odf da we sodtig 

tans badyed tower Siiuods ¢inequs odd salty boitn Lina dled dou gh 6. 
- fa Io aed £ ihe ao dahuivis ed ‘baad a ‘rronest on ba 


ofa adt ot vouere'tot atin toantelfewes oft “te pratt 
: “at row feos God, aay ons x Keitel ts nin 8 Rabtat ee ws 

i peewee ‘% Se 

betters” dufo od? delow semed ptaving ‘tuot of baw: u's ‘ OP sia ye 
“gon ate ein? soc? Bion ow ow asshaovid ‘poudimb ea ‘Wibd tend of a 
done WG , URE gatteso ,sennt wuilete & vligaut oF teh dorttwe a 
ieee uote delilouss on eden Wrodeot vid ee Etbg Bt tdud vray 
“ptt oatorexo of Sodenoéed eosnot odd Shaw Suck 969 wa ep avenn 
yous vostebion: eendt add hebsoaie of of sures cee “eRe a / 
e@nte? .aarel ag “to aoisatiqae add of qu ould oe de veya ‘= @ 
“pies a os Ponask oie yd Seen Five aos Boe With eae on % 
Save tad trig youd <beokat ° “te 0 | 
ws 989 Sad Yoo od? Yo ran ont ‘sor aan obbe 

Og Ee ee eS a ae 

8 udondee ekdatuqex oF ,tovaods t22q yar to june, 1g Be 
ot at dont Waw bonset ox? gatitosdue doua Yo pink? ai ie 
ie We oonemnetzeg ef9 al to tawt te tmneneg, ont ao 

ether sovenant of the lease, As we have said, these resldences were 
built in 1913, ‘The only default that could have been claimed at that 
time was with reference to the site of the clubhouse and tae withe 
Arawal of the $25,000 deposit; but aa we have het the obligations 
concerning these tere waived by the lesaora prior te that date, the 
Leseee van not in default vhan these resideneea were built and they 
were therefore parailtiod under the teras of the lease, 

Taere were dlaimed defaults in respect to the covesant with 
raference to taxes and ineuranet, an? Lt ia vaseniod te Gana aa 
such defaults have been cured and are not sow in the case, 

Seounsel for defendants wgein present the claim that coniplaine 
ant dis net in sourt wlth clean bende, becuune of an alleged secret 
agreepent of complainant with the defendant Sorece L. Brand, whereby 
4% bowget fron vim five seres adfeining the demiged premiges aa a 
epeciel and averet gonsidcration to induce Alm to s#cure the approval 
ef his tyvo brothers, leveors, to the gabatituted arrangeam’ with 
reterenée to the eite of the clubhouse anc the withdrawal of the 
$25,000 Gepoeit., In our former opinion we held that this transac- 
tion wae free from ery teint and “wae in every way hanerabie.” 

The Gili of complaint aliesed that in 1921 Horace i. Brand 
conveyed hia ona-third interest im the lease to his daughter, Erna 
| Brand Zeddiesa. Defendants admit this, UCersplainant contents tnat 
@ince this conveyanee irs. Seddies and the other Lessors are tenants 
in cenmon and thet all tenants in commen, alone, have the right te 
declare a forfeiture, and that as she could net declare a forfeiture 
for any alleged defaults occurring before 1921, therefore she Leseors 
@ansot claim a forfeiture; that all of the alleged bresshes occurred 
prior to 1971 and therefore no forfeiture may be deelared. This 
point wae presented anid orgued on the former appeal and, ae shown by 
our former opinien, was considered and determined. #e weld that the 
lease did not vest in the heirs er grantees the lendierd's grounds 

oxee woonebiner beoud , bins ove ow RA bene ont Ye Paweovon aestto { 
dndt ta Beutato mood oven biveo Band those “tno ext” Onee ne otiee 
Aut iW ot ban eenoddute Bd Yo Od te One 02 seamzeted Mtl wa baht 
enviteatioo ott Wied ova ow ee fed ;Tieogeh quo one ot ” Sill : 
ent ead tedd of colxe axonnds et yd beviaw oxew event | ye ieso mes 
ies bane $126 oxew wsscrblest omed? apa ofce Wh wl fon iidw’ tet . 4 
oe ' weeaet ond Ye reves edd <ibot Battered orotetenY otew 
Hw giacevoo" bi of tovuadt Wd urtuatod heatary aioe bred 
FIP boc poten ih bobestoo #2 $2 Hee ,oonexwend How aed} o2 oniekb tix 
a .ouao ec? af won Soa ote ban hotest need oval as tie teh ome 
sce tard miotn exit ceapree! alepe titnanio tee arog aatt 

= cca In leer ead 

gees 6 bishae .c svetoh tanpas'ted ont athe dunkite Lesine te taboo 
‘@ be apetoste bootowh eft grittotba stron eytt ati aot biywod 
pe OAS wtivowe OF wl wowed oF aoitatohianos se Sa habe 
ss ff bw ganeegactte betatitedua afd of ,eteeeat enon out owt eid te 
pee “te Knwerbslt tw edd Sev eave ss site Ye od Pa ale ‘82 esuexo%er 
} eons anes whed dus KIRA SW molmked tarctot Yeo wt itsouss } } | : 
# efdarxotod cee Creve at eee” bas Pale yw wot bow abi | 
phar i eoaceH Heer At tel bebekte dabhtens te Lets ear” 8°” 
ante preteyunh ahi oF sane t oo) ab yaows rect putitehke aid’ bo yeva 
“tad abnotnes Piantotynod 0b habe atnbbos tee Pissed 
esiene? ona Bronast xodze xd hae wetbset vest weaighvito Whitt lite 
er bias 0 oid ovad ,onols ,mommpo af eaknnd Tis dat bad mbady Hh 
pee ke peefoob tow biwoo one ae dad! Hub joemeteTeot a bebcedd 
ardeee f ona Sxoterodd ,LhOL ato'rOd gatrtiose édtes'teh” Deporte Yaa xe 
berrunee aedgoetd bogetta oy to fla tant peru teeth a whete $8amio 
| ala? sbetatooh of yam itd teTeeT oa Oxebeteiy «a ee | | 
“Ee awoite 8a baw Ladys tosre'l oxo ne binge bac beene . 
ait? Yadd bien oW Lbonteretss han borehbanes aay hie 
|  pbatmoity a brotbaer ent avernexy ‘eo ated eat ak tet | 

for forfeiting the leage whieh exieted pricr toe the time the heirs 
or the grantees acquired tueir interest in the property, and we 
sustained the contention of the complainant in this respeet, citing 
many “apes, 

We aleg held that no notice to the complainant ef defaults 
was given as required by the Lease as a condition precedent te the 
righte of the Lessors to deglhare the tera ended, 

Om the trial counsel for defendants effered, if eomplainant 
Would consent to cancel the lease, to cive a new ioaee te comvleing 
_ ant en the sane terns and exoiring at the same time se the vresent 
Lease, This would indiests that defendante do net wish te oust 
complainant fron the leased precises but wish te dewtroy the exiat- 
ing leate for the purposes of sreyenting the exercise by complainant 
or its optien ts varchare, Compistnant concededly desires to eon- 
tinue the loase s¢ ns to derive whatever advantage may flew from 
this with reapest te the ention cantraot. 

After Vorese L. Bren¢ conveyed bis interest in the premises 
to hie ¢dnuguter he eubeecuerntiy beeess the owner of a one-sixth 
interest through icheritance from bis brother Virgil, whe died in- 
testate Fume 20, 19?6, 

‘Ceuneed for Horace i, Brand nas Tiled a separate brief in 
whieh he asrerte that comploimant's bili should have been “Lied 
within elaty days of the service of notice of deiauit, efting 
dilincis terchante Trust Ge Hervey, 346 [ii, 244, te viich com- 
Plainent replies that this contention ie fereeleored by our former 
@eeision, ae it ie w rule thet the Apsellate eourt will not revier 
ita former decision in reepeet of matters which were, or might have 
been, atuigned for errer upon the first appeal, Tribune Co. vy. 
Rnory Fotor Livery Co., 358 Lil. 637, Om the former appeal we held 
that se formal notice of default with « view to terminating the 

Lease was ever given to complseinant, consequently there is ne point 

etied ort amie ert of aoivg tedulxe toiav oust off gould iv tte? teP 
ow hia ,ystedety ect af teertofal «ated? howkepoe esotaaty odd oe 
Baltic ,Jonqnet elas nt sanmtateme od? Le agkiwetass one hankagnie 
atiuctoh Ye gesatalquos orit af seitom vm tacit biod enfe eH oe ous 
otis o¢ saphaoete aektibag # aa esest act yd betkupet ee nevi aw 
hehe med ost etedoeh of sxoeeed aay! teostdgier 

timaretoacp Ik hor Tho atnehasteh 16% deemsy Initdh ett ae bide 
meas Keynes of osans wou s ovly of jseset off Loaces o¢ Suneenn itso 
 fasestg off an sute come off Ja eotiviexs fies amet sone att wo ome 

fame et ciete don ob atretartod tadt efeothal btw ekt? eaakt 

ee ae a oe. 




| edit yatseakanea 08 woe a Sedw 2tueteD Noveotton Kamnatwnl’ 
- gudoqvem af o19dd htaoupeanoe \sibaletqane ot aivig 

atekme off youtass of ety Jud soalseizq boowel ee ott oanmtd Lena 
frwatelamos vd oulorexe oto anttasvere Te esoytme ade xOY eae R yal 
~192 of gptdesh viheheones foeatetgaod \eretferic of watt go wth te: 
moet welt yas egntacrhe teveatactw avlah OF en of Oennr aiy minty 
tomutnes melee eft. et soneuvt dtiw etd 

sesiawny od? at teetedat até becvevass dae! 62 sents edtarece i lor 
_ tenkessne a Io tocwe ext waned ytoesendew om Wee AS eid of 
ont bekb one ,LtyttY westotd eto mort sonst indat msenalane 
Gh Teli aderscoe # bettt ant hawk of soneeleeh- Kemmmeo > inte 
(beik? aved pved bivese Lid @ danatedquew dant) aoe . 
 gadate ge dua'led “Wo wots ot too esheren, ot vo een gt abate 
-uoo dedaw of 288 . LPR Mee | 
xemae't suo ed boweteetct ah meltoegaon gids ¢adtoged feet ansiihaitip 

mabye dem Libw gxn0y sialionga on? tat? eft aot sboenjaatenens: 

oved tdjle to jeter dotdw atestan to tosqned at male loon ene 6" 
Zee eee | henqus tend ond ogee cert 08 mga: ened 
| Rist cow tneqge toate et a9 .9EE SALT BER 4 : 


of time from which the sixty day period could be computed, 

Reilther ie there merit in the point that the tender ef rent 
by complainant wae ineffective, not having been kept cood. Complaine 
ant paid nll rent under the terme of the lease up to and including 
September 30, 1926; when compleinant at thia time served netiece on de 
fendanta of ites intention to exercise ite ontien to purchase the de- 
mised presieves, Aefendantsa begen refucing the tenders of rent and 
have continuously se refused ever since, We stated this feat in our 
former opinion. Some statement is made in the brie? vor Horace 1, 
Brand indicating that enorme of the times the checks tendered for 
rents were overdrafts. There is no evidence, however, thet when the 
cheeks for renta were igaued and sunt to defendants there wae net 
enough in tne benk to take care of gach cheeks, It is not soaterial 
whether, wfter theese checka hod heen returned and were ne longer 
outstanding, the amount on deposit was sufficient te pravide for 
their paysent. Beresver, the record sheers that at the eonelugion of 
the trial a certified cheak for the rent from October 1, 19946, te 
April 1, 1952, was tendered to the lessors, but refused, We neld 
that the tender vas sufficient and haa been kept goed. Hewever, in 
wiew ef the repeated refusal of the defendants te accept rental, in 
equity so techniecsl rules relating to tenders should be applied. 
Thompgen v, Srains, 294 Lil. 270, 

We hola that our former opinion was binding upon the ques- 
tions presented and decided; that no additional reasons er raete 
have been presented upon this appeal suificlent to medit’y or change 
eur former epinion; that a further eoneideration of ali the evidence 
leads to our conclusion that no suificient grounds to justify a for- 
feiture have been wade to appear, and tiat in any event the present 
éefendants, owners of the premises as tetante in commen, are precluded 
from aeserting ae grounds of ferfeiture any alicged defaults oeeurring 
prier to April 5, 1921, the date of the conveyance from Horace i. 

| tetucyeon od héwoo balvey yah eke matt dokse mowemth Re 
fuer 2o tebe ond tosid tntog edt ak Shree xed? ab meee coh oe 
atlacqinod. .booy ¢get eed galved son ,evidos tient sew dneninkqaoe gd 
aathuloal how of gu eaael edt ‘to saned ec? tobaw toet Lie Diag ome | 

wh to eolfen bevise omit ealrG te taanlielqsce wee 198AL , 06 todmadqed 

«bh ect ouacigtue of meitqo 022 aelotwxe of solfrednt af) tq ednahne® 
bas tomy te wwebasd edd yotestet omgod efashbuetet ,aseheete boadm 
quo #2 Jou? ett) hetede aV .seqte weve bomu'ter on qlentwakines pvad 
,L @patoll t0% Yolad off mt ohom ab ¢ndamtade omk \.aebadqo come? 
MO havea? wlosds ots conds ct Lo smo tedt gotdookhabshewett 
edd dade tetd severed ,senebive aa af etext er Wethneve ere eames 
- om tan oro} ntaador teh of jaee bas bewenl oupw adnox 10% elonde é 
feturtem toa nt ¢] ,adaesiy dows Ye oxeu odet of tant oft abatgup 
‘weyaef ea wrew fas homisdes ased hat atoode ered? unite \sadtedw 

tot edivety of dneinlTiue .aew diaeged oo davome oul? ,palhoatotao 

Ye melsulones ot Jo todd awode Ateoot ond pinventsl. staomwg thea 

Pe ey eee 


(gd ORAL .£ todotod mot? 240% mde TOD stoone batwaeeNe a tatyd ode 
bind @W beeWtet dud yexceses ott of horehues ew yOHeL A LineA 
at ,Tsvewel $009 dose need axl dna saotelTiee maw tebaed odd fads 
ab ,fatuet feecec of attaches tab eno Yo Loner Buteseen sat Te wey 
beligqge of Bivede etehoed of pattatot selon Uap tadoed on ylups 
“OTS LEE OOo swale) ay memgateds 
 aagup eae segs gabhald oav aelatge touret aso data bio OH ooo) i) 
 eFeel 1S caa2eer Lani tinos om jadi poebsewk dae hetasewsg wagkt 
eyGaks to Yibbos ef Junio! Yinw Lasqge aldd acqu hedaeantg seed evad 
asiebive od) Lia te aoliatedianes wwidewt # sald paokadqe tearto® awe 
-te% @ Vlizas!, of abavatg tools itinue oa toads aolealadoo “tue 02 ebook 
sneneng et gneve Yad ab said Soe staraea of eben ened evadoyanaet 
“‘febwioeng ome ynomaos AL adnnued £0 eeuraorg 98 0, : % 
paberwsee ovine les Segeils Yas etudistiot te shavotg aa yas ; 
(dk Soe moet someovaeD Og Ro etab wd? “10k e dbahat 


Brand te hte aaughter, Erna Brand ZeAdies, and no grounds of fore 
feiture «exist for any defaults occurring subsequent to that date. 
We have discussed some of tha avidance at greater Length than 
we 414 in the prior opinion, as the chancellor in the firet trial 
Limited the admission of evidence. All the evitence is now before 
us. Ye are not now reviewing our former conclustons, That opinion 
is binding, and the conclusions therein reached are fortified by a 
re-examination of the recor, 
Far the reavone indiested toe deeree agnenlead fram La 

O'Connor, F. 7., and Fatehett, J., coneur. 

Wad Moyaek TetsocR 2a eonAbi Te ett Te -wHOE LeaETOEED SwAM OM KT 
feled tert ond ad tOLidometo 60? Ba’ <askatge wolves dd ad DRRow 
 etoted won at senehive oad £1) .sonvbdve Ye molaetehe ods Setiahe 

-telakes Yad?  saolanlomen téoret too galwelver wor tom ote 0% samt 
2 Ud beLtLIc0% eta bodawor aleteds enetawtents ond bne-jambhetd ab 
yo) @) 49a) 2) betete 2° yoetle cove. Seeninced® Secenbeenbenepeed 
Rb mow be Lasore Gete0h Ody beteothad eapmest oft red) Goto? 
Tsk tet antoadto. wed soe er he seer Ue hee ea 

O22 sects {QUMNPEWAS Od (eorchivs of af eet | er De ‘ore eR 
Sew tee ered? «atansoe ts’ of oem Ane bewead seer eh roel 

eeate) oe ees baw Serer ede 's dant pet ee ee Pe er 

Cee oh re ty as Petloi et. aah oe Oe watt: ap , 
be Moisiisionms ad” te @e83 Sead SGone% ae, 4 REF oe tiniagen anae rr 
ge 8862, f tatated eet? fant eds nigh meme 2 im dade heondl 

Ct a ee seen ees Me. toe oe Paes >, ae hataties oo ei ae & tay 
OE: WVISER . dees Pe Heer hee Sing sreotandteen ean gta ie 
st , ratusy faroee of efeebanheh anf la cee iot ‘nepal ab tad 

ta fees af otuede erehaas of nabiated alee buetiabeed is et hel 

ONE SR ROR ag Re wusmeiee wie SO) EERE S wie sade bios ae lege hay 
abe? te watgwes tao tikhe oe ar aera Shay ea ana laa 
Spits Le Yiihaw we taele Vee ae Onde) eee Seeding whey aret orad 
nae as Lie ia weitededs woes “tele? a Dame PeeEA Lee “sea sane 
Ot Blah? oF manviy Mee kes eime oa fae “eeitonan “ail on a 
Pewee ee Peero Ga ad cade eo epee eh ee. 

tolpvionns Wie. knew as weowee? 22 ne Loe wake RS CDS a 

Seay Roy na bias te Lawilia vite erRtiebtet 6 sheen eee 

 gerkwi wen? Boe erEe Oh) Rp eed? » ARE, gs 

Pe eA een re 


as ee i a 
Executor of the Metate of Albert oo} a: 
Merrill Celt, Deeeaued, ) a“ b 

Defendant in Brror, ; H 
va. i 



269 1.A:627' 

Plaintiff in Srrer. 


This ease involves the conatruction of a paragraph ef a 
will. The contested point ia whether Alice Levard, hereafter 
@nlled defendant, in addition te a $6000 legaey already paid te 
her, should alec be pald the accrued income om thie amcunt, or 
should this tncome go into the residuory estate, 

Somplainante filed a bill asking for inetructions on this 
point; anewers were filed and after hearing the court held that 
defendant was not entitled te any of the ineeme of the ¢5000 
legacy, and that such income goes into the residuary estate, De- 
fendant secke the reversal of the decree, 

Clara &, Ceit, the widow, resident of Grand Kapide, Bichi- 
gem, had three sons, Albert HKerrill, Hobert a., and Charles G, 
Goit; she 4ied December 20, 1915; by her will she left the re- 
eidusry estate to her sons, shares and share alike; she aleo under- 
took te give a legacy to “re of the wives of her eons, if and 
when they married; at the date of the eodi¢il of the will making 
these previsions her son Albert Merrill wae already merried te 
Bleanor Babooek Coit; testatrix bequeathed her 95000; the provi- 
sion effecting thie will be referred to later; she aleo underteck 
to provide legacies for the wives of her other two sons, then 
unmarried, by a provision as fellows: 

“who iM »shtqal bhaase Ie taphleer .wobhw ot ,thed Ce 

* "we 
% co 
("~ \ 
i Ne. ty ti 

ee a mivoara or non 

“pebdiA Yo otayer et a 


ie cape 


a ii ‘eominet 

IS GSOsA.L-OL S« ue Sr 0 at 
sae ot vont mae 
| eS 

es te Han tye tog # to nol#onrteanos od? sevieval sass od 
sed tected ,ieved olla tedgedw at dakog betaedacn ont 
of hing ybserie yoaget OO08$ # of nolathda a  tumbas to ie 

i, OR Pe 

t@ ,tawome aldt ao enooak heweos out biaq od os le biveda sted 
-@tadne Ytaubleos off ofall og enoonk aby tuo 

pe oe 

sid? 29 enoltowtdeat te% gubinn Liid a betty utanmlesgnod : 
fads bfLod Yrmoo ef? galiaed t02e base boll? ovew etewens H ue oe 
QO0BS edd to smoot edt to yas of heldhons ton aaw ‘snahanon 

ont .stateo yreableet oct ofat aeoy emoonl dows dant be comes 
.ooteab sit te Leaneret out eles nabas’ 

Meet ae sl 

oD aetxedd bow ,. exedol ,{fiueed dod ta sano sordt fed a9 
aot ont #t0L ee Lilw ted yd (BLL ,08 redasood bet ote m reed 


bun tL ,anoe tod ‘to weviw ont ne see of wanes a ovta of tobt 
gathnm (L2w eit ‘to Ligibes ed? te o¢ab oat ge sbenenam yeas noite 

*f, I give and bequeath to my Executeres and Trustees 
hereinbefore named the sum of Ten Thousand Dellars, in Trust, for 
the follewing purposes, vie: I winecersly hope my sone Robert end 
Clarense #ach will marry, and on the marriage of either | direet 
my said Trustees to pay to hie wife one-holf of said Trust Fund 
and the balance to the wife of the other son when Ke shall have 
married. Ghould either eon di¢ without having married, the un- 
expended share ef said fund shall revert to my estate and pass 
under the regifuary elause ef wy #111." 

Glarence G, Coit tuervalter Legally ehanged his name to 
Charlee G. Gsit; Charles married defendant, Alice Hovard, Auguat 
30, 1927, ond on that date she received from the testatrin's ee- 
tate the sum of $5006, dbelng onewhalf of the 910,060 mentioned in 
the poragravh just quoted, Charles 4. Coit and Alice Bovard were 
4iverced on or nbout GCetober 28, 1932; Charles G, hae net since 
Yemarried and Kobert Coit has never married. 

Albert Merrill Goit died while testatriz's will war being 
probate’ andi while acting ae trustee thereunder, and the complains 
ent here hae taken possesnion of the trust aneetm of the teetatrix, 
and by etipulation of all the ourtien was appointed trustee of the 
trust established by clause "f* above quoted, 

The bill of complaint siewe that the trustee has in his 
pesestsion approxixately 310,060, ef whieh amount $8000 represents 
principal and the balanes accumulations ond aecretions, befendant 
argues that she was cmtitied, upon her marriage, to all seecumulae 
tions and accretions ef one-half of the se-ealled “trust fund* from 
the time of the death of testatrix until tha time of defendant's 

It ie & cardinal principle thet in construing wills courte 
must ascertain the intent of the perser making the will. Aa has 
been said, “Adjudieated cases are of Little assistance. Sach will 
ie s law unto iteeif.* In the Matter of Hayes, 263 #. ¥, 219, 
Guided by thie principle we have arrived at the conclusion that the 

teatatriz intended te give aach of her future daughters-in-iaw the 

specific mum of $5000, and ne more, and that the accumulations and 

: wi S NAAR a a 
aeetany? haa wtoiuper® yo oo bo subbed" bed | Sak’. velit iple tiighine 
tot ,feutt mi ,staliod dnaeuodt me » a ‘Nit ° aiored 
bas fiedo aniog ys egod yloteomie T tally jas ‘Palwoisor + 
foorth I x#Asis to 4 ror on) ag ben BY veg Silkw rhas on 
bawt tewtT Blaw te Ier-sae otiw att of of segeeinT ret we 
eves iiets od opti men tsdso eft Ip oti 7 Ooms, fad ont Dima 
«iy @d9 ,boltzon yalved twoddiw s Fa Aiwee de betem 

RAAG bas States ym of tieves iiptea bawt bien “LB? 
: * tcee vs to ¢euafe sie a 7 

he cuba 28H behaasly yttapes Sogreevedd bed .O és Wt 
teusnA .bueved soltA tombe teh be ttdam etiredd {deed 2 cote 
«oe e'aizisdecs ef mort bevicget edn stab daeld a - eer 108 
nt bemotiaem O00, OL OH? To tedoond gales ,09088 Ye" won 9 dad 
wtow brevet pelts buy shed .o epee  .detoup toah, Moargeteg our | 

eotle fon and .0 aetxedd ;86@L ,88 redeteo tote 39 go! 

_ sho dvtam seven end $260 duedeR dae bedrromey, 

pee aa ttty aixixtecee? oLigw beib shod £6 HIME as | 

satatqnoes ext ban ,tobsweredt wedewrd ae aeives odtdw ys 

Rixtsteed odd Io Adonen fest oft to molesogpeg aoxed vas ora dm 

on? 39 sotartd botatoqun war eotixag oft Le te raltapenitt, FRR 

eas co otbetenp, orese, "3°. cepa se, me Meme kkintne Part, 

aid nt aes  eogmurd et tertt ewace _salelenoe id ), LEAE, at anne 
atnenetcer OOO8! davons fo hew to 1000, Le clase 7 . 


eto Sia} nad arenes & ay a 

orci, atttw ahaha n rast oe Crs, 

accretions of the truet fund should go inte the realduary estate. 

Teetatriz, a widow, was poseencéed of conviderable real and 
pervzonal property; she evidently was ramiiiar with business met- 
ters, and investments and income; that she knew the difference be- 
tween principal and income is evidenced by various provisions in 
her wili; by one varagragh she directed $1500 to be paid te a church 
and that the income from $1000 of this legacy wae to be used in a 
certain way; by ancther paragraph she gave directions ith regard te 
the payment “of the annual net income" frou her residuary estate; she 
aleo gave directions with reference to the payment of texes and ine 
suranet from the income, ond should the ineome be inauffieient the 
executors or trustees might use so much of the principal sum as nete 
essary. in the provision for the legacy to her daugiter~in-lew, 
Bleaner Babecek Coit, she previded that if the legacy should net be 
paid within a certain time the legatee would be entitled te interest 

fhe will indicates that the testatrix was a women of generous 
dispesition, giving numercus bequests te churches, howpitals, chari- 
ties and relatives. It ware naturel that «he should previde fer a 
gift to the wives of her eens, and she did #9 direetly to her 
Gaugnter-inelaw, Zlieanor, by a gift ef *S000, whieh in the will ia 
characterized “as a token af affection.” There in oonvineing pre- 
mimption thet she intended to give each ef her daughters-in-law the 
same amount, namely, $9000 to each. Renestedly the expression ocours 
in the will « “share an4 share alike,* snd in one provision she di- 
reete a certain disposition of shares of stock invelwed in a trans- 
action between herself and Albert Eerrill Ceit, ssying, “In order 
thet ne infustice may be dome either to my said sen or te my other 
sons." The will abounds in evidence of her intention te trent her 
sone slike, whies is very pereuaeive evidence of her intention alse 
te treat her daughters-in-law alike. 

ch : Ler (0 | gt ee 
q ) q 

-Otatee Yieublees of% oFsi og blvate baw teow off To exolsemaoa 
btw Laos eidershiaws té bbaxonseg saw geht PAAR oo 
ate wesadaud tie ok A au Prone sir) acta eteeqere 7 ns 

aod aungay Tth ode week ode tarts jompenh bale atonatacval, se 
at saotelvena auobiwy yd beouebive ah omonnd Bou taqtomss 
Aotuds a of biag od a? OOETE Eevaetth ade Aeatgotac ae a 
@ wt bens ed of caw youget alad to GOOLE ues? saoo mt ‘od tent bime 
od beanie he bw srtioktowt th 8¥Hy @ ci deat ter ‘t9Hd one ‘e yew “niche 

he jerasae Cisubiaws tA noxt "“eugont don faves ond to* ‘saomtaq “ ae 


eh Lome tom lei a 



Seti ea SeBd oS 

cee a 


| dastodad ot botvites af biwow setaged on) ante" ata 

 getmecd meteesrars ads ythetionnh dan of COUPE yetamn 

at han sound ‘to doemyng sa? of eoamestex atte ancl toerts evan 
eit suoleitiunal ef eaeon! ote Sivede hie kngemptepedie 
oon ge mie ingdonite sad te dom of eee Ody he ebeteurd 

\wotaahwretdgvad cod 06 Yingel eds tee ebdeeed will at Salle: 
ed tom bisete yougek o4% th tant bobivoxs seh ted dooodek tonsesa 
0 oe Leoutolwell 

‘guitinis to sence @ aew altiaded? oat cad? eagpobeal siaboade. <i, Ae 
ebhuede ,elatiqned ,aeneteis of efesoned totem yates rons tecwats 
4 vet obivexg bites ose sae forueom aow OL eovhtelen bam emte 

aed o@ etteerts ov bik ore See » fits “Gait Yo tele oad 6i Hts 

‘ad Kibe ond a2 detde ,o00R0 Te Wha « vd ,tocmeet jw te : 

“00g ‘gateatrnoe wk one at | * .aontee tts veo taal ® - bat 

“watt wa fam amen a tye ‘er Yo tous ovtn of baci Gam 

=tb vie aotsivere 940 nt bmn "exe oneds Ban omit « aah ; 
oonath ° ‘ea Revioval | gota te nonatie died dtivoqnhs is alatuon « atoen 

‘eitte we 09° ee bean’ Wine Get bn Seite’ wey pester 
“ae taemd of moliabtnd xen ts sbtonhye it ebéwoda | | 
ae moses mod te souehive ovtnareree aia lem . 

The provision in the will for Bleaner, wife of Albert 
Merrill Coit, is ae follows: 

"e. As a token of affection for my daughter, Bleanor Bab- 

ek Coit, i give and bequeath to her the aus of Five Thousand 

($8000) Dollars the same to be due ond payable toe her one year 
after my death if it can then be conveniently paid, and if net 
convenient fer my Kxecutere then te cay said sum, she shall be 
entitled to interest thereon from that date until it io paid, 
payable semi-annually. * 
It ite a fair presumption that if Bobert and Charlee had likewise 
been married at ‘thé time this bequest was made that each of their 
wives would have received $5000 as did Kieanor Babook Coit, It 
is inconceivable to suppose that the testatrix intended that any 
future wife should receive a larger sum. Ghe would sardly intend 
that the wife of the son who married last weuld reeeive an aseunt 
larger than either of the ether daughtere-in-law had reeelved; it 
is contrary te the evident intention of the testatrix te treat #11 
her enlldren alike that Albert's wife should reecive $8000, the 
wife of Charles approximately $7500, and the wife of Robert, if any, 
approximately $10,000 en her wedding day. it le much more reason- 
able te aseume that the temtatrix intended to give the sane amount 
te each of her daughtera-in-law as a teken of her affection. 

Defendant's argument reate largely on the uee of the tarn 
"trust fund® in the pavegragh of the will under consideration, and 
it is said that these words imply not enly the $8600 principal tut 
the accumulated income thereon, By the will the executora and 
trustees were given "the eum of ten thousand dollars in trust fer 
the following purpesesa.* On the marriage of either ofher two sons, 
then unmarried, the trustees were directed te pay “te his wife one. 
half of said trust fund and the balance to the wife ef the other 
son when he shall have married.* The worde "trust fund" refer to 
the specified fund of $10,000. Even without these words the trustee 
eould only Hold this eum in trust and the sus would be a truet fund. 

The argument te support defendant's contention seems to rest upon 


Peedia to e&ie ,waneedk to? ALiw ede at wehetvoun @gh 6. 606 
| rawaitet ae at ana Likvok 
| wie soneeld ,todagueh ya a6} acttestte Ye andod o ee 


haavwodt ovkt Te swe eds Osi od S¥eouped han wvig T the 
teoy ono tert of otieyan bax oub oF of came ocd wtalied - fad 

son th ban ,bhoq ySiwelanvaps od aod? mao 4) th stand ym te 

od ifaw ode paws bhee yay of aors Bte¢uernt YE aot snoten wees ° 

ne al #2 itgos eteab gad? moth noateds toatetal of eataee 
* ed Lean d see 

ihe bei aefinstd baa fradeH th sastt nol squuneag chac'S wok the 
(mined Re dawe seu han ao” teouged olds sats (ord ta dodwnen tome 
| th S8h0D Amps coneo.Li bth. ne, 000RG henge ved Sm sae) 
§ pt dsl bebeps mt Kitsadaet od ted waoqqum af aidevteomsodt ° - 
paotek ysirwet dhuww of me TOptad « eviooet biwore ohiw oun ae , 
fawowe ae ovienet Siew teak deberen ow moe ald Yo otbw add. past 
#2 jhovtepos bad wainsi-nasgdgueh westo ood To text to madd weyRAd 
{ie faert of xittadaes 87 Yo wokteedud smabive, ond of ques aos ab 
nad , OOD avdooes i hveds oléw et fxed£a fas? eshte. awhile ww 
«tee Is , Sede Te otte ace ban ,OoaTé vss aulxwregs ae Peete to oth 
teres Grom sone eh Ll .aeb palbbew tec me: 000,010 yotantzeiees a 
sumone onas act ovig ot Bebastut mbxtedued edt: dadt samen oh Side 5 ; 
sHottee tts seal Ro wiieh w mihanprennr iment | 
win? ode “te was ont ne ylegeed adqet ernand a! fumdee'tes ky 
bam wottanshianos wWhav iLie oxtt Te haergernn: ett ab: ‘init awed? 
fed fagtomiug 00006 emt ylao fon ehowh wbnow oeadd sort thaw ob Ob) 
ban sxotuomne ont (iw aie gf sagoredld amonad bate tmenon odd | 
eet sews? at wxetton bunewesis and To ar Oca” novky ex0W mvoteund 
| {8g Rt Testo T9Hd te te sgedetew male om * aevcerug yaiwotto’ aft 
ong athe ots 08° woe os pedow<ld exaw eoadnurt ont .belxnemem sesh 
“radio add tp otkw of? 6) oneted ont dan halt downs ble Re Ried» 
| Of Teter “hawt fused? abreW ST "bo dumm eed Linde Lladinaell 
 eoteime edt: abrow edt ftodsiw mere 000,014 Ke hawt bel tteoge’ ost 
shat gaat a 0 bivow moe std hie Sound ok nam whale bios « ne » Bios 

ee ey ee eee ee Pee er 


See S.C Eg Ne ee 

the fallacious assumption that merely because the words “truet 
fund" are used, that scecumulated income is ineluded, We deo not 
understand that these words give a larger meaning to the sum of 
money, $10,000, bequeathed, 

The provision of the will in question contains no words 
touching any secumulations of income, The sole bequest ia the aun 
ef $16,000, We find, hewever, in paragraph “e", bequeatiing te 
the daughter-in-low Bleanor, $5000, a syecifie direction for the 
payment of interest, provided she should not receive the bequest 
until after one year from the date of testatrix's death, when 
she would be entitled te interest. Paragraph "f£" contains no 
language touching interest. 

Ancther consideration is, taat the will contains various 
provisions fer the expenditure by the «xecaters and trustees of 
the income from the estate, Like maintaining a home for her sons, 
paying a housekeeper's salary, “materiale, provieions and ether 
things;"* also texes and insurance, flenes the testetria epesifi- 
eally provided (par. 12) that if o§ any tine the income should be 
insufficient for these purposes then the exeeuters and trustees 
“may uee so much of the principal sum as may be neaded therefor.* 
Clearly, these provisions contesplate that the trustees sheuld 
“ peasive the entire income fron any and ali ef the truste crested 
by the will. 

The bequests under consideration are contingent beth as te 
the time and the event upen whieh they shall take effect, ond as 
to the identity of the benefictaries, There is abundant autherity 
holding that in such a case the intermediate income ig not « part 
of the gift but belongs te the residuary estate. Sandford y, Blake, 
45 Hi. J, Bq. 247, involved the question whether the income from one- 
half of the amount bequeathed which accrued frew the death of the 
last surviving brother and until the death of the testater’s eleter 

faust” abver edt consoed qiexem fads aphsqurace auoinstiat ond 

fou ob o® .behwionk al susont dota Lvmweos tous bone oma "1 “haut 
POR ge 

to mue of? of gal anou wiyead s “Te panes ance dat saagerobaw 
| sbeataanped , ,000, 088 a rs 
ebnon om seingane Mpbaamep ou iikw ona Ye metatwong oat ae ae 
som h 
mann et oh teowmped elon ent .emoonh ascot te Fiano hod n } 
ot pale jasuond ,*e" dratgrtag ak etovored batt ov 00,988, i 
ox wot aattoorth ofthoogs a 00086 ytonay fi ma Lmao deguad Tplnl 
5 FS Ra RAN 
tanxped ‘ae avivoes don bhwods one boptvera sdeemtat, we 

va RES pera 
const itesh atxistagan’ te otab ond wor tary © et de } 
#5 oy SOU RA ied! 

au anise aes aad Keaege va suaxetiat ot besehsce od: = 
Pee ebay. 262 a ae 

- teresa! “gatioue? 

auoixey aatednes itiw wee bast me nel tawebkenoe eottons 

Sis RR a ae 

” ‘$e eeetems ban ex seveexe ons ve erat hbaexe ous we heivetq 
Ree. ee My 4 (ie Nae i 

tite oer <0? amet patata¢aten esbs sstadan ost aunt 

read e bia anotatverd ,aLeizedan" reson “ 
” obthdege zhitsdeed sts oonnk Ponarwnnk han aomad, 

‘ed biwoce omonah ead emis ee On 1 fact (ss eng) oo hd 
aeoseutd baw exodnonce eid wma eosegtug otons Paints fans | 

® aoteneds bobeon od yen on masse toatoalee ons %* ss oe oow cee 
bisoria esesuwat oct tus ‘oto Lqnessesaaotetwoea suet me 

hogsans ateund oxi hi ha bse we sore moat echt oud ovte Oe 
Reh & aay — 

a en séod tamyats m0» ote moltaxebianos wba aveouped ot = ‘i 
. oe HH 

| or ‘bom toe Tee asad Linda ena so dein nega sa0ve ene ba 
" ehixatbwe $nabsude a2 aves 90 txatol Yonnd owe ve ita itanbk oilt 09 
; frag a #00 as savas oteiboanesat one seus * sous wt sade x thd 

548k per 2) 

OEE ee 

plete ov brokthues saiesee view inet oat ot agaoind fd r 
somo , ot oawo ad vila weusoute aois2eu oul deviovat 108 

ATE eS ay ae 4 

“eile ve ined ons “ae beutove dio hee beddanupas raven y 

“antate *soseaaod out bid asaed one £2400 baw xediont wat he : 

: oer 



should occur, belonged to her aa residuary legatee, or to her ehild- 
ren, whe had become entitled te the corpus of the fund in default of 
appointment under her laet will, It wae held that the income pasned 
under the residuary elause of the will, the court saying that as 

the inaome was given to the tostator's two brothers and the survivor 

te be 

eof them during Life, and the prinecipal/paid te the children upon the 
death ef the sister, “there being wo directions for the aceumal ation 
of income to inerense the corpus of the fund, the income accruing 
between the death of the surviving Life-tenant ond the death of 
Bleanor {the sinter) ia undiapesed of and falls inte the residue." 

Jarman on Wills (Sth ed.) Yol. 1, p. 756, says: 

"A residuary gift of personal estate garries not only every- 
thing not im terme digpened of, but everything that is the event 
turns out te be not well disposed of, A presuaption srises for the 
residuary legates against every one except the particulet legatee; 
for a testator ie euppened to give his personality away frem the 
former only for the sake of the latter, it has been eaid, thet, to 
take a bequest of the reeidue out of the general rule, very special 
words are required, and secordingly a residuary bequest of property 
‘net specifically given,’ foliowing various speeifie and general 
legacies, will inelude lapsed specific Legacies,* 

B9 bE. ¥. 149, the testater bequeathed 

te his sister the incowe from $2000, and woo her deceane the $2606 
Was bequeathed to “the lawful heire” of the testater's brether; the 
brother survived both the testater ond the gieter, it was held that 
as the lawful heirs of the brother could only ka known at hin death, 
the gift wae therefore contingent, and the interest on the $2000 
accruing between the death of the aister and the death of the brother 
belonged te the residuary legatee. In Harris v. iloyd, 1 Turner & 
Russell (ng. Gh.) S10, where aw aun of money was left in trust for 
the benefit af « ehild or ecniidren of the testater's son, who at the 
time of the teetator's death had ne children, it was held that until 
there should be « child the interest upon the sum should fall tate 
the residue, the court caying that “where there if an interval in 

which the interest is net disposed of expressly by the will, before 

~bibie wed of to ,ondayed taublooe | ae 08 og pegaotod . 088 swede 
; ot Wierd 

to thaw tek et bout add te guage sat ot betetias oncnsd ask — mt 
Aenean eoouul off tac? bied eaw +f Lhe teak ‘tod sebaw savasabocge 

a aai 4 ety 
te fade gabyew reo ode » A hkw et te eauete qioubieet wat 

 teyivram 66) han exesidous ow e todn tens oats o sory enw ouooat ous 
OMe Bou methdite oft oF blag\goqtonta oust bre oud gabruh meus te 

i Roktn omens ans wet analtoosks an ented wrest tose de es ‘te ; 

CRD yino fou sobivas etates mag ag Po 

<, ry 4 

if anita Ny pe 

Btkvtous soowal eas hawt ont Yo auenge ene sovoroak or 

* aes ae bay 

Ye steed a2% has dawueten't £ gabetrene oul? ‘te ‘taeb ous aeons 

o co Os 

*sabiooe one ocak miinh tne to benoge thay a . eeete ony} | somes 
f Deere 

s BERG one @ it tev (<b ae) exuay hess nares on rat 
Oy aaa 

Jae Bo ixt rp Saone As tod 
on? aa? PY oA te how nie 
peataged to Bo {ears oth 

igs ontogad ° erry? = 
ee) Ps <9q wid avig of t so¢odeo? » tot 
wis oe) gem oa eas 3a peas rr 
 hebega wey , oft roretaey Bod ee eee ci fad 

| greg ats rawnpod ytoud ree 

Sars. fs ort eeekiay 
7 re wert fo RAE 

Pollequiad avaveo! ett ee “ ee smasiee cocnbaienh whi tat 

GRE sett eomwnos tov mot bees (OCOR mat ompuat ont aevnde” all 
wit ;wAPerd @ totedast ote 10 “eRded Le twok Oct wt pesganmped wae 
ted? biod wav fl $teen he Om nim connines edd 908 pevivtun weatond — 

tees oie aero ast od Ulme Sdwee tentoud ot to euler fateh oe ae 

QG0R? mAb so rnoveand act how , doe qgoldieon ovo'tede st, eaw atts oat 

| weilh ores nit te eres haa aebete sit Ie stweb wi mnOwESE antorone 

A tweet £ Beeld ot RtTENll mt Jenneyot exiiinthor odlt OF Begotten 
“wet Faure at Piet sow Yonem VO abe w Heit ORE 4 ee) zc ry i 
edt Yn ow non go totedeet eit “ty netbitde ce pitie a 70 Reena ome 

| Atami todd bod enw $2 ,Worhthty ott Shut snob @reanarnby! ite w one 

ote Lint bikede mee ett abew twoneNak welt BEhin 6 Oo kwon ohh 
‘a Swvretal ae of Seilh onece® gaald guihyae a ok te Sa, 


the persons come into existence whe are to take the capital, the 
interest falls inte the residue.” The question iso siated in Kales 
Eatates Future Intereots, (2nd o4.), ». 214, mamely, “What then ies 

te become of the rents and profite er intermediate income prier te 

the time the gift after the death of A (the testator) takes effectt* - 
and says (eec, 208), “If the subject matter of the devine be apecifie 
lands or speecifie personal oreperty, there is an intestacy or the 
residuary dewisee or legatee ie entitied,” citing sases. 

Ye do pot understand that Brown v. Wright, 169 wase, 566, 
eited by defendant, ia contrary to what we have just said. In 
that case it was held that the sen of the testator should receive 
only the income of a specified sum pursuant te direetiona in the 
wili and net income accruing from the balsnee of the estate, Neither 
is Kale vy, Wiliiang, 48 &. J. Bq. S3, im point, for there the testa- 
tor specifically direeted that the interest should follow the legacy. 

Heither are decisions in point where the teetater bequeathed 
in trast a speeified sum fer the benefit of a named persen without 
mentioning the income from this fund. Hanifestly, ander such condi+ 
tiene the testator clearly intended that the income from the be- 
queathed sum should be paid te the legatee,. 

Ve do not give weight to the argument that the purpose of the 
testatrix with reepeet te the bequests in question was te induce the 
sone to marry, and that to put the income in the residuary estate 
Which goes to them tends to defeat the inducement to marry, As we 
have said before, the gift was intendea ae a token of affection te 
the wives of the testatrix's sons, There is foree in the statement 
of counsel fer the complainant that the emall annusl income te each 
son of the $10,000 bequeathed would hardly be en inducement to post~ 
pone marriage. 

There is ne merit in the point that te deprive the wives of 
the necumulated income would produce inequality, Ynis argument is 

ye Po o Pe Lovasouns thous oui? tthe fasntatgnce ot not ee 

en A a ey nae 

“easels wetetes oat % sv apa ond sas anbixwem emooat ot 

 pedtauuped: sotaenes one onsae sakeg | at andiahows one 

eet ‘eoubat ot Raw mntiaeup at asueuped wilt oF tom 

ie frmavgte alav x¢hienponk eumbone bivow ‘ousont Sosa tuawoge 91 


wate , lathowe 988 edad of ots bw woderotme obet tino ‘easereq ody 

seinen wi worerw ef aotdnday sat “ eubhoot ode ata WiteY Hidred ad 

wh apd dade” yylounn 908 sq ((.bo bat) jafewtegat wrndet pagated 

of teltg emoval efalbsnretad te est ¥ord ne ebuel bad Yd ddodd 68 

- “Huot weded (otataos off) Ate Aten ont wwatd Pity éAd eat? ody 
eXtioegn oF salvoh oad te dottan: footie ony tr a (oor tea) syed bad : 

oxy to Yosdeodat ae ab ovedd .ytiwqety Lenvetoy sittosce to adiat 

 wwnen yatldio *,beliivms et eateyer +o oeatvet cash beer 

808 ana B48 tipsy? .y raed tedd bnaverohaw soa on wR O°” 

ak <blen taut overt ov gad op yeurtave wt staesian th ed Bana 
evloos« bivete totatect off 26 nom ony Sant hited dow 9 Bean tend 

(ent ah saotsoeth ot ¢uauexug mus bettors @ Yo wmebnt | 2 

<atoo3 out oxedt xo? oakog wt et ope. .© 9b ae Lihd 
anges ont wel tor biwatie, tugvesat oat sont hetoorts qhteo 

sworts hy aeateg beau a a to tHtoned ox? bi. nue ag 

an eal Ss EN 4 “ 

a2bave sane wabow “eitestiaae baat ands sont omoont, ‘94 antnottonn, ‘ 
od os wort onpo xt out fasta bovaes at phrases vodedaet ut asott,, rf 

-onseand it of blag 94 Divers mum doddanup. 
os te eaoqrmg ext taut isenegia edt ot tigtow evs ton ob, Mas: “a - 

sionn cosas os at wong a Ong of Seat Bae TEN fam, 


| aw 8A conten of meme cert ony dasteh of t Shent Ae ot S99 OE 

i bens me ‘wore? et oxox sano , aratneagees oa oe ne 

adeeq of Pasaeoubal aa od . aadons vival pavecnret 900,048 9 ead e 

" ee SR WE Ye OR, We 

te foo pars setulae os toa baton ‘oat ak oor = al ue we steiner 

based on the provision in the will that Eleaner #. Goit wae te ree 
eeive interest on her bequest, and taerefore, it in said, defend+ 
ant alao should receive interest. Gleaner Coit's legacy waa due 
and paynble to her one year after the death of the teatatrix and 
the will provided that if it was not then paid she sheuld receive 
interest from that date. Ko interest wae to be paid her prier to 
the due date. The gift to defendant was not payable until the 
a4ate ef her marriage and "an paid om that date, 

It ism aleo said that if the testatrix intended the income 
ef the trust fund te go to the residuary legateen ehe would have 
said se in her will, The will sppointe trustees of #11 the trusts 
ereated and directs them how to use the income trerefrom without 
distinguishing between the trusts, Moreover, if the testatrix 
intenéed the inceme of this truet fund to go to the proapective 
dgughtera-in-law, why was it net go previded in the will? We think 
the will was drawn ss 1¢ was having in mind that a gift of » specifie 
legacy to take effect in the future upon a contingenesy waich may 
never happen, doee not carry with it the interscediate interest where 
the will contains a residuary clause, unless the testater otherwise 
specifically provides, 

We have considered thie other pointes contained in the able 
brief by counsel for the defeniant but there ia nothing presented 
which persuades us from the conclusion that the teatatrixn intended 
that her reavective daughterg~ inal aw ehnould reesive $5000 and noe 
more, and that the income from the truat fund in guestion should go 
inte the residuary estate, 

ver the reasone indicated we hold that the decree of the 

ehanceller is proper, and it is affimwed, 

O'Gonmer, ?. J3., and Eatenett, J., concur. 

«et gf? anv digd ,f zone Li tads tity oad wd notetwetg ond =. benad 
chanted ,bten of ab oo twas bite drones aest no sony tak ovtee 
| eh sae youued o) sh@0 tonae LA otantedut evieset btuede onie mn ei 

ban xinsatawd sad te aseoh esi wit toy die wo of Lieven be 
| avieons bdssocie anal aq meets ou oxy et 4 jase bebivora kite nad 
et roing Boa Dheg, of od saw suotogat of tad taut? reat pons. | 

Yan Bae 

md Litas oidayoq tom ane taabas'teb ot rks oat “eta oud 

“eo wbaak 

? _setah tact a0 blag saw haw oyetrian wee. bic som 
encom ont _Popond at xixtedans odd it toad bhaw 90 he sh a 3 
ovad bigow wile seesayes Eteehioos ons of om ot paw teow oad 2 

aa Bxy 

atone! eft Lis to meetoind atatogge ithe ont ‘ hte text ah on 

( Whee Pee 
tuorttw merteredd ouooai ws wes of wort mmsd assests Bs sah osae' 
xitieteod edt ik <terootel oatasns uit wewtod pate , 
svitooqaora odd 03 on 9 Banus't daurs ast tw onount 91 

Fi ne 

et ow FTitiw ana ah bab.verg au ton th naw a 

| ame “gene ent osatheanssat us a atte eetae tou eso vance 
oulwinds xotazess hich one ine sone ‘tanh teen ® eatacane 
| ashivets " 0 4 : 

bods iow . 

whda oe ak bs aie) aoe agutog tadte ‘elt | horwh tenes eved ov ont 

| bod agente qatdton al owes Jud dembawtes od ot ‘fosmmee yd teoled 
 pebandat Rindagasé odd sais “ndldwivues va) BOON We aotauecog eke 
ot bas OHNE Ovigven dineda mei~ntereedgend Ovitonqaet ead tei 
*% BLeoda undid edue ab hawt teas? edt aovk emooat, ott en ouaniale ete 

ont otmt 

uae Me wr bal 

_shemea tts sl st ‘baa | 7 

sCuOMS ve ttoslo ta Sa, ids * staeaant ) 
a a Wayee see 
Hoe Rie - (STOR He # we oe et ? 

b aiyrcn wee be dx Sito * 



ve. : 

a Corporation, 

einai . 279 LiALG2 7° 


Plaintiff brought «a suit in sasumpeit to recover $8037.50, 
the alleged value of 106 shares ef Union Carbide and Carbon Cervera 
tion stock which at one time had been pledged with Aefandant ae COl~ 
lateral to a lean; when the leap wae paid these shares were net ree 
turned te plaintiff; upon trial by a jury the verdiot wan for the 
4efendant and plaintiff apoenle from the Judgsent that ahe take 

The question presented is largely one of fact. Defendant 
admite that at one time it held the shares of stock in question as 
part of the solleteral to « loan made to plaintiff? but saye that 
these shares were turned over to Janes Collins, defendant's cashier 
and viee-president, for his perepnal use, with the consent and under 
the directions of the plointiff, and pledged by Collins with the 
Continental Illinois Bank and Srust vompany on ite lean te him and 
#014 by that bank. 

Did pleintisf eonsent thet Collins could use the shares of 
steck for his own private and personal useB#? It would teo mach 
lengthen thia opinion to narrate ajl the details touching the trans- 
aotion. Plaintiff was a prefessional nurse but was aleo mn active 
dealer in stocks; most of her banking transactions were with the de- 
fendant bank; she purchased stecke on the advice of friends and 
seens te have been well powted as to values; she wae the omer of 
quite a list of well kmewn stocks, 

ster ve) modteS tan ehiduad agial’ te actedie GOL te outa | 
hog mar Fombes bow so ee Seaeniie taeda tinker ok amnndaas aia 

 hemben et ton he eto elegran ied” hesnoaety MeL ikeep wn SAO ae 

x eke LPO ale. ye aerre. 

0 dicing tee fe 
ye wy Riper Mi if ha 

samen it ad 

sai oe. gale ; 

“raven oer 40 woINE to axe quanvA vaexuseu | UTAUT F SS ein 

, C8. PRO8E wHvenet oF Siequraes af slam & dtigword Vehtate sd 

01 fom STOW Estate Soest Bing sor nook enY abst pane e Of cereal 
Od tot saw soddrer odd td qo Taeet nodes PebeRety be Re 
ested esis geri iepnancheanaphipapewbeesgpsle sees 8 

ae OE eee Me Bidet paket on 

ae molsaonp ab svete To esas oe) bios ot oaks aan to tact abheiie 

fast eyat dud VUisaalg of Shae Gaot 9 of Leteshtion sear snarl 
<etdune et rmobay toh ,ealiiod seat ef tere hontae” 

eben ban Iaeaaoo of? ASiw ,oen fencateq ela cons dannseotibuande pea? 

ei? agiv aatitoG ed begbete ban ,Viuetaiate odd "tO anetsoeth bead 
baw abot seot a¢f ao Hepes mt tent?! mvaliorand 

Oe hs Mase | BES % 

te anase outa Siw y bide ast ten taut toners, Yiubsahetg yeni Actas 
dome oot hivew #2 tGenw aueaxen bon atevbty padi Himasetl 

 wenaxt ‘ikd ‘gebdeiand alintas ‘eri? rvhcattor beh uae mpeg = 
y it ; 
eviton mm outs uw suet eantin Ldnoteestons @ anv 2 ijatais saolden 

oh ort Athw eter saolioasaest gatanad ti te dann jedagte nb -mesead | 

bas adasixt Yo sotvhe et ao wdvose beaadotug see ttt 

a = senwo ort aav ode jeewlav of as betuog Linw seed @ _ 

Vetober 1, 1930, she owed defendant $270,000, with 600 shares 
ef Union Carbide and Carben Corporation stock pledged as collateral 
security; most of her dealings at the bank were with Collins, a 
neighbor whem she had known for abeut thirty years; s¢ had been em- 
ployed by defendant bank since 1902 and in 1950 had acquired 65 
@hares of defendant bank stock. At thie time he wae indebted to 
Sophie Pokman on hie note for $15,000, and she held some of Collins’ 
bank stock as collateral; in Sovember, 1950, &re. Bekman delivered 
thie nete with the collateral te Guy Selaon, an aseiotant cashier ef 
defendant's bank, for the purpose of colieecting it from Collins. Gel- 
lines knew one of the vice-prasidents of the Continental [llinois 
Bank and Trust Company and wrete to him, seking the Continental bank 
to lend him $143,060 for the purpose of refinancing his obligation to 
Mire. Bokmen; he offered ta deposit ae collateral these shares of stock 
of the defendant bunk, and also said he would “probably be able te 
ad@ 106 shares Union Carbide and Carton Coryoration;* te tais the 
Continentsl bank replied, on November 17, 1930, that they would be 
gised te make the lease of $14,000, secured by the shares ef stock of 
the defendant bank and 100 shares of Union Garbide stock, 

Setober 1, 19436, plaintiff bad renewed her loan with defend- 
ant bank; she made a note for $19,860 and listed 660 chares of Union 
Carbide stock a6 sequrity; at the sane time defondant made out what 
is called a gollateral register card, which is used to keep a record 
of custowers' coliateral; this card alse listed 600 shares of Unien 
Carbide ctoek in the name Sg plaintifr, 

Decexber i, 1930, /phaintirr testified, whe had a convere 
sation with Geolline, As Collins wae dead at the date of the trial, 
Plaintify in the enly living witness to thie conversation. She says 
Céiline acked ner “if he could use 100 shares of cy Union Carbide 
for a short time;* she replied that she didn't like ts de it as she 
used the Uniden Carbide stook for collateral on her own loan; that 

whe Wh or 

eetads O08 cttw ,006,088 snabanteh howe oda ,OCOL ,f wdotoo : 
fatetallee as heybe fq doots Reliategies aedtad tan abldasd sein t 
& ,@ekifod Atiw erew ded of? ta egal iooh ted ‘te foam pyeieupes 

one need hat eo poumeg giakad suede x0 eer bart zie rgrtr tes yy 
a8 bextupes bud OFGL at baa CO0L eouta toad drabie ted ud hogote 

of Bofdobat saw of amid etdd 3A .doete deed saadne'teb to sotade 
*‘gaiifed te sue bied ofa Boe ,000, 456 x0? ogon ald a mmo, ettiqo® 
Awteviteh aexie® .erk ,O8 OL ,redmevell mi jdavedetios aa oote hand 
6 Yeiseces Htedaleas a0 , mon fe yO of Lerséetiew odd AOlw eoom aldt 
=o .estifed nowt of galtoulics Io savqray exe vet sau wteanbasteb 
 etoatttt Gagne nttad? off to Wow Steerysealy sey Yo Oneowemt watt 
Hited LetGALscod wos Yates abs OF OoTe baw yRequOD eur Kane 
o2 Wotddghite aid galsnund tet 26 seoqniy eat tot 000/020 ube bed 
Soota a eetata seen? Lwwndetion ee Jlaeqeh of beteTto of paso) late 
e¢ olde of qidadoxy* bisow od fine oats baa ,dmed Sandaeto Sait tee 
$42 tay of “{nolsetoqted asdtad bio ORiGtAD OLA totale GOL Bha 
‘ed htuow vert tot? ,O8OL TL wdomvell ao Bwhtqed dad Ledneaioaed 
te deeds Yo eeveda oot gf hetiesa (600,016 te Geek One odd er Rely 
"Moods entixed dotal Yo sexete COL bus Sake deaber ED wME 
“Lbneteh Adie abot ted bowonet bok Vikiatete [oser /e eededed! 6 hr 
aota’ to aevens GOD heredl Ane 606, 0L0 aot ston a ea Gea” senate 
Qiuw two oboe foabas'tab med sawe ace do Hotlemes 6 doote” 
broens # qeox of tesa a Modde ,fxee totetyer evedalies » bettae° at 
aetnt ‘to aecene 09d Rotek oute bias stad ptetedalfeo ‘etemetam to 
| Petia tq Ye sued eink abode ebteasD | 

 -evhes a hot ota (belt heeer Tiitatese Oren «i todaeeed oo 

| staid aie Ye stab. ot ta tooth oow Waki TOO eA © Gah kiod Moke mobtos 
‘pies emt .aehisotevned whit oF adent iw gabvde qhaw ene at ol ‘Yrbeatete 
shierd nel ni yo ‘to senene GOL oom *fwoe —— 
dh! gE oll 0 WEE BHR te” ait ean Oitd © "300 a 

ee ee soot aatened ata ys ar 

€pllins then eald, “The bank takes care of me and they steed baek of 
me, I had nothing to fear whatsoever about my atock.” Apparentiy 
Plaintiff assented to this request and Collins wrote out a reeeipt 
for this stock, signing bia own name. It recites that he hae re- 
eeived from plaintiff 106 shares Union Carbide stock “with power te 
hype stock power - to be returned to her on ten days' notice.” This 
receipt was given to plaintiff and has been in her possesrion since 
then. At the same time the collateral regicter card Listing plain- 
tiff's certificates of stock in the Union Carbide ond Gorbon Cor- 
poration, pledged as collateral to ber loan from the bark, shows 
that plaintiff signed on the same day a withdrawal receipt for 160 
eharee of Union Carbide steok, Pisintiff adwite ehe signed thie, 

Gn the same day nlaintiff aise signed » paper ecalied "Grner's con- 
sont," which fo a printed fore addresred in conepicuous type to 
*Centinental Tilineie Bank omd Trust Gompany ef Chicage;" it au- 
therized James Collins to hypothecate, pledge and deliver the seeuri~ 
ties deseribed, belonging to the undersigned, (the plaintiff) and 
agread thet when so hypothecated such coliateral shall be held te 
eeoure any indebtedness owing by the debtor (Collins) to the Centi- 
mental bank, and that said aveurlties shell be subject te dianosition 
in secordance with the terme and conditions of the instruments evi-+ 
aeneing such indebtedness. The eoliatersl security written in 4ee« 
eribes the certificate for 100 shares of the Union Carbide Corgorae 
tion. Pisintiff admitted ehe signed this consent. 

Phile on the stand pialatiff, admitting that she signed both 
the withdraval reeeipt on the collateral regietar gard and the owner's 
eonsent authorizing Celiins to hypothecate her Onion Carbide atock, 
attempted te throw some doubt as te the time when she signed these 
papers, and tastified she 4idn't see the printed nesdkng on the 
owner's consent paper, addressed te the Continental bank. However, 

the jury wae fully justified in believing that she signed these 

Ie aeed hoote yoss bas oa te eran eedeg Aned oft” ,hhaw ined? entired 
( Uhtamwend “.koote qm tuodm yeveon tary: see? of gabdtom had EZ em 
tqisest & two efeae aml lied bam teonpen aide of Kesmeese Ythtnkedg 
9% aed of fats aptions £h .auac wre shel palaghe yapeda whtd se? 
ot teweg Adie” doote ShidueS solal sere OOL Tikentale mort hovkse 
aie? “,soiton 'aysh aa? ao ted of hewtuies od of ~ sewed toote agus 
sante aotseenacy 198 al oped das hae Viiealedy of aeyly eow Jqteoen 
-atety guiteit buco teselget Leresetion en? eat? ome oft $d \ ated 
_ 200 apdae® baw ebidiad aeial edt st apeta to seteolt heres a tthe 
ited odd wort noel tad of, Lexptedies, se boybele ,mobtay 
eos rene Sqlocet, Lewetbativ 2. yab omee ods. no bomte Taktainty fait 
_ «ths? beagle sia stinde Witales®  loote obhdaed model Ye wewe 
ase ef tearO" beiles togeq @ bongie outa Tiitaiote qed aneo’ 
ef eee? swowoleraes at hersethhe axe? Sodatre.o of detew®, yen 
«te £2 “yopeedd® to ynequed? seutT dae dant ehoat££d fatnonteacd® 
chrsges ef tevlish Sas opdele ,stavadtoy! of snkifed dons. soabrekt 
paw (Tidatele ont) ~heayturehau ed? of gabyaoded: sbacieoeeh gent 
et Ried od Linde Seuetetion Mowe beteoadtoqyd 98 apaw test 
nténeo oat od (naked) retved ons yt gatwo weambedtebad ve osenan 
aeitheogsin ef Jontdve of Lada aotrinwena blee seed te aed 
sive sfuemateal esi? Yo ameizibacn han ware? edt Khe souebernen ah 
00d at nedelxs ysixunes Levedeiion eat <aunnbettesal dove galoaeh 
 matagre? abldiw sola’ of To aguade O94 tet etaok ities of? aediee 
tnennes ahst boagte ode perstuns VUtaies’ mobs 
Ate beagle ode fattt guisetabs ,Thealede brave ee es, eee 
Torve acid bra bree antelyex Lanatatios ant a0. dndoae Lovanbiate ads 
% stoods abldieS aglad wa eonvonsony of entized gatztroiitum tmsenee | 
“pend bomple one race octke acid a ew Sdmoh wman mont of Betquedttn: 
ost ae gadhassd hegaixg et ope at ahhh ode: beurigand ban yaxous r 
- grerae ined Levnente aed on? of bannnnhbs avant daimnaoe a! <oame 
ix ‘paodt, Domta, ota tad? gakvesind ab pertasent yi ae et, tte 

ae ae Ss —S 
aE Vis oe ee 



papera on the date they bear, that she was fully conversant with the 
iugiiah language, and knew their contents, 

Un this same date, December 1, l¥Su, the stock certificate 
in question, pursuant to the consent of pluintiff,was delivered by 
defendant bank te Collins, 

Ynen Poliowed a number of bookkeeping transactions whieh it 
is unnecessary to note in deteail. They resulted in the Continental 
bank receiving Collins' note Yor (14,000, tegetner with the coliste 
eral which included the 100 shares ef Union Carbide steek Collins 
nad obtained with the sonsent of nleintiff, and the payment. on the 
other hand, of Cellins' nete payable te Are, Sexman. Reepective 
counsel have set forth these etepa quite fully, end from them pnlain- 
tiff attempts to suppert her claim that defendant bank profited by 
the transaction. The evidence does net justify this clain, 

Sellina’ objective wae to secure funds to meet his nete held 
by Ere. Bokman, For this purpose he seoured » loan from the Centie 
nental bank, borrowing from plaintiff her eertificate of inten Care 
bide steck te be used as collateral on hie note te the Continental 
bank, which made the loam which paid kre. Hokman. The jury could 
Properiy conclude that this entire transaction was private and 
personal between plaintiff, Coliins, the Centinertal bank and ire, 
Boeken and thet defendant bank ¢1id not prefit from it. 

Jamary 2, 1931, plaintiff arranged with an aeeistent eeshier, 
Eriewits, to renew her loan with defendant bank; Kriewite wrote out « 
new note, specifying only 800 shares of Uminn Carbide ateck as col- 
lateral, instead ef 600; Eriewite testified that plaintiff looked 
it over and signed it without saying anything about 106 ahares 
being miveing. Plaintiff never inquired of anyone about her Unicon 
Carbide stock until Celiins' death, which occurred Maren 16, 19212. 
She testified she was satisfied to bold his reesipt fer her stock, 

& day or two after Collins’ death she showed hie reesipt to 
Guy Jeleon, a vieesprenident of defendant, end asked how she eould 

ont Ha lw taumcavaos _tiwt wew eda dase stand vend, fab 4. oo @ * 
snd mod ao9 Tlexd woud bap epee ee, 

egaattitxes aoote ons 8b OL of tetuowod wah el edhe a 


ww bwveviier Bow, Ls aim dg te Ine anes was o@ SoauRawG, podvanie ak 

) teh dle ot anand tna toh 

2 otan enpennsant beaten te. POKER , ROWOL LOR OME, oo ioipie 
fatapaksaes ee at betivagx yor? ohh oo ab efen of uxmag c tak 
“tlio oad tw toxir god ,O00,£46 20% e8om 'entsied patvionen: aad 
sal{lod ooze ebidred acta te setae GOL ode bobutoat a 
ort ao ,topmyeq odd hae ,tealalg to sapedon ony age fo had 
svizooqest .nnwdot wid Of oidayag otem 'ambited ‘te sta moat 
othalg madd mort bas ,yliwi etiup aqoda seed? Mut gow pyre, PoPRIe, 
YM hotitorg dned sacha ed Jade whale rod suoggwe of _atumrte Fae = 

8 hel 

’ wabe ts ates yttdent, pes ne ob SOnOb2 vO. et smobsosonans one 
| Bias oten, bat seam ot abawt ou9s8 ea sow ais deimess 

é. a Fe ye 

fatgents ned oat ot ogo abe ae SaxsdeLton ae ‘boow a at op a 

_ bhaee yout oat - ehewet oth eee blag st bate, aso ind obam ‘ v it 
bie, oteyizg pew aoltoonaer? athton oka denlt sdutunog Umer, 
one bite Xaed iationiyaod en? eA Lod ,Titaele apewted MEE, 
att wee’ skiorg fom bib dane ale an ‘teh pad? bas, camo, 
atsnoe | tunte 208s te dghw begostts Wittakede ,£68L ,R yxeunal 
# two stouw ative tek juiod sowbop teh dike aeok apg wanes of ,adiwetea 
i wiee ga voote ehidted xeded do amare Cie 5Ane., ii tees rem won 

ery oh ote boreupee Ho Lae titood, tank 00 As bon i Anode 
eB \. ogra wot 10" agioonn ode hion ot po ttattee a 7,2, be me “ a q 
‘ Hatooor aks hewerde wsin sited Merger act yeete ow bad eA, iia 
hha suta wast durlew han ,¢muhan teh te fampteetqnsoty «sion 

get her certificate for the 100 shares of Union Carbide stock, ana 
was told he had no knowledge of It but would speak te kre, Collinge 
concerning it; then followed interviews with Mra, Colline in which 
Heleon ascertained the facts. re. Coliine indiented a willingness 
te do everything poseible te gave plaintiff's steck, but she herself 
was without sufficient funds for thie purrese, At one time Kelaon 
sueceeded in a plan whereby Mra. Collinge, out of her insurance money, 
could pay off a loan which would release certain shares of stoek held 
as collateral, provided the Continental bank would accept eaid ahares 
as additional seeurity te Collins’ nete. The evidenee shows that 
although the Continental bank at one time agreed to this thoy 414 not 
ge through with 1%, Plaintiff had interviews with Urs. Gelling in an 
attempt to arrive at some arrangesent whereby plaintirt could reeaver 
her sharee of Union Carbide «tock, 

fauly 15, 1931, the Continentel bank eold the 100 shares ef 
Union Carbide steck for $504) and eredited Collina' nete with thin, 
Defendant bank did net receive any ef the procesda of this sale. 

Tn the meantime plaintiff continued te transact businers with 
@efendant bank; she testified 1t was net until after the Centinental 
bank hed e014 the Union Carbide stock that she Tiret had the idea 
that she would try te holé defendant bank for thie etock. 

The ease want to the jury in two counts, which are in ase 
sumpsit, the first of these alleging that the certificate was de- 
livered to Coliins by defendant without any authority therefer given 
by plaintiff; the other count charges violation of a pledge by de- 
fendant te return the stock when plaintiff's nete wae paid. ‘he jury 
properly found that the wertificate of stock was delivered by defend- 
ant to Collins with the convent and permission of plaintiff. Ploine 
tiff therefore failed te prove any breach of contract by defendant, 
for 1f the certificate wae delivered to Celiins with the content of 
Plaintiff, there could be no breach of contract by defendant. 

hos ~duote ebides) aetal To setae 06L ent got steal tissem tee toy q 
asiife? .2t of dasqe binow dud. 32 Le eyhetoen op ped ed bioe eae 
itotuw af anktiod .exa Athy seatvestnd Bewetiod moat 562 galaxeonen 
sworatiiiw « begeolboal sak ied .2om .edoct oat Demtetzeosa menten 
‘tinaved ode tud ,fuote a' Titdatalq eves at oLiteseg qakstyneve ob ed a 
noeteS emt? emo $8 saeqtuq ebkt coh abas't fretel ue sredtiv sow 
Qyonm aooatweRt THA To deo ,outtled. oxi yenode ante o mb tokeenowe 
Mart deete to eerste alatres sane ler bivow daltw ane #220 yeq hime | 
aotate hier tysces tivew daad Intaenivaed eas tetiverq ,leteteliokae 
- fet ewes spoetive off oben enti lfLed ot @itveon Leomolsihha ae 7 
doa hhh yard: ebdt.of beotyacomt? one ¢m;sined ingavaitsed ety éauontse 
me mk amkifod sera dite aweiwietmd bel Vaal yah se kestgn 
seveset bivor Tiktakelc qWeusde JnsmegaeTin emo ta orien of ommtta 
koots ehidrad mola. Ye sotnde ok 
Re worade OOL 943 blos aned Ladment tae) ont hil Oh gen 
as dtiw ston tant lied begthone bas L608q to} soote ankd 

$y tee 

eee ce Be a 

lee kt he ebeeweta oxtt to yor ey boot an-bs dant tenheated ; 
sip bo eagatasd doosoet? of baamtsans Yidtitale emidanse ost aloe whit: 
 Keduosks ao ous w9S%e than ton sow 3h bel tivees eel phat SRmbeARR 

sok ect fad gowlt axe tute snote ebidre® apkal alt) dion het alot 4 

dnote white Tet otaad femtentinh, biker edo yuh dame pnp 

age ak ote doko .ednaine ewk ai gash wilt et teow winae wAMy, ols 

Oh aaW odnot Liars ote derit gtigetin onosd th sarak> ade) Ateqmun a 
“meet rotermit YPitontwe: yu duedte be doe bem tebe ah kL o) hewawks 
eed gf eyhodg w 2p naktetoty neguaty tang were om ces 
Pel OAT Oleg RAW adem aN TTASadeke aode Konda ett mmutem ef, Samba’ 

abaw'tew vd Sevovi ink sew aoete to ooneltiewen ety fevld beset’ al one 

atho£® .Viitaiedg to soles lersq dame onmemoy: mals kw anit « ee 

 btebos teh yd soantsoe to sonore yor every eb bodin® weeds: BRET 

“Ae daaemee stid do2W ant shop od dexevEsed ame wus Hebe won wild xe 
(9 thingie raat ee Re Monet ou od binvo wurde ,Yemlese 
. » teorlowtiqwon ke a 0 £08 

Plaintiff's brief earnestly argues that the defendant was 
gailty of fraud or misrepresentation. He allegations to this effect 
were in the counte upon whieh the ense was tried, Therefore, no 
evidence was admissible tending te show fraud where no fraud ie 
plended. Second Nat'l, Bank of Hedoit v, Woodruff, 113 10). App. 6. 
Roreover there was ne evidence of any fraud or misrepresentation by 

Ve camnot attenpt to note all that ie said in plaintiff's 
brief concerning the tranenetion between plaintiff ané@ Collinge, Ker 
own teatimony that Collins requested the shares of stowk for hie own 
use for a short time, corroborated by documents woich viaintirr 
gigneda at the same time, fully fustified the jury in finding for the 

Plaintiff complains at congiderable length of the action of 
the trial court with reference te rulinge om inatruetions. We ean 
nete theee only briefly. | 

Plaintiff's refused inetruction Ko. 1 1a long and complex; 
it improperly refers te representations aade by Collins te slinintiff 
as being chargeable te the defendant bank; it daproperly ageumes thet 
the bank had the benefit of the transactions tetween Colling and 
plaintiff; it aleo refere te Celline' intorest as hostile to the 
bank, The court properly revused it. 

Plaintiff's refused instruction Uo. 2 is ales objectionable 
for similar reasons; it 4a merely an abstract proposition of Lav, 
and ite refusal was net errer. 

Plaintiff's refused instruction ku. 4 ia mislesding as 
telling the jury that if Gellins, in dealing with plaintiff, had 
apparent authority to conduct the transaction with her, and that if 
plaintiff relied upon sueh apparent authority, thet defendant bank | 
may be held liable. Gbviously Collins sad authority te conduet a 
peracnal transaction on his own account with plaintiff, The instruc- 

(the Fewdae Wh x6 Jade sete ULoeontes Weed eMYEbRARRT oh 1% 
gee itt of anektego lie of .mottataseenqetela to baiett To yell, 
(om joretersd? kext anw sane ode detdw nequ edmuda ost at wesw 
gf baer? on otacw pawt't wore of yalband sidtenlube aaw eonihive 
ye gga hE BLS Set hogy to dna £0 oui Dasosd shobavite 
yt aghiatuosenge tain to huwtt yom te eniuntve' oo Rae ores tevOmTel 
Ee ERR NERY ae wie bite bite "heb 
) @U¥ittabete a2 Sine at tarde Lin eden oF Sqewsee Voumig ARO OIG 
‘ga peat Lied bow Piltatety doewted aottomaetd off gaiaewaed Yok 
meg WEA TST Angee Lo nevedte Hd bateoupse amt Lted duit “OMEeee swe 
 Wubtebade dofew @taemment yf beteteddrrds lente tredn 4 WOR eee 
ed) tet yabhar? atogeut end whit banal <td at OI 
eine | pavers oe St ee Oe em eaatstette 
Yo aoltos edd Io dtgaed sidatobledes te eiketymds Yieanart’” aie 
tag OY .anottenitend ae oan of content ot tase tates. ont 
jaetqios dao yuck 6 £ .ck ao ttovatant heater erendetn gt ies 
Wetatoke of eal theo ed bam enolsstasasuqer od eestor ban ; 
fant asuuean yixoqovemd 32 jlaed Ganbite tab wat ot sttungenss yet a 4 
‘hae ani iiod asevied anoitoaenstt edt To stoned wnt Baal ‘ah : 
ed? of eLideed oe feoxeted teakited of etter onceaeoy bean, 
ot Deaw tow yoregorTG otweo oa? stad 
aldsnetivetdo cola of & .o% eo lvourtveat Hoa iod evenisatary soos 
feicradies Mel? luogetg Jomtieds nw eLeter wh Fh pian witate sot 
ii’ fa gathatiote #2 bow erento Sores aaa 

tb tact haw (108 thw notsednaend ‘ot sous pogo ks 
Bad tambasteh sextt eg Ceitadeer romnenen: tte Kewrw 

nen ont  Titaale tthy sewcese wwe ahd ae noltom 

tion lacks precision and was properly refused, City of Chicago x. 
Button, 136 Til. App. 221. 

It was proper to refuse piaintiff's ineatruction Ho. 6, which 
tended te throw doubt upen the extoution by pisintiff of her sige 
nature on the withdrawal celiateral register, There wae nothing in 
the evidence to cast any doubt upon the genuineness of plaintiff's 
signature, Ghe pserself’ so testified, 

Among the objections to pisintiff's refuced inetruction 
Seo. 7 is that it repeats the assuaption that Coliine' interests 
were adverse or “oetile to the defendant. There was ne bacis 
fer this, We have noted only a few of the objectionable features 
whien justified the trial court in refusing these instructions 
tendered by plaintifr, 

it wae not errer te give Sefendant's instruction lc. 10, 
which teld the jury that to ¢o away with the force of the written 
reseipt of plaintiff fer the withdrawal of the stock cartificate, 
"the testineny should be eonvinsing, and the burden ef proof reste 
upon the party attecpting the explanation.” The rule to this effeet 

is stated in Vinshester vy. Grosvenor, 44 111, 426. Gee alwo Rogene 
muegiier v. Lampe, 89 Lil. 212. In Vigu: wmnen, 124 tii, 334, 

it was held error te refuse an instruction substantially in the same 

language, Plaintiff makes a number of eriticiams sgainst thie in-« 
etruetion which have no merit, The instruction does not direet a 
verdict, If it gingles out one document thue giving it undue 
enuphasie, plaintiff's given inetractione kos. 2 and 3 4id the same 
thing. The instruction 414 not tell the jury that the stock was 
delivered to plaintiff on a certain day; It merely said that the 
receipt was evidence of the fact therein recited and that the tea 
timony to evereome ite force must be convincing. The inetruection 
is not properly subjeet to the eriticiems made and the esurt 

properly gave it. 

2 anole? te ytED J hees'tor re hon oes toorg Giant mots 
ea at Bs hei ar Ee" ae ORE | aa 
dolew .o .o molyewrdenk o tthe ebel¢ sad ter oF SeQerd waw YT 9 Orme 
| -gia ts te Vtivalel¢ yd aoidveexns off seqd fdeoh Goud? oF HobnOd 
af galdton aew oxont  teratges faxetaiice feweukashy est mo . otnten 
e'Ytitatele Yo seensaiuney srlf mogit duo ve teey of Gomedive eae 
oho ttisned om Disered owe ee 

solteuttont berdtet oTtt¢alecg of steliootds ext gaat af 
asantotal temhiied tad? aoliqaweds enlt atungex OP gadt ab Flee 
etusd oa gow ered? .Sanebem tos onl! oo aalied Yo wersvhe exee 
asiudaet efdoxctioatdo oat 19 wet a Ufad heten wad ew yekah Yer 
anoltecrtest aeeid walestee at tawes fade? ety nerthtiwt dette 

sTehratate sseeved . 

{Of .84 moiteuttont of é¢aabao'tes gvly so tenes dom daw at 
peed tuw sat To o¢to't ery aviv tote Ob OF dele Yat we Dhed “Mobdw 
“Stnoktitses doote edt Ye Lamerbathw odd ae THakéte tw detonen 
(gieer Yoore to asbted oat nae (pakoatvaos” a basis eater ite 
toate gto? 6d 6Lot ed? *.mottaantaes 58d yaks ghee de yetee eae 
ged ot bate out .8@h ert ee benandadied 
eee .£t2 8rt doe * 848° TO" wie ey 
 omse bad wk Ettaliaatadun ay si ere 

att @£ad fualone amelottize Yo tedaun w aésten Whabert ae 

gs foatkh Fen weed selsouxsent aol lees ge ovkd HO Rae motioutite 

‘eevhaw 32 pabety awdd trom ob oH sho aotpehe 92 VT | ‘Sol buev 

oma oct bLS & bao & .ooW ameitoursend needy’ e'Yt Liat cy eteasleine 
aw sete eat tout yaw edd Lied dem bb aebvoundead OWT gabe 

OX? toWd Akan Uforea 92 pyAd aleteee a ao ee 
“anode Sond bua hedioex Korat teat Cit Yo vormbive aaw felooe 
aobsouriteat ee Te i ee 

"Sues oot nw win wakhd te ill od deeted piaennpobineg 

Ma toys sD ai 7 
‘ONE - ‘ Fo 5 ups HEE AG HE 

Defendant's inetruction Ho, 11 was proper, It gonolsely set 
forth the issue te be determined by the jury; that is, whether the 
eertificate of steck in question came into the posuecsion of Cpliine 
for his personal use with plaintiff's coneent, and if the jury should 
se find the verdict must be for the derendent, 

Defendant's given instruetion ic. 9 wae the stock inetruction 
to the effect that plaintir’ must prove her case by a preponderance 
of the evidence. 

$o, aleo, defendant's given inetruction So. 6 told the jury 
it hed no right to disregard the teetimeny of an uniuncached wite 
neas for defendant merely because said “itness wae an emoleyee of 
defendant, but such testimony should be tested by the same principles 
as the jury would use in determining the eredibility of any other 

Befendant's given inetraetion Xo. 1 ie aise a etoek inatrue- 
tion, which has been approved mary times, It told the jury that in 
ceoneidering the testimeny of slaintif?r the jury sheuld consider her 
interest in the result of the suit. In 6, & 3, 1, NoB.Uo, v, Bure 
ridge, 211 111. 9, it wae held reversible error to refuse to give a 
similar instruction. See also Ho 
206 Til. 2972. 

Defendant's given instruction No. 13 merely siated the issue 

to be determined by the jury ae to whether plaintiff eonseented to the 

delivery of the certificate of stock to Collins for his personal use, 
Complaint ie made ef the rulings ef the trial sourt with ref. 
erence to testicony, but we find nething in this respect of sufficient 
importance to require a reversal. 
The question to be detersined was simple. ithe evidence wae 
convineing in favor of the defendant. There were no prejudicial 
errors upon the trial. fhe judgment is therefore affirned, 


O'Conner, ?. J,, and Matchett, J., econeur. 

ae ee er rs Sh ie . 
. leur 

fea efoelones 41 eTOGoTE Bee ig +o solfawr gens at tasbagtes pias 
edt xestedw ,ot tests iqtet ete yd healereded sd ihe event. odd edi 
aakiied te aolessereg st ofa omme nelinoup ah deeds to etaol'thireo 
dbiwede youl ane ti han ,ineaneo a eihsadaly thy on dennexeg, aba to 
} _. sfsekaoleh odd 40% of tam sothasy asd st: 
aolroustnat koose on sev @ .90 Molsouttesh aevig a ineharled : 
eoastebaeqosy & ud anno t0d 1 over Jaume Vthinlalg gest so08Ie vas 
| 5 itiliaieaiile anomanize od Yo 
eau ous bos § .@ saltouttemt \ aor a! snwbasten ronte 408 a 
otiw Sedoseqatau an ig yroultens ont bragetalh oF Habs om hod th ia 
te ee yosgme nes ae aap od dw bine sewsoed Teton creer. ba 

so iatoniny oune pat ea heteet o¢ hinosts Yaoutsacd ite ie aud yt } 
seviso yas to ysl iidibers od? galatoseded at eau b vem KTH Oak AA 
ron Wee ;pkenmthe 

Taw  y ates 
as a a 

qvwidand aoote A outn ak £ ok minagton’ navig ® ‘Apabag te, separ 

at dads yw ent biot #1 .somkt ynam beverage sven NO Ne 
wat ‘Tebienos Sivesda yswl od? Titatele Ye ywomteaes exit 3 

oan kamaxen ols. 92 AabsLo® as doors x9 ‘otaskustees oat Ly 
stot thw ¢usoo Lalxt odd To egakive odd Yo ehew at satale 
aiid ‘te Puedes etua it aahairon halt ow wd \ yronkiaee of 

 haeae ves & extsyes of sonata 

-— ‘sonobive ests apkaute, nev beatpap top 4 9. Maiteenp "a a 
te lo dbulerg, on exe" e10dt ,danhne teh ont ‘te toret al gaion ) 
bound? la eve terert 92 deseo wos eal yon oe } 
Ret putt Brat te viet es eo Kero Ss ‘tips 
fh eukate Te G, 
-twostes an ttetebell. hm ot os it 

rae ar 

A aaa 
wok x 
BE ox 


Appellee, ee ; 

a am MUR af COURT 
va, vd 


Appellant. ) 

, 3 
279 1.4.62 

Defendant aspeale from an adverse Judgment of 97294 entered 
after trial by the court in an action of fraud and deceit. Cone 
sideration of the fucts leada te the conclusion that the finding 
and judgment of the trial court were justificd, 

The defendant purperted te ewn a furmished reewing house 
at 828 Leland «venue in Chicago; he advertised it fer sale ana 
Plaintiff interviewed him with regard te the matter, ‘The evidence 
tended to shew that defendant represented that the income from the 
house wae $395 a month; plaintiff agreed to buy for $725 ond paid 
$50 on account, subsequently eaid the balance of the purchase price 
and April RO, 1934, received from defendant u bili of sale eonvey- 
ing the fumiture and chattels in the presises, 

Pleintiff meved into the building April bat eix days 
thereafter threugh his attorney he wrote to defendant elaiming that 
plaintiff had teen persuaded to buy the property through fraudulent 
representations made by defendant, and the return of the purchase 
money wae demanded; amother letter to the same effect was written 
te defendant April S5th in which it was stated that plaintiff 
elected te reseind the contract 6f sale on acéeunt of misrepreaen- 
tations an@ alse because there was a shertage in certain articles 
of furniture, ecuipment ond utensile; 2 demand was agsin made for 
& refund of tae purchase price - $725, and the furniture and equip- 
ment were tendered to defendant, 

The evidence shewed that the actual income from the bugi-+ 
ness was $221 « month instead of $304 as represented by the defend- 

“Tea ALT OFS’ 



7 é dootte eat od 
hieahen asee te 9 cegoring bart, sexevtll fhe alt cinemas saab to ee 
‘ ‘i ea¢ Te 
“109 .#ieosh haa huszt To aol ton ase nt tuoe oe a kalxt weste 
c 1832 «Oh 

abbot? ad $ ans Roles Longs ot ot very atoe? oid bi mol terab ka i 
sbobittent oxew twos tater oud % Sma tu = 

ie pened gatacor boda hen wt & ae of bo rome Aashae tod ott ta 
bax eine xo gt haekerovba od jaye bats at peg thee | - 

eonebive ea? mebhen eae of Atages dgiw mic Sowelvewvedal 

toe. | 

RBe nea | 
Rcd wont aeo rid ead gadd bedapeorqen ushas tos end ere ig 3 
« o a. 

bie bao 88°¢ tol qd of beotps Wulsmdety jst vom # 600$ new cawont 
Rie BAY aie ihe a a 
“sole pandora pata 1° porte Lad oid blag vit ne upendue . % 
iy c £ 
~eovncs eiee te “we & #aanne' tod nor bevleows ber 0k Eitan = 
: i Lt faa 
susalaorg one ad alettass bas wus tons ee 
rs eae | 
“aust abe bud eit hgh galsitud eds gat boven Yetemtost to 
oy he Sies BERT IAE  e 
sats gatataio ‘tnwbas tob od eter ‘ot contetia “edad chant cd Ye. — 
StS. fh OR 
few datueet sigare thy Vereqose wel wed of bohawereq anes bad . 

- _ Mmadoree oat te arate eas bas , tans tod ‘e hae ix ~ ve a 
_ meaeine nae #907 emt nat on restos rent ons 
en “Athtmtnle gadt hereto paw $b dobiiw ok “met, Lama 
| sstomengonete 19 aawabos #0 efae ho tetova doth debian 
| Rekehiae ninteo at ogatapde 0 mente eto see oe 
(tek ake maage kay Aemeh # redtanoty be Pomgkope geuthirealt Re 
— aghaye bat otatioret exit ham ae = alg onadorune 008 tebe 
' RR YAN Jaabaeted of setahned otew Foon 
i steud edt aot oapont Lavioa wat Gadd bewede pone bi! 
abasteb eit yd bed weaenqex as secé te ‘heoteua senon 


Fa Sagi siete 

st 25, A ea 
ee eo ee a oe ee ne ey 

ent. it was ajeo proven that there was a ehortage of certain arti-« 
eles of furniture and equipment, 

Serious treuble for plaintiff was caused by ra, Pfander, 
wife of defendant. She occupied an apartment in the bulidimg, the 
testified that she eymned the premises in joint tenaney with her bus- 
Dand, sitheugs in the bili of sale defendant wouekhed himeeif te be 
the ower ef the property with full pewer te eli. It is a fair 
inference that Kra. Pander 414 net econeur im the sale by her hue- 
band to plaintiff for she continued in the premises oni to exercise 
acte of ovnership of the prenises, “ie eoliected rent from some of 
the tenants and told then not to pay vlaintiff but te pay ber. 

It wae stated by counsel om the trial thet defendant and 
hie wife had segarated and that she mad Tiled a bILL for Aivoree. 
Thie tends to explain her actions indicating neme-eonourrence in the 
gale. In any event plaintiff wae prevevted by defendant's wife from 
exercising undisturbed possession of the premises, 

Plaintiff sgreed te psy $192.50 a months rental fer the 
premises and paid one month's rent. He collected a mall pertien 
of the Ineome, which, he testified, he expended in making repairs, 
It is aleo in evidense that Prander distrained on the furaitare for 
non-payment of rent and had judgment in the distress suit against 

the trial eourt sorreetly stated the situation, noting that 
Plaintisf head paid defendant $726 Yor the business, ineluding furni- 
ture, and $1923.50 ae rent; that he colleeted very Little money from 
the business an the wife of defendant made eolieetions snd thus 

tied up the income, Plaintiff in the meantime has lost the Surndsh- 
ings through the distress suit, e are of the opinien the trial 
Judge 2i¢ justice in hie findings. 

Defendant saye that the court luproperly exeluded certain 
evidence, Defendant scught to shew by a law student in the effice 

¢ 5 a ie ert ei en 
atone nigrieg te eustugee a enw wend? wands taut sovety enge enw 21 _ hee 

en bie etat host to wake 

ptohan'st owed we kien aa Thivatete ‘tet oléuesh ‘weeaees | A 

ode yuthiiud end at tuoatings aa be tqueos wil tnabnsitoh to vuy 
ott ted Adiw eommmnd sabat as non lung ond hemwe on acid hokttwet 
: ne. wl } 
ad of tibauld bodawoyv tanboeted @ Las te hued ede mi godt ka haw | 
whet @ Oh FR siiien ub “amen Litt debe youvaony edt te tomee wit : 
sad ted yd elas ocd ah tuoneo fon bh) weber? wae gwae oorwre tak : 

evlerexe et bets wes loweg ade at bountlsewo aan get TadoakadG oF ; cl 

«Re amos Bott taet bogeaiias ofS j,eerlwrg er Ye qtdesenwe Te | sou . 

ha oes we ot gud YRidakeig yag oF Som madd bios bene witstese oat 
ee es ee ee) fexruos "e betere daw at OO he 
 yteRerEh wel Ltd a Dw baud ocke sank how Setertogne hast Wh i 
gilt ab senerwonoe-aod ynideotomt anokien oH mba tone ot baad } et 
mot wliv o'tishaeted qd Retuevety saw Titainte dvers ‘yan at » a 
woke) ae Sw, Fyne Rama Oem ty anne ee ° 

meitie; digo # botpe tice of  . duet «tem Bao bitty net @ seaheithein | 
wile: yablow al behaeque of ybotttsnee out yn ator ym out Ye 
eed ease tow ont ae hoaleTselh Tohawt sadd gonahawe mi —— 


- edana’t yuutbatdend nanahuud edt aot uve cachet tee om 
2 NUNN ea hos isnt sceheiemennant 


. set Pals duel aor Keto ost wh TResetas® : cmanak-naiagaial 
_ ndtt etd andakae etd he. oxm wi tka, cunt Sh Sanh ROE 

ef the attorney for plaintiff that plaintiff nad exid that defend- 
ant's representation was an income of $300 o month, ond that thie 
amount was stated in the slaintifl's statement of elaim, while 
plaintiff? testified that the representation wae 3394 o month, Ye 
@o not think the teetimony of the wltnens waa material. ‘The 
etatenent of elaim evoke for itsel!, | 

Complaint is made that the eourt should not lave sustained 
an objection to the certified copy of the judement in the Sunicipal 
court in the 4istrees suit brought by Pfander ogaimet Puilipe, but 
apparently, free hie ebservations wade in conmeetion with his 
findings, this reeerd vase considered by the court. 

Defendant's brief is largely tazen up with techuicel 
points as to pleading and proof, none of whieh in eur opinion ta 
sufficiently important to require a revereal. ‘The plaintiff, 
through mierepresentations, parted with his money sad has nething 
te show for it, while the defendant after distraining the furniture 
fa in the same position as before the eale, olue the $725 which he 
received from pinintifr, 

¥e bold that the judgeent for this amount wae properly 
entered, amd it is affirmed, 


G'Connor, ©. J., and Katehett, J., coneur, 

ia PA ‘ver’ aew dolietaradzaes oid sie 6a 
Bie ear | hatreds nam “mood he odd Ye yaootdnod adi a Yon 

eal ay 2 Alsat kot atede ateta Ye nib ah 
| bentetece weed ton biweste, dawee 649 dodd whew Oh didatomee” 
a com ma vas at Kemenal hone Yo ‘cae — Leuns Aypsind 

: : ut atiw nottoeason wh shaw me rena ds 

on © axwea oald ge Boxebleaes aw pre putt 
"te hained site qu teed ylegiel wt silt Wail pe 
| a aoiatgo tue at deldw lo saon ,Yoorw hevdiasemone wae : 
if Wibalate brasil _slanewen's a aphsny-e ey of fandtogmt ft at. 

o “oat dokon ary et awk Lisp ot wibhd oa te 

‘Os ba fe 

a Y ran stand “ ‘ “bbe 


eh ee: ne ee Ge a NM 
ate POR RR aR | aaa 

tinn samen. ant 


Be. a 
ra Ae 9 Phe pale 




a eorporation, 

court, coor couNTY,. 

279 LAL 627: 



in an setion on the ense te recover domnges for the 
partial deatruetion by fire of plaintiffs’ garage, and upon 
trial by jury, there was a yerdict fer plaintiffe, with demges 
in the sum of $5,600, upon whieh judgment was entered, 

he declaration in the first count nlieged that defend- 
ent, through its agent, was ¢elivering gazoline inte o submerged 
tank for etorage en premises owned by plaintiffs, and was bound 
to exercise ordinary care; that defendant knew or ought te have 
known that the gas was liable to ignite and burn the building: 
that the gas was delivered in such » negligent manner thet it ran 
ever upon the fleer of the building situated on the promises, and 
being highly inflamesble, as defendant knew, ignited and destroyed 
the gorage, situated witheut fault on the part of plaintiffs. 

The second count charged that defondent wilfully and 
wantonly permitted the gaseline to overflow from the submerged 
tank; that the premises took fire and burned as /aitect result. 

Tefendent filed a ples of the general iesue ond a 
special plea that the gaseline was not delivered by anyone who 

Was the agent or servant of defendant, 

* Srvc “nee grace 

*¥go AL evs “ios 

Siewed et teiidnerteiok Wedd ieidaiaaiaiaiamala 
| ~ poqus baa , one tap bene gprs: to eft msn at 

~ y  gbetedne eae dernamy burt tolae nequ 08h 4 | aa 

© stuidten date vopotts anos sist silt ink woktanateed oat sf 
a yf atin ah a eint emiLeaay gaitevttes naw yenoye ath: piers (tne 
bowed enw fae sothintele i eee SORE ) 

“Agittined 2th set sat otto 0 aa aa 
tat 2h tentt rennet tneptigen = doze mt bexevited axw eo odd tend 
fen ,sonimeny of me bedaucle pebbited ome » oa one te see 
boyertoeb hae bedéegd » wort dnobao teh ns oidin iiyid yatod 

owtti¢mtele Ye feng wt wo tiga? swede tw petantte. “ . * : 

han vifeittw saabagies dest? tegnade sume Sengwe eat 
beremiue a? mort wolteeve 2 emifoasp ed? botd da 

: +d uno sonBte\ 06 herved bane ettt dood Spader 

8 be omend Korenes edt to wef s Selt tm te 

oaty onoyns yd borevited ter aew embionsg onf 


it is contended for reverse! thet the proof showed that 
the gesoline tn question was being delivere? to the premises of 
Plaintiffs by an independent contractor, for whose action defendant 
wae not responsible; that the fire wax caused proximately by the 
negligence of the tenant in maintaining in the garage a gue heater 
with an open pilot flame burninz; that the demages allowed are se 
inconsistent with the wemecamount proved as te indicate that the 
jury compromised between the amount ef d>magen anc the question of 
Jiability, thus preventing « fair trial of the iseue of whether 
defendent wae in fact liable. 

On this iast point defendant scyo that upon the trial 
plaintiffs proved on out-9f-pocket expenses in repairing the garage 
amounting to $6,500, and that plaintiff Charlee Morgenroth testified 
te a tetal damage amounting te 90,418; thet in view ef this evidence 
ami the yverdiot, it is appmrent thet the question of Lisbility did 
not receive fair considerstion from the jury and thet « mew trial 
should have been gramted for that reason. 2fendant cites Gelomoepeules 
V+ Fetropowlos, 147 Ills Apps 1) Selamskes v. Victory ice & loo Cream 
Eee B46 Ills Apps 1789 Clumene v. Fishy 210 Meena. 565, and many other 
like cases from different jurisdictions. These cases in substance 
held that where the verdiet and the judgment are inconsistent with 
the proofs, and it is apparent that sither plaintiffs were entitied 
to the whole smount claimed or dofendant wae entitled to a verdict in 
its faver, a vertict for plaintiffa fer an amount less than claimed 
should be set aside. 

None of the cases cited discloses facts such as vould 
bring this esse within the rule, Here there were twenty different 
items of demage, and while the testimony of plaintiffs was uncontra- 
@iected by oral tectimony the nature of the ence wus such that the 
jury had a right to discount the testimony. It may have thought 

that some of the items wers too large. It may have thought that 

aver en A) 

fade towels toorg off taclt Lanvewer te? bebemdaoe af #7 
to aeelwete eft ef Soveviiek prted wow agisasuy oi omblcery end 
émabasteh solsoce snady +0? ventsaniiies Sroheoqehnt sa yd etRitatele 
ods qd Yotamtaerg heoseo vay ott she dade teidiemaqnes 26m aew 
teteed eeh 2 egatan od! at grinletntem @) donned of? Yo Tae 
ou exe bewelle segomh oft tad? tynkmred omnl? Joitg aego ma iby 
eds test sau Lint of aa heovery ¢ruvome xem sald aahw #nedaisavont 
te woldaoup eds hun aegaanh te InuoKa aM? roowied heakmowmco Tuart 
tosit eds to paenp att 30 Labey tisk © uadinorens auils «yesiedakst 
-oSdath test wt new da 
iaixd od soqe tadt cyen tawbeo ted satog sunt olds no 
epaieg estt gaistaqes gi eenoegre soxneg~te-dee pe hove tg ii 
feitivand Adomepgiot coludd Tikintelg tedd dma 008,09 oF ss davon 
eorehive widd to wely wi dod? (£2,283 o¢ gndénmome ogamad indod 0 ot 
bib YsAtideatt Yo mebteoup ads faslt snaraqce OF Ok efoto sats bet | 
foie? wen s dacdéd me weer), ond wert aotzerehtenas ust evtanes sont 
intel setko tashsetes .soaset tad? rat dedwern) seed evar eas " 
nidintdmseeen, s¥ godsmmled yh oqg\ «hhh Ct sngcuvagrd9s <7 | 
sedde wan bas 4°98 neal O60 gett ee | 
sonatedua mh seosa eendt cunaiteiinriy) dea Tew wer eneno eke 
Atle imeteksncent or Iaomgout edd bes debinow est eridy tat ‘i | 
belsiine oven aBRhsmiady waddde dats teorawps Ob 22 bea vwtooky way 
ai dubicee @ os Belstise cow trwbroted ve these to pean ihc it 8 
beatote ant? ancl Sram nm te? eSituwtatg wot totem & QMownt att 
: thier tee ea egies 
eal ae dove ee 


Setguedt eved you af oymmat sand old. 

haat aakgaveskt eve yom 42 <n ue e ) 

some of the repaire ,/ umecesssry. It may have thought that 

the garage repaired «os mich more valuadle than wee the build- 
ing burned. Boreover, the rule is somewhat modified by o ling 
of eases, such sa Moyers vs i+ Go Re Rs Cons 197 Tle Apps 1%, 
holding that s defendant eennot complain that a judgment sgainst 
him was tee small. ‘The trial judge here saw the witnesses and 
heard the evidence. pparently, he was of thm opinion that the 
verdict wae not ons of objectionable compromine, and we are not 
diepored to say that he erred in thet reepect, or that the evi- 
denee indicates that the jury did sot pases upon the question of 
defendant's liability. There is «a suggestion in the argument 
ef defendant that the proximate cause of o fire wae the negligones 
ef the tenant of the building in elieowing the heater to be placed 
teo ¢lose te the gas, but megligence in that rospeet, even if 
conceded, would not oxcuse the negligenee of defendant if proved 
by the evidence. 7 

The clase and centrelling question in the case is 
whether the person whe delivered the gesoline to the tenant on 
plaintiffs" premises and whe delivered it in a manner te esause 
the tenke to overflow was the servant or agent of defendant in 
performing that work. ‘wuumarising the materinl evidence bearing 
on that point, it appears that the property which plaintiffs 
cwne? was known as 4605-09 Ueuth Halsted street in Chiengo. In 
the year 1950 the owners built on the prewices a gurage which was 
6 feet wide and 1133 feet lenge These promises were leased to 
the Sotes Motor Transport Lines. The tenant took ponseswion 
Getober 1,» 1950, and vennined in possession until the day of the 
fire, whieh was November 14, 1932. 

The tenant operated a freight trucking business. Up te 

fads ddosmdt overt yam 2 seiewaosnmur Ay on tngee ad 30 nn, 
chitwd eft gow moat eldauLey oxen Rowe wow bextogen opatay od 
Ont # yd botttbow dadwvomea at efut salt ste voo Tom shomtud yk 

WE 0G ofLT VOL 42.90 oH of Dod « * spree os aloe seenee. 39 
tomt aga Srenang set a “gaat utalgnoe sera dnabeetob a tot? gethtont 

tno eoasent tw add wou eed ephul Labeda? -£Eaae 0 ate mit 

Uy a 

sh eatis noledge ete te ase “o oUdne cag) - eonebt vo oat bat 
ie CE NE EP 

on era ov Snes gontmorgaos oLéanotavoise r0 ono ton ow tore J 

~tve ocd tat? wo e@ooqeos tod? st borne od tact wn ov posit hal 
Ro we kivauy wala moqy Baeg don bib grub oss tact aot 

gee th Ti, eoneh 
iveuxys ome md sod duosgue a ot oxedt sUtbitdets c"eanhen ton 
‘@aneyl gee edd wow out o 20 vauas etamtxomy ode tate tnatneted te 

rae ae 

Boonie 0 of cetsed ott) getvoLis mt palbitus elt Ye dened watt te 

th nove ,soeqas x gods mt eunegi lgon sud 2988 and os Sle we | 
a g han ey wy 

fran a ee oe 

es seoneblve wale , , 

mm feataotos be dargs so snorted e's ined 6: 
 pabsood ‘eencblve gf op Pin is aah Ate Sycarn ts as + aa 

Ag iy PR ne 

_ Wttbinbate mebse r iseqte ems sud Mowsy of 

Am gk Voce 


ieee soos anened od som eae 
BAGS Sh gt 
“eat 0 yeah eels chow cotanonaeg at ones Mn 3 | 


a ay pene Bi a Pe 


July, 1931, 1: received its gasoline from the Sinclair O41 Co., 
whieh delivered it inte tanks loosted in the vudlding furmished 
By the Sinclaix Go. jbout that date a new contract for the 
purchase ef gasoline from the defendant, Midland O11 Co., was 
entered inte, defendant being represented by its president, Mr. 
Gttemheff. Under the mew arrangement defoudant supplied two tanks 
inte which the oi] wee to be delivered and furnished a "*etick,* 

as it was called, by which the oi] wee meauured, The svidenee 
shows that the gasoline was delivered by truck to the tenant by 
defemiunt every day and weu transferree to the tanks by means of 
a hoses through which it ran into the fill pipe lecsted just out=— 
wide the building. The evidenee tends to show that she name 
“Midland 011 Co.” in letters six or eight inches high were printed 
on both sides of the truck. The seme inscription appeared on the 
Danek of the truck in awaller letters, and no ether name, or nnnes, 
appeared on it. ‘The truck we painted dark green on both sides, 
and the letters on it were in a kind of white silver. There is 
sle6 evidenee tonding to show that the driver of the truck wore a 
suit bearing the name of the Midland 011 Co, but thie is denied. 
Zach day as he delivered the gasoline he alze deliveret « bill for 
the same, «hich was on the regular printed billhead of the Midland 
041 Cee The driver would also om exch ‘ay take the order for the 
amount ef gaseline required for the fellowing day » The delivery 
of gasoline wee discontinued by defendant after the fire. There 
Wee wome gegoline left in the tanks, end about eix duys after the 
fires, Mr. Sates received an envelope ediressed te the Betes Moter 
Transpert line. On the envelope appeared the nome of the sends 
Midland 0141 Cee, ami within the envelopes “ere writings which 
appear in evidenes as plaintiffs’ exhibits 2, 5 and 4, dated 
Heverber 1%, 1931. Exhibit 2 was a printed delivery receipt ef the 
Midland O11 Co., 2205 W. Harrison St., acknowledging reesipt of 

ao@” C20 abeLomt® eortd mex? onllocey ott bevteses tf oe oda 

bevistraut gabbitud ode we bednoel adam’ ‘eemd, a3 beteviseb aly dekw 

eds w° dertingo wor 4s efeh add dugd, 0% thedemki off yl 

Ga good ERO hanibse génabdoolek od? most emiloaan to, egatenug 

MM adnwddaotg eff. yo botneneaget gaded dnabee led gorek bexoege 

ginad ovt betiqgva dmatmeted dnompneris wan edd cohal  »Xkesieeged 
Ryilodte* mw bedetore? dae hoxevigoh od od oor Lig edd dakag ogmk 

‘eorestve off ,hotwacem sow Lae oid Sig hase Ve a boliao sew @h en 

{4d dnane? ox? oo dowreg qd hotevitoh sew eailouap ond Judd awods 

Se anos ef edmad et of dont lenetd naw bne Yoh Yxowe seahmeked 
ates Sak hodmoel oqtg LEAT eas Ointment dt dete dawomtd, yeogh a 
eter ef? tial? wore of abued gamohtve eat: sBEADLted aiid obbe | 
petnd cy ocow siptt wadeat tps 10 mts atedded! ma 400 LAO kee” 
eid mo betaeyge solsgd«pens omen ott views? oft 20 sehte died no : 
cae 9 ,omee weslve on han ,atetboLl relLawm me tov wld be aond : 
- gkehte died me reoty ves bedmiag mow tom? of 60h no Seeege 
el etetT 8 .weviia efite Yo bedi a al eter &f wo etetéed ett fea ‘ 

@ erew teers ots Yo Yevbe ads deste worte oF shined wonobive oaks 

bwbeisb we obits Phd 4-09 £10 hnathst ete we onne este ghtmed thee 
‘9? iid « soveytieb onfe ad eniloany odd horevttan ort wa ‘gab dies : 
tetoi ont 20 Rerdiitd bedatre releyer ad? mo aew Medtegemim wat 
#6¢ wot sete off salad yob doze we mada bivewmewhed oat. nth ko ; 
Tinvited eT usb aivedio? exld vet hetiaven amttonay 2 enone 
sied? ova of¢ cette deabnsted yd heomtieosath aaw embhos | 
ede tette oye ate. tvede Doe. etoet oft 1 eed enous aoe 
190% soda ede of deme t dhe wqolovns a9 bovdenes, soted oti gaukt 
eteheos ofl! lo cine ect Soreegqge ageisime, add 0 » anh 209 omen? 
Holity agsiiicw osav goqetevms add idole Ane pereishonga kbs 

te ) Sanne guiubetwondies 9132 woukruak wv 20s ao ae | 


931 geilens of gasceline and 54 gsllens of ethyl. On the reeeipt 

in pencil are the words, “Returned for eredit," with the signature 
of the driver of the truck whose name was John Lananga, Plaine 
tiffs' exhibits 3 and 4 are duplicate bills on the billhesd of the 
Midland 011 Coe, on which appear in type "Credit wemorandwum, 951 
gallons gasoline at Lie, $102.41) 54 gallons ethyl at l4c, $4.76} 
teteal 7107.17." Suring the time the tenant purchased gasoline frem 
the Midland 642 Coe, Mrs Ottonheff, president, ealied at Least once 
a week; sometimes he inquired sbeut gasoline and at other times he 
collected checks. 

: Ur. Ottenhoff testified in support of defendant's plea 
that at the time the gasoline wae dolivered defendant did net own 
any trucks or moter equipment for the delivery of gasoline but 

eaid that thie gescline was delivered to the customers ef defendant 
under an oral contract between defendant and Vierenge Srothers 
Cartage Co.; that defendant paid the eartage vompany ence each month 
fer delivering the gas. He said that he never gave any orders to 
John Lanenga and that the Midland 041 Coe did net give any orders to 
John Lananga, or poy tim any salery. The office of the Midland 61) 
Coo wae at 2205 Yeot Harrison street, Chicego, in the office of the 
cartage company. ‘the oral contract of the cartage company had been 
entered inte sbout five years prior to the trial. Mrs Ottenhoff 
said that the custom wae that when defendant hed a customer for o12 
or gasoline, defendant notified the cartage company to make delivery, 
but that ¢efenient never gave any instructions to the drivers; that 
these drivers took receipt blanks of the defendant company for ali 
oil ami gaseline delivered ani redelivered them te the Midland 012 
Co. He said “We (Midland 041 Ce.) instructed Vierenga Brothers 
Cartage Company te get receipts for us, in fact we had reesipts 
printed. Those receipt blanke were used an invoices te eur custe- 
mere whereby Yiereonga Brothers got the reesipt for us.* 

tqioows el? oo .iydén to amelliog M bas onktoung bo aatiieag 460 
gtistasgia vdd Ahan *,¢itere xO hemes” gabvew att ee Lhoneg me 
~siel?  .eaneted mie. sar amen onotw dowud ele te sevieh edt te 
oe tO bamititd odd wo eiild etsotignh oxa & hae & wdtdbixe ‘wthhe 
LE@ ,umdnstome hed" eqyt mi rseqge sodee AO 9609 £20 hankbh 
(aT. bo soMl Ja Lytle angling $6 pLbeRLS elk te ondloaag emolliag 
ort sntioss, beontioug ¢naned od omb? odd pabuwd "The VOL tatot 
oom taael $2 voLino qimobLawre «Mosinodd «NM «90% £20 tmathil odd 
ead esmté zatso fe bas eatiorne suede hoxtwont ot semiiomn ysloow a 
vt yee sataoto teteolion | 
eoig s'inahaoted, ‘% dxoquva Mt MOLPIged Worined$O om 6» 
nwo tom bib danhasteb bewerhink san antovag out wmbd. meld a tate 
oad ontiousg Yo yoviled ed? .03 tammphage 195008 40: mobos st we 
 temhoeted Ye arene sane 60d hesertion sen.cottniciteihadlltllee 
‘gtedder® agmet04Y tow tasbasted scented dasxémoe Lote me woheur 
aémens sigan come “usgmos ogatane mils beg smobaodon dade 4000 apatead 
o¢ axbbro ve ovey rover ef gadd bias eK 4amy only anivevE toh 10 
2 a20hM Yue erly Jom bth oo £20 hmekbAM ond add dom oyeanet reine : 
X20 bmoLbIM one Yo ood22e ea a yreken que ahd Yog 20 aagnnned mdeh,— 
aie te os tke ome Bh ,ogeetdd atsotés ana sonal. dealt Aateh sa nie dibs 
mood hast Yonge ogatuae odt Ye desntans Lemp et. xmaguen egetane ‘ 
Thednesds0 ocd staked ed of. xphaq stany ovEt tnada stat beresmm ; 
Sto a? iaodaup 2 bad Inokoeteb medw taid om aodewo asl dads dian 
eCTOViLoh oxen 2 unequos opie eed Solr evan saetaoted sembdana : 
dott gevtovixch ad? of anpltewntuel yom evag seven, 
{La x03 Wnquo dash teh eld Ie. ailand sgtosox soot axeviehwnen 
£10 brekhin odd 9% mods hovevitonos tne seabemaaennetted at ‘i 
| Sango eM apmrod tetomnsamt, (900 £20 fm or 

oD ad zt pereien at ery. niet ama 


The Midlanmi O11 Cos had one desk in the office of the 
eertege company but did nst pay any rent for the space occupied. 
This desk was used by Mr. Ottenheff, the president of defendant. 
The ecartage company hed three trucks on which the name of defenie 
ant company was inscribed, and these trucks seem to have been used 
exclusively for the delivery of products of defendant. 

John Lananga tertified that hie salary was paid by the 
eartage company by cheeks; that hie erdere were given to him by 
the manager of the ecartage company, Bon Yierenga, and Mr. Ottenheff 
seid that he gave ordera to “ierenga, not te the driver, Defendant 
/ eorporation has a capital ateck of $19,000, ami of thin steck Ben 
Vierenga owns $2,000. Defendant offered no further proof as te the 
terms of the supposed oral agreement, There ig ne preef in the 
reeord of the amount paid te the carteage company by defendant company 
for delivery ef geseline to ite customers, ant while Mr» Ottenheff's 
hestionny is to the effect that defendemt did not own the trueks, 
etill it doos not appear definitely whe waz in foot the owner. 
There ia evidence tending to show that the cartage company did some 
business for other customers, and thet it wee engaged in business 
prior to the organisation of the defendant company. 

Seetion 2065 of Busch-Hornstein's Kevised Chieece Code of 
1931 provides: 

“1t shall be unlawful for any person, firm or eerporation 
to uae or te couse or permit any of his, theix or its employes to 
use ony moter vehicle, wagen or ether vehicle in the transportation 
ef property “eee the streets, alleyw or avenues of the city unless 
such moter vehicle, wagen or other vehiole shall have the nowe and 
addresees of the owner thereof, and alse a serial number dictinguich- 
ing exid moter vehtele, wagon or other wehiele from any other 
vehiole contrelled er used by the same person, firm or corporation, 
Plainly painted, in letters at least one and one-half inches in 
length, in a conspicuous place on the outside ef such vehicle; 
provided that any such person, firm or eorporation using ani operating 
in the city more than five such vehicles may cause such name and 
serie] number to be painted on each vehicle an aforesaid in letters 
mot less then three inches in length and omit therefrom the address 
of such person, firm ex eorperationg end provided, further, that in 
event such vehicles is used or eperated continuously by a lessee or 

 ‘Dallee or other person, firm or corporstion having complete control 

gad Yo oud tke on? at xeob emo heat 100 £20 hmadh tit mat 
| _ebedqimes BH se wal Teo Pret YR You oom ‘bab ted ‘eangees ope - 
viashoeted to tambieowg o6f ,Thodinass «xi yd wow saw tao ant 
Saoteb Yo aanc ould Sols mp axourd vould Sel yragmep omaean aa? 
deny mead oyed 08 apen wtlowtd saad? baa chotixennt amm Yagme Ane, 
muhentob Ye sfenheuy ko Yoviios oma tot b aetna 

ele ye hieg wow Yuniun abit gail? bokdsenes sqmamat righ . 

‘wht of meviy owow areben 9 tet does tetvodo A 

Promos +a rus ape TOLY 08 «yRagn” i cc a ods 2 oo 

Sere bare't oc -sevieh ons oF Jon gaged oF asbt0 ovey on tase | phon 

me aoote cide Ww tue 90009048 Yo oode intiqae a ae aosdnreqwes i" 

edt of ao tooxg xodduw? on bexe¥te tnahne ox 900,80 ome sgmerety 

aM. yi 

eda ad *woo7q ax at even nome me fase bocegque et? %0 

et RR ana ae 

Wrage tunbapten ye ‘Websqens 9 egeizas end ods 92 bheg saheeed 
a'Tierness) oc Listes hes 9 A Temes wero eth ot pal Loony to 

% Fie ee i a yan 2 

_ eedowed oft mre ton b4o tnabmoted sats JooRhe aus oF ap se 4 

, seamen ents ‘doe at saw otw visdigabtob Longgs ton seb $4. ND, 
emon Lb Yeqme ogettan afd sods veda of ambbesd sonedive ds vontt 
 seontaud ft beysRAe aoe th doutd dep stxemodaye senatge 202 

ica SO 

eUnaqso Inabasion ald t aeideningg re edt, of 
x oho egeeidd beatvend alatedamxol-doawt to Gok i 
ite oo ww apts ohORT po ‘Shoda ox 
fesse 0 egk xo sngenae ves we re 
anne? of at oicsidey sodie bal 
a uate ox? Ww séaneve no eyelia 
wma ete oyed Siete efokdey sedio x0 po ge ! 
~tdtitaestat podmn Lebvew a aka tna coved? aume 
rads ye ie pay es teite on 

saa ype ok 18 mek) ghonted enew od Yo eae 
Mh setemh Siak-ome tam ame Seced 4s exmetes 6) abt 

n itetiy itebd Yo ahneday tlt ae y womky 


Aue Aaa Lagi 

oni ama giles seliexerres to se act ‘ 
one eon Hous sage Yoo wo lots 

 eene wy blassvela wa efoidey prt we 
Bag whhe xo bhe ant anchoteds ghee hae ddgned mi i ewan at Rye Mian ude 
i! etetisiet gheblworg hice gaokserogteo Te 

a? wotswelL a yt may 6 %® hove ah 

kate stolguos privat mn tt eseqran ha mutt ae | 

ies mee even! 

Ba as 2 

sont sndehsor 20 a | 

= Fe 

of auch vehicle, imstesd eof the omer thereof, then the name, 

address and serial number or mame and serial number, an the case 

may be, of such lessee, bailee or other person, firm or corpor- 
ation may be painted on provided, thst eny such person, firm or 
eerporstion using and operating were the owner thereof, ‘uch 

Mame, address and serial number, or name and serial number, az the 
ease may be, shall be we #0 painted, plainly and cistinetly, at 
all times while such vehicle is in use on the atreeta, alleys er 
avemes of the city. This section, however, shall not be ecoa- 
strued: ae applying to etreet care running on metallic raiig, or 

to any moter vehicle, wagen or other vehicle which is used solely 

and exclusively for pleasure." 

The only name appearing om the truck which delivered this gas was 
that of defendant. if the cartage company owned the truck its 

name should have bean on ite 

Defendant insists that under this evidence « motion made 

by it at the close of all the evidence of an instructed verdict in 
its favor should have been given, and thie seeme to be the controlling 
question in the case. This contention is based upon the theory that 
under the undisputed facts the ecartage company wes an independent con« 
tractor and not the agent of defendant, and that Lanenga, the driver, 

was not the agent er servant of defendant. in support of this con- 

tention, defendant cites Feater v- Jadaverth-Howland Co», 168 ‘11. 
514) Connehly v. Peoples Gas Light Con, 260 Ill. 162; Densby v- 
Bartlett, 316 ilie 616, with similar osves from other jurisdictions. 
Om the other hand, it ia contended by plaintiffs that the evidence on 
this point was sufficient to raise an iseve ef fact, which hee been 
settled adversely te defendont's contention by the verdict of the 
jury, and they rely upon Page vw» Brink's Chiesgo City Expreas Coe, 
192 Ill. Apps 3893 Kirn v. Chienge Journal Cee, 195 Ill. Apps 1973 
Bartley v+ Red Boll Transit Go., 544 ili. S34, with other enses as 
sustaining thie contention. it is quite imposrible te discuss in 
deteil all the cases which have been ealled to eur attention as bearing 
on this question. 4 review of them indientes thet the vesson that « 
maeter is held aneverable for the wrongs of his servant has sometimes 
been put upon too narrow ground. ‘the broad basis fer the rule was 

well stated by Chief Juctice Shaw in Farwell v. Boston & Vorcaster ter R.R. 

qeenn cd mol? g Iowreds “enews ad te botdamt yedidev dows to 
geet odd ae «dak Lnktos bos oman x0 vodaum sal ' 
‘Seueies weit vexing. Dagar yh Pye» sea stoneek sone to god wy 

Nie mul? 4 sown yao deals ,bobiveng oo begnkag od 
Mine Sith ie ad Sit elec a illite 
ost on = aren feliven tne cman ce ,todmn por cna yet a Gawett 
“on petiy besos b hee "Vankace abstmlag o¢ 20d You 
zo yi tg beans ad¢ mo Gaw ai ok ofp vous oatie otal 

py a Oe: 
t geiiex o te Me Bias seouts of gH as ‘bo 
Uoles beck af delty elobdoy rede 10 wopaw goLeidey osom yam Od 
“ewnarane Lg ea gaan me “Bs 
aaw ep efeld ytevitok suiew mcd edi no yalsaoggs sana ino od? 

utd Mewes nit donwe wiagmse egestas auld 21 “1 tmno to te te 

PY ae 

| sah s sate 
whom nol sea & vonetys saad haw taste ads twat dmabentod 

eu ARG ES 

st sotnsoy hedointent un Ye somvblve edt Lo Ye evots ait to ot ve 

ee ak 2 
BatiLorsne ef? of of ameon aids dae .movty seed oval biveds owed ait 
aphy Mea wal ¥ baouh 
_ Beste Trees eds ecw booad ak no hineinos tat saan eta wa 
—sn i 
“fe ane hnegebas sa sow ‘atagng 9 eyadine id ataat ‘potaqetbeu eats 

etovith ots ,epstenal dort hee 1 snahne teb to ane sats ton ‘tayas 
“noo addi to sroqqua at .inshneted te sasvies " sues ott tou o 

cpuptbabbatin caeiso work seune ; catinde dete v8 ite exe Wen 

RO eotiohivs oft vale athteniate ud hatassues at St bart sodde rT 

med wad dette ydest to event me uber of penainge oct 
-. te feshney ods ya wok Ine? moo a “taedne tok oe Latcnte sty ve 

. #28 epneba 9 ints w as, coq woe coms bom a 

“as eens wastto Ste g28R 4 ELD AOE. 4 
“ft sawpedh 0s otdtswogmd evap ak oh “ belt nm ix 
Bitned am nerinoads ee OF ealtes aie aad ints enneo i ikide 
Fait monnae ext seats: setoethad mols te wptvas “ Hl base 1 braawenie 
ott dono asd tnavive okt Yo spnoxe as es Sys ad v3 2 

| “uaw of07 oid Xe? ulead hnexd oath « + hemos can: 
.F sptuonx0t & soiv0l ȴ Akowes mi wat codeawt tehdd wi 


Corpe, 4 Metoalf ” quoted with approval in Gtendard 011 So. ve 
Anderszon, 212 PME. 215, where it was pointed out that the master 
was not liable because of authority given te the servant nar be- 
eauss the servant had been negligent "Sut beenuse he is conducting 
the master’s affairs, and the master is beund to see that his 
affairs are so conducted that others are mot injured." in other 
words, the rule is based on a “great principle of social duty," 
adopted “from genersl considerations of policy and security.* In 
the light of that fundamental principle it is opparent that the 
tule announeed in a number of the ceres that the teat of whether 
the person doing the master's work ie « servant or agent of the 
master or an independent ceontravter depends as «a matter of law upon 
the question of whether the employes may be discharged by the 
employer is only appliceble in oases where the evidence on that 
point io uncontradicted, ond there are no facts which would require 
the issue te be submitted to the jury. Thus in some of the enses 
it is said thet where the contract between the employer and employee 
in in writing, it is fer the court to determine as a matter of law 
whether the relation is that eof amployer and employee er of 
imdependent contractors 

The ease of Shannon v. Sightingale, 321 i11- 168, seems 
mot unlike the instant eases it was charged therethat a truck 
henling oil and gascline wes negligently driven by one “ratt over 
Plaintiff, whe wae thereby injured. it wes not contended that the 
driver eas not negligent, but the defense relied on wos that Pratt 
"was not their (defendants, who were partners of the Sastern 
Tllineis 0il Ce.) servant but wes the servant ef on independent 
eoutracters” one Howe Loux, The evidence tended te show that 
Pratt, who dreve the truck, received payment from customers of 
defendants and took orders for further deliveries to thems that 

S20 Weebegts ma Eaveveqs debe tetou «08 Haotek.s 08 
fnna on tal? Jeo Kedaton aav $4 ovedw B15 BM S69 anomimbess 

det 20H tmevans oof of moves Winedinn Yo sayaved oidatl tem enw 
- grenetae oh ol eounged due" sewsiinen caoad dad doavr—e edd. Samm 
| git andi onn ot buved ah rodeo aiid te sorbate «'andunw ed 

 minadite ait: “sbocwtat fom ats wuacito fads bodoubooe 2 exe exieths 
f “,ydub Lutoosn Te eiqiont aq saerty” 2 9 head wt aie ula ‘obrew 

ai *sueteuosa bas ween ‘ko amo} dn sont anes Lonenng most cS abe 
ont sald tnoraqys ah 91 olgtont2 La gmems dows fase 9 Sigh at 
anitedw te teed att tnuts sense end ve redaue » xt spanmetne td ‘ ded 
ad) Yo moge <o tevin o af tov atredenm road andod & aceg of 
moqu wal te xoddem » ea atengeb xof ont dn00 penamens. exter we . Be 

odd XE beyralonth od yom coyelyme edt resided Yo wl 


a ete 2 
tals me eonobtve ead ovstw eoaao at sides tiqus ene, bs ‘ | 

ames 80k 222 [28 setmattteln dna ease sot, 
 Memeet teats exerts vomrade gow 24 pocrgpraier (teen tir 
Teo dex! ene YT merits Wteephigen aew satioasg bow L10 gubsunl 
elt dadt dobnetneg tom nar 2  oherwbmt wernt saw adie g % tehety 
stev% Gadd age ne bebies semetod odd 40d sdumadigen son sor cavkab 
mieten ot Yo auantiag oxew ool patanhaobed) chase, son, os 7 
fawbengebas Be 30 snovsse ond ane sud towren (409 410 wtembltt 

: be sumsens mt artes font dove et 

i ae 

< + % 

ov Evol wh wad wakeowth tw att ed bessee ‘i fen 


the name of the firm, "Yaetern Lilineis C1] Cos," wis painted on 
the truck and printed on the memorandum tickets given when orders 
were delivered or takenj that the trucks, however, belonged to 
Bre. Loux, and were kept on her premises, and thet Pratt and other 
drivers of the trucks were employed by her. The eourt said: | 

"The name 'Resternm lilineis 011 Company’ was printed on 
all the trucks, and the drivers of them, on delivering gaeoline or 
oil, left o memorandum ticket conteining the «nme name, They slee 
took orders for gawoline and oll, ueing memorandum tickets beari 
the osme name. Orders were aleo teken by Mre. Loux and tele phon 
te the office of the plaintiffa in error (defendanta), and, to- 
gether with orders received directly from eurtemors pereonsliy 
by telephone te the plaintiffs in errer's office, wore placed on 
a hock in the office and executed by the truck drivera. The 
agreement between Mra. Loux and the Sasternm lillinois O11 © 
was that she would furnish trucks and drivers to deliver gasoline, 
kerosene, lubricating eil, or amything the Sastern illinois 011 

had for sole, amd the drivers made delivery of the gows 
ordered ami collections of the price. Under the contract the 
plaintiffe in errer furnished the gaveline to run the trucks, 
Myre. Loux furnished the oii, amd the cost of repairs and other 
expences of Gperstion of the trucke were paid by her. The men 
were paid weekly, «t the request of Mree ieux, by checks of the 
Maetern Tllimeis O11 Company. These payments were charged against 
Mere. Loux's account and monthly settlements wore maie with her by 
the plaintiffs in error, in which she woe eredited with the amount 
ef the gasoline andi kerosene dulivered and was paid the balance 
rewunining cfter the deductions for salaries were meade» The plain- 
tiffs in error had ae control over the men employed by Mra. Leux 
and ne autherity to diccharge the drivers but did have authority 
te direct the drivers in regard to the deliveries to be made. 
The agreemont between the plaintiffs in error and Ure. Loux wes 
that her servants were to cell at the atation, receive orders, go 
and fi11 them, collect the money and bring it in, wwi she told them, 
in eubetance, te do whatever the plaintiffs in errer direeted them 
to do in the delivery of of1 and govolihe.” 

VUpen thie evidence the Supreme court held that mo question of law 
erose for their censideration except that raised by the motion to 
dixect the verdict, ond thet the ples that Pratt wus not the servent 
of defendants “raised an issue of fact;" thet the jury had found 
against defeniants on that issue and thet under such a state of 

facets (even though there was no conflict in the testimeny, er the 
testimony might be agreed upon and stipulated) contreverted questions 
of fact were involved. The opinion goes on to state that if the 
contract with Mra. Loux had been in writing the question would have 
become a matter of lew, citing Pioneer Construction Co. v. Hansen, 


Ho Sodmtay owe %_s00 LAY eboMbTEY wooded” sweet? at) Yo omen Gite 
etetico rede nevig atedert mwtcoremom MF ne bogey Nh foe este 
of begnetud asbvewe:dl .avowed? edt tuatd qevitat Ye borevkred drew 
some Ste Stow goed dee pooetaneg tet we tye eter baw .xwed Voit 
fbtew dre. mur sted qo beetle wtew wtonts add Yo WeoeEY 

we beitebrg enw Norngeed £26 abomtlix tewdbot! pawn ear’ ” we 
te eomiiocag grivevileh go smodg 30 a, ott ot ioe ey Bi 
aula YOoett ,emen enox ooff anintetabe ¢ EL 
getucod edeaiciy avhbnaipaem patew ,ile os catdeany tok a0 BOGS 
howodqeie? tre shi .eet xd mote? bute orpr Siuka emer br 
~0? ,bes a (Gdnabee toh) cores mh otiiinialy ed? to MRM, oat o: 
ylanouiq eremetvens mort yderrlio bevieowe tog 
ie beentg otew ,eoltio u*neute ms #tBisnieig ed? oF aint son A 
sal eter ‘ge om 0 ae tan ep itio edt mt dont a 
ghee. LLG 9 fon axe Faek eu Komrtod 4 
sortdoang swvite® of arevith dan aloud pa ALuew pate eer) be 
KiO ghenlLsi acedgach ods guidéqie co ylio padiaoiteud ,omenerted — 
ome odd te vrowlich @has arevixh od? baw yoien Te? bast pare one 
mis gontéeor add tote .oolvg et to anehiootios ne beteise 
eetour? ef? at 62 ontioneg of? bodainuw? sevse. me Peree es 
sense ine atleuex te tooo odd bre alte ost baeinens awed «om 
set etl. sins vt sauel sous to fuoupes off fu cuisoar 2 
add to — ya a each to Sanupes odd w eros 
santege 9 ste97 @ saodt i ae 
Soa EMSs et aemundfceg tlm me Gate ening a 
Siw be <9. 2aw nhake 
' persiad afd blag eav bes borevitob at} 
etialg aT ,»,oban ssew seluales kad 
Rial sir Ye Segelque Boe sets wove ee 
‘yihveritue oved 626 jad atevixh ef? 
ca gorse dig. My sly Sat aveltatele i cone 
acw wart «6 tot%te at ae Pee be 
oy se gn that peters eo, oh gett gle 2= ae rai 
neo, is « web Youem walt 
madd Bedoosthh conse af perp ond pyoggs getees 

bow bun Lhe Ye catty bry ryt 
wad te woltaoup oe dash ‘bien #09 omotqu wate oomebtye. Raced aoqd 
os Keo 3 60 wal we beaks dads aqenxs woksuzobLenoe heals wr eons 

Jigs oh) aed Menke Sy 

taavees ad ton omw dtert galt woke ais sacld oan todrey nit ook 
bi aus’ nal quvk weld sede “088 re owank re voatex” énshactes to 0 
aN ra ry ceD. 

te odode me Meare we bw touts ba owoal taste ne ‘ainebastoe denkegs 


ota evsoul duns sald a sok tiaos on a oxadta | sgueas nove) af 


ould 2k tend edate of un voon motntqe ot “stovinent see Soak 2 

fo ERE: 5 
eveni biwow sottneus odd yatdixw at twee haut saved sw iby 

eieastall « “90 poldowré ena vsenol gnteto eas 7 

ea Sigs OA 


176 Til. 1003 that sinee the contract was aot in writing but 
eould be shown only by parel evidenes, the determination of ita 
terms was necesaerily left to the jury, and thot 16 wae properly 
submitted to the jury under inetruections by the caurt, The oourt 
in that opinion alee distinguished Panaby v. Bartlett, 218 111. 
616 (on whieh defendant here relies) and said thet it wae not 
intended in that cose “to overthrow the rule anneouneed in the 
decisions whieh have been cited, that the verdiet of the jury on 
such mixed questions of lew and faet, approved by the trial court 
and the appellate eourt, is conclusive and net subject to review 
by this court.” 

in the yst later ease of Hartley vy. Red Sal) Transit 
GOs, M44 Cll. 534, plaintiff sued defendant for alleged negligenes 
of its slleged servent, Thomas Burke, in driving «a truek, wherehy 
plainsiff was iajured. The defense relie? en was that Burke was 
mot the servant or employee ef defendant but an independent con- 
trectoy. Defendant latrodueed in ovidenee a written contract 
between itself and Burke, which showed the scale to Burke of o Red 
Ball moter truck ead an agreement te give him work to consict of 
leng distence hauling. The written contract expressly provided 
that Burke wes not an ewployse of the compeny, nor in any way or 
at any time ite ogent, he being in handling sll the shipments an 
individual contractor and te be considered and treated as such. 
The eoatract, however, provided thet the truckmen showld wake all 
colleetiona as directed by the company and turn same in at the 
first company office he pasced and report to all Red Ball offices 
leested in cities threugh which he wes passing, end tht he should 
follew instructione civen him by the mancgers. ‘fhe court held: 

“if the construction of the contract depends not only 
set cirgumsseness or upon the construction whieh the partion 
themeclvee have placed upon it, which is te be proved like any 

other fact if such facts are controverted, the inferences to be 
drawa is for the jury, and in such ease the whole question as to 


fiat gndgixw mt don paw teamtnoe esd pombe dad 400% £42 OE 
agi to noidorienedot ote ywanobtve Loxeq cd ylne nwode a6 Skemp, 
edeeqor aew 32 dad ben perl ont of PI9L LLlvenpensR aaw weet 
deuce est .drwon ot yt anokeouréant vohaw gael odd of Pads tudum 
+2 OL5 .Sdahesall ov Rdomed bodedugridnd> ola modntqe. dads mh 
for new $2 teid Dhow bas (wollor oust tmoboetes dedie mo) 2f0 
-aatd tt temmmenam alex ot memtiziven 0" Sanh Bal WS Aa, 
we ert edd 30 telivew eat? ant? chotle mood omad Aobsty enobete 
twas fabrd ats wi devoraue stee? ne wad Yo amodneus sche 
waived 0° apatite ten ton svi: keane at hte sheg Laney 

5 meee es 

- thusax? {60% pelt «¥ yedenoh to anal ton dd ak. a 
seroaiigen boyelis wt ¢msdavion ppg tal 
donna viewed @ patviah 2 ma enki anual seamen | a > os 


90 tetibe: 89 stor mts via, + tnvaoras no: tes ' en | 
| bobivexd “lewergxe fonttnes Ketiiew et “puck tuad ous 
1 Yow wre a t0m wants td 1 betghitea BT Phir bane beneath 
fe otmbentde od Ltn gackttnoat at gated ed Vihomi beuavert: =“ 
apophaphaptenbrrspenpitscte i.) | bbe he 
wats 16 sit Gaal ied Yai ind tanh wonane aaa 
wedliie {fief hell (ie e2 Itoqet bie Keaeng od Got the cungany souk 
tod” ott Fiat ones S cconbentealsenmabensiiiahoesiis i bodnoo 
yiop Jom ebneges sounded ene srt at iret Be 
- Shaw olaniiine Ped oud a id nea 
ee hetay alt dotdw nokvon saa nos 1 , 
we edt feverg od of oi gdoidw .ti aeqe d wey 
*] ot ot eonotr ind ef? ghedceventnes oss oe ED 
- aa mehecesp ofodw ost euae dows mt ban pot ald 



whet the contract was should bv submitted to the jury under 
proper instruetions. furner v. Osgeod Art Celortype Co.» 
225 Tll. 629." 

We think the rule announced in these ensees is controlling 
here. it is admitted that the fact that defendant's name wes on 
the truck in several places wade o prima fecile case, indicating 
that it was being used in defendent’s business. Indeed, the 
erdinanee of ihe city of Chiesge quote? above required ownere to 
use such designations ia order te distinguish their trueke. In 
addition to these facta, whieh were sufficiont to make a price 
facie ease, there is the further evidenee showing thot the drivers 
of the truck delivered bills to the customers and took orders while 
on their trips in defendenmt’s Behalf. There is the further important 
fact that the burden of proof was upon defendant to suctein ita 
plea. There were circumstances throving deubt upon the fact« to 
which the president of the company testified. The jury could 
reasonably find that some testimony effered by defendant was 
fictitious. The evidence an to the terms of the supposed contrnet 
wae indefinite ami uncertain. The testimony of the president te 
the effect that he never gave directions to the driver is under al} 
the facts which appear in the record .uite imprebable. The jury 
apparently did net believes some of the tectimeny produced by 
4efendant and we cannot say that they were unreasonable in so doing. 
The jury having settled this controlling issue of facet in plaintiffs‘ 
fever, we hold that the judgment should be affirmed. 

O* Connor, P. Jey concours. 
MeSurely, Jo» dissenting: I think the verdict ie manifestly 
ageinst the weight of the evidence and thet the judgment showld 
be reversed and the cause remanded. 

Mines amysSede! és beeaad + aml, eon egeae ‘ 

antifoxinos, et asend guodé al peonvene oivs elt dahip ere’ OF 
8 Cay Oran adtabeo lob dadd soak nad tals oeodiwhy af OT Vetted } 
“BAiseptbnd yore shah amiss « obs aevoly Laveven mt aewrd es 
. att ~doebnt .amentand wttnabucteh ab bouu gated cow’ th ne 

o¢ nienwe bexispet eveds Sefeup oge¥tdd to Wao odd to obnants 
wl sodewce thedd detwyatiots of totne af enbhiatgtaeb dein ‘ie 
| gthyg © salen es snatelttaa orow dotitw gatowt eaaild of notte 
‘guetieh ed. dads gatendénomebive sadewin dt as id) Geel 
«heb axebte dood bane eremotewe ont Of aiiid beta ae a 
in Suntroquk nedd awh edz od wid? srinded wiimlbidetod Af ‘egies Wee 
COL Histene oF se mace a Dore 8 mi da ) 
PY esomt ete mocw due axtvouts dooms ‘erew 
> ptves Yawk aa Shebtt tebe Yuaqmos ‘wate w dnobheon 
“ gew Grobee'ted yt boxe'rte esr gedn woe zk 
| Poershen Boweggive vild te anced od of an sombt | 
“ed Umobtnerg ot Ye rm fed eat snlsdwwone a 5 we 
ile toby at covird eof 02 Peery rer Ts ova even arte daet 
geek bate Celkdadd cyt Olli, beeser acd a 
Qe betwnorg “YndaFdaos af to ones evel 
rents oo at Siifandasctu stew yd) tad Ya tomas pat tE 

ee hi A ay 

—— at feat te eee! wattle | nat ‘obttes | 


ve arte 

Appellee, f 
wp ai dinourt cour 
vs. Le i 
OF Gok couNTY, j 4 
Appellant, ) ef 

279 } a 628! 


In an action im aasumepait upon an implied contract to pay 
for personal services ond upen trial by jury there wae a verdict 
for plaintiff io the eum of $16,060, upon whieh judgment ware entered 
Karsh 17, 1934, 

The declaration contained the coumen equ ta, to which was 
attached a verified stntenent diseleosing the particular services 
said to have been rendered. Defandant filed a plea ef the general 
issue, to whieh was attached an affidavit of merita, setting up the 
nature of his defense, which was in substance that the alleged sere 
vices were not for the sole benefit of defendants, but, on the con- 
trary were for the joint benefit of plaintist and defendant upon 
matters in wiich they were jointly and sutually interested, 

However, defendant says that the teeue ef the implied em- 
ployment having been submitted to the jury and the werdiet in favor 
of plaintiff rendered on that issue, he accepts the verdict ae a 
finding against him on the question of employment, whien he does 
net ask this court te review, 

The argument of defendant is therefore firected solely to 
the peint that the 4dauages allowed were excessive, Ne argues that 
expert testinony ie necessary in order te establish the ameunt of 
compensation which ought to be aliowed, because it is the beat 
evidence which in the nature of the case could be obtained. The 
only expert evidence offered by plaintiff was bis own tewtinony ae 
te the vaiue of his services in his opinion, The evidence was upon 
objection by defendant exeluded, Defendant aluo says that evidence 



\ \ PE ea a ‘a8 
“paluon equpari. a xy on a 

7 hi 9 MRTTUD, .W, noose, 
Pe qoee ce it 
‘2 . oO wh I Cy y . Lt SaaS ARG 

PaUSo BBY WO WoTeTK® aay dusmevErER “PRAMOTAN monn 
rit Cones Sieve ibe Mi y 


Yeq of toatanee bot tqat | rise nich ial atagaane al netton, me mt. 

fe ha ad 
tolsiey & aaw ores? exut, ee tatu ae. oo eootvaen 

san dip katw of (edu sdussp odd bentedaes nolsetetoab o<t il laale 
“ednlvws Tetwolsrag aid gateolonth sooustade betuiner o radoatta 
kernany otf Te sole a BO LIt toahas tot Ldorsbaoe ased ovad e bas 
at yg gatices ,aé¢item Yo tivebsTte mn hedontta wie ce biw a, anus 
w198 Boystke ost todt woustudie at exw dokse josmnWS uid Yo studad” 
ates ond ao tad yatnehae od ke OLYened wien Wit wet ‘tom exe Ws iv 
Kegs tubretah box iismale Yo ¢iened Sabet em tot omew Yeene 
pegansosal ¢Linwdum ban yLtatot ne eit 
ria bodiqnk ed t¢ sunad ext sade ayee dnaban teh xovewell 8) ll 
weed ai dothroy st hae rut on) of Resthadua anos antvert Imemyote i j 
ee tokbaoy oad etynnoe ont amend. ted ao hewebanm Teteatate oe: he 
noah wd vinkdw ,sanayesens Ye Ralfeenp wilt mo mabe | ee 
aidped } sina ss awelven of Pree iat ew: tes : 

a ‘einen betoselt evo'texeds wh tuoher teh kp damsgan BAR) 06 oroye 
tad? esoyte ok oviaveore stew hovolin segaumd off teas talog ot 
to sumone sit dalkdetes af cobee ud vTenerene sho ymont tant free an 

| tued sat 0d 2b consent <hoveddn eh 08 Segue siokdn moltanmgnoe oo 
ost ,bontedde od Sino ona O03 1¢ wnuten Odd GRidnddn Opmobhwee 
a YkouLdesd ewe ated aaw Tiitaiete yf bow Ve saash ive 1 . 
peat ane sonohtve off .vetatge eh ad asotvape eid Ye olay asd r’ 
neaobive tadd wyen eels iaabae ted sdobmloxe danbas tes 

as to immediate and remote benefits derived by defendant from 
piaintiff's suppesed services was immaterial, and that the real 
question is, What wae the gmeral worth of the services rendered 
by plaintiff te defendast? 

Plaintiff, on the other hand, contends that expert evie 
dence was unnecessary to suppert the verdict, but if it was, his 
own opinion at to the value of his servicer was improperly exe 
eluded, and that defendant is now eetopped to contend that such 
evidenee is necessary, it hoving been exeluded upen ais ebjeetion, 
Plaintiff further contends that euch expert evidence is only ad- 
visory and may be properly dieregarded by either court or jury; 
that it vas negessary for shutniaddea’ exctuan the beet evidenee 
available aid that the importance of plaintiff's services to de- 
fendant ia an elesent of their value. Gisintiff alec says that the 
verdict was not excessive, at a matter of law; that the expert evi- 
denee of defendant was entirely worthless, and at any rate, the 
weight ef it was for the jury. ie suye that this appeal wae prese- 
euted for delay and asks that statutery damages be asaeaned. 

Theee contentions require 4 summary ef the material facta. 

The slleged expleyment of plaintiff by defendant began in 
1929 and continued until Mareh, 1933. Plaintiff and defendent hada 
known each other for thirty years pricr to the beginning of these 
transactione and had been very close friends; as plaintiff says 
(and defendant doen not deny) they were Like "Damon and Pythias." 
Beth were engaged in business in conneetion with the Soard of trade 
of Chicage, Plaintiff joined the Beard ef Trade in 1896 and sola 
his membership in 1935; he operated very actively from 1896 until 
the year before the war, 1913; before prenibition he was a buyer of 
barley on the Kehange fleor for certain brewers and malsters and 
bought and sold other cash grain; he was ale6 connected with the 
elevater corporation whieh had elevators in South Chicago and there 

si) ih 7 
% a} 

art Imhowweh yt hovined at htemd atanne bib ébdthonns of as 
inet off Jaks day ,lebingeomd saw apotvese hewegque a Ttleatat¢ 
boxshaet wooiviss ant to dizew Laxemy add gan tan® ,at moliaeup 
6 ae | {Fiabe teh of Vitukake ow 
oive suegne stadt ehaetaos ,haed tadie edt ag ,Ttigatels 
aig ,eaw 22 2 tud ,tolfrev ems Seoqque of yvessonena caw eens 
was yktoqorgat eae aoolviea ald ‘te bite off oF an aotatge awe 
dows tad? hastasy of beqqetss wom at saubae'teh dats Bak | RARRES 
stekioolde ald soqu bebutexe aded jatved st jytasesoen oF Sbabn tee 
«he vine ai eoushive jsegxe down fads shosdeoo sodsubt vragen 
“pena xe sues touidhe yd bebiagetalh yftsqose on Yim Bho ytenty 
semebive dase acd soubor Nek hath te “xo yiaveenda eh that 
seb 0¢ eeolvuse a! Ttk¢alele Yo sonssxoqul wud sand hhh betes? 
ena tacit ayes cate Tikeabars onlay tiett Yo dobme fe’ ae’ wh! co 
«ive saecxe edi tadd ywal to redeem & ao evinawoxe dow tow soit a : 
este sober vie de bas ,eneladtow eosk tae ase Seniiew"be te oie 
o9nerg eaw ineqga eld¢ tadd syee oe  ekut oie 20 wow 28 +e syiee 
sbeneoans ef veyeund yrosuiade tad) sew paphemadloridecaegsl 
<ateut Laltotem odd Yo yYxemmum « et hupet aol iaataes veeat i 
gt nayed’ danboo'ted yt Ttttalele Yo Fanyo Que’ Neher orci: 
bart dapbawted hae “thdate® Seek ,dexen Eval Belek hae eRe 
ausds ‘to galualyed of? ef tolig Wthoy qerbed HY teittd’ ‘wade 
eyen Tikvaleiq ee jebaet«? waele yoy teed bod bie wnotddeeaed 
*aaksiyt ba aonsd” oli exow yods (ynob Hoa aseh Padine teh Bae) 
obett Le Mack edd dikw maksv@nnoo ad sommelier at bonagno exew Ate 
“bhoa bas 0884 at short %6 bused odt beakot Titvatart” “jogad hil is, 
Lhd OC6L mont ylovitos Ytev hetarogo ax ;8eer af whe 
te ‘woqud @ eaw wit motsldiserq ase'ted | eke te hse noted 
| : "ime eisteles bas axowerd atastes wer toolt sy 
- edt thw besgennoe cole aa od palate | 
ee baw ‘egaois® two at eredavele hed dotdw aodtanroutes 

Se eee 

—— or ——— Ral et ea J > pee | as ~ _— hen —_ =. = at at ~ — _ Pe ex: re 5 oie 2 ~ = Bs 
SO ee a ee ee eg a ee eee Te eg ee eT ea ear ae 

participated tn a general grain business. 

In 1915 plaintiff waa elected a director of the Chicago 
Board of Trade and served for three yenrm; in 1916, seeond vier 
president; in 1917 first vice-president (scting part time as 
president), and also from 1917 seeretary (which war om all tine 
fod) until 1923, wher he wae appointed executive vice-preeident, 
which he says was a new offiee giving him greater vower then he 
porresced ae seeretery. Im 1917 he was president of the Counciled 
Grain Exchanges, on association eof 211 the grain exehanges in the 
United States. 4e nad not been officially connected with the Beard 
ef Trade cince 1935, shen he retired, 

Defendant wae a large operator; his business was that of a 
apeculator; he dealt fer the most part in graine and at times car- 
ried meculative commitments of 30,000,000 bushels of grain, vhere a 
Tliuetuation ef one cent in the market price weant a gain or lees cf 
$500,800; he ueually took wheat in the Heard of Trede vernacular was 
known aa “the long cide of the market*; in other words, he was 
knewn as a “buli.* 4e wae of the opinion that the rules of the 
Beard of Trade were unfairly dram, sc as to faver those traders rhe 
tock the “short side ef the market"; that is, the "bears," 

Urged by sericultural interssats, Congress had made the 
operation of traders on boards subject te invectigation. Legisla- 
tion which gave the Seerstary of Agriculture power to adopt rules 
for the regulation of abuees growing out of speculation, was enacted, 
Plaintiff through excerience heretofore releted was a recognized 
autherity upon subjects conmected with the Board of Trade; he had 
acted as ite spokesman and was accustomed to make speechor on 
subjects connected with its businens; he was familiar with ite laws 
and preetices ant court decisions with reference thereto, as well as 

economic principles underlying business carried on through its mreney. 

At the time of the alleged employment by defendant in June, 


oymete eff ‘to refsetts # hetooke eaw Tittnialg BLQL aly... 5 

sooty bunoee ,8L0L mt sarany sent cot bewree Aae ebetl Yo Mtg 

ag mid Suan gaites) tuodisetq-eety deh? TLOL ab ptanbdtease 

ont? [Le ma soe nokse) yestersen TACL mnt ote bag , (dnobleere 

fandhamriqeaoly evitsoens he taloquea eaw ex cade ,fhOL Lhtaw. Ado 

od mad? toveq teteoty ald gaivig selTig wea « aew oyan of mine 

Roeliensod eat ko tneblectg ser of VAGL ai .yeedetose an bone 
ott ot soynodone nlatg ods Ile to soiteloonea ao nee 

btsoh. edt Atlw hodnoanen yLiakettio seed tea had oll ,neeer@ dethal 

shettton on aod 2808 spate obast 29 

a ke tecdd cow sogaiend cia :tetetemo egtal o aew fue has toe vr aaah 

~tap aowld te baw emtong at fteq doom pdt TOR Sewn Ox yxotakunege 
2 Tete ,ahery Ie afedand 000,000, 08 Io stanmtluane ovtiatuocgen. dake 

Lo eel to miag @ saem gol soxton edt at sage, can te Moltentanet 

naw chfupantey ebatt Yo. haaek ase ah; tod test, xttma oh OQ 

ge ed jabra tetto at ;*doxdter edt to. obie yank ete" se wert 

add ‘lo wedst od? todd nolnhge ete to same! ",itud" 2 es meen 

odw wrshaxt oxocit tovet of en ow ,fmeth gitletay exew oe? Yo besof 

*omood” entt ,ad ducth ;" tovtam acd Xo. ohte Mota” ont toed 

lo ed fee bed saorgnod ,ctseregal Aetetivotaga ye beget guy i 

~eialpol .meldeghveewal of toeldue abwnd so etebats ‘te nahtorege 
aefet sqobs of rowed Htnthapinga To ytedeseeS a2 ovey, soktw mobs 

-Sednane anw santtialuegs Le ine auinory sanuda, 2e medtedanen AAS eR ' 
 hoskngeses 4 gen hoselex si@iodeted sonoliogae Mamatmd | ‘Mibsate st : 

| na a tet esata cts Anse sone aoe naan : 


' ‘ 

awat af2 daw tebitogt may os jameataud att thy Pertinent 4 

ta Lieven atetedt sontietex sity mnotniooh shenpenpetio rice ] 
‘woes Sa En ATE ny ee ee , 


1929, pleinti?f wae in the service of KB. Lowits & Ge., a brokerage 
house in Chicago, which dealt on the Board of Trade. He was a so- 
licitor, ae the trade said, “a customer's man." At the beginning 
ef his euployment he received a ealsery of $26,000 « year, and when 
he apolied for the position with %. Lowite & Co. he expressed the 
epinion that he could swing more of defendant's business to that 
firm. Plaintiff reeelved aalery in his usual empleoyeent during two 
of the four years for which he now ¢idime compeneation from defende 
ant. When his e-plovment with Lowits & Ce. ceased, plaintiff ap- 
plied for a position with © A, Pierce & Co., and, the evidence 
shows, made an affidavit thet he had ne other business connections 
for -hich he reeeived compensation. 

In 19297 slaintiff was employed by defendant te bring about 
eertain reforms in the elevator practices connected with the grain 
trade. Plaintiff's teetimeny ia te the effeet that defendant paid 
him $20,000 for services rendered in connection with that employment 
but defendant says that payment of $25,000 wae in fset made. skkex, 
Later plaietiff wae employed by the Farmers Eotional Grain Cerpore- 
tien for about two weeks in connection with matters at Pashington 
and in Ghicage, and for this service he was paid *2600. 

Beginning June, 1999, and up te April, 1043, all defendant's 
personal letters concerning Foard of Trade subfects and sli provae 
genda emen«ting fron defendant, with the exeeption ef a series of 
articles in the Saturday Bvening Post prepared by Mr. Sparkes, were 
prepared by plaintiff, Te what extent defendant consulted with 
plaintiff concerning theese articles is eentroverted, The term 
“ghost writer” ia used and se@ens te express well the nature of the 
services performed by claintiff fer defendant during the tern ef 
his cuploteent,. 4e made a trip te Yeahington and interviewed the 
Secretary of Agriculture and some U, ©, Senaters for the purpose of 
Securing their ceoperatien in bringing about reforms defendant 

LP Pine ise, 
C | 


‘@petexond a ,.00 4 etivwed .& to enlvree osif mt sew Viidatety /e2e£ 
+08. 4 saw OH ober Io bused ed? ao Sesh sigddw ,oyertsO. at vaned 
gatactaed et? 24 *.mam e'temotamy a , Sian oberd oft oe yrdthokt 
aede bie ,teoy #8 060,086 to ytelan « hevieset of tremetqme ols To 
adi besnetqae od .00 & athwod A dtiw nelitnem esd tol pekdggn en 
tad? of sapalasd e'daekeeteb te etos qaiwe binos, et gett woknige 
ows gaitnd fasuyodque Laven ald nt yumias bev tsoer Wignbel® ames 
shar leh amex soliaameque aathio ven of sate cot etaoy two? exh te 
age Titelata ,heeaeo 00 & ative. Atiw soem odiqes met mont lei 
_ _eonebive off (ban ,.00 6 eeteht A .0 att be nodtieay o aerate 
enoitosnapo erenioud teste oa hed od tok? Sivahl'T le ma eben Wiel 
a % et anangtion bev knows vit Hotete vel 
tueds. gaixd of goabonteh co hegelyms aaw Ytitateds MOL aoe 
tthe, exit dd be heteonane soplinety tetevele art at eametow ntatTee 
bieq tambas'teh seg soeTie edd of ab ymontseod atta bale soho 
tahayelqns tad? Mthw mottoenme at hetehaer coo tvaen tot 000/086 
sami, odom feet ah sew 006,886 Yo tanmyne Sodd aye taabostob- sud 
asieqzed slat? Lanoléel grestol edt qt begetque enw Tet cheke aetet 
Mi jAddaaY fo eiestam Adiw aolteenane of adaow aed dende eemeks 
COORE bag aaw o6 oolvron hae s9%-han yepsokdvembebas 
a'ianhastod Ife ,668f , 420g of ow bas (@8Os ,sowk-guiamige= 
oagets iis hae adeotdua ehet? Io biegs gatonsonss etettel tageateg 
te aeitee # le sedsgnane edt Miiw ,taahseted von? gabtanemeoabaag 
ate nested. «te yd botaqets t207 saltlahammaeniinnN ics 
Mths betivencs tachar teh fandne Sesto oeT 
pet o6%. ,badxevetraos af aofeline seed? satmoamee TO aH664 
end le suuten act Liew neon of aceon baa teow ab regia 
Fo meg add yaltud Paehoetes ced Yiitatele yd be 
- Auld Hieakreatak, Aen entnnbinal oh sabeh' ahi Pi aad 
te omeciid ef Xol stofecok’ .8 ,U gaoa bac oxeg fuetags Togeateme’ 
| Anehaetob amrotex swore gatyakid at seitorsqnee ted antes 

desired to have adopted, He, himeelf, bore the entire expense ef 
thie trip to Washington, Te the same end, he wrote for defendant 
en article printed in the publication "The Business Week," under 
date of September 17, 1920; June 7, 1930, he prepared o letter for 
4efendant in reply to one received from Mr, Hoyt, chairman of the 
Grain Committee of the Boor’ of Trade, vith reference to o provesed 
rule te limit carload deliveries on contracts te the Last three 
daye of the month. In January, 1951, he wrote an article against a 
proposed rule wrhieh would have parmitted am inferior grade of wheat 
on the Soar’ of Trade for futare contracts. The argument as pre- 
pared wae giver te defendent, whe hed 4t published in the Chicage 
press, In 1931, pleintiff sise wrote for defendant's ane a statement 
of ruler of the oractices of the Bourd ehich were ebjeetionable to 
defendant, In 1932 he prevared 4ata and infermetion on the subjcet 
of farm relief sent under defendant's name te Senater Kurphy of 
lows, who wae ther « candidate for sleetion te the VJ. 3, senate, 
Beeexber 30, 193%, vila mtiff prepared an article fer the 
Avecototed Prose exprecuing defendant's viewe on the subjeet of 
grain markets, It was intended to he used in the New Year day 
edition of the newsoapere, ond it eae 29 published under defendant's 
signature, On January 3, 1933, plaintiff prepared a reply to certein 
mupposed “radien)” views oxprenced in a journal published at Lincoln, 
Seb. under tate of Dacember 28, 193%, In 19432 he prepared sixteen 
articles dealine with varicus phases of the subjeets in which de- 
fendant wae particularly interested, some of which were broadensted. 
In 1932 Boyden Sparkes wrote for the Saturday Evening Post 
an article entitled “The Speculater.* I[t avpeared ag o serial in 
four issues snd was in gener) a biegraphy of defendant, ineluding 
his views as to needful reforme on the Board of Trade, Fiaintirr 
esensulted with defendent az to views he wished presente’ in these 

articles and read the articles prior to their publication. As te 

dashagted vot stove ed ,ba9 onne add ok ..metgatdnat of qiet ahdt 
Rohe * leet suentent att agidagiituq ad at hotakee elokose me 
wit radtol s soteqorg ad ,GECL .¥ oak ,08RL Te wedmedeet to eteh 
ad? 2¢ sertkace ,ave! .t4 mort berieoos gan od yloet at sogdaa ted 
dooggosg 2 GF egaate let deke pohanl te hseek.oms Yo oot? tomo® akeww 
gated tack edt ef ahositocs a¢ aetiewlieb Aeeitas thuhd ot ofeq 
& tualege sfolars ae efor of i004 pymunat.ct  .dtndn edt Teed 
faasw to chety tolital a bettiowd eves bivew totdw ofvn Aeeoqgeng 
04g 88 fasmmts odT .Msonadsce otetwt te? best to, bxeotedhomg: 
oysoise odd Gh Bedalidug 34 hed odv ,inohanted of aovig een bemeg 
Snomesede © sew at tachnoke: tot sforw onle, Tiitstalg ACs ak, meaty 
6% sidanoliostde sree veld based off 20 agadtosxs ef? Ne wets Yo 
taajdus ed? ao sphtowtelal bao aieb hortayetg of S605 al. .dmabewteh 
Yo ysomwws, negaaes of onsen e! saedoo toh tebhax neg (Donne seetiae 
o witaaee 48) .U 96d of nohtonte 102 etabthans «.aedt genom meh 
os tok acedsu ae beraqetg TUsimiele FECL , 08, tedaeee 49, hie 
Ae tootdue od ae. eweivy ol tonbanted, wakanozcne sentt bods toonad 
Yeh 1aeY wed ost al bean od ot behostat waw #E) ssteanadatevied 
at onahas'ted taham bodadidnug 08 saw ti bas portegaqemed ad? Te ie 
abetuse of yigest & heteqote Tidicialg , Sek .8 yreumeh ad) setae 
 Mhoomhd de heelidve Lemuel a mf beanetane owely evahen® denoagie 
Meetela boreqorg #6 REC al ECL OR teduepet te eted rohan toe 
_ a0b sods mi ateotdwe edd To annie euodtey Atte aehtosh eekohiee 
| besaagbaotd wre deliv Le enon .bosapastat Uitetuphiveg ew taahaet 
“geot gmbsnvd yobaméal ong 10% o¢otr eoxtegh sobyot REL mB. ia 
Mh daixes © sa Aereoua £1" dotetuoedt eff" befatienm of 
patbulent ,dusdaeted Yo yqeraold # <xomey, ak saw baa. apuee 
(Rdatads. .ehaxd. te breed, estt a0 aero ter, Lelthowm oF Mm ie 
(— mecit ak bedasoerg bodedw og ewety of am fanbae ah sitdy 
(ot ak smotgantédua ted? of rolxe angoiaae, ot hewn hag 

his actual influence upon the contents of this series of articles, 
the evidence is in cenfiict, 

In eet phaintiff wrete an article for publication in the 
Canadian prese defending the policy of Premier Beanett of Candda 
in controlling the Canadisn Yheat market in the interest ef the 
farmers; it was published ander defendant's signature; he alse 
wrote an article eslled “The Vindicated Speeuletor,” whieh appeared 
im the Chicago Journal of Commerce Deeauber 19, 1952; Yebruary, 
4935, he prepared a letter whieh defendant signed and sent to 
Presiient Keasevelt, the purpose baling to interest tae President 
in defendant's views concerning the Usiengo grain smerket. A Letter 
of similar design was prepared in keran to be sent by defendant over 
_ his signature to the President, whieh wae altervard printed in pamph- 
let form; it wae fireat sent te the Seereteary ef ine President, whe 
suggested certain changes before ite delivery te the President; 
plaintiff thereupen rewrete the article and doiivered it to defend- 
ant, who signed it and sent it to the President, 

Plaintiff's atatement of claim averred (and the statement is 
mot deniedin the affidavit ef merite) that defendant has a eomplate 
file of letters, sewepapers and magasine articles whiea plaintiiY 
wrote for defendant and waish sppecared over the signature of def end- 
ant from time te time in various newapapera and magazinesg many of 
these 14 is averred were dictated by plaintiff to defendant's secre- 
tary, aid copies were not retained by piaintiff wlthough they were 
retained by defendast or his secretary. The lettera anew correspend-~ 
moe wth several G, &, senators, and plaintiff testifies to repeated 
consultations with them in Chiecage concerning thease particular mat- 
tere in which defendant Had a financial interest. 

Defendant enys that the issue on the question of damages is, 
Whet was the reasonable compensation for these services? He cites 

Leekweed v. Gnien, 56 Ill, 506, a case while quite unlike this one 

,oeinioue io weives elds Yo atactane act apgw soawlink davtow odst 
on foi aoe mb at somohive att 
sal? a notteoiddwy to) efviets ae stew Witnteade MME ah o 
 athoanS Ie tenor wdaect to yakleg ode yatiwe'teh aeong methansd 
eae te duutsal edd ai Sedtoa sand? anifbaned et? pabisousaow ah 
ouls of jaredemgie @' Janbteteb weasae Sedekiduq eaw oA ~etmene®t 
beimeeys ceidw ".tedelussgi bedaatbadl ofS" belian elebiue ae otouw 
eViewrdek ;REGL ,@L to8daves@ soremuet to Larrwol epeckdd edt mt 
ad sare fae boayle saabse' teh sedew matted « heranng a ft 
 daphieer4 andy tsotesad of gtind sveqtsg on? ,@Lovesoel shobine 
wediel & .dedcem stay openiad ody yakareenes owed, cabot a 
° ‘eve gumdme'leh yd Sa9G sd oF OTE a2 horagetg sew aglmeb talks 

adgung Gk beiuizq biswxed'le sew dednw ,saeblowsl ent or taiai et 

ecw ,taehive ss exe ko yMetexwed ef? of game ga4!'D Rew sk ymtet $60 
jeaebiaes% ons of ytevhied a¢2 oxdtad negnwis mLaceen desasgim 
~bagteb of #1 Souweriioh bay eLalixe odd etowwet monsters dt Py 

siiobioor’ ost? of 32 tn0e ban 2d Reaghd pone a 
a2 Sauessada a2 foe) bowteve miale Ww Jossedede # Vebeahald verre “a 

ose Lume # Sad dnehme ted dmcd (adiuen Le sevebitee ee otbetaok den 
TIisaiaig dois aefoitre enisagem ban ateqeqawem ,enadted Ro wARt 
(state tse ko wtetonghe ect 18¥0 heTeagge Hadiy ham saatasintneettnenll 
te Yate Yaetlne yen ban etegegawem auedsey ah emt ad emt maw fi 
-ereve o'feataetod of TYiiatuig yd betatoth epee boutere ehh anne 
 ONeW YaRe dgwaditie Tiltataig yi bealetet sea exer sehyoo ham syed 
abtoqaextes "omy atessel oat ._yqaterses wide dunhooleh yd beakenen 
Padaaqen of eelUisasd Trataiatg baw yeretamen i 6w) tenerne tte bead 
~sin me groy cues gntetessen eateeenh aah 8 
totes ot Setaceadt « bed rears cake awh 
yeh) Sogn Le -mehtaeng oss we whaed aoe deat (odee) ‘ waeity ei bil 
aetio 6H fuselvres eaedy to? aoltaadeques oléwiedesd ‘wit ts 
awe elit sikion ebiup ofcie wuae a (208 .141 a8 jaokads 

ye = A 

upon the faete state the genersi rule that « person rendering ser- 
vice upon an implied aentract is entitled to reasonable cupengae 
tien, That rule is net questionsd, 

Ag already stated, defendant argues that expert evidence is 
neceseerf ae the best evidence of which the nature of the cane pere 
mite. ie cites Yarber 

Go., 238 Ill. 589; 

bO., B58 1121. 75. He comtends that the 
the proper way to arrive at rescnable coxpeneation would be te take 
each particular service sileged to have been performed and prove by 
some one familar with the vaiue and eharacter ef such serviee the 
Feasonable value thereof. Defendant tried the sase on that theory 
and effered such evidenes, whieh ware reecived and permitted te ce 
to the jury. Plaintiff, whe was preeumebly quite familier with the 
value ef the services, was asked for his opinion, but “efendant @b- 
Jeeted and the evidence was excluded, Having secured the rejection 
of this kind of evidence «hen offered An behalf of plaintiff, de- 
fendant is new exterped to contend that the evidence excluded upon 
his objection was necessary. Baylies v. Yakelee, 186 0. 5, 646, 

Moreover, we think that without any opinion evidenee, there 

were feeta in this cave from whien the jury micht draw the neaessary 
inferences as te the walue ef the services performed. In two cases 
in their mature quite different from thia one, except as to the 
Question of dasages, cur Supreme court held that exact proof of the 
value not being obtainable, the jury might draw inferenear from the 
facts in evidence tending te establish such value, lieekor vy, Steel” 
Se., 84 Thi. 276; Gorham v, Iron Go, 204 I11, 894, It is quite 
unnecessary, we think, te dilate upon the unreliable and unsstis- 
factory character of expert evidence, The courte of thie state 
have refused to be bound by it on the cuestions involving the — 
Feasonable value of attorney's fees for services. Lee vy. Lomax, 


wear raga § oe spa > # ta has 

er gnitebues noereq ® fueid otes  taronny, ‘ese + state, ate, 1 nage 

saeananice eicanonnsr of bessiian eh teaxsape bed tant ba, Mogs solv 

| | boaeksaoup fon ad olen ME: 

al sousbive frenxe tas compte sashae ten dedase vaawr ia Lott en wu 
-10q suas ‘wuld te studem At doldw To epcebive gued ont ae tepreene 

3808 ff wee 08 wothe head te 

ede feds ahs dno oh wet of kd ‘eae. * 

oied ‘ot od biwow nod snaasgsoe esdangnat te erie a wr. J 

cl ovore hue bomxotteq need oven oF bege tia advange. te ky * 
ods col vies dove te r9d90%a.y bow ouiav edd sete Pie i 
rons tons no e8ae eng baits tanbse ted lowieds gute / 
. oa ot hats hereg baa hevisoes sae Moise ssoaebive dove dewne tan 
one it be met thant odtup yidemuas tq naw ontw aTiiatert Sad 
«do taahae wb jud ,aotatqo sid tot bodes paw ,nootvene oid, “pss 
guitecter ect herwoes gat vel shobutone saw egnohtyn oat, ban h ° 
| “oh , thitniala Yo Tared ak dex0 To fate pomeblive Le ats 8 a Me 
=e Sehrioxs pom bive woke tass baesaeo et beggodue A A i 
.080 8 .U Bas .eeioneY oy shyed -Rtanneoem nay itgokdea eh 
overs ,SorebLve notalge ws suedtiw dauid sales oe ~~ stevoonell anmih 
eheseeves ond meth $y Raw wrt, oar aobew wort oane ne 
nonns awe at bomtetx0q seolvr0n ons to eulay ons oF ba " " 
oss ot aa tqsoxs 17a eked wort sno 22th tae 
oft te tooKe foun tends bigd txu90 eaetqut tao .openeh ROLTAOMD 
ett vor apo ciere Tak woth the cua oat seidentarde pated. tom, ip i be 

“linet ay eden outer save sabtdasne of yalbaed onaebiyn 4 
i te abkup ek at Det LEE ae 102 meek osteo? Hy 

“ethdenen ew o tGaktoume ait noqu Otsith of ,Ambad or 

otf, — 

) aiate ated? te apaw00 oot -tonabive deogee Ye stows 
ah patviovat enottneus esi 00 #2 yo Aawod od of | 
sci Pas ,aooivi9n 02 om atyemsetta | we eukey sidenoann 

B19 Il). 216 Tne general rule ise well stated in 22 Corpus Juris 
728, as follows: 

“The weight to be given to opinion evidence in omy cane, 
Whether the atatement is ef the inferenee or conelusion of an 
oberrver or the judgment of on expert, Le, within the bounda of 
reason, entirely a question for the determination of the fury or 
ef the court, vhen trying a question of fact, taking into considerae 
tion the intelligence, leerning ond experience of the witness, and 
the degree of attention which he gave to the mattexy. the judgment 
of experts or the inforences of okilled witnesses, even when unanie 
mous and uncontroverted, are not necessarily conclusive en the 
fury, but may be disregarded by it or by the court trying an Leeue 
of fact, urless the subject is one for experts or akilied wltneases 
alene, and the jury cannot oreoperly be aseumed te have, or be able 
to fers, correct opiniens of taelr own, under whieh sircunmetances 
the unanizmeus evidence of properly qualified witnveses haw been 
rogarded by some courts as conclusive," 

The expert evidence offered by defendant in thie case was 
received, and defendant argues tnerefrom thet the value of the sere 
vicee performed by plaintiff for defendumt did nei exaeed g2500, 
Plaintiff's own evidenee was exeluded upen defendant's ebjestion, 
end the ruling of the court in thie respeet wau, we think, 4rrome- 
ous. 1 Wigwore on Evidece, sec. 715, 9. 1355, the auther says: 

‘Where the teetimeny is directed not se much to a class of 
services ss to those of a particular person in view of hia individue 
al qualities, the tastimeny of a poraon whe had ewployed that indie 
vidual might be receivable, even thoug! he hed ne general knowledge 
ef euch services ag a clase, it would be «& hard rule whieh would 
prevent «a claintiff from inferming the jury of hic own eetinate of 
the value of nia services; sid tne Courts seem inclined to impose 
mo terme ar to hie general familiarity with the clase ef services; 
that he has rendered them justifies listening te nia opinion.* 
Plainti?f's verified affidavit of olaiu ia to the effect that hia 
services wers wotth $50,000, W¢ may assume he would have go teatie 
fied if he had been permitted. 

Defendant presumably was « competent wiiumess as to the worth 
and value of plaintiff's services to him, but wan not asked by his 
counsel te testify om that subject. The jury hed a right io take 
that fact inte concideration, ithe services here rendered were 
wpique in thelr charecter, and the onse disciesed by the fact@ ia 
mot one where the services were such as might be supplied by a 

Clase of experts, such as physicians, attorneys, engineers, ste. 

bd ; Pay ee 
4 Vous | Veuve 
€ we 

einut ay tos S ab bedate {iow of aivx Ltaxeneg oat (Sak 42 Qat 

BN he sei | _ darotte? i” ost 
,9049 5 ee ‘a abiinbve htaia et ai anyly os ‘taal oe oe 
‘ “2% ate MF pd eens : of pM bag nil 
® 4 aK Cee oF ‘Zt . @ ee 
7 beat i te mbkthutheoid oie at nai mee ; tan 
MER bisaeo WA eet foe oo) 7s ashp &@ t 
een eaeadiy te 900% Me gee ails ais 
dusaghul ont ,tosiam aid Pt ws + Aran 23.92, 
ag geod are iongn vit ese 
RLS lg 9 oye Bho 
otha? 's a aa Abo ‘ed te #2 yd 
% ouelw thtaa 4 20 Lainie tet eng ai soot 
cafe re shes. ee tied 
“none Abs BS # teh ,awG ties G 
Loup (Ereqord Yo Avan 

‘sewd earl aodeoadiw he FTL OSTC0 st 
wsevisulouge. Be RTTNOD ome £ i 0 

hav geao add at tashao'teh yd hew The sonmphive dingxe ont Bani wos “y 

a8 edt Xe silav galt fuse worletodd (Bougta Fea hias Lod Berg bru ae 
_, SO0ESE Dawaxe Joa bib Jasbae tek 29% Tiddletq ¥d bonreee : 
| ato goetde BY 2awbein keh Megs bebstoxe aay epaobive ame a theabas 


maken te a dahile OW Haw FON GROT sdug Ai S1u0o ‘eae te red bene 
ingyen sqsdun mit OE LL “<. rr ty “noe yeoueblye a9 ere nt om 

down ae toa betanx oxetee 
~uhivibab eas ‘to wely ll MORO weltiake'a ‘of at 
bat tas? heyoiqun had edo wonseg # Xe « 
cate ied avn on fea geal ‘ws evs \eddavioant o4 ! 
w tiotdw of based a @ "a A 28 866 
by stemites Awo ete to veut oe 

of benilonl mena paxuee ° | me 7 4. 32m & SOOvete 
» p98) ea to eeeto ett a? by eaten tstan of’ 
* wobaige sid of ashing ied. ratte’, Eevwany lewkers 

ald dada too Tie ons of ak tate to snide’ aii oo am 

| by . "ene, neeg ad 92 en yey, 
j stron ect of Be puani te _saosequies A eae yitanwee danas x AE ni atpak . 
eta we bodes Jou anv Sud mid of oolvaon a” €ibaabe ty xe fe a he 
oat ot Sighs a hast rah agit ahaa, oe 0 Pibtass ‘ fad 

| ee marae ann wrod seoivsse oak meldere tare! bhanes mers 
tee oats XS beeolonsh onno of ae : seo ru ‘ 1 
as sw ettaua bed tay he ae sone. vit bh on: 


It is certainly the rule in tort eases that the diffieulty of 
proving the amount of dauagen dove not render recovery tipaen ible 
A persen who hare violated his contract will net be permittee te 
eneape linbilliy beeause oY the Lack of a perfect meneure whereby 
the damages cauned by his breach say be determined. offer 041 
Gorn, ve Garventer, 34 Fed. (84) sae? 

Defendant coneedes that the evidenee in thin reeerd 
Justified » verdict of not more than 32500. ‘That contention is 
based upon the opinion of expert witress«e produced by him, As 
niready stated, the expert testimeny for plaintiff usen 4efencant's 
objection wae exeludeé, it is apsarent that the jury refeeted (and 
it hed a right te reject) the evitence offered by 4eferndant'ts ex 
perte, Thet wae net the oeuly evidence, however, in the reeerd 
from whieh inferences wight be drawn as ito the vwelue of plaintiff's 
services, There was evidence of compensation said te phaintirr by 
‘G@efondent fer similar services, There was the evidense ae to paye 
ments made by the Varmere Kational Grain Coryeration to plaintir? 
for similar services. ‘There was the evidence as to companeation 
plaintiff received from former employers, There wae also evidenee 
ae to the high eonfidenece revoned in plaintiff by defendant and the 
further feet that defendant while competent to testify to the anount 
of compensation which would he reasonable, failed te do so. We 
doubt very wuch whether any further muaaber of experts sicht have 
given evidence sore satisfactery to the Jury. The whole teaue 
Fenolves itself into an issue of fact. There wae evidenes from 
which the jury wight draw inferenese and from whieh it feund the 

reasonable compensation for the services rendered wan the anon t 

of the fudgment entered, The facts were for the Jury. ‘The sourt 
who saw and heard the witnesses bes approved. e¢ do net find facts 
in the reeord which would justify an Appeliate court in findisg tomt 
the verdict ie«wanifestly againet the evidence, 

For these reasons the fudement ia affirmed, 

Seturely, Fug ESneure,. 
O'Genner, ?. J., I dissent. aw & Go., ine. v. daloey, Stewart 
: & Co., App. Ct. First Diet. io.37360 (not report, 

a) Uh LTILd ast fart? somae trod ad ohare one Niatadreg af 42 | 
obtt niga ctevossx ‘tehion tom seg dinigaheitl Yo Panam nals malvern 
at Sedtionse of ton ithe Poets n09 a hat bodaloty aad oxtsr mowsoq A 
vee otuanem terse # TY stoat oat 26 coed WALLA on 

ALTER stombanssnn 0 yun eset WEA Homies ‘eeijamil St 

“wap i lbenno ten (oo cher bt tet ry 

i Heap ie a 
Ray tu 
«i 7" 

=e ro finhaeteb yd hereto  oammb.ive oft ppevahy of is ad 
brent odd us  teverod ,sonshive yhoo ody oe, dicen 

 aotanemeguon oF as eoashtee oie aw Tord ete seth 

PEN ail 

mo “gual o Leste wai? all ott of stead, no 

: | sto e oh a 

a eae 

peo enAtA wv Oak 460d W “3 
frones ton) Oeste 0 #ald foxdt .99 pony we 89 . 

37687 f 



P} gh 

APPBAL eau burs 10H COURT 

va, ng 
OF cogK coprry, 


a Corperation, amd FRADK D 

279 I.A. 628% 


Im an agtion on the caee for malicious proaecation defend- 
anta filed pleas of the general issue and justification. The enue 
was tried by a jury whieh retursaed a verdiet for plaintiff in the 
eum ef $2756, om which the court, overruling motions for a new 
trial and in arrest, entered judgment which defendants ask ue te 

The deciaration was in three counts. The firet alleged tha t 
on July 15, 1931, defendants appeared before Judge Samuel Trade of 
the Bunicipal court and “falsely and maliciously and “i thout reason- 
able or probable cause* charged plaintiff with having etolen thirty 
pies of the value of $15, + the property of defendant Case-oedy Fie 
Gerperation; that afterward by themselves, their agents snd servants, 
they “fnlsely snd maliciously and witneut reasonable or probseble 
eause,” induced the Judse te issue a warrant for the apprehension 
of plaintiff to answer for the orime of larceny, ond that under the 
warrant on July 15th, without reasonable or probable cause, they 
wrongfully and unjustly caused plaintiff te be arrested and inprisoned 
fer twelve houre; that on July Mat they falsely, maliciously and 
without reasonable er prebable cause caused plaintiff to be carried 
into custody before the court and tried, upen whieh trial plaintiff 
wae found net guilty; that by means thereof his reputation and 
oredit were injured. 

The second ecunt averred that on July 15, 1031, defendants 
faleely ond maliciously without probable cause charged plaintiff 


” ' ‘\ . corre 

seo kiogga . 

| enyop aos ud sont aa 
Tago agoo to eh te | 
er <“abenpbonnh. S riiyoae aie 
xe 4 .A.I evs sti tl 


"i at 

~hantab meliuvoa ong avelodiam vet ‘cane oad a nobton ae at 
wasiem 98% .aottagitisant bas eenat Larue ona to tas fg bottt séme 

_ eitt me Tiitaiale to? tohhuey » beatutex dakiaw curt - ari ; i h : 
WAH & TOR atoljom yakinrmwve ,tuwes ot sip Latw 0 00086 Ye 
of 40 Ans etaahue ted Holiw troegbut baxedins seorts wt ae 3 7 


9 add hegedia text ot .etnwos verat nt waw noldaraieel ar 
* ohw2t Le winwe opbut exotad hexane aos ntanbao toh 6 tees ae tist to 

| prvernvnary sushaates v0 yieecorg oatd - ait 26 
(ataerige ban sdanga whouts stevioamodt we buswied'te pov 
__., Sidedong to eidenoseot auedstw hae eawotnd som baw vee shall 
| “ne tenssiet6ce od? “0% sewrtew « ouauk ot eodut sia ne 

ad? wehau Sarid haus oXso0 ted te omiae eid co rowan cs 

7 Yost ,oanee ofiedorg x6 afdenonas’ dwodld kw ss ot se as : 

equa fre Aoteeria of of Yibtalele beeune Kitenta baw pa F 
hie Uewolet lan ationta’ nt toe veut no tans ne 
poteres ed of Tiltatate beenso sense oliadorq to often 
ESS See vioted f 

s Tuaatein faksd sadew wows shebee ae yuo Rory 
j Frm in he 
fee Pee ata “howtwut jaye *; past 

with the crime of lareeny and caused bim to be arrested and put in 
prison for twelve houre; that en August 26th he was discharged and 
meeahtted: that he hae been greatly injured in his credit and repue 
tation and brought inte seandal, iafamy ond disgrace and aulfered 
great anxiety, haa been obliged to lay out end expand money in 
large sums im preouring discharge and &fending simseif. 

The third count gharged aonault «nd battery, but so evie 
denee was submitted under it. 

Of the many errors aileged, 14 will be neeeavary to con- 
eider only one, nasely, that the verdict on whieh judgwent was 
entered wae ageinat the manifest weignt of the evidenee, 

The Case-Keody Pie Sorogoration ie enguged im the business 
of manulaeturing baker products. at the time of the ocourreseces 
here in question ite wlace of business wae at Yoeod and Yalnat 
strectsa in Chicago. Sefendant Dillemn was ite scales manager, 
Pleintiff was one of several Salesmen whe rendered giuilur service, 
He drove s pie truek dally over a route in and around the stockyard 
distriet of Chieage, starting at 4°¢ street and Seuth Ashland 
avenue; he was paid & salary and commission and proqured his own 
gustomers, de had been employed by the corvoration ror about @ 
year but had also worked for ita pretecessnr, #0 that he had been 
in the same line of business for about nine years; he was 35 years 
old, married and lived with his family. te drove the trusk, which 
he says wae bullt like a patrol wagon; the entrance was at the 
rear; on the sides within were the vie racks; in frent of the back 
entrance were doore which were ugusily Lowked; within an the racks 
were receptacles for the pies, which were called *eells.* 

in the usual course of business the driver, the day before 
taking out goods, would give a written order epecifying the par- 
ticular goods desired, which order wéuld be hung up om the rack in 

the office of the corporation or “settl «ment room,” where all the 

at suq bas hadeeris od of wkd beaues dae “aeetet to omixo ent adhe 
bus begtaiould gov oa MSOS seagua ae Beads ierwed oviows tot noulty 
-sqot bhe theta etd ah Horwhat pitaota aead 88a Oo sels :poad kupos 
bexs'viaw faa wpdigald oae yowtal ,tebusse otal seguoad dee matted 
ai yousm hanegee bas Jwo yod et ‘peylide hood nad Udo bene danny 
t oRiswals palbsated bac oymadent® yaituecta af sows ooral 
~ive en gud sUiedted bas tinaene hogiaig sanog Subst est . 
31 tobax bottintus sav seat 
Saad of (ueWadoen od Liv JL ,bogetia wierds Yuen add 20 ) | 
“wew toeegoel delaw oe delbuer oft sade ,yseamn (ond xine Onde 
| sbonsbive ond to ddghew san'tleam off ounce Prater 3 
—— qadditudis edt at Sagogne 62 aolzeroe deo ait Yhecuaeweat 9 
fendextiose cit “te bat! eae 2A .etouberq teaed bits 
ftunieW bas booW ga saw sesuiaud to socio ett aoltenup atta 
9 eejania votes oth ene sbbtid taabei et “Cégadtdo” at eenbe 
Oolviod tuthide Berebaet odw demas laa fovever te eae ‘tow Hil i 
 Pewetoose odd babow base al stv0t & “t8v0 ‘yinaw Mower ote a'eve ; at 
Baahted sued fiea donde 90D ad yak iteld \omadHi) X6 pintetd 
gwe etd Korecte ‘bhw dotesinae bab yintod @ Bhag ‘baw "ik ie z “v { 
gg Fuode «0% i iiatoqx6o ott yd beyolqua ‘nood past be tink res 
need hod od tad? o@ (xosedeeboug ‘gdh 40% Ketttow dite ‘bart ‘ie tas 4 , 
gta BE wew of jetmoy bala duddd Yet seodtend 16 oaks aie ‘sit , 
C etd <itoderi ‘ect? overk ott .ycteeY ola adie MevEE’ bie Be ted : . 
pls te haw oomattie oe faomaw fortag o otit ‘nso vie eyed bt 
"abl Wad to ane a jason ote ot heratipmaclgeetbryior ase vt 

bia ah sea eiles” Relies otew ae fae uote yt wet ; 

- aHetN el Wild Hoven Hy bieditndlt te Seeds ‘ase cater 
stad ndt yaketiveds catite mstiite » erty Brade étned bad pany 

at Xow en? mo qu aed od Siuvw sebt0 sohite Bogie fue ty 

4 Ag Bean Baey Comey Doe ey <toweheal 

drivers checkea ing ach driver elgned his own order; the goods 
were thereafter put inte his truek by loaders, of whom at thie time 
Bicholas Parniecke was foramen. ‘lt was the oustem of the drivers 
to start their trucks usually about five e'cleek each morning, 
The written order of each driver would be hung up on the rear of 
bis truck, Upen completing the Journey exeh Say the driver would 
return the truck to the faetery, turn:in the money he bad collosted 
at the seettiement reom and make out a similar eriiten erder for 
the following day. 

Yuly 13, 1931, defendant Dillen filed an information in the 
Munioipal court charging thet om July 10, 1951, plaintiff atele 
SO ples of the valine of 215 - preperty of the serporation, Juage 
Trude endeoreed the information, certifying he had examined it and 
"heard evidence thereon" end was satisfied that there was prebable 
cause for filing it. le ordered that « capias iseue, Sizing bend 
for #800 or a cash deposit of G10G, The caplas issvedt July 13th 
end was returned served July 3lat. Plaintirr, whe war dlscharged 
from its service by the cerperation July @th, first heard the 
warrant wes out against him abeut July 20ti and went toe the police 
station, taking hie real estate tax bill with him, apparently with 
the idea that he could sigs his own tend, The lieutenant teld his 
he must go to jail until he produced ao bond, fe was lecked up in a 
coli. After two hours Bis father signed o bond and he was released, 
Re had never before nor has he since heen in prison. lie employed an 
attorney to defend him, te whom he paid $300 for services rendered. 
ie was arraigned and eitered a clea of net guilty. Trial by jury 
Was waived, and the court found plaintiff net guilty and entered 
Judgment in bis faver and he wae discharged. Auguet 25, 1921. This 
euit was begm February 23, 1052. The declaration wae filed one 
wonth later, 

‘Tn Glenn vy. lewrence, 280 111, 561, the Supreme court, 


: ae deyotyas oh .poning a anod asa sd oan tos oxoted a eee A 

sheen | ett ptehio awy adsl botmee sovist dont oni hesionde orevitn 
galt aisid te mode Ye .atobook yt sound waa otal tq ieee or um 
Btevith qa 20 cwitawn 40 sae $1 . an 20 sow sinatarat aeLode bu 
aatarom dsae soaiz'@ ovat duoda yang oars cist tata ad 

to weet O47 ao qu aie | oe. bLuow revinh tesa x ‘volte pring os 
hiuow tevlah eas yas igas ourswot ant yal teLemoo nogi owt rs : 
besealios han of yorou ads ai aiue avteeees om oF dost ot | te 
_ eet ebto angiize tatiate a 00 haat pry woot sunne 2200 ahs te 


eas ak solsancto nak ie best? aoitht Pah xe Yoo Abed (ue Behe LP mel 

ehote Viitaigkg ,f6@L , OF yiut oe ibid yalgiede rape, soobat | 

yet .noltaroarse eds Le ystoqetg « ase to ongay nit Xo seh OE 
bie t! borinane basi om yatiytisres » Mol Jonze tas all . 

oidedety Bar wiods fodd belteiian saw dam “sownadt somnive > baae® 

Ay at / 

peed yoixt esmgs eabgeo « todd horebie ou tt aaa rot oman 
 APBL EATS bowed antgne act 0048 te ‘theeass daa # to 0089 bi 
hegtasdiaads sev ow ,tiisaiels siete ent doves seater eae 
_ ote Breed saudd dee aut wo linteqtoe exia ys sot ohvae 3 oe 
eekiog adi of case bar ag 08 yint suede wh tenkage two aa ere iid 
Athw yt ce tage ombel aihw Likd ane season fiom wd gataed «6 ue : 
Bid bio’ tasceduets oat shied mre what mya pines Ry gry rena 
@ sh ay dedeot saw ot .bacd a beowhetq oa thoy shat bed oe sou 
-boaseles sar of baa baod # bengie waste eka awe nt seat 

ma oa 

sorebart eociyten tot 9OL§ biog ol asoriw of ata baw ten of 
Wrat, ¥P, Lote xt hha ton te asiq » beregae ban bes tevin gow 8 
: bated bap Wiking toa Thitalete bawor eno 9m _ sbovinw eae 
C187 {50k ,28, daxau:begrasionZh new 9 ban. sonst wd seme 
7” tam, hottt enw wotteteloep ont Psidaied £988 : i f 

paseo anetqud of , 108 »4fT 08S 


through Br. Justice Cartwright, summed up the law on the subject 
of malicious prosecution ae follews: 

"The facts whieh will sustain an action for malicious 
proseeution are (1) the commencement or continuwnce of an original, 
eriminal or civil judicial proceeding; (9) ite legal eausation by 
the prenent defendant againet pomage yo who was defendant in the 
original proceeding ite bong etmination in favor ef the 
present plaintiff; ia} the absene nena fide termina enuse for sueh pro« 
eeeding; (5) the presence of malice therein; and (6) damage oone 
6 ie to legal standards reauiting toe the plaintiff. (86 Gye, 

In this proceeding « eriminal proceeding wae begun ageinat 
plaintifr at the instigation of defeodante. it hee terminated after 
a trial in the Municipal eourt in favor of wliaintifr. The questions 
therefore, open for our consideration, are whether plaintiff catab- 
Aiehed by a preponderance of the evidence the shaanes of probable 
cause, the pragence ef malice, and damages to the anaunt fox which 
Judgment was entered, 

We have already recited the evidence bearing on the question 
of dumages. It if apparent that the allowance made against aefend- 
ante by the jury was punitive in ite nature, rather than conpenaatery 
for uetual dawsge sustained, in the abeace of preof of malice, 
plaintiff would not be entitled to punitive damages but enly te com 
peneatory danages. Hanneman v, Minneanolin, O.Ps & St. Bs By, Con, 
248 Thi. App. 196. ‘the ease therefore narreve iteelf deen to a con- 
sideration of the question of whether from « preponderance of the 
evidence malice and want of prebable cause may be regarded as eetab- 
lished. We are not ummindful of the propesition ef Law (en which 
plaintiff reiies and whieh is unquestioned) that while malice will 
not be inferred where probable cause exists, on the contrary, where 
there is an entire lack of probable cause, malice may be presumed te 
have been the motive actuating the prosecution. Hey v. Soings, 112 
Tll. 686; Treptow vy. Montgomery Ward & Co., 153 111, App. 42%; Gripe 
ny ras 276 Ill, App. 232. 

Plaintiff eontends that there wae on entire want of probable 

teshdua el? se wal eid qu bewowe ,Seydbertaed ep hdent .ae tywouds 
nes ee re 

avetoiins 20% ashion se atedese ALdv doddw afpn’t ont) 
Jeaigixe am te sensundicas Pe — R ae 1one ae wat $0 

b ie Uh takeatan ane a —* ptleatatg fate meg Ft 9 Soeiad Samay aaa 
ont to. Sovak ah caltaabanes Shit cand i 

-6%g owe <0 seune oisedong ms a p}’reateetet Ho 
oan (@) ban j;atet9d? gehen to soamenng ane: ( 
ant +tisvokoke ade VY a aged apenanne “onste 

fealoge miged see yalhoevena isaiulie a guiheeoorq abat al 9 § + 
‘qette bedunimesd and #1 \edmabaoted Yo notteglsent pat se WURMAee 
egoktenwp oat .Tiidalele Yo reves at deuee Jegistavt edd nt feled « 

-f019e Vittateig willed oa ,aoltereblance we x02 ange. sro terest 

Sidadory to eeaeuda ef apanblve ead Ye sunorehsoeore 2 yd hedda kt 

Solde 40% Jaueun aA2 at sopamsh bas cenbion De somaeny 2th eae 

( GeLsenup 8A a0 yalamod SonMbive elt hodtows Yhenrtse ovat ws ‘Sika 

nhan'teh teataya shan eenawolse ont test gamnange oh Ol « nn 7 

Ytotexatgnen dec? tsar ,wrutea eth ak evitinug sav Yast ene id 
aoa Te Looks Yo woman nud at .bemtatewn symuab Lauton ete 
o 008 98 Lime Sud sonomeh ovdtbag oF hotties od tom hhwow ‘Wekembak 

v0. 4 ot srob Bipath axorten, ene lensed? ovas eat » soak all al 
| Quid Yo Sometehacqerg # OXI rOddosd™ Xe molinewp os Yo mel texebie 
 ndatee aa Sebtager od Yau souem civedoty ta saow bao sottaw wausbive 
doh na) ok Yo aodsinoqons adf 29 Lv thadmaw toa ema oe shpsta hi’ 
Iiiw eoliem eLise tent (boaotseenpaw ad cokaw bau eotinn Tusatesy | 
Otay ,Yiaisaee ant ag ,edalao soseg otdadorg erode by re . 
as Domunerg od yun toiinn ,~eeume eidadere te saad rele saab eee 
«REE yERnhed «x yeh .soltwonnorg 96? pattomton ovigon oat. at 7. 
ante? 182) GGA, £41 BBL, 09.4 beet wapmons Y ra 
| 48S aah LET eve , ! 
ee to time extion ae nae oxed? gad shandane Wbdabels 


eause, and this contention requires an examination of the evidene, 
As already stated, plaintiff was discharged July 9th and then ace 
cused of larceny, There is no evidence of express malice on the 
part of defendants whe instigated thie prosecution, There had 
been, so far as the evidence discloses, no prior controversy bee 
tween any of them. There ie nothing to indicate 111 will or any 
motive to injure plaintiff on the part of the pie corporation, or 
any of its efficers or employees, The theory that proof of malice 
is established sceeme to be based entirely upon the proposition 
that the arrest was made without any probable cause, The evidence 
bearing on that point has been given careful consideration, 

We have already deseribed the relationship of plaintirr 
te defendant corporation and the customary manner in whieh his 
services were performed. Dillon was sales manager of the cornora- 
tion. Nicholas Barnieeke was foreman of the leaders, whose duty 
it was to see that ne one “gets away with anything." At the time 

of the trial he was enly «loader, Mr, Henderson was the suneyin- 

tendent of the defendant corporation, Sidney Pellar 

kewirt, A. R. Noelte bookkeeper in charee of 

Stanley Case 


the files and records. Ed Skoniecazny and Charles Koemond were two 

of the drivers of trueks, while Harry Knowles, alse known as 
Homer Mundy, and John Zack were of those employed as loaders, 

July 8th in the afternoon olaintiff left his usual written 
order for pies te be filled that evening. It was made out on a 
printed form furnished by the pie corporation. In the morning 
about five o'clock he came for his truck, and he says that when he 
came he closed and locked the cell decors and back doors of the 
truck, signed his loading ticket and took it to the ticket oifice. 
He did not check his load, He says, "That was left up to us." 
He got in the truek and drove from the platform to the main part 

of the garage; he says he got off the truck and was leoking for hés 

,@iebive sd# ‘to nolteatwaxe sa sotiupet Holiness aes elas bag. 98a, 
“00 mocd bas Ad? yLul bogratonth aaw Thitatete ,botate vhaor ia aA 
ont no ookian gaoxque Lo gormhive on ef orecdT .xn@otel te beam 
hel erent? MOLMunemetg wLes hetagl tems onthe mtnabite ob Xe) 0 fae 

«od yarevorfnos tolts on eaoeatoath eoashive eit an zak on 4; ‘ 
“Yan te Likw LLF ateothat ot piutsiton at ered smontt ts yan te aut 
<0 Mol tetegtos otg sg ‘to dene ont no Ttifatele otwent ov wvton 
coitam to Loorg test yxoods sal seeyolqmm xo exsol'tte att to ym 

noktkoogqeta elt moqu yotisas fheaad od of smmee hodetidatso at 

_soredive ad? .eaueo oldadorq Yae Jwosdtiw eho saw seonte oat tant 

sftottazablascs Lutetso seviy meed asd taleq stadt ae. ankeaod 

TMitalele to gisesoljelor eid bediioasb ybsetis oved @W e 

aid doisy at toanam ytemedaue out Hews Rolsatoqtos -™ an 

ous ent dA pee aie thw qare prea one. ou 1 tailt 908 ot aay ak 

sa oot sew soarshogh .th ,reheol « xiao saw ost Aatxs Lady | 

wbapatbenset <aLlo% youkle melzanoateg Aanhan rh net, Ye : 
to agtads nt soqvedtood etieod 8 A tim aeons 
OWe etaw bagmsed eolieAy hae yaanel mone MB a 

Sad AO AAO ARM BM AF, anion texte npn ipty ie to 
Lepeharnns ad? al. ,tolteroqtoo olq odd yd. ment ain i 

fy amie to. eroch duped baw azeeh Lieve eat ans wma pean ole 
Beli: yil coal of, th Agog bie, soxats balbaok aid : ash 


hand boxes; that Nicholas Harniecke, the foreman, called te him 
and asked him te back up to the platform. The foreman told plain 
tiff that he wanted to re-cheok his les@, Plaintiff says he ree 
plied, "GO. KL, I doen't even know what ie in there myself," The 
foremaa checked the plee in the prosenee of plaintiff and found 
$0 extra ples whieh were not on his order sheet. Plaintiff says 
he thinks the ples were worth from $3.80 to $4; he sleo cays the 
foremen vith his own hand wrote @ gharge for these extys plas on 
his leading ticket. Defendants were asked on the trial te pore4uce 
the tieret, but it seems the original sheet had been destroyed 
after the trial of the eriminal charge and before this sult eas 

The foremen testified he had cheeked the pies before plaine 
tiff arrived and bead talked by ‘phone with Henderson, the superia- 
tendent, about the situation and tienderson told hiw te let pliaintifr 
go ahead, He permitted plaintiff to preeeed, sand plaintiff says 
that day be seld all the pies and uvok hie teturn in the afternoon 
accounted for them at the office, 

Pilsaintiff wae calied toe the office, where he had aw talk vith 
&Y, Peliar, in the presence of Mr. Dillion. Piaintiff says: 

“told Pellar taat I was sorry he took that attitude, thet I 
Was afraid he was making a mistake-- he cald he would have to leave 
me go for being dishonest with the eoxpany. That was all he said «= 
for being dishonest -- that rae all he suid. He didn't amplify that 
any, or explain, and I have teld ali that was said at thet time.* 

Plaintiff went back to the office of the esompany on July 11th 
and gow the office manager and avked for hie cheek; 1t was not ready, 
Om the 14th or 15th be again returned and saw Gillen. te went te 
the office ef ¥r. Case, Henderson was there, Plaintiff testifies: 

. “Henderson, the hesd beaker, said, ‘Il am surprised st you, 
Bost.’ I said, "You don't have te be surprised at we at ell. I am 
O14 enough to take care of myself; den't go firing any ballets at 
me. Furthermore you were set even around and you don't knew any~ 
thing about the case.’ Case was not in his office, Dillion told 

me I wae crocked; that I had my chance there, and that they were 
Geing to take care of me from then om, I enid, "Well, I will geo 

ib ef 68 kao [eemenet ont ,odoneenee gu deto ke sata inexog: band. 

atlaly blot mmts? ONT sete wal af? of qh hand of. abs hale De 
04 a Gyn Tleateds shoot elit dosmsoe of bedamw ed tags wus 
ott ©, tioeye etety wi ab saci wpad neve ot mab 1. gay” edo be 
hava ben Thbtatety te soreaete ano at eeby edd bostestiy: on pata? 
eyes Tthveieds este tehite ekt a> ten ouew “okey aay axtan 08 

ect eyes onto sof GAS oF 00.060 sett cicoe aco sade ont etinbdt od 
1S lees 

tie ROR Gedo GROte KW 2 yredo of SHOR Guat own ude abew! | 
seuiint 6% Swine 227 o BoMnn erow ebuhhnb Ie abnade githeot ait . 

raae i 

Reryorl err awed bod yoo Lealyhne ost wmowe 12 tad tout 9 no 
aon ¢hve wher exe'toS bnew egretio feninbww er to tabre ont 9 

as Nau an 

| slate See tee eehq ads beveeds ben we Sekt isess namvro? edt ts) ‘ak oe 
ie eae ,Kotrehaet x¢lw saoig’ yt bodes api i 

«dade oharteta cece toet on ssn siete dasvaataiea aan 
 @weet of ove: Sinew od hea a -pdeadala # alka aaw od & 
pBhee ee tte, ea aaa Yancey at ATiW tis mosels guled 202 eg om 
Bi hiqaa 2'uhib ov bist od 149 eae Jadt -. sesnodals gaked ‘ot 
a8) te bhas aow decile Lie Bhet avet 1 tite efth adage ery a 

Sky: Take ws 

i3if yish ge yteqewe She “Ie gob Tie es? of aaed Jaew Miasaiast alae 
eEdwot Soe few 22 jxoedp ola vel Setae bas rapanes oa!T29 sdf wae em q 
9d Ftew of .aeli i wae daa fenterenr ahage ane a ‘ 
raok Thess Tthtalel= ,eteHs aee sowTseueR 

te Bestrytme ao I! boo y teed ood san, 
9 de om Sa hoadtesna od” a2 6ymd fe 
eteliod yas galaet oy t*nah pion a & 
mean toad ft0d HOY Sie bawets ave oc stew Loy ; prise ald wi 
Noe wes Sie bey ong did ah fon aew eee) or aay suaaee 
ttow yout eds baw ,oxrodd soamto ys bad I dadd jbekoote © 
og unde 2 yktow bhae 1 a0 Hd mort om 20 oF 


right along with you.’ There may have been a Tew other words said««- 
I don't reeall., save told all he wald about my being cracked that 
I reeall. 

Se teld we I was getting away with a iot of things there and 
that it hed been going on for some time and i tol( nim, ‘Well, yeu 
and i didn't stand ee good; 1 suppose you saw your chanee te get rid 
ofme.’ He sald, ‘That is a pretty good exeure but we caught you. '* 

Plaintiff teatifieces positively that he did sot compara the 
leading ticket with the pigs in the wayon on the sorning in question, 

Skoniecsny corroborates hin, eaylng that on this particular 
morsing his own truck wae rigkt next to that of plaintit?. He says 
he cheeked his own wagen ond then calied to plaintiff, “Ain't you 
going to cieek your wagon?" and plaintiff sald, *he, I'm too tired,* 
This witness wae one ef the employeoe discharged by the corporation 
et this tine, 

Barnieeke, the foreman, cays he saw plaintiff enter the face 
tory on the morning in queetion, fhe witness had checked the lead of 
Plaintiff prier to that time. He ales ealled up Suporintendent Hendar 
eon, Se saw plaintiff wet in the truek and while in it, open up some 
of the compartments, but does net knew whether he oponed up all of 
them. 4e gays he turned the loading sheet inte the office, bat the 
witness te positive that he 414 not enter the extra pies ucon the 
sheet. te saya he 214 net write anytuing on it but made a memorandum 
and turned it inte the offiee. Flaintiff was present when the fore. 
man ehecked the pies and then told him te go om out with his losd, 

At this time oclaintiff simply remarked that somebody was trying te 
play him a 4irty trick. 

Keemend, also a shlesman ef defendant company, testifies 
that on the afternoon of July Sth he met pleintiff at the corner of 
Lake end Wood streets; that plaintiff osked him if he hed been fired, 
tee. Vitness asid, “Ke.“* Pileintiff suggeeted that they see Mundy. 
They went to see Mundy and plaintiff told him thet "they bad caught 
them and that Mundy stheuld ge in there and eay that the ples were 
Just. put in there that one fay." ‘This witness aise said that about 

& month before plaintiff told him he wished ae had a few extra ples 

eshiee abiow tod?o Wot a ased evad yeu oupdt * oie “ielanow ab 2 
«fear boulcore ygaled we tieda bisa es Bie biod bagi nom I 
hee suas # te del «a atte yYores galitey anv I a@ bhiot ener 

way ,iie¥ winksl hiet 1 bus ome emoe Te? ap gako 

ple day @3 suns teoy wea Hoy voaqqes T cbeee ied denne eeah 

=! .goy tiguao ow sud MALONE baoy i song e at tadt* noonge ou ‘eat 
- oe 

De aaa 

gait ote GoD fou hib of 2aas yiovisdaog en ttisass Vadentalt 

er a aes ae ee | 
omaiseoup at ghar os clea ae acyaw ena ad wna ons “aw oxo ks ry 
eek ae 

talooisaag abies ae sua anton whi avdatodors oe Rode 
St: Wee whe heh est 

ayes ‘on -TrLd aledg te tad? ot sxoa sign ad xo? awe afd 
: & e uk deter 

oy #* ata Tihsadole os bediva an as bass ve eae mee and bexoerta ) 
* boxts ood at ou" bine Vabsabace bas “tase sw98K oe ‘ot oles 


.omkt 8 
ont eat te$a0 Tiltalolg was od syee p manera? om? iooiene 
a i — ‘i 

te boot weld hestoasio haa asensi oat sons 90up at _gatares ve cannes 3 

ps dnpbaes alco que aw be Ling on ks on oats tous ot P 

mes as asqe vik at eLidw bas ours oid ak $03 rupmiece we zB , 
cd ite ai bene qe on nosld oe work ton seob twee Leeder gee 
os tus ,90L%0 0cd cfnd foods aatbeok oxta omeut aa ayer i one 

NPs bs pe * 
(eat equ wale atixe ec? setae ton Bib ee tant evitleog a. 
oy ‘ YC pAtR eee icapilied xy aye 
wba omen a obs ‘aud “at ue pad yas erie fon SLB sat re 
Ee HE Site bs 
sts eal ae. Jawan ig eae Valeutets sorte eng ovat i hsm 
H “Bai § ha, 

“ shmos e kat “gb due He oy oF als See ie, Soe ae : 
“ ; 2 ae 

id uber nae whodones, mas textames yiqnte Vitatete smd yaks: 

Ly quia Poe 

violas peste 2) a Fae 
Bits sit } Pope ie eon 
; ae ltkrend eyangiao taabas ted t0 auneea Can a cals caemsek 

+ sca roth ae 
SS remo ait $e Pi sate ds Jos on ase tat e noowie d Te ie i 
by 45 KOSS ORS ORE eal 

Sout mod bus oat “2A 1d bowaa Tiéatad taae afserta hoo? 
. 7 nae z Be et es Ppl 

bart oea we sant betevague Wiener i * 0m" some! -s 
tiguay eat qenia" bait ad 4 bier Mibtcaate hw AUK ven ot ny 
oure vole ait tons we bea | orese at dae paat on 
“toda tests bilan ‘ona weonsee alse “yenb ns sett ote te 

we Get met wake eee 

‘soe atze i a Baden bedekw of mist bine Tktadal 

aottaxoqtos ‘eal «a heyrasioa Lb sonyocqune ont % sas now ssont te seat 

te make up hie shortage, also that after July 9th plaintiff told Kim 
there was « subovena out for the witness and that he, witness, should 
get out of town, Koomund was discharged by the company but had been 
re-enpleyed at the time ef the trial, Un cress axwaination he said 
that three or four times a few plies were put in that weren't charged 
te the drivers; that be eplit two or three dollars with Mundy, 

Bundy, alias Knewles, testifies that in June, by mistake, 
he put teo many ples inte plaintiff's track and was going to take 
them out, ut that plaintiff told him to leave them in, whick he 
4id, and he (plaintiff) would give him bealf the value ef them; that 
ie the way it would ge om from day toe day, wii that he got honey 
from plaintiff every morning when he cawe to work; that he reeeived 
about tes dollars from pisimtiff outside the plant on the morning 
er July 9th in the presence of Jonun Czak, He says that later in 
the day plaintiff told him they were eaught and seid that he (Mundy) 
was the only one whe didm't have @ chance and asked him to say tale 
was the firet might the pies were put in, aid that he agreed te do 
eo. He gays that a week later at the home of Kis mother and in the 
presence of John Caak and several otser drivers, he saw plaintiff; 
that plaintiff asked hin if be had heard of Caweekoody's doing any- 
thing yet, aid that witmesas said, “ko.” A warrant waa tazxen out for 
the witness, but the proseeution was dropped. Ue now works for de- 
fendant corporation ae a cake baker. He saya he teld the efficials 
abeut the eonssiracy and these transactions, They re-eemployed him 
and 414 not prosecute him beesuse of a plea made to them by a aixter, 

John Cask says that on July Sth he saw gliaintiff at the 
factery and heard him say to Mundy, “Here is the money,” and thet 
plaintiff turned ever about $2; that plaintiff asked him to put a 
couple of pies in his wagon because ke had two pies that were not 
goed; that he did so and plaintiff gave bim a couple ef cigars. ie 
®ise testifies that he heard plaintiff tell Bundy he had better 


miit bie? Viieuiale dee “int x0 9be tags onde eundueien adam tem of 
bineda ,oamatin ,oA sae bas ameagde ooe 292 sue aoeogson # sew ox0nt 
need has tad yunguos gus yd bearetvath saw haumoed wares te fue tem 
bles of co lantawne eects m0 .dalsd end to omts ont te bo Yo Lame 9% 
hegsnete o' mwxew fads ah tug orew ante wot @ awakd uot xo send sal 
Ap ghouls iw ote lieb earls to ow Fhiqn ed gant poupeheh odd OF 
ehetebs 4¢ ,eawl at geadd aeltiteas ahmaiinenanl aebie vba 
“glee ‘ot weal i ane bao doused ef Tiltalal¢ erat sola wea ood toe a 
od io bate ,at endé eveol of mid biog Tihiahele dacs duet 00 wont 

tnas seed? ‘te ovine off tLad ata avky binew (Wtteaiate) od bas bb 
; Pe wee 

(yeank Fo9 od Jant bite ,yeb of yob mott ao oy biwew $1 yaw ode ah 

x, sie 

nov saoes od taas ;axow of eamo on eae ote galaron vreve vehsatate mort 
wakaros off ae tamig end eblesuo Til tatete want writes ove cuvte a 

mh satel tant exon oi fend alot Yo eonseong exis at 9@ yLut Ye: 
“(ebawi) ed tant blow ban Siyguoo oxsw yard aks bios Vussateke ‘een aul 

ehae yaa oF wht boeken how sonar a oved tt abhp “ocr sao ino ont aw 
ob ot heotys of Sad? dow ad éuq ox9€ wet one tigi tant add naw 

Rees hue i4 

ons nk haw weivem ail to somd edt te total doow « tals awe ott 100 

{MUsatece wan of ,erxovinth xedto iareves bas aand nde’ vs sonmaate 

i gato a'ybucikeoasd ‘to bused has od th wid bana "bsatate ast 

«8% tue neiet eae teattew A ok” bles anend tw ase ban foe : 
ee Rey 

“0d x02 axtow won on sbaquers asw Hobsuvaorg ons tua among 

aletel'tts writ Aiot oul agen oii -t8dad asan s es not te194¢100 tawnan 
Mb beyoigqae-ox yo? ane lions nerd eons ban woartcamae out ott suede 

nogods e ye may of ebas ae £4 @ te ooxmoed mts efueesore cannes 
| ond om Ytitniele woe od age yivt ae taut agen “hand stot 

: taste Bat “,gestom welt at oxek , vba oo Yas het bases bas -s 
“a 3q 0% mist boalnn vitatete tase (8% suodn ed bomant ruts 
tow exon Sate nate ows hawt ae onuinved aopee okt ‘nh este to ox 
ou seuagto to eiquen # whe oree, Vibsaiesy baw oe nie oe sant 4 

wited bat oe wool Lied Tibsatede b buses on tact we. 

Kiet te aot 

ai : y 

lesve town. This witneer also wae diseharged by defendant eorpora- 
tion and now works for ancther company. 

Mra. Enewles, wife of Mundy, teetified to the visit of 
plaintiff to their home, corroborating her husbend, 

The evidence shove that in July eat a date which must have 
been prior to the taking out of the warrant, defendant corporation 
teck the atviee of aounoe), Attorney Lioyd KB. Brown, in the absence, 
ef his brether Charles, wae called to the office of the company | 
where he held a conference with lr. Case, Mr. Pellar, ond wr, Dile 
lon, Mandy "ae present and at that time signed a written Staten ext | 
prepare’ by the atterney. Lioyd Brown tasiifies to the effect tha 
plaintiff was alee present, but plaintiff contends (plausibly, we 
think) that he wat wistaken in thie respect. The attorney says 
that plaintiff (we agree that it must have been Mundy) said that 
about $75 worth of ples had been taken out and not accounted for, 
and that the sroceeds were divided aneng those interented in the 
enterprice, Nicholas Barniecke wae not present at thkea eonf erence, 
Attorney Brown saye that he told his elients that if they had the 
testimony of Burniecke they would be justified in swesring out a 
Warrant against plaintiff, On eress examination he said that he 
414 mot advise epecifically that plaintiff sheuld be charged with 
having stolen 30 pies on July 16th of the value of $15, ner wae he 
informed by anyone that Henderson had told Barnieeke to permit 
Plaintiff to take theme ples with hia lead, or that plaintiff had 
sold the pies at that time and secounted for the preceeds to de- 
fendante, t 

We think the foregeing is a fair sumeary of the evidence, 

Plaintiff concedes that it ie well settled Law in this 
State in cases for malicious prosecution that where a prosecuting 
witness hed submitted te a lawyer of good standing all the facts 
within his imewledge, or that he could have obtained by ressenable 

wtogton feeds toh ys Bogracnsss sew onde reanthw eldt « seme eveak 
: eo Re TOeeam woh emer ween ime meds 
‘te ftety sl es he2tieent aeoaue te otiw ,weivend eee 5 si 
-Dingeeed tod gauisetodericy ,eeed sheds of Tileakele 
‘ | eved teom teksw otah « ta ylul ah tadt avedn sooedive eft) sold 
7 not teroq tes toetosie® ,taexvtaw oe to duo gabdad oct of tobte eed 
sangeds oa? of ,wwoad .M hyeld youtessA .feemwon Ie. eghviw eat dood 
neque 2 to ogltta edd of hotiaa sav ,aolradd aodtond aha te 
mike 2 bow .teLL9T WH ,0nnd 2M thw squealing ® Bed st onsale 
| femodete sedstiw 2 beast emt? tad’ ta han tamneng exw vans: 20h 
mae spetts weld of veltiiees awoxd hyetd ‘yoarstta edt yd betayowe 
ow Yidhavata ) abaotnas Viiiainig tad ,fapaeng gate kan KUsske te 
eyne yomoitn ed? .dooqnet elds of soxtateta maw, mst cade (dnkde 
tad? bine (ybrw% moos ovat Joum 24 Sad congas ow) Vadsabe ty tase 
stot Defawegen fon has tuo awsad seed bad eohq Lo memew ONG ewote 
4 eds at beteowsal seis yaome behiyib exew sbaooote seit sasit’ hme” 
-O0 Ts Taos atd? ge tasgetq fom saw siseiatet esledeali - sonkrete tne | 
wld bak youd IE dads e2nalio aid bded om dunt aan arent yomrongay i 
® two gakigows ak be ttigest od bivor, yout oxvetated Ye ynomhtneg’ | 
if tndt btae on neisantnaxe anore a0. .TUitntata-tenbegeioienial! — 
ate | begraso of Divode Wiitelele tase Yideokthosgr onbvhs ton SEK 
oe saw tos 216 To sutar ed? Yo ddd whet, a9 aete O8 me Lete yethvadt? 
thang of quloetared bfod bad apaxebank sade eeeniaiennendll | 
box Yitsnielg dads to heed aid Adte aehe onedd eated vad: 
ae 0 OF abrooota ouit xot batamees hap, oaks fant tm waged Biow 
ae 7, + wee — ieeitt syetnabae . 
seoaaht ys oss Te Yeung star a a, sibiadiae, ali leeainniel om . 
eae at wet Destvon, Liew al 31 padd apheonoe TWtemlat® >. be puted. 
gaktevenora a grande Jedd anktuaoserg awokeiion rot, omad mh oat 
ato’ ont te pitbasty bees, ‘to sogred a of) herehecon 4 ba or 
: ekdanovent Xd homladde syed dLv09 of dade cor 4s 


diligence, and acts upon such advice in good fuith, ne cannot he 
held reeponsible; and this we understand to be the law, We think, 
however, there was @ question here as to whetner all the fuets oan- 
serning the charge against plaintiff ware submitted to the attorney, 
The evidence in that regard wae eonfilating end, we think, raised 

an issue fer the jury. igons vy. Banter, 285 111. 556. Ye cannot 
therefore hold as a matter of law that plaintiff ia precluded because 
the proceeding: against him was initiated om tue advice of counsel, 

The fact, however, tiat couse, was called, as well as the 
facet that the Judge whe issued the warrant eertifies that he took 
evidence, in entitled to comulderation in determining the weight of 
the eviderce bearing upon the issues of malice and probable cause, 
The courte of thie State have always been vigilant in this clase of 
euses in guarding aguinat the danger that the jury may regard the 
aequittal of the plaintiff upon o criminal charge as justifying the 
inference that the prosecution was wrongfully begun. fhe reeord of 
mequittal is aduissible eniy fer the purpose of showing the determi« 
mation of the proceeding. It has no bearing upon the guestion of 
want of prebable enuse or of avidence of maiiea. in a criminal ease 
the burden of proef ia upon the State te #stabliah guilt beyond « 
Feasonable doubt. in a sult ror malicious prosecution the burden 
Ag upen plaintiff te preve by a prependerance of the eviderce the 
absence of probable enue ond the presenes of malice. In Coliing 
Ne Mayte, © Tli. 383, Chief Justice Breese said: 

"Our exorrience teaches us thera ore few questions of law 
more difficult of comprenension by « jury, than those which govern 
trials for melicious provecutions, It seems difficult for them te 
acpreciate, if the plaintiff was resliy innoeent ef the charge fer 
which he wae prosecuted, that he still ought net to recover. They 
4o not readily comprehend way an innocent man may be prosecuted for 
& Supposed erime or offence, and yet have no recourse against the 
prosecutor whe caused his arrest and inorisonuent, and yet the 
inna a gene er the peace ond erder of society require, that even 

pcent men may be compelled te subsuit te great inconvenience and 
hardehip, rather than citizens should be deterred from instituting 

proseeutions where there is reasonable ar probable grounds te be-~ 
lieve ic the existence of guilt.” 


ie” Byes, sa ae 
gd Seams of ,ihke? boom ad eokvhe dawn rege geen has yoomephthh 
ashes OV wai od@ od of bawtavehbaw o oie? ban poddioaogaet, pied 
| aoe a200% oct Lin wuitedw of os oted nodteonp me aa ered? .tevered 
-woartettea ad} of beteladut stew Yildataie semkeyo eprede ont: aakanee 
bortes pamth? o@ ,to» galtolltaeo egw bxeget dest ah egnohive edt 
fonses oF POG WL AOR EE eee ow kop otal ent x0k eenehy me 
Peieood Behutoong ef TLAFweedg Foss WEL TO KOdsem & am bhod enekonete 
-inaavin to Mivhe et? wo bolwlital aew até delays eaakboneena eet 
oud ax iow va belies aaw fevakou Sauce ,revewed ptuaeml) oro 
aot wat casts ask ThITeD savxoW Hid bounnt obo opie ott dndd, daar — 
“Te diyjlow oAy yitidtone Jeb at nolowlenoo ot belt hem at yeouhhee — 
\nuusy edieder@ Sue oi Lem To wewoel eff vequ anteand sounhien nat 
Yo nese width Mk tathyle need eyawke oven atatt ete te etemeneMe 
Gi? Dteget you yTet odd todd ynak off Samhege sahieewy wh eenee 
eat gaiytitevt aa eytedo fextabto a siequ Vidslelq ont te fegehepee 
Le Hroder oMF .niged YLLAgOWW AoW nobtnowsong ent Sat epmouRRMh 
aleteded odd galvode Yo aeoqtug ei a9t eine eiddanlohe a2 Setthupon | 
fe holiaesp O07 eoqu yalbined on ged tL apathoesenq. ost to wok tas 
gene faakuhta & at Hob iem Lo tenebive to 19 samme atiedent Ren tamy 
& barged ULing deilvatee @¢ 98078 943. mege ed. ‘Yoo Yo. aebted etd wi 
abbied of? molteosecsy avolelian aot thon o al .tdoeb oddameenet 4 
bry sovoblve ed Yo wommrobaeqerg « Yd vvorgied Tiitatadqumpamek — 
«gated wf .eollew lo conbeoug 94d hae ooune eddedong Reepneeda 0 a | 
iblew oeoeth odtonut Rede BE ALK OO smemel ae 
‘at te euoireaup wet on may au endesed ent wa 
mtevey solide eacis asdd ,ytet 2 yd aoleasdetemee | | 
@? mead tot tivoittlh amepe 21 .anoksupowete cnbantaees hw, 
met, sgiece oct t¢ taepoant yiieot eaw Tihdmletg ont 32 .@ 
ste¥eo9t of tou Sigwe L1i9e wet tare per rege is 
‘7 antag enTEesex OM & ines aah a ‘Sorw'r'te to salt hovoqaue a 
edt fey ban ,teennoaitqal ban teers old betes vd “ wee 
uaameraa echt Pet Bolioqnes of uax oan sascomal 
BML Sad tsenk nowt berxedeh ed “bivoie waves Tr ‘aa Tatar anol 
1 gnie ne “ icmp 05 ens Lye tare ras : 4 


The facet that the examining magistrate heard evideneoe is 

net controlling. i¢., 54 Til. 890, The 
queation here narrows iteelf down to the proposition of whether the 
verdict of the jury as to want of prebable cauce and as to malice 
is against the manifest weight of the evidence. Ae before said, 
there ta no evidence of express muiiece. it does not appear that any 
officer or employee ef the company had any ulterior motive, or any 
purpose other than the protection of the property and buaineer ef 
the corporation. The evidence shows beyond a reasonable doubt that 
gome of the drivers purloined tie pies of the cerperetion, and that 
eeveral of them must have been parties te the pilfering, Defendants 
investigated; they employed counsel; they accused some of the driv. 
ere of whem plaintiff’ wae ome, and seme of thes confeased their 
guiit. Plaintiff did not confess, but if he was witheut guilty 
knevledge his reply to the aceugation was, we think, moet unferte- 
nate and by no means well designed to allay suspicion. He wae an 
inteliigent witness and fron « business standpoint he must have 
realized that the matter wae a serieus one for the corperation, 
although it might acpear in some respeote trivial, When the number 
of employees omgaged in this Line of service for thea corporation is 
considered, the matter appears of great ixportance, Plaintiff made 
practically ne endeavor toe persuade hie exployer ef his innecenee, 
The evidence tended te justify susjieion. in the trial of the case 
hia experienced counsel (wisely, we think) reiied much upon the 
theory that although plaintiff might initially nave appropriated the 
pies in question, the feet that he later by persission seld them and 
accounted to nis employer for the preeceeds, as « matter of law pre- 
Gluded the inference that he was guilty of any crime. lis case was 
ekiifully conducted on the theery that under such clreumstanees he 
gould not be held guilty of larceny. The theory, to say the least, 

is doubtful. People vy. Bhie, 275 ill. 424; People vy. Lardner, 300 

ai wenebive bused oseudelgne gafakemes off Sos Gon® eA oo) 1h 
at 0 .if] Me, 0 fe HL SOTITHS oF NOE LOM .gakiveriaes ton 
Sie Teivesty Yo molsieovetg we of WO Whewss swowkne wre metteemp 
eofinu oo 2@ bth eenen eitedowg te dnew oF um tisk ens To folneee 
bee exelod 24 ,shankive este ‘le Stig low seo thnem ede tuatene wt 
‘eae test? Yeeeqe Son veoh $1 Joolhinw seetgee Te wousbive on at eres 
“ie vo welt tered ie yu bed yomquws ond We eoyetqun to taste 
To aeaainnd bow (IUsqoT@ oat to aottostorg one madd Tente Suequig 
fest? bow ,xokiatoyxes eis to wet ent. sontesuy seis sith 8 
APoobie tee .yabietite oft of avloteq seed eved toum mods Rovkate 
With oe Yo Same bevuven Yond ;Lnenwes beyodgan ome phe | , 
le Meet aoe viads Ve omot bate pmeng ane beta ty mene ee 
 ‘qiiluy suelsly sow oA Us ted ,eeetas Com bab Tihtmtel® ) ehbep 
wudroay dues Sakis Ow naw aol tanvove ons of ULeow hd opneteoas 
eved tame of falsybtadw weenieud « mott ban auontiw ‘suey? Lietut 
 ekiote tae of) Tet ene weeklies « wav weeten omy Gadd Dent ieee 
‘Peiaws oc? cot .Letvine atooqeot omea at teoqye sighm $k dqwodttta 
ai aalieteqiee ait vet eetrtes ‘to salt alti’ at begeyne aeweelene ‘to 
ohte Viljaiel% sebuottogat tesa To exesqed tettes OY jhomOkemOD 
fiseoornl ula ‘to Texyelqus sie shave 69 tovanhos om Yilaahdoata 4 
asae af Le falas off al satdg lone Ythvest of \bebaed som sive wal 
oii vocn doum betiesn {aaldy ow ,ylowiw) Soenuon boomeiatequb onal | 

i he oe 

OS Bem 

bas ‘os Siow nahen bates es votes oe tan: tent ont ‘saabrenwp ak -weke 

12) G9 PR Bray et 

079 eat to todtnm @ as inbowoory wee x02 See er 
fey SER oO 

ate eaaw ohhh eae yao Yo yituy ea oh dalle onnece tad ; j 

Be OMS im SE 50% aed 

od Aeon reworks Hote ‘tebe taut roe ody aie bereubaoe - 

me ey Frage 3 

aged ant yee halt cetonat hea easel to watug bled od ¢ 

ee ae 

a b2.3 

Til. 264. In 5 

92 tik. App. B71, this court said: 

"The decisions of the courts incline toward an enecuragement 
of criminal prosecutions when they are instituted in good faith, 
without malice, and fer the purpose of punissing violatere of the 
law, and for that reason suits fer maliclous prosecution are not 
favored and have been ¢ritically examined. HKeynelda vw. Aennedy, 1 . 
Wile 232; MeBean v. Hitenie, 18 111. 134; au Til. 

Sard vw. shew, 
354; case Barrett vy. Gpaids, 7) lil. 404; Angelo v. 
Foul, 38 Di, 108." , 

In ¢. BK, 3. & %. Ry. Co, v. Yieoree, 99 111. App. 564, this court said: 
"The citizen whe in goed faith and witheut malice, under 

eiroumstances sirongly tending to show guilt, inatitutes a erininal 

prosecution, sheuld not be cast in damages teeause afterward upon a 

Tuli investigation the suspicious circumstances are explained, and 
the innocence of the party scoured made apparent, (Jacks v. Sting 

a3 I23. V2; 6 Heyte, 50 111. 383; Angele v. Foul, 35 
» 106.) ‘The a taal ine te the eneouragemmt of eriuinal 
prosecutions, when inetituted in good faith, witheut sialice, and 
for the purpose of punishing vielatere ef the law, and for that 
reason suite fer malicious prosecution are not favored." 
®@ held im thie case that uson the issues of mulice and 
want of probable cause the verdiet of the jury is manifestly 
against the weight of the evidence, We may add that the damages 
allowed sre slise obvieusly, in our opinion, exeessive, 
For the reasens indicated the judgment is reversed and the 
cause renended. 


O'Conner, F. J., and keSurely, J., concur. 

 phias gteoe alee , AG sgh VELE Se pee Jy waned wt bee efit 

tei geraseae cas fawee yal agawes oct “he Gaetetoeh oaT% | om 
~Sdiat boog ah horas. dani ote yoilt apse Ldnwoe one faniaite "te 
este te sxotaiely gutsataun to opoqumny ody cot tom ,eolfen 
yh ots ee ee sactet ion wes ative scat ads ‘tot bate 

ibiwa Pusind eins BOS a0 Ail se s 

wo hae jul bem suas kw ban Atte? seen at ous meakiie. onr® 

istiongte @ eetetitand ,¢ihuy woe od: angry onl 

& Seay Stewed ie euusced soyeceh al Goae od fon & 

hee Tae ee Ne ee 
aos fot tng he ehen beavooe bab ond 


‘[eniaite te simamgaiweans Ye of @ ot? 
Boe ogy Rog twediiw ,Atiat feeg al aete 
s so 3a .wel eat Ye atosaloiv 

. J ; J + m 
ole due our nadeuoueuny tembesion Sov Oth 
fon sotings te semat ode soqy decid Ste UM ab brad ew” re wee 

yideotianm ak Yael su! to dolbxev of? seneo otdetery To"thew 
fegnees ont fad? the yom OW .soneb tre odd Yo Sugar ody waihinge 
.oviaaooxs ,nolatge ie al ,yiewelvde’ sety ot bewelte 

ous bat boatorwe ot @asambat edd dedaothat enexmet oat woh Oo! 

ce em 

: mor awe ee Map 

 vtasane 6b ylounted baa, 60 ae 
rer < cae LS 3: rhe Lowel Fear @ ; 

nica ia ’ ’ j #64) gr NA eee ae BR i ea ss Hid a” a 
hig ihe. eg 3 be ERAS gene Ree nae es coders ABE kei 

1 ! \ 
mituieay Saeet ie eat eee 

> galt, a eee nd yitely 
Y qgahene aden al patrewcea | 
vested: at Bennie | 
erry | ae: wheats , 
re Oe aie me ae meg | tof tow Lil 


37704 ~ : 

é \ 
rigs gf Neng’ Fi 
; if s ) a ; 
Appellees,” gees i. 

OF O00 

PR pt mac, 


Appellants, } 

H i 
279/1.A. 628 


Joun Jordan, ao resident of Ghieawe, died at the Aleaian 
Brothers Hospital June 7%, 1928, He left iim eurviving a daighter, 
Rargaret Devereaux, wife of Asay Devereaux, oid « won, George 
Jordan, his only helre. A written instrument executed February 
12, 1926, purcorting to be Hin last will and testament, vas admitted 
to probate in Cask aounty September 14, 1924. Om September 1%, 1929, 
Bargaret Devereaux filed her bili im chaneery to contest the suppered 
will, alleging ineapneity of the teatator and undue influence, The 
cause was submitted te a jury which returned a verdict in favor of 
the contestant, ond the court, overruling motions for a sew trial, 
entered judgment on the verdict setting aside the wili. Defendants 
agk: this Judgeeit be reversed, 

it ie centended, in the first place, that the court erred 
in permitting Ray f. Devereaux to tewtify. in the beginning he was 
joined as a gompluinent but before the trial wae dieuiased out of 
the case, ond the court, over objection by defendants, then permitt 
him te testify at length. ie was alee cress exwuimed by defmdant 
At the cloee of his evidence, however, all hie testimony was 
stricken out on motion of defendante and the jury inetrueted by the 
eourt to disregard it. 

Tt iw conceded that Ray Devereaux was incoupetent as a vit. 
ness under section 2 ef chapter 51 of the Kevived Statutes, but 
omplainant avers (and defendants deny) that the error was eured b; 
striking out the teetimeny and giving the instruction to shevegena 

i tek, Bei = 1 wk ERAOD a 
ee ree“ e eho Big wh 
wteols edt fo dol ,ogselal. to tapbhlent « madre ‘nae Kon tte 
| vestiias # patviviae af, fet ak BOWL of emit, ta2 toca wn vor 
 ag0e® aor # Sig’ ,xuneuaved yall Io etn  Aiose red sonmgte 
teste Aefudexd sapaungeat ipst iow A «buted _hne, ahs, ah 
hetétatn saw ,tnounsobd han Like det abi od of patousenng 4) | 
CEL Sh andes gne a MEL of redaes gon ata ome ia: oo 
seonaea oid fasdace af viepoeis al iLid aed dol) mauneneved tetagze 
Ox Apmeukind euhow bow xodates? od? Yo ysioaqeont amlyesia, Cite. 
te seve al totter « hontugen sold ytwk a 09 bode smu peg 
, abet wor @ %o% saaifom gativsrteve a ttwon eit brn, , dead 
‘Stanhasted .Litw ods obiea pation folbrey edt ne palrietingesoeng 
sbestevet ad Srmaghut, ass lei 
 iferse S100 One tac? , eoeAn sands ent af ,febmegaoe oh M28 
aan od yabaniged od? al .yiisend oF avanternt, ia LS . 
‘te fue Doaehuri& saw dalxi of? wre tod tad imabetane r etedbabe, 
dahon, Woe? ,ciaabastob yd aeldostde cove , duane ocd dew oene end 
faethe leh xe heatunxe asete ole saw oh © .Haged te Ytitaed iil: 
a Baw yee@aliesd old Lie ,tovewod ,soaebive aid to eaeko ont si 
a ed beveursen? wext o4% bas edarbaeteh te meltom ae tue modoteie — 
| . oth bragemath of Iutom 
ttn on ends quoe ak, aan cmawtevRd yal dare beboomes ab at aN 
| yiaoaens boukved oct to 10 xofqedle te & penance all 

it. Unie point (with the other that defendants request for an in- 
struetion in their favor at the clese of all the evisenee should 
have been granted) may best be considered wlth their further eon- 
tention (which, we think, is the controlling question im the ease), 
namely, that the verdict and judgment are clearly ond ganifestiy 
againet the evidenee, 

It seems beet to summarise sume of the undisputed Pacte,. 

Ag already stated, the supposed will ems executed Pehbruary 12, 1926. 
The estate disposed of is of the value of about $23,000. The de- 
eeased at the time ef hia death eas about 70 years of age. tie nad 
served for many years on the police force of Chicago and in that 
service became a sergeant. fe retired frou service on the police 
foree and aftervard worked as a night watehnman for the Y.#.0.A. 

John Jordan Lived with hie wife, sary Jordan, uy te the time 
of her desth la Narch, 1975, in a home af 7727 South Gaere Drive, 
the title t# whieh was in Ber name. The daugnter, Margaret Devereaux, 
her husband and three ehildren Lived in the sawe nelghberheed at 
$376 Gast 77th street. The children were sll under ten years of age. 
Mier te the death of hisx mother, George, “he wes also married, 
lived st Gary, Indians, ‘The relations of George said nis father 
at the time of the mother's death were scmewhat strained; there 
were words between them just prier to her death and on the day 
of her funeral. George insisted on having Bie share of the nothor's 
eatate right away and persisted in that attitude until his interest 
was purchased, He reeeived $5000 for it. A few days after the 
mother's funeral #r. and Bre, Devereaux and their children moved 
inte the home with Sohn Jordan. in thereettlement with George 
Jerdan,it appeare, Kay Deverewux furnisied « part af the money and 
the title to the home was at first put in the nawe of Karguret 
Devereaux, the father afterward becawe dissatisfied, and it wee 

then put in o joint tenaney. After receiving « share of his 

oh wa ast Pseupot atashas'teh sass rede wad ad bee) snmagiiins th 

Adeose @uacthive edt ike to seade odo te ‘covet ahede mt aolsousta 

-ao0 tad@aet uhecdt dtiv bexehionce od saad yor. (bogamrg wood eva 
,{eeeo oad ab aolsenup galiforimes elt wt Makes wv ” dehee) woltses 
yftestinng ban yitesdo 918 Iaomgbet, baw toltivey eft tadd elomest 

.sorebive ost fontege 

atoet betimatban odd Yo omoe “eaten ot tent aneve Pe 
OSL SRL yrs det Setuvaxe aus <tiw henauyut 26% ,tedate. gharnia eh 
eb oa 00,086 tvede 26 enter 24? Yo wh Bo henoqeih efaten exit 
fet oh ,9ge ‘to axeey Of dwote anv dteab ahd tq emis odd te boneee 

tas? mk das eganied Yo eo%? colog SA? me ereey Yaam Toy boReD 

deking of no soivtee wort? bowbktes of stusoysee 0 aanoog sateen 

bh OrKeY oS 1Ol camiotew tagline se beitew bueveed te haw eoTet 

ontt off of au ,actuel wed else wld Sede hovks mabe ado’ os. “— 
1 SCE8G H1Ode diweh TNT $e amod « ml DEOL gored ab dtawh wate 
aetwyed Jetagbed ~Mivgeah eff ,eane ted ad anw sto hate 05 ade ht ome 
te Seedtsdagion ease edt at hovll weubtide eexds dae Saedast o 
age Io @usoy aes eben fia stew gethitde edi ,deette sary baad 
sdelrtam os ia gow oe ,egtood , tedden wkd To diag odd 08 rol 
“eigat alk hae ogtoad to naoltaiet et? semathal posed te hevit 
wrest jheulowis tedwamoe aur dteoh eredionm edt to ons aad tan 

‘web Ags ne baw Atooh awa of tobrq fewt wade momen abrow TET 
a*tedsen 249 30 oxsds ata gabved ag hedadent epnoe®, hacen ae ne 
“deoretak ald Lhtus ebveltee tadd ak detalesog bax youn. aente atates 
ost wet e wesb wel A 424 202 0000$ bovleses ot). sheasioug sa 
haven mthilds aed? dae xegvseved sett hae at Lacon a! seston 
anes div tarentesemueds al .aabtol gael Abbe emma, 

hee yanom 942 te Jt2q « bedodavst smereved gal, yarscque #1 
tojagted te eased ah duq dank? de sey enya Ons, ote. 

(| eae 2h bow bal tattonndd ounood duawaedts wnddet edt 

_ etd te erode # gaiviooes tests... “Yannnt dabeh 4.4 


a ee 


on ee 

mother's estate George soved frem Gary, Indinna, to Three Cake, 
Bichigun, and the father visited him there several times in the 

fall of 1925, About the same time hie sttitude toward hie daughter 
and her fanily changed materially; in faet, he became very bitter 
toward them, so much sm that he moved from the home ond roomed with 
a fasily named Williams at S167 Lurmham avenue, one of the Villiame 
family testified in the ease, Later he seved from there te the home 
ef kre, Tilden (a widow) at 7722 Seuth Ghere Drive, whieh immediately 
adjoined the Devereaux bone; he soved te that home in Septexber, 
1926, and reneined there until he went to the hoepital where he 

died; he was 111 at the hespitai sbout ten days, 

Mra. Devereaux wae very such offended because kre. Tilden 
teok deceased into her home and refused i¢ speak to her. Veeling 
wae intensified by occurrences after the death of deeensed, Mra, 
Bevereaux went te see her father several times at the hespitel - 
with what result the evidence does not dissiese. Hewever, she ree 
quested that the body be sent to her some, but Geerge came and made 
arrangements ta heave it teken Tirst te the undertaker ond afterward 
te tee home of Mra, Tilden, from whieh place the funeral was cone 
ducted, The Devereaux family 4id net attend, Ere. Devereaux pre- 
tested te Father Lyneh, who wae in charge af the service and whe 
at first advised that the body be sent te the some of the daughter, 
but George protested to him, snying that it was kr. Jordan's express 
wish that his bedy should net be taken there under any cireucstances, 
and ‘re, Tilden say that Father Lyneh tuen said the body she Jd be 
taken te ker home, 

At the time of the execution of the wili the deceased was 
living at the home of Margaret and Kay Deversaux., it bears unmis- 
takable evidence of isek of affection: for his daugoter, “re. 
Devereaux, to whom he bequeathed “the sum of one dolier,” devising 
all the rest of his eetate “te sy won, George Jordan, * 

wed sed? of jaueibal ,ytad wot? bevou oytond otatee owsiton 

Oat od outs Ceteves oxedd wha booinky vedtat out ae " saetg Sate 8 

- wediigaeh ait Steves ebid ttt eld outs omme oct tweda asek Yo tat 
“eeeeRe leew sinibed of 200% ol ;ULiatcedam bequests rae! (be 

Ad kw bomvox bit ome ot? abet Bevom od tard on dome on yaoi) buawot 

pme2ite’ ed? Yo oaol .suunws modonwd TOL8 to anh iLiW bewas 3 

omost tt of een Hott beveat bo xsthX Vesee ont at ho Ptdeued vitont 

(bite teedet Hotan jowiie’ btelb stunt et He (wokie'D) EE lees 

° (tefeateot ak oon fadd 2d bevon od samen ‘Gusousvee: a sr ( 

Oi oudy Lntiqeod 045 b8 tnew od ‘Mins evedt bonieoes b hae ,aet 

Jacah bt dueda ids tqeell’edd bd EE" edw ok eek 

MOSEL Jerk erusced behas ilo deve ytev anal Rene teved aka ER: 

ies... eit eee 

gal feo’ tea of aves of beai/tex ‘bale Oho ued Stal Seenvoeh 

O42 beamseeh ‘te déswh odd a9 dte sooneriuese ‘ee ital ew 

Pye veg in mad ‘$a 
+ Lastquod ons tm eomi! Lecoves rodtat tod oon ot tw xunoreved 

° ee ater \tevewell Jesefsaib son aveb soneblve ot ‘biveee via, 
oboe baw eemg eyxesd sud , enon Ged of dane o <bed oad Seat bot ko 
ewes te baw codetcehes orld of texlt vedas st over éi wie Lint oa 
angie wate Lettwnat sie ooaty to latw moet aebiry anit te om0d o* me ot 

-oty xunewoved .a1% Jbaetde Yon bib yLlant euwoww vet oat 
ortw buns we teden! ext te’ npabite a’ Uhl Ode bind eodbell ws rey 

,tessiguel our Io ewes OAt by shoe od wor eed bast bockwna | rent , 

 ehbtgee af kebeel 11a aow 22 tact yalyae vaika et bes oxy bgvene é 
 ebenasameotts the tehmy @reds nosed of gon ‘biveds qhed ola ‘jai ale 
os Beienh: eho’ wnt Sta’ nek’ i lina bait ise wabilt Taek bos 
aisha oe: \ glial’ oe Games 
eet beabwoes 049 Lite bi Ho abteusdne ods yg | a ead 
schund wieed 91 \amdoteved Yel Bas totegrall to sah 6b an paket 
eee predoguab ala «6 Levahahinel ‘te teat Ye cherie dade 
- pallwevons “takin a0 %o due att” boddsoupe 

8% gates agxes0 nos ym or 6 3 t%e's 0 teen 

sel g | i. 




Rekert 2. Segan was the attorney Yor degeaged and lir, and 
Bra, Devereaux in the controversy with George over the estate ef 
the mother, John Jordan was firat nowed as adwinistrator of his 
wife's entate; later Margaret Deveretoux was substituted at his 
request. in January, 1926, deceased filed « partition sult against 
Bay and Kargaret, apparently for the purposes of getting avay from 
the joint tenency ereated in the lands of hia deceaad wife at his 
own suggestion, but the record comtaina o@ly meager details aa te 
thie proceading. 

Began says that the mental attitude of the deeeused changed 
in the mitumn ef 1925; that the deevased cave to nis effiee very 
frequentiy and eried *copieusly;" end that he saw nim often in Deo 
eeuber of that year and in Junuary, 1926. ilegan expresses the opin-~ 
ion that Jon Jordan was net then fully conversant <ith his own af- 
faire. The mertel attitude of the testator during thet period may 
be gathered’ somewhat from letters placed in evidence by defendante ~ 
seme of them written apparentiy to Mra. Zllden and othera te hie sen 
George. It dove not appear whether thore were any Letiers from these 
partias te deceased. In a general way the letters show a viol ont 
antipathy on the gart of degeased to the Devereaux family, ond thie 
antipathy apparentiy extended «ven to the ehildren; he writes that 
they spat in hie soup. The Letters indieste that the writer was 
effended about financial matters but do aot state any just cause of 
Gompleint in that regpect. 

fhe situation in the Devereaux home wien he Lived there and 
the relations between deeeused and the Devereaux fauwily are narrated 
by o ‘isinterested witnese, Charlea %, Hagen, who Lived in the heme — 
from Geteber, 1925, until the lotter part of the spring of 1926, 

He saye that Mr. and re, Devereaux were ae kind ond considerate te 
fecesee’ as anyone eguld possibly be; that their children treated 
him with all reepeet, but at no time was deceased like ether people. 

boa sea be hoenogeh te? caniotla eae new asgoll .& daadedie’ voi Sow 
Lo siabee s9 tHE wyieed dékw yexevetecon nud ab xusereved Gett 
ghd To Yetetialaiate aa brane seth? eer solrel aot. seettem a 
sid dn fodut Luton sew Ruowr9VST Sotagxed teted podedae ete thw 
fentage thom meisicveg G helt begsasoeh ,@8¢h +, exennal ale sdaeupet 
oT. Yere yulrheg le e#oqi wg on7 16b YLieoaaqge ,fotegest Baergeh 
hd ge Ww Bevowead ahd Yo ehawl on? nb botagis youwaes Jalehiods | 
gd ee Sikede> wegaem Yao antadaos Sieset ead dud ,sobtacugueinee 
hegaeiio heeswdsh oF 10 Shut lsd Cosusw walt Gens Symm nagoln HLL 
YR sollte ald of sow Heasepoh od? tasks FORO 26 ieee bell: 
~et af soso ali one Of tad? baw *;yLawodeoo”® Antero. Baa ogdd aoupert: 
ontge 480 eeabe tyne azgel 8804 ,yiosnel af bee neey same. te nedang 
(he atte abe M98e SaaeteTAd. YLLuT aOds ton sewmbeot dtobtad? mek 
yom Soliton feds gatiwh tetetest ent to shuts te: intuen onto satay 
— Stine teh YF epaehive at bededy axestel mow? saitwaaion howe: b 
oe Glad of eiwdte bee wedLiY .erd of Ulinereqee nett iow wots Yocum 
qubitt meth eeedted qu wueWoEnnt tentede-wmeeeh ten'asetodk: RE 
Soe totv 2 were axeseed ods ow Laxoniy a al)’ benneeoboadunnds * o 
ois? bas (Lien? xumotewed est of beaaeseh Yoduny oct ax yiingttas 
Jans Rosi of jaorniine Bcd oF neve bebawtxe qdiumeQun Yltoghias 
-@aw aeghew 087 feds edeslhbal awdied off .qeoe ain mk degen Gods 
te Seue9 Cowl qos efate sea ob Sud ets dam maRERNRR ER Oe 
‘tiie! oes) boviL eo Ret omoe MEAeTEved ot2. ab teeta hn 
beter eae fs Yin xuowrevEd on) dae boaeseeb mewded wmot, stones 
at Gut at BevkL ome ,opmed sh oe tend ,eeendio botensenntes « “ 
 £AROL te gabuge. cult Ro dung LOdtel ome dete OHek edodog owe 
“of eferebisare bas tak aa etew xine Teed, emi Dae oth teat ayneeek 
inane torso watt Soaneood acaiahiolien si tile ila set Lhe 

The witness, however, neticed that about ‘two woeks or a month alter 
he went there the attitude of deceased chenged materially; he says 
that deceased became serose, sullen and abnersal; that he puld Little 
attention to kr. and ire. Devereaux; that he waa often invited to eat 
with the familly, partieularly om Suodaye, but he refueed and never 
aceepted the invitations given him; that he asked the deceased the 
reason for this ond deeeaged gaid he wasn't geing to give anybody a 
chance te poison hin, 

iy, Bacon worked in the basenent om radio seta and he says 
deceased several timers came to witness and saeked him te walk with 
decenved into «@ separate basenant; that witness asked him the reagon 
amd deowased sald he didn't want to walk inte a trap; he also sasys 
that decessed would ge to bed early in the evening but woul” often 
be found at midnight walking in the halis, sd one night the family 
found the gas jet turned on under circumstances waiuh indicates the 
deceased must have dene it, ie ales sayy deoeased made unterclething 
fer himself eut of ement sacke; that he would aany timers be found 
erying in the middie of the night; that Are, Devereaux wae affliieted 
with a goiter amd went te the hospital to receive treateant; that her 
father di4 not bid her goodbye before she went but Leter he talked 
with witness in the basement about her going and eried abeut it, 

Bre, Haude Lynch wae the sieee of Joun Jordan; her mother was 
dead and she had Lived much of the time at the Jordan home when she 
wae s ehild. She testified tuat Jehu Jordan visited in her home in 
1925 on an average of once a teek, sometimes three tines, ad that he 
would often otay ever night; that she alee saw hiv in the early part 
of 1926 ard knew of the relationship between Kargaret Severoux and 
him; that in the firet part ef the year he spoke of Margaret as a 
“wonderful” daughter ond mother and eald he didn't know what he would 
do if it wasn't for her; that he spoke in similar terms in regard te 
Margaret's husbend ond ehildren. ‘his witness also knew of the visit 

Tete Kinem 2 ve ator owt suede dadt heatian ywevewed jeaontlw od? 
wee od (¢tLaltedem dogands deuneedh te ehadkesa ocd gvedd snow on 
eLtett Bleg ei teat jRewrpndy bum opitee yeoousn ennmed hoeesee sad? 
tan Os bat ivad wedle daw ed dade jaune «end ben. 2 of aoltuniee 
even Bae heacter od tod eyeboud we yseefeodeuog yythent edt adehw 
ond easeoeh este posiew On Sadd tals weeds emoitetival em? hedqeoss 
# ebhadynt evi, of gtiog S*anew of Fina beaosesh bas eid? co? no@nes 
eyes of hoe afer oliet ao tueumend od? al hetior mosh yl Paiey 
ddte dia of abd Soden bas suendiw of ones: eoutd-texeved beaedsed 
nooner ont Abi Seulea exont tw dest jtnoaseed edareqod « od mt houaed 
yen obkk Od pants © Ofat Liaw oF tamw dahl of blew 
MOPS bduow tut gatmeve oo) at Ylte hed of om biwew 
_ikaw't ef% ¢ata om haw ,e6iad eds wh galdcow: fugtmb ta ta: base’ 9g 
ons Beduolbal setae eaomcdumyrte xebav ao bemut tol oag oft: howe? 
 gaksteLotehw thea heesecch pyes onde oh #2 o00d oven tna bones 
bated’) Of weed YRam bivow ost cast yedonw samme ko dew RLonabe 
> Perekstto ear xaaoreved ,exvd ga) psogde end Yo echbde wet of 
peck tasld pdnoatasrd erteven of Latkqned ede of tame ae n0ddow a: ctw 
 hoxiies ef teded Sod gapy ade aroted agthoey tem had doe bth ™ b 
Lo (SE ¢uede Sette han gakey wd donde dummpend 9sy ut neentiw nétw 
naw Tacton tee pmabtel mick Te sowke od ame cea eheel eas. ‘gmat 
erie wesw ome nebwol edd to oaks oth Yo som evil Haut oule haw Bao 
ai sueri wed at Setielv ashxet adel tans heveteag otf © \b. eae 
ot Fait Row \peatt? eet? eeat senew jipew @ sono Ye aperown he mo MROL | 
bet _ivee ott ah abe wealee Lx on Sout yaiyhavere ate unde hiitew 

ef deeeased to the some of ais son George, and she says that when 
he returned from that vieit his attitude wan entirely different; 
that he told her he sad mailed the deor so Kargaret or Kay omldi't 
get into hie room; thet when he stayed af night she would of ten 
find him walking up and down the halle through the house; thet at 
theses times he would be talking to hiseelf in a leud volee; she 
too saw him in the basement making undergarments out of cement 
sacks; ehe slisq saye that deceased drank some; that from the way 
Aeeeased acted at her house she thought ho was getting into hie 
detage; she says he talked sbout Sargaret “getting eslis from men* 
and Ray geimg out with bis girl friends; that she exlled on hin at 
the hospital and saw him the day before he died and he knew her; 
that in the fall of 1926 when he visited her he hed a Little bex 
in which he told her he had $5000, and he also enid he had money 
hidden all over the rafters of the basewent. Ghie aleo waid ashe 
heard a threat made by George to his siater iergaret on the day of 
the mother's funeral te the effeet that if she did not do as he 
wished about the estate he “would open up to the o14 san about her.” 

The evidence of Haude Lyneb is corroborated by that ef her 
husband, John Lynch, as to the unususl and abnormal conduct of 
John Jordan at their seme; he says John Jordan called his daughter 
a “bitch” and a “brat. * 

Eatherine &. HeGrath, a couein of Margaret Devereaux, tes- 
tified she was a frequent visitor at the home of Margaret Devereaux 
in 1925; she testified to the happy relationship existing between 
deceased ané the Devereaux family at that time; said ahe never 
heard of a quarrel among them; the eayr that later in the year the 
attitude of John Jordan in this respect changed; that he insisted 
on cooking his own food and refused te eat with the Devereaux fanily 
when invited to de so. 

ere. Tilden testified as to the life of decessed at her 

; ei his: tie Tee Fe 

aa st@ dasis yee ene dae eetoed aoe gia te omen oat of Doneooep Yo 

| j Some et yfoxsaan anw shuthisa wie tiety fads cov! domistos od 
Pb lwws WA xe soungEed of teeh ods bohtam bas of wed, hiot on tant 
: asd ie Siow asin digaa tm hoysde od ance oasis jmeot ake OR. 

te sade jeawedi puts sguendt aifed ont awph baa qa gatifew aa ® 
ena peokoy bank a at Vieemks of gubtia? of biver eK, coats, onesie. 

tapeee Xe due e2nomtagrohaw aniion Savmeead ang mt mks Dati 

yar oil? movt fect jomon Aneth boxeoowh tests ayas onto este peapes 

a? 5 

ain otek paitieg saw ost Sdpwest oe gnwod tod te betes haseooed 
"mew mort alive gatsiey* toxmgted twoda bexiad od agen orte pogeteb 
$e mtd ao doling ore sasit jebooist ftty atd dtiw sue gatog yah fae 
| pte wea ed ban both od oxotod Yad ont mid we baw oA A 
mod ef3224 & hau oft 19% otiely oa aude A206 Yo Lint pdt at ¢ “y 
Noses baal ost bhee eaie od baw 100088 hac od tod bhod eter, 
wile thas oeis oat taeneacd od Xo ated ler ong yore $he. ams "2 
te Yah onF No sotayted assole ‘Bist of ogtoed we Shem ies 
ed ee ob dom bib ose Lt sacid s90Te ont of Lewast a sositom oa 
*.aed tugda mon blo edt 93 oe Rego, bivor* on gdates oxy foes » : 
mee ‘to tact yd be guroderzes ai agaye ebwe i to amas 

‘te teubhane Lesrends One Leuauny Oat 97 Ba 

wevguat aid beLiaa aabrel satel ayes et jomest nto * ye sei 
: se * .toxd” # bow pee *, 
err) vxuos 20700 dexaytas te ab awes a of dtaroen to apr bisall Ge 
| muaeroved sotagtad te omod gtd 3x sotiaty dae 

— . 

oe wn Met 

P mses yell $0 ee qtinae hte Lox yeast oa? od bo riteans. il : mes wh 
h ont 109% ont wa utes tase ayes oie, mos given fe har “ 
ce bedetent od auld ihegaesio sonqeot okay fits nab 


home, where he had a reom but prepared bie own meals. She said 
ehe had no personal knowleige of any arguments or dieputes between 
deceased and the Devereaux family, but that deceased told cer his 
reasons for moving, saying that hie son-in-law threatened to etrike 
him and that the children were very saucy and even spat at him; that 
he complained that kre, Devereaux never prepared a meal Tor him and 
did not care for his reom; she aleo tells of the narration by de- 
eeaned of trouble at the Devercoux home when he said the police were 
eallead; she eays Be told her he had made a wili leaving hie property 
te the three grandehiliren, tat that after hie treuble with them ke 
made a second will leaving everything te hie sen except «a dollur te 
hie deughter to show he reseubered he hed « daughter, and that he 
wanted hin son toe have everything. She eaye she invited deceased te 
gome and make his home with her because he said he was not happy 
where he was, 

wr, Helaniphy, a witness to the will in question snd an ate 
torney, testified as te the forsal matters in connection with the 
execution of the will an? that George Jordan was nat present at that 
time; he had known deceaeed very well from 1905 te 1912, but 4id met 
eee him frequently in 1925 and 1926; se bandied eome litigation for 
hie in 19265 and eaye, “at that time 1 would aay be wae of sound mind. * 

Dennellen, the undertaker who served ot the death of beth 
mr. and kre, John Jordan, says that when he wuried the wife in 1925 
Sy. Jordan seemed to be of sound mind, bat up to 1926 he saw him 
@ccasionslly, saybe once or twice a month, in a casual way and con- 
versed with him; that he 4i4 not think his mind wae any different at 
any eof these tines, 

Joseph Gaspodarek was not acquainted with deceased but 
“dropped in* the law office of Peden, Kahn & Murphy when the sapposed 
will was executed and signed os o witness; he says decensed ‘appeared 

to me to be norsal as a man of sense and judgment at that time. * 



flas of ,aineon mre ed botegete ted moox « hel oof ezode, .omed 
sopriod sstuqelh 19 ofapenyte yar to oghelwond Laageteq om Aad ode 
eit 20 blot hewongeh taco ted ,¢Lhent meconeved eff bas hagseped 
eXiite of beueleotas wad~-aiewon ah6 decid yobyoe ,aabvow tot ane Racy 
tect jaid te tage aeve foo YOuSe YIov Otew angbtise emt tadd bam mba 
hae mis Sot degen @ beisqeig ToveN XuevteTe 64 tad? boatatanca od 
-oh yt aelvetwan ons if adiod onto ode moet eld ted onan don Sk 
row ooliog ot bine of nad ened xametoved elt go sfiport to henaap 
eroqene #id yaiveot Litw @ whet bet ed td DLod od ayae ode phetkap 
oo awit sodv oidvoat mid reste test aud ymoahticpbaate sexdd alt ad 
ot wileh « Iqnaxe aoe okt oF gatiiyrove yutveed Likw hdeose @ oham 
od taut? bay ,t9Pdiyunh w hod ok Howadanss od werte ot sedsgued whet 
oF Reawngeb hotival ode nyse od? .gmbsiynove eyed of aon ald Detnew 
“‘eqgnd ten wav od bles of oousaad Tesi Aétw emed oA ote tomy mm 
-te aa ban aglfuoup mi [ity oct of aventhe « nteieethats eon it 
edd Adie aabtoeancs mi etettam fastest edt of am bettisesd peomnot 
‘pant ga faeserq ton aay nebtel egtos® feud? fas LLie ond Ye sohtesane 
fom bik tad ,SL0L OF 2OEL motl low yrey bevaneeh awoad basi ed pombe 
203 Golfenishs soma bethaed on j88OL bao A8@L ab yLineveett mit soe 
' baka haven To cow od yon bivew L emks duct da” sande sidishit 
| ded Yo dined ond ta ovree oxtw t9indtohaw ould ymetionmeG 9 
S80L af @Ttw ois hala’ om node dace oyae sabre adel ees tne ote 
aid won ex OAL Of qu tad bake bawpe Yo.ed ot hemes malts 
| aoe ae Yer Lasnco a at ,cinem # sales 19 e9m0 obyew 4) eane 7 
te tusgeYtid tam eee bale ald dakds tom 62% of seait. ote arte. 
tid besanveh dthy betalaxpoa ranean ree | 
Neaoggue act nade ysiotHe A aria ,nebee To vo! Te wes odd Sak wager . 
betaeqga" beancesh ayes od jonsatinw « ge bongs, bas) bodueexs . : vd " 
"some tat 2 Smngbut bau same 20 sama am taswomed of | 

f oa 

Raward J. MeCermick, a city fireman, lived about #ix volecks 
from the home of deecenaned und became acquainted with him in 1926, 
eonversed wlth nim frequently an? theaght hie to be of sound mind, 

John White, a pelice officer for more than 26 years, knew 
deceased, who was Rie commanding officer and « momber of the Poilee« 
mon‘e Benefit Aeseociatien; he colleeted the dues ond asseraments from 
deceare’A every month; he esays he never disenvered anything unurual 
er abrercal about him before 1926 or after; he bad net diseussed bis 
eereonal or property affaires, the beneficiary of the Polieemen's 
Benevelent Assceaiation insurance solicy after the deato of his wife 
war chenged by decenerd te his sen ond daughter and afterward, he 
414 net know when, to hie son, 

James Heavey, « city fireman, fireat became acquainted with 
@eceased some time in 1926, when the deceased would come inte the 
fire station where witness was; he had daily talks with him abeut 
“things andaffairs;" he says, “My epinion as to what his state of 
mind and memory during my aequsintence with Ale ia ke app oar ed right 
sharp;* he alee saye he knew deceased until he pasced away and did 
not discever him changed in his mental makeup. 

Faward Gheridan, a city firesen, first msede the agquaintanee 
ef deceased in 1926, he thinke in the spring; he says it was a dally 
habit of teceased to vinit with the firemen; thst he conversed with 
him, hed an eppertunity te observe his mental sakeup, and in his 
opinion deceased “had a reearkable memory;" he says he newer talked 
about his family ond never showed any prejudice terard anyone, 

In euppert of their eontention that defendante' metions fer 
an inetraction in their faver ot the close of ali the evidence and 
‘for a new trial after the verdict ef the Jury had been returned 
should have been slioved, first, for the reason thet there wes ne 
evidence tending to shew sither undue influence or insanity, and 
second, becsuse the verdict wae clearly snd manifestly againet the 

atogdé ala sugde Revit manent) gto « alpdereped .) bxomhh |. 
,O80L nk wis diiw hetaiawpen eanped dan bosasamd Xe amet en? nowt 
bade bauee Io ed of aha delysonid dan ysioewpett mis ddhw beasevnes 
| Weak sateny EF asad erom teh appli ite molisag p get he malob on oho 
~apiol af% to teduom « hae tele pathasanoe ais aan ocw ,heesoosh 
mot Sionewaeees bay Banh ods hesoolloa ed j,oolsatoouea tiene 9" meer 
Kauauiss pubes Gam bem vooelh toven of eyer mi iaitsom yreve bemaeped 
id Beveaveih Fon hes os pRes te te OSL oreled ain. tuods aie 
«a neneniio® of te yusieiteasd eff . ,2ttetn geteqeta to | 
@liw wis le pdamh ex? weet Yoilog seantuam! attatooesd tm loveant 
pal een bee tesdguah bare ton eli of beaeeoeb. XS bogies mae 
, hoe etd pd, node, veut dont heb 
re 5 alae onapod Sarkh ~maneitt yiio « ,qoweh pemeh - - 
asi ofak emo bivow bevesoeh ont nede ,O8eL ak ous ona beasonad 
_fugda wit Jtiw adint Yiled dod od jaem wagnthe, seiciamammnes vesial 
‘Wptede ais dase of ae gainen WE, UR, Hy jeTLe Ts pee spade * 
Aiigin bexesage od al abd Addy eonadalenpes ex natwwh roses bas hab 
bth bas yore hovaag oA Liga beasgaah wend of ayes oeke od"; anede 
i stwedan Lajaom old ak benondo mid tepenssh som 
| semtelenn ont, teen sex2h ,aamend? ysio. &, .oebsaeds, snare at at | 
Vilab # gaw s4. ayer on ipmizan odd ut. adabeld os ORME: ¥ | 

eT aaolfeos 'staakae leh tant agkiaetago wads te Argan ah RY 7 . 
haw soaraive ect ike io seeks suv da Tove? sipKd. mt mokteyetenk an 
Petey weed bod. CHU Md Xo sebbtOW, om, vere estat oa 8 r0t 
8 Lot oiens. tends sovaot ont not ,dwekt ,bewotia, fhe 

baa .Xtinonad, To eoneutiat oubay teddty wode of vatbane ~ ebty | 
i ods pani Ysieotinnn bas ylisete sew telhrov ost saved | 

evidence, - many cases are cited, suck as Browsfield vy, Browns ieid, 
43 Til. 185; Rutherford v. Morris, 77 111. 397; bninte v, Veibex, 
$47 Ihl. 353; Long vy. Brink, 353 T11. 649; Hilier v, Miller, 3 Sesg 
& Rawle 269. These ceases, in substance, hold that undue influences 
whieh will aveid a will auet be of such nature as to deprive the tas- 
tater of his free ageney. Assuming that the testator here was free 
from mental infirmity, we think the avidenee Taille chort of proving 
the exercise of such influence upon him by his son George as alleged, 
The evidence horever, would justify the inference that George Jordan 
had the will and oppertamity to exert such influence upon his fatner, 
and it ie « fact eetablished by the evidence thet (whatever the 
FPeason or method may Rave been) the result he dealred came to pass. 
Seither, in our opinion, is the evidence eufficient te prove genersily 
that Jom Jordan at the time ke exeeut ed the supposed vill was insane 
im the eonee that he was net mentally able to conduct hie business 
affairs or that there wae mental infirmity on aecount of whieh he was 
mot able te keep im mind the persona who would naturally become the 
recipient ef his bounty. If the verdiet of the jury is te be suse 
tained, it must be upon « different theory. Plaintiff suggests that 
the rule which should be applied here i¢ stated in Agerieoan Sible 
Seciety v. Price, 115 111. 623, where the court said (p.637): 

“In Seari bh, 73 2ii. 272, we recognized that there 

may be insanity witsout the general business capacity of the indie 
vidual being sifected thereby. *=** 

Seyend all question it is within the previeus rulings of this 
court, and abundantly eustained by tae rulings of other courta of the 
highest respectability, that where there is imeane delusion in regard 
te one whe ie an object of the testater's bounty, which causes him te 
make @ Will which he would act heve made but for that delusion, such 
will cannot be sustained; and 60, also, where there is insane delu- 
sion in regari to the duty or mereal ebligation of a party to make a 
will in favor of a particular individual, aorperation or society, and 
@ Will ie made as the resalt ef that insane delusion, it eannet be 
sustained. 1 Hedfield om Wilis, (34 ed.) 7%, 74, et 20g. wd neoten; 
3 Jarman on Yilie (Sth ed.) 38, et seg. and notes; Luewell on In- 
sanity, sees. 13, 341.* 

In Anlioker v, Brethorst, 329 113. 11, it was held the court 
erred in refusing the following instruction (at p. 13): 


shied eos’ .y binkteverd aa dows ,botin sie eeese yew @ svanal 
smadiel, «x whose’ itWG .£L) ve si x108 a. baodandtah :20L Ett 8b 
gee B oweitth .y AOL ERM 1088 KEL BOS ante eed | HEDE og ALT SDE 
somuliat euhas dadt hiod ,semetedue ab peonen sand? . = RR, aL & 
-a22 oF svinges of an cinten sowe Yo od deem LLlw« bhove dite ig kaw 
seth eae etHK watniaed esd dak yalauend .yourne oot? aid 2e masa 
galveng Wo Mose sLsot oomobive oat Aalst ow yytlanttal Losanm moet 
sbegoLie an agree oes obi yd mhd soge Opansdtad some Lo eatotaxe ost 
abseb agreed dass conse %ah ons (Liten, biver stovorod sonobive ost 
todde® ald meqe soneulial dom deme of ytlautseqge bas ibn std bast | 
gee tOvetadw) fade eonodive ol? yd dodnifdedas sont aah 2h dew 
.888q OF amo denised od sivaes At (aved ovad yam bolton to | 
yiiowpoey evetqg of saslolTive sonshive ade sh ,masnige two al redo 
eneunt sav idkv beaaqgua e4é botugone ea eghs Az, te nobrot mitol teat 
geeaierd wAd touhaed of dda ydsataee ton aen.od, suslt aonen edt mb 
naw ef dodsit Lo Janoope we yttandiat Ladmom sew ore tant 10 ethatts 
@c} omeood Yliesuiea bhvow ate onseteg ods. poten wh awed a ‘ ee 
aaup od 96 oh ystt, 6d Xo tobixen ond 2T,...xdauod add To tanteton 
dads ateeggua Vtisalesd ,ytoedd Gagne Ith # apqe, od, tema, sh» ybomked 
S125 aupliomd at tagade ok exes bokignn of Swede soddte, siuz oat 
1(¥29.q) bien Puymo one oxmse ,£90, £40 MLL, 

O8OGs Said horiaggoos ow. gBVR 44d BF 
obtienk ont to titonand wae aleud 
) ital 

| ols te ogat Lure awelvetg ond ‘mhase al ; | ao Lt 

edt te e@ases tote Le hae wd doalagane 
bisges ai auleulobh ena etodd otnsiw sari? 

ed ada pevime Molo 4 snteak a'xodatend oa. ab odie @ 
ns  foisaled sais — sud @ = oad § ny kh 

melody eoneoat ed etons 

# stom of usteq « to er cae tien jeer dw- pig 
7 fees te ag iiaxrecies orig a ' 
} ed soanes $s Pec a ee ercak ie 
; ar wai ao Lieven ites bran = Qe eee (be fie i j i S : tail ; 

frwe on? béssl maw 2 hk AL) ORE Ramsey 
48E .@ ta) sokdoandash gato ther se autavtes ab f 

‘ A P au ‘ By ane eo 
iy fe oa Taw ee 


*The eourt inatruete the jury that if you velieve from the 
evidence that, although Seipt L. Vom Brethoret head sufficient mental 
capacity to attend te the ordinary business affaires ef Life, yet, 
that, with regard to eubjecte connected with the testamentary dis- 
position and distribution of his property and the natural ebjecte of 
his bounty he was of unsound mind; ond that while laboring under 
such conditions, if any, he wade the will in question, and that in 
making it, he wae so far influenced or controlled, by such unesound- 
nese of mind, Ait any, as to be unable, rationally, to comprehend 
the nature and effect ef the previsione of the will, and was there. 
by led to moke the will, as he did wake it, then the jury wuet find 
the will not te be the will of the said Geipt i. You Bretherst, * 
The court said that thie inetruction wae substantially similar te 
ene approved by the court im Kimber vw. #ieber, 317 i314. S61. This 
rule of law is well established in thia State by these and other 
decisions. Petefieh v, Becker, 176 Lili. 445%, 

Sxanining evidence in this case from tule etundpoint, we 
think it is apparent there was shundant evidence for the considera» 
tien of the jury. Indeed, the significant fuet appearing frem an 
examination of the evidence in that there is practically ne cenflict 
in it shen thus gonsidered. The evidenos shows without centradiction 
that after the death of Mrs. Jerdam in 16945 deceaped regarded hie 
daughter Margaret, her children and her husband with great leve and 
affection; that a few months thereafter he eawe te regard them sli 
with the utwest hatred and that there was neo roasenable cause fer this 
ghange of mind on his part; that as o direct result of this sboermal 
eendition of his wind the will here in contreversy was executed. 
That he was thus influenced ie eanclusively established by the tes- 
timony of Mre. Tilden, who is a witneee for defendants snd auch ree 
ified on by them. 

Ae illustrative, one witness uneentradicted testified te an 
abnormal fear on the part of the teetater that he might be peilsoned 
if he ate with his daughter's family. Anether witness tells hew the 
deeensed aceused his daughter, the mother of hie three little grande 
children, of improperly receiving ealls from men. Defendants pro- 
duced many witnessee whe give their general impression of the 

ability of deceased to conduct Bis business, but no witness gives 

Pell ike 

PB J t_ avelloed 44 dec? yout otf atvouwttenk @ineo oAt* 
pio Cueto lttus eerodioxt wey of weet 4 Agwouls La poe seen 

¢ atii te axie tba eoents 
abEs cbasusnnsasy oat ga hedaeBace Shog sfa0 {duns 

Yo stoolde feutan one & ba 5X, 
5 cohun yaiveder oildw Fh ig tar ‘bata ts discens o aa" ® nuod ®. 


yy on gy ’ at Lily edd has od, ye th. anealoune 

«Sune ty foie <7 bs Ens $meo 19 en bk oe av on ek 

. boederegaen a LLangltax “te 

«@ted? taw omer , ik ong ¢ ano eirore vs Be — one ouiom 

bast Page als Asi? at: plea & ont tient of 
© den + ery ° tat oad 

He 44 4q 1e8 bine aot gon kite 0 
y tH ve t 
gd we kine Ullolenniedus naw notseuvcsent hes dant bise : a. 
La ey 
tet tet zedehA .% xeduti al ts vetags 
“eter J ted ttueo ed ewer om, 
“*‘gea¢@ ban eseda od o4ade plas ab point tsagnn Liew rg ak to eke, 

" one 

il , Bab 61 are , . 

ae taboghasts sind mort eas ands ab ‘sommhive antatnent, ee ie vn 
sath Lanes bib Yor sonebive sanbauds caw ores saoteqge ek $2 | 

‘tte mox't gaaitacqae toot duaol tingle ons deepal vet Ast 20. mph 
ditned om YLiscites1g af exmdd sand et serobive ont te aot 
ts vitae teen’ ov 

f eet Re 

gpheeihaxtnes drodtiv aware donsalve eat shorebienoe ously asi 

4 eke “ee 
‘gin Babiaget besseses O80 al anbrot aoe te Avast Lon te 

r as : ’ eas bag ; 
bie aver tao%a Miw handund «od bas ‘qehiide “aed toweyti ‘fs 

ea 4 
f woe Te es 

fis wan? Siteyet of eaas od soPiseredd add ne wet a Fund ne) 

ist rf 
had SO? seuss ofdetouso of Geo ovedt tens hae borin faved oad a 
 kawnoada @ had Sb Yaided “doouth asa sant neg ake 28 ‘bain 0 te me 
-betuocas exw Yetovoti aes al ered LLbw oat bain ale to wots Lom So 

syah at ot oe 

“ade? ait yt Rese tidatee Yleviento me i dooms adtal ian mad wa wit 
PF Mat, bee, ssanbie teh at sqnmtin a a mera get a 

j a, wed wii? "isi he sili: ‘etna at andsiaset Aa sete 

| Se he fia! i 

whitney OLEs be seul? eld te test om ont | Rat algain ans : — ewe 
a atuabas ted ma mov ailas yaivioes Axeqotgah te Lbete 

Re ae 
 eatt 1o molenergad Leda9y sin” ovis oie 

“euhe te dey —* { 

. ; aovls aewad be ok cal dabnteud aid fiudnoe aii 


evidence tending to shew that these abnormal conditions of mind 444 
net exist, or that there was any reasonable hasie in faet for them, 
A father who at one time boaste of the loyalty and fine qualities 
of hie 4aughtor and shortly therenaster, witheut baeie in fuet, an- 
gérte hie fear that he will be poisoned if he eats with her, ond at 
the eane time, with a like Luck of evidence, charges her with aie- 
loyalty to her fanily, raises a question for the jury ae to his 

In causes in chancery, such we tiis, the exses cited shaw 
that the issue submitted to the jury Le not feigned but real, and 
the verdict ef a jury ie net simply advisory put binding upon the 
eonscienee of the chanecilor (as would be tae verdict of a jury reo 
turned on an iseue of law) unless mankt es tly an? @learly sgainet the 
weight of the evidence, The ehaneelior in thin cage ao held. This 
eeurt will be slow te set aside the verdiet of twelve jurors which 
hae been approved by the chanceller whe, with the jury, Baw and 
heard the witnesses, 

Thete wes, 29 already pointed out, » technical error in the 
admission ef the testimony of Ray Devereaux, Srownlie v, Brownlie, 
SSL 1. 72. It was stricken out and the jury inetructed te disre- 
gera it. It appeare im the abstract of the record, ond we have read 
it carefully. We de mot think it injured defendants’ case, Indeed, 
much of it was io their favor and, although etricken, is queted and 
relied on in the printed argument which defendants have submitted to 
this court. Under eueh cireumetances we Sold the error in its ade 
mission harmless, 

Defendants have argued that the court erred in refusing a 
motion mede by them at the clese of plaintiff's evidence fer a 
verdict in their Paver beemuse the alleged will hed not been offere 
in evidence by plnintiff, ‘That point, however, was waived when 
defendants offered evidenee in their own behals’, | 

apt as soo ab. tial: sidamoenes Ene 5 ne ond. teat i i igre 
caabthcane oad baw m Na daxes sale ae arenes aad one, ‘ oe a | 

a eh a ey eet ost to? monitonp a teatet ett a9 rv | 

Sts Wve ote 

“a hedio aeeso aid ,ahdt we dows swrbaiality ar seaune a” ree 

bay ,foor fut deaptot fom at tut wat on barbie oe 

out’ wogy yathatd dad yronkvba ytemta son bh nee a te Visveouaae i 

‘ ona yust a ‘te tolmey bad ad biuew ea) ‘aolingance ony vo‘ obitdbilbe ‘ 

pt featags efres ts bias “ytd ee tines oes nu’ (wet Yo simkt ge so honrriet 

Dh “at bled 08 saxo aint uh totToonnile tt .tanwhive eit} Yo ddbow : 

phy Later atom eviewt to tolbuev odd abtin ten of welts od ‘Etbw due é 

a) vera edi tin — oliwsnods: ad ai i taro nel at 

dhe pexerrs re 1% Y ieaba m) 

| oat ab %oxxe feo tacved 4 tue hetaloy chaotio. ee ene pot abated iB 

ad it .cunereved Yel to qasabtest ead Yo Roles bebe 

eer ot aera yusl off ban dao abiobite waw hott bes tet tae 

; bao owas ww bac jbiopex odd te soansede om al vtanag 1 ita 

’ sbeobal ease Madashao toh boretak $4 unk You bb Ww oe eT 

“Lia Wala’ ot ile W'Na ll’ tn ahi han GT 46 iin | 

” bottladan eved staabosteh dobdy toomugte Sodutia’ batt at ao! obtex 
“oli ett ni tire ont broil “ r aco antbaiibn se ais “bb | 

oP Be pa | 

_— fo 7" ‘ 

nm yia Wy hy RL a iF. May Pe . > 

Benes oo Oe J Bape aR ay a ae DI a8 AMR : 


see “a Wel’ obusbve’ W*hEvidtaitg VO! omit wit 4 il meen un he 4 
i) sane anand es bait nie Soerrecgge ial ‘eakciona Drv helt: be | 

i a fA 3 F 

es eS tniiad awe <ieine ink onsbtve 


Plaintiff in her brief for the flret time moved te dismies 
the appeal for alleged failure to file o supersedesxs bond a® pre- 
vided by section 76 of the Civil Practice act, in force January 1, 
1934, The motion comes toa late und moreover is wholly without 
merit, It will therefore be deuled, 

The decree entered upor the verdict of the jury for reagone 
heretofore expreseed is affirmed, 


O'Conner, ©. J., and MeSurely, J., coneur. 

ety Ba fave aahtacaed ae 

4 fic Sa ANA i 
“sr ae) bya wet 

a ie ae 

weit bes gud Sues 

Lae Zac yO) VA ee a RH AY 
wr, Ease, ae eM. CA eS 

Hie  faeks 

hes Fess wae ee ee KG tothe yy wud wntain’ dot ‘as ~~ 4 

Tepe By RE 

a a ae to 

; oneal Ree 

IVAN Wie Bodyoceek va wit dil adie wo tt 
Ree Wein aie ep. ja f baboeg: went iw taletr eae alk inf 
fo ae wk! Hers de HG stanly de ‘hte teeet ae 

ee es oot dwnd wi Dt pom EAR in ‘hipal sin ead Pega boast . 

ee ee ee eg woh Peek 

aa cin wien ae: 

hl the ane! hg bea eee ar Al 
senshi wee ah aka A agora sexi tot 




a Corporation, et al., 

(Intervening Petitioner), 


Orsehel is the assignees of certain judguents obtained 
againet the Union Indemnity Ce., « Louisiana corperation, in the 
Federal court sitting im Illinoie, He filed in the Superior court 
ef Cook county hie bill, amended amd supplemental, knorn as a 
creditor's bill in the usual form smd baved upon section 49, ehap. 
22 ef Gehiil's 11. Kev, Gtate., 1935. The bill appears te be for 
the sole benefit of plaintiff and wae not brought in behalf ef 
ereditors generally. The Union Indemhity Cc. and ¥. Irving Koes 
were named defendants, The Unien Indewnity Co. did net appear or 
anewer and was defaulted, and on setion ef plaintiff James F, 
Campbell was sppoisted reeeiver. 

The anended and eupplemental bill, upon which the deeree 
wae entered, wan filed Jume 12, 1935. The deeree was wmtered de- 
cember 27, 1955. ‘The decree found the necessary jurisdictional 
facts as to the filing ef the emended ond supylerental bill, the 
recovery of the judgments, ete,; that Campbell aa reeeiver tad in 
his hands for distribution, ar shown by hin repert, a sum in ex- 
cess of $2000, which he was direeted te turn over te plaintiff, 
The deeree ordered that a copy of it showld be sent by registered 
mail te the Heceivers of the Union Indemnity Go., ond te the Goi- 
lector of Internal Revenue at Sew Orleans, Louisiana, and te the 

Collector ef Internal Revenue of the State of Wisconsin. 


 ,@etie . 0) meigess aoqu bored bas wrot Lawaw off of Lihd 



4 ng a, x ree 
‘ et " * 

sol taega,. Pe hie oak 

at " coo wali 

“gga Reve” nit ie 

a (wean eet vas 
SRNGRS @ sated 

beniaide etoemyhy, aintreo Yo sengless oct af pe 

ot mt ,antdetoqxoo santakwod #',.00 ytkassbal “gotad sas” wal 
rues tohxequt ot mt boLlt of ,etembist at galtede dxuso taxedot 
2 ae MroMd ,iatoometqqua han behbooms iikd aid yhanes toed 6 

6% od of sumeqge Likd otf .8h0L ,.0%073 ve £21 a? LEbte®) ws 
‘te teded at tdgaord ton eaw hae Yittataly Yo Pt Wad een ot | 
week gaivil .¥ bas .od ythamehal cola ex? eLLeteney ill 
<0 wouge tom bth .09 ytkaxehAl nota oat .atashasted pie ore 
2 gemwk Tiiteleig te acitew ae bus ,betiveted eew baa coven 
tevieset hetatogae saw er: 

eeneeh edt dotow aoqw ,fiid Letaseetoque bus bebaome ont Ce 
ne Berodae aaw eoxoh oat 260k 84 onl boll? waw oy eae i 
fesoltoitaitel, yIsoasoea odd hawet eetoed orit bEOL te deo 
Ont ,LLAT Satone@iqgse bao bebaeme oss to galtht oad of oa ate 

i Seu teviover se Liodquad tad ¢.089 .etaemyhut, ent Yoe ior 

«xe nt awe @ ,oieqnt eld yd awode sa ,sotdodindath tod , | 
Tidal Le o¢ evo urbe at bedeotlh eaw od so ditw 008 t» save ; 
“boxorakaes qd fooe od hives 32 10 yqoo a tad hovabio sete 9: ~ a 

sy ory ont of baw isis ei kaws bak soda add te srevisoes oat #) Ln ; : ) 

Om April 6, 1934, the United States of American filed ite 
intervening petition, averring that it was « cerporation severecign 
and body politic; that the judgment debtor corporation ta indebted 
to it upon bonds given to certain Collectors of Iaternal Rewenue 
for the payment of taxes; that by virtue of section 3466 of the 
Revised Statutes the United States was mtitied te a deeree that 
ite right wae paramount and that these obligations be first paid 
out ef the property of the defendant debtor, Yfetitioner prayed 
that the deere in favor of plaintiff should be set acide to the 
extent that the claims of petitioner should be first satisfied. 

Plaintif anevered, sdmitting formal sliegatione but aver 
fing that he wae without information with regard te the liabilities 
alieged by the government to be due te it, and denying spegifiealiy 
that it was entitied to have ite claims satisfied eut of the assets 
in the hands of the Receiver, 

An anhendment to the petition ef the gevernment filed Way 
25, 1934, averred that the government ebjected to the deeree on the 
ground that it was iseued after and during the time the Union Inden- 
nity Co., defendant, was ineclvent and wien a receiver had been ap- 
pointed; that immediately upon defendant's inweolveney the United 
States wan antitied to preference ever oil other claims te whatever 
funds were potnensed by the insolvent defendant, The asmendnent 
prayed that it might be received and filed; that the court eter an 
order setting aside the former dacree and that the priority rights 
of the United States over other claimants to the funds of the in- 
eclyent company should be reeognined. 

June Lé, 1934, the court entered » dearee denying the prayer 
of the petition and overruling the objections, fhe decree specifi- 
eslly 4ireeted the receiver not te deliver any assets to Clay 7. 
Beekner and Sanford Levy as Receivers for the Unien Indemnity co., 

er to deliver any of the assets to any persom ether than plaintiff; 

ati bell? apisama le avdadd besdal ons MCL ,d Lhagd a i sialnk, 
agiexsvea seiéetegiee # ta 2% tad gabtrevea ,asliisog paksovretal 
hoddebad al aoidareqies tovdeb soomybut esd sasit sake ntbg ot daw 
euneved facsetal ‘te eteveetipd aluétea ot navy baud megs. 22 of 
MF to oat aclicoes te ewtaily vd Jac teexnd Yo tmeayaq eat wt 
tad? ooreh 2 of beLtline saw aotnz® bodhul ond aotused® hes r 
biey eit? od suotteghide seed? sou? bay smieneweq sew iight met 
heyeta wenoltites ,tofdeh tnabas'teh edt to yiaoqetg on? te two 
eat of shins oo st Divers Yisakale te wove? at) oenped oat ted | 
sbodtalten feud? od biwose tenet ing to omiato edb has? | sae te 
rove tud saolsaysito inset yalttinda ,botewena aT MAN ao 
woltiitdels eo) oF orsyes sto netsamretal svodttn sam, od todd gn | 
yiiaotiinega gabyieh hae .2t ef omh ad ot Pronwunven st of boyeiin 
atoane od? Ye Cus boltettan ambelo oO aves of betstiae naw oh sett 
, , stovisosl ony Xe mbaest oad ak , 
Yall beLl% snommoevag ad te aodsiteq edd of snmmheming BA | 
ec mo SeIDSb oi? oy daseotdo sasmueVoR add tat deneva DEOL Be 
| mtb sokal auld omky anf gaireh dan a9ée deuwnd gam tt dadd bahiety 
«qe s00d bad teviess: « ance tan taevioenh auw. viawdse ted , 009 ytia 
beck ods yoonvicant e'tanbasteb aoqu xiedethonns gad? phetakoe 
“tevetade of amialo rede Lia Tove somIMloTg of hosdhiay aw godess 
- thuaincoe oo acaba toh taevomnd ost? yd Aeeneneeg atow Bhat 
ae Sedan Ptweo aad ddd (2042 bon hovieses od trigtm 22 godt boyete 
addy te Uiiediq eM? tad? baa senseh womte? off ebine aaltten retro 
nth e:9 “te ebaul ot ef afeemtale todte seve aetage eset w p% 
caine jive - sbomtagone of Rivede Yaeqnwo tae 
| caus oa% gaiyuoh seised « Betedae ftmoa- eds ybGSt Aooe@s this 
By _abthooae aot9h ost .eankimebdo sad guliuxzero tas motehiong 


further, that the receiver forthwith pay pluintirf the )2600 in 
aceordanee with the deeree tharetofore atered Decauber 27, 1933. 
The decree waloh we are asked toe review in this case contains no 
epecial finding of facts, nor in it supported by a certificate of 
The government ef the United States relies upen section 

$466 of the United Otates Kevised Statutes, which ia sa follows: 

 *“Whenever any person indebted to the United States is in- 
solvent, or whenever the eatate of any deetatad debter, in the 
hande of the executors or adwinistraterea, ia insufficient to pay 
all the 4ebte due from the deceased, the debte due to the United 
States shall be firet eatisfied; and the pricrity @etadi ighed 
shall extend as well to cases in which » debter, rot having suf- 
ficient oroperty to pay e121 his debte, askwo « voluntary aseign~ 
sent theres’, or in which the estate and effeete of an abnconding, 
concealed, oF absent debter are attached by eroeees of law, an to 
eaeee in which an sct of barkruptey iv committed, * 
This eection 3466 was formerly seetion % of ati wet entitied, "an Aet 
to previde more effeetualiy for the settlement ef acgounte between 
the United States and receivers of public mcney,* enacted in 1797, 
chapter 20, 1 Stat. S145, snd swended by an set in 1799, section 65, 
chapter 22, 1 Stat. 676, and the Longusge has hot bean eubstuntially 
as 279 
G. S&S, G0. Ite validity was strenuously contested but seas to have 

varied since the eriginal enaectuents. 

been settied in faver of the goverament in J, 3. v, Peters, 5 Cranch 
116, In the early case of 9 

6 Pet. 29, 1t was poisited out by Kx. Justice Story that the claim 
of the United States under this statute 414 not stand upon eny 
sovereign preregstive as at commen law but was to be found ox- 
Glusively upon the setual provisions of the statute, which by 
reason of the public interest was, hovever, to have a Liberal 
sonstruetion, Nany of the Cy Tllineis, have based 
Similar elsims upon severeign prerogative as a part of the common 
law adopted by them. People v. Farmers Stete Bank, 355 T11. 617. 
In a long line of devisions the courts have liberally 
Gonstrued the word "“debte® ag it appears in the statute, The 

it DOOR) oH Vetsatete Yoq Mttwseeet sevisaer ost al vsosdteat 
ENOL .1R tedueded bovodh oxetodersdd coreen oly Milby boaabroeoR 
gm tntedhes dean wiay ok wilhwer oF hotan ove Ow ith vin’ 
te eeaotiieses wo yd ee ti af wou ,etoet to bide’ danse d 
: | ,  eomohthe 
eltoos meu collet sedate Boaka’ ods Yo Jnoaate vey Ont — poe beg 
rewetiet aa of Molde ,oedarede boatvel eerate Bayhal oss ed 
oui af Ges0F% Gedtal ox? oF boddonal rey tite ebvanmaree”* ON Fo 

edt ai ,fofdad beantaah ‘ima, pe tietee ve si 

veg of gti ‘eal it i: °¢ 
guk agdrah © aereeet : b9 
wetrebag ent bas son 3 ste {ptian. 

J av — 
~ tue gativad ten ,totdeh « code at aeene 
PP. onto ‘pues wor & “aged .9d0oh alt fie 

4. to efoe tt Pty 
agers acta ss techni Fe ot te 
| prety fh alle ak qorquiinsd To 00 an Ma how at eneg. 
tea ima” hed bd a0 tom ae te 2 agiteee qhigare? sow 900 goltoog ahet 

averted hiaveses ty saomelstes adi te7 Ulautantia eon ebivete oF ‘ 
PORE ai heioane “xenon oliduq te ‘Bteviooet bas sogud hettal ede 

ae notions ,80CL ot ton aa yd hehaeme baw 218 ath Ate medqade., 

ele basasedue ned ton aad oyengmed mut a. HN", 12088 £ 88 iver 

oved 7 eaoon hotel hea? noo Saseumnets aon xen 

doses) Oy ORA0F oY oh oil Oh Pammamoven ont Ye tare at ‘i ond 




. 8 Leh, eee 

L * ona9 | a 

as ah, . 

ba Ca 

if ay 
pee (ay A 

a yew aid hand ton bib otutats. ata prov noias® be 
“ ae bee ad of sow gud wat nemmnn fa ae py itayor 

Ed Kietuw yetutede est to onnlpreny, Lauson ost om 

con,» Aieteehd a eved of , revered .Rew fontegak of 

y alerts even ttoak ser patbule 

“oman odd Te freq © me s erdtmerrs si pi ake. 2 
wh odnt onpemet ¥ efaoe% . ommlt, od bod 

 elhasoahe oved astw0s ous eaozatens, 1% eons gnet a i 

J } 5 i il . 
ae " patt erusede wad wh vussees ‘gh an "etded" beow ont hs 


County ef Spekane case eld that the statute was applivable to taxes 
due to the United States from an inacivent debter, and People vy. 
Kaeley, 245 JU. &. 290, held that ouch a debt bad priority ever a 
Claim of a state for franchise taxes due but mot liquidated, ‘he 
United States courts have aleo held, aa we read their decisions, 
that in order that the statute way be appileouble te particular 
property, some one of these situations must be aade te appear; 
that (1) the omer of the property ie insuivent, (2) the eutate in 
the hands ef executors or aduiniotratora ie insurfielent te pay all 
the debts due, (3) the debter not having sufficient property te pay 
hie debte, has made a voluntary ageigment, (4) the estate and ef- 
feote of an abegonding, coneeuled or absent debter have been attached 
by procese of law, or (4%) the omer has committed an act of bank- 
ruptey. The statute does not create a lien upon the property of 
such debtere in faver ef the government but only provides fer a 
preference in course of administration in sueh cases. easton v, 
Farmers Bank of Delaware, 12 Pet. 102, 9 Lb. Bd, 1017, In that 
ease the Gupreme court said: 
"From the language employed in toie section, and the con- 

struction given te it from time tc time, by this Uourt, theese 
Yulee are clearly established; Firat, that mo lien was ereated by 
the statute; gesondly, the pricrity eatablished can never attach 
Walle the debter continues the owner and in the possession of the 
property, altiieugh he may be unable to pay a1) hie debts; thirdiy, 
no evidence can be reecived of the ingsolveney of the debtor, unt 
he has been divested of hia property in ene of the modes etated in 
the section; and, hy, whenever he ia thue divested of his 
property, the person wio begumea invested with the titie, is there- 
by made a trustee for the United “tates, and is bound to pay their 
debt first out of the proceeds of the dobter's property.” 

| in the sueh later case of U. &, vy, Gklahoun, 261 U. &, 253, 
the court, reviewing prior sutscrities, again Lays down the rule 
that the statute in question deeu not orente a lien and helds that 
although the state banking board ef Gklaioma acting under the 
statute of that state had taken over the assets of a back Yor admine 

istration, the bank being unable to pay ite depositersa, this did net 

amount te insolveney within the meaning ef seetion 3456, The court 

“womed as eideo tions aaw etutade odd tadd bho gees gs f 
ot, RARE bas ,tedieb guavionnl ae mgt? angnde beaten nat ‘of amb 
@ Tove yiitolzg bed sdeh © sown test bios ,C@R .@ ol S68 suntan 
out bedabluphi ton dvd exh waxed sadsinsuwrt x02 adage m 29 mtate | 
.aucieleeh xlwxd heer ow ea ,bfed opis ovat attuoo eeuse hegtad: 
Neiseliieg oF oLinoliqgn ed yam etutage edt daly wobrp ak tadd 
iFeonge ot ebam ed tem enotienud te facts te ono eme Dh lis 
ak otedae oud (S) ,fooviewat at ytungore oad to TeMe ontd, (4) tat 
hte we of dookottivnah ak exosexsatatabe o erodwoexe Te ahnaet om 
. vw ot Yiibgoxg: tate t'ttwe aad veut tom tossen ang (3) ou areas 6 oy 
‘< ot ‘bhe eaetao ons {e) taomephonn wuntractor we ‘thew eon yaedeb, 

re Paka ae 
bosiont9 0 need ove Totdebh Showde te bo Lse0i08 spalbmoneds: Ney P#- . 
ih iy 

eiued to fou an beet RnNo: wail ToMwe ene (1) eo ak Yo wansoRE YE 
Ye yereqote Oat woqe Mell » efeeto ton eoob Otutate wMR vgotgee 

“MOT webivot, YLao dud tanmrrevey om? To ToveT Ke weeMehiaCee 
a¥ Betece .wonem down at ootiersetububa Yo on thed at Sonmye bere 
fal al NLOL bu Ee ROL 90d EE rem ho Aaa pours 
Sevan thlse tewoo spanesnleantincescil 


“sob e1t dae ,aeldoee elar at heyotyen 
_, #0088 .tiwod alee yd ests of omld mort 8: 
” ¢e betaotd saw nett on feus , Ne } pede bidutee 
Heesi«e seven wee bela Lidates RRS Oa wae . 
“eae te aobssoaver ead ak bre Tenwe $ne0. 
jetdeh aid [fe you of oldann ll poe yan of tyne 
, teddeb ese to goneviaanl otf to boviewer © ae 
nk betesa apbom ect te ano al ystogoty aia to bedeevil st | 
ein Yo bedwevil eo? ef oo awromedy $e. 
-oreds @L ,eitls silt ative beleeval samosed © Row 
tiodd wt 08 buvod wt boe ,aedasd bation ome tot 
* thw gotq uw vod deb oes to sbosoorg ont hath 

' im ai 
28 2 .U Loe ead sAO, aX ik al br saan noted sou: ost 
Bod a a heh 

. Sarg 
art aid mime ayet ahs yaes brad un roita andwe vex AD gen ‘ 

taiitd ab Zod bin mols « eFapt0. fon. aoab woh yeep ff otatate co ws ae 
SN * Rik $y 

ost? trot mas anttos at LAG to braod gnbtnad otese edt gue 

s i aacoriapa 
at toh Aaad @ io ateena yy il eye nein? baat $7.) 

‘ fe ay 

said thet under the Bankruptey Act of July 1, 1995, = persen rae 
deemed insolvant whenever the aguregate of his property, exelusive 
of property conveyed, concealed, ete,, with intent te defraud, hinder 
er delay his oreditors, should mot, at a fair veluation, be aurfi- 
cient in amount to pay nde debts, but that the Okishoma law did mot 
so Limit the meaning of the term “iasolveney," and that the bank was 
net therefore inaclvent within the meaning of this section and the 
property in the hunds of the bank commissioner was not eubjeet te 
the provisions ef this seetion. 
Plaintiff here contends that by means of hie erediter's 
bili he acquired a first an¢ prior Lien upon the aesets of the 
Judtjnent debtor, met for the benefit of the orediters generally 
put fer hia own benefit, and that the proceedings kere are not of 
sueh nature ae would divest thie lien «and make the preferenee pro« 
vided by section 5466 applicable. ‘The amended end supplemental 
bill here, aw alrendy stated, wae based en eection 49 of chapter 
22 (Cohill's [21, Rev. State. 1935, chap, 82, eee, 49), and the 
gourts of Tliimois have held that in sueh proceeding by way of 
a erediter's bill, the reeeiver appointed is not necessarily a 
truntee for the benefit of all the creditors but only for the 
benerit of there creditors in whese behalf he is appointed, Young 
v. Clapp, 147 Til. 176. The came cane helds that in such proceeding 
a transfer made by the fudgment debter to the reeeiver under the 
order ef the court is an assianment not for the benefit of creditors 
but rather for the payment of the fudwmenta on which the action is 
based; that by such tranafer the reeatver doen not beeome the agent 
of the debtor for the distribution of the property in the same sense 
in which the assignes becomes the agent of the aesigner, where there 
i2 a general ensignment for the benefit of creditors: that, on the 
contrary, ®ich an assignment by the Judgment debter partakes of the 
nature of a mortgage for the payment of the Judgment. Tliveta 
eas@e algo hold that the filing ef sueh bill and the ebtsining of 


aw sonteq « .O0L ,£ yuh te for Wilersinnl 249 TS) se dade phew 
ovianions , gene que ads be sdayotgge Ant tevedeude tony Some denmed 
webhald ,hoexteb of saedmh tiv sete ybe Lanomms vdayernge (gtmoqote ‘ke 
oh'tive od ,widawdey chet » sa ton bdwosde ,erotiberw ald eeieh *e 
fon hid wed mmostedXO of? todd tud added ode Yager Pauunn nd Orekd 
eaw dned off devils ban ", wroevlonsi" otet ett ty gots one shusl oe 
odd Sen pyitees side to gyalonem ans ohdpliw tuer fount ecolerert tom 

- OF dew tein Sone nage mocinhocihanen, tent edie woembenhdh, Whe 

: wodtogn ahs 19 eaoletvons itt 

e'tetiberw oid Yo sansa yd sent ahaeenoo ered thenlelt ae 

eit Im adenea of cog Bait soiva hae sexi = doctupon out Lend 

hens ( BLiezenay atedtbare ene Yo IL toned ould tek Pom yxOddeh Fa 

te jon xe e128 sgmiheveotg off Fatt bne ,aPteaed me wat wor ou 
ache opanaste rg ont eiiam ban wohl wtsie soevkd binew o« exutom Howe 

Lndasna faq bam Sphnoma ea eldavdiogs ODOT melsone yt donde 
aeiquds to % aoliees ao booed naw yhedetn yhewnse ah ones LER 

odd bas ,(OP .oep SR gare 4ebOR arose swe LEE #164200) 88 

to yet ud ualbewoorg dowe al tedd biod evedt alenhsed 20 oben 
a ethransepen ton of betabougn tevienet oat ,fdEd wT tet thers 2 

WW jy SGM Ke 

mnie whe use dud axed Abe tn nat kha to eee 

ae Wiyod EJ 

oak en thant evorte at eretthots woody 

i dt masseeese 
“anlbeosors save eb fad? eho sano one out wort teh t at gyeke 4 

sxedibow to. ¢Mioaed ont x0't gost Peony tne ne at rue ne ° “— 
5 ia ™ 4 Sede “ek ph 
wt solioe ane fiolde ne asaoomabar ond te snag boead not vedtax, res 

toys ett easood gen e905 tovlenet ond xo tanwes ove w ta 


; ones sen ‘os al ‘hiegetg oat te moktind beteth owe ype eh ertt 
in a: 

exe ds ewan tony tans odd te ttrge ony snmoed eompinee em ra 

a deat oe. o a iv 

out no stasis yates tbewe ‘te # tamed one +08 Sanan: tena teveuuy 

) bade. tade meee ? 
‘od % none tes rotden Pave ‘entt we toss tea serge x 

# diy ; au wis seg wé 

- r “phokiet  fitecghot 6 hd te raomeoe og xt sanatven a 1c " 

. itive yawn taal J 

“te yntulasse ext bow aie dows ‘te panehy oat —' 

service constitutes lis pendens and amounts te an equitable levy, 

Russell v. Chicago Trust & Savings Bank, 139 Lil, 638; Upton 
National Bank v, Lane, 177 111, 171; Lingle v, Glear Greek Dretume 
District, 291 [1]. 811. The rule in the Guprene court of the Gnited 
Btates appears to be the save. Metoaif vy. Barker, 187 U5. 168. 

Plaintif? therefore contends that there are ne facte in 
this ease bringing it within the previsiens ef this section of the 
statute; that there is no proof that the judgment debter is ineol- 
vent within the meaning of the etatute, or that the debtor is withe 
out sufficient preperty te say ite debta, or that it has made a 
voluntary atsignment, or that it has absconded or concealed iteeif, 
or that ite estete or effects Asve been attached by precear of Liaw, 
or that it has committed any act of bankruptey, Without undertaking 
to review the oaves at length, ¥e think this contention mist be suse 
tained under set only the early but sleo the later desisions ef the 
Suprese Court of the United ‘States, Eramwell v. U. 3, Fidelity Go., 
269 U. S. 483; Price vy. V. 5,, 269 J, S. 492; Stripe v. J. 8, 269 
U. &. 30%; U. 8. y. Butterworth Corp., 269 U. 8. 804. 

Ye de not doubt the contention of the district atterney for 
the government that the laws of the state cannet supersede those of 
the United States. It ia established by practicaily e141 ef the au- 
therities, one of which is U, S, vy. Gkishoma, 261 U. &, 253, on 
which he relies, but that is net the controliing question here, The 
law of the lmited States is, of course, supreme wherever applicable, 
but we hold that properly interpreted under the rules of the United 
States Court, it is not applicable te a situation such as disclosed 
by this record, 

Phe attorney for the govermment also contends that since 
elaintiff's judgments were obtained in the United States Geurt for 
the Rorthern Distriet of Illinois, plaintiffs could not maintain a 
creditor's bill based upom these judgments in the Superior court of 
Cook county. In other words, he contends that in the courts of 

re J f bi 

“ret @idediapa ans ot etauoun has nape nosudt tni09 ootvres 
Baisd 1884 «fii es4 Sek tpn, AMEE ee LEO £ Some wf 
Amabest aogrd seek gy afuahs (ITE oL4T YUE goed x Anak, 
betiaw ont Yo 11Ha9 emetae? and mt oLur ent a Mat te vi wc 
ak a. F red saute ot Leto <onae sat od os exencas wozate 
ad adaet ot tn went tastt ahgedane ovo tereds Wthentals a 

allie ‘a sesded ens tant to pier sabes aus Ri antnscm ¢ out “aide be pod 

Oe weed 

% obaw wed 3h tadd te phages eel eq os Meteo gotg | $m 2040 ™ 
Viens bo Lngoues %@ bebacceds aed at said “0 fommm tase) { 
a | ta aseootg yd bextontds aves oved Stoo tte xo he gaa ant taut 

suoish® yor wend % a bh . 
gabe dxeb aw wo wore C) 98 cg ae 
“am ed oe sat gots nesaes oted Anhalt ow dt gate £ a6 agene ont chai 

$k Tae aes 

weld 1 enciasecd eset asd onde sud ine ous yfag fea webmu 

i ig 

OD RAkionlt .f Vay Lowers .antate bo t had one » suo 8, 


COE 8.0. gatnse :80D Wf WV ee pal all a oakn enh cot Oe 
| 608 8 .U gee a Y 7t08 ae 
wet qernedsa fotatath edt Yo wok? a0? a0 ont suo ton Loe ee oo af 
re enone ehectegue Sonne atage od to weal oat taety snenpien ah | 
rd oat te Lis vitsotsouta, e bodabtdades at an vengage bothad odd 

Ps tig ot 
| ae 008 LB .U £08 emomass0 4x Bol ak doksw Xe no .note Sree 
eat smrenti aeltaeup yukiiotzacs edt ton ak tout unt wok con oa Hoksw 
9 idee b Lee reve ted ono que SeTHOR to nae ongesi bot hall ome te me ‘i 


bos ke ens “to notre ost cones beteraxesat roqote teat bloat a 
hoealvelh on sown wok taut ba a oF oldaghiogs tom a a nnd ; aA we eve 


Ay ,, 

‘ “esate aus abaszaeo oo ta tasaaxeven | ons x0 ple we iy 
; we pan sosase hasnt ext ak boaladde oxnw adaommbut dpe Sa 

@ atetatan son bkvos vibeake Le ehomb ist Yo sorerete ons s 
2» fxwoe wolxeque outs at staommbst onnat oq posed cake i 

aie te s2xH08 ons a fade apap tans oa yabom tous ax ven © Ds) 
Mes AAT, 8 { 
eh nh y = 

Tllineis, federal judgente ore foreign judgments, fe cites in 

nd, 38 hl, 864; Corn v, Greenberg, 
m, 174 Lil, 344, and other canes 

this conneetion Steere 

281 Till. Apo. 660; Ladd 
which would seem to sustsin the contention. 

Ry the Act eof Suly 1, 15399, the legivlature of Iilineie pre- 
vided for fegulation of liens of judgments and deeress of courte ef 
the United States ond declared that such Judgments within this State 
end ali writs, returns, certifvieates of the levy ef a writ and ree- 
ards of the courts should be registered, reeerded, dovketed, indexed 
or otherwise dealt with in the publie offices of this state, ao as 
to make them eonform to the rules and requirements relating te judge 
ments and deerees of courte of thie etate. Gabiii's 111, Rev, State, 
1933, chap. 77, see. G1. In 1929 the legislature of this state ene 
acted a statute whieh provided that judgments and decrees of courte 
ef the United States helé withix this etute sheuld be a Liem wpen 
the real estate of the person ageinet whom they were obtained, 
@ituated within the eounty in shich tae court was held from the time 
rendered ar revived, and that upon filing im the efYice of the clerk 
of any court of reeerd in any county in this state, of a transcript 
of a futgment er aeeres of » court of the United States rendered in 
any other county of thie state, sugh judgment or decree anould be a 
ifen uvon the real estate of the persen against whem the same ig abe 
tained, in the county where filed, “in like manner ae judguents and 

@eeress of courts of record of this State.” Gahiji's 111. Rey. 
Stata. 1935, chap. 77, wee. 82, page 1720. 

The Congress of the United States has ulse onacted a statute 
which provides that judgments and decrece rendered in aw distriet 
court of the United States within any state, should be liens on 
property throughout such state in the same manner and te the same 
extent and under the came conditions enly se if such Judgnents and 
decrees had been rendered by a court of general jurisdiction of such 


Pres ens CRED ' 

ah waete OR .eAeghAy MORON ORE Atememneh sAe ORD: ntons naz 

[SIO MY ye GPE Lis OE, . ‘ao ttes amor ¢ bas 
< eenne wsdte hay phen .ELE OTL), (OO Goh LE TOE 
iolisednes 449 aietave of nese bisow dodde 
 wirtqg -abeahitl “te ec uselatged ont ,080L ,f gfe Xe dad: oad ¢f | vi 

‘te elruso ‘te soetesh Sas ateomghet to ened te aettetages te? bounty 

“sett ain? ahicie staoupeut Move 2909 betnkeod bax eered8 hotke saat 
I eli lial to “ved os? 36 aedaodlisies ,anraiot yatige Pore . 
: Avxohad ,Setosoed ;debrepeT: sbetocelget od biweda wéxuos oA? ‘te abae 
e 4 ‘dake potade mbad “te Boaktto olidm eds at a¢hw dinates " "| 

pen of paléaiey otaametiuess ins aelut oft of axgidas and? tas 

gatas wad 44h @LLised sebedo aide te efawed! ‘We soorwed ‘daw ati 02 
ote paete eid te owwialedyod ef? URUL ab. fb sooo» AP cueagegtt 
 eitwoo Io geetLeh ban Bao mpbal, tas heblveta subse otutate obs 
fogs Wik o od Diuods ogada aids abetiw “bfed estage ‘pethad ot 

Pa be ttedda eter Yous mode go theys Moeteg ads 10 etagas Li . 



emi? od? sox? Bind aw 21ues ou) soldw ok qfawee ost abs dw ho a : 

 eitaentste sortie end a! gnbhst mage sods dun ybovkvor «o hexobaee 
“Gebtecaesd 2 Ae yesete eldt ab yraueo yaw Gh Breese teodawe te. 
2. Somenewe aoteth bedial edt de dtued a Re catesh a6. sosmsaut, ato 
(8 Od Demonle SeTgOs To sunagtel Sous .etoss aber Te yimuogensdterene 
“i Si sane sd apd demiaga aesang oo 26 atates Leon edt noce aot 
fie steeutat, ae teaeam abl, we’ .b041) scede Ysabes ed pak boned 
oy aed A a kekaied * pede dS ebsitoTe Daveew te attace Io sroteeh 
| | sCRVE ogag: 86 ~oom {Tt sesso ROL setads 
 ehutede 2 bedewno cote aod entes0 dostal edt to onotgmeduedteleo yo 
/ telséeib # ab dershart sovnveh dae ataomghut dudd aoblivenq coke 
io mets ad divode ,ataia yaw ahdtiv aodo24 Bodiad att to tases 
an 88 of sha “aang ote vst ath Aad slows tundeh eT EONE 
£ bea, ainemyin, dove Uae ydae enka thaoy sane edt aban dae oe 
oe te. Selielbnitut inteang te susoo a xs hotabaet aed. : 

etate. See Title 28 Judicial code, see, 912, 

Some of the lilineisa eases elited were decided berord the 
enaatwont of these statutes, in nene ef the cases decided thereafter 
were these etatutes enlled to the attention of the court. Since the 
enactment of theee and similar statutes it has been Geld in other 
states that judguents of federal courte are not te be considered with 
in the etate where rendered as foreign jucdgeents, and that ereditors' 
bille may be based er: Chis 
65 Ken. 17; ie 124 Kam, 296; Firet Netional Bank vy, 
Blewan, 42 web. 350; Ballin v. Importing Go,, 76 ¥is. 404. We anprove 

the reasoning of these cases ix the absence ef ang outherity frem our 

own state. Koreover, we are of the opinion that the intervening pe- 
titioner having asked the benefit of tnis preceeding in the atate 
eourt an@ the subject matter of the euit being one of which the 
Superior court of CUnok county Had jurisdiction, petitioner sannot 
mow be heard te urce thie contention. Dilworth v. Gurte, 139 11. 
SO8; Srter v. Gable, 159 111. %; Enapwp y. MeCaffrey, 179 111. 167; 
Darst v. Kirk, #50 111. 5@1; ¥ilsen Bros. y. Heege, 347 Ili. 140; 

Bartunekr y, Lastovken, 350 111. 380. 
Por the reasone indjieatet the fudgment of the Superior eourt 

ef Cook county is affirmed. 

O'Connor, P. J., and HeSurely, J., eoneur. 

eal 7 
ee RR i ol 

hse sae yahoo ‘tnhe that ‘pe ban vet bee 


“ote pro'ted bebiowh ox0w herio ovans ‘a¥onk ist bat Ye “onl wit 

: xod"aoresit babiesh seano ost to pau ‘a shodutate anent 26 a" a 

: ois eomhi .tunon ont Yo aohiaette add ‘ot “he Lino eotudete snout oro 
2 mddo oe blow aved na od nodiiaza getincte bite cei hengreonndl 
 lghe bowshsanon od of ton exe efkaee kanebs’ 16 sdmmhak’ alt’ dtd 
twiagivore 4 sass ane  sedamagbat apioxe? an berebast yao der shoves ‘wh 
tm _ slosioat i Waeaal od wen eth 
aw: queens 104 smal 8 

we won xatnect ue eae ‘Re voneuda oud a nosan sa0 woedd Vo gatno “ihe 


ie pane vi0dad ode toad noratqe ‘ont? Se ote go ae \x8v08" uae ougui % | 
wl biota out nt | aatbooora aes Ye 9 £20a0d oa silt berciys 
ters ronsteisen vol 9 ibe but, ice emw0s eggs 7" oii 
. hil ats sR _4¥ seniie “todd ant aes Pir vow od ih "ed 
ie 08 pres: ere xaxTladet east + att, ‘we | i ha clea 

: 0 tt ve ‘anal_ae ater sonia? pags ctr ot 
agen Or 

| eue sok ous ve saseuhet oud bosmotoat samen 
; gti ise ea a Oey. ate ae ro £ Dae ey ea d mo 
Rae te ie 7 aL a oe ey Oe oT a Se Ah. oe ae sine 

“tuaaos ot susnidian bas by: iy aan | 

ii F is itt yy oh i iia 
ee et eT t aanbreny, “ee 
eseatn + ng, acid ‘a eneo 
' } 4 fit} by DR : 


858 BE, DIBRLE, 



) | La 
ae y \ 9 
ws 6 y i ae 6 2 8 

In am action on contract for commissions clalaed on ae+ 
eounte of sales of Liquor and apen trial by the eourt, there wae 
a finding for plaintiff with Judgment fer 9748.50, whieh defendant 
aska ua to reverse on the ground that the finding and jJudynent 
are against the manifest weight of the evidences, 

Sefendant was formerly know os the Foreign Tredera Ce. 
It appears that im Hovember, 1935, anticipating the early legald- 
mation of the traffie im Liquer, defendant company was organized 
fer the purpose of negotiating in the bueinese of supelying Lique 
of different kinds to the trade in Ghicago. The president ef the 
defendant cewpany was Louis Golan and so kr, Muleahy acted as his 
assistant. Arthur 1. Jehneen was cashier. Joseph Kirsh occupied 
the position of general menager in charge ef the wholesale depart 
ment, snd Geerge ¥, Hipple was sales manager in charge of the re- 
tail departuemt. Plaintiff, with numerous other persons (it 
seems about 50 in number) were employed te begin selling liquor 
ef defendant on eouniesion upon the legalisation of such sales. 
Plaintiff was eapleyed through Zr. Hipole, esd the terms of the 
agreenent, which were slwuest entirely oral, ate in dispute. it 
in admitted, however, that plaintiff was furnished with bank 
papers, copies of which are in evidenes as plaintiff's exnibits, 
(me of these is designated, “Salesuan's Snily Report," and 
thereon apocured appropriate bliamke designed te be filled im by 
the salesman showing hie name, the territery in whieh he worked, 
the date of contact with the proapeet, the prospect's name and 

ay ia ey) ee. Se 

<fmieg wate WH uoTAIse scr CoenvE IM vaca eatieyt ad pera 

wit wa Tee 9 
oe ap bomiods saphnghenge | aot panne we embed me + whos oth Ged 
— iawn watt ys Leaked sage dae towph Ie aptee Xe RemupB, 
te sasban deb Sadse O0.G00E WOT soragdet ABiw Wsate te cod yada)» 
dtempru Sav gurhadt ode tad? hawery odd Ro enseveT oF oH Rama) 
ia -ogaebive a3 le tiydew Jaotlaan od. saatage om. 
“90. eenen agierol of? ea aweat elxomted gow Samba tet stati 
cbinget yiuen oot paltontolins GCL .xeduevol ab sant exawaqgedh > 
Ronitagte saw yooqees Inghaeled .toupht at abYtart edt to nosten " 
| geet patytguwe Yo eecaieud edt at pattatsegen te. orentme Oat 90%: 
| silt Xe teobaveng os .ogeoisd ad wher oct of abatt shone TAR Be. 
RL ee hedon Vleet a dee wotod atuod gar yangsos pambap teh. 
| pakquoce deeke stemns’ olieap eam avsaiel oi codes fm | 
: abtage> eLeantotw ede Yo egsete al tegenec igaeney Teo of d 
| so: sett Ge egeds Gf aegenem note exe sfaghl .Y agvend han, ,tmem 
gt} amervsg Tedte sworsmen daiw ,Titatess . .daameanh ta 
wouphi galiton abged of heyoique orew (soda mk OS suede auepe 
.aeiee dove to molveabioget ont noqu aolnelumoe me nemumuadinall 
odd Yo eared edt hae ,ofogkS. .26 aguotay here Lasa cow Tiiwatecs ° 
$l voswye th at ste late ylerkian tnants ovew dolce aie 
 dnetd Addy beset? saw Velealote tact ,tevowod bedtiaha oh 
.egidicke et Yttestelg ov soushies af ets mtttw to askqoe | 8) oe 
' jae * dxoqom ykiad «! ansme Lak" sbetanataed at : wid re . i 
mk SOLE ot OF Hoyland adnald etatrqorage berssoee 8: 
sheen od Mohd ak yrodtxasd exit omen ate gntworia anes sf 
i bets ease et tosgnoty ad ,toequote oad Atte vent | 

address, his classification and the amount of the order taken, 
Another of these papers is dated November 21, 1935, and is dea- 
ignated, "Confidential Ketsil Commixsion Sehedule for Smleaman, * 
and thereon appears in printed type the commiesion "based on 
present prices, subject to change,* of various brands of whiskers, 
champagnes, wines, ¢tc, A “Gupplewentery Confidential Hetall Com 
migsion Schedule," dated Decenher 21, 1945, also bawed on present 
prices, subject to change, appears in evidence am plaintiff's ex- 
hibit *2,* 

The date of plaintiff's aapleyment is not definite, tat the 
evidence indicates that it began about Kovembor 7, 1933, and ended 
the latter part of Decexber of the wane year, the iteue in dispute 
between the parties have vecn narrowed down to three: (1) the Sham. 
berger account, on which defendant concedes that a balanee of 376 
ie due, and on which the court allewed $165, the whole azeunt 
@laimed by plaintiff in that respect. Defendant admits that 
plnintifrf, tn fact, rendered the service ef precuring Ghasberger 
ae a customer and the amount of gecda #014 on that aceount ie net 
in diecute, but defendant contends that the account sheul4 be des- 
ignatedas "a wholesal# seeeunt," on which » comedssion of only 
25 cents a cane, instead of 50 cents (ae plaintiff sontends) is 
payable. The precise difference between ao wholesale ageount snd 
@ retail aceount cannet be ascertained from the evidences, At any 
rate, plaintiff testifies that amy such reduction in the amount of 
ecouminsions he wae to receive upon eales of thie kind was never 
@alled te his attention erior te the time he ebtained the customer. 

The barden of proof eae apom defendant, as the undiaguted evidexee 
shows that 50 cents per cass was the couwiseion originally agreed 

upon, and the undisputed evidence also ehows that pleintiff was 
 eaployes ty the monager of the retail departwent and worked under 
hie direction. Such being the feet and the finding of the court 

fede? webto wie to Tawoms oat bee notsaptth 

teh ah bra , CECE » te thdinevell batah of sxeqeg weeds te restenh 

neat Lene “et a hubastoo motes ioe Liagot Son 2b kL ates* boteayh 

ho bowed” modus kamen wet ays betaine at eishage nootede has 

eayadetow to eid wveinxey Yo * 9 @ainet at in ce seeotia tameorn 
ae | Ma ey 

oat {dete fa) reabi tae vintanan tae” A sete nln . 
SOMETE He hoot ein phat , dR cetuneet betel ae, Lg 

saeons adecie ond ,8622 oeereldea Stee eslt pai. 
seul we Labe Ptobovteys .teeceex deste mt Vabtadade 
oor aakruaos to eo beKee. salt novabaot soak ah ? 

se ot ste Pst on amma 
‘ ~eghae Yo tine eat. tree anne 

omni | (ananbisrn: at sti toubadvenen ‘od domme : 
oe Peeeue wed ab noddovben sleuth yore tasth wn lehewady: 
teves awe baka wbx on fee se hn te 

| goxaties tedeeetbew ent we .tanhne ted + so tow tons 2 mt ae 
gaotge patent molaa hans oat ony ann T0q agave 06 eae arene 

on this point being entitled to the same waignht in this court as the 
verdict of a jury, *e would not be justified in entering a finding 
contrary to that of the trial court ae to this item. 

The eecond ites in fispute between the parties conecerne the 
amount of commientons, if any, due plaintiff on account of sales made 
to one Sem Hirsh, whe wae doing basinews as the Jnited Brew Bietri- 
butors, ‘iere also the cougt allowed the full amount claimed by 
plaintiff, The defense urged as to thie item is that Tireh war a 
guetomer of defendant before plaintiff was eroleyed, and evidence 
was offered tending te show that defendant had, mo fect, contracted 
fer the sale of the goods in question te the customer prier te the 
time plaintiff wae empleyed and eailed woen him, 

Sam Hirsh ran a tavern known as the Lincola Grill. Pisin- 
tiff says he calied on Sam about November 7, 19535, and asked him te 
come te defendant's office, such being his inetruetionsa ae a salea- 
wan from the head ef the department; that Hireh eald he would do ao 
the next day; that he 414 not come that day but did come the day 
after he said he would be there; that in his presence Kirsh talked 
with Zuleahy, the president's ageistent. Pleintilf says, “I 4414 not 
see him at first and he told Mr, Rulesahy I was the wan that went 
over to see him the other tine,* 

Plaintiff produced an identified and uneigned order, rhich 
he says he wrote in triplicate at this time, Gefendant centends 
that it should not have been admitted in evidence, It is duted 
Bovenmber 10, 1953, and is as follevs: 

"Gem Wirek 

4643 Lineoln Ave 
te be specified 

Liquer and Spirits as 

order turned in te Muleshy 
Jesea Dibbie 130. 60° 

Plaintiff says that « copy of this order wae left by hin with kulLeahy 
that a day or two afterward he learned that Joseph Hirga, wmanagar ef 

' & | 

ect? an dxuve slit ak diphew vane ot ot Kode tons gahed sete 

anthats & polendem ma seit ieant od tea biaow av eeet, * Ye. joltaey 
waneh ais of un Pxwor Lades esit Yo deste of | at 

eat gtubonen eaiding sat aeaeded eruyn td at aes basoes oat m 2 
phan eaten ‘To JS AkoreR Me Veivaiede au «eu “t a0 tea tage w » tausoas 
abusats ene besa eid 29 omeuinodt gaknb ane ose eaenireetaer taal 

ud emdn fo savoaa Siw’ ois herelis raueo ests eels ee . 
a aew MeekA Jest al moet ndas at ae bonte paaatsn ext ae 7: 
senehtee daw aed aan Ntselete eroted sanhae'es te 

bason tae ,tost a vhs suahaered fant wade ea amenee 

mals bad telrg Kemotewe wg os noldsenp awh aboog ed Yo - poy + set 
ens rode avew beitan ban boyetene om mrt 7 
i wakodt wiser) adwoadsi ond os uresx mrovat mye ant Re 
0 wht beans brs Obes st rodae ved Gothen 

#3 REGs ee 
‘stefas 6 a6 annitovisent ald yated eua swottte of 

C0? BP ae 

err and pratense 56 tus wad heel omen ie See ive 
: bodied sre macnece obi at daa tea of Dior od Siue 
20m kbs i yee Yritaiel tanto tone at tnebiserg ont ’’ 

“tase alt nase os oow Ee at ot bed od bs 2022) oe ahd aoe 
an 6a ae a”. ae hb tered ; 
* sembe rns 0 edt mbal een OF save 

wie mh eee -— 

sin bt Boh se Do any bas haw Sertisambs as bao ubors se et 
Sees ot ae ce ea ay , ll 
| hae das dap bites oat obs 85 otweksgine a : stow ed 
a i cory, ae at a RR 4 
bets of a sounab ive ak bode teba ages sted tox biwede, cs 2 
BS fae eae ptt 2s AR ¥ 

rewattor a at ha Reg kone 
Fae nip app Pt a ad ie 


the wholesale department, came up te Muleshy and said he knew tie 
gustemer and signed him up without asking about this copy of the 
erder Left with Buleahy. 

Joseph Mirek testified that he contacted Sam Wireh ae 
early ae Septeaber; that while he was with the Burnham Distilling 
¢o., Sen Hirsh called him up and ewid that “if 1 wanted to continue 
handling the ligquer he would place the erder with me." The witness 
further testified: "He did not give mo an order in Oetober, The 
next tine 1 sow him wae in Kovemher at the Csear Kelaon Gompany. 

At that time he quve me an order for $24,000. This was the firet 
order the Qsear Selaon Company had from him, He gave the order ae 
the United Brew Distributors,” Se further saye that he turned dom 
Plaintiff's order beenuse the firm's rule wae that it did net eecept 
orders for leas than 850 eaves and « deposit ef $500. He positively 
tentified te the effeet that he already had on order from Sau direh 
when plaintiff came in and that the original erder was tauen the 
first or second of Roverber, but defendant failed te produce any 
euch order, and an exemination of the original record leaves the 
testinony of Joseph Hirsh under grave ausoicion, 

jiuleahy, to whom the uncontradicted evidence shows plain- 
tAff directed thie customer, eae net produced as « witness, and 
pleintiff's serration of hie dealings in this respect with #uleahy 
is therefore undisputed on the record, Here, again, ve mast remember 
the weight jue the finding of the trial court who maw and heard the 
witnesses, and we sannet say that bie finding ie clearly and mani- 
fautly rrong. 

Mere closely contested le the third item, namely, the claim 
for semmiasions on sales wade to Hiliman's (top sn4d Shop) amounting 
to $313.5¢, whieh the eourt aliewed. ‘ue testimony of plaintiff is 
to the effeet that abeut Sevember léth he ealied on a My. Remis, the 
purchaser for Ailiman's, and 4iecussed the liquor situstioa with 

guid wood ect blew hoe Ydebdew ot ew send (tromiuaded ofdve tote ont” 
oie Ye eqan eke ewode sdhpuaulbncsniagiasbepelytingivegdesivesintl 
les Lult Aste Met donde” 

as cert ant Detendnes ea todd to Ptiduod Menkt dgoadt 
Bel On ke ancl oot atv mew od etidw dane prodaetqe® od ¢itae” 
oaniiaes ot Abduaw l 1" gaay btda now QW inkit hot lew siadn mee oo” 
vneny iv sit? “en Wht totes ade souty biwew od touptt ot yekchaiad 
ed? xedsteO HE cebxe me om wets fom Bhi we” rieRtidend eedell” 
Lemmqesd aoe Ted aod vat te aedaovoK AP tio ad wou T omid Heee” 

Pextt ond sow ntat -.000, 200 Tov emia ad Was ives OH Weld Ca a” 

ae take oa evdg of abt mont best yringinnd douret saved Wie Wide” 
“grad bowed asi tose ogee teiiinet of "exodudittand Wert we 
“¢qocee vou peh FE tad? eww wtur ehaell off oawdbed wette # te 
“Eevisinog wt 068) To theoged # ban weene OAR iindd wwE ‘tot | 

| Ain tae sitet tient tat ais dt ae ae 


ad? sets? saw votre Lonigite edt ted? hon at ome Wtditaty ied 

| Us Boubertg OF boLic't Suebac'toh ful pwdewvel Io hanowe xe Heed aa 
bay epveds PYeeoW Inadyice odd to HekFamtinen® ik Bats wear ' 

i. ew od -Rokvkoeow Wty Mibiy deed dysayt te! 

enka ewes SMaobive herethaeredemy waly Welw ot web tt” * a. on 

han ,nanctiw « on beveherg don caw ,temedune abids shiuita 

ei rR ton ew hd a pit ok wie XS trea ah 

ad ptt hae wae ont Gwe Meter wee Ke Gatbalt ody oab o hi 

¥ «Rane ban ¢iteode at gabhatt att tadt Gab fennee o¥ bin laonmend ie 

peg tans ow petays pore eebmed bel We beduee Ebay ote od sate seh 

him; that Remie eaid if plaintiff would make ao liet cf the itens 
and get him the prices, he would appreciate it; that he took that 
back to the offiee end Hipple sent him te Muleahy, and that they 
gaid they would give him the prive in « day or eo; that om the fol- 
lowing morning, Ur. Golan, the president, calied plaintiffs and five 
other men inte hie office oni told them he was going to appoint 
them the @ix “koyemen” in the leop. flaintiff says Br. Golan wid 
him at that time thet the salesmen should met be walking over each 
ether; that Hemis had told hiu that two saleomen had been there that 
morning. This other salesman was a ir, Cleary, whe, plaintiff saya, 
was present at the time, and further that Uleary enid that as Long 
as plaintiff had brought baek the request fer prices he would step 
out. Plaintiff further says that GSelan then said they had *an in* 
at Hiliman's threugh Sebath, Siliman'e attorney, but that ke, Golan 
would help plaintiff get the order, and thst when slaintiff was ready 
for the prices he would go along with nim te Aillmon'a eo that “we 
would get am order from them,* Plaintiff says that Gelan said at 
that tims there would be no coumissions or enles credited to anybody 
other than the salesmen, that there would be no house eeeounts aid 
that included a11 the officers and persone working there, and also 
Euleahy. Plaintiff saye he never went to “iliman's with or. Gelen 
beeause br, Golan never told nin ie a with nin, and that ne firet 
knew the order was received when he sav it on Osear Selaon's geek 

a fow days aftewnrd, Plaintiff never received the price Liat ner 
any order from kr. Reale or Srom anyone elise in the Hilimen's er- 
gavisation. Pluintiff saya, however, that or. ‘enle gave him a 
List of different Liguers on whieh he wished te know the specific 
erices, Plaintil? also says that Kr. Hipple told him to wait with 
reference to the Siliman order and not to ell on ony of the big 
accounts for twe or three days, 

Patten, aleo us salessian, corroborates plaintiff as te the 

cnagh ond Yo HAL a shen AwOW TRako dg Th btew ahaeh tact pmb 

tad? Soot of fet 522 otateorcne Bivow gt pemelteg end, ahi tog bas 

wed? fast bee .etinotet of ahd dawe OLgehR Bae eel tie oid | ot sand 

atet ost mp decd 108 10 Yb & ed Oo btq Wee hd ovty biwew yout Blew 

ovit, bas Tiivaladg beding .tewblewre edt ,mekod oe. .gaderem paiwet 

Pihoque at antoy wow od mad? Shed ban ool The att edad ane todde 

bier ende® .e ogem Thitstads .qoed Oct a2 “negeyed®, xia 9st neat 
Hon wave gabiiaw ef saa inode onan ee sd sods ond taut to.mbe 
jad? e196? smed bor Koomeias ows dads wth bho Seal odwol dade Y te 
ayaa Videalade yous pKeet® orks aw mane lan wedte ehdt sgakergll 
aed ne tad whee yenedd- ted, cere he tat at 98 tune. aad 
ete bkvow ort agaizg Tot teanpex ec dood tdguovd bak TES 
Mad wo" hes Yond pdue oeste asked. dass Vee Recetas Thdala ss — 
eho .96 bot ged yeroten st nenELLE .Ktaded Mywonde wtaemtiee te 
anes saw Likentels seve tadt bas ,tohvo ete toy, vilaatesy ghost} z o* j 
ew" Saut o¢ af mamii hh ef aka div gaelo.on biuew ot sone exit 0) } 
: (be Shas ante tastt eyoe Ttsalel *ywndsaowd xodee me tom bee 
(ChE OF Aetibene wedes to cagtansanes om O¢ Aluow enods, wat? tes 
baw admonMs eoued om pd Konw ewedd fate yaecweten edt aad * Ate 
outs bie ,eveds gniduee aneoveg baw ete hte asf ta: podutant | as - 

«& @in ovayg eles ,th gad? , fevered , a yee a MasaArs 

OE AaeGR O68 wool of boMedy ef deka we wrought deen 
oth haw of mks b08 acuUR 48M Bont. genni, pdealet®. at 

| ~~ alt re. Tia Op kee oF dom dae sebte, saree ot 908 . 

. : 

eriginal contract and says he wae one of the vin mer present «t ihe 
effice of the president of the compoany in November; that et that 
time Dibble and Cleary stated they had been to Siliman's and that 
Cleary told plaintiff, in the presence of Gelmm, t¢ go shead and 
work on the account; that Golan told plaintiff “te lay off the age 
counts until we are ready te get the business, and when we are ready 
Ke would go over with Kr. Mibble and get the arder together.® Ke 
alee says that Golan eaid there would be no house accounts and that 
some ealesmen would get eredit for every bit of business that eane 
imte the house; that Gelan eeid the houee 414 not want whet as known 
ae “house buginess, * 

Golan testifies that he renesberet the meeting ef *keyenen* 
ix hie office between the latter part of Sovember ant Soeenber &th; 
that Aipple, Dibble, Yeinfeld and three ether saleanen were present; 
that the meeting had been eslled te inform the saleanen that «11 
selee vould be oredited to these whe brought in the actenl order 
with the signature affixed; that he teld plaintiff tiat prier te 
éefendsant's Pinel erganisation certain aceounts had been eontaucted; 
that plaintiff mentioned tne Milinan account but that he teld plain~ 
tiff that Kr, Savage, a friend of Golen's and atterney fer Hiliann's, 
hed arranged « contract for iim (Golan) wiih Ar, Lech, Sr., and that 
Remis and the witness had slready signed s contract with “illran's, 
and thet he teld pleintis? and ethers te shay away from there be- 
enume defendant had « sentract. Thies order from Hillman's ie in 
the record aw defendant's exhibit "1." It is dated Sovenber 7, 1933, 
and reciter in subetence that in view of Golan's statewent that de- 
fendant would have en aéGequate supply ef Schenley Freducts Ce, 
liquer te deliver te the buyer from Chicage eteek, and further that 
Gefendant would guarantee the prices fer a period ef 30 anys, “we 
wish you vould please entear our order ae follevs," foliowing ehieh 

are orders Tor speciTie amounts of Gelden Vedding Bourbon, Golder 

4 od: ta Inevong, sam xh omg To ene gap, ge pyan dee fomntnoe, Lent 7° 
feet ts tase produmwel ak yamgmoe en? to taodineta oad Yo sole 


tact bee et neat iah af wnod dos yom? bodade yro0t0 | hae oLIgRG omty 

_ Sne Deedes oy ef ,sakeu Yq eanaeete ont ah ttigatela plop Sep. 

ne ads Ste qed of* Tisnlely dips aakad Rap jtavegon edt oc 
Toast. ots oF aeny fen ,xeratend odd Joy oF chant H. %, Aim, neg 
ah" seicago? xabte ed fom bap elddah 5h Ade cave om Bie a 

tadt ban etawonee Geret on ed bivew euedls Bee efob 2089, wemn ope 

| Seate dacs aaeaiend Ye tid yxeve tet sibete fag binew aisha a 

iad oan tode tuew fom DLh sawed od Plan anted and, teestom 

poesia ad samme San aasite aetse han beotabad pitino soda 
. ia tant paonelan odd magint 93 heliee aed had amts 
Tete Lavtas edt m2 siyuotd ote anes? of best bore oo M 
_ 84 Toltg seit Vidsalele bled of saad jhoxt The emtrmns wd hd 
thetastioe aged bet ataueone alatzea solvantaayee . * i 
a Akod aol tad ud tmuovee anasstn oss Domostans Riemase nd 
O' neniLts tet yearetin baw 9! ‘anto® to paras & spewed “~ ae he f 
‘att Ane ,.38 feed .4a AD ty vantet ata tet te | 

ae axed? coxk yawn nie +. sare an ee . " , 

wt af swe Lin sok tepxo aka?  .tannt 
: wu VT meduavet Aetay af ST "26" thdhutee @ | 
sas tedt tupuseaze a'aate® to wely at sade owen. mt took bam 
(oy 989 st owbont atapde@ to ylague otameehe ae mi Pi 
i ‘teas Tasdies hea yagts wemekd, may, -sargud eae ot. Bea? 2m 
ew seyMh 06 To bobteg @ tot, seo kt ond etme Ae 
r Mobile WNT reemeree® bsg were a omy er Gem? . 

Bh aa efhr ti nhs { 


Wedding Rye, Siveon Rye, and other liquors, The writing coneludes: 
"All of the above prices are subject to a cush diseount of 14% for 
payment te be made by us the same day the goods are received by ua. * 
The writing te oxeouted for Nillesan's by H. A. Loeb, treasurer, and 
aceepted by Leute 2, Golan. 

lr. Remis teatifvies that he was the buyer for ULliman'a; that 
he wae there when the letter was dictated, but Ae does not renewber 
Whether 11 waa signed in his presence, and he does not remeber tae 
date; ke says he gave the order to defendant through Golan, whe was 
there with Osear Aelaen; that after he had given the order ten er 
fifteen men Trom defendant ealied on Him, and plaintiff wae one of 
thé men who called; that Be did not give order but gave the 
order te defendant beenuse or, Losb and Br, Savage were friends aid 
becuuse tue Sehenley Go. refused to sell to Ulilman's direst, ile 
says Er. Lead had talked te tim about buying from the Ooenxr Selaon 
Co. a long time before; that "I don't reneuber what conversation I 
had with tr, Dibble.” He dees not directly contradict the testineny 
ef plaintiff, 

lig, Hipple saya that at the meeting of the aslesnen at 
Golan'e office, Gelan said “te lay off the Millman acequnt anda he 
woula take enre of it," but that ke didn't way anything abcwut con- 
minsions, or whe was te get eredit for the order at iiilwen'ts, and 
that nothing wae said there as to whether a salesmen had te turn in 
an order, or whether the names protected him, He saye he told the 
anleemen the only way he gould determine whe was to sontineewith 
defendant in the future would be by initia the orders, oid that the 
man «ho brought in the orders would be the wan who would reesive the 
gemmissions; that he direeted the mon te turn in » list of all their 
prospects; that he found out some of thas Aad taken the teleprene 
book and had made out the namee; that uo ene reosived comsiasious on 

orders not shipped or on orderea sent out and not returned, 

sw adv ,welod yard) deabtw eh 62 aebee ad ovay od Highs OA 


eit said haa wenbto wld Gat diidl ee ida ied mm 

* fambote ao pialview OAT  yerowp ht eeate ‘i’ ill abies” x 3 “ 
wit DhL To dmedeth deco a of tootdua ote sootre oveda edd 6 Ahh» 
* 8s bewlsods oun does aa ab sank Aah air GA end of od done 
bee ,totutonnt deed LA oH ye a* mand oH wl bs bili Aa IT ; 
Kreg "th biviotie 

sais hageeonoth wot wryed bit wan ast Sait eniitbesd peamngl “tt * sta 

‘ad? xodubact don sed) of ban ,eembeote ett ah boogie baw dk & 
ge dod ‘tepxy oud aeviy bad a8 vost ere bennett: 

dite Wig Sed ith taih WikG Bin ak ld sia tea «ont 
‘sa snes ie wreow atiaed xi had dood .a0 t déiaind pi but i 

$6 Aocnoidu oad Yo gaiseom odd ta dash ayus ers ‘i 
pa bas Hamees aaalhe ooo tie seed mg tae wt oy ud mn 

ait ahes pe aaa ei - 

edt? evteoon biuew oilw neal ett of bidow Oueied ods al oe 
jhe’ ‘Ete Yo 2681 6 ‘Ri ond oF a9 ‘oad liitedilte ha Walt ea 
nadie’ ats) natad se r 

ee ie ee 
Lhe ey 3 

Jenegh Weinfeld, one of the ain “kKeyemen" present at Gelan's 
effice, says that he rewembers only that they were cold to go out 
and get business, that it was a big opportunity and the commissions 
were to be 50 gents a case, Se wae called as a wliness by dei ondant, 

Pisintiff in rebuttal testified, denying lr. Golan's state- 
menta to the effect that he had been told pot te esil on Miliman's 
and othere, jiere, again, the iveeus between these purgies seams to 
be one of fast. The testiieny of Golan is gontradicted by plain- 
tiff, wy Tipple, by Yeinfeld, and, significantly, Aenuks does net eon~ 
trediot the narration aa given by plaintiff of hig contact with him, 
BWhether the writing in evidence wae aetualiy made ugen the date ap- 
pearing on it is left exeeedingly doubtful, fhe mmtire evidence is 
@onflicting te a bigh degree, and the situation presented by the 
reeord is ane where the Appellate tribunal must rely upon the findings 
of the trial eeurt, If the eontract, in fact, tind been that plain- | 
tiff was obligated te be the procuring cause of the sales, the issue 
ef fact would be in dowht; but it is clear from sll the evidence 
that this wae vet the agreement. It is unfertunate tat the teras 
ef the arrangement under which defendant worked aheuld have been Left 
at nll feubtfal; however, the trial court saw and heard the witnesses 
ant the record before us Would not justify a reveral of the fudgnent. 
it is therefore affirned, 


O'Cemner, *, J., concure, 
Keturely, J,, diceenting: In my opinion pluintiff is net entitled 

te helene en the sa.en to Tilieean's 
and Hirsh, 

i ‘ 

. 9 gee deideti nhs el i oi! Wt el jabttdy 
) tie oy of bod new Yond ted <leo cedanaey ba SAMY iyhe’, esttte 
eadiasiasos of? baw ybhautuoqqe gid «baw t2 tad’ ,bnbntiud 26g New 
\isisbie tb ql snot be é de to ttto aaw'6t deeo h thng 08 bd Oe exaw 
ss epdade etaede® xk gabgewd .boltivend iedt ado? af Yhdatal? bot uenee 
“gh aad me SEko of You Biot mead belt of sax Heoe’ ber or ataem | 
e ar | abheoy oaend avowted Seed ont fry! tout serene 

st dale soadmme bid te Trimet, yw ‘isi as area sutt 

) ad sted eid woqu sBaw yiielsen shw oguebiys al gattine eit 
at poankive cious edt ,totsdwen ‘ulynbbosoxd Fer of Ht rb ts 
“eal ww hegaoaerg woisaudls one “baie oe7peb itghd o Py we a : 
aan ont now view fam tanto tes napreine out hogy 

| owned pad ,eelee ond Yo seuas “adda eit of 62 aire 
souskive edt Lis wowt cath at $2 she peeees aD We baa 

“enussid fv dd Seis Ban deves Sete? ene pxvvewee jonnias 8 4 
-stanabat wile to tarover & a ee ton ‘thw an “wae wid irises it! be 

ped Bak ‘Vea na VutbdiclS AVS ee ‘ale 4 7 

IRE, 98 RON, 9h: BPR Pe acos wmi 
ae ofa, bow 
i bys sk ( AO cee aime, us fy ty eles A Wi i 8 
ie: Hi a 
bay iat a i 
ete this i nee: TA ae Doses been 


D. D, BELL, 



O¥ AWERICA, ee 2 CL G Toke 6 2 9! 


Pefendant hoes appesled from a judgment in fever of plain. 
tiff in the eum of $266,202 entered upon the finding of the eourt, 

She atatement of claim averred that on October 14, 1933, 
Plaintiff rented from dafentant, through ite agent, garage bo, 4 
on the premises known an 6835-7 Herrill avenue; that the agreement 
was oral and te the effeet that oiaintiff showld have the garage on 
the same terme as he had rented it in fermer yeare from the then 
owner. ome of the terme were that the rentel sheuld be five 4ol- 
lere gp month and that the garage should be heated during the cold 
weather, The statenent of cinim alleged that defendant negleeted to 
heat the garage ae agreed and that at a result the water in the 
radiater ef vlnintiff's sutemobile froze Novexber 16, 1033, eracking 
the cylinder box, eto. 

The affitevit of merite dented thet nlaintiff was te have 
the garage on the same terms as from the former erner and denied 
that defendant agreed the garege ehould be heated during the eold 
weather, As to the dasage alleged, defendant demanded strict proof. 

Defendant contends (assuming an sgreement to heat the premi- 
sen) that plaintiff cannot recever on account of contributery neg- 
ligenes; that plaintiff failed te prove by a preponderance of the 
evidenee that the agreenent provided that heat sheuld be furnished, 
and that the proofs do not justify the avard of Jamages allowed, 

There waa prowf tanding to show that the garage in question 
Was one of six located in the rear of the premises known as 69835 

Merrill svenue, which were alee ieproved by un apartment building; 



anlnty te wove’? at dnsigihat 2 mort AS fascqs tod dianaotiat ih 

! iPunidn anid te yatnadt onto nowy hexedam 2°. 0088 Yo men odd at 4 
Mf z 

BERL (26 19des00 10 duslt Herveve mints Yd errand bell ie 

aectt ony con't wieey vem? ob ot bedi tial al ener 
wtet vl? of Sfwore fedued ort dealt er wis bave lt 

tai “wrest of sav WER tebe liy dart be towh af treo to sieetbind aw 
‘  Pekiat homme cemetiee shat o' silt’ ieort't mea’ “ented ten deny’ he’ 

ye ee i 

Aloo act grudvwh todeot ed biwotta egatay ont oe tipn. = : 

0 etotaathston te eonenny raven 


“oats te eametehacgets a yd wrete “ bette TiEatese fa - 

that the former owner of thie building wae a Mra, Pureell, from 
whom plaintiff firet leased thia garage de. 4. Albert J. Sates, 
Jr., brother-in-law of plaintiff, was the lessee gi the iret 
apartment ef the buliding and arrangements were made later by 
whieh he also leased this garage from Are, Fureell and permitted 
plaintiif te ecoupy it under mo sub-lease during the season of 1932 
to 1953, There was a Aesating plant designed and used for the pure 
pose of furnishing beat to ali the six garages, sid the evidence 
indicates that heat was furnished during 1952 te 1¥35. sone time 
during that year (defendant's evidenee indicates in February) seme 
of the meckanion ef the pisnt Was broken, Lt was sot thereafter 

Gm Getober 1¢, 1933, piaiatiff througn a six, Beme in tae 
offices of Glatt & Price, reali vstate agente, made an eral agres- 
ment for a lease ef gurage bo. 4, the t#rae ef the Lease are in 
dinpute. Plaintiff continued in possession, His tentineny is to 
the effset that he last drove hie sutemebile (which was a 1950 La- 
Galle fowm Gedan) during tue first week of Hovember, 19345, and 
that it wae in goed condition at that time, de placed the autenee 
bile in the gurage at that time and saw it next on November 16, 193: 
He then got inte the car snd tried to start it. it would net go. 
Upon exswination he found that there was a sole ian the aide of the 
Cylinder Ser about four inekes lowg ond tavee inehes Bigh, The 
plug, or cere, at the end ef the cylinder was, he says, “popped out 
with ise behind it." The cyLinder head bad twe blg cracks and was 
Warped out of chepe. there was ice on the inalde of the radiater. 
ir. Bates (plaintiff's brether-in-lew) and pisintify put en cleetri 
teaster under the heod of the ear. Plaintiffs says that the janiter 
ty, Thunestrom, came out. When questioned as ro why ne hadn't 
turned on the heat, the janitor replied that he had orders not te 

de so, Ur, Bates then towed the ear te a garage on Cornell avenue 

wort ,diored ach e new gathtind eee to comme Remxet odt Jade 

geedet ot rawdta oe od Ope tae olay boaaet dork? Tass ahaa 

texii one to peaced os) waw + Tedatesa te wetenlqw Son hots 

U0 Sadak cham oko Adawnmy mente bis jatiilud edt te sto ad ns 
hetdiexeg bas Liao .2ak wprt egetag aise boawed oale on “a 
SS. te Aomese ems , ahah Gaamindus # taban 2 yqueee of Tiltatat@ 
cing od? 46% bean bus bompians saat rnrann 2 aaw oxedt ,860L of. 
sensbive ods baw rene ‘ale edt tie od daod aaldelarst to oReg. 
out? wmos .c8eL of EEL yatiue hodadmiut daw taod sass evsaotbad 

Baio (exswadot as as2us dial eousbive a‘ danbas ted) masy tant atch 

bn gees ad seu naw ai sie Sond ant aaatq ea Ye ¢ anteacs x id 0" 

' : oi t ee bitte oe aa 

od ob ama 4h # Myworsid THidaiacg 1285 ay ce ei 

~ bi tie kei as aun od woe edatae kaot ‘\eokee FY seatd Ye, e00. 

ah @tA Doans asd Yo anceey waft - “0% opatey Yo esos a fae 
od a vaonkduns wih : -ookensescg, ad ‘beuttines babes rene 
‘wil 0604 @ enw Andee) oLisened ue eta evonh teal od inal 
boa ,t8 Qk ,rduevell to ioow text's oid its'cub (sapere set oct’ : 
.  eounius ot bebadg Oh aatkd saat as ‘pebtibacs beog ‘ad eae 92° suk 
(RE ,24 Tadenves ao sana gt wae daw emt sass da opetary watt xk 
a fea binow 41 dk dunde of bolad bas xed odd onan om uous 
“ petd Xe oble 049 ok ofan o aoe ersdd todd halwt ef wehdal 
et fig aah acnons wert ba gad weupad wet duode ‘wat Xe 
two beqson” «eyea od ase webs iyo wie to bay td de ile 
naw bins saver ghd ow hed fava whale tie all e hele 3 
Redottor nats ‘be obbews ous a9 oot wae oro gadis, 
 beseeto aga sug Ysokake bas (wos-ubavedd ord sail satel 4 2 
/ tottaat edt tod ayae ‘Vilbatets stan out Le bool ox 
. a abet on snd e ae  bomehtesing 8 ose i ea ‘ 

ser em no rt mdb 

wit sk oan 

hear SSth street, Plaintiff says he sar the oar again kay 8, 1954, 
and that it waa then in the same condition thet it was Kovember 16, 
1933, Om that date, namely, bay Sth, he bad a mechanie inspest the 
ear ané give him an estimate as to the goat of repair, There was 
@vidence for »laintiff tending to show that the reasonable cost of 
repairing the car would be 3340, Another gechanic calied by de- 
fendant testified te a leas eum. The court based ite finding of 
famages on the testimony of defendant's witnese. There vas al se 
testioeny tending to shew that the heating plant eould have been 
repaired at an expense ef @5 or 37. BO. 

The contention that plaintiff is barred by contributory 
negiiszence is based upon the theery that he should have plaeed some 
anti-freesing fluid, such s@ prestone, or alechoel, in the radinter. 
it ie said this would have prevented the freaszing. kr, Krieki, « 
witnere for plaintiff and estimater for the Gudillae leter Car Come 
pany, who had been im that line of business fer fifteen years, exe 
acined the cur Kay Sth and teatifled that ite condition wae due te 
the fact that the water in 1t beeame frozen, and that tis condition 
occurred because there was no antiefreese solution in tae radiator 
of the err. Ne said if the proper amount of anti-freeze selution 
hed been in the radiator the dasaxve would not have occurred. 

ir, MeLaughlin (also a witness for pleintiif) wre was a 
tenent in the third apartment at 6835 Herrill avenue and whe kept 
his Chevrolet car in one of the gurages, testified that Ae kept 
anti-freeze eolution in the radiator of hie oar while it wae in the 
garage but thet the car (froze, he thought because he did not have 
enough of the solution in the ratitavc. 

Under ali the facts we are of the opinion that the defense 
of contributery negiigenee was not available to defendant. Pisine 
tiff's action ts teaed upon a contract. ile offered evidenge tending 
to show (and the court found) that at the time he arranged to leave 

Meitinass shid gaaie ban ,tecoe? ommeed $1 af tetew oh dadh Hs 

nad mh maw at + Lon aw ake Yo satainen 9 notiuiton un =tin 

PLUS (o WAL Mhoya ie och? wee aa eyed Btsalatd .seente G68 tana 
oh todeeved oaw Fi date sede kiaos fae off af aedt saw $h Jedd Rae 
odt gonquad atvodsen « hod 26 , 508 YR polos joded seth eo ,8EOL 
ew oxacl ,thagt to fee ons of oa etuniies ma als ovig bab tae 
Le seco efdaaveans amt sa89 wore of gndbned Thigataly te? eonehhey 
<2h yd delias oloavwew teverk ,Oh8G od Bivow tao edt galaleges 
te gaiboll ett pesnd oxsce odd oe ened & OF DOTTHe0s SRGRAET 
euis ger ered? ,seentie s'éaabaeteb te ynoai test add mo ‘ore 
esd ated hive talq gubsaod ant sox? wore od grisand ye 7 
208,98 18 26 Ye vatmqxe ae ta ameenege 
eretmilst aa gf betied af Thienkely dadt solenetace oa? band ‘, 
omen besalq evsd biwede su dadd (rood? odd aequ beaad of esau hignn 
iteibar wa oh , foieyio to, stedewny da oye aes nh hi. 
# Sande . th sgehanet? ect bedaevesg ovad Bisow aidt bheoogh OE 

ced wad tegal eokikbed edt wt retentins haw Ttbabedy to? ses 

eo ghlany seer ll i Tet memalnat to oak sade ak awed bad oats ye . 10 
ef ob Haw MOddibaon oth dase beLtiane haw gt oi mao th ontiin, | 

fenton eseetl«isae To dtuqme tegen ode tT) bine oh tne od ite ! 

«gs SOR o ovad few Siwer @qeweh off rotather oft ab aoed Bett 
eae act CRT akan Tet neeRsho s oe te) eh Kelme heh well 
qua oct bse Oxnave LEbees BBO ta damairevee bebe ws at tr we 
tank ai Jar? Wet iiceed ,aeyeteg art Le emo we Mae \ frieaig iy 

pad Yon bLb 04 sauaod Sains? esl yoRowt\: ‘tan. wmh dantt Sud | 
 coaceatientiaanentathanl to age 


the garage from defendant he contracted that heat should be furnished, 
The undisputed evidence ia that he waa mot at this particular time 
driving the automebile. He lermt it in the garage. Aveuming that 

he hed made a contract with defendant to furnieh heat, we hold he 

had a right toe rely on this contract, and under such olreumstances 
was not negligent in failing te wake use of on anti-freeze solution, 
which otherwise might have been uecesvary, If defendant promised to 
heat the garage, plaintiff hed wo right te rely on the premise, He 
eould not be held negligent on account of such reliance, 

The ¢ontrolling question in the cage therefore turns upon 
the question ae te what were the terus of the oral arrangesent made 
with defendant's agent for leasing the garage. That errangement was 
made at the offices of Glatt & Price with iv. Emme. Plaintiff tes- 
tified that he talked with Mr, Emme on Coteober 16, 1935, ond told 
him that he had been paying five dolleare a sonth fer the garage 
heated and that he understeod that he was to have the garage on the 
same conditions ae he had it the previous year; that Mr. Sane ree 
plied, "Yes, except that we want it on a month te month basis, * 
Plaintifi then paid him a month's rent, $95, and wae given a reeeipt 
which is in evidence. It is om the stationery of Gisatt & Price. 

It contains no referenee te whether the gerage was to be heated or 

unheated. The trial Judge thought that under ali the cireumetances 
the absence of any contrary notation on the reesipt indiested heat 

Was to be furnished, 

Er. Same, on the contrary, saya ‘that in this sonveresation ef 
October 16th plaintiff brougat up the quertion of heat and ke told 
Plaintiff that it would be physically impossible to put heat in at 
five dollars a month, te says he went into deteil, explaining that 
if he did heat the garage @ dollar of the money cach month would go 
te the janitor, sccerding te the Union rule, md that would Leave 
only four dollars te pay for the garage and heat. He says plaintiffs 

7 AIS OR Gn 
' oe ' Te) Wye iy 
4 f° Pr\seaeh ty 7 


beielaiet a4 Kiwi ton tard oroeytiaed Oe dnedawten meth ogetag ond 
guts telooleme ole? de tow Gow ad faad at eoashive betvqetha ont 
‘Sed? galacawA .egetey oat at #2 Pref eh leLtdomndnw oc? gatviet 
od bied ew . tao aakenct of Fanbie'tes wiw Peottass « bhaw bod Oe 
peotateawer iy dowk 4¢bav Bas ,Foertaoe ete? no xlet of tight a hee 
folsutos oswett-tini aa te eeu salen of gal tae) it epingannei ire 
ef bea thor, fombaoted Yl \ytheaevow ated ern diklw oeberede 
si ,balsore one ow YYer of odgit s han Yebately | akey aneeide 
i ‘sonekior dome to daveoea do Sova ligdn tien ew een Bille 
sees ante? ovolterod? eaac olf nl sebfeewp yatftertase out’ ”' °°" 
shan joomeyaetse fore eee to awved add anew date oF ba aobveoup ont 
anv Ghommpnetts dad? legateg ont gilecet ‘xet Snoye 8! dae bhw ton Mite 
aeod Vibvalcnt  Jomall a datw eufet & Yadte Te wenlteee GaP er Shae 
bfod baw 280L ,OE tedosed mo oma vt ftw Deitind od tad MOREE 
onotmy ont tot Amon a atu lfod Svtt gakyeq mud Ben Wet site ake 
edt no egetcg O09 avad of sa¥ od tadd Bootetetiaw Ot tadt Kew BObewe 
Lox samt WM dail} rosy auerwerg ‘Odd Hf Beil od ee deen tiinge Vale 
¢ gtond atdow oF tase & ad EF doaw ow dade veexw (dot betlg 
daivoot « weviy tow ban 08 joewt etiited d mtd Bhaq ned) Teheene 
ool! & ffes0 to prensltnre oad ig ak GT Lesiteb ive Aitiet Hokie 
we tefaed ed ot eae ouderg ods ‘sevliece 2 ‘Senet ton on wmtetiod I 
asenedamcesio edt Lf toheu tate Sdywedd wyaet Later ont’ —bede t 
dood bedosthal tgteost oAf ae moksnrod ravdaoe — ms 10 esa wt 
to mekdeszevans bids wh Jaer dyed Seaweedon ine HO jomme” a! 
“hod os bas dood te aoktesae ond ew Hiliord Trhtatate Ot dedoreo 
f te wt soos tuq of eivkevoqst YLiasleyiiy 64 Sivow #1 dade Yrieabete 
' sass palaleloxe Listed ofa show of oye 6H Ludmom WWE LTob ovtt 
x - panow’ sit wom Meno Yoaou bit te teLtob a Wyatey” ocd “seed BRB Od tL | 
eva bivow sed bam yocut HORNY ont 6) gabbieeee’ a, | 
Wittmiete oad ‘pti Loam Saw opiany oad ot yee Oe win tel a 

accepted the garage under ‘those conditions, These statementea are 
denied by plaintifr. 

ur. Kelaughlin and xr, Bates both gave ¢vidence tending te 
shoy that the garage rented at $5 a month when Mre, Purcell owned 
the presises and that heat was furniened by hor. They also teati- 
fied that their sgreanente vith defendant were to the effect taat 
heat should be furnished to their sisiiler garages fer $5 a month, 
The lease from Bre. Purcell te Ur. lietes is in evidence and ingi- 
¢ates she was to furnish heat for the garages, 

The court aw and heard the «itnesses, and it is unnecessary 
to eite wuthorities te the effeet that the finding of the trial 
judge under suck cirgumetances is antitied te the some weight as 
the verdict of & jury. ‘ignkinse vw. Seliey, 10G ill. app. 522; 

Braderick v, O'Leery, 112 111. App. 658; Lidgervecd Mtg, Go. ¥. 
bee, 198 Tl. App. 604; 112. 

oe, 241 Ill. App. 454, Heither as te 

this centreliing iesue in the case mor ae to the @aount of damages 
alloved can we gay that the finding ef the court la clearly and 
manifently against the evidence, fhe controliing isaeues are of 
faet, and these are settled by the finding ef the court. 
Tee fadguent is therefore affirmed, 

O*Genneor, FP. J., and KeSurely, J,, soneur, 




peg ee 
SHG: i 

024 Ginsastaoe ode! ,eacltihass eeodt tehauy eyitag 2 betgsoon 
hae : | oes -Vittalele yo betas 
ed yathaed eencdiee ovay cided état A Bas al idgwede® gt oot y or) 
bonwe Lhownet .ed mode tues » 8B te beter egetan Oo: daxld wells 
attest? s@fo Wat the Us Benelanwt sew dasa Saad Haw aeabhete ome 
| $ehd P08T bad bo oxow TaRbUOTOD Aw Rddninetge TOM tee DONT 
Agagm a 8S 20 engetey Wedinde elem? of Dedeteewt o@ Skeets teen 
whaah fae syastiove ai ai gedel sil o8 Lfovtwt sax mort eae tiemt 
| weoqatey Ost sot toed detww? of ane onle eaten 
yraseeoenay a) cd bie jesuneagty esi htasd dante dues oMt 
fakux acta te galnatt off dads JeeTto sd? at rraengNngi hs 

hdd G08 0th LED COE Yi 
awgewh Yo fawom onf Of Be Om Sano wD ba outed guttrotonoe we 
hae ¢Ptoelo a2 tees a9 Le patsal? oes sare” ‘eet ow. med” bower in 
te vote seuted gabiforx?ior ext  eameBive at dontage’ er 
.Himeo ony Ye gabe aid peimencanE CS: or oe 

ORMADTEA co: nae Dee 

neue HOEK OP oe 

me wie oferty iin ‘Uets 4 

37799 fo Vs 

SEA WSLCH, f if 
Appellant, <> ong 

; arpsfi. rok ctRCUIT couRT 
ve. < x , owcitt j 

* } f coox COURTY, 
THORAS A, WALPOLE, as Adminintrater ) 

ey the Betate of EMKA SWIGART, 

Deceased, et al., 

2¢9 1.A.629* 


Charles F, Swigart died at Chicage October 17, 1917, intea- 
tete,. He lef€ an estate estimated to be worth more then $400,000, 
Plaintiff elaime she is hie only heir at law and next of kim, Her 
claime in that respect have been litigated in the Probate court of 
Cook county, upon appeal from that ecurt in the Cireuit ecurt of 
Cook county, upon appeal from the Circuit court in the Appellate 

court, snd the decisions ef all these courts Aave been reviewed in 

the Supreme court. Worsley v. Weleh, S17 Lil. 90; Wereley vw, Weleh, 
239 111. App. 658; Woioh vy. Yorgley, 34 111, 172. The judgeent 

upon the trial in the Clreuit court was in favor of complainant; in 
all other courts the Judgment has been sdverse to her ecententions. 
Pursuant to the mandate of the Supreme court a decree was 
entered againet her in the Circuit csurt, Kay 4, 1954, she filed 
her bill in chancery in the mature of so bill ef review, praying that 
the decree of the Cireuit eourt rendered pursuant te the mandate of 
the Supreme court should be reviewed, set aside and held for naught, 
and that she be deereed te be the sole heir of Charlen F. Swigart, 
and that his eetate be decreed to be here by inheritence. the 
made defendant te her bill Thomas A, Walpole, administrater of the 
estate of Tuma Gwigart, deceased, vho by the Gupreme court decision 
was found to be Charles ¥, Swigart's only heir at lew and next of 
kin. Ghe also made defendants to the bill numerous persons, eho 
since the decease of Emma Swigart have been feund to be her heirs 
at lew and next of kin, | 

yoo ee oe gaggle 

-erauoo A908 

CEE eee ie noe 

ihe ete” ORES oe 

: {EOI TAU BM widen af 

hee Wied Qld bh ae WERT 
.800, 0084 aga? ovem apiow ad of hodantsae: otaiee aa Pat ‘*, suay” 
OW ste to pee Bin wot to tied yhae oh oP ote “anttate “Tins ett 
| Ro Pew Stators ode af betaytttt asad Svat soeqest tact ak sata | 
Le dewoe FRwwelO wns ak dxwos tadd doeT Lowe tog ‘eiabes | 
ssactoigh with ok tay ehiioat® ade + weet ined art i i. 

"e89 “i I erg’ 

ramoo fate Xo MOTAIYO, au oR 

aka se eaninas poe txt FEB 
3 tama ‘eet .o0E . ££8 vee x 

aw wave wi Petion vung se Yo odabitald aed aliad “bibiaheicuall 
ee ee ee eee) ae 
fac? gateecy pen tver to Litt a Ye oaatdn bat af ene nats af tae ’ Me 
q ‘to satoem ory of faewetee hetebaet S100 $ howe kd ot ‘te 9 Toe! wa 
3 bu wet bied bee ghles fer acne od hoveaad tu00 

erie si of o bawet awed oven fragtwa san vo hy 

The administrator and eertain hoire of Moma Swigart moved 
to atrike the complaint for insufficiency and other reasons stated 
in thelr motions. The motions were sustained, and on July 18, 1934, 
the Cireult court entered a deeree disniseing the bill ef eomplaint 
fer rant ef equity. From that deeree plaintiff has presecuted this 

The substantial averments of the bill are that the decisions 
ef this court and of the Gupreme court were brought about by a cone 
epiracy of persons naued whe produced perjured testimony on the 
hearing in the Cirouit court, and that the final decree vas based on 
such false testimony. It is not averred that any one has been ine = 
dicted or convicted by reason of such alleged perjured testimony. 

While there are expres#ions te the contrary, in such cases 
in Illinois the rule is that equity will not set aside a decree 
merely upon the ground that it was ebtained by falee evidence given 
in the course of a trial, but only for fraud, whieh gives the court 
Only colorable jurisdiction, it is quite unnecessary to discuss 
the decisions in detail. People v. Sterling, 357 [1]. 354, (where 
the earlier cases of Caswell v. Ggewell, i260 Lil. 477; Rurtonm vy, 
Perry, 146 111. 71; Svane vy. Weodsworth 2145 iii. 404; Heek v. Lash, 
303 Ill. 549; Youteh v. Zempe}), 352 111. 192; Greene vy. Greene, 2 
Gray 361, and many similar cases from other jurisdictions declare 
this rule.) The decisions of tie Agpeliate ‘courte ere te the seme 

effect. Guthrie v. Dowd, 53 Ili, app. 68; Seanian 
Ill. App. 448; Lingman 

xX. Boldepheuer, 243 Lil. App. 227, 

The authorities are overwhelming, altheugh apparently twe 

or three earlier Appellate court cases are ‘eo the comtrary. Sargent 

So. v. Boublis, 127 111, App. 631; Belally ¥. Kegan, 185 111. App. 

Keven Miaghwe eal ie acto atetvoe bis tosatsalainbs aur 
betes« saoasen secéie bas yeorloltiwaak «6% tnialenes wait odtate at 
AGRE St Luh a0 Bae ,heniadeue enow amoltom ssf , ssnotton x thot ah 
Suteiquwo te Lild wad pabecdnash soxonb ao hexstm orm a 
waeis hasuaanota aed Tiidainis eeaooh dads oes, <eohupe Yo tnaw tet 

etoiatowh mir Suncast vue i484 ofo Lo etuomieve fatrasgedue ext is 
sion 4 YS dude tiywotd stew stue enoTqUR add Te bao SuM—e att Ye 
aes ae yaonktaeg berwined heouhetq ote heman aconieg Yo —, 
ys bar ganal ge! aete9h fonk’t odd sand baw .Ft000 ‘shereae vas ai an 
~ «at aged ‘ual eae Yas tas bexreve fou at #1 vtond tag ree! ms ‘al 

“enauteend porstarq bags kis Aue te aonsot we besolvnes rave 0 
Horses aos 7 

Pigs zy 

BORIS te wt at , vuaTenes edd of enokenetone eta orodd eth gq 
' a Wee oe) a ee eh vers 

agcoob ry bine soa sen iiie ¢siupe sant a oben oat a 

neh Boviehive oeiet oe pontadde aaw SP. aad mn: ant fact 

|  Gnuneth of ¥tes8009 aan ethan a m .noLgosbaltet, » 
wmocie)*, dae £51 tae naLima28 tf ogee’ Lisson sts 

CR pas fy i, a 

a2 godess 390% TLE 08 sees hl 20 econ 

us as Bx 
Sen een Bes 

& afane10_ oY smnexe ert +44 see Anam data ad fit ben 

Ha a eo rg . i" 
k wtofeob emote idebaut ‘sonido wort aseno weLlale oral bam oad i 
i see, a a 
ae onss outs of ete ef twos ‘as ioawa ons te anctaieeh outt (ete oe 
: c re Gee bo ar 

Me : “98 ppb 

tonaxed neettans ont @ »%a vones 100 etaLioges, 9 , 
ah kik OBL ,uguell of vAtallem 1482 .aGd £41 v8 va st 

424, oninion abstracted, 

In Peoule v. Sterling, 357 111i. 5354, our Supreme court 
quotes with approval thin etatement of the reason for tais rule of 
Law in Greene vy. Gegene, 2 Gray 361; 

"But if a new and original libel may be brought upon the 
g@round that a former deeree was obtained by false evidence, we see 
nething te prevent the husvand from bringing w third euit to ree 
verge the deoree of reversal on a euggestion and offer of preof 
that the decree of revermal was obtained om perjury, subernation 
of perjury and other fraud, and thus reverse the second deeres and 
re-inatate the original deerew of divorce a vineule.* 

Our Gupreme court epinien continues: 

"In considering this peimt it must be berne in mind that 
there are two classes of fraude drawn in question in cases of this 
kind: First, there is that kind of fraud whieh prevents the court 
from acquiring jurisdiction or merely gives it evlorable jurisdi¢e 
tion; and second, that kind of fraud whieh seaurred in the proseed> 
ings of the eourt after juriadiction had been obtained, sueh se 
perjury, conceaiment, and ether ehicanery. The first variety ef 
fraud will invalidate the decree, rendering it an entire nullity. 
On the other Send, it is weil established that the seeond class has 
me such legal effect.* 

Moreover, there ie foree in the contention of defer dante 
that plaintily dees not state facts bringing her ewuse within the 
rule (fer wateh she eontends) in states where it is reeognized, 
Baring vy, OF¢, 156 Wis. 260, hie bill does net allege that anyene 
hare been convicted of perjury, oor, indeed, does it appear that 
anyone hae been prosecuted for the alleged coneoiracy to commit 
perjury, on whieh the bill is based. Neither are there avercents 
that documentary or other evidence can be preduced that will ertabl bah 
the case stated in the bill beyend a reasonable doubt. FPinintirr 
eould mot succeed on her bil] even in states where the rule is dif- 
ferent from that announced by the courte of iliineis. Baring v, 
Stt, 1358 Wis, 260, 

Wa aleo think there is merit to the contention that plaine 
tiff's bill wae subject to demurrer, because she did not eet up 

facts exeusing laches, wale was apparent upon the face of her bill. 

Her petition was filed in the Frobate court Auguet 29, 1922, Her 

shotoartada ‘Selle: —, 

er wham wey. tito e806 .ki5 ene aastires® .v sioosd - 
Ye otis eisd agi aosaon eal te dana 223% ueae pigeon athe sili 

1£06 yerd & pa mek 

etd won & é od yom Ledhs fanighze bas wen a th per Teh 

see gv ,douoblve eaiat «¢ bemtedide saw setaeh tomteT #« sad? 

wet of Sinn oo & aahsal sd ~~ hoodend ost daovete oF 

ewan ho wee dete o ie seme rey, onnee® J 

Ao kdavre gasae eCtatreq me fen tdo ane pags Te oh seteeh oct Smelt 

base agtgah banger a2 garevet eurld bow, rey ial bre) Leb jee f °. 

“hMaGly @ Setovih to seteeb ‘@ anid tot 

aomirnoe aptatgs tuo sumrqil xine 

|” qqmt babe Bt emved od tem #1 saleg thd antsebie doo att 
Bi, Fawoo su souevevacaist tape he. hald bau 

«Stoo att afaeverq dodae beet to jad? a 

= hers ‘nd BeTawOoe haart bare vai 

7 dua ,boatedde anod fod woddo 
ty ehokusy dorks off .gxemeetiog t0 
-Qtaiiue ashen ne oh galrshoos saarieeh ol? © 
ont aeale hucoes eit dads beste Lhe ae liew at ; 

» Natasa, Fron gi * on 
agnnbse tes ‘to aghiassane sng mk eote't Kad atans sTavoesolt er 
oe ahitin ¢aseo aed yalgabsd ateot esate gon arab mubeahosg ot 
sy lewateaneimees ait ee stedte angete ak, (abeesaoe este solute re) 
Stig dawt Pele Joo deob Lhe OLAS. OR geht OGL, wt ib BETS 
hett teegns th snob ,heebak ymen. prtataes te esotenoe ” : £ a0 
themes 98 aetinenan te yedie eat 0% pasueceens, fond end anoynn 
— abasetcown etsct ome aodstok stanad ad Lhd 98? ceauteg 
dadidetes Likw said seowherg od aan eoamhtvs yratanayaeh fat 
Yiitelalt .tdvob widenousoy a bagged. SLed ost ahd ad a 

| oaiatg facisé nelsnetuee of9 of Sinem at ai. auiae oldie, x 
au 198 FON bib ue HaLEDEd .xOMMMAED Of to0tdua, 7. Sat armale 



deores in the Cireult court was entered May 30, 1924. On April 
21, 1923, the Supreme court affirmed the order of the Appellate 
court reversing the order of the Cireait eourt ond finding that 
plaintiff was not the heir of Swigart. Her till in this case wae 
filed Hay 5, 1934, + more than six years after tha final order of 
the Supreme court. Pefendants contend that a bili of this kine 
muet be brought within the time Limited for suing out a writ of 
error, and it would seem not unreasonable to apply auch rule, If 
that rule is regarfed ae applicable, pleimtiff would avpear te be 
too late, in the absence cf averwents in her bill] excusing her 

laches, That such is the mile on billie ef review is held in Gple 
¥, Littlednie, 164 T11. 630; Lewie v. Topeico, 261 111. 320; Evans 

Ve Wocderorth, 213 Ill. 404; French v, Thoman, 262 LAL. 65; 
Sehoknecht v, Prasees, 380 Til, 485, 

Aside from any decisions of the courte announcing technical 
rules of law, we think the principles that a person should not trige 
be vexed by litigation concerning the game matter and that the pub- 
lie intorest requires finality in decrees and judguents of the 
courts denend that the order entered here should be affirmed. The 
parties most strongly accused are dead, Plaintiff does net allege 
when the facts with reference to this alleged cenesirsey to give 
false testimony first cane to her knowledge. in the nature of the 
ease, if the evidence was fslee, she must have known it at the time 
of the trial in the Gircuit court, ¥e do net need to hold that in 
no possible case will a bill Lie to set aside a judgment or decree 
based on perjury in order te reach the conclusion that thie bill 
wae properly @iazteased, 

We have examined the opinion of thie court and the epinicn 
of the Supreme court in this matter, and the exanination discloses 
that the controlling evidence in the case eonelsted of written 

focuments, which plaintiff did net then deny to be true and whieh 


DAN TOM! Cd: ee ats 
ae ee ‘Pa hed he rs 

ficgs a LO8OL 86 ya horedaw naw Prgen dlop thd o:td:nh-eochud 
atelivcaA oat Le Iht 91d homtETe t1w0o omerqut edt QoRer , sm 
fedd gala biw Gewow singe s® od Le Tehvo addgahetore dees 
saw seen aid al Lild 208 .tyeqdwO. to thed est fom caw Yihealade 
‘Ye ebKe Salt ect wed ke ermiry ake madd orem sbeee oh Emil hott 
“bald bee ‘to sate * data ‘ae 3G osnataw ret stawon. ono aa 
te dine * due ‘palace wat hodhabs omkd edt y abathe teiguens od i. = 

%2 .ofus 4éue Ydane oe eidamencornn-bbm mene. simew ob Ee 
ed of tatque Sivor TWitvateiy ,eidaokiqge ea kehiagee od olwe saad 
tae gaiewexe Sfid 19d al atoesseva eee ee rae 
“Ala ab Pied ab aotven Yo a66te mo etrr sit at down tant : 
asia 108% .c42 £08 cogdnmol endowed (068 547 00 wedube 
. tad ibd 208 sResauhat seaah 2000 600 OOK 

go somep ogg Moveeeingh RRA LET ORD anna ke 
febdctons estannonme Bsiuee wud to easleiesd a pies ie: a 

é i ey ea ae 
peket ton hisosdia noereg # tadd seiqtoatre ong dat ow amd te ote 

Yt Vag Rod 

meg old tend haw sedtan eane edt pulweesace mo tsagieis ud boxer of 
‘ The care std ae 
exit ‘te bdasnahat baw nontooh rs 3 ehioatt wortupes tasxstal ree 

a ; 
edt .beactYia od bivode onee hetodin sobre odd tout banca toe ish 
me ek | 
egeila tou seoh Ytieaisst hawt one heaseon chyacste feon we titaq 
os eal] Rae eit 
ovis od ‘qoetdcenes bags lia alae et sonsteter ithe aa 
Oy fe Ry 

add Yo orbien exe ul .opbetwond td oF onse alt seska oat 
is) ‘oat walt do #2 awons avant dam eute 000% new eonsbive =. o8se 
7 mk testa bios at heea tom ob oF two thoorto este at Ryne Boy a 
| bébech ce daamgbul o obien tou of ots tite 6 Athy | sae oiftavog os 
q craw ‘ein? tans ‘seleutoaes ‘pate Koaet et sobre al we aae . 

OSL ., 040 

e obowaleath ¢ — 
iy ie oy ee MR TURE CR aall Ly ki 
ep aolaige oid bows rweo eka? te aelatge ons beatanxs even oF 
q es Me ae tite attnat 
ae soso iets ‘goliankoume od? hae station 4 aby mh eno amorgue » 
fs, Le Aah ut gp RP eS eon 

ae boxe ‘te betelenos ano ond ‘ah este: eotebbve ‘pat Lovtaes 

ait bind ‘duei'od se Qusiaand Fon 'b28 Wrdduiate “akin : " 

ae “ 

she does not deny now or aver to be fabricated. The oral evidence 
too eswas to have been overwhelming. ‘the filing ef this bill is | 


The deeree in affiraed, 

O'Conner, P. J., and MeSureiy, J., cenour. 

Pee Bites tae, State: ee ee Oe Sei elt 

ene Baie 

es ee agatha ee. ae) i oka eI a 
AO His Oo aamal eeiameeth a sa shih a8. . 

files: wh il volley | 

Spei need Si sinioks Sivas ace YW emt dood ee ia v7 | re ¥ 
pee $aH Riitade ‘coeveg & dats ante tookxe out te av ok ‘tena | 

d ; oa wy at. ay. 
wtlan 308 Saks hin Sebhem etka ett salotbeee: + ebteglnet . 


“Oars BES be PE ree). ED 

a eee OTe a Ee a ad se pee Haves wah “eh 

eeteak He Gagiay iw  witow bie ae whe Ree se 

eeheee ie Sle eS ptemety ds Co tens 

ha baie fis on a0 ee Ws qed ‘ape ‘geu been 


& Corporation, 



Appellee, B. ri 9 1h 6 9 9? 


OF CiXGago, 


Flaintir? sued for the swe of $426 alaiued to be due for 
recedeliug and reebiending «a «ciak coat as per agrewment. The affl- 
davit of merite averred tiat the work was net done, as agreed, in a 
manner gatisisetory to defendant but, on the contrary, im @ nogiie 
gent, 42feative and uirerkeanlixe manner, erereby tae vwelue of the 
goat was reduced more than the amount alaimed by plaintiff. 

Defetident alee flied a atutenent by way ef countereciaia in 
whieh she averred tuat the coat when delivered to plaintiff en or 
about Hay 5, 1955, wae of the value of GL800, aad that by reason of 
the negiigent manmer ia whieh plaintiff did che verk the value of 
the cont when returned Sovesbor 146, 1733, eas diainiekhed te about 
$375, wherefore she claimed danages to the amount of $625. Plaine 
tiff reviled, denying ai1 of the gaterial averments in the statement 
ef ceunter-claim, The eauee was tried by the ceurt, and there was « 
finding ageinet plaintiff on ite elaim ond a finding in Paver ef 
defendant on har counter-glaim, vith damages assegced at Hi, Ter 
whieh amount judgment was entered ageinat plaintiff end in favor of 

She evidence tends te shew that defundent eurchased the seat 
in Paris for $2560 about sia years before the time she delivered it 
to plaintiff for re-styiing and re-hiending Say 6, 1935. It appears 
that the coat had onee before, in 1631, been re-styled by br, ‘echt, 
a farrier, The evidence also tends te shov that tawediately aiter 
the reedelivery of the coat te defendant by plaintisy dovesber 13, 

4 Wm, > 
‘oe ste 
* A way) Nee nih oe aa ete it othe 
eit aie oat on 
We oe oo lsenegied a 
| 7 "dnatioggs | A cae 
Tas 7 LiL Tews Boat di? a da tub sean i HME Ge 
: * Rei Re). 
§ ,OhADTO to hint tity int ane at | 
ae nae SC wr 
(EeanA.T CYS OL Louwh : 
CSoa ‘hi. i d ; 2 toga ibaa 

EP Uy 


tet oud od oo bemtade 8260 Te mue os vet howe Tikentatt — ae " | 
«ftte off .dueasesge t9oq a4 Seow Sala a galhoe idee how gal Lebonme 
aah soar yn ass ,enab 204 sew sivow OA face derKOTe ation Te dived — 
higna 6 wt \qtartaes edd ao , dud Snabasheb oF yxoreeIntses team 
add Le silav edt Yeu” ,TOuAAMm OALinemsowan Bae ovine teh stung 
— Uevakede Yt tenkeke tameme odd madd eet E 
ot sindewxetacoe lo yew YS tansetado @ be dd? eale taahae'ted, - 
2 vo:eb tata ot boravhieh inde Goede inst: eesti i. 
AS moanet Yd toi? baw ,OORLE Yo ouLav one To eee EEL (@ yom duets 
Yo wekav ait aro oie bbb Vikvatote dehy ak rain smephiaen ot 
dwoda of hedalahakh aaw ,06eL 04 todmved boorwtet sose tuo add 
otintt @RO8 Te tawcwm sat xt cognenh saute sis esi ll 
 tasuptade ois ak Wdavateve Letredaa od Ye Lhe gakyuoh bolton Wk Bi! 
6 tay wands baw ,etwos odd yd boli eow enwen oat stihe Lownetewag te 
te Teve't al gathal? « bee alels of) an Waltalele soatepe gubhaty 
‘Unt ,0OR) to Hosroren avgennh Ath atokownetaxos ted ao tambon ted 
‘Ye Tow? ad bas Vedeateta feazoye heweian ear srins sememe dali 
pees at bowsdetug dasha tab todd woils oF what ooaentve ot iain 


| | 


(th berevited ose nas of roted exaey ate tueda OoeRe wet ia: % oe 
once gt tees 8 Gail QalbawLdaes Ban gabsytinwe wor Wittatate ot 
pao oth Yd hosyta-on wood £004 wt 1otoled done bent soon ode todd 
) | titha Satatbonnt fads vote of abued gate sonobive oat meet a 

| Wkvalely YS shabaoteh oF duow ait ba Who bes nent 

1933, defendant wrote plaintiff maiing bitter complaint abewt the 
way the work wae done, saying that the eat wae in on ungatisfage 
tery conditien and pointing out the particular respecte in which 
the work was unakilfully done, She wrets that pleintiff bed had 
every opportunity te make the cost right, and that, ae she told 
plaintiffs at the last fitting, she would mot come in to be Pitted 
again. the advieed claintirff that aie propoeved to take the eoat 
te a recutable farrier ot « fireat-olase store, and that she would 
4eduet the cost when “I pay your bili." 

The record doee not disciose any regly by plaintisr te 
thie Letter, sther than the muliing of a etutenant te defendant 
for $3295, the suount claimed te be due. Decenber 20, 1953, Bra, 
Lasher reglied te this statenwit that she would not pay because 
the damage dene to her coat wae more than $528. She «aid further 
that she head tried ta have the ecat fixed elaqwacre but Sound 
Tireteclaes furriers unviliinug te undertake the job; she asia she 
felt whe had a glaim againat siaintife Yer mt icant #750, 

Om tae trial Mra. Lasher tastified at Length about she 
transaction. he said she teck the coat baok after it was deliv- 
ered and showed it to Elem Sorwiak of plaintifYy'e house and teld 
hex that it wae “tervible;" that ies Sershak enid she couldn '+ 
eee anything wrong with it; that she thes teok the coat te a 
renutabie #tere and after they refused to take the responsibility 
ef doing anything with it because 14 wae in each bad shape, she 
enw Kies Korshak and told her thet he wanted her “te make good;* 
that Rice Serehak proposed te #61) her a sew gout and allew her 
semething on 1t for the oid one. 

Defendant first teck the coat te plalatiff's establisheent 
beesuve she knew 6 Kies Ketarthy who worked there. Aer cenversa- 
tien with reapect to reeutyling the gout wan with a Er. Irwin, vha, 
ahe gays, showed her a very levely goat und sald that ‘her eat 

im a 

gi wey 
ae funds @Miaiqwoe tergid yulaam Vlentelg etene fade Ted seen 
Pee iP rh = 

seetelianas ts ni aw Jeon oF sadt galyaa ,onoh saw ter ond ww 
dite wh steegdet te Leetetaq 949 tuo gattalog baa aoltiawes yet 
Aad bet TRitekety Mek’ ofouw od@ yomeh “Livi itieay sew axew emt 
bids Go oo .ease me ,alghy teen way eden of Yohumetoqge THOVE 
borer) of o¢ ak owen fom SLuow one ,pabsteht gent ody ta Yihentelg 
toon edt wine of Bedoderq edu saat Yitentate ‘headven i saben” 
bivew adv fact haa ,.9tode geale-datll « te telus etdetenet a Pe ie 
* Lid Hoy Yom a" ante teos ome eouneR 
ot Tutatese “d ates “an oRoloakh som neem breve watt 6 cihead 
sumbes Ped of So0msete w Lo RabALpm eO2: ads sotto \eonged whe al 
+H? ,SC9L 00 tedano9G ond od of homtase domme ott {OREO SBR! 
eawssed, 95. son, Aiven, ale; dost, dtmmte echo: ot Swear sina | 

Redttl bten ofG .2RE§ ands oxen Baw sage TOM Od sash epzmnd ae 

bawvos sud secede bexki taov odd sv vas oF beles bax ono away” 

: ote fhaw one ide, eat sdessebau of palitiway exeizie? acaleadartt’ et 

+8898 feeed de 10% Tistalelg dentege wtelow pot ode stor 
ei? tunde Syawk te del ligae? vetiend oa Lelsbent ad) Foor ae 

‘ale aaw 28 sede sinad tone add dood ade Dhan oath smo teaancatt 


Migs hav owas wTLLiado tg Yo selene anki of $4 hmods am Bets i 
A abhaes 94m blew aipdeseS an kik dads." ymbdtret* naw oh bp 
: oe tego a8/ Saas need vein seat 78h Hake goatee igen aa | 

“WENAddamoones ott mind 0F Seaton Yost unde bas ovese aii P 
oe ,eqnie bed cowe al sam 2h Qamape oh sidte gakeyee yao ow 
ip tiee eins o2" ae foduwe ace tad? aed Diet has dadeted peti woe! > 

Wed woLle, hue teen wes a.208 ihee.0 heneqeny datenell enill tadt 
Eusagauaptanne iene nen 

would look exactly like it. Miss Aerahak came in snd at the game 
time enaid it would be very lovely and would lock Like « new coat, 
Later when she tock up the matter of fitting the coat, it seene 
both lies ketarthy and kr. Irwin had severed tagir connection with 
plaintiff's heuse, 

It was alse disclosed by ira. Lasher'a testineony that some 
time after she received the coat in Kevember, 1953, she weld it 
through another dealer to a ire, Curriar, realizing $390 net fer it. 
She dig not cive any notice te piainsiff of her intention te make 
thie sale, amd plaintiff was apparently net daferwed of the fact 
wntii Sere, Losher so testified. Ere. Currier was net culled ae a 
witness, and the cout iteelf wae net produced upom the triel. Hove 
ever, ire. Lasher tewtivied mot ohiy ag to her leaving the coat at 
plaintiff's sleee of business but sies axe te many viaite there ror 
the purpose ef having the coat pregerly reatyled and refitted, the 
slee testified with referenee te the defeetse in the coat before and 
after it was returned te her, Ghe euid the eeat waa powitively tee 
omall for ner; that she teld kiss Eerahek that 1t wee “atrocious, * 
and that Rise Acrehak agreed that it wae “unbeooming." She oaid 
the esat wan double-lined ineide and stuck out sa if she “weighed 
@ teon;* that the collar wae very tuick, aud tust Kiee Sershak sug- 
gested waking over the coat a8 the style was very oidefasiioned, 
Wane alkeo said she kept saking for kr, irwin; that he was to have 
superintended the werk, and that it weuld Bave been all right if he 
had done it. 

Beitnher Mise Kershak ner any ef the employese of gliaintiff 
other thas ir, Kilnk, gwmersi manager and fur bayer of the Blacketone 
Shep, vas called ae a witness, Sr, Kiink (perhaps inadvertentiy) 
Failed te teatify that the work on the coat was skilfully done, 

Ve think there was evidence from whigh the eourt might 
reasonably find that the vorksanehip was done negligedtiy. Pisintire 


eee off du haw ak oes Lesietod oelh 2h OLE yLoonne Moet afeow 
Jane weu 2 SARL POL bloow hun Ghewed yuor od bdvow 24 dhme ombd 
ease 22 ,tnoe om! galeelt Yo xedgom ove qu Moot one aedw seted 
Aiie aeltecgues thed? Suteven hasl aiwek 18 bus yldsade eak¥ dted 
| .orvasd eo Itieakese 
euor fa8F Yaovisard a tedosd we yd bewokeath onl saw #E op. 
$k Show on ECOL ,tedmevel at aon ent Hovieges edn. 109%e omke 
$1 tel fa OCC’ galalignt ,wleiw) wrk 6.09 aedeoh iwatoua Aguanadd 
tien of noltaegat tod Yo Vikdalale of sebtoa. que ovis tea hhh ams 
foal 242 te bomre'tad som yLtaorscqe any Wsdaiokg oa .elen wkd | 
@ 6x belies tou saw teinsod .#a bel Tidnee os tesined .esk Lheaw 
aol felts of ogy beowbowy ton tow Binad, goon od? baa oeemtaw 
de ¢e0o od yiivact 464 of we Cine Som DeLideed tedeed, 05h, 5078 
“Goh ered agtetvy yous of eh cote dod amentend ie enetq a! Vissatase : 
ede bord hte bus befrteet Yfeeeety sacs and. amivnd Ye oagqtse ome 
‘bus stoted toon oft af wreeted of? o& vanexeton Agiw baltigae? onke a 
60d ceviviveq see Peo eit Bier ont seeded homuten camth aed 
* auclgorta® enw 22 gad’ dedevol aukM bod exta gant y een tot Loam 
bias odd *.gnincoodan” enw ¢2 sade -deetgn dedexoS aabk gost mw 
dedgiow* oe Th ea éue tees Soe vbiead heal lewiduod aaw taon oat 
«gin Madetol wolR gad? deo ,kolae qu0¥ eaw wadboo. re ee 
hereliastably YXOY onw ohyts ei se sa99 0nd core gahtom Dogeey 
What’ 92 AoW oH tom) pakwrd .4% Tol gates sued wie Slaw nko osle 
var _ tia weed eves Biaow 22 dae hae Maint cnntg-spotin ov 
Wigateie te apeqeliae oatr Xo gun wnmaubanminaiate 
| “ paptasive £4 ed? to veyed tw? bas ieee Jeredeg aad 1 weds andte 
aii each eqnuxoq) Maiti .2a  snewele « ae bokies sow ged 
baie amo YLLLLe mew tu0o OAs Wy atxoM este i 
- digde: dawoo 043 dydsieoar't egaokive saw ; | 
wliatelt® Ubwaligon bao saw qidaanedivow est dade chat’ 


argues, however, that the sale of the ceat by defendant as restyled 
gonetituted an irrevocable slection te seeent the coat and wan a 
waiver ef all defects, It cites to thie point section 42 of the 
Gales Act (Cahdli's Ill. Rev. State,, chap. l%de, aee. 48). It alee 
Stegel Cooper A. to., S21 Til. 745; Seed Ue Wels Co. vv, Bonames hoe 
frinersting Ce., 252 022. 491; Means 2m, X02 Better, 197 t23. 
Ape. $82; Polay ie, 266 [31. Apo. 
73; 2 
ing well recogiized rules in tue law of sales) are inappdiasble to « 
traneactiosn such as this, which wae a balleent "leeatia onarta 
fagiendi,* + that is, o ballaent where work ant Leber were te be 
perforsed upon the thing delivered to the balleo, in euch traneaee 

eites and quotas st Length from cases euch as Smoxlea Then 

ie, 868 Lil. Apo. 124. Theoe cases (aonwane- 

tions, even in the abeenes of an express contract, Giere ia an ime 
plied agreement that the thing altered or repaired #hall be reason~ 
_wbly fit for the purpese intended, oF capabele of the use for weiech 
4t is desiaeed in ease the tailee had knowledge of such purgese er 
use. The rule in sugh case is that the bailee ie required te exer- 
eiue ordinary care in the performance of the service he agrees te de 
in relation te the thing balied, ond tala requives that he ase suena 
akiil, and care as am ordinarily ekiiful workuan, competent to de 
ais work, would use im suck a case, The coat belonged te kre, 
Lasher, end she did not, by accepting and keeping tha coat or by 
e@lling it, waive any of her rights with respeet te the centract 
she entered inte with plaintiff, These rules are laid down in the 
well considered case of Bougiaas Hert, 103 Conn. 645, 151 Atl. 
403, 44 AL. 820, 

Ve think there wae evidence from whiek the court might 
Feasonabliy find that plaintiff falied te comply with the terme of 
ites sentract and that the finding in faver of defendant, eo far ae 

the elaim for services in reemdeling and reblending the ceat one 

baiveust ee fawn leh yh gaoo oof le elea ont tact xevewor \benyte 
& exw bur geow off goovew af wolévetds eidagovetek an tebaiiibd a 
adi to 2) sebteoe Sutoy vked of eottoe #2 .adoeteh She Yo tsehow 
wein 92 .UER Vene (edt sqedo , ohare pobt JE wetted) pea bet 
ent natant 90 keen en domo seen aot At_oet fo wndene hen wend 
“oil sew V0 LAY oT Rete 1899 LET SBS, 90 dh epmond Soaeke 
£65 VOL RIOR WY 00 WRAY Somat 710e WAEk BOR whem 
we LED: AER, age ‘a err ee 

0 00 Shbethneeb es ane wt ee 
Bisons gitaond” Suemtted » mew deh ak on Home eokeonenn 
-uanueed dos ak oe kins suit 0? Retevkieh gubat eat nagy Demtoreng 
wak an eh exalt , tows aod wartgxe ae Te eonnede edt mb asve \umedi: | 
nnetans mf Lins bechacen uo Donettn ynist sit sh samnemnge Bont 
( dehew xe? paw er? To eladngin to ,hohandek soon orth wot 20 ile 
8e aeqquig Mave ‘to syhe wend hurl oo Lind 249 seme at Romgknal ob 0 
steno of hevluget a2 owdied eit sac3 et ekas seus ok ebee ott or 
eh of gverga of opivene auf? to eoceoxo'teq edt al aime ope 7 
owe eeu OK tard woekupen whet? bow Acdiet yabe-atets wathebinde 
gh ef susteyme phwolver Swikike ~fitauthse we an ones hae Ofte 
4a 9d beytoted soup oa .enae m spam ad ‘em Luow tow wh 
Yi te doom O42 gutqveXt bem yaktyeves yo dom BLh eaid Rome yest 
- Pemetine ect of tyoqass dtiw fight xed to yom ovtaw (oh yattier 
ests al wveh bied ote soins eaedd .Vhitalaig ative otal basodeam sie 
Nite Lee 868” sma 40 SR AARNE A a ee, iow 

ie aa caltcoe: vtaabro eb tee seneale th ended esd Saati ith so ri 7 
eae Peon Ono yitbue ides bux gad Leboows saetadintelintah shake 

eoneerned, was justified by the ovidence. That finding of the court 
is here entitied te the enme weight as the verdict of a jury. We 
cannot say that i¢ is oleariy and manifestly againet the wedant of 
the evidence. The judgment therefore againet plaintiff wd in faver 
of defeniant upon the original claim must be affiradd. 

As te plaintiff's eliaim, the burden eof proof wae on sinine 
tiff toe eetablish it by a presonderance of the evidence. Age te the 
eounter-claim, the burden was upen defendant to establigh that the 
coat was damaged to the amount far whieh jutament was entered, The 
evidence on thst iseve ie very indefinite, After the court announced 
ite ruling upon plaintiff's claim defendant indieated a desire te 
take a nene-sult as to the counter-cinim, but plaintiff objeoted. 

The reanon for the obfection i# not quite clear, but the evidence 
mabmitted in regard te the value of the coat wae Indefinite ond ane 
certain. ire, Lasher stated she paid $9506 for the eont im Parise 
and that #he owned 14 between six and seven years, Rr. Heoht, a 
furrier who resedeled it tn 1951, testified that it weuld depreciate 
in value about ten per cent each your, A reerist apoarently given 
te Urs, Lasher ot the time one delivered the coat te plsintiff Ney 
6, 1635, states the value of it te be $325, Bre. Lasher teatified 
that plaintiff's manager auggeated te her that she eheuld heve it 
ineured for $1,000, The ouly evidence in the record tending te show 
the value of the coat after 1% wae delivered Hovewber 14, 1935, is 
the fact of ite asle to Bre, Gurrier for $375. ‘That transaction, 
however, has few of the qualities courts require of « sale in order 
that it may be regerded as indicia fer determining the reel market 
value. The eoat iteelf wae not oroduced, and after come search we 
are umable to find any evidenoe in the record from whieh the fair 
onah market value ef it whem it was delivered to plaintiff and 
later when returned by plaintiff to dafendant ean be determined, 

Such avicenee was necessary and the burden of proof wae on defendant 

amos ons te patient Jone Ooae Lew id ww bot ssomt, aor ahoatep aap 
| - avtwl « te teh aut ae tila onane oe (Of boithing axeg at 
t 4 bow nat sentags Lites tinaw fecsas yitae lo ab Ah saad aan 4 oa 
on ‘at nw thasatase twats ye oxoterneats soem bet, oat, eon hhve wale 
boars kth od seam meio Lauty) 0 ont aoe Snabae tea. 29 

“the | ae iil Leone tq aepend 049 abate a! Miisaba Le OF PA ae nie 
elt ot re somos kee any te secexobaogere « ud a2 at séagnn, ot The 
aa see int taasns ad Pasbue ‘web aoaw one neniud ond sala loone ds moo 
out .bonedas say Preagba ie dite x02 baw ne 7 _begunat eae 2909 

P dee 

beomoane su90 end 190A odhattebas yor eh, wea $asid a9 eoartive 
ie sttand @ boivothat smodaeted mtale at Tralee ange gabtys wg2 
sbesoatso Pav aba te fet ,Mhalo~tesauoy off Of 86 shunomem 
soasbivs one cud ,tagls otiup som ok aoisnetde odd = saa 
au bate estat tent aay tego Mf To oulay odd 98 bigget at beds iudue 
ebaa al taoe odd tot GUMS blag ode bedeta twiaad. 107K .chedeey 
a 3tooX mH -ATaRY HOvEE haux ake maonsed an hoag atte tast bog 

: saeivotood biwow oh tana pol rivees AECL wh St Do lohonay ody cetera i 
a aevts ‘elanetacge tqdsoot A staey doce faso 19q ued suede ouley mk 
: fea Yibgatosg oa Seon ott bereviled ese omae ont ta Tesined ett ot 
| Reditsess tedwod ok 0860 wd oF 22 Xe oulny oA) wesate .BECL yo 
a oven swede adn tans tod a bodesmnwe Tope ae a! Titsahele fast 
mee. o yatbaes biomes wala ad oomebi ve eho ent. 1800, 48, Xot hexwant— ; 
a bees SE xoduevo houevi sob sow tt tod te, tao, ond 16 onlay ond, 
“saotoowaners tas 0°84 9% we hese aut a? efea eat No Peek em 

i kaon att yakadeninied 9 ont + aeanat ae ny sania 02 
he aw doxaes our cof ban ,dooubere ton aaw tiseti @eoe oat .oulev 

ta? at dpdow sant brsget og? Al spaeptye wae, bad} ef, edemw ore 

| shoatenacad od aw tnabantap a “Tataele, wr 
| | pan toh ao saw Loot, Te anbtud od} baa yaar 


te preduce it. She did net produce 1t snd fer that reantn the 
judgnent in her fuver eguinet plaintiff must be reversed. 

The judgment in fover of defendant sgainet plaintiff ugen 
the original claiw ie affirmed, The faucigment in fever eof defencant 
ageinest plaintiff en the counter-ciaim ie reversed. 


O'Conner, °. 7,, and Mesureliy, J., concur, 

ats he 
sis e 

tries od aaaset sass St sea ‘Win lie ah Aha’ Nenana 
OS iat nergy eet 

pe whan ani 

sid sci hh ‘tuone ot Pe sit ppt 
wi ech wae Lome raga ad a sdesteawie bse a ; 

hove a ete ct ane sit lade hed bate b Noch eh. smeah 00, 
a aut’ ese toethad fab wh mate 2" Seeiale aoe 
tater tte Mavakeiy FG Mester emndeutil mld Os Mi 

See Ny ose 
woseebibes wet jad . mete DREN ee ae ae eee mt. 
wie Mette ws bate ht ee Page bil ae ORY SiEE OF Rhapect. 

abe oid aye nas ‘gee SORee. ibe lid HORT —— ; 

.. | Peden ss te baa ot send Go oe, ml papi ; 
“ibe heave nd ; nee Anh ek ee a Je pirat, Ot. 
. weenie Le sala ats bps Bs ii Seana ie abaiay 
ini a gute ree Sod ma ess ny vee, eH « tia 
sie pee Pas lich chibi! barre’ ah = ee wend _— be 
vapneagatnnt ll aneg ney mimeo, 

i taseeags are - atl eee o> er es 0809 
nny eo) elieaute me ae " Hestow eProwbety Pint aoe | ais 
sie A se Ag Ricet tes BOR Re 

at Ra St) 

a a itatate all fone fied, heme eR nmap, kN. 
_pheabinenten Picak a0, frat antes ne. iis pay wa, i 
sawomy tad wt a one we mitted tae 



T. J, BEBGAN et ol., 

THOMAS J, COURTNEY, State's Attorney 

of Cook County, Illinois, et al., 

979 1.4.629" 


June 27, 1933, complainants, five individuals, as officers 
of the Chicage Teamsters, Chauffeurs and iielpers Union of Chicago 
and Vicinity, in behalf of thexselves and of eighteen locel unions | 
affiliated with the Teamsters Union, filed their bill against Thomas | 
J. Gourtney, State's Attorney of Cook county, Bdward J. Kelly, Mayor 
ef the City of Chicago, and James P. Aliman, Commissioner of Police 
ef the City of Chicage, praying tnat defendante be enjoined from com 
bining and coneviring to prevent somplainants from holding meetings 

and frem interfering with complainante in their ceveral occupations 

as members of the unions. Defendants answered, denying all charges 
ef wrongdoing made against them, The case wae referred to a Master 
in Chancery, whe took the evidence, made up his report, and recommended 
that a decree be entered dismissing the »111 for want of equity. Com- 
Plainants filed objections to the report, most of thich were ever- 
ruleéd, and on the hearing before the Chancelior the Master's revort 
Wee approved, a decree entered diswiseing the bill fer want of 
equity, and cempiainants appealed te the Supreue court, contending 
inter alia that constitutional questions were invelved, ‘The Supreme 
court, upon consideration, transferred the case to this court, 
Complainants say that the eighteen unions have about 18,000 
members; that they are earrying on their union activities, and its 
members are employed in their several lines of work in a legitimate 
manner and in no way interfere with the defendants; that the defend- 

ante, the State's Attorney, the Mayor and the Commissioner of Police 

Pre, Uae 7 
he " 

bei Ney «ta to MADURA ,& .? 
Pease Leggs rh “ th i 

fe A og shi 
Ch PY " 

THUOO HOT agi: ae 
i #S '™* Re a ie a eth « any 4, oy . 
* pan . 
pha yomiossa wletns& ,YEMTMVOD .L SAMORT 
ete te ,atoniist «ct au00 ants ae 

HOuMOO’G AVTTSYE oOulaCieaed Au 

etoolite aa edoubtuk bat avit ,atasaiaigaoo eter ,ts enw sa 
egacins ‘to metal atreqiell bas ete Tisast® .etedamesT ogsotdd ke 
astotay Level aeotigte to Sas sevlesueds te tisded al ,ysdintety haw 
 emaod? tanhege {Lid ‘sheds boll? ,nolal atetemeot ot dibw bodol litre 
toye% ,ytled .t prewbil ettawen dood to yomrrotsA s' erage evendav0d_,t 
eoiied to renelesinwe®) ,aealla .¢ seul bas ,opeotdd to ysld edt to 
Reh moxt Beatotas od etnabanteb Sent galyatq ,ogacidd to yeho eat % 
 egaittees gaisfod mett etneniaiqnos snevetg of gate anos bas aataid 
aneiiequooo Istevee ttedt ah ataantalgquoe diiw jatxe tastat mont bas 
. “gegtaco ffs gaiyaeh ,ber98vEne atushboeted .eneias edt ‘to aregenn Fa 
‘tetsed # of hexte'tex aaw sea9 eal .wodt teniage obem aahobgaorw ‘to 
bao 0 bas ,troqot eld qu ebew ,vonehive et sgot ew ,\ts sums ue 
matt wtinps to tuew tol Lite ext guteeioetd besedme ed. eateeb deme 

 wttevo exew dekde ‘to teem ,dxoget edt of amoltootdo belt? esannt 
toges a'aetes adv tolisomed) sit ero'ted gutteed oft aa. hee Doser | 
‘to dus¥ vet [Lid odd gutseingtd betedae sens08b 8 sDevouggs aaw 
eatnaerane , fies sastgwe a4} of beleegge stagataiqnes bas stitupe 
emerges adit shovioval erow sitolveenp Laneoliutiteacs tent able zetat 
| ‘;disoo absd of saao odd bovretanerd ,moltatebsenoo moqu ,IxH99 
000, 8f tueds svad enolase apedtigle edt dads yas nseemhenerae..: se eae 

have entered into an unlawful conspiracy to compel compixinante te 
withdraw from their respective unions and to beeome members of 
another union, viz., the International Brotherhood of Teansters, 
Chauffeurs and Helpers Union; that defendants, by using the police 
foree, have prevented compleinants from holding a number of meet- 
ings of their umions and on several occasions have arrested many of 
complainants and had them incarcerated in jail; that ciuargesa of dis- 
orderly conduct were filed against some of these men, but upon hear- 
ings in the Kunicipal court of Chicago they were all discharged; 
that in some cases some of the complainants were arrested and kept 
in jail for a number of days and in wiany instances no charge was 
Placed against them, 

In addition te the prayer for an injunction there was @ 
prayer for an accounting for damages claimed to have been sustained 
by complainants on account of the unlawful acts of the defendants, 
The defendants answered the bill, denying all charges of wrongdoing 
and in this answer the State's Atterney admits that all but four of 
the unions have, at all times, conducted themselves in a proper and 
lawful manner; that the only uniona against which defendants make 
somplaint are Loeal 701, Yardmen, Hikers and Helpers Union; Loeal 
704, Ghicago Coal Teamsters, Chauffeurs end Helpers Union: Lecal 
726, Ganitary Teameters, Chauffeurs aid Helpers Union, and Local 
731, Excavating Teamsters, Chauffeurs end Helpers Union. 

The State's Attorney's answer further sets up that the four 
unions mentioned have, through violence and intimidation, dictated 
to various industries what men they shall employ and on what terms 
they shall work; that this has been brought about by campaigns of 
terrorism, bombings and destruction of property; that various em- 
ployers and employees have called upon the defendants, as law enforce 
ing officers, to intervene for their protection, and that defendsents, 

as law enforeing officers, intervened to prevent riots and to pre= 

ot etteale Lemos Meqmoo ot yoatigqanos fu twalaw ad, tut Setetne évad 
nes eebdmow asnooed o¢ haus suolaw evitoegaer tled? mor? wetbapiw 
~exeseuaeT ‘to Hesston? or Lgagidenns tad: edt. .shy mabe estan: 

aot log edd yataw “4 ,etaabao tes tefh mela’, ‘etaqiek bole ee 

~boow ‘to tedued # gitihter oott efosatelqaon betasverq evar ,soret 
‘to Yaaw boteotiw evar eovisnogo Letaves 9 bay anehaw thedt to epat | 
«ath to eogzeilo gad pifist ai betersotsont mont Bea ‘baw atasolelqmos 
ote0r fogw fod (8c seedy to daoo ‘denlaye he Lllt ‘otew shinies robe ’ 
ig lth diy LEE wd Qailte "lind HMS Ve" Vnad Perera ey i 
: — brdootie owew dtaattlatdmes edd ‘to eston dbaad sue al deste | 
eae dite of Wéodetant “Yrom al Bae mes a edana « sialon 4 

““g eaw oredt notvoastal ae tot seyatg odd a9 mots thea ad. te 
_ beate tee mood evad of bemiole aegeneb ‘tot anki nuedon ae ot | 

 Libeailcie't08 ed} x0 afoa Kirtwxtaw oad “Yd “Jawaded ne ad aede 
-gitdabyaorw ‘io degrade Ite galyaes , tka Side “Bbiowlie Sade a 
te ‘uot tud ffe fost wdPahe “yomredsA a Vetete ont towens ven vilin “aol she i$ 

- dhgoig s oi deviceshas ‘bedoubace ‘,wemtt Lie $a i bial i yond 
ee eaabuetel ‘de tdw beanege eabbaw eae “bil file roa iy wed 
A geal seoinl ateg leh pad aeetki , sembreY 100 Keood ot s talel 
. “feoed paolsl eteqtel Sao stieTtuadd yoredénest » feed” . nok j 
essed baa pao erefel Bae btusttiatd ,eceTeneet 
moby egal pnts dhunipvend hoenpnroninsien ait 

pegnen ab a ita en bon Gene Lolv dyivotas errs foro ls 
ewrot dat od bre yolgms ftesté Yodd aoa’ salle eokaeinat 
“te emgiagins yd fwode teileitd mood abit wLK) shld fatow Ekede ye 
tte Pieter tact pyhisqerg ‘te not senrdeed” pid’ asatdaod 4a t: 
Lox8tiy ‘wet’ we", e$aabaa teh Sit? togb bo Lted raat it 
abiibad tab dest Baul beni molfestona tient tot snevee tt: 

. “ Day Be 

074 oo baw ‘edols ‘guevetq ot ‘penevredat \ereot'tto perl s 

serve the public peace, The answér denies that the State's At temey 
caused employers to be arrested to foree them to hire only members 
of the International Union, but avers that on occasions he caused 
the arrest of certain employers who were attending a meeting of an 
organization known as “Trucking and Teaming Exchange (populariy 
known as T. N, U.)%; that thie organization was dominated and con- 
trolled by well known gangstere end raeketeers with criminal ree 
ords, and was attempting to comtinue to affiliate with the Team- 
sters Union; that the kayer ef the City had ordered the affilla- 
tion of all trucks engaged by the City wiih tne “Trucking and Teame- 
ing Exchange” discontinued st once; that as a result of this there 
was a strike called by Local 726, Sanitary Teamsters, Chauffeurs 
and Helpers Union, which was engaged by the City in the rewoval of 
garbage, and as a result the health of the inhabite te ef the city 
Was endangered. Yhe answer further sets up in considerable detail 
numerous other alleged violations of law by certain of the com- 
plainants which we think it unnecessary to further mention here, 
and evers that all acts done by the State's Attorney were to pree 
serve law and order in the comumnity. 

The Mayor and the Commissioner of Police filed a joint and 
several answer in which all wrongdoing on their part was denied, | 
and averred that numerous persons having criminal reeords, and 
ethers wanted by the police for the commission of crimes, congre- 
gated in publie pleces under the guise or subterfuge of holding 
union meetings, and that the police attended such meetings for the 
purpose of preventing riots and other erimes, 

The record is voluminous, containing about 2560 pages, 

The evidence tends te shew thet, as has been the custom for many 
years, a number of police officers were assigned by the City te 
the State's Attorney's office and are under his supervielen; treat 

at the time in question 60 te 8 police officers, under Captain 

a , create Nea sy 

“pits 2A ghaged® oh dostf eotveh wen ofT sone ohiduy ond | « te a 
atodmme Yiow exit oF coeds oerot of hotaortts od oF | exeyo lame feeniaD Ta 
bewuno sf endidades ao Seid wren inf jnotAy Lewottanwmenl site 
‘tts ‘to gaifoem a gitthastie ote" ow ereyetqas alatteo Bo teste od 
qitalugod) egtadond gatueeT bas yakdourT* ee swosudt ao Bankaegte 
-mh bee Hetaciaed sew wolieainaygty widd sang yg? (2 oT aes awn 

-ost IpGisdso div wrsesouent hae @tetegsag awetd Slow vw bolton’ — Ma 


wae? oF dof efatlitte ef ounivaow of yalsgmette saw “baie ' ebro 
mitiiVig ose botedro hast YORU ody ‘to Tog of dent fetelal | ‘ 
«nae? bite yabilowr’™ of os bv YPLU 9s YS bo gegte elowrs Khe os one 
sxsst whds to tiveor o an sent yoons fe bewaliaooeth “egriademt g 
erse'tine® ,etetensel yrsdlmad ,aSY Leood yd bo fteo wasenne: ll 
to Levéaet ot m2 yFt0 ent yd hegegow wew dokdw ,notnt eevee fe. 3 
“gdie ets “Ye ad wtidedtst ody ‘to aittesd et Piveet @ ne bie, egad 
ffateh aldexebienoo at gw etee woridiu't towers eff © sbormanaine we 3 3 
wiio odd Yo mietreo yd wel "to ancltafole hege fla teat 
“(eted Moléacd reditet of preadesenin 72 amhds ov okie tnastwke 
emg oF OTewW yYsntEZtA w'odete ete yd onoh etoe Lhe tedd wiers é r 3 
| ttisween edt st wobte baw wel sve 
: ae #ateh w be llt eelley to Yoootean twa ede ‘ek erga soe AG 3 
| bekneb maw tue they ao galobgnoww Ite debdw ab) tomem wren 
bee jabscoer Kattades getvad @noareg sxoremwa dad? Séeteve Bia 
ndestiat veantiaemmaatens ‘set ootsog od? ncaa | 0 pny 

a ne, salt waite: savin ene sal ont 
“pd EdED et yd bengines stow wood te ended - oie 8” 


Gilbert, were assigned tc the Stato's Attorney's office; that the 
State's Attorney beeame convinced that some of the unions in auese 
tion were dominated and sentrolled by the eriminsl ELenees res that 
the great masse of the mexbers, who were law abiding/uen, had little 
or no voice in the alfaire of their unions, and he decided to ure 
the power of his office to remove the dominsnee of such element, 

Te bring this about he sought te have the members of certain of the 
uniens sever their mewbership with their resreetive unions and te 
transfer their membership to the International Union, whieh he 
thouzht was properly conducted and free from the dowinenvee of the 
eriminal element. Amd in May, 1933, using the police assigned to 
his office and also other police officers of the City to the number 
of about 250, he prevented meetings that were sought to be held by 
Local Unisn 701 ané Local tini on 704, 

Complainants offered evidence tending to show that these 
meetings were in every way lawful and that the interference by the 
State's Atterney was wholly unwarranted; om the other side, there 
is evidence to the effeet that some of the criminal element ware 
attending the meetings and that the police prevented the meetings 
to maintain law and erder, The evidenee further tends to show that 
May 26, 1933, a meeting of the members of Local 726, Sanitary Team- 
sters, Chauffeurs and Helpers Union, whose members were mostly em- 
ployed by the City in removing ashes and garbage, was called at the 
instance of the Commissioner ef Public Works of the City, and counsel 
for complainants say in thelr brief that the police broke up this 
meeting. it seems a little difficult te understand why a meeting 
Galled by the Commissioner of Public Vorks ef the City should be 
prevented by poiice officers of the City, but we tink this point 
unimportant, The evidence further shows that a strike ef the union 
Whose menbers were engaged in reneving ashes end garbage was called 

May 22nd, and complainants contend that the calling of this strike 

‘ eee ee Os 
| | y 
. Mee 
q = 

me y.. 

ttt death pontYte atqomrbsta weeare’ sie of beig hid Hw Meets 
 meerog nit owrgiter ete to ewes tent Benwly aie’ sasded yormodta &tetese . 
anit bee Teme te Lantaree ont yd boflotites hae beteatnoh etow abke 
‘OLtLt hod ,woN\gatitde wat etow off jwretasm ott "to seam deere ods 
asi of HOLLOGS off bas \Sttoda ties ‘to otter sae wh SOLOW Geo 
tno dows te oscemiaoh of} overex bd @al'tto hater 
and “ke Absdieo Lo ateduem ent ovad oF Pagiide OH twoda eh | 
6? hac aaotny evidoovese «isd? div ghawredued’ sfely cove ante 
ot Moltw ,aotn? Loco ttorgs tel odd 6d qhieredingm t80ae Othe 
did to Sorcalash ott gor't sort Bae Kodoubaes Ytesqeng Bat pei 
Od Homytese sottog edt gaten eEOr (ye at SnA lendiete Hindley 
sodinest onif of YC? add Yo eveot'rre eetied terse owts re 
‘gd hket of oF doigwoe orow tadt wynktoon bedosvere art S08e ‘tyodd “xe 
i JOT io tn Lebest Brit LOW nel ath ade 
SRoNt Led? wore of yikbass eonbive beret¥e etaacta taney wires 
etd Yd eonete Trornf eco Sarid bee Lwitded Yaw yteve sit oxo 
ered joblv todte ent ae jhedtietiswaw yLtorw eaw yortodtAé po tegt 
(Pew Irene fe Fomdmtto Set Té moe! said fov'Yre ‘wat os sone bive es 
agciveom edt hodmewerg selLed oct ten? Baw agutioom ond yuiSnoite : 

| Sapte waste oo shee? vertret Wonettyd ear tata 0 Wd wat nbaatan of 

pee de belize taw ,ogedtag bo eecha s alla lt I” 
. feeuior bee ,yeto eA ‘in advo otitent ng ‘ye tole} Lima | 
allt qu eabYd soltod eat Vass Ye ted thedy’ ai Yin 
‘goiteon » yd bassorehi of Fivartite oft: it a anebe a2 Oyhiveem 
otf fisorie YeEO wt Ty waltON eMltiturl "Yo eb taetiniia® eth bettan 

(— itkng’ kath Atertoia ow iter HLT oath Yo aOR Ye Balrog Yel ‘ 
made ont Te birdie a twHd wwoirta’ Kode Wore beh” entra 
boitieo daw Syateny bon sein QaTvened mt sam ere" | 
bik satin ate ‘to gakfine edt dait baerie ssnamts 

resulted from the fact that the City of Chicage was employing men 
on account of their political affiliations who were not aeanbers of 
the union, end there is other evidence that might indicate this 
trouble was brought about ic part, at least, by the action of the 
City officials in refusing te submit to the demends of the Trueking 
end Teaming Exchange, After members oi thie union went on strike 
they were ordéred back te work by the city officials, ond they said 
that since sueh men were civil service empioyees, charges would be 
Viled ageinat them before the Civil service Ceimiaslonerps uvless 
they returced to their work, A number of such charges were riled, 
and some ef the men discharged. Uhe strike was called oif and the 
men returned to work on lay 29th, 

The evideuece furtser suows that there vas conciderable 
trouble between the unions and the police and the Ciate's Atiomey's 
office from May until July and thereafter; that many arrests were 
made, some of the wen locked up, and a number of union meetings pre- 
vented; charges were filed against some of tuose arrested but in no 
@ese was any of the men found guilty. About tne first of July a 
number of men were arrested and thrown inte jail where they remained 
wntil about July 5th. 

The evidence further shewe that during the troubled period 
the members of the unions and their officials were addressed by the 
State's Attorney, on some of which occasions the evidence tends te 
show, the State's Atterney advised in mo wacertain terme tiat the 
men ehould withdrew from their lecal uuions and join tne Interna- 
ticnal Union; that on othercoccasions exployers, at the State's Ate 
torney’s request, met with him, he etuted his views of the matter, 
and advised that they employ only mexbers of the International Union. 

There is ather evidence in tae record that a number of men 
Conuected wits the complainaats were charged by defendants to have 

eriminal records, but when witnesses were put on the stand it ape 

Sire hs 


neo gatyoreed exw ogeetiD to yitO edt dade took sid ment bog kueety 
44 etedeen don oxew of Bmoltuttirte Lewheilog shod to damogea ‘ier 
ehee ateetipl Suaim teat soussive tedro al etedd bac ,aokmw eddy 
“ede te neiesh ed co (Sdeot ta ,ftagq wh Foods ifauord eav efdyort: 
gatkennt off te wbaraet odd o¢ tladue of guifawtet af aisiottse eto. 
editée ae juew cotnu eld To ereduem wodA © eyietoxl yatuoeT Bnd! 
bbws youd hie ,efetoltte ¥sdo eat yo Axow od dead boebrs wrew YeMt? 
od biscw @egisiio ,eeeyoiams oolvses LItyle oxen noe dows somte: saith: 
aseiiy e@xouolowianod eoivie Livh® arid exoled meer teutoae DeLPR 
,feiit ener seywiio diese to tedmir A  .aow thosld oF bonzudet 94 : 
eit Sie Fle beLieo saw sdiute od? . bograsion Lh nom oad, 16. oxo Ba 
: Hi G2 Yelk wo Arow oF samiehiell 
aivetebinaco aay eteAsy tot evga teddawt soushive ont ‘Pie pen 
gi yemrotia elasods sas bas osliog wit has ened ett moawled efduend, 
eter aveeria Yaea sade pte taeteds bas yLav chia yak aoe? OtYtE 
~@tq agaidses colag ‘to todawn « bee ,qQu beagol near edt Ya'amos & \sbem 
an af fod belasttm ovoid to amos Sentage PoLlt't orev nestado jSetner 
# eins te #exkt edd SuodaA oytiiug beuioT waot outs "to eae nw ‘ai 
boutasot yeu? erode Let ofat wwotds baw hedeowsa exow nom to tedaium 
| wide vial twode ths 
boktsq Delduard eH? gatcub tend owosts -nedteu't sommbive eats Ge 
ot? yd Beanctbhe othw efotol Tio, sted? bas enetau edt — Soom 

9ae Gas? eeed aletvosaw om ak bealvbe consesea.t' 9s idle 
sacihnant tit nto’ suic: anobéar teat: thhatnest areal a aie 

ofA ategaseé od ta ,oxsyotqae asolsapogensdto me sacs. amas tail 
tes em act to eweiv eft hotaie oc yaks sidw fom, ented 
no bnt Tenolvgaredal dd ‘Le exodiem yine yolque yosd sestd bo } | ‘ : 

age HE basse and so tue otow soenent tw scosion dh yb 

peared that most of the persons so accused were without any criminal 
record and many of them had never been arrested, 

Complainants say that if tne State's Attorney were sueccesse 
ful in causing members of the lecal unions in question to transfer 
their membership to the International Union, this would result in 
great oroperty damage because many of the unions were obligated on 
leages and had sick and death benefite, If the members should trars- 
fer to the International Union it is net at all clear that this would 
result in any less to the memberehip beeause the property and rights 
micht be taken over by the new unien for the benerit of its members; 
but in any event, complainants would not be entitled te recover 
damages in thie suit, Garpenters' Union vy, Citizens Committee, 333 
Tli. 225-257. 

Complainants contend that under the Genstitution and laws of 
tunis State and of the Nation, toey nad @ right te assemble in a peacee 
able manner, as they atteripted to do on numerous eceasions, and that 
the State's Attorney ond the other defendants should heave been ene 
Joined from interfering with such meetings, ‘There can be ne question 
about the legal right ef complsinants te organize as omembers of a 
union and to hold meetings in a lawful and peaceable munner for the 
purpose of discussing enything that would tend to promote their wel 
fare so long as it involved no breach of the peace, They may join 
or refrain from joining any union without interference or otherwise 
from the State's Attorney, the Mayor, er anyone else, As said by our 
Supreme court in Cn s Corim 

enters! Union vy. Oa itiee, 3153 Li. 

225 (238), ‘Every man has a right to full freedom in the disposal of 
his laber aceerding to his will, and workwen have a right to organise 
for the purpose of promoting their comnon welfare by lawful means, 
They may impose any condition of their employment which they may 
regard as beneficial to them, and, if not bound by contract ,may 

abandon their employgent at any time, either singly er in a body, 


i 4 
id e 

Anakin} A dworid bw oxow beavooe 08 _anpere¢ ond, to foam Asay OTRO 

barannze need seven baal masit 19 Yowm bag Stopes 

~eneanve ator yourodsa 8’ esase exit ‘te touts yan etnente gna. auth 

toteaesd oa tod dae up wd ehol tis Laoos auis ti) (BtedRom gel ameo ah Ae 


ab diwmet binow ols 2 fobal Ennohi ante dats Sat p. Mhdlexe dese 
Pc) bodagiide exew aso iays eats te new commend opened coreqory ane, 

; A 

~8 sett bivests arodapat aha ‘ti 82 Need ad meb Bote #oie ban bos sepees — 

5 Liow asi darts 120 Lo fie da toa ai ah ao ke Aanoliente sal oat, 92, mo. 

edniy be hae visor exit onxaued atiezedae = ont of nao Yas. al ifupes. 

jactoefane a adh te # Peaed ous ret won wen ond x T2v0, sole). 96 tae 
 gevonex ot bo? ttas od ton biwow Stoantslgnes ,taeye, he. tat 

to wank bas oid 8 190600 ons tehan tact hans aoy wang 

«opaaq « at aiduasas 0! igi 6 bass Wood ,molteh an 10, ban, tet, ahah 

das? bas 028200 ANOTO MNS MO ab ot botqmeria yeat 8. ORM Ola 

mci ‘hesd evad b uote atasbos ed xoxit 9 ont ban Wormots A ai ptaed amt 

— tolteene ‘on od ase oxoatt nyaitoom soe aw anime Srdesith : 

a te Veceuenn ae oubusto og afisk Lqu0e %e Bh ak: Laget ond feede, 

is Lays 

ed} “ot xdamee siiascacy bus isteel « at egritosm ‘bod ——— 

“in wu cout so9m0q viis te dosent on 1 hexsorat than : 
eatwibiito x0 eunsye'tredad tuoda be notes was mitrhg ore it . 

Ny re x ai he ; ye ; ' 43 Rohte 
ry eft Ber le r to Sarl A PRES al : bo & ote se Pit we Saar High 


te Lacvosth out nd ebowst ‘ist ot Hig tt a a eed pies 

osiaagre od Paige a eves OMALOW baa Alin nid ot aalineges, Lod s. 

Re ehow s a ‘x0 eégitte xostd te eek 7 ts r 

Bee Sw'twad ‘a ous'tLew moauoe xboais _ aettommxg, Te gn oety 

won teutd so Asiw tuaonco Leia ‘sheds Yo i924 bag 100 ys, 2 

vam, toarsm00 w bawod son ub ban Rn or went and ) 

ROR Ea Sa 
mnt AN 

with or without cause, They have the right to a free and open market 
in which te dispose of their labor," There is some evidence tending 
to show that this right ie peacefully asseuble was unduly interfered 
with by the State's Attorney and the police officers, but there is 
mo evidence in the record that tends to shew that the State's Ate. 
torney or the pelice officers under his charge were acting from 
ulterior motives, but on the contrary the overwhelming weight of the 
evidence is to the effect that what was dome in this respect was 
setuated by the belief that it was for the best interest of the come 
munity and fer the maintenance of law and order, 

It further appears from all the evidence in the record that 
what the State's Attorney said and did toward the unien men transe 
ferring their menberships from lecal unions to the International 
Union was solely beeause he was of epinion that this would benefit 
the men employed in their several occupations and tend to promote 
jaw and order in the community. There is no suggestion to the con- 
trary found in the brief of counsel for complainants, "Aes a general 
rule, equity will not enjoin the exercise of police power given by 
law to the officers of a municipal corporation, or interfere with the 
public duties of any of the departmente of government, or restrain 
proceedings in a eriminal matter,” i o Pub Sto) oh. ¥ 
NeCiaughry, 148 Ill. 372-330, But where a public official aets 
from faudulent and malicious motives arbitrarily and without justi- 
fication, a court of equity will enjoin such illegal atts to prevent 
irreparable injury or a multiplicity of suite. Garter City of 
Ghieago, 87 111, 283; 
111. 572. "'by irreparably injury is not meant that the injury is 

beyend the possibility ef repair by money compensation, but it must 
be of auch a nature that no fair and reasonable redress may be had 

in a court of law and that to refuse the injunction woulda be a denial 

of justice.’ Delux Motor Co. v, Dever, 252 I1l. App. 165. 

ie oe ae ae ee 


soaltim uono bae cott # oF tHgit ont eva yodT  easac Puoddiw ao débw 
gaibaed sonehive emoe af oxedt *.todal tient to saoqeth of ‘to Baw ar 
hoeeteesat qiobaw aew eldoesaa yliatteoesd af aeigtt stad Sadt wode o¢ 
at ersdd gud letoo tts vokfog ef? bme yorrrot sa atatade SH yd afte 
“ata w'eded® only ast woda of ‘abaed add Htoeot ott HP eonbbive da 
ort axitoa otew sgtads atd tobty wrooltro eotfeg aad Ye yemeet 
ond Yo tifgiow galalsdeteve edt ytatiaes ot no tad ynoviton ibility 
dav gouges ela at emo eav tadw tadt tés'Tts od 6d Of ethete 
“woo odd 26 feotw snk ted oft so? saw Th salt tiiod wAy ys Nedaeie 
weft fos wel to songuetiiad vd ‘tot ‘pia ytiaes 
fads Dower ents al eomebivs odd Lin wove weasqga “eeddtat #8? 84 bad 
acnwed tom uotew odd boned BLD Sud blew yoardsta dModays sad viii 
Iaaeitecsetal odd of acoine Level sort aqtderedeem ahead gabedet 
#tened bLuow atid add aotatee ‘to vaw od Wadsosd YieLow sew weRRU 
efomexg o¢ bast ban eagitaqwaoo Latevee teat at aammanlomniioe 
Anos Sed of wottueggue ot ef event ge iaiatmes SHY af o Bae 
isting e eA” ,adcmutetgiion “t0t foamed Ye Yeidd ext? dn "hasot Senile 
W aevly owe sotfog to Sulorexe oils Htetdo fon EttW Yvihips \ fib 
ocf dtie sustxetak to | MoktetogT6e taqtetrida & to atesiTid smd of as 
ftexteast to ,taemre voy to anneal dit “to une ‘to aoreuh oftdiig 
" | tit "exon lenuner lalsloripepeins ) 

‘attaut Iwodtiw bas YLivertidxe whet tod eeihattie eprepens 1% caus" 
ten os atee dege Lit sone uiotue Lfiw oeund ‘te sina ‘ys 

WAS yids Med Ly sium Mout os 9 te 
ek yrhat ents teat tangw tou ak wiht eideteqot 
pene th tut jwolssectegnios YSnon yo Hager Te eth tec ten ind Sinaguis 
bud od ‘a avethot eideaedest bee thet om eh ayeln woe | 

In the instant case the State's Attorney is clothed with a 
broed discretion in performing the duties of his office, and courts 
of equity will not, except in s very plain case of arbitrary abuse, 
interfere with cuch discretion, “+n Garter v, City of Chicago, 57 
Ill, 283, the court, speaking by Mr. Justice MeAllister, said (p. 288): 
"The question for decision is not whether a court of equity will in- 
terfere with the exercise within ite proper limite, of a publie 
political power vested in the city, which necessarily involves the 
largest discretion; but whether in the ease of a plain departure 
from the sower which the low has vested in it, and from fraudulent 
end malicious motives, it is, by the use of property which it holds 
in trust for the benefit of the public, about te do an irreparable 
injury to the property of individuals, a court of equity will in- 
tervene to prevent such injury." 

In Delaney v, Flood, 183 §. ¥, 323, the court of appeals of 
Hew York, in reversing an injunctional order whereby a police 
captain of New York City was enjoined, said (p, 329): “Such a 
situation as is presented in the case at bar is one which, in its 
very nature, cannot be adequately dealt with by a court of equity. 
What might be a trespass at one instant of time may be a perfectly 
justifiable and necessary act at another,* 

Upon a consideration of all the evidence in the record it is 
@lear that there were no freudulent or malicious motives on the part 
of the State's Attorney or of the other defendants; that the law 
Placed a large discretion in the defendants with which a court of 
equity will net interfere, 

The deeree of the Superior court of Cook county is affirmed, 


MeSurely and Matchett, JJ,, concur, 

bw becttoke af youtoted storare eat oes tnetead edad» (4 9) py 
 sttoe bax oor wir Yo ee tteh alt guberto'teeg ah nolteroath Anon, 
(sede YIetIidte te sees siaig ytovie wh tgsone ,ton Iftw yttope.te, 
we: to t aettaS at snotteroets signe ithe one taeda 
$(888 ,¢) hiteo- sperwtin case vobta tk yd gatdseqs.,diusoo sf? .,f8R) 511. 
oak Like Yshays Yo fumoo # saddesw toa ek aokshooh tat .nolteoup gate . 
aiideye # lo ,ottett weqorq ath abitiw or hovexe odd 3 bw erottet 
act aaviovat ylivesessen doltdw ,ytio ed? nt. bodeo rowed fantitiog. | 
- patittegos Atala @ Yo cane ond nd wodtodw Jud. pmeltonpedh seognad, 
fasivbuatt mort bee (ek at bedver aed wal oft: delde te¥Og , 

-ai ILiw — te tance & jelewhivibat to stroman sial' i wha 
*vexubat doom, sonoma etm 19) 

esos dese) tn manied meee = 
di ot dott ome ak tad te wane anit ad, bednenorg wt em mohseudt 

gi t) Bievet odF Kt soMMbive ef the to sntaucveds tame * a9 roles . 
sissy oes we govidou auotetlan to tee dubwett on ote gtedd 4 ‘ ii 
Neat Sls Sea GAtaChaR OD ehatooeds tome gowres CAphodadl 

to Pteoo @ dy lity iio atmedostoh edd af modtotoads sgtal ab 
BO A SON tO an, tt LE oe lal eh ei A | 

soar al Yass dood Te Fxmos: rotsequa edt Le wetveb eathes a 
omaeshieal bir yee i i Pe jae hee eee - ii ee ea Pig de ky Fare. oak Y pe adeeisias a 

un b 4 ih 
i ” ah Diath. AS a ee eaeetan cage e Fk i 




vo, § 

L. 0, THIEN, trading as : 

war tant. 279 LA. 630) 


Plaintiff breught suit to recover compensation for services 
rendered defendant, claiming that defendant promised to pay hin 
$500; upon trial by the court judgment was for $349, from whieh de- 
fendant appeals. 

Defendant admite employing plaintiff but saya tuat the come 
pensation was not named, Plaintiff testified to a promise by de- 
fendant to pay him $500, 

Defendant testified that he was in business in Ghicage, 
leeating and representing heirs with regard to their inheritance. 

On his impressive letterhead his business is stated as “Inter. 
mational Law and Panking Exchange,” with offices or connections in 
many of the prominent cities in the United States. He desired to 
gecure a power of attorney from Geowge Kasidigonis authorizing de- 
fendant to act in connection with some interest Aasidigonis had in 
ah estate in California, 

Hugo Sehmidt testified that he.wae asseciated with the de- 
fendant and endeavored to get George Kasidigonis to execute a power 
ef attorney for the defendant to represent him but the witness faild 
because Kasidigonis did not understand English; se then brought 
plaintiff, who speaks Gresk, te defendant, and some arrangement was 
made for plaintiff to attempt te secure the power of attorney; about 
two weeks later plaintiff brought Kasidigonis to defendant's offiee, 
where defendant explained the power of attorney and plaintiff trans- 
lated to Kasidigonis in the Greek languace, 

DP ad i ro Te | ‘i eet! i | 7 
‘ ig 1 ) 5 ees oe 
{ h f ; a fe 

- Oe Lea it 
. LR ig 
Ly 3 Set 

eelle gga ro ; Mae 
SE RMN ae et Be hc Ue 
o8V city 

eh ua 

1. | | 4 : ‘he pe ia rT 
gre Ko ‘ hus nla am 
0 GO ibid OVS wm ge Pe teak ih aay mem ‘4a, 

ene iia This 

juayp ‘te uae 


eoolvaes cy ao tanna gues 18 voo07 ot ‘tue ityuord vibiaelt ta 
LB Re tmowaee 
subst yee ot boalworg tusbas‘teb tacit pitas Lo ‘frabae tel | 


ie aioe ne. ane 
-8 siokaw mort , ase 20 enw tueaybut FaK00 ost tw feist sogu peak 

Wr ee 
Blase tae a 
es Wee TRE. 
«moo ost tant aya: ese vitdakatg ‘ant yolgms ot taba Yasbaotod hive 

ica aie ‘ 
“ob ww seiwox a of beltitess Viadmiesd “demon ‘tom aaw ott 8 fae 

| 0088 mkt waa oF Aeseng 
voyan iif) ak evoutend a aaw od feds ‘po tr ivaed i abi 

Sousa busdint siosid of prayer dw axissd gals nonordo% pen’ 

ue " F my bj Shy ques 
tegat" Bs pedace al sacataud abst basso’ tot hee! at 

: Sh Re ae Pe Ta ttt me ak py ae 
ai eaoitooanoa 10 aa0!tto daw * eyaasiont ‘sabinett Se wad ih 
es Pg. $e . Ae 
oF bextesd oii saodad bor ta ods at aot to ‘tmaknorg 10 yom 
Ye all eat yi me 

~ob gataitesdsse ainegihtan’ ogueed mort wourodsa ‘te seweg & ee 

2 RNa tated a nt ‘e Reh tae 
ae ute Sinnpeeteneh, foosedat | a Athy nobtosainos nk tos ‘ ‘i | 
‘A ‘ mA ot : ae th. ; bs Mi ve 
“sabre at adie - 

ek s 4 ) evga iy f ii phe 

“seb ond titiw beiatooses sew od pent bettisend ‘thhastoe oputt me 
; 3) part yee as ube Pan to ; ic 
wave a ofunexe oo ebnogiblens ogr08d $93 we. SLO Vas bee bas ek 
PR eee ye eM We es 
“ eLier anouut bw oat tad subsi susnetg9% od anbae toh 10" | yerer odd. + } 
_ telguord noald od rae ELy os band are bes fou bib sinogibtan i 9 ; 
spi OE ea We ee e's 
"saw inomegaeT se ‘omos has (ainsbus ted | ot * tookd axlae qe ‘ts ‘eet mtantete : 

toda jyeoretta te xeweq ont exuose of dqmotia of ines wi ® _ a 

eB Rie 55 tae 

‘sh sane walpaiate hue enon to ewe ula bowl s. 

Plaintiff testified, confirming Schmidt's testimony and 
that he had several talks with Kasidigonis, that he had spent a 
good deal of time and over $100 in an endeavor te get him to go te 
defendant's cfliee; that when they met at the oifice plaintiff ex. 
plained the power of attorey to Lasidigonis in Greek; plaintiff 
geaid that at first Kasidigonis did not want to sign the papers; that 
then defendant whispered to piaintifi that if he would get nim to 
Wign the power of attorney he would pay plaintiff $500; that plain- 
tiff succeeded in persuading Kasidigonis to sign the papers; that 
defendant has not paid im anything Jor his wexvigea. There is a 
letter in the record written by defendant te plaintiff in whieh a 
remittance for the services is promised just as scon as defendant 
receives his fee from California, | 

Defendait's testimeny confirms the testimony of the other 
Witnesses except that he denies he ever whispered to plaintiff that 
he would pay him #500; defendant says, in effect, that no auiount of 
compensation for plaintiff's services was mesitioned, and in defend- 
ant's opinion the services rendered by plaintiff were worth about 

Defendant's fee for representing George Kasidigonis in the 
estate matter was $693; the trial court awarded plaintiff? one-half 
this amount, This award was intiuenced by the critical attitude of 
the triai court toward what he thought to be the practice of iaw by 
defendant, who was not a licensed attorney. However justified may 
have been the strictures of the court, the conduct ef defendant is 
hardly sufficient grounds for compeliing him te divide his fees with 

The services of plaintiff were obtained because of the fact 
that ne could speak beth English and Greek and could act as an in- 
terpreter between defendant and Kasidigonis, whe spoke no English, 
He is entitled to receive fair compensation for his services, to- 

gether with any expenses incurred by him in the matter. Ne testified 

has yaoultesd a! sbimiok gtherktaoe ,boitieees Byers rn 
a ¢ueqe bei aii sasid thaogibieak aisiw milad Lecevee bad od sect 
of 5 ‘ot mis tog od 1ovnobas ae al OOL} seve bas omid to Leoh booa 
=k@ Tildaisig seitio ett sa ten cons soci dads. eee Ame te | 
: ‘Mhtatela piseto ak aidogibiasd ot ye aresaa ‘to aewoq on? soalalg 
feud :eteqeq oo? myle of fnew goa bd siaoghbieak saxit ge tad? bias 
of makes 223 hivew esi te sacs Wrdeahelg os shh igre  daabae Pr pden nf 
nthe te sasid ;G08¢ thitaleLe we ‘biaew ol yomosia to tewog odt agte 
_ pags jatsgeg ace opie of sinogtbiask. gulbaperteg uh! bobebbous ‘his 
o ah ox0eal .eeghvaoe eld cot patdsyas mid bleg tou wat jute XO 
2 dpi at Tiiduele of @nobew'teb yd wesd law brevet oie ah cedte 
tnabmeteb es mooe as iuut beslmorg al eeoiviean ede t6t ont a 
slmotticd ava't eet ebit aovieoet 
aerito ond. to. ynost teed odd eurt ieee yatouidads 6! dmb tea?! 006 T 
feds Ttigniet¢ of beregeldw weve ef colnsh od Jad Jdqeuxs sonuendiw 
to fauese o@ dade ,sooKle at ,eyee Pashadteb ,008 mht yag bivow of 
-hisiteb ak bas ,benolinem aay aegivies a Thisatelg t0? Aol tecne qnes 
tueda Agtow erew ititaladg qd bershaot sonivase ot aokutqe agate 
A winnkbnt pas J . (; volt pabies® bie ok Coaagl 
edd at elnogibiesd og7098 gaitassatqer sot vet ea tnahasted (© vite 
Risd-ono Tiivaielg behiewe xv Lotxd eds {800$ Kaw redtan otstee 
te @hetivds iaoitino eld yd heoweultat eet draws etal s¢mgome eka? 
Yd wel to golseery edt od of siguodd on Jeu Suawos Jines Leltd oat 
ou betlices!, sevewol swumnerte hee teeht. & doa naw ocr yinabnetob 
ad tushsy'teh 20 doubace odd ,¢1meo orld Yo wottoltre ‘oui wood overt 
ddiw aout aha odivie of wid yubiiognes o't wbasday: dnote tree tind 
rig ! OY evinutete 
deck esid Lo anueced Somdatde s1ew ‘Thivnieiq ‘vo esetvise eat!) ?!’ 
<n, 2 a6 foe bineo Buc xbe1® baw dul ignt Wed wesee ‘hives Oi sath 
 inLignt ea odoqe os yalauyi bless ban susbds'teb nosweod retererey 
ei 08 «Beolyioe aid 19% soideanequoo thet ovisost of pels hone aor 

bertisans oH .tedtom odd ot wish yd bowaick ae . 

that he had spent $100 in seeuring Kasidigonis' consent to the 
execution of the power of attorney. This seems a large sum, 

In view of the amount of defendant's fees in connection 
with the Califomia matter, we are of the opinion that $150 would 
be ample compensation to cover plaintiff's expenses and services, 

The judgment will therefore be reversed and judgment ene 
tered in this court fer plaintiff for $150. Each party to stand 
his own costs of this appeal, 


O'Connor, P. J,, and Matchett, J., concur, 

Oe Beek Re aad es. at eee ee 



* pian nei tae pe 8 
e i a a ott not | ie 

Te LALO Ba Yay 

a ee ewes .neetyicaw edat eed Qaksityae ae oem? toe want 
& dedi mb Si tewsnde oh oie he ey (desler ele pia?) t ® 
“tomes Sy ‘Baw St 

tii ie! Bs mote en feet sows wf weed roe evegiro 
si Pinwheel apeinet ae 

ear wad ee Mo ee a oot ‘ae ea aa id bash 


yal enh ries ii 

Sens Veleiiete wi beceqeicw teva oe ae tiph wet wil dina 
io tupeme oh dete, doe She Mig eyes Cpe et oe 

ite tet. ob bee ,Soae te wea aon nes ivaes ao Reebety: “are 

freddy en whee Pid uledg 4d) AerAbae€ roa ole 
1 i mn 

eis vd ER eeysiidess wgowes puidtvedenan’ at oa tat 
Raion Sei Ag See tee aa oe ae: pauee 

Pi: tt hae dehiwhee owes oe hase i Seat iad hat 

‘ol Hee hk Goheawtig eee ed aa deigiart cad esti: iy 
Yee Deh ye: oy Qa 6 oars seo hl ii 

MR ea ok a YEE I Se Lb wre Hen 

bortrs wos av tedden arid ee a 1s ae otis ‘ 


37901 arm ihe es 
Appellant, )} 
HENRY P, KNIGHT, ‘Wier’ © vee a, las apes 
Appellee.  ) 2 a 1 iiee O 3 0 


Plsintiff was struck end injured by an sutomobile belonging 
to and driven by defendant; she brought suit for dawages and upon 
trial the jury acquitted the defendant; plaintilf appeals from the 
Judgement that she take nothing, 

Counsel Tor defendant raises certain points ef practice 
Yelating to the bill of exceptions, motion for new trial, objections 
to instructions, ete, The claim is made that plaintiff has net 
properly preserved for review the questions raised by her and has 
not complied with the provisions of the old Practice act or the new 
Practice act whieh went inte force January 1, 1954, We do not care 
te discuss these points bat prefer to consider this case in the 
spirit of section 4 ef the new civil Practice act, which provides 
that cases should be considered and determined according to the 
Substantive rights of the parties, 

Plaintiff says the verdict of the jury is againet the mani- 
fest weight of the evidence, ‘he aecident happened about one o'clock 
in the morning of August 14, 1932, on U, 5 route Ko, 41, at a point 
in ieke county, in the vicinity of Waukegan, and in the region gene 
@raliy known as the Skokie Valley. Highway Ne. 41 runs north and 
south, with an 18 foot concrete pavement and 6 foot shoulders, 

Plaintiif and her husband were going south in thelr automo. 

bile from Kenosha, Wiseonsin, to their home in Waukegan, Ill ineis. 

Following them was another automobile driven by Albert Svoboda, 
accompanied by two young ladies; although it wae a bright moonlight 
Right there was some fog, intermittent but dense in spete; Svoboda'ts 

eo ipe 

_ «XEayeo 2009 1 

“080 Axess 

»PAUOD BHR 40 tOTKIso a canayLaan ‘yaanveow < ora ne nati 

giinaolad elitewtun ae yd borwlai baie deorte sew Trisate ld * Lad 
noqu his wegauph rot tive ddgwotd ode si uehae teh yd ‘wort sabe 
aay mot) aleeqds Viltmtely jtashosteb oat besttapos yah on? tobe 
galdton odet esa tard toomabe 

oot tour ‘to aguioq abédtoe soalex ‘fas bas'ted ‘tok Doodived° OTs 
anigitostdo ,isits woa rot apitem ,anoliqeexe to Lild edi oF gaidalen 
tom aoe Liltaledg tect sbam al awtelo off .o¢o wenottountenk ob ‘ 

ae bits xen yd heotex sadelveeup ed? welvet 10t bevreseta viteqote 
wen efi te tox eolioetl ble ead to anolalvorg eds déliw bottaweo on j 
ates fom oh oY S801 ,f yiswiet eetot otal danew sig dete tos ook’ 

= a ee. 

odd af ewan etd? tobiemes of te tet ted atukeg ovesdt 
esbiverq sotdw ,i96 sattosti Livis wen ent to b aoktoos te 

eit of gukitosos SealiwtestsS baa beteblanoo of bivedta aseco tat : 
.colttcg od? to strigit visas: | 

ainea $03 daninge 1 vent edd to soletev edt eyse TWiitalelt — | 
Moolo'o ano ¢uode hemsceatt teedhteve eft .eeapbive sx? to tiigiew a 
taieag a ‘te it .o% etwot ,8 .U ao , SSCL , df tanguA to sxhieien idk ek 
=Gep molget ed? «ai bas ,aegodue® to yeiaioly edd ak vetawoo tell : 
fas fidtonm anus [5 of yaweg ih «witav eidods ons as som A be ° : 
,etehivedia tou'l & fre tneueweq stetomon soot 6L me | rs 

-omotwe tledt af mivoa gaiey exew hosdewd wed bas Tridatest pares 
 yetomi tit ,anyetwa® ai emod thes of ,alenooal® adaeaek o% | y 
__ yehedovti txodla yd aevixd efidemosue toasone ecw modt y we 
- $2 tn008 doylxd a saw th oguodtte ~nethiL gawoy owt ut st 
v et abodove jesvoqe mi ezmeh sud ermte amet Bot ome er 61 

ear bumped into the rear of the Preston car and the Svoboda car 
turned over, at an angle, into the north bound traffic lane; the 
Preston csr ran on for about 100 feet, and plaintiff and her 
hueband went back to the Svoboda car to investigate. One of the 
young ladies in the Svoboda car, Kies Hornik, was lying south ef 
and alongside the upturned car, a little stunned; vlaintiff says 
she sat down on the readway and took Mise Hornik's head in her lap; 
while she was in this position deYendant's car, eoming from the 
south, struck her, inflicting serious injuries, 

the defendant with Kies Peterson, his secretery, after a 
downtown business session and dinner with proepective clients, 
gterted northward toward Miss Peterson's home; defendant suggeest od 
that as it wae a pleasant evening they take a farther ride; they drove 
north on Sheridan road through Bvanston and Wilmette, cutting over 
west, reaching the highvay known as Ne, 41; they proceeded north on 
this route and ran into several wisps of fog; defendant proceeded 
morthvrard, intending to turn eastward on & eroes-road running toward 
Sheridan rosd; the two headlights on defendant's car were burning 
brightly; there was also a spot light; the glare of the lights and 
of cars coming southward reflected on the particles of fog making it 
agifficult to see shead; his car was moving about fifteen miles an hour. 

tir, Preston testified that after the collision with the 
Svoboda car he went southward to flag cars approaching from the south 
and flagged defendant's car, Defendant testified that he did not see 
him. The headlights of the parked Preston ear headed south cave a 
blinding effect to the foggy atmosphere, concealing the Svoboda car 
behind it; defendant's car at this time was coins about five miles 
an hour - very slowly - when suddenly defendant saw plaintiff sitting 
in the north bound traffic lane directly in front of his car; his car 
stopped imucdiately after striking plaintiff, 

two shodove od? baw tao aoteowt ext Yo smn oe obmk Doqmad sta 
oc yened sitiwed bawod déron oni ofat ,elgan oe te , rove beaend | 

tot bite Tiidwletg bas ,#vet Cos tvode Tol a9 sex to motnerd 
©) gee Yo-oe Ledagi¢uevad et sos abodove dd? SF Yoon putea 
Ye S8s0a piel exw ,dhoxol asi ,teo abodové ont af vohbak amy 
ayas Titatela jbonnvte eLts2L w ,xeo Bearetgy OMe obingacte ban } 
Reh test at baer a! alerted aah Aad, dan wrens, ast so mvob tea ote 
| Set aoxt yalmog , tao a'inebneteh moltinog atsig aud sam oul ether 
- - etelawiat awelies goitel fin ,19¢ Jowtte aoe 
o tefte .ytetetosa ali ,aoetetet aati pttw doebaateh O28 » vin. yh ‘ 
. sataetf{o evisorqsotg déiv x9s0tb bas solesee crentayd awed nee 4 | 
_ Botaogyen tnadeeteh jemod a! asatetel eel brawot: brandirom bedtae BY 
evetb yad? jebix sedttet « oxet yedd gatnove dnsasela spew Dh eg tet 
tevo piidtnn ,sttemliW hae sotenavh dgvotdt baot aablasdt aia , 
fo ddtom hobssoorg yadt ;£) .o! ap awondl yamighd ant Pn | 
_behossera Janbustes j;30% to aqalw tetoves o¢mt MOK DM, B 
brawet gatcurs bagt-sacto « no brantase mut of anthapsat oh (all 
antarsd o19y tao, a’ subi ted me addy tthnest owt ox, shgon nahiatae 
bas etiigil oss 20 stely ead pds teqa « opts, Bae. 92ONE jay ; 
#2 galas got to wefotitay oft a0 mura Y De 

at itiw aeted {too esis wot pact he Rustnad, tio a hiss ae i 
isuoe ac? sort gatdepotoge stao gelt of baswigaoa, goa oct ane abedey® 
goa jon bth ost tect helttiast dasha ted » .apo, a! inelneaparesterl 

a ovey Atuoe bobeod ws, motesat ‘ones est in etdgl, 

satin vit tuotie lei mew omit “ +8 tne > alennbeoan tt} ahaad 
sats. Yisgntels wea tashavleh ylaobbue apse.» = eEmOke HOY = woM | 
: 80 Ee mae, ata To, taoet wd yfioorts saat piThetg <_< : 
| a ane aahidaite aA, Lotath 6 

; <4 j os ee ve ere rs et a 
i fe ee Be TV hh oe ee Sa ERB ae sh. iy eho 

There was sufficient evidence to justify the conclusion that 
the fog obstructed the defendant's vision. Some of the witnesses 
described the fog as “pea-soupy"; others, as “very dense." Svoboda 
testified that if it had not been for the fog he could have seen the 
tail light of the Preston car s long way ahead but that on account 
ef the fog he did not see it until he was 25 feet away. 

Although there are some variations in the testimony of the 
witnesses, the jury could properly conclude that defendant, under the 
circumstances, was free from any negligence, and that the sole cause 
ef the accident was the fact that plaintiff placed herself in the 
line of north bound traffie where she ran the hazard of being struck 
by north bound vehicles; that defendant was driving slowly end on 
account of the fog did not see plaintiff until too late to avoid strike 
ing her. 

Plaintiff conpliains of the instructions given at the request 
of defendant, The instructions criticized are not set out in the 
brief. Only stray sentences, disconnected from the body of the ine 
structions, are quoted, “Instructions of which complaint is made 
should be set out in full, followed by definite and clear reasons 
supporting the alleged errors incident thereto.” (General Platers 
is, 228 IL]. App> 201, 

The brief on behalf of plaintiff states in general terms 
that there were an undue number of instructions given on behalf of 
the defendant concluding with the phrase, “you must find the defend. 
ant not guilty,” or similar phrases, As only these phrases are set 
forth in the brief we do not knew in what connection they are used. 
We must assume in the absence of any claim to the contrary that the 
instructions containing these criticized words correctly stated the 
law, While the practice of giying an undue number ef instructions 

fest woleutonde wit YYIant ws conobive Yuet tte aaw exeae (Gd teh 
aoceontiy ant “ty snot cmbtely @'tneline lob ond bode vttade wot wih 1 
ghovove “.eennh vrev" as petetito 7" yqwee—edog” Ua gol ont ‘hed deoees! 
ast node evel Dice it agt City Tot dood ton ben OF U2 wand BeRTAONEN 
iagcose ‘ao tan? gud Seeds yew gntol # Yee notdors and “Ko Voight Lee | 
Nawa toot 88 dow oa fitew FP sew ton BEN “eat ‘got wile ~~ 
edt Yo ystomitaes ott at Woolfelyey wade ote wierd Weed Ee?’ ooo le 4 
ond tohal ,fishm'teh Jods Obilonge Ylrouotd Blade Ytnt odd eeveeai — 
ganas ofoe ont fadt bas jeoteghigedt vad mort sert eewW ,eoonitdaathe — 
eit} ni “trosxed bodsre Yisiatalg dott toe? ond wow 'daebivee oad . = ; 
dowtta gnted ‘to biesed edd ont ode otedw ofYtoxd Bawed torent weit f 
dio fiw qtwole gaivixs dew toeas IOS sadd ; eoLobder haved uMdie: 4 
Hida pbéve of o¢ei oof Lidan Ttisatelq ooe toa bb got wat t6% awe . 
dah) wos gna ; 
faoupot o8F te aovig anoltontiank of} to talalquoe Tebtatatteier wr Ly 
oii at tuo dee Jor oe hontuttize enottounent! ont” Lenantotehrtee 
a eit “to ybod end mott basovancorth ,edanesmee Yorte’ ‘gtet alt 
eben oh srlaiquos sointw te tnottoitteal™ (nereuoxahyemebielelee 
Shoeset taeto pao athaiteh yo bowolket .tov't ab tie idheiinaniil 
eee ema) * esoteds tashitoakt arorte vhomateseoie oe ae 

- emeed fevoney of eetaze Ttiatelo Ye er ne roies oat sna | 


tee’ axe betty evaxty ¢Khe aA .eouately ere rial ee 

a tig 

phew e1a Yes? SoLioonios Fade si Wott Fat ob ow woikuch eatk it itis ’ 

“ pNd Ferd YxwTEMoo ou? Of siketo Yu Yo voMDede ext nh oumans tar ) 
“od befura ykvverton ebrow SoskoLtiio exe? gatalsitnon exobten 
© que tgounden ‘to soir wind it saan ami sa 
| Bee ES ous | 

298, yet we do not find any case in which the judgment has been ree 
Versed solely because a number of instruetions have been given which 
goncluded with the phrase mentioned. In Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co. 
¥. Chicago Rys. Co., 309 Ill. 346, it was held that where the in- 
structions correctly state the law, any repetition which exists does 
not constitute ground for reversal. 

The only instruction which plaintiff says does not eorrectly 
state the law is defendant's given instruction No, 4. Plaintiff pre- 
sents only disconnected sentences from the instruction instead of 
setting forth the instruction in full, Hewever, we have exauined it 
and are of the opinion that it is proper, It sets forth defendant's 
theory of the case: that if defendant was driving through the fog 
at a slow rate of speed and used such care as an ordinarily prudent 
person would have used to avoid the accident, and nevertuelesa his 
ear came in contact with the plaintiff, but not through any negli- 
gence or wilful and wanton conduct of the defendant, he should be 
found not guilty, Plaintiff claims that the inatruction omitted the 
fact that Preston attempted to warn the defendant, and aleo the facet 
of the presence of cars, lights and people at the seene of the col- 
lision. Defendant testified that he did mot see Preston or notice 
any attempt to flag or signal his car, Defendant was not bound te 
incorporate in his inetruetion the evidence on behalf of the plain- 
tiff, It is not necessary in an instruction to eabedy in it an an- 
tagonistie theory. As was said in City of Chicago v. Sehuidt, Adm'x, 
107 Ill. 186, “any attempt to embody in one instruction all the 
hypothetical elements contained in the distinct and necessarily 
opposing views, would make the veriest nensense," ‘fo the same effect 
aré Dunn vy, Crichfield, 214 Ill, 292, and Spengler y. Biger, 285 111. 
App. 322, 

Plaintiff says that instruction No, 4 assumes that “when the - 
defendant saw the nleintiff he put on his brakes." Inasmuch as this 

2 7 

“ot aood asi daemabst eds He isi ak paeo oe att, tae. oh aw toy ees 
“to kaw aovis need ovas anettoungant to tedaya « eevaced. YieLoa peater 
a) & #2008 .olskS ,nomsed ot ,benottmem onetde oat aviv bebwtoneo 
“ok od orede ted? bled saw tt ane £40 208 «+90_.00i oped 4 
aech etaixe soldw solsiveqss yas , WAL edt otete YLtoatro9 anoitownte — 
gai -Aaarover Tek haxora eauthtegge ae 

Utosttoe fon ant ayes WLtmiaka otdw aoiteuttant vino sat a: 
21g Vibdabess > ol soisourdent nevig alinsbasteh ef wot adt onl 
: te bastani solsoutdams sad moth esonetnoen beteennooa th vino ataes 
tk bonkasxs evosd ow To vawo# -{iwt af noltouttent edt dtzet gaksieg 
a dnahon’toh doze aves ti toqotg ak zk tary aotatge odd to ore bas a 
"gst eid dyuorssd gaivinh sew jnshagtob ‘ti todd i988D oe | 
: duebarea vistantbas as 86 Sts9 dove herw bas beoga to stat voles. 38 
ald eeslosteroa bas ,taobieos ord bhove ot beew eved bLu0w, BOCTRE 
~Ligen yas sigo td ton aud sttivniely esd dite soetnoo at ous THs 
od biuoda ssi .daabae teb ont to Fouhaog aatisy bas, Lotitw ce soy 
said bead hue aoitourdeat exid todd emiefo ttttatess pet tive, fon, boxed 
fost euls oals bw , Fonbas 2eh els mzew of hoteretis aetaett. todd tom 
-fos ould to ennoe end te efeooq bem atdgtt (,%tao Te sosenetq ond te 
eotsen 70 neseerd ~~ goa hib ocf secs bekiiseed. taahae te | Cs ae 
ot bawod tou aaw tna x0 206 hot AAA, donate to nal of squette ome 
~ale ia og to ‘tiated mo sonbhive et nottourtemt ald ot eteroqtosmh — 
-ne o@ di al yhodme of noitouaseat as Ah YRanesoes, ton aldi ,tthe 
x! wha tbiasiod voasoidd to y320 at bisa sew eA  .xxeedt, ohtninogas, 
| ost iis aoksousdenk aco at qbodan ot squotie yas" PAA, boll 
 eitasagoen ban Aeaktatb oat ai be nla? ao9 (boasmete . 
sootto eawe died 7. 

ene site tacts somuans » -oid easteastnas tat awe. Tha, 
erst es somment " osard ahs me ag, of. Pttajete, pad. 


fact was established by the uncontroverted evidence it was not error 
to state it in tse instruction. Martens v, Public Service vo, of 

Horthern Lilinois, 219 111. App. 160; Gerke v, Fancher, 158 112. 375; 
538 Ill. 347, 

the verdict Was not sagainet the mianifest weight of the 
evidence and there were no reversible errors upon the triel. The 

judgment is therefore affirmed, 

O'Conner, P. J., and Hatchett, J., concur, 


On cond may Gutta), wah ite Leek td Oman Tae oye het say gg fovy, aes 
ceeateatad ny, MeN TRTREE ORNL. BA. WF DARA EEU EMO 

ade to $itg tow baad oul featese, ton war FORDEY, 9B coos an 
<A phghad eat womw wrosne, odd OF SPEC Mi OOM 
swt ay weatihas uh an agolieansens op DOME | ‘ 

ti bonksems Oye ow yreveweR . tint af aptopertnat, walt es sade 
yi Plu the soot Stee =] supa, 4b (840K 98H, be) AB oS y s 
on; ait. dyamnd awivixd owe dnehse Toh tz Fase Seger, wae) 
Cietastg. yistanibte oe a sig) Meee bene Asse bene % oten.: 
ein omploctieren bur ,taehioos #2 Above of Sent avadt | 
nhignm Yew mywowit ton fit ,Ridataty ext eke Seaham 
ed Sivode sai ,timha ted act tg Deupmoe ca ce fet i 

bid hott huw hoisiaitiend ood Fae woinke TRbs he eS anne 
gout off gala tom ,fuchon tes wt eer of hoters tte, aetegn 
alee aif LO Soeey 4% 2@ eigoeqg bax mhag hs 1780, Io ae 
iin hbace be odney a8 ton ach oot dem hak: isin’ togho Ree ap 
er faved dan aew fombiy tet «ty ate Aa af noth st, aa 
were eae le Lies Be wucehive rhe bint eae oat ahd wk a vae 
oe cm Oh 4k ebodwem bd ae dtosakiond ad ub CRA aR a, Sait wht Sha 
ange “oO x aE MERA DKaRS ot ae cae ih sont 


aul We Me Oe ae ee eae te oO gis Sty, id Eh Salada ** } 
eliteseaens ban Vonle uhh wiht Ad, harshest sim aay, aun? 

deakia once ond oP nenscega deodeee get, eae koe 

“ rea) 

AEE OR eee, at Redan mw RUE AS BF old 

ra ole awe 

star ft; sc jaut ahmntie b oh mo hdeaatems eet mM 
nee op sp toad * nonid ohh om tame we tdda be ti 

Dy Gi stietee ieee 







Appellants, ) 

279 1.A.630° 


This is an appeal from a decree entered in a foreclosure 
auit. Bill vas filed to foreclose a deed of trust executed by 
defendants Dernard Belakiewiez and Kese Selakiewiez, his wife, 
to Jezef Belakiewicz, trustee, to secure their note, dated Sep- 
tenber 21, 1928, for }5000, payable to bearer at the rate of 350 
a month fer seventy succeeding months, final payment of $250 falie 
ing due September 1, 1936. Certain installwents having fallen due 
and remaining unpaid, the entire ameunt was declared due and the 
bill to foreclose was filed; reference was had to a manter who re- 
ported, recomuending a deerce, The note recited that the instell- 
ments due should be paid in gold evin of the United States of stané- 
ard weight and fineness, Defendants, by various answers, sought te 
present the defense that there was an agreement tnaat these install- 
ments could be paid through another medium, namely, board and lodging, 

Defendants argue that the recerd shows that on er sbout 
August 12, 1928, Jozef Belakiewica and Frances, his wife, decided 
to distribute their preperty among their children; that pursuant to 
this they conveyod to Bernard Belakiewiez and Rese the premises 
herein involved, taking back in part payment the $5000 note secured 
by the trust deed in question, They say they were not allowed te 
show that there was an agreement whereby Jozef? and his wife should 
make their tome with their son Bernard and his wife, for which the | 
latter were to reeeive as a credit upon their note $50 a month, rep- 
resenting the beard ond keep of Jozef and his wife, Upenm the death 

of either of them the survivor was still to continue to beard with 

OF DigPOMRLORGA hicotae eur Poet 
. * Eee acs 
}. 98: 2&8 etateond 

be me ‘ ee te a #9, nied abs SI 
relent : 2 

0 £0 yay i v y' = plea Bags th etet bn aus 

TAVOD SWE XO AOTUIGD HT aaa VEC VuKAgom : morte een 2. ae 
{ i et ol 

etueeioetol wo as hers ue eetoeh « sont Iseqga sm ef, what », cw ehyt 
yd Betioexe Jeuxd ‘te boob w saolowre't e¢ bell? sav fine tion : 
q ,@hiw ain ,woiweldelod sao bas solwolialeS bisented neuehusob | 
| =q0& betah ,ofon tieds stugea of ,oadaute aoiwel delet ‘Wack. ot 
O8¢ to ogsx edt tu tetmod of oldeyeq ,00086 tot , Sher AS Reegert 
wiigt O88% te taemyeq isat't ead now gutbeavona Yiaoyor tot stom 8 
oubh ceiiet guivead stiewllajeai ataitod§ .d8eL ,f£ rode tqa8 a ae 
eit baa eub botetooh eaw tasom etistae ond ,blagay antatem baa 
| -9% ofw xsgaam «2 of bad aaw Sounrstet ; helt sew ssolpexot of 3 
a effeteni end jadi betioer sion efi = .veteeb 2 Balbnomooet sdotrog 
neta to aeteie bestia edd to alos blog al blag od bLwose ou atmo 
OF Siguos ,etewene acoisev qd wade booted saaomeat't hae tgiow ed 1 

S -fistant seeds tend fapometgs na aw exadd tad? sane toh odd tneaer q 
.aatsbor as Steed ,yieusa ,suibea toitona dave tat blag od tuo at 
suede te ae sede awode brevet eff todd eugus atnshco tet 

: | bobioeds ,atiw aid ,soonatt ban xolwotiated tegot eser BE sa : 
ow teanetwe Tedd ;nethlido sled) gaomey ydroeqerg iiesdd otudinteld of | 
aoataetg es gaek bas solwelistet buaated of baye vato9 yous batt Ay 

a betupee stow 00086 edt duomysq tteq af doxd geidad vbov forth | 

oF powelle tou siew yecd ae yout ,Moltaenp ai dood de 

*  biiwoste siiw aia bas teset yderedw tao motge 8 naw exoddt 
ome dokdw rot ,atiw eid bas brsatol AOR tiodt ase percutli: 

dgnes ont ac oliw eid bas Texel To goed bats bas 

tC. | atte pusod ot eutkéads of Lilia saw tovivawa ost aad 


A 7. G a tS ; 

Bernard, who was to receive a credit of $25 a month on account of 
the note. 

The evidence shows that Jozef and his wife lived with Per- 
nard from September, 1923, until June, 1931, and $50 a month waa 
credited on the note by Jozef Belakiewier; his wife, irances, died, 
in Jume, 1951, and from that time to November, 1951, Jozef continued 
to reside with his daughter-in-law, Rose Delaciewiez, whose husband 
had died in May, 1929; Jozef gave Kose a eredit of $25 a month fer 
the time he was there, in Noveuber, 1931, Jozef ieit the some of 
his daughter-in-law Kose to live with his own daughter, Mrs, 
Ridyesys,, the complainant herein; he gave as his reason for leaving 
Rose Belakiewiez's home that he was not treated richt: that he had 
to work there with the children, and that Kose complained that as 
long as he was living with her her ewn family could net visit her; 
Jozef also said the feod was poor and the aceormedations uncomfert- 

The question is whether parol evidence of an agreement that 
the instaliments of the note might be paid in board and lodging in- 
stead of money, was admissible, I might be neted that it is hardly 
eredible that Jozef Belakiewies made any agreement which would con- 
pel him to rewain 4 boarder with his daughter-in-law under uncom- 
fortable cireumstances or else forfeit the right to demand payment 
of the installments of the note in money, 

it has been settled by many decided cases that parol evidence 
is incompetent to vary the terms of a written contract,and especially 
is thie true where the parol evidenee undertakes to change the medium 
of money payment contained in a prosissory note to something else, 
Mosher v, Rogers, 117 I11. 446; Murchie v, Peck Bros. % Co., 160 
Il. 176; Armstrong Pain sv, Gan Co,, 301 Ill. 102; Hinsdale 
State Bank v, iytle, 262 111, App. 151; Shiel_v. Chicago Title & 
trust. Go., 262 Ill. App. 410; Harmony Cafeteria Co. v. International 
‘Supply Co., 249 111. App. 532. 

‘a6 yy F. > 

Te savooos ao Miaem a 886 to tibero a eviasex of aew odw ,Sisenee 

| P | ston Mend 
tet sittw bavit e'tiw els bas ‘tezol sendt eworde sousbive ont hack 
aaw atsom # O8§ bane AE OL enw Lido fBROL ater ett 
mea paseneté ,otiw add inedveliales ‘tesot yd eton eds ao bos there 
hevaitnon ‘terol , MeL ~teduevol of amit tadd mor't baw jLE@L ont ut 
| baadawsl seas Rolwgbisiod 90K ,walaleredsiguad ote sigtw obiset of 


xe Asem a asd to shbats & @soH ovey texzet peer vent at bol pen 
te eum 4 exit ries Youot f8 0% .todaevoid al erent aay os onl 8 ie 

/ ok sts tstguab amo oka thw ovis od sees wo Lenbotatigalll anti eka 
gatyoot 3 x9 onsen ade BH oven asd jstherred “danata tance 9st ae ! 

boat esl ‘tesd italy bs boseoxs tos Raw oxi sada emas a" nolwolis ted of 

cas Oe am , 
ag tests beats Lamos es0k taut baw seth 6. out atiw ered tow af 
Set @8h Jee 

mod ttelv fon bLueo tihne’ owe n9d tos ‘eke gaivts i on an J 
. gf Siero Tee 

~sxoTmoom eapisabomooes ont hee tog ase Soot oat bine ouls- 
p Levee) aed 

Nyce Ree Om, 
Jet tromenys ag to sommbive Loter te sitesi aa setteoup oat a oe 

opie Gath nea 
ent yatgbol bow brs od at bisg od 2 aly din eten ont he staat tated ee 
£39 ae. 

etbrat ak of edd ‘boson od deig den ti eidivetnbe eaw pore ; 

ike Ses: Dae tak 4 
aoe Siuow te iow epemetge 4S sham Bo two io £08 ‘reaot tedd oid. 

‘ tag. we ch dat. ali toe 
ithe 888 ‘tebaw Me Lmitho'to di web ais Ad by twbtH08 a atews1 of ata 

oie pe hee 

snaeresg Seems od et ski skerret on te x Scone: 

la too @ ane baw tous tae nod baw s to ‘euted eas ytev pr ’ . 
: i eben gehk Pete ey tie Ee 

Sa Bs i 

eile - pabitonoe ot oton ross tnorg s ak “boutaguos tm 

pate isl 

oo: ac xiemrsapeieamiapmticae R 

AL Om, 

: atabensh ; Sor er 108 

But deiendants argue that there is an exception to this rule 
where the parol agreement has been executed and is no longer exequ- 
tory. Undoubtediy this is the rule, and the part of the agreement 
to give credit on the mote in return ior board ond ledging which has 
been accomplished is an executed matter, and complainant has meade no 
attempt to recover for these months, But such an agreement is not 
binding as to the future executory part of the note, In Levy v. 
Greenberg, 261 112, App. 541, the lesser had voluntarily made a 
verbal reduction of rent to the lessee and had accepted payment at 
the reduced figure, It was held that as te these montns the parol 
agreement was executed, but as to months for which payment had not 
been made the perol modification was executory and not binding and 
there could be a recovery in full. See also Snow v, Griesheimer, 
220 Ill. 106. 

inis rule is as applicable in duaterte of equity as in courts 
eof iaw. in Gibbons v. bressier, 6i Ili, 110, it was so held, where 
it Was sought by parol evidence te vary the terms of a written in- 
strument, Meleynolds vy, Steats, 204 Ill. 22, is not to the contrary. 
That was a case where in an attempt to release m mortgage the word 
“quiteclaim” was inadvertently used, it was held that the evident 
purpose was to releage the mortgage. 

There can be no estoppel in this case, Defeudants bernard 
and Kose Belakiewies bought the property from Jozef and Frances 
Belakiewiez, giving as part purchase money their note for $5000, 
paysble in inetallments; when the first installment fell due the 
mortgagees agreed to accept coard and lodging in lieu of cash as 
payment; the defendants had net changed their position to their dis= 
advantage by this arrangement; they already owed the notes and were 
bound to pay in money unless the mortgagee would consent to accept 
seme other medium as payment. Defendants isply a legal obligation 

ou Jozef Belakiewiez to continue living with his daughter-in-law, 


aE 2) ; it ORY 

efux els ef aoliqaoxe a ai exons se6d ougte Bd asbas eb sate 
iy wr ws ep 
“Moone tepsol of af bis Astusexe need aac J asmeet ge foreg ens oxssiw 
trenestye e83 lo stag odd dae ,oivt srlg ak aint \dbesdxonny eee, 

sedi re telw guighot han fused rol otter ms ofon sig mo tiberto cht * 


~Evad al «ston wilt ‘to ree cratnbnns tutus esl oF aa gmbh 
@ oham (itvad auto bert : oases alt ,fh8 . gad fit ABS Bait fe: 
te tiomyag hetqoous bed bag seaset edt of tant to aoitos! 

fetaq sat ectaem eaeds of on tard nied, apy ot Oy lt i oe at 
ton had Jaomyag doldw tok alt aow ot se tud »Setuoexs paw 4 be 0 

bas gatnatd son base ytetvosxe Baw a0! FHOLTL Bom forsq a an 196 ” 
; Seniedante) . wene gate 096 ,fis% at Ysevo0e7 a eq ase 

Bow ous suuatvon # wuaeion of dquodia as ak exnsy onan 4 pe ro 
toopive ont Jedt bied ame of heey sae tseypaat at, ry mt pregrcrhe 

Steqwt stoshastol .oaee aldt ait pire on» yar ae . ; 
 eeomert bao Texok art ytuogotq oft teguod setwot id or : 
« 908% tot efea theay yanom sasdotug, stag ea gatyty yoete , 
Sad Sub fot snouLtatenk sorts odd aoly (eanentiezent ab © favaq 

ea Base to wold nt gaighes bn8 biaod Aqeens | oF Ra Fg * 

ay : 3 od matt rneg theds saree. ten bas etnahos teh sd ris a 
-™ ba, sedan ons baw vbaet Le vous pioneer @ : ro a) 

tera ot saegnye binow eageys zou ous eee lay wa vane! 
ae “motteytide tages & Ylqut eggs ree aga ae be 
es "we Ante gndaigiia aad sidiw chvEr eustince ‘os eit y i 

ce ee ae nae (ops 

end yet in their brief they concede that If he did not wish to do 
so he conld not be compelled te continue, 

Some eriticiem is made of what is alleged te be the per 
funetory attitude of two guardians 24 litem for the five minor 
children of the @efendant Pose Pelakiewies, The complsainante had 
nothing to do with the guardians ad litem except to move for their 
arpointrent, The record does net show that there was any failure 
to present every defense which ceuld be asserted on behalf of the 
miner children. Indeed, as far ae the foreclosure was concerned 
the interests of Nose and the miners were identical, 

It is seid that the evidence is not sufficient to shew a 
gift of the note and trust deed by Jozef Belakiewicz to the come 
Plainant. Jozef testified that he gave them to the complainent, 
hie daughter, who alee testified that her father Jozef hod made a 
gift of the rote and trust decd to her, Moreover, the production 

of the note by complisinant was prima facile evidence of ownership, 

and where a defendant admittedly owes money he cannot complain that 
the complainent in a foreclosure suit whe produced the notes Was 
not the owner, Witting v, Claras, 274 I11. App. 449. 

We see no reason for disturbing the decree oi the Guperior 
eourt, and it is affirmed, 


O'Connor, P. J., and Matchett, J,, conevr, 

a ae’ 
ob of geiey ton h tb ad ‘tk dat ebeonco xed tokrd thot a toy ba 

ee ey. 


ssuniinee of ‘bo {Leqnes od tom bLxeoo : 
biog é OSC, sre Ce on 
tee ent of “ hoyo tis ak tane re aban st metots tts eno8 
sat vivetdwehad 

toute evit ont 20 weatt ba enetbta0s ov te obut toes cides 
“bast nécanta fomos ont -20 tws be Loe ono" tanh cotes oat Te meek 
“ahead tot even of dqnoxe mot be enatbaary ont “diw oh ¥ 38 
oxnsket che sew oro? Sorts wont tom oooh brover ont “ban ° 
edit %6 There d no hoteseen of bios dobstw ounce anil eal 0 

o® ae £i c. Ea 
beareonos Ree oupeetecze? ons as at te | hesbatt 19th 
Rib. ee PS ie Sf i 

wtaotinehl e1ew ‘event ond bar euof ‘to es 
zB! Ps a hee + #Ou 
. “worte “ot tustol tte fon et sombive ‘ont tert bier at ety 

£) ep 2 i Oe fh ae. 

- =ft09 ‘ent ‘oF solve tiated Yoxot w bees tests hae due edt 

ue hae te LE id 

“bas ite tens ent ot mo even “ent saci be Pt ttend ‘tos deuct fi ' 

i yt a ad “ie 49 
er es te ok Tee "he ttheeed one ovr , 

sot touborta oaks ,tevoeted «teal ot boob vane ote tons 
: i si agua pbs 
tdareave ‘ta soustive gies? entra new tnantezan0e » 

test aks Lemoo pest, of eo oer ews ‘ethotd take tnah 

hiro iotaq yt 2 
eae ‘sodon add banubory arte ota sro toerot a at dns, 
RS yee nee 

: at ee ws 

bh 0h tek pee #! ¥ 
; Sf Store Seek ‘2 
te roksan eat ‘to owroeb od patented not ‘soame7 on ena 9 

“ rf ae ae ee yauss 

ity fi eg “ne hare pert) 
“uD 09 ‘ oe \dtortos 

Oe x eee Pay an 
¥ a i; i is | 

; & be y 

' ' tha 

nv ee ay esas shy 
i eA a fi Z yi a “ 

x. i i rei iy ‘ cr . 44 s ie > 

es ‘swt ie: 7 ela Thee! FE aD ee 2g ue ea IA 
ae twist mie ee Bau 
Dy ‘ tate Ea al Dawe ae ‘ SRN SPRL a 

iy 4 


Defendant 1: 

T Mosinee asi 

esa sti et al., 

Plaint irr 4 in /irror, 

Yes November 2, 1920, the City State Bank of Uhicage was 

elosed by the Auditor of Public Accounts, ang Abel Davie was ap- 
pointed receiver, Nearly 18 months afterward, on April 28, 1941, 
the grand jury of Cook county returned sen indictsient which charged 
that Stedman was NY to trust officer and director; Frank 
Dd. Robingen, ‘ilies cent and director, Frank A. bergen, vice<— C— 
president and director; Alexander 1, Jorema, shinlasen ek, cashier 
aud director; William ©. Hartray, Bennett J. C, Johnsen, Sdwin 6G, 
Rellihen and Morrison H. Castle, directors; that om the date it 
Glosed these persons "in their aforesaid reapeetive efficial eapa- 
cities as such officers of said City State Bank of Chicago, did un- 
lawfully, wilfully and frauduiently receive from a certain depositer 
of said bank, to-wit, one Louise Green, a large amount of personal 
goods, money acd property of said Louise Green, toeewit; seeYe the 
amount of $105, the said bank being then and there insolvent as the 
persons named and each of them well knew, whereby said persons are 
deewed to have committed the erime of embezzlement,” and that the 
grand jurors say upon their oaths that the persons named "did 
feloniously steel, take, and carry away said money, personal goods 
and property of said Louise Green, then and there being found, cone 
trary to the Statute," ete. The indictment was based on paragraph 
$6 of the Crim'nal Code (Cahill's 111, Rev, Statutes, 1929, ad, Oh 
2 tiga 

There was a metion to quask the indictment on the ground 

that the grand jury was illegally drawn and selected, ‘The motion 

wae ke 
es ok Hedentes | ° 
: Bo iy ft - cy 41) 

dani WH Gabbosits bas tooktto sare” ‘(dito ox 
SO hy mr" A atett {tevoetts “Patat é | 
weifase ,taabl sexhodty’ “jane 13h _t setnexdtK 9 
.b miwit ,doaditet (6° s tfoanee [yecdean’ 
| hi otah ota mo tacit’ ee — oh 

“Las Bib ,Gge0880 XO thot eee senyseg: phat exeot te iowa ue: ae Base 
tot Hoash tiatyes & movt evhéoet ‘Uithe tuber bas Ltr Btw 4 caf 
Eanon10¢ ‘to taxon sytel a sooth eahito’’ ‘emo! twos a tea 20 
"pas praeee dbvier , 08 $b 66? vbit Bise % yieoeo te bu “ysiton 42 — 
edd aa smevioant oxeds ba covd pated anal Shae’ ot 8025 0. tnweae 
ote ahoateg biee ydotsde , wend ffew met te tone bas hommes enoot9g 
eae todd bon “,¢onsotasedue to omito oid bo y# £aewo ovad ot peoed 
Sib“ bomen eavetsg’ ett bast acttwo Fheit son van “ cut | 
“aboes femetag ,yetem bisa yeve vites bar viet ptnote pres > 

“mito “bawo? gated ered? bak aos? age") sotuod hiea to “ite ; meh 
| daktqete a9 Goaed saw taomfotbat oat ote *,odubate oat of eters 
| Pe eae SVL paptutede wv £61 et cttiad) | obey Fremie wor 

ita | 

a . 
4 [A a, 

_— okFom od .bedve Loe bow nwoth yLtegett enw tut, bawra & 

7a | : 
am ' +3, 7 d " : Hea 


was overruled by Judge Stanton, and a subsequent motion to vacate 
the order en we Judge Stanton was denied by Judge Trude. less 
in abatement and motions to quash were filed, averring that the 
grand jury was an unlawful body and that there were improper pro 
ceedings before it, in that unauthorized persons were permitted to 
be present during the examination of witnesses; that a false and 
prejudicial document was introduced by the state's attorney before 
the grand jury; that the directors of the bank named in the indiet- 
ment were not officers of the bank within the meaning of the statute 
upon which the indictment was based; that the indictwent did not 
positively aver the receipt ef a deposit but only that there was 
received $105 "as a aepositgt/ that the allegations of the indict. 
ment under a videlicet made the indictment ineonsistent and repug- 
nant to the charge; that the indictment should be quashed because it 
was duplicitous end ambiguous. 

The plaas in ebatement and the motions te quash the indiete 
ment were overruled, whereupon Stedman pleaded not guilty. Kebinson 
pleaded guilty and testified for the State. After the trial he wae 
Feleased on parole for six months, Bergen testified for the State 
and a nolle prosse was afterward entered as to him, me Ps. a 
testified for the State and a nolle prosse was subsequently ntered 
as to him, | | 

Hotions in behalf of Stedman, Jarema, Hartray and Castle 
for an instructed verdict in their favor at the close of all the 
evidence were denied, The cause was submitted to the jury, and 
there wae a verdict of guilty as to each and all of these fo. 
Stedman and Jarema were sentenced to pay 2 fine of $210 and to be 
imprisoned in the penitentiary for net less than one nor more than 
three years, Hartray, Rellihen and Castle were sentenced to pay & 
fine ef $210. This writ of error is prosecuted by Stedman, Jarema, 
Hartray and Castle, 

etsouv of noiton tmexpesdue « baa’ ‘afetnnds onset ed. bo Luxrsvo a 
asei% obaxl ogbi% yo belie env notneds opbal US bewegas ohio ext 
| ett tastt acicteya] ,belit etew deaup of eapifam, hee tnomesese. ak 
Sorte poyownae e1g" gtedd dent das ybod Litwh iow ne “enw yma. 
of botstasey Stew etooreq hexttedituane tard at ot excited eontbone 
baa obLe't » tad? yaeeaontiv to moltenimaxe eid gaits ees of 
 STolled Yortoc ss s'otate edt Ys beewboutad ame, tnewmmeh Lstotsut 
aeeenak asd ak bomen aa edd ‘to ‘Wrotses Ih edi Jaci. svaet oe ae 
eduteta ait Xe gatase a Lia atigiw aned ont te steel tte pepe 
‘ton bib Saouto shat att gould pooasd aaw treatothat ed? ded 
aaw pies? geass ylao tud tiaogeh # to tqtevet edi 
| ~tetbat esi2 to snot tage Lin ons jsut | 

meant sed oy Lig Jou iuhehin naabove Ouse og DM: ’ we tes 
aaw ef sind eit toPtA .otedt oat sot Bokairent daa wesinns — ll ax 
ote eae tot heltitee? me_rod -oetaom mis teh afoyeq me. b - ofon ; 
mooadel temmed .mid ef ea hexetun hirwtetls 2aw. assone atten sham 7 
howiw yinoupoadue sew geaaxg oLien afew etet® esta taal 

9£Ie80 bas yattial ,ame tat aiiee: ‘to iaded ak phere 4G 

ore ffs to sate and ta stove tied ak tointey aaah cool | 

bee erent eat of hetiindue sew euumo eft ,hetoek MPR on a2 

| suo sacs to Lia box dose of oa us tiem to totbrev & Bam, 

od og ban Of8) te eal » yaa of boom tana, ataw aseral bag aacbegh 
nosis shen Tom Sie nck soot Jom 0%, yasignediang odd ab p 0 , “ 

ay we oO daous tos eiow olfaed pene ae dbiiea extent 2 

sin 8 sip 3 vd betueseord of tore Yo 2 iow Bean: . a 

| & 

. > 
_ : és oe Te fr » RA ee oo ee 
eae 3 tp hs i fe De tA % 


The eontention of defendants(is)that the grand jury was att 

unlawful body because it was not drawn as directed by the statute, 


has, pending this appeal been decided by the Supreme gourt ix another 
case contrary to defendants' contention, tis Ye bigber, 367 Til. 

liueh of the brief is devoted to the argument thet the in- 
diectment should have been quashed because a stenographer employed 
by the State's Attorney whe Was present to report the proceedings 
when some of the witnesses testified, was afterward sworn and heard 
as a witness, le was not an assistant state's attorney. On this 

_— the authorities of tha ahtrerent jurisdictions are divided. 

Btate v, Salmon, 216 Uo. 466; Lathan v. (J. 54), M4 02 aso; 8.) 


V. Philadelphia & Reading Ry., %21 Fed. Hee, 603; (C 3,)v, mania, 

ope onanEENT 

218 Fed, ict, oe ¥e v, ii , 231 Hasse, $84, ‘the court 
ie, however, of the opinion that there was no showing of prejudice 
here which would have juatified quashing the indictment for this 
reason, oo. 243 Iii. AGP 5 Yeoole v. Har nt ie 
283 111. 591; People v, Looney, 314 i Cn. 

It is also urged that the indictuent was delective, in that 
there was ne positive averment of the receipt of the deposit, The 
averment was that the money was received “as a deposit in said 
bank.” Defendants cite the dictionary and 5 Corpus Juris 598, to 
the effect that the word “as“ does not mean “being,” "was" or 
"for," and they say that this averment was therefore not positive, 
Read with the context, we think the averment is not doubtful and 
informed defendants fully of the nature of the charge and is there- 
fore sufficient, 

It is alse urged that the allegations of the indictment 
under tha videlicet are repugnant to the general charge, Apparently 

‘the pleader out of abundant caution under the videlicet went on to 

describe various amounts and kinds of money which it was averred 

® saw viet haets oof tect (at )admapdetes Yo aeltnetnes eae"? Me 
bg ,studede ond yd Betoetifh es cwoth ton awe J ocnssed thon tivtwalink 
teritons ai txwoa ® adaaed dé yd beblooh need feoqes eldd guibade jem 
a ALT Vee atade le vos toitnsines 'etmahastss of cuortace bday 
, annkbat. 

. edd ‘tnxd tasmuyte edd of bSdoveb af “tobad ond to Moni oe 

“ beyedtqus Tedgargensia # sausasd bedaauy need ovad bivowa Perey) 
naaibosoore oss Suoget of sasaetq Baw oriw “gearortd’ aterere ond yal 
Bwer bew crowa buswistite saw ,beltitveed seseontiw sux to emo assiw 
aldd aD .yentotia a’ otace tossateas me ton vav ok | eager 
sbebivth ota anoitelbelrut, daoxe tthe — to asistrontinn elt i olde 

Eo oh ehied tes (oD mit on -04 ors 

‘dxwo0 ect = wena cee ‘tidied oaeen 
oo tbmtorg to anivode on saw etedt sent aotintge ext Yo. ‘alae 
gid 20% toontolbat ent anne eaantenid srehaans Srecaetoeull 

“ out stivogod eas to tqlsvex ant to taputtewes veiiing : 
bias at Sizsoed « ae” bevyievest exw \genen out Hii Web a 
of ,8@2 eixul auyqted 2 bas Ptonolsath ag atte od nabne tet Sa 
ae “saw * satod# nasa J ox esob "ae" Brow ont fait? ‘foots ih 
.ovistaog tea exoteted ssw Jasmtova alad add yao ‘yoitd Site * ae 
has Liftaduoh ton al jnomuevs sf daidd ow 'txednoo oud aft , ion 2 
ona ef Same eprasio aid to sinten exit %e went euenespe ha q 


 etaotoue sousasto tars n0g edt of dnomgaer éte sotto i 
. no dupw teotfeblv odd ashaw ‘polduno Panbriids ‘Ye te 
‘ yeh aew di voldv yeaom to ebald bas atavidas alee | 

a " 

were deposited, Defendants say that if these averuents are cone 
sidered an essential part of the indictment, it charges aot one 
but several offenses, and that these charges sre repugnant te the 
general charge. We hold the averments are merely suryglusage, 

Defendants also say that the indletment isproperly charged 
defendants were guilty of beth embezzlewent and larceny, making the 
indictment bad for duplicity. ‘The point was not raised in the 
frininaa court upen the motion to guash, and we think defendants 
Gannot be heard te urge it here, Koreover, the statute upon which 
the indictment was based says in substance that the official ree 
eeiving a prohibited deposit shall be deemed guilty of embezzbament, 

ee are 
Section 94 of chapter 38 (Cahill's I11. Rev, Stats. 1033, chep’“3e, 
[Sbanee22) in substanee provides that one exbezzling property which 
may be deemed the subject of lareeny shall be guilty ef larceny. 
The charge ef duplicity cannot, therefore, be sustained, 

In the asendment to the eect of 1879, upon which the indict~ 
ment is based, the legislature inserted the words, “er its knowl- 
edge,” end defendents argue that these werds should have been 
averred in the indictment, and that the failure to do se constituted 
& material defect. "Its" knowledge cald refer only to the dor- 
poration. The knowledge of the officers is charged in the indiet~ 
ment, and their knowledge by necessary inferences would include 
knowledge on the part of the corperation as a unit. | 

A more serious guestion is raised by the contention that 
the aet upen whieh the indictment is based is not applicable to 
those defendants who were only directors and held no other positions 
with the corporation, These defendants are Hartray and Castle, 
Defendants point out that the statute dees not name directors as 
persone subject to presecution thereunder; that the duties of ale 
rectors are clearly distinguishable from these of officers; thet 

@ director without speeial authority cannet employ or discharge 

nied ota etevitreva esedt ‘I! font ye atamben'ted sbotinegeh ote 
gao don wegteld #2 ,fompotbuk emf Yo desq ehineses ne bowebiw 
orld of Saenyweé'T ore asyiadio seodt tant bag aeeas to Laveves dud 
,sunowletwa Ylerom oto etaowteve Odd Biod OY Jopnedts detsmey 
degree efrevotgwt tasatelbat oft tadt yee oeale atnahas ted : uh 
acd gat dam stage tat ire sooustsaedas Ared Te yorterg orew atasbso tab 
oad mi beater fon saw 'tatog oft .ystobtqud ter: nee ousab ines 
atand ates dntdd ow bas ,dasup od nel Pol One moqn twos) Ks 
‘gokiw neq efisads ond ,tevoetoM Joted #2 ogi oo \Deaod 0 tena 
«or fnivitte end seid sotadadve ml ayer boaad new ene boat ssh 
jdimmdgestdae to yo Ling beaseb ed Lleta ¢tooqob bed hdddorg’ aw! ve igo 
ee ets j88el odesde ved W107 at tLtdad) Be xe sqnds ted \ mobee “8 
detae ysteqot¢ gabiazetay ono sac? eehiveta oonadaduns 
seneoted ‘to ytiluy od Lietia. yomortsl.'to tostdue ad? } q 
sbotiature ed jetotemas ,tonmad Vilotiqud veene il 
-totbat ait dokiw noqu , CSL to gon wed OF duombasum one WE! i poysl 
«fwenkt eft so". ,abtow oct! boexeent eritalladget, oud bowie ad taem | 
weed eved binods abtew secd) tact shigta. ataabae toh. Sonethined 
 Hodueetemwe oe ob of waultat ony Feit bob, tuende lia ont at berre oe 
-x9b Bnd of Ylue wo'tex buco egbolwort "axl" doe teb debtetsa & 
avoLbint od att bograido ob wool Si} Yo Wabe trond edt” ambien 
ebulsak bLH0w Bonete tat YeamBBooE Ye sghe'tean-sted bad (iii 
‘thaw ae ae mottategtes sit to ding ote Go! ghe ca 
feud moltaeditos ong yd bostat at nobieouy tretreme: weenk de" nea" i, 
pd BLdestiqqe te ai beast at taouro bed sult okiw aogit ¥ ast? 
amois fooy tense of bisd bad eietoss4ith (Lao erew ody adaabeg’ , . 
~eitaad bus yattisli ete adaabno'teh oeedT mo Ltersoq'ea cig 
as aiodeetkh owed Sou xoob oFutosa ont Imlh tuo taiog us Bo 
7 0 aehiuh od goud ytebacotedd moltaosaung of | ye 
feat ‘ ficesttre ‘te ededds wort oldedetigaitels yous 
|  pgjuetivaty 46 YOLqu» sonibs Ytlrodius Lébsoge “ 160 

ww » 
employees, receive or sign for a deposit, sign a cashier's cheek or 
letter of eredit, make purchases, sign a lease or contract or parform 
any ministerial act. They point out that a trast officer the isa 
director is not generally accepted as the proper person te execute 
a deed in behalf of the cornoration, or to make a similer conveyance 
er its property in its behalf, Defendants also say that the Banking 
Aet (Cahill's Ill. Rev, Stats. 1933, na, tabs tsevix and earefully 
distinguishes between directors oj a bank and officers of a bank, 
They say that directers are considered as a group rather than es 
particular individuals; that they serve as managers end are clected 
by & majority vote oi the shareholders; that a president heving been 
elected, they sppcint officers to carry on the business of the bank; 
that they make by-laws, ewploy help, etc. Directors must be stock~ 
holders, but thie is not true of the officers, The directors under 
the law must take and subscribe to ean oath, Offiecrs are not re- 
quired to do so. ‘the bank would cease to operate without officers, 
but failure to elect a board of airectors does not have that effect, 
the statute, it is peinted out, provides only two ways in which an 
ineorporated bank may discontinue businesss (1) by direction of the 
stockholders, and (2) by order of the faditor of Mublie Aecounts as 
provided in section 11 of tie Banking act, 

The question deas not appear ‘ne nate ever bean decided by 
any of the Appellate sane er the Supreme zeurt of this State, 
However, in response to a request of the State 6 attorney of Greene 
county, the then @ttorney General of this State, Oscar Carlstrom, 
on January 5, 1932, rendered a written opinion on the question, 
whieh points out that since the enactment of the banking statute, 
private banks have been practically abolished; that the statute does 
mot apecifically name directors ss auenable thereto, and that no 
definition of the word “olficers" appears in the statute, The ques~ 

tion therefore arises whether directers are embraced within the 


eS etyeR, 
to desta sg! teliago 2 agin ,tieoqsh # tod ayia ce eviesot ') aeeyolgis 
mrotigg 19 toeataeo 1g eseel & yin ,eseetorsq evem ,siboto to) redder | 
@ ei od? ageitto gents a tent iso Qnhog-yedd stem LIatustabata yas 
atuoex® OF GGAL2G Toqetq on? ee hetqeoes Yllexene, doa at cotoe shh 
sousypvaco telimia 2 oism ef 10 ~molteroquos ef to RLatiedoti beeb a 
gotdned edt sadd you eile ‘Sdaabie lel ,Tatod adh al ysusqeng eth 26 
Ylivsieres, bos yLtaeto “Qe. scene SCL .qlatl sve whtl at LobisO) toa 
ined # to si9pitio bas daed « Lo etotoetsib mmowtod ade lugares 
te Da. wedtet, quiet « aa bony blanco ote, storoetibh tant ee pee 
besonte axe bas. ateyatam aa evies yas dais s menmareanee tine 
| ted gatvad. tashlacrg « dadd (pated Losers de oid “to otoy Yl ww 
jaaad oad 10, aneataud add, oo Cama at: aSNdTTO: retonen: eco 
 kogga od gam atoteet iC... ote , gies yolqna ; omntoih tesisciaiinimaa™ 
 tebny exosoeths oat ,ateottie ond ko oxad hom aby whale tue Vamebsow 
=ft Joa ote strolttO ..ddae sa. od editoadua, has: det Fave wok ost 
Bolte, duodsin edareqo od evesp binow Aned eal ae? Ob od boxtup 
sSootte tenis evad Jon ened, etoteetlo Lo biaed a, seote: 09 oxwiiet tue 
ae dolny at eyow ows Ying asbiverg ,two betaloqel dd», sotutat. Oem? 
ett Yo.nottosrth vt (4) yeaoniaud euntosvoe kb es aans becatoeavents 
eB ag aioook otsdu to motte . eds jo wobia, Ne (2) aoay ; 
Le Sy ic gelalandge Rohe aekieoon atk: sebivenes 
. oy beblosh ased, z9ve aved. et iseggs Jon aveb aobveoup eet ott, ube 
| setasé aids tq dtweg emsTqit edd te ateuoR otelleqq esd ctenymr 
 eneets Lo youuotia e«'aserS ott te taoupet a. od eancqaot mb pre TOWOH ; 
| HlotiaLaed toRd yetede ald Le Lereae® yemodihe mend aceon ‘i 
_. Mobinows ost no mokaige modtia a bersbuer ,86OR ye hen 
| etutede gntdued edt, to dnoatoeue sid oonbe saad sue asatod it 
(8905 etudeia ost tesid jhotelieds YLisotioutg need eves wiked ei a 
on dadts foe ,oteress oidsaaae as SiadoMthh ome YL. . 208 Ce: 
dei spas eve ony at eteegge "eseoktio! baow ssid: 2 vous Dt 

a ei asada ieeiaieaeimeniaamanaiaat role wn be 



” ha / 

general meaning of the word "officers," The question in the last 
instance is one of legislative intention, There is no direct aue 
thority om the question in the cases, and the statute mst there- 
fore be construed in the light of the general rules by which such 
statutes are construed, 

Bouvier's Law Dictionary defines an officer as one “whe is 
lawfully invested with an office." The legislature in this and 
Similar statutes seems to have distinguished between « director 
and an officer of a banking cerporation, Thus an section 4 of 
chshs“i6t (Ceniii's Lil.Rev, Stats. 1933, won teh. a where 
the ofiense of making a false statement te a bank examiner is de- 
fined, the language used is “any officer, director or exmployee* 
whe shall, ete. In section 5, which authorizes the withholding of 
& certificate on acecunt of the unsatisfactory character of persons 
connected with the bank, the language also differentiates between 

an officer and a director, being “amy officer or director, slected 

or appointed," etc. Again, paragraph 63 of the Criminal Code, 
whieh forbids a savings bank loaning to any officer or officers 

ef such bank, prevides for punishment only for such officer or 
officers without naming any other elass, In seetion 3 of ia 
1ef % distinction is recognized between officers and direetors, the 
statute providing that the stockholders shall hold a meeting for the 
determination of the number and cleetion of directors to serve as 
manacers and to serve until their successors are qualified. Sec, 4 
of the same act provides that "the directors so elected” may proe 
ceed to orgenize and may appoint “sueh other officers as the by-laws 
may provide" and fix their salaries, etc, Section 8 of the act vroe 
vides in substaree that no bank or banking association organized 
under this act and “ne officer, director or employee thereof” 

shall make any lean or gratuity, ete. 

It would seem from a consideration of these sections of the 

statutes that the legislature at all times recognized the distine- 

3 teal ost ai aeiieous eff “,eteoltte" brow oat to patanen Lereney 
~ij goexlh o2 v2 vxetl selirednt eviteletge’ to eno wh sonstent 
 aorteae gem egabate ott ba ,veeed Ode at avhredup ‘ont 0 schouit 

iy i aes 

game Ho Lehw ya wofv Lwreamy odd ‘to tay ik edt af howmdones of oxo 
shewttenos ot? eosutnte 

‘at oa ene @& Seeltte o« seatieh yisnetsol@ wel a'tetywed 6. yi 


bas wkdd me otwietetyst od? “LeotTto an Atte bedwownt: hts | 

t tofeetth 2 neowied badatagatseih eved of ames eedutata wettute 

to & soifooa af vont ,aeiterecitoy gabiasd « to — an bate 

esi eo) how tyes yes {860L s0¢0S6 . 09d, £62 we 0ebded) » ws 
“$f oi venlwaxs daed # of Imenetiato selet 8 yoiiaa Yo oaastte | ‘otk 
“eovelcae vo Tofeetth ,tesiric yas" af beas ogaugant ont shee 

Me gattiosotiw ed? eextiossea toldw ,8 aoitosd al sods «Kade — 

xmOouTe? te tefootado Yrofostaliasan edt ‘to tanreoe Ho ete vekines @ x 
‘‘*Sewted eetalinetetl ls osla egavgnel oft ,ttied edt agte beroaanee 
Aetacts ,teteetld zo teottto yme" gated caneann poe , 

ae svtee of atosootlh To neiteeis bne tedewe od? rt. 

& ,o9@ ,bofiiiess ete eroseeeawe these Liver evtes ot bas . 3 
 noaq Yaa “Ketoe le ce exetoetth sy" daddy eobivers #9 ouse T 
owe lwed o4¢ es ete0rttoe tente sone® sutogas yan baa eatniseo a 
aaa fon and to B aoktosa ote ,eetieiae: test xt bate. *on 

| ode: Sehhetaty tomer! calh 
a “ } Yo eaettove eeest Yo mbiered tenes & mow Meee binow 
sonttens eee beebsgoser seat ste ta dante retyon ons 

y tion between officere and direetors, in regard to the mamer in 
whieh they were to be chosen, the duties which they are called 
upon to perform and the sourees from whieh their various povers are 
derived, The General Corporation Act also seems to resognize this 
distinction between directors snd officers in the organization of 

__ private roorations, as anpears frem an exauination of sections 15 
and 22 aai It provides in subetance that the directors 
shall be eleeted by the aubseribers Le the stoek after timely notice; 
that these directors shall within ie daye after incorsoration 
meet, elect officers, adopt by-laws and transact such other bugle 
nese as may come before them; that the officers of the eorporation 
shall eonsist of a president, seeretary and treasurer an’ such 
other efrieers as shall be determined by the directors, 

Whether the by-laws of the City State Bank provided for 
officers other than theee named ic not disclosed by the reeord, 
The parties here have cited numerous sutuorities from other States 
which are hardly persuasive in view of the feet that the questions 
considered in these cases arose upon statutes different from those 
woieh we must here consider, However, in Commonwealth v, Christian, 
9 Phila, 556, 1t wes held under a charter which provided “2ll eor- 
porate powers of the eald company shall be exercised by 2 boerd & 
trustees, and such efficers and agents ac they may appoint,” that 
the offices pertaining to a private corporation were defined in 
its charter and by-laws, and that the trustee of a life inevrance 
eompany were net officers within the Pennsylvania Griminal Cede, 
The by-laws there designated particularly who the officers should 
be but did not inelude the members of the board of trustees, The 
decision was placed apon the ground that the court was considering 
& statute which was highly penal. In a concurring opinion Judge 
Campbell said: 

“Directors and trustees may be eaid te hold office in the 
corporation in @ general sense, and may control snd direct presi- 

% i 
ue gous 

tte 937 esa 

at teanan oid of rages wt erodgerts bas anole mewted mete [ 
emt | ang ‘ 
bolian ots yeast fiotew ao hdub hed esis ocia od of etew wr ‘delite 

rag “eee | ae ed ute. 
etn at9'7Eq avolay xtade od ctw mest esorues orig bas ory 92 fo. @ 
CUR eS ors! " 
elds exinyooes ot aves cole to aettanoesed tar0n9® ont sbovi 
Rp ce uly 7 

to noitnsbaryts aut ok sm ottte bas “stogoerts aeovded sot out Jae 

Wad, Ht." nem f ?’ repel 

af anoitoon to not tankeane an wort exasgen an senottas 



b Vi dotwa 
ateteeria ost Sart sonadadue at aebivorg ar bon tact bid bt Mer 
Sait genie mea 

eoiton ere norte ‘inode est ot areditesdima oat hie bosoots | o4 f fie 
od tnxomcroome tod'te evab els abst tw Lette anotoerth of  : 
‘ekand t9il$ 0 dowe toannest ris twa loys teobe sar90tte toate aa’ 

Wy) Par ee Re Ge 
aolseteqxos ei? to aren tte ant sat yams oroted BOD yam en 

; SA AE aye es el cbsiiia 
te ose bis xetonaetd bee vusdetse sfnobtaorg “ te tetenee 1 f 
Z "Tig , PS F Pee in| ive Ma 

setotoerih ast wd boatoreto od Linde oa 
“aot babiverg Sand ofase ato ont te avatoes ort 
: : ot pare ae anton 
.btooe7 ont xd bor ofonts Yon et Dement waeas ae 
Puget Pb Be tei hain = 2 
aetare wbatrs coh #024 bros? ns eovomun ‘beg to aves ord By" 

. sno Ldeoup ou? tens tout edt to woly at bvinsuereg <asnnal Ga sae 
totes toe ah OR oh kot dod 
enodt moet dune vt bh aedutare moe eaot wenas oreuis ak aes 

ke ! We TE gael 

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ore ¥ 
| =109 tte” bantroe fio hite tatcass e tehaw bied eaw re a ah od 
, toayinwnieet RE Jew ie oe 
» based 3 ‘vd pes vb od Lai yuagatce ‘bles ods Ne ' 
sal f (2 et eUa 
fase *Ventoase and yout aa “stage bas exot tt fowe bas , 
BOE A ‘e a2 ADR 

dopaaeee Poss % 

at ‘baat tob oxew noldsrest09 odeving " ot gatutetues 

r roe ao Aa eae 

sonarwont wus * to endeurt ang tat bas seve Sard has tots 
Pee A RE. 

, < Phe Cine Seas Seen 
." ‘bLibosie ateoltte ont ‘eae hte Luo Laae beranyteoh ha sof 
weak Bali, ¥ hf if *y et t ee aE | 

bedi saoeteired te brad sa te sreddnon ond Rat aE 

a Se 


dha a ; 
"e Sh i Ne 

nd nd eadire bien of bias od yan ‘eootauts baw sr0¢09 
eieppinaaiocten sotsage yom bao ,oene wg a at 

aoe or 


dents and secreteries in the management of the business of the 
corporation. Dut in the transaetion of such business with the 
public, the corporation generally speaks through its president 
and seeretary, ‘They are emphatically its officers.” 

leans, 42 Yed. 599, the court seid that the questien 
ef being or not being an officer under the act there considered 
and similar acts, might depend on the verf/epeoiad clreumstances 

ef each ease, In he Godw 8. YY. 3, 350, it wae held 

that a director was an officer within the meaning of a certain 
section of the laws of that State which previded that an officer 
should be liable for all the debts of the torporation where a ree 
port signed by him was falee in a material representation, and 

this when read in connection with another seetion which recuired 
that the annual report should be signed by the president and a 
majority of the directors, 

In 2 Pletener's Gye. of Corp. 19, it is eald: 

"Generally the officers of a corporation are enumerated in 
its charter or by-laws, and inelude a president, viceppresident, 
secretary, treasurer and sometimes others," leg $x 

in 7 Corpus Juris 545, it is said that se a general rule 
"the direetors are not officers of the bank, and have no power in- 
dividually to contre] its managemmt; they can set only collectively 
as @ board, and they are not individually agents of the institution,*® 

io doubt, in a broad sense a director of a corporation may 
be considered as an officer of it, but as was said in State v, 
Kiijchli, 53 Minn. 147; 

“The words ‘office’ and ‘officer' are terms of vague and 
variable import, the meaning of which necessarily varies with the 
connection in which they are used, and, to determine it correctly 
in a particular instance, regard must be had to the intention ef 
the statute and the subject matter in reference to which the terme 
are used," - 

. Fomas in Torbett v, Baton, 1 N. ¥Y. & 614, the majority of the court 
r held that a direetor who had signed the financial report ef a cor- 
poration which the law required him te sign was an officer within: 

the meaning of the seetion, There was, hewever, « vigorous dissenting 

odd to aeoatent edt Yo taonsydrian ody ab estuadoto oe y 
eit dtiv asentaud deve to maeifvsasnexd oft at tuk molten 

saebianra att dgwetdd @ineqe Yilateneg solietéc tes om? 
*,aneg ito agit a bao baalgan ots oat Wrst 

ah cehien one gasit hiew fiuoe eit , eee sdet Sb ‘ enseld 3 elt e | 

sniseheibarrte tntooaruor @ eult fo baget tiga .stoe sift 
bigs aaw 3 ORE BY MB, i eas 
statteo a te gatasen end oidtiw toot tte ad tae fonts 

Sy ee ve 
segi'ttc mm tpsdy hebiverq ily Lele orate tas ‘te ews att ‘te a 

weer th sone oe 
“8% & OTS Holtategi oe ons to atdek ont iis not oldakt boll Lise 

bus ,motistasserqet faltotem a at oate? ane abd x domgie’ 4 om 
hertupst dobsiw mottves redtone aghw aot tosaaoe ot noo'e nied ae 
S hem CeMAPAGTe Pe we bemte of biwosie $roqor taonss ‘il 
4 srrosger! ose row 

i ‘bine st st , ef weep to 20 e"xouiosort rat 
we ‘ey Vase x 
f - ee pon S%@ Salfateqroo « ae ataolite ast Mone ep 
Sig fi uni stash Leora s obufenmt baa , 

. * wtesito qeattsaee bas 79 
ater Leroy « ag tedt blew ef at ane aixut nuctod ’ ‘at 

s cas Bh te . 
ok TewoR of aves bes vinad ould te aveoiito toa ons exetuunie saa 

i \ Pea ow ae 
| eterisoottoo yieo tos aso vente {tmneyenom a2 orsa09 ile, Lis 


* notdpetiont asf3 te etre ye ¢ikewbivtbak fou ota: “yout 

Oe ns wo 
we, hh ch ha & ‘to rodoet ib & oansn hood a ak seed 08 
th gauss ai bine sew es ted tt x0 woltre tol ee oxbeki 

+ on ne pry 
has @uaay ‘To aoe? ots nanan nie ‘eak tte! aed 3 
ois Hilw eo cite — te sogpang ps 
., eoxrxos tL ontornxete as OTs > 
anges noliopiak ent of ba: grt | hie yor , pond wk w 
parted aalt neat, o! sonotetot al totdam too tian ben b 

fk Oa 2 ye 
‘Hewoo. ond “to ys fxolam odd ,b Lo LE it ae otek vy sted ot 
(exo0 2 lo frogox telonkart oft ponte Bet ihre a dant 
gman neo P20 om ane ayia of aid betiuper wel odd se 

auasaaly 6 Neidio, etedt ee i te ttoos 

ores dya tu “ee as 

A \ 
f jo A 


i iat 

opinion which said: i 

"The direstors whe signed the report are not wade liable, 
in express terus, for any false statement made in lt. ‘The statute 
under which it is sought to make them responsible erastes a lia- 
bility which is penal and has been so declared, and is to be 

strictly construed. Bank vy, Bliss, 35 H. ¥. gies Wiles v. Suydam, 
64 3. ¥. 173; pa rison v. Hiewe, 17 i. ¥. 458; G f 

Aras Go, VW. Carlow 
68 Ke WN. 34; Printing Co, vy, Beecher, 26 Yundy 45, Nothing there- 
\ to be’ taxen by implication. The design of the statute was 

to punish the officers who sign the report, and who it must be as- 
sumed know wore of the affairs of the cerpeoration than the direc. 
ters, ond whove affirmation is therefore regarded as the most im- 
portant, and required by law. Directors are not officers of 
these corporations, either in the oopular or legal sense of the 
term by which they are designated, unless made so by the statute 

ereating them,” 

The question has been considered under a statute similar te our 
own in the comparatively recent ease of Coblentz v, State, 164 
Wd. 855, where an opinion was filed at the January Zerm 1933. The 
statute in that State declared it to be a misdemeanor for any 
“officer, clerk or employee" of a banking institution to aceept 

a deposit when the institution was known to be ingolvent, ete, 

it was held that directors of the bank who would ordinarily have 
eontrel of the opening or closing of the bank were not included, 
The court said thet although they were included in an enumeration 
of individuals in @ preceding clause of the statute, they were 
omitted from thie one, In a eoncurring opinion it was said: "The 
court has found that the statute does not include directors, and 
with that I @ntirely agree," 

As already stated, there is no authority in this State 
precisely in point. The reasons we have summarized following 
largely the opinion of the attorney general compels the conclusion 
that it was not the intention of the legislature to include direc- 
ters of the bank as persons whe should be held criminally liable 
under the aet. The reasons in brief are (1) that all the language 
of this and similar statutes indicates that wherever it was the 
intention that directors should be held te a personal responei- 

bility, they were specifically named, while they are not named 


| nae* Bisa eew tt aokatge gairtvenos «at eee, ane 4 

ogougank eit Lis todd (£) one toda. mt enonese waft” tobi wil fe Baily 
_ oat aow oh wovetedn: tant astao that woduteda” tetheite’ bot Whit Ye 
Ae tenocaet Lancers © of Sisal of bivorte erostenth dectt’ noktimeih 
hemes don ene yest otis ,bomom elton utesye onew ‘hdl 

F 2 


\ snd ihe tsi the visage 10 
oRinkt aha sn ese tore edt borin eitv wrosebith , 
etutate ef! .tbct eben Yoomtete ewiet yw 10% inate 

«aii 2 geteets eldlanequet modd stam oF tXguoe al 
ti ae od at cian howtnalpeh os shed aot hima Mae) e 

‘ oi pore Dp ‘HO. Plomr T tea ic , + 

~on od Seu $2 oxtw con” , froqer oid rge oy exeoltto ast dat 

~oo1th edt acd? moteeroqx00 bg. tO Bt roc, 

-mi teom ett as behiaget erotoredd at wots 7 osostw. b , 

 * g@xoolTie fom eta ap nhac suns b Pity i ge 

ont to enon Lepol to te oie ak tendie TOGKOD & 
etuieta oat yd 40 ‘shom rood eat cs oi" yoas ce ‘aan ‘ 

tuo 09 ae Ltate erutete & tobay bexsbtanoo. nv oti a 

ed? .c8eL are Yisunet exndy ts bo ttt ony peccove ne per: 

‘Yas tot tomomwhela « of of th betelosh tate tad at 2 stu flees 

. oyed Glientdz bivew oui ‘ene oa ry » benyieti Rey 

> | ae 

bobsfoat fon oxew asd ont to prtaete t0 gatnoge edt to 

Ho ttarxomu9 ne at bobulont atew yond, igsont la tad? bles, shied om : 
| oro. A sage stubeds ast te gun ts gathegetg s. ak etaub. 

oe es piheneed: xtartign’ 14 etd att 
singa aiat nt cbueittii on ef ores sbetete vhaotia eh i oes 

_ BabwoLto? Sesitomuse vets ow enonees, besa Pergo atone 

‘efdatt eilentulte bios ey ‘sede “ee dh it ea pine ¢ ott eiartueuais 


here; (2) that the statute here to be construed creates an offense 
unknown to the common law, highly penal in its nature and theree 
fore to be construed very strictly in favor of the one accused of 
the crime; (3) that in the seuree from which his power is derived 
and the duties east upon him, the position of a director is in its 
nature éssentislly different from that of officers who are named 
as being liable to the penalties provided for violation of the act, 
It follows that the motion to quash the indietment as to William ¢, 
Hartray and Morrison H, Castle should have been allowed, 

Defendants Stedman and Jarema insist that it is impossible 
to split up the inbiwteantd inte parts, and although they were of- 
ficers of the City State Bank, that by reason of this defeet the 
indictment should sliso be quashed as to them. We have considered 
the indictment. ‘he charges that these defandante were direetors 
eould be eliminated without in any way affeeting the indietment 
as to those whe are averred to be officers, Ye therefore conclude 
that under well recognized rules the averment that Stedman and 
Jarema wore directors is mere surplusage waich may be disregarded 
and eliminated without in any way destroying the vitality of the 
indictment, Bishop on Criminal Law, 4th e4., see, 478. 

Pefendonts argue at length alleged errers by the court in 
the admission and exclusion of evidence, ‘the reeord consists of 
nearly oe eek bean: with hundreds of exhibits. It is 
quite impossible witheut unduly extending the opinion to notice 
every complaint in this reanect. It is urged that the evidence 
Was not confined te the bill of particulars and that exhibits were 
received without preliminary evidence as to their truth and aecuracy. 
The brief of defendants eontains three printed pages devoted to 
recitation by number of exhibits which it is averred were improperly 
admitted, because not referred to in the bill of particulars, The 

State replies that there was a supolexental bill ef particulars and 


aovgm exe homteva of of slotdw edidiaxe te todeum yds 0. 

suxette ae eetsoto hewttenco sd of oted otwteta odd sand {s ) goued 

meted ben winten adh sh Lawog Yiytd wat wommog | et of ewomiaw 
to beewoee one en? to weve ab. vitolaee cre dewttamoo ed wt exot | 
bevieeh of aeweq iets dotdw sox? nexHeg ont mt tase (e) pomtaa a et 
ott at wd sedensth a.t0.neittoug-edd. miki, mou teas a8 hte ost a | 
bonuses one edw eveotite te tent soxt ‘gage tts viiektageae tutes an 

tow oft ‘te motte lody so? bebtvomg seidtameg ot et efdott pated | 
2 sa os ae fuged os bat ons deaup of apkvon oni sect, ht 

bowoLlis need evedt bivoria efiaad .K pape 

to wri, yet? aywoitle jae ,abteg n weal pimeesetanjat’ i i" 
lh, Postot ain? to anenex yd ted? , dosed. osasG, HO na 89 ~ : 
horsblenes eves o® nes of ae bostuoup od onde, bineda atothad 
etejeotth atow sinehuptoh seeded gett eoguade ofl stoomtexdat. ost | 
feousoihet sit galtesTile yar yoo at duodair menietionee 
ohufonco ou'teract of yetoaitte ad oF hemneve onal, ) i 

to atziexeo biooet ofT 8 .wosebive te + aiding 7 = 
ei OL avtisisiee ‘to abecbaet sin ,eeaee + S 

aonmedive oid dod? Dogue os tt, ute ante nant ate 
eter atidhdxe tai) ban etaluottieg To, Litd add ee 
“qoettmees ‘beus sdant stertt of as epaehive. a at uote vis o i 

od bodoveh aegaq hedsixg seadd eabdataee etoghae'ted to tele - 

: oat satalvotitog to [Lid edt a2 6% bev 'los, toa sexeood i 
baw eonien Stns: ho Sad sealed aan anatase nt bt 


si eae 

that this supplemental bill, after enumerating particular matters 
en which evidence would be offered, informed defendants that the 
State intended to offer evidence on the liquidation of 411 leans in 
the bank, and it is urged that defendants ars now precluded beenuse 
they did not ask for a more speeifie bill of particulars in that 
regard, The answer is not sufficient. In 49 Corpus Juris 630, the 
author states the general rule to be that “a stateuent accompanying 
particulars furnished that the party does not intend to limit ite 

proof to such particulars will be disregarded,” Te the same effect 

are DeGumoens v. Equitable Trust Co., 206 K.Y,5S, sini bespie x, 
Parker, 555 Ill, 25%. See also Ss Sxprese Co., 119 Ved, 

240; (U. S.)v. Pierce, 245 Fed, 888. 
In their reply brief defendaits call attention to the fact 

that there was no statement of liabilities oi the bank set forth in 
the bili of particulars and ineist that the absence of such statement 
results in failure te state esaential facts necessary to be alleged. 
They cite Peonle v. Parker, 355 111. 253, Im that ease, which was a 
prosecution for embezzlement, the court sald: 

“There is no charge in the amended or eupplemental bill ef 
Particulars that any of the cheeks, or the proceeds thereof, were 

| Obtained by the defendant for the ostensible purpose of opening 

twelve offices for the sale of securities of the trust company. 
Where 2 bill of particulars has been filed, the consideration of the 
case against the defendant must be limited to the charges as stated 

in the bill of particulars, (Township of Lovington v, Adking, 232 
Til. 510; Heboenald v. People, 126 id. 150.) 

A very serious allegation of errer concerns the admission in 
evidence of the People's exhibit 556, which was an order of the 
pirenit ecurt ef Cook county, appointing a receiver for the City State 
Bank, which contained the usual verbiage ef such orders, The order 
was signed by Judge William V, Brothers. It was produced upon the 
trial of the cause by a deputy clerk ef the fireuit court, whe identi- 
fied it. The order recites that the court had saMhndietions that the 
fatter of Public counts had made en examination of the financial 

condition of the banks that among the resources of the bank were 

ee Sn 

| shtaabt out tuu09, thyord 

ersedtaw sefsoifreq gatiaronsme testa , {ft Lesidme Lqque akdt tae 
‘ott dodt adnabaw ten boatrotat , setette #¢ bisow ‘gomehive sis Ew 0 

at wader Cte Yo soktubtoplt od? ao oditebive dette od Dehaotad osade 
pdtiddad novuldely Wort one Weaubie ton tend Hegity at 24 'Nnaylned lls 
“gat ah eres Lira tatu ‘to LLid oitiooga ‘ext # 16? ase dou bib yout 
edt (Obs ahxat acted Oh al © jtmobeltae von ak tavene oft© ‘oxagen 
gatyasqmosse tasuotate a" tadd of oF fix Lnteneg oft todate “ort 
®of Sioukt of basal ton adob ysteq ods Pent bodatart atwios ba 
tootts ones ‘sid ot” “Wbebiageath Sa° ithe roma on so 
| “ay titboo’ oer La. fia soa” (ig 

50% Pag ae ome oi. sgztont sand oY Danii al stn" 

thine dxpoe ent , Phone [enbdae' 26 

to Ifld fethomsiqave 6 — ead AE eyrelfo om #2 

atew ,toeteds abeeoorqg ens & ,eigesio 9 eas os “ ra : sre i 

gahas qo te efoctuy” y cistcieell oad x 

quoo tewsd esld to geidizrugee vg aie oxi ty é 

ont yep g aay oe eed anit lg sae tteq to 
Frise tgs ol Paks 

ont tant jaokotpetiut, bs | taza oat tat pee tho sob c | OF 
| dalousalt ent to moltankuaxe se ebam best atasona) d 
" @new toad edd ‘te sserwcest of gaome Saxe 3 

he zs 
fi Tes ay 



assets, loans, etc., aggregating $1,036,277.29, wnich were gonside- 

ered doubtful and worthless assete; that the shortage in resources | 
was in exeess of the capital stock, surplus and undivided profits; 
that the resources of the bank available for ligquidstion aid payment 
of the amount due depositors and creditors were 66 depreciated that 
the bank had become impaired to ihe extent that it could mot be made 
good; that the examination disciesed the bank was conducted in an | 
unsale manner j that to prevent further loss and depreciation of the | 
resources of the bank, the faaitor of Public , Accounts, pursuant to 

the statutes, on Nevember 2, 1929, took possession of the bank books 
and records and because of the condition therein set forth, on Noveme- 
ber 11, 1929, appointed Abel Davis iiiaaieeel,| that the action of the 
auditor was approved and confirmed, Ur, Lewis, an attorney for de- 
fendants, objected to the introduction of the exhibit, but the court 
replied, “Zhey may be adedtted." When lir, Wright, also attomey for | 

the defense, stated he wished to make a further objection, the court 

said: “Yhe record may register your objection. The court has ruled 
on it." Ur, Wright then stated that he wanted to add to the objece 
tion that defendants were not parties to the proceeding in which the 

erder was etered, The court replied: "You do not have to make at 

‘ a= 

thie time sony assignment of error, You may do that when you prepare 
your bili of exceptions." Thereupon lir, Wright again stated that the 
objection was on the ground that the parties to this suit were not 

i parties to the suit in which the order was entered, ‘he objection 
was overruleé by the court. Mr, Wright centinued, saying that the 
exhibit was admitted without an opportunity to erogs-examine until 
after it had been read im evidence, ‘The record discloses: 

Z "the Court: Bo you want to cross-examine? 

“My, Wright: Not now, £ am doing sometuing eise, 
¢ «the Court; I am satisfied you did not care to in the first 

Wr, Wright: If your Woner has overruled the objection I 
have a motion to make, 

ie F cme Gourt: I do not knew what you are going te de. You 
I e doing so many things at once, -- the objection is 
4 : everruled, and the Court suggesta that you go on to 

chiauay stow Hig Kot . 8h TPR 1880, £8 antiage tape ate annod rst, 

vse 4 

asotmeet at ays toile ode Imad jatonen #89 Lit tow bas iWiséueb boxe ber 
tit mn 
sed btoug pabivinws bas esiqive vioose iad tase — 19 eneoxo Pr eae 
¢ HM Se AF 
dnsmeng § oe rere tot eidetieve food esid to soosuonen ont 
} } aoe aa 

gacit es eaeairishti uty oe ‘otew etod Lhete bus #x0di80qeb oub ‘sawoms oa te, 
mo Geet. eae 

shan ot ton biwoo jh tact tuesay odd of boxtoqat euooe d bos Fone *-. 4 

te ai batouhmes aaw Anand oe? bowolouth wok ta simaxe oat dass shee, 

WhO 6} 

edt te solseigeteeS Sas avol teddaut snevexq od dass | tonnes ee. 
Py oR "Care Rey 
oF dscewrene reemuoood ob Lau te rod bud ont Aud exis to 

is Pies ioe od Rey 

aiced saad eit to moleaeaseg dood , OR eL et rsdaevoid no Berens 

oma vow tio ,détet goa nioxesis nolt have aid to eauacod ba 

ext ‘to apites edd tadt jrevisoor oivec kota be satoaae set rk : 0d £8 

op yt a 

-@h sot youtotse as eiwed ta soak ta09 baw 

wget Aahve™ gl ae 
suuoo oat tud ,¢tdisee ode to wolgoubons ak os had besostde 2 

By? Saye 
tol yorrotta vals .ttig irl id aedW " .bedd bobs os am 

saMo9 esis oHelteo\de tesitaut B estan os peda kw oul bosese , sean 2 | 
Lut od druop ost -moiteotde. xo wogal brosex © aa. 
beolut « t x 20 yout ‘ 1S nll 

~ontdo odd of bbe of botuaw ed tad betete ‘aad Sgt tH 4 th mo. 
airy ae FEA, 5 ie 
eat doidw mt gaibeeootg ang 9% netizeq ton ox9T agents dew 

te esiem. oF eves som ob. wor" that Leet Suwon oat bomen be ai ee 
omqnes. HO cipal saat ab want wor TOTES. no sapnugiuas yee ae ; 

act gant bedate atege tiytaW salt moquersst "emotdqpoxe to: id 
Praag wy fod ‘ 

tom stew tins abide of estixeg. odd tat bawory ond mo an 
 pekteetdo ofS ,botedaa saw xobx0 end tp keve ak tive ont ot 
eit gage gatyeo ,dewnidaes sigli® ,th .dewoo esd xs. belutxeve'® 
 Litny eubumce-eaore ot yt Lurtroqge am: tuondiw bodttahs ‘mci jin 

: ys 
Re ie Zam - 

ipeseioadd brooes of sogmebive mh hast mses bed 

‘ feninaxe-geote of on x ” 
.eale gsihid ome a mated sus chin > fea By) =a | 
darks ens, al ot oxae dea hi wey: Sedhabtediass de “E09. ere a a 

ue {witeve sem Tomeli Mw, “pdoig de® Me me 
ah Benton hae I ad be Lutte grirculy i wodton a mS 5 
oY. 0h od archos, @%o soy dtasiw wort omjioh E).. witty 7 

ai noléestde edt -- ,eon0 de sgatidld Yusm oR pinndor a a 
-@t Me oy soy sedt eteosgue S100 end: bie } 4 

—— a 


something else, 

“hr, Wright: How we move the Court for the sake of the reeord 
to instruet the jury to disregard P, Bx, 556, 

“fhe Court: And that motion is denied, 

“lr, Wright: Insofar as it contains any recitals concerning 
the condition of the bank, 

(Mr, OtHora: The State hae no objeetien to the jury being 
instructed to disregard those portions of the degree weich make 
reference to the condition of the benk, The State is offering it 
for the purpose of showing the appointment of the receiver, 

“The Court: The authority upon which thie receiver acts is 
absolutely admissible in this record, 

“My, Wright: If the Court please, I au simply trying to keep 
@ reeord of the proceedings, 

“The Court: All right, that is very nice of you, suave and 

everything else.” 

In the coursé of the trial the State's fitomey, apparently 
realizing to some extent the seriousness of the error, called the 
attention of the court to the exhibit end said that the State joined 
in the wotion that the jury be instructed te disregard parte of the 
order. Tae fourt said, “I thought I did that.* Mr, O'Nora replied, 
"So." The fourt then said thet if there was any question about not 
having done it, he would do it again, and that he understood that 
the records were introduced simply for the purpose of showing the 
appointment of the reeeiver and nothing else, adding, “The jury 
will net regard anything further in this order, it is just te shew 
the appointment of the receiver by the Court," 

Tae exhibit, bewever, was not withdrawn, No further or other 
instruction appears te have been given to the jury with reference to 
it. It is apparent that the admission of this exhibit was grave 
error, In the first place, defendants were not parties to the prow 
ceedings in the fireuit court in which the receiver was appointed, 
end the order was not binding upon them in any way. in the second 
place, the order recites conclusions of fact by the State gaditor, 
who apparently was not sworn and, indeed, it dees not appear that he 
testified, In the third place, the order purvorted to fina the ule 
timate issue whieh the jury in the cause was ic determine, In the 
fourth place, the firenst court, as the Supreme gourt a 

held, was wholly without Jurisdiction to enter ee erder, Webb v. 

groos" ‘ene To odee ont 157 eee ars svom fuer beg RO 
nay Bye 
NTS Te, Eamentte" os en -0at popped ot 
eakieenesine eletiont yas agiataoo tf aa i a seme “te neha, soo ‘oat 
“gaied ytut set 9? seltovide on aad. eteté wr} x 10. ~ tu? arr 

gain okie eoteeh add ‘to neiolizeq eaedt bragete! 

ot bo 
$f gatxetio ak e3498 enT . aasd add Mohd ih 
stevisdet eit ‘to 3 cies 94 oht's : ey yr x 

Ba aso tavigoet elds olay sg Ye odds BS a * Aiea 

qoes of gitytd ylqute oe 1 ,omeelg dred asd peu oy i Seed. f Pha as 

ole OveNe .HOy ‘to wota ytev.el deat Pon ny LfA | aged os mn 
rereen eeoart ors ntddade eae “tated eid v6 anes oak SO 
eae ‘Belles , torts odd “ie aconsdolten ‘et dnodze anos of aaiiadeot va 
‘Wodtor: etedd ont fend ttaa bua ¢idtdee aoe ot trm0o ott te aot + med es 
‘ort ‘fo betaq Arayote ts of Bstourdank od vauk odt Yall? ‘molto | 
snob Got ato ak ogasth Bb I Pigvodd I ,btee rack» t 
tom suoda ‘folteenp Yue aew exedd Ti fast blae aed duvol ont 
Gath hédbetenins Wit Fans Bae nbege’ Fs ‘ob Kevaw Vil Give 
grid gatwoits “to Seoqxuq odd tot ylomte beouboxtal stew ab 
tilt oil .yatesis” safe ginkitica baw xevieoex odf Yo ere 
weeks ot rab at gt ener alist ab redhat enahael bene 

seit vo soreNt of .owerbariw fon bew adel stdin ‘oon he 
‘gt ooueretet Htby Yrwt add of movth need evad od trance ‘dot tout te x 
oui “wees enw ll wind to neat Ea bead cia tnoniees 8 

bioose ed at | .yaw qe ab ments” nous ‘gathatd son aren <0 
| tod 151k eed BAF Ve goed Yo Sholeutones sedtboe reopen 
get Gods tadgee Poa avob FL ,beobal | bats etowe: Fon nn anw vise £4 09 
aks ont bakt, of badoczeg apbie | oct “s00ke pated add iT 
"eid at wentiereitoh of Baw Sees ae my “gust astt ‘isle ' 

’ shawna’ dtu09 ‘Saw xqut ud aa “\eMoe ‘shina 
al de atone. ona" teghe cet icine 

atin OF way ao fee pO ge ik 

Merozag, 268 111, App. 538; People vy. Shurtleff, 555 Til, 243, The 
fact is that the epoointment of a receiver was at no time an issue 
in the trial. It was coneeded by all parties, and the suggest ion 
that the order was introduced on that account is merely pretenge, 
It was impo asible for esny one of the defendants to have a fair 
trial with this order before the jury, and especially when consid- 
ered in connection with the remarks of the trial Madge with ref- 
erence to it, The State does not seriously contend that the ruling 
of the court in this respect was not erroneous, The ruling that 
this order might go to the jury was, we held, reversible error, 

Defendants further contend that the evidenee failed te 
prove either that the bank was insolvent at the time the deposit 
Was reeeived, or that they, or any one of them, if it wae insolvent, 
had knowledge of that fact. This eontention presents the ultimate 
issue of fact determinative of the case, As we understand the law 
it was essential to a conviction of defendants tuat the State should 
produce evidence which would show (1) that defendants were officials 
of the City State Bank, to whom the statute was applicable; (2) that 
a deposit was received from Louise Green November 2, 1929 3 (3) that 
at the time it was received the bank was in faet saaehvene) (4) that 
defendants knew at that time that it was insolvent; (6) that the 
money om deposit, or some pert of it, was lost to the depositors, 
(6) that «11 of the above facts must be wade to appear beyond a 
reasonable doubt, 

Tm addition te cases already cited, we understand the Spine 
ions of the Supreme — ie c » 529 Ill. 104; feople 

NM. Gould, 545 111. 228; aid, Reems, $57 Ill. 182, sustain 
this interpretation ef the law, In 

eourt, after citing the statute and stating different definitions 
of inselvency, none of which had been given in a case where the 

Boivency ef a bank was in issue, eont immed: 

“gett” ONS tet wes en (Ob aA AT Bat ors 

gee Oa)  acaeddenmaecih feat af aaw anad edd boevieoes asy dt outs 

etiaot am omit o@ fa aaw gevigset @ to tao aloqgea ont stadt ‘ab Yost 
mal feoggue oct bow ,aghtreq She yd tebeonss ane at iat, ot a! 
wokiontore ylstem a! tadoave sect ae Deoubortat ‘ssw robie ot ted 
_ ttet « evant of edashne tes at "to #0 yas: tot otdtesognt a " : 
ehiagoo marly yLiatosqee hae ,¢tet ost ptotted xebre alas ‘tan ! : 
| ater sittw oy bah faint esi ‘to octane’ eae: aehw ottonaion 4 ih o 
puckion | axl? tedd baetaeo chawebese toa ‘eo0b otag® ont. “ath ot 
tedt gutivy of? . etedaetr® dom aw fooqnet Ghats , ak ‘#xm00 | 
terre eidiarevex blot ow sew yal end of oa tig tin cohen, 
od belie? conmdive esd tant bheetues aosidaut atnabueted 
thacgeh ect eotd end do tuevLownt anv amd oslt, testd 0d: z 
.Pnevkoedtd ant ¢2 Ti yvedd to oto Yue 20 Want tact 2d oh 
otainkt is ent vioossrq aplsredueg elt deat decid Xo we 
wel odd booterster ow oA ,oaeo ext To pre 
Siuoria otet® od? tacd etushue heb to molt olyage @ of iwkonenee, 
aistoftie stow adnahwe ish tac} (£) wode bisow ponte e0m0 ty . 
todd (8) {*tdeotieqe éaw otuteta ons matte ot vine ofa yo0 
dads (€) geser .f radusvel aseto ov kwod mox't bevivoe: aaw. 

9° gid todd (4) pimovtoant sew dt dant amit test do sc | 
{etotivoged OAs 03 aol eaw 22 to teeq omom To: vttnoged a 
~ # baeyed taeqqes of obem od team etng? maaan sine ‘ 
rkabes ons bastevebas ew ,beodio. yheorls pesae of. mane aaa 
ataoo’ jos cit C8 ,lnmsD. .v.ohnee’ nh $009, omenant mat teehee 
sistem S60 440 VES ,brenmel Wy afoot jO8S SLE dG, bE WOR.» ¥ 4 
2. Pe a mac wat to maktnteranot whe ” 

mes Ellis v, State, 138 Wis, S13, 119 N. W, 1110, 20 i, RA. 
«) 444, the Supreme Court of Wiseonsin had occasion to con-= 

Se eet a 

ae ee 


ider the meaning ef the word ‘insolvent! in an act similar to the 
ene upon which the indictment im the case at bar is predicated, 
The trial judge had charged the jury that whether the bank was in- 
solvent on the particular days material to the case turned on 
whether it hed sufficient assets to meet its liabilities in the 
ordinery course of business, ‘The Supreme Court said that under 
ineolvent ani bankrupt laws, by the theory of which the debter 
should suspend and take or submit to such measures for the protec- 
tion of creditors as insured equality of treatment the trial 
court's view was correct; that the limited meaning of the word 
‘insolvent’ applied in the administration ef such laws was not the 
common, popular or general meaning of the term, whieh suggested 
merely a substantial deficit of assets to meet liabilities; that 
the Lending of all save a comparatively small portion oi a bank's 
deposits was inherent in the conduct of the banking =a ys and 
that this condition was recognized by law; that it would be un- 
reasonsble to punish eriminally, under a statute of the character 
here invoked, aersons engaged in tue banking business whenever 
their competency to pay all depositors in the usual course of 
business is challenged, regardless of their competency te pay them 
all ultimately. The court held that the term ‘insolvent,' as used 
in such a statute, does not mean insolvent in the limited sense of 
inability to pay indebtedness in the ordinary course of business, 
but that the term means insolvent in the broad general sense of @ 
deficit of one's assets in realizable cash available within a rea- 
sonable time, treated as an ordinarily prudent person would gen- 
erally conduct his business under the sawe or similar cireumstanees, 
to pay his liabilities; and that a bank is insolvent, within the 
meaning of such a statute, when the ¢gash value of its assets 
realizable in a reasonable time, in case of Liquidation by its pro- 
prietors, as ordinarily prudent persons would generally close up 
their business, is not equal to its liabilities, exclusive ef stock 
liabilities, Thies definition of the word ‘insolvent as employed in 
the connection stated, expresses the common, ordinary meaning of the 
word, 2nd for that reasen must be taken to have been intended by the 
General Assembly in the enactuont of the statute upon which the in- 
stant indictment is based, 

“Liguidatien of a bank in insolvency proceedings is inevit- 
ably attended with leases, which often fall upon the depositore, 
The aesets of a going banking concern are regarded very differently 
from the same assets after the bank has been foreed inte Lliquida- 
tion. The change of situation depreciates the value of the bank's 
property to @ marked degree." z 

din ee AAR A AEP nen era) 

Crt was ieevetave eenential fer the State te preve that on November 
2, 1929, when the alleged deposit was yveeeived the City State Bank 
was in fact insclvent as defined in vi v. Clark. 

November 2, 1929, when the supposed deposit was received 
and the bank closed, the condition of the bank as shown by the books 

Was as set forth in People's Exhibit 361, which was as follows: 

1 nt i ws et 

Py St, dh og Are es at o# @ig ede 2i¥ eek , ie 
“mo of no LRAOBO bet mlancoui® to roa ome tg 
ett of wefinia toa tm ah 'teevigani’ bior ot te 
-seteelborg ai tad ta gees et al sapmsoibal ont sip Late noqu ano 
-ak gee tuned of aeciveds tect yuh sad bogrtado, bed agbgh Letsg oat 
ne bearus game of2 of LIsitedau eyah taiweitasg oft ao taevlos 
gig at seis ifidetl e¢t foam of esoens dasleltive Aedithys 
tehau def? Aisa daiwev empigee eT ,aeentaud To Se tuoO | 
seddoh ad? sigfiiv te yrood? ot yd, ,ewed,?> 
“gagetqg ead 10 aeiusaom Hove of thmdve 74 aves bas ken quee 
 fatat oc Saeaisets To yikioupe he 
btow og to galngom bedtakl edt zads Sewers eaw wely ae 
ant doo sew eweluiges ‘to soltattelababa. ak bediogn 'tnovfLoam 
hotecoggue doldw ,awied edd to yalasom ieee Weds 9 Sue hy > iti 
tedt paohahiideif£ foom ef stoana To, tlolteb 
e'dned # to moliuoqg iiawea yYlevitateaqmos a erase he ae to 
bas geentawd yaivgad ent ‘te dowbaoe oof ah duacpsing | tk 
on od binew tk iaat ;wal yd heaiagoost eaw old thao al : i 
tefogigso oft to otwiags « tabsw .ytibabetto dakawe of oftuim 
<evocody seeniaud gainnusd edd ak boyagan amegees, , botora! 
te esiwoc teway odd mt atosigogah Ike gag ody ‘Sqn00 | 
ees you ef Youesequoo thes lo saeibireyet hogee J ef ane. 
beet ao ',tmeviowal' axed off dod? bie Iewoo edt: .yletamks 
te eenee betiail end at smviownt assem tom go0h , ot 7H . 
ge@entend Fo eeigoo yeoenthao ocd al: ‘aegabesvobat | 
& to eeane Latenog beoid of ak f#osvioant sasem ate 
~ees # alsdiv sidefisve dase oidaniider ch stesas p= sl 
=e binow soaxrsq Smbuig Ylitanibie as ge botsett yout? s 
stoncfeswexto taliate to emee os uobay aeonlend ols 
ony wisitiw ,toavvicent ef deed @ stadt baw ae tench 
efeues ati to owleay daan ed? sede yotutete 2 « to ge 
-ote ei} uw? meltabiupif to sase ai ,osis s Idanceast a at ©. 
qy geods listens, bisew ey Bet 3 dmheta ylbiteni pve ee) et 
doors to eviesloms ,aoiitildal£ ett ot La fou ak ,agos 
at keyotque aa- tary ioaui’ beow ott ‘te soltialted mad? o’ 
est te gainen xibzo ,aommeo ons Geaveteme ,botase se 
edt yd bebuedai aged ved of solet od daum moeset i: 
=al edt ateer OQM roa eng bul re sad Ba Rt ville hoa th 


weotinoqah ed? maqu Sie’ ae PO hakate RF | 
yiteere Ttih yxer bebisse1 ste axecmor yaldacd aahog s "et 

~hhupiii ofnb heotet aved end wand wt tHe he 
e'iaed ens _ wonatl rp! aokiastie to aguas 
an Savenged bettas 

tedmevok mo tad? evetg of etat® edt tet _tettnoane 
Bae% etete gard ectd Sev 

bevisset sau theogeh hateqgqee odd nocty veserss eS Se 
adtood edt yd swore as ane! at Yo dolihbass ond: imeos “5088 ne hat 
aeWOLLo} aa sow stodsiw yLOE Sha bite st elgon Lamaeapines 6. 



NOVEMBER 2, 1929. 

Pal ft 

Leans and PA WOHUAEEs 6 iki xs vas bras dodvnesseeBR, 076,223.15 

Real Eatate MORE occa e eee ekow 
U. 8. Government BSOUFL ELON. cc cccccewcacewn 
| Other Sto aks ANG BONG. cc vcrocesvetonceceeta 
¢ Stock Affuiliated Corporations....cccecssner 


—— Bonds Reserved Under PiP iP. cccsctascceveces 

Parniture and Fixtures. .cscccccscccvcsserve 
Other Real Estate, eve e#scpees eevee eoseoaneeoepseaeoe eevee 
Due from BEBEE fo ecterds deca eesn danas ene eae 
Bxehangé for Clearings....cresescescvsenees 
I eS ale aaa eb OW ORS Ow ee Re Bea Oe Gre ame 
Cash ROME oc ke wielda beh RESO UR ORE RCRD OREO 
Ltemes in Transit seveveezeooerveeeeeaseeeoaoeeeaee ee een 
Interest Harned Rot Colieeted..ccrccecseees 
Accounts Reesivable ezsvg ee zpeeaeeo eee anes enereeee ed 
Revenue BERMPS. cccccracteessesseseseusesnce 
Beferred CHAPZOB, sccccescccscssenesesesosve 
AAJUSTMOENES. cc sesasecsseccsreeressersesere 


Capital 33°) ) er re ree eee ee ee ee eS 
BAPPUMR ccc cers cceresceersecvesersccenses 
Undivided PROTRO s 6 ke 600s eA 0S Kote eiewes 
Reserve Accounts... .ccessccccvecccsssssese 

> ansg Bus ar asta a a ipl 
___—Etue Deposits 73e8 Stee senee ere eaves aree re 
Publie Funda on 2 dearer rere en 
DUG CO BamES.. cicvcsecvscecccseccsseceses 
Certificates of Deposits.ccacccccscvcsece 
Cashier's WRMOER ic pcan eee Cb etek ease suas 
Christmas, insuranee and Vacation 

Club DOPSGEER. cccverceseesvaesecsverees 
Deposits on bonds Purchased.....-cecsseee 
Deposits Collateral Trust Notes.....s..0» 
Trust Department PURER. ccs cecdecsvencease 
Bilis PRPROAE. sca scccussaeeveasenerennes 
Accounts PSY ABLS ec cevasertocscresvencecese 
Premium ACCOUNTS. ..ccccseereseccsecesocce 
interest Collected (Het Warned) .cccecscces 
Subscription Account... .csscresvessccvcees 
feller's Difference AcCount..r.secsescross 

312,732, 72 

645, 89 
26 , 850,00 
997, 500.00 
12,774, 78 


$400 ,000, 00 
200 ,000,.00 
1,888, 53 
1,873,695, 53 
1,095,490. 24 
400 , 500, 00 
56,017, 28 

16 247s 80 
61,207. 54 
155, 060, 00 
14,132, 63 
S10, 70 


Adjustment aici taeda ied oe 7 8g 

in determining the question of insolveney the items of 

eapitsl steck, surplus, undivided orofite and reserve accounts 


bilities, oes a Clark, 329 Ill. 104, 

> a total of $622,372.41 should be exeluded from lia- 

Subtracting the amount 



~~ -_s QRADIED CO Jad rate ¥: ibe eke rae 
\ soe pct oa Ae 

oe aa aul ar 

En a Seeereeretewetee ene ste a oy 5 9 

8? SF 218 
00.088 ,OR 
69.008 , FeO 
60.060, R06 
oe s0Gb, OF 
wo, £78, 3£ 
Va SDL, 802 
£0,008 ,TeL 
es, gBb, 5 

IW {208,988 BLL e88 08 
84 .2@0,8Ve,£ 

bo, R80, f 

09.008 00a 
6S . TL, & 
00, O50, bs 

osm, BOL 
or B88, 8 

d8 TOR, £0 
95 ,000,88£ 
@Z.82 : 

SG SEL, 84 
80. BO" 
OF .088 
de eng 

betas ieddauatecaccnene treats 2 68 2% 
pire nyskaipetrs Pee oy baw ‘ea, dea 

vieddiwden ts AGRE vig ye ye hofat ae ; 
seeds ewesetars oe bee €, ‘teball apt 
bndbbecbetadinadadic seem 
Peery rei Ff 
Fete eee ATER Ewe Eee ee nee at : 

Pees evreearewaenerenes 

Pee at webserver sees tbs vaeer 

eeeetevess vee DOToe LOU toa ben 
Beeneeresrrentirese cc) : 

prise ap ene rges aa cabal 

eee ee eee 4 

eee eee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee | P 

atte pee easeasneeasevmeas yee » a Pree 
Teer ree eee eee ee ee ee ‘ 
Ri? tnt aed aaaaete nee pee! 

rrererer re err itty Be 
Sune e ewer awe eanaes faor 
PTeTereeeyerey ST yy bapa’ 

tesrerrewesnea eas Oe 

See eseecreseae. 
Ne ee ede da ee nba | 
SPOR eee eee eee ee eee ee eae ‘ 

Pee ee enseowcrenenenvenns o ROM 

IS eit) ‘sotes thst 

See eevee seeese 

intrrtntarssmaneees eth 

atavonos eviese% baa aaitory, pero onel taller 

: waht Mott bahuloxe od ‘biuode £a,.8TE, 8808 to pany a ot 
: a toons ad guitonisdee 



of capital stock, surplus, ete,, which wae $622,372.41, the amount 
ef beok liabilities, leaves $3,902,819.76 net liabilities as againét 
tetal rescurces of the bank, as shown by the books, of $4,525,192.17. 
in order to prove insolvency it was obviously necessary fer the 
State to show that the value of all the assets of the bank on that 
date was less than the total net liabilities, The State assumed 

the burden of so preving, It is in consideration of this cuestion 
that the damaging character of the ex parte order of the frroutt 
court, which, as we have already seen, was erroneously admitted in 
evidence, appears, 

However, independently of that order, the State undertook 
to produce the necessary proof, Ite evidence was directed princi- 
pally toward showing the worthleshess of two iteme which appeared 
in the resources: (1) loans by the bank to the trustees of the Co- 
operative Seciety of America to the amount ef $463,693.07; (2) an 
item consisting of 510 ehares of eapital stock of the City State 
Safe Deposit empany:, whieh was the ewmer ef the building in which 
the bank was sitoated, this stock being carried on the books of the 
bank at the value of $462,000, which represented the amount actually 
paid for the stock at the time it was purchased. 

It is quite impossible to properly weigh the evidenee in 
regard to these items without bearing in mind the relationship the 
bank sustained to various other organizations and corporations and 
particularly to the Pegaso Society of America, This Society 
Was a common law trust organized by one Harrison Parker about 1922, 
All its business was directed and its assets held by trustees, The 
members, of whem there were as many as 90,000, held beneficial ine 
terests in the trust, and the trustees owned and controlled various 
enterprises conducted in the interest of the beneficiaries, One of 
these enterprises was this City State Bank of Chicago, The society 

held and owned all the stock with the exception of qualifying shares 

tosoms si) ,£b.STE,8888 mew sig hiw , 096 ,eoletwe ,toote cedigas to 
‘thakege ae oltiitdsks tea IV. C18 808,0@ aovact eels Lthdokt seed. to 
TESOL, GREG To ,axiood acid yd cwolle ae ,anad odd to aeoxwonet Lasod 
seit xet yeaasenoa yLevoivde eew 2k yoasvioent evorg of xobt@ mi 
tan? no daad edy to steeds ont Lhe to oalav ent tout wors of otaee 
beaueun Afose edt usteLttdskt ton tated 90) nedtt oust daw eam 

aotianse obit to noidetdBiedod ad ot #2 yaiveng 08 Yo'aeiuud’ ede 
thine dh oad 24 nebo Syed ie 4a “10 nadudeAip = stitial me 

=o) sdf te makound add of po ad wd onuad Ww Riba 5 ; 
ae (&) 3°0,800,502¢ To savoma silt of aqteant te went. eine | 

bas enrottesdos 0s bae saotaatnayre: rode suede oe : ae bs Le 
wtolool aiat actions Yo qsotoet ovts ong ot! ein 
BROL twode toxze% aoetrzall eno yd bostnagte teuzt wal wot odio 
ont enotentt ys bilod adoenn eth ‘bee botootth saw we se awed | 

oat ished tenet bied 000,00 ae yuna as: ot0w stent mow ‘is yamine q 
ewoltey bettoxtnes bus Seawo teedeiret ond bak’ tered ony md tensed : 
Xo ond ebtatbttonhd ous to teowedat ont ot betornane:meakekentne | 
ane Sonnet Yo duet oea@ yet atts saw eon tueredne oe 
 aotasia gabytbinup To molsqaons oi? Adtw syots edt Lin more = Bs 

held in the names of persons acting as directors, and even those 
shares were in the possession of the Society, being held ag cole 
lateral to notes. Ur, Stedman, however, pald $165 cash for the wi 
shares of bank stock which he held, amounting to the total sum of 
#2.650, and he has, sinee the bank clesed, paid a stockholders’ 
liability thereon of #100. Hone ef the defendants took any part 
in the organization of the Cobperative Society of America, and cere 
tificates of beneficial interest were not sold after they became 
trustees. Their connection with the fociety came about under these 
circumstances: Up to duly 1, 1921, tne fociety had about 90,000 
subscribers holding beneficial interests for which they had either 
paid or agreed to pay $26,000,000, In 1922, proceedings in chancery 
and in bankruptscy were pending against the trustees of the fociety 
in the federal court of Chicage before Judge Evans, To prevent the 
ruin whieh seemed to impend in case of Liquidation a conference was 
suggested with the view to settlement, Ags a result some of the 
trustees reaigned and at the suggestion of the fades, Steduan wags 
offered and aceepted appointsient as trustee, Another trustee named 
at that tims was Abel Davis, whe later resigned and was succecded 
by Hr, Wilkins of the Central Trust Co, The salary Stedman was to 
receive was suggested by the Judge and accepted by Stedman, At this 
time the book value of the beneficial interests was $5 a share, At 
the time the bank was closed the book value of these interests was 
$37 aw share. , 

Besides this bank the foctety owned and operated a number of 
other companies, These were the City/Gafe Deposit Co., the City 
State Co., the City State Investment Co., the Randolph Drug Cc., 
the Randolph Buildigg Corp., and Peoples Life Insurance Co, ‘the 
Wells Building Corp. and the Raudolph Building Corp. were merged 
with the City State Deposit Go., and the assets of these companies 

Were transferred to it February 1, 1927. ‘The loans of the bank 

open? wave bow ,eteteowlh ae guigen ancetsg to asuntedd mhipied 
 mhgo ae bho gaked seto2oo ods ty aotuuenscq: edt kh ohéweuteiat 
ae adit 9% demo 8640 ing ,tevewod jaambese (4h jeeton oF Lenetad 
to ame Iatot edt o¢ gattasome ,kfod ent an tedw toote ‘tat hail 
‘egebledvoole # dlaq ,bowelo Ankd orf goats (eon af Bae 08a 
Jteq Yan Wet RFowioe es ods To waek GOOLE to coexesit eR CLGRE 
“too bam ,g02ve mk ‘lo ydabeod ont gerzeqded oah. te. toltertangre oe mt 
anaged goad xedtts Bloe don wrew testetal detoltead ‘te sedan ktad 
ened umbae tuode ae Wetook out div celtesnues thedT - seetsutt 
900,00 swede bast vtotvoy ost ,180L ,£ yhut of GU:  e90nofemuorde: 
tette Leal yadh coda tol aveoned mb fates tened gatitosl wxetixondm 
qisvcntio ad egatheesorg S8CL al  ,000, G00\8RH you 09 beens 4 (e 
 Vinleok anit Ye eopeaury exif vantage gathaog wxwr eurtovteeat tilting | 
eit dmoverg oF .nanva egdul aro'ted ogasdsl® Ro. S40 feroba ont at | 
Sav sonpteIaop @ Aokishinpsi to sean at bagel of houowe ite Kiwi: 
oat “to goon ingot # eA ,2aewelddew of wely oat Hew dodeoggee’ 
asw anubedé egbul ocd Ye molseesgen odd to baw bergtaoe aobdabey 
Ronen goteusd TesonA oedeuss ae dmmntabowan. hetqeose dha borerke 
peboooowe gay him bongleet retat om (ebved Koda wow annie 
at waw manbose yxelee ost 409 faut? detinsd eet to enbethe | ee 
eid? i4 .nanheds qo detqooos das oda ailt ye DoreogyiN aawi 
+A ,otade «2 8 sew atasnedat Leiottoasd ed? to oulev Mood ony 4 
aan, nanan tet: ousie to exley dood alt henoto saw aned ee, oar 

cabins seatel bis Donwe yivisoh aid dined ebad 
PPL, C808 09 sagged. shah git oat drow eaent © ome 
402, gue uqbobaad ost 000: posmtenentncons eqns, ae 
ttt ee pometeant athe avlqoet ane (6qrsO geleihwt 
‘ ke bogtom, iow .qrod gainitid Aqhobead edt baw .qted gah 
aolgamins overs ‘to atovas otf bas ,.09 Siaeqed wind Ys. 
o>) ted it to aodel et  NEOL  L ‘etauitdot 32s | basiedainaes 


to the pociety are said by the State's Attomey to amount te 
$338,198.42. ‘the statement, while nominally true, is in fact in- 
moqurate and misleading. Mr, Bailey, auditer for the State's Xt- 
torney, testified as the State's witness and said that 967,500 of 
this amount represented a loan from the bank to the pociety and that 
additional loane in the sums of $6,000, $8,000, $11,760 and 
$3,814.42, making a total of $97,000, were direct loane for the 
benefit of the pociety. the rest of the indebtedness, which amounted 
to more than $200,000, for the most part represented leans made for 
the bank through Guy L. Bush te George Pole. Ar, Nelson, Auditor 

of Public Accounts of the State, suggested that these loans te Pole 
should be additionally secured by the notes of the pociety which 
were substituted therefor, As s matter of fact, the eollateral given 
at the time the loans were made to Polo remained in the bank. His 
note for $67,500 wae secured by ap00 shares of the stoek of the 
Peoples Life Insurance Co., for which the fociety had paid $30 per 
share, representing an investment by it of $240,000. The notes pro- 
vided that the eollsteral should stand as security for any and all 
indebtedness, se that the $97,000 which Pole owed was secured to the 
bank by these epee shares ef stock in the Peoples Life Insurance Co., 
and wae further secured by the note of the or Seciety of 
America, f - 

There Was evidence in behali of defendants tending te shew 
that additienal security which Pole Left with the bank was reasonably 
worth more than $300,000, All these securities were benind this 
particular obligation of the cabarets Seciety to the Bank, The 
evidence also shews that at this time the pociety owned adjusted 
notes due from its members in the sum of $1,098,616.91 4 that about 
25,000 of these notes were for lese than $200 each, and that in addi- 
tion the jociety ewned accounts due trom mexbers to the amount of 
$4,195,738,74. As defendants point out, ten per cent collections of 

{ fo 

ot Face of Wiech ot etedOesls Vil bis! orn YvoRbOy eutt ot 
«tt foot at ak joy YUlloulmon o Lhdw sai ote ent) avees—eate 
adh afeaadt oat tot ‘rot iiwe ,yotted 2M .galbheotsdw baw etemwpon 
‘te O08, 78¢ gant bias baa teondiw e'otes ede ae boltivesy pyowred 
gard Ane ydotoeR ond of dood odd mort newl a Rotuseertoer Fawomd wlidt 
bac GOV, £28 ,000, 8% 000,59 ‘to wmwe eat ni wawet tamekeiiba 
ono tot dmeol doerls orew ,000, TOE to devot « yabtom GRapeReyee 
hosmiemd lo kde Bacabotdshal olds to soot wav ‘ects took ent ‘to ab twaed 
‘tot chem Basel batossotaet He taom edt yet (OOO, 008 mde erase 
tot lbod , ito ko . 28 .ofot enrosd of Meet .f yud cewetee aimed ade 
ofel of caeol sesd? dadd bateoguue ,eded8 HF “LO stauooed otsaaiae 
do key Gdoiod® ont to eotot edt Yd Gordes YLiotoli tobe odobiwede 
sett tetegeiios od} ,fost ‘to 1sttee a 8A. to teTe dE bode tedad Suse 
ati .daed bce-ak beniemox Ofot od sbem orew anwed oat outs ente 
bit ‘to toota sAy to Hetedd BOOB YE benudee ese 008, ae tet egon 
a9q 08% hing ber ete LOK odd sto tiiw rot /.09 soastwaal stht eetqont 
“Cty estom ext .000, 0886 to ti yo tembeoval oe gabtaenetoe% ,ottusie 
Tie ban yas Tot Yicevee @s haete biworle Lexedn fos’ edt tent) bebty 
sa? Of borves2 aw bowo ofel xo biv OOO, TOP ont tele o8 jeeenbediebal 
,+00 sonatusal otha ae ot ak aoote “to votade ball snend yt med 
te bi saogpag vidawiel ‘eis To eton' etd het cmaiedientenbnnieed 
“‘wesls of gatbaed arene Yo ‘Thetied Hf evnobive ew wiedté © | 
7 Udanouner auw dowd ot adiw stoL ofet Mokitr ystuwoss pi | 
gtd batted orew ae ie fxsved seat £LA 000, 0086 madd xem adtow 
ext died wold os Yeoloo® ‘Duties eds Yo: aataas ets 
‘ fesenthe bomwo yso took wits emit alae te dedt awosde onde 
« $aede “Fens p£@.810,800, 49 to awe odd af etedewe ati 
«iba at tect bat ,dowo CORY nad? Heol vot otew .coton 
te dewrome ot oF sxsdnom mot? sub etanosee boawe yoo tooQuedd mots 
ko Sab ktostLes IHes cw re eniatan cman BA dE BET, 8 ras 7 

these accounts would have more then liquidated the entire indebted- 
ness of the ciety to the bank, 

Kr, Bdward Tudor, employed by Joseph 5. Optner, who became 
receiver for the fociety, testified as a witmess for the People, 
Fis testimony is to the effect that if civen a reasonable time he 
could have realized at least 50 per cent om these notes and ae- 
counts, As defendants point out, he being the witness produced by 
the State, the State was bound by his testimony, fe: ‘Se el 
174 Til, 229. At any rete, his evidence seems to be uncontradicted. 

ir, Edword Kesler, formerly one of the trustees of the yon 
ciety, testified (and his testimony is net contradicted) that from 
1922 to 1929 the mexbers of the fociety had pais tanks memberahip 
contracts $1,600,000, and that ome year preceding the closing of 
the bank these members had peid in approximately $300,000 on sube 
geriptions to the capital steek of the City State Co, in addition 
to the amount paid during that year on their membership subserip- 
tions, ‘The City State Co, was a corporation orzanized,as the 
State contends, for the purpose of removing slow assets from the 
bank, but, as the evidence for defeniants tends to show, with the 
design and ultimate purpose of taking over all the assets of the 

perative Society of America to the end that the Holders of 
beneficial interests in it should receive stock instead of benafi« 
cial certificates in the trust, The City State Co. had in fact, 
howefer, paid into the bank about $145,000, which had been used 
in taking out slow loans, It had alse donated to the bank $50,006 
in cash which was placed in the undivided profit account, Its ene 
tire common stock was owned by the poctety, and the amount of 
money which it turned over te the bank indicates it was not used 
in any way for the purpose of taking money out of it but rather 
for the purpose of assisting it. 

The City State Co, also paid out about $80,000 to the 

Gj Diy ee ae ae aN 
u | 

 abetdebal etiius edt hetebiwoil amd? otom evn bivow etnudbed eeeith: 

vim oath ot vistowh ait tease 

emaned oy ,toatgO .B dyesck yd beyotqup , tabs biswhl yeh som 
elgoot edd nel nem by © ae pettisaos stdatoo& oni 10% weviesen 
ail omiy eldenosses « sovly BL sade doe The off of. ak ynoubteaed ehh) 
(+08 ban aefon eaelt o9 neo toq 08 tenet te hort inert syed bine» 
ya bop ubaty ae dtw emt gated of ,tuo tatog atanhes tah * _ et rearos 
Radaes .nomisecd ati yd davod maw aint, edt ,otes8/ way 
betuibetinosay ed gt amon sombive atd .otex yoo GA 88S LSE aF Ry 
~o& of to asesawt? ads ‘to one yliesse? ~setag brswha a fer.) 
monk dant Loagethantaee Jon el yaomitoet abd ham) bettiesed yteke. 
qide ted dane adore basi xtotook alt Lo ax»domm exit cee 08 ae 
Yo Balaol aud gaibasetg tany oso tant tim ,000, 000,08 atounte | 
<dua ao 000,008% Yleteutcongan ot bay st wredener anentiaigilitile 
moitibbe sk .o0 ates@ y$40 anid to gloote aan A A 
~qitesdve gicatsdaem tiedd so tany tend yattub Stag FS 
eit ga, boninegic moltereni0o # saw .a0 etede wth} oe 

edt goxk afoara wols gaivomoer to seoqama ostt ult: ntandbuniniaideallte : 
pit diddw wore of ehagd sdanhw'teh Tod sonehive elt oo yoad yan) 
edd ‘ko adeens oat, A: SO DANO, 3h NS NEE | 
ke axeblot edd taut bus of of avbtemd to yestoo®, evides j 
atteaed to bavtant doote ovtsooy bkweite $2 nt wtawretat tates Rones.:, : 

ee ee 

‘ — gHlaak af bes .08 ef0d@ ys20 on? stewtt ost at ete tienes te 
| Pome eed, bat Moke 000, 0MF deodactned as? otat Diag! \eehewed? 


000,088, Land ast 9 Sodenod onto bet 2% suavol wole tuo) yabiadiniyr 
one est. »Jaugeoa thiorge bebivtbaw. edd at bepe ly saw Ho | . 
to sauows oid dpm ,ydeloo’ edt YS bene eaw doota memvob ; 
«bese 20a gow th sogaodoak tned odd ofcrery bemmatid fe Sotto” 
mre to, ‘24 lo Swo yonom gutdeg To ssogrng odd aot yew yam te! 

Say he ace * et 5° Mea yhbegatente ren Teo cow ug utd 0 
| et of 000,088 swedantup bisq vata .o0 sedate ybso.aimioy, [ts 

# se 

City State Safe Deposit Co. in order to meet taxes and interest 

on the bank building during the period the building was being 
constructed, The bank owned 51 per cent of the stock in the build~ 
ing company ond therefore received 51 per cent of the benefit of this 

The State's Attomey suggests that the Areuit court re- 
fused to permit the receiver of the G. 8 of A. to eollect ace 
counts from mecbers because of the uselessness of the effort, The 
evidence hardly justifies this comclusion. On the contrary, the 
Closing of the bank and the appointment of receivers for the core 
porations affilinted with it had destreyed and dissipated the ae- 
sets of the jocicty. Hetwithstanding the uncentradicted evidence, 
that the acecounte were collectible up to at least 56 per cent of 
their face value, the farouit court was of the opinion it would be 
inequiteble to permit the receiver to colleet. It is apparent that 
as a going concern, which the pociety was on the day the bank closed, 
these accounts and notes were abundant security for any obligations 
due to the bank, and apparently the auditeur ef public accounts was 
of that pinion, since he suggested the substitution of the notes 
of the fociety for these of the euetomers of the bank who were slow 
in paying their loans, 

The State also contends that the Gity State Co, was insolvent 
and never made a profit, but the uncontradicted evidence (again by a 
Witness for the State) is to the effeet that it made a profit of 
about $42,000 on the sale of shares of bank stock, and that 
two dividends had been paid to the steckholiders, As « matter of 
fact, for months prior te the elesing of the b the bank stock was 
s@lling on the market at $250 a share, ‘the ¢ perative Seciety paid 
$165 a share for it, so that its net book profit in that respeét 
would have been $85 a share, representing a profit of $207,500, 
Defendants insist that the fact that this stock was held in spite 

Feetwsal has aexed foom ad tehv0e ah .09 slaogod ete® wtat® 22D 
gaked aew yalbited ed? belieq esd gutish gathiied dned edtuno 
«bitud sat at Soate elt to tase t9q 48 beawe aided os? betowsdamon 
abcd to ¢£teued oat to tuo t3e¢ 18 hevieoor svrolorest foe comenee gat 
«97 dtz00 t hoor td en? ¢ast edenggua neonate B'agedte eMT es 6 fy 
hath Ge thes 08 eke tad. Bonge: Remeinge ad dioteq of beat 
on?” Stee od? Ye cadansetoas edd Yo wauaned axoduom moxt admnme 
‘ ge? ,ytattacs oad 20. motes tones elds eeltitest ~ieted somebive 
“x09 edd 10? axeviccst Io snsmiatogge 9s? ban Auad edt Yo gatsete 
min odd beteqteatd ban beyortwah bade th dittw bored i206. srebtenen, 
,somei ive hotolthbatsaoonw ot gaibasdeddiwaeli “etebooy pat. ) 2 
‘te to seq Of temol te od qu aiditos lies oxoe, etepneoey aii tnill: 
ad bisow #2. aointge ads Xo aw rune dtuosth oult .outey opatntads 
fas? #1 .tevtioo oF tevieses od thumeq of oLdattupenk 
bowels ane ent yeh ent mo sow veotved exit sodatw «Mteedgo Balog & Be 
exottent ite yuo tot yshteoe tashasdes etaw aston bas etnsosse, enedt 
apw efavesbs stidue to tetthwe edd Yltnexangn bow sled odd obvmub 
aston ect to setvutiendue ext betseggua en aonte notatne tas, to 
wos a ee ee 
 teevforal eer (90 e¢ac8 ytd ote Gand abrotnes) cade etetd ditheirilieg = 
(@ Uf akage) eemedive bevolheusactew ene gud ,¢ttoww 8 obes Teves bre 
Yo ¢ltete « ehee 32 sac, tooTte ald of ab (eter? on to enantiv 
ted? tae pote tasd to eotedes 008 To Lee ont 19 000/88 swede 
asw foptt wned out ot Se yaleode od of relig edtaomtet «tant 
| bhaq ute toot evt ‘edt 9rsca s 088) 22 serizen ont ao-gahiion — 
susauor tens cb ee acd feat dno 2h ata 
008, %OR8 Yo sLlotg s gatemonezqen onesie 6 88¢ aed « 
ottua ‘ok Bhoad naw doote ‘aks? $962 toatrons sads. 



ef the market price at which it might have been sold is persuasive 
evidence of their belief that the bank was solvent, When we re- 
member that the question of solvency in cases of this character 

is to be determined by the value of the assets as a going cone 
cern and by the conditions which existed on the day the bank 
closed, rather than by those which followed, we think it must be 
hela the State failed te sustain the burden of proof with refer- 
enee to the alleged worthlessnegs of the indebtedness due from 
the eae Seciety. 

The secend principal item, as already stated, concerms 
the value of the building and premises of the City State Safe 
Deposit Co. ‘The evidence shows that some negotiations were 
wnder way prior to the closing of the ponk looking toward the 
sele of this building. Defendants had been inforned and had 
reason to believe that the building was desired by tne Tliinois 
Bell Telephone Co, ‘They had asked $6,000,000 for the building, 
but had teld the agent for the felepnone company who was ate 
temting to negotiate a sale, that $5,000,006 or better would be 
eecepted, These fects appears from the evidence of Frank D, 
Rebinson, whe also testified as a witness for the State, 

Fred L. Williams, a real estate dealer with offices at 
39 North Dearborn street, testified in behalf of defendants that 
he hed sold other preperty in the same bleck to the felephone 
company, and that he was employed by the company te purchase this 
GMT, that in December, 1928, he approached one of the offi- 
ears ef the company to get a orice on the property and was given 
a price of $6,000,000, He says he told Mr, Robinson that if he 
would cut the price down to $4,500,000 he could close the deal 
in 24 hours and get the money for it. This witness aleo testified 
that he talked to Mr, Abbott, president of the Telphone company, 

end wae teld by him that a price of $4,500,000 was & reasonable 

oviteuerey et loa aved eves ‘date t2 soidy te eaing desrem exty te! 
~o1 ow oat -trevios anw ised oft dat Wotisd «ted? te eonekives ated ‘to eeees at Youn ron to nolteeup est tacit wadmom» 
~a00 gniog & ae stoeae adt to eutay eit vd hoatarateh ed od af): 
aed eat yeh sit wo bstatxe doldw enmoltsibaes oid Ud Dae ected © 
ad sa zt Aakds 9* ,bowolLot sp tiw enol} Ye matt todten ,beaete. 
19tet ts te Yoorg te nebrud ont aietese of betlal o¢ade. odd: Biteahet 
sont out eaeahesdebad on te aagnaroliiiow begette onto 
men ons oop RPOLOOB ov 
aateanos sbogede yosoxke as meg Lanhenten, beenenott ce suhints, 
- otae tose yt odd to sentuora Ane gath thant ose ‘to eulew eda 
; oxew anottatd gos emo sats awesin sonshtve exit . +09 t2moqette 
oa btswed yatdoot dasd edt to anteolo adt ot Tolte yew wehem t 
"best bas boomtottad aged bad etanbaeted | santhitud add ‘te whew 
“akon! Lat ont w boxlsob aaw atibtied edt taut, ovelind of nominew! 
‘ACLbikud exit 10% 000,000,9¢ Beslns bax vod? +0) amodgete? Lfef +. 
. th env ociw yawn snosgese oat tot stapge. ont. bios. Rast turds 
od hivew nested ‘to 000 1000, 8% jact ,ofse # etettopen. st antnponen 
-@ daev to sonebtve ead mort ‘eisegae asogt (MO ERi: hotosogg. | 
 leted® 943 201 eusasiv o as boltiteast oate PORE. 
ta aecitio utiv 10Lseb Siatae Leet 6 ,saehiLiW .t howt- meee . 
Bast Stiabueteh te Iiesied at bettivaet ,taerte sodsaet seco BE 
“smosige to elt of £0 eid omee ond at Yinoqote ‘suite, blow: bashmst ie 
abst eaadoeay od xaaquoe ond Xd DONpLaMS pw, ost dace hee: emacs 
«f'Y'to ong to ono bedlasotaqa od 880k <toduepett ah deskt eee 
sovly aes bate vixgomg ond ao s9lty # $92 of yaeqemn. ait 
out th tans moaaldoR .t ied of eyes ob... 900, 000,98 Reventng a! 
fnob eutt enots iwoo eet 000,008 ,A¢ ot seh .9obtqrextt teed 

poriitwes 0 ks, toad by eis? tt tot yeaom edt tog aan-enmindlls axsect 
 .yangmon inn to snob ta0%g AIESEEA. A 8 am 

faneaaor 4 saw w 000,008,06 | te cotuq « sand utd yd. 


price, Mr, Abbett says that he does not recall any such conversa~ 
tion, but it is not denied that tne feiephone company was buying 
property in that immediate vicinity. 

Williams also testified to an offer from a Mr, lloskins 
of Pontiac, Michigam, He says Hoskins offered $6,000,000 for the 
building property, $1,000,000 of the purchase price to be paid 
with property located in the center of Pontiac, and that the pure 
chaser would assume the mortgages on the Chicage building and pay 
the balance of the purchase price in cash, This witness further 
testified that in his opinion the property in Pontiac was worth 
$6,000,000, He says that the deai was perding at the time the bank 
Closed, He also testified that he was familiar with the reasenable 
fair cash market value of the bank buiiding at the date the bank 
closed. He said tt was $5,000,000. He testified to sales of other 
property in the same bloek on whieh he based his opinion, 

Bawin G. Rellihen corroborated the testimony of Williams 
and said that in July, 1929, Mr, Robinson told him (the witness) 
that if he could close the deal for $5,260,000 to go ahead and 
close by, that in July Mr, Williams told Mr, Rellihen that if he 
would make the price $4,500,000 he cowld elose the deal in 24 
hours; that lr, Williaus pathic Dink Mote sed hie Nis principal 
was the ferephone company, showed him a check of the fel ephone com= 
pany on commissions on other sales he had made in the same block to 
that company, He also said that Mr, Williame had told him of the 
pending negotiations with Hoskins, confirming the testimony of 
Williams in that respect, which, indeed, is uncontradicted, 

Jarema was the cecretary snd treasurer of the Fontenac 
Athletic Club, which anticipated the purchase of a building in the 
ioop, and for that reason he said he had made inquities as to the 
price at which property was being held and familiarized himself 
with the feir market value of the property in the loop. He stated 

~<eureraes pve yan LLeoor Jon avob of tent eyes ttodta yell © eolng 
gatyed sew yasgaso teitsias 18% with tert bethob tow eb tt dudh§ moet 
rand wa tea ai Wiiintoly stethonmt todd at? yoesqomy 
“anttaoll 2M @ movt toTto as od Se'btttacd deta’ amnktrew ox wbch, 
seit tot 000,000, aé bor to aniieoK eyse off [nisi Evin tat oattnot to 

blag oe od soltg sasdotug Sit Te 000,000, 18 pedrsdoty gmtbwlid — 
aq ot todd ban ,oattmo® to tatned sof at Boteoot ytreqete thr 
we bus “gutbiivd ogsctn® od¢ ao e4gays-rom wrld omedde Wtvew meme: 
econelnd anentiw sicT ,faso ai soity saaterug otf to someted vaste 
‘docew enw paitaed at yireqota aus motniqo sit a2 sady bottitest 
“sine ont omtt ois $0 gaibueg baw tnob Oi dese uypt’ oF Goooponoyas 
ofdancesst edt Nthw telilust asw of tout be Pisest oefe-el!! aheagle 
Aned edt eteh oft te yuthling Ani ene Yo oulay totrom tone che 
xeidite to aslee of hettisesd ot .000,000,04-aaw t¢ bine ah shanete 

snolnigo ald bessd on do kew ao doled ome oxit mt gtmaony 

emsiLliw to ynontiee't ont bsterodottoe ‘Mert Lcom eM: Se tes } 
(ansasiw ct) mbt bLod moaitidoM aM ORCL yee nh Sexi cbhem tiem 
bas bassie oy of 000,008.29 To? Le68 suit odose "Rimes vodk Meboadmalty 

ed ti tacit medtifet ,«il 616d eos berews et “ein ont tad opt ioamele | 

AS nt Iaeh ext onolo hives st 60/0007 84« Solte ost entec bLvow 

fagtonti¢ atd mtd Blot oink sautd 'Satttaaie” am bis ay arent 

«m0 oaasias tol outt to stoasto ‘mid Dowode ; ya Qwd> omoxte , 

ot tools ease odd at ebam Bed of go lee teitto" ao" hiceeasabinieenians | 
edly to mid bLot Bed ametisrw pale vane bike on fe oH .yasqmoontedy 
to ytouttest edt gaterttac _ ehhteolt atte anoiteltnsan gaabasq 
sbotothetinoom et ,heebal {doit tooceer dedi: eh oma hLLew 
‘osmetnot ot to “<otusdett bas yistoroes oft gew siete ioe” 

\ este nk guthilud @ ‘te sastotog ott bedaqtottas Metdw dul whtelata 

| one ot as aoktiwont ehem*had ort biad od nomest ems siaiall 

ese .qoor old ab’ vireo oiit! 26 enter textromabatoesl it 


that a fair cash market value of the building was $5,000,000 and 
that the actual value of the stock in the building carried on the 
beoks of the bank at $462,000 was between $800,000 and $900,000, 

The building was damunveret by a first mortgage of $2,500,000, 
wnderwritten by P. W. Chapman & Co., a concern with large experience 
in Chicago. Prier to underwriting it, the bullding was appraised 
by Babecek & Co., amd upon ite confidence in that appraisal P, ¥, 
Chepmen & Co. underwrote the first mortgage loan for $2,500,000. 

Age a matter of fact, the Pabeock Co. revert appraised the bank 
building at $4,499,606.76 (allocating to the land $1,326,750,.a9) 

and it was set up in the books of the corporation at that avpraised 
value, The sum of $79,000 had been paid on the first mortgage on 
the building according to the testimony of Mir, Bailey, a witness 
for the State, There was a second wortgage on the building for 
$800,000, so that it is spparent that a sale of this building for 
anywhere near the velue nlaeed upon it by these witnesses would have 
retired the stock which the bank had in the building as shown by the 
books and given it a very substantial prefit, 

As againet thie testimony the State introduced the somewhat 
qualified denial of Ur, Abbott and the testimony of one Charles J. 
Pose, an appraiser euployed by the Chicago Title & Trust Ue., who 
had also been employed by the Northern Trust Ce, in that capacity, 
He testified in substanee that he appraised for the Chicago Title & 
Trust So, the proverty which was situated on the southwest corner 
of Randolph and Yells streets on or about November 22, 1929; that 
this appraisal was made gueiier: taewe after the bank closed, that he 
took into consideration the value of the ground and improvements, 
the rentals being received by the building at the time and the 
actual expenses “where I could.* He wae then ssked to estate what 
he reported the avpraisal value of the building te be November 22, 

1920, an4 replied, after referring to his report, that he found the 


Saw G00,990,8% maw gakbliad ado Yo oxtev tettam dass what # tet 
oid no bekexep yAtbLdod ait Bh doode oat Tovouler Lomtom nett shalt 
2050, 0008 bus O00,0084 mowied saw QG0,RO39 ta dnod ould ‘to exleod 
2%, 008,89 Te egentran sexkt aod hewedenond ese uathited edt 
sommireqne eyted dtiw agomeo @ ,.99 4 mamgnd .Y 1 yd nett iowrehas 
heaiergge aaw gabhliud edge , ti gaitbuwtebay e¢ teltt. — ogaotdd at 
«Y.,% Soalerwg¢s, tadd at somebitnos eff coq has 108 & dogodat mys 
p08, 008, 8% tol awol sgagttem taxtt add oterwiebay 400% samqaaD 
ded olf Senlatqqs treqes .09 Asoodet edt , toa?  antienag 
pong hawt eslg 0d gattavotia) 8¥.300, 00,09 ta gudbih 
basierqes tent te aehiatogtes act to atood odd ab ce scare 
he open? xen tect? ef? oo blag mad Bel 000, CTR Be me OH hs : 
savatly o ,yelked ,«d te ynoentiasd off ef. aattrocon gatbibud es 
qo? aulhitud ed? no egsgtto bagooe # new erat 02888 etd cot 
tet golbiind aidt to efea a tet taeteggm wt tt sed? ow of 20, 
svad biwow sesneadin ened? yd ot soqu heosle axtew arit t 0 . ae 
edt yd awada se gnibiind sat at baal sae au folate vote ont Stier 
ethete Letinatedse yrov a th meviy bie —_— 
tacdwemen od booubottnk etete oct yromiteed etut feaiaga bs aula ase 
t aefres® esp To Ynoulteod ond haa todds .t% to daineh hott iiag 
osm 4.09 true? @ OL847 apes ts. Whbeyeteem meaterane: me eRe 
att booges test, ct 99 teurl aveddeo estt 16 shores ogra gee gl 
& oLs2T agastaD ont rot boelerqus ef fest sonndedum shy heb trot om 
teates teewldsoa od no bedeniJe new coke yorecara bit 00: tat 

ad test, oni dead ect trete egak WO whom Baw : distil sat oaaa 
eioosevotcat fms basotg ent ho aniav ont. notsenobtnuos otak * 208 


a ee 


physical value to be $2,692,521. He further said thet he found the 
actual income, estimating one or two eases to be $391,129 a year; 
that the expenses totalhed $260,792 w year, He stated that the 
building was a little more than 60 feet wide, with a depth of 180 
feet on Yells street and about 86 feet or a little more on the stile dh, 
Seas it widened cut in the rear; that there was a strip 60 by 100 
feet in the front; that the comer building had 17 stories and the 


j that he appraised tae land which he found to have a value 

ef $70 « square foot, or a total ef $877,380, and that he appraised 

ether 23 

the comer building on the southwest corner of Randolph and Wells 
streets at $652,518; that he slso made an appraisal of the 23-story 
structure edjoining the corner building, whieh he apprised at 
$1,172,532, 54 

Talis evidence was all received over objections of defendanta 
Which, in our opinion, should have been sustained for the reason 
that the appraisal of Ur. Pese wae wade after the closing of the 
bank, and moreover he did not qualify ab ah @xpert on the value of 
this particular kind ef property. City of Chicage v, urveliy 286 
i111. 415. We have considered at length the testinony as to the twe 
items upon which the State most strongly relies, and we think that 
under the rule leid down in the Clark case the People must be held 
to have failed in their ef'fert to prove that upen the date the bank 
Closed these assets were depreelated and verthliess, 

We shall net endeavor to review at length the testimony with 
reference to other items, One oF these was an alleged indebtedness 
ef the City State Co, to the bank for $19,528.63, The City State 
Go., however, at the time the bank closed had on deposit in it 
$5,447.40, also @ trust account of $1,160,565, making a total sum ef 
$6,607.95, which redueed its indebtedness te less than $12,000, ver 
the amount the bank held collateral te the lean §20,000 of first 

mortgage bonds on the bank buiiding, so it would appear that this 

eal Wkrot wd Gant Bide tester ok ree lead A oe be SL Heddy ley 
— thtigey we GE, £68 6d oF vonwe ows xo ‘env gekt auth Fa amos ‘asia 
orl? fetid hefeda oH epee W SOT, CERe beliceoe abenogxs ssid tedd 
OBL Ae Mee ao av tw Yoblw toot 08 ‘neds via erevit s anw antecdue 
pees ody no etom olteil # to deer 08 tuods Kite teotte altew no deet 
BOE Ye OF qtrie 6 uaw oxbuy tend jzasd Wi ut tio! dono nt FE ‘ted? 
ett pw Weoteote VE Rant pntbittud “sik ob bd¥ Pec” patttoirt orld i toe 
ouliv s ‘ovat of Powe? of doliw bawt oxtt Bealaxaus ‘on ted jes teil 
boatexgge of dor! bak 068 ,0V8E To Lafod a to foot orsupe a Og Be 
alteW Bae dqfobnail Ye tomoo towisuon odd ‘no Yuli tind tomes odd 
esiaalhenliatantnieteaennters ox sant ota eced de 'advedih 
| gli out ‘Be baw a aonree sx) aatitotbe ers ‘ow , 
= | Seo Naa 
“etna asteb Yo envitestdo revo boviesst Tia saw sonehiva vier © aad bial 
neaset ond tot beatafeve ased oven biyotte otntge ade : “yao kit w 
gait to sake ott Yotts’ phom onthe ie adios ont ne 


oe A Oe, —g Se pe a 

Fe ere ee 

a teas Knldd ov bak ,aellec yfgdotdd deolt fare ong” do bi ae ih stk 

plod of tami olyost ov} caso Bast) ote ad mwob ‘pik WEA OM a ve 
ied oi eden 0.2 nell vault Feit w ietiae eed ww : 


; adhe seseois 

btost ySHO ont hd 280 OLY YoT Miied eaY of 10d stage YF 
| $2 AE dteouob no hart beWeto sued Sie vats” ont te || 
te awa Letot a pichsinat 28 oer, ee to tanovou Lcbrsinl a brie oon Pe: 

col: 0008 imuly wer or abouboidohng WAP wines 

ar te OUOLORE mao ony” * Swtoswtros Wea sted uae 
inlay ‘dai xawgge babiew t4 oe (heebb hive athunit ontt ada: 

loan was well secured, 

The Peoples Life insurance Co, is another one ef the assets 
of the fooiety which the State contends was worthless. It had at 
the time the bank failed policies outstanding te the amount of 
$17,500,000. It had at one time purchased 3,395 shares of the bank 
atock, but the insurance department ebjected to its helding that 
stock because of the possible satatutory liability and suggested that 
the trustees of the pocicty should give their note to the Ansurance 
company, putting the kamek stock up as collateral, the stock being 
issued to the trustees, ‘The matter was earried out in that way. 

It is ‘thus apparent that the stability of the Ansurance company 
depended upon the stability of the bank, and the closing of the bank 
wiped out thet asset. 

Kr. Robinson, witness for the Stute, testified that shortly 
before the closing of the bank it had a very substantial offer for 
the Peoples Life Insuranee Co, John V. Lees testified he had been 
engaged in the life insurance business for 25 years, had oceasion 
@uring that time to appraise the value of many such companies and 
for many years represented clients in the purehase thereof, In fact 
it was his business to set a valuation on the stock of these come 
panies and he had participated in negotiations for the sale and pur- 
chase of 31 companies, In August, 1929, he had appraised the 
Peoples Life Insurance Co, and had elients who wanted te buy it and 
negotiations were on eontinuously from August until the closing of 
the bank, Uis testimony was that 20,000 shares of etock of the 
company were worth from $45 te $50 a share, making a total of be- 
tween $900,000 to $1,000,000, ‘his evidence, however, was stricken 
by the court, 

The State says that Mr, Robinson testified that the ©. &S, 
of A. Was not able to pay ite indebtedness to the bank, but appar- 

ently that stateuwent was made as a conclusion, because on eross- 

| + ybetueen tie ane mbit 
 atéete off te ene vedtuns ef ,00 soawtbent wthi'es fgoet eat © /o" 
th bait’ $t > (eee ew- daw ebnodliie' bist day Hani totiol eatte 
“Yo tauoms ocd of gukbastatoo Bolo ticg belle? Aasd Sit oinhd 6itt 
| dead Set To aotsce 808.5 pdteridtog omit one te had JT 000,600) 928 
iia Qathien ett of hotsotde saemstesqos soterdent ont dnd’ toede 
tadd bestaoggua bas YthildelL yrotulade eldieroy on} to sateood foota 
aomwrwend ont of sF0k thoud evly bLuode tte du0d oult ‘to esosewrd oft 
gilod toote ont ,letedetievs ee qu dovts dated. ond galseng Cre gms 
Lyaw tat at duo heiress eaw tettam ed? ,wesdaued’ orld 09 howned 
peg som twead oxtd Ro UseLldeda 94) Sads dasreqes cic abe 
dnad odf ‘to unteoko edd San gated edd Yo YFRitdasa oid HOG 
. tosses tosis 0 Bote 
‘—~ketote dads Soltitess ,s3es8 ofF LOT eedaddw jnosakdot ce a 
aot teTto Isistantadus ytov # bed $2 And wad te galsolo odd outa | 
woad bed oct DeLtitesd weed {V tuiot 189 codaxddnl st2d aa rgoet’e J 
folagooe bad jets0y Bf Tot esentald soaerceal ett sdf nt epee 
bos aslasqnes dove yon to sukev oct oatwrags ot emt tact pabeeh 
yoot al Tose? ceasotug edt af etneifo hodieadig6r etacy ogi tik 
| =iiéo ededt Yo #oote odd no nottewlav’s toa of eeottlend afd sawed 
tig bas fee off xe? enotsaitoysa mt boteqiotinag bal eA hae nokaae 
edd boeleraqs her on , 08 CL ,fawgwA at ‘Jestanqman tek ost 
bas tk ywd of hodagw ow atieiio bed San .69 soastuaal oLht aetgost 
to gabeots add Lisay saugud mott Yidveutiinee ag oxew: uo tie 2e 030m 
$89 ‘to do dde ‘to wotade 000,08 tent eaw-Ynduiiass oth) Sm ed 
sod ‘to tadot @ gato ,otsde a 088 05 °8A) mont stow otew ex 
ou noxie hte usw. (avowed arrenaowes ebay B ecrsepunnges od ‘O00 00) wih me 
° RO ad todd bo MIGe9d momntdod sal died “eyed anced ; 
t¢on dad \Anad o0it OF aadabordotint adi ae ot otde ‘gon awa" 
—e no eeusoed ,wolavLofos 6 ae Shad ‘adw Priniioaada tat : 


examination he testified that Kr, Stedman said to the State fuditer 
that the ©. 3. of A. had 40,000 members and that it was responsible 
for its indebtedness and able to liquidate it if given proper time, 
The witness said that he also believed this to be true, 

It would unduly extend thés opinion to go further inte these 
matters. it is apparent that within the rule laid down in the 
€lark case it was not sliown that the bank was insolvent at the time 
the deposit was received, and there are ether circumstances in evie 
dence tending te show that if it was in fact insolvent these de- 
fendants did not know it and in good faith believed that it tas 
wolvent, Souwe of these are that ir, Stedman made a substantial 
deposit in the bank the day before 1% closed and that on the day it 
closed he held in his commercial account ¥651.47; that in addition 
he held a savings account of $580, from which nothing had ever been 
withdrawp and that Mires, Stedman at the time the bank closed had a 
savings account there of $580, from which nothing had ever been 
withdrawn. In addition to that, Stedman had invested largely in 
Various real estate bonds and mortgages which we sold to him through 
the bank. It must be remeubered that the primary responsibility 
for the operations of the bank rested upon Ur, Miller, now de- 
eeased, who before and at the time the bank closed was president 
and who had been placed in that office beeause of his large experi- 
ence in banking, Ke was strongly recommended by the auditor of 
public accounts, 28 was Guy 1. Sush who was later made an executive 
Bt A because of his supposed experience and judgment, 
Bush had served as a bank exawiner for 17 years and was employed by 
the auditor of public aceounts at the time his name was suggested 
for a place with the bank, The real estate department, from whieh 
most of the troubles ef the bank arose, was in fact opened up by ir. 
Bush when he made his connection with the bank, iir, Stedman had 
Particular charge of the trust department, and every trust (with the 

tod LOR ntat® edd of blac membore ,tH todd beltitasd of imoltentoaee 
eidiennyret aor Fh Gand bows waedned O00,04 bad .A to 8 sodt tadd 

att weqertq avis “th #1 otebinp lf ot ofde bas eedabsideink ott 16% 
,9utd ed of aldd bovelied Osis od Jet Bise azontiw of 
emus oni meavint of 43 aefalqe edi? baoias eluboaw bluow $1, o>) 9 e 
-@at al m%ob bial olut edd ntdtie sad? tossagga 2h) 81 \yetedeam 
‘gas on% te Soovicant saw das edd Jadd smote dou asw t2 gaan Aral 
etve al sagaesemmorto tedto Ste s1edd baa ,bevieost aaw sidoqss enh 
oh ements Hnevioenk toast ot aaw $2 Th sand worn od gathiot goueh 
‘gee 32 todd Sovolfod diet hoog af bas 2h owout tom bibostambme® 
Letettetedwe » ebaa omeohes® ,1H teil ets osent Yo sod toerien 
‘OF wah ond ad ned hae beeode th oxoted wb ould dod os nt ¢hoognh 
aoltibba at text ih. L608 toveoss Lsiotommoo aia ai Bfod of bowel 
meod tave bad anton dolrw mott ,06@9 to sauosse egaives 8 blow od | 
@ bat boaolo Aewd srt omts off d6 cambose ate dod) baw, gmorbabw } 
need thve ben ykiten doddw mort OBE ‘te exols sowoase eyairame 
mt “Logzel betesval bet onmbeso ,tend of soldibbe al) snwanbstdw 
tyvordd mii of bloe ow tiotdw asepegsiom bas. ehaod etataa: foot evoitey 
‘uUtitdtenovesr ‘ummhre eat tastt betoduemnr od denen t0) olned-oet 
~ab Won , Te FT ult nogew heteet ansd maid to eaoiverogo ont tol 
tnebisetq aw beeofo aned of omid cd Je baw ototed ode peReey 
wtrogxy ogrel etd ‘to saussed sottito tet 42 beorlg mood bed ore bia 
| ‘to totthus ont yd bo bnemooet ylanoise ae of .gulidnad en 
evisyooxm sé shen retel eaw ov deg .o gw) saw ae 4 
| ~ttemghbut Bae sonelrsgxe bonoqeke Bit to Pavsoed 
yd boywlene wav Se etooy CL 16 somtamxh ieien's shi onal a 
feteossue esw dad ati ont? ef7 Ga ataweobs ol idug to metdhue imutt 
man see sinonixeqeh etstes Leet off dud ont ctl moelque met 
pheabgo dovt at cow jewouw Aowd ult Yo woddwotd ost 10 one 
re ne ee nd ahaa ait; asin tess 

exception of two in whien there ig a contest between the bensficie 
aries) has been liquidated in full, 

Mr, Jarema was the treasurer of the Yentenae Athletic Club, 
He had more than $70,000 on deposit in the bank as such treasurer 
when it closed, and his two minor children had tevings sceounts 
there at that time, 

Ag @ matter ef fact, at the time of the trial the benk in 
liquidation had paid dividends to its depositors smounting to 32 
per cent and hed more than a million dollars of assets yet to be 
liquidated, All preferred claims snd all deposits made by consere 
Vators, aduiniatrators and guardians have been paid in full. Re- 
sources of the book value of $2,121,618,22 reuwain to be liquidated, 
Looking backward it is, of course, easy to say that mistakes were . 
made, but in erder to justly appraise the situation one wust cone 
sider the situation as it was at the time these things occurred, 
fhe unparalleled devreciation in the valuation of all assets which 
has taken place since 1929 does not need deseription. It is 
reeognized judicially by all the courts, There are few, if any, of 
our pecple whe do not have definite information in that respect. 
The old proverb may well be applied to this situation, "Hindsight is 
better than foresight." 

| there is another circumstence to which attention should be 
called, the direetors of the bank met with the examiner on the 
day before the bank closed, It was anticipated that money could be 
Obtained through another Chicago bank, The evidence is that the 
auditor was asked whether this bank should open the following day 
and replied that it should, but advised that the deposits should 
be segregated, the evidence also shows that defendents supposed an 
erder to that effect had been given, If it was complied with the 
prosecuting witness might have eaelly secured the return of her 

money a8 a preferred claim upon proof of insolvency. Whether a 

etottoand off manted dectnes 6 et etext dutdw ak ‘ows Vo dekbqeeile 
ivt at betabiupil ased’ —_ 
aGet0 pitoitSA owastnell add lo rervasetd sat sew setel Jeu!) 
teryaeets ddwe aw dnad ond nk tlacyeah ap 000,00$ next orom boat i 
ataueons wariver bal u9thLide rostm owe etd bas beeols th nig ca 
sould teat to wuestg 
fk shtnd) old  Lebat odd 20 emtd ois th ptoad Ye uedean @ eho et) 
- BB ef getsaueme atosineged sth o¢ absebivad bhay bad solsebiupht 
od of sey etosse to atafleh api liin aed? oxom ben bos dieao mm 
-tegaoo yd ohan atigoqeh Lis bax umtate berveierg LiA | .botabinplt 

| yhetebloptl od of miamex 88.810, RL,RE\ to eusay wood ond Bo preety 

e2ew seieatselta tadt yee oF yeas , 28400 Lo , ak Sh ‘praietbait shame . 
site teum orto soldnutle en} selotgqe Yisent os xebt0 uk out obam 

~boTrNeee eytiidd eaodd omit od te enw $1.28" bbboutte. wate cehibi 
Hoidw atenes Lin te avigouler osit: at, notteloereos beletivreqe oat 
aidl .mot¢edroecb beem ton. do0h Ces e6n28 eos lq Hound aa 

Yo .yse BE ywet om evad? etae0s oat Lis yo yLlatotout beakagoset 

stocques dnsd ob -mottemotnt estat ted evant ¢én ob ole exgueg tab 



a a. ae 

fas Sdgiebaih® ,wolventia atid 09 beiiqga ed Liew yeu drevetg - hee “ie 

od bivede nelisettia doliw of ogandemepiloe twilteaa wh-orodt a ae 

ads me tonieexe oct di iw dom duad edt te stotesths edt’ «bo Sine 

8S bLweo yetou gedi batecietiw: saw $1) .beeeks dnad sii. oreted Yah 
ot dedi el somohive-oAT .aned egsolsd sentom- igendd boaberdo 
eh gtivellol sul¢ sege bivote Amod alas wedsodn bosenaaw roti bud | 
biwode atheoosh ef jad beelvhe dud ,eineia 32 ded bebiqet Bat 
| SgghamOWeK Qinabaetes dost qwors ents sousbive edi -.decagemmeR a 
— = eae 22 Tl. ,uerig mood bet soos gas of xa 

deposit made under such circumstances is a depesit within the 

meaning of this criminal statute, it is unnecessary to decide, 
For the reasons already suggested the judgement as to all 

the defendants will be reversed and the cause remanded, with 

directions to the court te quash the indictment as to defendants 

Castile and ‘artray,. af a 

| ieee, P. J., and MeSurely, J., concur, 


eal achat: 6 af seoastemuorto dom en" Mm ei 
wohioas ot cxauneesan pr “th qotutens ee Aa 4 

a le ee ronan ie 

Naa ioe of ne “upto tba ab. pate Ore es rig OF mda Brod 

ie Netden 6 Ay ORY 

Ddiaery dboecat — 
% | ‘wi 

LGR es BY 

2 oe 
$s = 
a Bee 

pS we. hit eee aad Bie 
shambles... pe: bat: 868 Gey ERS 
Rink hese he ee ae eRe ee 
nid es PER 8 BO MOA SRL. OD GR Lea 

ets SORE Laws NRRL, Mik shar Pe 

og cli au , F i hig > i el date oid = 
Rosaw ageeee TG fe Coleone ‘oae al 

ePosraes. Fart 02 raat para wiat aes nia wees Tee ee outie” a 
‘RE Sy taBe, y moles ss ve ine ag teeaene £s Lge pba: iuewornty ‘we 

* dy rantet ued 2. a 

DE, RAMBO GR: Fa GER Re hay ER at aye g iO ME? & by: “t.huthey auee: we re mone rile 
Rae - PR SOAR te oP aor dw Bao eet aan ak aa PB Nb ont Sheol 

‘ee bier teoas dehy ew cked aon: wae OE gaueeragaly rin aware 

i Rw eke OORT) le eau ee aR 
‘OO ARB mele eee bootie anon bd: allele odie 
RAE. Aa hee Doe tae tee i ete ee veel 
am on elder he ae ee) qiah n't & take awh be Le oar hd vey eet 
Ee ead in A doetas ome £3 R)>- gear ay cael al Soe Wha Gh 
“ht hetorateen: balh eed eee ce day Lae. winarmig BW 

of i) a a, gaat Beak “She Senay edie agheliay avn . 


(Contestants) sypackiieten 

Seeeubar ond Trustee wader the Last 

W411 and Testament “, Pilijam be 
Brown, Seceased, et al, 

279 1.A.631' 
(freponents) Appellees. 
Opinion filed alone Wednesday March 20, 1935 


Thig @ause ia here on append from a deeres of the Cirouit 
Gourt Gigmissing the bili of complaint fer want of equity. fhe 
exune was before this court on « former appesi, nosber 36327 ond 
373 Tlie poe 470. The proceeding ia one by certain Asixrs of TLidow 
le Srown, seeking to set seide hie last will sad teetesent, 

Om the prior besring in the Cireuit Sourt evidence owe 
heard, the isaues subsitted te « jury which returned « verdiet in 
faver of the contestants, and » decree wes entered in their faver usen 
the verdict. Upon a review in this court the judguent waa reversed 
and the ¢suse remanded for » néw trial. fThia court seld thot under 
the evidence the chenceller should have direeted « verdiet in forer 
of the proponents of the will and ageinet the contewtents. 

The evidense woe voluminous. 4 great nunber of witnesses 
were called and examined, aany depoaitiona were isken, numerous 
exhibits introduced in evidence, ond upon the retrial of the couse « 
stipulation was entered into by the parties in which it esa agreed 
that the sawe evidence should be considered az presented and heard, 
and auch evidences ae gas rejected wag to be considered ag offerca 
and the some rulings ade as won the former trink., 4 jury ene 
eupenelled ani the chancellor directed the jury to answer certein 
 Anteorregetories, whieh emounted to a direated verdiet in fover of the 


aii ait bo soveed » govt Leecqe ao ered at eames etdt | aa 
eat Jythape 2o tne 6d tmtalqwon to Like ode watoetaedh rue 
bie TOROT tout ,iseqqs towne? « ao fume ehds spe — | ‘~ 

porene to evied nietroe wt ome al gutbheaceny edt 87h sein 
stanmstes? ne {ike gant ald phtor spr i 

 eewven now txeaghe, Sit tame aidt Alwar & me 
thaw tact Med tewon etd? aan ee 

" ig 

proponenta of the will, und a decree wus entered dlemieving the bill 
for want of ecuity. It ia from thie decree that the osuee is now 
here on the s¢oond appesd. 
in ita former opinion thie court considered the evidence 

Am setenge smi it would anewer no good purposes to agein review the 
fsote nor to review the lew ansertsining therete. It ie contended, 
however, by contestants thet the gouse now being here og the regult 
of s directed verdict, that every intendaent in favor of the evidence 
prodused by the contestants should be indulged im end thet if there 
ia any evidence which, stending slene, would warrent the oubaisaion 
of the issues to « jury, then the comue should be reversed. te do 
net, however, believe such to be rule in thie jurisdiction in eases 
of thia Gharscter. The test ae ww! unferstend it is whether there 
ide evidence in the reoord which, token vith eli its reasonable 
inferences in the aepeet most faversble to the contestanta, may be 
eniad te be gufficient in ler toe suppert the setion. The Supreme 
Court in the goae of Greomieos ve Alien, 341 Ili. 36%, speaking of 
the rule, says: 

tn sataceh ite sh fsy an roenmn'yevaunhwpeeiady oe 

will. The test of existence of error in thie regard 

there is evidence in the record whieh, *i 

ail ite reesensble inferenqes, taken in the aapent aoat 
in tae $0 te the contestant, asy be anid to be ag eg: 

to ig thd the port pa "of agtion. Burns ¥. 
eplied in .i 

a dan oene, Seripltetiens sar hte if there 
any @vicense ~ #vén © soils - & sup 
tiff's cease the osuse suat be submit wg Ay eg 
followed in this State, and we hag yg the sore reasonable 
wale, ond the ont whieh has come te be established by wright 
“d Bpponmee, £ to be as snore wiated. Unter this wes if 
whe heard the testimony ese sonvinsed that 2. 
Condi for the etauunee cae suet necesseri. be get sgide 
besouse th ail ite reo iaferenses and 
oe ore ler "ace Gk on a0 support the verdict, it then became 
the duty ofthe court te withtrey the’ issues’ free the jury 
and onter & finding. SQocw? We bth oie Kt oe Fa Sa 1k & q 
Bll Ulie S78; Barte: < ; 1. Bone, 

os Pes ae LEE yh RS Sank * : ide 
$ Simone v. Spieago and Tomsh “allroad Ge. 116 id. 340,* 


ELis od? oeieedwas® honedae wee cereal @ Bam ghklo ede te “sanonoqery 
#08 bl samad Ott edt voreud wldd wovk of af uthuspa ro Yeon sot 

| sineuas baooes odg we ond 

sonebive ad? hovebianes Ime afd? aodwiag ranne? eal at 
att ¢ahvet alese of eecurey boon on tewene bles oh baw ! 
 ybehantaws 22 2h sotorad? yatotestoqqa wad eat walrvor “ae 20m eden 
these esd ax oxed paied wom deen oft stadt eliotnetaee yd crevougd 
snaeasvs ous To Town ngs Sapakynael Meee do Le OhTeY hoheREs & Te 
erase 24 stadt han at Roglubad of Divods etaeteataon att yt beoukone 
nokeninges 96? taersew OLuow yemmis patbante <éntuiw ooqehlve ye ad 
ob oF .boaverer of Oiuade owmso edd most 0 

 geaen aL ROdteLbederl whe 2h glo ow ot dove ownliod gue 
ered? vasifede ai ¢4 Anetowohay oF Ba tone ad? vtemetacentiiie 
shdexoaeex eth Lhe dike asdot qdosde tneser td? ah speghive as 

ef Yom ,edeatestaes edt af edionere) geen teouse sf ai ogoneretad | 
oxeraut e€f mekios od? greg ot wal wh duskokt tne ed oo bias 

_ Ye padteoge S88 wth Ok oe kid ov pondasens Ro ones anita? Gomee 

es AE a 
B j nae I 

has tn ati lsat A cimve cae hy Lie babel 
takbesy edd trecque © 
mh eh rt ies yr: verbaite of tw 

it is cleo urged as 6 groumd for revere, thet in the 
previous opinion of thie court eufficient weight was net given 
to the teatiaony of the experta onlled om behalf of the contestants. 
It ie pointed out thet in the opinion tale court stated thet much 
teatimony is unsetiefsctory and ie generally diseredited, The 
lengusge used in reference to expert witnesses in that oplaion very 
@losely follows the lengusge of the Supreme Court in speaking of 
expert witnesses os found in the eclnicn in Oop v. Pryor, 794 L1l. 
638, The teatineny of the experte wis not dleregerded by this 
eourt in ita considerstion ef the caeg, Dwt only auch weight civen 
te it os water the holdings of the Suoreme Court of this etate it 
was @ntitied to. in this eenn¢eetien we sre referred to « reoent 
ease entitled, Seope ve Jung, B80 111. 405. That evse, however, 
wae & @Griminel action based upon « forged instrament and the court 
there held in effect thet im eaaee of forgery there ia little 
direct evidenoe obtainsbie and the question aseesserily besoncs one 
requiring expert evidenes., it is aleo spperent in reading the 
opinion in the ease of Legule v. Jung, supra, that the court woe of 
the opinion that the jury eatirely ignered the expert teatimony 
ang gensidered it of no wight whatever. © do not believe thet 
thet ease voried the rule as to the congideration thet should be 
given such testimony. 

¥@ ate no rexson for departing from the view of this court 
ea snnounced in ite former decision end, for thet ressen ond fer 
the reasons expressed in thie opinion, the deores of the Chrenit 



‘sf% af dod? Loevewor wot Muery 0 on bead ook« wh we ANE 
torts ¢er avr ttylow coated? tue greod eld be megatqe auvrweny 
| shimetactnes 0647 to Bintod wo bellee abreqes elf to yom aoot oat oe 
sit .DOFLboroetd YLkarnsiog es baw Yearohertoide ot ‘gubateeet. 
Wer owkwleo Fox? vf Qreneatlw dyeqre of vonoxeter MF beay Sganyaey 
‘Yo getters mt tuo? andre ont Yo epmmpant ool weekelt yea 

> -. MEF Me ype oY geo wt medmdeo eott at tated oo beawentiy Frege i 
ett: Peake Kou yim gwd genes nis to setocebanan th at ao 
Pt bdnte atte to eeu0d exmneNe ods To eyakbhod ane nodmy ws’ | 
| fapeee 6 OF herteter One OF AELtORNEGs BAHN WE sot besenent sim 
gerverad yeoee tedl 689d 6 ELE OBE cadith +¥ Bicoe’ ybenetene een 
drwee Ode Run fammettons eweet = ecw benef rotten Lentetee a ene 
“eLrekh ox onde yenpret Yo amano a2 tallt fosTte ak Bon we 

ane Ragpeed YLivoaereon aoktoove att bee widentetto Gombhhee torte 
ott gebbcor ai tatreqes agle af 82” snoahdve tee jad keeR 

Re saw true ont ode <knuMe «nih <¥ sinned Se Cnne SEP MR: =) 

‘! % ME. heise | n 
aoe 4 

} ooo tnt tog 

37978 x 

; OF COOK couNTY, 
F, YW. WOOLWORTH CO., a Corporation, | 

Petitioners. : py ¢ 9 TA: 63 14 


Plaintiff brought an action on the case against the Woolworth 
Co., joining as defendant one of its euployees, a salesiady, The 
declaration, which is in one count, avers in substance that the 
Woolworth Co, on and prior to April 11, 1932, conducted a department 
store on Michigan Boulevard, Chicago; defendant, Irene Prueitt, was 
in charge of the counter where combs were s0l4; that plaintiff pure 
chased a dozen of these combs through her; that the combs were sold 
without advice or information as to their quality or condition: that 
Plaintiff took the combs home, washed her hair and partially dried 
it, placed the combs in her hair for the purpoze of producing a 
Wave; that she then exposed her hair to the rays of a lamp which 
was held about eighteen inches from her hair for the purpose of 
drying her hair; that she did met know of the danger; that the combs 
were made of inflammable material, whieh ignited witheut coming in 
contact with the flame or lamp, and exploded; that she was thereby 
burmed and injured, 

Defendants filed a plea of the general issue, ‘there was a 
trial by jury, resulting in a verdict for defendants, The court, 
however, upon motion of plaintiff granted a new trial, and defendants 

petitioned this court for an appeal from that order, which was ale 
lowed, as provided in section 77 of the Civil Praetice Act (Cahill's 
Til. Rey. Stats., ahap. 110, see. 77, par. 205.) . 

The question fer decision is whether the court erred in 

granting the metion for a new trial, 

\ . te, 
° oi SE mu %e at lal 

“yy wig eee ® ,.09 heal 
Ares LT ey tO0 

mt 3 pera kee 

, stuoo aH -W HOLRIGO ZET quARV ILC PPHROTAL serait sortie 
: 5 ad pg ilo 
AtrowkpoW ot} teuings onno ats ae melios am siyeord. vabeatest, Pewee 

edt .Yoeteedea 9 jeeoyolque atl to ego dasha lod os_ pakntot bse 
edd david coantodsa of wr9ve ytanoo sag at at setae ,ogidetete 
fneatuaed « betoubaoe ,8bCL ,f4 L[la1eA ot sekag ban mo ed. 4 OW: 
eer jtthewe% emett toehoe teh j;ogsoh ,btevalvel asp’ + AO OO 
etre TWitutsig tedt {blow etew admos xan vesnmeg: RAT: tes : 5 i 
bios exer edaoo ont test pred Agwouly edmoo send te nowob 2h 2 
das? joLERbues to WELeup whos of a2 nolvamtetat re salve suaaehw 
a bch Vitality bor that 10% Seduaw ,omond admes.o. = 
@ guleuhorg to exequrg edt tot ated tad af) edaos : iyi 
dette quai a to myox dt ot nbad.nastiSenpaxe nests se dastttetew 
te seennee ent mot, tiod red wort aorignt sestiyle trode ds F a 
admoo afd Tete ;reyemh edt To work dem bib ede: dust: jake veers “a 
at galego Quedtin detiagd seine ,Lettsden ofdncusm Chat to bam oxen 
cere? vew ore Fant goobolers has ,gmal to omeLh ost» —— 

% dew ated? ,eveet Ioteneg ond 20 eofq @ betlt ataabneted ts 

foals . 

.tunog Of% .edambae teh tot deibeey a at gait inset \¥ wt 
edaadee ted bas , Latte won ® betnaxy Titaletg te soltem weit ~~ 
oie naw tolstw \eebro tede° mod? Lasges me to? t2m00 elds pita 

(an vaaq tt 008 “ont. tan 7 
at heute sunge ead nacido sw an soieioeb no? ‘motseen : 

Upon the trial plaintiff testified that prior to her aeeie 
dent she bought twelve celluleid combs from the Weolworth store; 
that nothing was said to her about their properties or charactcrige- 
tics; that she was net told they were dangerous or that they would 
burn or explode. Om the evening of April 11, 1932, she was in » 
hurry to have a wave because she was going out. She had made these 
Waves before, and to that end eke borrowed frem a neighbor an infra 
red lamp beeause if heat was not anvlied it would take hours for 
her hair to dry. She washed her pair and put the combe in it, The 
lauwp, a circhlar hood shaped afiair, was, she says, the kind used 
in beauty parlors; the combs became heated and very warm inside; 
she sat in a lew chair beneath the lamp fer about three-quarters of 
an hour; it threw out a comfortable heat and as time went on it got 
Warmer; as she gat there she could put her hand between her head 
and the lamp; she sat underneati the lamp with the shield or re- 
flector directly over her head; she put in one comb a little fore 
ward, another a little back, producing an irregular line; the combs 
were placed quite far apart to give a wide wave, While waiting for 
her hair te dry she suddenly lovked up end saw her hair on fire; 
she s¢ereaied for help and put a rug on top of her head; she was 
badly burned and spent about $306 for the services of a doctor 
and nurse, There is a permanent injury to her sealn. 

She — she had heated her hair in the sane way before and 
did not know that ec@lluloid, out of which the combs were made, vould 
burn. She had been treated in beauty perlors where the lamps were 
placed several inehes away from her head, Plaintiff was her only 
eaccurrenuce vitness, 

She, however, offered expert evidence to the effect that 
eeliuicid is a compound made from celluloid by first converting it 
into cellulose nitrate; that sometimes it is called nitrecellulese 
oY pyroxylin, in making celluloid it is plastie and can be shaped 

sili igtewLooW edd mort -adawo btotuties oview! aad ai 

2 ‘Gite tomtasiog To wnisxeqery alee tuods red ov bias saw antion 4 
 Muew youd Jods Te evoTe_aKd orem yet DLO tom saw eta tail? inoue 
sey pe 

# of sow ode 880 ,££ ERt¢A to gakieve oclt ag. ‘bbolque to | coud 
eeeis Bbam hor ox® duo yateg naw ode oxuaced evew # evasi of et 

evinat i ToHdlgien 6 sett bewersoed ada hao tadt o¢ bay yetoled ankncts 


“- wrod oded bivow tf helleas don saw stood tk Research aie . ; 2 

“git 92 at admos $0¢ tuq baa thed tod becigaw oi ad of ‘ahead 


bean bata otf 1otae ode eew diate begada ‘eee’ wilt te & 
‘qeblaai artsw ytev base beteod amsoed adage | art ero tua Se 

rm # 
ke @udtreup-eords trode a0 duet 06d ‘ddaoasd ° xievo wol @ atk o 

| ™ st ao dnew omit ae bas toed eenmndpaissi s v0 wet a 

wow SU wtb tith its IN ik Wl’ Wise Va CR nts 
late! eaeitt & dimes ome al We vi bisnach sis seve Daietvaches 

- gotview eLttW .evew eblw a evig od 

jorll ao thet tod wee bas ay boxool | me a br : 

+ Re a te 
saw ada thaod ‘tend te got no Que a yang ly bowen tot ob 

‘wedaob a Yo abolvres edt xet ooee ‘diode bus 

+4 7. 
fk ¥ 


“sneoe sort ot Restaed chy «ip ad vad 

etaw aye t edt ete tlw ato frag tiuasd mt hoteont ned orth: 

bat t } ee mY ty 
eine sot naw aches Soin Todt bei ene ‘postoak Pry eh 
ae | — varesy er 
fe , 

“tastt ‘doo%te ed ‘ee eoaehive: frog ‘bororto | . 
i: teh ane "enn 
“ak auldievnes gextt ca btointiso mont hon bawoqao9 & Fi 

4) soe SP a 

seofeiteoors tn be Line at it sent zoioe tat “yetattti 
co lie CA 5 CR a ee 

_ begat og ago bas olteata oh ot ‘bhoLutiee aabien al 

Pe ‘eat erry hi 

under heat; it is mixed with a materiel known as a slastercizer te 
make it plastic, and the plastic most commonly used is ordinary 
camphor. Coloring matter is put in to give cellulcid different 
colers, The expert was shown a piece of comb and asked whether he 
could tell ef what material it was made; he replied it was a form of 
eelluloid but whether nitrate or acetate he could not tell without 
heating it up; he was handed a mateh which he applied, and said, 
"That looks like nitrate to me; yes, it is." He further said that 
when cellulose was treated with nitrie acid it formed cellulose 
nitrate, a combination of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen; 
it contains enough oxygen eo that when lighted it would keep going 
eff, even theugh no air was applied to it; it looks very mueh like 
smokeless powder; the nitrogen content in percentage rans anywhere 
from around 11 te 14 per cent, which was a fairly high content; it 
does not need assistance from outside air in order to burn, as it 
contains enough oxygen in the compound itself, Commercially the 
product was called celluloid and had been known as such so long that 
it is its common name, Different companies had called it by various 
trade nanes, | 

When asked concerning the degree of heat required to ignite 
eelluloid, the expert answered that this would depend somewhat upen 
the variety. If the manufacturer was careful in making it, the ig- 
nition point might be around 160 degrees ©., or 310 degrees FF, If 
poorly made, it might be as low as 250 degrees F., or, in other 
words, 40 or 50 degrees above the boiling point of water. It is 
not necessary (he further says) to toueh a flame to it, If heated 
by any means at all up to the right temperature, it would ignite 
and get on fire. When the celluloid was heated near the point where 
it would take fire it would start to decompose and smoke, sometimes 

& Vapor would come out, When decouiposition starts in heat is dee 

veloped in the material itseif and thereafter it gets hotter and 


“ot roxteretealo 2 a2 nwondk istaodem a délw boxtw eh #2 agin tebas 
“vusaibto sf boxy yLmeduoo $e out bisearty ert bu otdensg gy Si. 

‘eo ake 

 $noreTi lh Skotwlies evig of ak tug et rottem gatrotod 
‘ed ‘nodtouw boxes brn dao to soetq @ awede eaw dxegxn ‘sith ithe 
te mrot © aew $2 boilabt om jobam caw $) Leltosem ganw t6 fed bthos 
“Pwosttiw Llot ton bts bit bdeddon to ofaréia xetedw dud btotuttas 
.pies bas ,Seifeqs en doldw dodem a pobneu aaw off jqu dt gaidae 
sang bise toddxyt oh “ et FF ,eey som of stextin oir widot ‘gillie 
deoiutios homtot ti bios elatia tiv boteett aay ‘ono luiten i 
theaae hes ohaber an , hegothyrt Satie bi hatin: a i 

“"eabt coum Gaev wxoet si iat ot bettoqe Baw the bm ee 
j 'eudowitien enwt systasexeg al tnedmoo noord kat ould “tebwoe ns t 
$i fsuathos Avi yittat & aaw dokdw ,dnbe Sey eX’ os Lk bauita not 
$2 ef ,orbd ot ‘weSte at the sbletio mort bonstatose boon fou 006 
ant YlLelotommod tisagt’ bavoqmes ods ah emyxo gwen : . nino 
gacd gaol oe HMowa te awonx need bea bra’ bhotutiee Lege on : iho 

nog tarwouos basysh biwew aLHt sass ‘petewnas toqxs out ny 
sat edt ,¢2 gaktuw at fwtores sae torts ton tise odd U2 
AT .T goorg0b Off Ye ,.0 sooxyeb OOF basore oe shigtm tuto molth 

| tose al . 20 ,-t asotnob Oat an Wot aa bd Fright ar ‘ bee : Pro 
“ah $Y stodew to smboq gmitiod ond evods seotyeb OG x6 | ; sities 
betsod TX lad ot oamtt a taut ot “(ayad woutteu't oat) yaw cost to 

stings binow tk ,erutateqaed tdigiy edd of yieoal e 
| sore tntoq odd ime béveed aaw biotuites ef moat . | a; 
; I ae ssaesi faewed bre dobaantes't oo teere biwow' #3" wun ate Liv 


hetter and the action becomes faster sand faster until all of # 

sudden it sees up in a flash. Any kind of neat, whether from stove 
or eleetric light bulb, will cause it to set in this war. The 
action depends somewhat on the color; if white the velluloid re- 
fleets some of the heat and it takes longer than if dark; if it is 
dark colered it absorbs the heat and geta warmer until it is het 
and then goes off just like gun powder, 

The witness said that the materiel handed to him (a part of 
one of the combs) was very iutimnabhe. The test he wade would not 
be sufficient to determine the degree of stability. ‘The material, 
he said, would ignite without sactuai contact with flame, A lamp 
similar to ons used by plaintilf was produced. During the trial 
the electricity was turned on ond the witness testified that the 
disk at the top of the hood was red het,somewhere between 800 and 
90O degrees F,.; that infra red light was another name for a heat 
ray; that where the lights were placed under a reflector the heat 
raye would be given off from the not piece of metal and go in all 
directions; that raye that struck alongside the reflector were re- 
flected back and thrown out together with the others and thus in- 
@reased the amount of heat on a given square ineh of surface, 

In response to a hypothetical question as to whether a 
light of this kind placed over the combs would cause the combs to 
be inflamed, the expert said he was of the opinion that the cellue 
loid would explode, and explained in detail to the jury his reasons 
for this opinion. The witness put part of a eomb in contact with 
the red hot plate of the lamp, and the comb teeth burst into fLame, 
He then experimented by putting the comb close to the red het 
piate without touching it, bringing it nearer gradually and holding 
it longer. It began to bubble and finally flashed, The expert 
said the flash was caused by the development of vapors, He said 

he thought the experiment teck about three minutes, but kr, Biocm- 


i eee shbar 
ato fie Edda tetent has rotnet sonoond sotton ons ba todte 

rede mort xosid ody tae te bats wad shea s ut qus paper “tt asi 

ont ew abit ai toe of #4 en susa Lihw Sind tity ht ointiele 16 

hs ‘ i Fi, 4 

<9 ‘bhotutien acid oo hotw te sede ond 9 Sasiwemcos abaogeh fenton: 
4 faz 

‘ak 4 Uh pound YL cmd tonmel eoned th ben toed sad 20 mua tos ates 
ide He 
god ak ti ‘it ow temew efo% bow eos ong educeds tt bows kas” 
tebwoq mary oaks tent tte soy ‘nit ban” 
rae " 
to ¢us¢ #) mid ot ho bates totroted ot ‘tard bias eanad hw’ ‘it . aaa 

gem bivow thon 6 sand ext ‘ eldsman thnk yrey ow (advo ‘git oe 


- aitoneet eid yrat odd of ladon ai bonis Lome bao eoolexe ! 

tobrodon sat .ytitidatd to se1m0b oid onimxedoh of tro wo ertae 6d” 
‘east A ‘onal’ ait kw bead iene lewbas sunnlg bw’ esingt hl bs a Petey 

‘Eetst odd gudred § .beewborq naw viidnisdg ve ‘boas 6 pests wey nati 
ant taut belt teed seontiw oad bas no homes aaw loins fo ott 

shah: a 
bas 008 mowded exedwenne tot bow saw hood out Yo ‘aot eat 

, ke nt og “bus Letom yor sole tox ont sox? ‘te aovts ‘od mp Ww Soyer 
“set e199 cofeetter ox? ebiagaeta ‘teunke. tant cone ‘duet tal oie 
ane awit fete erat iad sit Bw wecttoget sath ieedenad sane ‘a 
soatr0e to deal orsups ‘neve “ no pr to Some ag 

g tedtendw of ae ne iteeup Kaotindsongs = os peng te i Tale i 
ot aduos ‘out seuee btwow edise ‘oat reve boos tq batt ands re ‘ 

ehifes odd tant notntae 'éxs to eay od blew ‘xeqxe ‘ar fs a tak 

nit bw: toataes nt doo a To drag tug eaontin ext 
ame dt ofnt tari steed doe ould ‘bas ,qual odd to sista # 
‘tod hex ext of ‘sels “daoo ‘ontd gaittoq xe botnamtzoqus _ 

‘gakb ton bas vikeubery sotsen os aakyaled oth yatdowos pester 
“ dzoqne ent shostee ‘tant ‘bne ‘akdaud o¢ a : couse. 
bies “ “aceqet ‘te snompede ved ond vd ‘Meuttin ew Pe 
anobit 14u'tua (desuntm detdd tueds dood sunnltoqxs 

Por " itt 

ingston, attorney for plaintiff, said that according to aectusl 
count it took 70 seconds, The expert then deseribed in detail what 
the effect of a head of hair mizht have on the experiment, ete. 

There was a sharp conflict in the evidence as to whether 
the combs shadntine/acea ot the time she was injured were actually 
purchased at defendant's store, Wiss Prueitt, a saleswomen and named 
as co-delendant, was called as plaintiff's witnesa, and plaintiff 
being recalled eas a witmess identified her as the one from whom 
she bought the combs, On cross exasination plaintiif said she had 
bought combs on only ome eceasion; that she did not know the date 
she bought them but that it was within a year before April, 1931. 
She did not reeall whether she said anything to the saleswomen or 
the saleswoman said anything to her, She eaid: “The combs were 
probably on the counter, I don't know, I don't remeuber their 
being om cards. I don't recall. I have no memory of any cards at 

John Michala, an investigater for plaintiff's attorney, tes 
tified that in the early part of 1932 he went to the Woolworth store 
for the purpose of inquiry and talked with Miss Prueiltt; that he 
showed « part of a comb to her and she told him that the sale of 
them had been discontinued; that there were some complaints against 
them and a law against selling them; that she said she remexbered 
the comb and that she sold it; that she aleo waid the combs were in- 
flammable, He fixes the date he was there as November 10, 1932, and 
says that Miss Prueitt was at the counter at the northeast corner, 
where there were combs and celluloid articles, mn cress examination 
he sald the combs were on cards; that he didn't know what they were 
made of; that he didn't read what was said on the cards, which con- 
tained some printed matter; that Miss Prueitt took the comb and told 
him she had sold that identical comb, but that he couldn't get a 
comb like that any mere, He says, “She told me she had probably 

1 fi ¢ ae 
1B; py’ 


iawtoe of gathtooos saslt biew .Yitatelg to? yoorotte ,motegah 
dedw tiageb st bedireesb asta dxogxe off ,ebnooee OF dood th tumoo . 
sate ,Jasatiegxs ef so over tdyte gled to beod « To tpeTie off 
aegdtesw of ge aenohtve edt at eal 8S GOW OTOMT ng ge 
Ullevtos ovew boxuial acw occa omls off te bonw\ Titi nlely admeo est 
boast has memoeweetae # ,ttioual seth .wsose a! deebasteh ¢o boestozeg 
Yitintelg hac ,seeqdiw a'Tiliaiai« ae belles sav ,snebueteb-oo, ag 
aoe “ott smo ect 2g tom boLtiioehs apentiw « ae bo liseer pated. 
best oun bine Vittalede aotéeatuexe eeoro. a0. ,edmeo edd digued oe 
stab odd wom Jon S16 efe Jedd yootesooe eno yLne no) edmo tigned 
480 ,Lizqs sroted toy « aiatiy exw ob dost tue meds deipu ote 
‘to mexowaeles edt of gatrtyas blew ere tediade Lieset tom bib exh 
@tow edmoo oT” shies eft ,t0ed of gabsidyne bier memoweelon od 
tied? todmesen t!meh I .word ¢'mob I ysedaupy oct ne, ehdadorg 
¢a shtce Yas to yrowem on oven I .fieoest ¢! mob. 1 -a5%a9 no, gubed 
¢ exact fae She 
wot ,yorrotie e'Tiliaielq tot toteqiteoral ae premnnenrg ee wart 
siege ditowLooW sas of saew oc SECL Lo stag, ylise odd mt Sodd, batts ' 
oul dad i40owx% ant ddim bediat dao, ystupnt 20 exomeae alt, ee 4 
‘to elas add dact ald bLod ode haa ted ef doco # tod teq @ homed 
fontags atalelquoo suga ten oxesdit Jolt <bowntdacvath, mood had meat 
bevedwurs oda bisa ede jad? jwedt yoliloa tasiegs wel « hoe mode 
-oh stew admoo ect bien cate ese dads Gtk Blow ede tad bop deog et 
hae ,RECL ,OL 19dimvok aa gtedd exw oc ateh ald ageth of  abdacmne Lt 
,teur0o teseriten sai da tesauos eto de aw stiomd, vetM dant ayer 
uotducionce anoto «0 .eeleiéta bleduliee bas eduoo exew exend exec 
exsw yout taw wom s'ablb onl tadd pebxag me ete aduop est bine ae 
mtion do biw jabiso ai? no died eew jase baer 2 abd a sa 
bLod Sas dies eds Yood disurl ae te tang pusdiam beta ing | 

#@ dog ¢! abiuew ed 358) dud aes ieotsambs 2060 bine Sad etd 
~ ingly ui te vont Bet AA erate lk ee : 

sold that comb, mot the broken part. ** I don't know whether she 
meant to intimate that she sold that particular comb, or not." 

Mr. Powers testified for defendant that he was the manager 
of defendant's store in 1931 and was familiar with the celluleid 
Combs sold there during that year; that these combs were on cards 
and none of them was sold loose, snd that the two pieees of coxib 
marked ae "plaintiff's exhibit 1" (which apparently are net in the 
record) were not like the kind sold at Woolworth's store at that 
time; that he was able to determine thie because each one of the 
combs sold wae stamped on the back and marked "4nfiswmable - do 
not use with dryer or artificial heat," The combs that were sold on 
@ards (he said) had the same warning phrase, and that the card marked 
*§efendant's exhibit 1" (which is siso mot in the record) was sold 
and used during 1931. 

Kiss Prueitt testified «he remembered Mr, Ki¢hala; that she 
aid not teli him she had sold the comb, a picce of which was handed 
to her; that she was in charge cf the sale of celluloid combs at the 
Woolworth store for several years, end in 1931; that they did not 
e@1l1 any combs like plaintiff's exhibit 1 in her department in the 
Woolworth store in 1931; that they were all marked "Inflammable « 
@eon't use dryer," and that they 4id not have any combe for sale 
during 1931 that were not marked that way. he identified defend- 
ant’s exhibit 2 as another type of comb with card that was sold 
that year, which had on it the words *"Inflaumable - do not get neer 
artificial heat." She slso described in detail the differences be- 
tween the comb produced by plaintiff and the kind ef comb aeld at 
defendant's store and identified twe types of combs sold by defend- 
ant, both of which she said contained words of warning as te their 

Defendant alse produced an expert witness, whe testified to 

the same general facts with reference te the Gharacteristies of 

ody eoctocw word d'noh I #* .re0q nedond ont Jom (dade seneoRtee 
tom te , dno wedvohtgeqg tame bios ote Sait Steebind’ oc deem 
Toyama oot anwar text supbhristeh not hedtideed atewot eu er? 
hoki lo ond Mike whi tiow’ eaw bee LCL at oTore aMtinbae ted Be 

- iran. ne ewewonineds ened todd prov dad gaddas ered Steely 
diese te weocoty owt odd guts Par , speek blow eew madd re Omen Bia 
ott at fon exe vitneteqge woliw) *f dididte a Ttvatete® wa eae 
Jevtt fe erode atatrowLoo® ga bfoe batd edt eadls ton etow' (be6Gee 
od) to eae does samoed gins enlueetet o¢ afde aw oc sneer yemhe 
oh + ¢idemu toh” hewtaom bas dowd ont mo bagmete mew pied adeey 
a0 Ako QuaW godt wduce OMT "Saad ator titus te moyet the weMtom 
borttadt ften oat tactt bar ,oaweig yitotey ome eat bet (bton ef) ebm 
bloe aaw (freon, eat a fom wate ef cabo) *£ ee 
ew dest patedald .xh boxodmaces ode bokttrded ‘ttiourt wale none 
febmow ecw deldw Yo eoolg s ,duoo odt bfos hod ode mba Loe ae 
ait 26 dues biolulive to ofeu euit to sgtads ab wew vile Coit geod OF 
dom SRA Yard ture 7LECL of bee .oueoy Ketever to ores ietewieew 
ost ad dewindeaneh soot att eidintew «oT ERbady anne weMed gli Ee 
~ eidemutlini® fettee Lie erew yodd genie 7 £0OL cb orote orowroOW 
5 @hen wot admoe veaus vant J or Ahh qedd gacte bow "rece oe PPh 
aboeteb betticasht 048 ger tert Resteo tom exew. 1 
pLoe ¢ew te83 bawo dtiw dawo to eax? teeltome ow & Phat A 
eon tog fo ob « diltiianiiid ditie niin sot 
-~#S apenetetiih odd Listed ak bediieseh ode wie. maa Gininet 
@e bioe duep io 5aiad ont bee Tiivetedy qd besobeny: 
hue tab yf dion admos to saqye ews Keltitashh bac otete sachet 


eelluloid, to which plaintiff's expert witness testified. He said 
it would take fire without coming in contact with an setual fleme, 
if raised to a temperature of 400, sometimes 350, decrees, He tese 
tified that he took the lamp that was in the courtroom to his office 
and made experiments with it, using celluloid with hair and potatoes, 
Gver objection he was allowed to state that he made experiments at 
his office to determine the time, distance and conditions under 
which the celluleid would take fire when near the lamp; that he 
measured the heat by a thermometer; that the element was heated 
until about $00 degrees ¥, He arranged a rule with inch marke on it 
#0 he gould slide the thermometer along in different positions, 
measuring the temperature at each interval from the heating unit 
with a thermometer; that if the rule were put at richt angles with 
that heating unit the temperature indications were very misleading; 
that if a person put hie hand er head in there so that the heat 
would fall on it, then the heat accumulated on it and the temperature 
at that point would be of importance; that a series of exporiments 
were made at distances of two inches, three inches and regular steps 
up to eight inches, When he tried to put his fingers at a distance 
of four inches from the lamp, he said, which was equivalent to the 
distance to the edge of the reflector surface, he enuldn't do so be- 
-@ausce it was toe hot, He sald he took a good-sized piece of the 
e@lluloid, wrapped some human hair around it and placed it on a 
piece of potato; that he used a potato because the heat absorbing 
value of a potato is almest equivalent to the human face; dens tke 
end of twenty minutes the eelluloid began to blister and swell and 

show little waite spots; that at a distance of about three inches 
fram the efge of the lamp the celluloid blictered but did not take 

fire; that he left it there about 38 minutes, The celiuledd aia 
not ignite; the potate was cooked and baked; the hair was still there 

but leoked ae if it had been heated het; he said that the gas er 

hkan oh ,hebtivect agent iw droge e'Midntets doddw.ot »bhoteties 
,Seeit Lantos as stin teatoes at gatmeo dvedtiw ett eet bivow a 
ssot ef .teotgeh ,O8f sanitemos ,0OD Yo stnteteqmed « of beslax 32 
aoitie sis et mootstann ort at saw dads qmpt oct Loot ort tacit bed the 
motetog hae ake otiw bieluiies gatan dh cilw adronedae geo: Shas, bap 
fa adnomkiegxe oham esi indy otate ot bewollo anm. od, noktoaiae: THD 
Toba etokiibacn pr Sonniath ,euld ot, ontereseb od sodtho hd 
sd tats jquad esl! ison aesw ont oaled Biwow blotwLiveo edd) doksw 
botaod aaw japmete alg tert jintamopredt a yd deed ond) het, nana 
$ no pxtzom Sot cttw edox 2 bogmerin O. «, enotyeb 008) tuade thaw 
saKeltinog sate Ith mi yaole retempumnd? sid edhe bison 

tin guideesd ast gott Lsviotnt dose ta stutetequed ond gat 
dilw aefane. sdetx da ceq ovew eter) edt) Dh: ists qentanmendinanaaine 
jgntbes lain yoy erow anolssotbal etutereqned oat thaws gat dmertes 
seed oft tase pe otedt at Dao oat os tug nowsoeea 8 tat 
viietegaed eft har ti ao hetelooweoe foot oe aot .th te. fet . 
_atnentiaqge te aolvea @ test ;oonstteqad Yo od. hiuew tntoa fast ta 
eusde wfiyor bas eoctent gored ,sedout owd Yo seometeth te med 
vomedats » te aaogatt ala gag od bpixe ec spe? weston tdyte of au 
ot of gaeLevinpe sew cipttw ,hien of 4qel. ent mort, eeclg ns tie > , 
nad os ob t'abivoa os ,gouttwa tedeeLies oat. te ogho sdd.02,eonatath 

_ 9d Yo. goete Hosta-beog # Xoo? od. btee OX, .tod ond egw gh, . — 

# 89 th beoasta bas St hauete thad. seas paon beqaatw (hotel ine, 
nc itegn se: taod of) seussed etadog.« hoay of tant podmtog teeoes q 

pe. erg jeeat aseud ost of suolevinps taoals et ctetog « Yo eater 

bau ifewe bas retells of aged bLosulfoo aut setuatmoytoowt: te hae 
_ aeroal eopdt suede. to sonadelh oe ta tach jetoqa etksw . 

edad tom bib iud herstnisd bloLuslec edt gant oat, Yo enbe act wees j 

Sid bkelwiies oat ,aedunia BE tuods wrods tt a0 £08 A wt 
oreds Liha eaw shod odt doled bas bedgeo. aw otatog .009..<aes 


vaper that comes from blistering celluloid is not cembustible; that 
he made tests to determine that; that he took the celluloid, gradu- 
ally heated it, raising the temperature and watehing it; that the 
eelluloid began to flatten down and beeome plastic, He was asked to 
take a piece of the comb which the attorney for plaintiff had in his 
pocket and to demonstrate with it, There was an objection. The wit- 
mess stated that tae purpese was to demonstrate whether combustible 
gases or vapors arose from the disintegrating celluleid that hadd 
been heated, the attorney for plaintiff strenuously ebjected to 
permitting the witness to state his opinion, The witmese said he 
had placed the teeth of a comb at intervals of one inch for a distance 
of 20 inches from the element in a regular iime and then turning on 
the lamp noticed that the teeth of tue comb would drop down and these 
that were close enough meit and fall eff; that the tests ran for an 
hour and none of the teeth caught fire; toat if a person had cellue 
Loid combs in her hair and would put the head within taree or four 
inches from the bottom of that reflector with the heat on at full 
force, the flesh om the bead would burn before the hair; that if a 
person with célluleid combs in her hair should put her head up 
ageinst the red het element the celiuloid combs would readily blister. 

the motion for a new trial seems to have been allowed upon 
the theory that some of the expert evidence offered in behalf of 
defendant wae not admissible for the reason that it Was in the 
mature of an experiment, which was not substantially similar to the 
actual situation at the time the aecident ecourred, We are inciined 
to the opinion that it was objectionable upen that ground, Pisin- 
tiff has pointed out some ten respeets in which the experiment sub- 
mitted by defendant was unlike the actual situation at the time the 
accident happened, The general rule is, of course, that there must 
be substantial, although not exact, uniformity, The adwission of 

sueh evidence was held errcneous ander circumstances there appearing 

tad ;eldtdeuduos ton al blotulies gated altd ott dimes sae MEQ 
stherg biolulieo sid Xood od sakt {dail} oalaxdtob ot GHOde CHER Oa 
one sod (74 gatdodaw bos ervdetoqued odd gutdtad ,32 Aedes ete 

es Sethe saw ol” woiimeta emooed bas uwoh wetial “ot nayod bhotuttes 
aid at bad Viki mialq x0? yeurosia oad od beiw dixoo ‘ont ‘te Pv ee) 
«thw edt .avhdaside aa enw ezodt .¢) id bw odertenomh ‘ot “bruit touts bg 
aidtsoméaeo “‘teedw edertanomeh of saw saoqing onus sand ‘ys ade” eben 
ohadt taste htalwlies gulsaxrgesatats orld ‘et’ eodsa ‘Btogev” to sduag 

OF botostde YLuwounrte Vilsalatq rot yonrodie ont” lboseee Meee 

" ef bina saentiw ont smolntge nld state” od “geonttw odd guts inzee 
pomaseth s “get sont sao ‘to alavasdal de dmoo @ te dieses’ pelisnom on 
wo yaiitsd mods dae call talagex a at soowele oAe Moers 
ea0as bas avon goth hiwow duoo se3 Yo Hteeds okt tail} heed 
ime 19't aor eden} odd sand ; tke ite't bus iene ana 
wwileo ben moatsq @ th tact york shjund nebed O4G Yo’ tibet bits Avi 
quot to could aidtiw basd od Yuq bivew baw Ysa voi BE atime! AGE 
“kivt ta no fest ont doiw tesioTles Wild VO MIE bi hotr keke 

“ge ‘kt tadd poled ent eroted aiid bivow beer! ons Ho ive ce ol ob 
ee ae hava br hanle Diuosia ted bane ak ada epeersjeed ders o 

odt of tefinte ilies ton enw sto dee Silesia } 2 
beakioal o%s eV ,bettwoo0 tuobloow Bild ombi wit ta aotteuths’ £ o 
aatel .bowory tact acqu widanoiveotde aaw $i fall) woittge BH. : 
adie theirs qxe ond lo belw at atoogser ‘tes omen tue bed. 
oul? omid odd te mohtaud ie kavion ond oitsals earw ‘fasbins 
eum weeds dadh (exude to ak whet ieee “oat " DORI GE 
a y wikeiiaas exit Waaperyion sora von “— jetted 

eee mae 

Go., 250 Ill. App. 22, and the 

Appellate court held that the trial court did not err in refusing 
to admit such experiment in Upthegrove vy. U. Ge W. Ry, Co., 154 
Til. Aop. 460. The true rule ie ctated in 4 Chamberlayne on 
Byidence, sec. 3174, p. 4375, quoted with approval in Arakelinn v, 
Southern Pacific Co., 220 Ill. App. 160, where the judgment was ree 
versed because of the admission of such evidence, 

The situation here, however, secus to be quite different 
from what it was in these cases, While the experiment effered by 
defendant wae far from aceurate frow a sclentifie standpoint, simi- 
lar evidence, which was quite as much, or nore, objectionable was 
admitted in behal? of plaintiff, It would seem that having undere 
taken to introduce evidence of this character in her own behalf, 
pleintiff is not in a position to object that similar evidence was 
introduced in behalf of defendant, ‘his rule is isid down in a 

number of Illinois cases. 32 Ill. 

App. 196; Orchards vy, NW. ¥. C. & St. L, R. Co., 263 Il), App. 397. 
In the last named case the Appellate court said: 

, "Appellant having persuaded the court to admit testimony in 
Tegarad to the combustibility of cork with much greater latitude on 
the part of appellant is not in a position sow to object to similar 
testimony on the part of appellee in rebuttal," 

In other words, plaintiff is not in a position to object to the 
experiment submitted in behalf of defendant when she offered 
Similar evidence just as objectionable from a scientific standpoint. 
We think that, considered as experiments shewing supposed conditions 
at the time of the accident, the evidence of plaintiff was as worthe 
less as that of defendant, We hold the jury could reasonably find 
from the evidence in thia case that the combs plaintiff ourchased 
(if from defendant company) were sold with a warning of their in- 
flammable character, and that her injuries were the result of her 

own negligence, No complaint is made concernines the instruetions, 

ae deme SS oye ALT OBS 4.90 2 nol afb oO ok oll x ainasioe® suk 
gedeuter af cto Soa bib stupa Laltd gait dad, dion pirnnaestonrn no 
a noniiliana a at hetete, Waawndes 2 “98, dni 
» pth omer ak Leverage diiw botoup ,8VEb .q ,20 KE .998 pill 
ot sew dmomgbul ead oussiw .08L .qod .LfX USS ,.99 obtiont sxesity 
ssenabive soue to oelantabe esid To sauces heeney 
piincina otiap od of aupou ,xevewod , ones wot toutte ont ie gpa oy 
VE bette daouiaegue eid ashay (sbeaKo esovit at sew FL tase mot, 
chaia ,inioghtads eltigagise 4 aqtl edetuves Met! Tet saw Inshay tek 
ane efdomelsaelde ,#tou 10 ,oum as stiup gew dolde ,ooige t ? 
ww gated sadt ape hivew it ,trkiatety ‘te thaded at desatata 
ad Neekin xed ah aedontedo eldt to soaekive souhottat of, meted, ‘ 
paw sonshive tallmte sus? sootdo ef aoltiaog « ah tom at TrAeaha le | 
2 Hh amob nkal ok ofa oki .danbaoth Ye aad at hooubowtat 
ahh SP _qnogad ahook£st. ha i 
A eee er a eee ee ae oe ae 
; - oetes » fhkea 219, nia .29 aah, 0st Chr ry poe tant ot ak 
nee vo EUR Leavy ay parry 
cemabieeme ct La Be 
“gat od toatdo 03 aottiaog 2 at Son at “vikdateta dco ete a 
boxe'tta ode node saobesteh to tiedsa af bods tadivd tans : 
tntoghante. ‘olti¢assoe 2 wott otdenolisetde an dont #omobl ye 7 
anotsthacs besogeus yalwose atndnticaxe ae voreiibaikse”; ii “tata 0 wn 
=drow en caw ttidaiatg te benobive ond ,¥aontbon bad Te bak? ost Ha ii i 
Balt eidimoaser biueo vit eds bLod ae" eda bite rob te bait ak net 0 
 paeediorig Tibsabete ‘admos ond tad? ene + Si heseonied ous i 
— neds tp “gakorew a dtiw blow ot x 00 § i 
o 194 te ‘hime ont ouew haahrpaizal teit Meee baa i ve 

C3 heres sa ” a0 5 
nats. pri GEk ‘ My BBS at 


The jury passed on the evidence, We hold there was no errer which 
required another trial. 

for these reasons the judgment is reversed and the cause 
remanded with directions to set aside the order allowing a new 
trial and to enter judgment for defendant on the verdict, 


O'Connor, ». J., and MeSurely, J., concur. 


na Matas saat 3 . / 4 ; 
Miers os. Na ae ht: ee Ae a? ee 

POPOL ATR Sate OO CORR Relig wie ye Bi 
Peas WEES: Shey eal eo nie , 
Ce Otho ye teieogse ME atid seem aie at we i 
etek orotate + Lidoatoe w week eta Ree, se eee 

hae tte Mattoo kde sero 20 ath aR sat oeat hegp Ao EA 4 
Mn path tadd cone sivow AS yeahs ral 
eed wee et oh Mdenrsad etdd te Sane @ehbwe i< 
pox eesotivn Satlele tent cotide of ayltiage a sh tom by ‘a 
BA, OG hat at ote «he! bere ke Toe: 
GAR RE geet ait oR ie. oc a RRS thaiatadai 
RR ot eR ROG eR Me! 
we beg Shag i ABR? «Ry Beatie, 

mi gamkeeed Shaba od end paid athens eves oi 

om vad ktal ateety ame apie dees 36 ‘wil 

Sie kas eS. ee hele ok ee RRS Be, 
“eee — Pe asia 

aditree ait ap “eh dalate ke benosive wae Wie 0 

shel et Aegan feb ot eo | ot? btod OW Pia es” 

hema: me “Paka it» iq aaeoe allt fais wna » kits als 

et tteorts sae ont 

> eed nk (amy 
a Pipe \ 





F, W. WOOLWORTH COQ., a Corporation, 

ee a i en ee ee Si 

| G 
6) i Rae v 
Fees th Gg AL @ A c 6 a 1 
MR, JUSTICE MATCHSTT delivered the supplemental opinion of 
the court, 

After reading plaintiff's petition for a rehearing, we think 
some further observations will not be amiss, ‘he expert evidence 
so much discussed in the briefs does not appear to us to be of 
much, if any, importance, The attorneys, with the sid of the ex- 
perts, seem to have waged a sham battle in that regard. Whether 
eelluloid is or is not an inflammable material can hardly be said 
to have been the issue of facet on this record, The real issues of 
fact, were, first, whether defendant scold the celluloid combs to 
plaintiff, and, secondly, assuming that the same were sold, whether 
defendants warned plaintiff of their inflammable character, ‘he 
jury decided these issues of fact against plaintiff, We do net 
think it can be plausibly argued that the verdict upon these issues 
is against the manifest weight of the evidence, and it does not seem 
that a new trial sheuld be given in order that evidence upon an 
uncontested issue of Taet may be presented in a better way. 

The prayer of the petition for rehearing will therefore be 


O'Connor, Pp. J., and MeSurely, J., concur, 

it y 
= "Cama HD 
dash i ea 2 AR 
a OF AVAUL AGL MolTirad . PRGEOR, «5 2508 hem wa 
REGO. NS eg isto" % “" osagumlale. Nee 

rea NE erg. bie “eee 

‘to noiatee ‘Led 9 ae Logue ana betevites ‘raw ras aonrevt ce 

i wits ue” oo fees *? 
alerted av ,yhizecenon w tot noliiveg¢ oP Makaha settensl ToT TA be : , 
‘i gomebira t*veqee off .eatam od tou ifilw anolsevasede rosie a f 
to od ef ax of “eeqqe tom a9od ekeitd ont mk beosevoe lth r me " 
“xe ocd to bis emt diw ,eyeatotia off .eonetiognh , yas te Ho 2 
tutte AT beayet decd al eLdted mace » hegew ovad of moos jad * 
: biee ead yibxed seo ieixvesem sidemusftat om tou ef to al Bb, | ra 
to apamas Senor asf! .buooet ala? ao teat Yo sweat eas aod oval ob 
Of ads DLoiuLien au? blow sushaeted tedtade ,tertt ,etow ,foet 
Dieta Slee ovew paws of? tadt gotleweea .ytbmovoe , bn Meteatete 
odi .rtvcred) oldoumadind thedd to Thitaiel, bemtew stanbas teh 
#en ob oF .Thitmiely dankege fuot To aevend seodt bobheh et 

Ue TR ae ele ae 

i Yew totted a xt heduesetg od yan feet To guset be , 
We od etotexsm Liiw gaivessen to't aeisiieg wat to rower edt 


37419 7, 
Defendants in Srrory, 
Ve ko 
WILLIAM T. ALDEN, as adminis~ 

trator with the will annexed of 
the estate of Maud Re BD. Reinhardt, 




HIRSCH (alias "Jeannette C. Hireh"), 
BLIND, a corporation (alias "The 
Home for the Blind"), HOM FOR AGED 
JEWS, a corporation {alias “Jewish 
Old People's Home"), and CHICAGO 
= (alias "Jewish ’ orphanst 

Plaintiffs in Error. 


Defendants sued out a writ of error to review a deeree 
entered by the Cireuit court of Cook county December 15, 1933, 
foreclosing a trust deed to vacant real estate in the City of 
Chieago. Upon hearing of exceptions to the master's report 
filed by both sides, the chancellor sustained complainants! 
exceptions and overruled those of defendants, ordering fore- 
closure of the trust deed and a sale of the premises. 

The essential facte disclose that August 2, 1927, 
Maud R. D. Reinhardt entered into an agreement with one Bs F. 
Thompson, then a salesman employed by Campbell Investment 
Company, for the purchase of lots 8 and 9 in a section of 

‘ Re \ AGE i a 
t ee 
as L206 
\ ; i ; : : ee 8 | ae 
\ ; 4 laa £68: | 
A ae ctOTM ai adnebre ted Z 
. o Ri Tv Cig , ae ‘ ey Matte i 
rT Ba efis i = wr " 
Meg Yr csky arty 
| og tate t z | 
cibtetletek 0 «8 Suet to efetee 
or momme = TORAMMIGH oW 10 YMA y 
t f 
ip , «(town 60 edtonnnel” 
eae ae 

ra gd ~ «{ "ome 9 ole 
renailgo" datwet" aatts 

stowtil a ereiantess 

.taod att a6 WoImIdO weit F cua ttt er eoreny ourareane cil 
Seales sen bac il 
peteeh « weives od wore Ye t2ny two Seua edastaoted 

Ren 72 inde” 

880 .8L radaeped ytawo9 weed Yo top, ‘thwotd ost we terone 
ho Uss0 oid nt otates {ae ingoay of boob Teaed & pEapeenenes 
txoqex s'petaam ef% o¢ ameliqeoxe to gatised sog¥ _ _ egeetso 

‘otansselqmos beniateue rolloonado ost ,vohia sitod “a petit 
-9tot gnitobto ,aineabneteb to seeds boluttevo bes anptte j 
snenimong eff? Yo oLen 2 baa boob tured ost 20 wemats 

eT2OL «SX daurgud desk osofoath edest intimeane oft 
 sK eno Métw tuomeotgs na oint beredse #bxadal ua 
tnemtneval Liedymsd yd beyotqae camestse s nodt , 1084 ost i 

to nodose # mt @ bus 8 et0f Yo enectorum edt xot eymmaeeD 

~ 2m 

Chicago known as Beverly Hills for $6,200, divided equelly 
between the two parcels, and made a deposit of $50, one-half 
of which was to apply on lot 9, the pareel under foreclosure. 

During the period intervening between August 2nd and 
‘august 26th, 1927, Mrs. Reinhardt made sufficient payments on 
account of the purehase price to reduce the principal on let 9 
from $3,100 to $1,200. On the last mentioned date she received 
from Thompson a deed and guarantee policy issued by the Chicago 
Title & Trust Company, and simultaneously executed the trust 
deed in question, securing the payment of one principal promissory 
mote for $1,200, payable at the rete of $35 or more a month, ine 
Cluding interest at the rate of 6% per annum. 

lives. Reinhardt paid Thompson $70 on September 26, 1927, 
when the first installment became due, $35 of which was to be 
applied on let 9. he then went south for her health. ‘t that 
time one Smalling was purchasing a bungalow from Mrs. Reinhardt 
under a contract, and paying $70 each month thereon. During her 
absence from the city, and at her direction, Smalling paid to 
Thompson $70 on October 26th, Hovenber 26th and December 26th, 
1927, a total of $210, one-half of which wes to be applied on 
Jot 9. Thompson, Marshall Campbell's brother-in-law, failed to 
turn ever to Campbell Investment Company these three payments by 
Smalling, and two other items. 

March 23, 1928, having returned from the south, Mrs. 
Reinhardt either mailed or delivered to Campbell Investment Co. 
her cheek for $140. She testified that on the seme day, after 
mailing the check, she proceeded downtown to deposit $450 in cash 
with the First Netional Bank, but changed her mind and went to 
the office of Campbell Investment Co. where she paid said sum to 
Merkhall Campbell, and received «2 receipt written out by Campbell, 
whieh is as follows: 



Yliavpe bebivih .OO8, 8) net 2fLan yluevell an sword ogee thd 
tfat~oug .O8e ty thaoged & eben bra ,aleoisg ow? eld moowsed 
seteeoloexvot cebew footeg add .% tof wo elggs 7 osw Mo bste 0 
fe bed Seupus meowded gakmevsetmt beicog edd gutwi = 9” 
to adnemyaq treteltiae ebam Jhucdinted ,ott ,VERL »fdps see 
@ sof m0 Lagtontua edt oowbot of ootnq svnitetig edt te Hauidas 
Sevtooox sde odeb boneitnom dubs od m0 .008.£8 of 00L,84 mot? 
jnsetit odd ed bevent yolleq eetnatasy bne bee « nodtmodT must 
daund ed beduouxe {lesoonsd Lusty bes eYstegnto ups ni ii : 
yrocaimoaty Legtonirq suo toe tnewyeg watt ptlkxiioe oto 4 oup hi 
“ih qsiimom 2 ox0m xo 289 Yo oder oft dm oldsyde .OOR, LE cor ON 
| veumsa og RD Uo eta ad Ha tne | bands 
<TSEL Ok rodundqos ao OG mveqams? hieg dieedntod «mek 
od of sow dotsw Yo 828 coud emaoed dar 
fodd a sitfecd see rot déwen now nestt nate “eto a 
Sbredaieh .att moxt woleyand « guchemetemnty. bon ‘undtnat on oatd 
ted yelmel .nostedé¢ dinom doa OVS gixttyeq bas stostinoe a tobay 
(09 Mou getLtam® ymosdoortd cot ta bas eydhe om moxk om fa 
AIL sadeenet hen £108. voter ‘slaps week ro ore necgued? 
to beliggs ed oF paw debiw Bo wali 2. 
ot betist .wel-at-cervord o'ffedgasd Lfasdy eat esougaasT 4 at te 
td atramyog wend over? Geqned deemseovnl Lipdgued ee 
 emett wathre ow fie eeobiiowe 
+8 ytidans. edt most hemartex pawl -GR0L «th donald) yl beret 
100, deomtnewnl Liodqua? 0% bevevtied xe, belian xodite,.chmadmked — 
rete sya) emeg pdt mo datt, bekrigaed ale , + OL2 20% goede xem 
dese mt 084) tlaogeb of pre tewo hohosners, fn, «tontn: att ell 

at tnow hoy Boies rod bogmenty dad, Ana tonet sak tax, ent 
oF mua Bion bieg ele oredw »09 tr 

cacdaeenT, Liadgmed, Re, enka aae | 
vifodgemn ve tuo motticw sqtevex » bevtooer bus kedaua® flea a 
| cama Ko hdy 


Received of ures Nand Be D. Reinhardt, $450.00, 
representing Oct. 1927 to Feb. 1928, inclusive, payment on 
two lota purchased on Hoyne Ave. - Payments of $70 per month 
on eache 

Campbell Investment Co. 
Marshall Campbell.* 

Campbell denied that the foregoing receipt was given 
for a cash payment of $450. He testified that Mre. Reinhardt 
came into his office and stated that payments on the lets, amount- 
ing to $210, had been made to Thompson; that she wished to make a 
peyment; and that her total payments at that time, including the 
one she was to make, would be $450; that she gave him a check for 
$140, and he geve her the foregoing receipt “se that there would 
be no dovetailing of receipts." 

The irreconcilable conflict of testimony between Mrs. 
Reinhardt and Campbell, relative to this transaction, raises the 
principal issue of fact in the case. If, as seems to be conceded, 
$210 had been paid to Thompson and $140 was then being paid to 
Campbell, as he stated, the total amount for which Mra. Heinhardt 
was entitled to a receipt would obviously have been only $350, 
Campbell's testimony fails to account for the §100 difference and 
counsel's brief offers no explanation thereof. 

During May or June, 1929, a dispute arose between Mrs. 
Reinhardt and Campbell as to the balance due on said lots. Mrs. 
Reinhardt claimed credit for a sum largely in excess of the amount 
due under the terms of the note and trust deed, while Campbell 
insisted that she was in arrears as to her payments of installments 
due om the note. Thereafter, July 24, 1929, Mrs. Reinhardt mailed 
her check for the July payment. The following day solicitors for 
complainants sent her a letter setting forth a statement of account 
which purported to show that there was a balance of $568.94 still 
due, and that she owed “the June 26) 1929 and subsequent install- 

Pei tetas ye hrade test a «ffl baat yn ‘te bovieoos 
‘Sook hee oGaF ot VREL ot . 
Plage oa Ore 80 .9vk ore mo 

+00 tnomteevat bil it 
“eliadgand Lietaiell 

movig saw tyieoes gaiegotol ed? dad? be laeb soneenenis Fen’ 
gotadebel .exd dad? Setthtes’ of +009 to tremyey aiilaiale 
somone ate als no atnemyag Jad? betuta dbne wel tio eld otak emao 
® otam od bedatw ofa Jad’ qrouqmod? of eham noad bart) 048% od gmk 
ont gubiwlons pomté fast te atmonysq Lodot tod teste shan): deemgeg 
“or doetia a mic even ofa decid 7O@O$ of bigow .oolem od enw ede sao 
tivew etedd tacts on" tqteoot natoyetot off wed evag ed baa, ORR 

‘satgtoost 16 a ae 

| «8th moorted Yaemitas? to toltines eidelionoogeti aff = 899 <~ 

aid gomtes yoOidomanss? ald? o¢ oviteles yliedgmad sna” sali 

chobooneo od of ameoe ae , it sonso wnt mt owt te oxndt Loghoittiy 
“od bing smiod mead caw OLE bra tonto? of Stag feed bad OFS 
Chtainted sail defer rot erweas Ladd edd beter’ ont as a Lhodiyaad | 

08x vitae need ovat YLavoivco bivew dqtevet s of bettiine aaw 

itm eOROTO TIED OOLE onl? xO smOvOe 9d ALiod yRoMteaed’ ‘e'£fedqua 

: stooredd sotianelgxe om etetto teitd a Loanies 

L8H MoGwtod eeote oduAtD a CREL vont to Yall gate Oey 
seu .udol bisa a6 ovh coneied o0? Ot am LLedgmad boa tecedeken — 

Somanms @f3 Yo aapoxe mt Usaral sum 2 tol tibexe bemieke #inadnion 

Liedymad Lite <b90b dewtd bre eon odd Ye aomod odd vanmead 

atueiifetent to atwemysg ted of aa exeeres ot eaw eda dace ; 
boitan thrbcietot .avl CREF (De Viet .aBd too todT Ledn ote web 
tot stoviotion yb yntwoltet eat .tnberceg vitve day Yow donde eit 
davooon to tnombtede o d2tok patisee witeL « ‘root trol aint GmS 
Litt 9¢.8008 20 eonated s ani ortedt Shild woHty OW bo Deg Moti 
stisdett Sneupondie bun ORCL Yost onus ex" Sewer eit ald baw Yow 


ments.” The letter then proceeds to say that, “on account of 
your default in payment of the instaliments om the trust deed 
on Lot 9, our client has declared the entire balanee secured by 
that trust deed immediately due and payable, and expects us to 
collect it immediately or start suit therefor." 

Mrs. Reinhardt thereupon sent complainants her cheek 
for $70, dated august 2, 1929. ‘This check wes returned in a 
ietter from complainants’ solicitors, in which they stated that 
because of her default in payment of installments suit had been 
commenced and that complainants would not aecept anything less 
than the entire amount (manely, ¢566.94) plus the court costs. 
The suit to chich reference is made was an action at law on the 
note, brought by complainants in the Superior eourt of Cook county 
July 30, 1929, which was pending throughout the course of the 
ferselosure proceedings. The sult having failed to result in the 
peyment of the balance claimed to be due complainants, foreclosure 
proceedings were instituted in the circuit court Octebsr 17, 1929, 

By the decree of the court defendants were erdered to 
pay the sum of $1,121.94 and costs, including master's fees of 
$107, as the price of retaining the realty involved, upon which it 
is coneeded by complainants that Mrs. Reinhardt paid $2,635 on 
account of the purchase price of $3,100. 

The communication from cemplainants' soliciters of July 
25, 1929, preceding by one day the comucneement of suit on the 
balance cleimed te be due, included an account of payments credited 
to Irs. Reinhardt and stated that, “you have made 20 payments of 
$35.00 each on account of smae. (Yhe trust deed.) From Septe 26, 
1927 to July 26, 1929, both inclusive, is 25 monthly installments. 
Therefore you still owe the June 26, 1929 and subsequent instali«- 
ments.” However, the June, 1929, imstallment had been paid and 

eredited, so that the most claimed by complainants when they 

te duroo3e ge” etatht qa of ameneing: snes sestes er *. eteon 
howd Feuree es. we sstimak savant elf Ro toergac mk shure & aso 
vd boumse eonelad erline ons bexeLoe’ end tmeite <0 ok dex pd 
ot ay asoogxe bre yeldeqeg bas evb ySotetbommt hood Sawxt darts 
“.soteron¢ tiva Justa ve yletalboumd 34 toe LLoo 
@ at bomtudex usw dodo Sail ~@ROL 4R domme hodah yOTR aT 
duet begedn youd dotdw mt yatetionee ‘alnentalqeds, noe? sedder 
mood bad tive aineallodent te snout 168 205 ‘ort to eameped 
abel paiddyns dqouen tom bier. Ainenteianos sadd bre besten 
 gutsoo duo end ealg (20.880). «yloman) dnmome etktas ond, mast? 
etd 10 wal te soties na usw obem sk eomexe tex dois of, dtupontt 
Yihwes oad le sue xotxoqwa off od cdnpmtatqnos yd sdyuord yoton 
| Od 20 cocoon edt tuotguogdd pathaeg anw stoldw «OROh wOReke 
ott ni timaot of botie’ antved iva sit . eagetbesoong emsokeseot 
@8UL eT L sedess0 tmweo Ituarke ede at hotudisant esow, aymbheooor, 
Qt berebig stew uinsbhasted sree elt to eoxoeb aft YE... on» 
to geet atregeam ynibutont yudaon ban MeL8felh Yo mua edd mem 
#2 doitiy mogs ghovlerni yiloor eng gainiodas to eottg ont os «TOLt 
mo 88d. SE bing tbhisdaiel «wa ted? etpanialquos yd bebeoneo wt 
+00.L.68 Yo eotuq evedlomy od? To demgee 
YL Yo ateviniles ‘udnantedqueo mext mvlideotnummog @fT ph 6% 
ova no dle Lo sremponenme: afd yh ono YW enthooese CREE 48 
Lesthots atnemyeg to tauoape am hedudond «ob oS oF bembate eomatad 
| 20 steomex: OS cham ove soy" veld botete one Mundinten vamuat 
L838 +tqo8 most {book aux? sa) some to dewocee aa sions 0R6t 
 ptinomiletent yiléson Sk af govinwLamt sided, .Q8eL dS het oF TSer 
“Liston! tneypoedua one @S@L 4S emul ext i inattial itealll 
fins bing noed bad inomiindem? «Wes yoru oft gxevowoH | Ayan 
youd now atnamtalqnoo yd bemtalo oom ants saith bess 


ordered their solicitors to accelerate the indebtedness was a 
default of two iteme for $35 each and aggregating $70. 

The master stated that “a careful inspection of the 
testimony, together with the cancelled checks and other exhibits 
offered by the dofendant, has convinced me that two of the pay- 
ments claimed to have been made by the defendant to representatives 
of Campbell were not eredited im this statement. These are the 
payments shom by the receipts of the salesman, @. Fe Thompson, 
dated August 2nd, 1927 fer $50 and the check for $140.00, dated 
March 25, 1928." 

Complainants credited Mrs. Reinhardt with $225 on lot 
9 as of March 22, 19238, representing one-half of the $450 fer 
which she held a receipt. If, im addition to this sum, she was 
entitled to a eredit of $95, as the master found, representing 
one-half of the two items for 7140 and $50, her credits would 
more than off-set the two items aggregating $70 claimed to be 
due in the letter of July 25, 1929. 

The chancellor by his deeree overruled the master and 
disallowed beth of these items. We pelieve he was not warranted 
in so doing. the allowance of the $50 item by the mster was 
gleerly proper. Mrs. Reinhardt paid this sum to Thompson when 
the lots were purchased tugust 2, 1927, and had a receipt there- 
for. We find no countervailing evidenee and no serious contention 
is made by complainants with reference thereto. The evidence as 
to the $140 item is sharply conflicting and presents the only 
serious issue of fact in the case. The master heard the witnesses, 
which the chancellor did not, and was therefore better able than 
are we or the chancellor, to determine their credibility. Under 
the circumstances the chaneellor, as well as the court of review, 
should be slow in disturbing the conclusions ef the master upon 
Close questions of fact. It has been uniformly so held by this 


a aw enssbesdebut old cistelsgeg od atgdioites edt bexepse. 
48 gaizegetess foe dose 985 x02 amodt ows to, dfuated, 
edd to motioogan? Lfotemweo a” sold bagote togeam of. ne yy 
adididxe talte due aileerio beLivomag es Aiiw tedtegot. -ymomtigad. 
~yoq sd¢ to ond sasid om deomivres gad ricabaoleb end YW bere tho. 
sevidainesetaet Of imabneteh edt. xd sham seed oyed of bemialo atmom, 
edd ots sgedT .tnometats altdd ai badlbers tom exow, LLeodgmad Io, 
eioaqmodt «1 +S pnemeeles oft. to etqhooss fd yd anode etoseyag, 
beteb ,00,0aL) tot doado of? bus 036 102 TSeL ,baS dawgus, bedeh; 
vee dol g Avera — $e BSOL . eh slo walt, 
fof no E884 d2iw touetinted «at hbettoeup atoaciclgqmos, . moneda 
or 08%; ocd To Lind-eno gntinoretaes .ERRL .S8 dosed mail 
pew sila qa ebtt of mottkbhe mt, i «tqhooes » bled, ede sioksley 
githinsaetyst ybmet xedaem ef? um .80¢ to thhexe # of beteadme 
binew etibeoxo tom .08¢ bas OFL6 tot amedt owd od? to Diladewne: 
ed o¢ bemtelo OF$ guiiagetaye asedt ows edt toa-the medd.erom 
e@8UE 98S Ylul to Toddod ont ks 
brs sotesm ond beLuxreve sevoeh elit yd toffeomanto eft ; eens 
hetaertsw Jom asw ad svoifed o .aeett seed? lo dted bewollsakh, 
asw tetas oft yd madi 086 off Yo eonewolle eT  «gmtod, omptk: 
nest moaqued? of swa eidd bia¢ thistinie’ .atd .« regosq yineolo: 
-sredt dqtscer = bet bas .TSCL 4% duspuh hoesdoxug exowmted ashy 
rokinsines amitea or bee gomepivs anbadalnaNiinadgen 02 
as eonebive ed? .etoted? eonezeter sAsiw, adn os eh 
ino. odd edmenong bos grktot tines, scaate rps oh 
caoageniin ext btsed zotams oft ones odé mi font lo euaat auodzeg, 
Maid, ofda wodted exosexeds ann bua «fom bth snipe sosdw, 
_webnU  .Ntbitdgboxe thedd entuxetod oe 1 918, 
wwoives, te txwoo esid ga flew oo steLfoonntto, esta BORSA MORE See 
Ragu xedaam of Yo, gsiotaulogen put amtéautath ah mote. og bund, 


eourt. (Meyer v. Levy, 249 Ill. Appe 408; Katz v. Davis, 134 

Tll. Appe 4363 Wechsler v. Gidwitz, 250 T11. App. 156.) Amd we 

believe the court should have given effect to the master's find- 
ings, notwithstanding the unwarranted and altogether improper 
insinuation made by counsel in complainants’ brief that, “The 
record wee not such as to induce the court to give any undue 
effect to the findings of the master. The defendant, Henry 6. 

We Reinhardt, now deceased, was a former coroner's physician who 
lived im the same ward as the master, and that undoubtedly placed 
the mister in a very embarrassing position." 

Moreover, it should be noted that complainants were 
rather lax in keeping the records of this transaction. The $1,200 
note was not produced at the hearing and Campbell testified that 
it had been lost. ‘The initial payment of $50, hereinbefore 
referred to, was not credited to the account, elthough there is 
no contention by complainants that lirs. feinhardt did mot pay 
it. And the severel installments paid to Thompson by Smalling 
were never turned in to Campbell, and if they were credited at 
all, it was only when defendants called Campbell's attention 
there toe 

Prom the foregoing circumstances, we are of the opinion 
that Mrs. Reinhardt was not in default when the superior court 
suit was instituted agsinst her. fhe master's finding that 
there was sufficient default when the bill was filed on October 
17, 1929, to warrant the acceleration of the entire principal, 
was evidently based on a misapprehension arising from the omission 
of payments after July, 1929. However, Mra. Keinhardt tendered 
the August payment, which was returned to her by complainantst 
solicitors with the statement that no further payments would be 
received unless she paid the entire balance of $563.94 then claimed 
to be due. Complainants having thus refused to accept anything 


Sef wuived iv gpk 1908 .gqA JETT 2 igved Sv toqstt) “seeade 
ow feck (SEL ogy aTLY O88 yedtubss .v tefedoey ford .qud «ELE 
“itt atxbdess eft of doe'tto merig oved tiuedie dx1m0d odd evyetiod 
seqotyal widtegod fe bea betastrowns eff gethasdeds whet yagi 
* ‘gett tad? tetid tetasntatqmos ot geenus yet obi wotdammbale 
etter gab evig of tiwoo od? sontiet of ax stows ton saw Stdpss 
«0 Ytes tmepne tod ef? svedenm oft Yo apetnatt add of Fon hte 
oct mefoievdy a'eenoTes testo? 5 aéw ,_ botegoeh wor .thusdahe ww 
beoaig yfheddvebay Jed? tea ~tot¢ean arf} ue btew omen ott mt bovet 
“.sertieeg gutaastiadus yroved mt xedemn eile 
ev wtersicignos dealt besten ed Gisoda df ytevesmM gy 

G08. LG of! .coliosunesd vite to abrooet edt antqeod mt mel xomdte 
teat BO ELta0% LLodqus> Se onttsed end on beoubo-at som wae ston 
-) wxoredatetad .08$ Yo Janeyaq fattint est vteek weed baihitt 
ak evertt guoddle , isuooew afd of bodtvete Jon saw vot benneten | 
Noq von S25 thtedatet .em gett ateantotes yt Hotties on 
Biilion® yo moaqmedT oF bieq uinemfietant Lexeves wis Rmk 4d 
“$e BOPLDOT. oTow Youd? TH hae .Ledgaiad of mt tents xoven onow 

mee itr yay) sieeteanal ‘te Ries adashne ted ane eine ewe 4h yt 

é sn bide tell "yedeneuls 
moinico aft ‘to eta ow ,seenstummotiy geioyeret odd mote! \' 9°)» 
 ¢kges toleegim exte mesh tia sie dette enw omeadinent hind Odes 
fedd gatoatt a'tetesn edt ted damtogs’ bedieiyant “aaw thy 
“3840900 Ho hoLtt acw ittd dil dedw dfosted snares tia aaw Wadd 
<teqtonirq ortins ett? to aéitexeteded aid duncan at’ Or ef 
“ stolaatud odd mort yatatts ao tenodorqqsain a no Seded Utdiobive kaw 
“perdbacd #ttednbedt .tit gtevowort Rex’ webs ett ainemyaq te 
| "Witndattaleoes w red ee bomuntex « Baw shone “ jnemgaq tamper es 


less than the entire amount, Mra. Reinhardt was not bound to 
tender each remaining installment as it fell due. (See Gorham 
ve» Farson, 119 Ill. 425, 442.) 4ecordingly, she was not in 
default when the foreclosure proceeding was instituted Oeteber 
17, 1929, and it was prematurely brought. 

Prior to the entry of the dceree Mre. Reinhardt died 
and William T. Alden was appointed her administrator with the 
will amumexed. Henry G. W. Reinhardt, her husband and co-maker 
ef the note and one of the parties to the originel proceeding, 
died sinee the suing out of the writ of error herein, and his 
heirs have been substituted in his place as plaintiffs in 
error. Complainants contend that none of the defendants is in 
& position to insist upon the ground for reversal urged in their 
brief, because (1) William T. Alden, as administrator, ete., is 
not interested in the decedent's realty, and therefore the decree 
cannot affect his interest; and (2) because it does not appear that 
Henry G. We Reinhardt filed any renunciation, under Mrs. Reinhardt's 
will, within the statutery year, nor that the will devised to him 
the real estate herein involved or any interest therein, and there= 
fore his heirs are in no position to claim any error prejudicial 
to them. 

& sufficient answer to the first contention is that the 
administrater was voluntarily joined as a party defendant and 
complainants then having procured the entry of a finding against 
him that none of the defendants is entitled te credit for any pay- 
ment claimed to have been made on the note, other than that given 
in the admission by complainants, they are in no position to deny 
the administrator's interest in the outcome of the suit, nor to 
assert that the finding will not affect him adversely in the per- 

formance of his dutiese 

‘*. wae 

ot bawod tom aew throiaiol .o%% gtmrome online oft mete need 
_ mared s08} sah Lis? sf pe teeml Latent goimtaupr done, xohnot 
ni: dom sow ode gydignkbeepes, (o82 4Ohb » LED CLE meee ae 
wedoto® hodatiient sew ambhecoong sxvadLoesbt ott nestw 2iared 
idquerd oxutanorq aaw tt hme saamethiiel 
dekh thtsdaton «awh poxeb odd To yxdne edtet xotet 
etd dite totettetnings ied bedetoq¢s sew mobi . TP’ atet80 
aeenaon bas dmsdoutl ted  thtasdetod «8 60 -eenol » hexemns’ Ett 
qgntbesonng Lontgite odd 6% eotdxeq ond Yo one baa édom' old S 
etd tus ,uieted oer to divw ost? to two akie wild Conta Behb 
miwYilintaly ae Goatg Wit mt bedativedse Hed ved a1 les 
ee Te ke ee ee ee 
thet? at segts Laetevex ot bimory edd moge detent of mots r ‘ 
at ycote yteswteutiinbs aa uaunsl M akestte (x) ohede 
eetosb off stotords fie yysteot a 'iaehooss odd ont 
dot teeqqe tom veel tf oemeved (f) bow ysaoredat aid obthe Fi : 
e'shendutot sat robes ynotia tomer ‘ys Holt Hudital elt”. ow 0B yume 
mid et Seutvah Lite anty tite oon yeule Chins ta aa Oe 
need bes avon Soviet is wo web ir lh 

Latethuteny sox Ye misle 0% meidtaog on ai oa acted at 
ish Sind sisi ak , . ne ae en ss ee. B 

sevig taulé sald sexide eon aid ao obaw nood wvstt oF aed data 
qoobod noksivog om mt ova Yes petamntelemos ye nol rar eat 
ot tom yotwe ead Yo wmondue Hd KE Fdoredet elect watt! j 
Tem at  Uleetevis mist dees Yom EET gnbintt old 9 
"Gealiate dnald bo. dd08 va couaton oxbie * Sei sabia saint” | 

gations Pie mn 8 Ve it ee 5 AR Kiva sie SRG skagen ah ea al 



In Harvey v. Thornton, 14 111. 217, the administrator 
was the sole party defendant to a suit to foreclose the mortgage, 
and sued out a writ of error to reverse the decree on the ground 
that the heirs ef a mortgagor had not been joined with him as 
party defendant. The court held that the heirs were indispensable 
parties to the proceeding, and reversed the deereee The right of 
the administrator to prosecute the writ of errer seems to have been 
assumed, and we find no authority te the contrary in complainants! 

As to the seeond contention, the record discloses that 
Henry G. . Reinhardt joined with his wife in an answer to com- 
Plainants’ bill, and also joined with the defendant William T. 
Alden, as administrator, in filing exeeptions to the master's report, 
and to the assignment of errors in this court. Wo motion was ever 
made prior to the death of Henry G. ¥. Reinhardt to dismiss him from 
the suit. This would have been the proper procedure, if in fact 
he had no interest in the premises. (Richardson v. Hadsall, 106 
Ill. 476, 481.) Moreover, Mrs. Reinhardt's will was not introduced 
in evidence, and the record fails to disclose whether the premises 
involved were devised under the will or devolved upon the heirs at 
law as intestate property. If Henry G. '- Reinhardt was the devisee 
of the premises by will, he would certainly have been an indispensable 
party to the suit. If the premises were not dispesed of by will he 
was a proper and necessary party as an heir at law of Mrs. Reinhardt. 

Vor the foregoing reasons the deexee of the circuit court 
will be reversed and the cause remanded with directions te dismiss 
the b1i11 of complaint for want of equity at complainants’ costs. 


Seanlan and Sullivan, JJe,; concurs 

sodatiainimbe edd Vis .ffT at shes nrod? *V Xovisk st 
eogegs tom oss eee feetot oF hte a ot snahge teh Natag oou edt « aaw 
hewory sd so serp0b off sateves ad Torts to a htw 8 a0 howe brs 
an mis atin bestot mosd ton hast xogegixomt s %e exter ods ‘tants 
eideesegqeibai etew wt bed os taild Ofek dusoo off -dashuetos xine 
te ésigiz ont seotosb edt beutevet bas eaaibooooxg ould ad aetitey 
mead ovad oF aeee toTte to vitw afd eduoeaeng of redqcteininhs oat 

ee ea 

tatunnts.iqnoo mt qiettne9 and at Ws txqatna on boyett ow ree “Domes 

: ils stobxd 
touts eosedoet btevet and tnok¢nodn0e droves edd 0? 8a 

~st00 ed wowens ms at otiw mis attw bentot tienda “ “DX ve 
1 MLLLLY tusbasted ex? st by bontot cooks ba itt “tagneniate 

DA Sih 9 Se 
alae tod at eetean els ov auoktqooxe amntet ae ‘etetorsatuinda on .sobEA 

to ee Vitor 
reve Saw ghee on +390, etd? at exo rm8 ‘Ye duommy toes ond e2 bem 
Me ius Sete gg oll 

mot mis anism tb od “dheasintell ¥ 0 gone to Aiuob od? * Flent ba Op ro bi a 
test Bi tL .stubeoorg seqote edt seed oven biweox eta dite edd 

We ee Soa Tha tenaso 

POL silnabaH - ¥ goebrestots) sa9etmong end at deozgint om has va 
beouboztat don ase ifiw e'ébusdntos “ait .Tevoo Tol mo. sil real 

aseimoerg ots tests adw exoLoatd ot atte? prone? odd fae, ceomehive at 
. 4 Wins Law% 
ts exited ests Hoqu bevioveb x0 tiiw ots sro ew beatvob stow ; Lovin: 
La oe ked wae e* 
caked eas asw tbtsdntel .! 7 — eI ave otpinetes: 06 wah 


eidsansysinni as need eves yinistteo binew ed <ftiw yd nestmong ot to 
ef {fiw yd Yo boroqaib von stew aca laetg only baat . tam, old of a8 

ot brtadatos sar to wel ts thed me as Yd tag Cxesnonen, ine RH: cd 

¢uso9 sinoxto eat to served, ould neon? petoaeze? bes rot Haut wbx 

eeu tb e antottooxth hg tw be brae: eews0 edd bre bre beateves. boaxayen. ed £Ehw 
saéeoo tatmantatgnoe $e Bd aa te tne x02 

Ate a 

mS; : 2 heat a fake o 
r swore ot saavitiee. hee peony 
of fe mi “ieoret in wat Fee Re shoots eee ae FFA 


bout pe dee Se “mianenne 'T “| 


Defendant in Error, 


iatiie td 


Plaintiff in Error. aM Soe bv J 
eee ToS 7 



Plaintiff brought an action of trespass on the case 

against defendant in the superior court for alienating his 

wife'saffections. The eause wes tried before the court and a 
jury, resulting in a verdiot and judgment for $6,500. This 
writ of error is brought to reverse said judgment. 

Plaintiff's deceleration, consisting of two counts, 
alleged in brief that plaintiff and his wife lived happily to- 
gether following their marriage in September, 1923, uatil shortly 
before the birth of their first child, Felix, when defendant, a 
physician, was called in to attend her and thereafter became a 
constant visitor in plaintiff's home; that seid defendant, by 
design, wickedly, maliciously and unlawfully overcame the love 
and devotion ef plaintiff's wife for her husband, and secretiy 
had carnal knowledge of her at various times and places; and 
that as a result of defendant's conduct plaintiff's wife abandoned 
Plaintiff and their home, taking their sous with her. To this 
declaration defendant filed a plea of the general issue. 

The undisputed facts disclosed by the record show that 
Plaintiff and his wife were married in September, 1923. Plaintiff 
was then 27 years of agey and his wife 17. Two children were born 

. N — nay ar 

~~ \ \ 
Ne/ ' ; RZ i veil 

Oty wy 
' QO Becta i ¢lahewtac’* : my r 
‘Roteeve er Aoam . “8 choy gy forte ate 
etorre at Trlintalt 

4 ie e) a Le | eC y . ee 
-TOO UNT TO HOMMItO WHT CinAVIe CeEtAt aoItCUt beats a 


oon ue a 
sano ont n0 ‘eoaqaert to notses a , tkyword vabiatast | 
R Z ? eens ty Px £ ix 
and gubdene its x02 sree xolroque ‘std nt inehnotod sem 
Soe. geaaee bia 

s heto isos ests stoted be ta ecw sauso oat sonotsoo%tsat 
Ae Bos Os Agra 

andr 008904 zot swomp birt, bres dotbuer 8 a ants iuset A ge 
i ra bs 

sinempbul Sica eareve7 ot tdpuord at roxee te tie 
si Re ae 

seta nw to gaitatenos oi fa xaLoeb re 
a af on fn 
-o# ‘eLhagast bovis tin a tet bee Mvatetg sass Ponc pf 
és a) at) ait ‘ 

ef vosta itiows cE82L _ todmotqesd rt ogei ren stosté aaiwoliot per Se 
Tie ri 
& «igabme tod tectw exit fot ebitdo satdt tiodd to donee oats orored 

4 ev sovrd 
8 ommosd xottseted? bas ted bnetds od ak bettno asw _ysstotowlg 
if asetaete Peso # 
Na qinabcotsh blea tol temo a! 32béntatg, nt rod iaty dnatasoo 
es hy CE SPC aOR ee gabe ke 

ever od? omaotevo btu etm hats (avotoitan « ieee? emptach 
2 ae AS}: Bf. & et Shey 

Miterose foes chasdest next tol otiw a'tidtmisL » nottoveb is 

ONS es eer. 

bre tnevela batts: oni’ avelusy ts xen te oabe Lon Tana bat 

venenatis othy ottiitainlg toubnve a ténobre wb to dtueor : as alt 
wae ot - te dtlw eetoe xiedé seis «outed cheat bate ‘dint in ‘ala 
soured Letonsg ests 0 selg & ‘peti? peihaiteat inva fos 

$end worle broeer ond vd besozoath enent Py ager rcs att sa 

tivatslt .S8OL etedmatqe2 at abeine ote otiw atid bas . 
a10d stow motbLide ow? «YL stiw eist bus .ogs to axeoy YR mond naw 



of said marriage, one November 2, 1925, and the other February 

8, 1929. Mlaintiff wis a barber, and managed o shop in the office 
building of the Chicago & Alton railroad. The parties resided at 
1456 W. Polk street in Chicago until the time of their separation, 
April 7, 1931. 

Defendant was their family physician, and delivered both 
babies, the first + Felix, Jr, ~ at their bome, and the second = 
Carl - at the Frances Villard hospital.  Suring the period from 
1927, until the separation of the parties in 1931, defendant 
frequently took plaintiff, hie wife, her mother and the child er 
children for rides in his automobiles | 

in June, 1931, plaintiff sued his wife fer diveree, 
charging adultery with defendant. A eross bill, charging desertion, 
was filed by the wife. fhe court entered a deeree in June, 1933, 
dismissing plaintiff's bill for want of equity, and entering a deeree 
fer divoree on the cress bill, directing payment of alimony. 

in July, 1931, defendant sued plaintiff in the munieid pal 
court for medical services rendered, to which plaintiff filed a 
set-off. Wo damages were awarded to either side, 

Pollewing the divorcee proceeding between the parties, 
Plaintiff's wife lived separately with their two children, and 
under the decree plaintiff was permitted to visit the children on 
specified occasions. 

From a voluminous reeord of more than 400 pages there 
appears evidence of numerous occurrences related by various wit- 
nesses, relied upon to sustain plaintiff's charges and denied by 

Plaintiff testified that as exrly as 1927 defendant 
called at his home, advised him that his wife wes anemic, suggested 
that he be permitted te treat her at hie office, told plaintiff he 


vrowidet weite oft bose .08¢L .8 tedwevol eno ,egetrtem thee te 
eottte off of qosa =o begenem bee .tedted » aew Titintal .eBeL 46 
$m boblsat atliiwe ed? ,bseailes nedkA & opeoidd edd te ynthl bud 
iemidoeuetis then? to eats of? LItinw opeoidd mi Jooute ALet .W BORE 
sLEOL 4 Lhaga 

died bowevileS one ymetoiayiq YLlmet tiled? ane teintitteit ’ ae 
~ baovea oa? ben ,omod thedd ta + ext pxbfo® + texts otfd paetdad 
so zt betreq ed¢ gated .Ledtqeot bzaLliv eonamtt elt te + veo 
ittehneteh gL&eL a2 vetizaq eft Yo molsousges ext? Lido a¥SOL 

$6 bListo ott dee verte tect pottw ald yTtitntaly toot yktieupie? 

| seLidomodsa eid mi abhx sot mothListo 

seoxevts wt ehiv aid hewa Yihénteke -LEQL etawh at. a 
qmottroash guiyrado «Lite anore A .tasbnateh thw quedtube ankgeae 

e568L , orth ai eoteoh » hevedes tye edt .otty od, of bettt eam 

aeineh 2 yaizodns haa .Yitups lo daew so? Lfd a'thtimteda gataphanke 
: eioutia Yo tnemyaq gutivetth -Litd avoxe Aah geenes tot 
Loxrotnum ocd mk Y2t0atele bewe saobeoted «4UL aytut at 
@ boLtt Biitnialq dotsw of edarobaat eoolvies Lave! bem x02 ome 
seble xeitte of bobtewa stew segemeb of ier 

eroitieq oat neovted gutbecsotg sotevte alt antwolio® 
boat gewub.tiste end shedt Atty uietexaqon bowbt rte» 5 
HO porbLtds eid ttely of bedsiexey sew YEtdmbaly vortoot old 
ones eepeq 904 madd oxox 30 Steast cweniaucor 4 mat : 
stin aueliey vw bedelet aponotte990 avexomun Yo sonentve: stasad 
Ye hetnad bas veyrade eRtintetg miedo of moqu hentex xe0a8 ys 

RUE S vee 

i _ suahnore® T20E we yluse ws sash bokttsnos  watamtass patwats 
totueie seiner saw oRiw ald galt mid boatvhs aus a 

a thy 

wae | 



had a beautiful wife, who “should go into » moving pic ture," and 
thereafter made like comments every time he took plaintiff's 
family for automobile rides. 

There is evidence that in June or July, 1927, when the 
family went for a ride defendent stepped his car at Van Buren 
street and Plymouth court, around midnicht, pleimtiff went inte a 
érug atere te buy some refreshments fer the family, and when he 
returned defendant and plaintiff's wife were ombracing; that 
defendant seemed “all nervous, and didn’t know what to say," and 
when plaintiff remarked, "It surprised you," defeniant said nothing, 
and they drove etraight home. The seme night plaintiff observed a 
serateh on his wife's face, 2 or 3 inches long, which had not been 
there before they left for the ride. Plaintiff further stated that 
when he asked his wife what was going on between her and the docter, 
she replied, “Nothing,“ and denied the occurrence related. 

Pleintifr fur ther testified that several days later defeni- 
ant telephoned him and made an appointment to meet him that evenings 
that when they met defendant said, “Felix, I want an apology from 
you,” to whieh plaintiff replied, “Why, whet is the matter, doctor? ;* 
that defendant then continued, “The way you acted last night, you 
acted queer," to which plaintiff again replied, "I heve a reason to 
set that ways" that in the course of the conversation defendant 
finally said, “If 1 am wrong we are going to see sbout it, if i am 
wrongs Lets be o friend. I don't want you to have hard feelings - 
we want to be a friend;" and that after the incident the family went 
out riding again with defendent on many occasions. 

it further appears from the evidence that plaintiff had 
rented a cottage at Long lake, Illinois, during the month of August, 
1929, and for several summers prior therete, where his family re- 
mained during those periods and plaintiff visited them there on 

Saturday eveRings and Sundays; that in 1929 defendant maeked plaintiff 

«bos “, eae otg pmives a otnd og divoda" odw ,etim, fv iidwood«, Sel 
a't2ideiedg dood edt emtd yrove admomips edit eham 1s Regveds 
sgvbiy elidgupiue 10% yLimat 
aft mone .TREL .yiel vo enwt at dtodd somshive ab. eredT. .. os 
mows naV¥ Ge tio aid beqqose inshaeteh obit 2 teh snowy hie? 
® gimt drow Miiemtele ,idgindim howoxe ¢itven sive ll bos soonte 
on sesiy hea «pine? odé? rot etyomiaetlex emee Yd of etotesgesb 
tod yomiomtdue axow otiw o'itlhintelg bre, toehme ted: borides 
bas "yyse o¢ dedw wordt t'abth baa ,awoyten ife" bameod tashawteb 
(aabien dice Instweteh “yoy bostzpum 31" qdedeawey Wutdwkeby ete 
® berveedo Tilintalq idain eoew sit .omed ddghatia eveth yoid tae 
weed Jom had aoidw egmet sedeont 6 10 8 .eeat a'etinutd no dotexse 
end betete wod¢it iidatelt bt odd rot Stak wads ong led sxodd 
stesoob ed? dae wil noented mo yatoy aw tase atte abel Seaien arf pond ra 
Nuts ebotalot eonett909 ext bolmad hus ".paliiot" ,holigos ele 
chaeted total syed fateves dads hosrdacd nostdaut ip sevkh et 
igalneve fadd att Joo of sneminteqga me obam he mil Senonqeles ine 
mort yologs as tnaw { ,xtiol” ,blee tmabaphed som sold menty Hasty 
“:cretoob gxoddam off ef gedw ywil" ,beifget Titemiele aloide of quay 
soy eidgie teal betoa woy Yau oT” _hommtines. neds dmehnetoh dane 
ot wovset © ovsd EY yholigns niege Miisatetg daidy of "ytebep betes: 
tonbueteh aptisetoynes odd to saunoo ont mh daddo"qyew dade otoms 
ms LY 4S) tuods e9e od ynieg evs ov anomw mo L ME ehbeayhamhae | 
~ agtifost bast coved of soy imew aimed 4 shmeixt s edetet .yuotwe 
iow YLtmet edd saobtonk add odds dad? dos "ahneds? od et dameceme 
ano teeoo@ Yaa we tohgeted ditw ahege gabhhaedwe, 
hal Tittetele tad? eonohtve ef? mort etacggs wedduwt 32 « epaaaotneh | 
etorgue to dénom sad gniush aetonifll qoxel gaol da snatees @ bie 
Yuiaialg boxes gnshasted CSL mi tact payshawe hos egatteve yabuntet 


when his family was going away, and was told that they would be 
leaving shortly; that defendant then advised plaintiff that his 
wife still had a discharge from the birth of their seeond child, 
and later defendant visited plaintiff's wife at Leng lake and upon 
his return told plaintiff that his wife did not look very well and 
that he would advise a further examination in the —_ futures that 
subsequent examinations of both plaintiff ané his wife, and labora- 
tory tests, showed gonorrheal infections, end when defendant inti- 
mated to plaintiff that his wife may have contracted the disease 
from plaintiff the latter said it was impossible, that he had been 
married eight years and thet he proposed to find eut how this 
happened, to which the dector replied, “I am mot eure, it must be 
in the water. This thing cen always Happens” that on said eccasion 
in the doctor's office plaintiff's wife arose from the chair and 
seid to defendant, “You did it,” whereupon, according to plaintiff's 
testimony, defendant turned pale and ran out of his effices that two 
weeks thereafter, when plaintiff again visited the doctor's office, 
the latter said, “You are a good friend of mine. Your wife accused 
me of giving sickness with the tools. I know my tools are well 
sterilized,” to which plaintiff replied, "I don*t kmow what she 
referred to. I know she accused you." 

Plaintiff's second boy, Carl, was baptized May 5, 1929. 
Notwithstanding the fact that there were several Italian churches 
in the immediate neighborhood of plaintiff's home, defendant suggested 
that the baby be baptized at St. Paul's church, on west 22nd strect, 
saying, “We better find a church farther away from the houses. It is 
better people don’t know it, so you don't spend any money. Lets 
get a church far away from the house." ‘When they arrived at St. 
Paul's church in defendant's automobile, the latter said te plaintiff, 
“You wait here, we will be out right away," and thereupon plaintiff's 
wife, her mother, the defendant and both children went inte the 


od binew yous tale let ame bee yoke Yetey aaw veLhna® what soit 
gist dott SYtintely seeivhe ped? tnatnwtsh sndd renteete: antvabi 
figs browse uted? te déthd of? mor?’ eytadvelt w hed Efe ete 
noqs Mis oxel xne< ¥s otiw ettitentate bestety snnbrsteb todal bas 
han ffew cre dost dow bib Ste ete! tede Yitemtary Bley ended eee 
gous qousiyt coer sat nt mbdeantiaxe Yodicwt « seivha biwew of tally 
-oxodat Ses yotiy ett baw Yttvatele dtec Ye seetacnteaen vneupedttiin 
-lint ¢asbewteh maw poe gato téoo'tnt Lendrsome, Bewolle .adnetoyeed 
eunewth of? bodactines oved Yat ohiw els cere TLbsmletg ed pevie 
 geed ball ad gad? ,eidieweqmi now OF bie tedden D ects Tiiotelg mot 
etet wor tuo batt o8 beweqeiy of tend pateaiioremmengysl 
od dou 22 ,eum fon mm I” ,betlgor roteet off Moidy O¢ 4 bonvqenil 
nuiessse bias no gait “ymequed eyewle neo gold eld? «aptow ent. : 
be chaste. edd mock pnore etiw a Yitsentelg eottie. panei A 
e'Yiltatslg of guthteose qmoqueteda “di bib wex" camennacordl 
owt tadd gen tte aki le age not Sm eLeg bemrend sembewted «yaa } 
_ ganktio s!odood odd bedtety miaga Ititabele made qxedteotedd aeew 
hoarse etiw sueY .onta to breis? heey. # eva wel" 4 dae wetdad et 
Liew ows eieod yt wort I veLooe odd 340 sasantote atts 20m \ 
> erie forte worl ¢'aen Te vung wiemnsanesaenat ae-e , on Lined: 
G0 at wean tga eee itien were tain wemnneiaae ble tes 
 nedvticio maifedl Letevos etow erodd sald soak ond yatbendeielweon 
petuowains Mun dme ted veuorl eTLteNtaLel to boos iedity for evictions ae 
céoenda Bets geow no qtoemiy atLiwt 9% Os boutdyed oo tad & 
ul $l .eauad odd mOxY yawo texte? Sommie a balk costed aw” 
stot syonam Yes hage F'nod Woy On gts wort nob sLyoeq 
488 te Movies ‘ert wed Seow sit ames yee zak 1 28 
(Titdatalg at kiew mwddal ode salidometes a 'tasbrateh sk stoma, 
s*Yisniate noguesedt bra "syows dsight tuo ef Ltw ow _emeal 
sas fi oem tnew mexbiitio died bea tnebaated oid vations ted 


ehureh, while plaintiff remained outside, and returned in about 25 
minutes. The defendant acted ae godfather, and Maria Michemsi, 
plaintiff's wife's mother, as godmother, at the baptisms befendant 
gave the priest fictitious mames for himself and Mrs. Michenzi as 
sponsors, useing the alias of Amtenio Cersics for himself and Maria 
Botania for the godmother. After the baptism defendant took the 
family to a roadhouse for dinner, and cevtioned plaintiff, "De not 
gay anything te anybody. You call me Compare (godfather). 0 not 
call me doctor any more. Call me Compare onee in a while.” 

Frank Pallaria, unele of plaintiff's wife, testified that 
in January, 1930, he passed by a room occupied by plaintiff's wife, 
end through an open door saw defendant embracing and kissing her. 
That she was in bed, clothed in pajamas. That this ocourred about 3 
or 4 o'clock in the afternoon, end that he was standing approximately 
3 feet from the open door when he witnessed said occurrence; that his 
sister, Rose Michenzi, was in the kitchen, and plaintiff's wife wae 
in the room together with defendent shout 109 or 15 minutes, 

Maria Michensi testified that in May, 1920, when Carl, 
the second child was lesrning to walk, she accompenied plaintiff's 
wife and the child to defendant's offiec; that upen being refused 
admittance by defendant, plaintiff's wife broke the glass in the 
door with her purse and said te defendant, “7hies is your child," 
and pushed the child inte the office; that defendant pushed Carl out 
again, and remarked, “I will see whether you are going to be independent 
or note * * * Small fish ean never eat the big fish,” to which 
plaintiff's wife then responded, "I will make you pay for it, beesuse 

it is bed. You have ruined my life;" that there then ensued a 
lengthy discussion wherein defendant told pleintiff's wife that he 
intended to marry her after divorcing his own wife. 

Mra. Michenzi further testified that on the day prior to 
the foregoing incident she was at the defendant's office herself and 

as quede al homurtet dp gohtudme bantemos tittatela eLidw hatte 
tansdoll atte ins .tertte%heg em bedos tmebme teh Ao ‘se : nt 
tashneted  eautiged om? te qudtombog ag .tedtom a tod at rhtatetg 
ga ixporiog® .aal ben Meamtd at samgir aatpht kien sootay ods emma 
atisl kate Wewmis 0% eluted enema 2 sella edt gatew yatoanogs 
wid dood dmehneteh  amliqed end 192%, sods omoOR eile xo ainsto® 
ton o@° ptii¢nialy bematinso bro gtomnih 10% sewodhaot « oF Yihmm? 
som @i .(aadteteeg) oxequed em Lap oY +ybodyas of anidrune Yan 
‘.eLide o mt eomo exaqueD oat Lis) .otom Yas tedpod, * ; ba. 

dete hoktEIaos eOtlw attitvntelg te efeonw .altaliay ewe. oe i 
sotiw a'Piivnielg YW beiquose aos a yd boaseg od ,OLOL «Yxai md 7 

atd tet yeonerar990 bilan deasantiv at gece toOh ant. ot yar poi . 
Baw ein a'ttivatalg hing ,msiostd alt at ame « ixwedo dit api , aomats 
saetunks 84 19 OL dvods saabaetod dtly weddego?d moe. vs 7 
qlkod sotto 09605 yaM ab data betrhened Lome Pie i 
a'ttiintadg beimegqaoooe edu ilew of amtaxeel 3 aow | Ser a 2 
beaker yated moqu fait iooltte a'innbnoteh of betde etd baw 
adit mi senty ott esters et{r a! Mantels sduahaoret sel 
Mabie roy ak sistz” .duabne deb of dias baw Cio! wet dé ) 
tu0 fre betlany tachae ted dasts jooitto eats eins nthe ¢ cot tetas 
co beumae bard od 68 gnicg ota OY, tet tei staal Lite x “a or hee ith. | 
Moldy of *yHett ghd ould tao t8voR m0 ste? {hawt * 7. fon 10 
seusond rei sot ba Mn enlace ftw z sbobnogeet out stiw e tend. 

yf Besame, sod? execs taste “potlt wm ponte ovad wor 

ol tad ortw a’tidmtaly bios trabnoteb atoxade , 

a oe oe tiw nwo ald gatozovd ‘wedts seat sas 
: o obra Yeh edt nn tadtt bottiinsd roséwt hemos ox 

mh. 0 dual 4: tae 
bas Sioaved ool tie a'snabsoteb alt ts oar a two, 

Ae te 
Dy thas 


that he asked her what she wanted, to which she replied, "You 
know what I want. That stuff does not belong in the home of the 
Matarreses," whereupon the doctor ordered her to “get out of my 
office,” and struck here 

In April, 1931, approximately two years after the two 
foregoing incidents, the parties separated. Defendant come to 
Rese Michenzi's home with plaintiff's wife. A gquarrelseme con- 
versation ensued, wherein Kose Michenzi said to plaintiff's wife, 
"What did you need to do such a terrible thing? Didn't you have 
@ good husband and a good companion?" Trank Pallaria testified 
that on said occasion he heard Mre. Maria Michenzi say to defend- 
ant, "Bhat is your boy and not Mir. Matarrese's boy," and that he, 
Pallaria, then asked defendant, “What are you going te do now," to 
which defendant replied, “Ye will t&e it as it comesj" that Rose 
Michenzi then said to defendant, "Shame on you, a married man like 
you, - am old man like you, to ruin Mr. Matarrese's house.” That 
defendant said nothing in answer to the last remark, but took plain- 
tiff's wife away in his automebile, 

Befendant denied the incidents alleged to have eccurred at 
Plymouth place and Van Buren street in 1927, stated that he con- 
tinued to be the physician for plaintiff's family until 19351, that 
he visited plaintiff's barber shop until shortly before the sepa- 
ration, and that plaintiff had mever said anything te him with 
reference to his wifes admitted treating plaintiff's wife for anemia 
in 1923, but denied participation in the baptismal rites of Carl, or 
that he was present at St. Paul's ehurehs denied the occurrence at 
Rose Nichenzi's home in January, 1951, testified to by Pallaria; 
denied the conversation alleged to have taken place in the Rose 
Michenzi home at the time of the separation, or that he walked out 
with plaintiff's wife, stating that he left the house alone; and 
denied, generally, that he had made advances to plaintiff's wife, 

wot” ,hotiqat ede doidy o¢ ,betmew ofa tate aed bode ey tase 

oats te omen qd ah grotad dem, oooh tesa sel «daow. t dash weet 

er t6 tuo tag" of ted botehia totoeb oad moqvetedy ",sesettedat 

«tod Aosits One "eso ke 

gut ond xod%e wtasy ovd vlojamtmomen M60 eLbTEA uh ooconnowy 

ot e205 taabested .bhedaexages seigisq etd <eieshinsh entaanal 

: “OD emcalertauy 4 swthw a 'PitsateLte tdiw encosd atisnode di seat 
potiw a'Yttinisla of bias tnnedotM eae nhexedy .powang, mods 

eval voy t'mbid Vynids ofdt cy) 8 douse oh oF heen woy Beh. ‘in, 
peltigaed stisllad Anett } "m0 kag 9 S0oR, o hos boadeud booy & 
=basted of yee iunedolM sitsé oul busedt Est nolasooe bise no dass 
oat fadd ben # yod a ‘enottsdak ti Son bus vod toy et dedi" sine 
ot * * won ob of gatos voy ote tant” inaboe tos beans nods satzattat 
enol tad "teens tt ea $f © we ‘LLtw oW" sbetiges tashagleh Geni. 
OSL mow boltism s ywoy m0 omesde* « tnabaste od bhaw sostg tanndodt, 
dat? ".onwod sosorsetall oe abut of _M0% oxtt “tina bho id AMY. 

~nintg dod tod  fxame x dunt ed of towene mi aniddéon bhaa : 

“ ,ekidono dua aid at Yama ottw eran 
te hevtwooo svad of begetis etmooiont ont bolas tnsbasted 

cate OR Age 

onoo sf Yadd bodate eVSOL nt teoxte neta ev be sade, Mame 
dod teed ‘ttn ine e'hisinteta = aatoteysia oale od @) bown 
~agon exid exo ted “ls rosta Lidtous gode wet alrtiontely, tbe as 
sain wid 08 gieb als agen bing rover pad tiisntalg, feud bee ghottag 
abe wet otte a'2tintelg patteort bedsimba tollw aid of. cone toRes 
“go ehxed ‘Ye avdtx Lomatigqed ods nt aobtegtettasg boineh dud OSG Lomb 
ts eonortinee ond bainob ido tunis eines ofS da tnovoxg: enw ‘eel decd 
qabualie’ Vi of bertivee? , LOL ¢yraunal mt omod a ttusodos eaok: 
‘saoi edd ni conta merled ovat of peyote ao Lisataynoe ect bedtob 
dna hetion tl tat 40 <a ttonsqen el? to omid ond $e mex tamecttit 
bite tenots eawort of Stel ef dads gutinte sete attendee tte 
cette a tidntate ef aponavbe ebam bad od santnemncmamen ie 


kissed er hugged her, or had sexuel relations with her ot any 

It is defendant's principal contention that the verdict 
was against the manifest weight of the evidence. ve have carefully 
examined the record, and while there is a conflict as to the prin- 
cipal occurrences heretofore related, we believe there is ebundant 
evidence in the record to support the verdict, if the testimony of 
plaintiff's witnesses ic to be believed. Most of these witnesses 
were closely related to plaintiff's wife, and would not be likely 
to testify falsely as to matters affecting her moral misconducte 
The law is well settled that where the evidenee is conflicting, the 
jury’s verdict will not be disturbed unless it is manifestly against 
the weight of the evidence. (Voelli p Ve Kohl, 261 111+ Appe 
ZI» B74-) 

It is further contended that plaintiff's coungel made 
improper remarks in his opening statement to the jury and im the 
course of the trial. There was considerable bickering between 
counsel ali through the trial, and many remarke were made on both 
sides of the table, but from an examination of the record we de not 
regard these 29 having been prejudicial. 

Rese Wichenzi was called as a witness on behalf of plain- 
tiff, and after being examined by plaintiff was partially examined 
by defendant's couneel, and before the cross-examination had been 
completed plaintiff's attorney made a motion to strike all her 
testimony from the record. The defendant made no objection, and the 
court dismissed the witness. Defendant now complains of this pro- 
ecdure, but we think his complaint comes too late. Defendant sheuld 
have made his objection at the proper time, instead of wtanding by 
amd allowing the court to sustain plaintiff's motion and ordering 
the witness to leave the stand. 

Various other questions are raised by defendant's brief, 

tie 4 used MFIw SEDO LoD Lewred Ded to \ ten Soygad to Hedwid 
tothxov add ted moltmetnoy Legtoniig einsbaeteb ak g2°°o" He ome 
Cilvlexee over ov .eomrhive ef? ko tigtew dueSieaw ede funiage saw 
at wi3 02 ee sol ines # af sted? OLtdy Sas ,etecer od? tonkmexe 
tnebruia et etatd ovetled aw ,bedelot erakelerted aeone tases foqks 
to qlomt dine ont UL ytosbroy odd Fregque oF buoser odd in? Gonebive 
agvaeneis oned? te gael .hovelied of od ut wescendiw w'Miivatel¢g — 
uletts od fox Mwuoe Sra .tiw attitimiely ot beddlox GLedele sxow 
sioriwedeim isrew ted yettootts oxvsitam o¢ ea yLoafet Yiieed oF 
on? canitelfines et gorebive ent oreda doit? befidoe Lfew at wor ont 
tontiys ¢Ufdectinet at 4% eseLms bedutelh od tom LLiv tothrey a east 
 qqh St £98 gidom sv commttioey) © swonsbive ede te adgtow Gad 
 Sbaet Leanudo at rtitateaty feds beanedaos toddaet-eh eT Oo oos ole 
add a2 ton Yartl odd 04 tnometade yotoaqo afd mt wibcands aeqonyek 
- geenged gnttesold oldersbienoo caw @xedT «fated edt Yo wetiod 
ddod mo eban exvew siiamet yom ban (Zeixd of? deworttd Lie Loamvoe 
‘den ob ow proces odd Yo mo ltantmsxe ma mott dud (ides edd to aobte 
sLatothubese Mes? gaivail as vendt- Stages 
-ttaig Ye Rated me suendiw aes belied sew tameey tt oeoh wid 
— peathiie GListitag aw Yiseatate Ww pédttanee gabed teste bad QTR 
need bad Modantwaxo-geors odd eroted bas ,toemves a tnetmeteb ye 
vest £14 ovbcde of woksomw a chow yourostts el trtéatalg bedelgaon 
Bde bine qadkiseido wt obem seabed ted off \sbxeoex edd eet yrembiawd — 
oixg sid} T entadquoe won drebastot saeeetiw oft bepatme th tape 
biveda tucbweto otal eo* eemoo tntelquoo wld ketdd wv dod ,oxwh98 
Yd ghbinate Yo heofaak yout coqerg ots on pelisetde atd thom eval 
weet ons noldew vf Tiitnialy atageia @@ damoe ee ae 
tekst etinhinotods yo howtet ote amotieeaup ppm ne 


put they present no convincing reasons for reverenl. 

We believe the trial was fairly conducted, and finding 
no reversible error, the judgment will be affirmed. 


Seanlan and Sullivan, JJe, concurs 


Loven os sSeeoutans ay eo date att ovottod ot ee 
shui | Sabet oie bie. i dalphew con ehwwey wate rates se 1 
BS RR Of a aid RMON ith _ meal nantes: 
ea CES Me ee eS weet oneal * | ee 
De ee ak eae ee se ed RS ean ert oa eB hee 
COIR RE RIE Cea seems y Rete nee gat igt a seernee tbe ew Rane 
EPR 8, ad Stkaee etsy hie a “OL smeady wt htadenGtadw da aie 
sew ives ted gation tha wedi Bet aie Rootes ane ee | 

sy Poe ee wt Womobitws eof epost dela godaien nw ye wad 7 
tan dha; tee Sau +2 2S ‘wondtew Setivestt ad 4eR" AFe ev do i vi 
nga faye Re tees *F tyonti veer) lana ete Som tie a 

rere be tyasties 

ie Renown eR RE akg See bo timedigeed) el RB sat, 

SS ee 

Cie me heky, eae t até OF ‘Seaqnmed ade Qala ‘pat nee % ee i 
pepsi Watmetedsd 9 teers biedion Ka Wega ‘aie ’ 
Rees isi ey aster atoms eee Dee seid cll ! 

wig’ tli ee nang aed ‘he Los gw pen 
i some Psa trie “aes VE gate “yet Sareea, ‘patee 
Keay bie E Moatrkxe-ynewd ‘aad ord ‘fieup a henson *e 
oe wee eet ae ea wae atin “< | 
iat bee yb haweyis ax whee Pee hee tok att “Ri | 
igeuay’ hye ths oH en ey hee aeemewted: onennabe sate 
Witernatls Yeiohant ted + Bb aE ne" tense dei lyasins) art taeda ve 
ed BEthowre Ye Toso gael oe . ‘ 


sen ee 2 
ie ee Fe 

37856 4 / f y 

Appellee, | 



a7 9 LA. 639 


ioetiteettiomenin sail 



Defendant seeks to reverse a judgment of the cireuit | 
court entered in a suit of trespass on the case on promises, 
founded upon a contract ef guarentyo. The cause was tried before 
the court without a jury, and the judgment rendered was for | 

Plaintiff filed «a deelaration consisting ef four counts. 
The first and seeond counts allege that defendant guaranteed in 
writing the payment of merchandise shipped to Libbye's, Inco, to 
the extent of $4,500, on which there remained due an unpaid balance 
ef $2,920.18. The third count alleges in substance that plaintiff 
was an officer and direetor of Shapire-Saer, Ince, engaged in the 
business of acting as resident buyer for various pereons engaged 
in selling, st retail, ledies' cloaks, suite and dresses, and as 
euch resident buyer ected to make purchases for Libbye's, Ines, in 
New York eity; thet said defendant, in order to induce plaintiff 
to guarentee various manufacturers the payment for merchandise sold 
by them to Libbye's, Ine-, at the special inatence and request of 
Shapiro-Baer, Inc», did, December 13, 1931, exseute and deliver te 
Plaintiff the letters of guaranty: in question; thet pursuant 

therete plaintiff guaranteed the payment of merchandise purchased 

| Y . yy 
5 ob, rend tae tod 8 
1% % be} oy We Maa” ) 4 ih ll 
a } 

pee Lo MO rt LASILA } 

; 3 SR, 

EO LT OSS baer aa 


aes ky 

foots oft %w tromgia, 2 ootevex e¢ saleoe tmabae tes 

(souimorg m0 oan ond mo wanqeesd to dtwe a mh hetedte faveo 
etoted belx? sew wees of? oginotawa Yo fuetines » moqu bobawe’ 

tok saw berehnes dneomort et tae «yuh o éwodstiw temeo edt 
sadmmeo wet to yeivetanoo agltaraioeb a belit Vrbintals elaine 
ak heednetesg tmebne'ted sadé ogeils atuweo bnosee bas deus ost 
@t ,coml gu'eydd?d of heagide ealbnadotem to smeayeq oad aahahxy 
tonaled biagaw aa ewb bentemes eteds deidw xp 002,29 Yo tnodxe of? 
Wiktnialg Jodi comsdadva af wegette inven debit dT +85 0%0.84 to 
ed? at bogagne ,xeal-oxlgedt to sesooxkh tes tooktio ae saw | 
bopeune ampateq aveliev xo? teyad dmobinor ea gakies Yo. aeont aug 
an bee ,aeeueth hoo ctlue ,aleoks ‘nelhal ,Ltiatex te ayntiion mi 

mi qoomt ya'oyddil 10k aesatonng oem oF betes toqwd ob show 
Thivmletg soubal of tobse mb yiashuoteh dive dad? yyste | 
“Moe eaibnedosem 107 tnonnyeq wid axoTutos tunomt aveltey te 

of swviied hom etionne gi80L .SL todmpoel ,htb vont a Ro a~o 
tneauexig todd gaotteoup nt oytnecaiy to emertek ott 


as a resident buyer fer Libbye's, Ines, upon which there remained 
due an unpaid valance of $2,920.18, with interest at 6% per annum. 
Count four sets forth the commen counts. 

Defendant made a motion for a bill of particulars, 
which was furnished, and thereafter filed an affidavit of merits 
and two smended affidavits. 

The ensential facts disclose that defendant is » 
preeticing lawyer in the city of Chiesgoy that his sister and 
nephew are the principal officers amt owners of Libbye’s, Inte, 

@ corporation engaged in the retail ladies’ ready to wear business 
in thie city? thet in December, 1931, Libbye's, Ines, was in a 
preearious financial condition, and could not get merchandise upon 
a oredit basis; that defendant becum sequainted with plaintiff 
through one Leo BH. Sacke, o retailer engaged in a similar business, 
whe died prior te the trials that plaintiff for several years was 
engaged as a resident buyer in Sew York city, representing retail 
merchants throughout the United States in the New York market for 
whom he purchased merchandise upon commissions paid by the manue 
facturers, thus eliminating the necessity of his clients going te 
vew York to make their purchases. And he teatified that he had 
never been engaged in the manufacturing or jobbing business. 

in order to make it possibie for Libbye's, Ines, to 
precure merchandice from manufacturers on a eredit bawsis, plaintiff 
told defendant thet it would be necessary to obtain e guaranty, and 
thereupon the following written instrument of cueranty, dated 
December 18, 1931, was given by defendant to plaintiff: 

“Confirming conversation with you when last in our 
eity, i hereby guarantee the payment of the account of Libbye's, 
Imes, up to the extent of $2,500. You my ship merchandise at 
any time they order hereafter up to that amount." 

A second letter, dated Februnry 8, 1932, ineresased the amount of 
the gusranty from $2,500 to $4,500. 

ih vs 

besianet scald totsw soge y«tml ge toyddht vot ceqed dmobioet 2 en 
item rey BS te tavredet thw ,AL. 080g th Yo eonaled blequr me “oub 

beste wintaae end diets eden mak Ge 
emratuotiney Ye LLid « vot sotios a obamw 3 chases Yo t PIG 

ativan to divsh’l%e mu bekit tod teotesds bee « becte bares’ ew aio kaw 

.adbyvebs tha bennoma ows bate 
WSs ails i : 
m@ wt teintidatbe's dinits exofoath aton't inktnone ont me 

bes vetxia all sald qoyeesaD te wWio exis md roqwad patettomny 
vent estoyidh to exsawe bea sroetite Leqtontyn ett exe 

auenteud teow @f ybaws feetbel Lede of? ob hopngae melieroqton a 
4 Mb maw qeonl ga leyehd 4180L quedmvoed mt gaat pyttoenena 
gnats Gokbend sree 99g tox NLoo tes ynaksdonon Letonontt suolteeegy 
Ttidebele Adie bedntexpos vahood thetnoten tule hte eel 
eaeenteud toLiate e mt begeane taliade+ a yaitond .@ 00d ond Myadald 
aan @taey Latevoa wot Yetimiale sad? tisbad aaa of “Obi doth ode 
Liador gukeienongex yysto deoY wat af avyed deehteos ‘ed weg 
<9 dextan A19Y wet ot ni eedad? hodhyt ods ‘pwnitgilned Genidenat” 
saat ot es: diag ometvatumoe miqu wel hmidyrom re alll 
o¢ gntoy a9usife uit to utiswecen odd yottontmtto mutt jouotidbal 
‘batt oct Sould soktivacd wet Nea © seomemwteg “chend bated of Heat . 
Yamemtiod gutcdo, <o gukedtodtmam odé at boone Heed” | 
ae deat Qulteqdana ‘sek atdroco é oxtem tt wine pe AHI ate 
wihedtale yetasd fines a no ‘aterutes ; oa eeNOO UT 
has sténarsiy « atsede of Cindéesen od biuow VE suits nabavteh beed 
 hedeb gyiee cary Yo Vamew tion? meddixe grbwottot 
PYursmtety oF Phbcistos Yd movig aed (feet ef xed 
whip nt teat nestw doy dotv notésexewnde yxttit'ned? °° 

oe CT ge TG a, 
salle  Maditiapme tod? of qu xetnexod rehire Yoms 
wig te. dase out peusenonk @RCL oS vere bees arr £ 



Plaintiff? testified to a cenvereetion with defendant 
wherein he (plaintiff) stated that in order to ebtain nerchandise 
from the manufacturers it would be necessary for him personally 
$0 guarantee the payment of bills which might be incurred for mer- 
chandise sold to Libbye's, Ince, and thet he would not undertake 
t9 guarantee these bills unless he was sufficiently indemnified. 
Shortly after receiving the first guaranty,, plaintiff wrote defende 
ant, asking him for references. ‘This Letter was answered by defend- 
ant December 21, 19351, stating that lawyers are not ususlly rated by 
commercial or financial agencies, and asking plaintiff te disregard 
the usual business procedure, open up a line of orsdit for Libbye's, 
ince, and handle the account in the seme way thet he was handling the 
Lee 3B. Sacks’ account. 

February 16) 1932, plaintiff wrote Gefendant, inquiring 
who the persons were that were interested in Libbye's, Inte, stating 
that this informetion was requested by various monufacturers from 
whom he had purchased merehandise, and that he would eppreciate 
checks from Libbye's, Ines, for merchandise already purchased, 
Bbefendant anevered this letter the following dey, giving some infore 
mation with reference te the corporete seteup of Libbye's, Ine. 

He further stated that he appreciated the difficulties attending 
the obtaining of credit, enlieé attention to the fact that he had 
told plaintiff in advance that Libbye'’s, Ince, had no rating, and 
eoncluded by saying that in view of his guorantee the risk was good, 

Mareh 12, 1932, plaintiff come to Chicago for the purpose 
of getting some money for purchases an shipments theretofore made, 
He called at Sdelsom’s office and received from the latter his cheek 
for $2,900, on account. It was "delson's contention that he had 
received $2,000 in eash from Libbye's, Ines, whieh he offered to 
turn over to plaintiff, but that the latter said he did not wish te 


inobootet dttw neiteerewnne » od bettiseed Ttimtalt “ee 
ee ibnadoren atasde oF tohta mt todd bodete (Mismtela) ot ai exene 
vilenpereg mbt tot Yrwaseoen ed misow dd axexatostunen oft wor? 
| ~ron wot betivent of teigin dotdy affhd te A rnerceg. Ohd.gntmazany, Ot 
| wias code dom biwew wef Mast dee yront aatoydded of iow onthe 
shodtinanbnt glineiekties aew od veoLaw allie exons gadnes 
ates oder Wikswtieny “yAinexnity uname gubvkeods atts deo 
| sbopteb yd Soxewante vow weftget abst ome totes TOT mid entalas tne 

wi he baa msatey ‘ten ote naaeciie dads qgntiode 4i60L _ iS wodar rr 

ete patho anw of Sark? so nt 
antctucnt eiisbaston etotw Tuvwtaly Aleel «ot ee ae aie. 
; galisse yeont qs toyddtt nt beteoxsent es it. % 
met? shiciechintms euobrav yd heteoupet saw. bed 

ent a leyd0ht te qu=tow otereqrem ead arian on < 
wettivel ‘aokezwonT iE ots. hetetsowera ea touts, hed: 

worly, ota xo? Yak out aext bevisses tee. vette, ni! sa patoht on 
Baek bul geste not ne 199 a tnoarene, oan a oie irs ve ut a 


carry eo mich currency on his person, whereupon Edeleon gave him 
@ cheek and later deposited the cach in his personal account. 

it appears from the record that the bill of particulars 
furnished by plaintiff showed in detail the names of the manu- 
facturers and the amounts of their respective bills, the tetal 
merehandive which had been delivered to Libbye’s, Imes, and the 
Gredit of $2,000 paid on account. 

The defendant takes the position that plaintiff had 
represented himself te be engaged in the jobving business and 
Proposed to sell merehandise to Libbye’s, incest that he did not 
know that plaintiff wes a resident buyer acting merely as a sales 
representative; and that, based upen these representations he 
signed the gusrantee in question, which he contends is clear and 
only covers merchandise shipped by plaintiff and not that chipped 
by manufacturers from whom plaintiff purchased es sales representative 
for Libbye’s, ine, Defendant complains because the court permitted 
Plaintiff to testify to cenversations leading up te the execution of 
the guaranties, and insists that such evidenee was inadmissible as 
tending to vary the written contract between the parties. 

Plaintiff, on the other hand, contends that the meaning 
of the contract of guarantee cannot be understood or construed 
without showing by orel testimony the intention of the parties and 
the cireumstances under which the guaranty wae made. 

While it is true that o written contract of guaranty 
cannot ordimarily be varied, contradicted or modified by parel 
evidence, courte will always seek to discover and give effect to 
the intention of the parties in carrying eut or enforcing any 
contract, and will endesver te place themselves in the position 
of the contracting parties so that they may understand the languag ¢ 
employed, and the sense in which it was used by them in their 

tow he 

mid owe moabobe eee aercayty cndaxeg abst md Yodoteily son ow Ertey 
stenoses Seuetiy dkt nt dade edt Setracdet wdas ten dials 
steluetizog to Lid ate dads brosex we wiott oxaequa $1 
<itsst sit Yo eoman od Ltotob at bownde Tiininlg ye bodetn ca 
he bas —_ ere of hexeviteh need Sad Hfotsw out Din? ea 


a an 3 

| he anand sot, wt at besa 4 oF hepreteer 

beddinxog truoe ed eamseod trtelqmbe Seabmetet — 

to noltwoems add oo qu gathoet envitewwnes bt icon ai 

ea eldtuatotemt sew sonebtve tous tad? avatint’ tn sao monieg ot 
‘apbtdteq of? mebutad' ta ds | settee od 

gittnosm odd dealt ebatotios somal swiddo odd mo 432206 

MO MRE PP LotR  Geaaediaearant 
 pewteanes to hovderebad o¢ #onnne sotnotay oO daarinos 4%. 

» So eee 

 heaetiene end te morseivtent ext out toed toto w aahvonlg t1 

2 alaat ease “EBnsitaang abd sho kate ‘eo bent somes rt at. 
“giuvnaing Yo tooutnbe noddbie a dailt omed of $4 oft 

“tog tbe iebeld te beduibendabe bebtiy ot YLbxs boxe a -" 

od Sootte evig hem tevennth of toon ‘eueita Like stems ODES 
“ete pettoto ine x0 we gnkysuss at wolizeg sd ‘ aad 0 ok ser 

nett iaog ute mt aevteomed? voake sia ‘wvsehno ste # ates 4 

oairacnt ontd deadochew wank add tad on wolduag & " ge 

ebiatd att tantd Syd “Bond saw ‘28 doth mb ontive a bn uf be 


written undertaking. It wes so held in the recent esse of Yeger 
ve Robinson Nash Moter Coo, 340 T1l. Sl, where the court sald: 
(pe 91) 

‘+ *# * In the construetion ef contracts fer the pur~ 
pees of aseertaining the intention of the parties the court will 
endeavor, by extrinsic evidenee of auch facts as the oe had 
in view, to place itself as neexrly as possible in their position, 
ao that it may understand the lenguage used in the sense intended 
by theme * * * Im seeking te ascertain the intention, regard will 
alse be had to the eye om construction, if any» which the par- 
tiee by their acts @ given the contract. * * * fo» aise, the 
acte of the parties themselves indicative of their construct ion 

upon it may be resorted to fer the purpose of pga aes | 
he true meaning of the written agreement, and in thie regard i 
makes no difference whether such acts are contemperonecus or sub- 
sequent. Moreover, where the contract is, in fact, understocd by 
one of the parties in a cartein sense and the other party knows 
that he se underetands it then the undertaking is te be taken in 
that sense, provided this can ve done without making = new contract 
for the parties." 

In view of defendant's contention that pleimtiff represented 
himself to be a jobber rather then the sales representative of 
various manufacturers, and plaintiff's denial thereef, it became 
important to determine the underetanding of the parties with referenee 
to the written instrument, which ies not entirely clear upon its faeces. 
Prom a eereful examinetion ef the record, we are convinesi that the 
court preperly found that defendent's guaranty eas intended te 
indemify plaintiff for his personal liability incurred in purchasing 
mer¢handise from New York manufacturers on account of Libbye's, Ino. 
Inasmuch as plaintiff had never been in the jobbing or mannfscturiag 
business, es he testified without contradiction, the guaranty could 
not have been intended te corer merchandise seld or ahipped by him te 
Libbye’s, Incs, but was evidently given to indemnify plaintiff for 

purchases from manufacturers ag sales representative for Libbye's, 
Ine. The testimony and correspondence between the parties amply 
supports this conclusions 

When Libbye's, ince, account became delinquent, plaintiff 
wrete saveral letters to defendunt requesting payment. one of these 

Letters was answered, and defendant denied having received some 


Re ea 

Sept to eae smaget ost wt Bde om gow gl «yabledcedaw medtiow 
thies oraee suit every ak off OM 4.90 30000 goat goumkdel ov 

(£0 aq) 

~eng od? ie ptaat nyo Io moliogssande ea ol & # OM od s 
tg saad ett obits wie to nokinoint ox op om we ge te bua 
bed exiting an & BS om gome hive 0 bas 

Farretne : edi ap reat bee ge Zz ‘Ross. Pasar 9 
panes x a tobuy * beh Me 

Iie we es Greer orm aiadieoun of aivece at a4 ‘emeas Ye 

- de. th gnoliownxs iicaty add et bi 
Reco care 

# ane® ¥ & @VisaG aey 

ao sie tot od bed soues te cj! me 

w heed ate baw wooet nt vy taastnse ond hic prea: 4 
av Ona en tasige ed¥ han eenee aisdree » pete eae 
mi gene? od of al seatedsa tame aah ont masti af ~aheates 
teoattmos wer o anisdam gucdeiw ono8 of aso ald bed 

celtuon edt 

adasnerget thitntalg tal? sottnosnes a ttastas tod te wedv bg mn pees 
‘Yo evtiesnenexqex vane odé nails uedter xoddal, a od 0f fe whch 
amaoed et stoorods Laine s'Whténtela hrw .atomstontonan wwoltay 
jeowwtor Adty cofixeq edt to ystbasdereday ed? onimzeted m yer lt 
-oont adi seus weele efertine tom at tohdw ‘tvomrcdant nodd bor a * 
of Yad? beomtvacs om ov ,hroset add Yo sebtentmaxs bows 6 moet 
ab hebeb dnt now genta «emcee ten Yaad bawer Uxeqeeg 
gatendowme ni bovieint Yitidalt Lomoemg ete xo? vabentote deco bak 
sont «ate yEEhE Yo dnvovea me eter os tune Met vOR mort oalbnattes s * 
yalxudoateman xo gato) ett HE mood tovow tad Tivately’ oh Moncinant 
bie oytnateny of? ynbliethextnos enertrhw pmarioans of un aentend 
od abi yo deqntita 1 bioe suttmatote xeweo wd boboesnh mood y at fon 
at Yukdaboly eliseoted ef nevis vitiebhve aow tod dil ‘oid 
.a'oqddhad <0? evbtatnocetqe teen eh etetndbatined ‘moet os a 

_ oF ones a 
— eottrng ed? neewted Suaibebgsbehe tne enon 00d 

¢ set baa ae 

ea hevieves ‘yatvad Sélneb snabastes bua sbonmwane ome 


of them. Plaintiff, however, testified he had written the letters, 
stamped and posted them, and it thereupon became a question of 
fect for the court to determine whether they were received. if 
the court believed they were it was proper to admit them in evi- 
dence, their relevancy being unquestioned. 

Defendant intists that plaintiff failed to offer proof 
of the delivery of the merchandise to Libbye's, ines, and that in 
the face of the denial of such delivery, and regardless of any other 
point raised, plaintiff cannot recover. We find, however, that the 
eourt admitted in evidence an exhibit eonsisting of 21 checks drawn 
on the Chase National Bank of Wew York, made payable to the various 
manufacturers from whem plaintiff purchased merchendins for Libbye's, 
Ine., and attached to each cheek is a copy of « statement showing the 
neme of the manufacturer, the amount of the purchsse, and a notetion 
showing thet the merchandise wos shipped to Libbye's, Ine. In view 
of the various letters in evidence making demand fer payment, and 
the failure of defendant to intreduce any proof te rebut the shipment 
of merehandise, we believe this was sufficient preof under the 
declaration te support the judgment . 

The reeord diseloses that Libbye's, lnc., which had operated 
under another name prior to its incorperation, esould net preeure 
ervedit from manufacturers. This guarenty: was made by defendant 
in erder te enable them to procure merchandise without paying cash 
therefor. fhe only witnesses teetifying upon the hearing were the 
piaintiff and defendant, and the testimony relative to their een- 
vergsstions and negotiations presented a conflict ef evidence which 
it was incumbent upon the court to determine. Under all the cireum= 
etences it seems reasonable to suppose that, considering the charseter 
of plaintiff's business as a sales representative, it could not have 
been intended by the written guarantee that defendant would indemify 
him only fer goods shipped by him to Libbye's, Inc.} he was not in 



| satadsel ot metsiuw had on bekttsaga etevowosl a ttitaiels enw nit te 

| 2 maideeup 2 omsood soquowedd #1 bee wunstt botady Bnd barge 

‘i tL shevteve: erew yeas moddeste éatesedod 02 Pwo ods tor dood” 

~tyo ai weld dtuhe of ceqory saw 32 oxow yoult beveled dxuod eid 
7 scometeoupam arto Nonaweden, thos seamed, 
toons 98 6 of better Wintade tas ata hand trabas tot, iy 
ah Godlt bea 4 sont ye teyedts oF oaltanso wm 949 te cubvitok, jail’ 

_ eaito wits, he ano Lorsger hone: vteevilen dowe te Inkaeb wits has we 
eis drsld steveved qbast ow” viovooee Jonna 2ismbadg eboater aatog 
renee axfooro ft to anidetaans did tdxe xe wonea tye eh ‘bedtime, t 09 
auotay etd ed siteysy stent eftoY wok Ye xmat fanotssk suad® ead no 

02 teydéht 10% octbnmederom honndotey Pitintate wocivr wo? eromidoa onan 

‘etd yrbrola dnemedade 2 te you » at doers does ot bestont te bene qeont 

sel¢eton A” tien ,snederuq oft. te dayome any, Torutgsteram Pet 2e satnn ‘ 
wely Hl  .onl ,oatogidhl of boryisa sew. gel hualorom eid, deald me wren 
bak yarwargag tot bnbmsh: getvins posohtve at atettek suet ey att % 

Yaomyida oct tudex ot Toot yun, souboutnd od fnabmeted | Xe, outta? ous 

edd tobtty tong taolal tive new elds syelled ow root bnadosen te 

ndnompheh ont duoggoe of notiozatood 

totareyo bud dofdw jak yu toyddtl todd goaedouth dzosex eft re 

“" @xwoong ten bivos qnotistoqgreent #ft od xobzq, oman, asdtens ota 
eaten Ue Obed bow Oetnarceg abet. <Rrecud ve Rinsa so? oboe : 
"Peas" ‘yaiyeq tuedsiw ealieasoves etuserg of medd eidors oF ohne | at * 
‘edd ezew Batxsed olf noqy yalyhiseed eoupent iy wine oat stoderadd 
 enoe thed? oF ewhintios Wem sees edd bra at mabeeteb ae ‘iéndatg 
‘Weltlw soRobive To PotlInoo « badmossxg atoliatiogon bes anotsonzsv 
‘ motte wit Ifa tebe .«eaterceteb 0) dxHo9 ond moqu snodnwont ‘nsw 2 
sofoerede of? geitehiancy , tant eveqqva o@ olanoeso sng0a ry; neonate 
evad dom Biuce $f ,avitasimenetget seleg e 2a esontaud arrdentaty te. { 

‘inne det divow Mmanmoted guild osinareuy seddtaw ealt Yd dohmetat mood 

hn: he a es ke ae * 

ai Gon new of teomt aatayddti of mis doagtte ener eee 
PRE Ria ESR e 

om We. Hy 

oo Fue 

the businese either of jobbing or manufacturing goods, and had 
none of his own to ship. Defendant is « lawyer and evidently 
understecd the uature of plaintiff's business when the guarantee 
wae made and the purpose for which the guarantee was given. 

For the reasons stated, we are of the opinion that the 
eourt properly found for plaintiff, and the judgment will 
aceordingly be affirmeds 


S¢eanlan and Sullivan, JJ., coneurs 

9" Gag tie qeboog nabecdoa’ a Eheke oii adel ts a 9 tt ee ona ae to 
eit sty. hale ‘Went 3 wet FS BA waalite of wwe abd Dew, seat 8 
st sale 4 alle a a aH | tM ool Jags he Mat wae 
| thes ear eotmneauy ante en or de rents. ee? oben 
wah food weietinn te “bus ow ghodads envseet eee rat 
aes Be anh Ale ti ‘ia amis bi oS oe Pas. cars basil ; 

coede ves wd te erwin, walt 

Th aE, 

a Teor 5 4 Thee Siete F Hess er at bat 
So iy Se See Bia: Loy Pee . Waar 5 a VEL 0 Rie te g ban 

ees Ses a. eee. 4 Gat RR ee Pee Lhe 
peeaa’s seihtagi sts Se Rat AS Ee weet dea te OOS 
aSONOO ee 

ae ee eel oO SEO 4 See _ CRT Wie ee dant beng kek wont ie 
et® wilig ee ae xh vitewttyeom aanchertey Tes ftetate sues anes eemeedoe bre 
BAK sR ee Sao + ye owep 2 ik eaqete Ae ot pastas $8 ‘tee ae 
ih 2 ire pone nde. Te ieee Mae eS ent spun ae at ‘iin 
saver: OO URES,” gai, ae glee Sh es dency RAS |. Ue Lai IR Tm oh aol aati onto 
ae ig dato, Ageia eas deny Sourns we we so Lod Pae t paige we 
keds ak Boren et Seek write. oly RANA tt ‘ea, Peahee ey Ao) waucia oie 
Gee ORG tis PR aE eee e-RS “Tay, sgn. whist ornilod at vs tinea 

pomacmyee ook, Scag int ae wel someLou’ 


fe See epg” Bypee! Seek KOR y ead Tg, eapeeresl. ae Ads faint en 2 wand dead oft nae 
Hieuwed wes i Dewy yes iy A em ge. . aha ea ag, Ss aston om 
HH Beis ts; pa!) yee fe aw Wears x aa x sae - eaters sa jestonae, = nee 

eens Kota ea’ Hei Pe RE gs aN ke: ey or sheen ee are ™ 
eck) Bare Se Loans es EER und sand amen Be at Chee: oat eae anata . 
v% ule Weer ae 
agua: ERR AP ORE Eee a: NORE PBT AGA: SE Baia dann fa ', eek’ 
‘melanin wemeeiiwe So aes. i aaa a DAP PR OR AR, i baa dtoorss, ee 
HAGE ES? BRE Stand. . « SEEPS i oe sasien alin in suotioant 4 
ere a 
siociuta sade poitebivgos » Me! oe pepe eR aN, mao a 
ewe ew Bal ea! geen is that amos ee KoLeR ft ae Bt rue 
aitijme Sends Poo w fuaheo iar dee NS a TaD wns a fe 
Be 5 


ee nrirgeab ee ak wi pooxhte 009 : an tb 

y j ff ‘ j 
{ff Pia i 
37619 re i | 

a corporation, — 

ippellant. | B79 1.4.632- 



Plaintiff instituted a tert action against defendant 
in the Municipal court of Chicago for damages to his truck resulting 
from a collision with defendent's truck at the intersection of 
Grant and Cleveland avenues, in the city of Broekfield, Illinois, 
sugust 6, 1933, ‘Trial wae had before the court and a jury, re- 
eulting in a verdict and judgment for plaintiff in the sum of 
$299 275» | 

Defendant's sole contention is thet plnintiff was guilty 
of such contrivutery negligence oz to bar a recovery. The material 
feetea discless that on the day in question, at 2:30 in the afternoon, 
defendant's truck wis proceeding in « southerly direction sieng 
Gleveland avenue in Brookfield, tliinois, The weather was fair 
and the pavement dry. Both streets are about 22 feet in width and 
of concrete construction, As the driver reached the intersection of 
Grant evemue he wade a short left turn to the east, within 4 or 4 
feet of the northeast curb, and struck plaintiff's truck, which was 
being driven in « westerly direction on Grent avenue. Both drivers 
testified that they were coing 2t the rute of about 15 or 20 miles 
an hour, although there ic evidence of gresteor speed om the part 
of plaintiff, After defendant's truck hadi made the left turn, 

nk 2 * bara) eigh et 
\ y \ SEER 
2 ; NY \ f 2s. ate 

: ; ‘4 eLotc 
A } ' ve ‘i hewn Ceiba aoe 
Aa ay } 

tee te, 

“@ Ea ob ae | 0 7 Gc 



tishmoteh dantans seties 10d o bebudiiqnk PiLiakelt 

getdiueor aowrs add 02 eogemsd x0? egevtt? Yo Juuoo Logtotmlt edd at 

te meivesetedat of9 de dowd a 'inebeo'teh dehy ao oan | 

eatembliit gbfer visor to win et mt yeowmeve baateveld baa iin 
ee ott « baa ¢ayee odd exoted bad sew febrt B80 - 5 i 

‘to mue orl? wt Ttidabety tot sxemmhet ban ohotev e mh gutehes 

‘Gihwm eow Thidalelq ¢add et aetinodmoo efea a'énebae ted 

Lobeotem ef? .yreveses 2 tad of o@ sonegiigen yretudkstmvs dows Ye 
emeerwer ta edt mi O8¢2 ve ,molteewp oi yah ef? ae tadd evekoeth ufoat 

neeie moticorth efrelyoos « mt andhoowrg eer doutt i mmedueel 
xiat nov toddeew off satenttit phietttoort mt esmeve fn | 
fas dtbie mt $o0% 88 duede exe wtowrds Mtok syxb teomoveq oad bas 
te mobeoonvedmt off bedenes tovksh edt 9h sto toousdanoe ofetenee Ye 
b te & midste ytone ond 0d went O2el tente a eben ad Gunes Gna 
ww doitw gdowsd e'Yittetetg dowrte bee «demo donot s 20% oct ie sone 
axerlxh Mot .eumeve Snsxd 9 noldostkh veredow a at mevih uated | 
atin OS x CL daodn te odux edt ta paton onow yaad deed bektitaes 
‘gusq od? to booge cetmong Yo eonohive at exalt saumdite «west am 
eur FToL eal? cham int Kut? wnabeoteh wePTs 4 Witekala To 

plaintiff, evidently seeking to avert the impact, swerved his 
truek to the left and his vehicle was struck om the right side 
and foreed against the southeast curb, coming to rest facing 

The gravamen of defendant's charge ae te plaintiff's 
contributery negligence is two-fold: (1) That the twe trucks, 
having approached the intersection at sbout the same time, as 
defendant contends, it hac the right of way under seotion 33, 
chapter 95a Moter Vehicle Law, Czhill’s 1943 Kevised Statutes, 
and waa justified in assuming that plaintiff's truek would slow 
down and yield the right of way to defendant, ond, having failed 
eo to do, it was plaintiff's negligence that emused the secident, 
and (2) that plaintiff's slight turn to the left acrese the eonter 
line of Grant avenue just before the collision, in an effort to 
avoid defendant's truck, indicstes such negligence on his part as 
to bar a recovery. These two charges of negligence are urged as 
grounds for the contention that the court should have directed a 
verdict in favor of defendant. 

As te the first ef these contentions, 1t appears that at 
no time during the trial of the case 414 dufemiant reise the question 
of the right of way. It evidently preceedad on the thaory that the 
eOllieion eccurred at a point approximately 12 feet east of the curb 
lime of Cleveland avenue and after defendont's driver had completed 
his left turn, for on this phase of the case George T. Peek, the 
driver of defendant's truck, testified as follows: 

“Ge How far inte Grant avenme had you proceeded 
after “go anid v7 aed that turn? 

By re Oe tas Sis witness es Sek Ses 
Cheveland ‘avenue to + point designated, - 12 feet east of 
fa pent the alley, - 100 or 125 feet. 
Ge 125 weet fy from what? 
Ae Prom the corner. 

Ae Yrom Cleveland te the alley.” 

ait hawrowe ginaomt edt grove of gation uLiaeblve »itdmtely 

obia ddyty edd so dewete ome ofotdev aid bus Stef ot oF douse 
gutoat teot af wrkues gdtuo tunedtven afd tantage heore? tem 

e'titi¢aialg oF se egradle atinebasteb to erin oat AN eR 
eaiearst ge anid Gatf (£) shLet~ow? at poneg tigen hte 
as , e008? cata ott duedg ta molionetodnt ott bediomerggs gutvad 
48% motiown thaw You te deyts odd badd ot yahnotane- | tame! 
eeodeted® Soukve S80L a'LLided ywal efoldeY 10d ot .23@ ta dqatio: 
wito dftvew tours elPthdatedy tect? prtavews ot bebtitew, aaw bee 
bafiok antvet .bne ,émabsoteh of Yow to deight eff bioty bee awed 
stnebioos elt bens dads woregt igen e'rihtetete saw th ob a 
sodnvg suid anoron #0 adi of aw? tfglte g!222¢mtaty dade (8) dmg. | 


fol frotis ae nt ynolniliog ont eroted taut euneva daar te gmht. 
as tung eld ao ponent Sen dow godsothnd «Hows | a uateeh atova 
ee begss exe gonegiigen to evgunde owt gesdt .yuey 09 i) Watts 3 
& butootth oved biwera tusmo od sastd ne kinetues oats Toe abewemm, — 
_ simabaeteb te reve mt sorrsoy 
te dad staegqa 3 amabeein, ooeds te ¢axrtt eet PF MA oi toni Mi 
moiteoup a? cetss tnabawtob bb seo odd Yo Latid ode, galis> 9a 
edd dncld qroade est mo bobowoo ry yhtme ds 
duo ott le dase doet Sf yLosauknewgs | tubes A, da bawiaege sokas 
| hetetguco kat wich atinatwoted sashes dae ouneve taakoye 
wed feet af vguee? gaae odt to onadq ahslt me eer, arnt Ftek Osh. 
igweliot as bebttiaed alowxs 9 'insbastod te xovah, 

eee Seite oud of 


No instruetion wan offered or given om the question of 
the right of way, and se far av we oan find the record im silent 
en the subject. Under the circumstances, defendant cannot be 
heard to raise the question for the first time end shift ite 
position in the court of review, (Northern Trust Go. ve Ghieago 

Railways Coes 232 Ill. Appe 246, 257.) 
Defendant’: second ground fer sesserting that pleimiiff's 

negligence was the contributing exuse of the accident io that pleine 
tiff turned slightly to the left sacress the camter Line of Grant 
avenue just before the impact, indicating an omission of due care 
fer his own safety. The evidence shows that defendant's driver 

made a short left turn inte Grant evenue, within 3 or 4 feet ef 

the northeast curb. Plaintiff was preeesding west on the right 
hand side of the street, which was only 22 fees in width. Obviously, 
he could not keep to the right and pass betwean the curb aud the 
rear of defendant's truek; ee in an effort to svoid the truck he 
turned to the left. lie was an experienced driver, and did what he 
thought was necessary to avoid the accident when plaead in a sudden 
position ef danger. -@ ceunet coneur in defendant's contention 
that this constituted negligence. The lew does net exact the same 
measure of prudence from & person compelled to avt in a sudden 
emergency as it does where there le time for deliberation. (Barnes 
1 eet Railway Coe, 235 Ill. 566, 57G-The) 

Pimally, the question of contributory negligence ia 
generally ene of fact for the jury, and becomes a question of law 
only when the facts so clearly f2i1 to establish due eare that all 
Treaconable minds would reseh euch s conclusion. if the evidences 
on the question is in conflict, or if there is evidence feirly 
tending te support the verdict, the question mst be submitted te 
the jury. (chicage & tas 

Sit hh § 


Yo selteous oft ae neviy vo howe tho saw moldquredam? OW xf fy 
jestie m2 Bravex oft? Qk mom aw oe act oo kas Qype ke degaa off 

avi ¢2isa bam emdd task? ef? cod mettaeup of? satet ed ean 
aut? ev ao) deext poedttsot) «wetyed te dames ond ni oolttoog 
(ePAR BAR aqqr eALT RGR o292_eynehsad 

a'Stiveisig ¢adé gaidieaes 161 bawety Anogooe a'énobnetee 2 ~y yy 
eninkg die of deshivas edd to onan gabtudiatneg scf caw onuapktgean 
fxox® lo endl tedeco od wegen Stek edd of Yitdightn, pamwwd Behe 
ora off to molantwy na gabieoliad yfoegeh edd oxeted Jest ouners 
 terheh e inakerotes dede awode somohive af? .qsoter sora etd cok 
tm Sse? 2 te f ohdily ,onmeve dared Giat aut Phet trode 8 cham 
Siigis ond co daow oethossete wew Vink otews susodtxon add 
eelewetvdd .dibte gt dee? 88 lee eow oltw ¢tsowte ed? te obha tad 
wilt na dus edd eeewded ouaq Bite #gix edd of Yost dom Diageo wa 

‘gx down? ose Shove of ¢18Tte Ne MtoOs qHowtt alinebnetes Yooxer 
ad Sow bib tis .teveTd hoonelreqxe Ha gaw ON vt ted eM? OF homed 
wehhun @ at beenlq madw dnehioos edé-bievs a8 yiesdeven saw tgwetd 
 Mbiesdnws etinatwe teh mt time dommes Oo 4 degieah Yo mold iong 
ate od deans don abob wel eT .oonephigeon hedwditanes wield dat? 
tobhwy 2 sh Jou OF beliogios noew=g s Mork soeeheng te eurenge 

” Baers) wiodderedhioh tot emdé of exedd oxecty ated #2 ee ogenegteme 

(oSVOVS gH82 LEE 88S 0600 wawltal togeds of tivaad «yy 
oh @onogiinen Yotudicines Yo metiaeup ote guliemit 

wed to mekdaey & vomyood bid «turk eld OT dest Yo one YLLTeAeS 
Lin sett wee eab doildndes oF ihet qhtotto o aden? et andy vine 
sansbive ed 2I «mptaufonvs » Hose dosex biuoir abate etdanonaes 
vita otnentve et ound tk ae Vdokttnos’ fh a | tae 

Gf botthwivn od taum sotédoup edt’ atahiiy oat: i. aw 

eSii BEE genoe) ȴ 


We believe the trisl court properly denied defendant's 
motion for a directed verdict, and the judgment will be sffirmode 

Seonlen and Sullivan, JJe, concur. 


Pe Oe op cal oor ole: wo Renee jaar ana i 

eS AA, ae: 
ee ee ee ee ae oe sya ie i 
‘eats a hniace heh aly net dene kare mee ei ne 

Vie teas & xe 8 ihe oe: Grange amet eae vee oe | 

Rial: — i Peet Lea une Nea 
‘pptnatiinds dithis wt owt 8 Uh een stutter a 
pie Taek aon walk Beane! mnaeey Cathe Babe Ahe R 
ee ee 
dal Date HES dee ee HememegaN ll aamOmeiiiNg 
susitlvae a ek Rome swale dpe tk ety sma RUIN ten 
feiktaannee a rtheatincnbsmenns nae a th | 
cee ORE Uns oom BOs. we a abit aan aia 
PGES a 1 Bont eC HORS mihacyeieiastons ! 
“canine ‘eee er i okie 

rd ft 
, £ ) 
\ f \ 
%y ¢ , 
57645 i Sis 4 
BUATHA PICK, . , QD» us Ge 3 
— 2¢91.A.6382 


Plisintiff broucht « tort action of the 4th class in 
the Municipal court of Chiesgo against defendants te reeever 
dameges for personal injuries sustained by her in an sutomobile 
e@llision, while riding as a guest of defendents. Trial was 
had before the court without a jury, and « finding and judgment 
in plaintiff's faver for $1,900 against both defendants. 

it is coneeded by the pleadings, consisting ef an 
amended statement of claim anf affidavit of merits, that plaintiff 
was invited to ride ac a passenger in the automobile owned by 
Bertha Piek, one of the defendants, and driven by Meyer Pikewski, 
the other defendant, as her agent. Wo question is raiued as te 
the injuries susteined by plaintiff or the amount of damages 

Under seetion 42 of Chapter 95a (Cakhili's 1933 Revised 
Statutes) of the act entitled “Motor Vehicles,” (as amended in 
1931) pleintiff's recovery as a guest passenger in contingent 
upon proof that the accident was caused by the wilful and wanten 
Misconduct of the driver, the owner of the ear or her employee 
or agent, and that such mis¢onduet contributed to the injury 
fer which action is brought. Accordingly, the principal question 


hie EM FRO MOSS. EES eee ag RS oe me Sie 0 eRe we aha nad a 

eVOaSino Wh TVD Bete oevexr: 
Pe See 

eo tes es 


wt wuale ddd ods to mottos tod s thguesd Witwte— 

weveoes @7 néasbastoh santega oysettd To dows Enq to hans odd 

#iidommius ms ah rel yw heataduwe so lempat Lamputeg Tot ae set 

wow Lett? sadmwheetsh Yo teeny a ca gathit elttw ews, te, , 3 
‘Puomabut bee gntintt o bas yyxe « juoidtw fumes ett erated a 

sndnsbroteh Aged sanknya 000,L9 te? covet ormnniatat a | 

ae to giidielemeo ,eqribeetg ed? w heoheonoe af of Cua wah 7 
itdmbaly dade yotives te divehi tte hen mlalo Yo tromotade beobrone 

potas BRE w'LL4dad) ab etgn Yo 88 naldoon ota 

tsegetines af eynsasag vee & om eeevone a’ Lethe. ia : , 

airtel ieiMehiia tibia oe vate 
YIwiat edt of bedudttines sowbngoatm dose tests oe : 
ng Laoup Lngtentrg edt yyfaatbroook »tdaword at mots 


presented for review is, whether the collision resulted from the 
wilful and wanton misconduct of defendants a» charged in the 
amended statement of claim, 

The accident occurred shortly after 11:00 ef elock on 
the evening of November 26, 1933. Defendants’ Chrysler onary 
containing eight passengers, was being driven in a southerly 
direction on Kimball avenue. Pikowski was driving. Seated 
with him, in front, were Bertha Fick and Or. Guttman. Plaintiff, 
her husband, their minor child, and twe others were seated in the 
rear. Wear the intersection of Leland avenue, écfendants’ ear 
eollided with a Wash automebile operated by one Panjemin ©. Cnoh, 
who was making o left turn from Kimball avenue inte Leland arenue,. 
Waumerous witnerses, including the oceupanta of dafendante’ car, 
My. und Mrae Coch, and Seymour Kata, Gdword Miller and Beulah 
Tapper, three high echeol students walking along Kimball avenue 
in a aoutherly direction, testified te the events leading up te 
the collision. There is a sharp conflict of the evidence upon 
the essential facts constituting the charge of wilfullness md 
wantonness « 

Plaintiff's witnesses stated thet defendants’ oar 
wag preceeding slong Xinball avenues on the left, or wrong, side 
of the street, st » high rate af epecd, varying from 40 to 45 
miles an hour. Pisintiff testified thet when they left the 
residanes on Kimball avenue where they had ali been visiting, 
located about = block and a half from the intersection of Leland 
avenus, Pikewski sterted out and was “going terrible fast, and 
it eouldn't have been very far when I asked him te slow down,* 
and thet she aleo heard Or. Guttman sey to Pikewski, “You ought 
te slow dewn, beesuce there is a baby in here,” to which the 
hatter (Pikowski) replied, "That is all right, we won't get 

sald mock bodied oateition ed tecitede gad wetvet 103 bodmesotg 
eit ai beguado es admebeo' hod 1° jowhmovels motmew bre rahi 
wtteio Ie tremoiate betes 
no deaiete 0OrLf vedte yLivods bowwooe amobloos aR yi 
(tuo rofegxt ‘etnshee Rod .860L 48e vedmevell Yo patanve edt 
eUrwiieoe © ai aovixb yated sew eavogsonnsy, fitgte ani atmos 
bedand spoivich saw tdawoxk lt omnes Shadi ‘0 mobtowsth 
‘etttentars ots feD xe dus old adoxoe otow otneret at yintel dédw 
est) ni bosece oxéw aveddo owd tan yhthiy vomtm rtodt ybmedeud ted 
a9 "etnahns tes seunevs baafel Te no btoqusetat oe rok» teee 
goed «% subiae (ono om Yt hoesaxeqe oLtdomesus dest 8 sete DoneLip 
seuseve inate eint wupeve KedalK mech meat ‘ak gabon ame 
emo ‘odrokme ted to stnequose add potbaLont ‘aoenentiy avorensit 
Halse han <oLLI beowhS yada uwemyod bea stood sant a 
geneva Lindmtt nels pubiicw udmobude Toostoe agit © ce xe 
a? qv untbeot edewws ost of bottbésot smettooxth yirortde 2 
nog eonehive ety 26 teitinos Eaomap 2 at ribeye snotabtiee oat 

éhie agantw «0 , Stef edt ee eemeva CLeceioetx ‘paots = =e 
2h 62 Ob mmrt untyrov gboogn MH odor Hytd a dn yfooe 
ori? $i0L Youd mosw todd boLtheusd Weembelt sc 
vunddieiy need Lie hail youd erorly ouneve Lindmtit mo 0 hea 
banged Yo mbteowiéal od? most Yat b ban toold s suede hedabet 
lind ¢dus% ofdtcxed pitog" aaw fine 0 Dedtnda teteweollt om 
4 ynwob woty od atti Gestes T nodw att Ytov mood oved dtabivew dk 
ddtyoo wOT* feeds of Ysa manttnO sa bewedt ‘tate ete pant tc 
okt Moieie od “yoxed wi yew # at oradd season r 
top 2 now ow —itigts Oe wf tad” ,bettqet (bikie 


Benjamin ?. Coeh testified that he war preceeding north 
on the right hand, or east, side of Kimball avenue, at the rate 
of about ten milea en hour, and slowed down almost to a stop at 
the intersection of Leland avenue, preparatory to making a left 
turn, when he observed defendants’ car, coming from the north, on 
the left hand side of the street, at a great rate of speed, and 
"all at once he came over to the right and back to the left and 
practically the first thing I knew he ran inte mee I was dragged 
south 10 feet and was still at the intersection of Leland avenue 
and Kimbell when my car enme to a rest. The other ear skidded 
away over to the street * * * and he was over the curb - west of 
the curb ~- the right hand side, and facing straight couth.* 

Mrs. Coch, who sat beside her husbend in the front seat, 
stated that their car was still on the left hand side of Kimball 
avenue when the collision oceurred; thet considerable traffie was 
passing in both directions, north and south, and thet defendants’ 
ear was “going eo fast that the tires had burned a mark in the 
street, the pelice could see that themselves.* 

Twe police officers srrived at the scene of the secident 
shortly after it occurred, and by means of a flashlight inspected 
the pavement, the positions of the two cars, and made certain find- 
ings and observations, to which they testified. Officer Anthony 
J» Conte stated that Kimball avenue is sbout 50 feet wide at the 
intersection of Leland avenue and that the latter street is about 
49 feet in width; that defendants’ car was about a foot from the 
west curb, and that he found two tire marks about 15 feet long 
“burned in the pavement, the kind of marks that you usually find 
on the pavement by applying brakes suddenly” leading up to the 
wheels of defendants’ ear. He further stated that there were no 
other skid marks indicating a car coming from any other direction, 
and that from his observations it appeared that Coch's car came 

Agron suibeevety saw of ted? bokikeand dood of almaiaed 
eter oft ta qeumewe Einded® to ebte wtehe xe y bund layik’ Ga 
ta goda a of feomia swob bawole bes een nd eolie nod “duo %8 
dtelt o prtdam of Vrosatsqorg ,ouneve bealfet to ‘nol iovotedat extd 
no .dé@ton of? moct guimoo creo ‘adaabneted bovtsads 6H moxtw rsoxiw gored 
nak vbobge 48 otar Gosiy'a to ,eeceh bad W dhde beak VERE 
bua #tel edd oF done bows dtatt and 04 te¥O eho ott vont da” Ete 
bepgesh wav I seo Bink mht off weet Io gah? fork? ond yltantbeany 
puters brelol Yo noltdoetednt edd de [flow wow bre dood OF copOE 
pebbiste tee tedito off  .taet es of émmo tee ye ned Diet hes 
te teow « uve odd xove aow om haw * ® ® Febery! oft! oF ove Yue 
°° Sy chum Setgieta Qakont Mee yobte heat daily ott! Suave, Ox 
dade toot eds ah bawdeint ert ebtoed sen ostv wileod vat yor 
[dadmt% Yo ebty hel Pel edt no LLbse aow cao abetted tadeobedad 
usw ofiexd eidevobtenes Paks qLerx4000 mtatifey ott merw-emmevs 
tedembns toh dail? bre ,divoe bas Mixer .nhettoorks died mt gubueat 
of? mf dea @ besctud ted eer? eit sadtt ton't oo piboy* aewtes 
*,gevionmons tas? soa bivev eotlog edt 4toovdn 
dnebides wt? Ye okeow orlf ga hewitun etesttre evbfeg OwEiooee ft) 
hetooqant tiyifidealt s to enoen yd ban ybeTamoe 22 ted ta ngheiesia 
ebut? nieéres ohaw tna geteo owt sd to anokd haliy ents ytromcwag et 
wtotind to0lttO sholtheesd yard dotiiw o¢ panetinvrendo Ame eget 
edit Ja ohtw dock 05 Suede ek eumewa Lindt todd hatage odeed wh 
iveda ef Seetta weddal oot tats One exneve poalel te motdoowndat 
ed? mort doot « Sued: eaw tay nemerenundiinmsnnsciadieisaee st 
gNOL tee Sf tunds atom ort? ows hnwot oo dutld tne leeway 
bal? vLketes soy sort? wlan To bel ond ydneatovag até lek amend” 
ef? of qu yathaol “Yfmehiue aodend guivlqge YC ¢avmewag sett am 
on ovew redd Gad? bedsta teddrw? OH. .109 ‘usnabnoted Yovatoody 
cnotioert6 rondo Ya MOT? yakwod tao 2 ssuammamnasicrsseussaie rode: 
ound “tet dood sede Boudoqge #2 anottavtendo etdimoxt tabtshe 

ond, on 

to a stop excetly where it wa» struck, thus tending to corroborate 
Geeh’s version of the events leading up te the eallisieon. The 
ether officer, Udward Schumacher, testified that he observed what 
appeared te be skid marks on the pavement as a result of the 
application of brakes, freshly made, and leading te the rear of 
defendants’ ear and about 20 feet in lengthy that defendante’ or 
was over the sidewalk in the school] grounds. 

Three high school students, Seymour Kata, Edward Miller 
emi Beulah Tapper, walking in a southerly direction eleng Kimball 
avenue, testified that they observed defendants’ car as it passed 
them proceeding at a rate of speed varying from 40 to 50 miles an 
hour. Seymour Kata stated that defendants' car wee proceeding 
partly te the left side ef the street, and seamed to veer to the 
right just befere the impact. Beulah Tapper likewiee stated that 
defendants’ ear “wae going on the wrong side of the «tract in the 
neighberhoed ef 40 to 50 miles an hour.* 

Defendants and some of the occupants im their car denied 
the conversations between plaintiff and br. Guttman with Pikowski, 
asking him to slew down, and his response therete, denied that 
gefendants' car was proceeding on the left, or exat, side of 
Rimball avenue, and estimated the speed of seid ear at « rate 
varying from 25 to 35 miles an hour. 

Gnder this atete of the evidence it wae for the court 
who saw the witnesses, heard them testify and had the opportunity 
to observe their demeanor while testifying, to dotermine whether 
defendants were guilty of wilful and wanton misconduct in driving 
the car, and we do not feel justified in disturbing the court's 
finding as being contrary te the manifest weight of the evidence. 

We have carefully examined the other questions raised 

by defendant's brief, relating to the manmer in which the court 



adanndexso ag ‘pmb iaced ‘parte etowtin sea és eredw tonne ota “ 
eat HekntiLes ett of qu with book adnave as ‘te smoke sey 9 "ive 
tase bovreads ant ‘dat hetitveed , tedaanudo’ baowitt yewoltie aeaito 
ods te iuwen = a8 dmomevag ocd a0 stan bise od of bexsoggs 

te sa9t add 04 yaRbeot bas sham yates voderd 20 ebae 
m0 ‘einaineteh tasis pdtgned at dee? 08 duede ban 108 ‘eduniusted 

| rabesoty foedou eas af A Lawabie add veye am 

teks iaawhh 4 adtax ‘Tenpmey@ds (2a%me beds Avedon agit oordd, Phe 
iigiaks grote aelioetin yiredives 9 02 gabllew «teqqual seised bus 
hoceng $1 ca ceo ‘atneinekeh heveonde yeds demi baditived yoanova — 
tts olin Ob oF Ch moat wmiycev beoge te eto 9 de gabjesveny mad? 
_ Bakooegerg Rew ceo ‘admsdne ted dad) bodede stah awomyes + cued 
std of Teev of dommes tas ydootts odd Te ebte Stel odd of Yhiueg 
todd botate cabwotil sagast delust toaqut od? erated font sdatx 
wie mk goozts asf? Yo obits gmotw od? mo gaieg aw” tao, ‘adnebapted | 
betm» 199 tteds at etnaquece ead te omen dma adawbmeted oy, 
piteredt? atic nemsiei ow hos litdateds svewded uaplizetevsos odd 
feild. belted godered? cement eld tue giver wose od untd gotten 
te obiu gtane co ¢2tel add no gatheeoesg ese sao 'ataabneheh 

ro trod oo aotia 88 of 6S aoxt gabyust 

| Stee oMt AO ser CF Gonmbive eat te odede wiMe tebAB ix? 
Yinudxequs edd Sad bas YILIeed weds Hreed psoesentin ods wae odw 
wodiosw eaiwreloh oo yamictitue? efidy tenemos ted evisde et 
gitvirh m2 Souhweoale nodnew bre Grkliw te qollwy etew ataaboote® 
etiseee eit gatdreiets nt bol thiunt feet cen ob ow me qaes oot 
sdonebive ef? 20 tiptew San thenm ett od yreeinos gated ind athadt 
 heeter ateteexs vedte wi? boninsxe Ylisterms ewe 08 (Ore 
dwso ould tlotaw af vonsidnt Ould OF ghibtator Rortd attiapioten ye 


eondueted the trial and the alleged defects in plaintiff's 
omended statement of eleim, but find no convincing reacons to 
reverse, end the judgment is therefore affirmed, 

S@anlan and Sullivan, JJ«, concure 



5 I te reds i he heii , ceowente ) ith 
y ‘ :y 
eleee, Velo wCRa Neel gameniee ay Kanata sip bane, 

TORRE ee SO KN “are y 

so ig 4 See, See gaoette oft Re, ‘abies at ome 
tht edad vedo oot date »teepk> ome amin 
nt Be. teats eb re once aww eee patie eet 4 208 
a ee a Ne tps ‘toy, 3 ol 
_ubree a aed ican Hine: ai Re. Sah aad aera 4 | 
Aad? Se Died ENE eeRRERT spit nwa wenei. ate 9 

ey he ote. pe eked wat gmthoneese & 
ee ee tesideondl tan» Se rss 
‘Chae war «0 tos 08 eat vale tt weeenuee ‘sent 
veion tiga “is hee bem pumas moat Peat; 
petite Geatarsediets eh . thduwe nike « 
achw hh" pe peerein ae alton wore be 5 bw Ny enti 
m Sain BASU dees vg ek werd Rhamuay. oes ee he 
une RR RE i ew hive linia wie Nad sao 

| eigen aukbngns whe aad wabasee 
Siero ent ‘win taly eal Wah bd 

A / 
7 bel) 

Appel Lee, 


COMPANY, a corporation, 


279 1.A. 6324 


Plaintiff brought an action of the 4th class in the 
Wanicipal court secking to recover for injuries under an accident 
and sickness policy issued to him by defemiant. fhe eause was 
tried before the court without « jury, resulting in « finding ef 
the leenes fer plaintiff, whose damges were assessed at $600, 
This appesl fellewss 

It appears from the evidence that June 4», 1932) cam 
Hurwitz, an agent of defendant, vieited plainti’f at his place 
of business and procured from him a written application for an 
accident and sickness policy in defendant company. On the bottom 
of this policy there appears an initialed pencil notation, showing 
that the policy was approved by defendant June 9, 1932. Plaintiff 
testified thet Hurwits came to see him two days later, July il, 
and seid “the poliey is all ready, give me a cheek for 510.95, 
and the policy will be mailed to you." Plaintifi thereupon gave 
Hurwitz a eheck for $10.95, payable to defendant, and rececived 
therefor the following receipts 

“Pate 6/11/3520 
Dediars iaely=tive seams telat) being oun” rcs pent payment 
on a Sterling 3-Penny-a-Day Accident and Sickneas Policy to be 
issued by the above Company, ‘olicy to be in force as seon as 

this payment and the appliention have been received and accepted 
by the Company and policy iseued while the applicant is slive 

| x 
Mr , se ' ’ \\ ae 
“ne ' Yo * en Br. : 
on \ " 
ot i k J a , 
\ a 
wettion * hae 

este s + THAD 

sOnnbTHD WO TAUaD | 

'eed AT evs ‘ 


wit wl onede dod cfd te mottos na tigwond Wktwiakt = 
imohiora na cohme extuniet tot seveoet of pecbitooe txvoo Loqhokelit 
ew gemoe ett .deateoteb yt mtd of Komnet yoi lo eeomiote tng ; 
Xo gRitall o mi yridiuson pert w tuodtiw trmoe afd oxeted oe oe ; 
23094 ¢e teanesae othe eogemah seo + tid antety 20% owen edt 
oewolto® Lasagna 
“mo @RECL gh onwl taxld oomodive odd mort wemogqe #T 
“epetg etd te Tikdnintg tettaty vinabeoted To dnene oe 
us *o% sekeegiiogs mettiaw 2 aid met? bewseetq bra anontewd to | 
movsod se wa YRaqmo” tunheeteh mt Yoiloq esemiots baw 4 boo. 
gutweds grottaton Lioneq beleltini as siaeq¢s oteds ‘eobten att. 
Thimbehi «k6EL 92 onwl Iushaotod ys beverqaa caw wehsog | 
oLé Yah atudal yeh wd mtd cop Of enep ad borat taal? dodthdwe 
a8@.OLy wet Lowsi 6 eo ovig «ybaet Lie ak yotleg eid" hose : 
eTEy nuequeredé Yidateds ‘say od bebtem ed LLlw ye. 
beviess t bre yinehusted of ofdayag 480>OL$ 0% soedo 8 nah 
téqieous guiwollet ote 
eee Ma: al , 
ye ese oh Mugg feat’ ila i pated g (otsott) adnw® + . % 
oa i as egso? mi ed's oo ery pe nto win ocd yd bows 
aedqeoee boa bevlecss soed evasl noktsoitaga odd hmm dmearyaq | 
eriia ef dnooilqge salt eLlinw bewnd eee | ay 

aw Be 

and in good health and free from injury, 
Sterling Casualty insurance “o+ 
By Sam Hurwitz 
Speelal Sales Representative. 
Semplete Address. 1859 &. Hamlin 
Wake All Choeks “aycble te Sterling Casualty 
imeurance CO. 
If your policy is not received within 10 days from date of this 
poererit kindly send thia receipt to the Company for immediate 

Plaintiff sustained an accidental injury on June 14, 1932. 
June 17, 19352, he received the policy from defendant by mail, to 
which there was attached a phétestatie copy of his application fer 
insurence, and a second receipt for 510.95, dated Jume 15, 1932. 

Plaintiff testified that «bout three daye after hie injury 
he inquired of defendent company what elee he would have to do, to 
which defendant replied in writing, Jume 27, 1932, ae follows: 

"It io imperative thet you forward to us the original 
agent's receipt, not the company's typewritten receipt, imasmuch 
as it is neceressry thet we have thie receipt to really determine 
whether you paid the premium prior to the time that our agent turned 
in the money te cur company, in order toe put your policy in fores.” 
The commnicention was accompanied by blanke fer filing proof of loss, 
which plaintiff filled eut and returned to defendant, 

Later plaintiff received another letter from defendant, 
dated Getober 13, 1932, which is partly as follows: 

"Ye meknowledge your telephone conversation with our office 
and in furtheranee of @ matter wish to advise that under date of 
June 27th our file indicates that we wrote ge requesting that you 
furmish us with the original paid receipt which our agent gave you 
at the time that he collected your money for the policy which you 
have with this companys 

“It is necessary that wo have this original agent's receipt 
in order to satisfy certain contentions as to when your pelicy was in 
full feree and effect and witheut this receipt we, of course, are in 
ne position to honor any claim.” 

Subsequently defendant denied liability, but did not canes] the policy, 
return the premium which plaintiff had paid, nor offer te return the 
Same s 

By wey of defense defendant offered in evidenee the original 

appliention for insuranee and the receipt, dated June 15, 1932, which 

was enclosed with the policy of insurance mailed te pleintirr, 

‘ Be oi 

-comtrd mollt eet bom dé Lond nk bas 
soo mene irl mene mie te 

ovbiotroeamgeA eo Lat 

iis «% C&L sagoxbba * 
eihewen® yrifce?? 92 ekdoue aigauo ERA 

ats? to e¥eh mor? oeebh OL hasty bevkeoos fon PE, > 
Stalhomat wh yneqmed ate ef gloss mee bac 7 
sRECL ght onut noe qurket Ledowbioos na hantetens Yihontels, . SP 
Od xLtan qe inabastoh moxt yollog ene devienon oat aS8OL PE boat 
20? Boks ent Las ehh 26. wae oltasnovorig s nadtond te Row ‘oxi wide 
*98GL SL enw, Roted y8C.OL} tot Iqtoows bamoed @ bam ¢ erasat 
| EUG wat ceeRe eyob souls swods tants doLtitaot Tetintast | Y* 
ed 108 6 eval Aiwew off ene sailw ynegmbe Snob teh Yo berkepet eit 
| HORT we gROOL GTR onWl eyetsbee ok teobihyer searnetet Moke 
—- wd av od browse? woy gadd evbdwrrqat Wh IT) yy hm 
ColmiteGlises ov Sqheecs MiMd ovas sw tate yuperenen At Gt 
peree a tuo seld ewts od of bogie Fem Sere bing 
| ‘OtloG Woy tay Od coh‘n 
qeeet to o_— gaiiit set ednaid ye eemeasen ‘em 

capa wort teddet woddena beviesot Yrdeita ly wet a pee = | | 
 pewatiet as “lita ah Holde 4820E 4 vt scl ht Sl aca 

eolvtse vue dgiw meldserivnes | fed ute, 
‘toe Paaleloaess valvia ot! le be oe a 

seg 2 a Be “ae ahi. $a vfadooer a bane 

tqivoods e'tnege Remdytco neds own ow onal 
mi saw Yoliog wey nedw of a6 

| mea ceenna onion te yow oq he 

yotiog pstd tows jon tb ‘a ewituieats § setae phan: E 

ne Se 

eats renutes @f cete tom ,hhoq bad nibtntodg ‘doide. 

‘ge ras: bist 

Lantgire wal eormhive sk bororte dasbastot oaketeb w® ue 
Hotede aaa, ar owt bedeb aSytovet ots Sanat ie 

i ae RS eee las 

Bs crea oe betas sonereuamt ne wottog to i 

conan efits 
vans % cei Bil 

Plaintiff offered evidence tending to show that he was 
tetally disabled fer a period of more than twelve months, and that 
by the terms of the policy he became: entitled to the gua of [50 for 
each month of hia disability, aggregating $600. 

The principal question for determination is whether the 
Ppelicy beesme effective prier to or subsequent to the date of the 
accident, The policy beara no date, but states that it insures 
plaintiff “for a term of One Year from noon, Standerd Time, of date 
shown on oficial receipt." There being two receipte in evidence, 
one given plaintiff by Hurwitz, defendant's agent, June ll, 1932, 
when the premium was paid, and the other, dateii Jume 15, 1932, which 
was tranemitted with the policy mailed te plaintiff, neither of which 
is devignated as an “official reecipt,” it becomes important in the 
first instance to determine which receipt is efficial, and the legal 
import thereef. 

¥rom the tener of defendent's letter of June 27, 193%, 1% 
would seem that defendant evidently attached considersble impertence 
te the receipt of June 11, 1932, fer it wrete “it is imperative that 
you forwerd to ue the original agent's receipt, not the Company's 
typewritten reeeipt, inasmuch as i4 is mecessary that we have thie 
receipt to really determine whethar you paid the premium prior to the 
time that our agent turned in the money te our company, in order te 
put your policy in feree,” end almost four montha later, Oetober 15, 
1932, defendent still emphasized the necessity of having this receipt, 
when it stated that “it is necessary that we have thie origins) arent’ s 
reeeipt, in order te satisfy eextain contentions an to when your policy 
wae im full force and wffect." The only logical conclusion te be drawn 
from these two communications is that for severnl months follewing the 
accident defendant itself considered the policy effective as ef the 
date when plaintiff paid the premium and received the *oricinal agent's 
receipt.” To suppert thie conclusion we find plaintiff's etet ement 

that when he gave Hurwitz his cheek June 11, the latter eaid “the 

aow off Sosit wode of anthrod oom bhyp bote Re Thkietals yee 
fod baw ,eddnen eviews saad oven te bokmem & ter batdeets eietes 
tot 02) te me ed? ad SALIRiee Mahood od yohLow ed? to emret ot ws 
26089 yatioge tite aetilideakh niet ta ae om 
eng redvgniw ad nett -edugndoh toi mokseoup Loqiomtee ont 
add tO Hab et? of Yavkpoadwa xe OF toisy evidbbrte “tt xe tq 

oteb Yo ‘nie brahondt .09H mort, 2a0eF ond te ured. a ro" Mtombag 
rsonehive sh adyteoes avd gated exed? "+ dqtoves fatot ste no nwedia 
siG0l LL onmh .imogn s'inebmoloy ,adiwamll yo Yigetelq abs Ne. 9 
Molde ~80GL »2f enw vedab q«tedio od? bus ybieg aaw mutmore ott retle 
Holde to vedsion «titiniely of belie yotiog etd ditw betdtog ; 
efi ai dnsdpoqul eemmeed ¢i “siqlovet taleltie” ga as hodampte a 
Anenl ott tan ofatelie ab tebnenn Antde subenetnh, of ovpatnet, owe iG 

Lo . wR epg « srt Sig 
aise ovat ow tal? Yrammeven at #2 'ee 5 dosaeond etategor meat ureqy: 

esetoaer aade eatved, v9 ingens, ott, Destaaden a co . 
doen (attstye thd ovint ww felld xxamhbaen md Ot beth beth 
witog OY ow o2 aa wnebtasidnos aiaixee hiadion od ten o 
peas wF OF mobilen Sonaes ad ant ssbeithe’ dons bids 

drome toda es Piidate: halt on noben tes rr nie | 
ont” bhaw woteat oad \Lt bhut dbede elt sbbwaul os 


policy is all ready, give me a cheek for $10.95, amd the policy 
will be mailed to you." 

By the torme of defendant's receipt of June 11 the 
policy was to become effective when (1) payment was made; (2) the 
application wae received and accepted; and (3) the policy wae issued. 
Payment on June 11 is not disputed, and from dafendent's own exhioit 
At appears that the application was received and approved by defend~ 
ant June ®. ‘The policy benrs no date, ani there is no evidence to 
show when it wac issued, nor when Hurwitz, ite agent, turned the 
premium payment over to the company.  OJsfendent tekes the posi ti on 
that the second receipt, dete’ Jume 15, fixes the dete on which 
defendant received the premium payment from its ogent and vhen the 
policy issued, dut no proof was adduced to support this contention 
and we regard it as being out of harmony with the circumetances of 
the ease, 

Several pages of defendant's brief are devoted to the 
proposition that the eppliesntion and policy constitute « written con- 
tract, which is clear, concise and unambiguous, and therefore cannot 
be yaried by parol avidence. Zlaintiff cenedes this proposition te 
be sound, but points out that he does not base his claim upon any eral 
agreement or oral statement made by defendant's agent, ner decs he seek 
to vary the terms of the agent's reeeipt, the applicetion for insur- 
ance or the policy itself, and we believe his position in this behalf 
is seund and fully sustained by the recerd and his counsel's bricf. 
Plaintiff's testimony relating his conversation with Hurwits when the 
promium check was paid was not offered for the purpose of varying the 
terme of the contract bus to support plaintiff's contention that the 
application hed been approved by defendant, thet the policy was ‘all 
ready,” and thet as soon as plaintiff had paid his premium the 
policy would be mailed. 

The only other question presented by counsels briefs 

neanadidinamtbeiennnutiigieiics. rsvp rtheot tle ah yhteq 
“oti, 64 bothan ‘oa tbe 


old £2 oo Yo dqteeod ainabeb'tes to amted edd ye 
est (S) yohmm now Seemrgey (£) mode evteoorts sudded of ‘Bible 
ouant maw eothoy add (2) dete yhetcooee hn Seveséer ad¥ nolesodtegn 
SiGkeine mo sw eahaetod most bee ybedudet tet et Lf erivt ‘ae ‘noarya 
-heoteh YS bwveuiqe tee hoviese+ dew mttsutigce eft sade ataogae ik 
of sunphive on =i eveutd bee ,pedeh OF erned qoitoy eaT “40 enwh Hom 
att demas yPeenn edt yebhwtalt madw vor ybolsaut aw 2 soca woile 
ne ieeg ott @edet teebaetet  syunqidds of} e& tovo “roma mulmog 
eke we ete entt wexst Vet emwt totab \dqtsood baeooe one bad? 
ed west bee imegs Oth word tnespec awtmery afd veviooot inobme ted 
‘MeLinetneo etdd eroqye 09 bwowbbs wew Yoote om tud csoanal yebdiog | 
‘te aeonetemuretin eds S¥iw yrooad ‘to duo gnted aa at t baayer ov hmm 
ed? of boteved ova Ybad eenabsetes to eepog ee 3 
white maddiqw a efptizence qoliey bea moltootiqae alld ‘tadd wobdh 
tenons ere lotedt bee yevdugiduany bas calodon vuste ab dolar 4? sk 
at udttieogert aid? sobdmds vitdabalt 'seomeitve Lozeq Wh better of 
fate Wa doqn alets ahd it ini ke Haar MP LDS 
foes od aseh vom «oags stenabaotet veh when tnomotote Late 1b tmemmerge 
stoant TeY wefiastivga add yaqtoest ettwega old Yo amret odd EH 
“esto 6 atid ni notdiaog abt ovelied ow tas sthondt wotton odd <0 ‘oone 
“Yolve a Visesveo aad ne areort alt ye etme “eh a ha | ‘ Boge 
eal monty attwusil date m0 Ld eecevnes ahi antbator nomi soot a 
pid gnivay to soogeg ould rot boxotto tox nav bheg now Xonio ia : 
ens saxié nokine sno nVviiontalg #rogqus os sud toaxtsos ould te y sare 
“kta aaw Wiley ote sade 1 susba ob w beveraus mood beat aie ; 

ot mates wis bk bast | Waddle Bn 008 as ‘taste ried 

» Lia : 

. : 

ee teae AeA Be 


i case uae oe 7 
atelsd tatensues ue poamonerg ne sooup a owe sh 



relates to the motion of plaintiff te strike the recerd and 
@iemiss the appeal for want of jurisdiction. This motion was 
reserved to the heering. in view of the cenclusion reached as 
to the merite of this cause, however, the motion will be deniad, 
There being no reversible error in the recerd, the 
judgment of the Municipal court will be affirmed. 

Seanlan and Sullivan, JJe, coneure 

dew pie wie 
Det ee ee Jeanine dmeigueanie 

0 anergy. - keTeTA ey Teves Bee abe eerie wey tite cis 
eee ee ee ee “en ay ent ®i 0 

tee PRE shone eet gaeboeve 

“ Urtinghies wih ee xem i 
HRS poi weet oct penet’ (at eel tees’ — ues 

Swi OF aykne teehee tent 

Se PANE Pann eto uch dh Bye” pleahatelt aut ea seb peck 

et HEE) Baton ty ott weherdes ’ ernie” 
ta th Be tt er ee ae bedi 
Roe es igs? ao since helical bale via ; 

‘eae dtsniesaile at hans ower wl Bins ‘ 

ope gale sokinc seve a * a 

Male econ a ie Py 

ROPES pate hee nee | 

ae sees okey wd beat steer toh hid orrewrewe boast 


ould ate, wba bee eet sbganaty « sos | 

feos) ee Pay 

Pa ee i" ; ee 
Vy Bee b Tey Mec ae 

“wok ‘sisincome hve mnsconore meleoig mot 





€0., a corperation, THSO.B. 


nn Mica Ae ee Mie, tall Pea gaa 

Appellees. d oie - 3 


Complainant filed @ 5111 in the superior court againat 
Theo. B. Robertson Products Co., (hereinafter referred to ap the 
corporetion), Theo. 8. Hoberteon, Harriet Challenger, George A. 
Xeauthes, Lawrence B=. Moyer and Bolph Ferguson, charging defendants 
with unfair competition, and praying fer an injunction, an accounte 
ing and damages. 

Defendants having filed their joint and several anawers, 
denying the erongful acts alleged, a general referenee wasn had to 
& master. ‘while the cause was pending before the master, defend- 
ents filed an amendment to their answere averring that complainant 
had come inte court with unclean hande by reason of inequitable 
conduct praeticed subsequently to the filing of the bili of complizint. 

After extended hearings the master made his report. 
Suceptions therete were filed by all parties, The chaneellior 
overruled complainant's exceptions, sustained these of defendants, 
and entered a deeree denying complainant the injunction sought and 
demages, finding the equities to be with tie individuel defendants, 
end ordering a rereference to the master for the cole and only 

purpowe of stating on account between complainant and the cor- 


ce ys 
\ ™, oy ») 

ye cca : 

3 \ 

2 Breet \ 

te molec sll oe de aeahe 
Line ob yt eRe, 

ra) ge RE, 

“a 2 eae Pel a 

etnatieqqa (© Se nquey 

a hi ag 

o¥TEUOD ROOD . TAVOD sl of. OUXT smab tomes. & 1209 


S60 Al CVS seed bom Sa 

¥ }~ 
ve ‘ 

duntage dawoo tolveque edd mi Lid # belt? énantelqnod = | 
etd un 04 hevre'tor toFtantoxet) ,.09 etowbor! seatueder . .oadt 
LA optOs® eropmeLfad? dota ,nosdtedet «8 .oef? ,(wolseeetees 
ténsinoted yatsrade ymoaupret data ban eyo «X sonorwal ynetimer 
-demovos wa gmolionutet ne xe anbyore Me caer cist sttw 
seegamub has “ | 
seeevers Iareyen ben Iniot ted? teLlt gxivad etnabretet are 
e¢ bad aay gonexstor Leteren « ebeyolta sion Ln ignostw oft yalwob a 
~igetsd .redeam oct ototed griteeq anew seweo off oLtst¥ -edeae a . 
Sranteiqeos tel? gukiuoye atewane thedd of smombaoms me boLtt etn 
eldetinpent te moesot Yt abnad noslony dttw daweo otk emee ‘hast 
dntetgmoo te Kite edt Ye wwbttt ed? oF Whémaupendun pootioary | = oo 
.dxoqot udet obaat todecm of? epmtcacd bebawsxw ‘eedtA 
toffovnode edt .welicag Lin YW belit exew overeat anokiqeamt 
seinehesteh Yo eaeds berlatave gamotiquoxe w'inamhalguos bots 
Sus dityvow mokiomstut eld tnantelqmoo yakyaod coreed # betedn 
sadasbaotoh Lavilvinet ef ditw od of eolilupe ele wai bal? « ‘ 
yino tna efon ody 0? t9edeam odd of sonewsiore 2} tie 

ee a ee ee” ee a eee 

pa. Ce, 

~ro0 of? one toantelgaon neoeted deupeca Bo guticta to — 


poration for o» limited period. Complainant appealed from the 

deeree, and the corporation filed a cross appeal from that part 

of the decree directing a rereference for the purpose of an 

It appears from the record that the corporation was 

organized in 1901, and continuously since then has been engaged 

in the manufeecture and sale of soap powders, dishwashing powders, 
brushes and various other articles approximating 50 in number, 

to restaurantes and other industrial concerns throughout the 

United States. 

im 1927 complainent represented himeslf te be the owner of 

a formule for a dichweshing powder, and approsched the corporation 
with a view to eutering inte an arrangement under which the corpora- 
tion would manufacture this powder according to complainant's . 
formula, sell it and pay royaities on all eles made, The negoti- 
ations culminated in a written contract, dated March 12, 1928, which 
provided among other things that the product mamfactured ani sold 
under complainant's formula be devignated “Daddy Ach's Cleaner.* it 
further appears from the evidence thot the corporetion bad been selling 
dishwashing powders under the name "Robertson' « Vashing Powiera,” and 
‘*20th Century Soda,” since 1915, and that complainant had never sold 
a dishwashing powder manufactured under his formula under the name 

of “Daddy Ash's Cleaner* prior to the execution of the contract in 
question. Pursuant to the agreement, the corporation manufactured 
and #014 a dishwashing powder, using complainant! s forma, under the 
stipulated name, "“Iaddy Ash's Cleaner,” until February 1, 1930, 

when complainant notified the corporation that he desired te terminate 
the contract under a 60eday termination clause contained in the agres- 
mente | 

uring the contractual relationship of the parties extend- 
ing over a period of cbout two years, Daddy Ash's Cleaner was sold 

watt anxt heleoege taentoique® .tolveq bediakt 2 tot motte 
dong Aad) amxt Ineqqn se0te » doLtt nolsoneqzoe ond ban yeetoed 

aa lo eaegiw set <Ot eumeToteiws = yukteorth sexreeh af? ‘to 

+ pnivabe ves 

aaw KOLimnquon eI tat? brevet ond motd eracgqe oI : 

begenes need ead wed? eomta YLavountinaw bem 4f00L st senha 
,etTobweq guituawiath ,axehwey gece to elor bae otwiostwmem edd wh 
viodaun af GG guiiauixetyqs welolean uoatde swol tey bus ‘nosemed 

odd swaiguotas anxaonee Labudwuboed sateo bee esamwasact 0s 

a? Poa or ce ost 

to wwonee edd od of Uoemiad bednoaetqet eanatadaun yes ai 

sotiexoqron ed? bedonetaqu bes aiebveq ptidsouieth «¢ te? etme? « 
~acoqio oid doldw aohAw dmeuepmocie me oint aabzedee et wotv « dhe 
| e‘inaninigms of aaihmesso tobhweq gids otuforRonam bivow ment 
-kéogom ad? .ebem aefan Iie mo ophilayes yaq fan of toe ealanxet 
Koide ORAL SL doco Sodad gioaxinoe mottiaw a mh, hedantmiue emabta 
2 * aenso£d ated ybhal* botamgteed of alamro2 ainentalqeoe coke 
wikiies moed bed gseliexequae esf¢ gad? camebive sad moth auaeqge eens 
baa "saxchwas gridaal a*nendxede” suan of? robe axobwoq. qth A 
bios toven tad semtelquoe sett hmm «6808 ccncinaianieieaial 
genet anit xe aay fume ett rosew boriioctunem iotvog gabiusmleih 8 
nk Soutdnee cit to aokiuvexe estd 0d xedvg “remnekO otdea 
 boradeslimtas melieteqies ef? ytnemeetge add ef snamexel — «todsenep 
ea? sobms gafomtet a inenkeLomeo gatos ctabvoy antduomitD bor tne 
eOERE gL Crowafol Liew “~tonmes) aides ybdat" —amam bedadeghte 
 pdantered of bortend onl dalt mottareqien ade poltabom 1 ane a 
sonncsllannsammaraESNRETERISORERNRI ! 
iat aaa} wank? aay ee ae 


ae one of the 80 odd items manufactured by the corporation. Gome 
Plainant nected as salesman, aleng with the defendants, Aanthea, 

Moyer and Ferguson, selling not only Daddy ‘eh's Cleaner but also 

the othex manufactured products. No separate books were kept for 
Daddy ‘sh'e Cleaner, but sales thereof were entered in the corpor- 
ation’'s books without in any way being distineuished from other sales, 
and Bills were rendered in the sxme manner a5 bills for other items, 
and collections mate by the corperstion. < ll of these practices 

were consented to and acquiesced in by complainant, who received 

from the ecorperation commissions end ether payments to which he was 
entitled under the contract while it wae in effeet. The deeree 
epecifiscally so finds, and the recerd saervn that eomplainant wes 
overdrawn te the extent of $165.74 at the time he severed his econne ce 
tien with the corporation. 

imnediately after the termination of the agreement in 
Petruary, 1930, complainant entered inte a simiiler arrangement with 
Diversey Mfg. Company to manufacture end sell Daddy Ash's Cleaner, : 
and mailed and printed announcements advising the trade of that fact. 

Shertly after the termination of Ash's contract, the cor- 
peration advised ite sslesmen that it wie putting out a new improved 
dishvashing powder, in sccordance with ew new formula conecived by 
ite chemiet, to be sold under the trade name, “Rel sCeg" dorived from 
the name of the corperstion, Fobertson Pratuets Co. 

On September 19, 19238, while the contrect between complain- 
ant and the eorperstion was in effect, ‘sh executed « bill of sale to 
the American Coffee Company for = voluable consideration, selling an 
delivering to it the fermiln for Sed¢y  ch's @leaner, together with 
the privileges snd benefits incidental thereto. 

| Subsequently, January &, 1920, the -mericen Ceffce Company 
sold amt trencferred 211 ite right, title an¢ interest in ond te eada 
vill of sale, snd the formule therein described, to one J. Me Critieos, 


nod smokteropese ef) yh Sowden tuna amass bie O8 nate. 7 
eeoltin® ,ateohrelot oft dilw paola ssameetes as pada 

Gis 2 

cele twee ter ond x tye’ <ohee UENO Jom andiLoe game te® nn xe ak 

wet seed etew saloed etatseee of sstomborg haxstoslunnm xedde odd 
~“eqien eff ah betetre «ee Yooteds eefec aad « emgek a han ybhed 
ceolse tosite Moxt hedetronkiohs yatod yr yas at duo te calood Imad te 
emmedh suite wel aliid os tema omen os? ah honehmes o tem al, 
woulteveg eaott bo LLs smolsctogtos ols Yd oben amotas M C08 
bevieser ory ,Inaniclqmos Yd ct heoneinpon bas od oomvanes 91am 

@uw of Moise of atnesryeq iesiie bre anoias hams moks aroqnen eth MURR 
| Petoeh aMt .do0Tto at a. ae 

phe Chettalqmod tedd anon beovet od? den eahedt oy £ 
‘-OSMNYE ALi hoTOVOR eM Bald ent? da bT.GaLh 20 pans. | 

peveRga wor s 09 Bndtiug way 42 desl’ + heratenabtad ont vie, wade 
VS tordoomes afenro’, vom a Athy opaphroane, Ke arehweg 

Yaw eo tied neoltom, aft .OeeL 42 yrswmel wet eupen 
bien of be mi topandat Ane 9fth3 9titghs sth the a a : 
20g tdh29 ok .b.ame 92 abodtzas 3 9 ee. 


who, ipril 15, 1930, im turmy, sold, transferred ani assigned te 
defendant ecexperation all his right, title and interest in end te 
said bili of sale and formulae 

The gyevamen of complainant's charge ae shown by hic 
wibi, tidied April 40, 1930, 15 deyo after the corporation had 
acquired title to the fermula from Gritices, is that the corporation, 
wrongfully used compisinant's formula for Daddy Ash's Cleaner in the 
naautacture end sale of ite own (R-P.Ce) dishwashing powders that 
this constituted unfair competition, that the corporation and the 
individual defendants ought to be restrained from continuing the 
practice and be required to pay damages and account te complainant 
for all ssles made. Jith respect to thia contention, however, the 
chancellor found that by virtue of the bill of sale frem complainant 
to Ameriean Coffee Company, and the several sesignments thereef, the 
corporation had the right to manufneture a proiuet under the formula 
fer Daddy Ash's Cleaner, or De Ar Coy and to sell such produet te 
anyone whomeoever under the mame Ne Pe Coy OF Under any name other 
than Daddy ssh's Cleamer, or Oo Ae Cog from and after April 15, 1930, 
the date on which 14 acquired the right, titie and interest to the 
bill of sale and formula dy assignment from Criticos, without any 
liability te account 40 complainant therefor. 

The ehenceller was evidently of the epinion, and Zound, 
that the cexporetion had acquired all right, title and interest in 
end to the use of complainant's formala by assignment of the 6111 of 
pale from Critices <prik 15, 1930+ if he were correct in that con- 
clusion, it became unnecessary to determine from the evidence whether 
the formula used by the corporation after seid dete in the manufacture 
of Re. Pe C. was a new formula or the “Jaddy Ash's Cleanser" formila, 
and it would logically fellow that there could be no finding of 
unfair doupetition based on the alleged wrongful use of a formula 
to which the corporation had succeeded as owner. Neither would 


98 penpinee bas beexetunond phios ame ut .oret yok shigl Yede 

od bus nd saevosnet ban whe bé oft eid Lie moiserogies snuiinileb 

saiomene't bn ‘eksa we fhe bide 

a fei “ wweste ox “gato 6 'Pnsmkaquoe 20 monevety ale | Oe 

bat motsoxngse9 od? md%e eyor CL ,O80L ale Ling peli (itld 
‘<muldevegeen ont dnttd ot yecedeiz® moth abeuses of} 63 oidid poriy sa 
Sa$ mi wemeekD wes ybbati a0% afumz0t a 'sunnkaigquos boew ‘ 
godt yrobwoq gatdamuteth (00.7) awo at to ofse hus ound an kabdhla 
eat bere weddacequee end dnad mold tiequon ‘sistow bedwdisanoo atots 
aris antuntimes gor? bemkavtes: od oo ddguo udmebuetod Lastiviant 
deste.» fqineo od imeeeos bine soreatesb yor od boxkupet ed bas oblbely 
ea exevecodt wolieedn os eka 08 gouqnet aah “eben soked’ et 

dnamtalqnon smvt ofa re iftd ald to onduty yd badd baok volloun 
att etootodé vinemmylees Leveven ere has yynequed oe ttod wi 

asarco® cat tobres eben a somtootsmna © of # tnt hed eon! woke = E 

esta og seoxoind bat @LILG gésigha oad “sexkupen ab us oh hare 

“ese wlasynidecl ‘enoo ds aed aos meas bes “ eixre? baa mehr ind 

swotsteds ioontalguos oF CNY ey ey | 

“ qbmwe's ews ‘yamine ‘edt Yo Usasbive ane “oi! 

nt teovednt ine wend vaaighs Lin bexkdion ie i 

~ % tie wis bs testy vas Wi akmero a '$nantaLeno ‘5 ‘si te Vin | 

oa “ina att ui deorvses oxbw oat 2X +08 ek diag sootase baie ots 
nos desl eorebive edd mox? saterodeb os wresasenae | ery | 

ovutostunan ot? ut dab his waa! ahi exoqies ‘oak w ‘beau ue ey 

gb Leomeet *coneeto «fdas ehbat” onte ae ‘ade welt 6 de A eg 
vie 20 pabbadt on o@ dius onata aa prrwet ‘Uisoiget bivew @ 

% 14'S a6 % Pe 
a ae ee 

biuow ‘aston ' xenwe 0s bebewpows Sel matberoeco8 ” 

Neate, ay 


complsinant be entitled to the injunctive relief sought to reetrein 
the corporation from manufacturing or selling products made in 
imitation ef complainant's produet under the formula then owned by 
the corporation. The only question then remaining would be the 
liability, if any, arising from the wrongful use of the forma fron 
February 1, 1930, when the eontract wae terminated, to April 15, 195 

when the righte te the use of the formila passed to the corporation, 
and it was ae to this period that the chaneellor limited the account 
ing on the rereference to the master. 

The principal ground urged by complainant in support of 
his contention that the corporation did not legally acquire the 
rights under the assignment ef the bill of oxle iw that the agssigne 
ment dated January 2, 1950, from the smericen Coffee to Criticos, 
although it is signed “American Coffees Co., John Critices, Pres.,” 
and had the senl of the company affixed thereto, did net bear the 
signature of the seeretary and was therefore not the assignment of 
the corporation but of its officers individually» 

*hile complainant's abstract of reeord faile to show that 
the assignment beare the signature of the seeretary, the additional 
abstract, as well as a photestatie copy of the assignment introduced 

(in evidenee, shows said assignment to contain the seal of the cor- 
poration and the signature of the secretary, written rather ilieciblye 
Theo. B, Robertson, in his testimony, identified the writing on the 
exhibit as that of one Jernakes, whe was in fact secretary of the 
american Coffee Company. 

Moreover, the rule ia well settled that the seal of a core 
poration is used to evidence and authenticate papers and obligations 
of the corporation, and eannot preperly be attached to the obligations 
of an individual, and when the seal of the corporation appears upon 
an instrument it becomes prima facie evidence of the assent of the 

corporation ani of sutherity to execute the instrument, (Reed v- 

aiaxtest @¢ sigees Yother ovitonwint edd 98 holstine ed Smashs 
ut chon storbowy ymbitoe xo eit 8 90 tumase wore notsaxoqaee eatt 

Ui hemwe mots elie? oft tebew touhorg a'inentelymos to mol 20 tat 
ot a¢ River ahtaionor aed? getdovp yino ‘sift smolsstoytos odd 

ast aLueret adhe ‘te sow Lirtgnorw o8f mock gatalea yyte te syeeceies 
| O8L 484 Lives @f gdotentrred sev sovxtned oft modw eer ed Yeomede®t 
ragiinagree el? 09 bonneg ofumrod edt 30 omy od OF atdats est neste 
dgumgone enti bodimkL walloanado od? Jadt behsog mid? 62 2a saw a ba 
_ sthtunm oad Of nomoretores ot 98 

ko sroqeue sud aowarctatyane Ww hoprr baverg feqkorkeq eft 
ed? otispoa YLioyel tom bib wok joxoqroo ead tnatt soe bo 3 Bie 

od hand 

| veins bvEbat eteottio ast ” pr pl be aOR 
“tat woda 69 wilat brooex to sonntuds a tinenialgans Lacenate 

" Lamon thbs ont? ,yxadetone att 16 orasd any od? steed tneum, tus oa 
mmouberint sromaylens edt Ye yor obtasuotody @ a0 stow a. " ‘ “ 

“too ent? te Lose off stetnes ¢2 tmemmatees hae eve . 

“109 6 To Lave edd sauté hetivon Ken ak ows oe. pheeninsnt 
(ameivaglice bun etegag ofaottnentte See semi re ot, ons v 
anottnatice ed af hodondie ad ytxoqerg Some tos wn we 

este 10 dasaan wth e ap neTe ‘pie amt ‘ 

“v pnes) afmmeeretanh alt otucexe oF trod 30 ine 


Fleming, 209 Ill. 390, 364.) It wae likewise held in the case of 
Springer v- Bigford, 55 Ill» Apps 198 ( \ffirmed 160 Tlie 495) that 
@ bill of sale executed by the vice president of the corporation 
wader its corporate seal io prima facie sufficient te pass the 
title of the corporation to the property therein conveyed. In 
Miers v- Gontes, 57 t1l+ Appe 216, where the question arene aa to 
whether a note, reciting on ite fnce, “We promise to pay,” and 
signed “Columbian Athletic Club, Dominick ©. O'Malley, President, 
Chase Je Miere, Treas.," was the note of the individuals or of the 
corporation, the court waid (p. 220): 

"A eorporation ean act only by its offieers and egante; 

end where the name of a corporation ie signed to ean instrument that 
see well be ite own, and ite name is followed by the name of ite 
president, described os such, and «i the left hand of the bottom 
of the instrument, where atiesting signatures are usually placed, 
the mame of another officer is affixed with a werd deseriptive of 
his office follewing hie name, the presumption is at least 
fagie that the instrument is the obligation of the corporn tion 
ond mot of the ladividueals whose names, with words descriptive of 
their efficial expacity, follow the name of the cerporation.” 
Under the circumstances there can be no doubt ac to the volidity of 
the assignwent in .uestion. 

Purthermore, complainant is precluded from urging in this 
eourt that the assignment ie ineffective, becouse he failed te ebjeet 
er except to the meater's finding sustaining the validity of the 
ecsignment, sltheugh he filed many other lengthy objections and 
exceptions to the master’s report. (Delese v. MeDougall, 182 Ili. 
486, 491; Roeder v. Pipe, 255 Ili» Apps 89, 1093 Velde v. Schroek, 
283 {Lie Apps 274, 266.) 

it is further urged that even though the assignment of the 
bill of sale were effective to veet in the corporation the right to 
menufaeture under the formula assigned, nevertheless by reason of the 
fellewing lengusge employed in the bill of sale, “it is also agreed 
and understood between the parties concerned that they will reepect 
each other's customers, and under no consideration will interfere in 
any mannaer,* the ehenesller should have enjoined the eorporatioen from 

welling Se Pe Coy OF any similiar product, to complainant's cuntonmerse 


Ro eeao oct mt died opdneghd wow $1 (obO6 9086 oft OOR a pmban se 
doit (OGD off OL Beart Dh) ORL »qGs «ffl 88 ,hzotakS »¥ aepmhees 
aoigenogaae ef? Te syshdvewg soty edd yd hotuvexe oleae to, tikd a 
od? aeay go Ipeteitiua ehosk antng oft [pon otenegtee e¢4 xebey 

ai ,heyevneo since’ ysxeqete ad# of netiotpgzos od? te eho ke 
od we seonn gelpeosp etd evedw 4848 qa) oft TO qugdee® av gaake 
fan “4 tag 87 ouluong OF" ,enat 92 mo yotdioes goton » sedgode 
eda bieernt syetiowt’? «0 Motmimed , duio eivodstga on tas Lad* bempte 
oi} 2% xe sLavblrtink end To ofon odd waw "_-aa0sT gored 4% smatt 

+ ( ORs “a) baa isH60 one. spottenen 

padamge tes eros tio esi ye y= gon no not si0q t6¢ ahs mee 
gastt dnomtresoas me of borate el teliaxeqxed 4 oo 
atk to cman of? ys bewoltes af gaan afd ana & irate {iow 

eee add Be mei Stel offs os ina less 
ns ooo Sie rire ne wes vn fences vine afi 
ar donat 4h ak waitonee ods as games chs 
danogxes vce to mp tdogl fie est 
Le evtiqtrousb abtow déiw acuta aleusbivt 
* se liategkes. ad ao ehea: tell emiaeee ephhenatteaan a 
te. Wihifey sf? of an téuoh om od ame wnadis nooned ame tho i 
aso Semen mh sroeasons tilt 
ehdd at gnigue mest bebulvetg of duanielgmas. erontosld rus feces | 
dvetde of delist ed euspoed .evivoetient. of Inemnphans gat, todd, ewe q 
ott te ytibiloy odé gatmiataua, pout bent a'tesaen ed3 of Jquome we 
hits, axeliorgdo yligmet xedée yrou delit of Aamdtta, spemmmeiete : 
| Akt BBL oLinguotell »v geokog) .tz0ues 9 !xeteom, odd, of. anml " 
sHoonsel «¥ phloY 1004 098 sued. off 8% gegtt -y.gubend.. 10h ane 
ee al 00h, AST HR 
ett to snomuatons ad? Aywodd move dad? hop xedsaut at at a | 
G4 Siighy odd apkdoroquen odd et ganv of evhtop?%y avex. stew wean 
etd to messes ys eaeiedéxemen sbongiseg afumagt sft rehey 0% } : 
saeTgs cele at dh” gohan to Likd edd md heyotime | hc rayne 7 wed. io’ . 
Sooques ifaw woate tote bests omo9 (me td xeg add noowsed booty ag ay 
ead wxoteodnt tite nettarebienop on robes bas ,atemedas mM ail o shoe id 
wit neliavegsoe adi henkeine ovat bLuede ‘toLtoonads ots * yt 

ah Ast fortge fie. at 
encode dire &inemtalguoe of , doubexq ‘satiate wu * had of tg 


The forexoing provision in the bill of eale wae intendad 
te operate sa a negative covenant between the parties. It has been 
@enerally held thet an injunetion to restrein the violation of « 
negative covenant in ecuiyrlent to compelling «pecifie performance 
of a eontract, the principles upon which an injunction and s deeree 
for specific performance rest being in the wain the seme. It is 
fundamental that before an injunction will iseue, or specifie per 
formance of a contract grented, the terma of the contract muat be 
Olear, certein and umambiguous, and if the negative covenant in so 
uneertain thet it cannot be specifieslly enforced no injunetion will 
issue to enjoin a breach thereof. (Cleveland v. Martin, #18 Ti. 
73, 89-90; citing Howell Co. v. Pope Glucose Co., LVL Ili. 550, and 
High on Injunmetions (3rd ed.) vol. 2, see. 11357.) 

The foregoing clause contained in the bill of sale is 
uneerteain in severe] reepects; it dees not define whet is meant by 
"respecting cach other's customers,” nor by the phrase “not inter- 
fering in any mannere* The covenant dees not state the poried of 
time during which it is to rum, whether it refers to customers vhe 
were in existence at the time the contract was made, or those sub- 
sequently obtained, er either ox both, and «ny injunetional order 
that might heve been entered thereon would necesecarily heave had to 
be similarly vague and indefinite. The chanecclior found that the 
provision in question wae void as being an unreasonable restraint 
of trade, unlimitec ac to time, terme and place, and we believe 
properly so, for the authorities hold that a contract in portial 
restraint ef trade, in order to be valid, must be reasonable in its 
terms. (Southern Vire Brick Coe V+ Sand Coo, 225 ills 616, 6225 
Andrews ¥» Kingsbury, 212 Tlle 97, 100-01.) 

it is argued, erroneously we believe, that if the uneer- 
tainty in the restrictive clauee of the bill of sale was incapable 
of enforcement thet the entire 6111 of sale became iliegal. This, 
however, is not the rule. discussion of the subject in 6 Ruling 

- elgeto? po olen % See ast) ok wolalvesa gitkegeted od? 9.0), i 
weed apf Jt avebdveg od? nooeded tranoves eviiaget a as) oeaaege 4 
® Yo meldslolv se mlettent e¢ mebtonntal na gece Shed | Lat one 
soamixotiag otiheege waliingmes ev tmeLeviays at dneansves evi 
eetooh = law aettoavtal mea dolgw moqu seiqtontig edd _foenrdes 
et 21. shmee ed? nim edih-tth: sichtel dnee semen ail 
wtog othiogge te ,smend Litw nodiosuted oe ented sntte totmeebarirt 
ot Spuic tpoxtmon ocd Yo persed ost? ghodnexg soatéacn a to wena? 
ge af inenevoo evidagom edt th See ,trougitgenn hie niatroo ot 
Lite sefdonwtal om heotolm» vLlantitonge ed gemun $2 todd ateteoen 
HEX AES qulizail «¥ baptovel)) .2eeuedd Moneed a ntolae of ouae, 
Fao rs +42 ITE 2499 pened eqok 9 re2_Lhoweit patito yoeee6 a 


(Fate sone 4@ stor sg one) BTA Kes. 

a99nt ton® seedy orl? xo son “*yarame dau s'xedtéo pig quat® 
to belveq ed? ofate som eed tmanmyoo oat ~ + tORem Ye ok gecko? 
acy exemotews of etetet af toddode otters, os at at do daw aatiwh owt 
“din sued x0 yohem wow soatines odie coms ould $m eonetadxe ad wine 
tobte fanetioowtat yne bem sites 0 wat te to aheataddo yh ! 

ot basi erae Ubtarasoon bLvew soot? bored i need amt ite 
oak ted? &rwot reLLoonaste ont 

dntextes* aldanoaneumy as gated Be bev aay noktaeup a 8 tvowg 

' “eretlod ow tow sooty han meres qoutd of a9 Dotti yobart 
istimq a2 tootinos 8 ser? bked eotitredine oslt rer, oe , des! 
ed nt eldanouss of domme «biLey ed od yobme md qmbosd ines intaxtens 
W888 @BLD + LET BRE 4,00 tne .¥ 209 soem ost exodéges) ommmee 

— (f0~00 ete ote aus ne chet 

orsons ond th taste sevetled ow yLeveomunce ybewmse at af: 

: eideginn! now alae te Litd en? to eamato evtiadeteen at mt 

; sat ohagelth weaved ehse te LLid oxtine ods tad @ —" : 
- palbuit 9 mh soekdue oft Re modumsonth ). satis alt ft at « : 


Case Law, st page G15, contains the following: 

ant henna act stthin ine tale tant 't? tareti 
Bes eels To vill potted team sprveeatsy sestaoe CoS A 
er not, are divisible, and when such an agreement contains a 
Thich is veld vecauss in restrainp of Grete, walks the ether is 
mot, the latter will be given effeet and enforeed,* 
In Williston on Contracts (1920) vol. 3, coe, 1659, pe 2925, it is 
stated that “contracts containing promises wnlewful because of too 
extended restrictive effect have not been held 26 unlawful in tha r 
generel purpose as to invelideate the whole transection of whieh they 
were & parte” It wae so held in Rosenbaum v. Us %» Credit System, 
65 4. Jo Le 255, 259 (48 Atl. 237, 239). 

Lastiy, it te urged that independently of the bill of 
pale an injunetion should have tacued from using the trade name, 
"“RePeGe" on the ground thet it is so similar to "UeAeCs,* which 
was sometimen used to designate plaintiff's produet, as to confuse 
cuntomerg. “RePsCog” an heretofore pointed out, wae taken by 
defendant from ite corporate nome, and the record shows that the 
corporation had used the trade mam@, "RePeoley" to deseribe several 
of ites articles leng prior to the time thet compleinant selected 
"Daddy Ash's Cleaner," or “DeAeC.* for his product. DSurthermore, 
the letters used are different, and there in no such similarity 
between them as te mislead any person exercising ordinary eaution. 
The courte have held thet it is not sufficient that « pessibility 
ef confusion may crise, but thet there must be a probability ef 
euch confusion te a person of ordinary ebservation and educations 
(Feirbank Cos vs owift & Coes 64 Ills Appe 477, 491.) Im Ball v. 
Siegel, 116 111. 1357, complainants, whe were the manufscturers of 
"Ball's Health-Preeerving Corsets,” filed a 111 to enjoin defend- 
ants from using the trade name, “Sehilling’s Health-?reserving 
Corsets,” which name the letter kad adopted subsequently te the 

use of complainants’ trade name, and the bill charged such 


rantwetiot etd emtwdrey .e£0 ope %s ual Wale 
ee toa ote whats to tntexdeor ni erenetnde™ arte eee 
HE bhiowed ab sada. afert ott aidtde gon, emma, 
tentiano od wbiove bse edna?’ 
emmermerne, Core £4 dosti, 

wae figeomaon batganen tod stsecns 
*. hegre le Que doetts nevty od Lith esta ald 4300 
ah 22 ,2OO2 ot a PUL .902 af toy (CROL) migagimed a Pa - 

Sdads ot Lutveiny oo hho need son wed, doorte ovtgetstens & bobnots 
Galé dipide to reltoonnen? sledw oi? sdnbiLowed o¢ lipiglbiy 
sAANTS AhbON? 08 of + V muetnanel ah Mad ees 44.° 

aptan stand el? guten oct femeel evad. phaile 5 mek Somer} 
dotde eoBeAet" of tolkmie ox ab a2 task? bmp, ede, m0, ae x 
oasitnps of un .tentorg #URidataly otanptash of tere nembionon aa 
Xi ned aw 900 Dodmbog sxo20/9 tal an “anDe%ei"  omnempsaue 
end tests ewesie buenos ond dma somm edaxogs00, eb mot, nal = | 
Kanoven sdixoso’ ef s+ sSeR" .oman ahand oid bate grin ie oo 79 

a ee 

sHelieamie tne setievacode Yraatbre te saaia s Of mote: 
oY Linh mt [o> g0VD gah o LET M ast AAU a 


similarity as to constitute unfair eompetition, but the court held 
that although there wae evidence that the advertisements end cire 
Culars were similar, complainants could not recover becouse of the 
faet that the mere adoption and use of worde in advertisements 
and circulars, in the absence of copyrizht, gives no exclusive 
right te their use, the question in its finel analysis being 
whether an ordinary purchaser, using ordinery care and attention, 
would be deecived by the similarity» 

Yor the foregoing reasons we believe that the deeree 
properly denied the injunctive relief sought snd limited the 
plaintiff's recovery, if any, to an accounting fer the peried from 
February 1, 1930, to April 15, 1930. 

By its cross appeal defendent corporation urges that the 
chancellor should not have ordered an accounting, even for the limite 
period, because (1) complainant ceme into court with unclesn hands} 
(2) sinee no injunctive relief was allowed, the court should net have 
reserved jurisdiction merely fer the purpose of stating an account 
between the parties; and (3) becouse complainant failed to prove the 
ownership of the formula or process claimed te have been infringed. 

To aupport the first of these contentions, defendants 
ad¢éueed evidence tending te show thet subsequent te the filing of 
the bill of complaint, complainant wrongfully represented to certain 
customers that he hed procured an injunction to restrain the eor- 
porstion from selling ReP.. products, and that the complainant alse 
tried te persuade one of the corporation salesmen, Xanthes, te 
enter inte a seeret arrangement with him by which the latter was te 
sell Daddy Ash's Clesner fer complsinant without revealing this fact 
to his employer. Both of these charges were denied by complainant's 
witnesses. It thus became a question of fact, and since neither the 
master nor the chancellor made findings with referenee thereto favors 
able te defendants, we sre not disposed to deny complainant such 

hited tywoe ats ted sopksttequoe utalnw put toenoe of aa \etsalinte 

“a bs esnewoaldievig ef! tad? oenshive sew axed dguordtsia tadd 

aatt » gurrsad teveoes Jon hkueo otraplwsgnon ¢ wed ine etos amatue 

 baromme terete a abzow 39 paw ne neddqnon, ene ocd sais son 

evioutoxe en aevty sat regon. te epeenda wit wk coualuon ts fe 
pitted almyfann Lenk? oat nt 0 tds oelt sew testa of dityhs 

po kine dan bie oTee coon pakaw vteaustozeg wiamtinco sta a 

| “sthuatinte ent vd hovkeonh o¢ | ‘btuon 

Wri, wear eos ae salt 

oo "pt bedtuht hms ddgu0n Wiket ovidonwtad exit batwob ‘Es 1990) " 

wert betieq edt? cot grténpooss ms of + ume ua erovooer 0 hténdadg 

| 9O6OE 4OE Lhe’ oe OBL af reef 

odd tows eogie wots axeqree Prebaetob Leeus su0x0 nes w an - 

eo tmnl baad ad Reve date nay fase ne bexebre vad sou suede ’ 

‘a mas 

eral ton biwede txg09 ald sboupiis uew retlor evitonuiet on 
dnz00sa sa yakiate %o ovontg add x0% yLoxsm woltetbetret t 
edd every of boLiat sted alamo ‘eausced (a) is Vestexag ett 


sboyatzist ood oved of toabsio sasoong 10 alumzot odd Ye qéderonre | 

s@mmbrotob vans séaeénes saci? Ye gout? ast 2 oqaire or re 
‘ he iy 
Ye palit? eld 02 Surupoedisa tad weds of gattned sonebive Seownbe 

nbadewo et bedreas met (Lin rgaen trnatntgneo inka kgmes bo sind ete f 

ead Re 
=%ee gel? mtaxteot oy mel sonutat na hast ox salt 
ith pel EW . 

cafe snuctedguoy od? dud? Bex yedouborg s0KoHl pabton 2 wort nateoreg 
ot gamaldewnd atemes ine netsatogzoo aatd Xe eae ohawateg ot ‘bebe? 

HARARE the 2 ott 

ot aaw andtal ext dotde ye mtd aa hw duomepaia ria texsea ° odes sedne 

soak aid? gutiaeves aes kw tnentalgeoo ‘wt wnaptd aided nba : 
stamecharguoe Wf Meinod ovew epgrate oaeds 30, A208 sxoyedquo abit of 
ext sasdien conte bas ,doa? to woltaesp © sansod owas ax 1 dala 
“ sxore? ofems? sonorstor sity agate? oben aifoomado ext son wot 

i a: Wat Panes 

dows saantelanon web ee tpg’ jon ots ow sadnabaotod of 

PN 4 ae ack cbr 28) ia sia Ri) Wo 

relief aa the chanecller dsereed he should have. 

ag to the second point, we decm it sufficient te point 
out that the bill of complaint eherges sufficient facta with refer~ 
enee to the use of complainant's formula prior to  pril 15, 1950, te 
justify an accounting, and considerable evidenee was adduced om this 
branch of the case. Therefore, aside from the cuestion of in- 
junctive relief, the bill will lie becouse it involves = complicated 
eecounting, involving many items, sales and transactions. (Towmend 
Ve Sguitable Life jesure Coe» 265 lile 432, 4493 Srown Goal & Tow oss 
¥+ Thomas, 177 Ills 534, 5405 and Miller vs Rusgell, 224 lile 68, 73e) 

As te the ownership of the fermila, the records show that 
complsinant wee not the inventer thereef, but he exereieed proprietary 
rights thereunder which were mot challenged, and we believe he was 
entitled to the use of the formula prior to his oseignment thereof 
t@ smeriean Coffee Company. 

Pinding no reversible error in the deeree it will be 
affirmed, and it is se ordered. 


Seamlan and Sullivan, JJ.) coneurs 

ovat Rivealea eff beexonh cotiovisato auld aa tell 

‘tebeq ef Pastel viv §2 myen ow ginioy Baobik ante o¢ at 

it ae a tie ie de kod Tin eo yuntty tndatqueo's 0 CCD ont) teil’ ‘ti 
wa ere ied Leg, il Hoagie afro" Prprossomee: te cou! ott 1 

4280 MOT & fino! nvex8 od ih cet bee Ly ta a ? 
(06 98 offi O88 gisonau «v aaithe bia (obi bea Ser s 
tarts wosts shussot asf yntuucel eit — elit ee ee rr abi 
‘Canbotageny beciorams oat dud « toouadt xolaevad etd "tal OF gt weg 
aor 941 ovoLiad ow dns 4hepnoitado tax oxew dolly 7 

_ eouedid snmearztess sist 09 xolwe aiuarco? ot Yo aw a 

, - ~ ab sea ais es ih ay 

Bhi cman yee vabako emmy tae alOute Ss athe Ty cesar 

home . 

pik ee 4 ; ba i aah an Pe aa OMe eee i SRT ve si 3 
ee é r aay a Leasiay At SS Re ares aR Plt 4 dents yy ay 

move ws = 


cs & 
dg iy! Pa a) Vibe She j iis.) eee ey 1G ss earl eee 
7 Ae yi a 
si % 

Wines sah aii Si i Nie oa a 


MARY PICHARDSON, administratrix 
of the estate of \eberta Guyton, 

yp TT f® Ch OA 
aio 1A. G6oe8 


ASSOCIATION, a corperation, 
Appel Lant. 

eee eae ce Me Rat 7 rT ot Pree! he pe” 


Mary Riehardeon, administratrix of the estate of Neberta 
Guyton, decensed, brought an action of aseumpsit ia the municipal 
eourt of Chicage to recover $400 alleged ta be due under a burial 
certificate issued to deeessed in her lifetine. Trial was had by 
jury, rewulting in a verdict and judgment for ©4066, from whieh 
defendant appeals. 

Plaintiff's statement of cleim alleges that Moreh 24, 
1930, defendant issued its certificate of menbership to plaintiff's 
intestate, therein agreeing that in consideration of payment of a 
weekly premium of twenty eents defendent would furnish a 0400 
funeral and burial upon the death of insureds; that pleintifr’s 
intestate at sli times paid the premiums required by the certificate 
and complied with all its provisions; thet when plaintiff's intestate 
died November 12, 1931, pleintif’ furnished defendant with the re- 
quired evidence of denth, and demanded payment; that defendant promised 
to furnish said funeral as provided by anid contract, obtained the bedy 
of plaintiff's intestate, embalmed it and then refused te complete 
the burialj by renson whereof plaintiff was obliged te have 
the body removed from defendant's» eustody and buried at the expense 
of decedent's estate, and that there then became due plaintiff 

; | SOAS me) TIED 

“ea Be ; evs 

- stan tar A WOTICITO mney GEENA cM OI, ‘Were fat 
HOR bo Eats ) 

“atvodes te edndue otlt 10 abvdusdatmtube shoe andi eat ie eteghs 
Sag totem ext at a togawone % rehton ma deiguowd beencoe wo 

2 ee ee dyin 

- Rabuat # cohew wh of 04 hogeita apne reve00% oe opootita, te 

Wi dest caw Lede? ventdetht xed mt Seanvoed ob bewaat, ‘etnottbizee | 
totdw mest .00h4 x0r ¢remgbut ban fokwor ‘ ca mabseeas og a 
sO8 Mote dori? sopetia mato to tnsmededs atPRtdadast 

e'thitaiake of qidaredsem to staotttsxee was bowsad fandaatod 1 we s&s 
ao YO Seomeng te molteteblenes at gadé sahooxun niored? a! yt a3 ne is .* 

6000 @ date Skuow dnshaotos aimee yiaew? to ick t 
steteoint attidetaty setw dott qumokalveng afk Lhe Adiw orn r 
wat edt thw Inshooteh Sodwteriwt Vikdniale —f@L «8L toda agra q 

benimetg duehmotod dem? qiowuryeg bohmameb bra yiiaeh to eoned 

: \ 2 
evad of bogiide amr Vilinial, Yoorede ponmox a 
canogas edt ta tetcut bee yhodeue e'tanbsoted mays * | 
eeaelale awh smmoed mode exed? sate ba votsdae 


the eum of $400 which defendant, upon request, refused to pay. 

Defendant's affidavit of merits denies that leberta Guyton 
paid the premiums required to be paid or that she complied with ali 
the previcions of the burial cortificzte; avers that eaid certifieate 
of menbership provided among other thinge that in ne case should 
there be a recovery “unless and until she, the said Aesberta Guyton, 
paid te the said defendant the sum of twenty conts on each and every 
Monday after March 24, 1950, during the life of said Roberta Guyton," 
end algo unless, at the time of her death, she was a member in good 
atanding esa defined by defendant's by-laws; avers that Movember 11, 
1031, she had failed te pay to defendant the felleowing auma: twenty 
eents that become due October 26, 1931, twenty cents duc Sovenber 2, 
1931, and twenty cents due November Go 1931; avers that Roberta 
Guyton, fer the purpese of procuring her membership, signed an 
application which previded among other things that “no action at law 
er in equity shall be maintained upon any certificate of merbership 
that may be issued to me, when and if this appliestion is approved, 
wniless some is brought within one year from the time eeid section 
aeeruee;” that said Neberta Guyton died Yovember 12, 1951, and plaine 
tiff was appointed sdministratrix of her sstate Uerch 3%, 19323 and 
that the section herein wes not brought within one yeer, ae provided 
in anid application. 

Defendant's first and crincipal contention is that dseedent 
qved three premiwas at the time of her death and was therefore in de- 
fault under the provisions of the certificate of membership, and not 
in good standing. This contention is evidently based upon the by-laws 
ef the corperetion. Section 3 of Article 3 provides that any member 
failing to pay his weekly premiums later than 4:00 o'clock in the 
afternoon of every Monday, after becoming a member, is to be deemed 
not in good standing and deprived of his burial benefits. nother 

artiele ef the by-laws provides that 


sy of heeeton ,Jeampot neqe yimahneteb dotdy GObG 7h, vied 
neewed edredel ted selreb ativom tw tivebl tte atanbnstett ra ae 
Lig dt tw ed Lome eile tose 40 Sieg ad o¢ boutapen esurkme ny ond bio 
etuotiteves bles godt axon podsolthd10o Lelie ont to onc tot veng ald 
Sivods eras on mi todd egmtd? tafde gnome nontveny ehfarednse % 
gO eywu aiwedel bier axl eosia LE i nat bea. ewotna" v 920%. a. od exontt 
Yiere Kew dose me Stawo Wirows Yo swe od! Jashnokeh bine o “ot 
* wroayre atcedee bias te @tht eald gnduwd gOUOL ,ha dotoll ret te tno 
dowy mt sesinen « now ome gtaoh vod ro ante wat tm sani ate oo 
ef ‘abeneveH fos) areve jawal-yd adonbssteh ‘et ‘pont ted as antonnge , 
Wasnt sone yatwolLet et smabaorod oF yaq Od boLtat had oe 468 
«8 MoGhesyor ond sdase Ynowd .LCOL «a8 sedete® wuh sunved porns aed 
devote todd wove (L684 12 tedmovOK ub ctave Yinend bea £00 
ne teats, shaven. tanta Aenea A : 

eh Cah SH 

chdiiitasiidti rabentt oem taht noqw Dombasnben o€ Eadé $1 oT 
ghevexuqe ef motteviiqga afte TE bow tedw yon of tous lahat . 

bre (SEC ,O8 dora etateo wast To wbtierialninbe tedshonts ona | 
behivecg as stoey eng mbettiw tegword ton ‘sow sthoxéd mottos ectt pail 

inaboowh trelt at motimedeon Lnghosbng tts Feet a 
wok wt ore tonedt naw baa tine goa to eee tele Penta ri 
Fon brn gqitincecven Lo elaotei9@ ems YW anobetverq ete robes 

avedaws ed nog dowed Yldmobive wk mole attiwed tite wee 

ae ee na - ee 

ammon od of a axoduowt w giitmmved 288%e | voohan qee 
teeters — -s@ektound: LAtee? wic % peepee se ¥ 

yy Meee Hi, Z 
» AG ¥ 


ra erase per tes saguens Se every promimn artes tbe first dering 
Lee ees de the quae period the funeral benefits will suse- 
matiselly te ee erite uy te that Sime shall. thereupon be Torseites 
to Funeral System av a consideration for the protection and benefite 
given to esid person while he was a wember in good standing.” 

It appears from the premium receipt beck in evidence that 
decedent hed at no time between the months of June and Neveuber, 
1931, paid her premiums on their due dates. The premium due June 22 
was paid Jume 243 June 28 was paid July 83 July 6 wee paid July 99 
July 13 was paid July 163 July 20 wae paid July 82: ‘uguet 3 one 
paid August 6; sugqust 10 wee paid weust 123 sugust 17 wee padd 
August 263; the premiums of August 24 and /ugust $1 wore paid September 
33 September Twas paid September 103 September 14 wac paid September 
243 “optember 21 was paid October 13 September 28 was paid Ooteber 
153; October 6 wee paid Geteber 223; Octeber 12 was paid Gectober 29, 
and Octeber 19 was paid Sovember 52 Decenned died Nevember 12. 

It is evident that neither of the foregoing inconsistent 
provisions of the by-laws relating to default and forfeiture was 
enforced by defendant in the instant ease. <ny rights that it may 
have had to insist om prompt payments as previded in section 3 of 
article 5 were waived by the acceptance of premiums after their due 
éate continuously for a period of approximately five months. The 
iS-dey grace peried previded for in the by-laws was likewise weived, 
fer defendent accepted a premium October 15 vhich became due 
September 26, more than 15 days after the peried of greece had begun 
to rum, and it treated the certificate se though it were in full force 
and effeet by collecting premiums October 22, October 29 and November 
5, at regular weekly intervale. At no time did d«fendent notify de- 
@¢need that it would insist en prompt payment of premiums as provided 
in its by-laws, but it continued to receive them after they became 
due om preetically every premium date for five months preced ing 

ler deoth, The secoptance of premiums during this long period 


ht Et bw ukate 9 pevebixt’ enon nly gy if to dotreg etmity a” 

“9% gaxkd eal? t 
ere m= at somtteos etasa od iPad oF of eagle as Th ra Ay dole 

mod sig eiitened In bo die 
Pr May Me bie 4 Bbov pag Stun ee setae" te 

botioi<e? ed wots Linde éasia “taltoued bt bE 
“qgtuat tne eo liosdony oft aoe metdeee Siesed “a aa q bes ae ok 
| “sgetonads beep wk rodema © saw od oLldw ; mosteg. héan od sovi 
sad woman twe ni sined iqiooex ous aee 4 ot ange % atengus od 
. stoduover hrs omart te cdinom ed? mwewted escit on te hed 

ai ot get 
SR ema oud artery watt ssoted ou che? ae camduosy vost Ding ofBOd 

i ee eae 

22a “En ROR 
SE_SEYS Mag, sar © VANE th VEyS Ding cow $F onwt YOR Onve Atay one 

wer © Saeree 488 yint hing saw CR VANS 20h Vint Bhan: daw ce 
_ Dba naw TL dough gRL Sawyer blag aaw OF temyy’ 8 taupe Ris) 
se dentune Steg orew £8 tamu bas 9S Sammars we amy ene ae ons paring 
tedmedges bieq caw ML Fedamsqa® (OL xedmesqed bhag. sow ™ mee 4 AM 
radote® hing ow 6G sodmotqes Gi tededeO hieg eax IS rene 
AB teed? bieg saw SL cedotod 438 redegav Mag saw 6 eferee 
SRL aedomyoR beth bpaneoei +8 sedmeveli biey ayw $8 eegeee®, a 
dmedeionooms yoiagere? uli te, ocd bom sade deebkys ak fhe — to i 
sew etude telcos bin shugted oF aatialeg anak-yd eas 20 | 

Oe A: abides 
AA ORMt. StS ORs ye, teen, Poni, td 8, eee tg! 9, Nepean ort @ 
to & molicea at bebtyorg Ho adcomyeg Sumorg se detunt of be fp | 
ex haste sale supimom Ie semadquone oad yd Review 9 bisa 
em? .axitvor ovil yletemixergge to bodteg a wet Yaw wortiges F 
ehovien oatveat! aow analy eft mt “ot beblveny bokzeg % 
~ oi » elt, eeuvned Katde BE xogosed mitmeng « hedge o> 
umed dest ooamp Ye koixeg odd ode, ows Of past | open 9 ee me 
eone® Lint wt exew sh daueds ag ofsokttdxne gel? botsons (8 bom aman oa 
wedweveX ise Ok awdnge0 489 sedo7o0 scutes satsootion we ; xt» me 
~oh Utivon dmabaeteh bib emt? on $A oelewasent yideow w rg 4 
hen tynrn ae gute te Ineayag tqumng 0 daiont bLuow 8 dale bom i” 
tenet Yous wedto mold eviooss 62 ous 2e00 a ud awn (eek ot 
“gut boe0r extimom ovEh x0k ofab amore YoOVe | 190 

be2req geet aid yaiish a 2 comtenete att - 




of time with unvarying regularity estopped defendant from claiming 
that the certificate had lapsed beeanse of either of the foregoing 
provisions. YForfeitures are not favored, and courts are always 
reluctant to enforce them and will readily seize hold of any cir- 
cumstance indiceting an intended weiver, especially where the alleged 
forfeiture appecrs to be contrary to equity and good conscience. Ve 
ze held in Kouta ve. Royal League, 274 [lls Appe 152, and there aise 
said that where the evidence shows an established practice of aceopt~ 
ing delinquent assessments in violation of the provisions ef the 
organization relating to suspension and forfeiture, and where it had 
aceepted delinquent payments from a deceased member over a long 
period of time, the organiszetion ia deemed ito have waived ite Laws 
es to suspension and forfeiture, and cannot be heard to say that the 
dececsed member's bencfit certificate had been ferfeited ai the time 
of his death beesuse of arrearages then existing. to the same effeet 
are the following: Monahan v. Fidelity Mutual Life Inge Coe, 242 LlLe 
483, 494; Ililinois Life Aga'mn ve Jellies, 200 [lie 445, 452; May on 
Insuranee, Third Sditiom, vole <5 sa@¢+ 361, ps 7766 

it is urged, however, that plaintiff, having alleged pere 
formance of the conditions of the membership certifieste, cannes rd y 
upon a waiver, beceuse the same is not apecizlly pleaded. ince 
defendant made mo objection in the trial court te the introduction 
of evidence relative to the muner in which premium payments were 
made, 1t is mow barred, under the Civil Practiee Act from raising 
any defeets in pleedings, either in form or substanes, which were 
not there preserved by proper objection. (Chaps 110, sec. 166 (3), 
“mith-Hurd Revised Statutes, 1933.) Rule 104 of the Municipal 
court of Chicago, which became effeetive prior to the trial of this 
cause, and of which we take judicial notice, (Capital State Savings 
Bank v> Lareon, 255 Tlle Appe 479)» likewise precludes defendant from 
reising the question. Theat rule provides in effect that a new trial 

Brintale mort tueherte baggotay ytasluper gakyravnw Adds, emt? Ro 

qtteyexe? oft To amitte ‘we aammood besqut bed ‘Menrsbendp. nih. sails 
aware extn eituoo ben eherevet fom, ore sarsdkeDcok » ) 

wit. yao te bed exten vEtbeox Lib tna medi soretne of dmadouden 

bopaits astd teste: YLLeloogus stovisw bhobnedat me antdootont cunadenle 
oY ,eonsloanes boop hein Citupe og yisas ties od o¢ axoeace ord Lorret 

outa oxeds ban SOL oqqa «fft ov auaaed. Lavpfi v odor wk bios 98 
hing Pes 
«dqowns ‘te soliton hortatideses ne eworte eppebtve suit exedw dasa aap 

“pitt to enotetyoug edt Se tottetoly mi sinesmecase sneupntted pak 
ea et, 

hast 2 etedw bum vtmdietxot has no Lenoquae oi patintex raisaxinans 
ieet 2 1sv0 todeom Beeacved & mock aduearyaq seoupet ted | bed 

‘ewal a¢t beview ved of Bemob et soltantnsgzo out vomit Ye 

Me. ee 

‘edd tas? Us of breed od tomas hae yore exo bes motanogeue OF | : 

eat? etd dn betkokxot mood basi ednoiibdz0e 4 Homes o'rednen 

#ootte sass sid of santteixe mei? neystserts to sauces stant ane to 
: nen 

WEE SDS 4.99 soak OTAT SeudeM yALoUIT .¥ madmen EMER ont ons 

Ho Yall (88H .Obd .££i 008 yaiter + logs SRL ebonitst eth ' 
S the 20 ed way bere 

aBtY ag et +968 8 Lov eno s2ea brhdt aot ; 

gee AY leis a Sarde 

“tog beyotts gotvent ‘Vildotakg sods soverost ebopur er ee 

iY ee PRA OO sak . 
ive senna sodon iti re0 tislerednon ett 1 smudeibn09: yd i i 

is e'tew adsrourgag mukeesy doksw at senna os “a gery est pone 

4 # Let BOG I 

- pittokes wue's%t dod evksosxt Lived oud ‘ce bm stoneusil wilt ‘ 
“pxew fiuddiw .opaatedve 10 m0 wt xoiiths seumtbooig al 
gf) bi +008 e0£L vast?) +o ioe de xeqog we b wes 
Logi test ete te vor © Lash (eer soesutase beatves 
abs te kates add of volig ovitoe tte Senopd Hotes, 99 phd 
| AMLWAE efe9% L09tq00) ,oodson Intothuh, wlsd, aw dobsy a 
) mot? dniaberoted sobsloorg oukwodtt af OTd ome. off Pe PELE. 

daixd wor = tat footte at webivom efut sat 


ehali not be granted or any jwigment vacated or set aside, after 
a trial and a finding by the court or a verdict of a jury, on the 
ground of the insufficieney in law ef any pleading, wiless it appears 
thet no reasonable cause of action or defense exists and no legitimate 
amendment ¢an cure the defect, an’ the rule alee requires thet prier 
te the trial such insufficiency in lew be brought to the court's 
attention by proper motion. A mote appended to rule 104, contained 
in the official copy of the court's rules, states the reason for the 
rule ag followss 
Hitie Died ayecd, Myon rage.» Mo im a defect in an opponent’ @ 
erroneous, uietly stands by can gemdiie 9a on oe trails 
with the triel of the ease, should not be permitted to profit by 
hie silence. The best way to prevent such reprehensible practice 
is to make such provisions by rule ae will render it unavailing te 
the guilty party.” 

Defendant next contends that plaintiff's failure to bring 
suit within the one.year prevision ef the by-laws bars a reeovery. 
Te avail itself ef this defenee it was incumbent upon the defendant 
te prove (1) that the by-laws were adopted aecerding to the procedure 
prescribed by the fundamental law of the Association (Ketrepelitan 
Aecident sse'n v. Yindover, 157 111. 417, 434); (2) that the by-lows 
became effective prior to the time that decedent become a member; 
(3) ors if adopted subsequent to the date of her membership, that 
she had knowledge thereof or expressly agree’ te be bound thereby. 
(Covenant Mut. Life -es'n v. Kentner, 143 111. 431.) ‘The only witness 
who tentified with respect to the by~lews was defendent's secretary, 
Pred Lewing. He brought with him, and identified, the minute book of 
the Association, and stated that the by-laws were adopted at a meeting 
held December 23, 1929, pursuant to the posting of « notice of the 
meeting in the window of defendant's place of business. The minutes 
failed to state thet a quorum was present, or who voted on the aseption 
of the by-laws. Lewing sought to eupply these details by tertifying 

that he believed there were some 30 or 40 persone present, but could 

“ands qehtea Fou to bedaeay trong tnt Yaw té betidty Se PeNUtEde 

| ‘eal mo ,wurl 2 te dodixey o co sumed oly qe geetbelt @ bn Mabe 
WEsequs tf sass ,authaoly ys te wel wh Yousltel Tivent odd te Nee 
otemidtget on ne wsalxo care tod ve netish Yo ouuad odanonacd ow Saild 

“ gebvq dost aetinpwt oota Lair ef? hee ,dpe'tob odd oxi feo Wawel 
Bt atu0. of? of degword od wal wt yomelytTiwund dove Lali? ont ov 

“ pendasnos shOL Lut ef bobreqqa ston i smottom wwqoty yo nolenedte 
eo" te? mesest oeff aedatde ,eetox a'étueo afd Ve yaeo naar readied 

| “e'tiessane ne mt towtoh a ak exedd yittworot youtw’ Ae stags “ft 
teva k 

rye a fo M7 Shinton bas ‘dab : Bhi 0 mH 
aie "Sit rele etax utes snoveut 60 'sguw eendian ote 
oe #2 monet iftw ge wiavn we eno tei vox : aon 5 Sempadaten aa 
“pane of ovwEie® w'Metintede sed? abeedane dean teebmeted toae eel 
AM TeVeOST 2 etad awet-yo ond to netedveng twoy ees, old, midste sive 
dinbeetee wit moqu teedmort saw 44 saneted abit te Linest Lheve,eT 
ethesong eft BE gurtbenoen betcohe oxaw' ametoyst oct dads (1) everqed 
gasiloqorde) wobtotoowna ond Yo wal Letpemabmat edd. balneiiieail 
andes wad tard (GS) 4(9Sd AVEO «SS WL agovebedy av bios 
{ted o dmeved sneheoed dad? amid odd ot soteg ovteeenie 4 , 9 ° 
fasld qtitesodnom vod Ww obsb O43 of Anexpondue dodqads .22.ox9 (2 
- yX@ensts bewed od of heovge Ueevigze.s¢ Loo nedy © at haat 
svontiw vine of? (.£00 461 B64 .z9RdmOX o¥ Kine ORAL» dae Smamowed) 
stiaionoc# alinabnoted ase awal~yd old of Igeqeet atin bet 3 7 | at 
Ye dood edunin end yhuitidnod! dew ams Atty dmguond ol . «ge se f ex 
gatieon m ¢s hotgode exew vead~yd od Joss Detadu den «modtatoneas gad 
end 16 solson m Ww goidneg onl OF smeunrng »OROL ER x0 89 904) bie d 
| etatrtet om snsontent 20 spatg e'imehan rob Yo. wee nh hi icon 


not state who they were, ‘hen examine’ with reference to ether 
mestings held prior to the ome in question, he could net remember 
any detailed facts. Plaintiff ingists that the by-laws were adopted 
at a much later date, and after decadent joined the association, 

This fact became important. it is enrnestly argued that Lewing's 
cross-examination showed hie memory to have been co feulty, and his 
evidence s@ unreliable, as to cent concidsrable doubt upen his 
eredibility. in any event, it beeame « question tor the jury te 
pass on his eredibility ond determine, among other things, whether 
or not the by-laws were adopted on December 25, 1929, or at a later 
date. If they beeome effective sfter March 24, 1930, when decedent 
acquired her menbership certifieate, her adwinistratrix would not be 
bound thereby unless she (decedent) had expressly agreed to be bound. 
The membership certificate contains a provivion that "each and avery 
by-law of said System shall likewise be binding upon onid mexber, his 
heirs, executors ond administrators," but thie, in our opinion, is 
not aufficient under the authorities hereinbefere cited. According 
to Lewing there were only twe copies of the by-laws in existence, 

one of which vas contained in the minute beok of the «sseciation, 

end the other that had been filed with the Department ef Insurance 
in Springfielé. Moreever, we find whet purports to be » complete 
abstract of the by-laws on the back of decedent's mexbership cer- 
tifieste, but no mention is made therein of the one-year limitation 
provision. ‘Since neither the decadent nor her administratrix had 
ever seen the by-laws, only two copies of which were in existence, 
Plaintiff was justified in assuming that the regular statutery period 
existed in which te file suit, and the court ought net, under the 
circunstenoes, shorten the period of Limitation becouse of the omission 
of defendant te includes what 1% now contends to be an important 
provision of the by-laws. it has beon held that where « aynopsis of 

the by-laws is included on the membership certificate, thus leeding 

wakte of eumowton dike totems med)  sempe ett ont otadd ton 
teteieees ten biagn od gntolinemp nt fone wilt of 69 bt: bie upaltein 
kndaobe wrow awaleyd ade fold etetemt Vtindelt sededt netieteb gue 
oe stektekoenas est hentol anobaneh wots hms «otat moter dom 4 Fa 
_atpedeed dadt Soups YLdeweteg of 21 | xtendveqm) amaged ton? abet 
ait ane , dive? ox coed eved of Yemen abd héwest nobdaritaatnsddots 
_ aksk noge Adveb eLdaxobtenos tac 0% ue vatdshious we wanebiyy 
| ot wml edt wo? noltaeup m onoiod @2 yinews ww al» ewetttsiboss 
Teddedy yogeidd tadze gnoms qeniaxedeb hea qd tidkbers. ote so ant 
regal « ta 9 anes 288 todaes ms ee 
droiny oud natin antes wh dlo-ralé rosa oven tae ‘emnoed Yorit ‘2E tab 
oe ton bLsen xindandodeina cont soteot neces eorodeon to : {bee tepos 
sbrund ef 0 deoxge YLeverexo bast (Inohooed) exe encten yooved? hued 
HVE tne Homs® fait nodeivesg w umtadnoe wbavtTt sed qtitereduen et 
ak yoda bisa nog gatintd ed extwcHss Linte modey Biwe Bei We ee 
ot qnotutqn tue nt ysidd tue gape enitheit : 

steiquco a ed of sdveqgig Satta wits dweoreeiel ” pm eage ted 
~2e0 qituneduen o'tusbeosb 20 dood edd no anieilah tied 
 abind int sexoy-an edt to mtordd haw at nottoon @ on shah pdt 

tana 9 tment tate fob % 
abe en sd a a at 10 8 


the beneficiary to believe that it contains all provisions of the 
aseeciation, the beneficiary has a right to rely on such synopsis, 
and the association is thereafter estopped to deny liability under 
ae law which was overlooked because of this omission. (Bierback v- 
Mutual Benefit Health & Accident Asa'm, 100 Webr. 675, 679; Rational 

Masonic Aco. Ass'n v. Titman, 58 Tlle App. 642, 645.) 
Lastly, it is argued that the iietropolitan Funeral Core 

poration, being the bencficiary under the certificate would be the 
enly one entitled te recover. This contention is based on the 
following facts: There were two corporations invelved in this proe- 
ceeding, with somewhat similar names, Vide, defendant herein, 
Metropolitan Funeral Syetom Acsociation, « corporation organized 
under the Burial Act of Illinois (“mith-Hurd 19535 Reve State, 

chape 73, pare 490a, sece Sa), and the Metropolitan Funeral Core 
poration, organized under the laws of lilinois, whieh is not a party 
te the suit but a guarantor of the burial. lefendant calle attention 
te thet part of the menbership certifiesate isvued te plaintiff's in- 
testate which provides “that the Netropelitan Fumersl Cerporation, an 
Tliineis corporation, shall furnish the burial," and another pro- 
vision in the certificate which “epecifiexlly confirms the designation 
of the Netropolitan Funeral Corporation as beneficiary of the afere- 
said $400 funeral benefits, and confirms and ratifies any contract 
entered inte between the lictropolitan Funeral System Association ani 
Metropolitan Funeral Corporation whereby said Metropolitan Funeral 
Corporation undertakes to furnish a firet elass funeral and burial for 
all members of said Funerel System," and argues that beenuse of these 
provisions plaintiff's intestate is not entitled to the funeral 
bensfits. The facts disclose that when Roberta Guyton became a meniber 
of the association March 24, 1950, there was indorsed on her certificate 
& promise to issue a new certificate as soon as the Director of Trade 
end Commerce approved it. Up to the time of her death, November 12, 
1931, no new certificate was issued. Plaintiff points out that the 

“ata te anntetyorg Cin emtetaoo tt Jadd evelied of yxetottened end 
stages dove so wLot of tdgit a onal Vtetottenod old sno Keakeqaas 
tobau Yliidesl yrob of beqgetse tedteoted? wt nottaiagnes ond, few 
v doadze lg) »teteaiow elds te eaueoed baxeolteve Baw sole ha 
Apwgtiay e709 e89O secon OOL gM'aa! tamb i AS Loot | 1 
(GOO g8A9 sqqA .fLI 88 reat ¥ 
~x00 Lowanifl nadifoqordeM edd tadd towgre at 22 veitaat ihe 
ent ed ALsow eteoitisxos ads xebus yreloltoned oid puted caotsoreg 
| ett m9 beced of moliastues sid? + teve0es ot botthine ono vio, 
“07g eidé ni beviovel astohdatoqxos ows otew exodT patost antwoLsox 
7 , wniered jnabas tob een eoontan xa Lode tadtremes detw rotboeo, 
bea Lnsgte noksareqze> 2 eholteioonaa modare Enzomust ast oqo olt 
-— aeted® ovell 80K buulimdd het) etombLtr to toa Kobawtt ont reba 
x00 Larenut nad $Loqo tte odd fae «(eb »900 2a0e> ross ey oeast 
eet a som ae dio tdw ators ier te swat ods te feck bo atnagte geehtomy 
notinesés aLino dnabre ted fatswd sald to sod meres a aug diva one iol 
“Hh et Vikinislq od bewwat edaoliteies gideredmom odd to to ¢7aq dasld oF 
i tigkisxoqrod favonwl xatifLegoexted edd? gana” ashivoxq sodtiw ctagnes 
~21q tedvons bas "yfetud off seteew? {are wHotdarogron ‘atontisz | 
notisegtae’ sais ears £ Iso 9 test ttoeqa" tpdeiw sdeotissseo ont mt notaty 
~erota eat to Yialoliened ee nottaroqied Lexenwt mad tLoxorso att 0 
tonts0 Yes aeitiver bas emxiines dex wdttoned iexonut 20m bise 
one wot nisosaa mad age {arena nat tLogo cdi osit noavded oint honetae 
Astemsl metifegqextex blaa ¢de sede moss oupqTed Lorem nad bogota 
to% fatwd bas Istemut enale taxi? @ dators® o# asdadtebas notisxoqted 
seeds te aeenoed dat? wownre bre “pup taye Larenuft bias re ee daam ts 
. _ kecnmurt ons o? doLil tne tou ai ssasacdnt atribtntety anole 8 
sodas as emaoed nos atxedof poy tad eeokoekh atoat ont “spttioned ‘ 
invlttixps xed no beatohnt avw otedd ,OERL —hS Motel poitalonans od? to 
ebeny Xe tosoor he ods ae MOOR Us ptactitewo wen s eimad ot onda tg 8 i 
eS redmevot sitesk ton To omk? ont hd ll Gt hevorues #1 eTreeeS SP 
et? ¢alt ¢wo adniog Yitintals sbeweal saw efsoltisxeo wen on hee 


eld eertificate was not in conformity with the recuirements of the 
act under which defendant was incorporated, as amended in 192%, and 
Galls attention to that part of the statute which prevides that 

“The benefit of sueh certificate after the pussage of thie Aet ehall 
only be made payable to a mexber's estate or to a person who would 
be entitled to take of such member's estate under the provisions of 
‘An Ast in regerd to the descent of property,' approved April 3, 
1872, as smended, if such mewber would die intestate, as such menber 
may determine.” (Chap. 73) Sec. 491) Smith-Hard's 111. Keve Statas, 

Under the circumstances, the Metropoliten Funeral Corporation could 
mot be the beneficiary in contravention of the ctatute, and this was 
especially true in the instant case because the latter corporation 
Was an agent of defendant. Our courts have held thet the stetutes 
of this state must be regarded as entering inte and forming a part 
of the contract between parties to the same extent as if embedied 
therein. (Bolies ve Mutual, 820 lll. 400, 408.) 

Other points are raised by counsel's brief. %e have 
examined them carefully but find no convincing reasons therein for 
reversal. Therefore the judgment of the Municipal court is 


Seanlan and Sullivan, JJe, concurs 

ie ots 
mE ; 

Ae ALE, 


welt Ye etemmottupes atlt Siw Yideroleoe wt dot gow BdieLTIedie ‘bLe 
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SD See Dae ee 

cl PO Ry Peis 

a res a's re 

ng of A vn ot Ligeg ey: Spano: nee f 

on 9 Seek ot seg 

vs APPSAL FROM erreur? 
of Mitenee Railweys Company } a 
Stee, & 20 P| a + OR ~b 
‘ppellants. 979 [.A.633 


Plaintiff sued in tort to recever damages for personal, 
injuries alleged te have been sustained while riding as a passenger 
on a etreet car operated by defendants. Trial was had by jury, 
resulting in a verdict and judgment in favor of plaintiff fer 
$3,809, from which defendants appeal. 

The amended declaration charged that plaintiff was in 
the act of boarding em east bound street car at the intersection 
of ‘rmitage and Karlery avenues in Chicago; that it wae defandants' 
duty to give him an eppextunity te safely beard said ear and to 
keep it stending for a rensonable time to enable plaintiff, a 
passenger, to anfely board the curg that dieregerding this duty, 
ang while plaintiff wee in the exereise of o11 due care for his 
own sofety, defendents carelessly, negligently and impreperly 
Geused said ear te suddenly ani violently jerk, start and move, 
thereby enusing plaintiff to be thrown from enid ear with great 
force ant injured. Sefendente filed a plea of the general issue. 

Plaintiff's version as to the cause of his injuries is 
completely at varianee with the testimony of defendants’ witnesses. 
He stated that “uguet 19, 1952, shortly before 8100 o'clock in the 
morsing, he, along with several other passengers, bearded an east 


~ aes 

ene et ae Ce ee Y. 

eto 4. evs 2" Kamien 


fandareq tet sogamad veveoot of Sued mi home Yeitata RW 
 Megnoeseg » ce yatbhe oLhdw bortadawe need eved od | ~omvnieille 
| CXR YC bal wow Saleh sainainstoh YW betazeee cao doomte # me | 
not Tiitntale te sovel nd smespbut hee tolenews af pal siever 
eT adnehew ied Heise mort 0084S 
wh wae, vitentata tant, begtato agitetekoss tebneme off - kal vie : 
fotdoeerosat ont sa x00 teutse bawed dans me yatbaned Xe tem Mh 
‘adnaban teh wav th Jadd pogwedd? af eeuneve volxe% tne epedia: te 
od bem ren bise huoed Vielen 02 itmiconge ms mde ovty od ‘uta 
# «titentely eldems ad omts sidanoaset * 02. paltnade,: geen. 
ae oidd gmibtcperakh tad game exld eunod yfetes oF 7 nenmny 
shi tie cut dts an enbqnenret i eon anal 
YLooqerqat baa yLinegtiger «ylasefetse atnsbnre tod seo bw nee 
even bum dunde gaat yitaetoty hun umebbon of eo bhae homing 
faery Gite to Mae mx? movi? od od Thtintele griewes vitevede | 
onewd Latereg add Yo sekq 2 boLtt atasbaated~ .tomtat tas eoret 
af eokmiiat als Ie eae auld ov ‘am so terey ereniemtert HR iy 
~asavendin 'ndmabnoteh to yreubtosd ext Aetw conatrey ta yLotelgaee 
| ald md Sooke" 0018 oxeted YLsxomle —RBOL OL tawgws dad bodadh “i ‘\j 
tess ne babxaod  ereptensag tedte Lexeves dtiw aioe vee pntese 

ie » 

Nod oe aa aie ee 

Ha Shes iy ates Pe ve 
ky Ren 


bound car which had stepped at the south woet corner of Armitage 
ami Kerley evemues; that he was one of the last to get on, and was 
standing about “a foot or se in on the platform," with his back to 
the upright bar that runs from the ceiling of the cor down to the 
plistform, along with other passengers, waiting to pay his fare, when 
the ear started ferword. The conductor began to collect fares, and 
after the ear hed run about 10 or 15 feet it suddenly "started te 
lurch" or “eway," and plaintiff stated that "I lowt wy legs and 
grabbed for the center rail, and i missed that, and 1 was dumped 
off. * * * i remember nothing after 1 feli.* 

Five of defendants’ witnesses, including the moterman 
and conductor, testified that the ear started up in the usvel way, 
and thet it did met jerk, lureh or wvay ot any time. Four of these 
were eyewitnesses, and teatified that piaimtics steppe: eff the car 
efter it hed et«rted to move, ond thet he stood on the pavement a 
‘moment or two, when he wae «truck and knocked down by an suniomebile 
peesing the street care 

Edward H. Bellerive, employed by the Raliway ixpress 
Company, stated that he boarded the ear at the same intersection as 
Plaintiff; that five or six persens got on the car there while it 
wns standing still; that after the ear had gone shout 10 feet plain- 
siff stepped eff the ear and had his two feet on the pavement about 
@ seseond or two, when a Chevrolet suteomebile enme from fhe rear 
around the right side of the street ear and hit plaintiffs; thet it 
twirled him around two or three times, caused him to fell backward 
and strike his head on the pavement. The witness eaid that he we 
waiting for bis change from the conductor, standing directly opposite 
plaintiff when he got off the carg that the ear started up from a 
standstill, going very slowly at fivet, and that there was no jerking 
or lurching ar swaying} that when plaintiff was pleked up he vas 
lying on the west side of Karlev avenue, “right close to the sidewalk, 

4 Al 

epationy be come teow sfdson ee ta baquede bast dotdw nes sauce 
aew bee ,oe fey of deal off? Yo eho saw of toatd yeounsvs voloi fee 
o? doad eid Ka bw * sroteslg wis mo mk om vo tout a* suods eee 
edt od tare cap sit) Ye wehiton edt anc? anes ted sad tilghoge th 
medi .otst eisl yor of ankfiow ,ategeseasg rate Aoiv quote are sdely 
baie qaorak danilos og saped xovoubmes adlT sbrcweot besuade 19 ext 
ae betunte" “nw vhue If Foot BL xo OL supa mrt Sack xa ot 083 
be mgel wu duet I" dard hodats rhivnlely bon * sua e "tox 
fmqaird cow X hme cdedd bouote I hme gLtdt Yano bald x0? beddany 
| “ALOR i xetho pRbsloan noduones 1 **.% «Rho 
maactosen ext pothutant yoasontiv ‘etuabmeted te ovst pes 
okse ‘hares eds mt qa bodrase 69 ost tests ter2vnes srosoutave bass 

Satie ware of Re 

seeds Xo awolt void win Jo you 20 doxws ical dom nth at ttt nt tn 

3h tes: Pee a. 

29 ents rte voqgede vibembaig aust betiteane bawe 4 rapanend wens, e199 
a pumarven ats we hootu ex sont bate eve ry, detunge 7 Sh 


as | aol tovsrotnt euoa od ae 189 outs pov a tans ‘ieee, 
ak eta exed? ta9 ed? me Joy enonreg aba xp wrk 4.. oridse : 
-miaiy soot OL syods ony bad x90 ond sadte sodd. ALLE, grtbnete se | 
fueds tuemovag ed? no 400% ox4 oh, bed bog. =pe od? Me, beagefe, Yas 
ages 2 edt woxt anne eh donne Sokexvor « steaty, owt re tent ; 
$e fuste iNidsnialg eid tne 9p foots ssi, 30 ebte. Saeed odd hawpsa 

a moe? qu bodrata 288 orld das $e oat ‘tte pipiengees 
maton ner rade et Aan fect, inna Tan 
aw on gx Doxey om YidvmLeLG mindy dauly bye me 8 4 
eet Fonte Hts” cemera Yor M8 Bt tae ot a \ 


or between the curdsione ani the sidewalk," and that « moment 
later a taxicab cone slong, taking plaintiff to the hogpitel. 

Leon M. Roche, whe is engaged in the publishing business, 
testified that he boarded the car at the intersection in question. 
He paid his fare, the car sterted, and he remained on the platform, 
He said he noticed plaintiff alight from the strest cer just »fter 
it started, stepping off into the street; thet he remeined stending 
there for just a few seconds, when an automobile coming from the 
weet passed the street cor and sideswiped himy that he we “pushed* 
around, fsll on his back, and struck his head. This witness Likewkees 
testified that the car started smoothiy, and that there wea no jerke- 
ing or swaying at the time. 

John Bade», «a third witness fer defendonta, testified that 
he was employed in the electrical department of the Chiengo Surface 
Lines and wae on his way to work when he witmeesed the accidents 
that he bearded the otrect car at Koutner avemucs thet 1% stopped 
at Kerley arenuc, where 5 or 6 people got on, then started ARG 
went 16 or 12 fect befere anything happened}; thet the ear mods an 
even start, end that there wae no jerking, swaying or any unusual 
motion of the cor at ally that he sew plaintiff get on the ear and 
a moment ister sew him atep out backward and observed that he was 
struck by an sutomovile, twisted around three er four times, and 
) thrown to the pavements that the sutemobile was going east, and did 
| gon etep after the oocurrence. The conductor and another man picked 
Plaintiff up, put him in a Cheeker onb, and he wos taken aways The 
witness testified that he was not acquainted with, and had never 
geen the conductor er motorman before. He alse stated that after 
plainticf got on the platform he stood there for a moment, then 
atepped back on the step and off on to the pavement; and that almost 
simultaneously the sutemebile passed and struck him, 

William Uhl, the conductor, stated that the ear stepped 

tA Be 
Q ie 

treme  aedt Ane * hlawohia ~ oats enosagaiy one mooetog 
afathqeed eld ae VLiminse anbsies emote vais dapixed a reas 
_ ganomdend parte LL ats oh begagme ef bode sedooi Me ‘mod ii ia 
Mok somtry mi Hol Sooutedmt etd ie too ‘edi bobuaed eat ands bodtadued 
sevtadg ode fo been Leaner ot bon qheduate wae ots seek at biog ox 
wedtr tus tar deans atts mort diighle vabentaty pooke on oat. dies % 
gains bantaney aad pala {dearée od? oant to srdqgats sortase By 
ond abl age tsie 9 eLiveme sus ma mestw vebaooes wo a taut x10? exadd 
"peste" eae wai tent gankel poqtwnebis bis a0 deomte ould ‘besng Sumw 
outwexit asossa bw ete sheet pit sowrde Gam etlond ‘ele no fier «buon ak 
: —, oe aan onsdt tart bmn velit oom bodrzade ‘ts0 ede ssa nedasbesd: 
souk? ot tn piiyowa x0 e 
dacts boktidues ceinabnodeb sot enontiw butdd onan dala eco 
ooatun onset? es Yo neat caged Leotrsoode ot? mt degetome re 
y | tinpbdose ei? beseontiw el rede asew of yar att no ‘ pak Be wh : 
beagodn gt doc? youneva temteoX da xen deotte and bownand a pole 
ine hodeeda madd «xo dem efyoeg & xo 8 oresiy souiovn voLual 
Se ohn Tae wit Sots ihonoquat uakittyae exoted as was 
Saweuns Ym x0 palyawa epeltzel on waw orndd dna ao eate moys 
bas tae ould Oo dog Yittnlale wee oof tonld (Le ta x89 ‘ott re woke 
| ame ek data dovrende bee brardoed #9 qoée mit woe etek erm 
yi bas somkd wok x0 ould kawoxn bedulwd 8iksomodun Cd forte 
beh. pre tees anton sew oxtdoasaws ots sta t tnomeveg eat oe mr £ 
Restate mes reddone hea xozowbao9 et? sooner so od wotte ote om “ 
ont “tows nosted as od baw do texondd « ak aid ‘eal cw " ts shade 
reves bast tee att tw hedataspos Jou cow ext duct ‘boltiinsd agen te 
| reste taal? bodega ou ks 2 sowwied nasrodoa x0 ‘rofombnes “st anos 
greats | anemosr fo wh oxete boats on eve 18.84 esl ca do8 2 ntatat ‘- 
fe WA rer tf hts 6c | 
_ Mintel alowed a iue Poweng eLiveus sue edd yo 

a) Gi 
xT: He Tey. Meee 

_MeMKOfA Tio Ot, dade Daft «xoteanane adh oh ms “We 7 


at Karlovy «venue to receive 5 or 6 passengers; that after he anw 

all of the passengers on the platform he sigualled the motorman 

t@ gO, and the eur atearted; that there was no jerking or swaying 

as the car ran along; that they went sbout 7 to 10 feet, when atl 

of a sudden he eaw plaintiff’ standing on the street, and one or 

two seconds later 2 machine going cast on the right side of the ear 
hit plaintiff and knocked him downy that when the tar stepped he 
went over and with the help ef another pexvson standing on the «treet 
picked plaintiff up, placed him in « taxicab and requested that he 
be sent to s hospital. 

The fifth witness for defendants wee Charles Grow, the 
motorman, whe testified he had been » motorman for 20 years; that 
after making a stop at Karlov avenue on the worning im question he 
was given the sicznal te start, and went sbout 1) feet whem he heerd 
the emergency signal and stopped; thet he started the car at Karlev 
avenue with » slow, even motion, without ony jerking or swaying, 
and came to « stop when the emergency signal sounded, as quickly 
as possible. 

Your of defendnnts' witnesses aid thet the automebile 
which struck plaintiff kept right on going, and none of them obtained 
the license mumber. Yhsir testimony varied somewhat with referenee te 
details relative to the color and deseription of the automobile and 
the manner in which plaintiff stepped from the oar, but all of them 
stated positively that he left the ear shortiy efter he bearded the 
pome, end thot they saw him standing on the povement for several 
seconds before he was hit by the passing automeb ile. 

The only other oeeurrence witness for plaintiff was one 
Merle Wiley, driver of a Checker taxicab, who teetified thes he was 
driving east on ‘rmitage avenue and noticed a street cary stand ing 
still, near the corner of Karlev avenues that thereafter the oar 
started an¢ meved about 15 or 30 feet, and again stopped: that he 



wae ox vot%o tad? yexwpmenseg @ te © oviooes OF ountve VELEHR HP 
ee motintg ait me etepnscneg eat 26°E2) 
“gators xe patie t on 2aN ortoate tad? probate cae oad few gon OF 

‘Ile neve ypon% OL of ¥ tuads anew odd dand tanola nox we ele ab 

‘te one bon gtoexds nett mo pathvate Vitdebelq whe od wobewd & Ye 

tno o49 to ohtw dicta ove up fons naten ontdons o 19%et abmetul ove 
oni bagqose may eatd cnale dul? gowed mid govtoont bas Vtintete sie 
feeds wie mo gathnnta noeteg redone Yo qiod add Mtv ben seve dXely 
oe be doen pee bite duphaed @ mt mbt bawate vio Tittnkerg hotel 
oe tad tevon « ot Saad ee 
the gtd enkuade am vineiacieh wh sacndte dhl Heo 
test geteey OR tel namrofem 2 seed dad Of hes ttteod “eutw ynaaieedier, 
“eh mobtoesy mi yuticcos eld ao oumovs volta td qodw it phism xedte 
puoed eff med toot Uf voce drow ban ,txodu of tang te “ee mewhy aie 
waded in x9 of? bediodo oof Ind? (heqgdta bio iengte Yoneqrems odd 
epeckyans 10 -ynttxot wn Sorts te yao kom move ywols 2 iw onmeee 
vfiolup an .hohmeed Largte | serie cot 4 oF tne ts 
| Nae Ul, oteteen 
SLkddmosua vd tadt vies eoneent iw CONES 0 Ce 
 bgmtasde sont Yo men hen yontoy wo date qed Videntaledownimatodde 
(of eoneroten dit fafrome telrev yoattecd thot? «sede ounmndhndt 
tot PLidomedua sid Yo mobiqdusees baa toLoe add of er 
mod? Yo Lie sud ytoe ot wort begqede Viidntady doldw mt comme 
oft hobuaod wif coete YLtvede ase odd. Phe ad tnt etovttteow batade 
- Seveves set Jrorsveq eid. mo gathnate waist wai nal fads om aoeme 
 OEideaotus Qateeng ede YS tid aow af voted abnagor 
‘end esw SiPIKEaL¢ cot esendiw cohewmose sede clao oft wad te aga! 
naw of sont bet tiveed ody .deodund. xosoed) « to: evden adie 
pre hams qo toomta » booted tue ouneve sgediar) mo tame payee 
ue watt rod juexedd taut trumewa vedsak to ns ae 


pulled up behind the street car, saw people standing there, and 
Observed the motorman and conductor holding plaintiff, who was 

then placed in hia taxicab and by him taken to the hospital. On 
direct examination this witness stated that he was looking straight 
ahead av he approached the street cnr, and did not see any other 
automobile aheed of him, but on oreso-examination said that “an 
eutomobile could have possibly passed previous to that time." 

This is not s ease where the uncorreborated testimony of 
the plaintiff is contradicted by one unimpsached witness only. 
Plaintiff wae fletiy contradicted on the essential fact on which he 
pases hie ense by five unimpesched witnesses, 211 of whom were in as 
good position to know whether the car jerked or swayed as was plaine 
tiff, and exch of them testified positively that it did net do eo. 
Moreover, four ef defendants’ witnesses wtated pesitively that plain- 
tiff had stepped from the ear and wae standing on the pavement 
womentarily when struek by a passing automobile, Umier ordinary 
cireumstances the number of witnerses alone, tentifying for or 
against an essential fact, deo not necessarily determine the weight 
or preponderance of the evidence, bul in this case plaintiffs 
testimeny is so utterly irreconcilable with thet related by dafende 
ants' witnesses, and so inconsistent with the probabilities of the 
eircumstonces shown, ae to lend cupport to defendants’ contention 
that the verdict was ageinst the manifest weight of the evidence. 
Plaintiff's theery of recevery was thot the car jerked and evayed. 
By his own teetimony it is admitted that the ear had procecded only 
10 er 12 fect when he woe thrown. 11 the other witnesses stated 
that the oar started out slowly, and it is difficult te believe that 
sufficient speed could have been attained to cause so heavy a vehicle 
as a street car te sway in so short a distenee, Five witnesses 
testified that the car did not jerk as it started. Plaintiff is the 

Witness who says that it did. While it is true that three of 

bea ,ovad? yrlorede efqocq waa.gto deotsa galt baidod qu beliug 
may ante @Xiiialalg aathlod xotewbaos hen mxarme dem ont, beyzeede 
ns tnddengd ad? of neded mbt vo bas davdxnd aid wt bpontg meds 
éiylorts yatdeot waw ed tals bedede vapadin ald? soliegiaaxe dootks 
| editor eins oom dom Of has otap fowete eal bedowerags of ae heeds 
ta” test bine nolieninexe-asote mo Sud quis Yo Soatle eLidguetas 
"omit jad’ 02 avoivexg Secasg yldtenog aved Biveo afidomeima 
te woutiees betetodestopms od? erode eong « fom sh whdT 9. yooy 
“ine sasrtiw dedesoquinu ene Yd hotelnorinoo at Yies 
ed doidw me font Latinesse afd no botethertmoy yfsal? anw 2iddmtess 
(ae mt ezew modw Yo Lie yaqneentiw bedosequiny evit yd ease ald soaad 
w~tielq sew ae heyswe xo dextxel tao afd soddudwy wend of motel 28 
eta ob fom bib £2 det? yLerhiitaeg holtdas? madd to dene as VRE 
~aielq ted? qLovitiaeq betede ponaontiv. ‘adnabasteh ke se0t qteynenell 
- tnemeved od? ne gaibonds es" hus sep ed? wont bequoda had BR 
‘Waalore sohn’ .olbdemodva gatoesg a YW dowite eode (ikvedpomen 
*<o xot pighdenes senele speaendic Ye redeem ed aoonsdamugeto 
Sigtow edd enimreteh Yirasne0en Jom Ob «toa? folincave a6 sambega 
strRidmiatg eae aise mi dod ,oonsbive ef? Yo oomatehneqeng x 
 whaotes YS betelex tat? sete eddektonoverns yhsedan on oh Yoomienes 
tld Re eels tiidedorg exfd svt dmetutenoonts o8 ome aoueendie ‘etna 
“gotdaesseo Vatnsbmsteb ad troquve bret of 94 gtweda soonntammonto 
seonobive end Yo sfgtow tastinun ond sontosa ose sekbrow et dade 
“shoynee fee hovel tse ee sand aew Ywoveost To yroods attieeabast 
yite pebseserq bast ‘iso wild gate -degetmte uk of Trot iosd awe abd ye 
betdda ssaeentiw voslte cal? Lh:  .swouds aew oct mule toot Bhoreek 
tant ovelied 09 tkuottite at 2h nan weiwoke tue badeese tap, ainenid 
aloiiov a yreed ou sume Of jemtatts need wrad binew hooga dy ‘ 
“ aeaeenshe ole \oomadets 2 trode o@ mb ewe oo no tonne 2 an 
oxi? ut T2kUniaLs sfadxada $4 Ho est dom Hib tao ails Fade Mentbtees 

‘We oonitd de ‘ound af 22 other nto ta at 


defendants’ witnesses were eaployees of the Uailvays Gompany, never- 
theless the other twe were entirely disinterested, and in this 
connection plaintiff's own testimony muat be considered im the Light 
of the fact that he wae personally interested in the reeult of the 
suit, and that the maturel humn cloment of self-interest entered 
into his testimony, A reviewing court will not usurp the provinee 
of a jury in passing upon conflicting questions of fact, but the 
courts have not hesitated in setting aside verdicts where the un- 
supported testimony of the plaintiff is contradicted by numerous 
witnesses of equal credibility, and where the attending circumstances 
reflect considerable doubt upon the facta supperting the verdiet. In 
Beasloe Vv. Glass, 61 lll» 43 Bick ve Swenwety 157 ille ‘pp. GBy 
and Yeies v» Belt Retlway Co. of Chicogo, 166 Ills Apps 45) 46, the 
courts set aside verdiets where the uneupported evidence of the 
Plaintiff wae centredieted by cumerqus other witnesses and where 
there were ne other elements of probability prevent to turm the senles 
After a careful examinetion of the recerd in this euse, se are of the 
opinion thet the judgment entered en the verdict should mot stands 
Inasmuch oe this cause will have te be retried, we deem it 
umneecssaery to pass upon ether questions raised, except ene. VPiaine 
tiff urges that there are no aesigumentea ef error in the abetract ef 
recerd, ‘ve held in Proyelers Ine. Coe ve Wagner, 279 Ills Appe 13» 
that an appeal, under section 74 of the Civil Practica set, (Ganaa's 7 
Revised Statutes, chaps 110, pare 202, in effect January 1» 1954) is 
now a continuation of the proceedings in the trial court, bringing 
the whole rseerd to the reviewing court. it wes pointed out in the 
foregoing opinion thet formal assignments ef error were only required 
by rule of court and not by statute (Ditch v. Sennoti, 116 Ill. 288), 
and eince the present rules of the Supreme and Appellate courts con~ 
tain no gag ay for assignments of errer, they are unnee 

Basar ye 
the reasons stated herein, the judgment of the trial 
court will be reversed and the cause remanded fer « new trial. 

Seanlan and Sullivan, JJ«, concur, . 

MEvER gyingmeD eyswhied od? to seoyolgme exew vovsent iw "genabne tod 
eivié Mh ANA ghodeareigialh uietiiae etow oot watio bete bonne 
spit ocd ah berwedivene od Joma yYoultewd ove a'tifdmintg pele 
aid oe Givuet ed Md Gotnerednt YLanedieg caw ot dedi Fst dd te 
boreins teoxeinl-Des le tromete wut fanidan odd Gadd bee iia 
eonivexg eld gems tam Liv twee patwetwet A .ynomiseod abd @anl 
oft sod ydomk te enoiteowp wabtobiiant toqw suhasey wt ‘grote 8 
«et wed etety atothtoy obfas pakites at botadlaed sen wvad ntzweo 
ecotemn yd hotetinsdnco a2 Viksately edd Yo qaomtraed betdngaged 
HetmatsmwoTiy yribnadseondd ote bus CYLLEdTRoT Levpe te sees 
Nt séoboroy exis yetscoqqn etent edt mequ tied Cldatebtuned Sooktet 
GBB su) KEE PEL qapanews .¥ Mode 169 LET BY yguedh Vv womeae 
watt yb GEO aes LEE DOE goyvotsO Yo ao yemihelt Mtoe Vi eatew Nine 
pdt % ebKeeve bedxoczoumy ost onsite eteinoy obiak ton witwod 
 peLane ent neve oe dhe oot Wthidedsrg Yo widemwts eaten Wier vee 
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shusde dom bfsete Seibxer of) nw bees ein a lt 
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cece Oe eee MARE OPO aR SY age, vert meee, a ine ar pepo a 
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ak (RE gh Geeunel footw Mt 40S vm VOLE wget Yaoetenet Dee 
sy Bekgned \aemnee fetes ott wt apetbeeueng eid! tor mak sient wae Seal 
(ld Bik te emtmbOG eaw AT 4s tino geiNO RTO ale Os btgon SEW Re 
horhugwx wlio eta. Texts Te adabomplone Lewmok dorks nobnige qed 
e(BOE aLLI OLL aso oumud sv Beda) ebmdeta WW deo baw sewoo’ tHe 


“giles oa? to Pee cas anieted att xo% 
4 f 
Te Fe: reuse oat, fa aE 







279 1.486393) 



The chancellor sustained dvfendants' "general and special 
demurrer" to complainant's second amended bill and complainant 
appeals from a deeretal order dismissing bill for want of equity. 

The defendants in the instant case comuenced an action in 
trespass against complainant. in that action a certain contract 
(hereinafter quoted in full) between complainant and defendants, 
which forms the basis for the instant bill, was directly involved. 

The jury, in the trespass case, returned a verdict finding complainant 
guilty and assessing defendants’ damages at the sum of $6,000, and 
complainant appealed to this court from a judgment entered upon the 
verdict. We affirmed the judgment, upon a remittitur (see Goebel et ale 
Vv. Lipman, 265 Ill. Appe 601» Abstract Opinion), and thereafter a 
certiorari was denied by the Supreme court (see 265 Ille Appe xiv)>o 
Complainant was then arrested and imprisoned under a capias ad 

satisfa ciendum issued upon the judgment in that case. He then filed, 
in the County court, a petition, under the Insolvent Debtors act, to 

be released from such imprisonment. In a trial before the court, 
without a jury, there was a finding that malice was the gist of the 
action in which the judgment was recovered against complainant and 

he was remanded to the custody of the sheriff. An appeal was taken 

by complainant t the Supreme court, where the judgment of the County 

ree et 

| . ; etralilegga at 
AION TIVORID MORT GATTTA ‘whiey \ o Cmeky ee ne ie 

: ' TROD ZoOR FO Beers tee F 6 
| H | >\\! er oa SREDOD 6 sour 
| E80 ois evs ) atl ome 

KR * Haas CA 


ve esis Posse iain 
“fntoogs brs faroneg" ‘pdnabneted bentedaxe ‘Weileonade’ . 

tnaxtetqros bis Tite bebswsmd bebooe w'Fmemte Lanto 08 08 “en rH 
“ng@bope 2 tnew sot Lite phtiee due Zh tobe Latoroed a mort | . 
fs not dos as hoquewmn$ sez tmadant ode ‘at ainabae tsb of 

1 GE eee ey uN Sie 3 
“toaséa00 ‘Biedxes ‘4 wetten tat at etaan 

Wie ed FW 

a ine agen } ae hoe cwrl nat 

: snentaLene ect bart? ‘Pothuev ao hemuudex | bal | (3s 
‘ i «000.08 Yo ii pte sob Pic: oteh antsebens be 

: daaeg odd : 19869 “tasid a no san mre ‘ase saeet 
bok of ioe axolded snovtoant edt sobmar et Hii ra ia bs 
'yduutoo odd eto red fated’ at .tmomnoabeqml Moule 
‘ea to ) ake ee ase = eoRtat as at b ay Gis isa eile § 
festa’ Bom Leena sth, “ 

os > hy 
ae Se Wea ee i “ae %e 

Vtea9 vit? 6 $ 

court wes affirmed. (See Lipman v. Goebel et ale, 357 Ille 515.) 
Complainant's motion to grant him an appeal to the Supreme Court of 
the United States and that the appeal be made a supersedeas was denied 
on Tebruary 7, 1934.  Gompleinant filed a petition in the Supreme 
Court of the United States for a eertiorari, which was denied, and on 
Vebruary 12, 1935) our Supreme court cnused a mandate to be issued. 
The bill in the instant case was filed after our Gupreme court had 
refused a certiorari in the trespass case. | 

The second amended verified bill is a very lengthy one and 
takes up forty-two pages of the abstract. The following are its 
material allegations: Compleinant alleges that he has been ae practic- 
ing lawyer since 1920; that on November 21, 1929, he and defendants 
execute’ the following written agreement: 

“Agreement « 

"This Agreement entered into by and between Devid Lipman, 
hereinafter designated as first party and Arthur V. Goebel and Ndward 
Sehats, hereinafter designated as second partys, all of the City of Z 
Chicago, Cook County, Tllinois; 


“Whereas, first party has agreed to sell and deliver unto 
the second party hie law business, accounts rectivable, choses in 
action, divers items of personal property and other goods and chattels 

as hereinafter enumerated, and 

“Whereas, second party has agreed to purchase the same at 
the price and upon the terms as herein stated. 

“Now Therefore, for One (£1.00) dollar and other goed and 
valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by 
each of the parties hereto, one unto the other, and of the performance 
of the cevenants and conditions hereinafter set forth, and the mutual 
execution of these presents, it is hereby agreed: 

"1. Wiret party does hereby agree to ani does hereby sell, 
transfer and convey unte second party, at the price of $12,590.00 all 
of the following: 

"A. Capital stock issued and outstanding of the shares of 
the tment House and Hotel Association, an [illinois Corporetion, 
amounting to $5000.00. 

"B. Property of said association consisting of furniture, 
furnishings, carpeting, books, bookcases, chairs, records, desks, files, 

ewriters and all other property belonging to said association, in- 
eluding all cuts, rights and advertising contracts inuring to the 
Apartment House end Hotel Guide, and mewbership applic«tions and accounts 
receivable of said ‘partment House and Hotel Association, except ade 
vertising aecounts receivable. 

"C. Apsignment of lease to suite of offices No. 1325-1527- 
1529 Burnham Building, 160 We Ladalle Street. 

"D. Law business of said first party, including outstanding 
fees on pending business, excluding however, accounts recsivable 
fer work heretofore completed, a cepy of which is hereto attached 

marked Sehedule A, and cases or claims in which first party has an 
interest as plaintiff or defendant. 


(B42 sLk1 VOE sola to Eedood » + gamght oo8) sbemrtthe eaw dues 
to Fuwo® ominywo edd of Ladqga na mid inet, Of poliom ¢*dmaukabeeed 
| Botned ew soatonroqee a o har eg Leoqgs edd tadd ban setede bodtn’ ond 
| ometgs? ont mt wotdtiog » boLtY tnunkefqued . MOL 4v cxairedt le 
mo fae ,holneh saw deine ,travolixtes 2 ‘so? rotate bed inv ott to tear 

shouaud ed od ebabran @ bosses srupo omonqy® co” pekOL 4S Yxewxdet 
7 bak d2ve2 emenyst uo tedte beLlt saw easy éxatant eat mf Khia on 
' a 29089 sasqees? od? at ixoxed sna 's ennabas 
7 bne orto Yiignel yeev eo ef [Lid heltizxeyv bebromes bnooee oat 
et orm gutwelitet aff .taatéede ed? te aogng out=ysuet qu eetat 
wots ong # need gat of tad? vogetls snentalgund sanoléagelis isite dam 
ednnivre Yoh bow est o ORCL ih roddm vor to das 10Res costs adh coney Lad 
tinomorge odd bow sabvoLto® sas seewoune 



» tremaetyA’ 

aera wll Hive menwied bem yi oltt: bere ts 
| fea Ledood .V ruditA bas Yreq dott? an hotamp: 
" phe > tteadagelag ctee Spams om 

jelomiitl « Jeuind xf . nobel 
vitob fre LL s jomee- sont gy he Tht guaerecty” —— 
odie "ev oo g a a inverse " 
“2 gopedo ,oldevioset, sthmocoe yuaontard wal. eid ’ cee oi 

ae aledtado bine: abooy estlde ion eres Lanes tg to none dt arey e 
$a mane ont 1 snavtoau oe deere nad Yo'x09 | 


mre : exes a2 92 
baa 09 eetge 
its’ PMT Ts to eoltg add te Kaa 

‘Yo’ wocaite ty Yo ‘eictbingw aio’ bein bUivveS eee pe * 
eMOkvotogsol atomtlil ma ssoddat oo ves Masia a fi 

aetud insu? Xo tolasoe sottakpoaa: te 

? ere, ee ig A “he ! od y gmk aires 

ait etolisingana | 95 ade Lf 
"pas of end sdotaaies 



"%, Right to share to the extent of fifty percent of 
the net profits in Room and Apartment Registry, if, as, and when 
the same may be organized, and operated by said first party 

“F,. All other property of whatever kind and description 
belonging to said Apartment House and Hotel Agseciation and said 
David Lipman, incident to or in amy way connected with the business 
of said Association and said law business. 

“2, Second party shall pay unto first party the sum of 
$1000.00 as earnest money, upon the execution hereof, the receipt 
whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the balanee of $11,500.00 as 

$2500.00 December 1, 1929 
500.00 May 1,» 19350 
500.00 August 1, 1950 
$00.00 November 1, 1950 
500.00 February 1, 1931 
500,00 May » 1931 
500.00 August By, 1932 
500.00 November 1, 1931 
500.00 February 1, 1952 
600.00 May 1, 1932 
600.00 suguat by, 1932 
600.00 November 1p) 1932 
600.00 February 1, 1933 
650.00 May Ly 1933 
650.00 jugust 1, 1933 
650.00 November 1, 1933 
650.00 February 1, 1934 

"3. The foregoing indebtedness shall be evidenced by 
sixteen principal promissory notes in the respective amounts and due 
dates as herein provided, with interest at 6% per annum, after 
maturity of each of said notes; and it is expressly agreed by the 
party of the first part that the said notes shall not be negotiated 
nor discounted, but shall be held by first party until the maturity 
of the note bearing date of February lst, 1934, and first party further 
agrees not te sue upon, or , aleme pg any suit at law or in equity, upon 
default in payment of any of said notes conditioned, as aforesaid, 
until default in payment of note due and payable on February ist, 
1934; provided, however, that in the event second party shall not pay 
said notes on the respective dates of maturity, first party shall have 
the right and second party expressly gives first party the right to 
enter the premises by his agents or attorney, and to examine ali 
beoks, ledgers and other records in the possession of second party in 
which any or all accounts received or reeeivable, or moneys had and 
received by said second party, by or thro the memberships in the 
4partment House and Hotel Association, or from the lew practice of 
second party are recorded, and if from such inspection and audit of 
said records, it appears that the gross monthly income from all soyrees 
exceeds the sum of $650.00, then in that event first party shall have 
the right to receive forthwith the amounts in excess of the sum of 
$650.00 for any calendar month aforesaid, and shall also have the 
right to sue at law or in equity and prosecute such suit or suits te 
judgments; and provided, further that notwithstanding anything to the 
contrary appearing hereiny second party shall at no time be excused 
from making payment of not lese than one-fourth of the amount of the 
respective notes, «s the same shall become due from time to time, the 
balance, if anys to become due and payable cumilatively, on or before 
Pebruary Ly 1934. 

4. it is further mutuelly understood that in the event 
the overhead expense of operating the said business, herein seld and 
transferred by first party to second party, after deducting certain 
income and rentals received from sub-teneants oecupying offices in 

said suites shall be fixed at the sum of $400.00, and if said amount 


, be daavted Ysbt Ie dmedne oft ee evete Ge tofBhE UM vow Yoon 
netiw Sma gaa eli ,yisalgel tromdueqs bas mooh nt etiierg ton exit 
‘“iiagq dacit biee yo dedenege bem ~boaknsyto od yom omen ond 
nofdgictoneb San bata tevededw to “Ylreqesg sedzo [fA .%* 
Dise bie aeivatoeea: Jose tna saved JneutregA bles of pat 
asvnlavd of? Aiiw hetoonnon Yew yun mt to of tnobtont ¢ ctaang 2.0 
»saeniaed waf bisa bra atooara bh, 
%6 ave odd YSrteq dextt ofmw yaq there Ti19q ns we 100" Fe 

tqisvet end ,teeted setinoexe only nm + @iom NIS9 aa 
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OheL 2 tedneset 00. 0886} . 

BEOL 4 008 Al aad | 
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ef Yrsutdst GO.008 | (taot Qe wake, 

S6e@L aa with fo OUR So Lat 0a bo F 
Seer a coteeran O06 Deve: 

SECL gL uatixdet 09/0089. oohis owewel, lea 
SEQE ol Yall 00.083 | totiy 

SeeL ; : Kt Sah Sade! 
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Ui heonehivo ed Linda aaenbeddebas autogeret edt 
digit gprs shih ot off mi aatom yitone fein beso OR, 
tedta gavana svog BO dex dencotnk délw «bebivorg niorted ea eeds 
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eitotan ed¢ Lions yraq Jouki yd bLosl oe iLatle tad abetnvooslb tes 
wpsidant ydueq gavit bow .S0L. .dal vtautdel to edab untied ston » ond 
aege ,Ytivpe mi to wel te digo Ym stuces TO qtoaw sre on por! 
ehkieeorots as ,beneivibnes aston biss: te.4me to ¢ 
atel yuserdel oo aldeyog hae avb o¢om to dremyag si 
Yeq fom Liade YItag beovse gneve eit mi tale | xeveworl y 
oven iiae qixeag ¢axkt «yiiunien to eotebd evisoogeat ef? we ‘ned 
od rage ent yrog dactt seviy Gloroxqxe yYtueq breve baw 
ie seimaxs of bums ,yeerrodis to adsepo ole | dweutuore 
ek uoueq broves To molesseoog ets mi ebuboot ; atogbe, 
fais fet eyenom to eeldavieost xo cerriooe eamuoune di feu x90 
eft af aqitioredmen erié¢ 2 sole % ‘Detooes Bise 4 
te sokieatg wal oft wotlk vo ng es ha ot0H bos eae 
to ¢ibue bee noivooqant Move moxt ti bas ,bebtoces etn YH MOOSE 
aeotyon Lis mort omoonl yirlinem aeotg add tarit | at cabaese: Bd 
oven Lista yuna durii toeve dad? wi mod? 406. to ura ene B. 
to sue ed? to eeeoxe at etawoms ond dd iwalttod svisowt oF 
. ett overt suis ILede bre \blauwtols Minort 
> @¢ afinue to vier dove ee es ro a a “ 0 wal oases 
ou od yridiyes gatbnetadvtw oy et me | 
heawoxe ed suid on. Se ale onal Reed © Yasue 
eet to ¢ewonts ofd Lo ddtueb-eno sedt eset tow Te srivem sot 
emt gould ot omit wo<ct ovb ommood Linde emeu oft 2a aston 4 idooga 
metas 70 a0 evievid aLeaio sidsyeq bttss exh expect 6 ae I pte Pt so 

dnove ons mt tact beosershuus cian - testdaish =" we 
fee Bfowt mieved yesontawd bise es puitersgs te cheese « 
 Sindies gritevhes telts .«yixag beroose of Yteq Jaxtt yo betzelenass — 
ai seottio griyquooe admanet-dea moxt beyieoox afeinex bag eemont 
goovouis bkew LE bots 400.0044 To mre edd ta’ heme: ero: idee 


so fixed shall be reduced for any exlendar month, then the afore- 
mentioned sum of $650.00 shall likewise be reduced in the same 
amount and in proportion thereto. 

"5, The provisions directly above, being Paragraphs 
Three and Four hereof, are further conditioned upon, and subject 
to the payment by second party of ali running expenses incident 
to the operation of said business not more than ten days after the 
game become due, including such items of expense as rent, cost of 
publishing and distributing of Apartment House and Hotel Guide, 
Bhlaries, telephone and any and all expense necessary or incident 
to the operation of said business. 

"6. First party shall remain in seid offices and direct 
the work of said business and instruct the said second party in and 
about the duties appertaining thereto, and the conduct thereof for 
s period not less than thirty days, for which the said first party 
shall be compensated to the extent of seventy-five percent of the 
net income accruing during said period remining after deduction of 
rent, salaries and operating expenses. 

"7, Second party shall further agree to publish Apart- 
ment House and Hotel Guide bi-monthly, and to distribute the same 
among members of the Apartment House and Hotel Associstion, as part 

ef the contract of membership botween said members and said 
Association, and to alse carry out and perform said contract of 
membership in all other respects with each and every member of said 
association during the period covered by the membership of such 
members as appears from the records of said association, and to keep 
and maintain the membership lists, prospect files and other records 
onnstantly up to date. 

"8. Second party shall and does hereby also agree to 
prosecute with despatch all of the business relating to the clients 
of said first party, whether now pending or which may subsecuently 
be handled by said second party, and said first party shali incident 

to the proper handling of said matters explsin the contents of 
files in said office as the same may be requested by said second 
party, and further to aid said seeond party in every way possible 
upon any matter appertaining to the business ef said clients; that 
upon all pending legal matters and for a peried of six months from 
December ist, 1929, the letter-heads of said first party and his name 
shell be used in the conduct of sll law business, whether pending in 
the courts or otherwise, and thereafter substitution of the second 
party for the first party as attorneys and solicitors shall become 

"9. First party shall by his power of attorney duly 
executed confer upon second party the power and authority to receive 
end sndorse all checks made payeble to first party paid on account of 
outstanding fees due on pending and new law business; and in the 
event of reeeipt by second yeh Mad any moneys in which first party 
eas set out in Gehedule A and other remittances in which first party 
way have an interest, particularly excluding however, balance of fees 
due on pending and new law business, said second party shell turn 
over and deliver such remittances to first party. 

"10. Gaid first party shall aid second party in the pub- 
lication of said magazine by submission of articles suitable for the 
use thereof by such publication for the period of one year from 
December ist, 1929, and that any announcements in said magazine with 
reference to the change of the position held by said first party, as 
general counsel, of said association, shall first be approved by said 
first party, and it is further understood that second party shall 
perform no act by resson whereof the name of first party shell be 
removed from the bulletin board in the lobby ef said building and 
upon the doors of seid suite of offices thereof until the unpaid 
balance has been reduced to twenty-five percent thereof, and in any 
event shell continue to remain thereon without any change for not 


~eTelo od wots ~hinom teheelad Ya 10T Hotwbed Od Lhade box kt on 
emcee eit wi boowbex sd ealwowkL Lista 00.08¢ to mud bonoline 
sstotots motsreqertqg mi Sas” 
. piigrigcrets gated »evedse YLieett> anotalverd edT «&* win 
fyetcue toe .peqy Yonoltibnes teddtwt ot .teorerd “wot time 3 
ivebiont avaneqxe grin t ifs te Yiweq bnoved Yo dnemyeg ©. 
ond tedte aysabh med perl? orom Jon nosntaud biew Yo A ryan an f ‘ett 
to te00 <dnot aA eantogue to anedt dowe yothulonk ~eub emoood 
e@big® Leven fima esuoll geemiteqa Io gatsuddasarh ‘bres Ldk 
twebfont ‘fo yYatrageden sasegxe Ifa brig Yre baa onodgeled ~edt “* ! 
saseniand bluse to notseteqs ede 
goorth bes apottio blew al miamex Ilana yYreq devi .8" 
bas ot yetaq beooes bias sa? dowtéent bee eeentend biee to drow ads 
TOT Towverds foubdmoo sos bee voters gutabettoqqs aeliuh sd? tuode 
Yiteq Jatt? Bisa oft dotttw uot faye gould? meld enol ton chy : 
ens to ineoveg evit-ytnevee Lo Inetxe od 5 bodssneqmoo od 
te aeisoubob 19¢'ks eninivms’ hetreg biae gabivh gutvrooe emoonl 2 
 yeganuges yiideteqo bus avlislan , 
~dtsqA daifdeg ef gvetga torldtet Slee yYite¢ bmese® .¥* oad 
see od otedinielS of bre yytiidwomid obbod LotoH has savell | me fl 
ttaq se .nolidaioeses Loset Ime sane dnomsiagA eds lo atodmem grom 
bise bos atedmem Bhea neewied qinetedmgn to torséinoo edt To 
to doetinoo bfea srro‘teq tne Yxo yries oala of ban ,motialooan 
bisa to tedeem yteve bxe dose Atiw etooqect tedto Ile at qidereduen 
foue Yo yidexrsdmem aft Yd betoves boltey ent yatiud matsareere? 
qeet of bua ,goltieiooesa hice bo ebtoote eft mext etaeqqs as Bt q 
abvosex tedte bre selit arr votre qiderodmem od ntatntes bag 
‘eeteb of qu a 
of pane cate were aeod: ‘bom Ctuaeta “tray hnessa .6" ase : 
sineiio ett of griveted veonleud oe To Lie nedegned HVTw Staveeung’ 
ylinonpotivea Yar dofdw to pelineq won ret tudw edited dartt ‘bina a4 
tuebhant Liade ywree getlt bisa bra, yeiaq baooss Bide Yd belbnad od 
he here doo ond phalaxe wretion bhad Yo stttLonaif coger st oF" 
skewer bige yd beteenper od yas oman edt as soltte biae ne ae, et 
sidieacg Www Yisve at yousy baoose hiae hie ot tener? “i Nera 
 dld gatneiio biew toe vaentaud edt od ghinlad<edga ‘tedden © 
ext witrem xte to Sofueq » tot ‘brie ated tant Sagol ‘geibweg Ife norw 
ouse ete brs ytuaq tacks btse Yo ebsed-tettel eff ~WReL «tel reteset 
ah maibneg codd¢ody ~aneriewd wal {is ‘to toubaod etd hh boar oe | Lacle 
 brepee exit to moliutitadue teftseted? bas ,odlwraddo to stee eft 
aatwond: £ Laika awod2 oitoe hates ayenrossa wa ‘wena dart? be rot ; 

oo aon Yonteita Yo xewor abt yd Liaate ogden! dourn aque! eeaged 
evieoot of yaivedive bna tawog edd wraec bhooee wequ Pte ‘ets oxe 
te FrMIoH.e A iieq ytiay dextt.os eldeysq ebam adoonio Lin eas 
omgt st Bea peagonined wal wan bre uetboneg mo onl eset: part baede do 
Yixeq dextt getde xt ayonom yaa to yt brovee Ye se teoet to taeye” 
utusg ¢evil doistw of agorsddimex sotlte bus A eLybedot mi: er $62 aa 
“seek to eonalied 4 tevewor gothulone ytiuatuoistiag | qtoatedmd: nm ie oven yet 
aw tieds yuieq brecea blew yaastbaid wal wen bee gatbieg bh 4 
+ Ytusq tuzit of seeneddinet done tovileh bra ie “A 
ein: eat we Yiusq hreoea bka Ldata ytiag text ekat. .OLM oes 
eid, 20% eldatiue selotits to soteniaioa  ontsegam bhea to nebewol . 
port ts0y sme Yo. holreq eds ret sotveotieng done yd tosses onw 
tiv omisepen biwe of ateomenmonen. yrs tadd ha CBOE “¢ted x6 nis SOS 
as xytseg dart? bisa wW hisd noldiaeq ons By egeesio end or — a 
a Yd beverages ed ¢atkt Liade «moldntooage bien lo,feanves Les . . 4 
. dieta eaueg broces tad? bootertohmu sedfuwt ak of bea brs yd io: text? 7 
e¢ Lfale yireq tart te emen eft Yootedw onsen yd Jos On mxgtxoq— 
obtia gatbiiad bisestoe yddel eft at bteod mbieiied ef MOTE: bi ream 
> Blaqes oft Lhew toeredt agottte to etiua piee Te | b sie gOge 
wie xi bas ydoovens tnooseq evit-~yinows of Séowbat edd an! wonelse” 
don, cot squats yao tuodtie mooterld Mismer oF. seas recon mane zi 4 


less than one year from December lst, 1929. 

"11. This agreement and any interest in and to said 
property of said association and said first party shall not be 
assigned, sold, bartered, pledged, transferred, exchanged, or in 
any way disposed of without the written consent and approval of 
seid first party, so long 2s the unpaid belance exceeds twenty-~ 
five percent thereof. 

"12. Said first party does hereby covenant not to enter 
into any business that may be regarded as competitive to the business 
conducted by said association for a period of five years and not to 

in the practice of law in the City of Chicago, for the period 
of three years from the date hereof, except in the Federal Courts and 
eases where said first party is pleintiff or defendant, nor to make 
use of the files or records of said sssocietion or said law business, 
that shall or may in any way interfere with the proper conduct of 
said business, or effect the profits thereof. 

"13. To secure the payment of the foregoing balance due 
under the terms hereof, it is hereby agreed that the said shares of 
the ezpital stock of said association, lease to said offices and 
documents of title appertaining to all of the property herein trans- 
ferred, sold and delivered shall be deposited in escrow with the 
directions to such eserowee to deliver the same over unto second 
party upon the payment of said purchase price, or in the event of 
default of the terms hereof, then upon netice by first party, 
specifying such default, said eserowee shall turn ever and deliver 
the same to said ci Meni or his agent. 

"In Witness Whereof the parties hereto have hereunto set 
their hands and seals this 21st dsy of Novembery Ae De 1929. 

"Devid Lipman (Seal) 
“arthur V. Goebel (Seal) 
“Sdward Sehatz (seal)" 

The bill then alleges that on February 1, 1939, complainant left 

said offices and did not therenfter enter into any competitive 
business with defendants nor engage in the practice of law in Chicagos 
that his profit from the practice of law ani the conduct of said 
business for five years preceding December 5, 1929, was $1,060 to 
$1,500 @ months; that commencing May 12, 1930, the income and profits 
from said business and practice dwindled until he and said association 
suffered great losses; that after defendants took over the management 
of said association and the law business of complainant, by reason of 
their failure to diligently perform their duties in and about the 
handling of clients’ business, great loss accrued to complainant 3 

that defendants defaulted im the payment of $500 due May 1, 1930) and 
complainent made demand for the same, whereupon defendant Goebel made 
open threats against the life of complainant if the latter dared enter 

the said offices for an inspection of the business and records} that 

ROL gtal Re dino ott magn % Pid 2 suas 8 8 ad 
hier of bue ai tentedek ws bee trom tre 
ed dea Liade ytweq Setit biea bes soiratoboas Hise, te we ; 
ni we ,begmdoxe ,hortelensit .bopbely erg waxy blow ¢ shes 
to tevougge bas tneemeo seditiw ed¢ dupe lw Me wogndd 3 
ys nid 4 bieyeoe fonadad bhaqais ult pa nee  eseg ga 

) te¢ne of tow tneneyoo cont, Bob sah xines tuukd bist 
 epontand end oF evitivequme as ho Xewm dost os ya é it 
gd AON bas steey evel be bolsey ». er mosigtoonas aoe ed o va a 
 _bebtog odd uot yogevind to yttd edd mb wad to eoktootg ond st ) 
bia efungo Lexvohel ofd mt dqoome ,» too tad stab moxt BtaoY © ? 
gis ©/ rom ,inehnotoh wo Tikinintg at yYexeq @actt bia Teg 
qeeaentaud wal bise +o potietooaas Alas re B>1908T aeLit sat ¢ to. 
*O sovbroo tegerg anit diiw exe taeda pon Yam te Liatte. § 
«too tnt rohan The Ce - | 
eus gottaisd gaioge ret edd to dna / 

To setain bias of’ tad! heetne ot ah at ab 3 

fae eeotito tiiea of save nadacahtaknonis Bias 
~asiotd plored ytveqe wr eft toe Lie of aahat obze 
edd caiw woisee mi betiacgeb od 

to nove edd ai 20 ywoitq seadotng 
 ‘gydteq tacit yd esttom noqy rege a 
i. tovileb bits ovo mand Ifssia eoweroga bbs 
a: a Pog atd «9. Mod 
teu oinuerted eved odexsd pot y ol ede 38 
be eeses oS eA 4 Tedusvok to De on toi ak 

(4 8@ )} Ledoeod ane Shah ficyie ty He By {ree OMe E | 
"¢ Ieee) atasiod. f 3 pe Bue re ¥s he My | 

#reL Sremtalqmos a0EOL aL Urawidet mo dectd abpotta Bed Lite ett | 

_ | eytitseqnog ws cant cosas xettootedd ton, bib hie he 
rogzotto nt wal To enkvonry ents st apeste ton asasbabieb xin naont, To 
‘bse 20 towbroo ente tas wat to cokvonrg ont ant om als ait 

U¥ Goo, 10 ‘ecw (ORE 12 todmeon guibecowy waneg-enttaeh opel 
athtexq bre emoont odd (OSCE «SL yak netoneomon teutt pildromt e oat 
motistoosen bias bre axl fron be £ontwh eotsonag oe saontaud ‘bisa most 
frome yasteat eit tovo toot ad nubee’tob edt sacks txomsel ta0ug bototua 
‘to noass't Ud 4 taentoLomes te saws taurd wad end co wostatoousa ‘htoa_ 20 
edt jvods bre mi eeiiuh | abostt mo reod eEbmeattt of omuctak shed 
jinanialguon of bextove eeot tory satontoud *eimeato 20: —e 
bie 982L of vol oub O08} To tiemeag eae “ak sean tab acetate a 
obaat Ledooo Som bere'tob rogue vente mee ett tok pa ae) . coc 

etuo howebh roddot ald. ti ‘Santa Lens ko othe ont tentege 

“eat: lLissiiadin bana, saetanh: nad ‘to alls te oot lr 


ee i fom 


sometime prior to May 1, 1930, complainant realized that if said 
business continued to be conducted by defendants in the seme mayinez 
it would be ruined and all of the moneya invested therein would be 
ieost, and on May 7, 1930, he delivered to defendants a notice in 
writing whieh stated that defendants had been guilty of defaults and 
breaches of the terme of the agreement, and 

"You are hereby further notifies that the undersigned has 
elected to treat the withdrawal or attempted withdrawal of anid 
Rdward Sehatz from active participation in the conduet ef said 
business as an abandonment of the said contract on his part. 

“Be hereby further notified and advised that by reason 
of the foregoing matters in default, each and avery one of the fore- 
going being in violation of the terms of said contract as designated, 
i hereby demand immediate possession of all the books, records and 
papers and property and assets of the Apartment House and Hotel 
Association and said David Lipman, that you surrender up the premises 
known as Guite 1325-27 ond 1529 Burnham Suilding, 160 North iavalle 
Street, Chicago, Illinois, and upon your failure so to do within 
twenty-four hours from the date hereof, 1 shall take steps immediately 
thereafter in respect thereto.” 

wee er 

The bill further alleges that the response of defendant Goebel to the 
notice was that he would wreck and ruin the business before he would 
pay one dollar to compleinant an¢ that he had no intention of doing 

and performing the mtters and things agreed to be done by him under | 

the contract; that on May 12, 1950, complainant entered the premises 
in question, without force, and assumed the manugement of the business, 
in seeordanece with the terms of the notice, and that “complainant 
thereafter continued in possession of said premises and mane sement 

and operation of said business;" that on June 20, 1950, defendants 
filed an action in trespass against him,in the Superior court of Cook 
county (Geebel et al. v. Lipman, supra); that upon » trial of that 
cause & verdict, in favor of defendants, for $6,000 was returned and 
judgment was entered upon the verdict; that upon appeal by complainant 
to this court the judgment was affirmed, upon a remittitur by defend- 
ants in the sum of $3,0003 that in due course @ capias ad satisfae- 
iendum was served upon complainant; that on Mey 7, 1932, defendsat 
Goebel filed an action against complainant fer personal injuries, 

which was Still pending and undetermined; that defendants have 

blow ti tedd boxtines Yrelthatywes sonee of Wat OF ‘rodig eat eens 
cennent bade ond mt udmabsertes yd betpunies od of hesttsned w A 
ed bivew etoxers boduevik eyshoar ot te fhe bra bontus o¢ eens 
at option s sinabneted of boreyttoh ed .0ceL 4h YAK wo bre ior 
Bie wtfuatiod to YLivy mod tad wdnshno teb Jans bedads sake ankthe 
: | bas 4tromworas oglt to sarod oslo 0 vod 

at bein biting end dats bab iivor. hg enh xed ote = ae 

Brae to Lewarhdtin bedqmetia 
gan toubroo ofa ie it ttagh irae. ssl dared ob pe 

att no toatinoo Disa edi pee, agar mo pa econd 4 
; nosads ed Sn ded? boakvhs fra beltises rede qdoued o8") fy cot 
 ot8% emo yteve bas Mom giissteh at exodden Smoyero? acid ‘to. 

beser Ges bi Shectake: NiSk’ So Meson aah, to nohiales eS aoe 
ai i Bheooet ,adeod ofs IIs to  Gaseorenes asalde do" 
FE Pye fan ag hg Be fp ing Sg 9 Se coc 
ou ¢ MAE ate 
ofiaiak Alen Gel santhit nt monet d “ee bre treatin 

pidéiw eb of o6 a pat THOY Rag bhi qutomiist 

saionsegarle suche oda ifeda I. xtgeses etebd ont moa? ore 
“eotennas regener cs 3 

3 ont 

‘etd of Ledsod indhas'teh to eanegae% ‘ost todd ‘eepetio wade Lite et | 
hivow et stoted aveanteud ond xtirt bua Xootw bivow ont todd naw anki 
— Ettoh Yo getinedn) or hart od dard tr inaniafquos 09 tof top ono. x ee 
tebew mist xed eno’ ed e¢ hostyw wgmide “ba exe sete ony ‘iihete tag 0 , a 

 eeodmetg ads sotsdao sramalquios GL wal sat ‘Sauté ee ! BS | 

-atmshaelted yee «OS wry ne tate “pedvabwdd bite Wo edt daxeqe 
de® Yo Juweo vo beeywa ole miyatd Pantages elena ot id ned 
Godd XM Lethe # Wogy daft 1 (mae emetigtt uv «fn te tod 
baa hébretht enw 000,99 20% shidsiehdtod ‘to KevAY KY  dokbz 

thant siqaes yi tisgge meq ded Yroshrev ott wet bor 
hatte Ww wdige beets noqu .boarthtis | ‘Pace 

Baht gee a” i 

diate a’ ba oe ho 8 oumses one a tastd Leap 

% eras etunhns'ted dads + hataleeeebechent has nach snitl np. ! 


threatened te init egeinet him and his surety in the trespars case 
and they have already proceeded by way of capias ad sat igfaciendum3 

that when he took back the control and management of seid effice end 
business he discovered that defondents hed been guilty of certain acts 
of misconduct in the management of seid office and business ( enumera~ 
ting them)} that defendants sare insolvent; that his claims against 
defendants (enumerating them) aggregate (16,515.68; that upon the trial 
ef the cause he should be sllowed to set off against the claims and 
demands of defendants such sums aa are equitably and rightfully due him 
in the premiees, and he "believes that upon such hearing hereof, it will 
be shown that defendants are indebted to complainant in a sum far in ¢xe 
cons of the claime of defendants." The bill prays that the court find 
and determines what sums, if any, are due complainant on account of sel 4 
eontract and the breach thersof by defendants; that defendants be decred 
to psy him what, if enything, showld appear to be due him; that a tem- 
porary injunction issue to restrain and enjoin defendants "from further 
prosecuting the body execution” in the trespass case. Defendants filed 
“General and Special Demurrer to Complainant's Second Amended Bill of 
Complaint," as follows: | 

"The General and Speciai Demurrer to the Second Amended Bili 

- Complaint of David Lipman, complainant. (Here follows the general 
SMurre? e 

“And for further grounds of demurrer, these defendants shew 
to the Court here, the following that is to say: 

*(1) Complainant, in his Second smended Bill of Complaint, 

matters in Paragraph 15 which are contredictory to matters 

alleged in Paragraph 14. if one is true, the other is falses 

"The matters alleged are contradictory in that complainant 
in Paragraph 15 admite that judgment was rendered ageinst him in the 
Superior Court of Cook County and affirmed by the “ppellate Court, 
case Noe 55457, on remittitur in the sum of Three end Dollars, 
in en action of trespass for the malicious, wrongful and unlawful 
eviction of defendants from the premises known as 1525¢27-29 Burnham 
Building, Chicago, Illinois, and the conversion of defendants’ persomal 
property end business om said premises, which was the subject matter 
of econtrect set out in Paragraph 2 of said Second amended Bill of 
Vomplaint, and wherein complainant, by absolute contract of sale, 
sold and delivered everything in and by said contract to the defende 
ants, thus contradicting Paragraph 14 of his Second ‘mended Bill of 
Complaint wherein he alleges, contrary to Paragraph 14, that he took 
possezsion of said premises and personal property without forees 

"(2) Complainant admits that he possessed himesif of 
Property belonzing to the defendants, and which had heretofores 


Haas Baggue ts sags ei qvoner gid baw abel dings Lage hoaaoig of hom ti 

Asmbpelgalaiton 5, galgao To yw wh hebsevexq phaowle evar ou, a 

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“xD Py ‘tat mew 0 mh dawatk aLgmoe of bet@obat, o18 Sicha Teak 

pat ¢ueo walt a eal ayawa Ltd off "sadnebno red te exkato a 10 
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Meaty sae tered tat aan sande of tath 
; », sareinet oes bad Moise hit 2 & 


dine to the terms of said contract set out in Parsgreph 2 
of complainant's Second Amended Bill of Compleint, belonging to 
defendants, and that the ssid taking, as admitted by Paragraph 15, 
was tortious, having repossessed himself of defendants property 
and having retained control of it tortiously. The contract, as 
far as he is concerned, became void aid and complainant is 
estopped to proceed thereon in any manner w. tsoevere 

"(3) It appears from an examination of the contract set 
ovt in compleinant’s Second ‘mended Bill of Complaint, Paragraph 2» 
that there is no provision in said contract permitting complainmt 
to repossess the property mentioned in seid contract, and complainant 
admits, in Paragraph 4 of his Second ‘mended Bill of Complaint, that 
Paragraph 13 of seid contract, being the escrow provision thereof, 
hes been waived, therefore having admitted that he is now in possession 
of said property and has been since the date of the tortious conversion 
on May 12, 1930. He does not come into a Court of Equity with elean 
hands, has no right to maintain his Bill, and the seme should be dis- 
missed for went of equity. 

"(4) That the allegations of said Second Amended Bill of 
Complaint as set forth in Paragraph 4 are immaterial; that Paragraphs 
21, 22, 23 and 24, are immaterial in that the contract entered into 
between the complaimant and the defendants, and set forth in Peragraph 
2 ef said Second Amended Bill of Gomplaint, does not prohibit the 
defendants from centering into any other line of business. MFurther- 
more, the said contract was an absolute unconditional contract of 

"(5) That the provision of said contract as set forth in 
Paragraph 2 in which the complainant agrees to refrain from the 
practice of law, is null and void and absolutely contrary to publie 

"(6) The complainant admits that he took possession of 
the personal property, premises and business of defendants, and that 
he has the books and records of the defendants. Therefore, it is 
wholly within his power to ascertain from the books and records, 
which he tortiously obtained, the condition of the accounts. There- 
fore, a Court of Miuity has no jurisdiction and the saaid Second 
Amended Bill of Complaint should be dismissed for waat of equity. 

"(7) That the matter of cheeks alleged to be issued by 
defendant Arthur V. Goebel are immaterial because the property, 
business and premises passed to the defendants in and by said contract 
ef sale set forth in Paragraph 2 of ssid Second Amended Bill of 

"(8) That the allegations of said Second Amended Bill of 
Complaint wherein the complainant alleges that after he tortiously 
teck possession on May 12, 1950, he paid obligations of defendants, 
are immaterial becsuse he was under no obligation under the terms of 
seid contract to pay any ef said alleged bills of defendants. There- 
fore, said allegations are immaterial. 

"(9) Theat as the contract was an absolute contract of sale, 
the complainant was under no obligation to service members of the 
Apartment House and Hotel Association, and especially after May 12, 
1930, after he had tortiously taken possession of said premises, per- 
sonal property and businesse 

"(10) That the allegations in said Second ‘mended Bill of 
Gomplaint with reference to personal loans obtained by ‘rthur V. 
Goebel are immaterial, seandalous and impertinent, and have nothing 
to de with the issues in this case. 

“(11) That there are no facts set forth in ssid Second 
Amended Bill of Complaint which would constitute insolvency on the 
part of either of the defendants. 

“(12) Complainant admits in and by Paragraph 15 of his 
seid Second amended Bill of Complaint that a capias ad satisfaciendum 
issued out of the Superior Court ef Cook County, Case Noe 518203, 

& dy sigersi at do fea tonttnde btes te omredy ots of anh 
0% grsyaoled .tntaicmed Yo LLIh bebrems bnoos? atinantalames | 
Gl Aqatyerel yd battia’s ae yynided bisa od’ dod} bee adn ote 
Ysreqetc ‘atnebceteh to tleemtd besneaseger yt vad oNolttod a 
we gtostinos eff wylaseisxeds t1 Yo Lortaod bertéder gnitvad 
at tnantsiqnues bas «oldies de bilov emaced «bemreonoo al ef sa 

steveosthalw tecmem vee wt nebtody beeoone OY hogy 

dou Joatinoo off To moltaniuaxe ma motk etaeqqe 1 (#)* va 
gh tqetgetet ,éabelqaed toe LIta. bebowart: Brood a 'ineniolamoe mt dio 
tmniciqnoo grtiiimieg tosténoo bias at solketvowq om al greed é 
tasnislqmoo bas gtemutnes blea ni senotinem yrxeqony Sid sagosored 6) 
fare ,énialqmod to [£40 bobaom bnooes ald to + Sqatpets% at yatiobs 
. efootads sotsivoty worgee od anted .teosttnoo baw to EL Aqeweete 
molens2a 0g ni wee ef anf dod bettinbs antved eteletedé .bovisew need esa 
tiolevevnoo egoidgto? oft to eted oft sonte need sad bon etseyerg biva ‘to 
faelo ditw ywtupi Io 10d # otmt omoo Jom avob oN .O8CL Sl yam me 
wath ed Biwoda ones eft bee .Llld eid mledntes of tdyix on and gaboent 
sUtinos to inew tet beagée 
- 2o LL24 bedmegs pmove® bloe to enottvegeile add tagtodd)%ou ty 
—pdqotgetel tend jlaireteumi ote } dqetgarsi mt Maret tea as tnialomo 
edt betedne Joaxrineo sald sacs wi Iaisetsamk eta, bS baw EX oS , 
Getgstes xi djzol son bre guinsbnoteb eft bao teamislquoo edt meewte 
elt dkdisowg tom peob gtatsiquel. te LLLM bebmems: baooed: biee te’ 
~tadsiot .e¢ontaud to oni teddo yas olmkt gaiteine mort admebae te! 
to dastinos Lanoliibseonu etudeads us sew. dootimoo bias edt genom 

TS ivan = a 

: soles 
_. st Minot tea aa tootinoo, bisa to agietvesq odtdedT.(8)". foc ys 
F ait ork aisttes of seetgs tnantalqmoo eld doldw at &§ dgargete’ 

—. wtidug of yrettnes yLetuleada bas biov bus Linn ot , wad to 80 waysed 

..,, 30 mofeaseueeg dood af tad’ atimbdbs tnentaiqaoo edf, (ay bay ie ar 
"gad? boa ,edmeheotob to adentend bas seeimetg «ytreqotg Lenonzeq 3 

5 egg 
gf #2 ,etotexedT .minsbaeteb edd to absovex baa silagd.odd aad. od 
sabto297 bus edbod enti moxt aisdieons of tewog ald nidiiw yfode 
exon? sadouooos odd to molithmos off yhontaddo vinwolixes of dota 
froocs Hina ont brie woltdotbalivu(, on asd YILLT Io sumed @ . ST! 
+¥sivupe te inaw 10% besaineibh od bineds tatalgqmod Xo LLG bedrest 
“i bewaet ed oF heogelis ateedo to tedtam ed? gadT° (F)" 
aXiteqotq eld saseoed Lelisiaumt oxe Ledeod .V gudiua ine 
foutinon bios yd bra nt ainsbreteh odd of bedasg aseimeiqg boa ae 
“* e ££20 hebrem brovee bfeae te & dgetag stat al as 162 i 
(9 OE 

to £ET% heonemi bmooet bine Yo anatinge Le ald dadt (8) 
yLeuokéxot of to¢te tant noqetle Inenkalqaes ond oie resw 
\gettiebretch to anolienitide biaq of .G20L 4Si Yo to nolagenae 
to ‘eared edt «ehro norysglilde on ‘tobme saw of Seanad, Lettosaun 
“sted? .wtneSneteo® to efltd begetfa Silas to une Keg 
: ateivotanmt ota. eanodd 
ealee Yo foortnne strtoade ne esw dostémeo edt aa ‘jad 
ent to atedtiom sotvies of moliagiive on tehrw oan om 
qk Yatl tedts yifeiveque bona «notisinoass Les¢ ee 
“tog gueeinerg Bios to molgapanoq seaaeipericerk . eal 
rae . sf  # eee YY 
to LLtG Sobre teovec bien ni anokienoite etd tar 
«WV autites yd berttetdo anaol Lamoateq 0%. sone ted 
 gniriven ova baa ,tnontixeqmt bra auolebress .teixed. 
ih ae ee eon. Giddy Ki gevas. 
~ ‘Posed biag at Aertel don adoat om ore sterd sad 
ent no yorevfogn! etesitenoe binow Moldw Iatatqm 
Le RL Pea itd svinebie'ten © 


ald to BL dqergaret Ue bane vit atinds 3 ate Came: 
swbretomgttse ha astqne s tadd satolqnod to LLfe bebrom | 
eSOKSIA 4 OH Sead _yiewod Meod Io M100 16 tequa oud’ 


based on said tort judgment for unlawful evicting defendants from 

the premises mentioned in the contract, Paragraph 2, and for con- 
yerting their personal property and business to his own use, and 

that the same was served upon him, and that he was taken into cus 
tbody under the same, as admitted in Paragraph 18 of said Jecend 
Amended Bill of Complaint, and that he put up « bond of Seven Thousand 
Dollars in the County Court, wherein he filed a petition for discharge 
under the Insolvent Debtors ‘ct, whieh is aleo contrary to the prayer 
for relief set forth in said Second Amended Billi of Complaint wherein 
he alleges that he is ready, able and willing to comply with a decree 
er order of this Court as to what sums, if any, may be found to be 
due to the defendants. Said allegations eppose each other. Jither 
one or the other must be false ~- both cannot stand. 

"(13) Paragraph 42 of ssid Second Amended Bill of Complaint 
is immaterial in that the complainant by his actions in tortiously 
repossessing all of the personal property, business and premises of 
the defendantss elected to declare ssid contract at an end, and having 
done $0, cannot in the same breath consider the contract in full 
force, nor can he claim any damages thereon because gaid contract 
immediately became void at the option of the defendants from the 

"(14) Complainant has an sdequate remedy at law, and the 
mere fact that he may not be able to prove that he has a remedy at 
law does not mean thet he is entitled to a hesring in a court of 

"(15) The damages as alleged by complainant are uncertain, 
having no foundetion in law and are speculative because the complain- 
ant could not charge the defendants with loss of profits after he 
tortiously took possession of the property on May 12, 1930, and 
furthermore, the Court will not proceed to estimate or guess at the 
loss of profits when the complainant is attempting to take advantage 
of his own wrong. 

"(16) The complainant does not anywhere in his Second 
Amended Bill of Complaint allege any facts which show thet he is the 
owner of any of the property or business from which he elaims 

*(17) The complainant intersperses throughout the Second 
‘mended Bill of Complaint allegations with reference to damage done 
te Apartment House and Hotel Association. If said Apartment House 
and Hotel Association has, or claims to have, any interest in said 
contract, or claims to be the proper party thereto, the complainant, 
Devid Lipman, has no right to maintain this action, and the proper 
party compleinant is the Apartment House and Hotel Association, a 
corporation. — 

"(18) The complainant admits in Paragraph 15 in said 
Second smended Bild of Complaint that he has been convicted of record 
in the Superior Court, No. 518205, for trespass for unlawful eviction 
of the defendants from the premises mentioned in the said contract 
set forth in Paragraph 2, and for the wilful conversion of the personal 
property and business situated thereon; that the Appellate Court for 
the First District, Case No. 35457, affirmed said judgment on 
remittitur; that in and by said admission he also admits thst the 
right to the possession of said property mentioned in said contract, 
Paragraph 2, is in defendants; that he is in wrongful and tortiogs 
possession of the same; that the question of the construction of said 
contract has been adjudicated, finding the title and possession of 
the property to be in defendants, and he is attempting to re-litigate 
in this proceeding what has already been litigated and finally deter- 
mined by the Appellate Court, Case No» 35437, said judgment having 
become final when the complainant, after prosecuting his appeal to 
the Appellate Court, further prosecuted the same to the Supreme Court 
where a petition for writ of certiorari was denied. 

"(19) That this Court of liquity has no jurisdiction to 

aot ainabnete > uiigotve Lyiwsiny 102 Jneugbul, ated, isa m0. 
“neo “e% bre ,S dqgntnetal .dorvimbs os eft borelinam gee! nett, 
hia yosy nwo ultl oF aoseniuad bre YIreqoug Leroeveq thei? § 
sone Odnl mewiat acw om ted bre min nogy beytes sev we 
hese? bisa to Of Agetpetel mi bestiobs ae jamse otf? ‘x6 Deas Do. 
breesod? revee to baod s qi dna est dont bee ,@rhefqued to frre. be brom 
egtedseih tot nelvize a belit of ntoterw ,tryed yaved sft of, ate, 
Seyetq oft oF Yustinoo oats ef Hoty . fo. wtosdol Srevioast odd 4: 
S@ikovetw tniaiqae) to [Lif bebtrems bnooe” bisa of M2263 toe tetle 
eexdeb o ditty yLqmen o¢ gnifliw bose efda ,ybeot af. of wit? sooaedl 
ed of hesot od yam .vme Tl gampe teow OF 2S JrHOD add o 
“wensit .tente’ dose saogeo srofisyelis bikes .ntnadnoted ea i 
ebnets Jonnsy diod ~ eg iet od temm tedio edd te. 
Sikncgenod to LLik bobmom booed bike to S4 Mgetastst (eL)* 7 
| ‘ytawoitiedy i enotios ated yo tnenisiqmpy off deni AL Lalietanmt et 
tO eGeimetg bae eeontend ,yiteqeta Lenoeteg bats to [fa antaadepogs? 
guivad bee ybtro me te toatines bise eteloob oF beioole fasnascs oh. of 
' fig? at Joetines odd teblends Aisord omar old at Stig 
é#oetinos biee eavscod mooted) segemsh ye mtalo ha’ 8976 
odd moxt ednebme te’ eft te notiqo ed? ts hiov smz99 vvtes i baa, 

ed ons «wal ta ybotier etanpebs ha aad Jari Le taeoD cary” tes see 
“ge ybemox 2 ead sd tect evetg od ofda od gon Yom ot tadd ‘teat ete: 
to ¢tu00 6 cl antised a of be fstins ul eff touts el Jor od : 

a ae 


ehlatveom exe doanisiques yd bene tta 22 sépinid ect *( ar)” 

e“Risigmoo eft eausced oviielywoeqe ote fms wal at Pee on ete 
» of. tetta editotqy 16 agol déiw edisbastob edd égreslo on 9 

baa ,OSOL .Sl val no yoteqote off To mofeeosacg A003 | pit 

edi te agoun 10 e¢saisas o8 beooorg tom Lilw écued odd ‘ Neceaae 

ogasnsvhs Sia? ef aniiametie al inantalqaos es? moste subtetoe to 

ree Ae 
' beooss ald nt etedwyne fon weow inant éidmoe ed? ery <. 
edd af end tad wocta doide avect yoe-ogelle dwialgiod e% . Biveuti,, 

_ eebefo ef toidw mott ssontend to Neteqge my ‘ons Ye Yo ast 


haoces edt tuosdguett! sesteqatetal ing dtielld ‘exit (ve}* . 
enoh agamsh of eonotetet Aviv enolisgelia intalgaod To Loe be 
easolk gnemdisgé biee Ti .notiatooua’ Lede bane esvell ¢nomd tad 
bise ei deeteint una ,overoot emtaélo te «and ptieyy vie " TL: 
gp dentalquos ais pototets ying teqorg edd ov of 
wogery off base ,noltes wild mintntam o¢ tiptt on iat”, itt bye" 
@ «noltaiooss) LIetoh bne sevol tnemduegs one al dmant Vote 

' eae oe 
bine mt 8L£ dqetgetat ni atisbe dnmaniezignos off ~ , 
ixpoet to betofysoo need wat on todd dmtatgao? to LLP’ a ng 
noitetvs Lwtwolmy tot sesqaetd t0t ySORBLE ot .frme0 set ro—Ne 
doatines bran ef? mt Sonok seen evatmerg odd mort adnebaetob 
Innosteq ed? to solexovnes Lutilw edd tol bre .S dqetgered nt aes 
MOR tod otelloqys ont tant Yoooxedd berex Sta Sekt aed bres 4F% 
no sromphet blat heatri ts .VEbsS .oW oead. vera ve 
od¢ tals etiabs oale ef molsetmbs biae yd bos af dees om 
 gtoptimoo bites ai honoltnem ysieqoty bise To mo nehivoeneg’ # hi 
auoitrod bra In‘tnnexw at et ed salt iadnobue teh ak « 
bina 26 nolvomsiuntve eld to Moldasup end dearly poms ents: 
to ndissdeeog fre oLstd ‘edd gnibat? 4 hogsotbyibs 196 
etagiif-ex ov gridqmesss ah ef ins ,admabieted at cd ad 
w‘eded Yffnmtt Sue botagiti£ mood ybeotis ead tadw gat 
. gaiver dnemgbut, bise «VEhCE .OV edad _ius0l otalt 
02° faogqs tid getivoccotg tedis- pee signs wi ye? 
sas00 ome tHe odd od ome ot beduoeactg tedetu? «7 
bette esy Isatokizeo to th ng 
id mayb acne on sory “A Espa ‘to 09 elit ( AaB he 


enjoin the ease filed by Arthur V. Goebel in the Circuit Court of 
Ceok County, Case No. B-240852, wherein said Goebel filed his 
declaration against the complainant herein for damages for an 
alleged assault committed by the complainant on him. A Court of 
Rouity would have no jurisdiction to try an assault and battery 
ease which is a comson law action, nor would it have any power to 
restrain the prosecution of a tort action, nor hes it power to 
restrain the defendant from prosecuting a capias ad satisfaciend 
issued by the Superior Court of Cook County, Case Noe 518203, and 
the only proper tribunal for determining whether or not said capias 
Was properly issued is the County Court of Cook County where an 
action is pending wherein the complainant is attempting to obtain 
his liberty under the Insolvent Debtors Act. 

"(20) The element of loss of profits was not within the 
contemplation of the parties at the time the contract wos made, bee 
eause the title passe? absolutely to the defendants. 

“Wherefore, and for divers other good causes of demurrer 
appearing in the said Second Amended Bill of Compleint, these 
defendants demur to seid Second Amended Bill, and to all the matters 
and things therein contained, and pray the judgment of this Honorable 
Court, whether they shall be compelled to make any further or other 
answer to the said Second Amended Bill, and they pray to be dismissed 
with their reasonable costs in this behalf sustained.” (Here follows 
the verification.) 

Complainant contends that the bill states a good cause of 
action and that the "general and special demurrer" should have been 
overruled. Im our judgment the dismissal of the bill may be justified 
upon a number of grounds. Complainant alleges the proceedings in 

ebel et mle Ve Lipman, supra, in his bill. it appears from our 
Opinion in that case that it was conceded that clause 13 of the 
agreement was waived by the parties; that the defendants paid $1,000 
as earnest money and the first payment of $2,500; that they went inte 
possession of the premises on December 5, 1929, and remained in 
possession until May 12) 1930; that complainant took possession of 
the premises, personal property and the business, om May 12, 1930, 
and that he retained possession thereafter. In our Opinion we saids 
Clause of sng hee sage Be wine gal pe og ug Ri seeaeieiee ay ie 
property, to which the defendant answered that he based his right to 

enter and take possession of the property under clause three of the 
contract. The court very properly ruled that that clause gave the 
defendant only the right to enter for the purpose of making an 
eXamination or audit of the accounts and thet i¢ did not give the 
éefendant the right to enter and take possession of the premises, etes 
The court, in passing upon the defendant's motion te direct a verdiet 
at the conclusion of the plaintiffs’ case, properly held that if the 
defendant thopght the plaintiffs had breached the contract, he had no 
right to obtain possession of the premises, etc. * * * At no time 

éuring the trial did the defendant assert that the contract was a 

Ye fa7O9 Iiwoxlo odd mt Lodeod «VV tudeeA yd beLlt wane 
aid betti Ledeo) blea alerted totes saat inane “v 
MA TOL aogansh tot mketed themtal gL Thy Fl relives tos 
to ttNOo A amid so tmamislqnes add Wg bed taaoe. on boyetLi 
Yrotied ons tluacan me Yrs of motiolbelxut on ont bisow ys hw’ 
ov revog yee ovad ¢2 bivow tom anolees Hl rommds # eat dokd ‘bai 
ot towog if sad som ,sottos 3x0 2° te tare fp at 8% 
af ond mbszdas 


le ERIE tel coak tanats anes ta ieee: ae # beuaal 
sion ee: 

“gaiqeo bine gen to todiedw oninimreteS rot aes iu 
tn stede yinwed xoot to sev0d ytawed eft at 
 Biatdo of galtqmice af imanietqmod edt Stesade eet 
et9A gxotded smevioanl od? za 4) gh | 
(edd mitviw dem ase etitotq to weel to teemete ed? 
-od ,ehem dev dosttnen off mts edd te aod st A 
| sAttiebas ted est oF yLetulosds - 
wertities To eeagso boog recto axovih wt ome 
gaotd ,itkafouo) to ILE sofwom’ ex Ms 0 
wtetten els Ifs of bee .LLit hebmemh hnooe! bisa o nf alg i. 
eideraned aids to tromphet ond yYerr brie , bontadnes hte tad 
terete xo todtist yue elem of niygest od ae 
bevataath of of ata yedt fre ¢ i 
avoiiot ete) ", bertefaus ny Pi pit rerrer ni aduoo ¢ 

te setae hoon # aedada CLid efd tart ebrodnos Share 

mood ever bivede “setemtes Letooge bas Lateoneg" ay tat ws 4 ae 
hottitant od Yom LIftd std to Lecoimeath oft trem burt, =e Co be. ota 


0004.44 hag atnebnoteh ats dash jaokizeg oad ve ' ase i 
eint os verte tsid 7008.88 to snemyeq fond salt he Ae Um see 

ra ye ag 

mt homtamen baw (e8@L .@ roduoved ine seabhinnd athe “to motaneoxee 

te notunsenog toed dnettt siques mat Ober rd wll Lda sotanneneg 4 

 (GERL (Si Yew no pseontewd edd one Yetocomy Leong 08. 
“ thtae ow notmigo uuo nt .tedTteotods noisasseng ‘berisdes ex 

dertw tobns oteda o¢ Insbnetob efi ‘bexkan Pxuo9 fare) me 
oft to molauonsey oaiad of tngit oft beatefo on 
of gxgix win bedud sit dacls snabre tok ota 
edt To gexds wane nie reba Ysroqoty en? ‘to po al s 
ee oore. o tad? salt “Delon ytxed ora xxv #3 
meek, he té eae att tot recne oF | 
“gtd ev. 

fon bth ¢2 ¢odt bam etaseocs ext TD 7 : 

ate andy ie 5 edt Io tolmeseneq tind Baw sede oF 3 

foibmmvy & foetts, of moliam a'inshnoted edd m 

ake tt dole bled yltoyorg ,auso ‘ettitnieig ody t 
gor bad Oxf toattaoo ‘edt bedosetd bart eTtisn 

3 emi? om tA * * * 2090 eseatmory oat to ‘6 faa 

8 aaw toaxdnoo etd dad? dneaan imabneteb ond print 


conditienal sale contract. In this court, however, he contends 
that ‘this agreement amounted to a “conditional sale" and therefore 
the lease of the premises, the stock and the chattels were the 
property of the defendant and the Apartment House and Hotel 
Assoeiation until fully paid for,' and that after the plaintiffs 

had defaulted under the contract he served a notice on them setting 
up the default and demanding possession of the premises, that the 
plaintiffs refused to surrender possession and that thereupon the 
defendant had the right to take possession of the premises, ete. 
Under the rules we might well disregard the contention now raised 

in this court that the agreement amounted to a conditional sale con- 
tract. The defendant states, in support of the instant contention, 
that the contract provides only that the defendant ‘has agreed to 
gell and deliver unto the second parties, Gosbel and Schatz, his 
law business,' ete., whereas it provides that the defendant ‘does 
hereby sell, transfer end convey unto said second party,.%t the price 
of $12,500 all of the following,’ which are words of present, 
absolute conveyance." 

Later in the opinion we held that the contract “was an absolute 
contract of sale." We further held that 

“The jury were fully warranted in finding that the 
defendant intentionslly and deliberately took the lew into his own 
hands and committed the trespass charged in the declaration. It 
Was an outrageous act end the jury were fully warranted in assessing 
punitive damages against the defendant." 

One of the principles of law that must be applied in detere 
Mining the question before us is the following: 

"A demurrer does not admit allegations of fact which 
have been previously decided and are res judicata, even though they 
are alleged contrary to the adjudication. rtin ve MeCall, 247 
Til. 484.) ‘The bill shows clearly that such alleged matters have 
been previously adjudicated contrary to the contentions of the 
parties to this bill, and that the other facts stated in this bill 
contradict such alleged statement of facts." (eber v» Kemper, 

S20 Ill. 11, 21.) 

From the allegations of the bill and from our af oresaid 
opinion it appears that complainant based his right to take possession 
of the premises and property under elause 3 of the contract. That 
complainant, without warrant under the contract or the law, delibe 
erately, intentionally and illegally repossessed himself of the 
subject matter of the contract clearly appears from the allegations 
of the bill and from our eforesaid opinion. That complainant, by 
his conduct, rescinded and annulled the contract also appears from 
the allegations of the bill and from ovr opinion. Complainant 
concedes, in his reply brief, that after May 12, 1930, "the cane 

eellation and rescission had become effective and complainant was in 

abneteoo ef ¢tovewed ydivoe nidd mt. dpetdmbo eLew Lome rete , | 
eidtetold bre "“elee Lanolvtbnoo” a of dsodnveme etat’ de 
add evew afetinco ond bas aoosa edd yeoutaoxg edt te eaavst 
Level bes oawell SrecdteyA od bee Inebmotoh sah VO” 
atittvtelg oft tedta vadd how "yet bheg elit Chen notte 
gxiiion weds wo sober o boviee ef toeatmon odd tobe bbdLua'te. 
eft gakt ,seeimety os Ie noleseunegq pakbnsmtd bia 3 luatod 
ed mogweteds todd tee solsebeneg tebnectivs of Seewton e Yt dnd i 
yoje ysvelmetq off Io noleaoupog eadst of tee tx etd hed On: 
| headeat wor welinetmoe ofc Brapetelb ILew idole ow esivw’ pe | 
“noo 6fem Lenotilinoo « ot botewome Inemeontpe edd sede Jawdo" 
ehesinotaneo Josten wit to duoqqwa mh yattada taehnse toh eT or eta 
ot beerge amit Inobeo isd oft tend «ind eebiverq toatiaGe* 
‘eit ,stade® bas fode00 yaekixaq broose nde ota gph 
aoeb' dnabesteh end tadé aobkvesq 32 enotorw ..6d6 ‘yen 
Golvg off to, wWuag anooee bles ofnyw vernoo bas rerecend’ sitee 
eee 26 shuow ors dolsw * pettwoite’ oat te ff" 
*. Sony THOS saute 

‘pdutouds « Pore) ial sont9n09 edd ‘tad. biedt-« ow sotetao oat nb te pone 4 
; sacs blo mend: Pr “soksn" tentes 
odd sadd gotbot? mt hednerzew ULivt exew yent edt!” ing 

owe als odmi wal esd dood yLodetedifeb bme yiLanolinednt te 
 «¢h snelédarsloeb et? nk bogredo sasqeetd ed?’ dedtdbmtos baa 
pe tampens. ti betaettew yilut exew yxwl ed? bra tos Sardene ns nw 
. “cbrootrekeh of9 tathege a 

wtadob: ti botiega od tessa tad? wet Yo selgtemirg belt: Bo. ond. © 
agnivellot ed? af as onetesionp tegen at 



ary Te cee thaties oxtd oe cszieo ig be: 
fitted eide at werors stot tents olf 

bihoow'W two mOTY hes Lid ond Yo abotdegetic! ct wie dunes nH | 

ne lebeaweg etad-ot tight alt beand Oni bitin ne eee 0 ata io : 
‘teat atootines edd to © commie rebair Wreqory brs cow hmong ¢ ais te 

‘ adileb «ral. od? te doottows ed tebe gemerew tyros tw ¢: ne pt be Leyame 
oat to Bheamla heunsaneqer: vitegel Le: bres Llane himett « 

“anmitageste este more % ones age eleae Lo: soattnos iesnglino todd om 
a «duprdaLace> soxt7 vi nolntge » Seangrete wo wore 

rai : | tae “snbinige * «we mort tk ane oitt om 
w ani eats” <nbeE wht ve ‘164% ‘tei saan y 


possession thereafter." Wevertheless, complainant's bill is based 
upon the contract, and he seeks therein “to set off against the 

claims and demands of defendants such sume as he is equitebly entitled 
to and which may be rightfully due him” under the contract. in his 
bill he seeks to prevent the operation of the capias ad satisfaciendum 
in Goebel et al. v. Lipman, supray by asking for an accounting under 
the contract. This he cannot doe In City ef Chicago v. Chicago Bys. 
Coe, 228 Ille Appe 579, decided by this branch of the court, we said 
(pe 589)s 

"It is said in 2 Black's Rescission and Cancellation of 
Contracts, sec. 561, ppe 1321-2: 'A person who is in « position 
where he ean either affirm or rescind a contract cannot do both} 
he cannot treat the contract as rescinded for the purpose of es~ 
eaping obligations wider it, ani at the same time treat it as sub- 
sisting for the purpose of claiming benefits, or for any resson 
treat it as abrogated and as existing at the same time.*” 

The decree may also be sustained upon the ground that 
complainant is guilty of laches, and therefore should be denicd 
injunctive or any other relief. On May <1, 1959, the suit of Goebel 
et ale Ve Li s Supra, was commenced. Complainant now seeks to 
have enjoined the judgment entered therein. Our opinion, upon the 
appeal, was filed February 23, 1932. Certiorari was denied by the 
Supreme court om June 25, 1932 (see 265 Ille App. xiv)e ‘The original 
bill in the instant proceeding was filed in the July term, 1932. 

It appears from the allegations of the second amended bill that come 
Plainant vould have brought the instent bill at least two ani one» 
quarter years before he did. It also appears from the allegations of 
the bill, and from our opinion in Goebel et el» ve Lipman that for 
"sometime prior to May 1) 1930" complainant had knowledge of the 
alleged facts and circumstances upon which he based his right to 

take possession. rom the time that he took pogsession he had the 
custody and control of the books and records. During the two and 
one-quarter years he allowed defendants to prosecute their suit te a 

final decision by the Supreme court, and it was in July, 1932, after 
the issuance of the capias ad satisfaciendum that he, faced with 

a a 

boas ak Lid o Saat ialqueo saoloisievell “«ted lag sede | holaagarog 
ode Junioges the goa of stored? .eleve ad brea atentinos wt mga 
—beititns edetlupe ef ed en amwe dove ginchneted to ebracts b Brus amio£o 
eid sl sdostdaco of? xobaw “abd oud yLiwidety ls od. yam dots bie oF 
Mebuotostatien bs gatgeo of? to neidexeqe add daeverq o¢ waleos ad, Likd 
Ohm BAIieoss aH Tor patios Yt estewe enamihl .y «fs de fodeod kt 
sy ogan £00 «¥ gg00idd to ea t8 at sob donneo est aldt sbaatiaoo. oad 
pian ov efrmoo ef? To toned elas ve bebioob ore. tas +54, 088 and 
-#(968 +a) 
te potielLoene? bme nolsetoasd w'aoal€ & mt ales at rc 
moiginog & mk ak ofw moatoy A' #8-18EL . [d8 .908. sodoarsinad : 
gated ob tonnso gaat ag buioses xo ot 8 veda kb nao off 
-ae to seoqing oft tol hebaiveet us toetimoo off staoxt, Joanan 
-dwa a6 Jk daots omid oupa offs to han ytt tobmy emotisgiice gatgss 
oases Yi tet TO ,adetened grimtels to cxoqrug, ext Tot tats 
_. “mtd Steg off ta pattetxo am baw batagords ae meee 
ta brusory ord noqw bemtedusm ed Yale ‘gaat veroeh oa ng, Ga, 
, hoinph ef biuosla exotoredd bus ,aedoat to ithe at pen 
Iedeod %e dine oft ,0S¢L . LS yeM m0 sYohfor rarlte we ‘10 oy stones. a 
Kah) poe 
ot adese won snaniotgne) ,.heomenmoo Bew astra epee ht Ale, > a j 
at sequ emt stad es: vthowedt Sereine Srroaty bu, tar fe not i 
hatte in elt «(vim oqad «lll G88 cea) StQL és ‘onus mo sooo ome 7s | 

Es ee fia oe 

——-« ABERK quted Vit ot af boLit sow gnthovoozg instant ott mt tite i 
4 _ msa09 gas? Lid bebnems buovse oft to anotisgette end mort ateoqgs ar : 
4 rene boa ows teaol ta Lite ssdonth edd idgwowd evar btwoo ta - 
te anotdage Ls ead mo"? exsogaa oata $1 ‘sbkb oa orored WE2OY 
tot Gadd song ht oy +1510 Ledeoo ni olmiqo 0 ak hae’e 
es To epbeLwost bed inant oLaceo "Oued ai ett od wii 

of trisi« 3 Lat hosed est dotdw Moga woonadenuozte haa ait 

al had om Ho Lageaneg foos ont tasty outs ott ‘aot ome i 
bre owt ont paxil sabrooe% bce axood sts 20 Sorn00 ‘bate 

Te gana 

x od tive shoals osuveaorg ov einebeotsh deresis b ort bei 



imprisonment if he did not pay the judgment, filed the original bill 
in the instant case. He filed his petition in the County court, 

under the Insolvent Debtors act (Lipman v. Goebel et ale, 357 Ill. 

315), in the fall of 1932, and we must assume, therefore, that he 
was umable to pay the judgment in the trespass case, and it seems 
reasonably clear that the instant bill wus brought to aveid, if 
possible, the effect of the Sapiase in equity a party is not per~ 
mitted to sleep on his rights to the prejudice of the party on whom 
he makes a claim; and failure to use reasonable diligence in bringing 
his suit to enforce a right after the facts im the case are known to 
a complainant is fatal to his right to recover. laches is an equitable 
defense and is allowed to do justice between the parties under all the 
circumstances of the case without regard to the passage of any definite 
period of time. The fact that complainant was an experienced lawyer 
and knew the alleged facts upon which he bases his right to an aceounte 
ing “sometime prior to May 1, 1930," must be considered in determining 
the question of laches. 

The decree may also be sustained upon the ground that com- 
Plainant comes into a court of equity with unclean hands. What we 
have heretofore said in this opinion sufficiently shows our reasons 
for thus concluding. While this rule of equity, which forbids relief 
to him who is guilty of inequitable conduct, applies only where the 
improper conduet concerns the very transaction of which complaint is 
made, it is clear that the improper conduct of complainant was directly 
comected with the subject matter ef the instant litigation. Come 
Plainant's sole defense in the trespass case was based upon the con- 
tract. Equity will not aid one who unlawfully and maliciously takes 
the lew into his own hands and then seeks to obtain relief in chancery 
from the consequences of his conducte This rule ia Sspecially applicable 
to the conduct of complainants, an experienced lawyer familiar with the 
facts. Complainant contends that the defense of unclean hands cannet 

££2¢ Lanigize add bell? ~Inampnn, ent yoq von 62d ef MY ¢oommebegik 
esavon Ysiveo oly mi melsiveq eli boLtt *H \.eaeo drtetant one eet 
REL W60 ake de SodgoD sv memg it) toa etotded srevfoentT sae 6b 
af tad ,evotetedd ,omuena dena ow bas g88OL to LLet edt nt y{ ale 
ameoe ¢L bra .ouso sasgqeett ond nt taompout oat vYsq ot eideny asw 

tk .hkeva of slguowd aew Lite drxedamt edd tant uae ly ydendesds 

-<eq foe at Ytreq « Ylwpo al semtqsy eMd tO souTtte eff (etdtanog 
stony Ke ysuse acid Lo wothutoue odd of vdugie etd no qoele of becdim 
geiani«d mi soregiits sidamoeset say of owlint bre imtalo & wttemw 6H 
oS Shor et eehe odd at wtont ont Zotts sigh « goretae oF £2 ah 
eidetinpe ma ef pesisa stpvooe* of sdpix ald’ od tndut at ine . 
ag? Iie <ebew neti reg ott negnded evizeut bb of hewolts at tn one 
etinkiod yrs to eyaeenq end 82 broget dwortd Ew caso std Yo ae 
uoguat wuhnaminadetn na saw tnenieiqmos dat? doe ofT omits te Nel. 
stnnoes ns 9¢ idgi eid seasd of doidw noqu adest hepetts ond wont is 4 
aatateesos fi borebianoo od taum "080s yt ~ od soltg Smtiemos” pat ae 
- “,abstoe Yo’ walteidflte | 1 

m0 ‘teks Enworn ens noqu bentetava od cals vax evtosh oat age pig | 
‘ow dat! sebmad neo fom dé by xd tarps to Jtw09 a etut e aemoo emoo dnentatg 4 
angaset ‘230 ewosde hguovgnnye nointee end ak oes eretese sed oad 
gets sites fender 

ai dniniqewe Motte to nottowasers Yuev ott arresneo “toubnoo “te 
ultoetib ean #eshtutimoc to séuhnde Yeqongrit ont tadd tools ef” rom 
owod snotéapivil imatant ent to vdtom do otdue ine dbiw ‘weds a 

<t00 ed moqy bomad anw eaeo saaqaotd eat nt eanetob foe etd inn ser he 
coded Vevototian bax vLietwolny odw sno bia fon itiw eehooe “sso0st f 

eusonstlo ml ‘hotles niatde od exeos nods ona abnadt nwo ad « ost wad | old j 

tdevituas eliatooges ad ofvt eid? “sfoubnos aud to seoneupoanco ‘edd ork 
W8 ¢ eat ome Wy 

exd thw tH iL ims t woyneL be one treaxo fs einante Lemon to doubereo ond oF 

re ats =. 8% pi} ter! 

sonriao abnad nae Loa to pastes end dod abaosmos snaninigaod 8 

es: ke epee dt @ Te 


be raised by demurrer, and cites in support of this contention 
tinkeff ve Wyland, 272 Illes App» 280. That case (pe 286) cites 
the rule of equity which forbids relief to him whe is guilty of 
inequitable conduct and holds that it applies only where the improper 
conduct concerns the very transaction of which complaint is made}; 
that the allegations of the bill in that ease did met eall for the 
application of the rule, and that if the defense existed it could be 
properly reised by answer. if want of jurisdictions the bar of the 
statute of limitations, the statute of frauds, laches, unclean hands, 
multifariousness, or defenses of a kindred character appear on the 
face of a bill, it will be obnoxious to a demrrer unlese an equitable 
ereuse is alleged in the bill that avoids the operation of the rule. 
Other grounds are urged by defendants in suppert ef the 
decree, but in our view of this appeal it is not necessary te pass 
upom the samee There is, of course, no merit in complainant's con- 
tention that as the chanecllor dismissed the bill upon the séle ground 
that complainant came inte court with unelean hands, other grounds 
urged by defendants in support of the dewews should not be considered. 
The deeree of the Cireuit court of Cook county is affirmed. 

Sullivan, J», conceurse 

As Mr. Chief Justice Friend was the chaneellor in the trial of this 
cause, he took no part, in this court, in the consideration m£& nor 
determination of this appeal. 

| Reltaeinoo wld to toque ni wethe baw ,wextme® YW bowler ed 

aedio (288 sq) eesn ted? 4088 sygA WELT BYS Qhaater Sw toile 

te qitua si ecw old ad Ywilet ehkdre? stole hive to wilrt ete 

| agongut edt oxodw Yio medfage 44 tard abLod hia ‘soubnoy eldadtupehl 
tehen al inintgamo doldw bo molévooensst yuey of? aneonos somtatoy 

ans wei Lhee 2on bbb ease tele nt Lite od Yo enol tye La wed vprtl’ 

od biuoo 2 botatxs aanetoh edd ti dally has yolwd afd To nodeeREgen 

ong to ued ott emoiteisettwt te fnew Tl stevens Yo Sealer Ulieyorg 

| gabnasd neefors pactioal yabuest ‘te stutote otf Genotsadtatl YW ‘edwindd 
est 1 teoqga tetootato boxbnid s te weaneted to suotevolte tls ina 
eidetinge na saclay corms « 0d avokxondo od Libw di \ ilies Yo Wout 
 soiwe off? % aolderego bad ahiovs sadd L420 ods mk beesds wt euvene 

eld Fo Seoqque at stsaine tb Yd degui wee etmsDay Wado! sue! q 
gee: od Kesseepen den wt i Leouqu wld? to wety awe at ted QsoeR 

 prhtop. a Wanstatgan ah tines om yentsoc to «et etext semem erttomoyaD 

esiora eLbe ont noqu LLid ocd ioanimatd roLLoonede: oft) os tarthimbitmed: — 

 ehawoty veddo yubmat nsefoay détw dusoo oont, eman tertetymoo tastt: a. 

shousbienos od.ton ives eorosb! ott 20: ¢apeuwecatt wtmabwoheh ye begin ‘ ‘3 

sbomattia ef ygoume dood to dyes tiworlhd csi ke eomeb eff deonlaly 

CRATER wives site wt Dew sone ted ete iad | 

Meise eg oe eG) .ysivew Ge ate Slat BEd yuibulomiy amie” ee% cd 

ble a pide Rs - oc 
ut Se aes — nr eee a : | 



seotianee ferme to. mt tan Seolee se Aree ‘aboorties by 
ay nat 8 ies Buns wy Reh & need ot? «i sae deh efge c etectbshe bi 

si tet? Ene laees be sy in wie ete bbe F om ifi¢ ya aye boi 
| esniietal, eb tends adele a yun geld beh odend ewe wis wind wa 2 ta oe 

Pao sLagy —tiadk ire ox ; S.Lere ee sivuhnes win ty swe ones BOS ote ce = 
he j F ; A 
rae R » tisaand sabi oH ig route oti 
A tae ‘ 

ype fate Ga ere smandadenos 

‘ or r } “ $ 
; Z é < 

: e f se 

“aa rs ‘Sanre of y tis si 

al f 

é pe § 





— 279 1.4. 634 


Plaintiff aued defendant in an action of trespass on the 
case. A jury returned a verdict finding defendant guilty and 
assessing plaintiff's damages at the aum of one dollar. fhe jury 
anawered two special interrogatories submitted to them, ac follows: 
(2) that defendant was not actuated by malice toward plaintiff in 
securing his arrest, as elleged in the declaration; and (2) that 
he was netuated by malice toward the plaintiff in the bringing of 
the criminal wrenneution, as alleged in plaintiff's declaration. 

: Defendant made no motion for a mew trial. Plaintiff's motion for 
a new trial was overruled and he hes appealed from a judgment 
entered upon the verdict. 

The first count of the declaration charges, inter alia, 
that on June 18, 1929, defendant falsely, maliciously, ani without 
any reasonable or probable cause charged that plaintiff had robbed 
defendant with a guns that defendant falsely, maliciously and without 
any reasonable or probable esure proeured the arrest of plaintiff and 
caused the latter to be brought before one of the judges of the 
Municipal court of Chieage "to be dealt with according te law for 
the supposed offense," and that defendant, on said date, wrongfully 
and unjustly, and without any reasonable or probable cause whatscever 
preeured plaintiff to be arrested and to be imprisoned and kept in 


{ x A \ ies euniuene Bg hia age ‘ 
Hing 4 » aa SS he ps a Re hah Ree mea 
lg 1 \es ee a i ia % cal h 
\ Ye ; Lm F oegiay: “hanya oie sty Fay vane 
| | 
i 13 en Ce a 

; | etna tiogga 
s¥7HUOO BOD KO As Staaie y pli. 

oom oe | 30 TARTAN 

b GOAcE OTQ™ 0 ot eel 
with tig De ee: 

~ s¥sH00 EET % ROINISO BEY cam WAmTADe 8 + ik 
é ots hk a al a 
LE Soabaetebh Sears satoatast wa: ee 
, han YLimy imabepted gadbalt dotbyey a demos yemb A omene | 
“Gueh of .xetlob sao Yo swe alt te aopamsd af 22tintele aateaeads: 
-—_ ae yuerd of bodtindys ae trodagorsedat nee | 
mk Witatalg bsewot eotlem yd dadautos Jon eae smadeated Seth ihtD: 
tats, AS) Sts treliarsfoed eds mt begetia as stort, abe 9a 
-“ amtamixd ot at Mtdatela ent. trowos ooktan yd sotauton.nam si 
__., sigetwts foe eMidelatg mi bepelio an «nohispeeasg santo 4 
Rot soitom a'tilimtalt  -faixt wena wet motvom on ohem dnabae 
demorgout, & wort beleoqge ead od has belusteve sew tatud Perry 
i vio tbiey ail? noqu bexegme j 
satin sated saegiado mottaxafoed ex? Yo tnuoe texkt ad SECS 
twats iw Bon ¢YLowedodsam yELeuLek smsheoded «RCL «AL emul me ass os 
beddet bad Viténtela test bogradto oR ekdadery x0. danoonen7e | 

oy » 

rot wal 08 paibiooss méiw dfeeb ed of* agaetd? to sos , | 
vilutyaotw eoded bles n@ edanbaoted daald baie Moen tte oO TG 
torsos sow sues ORERTO te oLdanonsex we duostdiw ane e 
"gh dqed baw benoutzgmt od 08 bas beduetxa od 09 ademtate be 

prison for the space of twelve hours; thet on Jume 28, 1929, defend- 
ant falsely, maliciously and without any rensonable or probable 
cause procured plaintiff te be exemined before said judge touching 
the said supposed offense and that said judge, having heard and con- 
sidered the case, adjudged and determined that plaintiff was not 
guilty of the said supposed offense and then and there acquitted and 
discharged plainti‘f, and that defendant has not further prosecuted 
his complaint and has ebandoned the same, and the said complaint and 
prosecution are wholly ended and determined. Count two alleges 
malicious prosecution. Counts three and four allege slander. Counts 
five and six allege false imprisonment. Defendant filed the plea of 
the general issue; also special plese os to counts three and four 
elleging, in substance, that the alleged slanderous words were spoken 
in the honest belief that plaintiff was the person whe hat robbed 
éefendant and «ere “spoken solely to said police officer for the pure 
pose of bringing te justice an individual whom he believed guilty of 
the crime of highway robbery;" alse special pleas as to counts ons, 
two, five and six, which allege, in substance, that prior to the signing 
of the complaint defendant was rebbed by an individual armed with a 
revelyer, that said individual was identical in appearance with plain- 
tiff, that at the time he signed the complaint and made the charge 
he honestly believed that plaintiff was the individual who had robbed 
him, ani that in making the charge he way not actuated by malice nor 
411 will towerd plaintiff. 

| There is little dispute as to the main facts. Vleintiff, 
at the time in question, was about fifty years old. He was born in 
iowa and had taught sehool to obtain a college education. After 
leaving college he did newspaper work in that state. in August, 1907, 
he came to Chicago, where he worked for the City Press <gsociation 
for more than a year. He then worked for the Civil Service  seociation 

~hooteh .QSeL 28 earl me telt qaewod ovtews te sosge afd 10% moaleg 
eidedazy xe eidaroenat ywie Jweddiw ban yLevolotiaw wueatek ro 
gridawod sybul bien supind Segimexe ef of ttivntalg betsoe%q soma 
~ceo hae Otel geivet ,oghet Blac sed? bra eanette besoqqwa bien wd 
sou wee Tiktotsly todd heniazeds) ima awehage soaco ond howebse 
bus hodtiupos etedd ben medd tro wane tio beeoguise Biae ots te wedbarg | 
hetunenong wetdest don cout tradroted tad? has 4 Ptinteta bewzadoath e 
bin Yekatqeoo bien ond bra emus odd bemonnade sat hme sxbakquoe ‘iil 
eeyetia ows inwoD ,bemtarretoh boa bebne vifouw —, 01 suoenong 
stewed .tebnala ogolia xwet brs ood edawed -09L4uoesexq ' 
te eelg ofd boll? Inokrotet  .dnomidabugm? wtfer geile xia om on 

wer has contd eimwos of an bnety Labeoqe oats jeusel: 

aexdqo stow abtow avorebnnte beg@iia od? tid ,eommandive eee | 
 -poddot bal ow noateg wl? wav Mitnibly dene doktor deemed wits mt a 

he ana 

“me 4 end ‘ret xoehite avifeg blaw of YLolow newfoqu” oxen haw do 

és ball 

to whiny bevelled ed modw Lesbivihed aa botiewh of wi 
Py. egnuos os as waclg inlooqe ontn “tyre ddot yeurtgtd teteniie | . 
atm te ests oo rola gadd poonwdadus ni .oyeite deide jxbe bid veh yond i 
a ddiw beats Loud tv tbnt na YW beddox aow trabmdted detalgnoe eat to 
onkela a3tw one te0gqs ai ksoiinobt aow Levbivibal ‘Brad ‘sats’ xovfoven 
grado sd? cham imo Inialgmoo att bomptd ot omit elt Se todd YRERS 

| beddor bast ow Invbivisni ond nev Yitiniate tail Sivekled ykteomed od q 

| ton seston bla dosawion den gow est om wale petersenii ouwidh ; 
one "ude ahi kd od Gi" Shinde Gade anata’ memes | 
“nh ered cow of bfo oxomy LET Suddd nb’ \modenerp nt bik pitt” 
nett: saotisoubs egellos « alata of Loose tetgiens bot a ok 

(foe a faugi SI .odsde gett at dxow roqeqawon bth of ogettes gulvect 
aetealoosas svort a sto! ods i st bestow ont — herpes ° ‘ 

PUR TT eS ae 


for eight or nine years. He began the prectice of law im December, 
1922. In March, 1929, he was appointe’ an assistant state's attorney 
of Gook county by state's attorney John A» Swanson. Plaintiff's 
duties related to "tax fixing eases and his work we done in the 
County building, in which the state's attormey had an office. On 
June 138, 1920, he kept an appointment with Judge Horner, Probate 
judge ef Cook county, after which, in pursuance of /autios, he went 
to the assessor's office, located in the same building, and after 
completing his work there he went to the eighth floor of the Jity 
Hall, which is connected with the County building, to cheok up 
eortain cases that he wax attending to in the Municipal court. He 
left there and was standing in the hallway on that floor waiting | 
for an elevator, when defendant sudienly appeared with a policeman 
and FEXSe; SF said to the latter: “Arrest this mene He held me up 
in my real estate office three months ago." Plainti’f said to the 
policeman, “Why, he is crasy, i am a lavyer," and handed the police- 
man his eard and requested permission to telephone his offi ce. 
Neither defendant ner the police officer had a warrant for plain- 
tiff's arrest. The officer refused to allow plaintiff te telephone 
and said that he would “have to come elong." The officer took plaine 
tiff by the arm and lei him to the Contral Detail police stntion, at 
Madison and Warket streets. Plaintiff there asked lesve to telephone, 
and stated that he was an assistant’ state's attorney. He was not 
permitted to telephone, wae handcuffed, placed in a patrol wagon, and 
driven to the Chieage Lewn station at 3515 Vest 63rd street, Chicago. 
Defendant accompanied plaintiff and the officer during all of this 
time. At the last station plaintiff said te the lieutenant of 
police stationed there: “I would like to telephone, Thies thing 

has gone far enoughe If you will let me call up Judge Matchett 

or Judge Johnson or Judge Trude, or John Swanson, the state's 
attorney, or if you will call them up yourself, you will find out 


geetinece® mi wal 6 oeltoeng etd meged ok. wxsey ontn *0 detyhe cok 
Yeortweids a'etatea taatetese oe totntogqs aaw of aeser tora a seebs 
*  gtenaeniiatt samanowe «4 netot ogerredsm 0 ‘sdata yt Cimisd Meld S 
oi mt ood saw stvow cid ban eenwe “gatxt? ead” of Badated detdub 

nO sondvRe me bed yoruosdé otedadu ott Moldy wh dedetiog Wawed 
edoduxt ytoneell vglwt dttw ¢romimtodas ta Sud ont , OSCE cE oniit 
anew ad quakent\yto wornmeeny et toni ‘tedta Jedidé ded We eghnh 
dee tase qgukdLind amne wid pt Nesdvot yoortiy @!roesesee "as 
wis asl ta soolt Madgto salt ‘ov seow ott ered? drow abd es 
qt doode of yynthkind’ “inuet ote Hehy bedventos er fob Lait 

6 abewoo Aeqtoknel edt ot of ‘pit bre tee enw cal add ‘peeao aiatsee. a 
poke tow xonkt sealed wo YowLLest orfe nt gaFhaads eaw bas oxedé dies 
. semectLeg a ttiv he wegge Ynebhes dmodireted moi ‘sobsvets 5 ate 4 
tu tat Dioul OM smn att doorei” vaeddad eitt os bhi weRiaeae ‘he 

90 ee, ats enaiqeled o¢ mmiualereg bed i pee : 

? tire “x vb tantate watte of heavtes seoktte eit eevee 008 : we 4 
~utetg dood tentiie es ".gnoLe ombe of pred Mtuow ect sti eto ee 
te eno k2 680 eoifog Ltated Lexined ed? e¢.mbd bel bre wre wate et vty P : 
sonpcqetot of over bodes ovedé Ytntalt sateoude doiluiit boik’ moubbaw” 
tem gor ol 6s yortodds s'sdata | pasha kone et spy od tne todete en 

| ite gauges forteq = mt beonle be thus head eow. poundqekes 04 5 | | 
vogcoti® qfootte bxtd tee 2696 sa uotteda must ogee oid de 
akdd oe LLe yaw) teok Me ed? kas Weetele beinauo ose 

Lo dmenoseedh od ot Show Yitemtaty nefeade tanto 

_ Badd ald? sonodgeted of oalkf bivew I" hace smoke, 
4fadotak opbah qu Khon em dou LEtw wy YT” “city : 

ojo, Bfeteda, ond gnoumnd mint vo! pebet? Syhut peer 
pe suas tiiw woy «tieexwoy qu moddd iLas Libw sey tt ” 


this is just a joke. You will find out who I am. IJ em an 
Asgsistent State's Attorney. I don't see why you should deny me 

the right te telephone to somebody." Defendant then said: "I am 

a responsible citizen. I am worth upwards of two hundred thousand 
deliars. I am ready te sign a complaint,” and plaintiff was not 
allowed to telephone. From that station plaintiff, handeuffed, 

wae token in a patrol wagon to the Bureau of Identification at llth 
and State etreets, defendant alse riding im the wagon. +t the 
Bureau plaintiff wes photographed, “fingerprinted,” weighed and 
measured. He was then returned, in the patrel wagon, to the Chicuge 
Lewn station and placed im a cell, where many policemen and “other 
people” inepected him. bout five o'clock in the afternoon he was 
"lined up" in the station with six or seven other men and asked his 
mame and ogcupnztion in the presence of defendant and othere whe had 
been brought to the station for the purpose of determining if he was 
one of the participants in the robbery in question. Finally, at 
nine pems, pleinti‘f was permitted to telephone his wife. -beut ten 
oe’ elock that evening he wes token by the police to the home of Judge 
Matchett, who relersed him upon his own recognizance. The next day 
defendant signed a complaint eageinet pleintiff before Judge Jonas, 

a judge of the Municipal court of Chiesgo., The complaint ehurged 
that plaintiff, on ‘pril 5, 1929, “feloniously and violently did make 
an asseult and did then end there put the seid Frederick Froemke in 
bodily fear and danger ef his life, and did teke one white gold dia- 

mond ring 1 7/8 esrat blue white stone set in platinum valued at 
$1000 and $300 in UJ. 5. Curreney the personal goods and property of 
the seid Frederick Froemke from the person ahd ageinet the will of 
the seid Frederick Froemke then and there, feloniously and violently 
by force and intimidation, did rob, steal, take and carry sways and 
the seid Raymond Blackwood then and there was armed with a certain 
dengerous weapon, to-wit? a blue steel] revolver with the uwilavful 

{( a: 

tame Tots Locie two Sols Litw wor  sedol ao taul pe wlee 

om Yeh Niven wey Yaw oon 4 impb I 4KeNXodd) a*oteda imadetemh 

ma I" ibige tosis dteiere te “. yhesomes of enedqoted of dys odt 
anaswod? borhuet ord to aftawgy I ympakiin oldianoqoes a 
don cay Vilinigiq bre “,intetgmes « mute of Ybeot moe 7 sotto 

i ea Ow 

ebeTivobastl ¢tiijalety meitete Jatt merit sonacigoteg eo! Jontia | 
mail te Holeaottgine dt te saeryt odd of nogew foxteq A at nokot enw | 
ect ¢ .«poyew of? mt gathit ole syohaetek satooste evade ‘a 
baa desig iow ",bointagroge ts" sborigargad aria 2aw tdinbetg woot ig 
eoneeidd ect of yrogeaw Losing odd ot ,bomuniot mons ssw of , + betwseou 
xutto” bas nompottog ynem oxede gifs « at hoonty bus polyats wad 
eae on noontedts en? mt Aoole ‘@ evit su0d ential hes veqent “eigoeg 
add dete s hee Bom xsedie neve “0 xke tg bw so linde esl a aH bon? al 
had oxy atosito bus Inobsoteh to vomsaesg eld mi sot iaquone § ‘hoa. omnt- | 

$5 Peo. 

ean ext 24 gritnioxreseh Yo sang ise oat rot notsate cake dd tdouond 
Lt ee 
fe yUifentt nol tapup nt yreddox ad? att atnectotxog “— te om 
a” ip 0 ss Ce Lire e 4 
3 id fas o% bot? ‘‘ibinte ty 
sed sued) ,ottw aid omodqe herxog oaw it fa «omeg ons | 
sabes to ened edd of opitog odd yd neko enw ort antnove lewd vain’ 
+a oe 

Tab axon atl .oomanieyooet mwo ald aoqu ake dea e.for “ety ae ated 

egsnal, egbul exo'led tittntely tantegs sectntgme 9 8 bemats. : 
beguade imtalgqueg eft ogo hf? ~” trae Lambo tear oe we ed i. f 7. 
_folew bbb GLineLoty ban awotnerer® ase “2 Stqn mo “sMintota, 

ea hee Me at Bis: 

Mh gaimvaxt xolrshert hice ald sug ated? bas mouté bis Ry-v1 tienqen 

: rath biog etidw ero sind bib hres word ond to repeat ban sek % i 

_ $9 dexiey mnttatg 22 Jee note odidw outs ‘ane aN As 

lato a aby hoes aay oredta howe rani ai il 
_fetwadtar ot sitw xevioves sods * oukd a steanall 40 

ae EO 


end felonious intent then and there if resisted, te kill and maim 
the said Frederick Froemke in the said robbery * * * contrary to 
the statute," ete. 

it is unnecessary to state the circumstances surrounding 
the allegeé robbery for the reason that defendant's counsel, in the 
trial ef the cuse, etated thet “the defendant had made an honest 
misteke in identifying the plaintiff as one of the robbers, and that 
the acte of the defendant in esusing the plinintiff's errest were not 
malicious; thet the whole situetion wae the result of the perfect 
likeness the plaintiff bore to one of the robbers in the shove mene 
tioned holdup," and in his opening statement te the jury the same 
egunsel stated “that not one word would be said against the reputation 
of the plaintiff nor any sitempt made to extebliesh the fact that he 
was one of the parties thet robbed the defendsnt in his office and 
that plaintiff's general reputation had been and wos good.” 

Plaintiff contends that, under the facts of the ease, the 
damages asses ed by the jury are grossly biadequate, and that “improper 
and prejudicial remarks and misconduct of attorney for defendant in the 
presence of the jury," were responsible for the verdict. Plaintiff 
calls attention to the fact that while the jury found, in ite answer to 
special interrogatery one, that defendant was not agtiuated by malice 
toward the plaintiff im securing hia arrest, that in ite answer to 
special interrogatory two it found that “defendant was actuated by 
malice towerd the plaintiff in the bringing of the criminal prosecution, 
as alleged in plaintiff's declaration.” Defendant states, in his 
brief, that “the fact that the plaintiff only seoured a verdict for 
$1.00 is due to the fact that the jury must have beiiieved that the 
defendant in the case received a great deal mere punishment, abuse 
amd lack of consideration than the plaintiff reaietved elon he was 
arrested." The record discloses that counsel for defendant sceur 

the vardiet by elaiming that defendant, after the arrest of plain . 


Siem bes Litt of ,hoteheos Ub event tne nedt tomas sretseked tee 

od Whendnes * * * yNeddor binw osld mio wmimooxT doluetorhebtas ete 

( wete “otetets oft 

 Belense tise agoasdamwotte edd atage of Yiasawosmt at FI © 

ogi af loensee a'dashpotep darld monaet ert tod yxoddex aaatonie 

duamod ne shape bet trphnolob ed?” gate botate caged ent Ye debat 

tats one yexeddos ody Yo one aa Tiisnlely od? patyitvneht mt obstode 

son ovew Jsotia a*litdaialg asl Balewee mi toebherotebh este te ates eid 

doptieg af to iivest odd sew nolsaudis, ofedw odd dott qevetelion 

sno oveds of? at etoddox oft Yo eno of onod tiindelq sod, eonedes 

ome odd viwh ald of dnsmeteda gatnoge ald wt has "equblod honoad 

Molsetucet edt Zamtogs bins ed divew brow emo son dad" hedats Loammeg 

od ted Yost edi delidetse of chem dquotsanyaa tom Mttatate etek 

hua.oolite eld al tasbncteb edd beddet sedé seletag sit °%e wm aw | , 

",bo0g sow hem coed. sal noliatuqet LIetensg*e "ruithetg dat | 

eid ,gnee edd to adact od tobew 4dasd abasinoo Titintalt  ” ae wae q | 

rouommed” dad hae eteirohant Ylesory sts "tt ast YC beAdene” aight 

ad? wt ¢rakeoteh sot Yonvosde io toubnovetmt boa asfcestee Latothyteee ine 

WIAs MOLE .doLacev ule xO? eLdtanoqess otew "Yexit ons to saieatedll : 

od tomar sf2 KL abemot Yxwt asfd eLidw take Post eile oF nly | 

sokfan yu dedevine ton unw driobsistes Yalt one Yuodegodteenk rere 7 

gb wewons wt mi tats .daotes ‘Bit yHiwoes Mt seamen acest’ ae 

XE hosavdos wow Inabretes" tedt Suet #2 ows Yrodw i tates 

noivuvesaery Lonmimixo odd to geigaitd ody at Pata ots ated ttt 4 

elit at quodeta amabastec — “snotisicetoon w*titdntatg mh hey “a 

wo? doLidey. o beruoey ine Whvmtute odd Jad soak bad” told ROR 

odd tris Byvettod ovat aditw Yrut oad Yatd Heed edt of ‘sub at oe a 

gals a Secenets beay étom La0b Yaory 2 ‘pevievet va09 ‘ott ak Py : 

thio oi neifw hovieet Tunvataty wild sndd we Hoxobianee ez 
boku tnabaaite “tet Lonmuoo “ip besnvana dooes oft 

Youtsze ‘v0 Sl ant teste 



had been “herassed” and “bulldoved" in the state's elternay office, 
and by arguing to the jury that he thought it would be o good thing 
for the jury to give the state's attorney's office "a dose of their 
own medicine" by denying the cloim of plaintiff, an assistant state's 
attorney. “We have seldom, if ever, seen a record that contained so 
many improper sn¢ prejudicial remarks ond atajenents as we fimd in 
the instant one. It would unduly lengthen this opinion toe refer to 
all of them, but we shell cite certoin of the majer ones. Defendant, 
on direct examination, testified that efter the arrest of plaintiff 
the assistant state's attorneys who investigated the case “grilled* 
defendent for about four hourss Flaintiff's counsel, on cross<- 
examination, repeatedly attempted to question defendaat in reference 
to the alleged grilling, but the trial court, upon objection by 
defendant, refused te sallow plaintiff to do so. it was upen this 
testimony of defendant that his counsel based hia main defense. That 
the state's ettorney had the power and right to Lavuire into the 
alleged robbery is clesr. In addition to the fact that it wae his 
duty te inquire into all charges of that character he wae vitally 
interested in ascertaining if one of hia agvistants had been guilty 
of the serious charge made against him. If assistant atate's attorney 
Northup unduly “grilled® defendant or “bulldozed” him, as counsel for 
defendant told the jury, that facet could not be made the basis ef a 
defense to the instant actione nd yot counsel for defendant made 
the following statement to the jury in his argument 4 "These men are 
in the state's ittorney's office. You know how things are. 4 man 
may be picked up and leeked up two or three days, not tend anybody. 
That's all right. The State’s Attorney's office does it. But let one 
of them get picked up, and then the Ster Spangled Benner is waved, is 
torn te shreds. 1 sometimes wonder, maybe it is good for them to get 
@ dose of their own medicine, send realize people qught no’ to be takene 
Ve have seen so much of that under this present adwinistrations" 

When objection to this statement was sustained, counsel imnedistely 

ho ul 
: 4 Ae 

gee dete Yerwrde e'etete att nt “boxe bitwd” bie "boseenest” nesdt het 
peidé boon « of Siuwow 2 aigvedd off tote yuu ond oF yetingaa Yd Bed 
tins to saoh a” soktlo a’yonzotta atotase odd evih of ret ems wet 
ieveta dredataes ao ¢Titnlel¢ te abafo os prbyned ye "entotdam wo 
oh Hentetrdo todd Prowex » aece ,4eve LEP puobLoe ovad’ oY seereedes 
at tut? ow ee staemedede bao axttsnmot Letothirborq bee toto reed Yee 
oF seTex 05 Noleiqo als’ mextogned yKuhme bikew FT see Sted ant end 
viokbaeted .aeno robant ond To mistied bio tatty ww dd eed? RO th 
Witntaty to Jeoxwrs of? codte dade oeltiteed? ,notteniiexe toeuk Me 
“eoliivy” oaso bad osdegdicovat ode oyonrette setete Sistdtaew ot 
 anadxo ny yteenibs UTE Nete ls etvet wet Gods toY tube 
 epoto'tex al Geekasteh nolteoup 02 tudquidtita ULbotneqe® Hof Ianteems ) 
Ye motsoette moqu eitwoo Lnlt? oft Owe yomttttey bope tia att ee 
ede nequ eae GL son Ob of Vilsnkely wokia ot bonwtot 9 teebere ke 
sed? ,caneted migm whl Soawd Loanvoo ahd dadt tmobeoteb to xpomteaes a 
‘ea @6nt witunt oF digs dae aewOg ost heel YOnrette etetade emt 
ike pete OE ute Powt wile Od mone EAE AT. >| embLo: OR eebedor bepetin 
“OS Ehtaty aew eM wedobuedy Pall? Te aograts Lie tet acbwph wb yond 
VLiny mosd bal adnadsiess wisi to ene Tb ytntetseoen nt hobawmedieh 
Sertedta o'edade, tnadeteas, Ui «aid ¢erkega obi eredo swodnem edd ; 
20% Eeansoo an gab Mhoroblivs" 10 ¢amhantop MboLisent ytehe quaiaet 
a to alead gsi? pban ed fom bivoo gost fot, onal ett) iclhmeanell 
Shaw snahnesyd 10% Lounioa tay bis  stobiom tmotemt oad oF fetieted 
ee Fanomas abt nk vast ei eh tse tinge aabwOtter oot 
oe sate wanted word wont 4et - soakite e emetth afebaehis tint 
oMhedyns Shes don ,ayab owls co owl qu hesfoot Amp ger poate ka o” 4 
ane del suk oft seo gottta a yennotds, atededs off. bw tenian | | 
ul shovou at sonmal betguag® sade od mol? Sra «qa beatoste, top, samuts, 2 
ton of mons 26% boop at $2 odyam _xehsow PUMA eborde 
ssealed 6 02, fon ‘ibis canes, ae eny bap, sPnte eaLay : 


etated to the jury: "I am just talking te yeu as man to man, and 
bringing out the inside dope." Counsel for defendant now frankiy 
states, in defendant's brief, that the jury in rendering its verdict 
adopted this augrestion. Counsel also made the following statement 
to the jury: “Mr. Northup (assistant state's attorney), big, heavy 
Yorthup, known from the time of Charley Deneen down as the biggest 
bulldozer for lockinz people up without warrant. Mr. Brown (attorney 
for plaintiff): I object te reviling an honest man. Wo svidence in 
here. Mrs Reniff (attorney for defendant): The whole Denem crowd 
is in it. I ain't finding any fault with them. The Courts Objection 
sustained. Confine yourself. iir. Reniff: You have seen the crowd 
here, and you folks who have lived here like I have for a good many 
years, you take the crowd - Judge Matehett from the Seventh District, 
on the South side, Johnnie Northup, down on the other side. You take 
Paul Rittenhouse, right down the middle, farther in the other end of 
the district. Take them all along there. You get Russell Whitman 
on the Civil Service Commission, and Morton D. Hull, in the other 
erowd, and Cornwell - all along the Line. All right, don't ever de 
like Froemke did, no matter who you think robbed yous. Go out and 
look him up, ond find out if he is an ‘Assistant State's <ttorney in 
the administration in offiew. If you don't, get ready for a vacation.* 
Counsel repeatedly made statements to the effect that pleintiff wea 

@ member of the "Deneen Organization.” lr. Jeneon was not a witness 
and there is nothing in the evidence to connect him with the ease. 
Although defendant conceded the good reputation of plaintiff, neverthee 
less, distinguished judges and citizens who merely testified that 
Plaintiff's reputation was good were characterized by the counsel 

as merbers of the Deneen crowd, who were sevking to aid plaintiff 

fer polities] ressons. furing the crose-exumination of defendant 

the trial court ruled thet dsfendent should answer a certain question, 
whereupon defendant's counsel stated: "Object to that, if the court 

- Bis nee of pum ne wy Oo onbilad foul me I ryuwh edd of nedatel 
UEAhett eon stabeetoh wot Lsunwod "vege oblunt ait two gmigated 
tokhyey uti patiobsiot mi ereh off doctd yteted ol inehasteh nt queteti 
iteeoeste gritweliet aft cham ovls feanwe? .oolieeygus eldt bedqohe 
qvecet qaid ,(yrrrodés atetate dnotubnan) qalévow oxi vyreh edad 
dyeugid oft ao nwoh meoned yotrat? to amt? od? wotk nvomt aqulenon: 
worxesdn) mwork oh .Sruvctew gwedly tw qu eLgoeq yrtXool soX monohtbet 
gE wonebive of cue duoned om yalitver ef towhdo ® *(tiddetelg wh 
fwere Mmenot oforle ed? + (Snubastod xo% Yonebdsta) itmosw Mo nena 
noitoe$dd stewed oft .sesie elw 3Lvet ws gnbbatY tte Tatham ee 
bwors sd noes ovad woY + Titaef .i- .Mostmey enti) * bentedane — 
‘eum bog x vet wvad I elit oxed devil evel odw aifot vey hem wonedl 
dokten! aera at? moxt ttodotai ogdul - -buors edt exes soy eamety | 
gules Wo vobla teddo add wo srod qqustd tol wtiatet cobhe Atuo9. ale a | 
%o Bee wolde odf nt teddnad .oLohim odd nwo tight qouuodnosg2t deme 
Kiemd ict Cfoamn ¢og woX serssd pmota Lie medt past atoletath ot | 
weito oft mi , Livi sc nedtoM bas qnotestnamd sobrres Live eat me ; 
ob téve J'nob ,ddyit ILA + Ombi odd gmole Lia =: fhownnod A 
Bt tue 08 toy Beddow deidd woy edw. todéam om yb: 
AP Yourorss eedadi Inodetusi me ab od 3 due betta) 
*, notindat 6 rot Yleor Som ge tneh wey TT seotthomt noltietied 
daw Ttitniclg gad? seLke cfd of adnmmetate .obaw cAbadunqor: Lonnie 
wentsiw o don asw oom ot "NOL oRenyTO mommee” mahi 
 qoieme erlh Mile mht doomed 99° eymehiys ot sannaaineiniciiiiis ‘ould : 
woiixeven ,tiitmtalg to soisedeqex hoog eft bedbsomes: dasha’ ; 
dad bePhivesd ylowm odw aneaitte bine seybat at ay 
Lbenvoo wit? Yi bextnedsexato stow boog’ caw pees tints 
 Meveuttg ibs od Qidatoek orbw oly Ubieede non edi 
ma Breasted te sichihoneneiieesed ont dinguanel ot 

wey Nee ° hai 
. ine a) pat 
‘ tts ’ Py - ESS " Na i are A “ f bite SP " 
ay, a pee 4 pis Pe Gey DAR S ny { fied so i fh ak SS BAG g! aS a Sets 
f } i 

~ See 

please, * * * beenuse & man brings » case against » politician it 
Looks as though he might as well throw himself out.” Further on in 
the same cross-exemination defendent's counsel interjected, “File a 
charge, and that's what he gets." Although defendsnt's counsel eane 
gaded “that defendant had made an honest mistake in identifying plain= 
tiff as one of the robbers," still, in addressing the Jury, counsel 
for defendant steted “the whole Deneen faction” wea present at the 
trial of the criminal cherge before Judge Jonas, snd, by innuendey, 
suggested to the jury thet polities played a part in the decision. 

He mentioned Judge Jonas as a member of the “Democratic organization, * 
although there is nothing in the evidence upon which to base such a 
atatement. He told the jury that “the cefendant at the table is just 
the same as you are, a citiaen without having any political environ- 
ment of any kind or naturee" 

It ig true that the trial court sustained ebjections te the 
statements of counsel, but merely sustaining the objections aad ine 
structing the jury to disregard the statewents was net a sufficient 
remedy for the wrong done. “hen it became apparent that the counsel 
was persisting in the impreper statements and avguments the trial court 
should have sternly rebuked him, aud when that course failed should 
have punished ecunsel for his deliberate misconducte 

It is not necessary, in our judgment, to pass upon other 
contentions raised by plaiatif?. 

48 to whether defendant acted maliciously and without 
probeble cause, it ie sufficient to say that plaintiff made out a 
prime facie case in thet regards but we de not deam it necessary to 
cite the circumstances that bear upon that brauch of the cases 

Plaintiff has not had «a fair trial and the judgment of 
the Cireuit court of Cook BOTS aides amd the eouse is remanded. 

Friend, P. J», and Sullivan, J., concurs 

ff aoinictiog » temteze sano « aynted omer # vaunned * *, # voamete 
at we oRia, Mn tom Moomks womld Lhow on telgier af dancd? me eatoot 
— BREET" gootpolmetns Lewrmoo a inebaeteh aptiantmexe~snow emer ont 

en Lounve9 o Mnabae tet dyweddss Menten om, dadw atony: bee a egnasto 
| ntitady yeiytiinebs at oietsde framed ne ohent fart daahet tok sad” babes 
| Asnmioe «wurl, etd ymieaetsom mt yilbte "yrredder os Yoong om Rt 
0 eH Gm Brae nar “getiont wepnet eLertr ett" betote dnehetely wb 
eGhnernnh yd y brn sent aghyl outed eyrulp Lambabre! off Xe Ladies 
 gtietetowh onl mt roy ‘ beryaty, ooltilog tao yuu, et? of bedesyuize 
* noteeinayre olderocomed” eft to wdmen! 2 ao Heol wyhul bottelhdnem OH 
“i fous ound of Heide nogs wonobivs edd nt grilkddon wl wrote awoitite 
duet at etdhd ots 74 Inabrotsh oe" Heels Yeul eae bhol OH Viemwtabe 
ties thot ie BetVad dwadddw ReRLeRd & yore Woy ae omen Ge 
4 hp ttiari ‘ori ban 3 tb 
@H? of sxotivetds beniadoue vayoo Lalas etd daily eed ed eT 1% ee ; 
“att bus eno lteetde old gathtedoaw Us ma to some Meme 
die kotVive |b don bow adnomedhta este bewgetith bY Yah bie QMS 

— etd sheet sito umes ditnosd 22 neu’ senob si | 

| ~‘eestie on ease oo fren ome bard ‘il aX tweaover 
Me eamcell,) ‘gine mittee ene sit 
“tuonds iv bis YLevolsbtnsl ‘body Valubed mer 
“"g due enon Vitininta dalle You 8 pepe: aret® suid ed 
0 ‘Uuaansosn dt bveb dom 08 ow ind «Stage wrbvebie sit 
vosso add 20 Mould sail Moqw teow Youd weseLiuMiraehy Mt 
Iisd-ere,initenloemabenied ‘ate a ed von gal Mtentes 7 
| soetaoae a ound oa heen hentai sf sy Van Prwet! 


$7641 vii i 

g ‘a 
a Corporation, 
Pleintiff in irror, ERROR TO MUNICIPAL 
Defendant in Error. b 9 TAR 634 


This writ of error is sued out by plaintiff to review 
an order of the Municipal court of Chiesgo “expunging” a judgment 
previously entered in plaintiff's behalf, 

The suit was commenced in replevin for the possession of 
a Packard sedan automobile. ‘the replevin writ was served on defend- 
ant on February 26, 1932, at which time the bailiff ef the Municipal 
court made a demand for the possession of the automobile, but defend- 
ant refused te comply with the demand. On May 11, 1932, a notice 
was mailed to defendant informing him that on May 15, 1932, plaintiff 
would appear im court and ask lesve to file a statement of claim in 
trover instanter and would move for « rule on defendant to file his 
affidavit of merits therete within five deys thereafter. On May 13, 
1932, the trial court entered an order granting plaintiff leave 
to file such statement instanter and ruling defendant to file his 
affidavit of merits to the same in five days. Thereupon plaintiff 
filed the following verified statexent of claim: 

“Plaintiff alleges that on, to-wit: the date of the ser- 
viee of the replevin writ herein upon the defendant, George Me 
Roseznialeki, said defendant then and there in the City ef Chicago, 

» wrongfully, tortiously and maliciously converted ant 
disposed of the goods and chattels of the plaintiff, which are more 
particularly deseribed as follows, to-wit: | 

One (1) 1930 Packard Sedan, 

: Serial #152917, Moter #183064. 
Plaintiff further alleges that demand wes made upon said defendant, 

ae ‘ 
| : a e. Ls of oe oe: 
} “ . 
4 x lias, 
‘ ’ 
* ny a, ; > M4 . [<o 
ss) Ae na) 

o VATHOD BOWATS & ipl ig ‘ives - 

| nos ta “ 
TATID CON OT HO Ra gtorel at trims meee, 4, 

eOUADTHO FO TAGS agp ne a, 

AK oH “7 a RMMATNRONON La Spaoee 
E G 0 A. 4 ° 2 +t9T a "mabe on Oe Ue Cageyess 

gk ete? idggptout hs i 
we bye a3 “thadebsle ya smo bows et torre Yo stew ona? 


i: eRe Pes 
 ernncinhe ® “grtgnugxe” opeoidd te dxu09 ‘tng totes oxis to obr0 

> Ladod eYtttntale nl boxodne | ! 

to coksasecod eft tot atvetest nk besnemuoa aaw tive “= als 

~baete no beviea saw thaw nivelqes ont? eiidomotue mabes peetoet ‘_ 
Lag iste off Yo Ytiliod odd ontd dotdw to  fser', de mae 
sbnetes tod ,elidomius off to motaseaacg et? “ta% traced @ ‘ohaut 3 109 } 
Gebjom ® ~SbUL ~if yeK ao . baad oats d3iv Ulquoo o¢ bomwter, gs | 
Vetsutoke ySSCL .EL eal wo detd mist gerlaxe tad dlabdeteb of belken ake 
si mhoks 0 deometate 2 eft? of sveet tes haw #rv00 mt xa0aqs vis. ay 

cy i se ‘swbee ievart 

ais efit of Inebreteb ao efi: 2 20 bom bivow how 3 sedaatend revert aa 
oL YaM BO sed towed? eysb evi? xhaviw bgoreds iste Yo tiv 
eveet © | Pilsietelg gsi ‘sebi1o me boxntne ‘tebe falas 

tela "yb stare at hate aahe ass 
va os chan” 
By me ttaho® iateat OEeL thy ono 

»dOOEBLS node a ‘Take ME. ». 
stnabeetoh bise moqu eben sew dob @ a soge 


for the return of said property but said defendant, notwithstanding 
said demand, on, to-wit, on the day aforesaid, wilfully, wrongfully, 
toertiously and maliciously converted and disposed of said goods 
and chattels to his own us@o 

"To the damage of the plaintiff for the value of said 
property se converted, amounting to the sum of, to-wit: One Thousand 
Dollare ($1,000.00) together with legal interest thereon from the 
date of said conversion as well as other damages sustained by said 
plaintiff, by reason of eoid conversion, and therefore it brings 

its suit, ete. 
Attorney for Pisintiff.* 

fhe record discloses that no affidavit of merits was filed by defend- 
ant. On Oeteber 15, 1932, a notice was served upon defendant notify- 
ing him that on October 16, 1932, plaintiff wowld appear in court and 
move for a judgment in accordance with plaintiff's statement of claim. 
On the last mentioned date, upon motion of plaintiff, the trial court 
entered seid motion and postponed action on the seme until November 
3, 1932. Gn October 25, 1932, defendant was served with e written 
notice of the order entered by the trial court on October 15, 1932, 
and a notifiestion that on Yovember 3, 1932, plaintiff would renew 
its motion for the entry of a judgment in trever against defendant. 
On November 3, 1952, the trial court entered the following order: 

"This cause eoming on for hearing upon the motion of the 
plaintiff heretofore entered herein for judgment in trever, and the 
Court being fully advised in the premises sustains said motion, 
and thereupon enters the following finding, to-wit:s- 

“'The Court finds the defendant, G. Ms Mozesnialeki 
guilty of conversion of property described in plain- 
siff's statement of claim and agsseases the damages 
in the eum of Five Hundred Pifty and We/l00 Dollars 
($560.00) and costs in trover.' 

"Thies cause coming on for further proceedings herein, it 
is considered by the Court that the plaintiff have judgment in 
trover on the finding herein, and that the imtiff have and recover 
of and from the defendant, G» M. Reseznaleki, the damages of the 
plaintiff amounting to the sum of Five Hundred Fifty and 0/100 
Dellers ($550.00) in form as aforesaid assessed, together with the 
ae by the pleintiff herein expended, end that execution issue 


On December 15, 1932, which was more then thirty days efter the judg- 
ment wae entered, defendant filed the following verified “petition:" 

“Comes now, George MeRozczyniniski, made one of the defend- 
ants in the above entitled esuse, es petitioner, and presents his 
petition agsinst Aetna Acceptanee Company, a corporation, as respond- 

ent, _ he thereupon estates and charges the following matters and 

ene ie 


anihbeededdiwiosn ,isabmetet biee Sud ysveqerq bina toe atusex of? 0d 
eYiintgnotw »yiiviliv ,biseoreTa yab af? no ,iiw-od .mo . beamed bias 
abooy bise to beacquts bate eashewnes % Yiawelolias bas oid aod 

) soan nwo ated of uleddads bus 

bias le eulev aid vot Yiientalq ef% Yo egemah ed oT” nip aa 
baseanodT ond cfiw-od , to aure off of galinvomas ry poe og 0 Ty 
ont mou? soe tess deoxesat fagol diiw xecléegos (00.000 t) £ 
hies 4d beniedave segemeh teddo sa Llow es nokatevneo hiss } 
apaiad #2 expteted? one ,nolexevnos bioa te moener Bie" dine aad 

*, Wiidntalt xot wesetgA 

whneted YF ReLkt sow vétxem Yo tivabl tte on dats eewoLonth Arooet ad? 
“Ulider tnsbmeteh moqe bovree sew solton a «Stet 26L sedosoo 20 «dine 
bas Sxwoo mt <neqqe bivow YWidmtasy —R8CL BL xodese0 mo teuld sitet gut 
stints %O smented ats a Yt tindaty Kdiw sonebrooes wt seemybul 6 tO% cree 
dxwoe Labrd od? «Yitintale 20 motto moqy «osuh denoténom gant odd a0 
<cedmovol Litre emea of? mo moiden honeqdeog baa noliem bise betes 
noddicw @ thw beri ssw shahpetab _f60L .88 tedoted no ABOU 6 
e8ECL 2GL tedodeG se saseo Ledxd edt ye beteine ibe add to votton 
wenet Rivew Tlimtalq .kEGL ,% yodsevow so taste st | bas 
_stiabroteb tamiage xevots af dnempoal, s Yo yxtme oft Tot me a8 
_ eebhue gxiweliet add Setetne A. Latnt ont @SlOL maiaalll 

is meee te) py ert 4 0% mi Petey ahd 

noivem bles eniat« wy eet 23 
‘ std hwab8 ors bai palwoxion 9d MH 

., de ietesesed «MH +9 re, 3. 
-islg¢g mi haditeaeh Ciegeaa 3s ‘to no Bre Hanoi 

ce ear aie wae 

; $ stweo bre | OO. ; Wh AP 
aia ee sivt ovad | ee be ‘Pat ame F a rte 
ak aeaghsl oF, or #xaed betobl amen 
kis bnew nb $83, a bdecacoonas af ure  darree 
ents a sivas | abesecasa Ht odin A oes aa mot 
‘ezenl ag jal? One ,hobheqxs alow To 


gh de ea ae 

* eat te one ohdit , 

moet ot tnoantg bas at rp 

~bioqeot es qtokintegios s yynegued 
bna areddent giivoilot ents 5 


"That by reference thereto (with leave to attach copics 
thereof to this petition if necessary) he makes the several papers 
filed under the above number, with endorsements thercon, and the 
entries appearing upon the half-sheet and in docket 2701 Replevin, 
under the above titie and number, a part of this petition for 
greater certainty. ws 

*That the foregoing papers, the entries on the half-sheet 
and appearing upon the decket above described constitute the whole 
of the written recerd of proceedings had and taken in the above 
entitled cause, and that there is no other record book containing 
any record of such proceeding in the possession of the Clerk of 
this Court to which reference need be made for greater certainty. 


"That from such record, it will appear that the paper 
styled ‘smended Statement of Claim’! was filed by leave of court 
instanter, and that no copy thereof, or any summons thereon has 
ever been served wpen this petitioner, and no netice was given te 
him of any intention to secure a judgment upon which an execution 
for the body could cman 


"That the record of these proceedings is not sufficient 
to sustain a oapias writ issued in the above entitied cause, and 
that no other process has ever been issued herein of which this 
affiant has any knowledge of notice, and therefore the execution 
or caplas writ should be quashed. 


"That an order should be entered herein directing the 
Clerk to record 2 proper judgment if the court is of the opinion 
that one should be now recorded; or in the alternative an order 
should be entered herein quashing er expunging the purported record 
of judgment, and the defendant should be allowed to plead a defense 
en the merits within ouch time as the court may order, to the ond 
that justice may be done. 

“fhe foregoing matters considered, the petitioner prays 
that an order may be entered herein as preyed for above, or that a 
hearing may be had on this petition to the end, thet petitioner may 
be eble to prove the matters and things herein stated, and that all 
other orders may be entered hereine 

"George Me Rozesyninlski® 

Plaintiff moved the court te strike the said petition from the fiies 
upon the ground thet 1% did mot contain amy affirmative matters which 
would entitle defendant to the relief aaked. It appears from the bill 
of exeeptions that counsel for defendant resisted plaintiff's motion 
to strike upon the ground that defendant was cutitled te the relief 
sought for the reason that the record showed that plaintifi's state- 
ment of claim in trover did not allege “that the plaintiff casually 
lest the goods 2ni chattels described in the seid statement of claim 
in trover and that the said goods and chattels of the plaintiff came 

te the possession of the defendant by finding.” The trial court suse- 

ty ax” Sia i ig Ve 
‘avlyoo doutts ot evadt at tw) oterest? epnere tet od 
etegag Laxeves odd asda ed (yreaaeson tk pore ol ents of 
eat bas ,mostecs edmemeazobae diiw ete dase eveda ond aye 
abre Loot 09% gemiped wi bre doerla-Ttied ofy Vinal 
tok molélveq efdd Te ttaq & , vedmiE they at evedh eld eee 

pi Synlnde8 

éeana-tied eit te ebicine sad ,exeqgey prions ot one tat? bbls 3 
efotw eft sdiudisunes beditoseh evods teodoobh edt mnogu’ SE ahbiek 
eveds orf ot covet foe bea agetbeosexq to biooet mediiaw ef? to 
giinisines weed bronex xecldo om at oted? tedt bne gee pone 
to dtelo ad? to molaaerrog efi at gutbossetg doge to oo 
sYiniadtwo tofesya tot obem od beet gene ts'tet Wena og Phar & 

togaq eft satl? taeqge ILiw 7k i weeods Bas wort snrtt” 

i#zuo9 te eveol yo befit sew ‘mtal® to inemesiate bhebpem), 
end booted anomee yas te ytosted? yweo ox ite hen cbse 

63 nevig sew selson on bra .tenoliiieg ait’ mnogu bevtee me 
noitvosxe ma dotdw moqe Snnine bei, & eruove ed ao tedeens oie 
i, bineo ‘bod, ont xe} 

Susie ste jen at agatbeevotg esxed!? to brooot onl dest?” 

Soe ,vavse belticne evedn sit af bousak thiw saiges er reg ge 
aidd doidw Yo sierted bewael seed trove ead aasvetq soto 

. Roiduoexea edd syetoved? bac ,poddom to gt er be ‘earl, 

a ‘att 
ed gnisgeetts aioxed bowsime ed bivede tebe rr s taste” al 
Solnigo si? to ak diye ott Mb tnpagosl regerq.«) paces seh : 
sebze os ovitentsiie edi mt xo oe pcb pad od bLvesia te 
bzosor Sedu gy Po ® “Oo geidassp sige “tas ha 08 
eenoteb s P| 63 howe od bivode tnebmoteb etd 
baa ef? ef ,tohto yar Jager eft se emit clows 
hora Re 89 

ae, asmetétieg ad? ,~bersblerpo. eredden. z0% oft Siteiaie 
20 4970d2 20% ee ale bo amt "fo bxO te. 
Yam tenolsiieq tedd ,bre- ag org ps aid? mo best od: Letes 
{fe tad? bee ,beoiats alerted. apatite haa teas oft ovoug oF 

exe | 
alerted. be vedme ee. bal se0be0 no 
“die lateysosed «ii ogxo0d" ‘9 se ORD a | 

elit eft moth moitiveg bhaa add etizts of dnwoe odd bevem dateLt 
he ye 

tetstw ateittom evisert tie tas ‘ahitnes doa. bbe sy tastd bawerrg, esta og 
rout byw f 

fitd wd mo zt excege #i .bextes Sakten asd oe + dashaadeh eceting 

totlor edd of heléttms acw ¢mabueteh serdté oearorey, ost nou ae i 
EG) ‘ EG: Hic et 
~eiata aranssmtatg sous heweris ores hovel Sata hee! ‘al? ; 

re # 

miele “to tnomedats: big ‘esta ot’ ivoaeb alesse 
omay Titdntste etd to atoghale ms. he gore: aboe i | “reyer 
— duvoo feixd of? “.yatbnit yd ‘tanta edt to conawosson adi 


tained defendant's position and denied plaintiff's motion te strike 
upon the sole ground that the said statement of claim did net allege 
"that the plaintiff essually lost the goods and chattels described 
in the said stetement of claim in trover and thot the said goods and 
chattels of the plaintiff eceme to the possession of the defendant by 
finding.“ Thereupon the trial court, upon motion of defendant, 
etruek from the files the stetement of claim ani in the order recited 
that the statement of claim was stricken from the files fer the reason 
heretofore atated. Defendant then moved the court to “expunge” from 
the record the judgment in trever entered on Woverber 3, 1932, which 
motion was sustained by the court and an order was entered expunging 
from the record the said judgment "for the reason that the statement 
of claim in trover filed herein on May lith, 1932, is not a proper 
statement of claim in an action in trover for conversion, because 
the said statement of claim in trever dees not allege ‘that the 
plaintiff easusily lost the goods end chettels deseribed in the said 
statement ef claim in trover and that the said goods and chattels 

of the plaintiff oume to the possession of the defendant by finding.’ 
* * * Whereupon, the defendant, by his attorney, then moved the court 
to quash the capies ad satisfaciendum, heretofore issued under said 
judgment in trover, which said motion the court then and there suse 
tained and ordered the said capias ad satisfaciendum to be quashed." 
Defendent has not seen fit to defemi the record. 

Seetion 20), pars 505, ch» 37, Cuhill'’s Ill. Rev. St., 

1933, Municipal Court Aet, provides: 
"There shall be no stated terme of the Municipal Court, 
but said court shall always bevopen for the transaction of business. 
Siwery judgment, order or decree of said court final in its nature 
shall be subject te be veeated, set acide or modified in the some 
Kanner and te the seme extent as a judgment, order ox deeree of a 
Cireult Court during the term at whieh the same was rendered in 

such Cireult Court; prov ioede @ motion te vacate, set aside or 
modify the same be entered in said Municipal Court within thirty 

days after the entry of such judgment, order or decree. if no 

eotion to vacate, set aside er modify any such judgment, order or 
_ @eeree phall be entered within thirty days «fter the entry of such 

Judgment, order or decree, the same shall not be vacated, set aside 
or modified exeepting upon appeal or writ of error, or by a bill in 

| attic of woliom a'tiidntasg belaob hae molding 0 énebne tes ‘boutas 
ogeiin doe bls sabnte te sesasiede rr ete saad. ewer of0e. auld age 
beditossb aed date bans abeop eat took xikawos9 Tibdnkadg odds daster 
bas eheog Sine ed toald bow xevord nt tate re treme dada: ‘bhon end at 
we Pets Sno hos ostd te Ho Leaan boy bai dl ‘O. emit Witataly al to Lod dato 
sPrabmered Ye eo bP oar mogir atures iotue auld noqverod? “a axtbant 
betowt vere etd al fee atelo Lo tromedete oma aes exe «ox? Mownge 
teaser ong m2 SOLtT sHs mort modotrse sewahalo to isomptage end dent? 
Moet “ogempae” OF deus ont even kexts deabnotod ota a’ Oe 
Hoidwy ,R6ek ve TeeerS vO fo bere Sane rovers at sowp bal, ‘ond uncer aaé 
‘Balgewqne hetesne sew Tohto ue baa o1w099 ads Ww hentadnus aw molten: 
taanbinte of? Sait mosses sid Yor” saosybut bine os oot 

qeqery @ 460 of gRERE HFCL Yak Bo eres yee wy Yi ‘nt 

edie tests? spoiic don ase tevords mt abet Sh 1 
bia wats ng bodixoash alotiods iid Eas oe, Ri ’ 

Maples al preety 0? 32% nven aie ‘naa | 
| ee voit “iti e'Li stad ove atte 002 to tok woldooe 

tesblyeim, “teh : 
cdxued Savas tru edt %a earted t hotats on od d Liat Vt 
cnnmuiesd to soldgagiats alt 2 
siueen atk ol at fou 30» 
one a @M9 gt bel 
© eetouh 0 bg Tee 
ae berehnet 2e7 | ead a 

_yiadg nistie #2 #osv od RO. 

aidtiw de) Laqietme bia 
YI seuxooh 9 tobe , tres és 

kee, ees Se 

‘iy Sr steamer 4 te ‘bow este a = ak 


equity, or by a petition to said Municipal Court setting forth 
grounds for vacating, setting avide or modifying the same, which 
would be sufficient to cause the same to be vacated, set aside 
or modified by a bill in equity; provided, however, thet ail 
errors in fact in the preceedings in such cese, which might have 
been corrected st common law by the writ of crrer corem nobis may 
be corrected by motion, or the judgment may be set aside, in the 
manner provided by law for similar cases in the Cireult Court.” 

It is impossible te tell from the record whether defendant 
intended the petition as one in the nature of « bill in equity or 
as one in the nature of a writ of error goram nobis, but if the 
petition be treated as a pleading in the mature ef a bill in equity 
or a motion in the nature of error corsam nobig it is clear that 
defendant failed te stete facts which would warrant the court in 
vatating the judgment. The trial court vaented the judgement upon the 
theory that the statement of cloim was fatally defective and that that 
fact gave him the jurisdiction te vacate the judgment. ven if the 
pleading in queetion was defective defendent could aot take adventage 
ef that fact by e motion in the nature of error coram nobis. (Harabia 
¥. Mary Thompeon Hospital, 309 Ill. 147.) Mor could he obtain relief 
by setting up such ground in @ bill in equity to vacate the judgment. 
If the declaration is fatally defective a writ of error or appeal is 
the proper wey te correct such error. Horeover, plaintiff's euit was 
an action of the fourth class in the Municipal court of Chienge. 

In Sher v. Robinson, 298 I11. 181, the Supreme court said: 

“In xe ve f Chic » 271 Tlle 404, this court 
had before 1% a re ST aasetins ar cect was necessary to be stated 
in a statement of claim in » municipal court in tort actions of 
the fourth clase, and held that in such an action it was not necessary 
$6 allege the giving of the statutory notice even though such state- 
ment was necessary in commen law declarations for a similar injury, 
ané after diseussing different sections of the said act, on page 408 
eaid: *A esreful eonsideration of the foregoing sections and other 
sections of the Municipal Court act leads us to the conclusion that 
common law pleadings are esely permitted in actions of the firat 
and second class and that the use thereof is abolished as to fourthe 
Glass actions. The issues in actions of the fourth clase, so fay 
as pleadings are concerned, are to be indicated by the mere filing 
of a statement of claim for all deminds, set-offs or counter-claims, 
which shall merely stete the account or nature of the demand if the 
suit is on a contract express or implied, or if in tort, a brief 
statement of the nature of the tort and euch further inform=tion 

as will reasonably inform the defendant of the nature of the case. 
The statement of an account is not a declaration at comon lawe 

dise? geteder tied Leqtviasi bhas 09 molsided a ed to, tele 
“Kote sounn ott gaiyiiheu t obles galéter yankinenv tot ebanes 
 Chiae 34% yheteoav od of emse od? Gamay: ob tuetotiive o@ hive 
Eis daalt avowed ‘ bre tg iudinps mi Liid « yd boltibem ¢ 

art debgbar * W gtaas e mi wprtheooeny eaff at dost mb asett 
Wan aidan texts 26 thew edd yd wal ronpeoes ta bedoottes meme 
hh oe BI 4 ~ ghar Mi flr a yo  ocato Sbogy 3 

*. eave thuorhs ent ak abane ual bake sa a Ww netegg 
daubnewed cual daatw pesees eat? “oct Let e2 ‘ofdtanogmt | at Oe 
se “Biupe ak Siid a %e exwian els nb ene. en neiéting at’ re sia oda 
ould tt dud epider waren sorxe te shaw » to ‘otian edt at + 0 as 
“gts nt ££)¢ a Yo wwine edd nt gatbacig a an Sébneed O0 mond td o 
— aaeto ak ot atson mores. £0 T9 * — herd ad ie 

ine doa 



etd Ui move .drempbul ‘odd otmoav of no! dotbubaut este afd d aitsh j . 
pawinevba owed gon blwoo dnnbeotet ovisooteb enw notieouy rs ‘nt ba - le 
atdewit) saidon martes tow to oman wold sed nokton 8 tds Viet * baht ; 

: tetier mtatoo ed bhion tot (.0OL »fLt ad fa Sca0 ’ 

ak keoead 16 corre to fix 6 ovtiosteb ditadan ot rotator ‘eds tr 

new tire atttliniely qreveero .votrd Move dooxtos os Yow toqortg Y 
vouseidd Yo dume Legiolmil odd ot canto addzcet eae ‘te ii 

thten duwoo emprqua odd (BBs .trt 6@8 jnoe , 

duveo wide ,b0b ffi IVS , 

betadu ed oo Yisuasoen nar <gugls Ne yet oy BETh #h oxp 
Ye unoisos ¢xev ni éxpeo Ingtoktm » st ere e hog giad 
VWrsasegem ton wew dl peidee fe owe at parte bos ,anals 
eetate dove Sgvods seve ooison S eagp 
aVustal caliake « 2% spolioge 
80s egay mo «toe hiaw ons Ye eneitvee 
Pry bie ae hiovg eagle ge 
sy hesemlonon sit aa oy abael tog Ine 
tert ety ape boom KE pedir se fae me kg 
edézpet of aa hosted leexodd o NARA 
ae% 0% eaanly dotnet ade xe oneivae mt Pres wee, 
wet ater ats oye ee . 

re covspet ott Wo orstan et ta. 
gtd, rman én pone 0-4 a hon om a 

- Ga 

It is not a plesding in the sense or meaning of common lew plead- 
inge. MSeither ¢eec the statement in tort required by erid act 
rise to the dignity of «a commen lew declaration, in our judgment, 
requiring ell the material er ultimate facts of a case to be 
stated or pleaded.’ Ye think the stutement of claim in this case 
contained the essentinls that are required by eection 40, as that 
act was construcd in the ease just eited. Purthermore, under the 
striet rules of common low plesding efter verdict, we think this 
judement should be sustained. It has been often stated with 
reference tc the common Law declaration, that if the declaration 
contains terma sufficientiy genere1 te include, by fair _ reason= 
avle intendment, any matter neceguary to be preved, and without preof 
of which the jury could not have given the verdict, the dh of an 
express averment of such matter is cured by the verdiet. (i 
« Ve Baub 215 Tlle 4233 ee Michigan Centre 
See 23 * 262, and cises cited. FSOVOLs ts muni¢ 
is sufficient tc file in cases of this kind only such «a statement 
ef eleim as will reazenably inform the defendant of the nature of the 
ease, and it should be held that after verdict and judgment it must 
be présumed that proof «15 made as te the question of dae care om the 
part of the plaintiff.* 

The allegation in « common law declaration “that the plaintirf 

casually lest the goede and chattels deseribed in the said sts tement 
of claim ia trover and that the said goode and chattels ef the plain- 
tiff came to the possession of the defendent wy finding,” mereiy 
states an old common isaw fiction and it is idle te argue that the 
instant statement of claim is not sufficient te reasonably inform 
defendant of the nature of plaintiff's case. 

Thirty d=ys hed elapsed between the time of the entry ef 
the judgment and the filing of the petition, the trial court was 
without jurisdiction to vacate the judgment under the fects set up 
in the “petition” ef defendant, and the motien of plaintiff to strize 
the petition showld have beon sucteineds 

The order of the Municipal court ef Chiecgs entered on 
Jamary 35 1933, is reversed, 


Friend, Ps. Jes and Sullivan, J+, concurte 

ieee te..28 et et Saou aie be 
m bhea yd bexkayes upd ue Bi gros 
hahaa tao pl anolinxatoe Dal ca te 
ag 62 gaes 8 | gre odanio fe a 
ouee alls ni miato to snbomsade oft # on i: 
2 at ad read bat iw oes ped? &. 
beat et¥onrred? shadio gay Mg 
ae ety oY Mrhacey todie Dice wel toaneo te solic 
Site Seteda meee need aad at "Hint Rhekn oe. bivota § 

selianalosd ere ba ogy noktwxateeh wa eit o. Rigg Pet fi o? sonere 
: Pema hee “hat wi ya bak okt o? Intoney Ylinetol ita 

prey es Dh LE Most rhe ore rea eer “supe 

ing ie ap ghz want ce apa 2 ~Totgen errs: z tees me 
Oereitate's avin Gide saevet zevobnae roeit® is anes vive al SE 
Win U Psat he ous iain ius ea vie sg, 
ou? mo oven esd to moldaeup ofs of sa ehem oat eee 
tiitniste edd tale” weldorntoob wal nomuod 4 At mri 
fini sde bisa add tk Sedfreach eLeteats hike ahdoy ott trek Ukewiae 
-nialg ot Yo efetteto tne shooy Blea ody Peng tue eeveTd ma atats % ‘4 
 Seevee “yaekbnd) ye deine ted ead 2" ial ania wren omy wae i 
ot ded? Supie of GbE ui 3é haw ROLVOr wat Mommas! no wosnta } 
“gree teed commana od énoteliwws gon ef miale to tubaodave dmetont | 
seme oP RAeHReRd te WeNdeM Ute Bo bei i 
to rie ord ‘Yo omid aft meowtod beeqele bol eyab yeetee it 
wav IxwoD Sndcd oul? ywoltiver sed ‘to Gat TY ont? Baw stim: 4 
qu fon efont nf) cobs dwenmytey aut edevay of kotiotbeltut duaitehw 
edlidu of Yiitelaly Te cotton eff bes .tmdiaotob 18 “wots tooq” ‘eid it r 
cictave mead oma Middita ‘ohe hie, ent, 
Ard parities aebiad te tae, Logis casas? elt Ye tebe ee: ae a 
ore Y , | wheintenis ef {ert 62 eeaanae 
- cconeeveat ad “ vat comer: baer ae 4 

5 elerte 

. ee . T A is 
acho pe Pao gs y 
md PG: ny eer rene sani 
¥ a # nw ® ms M “a Be 
4 (PE cs oe ty Lewes ih tt 
: I -y] & eR 5 aa 
‘ my Pf ft i a ry 7 ¢ in 
Y cin thes nhs dotatea see f 

Appellees. pay A. S 
| 279 T.A. 634 


On October 15, 1932, before a2 justice of the pesos, 
plaintiff recovered a judgment against defendants Paul Sliguth 
and ‘Norma Bliguth for the restitution of certain premises in 
Forest Park, lilinoia. Defendants appealed to the Cireuit court 
of Cook county and gave = statutery appeal bend signed by them- 
selves a9 principals, and Watalie Hornisehe,as surety, in the 
penal sum of $2,000. ‘han the appeal was eslled for trial in 
tae Sireuit court the following order was entered, on Decerber 
19, 1932% 

"On agreement of the parties to this suit new here 
gal thn sane is hereby dismionsd at defomtante’ eests fer” 
the eourt below. Th da further ordered that the wrt ef 
procedendo be stayed until February lst, 1935." 

Daring one of the last days of January, 1933, defendants Paul 

Eliguth and Norma Eliguth surrendered possession of the premises 
im question to plaintiff’, who then demanded of them the amount 

of rent due, $575, and upon theix refusal to pey same plaintiff, 
on May 12, 1933, instituted the instant action on the appeal bond 
against the Hliguths and Natelie Hornischer, and on May 19, 1933, 
® judgment for plaintiff was entered for $500 and costs of suit, 

plaintiff waiving all eleim io any sum due in exeess ef $500. 

ii ass) | 


wh ~ 
ps % ai 3 tz 

£ he » | ANA 3 

: “ . 


hy 2 \ 
| f 
; . 

-YamuOd A999 Te 

S < 

on SO ahd. ORS 
.T00 aHy TO KOTKTIO REY axutivrrne. ‘ilialt bawiins! 
HOw ae 

veoaeq el? to sottest 2 exeted sued 13k r0d0200 £ eiammemendt 
is ag tes ‘ae F 
dtug iii Inet atnabroted tanteys tmemghul « hexoveces “Wibdadesy 
“? oh weehe Te. 
mi soulastg niadxes lo nottutizanx oats 0% ddery lth sursok hae 
fiuoo thuetd edt of befeoqqe etnsbuoted .elomkLil yaxet aeozolt 
xt — iy ot Qe 
~nond yO henyte hued Leoqqs Yrodsteate a eveg bia i cwoo 2 209 Ie. 
ond at ,ysoxve es geeddetnxoll siiasel bra caleqioniug aa sevice 
mi Iaisd sot belies sew ‘feeqrs edt neatly "200088 ee: nism, a 
tedreoet no «betdIne oie’ bbe WUAbAL ABE odkd elld Vleet outs 4 
se yee TE Gate hee  Egeek ak . ee 

ereif wor thus elds 64 aebixeq odt YO tnomboxga a0" * 

“eset aioe telasbao we #8 hoceiaalh Lap fiid A 3 

a ries jag’ Rexssne wadduan SE rit ‘” 

EH ee " .S50L etal yiagudet Lh sme yasa of 7 7 
iset atrabmeteh »tS9L eyiannsl to om. toes, as Sane xt fi. Z 
seshisw of? bo cotenoascg berednowtwe sdwy Sli ame tne sts 
trveun edd mod? to hobnamed madd ane LUusmtatg of sottaomp mh : 
¢Yhlintalg omne yoy of Loawtes sted? mega bem, 1728, yeu di oto 4 
aod Leoqua eX? no motion sandunt odd bodwetoont veer 8 ya me q 
etE0L .Of yok no ban ¢xestoakmzoN eftagalt ‘bass mtuaits oat § hogs 
| gfe 20 adeo bre 008% x02 betesne uaw Thivetelg 0% sa a but a 4 

_ .008¢ Yo seeoxe mi exh aya um of mals Lie putviaw Ybh e* 

Defendants prayed an appeal from this judgment to the Cireuit vourt 
ef Cook county and upon a trial, de nove, before the court, without 
a jury, judgment was entered in favor of defendants, the trial court 
Baeing ite decision upon the theory that the order of Deeumber 1%, 
1932, released the surety. Plaintiff has appealed from thie judg- 
ment. There was no dispute that the sum due plainti:f for rent 
amounte to 4575, but plaintiff waived ali claim for rent in exooss 
of $506. Defendants have net seen fii to defend the revord. 

Plaintiff contends that the trial court misinterpreted 
the effect of the order of Socember 19, 1932; thet the seid order 
amounted to an att ixnenen of the judgment appealed from ee as to 
entitle plaintiff to claim a forfeiture of the bend and to have 
his action therefor. ‘This contention is _ meriterious one. (See 
Koelling v. Yaehsnings 174 ill. Apps 321, 322-3 Le Ys Hubbell 
Fertiliser Coe ve Jacobeliia eb al.» 199 ilie ipps 579) MeConnel, 
V+ Swailea, 2 Seam. 571; Grossman vs Cohen, 207 Ill. App. 1563 
Gerrick v. Chauberlain, 97 111. 620; idams v. Taylor, 250 111. App. 
598, 600; Poophe vs Sleight, 302 I11. 45, 47-8.) Im the last 
mentioned case the court held that the principle of law announced 
in MeConne] v. Svailes, supra, and Garrick v. Chamberlain, supra, 
head been coneistently adhered to by the court. ‘the fact that 
plaintifi agreed that the order in  uestion be entered did not tend 
to change the character and effeet of the order. Befendants had 
the right to dismiss their appeal ot their own coats for wont of 
prosecution, end plaintiff had ne power te control the action of 
defendants in that regard. As stated in “ooldridge v. Rawlings, 
14 Se Fe (Texe) G67 6688 

“The fect that the es consented to a dismissal 

of the al is more against in favor of the sureties on 
the appesl-bond. It vas a voluntary absndenment of the couse 
on appeal," 

(See also Drake v. Smytye, 44 ia. 410.) In the case of Babbitt 

tari 2 

Samoo Siwert) esié @3 Inematarh ald? anct Leoqqs on beyerq atuabnd' tert 
Swerise gd:uee ef? evoled govem oh eknit? « moqu bam Yimweo eyerioel 
deme Labua aatd aadatebrots > to Yovelt al beveldse eaw dnomgbut syxah a 
e?k toGmeon, To rehve end gat yroodd odd pogu solsiosh abt th 
“shu efde mot? bolneqqe eed Pihamiale “wou ads bosneler t 
inet s02 Vikintalg exb mua walt dauts osuqeth on cm oredr , 
anooxe ot tnet xo% miako ifs beviaw tikdakele dud Ty ‘ee. ms : I 
pbuocet odd buoleb a? #23 coe Jon ove “etawbas tet 
bodotgroiniata twee Latus ed? todd ehawtane ‘Mbdmtess ‘* 
solo bhos wild dose (SECL yO todmoood Io tobxe oul? te er i: 
od, an On maxt holacqqs inemgout ode te conarl ite Ke 08 be rn ns 
wvad Gd ban heed ec? Yo euyitelrot = mtale os vibimbate oe ta : 
ao8}) “wots awolvetitem a st fe tinbines abet ” “sretetens abn Laas 
Abas wi (eee OE .ogh SEE TE emimnat ¥ palling 
tema (ePO saat «itt Wes rie den abbledenn ov 00 woshiidzet 

bad pinebso ted .«rebxe oat 6 adverts pa oda shaven 
to dnew x02 ageae nwo stots to Leogge <tedd. eotmeth od, stake walt 
te apitoa oft Losimes of toweg pm bed. tiAsmhets, tte ica 
agmatine «v ophtbsool at odada wi + bre 

ekmath » Pr, boumvenoe sain js te eat 
semge ety Ye rolnd oo TaAnaley & a a as. 40 

 aenadion To wnae edd mt (VORA et a ‘ 


ve Finn, 101 U. G. Vy 13 & 15, respectively, the court said: 

“Where the bond is given in a subordinate court te 
prosecute an appeal to effect in a superior court, the sureties 
become liable if the judgment is affirmed in the superior eourt; 
nor ere they discharged in ense the judgment of the superior 
eourt is removed inte a higher court for re-examination and a 
mew bond is given to prosecute the second appeal, if the ——— 
is affirmed an the eourt of aces resort o Nothing 2411, diss 

reties en \@ the appeal from t ie court of 
riginal jurisdic tion, but the udgmeri t oi 
court having 4 uriedict Or 10x 

onse c DCVe ae 

7 Ashby Ve Sharps | Ls 
tom, 25 3. Yo 4043 | Ve avg Al Hun 
rdner V.» Garney, <4 > (Be Br. 467-4695 

4% B oe Xe) 45352 * * * chen they execute 
ond 7 aeaune the obligetion that they will anewer all 
damages and costs if the principal fails to prosecute bis appeal 
te effect and make his plea good, from which it follows that if 
the judgment is affirmed by the Appellate Court, either directly 
or by a mandate sent down to tho subordinate court, the cureties 

become liable to the seme extent as the principal 

{Oxo alice ours.) 

It ia plain that the trial evar’ misinterpreted the effect of the 

aversal ¢ 

order in question, ani from the undisputed facts it appears that 
the amount due plaintiff is $516, which consists of $500 for use 
and occupancy of the premises in question, $11 fer costs ef suit 
before the justice of the pesoe, and $5 for plaintiff's appearance 
fee in the Cireuit court of Cook countyas 
The judgment of the Cireuit court of Cook county will 

be reversed and judgment will be entered here in faver of pleintiff 
and against defendants in the sum of $516. 


SUM OF $516. 

Fridéid; P..Je, and Sullivan, J., concure 


shies dsnoo os »yiovidewgaes abl & EL 4Y +8 o¥ 1k fe a 
od So6q edomibredua a at nat at t onet en orestv" 
goitetwa ad? qtue tolteqen a‘ roles geese | 
eouige wodveqesn ef é mt hoarzitta sk i naam st a as. 
YeleegEs e62 ‘to anowghel od? Soyraioadd ee cb ganas 
& fee pokiadinexe~ot 219% ores tedgid « ofl dovemot 

pein ea? Ti ,lseqqs beooew ot etuoouetg of terhy af meg 
: B. Abbe . st teaet staat ba ieee alt 8 

« abd efeneno%qg of alist honbsq 
Seath erdiet ssh oor lec suet ea came ee cee 
Bry i 
olden gat aixveo otantorodun esi of mob tion asadaan & Vd 
Eantoniey” ea "as ttietxe eeu add of eldeht. omoond. 
{+ onto a9 ' 
old to sookte oats hotouqreinio kn s909, lobed suit bead ‘iat ab ox 
tests exoogen $4 stosk beduquthow ont mor? besa soetdesup at m) 
san 70% ooug to adetanon stotelw 2os08@ at Ttbiwtely euh | 
tise te adeoo wh 146 shod Seeurp ne conten ty etd to tor: 
tena Taeggs atthtemtalg cot 86 hee roneg eds to. dvtd att’ ‘oat ox tod 
svénuoo teed Yo fxweo dhwoutd ots at vox 
| Lite Vinwoo soe? te ‘dutmo thvottd wid te imac ot 7 are 4 | 
‘Mutdmiesg Ye coved at ered howame og ikke Inong bir hee ian 3 
0108 0 msn ote ae nn . 


Ga? Wi BTWACIEUA | aS a 


ey ae wpa ae ae wou Welt +o in 
Be nea EAN Cait ae ihe a 

Lie a. me Pr 

f i ; d Ain BAe 4 i ¥ ' oki suaauabie 4A, ala i 
bi napiecaine 3 ae ne oe a ta a we de HH, 
- SEAT ne te Aeamcminetiial 

te ois) 

Appellee, e 

Appellant. 2 Fé 9 1; A. caeh 


A fourth elauss contract ease in the Municipal court ef 
Chi¢egd, tried by the court without a jury, the iseuves found 
against defendent, and plaintiff's demages assessed in the sum 
of $619. Defendant appeals from se judgment entered upon the 

Plaintiff's statement of claim ellegwes that he was the 
owner of 122 shares of stock in the Kernes Manufecturing Company, 
a corporation; thet on June 22, 1932, the value of the sateck was 
¥G@1003 that the par value of the stock was $50 per share; that on 
or about Jume 22, 1932, at 12245 peme, he, together with Jdward 
MU. Sehwartz, his attorney and auditor, made a request and demaid 
upon seid corperntion te be permitted to examine the books and 
records of secount of the corporation, "as he is by lew entitied 
to do,” but that defendant, who wes president of the corporation 
and whe hed the care, custody and contrel ef 211 of its backs and 
records, then and there refused, failed and prevented plaintiff 
from exsmining ite beokes and records, ais thereby, as “by 
paragraph 38 of Chepter 32 of the Illinois Kevised Statutes, 
seid defendant became liable te this plaintiff im the penal sum 
ef ten per cent (10%) of the value of the stock owned by this 
Plaintiff as stockholder in said corporation, and therefore he 



patie fas THM Mont Lanasa 


0.900 10 ae | ya eam i 
"DES cAT OVS". cee are gers i" 

soe, woTRaso mu uiatMso aDETEmE im - 
‘ a : a) ey ure aah? 
a Pa as 

te ¢rw0o Rngh the: edt mi eked tooxdnog ante den? is 
hase vemnl oad | UML 8 duediiw dxwog ond we isekad <4 10 
“mua edd et fospoons aogemnd eM 2temtaty ins tenia tos tent age” 
edd aeoqu beretne inempbyl « ser? alaeqge treehastot one ; , if 

Hie. want 


esd now al dnats crane nha soit ws Fe 
ckueqno? gntrutoeluna sensed vtlt wk soede te aeeatte ‘Sat we “x or 
gaw donde oc? to eufev odd .SEhGL Wh sea ny sient ’ ie 

base mloed end apant. 9 boediarvon od of s aot ° bh 2 
bottisne wal yo ak orf ao® mobi exoq% salt 26 deos0 0, sbrocer 

od etorteted? dan 5 apthbeinainiai penn ik | 

oo Deen 

brings hic suit.” Defendant's affidavit of merits denies that 
plaintiff is the owner of the etock enumerated in the statement 
ef claim; denies that on June 22, 1932, the value of said stock 
was $6,100; asdmite that he is the president of the Karnes 
Manufacturing Company, & corporation, but denies that on June 22, 
1932, “he as sueh President was in the care, custody and had centroel 
ef all of the booke and records ef the said corporation, and denies 
that ac such President he then and there refused and failed and pre- 
vented the plaintiff from examining the books and records of said 
corporation, as in snid Statement of Claim alleged.* 

After the finding by the trial court defendant filed the 
following written motion for a new trial: 

“Now comes James Kernes, Defendant, by Kienha & Green- 
field, his Attorneys, and moves the Court to grant a new trial ef 
the abeve antitleé esuse upon the follewing grounds: 

"Z. Plaintiff has failed te prove his ecxse by a 
preponderanee of the evidence. 

"2. Piaintiff has failed te prove by a preponderance 
of the svidence that he made proper demand at a reagonable time 
upon Defendent for permission te examine the books and records of 
aceount of the Kernes Manufacturing Company, 

"Se Plaintiff failed to prove by a preponderance of 
the evidence that Defendant refused him permission to examine 
the books of said corporation on the date alleged in Plaintiff's 
Statement of Claim. 

"4. Plaintiff failed to prove by a preponderanee of 
the evidence the value of his stock in Defendant Corperstien on 
the date alleged in Plaintiff's Statement of Claim.” 

Seetion 45, pare 45, Che 32, Cahill’s Ill. Reve Stes 
1833, provides: 

“* + * Any person who shall have been a shareholder 
ef record for at least six months immediately preceding his demand 
or whe shall be the holder of record of at least five per cent 
of all the outstending shares of a corporationy shall have the 
to » in person, or by agent or attorney, at any 
Teasonable time er times, for any proper purpose, its books ani 
reeords of account, minutes, and record of shareholders, and to 
make extracts therefrom. * * * Any officer, or agent, or a 
corporation which shall refuse to allow any such sharehold«r, 
or his agent or attorney, so to examine and make extracts from 
its books and recerds of account, minutes, and record of share- 
helders, for any proper purpose, shall be liable to such 

fois veiook adives to iivebtYta atinabsetet =", thea abd egnked 
tnomoetate odd mt baderowsme stooge wats bo temwo ond at rubdntetq 
usogs biea ke eulay eft , SSCL , 88 eune'’ mo Sad’ soineh yalale i 

eomueh ond Yo ¢eoblaexq end ak ext gastd atiehe denarii al 

«8% oem wo ¢esit eetmoh ted ,nokisvegtoe & «Wages , 
Ierinoo bet bac yhodexo , e180 edd mt ae tnobteott dows ta “a” “dun 
“Beiamd tun .aottaxogzoy biss ead to ebreoor bate atoad pond fd bees ne 

btee te ebroset bres aalood edd salninaxs sox vikenbase m wae | 

",bogotla miel? %o gmamedad? bkon mk oa ‘suekas 

odd DoLkt sonbnoteh ¢usoo Labud ed? yt watbath oft meets 
tkalxd wen o vod moltom nods iuw 

~SS0rd © ateall ys qinstwetetl ,eerced asent seme nee NY | 
ne Laist wen a doer of duved od? novom bua ¢eyorreds 4 uh 

iebeverg guiwelicr eld sasiteinatin’ bese boas 

@ qi eeso eld over of Selist ned Pibtntets ok” 
soonebive eld bead a 

| eanarebnogeng # Y@ every of boLint nest Mabon ts 8" 
gmt oidarosset a te tasmeb vegexvg obama af dadé sonebive ed; 

te eafseoes te wvood att onimaxe of notsainzeg sot on 
« Changes D paliidee tatek sented pat ap ene ft i 

Yo esnsvehnoqe:¢ a yd evoug of better Brtdakals.. «&* sn i 
onimaxe of notes imxeq mis bewwvter tmobasted 4 tats Sonat od 
e*ttitnielt af hegelia stab add no moleareqres . | ahood mal 


bas sstberoeget a a xd from o@ bo Lao ‘Vetted’ 4B 
ke Re a rogse bares & dneds. , ' 7 
"aenee te Senements at “Shabalal tress f 

nobiedereda 2 awed evad Lads afew monte 

budaek ein gudbooerq tlodat bond ok I 

tue tq evi? panel fo te buevex to xo flatts 
eit ovasl Lista qrotiaxeqtoe « te senate uate ue 

we on nb eget to tnage yd To «Houteg af «onium 

bas stlood ati «4 eG Ure. TO. ot 3 - 

oo dna ee ast cogeh had iy ‘ _ OoE 

& %@ gdp +0. ¢%8o . tec Letene wt 

etobLosexaie dom (na wells of seater | 

O22 advettxe golem bee onlmaxs | 
-wruia to breoet baa ateron ned 
mM Howe of oidell e¢ Linde. 


shareholder in a penalty of ten per cent of the value of the 
shares owned by such shareholder, in addition to any other 
damages or remedy afforded him by lawe * * *# 

Defendant contends that “Seetion 38 of Chapter 32 of 
Tllineis Revised Statutes is a penal statute,” and that “in a pre- 
ceeding under a penal statute more than a preponderance of the 
evidence is necessary to authorize «, recovery.” 

"after a motion ie made for a new trial and the grounds 
thereof are stated in writing the party is limited te the errors 
alleged in the written motion and ail other orrers are deemed to 


have been waived. ((hicage City Raiiwa 
178; Yarber v. chi and Alton fad: 

fe ¥~ Gabryay $20 14. 101.) Gator tease Sree nies 
fourteanth lewtvastions® "tremens fe $a41Lk eee as.) 
Other cases to the same effect micht be eited, but the aforesaid 
rule is the settled law of this state. defendant tried the case 
upon the theory that a preponderance of the evid enee was sufficient 
to warrant a recovery and he will not be permitted te change hia 
theory in this court, it will be noted that defendamt dees not 
contend, in the written motion for a new trial, that pleintis? 
failed to make out a prime facie case. 

Defendant contends that “it i9 the law in this state 
that an affirmative statement met with a flot and categorical denial 
by am equally eredible witness, does net constitute that quantum of 
affirmative proof which the law requires to sustain a judgmant,* 
ané defendant further contends that this principle of law applies 
in the instant ease to the question of the value of the stock ani 
also te the alleged demand. The preponderance of the evidence does 
net necessarily depend upon the number of witnesses testifying as 
to any material subject of inguiry. ven though the seme number 
ef witnesses testify on each side thers may still be a preponderance 
on one side or the other. While the number of witnesses ig a 
factor that may be taken inte eonsiderstion in determining «here 

grit Yo eutevy ed Yo onee u9q ped bo 

tosd a we ot mléthbha at , tebloesie ease ‘toda “done fF nme Chek 
ti Ae # oe pwal YS mtd bobro dia ‘tka Ybouet 6 aeyanad 
“Ro SE wadqaet Me Gh nelsowa" sald ebeedson dmabmoted .  . 
ong a ak" todd ome “ ededata Semen @ wh eodmdnd® dowdvel. atomtl(t 
ex? Io eonetebnegetg a madd ates shuteta Janey 2 tebna gutbhese 
“.YIOvCOsT 8 sRivedtus O8 YXnuBseRSm nha 

ebrmety off Soe kelst wom a set oho at wodden «2 
wtoxie att of bedinif at bab rp S eed pats baw si bode 

haps gt pean yo mer ee } a aolten med. 

offl One 
9088 4 

astttumdids sands sti Pe £6, 
| {828 Pach wot ig 
biauezo%e of} dud yhodto od sagdm tootre omad bed OF mers aio 
ouns ett heist dnatmoted, sogdde abst te wet bettie ode oe ob 
tmotortIwe agw sonebive od? $6 somatebmogexy & saat Yrbeds oat  . 
nit egnado 09 bedtime of tom ftw ed baa Yxdver * 2 , ay 

‘don aah Sgehne ted dnakd noten ad Lh by ar ad 

2, silage 

Vibdatsig decte stokes won-« et moldom wodtiaw eats sib» fiapaine 
sse00 ghost sutza a 00 oan of belt 
tate lite ut wat odd of 41° dos bastuns duahnatedsi cs ic) 
feinwh Ieotregaiao baa telt « fate soa imasicteoeaieiiatie tia : 
20 mi inaWy tek) etudksenos tom are <onomeiy atdtbore eLLanpe we 
.érsmpiut @ mindavd of doehupet wal 48) ibetde teeny onkhaentine 
ebiiqgh wal to ofghomixg aie duld ahmetnos tositew?: txsente’ a 
tus doode odd Yo euley ed? to motteonp of? of vane tawtegs Oho nk 
noe) gonsbive ot) We eomateoReqeny om «hmemob begeith eft te 
as prigttiast pbagond ty te — ante moa | 04 bas , ra 
sndiun aioe oid Huei wove 4 yhurw koe ae 
a io & eet aaah ant eee ati tone . 


the weight or preponderance of the evidenee lies, it is not 
necessarily determinative, and a jury or the trial court may 

be fully warranted in finding in favor of « party even if his 

case is supported by the lesser number of witnesses. It is the 
province of a jury or the trial court to pass upon the eredibility 
ef the witnesses and to determine the weight, if any, thet should 
be attached to their testimony. 

“The witness! manner, demennor and besring upon the 
stand, his replies, whether frank and open or reluctant and 
evasive, ~ his manner of cxpressing himself, whether moderate, 
dignified and respectful on the one hand, or extravagant, 
impertinent and reckless on the other,~ * * * are always of 
bj ee ag pager es in tee ae to what, if ra ervedit the 
witness is entitled.” (Lille & Sto le Ne Re & Co Gow Ve Ogle, 

92 Ill. 353, 362;) fei 

It is8 mot the law that «a verdict or finding which reste alone upon 
the testimony of one party who is contradicted in tete by another, 
where both appear to be equally credible, will be set aside upon 
appeal. (See Bimer v. Miller, 255 Ills ‘ppe 465, 470, and cases 
cited thereing Shevalier v. Seager, 121 Ili» 564, 5703 Haydon ve 
Miller, 205 Ille Appe 147, 1483 Mills & Co. v. Duke, 232 Jil. 
Appe 277, 280.) As stated in this last mentioned ease (pe 280): 

*“Byven in e eriminal case where the law requires proof 
of the defendant's guilt beyond a ressonable doubt, a judgment 
ef conviction will not be reversed merely because only the eom- 
plaining witmess testifies to the commission of the crime _ 
he is gentsadieted le the defendant. The faek v. Greenberg 
a Tile 566 ; Opie v ms Lae 7 Le 5803 T aot 1 
Maciejewski, 2% ee also Ryan v» Harty, 2 
ate APPo OF Rollins Ve Kronekey 262 Tile Appe 646 (A ate) 
In the late case of The Peopis v. Fortino, 356 111. 415, 420, the 
eourt said: 

"Thies court has frequently held that the testimony of 
rey i a a denied by the accused i A be egg tie eg 
o sus @ conviction. People vy» Gchends, 4 « 56) People 

ve Surek, 277 ide 621." ; " 
Nor is the defendant justified in arguing thet it is the testimony 
of one credible witness ogainst another ersdible witness. Mr. 

Sehwartz, the accountant, correboreted the testimony of plaintiff. 

dem wt ah quote eonedive sat te oennrobmoge ny ze iatpiew ead 

goer duwoo Lets? eft to yew) o bi povtventweteb yLiconscoen 

alt Ut move yited @ Fo vovet ot gatbntt at bednetrew vel sed 

eit af ¢k seenevntiw Yo vodnent sonnet adi 4d bel teqqua ai eae 

Utttidthers edt moqw suey ef e090 fotv? sad 20 yet a Yo vontverg 

hivese dedd guna tk gdrtytow edly ombereteb oo “Ghe seodenttw edd to 
NOC? = tial “ weteatie ad 


ee mk daea ) 
ptosltona YO pte mk beverhartnes at edi ~eted’ baw to yaombbeek Ge 
| eqs Obtan don 4d ifhw ,oLdthete Utthwps oo of taodga ded oxmly. 4 
aaa Brie ,OVA hdd wqah ET G28 (geEEIM vv emt 08) tabeee | 
*¥ pobyeit tore «aoe «2K PU cxbgaed sy esis itomndé Ste | 
ET US goa Vy 00 @ thin GONE WAL sqqe oftT |  xotiee 
2(O8 .¢) some bometénom tank aid? mt begat aA “(oat “ve +a 

> pei ee | te 3 ; 
Qoony aeilsper wel edt ante aa ip a ates neva | 
; smesty har tduob ofe. set se bne pag 35 Seed i? 
aR ee euwnood yLovan boat’ reg a 

beta oubee ond te sete ya oe ye | 
iqeo. Gat | * * 
ans): a} <. RE argc fe 

A) 6a rr) o£i1 L $08 sdomots -¥ amgifes , Cit err 4 
end 208d veL> ofEl eae omdaxet y shaget ott ‘a vase ota ett. ck 

Ne Ceemtened ast batt toes bind ut 
tnedeltise va ye 
— eee »Lii ‘she .abuadod 




The trial court saw the witnesses and heard them teatify, and 
after reeding the entire evidence we are satisfied that he. was 
justified in believing the testimony offered by plaintiff. 

Defendant contends that plaintiff did mot prove by a 
preponderance of the evidence the velue of the stock on the date 
alleged. We find no merit in this contention. Plaintiff proved 
by defendant's admission that the stock at the time in question 
was worth $6,100. Defendent had a full opportunity to produce, 
upon the trial, the books of the company, all of which were within 
his control and that would have been the best evidence as to the 
company's assets, liabilities and carnings. Y¥rom them the book 
value of plaintiff's stock could have been easily aeoertained, 
(Cooper ve Mutt, 254 Ill. Appe 445, 453.) The withholding or 
failure to produce evidence available to him gives rise te a 
presumption against him. (Pipa v» Grand trunk “estern Bye Coo, 
341 Ill. 320, 327, and cases cited therein. ‘ee alse Yell ve 
Ghesapeake & Ohio Ry+ Co+, 210 Ill» Apps 136, 140.) 

The judgment of the Municipal court of Chiecage is 

Pritend »: P. Jey and Sullivan, J., concure 


“hata bw orem dotaw to Lhe a YLnquND oad to, adaod. edd, alert ead fou 

tne ,¢ttvaed werdd besod hue sowsdéndiw edd ona tudo Latte at 

wow asl Sul? Soktabéne ota ow obnobivd srtide ef? yulbce® todta 

seikiatedg yd dexette wionkived este yutvelted nt ages 

#8 wt ever sem bib TLitniale Sud @haeinon dacbne'tet a 

“pda end no doode of Yo ewer ect oomebtve ‘esd ‘te peer 1 

hovers ttitalel< .rélicedmoo abt? ob $item on helt oF jpegetie 

wettaoup xt emt? add te dooce ont tat? natanhahs & tenbrotoh yw a 
sboubong od ‘qWinwdxegge Lint « Sat teehee ver 900408 dorow aaw 

om of te oonohive ded pad mosd svad Mut taild, bia, tb 
Hood end sodd wou .eaitte rss baa wobescrdatt sadoar a 
 shonbatspnen “iiaso moed ¢vad hiwoe sosts, a" tutatete 20 euler 
WO Bab bLorisig ter of (48OR 98OD og@r oLit oe shan ae 


wt ernie te gxu0o cateanittieet 2 saommbst rye of 

ii bak” a we eee 
oe = B4 wiry 

: Ri yy oe £ % mn ne Fe bis) 
a a 
vitimenrtug Ooo menad Civ atimabenbeh ade Bele | 
; ae G gure ae ‘ ry ie Bing 4 
- ) w& 
a iy FEM a > * 

Hog FY Soha eo 
Ra ns Aid 


wi9 43 pe: By ere ee } aie Wakes a ee a 48 es a 2 
A gy st See RA ON PD, Sait | ae vad | 

ye ea eee a ca ERE 
cei, a Plnees ate heh me Mee, 
Sy DR BAERS gaara 
‘ ae Sey: |” Caan 
— PEt. | 

57810 a a ; 
é oe ae @ i 

SOHN P5 FOLSOR, . : : 

e A " ; : } 


LIMDA ‘ TITUS KWOK and en ree ea 
| : 
SIOMEY By KMOX, 279 LA. 684 


John PP. FPoleom sued linda 3. Titus Knox ami Sidney B,. 
Enex in the Municipal court of Chicage in an action of the fourth 
Glass. The case wea tried by the court without a jury. 48 
shown by the origins reeord filed in the exse, the court, on 
May 18, 1934, entered the following order: 

“Hew come the parties te this cause, and thereupon the 
trial of this ceuse is now here resumed before the Court without 
a jury, and ryt —" having heard the evidenes, ané the arguments 
of counsel and being fully advised in the premises, enters the 
following finding, to-witt- 



AND WO/LOO DOLLARS ($348.00). 

“Woe come the defendants in this eeuse, and move the 

Court that o new trial of this esuse be granted, and the Sourt 

being fully acvised in the premises overrules said motion, and 
denies & new trinl of this ssuse to be granted. 

“Now comes the defendants in thia eaune, and moves the 
Ceurt im arrest of judgment in this eouse, and the Cours being 
fully advised in the premises overrules said motions 

"This gause coming on for further eoedinge er 
it is considered by the court that the plaintiff have = 
the finding herein, ani thet the plaintiff have ané recover of 
Sees. damnges Of Sinn SAARNLED seupumting te the ous ef Tares. macros 

cy eum @ x 
Yerty Five and wa merase Dollars ($346.00) in form as aforemid 
en yeti tegether with the coste by the plaintiff herein expended, 
and that execution issue therefor. 

"Now come the defendente and pray an appeal from the 
judgment of even date to the Appellate Court in an¢ for the First 

Tig “a 

% 4 ’ ‘ , 

‘ mpeg sree: | 

me, hina | 

Yo reer Sea 
Taek in mone, cree 



fev sino He 

8 Wbte hua npn avers + abaks baw meaket, + nt a ep 
Marmot outs bpyabebptascstertapeapia is 


eaTRACHENG aT mY Uae exaust x amt 2 as "09 mat Rati» 
aVER ¥EA0% Rete eee ae aa en WH cao at 

edt oven bee _ oan atdé ab shmenaedod odd ened eine 
dee ela bn coosnsra 06 ulin gaat Se ane 
ie paoisom bias sefLetnoere 

Cee he ct oak ae wen & 
aa? eave ban yenwep odet Mons rors yen by 

yeted gue aff tae ysemeo widé wt dnemghet te 
amet faa bine selecteve Xs 

tiered : + me re OLD 
wo asain ad iba ay "Sa See ta 

te wevooes koe overt Witntelq ex? dade tre gah 
— »& bes wow eedd? - ae gabe 

| bobaogie nivrad Vitsedata ee atees « "dite Gadii 

et mx Lovque ma tomy bun etushested adi seve wut 
taxi sit wot tes mi dueOd edaltequs oid OF ofa nove to tnemgbet 

: tha 
fo ae 


District of (liineis, «hich appeek ia grented on condition that 
= party file herein an appeal bond conditioned according to 

lew in the sum of Five dundred and 6/100 Dellare ($500.00) with 
seeurity to be approved by this Court, said bend te be filed and 
approved herein within thirty (30) dayo from this date. 

"Tt ie ordered the Court that sixty (60) days be 
eliewed in which to file 3111 of Exeeptiens,." 

Defendants appealed to thie cowrt and after thoiy brief head been 
filed here a supplements] recerd wae filed here eich «howe the 
following order, entercé in the trial court on Wevember 22, 1934s 

"This matter coming up on motion of the sleintiff te 
correct the record in the pin ey enuge £6 conform to the true 
findings end ordere of the Court; and 

“It appearing te the Court thet the Clerk ef thie 

Court entered om the half sheet in thie enuse anmdlear date of May 
18, 1954, an erder chich wae ineorreet and net im aceerdence with 

the findinge and orders of the court then ond there stated; and 
tant the undersigned, the Honernble Francis Berelli, the then 
preclding judge hea s cleny rememberanee of what oocurred at that 
time, and further hed hie memory refreshed by mew having just read 
the trenseript of tootimesy and the proceedings in this enuse at 
that time and which transeript of testimony and proceedings was 
wade by the court reporter fer the defendant he reing 

ibis Ma oa tar 3a + oe gy finds and — exvders 
that i * 9 4@ improper end incorrect, and 
incomplete, and 

“Hin wy GHOSRSt that esid order oo heretefere above 
mentioned be {rem ths recerd and thet the following Order 
be eutered in thereefy as of the dete of Hay 19, 1934, to-wit: 

*The Court finds thet the defeniont, Sidney 8. Kmox, 

is mot Liebie in thie gause and the cause is on te him 
hereby diemis<ed, 

"The Court eee finds the Fagg oc ageinst the defendant, 
Linda B, Mmex, and rent Pore domges in the sum of Three 
Hundred Forty-five and O0ths Dollars (6545.00). 

*“Yraneia Borelld 

The supplemental recerd «leo shows that the following erder was 
eT eee Oey ay NNT Ry 200K 

“This Order up on motion of Plaintiff te correet 
the Order of sreaieey 22,5 19 Re and Pes Defendant heaving due Motice 
posse Mar lee proper in the fives to $ thr ee (3) 3 st phe gee vied 

re ae paragra, 
} a ar it me incorreet; om the 6 eurt being advised Of the 

"707 WeeeBY Orhers that the lewt three (°) paragraphs 


wey Miidiooes mw setnery «2 Saoyqe deldw gatomisLi te 
doresee Semelti tines, babd oe = ra eLit yxeq & 
Py ed Cpe0088) analion BOL\eR hme ye i to awe was ma 
fer to tt & Lived hiaw « O ° dco 
otab aldd watt ayab Pome has eiulds widetw akoxed wry es 

eo? ayab (68) Wate taco sxwod eat yd dorwhrw at ‘ 
*,omoliqeoxd te @ o£i% of iste mb bovetia 

weed hed toknd uled? reste tee due olde oF bpd A 
sth iit thelr Went Wait sie Wepset Seteemdguen a oxed, bekt® 
1OORE ett SANIT le FRE ites oat ak hegpten geiinn 
ores te Sasa oe res, SA 
ame (sawed adi Ty eneiTe how ni 

etdé to dred oats Sauld dxooS ws OF yaltasqga 21 

te ofa aoe sewee aid? at @ >. 
Broa ae pecceena 

shit ai okt ie vat bas Bes elds tenod 
: fade Yo Oopatedeeset s25t se pte 
hens taut polvedt wor 3 
fa envag ead at 
Pd mpi towsong Sie ee 

ag ttatee vivsed tan ebni guneh elite SmrrRteR anand! sa 
ae oSeerenees ms een SS et Se tas @ 

eo eote. weolesores a thse wnwe Bien. sem rename. iS 
sehr gniwe ito’ eff Foe Pigeon pnecen aa antes pmlc ” 
tdhwoee ySEGk g@k YA Te aonb ods Yo am pRowmede €. 

af SPs Ses 

eteisturote s ocd taco wegen, dt oid? zach 0 a 
enw te pred mee tiie pW of a 

| mtrorten (9) owas éuat ‘watt toute amen ase 1 


ef exid order of November 22, 1924, be expunged; snd 

eCES COT HEEUBY WO’ Ghee that the feliewing Grider 
ve entered og of the date of Way 1a, 1954_ to-wit: 

"The Court finde thet (idwmey B+ Kaox ia not liable ta 
this couse but fleda the iesues in taie eause in Ris 
faver, ond «s to biw this cause in hereby diemiesed,. 

*The Court further finde the lewues against the 
tefondant, Lindo BD. Titus Knox, and saccusen domages 
in the wau of Three Hundred Forty-five (3545.09) 
Nellate, and Judgment will be entered om such findine. 

"The Court harekby further ordera that ae to the Orders 
heaving te da with the appeal of this case, and thease 
. —- therevith, wtend ee of asid sate ef May 
B, LOB4as 

‘The Court further ordera thet any part of the original 

Oxvder of May 14, 19345 which conflicts with this order, 

7 Page = Order ef Wovember 22, 1934, be sxpanged from 

‘Sraneie Berrelid 

"Geo. B. Holmes 
Atcomey for Pleiatiff.* 

Mhaintiff’s statement of clsim alleges: 

“4 @ © thet on to-wit, February 2, 1945 he me employed 
by the defendants to rendey services te said defendants and that he 
Pendered euch serviews from seid date ta July 1, 19ASs that anid 
services consisted of the meseurement of 27 pareele of real ontate 
owned by ssid defendants, wcid mensurements boing made by plaintiff 
of beth the let area and cublie voatent of imprevements «i dueted 
thereons and consultation of Chierge 2ullding Department record 
and <gsesuerse’ tex lietea to averrtain the ame ef auch inprovementes 
the conguliation of recorde in the Chieage “ire Department aad the 
Fire .tiorney's Sfiiee ant Yire iaweranee Company reoerds te dater- 
mine dutee of the destruction by five of yertous improvements isented 
om seid puresls ef real eatate and the congultesion ef reverts in 
the Muilding “epartmont s* te the dates of various erdere ef cone 
Gemnation of improvewante on corinin poresls of anid real eatate; 
that all of said services were rendereé for the purpese ef se¢er- 
taining facts necesvary to obtaining a reduetion of texes on seid 
parcels of real estate oo owned by said defendenta; thet said esrviees 
were reniered by plaintiff te eid defendants «t their express request 
oud that said defendants | aed and agreed te pay plaintiff fer 
ough serviecs the sum of $15.00 por day for himself and an savistant; 
that there ia now due te plaintiff from esid defendonte the eum of 
Seven Hugdred Twenty (9725500) Cellars for 48 days work} that although 
plaintiff has often requested said defendants to pay plaintiff fer 
@ueh sexvviees they have refused oné 2611] refuse wo to doe 

i "Wherefore pleimtiff brings ¢hie wait and prays for 
0 sue ageinet seid defendants in the wam ef 2720.00 ond costes of 
s suit," 

hae jhommvagre ad «CULM xodeoyell to Dy ae 

gudwedie * Basie Wor erie Seating’ ee 
— p Tose gay ey WE EMM, he Rg ats 6 ae © 

wi wbdaks doa. anat 2% pp i Ave gre 42109, 
oie Bs ganen & oat aett Jad mA wort 
« tape eboan & bs Moen % Toes aime ‘ww o ay tone . 

ort? ‘pont oge nenwal oid obads vwdteti? reret out? 4 

amy non Dey BHETT «, a ee a 
wlicaeet) ee evit-ystot 2x alee soar se 3d ae horte® 
eprtant? dou, mo Bexedne od JL bw PRET, dog read abs * “tae 

exeie? att af on Galt weoing tedtae pot of iia axed ett i 
wand bee eGuea etd? %6 fadgus ote “seid My aa 7 
Sear * hess 

ms to ctw bles te aa heaee “ae 

Lonkghie ode Maal a art yan Pt Ronee ‘grt 
feng by mea oe xy 
dene ren aul sede ot ee ive 

puis ah onare & Be 
tomy fay ' 

on 3 i? bem Pet rise venaes 

eu gate Cheek qt tee ot y eons ‘Shae 
state tent te skemme "8 te tnemp wang 
Wertataty shun yelod Berne bkow 

oleecee Seoaiea’ pet aiye {ie eee ae ie 
pr Bd 

“ rary alg a be IY cgrahee one HY G2 whxooss to mer 
~“engod ef xbteces yageo) yeeniore* oat tom eobst0 8 & 
betosol adromevertet eoetter te oxkt ed neltdowstast old 

KE obreowe le opbeeélivenos ele baa otatce Laud FT) ehooiag b | 
“oo 16 etehuwe amptuey te engah afd Of a8 & tage: geek 

ietapee seer bina he aro. aire ob oD gad 

“segee te woogie. <0 <ohiet eter w oe | :) 

Sieg ne sesed te mo lvevhes a 2 ee rab ysee an adent ge ‘mes 

eeoivtes bien godt yotrahbaeted ben oe Hv oge an stages bg ‘to a Cl ae 

deoupor seetaw ro geadly Sia yg sapaas tee thtadalg ws pe ty i Pa z= 
‘ : 

, Pf eri atadeg 

hy MOT oyetG bre thay pdety pre ane nig, ote 
We absoo ins 00,0875 te auve odd ai admabee ted BF, 


Pefendent Cldncy B. Enox, in his affidevit of merita, denise that 

he ever owned any real ectate er that he persennlly hired plaintiff 
to do any work. Tho affidewit of merite ef defendant Liada G. 

Tites Knox denies that she employed plaintiff to werk at the rate 

of fifteen collars a day, as sileged in plaintiff's stotemart eof 
¢leim, aad states that plaintiff and one ‘nna Malloy did work fer 

hey under a verbal agrasment whereby she agree’ to pay then oheshalt 
of what they saved her in reducing taxee on certain parcels ef real 
eeteate for the yeere 1926, 1929 and 1036; thet eaid verbal agrecuent 
wae redueed to writing om ‘pril 45 1935, end on April 18, LW35, at 
the request of plaintiff amd 4nne Malley, the written ecntract wae 
eoncelied, and at the sawe time dafendent entered inte « sritten 
eontract with Jemes %. Breen, an attorney at law, wherein and whereby 
ehe agreed to pay eaid Breen a eum faual te fifty per «ent of the 
amount ef texes eaved for the ssid years *except ae te o reduction 

ef one-helf of the pensliy aliewsd by lew on which seid Jamen @. 
Breen wes to reecive no part, a copy of which guid sgreeumnt ia 
attached herete marked ‘Huhibit 5.’ That eeid contract with said 
dames ~. Dreen, waa entered inte by this defendant of the eapress 
Fequest of ssid pinintifi and oxid Amma Melley and was substituted 

in place of eaid written egroaent with eaid plaintiff and anna 
Beliey * * *, that if plaiatiff rendered any services between Februnry. 
20th, and July lst, 1933, #240 sorvicos vere rendered] under the oforee 
3 aeid verbal agresment for the reduction ef taxes «2 aforevni¢ batwoun 
Vebruary 20th, 1033 and April 4th, 1935, and under acid written con- 
tract dated 4pril 4th, 1035, from suid date until opril isth, 1935» 
end that any services reatered by plaintiff between April loth, 1033 
and Juhy let, 1935, were rendered to aaid Jamon "+ Breen under and by 
wirtue of his contract with the defendant « * * and that thie defendant 
is mot indedted te asid plaintiff in any amount whetegever.* Attached 
t0 thie lnct affidavit of merits is » copy of the written contract 

. \ fr ' fi 4 , 
I ; Bi 


oT) aeiseh yatiten tw eheasrtte ata xt yest 6a yonbie- oumnnerot 
‘whevutate horhd <Ltaneateg oo sacle 40 wtagam Lox ys Sone xove et 
1G abetl srabmetoh te stixem te divebitie aT A 10W ye ob of 
stan ot tn Hey of Tisdmisty boyedquy ede Cute ewtnod monk awtlT 
Yo sremetade ew Vismlele wf Oopelin oa yeh o stelion nooetet te 
xt drow GLb yotioll saci ono him Tetoetasy duty eodete dee «ubate 
RMaui-one aineld Yor oF SeomNe oul eso btw EiieMOD ERs Lavo wf toe med 

faor to allootag atedxoo me uuxed entowhex wi tk haves Yet) sade to 

teomootgs Lodxev bine dade (O62 haw C8UE ,OSUL ovony wid Xb? etndee ; 

het RHR OL Lbmd BO Saw 4 SOL 4d Lagi mo gubtiow of boowher aaw 

eae toandnee aedeiw os «yetiell ont bee Yiadaialg Xe Saatlend 

sedsite @ efi deTedae teobmetod oats ena afd dn bua | stedteonay 

Ye xedw bee atecodter eval ta Yomneson mm emenk 1 neat att foamtans : 

odd Yo tune OR CITED OF Laugh moe 4 ROWE bhew ay BF <3 

Meisouber 2 oF ae sqeone” ataey bien ont 3 10% bowen nant te 4 roa 

¥ Somat bhew Hotty mo wal YS hownkle Winnog on? whats no 

at dnsnsompe bhow seide 20 yoo - a feng on  ertooes oi hae ent ‘ 

blew Kéby dantinoe bhew ted? 6h bth positon ‘evored restontan 

wastes es 34 fasbmo toe ands w orm pevesne enw: eases “a ean 4 

tetudrtedue vow tee eossnu ann, shee bmn veentere, tan te eeeuyor 

ant She Ythtetaly btee dtie inemwauns need be Bboe ) 

{urriet Roewted covkysen Yr hotebmet ‘Sitatetg Be sate ee Ae 

ie Eas ane i 

“ones ete robe herebeet ereW bideas bk os wile pied, ad mat A 

i es ia ftew oes btn o west of EOL 
‘wee lentes ‘iit iba pictus w> pe pees “ ‘ 

abe b wish saat bun wee pabmte® ost ists teed ‘atieihs 
hedoates “.xwivcbiaity Phietiih xan at vanadate tee « a et Sot 
femnaroe nortan eae Yo we « 2 bdo to cz ate a J 


of April 4, 19353 alee « copy ef the written contract between ¢ofente 
ant Linda 3. fitue Suox and Jamen ©. Breen, dnted April lO, 1933, 

Many cententions are urged by defendant why the original 
judgment erder, as afterword corrected, should be reversed, but im 
@ur view of this appeal vo need pass upon only ome. It is contended 
end strenuously argued thet the finding and judgment are clearly and 
manifestly sgeinmet the weight of he evidence. AMter « eavreful 
examination of the ontire evidenes we heave recched the conelusion 
that thie contention mmet be sustained. ‘As the comme may be tried 
agein we refrain from ¢comcoenting upon the evidence, “e srw of the 
@pinion thet justice will be best served by « ratrial of the esuee, 

The original Judgeent order of the Municipal court ef 
Chieage entere: May 18, 1934, and alse the orders ontered Bovember 
@2, 1934, and Secomber 3, 1934, both purporting te correct the order 
of May 13, 1934, are all reversed sn¢ the cnuse is remenieod for a 
mew trind.s it in neceouary te reverses the three orders to pravent 
confusion that might arise from the unusual stete ef the reserd, 

JE OGMERT GOS GF MAY 18, 1634, MOVGGER 2, 194d, 

re A MY TR Ale 

Priemd, °s Je, and Sullivan, J., eoneurs 

cited courted destinos puttin ex te yao o wade PEEL oA Shays to 
<9 ORR, AL. LhGA Noked que 4 enemiSbee mM eNEAS.»Kobaghs, éme 
‘ieee ow yi snehnetok Ys begat ete ameddmediog YaaM.. 9) | 
‘gh dud yhoawerer od Diveds ghotoouree tmowxes ty bi eine 
Robustneo ak $1 sexe Yino moqu sesq been qv doouge adi le sede tHe 
 dacterae © 197A .aembtve ots Ie atyhew od? demtous Yiteedinam 
wotgnfonss off bytes evad ov sumnblys etiinn sdt to aeisamtmane 
beta of Yas Ons ede ah shonterewe eg damm molinnimen whdd sedd 
edf te orn oY -pomeddve od? moqu getiusume gott nhettes ow milage 
snouee aft to Labrtox « yd hovrwa teed oF Aftv eektaul pe i 
_ Fo. deweo Seq tedait oe Ye ebro fevmphu, Seotyire ost * 
wadaeyot barred carte eh-snte hens ehcaahantiedil ono 
“ xobme edd, 400x299 Of putéxoqueg Mtoe oDERE, a8. modepned, dam, obt sot, 
. & 40% dodremen of pages aad pmo hoexeves Lia one 4 PSOE of Ly 
inoveng, o2 nusdep soul? oil? eoteve Of Yromenoon af 40 ehakey wom 
shock ef? I edate Lowmuns ont avr. et i A ~E 

‘ aD AED Qh 
s ' 
mae a ue 
y iF Beak ay a ee ms 
r "7a é ds Af te? 
: f’' 


Appellee, ; 
Appellant. Leile 0 3 5 


By this appeal defendant, The Gquitable Life <ssurance 
Society of the United States (hereinafter referred to as the 
insurance company), seeks to reverse a judgment for $3,437.50 
entered against it in plaintiff's favor upon the verdict of a 
jury in an action of assumpsit brought by plaintiff as the 
beneficiary named in a policy of insurance upon the life of her 
husband, Everett He Pryde. The suit was brought solely to recover 
a double indemity benefit for accidental death under the terms of 
the policy, defendant having paid $3,000, the face amount of the 
policy, to plaintiff without dispute after her husband's deathe 
At the conclusion of plaintiff's evidence defendant's motion for a 
directed verdict was denied. Defendant offered no evidence. 

The policy of insurance declared upon contained the 
following provisions: 

“Upon due proof that the death of the Insured occurred 
in consequence of bodily injury effected solely through external, 
violent and accidental means, of which, except in ease of drowning 
or of internal injuries revealed by an autopsy, there is a visible 
contusion or wound on the exterior of the body, * * * the Society 
will pay instead of the face amount of this policy, double that 
amount, making $6,000. * * * 

"This agreement, to pay an inereased amount in the event 
of death from bodily injury, does not cover * * * death resulting 
direetly or indirectly * * * from bacterial infections other than 

infeetion occurring simultaneously with and in consequence of an 
accidental cut or wound." 

Rey Ea 

» 4 
4 xs 
: 99 «@ @eTAAT 
es gon: foqg seed 
eYTHUOD “R00D 4 TAUOS i 1 Sats ale 

! POTS | see ATA a RS 
C&O oA. stmabieqga 
, Fert peeeeeee 

Sone teas oted eldasiupi edt «dua dnote Laoqgs eid va 
eit an of berestot tod tentexed) ated bedtnd wis PJ , Wetege, 
08, 152.86 sot dnonmbut s oeteyet ot ateou +(pringmoe. © pone nant a 
s to Jolbtev edd moqu zovet a'iti¢nielg mi at tentsga bexojne , 
oud as Yittnialg yO sistguord tinqmuees to moltes Ridtewtier | 
test to etit edd mnogu eonsiwent to yollog 2 ai bemen | £' : cod 
sovooos of Yisloa tagwoud may, Cte OR sie gacitnn machi ebnadout | 
Yo amtod eft tebay diseb Lstnobtoos ‘tot ¢Htoned vi lamobat eiduob a 
edt to Jnveme seat oft 000,69 bkeq gntved tnebuoteb evoilog exis 

widsob athnedaud ted tedte edmgath suoddiw Ititaiele of, «Ke 
& tot noitom a'inabnoteh eoneblye e'titintalg to aelevlones ¢ 

a a 

s9onsbive em betetio énebhneted .belmeb asw sernceteeie 
eft besisinos soqu betaloob sonetwent te yolfog eft | - 

| st 

hermoso boiwanl of? to diaoh eff tadd loom exvb gan 

elanzetxe aywotls yisloa bedoctto yrsbat ylt enoo si 

anioveth to eeas mi iqeoxe «Holfsde to ,aneom Letnob 98 bas re Le 2 

eidielv a ai stecld .yaqetua na yo befaevet ap hiyy oat 

Yisivos edt * * * eybod sid to toixedxe odd Be 

tastd eidwob .yotlog ald? to sdasons Goat edt ‘Se 


gxove ot of tnvems beasetont ta Yeq oF ¢tronteo: 

gatifiveses diaeh * * * teyoo tom seob eUisie 

fads tecddo smoidoetni Leitetosd mort * * 
fe Yo semeupesenoo amt baa sitw yLevoensd. 


The insurance company's defense as set forth in its 
additional special pleas to plaintiff's amended deelaration, and 
to the first and second additional counts thereof, was predicated 
upon the stipulation in said policy of life insurance "that the 
agreement in ssid policy to pay an inereased amount in the event 
of death from bodily injury did not cover death resulting directly 
or indirectly from bacterial infection other than infection oecurring 
simultaneously with and in consequence of an accidental cut or 
wound.” It was averred that the death of insured occurred from 
bacterial infection that did not occur simultaneously with or in 
consequence of an wectdenviiel te wourd e 

Plaintiff testified that prior to August 1, 1929, her 
husband had always enjoyed good health and was physieslly active; 
that she, after a short trip to Battle Creek, Michigan, returned 
to her home in Slgin, Illinois, on the late afternoon of August 4, 
1929; that when she and her husband were retiring that night she 
saw a blister about the size of her little finger nail on the second 
toe of his left foot; that "it was a slight elevation of the skin, 
* * * rather colorless, sort of grayish locking;" that there was no 
discoloration or swelling at that time and the surrounding skin 
appeared normals that it looked the same the next mornings that her 
husband, wearing his ordinary shoes, went to work that day, August 
5, 1929, at 5:50 asme, and returned home about 4 Pelie3 that the 
blister was then broken and looked raw and watery; that the toes, 
instep and ankle were swollen and the skin, where the swelling was, 
Looked a little inflamed and reds that he was unable to put on his 
shoe August 6 and 7, 1929, because the foot was so swollen and he 
had to remain home from works that the foot was soaked in a warm 
borie acid solution; that the swelling subsided so he could get his 
shoe on and go te work August 8, 19293 that he also went to work 

Sugust 9) 1929, but came home early that day, very sick and 

evi ni dizot dee sa sane ted a "figure fornsitvent edt 


* ‘asiee +welianeLoeh bebnome a'ttismiolg ot anofq Laloeqa Lanotd tobe 

bedaoibexq avow ,tooted? einwoo L[anolithhe broses fim tert? oid of 

ent tedt* eometwanit stift te yolLed bites sl oottalwaliea silt ous 
gneve oft mi tnvome heswetoni ne ysq of yollog bise at sreneetgs 
yitoouth gattivesr Aissh tevod Jom bib yxwhnl Uthed mort dégeb to 
gulrins99 no ttoetnt sans testo meitootnt Isitetond mott is ebhhat Lal 
ao two Latnebiova a to edneapeanoa RE ben thw YLewoonet Lum . 

“ gaxt bewrwove bexvent to deeb ont dase bottevs naw oT Moet 

ni xo ditw yfewoonstinmtea two99 fen Sih tals noliostat Letrotoad 
einwow xo o Cesare 8 ” eee 


jovides YLivoteyig bw bas difded boon beyotae siete rs u 
beniitet «negidei ghost) ofsteh of qitd fxede ‘g teste” ede fa, at 
sd dasyuA lo ddoetedts otal off mo gatontift .#igi* al emod zest of 
ole tdyin dau gubvayet otew handducd toil bins otfe WeltW tails ‘Yost 

a ae a 
“-peoooe edd mo Lian eget? oLoatt text 20° eute odd sede one 

ais 10 dug oF sidan anv eat tact ‘her ba — | oad 
od! ‘bite NoLLows os now toot oslt onunand a@8er. a ore 
sisi 4 nt hedeon new took ext dactt talon moek 6 ad 
aid deg biuoo eff on babltadue gatttows ont sat: i a 
ou 04 Aiur ease on dats 6GBOE nG Sama a 

tou ogy Beet 

ie paws dota vaev eyed dad? Utes sed omaadud oe 


nauseated; that he never returned to work thereafter; that August 
14,5 1929, abscesses began appearing on the ends of his fingers and 
later developed on his toes and legs; that they were like pimples 
and "would get sort of like boils, would look like boila;" that he 
became very haggard locking and war taken to the hospital ougusat 
22, 1929; and that he was given two blood transfusions, bui he 
continued to grow thin, weak and pale, and died October 5, 1929, 
at the sage of forty-one. fryde's death certificate gave the cause 
ef his death as mlignant endecarditis. 

De. Arthur B. Ranking testifying in plaintiff's behalf, 
was asked to assume the facts testified to by plaintiff and the 
further fact that Pryde died of malignant endocarditis, and whether, 
assuming such facts, he could teli what germ it was that produced 
the malignant endocarditis which caused Pryde's death. He answered 
that he could and that the germ was a streptoceccus. He wos then 
asked whether, from the facts stated in the hypothetical question, 
he could state with reasonable certainty the time when the satrepte- 
eoecus germs entered the wound. Defendant's counsel objected to 
this question on several grounds. The witness was permitted to 
anewer and replied that "the streptococcus germs are present in the 
body as soon ea the blister was formed * * * that is, ac soon as 
fluid forms and « blister appears, the germs are in the fluid * * # 
the germs forms blister.” The witness, upon being aaked to traee 
the course of germs of this character in entering the blood stream, 
stated that they entered the body by means of lymphatics which 
supply the skin, are carried through the lymphatic vessels in the 
body to the blood stream and then into the heart. He was then 
asked if) assuming the description of the blister in its various 
stages as related by plaintiff, he could tell, with a reasonable 
degree of medical certainty, whether it was caused by external 

@awgu tasa ited tas todd atiow e¢ haseth dot «sven ot Sacdtd _botecevan 
‘feo neepntt etd to ebne od? so gnitedcqn mogod porscodds .US@Z: it 
wolemiq siL evew todd todd jagel bee aves did mo Beqefeves weeal 
eit tect? “qettod eatf xoot Kiwow yatiod ett ‘to trea dey Biaow" hea 
dusryss Lotiqeer of? of mexiad anw bas gmistcer ‘pragyant ‘Yay smoged 
od sud ranolewtanets boold owd novis new et add brie bine “— 

s980L 4a rego990 both has qoieg bas doow yalde wong Od Be | 
Sanu atid evey east titres ittach stobyxt .emo~yexot to ege odd da 
paltibussobie dmamyilen os sidaob how = | 

eitaded a'ttitnteta nf puivtitess gubtent sa sided cee O85 
odd bas Tiidatel x of babibvées ‘ian oi? eswiee of bided waw 

vtossede bus yaivibuacohas inanghtaw to bobh obyxt daitd’ donk renga 
beoubo zg dat aaw di abated dantw Lied ‘biwes ext cadcbk Howe witha 

betowane oll i dbens aelest Seana doisdw siétbreoebse ‘dnangitent “a 

“wos? aw ok seuooooosqents “a Baw mr9R at toed ‘ome “oo ot baal 
aot teons Loot odisouut acid pt ‘bedade atoat out wort ‘q task octet betes 

fa’ yee tig & lass Vg | ; 

‘cotgerte ould nat amis oats vinlastee eidanoanet istw onda . 2 
3 Al LZ ti 

of patos ide Leeauoo a! dasbae ted agra old serodne antrey i | 

at's ae: 

a? badd tuteq BsW wend kv edt + abnwo7a Loxeves no “potseoup ekdd 
t; rn gee Lay fa ee 

end nt tneaetd 91s atiey ausoooodgenda oad ‘dost bottcor bas 

ae soon an gat tad * * * ‘pomse? aw wedebld edd as moos ae 
* * ® btokt en nt ein omen eis rio9eas wedetid a te ‘pete bite 
egatd ot besten yaied noqu eogenéie ext? “ouodailé a sxe sri0% dwxog dct 

ino toe boots ext3 uatsosno nt edoauede aldd to amisy ‘to extuod ‘ede 
‘orld + delle 

deidw votdestumel to ansen yo Ybod oid botede : 
odd ni ufoveoy oltadquel odd dydouds fenrtée ‘eis waits ootd “thekere : 
god sw ot ethod cde bind sedi baa mastéa: ivcgudicndbess oe 

guotuny ett ai redettd edd te soleqtaoacd outs gah , , 
ai @féanoas0* ao Hitw ,tted pfvoo ost ted sb saat 

Lencotxe wi heame amr at “teattonte Pivguaceipih ‘faotnom to 
eye eae sane ag B ee 



Pie , t 


violence or by disease. He answered thet in his opinion the 
blister was caused by external violence. The witness was then 
asked whether, assuming all the facts in the original hypothetical 
question except that death resulted from malignant endocarditis, 

he could form an cpinion based upon reasonable medieal certainty 

as te the cause of Pryde's death. He stated that it was hia opinion 
that Pryde died from acute septicemia or blood poisoning; and that 
malignant endocerditis merely signifies an inflammation of the lining 
of the heart, while acute septicemia deseribed the infection ef all 
the tissues of the body by streptococcus germs. 

On eross-examination Dr. Rankin testified that streptococcus 
germs may be in the body or on the body; that they might be on cloth 
or gauze or any material of thet nature, and are eouily transferred 
from the surface of the material upon which they may be to some other 
surface; that a blister which is rained a little bit, with the skin 
heaving « grayish appesrance, has streptococeus germs in it whereas one 
which is soft ond puffy and is covered by a thin layer of skin does 
not; that when streptococcus "germs get down in between the fissures 
ef the skin and between the various cells on the outer layer of the 
skin, they go in through the sweet ducts, co when the skin is raised 
they are already there on the spot ready for business;” that after 
the blister is broken streptococcus germs micht be reesived inte it 
by contact with some surface that had the germs on its and thet a 
blister containing streptococcus germs might be innocuous or might 
result in death. 

On redirect examination Dr. Rankin testified that in his 
@pinion the infection of blisters or open wounds “oecurs lese often 
than the escape from the presence of the germ;" that the presenee 
of such germs in a blister dees not mean the enme as streptococcus 
infection and thet the word “infection” hae some other meaning. 

Dre Ae Co Tenney, testifying in plaintiff's behalf, upon 

at? aginkyo at mt tats bexowenh of  senanuth yo to oomefety 

“fuel nee decd HO ORT © wemeZb ty Ln sh dxe Ww beaues and tésable 
Loviiodsoyyd Lopinhze od? m2 aont Ole Ile gabenees (asdtoiw bbdaa 
 qubdibteoobee dnangifen wort bedivest discs dade dgeond tel sabtlp 
“Wuiaives Lsohpem eidancaset nog hosed nointges na tot bivee Gat 
motstge wid anw ¢t Yard Sevede oM .Hdsen @tooUsT to cbse eit OF be 
tad bne pyrtnonteg boold xs almeoliqon etwoe mort Both obit saat 
 Qerkekd od Vo mo ttaeemltnt tn bedtingty ULerem ettiprsohee énaightan 

{Le Te mticotat odd beditoaed almootiqes stuss alidn jouead ett to 
Lie | amr emodeosqende Yh Ybod ese mithorapnndtvned 

enoooetqente dant boltisecd mtdaot sxt notdanbmexdeoneterno 9 6 | 
dole mo ed tigim yous sadt pebod od? ne to Ybor edd mt. od yam anton 
bervetenet? Ylions sus bm yotwier todd Ye Lalxeten yma” to wealg ee j 

- toidde omen 62 of Ya Yo? Moly moqu Lodtosas oe o-eok RHE had HOLY 
abte otf dolw ¢2O ekettl a beetle at dotde wedelld « dade Call 
eno. neetody $k nt emxey avonccetqotta. ead. seonersocgs etyary # gunk 
-agob mists Yo royel mht 2 YC beteves at-dns YYkug baa dos: 
asteastt ad¢ aeewted ot meeb to asrtey” avovooctqents eet 
ed? Yo coyat wedue odd no afhov avoduey add moored bas mide ost 
feotex a2 mite off mode oe yetonb Gaone et Maueute at ep diame 
tetta ted? “geeontsinf 10? ydowt Soqe off mo oxosdt ebnorde exe Keds 
($f e¢mt pevioosx od digim anusg guecesedgetde modo tit et: mode lie aay 
tod? bre tt) me seroy, odd had dat? onstvin tune sity dendowiigg 
‘ atatn 7 avosoornt of tytn earey swooegetqetia: aegnennes a wt : 
' 4 i : bn aos j 
eid ai tad vottiiand mbsinet set moktontuaxe soexthew ad! 6% “4 
mtte asel atwoee" abmoe nego vo etodaild te holtestal rm ks ' ‘~ 
eonesorq add ged “garreg ett) to gomegeng sald sind wqnone’ ott att P 
swooosotgetts en anne od? fase ton sepb vole hid 9 at. aercom . 
saminaee xeige omon ancl Hod soetmt” bxow, od da? bee sod 
noqu «tiated a'Vitintale mt gutyttieed «yonmeT 49 +A oat 



being asked a hypothetical question which assumed the facts testi- 
fied te by plaintiff and that Pryde's death resulted from malignant 
endocarditis, and if he had an opinion as to whether the blister 
was @aused by external or internal causes, answered that in his 
opinion it resulted from an external cause. He also stated that 
malignant endeearditis of the type described always come from some 
external introduction of infection, usueslly gaining sdmission through 
an abrasion of the skin or mucous membrane. He was then asked, 
assuming the original hypotheses and particularly that a hypothetical 
person, who on August 5, 192%, had a blister, unbroken in the morning, 
returned to his home at 4 o’clock that afternoon with a broken blister 
and the foot swollen, whether he could form an opinion as toe when the 
infection took placee. befendant's objeetion upon several grounde 
to this question was overruled and the witness answered that in his 
opinion the infection oecurred "at the time or shortly after the 
breaking of the blister.” He then said thet a very virulent infection 
could appear within six or eight hours after the entry of the germ and 
that infections of that type were moet unusual, extraordinary and 

Defendent contends that the trial court should have directed 
a verdict in ite faver at the close of plaintiff's evidence because 
the proof introduced by her when taken with all its reasonable intend- 
ments in her faver was not sufficient to show that Pryde's death 
occurred under elreumstances covered by the double indemnity provision 
of the insurance contract; end that Pryde's death having been con-~ 
elusively shown to have resulted from blood poisoning or septicemia 
arising from an infeeted blister on his toe, plaintiff failed te sus- 
tain the issue squarely raised by the pleadings, ieee, that the infece 
tion causing his death occurred "simultaneously with ond in consequence? 
of an accidental cut or wound" as provided in the exeeption to the 


“ mobtqornt énoiuntv. yer @. tad? bias medd of . “toda? eo edo rs ah Pi 
«het oreep end te Frise. st xegte exuved, bgt, a xis gong ie i 




 mbteet adoat edt dommes tipidy moliapay Laotiedtogys # pede sated 

trangilen mort hedivess dinoh stebyxt tadd boa Titenialg ye of bens 

_ modadte oplt costtnsty of om notmtag ma dad od UU dee .atd torapopan 

mht atk dad? hexowenn «wowmeo Lemceint xo Lantana xe beaune omy 

fads hoteta onfe oR .eawee Lamrpdxe mm mock bediuaet 32 molatge 

gre moxt omso ayawla hedtzoaeh eqyt edd To atstbrecohne na ha 

avoids molnaimba gutnisy vifevos nottostnt to aetieybortat Lamy tein 

, sbegles meld aay oF +enetdaem avooum to Miale odd eee 
Inottadtoryl g dadt xixalvotizag bas agnedteqyd Lontgito odd gabm 

- qpichercom eet nt pets APA 4h ARG oS A A 
meted medord # Adin anon the tad, xoola'e » #9 saad ats of 

ort node of a0 notntge no mot bLumo ox casted ssoftowe 90% etd | te 

| abawora tntevoe macs apiigotde avenaiveted . renate dood mghteets 

aud a, tnt borovena soonthe qt ban beLarzare ene mouénnn abt 4 
odd weihe yLisede x0 omit odd ta% herzwoes modtoe tat ea? aie 

si ia meomeod: tiem 4 reer} 
setvents. evad, bkueda tru00  tetet ott batt 1 ebatnee sratentet a py 
_onusaod sonebtye e'tittniaty Ye gato od te teva? oft mt sre ad | 
-puetnt aldenoueot eft Ife Mitw sox soy oat wh = beouborint + 
_ steed a tolgxt tadd wode, gt, seotoytue ton a son eat | 
nogiverq. ytinmobnt eldvob edd Yt bomoyoo spenayennd 
«seo mood anivad Miah eteiyst dane baw tsoertnen 99 ane am 
atmootsyne x0, patnontog, hoods mort, bedtime ovad o¢ mode Vis 
aan od bektar Vibvatalg seed etd wo tedaitd begostat, ne sie i 
esotint odd fait cotet aapatdsety ods xd Poster <iexanps 
comaupennoo: st hao stiw yfasoonatiuate" berTivopo sanod | ThA eS 
add of mostra. mh BOLAYERG. ne vr wm of 

. rs A , , aed Prt Add £4 A 
, 2 ‘ > te” Be File i Te ig ers rue 1] & Las ADA he ME ee 
6 t x ’ - 4 4 = = ' bey 

Defendant contends further that there was no evidence 
tending to show that the insured sustained any accidental cut or 
wound; that, lacking such evidenee, plaintiff's case did not come 
within the coverage of the policy as above set forth; that plein- 
tiff's evidenee presented a set of facts from which two or more 
equally legical inferences could be drawn as to the issues presented 
by the pleadings, only one of which inferences would be consistent 
with plaintiff's right te recover, and that, in deciding for plaine 
tiff, the jury necessarily wee allowed to indulge in pure speculation 
and conjecture; that the verdict of the jury was contrary to the law 
in that it involved basing a presumption upon » presumption: and that 
the expert medics witnesses called by plaintiff were erroneously 
permitted to invade the province ef the jury by stating their opinions 
upon the ultimate facts in the cacée 

Plaintiff's theory is that the exception to the policy 
which prevides that it dees not cover death resulting from bacterial 
infeetion other than infeetion occurring simultaneously with and in 
congequence of an accidental cut or wound does not bar her from ree 
covery; that, having presented evidence from which the jury might 
find that the accidental creation of the blister and its accidental 
breaking, either tegether or separately, were the proximate cause or 
causes of Pryde's death, the similtancous oeecurrence of the wound and 
infection or lack of such occurrence would be but an incident and 
inconsequential in the line of eausations that the burden of proof of 
such lack of coincidence of wound and infeetion was upon defendants 
and that the proximate cause of insured‘: death was « question of 
fact for the jury to determine. 

The first and main question presented for our determination 
is whether the exception in the policy is a reasonable and valid 
provision and not contrary to public policy. 

Plaintiff insists that the provision in the exception that 
the infection must be shown to have oceurred simultaneously with the 

enhon tiedt geitete ys yuh add to, eomtvenq ont sbayns of be pps 

| He: 
; _ et hess aotw Viasoonss Lomita gat rxuo9e wottootat ads restto paar 4 

eonebhye an sew exedd dais xodtawt abwednoo dagbaetetd 
(80 dito Lniaobioga Yun bentesem Soxmant ox? Jadt woda od pathaed . 
ammo Jom bib aso altiléatalq ,eoneblve dove anttont edacs ybaugw 
-nialg tad¢ qlosel fea ovods ae Yotieg ert te spaxovon edd mtultty 

ezom tp ond doisw most adoat tq fos » tednoneng apmobiye a 22h? | 

hosnoaexg sesvaat els of 2 nwath od binoo asonotetgt nate 4 

ie ail emg mt a ad reviita asw vit aseoven et, emt i 

wet oad of Yxetingo gsw Yin) ead to soibzey nuke fade terwt09 too pre 
Le. Gay Pee ere Sci 

; test ine yrottqmmory © noqu. soliquwseng = gutesd beviovai $i dans ah 

Of Porn 
» Wswoonprre otew Tiintalg yd beiles aesaontiw feok bea sxeqxe odd 

wot -F 
s9ane odd mi ntost odamtatu apf 

£2 ¢% mae 

‘yptor edd od otaqooxs ond dads a usonsis arg imbers — 
_ fakwtoad arot't gts iuaet diseb toveo Jom noob at dad of 

f Sup Bie Ra Ghee 

ot mort red tad ton 290b hensow » 0 Lednobtoos a to eae 

io eantiar ig oa 

tdate vant ortd slo bet mort pansbive bedneasten gatvad etadd 3 e7OD 
bch Pee 

Lasnobioga ati bre tedeild edd to notjowte ininobioos oat cane beck 

se ee ee 

70 oss egamlxoxy ould orow stledatagen 20 redsogo# resists 2 

Fy roorg to nobrud odd ‘toate tno sauce xe emt odd ak aver yl 
, e aie MS DEIR ay 
‘iaabaetob aos aan notes tat bee bawow 0 omen tomtoe te Monk # 
" analy ie 
to noi Suowp 3 sw aise a bemwant cm oauao odemxorq uae 

ottantirse tet wo wo? botnocorg nok daoup atom bas text oat ari, 

bikev | bes eidenoeses 9 a at wortog out nk noleqooxe Poe ge bong ie 
} swoltog oltdig od “Ceottne ton, baw ak 
godt aniaeeuen ety nt nebelven ‘oad dauté atndamt Lecce a : 

att Mtv yLevoonatlumta hertueve svat oF swore “ eum wm mots ® 


accidental eut er wound is manifestly unreasonszble in thet the 

entrance or time ef entrance into the body of the microscrepic 
organisms causing the infsetion is ineapable of proof. Tt is true | 
that these facts are not capable of direct cyewitness proof, bui 
they are capable of proof ss a strong probability based on direct 

inferences from demonstrable fects. Many things, including «11 | 
conditions of mind and sll events to which there are no eyowitnesses, 

must be proved in the same way. In this onse there is a total want of | 

proof, even of probability, of the inception of the infection. There 
are mo secondary facts from which reasonable inferences as to the 
ultimate facte can be drawn. 

Plaintiff's undisputed evidenee shows that the cause of 
ineured's death was aeute septicemia or bleod poisoning. It has 
generally been held, subject to the exceptions contained in the 
policy, that death from blood poisoning following an accident is 
the direet or proximate result of the accident, regardless of how 
oY when the germs causing the bleod poisoning entered and infcoted 
the wound or contusion on the exterior of the body. (Central Accident 
inge COo Ve Rembe, 220 Ill, 1513 Cary ve Preferred Accident Inse Coes 
127 Wise 67; ‘western Commcreial Traveler's sse'n ve Smith, 85 Ped. 
401; Hornby v. State Life Ins. Co., 106 Neb. 574, 184 We We B45 
Knowlton ve Preferred Accident Inse Coo, 199 Tae 1172, 199 Ne “vo 1OL4s 
MgAuley v. Casualty Cos of Americas 39 Monte 185, 102 Pac. 5863 French 
v. Fidelity & Casual: 135 Wis. 259, 115 W. vs 869; Day v. Great_ 
 ‘Bastern Cagualty Co., 104 Wash. 575, 177 Pac. 650.) 

Under the rule as declared in the foregoing eases, regardless 
of how trivial in nature the original injury may have been, if an ine 
feetion occurred even several days after the injury, and solely beq 
cause of the utter failure of insured te take any precaution against 
infection, the insurer would nevertheless be liable for death regult- 
ing from such injurye 


oem? Sere ei eldanchertnn yliaetinem af itive" ee tye Istmebtoos 
oben rome seio ets to wor ef? ofnt wonetixe Yo emtt to eoneténs 
eweti el Of ytoorg to efteqanht at nolkionte? att gitewks aml: 
gud loon weondiweye dnethy to Sléeqed don oth adoat sword ‘ttt 
foul me heaod veiitdedey snovtée a un Toor, to effaced exa we 

Iie petbslor? ,egetd? weit sadoet efdertananeh most wenn 
aeduendiveys om ere exoilt Hotstw of wtnove Lis bro biti to anetdthado 
to ¢may Lated o at ered? oas9 site ml .tew ene ‘eet ob beveng ‘ed tas 

Sted? smolseetnt ox? to moliqoomt oft to «wWiiidadecg Yo move stoorg 

Oo meee 

att of af soonstetet eldmressey doldw ao1tt etont cenbao;ea on a 
coke smith od nae fap eny: 


te sauno oft tart? avorla sonebive beduget bor ‘ettibeutere 

ett at hentetamoe anolsqooxs etd 04 toetdus . bios need VLE 
at éopbisee te pitwollot witinodteq boold mort Aine tats ‘ 

i F fh nt ih 7 3 

ida Oe ate tbreges .taehroos od te tiueot esenixory x0 ie took 7 ; 


pedestal bus botedie gutnostey boold aXé gutesco wacoy ‘oid 
$moutoo< Kaede) thos of 26 Yoicebxd oxf? mo solavinbo xo 
290 288 taebtoss. ae *¥ we iar “LIT OBS ode 

Konext YOST soeU GOK .OSL «inom ee 

#8050 ov yet F008 6 4M CLL 08S sak CCL 4299 wi temaad : 
piu co ORR Veet HL C808 stele BOT ,.09 Yes 0s 

aelbisgox yadaey yittogeret od cf betsfoeb ag elut eat ital” 

enk xa BL qneed oved You yrwbak Lentylxo xld omden nt tenvdis hie ’ 

i) via 

otf ‘(fe fon' tins “cattnt ote sede sesh Radeyee Hive bermidee apttos 

dantoge aot sannoreg une oxed of bexwunt “te suits ‘teddy ‘its cf ed 8 

-tiveet deeb tot eLdett ed woeLeddroven i woxiieat oid nol toon 
Rsrsdeved most sat 

ha a \ ommend tombe meee eee 4 yer tN Hg lad eases uti ode 


Double indemnity for accidental death is a type of insure 
ance designed to protect against some of the unforeseeable and une 
preventable hazards of life. It was the obvious purpose to exclude 
trie the eategory ofunforeseeable aud unpreventable hazards, and 
from the coverage of the policy in this esuse,y cases due to the 
failure of insured to take the proper preeautions against infection. 

We think the provision in the policy that it does not cover 
death from bacterial infection, other than infection occurring 
simultaneously with and in consequence of an accidental eut or wound, 
is not an unreasonable limitation of defendant's liability and is 
properly a matter of contract between the parties. The parties had 
a Tight to place in their contract such conditions and limitations as 
they desired, and when these are elear and umambiguous the court must 
give them effect according to their meaning and intention. (Bahre 
ve Travellers’ Protective Ass'n of America, 211 Kye 435.) 

Although there is expert medical evidence in the record 
to the effect that the blister in question was caused by external 
violence, the creation or raising of the blister will, we think, 
have to be eliminated &6 a cause of insured's death, inasmuch as 
the cause of his death was admittedly blood poisoning and there was 
no evidenee of infection as long as the blister remained intact and 
unbroken. While Dr. Rankin stated that there were always strepto- 
coccus germs in the fluid of a blister such as this was, he alse 
testified that their presence did not mean the same thing as strepto- 
coccus infection such as developed in insured and resulted in his 
death from blood poisoming- Dr. Tenny, plaintiff"a other expert 
medical witness, testified, and medical authorities generally agree, 
that the type of streptococcus germ that brought on the infection in 
this case, almost without exception, enter the body externally through 

an abrasion of the skin or mucous membrane. 

The insured's death having resulted from a bacterial in- 

eral te wqyd s at dtaed Lndawbtods or vs tsimebhs Sfdiied hho" 
-nu ban sidssexetetny edt te suba Sankine Boxso'ty oF berptewb ‘edtin 
etuloxo of seoqtuq auotvdo odd saw ST veh Yo! bienkatt © Ldadriovedy 
bis ,abtased eldednevetqay bow eldssseetotnasto yxdzesoo eit pee 
eit of sub seeso yoawey aid? mt yhLog et? Yo opereved bad Hort 
snotioetnt fenings encttosocese togery att dled oe borianl te szuttat 
Seve som asod $i tate orloe Os mt heretvbee eit? awhity ow 062 bee 
anivtwooe noldeetnt made redde qnolsee tar Lartetosd mort ftaob 
ghnsiée 10°460 Ieinobtose a Te ebhoUpeando: wt has itd He vbetiodied tut’ 
ato bne Ystkidall atinatdots Ye HOLME UfeanodastHe’Ad Sn? EE 
bak asidxeg eT .actiteq ont moowdod todittioo to tbddan' a ubteeety 
as etoivetinid hus enotitones dette toortned ttortt nt eoalq of iyi a 
fama Stitod on Aooupidmaiy bie ta8L> ota Saoild node teil’ 7eecdcon eu 
| eta) snetenodnt dno petasom thes of siitstvoid toast retin’ 
7 0 §, 8B Sr £68 qeolrom to nael se 3 rol fova 
pesos offi ‘al eonobive tab them steqid at ets? prac 
ainda “Yd bedtisd adw sottdenp mt wed id ot Vailt Yootte SHY OF 
‘> geiectol? ow qiliw tovdbtd ond “to git tet <6 aoidsets odd (oenirol¥ 
aa domonat ,dieoh ethetwant to satso s as bedeminikfe ‘ed '6d eva 
waw oreds bite gatadutog bookd yLbed? tube enw dae dia to sufeo odd 
has domtut bontasadt reteiid ents ‘da gaol os wobdootet “to ‘winebevd ‘on | 
Biissscineg eyawLa orew eterdtd Sede béfado nitoall sot oli’ tiki Bd 
gla ed yaaw vids as dove tetditd a to bist odd nt amiog ¥i6800 
<dtqeite 2a gtidd smcd edt neem ton. ‘bib eonienszq thoda ‘emit rete: 
eid mt betineet ‘Sra Setuant nf beqdiéven’ as stows wottoo tnt wi 
 Proqxd Youto Be tRidniela yyno? .x — «gatmoatod ‘Seah mot? ene | 
S8eTas Vilsrenes adistiedtius Lsclbem haa sbotthaed per y ‘ithe gar 
at noltestnt ed? mo ditauotd tort mt9p auooosodqerda “te oad oii dade 4 
mei enncigiane hod wal xedne cence. aaali he dnon z oo wide 
onnrdmest esoosiat 0 ‘phile “edd Ye 1 se as 

at Lied cn = a 


ve aa 

ext jattetoad 2 moxt bedivest anived diseb & tbe 

fection, blood poisoning, it was incumbent upon plaintiff to prove 
every material fact necessary to entitle her to recover under the 

terms of the policy. The evidence showed only that the blister 

was unbroken when it was observed prior to 5250 aems, August 5, 

1929, and that it wes broken and infected at about 4 Demy the same 

day. There was a total lack of evidence as to how or when it broke 

or was broken during the intervening ten hours, But plaintiff in- | 

sists that, where there is no evidenee of the cause of an injury, 

it will be presumed that, because ell men are animated by the instinet 
of self-preservation, such injury is accidental rather than self | 
inflicted. This presumption, however, depenis upon proof of the | 
external, violent nature of the injury and can have no application 
to the situation presented heree Plaintiff insists that the burden | 
of showing that the assured's death earns within the exception limiting 
its liability was upon defendant. If plaintiff's evidence had not 
shown that assured's death resulted from bacterial infection, the 
burden would then have been cast upon defendant to show that it was, 
to bring it within the exeeptione 

in this state im an action on a beneficial certificate to 
recover insurance the burden of procef rests upon the plaintiff to 
eatablish that the assured met an accidental death under conditions 
imposing liability expressed in the contract of insuranee, notwith- 
atending the pleas of defendant setting up an exception in the policy 
Limiting its liability. (Fidelity Casualiy Coe of New York v. Weise, 
182 Ill. 496; Moses v- Illinois Commercial Men's Ase'n, 189 lle 
Appe 440.) Plaintiff had the burden of showing that insured suffered 

an accidental eut or wound, as well as that the infection occurred 

simultaneously with and in consequence of such cut or wound. 
Plaintiff, in defining “accidental,” uses this language 

which is as good as any other - "that, in the act which preeeded. 

the injury, something unforeseen, unexpected and unusual occurred 

i ¥ 


everg of Vittaltele aoqu Jeeduuont gow at seninontog boold ymolidoet 

ads yobs sevonet of wed ofLtiins, ot Yaeasopenr toot foiresem yreve 

Sotalle eft fads ylno bewode sonebive eat sWeilog ont. _ 20, ha 

ed SnaasA qetieg OR18 of xolzg bevzcadD maw dh neciw xovorday ean 

sas aS stag & Juods Js, begestat bua medotd aaw eh ted? bre (eset 

exon’ ¢4 mode to wod of a8 oomebiye to foal Latod » vow Stent oyeh 

 whid Bittaisig tuG saxo nod aninevzwing edd gatxud netord eae to 

| #Utepol oe lo savey oft to eonphive om af overs tase ates state 

tonivent ad? yd betoming oxa som Lia oauaoed etants hommsorg of ILtw #2 

Mee med? terder Isimedtoos at yrvint dow a Xo 

Wh. Yes 2907E OTH, PhENNMD, -9 TATRK ESOL MEMNORE SE9F,... 2 hageteeat 

( Mbtieotiqas on.oved aso dow yustat edi to emtas. tmp foby, tape 

 mebisd ot Jedd ataiank Uiiinialt »ered betneeerg nolveuste edt od 

gnitimil motiqooxn edd atdtiw emo dteod atberwuas eft tad? antvody te 

ton bad conobive a'ttéiaielg 21 »dnabae tes nogy aaw, Daten s 

ons ‘ymottootat: Lei xtoed moxt, bet iuaet.dtoebe ‘botwass dass nwosda 

vasW 3k gad wots of Iuabneted moqu dano moed over, ned?) OLvow nobieg 

AN gL LY Oho a mnigwene eMdahdg ke 2k, gmbed op 

ot Stanitivred LaiuvLionsd «2 mo noijon\ mm mt stata aidteal.. o5 gypy 

9d Wrbtetalg ede aoqu atast ioomg 20 wobwd edd eonetuent sevapex 

erro it thrioo webs diaeb Lainehkoes am iem bexwana edt tet dadidadae 

<Hobw8om poonmesant to dosxsNOD ould ek honvotaxe, Yeitidell andeogms — 

 eotlog ef nb motiqooxe ne qu guivion imubasteh to moele elt omtbmate 

Se FS st aaa Whilidett atk gubdtmtt 

oLLE 00L .oitams el eoh Latorenmod etemi il «v ganol . AM AE f 

botaltws bemwent tid? gaiworls to mobtd oy bad, Yitiniels (0s 
 petiss08 molgoetai edd tedd ae Llow as shavow xo tug feinebhtoos mu 

» {Rasew xo J#o gous Io gomeupennoe mb bas tt te Vovooned Lake 4 

 pguigeat atdd soo ",ladnebtoos", gutalteb mite dosent 4 

* pbobeoo tq Holdw dos ost mi ydadt)- soadso, ye ay” 03, aii ll yi 

~sheteicone: isvausw bin bedooqxsny. ¢noanete Tn saitioane « | 


whieh produced the injury." 

The injury in this ease must be the cut or wound, 
and there is no evidence that anything unforeseen or unexpected 
geused the blister on insured’'s toe to break. The breaking of 
the blister is not an “aecidentel cut or wound” under the terms 
of the policy, unless the mesons by which the blister was broken 
were in turn accidental in the sense that the breaking of the blister 
was the unexpected, unforeseen and unusual consequence thereof. In 
this case we do not know what the means were that caused the blister 
to break or by what agency it beenme infectad. 

Plaintiff's counsel, st pe 23 of their brief, say that 
the jury may “have concluded that wearing his shoe on that day with 
the blister in its then condition caused it to break at that time, 
thus permitting the germs to enter,” and, on pe 29, "nearly all men 
know that blisters break under such treatment.” On pe 29 they 
also sey, “it makes, as we see it, Little difference whether the 
blister broke in duc course or from Pryde! s own intentional act." 
Counsel then argue that it was immaterial how the blister was breken, 
whether accidentally, intentionelly or through natural causes, #0 
long as the result, meaning the infection or the death, war extra- 
ordinary and unexpected. This pesition is untenable and counsels* 
argument ise fallacious in that it entirely disregards the provision 
of the policy regarding proof of “an accidental aut or wound" and 
simultaneous infection. Plaintiff's difficulties are wholly due to 
her lack of knowledge of the facts surrounding her husband ts 
“neeidental cut or wound,” if there weresuch, and the coincidence 
ef the infection with sames if it were known and shown that « certain 
instrumentality or ageney eaused the accidental breaking of the blister 
end thet such instrumentality or agency was a prebable carrier of 

streptococcus germs which cause septicemia, it could reasonably and 

Aogieally be inferred that such germs entered the body simultancously 

- } 

shrew ve duo ont of teu cbse ehtd mY werter ett NY 

bevovgxeny To Mobubtothuys ghirtyne dad oonohive om at oxvedd’ bie 
Yo pinkieext ef? .taerd 03 oof Dotnet? oo -wehed fe ead beakab 

aarvod ont? xebic’ “havow ro duo Lednebisos® na ton oF todlbre eit 
novloxd caw tofetid eft dotdw YC ences odd saetnu gyolleg ond te 
“‘Wwtalld sft te guidaerd edd sett often odd Gt Lesnebidoe’ mud nb Saat 
‘Qe derid ents beowne Jats stow ancenm etd todw émd ton of 6w dade aldé 
sbodootnt omebed dt yonege Sart ya to teste ad 
Gadd yan etottd rietd to 8 sq ds gtodawod eo trddnters’ 7°) 
tie Yab dad? no vode elt gnttaow sald bébuLotion oval” ‘yom tht ede 
“gouk? sad3 tn Anowd of 32 beduae mobstimeo mont ual nt dedertd oifd 
Meet Lhe awn” (08 <q mo yhne “yeedee Sovonrey odd goideheeOg aude 
Wedd CS vq m0 “sdnemdatd dows. reba Kebtd etetaltd tidd-wend 

Sd? nedtondw eoneisttth Lgl 4th eon ow ea ecostaer 22" gga ont 
| Madan ifdndttasias me otobyrt mez? xo bewwos eMb #? otore xéeebte 
enoxord sow totatid off! wad Lottodenmt saw sh tattd sinjrd node KodiweD 
08 gRetane Letuten sanortt wo yLLenofinsént: eUlcAdneb toon restdentw 
settee saw qHtesd att ro mols sete? odd pirtinem (thodet edt ou 
tatecsueo tre efderedns st xottreog ald?  stedooqiand tie Qeereee: 
“nobslvery on’ abtegotsts Uforline $2 dade nt andideLiaY al dieaiyed — 
bes "fuow To tue Letrehtose ne to Teng wei eg eae 
ov sub Ulfory ern awbttuol ELS af Titem els smoltue'trd dvoonetfuntte 
“athnodeint ton pxthnvetrwe etoe? ert? to ogtetnbe! To stot wt 
| sero btentos off bry <fémetew oer? Lt "4 bnuew to tire a 
misdiso «© fats nwore tna awomst erew SE YT” centeia tity Y é tnt 
otalid eld WS Rebinbad Livttoh ties Bilt Baty Xoecin ‘we i tiod nes 

ee ae ey wo Yeita: if sth 

bne Nidenonase bivoo st \stwoottqen sesiad Wo iy dancog) tin 


with the breaking of the blister. It has mot been shown either 
thes 13 was an infeeted agency or an accidental ome that caused the 
blistex to break. ‘Since the burden was on plaintif’ te preve her 
Case, she must suffer the penalty of failure or absence of proof. 

Whether the streptococcus germs that caused the blood 
poisoning where communicated to insured's body from some instrumant 
used by him in epeming the blicter, from his clothing or hose, 
from hic hands or fingers, from a bandage or covering that he might 
heave put on it during the day, er from some agency which accidentally 
caused it to open, we de not know, the doctors de not knew and the 
jury could not know. (McAuley ve Gauualty Coe of America, 30 Mont. 
185, 102 Pace 586.) 

To extablish defendent's liability we emst indulge in the 
following presumptions: First, thet the blister was spened by some 
scvigental agency; and second, that such sgency was a earrier of 
streptococcus germs. As a general proposition of law a presumption 
cannot be based upon a presumption. (Hitech ve Monarch Accident Ins. 
Lees 259 Tlie Appe 4793 Globe Accident Inse Coe ve Gerisch, 163 111. 
625; Condon ve Schoenfeld, 214 Ill. 226; Ohio Building Safety Va 
Go» ve Industrisl Board, 277 111. 963 City of Chicugo v. Carlin, iat 
Appe 118; Sertaut v. Crame Coos 172 Ille Appe 4773 Campbell ve 
Centralic Gas & Mleee Coss 224 Ills Jppe 589; HQaiber vy. South Side 
Eleve Re Re COoy 226 Ille fippe 4226) 

In the case of Gisbs Accident Ins. Co. v. Gerisch, supra, 
the court, in discussing this question, used the following Language 
at pre 623, 629% 

"Several physicians were in attendance at the bedside of 
Geriseh, all of whom testified at the trial. It seems that two days 
before his death, an a last resort, they performe? a surgical 
eperation upon him, and their testimeny is based, to a considerable 
extent, upon the informetion obtained from an examination ef the 
Lnjured te. They all agree that the cause of his death was 
intense inflemwation and strangulation ef the intestines, and that 
| the diseased condition arose from the dropping of the bowels through 
an adhesive band - an unnetural growth - which extended from the 

| lle 


9 eae 

sedge nveds nod som ent PL oubtehid oft Ye gubteond:edduattaw 

ed? beewse dud¢ ono Lednoblovs ne to Yonogs botestal aa saw ct fasta 

sed everq of Yikdntely 9 exw mebrwd edd oomte  sieoxd of ustekid 

stoorg to sosends wa otwList io Ytleneg. eds tottoe @eum odes geawo 
boold edt boxe» Jedd amtog avoowootqeads edd todted¥) (50 <1) 

dimmuuttadt emow mort Ybod atboxwant e¢ Sedsoiguumos pg tede gudtbalog 

¢ood te getdtolo ald matt yrodedld of? gxkmogo mt mb yd hoes 

@tiyim sf tad gaizevoo 10 ogabnad « moxk eetegntt ro ebxadl add mgt 

Glisiasdicos doidw Yousgs esos mort to yysb ed? gmiauh at a0 dag ovat 

ed3 Sua wont tom ob aredsoh odd «worl. fom ob ow ysoqo of th tsaman 

«tno 26 ,e0Lsomi Yo +90 yYisaueed .v.Yeludolt) ‘swona ton eaned wah, 

add atosgiubnt dau ev yilisdais etisahastes datkdatas Bie. ic or | 
emp Yo Remeqo saw todeti¢d edd fasta texte. senodiqamuong gnkwelto? 
to seitzeo 2 aay yYouoge dona gas ,haoosa hele oPyensga Ladnodtosa 
seitquiaete 2 wel te Hottteoqony Laroeg @ oA santtey sdooavotqutta 
vant suofiiees sergio sv gold) anoliqavsoig « moqu deasd of tones 
s48 BL qsloedxed 7 490 ant Aaobtsod e406) GUND aqah SLT PER eng 
Lis has pukoiioG otAQ GOSS «LiL Bie. chistaraie? «¥ geaod 489d 
Vit saubbued +¥, ensstap de xtlo 498 oL4T VYS, abused Labituuted +¥ 992 
e¥ Liedemad 40TS sqg4 «SLT SUL 19920929 ov guatt98 | VELL «aul | 
9bio diuoe o¥ godielh 7088 sqqa Lit ASS +2 .28G § oe ebtaetned 
As8Sd sqm +L£E 288, | f 
aaigae aren “ s02sa8ah dmahiooh,edelD te, seep ent wT... sstioake 
syswanel getsolfet edd heey «nottessa sist guteawoath at «tango. odd 
= dee “a oom de 
SERS SOR rR, ee 
fsotatm s hemotreq yout «trons taal ew om .tieed ht @ ty ko 
png yc 5 Pre Baayen volt Lentatte portend ont 
gaw dash ahf Yo eemso end dodé Prien . 
gait bes geenttaetut edd to tote ve baa fo ES aw 

dguowld alowed oifd Yo antogerb odd mort oo beanoalh odd 
_ til? ox bebe sae dottx ~ sévors Laawtannu Me - ars habs cree 

- - 
ae | 

lee Se Me 



wall ef the abdomen across to the intestines. They further agree 
that some foree or muscular shock was required to push the bowel 
through this band, and give it as their opinion that some strain 
or external violence caused the injury which resulted in their 
patient's death. This evidence is sufficient, when uncontra- 
dicted, to make out the point sought to be established by it, - 
that is, that Gerisch was strained or was injured by some external 
foreee There is, however, no proof that the deceased strained and 
injured his body "by lifting a box of cinders and eshes,' and one 
essential fact, - indeed, the all-important fact, - is therefore 
wanting in order to make out this case. If, from the fact that he 
lifted a box of ashes and from the further fact that he not long ~ 
afterwards suffered from the effects of a atrain, it can be inferred 
that such strain was eaused by so lifting seid box of ashes, the 
missing link in the chain will be supplied. But this presumption 
cannot be indulged. As we have seen, the fact upon which it is 
sought to base this presumption, vix., that Gcrisch Lifted the boxy, 
is itself but a presumption drawn from other facts in evidonee, and 
the law is that a presumption cannot be based upon a presumption, 
for there is no open and visible connection between the facts out of 
which the first presumption arises and the fact soucht to be estabe 
lished by the dependent presumptions ({ MR sce! 35 Pee 
Ste 440; United States v. Grusehhs 14 Wall. Ij United States ye 
Ross, 2 Otto, 28le) in the case last cited it is said, in passing 
upon this question: ‘Such a mode of arriving at a conclusion of 
facet is generally, if not universally, auadmissible. No inference 
of fact or of law is reliable drawn from premises which are uncertaén, 
Whenever circumstantial evidence is relied upon to prove a fact, 
the circumstances must be proved, and not themselves presumed.'* 

Se in this case there is no proof that the blister was broken by an 
accidental agency and “one essential fact, - indeed, the all-important 
fact, - is therefore wanting in order to make out this ease." If 
from the fact that the insured received an accidental cut or wound 

amd from the further fact that thereafter he suffered from an infe¢e- 
Siders it ean be inferred that such infection oecurred simultaneously 
with the eut or wound, “the missing link in the chain will be 
supplied." However, this presumption cannot be indulged as the 

law as heretofore stated will not permit onc presumption to be based 
upon another. 

Complaint is made by defendent that the court erred in 
permitting plaintiff's expert medical witnesses to express opinions 
as to the ultimate facts of the case, perticularly as to the time of 
the inception of the infection. The time of the breaking of the 
blister was not shown by the evidence and it was improper to permit 
the physicians te state their opinions as to the time of such incep- 

tion. Such opinions were conjectural and speculative and invaded 

gouge toidrut yodT sapnitaodial off ef maotos 
fewed esd casg of ben dupe aaw Moore talvoum To Ey me Ot an 

tiaxte eage deads moter. * ahads ae th evig Sim, seer aids 
atodt al hetdivmes ao w Yaw bet end 2 ay S08 iene he 
egudnonnmy pial 96 Moe ty Bn gi sornetive allt ph alta 

~ gti WW bedaildeieo od of ingvon jmkoq sald tuo. 's ot» 

fantotne gmoa Yo betwiei eav 10 dentetda see Mogived set 
brie, ‘hensatee beuacoeh eld Jad toot on bab igen ee tad ook tnd 

we ees goles baa grebeie to xod s De aid be 
exotereds ai ~- neaat de 2 ape cpt co . Te aupah 

od Sarit nigh oad mox? _veaso eid? tuo gaan iy xobro wit 
pret ¢om er dosié Put sotldiut off moazt baa sedea 10 nod s SEGRE 

berrotnived mao if yniette a atoatte eld ft ges, hetet | 
oa? paper to xed bise as Ti oe Yd beaweo BAW & ain aaa 

moist eng aids tu, set we od If tw rye 
oF ti stay vee boat edt otea ot av be 
ghod edd pe sq ax o8iv 
uioak : esobiuanerg, Be 

bus yeombiyo mi adost teddo mort swax 
to que ltapmesonns pee ett Mudtet ® imetiamcong 4 tut om “st 
ap ia tah Pe cae 

fomoo 8 3a adage to 8 Aly 

oe, mah pi botinoue 
eoneieint of .eldiaaimbantd « th yulLet 
sthadae onus ere sotdw seeimoxg mort aes te b eddadux avn 3 70 4 
- egont a svotg ot moqu ’ of . 
Ws hemmpe te nev Loomer om his sbevorg od toxm seonssemuet ' 
ie Xd noord Baw retaitd pas tasts reorg hes al exedtt ‘eaao oe i 
etol Ta ® - an Eras 
sont pe Te oxtd «boebat - dont Eaténooes oro" dae yonogs sbiooa 
iS a eect | Bhat ¢ ae 
a ",0n8 enti tuo oun ot xobt0 ak ‘patinow orotorests ‘al “eat 
é a : oe 
bm x0 wast Lotmobtoes rs bevtever douunat oxi? ansts joak out pee 

re mad Sepang “et ee oat 
| ~ootnt ae moxt bere tae od sodtaoandd tad ‘toat eld cs J mor? bas 
\ ti ah yeh Ry hae TLS s By 4s 

YLaugansd Lumte horess9e no kigo tk owe atid dowtetal @ Ce 80 a 


: - i‘ sf } n DP 1 
GANS Bw at Bee Be it ie 

nxt berte dtnoo ont Sarls cunlanhah “ ebam af dite Lay009 ba 8 ie 
i Si rink fi 23 

eno trig i de ot nesrentiw Iaolben AAPae, a Xttsmtale, gat $¢ ba 

te emul oni of as eradiods wo, soaa ald ‘to agoat’ etasihird enff t % 
“asta 0 amblaond ‘odd to ome edt. - nstoddoo tat one 20 He ‘ cf 

tins 09 | reqesqmt en tt beso, ‘eanobhye, eat ‘Wd swoda, fon am 
; ~asont foua to ombs edt 0% as anetadge theald, edate 0 

bebavek hue evidetucegs brs Lawstoeinoe otew anointee fo 


the province of the jury. That was one of the ultimate facts in 
issue in the case which the jury had to determine. If there had 
been proper evidence in the recerd «s to when the blister broke or 
was broken, the modical witnesses might have been asked as to 
whether, in their opinion, the infeetion, which was later obsorvad, 
arose at the same time. (Fellows-Kimbrough v. Ghieago City Rye Soe, 

272 Tlie 713 Jijinois Central Rye Cos ve Smith, 206 Tile 6083 

Zbinden ve D'Moulin, 245 Ills Appe 248.) 

The following motion was heretofore made by defendant 
end reserved to hearing: 

“Now comes the Appeliant, The Gquiteble Life Assurance 
Seciety of the United States, by Mayer, Meyer, ustrian & Platt, 
ite attorneys, and shows unto the court that in and by the Brief 
and Argument for Appellee, heretefore filed in this cause, there 
iz certain matter, to wit: YFoint 1 (a) of the Brief on page 4 
thereof, and that part of the Argument on pages 10 to 18, inclusivey 
thereof, which deals wholly with the contention of the <ppellee that 
certain portions of the policy of insurance sued upon in this cause 
should be disregarded because not printed in the size of type elaimed 
by Appellee to be required by the laws of Illinois; that in and by 
said matter Appellee seeks to attack rulings of the trial court in 
this cause; thet sppellee has filed ne ‘assignment of cross-errors 
in this cause within the limite of the time for filing same provided 
by the rules of this court; wherefore ippellant meves that the above 
described portions of said Brief and Argument for Appelies be ordered 

The record in this case discloses that the insurance cone 
tract introduced im evidenee by plaintiff was the entire policy, in- 
eluding the provision containing the exception from liebility, here- 
tefore diseussed, which plaintiff now secks te have disregarded ag 
invalid because of the relative type sizes used in the policy. Plain- 
tiff must rely on the recerd as made in the lower court te support 
her judgment. Wo motion was made by her in the trial court to strike 
the allege’ obnoxious provision of the policy from the evidence on 
the ground of its claimed invalidity. 

The trial court refused to give to the jury cortain ine 
structions requested by plaintiff which set forth her theory that, 

under the law of this state, the exceptions of the policy limiting 

defendant's liability shoulda be disregarded beeause said execptiong 

sat ston® ¢ tamikd £1) oid Lo pre enw. 1 ovat, econ fev sonivorg one 
Dat preds 9 2 peared ab °O8 bast uh weld ober ease ont uk ® : ee 

cherexitnil ‘etal naw dotste cso 19" arn wrested sass wt ee 

Bab? fie) be 

cmt awl x0, eunetad oy aera comeS fa), ona! ome ett ga sa elven | 

LO Sea 2 

9 Qo 2 ¥E 2 conta cal, a 
(oon vats +242 BS « mL 5 | 

eS hale ia 

exe tambuoteb nd sau oxwtovonedt wane noktom sedwoRLo ® eutl © be oe eu 
Dy ee oi otro * 
; ait CT AY ee FF 2 ft ¥ ¢ es < -sgedes of oF 
tant ay Bee Ie a rot: ned ite 

| pometaaRs ota. east out sen E-Locgghitate: ommne? ait wei 
> yiaats +o hh Postaee “- ite $ wea we yaotadss. arty ro. 

1HOp, Oe OF sus; 
: -exedg Lottie oias uit bedi? exotedo as 
fe > open” pcknaskeogti th: taycd ehane? tiw'ot yn 
| erat: oe etre teeteaionietaset abesah 

gl 9 44 Hokime doo: a 
nt goqy bewe porexwent poss ary fmt 8 
heutene eqyd ko osée edd mh botuknrg som oaweosd. | 
vd bre mi todd petomtiil to awal ent yd petivoet oF pie! 
pa Siweo Laicd ood to agaiivr sostie 62 wlooe bal 
| etorite-ceor to imonmgioas om belt earl vol toot thet q 
 -hebbhyerq smon geilit sot omts Sad to adder ll eds Pei 4 
evede efi tends eovom tnmifeqqh etotetedw ttisee atds naan a9 
herebto od eoileggs 10% sremuetA baa lel<d Shae to “eno t. 

ie ke 

noe eonatuent ont taste weno tonth ean 5 mae we ‘iene MR 0 osroeneitin 
| al ‘eteiiog ettine off vow widalota W f ponobive ni beowbentat a 
-sied igditidats a0? nehdqooxs ould sadstadnos noiatvorg ‘ould a5 14 
as beteagotath ‘oral od aieea ‘wort ‘Misatalg _Soade stauannedd «70209 if 
Ad. .g WR 2 Dd Lhe 

ete lt elfiec ont mi boes sents oayi ovidntor — to oxen '4 

’ ‘Sroqque od fxusoo towol edd at eben as bteoo% ‘ots no yoo sou mae 4 
odftin of dxvoo Leki ont ni rod yd sham anw m0 komt ad + anempbut ros 

no sonshive eld moxt vorLog odd 20 wotstvoxg sine aerate a 

lees ci -wibhtovnd ‘beathaLo edt ) i 

\! dey rw 

| ‘ward nindxoo want ond e evty 08 poas'ter “times fated ont 
cdots qrende. ses fdx0% doa soit sabiatode of hataeupet 

: eel. Kea ey) a 
aed veliog eid 0 anoliqooxe ott ‘sodads alla be] meee 
CE) Me har Gee haa 

a seunsed f bomuayores® od binodta 
anaiiqoone | “gn ive t Poh Loe: wot Re nes od 

UR oar 


were not printed “with the same prominence as the benefits to which 
they applied," and because they were not printed “in bold faeed type 
and with greater prominenee than any other portion of the text of 
the policy." 

Plaintiff argues in this court for the affirmence of her 
judgment on the theory «dvanced in these rejected inctruetions, but 
it hes been repeatedly held that if one party appeals the opposite 
perty will be considered as aecquiescing in all rulings of the triel 
eourt unless his objections thereto are presented in some proper 
manner to the court of reviewe Plaintiff, having assigned noe crosa- 
errors on the trial ceurt's refuel to give these instructions, cannot 
be heard to say here that the court improperly rejected them. (Material 
Service Corporation v. Ford, 541 111. 80; Forest Preserve Yistriet of 
Sook County v. Chilvers, 344 Ilie 575; Pelouze Vv. Slaughter, 241 Ille 

(215; Village of Shumway v. Leturno, 225 Ill. 601.) 
Where the only purpose of atiecking the rulings of the trial 

eourt adverse to plaintiff is to have alleged prejudicial errers 
corrected on = second trial of the cause, an assignment of cress 
errors is essential for that purpose. (Pelouze ve Slaughter, supra.) 
Such assignment is the plesding of the party in this court and without 
it we have no right to pass upon the point raised. 

Defendant's motion is sustained. Point 1 (a) of plaintiff's 
brief and pages 10 to 18 of the argument contained therein are ordered 
stricken from ssid brief. 

Inasmuch as plaintiff's evidence did not make out a case 
under the terms of the policy declared upon and introduced in evi- 
denes, the judgment of the circuit court is reversed and the cause 

is remanded. 

Friend, Pe Je, and Seanlan, J+, coneurs 

doidw of etitomed edd 2a poner iwotg @mac add ddlw" Sodeirg tom étew 
eget beont blad at" bedntxg vor eror Yous eaunsed ban "’helZqgn Yorts 
to ¢xpd oflg fo metsxog teito ya ned ‘eoneniawig teteetg My tw te 
“.colLog ate 

sect ho womamst?tn edd rot ¢xyod widd fi wengta trtinhers 

_ ted genoliouttent betoejet snedt nt besmevhs Yroedt edt no ‘ua, 
ebheorye. edt ataonta! yixeq aio Yh sadd? Ried _ibbdbeqek het tel bs 
fatxd eff to ayntius Lie mk gutoasiapds sa beth hanes od ro a 
teqorg emos nm? bednetietq ets otexods anolvoobdo ay @ ans Leas a 
“sor? on bemgtaas anivad ,Pilvnisli swerved to dtuod od od a ree 
dorres ranobgourseni oveds oviy o8 fsantex artides | teis? ‘eid m9 i 
Esto tat) smotts besseter treqoremt times odd fads an ad oF 
Bo sptste Ky syteeort eter 706 -Lit LPG gba0% oy Bebisrog2e? .e9 
its £98 patent dy 'eandied “etd 2102 ase canal qarusad 
(£08 SCE0 BSS vomited ov yam 0 onaligN 
att auld Yo mpativr odf gaiiarite to suoquim yup esd oxedy oo” 

£5 REM 

- Waoure Late routetg dome Lia eved od. ak Vidndata ‘ot onxorns 8 

> ee Te de 1), ; 
epeero to tnomnglass ma ,eeuso ox ‘ve katt onoose o ne 

(ngage «toduiquete »v gku0Le%) »seoqruq svi) wo? Lertnedbe ak 1 Sad 

tuoity i” mm, #xw00 aisdd ni yting ore to yaibwotg odd et ngtoor sf nt 

ay $i | oe beatat tntoq ef? nmegu esag ot shaadi 2023 


Fa ive abebnamos 

{ eckeMe a. a va ' 
: yee cs gt P ef ae yal the bene janet nmekt sone 
Re ae pe #s0R109 at ainao® brs aes . 

R ‘ «} ' i * oy : & u eae oe 

& ff ; 
f a 
Plaintiff in Error, 
Defendants in Error. BE? Lethe V 


Plaintiff, Teresa HM. Gottschalk, filed a bill in equity 
to reseind and cancel a real estate exchange contract entered into 
between defendant Fred Becklenberg and herself, as well ac a con- 
traet of release of Becklenberg from all liability for his alleged 
fraudulent precurement of her execution of such exchange contract. 
Plaintiff's bill charged that Becklenberg induced her to sign both 
the exchange contract and the release by his fraudulent representation 
and concealment of waterial facts. Defendants filed pleas of res 
adjudicata, estoppel and release, the first two of which were overe 
ruled and plaintiff filed a repliestion to the plea of release. 
Upon reference to a master he found that the material allegations 
of the plea of release had been proven, anid recommended that 
Plaintiff's bill be dismissed for want ef equity. The chancellor 
overruled plaintiff's exceptions to the master’s report, adopted 
the master's findings and entered a deoree dismissing the bill fer 
went of equity. This writ of error seecks to reverse the deerec. 

Yor a clesrer understanding of the questions presented 
for our determination it is appropriate to set forth the history 
of the relations of the parties to this cause. 

November 22, 1924, plaintiff and Fred Becklenberg 

oe Cale 
at Oe | evr a 

7 . ay 

4 : % ‘ 1 4% he 

% : \ ; th oe 

a x “ \ " ¢ 
Re p ms. + > wi } , 4 . fe or a 
' 4 Mee att “ereye' ” ot 


eh. 4 i 
* Se ‘ uy 

[SS eet i Raae e 

SoLmGs Of s0gRT | vr  eede 
cman | cian aie 
“GEO AL CVS stort at etabtawtes 

ePHUGD GAT WO WOTKIGO SRT quay mAvEnTUe mirem, «it 

Yitupe at Lid & ooLtt Aiadowddod .M adesoT (Wtdatass yoo. 
@int beredns teortems eynaione etetes Loot « Leona hoa stoset 
-200 8 se Liow wn «tieeted bes grodaeieed bett dnahnekel m 
ha begeile eld wok ytilidull Lio most grodmelainet to osaeket 20 sat 
a stoetinee egnadom steve to meliscexe tet To tnome tape entaRs hi: 

fiog myin of ted hoowdal grednslitoed tad hoprade Ltd atten 
KOLteinenetget tneiwhuest ald yd onselor odd has foaténoe 99 
Be% 26 vavig beLtt sdambretei agent Lattotam to tna 3 
~1676 e1ew Moidw ke owd getht ed? eeselex baa Loquotan, vadspibuhbe 
sonaeiot to sal wid of noktaokiqes a boLtt daa | 
anotiagelia initesem ost tals bavet of toteam « of eometetex 

Jodd bekomores bas .nevety need bel easgion to aig emt 

toliconats eff .y¢hupe te tase cot benginath od a bomb ne 7 

begnenera ampiiaoup efi to sieiiienindia renee ee ch rol 1 
Yxotatd odd A¥xot gon of adetzqoras wt ema terenetiondety: 
—peasen wild ef cottne ott to bmott i 

| yxedno fleet bovk hme Yitdatalg .dOOl «as coder 4 

executed a real estate exehange contract which specified that 

the value of his apartment building (Burwood apartments) was 
$205,000 and of her improved property $50,000; that hie property 
was subject to a first mortgege of /140,000 and that her property 
was Cleary; and that as the baiance of the purchase price of his 
property she agreed to give him a 615,000 purchase money second 
mortgage on the Burwood apartments. 

December 8, 1924, deeds were executed and delivered 
under the contract and Mrs. Gottechalk took possession of the 
Burwood apartmenta and thereafter collected the rents. 

Septomber 28, 1925, Secklenberg filed a bill to fere- 
Glese the second mortgage, Mrs. Gottschalk having defaulted in 
the payments due, and hed a receiver appointed whe took possession 
ef the Burwood apartments. 

April 1, 1926, pursuent te a decree of foreclosure of 
the eucent mortgage, the master sold the property to Beeklenberg 
for 917,000 and delivered te him his certificate of aale. The 
enter also reported a deficiency of $2,620.32, whieh plaintiff 
was deereed to pay. 

April 3, 1926, a written agreement was entered into 
between Mrs. Gottschalk and one Sol Subin, which, after reciting 
that Becklenberg had grossly swindled plaintiff by inducing her 
through false representations to exchenge her property for his 
with its incumbrance of $140,000, end by inducing her to gtve him 
in addition to her clear apsrtment building a second mortgage of 
$15,000 on the Burwood apartments se purchased from him, provided 
that Rubin should furnish the money and time necessary to recover 
through litigation or settlement the demages suffered by Mrs. 
Gottschalk threugh Becklenberg's frauds; that Rubin might use 
Plaintiff's name, when necessary, in litigation or otherwise; 

ded? beLtisone deidw soutinos egradoxe etaiac Inert « betwen 
eaw (géeemdtege boowtwh) gui bliad stismd tage aid to eutey ome 
ysroqetg ald dad 7000,089 Ytuoqerg bevozgms teal Be faa shears: t 
yitooorq ret tals bus 0O0,ORL8 Yo opegduom taxtt o of soshdun ly 
oid to ootzy esadouy odd to conatad edd a dati fae! panto mae 
baooes Yorom saadoxug 000,069 » mid oviy of bootns par yen 
sa toes? wage boowsull wal? ao eRcay tom 
pexeviton dnp detupens oxen abeeb ed80E 98 oan 906 iB, yi 
wiz to moleeeoneg wood ALesioe sso” ost bra snectins ede tohuy 
tee oMt peteetios wttwordd' bad ndnend reqs hoowestt 
~or02 of LLid « belt? arosien Litpee, OR8L +88 rean tee kee | 
at hedLuntos yatvad ALarioasgo9 24% qoacadtom begoes, SY 
molecnenog toot ody botntoaca revisoes # bedk baa youth atopm ‘% 
_  Meteemtxoge hoowmt te H 
to ‘erimoLoo70% te getoeh « OF émawateg «8802 af Lise. by tis 
gredua Lioot of yxeqetg odd blow zosuam od ,opegd tom neuen 
ett sofen to edaekiticon ett mid o¢ borevtsed, fie 000%, “fl or 
ribtatedy paren +881 08O98F To YREwlosted  bedrogeT oats oe wail on 
omni wwasten aw teomseuge notdhuw # .OGed aenetass i jam be 
gutiioes wdts .doldw .aidwl fo8 eno bee oltatonsten sat adewhed’ ‘ 
wont getowbak yt Yitntelg boLbatwe yLarerp: het wasn 
eid rot ytreqerq sod ogmafone of protdedne onde h Mpa 
mld ovitg of upd gatombat ya ban. 19004006. 2x oommtanans oh ttt 
te ensptrore onooee a gatbiind snowiaqe ss9eLo te ot mek tbs 
bedivorg «itd sovt bensdouuy 99 simemiaaga hoowswl ont mo) 
se To90% of Yisvasoon sett bee youom ed? deter? biveds wkdet teks 
10 Ye boreYRwe uegansh of teomestden so mobdupkset steueatdise 
oan tigin mice tan? phen 9 gee it ALestonstod 

rar ee nie 


that plaintiff deposit a quitelaim deed to Rubin of her interest 
in the Burweod apartments with his attorney, and that Rubin 
deposit in escrow with such atiorney his $5,000 note payable to 
pisintiff, and his trust deed upen the Burwood apartments to 
seeure some; that, when the matter was settled by Rubin, he was 
to be the owner of the property, subject to the payment of the said 
$5,900 note to plaintiff; and thet she was to be peid by him all 
money received by him as a result of Litigation or settlement over 
and above his second mortgage of $15,000, plus fees and costes. 
(Mrs. Gottschalk delivered her deed to the premises to Rubin's 
attorney and it was delivered to Rubin and recorded. I¢ does 
not appear that Rubin ever deposited hia $5,000 note in escrow 
with hie attorney. In any event Mrs. Gottschalk did net receive 
it and did not receive any of the rente or profits aceruing from 
the Burwood apartments after Rubin took possession May 3, 1926.) 

May 3, 1926, Rubin effected a settlement whereby 
Beecklenberg assigned to him hia certificate of esle under the 
second mortgage foreclosure, delivered to plaintiff her second 
mortgage notes aggregating $15,000 and satisfied his deficiency 
deeree egeinst her in consideration of Rubin's payment to him of 
£6,279 and the delivery of plaintiff's release of Becklenberg 
from all cisims for damages against him for fraud, deceit er 
misrepresentation in connection with the exchange of their 
properties. The receiver under the second mortgage foreclosure 
having been discharged pursuant te this settlement, and plaintiff 
having conveyed her interest and title in and to the premines to 
him, Rubin took possession of the Burwood apartments and there- 
efter collected the rents. 

December 15,5 1926, a bill was filed by the trustee under 
the first mortgage trust deed te foreclose same, the entire bond 
issue having been accelerated because of Rubin's default in the 

favo dnh ot Ye wid 0¢ sowb micietaup © ¢heoqoh Vetintetg dace 
eh tone baw eYoruedse ald Adlw otmomdueqe boawtwM end at 
6d ekdaysq efor 000,%) aid youwiss dove atin worooe at dkwogeb 
od atreotiiegs boowurll add aoge bees gamed eld boa « Thitnkedq 
iow ot yttkdul yo beliseu caw t9ddan ond mode Sed? pore exwsOR 
bane oft to dnowyay ex? of toohdua yelsegoty ont to emo eft o¢ ot 
fie aii yd biog od of any ode tatld how 4 titinieiq od eter 000584 
teve trecelitee to métgagid2k to Jiecet a ee wd yd bovieoet youu 
sedeoo ban weet wulg 2900,3L¢ To egegtxem bavose wit eveda ime 
atnigud oF boatewrg eff of oveb worl Soeevileh aALaioasto®.amm) 
~ goo #L shebtoosx tem atduii 9? betevileb uaw J) doe yommodta 
wonoee mi efor 00%,2¢ sid hetiaogeb weve midua dadt resqye den 
eviopor toa bib Alndowtted veil taeve yo sk .yamodde ete Mpke 
mux? goivroocs atitoxg 10 ataer of to yim evteses don kth baa tt 
(eBRUL 4S Wil noLenesz0g doe? Khdul tothe admmtieqe Doowanl est 
 <—devedw teenmelizven a badve The aidwi _0Se@L Poe whe I 
edd -vebmu lea %6 staotitixes ald mhi o¢ bempiass atadeoipes 
| bones ret Ltisniadg of boxovifed c@tweoloatot eyagirom Aagpen 
“onotoltod aid deflation baa 000.29 sattagotsys saton egantzem — 
Yo mid of snomyag o'ntdul 0 aedvouebtemos wt, red tomtaga owresh 
“ tedneLXo0k. te ausosox e'titinintg to Yreviloh O69 HanseTBedd 
‘29 tteoeh , buat? co? mie settegs segomd cot amiale Sinaext 
tio Yo wymadoxe aid Aiiw wotdooanes mt noltetmnogemia — 
 gtmetooxe? oyngdram baooes edt tobaw tevisoe ot. smeh?segong 
Vivalely dae ytnomeltios aids of tnayeteq beguntioeta mead gakvad | | 
of womtuony ott oF tem mt oti te manebiaadanes sinrwcuinesssilh : 
\apeott Mow atemwd tone beovisk wid to mohesenog 4 
6 cat 4 98° tenon. 9 wtademat male d 
‘to Dies po tutred arid YC bOLE eow LEE w gAGCL 2h sadaovedr 600 C 
buod oxkine oa? youre aaeleexo% ot hood dauxd gaeptromdankd eld 

adit nt #iuated e'atdua Lo settuned bodatesecos need gutynd ome 


payment of taxes and interest on the first mortgage bonds, and 

@ receiver was appointed who immediately took possession of the 
premises. Although Mra. Gottechrik war not made a party to the 
first mortgage foreclosure proceeding, she attended practically 
all of the hearings held therein before the mater and testified 
that she wae satisfied with Rubin's conduct of her affaira. A 
deeree of foreclosure and sale was entered and Becklenberg, who 
was primarily liable on the outstanding firet mortgage bonde, pure 
chased the Burwood apartments at the moster’s sale for $154,480.84, 
the semount re.uired to cover such bonds, acerued interest, 
eolicitor's fees, mster's fees and costs. Upon Pubin's appeal 
the decree in that cause wax affirmed by this court and thereafter 
eertiorari was denied by the Supreme court. 

After the master’s report in that case had been filed 
and just prior to the entry of the sforessid deeres Mraee Gettachalk 
filed a petition in which she repudiated wbin and seught to inter- 
yene in that cause. In ita deeree the trial court denied her 
right to intervanee 

in the instant case Mrs. Gottschalk made Rubin and his 
wifes parties in beth her original bill and in her first amended bille 
Although persisting in her charge that Rubin and Becklenberg had 
conspired to defraud her, she failed to make Rubin a party defendant 
in her second amended bill, upon which thiseause wae heard. 

The prayer of plaintiff's second amended bill is, im sub- 
stance, that a “purported release" dated May 3, 1926, given by plain» 
tiff to Becklenberg “be annulled end cancelled;" thet Becklenberg 
and his wife be required to convey to plaintiff the “Nontrese avenue 
property,” (which she traded) if he chould now own it, and that 
Becklenberg be required to necount for 111 rents and profits collected 
by him therefrom since he ecquired titles but should it appear that 

des gabaed opmgitom sent? ef? mo daonetnt baw wenad te drome? 

od? 2 selsdoenog dood YLosatbounk baw hosntoqga saw veviesse # 

sit ed ytusq # eham tom now dinsoatvod sec agwodeta veothaotg 
yliselicatg bebnetin ode , gat bewsow exsmekeevet epagocea’ sere® 
Seblitas? tas tedesm sd? oteted sero oled epmiteert: ele: tekte® 

A. sexistts ted Le sevbmee a'nicst! adie dofieisow aaw eda tadd’ 

only .gzedusidee® tna beredne ase ofns baa pumoeLoexe? te vetted. 
-xug ,thned spoptuem f9123 netdaadadve off mo eldail ¢Licomtstq eam 
a8, 9G), 0825 26% efea altadyan odd 39 atpemdroge poowswi. ai? benado. 
 qtnertedad demconn «obmod Aege aoves of bovlases tacome-emt 

inogqa a'nidy® seq .asace ban gost a teisam qaook otzostokow: 
sotieoreds baa @iveo atdd yt demtitin caw euuns teat ni vexesh off 
as sdtaod omerqe® oft yd botoeh eaw. Aaanoteneo: 
hoLtt seed ded saao tet mt dtoget a *tetesm eds wsta > fy di 
ALatguido® .axM wesosh bisseto%s odt Yo yedne odd ed tobig deny baw’ 
~xodnk 04 axiguos bon aids! botetheuot sie coldy wt aotdtteg « bess 
“eel betnod dives Labtd ond eoteeb xdd ml. veauen dade mt omy 

bansny bsathade eds i OU eeeewnedl od taigen 

id bse sida ebom dfedostéod .ev aguas tietanh edt mE 9 eal po 
Liid webewoms texk2 atk wt tas Lid samtgheo wes dtod ai aeidnaq ebhw 
had gredueltood ban mbdist Vets sytacie test aaa ieinamnsedll 
Paobnoteh youaq # shdud exten 0% deLtak ade exes twarted wa boxy 
ebised caw sxumoeids Hobdy menu Lis botwenn hnovee ag mE h 

nde ah god Liki deheoms baooes 2 ittintelg to severe aT. 904) gy 
atale Ed movig ACL 46 yak botad "onsedes hedzogaua" « dade penta: — 
Bredneldon& gadd "jlelkeenss dna, bokianna od", gredneléoel, oF oe ’ 
unova sequinox” edi Viddnbele 04 YevNED Of Sontnven pc eRdm whe ARR! 
faXd ta 432 ao wom biwede ost Ut ( bobaxt ome date) "aude a 

foo tion atktowy baa asaex Lio 102 taweess of torhane of: pio dnoise 


4 ohh Bi) ; 


other persons, not parties to thie suit, in good feith, fer value 
and without notice, have acquired good title to the property, that 
Becklenberg be required to account to plaintiff as to all dernlings 
and transactions between him and herg that their respective rights 
and interests be ascertained; that he be ordered to pay te her what 
money, 1f any, shall appear to be due to her on such accomting, 
together with costs and solicitor's fees; and that she may have 
sueh other relief as equity may requires 

Although Mrs. Gottschaik's second amended bill is a 
voluminous document, replete with allegetions of Becklenberg's 
fraudulent conduct both in the procurement of the exchange contract 
and of her releases of his slleged fraud, im her reply brief it is 
coneeded that the only question presented for our determination is 
whether Becklenberg's alleged fraudulent concealment from her of 
the reduction of the first mortgage bomd issue om the Burwood 
apartments from $140,000 to $130,000 and the return to him and 
subordination of $10,000 of the $140,000 bonds originally con- 
templated as the amount of the loan as recited in the trust deed 
filed of recerd, entitled her to a rescission and cancellation of 
her release and of her original exchange contract. 

Plaintiff's replication to defendants’ plea of release 
admitted its sufficieney and the issue is narrowed down to the 
truth of the following allegations of such plea: "While knowing 
when she executed the release to becklenberg that * * * Becklenberg 
had acquired the $10,000 bonds as alleged in the second amended 
billy yet she falsely alleged in her second emended bill of come 
Plaint that she had no knowledge thoreef until after the sforesaid 
release was executed and delivered. * * * That such relesse was 

freely, fairly and voluntarily given on the date thereof.*® 

Although Mre. Gottschalk testified, and it is 

sulay so% eid ial boog ot etinn aids of aettveg Jom ,emoeteg si ; 
dealt «yiteqeg as of onend pooy aetivpas eved seotten toodd tw baa 
ageifasb Ife of an Tiiisialg og Rg I9e ot betkupes od giedne Lie 
véigts evitoogset thatd dul? gued dow mk aoewted anoivosenst? hms 
“taste xort of yoq od dovebse ed on tad tienind<eras ed etaeredat bus 
‘epritoroves stove ug xed ot eyb of o¢ renpaqe Linde «gma Sha yenion 
evoul Yon asfe dastd bin (ave? e'xottotfos tus atsoo dtiw modsouat 

‘ stinpot Yao Wines as teklox vesdde some 

sat , the hohnoma baooea a'xtetoatsoo «eel spwodela. iis 
a'grodneivock to anotiezetia ditty etelges «imeauned prec 
toetéincs egnaloxe edd to énomotsgo7g ef? ak diod toubaoe ewotuiuart 

at ¢h tet xyiger cod mt ,buent hegetie etd. te te xed ‘a 
al moitanimiosed two 10% Aedreneug motdaeup ykeo od sadly ‘ ; 

Yo tod moxt snsmleeomeo Inefubwert hegetio «'ytedneLAook sil 
boowsf oft mo ewsnt bnod opaydeoe taxtt ots re mtvoubox od 

x een mid of mutex ald bes 000, 0650 oF 000, ODL sabi , as 
wxed yfLantaixo abt OO0¢OREG edt 20 000,009 Yo” nbbianth od 7 

heeb sent ocd nt betioet os naot es? to tawomd oid a' bedatgned 

to. moitelfceenas Sxe motentoeet s o¢ tad bottivae <brode te belt? 

Souednoo' ephiitond” neskgt <b ett” %6 ‘hha! ouiheltoe bu 
easolex to Aeig 'otnsbroteh oF Hokieniiqer eetiiniele si ne _ 

axl? of woh bowotten af ouact vale to one bot ie 8 nod Aer ome : 

fetes haodee off at boyetie aa wine odoatt ant teh 

ws ihe 
eat to XLid bebmoms brOose ted ak — pene ater i 

deity) Secpebiaae 

anv eano let tole tad? * * ® ,botevtteb baa ‘hesusexe 
sp pigs ft 
W.Yootertt stab ot to nevis “utbssamutoy pay eile? « ee 

GekT rhe wile gets RD ee 
int ab $2 hue boi thiood Aiaious2od ae syed ectah aio 

strenuously argued on her behalf, that she did not meet Rubin 
until April 5, 1926, a release signed by her and witnessed by 
Rubin under date of February 11, 1926, was recsived in evidence. 
Though disputing the date of this document Mrs. Gottschalk 
admitted executing, prior to the release of May 3, 1926, at 
Rubin's request, a release of Becklenberg from any claim that 

she might have had against him by reason of the exchange of their 
properties. The first release was unsatisfactory to Becklenberg 
and when so advised plaintiff signed the release in question, 
which was aceepted by Becklenberg as part of the consideration 
for his assignment to Rubin of the certificate of sale under the 
second mortgage foreclosure, his surrender of her $15,000 second 
mortgage notes, which were cancelled, and the satisfaction of his 
deficiency decree against her. In connection with Beecklenberg's 
refusal to accept her first release plaintiff testified that 
Rubin "said Becklenberg was not satisfied with the first release, 
that he wanted more added to it, more inserted * * * and that he 
wanted me te sign a better release, releasing him from everything 
that could possibly be released from, so that there would be no 
comeback. * * * So I signed it." 

As far ae plaintiff was concerned the subordination agres- 
ment could only have affected the velue of Beeklenberg’s property. 
She purchased the Burwood apartments with full knowledge that the 
property was subject to an inoumbrance of a bond issue of $140,000, 
She had complete possession of the property for about ten months, 
commencing December 3, 1924. She was fully conversant with its 
income, upkeep and the charges upon it and had every opportunity 
to ascertain its value long prior to May 3, 1926, when she executed 
the release. She failed to make the stipulated payments on the 
second mortgage. That morigage was foreclosed. 4 receiver supplanted 
her in possession. Becklenberg purchased the property at the secon 

an, , ahi 

acu teem dor bd osle todd ¢Riatiod ted mo bowgte Ylawounette 
ud beseentin bas tot yt hompia eraetot a ,58@L .8 Lhaga thane 
soomebhdve mi beyiove: saw ,aS0L «lL yreusdel Ro ofah xobsw abdui 
ALaouston sacl Ineseoh aids Yo dab ett aniduqeth dgwodt 
Lo de 4O8UL 22 Well Yo oneoses est of coizg .gatiuepxe batdinbs 
daid mislo yRs mrt guednetieok To saseLot « qdnonpet a 'ebdul 
Ties Lo eymutioxe enfd Lo moaset YA mid ¢aateye had ovad aim ote 
gredmeiatoefi of yretostaltianan aaw sasotet gextt edt . spoLsroqory 
(teisaesp Gi ovsolet eri bergis Tidatetlg beatvhs os cerfw bas 
ioktstobianes esi? lo dis os grednelioed yd Setqeoos aay dohdw 
exid robay gis 19 edectittros om? Yo mtdus od tmommgtaas att zok 
bueoss 000,814 ved to toleetxwe ald ,otwagtoom?t egeyt tom haogee 
eid to wodtostattas ext hug «beLioonse exw dottw «eden gpagécomt 
algsedneideed Atiw mettoenneos nt «tet santegs eetoeb Yost cei 
Patt bokItte0d Mivetelg saseler sextt tod Peet et ama 
esaseter tartt es? ditw bektatiee Jom saw arodueties’, bias 

rey't he han? cares 
of feds bus * * * betroent oxpm, efi of bephe yam betney 96 ® 


grtidiyzeve sort abd antnestez eoeselox sodted 8 mate of om Rs tore 
on od bLuow erens tacts o8 eato't't beaseles ed vdtowog biuoe at 

" "eth homie i 08 * ‘ * sslosdemoo 

“ee Tye nottant droge od? bonssoneo aw wbimbety an mt aa nt a a 

-Ustoge te & ‘grednoLitood to oxiav ond botoo tte oved une ani 

ed? tnd? epteLromd Liv 3 by stead tage boowrut oft sxatomug on 

1000, 00.58 to ewsat bnod a te sone tdkaront as o8 doe Laue ew veregong 

coal srom not awode «0% eireqorg adé %o no boss uaog odotgmos ‘batt 98 do - : 

att thw tnowrovnes Llu? aaw ote baer «8 we dawoot poses 8 a ae 

; Ys tad z0qc0 vreve bast bee th ‘nog septate eas bes creas 4 0% oy. 5 

beduoox esia mort 2aKed ok wel ot tobi nate £ ‘euay adt stsiseone ” :a 

edd a8 si remyeg betalugtie ext extem es bottat one ease 

botmaiganus xavtsoox A beeetoexot as opaps tom tad? % 
AT ee ea 

bose esid ta ydteqorq ald bouatommg preduetisedl ry) 


mortgage foreclosure sale for 917,000 and secured « deficiency 
geeree against her for (2,620.32. She charged Beckienberg 
with fraud. cGhe engaged Rubin to litigate or settle with Secklenberg 
because ef his alleged fraud. kubiny we may assume, accused Beck- 
lenberg of defrauding plaintiff. the revord discloses no admission 
of frand on Becklenberg's part. A settlement was agreed upen between 
Beeklenberg, Rubin and plaintiff that included plaintiff's release of 
Becklenberg from every possible cherge of fraud in connection with 
his exchange of properties with her, “so that there would be no 
comeback." For her release and Rubin's $6,279 Becklenberg gave her 
back her $15,000 second mortgage notes for cancellation, satisfied 
his deficiency decree against her, andy with her knowledge and 
eonsent, assigned to Rubin his $17,900 eertifieste of sale of the 

it is urged that plaintiff did net by her roleace waive 
her right of action against Becklenberg for his alleged fraudulent 
concealment of the subordination agreement, because when she was 
induced te sign said release she hed no knowledges of such agreement. 
The record does not disclose what frauds plaintiff's agent, Rubin, 
charged Becklenberg with, but it does show that Becklenberg refused 
to deal with plaintiff or Rubin unless she gave him « release that 
was comprehensive enough, according to her own testimony, to release 
him from everything that he could possibly be releseed from. Becklen- 
berg insisted on thet kind ef a release. Plaintiff was fully advised 
that no other kind of « releese would be acceptable to him. She 
geve him that sort of a release for a valuable consideration and she 
¢annot now be heard to say that it did not eover the alleged fraudu- 
lent concealment of the subordination agreement, ss well as any and 
every othsr fraud thet she er "ubin micht have charged him with. 

in any event Beekienberg testified that prier to the 


Yetotiog® » hormg9en dam 000 TL 19% ofeo, ormmoloos93 eanazps 
yrednetiond begiedo ofh +86. O8a484 10} sed tontage soxanb 
| BTedne Live sidkw elédes co etwyitil of midw’ bagagne ols. buat Ate 
=1e08 Loaueen «ota Yam ow gahiui shuact bogelio eid, ‘te ssnaged 
oine taba on wwaateath brecex ask .RRidmieda poivoasien to gasdael 
| mmewted negy Deere son IoomeLises A +31q atasednetxoed 90, bunzk 30 
fe apnetet w'teteetela hetodond de? Tidtaledg don akdwd, pprodmettoot 
Siiw sottoonnos ai hasyt, ww wgrade eldinaog Were M02? prpdne Lipod 
on od Ivor oxedd tacit om” mh EO ae 

tad even grodmatioel @7h.09 a'nivud baa enaedet aod sot, “> | 

pebta thas .tolds {Loans tot aston sgeytzom mannii ned tad 
‘te eghaiwerdt wd tte «hee 4 tit tenkege aamtok nemekes ten ait 

sft to ofee ‘to ofeolttixe 000,059 whl nient ot domaine aha : 

vs iyead Pacis : 


now odo oesie saycond ¢tedmpetge moldentesedue ext er teentongae 
rtremoetge Moun to eybefword om haul tle eatelet bie myth e+ sesubat 
eitdwil ,dabge alitiontaty abuntt saile eeofoete don ‘ateh brovemeat 
boastox giedm Lived tard? wode soob tt and die aroda tovaaa 
“tht coosfon o mbt ovay Oita wae tiw stein x0 tnktabale enw Zook ot 
exactet of ywomtinod mo tol oF withroone gdgwone ovtvinaltorenne: con ; 
~n9 Sabot «matt boasslet od Udhaneg Atwoo ot Hutt sinrcaeye Mane ae : 
hoatvhs (Livi sev Wintelt sodabtet a to babk tent nd beatae? gine 
| sale atk od oldetqosos ed binow sesatow x to sack eine at suits 4 
ers bre motvoushlenos ofdakiay « x8t enketer ¥ te #tbe” soit mht ein } 
awhirns begotia ed? tovoo don Eh YL Fouts Yow 09 tthe Be Won Poti ; 
“bne ws on tfow ee  tnemborne Hol tanlixcdin Gf te Sneltiieopnoe geet 
atidiw anti! bogreds overt Yepter mtdy so edie dete twat ‘NOHIO YrbYe q 
orld of volte fail? hetttrect sme: thiroe Mone bs 0 z 
Hitsabmnng ak wed oF 


execution of the contract for the exchange of their properties 
plaintiff was fully advised by him as to the terms of the 
subordination agreement. While the testimony wae in sharp con- 
flict on this issue, after a thorough examination of all the 
evidence in the record, we are impelled to concur in the following 
findings of the master and his conclusion thoreon, which were 
incorporated in the chancellor's decree! 

"14. The Master further finds that said release by 
seid complainant was for a good and valuable consideration, 
that she knew the purport thereof and that no misrepresentations 
were made to her at the time, by Becklenberg, or by anyone on 
his behalf. 

"15. The Naster concludes that the material 
allegations in said third ples have been proven.* 

Ag to the weight to be given by « court of review to 
the findings of fact of a master anid the deeree of the court 
founded thereon, the rule is correctly enuneiated, we think, 
in Gottschalk Construction Co» ve. Carison, 255 ille Apps B20, 
where the court after reviewing numerous decisions dealing with 
the subject, said at page 535: 

“While the report of the master ie not conclusive upon 
any fect unless it meets with the appreval of the court of review 
before whom the record may be, yet such findings of fact will not 
be disturbed by a court of review umless ecuch eourt, upon due 
examination of a1] such evidenee, ie able to say that the findings 
of the master, and the decree of the court founded thereon, ere — 
net supported by the greater weight of the evidence, or are con~ 
trary to ite probative force.” 

Meany other points have been urged and eases cited which 
we have carefully considered, but in the view we take of this cause 
we deem it unnecessary to discuss theme 

Fer the reasons indicated herein the decree of the Superior 
court im effirmed. 


Geanlan, J.» coneurse 

aviiusqoty tied? “to epnadoxe ‘add 0% Joaxdn09 outs % not uooxs 

etd te sured ott? of an mid yd beet via Yltvt saw ‘Vitentale 

wines etn: at nae utomtieed out ofA . toomkexgs notdantorodve 
aul? Efe te wottontaes dtgwoxede ‘s dette jolent atte wo det 
‘gndweliet et? mt iwonon oF bottsqut ota aw pbxooer ef mt penebivs 

blow Holthy qxowred? NetewTonco kif bem teduadt etd Yo 
reeveed e'rwtteoanlo oo ak bateveqtoord 

Honus tin she tally ahai® seiter onal le errr rere” 

wetiorobiasse eb ¥ baw, 7 (gest towoo baw 
8 aa 

emp liginvastyeta in’ om Sexld how 
Aabcogen easly i ol ip foie go noe xodeak oat sth ’ ; ; 

_ BO saeyae Ye 20 var dae £90 « way ~ 
at wetvos Io sxwee a YT needy BC 'Od Migtow add of aa! aad 
dunon aff to setend salt pow tovasst # Ye toa te agntindt eat? ; 
eMuid? ow yhedetomme ULisorwe ak ofr odd ne iene 
(OBO segs o ELT 88S qmoghitsd sv eat wedeneo af . 
“dite gnilaod enoiatood suoxemee gakwelves teste ns renb et a 4 


‘A888 ope te bime stootdon oat” “i 
aviautonos Jom et tevuam ef? Io freqet edd oli — ieviebee | 
“wetvor Yo fume fd te Lavenqqa ond sitw ateem 32 aaelos test : 

ton fitw goad Lo oped iets b¥eoan off 
ewh temat ydumme dove coninw wotven % fiw8o & w 

agetiet? vad jedd yoo o¢ alda st sonnehive dome Le ka 
RR gttooteds p Ban sues sai “Se eetech sald 4 

“ae Fa wenn he alr eee a RL 
“elise atte waaso hae Begiw need vv adutiog textse Sonal ere” 
saimae wha Yo ented ou waty ed it sud ybevohionoo YLivibwso eval ow 
7 " qimodd wenondh ob “Wesavconmy df mao Ge 

h » te ‘ie 1 a 
tetwegit ead ™ serpeb malt akorad bodeothal orouuet Yt eaalivnn ee 4 


wd ao <a 

yin Cae Gl Saar ap Neth We, 

f f 
EDVARD He MOIUIG, receiver 
for the Binga State Bank, : 
& corporation, (plaintiff), 
defendant), Appellee. wt J Lethe VVVD 


September 29, 1931, a judgment by confession for $2,018.75 
was entered on a note executed by defendant, dated December 20, 1926, 
for $1,500, due six months efter date, payable to Binga State Bank, 
which on petition ef defendant was opened and he was given leave te 
appear and defend, the judgment te stand as security. MWareh 4, 1932, . 
there wae a trial before the court without a jury, resulting in a 
finding in fevor of defendant end the judgment by confession of 
September 29, 1931, was vacated, the suit dismissed and a judgment 
for costs was rendered against plaintiff. This judgment was reversed 
and the enuse remanded in an unpublished epinion filed by this court — 
Oetober 4, 1932, General Mo. 36027, appellate court, first district. 

Upon the filing of the mandate of this court in the 
municipal court, the enuse was reinstated and proceeded to trial by 
the court without » jury on the original confession of judgment and 
on defendent’s same petition te open said judgment which was before 
this court on the prior appeal and which was allowed to stand ss his 
affidevit of merits. The trial court again found against plaintiff, 
dismissed his sult ané@ entered judgment for defendant. This appeal 
vecks to revorse thet judgment. 

t ve ODS Op ae 
SSS PG hes 
{ ' agers tooo aTshi0i oH Gave 
ae ocho xh ttaseuts 

of 0 TO TAVOQ ae ! 
‘S8OUT OTe” seem ream 

Tinto Rik 

oie met Ere wy eumrning merszan aster = 

Sl BL0.88 ret soleastaon yd snompin, we LOG OR wedmodqee 

s8R2L 106 redewoed bodab”,dnakewtod YW bedutexd ston ane /boTetiD dau 

eit of648 ogalt oF oldauny «edad Tests whim ate ond 4OOTLE eer 

, 0s vast movin sev of ban homege naw dmebso tod Ye mOLIIOG mesipdeie 

| {SOL 4d Motel eyttnveee us bande Of dmomebut wild chaOtod bad eaOER 

o nt gatiivcee: ayuwt 2 twodtiw éxweo eftoroted seatadtatn aati. 

‘Yo solenetnos yo tnompbet ont bas tnatnotes te wove? ot galt 

dremgbet, « hen doswimalh the oof? .bovaney aay .teer 48 aa bg 

beatovet sox tneambvt aidt stitintaty tetas Malang Bach noe 0% 
gamed elitd Yo peli? nolnigo padaltduanw mm mt bohanmer eeiey eit’ . 

atedxéetb text? gdxweo. eteLlinaga —S008 OM. faromed, E04 ny wodoted 

etd at siw90 whit to ofehenm wit Ro peels ot MET oy ey 

Wi Lelid oF bebdsevouy bua x Raw puseD edt «i tuo9 Tagte teat 4 

hie EE: peli! 

il he ; Rae teas | | 
boo dnemgit, te nedaae knee. fentgizo, ond HO xe & - Saort bw iithiaiecel 1 
sxnted sew delsw tnomaturl bien meqo of mols iieg ome 2 te P 

Defendant's affidavit of merits did not deny the exeeution 
ox delivery of the note but alleged, in substance, thet one Jesee 
Binga, and not plaintiff, was the true owner of the note and that 
there wag no consideration given for same. On the trial defendant 
appeare to have tbhandoned the latter defense. His theory, both in 
the trial court and here, is that plaintiff is precluded from re- 
eovery because of his failure to prove delivery of the note to the 
Binga State Bank, without which proof he claims there is no showing 
that plaintiff wae the legal owner of the mote or that he held 
legal title thereto, 

Here, as on the former appeal, the undiaputed evidence 
Giacloses that plaintiff is the veeelver of the Dinga State Bank, o 
banking corporation; that the note involved was executed by defendant 
ond is paysble to the Binga State Bank; that after ite execution 
defendant delivered it to a Mise Cantey, the auditor of the Binga 
State Banks that after plaintiff was appointed reeesiver of the bank 
he brought suit on the mete. On the trial plaintiff introduced the 
note in evidence and rested. Thereupon defendant testified that sbout 
the time the note was axecouted, Jesse Binga transferred te him 10 
shares of the capital steck of the Binga “tate Bank, and defendant 
became and continued te act as one of the beard ef direstors of the 
bank until it was closed by the auditor of publie accounts of the 
State of Illinois; that frem the dete of the execution of the note 
until judgment was entered thereon no demand had been made on him to 
pay it, mor was any mention made of the existence of the note in any 
meeting of the board of directers of the bank; end that prior to 
signing it he talked te Jesse Binga sbeut the note. 

Jesse Binga testified thet he hed been president of the 
Binga State Bank from 1921 te 1932; that he hed the note in his private 
safe at the benk and at no time delivered it te anyone representing 
the bank, While it is unnecessary for us to pass upon the 


|  HOLieeoxe ald ywoot som bib uthaom to ¢hvabdithe « tenebueted 
| anaet osm Sadd yoonstedve mt ,»hepetia twd eden odd to yxeviteb ce 
Gai? bie stom ott Yo somwo etd orld wow .titatafe som due gapnke 
tmsinetoh {eitt off oO +.emem tol sevig soliatebianes on gaw 

si déod ,ystouls bit .oanetebh toséal of’ bonobneds overt of wustenies 
-#% mevtt bebufoetg al tilinialg dad? af aorta Bae dries Laled ont 
et? of efor ea? to yreviled evorg od orsibat eid Yo suteosd YteVEd 
gutvoda on gi eredts east Lo ed teorg dotdw jwediiw sinatl stat? agate 
_ Bhest od tad? 10 atom edd to somwo fapel ed haw Titsatelg 
ries | > Pesoneds okd29 Reged 
sonshive betwqelhnw edt «lnsage zeta}. os 0 go eT 
& eine® odad2 egal aff to xeviosot odd ai Btlintalq tadd pra Pear 
tuntastes Xe botimexs eer seviovht ston eed tat imottetegr0o gutted 
\ sotduvexe edt tedte test tind btate weit nad oF ala | 
“pate olf Yo sod thus “oatd yyodmed cart o OY 4b betevited dnkhaston 
nad ed? to tevicoes botntogye tow ttintalq west tans ‘Yili Gilli, if 
' ei? Beowbortad Vtinlatq tefts ext nO Veton oxo no Vive Vigeot en | 
gods dod? be2tbieed tnabnoted moquoredt .boduet tne Conoblve af tii 
‘OL mit of berrotonard sant Soest (beduooxe caw odo’ oft onthe eed 
fonbneted hrs auibell eted? egnit ode te Moots Lottqun ea? tw Uipieetle 
exit Xo erofeorts Ye bused ext? Ye ono we Foo of Hoummchdadd tine ohaded 
‘gilt Yo etawooen obiduy to torthee wns eS hewete aan FE theme dees 
 etom om? to noktuesxe eft Yo of eb eft most ded? petembtir te odeee ae 
oi mali no shear nood bad teem’ of HeOted? betedeo daw Sitemytoh Lhtaw 
ih toa with" 2 Sinaia batt) Yo" onan ae Rbator at sallineinedved 4 
es oe “sad tats bine Vaid ond te exons : _ 
eel ot tvede agit sbbet od” bt ; 
oid 26 Ynobtwocg mind’ Aad oof taift sett teed agntit 7 
eaanbeg ait mf odor oct beet oof Yoste Yeeex of ex mark pee ight 
paldmeusrqor dnote of st betevited ou dn 38" jrospporeslpr Ohne 



eredibility of the witnesses, it seems strange that if the note 
were intended to be Jesse Binga’s personally, he would have it 

made payable to the Binga State Bank and delivered to the Binga 
State Bank. 

Richard H. Mickey testified that he was eashier of the 
bank after the elvetion of 1930 until it closed; that it was his 
duty to have poesession of the notes of the bank} and that this 
note wae never in his possessione 

In spite of the fact, as we have herctefore stated, that 
the affidavit of merits does not deny either the execution or 
delivery of the note te the Binga “tate Bank, defendant persists in 
arguing that, “where the affidavit of merits denies delivery te 
Plaintiff, the plaintiff is required te make proof of delivery to 
him." This srgument is ostensibly based on the allegetion in said 
affidavit, "that the said Jesse Binge never endorsed or transferred 
said note to the Binga {tate Bank." We do net think that this 
allegetion constitutes such a denial of defendant*’s delivery ef the 
mote to the Binga State Bank es required proof by plaintiff of such 
delivery. Osfendant's counsel suggest that om the prior appeel this 
court “assumed” that plaintiff had legal title to the note. There 
was moO Gceasion om the former appeal mor ia there now to indulge in 
any such assumption. in the absence of a verified denial of the 
delivery of the note to the payee, in whose possession it was at the 
time suit was brought, the law presumes deliverye 

Where the instrument ia no longer in the possession of a 
party whose signature appears thereon, a valid and intentional delivery 
by him is presumed until the contrary is shown. (Ghe 96, pare 36, 
Cahili’s Illinois Revised Statutes.) Delivery will be presumed 
where the note is no lenger in the possession of the party whose name 
appears en it umless it is expressly denied by verified plea, and 

when it is plaintiff will be put te the burden of proving delivery as 

eden af Li dads egnesiu amene ¢2 yusenend tw od? BO yd llidkbere 
#2 ovest bivow of qyifamoemwg alegnl euwet od of bobrodat onew 
apd ag at beveviiod hme dnal eted0 apnsG ond of oer 
oad to tetdese aaw. atl dad? beltidend youolm 4M paeols 
bh gow 2h dad thenode $2 Lhsew G6 ho neldoete odd tedte dined 
gisid test? bos juned off to eeden erld to aohenbaadg eva GF °Yoib 
eMolaaveveg ald nt eves anw ofan 
dass ,hedeta atotedered eyed ow ao «dank ade to ebige wi 

29 noliuooxe oft sortie wiob ton «eed ativan aus ene ay 
at gistorog dashsotod eine oted@ egmtd pdt of ofan of? Yo yxevE 
of Yreviteh apinsh etivou te éivebl Th: ost eran’ sande watt 
ad yreviloh le looug salen Od bociupex of Middahale walt 4 TrivmtaE 
bing nt noliagoile edd mo brand Yidiacotas at seomvys wie Ske 
berxeeaexs xo heerohne wren Mert seek Stow oft salle" .vivubE Ee 
belt Sack Anta don 0b OW Mplnah otete eget oy od fem bia 
adt Yo Yreviteb atiasbustab' to tained a stowe modudtianen won nyo 
_ dgvre to TBbiatalg Yd teow bextupen ve anak eted8 sgntt ons Py Doe 
ald? Leoqqs teing edd mo todd teongua, dpanwoo a'dnobaeted ’ : 

ered? ,eton odd od oLtt? Anged bad Tittnietq dads nbaiiaatin® gio 

st ogivbnt of wen atesdts at xom inoqge seme? edd m9 nokendoo ON Gow 
os? Jo Latneh belidcevy a 20 eomecda edd i. snodtqaveen dove "yan y 
est go sew 24 sokanenseg seedy at aooysq edt of eton asd To erovttes 
“xevileh somwaenmy wak of8 gisigwend) natcibhien ihe : 
7) bo anhapemnnin. nth ath tego k on ak tammettemt ed ometoe 
weovised . Sanoisneiai bie bliev a qsoereds atangge orients coed yteag : 
eB8 tag 46 180). amwoils af yrexdmes acd thd idansiceel, i eae eb 4 
homuaong of Litw qreviied (seedusate tewtveil ntomblit ot ified , 
, Saat eens uiueq ad? te solanonen ad? mi vegiol om eh odiom mle exesly f 
han .o0lg bebtdzay Xe Aetneh Unmorgae at $4 sane 12 ae wenomy 
as ¢revifoh gatvesq to mobrud otf of tug eG Eiiw Ytvniety af FE ‘tit 



a part of his prim, facie ease. (Bippus v. Vall, *eExtexocpyes 
230 Ill. App. 633.) It was defendant's name that uppeared on the 
nete as ites meker and Jesse Binga’s name did not appear thergon 

at alle In the ebsenee of his eworn denial of delivery defend- 
ant should not have been allowed to offer «idenee on that subjeet. 
It was not in issue. Ye alhere to our opinion on the prier appeal 
of this cause, General Neo. 36027, appellate court, first district, 
wherein we held: 

"The plaintiff seeks te reverse the judgment on the ground 
that the judgment of the court is controry te lew and the ovidenee. 
®@ think there ts merit in thie contention. Unless the defendant 
has a defense to the note it is a matter ef no consequence whe ie 
the equitable owner of the note. Upon this recerd we would net be 
warranted in holding that the ¢efendent hao shew any defense te 
the note. The evidence clesrly discloses thut the note ia payable 
te the Binga State Genk and that plaintiff is the legel holder 
thereof, end his possession is evidence that the debt mentioned in 
the note is an exicting liability te the person in possession of 
the note, antitled to receive it thereof. (Bivin ve Bebee one 
S26 Tlie 285, 288, and exwew cited.) 4 suit on a promliesocy note 
iz fig ge brought im the name of the persen in whom the legel 
title of the nete is vested, ani it is a matter of ao consequence, 
60 far as the defendant is concerned, who way be the equitable 
owner if he has no defense to it (Caldwell v. Lawr G4 Tlle Lely 

Tome eetes 3 111. 50%, 310), » thie is true only shere 
( Sacer. 2 8 AO Bory ae rg the equitable omer. 
Ve e APpe e 

coe ant @ase was decided by the trial court solely 
upem the theery that the note was the property of Jesee Binge, which 
feot we de net deoide.* 

Plaintiff wae clearly entitled te Judgment on this note. 
The judgment of the Municipal court is reversed and judgment is 
entered here in faver of plaintif? and against defendant for 

Yriend, °,. Tos and Seanlan, Jo,» concurs 


eR Ln «Y su) soa00 gion? gata wlit Ye dag 2 ; 
efit no Botapage sad? oman atinabeotod enn #r (809 +46 “sket oe” 
seetedd ineqga dom bib pene a*apnke eae bre Tesem ait ne ofen 
cbugteh yxeviste Xo Latuoh mrows ais te eonvads oat mi hers ja 
abn dire ted? no eonebive rorte es bowels neste west gon blwode ma 
Laoqgga tol ei? mo potnige % me 2 esentha oP ‘seuuel al ton ‘paw dt” 

gioixdelh Surk® qtawoo odakleqge T8008 sat Lavenod eseane ‘adild % 

anit tbo ‘ow mtoredw 

mcrae, amach ot trees tf ce RAYS usa 

Amabuetes ode Pe Me giastene oi dt agen cif st al ym 

Ro biver o» b20 oe bigoes aisia + peg’ oon  ootan at te Tonwe m siathape ta 

ae sesh Che needs tnt Suabmoteb: eft “Gadd ebhiod ph bedmexsan 

oetahiee add saad near yiraels pane ype od 
8) ie Yaget he ak Y?iéniely tacky tas dued 

mettre ideb “st. serie? eoeeb ve ot eee ot motene 
feneoeng mi monseq ete oF eertidais 
sdoigadi Abe! etovtedt? smemysq evionet 
* simety 2 wo ¢iue A Ca tet ke nanan: 3 
fagot ods mode wi aeezeq edt to omen orf? ml 
sonrensoends om to tedden @ at sh bas wet! 

sooner Seo tia tetas ne eae 
vast Bho" anetees Se abegale SUP Sh sat ty 

‘, toned @kéatinpa aft. 4 
afes ¢xweo Knee afd wl eb saw 
pe eagke sauek te Weqere ead ang s A 
te s ; J +nHbe b 
eden ahs pe amsomoul oF pear einen ane oy VibAmbekS 

me ee ae aie 

“2 emote nsoves ok deans, doesent aft te moe 
aot ¢entretob dankage bee Tedsata, te xovet mt ened avian 

i Sa a ; 
et alae. Rs 

ale * 
Bish & SR yet t 

y me mamta cn 

Gree wats 
ok os Sh 
(Oh tam 48 Os} oevode ope oli pornos tae wk f mre 
an iT ght ee aq 

4 ‘ ‘" R . ' ' >? ‘a 
Baa, FRR RR ae 3 i scalll " 
ee at 2 eeodew ak we wbnay a 

? tay pe ite Paine oe ae asta 


& corporation, 




The Enterprise Transfer Company, plaintiff, filed a 
eomplaint in chancery February 1, 1954, to perpetunily enjoin 
Sune Trentadue Yavia, her agents and servants, from enforcing the 
eelieetion of a judgment obtained by herin the Guperior court of 
Cook county (hereinafter for convenience referred to an the 
Superior court) Deeamber 16, 19335, in a common law action entitled 
“Anne Trentadue Favia v. interprise Trenpfer Company, a corporations 
Gen. Yee 582826." An order for a temporery injunction wes entered 
February 2,5 1934, revtraining defendant from enforcing or attempting 
te enforee her superior court judgment, Upon filing her answer 
Yebruary 17, 1934, defendant presented « motion for dissolution of 
the temporary injunction and fer the dismissal of plaintiff's com- 
plaint for went of equity, which motion wee sustained by the court 
in an order entered April 7, 1934. This appeal seeks to reverse 
that order. . | | 

Plaintiff's complaint alleged inter alis that Pebruery 
7» 1920, one of ite trucks was involved in an accident 24 or near 
the intersection of Grand and Racine avenues, Chicago, in which 
defendent then about six years of age was injured; that at that 

time pleintiff earried liability ineuranee on the truck in question 

eat > ‘4 / ‘ 4 bea 
me : : , ‘4 ' © m Ls 
5 y ae A me , . ¢ ‘ 
te % i 
" a a ‘ 
} - $s. % S 
3 . 

‘ ct 


zg , ' efnalingaa i 
eTRVOD TIVOMTO MOAT TAMIA ‘ont ; a peat 6 

. oe 
ny eo epi 
2 " a oALVAR muaAEHOHE area 
J389 iy Si 1 evs. poten yt tar Se ak slik cll 


mw boktt , Tebentety — pihinaitn seingionien ott “08 sa it 
tik Serene HONE, of mii. mma ini aqme 

sen saree Spatial 9 Vall hea 4088880 48 

gutiquodts <0 gatsto le mor? Isabew tod palatarseer Peer, +8, 

‘enene seek gekl?t tog » devant birt tame xolnogue oul vere 
te sobdwLoowih sot notion » besneucsy smshnored eee att Ye 
~moo e't2béntate ‘Yo tasataath oi wot tas notenuist 
teneo on? yo honistoava sew wot tom Sots eWlups te énew tot dntelg — 

eursvet of atese Leoqqe att been it tira bewine tebto on.ah, 

tebe femlbe 

ae ged? ghia sedek bopetta ‘dmdalques ‘wtrtbentate 

speck | i Tag 

taon “Oo te inebiooa na ok beviovnl aay adewxd abt to ono 0080L av 
doidw ot youavidd ycounove safc baw beat) to moltooatotal edt 
Gakd te deste jheuwint sow eye to etewy xte dxodn mosis omen. 
aotteoup at stewts ef? mo coneruant WekLidaks holxtso st saad an 


with the Belt sutemebile Indemity Association (hereinafter referred 
to aw the Belt Assectation) and made a report to it of the accident; 
thet plaintiff was not informed at the time of the apecifie disposi- 
tion made by the Belt ‘ssociation of the claim in behalf of defendant, 
whose then name was Anne Trentadue, end kmew nothing further ef such 
Glaim until it was served with a summons to appesx ae defendant at 
the September, 1932, term of the superior court in the couse in that 
eourt heretofore referred tos} that *hen such summons wie received 
plaintiff wos not informet and did not know that defendant here, 
(plaintiff there), Anna Trentadue Vavia, wes the sume <a Trentadue 
whe had been injured in the eccident of February 7, 1920, and, because 
of the long lapse of time, had no reason to suspect that she was; that 
an investigation diselosed that the superior court action was instie 
tuted by the seme person whe was injured im the aforesaid aecident, 
after she had attained her majority and had married one Joseph Farin, 
and was predicated upon that accident; thet im 1930 the business of 
the Belt Association was purchosed by the Belt Casuclty Company (heree 
inafter referred to as the Belt Company), and that after the said 
summons wae served upon plaintiff in the superior court action it 
encountered great difficulty with the letter insurance company due to 
the fact that twelve years had intervened between the date of the 
accident and the commencement ef the superior court actions that plaine 
tiff immediately motified the Belt Company of the pendeney of the 
superior court ection and that company advised plaintiff on behalf 
of itecif and the Belt ‘ssociation that 1t could find ne record of 
any claim ever having been presented to it on behalf of sum Trentadue 
against the interprise Transfer Company, that no record could be found 
of any poliey of liability insurance having been issued to the Untere 
prise Transfer Company, and that it refused te defend the suit and 
Gisclaimed any lisbility in connection therewith. 

Plaintiff's bili further alleged that it engaged its 

bertolst xed tantored) motinteones yelommbel eLtdometus thoi ate ote 
iimehioon ad? te #2 of d4eqet « oham bom (moltutpoueA ¢fot ocd ae oF 
nkeoqels oliieeqs odd te oats af te bowse'tert fom wow Miles ail: 
- ahttntoeted Yo kinked mi miefo edt te notinkoova sLet od? yd phan mole 
Mowe to taddewt paleiton woml bra ,eubetnetT am aew omen neg? eaedw 
ta Yen bae he b as tanqge od sone = d¢kw hevves wa G2 Chem etitite 
test? qh oxmeo ost mi dtyoo sobveque enfd “te wtsd . Seer cnioten ons 
bevieosy et seme dows nedw dads ged hevte'bet ero losored a x99 

| gbxed dnsbaoted got work tan bib ban. hemrdint ton aaw Tiidhbaty 
eubed tex? anh wane old now ealvall subadmwe? anid e(oredd Viddebatg) 
wemnoed phan 080K ef YraredeT Yo dnebioon ‘odd mi boustat mved bail ostw 
Gaui? yeow wile teat tooqam oF AoRAOT om had yeah, Yo enaad amok ond Yo 
a btend saw nolies Hare xolrwqua esd tod? bovetoalb mottnadsnomd a ! 
visontoon Bisvewois ex? at bowkat wow ew Kovreg wnen odd yet atu 
eakvet agonal ono betvnam hail inn yttotew cou bowtadhe toil eit ‘bd te 
re sone dau att ones at touts iaskiteee dant ~ epnainbndh oi 


of ou eucgmD 9 ‘sonetuend medias aid as be bao 8A Sibu? biel my 
edt te odnb ed poe a oe benevroant ‘bo eae cent eT say ’ ; 
watate sat imate on gur9w rolvogrs ‘oat ‘he dann sbi han’ ret ition 
oft ta yenehnog oat te wey” tee a5, eifemial preiiy 
Bariod 0 Vitentety bow tybs aieamoe ‘ oi i wei aad ; ol 4 nom 

baa od binoe prose on ‘tad enna? be 
wt0 ais ~ soumad need aatvad eonacuant 2 ic’ 
sta ¢ bam ets betes of ‘renter én Sasta ‘bon «pega 

_ ib twos mattvonson & at mbecuning= hn 


own counsel, the superior court action wax trie’ and judgment was 
entered against it December 16, 1935, for $1,900 upon the verdiet 

of a jurys that immediately after the entry of the judgsent against 
it plaintiff again presented the facts te the Belt Company, which 
reiterated its peektien that neither it mor the Belt <esociation ever 
iseued a policy covering the eleim, that it wave not liable, that 46 
knew nothing of the claim and thet it had never compromised aor 
settled it; thet beesuse of financial difficulties a reeolver was 
appointed for the Belt Comseny emrly in January, 1934, whe thereafter 
assumed charge of ite affaires; that it had searched the records of 
the Probate court of Cock county te ascertain if eny mina catete on 
behalf of ‘nna Trentadue had been ereated and could find none; and 
that it had been unable te seewre any information directly or indireet- 
ly from the Belt Company or from any ether courese with roference te 
the claim of Anna Trentadue or the aforesaid poliey of liability in- 
surance issued to it by the Belt Aseociation. 

: The bill of complaint alae averred that plaintiff finally, 
after the expiration of the term at whieh the superior court judgment 
was entered, reecived information that shortly «after the date of the 
aecident, defendant, with her parents, moved from Chiceso to Fert 
Wayne, Allen county, indiana; thet in the year 1921, upon his petition, 
One Prank &. Hogan, a licensed practicing attorney of Fort Yayne, 
Indiana, was appointed guardian of the person and the estate of the 
minor, nna Trentadue, by the Probate division of the superior court 
of <lien county, indiana, (hereinafter referred to as the probate 
court); that, thereefter Hogan filed a petition in sid court, setting 
forth that his ward was a minor child, that she had been injured by 
Plaintiff's truek Pebruery 7, 1920) in the city of Chicago, that she 
had fully recovered from her injuries, that the Belt \ssociation 
‘Sarried Aiability insurance coverage on plaintiff's truck and that 

it had offered $400 in full settlement of Anne Trentadue's claim 

deny Samah, ome holed new mediem Pewee mokteqee eld (teunmeD AND 
Pethrey vcd Moge OOF I? wet .kbUL gos todmsodd O24 santans boupine 
fakings Jmempbhuy, of9 to yxice ef) tedhe yUstathommd tad? rexeh ake. 
toide yyenqme? 20% ed? of etoe? oct? betnesetg shegs Thidakadg 2h 
Wyo roliakooes) tek aft som tt cedetom oaks metsteeg ath hedaresten 
th tet? qoidati des onw a2 tate gutaly add gebueven wileg « hewned 
Hor becimongaos yevec bad $2 tedt tua whole, ot? To gndddom weed 
gaw sevionst « antifooltiib felenentt te paaesed dost 10h, bektaoe 
rotiagreds ouly ,hQk ayrounsh mi ylcae yueqmoed def ead cot betntogae 
Me GbxboOT od Hesioxeen bak HL dat aweiette ath Ro eyrato: homwnee 
to otateo emia yt Ik nletrteesa oF Yowen Aoo0 Lo, dio etedext ads 
bea poner batt Aiuoo bue hetaens ged. a ORES, 
| | stooret heat To Yitooul motion tet vee omwene OF otdany mond palatial 
at songtotes Aeiw soimee tedte yr mont TO YalegmOn (Phok old a 
mith WELGakL to Yotlog biapexels ed’ xe exbagmoat pans to malo. gf 
-— smodgatooans ged of? wl tt of towns » seme 
vetent® wat enbat tat herieva cals tatelgnoo to abe a nea 

earn sp | 

Ri ee 


. Fee ' 
iP “ye 

emer sot te wrwite pabodévang seansotd s sega ! semis 

Rass | 

_mohiatyouns . thet edd tat 5 abet me a. Bororeons hiMe ty 
fat? baa dows? oDkinkely me oRexevos sonmumnd yobttdal, 
shale atoubatnoxt aah, ‘ey junmnks hoe Liste 


against plaintiff, the “nterpriese Transfer Companys that said pro- 
bate court authorized Nogan as quardian to accept the offer of 
settlement of the Belt Association and execute «= release eompletely 
discharging plaintiff from Anna Trentadue’s claim againeat it as a 
Tesult of said accident; that the Belt Auso¢iation paid $4600 te Hogan, 
whe executed such release; that the minor's estate ie still open, the | 
Guardian's compicts and final account of the disposition of the funds 
in his hande as such gusrdian never having been Tiled; that -nna 
Trenatadue, the minor in «state Noe 1596 in the probate court, and 

Anne Trentadue Fevia, plaintiff in the action im the superior court, 
im whieh the judgeent sought to be enjoined wae antered, are one and 
the same person; that the “nterprise Transfer Company, defendant in 
the action in the superior court and the “nterprise Transfer Company, 
in whose behalf the settlement and the release of Anna frentadue’s 
Claim was authorized by the prebate court, are one and the same core 
perstien; that it was unable to present the aforesaid sctiloement and 
Telease az a defense to the action im the superior eourt becnuseys 
although it exereised due diligenee, it did not scquire knowledge of 
the preceeding in the probate court until after the chuge wae tried 
and judgment entered in the superior court and the term had expired 

at which it had been entered; that its inability te secure informati on 
eeoncr con¢erning sald relense yao due to the long lapses of time from 
Februaty 7, 1920, when the accident eceurred, to September, 1932, when 
the gummone in the action in the superior court wes returnable, te the 
purchase of the Belt Association by the Belt Company and the statement | 
of the lntter company that it had ne record of any claim of Anna 
Trentedue against plaintiff or ef ony liability coverage issued toe 
Plaintiff by the Belt Association, to the fact that plainti¢¢ had no 
record of the elaim, policy er anything perta ining vo the accident, 
amd te the fnet that it had no knowledge of defendant's remevel te 
indiana that January 25, 1924, it presented its awarn petition te 

-ety Dias dad syunqued setemetT cefagtote odd ¢TYtentely Snallige i 

Yo sotto aft tyeoss of mebbuem pa megol bextcodsun Gree Fad 
qeveLomoe seealet 2 stusexe brs nekislonaa) def ate Lo tremetétou 

| | A ee at tentane nialo «'subedgex? anmA awh Ttitntel¢ poyeaiteats 
gos of OUDF Bing motseteonnd s£ok ont tad admebtooe baw te etiier 
olf amaqg Llige of efotes a'iemte pA? tert (seaeten dow Desmoene’ Gite 
ations’ ed? 2 mottiveqeih afi to sryogne Lent? dra-etelquoe ated iting 
ath. tot {hedet goed anivad woven makbuony coud am éhetnd wkd eh 
bee tp? etadorm ont ne ACE 40K edaden at tome od osatnOe 
| vt u09 selsoque add alt pottos ef? at Diidntaly ,alval eubadnee? mnith 
bao eno 9x# ,betesHe sow bentolne ed od saiguen theagbul ede medatw ib 

as snasa0%6s aienqwe? tetanett eetrexedny eld seatt twowteq’ ome GHd 

eg? wolenex? eubiqregny edd haa dupe zolwgee etek abate Oe 

_fenbaines) uma te onselex edd bem tnomelises ost tieded ottde at 
~z00 cus ods Om ONO 9% situeo etadon, elt yd benirodius dow mate ; 
bite tremelitoe hiseeve%s off teeeenq of eidanseod $2 Jace qnOkiaee 

seawoced sxuOe tokteque sft ob mottos afd os ganetob a tm demetet — 
te sBoeTwons ettupon don bib 2 senmegitio oud hevtorone #2 agwelttte 
belt van oenep eld caste £iims davon edadoug oni he yaasennle alle 
berigas had sive 9 sid ban gxueo velteque elf mt hewwtne tnomyhii'h’ bak” 
Be Hasso ed asugre OF ¥arstdan}. atk sald (hexotns mead bed ee ae 
‘mort emis 0 pomad amet odd od exh sew couelor Shon ‘xmeseianos wane6e” 
wesw tees eodane Ged 8 -dereNeOe doobtoee silt mode yOROL ae 



eat ot aP.domtird ox now Swoo <otxegue estt mk moigon os mk enoeme with 

donated a eat bans utngnio® thot ofd yt nolss 

oom "te mine yan Te depot gm, had, $2, fait, xsocsen:xeatnt it 
a) hewent saereyos Wilidetl wo Yo co Thkdmiade er oe 
ait bat vitniade adit toot estd of, siasidaMlonacai pb sho 


the Superior court of Cook county containing s11 the facta heretofore 
eet forth, and moved that court to vacate and set seide the judgment 
entered therein agninet it December 16, 19335 that upon the heoring 

on ssid motion the trial judge informed plaintiff (defendant there) 
thet it lacked jurisdiction to vaeate the judgment "for the reason 
that the term time had passed * * * he could grant no relief," but 
allewed plaintiff to file ite petition in euppert of such motiong 

that defendunt (plaintiff there) and her agents knew of the proceeding 
in and the approval of the aforesaid release of the Snterprise Transfer 
Company by the probate court and frawiulently concealed such facte 
from pisintiff and the trial judge in the ¢ause tried in the superior 
court wherein she secured the judgment against pleintiff; ant that, 
wnlees a perpetual injunction is issued to restrain the eaforeement 
of much judgment, plaintiff will suffer irrepareble demage. Plain- 
tiff's bili concluded with a prayer for a perpetual injunction to 
reatrain the onforeanent of defendent's quperior court judgment. 

As heretofore stated plaintiff escured a temporary in- 
junction Yebruory 2, 1934, restraining defendant from enforcing her 
judgment, and Fobruary 17, 1934, defendant presented hear motion for a 
diseolution of such temporary injunction and fer the dismissal ef 
Plaintiff's bill of complaint. Om the same day defendant filed her 
answer « 

inasmuch es we have fully set ferth the relations of the 
parties ae alleged in plaintiff's bill of complaint, we deem it 
ummecessary to state the averments of defendant'c answer other than 
thet she charges that she was seriously and permanently injured as 
a result ef the accident in questions thet neither she, her parents 
mor amyone else in her behelf received the $406 or any part thereof 
paid for the alleged settlement of her claim and for the releae¢ dis- 
charging plaintiff from liability on account of seme; that the amount 

of the elleged settlement ws wholly inade uate to compeneste her for 

gainswc offi woqy gad} GSROE YOL todawont 9F gontege mtotads: bomedmm. 
(execs anobnetes) TAttubeds bomcetnt vgbwt Letv? oft) m0) dom biea to 

: ” geaset odd sot" smeapbut offs wiaeav OF moktobewhret Uattont 2 pads. 
ae aA ce 2 ee ee ne ee 
gro ktont denn Ro Ptoqquil st nokeRey a9d BLED os Sekdehety hemetoe, 
gnibesssig odd Ye work sénwys rex hee (Seats Ritdetete) dovdneioh sett 
totanstT wdlxqxoint ed te ensvivs bleserete edd So Levexgga etd L laa 
atest cone heLeeones YLineLubuost dem smutoo edadarq ost yh 
wodveqta ed tt ite oitind “ele iat ona Anchen cectctegn Seabee 
adndd fue {Yilontele tundogs dmompbut odd reurvon oda mhozedy Pmoy 

* Snenoore te eot¢ ciordest of bomaut at nelévautet teutequeg a aneine 
antare -ogenh efdareqeert wittow Litw vibdmtede tne ee fod 
"9s mottonwtnt Lavdouteg « 26% sogitg oid te behutonoe LLG ath 

. a tesoabst dts09 Tohreque atanhneten te fnonmoxotae aut mbatdoer 


onl Yxateqms? e betes Ttiintaty bedabe eroretewed BAe oo) ot 

‘wi gntotolns mort fachsb'tes peietowdwor (d8eh Ge growsdat im 
2 08 not som ‘rea bodnoedeg Snobretet ghee UL ytewsde ttm: etnomgbat 
"te Eeoaimeth ocd sot bua nod saith yxetogmes dome: beams soc 

° Shee ater 

7 ould ‘Ye enviietox ted di uet Yes UtWY evad ow ve hove get whe vii nee ; 

| $h mov ew gintalgmon to fle a *t2beatale at boyetio ae 
| patlt xedddo tesuks a Mmdno teh 20 etme wis ofnde OF e 

ao berwial uLtnemeriog te Vlauelwws wow ere tess vogue of ted : 
strotag sat ,ote soddter Sead taoltuoup #2 Saw com aefd Ye theme a 

” Season? dng yte re O08 ade coubeoes Whecow “cel mb wake we 

oretosorad edont alt fe gutntetass yeasen dood Ie ¢xime modeeqeR Ome. 
iMempiy(, eid ebian toa ban atebaw oo tteo dad hover Sue altwot foe 

ot bate? sebretod ws dam of8 #O .dakatynoe to eaeiaionemnaell 


sath enosiox od? cot tne abel red Yo Snomeltion Bogette edt HOt dike ¥ 

duuomn odd Ads Yommn te tatoos’ HO YPELOLL moxd “Uebemlady 
wet xed otaasbquoe Of ati ehunt vLedw saw deeme.£9900 ae 


her injuries; that neither she, her parents nor anyone acting in 
her behalf had any knowledge of the creation of the minor's eutate 
in her name in the probate court or of the appointment of Hogan aa 
the guardian of her person ani her extatej thet Hogan's petition for 
appointment eas guerdian of her person and her estate, his appointment 
ag such, his petition for leave to settle her claim, the order of 
court authorizing the settlement for $49 saad Hogan's release of her 
claim for that amount in the proceeding in the prebate court, all 
tranepired without the knoviledge, consent, approval or cuthority of 
defendant or her parents, and with knowledge that defendant had a 
meritorious cause ef aetion; that the Belt Association was plaintiff's 
agent in the matter of the alleges settlement and releace, and plain- 
tiff is chargeable with ite agent's knowledge of the facts pertaining 
to such settlement ond relesse: that plaintiff feiled to use due 
diligence in that it did net present ite sllegsi defense of the afora= 
said settlement and release in the trial of defendant's action against 
it in the superior courty and thet sche had no knowledge of the guardiane 
ship proceeding in the probate court when she filed her evuit in the 
euperior court. 

Defendent filed with her anewer the affidevit of her father, 
Ralph Trentedue, whieh asserted that he was not accuninted with Mogany 
that neither he, his wife, nor eny menver of his family had oither 
personally or otherwine engaged or autherized Hogan to act as guardian 
for his deughter, then Anna Trentadue; thet he did not engage any 
person to handle any claim for her against plaintiff or any insurance 
company; that he had no knowledge that eny such claim was being made 
ageinst plaintiff; ani thet he was net aware of the procee/ing in the 
probate court or of the approval of the allege’ settlement ani release 
of his deughter Anna's eleim by that court. 

Plaintiff's reply to defendent's ansver alleged inter alia 
that defendant and her parents had knowledge of its policy of Liability 

Sh gaisoe enous see simoreg tel sorta teddton sams Feodrutat tad 
Sietae atxomle edd Yo moitawxe poly 20 mabelworcl yom has Minded rod 
(8 Hagel to dnemintougs os 29 xo fon stadeng alt Bi omnm rod mt 
20% mpléiovg @'magell dass (atadae ted bas apazeg sod Yo mathrany, ode, 
Sammi nioggs ais nist ~otades cer Ska aooteg ted to salotasy ae Sue toqga 

Yo tohxo add «adele ses alison of evaed tod notsking sla siowa, 98, 
(sma to sasaloe wiamgok has 0Ch) sol soomelstos ext salolronsus frre, 
a iia viwvee edadong odd af gatheeoory ead mi teyame tect ete 
ta “te yatxadine xe Lavexgas eSxonmon ,opboLwont edt duos be: 
bad éanbow lod dads epretwoms Atte baw yatemrag xed 19 seadmerod 
e'TsMmtats esx moLtatoona) te od tad? imotdoa Yo pauae. evolroftren 
‘i oatalg bre «easels hou, 2nemolt2 ee Depekta. edt Yo tedgam odd mi bic 
| anintasteq atoat edd Lo ogbotvond a'énope att dttw efdoonrads eh 2229 
3 ext eer of balint Mesndalg dads yoasoles bas Reber hs! Lata 
| cowoke baad te eane eb boyetie ash _smoeeeg. fom Bib ot todd Sil eonoye tse 
| , tantega sa2ton a tdnwiine to bd fatx8 odd at ensetes Aes ayant sdos Pes 4 
mnaibese of! Yo ephofwor om bad ody foxd dna 424¥99, ep tact , ea 
ese mh ghvn cot betty one SE ore apres 

jaagek ste Setutoupse son aor ot ‘tosto ‘hetsoenn paren ‘ une pd ane - dg hah 
wedifie bad «Liner edd te Levene yne tam ,eRiw als a redéton 4 us a 
Sakbiswy se tos of papel bealzedine 10 bomagem oulersdag 18 y X 2 
Wu egoues fon bib at dads poubsdmanT sash sod, vert th an 
wommxuent qin tO ‘itvaletl deantoge van wt stele wae elbuad o 
oham pated saw miele dows qa tad saretwent on had od 4 
ald Ag gathossoty ord to ogaws gon anv ad dad? dam cntennate, & 
easele x tne Insuelitos pogetia ett Io Lavengge od? to to ten of 
_ sbsame deald yt mato conden 
side mot, hogan Tovaae etinabmeted ef Ylans p'Xthintelt al 
WiLMdatL to yoMog edi Yo eprolwoms bad agmotag tod hae age? i 


Pate gag a 2 hg 


insurance and of the procesdings in the probate court; thet said 
court had jurisdiction of defendant and of her estate, and that ite 
orders are in full foree and effects that the payment ef [400 in 
plaintiff's behalf to Hogan, defendant's guerdiam, and the execution 
of the release of plaintiff's liability by him is a complete bar to 
the right of defendant to any recovery under the judgment obteined by 
her in the superier court, and that defendant is bound by the orders 
of the probate court; that it was net guilty of laches or negligence, 
but used due diligence in endesvoring to obtain information congerne 
ing Anne Trentadue Faviea and te ebtain the records and files per~ 
taining to the settlement of her claim ageainet plaintiff in the pro- 
bate court 20 that enme might be presented s« a defense to her action 
in the superior court; and that for the reasons heretofore stated in 
ite complaint it was prevented from eo deings 

On the hearing of her motion to dissolve the temporary 
injunetion and te dismiss pleintiff’s complaint, defendant intro- 
dueed in evidence her sworn answer, the affidevit of her father, 
Relph Trentadue, and certain letters, the contens of which it is 
unniseensary to recite, Plaintiff intredueed in evidenes ite sworn 
complaint, its sworn reply to defendant's onawer, and an suthentieated 
and exemplified copy of the preeesviings in the probate court, include 
ing Hogan's petition for leave to compromise the minor's claim for 
$400. Attached to this petition were three letters, one from H. He 
Budd of the claim department of the Belt ‘eseciation, offering $400 
in settlement of defendant's claim, one from an attorney for the 
Legal Aid Bureau of the United Charities of Chiesgo, refusing te 
recommend the acceptance of the Belt Aseveciation's offer of $400 
im settlement of suid claim, and a subsequent letter written by the 
general superintendent of said Legal Aid Bureau to Hogan, recomnending 
the seeeptance of the Belt <esociation's offer of settlement. Certain 

other letters were alse received in evidence, which have no bearing 

tidinn tual scene at aden ads ab apnt heeoory outs % bas cr sonal 
att sais bme gododow xa ko base Stiebretoh Ye notentbartet hast t109 
i oad Yo trmaryeq esté dnt ttootte ‘baa orok List at oxa wxabee 
eLIuvoxs ade bre staldroig n'dnabnoteb ‘singe ag Lintot wm MYREDE ake 
os ee adolqmes a ok mid <a wi hikdats a'Ytdenatg c oaankon * eas ‘te 
W bemtsséo smomgrut od robs yrovooe t wun 88 dmabno'teb te tight 
atenre ost ye hanced ak drahee tod deskd bee efrw09 “tolsmue odd ma 
| eoomeg tL Kye “0 sestoad te Wikies ton aaw of fasta t¥cus09 otedosg oad oaithe 
weToOse% mod saxo od shod de e2 getsovsebee at onegtitb oub gous u ud 
_ "R0G WeLE? bee wbxooet anly nLaddo of tne abeat owhatnenT xh ch one 

HU ae i 

eM outs at TU fataty sani ogs miato od te trometitos ‘wae of 
¢ CUR vB ‘ay wk 5 ER ae 
nel 990 to os oonvteb a uz bednonerg od data tm Oey tk dexid on gos 

cha fee 
‘a bedate owrosored anounot ait xo fasts brs ye1w09 rolrequa oid oath 

spntos oe ast hotneve sy ol ah eniaguoe “eit 
a = r , ao hie 

2 lh th 

etaToguies odd evienait ot ne teu 0s to oebsvedt ote WO 
BA So Ris, FN St 4 
rows tuobnotes cinta kenes ottimbate avant ‘et bne . 

 ateedbat ved 2 sivablite ed? «xewans wrpwe red ‘Sauobive 1 at beoxd 
we ‘4 ae Br a 
at 2 doldw to vine 22100 este putedaod ulsdme ‘ban * . detent 1 

ar xa bged 
_ tere adt oumebor ne herein pore rs gl Re spregdh ee , 

“obutost aimee etaderq ott "nt agntbeosezg peat wee mr a 
wt minio 0 ‘sean oad roe § od eset t aot moisten atidgh ~? 

ne gL IE Te ali © 

sll aahxotte attoteatoonss ‘bed ond to pee ret ) out 3 
galt 10% orrotia no soxt ono guiate wdnabneteb Ye trouve a's a) 
7 gakavtos soyooidd to ‘webs iadld ‘bed ha wend ba dovotesh aed 1 
“ood to wite a*noktatooush tot odd to women: coe 08 1 
“gil we medeixw wad des smmupsediue s bes sitet tao te jntcbsil , savy, | 
Bil Lemme oot amagol oF smawnse bbe Loge btse be pee ate ron 
Chien + diemelt doe Xe Yo etaoldabsoans tet oud tes ponetqvons oi 


on what wo consider to be the real iesue in this cause, 

tt ie enrnestly urged that the appreval by the probate 
court of the settlement of defendant's claim against plaintiry 
om account of the accident im question, and the autherization of 
the release of plaintiff from liebility on such elaim upon the 
payment of $400 by the Belt Association, constituted a defense to 
defendent's action in the saperior court and a complete bar to her 
recovery sgainst plaintiff in that action, and thet plaintiff eannot 
be cherged with negligenes in failing to present this defense to 
defendent’s action in the superior court inasmuch as it sas diligent 
in its effort ta obtain information or knowledge of the proeeeding in 
the probate court appreving the settlement and release, but same was 
unaveiling for the rensone set forth in ite complaint until after the 
expiration of the term in which judgment was entered against it in 
the superior court. 

The 301% Asseeliation was plaintiff's agent in effecting 
the purported ee and release, and it is sufficient to state 
in anewer to the/ contention that the lew imputes to the principal, 
and charges him with, all notice or knowledge relating to the sub- 
jeot matter of the ageney which the agent acquires er obtains while 
acting se such agent and within the scope of hia sutheritye This 
rule docs not depend upon the facet thet the agent hed diseloeed the 
knowledge or informetion to his principal, but the law conclusively 
presumes that he has dome so and charges the princigel accordingly. 
When once notice has atteched the fact that there is no occagion to 
act upon it until after the agent through whom it was acquired has 
eeased to be euch, or has changed his position, will be immaterial. 
This is equally true if infermation once had is forgotten or un- 
aveileble or the principal hes no longer any knowledge of the facts 
or record of them. (2 Meohem on Agency, sece 1813, page 1597.) 

Se in this ease plaintiff is chargesblie with knowledge of 
the alleged settlement and release as of the time same was made 4m 

soaurg wtdd mt event Leoy gale o¢ of sebtanoo ow tone ao 
: otatery eit yd Lovorqua ent Sad? bogey yLdesavee ef dt | 
" Wetdmkede somkape mage aymchastod Yo dmsmeleten edd to! due 
19 molisetsodvus ext baa wolyooup at tmrbtogs edt Xo tnwegge mo 
eed nequ mhete stove me Wilidelt mort tidtmtalg %¢ evaptest ed? 
r peared « batuitienoo «metisioowas tek og? yd OSG To soomyeg 
, - aat of tad efetqame o hae sameo telsegye odd mt mpigos e "eee 
Ponmny Vitintaty sad? dae ywotign tad wk Yimtesg dente vareee: | 
i of esnsted ald sxonexq of guiiint at sanegiigen sity begreato od 
Meg ith saw 62 on downass txupn wettoque ed se notion a! ‘Inabaotes ) 
. wt gribessosg osld Be og be. front to Boldamxe hat kaddo ot a rette, adh mt 
| naw emus tad yoeoetot dae tmomeLt ten ould palverqes dxwe9 Rein h c.| 
ens weds Lidous sateLquoo ees mt ssxot Joa snoenex od 292 nitbe 
at ak tantage betedne ane srempbe | ito Lite oi mrad end 0 solsatiqne 
: satHe9 no ogee ote 
4 guttestie nt inoge er ritemtosy | aon no tatoosas Lok, set sip wade te 
eénte of ane teth ing ad a bone onsoier ues doom tease than § 

svods — 
efag tonttg etd 02 wo suaaid wad oat sta no dénesa0 | \eue #4 [ 
, Werk Sateen se 
“sw odd od yuidalex wine Less * “god ten Lis lab tit 2e% 
a ofte: onstodde oy sethupos dawns eatd ho bsie wore ett = “ft 
wend, dogs ib. " 

~ ult benofoath bat doops eile sade tot one oa 7 haege son B a0 ho, 
Usvtonfona» was oaks au stoghoat my aust Co nottearo%nt 0 e " 

amen) ok 
AN Tae" ¥ 


Jot leet 4 
it one ned i 
,: - nes 



fade tant od Libw reid inog stat egos aad oo how os a . 

8h jan! 

ae NR apd sopto? at bas oome sot faurz0 at tt omnd ' 

bie Sea ve 

adoat od? te epbelvons ys regmot on ‘anid fog toning Pedy ‘ 

ge lt tik opie ean PES: cha 

(eet ‘veg SHE oone 1 ong no sontowi 8) snot 
te ogbetsons id ke e.Ldaeqeaato ak Mibéwtada come aut st. 0 i 

my he ws hile t 

’ Tk What naw Gime wud di th un enoeiira ton foamed dias oak 

ad sodasooe on at exeda ‘tnas ‘tout ond + axons ta “ ‘eaiten 

i ae 

its behalf by the Belt Association and to be of any avail it was 
incumbent upon it to present same as a defense te defendant's 
action in the superior court. Plaintiff who secks to retain the 
benefit of the settlement claimed to have been made in its behal? 
by ite agent cannot be heard to say that it has or had no knowledge 
of such settlement. Weither plaintiff's alleged diligent but we 
availing search for information concerning the settlement and release 
of defendant's claim, the aale of the Belt Association's business, 
the failure and refusal of its successor, the Belt Company, to co- 
operate with plaintiff or to recognize its obligation as insurer and 
to furnish it with information as te defendant's claim and the 
settlement of seme, the long interval that elapsed between the date 
of the accddemt«» and the commencement of defendant's action in the 
superior court, defendant's removal to Indiana shortly after the 
accident nor any of the other matters alleged and shown in ite 
attempt to excuse its failure to secure information of the alleged 
settlement and release in time to present same as a defense to 
defendant's superier court action can be held legally suffictent to 
overcome the presumption that plaintiff's agent's knowledge of the 
settlement and release was its knowledge. Charged with this knowl- 
edge, as it was, pleintiff was bound to assert such defense in 
defendant's action in the superior court or not at alle 

Under this rule, as established by an unbroken current of 
authority, plaintiff is precluded from predicating a complaint in 
equity to enjoin the enforcement of defendant's superior court judg- 
ment upon its lack of knowledge of matters of which the law gone 
mney gremenas 48. te have knowledge. : 
the circuit court re Bases nag ec tDnahags Htc ae on pe Pa 
Plaintiff's complaint for want of equity is therefore affirmed, 
Friend, P. J., and Seanlan, J., conour. inv siniare 


aaw di levee Urs to od G2 baa moltakooned tLoe oud eo tLeded aot 
“wtinabreted of éenetob S 88 Soak isabel ov f2 moqs staodawpank 

od? Miatet of sdeoe omw Thidmtal? deseo welteque bd? At Koken 
Riatled ati af ohem noed ove oF temtats tnemetiter add te titeoned 
eghbelwankt of bert so sent 2f dad? eee 09 Breed ef Connie tnepe ofl yw 
r wn ted toegtllh Segolin e’tiliataly seddtex  .dnenelidoe dere to 
i ouselns bre dnoamfitden oft anintopnos sokdamretad cot dersen gaiitern 
| ganebtaud wtnotsatsona® 220% oft to oLee oft yadeto wdanhusteb te: 
“eo od ,¢mequed Iie oft ycoanesowe ast to Lenw'tet bts oxeliet edt: 
hae tenwent ae moltagiido ati sximgeosr ot 10 PMinkalq Mew eterege! 
ged brea mba Lo a'inshnoleh of am igivontroted dete 22 datiewt of 
utab ett meovied heaqels tad? feviedek yaol off yomne “to Samnitdden’ 
‘edt m2 cotton e'tnohno teh Yo dnsmoronmoo orf? bin UaméBhoow eid ter 
edd tosts yLitods ansthnl ef Levoater @ténabre'ted yoxsod “ebeeatiat 
adt nt nwode bra begetis exediam tadde esd Yo Una TON snebiowle ) 
begeiin ed? Yo mo} Samcotud etuose of omfiet ati sauoxs of tqustta a 

| ot senetod 8 8a enna tuonorq o3 emake at oasnters | hati bananteniene : 
od smote Its VALeget bLoxi ed neo nolion dxweo rel %96 ‘ * 
al? Yo opbotvort attmeys a tiidntetg basis moiigmreoa oad * ot 
~fwort aid séiwv begrat? .egbetwomd ait aaw caaeler Sie tnedetiien 
at sansteb dowa sroans ot bauod aew inital saw neem t . ; 

_ skis ta ten to sxm00 xo rogue edit mt mottos 't ‘ise shee | 

to ¢netuve sedorde ns vd bedetidedae aa yolus aldd ont esse Sam 
at éntalguos o antinsthorg nox bebw.foo1g rT) ‘Ybeatery ‘ ie " 
“gost, Pavo xpemere a 'tashro tes te saameorotae ade riko i % 



svpbeiwoml avast of 2 as ong wh tovto 

to ent »Steos orre. a 

gureniwesd fens atte od gegen works 

 —5 Beretta exethereds ID got ay te pif ho mt 
ERE aaa «8 _ stmsps0@ ah ametnes® bra y<% +! 

b ve by ‘ : VTE Ghat abst Bt ' he 

we Bixee Beets pay See ipa Sy 


Refendont in Srror, 


LADISLAV (alias Valter) POR: ry mn 
and ANNA PORL Z 6 9 if 4 

Plaintiffs in Brrore. she O 3 6 



This writ of error seeks te reverse an order entered 
by the trial court September 2, 1932, denying defendants' motion 
to vacate a judgment by confeesion for $2,500 entered against 
them May 13, 1932. 

Defendants’ verified petition to vacate the judgment, 
filed September 1, 1932, is as follewst 

“Your petitioners, Walter Pohl, also known as Ladisley 
Pohl, and Anna Pohl, res otf ully represent unto this honorable 
eourt that they are the defendants in the abere entitled causes 
that on May 18, 1932, - judgment by confession upon a note was 
entered in aaid cause in favor of the plaintiff and ageinest your 
petitioners for $2500 including #200 attorney's fees; that a writ 
of execution wae issued thereon on July 27, 1932, and was served 
upon your petitioners on . 24, 19323 that on Auguet 20, 

1932, your petitioners received a notice by mail from the sheriff's 
office of Cook county stating that on September 6, 1942, by virtue 
of an execution issued in favor of one Yilliam Silles he would sell 
Lote 22 and 23 in Block § and Lote 47 and 44 in Bleck 2% all in 
Grant Locomotive Yorks Addition to Chieage in Cook County; that 

your petitioners are unable te read the “nglish language and there- 
fore iumediately obteined translation of said notice and caused an 
in uiry te be mate inte the nature of the above entitled suits | 
that poe petitioners ere the owners of ssid Lets 47 and 46 and held 
said Lots 22 end 23 in trust for one Thomas Mynar and Josephine 
Mynar; that your petitioners did mot know of this osuse until they 
had an opportunity to have said motice end summons ( execution) 
looked inte by counsel and in their depleted financial circumstances 
have veed oll ¢il to present this petition. 

"Your petitioners further allege that they have a merito- 
tious defense te the plaintiff's clsimg that the nature of your 
petitioners’ defense the plaintiff's claim is se follows: 

"That the signatures of your petitioners to the note 
herein sued upon were fraudulently obtained from your petit lonerag 

Se seid ae il 4 THBOD, . 
aeou tress. 



staiscalact: ath: hanare sik wistiadile Sell seme 

weleiba.. en awoml onis .idet x jyemet ey me ‘ 
. pideeoiad 1 ald? ojns dnowetqex noi a eftio% s 7 
{eseweo belting ons, ma 
new oson # as fr) foniatg ® €. 

corr eg 
arr Re Bg Saf bS Senge 

outuhy ww 4 eer oY sodhgee ne 

ifem ber 26 %., 
nt ifs Kl ds ree. 
dane eydemed 

~eteds ote — eee dle tt Wy tine ee etn a a 
wy; te rie eotsen baa sat to gotiacenn add sie soe & on 
_ ben ad at hms ha ores ou wei fest of ae be oo a 
‘Gould ites a ris te wont | 
(agiiieexo) ange yg prt gee ee 
wented sau orto in Latenee’ 

| i) dneaore 04 eonegl te - 
aotiwe « vad wails tat 03 eget cat ro 
auey %O oiNdas | 
tewollet oa ef mtato get iaeindadg pana lh 
eton wld eo atenoldiveq «wey te ve Bands H eid Sect? 
_ rome iiieq toy moxt beniedde ylineisbustt etew soqH boue 



that prior to the time of the execution ef said note, your 
petitioners hed been informed by soid Thomas Mynar that sx id 
Lote 22 and 23, (belonging te said Thomas Mynar and Josephine 
Mynar, his wife), heé been conveyed to your petitioners for 
purposes thet your petitioners did not understand at the time 
and your petitioners were informed by enid Thomes dyner that 

tw be necegsary for your petitioner $e. sha n 8 
uments zegsnveying said. remisen to said Thomas yaa and 
ace : . | 

| is wife; that on or ebout May 3, 1: @ 
Ozephine iynar carte to the home of your petitioners and 
introduced them te one James Jerna, whe your petitionere were 
informed by said Josephine Nynar was an attorney and desired 

She oh aes ture of your ptt loners to. sivergh vocunonte i Shek 
seid Thomas end Josephine Mynar were old and trusted sean: nie 
Sanees of your petitioners and your petitioners were unable te 

wid documents, being unable to read the ne ish Tanguage. 

d not understend the dovuments ox kaow their meanin 

t_ your petitioners requested the nature of said documents 

were informed J ne liynax, seid James Cerna 

iiescing therein, that said documents meveby parte med te 

a4 lots 22 and 3 the property of sxid “homas esephine 
» 80 d in trust as aferesaids; and your petitioners 

eolely relied upon said information and scqulescenee and 
believed that said documents were necessary merely for the 
réconyeyance of sald Lote 22 ani 33 ; and for thot purpose and 
neo other purpose signed the same. (Italics ours.) 

"Your petitionere furthe# allege that since the service 
of said execution upon them they have been informed that their 
aaid supposed reconveyanee of aaid lots so held in trust was in 
fact the execution of the note herein sued ong that said note 
vos obtained by fraud as sfeoresaid; that your petitioners are 
mot indebted to the plaintiff in any sum; that at no time have 
they reeeived, or has any one in their behalf reesived, or 
obtained any money from the plaintiff, “illiam Billes, or any- 
one acting in his behalf, or from Thomas Mynar, Joseshine Mynar, 
ex James “orns; and: that at mo time pricr to the serviee of the 
execution herein, as aforeszid, hed any ¢emand been made upon 
them fer the payment of any money for or on account of the note 
sued upon herein. 

"Wherefore, your petitioners pray that an order be 
entered in the sbove entitled couse vacating exid judgment of 
May 13, 19323 that your petitioners be allowed te appear and 
defend herein; and that on order be iesued herein staying the 
proceedings now ponding herein for the enle of your petitioners’ 
seid real property and ateying the leevance ef further writs 
herein until a hearing esn be had in thie couse." 

Nefendante contend that the facts set forth in their 
petition constitute fraud and cirewerention in sbtaining the 
execution by them of the note in question. 

Seetion 10 ef the Negotiable Instruments ‘ct ( paragraph 
il, chapter 93, Cahill’s Revised Statutes of 1935) provides: 

 Vexemeltt tieq suey te sina eds pit cited % bag an Or 



iwey yodon Bisa to seiswooxe of? Yo mde ond of tohra dads 
bine Sas taney sewodT bine yd bomto tat weed bet etened 
exidqoeoS baa xeargil somed? Ddge O¢ patynofed) .f& baa BE | 
wet exopoltitzer wey of bevevires nved Sead ,lotiw abd « 

omld of! ta beadetebas Jom 815 eremolhsizeg suey sand o 
aed? cant osemd? dice yd bemrotnt ovow arerolitieg tw: 
gnoe tale of gxomoisiieg toy x07 ¥xe macoen ed Bi 

Y tary “Bemoe T ‘bhaw of aselsertc bine a i 6 

ype evevdl gi Yat euods 4e no dads " 

bee avenofilieg swey Te ones ; 
oTe* wtemeliigeg tway esv panto somal emo of mort fas ’ 
hexrtve> bus yorreise ne aw taney emidqenet Slay bso a 
ms, With. toysa of atenoliit¢eg * Ye ted ase 
enge ‘bod aad ble ssow <a Gebdcaee iT biss 
os ‘2 Lh an 

xiai, yew Bicnmoiitieg TwOy bas a {aoa 
Peis a eat baet oi ey ne see 

_ tenis rage 4 asd Ween to edmermuood | ott — 

_Bénomupeb biee ss outing 683 fe hesuowpet atom ii 

EO ant EY wr Hh 
thi © qeuingh bien tas 
endaacart bee gamed bles to Yéteqe%e tality 
ataoeliigeg tac, bre phissetete ae saute 
fine eonpcaciapss ine nolsawze'tal bkea eau | hodder 

os set % eae ow = 
rss PH tet ees i: xy oe ie a aorw 
{.e1e eoifeil) ocr tad 
eslvtia afd eonte testi oysl ie einer’ Maite Th 
aise gods bamtetat coed evad yods mene soqu soy hose ih 
nt sew gautd at bfer oa cdot blae te sonsyerneney BeadggE 
efen bles todd. peo bows siered efem es Ye 
ete eremctstier trey Jatt thiseexdie sa beet 
eved amid on vo decid joie Ye mL Tikveietg ge od | 
X09 qboviesw: tissed they wt one wm = XO 7 
“ye tO ,sOLllS metifi’ ,Iihinielg ed? mon eh ricw 3) Pa ioe my a 
atau! enlteaset y tery wemod? a 3 “ ‘ tiatee ‘pid a2 ge ae 
eae So eeivxee oat oF ceisg omid on te gas: tte pare i 
‘ @egw chem reed tise s yea boe Bs Pied Sys os cage? : 
odor etd to inmeose me eo Tok \ines He 2p cg ons c 

@G <hhte me Gas Yat AteHMOLILiay HRY , ete 
to gaamyook Mam utktassy Sere Belitizs ov 
Mes tacqrr oF beveifs of sremeteigoq | 
eid geiyate atered bomast at a9b*o 

athe ‘veskrcu? to pomeseat edt pitysta pra Soa . ‘Bi 
*,Gamoo atte st het of nen gnitsedt @ t en 

‘Sheds af Moto? goa gfoat ane teelt hap dino edaahho tot A 
eds griniatds af ne ttaowns tho 7 bart ' caidas net sad 

peers tod adevamesdant oitda tenet ens to of nottees 
taobivone (SkeL to totutate | bea tess, am atthe dn. .ae 



"if any fraud or eireumvention be ueed in obtaining 
the making or executing of any of the instruments aforesaid, 
atten to be breaks on any eavh inctrument 50 ebtsincds 
fraud oF circumvention, er any assignee of cue instranents* 

The facts disclosed by defendants’ petition ahow that 
they were induced to execute the note under the belief that it 
wee an inetrument of an entirely different character. This 
clearly makes such a case of fraud and eirewnvention in obtaining 
the making or executing of the note ee the statute contemplated 
and it is pleadsble in bar to an action brought on the note by 
eny assignee of it. it eannet be said ac a matter of law that 
defendants’ petition shows such negligence on their part as avoids 
the defense. it would be a question of fact, subsequently te be 
passed upon and determined, whether defendants were guilty of such 
negligence in executing the note and aliowing it te co inte cir~ 
eUlation ae should preclude them from setting up the defense, 
(Muneon v. Nichole, 62 112. 111.) 

& motion to set aside a judgment by confession is addreneed 
to the equitable discretion of the eourt and the question is whether 
there are @quiteble reasons why the judgment should be opened up to 
let ina defense, If there is a showing te the court of facte from 
which it may fairly be seen that there is a good and sufficient 
defense en the merits of the case, then the motion should be allowed, 
(Murphy v- Scheoh, 155 Iile App. 550.) 

‘hile it is true as a general rule, where one of two 
persons mist euffer less, that he whose negligent conduct made it 
possible for the less te occur must bear it, thet rule cannot be 
inveked to deprive defendants ef their preferred defense, It 
MAA rbe wahdnd SF on the tote Of Vte sume 26 can then be shown 
that defendants were fairly chargeable with negligencs. If the 


gitinistde wi beaw od nokineveweaio 10 Suan bap 3a" 
,bisvorots eiiemutient oh) to Ye te gridisoem xe wale 
ot tad at béebeotg By one nOidupvacre tio to Bor owe 
“Hou yaks dmeoe ered Ropu aiglend od atthon nm ane 
* gaamten? dom To senyloas ym te we .nottaswvotte “eo buat? 
Send worls moléizgeg ‘ataetasteds yd bevefondt atoak ost 

$k dadd Yetind etd tohew oton ont etmeons of. dooudst ove Westy 
BkdY stetortado teosetith yLothiie ne to davamasrs end sa come 
getatatde of metinevawetic tne Suett te sae 2 Mowe eentaar uae 0 
hetekyertnos otutein oft oa ston ets tg ynituoens x0 patie ont 
uf eter ad? xo Saanires Sete ‘Se 8 UE ORAL DE Oh 
todd enl to wettom a na bled ot Gaoued 22 | td BO Oompieas 

ebtors on ¢xeg tied! ae sonsatigon dove aveds moksiieg ‘adeobe 
ed ef vinowpoedun efoakt 2 motdneey « o€ dLoow on sein abe | 
dove te yiilue orev eineineted waddode shomkeresed bea ‘nog penne 
-tie eini oy of oi gutwette bie oten ad? gabtwouns mk ponegtfgen 
stenoteh eld qu gatisou amxk meats chatoorg bie en wesdatin 
(oiik £25 G8 en fodosm s * anseatt) | 
boungsbba sk noleestnoe <a tonagbel # ehikon toe of sottom A ie | 
sedseity at moiteoup edt ino ewes add Yo sodsatonth oXdattupe ade o2 
ot Gy hentye 84 hiveds snsimout ait tv anoasor OLdadtiye o1m weed 
moxt adeat to ixwoe afd of pedwode «2 et atedé =. seonoted a mt fon 
dmkorvius bn booy 8 ab omedd desl? noon a6 ULthad iieeaall 
sbowelin 96 bivede cotton vt seat yoenn edt to ativem odd me ganeted 
| (.088 sq@h +11 28f galgorion .v yams) 
ond 10 ono oveslw «elue Loronog a na out ab db oxtan { 
th sbam dt owhses tnogittgen oaony ott sastd rata i0¥ue dau onsareg 
od Sonne fue Jaci a “eed tame caso bd seat eatt cod okdt wns : 
"4h sennctod towrtong todd te uéaadsoteb ovtages of boxtown 
swostes od mold neo tf eowso aldé te Lebut edd no ti ‘bettega Otte 
odd 22 .comytigon stdtw efdeogrado Ulxte® exow adaehaetod dakd 



defense set forth in defendants’ petition is true, plaintiff 
is not entitled to a judgment and it would ve wanifestly unjuat 
that he should have it. 

Ye are ef the opinion that the trial court should 
have opened the judgment, ellowing it te stand as security for 
the amount due, if any, and permitted the defendants to appear 
and defen, 

The judgment is reversed and the cause remanded fer 
further proceedings not inconsistent with the views herein 


Priend, Pe Je» and Geanlans J+, concurs 

“bivods twos Katte ods dats moindst 

ek PR? 

wee ae near eerke 
whet s. 2em oa f set 

ft ta 

regan et @ entchon: sete vers “ovuie 

isp Raics peniith ata tay 


ein Beeuany a teed Kaipe oe 

{88 sgn 
Le seweey 
Sone ath dae eet 

fenite scat sit saat ast 

& vie ot he 
why wid he wean 

ld he Saauw ute to ba ‘tt 


PRASK TAGLIA, administrater 
of the estate of FIONEWTI MA 
TAGLIA, deceaged, 







Plaintiff, the husband of Fiorentina Taglia, decensed, 
brought thie action in contract ae the administrator of her estate 
to recover a $500 mortuary benefit due from defendant by reason of 
its agreement te pay thet amount to her fomily in the event of her 
death. Yoring the course of the trial by the court without « jury 
a partial judgment fer $150 entered against defendant was satisfied 
and the cause proceeded an to the balance. At the conclusion of 
the hearing the trial court found the issues for plaintiff, sscessed 
his damages at $360 and entered judgment against defendant for that 
amount. This appeal followed. 

The cause wos tried upon a stipulation of facts, the salient 
portions of which are that Fierentina Iaglia died December 9, 10525 
that prior to and at the time of her death she was a member in good 
stending and entitled te all the rights and bensfits previded by the 
vy~laws of defendont society} that upon her death plaintiff became 
entitled te the mortuary benefit previded by such by-laws then in 
feree and effect; that no written contract or certificate was executed 
between the parties; thet defendent seciety is an illineis corporation 
operating pursuant to ite cherter; thet om and prior to Devenber 4, 

- . 
Si ts 

‘anscro nin Goa aaa tA 

“089 .A.L Ys 

ag ne . 


eheamsoed qaiigal anisinorest to bnadeus, ont stikdatels meh i 
states tol to tedetseiniaba ad? an tosxinos mi aotton edit dtguoxd— 
2o noaset YW dmabdeotod mort od Itioned yrawdvom 0089 « sevOSeT Of 
“most 20 Snove edd mt yLtme? wed of duwone tald yoq of dnemooxye ett 
em w dwoddiw éu00 ond YS Latte edt to sorwoo ot gmbaut Minsk 
betteliae sav smabneted dantags beredae OBL? cot ¢rombut, inttang a 

Ro metautonce ed? 3h .voneled eff of am hobeooor susien edd bra ‘ 
heeasesa ,Ttiinialg xt sevens os Suse Pxvoo Inbad od anitoad edt a 
tad sot tnabsotsh taniaga snemphyl, botegno bam 086% da etait ntl 4 
ehoweflot Laoqge ater e 

admeiten od ,adoat to moltaiugtia » moqu beled now ooman ott 
{LGUL »@ Tedwovsd bath stipe? anitnevali todd etm doidw Yo anodexoq 
feoy mi tedmem 2 sew este dineob tos to cmt? edt im bnew of xolny $a y 
edd WW bodivery atttoned ban adgix amt Lia of dofstine be yabinos 
emaved 2intelg A2oob xo nogy todd ysetooe snshaetod 2 a 
tk and? awsi-yd dowa qd bobkvong tkionod Yuautxom out 9 fe. 

betugexe eew odaottiiawe to foautane aeteixw on snot itee te base @ 
oe afomkiil me at ytelooa Inohawtob dest yaolszag ate noe 

od ‘sodunoedt of votre bre me tad ¢xedsasio adh 08 nem i 


1932, the family of a deceased meuber of the society was entitied 
to receive wider ite by-laws $500 as a mortuary benefit; and that 
of the by-laws in effect prior to Deceuber ¢, 1932, the following 
are pertinent to the issues in this cause? 

"Article 29+ The mortuary tax por capita will be fixed by 
the assembly at the firet meeting in December for the following years 
This qucta may very annually, according to the number of members, due 

the i that the family should receive ive Hundred \olisra 

BOO 90 
t "Article 30. The mortuary bencfit and the tax therefor are 
equal in both sexes, the latier to be paid in advance. 

“vhoever is in arrears in funeral payments, even though 
currently paid up with monthly dues, shall not have any oe to @ 
mortuary benefit. The seciety shall pay the funeral benefit (meaning 
mortuary benefit) not later than sixty (60) days, however in case of 
misfortune, which may cause more than one death, and any other excep- 
tional eases, the society reserves to itself the right to adopt those 
provisions necessary for the protection and existence of the seciety." 

It was further stipulate? that at a certain mecting of the 
evcicty held Yovember 6, 1932, and of ite council held Yovember 20, 
1932, both after due notice, a certain new by-law was preposed and 
recommended for adoption by the society; that at a regular and special 
mesting held December 4, 1952, pursuant to motice to all ite members, 
imeluding Fiorentina Taglia, the society adopted the recemmendation 
of ite council, and the members present voted unanimously to amend 
article 29 of its by-laws to read aa follows: 

“Monthly payments, fifty cente, funeral payments, one dollar 
per menber, ble in advance, Benefits: sick bencfit five dollars 
per week for thixteen weeks. Mortuary benefit = one dollar per 
mesber, the tetal number of current members being the total number 
of dollars, effective with the mecting of Devcnber 4, 1932," 

Attached te the stipulation were the ehmrter of the society, copies 
of the notices of the various mectings ami copies of the minutes 
detailing the discussion on amended article 29 of the by-laws prior 
te its enactment. The discussion was ceneerned principally with the 
necessity for adepting the amended by-law for the protection and 
continued existence of the society. 

The main question presented for our determination on this 
appeal is whether defendant society, in the sbsence of an express 

provision apecifierlly reserving to iteelf the right to de 80» had 


heliiine aew yselooa edd to tedmam bonswseh « Yo yLima't oad steer 
dadt he {lieved yrewtxem # as O08} ewal-yd att xobew evieoes o¢ 
wriweriot okt ECL .d rodmvoel of rola sootte mt ewaloed at de 
Is ORG aids mk senoek oot of ee ote 

| wd hoxtt of ILiw atiqeo coq xed yxawtrom edt YOR wfody Onn 
 sttaey gatwollot ed? rot sedmesed ni pattond dont ond ga % 
ead bent rs te tedaun eld of gntizooom a pales 
Low berbam evil eviecos binods ghinet edd dada BOs: at} 
ers “Olenets mad esis . Sage Ytauiiem off 40% eLokdra se 
sfonevba mk &. od of xoddal ond ynoxen At 
Fe ory pare nee edad ietons?t at atervte. 4 al sy meth 
t Ye ev. on Lode ysoub yLdenom solw i biog yféne 
- yutmoon)‘t lh Lasems? old pe pana ‘ont sen 
‘$0 waee ak tevyowed ce ee (08 vents 
 mq@eoxe redde yos oh ome wads otom caxan ae we he pes F 
fae éqgobe o3 } Stats eit 2feust 02 seviewet Yselooe adt ,voune Lanol: 
*sGotoes ois to tonadatxe boo solisedong eff 192 Yikansoon anol 

ads te gniseam niaites a ia sauls peg eegt tess tH aay on f De 
408 xediievoW Buel hones edt Yo tas SBOE 2 ‘cot v0K iad 39 tous 
fie benoqetq saw wol-yd wen aiatuay s 19080 0 eu cotta aod 9880 : 


: fatooge ‘tas ‘ininget 2 te said ivetoos edd yd ao saobe x0? _ be bream oe 
 qutedmen O44 Tle OF cohen of tmavecaq Seer o odo bed bien pechtoem 
MOLI ahnemmooes eft bodgebs Uistoos oats sebiget onkeneroh® wal 
a, of “Eoweatmn hodov snono rg erodetnsr eakd bos 

wins Het Guts 

tumolte® Es naee ot wales adk » es 


t- st te Sree 
a 3 8 8 

“tog ob @ mp ye : we ntl a é 
todas Ledod sad gated aaa ome re, 

SeRECL yd tedmoge To gaksomm aia ety ov evisoe to 
— welyeo «Yieices ody to ‘‘usdiatts ale oxew no tiaiughee ‘ae re | 4 

hte Be eke , 

) qibdemter ety Yo eetgos baa egativon nue dsey ots aor f 
nediva, Ay A BIG bi 

S adeurhelenteabymietenmerieteenre: oor: ob 

reo wd af ie h 

etl? o@ poldertertsteb Xue rot bed noee sq soldeeuy yi oat hai , 
Ty hg se ok -sniwtciabanal 
amore | ay Re ponoads Laide : hd pecete tnabaores vente axiw at Lesqqa 

Pek Hie uae s iedlalel 


the power, through subsequently enacted by-laws, to divest a member 
of veeted rights acquired by her under by-lawe in fores when she 
joined the secicty and fer a long period thereafter, and thus reduce 
the amount payable ae a mortuary benefit without the consent of the 
member. In other words covld this society as a matter of expediency 
and pretection, or even to safeguard its very existance, legally 
enact a by-law that would take away the mortuary benofit of 9500 that 
it head promised to pay to her family upom her ceath under a by-law 
in existences when the inswred joined the society and for thirty-five 
years thereafter, and substitute therefor « mortuary benefit of $151 
under the terme of the amended by-law? 

it is not claimed that decessed consented to be bound by 
this amended by-law, and it is coneeded, in effect, that such change 
in the by-law is without binding legal foree upon plaintiff unless 
sanetion for it ean be found in an express reservation by the seciety 
ef the right te thereafter arend or change the by-laws in existence 
when Fiorentina 'aglia entered into her contract of membership with 
the society and in her express agreement to be bound thereby. 

Defendant contends that, considering the original article 29, 

and article 30 of the by-laws together, the recital in article 30, 
“the society reserves to itself the right to adept these provisions 
mecessary for the protection and existence of the society," constitu- 
tes an axprose and specifie reservation of the right and authority to 
emend or change the by~law specifying the amount of mortuary benefit 
payeble upon the death of the member. the difficulty of this position 
is that this language is used only in the section of the by-law having 
to de with the methed and manner of paying the mortuary benefit and 
the payment by the members of their "tax" or dues. Under no rule of 
construction with which we are familiar can the effect of this language 
be strained so as to make it applicable tovartiele 29 fixing the amount 

| of the mortuary benefit. in our opinion, the seciety, recognizing 



moteurs. mht Xp pkmsr32% oA or ale 



todnsn # ézevth et ,awal~yd beteano ¥Lémoupoadun dgueruid sTowog ene 
ait node eorto? m4 amal~yd sede sed Yt hetinpos atdytx beter re 

SOHNE eae hee 4 tA Eeo tes botweq yrol m tor baa ytotoon sald bontot 

at? to tnonmee ald twodsiw aftened yxauttom 6 ee eldayeg $rwvoma edt 
‘Wott bogs te teddom 4g aa GWeloes atds bivoo BOTOW xesite al ford Prd 
“Lage ~wonetndae wrev adh brags tae at neve to sto Losdong Lad 

doit 0089 Ye tttomed Yxautren ot yows vlad btiow tastt wale Sanne 
wel~ud robaur Aden ron moqu yiimat xed Of yng od” somtmnn ha a 

_ Sy center: 02 bam Rivivon add pentol bewnnt ont pow oom dataw mb 
mere ‘t0 direned viawrreu n ro Yonodt otut endee hie Tod toetests ema % 
| Run hogs hebnone ed to mrt ont xpbine 

_xd nae ed 03 bedaoaros benescoh Jaki tamtate deu'dh VE ?"*%, 
ennets fous. tastd edo tts st gbeboomes ef #t base qwal-¢d be brome aids 
mestny Viktntela moqu earet Logol waivatd suodsiv ef waked od at 

i tekooe | ast Yi aolinvioaes see zqxe as mi Sete od m9 a ot notionsa 
gonstaize mi omal-V ext epnasto xo haem xedteoxadé of dgle itd Yo ! 
Matty qidevednom 20 gostdnoo xed osnt botetse sityat antine t node 
| sysloned? named 0d 08 tnemorgs anowgxe xo nt hme yoksoa a ote 
aes etottas Lent givo edd gutredience adnate ebmoines deabaaell” 4h 
20% ofoliue mt Ladtoox ont etestd egod awakes one to 08 tottxe ne 

“ ahitatvere peed sqohe ov datgi esis YEncdt at wevtess: oteme a 
~uditanoe *,y2efo00 ext Yo vonodebes tne wo biooterg aild xo? Yxaanee : 
of yidzed tue hae dalix es? to mobdarrenct oittoogs baa seme ma wt 7 

Mas hk 

ORR RY ake sek re 

patved wal~yd osle Re otter off? mt vino hoow of opaupead 

we OS ee ey 

baa fered Yewdtom att gatyen to tennant has Pesce reg 

to ofex on tobe cnenh 26 “xnd" thedy to axodmoat eat ye 4 
pansymat ait 29 toette ost sao coktion? ete ow slots Meee i 

tome ote parkas Os ofoataayoe OLdeptiqus tk eam o¢ 60 ee | 
‘Petatmaoeet qytetoos odd qnotnige myo at tbtonnd ¥ a 


that a large number of deaths ot one time might imperil ite finane 
vial wtabdility by requiring too large an outlay of funds, took the 
precaution te provide in article 30 of ite by-laws that the mortuary 
benefit should be poysble in sixty dsys, but that in the event of the 
occurrence of a large mwiber of dentha it might adopt provisions 
necesuery for ite protection and continued existence. The recital 
that “the society reserves to iteelf the right to adopt those 
provisions necessary for the protection and existence of the society,* 
is part of the same sentence providing for the payment of the mortuary 
benefit within sixty deys and of mecesslty, by its context and meaning, 
ean orily relate thereto. The society could extend the date of pay- 
ment of ite obligation to any date reasonably necessary to accomplish 
its declared purpose, and we think thet this is the only reasonable 
construction that can be placed on its reservation “for the protection 
and existence of the society.* 
It is idle to urge that, in the language of article 30 
of the by-laws, there can be found any such reservation ef the richt 
te amend or change ites by-laws as would authorize the eabroration, 
attempted by the society, of the vested right of plaintiff, under 
insured's contract with the socioty, to a mortuary benefit ef 3500 
under original erticle 29 of the by-laws. The rule as te the effect 
of subsequently enacted by-laws on contracts of insurance theretofors 
entered into is clearly steted in Covenant Mutual Life Aes'n v- 
Kentner, 183 Ili. 431) where the court said at ppe 441-442: 
"It wae stipulated that the by-laws contained a prevision 
that they might be amended, revised or modified, but thet is no 
more than the law would imply without the stipulation. Such power 
is implied from the general power to enact by-laws, (3 Ams & ling, 
Bncye Of Laws = 24 Od, = 1064; mwider v»+ Royal League, 180 
Ill. 621.) If a member agrees t uture by-laws er amendments 
shall enter inte and forma part of his contract and modify or very 
it, he will be bound by such by-laws or amendments beenuse they are 
& part of his contract. That was the cuse in Pullemlder Vv Royal 
aa » Im that esse the certificate provided for a payment 
f certain rates for the widows’ and orphans’ benefit fund, and the 

certificate was on the express condition that the member should comply 
in the future with the laws, rules and regulations that might there- 

a Oa 

BP — 

eS i 

 pepnqad, dette tadt amahtetsges due yetirs vow ae ‘iho ee 

emer abt Liveqmt tiipia outs one te aaltooh to wdewm enrat a Sas 
ott Moos yubew? te yeiive ne wytel 009 guitetupex Ys YttLidade Lakp 

 Ehetcom ond tad? aveteud adh to Cf eLelerta nd ebtveny os mo téweem 

et to sweve ett mi toned oud yoyo Yate mb eldeyer ed ALuorte stoned 
aneieivesg tobe fdnia of elias > to sedaum sptat a» 26 sonpumseee 
fattost oft .sonntsixe tummtinoe dna motionsorg wat wot wremesioet 
sands tqobs of sight ord WLeadl of aeveoner Yokoos ot” dusts 

| “qudetoow offs Yo oometatxe has mottoatorg eit 10% Yxseceson amolubyery 

 “Ulawtrom ods ti Cxemysg os TOL gakhivesg seneines emee edd to ¢uaq at 

! | panlinldect hat Onntnae: atk “es y phtemnein: ‘te date dngaagente Mbthber tended 

“(oy to edn edd bode bivoo yretves aff .atstedd edalet vine mes 
Metiqnoves of yiswnoven “ldanneaot wtsh yin wH MokiagLede ust Lo éuem | 
@idanoscor “ine ett St abst) draié aimdde ow bao voxoq my hoxatosb wit 
molfeetere oeff rod" goltavrsee: ait ne bendy Od nop tut MOtgowRsaned — 
ws 8 5s Megtadoo ont Yo come dado este | 

08 entire YW opsmtal dt ni ytatt- eyo os edt wh @L in ais op 
diyte ott to aolvavtoasx dove yRe hewek vd soo exedt eowaloud edt 20° 
smolitegurda oft extvodtus bivow ns cmmnteral tt etpste wih heath ap 4 

. teh GYRekady to étighs fetsov aft te pytetoon ent yd sme 
068% To sitened yrowsrom 6 OF eytoloon old Miiw sortéxed wiherdant 
deotke edt of as ofst nd? sernceud ot 00 08 ofetoxs cantata sober 
eretosereH? vommuent to atoeTians mo wmet~ye betonme ~idmeupeadl : 
«¥ niseA elAt Lowsw Inensved mt bosata yesaade whoa vad 
TODA ag 20 blew OD ould OMRKbe 4TBA £47 BL. city 

abyeta a bomtetneo awe ons Gated bed adkeght a. :soaw 
“a oi Be aud eis re ae ,sebnoan od 4 
/ taLugiae e@? dweridtw * binow 

| epee A om@A &} eaval-ed Joanne o8 teney st bok. se Uk 

ii 4 FROM «7 “3280 = ho SS @ quad DO gens 
adn ote To awal~y regia a ?e aoe ae tt (+58 c 

: v to Yithos bow deaeminoo WEE 3 AS 

" went oasaoed einemhnoms to ——? “eb on vd ited ee bw’ ent 

“Sehivexa peers Pnaient oxi ‘onan dt: 

» By J ¥9" et 
sn cbuurt sit0hed duedace baa 'ewohiy old x0? sedee aia 
sa brueele Sodaed ord sunts pi wali eeergrs a ast wade, 


“ m Ps 245 aie 


after be enacted by the @upreme council to govern said coumei) 

and fund, all of which were made part of the contract. The in- 
gured expressly assented te the conditions, and it was held that 
the agreement authorized «= change in the rate of assesement under 

a by-law which, in the opinion of the court was not umrensonabl es 
Bven if the certificate states that the by-laws are a pert of the 
eontract and that they are subject to amendment, subsequent by-Lews 
will be construed te apply only to contracts made after the adoption 
ef such by-laws, in the absence of an agreement thet they shall have 
a retrospective effect. This is upon the principle that 211 laws 
and by-laws haye a prospective and not a retrospective effect, unless 
the intent that they shall have a retrospective cffect is clear and 
ummistakable. Unless there is en express agreement that a menber 
shall be bound by future by~lawse varying or modifying his contract, 
he nd 20 bound. (Wiblack on Benefit Societies, secs. 27, 156, 

It is urged that the original article 29 of the by-lawe 
fixing the mortuary benefit at 9500 is ultra vires and void im that 
it is repugnant to and in conflict with the charter powers of the 
secictye This contention is based upon the fact that the charter 
of the society provides for the creation ef its funds by voluntary 
contribution and the by-law refers te “mortuary tax por enpita.* 
There is no merit in this contention and it is effectually disposed 

of in Jones v¥» Lealesn Mutual Benefit Ags’m, 357 Ille 431, where 
the following language wen used by the court at pe 441% 

"Appellant in its reply brief ealls attention to the fact 
that the certifieste sued on does not provide fer the levy of any 
assessments but only provides for voluntary contributions, and it 
devetes a considerable portion of its argument to an attempt te 
diztinguish the two words. Conceding that for ordinary purposes 
the words have different meanings, we think ae the word “"coutribution* 
is used in this certificate it had the seme meaning as the word 
“assessment.* That the so-called contributions vere regarded as 
assesoments by the effieers of appellant is shown by their testimony 
on the trial of this cause. In fact, counsel for appellant uses 
the vorde interchangeably in the original brief. By whatever nome 
it is onlled, the fact is that the amount ef the contribution or 
assesmment had te be paid by the members to prevent the loss of 
their rights under their certificates. The feilure of any manber 
to » when properly notified, would have effected « eancellation 
of hia certifieste. The effect would be the same regerdleas ef 
what word was used. The resuit of a failure ta pay makes it, in 
er . eregeemnane regardless of the name given it in the 
eer GAGCG. 

‘mended article 29 of the by-laws micht well bo effective 
as te future members of the society, as well as to all these who 
were members at the time of its enactment amt whe assented te ity 

but we are constrained to hold thet it could not vary or modif 
Plaintiff's rights under the contract of the insured with + og SO 

a oe ae 

bédne revem 02 Lionveo sawigue oi? hed ssreie 20th 
~? yee Toattxee oud To $anq sham eter po to iis pray be gee 

bied anv ¢i bax ganotihimoe edé o¢ beogmoesa 
fnetiaesces to eter add ak egnano o rs ee 
Bitaeonsoces Jon saw simon ant Io motniqoe eAf mh ydodsiw,, - 
dxay # ote aval~yd edd sold vedate yew rhe s esd 2b neva 
oe ot fe peadve ginauhnema o2 Jpebdve ew yodd tod? bom, 
Be Bag sfoetdnos a yine be ed 03 bowidanog od 
heme g a. 0 oepoa 
i tik. dant &lytent sy ont fogw ak abit eants me 
ty oe a? ooltte evivoeqeettet « fom bao eritoegeqty a syed. sf 
hows teefo et foette evivosgsdtiet © bvad Lhade coeds Jedd tnedal 

teduem 9 tadd Inemse aastgxe ta ei exodd osoial pientare 
 «ghaatined eid weherd bent tb eniqeoy ewsl-yd sugdul yd baie ss 
OGL 4TS eeeee gaehietoos sitomeé go domkeiy) .hewed oa tos Sei Tg 
va neon : Trey 4 . : ! 


i  guadegd edt to O82 efoteca Lentgixe off foul? peyin ek at” ° 
i. fait m) blov fine notiy etéky of CONS Ya Fkromed Ytawtrom od) gabeit 
| -gxld Yo erewog xodtade od ddtw dokfineo mi tons 64 shatguqer al FP 
teduado odd sod dont od? woqh Dede BE mBlonedmod abd .ydeavee 
“radewlor vs ubrat eff te mofenerd off CO? HOdIVOTY Yotoon ey to 
 Agwttqoe wg Ret Yontiem of gretex Wwel-td SH San nOfisdPtints 
horegeih yflauieetto af ¢2 hee mottwodnod wind wh titom 6h dt ered 
oreutw —¢f6) 4ffI TOS gntagl stone Lawtwt moefool ¢¢ gomos nm? to 


sib se Se Pures off “Yo bows sow veipile SERRE " . 
doa? onf¢ 02 motineide whivo Yebtd yqex whl at ee eas von | 
ere to vrel of? sot ebivore som so0b Yao. bese ogantiiizes, dt 
+2 bua vascabemdinet tee yretnustov teT: ‘a 
‘ O2 tquetés sa oi smemegta wth Yo coi tao oe oven tonne Ws —. : 
aeaognig Vanibye swt dnd agg ee «i <ohiow 3 
4 Saat sud buaso9 bxow od? ee anddéd ow os sett 
; )- Beer oft 2a, grknoen ome, oft: th i canarizecee 
@8 bebraget siaw enoltudixines belloo-oe ot t 
Wiemlseed wiede ys overnite of tonliogqga te eregtiie end cas abn odie ) 
 geew Inaileqgs tot Leanwes ofent ae ai .¢euae elas to Leiat nl 
oman ravetecs YG ».teicd Lankgice oft mt vit. be 
go moliwdiatnoo oft te dourome ocl9 tadi oi tox fare ag 
to seek of? ¢nevexq of atedren eft yd biag of 
tedemsn une to omlial off .sedueltidies «lods se het ad 
Mizsallisognes we hsedperte aval bivow! 4 batt son wt 
20 aaothtager aame ef? od bivow geeTie- ed? “ietaod 

i gti eetam yey of oullat a to tiwees edt? bea enw be a esc 
ois ah ef yoree- ms peak - ne qeonen ease vit det 
TWA “qty y 

evansiii og Stow. idoiie ernie aes: te “s etoisre better, ce canta 


Oth bund) Lis ot va Liew as. “uxtotons ads to. romans a 
4%, SSR Re 
yak 0% botagecs ode Jam srsatt ose@ age ne outs eat Retell 

DS Be Be) 

a, thom x9 via fom Dives #2 tasld bier 98 ot soubertaneo 
& ‘wma eas din hoteans eld to nes od oheus 


Yor the reasons indicate’ herein the Judgment of the 
Municipal court is affirmed. 

Priend, ®. Jes and SJeanlan, J., coneur. 


Feed five vig He tha a Bite d dies iy OGM. G8 
‘a anvew kp over mld WE exele 

ire ASE eas rv Raf ae ae SP. ma gehigkat nr ; 
Do ae ie ¥ ae Btn eas viate tim Vitios eid SFB 
avalon) agente reais ea ee i he te ete Re) ne ea 
HAE BRIE iaid wei2s plums ePoewates af Ulte wha ed gion em d 

| E eettuns inte yee 4 Ad, seinen ures 
hw wa” tis PAE F ata? SUS aren * tirana 

a es 
TOR ces Ce Say he, wre opens APTS”, Os, 2 Ma ovat a ee & a ; 
is See ees eit wert yeh (vege eae & ove '% 4 mI, sand 
Pstoir ae) Pte Pees OT im Sera pera ba | #2 writs ume tol med, eh 
eS oaKinee eed A vss Wi er) onic eh feat 7 ge vf thes 
- ge ae «ie oe yor hie foas ¢27 tet o@ Avege SE 2 

ae aero sult ‘te to efatoue Tatigiee oft dont Sw ed "ge? pee 
. feenit eh Shey tn nse et erase 82 °OO8S Ya Shree arated add a | 
“ee Te avewog cnbtnde add Gace ‘POL ree wd’ bee OH a \ 
Kesragis eal toss Pert Aae weet Hee a} nerriaened ah) ‘ 4 

VrndaMaler eh worst «8p Sw seaiveexs of tO% tie & iotoda al ae 
stil EC. SS | eat eth won" oo pha tee” ented: ey sai . . 

herein yftaotew tte 2k 8h beth woh erodes ni Peni on Ps Bt 

wtiale 9 hth «fkE TOR am tagd eeRonee tame onda i 
Pyar i we ie Paebe ould ye henner eat esaarnatat eS f 

foeS mis oF no idnacto wikee Toke ier wer: ad Barets 
bo te Ysek alt Hh obheony dom Gee BO bem a eOr ee 
5. tage yanedutiek tered Yee ntastiow aye ‘ate 
‘@d Ponetin ah 2 tsswars 892 Ye sn? Sn HG 2 6B 
yet aN yimndhem 268 duty ee ‘age 8 
Sata sca nee Siew ons ee Bi may oe » 4 ) 
bee ed ay ers ari Me ae A YE ws 
hy Lae? exer waoltudiataws tel dop-we 
tt ee eee ee eet a ty woe 
ee takieggs sek Logsutt teat ae Posse aos rf 
cms Gaye 40 w Sehest: Leekoare D 
4% Ray ee wet he deubwre Maa dane rye 
Ya noed oie dxeyasy ob stata Bead me 
todnen va re wwts off wand nePeeices 
mda ilengay o hedat ke geen Lacey ties Por 
“O% ila ane t wane wiht. wpe End ascre Bee Rly BEERS 
mi g hk mek, Yo 8k 24 congo dee dR ane <a 
j wt, wih ry lath 


"dg te Same that pyc : 
gt 23 i, eh hae ty bhowath ‘ad 

fj i # 
2 f P 
Appellee, } 
COMPANY, a as met Pd é 9 T.A. 63 6 


This is a fourth eleaos contract action in the Municipal 
gourt wherein plaintiff claimed thet defendent railroad company 
breached ites egreement te safely carry from New York eity, to 
him, the consignee in Chicugo, 30 cases of oniona. Upon trial 
by the court without a jury the iveves were resolved in plaintiffs 
favor and judgment rendered against defendant for $600. This 
appeal followed. 

The material allegations of plaintiff's etatement of claim 
are that defondsnt wau s common carrier and on or shout Pebruary 6, 
1929, it seecepte and reeeived from F. Vitelli & Son at New York city, 
30 eaces of efpelline onions in good condition for transportation | 
within a ressonable time to plaintiff in Chicago, that in consideration 
of e certein reward defendant promised to care for, safoly earry and 
éeliver such merchandise, and issued a bill of lading for such trans- 
portation and delivery; that plaintiff is ond has been for « long time 
the lowful holder of said bill ef lading; that defendant wen ordered 
and directed to carry snid 30 eases of onions in « specially constructed | 
Gay known as a refrigerator cer ani thet it promised te do soy that it 
Gid not carry euch merchandise in 2 speciolly constructed or refrig- 
evater car or otherwise care for, safely esrry and within a receonable 

; tua |, 
: he 
\ fe 
*, apa 
~ A singe: 


“o &9O AT eye | ™ gis kiaxoqtee 4 




Lego bast od? mt motion tostines esate diwwet a ah wtde | 
Glaqmes haetitet taabmoted dnd? oemtoto YWsdmbalg nioweds $09 

Os “ito M20¥ wet mort yrmse Ylotes of Imomeeuge abt bodeaesd 

felts nog .ameiee to soaso 08 eoyectt? mt oenptanco ot east! 

a'vtitnialg ai béviose: stow aewned offs Yow) = tuudiiw danoe eat os 

eidy .000@ tet dnabnetod tentoge boxebmex Smog bu, bru — 

— sbewolto® , hee a 

Misin te inemdede of Ytiintede to ametiagetio falsetan off. | 

—- gf Uxeurtdel dvods ve mo baa tettra9 mommoo « wow shabmoteh tude 9 as 

(atthe MNOY woK 25 moe & LELOSLY 4X mox? beviovet tne cedqeoon Fh 408 

| Koktadroqunes? cot selttaneo booy mt amoine entileqis te . Lad 
“ moktwrebtamos mt fads popeokt) mi VEkintete oF subd ofdendonen mm 

] fia Ytxeo Viotee «tet exao oF wee tmobasteh weawort nbatres | 

“oats n800 «20% sod ant han ef YOAtedaly dad tQeVAZOd Ane 
 hexebre gow inabeo teh tedd tamtbal te Lit bten te robiei J 
iguana Uloloege o at amotne % seene 08 hive bes od | 


| ell & mildhw baw Yana yfolee «tot une 


time deliver said onions se agreed, but carried them in a common 
freight car, and in so careless and negligent « manner that, when 
they arrived in Chicage ané were delivered to plaintiff, they were 
frosen and otherwise rendered totuliy unfit fer human consumption, 
and that plaintiff wae damaged to the extent of S602, 

Defendant im ite affidevit of merits admitted reeviving the 
merchandise at New York city, February 7, 1929, end averred inter 
Alig that when it received thin consignment of freight it was enclosed 
in boxes or eretes and mot visibles that i¢ id not then know whether 
er not the merchondise wes im geod condition and by rencem thereef it 
gave the shipper « receipt and « bill of lading, which recited that 
it had received the shipment in “apparent good order, contents and 
condition of contents of packages unknowns" that it “does not admit 
that said froight wae in good condition when received by defendant at 
Wew York city, but insists upon strict proof thereef;" that when the 
freight was delivered te it a written eontract of transportation was 
entered inte between it and the consigner er shipper wherein it was 
provided thet the merchandise was to be forwarded in a box cary and 
denied thet it was ordered and directed or that it promised to 
transport such freight in a specially constructed or refrigerator ear. 
The affidavit of merits admitted that when the merchandise arrived in 
Chieage it was somewhat damaged by cold weather, but denied that it 
was destroyed and unfit for bwaan consumption or that ite negligenee 
@eused any deumage te the onions. 

Plaintiff's son was the only witness whe testified on the 
trial ef the case. He stated that defendant's receipted freight bill 
contained the notation, “shipment more or less frozen}” that the onions 
were eentsined in erates constructed ef 4 inch beards nailed’ 2 inches 
| apart? that, when they were delivered to plaintiff's warehouse, he 
Retice? threuch the openings of the crates that the onions vere in 
an “abnormal” condition; that he opened all the erates and upon — 

é . i oy a] } 

omens a nk seit bokriso tud \heemas ex ancine Sten covetob omt 3 
nedw qiads techet 2 gresiigen ore aseleteo 0 mi bee , tao dein tort 
exer qed? .Piisnbalg o¢ bexevtish stow ome eseoido ak beviets ‘onde 
saotiquvencs sama rer ¢itaw yilesed setetset saiwredto har menos? 
“Sone 29 tentxe edt of bogemab sow Btémtaly teat bran 

divebiYie eff st smepnotem) Py 

eda griviove: be? keba esizem to | 
cutie £20Y wot ta cekhenstorem 

geint bevieve bre ,USer «Tf qxewtdek 
pose Lone dow #2 erigter? to Paemmptenos eidd bevioves £2 mosie tnsit atte 4 
cectiovin wobsl nexig vor bth #2 cael? qeldiaty som Bue wedane oo aexee mt 
$2 Yoorstis soenet WW dee note tbnoo beon mt sav pabbresotos eit tom m0 a 
gett bedtsus Moise gupnit te ifid » Mw sqkeset o reqgbte “ode ¥en r 
hae ntaednos «tebeo, soon, tnexeqgs” ab tnemutde edi beytooes bat he 
gine don e00b” #h todd "ymwaraisar eopatoeg te adandmes Ro notskhawe 
da tnabnsleb qs bevteows meciy molathnoe boop at anv, tfptext bien gadt 
gilt nasty desta"; Wooxsts YowTG doles foge adetent aud eysio AmeY oe 
ahw nobicdroyemets Ye soaxdnos modéhaw a Oh of heaoylod aay bert 
saw $2 thotedy teqaide to tempienes sd? tos at noowded ofnk benedee 
how puso xed a ti tolrawzot od 62 sew oathrodores ead dedd | a 
<iqd hosithan'ty oaks ol Son corde nee Recionhin eam VE tat Saleh 
tee tetoregitter to befor ttenos ylinisegy = nt ditgiov? sdowe * ih 
We peeictd se tbaiatiovos on med darts Seatietba ofIcem to | 
hE dolid GotsoW sud <thitecew NIGP Depaanb Sadiusaion waw #2 "eH bo 
“\ Momoghigen cst duld vo moLeguwanes ‘miawd «er 412A8 Kew bey [ od new 
gata mo DoD LAdesd ow weenie Unb cid aw mee wOteRtaeT oe 
| EERE Hgtoxt Dedqloces @ttnadaetsd dads “Reade GH seean edd TO et 
ansin ott tadd “frocor? cael s6 oton dnemgide” «Holiadton one wed 
 mbdont & Sethen abeseddenk > to betertioner setaxe af | 
. ptt genwedesew a Rhtnialg 8? bexevideb owew gods natiw 4? 
wi oxer anole exit dads aetexe edi ta aguinoge edt 

inspection found thet a1] the onione were frosenj that he sorted 
them in an endeavor to salvage ac many as poseidles; that plaintiff 
gold and delivered ten or fifteen erates of the onions that did 
net appear “too badly frosted,” but that they were all returned as 
unfit for use; that the shipment resulted in a totel loss toe plain- 
tiff; and that the fair and rensonable market value of the 3,000 
pounds of onions in good condition in Chiesge at the time of their 
delivery «as 20 cents a pound er $600. The bill ef lading wes not 
introduced in evidenee, and the witness failed to testify ae te any 
agreement to carry the merchandise in « specially constructed or 
refrigerator eats 

it ia urged thet in an action against a common carrier by 
railrosd fer lose or demage to freight in interstate commerce, where 
the statement of claim shows that a bill of lading was issued by the 
earrier, the plaintiff must prove the written contract. But plaintiff 
says that an obligetion is impesed by isw upon « common carricr of 
goods to safely curry merchandise delivered to and accepted by it by 
virtue of the carrier's relation to the shipper, irrespective of the 
ieauenece of a bill of Jaiing by the carrier, and that the implied con- 
traet arieing from such obligation may be enforeed without the intro-~ 
@uetion in evidenes of such b111 of lading. It has been held that in 
a tort action based upon the negligence of a common carrier it was 
unnecessary to either plead or prove a bill of lading, but plaintiff's 
action is, from the allegations eotained in his statement of claim, 
plainly besed upon the alleged promice or undertaking of the defendant 
te earry the goods in question from a point of shigment in one state 
te the point of destination in another state. The plaintiff having 
declared upon the slleged promise of defendant oc set forth in his 
statement of claim, and the defendant having pleaded in effeet in its 
affidavit of merits that it ¢id not promise as averred by plaintiff, 

Aedsoe et iodd presoxd oxew emoiag als Lin dads bawot aeksooqant 
Wtemiely dads joidiecog a0 yao oa oBevies of xpvoshne ne at word. 

bib sul? snoine et 20 usdwey mo0d222 vo Red doTeVELEd bas den, 

ee bommmtes Lin eumw youd todd sud *photoust ylbad ood*. tosgge toe 
~niaig 0? week iatod » mk dethueet dnommtde vd? dou’ gow vod de kan. 
 CO,8 etd Re eekov doduam skdaneaset bow tis? edd gadd tne 4 thhs 
| tiedd to omit ect Je. oyrolmd md netdionos boog at aneine te abun. 
| tots wor gatnnt Yo £420 oT +0004 x0 hawog © afn00 0S. naw KmmyhsoD, 
| “itis Ot Ge ERtdeed OF dettn® anoadio end dan yeombhve mt heaukowtal 

8G Dedowriameo Yintoes » nt onthaulotem edd rene of dnomaenga: 

aaa aire eee 
of Teles. xemucy 2 tumtaga nobtee ne mi Gadd bop ab 4h. f) 

atedly oorsem: efadoretat mt tdgtext of egemud we eel mp) hapubtas 
| etd Gd benwet wow gethel Yo Likd » Sats ewede mieko to smomedate ad, 
9 tote emo a ROG wel YS donegmt at Kp kianlido. mm, tact wyae, 
wd o4 UW fedqeves bane of betavitod oathaaionen visa Yietea Of sheoa | 
add to evdsveqee ttl yreq¢isia ond Of sottalet ataokeiap and. 3. OETA, 
ctoo bokignt eid fads ban quoting of? Ud pathat 9, Li2d a Yo, somguags 
wh tad died swod ond 2% .methal Yo ihe, dane ‘%o sopehdve sk maksos 
aw tt tTalewe some 2 Lo eonegiigen elt nog bened amok 
a'Yiteiely tud .gubhal to ALlé » evet to BAA OIA 08 x 

 intver Yetntslg ef? sodede <eddone nt soddankinnh Ye smhog 4 
“Whit at A976t foe Ge drntee ted to salmon bogniio est ‘soar 
ati at dootts nt bebaote gmivart sretested ond paw yuketo 
sbagpencsialeranng ui*eaniarte i ‘Saat ot irom Boe Deal 
ne Bete we | 


the plaintiff had the burden of proving by proper evidence that 
defendant did promise as alleged in ite atatement of claim. If 
there was a bill of lading, and plaintiff slieged that there was 
and it was in his possession, that necessarily constituted defamiant's 
promise, and proper proof as to whether the defendant did make the 
promise, as alleged, may only be properly made by intreducing the bill 
of lading or by accounting for ite ebsenee, ami in that erent oanke 
nscensery proof. (merieen Fruit Growers v. Sen Antonia and As Pe Re 
SOey 239 Ills Appe 151-) The rule is well established that there 
ean be no implied contract where there is an express contract governing 
the relations of the parties in reference to the same subject matter. 
The consignee is bound by the valid terme of the bill of 
lading tseued by the carrier te the shipper, amd, since the »111 of 
lading was an expreas written contract geverning the shipment, there 
is no reom nor ground for an implie¢ contract. “here the record 
shows that a bill of lading has been iscued no recovery may be hed 
ageinst the carrier if such bili of lading ia not intreduced in eri- 
dence or ite absence accounted for. (Kites v. Oregon Short Line 
£Ge» 169 Tlie Appe 609; Burtless v. Oregon Ghort Line Re Goss 180 lds 
(ppe 2495 Finkelstein v. Illinois Central 2. Cos, 198 111+ Apps 75+) 
it is fundamental that before recevery can be had aginst a 
common carrier of merchandise in interstate commerce for domage ree 
sulting to such merchendise it mist be shown that the goods were 
delivered to the earrier by the shipper at the point of origin in 
g00d condition. It ig undisputed in this cause that no evidenee 
was offered as to the condition of the onions when they were dolivered 
to the railroad company in New York city. ‘vithout such proof plaintiff 
failed to make out = prima focie case. Plaintiff says, however, that 
it was unnecessary to make such proof beeruse defendant failed te 
specifieslly deny the allegation of his statement of claim that the 
onions were delivered to it im goed conditions. There is no merit 

tut oersbive teqony YS ynévod te Hosta odd bed Yidsmbalg edd 
SD slede Do tebmodedu ad nt bogette na oatmong bib tandwotsd 
nae oeelt Suet boybLte Vebewthsy baw egmbaat 6 Lhe « aw exend 
= *tnasenhen: hetedliempo <Kisenasoen dectd yretesoebod aid nt caw 3k baw 
| eit etn bEb taateo ted ents pentuhstenlnsindeitelembemeess 
i Litd edd gnlowbortet yd chum Yfseqoty oF YLao yeu _deHetts be oalmerq 
i eden Geove t4dd at See ,ediipads ads ccuaaane 
| eS 5A tml atone dan 08 ov axewond stint Wehontoml ) ”. om 
| eat teal decleteates Liew ak ote oat (ster sega ney cs ey 
i stettem doo ldve emma od? of coroxe tet mi eeldiag oxi? to ewoltetor ont 
a et ee 
fe, kits oslo comer «haum seein edt 0 ton afd Duma sta 
ee ee ee es 
k bad od yam Yr v0Ce om Hewoat abet end gathal Ye Ltt 6 daitt owe 
| mbyo st Hoowboxdat fom ot patbak’ ko L£t0atows Bt kotexed ett Pambagal 
(gL omkst fredih nonex0, «¥ gadbi) «ot botanoven seibads wth x8 bbmbk” 
: i 08s Salih stsnmbh onde sina -¥ mnadenai 4008 .qqA 21002 quats 
mC eee ee es ne a ee 
4 Santans dail of nap Yrevovex osoted saild tndmemsbet ed oh 8) 0) 90 
9% agamch vet caveauos otadetsda! Ai exthmdwnom to teres neues 
oer abson od¢ duit? avorte od dumm #2 wathnatovem dows eco 
i migixe le dnieg ed? de vaggida edd yo wetises eld Of boxed : 
_sacebive om ded? samme etd? at bebuquthem ab aT <amatvnnaies wig 
- peaLtab ape, 1nd sncte emphne: et Yo mBtékbmee odd of on beee TO caw” 
q Visatalg, Yor owe dupe ks yteo sixeY wel a2 gmgeee haouthaw odd be 
— datt® pusvewed, aayse dented. seeee.ehsoh gubee « tue otem ed bata” 
(g% DeLisr dasheote& gesaned toory doxs oxem od Ysumecmmy Baw 22° 
sit. tudd tate Yo, Hiawniote att te sohiogetic add ymob yiheoltioog 
fixom on 22 oxatT -sanolstbaoy dooy at at 08 bacontoh onan eno. ti0 



in plaintiff's content fon 
Yhe defendant diceleimed knowledge of the condition of 
the onions at the time they were delivered to it by the shipper. 
it averred thet it gave a reecipt upon their delivery to it that 
they were “in apparent good order, contents and condition ef con- 
tents unknown" and demanded strict proof of their condition at that 
time. We are impelled to conclude that this averment required 
plaintiff to prove that the onions «ere in good condition when they 
were delivered to defendant by the shipper. 1% was not incumbent 
upon defendant to open the erates ond imapect theix condition. if 
euch a burden were placed upon « reilread it would make it practically 
impossible fer it to handle its business, ond harm and inconveniense 
te the shipper would likely result therefrem. (Harshaw, Fulier & 
Soodwin Company v. Lllinois Central Rs Coss, 252 Ille Appe 263.) 
| Plaintiff slleged that there wus a written contract of 
transportation and that he was in possseaion ef the bili of lading 
for the shipment. That was the contract ef earriage and it was in- 
cumbent upon him to prove it, a» well as that the onions were in good 
condition when delivered to defeniant. | 
, For the reasons indiented herein the judgment of the 
Municipal court is reversed and the cause remanded. 

Friend, Po Je, and Seanlan, J., concurs 

amok inetuen a ethdekate mt 
w neisihnes etd to eqhetvemt bemtaioats sanbaslot aff. oe 

saoquicn exit ye at of severity ie spice tii eiieadli 
fas? ¢2 9¢ YrevLinb chad? meqe dytscox » wang th Badd toxeeva ot 
mo We Neliidbers ine otnede@e «r9bte boog seeteggs a2" eter ryote 
ited ta aoktlones vieds Yo toom dobtts hohmameh daa imoninw anes 
detiupon dmourcyn abit tat? ohulems of teLfegel wre el sembé 
et pale eae idee boOy BL anew ueOteO eG? dard ovdUG Od Pitmbady 
davdmcont tom ane of stequide ed? Yd toakeimten of bexovitoh expr 
srteenoe’ saolsibaes lots Jorquat Por aster ale mege OF Umsbmeted woGU 
"Aabeleeens dh ote deter d0 peniten aieaptiesanele 

wore Lae uno gad ton mua ham suena ath ethead ob 2b 8 aihesegat 

te goondens metiluw 9 aw , xa dante report: Yenvate 
} cup heananeeiiamuammmmndemenmnanentiesies:? | : 
heen mi erty onckne ot Yale es Liow a QSt wvorg ‘oP whi sel ee 7 
hbE BBL ext (eta at treet este at ng 

a ee ee ee mamanasant wor! wis sail ; 

asians ah it SE AR oe 
a ee ae z mae i 

wiwonoe 6% peamannpitassis: we 

mm 4 wr 
a Bh lh “Ye 
Kw RE : 
hon ie 
. a t oe 
i ht é did 

37691 f 
ff 7 


Appellee, g i 


. " ' “ , ) Cook COUNTY. 

Appellant. 29 I.A. 636 


: This appeal seske te reverse a Judgment for $4,250 in 

faver of plaintiff, Gertrude Ficher, ome against defendant, 
Themes H. MeClure, entered Mareh 24, 1934, upon the verdict of a 
jury in an action for personal injuries reeetved by pleintiff aa 
the reeult of an accident whieh occurred January 26, 1933, at the 
intereection of Sheridan read and Glengyle place, Chieogo» 

Plaintiff's declaration consists of five counts. The 
firet charges general negligence, ami alleges that while plaintiff, 
im the exereise ef due care fer her own anfety, was walking west 
aeress Sheriden road »t Glengyle plece she was etruck by defendant's 
automobile, vhich was preeeeding north on Sheridan read and being 
operated in « careless and negligent manner. The second count 
charges negligenee in violetion of the statute in reference te specie 
The third count cherges negligence by reason of the feilure of the 
operator of the eutowobile to sound his horn or otherwise giva: 
adequate warning of its appreach. ‘he fourth count charges aegligenee 
in failing to kesp a proper leokout for plaintiff. ‘The fifth count, 
charging willful and wanton conduct on cefondant’s part, wae withdraw 
by plaintiff at the cleve ef all the evidence. 

Defendant filed a ples ef the general issue and « special 
Plea denying ownership, operation and control of the sutomebile in- 
volved in the saccident. 

The evidence is undisputed that pleintiff, returming heme 

oe \ ‘ wet inten «heigl 

\ y we chs came la 
fdas an 


yo bird 
‘980 0 8 Mae smog 3 

- OO SET WO PKeINTIC Sr amevnabs Mav EO woHUN 

é bet wks 4 seep 
ai } obta8 ok  dnsempbast, 2 ont ver oe adver Laon ater a woe 
ednabaoter fentons bes a esta tT sburdcot Tentadg te 4 

: i ae | 
bl te dotbzey add soqu seer +28 Beni bexoane oo mL00K as 

ef re Be ee 
as Tildntalg y¢ kevieoss ao butt Keno 18q 20% mabten wor eh 

peare THO, = 

edt 28 (Ober (BS crouna besuooe Aoldw savbtoos an Ye sh 

“" epeetit? peontg e£ynaoth hms heet ‘nab eseite Ye 1 itooa: 
eet =. edeweo evlt te adeteno mottexetosd erties mo i ie 
eiitihat okie Gadd apelin ‘tin -Poneg! fae Lavenog ve neg alt | 
teow ghidiaw aaw ytetaa awe teat 0k bx00 ow ards . 

q - aNinsdaetst XE dexte wow ade wbaty efyyne sd do soot 

auttd ARAN Ulla edleeghilgnas taguale Ghee baasls 
vevis ontwzedge <0 miad els baie od oLidouedus odd to sods 
puephigen negralo taveo Meawey wilt sdesdtaqa wah YO Quietad © 
tawes Moth? os? tidiakalg «02 tweloet ueqorg a qoedt ot ube 
1 | mambetede vow gitag etinehmtes mo Sovhsoo nodmaw beta tutktiw y te 
habe seemobive ef? Lhe to eaoko emt de thidmbas 
 Entvogs o ten suond Lovenom edt 10 sofg « Dottt ‘stbaete 
“ak eLidoum asa odd 26 Loutnoe bin motterege 


from her place of employment at the Fair Store, alighted from a 
northbound moter bus om Sheridan read at the northeast corner of 

that street and Glengyle plece at 6130 pemej that Slengyle place 

dees not run through Sheridan road te the west; that plaintiff lived 
at 5050 Sheridan rond, which was on the west side of the street and a 
short distance north of Glencyle places that there were no stop and 

ge lights at Glengyle place, but there were at «argyle street, a block 
‘te the south, and at Foster avenue, « bleck to the norths that, before 
proceeding across theridan road on the north cresewalk of Tlengyle 
place, plaintiff looked to the north and south and saw no automobile 
traffie except a car sbout « block south at <rayle street coming northy 
that, after she had taken two or three steps from the east curb of 
Sheridan read, she leoked south again and saw the car “about a half 
bleck * * * closer te Argyle than it was to Glengyles” that she then 
walked weet seress Sheriden read and wes struck by the automobiles 
Plaintiff testified thet ehe did not remember being atruek, and that 
she regained consciousness the next day in the hospital. 

Howard B. Gwenk testified in plaintiff's behalf thet he was 
standing on the porch of his home st 5042 Sheridan read, which is on 
the west side of the street about 100 feet north of Glengyle places 
that he saw plaintiff walking west across Sheriden road on the north 
erovawalk of Glengyle place, and that she had almost reached the 
conter of the drive when she was struck by an automobile which was 
going about 35 miles an hour; that “from where 1 was standiag it 
looked te mec like the center of the machine, front center” struck 
her; that she was dragged or pushed along 50, 75 or 100 feet on the 
left front part of the ear end then the ear stopped; that he was 
prevented from croscing the street immedistely because of automobiles 
gGing south; that the car that struck plaintiff backed up, drove 
around plaintiff's bedy, drew up te the east curb and stopped; that 
when he turned around, after assisting plaintiff inte the ear of a 
passing motorist, the ear that struek her was gone; that it was a 

8 mort beddphin yomde «hel odd to duomynigne te conta nom moth 
to toner gencddrom edt se het nabs comig 0 aed “of0m humochaceym 
eoslg olyamot® galt teneq 08:9 ta ooalg alyuaslo Sos teoude dad’ 

“ bevhE Uiitatelg dats (doow ot of bso aobired? Aywoutd at dan Soeb 
® bne tegtda ef to oble daew afd no nin shahabe shank. abil O308 os 
kaa qota on oxgwewied? tatd youalg efygueLD to d2ton gonetekh toda 
i96Ld & ,teetse eLygti ¢m otew exes tad povsig efygaeto tn witigtt ep 
4 etetod. aiadd eld nee eid Of Apokd a youmove teteot ta bats. teen edt oF | 
efyanel 20 Slowenete dox08 ed3 no boot noabtiagl? anexes uhooreny 
| eiideweras of wae haw ives tne ditom ets of hedooL Tikintelg yooalg . 
| pltxen yaimwo foods eiest) #4 dévoe deeld « twode tad s dqedte SEERA 
to dee Faxe of? mort aqete som? to owe Aoaad bal oda tedte (faite . 
that » twode® us tumabendearchamalgnnndgsanneicaphissis itis 
wend ada tak? “yotygemlD of aaw $2 motld ofygtA OF toadLo * oe 
seitdomoius ed? yd towtea vow bow beet debixede euorse Yaow beattew 
dod bas qitvutia puted tedwewot tom 625 ace dont portiyasd Yedgatett 
sfadiqaed of? nt yab dixon silt anetinsodsason buitiget ld 
ue ll HiathSiiidiea’dtratbdhiite’ il etattied dail’. Prana? Os 
fe ot dotdw choot mobtcodte £08 34 ester ott 26 coved dud nw pabinddd 
“qooute elygneid 26 dixon sos OOF awods dowrds oily belied 
ddron off? no hact asbtxedit scores teow gaisttow Tthéntela wae ea dad 
“ond badonor geemte beet atte tadt bag voootd etegnerd te ate ah 
aaw doimdy oLtdemodua na Yt Youtie ear one podw ovich edd to coal 
th gntbnade wow I Geert meet” dadd gevad we wofie Be fied? Yn 
f wdwrse “ewinoo Jaox't estitdonm etd to Yedmes ext salft ome ‘te é 
| Spa? sto Yow OOL 26 GY (Oe gnats bedung xo bexgeth daw date’ hatred 
gay st add Pooqeota ¥AO Mt? aiidd bite ead raping Sersvadhipasl 
q aoLlidomerwn to vessoed yLedathoumt goods odd gatseoto mort b . 
ae ee Re en kk dives yt 3 
tads theaaete bun dxup daw od? of qu woxd ovhed oak nh tog ae 

hy — re 
3 new dt test * jenos ‘saw weal dome ‘badd x20 ‘eat ‘etabroden a 


Plymouth ear and the last three numbers of ite license plate were 
411; thet the street lights were on and the headlights of the car 
were burning, but ne horn was agundeds; that he went home and in 

avout twenty-five or thirty minutes an officer arrived with defendunt 
ami inquired if anybedy there had witnessed the accident, ani he told 
the officer that he hai; that he went with them owt to the curb in 
frent of bis home where a car wae standing, and the officer asked him 
if he gould identify it ae the ear that atruek plaintiff; that he did 
identify it by the last three saumbere of the license plate, 411, ite 
top and general appearances thet he inspected the front of the car 
and found the grill work or radiater guard in the front of the ear 
dented ins and thot he asked defendant if he knew he had hit anybedy 
and defendant said that be thought he hed hit a reck in the road or 
something «t+ that particular point. 

Gvane hs Plummer aleo testified in piaintiff's behalf that 
he ond one Powell pulled up to the east curb of Sheridan read, north 
of Glengyle place, opposite street number 5050, in the Plymouth ear 
of a friend, James Wilner, and that after he and Powell had alighted 
therefrom they stood on the east curb behind Zilner's ear ready te 
eroces to the west side of the street at that pointy that he looked 
south and 60 er 80 feet from where he stood he saw “what appeared te 
be something in front of the gar, and falling; that “we were both 
excited - we thought something hed heappeneds" that the ear dreve ong 
that both he and Powell wrote down the license number of the car that 
drove away and checked it with each other; that he and Sowell ran 
ever to find out what happened and saw an uneonscious woman in the 
atrect midway between the conter of Gheridan read and the east curbs 
that they commandeered an automobile and with the essistence of others 
Placed plaintiff in it and took her to the Kdgewater Hospital; that in 
the meantime some man jumped on the step of Milner's car, otill porked 
at the exat curb, and said “get that ears” and that sometime later his 

etow edaly semects otf fo axedum oordt dunt os baw cob BOvomEEY 

tne ead lo vddylibood weld bes Ke ovow Stetghl Fobwde ed Badd ques 

si tee sod Jew of Jefe Phetuwoc saw ered on dud \ peed exer 
dmbieleh détw bevivan teoltlo ce seduntm Yrlde wo ovdl-ytnows suede 
bied ed tes .deobives a? Seeuendin bat ovate yhodyna Tt Sextepak fe 
ai deo ald oo Suu wedd nidw dnow ed Jord pet of asks wesht teas 
mid bedde teottie edd tee yuethesds acw 289 0 otedw onion wide arent 
bth ed dads pUtL ental Mounts smte cee Ons a $2 ythemobe DhmowecoRt 
so! ,lfh .otelg oanootl odd 2 extdmaon ootd Seat ade db ogdhtmeht | 
too of? Yo duoxt oft Betonqent ae gade Yoonetecqas Loveney bragged 
gag eetd to dex? add oh Deny xodedhos te Muow Litcg edt bawe than 
ydodqan Jit bal ef wort ef 22 tnadroted hele od Geld bee tnd Doane 
26 fwot oct at toot = Shi Mot oct aetyuodd od dadd Show, hese? | 
-talog tefuoliteg feds éo satdtones 
tad these’ oMtiniatg &2 hotiiseed cals semmmll. Kh amevB poy bom 
‘item g heer mab ices wer ure tna ose hee ER Sa 
seo diwou£t odd mi —0008 redeem sounda etlooaqo .eoatq e » 
botdigtin het Liewol how od rota sasle hem can eno Anads J 
99 Yhoot uae otremLtN daived dave gene od? me hoota yest a "7 
“ hesloak oat ane tentog sald tm toonbe od 29 abe fae wht of amare 
eo hexmeagr Satie” wae eel neato 0 enact Sonh AR0  AED 
dvod exow ex" tad "Ypntsiel bus «seo wad eae MAI AGO ot i 
tadé aa oft to mdse: canbe indie’ atabn Aieats wea tisod dads 
Nad Liowet ane anf tastd qrotide. done Bade th betoety bas ae, & b 
edd ai seaew aseloanoony an wes fee bemegqul tedu jue. ; 
ydiw> dane eft tute Beer madbuad® Do tednes oe moowsed x 
( wtnuite Be onmtainas add Adiw hme oLtdomodue om bow 
mb dade tLettquell xedavegh eat wt sett aloo? Ae ok wh 
| Renter Lfkte yxap afrentsM te qote emt mo bequirh, nam emme om ; 
4 eid tedad cakdomos tady bas "4ua0 tadt tom? biag, tam vom gem a 7 

if. 9d La kveieen got toma 


friend “ilner, who chased the oar, the license number of which he 
and Powell had taken, arrived at the heespital, as did defendant 
and the police efficer who had stopped him at Devon avenue and 
Sheridan rerd and brought him backs; that defendant's Flymouth ear 
@arried license plates bearing the eame number that he and Sowell 
erete down at the seene of the accident. He aleo testified: "The 
front grill of the radiator wae smaghed im as if by some eoft and 
net a metallic object. The grill was mashed in between three or 
four inches of the eenter, and very badly mashed in on the right 
bumper. The car carried a license plate. The license plate had 
been swung back on its mounting, and one of the bolts holding the 
license plate to the bracket had serateched frevh paint off of the - 
there was e fresh seratch off of the right front fender." 

Plummer teotified further that defendant admitted that 
the car which the officer brought him back im ware his car and that 
he pasved Glengyle place traveling north on cheridan road about 
the time of the secident; that, when defendant wae asked if he did 
not know that he had struck « woman, he stated: "I felt a bump as 
if I bad hit a stone or something, but I did not realize that 1 had 
hit anyone;" and thet he and Powell made police reports of the 
accident, and thet Powell wae employed in Cincinnati and Milner in 
Wew York city at the time of the trial. 

Three police officers testified that the grill in frent 
of the radiator on defendent's Plymouth coach was dented, more or 
less, after the accident.» One of the officers also stated that 
defendant eid that he did not know that he had struck plaintiff 
"put he had felt a thud like he ran over a roek and hit his machine.° 

Defendant, Or. MeClure, in his testimony disclaimed all 
knowledge ef the aceldent. He stated that his 1935 automobile 
license plate number was 19-4115 thet he did not rum into a person 
at about the 5000 block on Sheridan road that might; and that he did 

nt me fata henadeits be boyolqme amy Ctewot satd baum snontsa ; 

ne moore Gurl mux gon bth oo dadd qLte.0e cow oem odaky 

wd divide Yo mediate oonmoGkE ant? suse ey doomte ot vrontienmetes 
duskoe%e bhb oa sLethqued emt to tovives “makes ‘bad Rewer iia 
‘We ouMOve Moved s mil boqqade sail ody toodite voltog ene Mee 
thes ATONE @ Spake toh tet? Pied mht idywond ta tet eb Peeme | 
Shower bre ot dole vodman omnd add gubteod astele aenedht boheme 

(tt? tektites t oske SH tnobtoow edd Yo enoon vas Fx tno WE 
Bie Pies enoa qd Uo en af bedecma naw “totorhar odd to Litey eee j 

te oot! nevwted mt herfeen sew Litre ef? .tootds ot tide aden 
“ Selghs osfd wo oh borinam YLbad Ytow haw \wedstee oMlf T6 asiteit tT 
hat 8#nfy cunvelt ou? .evaly eed a hetvtno end eit”! stbiglll 
oft Qmibfod etiod wit Yo eno bis ,gnbvewest o¢2 no toed galwe ee 
+ Bde XG Te Iutag adort beifosivee bad deeded hdd Ot Stent eMNONEE 
“scyhuict snort trfyity oatt "tO Ye dodaave udet WH dew oad 
fads boddimba tendered dadd vedi BeITEs ood dodaingt OPM 
‘fante Bee ceo ett wow wf Xoad afd trtyiow ‘cootrie oa/ Holme vee SMe 
gud box nad iced? wo Hrom oHtLovet ooety otysnitD Ceddlg ae 
BED ent RE boxes cow Yantnoted Hodw ,Yetd ysiebieed with to SMe kee 
‘ge qms a tite 1 Yhedese of ,xamew 8 Mowtde ant eit tail d wehet Yolk 
hat f fadtd oubfeor ton bib C aud ,gntidende do onode a Old Bad TU 
 gatt Yo eftoget sotfoq ebem LtowoX bes at tilde ‘il “bel i 

stole ttt sad owtt wht te ye 
gmoet mt Chety wtf? sedd ALTE ee! wdeer te wetted seed? ~ 9" 
“go brew phodasd exw Kondo Mévomytt “tins oan 
det? Badge owle axook tt) ots Ye en0 strobivea eddiomnning G 
‘Yetsntete dovzde bad od dads wont dom bth od Sets “baad Oe 
* sida g@uof Pid bee door» veve nox oot otht Butld o errs 
fie ‘botitatoats cmemtieed ale ak rr ‘yee tnt OO 
“ekiveme tan GORE alt sail Roaatd a” Hee btoda ety ‘se hin 

“phe st todd bao tédgte dont beox mabstont> adnate cn wi 


not remenber his ear etriking plaintiff sbout 6:30 peme that evening, 
He further gtated that he had ao recollection of telling the police 
officer or anybody else that he felt a thud as if he had struck a reck 
er some other object at about that point in the road, and that he 
eeuld mot say definitely if he felt a bump of any sort when passing 
Glengyle place on Sheridan read. He admitted that the Plymouth coach 
he wae driving when the officer stopped him was his, and thet he had 
ériven north on Sheridan road past Glengyle place a short time prior 
to being stepped. He stated further that the officer whe stepped 
him wae riding on the running board ef a Plymouth coach just like his 
ewn (Milmer's car), and that the point where he vas stopped was about 
a mile end a half from the scene of the accident. 

Chether plaintiff wee in the exercise of rensonable care 
for her own safety, whether defendant was guilty ef negligence as 
charged in the declaretion, and whether defendant owned end operated 
the automobile involved in the sccident were oll questions of fact 
properly submitted to the jury under the evidences shown by the revord 
in this case. There wos ample evidence to warrant the jury in fairly 
resolving all three questions in plaintiff's favor. 

It is contended that the court erred in allowing plaintiff's 
expert witness to testify, as it is claimed, to subjective syuptome, 
it is true it has repeatedly been held thet the testimony of « 
physician is incompetent which is given after exemination of «a patient 
selely for the purpose of testifying and is based wholly on the 
physicien's observation of outward manifestations within the control 
of the person examined. (Greinke ve Chicago Vity Rye Coes, 234 Ill. 
564.) Pleintiff's counsel do not question the rule, but contend 
thet the symptoms testified te by the physician were not subjective 
and that his knowledge of plaintiff's condition was net based on 
voluntary actions on her part. (Hathaway ve Shannon, 266 ille Appe 

epaiowve dari? emeg O829 duods Liecniale gatdiste veo vid cedeemes dom 
eobiog ev? yaliled to sesdvesioves on bast ant Jakevbetada catvet oH 
Hoos a teante bed. od. Rh a0: het @tednd tals onbe Chote Sy wattle 
el told bow qhoox esky mi datog sald tumde te toelde welde. omew we 
Baleany wodu drop gue le quvd s ¢igt od Th yLeainttob, yes fom tives 
Hosen Aévenytt odd salt hediiahe oh «bat mabdtuedé no opal oftgnele 
bad es todd hus .akd now she beqgode aeottio edd nuty anivich awe oo 
tolnq qui? éxede » sealq oiygnetD teaq beor mebivede no uliton novkeh 
(— oygets exw xoottto of) todd senda dotete ot, xboqgote atom ae 
aid extl gost, donoo divest s to need ynicnwt edt me gektts eawait 
duets, say, voqqete asx ed otody intog odd tats Smo «(ep attonten) aie 
‘ it Oe vtsobtoon ed 20 or00e ed sox? Mats bn often 
i  erse seamen te eeletexo sd? mt ssw. Tihkéntealq sedted? — . ea ’ 
‘on Gonegifnen te yilivg sew tnehpete® teddedw yysolan nwo eetentl 
| bedtetoge dna femme tarhaelod redsete dna ywoktaxelood aft mt hontai 
fogt Jo amoténeup ifs oxew deobtooe adt at boviovs eLtdomnsus oft 
Brower old YC mwoiia consbtve a? zobeu yuwh et .ed. sehietmlernipased | 
| ytiel at esul add dimoriaw of svnehive elgqua sow erat. soen0 4 ‘a 
; eo Se tOvRR oR akele wd emediawmp vet cosconsanenll | 
“ atritomtete auivotte 2 bowie drags ‘ade daild Seboatinen iat Finis “vie 
- samgcquye evideotdus of «bomkole af $f ae sYtttaed of aanntividuegae” 
a Yo Wrombsued oct) darts bkod need ysbesooges eat #44 Pa 
| tne tteg © Yo natinnisaxe wate coviy el dots gnutequovnt af o 
(hte hort hewnd ak ta eargtteeed Yo: exocuue eit t0 
| Hettmes se msdsiv sueléadasRinam buartwe Ye molierweds « es 
ALE BS goed eri wt tD onan ddD av atte) shan teen 

a a 
Mie MM eee Aik ae be a ye | | ii wii 


Dre Um. J. Swift testified that the conditions and symptoms 
that he found as a result of the teets he made were objective. He 
states that he rubbed his finger over plaintiff's eyeballe with her 
eyelids open and that there was “ne flickering or enything else * * * 
not a bit of compleint;" that he held her tongue with one tongue 
compressor while he wiggled another around her threat and feund her 
“sensation wes markedly reduced for an average individuals” that he 
used a reinforced Newberg test to examine her stability by having her, 
with her eyes open, bring up her fingortips and touch her nose, firat 
with ome hand and then the other, lowering them in turn: that he then 
eaid to her, without advising her an to the purpose of the test, "new 
eless your eyes and go through the come movements," and that os she 
did so she swayed; thet when he tested her patella reflexes by striking 
the ligameat on cach of her legs just below the knesenp, “her feet. 
flew up very actively, far beyond normal.” “o ctatewents or complaints 
ef plaintiff to Dre Gwift were allewed to be given in evidenee. 

We axve not prepared to say that the symptoms and conditions 
found and testified to by Ure Swift are not considered objective by 
the medical profession, ani there is ne refutation in the record of 
their being ouch, defendant's expert witness, Dr. Pease, not even 
being asked his opinion as to whether they were ar not. In Hathaway 
ve SRannon, supra, where plaintiff's expert witness in that ense 
tevtified that spinal rigidity and reatrietion of motion were objective, 
and it was objected that they wore subjeetives, the sourt eid: 

"So evidence was offered by the defendant to refute these 
statenents of the physician regarding the rising of the muscles, 

Under such & atate of facte, we are of the opinion the court did not 
err in overruling the motion to strike the evidence of this witness, 
‘(Setmict v. Chicago City Bye Cos, 239 Tlie 494.)" 

in Etskowski v. Aurora, Pigin and Chiengo Railroad, 167 lil. 
Apps 469, the court said at page 4731 
"It is the lew that subjective symptome or tests, obtained 

from @ plaintiff during an examination by a physician for the purpese 
of testifying upon the trial, are inadmissible. Sheughnesay ve Holt, 

| RRs 
ee bees amottivxon edd todd bolthdand shee «Lamhe, 

ok <.avifvert{do stow shat od etaee ot to Jiveet «on bosss0 964 id 
‘tod Mew aLiadoye atitintaly tov sepns® ots, doddut od. todd angase 
* * # gels gridiyns to gaknovetly on") maw eteds tadé bia ogo soniowe 
Sages ONO Aeiw sepned red bien ea gant “tiatelquac Le 426 dont 
“ated biwot bi Saotdd cork bastoxe, toddons beLamse on, oLtew: Teese1qmD 
oA todd “yLawhlvttet eyerevs nx tet beowbex ~Lbernem een mebiaanes” 
tee giived yd Ytifidet: cer omtmexe of dyed guadeel booxelnion « beaw 
dual? yenon ted dowee bee agqttxogntt wet qu aatud aneqe soye t0d dike 
wort «Sued ext to exoqtuy oxi Of mo teMt anintvbe duoditw «xed es dhap 
‘eile 00 fadt tos ",einemevom came ef? dywoult 92 dne neye Noy oaks 
patiitie wi woxeftor affLetaq cor tetaot ef modw fadt iheyave ests om tb 
feet coN" aqeocemt od? wood sunt opel tae Yo dose ne dnomenhieds 
atatatquos th otnemetate of *, Leweron heoyed tsk oeenteen que meld , 
C7 ponottve tf nevig ef of bowelle stew 2 hiwS «mt of Thbembadqyte 
‘eHeIitheon tne amosgeye eft ted? yor of Dersgerg som ete cho coey 
ed evttbetds herebtenos ton ote Sti etd Yt O¢ ded tteoed, bee bag? 
to broost od mk mobtevdtot om at oxedd tos amoteao tory tepther edt 
teste don a denet sel yawontio steqxe «tamheoted .dewe pated sheds 
eheaiiga NT stom co oxew Wald sosistody of.e2 notnige etd, being gated 
Sto Iadd mt auondtw siege 6 'IRiindadG, oxndy cose seanadla 9 
yevitoctdo oxow mutton Yo netveixtces tna Whbight Lomige durld, bakRianes 
oe ty cmomiomnadpamtianananceniniciyimtane 
geet Biter OF sedne teh odd Yd one 
;  emofoawm ode? to anteix sald peabiages natok (iad 

ho. ta om 
vegeniis ats xo sonebive aT eaisde ef oe gids Se 
*C de LEE tO ea) 

enoqZg, ry stn om a a eh nelianinane A Pict a boas i 

s8508 + 


236 lille 4B5 5 Greinke Ve siie * “ iW e GOeg 234 Llle B64- inasmuch, 

however, as one oF more of the physicians in thie case testified 

that the tremilousness of the handy and of the tongue and eyelida 

of tho appellee were involuntary and not within his control and 

gould mot be siswlated, the evidence thereof objeetedc te by appellant 
soln se ye Prior gat ar ; cuaey wanes N, _ gion és ua ’ 
4id wet render the evidence inadmissible for that reason; but ia such 
ease it was propexiy deft to the jury as a faet for them te determine 
whether or net such symptoms were involuntary or simmiated.“ 

A hypothetionl question, which assumed to contain a complete 
history of the case, was propounded to the doctor, and he wau aaked if 
he had an opinion based upon resconable medical and surgical certainty 
as te what the symptoms onumernted in the question indiceted. He 
anewered thet hie opginion was “this woman sustained a concussion of 
the brain * * * injury te the brain." Then followed another hypothet~ 
iea], \uestion out rather inaptly and in a fragmentary fashion, but 
ehich the dector finelly anewered by stating that it was his opinion, 
based upon renconable metiesl cortainty, that the conditions whieh he 
found woon hie exemination of plaintiff might or could have resulted 
from the concussion of the brain which he deduced from the symptoms 
enumerated in the previous hypethsties] .vestion. The decter stated 
his opinion to be thet the conditions which he found upon his 
exemination of plaintiff Decernber 26, 1933, "may last as lone ae the 
patient lives, and they mey clesr wp." Thereafter he said it wae hie 
opinion, “thet in view of the fact this woman woe injured in Jenuary 
and thease objective findings were present in December, and in view of 
the fact of the various complaints stated in the hypothetiesl question, 
 belisve the condition in permanent." 

it is claimed that the hypetheticsl questions propounded 
to the decter did not cever the complete history of the onse and 
that his anewers must, therefore, have been baged upen «a self serving 
history given to him by plaintiff on the ocearion of his examination 
of her, 4 careful inspection of a1) the evidence contained in the 

recerd convinees us that the hypothetiend questions were feirly 

pileuewany hoe .ILT bE Eat sd ‘28 +Et G68 
betticas? evoo atdé ni af ee ae te etOM .O eb, eh ytovOM 
“ebiteye Sua ovgnrot off io. heiw abied gtld Xo A yp ncip omy 4 
vi hos fovinmeo ald nistthe gom bina punta? 
SeaLisge2 woof setootdo Yworatd vonebl ye ad af Fy got a on 
O2 int tolticeod anmmiolawlg reside sacdd sont, oct, ade sakes 
steteloate od Biuwe bes ae fouuy Nendiacee od “to Loxsaoo als to ar 
Siewe nk jud isoeans duis at eldieninbant gonaksve pid } 
eninteedh of mode “rot do2t aw ee Ytul ede 02 tiel “eseceng asw #2 eeno 
| “,betelimke 10 Yratewlevnt exer seotquys doa son 2m wecttente 

‘tedgnes # mtasver 02 bemvons dole. 4Hobtaoup. Laobsedtoeds, 2). aap 
te beatae ase ont bas stotoo atld oF bebrwogorg gow youn oats, be wate 
Wutsexoo faoty tus fe Lepibem sitemasex nequ bead melatge nas ack gat 
(Sh shodssibal noleoup asd at bojatemune mmeqays odd tose od am 
; _2e solepvonoe 8 bentasaua name aids” wow sotetge eld sald beter 
~suidouys tations bewrollel ned’ “satard om¢ od warhead * mand 9a 

oa a8 yap tya? ore teremee® 2:08am. AnE ORR 

heer Rage oe 

emetunge ald qaw $4 dod? aetdade YC beteweme tieukt sodeeb até wodete 
_o8 delde ameiitomes odd sects Womesdree Laothan efdasaset mga om 

RS a wat ee 

betivwet ewal bivoo co tdgta Tiidmtale Yo mttnniaaxs aft nog ewe 

 amergays oS w02t bowed sf Moldy mtwrd off Xo notawenes 92 mow) 

“botedy Reseed af .nekénew, Loottesttogyt omptews cety ack feeitasenintte 
edt spqu baue? sat dott omer? keene ond dato wd of sounitge ait 

o¢ a ged ae dant Yam" 2280L 9A redmoetl Ykidnialg te mbes 
tt aay 22 bhoe, oct redone nts eat bt a a 
Urewnal ot treekat sew poe wbshd font emt to wakv mt taster 

_ 30 WOEY M2 kee a tedmoneG ne Anonemy omer mmMhbe®. rttootde weet bee | 

‘ane tt w0up favisedsioryl off m2 betate admkalqude oar bum ond @ te 

hahah Stew asad site baleen als tals! 1 ae 


comprehensive of the facta. At any rate defendant cannot now be 
heard to complain that all the facts in evidenee were not included 
in the hypethetieal questions when no specific objection wae made 
te the questions when they were asked, amd it was not pointed out 
to the trial court what portions of the questions were deomed 
improper or what facts comprising the history of ‘the case were 
omitted.  “« think this to be the established rule and it is 
Obviously ite purpese te permit such questions te be reframed if 
objections mais to them are sound. Moreover, on crese-oxemination, 
defendant's counsel had the privilege, “hich they did not exercise, 
of ineorporeting in any euch .vestions any facts in evidenes which 
they felt were omitted or of omitting such portions of them as they 
deemed showld not have been included. ((ity of Aledo v. Noaeymany, 
208 Tle 4153 Chieego City Aye Coe ve Bundy, 210 id. 59; “iverton 
Goal Cos ve Shepherd, 207 id. 305) 

‘Im any event no point is made in defendant's brief and 
argument that the amount ef the werdiet io excessive. It is not 
denied that plaintiff received considerable injury, and even if the 
physician whe exemine? her for the purpose of testifying did base 
his opinion partly upon subjective symptoms we de not wae that 
defendent wae harmed thereby. (Browder v. Northwestern Gas lo & Go 
Soo» 182 Ill. Appe 260) 

instruction Woe 3 given on the court's own motion is 
complained of chiefly beenuse in enumerating elements to be considered 
in determining upon which side is the preponderanes of the evidence, 
the instruction told the jury what elements it “will" take into cone 
sideration instead of what elements it “msy“ or “might* take into 
consideration. There is ne merit in this contention. There are 
s0m@ eoses where languege is used which would suggest thet on 
instruction which tolls the jury what evidenee it “will* or "“sheuld” 

take inte consideration is erronecus, The jury dees not have any 

o6 wen tonne Inalnsteb odes Ye #4 atest sid te oyhamodenyage | 
Pebelowt ton caw wonehtve th wsowk eld Sle dadd aheignos et based 

| whe sow metieelde ktioegn on nade guolsesup Looisoddogyl alt mt 
ixe bogmiog cox new $f daa yhowne oon yaad netw anolsgonp hdd 09 
damooh etew emotiasup eld to aneléxeg dade oxwos Lalsd gtd_et 

exer onae orld 2o Yrovals exit gutataquee avon’ daly 10 tequugtt 

ak a bea eles bhestehisadee orld ed 03 nina Mocks ew «heda tae 
QE hemoxten ed oF anotiesup som siwrey oF sebqumg abt eLembbvde 
 quebeanime-eeres me ,TevOOTEN bias OxXe wade of ohne | 
vou forex tom bkb yotd dokdy sogekivive odd bust isonseo wtinnbasteh 
Acitw eonebive at etoet we smeltvou. dowe yam mi putéstoqzevnl Yo 
decid as meds Yo omedixeg dave gals? ime to vo bbdatno ovww died yolks 
 qnmeysnol! wv obet\ 26 Yio) .bebictund Wedd owed don Kiivena bemeol 
cebteendis 18 OF Ont avtiadt Ve St VERS nab AD “yer Set abe 

(e8¥E .aF TOR stosriuonte, + ga diet 
baa twivd s*énabasteb at wba bk gatoe 6x dndve Yas At” rian 

gen at 8 .eviessoxe af @erbuev acto to fnusemes off dad sreeaigte 
 guad BES pelytitwe? te seequwy suit tot tem dordmand ow pebohogig — 
tat? ven a ee : 

' am se a gt 

ai mottos avo uttume odd me cevhg 6 +e mokéounsanE © 8 

pore dienes of oF edmnwele yrtsonsmne at eewnsed ~tetsio te hentadgany 
seensdive wis Yo sone tobmeqe tg eft af obla Motte avgy gainimwmieb Be 
etnt eet “tigim® vo “yam” 92 efwemede fatw Yo heodamd sok 
oie ered? sneléeesmoo aldé mt throm om wt weet ” smetdadeh 
ae beat Seeegure Stuer dotity Soe ut vpeurmsint oad nooo en 
opiuoda” ve “fhe” $2 ovmmhtve dase yxwt add off? Motdw moktowirte dat 
‘gun avait son eoob Yust, ed? suponoree st metiaxsisues eont Sind 

oad aad 

option to consider any evidence 1+ may think proper. It is its 

duty te consider the evidence admitted by the court. (Zosch v: 
Ghieage Bye, Coss 221 lle Appe 2415 ‘alters ¥. Cheeker Taxi Cov, 
265 lle Appe 329; Heyer ve Mond, 83 Ille 19.) in the latter 

gasée an instruetion told the jury what it “mist” take inte consid- 
eration, and «¢ think it is a better ani more correct word than 

that it "may" or “wight” teke such evidence inte considerations 

We are umable te ses hew a jury could have been misled by the use 

of the word “will” instead of the word “may” or “might” in the 
inetruetion. Wo proper elements were omitted and the jury was left 
free to consider sli the evidence in the case. The weight to be 
given to the elements enumerate? and all the evidence wis left solely 
to the jury. We think defendant was not prejudiced by the uee of the 
word "will."  (Loseh ve Chigogg Rype Co+§ Fabters v. Checker Taxi 
Se.) (Supra. ) 

‘Defendant complains also of instruction No. 1 given at 
Piaintiff’s instance, which states, "the jury have a right to and 
they should teke inte consideration all of the evidence pertaining 
to plaintiff's physical injuries ***," and then goes on to enumerate 
proper elements of damage toe be connidered by it. Objection is made 
(1) te the use of the word "should," (2) that the instruction refers 
te the declaration, and (3) that the jury might be misled inte allow- 
ing damages net properly reeoverable. it is sufficient to state 
that as to the use of the word “should” in this instruction we think 
its use fitting and expressive of the meaning the court sought to 
convey to the jury. As te the reference in the instruction te the 
@oelaration, it is only meceseary to say that defendant also referred 
te the declaration in ieptrestion Moe & given at his request, and, 
under such circumstances, he cannot be heard to complain. (Lerrette 

Ve Davia, 225 Ill. Appe 955 ‘ennemacher vy. Choate, 224 id. 42.) 

We fail to see how the jury in this case could possibly have been 

ate” Li Si 
Lay RY aR 


: wai at 4. .xegosy Matas yam #2 ookehive ne sebtaans ob mokige 
o¥ dees.) .2xsoe edt EC beddions eonsdive ast «ebhlemen ot wn 

meting ed mi 4e@i SLE EO aback ov way Tene aqgqu: +L dae 
whienny eget olat “daun" £4 sedw quash std blot mol townsend an 0600 
ads brew soet2oo eTem ban tatsed a ab ds wnkst ow ton bbe wre 
smoigeughlence etek gonebive dows eded “deigtaY ce "you" ob tea 
ous ond yd belnim need ovat blvoo yuh » wed vee of eftasw eae 8% 

. ed ah "igi xy "yaa" btow oft Lo beodant "ELiw" Grow ade to 
Pel wow Wut add dan bogsime exew adnemeds xeqge7q ot snotiootoont 

‘od 2 Atghow of? .oneo old mt oomedive ens Lin cobiened 08 om! a | 
(Unies Mok aaw oonebire oss Lie hmm Sedacemued odadmete oat oP novia 
eié te eau oil! WW heotbulety fon ane tnabmoteb antdd oW vent ssid oa” a 

Aes aedned® «v eusdket toad cv mates se Meat) Ochtke® bed 

praia etvaateretent te oats entacgnes teapmeted 

dow eo dtigin » overt yawl witt* yeodete ddtdw vensstheponaeanel } 

gitniadvey eoaetive emg Yo Lis motdersbivaes eink stay vee ee 

stare of ao vooy meds tas ".*** gelastnt Lookeyiy @ePer eal f 

oham at mebiceid> 42 YS heretteneé ed ed ognaid xo anne wore i; 

 eEwRor mptsouxdued edd fads (8) "a bidede” xr of? WW Cow ent OTE 
wwella ont befeln od txgia yur elt dads dejede one ioe: ataloeb + 

date os mitra a stmt" toe at 26 9 a 
hourster ody temiteteh dll? yon oo ‘ptawerson pails nw 
thn qSaswyes ale ta ives 2 08 pottuetians mf notterstveb wat 
agterrs) sminiquos of tnul o€ dens of .unpnndumborta’ ; 
ApS be 28S, epdnns «7 xuseammeme’ 180 woh LEE BSS, 

goed over \idieaog Biyoo seso aid? mi yrst od wodl eee ot 


misled by Doing told that 41% should consider "all the evidence 
pertaimine to plaintiff's physical injuries." Thereafter, in the 
game instructions, the physical injuries for whieh plaintiff? mighs 
recover were limited to those shown by the evidence te have been 
“the proximate result of the cecident.* Defendant asserts that the 
jury, under this instruction, may have allowed damages, particularly 
for the curvatures of pleintiff's spine and her disexsed ear, The 
firet mist be excluded, inaamich as the reeerd éineteses that plaine 
tiff's counsel told the jury in Ris. clesing argument that “we are 
mot mekinc ony claim for back injurieo,” and the second becauce 
plaintiff testified that ehe suffered from o digcharge ef her ear 
before the sccident. Ye think defendenmt was not prejudiced by the 
giving of this instruction. 

Defendant objects to the refusal by the court te give 
inetruetions Wes. 1, 5 6 and 7 requested by hime Counsel cite cases 
whieh held that it was erroneous to refuse similar inatruetions. 

We have carefully examined every case cited ami find meme that is 
appliceble t@ the situstion presented here where the rules of law 
set forth in the refused instructions are fully covered by the 
instructions given. Our examination and consideration ef all the 
instructione lead to the conclusion that the jury was fully and fairly 
instrueted and thet there was ne substantial errer in the refusal of 
those rejected. (Chicsgo City Kye Cos ve Bundy, supra.) Taking 
the instructions es a whole and aos constituting a single charge, 
which must be done, they state the rules of law applicable to the 
facts of the case with substantial accuracy and are sufficient to 
fully inform the jury as to the rights of the respective parties. 

(West Chicago City Bs Re Cos vs Lieserowitz, 197 111. 607% vembzal 

«Bye Sos ve Bunmister, 195 Tll- 48.) 
| Finding no reversible error the ju¢gment of the Cireuit 
eourt is off irmed. SPP IRMED. 

 *‘Priend, ?. Jes ond Seanlan, J.»_ concurs 

ouddive on? La" xehtenoe dfuode st dod bod pntod yt betatm 
om? Bh ,tosterurdd "“seetiwwiat Lnployly ei Minisly af pnintetreq 
Wis Siivetaty dale re) sehumbal Leolawig edly senotiemeent ease 
Heed evad oF Soawhiys ext YW pwede seods of basinal otow toveest 
on? tadt vdcomnn Imebme te "“,dnebioos odd to tLonet osamixe Ty pas" 
Vsaionitueg yuogemed dewolia svad you anoltorttont abit tohmy «out 
ode hae deanenth, ted bas mye, a tittabalg %& wotusereas ada zor 
opiaig dant anuoton dd. bugoex aha Be Aourtscml « debutoxe od tune fast 
one-one" takt tunmwgne gatacto ahd at yrai, edd bho? Loanuee Aft 
satnved heeoes od fam “gentzuinl dead 20% abeLs Wie onbion 20m 
tne ted ig epresiogds « mori, bore tive, atte sods bebitiend rrhdatede 
etd heatbugerg Jon say seabneteh Ankd? oF .snobtoon wd? orot0d 
| | _stottourcent std? te iad 

erin et #xuoo ed? YE Lomvtex od? of atpokdo tmabartod 
wens otte eunod std YS bodesupos T hes o 8 4X .a0F amos 

eemohiouwens weLintn geste of asiounarte. aan. ah. dogs hed debe 

wi Souls Omen belt tna hebto exne Yrore demtmaxe ULutore oma oF | 

‘wat Sy eckwr onto ovede stent bodreeexy notdeia odd ed aldaatiqas 
en? Yd heteveD YLiv't vw vnokénedend boawtox oft nh ddxo% don 

wht Lie to neisaxblenes tie moltenteioxe #0 .mevly aaehtowntand 
hovmaiiemdanata sie Yset of) gould notenteme eat of feet enohtorstant 
‘6 Rianne ‘ede at wrete Lattantedteen'ner mde stent ee 
wands Ga cit ov : 

rp iy on 

37748 f 
. Appelled, 



269 1.A.637 

Appeal of Ae Ge DICUS, 



Movember 6, 1933, appellant ss solicitor fer Anna 
MacPonald filed a bill. for divoree in her behalf agsinet her 
husband, Roy H. Maclonald, which contained an allegation that 
certain income-producing real estate belonged to the parties in 
joint tenancy. 

January 155 1934, it wae ordered by the court that 
Amma MacDonald collect all rente from the property and turn them 
over to the mortgage holder to be applied on account of principal, 
interest end taxes. 

It wes ordered February 5, 1934, that Auna MacDonald, 
the wife, receive out of the rents $7 a week and that she or “her 
sOlicitor receive the rents and the balance be deposited in a bank 
subject to the further order of the court." 

Thereafter, June $, 1934, upon the sugcestion of the death 
of defendent, Roy H. MacDonald, on motion of defendant's solicitor, 
it was ordered that Ae G. Dicus, attorney for complainant, turn 
over within five days to the clerk of the Superior court, until 
judicial disposition thereof, “all funds and sums of money now in 


| A, ee eae 


| x 

| : { kts 

oe ei i ; a yo t 
i Hie’ \ ‘ 
= “tne 

: te ; rss ie! as “< * 

a¥tZU00 BLES , TAVOD Be sitar 

owe igs AY 

; 4 . a THR Oe 
Leases, a *eees 
CPi: ee 


‘Yeo ATeyS 4 

i sl 

| | g 200% 1D vA te r 

‘team ke | 
CaS . 4 

oe et? agin’ 
“Vises aer 20 BOINTGO eH canvas wAvELIve sOrreut a 

‘ en. aba te og? ie iq 

| anmA 10% xottohion ox tttsliegge g868L (8 sedmevom oe 

).. Mott temtope Yasied sedi eotovhh 02 LLkd.s boleh | 

dant noliogetic na beaiaison HOLE 2 Maneinem, oS wr a - r | ) 

“qrettodsos a '2asbae2eb 0 soiéon a0 2 «Diane en ate broke k 
FR I, Palle, OS MS i 
“esd stnanbeLenes 10% emiette gauoie ” oh Soh Asiaett 
{ktm gomsen vobroque alt 20 seeo ad oF asd welt eet 

hae oat Se wm, Ane. otha 


his eustedy and possession by reason of o certain order heretofore 
entered in said couse ond that this cause be dismissed by reason of 
defendant's decease.” The appellant seeks to reverse this last ordere 

Appellant contends that the court erred in entering the 
order beesuse no allegations had been made in any petition or otherwise 
that he had any such funds, becouse no proof was made that he had or 
has auy euch funds, because mo finding was made that he had amy such 
funds, because he way not exlled upon to mect any allegations by 
answer or proof, because the order is net definite as to tha amount 
that he should turn over, and, is, therefore, incapable of being 
complied withe 

A prior order suthorized appellant or hie client to receive 
certain rents and deposit them in a bank subject to the further erder 
of the court. It dees not sppear from the record whether appellant 
ever received such rents, but if he did no accounting was ever made 
of them to the court. ‘The court does net find in tise order that 
appellant has in his custedy and possession any money received as 
rent, but its purport is that if he has he should turn it over to the 
clerk for disposition by the courte If he has or had any of such rent 
money in his oustedy or possession when the order was entored it was 
not his in so far as the record discloses, and we can perceive no 
reason for any complaint on his part because of the entry of the 
order, mor are we able to perceive any excuse or justifiestion fer 
his refusal or reluetance to comply with it. If he did not have 
custody or possession of rent money theretofere received by him under 
the prior order of the court, it would have been a very simple matter 
for him to so advise the court of which he was an officers 

We are unable te understand how appellant could have been 
harmed in onywise by the entry of the order even though it may have 

been imprevidently entered, and we are not holding that it was. In 

eur opinion it is net an appealable order. 

a This appeal should be and it is dismissed, 
oon me Jeo and Seanlan, Jes concur. APPEAL DISMISSED, 

Oto tosoted 1Hb1o miadweo 4 ke Aoaaex ‘“d welusenenq bee Ybotewe ated 
‘Re noenox WW hovatmeih ed sawao wkd tedd baw oawen biow wk bewedes 

_ stebso taal ai8@ sexevet oF mivee énekieqga edt “,sasooeb & "Sasbnw tob 

wy gatieise wt bexre davon od geeld abasdnoo tas llogqs. RINT 

palwiestte to melitveg yan af ebam ased bad enotdapolin on btopeanns wee 

te Sad ent dad eham asw teorg om oasened <adowte rennin bad od saat 

dovo wis Ged of ted? ohom now petthalt on essmoed about sods Wie aad 

UC andivsgelia Yue Sebm o2 moqy delLes son aew ‘orf sanaved “qe bist 

a ai? of we efiniieh gon at cebro ecld proving e teeny te tewans 

 gitted Ye ofdaqenn? yoroteved? sat yhne ih: erred oe oat saad 

‘ ‘shdtw bekLqmos 

| Wheoet 99 Mmolio uid 19 smalingge bestzonium tobse tolmq An 

 Rehee tecidurt ould 0% Pootdve ned 2 at amd? sooysd hae staot meatal” 

éraliogas seddedw bxeoot add mest navaqa bea 200% at" leeues eis to 

wham tov sox gmhtewoven ox Sth aif Lf sud gadnox deus bevtoron a ae 

dastd ‘webre oat at test don aeob oxwoo adit »dxw08 ‘ont of oat 

a2 beviooet Ypsromt ws nalaseeneq huta ebotsue “aid nt “watt ‘sduitisieds 

| ed of cove 2 must biwodte oot wast ox 2h feds ob droge ‘odE Yue Canoe 

tne toue te ts hath cnet ol SE oubue ‘Gad WnoLd tnogads so? stzodo 

aoe tt hoxed ne aaw rbt0 ot meatw natasousog x0 yoraue “ala ‘sd Qe 

on ‘eviveteg neo ow bes ,aenefesth beovet add BA xa on at ‘utd don 

edi te Yatee od % ousaned ot sid xe tnbatgnoe was men mcinsid 

TOL melt ogitizext “ saws vr ertoozeq “4 eita had wie beter: ay 
eval fon bib wat u oft aétw euaoe of sonsgoutes 20 

OTLs be ok rot atioe 
tebe mid yd hevieset exeter wait Yones ino ad noteaessed 70 

tei ao Oe ky 

| $ottem olumts yrey a mood ovad biwoy #4 «2tuQ9 ed to sobto rottg odd 

mot eyed Divoo énalleqga word bandas baw os esdanw 90 oF 19 ust) 
ovad You ot Mpsosds nove tobto od? 0 ‘yet ont ad pera os Fy dig * 
LL lal het Aaske pnd bLou ton oe ow bms sbosetas. a ey i 
x sbouatont wk of od hivede ieeqgs ald? pt 
were Tame Te oT. ReTA le etna bet oe % a ‘ 

ripp2tte na aoe oof dol Yo ¢uoo oxtt salvos os st of le 1 

; y 

THR PRCPLE OF nes rare ov rfyhvors, 

PlAintiff in Error, 


Defendant in Error. 



279 I.A.63'77 



On December 19, 1933, an information was filed in the Muni-e 
¢ipal court of Chicago charging defentant with driving away his 
automobile after a person had been injured by being struck by the 
automobile, contrary to the statute. Afterward defendant enatered a 
plea ef not guilty, waived a jury; the court heard the evidence, 
found defendant guilty and sentenced him to elaty daye in the Neuse 
of Correotion and a fine of $200 was imposed, Defendant was taken 
to the House of Correction snd afterward a notice was served on the 
State's Attorney and a petition filed, ‘The petition prayed that the 
judgment ba set aside and vacated in accordance with the provisions 
ef section 89 of the o14 Practice act, and considerable faets are 
stated tending to bring defendant within the provisions ef that see- 
tion, Aftervard defendant was broucht before the Municipal court 
and an order entered sustaining hie wetion for a new trial. He then 
entered a ples of not guilty, waived « jury, and there was a hearing, 
The court found defendant not guilty, and he was disebarged. 

The sulfieiency of the petition waz net raised in the matter 
peinted out in People vy. Green, 355 111, 468, and Peovle v. Parcora, 
356 111. 448, The evidence taken on the hearing is not in the reecerd 

before us, 

Yor the reasons stated “ an J pny filed this day in the 
Peo t + noise v mry Gardner, ke. 37781, 
sage is affirmed. 

ease of ond pA 
the judguent of the 

MeSurely and Matchett, JJ., concur. 

‘mG * Naa a ¥ a 
Bin se 
# Co % 4 
i me Ny Teer Cs yee pis oe AS | a 
if, bs oo aa , Daa ae a ba aan gen 
' { ,2lo“ GO dat vo adiout apr 
é ae iF fee mz’ ohh wo Cae eee 
a so ta an or #0 at } 

0K9EH9 wo TaUdO 

“rors “a trohee'tet 

my: os : ies 4 Fe) 
> 188. Las ] e. ) Qu wead » hin, does Ma Del Ot Sate 

= F wivt SRR ‘Re ah 
Fisiicasiiis Sats 9 "wb tre un ‘dutdzeme "au ear 


: : stows 04 ont? ak bo Lh) paw Holfiguetetal om COL Of tedmeget, MB. coe sme 
: ats wre pabvich ftw ‘Toabagteb anigzedo egapigo oe sue, Leathe ) 
ond ee aaivete gated xe hatuhai seed bad somteq a toda aiidowotnn Val 
beretas Ly ag gsawsefta seine dd oF yRantage etidowotwa 
© each es ons brwed Sxwoo wuld rexat ® heviaw Wi ituy som on 39 .enfg i 
i a add ad eyed bate ad mas neous tee bas etLtug tnahen Yo a 
| “\beseqnl sew O08 to “oan? « bas Pte 
oop ‘ne Bivise war eotion « ‘wants bar ‘ndldooexes Ry thane ‘i 



“amon ive ett aighw ovansyevor af ts teary v ehten fe, ad | an .t 
po: Sito? pitnresiensd San toe a sto hosel w @n si ; 

" bee * oe ames, oe, cil # beview: siethetetetter abte eh 
| ; sboguadgath ane y at. bas ,qoling fon teehasted ‘wawey ti 

iW gerbe we Panes wht allied am 
ev “ batate anese 
OB yrrsrare™ y ? i 

wee Oe stave ‘onl ‘gd doa 

Re ae ak ob ene besie ‘sole 



- Appellee, 

A. G DICUS and Ff, W, FRASER, 

op 7 © 
y & of 

a Name” ce” ee teenie cea ee 


The record discloses that a bill was filed to lroreclose 
a first mortgage on real estate in which the owner of a second 
mortgage, and others, were made parties defendant, Ube owner of 
the second mortgage filed no pleading and was defaulted, and a 
decree of foreclosure entered, The property was sold as previded 
for in the decree. There was a deficiency decree and a receiver 
appointed who collected rents with which he paid the deficieney 
and had $656.62 remaining in his hands, After the period of re- 
demption had expired F. WW. Fraser obtained a quiteelaim deed from 
the moftgagor, William B. Rebinson, Jr., was the owner of the 
premises at the time the foreclosure suit was brought, but he was 
not the maker of the mortage which was being foreclosed, Fraser, 
Robinson and A. J, Dicus (the owner of the second mortgage) each 
Glaimed the 5656.62 in the hands ef the receiver, There was a hear- 
ing and the money was awarded to Robinson, wno was the owner of the 
equity of redemption, and Dicus and Fraser appeal, | 

Seth joined in filing one brief in this court and say: *The 
Court erred in not deereeing the fund to Fraser who was the ower of 
the equity of redemption by a genuine conveyange of the fee and not 
as a wortgage, Rebinson'’s conveyance was only given as a mortgage. *** 

"The fund rightfully belongs to A. G. Dieus appellant because 

| “bebiverg as boo ast viteqora ont borsday eiilerovcdy ty bal 


BW Aon 958 AW osm umeoNT oo hav nub gutoezeod Jou “4 

” (reaatt .bosoleare? gated Baw dotilw ogoytiom éit Yo “geden on Va 

| os a bee, gxuoo ek at Yottd ono gut ttt at boxtot ee 

\ ay Tasre. 
Pees | ow Lbeets \inatigre 
ines ervpato MONT JAMIA te te ammdonx .v Taakon 
.¥Tauoo X00D YO | siciieieiaeiia ital 
" -, ‘ gett , MO2Uu1AOA a MALLILW | 
3 ey oolleqaa - 7 
ns nh A ae, | Ic 7 
YEO ALeYVS SMR bess, RUOIE dhe | 
* gouuoo'0 morreus dutcremce au” °° furs feet 



; sealeenot of hoi’ aaw {Lid « ted) apaotoals bioeer" ont?” ie 
| “baoo9e & to seme oid sto kaw ak otatee fa9% no syegtton see 
| a: to xaa70 od .daabao teh soliteq shui otdw jaresito bina”, by F . f 
“he s bee :bod ius tob sow pa satdoola om befl’t syeyitott baovee st . 

“toviove & baw onaueh yous foltob & aew oredT sorts (edt PHOT 
ks “youstonien outt blag od slo tetw aéiw ataez bodoolfoo ‘eae st if ame 
“9% ‘te boltog ‘odd “gosta “abet eid at antataner ee az0t a) | 
as ‘mor! | beob ata le-81up a bealadde dea’ we beaks é | 
, Do to x9no eid caw ,.tt ,hosatded .@ meltiew’*¢2 

paw est ‘tad sthgwotd saw dhue etwsoloete? bat said ont Fe wel = 


sleae (eyeuttom buses oat ‘to ‘reawe eid) duodd 2% Lx ‘ YY ayy It { 
wta0d Pa as oxen? “tovisoos oils ‘to abuan odd at 88. _ ‘ei bonis 
ant to ‘emo ons Raw onw ison aktot oF Preys and aaw yertom si sal” 
eftecuge ‘rowest bas avert bas , 10} Fano be 2 


BQ apes Rae: Sait Ak tee 4: wok - 
ies ta bead out te ean yevaan mahwteny ‘ xd Sn had ™” pe att 

he held a second mortgage on which there was still due $1500, 
Dicus claims that the mere fact that he did not file an answer 
does not bar him from claiming after the first lien was paid in 
full, the balance or excess to apply upon and reduce his Lien, 
Appellants however are agreed that the fund may be decreed to 
either or both appellants." 

It ig a general rule of law that after the sale of premises 
en foreclosure where there is no deficiency, the owner of the equity 
of redesption is entitled to the rents until the time ef redemption 
expires, And where there is a deficiency which has been pald, the 
ewner of the equity of redemption is thereafter mtitied to the rents 
during such period. Davis vy. Dale, 150 Lil. 239. 

in the instant case the period of redemption having expired 
vefore Fraser obtained hia quit-claim deed from the mortgazors, he 
has no interest in the rents collected during the period ef redemp- 
tion. Defendant, Dieus, the owner of a second mortgage on the premi- 
ges foreclosed, although served with process, filed no pleading 
but was defaulted. If he would have the amount due him pretected, 
he must file his answer or cross bill and make preof of the mnount 
due him so as to have it included in the foreclosure decree. Wot 
having done se, his rights are cut off by the foreclosure and he can 
make no claim to the rents collected by the receiver during the 
period of redemption, Neither Fraser nor Dieus has any claim te the 
moneys involved in tois appeal; so that we might end the case without 
saying anything further, but we are of opinion that the Chancellor 
properly awarded the money to defendant, Rebinson, who was the owner 
of the equity of redemption, having taken title to the property for 
the Wilmette State Bank, the owner of the indebtedness, 

The record discloses that the mortgagors, the Kreschels, 

were indebted to the bank in three mortgages, one for $6900 ana one 

om} vee iy 
Vass wy sg 

~ om CUA Ay ay 

00826 emp Lilie exw @rodt doddw sto oueaixon baoose & bled ont 
wewELe Ae eit tou bib of Jedd toe® extem arid seat emieto mone 
nk hiag eaw avs sexi eit ahd'te suiubate nor't ahi, aud.jon aeob 
wok! aid eowhes bus mequ ylcaa of ageoxs to soneled ols: iin 
ot bestoebh ad yam bat edt sadlt eee ois sevewod. etasiioggh 

"nt nmt Logg ised Bs) suite 
dicen ‘te eLee ert “edte. tands wel to ofwx Lertedeg 6 ei aI 

etinps eit to tesvo ont item te kien on et ered? otesiw oruaeLos to 0 a. 
solftqamhen to omld ons Litaw adage end oF hoteay as ai Hsoliqueher to i 

sy blag meed wast dotaw Yonotottsh « at orvdd etesiy bah wort ‘ 

ad ow ott od bos 1300 wes tgonedd as mols que box to lupe.  eait te =~ 

868 45 08 atleS_s¥_abyad sboizeg hart" 

Soxtans galvess wold ga bor te botzeq ould aso dang and oad ai ve das ‘ 
ost {PtOsaysTOm ot mont boob alate~t tup edi bontatéo toner othe ‘ 
eae ber to hoixoq oud geikcu hevae £00 atao oxtt mi seototat on aad ‘ 

é ry 
ine g exit a eneattom baooee & to remo pas oe , tnabae 196 snobs } 
anthsotq an ho £2't 2299079 ad be bovaee sigue Le bonats 0% Boe ; 1 
Dodovserg mike pub toons ost eves baxow ont 2 bed Latte naw tut i 
Snuome on to oad odem brs Lind an oto ery orean ote c 7 rome a Yr % 


oaceed etweo sero. alt pi bebuioat an ovad ot ae *, 

Ow | i“. cf : 

= on bas otuneioe to? ont xs ‘Te up ce odaiys abd 18 snob anived 
iy 4 
ont path sovteoex ‘ond xs bogeeLLoo ete coals of on a "| 


ad oe atate wile act uu ta TOs woes rosit to “anoltg ate 

Ynouthe oneo out brs teig bm ow tents co jtaoaae eke ak bev Lown 

ire She ayn 

“taf toons exis sand nokatee te ore sw Pte! nosis palanyee: ae 
we -_ enw ose Bg ries ,2nebaetob oF venom ng ety bert 

ry mae pe 

oe “seasabetannat oat 20: xocwo att i esate ‘arvana oa 
Vi ag Hi Vit Y i ah 4 if a ne 
; seiosiononk out «etepay tt om oat tads aonoLoetd prove: aa ves wn 
ae any ‘ a ee eM me)! en m 4 
sH9 bas o0eae to ono seouaa trom sort nt coos ont ot ae oh ok P 

for $10,000, and had executed their mortgages on properties seouring 
these two smounts, The other mortgage here in foreclosure was 
for $12,000. Mareh 15, 1932, the $6900 indebtedness was cancelled 
and the $10,000 indebtedness on another piece of property which 
was held as collateral by the bank, was returned to the Kroschels 
in consideration of the conveyance by the Kroschels of the property 
in question to Rebinaon, This put the title to the property in 
Rebinson for the bank, and Rebinson being tne title owner at the 
time of the foreclosure and during the peried of redemption, was 
entitled to the rents collected during that period by the reeeiver, 
less the amount reguired to pay the deficiency decree, 

The decree of the Cireult court of Cook county is affirmed, 


MeSurely and Matchett, JJ., consur,. 

2 aatexeqorg me engegixom thosl? rtgeeren past ed 2 ham 

ay edt es aNOme owt 

ve eRLael axe ab oxen Syme 0H geet nit teste eebn de 
vere sees 24 6,000, 
iiss pea eaoabedden at geet. tg A Sacks be eect aed spans sos 
| ylteqore ‘to soekq sox one Ke sacabotdobat 000,08 ‘est a 
iV neh Yow eo? See De wb Dek mg se 
fLos & a 

asians hi at of SOEs 247 mn 8 “ye ot ste ace stasta ch : 
~~ ere to efedoacrs off yd eoneyevnon edt to ao a 

eee LOL Se ity 

oo AR NeGHAG ont 08 NR LFLE ond dug ataT .moentsor of mot 
_ Sst te nogwe oLtld ent gated woratded baw vined 9? to? mo 

Mine OF 4 Men. et 

ent, sa0dtonmbes 29 bol nen, edd. aabruh dee quysetagye? gait 30, out 
ooh 208.00 DORTIS. OM, SERED DON OLign. "om ORE OF # beds 

& ? re oa eer Sikkim 

«mit (s0@T99h Yonetoliod » i vag 98. ae tees 
: atte § at b yeano wood to s1w09 pede: at ‘to optsob 6 

Ce pil aiite. uw S. DOL ERG ae | 

ri Pe" ae ht ‘ 
pas _ OTA RO fs EG Q De | eta sa ry 3 oat ak i F 

sting aes. 

eee te: COS weet Skah wha fiw cal cone Pome siaitiadialie ROr~ 

oGt tedodem be 
> ate ott nt Pevendt 
i ee a 

salle eareie sto ¥ 

Nx sy » xy gti vey — , 
er 2G be) De, Was aie eh: Aw Ey ae > Ad lave | 

a Ree eee beosee 2 Te she ae 


bie OA Rea 22. wires - ay aw Opens uigginants ry somadpors * 
Ris, soe Taso £4? bead Hi Sater’ © eh ne ‘ oe svateb wee Pr 
he Tea tow bee Lhe aes ‘sim pairs cals wat atte 

oe aie Bia twysS AMS we ibe hs Lean ti * mat ot a 4 mbt 

? 's Aedes 
Uae Me hegen wee wel hove eal cat chews 2th 
‘ wba te hee, ae BaBtO tee sea h-ae naan tua semahor 2 ; 
: oe owey Mui? She Jee ow dade pipe 1 pest wu havnt 


{ acini DUES AOR oad adage te pee oe td nota) vatayan 
i aout es Ae , CelEhs gia inn buaved we ons m wd bobxas 
rer - nae a WLS ee pobwast ae hiieriatd a 
svmmosewibclnh at eae “Le emdms esl eHond sontt 

sitheiowm ae RS Awe eed ons Jeceh aang Low) 
lal 3 

er 08 9 wer oaks SoBe Irom parent ih Gad 




ii 279 T.4.63'7' 

poration, as Trustee, 

poration, ae Trustee, 




Appellant. ) 


The foregoing three gases have been consolidated for 
hearing with case Ho. 37944, Cb 

have today filed an epinion; and for the reasons stated in that 

opinion the judgment of the Superior court, in each case, is re- 
versed ani the cause remanded for further proceedings as therein 


MeSurely and Katehett, JJ., concur, 

i ns —T¢ et 
‘bos uate se /- wit 

on wet mane 
jyy ae ot eae pet 

P .%009 TO Y2A008 AAT. 
° maktonya 
uae DLo wae 

| fs £0 ALT. ey e toe mrerees eft te ; Pie ONOTEs) 
i ocumee ERReaa em teanet 

aet ee f, : : me kleg ga . thi a aks 

.Yrmues Ades “20 

. at 2 een ‘aye 
ool Legga 
4000 Tt 
‘ dna tings 


apt hodebisoenoo ved ovad asany onrst Bilogeto? ont me a 
| ~ADQVE +e onae ddiw anaes 

oe me at ,saa0 does al ,duwoo tolrequa ost te tovaghet edt mo! 0 
e aborto std ee egatboveorg teddis't tot bebasmet seuss odd bas | = oa 



G. R, HIGH, ee ae 3 
v8, ‘4 : 
“er be CHICAGO, 
R, G. LYDY, INC., a Corporation, 
and R, i. HUGHES, 
Appellants. | 
Appelles, eLle UD § 


By this re the defandants, K. & Lydy, inc., a corpora 
tion, ond R. L. Hughes, seek to reverse a judgment of the Municipal 
court of Chicage for $175, entered against thew on a finding of the 
court in favor of the Pinance Uredit Corporation, whieh intervened 
in the cause, 

Oetober 20, 1932, G. RK. High, by his attorney, John Wartin, 
brought an action against KR. G. lydy, Inc., 2% corporation, and 
R. L. Hughes, to recover damages claimed to have been sustained 
by him through the negligence of the defendants in damaging plain- 
tiff's suteomebile, The damages were laid in the sum of $1000, 

Getober 28, 1932, the defendants, by their attomey, 
William A, Hanson, filed an affidavit of merits denying liability. 
May8, 1933, an order was entered by stipulation of the parties 
(signed by Martin and Kaufman, whereby I. W. Kaufman's appearance 
Was entered as an additional attorney for plaintiff) which provided 
thet ne disposition should be made of the case without the consent 
and approval of Kaufman. May 3, 1934, defendants filed an amended 
affidavit of merits in which they again denied liability ond 
averred that plaintiff should not further maintain his aetion bee 
cause he had executed a release whereby he released and forever 
discharged defendants from all claims, Your days later, May 7th, 
the Finanee Credit Sorperation, by its attormey, Kaufman, filed 
its intervening petition in which it set up that it was engaged 

; fol sex oyt od & «* yaya i) f.. 
B ot 4A Baw 
at nal Loo qa eats Be iy ph a a Fu alu 
«oa Lloags weave: 
; ha, ROR Se ns fh 
AQMBOS'O HOITSVL vo ch  SUDE tot oq | 

wisg¢reo # ,soml »ybyd .e oA 18d 1!) a Rob ede Leeqga alas ya ; 
faginiaud ot to Javemhwt & eetsver od duea eooigumt 6k bie ake 
ed} to gathutt « mo wpdt fealaye botetae ,e0i$ tot ogsotM to $1109 
 betevtetal solide ,aolderogrod Jibotd oonealt edt ™ ‘eowett at a | 

| emhboeh adel ,yartoléa eld yd jdott A DO he’ ee r0d0t00 
how ,aodzamoqtee # ,.oal woud 20 A @eatoye mbites me thine 
——semkatene aged eved oF deutelo vegameb seven 1 od peer : 
wtieig gaigemeb al agushne teh adt te sdidiakbilans edt dgwotdd mbit a re 
000% to me odd, ab bist et0w sepemnd ont .9Lidomotue ard 
ews nee hand hyd Kaper yond eo Sell al ‘aedotoO 
| movie A metitew 
"ave ‘ond ‘Ye aotisiuetts <i beresns Wh Wey ceer align 
eonatseqqe a’ Bantuad ie LT ydereste tte st ne) 
bebivorg Hotew (Yeisaielg tot yemrodde LanokPEbbe ad ‘us Hotevns’ ‘al 
#nos 09 ond tuodsiv ves suis to sham od bivee Hottteoduth 
 bebesas np boflt agashasted— (beet 8 Yet “VWeatiadt Té Laver 7 
pre WRELGoLL bohanb stage yrs? do kin ab a¢itom Yo yer 
wet noktos eid mletolas xedtist tom bivose YisaleLe eh bowreva 
‘taveto? bon bease lox sal \ioreue eaae Loy ® bedueexe | ash ou L 
op are yall m8 syst tu0t -nuiks £9 Bar mont staubas'tob ae: 
u ‘bouit saat svomtodse ath ye stotdsrogred tiberd ‘ 
 besegae aaw a2 dadt qu ten ab doddw af ott tied an 

in the automobile banking business; that April 6, 1932, it loaned 
money to High, whe executed a chattel mortgage on the automobile 
which was damaged by defendants snd was the basie of the suit, and 
that there was a balance jue from High on account of the money 
leaned to him. It was further averred thet about July 1, 1932, 

the automobile in question wae wrecked while on the parking 
premises belonging to defendant Lydy; that afterward High defaulted 
in the payments due as provided in the chattel mortgage; thet after 
defsult the Finance company learned of the damage to the autome- 
bile and the pendeany of the suit in the Municipal eourt, and May 
3, 1935, it metered into an agreement with High whereby he conveyed 
to it “one-half interest in hie claim and cause of action,” and 
that High and the petitioner entered into the stinulation above 

The petition further set up that on May 8, 1933, the cause 
came on for hearing in the liunicipal court; that Kaufman, counsel 
for the petitioner, appeared before the court and advised the court 
of petitioner's interest in the suit and ef the agreement entered 
into between High and the petitioner, as above stated; that at that 
time all the parties were represented before the court, and the 
prayer was that leave be given the petitioner to intervene. An 
order Was entered accordingly, itiay 9th the cause was heard betore 
the court without a fury end there was a finding in favor of the 
intervenor, Finance Credit Corporation, for $175 against the de- 
fendants; judgment was entered on the finding, and the defendants 

The record diseloses that plaintiff, High, entered inte a 
written agreement with the Finance Credit Corporation, the inter- 
venor, which recited that he was indebted to it in the eum of 
$438.20 by virtue of a promissory note and chattel mortgage on the 

automobile in question. The agreement further recites the pendency 

+ ey 

bonsot f2 ,SbOL ,0 Linqa tot jseontend guttacd oLidomotun ent he 
aidbdenstun eat so agentaea Lediano # bndwoexe onw , ig th of (onmom 
hie ,tine ot to ekand eft saw bar avandia toh ‘yd: hogensh saw ie értw 
yotom co to tamooe me Melk mort Sih ote Led a new ovens tent 
Beer .f£ viwl s¢uoda tedt betisve t9cfcp? sew +i | od of heanel 
yabwiecag ots oh atkcw bexioorw onllé molteeup mal otivendee out 
botion'toh myt! buewresia tact ;ybyd tushos'teb ot gakgneted seatemaq 
wette tect i9yegd com tettests writ ne betiveta aa’ aub atnemyaq odd mt 
_ somotie ost of ogemmb est to honest yasqmo sonantt edt + Lue'tob 
" ‘oox bas , Ino fsate fase ost al time ens be: Kone q oxta bao etd 
beer rnis oc Yderestw sigth sitiw Inexmergs a, obi box o tie th 8b0L 8 
bas ",moijos to oauss bas mtelo abst ah seerotas Tad~eng® thot | 
avods mottalugtta od? oft bowetus tomottiieg ext bas sg lh tas a 

z¥ sitar PA 

feaawoe sttonttund tat :two9 fegtotaul eit wk | galtacd 1 ot, a0 emo | 
trwoo ai} Reelvbe bite tues ent eto'ted bores age tonodt they oad tot 
betotne inomsetas edd Te bas thwe ond ah dugtedas e'zonostlyeg to 
tats te duit jbotate svods ae seemed biog asst aa, Hig ti aeowted: ota 
est bas ,Ptu0o ost eroled posnenoxast erew vatitag ong A 
se ae ontorte gat ot xonol th eq oat moves od yee sant. aan a q 
sroted breed any vows out Ate ya ,ysgakbropee beretne aw 298" 
_, odd Yo tome ad gathatt & as ortedle bas vrwt s sii ee A 
a eclt tontage erst tot ,poltetoqred tibet? seavat ’ 
_ataabas tos ats betes vantbast oatt io aepoem, Aci ts paca 


“pause erie bb OE 8 yt 110 sactd ah te woddawt iol diteg gait 

E Fe eeoe 2H 

4 od honed ity HH \Yuemtste 4 tas aoaozgath ah a 

“~x0ga ont 180 texoqTao siboxd sononst om athe # pbs Sti a 

te ous outs aa hid os beddobat ev od tad etton Je, ish’ Sea 

ee — 

FY yin 

of the case in the Municipal court; that plaintiff's claim in that 
ease was for the recovery of the value of the autemebile, and that 
High hed assigned “one-half interest in nis claim end cause ef 
action" to the intervenor. 

the evidenes further shows that plaintiff, High, eon June 
6, 19535, in consideration of $350 paid te him by Lydy and Hughes, 
executed a general release releasing defendants from all claims 
“from the beginning of the world to the date hereof" and particue 
larly a1] claims and damages to the automobile in anbetien which 
plaintiff had parked in one of defendants’ parking iets. The ree 
lease referred particularly to the Municipal court case, 

The Finance Credit Carporation, the intervenor, contends 
that judgment for $175 in its favor is right and should be affirmed 
for the reason that before defendants obtained the release from 
plaintiff, in consideration of $350,they were advised of plain. 
tiff's assignment to it of one-half of plaintiff's interest in the 

There is no evidence that defendants assented to the assign- 
ment and obviously plaintiff and defendanishad a right te settle 
their differences if they chese to do so, without noticing the 
assignment to the intervenor, Haves v. ©. B. & 9. KR. KR. Go,, 200 
fil. App. 380. By the assignment the intervenor did not obtain 
any lien on the claim made by plaintiff in the suit sueh as is 
provided by the Attorney's Lien Act (par. 13, chap, 13, Cahili's 
1933 Statutes.) : 

Moreover, there was no evidence offered on the trial to 
prove that plaintiff had a cause of action against the defendants. 
He had alleged facts setting up a legal claim en the ground of 
defendants! negligence, but defendants had denied all neglicence. 
The fact that defendants had paid plaintiff $350 for a release does 

not necessarily prove that if the case were tried plaintiff would 


dasit af ofefo a! Tiivateiq tecd j1men iaqiolawl etd at ean. At, Te, 
tedlt bas .etidemetus odd to auler edt to. Xx9¥OosT edd tot sew oeap 
_ ‘to senao bas miele afd ab saotetal Wasd~eno" bengtesa bed yal, 
sTonevissal ent of "noltom, 

anh mo ath Tilvaledg tads swede rodtiwt gomebive eff... 
Sesigall ns yoyd yd ata of blag OFEE to mattered temoo ab peed 4%, 
3 aubeto fio oet't etasbas'ted gatnaeiosx onepiot Letemyg #, DP PORER,, 
-mpidieg baa “toons oteb eft o¢ bizow of Yo aninatyed edt moxt®, 
aigise noitesug al oLidomotua ont of eegammh bas scielo ffs yineL 
~o7 otf .etel snidzsg ‘atasbosted to eae at bedtaqg bad Tihiatele, 

6 .2aao tivog Leqtoioutl ort of yiteduottraq bette ter eaeel, 
ghaetace ,tesaevrotal est ,moltatoqrod shhex? secentt 1 ee - 
bomritte od bivosa bas jsipit af covet eth md SV ih, 29%, tmomal ; 
mott eeaciet edd boaissde atashaoteh oteted tent noeset, Last, no, 

_ salele te bealvbe exew youd, 0863 Io aottetehlanos. at sTitatele 
ods ai teoretai a'Tritalalg to Ied-eae to tt of taonay teen a’ tris, 
pete it e be 43 bors) ae Poe ,tesolitiag ethos, 
-mgisas eit ef hotapees atagineteh tac ponebliye om eh etedk 00. 
| MEt990 oF tists 2 badetashaetoh bas, Titmkele viavelvdo baa, taem, 
edt gaiotios sucdsiw ,on ob of eagio yodd t2 segmete?tib. shedt. 

2%. 20val .teosevtetat edt of Jeo nny tee 

* atesée, toa bkb RIA oat tomy tess, esd YE 086 .gga heh, 
af es dps dive oss at Tilsntelq yd ehom mato 13 me me, 
a iftded ,of ,qecte ,fL, seu #oA and a! ysatetiéA od? vd, t, 
_ (rendered, 98, 

ot Iaits ocd oo boteTte eenebive om saw steds pesos 

odaoune ~~. 

satanbss'ted ost tamtege aoltoe To eeune« ded Wehtalety gad? ovore i 

| %o bavors ont np mito taped a qu gatisor, steak samette hate ae 4 

(— tomppitgem Lhe hetagh dat starbastas tut ,eoneptigen 'etashagteh, 
noob sasetot # tot 088% Ttidalelq bing bed. reo eh Ma 
hom 3 Panstobe: beltt oxew ova ext th, dott sbi THABSO 

i 262 TL. ADD. 

have been suecessful., Caner 

Fer the reasons stated the judgment of the Municipal court 

ef Chicago is reversed. 

MeSurely and Hatehett, JJ., coneur. 

¥x nae uy ‘4 

ae Ds x3 
i ‘ aphetes be ee Ri. ah 3. SF ropes eh tae Hien? olan i 

sin ‘vag vaneonr mere tah % | a4 i 
" eevewws of oon. Ye | 

ia ta? overn xocrxal, epg divs ae P Bebtoed 

2? Ch ot Diode ORE Se in hiteree hs te OM 4 a, «kt * 

Ragedy 4 {ie w38, atexbok ted palenedas Brain AG Lato a oil 
vat , stwoneo 42th ti ‘bas yle 
SBE A Shame tad Tank eee od Sie aS uy watt Ae ee 1.08 9 me 
A ee, 

BeN woitaees, at oiidengiam, ort? of Gah aba is SPR, ansieso, Ha, Visa, | 
MS BUTS, ee Pe wareiee., " ¢treh n s. “he age deh itt BAL PY he 



fame ete Od. Site bun Sere eee ot wep gh ~et past 

Wisin ty hetivke sxe yet, OMG Le nédévanideuee ob 

why wh tieketas @ UV ktotele to Dose Ke OM ot, Pomel 

oe a in di oaw & pats & Hee “ee! 
meehecmen wae ee be bea SA hed 1e seb 

‘OPO pt teks a had ei aehme teh haw. urn tat 

i alin th nll Bar Biante calle AS, -soamenetei oe, « 
<Qnmvie dee oat Des ain . My 

abate ties Lie be bows oie banedaotap bi uy * 
‘ena, waar kore th, He, hie usable ai bent ia 

37891 f f Fi 

Appellee, f} é 


OF GO0k 

279 1.A.6387 


spite te 



Tais is an appeal by defeadant from an adverse judgment of 
$500 entered after trial by the court, Fflaintisf's claim was tor 
damages through the breacu of at alleged contract between the 
partice, Defendant asserts taat toere Was ne contract between 
them - that their minds never met. 

Plaintiff owned let 16, bioek 3, in North Oak Park Subdivi-+ 
sion; he entered into negotiations with defendant ioeking to the 
ereetion by plaintiif ef a residence on the lot and a conveyance to 
defendant of the mtire premises; the negotiations to this end ran 
along for some time; in Desember, 1950, plaintiif submitted to de- 
fYendant a rough sketch of an elevation of the residence; again in 
February, 1931, plans of the residence were submitted, whieh were 
not asceptable te defendant and further plans were submitted; 
february 26, 1951, defendant wrote his “O0.K." on blue prints of 
the propesed residence; these blue prints were merely of the plane 
of the proposed residence, showing dimensions, 

Plaintiif subsequently submitted to defendant a draft of a 
contract dated March 10, 1951; this was not acceptable to defendant; 
May llth a further contract was prepared by plaintiff's lawyer and 
submitted to defendant; specifications drawn by plaintiff's erchi- 

tect were also submitted to defendant, who said he would have his 
lawyer examine the contract and hie architect exawine the speeifi- 

cations; thereupon defendant's lawyer re-drew the contract and his 

architect revised the specifications, making sveeifie the character 


.oe Lions 

PHU) ea 49 Biren! 

o2v , “fb 

Per re | + ode Logan” aa e ee 
8SO .A. 

ny teeet Bh ww wade te 
Sia Fae 


atic hie 
‘to Jee ung ut eeisvbsa an mott sazbooteh yd Lasqqe ae ab alhdl baie cid 

tot aaw mieto a'Tiijnisli .tisoo edt yd Lelts ttle hetedae a 
en3 eewted eunxtnes bogeiis as to doserd edd dgwotid 
seowied Josisaoe of aay otous Jadd atisees Jasbae tod : 

.tom teven abaim thet fast + most 
 shvkbduG ated Ae0 dévell ak ,2 avoid ,0f tol boawe Titemtals — wm. | 
edt of gabdool sashbusteh dtiw saoltatiogea odal bexedns oa imen ‘ 

(@f Sonsyevaeo & bas gol edd ao sonebiser # ‘to Tritntele ned bio: 
aet Soe akdd of enolteltogen edd jeoatmetgq eiiiae oni te “nshaw ted 

woh of beddimdve Yiltnlalq ,0€@L ,redmeoe@ at jemtd smoe tot pec 
ak aiege jooudiset eit to moldavele as to dotota dyuot @ ta ; 
etee coldw dott iadue etew oonedleat ods to ausle fBOL + Utes 

abdo ts a’ Tiitaielq yd oweth eaolisolilosga pamanae29h roa S | 

ald aved biuow ed bisa oxw .taabas tod od bod? hada ¢ e "f 
oxtt onlsaxe goadisiota eld bas sonrtsioo alt ae ime ak 

inal We th<o't one a" tanbas ob | 

’ Ka } Seorsa00 » 

, ee iN ‘y 


4h van 

ef plumbing fixtures and other details which had been omitted from 
the specifications tendered by plaintiff. he contraet orepared by 
defendant's attoraey ¢alled for a price of $21,500 for the lot, house 
and garage. Piaintiff refused to sign this contract, giving as his 
reason that it had an objectionable clause, Plaintiff testified that 
he ‘phoned defendant about this objectionable clause and was told by 
defendant to strike it out and go ahead with the work, Defendant de- 
nies this and testified that plaintiff said he would net sign the 
contract tendered by defendant because the specificatione revised 

by defendant's architect would require an added charge ef about 
$1006 or $1500 ever the price of $21,500 stated in the contract, 

Plaintiff testified that dian ant ready to start building 
defendant stopped him; that some cement forms for conerete work were 
brougit te the lot but were not used and no work was done. Later, by 
Letter dated Nay 18, 1931, defendant netified plaintiff that further 
negotiations were terminated, 

It is ¢lear that both parties intended that a written con- 
tract should be executed by them. Flaintiff refused to sign the eon- 
tract tendered by defendant for perhaps a justifiable reason, navely, 
that it called for an increased cost of construction, The varties 
never did agree in whole, and no contract was signed, Plaintiff's 
Claim is based upen the alleged breach of # contract and ensuing 
damages in his lost profits, If the parties could not agree on the 
eost and the character of the construction, there was no contradt: 



between them, Curri 

‘VWatere | 

a'Fleur, 104 111, App. 165; Russe v. Gimocchiop, 263 Ill. 470; Stone 

¥. Daggett, 73 111. 367. 

Plaintiff says that there ere many cases holding that where 
parties have verbally agreed on terme and the builder is directed to 
preeeed with the work calied for by the ny serene eontrect is 
not necessary to bind the parties, Defendant denied that he gave 

any such instructions, and we are inclined te think that the greater 

mort Sedtime seed bust solow aLbaged medio bas’ eetwixl? gatdautg Ye 
vi bersqety tomrtapo ex! Vitghtate yd betobaed wnelsaottigaga ead 
somo tol od apt OG f8¢ to satuq # tot beline Conrodta, 8! Jughaoteb 
be eu acivig (t0etenoe elit mate of bolu'tet tbat’ ogetag bine 
bey ba Ptitesd VYilsdaieiS .eeuelo efdanoltootde am bad ti sand avRaet 
yd blot caw bm saumio oldanelios{do alas suoda tashne teh boaoda! od 
~~h toshaete® , drow add cttw heode og bas fee 34 aallixta of sashas'teb 
ads take ton binow on blae Thesnte fq godt bokittand hina alds sola 
boatvert wnoktearitoeqa ont pausoed sanhas'toh yd botsbaot foots ape 
fuode to syxasic bebha aa ethupet biuow teotiderts a' danbdaetob wW 
siowttaon ont ni beteds i {8@ ‘to eobtq ent reve west xe ) 

a 3 i 
~ es Pr 

BaLhited tinge of ybows tea coil dade holtideos Yilrate rs naar 
oxew duow sbowsnes sot asrte't taemeo bmwoe dadd tate boqaete ati 
et 2 total .$eh aaw dtow om Aus been ton stew dud tol ond ot ako 4 
tousawt sad Someta peltiven ducbaeten , ier er Yai host to 92 

| sbotentters? otew ‘edottal & 

- si99 aoté ixw 2 tad? bobnednt eottxey ded dasth die tow 0 snake 
<100 oxi tiga 04 bonw'tex ‘Yttvatelt “saedd yd pevunexs vit btuoutd #8 et 
Uren ‘femaet eideltiteut « aqadieg tot ‘Soaboo to’ va bexebued Wie 

aeivies et? ,aelsossdanos te ‘Jaco booseromt ms ot be tipo o 4h ‘dentd 

at Yidtntelt sbomgie sew featinca on brn 6 Losi ak ‘petge bib ove 
my -peatwate bao spoxémes o to dneetd hous tte odd xoqe hound ‘i. ai " 

ont or) hitiintd = bison vedere) ade = | sation feet oi a shay se 

Viet teen MF vig 

oxaiv tants gakb Lor aeara yaaa ote ered set owes ‘wiht ; als ‘ nigel aaa 
a i 8 REAR A he ae 
“ef Detoeris af obitud oad bas ames no hoorys eLladaey evad nee 
ih, OF ae Sa “dallas , b ¢ 
at seandmo9 mess tee\onece oat vd ‘to? he Liao at0ew wuld af Ki 
\ ew fa it eh aN a 

eves od baud betues taobueted waoitnaq ‘ont bad of 

pai he bie atelbett at hath ions nen ow bee .omek & 

weicht of the evidence supports his statenent, 

Bven if defendant's position should be somewhat weokened 
by the question ef fact involved with reference to the alleged 
directions to ge ahead with the work, there is another and cone 
Clusive reason why plaintiff is not entitled to recover, 

The contract proposed was tor the conveyance by plaintiff 
to defendant ef real estate with buildings, In eontemplation ef 
the law such buildings are real estate, Defendant vlesded the 
statute of frauds, which provides that neo action shall be brought 
te charge any person upon any contract for the sale of lands un- 
less such contract or some memorandum or note thereel shall be in 
writing, siged by the party to be charged therewith. Chap. 59, 
sec, 2, Illinois Statutes (Cahill.) ‘hie rule has been applied in 
many cases, Hansberry v, Holloway, 352 111, 334;Kohlbrecher y. 
Guettermann, 529 I]1. 246, Im the instant case neither party 
Signed any contract or any memorandum, and pinintiff did no work 
which might have had the effeet of avoiding the operation ef the 

Hirst Presbyterian Church v. Swanson, 100 Ili. App. 39, 
cited by plaintiff, is net in point. There was merely an agreement 
te erect a baliding, Wo conveyance of iand was involved. ‘This is 
also true ef Wendnagel v, Schiavone, 205 Ill, App. 385. In Ulis- 
perger v. Meyer, 217 1ll. 262, the vendor reeeived part of the 
purchase price of the real estate and guve a receipt which recited 
the total price and was signed by the vendor. it was held that this 
Was a sufficient memorandum as it contained the names of the pare 
ties, description of the real estate and the terme and conditions 
of the sale, 

Plaintiff argues strenuously that the 0. K, placed by the 
defendant upon the plans is a sufficient memorandum in writing. 

These cketenes contain merely plans and show nothing about cost, 

a 7 2 
J ae 

ta A ais 17 Elo 
f i 

dxowededa ald etioqaie esnsbive edt het x 

‘Welsitces tadwomoe of bivode aottleoe #'dushao'tes Yd asyt gi 

mi Geietis ond of ednoxstex ddiw beviovad s6a% Yo mobdwoup oat yd 
ote Bins auisens ef oneds ,dtow sa$ diie booda 6% of dnotioonth 

viovodet oY befiiim ton of Yittatery yw noonet ovtawks ” 
* widen? ‘od 

“ttivatale yd eaneyevacs off ist saw bevecota soe1d moo edt | 
te nottetom@snes al segainitud ddiw stedeo Last Yo ‘sdanasted of” 
asit bebasin doekun "ted ,etetse Inert era agalsiind ttowe wat ade” 
d quocd ed [lade coltee on tant sebivore dokdw jebsatt Yo seusaci” 
«oy pbuol to efen ad? tot sowts aise iia noay sont yas opti of" 
al ‘od LLace toetedt atom te adhort ome m emes 29 toatsaoo dove aeot 
,@ «qa «=. Ab bwe tot? begrtario ‘od oF “oteq ont vd homie “sms egw 
-™ boiieqa seed ean efuz sidt (.i£fiaed) astutesa etont iit ge ie? anf 
aX Rosier Mi EE LET BEB stamnlsoh oo vstedassh it 
O° "“eusq tedtton @ano sandent ond at 688 asst 
#uow on bib Ttivalete bas ,awhoetomed ses to daatdace ‘gad “lege 
oad ‘to noktertago ond anibkova “te os Fe edd bed evad Seige sie dtiw 

4 ona) abe 

5 i ef te ae 

: +a “4qQA .ti1 OOF ss oa 

el stat jbovidval eaw tial ts” endciaad a 

waifi at .88¢ .qqk .LST COR ,onoy A 

‘ ed ‘to dxey beviseet Sohasy odd aoe tit 048 ; 

botloes sig Lei dqiooes 4 8yay ‘bus states aot end Ye seize sentiorlid” ! 

webs dant bLon wow ae | tobaev ond” qe benyte Rew fro volta tase oa 
‘taq od To ‘eomen bal’ psy Ries ‘t2 a mébaetoasih tito bo ft" 

semen Ebstoo “ awted odd bas tetas Leet on bad ake a, 

Meike i Abe iad tn 
Ce i 

gue a 

character of material or workmanship, interior trim, lighting or 
plumbing fixtures, Moresver, defendant soted hia U. Kk. on the 
plans in february, 1951, while no estimates as to cost were submite 
ted until the fellowing month, As we have seen, the parties failed 
to agree as to the coet of the residence constructed as defendant 
desired, Slue prints of plans wes not a sulficient meworandum 
in writing to charge defendant upon a contract te purchase real 
eantate. It fellews that the atatute of frauds 1s a complete bar 
to any reeovery in this case, 

For the reaeens indicated the judgment is reversed, and as 
plaintiff cannot recover judgment will be entered for defendant 
in this court, 


O'Conner, ». J., and Matehett, J., concur, 

no yakstohs ote eitne! 1 at jqliddinaninie' te “Heh dimte d0td 
“git do 0 ak Rade Huskie tds tered cell  feowwtitlt ants 
suscep oo ae heneaget bal Vente’, fee i stant an 

nm ‘noommaraetae = 
‘iia -sebiopengtbconsdresrresg soc setah 

bg Phe 

Coe ee ee, er gi 
ah aie aaa it x age brad US bokereveee Oe ca he ‘3 d | 
es Pie a | on tome one ee * tex” wud ar 
iis tow Das, GRE Sezai es =e ad si tae kaowd rhe “Ys 60 
ditt unk Dok ee a ore: oe act aa be ayt sew ihe “dot | 
ae dat 18 swore onl | we Peer a te, 

ee yaw i ges Ay ‘bi Ra oh we oe te ai le iia few " aud Ye wee 

i. feng A tt et ik payee 
ra yk oP j gid hind rere a NignS 
bi edd es suk ae iublal¥tas « #2 Gude ane! 

hoe hatches ait dal & aie e@da dune a alt og Seana intadahe” 4 i 

‘ e . eel ty ee i Ame a ee te ae te gr, Pa ROB bas pA ante 4% at 



a Corporation, as Trustee, f 
Complainant, < 


WILLIAv YALSH et al., 

WALTER A, HAGEN, as Suecessore | 
_ Appellee, 

nme eT Marae Mt Sica 

WILLIAu L. O'CONLELL, as succesor- 



this case involves $300 allowed to William L. O'Connell, 
succesor-receiver of Phillip State Bank and Trust Company as fees 
for serviees, and the question presented is, Gut of which of two 
funds should this allowance be paid? ‘he facts are net in dispute. 

In Chicago Title and Trust Company, Trustee, v. Walsh et al., 
the instant ease, a foreclosure proceeding in the Cireuit court, the 
Phillip State Bank and Trust Company wae appointed receiver of the 
Hotel Lawrence; thereafter, on June 20, 1942, the bank filed its 
firet report and account as such receiver, and the court allowed it 
$150 to apply on account as ite fees as receiver, 

June 21, 1932, the bank was closed by the Auditer of Public 
Aecounts, and thereafter William L. O'Connell was appointed eucceaser- 
receiver of the bank in the case of People ex rel, Nelson, etc. vy. 
Phillip State Bank & Trust Company, in the Superior court of Cook 

June 25, 1932, Walter A. Hagen was appointed, in the Cirenit 

court case, receiver of the lietel Lawrence as successor to the bank, 

oN viii . ie " i ae dS 

Si ae ta mn! 2 te Pee 

te ve all 

atiabeads molt 

‘ey ft es S 

_«FEMUGO 4oOOd Yo 

“toreovou’ | ax a a bro 
veo Livayd wn © tevigoen 

4% ¥ 


cua aad a spe gb 
i rants rk 

obnallogg .. Co prea Yipee 
. Petey e eich ay es 

HUOO Kiet TQ MOLMIGO SAT CAREVIGR YieivGeu aimee rece 

eee .ttwos tivorld oda of gatbosootg orveoloetot @ ,9880 snateat ond 
od? Yo terinset bedatoegs asw yuequod tawtT bas dined ofed8 ats Te 
adi beftt daad etd .S8eL ,O8 aut no ,t0¢taerest jeoumewed totoR 
$k bowolle gues est baw ,tevioves dows ae favenoe baw st0qet an, 4 : | 
,tovieoot as aeet aff as fapeces ao yiqqa ‘ot oath ae 
“phidwi to tothbsa Mt Ys boned asw Aned edd ,SECL AC omy 
Tenesooue beiuloqgs enw Linnnoyt® .t ast LiW tedteeteds bas 4a aw 100 a 
an_niame 19 s00e eit nb me OB a 

ibs _ o ot ms sbodntoage aaw oo yOH oA erie iF .sbeE a oat 

which was unable further to act as receiver, 

When the bank wae closed by the suditor it had in ite trust 
devartment a credit of the Hotel Lawrence receivership amounting te 
$699.77; this is one oi the two funds involved in this appesi. 

Vebruary 19, 1934, O'Connell filed in the Circuit court 
@ase the final report and acceunt of the bank, as receiver of the 
Hotel Lawrenee, and om that date am order was entered anvroving 
the final report and allowing O'Connell the further sum of $150 as 
paywent in full of all services of the bank as receiver in the 
Cireuit court foreclosure suit. This made a total of $300 allowed 
as reeeiver fees in the forectosure procerding, 

O'Gonnell had in his possession certain serip and tax war- 
rants of the Hotel Lawrence receivership, and on February 19th the 
Girouit ceurt ordered him to sell them at the higuest market price 
obtainable, and after payment of fees and any minor expenses neees- 
sarily incident to the closing of the estate (the Jotel Lawrence 
reeeivership) he was to pay all remaining. woneys and property in 
this receivership to Walter A. liagen, suceessor-receiver of the 
Eotel Lawrence, taking nis receipt therefor, and thereupon the bank, 
as receiver in the Cireult court proceedings, and O'Cennell,weuld be 
discharged and relieved of all further responsibility in that eage, 
Pursuant to this order of the court the scrip and tax warrants were 
sold for $925; this is the other fund involved in this appeal; 
O'Connell deducted therefrom the amount of $300, which had been al- 
lowed as fees, and remitted the balance, $625, to Walter A. Hagen, 
successor-receiver of the hotel, 

Thereafter, om May 18, 1054, Hagen, as successor-recelver of 
the hotal, filed his petition in the Circuit court in the instant 
ease, contending that the fees of $300 allowed the bank shoulda be 
eredited against the $699.77 of the Hotel Lawrence account in the 

trust department of the bank when it was closed, and that the asiount 

ed di oe ; 
ey Lae eee ey 

-tovigomt as fom, 08 todeiwy efieau so snte 
fers afi ah bon G2 toti bus osid yd boaete’ oo dood em? wenwe 
oo yattavomm qtoetevieoet endeared Letel sit Lo Siperse a Site cud taqoh 4 

-ttegme aldt at hevioval shawl owd wid Yo irad al aids it ORS : 
_ SrH08 tivon bo eat at beLtt Lieaned'o beer xc? § Thurso 
oii lo tevieoet se , ined odd te saueooe baw sro9eT, Seat ont. eo 
gniverdes bewedae verredt0o an ote: baat’ to" iprte be dbriiax’ Letou 
as OF L$ to awe tedite? eft Lenaed'o satwatta bas Iroqet fant? estt a 
silt ak tevisost as Aned of? to sevivaees ile no Liat ak tomamen 
bowolle 008 Io Latot » baw att? .#lue ‘orweofoste’t stited tiwatko 
sSalhosoota atraofoetet ent nt seat tovisoes aa 
whew xed bon qitoe akstueo aolnesasoy eld al bad ifeaned'O oie 
galt utel yrauidel ao bas ,ghdaxeviaees soaptwet Loteh ext To ‘ o 7 
golte Jextsm faolgid ont te ment LLoa ot wha bowebte suneo # twos 
-ga90u GOaasqxs torka yne hae eset To Sasmyng tdta® bat, fi 
edastwall f6%0R oad) Ofaten ond 16 guteods edt ab isnt Gils 
ak ¥steqote hac’ ayonom ndtlialamet fla yoq oF saw Bat (qtaareriaoos 
pad T6 tov téderdtoedosown \Hedek” A aed taw er" ahterovisbes etas 
<yiland 983 aocketesd hance’ ; rotors toleedd ela gakiad | eoagtad Lod. . 
“od piuor itonnod') tae jegitteonong dewod Hisortd off" RE doviade? Ge 
seuss tens Ai yiiiidienoysst xefsawt 118 to bevokter nw’ ates el 
oxew adastraw xed hae ghtoe: ods Pine ont “Lo tohte abies ‘ nue ot 
 bteoag tut ab hevedwad Bair aie’ oad al nay 088 tot Bice 
 wLa aged bed doldw ,Q08¢ to fations od? mevtomsat pddosnes” i mr) 
: Penal A ted’ of Rend (esneted ett boss inot ‘baa ate 3 
te ‘gevisowt=T9aesdoue as coi se0r hag —— ae: 

of these fees should not be deducted from $925, the procecds of 
the sale of the serip and tax warrants, and the Circuit court was 
requested to order O'Gennell, as receiver of the bank, to return 
the $306 forthwith to the petitioner, 

After hearing the Circuit court on August 22nd, ordered 
that the sum of §300 allowed for services to the bank should be 
eet off againet the sum of $699.77 owing by the bank to the Hotel 
Lawrence aecount, and that the bank should credit itself end de- 
duet the eaid $300 from this amount, reducing the balance to 
$399.77. The court aleo found that the deduction of the $300 for 
receiver's fees out of the proceeds of the sale of the tax sntici- 
pation warrants was unlewful, and O'Connell, as sueccessor-receiver 
of the bank, was ordered to refund and pay to the petitioner (Hagen) 
the sum of $300, O'Connell, as successor-receiver of the bank, 
appeals from this order, 

¥e are of the opinion that the erder was improperly entered. 
The amount of $699.77 in the bank to the credit of the Hotel Law- 
rence receivership was in the possession of the receiver of the 
bank, appointed by the Superior court, It was part of the proper- 
ties coming into the hands of the Superier court receiver and eculd 
be paid out by him only upon an order of the Superior court pursue 
ant to a petition riled in that court by Hagen, the suecessor- 
receiver of the hotel, 3 

Moreover, the serip and tax warrants came inte the possession 
of the Cireuit court receiver of the Hotel Lawrence just as all 
the property of the hotel came into possession of its receiver, 
and was properly subject te the payment of the fees of the 

The point involved has been already passed upon by this 
court in Chicago Title and Trust Co. v. Goldman, 272 Ill. App. 

457. There the receiver of the bank (the same as in the instant 

‘te ehowvete acid A806 mort Betonheb od tent bivons woot sedis “td” 

Rett dteoo Siverto acd Bow jetnewtew xed bae gitow oY 16 ofer off 
ateted of feed of Ko tovisbet es , {fenno0'O xdebio of botaouget | 

tenolsiteq wit of Mbwiaret eel 

pevebto ,oa8S denmuA ao trv flubetD edd yotraed ‘Yes'tA ~ 

ee Divede Saad oft of seotvied tot bewolle 00S} to awe edd sah” 
fosok of ot son ont yd gatwo °T.0C8¢ to swe odf todinge To fed” 
<eh bau Tiondt ¢ibeto Sfvore wna ont tad? Hud \tavdedd evierwal 
2 sonaieg oxff gnloubox ,tavone ekay mort 0086 Btes ont FOUN” 
tot QOBS OHe Lo wolfoubeh ont Part bavot ofe Pxv0OD edt mie | 
atotine xa¢ oat to ofae off Yo ebieedrd oH Te tuo deer eee viieee 
qevictet—toacsooun ae ,fiemned") Bow , ti'twetay tew wfaeieaw noktay - 
[sogit) Teteltiveg eit oF yeq bnx brivtor of Béxehto wav ined one We" 7 
plnad Silt Yo TovEsbot-romaessem Be, LtomeD'O OOtE YS laws! Sit” 
Serene Ykreqotant caw rehte oat teat nobeteo off Yo oti pil ah aeihecall 
<Wil {Pei on? Yo Phhero olf of Annd wAL HE TT hat ala desiine a thai it 
edt Yo sevEéoet od ‘to motenenaod ond AY waw Ybdereviabet” <i si 
“tegorg sdf To faq esw ST. Stvoo colteqe® edd ee berierea aie 3 
Bivee bah tovisoet drt00 Telreqhe Sy Yo wbimM writ tut sathos bere” 
«wetkg¢ Piso xcitequ@ oft to Tebro na noqu Ula mie ot en ka < 

= dabhiobiie ont yal We Fineb Yan ak batty wits We 
| tat on ot Ys t0¥tbooe” 
piuadesee od edad Orme ubaertew aad paw’ @itel ead’ xevenTeR nt. | 
eee rr ere ee ee — 
,tovieowt efi to aotessesoe ofat emao Istor one Yo eereante ai | 

ant oXEt BYE re at td b te : a! ou. Ph wt be 2 a j ae = mi 2 

pa ee tt weeny tr hee 


ease) anpointed by the Superior court was ordered by the Cireuit 
court to pay a successor-receiver in a foreclosure preceeding in 
the Circuit court a eertain ameunt of money which the bank had to 
the credit oi the foreclesure receivership, After considering 
many decided cases it was there held that where a court takes the 
assets of an insolvent corporation in its hande for distribution 
it is for that court, alone, to determine who its crediters are 
and the amount of their respective claims, It was also said 
that the proper procedure was for the chancellor of the Cirenit 
court to order the successor-receiver in the foreclosure ease to 
file a claim in the bank receivership proceedings in the Superior 
court, and *in that proceeding in an orderly, equitable way, 211 
of the ereditors of the bank will have their day in court,” If, 
as petitioner claims in the instant case, the fund of §699.77 was 
not mingled with the other funds in the bank, this fact can be 
ascertained and determined in the proceedings in the Superior court, 
The Goldman opinion also noted that many of the closed banks 
in Cook county show very similer conditions to those presented in 
that case, which was considered to be "a test case.” We are of the 
opinion that opinion prescribes the proper procedure in such cases, 
For the reasons indicated the order of August 22, 1934, 
appealed from is reversed and the cause is remanded with directions 
to vacate the same, 


O'Conner, P. J., and Matchett, J., soncur, 



s ‘tiaerto add yd betsbro aeW Peo Toltswe Sih yd ila 
Ae at galhreoo1g otunelosrot « ak “‘toviteeot-roeceoo me au the of Smmos 
Le iat ‘ot fut Gied on9 Moidw ystoit Yo teuonte atntyes x Frwoe shoe, ald 
ae gaitebicncs testA § .qidereyievet orure loeie® ent to ' / oe ; 
alt acdat ft0o « st dw tat bled eresit eew 72 wena Look ri 
‘es “gobiotteteth rot aboard #82 at nolveveqres dnowfeenk we to aaa 
| om ‘Sas Saban aft ody eatarsteb of ,onote )fiwee. fase tot ab. . 
Bisco o@fe osw $l jaelefs evteesqued ated? to. towome oi bm 
tiwortO @f3 to toffoomade ade to? ea —— ie 

: \¥ew eivetiups ,yitebto ae at gaitbseootg sant oF 
i vt Ww henitivis ai yeb thedt eved Lfiw Aaed oat bo eroddt 
Be Raw PY. C089 to bitwt ocd ,eees tmpteaky ead ek omkeaey astoh : 
| hs agp gost aids ,doed od? ai abaw't ene eats tin o fyaken 

abate a Atte behtaut af exseo edd has abililins patna 

oe ond 
reer te" GRORSVEM. fe yl koe wet sects x 


wy ‘4 1 ee ez 4 ad m e by % rT 
eS tae 4G KE ok ee + i F 

Wee ieee Te fla iT a ; 
Ce cee Po a fhe 
(SREP SOE 2 Gls TRUE Ee By, bin: ee 

Fs MR, 7 tae ee ee jae hc lay i 1 is a Vee a 
OS ER A: VERBS OT roe ae ay ov Ve wey 

ane of 
Fi scoree” i at : 
37987 }/ A tage | : 
er 5 ae 

Appellee, i 

AP e From orneuth,.<on 


a Corporation, 

| OF COOK Col 

x 4 
Lars i AL 638 

This is an appeal by defendant from a judgment of $1000 
entered after trial by the court of an action upon an aceident 
insuranee policy issued te Lee Crass, in whieh plaintiff was 
named as beneficiary. 

The declaration alleged that the insured same te his death 
as the result of burns, Defendant admitted a liability ef $100 
but denied any further liability, asserting that by a provision in 
the policy no indemnity would be paid for accidental death “sustained 
at a time when the insured is delirious or under the influence of 
any nareotic or intoxicant *** or for alcoholism in any form," 

Defendant introduced evidence tending to support its claim 
that the insured was intoxicated at the time of the accident, Plain- 
tiff introduced evidence tending to show the contrary, 

The insured was injured on the morning of February 24, 1920; 
he lived alone in a basement; a city fireman was summoned to the 
premises and going into the basement found the insured lying on 
his side on the floor; a hot stove had tipped over and was partially 
on top of him; the fire was extinguished. The insured was alive 
"when the fireman found him but was badly burned, He was taken to 
Cook County hospital where, as a result of the burns, he died the 
morning of March 1. 

; A Dr, Bennett, who was ar intern at the Cook County hospital, 
testified he first saw the insured at the hospital about two or three 

hours after the patient was brought there, which would be about six 

0 tg MO LLegg& ooo (ms 
On AY orien 

”  Aoltetoq1o) # 

tliewes male 

ie 4 th te Beate Pee Manu 


P pat rs Secs Y gad Se he. Wee, aaa ee +2 
OooLe te $ aemgbust #8 woth tnabns ted cat surahe was ‘he rs frac ; 
4 . Met » Bed 

Snebioos Re me qs ae tion ‘ts Ye ‘Sxiseo ould ‘“¢ ahi ey to 

ap Ae 22 
aaw Fis abate tipbiw a seer ood of ‘bewant wtlog oocwtwent 
at ene or Ra Pear 
vetatol! mre as 
Ie. he aR oe 

staoh atu ‘ot ouao betwen ont ‘tadt begeLia ao bares me 
“STS ae pene: it.) i te 

ode te Vstiidell a bestinhs snabne ree seared to #06 | A 

mh athe Pow 
od aotaivorg “6 vd taut satsx9088 +e itidad roses vie 

ck pada Le deythe yn 2 yd pm 

poatesaue® deat fatushioos ‘tot ‘biog od htwow i tue bot om yolLog ert 

he? ti AI sahee dae tga +s 

6 soaonftak oud robo 0 suolth Lob et poumanl ont aetw emt 

idee eo ee 
* ato ae al ma iLosioo fs aot 10 *## tna ixotat <0 ° bg 

r “misle st droqaum ot gates eonbive doouborsak “Fick novett” a 
; oy, WO lath sein, a 
wate ‘nebioos edt ‘to ont: a ta bodaptxod at aaw — Sreos) tent 

Hae. ane hee see tae rt 
eratine® oslt woe of gatbnes conobtve hea ubord at 
+ Se Go 2aat oe 
veneer , 18 vrsuedot ‘to gibson ont 9 berutad ad aah 
ae By. wer eee ou 
| ene of ‘ho moommuse “eae anor i vile 8 ifomumnad * ee enols ene 

‘coe, ey fh 
‘— “palys betuant orld ‘baare® prion Nt oat ‘odmt ‘gatoa bas | 

pene as Af oy e% 
 eletoreq naw heum Tove ped bol evota jod « ;to0lt edt mo | 
evils saw i vel ont caborla bugatdtace asw otkt eds pak “to qot 0 
of notat enw ol bond cihed enw tnd aks bawo't nuns tt ond abet 
bit sab. oF. chanmgg |p 

‘tiuveet « ‘an ‘orsddw Eat tqnod yutawod 
.f fore ‘to antares 

fetiqeod Yrasod 4009 odd te axetal ns nsw ow ,ttonned | LS 

sonehe x0 ows reed tat konot « ost te boruant + axl wee teutt on orntvans 

\ ts 


y,! bekh oat ,anmrad ould to 

or seven hours after the accident, Dr, Bennett testified he could 
net remember this particular patient, and alter examining the hos- 
pital records he was under the impression the patient there des- 
eribed was under the influence of alcohol when he came in; that 
“we probably smelled Liquor on him," The hospital record notes 
that the patient was unable to give any account of what happened; 
that he was "“semiestuporous, apparently alcoholic, Admits having 
been drinking.” The police record notes that the patient “cannot 
talk,” The nurse's record shows that the patient received doses of 
paraldehyde, which Dr, Ber:nett said was commonly given in hospi- 
tals in the case of aleoholics, although it does not necessarily 
foliew that every patient for whem this medicine is prescribed has 
been drinking. 

The city fireman testified that when he turned over the body 
of the insured in the basement he did not smell any odors indicating 
intoxication; that he saw no liquer bottles er anything of that 

A barber testified that he gave the insured a haireut and 
shave in his shop at about one o'cloek in the morning of February 
24th; he said thet when @ person got inte the barber chair he woulda 
notice whether or not he had been drinking because the barber's 
face is always close to that of the other person; that when you 
stand over a person and shave him you know whether or not he has 
been drinking. This witness testified that the insured was in 
g00d condition and free from any odor of liquor; that when he left 
the shop at about one o'clock he was normal. 

A brother of the insured testified that he saw the insured 
on the evening of February 23rd at about eleven o'clock in the 
tailor shop where the insured worked as a presser; he testified 
that he was in good health at the time and that he was net disposed 

to drinking intoxicating liquor; that he was at that time sober and 

bine of bodtitast stems ,x1 .tisbioos ext aette etuon moved to 
-vod ext gnicisexe tte bow ,¢nottaq talvelireg elds r9diomet tom 
ned seo? tnetteq ext notseorqmt esit’ xe bru aaw on abroves Lathe 

7 tecd al emeo oat aedw ZosooLe to soneuLtal edt cobs saw hedite 
gotom bxroset Lagiqaodt oat * "mid me toupit be Lows begiage ew" 
jhectqqed tesw le iavesom yas evig of eidenu saw tes tdag ony tact 
nitves e¢indA ,olLorools yitneraqge ,avotoqute-ines". saw of tans 

fonnas” toolisg edt tadt aotem broeer soklog oat )." .gabuatth need — 

‘to geeoh beviooet tnelteq ent tadt ewede hrovet w'oexua oat "thas 
-lqaod at meviy ylaoumeo eaw bise stonned .1C doddw yehylabioxaq 

ylitansooen son aod ¢2 sgvodtia ,wetiosools te eano end. at efed 
ass meres. ak entothem gict wody tot taottag vxove dedt wollte 

-gatiainh aged 
xe edt 19ve beatss ed sonw sad be txktead, stacioe LS erie. PRE: be writ 
gulésetbat atobo yu {feme joa bib oc Jnemsecd add at betusah odd ‘to 

tut to gaidtyas te eolisod toxpls on waa ex sand {notieotxotak 
= tustied « deiwadi odd evag on tact snisbbebil ealhiee: } text 

vtantdet To gatorom edt at xoole'e eno txeds 2a gone alkane 

| phuow al tiesto tadied edt ofat soy soazeq @ univ Jadd bias of jt NS 
| attadund edd exuased gatsinith ased bad as dom xo nodtedw eott om 
YoY Movin Jadt :mowxeg aadho ext Le dadt of grote ayawia eh pat 
_» wat ot Jom to tadtedr wosol soy sald pyede bye aoerag 6 wove buate 
ak saw betwant ont sarit bottiseot aseatin etd .gatalabrh mood, 
Fret od siesiy todd yronptt to tobe yn mont eet, be, nekiibaes Soom 
-Lamren aaw off Aoola'o sie. tuoda ta goede oct, 

 ~beoawant oxi ee ea decd ho iitvass beuvent edt To tediomd A ..\, 
us), Se et dvolo’s novela tyeda sa Bitk yxewtdet, to, galasve ont a0 
: i a benitiges od ;eoReotg # Be hoaltow hotumat ont axedw godm, To. et 
egeth ton aay oi te? ban omit ext te Mtaod boop ai aew, od ov . 
“i yma 4 wie emi? staid ta saw off Seuit towpit gutisoixodal pak ab ode 

ui id 
aay | i Tove 

had been drinking nothing. 

From this evidence the trial court was of the spinion that 
the defendant had failed te prove that the insured was under the 
influence of aleohol at the time of the accident, We cannot say 
that this conclusion is against the manifest weight of the evidence, 

Plaintiff in his brief asks this court to enter a judgment 
for $1000, plus interest. We shall not de thie for the reason that 
upon the trial the counsel for plaintiff expressly stated that ine 
terest was not claimed, and furthermore, the ad damnum is $1000, 

We would not be justified in entering a judgment in any larger 

For the reasons indicated the judgment is affirmed, 


O'Connor, FP. J., and Matchett, J., concur, 

959 N0 t6atow sao Vega Spd Jantepe paereenien eo | 
# ‘tadoe of Iumoo elit aden Tot ahd ab Stet 2 teed 

ad aanilieiee odd ,eronmertant bas: ides tom one | 
sikh Gk daprmbub. 2 aolsodue ob del tiseut ody 
ipadkanded. ger geob gt) oqertell oe ghddioinoais Te e2ao oy tim 
 ybowmh tte ak dtrmmghet att Aeteatoat onentaiendhaal 0 

ee - %A 
#F he bis taes, caaeee 

an wee OS tacit i9 

Oper Matae 

eae mat bos thd BAe ae a 

EE Pi ceteris ot ; Ses 


a a <a 

ne i Es Si 

oe ce 3 o heise is ay witenis hee hall 

chika . ys deed: pare’ti) Brat 

pe ed 
ihe GE Mele’ so. Mdvase saa Fut, Stee nel poets 
RCO teal cme Apes sian vt | 

‘a tea i} bam omit. Writ, te Ag 


Defendant in Error 


Plaintiff in Error. 


Defendant was charged with etealing three suits of men's 
clothing and upon trial by the court was found guilty and sentenced 
to the House of Correction for three monthe and fined $1.00. He 
seeks a reversal. 

His first point is that the statute requires that every 
person arrested upen infexustion or complaint for a criminal 
offense shall be furnished with a copy of the information er come 
plaint upon which he is charged net less than one hour before his 
arraignment, hearing or examination, Chap. 38, par. 753 (1), Illi- 
nois Statutes (Cahill) 1935, Defendant says that no copy of the 
information was furnished him, 

The record does not support this claim. The only thing 
touching the point is an affidavit made by defendant, which was 
filed with the clerk nearly two weeks after the trial, iIn this de- 
fendant undertakes to say that no copy of the information was fure 
mished te him or to his atterney at any time before or after the 
trial. Apparentiy this affidavit was filed with the clerk without 
leave and the attention of the court was not called to it at any 
time, Neither was the court asked te pass upon it, and there is 
no ruling of the court with reference to it. There is, therefore, 
nothing in this respect to be reviewed by us. iioreover, the record 
shows that by agreement of the parties the case was submitted to the 
court for trial without a jury. We must assume that defendant was 
properly informed of the charge against him, 

Aoparently through clerical inadvertence the jurat to the 

a. = ly sg ee a ee 
x i f an : . 4 at 

b cord ai taaebne ted. 

Racadannd ¢ 
a ; i 
8 £0.Avl 
roe gine deny 

150.9 wo" 10 ) MoEUTeO eT cana. YusmBou morTeUt fit 


% on Me ry 
o sans rad 

1 . totte Pres mitgabess 

ates ‘to otiva seul? gailaets aAtiw Seogtéde eaw taebao te 9 (6° 
heonecase tae yvitvy bowel sav giwee ont Yd Laird mogdw Bas yal ddwte 
eh .00.c8 Sealt bas aslisow eerdt rol aolfserx0D te sawol eat ot 
2 -datatarro tie alse 
_ ytere fede neriupert stuteia odd tadt al galog gatht elk . ose - 
inniwize 6 tot talelqnoe 19 soiteae'ted meq beteotts noet9g 
=00 IO Boigamtotal ed to yqoo a dtiw borlelorwt ed Liade sanet'te 
4 aid @teled two sae aedd sesl ton bograse ei oc detdw ooqu salata 
‘ heat oft) ev .req 8 .gadd .noltanbeexe to gaisasa «tosunykerttn 
ede to Yson On gant sysa doebaoted .é60L (LLided) aedutase ston 
miki hodators’t aew nolsamtetat 
goist vivo oft .mielo eldt srogqwa tom aaoh bieset oAT 
aaw siotdw ,taeboetob yd ebem sivabitia ae ef tateg odt gatdowos 
i «ob ehdd al feb? off tod te adeow gwd yiteen axele odd dot bets 
“twit sew seliemtotai edd to yqoo om tadd yar of eoxstrebaw suabue® 
eas tofle to ev0ted emis yne de yemrotta eid of te sabi os bodata 
@wontiw dtefe ont ctiw beflit eaw tivablitta altdi Vidnezaqqa staixt 
Ene te 4h ot hoLliaa toa aaw tivoo ent Yo aclinedta ont hae evant 
ei otedt baw ,o2 moqu aeeq of bodes tau00 edt aew toddio€ vomht 
De ,Ptotetads ,ai oxen! .t of eonoxstes dtiw drues edd to gakton on 
—btooex edt ,x9veotoM «ou yd boweives od of dooqset abas wh: gubilton 
ons ot bettindua sew ease ond seliteg est to dosmectys we tant awosie 
aew diebooteh tact saweee teum of ewer 8 twonsiw Latrt rot saw0o 
BE A te vital ¢eakape ogresio ost to beacon sane i ven | 
otis ot tare, edd one ste vhent Leoireio sauce visaorogh 

information omitted the date, reading, "this _oday of November, 
A. D. 1934." It is argued that a charge cannot be prosecuted upon 
an information which contains no sufficient verification, citing 
People v, Weinstein, 255 Ili. 530, That case involved an informa- 
tion which was sworn te on duly 3rd, charging an offense to have 
been committed on July 18th. It was held that the verification 
could not apply te future acts, in the instant ease the information 
alleges November 23, 1924, as the date of the crime and the verifie 
¢ation as made in November, 1934, It will therefore be presumed 
that the verification was made subsequent to Kevember 23rd. 

But even if the verification were vulnerable to attack, the 
record fails te shew any motion to quash or a motion for a new 
trial or in arrest of judgement, Therefore, defendant eannet come 
plain in a court of review that the information lacked verification. 
People v, Dayvejonck, 337 Ill. 636, 

Defendant in his argument says that the Municipal court of 
Chicago never acquired jurisdiction of his person as the reeord shows 
he was arrested without precess, The record recites thet defendant 
“is now here present in open court, the Gourt tekes jurisdiction of 
the person of said defendent, and the Bailiff of thie Court is erdered 
ferthwith to take the body oi said defendant inte ais eustody and 
said body safely keep so that said Bailiff may have the same before 
this Court to answer to the plaintiff for and concerning the offense 
charged in said information *," If, as may be, defendant was caught 
in the act of committing the avine mentioned in the information and 

brought into court and formally ebarged with the crime, then the court 
had jurisdiction of him. 

The evidence not having been preserved by a bill of excep- 
tions it will be presumed that defendant was preven guilty beyond a 

reasonable doubt. People v. White, 300 Ill. 230, 
The judgment is affirmed, 

O'Connor, P. J,, and Matchett, J., concur, 

tein voll ‘to wad bn ati" ,galbest 2det, ont hott timo eit Dabo tt 
Sogn bodimeniien od Senna optaste # tedt bewgre al tI _ ebb Ok Ml eh 

5 petht te jnotias Piaey emded itm on quiatape Aide gal tawret ROKORD 

Sgurtotid on ‘beviovad Seas Yost 08d «tft @as’ vatstentoW_.v ofgosd 

eet of sane tio as. gatyrece Ste yYlwt so of axowe saw dolcw sokt 
noltastibxor oct} Jade bied aew $2 | sitet ¢twtodo” bed¥ Bianco imeed 

noitsmetek edi onge. dustnal ey al sateen exutut ot ees ton biueo 

wttitev edt bas emia ers At, odeh, ans 88. Sb Adal att ESI @ a. 

bomaoig od eipiisieds iliw a pbb UL, .todueved at phan h po tw A 

Le rey edt tart 
ae np ven. of tm upeatos oham gam uectnel | oe rete 

: we -deegia et edouteanalyy 9199 Agisseltizey, and i eve ud Lay) 

Woh A Reh tation 2 20, daaup oF polsom yas wade Qt eller a 

| empo toumiag dembire to b <etelsited?  -dapamdut tg Arana, Pye ‘ioe 
apbiasbinsy benont moljomrolad edi dest welvet ‘to ARH? Ba ere 
es OES he 8 oct nt eAE TE aaah eae awe hae, 

ae te #09 Legtodauid esd Saas ayes tueawate ald al tas 09796 atom 
2c @ btoows ost am aoeteq aid to molsoibalayt dertupoe aie babs Pr | 
| tawbaptod sat aettser proves ok aneogtg toid te call sit chaye 

eer uy 4 

te. aeivoligivul, sedad Jusod od? ,fiveo, Mego n F.Pas eS 7 pei met 

emsire ad dauod atid Yq. Witted od} bag, ,Iagbaetoh blew BS fs ag My 

ee etnies = 

+ io IS 
baie oteun, adsiowant, duabseTeh Ripe, 29, Wed of pxng of swale 

| stalked Samm ou over yom TLLLed biep gas) om qoox yioTen yb err i 

“ ganstite 9nd. galnievags bax xet Kidsiele ext of OT alg rot Sean ate bre . 

“tigune aw duahusteb .ed yom as 4th" .# aol taisx6%at biae * See 

: bas nettawietat add ab boaois aoa paren ast gatid tmaoe To te add a 

‘+ Aue Ee pgp 

aid meds ~omiteent adiv bogtade. a A bys: ae t 

“sqeoxe 26 Lids yt Sovsdneng ased” 
oe Aaoyed Yaihis. war ane re : 

‘i re ake ry Juni ie TMA. aaa ween ie-al deemabat eat, 500 
eno Haden bal 70 

aE Be gaia, eet seacadie chant Sea brady Mygvotel Witeemeggh 
bs ; wen EAT? ’ 

38003 f i 

Defendant in #rror, 


Plaintiff in Srror. 

279 1.4. 639! 


Defendant was charged with stealing three suite of wen's 
eiething and upen trial by the court was found guilty and sentened 
to the House of Correction for three monthe and fined 51,00, te 
seeks a reversai. 

The same points are made in this aase as have been made 

go, Bo. S8002 in this court. We have thie 

day filed an opinien in that ease, affirming the judgment ef the 
lunicipal court. for the reasons stated in that opinion the 
jJudgaent in the inetant case is at'firwed. 


O'Conner, P. J., and Matchett, J., coneur. 


Pa cea (i294 wera XE 

tort at Pnaboored 

fo de he dttinned eee d 

47: ion ten Adped 
= iv Pvd xo sorurdo air camcvE ae, vaste sormu UG Aa 

aa . , % o¥o28 wi torr 

es! ea. Ie egive gerit gatisese atiw boyteda aww snaebas ted, eohtne 


here iace how yiilvg howl saw Jason ssid ws isixd aoay dns yahsitets 
ol ..00,0% Donk? ban. adduo eexse xo} nolzeerx0d Yo: samo ex? oF 


P sbrendnad smntone wee, aids af obam eta atalog amas eit bran 
phat, ved 0% stu, olste, at 80082 .0h, sdudsvobonil.y ofnoas mi 

edd Te Inembot ed7 galari tio yeep, tedd a2, mplakge ap _peskik eh 
oat aodaiqe dace al betede anoases, add x0d | “sdxwoo, Loqto baat 
coo - phone ah eean, dai ead. oct, ah. taomabat 

5, Ps 4 
i feats 

ae -CEMLTIMA Banos yt Bi saenete ftuatiive baraerta uw of 

; 4 " 
be Boke (a Peet, choad daush oMf, ,otnoe. Bede Wh geeeete ors hans ol 

ise ae 5: 

ee atin postin, By wWitirat Sean iege eae Te aa nm goed ett sitet OF. Be roeres 

tp iat tea, Ya. ATALSeS, pa test om good yfe'lew sors hina 

ce Me ee oe Wail cay ip the {) (one. “a , eta er wil viley he [2 Wei ¢ g "Eas | aba 

rey rae 
i vee te oth  “@ wekoete te bine a hogan 
Bethe Cute a ce DAA ee SSL. Bhs. | nz s2 senses Pa) hha ashi a 

A ee 
eth ae ieee? attic Meguede giles? Ane Jee eres itgword 

walsh “Ye 92 ) yo bbe kth bert 

ie } ed P24 ae wid Pie ie ae eR ine (5 mf Si a aN VPA, ba PH (gee dies alt 4 ih Fat: 
j big: ye san tuehoe teh. ad hase te ae ifthe 3? “nase 
8 £54 OO Lez AV. pianet sti agh 6 IanesaKe 
; Sook) te, af 0 meee bak eee. a 
nyt ay is bi aa 

eNO 4 at ate ee ee ra (rOunee™® is 



; ; 4 
VOT A. 635° 
é Y i othe O 3 


Plaintiff brought suit upon three promissory notes of $500 
each; defendant's second amended affidavit of merits was stricken, 
and delendant electing to stand thereby, judgment was entered against 
him for $1626, from which he appeals, 

In the first paragraph of defendant's second amended affie 
davit of merits it was denied that plaintiff was the legal owner and 
. holder of the notes upen which suit was brought, and defendant orgaes 
that this wags a sufficient defense and the court was in error in 
striking it, 
In the first amended affidavit of merits, which had been 
stricken, defendant asserted that plaintiff was not the legal 
holder and owner of the notes, but that he had possession of them ag 
guardian of an estate and had failed to procure leave of court to 
institute suit upon said bonds, Plaintiff says that defendant, in 
opposing the motion te strike the second amended affidavit of merits, 
argued to the court that plaintiff held tiem as guardian of a minor's 
estate, and much of plaintiff's brief is devoted to the proposition 
that a guardian has the right to sue in his own name in behalf of his 
ward. However, as we view the matter, the first amended affidavit of 
merits, which contained the aseertion that plaintiff was a guardian, 
was stricken, and the second amended affidavit of merits makes no 
reference to a guardianship but merely asserts that plaintiff is not 
- the legal owner and holder ef the notes. Therefore, we shall not 

. @onsider the question of the right of a guardian to sue but shall 

(O88 AI eS on 


QoNg ‘to aeton Yroeednoty sexed nocw thue Seiguord Trttatels - ) 
veigitge sev atitem to Jivabi tte behneme bnooes a! saabasteb jess 
jatisge bowtas sew taombul, ,ydeteds haste pd gulsoote arias 
-alseqge al do Lain mort d8aly set at 
aitta Sebaems Aaoose atinefua'ted Lo daatyetag tanh edt al 

Tee a aie ; 
ine neve eget edt aaw Tiddaielg jady belanh sew a adixom te tivab 

AG teabee eh hae »piayond say thus dpidu equ meson add, te 

aL toms oa, eae Ptweo oss bar saneteb suelolTive # sar at Saas 

: ok coun fh eats 
teed bad soldw ,ad item 2. divebi Tie prvi teun2 ont a 

fageL ot gon eaw Tiliniely test botteaes taabustoh ,nodoizte 

an sedt to melesoeeseg bed of sast sud , aston esd to temo bas tebLod 

od Stuoe Yo ovseL sumone of otto’ bed bas etaten ae To makbuaws 

ak ,jashastob tet eyae Thttaieli .edaed bisa noqu thus etuditant 

,tixes: te Hvabitte bohaoas hacste ond edlate of mottom edt gateogge 

@’wouls « to aeltitevg aw meld bho Tiitalelg dant trs00 oat of heavy te 

noltieogetq ef% of hetoveh ei Toixd a'tiivatetg to dom bas ,oteteo 

sgh ‘to tileted af omen owe eb ak ewe of tiydx ont vad telbisug & tans 

Yo fivabitts behosms ¢axki gad ,tedsam edt wely ow sa ,tevewoH brew 
~Melbravg e sew Trivaielo ted soliteses odd bealetnoo doidw ,atitem 
on eotam etivom to tivebiYia bebusm baoves ett bas ,aexoliute saw 

\ tonal Ttitatale decd atreane Ylevom dud qidetstiiayy & of sonen a 

; tom Lfete ow ,etolevedl .sedea ods to tebLod baw teawo 
Lista tud owe of meibrevy s To teigit ocd to motteeup ont 

pass upon the second amended affidavit of merits as made, 

The court properly struek this, for the reason that in 
the same pleading defendant admits that plaintiff wae the holder 
ef the notes, The second saragraph of the affidavit alleges an 
agreement between defendant and plaintiff, as the helder of the 
notes, with reference to an extension and in the third paragraph 
of the same affidavit defendant tenders to plaintiff the interest 
on the notes, 

The record shows that upon the trial plaintiff produced 
the notes in open court and the judgment entered in fever of 
plaintiff was noted upon the notes themselves. Defendant was not 
prevented from setting up any defense that he might have had against 
any prior holder, and ae the notes are merged in the judgement, it 
is a complete bar to any subsequent judgment upon the same notes 
in favor of any other person. Hart v, Seymour, 147 111. 598. 

By the second paragraph of the second amended affidavit of 
merite defendant asserted that the interest on the notes, due July 
15, 1935, was in default, and that in September, 1935, an agreement 
Was made between the plaintiff and the defendant te extend the date 
of payment of the principal amount of said notes from July 15, 1934, 
until July 15, 1935, and that in consideration of this extension de- 
fendant paid the interest due July 15, 1933, 

The allegation that in September, 19335, there was an oral 
agreement te extend the date of payment of the principal from July 
15, 1954, to July 15, 1955, was an agreement to extend the payment 
for the period of more than one year alter the date of the making 
of the agreement and therefore void, being im violation of the 
statute of frauds, chap. 59, sec. 1, Illinois Statutes (Cahili.) 

In 27 Corpus Juris, page 185, it is seid of the statute of 
frauds, it “applies te an oral agreement to extend the time of pay~ 

ment of a promissory note for a definite period of more than one 


Lohan a0 etitem to tivahi'tte behasme Dewssw 69 mogy a 
ak Held nomen ect te? (,ekdt vomtte ylxoqoerg ttwoo ott 

robles aut onw Vtatela taste at debe tnabooteb yathaoty omen ost 

| ge any fle thwebt’rie end Yo sgatgeteY Baoodd ocT .noton et 2o 

gat “ye hfad edt ‘ee ,tiivaisla base thabas teh aeevwied taemeetZe 

dgergwte Ptide vd at bae aoleostxs oe of sonetptes Adin ,seton 

teotedak oct Tikiaiate of stebmet tuabne'teb abana oma at To 
Revubete Yiitalely felxd oA¥ moqu ted} adwords Wack gue” 8°? e880 
"te eve’ af bovedne daoubWt ec? bie txovs ddifo at “Se¥ou edt” 
| dou naw Sd@bocted seevicamed?’ seton odd aoqu aston sw Yad vitha ta” 

| tenting bed aved sdgktm od fustd sei tes Yiu i Bika dee moet betnoverg 
a strom bat, amd ah bogtsm ois woden edt as Ade. stoblod qolxy a 
eeten ime asd moqy tnoagbut, ‘taenposdue yas: rr) ‘nad o¢siqmod sa 
‘8@2 .06T VAL ,xuomyed .y dxe noatsq todto yas Yo cover wh 
| oe shvebtYia Sebneme baoves odt to Aqetpetag baoses st lt ae 

Fy i eat oul atom O42" Ao tevrodat odd Sand bodxesee tnabas'tes ethrom 
al tad le j280L ,coduos qed ‘Mt Yads bos ,étietes Wt kew over er” 
| ginb wy bustke of fnebaeteb on? bad Yetvatate one noowtee Wbant kaw” 
steed, ai ydut wor't eoton Kioe “to drut Loqtddirg wilt td sabayeg 6” 
sob Horwaaxe abi ‘to dolferebtanes nt fadty baw Jecer ae yale tea 
Tr SOL ef Ylot oat duotstant oily hing snenitet ” 
||” Fate tie caw emolls ,cteL jtodubdqee mi fane ‘dotseystte ett °°" 
a eta mort Lngtontxq bd ‘to fasuyeq ‘td etab oity haw exe "6 ‘Yobubtyes | 
| iG * toangas eds Anetee o¢ ‘fps ety ‘Ye sew “dees “at vad ed beet Jet” 7 
A —_ oils “Yo bath il’ c0d'te “hey ‘Sag andl! exom Yd welvog Sas WT" 
gif “Xo dotdatoly at gatbd ,bkov sderetens bal Fasmorga olf to” 

— (oeEtstad) eodstagd’ efeak ter 2° .088", ed Sgeito ‘Vabuixt te vintedd” 
‘* suse odd bine ei FE (Uae Wadd” dele ates ye reer 
qed “io “oally ity Sisiren 6s somimidieys Tard iid “ot od tts Pt ‘ieee 

do tat arin dive ‘68 ted ta er toa shame eisiedon 

year,” The same thing is said in Smith on the Statute of Frauds, 
sec, 546, Hide and Leather Bank v. Alexander, 134 Ill. 416, ine 
volved a written form of agreement for an extengzion of the time of 

payment of a nete, which agreement was signed only by the maker of 

the note, It was held that as the agreement was not te be fully 
performed within one year and as the holder of the note had not 
signed it, there was no agreement of extension, This yule/akeo 
applied in Snow vy, Schulman, 352 111, 63, where it was held that an 

| application for a loan, not to be completed within one year and une 
signed by the proposed maker of the loan, was invalid and not binde 

Defendant cites Julin v, Bauer, 82 [11. App. 157, as holding 
that such agreement is not void, In that case there was an agreement 
to execute certain papers extending the time of payment of a loan, and 
the court held that since those papers could have been executed 
within the period of a year, these facts took the case out of the 
statute of frauds, In the present case defendant alleges that in 
September, 19535, an agreement was then and there made to extend the 
date of payment from July 15, 1934, te July 15, 1935. It is obvious 
that this agreement could not have been performed within one year 
from the date it was made, 

Moreover, the alleged agreement is without consideration, 
Defendant asserts that the consideration was the payment ef the 
interest due July 15, 1933, Defendant was the maker of the notes 

by and was obligated to pay thia interest, and the fact that the 

Pn er ae 

“ gopartnersnip paid the interest is no 
sufficient consideration. As stated in plaintiff's brief, the fact 
that defendant paid his interest obligation cut of partnership funds 

mg Plage greater consequence than if he had borrowed the funds from 
a bank, 
The second amended affidavit was contredictory,evasive and 
insufficient in law, and was properly stricken by the court, 
For the reasons indicated the judgment is affirmed, 
O'Connor, P.J., and Matchett, J., concur, 

eabua'rt Io studate odd so djlu of bien af agaist emee ont." ,xeey 

oak ole fit bak saehcaxs LA ySdS ,098 

to emit eit to nobasetxe nee tort smite to. myo? oettlaiw » beviov 
te xoaem any bs “Lao bongte say Jopmserye doidw ,eson s to smpargeq 
yits't od of Jen saw J a9 aes T38 ent ae 283¢ bled saw dL .atom.ogt 
yer basi otoa oxit to tehfod att as Dae taoy ono alddiw bourretieg 
“eoda\esir ekat -foianssxe ‘to SoecpeaTss om Gow otadt tt hengta 

me tent bien enw dh oxecte »f@ .1h 866 ,memfusin’ vy wont at beobiqas 

“cw bos tex oo aivsiv hegetqmon of ot tom ,naol w not notiactiogs 
“bald Jou bas biisvai saw ,Aaol en} ‘to t9d8m besogorg ert yd dongle 
e peter 

onibian | ae VOL Sa eis 8 ‘gett mabetents, einsatiens are 
Saeaw9 x98 Sues ase oneas has satel asi aia . _phiov tom of teneet ge nti 
re «0 a to Samet ‘Yo amhe one gainsedxe ateqag atatiee otupexe oo 
bot usexo od eves bLuog sieged on of? gonte jad? blo temoo ont 
eas te tue gaap odd ai tos? peauit Maer # to bolteg out aldtiw 
nk tase e0g0 Le daabasteh oaan inezetq gs a1 _whustt to edutase 

| ont basaxe ‘ot oben pred? das aend caw InpuetRs om BERL, todaet goa 

“awoivde wi #I .eben 2 yluk of ,86CL ,84 yuh moxt gnemynq Xe eteh 
a : Tae ene abst v hooro'tieg need eved Jon hives Inameatys ald? todd 
a 8. hem eam dt edeb ent pont) 
“  watieiee hiaes twostt tw at tuasser se bagolle alt ,tevoomow far) av?” 
| eat to sr! ent ssw nolsazehianep ead tedd sirenea tnedoe tot 
9908 eds To todlen ont sew sanhoe'ted 8UGL ,8L ylub exh santetak 

i a 

cal se ae! ay 

et a8 teoresad ond bing f qiseventaeqes 


pm weteave toto thaxéaeo eaw sivab Tie dehemng havens seitt 
ie: “owes olf YS nedotisa Yxeqetg saw has .we tao 


sxsomoo ..b ,tiodoteM bas ,.b.0 W , oan i ' 

ie _ emit texts feat ert bas ,teeregat etd yaq of hedegitdo, vaw bas 
; ut add ptoltd a'Ytitatese ab peters nA seeenantietiie sinetescanedl 
: beni’? aisexentted to to Bolgaghida tampons als blag Yoehae'teb decdt 

ot abst ext bawoxted bast oxi ul madd soneuponneg, ANneniien ‘to Je 

eboust tts at taeumbst edt betaotbhal enoseot ost, meh bial eo P3, 



37866 f ff \ 
if mi Ki + 

Ps j ’ 
EDWARD PTACEK, (Plaintiff), ih / "4 | 





On Appeal of H#. J. GOLUuMAN 
and H. ad. CLARK, 

Ne 2 
2¢9 1.A.639 


On February 15, 1934, plaintiff tiled a suit against de- 
fendants in the Municipal court of Chicage based upon the written 
promises of defendants under seal to repurchase from plaintiff a 
contract for the conveyance of the premises known as 4132-34 
Calumet avenue, in case of default by the original purchaser in 
making payments ae the contract provided, The statement ef claim 
alleged default by the purchasers and the refusal of defendants to 
perform as agreed, The cause was put at issue and submitted to the 
court for hearing upon au agreed statement of facts dated October 
24, 1928, 

The cause was heard upon this agreed statement of facts and 
argued by the attemeys and upon motion of plaintiff continued 
until June 22, 1934, On that date attorney for plaintiff moved the 
court for leave to submit evidence, Defendants objected, their ob- 
jection was sustained and plaintiff's motion denied, Plaintiff then 
orally moved the court for a non-suit. Defendants objected, for the 
reason that the cause had been heard and submitted to the court for 
decision and for the further reason that no special motion, setting 
up the grounds for the dismissal supported by affidavit, had been 
presented as required by seetion 52 of the Practice Act (Gahill's 
Til. Kev, Stats., chap. 116, see, 52, par. 180, p. 32157.) The 

motion for a nen-suit was allowed over defeidants' objection, and the 

nae sal 
iy be: f ‘ yy \ vera moar eae 
apetioggas a 
oe ae caida pe Wn »* ‘a 

° niki 

Lraige wads 

yr" » 5 3 a ne ; 
Un ih ee Mk ee) 

+00 | auT to OIMIGO CUT CaREVILING ‘fiat  dakeeve™ 1 on 

ra ta, # > ee 

Ye Debates 
“96 demiega fina s beLit Ttisnlalg peed GL ides m0 

ge meat dae esl? mage beasd aysoldd to trueo Jaqiolaus ext ak. ot _ 
-) -@ Widalelg mort eagdotaqe: of Leen tebay eiamhae te) to Ae ( 
ooo) MMeRSLD. ae wort goalmetq edt To eogaypyaos eat not, soettoo9 
ai romsdorug Leniytse 96 yd tiuetgh 9 oaeo at. euneve tem teo 
akeis Io tsomisie eat .bobiverg toatamop eat ag, eemenaRS pattem 
) of winsbue ted Te Lacwiet oid bas, atosaiotue osit o thueteh fame tte 
add od bediinadve bas exact ta tug eew saneo ac?  boongs a8. ante’ 
r oxaemates botah afoot To insaesste beetye us sogy. sabiiang Supe 
pms afos't to fnomiete beotge aids soqu Pei pit iow ade hd knot 
—. besaddnpe Titalete To noltom nog bas aypamrotis put yd bougxa 
“oni bovom Tettatese rot. yonnosse eteb todd m0, 268k 88 empl, Lhtnw 
nthe. thedt ,betoetdo atanbas ted, soousbive tiudue ot svagt tot t1u09 
‘Rodd Thtialedd .botsad mokgoma'2itsntata, gua boatateue saw mottooh 
as 10k shotoetda etasbas'tes. nthventon, @ tet dano9 gad. bovom Yileme 
| ge tauoo, ont of, beg? tadye baw brass mood bes oaxms ext dent soage 
> gnlsion <Hoktom Lnkavge oo ded? monays, nddant, 948, epee 
| goed bod ,tivedivie yd bedxoqgue Leapsimelh oad Aot aban | 
os SmeR EPA ARRAS PY, sy Fen ing 3 bal * hag ei te re a 



cause dismissed at plaintiff's costs. Defendants bring this appeal 
and argue error in granting the voluntary dismissal without compli- 
anee by plaintiff with the provisions of said seetion 52. 

Section 1 of the Civil Praetice Act (Cahill's Iii. Rev, 
Stats., chap, 110, sec. 1) provides that ite provisions shall apply 
te all civil proceedings beth at law and in equity “in courts of 
record” with certain exceptions there named. Section 2 of the 
act provides that the Supreme court of the State shall have power 
to make rules of pleading, practice and procedure for the City, 
County, Circuit, Superior, Appellate and Supreme courts supplemene 
tary to but not inconsistent with the provisions of the act, and to 
amend the some for the purpose of making the act effective for the 
administration of justice, and otherwise siuplifying judicial pro- 
cedure, It is significant that the Municipal court of Chicago is 
not included in the list of courts named in seetion 2, Sections 
19 and 20 of the Municipal Court ast give to the judges of the 
Municipal court pewer to adopt "“sueh rules regulating the practice 
in said courts as they may deem necessary or expedient for the 
proper administration of justice in said court." Section 30 of the 
Municipal Court act provides: 

"“Svery person desirous of suffering a non-suit on trial 
shall be barred therefrom unless he do so belore the jury retire 
from the ber, or before the court, in case the trial is by the 
court without a jury, states its finding." 

A majority of the judges of the Municipal Court ef Chicago 
on November 1, 1935, adopted eertain rules of practice for that 
court in civil actions, to take effect on and after January 2, 1934. 
Rule 122 (Municipal Court of Chicago Civil Practice Rules & Forms, 
p. 90) provides for the practice in cases where the plaintiff may 
wish to discontinue his action. It reads: 

"Save as in this rule is etherwise provided, it shall not 
be corpetent fer the plaintiff to discontinue the action, but the 

court may, before, or at, or after the hearing or trial, upon 
such terms as to costs, and as to any other action, and otherwise 


Lmqqe etd? goltd etuehae'ted ,ataos a readabeny ti ery eeuno 
-kiqmoo twortiv Ceantom th vat xikbey add sul bhae ab TOTTS OuRTE Ane 
8% noitoon bise to anotelvere ost sty TWiintela yd some 

von tit a! 1111609) toa eolsonx’ £iv10 ett? “to £ tottoo8” 
wage LLasie anotatvora ati jad? asbivorg (1 -oo8 Off = into asbiade 
Ly Rawoo ai" ytitpe of bows wal te ditod egathesoord vss Efn ot 
ent ‘tc & aoltoo® bomen oreri? euottupints nistase diiw "broost 

tewog sven iisria stet% ong to dawoo emorquG ot tad asbivotq toa 

.Wto ens tot etwhoverg bac eottoatg ,gatbaete To aelur ofem ot 

oni a9 Loq 100 aiituco suet qua bite tations proltoaes »tinor td «UF a709 

of bas toa oul to eaetelverg omy Atiw sustelenoont ton tud of ytat 

ostt tot oviiee tte See os9 gatisa ‘to seoqrug sae tot oma odd hm: 
-0TG faio thst, gaty rh iqube eeiwissddo bre ast art te noltenteteteds 
ak egao tid te truoo Legioiowd edd Jadt tags Pringts of at. .OTHHOD 
Mmoltes? 8 aolioes at bean agruoo to fait sat at ReALioah, ham 
., oat Te aoghut oft of avis tee A7HO? Ange sank ods 34 UF dime 26 
Settoatg edt gaisetugoy aout dove" sq9ba of toweq t1H09 Aoghe nw 
- ond Set taotbegus TO Yteseeqen mead yam yea, +4 © ettvoo bine ag 
eds te O& aoitos’ "“,d4ues bilan ai goliteut to aoitexrtetntabs APGOTE 
: saehiverg tow JrH0d Leqtotnui 

late ag ¢ise-nona & pote vine to avozleoh aoex9 4 eteva" 

etifet yret add sxo'ted os ob sf ena fag sorter dt rire ye fflade 
SAE IE! AP STS sands endate oethl eae sthe eRaee 
= to d1v09 fagisitaw et bo es gbat sat te vwitetem A” | $3898 

faded 10? gottoata ‘to aalox nistioo betgoie (f8OL ,f isduovod ne 
-b00L 8 Yteuast isf'te bas mo soe'tte eted of ,scokfor Livio nt me 
‘Jamro% & eeiutf aoitoert LLvitd egaotid to stwod Ieetotnelt) Sel oful 
— mpi ont ‘orene addas at sotteetq eat “tet aontvorg (0@° “a 
iio le 0 flee “Elta S dal eusitemeonth ab melee 
bod" tidd #2’ hebivery calwieass af Gin what at te oat 
edt tad ,nobion ons emaléaooaib of Ttitalele edt rot taeceqneo of 

| tog ,faladt 10 guitaod odt tette to ,ta to ,stoted .yam tu0s 
pie eaiwtedte. baw ,folsoe tito yne of ag bas. ~eteoo of wa —_— 

beet A 
{ Bhar 
aT an 


as may be just, order the action to be discontinued, or asy part of 
the alleged cause of action to be struck out. A discontinuance of 

any action by the plaintiff ehall not affeet tae right cf a defend- 
ant to prosecute any counterclaim theretofore filed," 

The questions as to whether the Civil Practice act hag re- 
pesled sections 19, 20 and 30 ef the Municipal court act or taken 
away fran the Municipal court of Chicago the power to make rules 
inconsistent with provisions of that act, have net been considered 
in the briefe filed in this court. Both parties seen to aseume 
that section 52 of the Civil Practice act is applicable, In the 
absence of authorities to the contrary we are inclined to hold 
that rule 122 of the hiunicipal court is not invalid, and the order 

ef the court granting a nonesuit will therefore be affirmed, 


O'Gonnor, P. d. I concur on the sole ground that the Municipal 
court has not as yet passed a rule adopting 
section 52 of the Civil Practice act. 

MeSurely, J., specially concurring: I concur in holding that the 
nonesuit is controlled by Rulel22 of the Munici- 
pal court of Chicago, effective January 2, 1934, 


is a2 eevor BI TRRe ee Decne: Bae sir FRY iin 

ja, to “— poe ad 
1 te X20, he unten aio. wath of aot ‘ot “telieaTie'te 

EES lo aa ee ee 2 
sot Heal ton seitoext Liv to bay Yeiiterw o¢ Oe deciren? 

pewter Ye for Prob Leatothu J? te Ut baw Wh er amettiew sets 

ge firr eine of tewoy sift eysotMD ‘te Mrioo Leghokhvll ony’ wovt qawe 

herobtensd ased tom ovnt , toe Sent Ye emote ivory tw ryote Haney ak 
Sitter oo es waa ny ot Levee! Wi ae boltty eteerd ene HR 
: : wes Jo ffs fivge Ut Yow edttuet4 “Livid ait to he tettome tant eS 
oo sy ae ee a ee Le i 

ody bi ,bhcevind ton ei Mraoo Laqte Kaas writ te SOE tthe Fat 
| a 0" iting od iadadiead ‘tilhw SAN aattupty ‘Muoo sty te 
ty, Leaky geen qet« wetwandte bun yembtaw, te gold rack ake 
woes Le dike Leqialowh ott Jane aa Pi kingke oe ae pace y if 

or ppiaher Seely @los $47 no tubap0 FE - ub. us ‘ton eee Bee: 
is “a oe > doar COVED wnt! or hdediesasaill wuld re. Cc am, 

“es ot? suave sunex veivx« dons” Pooba od *ewor PURO Seah kos (fs) 

mn, | . 
; Kouta "to S8xoiuit yo bedtont same et ¢y ar adhe nt 

‘te euueo Me ee "0 Rat i anos 
CR Ry We WHE BH THO? Canto trait 

He 2 £9R NO sh niece tig Ye Were heon weveD eroya” ; 1 as 
Yen Bild Seated ga oS i ape Ens sek Ree woh oY eta oa tence oy 
F $ . . ‘ ‘. | hace cn 
£ iaia? way oesu 42 ,oewen BA? AiomE. * ot ont a 

S pala T Wak sted & etn? yt Sisit bo or ‘ 

. he ras 2, 1 

we cexgtolae’ an be eet ht eel Te i rt ah rf. 
tat gesetesy to wed siadans Sap eehe (es 2 or a teduove hd ie 

Ke RE a oe Pore tha iti a eee rays ‘a call 


+ SRL BGEPOeR’ SILA wearin “Te PU WRG aia ‘ho 

oy ty Cisse Mi i 4 * ait Nile et Me § rt suse oe th 

a Fm ge x Pe ye ee proinhigaigr ded AY ir ota ak an = oat 
2, as a a 14 

rf OLEk Be yi uy 9 i 
paarsect ¥ Die, Cotes cae ae iu sua ait seared oe 

37877 fh pet 

Defendant in ¥ rot,” 





279 I.A. 639" 



Plaintiff in Error, 


On February 21, 1934, the grand jury of Cook County returned 
an indictment against defendant KeCoy. It was in two counts. ‘The 
first charged that defendant was guilty of obtaining money by false 
preténces, in that on November 10, 1935, he ebtained $100 from the 
Palmer House Company by means of a supposed check dram on the 
Citizens National Trust & Savings Bank of Los Angeles, California, 
in which bank he had no agcount whatever, The second count charged 
that in the same transaction he was guilty of obtaining the same 
money by means of the confidence game. 

He was arraigned and plenked net guilty. He waived a jury 
and the cause was submitted to the court, Thereatter he withdrew 
his plea of not guilty and entered a plea of guilty, which was ace 
cepted and entered of record, After hearing the testimony of wite 
nesses, the court found defendant guilty of "false pretences" in 
manner and form as charged. Judgment was thereupon entered upen the 
finding and defendant was sentenced on his plea of guilty to the 
House of Correction for one year and te pay a fine of $100. 

The cause is here on the common law record alone, 

It is urged in the first place that the finding is insuffi- 
cient to support the judgment, A finding by the court, like the 
‘verdict of a jury, is net construed so strictly as an indictment, 
On the contrary, it is liberally construed and will be held suffie 

cient unless from necessity tuere is doubt as to its meaning. 

People v. Tierney, 250 111. 515; People v. Klein, 305 Il. 141; 

’ Tens 

al Jon bie tod . 
me ity na at 

ey soph Ci 
wr thm Y 
~ {YOSem Lt aersae 
— iad vitsmiosi 

nit % 

eration nen) " 

‘og ALON S 

,a4i anril2em Saree 

iyo te La eyed 
bonausox utes S002 vist dawna out ery 3 usando 20 Prt vine! Hd 

| ast .adawoo ow? ai saw $f e008 dnshastob | jestage teengethal me 
| — oalat ve ysuom gotolatde ta Ve ilug aa tnabasteb sauld Ae. fyi 
9, mort 90L¢ boalasde of ,S6eL OL tedasyow 0 tasts HAs Sia 
od? go amath Aoeils beaogqve a Yo eneom wd ‘yasgag9 9 eawol well santa’ 
| qwhero Rt £90 Bologna aod ‘to amet wakes P taux? Leaotiell amextito 
‘ —_ tases bacoes off ,tevededw Jauooos on bad of daad da ketw ak 
aM. oid neh Pneae te Wate, ecw of doktoannats came 9a at test 
| any soe sons bao Silt to anasm vé Yomom 
sank ® beview off thins gon behwelg bas boaglatts sew oH 
| Moab ie on sostasredT .¢tti09 ons of best iudwe wey oauno, pat aw 
toe wae doldw ,xtttug to eolg » baxedne baw Yting toa to selq ats 
 wttw te yaomtiost edt gatused t9ftA .bte0et te bored aa baa betgeo 
mk “aeoaetetq saint” to ytling toshaeteb beawsot times ot negeen 
eas Aegy betedie aequetedd saw tusaghs ,beogtade sa arto’t Lied oi Moat 
: eds of ytifea to seiq ald no hoometuse saw tasbasteb bas galbake 
> | 069 te oatt #2 yeq oF baw tavy emo tot noltoozxed te sanoll 

> .onole bioest wal common ost oo wtod ef soueo oat 
 mitiveat ef gathalt edd sect eoalq text odd ab hegre at a1 
add OLE ,tuwoo odd yf gatbatt A .daemybut ont Sxoqque it tke 
we doemieibal ace as yiioinée oo bewttenoo ton al veut, a te tolbtev 
ae rao biond of Iiiw bas beuxtanoo yilaredis at at ereedaeo ert a0 

(AE HET 008, sated .v edgon’ 1848 ALT, O88) 

-gikcunen ati ot a@ sduob at oxocd ytteoooon met, sveten saan 

People v, Shupe, 306 Ill. 31; People v. MeCurrie, 357 Til. 290. 

The finding here designated the particular count under whieh defend 
ant was found guilty, and (assuming the count to be good) it was 
sufficient, Defendant relies on People v, Leuen, 231 Ill. 193. In 
that case there were six counts in the indictment and the verdict 
was not responsive to any one of them, Yor that reason it was held 
insufficient. The opinion of the court said that if the jury had 
found defendant guilty as charged in a designated count, this would 
have been sufficient. Here, there were only two counts. One 
eharged false pretences, the other the eonfidence game. The finding 
was "guilty" under the false pretences count, There is nothing 
doubtful or uneertain about this finding. 

Defendant contends that the indictment wae defective in that 
the ownership of the property cbhtained is deseribed as in the "Palmer 
House Company" without qualifying words as to whether it is a eorpora- 
tion, copartnership, or person. Since the record was filed in this 
court by stipulation of the parties, the indictment gs as it then 
appeared has been corrected and, as corrected, is not subject to this 
eriticiem, There was no motion to quash the indictment; there was | 
no motion for a new trial, nor in arrest of judgment, and in the 
absence of a bill of exceptions, every inference is against defendant, 
People v, Lawrence, 252 111. App. 341; People v, Murphy, 183 Ill, 144, 

The judgment is affirmed, 


O'Connor, P. J., and MeSurely, J., concur, 

O98 LET VEE eaizzuoll x shuobt gb (£21 08, 
| Sastes Kobeaw uwhaw tues isiveidung att betengieed ated guibatt oat 
wee dt (hows, ‘96 mi tawes ond gataueea ) bos Wiing, havo enw tap 
“pT leek 5£nn dee esata etuos m0 ‘pekion tasbns'tec oti ko h't'twa 
totecey eff bae tasavoltbot eds ai stauwoe xle oxew eredt eseo tesit 
bled ase $k ageeet gad? col mods to eno yas o¢ ovienoqaes gon uaw 
: feck west, edt ‘ti ¢adt bies tisoo odd ‘te noiniqe oft .tneielttwent 
a bluow ates stawos botaagiveb & at bowteso 26 “Wiikey tnaboe'ted to 
ou etuH09 owt yin @tew otesdd ,omeit dno kok tie ‘mood wind 
‘ abt oft ‘ona gonobhtaos ssid renkt © ont ,ason0 2070 ontet aie 
Pi. gntaton ak orodi? .t aws0 neonsdezq ‘eater wx sant “myb they” aw 
| spakbat? ebss twods abs?reenu 10 thdduoh 
ik tne nd evtsneted saw tnento that extd sid abn 2100 $nabso to 9 ae og 
omit" eat «i se bediscnes ek bontatde tereqorg out to ahier0sr0 oat 
set0rri00 & at $2 xodtestw of ae abtow anlythtewp duoddiw Comaube ‘0 oauol 
id et ak bolit saw brovet oid eoni8 “smear84 | x0 ‘tclitere ad wages moked 
apa $i eos mk Saostobbad out apketeq ould to ‘no ltaivette vd? tumeo 
ets ot #09 die joa et  hedoeri eo as ban ‘Pedsveres aged sad bexasaus 
- aaw ores radabetbat ond Ménip of noltom od sav on oxedt na bold ke 
i - fealt mt bas fommybut ‘to geet ak 10% etoknt we st 8 ‘got errr’ 

fe wsdl 

staabao tot ‘daniags et donee tak yisve ,eHokdqeoxe te ikid @ “te 

» te Sol Bile ope pees 
she as: bet iets efaoed ibe aga Nied Ses , 
pu ie Pa oe 5 peek ye 
-bemn? Ye al A snobs oat 8 
” Sb cs heey MGs ie wart 
ORE LA ii 
ow 5 mF ak des 
twonos ,.% ; eeeeraial baw at ‘« {onme0!0 
BE ae cht i one ‘ 
R Cate te ve Liiy 
ee Mee Pe P i x a hE FUE Reap ee a Wi i Bis Oe Pe he ed Sant ike 
‘ , cies 
need 7 ee ee eee Hs owt ee eet ag “ wan fae gow 4 

} Pinar iy 
PERE. oY BASED VAG, hie ONE” «ER i kane 


Cite ll 



Appellant, ) es rd 9 TA 64 Q' 


February 2, 1954, complaiaant filed an unverified bill of 
complaint in the Superier court of Cook county, praying that the 
Marriage between herself and defendant, Benjamin ¥, Yancey, be dis- 
solved. ‘he bill averred that she had been a resident ef Cook 
county fer more than one year; that she was married to defendant 
May 6, 1920; that they had one child, ieighton, whe was eleven years 
of age; that defendant deserted complainant September 1, 1952, and 
@omplainant prayed for temporary and permanent alimony for the supe 
port of herself and child, The summons issued and was returned not 
found March 5, 1934, 

tm the same day the bill was filed complainant filed an 
affidavit of non-residence, stating in substance that defendant was 
@ Non-resident, and that his last knewn place of residence wag 414 
South Catherine street, Bay City, Michigan. The certificate ef the 
Glerk filed Vebruary 6, 1954, showed that notice of the proceeding 
Was mailed to defendant at that address on that date. No default was 
in foet entered on the default day whieh was Mareh 7, 1934, although 
solicitors for complainant and defendant seem to have been under the 
impression that such order was entered, and on that day complainant 
appeared in person with her attorney and offered evidence upon the 
issues which ie preserved by a certificate, At the close of this 
evidence solicitor for complainant was directed by the court to 
prepare a decree, Mareh 15th solicitors for defendant served notice 
that on the foliowing day they would appear before the court and ask 
that the supposed default be set aside and for leave to plead, 



i , YEG AY ONE suneew 

gba Ares s prs 

3 \ two SRT YO KOTAE4O WET GansvIana  TTUNOTAN wim a a 
Yo Offd pelticevaw ne HOLLT Pemcdkelquoo WL .W yraw'tiee “oro 
oat Yard yakgeta (ybawed Xood To d4woo toltegue ould oF Yale lenion 
-nib ef ,yoonY .% mhemtmel ,toasap'teh bt teeta mowded oye ltl : 

Ago? to tasbiset » need bad ooo Sond hevtyys “LLd ont ‘hovton 
faahawteh oF Hoiriam gai ovls gactd ; toy emo nate oxcin taht tie, 
ony novels saw ecw ,dotdyied iid tno Belt you’ want yoser ce 

fits \SECL ,f tedwatGo® doraialqmos kedtseeb Simdubteb vert joge te He | 
ete ont tet vaomiie fmusme¢ bas Yuttoywet rot boyd: snenbeteue 
“von bennuter aeW bas bevact etommun eal  .bLtdo) baa ee 
tie DeStt toeatwlesion both aw Itt wilt Yad ole edd wr! eae 

| eee iat eh ge Codetedwe al yaisete \yeuasbiver~aon to Fivsbt ve 

$22 aie eebbbect 20 evade mwect tend tht wade Das? Preh eth 

| acid Yo ateotitives off sawghdold ,ysIIO yak  Jodtte athe tan Avot 

Wy se Nia 

_ akbeesory 943 Yo eoived edd Dowede BUOYS YravedeT Bothy wee 
ew Siustob od .9800 tad od anothbe Said te Vileabaw'twl ‘wt! bet hated al 
|  Mgwoslt te So@L |S domed caw doldw yab tluates 049 no bersshe font a f 
- TOboW died over of move fuhaoted ban Senmlatenes rot re a 


ot mogh Sou bive here tie aan comtostu wwe ithe nostog Bb oe vi oe 
ebsis te seole odt tA ,wtaotiisxeo » xe hovtenerg of sky Aes : 

 qatten hovtoa tawhao'teb to't atot lotion iat iota 
- bas tw0o one eet tesges ‘biwow hawt ae antes 

They did appear and in support of their’ motion submitted the af'fi. 
davits of Dr. Mosier and Arvid 2. Tanner, a solicitor, The motion 
was continued from time to time, and Naren 26, 1934, affidavits of 
Carl H, Smith, an attorney at Bay City, Michigan, and of defendant 
were also submitted, 

April 2, 1934, the court entered an order that defendant 
appear personally on April 4th. May 24, 1934, a decree of divoree 
was entered, The decree found wilful desertion by defendant from 
complainant without reasonable cause for the space of one year 
prior toa the filing of the bill, as charged, and awarded the cus- 
tody of the child te complainant, June 1, 1934, the motion of dee 
fendant to set aside the default was denied, June 12th thereafter 
defendant served notice of appeal, The notice aiso prayed appeal 
from the order of March 7th, the order of May 24th and the deerse of 
divorce entered May 24th and that the same be set aside, 

The weeenh rites in this court September 25, 1934; the prepa- 
ration of the record having apparently disclosed that no order of 
default nad in fset been entered March 7, 1934, on September 13th 
the trial court entered a default order nune pre tung ae of March 
7th. Defendant contends that the court was without jurisdietion 
on September 13th to enter this order because in the meantime the 
appeal had been perfected and the appearance of defendant entered, 
and be hed personally appeared before the Judge in response to the 
erder to do so. It is alse contended that the evidence heard upon 
the trial of the cause, assuming it to be true, dees not sustain the 
decrees aid tuat the court abused its discretion in denying defendant 
leave to appear and defend, 

The affidavit of Dr, Mosier was to the effeet that on and 
after November 22, 1933, defendant was under his care as ehysician; 

that the examination diselosed the patient was sutivering from 

hyperthyroidism, with poesible diabetes, and also a psychosis which 


Suh i a 

ke ott bettindua aoltom*rkedd to toqawm a baw woqne BED Umeee 
ret¢oa eff ssnbioiloe e ow? 8 bives acs deed ae wo ediveb 
te stirabitts , MCL {38 dots Bae auth ed smk? moz't beuattaos, ew 
tmaboe teh Te Sue atta tole 2M sUslO yok te yormtotia ma ,Ating Kh Saad 
J Hotiiaiue cute oxew 
tankweteh tat tobi nai boxed droos ond ,deL LR Sewan i 
eotovth To eotoeb 8 PECL 1S ‘yok ith +e¥gh M9, Viamnaras te9qqe 
aot tna die teh vd aol trae Mite Savor oemab, ont ,bete: she Pi 4 
aN ono te epsge acid rot eeuay ofdanoguot duouit tv impeie 

sialake out ‘bo benwe bee sbogracto ae ae ond Xo paket ont, of idl 
“eb ‘to nation ould 18 OL af mut -dnente Louies ot bilste Fase % e, 

Pad ty 

wrtaoredi Maes eaut »belooh aw sLueted ode ebtae ive ot ve 
fasggs bewrq onie ‘eoidon oat tooags te sotten hovtes . 
Bs lainey sts bas uses yolk 26 ‘wento ot ay sto ta to x0bx0 oa a 

7 : ‘sebles tou od oun wis rr) bse ates Mail rete, we eorovih 
wie odd yeeer , ag detent truvo ahi ah dati MI 008% WAR cal 

Yo tehre om serid beroionse yitneteqqe galved brooes ond te aotsex 

wees, odmetqee ao ,b60L ,f otek bewetae aved tent Aa. eae 
| sont Ye 8 gaut gee gaya tolte tiusdeb » derotae tauoe tated edt — 

pabenpaten tuontin saw truce edd sad? phan ace stain a o 




a oat to aoe ous od rs nh : saduna eomee: 9s rte td 

tnebaw rob gals at notvexvato adi boouds Pxw0e “re tats bs 

Tk bak ar SU 

baat baw 

p i ye We 0 LY : 4 
baa a0 tant soos, ont 0 ot aan note i a8 area ind | 
antosevsg aa ve ahd byrne wan 4 

oe Age a 

rf) A f Chas 

mont guiro tue saw Anakteg oat, sented 

oi bs ne Bit 

Os; Sh Fj 
iad i 

manifested a pronounced melameholy; that he treated the patient 
for this condition; that the hyperthyroidiem bad been cleared wap; 
that the psychosis had not, and that he had reierred defendant 
for psycopateic treatment to the department of wental diseases of 
the University of Michigen at Ann Arbor, Miichigan; that the physie 
cian expressed the opinion trat defendant Was physically and 
mentally unable to undergo the strain of traveling to illinois 
and appearing in court for the purpose of contesting the law suit; 
that it would, in the opinion of the physician, be six to eight 
months before he recovered sufficimtiy to undergo that experience. 

Arvid B, Tanner, an attorney of Chicago, stated in hig affi- 
davit that February 19, 1934, he received a letter from Carl H. 
Smith, an attorney in Bay City, Michigan, asking whether he would 
represent defendant in the proceeding; that the letter stated dee 
fendant was an ordained minister who wae suffering from a breakdown 
in 1933; that defendant would be unable tp pay anything more than 
the most modest fee for legal services, ond requested affiant te 
reply advising whether he could represent defendant; that Yebruary 
24, 1934, sffisnt replied to the letter, stating the terms uson which 
he would represent defendant; that Maren Sth affiant received another 
Letter from Smith stating that the terms were satisfactory; that afe 
fiant exawined the dockets of the court, whieh indicated that the 
Gefault order had been entered March 7, 1934, and that a hearing had 
been had; that Mareh 13th affiant wrote Smith advising him of these 
facts and asking for instructions; that wareh 15th he received a 
latter from Smith instructing him te file a motion to set aside the | 

The affidawit of Garl H. Smith wad to the effeet that he was 
an attormey at Bay City, Michigan; that defendant was brought te 
his office February 16, 1934, by one Milo Oviatt, a resident of Bay 
City, whe informed affiant he was a friend of defendant and had been 


famteay oct Rodeos ant teat fy tendawled besavenotey’ & sobberenda 
fiw bewesLo uosd Sed wm iblowddroged Wad sass *pnotdibAde \ebits 46% 
Aisin 9G DeXTe ler dail ox deed dae ton ddd etvoroyng’ sis -dndd 
XO aonevalh Lediiend Lo saoustagel oslo 0) Iseaseort vidteqooye’ tot 
etaglg ed? Jand j;maglsieold ,sodtA amd de maglsio dt To. iwrevinw out 
bas Ullavisyiy wew saabootesh fads aelaige end bsedetoxe malo 
abontili of galievats to abette ont ogtebat oF oiene “yctadne 
pitwe wel culd gaivagtuce To esoqieg sd? tot dattee at gabtas oda hata 

tts of ala 90 jneloloyig SAF To Aokitt¢e srt mt! /PLsow st ‘tate 

_apaeiasdes gelit eytebns of UStadtot tina Sétevenet od otdted adfndi 

abYhe als af Netade ,ogzetad te Yourost a me ean? 12 Beved |° os 
asd mrt aette tw hevtosst od Se OL", Of ‘yiaicdet Sant ‘nives ny 

_ i of teeilett gatien jnagidott ,¢tl0 Ye nf Yomrotix av” hehe 
| dob ‘Bbans tadeek M19 fod faakbosodsy SAt AE fudlad tos ‘yaedetien 

| . avobdaerd 6 wext yatte Tine saw onw todetite’ Nontabro aa sav mere * | 
‘Gadd dre guiatyas yor qt ofdews od Ditow fashao toh ‘tat: eee at | 

og PHOLTES DOddougor fas ,aesk¥isn Lege l adt Ss? Fedtom adit ot ia 

einetiok tet sumhas ted sneactqet bLsdo of teddode gatdtvhs 

sotde sogs ewet ot galtada ,wedtel ot ‘GS bobiqes tadkrta eet ‘ . q 

test} ous bovieget Saale 196 dered todd ptaabas toh tnodexger ‘bivow eA 
wie Gadd tetoten te loow suew aexed wit Hastt “gattadd Af hie nowy wed ale 
OA tact bateotNat Godte ,t1u0s ot te adedoad erie Borininaite | gat 

. bast sane @ ads bos Neer (owes beretie ndod soit roDte ths 

aw vit da fiotte Wee 'et sae apne st teat te Hh fae Tit od 
| RRR senenenmeesn NR oa 


furnishing defendant with board and maintenance for several months 
prior thereto; that defendant was a minister, but on account of 
ill health had been forced to retire temporarily and was then 
under treatment of physicians sand contemplated going te a mental 
clinie at the University of Michigan; that defendant informed af- 
fiant he had received a letter containing what purported to be a 
PEC Ee ety that divoree proceedings had been instituted in 
Cook county by defendant's wife; that defendant desired to con- 
test the proceedings because of his belief that her conduct Was @fe 
tirely unwarranted and unjustified; that defendant informed affiant 
he Was poor and without funde and unable to pay his own Living exe 
penses and unable to defray the cost of medical treatment; that his 
only ~resource wae a policy of insurance which provided for the 
payment of a monthly disability allowance in the event of his being 
totally disabled; that defendant with the assistance of his wife in 
the latter part ef 1933 made application to the insurer, New York 
Life Inaurance Go., 30 So. LaSalle street, Chicago, and that he was 
expecting to receive some funds from that company on acecunt of 
payment for said disability; thst defendant requested affiant te 
write to some reputable attorney in Chicago to ascertain the cost 
ef obtaining a continuance of the case in order to enable him te 
regain his health and permit hie to go to Chieago for the purpose 
of making a defense; that February 17th he wrote to the firm of 
Chicage attorneys for information requested by defendant, and 
February 24th received a letter from them consenting to set as 
gounsel; that February 19th he forwarded the affidavit of Dr. 
Mosier to the law firm, and in the meantime he wrote the New York 
Life Insurance Co, to ascertain the reason for nonepaynent of the 
‘disability allowance and was advised that a purported assignment 
had been made of a policy te complainant, and that a check in the 
amount of $300 had been issued to complainant covering the period 


a nom intovee Tol sommastoten bas btsod Astw tanbasteb gabe tem 
‘to dampoce ao dud ted editor & aew snabse'tob basit oreo xelng 
nord sav how ylixexogmed oxtter ed beoxot ase bod df Lao {it 
igtnen & ov ashog bate Lomas neo bie cote Laysle te Fomatser$ t9hnw 

Ree aie 

~ta beorcotat dewhne tab said Fan bio be te Xt tetevball oad ta oinl tp 
fel 1 an ON ae 

& of of betuemtwa Saxe galoisdaen nested r bovisost het aii sme it 
ats Dies 

ak betutiteni aed basi agaibessota sotovlb Sead oottoc\goltaok idug 
1 ee aa hd 

_ snmo of herieeb damhas tab dat jotiw 2! taahae'teb ed yiawon 
~y , sew toubaos ‘was tan? telied ald to saueood agnthosoorg, odd teed 

2 Bits rf 

tnet'tts beswroint f cun bone teh texas jbodt stant aw hese be Saerzaway ver? 


“xe weivit awo ein yaq ef ofdanw base ebnwt dwodds tw mm, sont now beg 
etd tat fnoutae1t Laothem to tap edt verted of ofdenu per inion 

Fie Fa Ral - ; 

at tor bob ivorg dio Late come cap to yoltea 8 acw sotuosen® Ws fe 

gtied sid to save oat at sonevolis ushlidesth vfldaom a ‘te soom é 

ae stiv gid Yo soveteleas ot di iw sambsse'teb test thesdaekd y Lat 
nol wel .zotwenl ot 9 wottent Lage oban BE@L Yo dtaq Bros « | 

we HOR Balog oh 
| aeret at tedt bas ,ognotdd ,toorxte of lated 08 e 109, eonats 

Yo tawoogs ap yangmos tadt mont abaut onos ertsoer ot 

Aah Bits) eer 

oF tuaitie betasapet dasbarieh sand ythtkdaath btaw ad fa : 

_taee os? atediesas at oyaotite as Yorsotia sidetuqor 00 “th Bas sas 

esogzug sai on ogeg iss re es of ahd thozoa bas st haod aa 

pect ES, One Of, ofomw of MITE eranrdott jadt yoann top tet im 
ee Lies aie es 

haw ate ‘tab wd bodagupet ao ttantetat x02 

oe ; 

from December 11, 19335, to VWebruary 11, 1934, and advised him ree 
garding the claimed assignment of the policy; that defendant then 
informed sim he was without funds and believed the sesignment of 
the poliey was fraudulent; that affiant instructed defendant that 
nothing further could be done for him unless he obtained a nominal 
retainer for the Chicage attorneys; that Bareh 5th defendant bor- 
rowed from Oviatt $20 and om Mareh 7th it was forwarded to the law 
firm for its retainer, ‘The affidavit further states that affiant 
had received no funds for his services and he believed defendant to 
be wholly destitute and dependent upon friends; that he had great 
difficulty im dealing with him and ebtaining factual data on ac~ 
count of his mental condition; that he conferred with physicians 
and they had advised him that on account of the mental strain 
growing out of participation in = trial at the present time deo 
fendant might become mentally unbalanced, and that defendant is in 
ereat need of specialized medical care and hespital attention, and 
affiant said he had at all times in connection with the handling 
of the legal affairs of defendant acted with diligence, 

The affidavit of defendant is te the effect that he received 
notice through the mail Febrypary 16, 1934, advising him of the euit; 
that he then went to confer with Carl H. Smith, an attorney, accom- 
panied by Milo Gviatt, who had befriended affiant and furnished him 
with food, shelter and maintenanes for several months past without 
compensation; that defendant left his home in Toluca, Illinois, about 
November 21, 1953, because of iliness which foreed him to give up 
his profession as a Minister of the Gospel, and that his separation 
from complainant was not occasioned by any discord in their home 
but entirely by the facet that it was necessary for defendant te 
obtain rest and medical attention for the treatment of his diembliity; 
that complainant is a sehool teacher in Chicago, but that she re- | 



Faded e x dA Lae 
“ot whe ‘bos the fais eek As cringe oF eber i tedus904 age 

neat saehas ted iad (yo tLeg ot te Smousg ions boukaLo out amlbeny 
to snag tase ene bove bind bas abavt tuons iw new oo ate bounetad 
tect tashae teh botouesant gun tits tars {tae fubwar't aaw wottog ont 

fa.) ae 
keaton B heatasde od ee Law aia tot onob ad binge ‘aorigeut 

tod tashastob see aoteu tas jayeatotts ogao.sto uit ot x raatate 

wad ecg of bobiawiet esw th ag? rlotell ao bow ong ttetvo ‘not bevwot 

galt he Sacks entate yorriat tivebitte sat wrontater wa) 102 wut 

os taabaetob eve fed oa Bow soolytes a hut wer aban on “bevisoet bad 

tastg baci on tadd jebine fot noqu $e bse bue osuditaoe visoam od 
OE Re 

“a be atab Knates’ yakaiesde bas mb digiw aatioo at ‘yotuoltith 
Dt Se OM 
anaioiegsig ago be x19 2ai69 on surld jaols kha ietnem etd to Ja 
Cw $24 HOBet ‘ae 

aiaxte Latoom ssid ‘te 3 ao 908 m9 teds mek boatvbs basi veut bres 
aa diy PR 

-ob suis tasuetg ac? Sa fetxt @ at nottagtotztag 20 de 
a eh tombanteh ted bas boone Lodau ViLad seat omoos ‘ole 

ee % THY SR rf 
hae ,solinotie Int iqead Bie e189 fas tbem box! fetoeqn To 

tit f ypatr wes fed dette: 

gnifbaad odd thw amitoeameo mk womt? ‘ile ts host od hhas Bi: 
sone gtits adiw betes tasban'teb to extetts tayo 

ot ; Soren 
_ bevisoet os Sad? SoeTIe os al ek taabae tob to thvahivts oat edtay, 
itive edt Ye ald gutatvbs ster yal ctayrde thew anit sguotd? 9 

M4 Ase ka 
nee _YOUTOTIs ss 2d Las oe fed dtiw 1o'tH09 ot taow cared oa. ai 
; bial SES eh % ‘ 

min Sasieionst has tne ithe bokapixted bod ver ettalyo ofie yd i 
a # wal agay | a. 
sword dw snag sisnom Laxeves tot sonsastatem ‘bate wot Leute boot dhw 
 twods «ntoal ist -8ouLot uk amor als tet fnabae%eb sans 5 qaie 
; ta br as et | 
eH eviy og subst heezo% sip batw aeoait! to eavaved SEL ih te 

Nols etaqea eid dass bas «fogs od aid te rods tab s ae 
_ Garo riod ak ‘btooeib ne bol boaeiseae0 ‘tom ‘See 

ot sanbaot0b xo Vxseseoed anw ai text ‘$oe? ont | ~ 
seeaeigganh asi ‘to tnempaott ye tot aotsandte feo thom § a deo 

ot one sas hind yoneo isd as ‘otlonos Looioe & a Marr 

$ 5 
ne De. POE: TM Re 
‘gh ‘ ‘ 


sided with defendent until September, 1935, with the exception of a 
shot time when she went home on a vacation during the year atid two 
er three week-end trips during the same year; that complainant maine 
tained a fictitious address in Chicago during 1931; that she was in 
fact a resident of Toluca, Illinois, until September, 1933,/during 
1931 and 1932 she maintained an apartment in Chicago Tor the purpose 
of establishing a Chicago residence to enable her to obtain a yosie 
tien in the public sehools; that at the time of the diveorntinuance 
of the home maintained by himself and complainant in Toeluea, there 
Was nothing indicated by complainant to lead defendant to believe 
she intended to file suit for divorce against bim, and that in truth 
and in fact she represented herself as being interested in the wele 
fare of defendant and aseaisted him in filing his claim under a poliey 
he had with the New York Life Insurance Co. to obtain payments to 
defendant for total disability; that defendant came to Bay City for 
the purpose of rest and medical treatuent; that he was without 
funds on reaching Bay City and has been without funds since that 
time and that he is utterly dependent for defraying the cost of 
his maintenance and medieal attention upon the proceeds of the ine 
surance policy; that he was gr@atly shocked to receive the notice 
ef commencenent of divorce proceedings, and that he felt the pro- 
eeeding was entirely without merit and unjustified; that he was 
infomed by his attorney that he is charged with desertion by his 
wife and that she alleges she has been separated from defendant 
sinee September 1, 1952; teat such allegation of separation is 
false in feet and that defendant and complainant resided together 
until September, 1953, in Toluca, and that although complainant was 
in Chicage until November 21, 1933, defendant until that date 
visited the apartment in Chicago, stayed over might with plaintiff 
& week before said date, and when he left the apartwent with plain- 
tiff Novenber 2lst she drove him te the car in which he was leaving 

o te aoltqoxe ast dgtw sSb0L , todmetqes him frahas teh dai bobte 
ows big tesy, odd ath ub toltsoayv s ip oatost taow ote naitw omts teosie 
~tilam toxuntetomes tad? jtaey oxen ont guy ut aqiat bs =:tsew vont =» 
pode osia dees {AERL guttub ogee iso al evorthbe awehshtesy s onlay 
Batrub\f40L ,tedmesqo® Ltjas ,etonlitl ,seulel Te daontaee toa? 
eseqiug od¢ tot eywotd) ai tasuttegs an porthes aknac axe REQL Ps a 
efeoq 6 aladdo of ced oidane of sonshteot oprotsd 4 paisa mate a ye 
sonauald soar ib of, to emis pAd In tpi? sefootoa obiduq ope 1 ak mod? 
eto! ,seatol at sopatealqmoe bas thoemta yd hantagactan es pat te 
eveling of + ins bw tom beet of snsmialqaoo ao besaotbas ato , wae 
ditwrd of fed bow ,aicd tealage setovth tot ptue otf't ot bonawend, pa 
«fow add ui bejserstat gntod ee Heated bedageetqet | ode soa, at a 
yorlog # tebaw miso ef gmifit ai mid bogaless bus te 19 ts By exer 
o¢ atapayeq aiatde of .00 sanutwent #thd Axoy wt ont athe fA 
wo% yO yol of sme tnebaotoh dads ;ythitdeeth Latos xo dmahuo Reb 
tuodtiv exw as fess jtoamdaots Leothem bas teot : to he nd 

duist conte ahau't dwoddiw ased ead bas ¥s29 cae ub a me baw 

to deoo ont gatyerteb tot duohoegeh “fuetiy at ox out te. od Dae, ombe 
70d ong Yo mbeagorg ent aogu mottaetis Laotber bas opeatnne 
selzon ont evisoer of bedqans qitaoty | BRY Fees sane ive, fog ssiee 

hey Eo aay 
ote, ers sist ed tat bas “sagathoovorg poroveh te + deestetanie'g ™ 

aaw od ges? bert teubaw bas throm Suosdtiw yloxtiae a satbooe . 
eke ys moidieees dj lw bogrado at on taut womodte abs Ve Somtg tad 
tnebne Tob mort bedetages asad aed exe aoyetis ose - cont 
at aoksereced. Yo motiageiia sdoum dose (Seer 4 f odo goe soate 

_ woddoyod hebiaes ¢nenlesquoe bas jasbne ep tact baa Sreaishtee 


aa tusaleLgnos Hyuordd Le Jaid bee s@ouLot at ae een stedis 
_, Stab sede Lhpow taghas tod abGOL 18 tedgever £83 

. ‘Yuratete Atiw tdgta save beyate ,ggedise at Faas} 
. bes waka ty thw fhe wel 4 oat vteL oat aone bag ,oteh bts | 

ae” YB 

ee bea GL at Ut Pe 

Chicago, and that their serarntion was entirely amicable and 
witheut thought of divorce and not actuated by any miscondact on 
the part of defendant. 

The affidavit furtie® continues corroborating the facts 
set up in the affidavit of the attorneys and the physician and 
goes on to state that defendant has delivered letters to his at- 
torney written to him by complainant under date January 12, 1934, 
December 21, 1935, November 13, 1954, and February 27, 1934, whieh 
he believes will aid in reaching an equitable deeision with refer- 
ence to said cause; that he has also delivered te his attorney a 
telegram sent to him by complainant in September, 1933, which dis- 
@loses that defendant and complainant were living together on said 
date, and that defendant had not deserted complainant as alleged in 
her bill. 

There ig no denial of the facts averred in these and other 
affidavits, “Ye have also examined the transeript of evidence re- 
ceived by the court on the hearing Mareh 7th, it being the evidence 
upon which the deoree of divorce was later entered, and find it to 
be deeidedly meager and unsatisfactory. 

In support of his motion defendant also subuitted the af’ 
fidavites of several members of the church at Toluea, Illinois, to 
the effect in substanee that the family of defendant, his wife snd 
young son, moved into the parsonage of the church there in the 
fall of 1929, and continued to reside together up to September, 
1933, Defendant also submitted the affidavit of one Fecht, who 
says he delivered milk daily during the time the Yancey family 
lived there from the fall of 1929 until the middie of Septenber, 
1933; that from 1931 to 1933 Mrs, Yancey taught school in Ghicago, 
frequently returning, however, and Living with defendant in the 

The record shows that defendant frequently appeared persone 



hits widuetea Ylorktae asy sotdaseqee whet? deat hos \ogsotht 
Me toubaoosin yse yt betesdon tou ban sororht to ditguond daedw ’ 
iis : -trahnateh to tang ene” 
atest of guidexedettoa segaigane ‘tersri't tivebhttts taf ¢ De Lead 
Bats sie hokage, si bas syprcoite and to ttvekl its edt — tow 
, sts ahi ot paagiel beteyiied and taabop teh tent state ot fo e603 
AECL Sf yragnel oteh tebaw taaatoLgweo yo mbit oF aetditw yoaes! ” 
a oltdw ,b0GL ,VS vrewidet bas ,SEOL 2h todmevel ,28@k {iS eodmeoet 
~tetet doiw aoietooh eidatiupe aa gnkdoret wf bla ftw wove) tod Sd" ” 
- & YPmotie eld of hateveish oats wad od todd podned bine dd SUnee” 
-uhh Mokdw ,SECL ,todwetqo8 at taemlefqmos qd mid 6} trow duegeted!” 

blag 2 yositoyod gatvlt oxew JacaleLqmos baw tunhae tod tadt eestor” 
nt begelin ac tnanislquoo hedtepeh tan bad tmehas'ted -teiteotind fetnye 

" ster rent 
tedto ban seont al ietain asoet act ‘te Ledemoh on at erent tndnaep 
“OE eouablva to dqitornetd ent boatmean»e oele oved oW © wate 

sonebive ert ynied #4 87 sete grlnoed odd mo fauvo sid oye vevaie . 

of ti Pali bac ,borstae xetel sew eoxovhh ‘to eoupob’ exit Hotste apgu 
! LViotos he dane bre togeem ythehiveh ed?! 
= te ea itivten oats trobusteb apidem els to Sroqquea: wd! o° eeu tae 
ot ,stonk {sl joule? ga, sipnumdp. edt to. exodaem Lerevoe. to’ at Babi ” 
bas eliv ain ,icabasteh to. yiivw? off tant -eonetadue mt tos tts eda” 
Sit ab exes! somade ed Le egenceteg. sf adak bovon , ada aig 
stedmosgsS of qu tedteged ebieer ot bawntsaos ‘Bats C202 to tat |!” 

odw ,tsios% 9a to divebl Tbs ext heddbadua eels tashaoten “4keer i 

(Yilust yeoust sds omit anf gittanh Ylled Atte berdvi Leb ad wee 

‘stodmes qe Xo oLhhsm esi) Litaw QSCL Ro tLe malt mort wxeut Beye! 

~ yonsolaa nk fooiiva diguet yooral .atk CECL od OL mort dade eCek 

ate ae —— 

SS Le 

anee6 brcancee isomer pobre’: Pan te broses. out 

Ort. AE meh ne ted, dake WMT SE AMR, «Ramee raedmeuton uftaupent ” me 

toh Batam 
tet wk Elan nw aa 

ie ie. 

ally before the court in response to the rule entered so to de, 
but that he was never given a hearing, The manner in which the 
matter preceeded is indicated by the follewing colloquy: 

"ir, Bammer: Dees your Horor care to meke any statement 
fer the record as to your reasons for the decision, as is sug- 
gested as you may do under the new Court rulings? 

the Court: No, I don't think se. However, if dir, Yaneey 
does not want a divorce because he is 2 minister, and wants to be 
protected on tnat, if you will file a eross bill for divoree for 
him, he will get a deeree,* 

It would unduly extend this opinion (and it is euite 
unnecessary) to review cases, The evidence given upen the hearing 
on lkarch 7th was insufficient te sustain a deeree, and the affidavits 
submitted showed diligence on the vart of defendant and that the 
actions of complainant were unwarranted, There was no denial, 

The court had jurisdiction, and the refusal to set aside the de- 
eree and give defendant lesve to plead on the merits was an abuse 
of diseretion, Meliurray vy. Seabody Goal Ce., 281 111, 219; Leland 
xX, Leland, 319 f11. 426. the order denying the motion to set 
aside the deeree and the decree itself will be reversed and the 
cause resanded with direetions that an order be entered giving 
defendant leave to plead to the bill of conmiaint, 


O'Connor, P. J,, and MeSureliy, J., concur. 

+b et cn Sonatas adies ony oF sanoqaat at xis add ovoted yLte ; ; 
nat dobby oh term cl gabled « sevly tema saw od test dod 
ryupotion gntwollot edt yd hetaolbal a2 hebosootg t9tiam 
- tnemadasa fr aigm of at40 xenok tuey mea ixansal ur an 
. ogue ak ss sat "a eg snoaaes tee re Soe oat to? 
HOU Won a @ bed aa 
yeouet ere ‘atte -0a daldd ¢'a08 1 ot eee ” 
od of ogaay ban stodaholm 4 af of eavaoed, penet*s A wan § 5 
te! sonore aot fild eaote @ 6£22 ELiw soy t fact co 
” "eetoah 4 deg Ee em oh 
i athe | ed th San) naigbes sind baetae \iubas bivow 41. fi eet 

| tae odd coqu covig goughive edt ,22aso welvet oF (x — 
eetrab itt edt hae ,seTgeb a alateus of dastel tinea sew aay sees 0 

. eit fact bas daghueteh to trac edt oe gogpgtith heweds bot hi 
: igh , ohetaed on aev otedl ,datnstiawns stew taeaigiqaco | te . | , 

ee aut shlax toe ot Ieeutet oft Ane ,rotsotbaiaut bed, dase ‘ 
| "enue ae saw etizem ect oo beelq of ovnel taahaetob ovta ane 908. 


fod GOk8 Lil £88 ,, B92! 122 MEE ot oth te paid 
“tee of colton 98¢ gabeomh tebeo ot 88h AE OO medtiage 

ie wie baa beaveves od fifty. .ineds onneeh ont hae, onNee.: ae, . 

) apkvty betetae of rebte na sade amektegthh atv, bobags 
-Ontalqnos to Likd adt of bapdg, of.evaas,, 


¥ 8 

Si RE Baa Ra aes 2 Oe we ces 

MS Ps byt Gate Padiatr LG 

a ai st rivet “anett 

SP tte cess he te sei 0m ie 

toh, Daa aioe, aaa 

37917 } 

0, HAASS, a a 
Appellant, f ali, 
| opea, me MUNI GIPN : 
ve, ) : : | 
H. J. BALTES, ! ) } 
Appellee, ay 
279 1.4. 640* 


Plaintiff caused a judgment by confession to be entered 
against defendant under a power contained in a written lease under 
seal executed March 26, 1951, whereby plaintiff desised to defendant 
eertain premises known as 2636 Lunt avenue for a term which was to 
begin May 1, 1931, sand te expire April %&, 1933. The rent reserved 
in the written lease was $70 a month, payable in advance, the lease 
contained a clause to the effeet that the lessee would be released 
in 1932 “in case firm calls him away," The affidavit of claim 
stated that the sum demanded was due on account of $10 for each month 
from May 1, 1931, and ineluding April 80, 1935, which was in arrears 
and unpaid, 

Judgment was entered liay 7, 1934, and with costs amounted to 
$283.50. tiay 25th thereafter defendant filed his verified petition to 
open up the judgment, The prayer of the petition was allowed, the 
erder previding that the petition should stand as an affidavit of 
merits. The cause wae submitted to a jury which returned a verdict 
for defendant, upon whieh the court overruled motions for a new 
trial and entered judgment. This appeal is taken from that judgment, 

The petition admitted the execution and delivery of the lease 
@8 alleged, but averred that within a week after its execution he 
fendant was notified by his employer that it was necessary for hin, 
with other employees, to take a substantial cut in wages; thet imue- 
diately thereafter defendant notified plaintiff of this faet and tela 


. hin it would be impossible for him to fulfill the terms of the lease 

. ; ViLeve 

“SS P- 2 al rsa « ali 
aferctavs ore daw { .s@tetiega 
,ODADIHS Yo nk babposene sbeen 

.  B8T4AT oH 


tee sor Xo WED MAT RETIRE FRE SOE mas 

woh ahs 

a Fees 

batedne od es ucisaetaos yo dnommbul, a boauao Whatatess 
wobhan oenel aotiixw« at keatsines TeWog # TebaL suabapted te fanta 

_ traboeted of hostash Tlisatele ydetodw ,f6@L 88 sig ttaad Seteegey fase 

of, caw doldy ares # tet excaye ¢qud OCOR an quam Ronlaere mi 
hevrogot dmet edt .ShCL , 0% ittga outgxe of hoe AbCL ft wt atne 
easel eft eomevhe at eideyeq ,disom a OTF saw oanet ao setew 7 2 

oe ‘See 
boewetot od bivow osanel edt Jadd toette ont of eauafe 2 2 


prem) pe tol OL€ 2 ¢usooes, 0, oub spray or itn _e con ta batate 
atsvrne ith aay soddw ,860h 06 L27¢A gabbutont Bae ECL «f yall mom) 

at hatanems etaoo dtiw bag ,deL re yaad denndee. aew vt poy hy' 

ot aottiaeg beitiarey eid beiht sSapbaeted tefieeteds A288 vail .08 8888 

ode ,bewolls saw modtizveq esd to toyetq oMf .toompbut oat Coe noc 

to ¢ivabitis on ae poste bineda molitieg eat taut palbivorg xebr0 

( fetbuey a hemwton Moldy qxol @ of bedtindue sew saweo oct setheen 

wot 6 101 eaolfem heluxteve tiwos end tio dstw nogN tasbao te tot 

:  poomyput dede mont moaed «tl Lao aan ela? | .tnemahst bototae ae a 
oswet add to yroviteah bas solsvoens eff bett iaba nots hiog ont ve 

ob aolsuoexe asi teste swaw & ahag iw sastd boxteva and nee = 

and instructed him to lease the flat te another, as he would be 
unable to pay $70 a month on the then existing wages; that plains 
tiff agreed to make a new lease on the basis of $60 a month and 
that it, was agreed that the lease upon which judguent was entered 
would be cancelled and surrendered in consideration of the new 
agreement; that defendant began on May 1, 1931, to pay $60 rent 
a month in advance and continued se to do until April 30, 1933, at 
which time a subsequent rental agreement was entered inte whereby 
plaintiff leased the same property to defendant at $50 a month; 
that 911 sums due plaintiff have been paid and defendant is not 
indebted te him. 

On the trial plaintiff denied any promise te reduce the 
rent and said he had asked for the belance of it Decexber 1, 1931, 
{just after defendant bought a new autowebile) and defendant saia 
that he couldn't pay then because things hadn't been going so well 
for him. Plaintiff also said that about three days before defend- 
ant moved in and after he had signed the lease, he asked for a 
temporary reduction “until things broke for him," and plaintiff 
told him that he would go along but that defendant would have to 
pay the rent later, which vlaintiff says defendant agreed to de. 
Plaintiff testified that at another time defendant told him he 
couldn't pay the rent then but would get the money from his dad; 
thet when next spoken to, defendant teld him he would have to see 
his (defendant's) lawyer. All payments by defendant were made 
by checks, which are in evidenee, At the end of the two years 
covered by the lease in question plaintiff executed another lease 
to defendant for the same prewises for the period of one year at 
$50 @ month. 

Nary Wagner, an employee of defendant, says that she hearé 
& conversation between plaintiff and defendant on April 23, 1934, at 

the entrance of the apartment occupied by defendant, when plaintiff 

: te beer” Ves tha tio Yuebne'ted bas WHEdiata 

x Pant 

ad bimow od ea ,zedeore o¢ salt oct eneol of wid botowraenk dae 
entelq tact paogav guitetxe mexit ent mo itaom's OTF You ee oideas 
hove eld regan = 026 ‘Lo etaed ent ms osnet wen s sdem of heetys trht 
boretas enw EL rio Let noqas amet oud Jad boonpa enw ‘ah’ tant 
wort oits ‘Xa nébiavehLenos nt Dertehbnerccom hae hbolloonss od binow 
snot OOF gre at ,HUL ,f Yok mo aeyed daehae ted derit ptremeetae 
ts ened ,o8 LicqA Lfistaw ob of o@ bomniiaeo Bae souevbs of sao s 
qioesde Gtht boratas cow tabmoot;e Lntnoe tnoupendva « emby so bew 
“fitedom #9 O8G 2a tiedne'to6 of Yixonote omoa set bowast Tridalade 
“Hom et tuabaston one biet aod ovndt veieabese ‘oub ome Ele todd 
; se me fete 
“Bie wobda of odkiiotg yam Sotneb Ytitatsta taltd oad 'nd 
“\ERek ,f tdewoed sf Td vonetad eid tot betes bed on bidd Sebel 
‘Pine tishavtoh bas (elivouoesus waa s taywod Joabostes rFte tout) 
Kiow od jateg aood é*abadt agatdd “vanbood wens Yad #nbuoD om ‘bald 
 Gbneted éxotod eyab cond? ‘suede tadd bhad odie THe ktart! intl aed 
ig 462 BWuee 4A jonaes -otte nengte Bod OM xOd'te ‘bre mh Devon tae 
Vtidntetq bas ",wld vot edord wpakslt Ltr” mottoubdod yxenoqaed 
od Sve bLidw sashnsteh Yas tod gaols og biuow oat ‘fal nba atek: 
gah bin woah “edith ‘egal Maan aka” adc Villon eR 
od wit bod stdubasteb oats todiom t2 Sedy boltttaed Talent 
{ned dtd wort yenom odd toy biwow tud madd tame ony we | nb fuos 
“ese o¢ ovek biuow oa mhd Blod shabaetod sad aevoqe xem ‘awd $e: 
‘pbact exew duahasteb yo ataoaeae tfa ceoywat (a fuabne'ts ») si 
atsoy' ont wilt Yo ‘bio sav GA oomsbtve nf one doidw , wie ed 
“ gnaot tonsons bedveexe Yitdalste motdaoup at ovaet out ed boxers 
“Pe tue sao to otto oa’ ‘ot wei bate ense s idd at - er) im 4 a 

~ pte d ‘i gaat ayee ial ‘ty ostyotiae lun «(aes bp ilo 

 enyintuite werke ,fosbivo'toh Yt be kquodd naarearat 0: 6 

asked defendant about his past due rent, and that defendant told 
hiw not te worry, taat he would get his aonay, 

Defendant testified, en the contrary, that before he went 
into possession of the presises me told plaintiff conditions had 
developed whereby it wae impossible for nim to pay $72 # month and 
asked plaintiff to reduce the rent to 360 a monta; that be paid 
plaintiff $60 every month while occupying the premises, 

Plaintiff argues that the verdict is against the evidence, 
but we think that under the cireumetances the verdict ef the jury 
must be regarded as conclusive on the fecte, The testinony as to 
the oral conversations is conflicting, but the eircumstances tend 
very much te corroborate the evidence given by defendant. The 
eontroliing question in the case is raised by plaintiff's conten. 
tion thet a parol agreeuent te cancel an existing lease which is 
under seal is without foree and effect until a new lease is exe- 
cuted by the parties, and that when a lease under seal fixes a 
eertain amount ef rent to be paid each month, a parol agreement 
changing the amount of rent te be paid for the unexpired term and 
leaving the lease in other respects unchanged, is net binding on 
the lessor, and that notwithstanding such parol agreement he will 
be entitled to recover the rent reserved by the lease, Such, 
Plaintiff says, has been the heliding of the Supreme and Apoeliate 
courts from the leading case of Chapman v, MeGrew, 20 111, 101, 
down to Loop Office Building v, Hogan, 253 Ill, App. 574. 

it is also urged that the proofs do not conform te the 
allegations of the affidavit of merite and the evidence tends to 
show only a modification of the terms ef the original lease and sot 
an agreement te execute a new lease as alleged, Plaintiff says: 

"In these days of ‘reformed' systems of pleading, and of 

Hostrums and paneceas devised by so-called judicial seholars, te 
alleviate the harshness of a rule that compels a litigant, not only 

to plead but to prove a case, we should mot be unmindful ef the 

# boos diebaeteh fad bas ,ddex sub fang Git diode sasbae teh hewduw 
.ysnem eld deg bluow of dans pyrrew of Yow ww 
thew od oto'ted dad? ,ctsisace odd ao jSeltitded sosdtoteg’ 6 ~'! 
banal anelstbuos Yiisaisly blot ef teeiuste sat t6 Wofed¥eeed sou 
Bae cddcton & OVt yeq of ait tol oLdiveogut sew $1 Yodo de’ hegoleves 
biee s1 dud jaddom a GOL ot Jaot ont soubor at Tiivatete betes 
.woeimerq ot gatrquese eliaw titres yteve O8¢ Yitiaket@ 
sorehive oad tenlege al toibier ont fost? eougte Ytifatelt i ter 
west add %6 Soibrov odd seonntaaioils sad tébaw tend axe ow tua 
od 96 Yoenkioct oft .atoat vid} no Sviewtoaes ‘ss" hostuyor 6d oun | 
_ bes dedcetusvotts odd ted ,gattelstaos at anol taenevaed ro Os | 
alt .tishosteh yd nevig souebive ent steroweetod’ OF “ipa wr | 
sae dnbd a! Tiiabs tq ud beste ck bead off 2 Motvesup’ sahctoxtwoy 
al dohiw sass L gaiteixe i Lobo oF taimergs Lowe w te ' 
-9xe ai sanel wou « Litay doo'tte bak eotet dworid lw nt esa 
a eoxit Seon xebaw beast a insitw dasf ban wolduny itt, ee baal 
jnowoexye totoq & ,dtnom dome bkaq ef od tapy To! daifon ka 
poe ao? bortexonty odd 101 wii oa batt sae hl ‘tia itt non Ho 

etloue .oemel edd yd bevrwaet thet add tevovet Gprdbye i's > @ 
ote L6oqm bre omrcant ede To —? - aeod — be: Vinita 


“ast 0 mxotxgs fea ob atvorg bid Jans my silenced! ‘a 
ae shad coushive ‘gala boedh atiton hd _— esis to deevoniomod 

fayas Yiitminsd bopetie aa saast wom a etuoexe od - sabi : 
“ ah 
16 boo ,gathaeiq Yo nuateye ‘beltb'tex” 16" pro dieanpifl 4 

Pe Lakh a “tac 

me ARS: ott “be de 'tpenkeus od, ii vous, om Paap. a a7OTH, oF, 

fact thet the o14 dictum of the common law, allegatea et probats, 
still survives, ae the corner-stone of judicial scicnee, " 

Looking to the abstract we fail to rind that the evidence 
offered by defendant was objected to on that ground, er that after 
the close of the evidence the point of variance was raised by 
motion to exclude oF otherwise, Plaintiif is hardly in a position 
to expatiate on the virtues of the common law in this regard. In 
this class of cases in the wunicipal court the cause of action is 
whatever the evidence makes it out to be. Blaborated Ready Roofing 

Co, ve. Hunter, 267 111. App. 134; . 
R,R.Co., 246 Ill. Sil. The general rule of lew for whieh plain- 

is mn ¥, Oni cag R 

G6: ds 

tiff contends is recognized by the cases above referred to and many 
others, The general rule as to the modification of executory writ- 
ten contracts under seal is stated in Aleehuler v, Schiff, 164 I11. 
298, where the authorities are cited, The court there said: 

"We hold it to be the law ef thie State, that where it is 
not sought to alter or change the terms of a contraet under seal, 
still leaving it in foree, but where the object is to show that euch 
instrument has been abrogated, canceled and surrendered, the question 
is one of fact for the jury, and evidence thereon is admissible. In 
the present case we do not pass upon or determine whether or net the 
evidence offered by defendant was sufficient to sustein hie defense, 
That is not our province, We do hold, however, that such evidence 
tending to show a surrender and acceptance should have been submitted 

to the jury, and it was a question of fact for the jury te determine 
if there was an executed sgreement tor the surrender of the lease, 

Williams v. Vanderbilt, 145 111, 233," 

In Snow v, Griesheimer, 120 Ill, App. 516, plaintiff sued 
on awritten lease under seal for the balance of rent claimed to be 
due, The defense was that by a verbal agreement the rent reserved 
by the leaee was reduced and the entire rent as reduced paid in full, 
The court held that the questions as to whether such verbal arrenge- 
ment hed been meade and, if made, had been performed, were properly 
submitted te the jury, and a judgwent for defendant on the verdict 
ef the jury was affirmed, The judgment of the Appellate court was 
affirmed in Gnow v. Griesheimer, 220 111. 106, The Supreme ecurt 

there said that as long as the contract under seal remained executory 


“ees to, mutos 
EE ee eT talvlnet te oxobetinren ccd ie vaovivwen Eee 
Cit, ER 

gormblye ast fect Omk'T of tet ow toattads ont aba” 
ee'te decd 40 ,baWory tend ao of betostde aew thabasteb yd herette 

4d Seeley few Sonsixav Yo ¢utek BAY sane bive ont SW Seen Cb 
mahsitey w ok cited ak Vildntelt  .oetwiedie to obuloxe ot ‘no hb om 
al ehseges Bhat ol wel ftommod ent to bendxky ef? no. eheitigws® ot 
ai nottoa ‘te wate OND Selon Loytotae ede nt aseas ‘to shade “Od 
.¢ Of twe th wealan aoheht ve oat iapratae 

stitiotg Maker <ot yar 10 Stwk Denonby sar’ Lhe” tr One” eit 
qnhie bad OF Retxs tor evecs Hoage sad yd boakmooet af Pees 
«tiaw Ytotmdexe te notes Ptises sat 64 aa elox teens oat oe ee 
ee Bibbs 9 Stith bid Uh RP 
“tide otoct P1boo Ya JBetio oto @bbfizodtun ot “etoste = 
ak # otede faut jodate etny “to Wal ant od ot Fk ‘bloat aw seh auad 
owe Peete 1o°T he fed ar once” ? *sexdt aa st . 
ga an geeks 

. 2 
ott ten 16 t9dtoudlw oalaqetod rey 
-orme'teh ele wiateve of ouster tiee a Baw reitht or nse © sonebive 

Soiebive sown Sedd , revered fe a —— Rema 4 wae of t death 
botsimvue oood ever Stvods eonstes thang 
eniasajad et ytut, oft tot toe te pate thay once, Say oat s 

owed ety Lo Moi eri edd TOT FomoTye aoe 
, S BER, itt Ba @as gtiht : 
Base Weddsteta okt aA, te O8.t aantesandyta%. RUA oT jubtae te 
od of bemtelo ot te eonaind oe. tot Laps. neh ass enael PARSON Bill 
bovreaet damm, auth Jans 07p6 Lage a va tet, saw, soneteh off. re “" 
. Lint ot blog, beesber ae toon outer odd bao, beouher saw egoat sult yd 
: wognar ts tedzey Howe todjode od ge anolicone oft tans bLod domme, ost, 
| ¥eregota exey decrrptreg mmed bed yobs TL ,ham obem mood pad teem 
tothrey ext no fagbasted ot doomabel & hae »eTHh, ones ereatgtite 
Bay 2x p00 etastoqas oft Io staompbel. ot, ’ iinet nth pace 
tthe snore emt .00% .£1T 98" ouborting b08 

ones pomtenen Lue eenauehdnitake kan "hi one a°shiv'tt the saath 



the plaintiff could have repudiated tie oval agresment, but that 
the rule of lew to that effect was one wiles defeated the intention 
of the parties and was not to be extended to ‘iii, anki "it dees 
mot properly apply.* 

In Levy v. “reenberg, 261 111. App. 545, the plaintiff 
breught suit on a lease under seal and the same defense was inter 
posed and there was a tinding ter defendant. On appeal te this 
court the plaintiff contended that the sealed inetrument could not 
be varied by an oral agreement; that the payment of the Lesser 
liquidated sum did not discharge the indebtedness and that the parel 
agreement to reduee the rent was budum pactum, the court reviewed 
the authorities and held the reductions in rent to be executed gifts 
which needed no consideration to support them. in Kymen y,Ausechicks, 
270 Ill. App, 202, decided st the April term 1933, a similar ques- 
tion was raised, and this court said: 

"It is well settled that an executed parol agreement nay be 
shorn to defeat a recovery upon an instrument under seal. Aggeey 

Dae LEsOh, 269 Ill, 342; Snow v. Griesheimer, 220 Ill, 106; 
yv. Forsyth, 141 Til. 22; Doyle v, Dunne, 144 Ill, App. 14," 

See also MéXenzie et al. v. Harrison, 120 N.Y. 260, 
For the reasons indicated the judgment of the trial court 

is affirmed, 

O'Connor, P. J., and MeSurely, J,, soneur, 

ee tess Sad, tng wie tye penn esis potakboei weld bigos, 2 
j onbeantnt anid. began hae codiw goo eev Joo tte Jadt of met, Xo. pres ons 
tea 2h" sintte\goege of beboatxo od gt Pon, pam, baw, seitteg add 20 
".ieas <etagone tom 
— Mihaniacg ort ah, Gah Add COR, deintaneit. sisal ane ee 
-totat aaw erated page sad bas jews tebas seeet « go dium Siquond 
_, alt oF Aeeqya mO .Soabup teh sol gathait « sew exedt baa heaom 
fom biveg Imauadacd be Looe ol swsls, bobuesaen Thidabaty et tauoe 
ia eS ost Lo. see afi tas, jJonapergs, dene se nee i 

am tRes wad ChwgA eit te ponteob b «808 «60, of , an 
Themetbsdoen ve alan snl 

1 W to ie’ 
Li aa 


int. apes tee, pee aaa oe gt 
Lede <4 t i eae Re 5 ee Leek Mm or ame Ae He) 9 Jee) aa, 

fs BEC Wy RE ee Roku. elena Re: hie eee Ce 

no Ana doo tee, wnt. damomebah i Doe nee vmmlaaitied 
pihae ey aE fh : ai Oy § ! PPO ie 5 RK io | 7" de eS . 
ion yaniteqaat wt par Len’ Oe iam ink ai a tele 

Hastie ene Ra ee one a ea aimed” sae th 

37457 ) ai é <_< 

: f Pa ~ Bi og 
MARY Le ROBINSON; fem porth FROW aoa 

(Plaintiff) Appellee, i 
Va ; 

a Corporation, 


Yad Pi 9 Te e G6 4 yy 

(Defendant) Appellant. 


This is an appeal by the defendant from a judgment entered 
in the Municipal Court of Chicago for $1500, in favor of the plain- 
tiff in an action on a limited accident insurance policy issued by 
the defendant. The cause was submitted to the court without a jury 
and after a hesring, the court entered the judgment here on appeal, 

The plaintiff's statement of claim and affidavit alleges 
that the defendant executed a policy of insurance on the life of 
John James Robinson whereby it promised to pay the plaintiff, Mary 
Le Robinson, in the event that his death was directly caused by 
being accidently struck or run over while in or upon a public high- 
way by any public or private vehicle, which policy of insurance is 
fully set forth in the statement of claim. The policy states in 
part that in consideration of the annual premium of $2,00, the 
defendant insures John James Robinson for a term of twelve months 
against death resulting within sixty days from the date of the 
accident, directly or independently of all other causes from bodily 
injuries sustained through external, violent and accidental means, 
for $1500, if such accident is sustained by being struck or run over 
while in or upon a public highway by any public or private vehicle, 
There are other provisions in the policy, 211 of which are set forth 
in full in the statement of claim, and upon which this action is 


.~ 4 

| : ms te. \ venve 
™ MORE Sota! oes X eHOSHIGOR «1 YAAM 

' aUOd JATTOLMUM eoSolleqqaA (ttttatsl4) 

. ev . 
gta idientiges benshennall sont 


bovetoo taemphyt s wott tasbaetsbh edt yd Leeqas as ei eidT . : 
~aiteig edt to tovwt at ,008L rot ogsoidd to trod LeqtotauM edd ad 
yi Bemeat yoilog eonmsryaxt tmeabloos betialt sso noltos ms ni This, 

yout s tuodtiw trveo adt of Lettindya ssw senso edt -taabaoteb ont i 

efseqas mo erod taempbut odt dotetne suo edt qgatreed # softs bas, 
segolis tivebitis bas miso to tnemetsta alttisaisig, eft 9) 5 
to etl edt mo sonerveni to yotlog & betuoexe tnebaoteb ont ‘tade 
eral wtkidnislg end ysq of heeimotg tl ydexedw road tdod Bens adet 
NE beaved yitoerkd eew déeob eid taut tmeve exit at toantddl “od 
ages otidue s nogy to al ofide revo aut to dourite chbdeniiia ‘gived 
ei eoastunal to Yileq doidw .eldidev etsving 0° ofiduq yas hci yew 
ni eetete yotfog oc .mielo to taémetate edt at ddrot tee yiink 
edt .0O.G to muimerq Lenane odd to aolteteblanoo sit ‘tedd treq 
adinom oviewd to mrod s tot moantdofi semst afol sexvent dasbasteb 
adt to otab edd mort eysh yixie aidtiw guitiuest diseb teaiegs 
yitbed mort eseuso tedto Ife to Udnobaeqehal to YLteersb <tnebioos 
.easen Lstaebioos bas teleiv .fsaretxe dgvotdt beaistave eetiutat 
seve mux vo dourte yriod yd beaisteve ef éaebloos dowa tL ,008L¢ rot 
soloidev eterixe so ofiduq yas yd youryid oilfduq s soqu to at oficw 
digzot tea ona dotdw to Lis ,yellog edt af saotetvorg todto sxe joredt 
at soitoe sist doidw sogu bas .mislo to taemetsta edt at Lint ot 

The statement of claim further alleges that while the 
policy was in force, John James Robinson while in or upon a public 
highway, to-wit: standing at the intersection of Euclid Avenue, 

Oak Park, Illinois and the Lake Street division of the Chicago Rapid 
Transit Company right-of-—way, was struck or run over by a public or 
private vehicle, to-wit; a work train operated by the Rapid Transit 
Company, and by reason of said accident, directly and independently 
of all other causes, he died; that plaintiff performed all the 
conditions of the policy, and that the defendant refused to pay. 

An affidavit of plaintiff's claim was attached to the statement, 

The defendant in reply thereto filed an affidavit of 
merits stating that the defendant had a good defense upon the merits 
to the whole of the plaintiff's demand, and that such defense was, 
first, that the insured did not sustain a loss of life by being 
struck or run over while in or upon a public highway by any public 
or private vehicle, and second, that the insured did not sustain a 
loss of life directly and independently of all other causes from 
bodily injuries sustained through external violence and accidental 

On the day of the trial of this cause, the plaintiff on 

her own behalf was allowed to testify over the objection of the 
defendant that she was the beneficiary, and the next witness called 
by the plaintiff was the gateman, who worked for the Rapid Transit 
Company at Euclid Avenue in Oak Park, and described that vicinity 

in general terms, to-wit: that South Boulevard runs east and west, 
and Euclid Avenue north and south; that just north of South Boulevard 
were two sets of tracks of the Rapid Transit Company, laid upon the 
surface of the ground and commonly called the westbound tracks, 
carrying trains west from Chicago, and the eastbound tracks carrying 
trains east to Chicago. There was a 10 foot space between these 

two ME@EEEEE tracks, On the east side of Euclid Avenue was a lever 
box about 4 feet high, 5 feet long and 3 feet wide, located about 


edt olidw ted? espetis sted¢ast mlafo to tmometste ed? 
olicug s mogqu ‘te ai efine seenidoh aemst, ado .setot ad esw rokthit 
,ounevA bilowk to solitecersini eds te antbasta rtiwee? eVewdg id 
bigesh ogeeidd edt to mofeividb teexte eded edt bus elontIlI .arst asd 
to oLidug s yd TeV0 asx co dowtte esw .ysw-to~tigit Taqmod ‘tlensz? 
tieast? bigal edt yd betszeqe atert arow 8 ithwot elotdoy stavizg 
yitaohmeqeshni Sas yitoorib ytaebtoog bise to soeset yd bas «Yasqaod 
od? Iis bemrotreg Tiltntelq tedd jbetb ef .eeeuso todto fs to 
eed, oF beavier tashbreted edt dedé bas ,yoilog et to, enot#tbaoe 

wait sdnonedade edt ot bedostis ssw mis{o e'thitntela. to. tivebitte aA 
to tivebiitse as beLlit o¢eredt yiget ai tashasteb odT . ed 
obienn edt mogy seneteb hoog e bed tashaetsh edt tadt ey atten t 
_ <eew saeteb dove tsdt bas .basmeb e'ititatetg edd to sfodw odd. o¢ 
gated yo etif to sect 6 alsteve toa Sib, beormant sdf gedt .textt 
olidug yas yd yowsiggéd of Lduq & poqy to ai oLisdw revo az to, toute 
£ sistese ten bid borvani edt jsdd ,baovee bas .oLoidey saving x0 
mort aeeuso redio Ifs to yitnebaeqehat bas yltoerts stil to asol 
_fstusbiocs Sas seasloty Isazedxe dgvotdd beatatewa setrujai yitbod © 

no Yekinzely odd senso StHt to Isizt oft to Yeb oft noo” nee 
“edt Yo soktoetdo edt tevo Ytttast ot bewolfs asw tLeted’ Awo ted 
pefiso awentiw ¢xed ont bare .yretoltensd ent ecw ote tent trabmeteb 
#ienst? biget edt tot bexrow osw .memetey odd ecw Rtitatste ett ya 
wtletoty edt pedixeesh bis wired 2s mt evasvA Bileu® te ~reqtiod 
‘drew bis tase ant brsvelwed Atuee edt rtiw-or .emred Letemeg at 
reveled ctvoe to datom taut cade jritvoR bas trom emnévA’ ‘bifoud bine 
edd moqu biel .ynsqmod thease? bigs ont to afostd to atee owt od 
‘salostt buvodtsew edd Seliss yinoumod bre bavotyg edt to soxtrye 
gaiyried adosr? bavodtens eft bre ,ogsoid0 mort teow anterd gaiyrtee 
beedt meewted sosce toot Of 2 Baw oredT Ldgsoidd oF tees sntert 
revel & asw SumevA bifoul to ebta teas edt nO «adostt Smementa bw? 

tuods "hesuont ~obiw teot © bas gaol teat @ ,fgid test 4. tuods ‘od ba 



midway between the westbound and the eastbound rails, This was 
known as the control box, from which were operated levers controlling 
two gates. The gates when lowered shut off the traffic going across 
Euclid Avenue, north and south, one gate being at the north end 

and the other at the south end of Euclid Avenue, Just east of the 
control operating the gates is a @idewalk running north and south on 
Euclid Avenue. Immediately east of the sidewalk is a shanty about 

6 feet Tong, 3 feet wide and 6 feet high, East of this shanty is 

a long box or bin, about 8 feet long, The sidewalk came right up 
clese to the shanty between the shanty and the lever box, 

There was but one witness to the accident, who was a 
switchman standing on the platform of the work train, which was 
moving cast on the westbound track. He stated that both gates were 
down at Euclid Avenue; that he first saw the insured on the east side 
of Euclid Avenue between the two rails on the westbound track, and 
that the insured was struck by the train and injured, 

It also appears from the evidence that he was taken to 
the Oak Park Hospital, where he died as a result of the injuries 
sustained in the accident, 

This case was submitted to the court upon the plaintiffis 
evidence and if this evidence supported the plaintiff's cause of 
action then the trial court properly entered judgment for the plaintiff 
The trial court, however, in considering the evidence would only 
consider the competent evidence in the record, and such presumption 
will be indulged in by this court when considering the record, 

The defendant contends that the evidence of the plaintiff 
that she is the beneficiary named in the policy in question is in- 
competent upon the ground that proper proof was not before the court. 
The plaintiff alleged in her statement of claim, un#er oath, that she 
was the beneficiary named in the policy, and therefore under this 
allegation she was the proper party to institute this proceeding, 


ecw eid? .eliet Ravedtese sit bas bayodiaew edt msowted yswbin 
gaitlortaoce erevel betersco ovew doldw mort .xod Lordnmoo édd es rina 
esotos gatos olttert edt tTto tude berewol morw eotey ‘eat aedtsg ows 
bao ditom edt ta gated etsg eno ,dtvos bas dtron <oumevA biLou® 

odd to fase fault «sxmevA biloud to bas dévoe edt ts reddo sad bas 
wo divoe bas dtron goinnut ilewebib & ef edtss ent gaitetego Lortnoo 
tuods ytnede 2 at tleweble ‘sd? to tess YLetstbemal SeunevA bilowa 
ef Yimadd eldt to tec agit toot 3 bas ebtw test & .gmok tect 8 

qu tight emeo Xiswebte od? synol tost 8 tueds .aid xo xod yao a 
.xod asvol edt bas ydnede odd aoowted Ytnede edt ot seoLs 

$ esw of .tnebtoos odd of seentiw emo ted saw OxedT | 

"gee do ldw waiert Yrsow odd to mtotielq $d¢ ao gaibaste nemdotiwe y 
otew estes dtod ted¢ betste oR .Xosts bavodtees odt ho tase gaivem 
ebée eee edt mo bowwanh sat wae dotit on teat jeumeva biLowa ta nwob 
bus fostt bavodteew edt ao alter owt ott asewted sumsva Siiowd to 
abétutat bas ater? edt a doutts esw bowéat oat ‘tant 

SF “pedis baw bd Saad videbiie bas Beet Hkeddd itd FE e 
esizuinit dé to sfveot 8 es beth ed otodw yietiqeoH dzat asd ed? 
stuebioos edt ni dentstave 

a'tti¢aialg edd segs tives sft of botdimdug. acu ees0 RIT oo coy 

te sayao altiitaislg edt betzoqqwe eonshive eidt tt bas soaebtye 
tttanisty edd sot taompbyt Sexetas yizeqosg txuvoo Jaixd sdt sodt agktos 
Yino bivow esnebive odd gatteblenoe ai ,revewod, ,tivoo Leizd, edt 
aoitquvesrg dove bus ,brover odd at eomebive tasteqmoo edt rebtanco 
ebrooot oat gaiteblenoo aedw tus09 eidt yd af begivbat ed Iftw 
tiisatela edd to eomebive ed¢ ted? abagtnco tnebueteb edt. 
~al ae soiteerp al yoltog ost ai bogsa Ytaioltened adi ef ode tent 
-t7y00 ods emoted fom ecw tootg reqeig tadé Savory edd soqy tagteameg 
eda ted? <ftse sefny .wisto to Jaowetste ted at Aegeits, ‘Utitaisiq edt 
_pidd cebau oroteredt bas.,veilod edt atbomsn yretetianed. ede Bae 
vgutbeeoorg oli etutttaat of vixeq regoma ent esw.ode moitegelin 


If the defendant wished to take issue upon this question, the 
defendant should have raised the question by its pleadings, This 

was not done, and the defendant having failed to challenge plaintiff 
upon this question, it waived the necessity of proof by the plain- 
tiff that she was the beneficiary named, The fact that she testified 
she was, which was admitted by the defendant, did not harm the 

The evidence in the record as to the liability of the 
defendant unier the terms of its policy is questioned by the 
defendant as not bé@ing competent. The defendant also contends that 
the evidence considered by the court did not establish the defend- 
ant's liability. 

The facts are that in order to protect the public, the 
insured was employed by the Transit Company as a gateman to operate 
the gates at the track at the intersection of Euclid Avenue and 
South Boulevard in Oak Park, These tracks were immediately south 
of the elevated structure of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad. 

At this point there is a subway under the elevation for pedestrians 
and vehicles using Euclid Avenue. At the time of the accident the 
insured was last seen standing upon the sidewalk used by pedestrians, 
which is adjacent to the gateman's shanty on the east. The only 
witness to the accident was the switchman Joseph J, Herold, who 
stated that he could not tell whether the insured was on or off the 
sidewalk when he was struck by the care 

From the evidence appearing in the record, we are of 
the opinion that the court was justified in finding for the plaintiff, 
not alone that the injury caused his death, but that the accident 
happened on a publio highway. The sidewalk at the place where the 
deceased was working has been used by the public for a nunber 
of years, in fact, one witness, B. GC, Branstadt testified that he 

was familiar with the location and that the intersecting streets 


od} ,nottheyp wld? aogy eter eacd Se beiietw takbnbieh bH0°H4 

atdT .epnibsely ett yd moiteeup edt beater svar blyoite inebnsteb 
Ttitwlsle exmefiedo ot beliet grived tuabasteb oft bas .omdb ton Bew 
~gisio efit yd toorg To ytisesoen edt bevisw ti etolveenp eidtd moge 
voltiteet ede ted? fost et? .bemsn yratotteed edt asw one tent tYHt 
etd itred fon bith <tnebaeteb edt yo hevtimbe aew ao tdw waaw ba 
posal -tasbaotOb 

of? to ytkiidet£ edt of es brooer edt at somebive eft =~” 

oft yd bomotiveup et yotfog ett to ewrot oft tolny tasbmeteb 

“ted abusitioo oals taabreteb eit “sta teqmoo gnked ton as ‘tnebabteb 
=baoteb ont deifdstes ton bib tru00 ot yd betebienoo sonebive edt 

“ sybitiaeir vias 

eit .olidwe eft dostotq ot sobto at tal ote etost oat ~ © twas 
‘@tereqo ot mametes S es Yasqwoo tienerT sit yw bevolqme ‘Bsw said 
bas Sunevh bifow® to nottosatetnt edt ts dost ont ts b asaiy ong 
dtvoe yletsibesit stew aloett ededT arsed acO at Brevetyod ai 

Seotliet nreteewdtrol & ogseiad att to otitourte betsvele edt to 

ancivtasbeq tot cotisvels ont tebay yewdve 6 at sredt tniog eidd ta 

erit dwobioce edd to omits edt ta .suaova bifon® gatos gefotitey bas 
.easictesbeq “ud bees Aleweble edt nogs anthaste ees ‘teal Bsw betseat 
yinto eft tame ont ao Ytnade atasweten ad? ot inodatiia ei dotdw 

Odw .blor9e .& cqoeot memdotiwe edt sew tnabtoos eft ot ebeakiy 

eid Tto ro ao aew Berwedt edt coddedw Ilet ‘tod Blues ef tant borate 
“yrso odd YO Mourte asw of modu ALawSbte 

to sre ow ,broost edt ai gaitacgas sokenive dak aert *% Ath 
atitmtstg edt tot ankonit a2 bettttent sew tvod odd #add aotaiqo edt 
“tnebtoss odd tedt tod (deed etd Béetteo veutat one sand enols’ #Ok 
"gad Stodw'Soktq She vs Gtewobia sav © lyewdg ad deTdaq' Sao’ BeRsqdae 
‘medium ¢ 20% okidud odd Yd Beau need bad galteow adw Doasedes 

ea dattd bortiteds dededet@’ 0’ 1a” cewsatie eto \{test at oti 
‘etestts anttooarodnt odd tedt bas “moitsool edd ‘abort Ekim 


+ aaw 

had been used by both individuals and vehicles since the year 1901, 
and that these intersecting streets were each 80 feet in width. 

The defendant complains that the court admitted in 
evidence plats produced by the plaintiff which were not properly 
identified; that plats were received by the witnesses, such as 
testified, from the Office of the Municipality of Oak Park, where 
they were kept. 

Where it is necessary to establish the existence of a 
roadway directly in issue, it must be proved either that the roadway 
was laid out in pursuance of a law of the State, or that it has — 
been é€stablished or used by the public as a highway for 20 yeafs, 
But where its existence is only collaterally in issue, as in the 
instant case, it is sufficient to show that it has been used and 
travelled as a highway by the public. Board of Supervisors v. 

The People, ex rel. 116 Til. 466, 

We believe that the plaintiff established a prima facie 
case that the place of the accident was on a public highway, and 
it will be presumed in the absence of evidence to the contrary that 
possession was in the municipality. Oity of Anna v. Boren, 77 Ill. 

App. 408. 
The plats in evidence were produced by a clerk of the 

Village of Oak Bark and are on file in the Village Office. They 
indicate that both Euclid Avenue and South Boulevard are 80 feet 
in width, and that the Transit Company in the operation of trains 
used the north 28 feet of South Boulevard. 

The physical condition of the insured was described in 
detail by the attending physician, The insured was taken to the 
hospital where he died as a result of the injuries sustained, 

.L08L resy ‘edt eomte eeLoidev bas eLaubivibat tod yd beau meoed bad 
~dtbiw ai teet C8 dose erew steotte yatfoosretat seeds tedt bas 
mt botctuwhs txsoo edt tadt anislomoo tusbastebh eff §§ § @ 
qUreqore ton srow dotdw ttitntelq ont yd beouborq atela sddebivd 
es dove ,aseecntiw edt yo beviecer erew ataiq tant’ :beititaebé 
ereiw <ftet teO to yellsqtotas edt to solttO ed¢ moxt .boltivest 
wtqes teow odd 

a to senefatxe ond dalldetes of Yrsaecden et Pf SxSHR 
qeubsor edt decd tedtie bevord Sd tem tf .Sveet at yLfoorth yewbsds 
eed ti tad? to .etet@ edd to wal 2 to eomebatue Ai tuo bist saw 
~ yatsoy 0S tot * vewatg bef s es otidur edt yd beaw 10 “bededidstes’aodd - 
eft mi as ,eueei ai ylistetslloo yiao ai souetaixs sat ‘sténe. fut 
- hae beeu need aed tt ted¢ wode ot tastoltiwe al #2 42850 treteat 
~ gsopivssac to oS 08 ‘Yollduq eat yo vouitgiit ry as Hes ieangive 
| 2384 ,L{T air. ter 
Stost sming © beiietidstes itttatsiq efit tent evetfed BR °°” 
‘Baa ,Yewdgid olidua s mo eaw tuebtoos eft to Sbbiq odd edt Sad 
dead yrevinoo edt of eoMsdive to someade odd At bemueoxy Sd Litw tt 
fit TT wore ov aa to yrt0 *- REECE SRS. elanahiaeates 
808" sam 

edt to drole s yd penubers grew eonebive al sterq. ont 
yed? «sotto ogalitV edt mi eltt mo ens das. azsG. X20 to ogeity 
test 08 ets Srsveivol divo® bas eymevs bilouk. dtod. tedt etsolbat 
antesit to aottsrego edt af yosqmoO tleassT edj tedt bas .dtblw at 
4 ehbreveluod diyoG to teat 8& dtaoa edt bea 
ak bodixoasb asw bereat edd to aoitifuoo Isoleydq edt 
edt of asiet saw borvens edt .asioteydg gathagdts, od? wi tts ste 
eboaisteue esixrujat edd to tiveer s es beth sd exedw Istiqeod 

ry f Pod oh 4.-ge F 
CCE Sea are <3 Ohad 
’ ~ | & es 2h tH 4 Pe 

“a : 4. oy? xs : e - 
i edt oo fa eet easy acy 

The cross—- appeal of the plaintiff has been considered and 
we are not prepared to say that the trial court erred in refusing to 
admit evidence as to the additional costs of the plaintiff, incurred 
by reason of the defendant's refusal to admit certain facts, 

For the reasons stated in the opinion we are satisfied 
that the court did not err in its rulings, and accordingly the 
judgment is affirmed, 



‘bne betebiedoo med eat tttintelq’ edd tof 
ot gittautor nr berrs treo fniey on edt ety 
berxneett eititmtelg edt to eteoo Lanotéthbs eh OF We Wehbe cde 
“(etost aistros tinbe ot Leeter attashasteb oft to Howser’ Ye 

bekrittaw bts! oy w ati ad LY tena wai eit! aie 2 S808 
boo .eyotior eth at x8 tom bab Yeu! bat gait 
phomr itts’ a 

a te bts ‘feo OF Yxoasodam af FE Gsbeet 
¥ mA cITEA ma 200 ime $2 \yheieak af viseor Ah yaiihaee 

Gee oi Yedks «eo ,edasks ed? To wat 2 TO Semaetoe mt tuo Bist ase 

SAS LATS ain 2 

gf? wi am ,ewaci af. yliexetetiosw vias Bs eonevesen ‘oht ‘eno 
hes Keg svod gat $2 dadt wore of 3 ao kpktios ak 2 tee prateag 
Y roptraede 30 beso selising ede Ye yoetete * oa 

«08. oSAT att Ane. 28 
Giese) galon o hetaildates itientely of tana ovelted Lit 

He \Soersid’ olidha 4 mo eaw toadionn eft hs ebie der mie” “yan paso 

ties STi tseo Ot OF eoneh ive to wey wide Sad at baauresxy od th 2 
“ ‘ ae ee 
Scaa TT Ree CF Denk Se yey | A ee Ley be dros anne mek” new i tésocaog, 

are a eh 
eee Ye. eee lh @ Ye De unt Boey Ba, Pie Coren lee at ptste, oon. 

Yorks  saedtio eyclity edt of ehhh ome. een bow eas a x09 sie on ée 
soet MO woe beovolved dtu bee geen. Sloot died feats 
entice te wedaeciqo ate af Yoaqee Rieeett, ems some Fate ! 
cteaew Lend ida . cm, det. ae: Aaron, ads sidan 

i beiieogeh pie bepupers mt. to aadethoae Loess aR, ent,» 
OLE ME Heer ew Come. A atk naitia quai a ee on ane ws toe 
eben tad cum wa pon as ikke Lain erty 8. whit Ba Ry tet prose Let. ! 


37466 ; / at gf € al f | i 
LIBERTY BANK OF CHIOAGO, Guardian/of the” 
Estate of RAYMOND RIVERA, a minor and 








Appellant. D, 7 9 i mee 6 A 0! 
This appeal is by the defendant from a judgment entered in 
the Municipal Court of Chicago for $302.40 im an action by the 
plaintiff to recover the amount due upon a draft for $300, payable 
to the plaintiff and issued by the defendant, and when presented to 
the bank, payment refused, 
The facts are that the defendant insurance company issued 
a policy of automobile inaurance to liyro Leavitt. The policy by its 
terms covered the operation of an automobile owned by Leavitt against 
less by reason of the liability imposed by law upon the assured for 
damages arising from bodily injury to any person by reason of the 
operation of the insured's car. A further provision contained in the 
policy excluded the insurer's liability where the car of the insured 
was operated by an agent or employee of any public garage, automobile 
repair shop, automobile sales agenoy or service station at the time the 
injuries occurred to a person. | 
it appears that an accident oceurred and was reported by 
liyro Leavitt to the Insurance Company; thet » boy named Raymond Rivera 

was hurt by the operation of his, Leavitt's car; that an adjuster for 

the plaintiff, upon which payment was refused. After the adjustment 
of the claim and issmanoes of the draft to plaintiff, the defendant 

the Insurance Company adjusted thé claim end issued a draft payable to 
investigated the alaim and from the facts, denied liability under the | 

rp a ike anh) 


| ay —n 

TRUOO JAG TO TMUE eronbingth have ote 
ONAdIHO %¢ | aphest 
: | Sonasvena MAA, 4 ATA er 
cBEE ini epeie 
ys” Tae 74 aie es dccrt yous 
‘OLD ALT @ Ye sania 

th Bt tnoapiyt 

ai boretae toomgdut s mort taushaeteh edt yd ef Iseqqs eidT . 
edt yd nottos me at Od.808$ rot ogsotdd, % #nuo0, Koa tome, act 

eidsyaq .008% rot #tsth s moqu ovb tawvome edt revooer of Witatele 
ot botmeserq aedw bas .tasbaeteb edt yd beweel bas Ytitatelg edt of 

eboestor tnemysg vided edt 

hewn Winqmes eonstvedi tashaeteb edt teadt ets etost ody ame 
ett yd yotfog odT .ttivesd ord of eonmstuent elidomotus ‘Yo wok ti 2 
teatege ttivsed yd beawo sildomotus as te noltarege odt Lereveo amred 
rot betuees eit moqy wel yd bewoqmi ytliidstl edt to aoasox yd ewot 

: edt to Moeser yd soateq yrs of Yrotal ylibed mort gutelre aegsmah 
edd at honistnoo noleivorg rsdirwt A .rs0 atbemvent odt to moltereqo 
bouvent ait to ts0 ed¢ exedw ysilidell e'rerweni edt bebyloxe yotlog 
elidomotus yegetes olidna yas to seyeigne to taegs as yd bofareqe ssw 
dt ewit edt ta noi¢ete poivres to youegs eelee alidemotus Gouda zinger 
saoored 6 of beriuo09 weduubak 

“yd betzoger esw bas bortwo90 tusbloos as tedt erseqge aE oy 
atovifi boomye! bomen yod # tadé j;ymeqmo? eonesvecl od? ot ttiveed oxyl 
rot oe as tedt ;te0 a'ttiveed 4aid to o ROLPRRORO: edt “, eens oe 

taomtas tbe edd r9dtA beater anv tasmyaq dotdw aoqw 1 entabe 

fashaoted edj .tittntalg of #tarb edd Yo ctensmeet bas tata “te a 

edt robay Yetitdsti beiaeb qatost edt mort bus wielo ot. be teghteovah — : 


* ST cara saa 

provisions of the policy issued by this Company to the insured, 
Myro Leavitt. 

fhe fact is that at the time of the accident the Leavitt 
automobile was operated by one Frank Yates, who was employed by 
Miller's Service and Gasoline Station, which was owned by Ben Miller 
and losated at 718 West 15th Street, in Ghiecago; thet by direction 
of Miller, the chauffeur was delivering the car to the owner, Myro 
Leavitt at the time of the accident, 

Liability of the defendant, if any, must be founded upon 
the issuance of the draft to plaintiff. The general rule is that 
a check or draft is but a conditional oayment and issued to obtain 
money fr@m the bank, and if payment is refused, the claimant stili 
has a right of action for the injuries sustained. Leake v. Brown, 
43 Ill. 372; Stephens Eng. Go. v. Ind, Gom, 290 Ill. 88; Ganadian 
106 Ill. 281. 

There is a lack of evidence that by the refusal of the 

defendant to honor the draft, the plaintiff suffered a money loss. 
fhe provision of the policy in question excluded the liability of 

the defendant where the injuries received by the minor were sustained 
while Leavitt's car was being driven by an employee of the service 
and parking station. The policy—holder could not recover from the 
defendant, and the defendant was under no legal obligation to answer 
for the injuries sustained as a result of the accident to the minor, 
Raymond Rivera. There was no privity of contract between the 
piaintiff and the defendant. sige by next friend v. eS 

Maryland Cesualty Cos, 182 Ills App» 438, 

The defendant's answer upon the question of liabihity of 

the defendant Insurance Company is that a compromise of a doubtful 
right is = sufficient consideration for an agreement of compromise 

between the parties. The right, however, to recover by the plaintiff 

cbesat- yy 


ttiveed edd taebloos edt to emit odt te todd ef tot ont ; 
yw bevoLque ose odw ,eodsY dnsxt ous Wi betsreqe nsw elidomotue 
zeiiiw mea yd bonwo esw ie Lsie etottedse eatlosay bas ootyted el rail eM 
moltserth yd tedt sognokd® at .teoxte dsEL teey BLY te hedeood has 
Car .xeawo, odd ot T20 edt gabreviieh eaw tustivede edt sreLite to 
etaebioos ait to sald edt fa ttiveed 
Nog Bebnve? S¢ Fase peat TE (dnbbaeton odd te yehthdaha’ oh 
 #adt af Sine Leseomeg Gd? .teitaiale of Ptarh ond ‘te GOnewaet edd 
aietdo of beweal bas tasmysc Lenoitibaos & tud af Oteth 10 doede'é 
Likte tasmielo edt ,beevted ut deemysq 2 Sas [teed Sod moet ‘yerom 
“(gyetl .V eased .benistemn eedria: od¢ “ot mottos Yo digits ead 
~iaibans® 188 »f1T 08S we bal wv .90 sii aasddage Gets V2tr Es 
iva ) -f88 .1ff OL £5 te ,soxdou iv ‘shale 20. taal 
©) ge To teestex odd yo ted} oonebive ‘to aseel 2 ef exsay? “oO © 
8° lage yeaom s boréttus Tt ttmkslq eet sion 
“te Ytitdekt ont bebuiox® cotteemp at yotiog ‘eat to HbLetvery Sit? 
beaistane sr2" tomiw edt yo bevisoot sefruiat odd etodw taabaoted dt 
 etivtee edt to osyolqss at yo movixh gated saw tao atetivesds sfidw 
edt most vevooer tod bluoo tabLod-yortog #4? .totsete wikirag bia 
Oo ferans of moktegitdo Leyel on tobts sew sashaoted édt bad’ faebite Ob 
teats adt of taboos eff to tlaker 6 es beatadseue sehrafhtt old tot 
edt asewted gosttaeo to ytiviag on asw exedT © »Srevid Haomyer 
bas yotieord .v hostst teem yd 7 acount vtarhadsted edd bas thitatelq 
row ih @rig, | fehd’ 66 0° 7808 saqh 1 LIT TOE  aaceedatenat 
r¢ Pautie 3 “yeaa. bqua“uteroses’ 299. | 
© Ofg-pnataant to tentseup oth tog tonada a teaahanYed eager oat 
 fwttdeot € to colmoxqmos a Sait ab qesymod eodetienl gmebasteh Gis 
“@eiwotEmod to taensetgs ne tot’ Mo ttixeh 1800" tab ton tut #02 taht a 
‘YELentete Sdt yd revoedd ot itevowdd fits edt Ces. mY 

for the injuries sustained by the minor is not one against the 
defendant, but the right of action, if any, is against Myro Leavitt. 

The facts indicate that the defendant was not liable to 
the insured for the damages sustained by the plaintiff by reason 
of the contract of insurance, and of course the defendant would not 
¢ompromise a claim as doubtful where the plaintiff's right to 
recover was not against the defendant. 

For the reasons stated, the judgment is reversed and 
the cause remanded, 



eat cvs Bi jf} at Vey wie? yO Sree’ wt Lot beg mate te, enatabeeny 


weed ee | om ton ef xomda ont yo bentetexe 
5 ah Bi s aff to galt oct 7a Pees OF Four Ba) 
is ee tat agi regula sot tase 
ie ich i 7g | 
Rie ee een er Shu Ore ble e ret 
ton tasbasteh edt plang 4 Sats 
Bee mare 4 7 @ 5: a =. 
WO eee evthabahall’ ld sre needs isle 5 
eteedhsege a4? To yh 
vb snot dh Sesate mepenek elt 

eet 2h Sen Lovedtag eat: «Peete tale se: op hae ant br 

Pees 5 2 ad ¢ Ae Gna aa ae ween Bb Okey te 

wipitgr “ae caw t 

Bie tee ieds et3 beet ag ak Seog be Bee got at ites ‘eae 

Ue? She, «+n ket eae endeER 0H ea ay fs : 

meee 3G8 LIE OBS web 2has oF 

sk 100 OOS il Se eat vid | 

62) td ‘Soantor od? qo fot) Wonenive Be mek aes sca POaaeS 

1 eee acento hovdtter ttigeletq aly  Yetech’ ott schaned bodicounpeis 
We MEL dL edt bekwiors wodtuamg dh’ whiog sls to ae 

ir iene exes Veale eet yo Awereted Sodental ‘ede taeda : 

SHivgivg is to weesiors an vd aorhe® shat et ee ae tent vibe. ‘ 

4? Gee Wrroney dad Bheon cabbodeped dey ae wotenth Siting ies 
ehirain wih wheeogide Liaed we toh eew pelaneeties ate ie a \thehaotion 
ene eae ee Mehmed Ade te Rl gmow se. he hou Lacie casas inablba 

nit puede forte ho wav tae ‘whee éorpiae?'T a 

oe Detar iy opr ong 

he Geeatent. te ander a sini delet’ ‘eee 
PAteoot 4 he eesti «OM eed ‘eota tie. Gimekiet 


CATHERINE GRIMES, f o% “geno to ly 
oy va 

(Plaintiff) Defendant in Error, 
MUNICEPAL at al | 


, Z iz A\ 
v ‘ H 

eG Met 


(Defendant) Pleintiff in Error. 
979 1.4.640° 

This cause is in this court upon a writ of error by the 
Judgment was entered against 

. defendant seeking 2 review of the record. 
« The action 

the defendant in the Municipal Court of Chicago for #1 
was brought by the plaintiff to recover $140 from the defendant for 

room and board furnished to the defendant by the plaintiff, The 

defendant filed his written eppesrance and the court heard the 

evidence offered by the parties and entered judgment as above indicated, 
The defendant questioned jurisdiction of the trial court 

to vacate an order dismissing the above entitled cause for want of 

prosecttion, upon the ground that the motion to vacate was made more 

than 30 days after the dismissal order was entered. The defendant's 


motion questioning jurisdiction was denied by the trial court and 4 

the defendant proceeded to trial upon the issues. a ea 
By deferniant's appearance he was properly in court, 

Ante FF 

and the court having jurisdiction of the person and the subject Se 

matter, the defendant cannot in this proceeding question the jure | 
diction of the court. From the facts as they appear in the sae | f 


the right to do so was waived, 
The evidence offered by the parties and received by eae 

trial court upon the issues, required the court to pass upon the 


hives te Buks we, ae cage ee 
ra tor at Vitis 4 coe . ‘3 
a ateyé , Re a 
tee Gi 
7 0 Wolniso aET oanavIsag rae aorrevt ‘pac e886, FM 
ho to thw 9 ogy. 150 She RS BE PO ssc | 
waa ecw taemgbyt .brooe7 ont to welver # werent thuhanth . 
sha@hob ont mort OMG tovopst oF wteataly wen Piuoxe een 
Mttabele odd yd tuabnoted odt o¢ bededmrut oreod bas woe 


pi edt ,.berosvae sew sebro Iseaimeatb edt rotts ee oe asalt 
dimoo Lsind odt yi beineb eew nottoibelxwt gataotéaeup nottom 

_ svouset edt aogy istrt et bebeovoty tushaoteb edt 

i eituoo af ylueqorq sew ed eontersoqqs e! tas hreteb va 
“deetdwa ody bas moeteq oft to moiothetrut gutved treo edt bas ; 
rar ott molteoup guiheeoorq afdt at tonmmeo tasbastoh edt aTettom 

odt nt nnogge yedt es atost edt sett ,»txrvo0o ont to dolvotbh 
sbevicw mew of ob ot tig tx odt 


weight and credibility, and from the appearance of the witnesses 
determine their frankness and fairness, and interest, if any, in 
the result of the cease, and from the facts and circumstances in 
ekidence the court did determine the weight as being with the 

The facts indicate that the plaintiff furnished room 
and board to the defendant, and the only defense called to our 
attention is the question of payment. The court passed upon the 
question, and from the record it appears thet the defendant failed 
to establish the defense of payment by the weight of the evidence, 
and the court properly entered judgment for the plaintiff for the 
amount due, The judgement is affirmed, 



i, Mebee 
wee FG 

a ee pia he iad 3% 

gesseatiw edt to sonereoqas od? mort bas crttaaivera Fc] tigiow 
ak «ie Yi {descedat dna .esomtiat has enendacth thedt onttme oto 
at _gooastenyetio bas @tost evi? mort bas ,easo ont te tiuees eat, 
Revie dtiw grted es mete edt onimroteb bib frue0 ode sonebite 

thee, Bede tart vittatesa sd tact steolbal efost edt 
Mw oF Beilao gameted yino sft bas ,tasbaoted edt of. busod ‘hain 
et moqu benesg gro od? -tnomysa to sottaeup od? st aottnotts, 
beLtst tashueted ertt todd exaocce 32 Drogen edd mort bus .soltpoyp, 
esomeoive edt to ddgiow oft yd sagmyeq ko enmoteb add datidates ot 
edd rol, Ytdaisiq edt tot saemphyt bexedae yizeqosa txwoo ed? bas 
sbonzitts af ¢xsaybut saTpoub tawon 

soe TIMOAT | kim wit yd Bexetie oanekees 
* ene dcAH GHA WORLIW 

cate: ms stator o¢ seltow att dott Rmong ste sone qiemneeede 

eh oe eee 

neh aid \ ’ née é 3 =< 5 sR a pes é & Oey ce ot . aye Ge me ae 

poli belay! getoodiesap aottion 

eutuees G2? mocy Lolsd e@ bebheesaone Fike t es wae 

; EASY on oti e'to8 kiviad we 
vixen oct Yo Gestel Soknat Sabre Sudo eit Bate 
Lh edd rae Fike 
a dias ye eget Yat a Gee ote caryt gor vek at Te aohtary 
i ae OM Rey Oe On Gr ea ee eat 

CMR E: Se MP arEE Pathan ERASE 

nas ee ig 
ae | Pod 
37524 Ve ae i 

fT. de FORSCHNER CONTRACTING couranr, / i 
a corporation, f ie 

Fi j 

Defendant in Error, 

; i 

Municipal Corporation, organized unler 
the lawe of the State of Illinois, 
Plaintiff ingrror. ra 9 die A, G6 4 l 

This cause is inthis court upon a writ of error directed 
to the Superior Court of Cook County, issued at the request of 
the defendant to review the record, wherein a judgment was entered 
on October 27, 1933, for the sum of $48,764.81 in favor of the 

The action was in assumpsit by the plaintiff te recover 
for certain work performed during 1924 and 1925, required by a 
contract entered into by the plaintiff with the defendant for the 
‘@onstruction of the Calumet Intercepting Sewer, Contract No. 1 
and the 95th Street Sewage ‘umping Station in the City of Chicago, 
Illinois, which action was for the recovery of the amount for which 
judgment was entered, The cause was tried before the court and a 
jury, and at the close of all the evidence, the court directed the 
jury to return a verdict in the amount of }48,764.81 in favor of 
the plaintiff, and judgment was entered on the verdict. 

The defendant sdmits that there is a proper balanee due 
the plaintiff of $13,312.39, and that judgment should have been 
entered for only that amount. The evidence presented consisted of 
a stipulation of the facts and the testimony of witnesses offered 
by the parties in the litigstion, 

The facts ag stipulated are substantially as follows: 

4 ‘ 


) he A 30 Ne  wolteroqtog. 6 

: cee ¥ ms <T0TIE wt daebaeted 6) oniow rd oh 

: wie FOIARTUE OT pa fii 

4 Oe ai, GR wi ott ho sheng 5 aie 
»FTHUCO. 3000 

i ettoiteroqrod 
wow Soar ¢ to etade edt Iesisnim 
«tOeTaaL Veidale ls - 

« A 
A Sy ies ron we 
2 Sot ef ‘wt triage 

-.THUOP, GHT FO, MOTMIGO. SET cansvisaa dao aH. sornest OMLOTORAG AM. 
batoetih rotre to tite # moqu trvoo aidiat ed ceueo akaT fio La am 
ae fo teexpos edt ta beysst ,ytaved Aood ko dxy0d tolrequ® salt pr 
bored esr taeagbul & aloredy .Stooex eft 

i mirreces ot tidatel od? yd thequsees al sow ao ites “i 

‘£ .o% toetdaoS ,xewee gaktqeorstal temuls) edt t0 nostout 

” | gogs0nc ho ytloO edt af moltaté goto? s3awea teorse aeae ‘esd bas 
tote sot davome edt to yrovpees edt tot ssw doktos shots setoatiit 
 & bas treo edt exoted betrd ecw oeueo dt .betotae aan el 
‘ howd betoexib dxvoo ed¢ ,sonebive edd Ife to evolo edt te cjg 

stolbrey edt mo beretao Bow tavmgbyt das erty 3 cas 

we _- eonsind teqotq « ef etedt tadt etinbs bashasteb od? 

“hereto seeaentin to wnusiens edt bas atoat ont 20 | 
wmoktag tte ode at 

of eojomme.s 99 MIKTSIG WANWAG SUT 

ed Yo tovet at 18,287,824 to awe ost: wt ends ats, xesot9o 10. . 

; tthe ig 

The plaintiff and the defendant entered into a contract in writing, 
dated December 13, 1923, for the construction of the Calumet 
Intercepting Sewer, Contract Ne. 1, and the 95th Street Sewage 
Pumping Station, in the City of Chicago, Iliinois. The major part 
of the work was performed during 1934 and 1925. It is agreed that 
the plaintiff completed all the work under the contract to the 
satisfaction of the Chief Engineer of the District, in the manner 
and within the time prescribed in the contract, subject to an item 
of eredits for an adjustment of pumps, which will be referred to 

During the performance of the work under the contract, 
Edward J. Kelly was Chief Engineer of the Sanitary District, Philip 
H. Harrington was the Assistant Chief Engineer, William H. Trhnkaus, 
was the Construction Engineer, and John D. Hurley was the Resident 
Engineer in direct charge of the construction work for the Sanitary 
District under the contract. 

John D. Hurley was in the employ of the District as an 
Assistant Engineer, and was in actual charge of the construction work 
as the same progressed from the time the work was commenced until 
its completion, Among other duties, he supervised and inspected 
ali work performed from day to day, established the lines and grades 
for said work and measured the quantities of work actually performed 
sae eas ome a In accordance with and subject to the provisions 
of the/Chief “ngineer issued his certificates as to the estimated 
quantities, amounts and values of the work performed under the 
contract, and during the progress of the work twelve vouchess were 
issued. After the vouchers had been signed by the Chief Engineer, 
and upon the payment of the amount due on each of said vouchers, the 
gam@ were receipted by the plaintiff and filed in the office of the 
District. Work was performed by the plaintiff pursuant to the contract, 
piens and specifications, and the directions of the Engineer, and it 

av U a dil 

) Ly | 

cgattizw nt doatI0Go 9 ofmt boretas tasbaeted edt bas Yktdntalq edt 
teour lao edd to noiteositenoo edd tot .8504 AS § xodueoed betab 
 @gewee Poarse Adee aptt bas .L oll tosttn00 .TowOe gattqeoretal 

taaq tel sin eit .tbiomliLl ,ogsotdd to yFld edt ad totes gatqnut 
tott hoorge af ti .88CL dae ABEL gabtwh benzotxeq saw dzow, odt to 
edt ot tosttaeo ot tobas drow edt ILs hetelgmoo Ythdatala eit 
‘qegiven ont ni ,softtei@ sat to reentgat todd odd to aottosteltes 
meti as ot toeidue ytosttmoo odd at bedireaerg out’ edt alddiw bas 
Ot borxster od Litw dotdw seq to taontestbe itis ot etibexo te 

; - xodtontoted 

| stoattnoe ont reba drow edt to eonsnrotreq eft giticud ‘ ef 
‘qin iolxtera yrst ince edt to rseatgail end sew “vilex” os ba saa 
qouodage? Ho matiltw ,teentged teidd dastedesA sat ‘enw. rodga o 
tnebieet ed? saw ‘yelwH .6 anol bas .reenigas woktewstenod odd eau 
|  Wsdiaae edt tot sow no Ltowrtenoo axa to egtesto toot mt 98 
: stosztn00 og reba rod 

ap es totrtald we to voigne edt mi sew volta a mio 

kk et 

étow Koitorttenoo ost ‘to egtasio Lsutos ab ecw baw stosntgall ‘tastetees 
itty beontomos Ber atow ant omit odd wort bencoxgorg ‘oma odd & sa), 

betoeqeat bez hoatvreque ‘ot “quettud xonto atom snont6igno0 Bi t 
eoberg has goatl odd bedetidagae web ot yeb mort benrotseq “drow , le 
Domrotr9¢ Ulastos stow to seteiinnup edt bosueeom bas tion baad rot 
enoteivera oxlé of tostdus bas sit.dw sonsbroves ‘at “sociinos ot ley 

botemitas edt of ax aetsoitttzeo abs bewest rontyait ds td0\e 

edt ober bemtot x94 Axow adé to eoutsy ‘bas ‘etmwone olde 

_oteW emaxouov oviowt dow ont to esoxgori oat gatzub bas te! eed 
_eteontgat toto ond vd bong te aoed bad stedouov exit or A th 

out <eTodouoT btee to dose mo enh sausome ons re tnonyaq #1 - 

ont to pottio ot at bol it bas weeembelg edt we ’ 

oextn00 ont ot manent titatate ont we pat sl pie 

¢i be ,teoatgnd ott to anotvoorhh edt bas  etottsottios 


is admitted that plaintiff is entitled to payment, if any, at the 
unit and lump sum prices provided in said contract, and as set forth 
in the stipulation of the parties. 

It is agreed thet the defendant is entitled to a credit of 
$1,000 for a change made in certein details under the terms of the 
contract and $12,000 for settlement of differences concerning the 
efficiency of pumps furnished under the terms of the cortract, making 
a total credit of £13,000 to be allowed to the defendant from the 
total sum which may be found to be due the plaintiff. 

{The plaintiff has been paid, on account of the work completed 
under the unit and lump sum process under said contract, the sum of 
$1,020 ,049.59. 

It was agreed that the remainder of the money due the plain- 
tiff had not been wilifully or vexatiously withheld by the defendant, 
but that the final amount due on the contract has been withheld pending 
the adjustment of certain honest differences. 

From the recppitulation of the work done, the amount of the 
work admitted by the defendant for which the plaintiff is entitledtte 
payment, and the amount of work done by the plaintiff for which the 
defendant contends the plaintiff is not entitled to payment, the 
amount of credit allowed by the plaintiff to the defendant, and the 
amount paid by the defendant te the plaintiff, is as follows: 

Totel amount of the work fer which it is admitted 
the Sanitary District plaintiff is entitled to 

oe ee a rr eo ee 
Total value of the work performed by the plaintiff 
pursuant to the contract, plans and specifica- 
tions and the oral directions of the engineer for 

which the Sanitary District contends the plaintif? 

4s not entitled to payment . . 1... see 2 tt 354.453.4232 
Total amount of the work performed by the plaintiff $1,081,814,40 

Amount of credit allowed by the plaintiff to the 
Sanitary District of Chicago ...... see 

Balance after allowing said credit $1,068,814. 40 

odd te .vis ti .dmowysc of bettkeaée ef Yrttakalg tent boretmbe’ ei 
daze? toe os bas © opwumad bias ak eebkLvora Bookie ware dine bae ft hoter 
' eettreq olf to" mares out at 

te tiboto s of beLltitne af tmabmoteb ont teat beets’ al x / 
eft? te amtet edt robsay eliateb aistis9 mi eben ogaedo * ‘rot ‘000,43 
adt gainreenoe eeougtetttb to tmoneltéoe zot 600.858 ‘baa tosttaes 
gi bilinm #009 eit to emrod oft robaw bededersi ec ming to youslolite 
| oft moxt tuebusted edt of bowels ed ef 000,81) to thbere ‘Istod s 
Hittntelq edd bub od o¢ bawot of yom dolaw awe “toe 
etsigued Axow adt Yo tayoove ao ybicq meed aad Yitntal ont ies 

to mare edt Sheeiauands bise aden eesoota mua eon bas bic! ous soba 

~wisig edt sub Yonom ody to robmtsmox oft ¥xdlit bootys Misi 25 ye 

disbusted ont yd bLeiiitte YLeudttaxey xo Yitvt itn Weed iiss 

yatbneq Bleddtin need wed tosrénos ed? mo oth tavoms Lent? ont vail tod 

vasomoTettib tasned niestreo Yo secs d Bie ‘ee 

oft to tanome edt snob Axow ond to aottalutiqgoer edt wort CAP 

odfbeltises ef trténisig eft doidw xot #nabasteb ont ‘ot Bab diiend a j 

ad? doidw so? ‘YViitniela ené yd etiod axow to tawome at bis |, saouveq 
‘odd qtnomynq of beltitae tod af ttitelela ed} ebdotmos ddbadtel 

| ant? be “basbnoteb ° edd of Weltatall 6 oii wi Sewoits phe = 20 inoue ae 

ghtitiuee al 31 shee ‘tot Atow ait Yo tavoms Leto. 
: io 6 enadae ss chy ite td . W tAS a 
8-108 , 80,18 Rt biei a *. TA ioe 2 :@18 ‘ool fs 

$ dé Bemxots 
—A0 iT eos Bae. Gnade os flor faateces 
ts si, | oh gare ft ie weeais 
ig etnxoo to Fi10) 
BbeSBR OE eee ee ee eee MOMS, OF Be 

Op.d18,180,18 Ititalsiq edt yo bomrotxeq calle ont 3a, ie un ARO, 

bi Tun edt ot Yhitnisiq aa? 
Be. & * . 8 « »~ # ee 2 
MD PEE CQ0LE my oowry Vk iRERORMs 

Amount of payments heretofore made by the 
Sanitary District to the plaintiff .... . 3,020 ,049,5 

Balance claimed by the plaintiff for work 
performed pursuant to said contract, plans 
and specifications and the oral directions 
of the engineer at the unit and lump sum 

prices therein provided ....4.++2e-e¢eee $48,764.81 

The plaintiff at the trial waived its right to present a 

claim for interest and did not press the same, 

The defendant when advertising for bids fer the proposed 

work, furnished bidders with "Requirements for bidding and instruc- 

tions to bidders," The paragraph, which is in the imtructions to 

bidders is alse included in the contract and is as follews: 

"The following schedule of quantities, although stated 
with as much accuracy 23 is possible in advance, is 
approximate only and is assumed solely for the purpose 
of comparing bids. The cuantities on which payments 
will be made to the Contractor are to be determined by 
measurements of the work actually performed by the 
Gontractor, or as specified in said contract." 

The fect is that only after excavations were made by the 

plaintiff was it possible for the engineer to determine the depth 

necessary for a proper footing, In this conne¢tion the contract 

"It is expected that satisfactory material for foundation 
will be found at the elevations shown on the drawings, 

but in Case the materiels encountered are not suitable, 

or in ease it is found desirable or necessary to go to 

an additional depth or width to provide proper besring for 
the masomry, the exeavation will be carried to such i- 
tional depth and width as the os may direct. 
Additional excavations so ordered, and conerete ordered for 
filling such additional excavation will be paid for at 

the respective unit prices herein specified for additional 
excavation and additional concrete," 

It is apparent fmom the stipulation between the parties 

that the total amount of $35,452.42 is in dispute by the defendant. 

The items for the work performed are for additional excavation and 

concrete used at the unit prices specified in the contract, and 
these amount to $30,530.67, and the balance is for sewer pipe, 
manholes, castings, iron pipe, sheeting, reinforcing steel, and 

basese.onoit ; «vt 1 Oo eenddle eke Ot donee tid dRate 
Lr tte mt id 
auoitoersd Lese adt Soa eno cobstoage bas 
pasencens 2s TR RP ailveed elects gas #2 eoonne 
e troaeve of digit ath Boviww Lett odt te Ytleakety eft 9 | 
somee Od¢ enotg fom BLS bas teotedal be ‘sto 
pdeaterg 9d¢ sot ebid ef yalattxevbs aoriw tnsbadteb edt © 
~ovrtent bas gathbid vot étnemertupen” détw arebbid bedaldtw? 4: 
ot sacisourirt odt mi ef dfotetw wlqergersq edt ¥ sax0bbid se anott 
> peeoLot ee BE bre foordnoo eit af bebulod! owls at erebbid 
botevs dyvodiie yeei¢tindep to eLubedoe Pleas ly: pon 

ei ,soaevba Py eidicewoeq ei as yYourseos coum 
enoqing edt =. yieloe bemueas ef baa Aire st 
no eslt fear? 
- ¥ wot ot pie: tosstmo0 od? of obam Sf Site: 

oo a 
et WW oben otow emottovnoe tote yino dant ak teat edt 

dtveh edt ontixoteb of *8baiane Sut 40% efGtnecd #h jail 
> Phertaoo eff mabtdenndo etd at Laatwel bere 8 s tol, vrasnooen 

aokiabawor tot Latrotan yrodoste ttaa baat bate 
ta ‘Ubi eeniees ae ty ont 
es te ‘od ee Bene on ballin ye or: x0 ates ica 2° He sia 
“an ay ot Debuxee Of Sea rn 
sot berebro eteronos bas « 

ts tot 4 ed {ftw nolt 
. ae “peitioege gy bee 

Mester gmdo eric og Bn soktsreone 
cokiray ot ngouted soktadettts ws mae eon pero t 
a" * oat yd etuqedh at ef bak, to om wou cb 

~ aeeite sawoe tot at: eomatyg: out ct 0b Yet f 
bas _feetn gxiototalest  eaikcklacanael tad mort 4 

brickwork, and amounts to $4,921.75, 211 of which items are limewise 
charged at the unit prices fixed in the contract. 

The work performed at the oral direction of the defendant's 
engineer is not disputed, the measurements and quantities were ail 
taken by this engineer and reported to the Sanitary District in 
itemized vouchers prepared by him from time to time, showing the 
amount of work done under each item of the contract and the contract 
price therefor, 

The contract contains the follewing provision: 

"Whenever under the provisions hereof an order from 
the Engineer to the Contractor is required, such order 
shall be understood te mean a written order addressed 
to the Contractor and signed by the Chief Engineer of 
the Sanitary District." 

: When the work was completed in the summer of 1925, the 
defendant took possession of the plant and has been operating it 
ever since, No objection was made that this work was unnecessary. 
The defendant contends that because the contract provides that the 
plaintiff shall do the work upon « written order from defendant's 
engineer, it is not liable, and relies upon the provision of the 
contract last above quoted, 

The defendant had knowledge thet the work was being done 
by the plaintiff pursuant to the direction of the defendant's engineer, 
and reported by the engineer in writing to the defendant. while 
a written order was not given by the engineer directing the plaintiff 
to de this work, directions were given orally, and the work went on, 
quantities were measured by the defendant's engineer, and the price 
charged and reported to the defendant. 

The time to question this work ordered by the engineer 
was when the defendant received its engineer's report, and then make 
objection to the authority of the plaintiff to do this work, However, 
no objection was made thet the work was not performed, or that it 

was unnecessary; on the other hand, the record shows that the work 

esiwomtt oxs emesi dotdw to Lis eS e LEC gh} ot atavoms bus stzoydolad 

‘,toaxtneo odt al bexl? eo tt thay aud +s heqxote 
e'imebneteb oft to ao Loegreh Leto edt ta bemtoXxeq" sow be 
[is oxew seltitasup dae etasmorwesen ont _ beruqets tom ab ‘sosntgo 
ai taictet®d ypratias? ont of betroqet bat qeentgae ett ‘Yd asdiet 
oft gilwote yemit of omits mort min yd boreqerq -etadesov besimest 
footinoo edd? has toettaoo oct to meth dose tobaw sob axow Yo davous 
yrotered? soitg 
. woteiverq guliwoilot ed? anistace tonttaos edt 6) .. 0% 
mort rebro ae tootod egotetverq oft reba savant: mo 
Tebro dowe ,bexivpet si totosttaod adé of 
eee ee 
“stolasa it ie m 
ef? ,@8@L to tomua ont as bezetqnoo sw azow 9A? NSO igs f 
tt galtereqe aesd ead bas taniq ont to mobeesanog. Fea ‘taabaeren 
-yisersosnay est: eowtetas tose ehem vow nottostdo om sooake t9ve 
bat Yet webivotq toattnos sft Sevsded tadd ebaotnoo tnabacteb ext 
attnehnsteb mort xebro nettitwie moqd axow sdt ob Liets Widwtelg 
ati? to solaivera ond moqw e6ilox baw ,*idall tom el ¢k proomaegas 
ebetoup evods ess eases 
onoh gated ew txow edt tans egbeiwond bad naga. eee ae 
roect tses atdanbasteb ont to aottoon Le vachd ot thaserud Tt bate edt wa 
oLhay stnsbaotod ent oF gare tow ae roontgae edt vs bot inh ates 
Miitatelg edt gastootlo resntgae ‘ont we movks. tom sew tobro a9 thew a 
eo taow Atow eds ad Hyttene “aor oxen ano ltrs: mere 
soita ofd bas ,teenigns e'tashaoted: rae beureson 
stnabaotebomat of betsoqor: ni ones 
. meentgne odd yf borebto drow eidt-agktaoup of omit edt oe 
adem mod? bun .¢xoqes a!reentgae ats bevisven tuahaeteh:ektianie esr 
_tovowoll wltow efdt od of Ittdntele edd to ywieodtus edt 
tt get 10 (bemtotreq tom°eaw drow ost. Fads -obsa osw 

drow edt ttt ewods broods ont “bid. redto" end ecRy 


was necessary and beneficial, and thet defendant by its possession, 
accepted and appropriated this work performed by the plaintiff to 
its own use, and for that reason the defendant ie liable on an im- 
plied promise to pay. The latest expression applicable to this 
question is that of the Supreme Court in the case of Great Lakes 

Dredge Go. v. Chigago, 355 Ill. 614, which is as follows: 

"The city, by standing by end without objecting permitting 
this work to be done and accepting the benefits of that 
work, must be held to have ratified it. Ratification may 

be proved by circumstances or inferred from acquiescenee 
after notice. (American Car Go, v. Industrial Com, 335 Ill. 
322.) It was long ago said by this court: 'If one sees 
another doing work for him beneficial in its nature and by 
his agent overlooks the work as it progresses and does not 
interfere to forbid it, the work itself being necessary and 
useful, and appropriates the work to his own use, he might 
be liable on an implied promise to pay the value of the 
work.! (DeWolf v, Gity of Chicage, 26 Ill. 443; Maher v. 
Gity of Chicago 38 id. 266.) a municipality may be estopped 
to defend that ite agents were without power to make a 
contract when the facts show that such municipality has 
aecepted the benefits of that contract, where the contract 
is such as the municipality was empowered to make. (MoGovern 
v. City of Ghicago, 281 Ill. 264; People v. Spring Lake 
Drainage and Levee District, 253 id. 479,)# 

Gity of Eigin v. Joslyn, 36 I1]. App. 301, confirmed by the Supreme 
Court in 156 Ill, 525, 

The defendant questions the action of the court in directing 
the jury to return a verdict for the plaintiff in the sum of $48,764.81, 
The facts were before the jury that the defendant admitted there was 
& balance due the plaintiff of $13,312.39, As to the balance of | 
035,452.42, the defendant being liable, the owes ix directing the 
jury to find for the plaintiff, as we view the record, did not err. 
The question in dispute is not one of fact, but largely one of law, 
and from what we have said in this opinion, the defendant was liable 
and there was but one thing to do, which the trial court did, direct 
a verdict and enter judgment for the sum of $48,764.81. The judgment 

is accordingly affirmed, 


,~Wwieevevoy sil yd tasbaetes tat fos {foLortoned Sas preseseou dew 
Ot Btsntele edt Yd bewtotreg drow etdt betsirqorayd bas botqeoes 
| -ni me ao eldeti ef tnabdmeted odd moeset fads tot bre .oay mwo ett 
elds og eldsoilays nolavstqx® teste edt .yeq of selmotg beklg 
eaisl tse) to ease odd mt tavod emerqud edt to fadd ei ao 1haeup 
sawoilot as ei doldw .Sf8 .£f% 86 ponsokdd cana 
elgnde 30 Bfdtense edt gudtqeoce ban anob od of td 

yeu goltsoitites «tt beitive: svad of bLod “a 
JLLT 282 noo teistentn rc at ie te 

acee eno PI's 
be bas etuten os at Talal 
ton aeek dar ane eh 

nee yoreeenen od tise AY Pang ss coy 
édgin ed ,8ay avo els - axow edt kis tk oes 
oft to eulsv edt you of owe ig f 

hanbree od vin whisciosaia«(- 388 Be ef “ep a 10 

& aden of Te9TOy ' | 
as08 zéaga, sii exady te tact vo swede gait od yee 
eredy ,tastisoo 
-oten of betowocie Baw = aa ame are 

i cakes gatzaa sv y alaens AAR» 

onorqut ‘edt yd bouritaeo 105 ial Lit BE bor errno 
8 "aga £21 "Ser ab eawed 

giiveerib af txyoo eft to solttes ef? enoltdeyp tanbasteb ed? “°°! 
Bboy one to sve oft at Ytituteig edt tot sokbaev @ wtater of yrut edt 
pew exedd hettinhs ¢usbneteb edt fed? yrat edt exohed sxéw-atoat eft 
to eontied edt ot Bh 08,810,810 to Ptktntele “ent exh sonelad a 

odd gubtoorsb at duos oft yeoltntl gutsd snmbabtob eit” pe Rangest 
“\axe tom BAD ,brosen' edt wolt ow en VEtttabete’ ont cor nade od yemt 
wal to emo Uegrel tud (test to sao ten af Odutedh #P moldeoup edt 
eldell sew iunbasteb edt wotitiqe eidd mt Sioe: dveil ow ted mort’ Ore 

_ teenth sbab trv0o Laivt oft’ totdw hooge sh samples: ered? al 



37535 ed 


(Plaintiff) Appellee, 





29 TA GAge 

Ve | 


(Defendants) Appellants. 


This cause is in this court upon an appeal by the defend- 
ants from a judgment for $3,533.94, entered on February 21, 1934, 
in favor of the plaintiff. The action was instituted in the Municipal 
Court of Chicage by the plaintiff, wherein the Company sought to 
recover from the defendants the value of services rendered as a real 
estate broker in negotiating a ninety-nine year lease between the 
defendants and the Bethlehem Engineering Corporation. The case was 
heard before the court, without a jury, and on January 16, 1934, a 
judgment was entered in favor of the plaintiff and against the 
defendants for %2,667.20, Subsequéntly, on February 21, 1934, upon 
notice to the defendants, the court after overruling defendants! 
motion for a new trial, increased the amount of the judgment to the 
sum here on appeal. 

The plaintiff was « real estate broker, who approached 
the defendants, the owners of the property lecated at 3504-06 South 
State Street, Chicago, and represented that the plaintiff could procure 
the F. W. Woolworth Company as a tenant for the premises for a period 
of ninety-nine years, upon the condition that the defendants expend 
$30,000 in remodeling the building on the property, This the 
defendants covld not do, and it was sugeested by the plaintiff's 
representative that another tenant could be found who would take 
advantage of having the F. W. “oolworth Company as a sub—tenant, 
Negotiations followed, and as a result, on February 25, 1929, 2 written 

we “ ’ 
\ Ny Ks azavé 
wage TA ae er ht maweatancasi 
) ak etuazugo & SALAS KEUK 
THUOO — s2eLtoqca (staentess) 

+v a2 gS ak 
aul ; nese BS oe | 
SSGHYAST ATHIOAIV bas axtans 2h ae 

win tite Wi bt odds 


LPs. pris 

« FRBOO aay YO WOLMIIO HHT Gassviuad Seay worreut cuneres 
~bastab edt yc Ineqes ms doqy eyo wide wt ‘et cause eld?” 

ECL GAS yrewrdey no borate qAG.882.24 sot ¢nombat 2 mort sina 
Ieqtotawé edt mt Detutitent eeu moltes oaT .2tttntelq edt to tovet at 
of tdquoe yanquod edt atoresiw .Ythtatssa odd yd ognotd® To F200 
sit aeowted ‘eden x00 i hi-aentte & yitttatteges i Ho 

ase sano ed? .noiteroqroD gatrocatya’ nodakittoet edt bas 5s 

& beer ,8L ido no ans yyrut 2 twodtin tur00 ont rr0' od - 
eat teniegs ban Thidnlalg ode te ‘tovel a daxhsas J _ 
manque GL (ff yrevadeT ao . Utamupeadue 108 6988S rot atenban2en 
_. \edashasteb gatisrteve qetts gxyoo edt gntashasted ont of soiton 
dt oF tnomgbyt edt to tayoms edt, hoesoroms ,Lelat wea 6 rot aption 
Ineqas m0 exes mre 
bedozoxrggs ort sxaterd ststes poet 2 sow, “‘wiasabala edt granada» 
titsoB BO~POBE ts Hetsool ysreqorq ad? to axomwo edt .etanb oat 
wootq dives titatela edt vent betaguerqes bas sogeotde atoonse svete 
boizeq 9 tok sonineng edt tol tmanst a ae Yasqmod AAP HOS Pah bs 
baeqxe ainahastsh edt tad? soltiiace edt aoqy seteey ¢ 2 
edt aid? .ytuegetg sit no gathlindg edt satiate 0004084 
a ttltatel edt yd botaoguse saw th bas, ob stom nen, PAA 
tied Bivew edw bavot ed bivoo tanaet teddoas tad ovd tetao 
etaanet~due Pay yasqmod itxowLeow «¥ .4 oft salen 
ettiaw 9 ,@80r (BE YeavTdet ao ytlineox « af Bal cheno . 


agreement was entered into with the defendants and one Gomberg, an 
employee of the plaintiff company, providing for a ninety-nine year 
lease from the defendants to the Bethlehem Engineering Corporation 
"now being organized,* The Bethlehem Engineering Corporation was 
incorporated on Mareh 4, 1929, and a lease for the premises was 
entered into and signed by the parties, the date of which appears 
as February 35, 1929, and is acknowledged by the parties before a 
notary public as signed and sealed on March 9, 1929. 

The lease provides for the payment to the plaintiff as 
commission the sum of 95,000, and by amendment this sum was to be 
paid by the Bethlehem Engineering Corporation by deducting from the 
monthly rental a sum equal to $66.66 on the first day of March, 1929, 
and monthly thereafter, and on the lst day of September, 1934, {500 
was to be paid, and the further sum of #500 on the first day of March, 

The tenant was in possession of the premises for a period 
of six or seven months, and during that period of time this tenant 
deducted from the monthly rental due under the lease the installments 
which were to be deducted and paid to the plaintiff, which amounted 
to $406. 

The defendants contend that the plaintiff's right to 
recever depends upon the written lease entered into between the 
defendants and the Bethlehem Engineering Corporation. 

The plaintiff had a certain duty to perform when acting 
ag the agent of the defendants, and as such agent its attitude should 
be for the best interest of ite principal, and the plaintiff should 
be frank in the negotiations which proceed the execution of a lease 
by Ute principal and the defendants. The negotiations finally 
resulted in the execution of a preliminary agreement for a lease with 
the defendants to be executed by the Bethlehem Engineering Corporation, 

’ PT TMD Ue BIT Huh 
, v ny i A 

#2 ggrtedmen ono bre etnahasted sft atiw otat bers tns Bex, tromestge 
taey sain-ytenin « tot pa kbivorg «VALS. AOD Vitale exit to esyolqne 
moktereqro® saitseoniend medeldited ont ot etashaetsd out mort seselt 
eee solterogro) yatteontynl medoldtec ed? Nebostnsyro gated mag? 
,  eaw eoptmetq oft cot gasel s bas .G8CL .A Apsall mo botaroqroont 
erscque dotdy to oteh odt ,eeltreq oft yd bengie bas otal betotas 
_ & erpted sekizsg odd yd begdeivemion at bas .C8CL ,cS yreaumdel se 
% «8261 .@ dorsi ac befsee bas bengie en otiduq yrstea 
Bs miutntela odd of snomysg Od? rok eabivord easel OAT on oy n 
ed of esw mye eid? taembaoms Ww bate 4000438, to owe dt. fala 
out moxt gaitoubed yd no itexeqrot palzosnignd medeldtod. oat. Yo Bhag 
aynes fore to ysh tetit edt ao 88.80) ot Lewps ave  iatnes ylctmom 4 
ona PECL ,rodmetgsé to web dal edt mo bats eroditsatedt yfdtagm bas 
sore to ysh textt odd mo 0084 to aug redéiut edt bas ,bdisq o¢ ot ase 
ti. tes Ls setter FRE 
botrog 8 rok sen kaere edt to mabapesen. at sow tances oat. srreanitete 
themed gids eult to Softeq test gattuh bas, _seditqos novos to xia. to 
aénoniLetent edt eessl ont rebay oub istaer \iddnom edt moxt betowheb 
detavoms do few sti dtaiatly out ot afer bas beroubed ed of esew dotdy 
oh RAR EM (AOORS of 
ot digs alititatelg add ted? baetsaos staabaateb nt ° 
“eat Acowted otat bexetas oesel settixy edt sogu ebaeaeh xovoust, 
mostetoqToo gattoontanl medeldted edt das atmabaareh 
" gattos nore mrotieg ot yiub mteireo # bad tRhtatele MAT nwt 
biuorts sbutitie et taega dove as One sstastiaoteb oat te tagga ad, * 
bivode ‘ahitatete ent bas epg tonteg att to tnoretat teed oat $02 od 
esis & to mo kis06x0 ont Aeecorg doide oqo teateages oat ot — 
ileal? ‘onotteitoyea edt “qetasbustee » edt bas. faq tanh ) 
sit iw ovseL ® tot fuoasosge vreminttorg & fo qostqoorn Oh) Pee 
so #snoqr00 gatroen ba node ldvoe ode AS vosooxe . ot ataabiat 

een, ELA 

not then in existence, The Company was finally organized under the 

laws of fhe State of Illinois, At the time the lease was executed 
its capital stock was fixed at $1,000. Aside from the question of 
the date of the instrument and whether false representations were 
made, it is rather startling, in view of its sapital stock, that 

this Bngineering Corporation umertook to assume the liability 
provided for in the 99 year lease, This lease provided for a 

total payment of $628,600. It is worthy of note that the real estate 
agent was to be paid a commission five times as large as the capital 
of the Bethlehem Engineering Corporation, the tenant produced by the 

The evidence would indicate thet the plaintiff did not, 
as the agent of the defendants, produce a tenant who was able to 
assume and perform the obligations of this lease, by reason of the 
fact that the lessee was in possession of the premises for only 
seven months and then abandoned the property. The answer of the 
plaintiff is that as it was not a party to the lease, and therefore 
not in privity with the parties, it is entitled to receive the amount 
sued for as commission. 

This involves the question whether the plaintiff, nots 
party thereto, is bound by the provision of the lease that fixes the 
payment of the plaintiff's commission. fhe plaintiff prepared not 
only the preliminary agreement, but also the lease and the amendment 
thereto, which provides the plan for payment of the commission. The 
first draft provided that the defendants execute judgment notes, 
payable te the plaintiff at several different maturities. This the 
defendants declined to do, and finally the amendment providing for 
payment was prepared by the plaintife, which is as follows: 

"It is further understood and agreed that, instead of the 
provision made in Paragraph 10 of Article III of said 

ede vebntr Béclmegro yEfertt eew yneqmo® off .odmetetxe ai aedt ton 
‘Petuesxe” kew Secel Odt emid edt SA -ekOok lil te etnde oily tO" evel 
te nolteeue etd Moxt SbLeA .000,19 #2 boxtt vaw spots ‘Lablgnt ard 

Stew Agoltetnessrqet enter redtedw bas taeuvetent edt Xo stab sad 
tadt pfoete Iotiqes ett to welv ak yumbiscote codter el 82 (obs 
 -"PELEGSLL odd muons of Moottehay mohtoroyzed grtreeatgn® alk? 

 § Tot bebtvory oesel eldT soeesl seey 6 ont at 16% Heb ivoety 
stadn® Inox odd tad? eton to wittow ai #1 008.8868 To thomyng ator 
Intiqéo edt ee oytel es semit evit soteetmmod # bisq ed ot saw tnegs 
ost w heaubore taanet edt ansehen pereetiapent nodeldted oat to 
cast OAs it oe | tkitetete 
* ,gomt bth Wtidmtelq edt tant oteotbat Binow somebive edt ©! 
geeks ebw eit’ tnanbs W eonboty’ dtalbhersh sree a 
$id Yo mowaee YW yoanel wtdt to ehoktsghide ott meotreq bas Sates 
vino ot eseltmerq eft to solersesoq ai asw oeenel eat tect douk 
So  gdé Yo 'nowsme OST .ytroqora Ont Bémobueds abit bas eitnom moves 
eroteredd bus joes! odt ot Yiraq & fon wow Of ba tof Ot TEHbely 
turons sd9 Svbobot of beLtieKe ex He \eetrrog bat dttw wtvicd' at ton 
atittaiele tg Fee tino” ais teX bee 

avon ,itituiasl, edt «9edtedw solainanp edt eevloval eicT se a 

‘oud woxtt sedt sacel odd to moLelvony edt yt bawed et! eotereds yrreq 
tom boreqetq Tittaiely edt .moteakmnoe elitientety sat Yo eeunced 
tnembaome edt baa eaeOL edt oaks tod Ytasmosrge” | Pe 
edt tOLeptiwod edd to taamyeq tot mal exit ceria ; 
.sbtom twongbirt Steers ainabsotob eit todd beblvotq Herb terkt 

oft bist .eottinvtan taowsRttb Lenevbe fe tttinhalg oft of oldiyhy 
“get gatbivots faembaowa ot item i Balt ob of beagraiecs capcom | 
 yiwe chet ae ea sto acter eittinksiq edt « 1 

owe to beetunt .tedt ag 9 bas "i 
Bise to Tit “eLoitza to OL carn oh 

identure of lease for the payment of certain commissions 
to farnham—Kuhn Company, the parties hereto agree and 

the parties of the gimet part hereby authorize the party 
of the second part to deduct from the monthly rent to be 
paid by them to the parties of the first part a sum eaual 
to the respective notes intended to be given as and for 
commissions and to turn the same over to Farnham-Kuhn for 
ahd on account of said commissions, the parties of the 
first part agreeing to accept from the party of the second 
part as rent for the ssid respective months the difference 
between the amount reserved in the said lesee and the amount 
deducted for commissions as aforesaid." 

and clearly indicates the manner in which the commission was to be 

The fact that the plaintiff did not join in the execution 

of the lease does not relieve it from the terms of the amendment 
prepared by its President, and defendents' ~approvale of the several 
payments made to the plaintiff by the Engineering Company, The 
plaintiff, having accepted performance under the terms of the lease 
with knowledge that the commission in question was to be paid, will 
be bound by the terms, notwithstanding plaintiff did not join in the 
execution of the lease, Lindeman v. Yagner, st al, 67 Ill. App. 134, 
Thompson v. Dearborn, et al, 107 Ill. 87; Also where a person for a 
valuable consideration makes 2 promise to another for the benefit of 
& third persen, such third person may maintain an action on such 
promise, even where there is no consideration moving from the third 
party. Qlson, et al. v. Ostby, 178 Ill. App» 165; Clinton do, v. 
Stiles, 197 Ill. Apps 505. This rule applies where the agreement is 
entered into upon a considération by one to pay the debts of the 
other, It is not necessary to name the creditor in the agreement, 
and the creditor may maintain an action to recover under the terms 
per Go. vs Seaman, 39 Ill, 
ApPe 68. This rule also applies to agreements to pay or to assume 

of such an agreement, 

debts of others, and such agreements may be enf@roed by the person 

a ) ee 

ste ieh aati whit‘ aan et uaa 
wa aie eA ear NL 
Leune mara © dusq tarit off to eeltrag ef nes 
tot bee as asvig 6d of bobastai ney “aviaoae " 
sia _itleid tg eelizoq odf. venoleeinmos Bie bise "Fo "ih Sehe asoieainace —_ 
Consent tb tip edd eae Leiieecele Baa vats on tanz od Fea uae: 
tauona eat bag egsel bise edt at fevseacs davams. add wlity 
",Siseorots os anokeaiamoo tot be Se 
od o@ baw noivelmmoo odd doltdw di totnem odt wsteolbal eebaaia ‘bas 
' ae tae ~yblaq 
nines edt at atot tom bib 2tinksle, ost tests toa ae 
_.. Sembaeme edt Yo surat edt mort ti evetior ton geah 9anet ett Rp 
Lavevse sdt to ofavosqqe, ‘atasineteb ban ,saebteerl sti tera 
sit .yasqmod gutreentgad edt yd Ttitaielg edt of shan etmomyag 
seat eit to emzot ect rebasy eoaeutot Teg hetqeoos gaived sh ttatade ; 
LLin..bieq of of aow aotteonp at moleainmon odt tedt egbetword Attw 
odd at alot tom bth Yrktately gatbartedsintom ,emrot sdt vd baued ad 
PEL wqad StI TA ofa te .xomusll »v mamebahi easel edt to mottuoexe 
& tot mostag # eresiw oad (TS fll TOL .io te .uzodsaed «¥ gozameds 
Ro dtttemed gut 20% todions of eatmorg 2 aedem nottstebleqoa eidantey 
soua ao moitos as aistalaa ys noeteq brid? dove ,nouteq bakit = 
buld? odd most gatvom coltsteblesee on ei oredt etodw aeve ,saimorg 
- o¥ 200 wotedlo 42al aqgA «fh BTL qydtad «7 date .teeiD «¥traq 
et tasmeorgs edt exoie aetiqas sivx eisT 803 eqgA LLL T8L cote 
git to etdeb edt yeq ot ego yd motitezebiance « soqu otal hoxetas 
_qtnemodage od? st rot there edt auan of yregnenen #E «zedto 
auzed odd tebay tevooet ot soitoa as gisiniaw yam totibhsro ed¢ bas 
CIT @S  gameod v.92 290% tucdote-noemetLiti ,»tasmserge me dome to 
saveas ot 19 Yeq ot einomeetge of wotiqgs gals else ait «89 «GGA 
mene edt yd booxGtae od yen meen Moe sinligt B cad 
ad sham, os sdalvorg 

In construing this provision, the court will try to place 
itself in the position of the parties at the time the agreement was 
made, in order to arrive at the intention of the parties at the time 
the provision for the payment of the commission was considered, 

It appears that the defendants objected to this provision 
for the execution of judgment notes by the defendants, and as a 
result another provision was inserted, from which it is evident that 
the commission was to be paid from the rents received from the 
Engineering Corporation until the amount was satisfied, which 
company was empowered to make a payment each month as the rent matured, 

We have considered all the objections raised, and are of 
the opinion that the court erred in finding for the plaintiff and in 
entering judgment for the amount appesled from, The judgment is 
accordingly reversed and the cause remanded, 





eoelg of hod Site TyOo oat smote tvo sy eLisd yakers gree ok 
4h “ 9 aay ity ow 

aaw taweosge out emake act és estiesg ner to nottteer ore nt Leet 

omit odt te nesong: ait to no kinetak ot “te overs oF 8bx0' al» oben 

sbonbbeaoo vow wofoniasos. exit te swenysr od? wot nodatvona odt 
aotetvorg ‘elsiy ot betosiee etaeiasteb add tet re = Bay 
a 82 bate vstanbasteb edt 4s soton twenpeut, to pereeeer oe 

ted? tnebive ai #2 Molsdw moxt -bottoamt sew nodeivory wodtente ¢iveor 

odd mext berteoor ataor edt mort bkaq ed of eax molebtamoo bay 

2 tae doide ,hettehisa een tavoms edd Ltda ao ttsteqrod patrocnigen 

bomutin tuex ad? ae demon soe cart Hert eee eS 

; te ote ae eae eacttoetée ed? Ls bexebtenoo ¢ 

3B eat qh Phi ox 

an nae ae tee ee) 

edobasasx eanieo ‘edt bas Dostover 

Sete iE Roseensnnee Aly daril Ci 

ont 2 bel 8 tawous eat ot te ust. ce ne 
a naesbut ‘ston noaqe crear 

cits OL ha ceed 10 it anand 

Oy weeny eR | OP etd 2) AOR Bo fe ke othe 2 LaSanenLacr 

Biovasigy |e i ot Obes yor Sota BEG AOU) eee foe ka oR 

Pre Boee pate wae ty sai Romie ae ak ena Do cee eR hace ee See. .tedworg 

ee eee ae ee 

Wis ot co agate Be Fi Ne a gn ty ee Ra: woe i Ree ’ 80 athe, © bediike Wat cerverey 

NASP ETBES Ge & SA Pah, poe 

eet ie teks RI re ; ae ty) 77S At Ss SNE es Seen | MS Bakr pare as y 

k's At Ree ME eA Mer a oI Ma we ee ae ay hee TNA te, BE *. arate 
pS Mae Saat, ee a De MSD be made aR es me es enee eat hee 
aa hes ee a flioy egal 7 ae La i eel ee = 9mm £8 np Fd ree eisai ee i Ane, ae wh 4 

y é ra , vd, 

/ pygt Pal fo ; 
37606 vA be /' | | 
Defendant in Error : 
6p i ¢ 7, A ge ~ Zz 
Plaintiff in Error, 2 6 8) LA. O 4. if 


This is a writ of error issued at the reauest of the 
defendant to review the record in the Municipal Court of Chicago, 
wherein the court at the close of the evidence directed the jury to 
return a verdict for the plaintiff in the sum of $525.15. Upon 
this verdict the court entered judgment. fhe action by the plaintiff 
against the defendant was for goods manufactured upon a contract 
between the plaintiff and the defendant, and delivery refused by 
the defendant, to the demage of the plaintiff, 

The defendant filed an affidavit of merits under oath, 
and substantially denied that the goods were manufactured according 
to the agreement between the plaintiff and the defendant, and averred 
that the contract was cancelled by the defendant for the unused 
merchandise, by reason of failure of the plaintiff to manufacture and 
deliver the boxes according to the agreement between the parties, and 
that the defendant was damaged in the sum of $1,000, for which the 
defendant is entitled to recover from the plaintiff. 

Upon the issues thus formed, the plaintiff offered evidence 
established by witnesses, and introduced exhibits Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 

5 and 6, and the defendant submitted its evidence, 

The evidence is substantially that the plaintiff was 
engaged in the manufacture of paper cartons, boxes and containers; 
that a salesman of the plaintiff, at the request of the defendant, 
called in regard to the manufacture by the plaintiff for the defendant 

\ ~ : \ | 
.\ \ | f . me, ‘ | Boars 
‘ iN AOKAL 40 FLAW | <mobraiosigo SoARDAS aguas AaTHOTORG ' 
: z t i 
rites dhexona oe Joon SORRENTO ck ohm: 
Re RR ey ne Hane  gamaTK TANOT TAM 
7 hs e) whi, A. e » ne etotid at Seheaee. Sl aaah“ 

redchhon et Ieewy 

»TRYOO EHE ¥O KOLUIAO aK? danaV Lia J9G3H ORTEUL ourareans “A 
edt to treupet oat ts beweel torte to titw s ei and? : ti 

| sogeozd0 to tav00 Lsqto taut ed? at breget ent wotver of ‘taobasteb_ 
et ‘Yay edt betoor ib sonebive anit to evote od? te sx00 odt alee 
| moa BL.888$ to sue edt at itatala oat t0% tolbrey 8 meyter 

veisntera edt yd mottos of? .taemyhurt boro ine tr00 ont tptbrey ete 
tozTtH00 8 Mogu betutostuasa shoog tot ase tnebaeteb ont teategs Y 
yo beavter yrevileb bus ,tashmoteb est bas tiitalslg edt ssewsed 
ettivaiciq eft to egemsh od of ,tasbaoteb edt 
qiiteo tebay atizem to ¢ivabitie me belt tasbieteb enT 6 
gitirooos berutostunsn erew ebooy odd tent belash yListiastedse bas 
berreve bas ,tnshasteb odd bas Ytitetslq edt neowted tmomeerys odd of 
_—« Bewuaw est rot tasbaeteb sat yt belisonso eew toarémoo edt tadé 
bas stutestunsn of Tritmisiq edt to @mwList to moeser YS .satbusdotem 
bas ,aoittaq edt moewted taemeetga edt of gatbrooos sexod edt reviled 
ond dotsw sot ,000,12 to awe odt at begeneb asw tasbasteb edt tadd 
eltitelelg edd mort tevooor o¢ boltitas ef tashaeteb 

soaehive heretto Thiteiela edt ,bemret eudt eeusel edt moql a 
ad gS gS gf .a0W ebididzs booubotini bas ,voesentin yd bodelidetae 
sconsbive gti bettindve tnebaeteb edt bas .8 bas 3 

sew thitatelq edt todt YLlettustedve et eomebive edt 
jatonisiaos Dae sexod ,enotceo teqaq to e1vtosluase edt abt asgae 
,tasbaeteb ett to teeypor edt te ,.ititaialg edt to nemesiee & te aig 
tushastod odt tot ttitntelg odd yS oxmtostwnen oft ot bregot at bolls 


of a paper display box, in which to display face powder, face cream 
and other cosmetics. Samples were submitted by the plaintiff to 
the defendant, and finally resulted in an agreement between them for 
the manufacture of the paper display box. The defendant mailed to 
the plaintiff a signed order, All of the boxes were manufactured by 
the plaintiff, and one-half of the boxes were deliveréd to and 
received by the defendant. The balance of the order, the defendant 
refused to accept, on the ground that the boxes were not suitkble 
for the purpose intended; that the plaintiff by its agent, in the 
manufacture of the boxes, warranted that they would be suitable for 
the shipment of goods by parcel post, express, or as freight to be 
carried by public carriers; that goods were shipped in the cartons 
and were damaged when recéived at the places designated. 

The defendant's theory of defense is that the contract in 
question was not a complete and final statement of the transaction, 
and that parol evidence was competent to establish the agreement 
entered into between the parties. It is unfortunate that the 
defendant did not abstract the record, so thet this court could have 
before it not only the evidence introduced and offered at the trial, 
but also the exhibits, 

As @ part of the evidence the plaintiff offered a number 
of exhibits, already referred to, some of which are relied upon by 
the plaintiff to establish a written agreement between the litigants 
for the manufacture of the display boxes in question, 

We have examined the abstract for the purpose of consider-— 
ing the exhibits, together with the evidence, for the purpose of 
determining whether a written contract was entered into, but unfortun- 
ately the exhibits, which are importaht in the consideration of this 
question, were not abstracted. The fault with the abstract is that 
this court is unable from the abstract itself to determine the 

oA Ms de 


msec Soest ,rObwoq soet yelgatb:ot dotidw at .xod yelqeth reqaq a to 
ot Ytitelela eft yd bettindys erow eelqme® .eottemsoo tedto bas 

xot medt seowted tnemeerge me at betivact ¥Llenit bas ,tnabasteb edt 
ot belisn tasbasted oT .xod yslqeib reqaq sft to eeutostunan’ ent 
wW betueetucen oxow eoxod-edt to LL4 stebto hengle # Yhitatelg edt 
bas of batovileh exew asxod sdt to tisd-sao base ,ttitalsiq odt 
‘Paebsoteb ext ,rebro ont to eoasled oaY .tiebasteb eat yo beviooes 
sidwtiue tom erew sexod eM tons bavoryg eft mo ,tqe00e ot boastex 
wid BE yteoge ett yo TrLdabely ot tat jdobnetat’ sacquug edd OT 
xOt Oldstive 8d bivow yet tit botnstrew .wexod ot to orstostunem 
od OF tdgtett es ro yeeerqxe yteog Lsotsq YE aboog to tasmqiite odd 
\\Phetaso edd nt Boatide ovew ehoog todd jeteittso obidug’ ye besrred 
sbotargipeb esocle edt te Devisoor mode begemkb etow baa 

ni tostimoo Od? tédd #2 vaste to yroodt e'tasbasteb edt © °°” 

| (gottoseneatt edt to taamotste Laffit bas otefqmon s ton téw dotteeup 
dromporgs edt dalidstes ot tnetogmoo wesw Sdnebive “foteq tadt bas 
edt tedd otenwtrotay ef @T wmettreg odd neewted otal bstotnd 

“erat Biuoe treo eid dads o8 ~htdeet odd toerdade son BEB thabaetes 
eamel edt te borstto bre beoubortal sonobive edd yino tom th oroted 

be et Setidtaxe edd oete dud 
pedeiot 6 betetto Yt ttalele eat eondbive odd te #xbq's ak” TO” 
¢¢ noc better “ork soidw to omoe (ot bartetor Ybserls padtdidxe “to 
stneptess edt aoeuted duomestys aottinw # delidetdd ‘ot Ytteakaty edt 
ssottesuo ak eexod yelqetb edt t6- tetiteliGllen. edt ~ 
-robiantos to eadered oft tor toetdadé od? bontudxe svad Seyret tive 

to seoqreg edt rot ,esnedive odd ‘tiv todtegot abl al a 
-wirotad dud ,otat betedas asw toertiod nedtinw » todo: “gatateretob 
aidd Yo doiterebiedos edd ni distcoqmt os ‘olde ‘etididiee edt yLede 
tate ei fyoerteds odd dtiw tiner si? sHetdsrteds ton’ heuslicgeieond 
"gad calintoten ‘of Vteat? Hattie edt mot? “otdaat Witsoe "etdt 


eharacter of the contract, as to whether ss a contract it was 
complete in itself, and whether the trial court was justified in 
refusing to receive parol eviderce, the efvect of which would tend 
to contradict the contract entered into between the parties, 

The defendant does not seriously contend that the abstract 
is complete so thet the court could properly pass upon the question 
involved, but suggests that if the plaintiff had relied only upon a 
written order of the defendant, which is an exhibit in the case, a 
different situation would apply, and that the trial court weuld have 
been justified in its ruling, but the unfortunate feature of this 
ease is that even that exhibit is not abstracted. The defendant seems 
to have determined what wes proper to be considered by this court when 
it prepared the abstract of record. This court should heve before it 
the fects fairly abstracted so that the court could determine from 
the record the question whether the court erred in refusing to 
admit evidence offered by the defendant 2s to what the contract really 
was. This court, as well ss the Supreme Court of this State, has 
eonsidered the effeet of the failure to file a proper abstract, and 
the expression of the court in its opinion upon this question in the 
ease of Sali v» Deutsch, 178 Ill, App. 633 is as follows: 

“ * * *: nor are any of the several written instruments 
introduced in evidence abstracted, We fail to appreciate 
the opportunity of deing the work devolving upon counsel, 
and are not disposed to search the record for the informa- 
ide thet = cons dg should have furnished in the 
abstract, In Thornton v. Muys, 120 Ill. App. 433, the 
court cites many authorities in support of the rule there 
announced to the effect thet where an appellant furnishes 
an incomplete abstract, in Wiolation of the ruke, it is not 
the duty of the court to search the record for reversible 
error, There are many other authorities to the same effect, 
and from what appears of the ease at bar in the abstract, 
we have no inclination to hesitate in the enforcement of 
the rule," 

It is also the rule that where a fair effort is made to 
comply with the rule that the abstract shall fully present the error 

relied upon sufficient for the purpose intended, although defective 

ery oi toatinoo « as tedtedw ot as qtoputitoe ont To: radonTahp 
ai boititeut sew txysoo Isiudt ont tonlteds bas. ,? Leet ab etefampo 
beet bivow deide to testts edt ,serebive Lorsq svtecer od  ghtevtet 
steitreq oft ceewted otal herotcra doartnoo edt: sotbertnono ot 
dactads eft tect Baotwom ylawoltes ton. eeob thebusteb BAT os). sie 
 goltsetm edd moqu seeq yYLroqerq blvoo ¢cvom ont tend oe. otelqmoood? 
w noo Ylno beiier bet ttitmiedg odd Tl tent eteoggue tud’ ,bovlovnt 
3.9885 oft af tédidxe a2 ei doite ytashaeteb ed? to tebao aettiaw 
eved Sinow trawo Ietrt off tedt bas .ylqqe blvow moltemtte taerereed 
‘ ea to orstest stenwiolay acd tud .oetior ett mt bertitent mod 
moo deebastbeP etl .bogortieds ton al Peehdxe! gale hove tate et obao 
oe Gtboe Rtde xe ‘DereBdence og be xeqota Rew txdw> beabienibeh braceh 
tt eroted oved bivode trvoo eid? .brooer te tostteds ent Deraqeng’ tt 
(Mott entterotob hives tres edd tadt oe betosnteds Ylrket atost ext 
| et gneve mt herrs itvod eift redéete molteeup ent roost bat 
(ifser tostieo edt tode of em tashasteb oft yo herelto somsbive:'ttmbs 
geet pated eidt te drved omeren? oft es Chow ee qtuioo! ald? yeew 
bas ~foettads teqots s elit of orvlict ent te tootte edt berebianos 
eet nt sotteoup ets soon cotmkqe e¢i at tivdo edt To molseeaqxe: Ode 
sevoltot os ef S88 .oqA eLIT OTL coed a pepdetis® to) ened 
ie etnomuttanl nedticw Isveves edt to wax ote mem yf)? * 9 
_ atete reas o¢ List of sbetosrtads omeiye ai beoubortat 
,isaated ogy yakvieveb drew adt guieb to Orne eer cen t? 
~emotnd ont sot broner asl p Prcerol gs oF besoqash ton ' 
add at bedelmw?t eved biuorda yoyo 9 ede rata edt 
add PEt sane oil Ost WO GEEOE at ds ‘ 
erent oluaw ett to Moqewa mr aoldine yg om ais. nek 
eenaiatet taell 598. .s bier ols pe footie ent ot 7 
iia? Ce t brooer back “oh ime @ 9d ' ‘odd 
® STSVOT TO) °6 o 
,ootts once ont ot conn oft cent pap Be np thon 

tosttads oat ai tad B 8830 out ta ee eno ? 
“to dneneonobh® Sat ni etedteed of motient ian ga gyno 

ee ave : ee ae | eee, ont ye cinge 

ag ‘ot obs et dxorts heh 2 9xede toe elie co a 
i Ne ae % Si 

morse | esté taseeng yilut Lede foortads oud ted eiwe oat 15 iol ganas 

7 j - evdoeten tgsr0 dt Le _bebastin pein edt tot tne test tam moa botior a f 

‘Hird 4 

in some particulars, the abstract is accepted as sufficient for the 
purposes intended, and if for any reason opposing counsel is not 
satisfied, he may file an additional abstract of the record. The 
Supreme Court in the case of Hickox v. Gi ringfield, 208 Ill. 
28, Clearly set forth the duty of the parties in filing an abstract 
of the record, and said: 
"Thige right of the opposing counsel, hewever, has never 
been construed to justify the filing of an abstract which 
does not pretend to comply with rule 14, and thereby compel 
the other party to do what the appellant or plaintiff in 
error should have done. As we said in Gibler v. Gity of 
ah 167 Ill. 18, ‘it is not our duty to perform this 
work of counsel, which, in detail, as to them is incon- 
siderable, but when imposed upon us is, in the aggregate, 
extremely burdensome, '" 

The defendant having failed to properly abstract the 
record, and this court not being in a position to determine whether 
the complaint of the defendant is justified, the court will be obliged 
to assume that the trial court had before it all of the evidence, 
and that ites ruling, based upon the evidence was proper, The 
judgment accordingly will be affirmed. 





edt rot tuetolitive es hetqsoos af toatiuds od? ,oxsivoitrag amore al 
ton ai feanuop gatsoqqo measet yas tok tL das ,bebsetal seeoqreq 
98% . »bigeet eft to, tostteds Lsaotiibbs ag, 2%. Yeu! oct .bottatisa 

+41 808 ,higtiuniae® 2e yeiO vy xedell to ease edt ai true) emeraue 
,festteds me goills at astéraq edt to ytub | out Atzot toe ytxeelo .&8 

missense _— ... bhsa bas ,brovex edt to 

b cong ther as ft t0' 3 guetre yee 
"- See wot: it) pha va 

mara" part es sR hth ae <oidexshie 

me rio ok ot PT FORE vik 
oak — toetteds. aaa ot holier gaived ¢aobueteb off, | shat 
| tedtedw saimcotsb ot aofstsog » af gated, ton taxo0 edst bua, sbxooer 
egkide od LLiw fruon oct, .bettiveu, pi saepasteb edt to futalgmoo oat 
.soapbive odd to Lie tt sxoted bad trues Latnt edt tadd, pmyaes oF 
Hoe eR, «COR, BOM, SORDRRED. Pe SNM aiapuriei eirort 
nae’ econ se AE NREETA THT, i ant Im tee tte ame Sabebrenth: 

Tare Oa T * TOLeeawhy re wine 

eas Do Gee: eee wie se 

triads woeehiive as ietuebo cd ad i 

OF weitie Be eee: ore Le a 
9 aor. ay Boeywed ¢ on big, Tau ee 
" ‘ead ect Sees, ir 
§ tot; “ul a.fhetiads 
a Yrs SP Le | Peres 

fev re aot of Denes 
Morden erateweoags ox 
a? dovenn of Peder edt Fe yeeo eee 
Bins to Vie Go Se Oe 

cf to @teecen Setw Mott tae 
r etabituces £ Oia Ree aia: ar 
4 alit walt 

+ g teerte ~ies & SOM f¢ aloe eit data ef 22 
at feds elew oat ait be eau fi 

weisvowros ex (ot ; baptiré gepyrecigy mit ser. Ses OS tae wo ’ 

37616 é 
JEAN S, GHARY, as Assignee, Vf 
Plaintatt-sppeliée, - ints 


COMPANY, a Corporation, 


i ‘ 

26 Oe 6A 



Plaintiff's action in the Municipal Court of Chicago 
against the defendant was on an alleged contract. After a he ring, 
without a jury, the court entersd judgment for the plaintiff and 
against the defendant for $1,440, from which the defendant proseoutes 
this appeal, 

Plaintiff's amended statement of claim alleges that the 
defendant, on March 7, 1931, entered into an agreement with the 
Foreman-State Trust and Savings Wank as receiver, whereby the defene 
dant agreed to enter into a lease for certain premises located at 
$309 West Madison Street, Chiesgo, Illinois, for a period of one 
year, commencing May 1, 1931, and ending April 90, 19352, at a monthly 
rental of $125; that the defendant refused to execute a lease, to 
the damage of the Foreman-State Trust and “avings Sank in the sum of 
$1,500; that thereafter the plaintiff by assignment became the 
owner of the claim of the Foreman-State Trust and Savings Bank 
against the defendant. 

The defendant filed its affidavit of merits, denying any 
contract was entered into by and between the defendant and the 
plaintiff's assignor for the execution of a lease for the premises. 

The facts were stipulated, in substance, as follows: 

\ YS. \ ¢ arave 
‘~ hy \ ,9emgieas as TAs 12 Wat 
a NORT toaai—tssabalt | tray, anayey Re 
ry > *uwva Lona ge Renn wh peagamtivg 
ihe AALS TO. 

“aa oriroat 4 orraaand ‘phaehe aete 
oo qtebtoraq 70d. eTANNRD 

YEO hal -Q3 ry ian sesteaiaaiaaiaaaal yiroade “a8 
ht ‘ ont » 
aH * ag ae naeeiboee’ tai sou ag 2 9 i 
hh ett ino, 0¢ “heed pose ses rapper | 
| eo te fused Leah han ot ‘ad ‘noltos alt btateld ee 
epainass ofA atouninoo egelis as a6 ao inca : 
bole Pkdint ose edt 10% ‘daomy bart b rode, demon ade y < 
“asdwosaosa faahaeked eit datde sox ,Obdelt xa, eaten ts en 
lt tach weneiie tele. e nonstate bebasn, alititatelt 
Rit dtihe Ameas ones as ott i at a 
| Hactes edt ydetads ,tevienes, as Anat At woh MR fm: acai 3 . 4 
te betreol soainerg sintteo tok easel. otekyned OTB AAR 
ago ko bekten s col yahomtILl ,ogsatdd toord? oni a 

Udtnom 6 ts SU2L ,06 Lind gathoe bags Leek ,f ye sa.tons 

ot easel 8 stunexe of Seawten tusbaokeb mat tadt _ 4a 7 

Se dere Ott eh Ree Rani! tee, PeNret of et? —mamoto% edd 2 , 
odd caroed taomngtaas yd thitatelq ont petteoredt ei ’ 

tun agehval bas dase? tat t-nemerot oe to aero “ 

Yas gatyoob ,ativem to tivebitte att bottt tnsbasteb ; 

«edt bas tasbastebh edt moowied bas yd otat ersdao 0 

ai anasto edt sot sesef # to cottuoexe oft x0? soquten 
he mead a5 eonsgecua, oe - bosoluntts o1ew ston 

35. Si ei 

"That the “oreman State Trust & Savings Bank, as 
Receiver, assigned its claim against the defendant to 
the Plaintiff on Januery 27th, 1935, by an instrument 

in writing and that Joseph B. Ford, a2 successor- 
receiver, assigned his claim againgt the defendant, to 
the plaintiff on January 14th, 1955, by an instrument in 
writing, pursuant to the terms of an order entered’m the 
Superior Court of Sook County, Illinois. 

That the defendsnt occupied a store Located at 3309 W, 
Madison “treet ag a tenant of the foreman State Trust 

& Savings Bank, as Receiver from the lst day of May, 1930, 
to and including April 30th, 1931, 

That on February 85th, 1931, the defendant wrote the 
Foreman State Truat & Savings Bank, enclosing unsigned 
originel and duplicate copies of a renewal lease for 
seid premises (1) year commencing May 1, 1931, 
at a monthly rental of $125.00, and requested the said 
Foreman State Trust & “avings Bank to have both copies 
properly signed and returned to the defendant at its 
earliest copvenience, 

That on March 2, 1931, the Foreman State Trust & Savings 
Bank forwarded the leases to its attorney, Harry Perel, 
and requested him to procure the necessary court authority 
to execute the same. 

That on Merch 6, 1931, the Foreman State Trust & Savings 
Bonk, ag receiver, was authorized to execute said leases 

an order entered in the “uperior Court of Cook County 
in a certain cause then pending. 

That on March 7, 1931, at the homr of 10:30 A. &., the 
Yareman State Trust & Savings Bank, having executed the 
said leages, pleced the same properly stamped, in the U. °%, 
Mail, addressed to the defend=nt, and; 

That on March 7, 1931, at the hour of 1:30 F. li. the 
Gefendent deposited in the U. %. Mail, a letter addressed 
to the Foreman State Trust & Savings Bank, as Receiver, 
withdrawing itesaffer to accept said lease and notifying 
the plaintiff that it did not intend to renew its lease 
after the expiration of the then present term on April 

30, L9s1, which letter was received by the Foreman State 
Trust & Savings Uank as Receiver on March 9, 1931; that 
this letter was written to the Foreman State Trust & Savings 
Bank by the defendant without ite having any notice of the 
entry of the court order or the execution of the lease by 
the Foreman State Trust & Savings Bank and the deposit of 
the same in the mails to the defendant. 

Theat the defendant on “pril 30, 1931, addressed a letter 
to the plaintiff enclosing keys for said premises and 
advising that it had vaeated the same." 
This stipulation between the parties was in lieu of evidence to. 

be offered by either ef the parties appearing in the above 

a eaentnetiiaalanens sisinean ne 

aa ,duetl egntve® 4 tayzl otet? mamoto! edt soaten® 
ot tasbas ie edt temicgs maielo ati bengieas , ers 
taomrfemt its “ ~ebOk ,dtVS. yramiet ao thboa, 
~Xosaso0ge brot .o aot tact bas gattiaw ak 
ot backan'eh od? tintepa miele ald hengiacs ,zevieoss 
at Sromurn tent me yd ,SéOL ,dteL yrounel co ttitatsiq edt 
eat mberetme tsehro xe to amiot edd o¢ — gaitiqaw 
eatomiiIl ,ytmroo doo to ¢ o 1 

«4 G086 te betseol etoda 2 betawoge senenteh, one 
0 ge ,. oop edt zt tasme? 6 as ponte 108 
| 9 tel oft .moz a8) 
, — fer pe Linga siitetent bas of 

eit stow ¢asbaoteb oft ,f8CL ,dtas mo ¢ 
bomgtuas gateofous ,stiisd agutvs®'S Saunt atest ~ 4 
iat on fevenet s te aeicoo etsol bas 

ysl gatonsamoo ueey (Lf) sao-r0et seatmetq 

Fat bespase fel eae oA ar aes 

atk ts taabae tab eat ot wtot bas 4! + 

ae ; ~ TP 
epaive® & torr? state ort odt , ters eat eh 

feret watotts atl of asasel of 
ytetodéus bd YtemRe Dost edt eusoot¢ of 

ngaives & temrT sist asmorot edt ,f6@L ,3 no E as a 
geasel bisa. Sots eee 
Yeiaved 009 to trod Rg enn 7 | ad pouetae | TOTO | “0 rs 

moh edt go% . «A O82OL to ago ont FB " 
edi rape naoived ,Anesh a 28 & hh 
‘ i ott 

8 ot odt ah ,hoquate ylregetq: 
‘ F youn atnsbaoteo add of 6 

“odd oii © dul to ced eat 

_ berasibbhe xetiel 2 ne Sa eat Eb 7 
~teviooeh as deal patos ’ vane? ha ll : 
» Babytiton baa oaael, 
Sasol atl wenet of bao at ton | vy: ts 
ent bo 

fives co wrest 
etet? mame rot vor d bevteo al sete! foLdw 
\) teh PEA ~@ dots co | 
ayaives & text State nda sae ot wexsiey aa 28 
edt to eobtem yor gaivedt att vuodtiw: 
y¢ sasel sit oy soltyosas adv as tebto txv0o | 
to ¢isoceb ed? bas aneh vantvel & teve? etet@ 

staebsoted ode g ipa 

. wedged 8 are fear Pe ft 
oo! os Bre eeeteesg Dias cegh a 
*,emen of “bed 

cause, except as to any evidence to be produced by either side 
on the question of damages, 

It appears from the pleadings that this action by the 
plaintiff is to recover damages arising out of the failure of the 
defendant to execute a lease, and is clearly stated by the plaintiff 
in his amended etatement of claim and supported by his affidavit 
of merits, The rule applicable te the question of the recovery of 
rent upon a lease as a proper measure of damages does not apply 
where, as in the instant case, the pleading is based upon an action 
to recover damages for failure to execute a leases As we have 
already indicated, the plaintiff must recover upon his pleading for 
whatever loss he sustained at the time of the breach. There is 
no question that failure of either party to sign a formal contract 
will not defeat recovery upon an agreement reached through corres- 
pondence, where the terms of the contract have been in all respects 
agreed upon. This rule does not apply to the facts in the instant 
ease, The plaintiff's pleading filed in this action ig not based 
upon a lease, as contended for, but ia based solely and founded upen 
an action to recover damages for failure to execute a lease, 

This court is controlled by the plaintiff's pleadings, and 
in this case there is lack of evidence to support plaintiff's state- 
ment of claim upon the subjeot of damages. Wo agreement having been 
formally exeouted, and the evidence being silent upon the damages, if 
any, sustained by the plaintiff at the time of the breach when the 
defendant failed to ex8eute the lease, the court was not justified 
in entering the judgment for the amount of the rent due under a pure 
ported lease, and for that reason the judgment was erroneously entered 
by the court. The judgment accordingly will be reversed and the 

cause remanded, 


ebia rede he 2 Seorherg od. ot eonebivs yak ot es PELE, <seuine 
sBogennd to mottedup edt a0 
edt yd mottos wid tadd agmtoselq ed? moxt exseqqs #1 | 
eit to etwifst ed? to two galeize eegawah teyooer ot al Tr ttatelq 
ttitateiq eft yd hetade yirsefo ef baa ened & séuoexe ot tasbastab 
tivebithe sid yd betroqqua bas mislo to taemetste bebasas aid at 
to yrovooss od? te solteeup edt of oidassiqae etux edt. yatdsom ‘to 
Yiogs toa ee0b, segemeh to eavasem seqorq s es. sent r fogir dnat 
moltes ae noqw bepsd ef gatbeete edt ,eeso tastent edd ab 6s 29 tedw 
ove ow eA .essel s stuoere ot etuitet tot eogemsh, TeTODST ot 
20% guibselg eid moqy teveoes taum tiidalele edt ,beteotbhat - Peete. 
ai ovei? .tosesd edd to emié adt ta bentateue od saol reveds 
teertooo LIemtot s mie of yeraq todtie to otulist ged? Witvidie be 
~sert0o dguoTdd becbaet deemsergs as goqs Yxevoos's fanteh fon Lite 
etescuer Ile at need eved toatines adt to amxet ont oxede bon 
dastent od¢ wt atost edt ot yiqgs toa seob ofym aid. _sttoqu, Boose 
boesd ton sf noitos aidt at Sols yathaslq otttivately ed "yee: 
focy bebawot bar yleloce beasd ei dud ,tot bebsetaes es we # noc 
.seeel » adonexe of omiist sot eeganiad 1aveoet 0 ate #1 
bas ,egnihselg e'ttitatelq edd yd beiioxtsoo ei fiw0d eg i 
-otete e'tttvnisiq poqeue of eemebive to font at Manet “seo Pee 
naed gtived taemasrge of saogensb to pica oat. oats anate, to. ‘tem 

beltiver, tom eaw doo eit ,ensel ait atvosxs ot ‘rhe ts hn 
~twq 2 Tobas oub dase edt to. sawome odd rot dao bap ene sii 
berstae yiavwenorr® 25% toomgbut sit moaset. todt rot has <oesol bite 
sit bas beetevex ed Ifiw yLgaibtoocs sacmgbul edt »i true edt vs 
— ne 


eAUOHOD bE nek iaisaal : a f 

37623 ve . aa : 
WRIGHT & COMPANY, a corporation, — “APPEAL FROM Le 
vy ! 

Plaintiff - Appellee, ia 

v ‘i ‘ , iy 

Defendants - Appellanta, 2 v4 9 Ti Ay G AD 


The defendants appeal from a judgment in the sum of #400, 
entered in the Municipal Court of Chicage in favor of the plaintiff 
in a non—jury agtion upon evidence heard before the trial court, 

The plaintiff's denkanan of claim is for the recovery of 
$410.59, on an account for goods, wares and merehandise sold and 
delivered by the plaintiff to the defendants, The defendants filed 
an affidavit of merits in which they denied that they were indebted 
to the plaintiff, or that they bought or received from the plaintiff 
any goods, wares and merchandise on an account stated. 

Plaintiff is engaged in the coal business, One Emil 
Ehrenberg was the owner of a building known as the Glifton Avenue 
Building, and was a former customer of the plaintiff. This owner 
wished to buy coal and spoke to Kenneth Johnson, whe was in charge 
ef plaintiff's coal yard, about the purchase of coal for the Clifton 
Avenue Building on credit, He was refused credit unless Ehrenberg, 
the owner, could get someone to guarantee payment. ‘Shrenberg then 
told Johnson that he Ehrenberg had made a deal in connection with 
the building, and if Johnson would telephone Raymond Moore at the 
office of Harry Bairstow, Moore would tell Jonson about the deal. 
Johnson telephoned Moore and asked him to 0. K, Bhrenberg's account, 
and Johnson testified that Moore said, "I have the authority to 
authorize you to charge the coal to Harry Bairstow." This statement 
is denied by Moore, The fact thet Johnson had a telephone conversation 

ae |e 

| Mh ip Ye eeare 
‘ 4 MORY JAQTIA MMotteroax08 8 . a «YHATHOO 4 THOTAN 
. 4 .soLfoqaA - - WitaLely ; 
3 ; av . 
is QRAOTHO FO ( \WOT@aIAS Yanan bas 00% a cUOuTAR 


fend A. T.Q.5..4,,,eenetteanh = stmabamted 

> 2 oo ta) 

OORe to mua edd m2 ‘teem. but & mort iseqas atnohaotes ont - 

ttivatelc ed? to tovat af ognotdo to dxuod Loqtotaut odd ‘a _borotae 
«t1H09 feist edd sxoted breed sonobive oy nottos yeut-aen 5 at 

to YEveoer ont tot ef mialo er tnometsta e'ttisnbady oct 


ai vb nowte 

bas bloe onthuadecen Aaa pexee .aboog rot ‘tayooos ae 9 am sors 

ep rhe 

beLit atashreteb ont redmebaeten sad ce tritabedg edt Wi bes : ovdiob 
> ey EX ‘ee 

besdebat a Tew vents toss beimeb yeas Ao kata ah atizon to “thvabiaas bod 
weboatesa ont mort bevieoe: to tiguod vous todd ro “Mutated ode of 

etst iavoods aa xo setbasdoxem bus © 
botsia orse ‘aboog, yas 

shale Pie 
Lina ond seeontaud L200 odd mi beyegae et vitaas 
«ORs jai a Nees 
“ eunewA mottils edt es rmond ambbLiud 8 to ‘xearo edt gan 
eYmowr OF HO 2 
<omwo ald? 1idmtsle ont to ‘remoteuo ‘xomtot 8 sow bas ‘ 

“ egtado ai sew oda eroesiio’ dgonasd ot edoge bas Ls00 wd ot b yi 
nea Alar” 
mod? £0 edd tot Laan to evadorue ont ‘doce eb28y fs00 ss 
ae on doit y ERM Pie a] 
" gtoduensti sesilay tibero boeutex esw om st. tbexo 10 SUAS: 
re + te ot piece YL 
* hed gredustai stoemyeq sotaerairy ot ‘snoeuoe toy ‘blue 4 TOnwo 
haf 4 Ent grr OR 
atte no Leu009 at Leob 8 eben bad greiner oa godt tet Bie 
ot Barhet Peoehne ren 
ge ‘ts 600i ecomyati enorgeier biwow sopsiot te bas 2 bids 
wieeb ont tuods soentou. Lies biwow erool ‘sotexted Wetel 30 
4 ice aS : 

" tauo90s e'gredaerda e 20 ot mid bedss bas etool ee neat 

u ites 
ot yirodtus eft eved I ~bise ez0oll ‘teuld belt need pe bess gael, Axe 

eee: eid? “,woteried ‘YrxsH of Iaoo edt egtedo of BOY. SRSKeae 
otinerevaco enodgelet 2 bet moeaiol tit toet ed? “erro ed ° mtn 


was admitted by him. There is also evidence by one Hubbell, 
treasurer of the plaintiff corporation, that he talked with Moore, 
which conversation was had at Bairstow's office, and that Moore 
then made the statement that he had authority from Bairstow to 
have the coal delivered to the Clifton Avenue Building charged to 

In the defense of this action, the defendant Bairstow 
ag a witness, denied that he authorized oore or any one else to 
buy coal from the plaintiff, or to charge the coal to this witness's 

The monthly bills issued by the plaintiff for coal 
delivered were charged to the defendant Bairstow, but were not called 
to his attention until he had had a conversation with Johnson 
of the plaintiff company. 

The important question is; Did Bairstow authorize the 
defendant Moore to act for him in regard to the coal deals, the 
subject of this litigation, and did Baristow by his acts, acknow- 
ledge that Moore acted for him, and thereby become liable for the 
coal account? 

There are several significant facts which indicate that 
Bairstow had knowledge that Ehrenberg was in financial distress in 
regard to the Clifton Avenue Building, and that he, Bairstow, 
advised Ehrenberg to see Moore; that he, Moore, could probably help 
him with the holders of the first mortgage, who were demanding 
payment of matured notes. Then, again, Moore had entree to 
Bairstow's office, received the coal bills charged to Bairstow and 
checked the bills. This is not all. When Bairstow's attention Was 
called to the balance due, he wanted the plaintiff to take half cash, 
the balance of the account to be paid by this defendant from the 
receipts of the building. The fact is hot denied that the coal 

’ es 

SEAL nd 

ileddtH ano yt eonebhive coals et stsc? ” mia wW ‘pettinbs eaw 
2900 dttw bodied ed ted? oltsoqtoe ‘Ttithisio oft te texvesent 
etTool ted? bas ,eoltto a 'wotartsd te bed aew sottsttevaoo doldw 
of woteriell moxt yttrodius' had 6H teat tmonodets oat’ sham mom 
ot degrade Bab ling geseys mottifo ent of betevited Lsoo edt evad 
ewoterticd . 
woteric® tnebretob edt ,nottos etd to sametob add al 
et sefe Sa0 ws ro Stool beattoneve ex tatt bobned (deentiw s as 
paleseatin efit of Leoo ont ed of x6 iapumaged beadpasininaeng wd 
8 tdi 
. {seo fot Tiivaisl¢ ext yd beveek eLtid yiddnom sit , 
 pefise ton stew tud ywhteriad teabmersb edt ot heogtado orton’ netbeitih ; 
 denntot Atiw moisentsvios s hed bad od Litas dotederta ald oF 
| syaeqmoo Ttitdbaly edt Yo 
\ dt otitodtwe woturind BIC jat nolteeus tastxoqmt edt ° * 
oft ,afech fnoo od¢ of Stegot nf mii rot foe Of erooM dmabaeteb 
votes eos etd yd wodeited Bib bad .noktagitet etdt to toetdwe 
Sit tot sidetl omoood teorsnt bas iad ror Wike bags Gud sabes | 

ey | oe 7 
tact osaothat Moldw etont tacottingts ‘teréves exe oxedt 9° °°"! 
pt pesttvet Entodentt at esw yrodastdt tact sgbelwoaxt bad wosextel 

oo Qwoteries (be Gadd pod yutrtb Lind eucteva Bost endied apne 
qferl Yidsders Biueo wrool (on teult {dxodit Bee oF pibdihinet aud Va 
 Gikbneaeb oew odw ogoyttom text Odd Yo exeblod siV"ivis aid 
od sextne bad otooll tisge “ited?” ‘ueton oped 9s 4 
bie wotetisd OF bogritio efftd Leov oft bevtsoer asin 
pew nottcotte ewoterted aed®  4ifs ton af abit” pha owt bale 
tea Pied oiled of IWitetelg edd botnew of .bub cote Led vit 6 Nona 
cod? mort taabasteb bide Yo bisa’ ed ot Yniooos oat to ‘bon ra 
mls | tooo eat todd? botabb” seat eh ob bat Laitebrené’ eit ko Bite 

i réceived and used in the Clifton Avenue Building, nor is the 
balance due for the coal delivered in dispute. 

Defendant Bairstow questioned the ruling of the trial 
court in the admission of certain statements made by Moore, on the 
ground that the agency was not established by competent evidence 
binding upon the defendant Bairstow, The facts are in some respects 
disputed, but many of them, while not admitted by the defendants are 
not denied, and from the facts as they appear in the record they 
establish the ageney of iioore, The facts and circumstances were 
such that the trial court, in considering the weight of the evidence, 
concluded they were sufficient to charge Bairstow with the acts of 
Moore, It is not for this court to question the ruling of the trial 
court unless the evidence manifestly indicates that the trial court 
erred in entering judgment, and the presumption is that the trial 
court in reaching its conclusion only considered competent evidence, 
and in doing so found that Moore was empowered to act by defendant 
Bairstow, and that Moore misled the plaintiff in extending this 
credit, The knowledge that Bairstow must have had, not only from 
the receipt of plaintiff's bills mailed to his office, but also 
from his admission of liability by offering to pay half cash and 
the balance of the account from the receipts of the building, would 
indicate that he appreved of the condust of Moore, and that Moore 
had authority when he told the plaintiff to chatge the coal account 
to Bairstow. 

One of the objections mde by defendant Bairstow is, that 
the evidence that Bairstow offered the plaintiff half cash and the 
balance of the account from the receipts of the building, was in 
effect an offer of settlement, and not competent, This rule, however, 
does not apply, for the reason that the offer was not made as an 
offer of settlement, but was, in effect, an adjustment of the 

account by extending the time of payment for at least one half of 

eft ef tom ,gaibiivG eumevA moftild ont at beay bas beviecosx ae 
\eatuqeth af bexnevifleb [hod edt tet) end oblestas 

 feitt odd to gaklur oft benotteeup wotetitsa sasbaeted, «69. 4: 
edd me .~eTooK yd ohem sinenétata aiastirso to sofsaimbe edd mi tayae 
eorebive gasteqs#od yd bedaiidetas toa etw Youons edt tadt bavortg 
ateoqaet omoe ni ots atost ofT swotariell dashbaotob edt moqu gaibaid 
ets etasbactob eft yd bettinbs von elidw mods to yasu tod ,betuqaelb 
| youd hroost eft ai «cec0oqqs yer? ee atost sdt moxt Das (beimeb tom 
otow ssonatemiotio bae atest eff yotooll to yorogs add detidetes 
<SOmebive ont Yo tigiew dt goteebtenon al itaudo Lattt edt t2d9 ewe 
to atos odt dtiw wotetis® egredo of taslofttye stow yout bebsLonoo 

fatst edd 6 Sakis ott aoiveenp of too eidé tot tom et ZI -or00K 

eo eit? odd tedt eeteotbat ylseetinah eonedive edt exelms txuoo 
Isint off tot et cobtqmueene ont bad ,trengout gattotae’ ni berse 
esomebive tasteqmoo bereblanoo yLao noferloage ett’ Bitidones at txuo0 
taebastob Vi ton o¢ betewoume aaw Oxoo stadt bavot oe gattob ai bas 
eldd gaihaotxe at tittateLe edt beinte rook test bas ,woterted 
mort Ylno von .bad oven texm woterted tedd/egbeLnond edT) sttbexo 
Gels ted ,soitto etd ot boltem aLitd etttivatelg to tqteoer pdt 

bas deseo tied yeq of gaixetto yd ytilidatl to notestabs etd toxt 

bivow .3afbiivd edt to etqleser eft mort tayooos edt to Bonalad edt 

proc tait ban ,@160M to toubsop ext To bevoreas om tait eteotha 

tacos Leeo edt. egtedo of Tritniele ed? Blot od) néedw en 

ted? get woterted taabaotebd yi ebam aaoltoaldo eit to em: oh o6 oie 
edt bue dead tLad tr Liwteley. oct horetts wetextad teas eonebiva edt 
‘ht wow ~gaibiind eft to tq Lo0et oct mott tibonde ot to eonteled 

revewor ,ofet eidT  .tabteqnoo tom bas \toomelitea ko rétto! ns tostie 
‘ge bs obem ton eew Vette edt dant moeset ont TOT , s tem Bbob 
‘ont to teemvenpbs me ,ytostte at .eew dad ctrasorezen 26 20820 ao 

‘to “BLed exo dasel te tob toomyeg to omit. ec? ¢ 

2 Dugas - 
OO SS ee ae a a 

ai ee ee Se ee = 

the account until the receipts from the building were sufficient to 
pay the balance, 

There is no doubt that in the entry of judgment for the 
plaintiff and against the two defendants, the court erred, The 
record is barren of any facts that would establish liability of 
the defendant Moore. The fact that he acted for Bairstow did not 
make him jointly liable. The rule is well settled, and needs no 
citation of authority, that where one acts for a principal, es was 
done in this case, the liability is that of the principal, 

Under the former procedure governing actions of this 
character this court would be required to reverse and remand this 
Gause, but under the Civil Practice Act, the court is now empowered 
to enter such judgment es the trial court should have entered. This 
power to enter such judgment is provided for in Para, 230, Sec. 92, 
Chap, 110, of the Practice Act, Cahili's Ill. Rev. St. 1933, Sub- 
division (f), which is in these words: 

} "Give any judgment and make any order which ought to heve 
been given or made, and make such other and further orders 
and grant such relief, including a remandment, a partial 
reversal, the order of a partial new trial, the entry of 
a remittitur, or the issuance of execution, as the case 
may require, 

So that from the conclusions reached by this court, the judgment 
for the plaintiff against the defendant Bairstow is affirmed, and 
reversed as to defendant sida: BS 



4p ff! Wiha My 
Gi hee / 

f We fe ue 
a ¢ Lt AL : et 


ot tmotoiitwe otow puththed edt mow atatover odd ‘Ehtew ‘banoooa 6 ont 

vse o ne “soon Led odd ‘yeq 
adit tot tmemgbut ‘to vetae ont at ted? tdwob om et ‘ered? 
‘ed? sborte ‘Htu0o edd «otnabasteb ows ont ‘tenispe bas Yivalel¢ 

BY 19's 

to ytilidelt delidstes bisow ‘taut atost us ‘to netted et 

"fom bth wotersed rot besos od dads doar ear” sotoall suabheten Gab 
o on ebsan bats be lttes ‘Hee es elit od? sotdart Uvalot mid oiam 
eee es feqtontxe s ‘tot ‘tos ‘eno etodiw godt vi irodius to moidstio 
| efeqtontra edt to tedt et ythitdets ond joe00 ehat mt smod 
ae O to anottos gakarevog ‘erubooore tomrot odd treba 9°! ON" 
: aidt heawex. bas eetever of boriuper od ‘blvow ‘truu08 alat wotonraito 
“boromoane WOM af too ont “tod cottoert Livio ‘edt “tebau duc sina 
: ela? | sboreaao evid bivoda dx00 ‘Ietxd edt es “$evoney bast ‘poue cotne” ot ‘ 
| 88 +098 088 ata ab rot ‘beblvors at tomsbyt Mote rodae ot a 

Bs nave 98881 te voli tit “p'ELidso tok soltoar’ ent to (ott 
rebrow sed? af of de kaw’ ae 

“ovad at tiauo sorte ‘sobro as sta “saint bua teary bis ck’ gig 2 
y “SLehdxoq Be eerie “planes es 

she exrdae ent 4 ri rom rhe aa ponte: et ae 
Sasso ous Be 2fO nohtuosxe 
fhe se ‘ ho to TEM ons 

setieaben: edt ,trueo efdt. of eoeteany eto leslonoo ent, nox, saat, 08 
bas ,bomuitte ef wotertsS taabacted, odt snhind settahabe, atsaet 

seo, saahertah, of. 88, basxayer 

sTHAY Ml GaenavaR 

\ meh oebuly - ate Qn: oath 

s ven a us ME. Sale * Omiinder 
ee RY ee ante 

\ \ ae OAR yy Pi 

r sy NS ae 
‘ tee 
Oy aie 

. = 
o. RW 


vn a ‘ 
eer y ft wn 

é ,—"§ 
$7646 a } f | f | 
we } if i ? j i 

(Plaintiff) Appellant, ~ | po" 



(Defendant) Appellee. 9 io 9 L.A. 6 4 5" 


This is an appeal by the plaintiff from an order vacating 
and setting aside that part of a decree in a divorce proceeding, 
wherein an amount was found to be due of $6,000 feom the defendant 
to the complainant, as set forth in that part of the decree. The 
decree was entered by the Chancellor on October 20, 1933. The order 
modifying the decree was entered on December 22, 1933. 

Contention is made by the complainant that the court in 
modifying the decree on December 22, 1933, was without jurisdiction 
after the term to enter the order. This court is without the 
benefit of defendant's theory which would justify the entry of the 
order here on appeal, for want of her appearance. 

The action being one in chancery, it is 4 grave question 
as to whether the procedure adopted and followed by the Chancellor 
was a proper one. The rule is that in chancepzy, even after term 
time, the procedure is, for the party complaining to present facts 
by 2 bill of review or a bill in the nature of a bill of review, to 
the chancelior for relief, or by appeal or writ of error to review 
the record, not upon a motion to vacate, as was done in this case. 

The Supreme Court in the case of 

200 Ill. 9369, a somewhat analogous case, said: 

"Tae decree was under the control of the court during the 
May term, at which it wes entered, and might have been 
set aside or vacated during the term, or subsequently, 
upon motion made during the term, and continued to a 
subsequent term; but nothing of that kind was done. 

tS ee 
RAs | yay 

a " \ 
\ bt ir anavEe 
se . (  (taetleags (Ttttatsl4 
- PRUOO AOTAEWUE ' sees { o_o 
\ \s if? aV¥ 

< h om ni T e ¥ GQ «99 ileqga (tashaeted) , a ‘eat 
punieae hn rob aay 
- PAOD aut "Oo WOIKII9 wut ‘qasavizac , axe worreut outazaans fe visio 
gahtsoay tebro ns mort Ttitaiel, od? yd iesqas ae pi aid? - bod Be 
- spatboovorg soxovib s mi sereeb * to treq ted? obieas bic bas 
tnebaeteb ont moni 000 8 to euh ad of bavot asw ¢avoms os xtotertw 
ait .osrosh edt to itsq tedé mt dttot tee es ,taantelqmoo adt ak 
tebro eT .£8CL ,O8 tedotod so soLisensdd edt yi heretae any, oeroeh 
ere .S88L .S8 roduor0 no bexetas esw voToE edt padyRtoom 
| “2 tx1100 edt tent tnentsiqwoo, edt “ed obam ai Mogsgstgop. be ke Wewet 
i sottekbedsut tuodd iw eew .SERL 88 resipened 9 (seroed, odd gatyt thom 
out duodt tw nt x09 eidT st9br0 ont retin ot mr0t, oft toptes. 
edd to xtus est Nitrest biuow doidw yxosdt e! #ucbaptod, to ditened 
paths «9omstTHOES sed te fnew tot ari i esicone 

aolteoue every ® eb. th vreonsio me ‘auto gated noltos, ont 
toLleonsdd edt yd bewollot bas hetqobs ersbeoorg eit cide ot ee 
miedoxovte néve yysonads ai Pale HE fit eat” eke’ xeqone 8 bow 
atest tneesrq of gaindelqmoo wtraq éd¢ tot yet etubeoony odt yombt 
ot .welver to Lftd s to oxvtan edt at’fftd « vo weiver to ithd a yw 
| weltvet ot torre to tice xe faeqqs wW 26 <Yettox tot tolfeonado edt 
eoaso eidt mi orob wanda .eteonsv ot soliton 8 nequ ton .brooss edt i 
ezaliieol .v .o0 natword teteseT to seso att mi trvod emetque ed? 
bisa ,eeso suogolsens tadwomoe & eBORF «ffl 008 

edt gaicub txsoo edd to Loxtaoo sdt Toba saw eoToeb Ont" — 
need eved tigin das ,berotas sow th doidw ts t ws . 
.vitneupesdue to ,mrot edt gaitub hetsosy to cog one 

‘gs ot bounitnoo bas .mtot odd gatuuvb sham ao 
 sonob eaw bait tadt to gaidton tud yrrot 

After a term has elapsed a deeree may be corrected, on 
motion, in matters of form or mere clerical errors or 
misprisons of the clerk, but the court is then without 
power to change the decision, or to set aside, vacate, 
modify or annul a decree, No error of law of any kind 
will justify revising or annulling a decree at a sub- 
saquent term in a summary way on a motion, but relief 
against it must be obtained by appeal or writ of error if 
the error is apparent on the face of the record, and if 
not, by bill of review or bill to impeach the decree for 
fraud, *** A decree regularly entered cannot be altered 
or amended after the term has elapsed, except for the 
correction of matters of form or clerical errors. *** 
These rules have been settled by repeated decisions of 
this court," 

See also Wolff v. Sohwill & Oo., 351 Ill, 28; Totten v. Totten, 299 

Till. 43; Bushnell) v. Gooper, 289 Ili, 260. 
The record is not altogether clear upon what ground the 

court assumed jurisdiction to enter the vacating order, and from 

the authorities to which we have referred,the Chancellor erred 

in the entry of the order, Accordingly, the order will be reversed, 


no ,bstoetteo ad 
to exorre Ieeitsio stem ro mrot 

® erotiten 

eeTeeh s beeqsle asd mrs ot 

tuodtin ameodd ef oties eid tud yarefo edt to: ai molten 
eteosy ,ebies tee ot ro ,nofelosb edt egaado of tewog 
bata ys to wal to torre of ,serd0b 2 Lunas to yttbou 

Lettee gua queiten 5 aa tor Yeauere 44: ResrieMeelee 
etlex ted yroltom & ao Ysy Yrsmnve fs us 
ti sorte to ¢ixe so Leeqqa yd benistdo ed teum #i ¢ 
. #&2 Bas ,brooer edt to seek oct mo dmeteqqs ei some edt 
t6% eeroed edt dos ot [iid to weiver to iiid aS ,ton 
berstie od tonaso etae yYlrelygex eetoeb A *** ,byert 
ode sot tqeexe ,beeqele sad mrot oct tetts paheden 10 
serorts Lnoluele 10 mot to eretian to noktoertes 
10 euotetoos mene wW 7 ak fod oved esiuxs seedT 
. ",tzyoo ald? 

CBS aettol «v gotgeT (88 »Lf2 188 200 4 ittwdoe .¥ Sitew oaks eee 
sift 88S «geqpod .v LengayS Gee »LfLt 
edt baworg ted soqts taelo tedgegotis tom al broost edt 6 oe 
pert bee yrobto gultveoev edt? tetee of moltolbattut: hehanane: teal 
bore toileoned® ent betsoter eva ov doidw of sottixodtve edt 
a of Iltw tebro ect ey piegh Acoli add at 

+ signe 

sCHEABVIR! HHORO Ove oo” coh aie’ pasyt thom 
stapre Bee fco of aereP] eue Toots 
| vee ee at on ea 
‘ y Bae «-"8Q Ge 2g Oxted. FOote 
: 7 (bed se l3o8. OM? 
Wweoery sik sedtaniy af we 
ee ‘ae 
4 ei a a2 reheeory pelt ouke 
oF y a ees ro webvon te FEL a wr 
eo sh Cae yoileoneso utd 7 
teont ot sodten age Fea ghtoeo7 eit 
gn ons a” wiih ease Laer Pt sae ie SER ae Pee rent Y Oey Oris oT Re Y 
; teu geOed alll O08 
i? take sew serced ont" | 
aim 4 ate quer fh goldte fe eee ae: 
: mre? witvoh Dhow wh. ORkAR See 
} rues gf ; Bee ee as: b ofan ap dae INGHY oF 
aatthgl i wagsitose Sal ete 


tO pg i he 
87709 / ; ra Ce | & 
Vo : 
OF cHicaco. 


acne 1279 I.A.642° 


This is an appeal from a judgment foxy $900 against the 
defendant and for the plaintiff, which was entered in the Municipal 
Sourt of Chicago. 

Plaintiff's action is one upon a fire insurance policy 
in the amount of $1,000, issued by the defendant to the plaintiff. 
Subsequently, on February 8, 1953, a fire oceurred which destroyed 
the contents of plaintiff's store located at 6237 Archer Avenue, 
Summit, Illinois, 

The defense of the defendant is that the plaintiff was 
guilty of fraud, concealment and misrepresentation of material facts 
sworn to by the plaintiff. The evidence offered by the plaintiff is 
substantialiy based upon the policy of insurance in evidence. The 
plaintiff wes engaged in a retail business, selling tobseco, cigarettes 
and Cigars, and aleo carrying a line of sporting goods and novelties, 
and conducting a billiard and pool business at the place described 
in the insurance policy issued by the defendant, 

On February 8, 1933, after the close of business, in the 
nighttime s fire oceurred and destroyed the stock of merchandise 
valued at $5,408.70, furniture and fixtures in the sum of $8 098,65, 
and office supplies amounting to the sum of 4267, making a total loss 
Claimed by the plaintiff of $13,774.35, 

Plaintiff was a witness, together with his brother Louis 

TRUOO LAarp Tam , Apa? erent 


‘gbo AL. ess ° 

KHLFO oes 
or i Fe: 

+500 SRY TO MOLI AT GansVIdUG daasK FORTEUL ourareans i 
as, Obes eee 
ett temtsga 006) sot tasmpiuy 9, moxt Ls 8 18 aldT 
A on a Se Gas ig he. yp LET 
isqioiau edd at barstae eaw doidw itatalg ors tot bas tasbaeteb 
eR he no dye Loe oats to 

eles eoagtuest, out, & fogs 90 et 1 mottos fr Oe sectenees 
_ stiitaisig edt of tasbasteb ont yd Powers 4900,£8 39, truroms bic 9 oat at 
beyotteeh doidw berzso00. eft s,.BBGL .8 ‘yreurdet so ' Wimeupoadu® 
,OUNSVA xedorA VESA ts betsool exote atttitatetg to ataesao0 edt 
cuosoo ooo ORE, Gee 
aew tiitaisiq odt tedt ef taabasteb odd to ounstob edt 

etost Ieizotam to colissineserqersia bas txemLssonco buext to xtiine 
pi tittalels edt yd botetto eonmebive eff .thitaisl® ont ae ot crows 
sit .9onebive mi sonsivent toe yolleg edt noqu hsead (Ulstiastedue 
ettetsgio ,ocoosdet gniilea ,eaenteud Lhestet 5 alt begsgae esw Metentelg 
<eoitteven hae eboog gaitroge To ontl « gaiyrrse oale bas eetagie bas 
bsdisors® eoalg sdt ts snenteyd Loog bas bratilid s gaktoubaoo bas 
stashaeteb edt yd beyset yollog sonstwen! oat mt 

adt al ,saenteaud to eeelo odd xotts ,ceel ,8 yeaundet ‘20 | 
geibusdorem to Aoote edt beyoutesh bas Sorruso00 oxtt 6 omit tags 
,33.800,8% to mre edt of aotytxit bas omsttorut 10% 8O BH ts beuisy 
seol intot s gatdem .YOS) to mue odd of gattavoms estinque soltto bas 
BS .RTT,EL8 to rittntele oat i 8 a al | 
atuod cotiens aid dtiw tedtegot .avoutinw 5 naw sidaiats 


Gleatia, who acted as manager of the business, and each of them 
testified as to the value of the property destroyed on the premises 
at the time of the fire. The value of the furniture, fixtures, 

pool tables and equipment was testified to by a witness named 

Martin D. Johnson, who was 4 representative of Brunswick-Balke 
Gollender CJompany, engaged in the manufacture of billiard and pool 
tables; by Harry H. Herbst, who seted as adjuster for the plaintiff; 
and also by Richard V, Riordan, who acted for the plaintiff, and 

as adjuster for other insurance companies interested in the fire loss. 

The defendant in support of its defense offered 0. 
Finkelstein, who testified as to the value of the pool and billiard 
tables and equipment, and there is also evidence by Fred A. Deuss, 
who appeared as adjuster for the defendant, 

The evidence tends to show that an inventory was taken by 
the plaintiff about January 8, 1935, and in this work was assisted 
by his brother Louisa Gleatis. This inventory was copied into the 
proof of loss, and described the property that was lost by the fire. 

The evidence of the plaintiff, whichntends to show the 
value of the items for which claim is made, was contradicted in some 
respects by the witnesses for the defendant, The trial court in- 
structed orally, and thereafter the jury returned a verdict for the 
plaintiff, upon which the court entered judgment after overruling 
defendant's motion for a new trial. 

The defendant contends that the plaintiff's case, as 
established on the trial, was fraudulent, thectestimony being so 
absurd as to be unbelievable, even though such evidence was not 

it is evident from the record that the testimony regarding 
the loss and the amount was eontested by the testimony given by 
defendant's witnesses. This fact of itself is not sufficient to 

Why | 
met Yo dose bas ,seentend od? Yo roysnain we Beton ole pettsold 
ecnimerg oft mo hayortsed yersqorg edd to oulsy edt oF as netttieer 
,eerusxlt ,ocwtiaxwt ed¢ te ovLey ed? .ontt edt to omit edt ts 
‘benine geattiw s ye of bedtéteot aw smouqiupe bas eskdat foo 
' eifsi-doiwanett te evitstaseorqes 8 as¥ odw toaAtfol on nitzak 
thes bas brsillLid to suptostuaem edt ai Bogagas , waqmod ‘xohaeLLod 
jititniela edt tot reteuths 2= betos ofw ,tadrel .H writen yd imaaaees 
Pita Peden dete ety vot Betos ow .asbsolh .V bradola cs bala bas 
wens 4 oem ‘odd at hefeotstal estasqmoo Seasrwant redto tot “roseutba 
0 Boretto sedeten st! to ssdqque mt tnabaoteb odT anna 
 ‘brebiiid bas Looq edt to owlev edt of an baltiteet “ortw nied 
so ‘ane sh bot Yo somebive oats et ted? bas <taeaqlspe ban siisdad ; 
: ! stusbreteb edt tot fodevtbe es ‘Sorasaen ode 
eh andr Vee “Hiern ie tidied eed Va ae 
 Neseneed ‘eae iow Wide ie ‘Seid eeet 38 Weed Vilded Vedas lt 
| edt oat beiqoo asw yro¢mowil eid?t .aitselp aissoit xodtoxs aid ye 
sotl? ond YO Heol sow fedt ySreqotq edt bedtrossh bas s diet | to toorg 
08° Rae wore Ce Ubastrifoldy TtIietaLe edt to ‘seabed eee 
cnbd nt betuibartace thw jobs eY lafe dotiw rot amod abdi edt 30. ne 
Sai ¢xvoo Leite edT .tosbmeted edt tot beubeatiw ‘ent ritptenaced Sooeare, 
we "ante tet tothrev s benruter Yul ont sottsoredd bus \ytlero be aan 
owen rotte tmomgbut ‘peredae ¢ruoo edt “dokdw moa Hidabate, 

, eae igubaes. ah8 
raise wen e "et sottom @ ‘eashacteb 

elieg @@omRiweni wat HF 
BE ,oR89 elttisateto edt jadd sbasaoo ‘sasbueteb ed? 

a grted Yrontteedosdd {shelubuart dew .Lalct ‘eit mo pea 

Pi wader eigen 
tom exw somebive Mose a aeve b  elibaveLisaan ed . od of 2 ones 

Rs BR , 

 gabbedgss Yaoutteet edt ted? Sedoet off mott #aebt wee sonnte | 

WS movig Yomttnes ort xd ‘beresitbo osw fasome od 
. we jasierviwe You st tioddf to weet Aidt Jasee 


justify this court in setting aside the judgment entered upon the 
verdict. The facts appeating in the record were heard by the trial 
court, and again in the consideration of defendant's motion for a 
new trial, which motion was overruled, and unless the evidence is 
manifestly against the conclusion reached by both the jury and the 
trial court, this court will not interfere, 

The defendant stresses the point thet immediately after 
the fire the defendant's adjuster was unable to find the kind of 
merchandise for which claim was made by the plaintiff. The fire 
occurred when the temperature was below zero, and as a consequence 
the merchandise was covered with ice, and whether or not the adjuster 
for the Company could properly make an inspection was oné for the jury. 
The facts in this case were, of course, considered by the jury. It 
is significant that no question was raised that by the admission of 
evidence offered by the plaintiff over objection, or by the instruce 
tions given by the court to the jury, the defendant was deprived of 
a fair trial. We have the right to presume that the trial court did 
not believe that the evidence offered by the plaintiff was false. 

The charge made is a serious one, and where one is accused of false 
swearing, the evidence should clearly convince the court thet such 

is the fact. Contradiction by witnesses is not of itself sufficient, 
The rule is that where fraud is charged it should be @learly establish- 
ed from the facts. ; 

The defendant also stresses the failure of plaintiff to 
include the pool and billiard tables and cases in the inventory 
produced. Only one conclusion can be reached from that fact, and 
tHat is the inventory was a false one. While this fact was before 
the jury, it is not conclusive, for the reason that the pool and 
billiard tables and equipment were in the store at the time of the 
fire, which fact is not disputed by the defendant,. 

edt soqu berotae tneaghut odd ebips galt ter at tus09 aida Riertyi. 

i) ay 

felts edd yd brsed erew Hrooet odd at gatiseqqs atost edt stotbrey 
& rot sottom e' tasbaoteb to foltershleaoo ont ame abegs be two 
ef eonebive est seolay has ,belirrrevo enw ‘mokton ato tei att wen 
edt bas yeah edt died va bedoce2 aolewlonoo out fentage Uteottaan 
. ay ee tetretad ton iiiw #009 elit <Saw09 faict 
y “redte uletstbess tect talog edt oogerte tuebroteb oot ne 
o te bali oct batt of siganu eow roteut be e'éasbasted oat ont odd 
., SPER odT -Tavataly ont WW oban vow wisi Motdw tor seibandoron ) 

nit Se al eh as 

soneupeenod © as bus ,ores woled sew qtutsxsqmet edt aad beru000 
tegpui be, edt ton to rodtedy bas oot ddiw berevoo aew sethandosen | 
er, edt tot $n0 ase aoitosgent ae eden Yireqozy aimee yangaod oat Tot 

+2 .ytu, edt yo betebiemoe ,eets90 to eotoW eeso etd? ah atost ont 


to Soiseimbds sdt yd tedt Desist sew no Lipenp on tadt “tasotttagte ek 
qouttaat odt ¥, To «Ho ltoel do xON, Re a 98 edd vs bere! hie mers: 
to Dbevisgesb esw tasbasted edt «eat add oe yes, oat we aorde, anne 
bib tivoo Lsint ed? tad? smusorg ot idgis oat eva al Lestat het’ a 

seet to togrw 

eoeist sew rhtiatalg edt vd berstzo soasbive eit tena evelled ton 
i galst to beavoos ef sno etede bas «Sa0 svoltoe s at oben agente ed? 

) Siny 
Hose tedt tzruoo odd eontvioo uxsslo biuoda somebive out } «patreows 
i “a Be eo et 
staotolitue iteest to ton ai aoxnoutin w wottotbertaed stank ode et 
| Leto Botenr de 

‘delidatas Vienets ed bivoda tt bopsesto: ob bust? rosin teat at oot ou? 


of Utidakalq Yo exusist sat connente oat imabaeteb ost ore 

vrovwevnd add at geese bus asides bastited bae fom rend Ay orp wag 
bee ,foei tsdt mort bosionox od 180 no kausfon02 ono yi0 Ping - _— 
eroted saw fost eldt oid «O20 estat 2 asx “yrotuovand eae of teilt 

wat cet at howe 

Ae Seog, adt tent mogset ont rot nly tom ha Po exent ont eutt od? te oxote edt mt oxew taemgtupe f pase sj 
etashasted odd vd betuqatb for ot aan 4 

t a i 
. fy & : > vy j 
be : ; : Wwe 

Another significant fset appearing in the case is that 
at the time the policy of insurance was issued by the defendant, no 
doubt the merchandise covered by the insurance wes upon the premises 
ef the plaintiff, or otherwise defendant would not have issued the 
policy to cever the insurance on the contents of the store of the 

Upon an ¢xamination of the instructions given by the court 
to the jury, we find that the court upon the quéstion of fraud stated 
the policy would be void if the plaintiff concesled or misrepresented 
in writing any material fact. 

fhe jury wee also told by the court that if from the greater 
weight of the evidence the damages were excessive, and false atate- 
ments as to value were knowingly made, the plaintiff could not recover, 
and the jury's attention was directed to the facet that if there was 
any inherent imprebability, in the statement of = witness, the jury 
could disregard such evidence, even in the absence of any contra- 
dictory evidence. The jury was carefully instructed, as is evidenced 
by the failure to note an objection by either of the parties, and 
we believe thet the judgment entered by the aourt is sustained by the 
evidence in the record, fhe record being free of error the judgment 
is affirmed. 





| Huei at sane edt at galticsqes Joet tmogsTtmgte erifomk (so // oe) 
ek pdusbroteb od? yd Bouedi wew Sorecwvant Yo YoLloy Ont die ‘dt te 
 poadmatq oft mood ‘24y Sonetant edt Yo beTev0O Setinedonem edt ddweb 
—setit Doweat eved sont Alvow tnahmoksh seiwredde to .titmiale ott te 

‘ad? Yo wtote odd to etnadros of? ao eodtetwert ed? teyeo ot yolleq 

| teed edt yo aovig analtourteat odd Yo moltenimaxe as noqd ? 
betete butt Yo néktecr: oft ogy tuoe ant tadt hadh ow yurvh ede ot 
botusetecerein 26 Bslesonod Tiktnkalq sit Bt blov ed bivow yotiog edt 
. av? toot Intcetsa yas guttite ab 
pom Cy ta mor? TL tent fro wie Yd DLot Oale wow YeUy OdE oo on) 
' sec¢ede soley be ,evaeseors caeateamsmeusana 
lion tot bivoo Ytitaiale edt ,shaw yLgndwoad evew sxlav of ae etaem 
aie Oredd TL tarde tat odd OF hetoorsh Qow nodenstte atyeat edd bas 

| “yt odd qeesndin » Yo thomodate oct af pyeLitdsdongut: thexedad® que 
 mptitmes yak to sombads oft ad Reve sdomedive Hoe Srmpotelh biwoo 
booaebive at as ,betorcteat ylivtetso etn yx, ent? sonebive yredoLb 
bie soitted edt te redtie yf matreotte ne etem ot outst et yd 
edt Ye bontsreve ak teva ont yi borstne Yaewyhet” od add evetiod ae 
— edit setts to een’ saioanlanscpsyan: emapeadsac ones 
aire 69 VITCOLS hie gee’ Ot text evecte fede we akan on? 
| | sadoet way mest he 

pre rans re 

; Ba rate oe fom! Cie Fey moe tata abu hems 
bas a ear eh" bol aoa @ gen ae Rates em yh). ebaoubost 

“ gn yveodmorne act at atts 

fone her st seRKOT ont Tot wovemmhonns om jk ye ext oat 
testis fan sethad: beacus 

t ‘vd  Proatise iB m ivy iy Oe 2098 ely ; 

37287 f fe 
IRVING I. COHEN and LNA supa, 
Plaintiffs in Error, 


| oxpourn court 
Ve j % 


279 TA. 642" 

On April 14th, 1930, plaintiffs brought suit in the Circuit 


Defendant in Error, 

Gourt of Cook County against defendant in an action of trespass on the | 
Case. Summons wae served on defendant on April 22nd, 1932, and on : 
the same day, defendant, by his attorney Joseph 4. Kolb, entered 
his appearance, Thereafter, on May 24th, 1932, defendant filed a 
plea of the general issue, and on June 17th, 1932, plaintiff filed 
a similiter to the plea. On October 26th, 1932, the cause was 
placed on the trial calendar of the Circuit Court and set for trial 
on January lst, 1933. On January 6th, 1933, after notice had been 
served on all the parties, Joseph A, Kolb, the attorney for defendant, 
withdrew his appearance as defendant's attorney. On February 23rd, 
19323, after the cause had been placed on the trial calendar, as before 
stated, it came on for trial. Defendant did not appear, and after 
an ex parte hearing, and after submitting the cause to a jury, the 
jury returned a verdict in favor of plaintiff, assessing plaintiff's 
damages at the sum of 91,500.00, and on the same day, a judgnent 
for that amount was entered against defendant. 

On April llth, 1933, defendant filed a petition, in the 
Circuit Court, supperted by his affidavit, in which he prayed that 
the judgment be vacated, and that a capias issued thereunder, be 
stayed. in this petition defendant recites in substance that after he 
had been served with summons in the cause, he employed one Joseph As 

Kolb as his attorney, and that on April 22nd, 1932, Kolb filed his 

Hap wa, AN bas WHOD .I OMLVEI 
; _ararss ai atitdabels oa» te 

¥ vo o42 Msg geht * CL UBWRE) 

aur ieerbed 

_stotrd at tusbasted 



‘ghd ET ee 

Yeile x 

: Pg ) a dokty 

“thyort0 edt ai tive tiiguord ett itatete <088L, det Ltaga 10, hot ae 

ad ae ensqesrd to nostos as ai tisbasteb tentags Yinwod 4900 to tryed 
Bc) bas .S8CL ebacs fixgA “0 tasbasteb #9 Peyvtes Baw is dan hae 208 
_peresae sdlod .4 dqoeot Yarotts eis xe staabaetep a¥eb oine ot 

8 ‘beLst tasbasteb SRE edthS ysht a0 .todtsotedt be sPomenpo0gs eid 
_ beltt eb ldabela seer lays ony Fst) bas soueed _fareneg edt 30,4088 
. a eaueo oat SEL 488 18d0t00 a0 sot edt of perkins e 
nbse rot bse bas tuyod tivortO edt te tatae tae. fairs. aoe ents 
ased hori sotton tetts ,SSCL dtd etwas a9 -BECL. ate : 
atuabaeteb x0 youvot ts odd 2GLo%. » A mpgh ssottgoa oui? iba. 0 bevsea 
wbr8s vrauxdot nO sYontotte +" dushanteb, as eoaeTtaee Abd weghdtty 
eroted es " tebaviso fetui end mo beoalg | AOod bad _poura ott eats ee 3 
gotta bas .THOqGs toa bib tashaoted _olabat wo? Ho a sbatate 
eat es 8 of esas odd gutttindse tettes bas caaiteed atxeq xe 

| ‘pittutntata gitescess ,itttntelg to royst at teteyey « benautes vest 
Vee mney & usb emss edt mo bas .00.008,i% to aue od? ts pogsmad 
é stasbaeteh tenlege Dorotae Bow tems tae 

act at qnoktitea & boLit tushmeteb S8RL ett Lisqa #0 ee “e 

 tedd Doyorg off dotdw at .thvebitte aid ys betzeaque m0 2 xh 

a 2 

oA dateet ano beyolqms of .saueo adt at snore Atte be ? 
eld beLit dlow -S8@L ,baSs Lingd mo tedt bas Lyoazodits co es wo 

appearance in the cause, together with a demand for jury trial, and 
that thereafter he, Kolb, filed the pleas hereinbefore referred to; 
that thereafter on July 23nd, 1932, after notice being served, the 
cause was placed on the trial calendar; that on September 27th, 1932, 
the cause wes stricken from such trial calendar, and that thereafter 
on October 26th, 1932, on motion of plaintiff, the order of September 
27th, 1932, striking the case from the trial calendar, was vacated and 
the cause was set for trial, that the affiant is informed that notice 
of the motion of the plaintiff to reinstate the cause on the trial 
calendar was delivered to & stranger in the office of his attorney 
Kolb, during Kolo's absence from his office; but that, to the best 
of his knowledge and belief, Kolb never received the notice; that 
there was ne appearance for defendant at the time such order was 
entered, and that the petitioner had no notice of such setting; that 
Kolb withdrew hia appesrance as attorney for defendant, as already 
stated, and thet defendant employed another attomhey, who never 
entered defendant's appearance. There is no showing by Kolb, 
defendant's attomney, that he failed to receive the notice of the 
setting of the cause, and no statement in petitioner's affidavit to 
that effeot, except the statement made on petitioner's information 
and belief that no such notice was received. On May @nd, 1933, the 
court entered en order vacating the judgment against defendant, and 
it is from this order thet the appeal herein is taken. 

We are of the opinion thet there was no sufficient showing 
made by defendant which justified the court in vacating and setting 
_ aside this judgment. It was in the third term after the entry of the 
judgment that the order was entered, and the court was without power 
te vacate the judgment on the showing made. Travelers Insurance Co, 
Ve Wagner, 279 Ill. Apps 13. 

bas .iaictt yrost tot Snamob« atiw redtegeor a2 2UL0O edt as sousrnoqus 

ee TEA 4 

jot berretes arotednierod enol ont beri .dloz sort roteoredt tedt 
edt .bevren gated eottoa setts Sel yhaSt ylut mo revtaered? tart 
«88OL ,ctVE codmetqe® mo tadd jrsbaeloo Isis oft ao poonta tg! anne 
xagtsoteds tedt bas .rsbaeiso Letxt dove mort nedolzte enw sauso ons 
‘géGhesqok to tébro edt \ttPtalelg to moitem ao seer .i#88 todoteod mo 
bats bevsonv sew .tsbroles Iatcts ot mort saso edt gataizte SbOL Atay 
eokton tose dbewretal ef taveitte ody tend feist rot ton ee eeuso ott 
Leixt ont fo Seve act otatemter of Mita tsLq ont to wo kton ode » 

| ywirtot ts ald to @bitto edt at rogastte a ot bareviteb sew robes L 
taod edt of .todd dud (jo0ltto edd mort sonsede etdtoX » atau r stex 

todd psoiton edt hovieoor xoven dlox reried baa oabetword eid 3 
aw ‘¢ebro deve owkt ont ‘ts tnsimetob ‘rot scastaeqqs on esw oneat ; 
; i iis " 
tet jantttos dows ‘te eodton on bes reaoitited ont tat bas oer 


yboor Le 8 innbaeten t0% yortetté ae oonerseqgs ire f 
8 bat Pusat by 
reven ost eWotuotts seddona vege Lanne énsbast sb dade has sbetete 

‘ we tk Wa vite 

“{dloX we gutwors ‘on ef ‘eran? sooner seqae et énabagteb Bex es 

* end to aoiton edd evieost oft Betts ed dade <Yoamot te et | paahanien 
bi Waa 

¥ eR EN 
Cad tivebitts e' remot ited al inomoteta on bas weause edi te3 ; 
97 TLS ‘om CD ae 

dy nottemeotat 8 'semoké tteq 9 obam ‘tmonorste ont tqooxs wight icf 
\ og Y x {R ‘iia 
edt ,f80L .bat Yeu x0 sbovieost now oottor fowe on tacit Yotiod 

ya Boh aus 

, Be Ror 

bate  ppremaend tent icgs inomptut ont yatdsour rebro as berstas tss00 

a: en 
sronet Bt atered fseccs adit ‘tastt rebro atdt wort ot, n 

_ unto tustoltive om eaw oxodt tacit nobakoo odd te ete i 


r mes'y 
 gatttes baw patennay at #1109 edt bestisout Hobie baabuvteb es chin 
ow to Yrine edt xedts red batdt edt at al a ‘stomp, side di 

CHIT HTE ae bh ats 

- ewo tuodit hw new tear09 ont es sboreane ew robro ed? nas, 
SORT | GEN & i 
* sobem gabvoste one 0 “decemrg bu ate hes 

ty beic. Shea at * Boe 

“BE saad v LET OVS qxee 
iy od” sxomns Whe Dee 

Y if 


Defendant had entered his appearance in the case by his 
attorney, and it is recited in the affidavit filed by plaintiff 
in answer to defendant's petition, that defendant's attorney Kolb 
was in court at the time the cause was set for trial, and that he 
oonsented thereto, This is not denied. The fact that defendant's 

attorney withdrew from the cause after serving notice on defendant 
of such withdrawal, does not excuse defendant for his neglect. 

The order of the Circuit Court, vacating the judgment 
is reversed, and the cause is remanded with the direction that the 
order vacating the judgment be set aside, and that the judgment 
stand in full force and effect. 




BS Lat ae, | 

st retinsen sndbiadiieannel xed lala ian ie 
tthenielg yd Selit tivehiite edt af betioer ei tt eehsinmaitit 


 dioR youtotts atenehasteb tedt ,softiteq e'tasbhacteh ot tewans at 

od tadt ban ,latt? cot ten enw oayan sot omnis od? ts txvoe ak asw 
. glimabagteb tedt ¢oct ed? .detneh ton ai ald? ,vtered? betsegmoe 
tasbasteb ao gotten yalvice tovte agues eft mort woubdtlw yeutotts. 
. steetges etd to? tashasteb eayore ton se0b ,laxathdtiy dowe to 

. tmemgbet odd anitavey ,txvo0 tivotl® edd to .zebre edt. ... te 
edt sect soitestib sd? dtiw bebaawor @1 caveo odd bas ,boetever et 
_ dhetgerabat Arasmeaihamnimarcmiabidbramciyirsgt hoa 
aes Tee aT “stootie bus sotot Livt af baste 

Pa ites 

Sv Rovre oe aire ‘oxedt 

t i ghetees 

“(asia du cacapaaiae aaa 0A. gl 

‘eh baa psi hevare 

2 plearah ost ab horedtua 

d¢ , youmodeta & Pst ene? ad 

seUEIS BaF is giktaop 

ott Sobeue toute saute 

iF Hee bake eb tae Pata 
Pd berate : é ! 

+ sebeo aide mogt of 3a 

wt a on OW 

facheewey wt eta 
trouphvt efeda ah Lae 

ens ted: amonpba 

ha tc mae Eagt sar adnowe et 

hy, prcoeenstt 


37392 | a Be 
Appellee, we v6 ; ; 
| f | MUNICIPAL court 
Va . § t 
SCHULTSR & 0O., INC., a Corporation, OF CHICAGO. Le 

Appellant, ) 2 re 9 TA; 6 4. a 


This is an appeal from a judgment of the Municipal Court 
of Chicage against defendant for the sum of $2,050.00, $305.00 : 
attorney's fees, and costs of suit. The action is based on Section 
37 of the Illinois Securities Act, (Gahill's Ill. Rev. Stat. 1931, 
p, 784) and it is alleged inter alia that on January 30th, 1929, 
defendant sold and delivered to plaintiff two American Department 
Store Corporation of Pennsylvania 6% debenture bonds, maturing 
December ist, 1948, and that plaintiff paid for the bonds ©. the 
sum of $2,070.00. It is further alleged that the bonds were not 
securities under Glass A, B or 0, but were under Class D of the Act, 
as déseribed in Section A thereof; that neither before the sale, 
nor at any time thereafter, did defendant file with the Seoretary of 
State of Illinois any of the documents required by Section 9 of the 
Aet; thet the issuer is a foreign corporation of the State of 
Pennsylvania, and has not complied with the law regulating the 
admission of foreign corporations to do business in the State of 
illinois, as required by Section 39 of the Illinois Securities Act, 
and thet, therefore, the sale was void, and that the plaintiff is 
entitled te recover the amount paid for the bonds, together with 
attorney's fees, as provided by law; that plaintiff had made a tender 
of the debenture to the defendant, and that the tender was refused, 
After the original statement of claim was filed, amendments were 
filed, setting up in greater detail defendant's alleged failures to 
comply with the Securifiies Act. 

wore ata at, ‘, me yH SODAL 
ae aaa Tae Oo } 
i or 
sOVAOTRO TO  aoltnroq¢ro® a (0K 4.00) 8) APE RDe 

“ghd A. I e y S Stet roqgqa’® §2609 14 bay 

trwo® LaqtotasM edt to sremghut » mott Ineqqe ae eh aiak © 6 os" 1) 
? OC ,a0SS ,00.080,8 to mun edt tot taebmeteb temiegs ogsoidd to 
gottos® no deed et molten ocT itive to etaod bre .esek # yeurOrsA 
teen’ ststé sworn .ILI ef (ities) tea vottizused elomlill sit to Te 
eOSSL .AtOS yrauast mo tedt phi sett bege lis’ et th hae (DBT eq 
teomdtaqet asotromA owt Ytivmisly oF beteviieb bas bloe tasbroteb— 
gnitutean ,shauod smtaedsb RO stasviyenael to mokteroqrod sT0#8 
edt *o ebnod odt wot bise Ytisniely tatt wus (Brel (rel rodmeowl 
ton otow ebmod ont tat begeils redduot et sf 0000484 to me 
,t0A oft Bo GC eeclO tebay stew tud .O to B .A west tebaw soitiruoee 
eolse out ereted redtien ted? vtesradd A motto? at bedizoaeb as 
to yrsterose ent dtiw eftt tashaoteb bib ‘etotteoredt omit yas ts tom 
ads to @ mottos? yd betiupet séaeuvoob oft to wos etont{it to otsté 
to etste edt to aoltsroqroo agkerot s al wovent odd tostt jtea 
edt gattelyeet wel edt dtiw betLgwoo ton aad bas ,einaviyenned 
to eted2? edt at seenteud ob ot snokteroqtoe mpsotot to moleatmbs 
etoA nok? trs908 eloniitt edt to G8 molseeat yd ber iuper as eotomi lit 
ef ttitaisle odt tad? bas ,bhov eaw slew edt .ototereds todd bas 
dit bw tofteged ,ebnod edd tot bisq taveme edt toveoot ot boltsias 
“qohmed 5 ehsw bei Yeitatelg ted? jel yd beblvor as ceeet ct arose 
sdoowton 8aw xobnet ot tent fas eiaehaoteb ent ot 


There is no question of fact here involved. Ali the 
facts regarding the transaction in question are agreed to. 

The record shows that on December 8th, 1928, the Secretary 
ef State of the State of Illinois gave approval te defendant for 
the sale by it in the State off Iliimois of $100,000,00 of the 
debentures of the American Department Store Corporation of Pennsylva- 
nia. On January 8th, 1929, ean extension was granted to defendant 

to file additional information in regard thereto by February 8th, 

On January 30th, 1929, 
1939, /the sale of the debentures in question was made by defendant. 

By Section 7 of the act in question, which is entitled 
"An Act relating to the sale or other disposition of securities, 
and providing penalties for the violation thereof and to repeal 
acts in conflict therewith," (Cahill's Ill. Rev, Stat, 1931, p. 776) 
it is provided: 

"By and with the consent and approval in writing of 
the Secretary of State any security in Class '6! may be 
offered for sale or sold before the filifig of the state~- 
ment with respect thereto herein above in paragraph (a) 
of this section seven (7) referred to, anything in this 
statute to the contrary notwithstanding such consent to 
be conditioned upon there being deposited in the office of 
the Secretary of State by the issuer or any party interested 
in the sale of euch security.: 

1. A notice briefly describing the securities to be 
offered and stating the price at which such securities are 
to be offered to the public, the amount of the iasve and 
the amount to be sold in Illinois; 

2 The fee with respect to such securities prescribed 
in section 26 of this statute; 

3, <A copy of the circular to be used in selling or 
offering for sale such securities; 

4, Such additionel information ag may be required by 
the Seoretary of State; provided that within thirty days 
after the deposit of such documents, or within such further 
time as the Secretary of State may preseribe, there shall be 
filed in the office of the Secretary of State the statement 
with respect to such security provided for in paragraph (a) 
of this section seven (7); and further provided, that no 
igsuer or other party ghalil offer, advertise or sell any such 
security prior to the filing by the Secretary of State of the 
statement hereinabove in paragraph (a) prescribed unless such 
issuer or other party shall have on file in the office of the 
Secretary of State an irrevocable consent and power of attorney 
with respect to the sale of Class 'C! securities as provided 
in section 16 of this Act; and shall also have on file in 
the office of the Secretary of State a good and sufficient 
bond in the sum of not legs than $50,000.00 payable to the 

ont If2 sbeyvfevait sted Fost to aoliaesp om ei oxedT 
Ot Hheergs ere coltedup ai aobtoesgat? eft galiregezt etost 

‘yastetoes eft ,B5¢L ,dt8 tedmeoed no tedt ewode Srosert eff, 
tQt tazbmeteb of LIsvotqgs sveg eionslil to etet? edt to etst® to 
| est to 00.006, 001) to stom2ill Yo etet® edt mt et yi ofsa ont 
-sviysaned to aeltereqrod orote taemPraqed asofrems oft to esrutaedeb 
tashaeteh of betarnrs anw molenetxe aa ,SECL Ate YtewnAlL 20 ata 
 ght8 Yrevedst yd ofered? Hroeges ad aoltamtotat Ienottibds eLst of 

stashaeted yd obsm agu noiteoup mt couwtanbah:adt “to olae oa@\q8 

 Wedtitne ef doldw yuoktoeup mi tes edt te ¥ aedtos@ey@:! yor siin 
, es8itizvece to aoidteeqaib redto to efee act ot gattaler toA ma* 
Leeqey of bas Roorsdt solteLoty ed? tot eettisaeqygntbiverd ibas 
(OPT aq gLEGL etetS .ven off] alllidsd) "edéivoxed? tolliace at ates — 

vlvognne vo oipbebhvese neat 
to gattiqw al Isvo bas taosnoo eft stiw bas L xan eee 
gpa '6' eeeld be By yiiswess yas etst2 to cuatoone zee 

_. ~atates edd to gail? odd exoted biee ro else tol berettos ay 
(s) dgergsteg ai eveda atexed otetedt toeqaet fitiw trom 
eidt af gaidtyaa ,o¢ Seorxetor (¥) aeveg ad itoes eldt :Boxiove 
o¢ tnoence dove a | pare yo Ms woataan odd? of etutatea 

te soitto on? al Betieoqeh guied ered? moqu henottibaoo. ed») ©» 

katseredat ytraq yte to reveal edt yd etat@ to yxsteroe? edt 
te¥tirgeee dove Sar da ads 
od o¢ agitixyoes odt yrtdicosed beige settom A afk 

ous eeditizusss dove doide te sednq oft galtete has botettour ys)” 

bas eveet odt to ¢tavome edt oliduq edt of bexetto ed ot 
ged sh biog sdoot: — twa 
bad iroaetg eoltizvoee dows ot toeqaet dtia oot oT 
efdt to 88: f nokbeoe ak eget 
<o gatifes at bee od ot ‘ate ® pe to yaoo A 
jaottinsee gets 

@ doue: tot 
xd berivost od yen as co tten ‘rotal Jenoitibbs dove «h 
. saysh ytuid? oidtiw tade> iqetste to- yreterose odd) 4k 
toddrut deve aidéiw to Ticaueas dowe ito tleoqeb- edt setts 
ed Liede sted? ,odiroesne yan siste to yretotoe? ent ea 
tnometeta exit stet? to yrsterooe edt to soltte edt ai ! 

(s) dqerysteq at not bebivetq yWwirsoeecdoua of seeqees dtlw) 0° 
om ted? ,bebiverq sedveu?t bas i(%) moves soljoes sri ~~ 
those yas Lien xo guituevba .xstte. 2 Wie tedto to Rretta 
edt to etait to Keech ys yd aati ed¢ of toitg 
Hous evolay bedicesoxgy (4 vrodarieted” mee ad 

edt to esitto ead al Ai no eved If ps ytred tedte to Tepe: 

yearetis tq cewoq Sas dneacoo eidsdevertl me etate ‘to , 
hobiverg as poltixsoee 191 geeld to oles odd of perenne ; 

gi ofl no eved dela Slade boas ptoA widt to BL notieoewms © 

tooioitive bas pony Be stat® to yrsteroe@ edd to eeltt 

ant ot oidayed 00.000, 089 melt esol gem toma ond: 

People of the State of Illinois, for the protection, use and 
benefit of purchasers and of all persons in interest, executed 
by a surety or guaranty company suthorized to do business in 
this State conditioned that in the event the statement with 
respect to any securities shall not be filed, as above provided, 
the obligor in such bond will repay, to any purchaser from 

such obligor, on demand and tender of such securities, the 
purchase price paid therefor." 

The point made here is that because the Secretary of State 
made the order requiring that the sdditional information be furnished 
by defendant thirty one days after the deposit of the original 

~ i tuo, Dr OE 
documents and the approval of the sale of these debentures:°on 
December 8th, 1928, rather than in thirty days after this date, the 
plaintiff can recover the money paid therefor. It is not suggested 
that the statute was not complied with in other particulars, nor 
thet by the original filing and approval the securities were not 
qualified under "Class 6G", as defined by the statute, (Cahill's 
Ill. Rev. Stat. 1931, p» 775) and could have been sold as such, if 
the sale had been made within thirty days after December 8th, 1928, 
er if the extension of time for furnishing further information had 
been made within the thirty day period. 

In Yhalin v. Gity of Macomb, 76 Ill. 49, prosecution was 
begun against a licensed saloon keeper for selling liquor contrary 
toe the ordinance of the city régulating such sales by licensed persons. 
It was insisted that because by the charter of the city of Macomb, 
it was provided that a digest of the ordinances of the city should 
be published in one year after the granting of the charter, and a 
like digest thereof published within every period of five years there- 
after, and as such publications were not made as required by the 
charter, the ordinance was ineffective. On this question, the 
Supreme Court said; 

"The: publication seems designed merely for the conven=- 

idence of those whose duties or necessities require that they 
should be familiar with the ordinances, it being entirely 

independent from that required orior to the ordinance being 
in force as a municipal law - which is shown by the record 

bas say to itosgong eds tot atonttil to erste eit to elaeet 
betyooxe yteoretas af erowrteg his: to bas arereedotuq to. ¢hiened 
ai eventesd ob of hexizodius yasqmoo Ynrereuvg to yYtemwe a Yd 
gtiw tmenetota odd taeve edt mt tedt beaoltibnoo otet@ eld? 
<behivetq svods es ,belit od tom Ifede eetiinvoos yas ot tosqeer 
mort <oacdor ve yas of .yaqea [Liv baod dowe ai ido oft ow 
edt stettizucee bese to rebaed bas basweb ao a383) ido dowe 
; Seretered? bisa ® 

~etete to yrateress odd sensoad tedt ai ote ebem tatog SdT ©) -o0%> 
bedelurwt ed noliamnotat Lenoktidbe edt seadt gateieper rebro odd sbem 
‘Estigixe edt to theoved edt 1otte oxen: ‘en0 verdad suohooted vw 
Porip 8 EAS Lay PL .ft05 yraunet oO 
4 ot. seta he: when emenectlebeeth taiohen 6 

ga% (otebd sided tette eyeh yirtdt at aodd credtar ,8hOL wes tedmeoed 
beteoysve tom et Hl .xOYeTedd Died Youom ocd tevoour Amo etitaterg 
rom ,etsluotitey redto mt détw betiqnoo tom eew etutate eat tant 

. fort axew tokticvese oft Leverages bas gatiit Lenigico edt yo Pane 
e'tiLided) ,etutste oft yd bemtteb ea ,"0 sesid” tebay boitiiasp 
7 vista Be bfoe moed svat blueo bre (eve =f tteL siete evoHl oft 
~88eL .aee ‘zedmooed rede ayat vtante bse in ohem ‘90d bait bkae odt 
bat sottenvotad: qodtant .gatdetens? rot omit to aokensixs oat ‘tt x0 

nae ee Ly 
shot zeg ved winks: ont abitin nohadl mood 

Al, May 

eaw not tuveco7g «8d -ilI dF ‘dnozall Be owtio: ov wiLadll at up 
yreritos toupti gatifLea rot ‘teqoed. moose beameodi: Be featega muged | 
anoer9g Soanootl yd aeloe dows eatin fergie. Ye do: oe. ‘te: ‘sonnakbre ott ot 
«noo a8 to ytio edt to retsario add we ‘eennaed she botetent aow a 
binede ytto ot to eeonsaibra oft to teegde ©: tadé dobivore aw th 
s bas qtetredo edd to gaieaasy, one setts oy bodedtoug od 
~sredd exsey eve? to. bottoq. queve “ahdtew dedesidog Yosrest teeysb eat 

oat we Dex kwpos ae obs » aa oxen ao Lowobidc tome es ban, ¢xst%e 

o wee Be 
one a0 Leaoup eldt Fece) _sovtsostiont won souentbro: ode yretaedo ) 
‘ VELteo Se 
es aon 
: i bods eee es orf 
“cmorert9 edd. x0? xioxem: eae KY 

yout. tedt exiypet soltiteeoun, +t} “geltah. Say der > " 

orktne gated 4 4s od? dtkw txtLimet ed big 
ed eonsntbxo et $F tette ony todd mort. snobaog 

bsooen edt yd ag dolsin = : oak 
Ah a ; 

to heve been properly made, 

A familiar common law rule, repeatedly recognized 
by this court, is: ‘Where a statute specifies the time 
within which a public officer is te perform an official 
act to. pane the rights and duties of others, it will 
be considered as direotory merely, unless the nature of 
the act to be performed, or the language used by the 
legislature, shows that the designation of the time was 
intended as a limitation of the power of the officer,'" 

In Cooley's Constitutional Limitations, Eighth Edition, 
pe 158, it is said: 

"Those directions which are not of the essence of the 

things to be done, but which are given with a view merely 
to the proper, orderly and prompt conduct of the business, 
and by a failure to obey which the rights of those inter- 
ested will net be prejudiced, are not commonly to be 
regarded as mandatory, and if the act is performed, but not 
in the time or in the precise mode indicated, it may still 
be sufficient, if that which is done accomplishes the sub- 
stantial purpose of the statute." 

There is nothing in the true intent,nor in the wording of 
the act which suggests why the order extending the time for furnish- 
ing this required information should have been made in thirty days, 
rather than in thirty one days agter the original filing, and we 
are of the opinion that it would be a forced construction of the 
statute to hold that under its terms, the Seoretary of State was 
acting oontrary thereto when he made the order as he did. We are 
alse of the opinion that, insofar as the record indicates, there had 
been a compliance with the requirements of the statute when the 
sale was made, Therefore, the judgment of the Municipal Court is 
reversed and the cause remanded, 



qh ee 
mh 1% 

- 8b .cet vlreqorg asod eves of 
besimgoeet ylbetseqer «ee Lere wel temoo netilsat A 
gutt edt esitleece oiutats a-eredW! iat ¢trwo0o: ane we 
| fetedtte us merotrop of ei veasttto silduq #£ doldw aistiw 
i fitw ti ,aredto te aettuh hoe adie ts edt | Ryex tos 
oo) So etytan edd sao tou ———. qrotoer7ib as betebianseo ed 
’ it xd Seer egengial ele to chemxotreq od ot tos edt 
sev omit odt to nolvangieas® edt stadt swords 
mt xoottto edt to reweg edt to aoltatimts a 8s bebasins 

eno itibs sata tx ano tsad ke Jano tive tt aged 8*yoLo00 al 
ibiee et $1 ‘Bak « . 

Sige ae "8 
edt to eomeaas ont te tom ers dotdw anottoexth seod?® 
Tiers weiv addin covig ars dolde tud ,eweb ad of grows 
Pig pag ect to tovdbaoe tqmota bas vizebro stOqotG t ot 
ONES Sande Ae white aati centn eile cae 7 Say ya bas. 
ed ot yinommos tom ets e econtees in ton vag on betes 
el eeouatoae ddan with tenaeaioeenih babasger 
ite yam ti boteoibal ebos crheeee” anit tn al <0 wait ont m 
Tenia nel wesc taohenh nen detbsad amenaiaae ae Aut 
",etutatea edt to seoquita Aahtaste 
md WKS Pats 
te gukbrow edt at xon,tasdes eurt edt at galdton al exeat 

| ihe Leva tot omit edt gaibaedxs tebro oat ew eteoygue sobs ton : oak 
eyed tetas PT ebass nesd ved hivode ao Ltewrotai dorkuper aidt eos 

oy mah 
ow bas gant Lentsizo edt reds yen Eyer) wrtdt at uate xadter 
IkKG' Bele Fz 
odt to sottouttenoe beoret a ed bivew tt tadt noinige ode to 
DS at | ea ee HOE 
Baw state to Yrststo98 odt somxet ett xe haus add biod ot otutste 

nee ar} a 

ors eH 6 «bLb ou ‘Bs rabro out oben od mode oteredt veces wee 

| baa oxedé .sotsotbal brover edt es retoestt etautt oinige at Yo onks 
le edie otutete edt to atuonortuper edt as ty | aaenh mane 4 a Ey! 
et x09 Loq to basse ost? to tempat edd sototoxedT gehen om sing 
.obaanes oauro edt bas Dboazevert 

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i; Hg ‘cpones te wed: eae: wae ee sone <> mae 
i Eee PS) - Rema Re) toe Oe bee LORE RRA Hedda. ihe ; 
Fas tory her kein. fae gas oes 
‘ere pid Ieqse pie ee eet ak 

gown ee one 
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; ‘ j f 
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oe ff 
37402 Pa py, A at ai be A ' 
Appellee. \ 
2¢9 1.A.643 


This is an appeal by plaintiffs from a judgment of the 
Superior Court of Gook County against them for costs of suit. A 
jury trial was had, and the verdict was for defendant, upon which 
verdict the judgment was entered, The action is based upon « claim 
that plaintiffs were defrauded by defendant in a real estate deal, 
The issues were made upon plaintiffs! declaration, and general 
and special pleas filed by defendant. 

It is alleged generally that’ plaintiffs were the owners 
of a parcel of real estate located at Summerdale and Hoyne Avenues 
in the city of Chicago, improved with a modern brick fourteen 
apartment building, valued at upwards of $85,000.00, subject to a 
mortgage of $57,000.00, from which building they received = gross 
income of approximately $12,000.0Q The abstract does not state 
whether this $12,000.00 income was yearly or not, but we presume 
that is what is to be implied from the statement. It is further 
alleged that defendant was at the time in question a real estate 
broker in the city of Chicago, and that he hed been for many years 
the agent and advisor of plaintiffs in various prior real estate 
deals and transactions; that about Mareh lst, 1930, plaintiffs had 
presented to them by persons other than defendant, = suggestion that 
they trade their interest in their apartment building for other 
properties; that they submitted this trading proposition to defendant, 

giving him a description of the properties for which they were asked 

ee, of { e, 

a ‘on : 
SL ihe oO 
fh! etasiceaq ‘esta 
TAvVOO RO IRASUB F ‘ : ’ ‘ G pit ire 
q ‘ b ‘ “v she 
saeiLogga mee lp 

'ehO.A.L Os S 

oad to cunmgbot & mot? ettisniata yd Lseqqe as al. aid? 

A tive to atsoo tot mont Fentegs yinwed Xoo to #2109 ‘xolreque 
doisw noe stachaeteb <10t agw ‘tetbroy edt bas bad. caw Asist veut 
misio & aogier beesd ef noises ext sboxrogae Bow. tuombut edt ‘toibrev 
feeb etetee Isex 2 ni taabavteb cl bobussteb ezew attitaseta tedt 

| » Lerensy bose .meigersiosb ‘attitaislq nmoqs oben otew eoueel on? 
etnabasteb yd beLit acelq istoogs bas 

/ ereawo bd? oxow b attttntssy tent yLlereseg begalie et. od + ‘amd 
portevA exyoh bre siebhtemwe te Betaool otatee feot te liao 
 peetmet Avind arebom » ddiw heverqms ,ogsotad to Ytio edd me 
pot tostdue ,00.000,889 to abreww te beglev .gatbiind, daeesrene 
weoty s beviooer yet yutbiiud sdoidw sett .00.000, 7a), Yo ogeatron 
gtete tom seob tosvteds ac? £05000, SLi ‘stentxoraqe to snoont 
onneny ow ted ,tom to yiskey esw emoomt: 00,000,8.h. etdd rositeds 

| Smodeent ef 1 .teonotete edt mint Dotiqnd ed ot sk tase at tact 
- etatee Iser 2 acotteeup ai omit od¢ ta-gow dashuoked ‘tat begets 
exacy ens ‘tot nood hei ed tadt bas segsote to Yate edt mt rexoxd 
eteted Leer tofite awoitev mi att ttatslg te Re pelle ban tnege eat 
bed ettivaiel .O8CL ,tef doze tuode tadé yenottosansst ‘bas eLee 
tedt noiteesgve s ,tusbasteh medt tedte enoeteq w moat ot boinocorg 
route rot gotblivd tmembraqe tied¢ at seosotat heat obs xt . ad 
anit ot moltieogotg gaibatt eLdr bottindue yeds teade jaotisecors < 
boxes oxow Yet sotdw tot acitzeqorg eult to notgqiroesb s al i iv! 

EView ghe 


to trade their apartment building; that defendant agreed to appraise 
the properties offered in trade, and to advise plaintiffs as to 

the advisability of the proposed deal; that plaintiffs agreed with 
defendant that they would pay him the usual brokerage commission on 
a trade or exchange on the basis of the property value of $85,000.00 
for their apartment building; that defendant reported to plaintiffs 
that he had inspected and approved the properties offered them in 
trade, and that he, defendant, found one of them to be a three story 
apartment building valued at 926,000.00, subject to a mortgage of 
$19,000,900; a vacant lot in Deerfield, Illinois, which he valued at 
$1,000.00, which lot was free and clear of all incumbrances, and 
another vacant lot on Parnell Avenue, free of ineumbrance, and 
valued at $2,500.00; also a tract of land near Blue Island, Illinois, 
valued by defendant at §9,600.00, upon which there was a balance due 
under a contract of purchase amounting to $1,800.00, In addition to 
the above properties offered in trade and submitted to defendant 

for his judgment and appraisal, it is alleged that there was also 
offered a $5,000.00 first mortgage and a $1,000.00 second mortgage, 
together with the notes secured thereby, on eight vacant lots in 
Waukegan, Illinois; that defendant told plaintiffs he had examined 
all these properties, for which it was proposed that they exchange ©. 
their interest in the apartment building, and that he stated to them 
that for trading purposes, these various properties were superior 

in value and worth to plaintiffs! apartment building, and that he 
advised them to trade their apartment building for such properties, 
and that defendant further told them that if they would do so, he 
would be enabled to exchange the various properties, received by 
them in exchange, for a building in the vicinity of Oakdale Avenue 
and Halsted Street, in the city of Chicago, which they desired, and 
that in addition to securing the last mentioned property, he would 
secure for plaintiff some cash in this trade, It is alleged thet he 


ssietqgs of bestgn toshasteh todt j;gakblind taemtceqe tledt eberd of 
ot ee ettitaiela oefvbe ot das ,sbatt ut betetto esitreqotq edt 
atin beoxgs stiitaislg teft jLeeb bosdqorq edt to ythiidestvbs edt 
fe soleeianmoo egexedord Javes edt mid yeaq bilvow yedt tant taabasteb 
00,000,289 to exlav yreqorg edt to elesd edt mo oymbdoxe to ebert 
Bititaisle ot betzoqet tashneteb tadt jyniblinud taemtseqe ted? rot 
‘ ie medt bexestto seitregerg edt bevortcqs bas betoeqent bed od tedté 

yrots send? » ed of medt to ono bawot ,taabneteb ,ed tadt bas ,obart 

to egegirom 8 ot tostdve .00.000,880 te beuisy gakbitud toomtrsqs 
ts bewley od dotdw ,stowiili gbielttresd al tol tasoav s {00,000,628 
bas ,secaskdmwont {fe to tsefe bas sett ecw tol doldw £00000 £8 



bas .sonetdmvent to sert <OusmavA LLenzed no tot tasosy : gerd 

eslomtilt ~baslal asl teen bast te test? s oats {00-008,83 te boutsy R 

eu eonaled & eaw Sted doidw wequ .00-008,.04 ts snshaoteb vd bouev 

DELL 13 

et moltdvibbs al #000008, i$ et gaivmvons seadtonsc ‘te ‘tosténoo. 8 ‘rohaw 

| taabasteb ot hod tkmdue bas ebaxt at hore2to eottroqorg eveds ont 
RE Tee RR ae ° 
gals een ered? tedt bege i£e ed te isaiesqas ‘bas tomgbert abit eid 

.Susgtior basen 00.000, £2 8 bas ogagirom tenth 00.000,84 8 boxett 
at stol tasoav tigte ao .yeredt beruooe eeton ont sin tonite 

benimaxe bad ed sti itaisig bist dasbavteb tadt yeroneitt ahgedent 

at egaerioxe yout tedt Beacqotq asw ti doiite tot seedtronone sued? a yoo 

mold oF ‘botete ed gad? bas cganbLind tnondzeqe end at ; iittied’< stone 

nolregue eTaw seitresorg asoiter ovedd eowoquu ain xot 3 ted 

ed ted? bas egubbLind tnoudregs ‘att hiatelg of | iisow baw estiy ak 

veoteteqora doue tot gatbLiud tnontrags hod eberd dof oar ini 

od 1s ob biuew veut ti ted modt biot cod ty | feat 5G ae 


” be eg neon aah. 

we bevieoot io itredong avoirsy edd osastoxe ¢ ‘eo # beidane ed bivew 

$xet ie aet ponent 
sumova efsbasd to Wiatoty eas aa guablied & rol eegaadoxe 

Dae ie Rhee betaion hen 

bas ‘sbortnob vent doidw sogeotdd to wie eas ab _toonte te 

~ bivow ex Wiregorg benoitaen task ott putcwose ‘ot mousse at as 

ie 0 Eee, ee 

on ‘tadt begs ils ai dl .obert alt ak pa, omoe Vitaiele t 

further stated to them that if plaintiffs needed immediate funds, he 
@ould and would cash some of the mortgages reeeived in such trade, 
It is alleged that, relying upon defendant's statements, plaintiffs 
entered into a contract for the exchange of their building for 
these various properties, and paid defendant « commission of 
$2,250.00. It is further alleged that all of the statements made by 
defendant as to the values of these properties, for which they 
exchanged their building, were false, and that defendant made such 
false statements for the sole purpose of inducing plaintiffs to 
enter into the deal so that he might collect from them the commission 
herein referred to. Plaintiffs! claim for damages amounts to 
$35,000.00, which demages, it is alleged, they have sustained by 
reason of defendant's alleged fraud, 

Frank HR. Cummings, one of the v]aintiffs, testified in 
substance that he was employed as a chauffeur, and thst Mary F. 
Cummings, the other plaintiff, is his wife; thet in 1921 defemiant 
sold a building for plaintiffs for $11,200.00, and that they paid 
him a commission on the sale; that thereafter, through defendant, 
they bought a three flat building et 3538 fita Avenue, and that they 
paid him 2 commission on 212,000.00, the emount of the déal; that in 
1926 plaintiffs sold the Rita Avenue property through another broker 
for $19,500.00, but that they paid defendant $25.00 to close the 
deal for them, this witness further testified to the effect that in 
January, 1950, plaintiff, tegether with his wife, called on defendant 
Terpe at his office; that plaintiff told Torpe he would like to trade 
his apartment building for a building in another neighborhood; that 
he then gave Torpe 2 statement of the gross and net income of hiay 
plaintiff's,building; that Terpe told plaintiff thst if he would give. 
the defendant "an exclusive sale of this building", defendant would 
be able to dispose of it and get a three apartment building free and 

ed ,ebavt otaibeans hoheen attitaielg ti tant medét of hatsta redtemt 
sebext dove at bevieoor seacgtxem edt to sos dseo Afuow Ans SDLugo 
attitaisig ,etaenetete a'tasheeteh aoqy gatylot ,tadt Begelia af at 
‘wor gatbitud riedd to egasdoxe ot rok toertaoo 2 otal boxetae 

te aeleatanoo s tashaskeb diag bas ,eetiveqery svelisy seed? 

yd Shas atuometete ect to the tad? bogetis radiawt at #2 00.088 St 
yedt doldw roi ,soitxegetg saedt to aentlev adit ot (es taebagteb 

fowa oben tiebucteh tadt hae ,ealst exew ,patbitud ctedt begaadoxe 

_ of attisniale yatoukal to ssoquug lon edt tot atnenetete, eeLet 

noteatanon ont medé moxt vootloo tigim ed teds oa teob add otat gcatne 
od etavoms esyemeb tot misto 'sttitaisls ot berietet ateted 
i said oved yerd ,howsile et ¢£ ,pogemab dotse .00-000,881 

Mh holttitaes eetiitniesg ont to ono ,egaimaw? . ff Anert | nee 

wt YssM tadd Sas .roettyedo ¢ as beyotque asw od toads auaeuaih 
taatneteh IS@L at ted? jetiw aid et .Thttntale xedto edt .eyatamud 

- bkeg yedt den? hae .00.008 Li) sot ettitatele sot gatbitod « bfoe 
 \tmatusted dguotst restseredt edt jetse eft mo motesinnod « mid 
vedt tadt bas ,sunevA etif 8826 fo gatbitad salt AAAS NE SP 
mi ted? jLedb edd to tavoms edt ,00,000,81% m0 moteatmoo 6 mid bkag 

- sepletd tedtons dauerdt yeroqorq sumevA sfii edt biop atlitaiery Ol 

edt exolo of 00.88% tashusteb blag yodt tedt tyd ,00.008,8L) aot 

at tedt goatts add of Seltitaed redtzut aoantin eit ..medd got [eed 
tashasteb so beliso .etin eld dtin TOA BOR gE Late R, ORL eyreunal 
ebsit ot siil bigow ed eqrot blot titately gedit isodtto wid te equa? 
tad joodzodidgion wedtons at gutblind ¢ cot gethllud tasmézege, eb 
waid to smoont ton bas saoty odt to saemedate o Re er tnd 
ovis bison od t£ todd lhc blot aqxetT ted # Lis Lola 

"bas, gent pute seostnca sunt x £0, ah, 2828 aaa ib ¢ 

sbustt begelia a'tashaeted: neg | 


clear of all debts and inecumbrances, and that at that time, defendant 
told plaintiff his building was worth $85,000.90, but that he had 
better list it at $73,000.00 so that plaintiff would not have to 

pay defendant such a large commission. Plaintiff further testified 
to the effect that on March lst, 1930, he, together with his wife, 
called on defendant and presented a list of several pieces of real 
estate, which he had obtained from another broker, and that Torpe 
told plaintiff that "it does not look very good, it is too scattered, 
I or and appraise it, and let you know all about it. If 

it is a good deal, I will let you make it, and if it is not, I won't 
let you make it. it will take me about a week or ten days to do 
this. iI will personally, myself, go out and see every piece and 
parcel of it; if I find it te be worth the money they are asking for 
it, and a good deal for you to make, I will let you make it, and if 

I don't find it to be a good deal, I won't let you make it." Plaintiff 
also stated that on March 8th, 1930, in the presence of plaintiff's 
wife and a Mr, and Mrs. Schneider, defendant stated to plaintiff, 
"Now, I have examined each and every piece and parcel of this property, 
and I find it to be wonderful in every way, and worth much more than 
Mr, Karttunen is charging for it, I have appraised it as to ite 
value, that acreage out there in Blue Island is wonderful;" that as 
to the Foster Avenue property, defendant told plaintiff, "It is a fine 
three story flat building, worth more than $26,000.00," This witness 
testified that defendsnt told him that he defendant had examined the 
lot in Deerfield, and the property in Waukegan, upon which the 
mortgage proposed in exchange was given, and found thst these proper- 
ties were worth al] that they were reported to be; that at this time, 
defendant stated to plaintiff that if he needed cash, he could *ewing 
it at once for the full cash value;" that upon these representations, 

he, the witness, and his wife, signed the comtract for the exchange of 

tashaeteh ,eakt doit ta tedt bas ,eeonstdmuend has etdeb Lia to gselo 
dad ed tedt tud .0%000,38) dizow saw gatblind aid tittaislq blogs 
gt evad ton bimew tiitaielq tedd oe 00.000,85% ¢ th tall sotted 
beltiteas? uedtesi Tiitaleli .soleeinmoo ogral s doys taabacteh yaq 
astiw gid dtiw soddegod ,o4 ,GSCL ,iel dowsM mo dadt tostte edt o¢ 
fees to nepeta latevee to teil » betaeserg bas tasbaoteb ao dotiso 
eqrot gedt bas ,redord tadtoss moti benistde bad ed deidy .etatas 
beretiaoe oot et of .boag ysev dood tom ae0b th" tadt 2ldaisiq lot 
tI owt tueds ifs woot woy tof bas ,t! oelarggs fos sadacxe Lhtw 
teow X qtom wi ff th hus qtt xem voy tol iktw 1 _Leebhboog s ek 
ob of ayeb aot to deen @ tuods om odgt ifkw #1 ath odam.voy 0d 
bus eoeiq yrove ese pas jue og .tiovw .vilesoereq Lite t  «ehde 
tot yaltes ors yodt yenom edd divow ad o¢ ¢4 Hatt 1 22.524 to teezeg 
ti bos ti adem yoy tel ifiv 1 ,edam.ot voy tok taeb hogs. s bas att 
Thtaield “att oven soy tel tlaow I ,ised boog 6 od of t4 mttd'a0d.f 
elttitateld to sonesotg oft ai ,OUCEL .dt8 doeail ao tedt betsta onke 
gititatsiq.ot betste tachagted euebiendoe sank baa «x sous etdw 
wreqerta aidd to Leoxeq bas evete yrove Daa dose bemimaxe sya nou! 
Hadt orom dom dtzow bas , yer rove ws Lvtzebaow od.9f thi bast Lubes 
sph gt an th Dosioncas oved [ 9,¢t tot, aidgtsdo. at denuttreA gti 
(ag tedd "{LAsebsow at basil oxent v0, egeor0s, tat udev 
Ut sat #1" .tidtndelg dos sashaoted, .ytxeqong eunevd, xodpa} ott of 
r i Bid ".00,000,a8% aadt oxen sotow quathitud dak. yrote, cond: 
ed, Ddeatmexe bed snghaexen, od tadd mid, blot. tashasted feds be! 4% 98 
gion) 9d dotsin mom, asgeruallab ytxegora edt bas, eet ia 
~xeqorg scadt tadd bavet bin ,wovlg eeu egaedexe ak heeogong, epsatagr 
somgt aldt ds tadt.qed of betroget orem yest dedt Lhe, pain one ot 
gatwat binoo ef ,deso bebeen od Bi tadd Tri¢nielg, at boteqe: tnsbaote. 
enostotaceenqen: eeodt ogy tedt “jeutay dag tut, ene 
to -sgasdoxe oft tok tostmec eit Somgia,,etdw etd bre qe 

SR a, ee ee ee 

properties. His further testimony was te the effect thet he after- 
wards learned that the properties for which he had exchanged his 
flat building, were of little value. 

Various other witnesses were produced by plaintiff to 
substantiate this witness! testimony as to defendant's representations. 

Defendant testified in substance that he had been in the 
real estate business in Chicago for 32 years, and that at the time of 
giving his téstimony, his office was located at 2358 Linclon Avenye, 
in the city of Chicago; that he first met the plaintiffs in 1921, 
when they came to him for the purpose of purchasing some real estate 
on Oakdale Avenue; thet later, he seted as = broker in the purchase 
of a piece of property on Rita Avenue in Chicago; that he never 
coliected the rents or managed any of these buildings; that the first 
time he talked with plaintiffs with reference te the fourteen flat 
building in question in this suit was in January, 1930; that he had 
nothing to do with the purchase of this building by the plaintiffs, 
nor had he anything to do with the management of the building, 
or the collection of the rents in connection with it; that at this 
time, Mr. Cummings told the witness thet he, Cummings, was not in a 
position to held this property on account of various payments coming 
due, and because of the vacancies existing and of expected vacancies 
to come, and that he wanted to make a deal with it. The witness 
testified that he told Owanings that it would be impossible to make 
a sale of the property, but that the witness might be able to make 
& trade; that the defendant stated that he, plaintiff, was trying to 
get a piece of property near Oakdale Avenue, where the plaintiff had 
formerly lived; that plaintiff quoted a price of $85,000.00 on his 
apartment building, which the witness said was too high, and that 
Cummings then said he would sell it for $73,000,00, The witness 
then asked Cummings for the exclusive ageney for the asle of the 


a “c8fte ed fect toette od? of eae wiomitesd rodtewt @IX seettroqetd 
aid “aoe ag bed @f dotdw rot selétoqota oft fant bomenel abrew 
sulev esti to exew antbird talk 

OF Yiltirtele yd heoubsq ox6v aotedatiw reddo auoltet 
enoktetméedtqet e'inehneted od aA ynomtieos 'aventiw elsdé stattustode 
edd ni nese bed od ted? sonetade at boltitess? tasbaeted | aa 
to omit edt #@ todd ‘bas yaxeet SS rot ogeotdd ‘mi seentetd ‘odatio’ Loon 
“(sqnevA acfontl 88% ts betavel esw 6oltto eid cuoutteot aid yaivdy 
{keer nt atritwtele ext tom ferkt od vedé jogeoldd to yk edd me 
- Gdedile Laer ‘omoe guieedorug To seoqrug odé toY mid “oF ons yous soda 
seatormg sf ni texord = es betos ef ,todsl tad jecnevA ‘otsbio mo 
sever od ted yoysotdd a2 oumevA stint do ‘wrsqord to seste 's to 
 genkt odd Yadd jegnthLiud o#ods to yd bogsnan to ataer dt Botoolion 
‘talk nestavct edt of oometstes dtiw attitataly dtiw bexist of oats 
‘Ped Od fest POSCL yyraveet ni eew tive Bid? at Holtesyp bed 2bit 

| gettitwhelg ods yo gatbiidd atdt to eedons, ‘sit Mtiw ob of 
« ‘ggaibiiud edt To iit eat atsiin WP lstedah eae 

i || Wel 
pit? : rf 

“Gldt Y2 Yedt (4! tin nottoennco af etner ot Yo notte dtiee edi ro 

‘@ WE Wor saw  pegatumnd od todd saoatinw ont Biot eydtomi soi comkt 
gatuoe -ednesrysq evoitey to tmvooos Mo Wroqotq: eidd bod of m ott teoq 
selomsosy hetoeqxs to Bue pekteixe estoadsosy até to oeucoed ‘ina 

(°° “peondte ont ek ditty Loeb 6 oxen of detnew od tadi ‘bus ono 0 08 
ce p t a, ; 

* eilam of eidtawoqet of bivow th tat eyelid. blot ox add bothe tees 

j ai Ge ne it peony 

‘indi et Wite be ‘tdgla edentiw edt fant’ tes witreqore odd to ‘else & 

OM) wh sik ' 

ot gatyre aw tthtutale .ed sod hetete tnabaoteb ott ‘tad jehext 4 
Det Vtiteiely ent ovedw .sumevA eLsbasd zs0n regex ‘to ‘sootg Pa tes 
“ekit 10 00,000,289 to Sorta s betoup tr ttatala (tite honk ison lat aco 
‘yest bite’ rigid 00% aew bist seentiw out! a 02 aw Sntbtiud’ tromdcac 
oC geentiw ed? (00,000.89 tot tf tree bituow on 
© eH Yo aLse edt tot Yoneye evieutoxd edt xot agmtins 


property, and that thereupon Gummings executed such an agreement. 
Defendant testified that he made an effort to sell the property, 
advertised ih in various papers at his own expense, but that he met 
with no success in this regard; that the next meeting he had with 
plaintiffs was in February, 1930, when they came to his office and 
told him that a man by the name of Karttunen had submitted to plain- 
tiffs a list of properties which he, Karttunen, desired to trade 
for their apartment building; that plaintiff, Frank 8. Cummings, said 
that he had seen some of the properties, and that he would entertain 
such a deal because he was not in shape to hold his apartment building 
any longer. Defendant further testified in substance that he and 
Cummings went over the prices, and Cummings said he was willing to 
go ahead on the desl, as proposed, but that he, defendant, had never 
agreed to appraise the properties, and had never used the word 
“appraisement" in connection therewith, because he did not consider 
himself to be an appraiser, This witness also testified that neither 
of the plaintifis ever consulted him about appraising any properties, 
and thet he never did any appraising of real estate for them, nor 
did he ever agree to de any such work. Defendant further testified 
that he drew the original contract for the exchange of these proper- 
ties, and that Cummings and his wife and Karttunen and his wife 
signed the cohtracts; that Karttunen had a lawyer representing him 
in the transaction, and that he, the witness, went to the Chicago 
Title & Trust Company in connection with having an abstract of title 
brought down to date; that the deal was closed in his office, and 
that @ man named Sampson, attorney for the Examiner of Titles at 
the Chicago Title & Trust Company, at Cummings request, represented 
Cumaings in the transactions 

Various other witnesses for both sides testified as to 
various detaiis concerning this trade, all of which testimony was 
submitted to the jury, 


stromeerys as dove betyooxe agaimawd noqueredt ted? bas ,¥?roqo7Td 
iyexeqota édt [lee o¢ trotts ao ebam od tect Holttiteer fashasted 

tom od tedt twd .eanecxe awo eld ta eteced avoltsy at a! beelstevbs 
déiw bed od gatteem txes edt tee {btegor vide AE aeeoowe on d¥iw 

bus eoltte atd of omen yedd modw ,OfCL ,ytecxdet af edw ett italtalq 
antele o¢ Bettindye bad semsgiis% to omen odd yd mem & tad met BLOF 
ebert of bortash ,wenwtirsd .o¢ doidw eettroqot¢ ‘to teil s ettlt 
hice ,egatmesd .f dastl jttitatele tad? yatbited semdteqd thee £Ot 
aistcétas bivow sf todd bas .eottteqotq edt to omow adden bad et dadé 
gutbitnd tnembreqs eid blot of oqede mt tom tow Od Gausoed keh A dota 
Bite od tedt sometedie at Seititeo? xedtxct taebastet ” ened on 

6% galiliw esw od bite oymiemeS bids jaeotrg edt t0v0 te | 
rover bad ,fushasted et tent suf ,beeoqorq es (taob edd ad °badde of 
""" “prow odd ‘bows coven bad bat (eortreqoty eit eefszada of beorah 
robieaes ton BLb ed baueded .dtiwstedd noltoonnod at "taembebarage” 
roddien tact béititesd oats esonttw eid? srseterqqe ae’ od o¢ tioamtt 
weoldreqory ws gateterqcs tuode mid betiuence teve’ ‘evtstanal edd 'v6 
rom‘, mods tot otetwe Iset to antetsrqqe ys bib toven od sade bar 
“pektitess teddiht tasbasted witrow Mowe Yate Ob of e8Tge ‘cove od bib 
teqorg Seed? to ogittsibxe Odd rot fosthi0d featgixo ‘Sriv word “ed «add 
- @tiw btd bac momwtt7sd bas otiw eid Bae egttnmud seat niin {aott 
mid gatenesarqor «sywal 6 bed seauthied tadd jetostiteo odd” boagts 
ogsdidd ort of tnow pheondiw edt jon tad bas \noftessmare Odd RE 
eltid to sonrtads me gatvet dtty soltoennoo"at yaeqtiod teat & eL¢it 
be ,coltto etd at berdls asw feeb edt tade jeteb ot smob diguoxd 

$e eelti? to temimexd‘edt tot yenrotts _mo acme ‘beman ash 8 tact 
betnoeetger ,teoupor Vegwtitind +2” aenamedh eta ¥ ‘tes t ii i 

ot es boititest nebie dtod preva fener wots vv 
ehw yromiteed dotdw to Is bens) etay yrenag 22 aL et 
; y Hee Res Nee leuvkoes Oa? Bi josh ont 

The ground for reversal principally wrged here is that 
defendant's counsel made improper statements in his argument to the 
jury. It is also urged that the testimony of one of the defendant's 
witnesses wes repudiated by his affidavit after the trial; that the 
verdict is contrary to the manifest weight of the evidence, and 
that the agent is liable te his principal for fraud and deceit, 

From the statements of counsel, we receive the impression 
thet defendant had formerly sued plaintiff for commissions alleged 
to be due in the transaction; salso that a complaint had been made 
to the Department of Trade and Registration of the State of Illinois 
with regard to defendant's actions in connection with the matter in 
controversy, and that an attempt had been made to cause the revoca- 
tion of defendant's license as a resi estate broker on account of 
this transaction. The argument of defendant's counsel to the jury, 
to which plaintiff objects, as stated in the brief, is as follows: 

"Now, talk about persecution, Just because a man 

wants his commission - and sues for it in the Municipal 

Gourt - then they try to get him out of business by 

taking his license away, but he is still doing business," 
Alse the following: 

"Here ig what I mean, I attempted this morning to 
explain to you that if there is any judgment in this case, 
even for $10.00, under the law, because it is a fraud case, 
a malice case, Terpe can be sent to jail, When I attempted 
to say thet to you this morning his honor, the court, sus- 
tained an objection, but now I am permitted to tell you 
what the law is." 

We see nothing in this argument which would justify a reversal. 

On the trial of the cause, one Karttunen testified that 
he had accompanied the plaintiff and his wife on a trip to view the 
properties for which plaintiffs agreed to exchange their apartment 
building. On the motion for a néw trial, which was overruled, plain- 
tiff presented an affidavit of Karttunen in which he stated that he 
Karttunen, was mistaken in this regard, and this fact is urged as one 
of the reasons why a new trial should have be@n granted, and why the 

judgment should be reversed, Plaintiffs had engaged in many real 

_ ted? et ered beget yiloqiontrq Lastevex rot baworg odT reqs 
od¢ ot saomvgts eld of etaomedsta tagotqal eben Leenvoo e'taushnateb 
a'tashnstes eld te sso to Yuomitest edt told begry omia ef ti. avant 
edt ¢edt ,isixt edt t9d%e8 tivebitte ald yd betelbyges easy ‘sacsontiw 

bas ,soushive edt to tdpiow teetinan ad? of yteaxtnoo ak tosbrey 
. . s»stkeoeb bas buext tot Laqtoaixrg aid of efdsitl ek thege ost todts 
tohezerami edt avieser oy ,leeauoo to atnemetets edd moth ca 
 Segetia anoles Lanoo rot Tittalelq bowe vixearor dat tnabaeteh , tna 
_ obam ased bed tatalqmoo s dsdt omfg) jmoitocenstt edt at Pe, 
errr to stet@ edt to soitertetges bas eberT to s¢memasqed ont af 
ab tottem edt diin sottesnnea mt pacites a'tashagteb ot by x i by 
~soovex ect egueo of ehsm moed bed tqmatta as tedt baa ,yexeverdaoo 
to tavoccs no 19A0td etatee feet s ex eemeotl s ‘tnshaoreb to aot 
sath eit o¢ Ieenvoo eltaebnoted to tnemmgts od? .nottosenert eidé 
tawollot es at ,teixd edt ni hetete ss ,atoetdo Tiitaist 

ase #2 exvaosd gas .noituooet vods Alsat eae 
Isqiolaw edt af ti tot Me bas = eh eS ‘etasw 

“S apente cod padoe iain se ied ten ’ lase if geil = aes, 
“— | :gadwoLlor ls wits | 
ouds RiLs"er Seatghet pet an anatt hu ead any, of atalagn 
Saco bustt s ol #f saveced ane en? xebus 400 Pa 
bedquetts I medy List ot tae ed aso qr 

~eue ,dxrvoo oft ,yonod eld apy peo ahs vert” a Otte “ted? ee” 
woy iiet of betéimreg me I wos twd so ttenhde Me ot ry 

siserover # Ytitedt Bluow mo tddw busied anata slits ah A 
fed Holtidect momutdred ond (oaudd Od? to Lefed ond nO) © 97" 
ett woiv of qivt a ao ettw old bas ttivaieiq oat betnsqmdoos bed “od 
toomtusqe shedt eymedoxe of beetgs attivakkiq doldw tot aettceqdtq 

entslg .beluito re aew dotdw .fleltt wen o rot mottom edt a0’ Vgatbfind 
od ted? betste ed dotdw ai aeowttsal t¢ tivabitts a& dodaesete ttle 
ono as besty ef fost etdd bas .bregse eid a2 codetelm’ sow .nenutixed | 
edd ydw das ~botacrs med” oved biuode Isitt wan s YW parsdenling 
Isot Yaam at begegne had eiti¢aisls sboardvox od inode tt get 

estate transactions, both in purchasing and trading, and whether the 
statement of Karttunen was true or not, we think is of slight import- 
anees Plaintiffs had ample opportunity to view these properties on 
their own behalf, if theyhad desired to do so, 

On the question as to whether the verdict was contrary 
to the manifest weight of the evidence, we have this to say. An 
examination of the record discloses that there wes a great contrariety 
of testimony submitted to the jury on both sides on the questions 
involved; thst the jury heard the witnesses, was properly instructed, 
and passed upon their credibility and the weight to be given to 
their testimony, and our conclusion is that the verdict and judgment 
should not be disturbed, Therefore, the judgment is affirmed, 



| € 
edt redéedw bas .yathert bus yatesdorsg ak ved sco ivocanext etstee 

% witoohootab 
~sroqmt ‘tigile to sf inidd ow ,#on to oun esw ment} rad te tnenese te 

o,f ede F on eae A | tS too kete 
vdhapebapen’ seout welv ot vfinutrogee olgae bod att ae 
ees ; \¢ OES Sey a. PONE 
208 ob ot bextesh bad yeas u Ctattod cwo sted? ‘ 
stastooo et tolhusy 
est ibe ace tolbrey ode rodtedw ot es motteeup eit nO 
. ck tees 

ni .ys8 ot sisié oved ow seonabtve edt to tdgtew 3 

weixextace P toors ‘ eew oredt tes “esaodoeld Sesser edt te -moktentnare 
bul teedbaeion ¥ 
ano.tteoup ods 0 ‘eeble dtod 0 Wut ‘ett ot bot timated 5 

edness Bes: ee a em KEDMCBRETY ohY ah om woe! alt 

; ‘vreronr een .eoenentin ont brood weal, ede for od. rt a ont a? 
e sevee ft ; Osts. 2¢ teen % 

sate nevis ed ot ‘tigton out bare WLLtdibero soit moa bes 
ya : t wee aS ras on og 

“bas. totbrev out tedé a ao teutonoe tuo Dae . 

ghey an sn todd wale t 
__ ebenntits ak tnemgburt eae + otstoredt sboduurte tb ib ed” nae 

on onaep lh a Saabs ten ap sole 
on ve add of Lasacee. elisears , ERPS 2 os coliovegare aie 
Herat i oe we Rh ge he rey Sa Aes GBF ge awe * de he bendy ha Kodibe. So 

add tosh 



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2 ae Sh aek Eee PAE a RR STS gags treat She Ei that... a 
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: me : Hota. wed, uP tna Pe 

rot binew diide gepgenpan wlag ae ai slaeaae 
‘'? faee Katy  ceew meeitives Gite .wreee way Sy Sake” ent ee ‘| 
! innate ott bok rH ie 
ott ghbe ot ele? a oo @hiw aid bas Ti ieeeaey ver fe SacetoOba han” 
sb whew «fade seated Of Deonge EXT Teese to Lite tor sada adil 
Bins Zo fe’ EHOLESLS TO BR ier | feaiyd ok a SOE Dp ape ea was ath a yates 
io «2 weart tind “ce peek ie ae er eteliieal , 

# ito 

; rg ty . 
i ed falta + He lle 

eee ee eo. 2 eo 

wth Pe Sa 

37445 Ys 
FLORENCE HORWITZ, also known f A “ngpiin FROM 
and desoribed as MRS. HANS PAKULA, )” 

Appellee, fi QIRCUIT er 


Rar ay b= 
Appellant. 2 v4 9 Dake 643 



This is an appeal from a judgment of the Circuit Gourt 
of Cook County for the sum of 1,200.00, entered December 19th, 1933, 
against defendant, in 2 suit on an insurance policy. The trial was 
by jury, and the judgment was entered on the verdict, 

On June ilth, 1929, the defendant issued to Floreneé Horwitz, 
now Florence Pakula, the wife of Hangs Pakula, a polioy of insurance, 
by which defendant agreed in consideration ef the premium paid, to 
insure against loss one platinum diamond ring, center stone weighing 
at carats, and 36 small diamonds weighing sbout @ carat. In case 
of the loss ef such ring, the amount agreed to be paid was $1,200.00. 
The policy provides thet immediate notice of loss of the goods 
insured shail be given, and that failure to give notice in three 
months shall invalidate the claim. The only question involved here 
is whether or not plaintiff has made sufficient proof of the loss 
of the ring, as claimed, } 

Plaintiff testified in substance that on May 29th, 1930, 
she lived with her husband at the Shoreham Hotel, 3318 Sheridan 
Road, in the city of Ghicago, and ocoupied Apartment 203 on the 
second floor of this hotelg;that she started to wash some dishes and 
removed the ring in question, together with her wedding Ting, from 
her fingera and placed them in a cabinet in the kitchenette of ssid> 
apartment; that about 12 ofelock noon of that day she left the apart=- 
ment, closed and locked the entrance door te such apartment, and 


‘i cx 
es a sil 
aa asap my ore ad ole . StI 

ON ft SIPS ER a 

bo ro *TUDAIO | Mia 488 LLeqaAk co Teaver ees 

; : ee ; 0 GOLLS 
eYTHVOD 2000 is Wicids Wiican Gites Sa, 

iiss ey HOY Wau 

EbO. my Ae Q ss & etna llagqs Pare re it oe 
i oso alae 

_., 998000 BUT TO WOTWIXO BHT, GusavIIyG, LAR, . SOUTEUL, « sak ue 
_ td Tham thy edt to taeng bal 8 mort, fseqgs . as et eidt theviowal 
Ese sdtGL rodmooet herstae ,00,008,L) to ave odt xo? ytmuod dentsth 
gow Isitt ed? .yoilog eemerwent os no tive pat stmehen teh Seehane 

 » stedbsev edt ao beteta9 esw tapmgbat edt bag atau, xd 
siiwiol een it ot bevasl tusbasteb edt ,8S@L ,AtLi envt 20 i 
.Sonstwent to yotlog s ,sluaisd ensH to otiw odd .slutet eoneto lt wor 
ot biog mxtmerg edt to aoitersbienoo ni boergs tuebneteb sokitw w 
| Baidgdow onote rotneo .gatx baomsth munttaLa eno weol feategs etyead 
enc0 al .torso § tuods gaidgtew ehaomath iieme 98 bas ,etexso 48 
90.008, .18 saw bis od o¢ beetss tavoms edt ygaix dova to seol ait to 
eboog eft to enol to seltton eteihbemnt tadt aeblvorg yollog edt 
soriit mi cotton ovis of eswliet tadt San .movig of Lhade dorwent 
ered bevloval soitesuo yino eT .mislo edt stabiLevat Sisde adtaom 
gRot oft To toorg daelotYiwe ebem esd tittatelq tea 0 rodtedw et 
ebomislo as habla odd to 

‘ sO5RL .43@8 yeh ao tet sonstedue at beititess thitaislt 

ss mabtres@ Sf8o ,LotoH madenoda odt te basdeud sed dtty. pevt. ose 
edt mo S08 taemtragA befqueso bas ,ogeoid® to ytlo edt at Rok 
bas eodeth emo desw ot hetrste ede tedt qietod ald? to ‘ 10. = bacon | 0 
not? «gait guibbew red dtiw sedtegot ,moiteesp at pats odd avons eo 
bese ‘ho etdensdotia edt at tenides # at molt beosta ban aregatt od 1 
| ~trege edt tel ede yab dadt to soon doolote BL tuods ts 
| is atnomtraqe dove of rook eanertae edt bedoot " 

as she was walking away she noticed a maid walking into the room; 
that she left the hotel, and after she had walked some distance, 
she noticed that she had left her rings in the apartment; that she was 
not well, and instead of going back to the hotel to look after her 
rings, she called on the telephone from a drug store to the clerk 
of the hotel and informed him she had left her rings in the apartment, 
and asked him to take care of them for her; that she then went to 
the loop district of Ghicago on a street car; that she returned to 
the apartment about & ofcleck in the afternoon, and was informed 
by the clerk that the rings had not been found; that she spoke to 
the manager of the hotel and to the housekeeper; that she made 
@ seareh for the rings herself, but did not find them; that she 
afterwards found her wedding ring, but did not find the ring in oues=- 
tion; that the police came and questioned the maid, who, together 
with other employees of the hotel, were searched, but that the diamond 
ring was not found and never has been found. She testified that she 
talked with « representative of the company about the loss of the 
ring about one week after its loss. Evidence was offered by plaintiff 
to the effect that written notice of the loss of the ring was given 
to defendant on June 20th, 1930, 

Harry Pakula, a brother-in-law of plaintiff, testified 
that he had been in the wholesale jewelry business for a number of 
yéars; that the ring in question had been purchased from him by his 
brother, Hams Pakula, as an engagement ring for the plaintiff, This 
witness described the ring, and stated that its value in May, 1930, 
was $1,200.00. 

Hans Pakula, husband of plaintiff, testified that he had 
not seen the ring since May 29th, 1930, 

For defendant, William Hozan, a window washer employed by 
the Shoreham Hotel, testified thet when the plaintiff left the 
apartment, he and the meid were in the apartment; that Mr. Jarney, 

jnoor edt ofa! gnttiew diem s beotton ede yous gatalow sow ofe ea 
esonstelh sug bealLew bait ode tothe bas lotod edd thel ‘ode tect 

sew ode ted? jtcemtrsqs eft af egais tod frer bed one trad Deolton ode 
rod tetts fool of Letod edt ot dosd gutog to baatent bus eilow tom 

: axefo edt ot exete gurh so mort emodqelot ad¢ mo betiao oie’ | vepats 

< taandtens edt aft agait ved sex bad ede micl bemrotat bas Letod ode ‘to 
ot tuwow modt ode tedt ;1od ret mode to srso edad of mid bodes baz 

ot bonxusor ede tet yxe0 teette = wo ogeeldd to totrtekd qool ont 

bowrotnl vaw bas ,soomretts edt mt deoloto @ trods tnemtzeqe edt 

: - g¢*eiloce ede tant phavet meed gon bart egnis edt todd BreLo’ edt w 

‘ebam sife tadt ;reqdectostow ost of bas Lotod eit to rogenee ott 

exe tedt ;#edd Batt tom bkb toc .tLowred egeix odd tot doxsoe 

‘epee af gait edt batt tom BLb tut .gate gutbbew ted basot abrowtesta i 
Pemdeeod (odw .bom est bonotteesp bas omeo eobtog edd tot abit 

hwomstbh ot tent tud ,bedersse otew feted edd ‘to seoyoLqne’ teito diie 

sie tet belthtest? ode’ .Bavot need wat coven bas Bavot ton eov por 

ba to eeot edt tude yascmos Ott to Settetméboxder 4 avhy’ ber 
RiLdbtela ys Boretto ecw oombbiva eool att tedte Zoow vine" Habe pat 
 gevig ee | eit to esol om¢ to bolton nottinw sath tootte sas oF 

,  Voser deot erat” ko thabao toe 6b 

‘pbeltiteed ,thitatel to wel-nl-tedtesd 6 .eivaed elke cettnoe 

‘to toduun © rot sesntend yritewet aievelodw of at bteaibersthend haved 

eid yi méd mort beesdoxg mood bed nokteeup’ at watt od tit 

phat stthvatele ost tok gatt trombgsgired mz Be (ete s ue _zadite ¢ 

oper han nt eulev ett tenty boteve bas ,gthe ont becibroeed atts 

‘bait of tart bortiteet lpuanan 26 baa@aint .olsied “ae Baanen ve 

* ,08@r {aves ya conte amis oft avon tot 

Xe heye-fon tednew wobulw « .mevoll metiliw ,tmshire obitor oe 
pdt $62 Btivtely ont node tad? boltttest {ieven’ ssloxone Ort3 

volt det jtaomtrege exif at otew bhon ou oi traqe 


representing the hotel company, and Mrs. Jamison, the housekeeper, 
came into the room about 15 or 20 minutes after Mra. Pakula left 
and inquired about the ring; that he was searched by Mr. Carney, 
and thet the ring was not found in his possession. The maid, who, 
as already stated, was searched, together with other employees of 
the hotel, testified that she made a search, but did not find the ring. 

George 8. Van Buren testified that he was an insurance 
adjuster; that about June 2lst, 1930, he received from plaintiff a 
written notification of the loss of the ring in question; thet prior 
to that time he had talked to the plaintiff at her home regarding 
the loss of the ring, and that he had such talk at the recuest 
of Haskell, Milier, Grosaman & Opmpeny, general adjusters for the 
defendant; that at that time plaintiff made a hand written statement 
as to the loss of the ring; that on May 31st, 1930, he sent one 
Hansen out to investigate the loss, but that he received no notes 
of this person's investigation. It was admitted by defendant's 
counsel that defendant received a copy of the statement made by 
plaintiff as te the loss of her rings 

Defendant insists that plaintiff has failed to prove by a 
preponderance of the evidence that the ring was lost; that she has 
concealed material faete with regard to the loss, and that the court 
erred in giving certain instructions to the jury. The cause was 
submitted to a jury, and in so far as the question as to the proof 
of the less of the ring is concerned, we are of the opinion that there 
was sufficient evidence of its loss submitted to the jury to justify 
the verdict, The instructions complained of, given on behalf of 
plaintiff, are as follows: 

"No. 44 The Gourt instructs the jury that under the 

policy of insurance sued upon in this case, it is not necessary 

for the plaintiff in order to recover in this case, to prove 
that the diamond ring in question was stolen or that said 

| & 

,Teqecdeaved oft ,moetmsl etl bas ¢ YaLegaGo fotos bp Battaeeorger 
thet aluicd .ax tetts og 1 ax toda bee ‘edt ota pass 
.veorsd «tH yd Sesiorsen asw ex teAdd ygeit ont twode bortupat bas 

onder shiom sdT .moigesesog aia as havot soa enw galt out tadt bus 

to sesyolqne redio dtiw tedtegot sbodors08 eew betas heer Le es 
peck eft Hast tom bib ted ,Motsde «2 oben oda fade boltitast tote ort 

tal "9 

onetwent a8 sew oi tedd boltives? mer sav of ogree) : 
& UWiLealala mozt boytece:s om , Mel stats onus, tuods asald yretautbe 
toiling ged? jaoltesup at past ont to eeol ont, to no ttsoltiton aettiew 
gatbiegos ened sed ve Tritalely ond od DedLat bad on ontt ted ot 
teoupet sd¢ te alet dowe bed ed tad? bas anit odd te anol © eas 
edt xot exetauthe Lateney s vacgeg® & rie eox0 .r0LL2K sHosaalt 2 to 
Swometete pottiqw Sasi s eben ri btabeda oukt tend de teat ‘jtuabaoted ‘ 

ono tox ed .OBCL .eL8 yall mo tadt ygatt ed? Yo amok edt of @s 
CUP Some tet 

acton of hevieoes ea tadt oud .en0k ent otegiteovas bef tuo 

ee Tis 
#'taahaeteb vd bettinbs asw x soltesiteoval e'aoereg Sl 
yey Fae mers cee 
YS sbsm tasmetste edt to yuoo # boviover tapbasteb ed ‘Leeauos 

a ao he Peal tag 

‘ ' gate red te seok eds oF a8 

ri a Pepoesly: oe A 4 
£. wd everq of - pektst eas ttidatelg test evaleat tasbaeted i dire 

ih) SOOLES SA? oF 

asd ode todd jtsol saw gots ont seat oonebtye ‘ona to sonerebnogore 
dusoo edt todd dae ,ea0l edt ot brages, ditin atest Lotrotan beLeeen00 
Sew seueo oT. yt edt of paottourstand ‘leds00 or vig a a ae RH 
_, keexg edt of as aoiteoup odt us «st 98 ak bas Txt s of boss 
ered ted? aotaigo ed? to ere oy eareon08 at weks ef ad b gender peel 
VAdtes, oF yuut edt of bottindve aaot ate to eamebivo, task 

see ¥ ary A 
te tisted ao nevis ,to Dactalqmoo anotioutt ent ent | adit 

pir: ry 

: ort mre tet pi ons t ateuntont oor, oat a. 
‘veoageoon ton st +f ,oan0 eidt mi noqw bewa constuent 2 
Bide: ot ,ees0 efdt mi tevooes of rebro 

“Pine tedt ro vn * eew totteewp nt 

KS y thee, 

ring was stoken by any particular person gr persons. It is 
sufficient, in order for the plaintiff to recover in this 
case, under the sedend count of the declaration ss amended, 
for her to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that 
she lost said ring at the time and place in question, and 
that the whereabouts of ssid ring then became and is now 
unknown to the plaintiff. 

Noe 7. The Gourt instructs the jury that the policy of 
insurance sued upon inithis case provides for payment to the 
plaintiff of an amount not exeeeding the sum of $1200.00 
against all risks of loss, while in ail situations, of the 
itanaed ring in question. The JVourt further instructs you 
that if you believe from a preponderance of the evidence that 
at the time and place in question, the plaintiff lost the 
said ring or the said ring disappeared or that the said ring 
was stolen, and if you further believe from the evidence that 
the whereabouts of said ring then became and is now unknown 
to the plaintiff, and if you further believe that the plain- 
tiff was not guilty as claimed by the defendant, then in 
either of said events, you should return = verdict in favor 
of the plaintiff and against the defendant,.# 

Both of these instructions are predicated upon the theory that the 
defendant lost the ring, and we are of the opinion thet the court 
did not err in instructing the jury as it did. Defendant's refused 
instructions are as follows: 

"No, 1. If from the evidence and under the instructions 
of the Court you find that the plaintiff did net give 
to the defendant or to some of the agents of said defendant, 
immediate notice of the loss, if any, together with a full, 
fair and honest statement concerning the particulars of 
such loss, if any, then you will find the issues against the 
plaintiff and in favor of the defendant. 

No, 2. If from all the evidence and under the instruc- 
tions of the Court you find that the plaintiff has intention= 
ally concealed the ring here in question, then you will find 
the issues in favor of the defendant," 

From all the evidence, including that of defendant's adjuster, 
we gan find nothing which would justify the giving of these two instruc- 
tions, On the contrary, as stated, the evidence indicstes that not 
only was a written notification of the less given, but that shortly 
after the loss the egent of the defendsnt received a written report of 
the loss of the ring, and that a complete investigation was made by him 

through his representative of the whole transaction. In view of the 

fact that the jury heard and saw the witneeees, and that the evidence 
justified the verdict, we can find no reason why the judgment should 
be reversed. Therefore, the judgment is affirmed, 


ai ¢i .emeated sq noereq teluotéxeq yor yd mefote aew abe 

eidd al cevooss of tiitatela edt « gol all ai ,taelo wee” 
eebaoms sa noltaralosh edt to tasoo oy edt cebty .oes0 
tadt eonebiva oft to eongtebaoge re» a ly ot wed rot 
bas ,doltsems of soaiq bas emit eff ts gnix bise teol ede 

won ef bus emsoad gedt gait bing to etvedaetesin ent tedit ©.» 
ettitaialy ade ot ear nt amus 

‘ ce fr 
to yolfog odt tadt yt edd etomv¢ant duo ott .Y on 
auit of Bl ony: eq tok esbiverq sese aldtial soo bere sonarywent: 
al 6 pa m a yh ogee aS oe ms to ttiteltel¢ 
¢ to ,amolitey ak alive .& to eteis iis tent 
goy atowrtent sodtivt tryo0 edt .notteenp ai galt heanel 
gadtd serobive ec? lo soaatabaogety 4 mntt evelled woy Ft sarlh. | 
edt teol ttitaislg oft ,aoitseup at sosiq bas + ond te 
guix bisa edt test to beaxeeceseth gait bise edt to goke blae ) io" 
tadé¢ sonebive edt mott evelied red¢twt woy tf bas ,asiote saw 
workin wos el bre ommoed salt grit blee te etuodseredw ent - 
=-alele ode tadt? eveiled redexwt woy tL bas .ittitatelq edt of 
at aedt ,tapbaetel edd yd bemieio as yt sem gew TEkH © 
tovet ak to lbzov * aeyter Divede voy a vat ise to tedtio a 
i tocbaotod odd tenisgn bas titdniels edi to |) 

edt tadt yroedd edt soqu beteotberq ots enottoutsent Geedt to dios — 

tives od? tedd moinigo eft te ers ow bas ,gabt srt tool tanbadteb 

beavior elinsdbreted .bib ti ac rh odd yaktourtent at mx tom D£b 

:ewoliot en ote enottouttant 

atoisoutiend edt soba, bas odd mort tl ot ase ps + Loanon 
evis ton b eiieian’s - ted? Salt voy #200 
ataebasteh bise to ataege ed? to smoe OF to t eh 
aiivt a dtiw tontegot , i .waot adt to aged | 
to ateluotineg edt gainyeonoo tmometate, t See sist 
eit teaieye eeweet edt bait lity 2 voy node? we tas 
atoebuoteb odd to sors tag thitakel¢ oor 

. swouttasi edt teboy bas sonebive edé pmat TL. up GOl fo Leocase 
“ao basins eed ge, eat tedd hon pore edt to enoit 
balk Lliw. voy medz notte betssonoe Yile— 
nat tL ee ae caste "covet ak eouent ond 

oe asee <9 Bie ie 
retexthe altachasteb to tart gribudont coonebire ont se nord 

1? he) Shaye a ra 
our tend owt exedt to gnivig edt Wieeut ‘blwow oxuw ‘satdton bart ane ¢ 

eRGST Very 

‘toa tect astsotbat eoasbive ads botste ae ‘eeeatda0o ont Lae eo 

eo fey 


38 ‘ 
ylrzorie ‘tend tud moves enol edt to mottsettivon novthow > osm 
Ce EPS Te 

to droge: nettiaw # beviooer taebaateb ont to tasgs os soot edt t9fts 
miss yd sham ea. netisgttuevns ‘oteLenoo ay todd bes. agents ont ‘yo seed edt 

ie eed een 
odd to weiv Al .nolttosenss?. oLode odd to evitstaseenqes eid dguordt 
eonebive oft todd bas ,se9eentiw edt wee bos brsed yur oft dadt tost 
bisode tremgbut edt yiw aoeset on bait meo ow stolb«cov <n a8 
shouritte ef tromghut edt ,eretetedT — a 

ee Wy 
a ELL OTN esis sikh. gearueea PAPA eh . qu i 

perveger Ture A 

37460 ate, é ‘ 




iS Sp Aa en bee pu 

(Plaintiff) Appellee, 



CITY OF CHICAGO, a Municipal Corvoration, COOK GOUNTY. 

(Defendant) Appellant. 74 9 I A 6G 4 3° 


This isan appeal from a judgment of the Superior Court of 
Cook County for the sum of $2,900.00, entered in a suit against 
the City of Shicago by the plaintiff, Clara Rogers. The judgment 
was entered upon the verdict of a jury. 

It is alleged in the declaration that plaintiff was injured 
through the negligence of the city in failing to keep a certain 
sidewalk in repair, The record indicates that plaintiff testified 
in substance that she resides at 1113 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, : 
Illinois; that at the time she received the alleged injury, she was | 
earning $24.55 a week; that on June 13th, 1933, at about & o'clock 
in the evening, she was walking south on North Dearborn Street, the 
street én which she resided, and that in front of 1133 North Dearborn 
Street she stepped on a manhole cover with holes in it, which holes 
had been previously filled with glass, that she caught the heel of 
her shoe in one of the holes in this manhole cover, which caused 
her to fall, and that as a result of the fall, her left side was 
hurt and her left wrist broken, She alse stated that as a result of 
the fall, she had black and blue spots on her hip and shoulder; that 
she was thereafter taken to a clinic on Chicage Avenue, and a splint 
was put on her arm; that after the third week subsequant to the 
accident, she went back to werk with her arm in a sling and worked 
for a short time, but that she was discharged, presumably, because 
she Could not do the tterk; that for a short time thereafter she did 

hid a ie 
, . 
.? Gre’ a m aye 
aiid es “ea a RROOR, Af AdO 
mvoo beg ro alleges (tkttazett) 
ad “Vv O. ; » y 



7 m0 irr 40 worrtso air aeavEReO AR rorrent sae 
to tryed rolreqn® ont to tnomgbyt © mort Leoqas mn at abd 
Eicce st, & sid barre tare any et, + e, bait Ls i 

wtolterogred Leq to tn 8 ODAOTHO YO. YTIS 
oe , sdaoLLeqad eineegieor 

boing. asy tasatelg todt nottexs£oeb ont a: ea pte et tt on a 
ftiatres 2 goo% of galitet mi ytio edt to ogden 
beltiteds Yiitaisla ted? reteotbal rover est. etteqor af ALewebk 
ogsoldd ,toorze axods sed déso SLLL te sebiect ode tedt ponsiedus. at 
apy ode ,yxetat begotle edt bevieoet ede omit odt ta stadt jetomh itl 
Hooio'o 8 tuods #6 .SSL HEL oni fo sit iHodw & BB ABRD gaiores 
edd \teorte nrodrso0 stron no stude Yatiiow eew oda .gatieve odd mt 
- Sewoattibe Wirow SELL to taort mt temt bas ‘bebssat’ ode. Mote ng toorte 
eefod doidw ,ti ai selod dtiw sevoo efodnem sto Salat ie Saal teerts 
to feed ont Higynd ote tedt .eaelg He tw be flit (Lavotves “toed bast 
beeuso doidw ,tev0e ofodnas aint of eeloit edt to bide gote ted 
| eew obin ttel ced (ifet edt to tiueer & ba ‘tedt bas ‘ifs? of ted 
$9 eiieor s ee tedd botete Oats ed® jmodtecd telew oTeE xen bad’ Poked 
ted? prebiuode bas qt ted no stoqe euid baa: dobld bad ede {LLet od 
dhifan & Bas ,onmevA oge0tH® mo ointie s 6% nett rettseteds abw eile 
“Siid OF traupoediun eow! Babad” ene eorte dens jie ont ad! tut" Bw 
“Destrow bit gakia e ob wre vert dtbeistee ‘ot doad throw oa’ ,tobLoos 
aite0ed  eidemwasrg begtadeth” ete’ elle dead tent singe’ ee ae 
3) ode rodteorodt ae fea 8 rad ie tsar ciaac ob tom biyoe one 

ne MS ROT SWORD sbhazori og 
ee ee eee or PeP EE rae hy Medi opt, ame sleeneartarant | 


gome light work, for which she received #10.00 a week; that her left 
wrist and arm pain her all the time; that she was treated by a 
doctor approximately fifteen times, and that prior to the accident, 
her arm and wrist had never been injured. On cross-examination, she 
stated that she had seen this manhole cover before, and had walked 
around it, and that prior to that time, she had injured her ankle 
when an elevator fell, in which she was riding. As to the character 
and extent of her injurjes, her testimony was corroborated by that 
ef the physician who treated her. 

Several witnesses testified on behalf of plaintiff to the 
effect that certain glass fillings had been out of the holes in the 
manhole cover in question for a considerable time prior to the time 
of the accident, leaving the cover in the condition described by 

A photograph of the sidewalk and its surroundings, inelud- 
ing the manhold cover in question, was introduced in evidence by 
defendant, and it was stipulated that it portrayed the scene of 
the accident and the condition of the sidewalk on June 24th, 1932, 
eleven days after the accident, and that it was in the same condition 
at the time of the accident as it was when the photograph was taken. 
Defendant offered no evidence other than this photograph. 

it is the contention of defendant that the sidewalk was 
reasonably safe; that plaintiff had passed over the place several 
times a day and admitted that she was familiar with its condition; 
that her injury was slight, consisting of a small fracture of a 
small bone of the forearm; that the verdict is excessive, and that 
there is a variance between the pleading and the proof, in that she 
alleged thet the accident happened in front of 1163 North Dearbgonn 
Street, and that she testified that it happened in front of 1133 
North Dearborn Street. It is not claimed that the condition of the 


#tel rod tefs paeoow © 00.0L% bevisosr ers doidw tot eizow tdgtt path 
& Yi betsors asw ode tant jeomit odt ile tod misg mre bos tabew 
gdmebloos od? of toltq teadt bas ,aemit asset tt qletamixorqgas totoob 
ode Go lisaimsxe~asoro 0 -borubat need xeven bad telow bane. wre sod. 
—_—- hed bas .etoted teveo efoduam ald? neea bed ede tadt hetstea 
wie rer bousi mt bad ede ,omi? tedt of tol«q tedt bas oi bavots 
uininca edt ot eA egntbixn ssw eda dotdw ck ,.[iet tofsvelo as nodw 
tadt yd hetstodetioo ase yaomitest ted ,eegrstat red to daetxe bas 

_ sted Dotwott odw Phare 

odd os ‘Yadngase te. tieded ao beititses esesentiw Lnrevad . grid 
edt at eelod odt te tuo aeod bad egakiltr nasty aletreo tnt seven. 
, aast edt ot roitg emit eldaxebianco s tot moldsoup at, reveo efodasm 
YS bedinoesh soltkbaoo edt at reves od¢ gatyast .taebieos edt to) 

— ttitatedg, 

. ~busoat sagttbavorsue, eit iia. cities out. to sure 8 hs. De ios ik 
«RS gomebive at heoubottal acy ,aodteeun of r9voo bloduan edt gat, 
_ Yo ens0e sit beysrtiog t2 tot beteiugite een tt dae .tasbmored. 
SEGL FAS emuE Go ALeredte sit Yo aoktthaon ont bas. tuedtooR. gat, 
“modt thao omen od? at pow tL todd das stucbioes edd cette aysh movele, 
am sev dgstgeteda edt aedw ssw tt ea tmebtoog ods to omit odt 35 
. egsxgoteda atid madd rodto somebive om hexehto tmsbaet od, 
S28 ‘Alensbte edt tedt tasbaeted to goitaetaoe edt ef, a. ‘SoNe “reel 
Loxevee analy sit revo beeanq ded Btitately tedt, 49tee yidenoaser.. 
 utaltibaoe eff dtiw tetlimet sew ose tedt Dottinks bas Yeh #,20mht,. 
_ & 40 exutostt Llane 4 to gattatedog | ctdga tn gam xsriad, eed hea: 
‘testa bee ,ovieeeoxe al tolivey elt godt jorseto? edt to ened eee ae 
ods tadd at .koowg odt bas guthastq. act meentod sonaizey set exede 
megdxa00 stro BOLL Ye tort mt heaeqgad tashinoe edd test bogoiie 
SELL t0 saent at beneqgad 24 stadt Syne ote tat atatoonte | 


manhole cover was not as desotibed by the witnesses, nor that such 
gondition had existed for a sufficient length of time for the city, 
in the exercise of ordinary care, to have repaired it. It is 
insisted by defendant that the statutory notice required to be 
served upon it showing the time and place of the alleged injury, was 
not served or filed. 

There was offered and received in evidence over defendant's 
objection, what purported to be a copy of a notice of the time and 
place of the accident, alleged to have been served upon defendant. 
The notice,and what purports to show its receipt by defendant, 
read as follows; 


State of Illinois ; 98. 
County of Cook 

City of Chicago, 
(Clerk) and City Attorney 
and Corporation Counsel, 
City Hall, Chicago. 

You are hereby notified that Clara fegers of the 
city of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, is 
about to file against the Qity of Chicago, on account 
of personal injurkes sustained by her when she fell 
and stumbled on the sidewalk by reason of and as a result 
of a defect, hole and bad state of repair of and in the 
sidewalk in the City of Chicago, County of Cook, at 1163 
North Dearborn Street on Monday, June 13, 1932, at about 
the hour of 8:30 P. Me, and you are further notified that 
bd = hia information is given to you as provided by 


1. Wame of Claimant and papured is Clara Rogerss 

2 Address of said person is 1113 North Dearborn 
Street, Chicago, Illinois, 

3, Date, Hour and place of accident are: 

June 13, 1932 at 8:30 P.M. at and near 1163 
North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois,and on the 
sidewalk at said above address, 

4 Attending Physician: 

Dr. Fe. Oe Test, 30 North Michigan Avenue, 
Chicago, (Office),4620 Greenwood Avenue, Chicage, (residence), 
Oakland 1633, 
Dated June 17, 1932 
Clara Rogers 
By; Fe Ae Gariepy 
Her Attorney 
Received a copy of this notice this 17th day of June, 1932, 
1. Peter J. Brady, City Clerk, J. McCabe, 

So <A. M. Smietanksa, City Attorney, Per Jed. 


fous tedt tom ,aoveentin edt yd Reditoass en son sew seven eLodasm. 
.Ytlo edt tol eait to dtgael ¢aetoitive s rot bhetedxe bed mettibaon 

ei tl .ti bexiaqer evan ot ,ouse yrantfro to eatorexe edt mb 

_o¢ of herluper seitoa yrotutste edt tedt tnaboeteh yi botetent 

ssw ,yinfal bogelie edt to enalq bas emit ed? galwode tt, mocer beyvree 
«belit to bevree. tom 

eltaebapteh revo. somebltya mi dbevionet bas, horekto: Baw eredt. ©. a6 code 
bag. emit edt to soltton s te yo s ed et betroqzug, ged didanaeiee 
etashaoteb noqu bevres aced sved of begellc ,tnabtoos edt to sos, 
stashasteb yd igivoer edi wore of etzogiug tedw bas,eotton edt 

on ; ‘unt ee etethen®,. bw ¢ cb sexe elodmem 
Ags 4 

Agrroten wht bas oF is 

ogso.d <ilak yak “ win 
& Ls ces ry” expe t ah 
“ext to eregoh ateld torts beititen word » srs s0Y 

. OL pb ,phontlil to etett: , pirat edt Pontote ef ties ote 
cae) Ye ed eogeotdd - ytid od legs elit Not t . 

Ke 2 : , st a rede tec bealas Lasioereq (Arar 
tiveer # as bans to soasex yd iiavabte odt og belduyte bas 
eft mi bas to tiaqer to etete bsd bas efed qtodteinan to: | 
S0ifL ts oe to Pine pre res con to ete edt a 
juods, te ‘a Yshaok sp ET ee ee oe 
tad? ities Toddrut ess voy bas si 64 08:8 to tusod 
Yi behiverg as voy of mevig et aoktsarotnt ‘ 

-eBregoh axrsld. Pe i pee xidangee ex 
erodzae0 détoll Peat af a HOBTET yree 4 te seeshbh oS 


alee pomnt e 

{9Ts tnshheos to eenle 2 svell reer 
, S8LL ween baw ss as: 08:8 tes vpete + gpharerb val et ae 
edt 20 RANG RIND eogsoind nxedzaed’ on 
me vemaorbbe 6 te dLewoble 9-90 

scien cette i 
epuaova gegidoid dtxoll OS qtaek «| hae ae ee ee 
«(sonebioor) warenee agen oouneees eyes. eoitt ® 

Vee ey Wes ig aes 
seer “ raps 
tegen: OnMLO, ci edd Sot teper ade tad ee coor 
une oA oO 3 
“yoaxotta TOR! ont POT oi culm, Atrl, a 

" \szex eau to ysb ATL ny whiten eidt to _wyee 8 bevkooea 
eadsdox a eArelo yWwio eUberd ob tetet ok f 

“ee ne ee Ye 7, = 

After the record was filed in this court, over defendant's 
objection, plaintiff offered and this court received evidence to the 
effect that the notice was actually served upon defendant. 

The charge in the declaration is to the effect that the 
plaintiff suffered the injury complained of “in front of the house 
numbered 1163 North Dearborn Street, about 150 feet south of 
Division Street, and about 5 feet from thé east curb of Dearborn 
Street, in the city of Chicago." The récord and the abstract filed 
here on April 13th, 1934, indicate that plaintiff testified as 
stated, that the accident occurred at "1135" North Dearborn Street. 
Thereafter, on June 4th, 1934, plaintiff filed an additional abstract, 
which shows the following question asked of the plaintiff, and the 
answer thereto: 

"Q, How wide is thet sidewalk at that number, in front 
of 1163 that you heave just mentioned, about how wide is it? 

A. Just the ordinary width. I don't know the widths of 
the sidewalks," 

This question and answer, as shown by the record, follow immediately 
after the plaintiff's presumed answer that the accident happened at 
"1133" North Dearborn Street. | 

As stated, plaintiff testified that she lived at 1113 
North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois. One of the witnesses 
testified that he lived at 1159 North Dearborn Street, in the city 
of Chicago, but defendant insists that there is no proof that the 
accident happened in the city of Chicago. We are of the opinion that 
from the foregoing testimony, the jury could reasonably conclude that 
the accident happened in the city of Chicago, and in front of 1163 
North Dearborn Street in such city, as alleged. There is no evidence 
to the contrary, In the trial, there was no question raised as to 
when and where the accident happened, nor that it happened just as 
plaintiff said it did, and in the city of Chieago, The photograph 


elinsbhasteb revo ,frtwoo eidd mi bef{it ssw brooer edd <s9dTA © 
eft o¢ Somebive bevieest trv00 ids baw botetto Trientsle .soktoegdo 
etnshretebh mogy bevrse yitestoa sew sviton add ted? goette 
ed? tedt testte edt of af noitetaloeS edt ai egrado eff 66%) Lan! 
esvot oft to ¢nott al” to bentefqmes yxrwtmt edt bers¥tew Xt temtalq 
to dtvoe teet C&L tuoda ,teette atodirseG dito SELL heredmun 
‘geodtee6 to dry tess edt mort toet 8 tvods baw .toetta aotetyia 
beLit focrtsds edd bas broser 6AT ".ogsotdd to ¥tle edt wb ytoorte 
ee bottiteot ttitately fait eteotbat .28@£ (dt8L Lteqhnoeiet 
etootd® nrodrsed tro "SLi" gs berry00e taebioos ‘edt stadt yhetaitte 
stoetteds Isnottibbe as belit Ytitalsiq MCL dt endl mo ytettseredT 
eit bas .ttitatesl ext to bexes moitesiip amen edt awode dotdw 
| ¢ ire encima 
ttt ef ebiw wo duods <becoltnon” ete ane: 21 a Pate So il 

to ed¢biw edt wont ¢'nob I suite Lipyer ont 


yotsibonmt woliot ebrooer ent yd avo es <towaas baa soktesup eldT 
te benequed tnobioos ond sas. rowan pare eerame oe setts 
este ts bewes onde badtt beitiveot witemtely , Pete ta oh | 
eevrantin edt to ond * ‘elomkiLi eogeosda stuns axedzeet Asroll 
tio eft ni ,teotte aoteen dtroh CBLL ts bowhL od stasit bettitess 
edt tet toorg om at erent tent evatent easy y: tud ogaotad te 
ged? nolntgo edt to ors oF sogenico to. its ont wt panegusdt tnsbtoce 
tadé ebsLonos ‘idedioane% bin90 v ‘yee ate “| ‘ 3 ot gatogeto? ° yl mont 
SLL to snort wt ans soueade’ 0 eto | oss ne : 1H 
pomebive on af ood?” sbegolis as ettte. sous a -toonts arodzs00 dtxou 4 b 

be , ot in4 
ot es beaiay coiteoup ea eew oresit seine ea as bo 3 ats 
¢) r et y Baal 

saga, iat sogn0kso te —— — ew bas oe tt! bt 
ne ark. 4 : ser Th yror & howteoadt 


{ ts tf : 5 wait rs aie cP 
" a. $ 48 ay 9 oe We ah “ag eee oe : ay sa 

introduced by defendant shows the manhole cover to be in a sidewalk 
on what appears to be a thickly settled city street. 

Defendant insists that because plaintiff testified Shat she 
had walked around this particular manhole cover before, and was 
familiar with it, that she was not in the exercise of ordinary care 
for her safety, because she did not take sufficient pains to avoid 
4t at the time and place in question. She testified thet the acci- 
dent happened et 8 ofelock of the evening of June l3th, 1932, and 
we are not prepared to say that the jury was wrong when they 
determined that she was in the exercise of reasonable care for her 
safety when she stepped into this hole. 

In Wioks v. Cuneo-Hennebe Go,’, 234 Ill. Appe 502, this 
court said; 

"The law required plaintiff to exercise due care for 
her own safety before she would be entitled to recover, 
but this did not require that she continually keep her 
@yes down on the walk in front of her as she was walking. 
We think it clear, under the evidence, that whether plain- 
tiff was exercising due care for her own safety and whether 
defendant was negligent’ in failing to keep the iron doors 
in a proper state of repair were for the jury. And upon a 
careful consideration of the reoord, we are unable to say 
that the finding of the jury in plaintiff's favor on both 
ef these questions is against the manifest weight of the 

Defendant complains of the following instruction: 

"The court instructs the jury that if you find for the 
pisintiff and against the defendant in this ease, you will 
be required to determine the amount of the damages, if any, 
which she ought to recover in this case, In determining 
the amount of damages, if any, which the plaintiff ought to 
recover in this case, if any, the jury have 2 right to and 
should take inte consideration all the facts and cireun- 
stances as proven by the evidence before them; the nature 
and extent of plaintiff's damages, if any, resulting from 
the accident in question, if any, so far as the same are 
shown by the evidence, her pain and guffering in body, if 
any,resulting from such personal injuries, if any, the loss 
of time or earnings of plaintiff, if any, occasioned by the 
injury; the money she has necessarily expended or become 
liable to empend, if any, in endeavoring to be cured of 
such injuries; the work she was engaged in, if any, at the 
time of the accident in question; the extent and duration 
of the injury, if any, as shown by the evidence; her 
permanent injuries, if any, as shown by the evidence; her 

' ow US Oy ae 
| é a. 

] ; ‘i a 

afewobie sa af ed o¢ xevoe elodnem edt awodte gashneteb yo hooubortat 
»toerds Yio belttse yldetd? « ed oft atssqqe taiw ao” 
its ted@ beijiteet Ytitaisiq eeysced ted? etetent tashusted) ©) fo0%. 
esw bag ,exoted reveo elodasm talvoliireq sidt bavors Beileaw bed 
eza0 Yxenibroe to seforexe od¢ ai tom vew ode tsdt tt dtiw talliaets 
 Bblovs o¢ eaiesq taeioittve odat fon Bib ele eausosd yytetad ted teks 
~ioos.ent tedt beltiteet ed@ .neitseyp ai eeslq bus .emtt edt ta ish’ 
bos ,S86L-,ddoL ony to yaimeve edt to dooloto @ ts bewoqgad ‘taeb” 
yeds sedy anotw eow yrut edt tedt yse of Dorsgerg tom etscen! — 
wan erso aidegorset to aetotexe edt ai ecw ode dedt beniqreteb» 
s@iod eldt otal heggete ode aqdw ytetee 

gidt .208 aqua «LIE S88 400 yavedsasoH-genud .v gxoiwunl en + voli 
: ‘ghee too) 
tot esse ovb selorexe ot Yat betiopor wef ed? . ' 
etevooes of bel hivow oda stoted ytetne mwo aed 

iq usdtedw ted? ,soaebivs ed? rebaw ,tsefo @f dntdt 
redtede bas ytetee oawo red tot a ssh gitelotex® eew 
-.» g400) soxt edt geod ot gatilat ai jor fo Sente togomq 2 at 
s goqy bed .yrut edt tot exrew aleqot stste % 8 mi | 
Bp ot eidans ers ow ,bro0et edt To aoltatebilenco we «sihe 
od = TOVST attritaiatg at veut oF oe to puibal? edt 4 
oat to tdgiew feetingem 9 anisya seein asonee > *oetie 
‘motsouréeat gatwo LL0% edd 20 este cao énshasted , 
: ireiaed ddrow 

edt vot batt YoY ti todd ‘yet edd etourtant ‘txu08 edt" 

ee an an eee ee SE 

 ELiw poy ,.9080 2aidt ok tasdaetes oft 7 , bia t titue?t 
eume Ti .segemeh ont to tayoms edt eniuxe o? bexiupst sad 
imroteh sl «eea0 sidéd at cevpees of . oie T ieceaien ia tw 

ot ‘tdguo tilitnislq edt doldw .yas tz ,segemsd © tavoms ost 
_.» bee ot tigix os oved ytut, od? 4s $i aaa hea aah: ae 
~ayotio bas sitost bh ifs eSivexabianee oft ovat eist & 
Yiurtesea ait puedst oF somebive pe geotete oo" 
mort parones ‘ently tL psoomra etitiiatede 39 tm to ‘taotxs bas 
Sta smsae Ba, T eee 4 MfO @eebioon env © 
24 sybed at gnbsottie Be OW bes Rien xa geouabive edt yd mode 
gy pt A : Yas f ee ASTOR 
ont hg Be sapean M tL oe shhentada to agnints® To. ait to 
emaped to bebaeqxe yiinseseoen asd ofe Yonam. © 
' Yo bere be ee Aaa wl as roth tL « 
edd PS 1g Yes rag gp 
moiteuub bas tno poy "gusbtoos ont to en 
cod 3 {Goohdye at el swode ay 33 d.qytutad eat errr: i 
ced jeennlitve edd yo cwode as . Yas fuutat caret bal 

eat aT 

_ oreghay 

inability to work, if any, on account of such injuries; 

and the jury may find for her such sum es in the judgment 

of the jury under the evidence and instructions of the 

eourt in this casg, will be a fair compensation for the 

injuries she has sustained, if any, so far as such damages 

injuries are claimed in the declaration and proven by 

a preponderance of the evidence, (Given)" 
An examination of the cases cited by defendant as authority for its 
contention that the court was in error in giving this instruction, 
convinees us that defendant's counsel have misinterpreted these 
eases, We are also of the opinion that defendant was properly served 
with notice as required by law, that the jury was fully and fairly 
instrueted, and that the verdict is net contrary to the manifest 

weight of the evidence, Therefore, the judgment is affirmed, 




>) > seeteepat doye te tavoons ad yas tL row of Pere ori tek 

sadeybu ect ait sx sue dove red ny balk yom herr | 

| o- emoiteuwttent bas eenebive edd robas bat 4 ay alee alll 

eas Po cok noltnemeqmoo tist 2 ed Litw .eeso eldd mi ae 

 gousmed down ee tet os 4yos th ,bentetewe and ede. 

i ape: bas fod teteLosb edt al Peery A be eelxy 
ihre ha)o Bin Bs Bn edt Xo 

bientdensionne eidt yoivig af toxme ai saw pai: ttt nottnotaoo 
ary. oes beterqretniein sved Leanvos e'tashaetsh. ‘gost ex eboctvape : 
a ySxeqore vow tasbasteh tet motaiqo ad? te orks mesial 

obamssts ai trowgbhu;. eft ,oxrotered? seonebive 
(90R wend nti Iota oT BE aR 
‘ . iS is mittee Ev ay 8.4 

ea ek i.e an Ty Yo Yan te elias ! Pee toh “9 aire ry ol eine 
> weeh dock ect Gout of get iia® md ten Lege eey ansbebel ac nial 
¢ Me » ii ve: ree a ' s ‘ i) a" ) 

ethte veneryg awe 
im th me alee ee ee eee dha A bi iahasee 
‘Ato ow tevet altiltatels af wh s&e te pao? Oe 

ie 2a Peaking Sor cits eee ANS ae asro che Stat Gy ame 

rivtinnvertvays satwetlet ene Ye aoe ie oats vis aw? of 

by sfc wr 
ee ee een pe 

i pk ee “eeen 
ee pony iis ab bat Oh eis 
Sree wit pair woeiaad ae snack ast ay 
, : Yon a Te RWS 9g Wis { tS Siw dE Bit 
a tyer oy aan epee tebe Ba 10 4 
tats Aion TH conic es ot 
yy oat tind die anne i , 


: Lae yaoks & ati wed get dona), i J 
if i wane we yaar bi tule 
nore ie 3 pris PA : 

a oo bd 

ae NN es 
) eR ee 

onmohive ast Yo 

Me | ™ 
Oe he si: 


ITN i 

37469 jf Ped 


Pf rs 
(Plaintiff) Appellee,’ Ly 

i; 8 

Ve # 4 

COMPANY, a corporation, 

(Defendant) Appellant. 2 74 9 l ie G A 3" 


This is sn appeal by defendant in a suit upon a life 
insurance policy issued by defendant in favor of plaintiff. The 
trial was by jury, and the verdict was in favor of plaintiff. The 
judgment entered upon the verdict was for 183.00. The policy 
provides that: 

"If after the first premium or regular instalnent 
thereof shall have been paid hereunder and under the policy, 
the insured prior to the anniversary of the policy nearest 
his sixtieth birthday shall become wholly and permanently 
disabled by bodily injury or disease sustained or contracted 
after the date hereof, so that thereby he will be wholly, 
continuously and permanently prevented from the pursuit of 
any form of mental or manual labor for compensation, gain 
or profit whatsoever, the, if there is no premium in default, 
and the policy is not being continued as paid-up or extended 
insurance under the non-forfeiture provisions thereof, the 
Gompany will upon receipt of due proof 6f such disability, 
grant the following benefits subject to the terms and 
cenditions herein set forth. 

Beginning with the anniversary of the policy next 
succeeding the comuencement of such disability, the Company 
will waive the payment of further premiums, during the 
continuance of the disability, and will pay to the Insured, 
from the date of the commencement of such dissbility,or to the 
beneficiary if disability results from insanity, subject to 
the conditions and limitations of this provision, with the 
written consent of the assignee, if any, a sum equal to one 
per centum of the face amount of the policy exclusive of any 
policy additions, and a like sum monthly thereafter during 
oer of the disability, until the maturity of the 

It is alleged by plaintiff that after the issuance of 
the policy, and beginning with the 8th day of July, 1932, while the 
policy was in full force and effect, the plaintiff was, and still 
is, and henceforth during the remainder of his life, will continue 

\ Conve 

ae wont axuafa, * 1 — 5 CELT DA gama 
| & 
| wet eeileaqh (riomtart | 
| \emtoe TAGEO THOM | abe A ewes 
{ ; v M a al 7 


toisatogroo s, RY ‘ 
_stnsLLoqq (easbnoteg) 

eX, LL OS 

or ee) 

r Bee te Uae 

3 i »TBEYOO au? 10 WOIKIIO aHT aanaVLAISG UTAH g0ITeUL ie 
i be etit s moqu thwe a at tanbie teb vd Laeqqs as at eit 

ect stidatelg to rovet at tuahaeteb yd bourses yetiog ° ous: ~) 

Te) Fae 

eaT sMuentela to tovat uk Bsw tekbrey ant bas avout vd eon fats i, 

yoLleg odT 00.5818 tot ssw ‘toLbrev eit mnogu beretne i 

tomisitent telyget to muimotq "igod edt setts tr" 
<YoLLog edt sebay bas tebayered bisg al ta bot too 
gestson yoilog ent to Neaeuevaan Uae 
yitnenemteq bus yilodw omooed ILisde fh Bra iy diver aid 
betostinoos +o benteteve esseeth ‘to yretal yilbod b 
.Vilodw od iLtw od ydoredt tad? oa a dl eteb edt tetts 
‘to tiveteq oft mort betmeverq yitaor bas yLevountinoo 
diss .aoltseneqmoo tot todsi Leyasm xo Ietmem to mrot yas 
,tiueteb of muimetq om al evedt ti ,odt ,rovecetsdy aig Ma 10 
bebustxe to qu~bisq es beumitnoe gated tom ef yotlog edt 
ons yyeeredt em oe nee ag ag Merve the odt rebay » Haran 
eVtilidselh dove eorg eub to eoex smog Litw Marte 
base emrot eft ot tootdue atitened Satwo LLo% tastg 
sdézot tee alerted ano itibnoo 
ize yoifog edt to yreerovians ed? déiw gata 
yieqnod edt ,ytilidseth doye to tnemeonemmco on? 
edt sniwbh ,emutmerq tedéwwt to tnemyeq edt eviaw . 
.betyecl edt ot ysq Iltw bas ,ytiildselb edd to eegeuatémoo 
edt o¢ TO. YeELidseltd dowe to themsomemmoo edt to otsh edt mort | 
ot Bigeye we ,Ytinsent mozt etlveet ytiiidsalbd tL Beier ic ae 
tw ,noivivowy sidt to emoitetimti bas eaoisibaos | 
eno of Iaupe muse & ,yas ti ,eengieas od? to tt : 
yin a evieuloxs yoting edt to tavoms eost sit to nusta90 | 
giicub rettsered?s. yidinom me eit 5 bas sacoltibbs f 
oft to visits edd Iitay ,ythifdeatb odd to 


oilt oLidw es lub to ysh dt8 edt déiw pataniged dais a you Le ml edt 
Ltte bas ,8ew oS cores anid ne bag sone: fist me: sow a Log 

to be totally, permanently and continuously disabled by bodily injury 
or disease before attaining the age of sixty years, so he will be 
unable to perform or engege in any occupation whatever for remuner- 
ation or profit; that on September 8th, 1932, written notice of such 
total disabiliky was given on behalf of the plaintiff to the defendant, 
but notwithstanding such permanent and continuous disability, defendant 
has denied liability and refuses to pay. Defendant insists that plain- 
tiff cannot recover unless it is shown that plaintiff cannot perform 
“any form of mental or manual labor *** whatsoever", 

No brief is filed by plaintiff, and the question involved 

it is proved that 

here is, whether or not, plaintiff was totally, permanently and con- 
tinuously disabled by bedily injury or disease before attaining the 
age of sixty years, so he will be unable to verform or engage in any 
form of labor whatever for remuneration or profit. 

Plaintiff testified in substance that on July 8th, 1932, 
he was engeged as a laborer in a brickyard; that his work was tossing 
bricks, and that on thet day he suffered an injury; that shortly 
thereafter he was taken to a hospital; thet he could not walk at the 
time, and that while in the hospital one Dr. Sprafka put him in an 
adhesive cast; that he stayed in the hospital from Tuesday of one week 
until Saturday of the same week, and that he saw this doctor every day; 
that all the time he was in pain; that after he left the hospital 
he stayed in bed at home; that about September 8th, 1932, he made a 
report of his condition to the insurance company; that he paid all of 
his premiums on his insurance policy; that he was informed that he 
was not entitled to compensation, according to his policy; that the 
agent of the insurance company sent him to see a Dr, Albers, at 1 N. 
La Salle Street, Chicago, in the office of the defendant company ; 
that at that time, the witness was in pain all the time and could not 
bend down to lift anything; that he could bend down, but that it was 

| § 
: ‘ruta yLibed yd betdsath yfevounténoe bas yLimenabved ‘tistor éd Ot 
sot Sikw ed o@ yatsey ytxte to oge‘ edt gainiatis stoted eessatb co 
» -Tenumer tol tevetadw noltequ@oo yas ai egegne xo’ mretxeq of eldeny 
, dove to edition aotd tye efSGL tts radmetqe? no tent qttong to notte 
Jasbhuoted arid of Tttatalg edt to tLeded ao novig sew Wilitdeetb Istot 
inebusted dilides tb asounttnos bas taenemreq dove gatboatedttwton tod 
-tisig ted¢ eteisni ¢usbmeted .yaq of seavtet bas ytilidsil beiaeb aed 
 «Brotreq tonnso Titeialq ted? awode @h ti aeoday tovoosr, toanse tttt 
-"reveoutsdy *** rodeL Layanm so Letnem to a. " 
bovlovat aolsaeup edt. bua a *2hfnteds, % A ovous el L pated on. “a “a 
“coo Sas ylimensmisg ,ylisiet asw Tittalsic L TO, sedtedw. ai sot 
edt gainietis sieted easeath ro yrutat ylibod al Doldse tb Yenounts 
ms aa ogcpae LO ty EERE OG ot oeldseny ad Ifiw. ed. oa aPTg0y wrmae Re - 
Yaoreor ¥ etiterg zo nottaxemumen xot revetany. “a sl 
s880L 8 ylsh m0 tedt eonstedua ai Deb yet. 7, a. eae 
| pttoood 2a wats ele pent ibeavtodss f de i ds 

a’ at she teow. atone, 20 veo attgnod od 2 sett 
Aoew ono to Yehaeut mark Ist tanod odd at boyate. ont tadt 4) 
iysb crevs notood aid wae an tadt, bas eloow omar ont 16 ba) 

 Estigaod edt stot od rotte gail jadsa Rh wow On Bike oHiy Ets + 
: base & oben oii SSCL it reduotqer duoda tant jomod ts bed nt Beyste ox 
to die bing ad tedt i wetegeon sonstepnt edt ot heise ‘so txoqex 
od tet bomotat sew ed tat ayetfog comeunditt etd  einiHitexa 8. pid 
edt tedt pyotiog eld of galbrooos ‘puntemanionis ot + poltitad ‘ton » esw 
o Its catedfa 20 6 ose OF mid diee ‘ynsemod Gaddnddnd eae Yo tnege 
ie + etsqmde ‘dasbestsb dt to soltte ont al gogsotifo (teodtd Wiad 'as 
von BE biveo bas emt edt } Es Sate sei Sho) seontin ‘dt comtt aie “tat 


painful; that in May, 1933, he was sent to a Dr. Kreuscher, represent- 
ing the insurance company, and that this doctor examined him; that 

the witness was in pain at that time, and that he stayed in bed for 
four days after the examination; that when the doctor examined him, 
every time he touched a certain spot on the body of the witness, he 
felt great pain. The witness testified that while he is able to 

walk around, that he is unable to lift anything from the floor because 
of the pain in his back; that he can bend a little, but that it is 
very painful; that he cannot sleep at night, and that he wakes up 
during the night suffering from pain; that he is now wearing a 
sacroiliac belt, which he has worn for almost a year, and that the 
belt was given to him by the doctor when the tape was taken off. 

Dr. Sprafka, who attended the plaintiff after the alleged 
injury, testified in substance that he had known the plaintiff since 
duly, 1932, when plaintiff came to st. Anthony's Hospital. He 
described plaintiff's symptoms in some deteail,and stated that up to 
September, 1953, h& had examined plaintiff about sixty times; that 
after plaintiff left the hospital he was suffering from stiffness of 
the muscles, and pain and limited motion and stiffness of the joint. 
This doctor testified that in his opinion, the condition of the 
plaintiff was permanent, and that he was suffering from chronic 
Arthritis, and that the chronic Arthritie which he found to exist 
was, in his opinion, permanent, and that the plaintiff had a permanent 
limitation in the motion of his legs and in his ability to stand erect. 

Dr. Kreuscher, a witness for defendant, testified that 
he examined the plaintiff in May, 1933, at which time plaintiff told 
this witness of his injury; thet at this examination the witness asked 
the plaintiff to go through certain motions of bending, and that in 
each instance defendant complained of pain; that this was ten months 
after the accident. This doctor stated that he could determine no 
limitation of motion, and that there was no rigidity of his muscles 

eampeter ,rodoererh ord & of tree Sew ei aSBCL «Voi mi feds. PTE 
tet ymid béninsxe totoob aidt tadt bas svanqnos sonsrwent orig Bat 

aot bed ak boywsts 9a aed aa youl? teaté te ea: oh 9 one _Seeatty edt 
amici baatmexe ‘totooh ent neal toni? jwoktoakmexe edt rotts eysh tot 

ed eeontby end to vbod edt m0 teae aletxoo 5 beriouot ad outs yore 
ot slay el of olidw ted? belt iseed evsatin ont saikag tnorg @ fet 
eusoed roolt edt mott gakstyne viLs ot ‘eLdsnw at ed tadt PR. alow 
“Gn $2 deat dud .eltelt © baed m80 od ‘dedd itosd ald at ntaq edt to 


“qu goitew od todd bas cbatg in ts qools tonnso ad tade iitabag Yrev 

@ gaiteew woa ei od tant valan mort gatrottire tigta edt gutend 

add tedd base sTHOY 8 teomie ok aTow sett ont iio tw eled ostttorone 

‘Vito moded esw ogad ont aed: todoob ods we mast ot sovty bef ties 

‘bogeits odt ‘codts tiiinisia ont bobaetts ort ettera® -70 _ igo 
conte ttitdtels ad? mwostdt bad od toad sonstedue at foe ae sae 

ak sistiqeoH a! yonder fe ot ‘omen titntatg aoa £ oust 

of qu ‘teild boteta ban ftoteb enon ‘ak amotenye etttgatalg & a ae conte 

“fait jaectt yixia tuods We ttatala bontmexe bad Bd .ECeL .rodmetaee, 
to aseattitea mort gitredtve sow od io$ tqeou ont tres Larus en. 

% bag aps Bo ae 
tatot ad? to ssenttite bas aotton bes intt rca ase om sim ont 
i? “eit to mottibnos edt toinkeo sit a toate iP Lo0et x08 ob a 
PP 8 eotde mort gaizettve new od tadé bas _etirenser9g br A: ttatelg 
" telxe oF bawot ox do tet ali indtsh & ouonso ait ca a, wai 


prietemr dc 6 bad ‘Yerbntesy ‘edt ‘tedd ‘bas sin ma 
toore busts ot ‘yeiitde sid at bas C4 ata ‘te nozton aut 

+8 Py TR Way tu fete 

‘tant bottisees tasbroteb not “stent iv 4 eredoeuest, a 

Peet. Bhi Oo Rate ea ila 

blot ttitntele omit dfoide te Posi cee mt titentalg wv od 
boxes seentiw ens aottaainaxe eldd ts teste Bh jew, aie tw ore 

at deuid Se gntbaed to ‘sao ttom abstT00 dguons 2 ot} t 9 

estaon ‘not esw add tsdt jitteg te benkatquoe ‘tnsbnoked | 

ey ‘eaimreteb “bivoo ‘eat tadt betate ‘xotood ait? ahioos ed 
x nh ae wrear bt pa ae ah a We 

| ‘defoomn bhi to “ytibiote of Baw oxedt” tedd bite io kton to aottsttmts he 2 


when plaintiff was bending forward or backward, This docter gave 
his opinion that any condition which he found in the patient was 
not permanent. 

Dr. Albers, a witness for the defendant, testified that 
he had examined the plaintiff on numerous occasions. He was 
asked the following question and gave the following answers 

"Q. Have you an opinion from your examination of this 

patient whether or not the condition complained of would be 

Ae I have an opinion. He was not disabled. I made 
a report of my examination." 

Referring again to the policy, which providés that the 
indemnity provided for shall be paid when the insured is "wholly, 
continuously and permanently prevented from the pursuit of any form 
of mental or manual labor for compensation, gain or profit whatso- 
ever’, it is to be noted that the application for this policy, 
signed by the insured and attached to and made a part of the policy, 
shows that plaintiff's avocation at the time of its issuance, was 
that of "brick tosser"*, a form of common manual labor. His very 
avecation suggests the thought that it could not have been antici- 
pated by either of the parties that plaintiff could or would engsge 
in any form of "mental *** labor" for compensation, A fair construc- 
tion of the policy leads us to conclude that it refers to the 
character of labor in which the insured had been engaged, that is, 
manuel labor. 

in Grand Lodge 5B, of le F. ve Orrell, 206 Ill. 208, 
compensation was provided in case a member "shall be totally and 
permanently incapacitated from performing manual labor", In that 

ease, the court gave the following instruction to the jury which 
on appeal was complained of by the insurance company; 

"The term ‘manual laber,! in its ordinary and usual 

meaning and acceptation, means labor performed by and with 
the hands or hand, and it implies the ability for such 

" S¥ag Totpob aint ‘. Brewdosd x9 dtswto patbasit sew ‘wibimbata aedw 

- g8u dna htna ed? af bavot ed déhiea 013 Eba09 yas teas -sodmtgo etd 
tant beftives? (taphasted ode tot asentiv 6 “etn 
bay oH sendlessoo avotemun mo ‘Witntele odd bertimaxe bad ont 

stowans gatwollot od¢ svey bas notteoup aniwo Lfod oat betes 

ig to sottsdimexe ty0y mort nointgo ae woy eveH “* cee" a Lae 
ed blyow to beniaigmoo aoltibaeo edt tom xo, nodhnde: tnetted — 

‘ae wees 

sbheu I Be ldnee ton esw ok _sobatgo: as eved I 3 tae 

pads Naodvantmane a Xe. $7000 8-5: ct 

edt tadt eabivosa soltdw pyablon, eds of atage gaixreteni hatitereda 
eVifode" af berueat edt medy bisq ef Leda sot Sebiverg ytinmebat. 
‘mrol Yas to Siveruq edi moxt betaeverq: vitaqnemreg baer yhewomet taoo 

A hada titexq so aisg ,voitesmegquoe 19% sores feunem to ete ' 
<YoLlog sist sot aottsotiqgs edt tad, Setoa od ot et theater. 
 eWotlog edt to tag 8. ohsin bas of. bosoegta, dan, bepwecd. oat wi bones, 
pow, .sonsuead sti to emit ost to aottagens a!thitatelg, tad? anode, 
YoY eli .todeL Lavmew nomnce To att # g"xoese? XoLad" to sadt 

| ~toitas ased evad tom bluoo +2 tadt tabyvoal odd ateoygue, aoitapors, 
e e330, buen to, Luo mated 4, paren, ait 20, Apr eli 

edt ot Gat Gh th sade ‘epiinndin wa poe yO, 
oe “gett ghoaeame mbed bes + eee z 
bate webleer’ ed Loses ‘reduen 9880, ah y 

deat ak .rodet keene, middie AB ee tet 

| bio 8 
“dee matin pn ra 

_ floors rot ythiids edt, eetiqut. 


sustained exercise and use of the hands or hand at labor 
ag will enable a person thereby to esrn or assist in 
earning a livelihood. Being able to temporarily use 

the hands or hand at and in some kind of labor, but 
without the ability to sustein such ordinary exercise 
and use of the hands at some useful labor whereby money 
may be earned to substantially aasist in earning a live- 
lihood at some kind of manual labor, doés not constitute 
the ability to perform manual labor as it must be under- 
stood was contemplated by the mrties to the indemnity 
contract sued upon and relied on in this action." 

In that case, in passing upon this instruction, and plaintiff's right 
to recover, the Supreme Cotirt said: 

"Counsel for appellant *** insist that the phrase 
‘total incapacity! means absolute and complete inability 
to perform any labor whatever with the hand or hands, and 
the criticism upon the instruction is, that it erroneously 
advised the jury that the appellee may be regarded as totally 
incapacitated though he be not absolutely incapacitated to 
usé his hand or hands in some manner of useful labor. The 
construction given by the imtruction is proper. A condition 
of absolute and complete incapacity te do any manual labor 
ought not to be regarded as the true construction of the 
ianguage of the by-law. Total inability to perform manual 
labor to an extent necessary to entitle him to receive earn=- 
ings is what is meant. One who hss power to use his hand or 
hands at labor for a brief effort only, and who is lacking 
in power to sustain the effort for a sufficient length of 
time to make the result thereof of any benefit to him in the 
way of assisting in his support, is for all practical pur- 
poses and in every actual sense totally incapacitated from 
performing manual labor." 

In the instant case, in connection with the construction 
of the language of the polioy, and defendant's insistence that under 
its terms plaintiff is net entitled te recover, defendant complains 

of an instruction given to the jury on behalf of plaintiff.» 
it refers to "his form of labor." he instruction reads as follows: 

“If you believe from the evidence the plaintiff is and 
has been totally and permanently np lc tae vache 
the pursuit of form ane as eged in the policy, 

a vexpendenanadt tk rattae a ght of the evidence, and he is 
unable, because of such total and permanent disability, to 
gain or earn any profit from s2id occupation and that no 
premiums are in default, then your verdict should be for 

"His form of labor" means the character of labor which plaintiff was 


|  godnl te biid wo ebasd eft Ro. cen 
4 j mf telecs to aree® of hh yg HOoT pe ee 

| ~ Bee yLlrasoquet ot olde gated beads ae Bi TRERS, 
f twd .tedel to batx omoa at bas ts baed gh é 

seloreze yracibro dove nistese of ytiitds ot tuOL 

—-yamom Yoredy todel steer emoe ts abuad edt to ee bas 
well 8 ghiswee ai teloen yllai fee Soares. od 

etutitemos ten ge0b ,todsL Isunam to batt emoe ts Boosts 

od. tar #2 es xrpdsfL Lancom 08 ten bone" 

Spsanebat edt ot eelixay; edt yd Seteiqmetnoo sew fa 


".cottos sidt ni mo bediet brs nequ. 
— teig is ofititately bas yeokteysendt ald moqw aadpeng a 0880 tedt at 
“base sted omotqu® eid provost oF 

seeriq’ oft ¢adt tefent *** snalleqas sot Joe 
ystilidani etelqmeo bas sivioada easem | 1 
bas ,ebasd to basd ed me ls pa i ah ao. ie wero 
- elasesaorss th tadd .si moltorrrtan w metoltixo edt 
yitstor es bebreger od Yam seitecgs @ edt pool et edd as 
-@t Detatiosqeeont ylotulosds ton ad 
_. ed? .tedst Ivteay to tannam omos at ig pape Be Bi 
°"“gokdibaos A steqétq et dottoutamt edt. rig 
sods{ isunsm yaa ob ot ytiosqsont ote. mays F yer ro 
- @i% Toe aokteonttenet egxt odd as bobteapget ed oF ton , 
Ieunem mrotxseq ot ytilident LetoT .wai-yd edt to 
1186 oviesbset of mid oliitne of YIseeocen tnetze os gi. 
to baed eid seu ot Ve dnae ow O00 tnadm oe tathw at egal 
4 te wettest eft otfw Dae’. yine trottre: be rg 
{ tueioittva 2 ae teed it eye ar x 
“ese ea fot titened yas to oy akan 
oid ES ae Taker os 
ts af eenva Lantos 
He iisunoe 


aan teat } sonstetent #"dasbaotob baie LWaLog ‘ome to | 
ge eateiqnes taabasted See of soistens ton a ie Tambela emod see 

sli Ris - ve q 

oF eee deenenT aq ee Latot de 
) wa tenis f foubaor ext 
tet edt Tt vee ov Aga amit 

A PESO Cee eee 

S18 bee tea engad oat 
. ‘ e 

performing when the policy was issued, as shown by the application - 
a part of the policy. We are of the opinion thet the court was not 
in error in giving this instruction, 

From the testimony of the plaintiff, together with that 
of his attending physician, Dr. Sprafka, and the other testimony 
in the oase, we are of the opinion that the jury could reasonably 
arrive at the verdict which they did, and that we are not justified 
in disturbing it, Therefore, the judgment is affirmed, 



$ Paes 

yeas _ sue tetont ©" apastogne, 

Uriticas! | Pmiteee ku otuldude ve ayal 

bee guload xo Dwad eae athe 

Tiseernees 9 So Pads Cod ST i 

vilsto? ae bebrager as Yau oo theres ott sake reat 
wt Sodus 60% etd sSppukenie Pog ies Me er a 

_ pat «<serel sgdesn Be thay siete oe at ali ats 
ities 4 eee at ge Meee ae ye, Fnye 

amiadk Lowen wed oh oF C2 LoneRens wis cae 2 
Ae SG * me fost an etme. ca a ‘bo hiersd«. ri 
Lana aK STeay ae Weil iduat Lote? ore ed ie: . | ae 
tS Sriphat oF @60 oie hh ws CARPE Ue s - i oe 
eo Bae aici peg of xonoq aad offy end aaa’ ne to bes ye 
hermes ! Re” Saha Lae nedite Moe te be se abeaghe 
Me Mgaei ty ners a 15 gor Prete é 
Shae cme wets ae ET. seed (aie Be, toasnele. 
ntit Lnoliqeny (ia rot et horas 

ae on: 

Ree? hotestoogscrs Yllarey ae = ae yes 
‘ ad 9 i ae 

i ‘a 
Ri a hhientte 6 Qar fae ne roberto ai Pa 
it, PY, 

“ gor ee se 

a oni ani tp 

sa odes, eae md 

mit: Bk beer get 

aw atel Wei f 

Pe Cm ee 
aay aut Se Lev at diabed si 

weer URLInAedy abe. ee ca ie | « em vibe y a . wie 


x % 

37499 ~ A 

a Copartnership, doing business under the 

Plaintiffs and Appeliants, 

P hws 
' ¢ 
ry > ve 


ery | GouRT 


Ie Se FALK and W. F. HEWITT, 
Defendants and Appellees. 2 V4 9 T f iN 5 4 4! 



This is an appeal by plaintiffs from a judgment of the 
Municipal Court of Chicage for $5,650.00 against them, entered on 
January 5th, 1934, on defendants! claim of set-off, The cause was 
submitted to a jury. The court directed that the jury return 4 
verdict against plaintiffs on their claim to which the set-off of 
defendants was filed, The verdict for defendants was for $5,650.00, 

On January 17th, 1931, plaintiffs brought suit in the 
Municipal Gourt of Chicago against the defendants for the recovery 
of $673.00 for an alleged balance due plaintiffs as brokers, such 
Claim arising out of stock transactions on the New York Stock 
Exchange, in which plaintiffs are alleged to have acted as brokers 
for defendants, Both of the defendants were served with summons, 
defendant Hewitt appeared by his attorneys, and on January 27th, 1931, 
a default judgment was entered against defendant Falk for the sum of 
$673.00. Thereafter, defendant Hewitt filed an affidavit of merits 
in and by which he denied that he wes indebted to plaintiffs. 
oa Bay Lith, 1932, defendant Falk entered a motion to vacate the | 
judgment agsinst him, and in the affidavit accompanying the motion, 
alleged that he was not indebted to the plaintiffs in any amount. 
On June 13th, 1932, an order was entered vacating the judgment against 
Falk, who then filed an affidavit ef merits denying liability, and 

Are aw i) ao 

Q ». 
| y A 
BY — Beavs 
Need Weg a 
ry of Te \a HOBAM wast yiiMGMAO A BETOAL 
| Bn edt tohay seemteaud Tartuie $o"snen a) 
4 2200 8 OUI Te 2 2 to 
setnailoqga | bus bila” 
ae DAR , my oehonseor eit to 

TETWa 1 W bad MAY <8 +t 


‘b b A ge IL ) ae -soottoaas bas etacbastot ae a 


edt to tremgbut s mort attitateiq xd Laeuqe as et pdt 3 ASS 
fo beretne ,medt tenisgs 00.088,3) tot ogectd® to trwod LIsqtotayl, 
saw gauss eft ,.tto-tea to mielo ‘etausbhneteb ao ,d86L dite vesuasl é 

S mxutex yrut odt tedt betoorlh trsoo edt eytut *& oF bosd Lmdare 
to Yto~ton oft doisw ot minto tledt ao ettivntalg tantegs toLbrov 

‘i ,00.088,a8 tot esw etashaoteh rot toibrev ect .beltt Bow efushaet oh 

edd at tua tdyword attitaialq .[éeL Atl yrasael 20 

yreveoss odd rot etashasieh edt tentege ogsold® to gxu00 keg tozacit 

dove ,artecsord as etiltniala exh eonalsd bogelle ma tot 00,8T8¢ to 
Ueets AxoY welt edt ao anottossnsxt doote to tuo gateiza misto 
puatecd et beyoa evad of begetis ern etiitatsiq doidw at ,egmedoxd 

| — gbitommue dtiw bevres stew efnabaetsh edt to dito satasbaeted tot 
fed .809S Yrowasl no has ,eyourette aid yd berseqqs te lwel tashaated 
rte to me edt rot Let tasbaoteb teatage beredae asw taemghyt tlusteb & 

eticom to tivebitte ae bettt tttwok tusbaoteb stettsoredt 006888) 


Y wettitaiela of betdebat esw ed tadd dotaod od dokdw ro ban at 
} gt? otnosy of aottom s Setetas wnt tasbacteb SbCl sthe bao 210 
mottos edd yaiyasquoces tivabitts edt at base old tonkeye saemaber 

ee Se 

F + dasons yous at etiiveisla edt ot beddebak tou aew od todd boyetis ? 
F a anon tasmgbut edt gattvsosy beretae sew rebr0 f8 .8ECL tL emu 00 
beg bas wWiilldsLl gutyneb etivem to ¢ivebitts as belt at out Sameer a) 


in which he get up his alleged defense to plaintiff's claim. On 
April 14th, 1933, an order was entered in the «eae Court of 
Chicago, transferring the cause from the fourth/the first class, 

and on May lst, 193%, more than two years after the suit was started, 
defendants were given leave to file an amended affidavit of merits 
and a set-off-upon payment of additional fees, as provided by 
statute. On the same day, defendants filed an affidavit of merits 
and/set~ott; in which they again denied that they were indebted to 
plaintiffs, and in addition alleged that certain moneys and stocks 
were deposited with plaintiffs for gambling purposes, that the whole 
of their transactions with the plaintiffs were gambling transactione 
under the statute of the state of New York, where the dealings were 
had, and that by the terma of the New York statute, they were and 
are entitled to recover from plaintiffs all the money deposited by 
defendants with plaintiffs, and asserting that plaintiffs are indebted 
to them in the sum of $19;000300. Plaintiffs deny that any of the 
transactions conducted by them were gambling transactions, but insist 
that all of the deals made by them for defendants were legitimate 
purchases and sales of stocks and securities. 

Plaintiffs sii miagad stock bwokers in the city of New 
York end state of New York, and defendants yere-end—are residents 
of Chicago, Illinois. 3 | ( 4d hte 

Plaintiffs urge that the court was in error in transferring 
the cause from the fourth th the first class, and in allowing the 
set-off to be filed, 

By an Act of the General Assembly, approved July 8th, 1931, 
and adopted November 8th, 1932, an act entitled “An Act in relation 
to the Municipal Court of the city of Chicago” was amended, The 
portion of the amended act applicable to the cage at bar, is as 
follows: (Smith Hurd Revised Statutes 1933, Chapter 37, Sec. 6, p.960) 


ao .misaio e'ttitaielq of senmeteb beygelis aid qu toe of sto bide ait 
to #mvo0 Laqtoinut ed? ai horodne ace rohro se 88OL, deat Aisa 
eeeelo ten tt. wy. Pa edt mort sewso, odd aatrrotenest. eo. 

«betuate sew tine od¢ ratte ereoy ows asd? etom eeer ‘tal ‘ysil no bas 
atizom to ¢ivebitte bobaans ‘ax elit ot evsel aevis oxew etusbasted 
ae bebivetq as ,eeet Isaottibha to taeaysg noqu-Tto~toe & bas 
atizem to tivebitte me beLit ednsbastdh s¥eb oman odd 10. ctutate 
et Detdobat oxew yor? tad? botaob alegs yout doldw ak <Mo-toe \bae 
atoote bas eyenom akstze0 tedt begeils soltiobs alk bas ett ientela 
‘elodw edt teat chalet eam atidusy sot atti¢nutets thw bot teoqeb erew 
ano Ltosansti “ght idnag et98 atittalels odd bw eno ltosensr# riodt to 
ezew eat tect ed? otedw vino nol te otete ade te ‘otutate oad sohas: 
bua esew yor’ wedutade dro woul edd to emzed ont vd Yadt bas edad 
«s bet teoges yentom eda ILa- srt itatelg nent sevocet of bedghine 2s 

_ betdebat ore “sttivatela tact? antizoene bas 48 ebtivatete ddiw 8 phe Latte 

; ie eie a 

#0 ae A whet edt al mo ff ibe 

ae ‘to yas teat web attitaiass “9 
teten ted sano ttoseastt aed tiene oxen ‘mod? a ‘bate pnottosenert 
rE chs faa . 
Sante tye ozew otashaateb not modt w ‘eban ‘eised aut to ts 
sa % 0) Be ath ot 
seoit tress bas ‘pisos ‘to ‘eelss bas 
woul to tito add mt etedoud ioote boentoads-o¥s atiita is 
SON Reel 6 ya 
etusbiaer orehme-eeew etasbaeteb bas it0¥ wow ‘to ‘etata bas iro ¥ 

ive mitade 

5 AN \ : j i ay Heer aMDy Hh ing 
a “RTH. Sag a WY “satomiiit aogsaldd to 
em Fo hye Gericke 
“ padxiotener? es xorze fd Bew gxs0o at gedit ogy ettisatsl4 
i Give. Tee ed” tt Eas 
eat guiwo its at hus sensi, fextt oa @ daw} od a t oous8 oat 

od oF eee ab ; 

ae iui atk 

i & 

“deer ate eke bevoraas eidaeee iaxeaed oxid << toa 8 
| “nobtstox md toa na boltitas ‘tos as 80 ate dus voll b 
"gd? sbobrome asw Negsotdid to ytle edd ‘Yo two 4 qtol 
ics es ad ated ta oaso ode et sfdsotieas foe bebasns set te em 

eS axel: 
(080.4 8 1088 ve | rongadto eer soausate boatvell bi deh ‘ineles 
i ie aie, ae eae i te RRR Sek &’ ; mend | “— 

"A gage commenced as one of the first class may be 
changed to one of the fourth class, or 4 case commenced 
as one of the fourth class may be changed to one of the 
first class, upon such terms as to costs and notice to 
the parties as may be provided for by the rules of 
the court. Ina ease of the fourth class the defendant 
way file a set-off or counterclaim of the first class, 
in which case he shall pay to the clerk, upon entering 
his appearance, or upon his filing such set-off or 
counterclaim, the same fees required to be paid by a 
defendant in a case of the first class, and thereafter 
such case shall be classified and disposed of as one 
of the first class, (As amended by act approved July 8, 
1931. Le 1931, p. 420, Adopted Nov. 8, 1932.)" 

It is insisted by plaintiffs, however, that this amendment is not 
applicable to a cause pending at the time of the passage of the act, 

In Superior Coal Go» v. Industrial Commission, 321 Ill, 
240, the court said; 

"In the case of Otis Elevator Co. v. Industrial Com 
302 Ill. 90, this court held that where a statute confers 
a vested right such right cannot afterward be altered or 
amended so as to destroy it, but if a change in the law 
affects only the remedy or procedure all rights of action 
are governed thereby, without regard to whether they accrued 
before or after such change and without regard to whether 
suit hed previously been instituted or not, unless there 
is a saving clause as to the existing litigation," 

We are of the opinion that this Act has to de with procedure only, 
that no vested rights are affected thereby, that the court was not 
in error in transferring this cause from the fourth to the first 
Class, and in allowing defendants to file their set-off, 

In their claim of set-off, after alleging that defendants 
had turned certain moneys and ateoks over to the plaintiffs, defend- 
angs allege the following: "that said sum was deposited with the 
plaintiffs by the defendants with the mutual understanding and 
intention that the said sum was to be used in speculating and wager- 
ing and the rise and fall of the prices of stocks, bonds and other 
securities listed on the New York Stock Exchange and other exchanges 
of the United States. Defendants allege that thereafter plaintiffs 
reported to the defendants numerous purchases and sales of stock, 
bonds and other securities, but that said purported purchases and 


od yas casio terik ot to eno an Deeneammo Sead AN ©): 
heonenmod sese & To ,aselo dituot ot to oao of a 
ad? to eno of Sopaade se yen naelo Mtxcvot edt To sao es ~~~ 
ot soliton bar steoo of as eamtod dowe moqu eanto terit 
; to selot edt yo tot bebiverg od yeu ae eeltrsq edt 
tnshaoteb eft azaio dixwot ed? to Seen ws al edt 
: aseclo gexit ect to miaLoretaweo xo Tro-tee «. OL2T yom” 
giitetne aoquy ,Atelo edt et ysq Lieds ed oneo dotdw at 
. to te-tee dows grflit eid hot to ,eenereseqys eho | °~ 
& yd biaq od of betivpet soet emer ont pepe che 4 
-wattseredd buns. .epalo tect od¢ Yo eeso a mt i. 
sao as to besoqaib bas beitkeaslo ed iisde eeso dove 
“48 Vout beverage toe yi bebmows eA) .seeeDo tetit eat a re 

von ai trembaome att iedt ,vevewod att beanie wd bovetaat, at % 
veer ont to ogseasq edt to onat ont 22 aatbaeg sevso & of eldeottega: 
. thise ‘two ene 88, 

eR 2 ae 8 oA wes 
“ STetHOeS & £ 6t2 oo eid? <0. he 08. duel 

xo beretis ed breawrette tonmac tdigit dove tdgix beteev s 

: wat ent mi. S %L tud> yot yortaad oF “oe bebasms — 9° 
mottos to etdgix Lie erubesotg to ybemex edt ylao aseatta |. 3 ae 
 bewtoos yea? redtedw ot bieget tuodtéy .wWearedt wPga ONE Toke 
rontedw of bieget tuodtiw bas 8 ean tetts to sxoted — 
-eted? eeelay ,tom to betuts iverg bed tivwo°? 0° 

"eno ttegisit gatteixe edt oF Bo eee peti eo el 
| qlee erubecorg détw ob o¢ asd toa eidé teas solatae her a a =. “ 
toa ‘esw druoo edt tsdt Woredt botootts ons atigtt botesv on teat 
| tarit edt of déxwot ans wort aauno eisé patrxetenett ‘At tome ak 
; Sy eager amine capiateat NY Eps 

' .to-tee tledd ‘eit of atanbaeted gaiwolls at has \aenate aL 

2) Altes Se | eee: ORE ito Ae 

etasbasteb sont paigetis rotts ,tto-tes to minto ) xtodé ak : 

GRRALA _ De ofad te 

~basteb etiitmtals edd ot revo edoots ban eyenoa nistrso peaesrd had 

agit: @ Bi cASMAGS 
ae oddd atin bet isoqed aew sue bise tae" ‘igutvosfor od Bia aspect oe 9 
Oo” ae wd att = cd 

| “pas yatbasterebay Lautun eft Atte siashasteb ort sg ear are ag ve 
; — bas galtsLluceqe md hens ed o¢ baw mua bisa one teslt aotemeeat 
i “ redto bas ebsod <2doots to ‘woodta edt to fist bas gets paix pat 3 conse 
aognndoxs tasito bas opmedioxil to0#8 ix0¥ woll one no f . aera ty” 
attigatese rod taoredé dedé ogeiie edasbaotoo yentaee: ag: 
qloota to welea bas sonadonwa avoremun esashaoteb ont vols ny 

SED fe 

¥ hme’ aopatotivg be¢eoqiua bisa tedt duct gnottinuose xoulto om vied 
' | 

ayy mee 


sales were not made by the plaintiffs, but that seid reports were 
made pursuant to the aforesaid understanding between the plaintiffs 
and defendants to speculate and wager upon the aforesaid rise and 
fall of the prices of stocks, bonds and other securities. Defendants 
further allege that the aforesaid agreements and understandings and 
the aforesaid purported purchases and sales were made and entered 
into in the State of New York", 

As stated, it is the contention of defendants that all of 
the transactions with plaintiffs were gambling transactions. They 
insist that under the statutes of the State of New York, they are 
entitled to recover from plaintiffs the amounts of money deposited 
with them, and in support of such contention, and as 3 part of their 
claim of set-off, they set out a portion of the statutes of the 
State of New York as follows: 

5 "Any person, copartnership, firm, association for cor- 
poration, whether acting in his, their or its own right, or 
as the officer, agent, servant, correspondent or representa 
tive of another, whe shall, 

1, Wake or offer to make, or assist in making or offer- 
ang to make any contract respecting the purehase or sale, 
either upon credit or oar ye of any securities or commodities, 
including all evidences of debt or property and options for 
the purchase thereof, shares in any corporation or association, 
bonds, coupons, script, rights, choses in action and other 
evidence of debt or property and options for the purchase 
thereof or anything movable that is bought and sold, intend- 
ing that such contract shall be terminated, closed or settied 
according to, or upon the basis of the public market quota- 
tions of or prices made on any board of trade or exchange or 
market upon which such commodities or securities are dealt 
in, and without intending a bona fide purchase or sale of 
the same; or 

2 Makes or offers to make or assists in making or 
offering to make any contract respecting the purchase or sale, 
either upon oredit or margin, of any such securities or com- 
wodities intending that such contract shall be deemed terminated, 
closed and settled when such market cuotations of or such prices 
for such securities or commodities named in such contract shall 
reach a certain figure without intending a bona fide purchase 
or sale of the same; or 

5. Makes or offers to make, or assists in making or 
offering to make any contract respecting the purchsse or sale, 
either upon credit or margin of any such securities or com 


erTew atroget Bisa tedt Sud yettivatelq adit xd ebes toa etew eeles 
ettitnisly edt moawted yaibosterehay biagexore edt at tesuenue ebem 
bae seit bleaerote edd aogys regsw bas staluoeqe of stasbasteb bas 

_ Btnehastod s8eitixnvoes isdto bas ebaod aatora te asolry out ‘te {ist 
: bas agathasterobayr bre ataomastys biaeorohs edt todd ogetia. “gedtxvt 
| beretae bas ebem otow eeles bas ‘sensdorug betzoqtia, bhaeorots edt 
| s"Xs0¥ wel to sted odt-al otat 
to Ils test etuabasteh to nolgnetmom edd ei ¢f ,botete. ad... 
‘ yed? .enoltosenert gntidmey exew ettivatelg dtinw en B 
ere yedd ,dtoY wel to etaie odt to estutate odd reba teas detent 


bettsoqeb ysaom to etnyome ed? etiitatelg mort: teveosx, oF best ieno 
ried? to txaq 9 es bas ereldaedaoe dous to sroqume at hee ymodt dtiw © 

OP: LSE BOR ix. 
ont to eetutste edt Yo Mn tere: 8 tuo toa wed Atowton Yo mtalo. 
sn % rie 0 th a : 
se 3 smoot 2s aro weit Yo state 
~Too oo aoktatootes wane ¢ owted | sted: 
to ,figit mwo ati ‘To thedt qugerontegoo: ' 
~stasaotger to taebnoqeetroo .tnaevise a 0 ave 
«fisde ete to mi 

‘mEStto on Lager al teless to by aor OF reBto to Otello oes o 

else 10 Seadorug edd gaitoed a wa eden ot | 
ee asottge bas ysreqorg to tab 
ee tooses To moiverogtoo yas ai morass feorat nates na 
redvo bas aoitos at eseosdo otdgts e PG. sanoquoo ,ebsod 
sasdoteq 8d3 cot amotéqe bits eqetq te tdeb to. 
ragcbgetet blow bae tigaod ei tadé eldsvem gaidtyas to . 
fttee ro bovelo ,dbbtsainres. od Llede re een t gat 
~steoup, toalzen oildua eddy to efeed ent mogy to ¢ 
"6 egnatoxe to shstt to Drsod yas a6 sham aooizg. ious, totcan | 
tiseb exes asitixnuoca to seltiboamoo dosa doidw theo an 
y olze 9 easdeted eblt eaod & gaibustat eae” 

a0 ‘gridview wi @teieas to odam of eretto 1° xo sats of tigaltels 
eff 10 eeedoxug dt meseouere tosxtaoo eta 0 t guitetto ? 
"oo to geiticvoen fore yas to ,cigrsm «xo thbero’ sogt Sete on 
,batentoret bemseh ed ifere soertnoo dove teat gatbasdat .y 
agottq dove to to enoktstoup textam dove momdw ae Suns bewoio 
_ALade tooxtaoo fowe af bemen sottibemmoo to aoitixuoee doxa tot 
_ “Sandor shit scod s yaibasint tuoddiw ety? nladren  cOARE ©» 
*o jomee edt to else so 
RT peer EER ren Rede Maen pie e 
8 to earfoiwg © egeer sostinoo yas © 
ne — £0 Bessayiciy: sss dove b 7 ‘to fetus shat tibero ei: | te at 

a! ixyoon redeg a ebrne 

_ 4 

modities, not intending the actual bona fide receipt or 
delivery of any such securities or commodities, but intending 
a settlement of such contract based upon the difference in 
such public market quotations of or such prices at which said 
securities or commodities are, or sare asserted to be, bought 
er sold; or 

4 Shall, as owner, keeper, proprietor or person in 
charge of, or as officer, director, stockholder, agent, 
servant, correspondent or representative of such owner, 
keeper, proprietor or person in charge, or of any other 
person, keep, conduct or operate any bucket shop, as here- 
inafter defined; or knowingly permit or allow or induce any 
person, copartnership, firm, associction or corporation 
whether acting in his, their or ite own right, or aa the 
officer, agent, servant,correspondent or representative of 
another to make or offer to make therein, or to assist in 
making therein, or in offering to make therein, any of the 
contracts specified in any of the three preceding subdivisions 
of this section, 

Shall be guilty of felony and on conviction thereof shall, 
if a corporation, be punished by a fine of not more than five 
thousand dollars for each offense and all other persons so 
convicted shall be punished by s fine of not more than one 
thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than five 
years, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The prosecu- 
tion, conviction and punishment of a corporation hereunder 
shall not be deemed to be a prosecution or punishment of any 
of its officers, directors or stockholders, 

All wagers, bets or stekes, wade to depend upon any race, 
or upon any race, or upon any gaming by lot or chance, or 
upon any lot, chance, casualty or unknown or contingent event 
whatever, shall be unlawful. 

All contracts for or on account of any money or property, 
er thing in action wagered, bet or staked, as provided in the 
preceding section, shall be void. 

All things in action, judgments, mortgages, conveyances 
and every other security whatsoever, given or executed, by any 
person, where the whole or any part of the consideration of 
the same shall be for any money or other valuable thing won by 
playing at any game whatsoever, or won by betting on the hands 
or sides of such as do play at any game, or where the same shall 
be made for the repaying any money knowingly lent or advanced 
for the purpose of such play, to any person so gaming or betting 
aforesaid, or to any person who during such play, shall play 
or bet, shall be utterly void, except where such securities, 
conveyances or mortgages shall affect any real estate, when 
the same shall be void as to the grantee therein, so far only 
as hereinafter declared, 

When any securities, mortgsges, or other conveyances, 
executed for the whole or part of any consideration specified 
in the preceding paragraph shell affeot any real est=te, they 
shall inure for the sole benefit of such person as would be 
entitled to the said real estate, if the grantor or person 
incumbering the same, had died, immediately upon the execution 
of such instrument, and shall be deemed to be taken and held to 
and for the use of the person who would be so entitled. All 
grants, covenants and conveyances, for preventing such real 
estate from coming to, or devolving upon, the person hereby 


ei Te 

to tq icoes t soad Lastos ant Sastnk don pons jp 4 
| quftbnetal ¢ud paPiey | Somes ro tig Es ath aoe te wis te wx feb 
Mt Sererstiib aft coqu Leased tostines dowe to twemeitiea, © 
bine dottw fe seoisg dove ro to anoitetoun todtram pone Be! 
tdguod ,ed of batroses ers to ,.ore eeltibomes ro e ib 
TO 4 eg x0 
ai soazeg to sotelicqorq ,1e¢esed ,xenmo of , led 
” etnogs ,toblosidoc Sete etotoeTtlb ,reoitte an TO «to esto 
i atoano douse te svitaiaoaerqet co tuebhagqestion 0 saxo 
tedt¢o yar to to .eg tao al noateq to roteltq eteqeer 
~97ed «Gode tedoud etsreqe to toubnoo. weed 
Wis eoubet ro wolle to timreq yfyaiwond xo jben teb 
aeltsroqres to soltaioosss atk? ,qiderentxrages .moareg » 6". 
oid as tO ,tdgix awo evi to tied? ,eid at gaites tedtedw 
Io evitstnssoiqer so tnebaneqaer100,tasyie8 eteoltto 
mai felese of to ,uletedt soon or set to to Aan of teddous 
am ggiorens sias of T9iTe ai to parva Me pattem 38 C 
painted $e lheoorg serd? edt to yas ai betrto B etoztinood 
| Pt) wide? toy v0! 
teats toereds nolteivnos mo bus ynolet to xeitirg od LLasé ; 
 « @vdt aad? otom toa to enit s yd bedetauy od ywottexoqroo SRL) /0) 
0@ eanoeteq terto [is bas sanstto dose rot etelleb busevodt 
se asdt etom ton to oalt » yo Dbetetavg od Liade betolumes ¢.» 
evit nedt exem ton tot teemmoatrami yd 20 ete basevodt 
“uossoTd edt .tneanoeitqwt bas onst dowa dted ya ete Lada 
thhasexha noltsxeqroo = to tnemduinugq bas aoitetvaoco , 
wis to tuemdelang to noliveesotq a od ot hemeeh sd tom tare 
he ager a xo axotoerth ten nape se ‘esi to 
,805T sogu baeges sedate tO. Ce eeragen LL4 
40 <éonade. to tol yd SSobeke aa goons * 
tagve iuegaitaco 19 awenxay xo olaaaa oaks Paes 

‘SPT is to — So zo Tot etoattaeo 
ebivoxq © C84 asta aolioe at one © 
¢ ad pes te fouae my coe 
‘ dss icind .39geger0n - ,etaomgbhyl ,wolson- Leeper 
yd ,bsduvoexs to novig ,.tevecntadu ‘eiuoes yreve bie 
WA lee fase. dt 0 tray yas xo eforie edt oneee’ , 
ww rey) gutted xe tow x0 \uaveantady. #0 i j 
_ ebnad fo 4a Row SO .Taveonteaty i pale 
 bednevbs 20 bron yenon eae get youre add rot. oben od 
eee to pein oe. soatog yas oF gusta down bo edt wot 
yelq ileda, nie Sem Batam y if P 
Seatac irans stedw tgeexs ,biov vitgeter 
«sort .oteveo Laer yas toetie I 
yino tat of ate reg sstaatp we ot al 

, pear careee xedio to. a gaotthruege: yeh Secuzone $2 

raat Teen xan phate & ¢ free 30 Ma ome eLortw et rw 

Vi fiae Ieor yas too 8; 
“od bluow as soeteg dove to. t£2: none var 08 low, oa tot esuat 

" Mearsq To TotaeTy, on BA: ies pet aines spew bihga: edt of ee 
motivesxe edt mnogu yletsibenm 
“@¢ ;Sied bas aeiuet odo bencoh 9d iiade bas ,tnemrndent foie 
| ™ fia. smeredet tes ed en ofy nosxeg entree to ons: odd rot bas 

<" feet, dove. AAVITS TOL 4BSONsYOVAOS, 

wacsd holtag’ ent ,ogu gaivioved to ,ot aaeae wort ‘otstes 


intended to enjoy the same as aforesaid, or in any way 
ineumbering or charging the same, so as to prevent such 
person from enjoyimg the same fully and entirely, shall 
be deemed fraudulent and void, 

Any person who shall pay, deliver or deposit any 
money, property or thing in action, upon the event of any 
wager or bet prohibited, may sue for and recover the same 
of the winner or person to whom the samé shall be paid or 
delivered, and of the stakeholder or other person in whose 
hands shall be deposited any such wager, bet or stake, any 
part thereof, whether the same shall have been paid over 
by such stakeholder or not, and whether any such wager be 
lost or not," 

The position of defendants whose right to recover on their 
set-off is the issue here, as stated in their brief, is that "while 
the burden of proof as to the issue of gambling is on the defendants, 
the burden of proof as to the actual purchases and sales of stocks 
is, and remains throughout this c2se, on the plaintiffs", and that 
*** plaintiffs have not produced one person who ever executed one 
of the trades involved in this case **", Not one of the witnesses 
produced by the plaintiffs ever received or delivered one share of 
stock mentioned in the accounts rendered to the defendants, The 
plaintiffs did not even produce their receipt and delivery blotters, 
which they asserted existed. Under such circumstances, plaintiffs 
have not discharged the burden of proof placed upon them of showing 
that the stocks alleged to have been purchased for the defendants! 
account were actually so purchased," 

In the trial, the following stipulation was offered by 
plaintiffs and received in evidence; 

"It Is Stipulated by snd between the plaintiffs and 

defendants, through their respective attorneys: 
i. That the defendants gpened an account with Campbell 
Starring & Cos on April loth, 1928; the first transaction 
in the said account was the transfer and delivery to Campbell 
Starring & Co. from the account of I. S. Falk with Russell, 
Brewster & Co., through Clark, Dodge & Go. @f New York, of 
100 shares of Johns-iianville stock, for which Campbell 
Starring & Co, paid to Clark, Dodge & Oo. 2 debit balance 
of $8,346, 23, 

@, That on April lOth, 1928, the defendants also 

deposited with Campbell Starring & Go, th 
—— ng » the sum of $3,000 

vt F ae et TE, weienenete Be aa ata fae of & 
NevO TI BS 08 , ONE 8 oa Xe gf 
Toede’ ‘viertire bas ytlvt omee 

* syed ne 

tisogebh ro roviteb 1 ' pinata 
Yae we sueve edt moa songs at eee 8 Tog ah gree f 

man sit TeVOOeT pe tot WHothdi sore dd ory stone 

to bleq ed Ifrde ease edt mesy ot Moetey cb tonalw edt.% 

esodw ai soatsq torte ro teblofedste edt to. bas... 

yas .easte to tod .toysw dove Yae betiseqeb sd . 

teyo bieq meed sysd Ifede emse adi redtodw + tus 

See nee eee Ys tedtedy bas ston <0 Seeaigs fogve 
ry Ld hing 

shed? mo xev0992 ot tieix ends stnataotos to. morttaog eat 
el tity® tent ef tetgd' vod? mi betote as orod event edd. fi hes 
«abiebaoteb eft mo et gatidung to eveet edt of es, ‘toon, to mebrad adit 

‘ edoote to eeite bas esecdotua Lautos edd of 88 Yoox to aobawd odd 
ead hetyoexe reve otly Airtit end beovborg fea eved ‘tttialates 

a One 

sect base (Nata itmtelg edt fo 9809 atdd suodguondd | 

seeeentiy ont 0 ano on .*** eave ated at boytownl ‘xe: 
to oxacie ono beteveleb to aovisoss tore sttintislg ott xd beoubora 
“i ed? eetaabaeteb oat of borebaee stnyeoos ode at OR, 
saxodioss vrovi feb bas sqtooex riedt ‘eoudors aNYE, pa peeps 
ethitatel .asonstaavorto dome tebe .bate tx 
gatwore to mexh aoa beoale toprq to. mobi ait bea na soak 
‘e¢usbasteb bad ‘tot , Menstreeg nesd Soe. : heyoits 2 

As HC} 

x boxotto oad | mobteluatte witvo £101 i eee oat = (sat 
e yer eh roonebive pane eed ; ie : 

bas: ertutatste out xeowted bas vd bes: 
teyerredts evitoeqest shect 
Ledqus0 dtte Scat rar 18 boxe aes f 
nottosensit ters 10. 208 
ifedqued of Mya peg * peal ae ry AUODD 
(ydfesenA dt by ap AE Sree orf 
: ks (piteY rel Be «00 bol ATA. 
* fedqmst sdolrtw Sw eipode oLtt 
, soneled ‘tideb 2.00 4 sgbed 

+ gale ettiebroteb adt Fee 8 
000,88 to (ase ont ro &*gadt 

3. That on April 14th, 1928, the defendants caused 
to be transferred and delivered from the account of W. fF, 
Hewitt at A. ©. Slaughter & Go., in Chicago, through 
Laidlaw & Co., in New York, 50 shares of Johns-Manville 
stock, to Campbell Starring & Co., and the said account 
of defendants was credited with the said stock, and 
Campbell Starring & Coe paid to Laidlaw & Co. a debit 
balance thereon of $3,661.39. 

4. That as the result of these transactions, Campbell 
Starring & Co, hed on hand and to the eredit of said 
account, on April 14th, 1938, 150 shares of Johns-Manville 
stock, subject to a debit balance of $9,007.62. 

5. That on April 33rd, 1938, Campbell Starring & Co. 
sold for account of the defendants 50 of the 150 shares of 
Johns-Manville stock in the said account at the price of 
1231/4 per share, and received from the purchase thereof 
the sum of $6,148.00, which sum was credited to defendants! 

6 That the joint account agreement dated June lith, 
1929, on 2 printed form, headed with the name of 'Gampbell 
Starring & Co.', marked in evidence in the deposition here- 
tofore taken a@ ‘Plaintiffs! Exhibit 1 for Identification, 
ate the true and genuine signatures of I, 5, Falk and W. F, 

7, That the paper introduced in evidence at the taking 
ef the prior deposition as 'Plaintiffs! Exhibit 2 for 
Identification! upon the printed form headed ‘Campbell Starring 
& Gos! and designated as ‘Trading Authorization!’ ete,, and 
dated June 26th, 1929, bears the true and genuine signature 
of I. S Falk, 

8. That the paper introdueed in evidence upon the 
taking of the prior deposition as 'Plaintiffé' Exhibit 3! 
and dated September ZOth, 1929, a form letter addressed to 
I, 3. Falk and W, F. Hewitt, relating to their account with 
Campbell, Cs & GO., bears the true and genuine sign=- 
ature of I. Sy, Falk, 

9, That a letter dated April 7th, 1928, signed by I. 

S. Falk and W. F., Hewitt, and addressed to Mre Jasper Campbell 
of Campbell Starring & Go., 111 Broadway, New York City, be 
deemed in evidence without any objection by either party. 

10, Subject to the objection of the plaintiffs as to 
ite materiality, relevancy and competency, that the annexed 
sohedule rae icacaohogg the market prices of Columbia CGraphophone 
between September Slst and October 15th, 1929, both inclusive, 
shows the true and correct market prices of said stock on 
the date therein set forth. 

ii. The statements of account annexed here with and 
marked Ems, 50 to 71 inclusive are statements sent by the 
plaintiffs and received by the defendants during the first 
part of the month following the month in which the trans- 
actions indicated on said statements are alleged to have taken 
place, and may be offered in evidence without any further 
foundation subject to the objection by the defendants only 
for materiality, relevancy and competency, 

Dated New York, October 23rd, 1933." 

Jasper 4, Campbell, a member of the firm of Campbell 
Starring & Co., whose depositions was taken in New York, testified 

‘ beeuet etusbuoteh odd ,BRCL debt. Liaqh ho tant le 
} UW To. doses st moxt bexevtsed bas a8 fab Sfecech 
Fy ad teeter a a eae a 2299 3 scone a, pate 
B siiivasi-ensot te setede 08- 2 on 
t; a bies ed? bas ary saaiies aa se iyi 
bas ,fo0te bisa ed@-diie bot¢ibeqs asw oe ehaibeaten's 
gided s .09 & walhhod ov «oO & nao, Hie 

; eS £ .Atat 4. ' 
FY 88. 700,09 to tideb = of to 
0d 4 peaeeaey fe {fedqme) ,BECL ,b1éS og 110 
; clos? ‘to @erete adt to 0@ stoshueteh edt toe d¢nauc 
to eoiaa edt te tayooos bise ent Mv ay th 

| | tedninbao? st ot betibere new ave Aol doldw feat San 

. Wises enul boteb taonsergs ¢ayoso tauvoove tmtot. ott ait Ct 

‘°° {Ledquad* to amen oft Oo. 88 
~ored GoltieogoeS en¢ at antes at exam aed 3 fxr: 
#1, notteedt toneht cok 4 gidisix® tetht hae A 
| < *W bas tlst .8 .I to sotutamgie etwas 

_gakiet edt te eonsbive ut beoubortat S ett ras e 4 
: wot & tidisixd ‘ettivutelt' es 
gairisdé Liledque6' bebsed mrot Derabzy of out negaratasb ‘ao 
bate (soto 'nolteaitodia | ies ver 
_ paatangte sctuney bas suxt edt oxaed eect ages ot a 


ot ¢ nequ sonebive ak beeubotint xeqeq ‘es, 

VE @ididxt 'stiiveteld! gw noit eee goo 

ot borwerbbe settol mrot s eset anne 8 

| Mtiw tavesos tledd of subeaiae: tae hod. ASL oS oh. 

~sgie saivacg bas euxt oft eracd «200 4 ae ao 
of s 

- ok yt Dongle ese! wey thank betab cot ‘. 
ee sogest& stil 897. tiwoH ‘ achat 
a¥tid AroY wok ,yswheora LI1f «200 4 See ‘bps Slant 
pt + os rodtie yd soitoetde yas twodtiw . Og 
ot es attitnisla edt to holivetde ent ot ae 
. bewenns odd? tedt ,youetvequeo bas. 
enodcodqetd aidesiod to seottq tedzam 8 ¢ pails 
.evienlont dtod ,eSCL ,d¢el tedoteO baat ban ove aeordae 
no doote bise to soning pgp’ tostros brs grate cy 

bas dtiw: ered: bexents tasonce to.8 < 
petit adh gaieae’ atmapeutes sraneaoad oe%. 
oar 8 4 pet) RSV LIDS 
ee TT eae dolce ai dtnom ode XA barrie itmon 
noved over ot begeile oxs atnemedate bise ao s 
| genttwt yrs tuodtiw somebive mi betetio og. ye 
vino eopeenen om Shrubs bees 
Nog ed 

beltttest .troY well al medst es panattonai pelo: bem & yakrrsse | 

that on dune llth, 1929, he received from defendants Hewitt and 
Falk the following document, which is referred to as a "joint account 
contract", and in the stipulation as “Exhibit 1"; 

In consideration of your carrying a joint account for 
the undersigned, we jointly and severally agree to be fully 
and completely responsible and liable for said account and 
to pay on demand any debit balance or losses at any time 
due in this account. Each of us has full power and author- 
ity to make purchases and sales, withdraw moneys and secur- 
ities from it or do anything else with reference to said 
account, either individually or in our joint names, as 
either of us may elect, and you ere authorized and directed 
to act upon instructions of any of use 

Any and all notices of purchases or sales or any demand 
for margin sent to either of us shall be binding upon us 
both and upon our account. 

We jointly and severally agree thet you shall have a 
lien on and may hold as collateral security for said account 
any and all securities and equities you may hold or have 
in any account at any time for us or any one of us, and 
that the assertion or enforcement of any such lien shall 
not effect or alter the liability of any of us or us all 
for any debit balance or loss on said account. 

This arrangement shall continue until the receipt by 
you from us of written cancellation thereof, 

Dated June 11, '29, 
(Signed) W. F. Hewitt 

(Signed) I. S. Falk"; 
He testified that thereafter his firm received from the defendant 
Falk the following document, referred to in the stipulation as 
Exhibit 2"; 
“Messrs, Campbell, Starring & Coe, 
Dear Sirs; 

I hereby authorize Jasper Campbell, of Campbell, 

Starring & Oo» to buy, sell and trade in, for my account and 
risk and in my name, stocks, bonds and other securities 
and/or commodities on margin or otherwise and in accordance 
with your terms and conditbons; and I hereby agree to 
indemnify and hold you harmless from and to promptly pay 
you on demand any and all lesses arising therefrom or debit- 
balance due thereon, You will kindly follow his instruc- 
tions in every respect concerning said account, 

I hereby waive notification to me of any of the 2fore- 
mentioned transactions and delivery of any statements, 
notices or demands pertaining thereto and hereby ratify 
any and all transactions heretofore or hereafter made by 
him on or for my account, 

c ii 

bus titwoH etashbasted mort horieoor eof ,@86L itil east mo tadt 

 tuyooos Yntot" # Bs of borretes ef doltsdw atramcoob gc iro Lot edt ALs% 

iM totic" ne nottakuadte oie wt Bas! panitane 
eit » TAVODOA THIOL" 4 May wie, 

8 Pgh Mn pene getrey to 9 onsesobh 
, ® be 
ane & te “ay tie ba olds tt Sas @ Ia recone’ 2 

vis ta eeenol to Borg wel be ff 
<uaiep Priva es cae soak pulse 

~tioee hae ayecos tiw .aslee bis wsesiio: 
bise ot decpatter athe eile oa od na Flt a , 
oi pp ng, talog to ai to bivibal x9! 
hoteor tue 8Te LOY toote > 
wa To ys To eto Howe 

basmeh yas to siiels to eeecdorya to aris ad 
Langan YE Wel a Te ew to a foe 

eved {iste mo dt sotge y Tov 
tadgooy Bisa ot agen fated Ke tas 
yaa By gh ng 4H gigs four Ry 

ads xo ay tot = ; 90 
i le 8 Ue 0 ‘ oie Rava " 

pity mo @ , 
feoot’ ‘at “Ute sunttcroo wip th 
‘ae rs <tootent miafrnsron, & ix ra 20 ee mie > f a 

ny rs “diver stot (seagte) 0 Af oat Anton 

, Pies. Ree 
ain j ap Ae he See os a Bien jit] » fi oh 
; gt Est 8. a ayn eee yh ay age . Ledemad 
tuehaoteb edt mott hevigoes mrtt, eis satvnilae’ aaae ‘bolttitest on 
Ss natbaterte ont M: ot Seca t ahispiaitata et. 
ee ee oe et i“ sete toda om “ie 

ta J 


siledgmsd 9 0 sLfodanao <oceit ‘98. situs ydexed high 9x 
ane trwos0. E at ebait bare ffee a Y , 
es ar ) Pig seerragie , i i ih 

iy yaa Ste mov o¢ Bae sto 
} ~thaee “norterell cela 
eget eek & 

ar Bios 
~prois odt 1 ag os 
_ ghtnemnet sis 0 YrOTLIGD & 
bpd Naetad a ‘otoredt gr 
| ebem Tetisored 9 Stototered | be 

This authorization is a continuing one and shall remain 
in full force and effect until receipt from me of written 
notice of my revocation thereof, 

Dated June 36, 1929, 
(Signed) I. S. Falk" 
The letter from defendants to Jasper Campbell dated 
April 7th, 1928, referred to in the stipulation, is as follows: 

“April 7, 1928 
Mr. Jasper Campbell, 
Campbell, Starring & Cos, 
1ll Broadway, 
New York City 

Dear.Mr,. Campbell: 

Mr, Philip S. Platt has advised us that you are agreeable 
to undertaking personal charge of an account which we may open 
with Campbell, Starring & Co, We have, at the present time, 
accounts with brokerage houses on the N. Y. Stock Exchange through 
their branch offices in Chicago, We shall arrange before 9 A. NM. 
Monday, April 9, 1928, to have these accounts transferred to 
Campbell, Starring & Co, according to the instructions from Mr. 
Platt who informs us that your office will be agreeable to such 

We have instructed; 

1. Russell, Brewster and Oo. to transfer to yan the 
account of I. &S Falk. This carries 100 sharee of Johns Menville 
‘on hand! and a debit balance of approximately 48400. 

Be Ae Oe Slaughter and Co. to transfer to you the 
account of WW. F. Hewitt. This carries 50 shares of Johns Manville 
‘on hand! with a debit balance on March 31, 1928, of $3654,44, 

We should like you to combine these two transferred 
accounts te a single account to be carried by Campbell Starring 
and Go. for I. S. Falk and W. F, Hewitt. We are enclosing a 
cashier's check on the National Bank of Woodlawn, Chiesgo, for the 
sum of $3,000 to be further credited to the account of I. 3. Falk 
- W. F. Hewitt. 

Thus, this will give the joint accounti50 shares of 
Johns Manvilie with a debit balance of about $9000 and a margin of 
ownership of about $10,000, equivalent to more than “60 per share. 

In accordance with the advice of Mr. Platt we are placing 
this account in your hands, to have your personal supervision and 
are authorizing you to buy and sell securities for this account 
at your discretion for the best interests of the eccount, 

The unlersigned are equal owners in this joint account 
and have mutually agreed between them that each may, upon necessary 
eceasion, call for one half the credit or equity in the account. 

We do not anticipate that we shall have occasion to 
make withdrawals from this account fot some time, so that in handl- 
ing it you may be guided by this consideration, 

May we on this occassion express to you our thanks for 


akssieoy Linde bis éno Gaivikioo® 4 @f noktasitodéva erat’ ~° °°? 
nettisy to om mor? tqieosn Iitau toette bas eotot iftyt ak. 
| stostodd soltevevex wn to vottom -" 
,@8¢L ,@8 eaut betad” 
Wif[27 .8& .t (bemyts) 

| betab Lkedeme0 reqaal ot Aiashaeted mort cettel edt : 
tenollot aé et wtiteLugtde od mt of berroter sae say Liaqa 
aseL fF nae | 

olf a e axroted vali vib Lede oF ,ogroidd 
ot bortretessrt edayooos Beige! ot 
»tM mot? anoligourritent odd of ar 
foun ot sldesetgas ed [Liw ood ° twOY surotas 
Py a" celadiearted 5 
adit ¢ retesext of D bas ae a 
Rey ot retemert of 20 r9tawo My yan 
eiiivns’ eadol to netede OOfL sel aidt « datontte I te tawoovs 
sOOLhS@ yLletsmktxoxqgs to soneiad thieh s bas ‘baad ao! 
adt yoy of relates of .0D 4 tetdgsle 60 A ok 
eliivusM endol to sexsde OG eetreed eldT .t¢iweH .t .W to ego 
_ abd DEIES to .880L£ ,18 dors mo sonaled tid Stood 
ie Roe eneee ont wary ofa yyor ov we ye exit nf 
ga beers edqmsO yd hefrres a rhage wet queet , 
8 gtleoione ers ‘ow ott iweH .T ye. "s 94, ssayogee 
edd xot ,Ogsoldd ,awathooll te dasé tanostel oat ne grea be on 
ALel .8 «i to Invooos adt of hotibero rect? od of 0904) 

to eetede Caldavooos tanto odt evig Liiw eldt .euiit 
to algren s bas 00083 tueds toe somsled tideb « catia ellivash 
,arsde tec 0384 asdt sxem of taelevinys fomere tuods % 
gatosiq ets ew stalt .1M to eolyba ont del > 
bas soleivreque Lsxoatsq a evad ov pe 
‘thyeots atdd rot pert seuss fiee bars ot 
stavodde sit to es stare aetetat: “peed Sat § rot. 
daboode tmiof eidt at & me e726. } ; nt 
‘yiseue0en og , yen dose tad? mo. wted bi ergs Yileotom Sve 
stayooos edt at yetiupe to ved oid Yes TO L488, 5@: 
Hopi tne 4 ¥ Cad ra 

‘of molasodo Over iota ow tadt 9 
-fbasd nt ted? 08 .omt? omoe tot tmupocs aiff 
- “sao ttereblenos | ait we 
wot cantly HO Py, ot dais ig? ih 900 | 

A, en ” RTS Ae OTS * (oe hen rene: 
Pe AL Ce ie aR, ake ABN 8 a) Bre UR 

the advice you have already given us through Mr. Platt and which 
we have utilized profitably. It is almost gratuitous to add 
how much we shell appreciate further profitable investments under 
your personal guidance. ine: Ww tents 
(Signed) I. S. Falk 
1151 &, S6th St., 
Chicago, Ill. 
(Signed) wW. F. Hewitt, 
1230 E. 63rd St., 
Chieago, Ill." 

Defendant Falk testified, among other things, that, "Prior 
to April, 1928, I knew Philip Platt. I had known him sinee 1920 or 
1921. He was a friend of mine. He was not acquainted with Dr. 
Hewitt. Prior to the sending of this letter of April 7th, 1938, I 
had a conversation with Mr. Platt relative to this opening of an 
account with Campbell Starring & Co." "Prior to April 7th, 1938, 

I had an account with Russell Brewster & Go., which is « stock 
brokerage house in Chicago, I had had that account for a matter of 
a few months. I think the account was opened in the early autumn 
of 1927, * * * I met Jasper Campbell on the 8th of June, 1928. I 
talked with Mir, Campbell on that date in his office in New York. *** 
Wo one beside myself and he was present. I introduced myself to him." 
This witness testified that at this meeting, Mr. Campbell produced 
a statement of the account that the defendants then had with plain- 
tiffs' firm, and that Campbell made the following statement: "Your 
account is in very good shape; you got 2 good safe margin; there is 
no reason for you to be worried about it, and I can assure you, you 
won't be called upon to put up any more collateral or any more money 
at this or any other time, and I will guarantee this account, and I 
am standing by that, and looking after this. Now, you can sell this 
eccount and take your money out, if you want to, that is entirely 
your privilege." The witness stated that he told Campbell that he 
would leave the account as it was, and would wrkte to Dr, Hewitt, 
the other defendant, to do the same. Falk further testified that, 

doidw bas tteli .t4 dayomdt ey art aes Hat $a, 8yet 493 ad o 
bbs of ewotliutera teomie ef t1 g bestt sid 
rsh ataemteevnt oidstitorg sadttyt ey sy 

eViext yrov ezwoY¥ 

a ne, 
dB W008 oa wry se 
eit aogsoldd . : seetad ett 
| ttiwek .a 0 ( PP ae bize ea OBE SPOOR ic wer 
"fil .9g5oidd 
tolxi" sed? agald? todto gnome .beltitao? ALet tiebasted” §| °°” 

tO OS@L sonts mid awoud bai 1 tied qtitdd wend I ,8ser des tts 
be: «10 déiw bevalsupos von es OH .saim to basit? s asw oH... Let 
oR BBL .dtY Lisod to rettol aid? te yalbaca edt ot ‘sodgt ettiweH 
as to gatnego eli? of ovitator telt .tit atiw aolvaurey 
“B8CL .atY LisgA of rolsG" ",00 % aabrxate Lledamed one HNN 
vote # bi dotia ,.00 § toteword Efgeeut Atty feunioa, ape 
to redtem s rot tayooos stadt bat had I ,ogsolad ab gsroio 
soutus Yire9 edt al beneqo saw fmuoode ent sabe jy gt pag wot 8 
— -E BSeL Loawt to a8 eng mo Lfedqmay reqest tom 1 ** *) TRO tO 
98. catzof weil Ag ooltzo abit. a2. Aten’ dad MO” Etbaghao’ Su taw. bestest 
Nomis of Dfbeys beoubotént I .tabooeg eaw Of haw bloom shkeod’ sno On 
-——-beowborq ILedqme® .xh gnttoon elit ta todd best treos! atin ad 
tiielq tty bee mo? atandacteb edt, tedt tauosoa oat to trom 
uo¥"  :$aomefsts pttwoLlor edd ebsm Liedqms? sade. bite weet venta 
at etedt jolgrom ese 2003, 8 tog wo Youede. bods” ero) luk BE! te 90D: 
uoy .tox emueas feo I bas tt tueds. belrzow od of wey, 72, sonees. oa 
youom tom Yh To Teretalfoo oto vas gv twa of megy bettno so tow 
T. bite twos Bint ootaorsg iil i ‘pus gout <bsttd. ye, no, ate, t0 
elds’ Lise neo voy wok edt ro¥te gatsook bak .tant yo gathuete’ me 
“'yterttae ef saute lot tnew voy 22” .tho youom thdy ust bak tavodos 
od tedd LiedqmsD blot of ted? bases vventhw edT * sogelivise twoy 
tttwol stG o¢ otttw bivew bas ,esw ti es tayooon odd ovesl bisow 
etedt beltitaot rodtxwt ALel vemse edt ob of jtushavtah an dood ig 



"I never received any stock out of that account. Or. Hewitt never 
to my knowledge, received any stock out of that acoount. I got 
$1,000.00 out of that account. That was the latter part of May, 
1929. *** Dr. Hewitt did not get anything out of that account, 
except half of that withdrawal of $1,000.00." 

As to whether defendants received from plaintiffs con- 
firmations of the purchases and sales made by plaintiffs for defend- 
ants, this witness steted, "Well, I could not be absolutely sure 
of the mumber of these confirmations that I received in the ordinary 
course of the mails, or that I received these, but I probably did," 
(Referring to alleged confirmations of sales sent by plaintiffs te 
defendants, copies of which were exhibited to the witness.) "I 
received some monthly statements, but I know I did not reeeive them 
each month, *** I received some, but I know I did not receive any- 
thing like confirmations of ail those transactions. The confirma- 
tions I did receive, I turned over to my attorney." 

it seems that some time after these defendants had opened 
up their account with plaintiffs, plaintiffs ceased to engage in 
the brokerage business, and that the account of defendants was turned 
over to 2 brokerage firm in New York named Baker, Winans & Harden, 

On the part of plaintiffs, the following document was 
received in evidence; 

Sept. 30, 1929 

No. 790 
Dear Sir: 
Your account with us at the close of Sep, 30, 1929, a 

stands on our books as stated hereunder. For use in connection 
with their periodical audit of our accounts now in progress, 

rover ¢#iwoll .10 .tnwooos ted? to two Moots ye bovis 
tog I otavoo0s tedt to-duo aoote yas bovicosx oppo. word yar ¢ 
Yall to ¢usq tottal edt esw ¢adT «tnyooos tadt to tuo 00,000.16 
inuesos tedt 20 tuo gakdtyas tey toa bLb dtiwoH .xG *** .eser 
——-*,00,000,£5 to Leverkdtin tadt to tiad tqeoxe 
q “00 ettitatelg ‘mort bevisoss atasbasteb redtedw ot ah | 
 whaetob ot ettigataig yd ebam aelee bas eessdozuy edt to enottemrtt 

Subs Ylosuloeds od tom HLyoo I .LLow" ,botste, epontin eidt. etn 
 prsatbae! off nt bevtever I. godt anottomstiago saedd. to age edt. 29 
Ls n bib Ydedorg I taf yonedt beviever I tedd. 40 <elism edt to eezuo0 


of attitwhele yd tase setae to enotvemriinoo) bogelis. ot, 
Ld (.eeontiw ont of betididxe exew deidy to saiqoe , y i 
modt svieeot tom bib I wont I tad .atnometate ah. Stee 
“yas evtsoor You Bib I word I gud eos, Devieoos, I * "Sage RRO, OP 
-siriines 9dT «srottvosenstt esondt Life to enoktamtitmoe elit gatdt 
ty yserotts ym oF eve Deamyt I yavieoos bib I snott 

-" Bowede bait atuabnetet oesut redts emth enoe tadt APA iy. batter 
“wo “qe egegns of beusoo etittetale .sPidatesg din dayooos stody qu 
| beatud naw etashmotoh to tatooon edt tadt das .sventemd aperaiord ext 
fdr 5 ansnkh—roted bewe txoY weit at wth? ids 
pew teemie0b gatvolfot edt sathitatal to. F79q, pat AO. Verrad : 

' oe ee eee 
te pie oe steoe rene a ay dec - 
Bae 088 oH | i Stal 


= Jeger .08 iqee to saofo ost ts aw frephor ge 00% ss al 
noitoemroe xi sey tol «mebavere  PSORE Se, 0) ee 
eaneTZoTG at wom heseeapratiadh 0 > Yo 3 Le ; 
i 4 OP 3 Raby shee: Gets ¥ ma: ay hbiehie ie CHOY 

ie aS OF Sate Clow Ns yale fh ao toe ea Opaek Die 


please confirm to Messra, Haskins & Sells, Certified Public 
Accountants, or sdvise them in what particular, if any, 
you disagree. A stamped envelope is enclosed for your 

Yours very truly, 
(Signed) Campbell, Starring & Co, 
Debit Balance $5729.15 
Long: Gredit Balance ¢& 
200 Gol Graph. Short; 

In view of the fact that Campbell Starring & Go. will 
liquidate their business ss of September 30, 1929, I hereby 
authorize them to transfer the foregoing account to Baker, 
Winans & Harden, their successors, subject to the personal 
attention and advice of Mr. Jasper Campbell, 

(Signed) I. & Falk" 
iw As a part of and during the examination of the defendant 

Pry rsonsrens 

J) Valk, counsel tep=nkatasere 

s offered, and there was received 

3 bho 
in evidence, the following document, ski=-tyetrritrem, which Falk 

testified "was never signed either in type or handwriting to my 
knowledge by myself or Dr. Hewitt"; and he did not deny that it had 
been sent by defendants to plaintiffs; 

"New York, October 1, 1939, 

Wessrs. Baker, Winans & Harden, 
New York, Ne. Ys 

Dear Sirs: 
In consideration of your carrying a joint account for 

the undersigned, we jointly end severaily agree to be fully and 
completely responsible and liable for said aceount and to vay 

as~ if 
oifdyl beltigr6o ,olie® 4 anideasH .etese ot mritaoo » Sf 
«Ws tt ,saleoitisg tedw al meodt evivbs 20 ,etusé, at 
tu0Y sot begeloas si eqolevase bequetea A ime eX” 
er / 
g PHAR vy 

eUurt yrev aro | 

; eRe. to ven mane 
0D & gairreté .itedqmsd | (bomgte) ag 
| BL .e8YS9 
& eonsiesi thhext . AY rei a 
strods | +igexd £00 

. iT _ FY gatriag® if Lfedqnsd tadt tost edt to we. R 
~o ‘Cored I ,C8@L Of rednetqet® sidg toms ode 2o ete at 
: rei2d of tayooor gatogetet edt tetenett os mond oer ie 
 Eenoeraq ort - pp qetoensoonue tledt a eis 
{Ledqmso reqest 07h to eo has aotinetts 

aii was Te 
"Als st ak bompte 

( ) ilom s0o. TO ee reed . 
“tusbasted edt to noltentnexs ais gnbxub has %¢ tuaq & aA wae 
hale te ghz e%ea) +\ 
bovisoe: Bex eredt bas aboretto we bivatandeonos Leanvoo 
‘ nt . e8) 
hes sio.tdw wteortremeyt ide .txenuoob sano Lio? ont 

a. Ae ae spar 

ve oe gait irwbasd to eoyt as rent te bemgia reve ean” boititess 

: ABE SE e Jos 
bed th dealt web tom bib ed bas iMttiwoHt “x x0 th : ! 

ena tavwmerss Latics , Bacay 
_tattitadela 98 ednabaeteb {$96 ne 
vy ot § Ber 

‘ oa Lacy ) A Re 


wes 7 pora” » a ~ 

siete 8 8 ‘ie oreo 


rane ate garlk See eae © porge-npee: wit 
tot tavecor taiet # gatyriss ‘to softs tebtemod mt © 9” POTD 
bas Ulst 2d od ot _datot# gnu bas yltnt recbesen Siegen =. 
ysq of bus tayoons bise «cot sidell bus 

enaehiie. oh Bevarees 

‘ 3 m eo 5 : & 
ee y & Semi Sex ed #h 
J $ i 

Shea aerate? 

: “ai m : i. apd R +: ee bi Prtety ie texge “eS Y 
t ‘ : , 
my Noah. asd a Serta Sak ae Rt. VE 37M ILD A ty 
Lee a. 2 i ei wes 
‘Wl Raa re <ineie x tidus Laoiketweq ts Sue att 
Ses ' i oy : ; bie dad 


on demand and debit balance or losses at any time due in this 
account. Each of us has full power and authority to make 
purchases and sales, withdraw moneys and securities from it 

or do anything else with reference to said account, either 
individually or in our joint nemes, as either of us may elect, 
and you are authorized and directed to act upon instructions 
of any of us. 

Any and all notices of purchases or sales or any 
demand for margin sent to sither jof us shall be binding upon 
us both and upon our account. 

We jointly and severally agree that you shall have 
a lien on and may hold as collateral security for said account 
any and all securities and equities you may hold or have in 
any account at any time for us or any one of us, snd that the 
assertion or enforcement of any such lien shall not effeot or 
alter the liability of any of us or us ali for any debit balance 
or loss on said account. 

This arrangement shall continue until the receipt by 
you from us of written cancellation thereof. 

Very truly yours, 
2 Sages), 8, Folk 
fgg) Be F. Hewitt" 

Defendant Falk testified that, "Baker, Winans & Harden 
never called upon me to put up any collateral on that account. They 
never notified me in advance that they were going to sell out this 
Columbia Graphophone stock," 

On cross~examination, the witness testified as to the 
stock deals that he and Hewitt made with fussell, Brewster & Cow, in 
Ghicago, and it appears from his testimony in this regard that the 
major portion of the deposit made with plaintiffs game from profits 
made by defendants through this firm of Russell Brewster & Co., 
and the Chicago firm of Slaughter & Company. His testimony tends 
to show that at the time of making his deposit with plaintiffs, he 
was indebted to Russell Brewster & Co., and that in order to obtain 
the release of certain stocks which were deposited with Campbell 
Starring & Co., the title to which the defendants had acouired in 
their dealings with fussell Brewster & Co. and Slaughter & Company, 
certain payments had to be made to these firms, and in regard te this 

matter, defendant Falk testified «3 follows: "I knew that Campbell 

ald? mi ond omit yas ts poaaol x9 88 senate tides ‘ais base 
eiem ot yttrodtus bas ‘Tewoy ead ev to dost .tayooos 
tt wott eeltizvess bas eysaom warbdtiw ,eeiee bas eousdotug 
teddis ,tauvoo0s bise of eonetster diiw oslo guidtyas ob to 
.toole yom ev to tentie se ,somen taiot to at to ylleubivibal 
enottouttent mogs daw ot Lotoetid bas hesitodiue ne LOY at 
sey to ) 

Yas 10 selee TO evendvinn to aeolton Iis bas. ws . 
moqu gaibaid ed Lisds av toy sedttie of tuee tot. 

«PN000R THO BaF ad ey 
eved ILede voy todd serge yllerteves bas yitato ot 3 vt ' 
tayooos bias tot ystitwoee Letetsiloo ea blod bag neil a 
ai eved ro biod yow voy esitivps bas apttt 
‘ete tad¢ bas ,ev to eno Yas to en rot omit 
.€@ Yosttea toa Ilede neil dove ys to bf 
eonsied tideb vate rot ile as To ey to. ar afte ot 

yd teleosr odt Ittow eynttaoo Liede taquegnerte eidT oe 
»toeredt nottsifeomes nettiuw to ax ae you 

a 4 wl sg a . 1% a + ? 3 ) 2* J 

iiet .2 t (aeaee}— 
~ pe! 2 i Dt Uke ee ! wan eee | 
nobyak § easniv’ (teiee" ,tadt poitivee? diet dabbaeted "° “**” 

sume va. 22 

‘yoHT Utanodes tats to Letotartoo yab' qir tug oF “bm moge b pica E088" ) 

aldt two Ifee of ane § exew yodtt feat edarvbs’ ab eu ‘bertiten ever 
‘ 4% ,adoote aaamansetisid eidmslod 
ont of es beltitect eeontiw ond \hostaaiwixe-seors ad 

gk 4.00 3 roteword ,Lloeeut dtiw ebsm ttiweH bas ed tedt aleeb doote 


edd tedt Dregex aidt al Yaomitee? etd most ateeggs th bag ,ogsoidd 
@¢ttoxg mort oasd attidatele Attn cham tteeqeb edt Ye Ae tttoq soem 
20d 8 cotewerd [foaeufi to merit eidt dguomdt etmsbaeteb yd eben 
abaet yaouttast oth .yasqmeD 3 totdgusl? to mitt ogeotdd edt bas 
ed qattitatela dtiw tieoqeb ald gutdam to omit edt ta tat wose ot 
atetdo ot tebto mi ted? bae 4.00 4 retewetd Llovent ot betdebat asw 
{fedqms0 dtiw betieogeb orew doidw edoote alstreo to ‘esol edt 
‘gt betivgoos bed etmebaeteb edt doidw of eftit edt 100 4 padrratt 
Wats 0 g reddguele bas .o0 & tetawerll LLoeasti déiw e; ytd , thedé 

: “alae ot breget ai bas ,emrit eeedt of ebem od ot bad etaonveq ubatxe 


 {Ledqmsd tedt woud I sewollot as bo ttitesd aLsT tasbaoteb macettan 


RF 6 

Starring & Co, would have to advance a sum of money to take up 
these obligations with ussell Brewster and A. 0. Slaughter. I 
Ynew they would have the respective shares of stock of Johns 
Manville stock owned or that I had purchased from my brokerage 
houses or that we had purchased from our brokerage houses respective- 
ly, as security for those purchases or their advances. Yes, I 
understood that Campbell Starring & Coe would probably hypothecate 
those sharés of stock in order to get the money to make those ddvances 
Certainly, that arrangement I understood perfectly. Yes, I under- 
stood that was part of the system through which brokers carried 
margin accounts. Yes, i understood that this was a margin account," 
As stated, this witness, in the course of his examination, 
was shown Copies of certain documents indicating that the confirma- 
tions of purchases and sales made in behalf of defendants had been 
sent to him by the plaintiffs. His testimony on cross examination 
in regard thereto, was as follows: "I think all the reports on the 
purchases or sales that came to me were in that form, were on this 
same sort of slip. It has at the top the name of the brokerage firm, 
Campbell Starring & Go. And the report, if it was a purchase, was 
‘We have this day BOUGHT for your account and risk as per instructions 
under conditions set forth below.!' I think they were all just like 
that, And if it were a sale, if the report was a sale, *** the 
report was, ‘We have this day SOLD for your nhoounts! *** I thought 
that the purchases he (meaning Mr. Campbell) had made were all right, 
and that the sales he had made were all right, I decided to leave 
that account." This witness testified that he had spent that summer 
after his meeting with Campbell, in Europe, and that when he returned 
"the value of the stock had declined somewhat during the summer, We 
were apprised by reports what was in the account, and of the purchases 

and sales that had been made, We were not worried to the point of 


qu east of Yonom to mue « sonevbhe of svad Biyow od & ualrrete 

I .ustiguels .0 .A Bos t8tewerl Cfenad! itty endiifnptido’ seen 

_, Retcio’, To Hoots to eetade evifosqua: edt svar bisow ‘yout weny 
egeradozd yn mort besedonme bad T tadt tO Benwo Sova oLitverem 
~ovitoegasr ssauosd egaredotd TiO. mort besstorug dat ow test To eeauod 
1 ,20Y .acoasybs tied? ro eeasddtuq eeodt ‘tot ytitiess es awl 
eteoedtocys yldedoug Sivow .o0 4 yateret? LLedqudd aelit dootetebay 
sonsvbs scodt ism of yonom sdt toy o¢ tobro ai doote to sersie Saodt 
~rebay I ,a0Y lyiteetreq beotetofiny I teomegastas tadt ACRES 

Beitzeo atedord dotdw mguertdt aeteye odt to tteq ete tet boo . see 
".tawooes aigrss & esy eidt ded? booter@hmu I ,8eY .atawooos atgrem 
Toltenimexe aid te sexvoo edt at _seegat le atat jhorate: eA | 
~emtitaco edd tedt yatvsoibal stneauoob statsn to aeigoo awode asw 
eed bed atashasted to tisded at ebem eolee bag aeeadoruy to enott 

.» soltsoimexe esoro a0 Yaoultest eih ,etiitnisitg edt wm id of ta00 
‘edt no etzoget edt fs dntdt 1" sewoilot es ssw sotoredt Dreger at 

aldt ao stow .mrot test at erew om OF omsd. tedt selse to seastorsy 

M etrit egsredezd edt to omen sat cot edt ds eed tI .»qile to txoe omee 
) BER .ensdotug 8 ssw ti Ti ,troget edt Dad 00.4 gaizrsd® SLedqmad 
“codtourctunt teq es fait bas tayoogs soy x02 THOUOE ysh aldt eved oR! 
-etai tami; fle erew yedt anid? | ‘ewoled dtrot tea enotts € — J 
ost T°. .olen. 5 eon, trogen odt 22,0108. s.9upy. 42 Rf bah etait 

tiguodt I. **? |, taup098 suey tot G1Oe ysb eld? evsd_ of}, ase, #xogen 
- atdgix Lie exon ebsm ded (Liedqms0 »1M gatnasm) ed sepsdonuy edt tedt 
_ evacl ot bebiosb I stdgit ifs eton, ebas be on potse, bs fed? bas 
rommug tedé taace bed ed tadt bottitest aesatiw eid? ",tavooos ted? 
 «bentutexr ed oodw tedt bas. aoqotse ai stiodqusy aviy gation fs ae 
SW. Teme, edt gotiuh tedwemos deatioed bed _doete edt i, ue uli “ 

saying snything about it until the end of 1929," He testified that 
when he returned from Europe, he found their account with Campbell 
Starring & Co. still showed a profit, and that he told Mr. Platt 
how very happy they were because of this fact, and that he did not 
consider closing their account. He also testified that he received 
a report showing that on September 30th, 1929, after certain stocks 
held by the brokerage firms had been sold, that there was a debit 
balance due from the witness and Or. Hewitt to the brokers amounting 
to $1,651.85. He was asked the following questions and gave the 
following answers: 
“Qe Well, then you understood, did you not, that 

brokers ** by virtue of their relationship of broker to 

you, had a right to sell if there was going to be a loss 

in the account, if the stock was depreciating in value 

in the market?" 

"A. Well, Mr. Gampbell did," 

"®. And the brokerage firm; as brokers, naturally 
would have thet right, would they not?" 

"A. I don't know about that. I know that, so far as I 
know Mr. Campbell had that right." 

He further testified that: "I did not then make any compleint to Mr, 
Campbell. i think Dr. Hewitt was in correspondence with Baker, 

Winans & Harden, and I was in correspondence with, and had conversa- 
tion with Mr, Platt; " that “if the stock had been held, *** the 

loss would have been greater. I did not think the break in the market 
was the matter of a day, but I aia not bhink it was going to last 

Falk further testified in substance that the 150 shares of 
Johns~Manvilie stock, transferred to his account with plaintiffs, had 
gone down in price; that these securities were deposited with plain=- 
tiffs, subject to a debit balance owed by defendants to plaintiffs, 
and with the understanding that these stocks might be sold by plain- 
tiffs under such circumstances; that plaintiffs were to purchase 


tait bestitest si .%.880L to bae oft Lhtaw tt tuods galdtyae payee 
L{iadqmsd dtiw savocns tiedt boysot ed ,egetwEa mett beatytey od medw 

ticLt 41M blot od tedt has ,tPotq « boworle [Lite od 4 gabvaade 
ton BLS oc dott baz ,toet sidt to oevseed etew yedt yoqad .yrev wed 
_ ‘bevieoer od edt beititess oels ef .tavocos tiedt galeoloe rtobleago 
atoots -nistres tedte ,C8@L .dtO8 tedmetcs8 mo tadt gniwede troqet is 
tidob « sew srsdt ted?  .bLor ased bed amtlt egstederd adt yd bied 
(<ogmttaveme exedord Sd$ of t¢iwok .1G bas eaentin edé moth oub-somated 
 @# eveg bas -anottasep yatwollot edt hedas eaw oll “488, L88, 10.02 
ae ae ” m , reqvedens gatwossor i 

tedd ,ton voy bib ,bootatehbas sox aodt a Liew: ahs aie ig 
ot aoxto7d to qidenolteLer xied? to poe ot sony 

275° geet B ed oF cloexqeh ssw foods eid tt ,Siuogon ve bats 
euisy at atakeonaee Bew sore edd ry 

su eae bat 4 auooos od al an iy 

i *,bib LfLedqmed oa ,ff£08 ooh” Yo genie 
Vlsrwien «erstord os quntt eysredond edt bab. boo to 

. "ftom yout binow abigiz rr eh xy 

5) : 7 es ut os ada wont I .ted? twods wood ¢!nob I sk" a 
a tight todd ded Ledqmsd «tl wom. 
q ee oF tube lquee vse salam went tom bL5 i" tte? bestisaod xodétut 9 
3 et9d2 Mtiw sonebnogeestoo mi aaw ttiwe ed sabdt T ,thedams0 
 mcerermes bat bas ,d¢iw eomebmoqeerses ad cow I bas .nebrelh * aang 
“eat "bled need dex abote oat LA" tact" 4tOalh asl Mode mekt 
testa ox? at asowd edt dntdt tom b26 I , yxotcerp avod) aved biwow egos 
‘cutfebt of phtbp mew tt santé ton mh 1 tu ab a to tetten ext ese 
Yo Boraiia OBL out todd SoMBtadwa mh Dedtivest medéaut sat + hae 
bat Jethivatele atin tmyopoe ald oF Dorretadart _tdote eiLiveciimpastot 
. Hise dtiv betisoqeh etew seeds ixeee seedt tect eoirg ab mwah enoy 
| qettttatelg of ptasbaeteb ya havo soan iad tideb 8 of tospdue cake | 
pO mptele Ys Bloe od digo ealoote veedd tatt gaibrstesebas est tte bes 
saedormy of ovew eititatel tedd jeoonstamsoTso, some seins oRRAY 


for defendants other securities from time to time; that the purchsses 
and sales made by plaintiffs on account of defendants were all 
securities listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and were actually 
made and reported, and that defendants had no doubt as to the bons 
fides of thesectransactions up to and including the 30th of September, 
1939; that defendants intend that plaintiffs could and should handle 
the joint account, and that there should be actual purchases and 
sales of actual securities, and that he assumed when Mr. Campbell 
reported and defendants received the report that purchases and 
sales had been made on account of defendants, that they were actually 
made, and that defendants never intended that any pretended purchases 
or sales should be made, 

The books of plaintiffs were introduced in evidence, to- 
gether with the testimony of various witnesses produced by them, 
and this, together with other doeuments in evidence, and the testi- 
mony of all the witnesses, including that of defendants, tends toe 
establish the fact that in their deslings with defendants, plaintiffs 
made actual and bona fide purchases and sales of stocks for defend=- 
ants' account. As we read the New York statutes, upon which defend- 
ants predicate their right to recover the money deposited with 
plaintiffs, such right to recover depends upon whether the purchase 
or sales were made in fact and in good faith, and there seems to be 
no distinction as to whether the purchase or sale was made for cash, 
or upon a margin deposited en account of such purchase or sale, 
There is nothing in the record to indicate that’ these defendants 
entered into this deal, as alleged intheir statement of claim, for 
the purpose of gambling. The testimony of Falk negatives this theory, 
and his testimony in this regard, which we have quoted at some 
jength, is corroborated substantially by that of the defendant 

' - peesdotug ea¢ gad? jomit of emit mort eeltixnwosr redito atashaeteb tot 

Iis etew etusbasteb to tayooon ao attivatele a ban uelen bas 
wULeutos etew bas ,ogasdoxd foos2 A10Y well odd 0 betetl esttirucee 
saod edt o¢ as tdvob om bed etasbaeteb fads bas  detzoger bas obam 

i ae eu) 

eee to AtO8 ont gatbulont bas ot ay snottocensriveueds to mabe 
efbasd biveda hue bivoo ettlintely tett baotal etasbaoteb taste ieses 
bas soesdorug Leuvtod ed bluoste eredt tant bas .nss0908 ator odd 
sikaynst 1h cow bemvees ox tant bas soitinuess Leytos to eolse 

a mab SAITZ ae 

‘bae essedoruq tad? troqez odd bevieoe etanbrotob bus betroqer | 
eee Ag mt 

Utautos erew yedd tedt .ainsbaetsh to taveces no obem need bad eekea, 

yo? smn 5d ’ 

|  Ronadioteg bebastets yas tedt bebaotat revea etanbasteb ‘toate baa <9bom 
ad ttt 8 qaheaa oe Bivens ose x0 

~ot .ooneblve ne henubortns - erew etbitaiale Yo esood edt = 
emeodt yo beoubotg eeasentiw avolirsv to yaeus yee? edt si redteg 

-iteet edt bas ,somebive at etnomroob rosito tte roxdogee aaidt bas 
ot ebrod “adusbasted | to tadt gatbylort seupendiw exit’ Tita 40 qnen 
| phtiemale atinsbapteb dtiw agaiined xedd at tedt' toet ould  Hetidstes 
eng mM as 
~ t a ; 
basteb tot etoota te aolse bae eees onan 2b4% sited bas ee Senees, So, 

 -biteteb dotdy mogss veotutete azroY wot oxi bsex ow eA siampons Se a 
jay Bye » dha ent) 

dtiw betieogeb yenom edt revooer ot tag ts tied? etsotbetg etms 
5 weber 4 aaagey 

sesdorud odd redted’ moqu ebaegeb rov0081 ot tigi dose out ee 
oy Fa) me ai Ae 

od of emeon otent base qitist boos at bas toot ad ebsn orev pow ty a 
Pewee Bay bia a4 ay 
uiteso xot ebam eaw else xo eestor ‘edt rosttorte ot as sokeoantasD ie 
5 t CR Pe 
welse to Sestotyc dove to semooos a9 bet thoqeh aigisa aoay, ae 
Hp Cher lee Loar 
etnsbasteb seaisit¢edt steotbhalt ot bape ont at  atieies, ek orodT 
aS re See 
rot emisio to taomstate aie a ak bogelis as cin atdd oat hese rodae et 
atroodt‘s “aid? sevitsgen iio to YWwoulseet on? ‘santidaag to Seon, 8 
~ “amos ta betoup oval ow dotdw ebraget eke at waoulse scat tet bas “ 

# an? ee ee 

“trisbasteb edt to tat vd vilerénatedue betstoderte0 af 9 ha Ea 


a ith ie. F a ee 

oo esate! a wath Bis s 

It is indicated by the reoord that on October 29th, 1929, 

when certain stocks held by plaintiffs for defendants were sold by 
plaintiffs, that as 2 result defendants then owed plaintiffs a bal- 
ance of $620.51, and that the same has never been vaid, 

No question is raised here but that defendants are indebted 
to plaintiffs in the amount of their claim, and that they had the 
right to a judgment for that amount if the dealings were bona fide. 
The right of plaintiffs to recover, of course, depends upon whether 
defendants have established their right to recover under the set-off 
for the moneys deposited with plaintiffs upon the theory that the 
whole transaction was gambling, and that there was no purchase or 
sale made in good faith by plaintiffs for defendants. At the close 
of all of the evidence, the court instructed the jury te find 
agaimet plaintiffs on their claim, This was equivalent to directing 
the jury to find for the defendants, and in effect, was » finding 
that the transaction was gambling, that the dealings between the 
parties were unlawful, that the purchases and sales alleged to have 
been made by plaintiffs for defendants were fictitious and were in 
fact, never made and never intended to be made, and thet defendants 
had established their tight to recover, ‘Whether the alleged pur- 
chases and sales were actually made by plaintiffs or not, was a 
question of fact which, under all the evidence, should have been 
left to the jury to consider, 

We are of the opinion thst the court was in error in 
directing the jury to find against plaintiffs on their claim, and 
in not submitting all the questions of fact to the jury. Therefore, 
the judgment is reversed and the cause remanded, 



cat . ial 

ESOL ,dtGl wedeted oo tend bipaex odd yo botsolbai ef tl __ 7 
‘yd Bioa orsw atashaeteh cot ettitaisiq yd bled sdeote aistres aedwy 
~iad © attitaisig bewo sedé¢ adasbneteh tiveot s as tadt .etitiatst 
eA abisa moed t9yon est omee edt ted? bag. 18.080 to gems 
betdebal ete etasbaetadh tone dud exed beelst ef aolinsyp. oh... OSCE 
odd Den yout ted? bas ywtsLo thedt to tavoms od? at attitatela ot 
~2b2% ged stow egailees adt tf savoms tedt tot toomgdyl # of tdgis 
todtedy neqy ebaeqeb ,onru0d to .revooet of ettitaisly toe tigis, od 
_ Mortee edd rabaw reveoor of tegis tied? bedatidsstee svad etashasteb 
| tilt Godd ysood? add nogu ertitatela détw besteogsd aysnom edt xot 
zo sesdorsg on sew otsdt tait hae .gatidueg esw mottoagaszt slody 
seolo elt tA satnebasteb zot atitsatele yd détst boos st oben ofne : 
batt of Kuh odd Rotomctant sxuoe odd, .sonebtve edt to Ls to 
gabtoerth ot tneleviupe ean eld] .ndelo riod? oo atttintel tamtags 
BRO? 9 gow .tootte al bas ,etasbasted elt tot batt ot yrwg ogi 
\ >) ght mgouted egatiaeb edd -tadd .yatldmeg eow mottesansxt adt tadt 
p i eyed ot bageife selee bas sossdoiug edt sad? .lutwslow etow soldiaq 
[ ~\ s oxew Bae avoitisett ervey etanhasieds 16% ettitatsle ys sham need 
atnshasteb todd bac ,obsu od ot bobmotut even has eban-teyeq ,#ost 
- ~ pe Begealla edt tedied¥ ,7evooex ot tdgit sleds bedalidetes bad 
oS pee .tom to atiijatelg yd sbsm ylleutos ores golse bas egeaio 
eed evad binode .soaebive ot Lie tobae ,dodde dost Yo aottaaup 
nes » ~stebleaoo ot o¥auh ed? ot thet 
Mi 1OTTe AL ABE dTuE® ast tedt motnigqo edt to 9T8.OW oo oon 
hate gtikete tied? a9 ettitatslg gemtegs Balt ot yxut odt gattoextd 
_oadtoteredT *“sut edt o¢ tost to enofteasp edt tis qaittindya tom at 
d sbebasmer oauso edt bas beerever et taemgbut edt 
CROMAMIR CHA OTRRIVER  posontoreey ob itunes 

rn a 

ie ae 
Wh cae 
Po aD Be 

i a 8 
r, } 
q Hh 
. iv df lie 7 | 
I yi Poe f 4 
* a at yor se 
m3 if py ge i 

# yp? 
el Ps : F 

at ) y 
, wine vi ‘ F 
wie sk f 
ah? US * 5 

Plaintiffs ( Appellees) 

2 all 

7 y 
Lf vr at ge je at _ 
f  apPBaL FROM 





Ve { 
oe eras with — Vacek 
and Josephine Vacek wey ee a 2 
279 1.4. 644 

Defendants (Appellants) 


This is an appeal from a judgment of the Municipal Court 
of Chiceage against defendants for the sum of ©1,145.00 and costs 
of suit. The judgment is dated February 10th, 1934, and was entered 
upon a promissory note for $1,000.00, deted at Chicago, September llth, 
1926, and executed by Rudolph Vacek, Josephine Vacek, Ladisleaw Vacek 
and Marie Vacek, The note is made payable te the bearer in five 
years after its date, with interest at the rate of 63% per annum, 
and recites that it is secured by a trust deed to f. H. Bluhm, as 
trustee, on certain real estate in Lake County, Illinois, besring 
even date with the date of the note. 

4n affidavit of merits filed by defendants recites, in 
substance, that defendants admit that they made the note in cuestion, 
but deny that the plaintiffs are the legal owners and holders thereof, 
They sllege that at the time the note was executed, they were the 
legal owners of the real estate referred to, and that afterwards on 
the 26th day of February, 1939, they conveyed title to the real 
estate to the Libertyville Trust and Savings Bank, as trustee under 
the provisions of a trust agreement dated February 2ist, 1929, of 
which trust, Robert N. Baldwin, was the sole beneficiary; that on 
the lst day of October, 1931, for a valuable consideration, and 
the note had matured by its terme on September 11tb,1931 



MORE catia (\.05 @ @AWOR ARIOGS baa Ate WIEN 

thant ) etiivaiels — 4» 
t's . : an Tah ae 
a wahaote eit 
i (fooeV, ealdqaeot 
Soteasinens etaehmeted i) of 
but 2s of soeke 
«sap Arndt ant to daswgoei, 6 mott taoqgs ae et eid? . ace 
ataos bas 00e8al.1° to mya edd tot etnshaeteh tentags ogacidd Ro 
- ~bexetae asw bas ,MEL .dtOl yresdel betab ai taomabul ed? «tive Ro 
HELE medmatqok ,ogaoid0 2s, Detab .00-000.48 x02 eton rpsetmonge mime 
deveV wslethel ,Xe0e entiqasol <HeosV dqlebul yd besuooxe \bas .dS@L 
,» Vth, at totsed add at sidayeq shom at efon est. igagY steak bas 
mae req 845 lo ots edt ta seoresat, ttn tb abt rots sueey 
a8 .ufull . .k o¢ boob tart o yd bexuoee eld dadt eedsoon has 
_Bhizsed, .2lomlitl ,Waued, ofed at otetes Loot mingr00 me .eetamet 
a a oe (tog oft Yo sted odd déiv gtab aaye 
| i heaton agnshastab Yo DoLit avixem Yo. FIVSLETA Magoo pct 
-— soktaeup af eton act shan yous tadt timbe, ejaebasteb todd ,gonstadue 
- toorendt exeblod dae areawo Lapel edt exe etistetalg. edt todd yomb, tent 
(ile, oxen Yeds abotunexe eew efor odd. outt ould ts add euoiin xed? 
no ebrowrosts tot bas ,ot berrstex etatee, Lees od? te exeawo: Lepet 
Leet edt of efit Doysvaeo yrs .PSCL ,ycavedy™, Ro eb AtO8 edt 
tobas eoteurt a Aust agaive? bas tauxt oLLivystadhl adt ot: atetne 
op8® sR6CL teL8 yrsurdel, beteb taemeatas serch: 6 Sa praanarenss: ot 
no dott ;ytetoitened pfoe ont enn, .tiwbled . trode «taunt dotdw 
¥ @ tot ECL ,redoseO to i. pk: “st 

(“tatoo dadtoriiu | 

oan THO Ww 

‘BS 2 at es So 

bas eno ktenonien:® 18h 


by an agreement in writing, Mike Sufa, one of the plaintiffs in this 
cause, without the consent of the defendents, entered into a written 
agreement with the Libertyville Trust and Savings Bank, as trustee, 
to extend the maturity of the note for one year from September llth, 
1931; that afterwards on bhe 27th of November, 1931, E. H. Bluhm, 
trustee under the trust deed executed by defendants, for a valuable 
consideration, and without the consent of the defendants, entered 
into an agreement in writing with the Libertyville Trust and Savings 
Bank, which then held the legal title to the property, to extend the 
time of the payment of the note, and that by such agreement the 
Libertyville Trust and Savings Bank, under the trust agreement, 
conveyed to Bluhm, the trustee, additional collateral for the security 
of the note; that by reason of the extension agreements and of the 
conveyance to the trustee of such additional security for the indebted 
ness, ail of which was done without the knowlédge of the defendants, 
and because thereof, the personal liability of the defendants on 

such note ceased to exist. fhe extension agreement referred to in 
the affidavit of merits was introduced in evidence and contains a 
statement to the effect that the trust deed referred to was given 

by the parties as stated in the affidavit of merits. It is dated the 
ist day of October, 1931, and recites in substance that on that date 
there was an unpaid balance due by the makers of the trust deed off 
the sum of 513,400.00, and that the parties hed agreed to an extension 
of time of paywent upon the conditions set forth in the <greement, 
which are that the time of payment of the principal notes be extended 
for a period of one year from September llth, 1931; that the covenants 
and agreements in the principal note and trust deed should remain in 
full force and effect during the extended period, and that all the 
covenants and agreements should be kept. I% is further recited that 
the extension agreement is executed by the Libertyville Trust and 

mettiny « ofat betetme ,staobastebh od? to taeanoo edt twodéiw ,oawso 
,eetnutt as .Saed egaivee bas teyst oLlivytredid odt dtiw tromeerge 
aftiL todmetqe’ mott taey ono tot stog ed? to vadeutam eae. heed os 
qmiule .H «0 gL8@L .rodmevok to d#TS edt ao ‘ebtawredts dude “pints 
eidaviev 2 tot ,ataebroted yi betyooxs beod tant? od? xohay ostenst 
betotme ,atasbasteh od? to sanemoe edt tuodtiv bas ,aolterebianoo 
ss agatvs® bee teutT silivysredhl odt d¢iw gadtiew ai toemedtgs as otmt 
edt haxstxe of .yitecots ent of OLsit Legel odd bled medt doidw .aand 
eft tremostgs dove YW tedt bas ,oton eft to taemysg ont to ents 
( gtnemperge tout? edt tobmr gle agaivet has teurt eLlivytzedht 
Ntliueee edt tot Leretelloo Inneisiode ,oetamst edt miei of beyevaoo 
\ ed? to bas etagmeergs aotansixe edd to sonset yd tadd goton edt ho 
~betdobad: edt rot yedruoee Lanolstbhbs dowe to sotautt adt-of  caasatiaihionaie 
estanbaared ett to eybelwond edt tyodtiw enob egw doidw to fhe anesa 
to, atabhaeteb odt to ytiisdall Lanoereq edt | ,tostedt seusoed bne 
ab ot hervrelex themoetys modanorxe edt »teize of beanog stom dome 
gs anietnoo bas senebive at beoubotial:esy etitem to tivebttke edt 
 govlg aew ot berreter boob tent? eff dadt soothe ot of taometate 
eid hots gt tl .attrom to tivabélte odd mt hotete ae settiaq edt gd 
eteb todd mo todt eometedua mk wether bax .L8CL ,redoteO tov yeh tex 
“(fro boob text edt to avedam odt yf eub-womsied bisqas ne sow oredt 
| Ro Lenoes we of beerge bed. esivusg oft todd bas ,00.00Rj,019) to nuk edt 
etoomeetgs off af déxrot gee anottihgoo edd moqw taemyaq: ‘to. oudto%e 
 bebiretxe od aston Leqlening elt Yo tasmyeq bo outst odd tadt ote dotdw 
adnenevon Sit add ,LECL .AYLL todnetqes mort reoy ond to beraq’ @ rot 
st themet’ biuwde Boob damtd bee! etom Leqtodttg. sd? mi etzompergs bas 
eft ts dead bas qbotte¢ Aebuetzo ext, ¢ gas jootte bas serot waren 
taste bettoos xedtat et ¢l .tqed » adnemoonge bee abmns 
hick dient elisnencoahl Mth ‘of Manian i “taeneoras rye ni 

eift al atiitatelq eff to ano ,stw8 e42M ,gabting ot ¢aamesrge as yd 



Savings Bank, not personally, but as trustee, in the exercise of its 
powers as trustee; that no personal liability should be asserted or 
be enforceable against the Libertyville Trust and Savings Bank or 
against any person beneficially er otherwise interested in the 
mortgaged property; that no duty would be invelved upon the Liberty- 
ville Trust and Savings Bank to sequester the rents, issues and 
profits arising from the property, and that no obligation would be 
imposed upon the Libertyville Trust and Savings Bank with regard 

to the payment of the note. This agreement was not signed by either 
of the defendants. One of the withesses to 2 number of signatures 
to the agreement, as shown by the document is "Lad Vacek", and there 
is testimony to the effect that this person is one of the defendants, 
Another of the signers of the agreement is Mike Sufa, one of the 
plaintiffs, who signed by his mark. Various other versons not other- 
wise parties to this record also signed the document. 

The deed to the Libertyville Trust and Savings Bank trustee 
was not madé by the defendants appealing, as alleged in the affidavit 
of merits, but was made by two other defendants, co-signers of the 
notes in question, who were made parties defendant in this proceeding, 
but were not served with process, 

in the presentation of their case, defendants insist that 
inasmuch as theagreement made with the Libertyville Trust and Savings 
Bank extended the time of payment of all the unpaid notes, including 
the note in question, and that inasmuch as they were not parties to 
such extension agreement, and did not ask for nor obtain an extension 
of time for the payment of the notes sued on, that they are released 
from any liability on the note. 

The ease of Albee v. Gross, 250 Ill. App. 98, is cited by 
defendants as authority for this contention, and as decisive of this 
casés it is the only case mentioned in their argument. In that 

: m9 taagtze as gisido tom tot Aes dom bth hap 

a Fe ee, 


att to. eatorexs silt ot .ootuust ee tud ,ylionoezeg tom,,zns agatvad 
wo betreaas od bluoda yiildell Langsieq og stadt jesteurt se eteweg 
70 Ans sgotve® bac teucT ellivytrodtd odd tentsys, eLdecosotas. od. 
edt mt beteototnt estvredto to Uiistolteasd gosieq, yea teategs. 
aired oft aogy beviovai ed bluew yiwh om saad 4 ytreqorg degsatios 
_, bas geoveel ,etaor odd roteoupes of Aash egaive? bas tayxT. etity, 
ed, bivow sottegtiido on seit bae ,ytreger¢ etd sott gatetts atttor 
eager, dtay dass agoives Sas seort slfivytredid ol? ogy besogmt. 
redtie yi beagle som sew tapucetgs edt .etom odd to saomyar edt oF. 
| seiutemgie to tedava s ot goRssatiw os? to end setasdasteb oft. to, 
eredt bas ,"de0s¥ bal" ek tasuspoh edt yd swode es aiaemeotgs odd of 

) pean eit to ono si moateg eidt tads tootie odd. ot youtteot ef : 

(odd To eco ,xtve AAEM at teomeergs oat Io stomgle.odt. to redtomA. 
~zadée, jon ecoareg xodto avolisY, trem eld yd bongie odw. settitatels, 
aa tiebnn? staxenspod odd bomgie oale brooet eidt, pd. epityeg sate 
ooteutt Anas egatyed tas taut eLlivyredid salt of boob, su, oo dase 

tivebitts edt nt begetie as. .gutiseqge agashaeteh, ext W oben tom eeu, 
oft to exomgte-po ,atusbacted sedto ot yd chem asw ud ,stizem bg 
candbognons gidt of inshooteb esitzeg ebsa exew odw .solteeup ai. eeton, 
ei - saapootg dtiv, bevisa tog, oxen. tud, 
“teas tetaat niusbetteh a2880, xiade, to ao ksstaessta, 8 a ‘De gab teak : 
apitye® das teyxT oLitvytzedhd edt dtiw, eben tasmeengagd? ea doumesnt. 
_Batbutont ,eetoa disqay edt ifs to taemysg to, outs oid bebastxe as. 
ot soticag tom grew Yodd es doumpand ded? dus, atokfpeup At, ® Ze oth, 
efnemo on: 5 moteneexs oun, 
_borselor oxs yodt eve aston, oii to tasevsa. eat aad ail 
+ pp sOtOm o8F mo Katte Le yas, me a r 

tat pesto at i sac oft 028, aunaainaY a2dls to gee me Boro’ : hie 
aba, to. SYaRROnh ns bas, one teaptae®, eid? sot wttroddus as, eteb, 
ottnon ons0, xine os & 

ease, a bill was filed by the trustee in a trust deed to foreclose 

the same. In the opinion in that case, it is recited in substance 
that the record shows that Albert Albee was the owner of the land in 
question at the time the trust deed was executed, and that the land 
was conveyed by m@ésne conveyances to one Charles F, Brandt, who 
assumd and agreed to pay the notes secured by the trust deed as a 
part consideration for the conveyance, The only question in that 
case was whether or not, in a case where a mortgagor sells the premises 
to one who agrees to assume, and does assume the mortgage and notes 
secured thereby, and the purchaser sells to another who likewise 
agsumes the debt, a written agreement of the mortgagee with the last 
purchaser extending the time of payment for a consideration and with- 
out the knowledge or consent of the mortgagor and his grantee, releases 
the mortgagor and his grantee from iiability for the payment of the 
notes, or from liability under a deficiency decree upon foreclosure 
and sale, The extension of the time for payment was made for the 
consideration of an additional one per cent interest to be paid, and 
the court in that case held that such an extension agresament, under 
the circumstances mentioned, where made for a consideration, did 
release the mortgagor and signer of the notes, and a great many cases 
are cited by the court in support of this holding. We such case, 
however, is here presented. On the contrary, in the agreement with 
the Libertyville Trust and Savings Bank, as trustee, it is expressly 
recited that the grantee assumes no liability for the payment of 
the debt. By the terms of this instrument, it is also shown that the 
Libertyville Trust and Savings Bank held the title as trustee, and 
only for certain uses and purposes set forth in the instrument, which 
are shown by the abstract to be as follows; 

"Provides that beneficiary shall have power to give 

directions to deal with the title and shall be entitled to 
receive rents and incomes or prefits as personal property. 


7 se 

_,, eeoloexot of booed. veuTs © af ooteuxt edt yo Solit. ssw Litd 6. 49280 
_ Wmatedue at betiocor si tL ,oeep stadt ai aotutce eat at _ 9m8e edt 
ni bast edt to tomo edt asw seglA trodla ted? awone Sreoez ade todd 
bast edt tsds bas ,betupexe asw besh sauté odt emit odt ts gotteeup 
ode .ihasrS ,1 eatzed0 ane of ssoneysvaoo neem yd beyevaeo esw 
& as boeh gauts edd yd bexruoee aston edt yag of beotgs, bas. bamvees 
ted? al nokteoun Yieo edt .somsyovaoo edt tot soltersblenoo, jxsq 
aseimera oft ellee rogepirom s otedw apeo 8 ai .toan to rodtedw BaW 8880 
- setod bas ogagizom edt omuess eood das ,omueas ot sootgs odu on0 ot 
 opiwelll omy godtons ot allse, reasdorwg edt bas .yeredt bexugee — 
teal odj détiw segegtrom ed? io taameotges aetéine 5 ,tdeb edt RomuERS 
~titin bus aoiverebanoo 5 rot saomyeq Yo emis od? gatduosxs roeadoxua 
eseseley .eotnotg ald bas togsgérom sd? to taeemeo 10 sabeLwond odd ‘to ; 
et to tmomyeq ont wot ytilidsti mort eestastg ald bas topsptsom, ast 
erwecloerot soqu seroeb yonetoties s rebau ysilidail wort 0. akoton 
adé rot abem asw tnomyeq tot emit edit to aokenegxe odT else bas 
bare gbieq ed ot taotedai taso, req sao Lanoisibbs as te not tszebLange 
xeobuys ,tnemmerge solanetxs as dowe tsdt Sled epao tant ak tiyoo odt 
» . BLD .molsaxebienco « tot sham exedw hemo tiaen seonstemuoxto | edt 
geese Yaem teotg & bas ,eston edt to rengie bas xogegtrom ont euaolox 
aeace dove of .gaddlog aldt to treqqua mk txyoo edt yt bedio ors 
_mtiw tuomeetgs odd al ,ytetines oft a9 .betaegerq axed | ai t_,tevenod 
es at ¢i ,eetewtt as .Anef agaive® hos tawtt sllivytxedid edt 
‘to tremysg ad? sot ytilidsil om asmueea potnatg edt tadt bettoes 
_ef2 ted? mwode ols of #i ,taoumrtent atdt te amtod sat e. _atded, edt 
. bas .seteust es oftit edt, bled ned egatvs® bas tes? eiitv 
fotdw ,taemyrtani edt at dirot tee aesoquey hrs seau tatoo, x0% in 
’ Dipisgaseyed ie pepne. mHOe SLs 

F ee re 

Provision is made for the repayment of advances if made 
by Trustee. 

It is further understood that the beneficiaries 
hereunder will see to the paying of the indebtedness 
secured by all mortgages or Trust Deeds of record upon the 
property in question, as well as the indebtedness secured 
by the Trust Deed in the Lake County National Bank given 
er to be given by the Trustee in payment of the purchase 
of the above described real estate, 

Provision is made for the beneficiaries to control 
and operate the property, Frovision is made for payment 
of services of the Trustee. Signatures of the respective 

It is also to be noted that the extension agreement was made after 
the note in question had matured and after the liability of defend- 
ants had become fixed and determined, There is no proof of any 
consideration for such extension, 

We are of the opinion that there is nothing in this 
extension agreement which had the effect of releasing the defendants 
from their obligetion to pay the note in question. Therefore, the 
judgment of the Municipal Court is affirmed. 




‘eben 22 go0hevbha “to taomyaqer eng: tok ebam slvaotatverd . 9900 

epetisiolttensd eff tad¢ bootetetas aedtevt ei #2 6 mn me 
a eaenbetdebat edt to aniysq out of sen rye tobruseted 
| tt goge brgeet to ebeeG tent? te eagsgttom Lis yo bemyoss § 9’ 
a besuoee eeonbetdebai edt es ILew ae ileus ai 1 yiregord 
nevis dnei Laqottei xénn08 odet ofv al boot sant 
eeedorug ode te _ thom yog at cotaut? edd yd asvig od o¢ 10 
; estatao inot bedjroneh evodsa ed? to = © 
fortunes of ‘pelts toltoned edt tot ebag ei soteltvert 
 dmemyed cot ebsa ei moieivori .yiteqotq edd etexsqo: mo 
Svigoeqeot edt te notutemghs -odeunt homed ze asoivree To 
oo Myee hia Oooo 

£ by aE a) 

oo notte obem pew tusapetas aotemerxe edd tad? Seton od ot Oals el FT” 
bested ke Wlidadl- ont redte baa hevetem bed nottvoup aietom eat! 
) gaged ai oved? ,beaimzeteb bas boxtt smoosd bed etas’ 
wheel i ne : papmapaniiistanlan sian: dep 3 
ool: gadd af gatdton ef etedd tad? nolaigqe eft to cdta OW) ~ oo mt 
9 atashasted ‘ont galsesist te tostte edt Sed dodsin pecs oh? ig 
(edd (erotered? .ottaoup al atom edt ysq ot moltogtidorztedt mort’ 
#2 sree Lee (ooo ybemEeR RS a2 g2900" seamen edtene taomg bart. 

! »(SMAITEA ae ha ay iecotxe ad? ,etae bme 
; a Lomedaiohe ao te sadtemedteago 
aoluyr .ines ee — pAUOKOS 6b, W GHA Big 

a bono dtnoe Bom * eta rate ant 

wo here) SAE Prise Sale onsakon 

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oeeee er 20 OES Joes aney ayepees. 

ay. LJ 
37538 fe er ad 

RAYMAN, Deceased, Pa ges FROM- 
eauteibhiniscibai j - 
Ve weds COUNTY. 
Administrator with Will Annexed, ay 9 7 A 6 4 4 
Appellant. 2 é ae 


This is an appeal from a judgment of the Cireuit Court of 
Cook County for the sum of $2,480.00, entered on a finding made by 
the court ageinst the estate of Frank Rayman, deceased, The cause 
was heard in the Circuit Court on appeal from an order of the Probate 
Court of Cook County, allowing the claim of Charles Reyman againat 
the estate of Frank Rayman, deceased. The claim is based upon a 
promissory note for $1,500.00, alleged to have been executed by the 
decedent, in favor of Gherles Rayman, The original claim was filed 
in the Probate Court on October 26th, 1932, An alleged copy of 
the note upon which it is based, atteched to the affidavit of claim 
filed in the Probate Court, is typewritten and is in words and 
figures as follows; 

For value rec'd. I promise to pay Brother Charley 

$1500.00 6% interest. 7 
Frank Rayman' 

The original note offered and received in evidence in both courts 
in support of the claim, all of which is typewritten except the 

signature, is as follows; 

For value recd I promise to pay Bro Charley #150000 @ 

6 &% int, 
Frank Reyman" 

oa ezave 

awn 10 STATGE FHT 10, gHT UI 
jaro bor ood. MATA 

er te wv ws ena 

a .o0k0me8 
é satel, ai are of tet a 
Sh roe Ube gm ein ed | 
PSs shes ntemeyre of} cid? betem eGooe om Eargh’ ef 

f _ stst900 aut % OTHE GHT CERAVILGG Adar HOLTEUL Tt deat 
te sxu00 thor t0 ond to tasmgbst 2 mort Leeqqs ae et eid? pias 
yd aban gn tbatt S oo betetae 100608), 88 te ve ous Ret, NaH99 Age 
ceuno eft -~boasoceb .wemyal Anst{ to etstae rg Mine tzu0o edt. 

es] 7 if 

stador4 ei Yo tobro as wort Ineqgs ao t1ugd tiwort0 od a Woe vis 7 ae 

tantegs samen eelzadd to mislo uit arivetis a rtawo0 000 20. #zu0h ¥ 

8 oa beasd a mtelo out pboassoeh peels Anert A9% 9 21. 


edt ys betwooxe megd ovad of boyoits ,00.008,1% tot even, yrosaimorg 
—beLlt sew misio Lentgtto ef? ,aemyafi eefradd to tovet ak ,¢mebsosb 
Yo yqoo beyells ah .SECL ,t88 nodes ao tuv0d etadord edtak 

‘minlo to divebitts edt of bedostts ,beesd et tt dotdw ogy stom edt 

bas ebtow ai ei bos aettliweqyt af ,tivod etsdord edt mi beLlit | 

jewollot es eerygtt 
yeixsd0 teddotad ysq o¢ eeimotg 1 .b' oer pa a 

eteeretai hd 0.00855 
Snemyet anett 

atxwoo dtod ai sonmebive at bevieoss bas betette ofem Leatgizo sai “ 

eit tysoxe settixweqy? et dotdw to Ife ,mislo od? to troqaye ai ie 

S OOOC8LR yoitedd ord yeq of eatmorg I boor outay rot 

sewollot os at ania ee) 

There was also received in evidence, a letter written by 
the decedent to the claimant, which is admitted by both parties to 
be genuine, which letter is im words and figures ss follows: 

"Sdwardsburg, Mich. 13/12/28 
Bro Charley: 

Just received word that you did not want me to sign 

vn papers for Georges. Wow I have all ready signed as 

Nett give him all her papers befor she went to the hospital 
and told him to take care of everything in as much as he 

is the oldest and intitled to his part. so in regard t 
the m I ou 7 am n iti ey now. It 

is up te us to see that all bills are paid. I don't see 
why you should held out by not signing. Gee if we can get 
some of our money back that is the way I feel about it. I 
wanted Netts dishes as I had them stored for years, 

Yours as ever 

It is claimed by the adminsstrator of the estate of Frank 
Rayman thet there is a variance between the document offered in evi- 
dence as the note of Frank Rayman, and the alleged copy attached toe 
the claim; that the signature of the document introduced in evidence 
is not the genuine signature of Frank Payman, deceased; that the claim 
is stale, and that there was not sufficient evidence to justify the 
court in finding for the claimant. Considerable testimony was offered 
by the claimant in support of the claim, 

Celia Rayman, a sister of the claimant, testified in sub- 
stance that she had knowledge of business dealings between the brothers; 
that on one occasion in Henrici's Restaurant in Chicago she listened 
to & conversation between the claimant and his brother, Frank Rayman, 
decedent, and that Frank said to Charley, "I am very sopry I haven't 
the money to give you, Charley, but here is a note", and that Frank 
then gave Charley the document produced in evidence, and that Charles 
turned it over to the witness. This witness also testified that in 
February, 1923, in a conversation between the claimant and decedent, 
she heard decedent tell claimant that he would arrange to pay claimant 

Pee heh 3) 

yd aatéiaw to¢tel s ,sonebive at bevisoer onin Rew ‘erect 
ot seltreq diod yd bettinbs ei doidw ,tasmtalo. odd ot seeantth 1 edt 
:ewolfot af eeteyit bas ebrow mt ei xetiol dotdew ,ealuaeg od 
es\sl\Sl .dolk .gusdabrswhd" 
) | ryetradd rr ra 
, hi mgte of om drew tox ‘beh wor teds Ssow bevieosx tavt 
“— 26 boagid. ybset ils event I wok .eyroe) tot 
‘tebewed edt o¢ tohow ede roted erersq tod Ile wt He = 
ed as foum ea mi pani to er*o oxet of mid 
ot bre £. wid ot roy a ana sueive ent =e 

oh a a } tl : 

fey 189.08 Th 208 ke d sf bios hts Bo 
gon ae tueds Leet I yow “yiiea ie fen yo ; rs A 

a, eatsey xzot anaes ary bed I es Lb ofiel sh 

reve as atuoY +k tuna Se al 
idaart tionn grupo ott 

doer to states ed¢ to sotertednimbs edt yd bomislo- ‘ae! gis 
-ive at berstto taemmoh att avowted eonettav’e et dred tone ‘danlee 
ot badontia yuoo bayelis od¢ bas ,aemyst Unort td oto Sdt as Gomed 
‘eomobive ai beoubor tni tnooyoob edt to étutengta beni ‘todd jmtelo edt 
- mbake ett tend pbeeseneh ,aamyat Aner? to etvtemgie oatutes add ton et 
edd yittest of sonsbivd teetsitive toh aew STedt sadd Bae ,6L8se'et 
 perotte aow yoomiteot eldarebtenod staamisfo edt tot gatbalt at Hoo 
 pttefo eft to troqgie a taemtelo edd yd 
due at beltiteet .tasmiolo ed¢ to totete s ,mamye eles © ° 
| Yaxeddord edd meowted Shntined sasataud to egbeinoat bad ede todt conste 
henstetl ede ogsoidd ai tmerusteet at lotrask mi notebood eke ao tedt 
eyes Masri ,reddow eff bas tusmtslo® edt neowsed nodtsatevaco 6 ot 

taeved I yxaos yrov. ma I" .yolnadd of bise Amati sedt Jag. pteebepes 
dnext todt bas.,.etoa # at exod tud, axotzan0, aifO%, ovis pt, Nonom. edt 
esiradd ted? bas seomebive ot beosberg tremupob edt xespanp, | 27h, peat 
at tadt bortisess vels ssentiw eidT .nooatiw edt of t8v0 th beatst 
~taebeoeh bas tuewtato odf necwted noltdetevace # nf \eeel Yyxanndet 

tnemtelo yeq of syasune biwovw od tad? tacmistio [lot tattiite® tinea ode 



iw. eo a ee 

the $1,500.00 due him, 

J. ©» Keller, a witness on behalf of the claimant, testi- 
fied in substance thet he was present at the meeting testified to 
by the former witness at Henrici's Restaurant; that he gaw Frank 
hand Charley a piece of paper; that he saw the paper after this 
occurrence, and that it was the same paper that was introduced in 

Various hand writing experts were produced by the contending 
parties, Some of them testified that the signature of Frank Rayman 
7 on the note in question was genuine, and others that it was not. 
There was no evidence offered by defendant to deny that the claim 
is bona fide, except that of the handwriting experts. 

In the letter of Frank Rayman dated December 12th, 1928, 
after the making of the note, is an acknowledgment of an indebtetiness 
by the decedent to claimant, it may be noted that in this letter, 

- decedent addresses his brother as*Bro Charley," which is the same 
as that of the payee on the note. It is not contended that the 
amount ef the judgment, including interest from the date of the 
instrument, is not correct - provided the claim is bona fide. 

We are of the opinion that the claim was established; that 
there is sufficient evidence to prove what the maker of the instru- 
ment intended as to the amount which he agreed to pay, that is to say, 
$1,500.00 with interest at 6% from the date, and that the court was 
not in error in entering the judgment. Therefore, the judgment of 
the Circuit Court of Cook County is affirmed, 




omic eyb sige ede 

~kteot ,tneutislo ed¢ to tiasded no eaentiw & yreLled «0 Jb walt 

ot heititeet gutteom odd te taenerq gew ed tert sonetedve' mt Berk 

. \ atest wee od tedt péneruetee e'loixvaeH ts erontiw remrot edt yd 
eidt tedte xeqeq odd wee od dedt jreqaq to seely’b YolaeHd baed 

at enghotabss ene oantte Tegeq sme oat mow’ #2" panty” em sata 
muatdaetaee edt yd beovborq erow etreexe goiter bawd ewo tra co ic: 

iio 2ae 

aswyen fast Ye ewtonsie edd tadd beltitest wos seh feetsrsq 
ston gow tt tadt etedde bas sontuney, sew nokteeup at : DE 
misto ost dat ere.b ot tasbaetob w botetto eonebive on a ten 5 oxedt 
eetreqxe ‘gattiurbacd edt to tadt tqooxe Obit god et 
e804 ,At8L tedmeosd botah acwysl amatt to retteL ex# at 

seenhetdebai as to tmemgbelwontos ae at yotou eft to gutdam edt todte 
petted aldt mt, sede boton ed ryan 2h: yitusatade ot Cuebeue eae” 
ose oft ei doidw ",yoltsd® oxG"es xedéedd! sid ssenerdds taebsoes § 
edt tadt babsetses ton af th .sten edt mo sexed Sif to Fede ee’ 
eft to otmh act mock teerodat gathuiont ,saongbyt edt to ‘tatois’ ’ 
.. e@bE2, good et mtsio edt bebivory ~ toorres Yor wt \tnoniréent” 
tent jhedetideteas sew mislo edt tedt moldiqo ett to 6x6 bY °° OF 

— tertent odd to xeslem, edd ted every) of Comebive dxslostive at oxodt 
gpa ei stadt «yeu of boomgs ed dotde tavome edd Ot as bobadtih dee” 
asw tusoo edt galt duc joteh edt mort RO te saetotal tin 00.008, 2)” 
te daomgbul ode ,.szoteted?> staeagbyt oft gakeotme at sorte at ton” 

ieee egoe qwee whee ke lak: dad So08'%s sxg0d dtvosto° eit” 
SUMATTNA a - 1 Sunk ri 4, Ls ay ah ney a” eh, Ns at bid OHS wae 
very dt 1% beeodocy treaanmod mie ety aa _ OYE foes 
hy AEROMOD » pean ana” ue jae 

hawted poly eeroraiot al eRel | yeaamoet 

odt tremisio Lint tngitoed txeed ode 



ae = 

Ny a 

(Plaintiff) Defendant in Error, 


on oF ot 


ve ove B chums 

(Defendants) Plaintiffs in Error. 2 é 9 lanes 6 A. Ai 


Judgment was entered against the defendants in the Cireuit 
Gourt of Cook County on January 21st, 1933, for the sum of $15,542.87. 
The action is by plaintiff against defendants on two promissory notes 
dated September 26th, 1925, each for the sum of $8,000.00 and payable 
on or before 1 year after date to William uM. Davis, with intereset 
from their date at the rate of 8% per annum. The notes were signed by 
Frank P, Kretchmer, Laura Kretehmer, Frank J. Jacobson and Blanche 
gacobeon. The notes show by endorsements thereon that various payments 
of interest and principal had been made. The claim was for the sum 
of $10,500.00 together with interest from September 25th, 1937. The 
notes had been given as part payment for certain lands purchased by 
two of the defendants in the state of Florida. After issues joined, 
the cause was submitted to a jury, a verdict by direction of the 
court was returned in favor of plaintiff, the judgment referred to 
was entered, and it is sought by the writ of error herein to review 
this judgment. Plaintiff filad two special counts in his declaration, 
together with the common counts. Defendants filed s plea of the 
general issue supported by an affidavit of merits, and 2 special 
plea to which a special replication was filed. By this affidavit 
of merits filed September 27th, 1929, signed and sworn to by Frank 
J. Jacobson on behalf of all the defendants, it is set forth that 
at the time of the transaction in question the defendants resided 
in the city of Chicago; that they bought certain lands in Florida 

Pr ayoLy ; : rn | 
: a j 
f i 

eo \@EVAG +. Mal uattw 

ai Yashaotsd -(trbtmtsl4) 
ngpetedya nt belt 

ao ane “woeaooat ob ee 

“storrd af @titaielt (etmdebastedy °° 

vars S2 TO 

eYTHUOD 3000 

‘pao. WAC aS 

| tlwert0 efit ai atashasteb edt tenteys beretas exw tiomgbye «99! / 60% 
¥8.Sd3, B18 te wave add cot .A8GL ,telS yrewnel mo Ytitvod Hood To drv0d 
soto yroseinoty owt no atashasteh tentegs Tt finitely VW ei nokios ont 
“eidaysq bas 00,000.80 to mye edt rot dowe e86l .dvOs wedustGed batah — 
|  «temeretal itinw yaival «Mo metfity o¢ oteb vette ‘teey I dtoted to 10. 
‘Yd Denyse etew aeton ed? .munns oq 83 to. Stet eft tn oteb tied? ott 
a — baa nosdonsl .b énert ,seniodor® wuusnd (remibteee V4 snore 
, oaYeq auotiay teid nostedt stviemberobas \d wone esten AT wteedooey 
(ue odd) tod Baw mieLo ed? © .obset ned bad Leqtentiy bas tassedmt to” 
{ eT J FECL si#2E cocnodSE wort FoososHt sittw soittepor COLOR LOH TO” 
NG Desedome shugiiaietres rot drenged. tray es aevty weed: bait totoie 
+ shat! esvent TottTA .ebivelt to edete odd at etashasteb edt to owt 
eRe me Loverth ys tostbuoy wy yeNt! se OF" bode tadie Sok eso” ont! 
os - herretst soempbet ont .titvetale to cove? at bertsser eaw e100 
r wotver o¢ mieten torte to timw ede yd Idgude el th bao \bevetme + 8 
sfoltarstoen oii nt atnves Letsoge owt BELst tratatelt .tmewyhit” esti 
edt Ro sokq # DOLET etaebssted | .etmued Hono” od dete rodttoyod 
Islosge s bas ,e@tizen Yo tivsbitts as yd betzoqave event forene3 — 
ttvabstte aidt YA .beLit saw nottsotiqer Latooge s solide of selq 
nest yw ot mrowe bas beagia ,CS@L HeTS wodmetqed betit- ‘ethno 30) 
. “tend donot tee et tt vetasbaoteb ed? Lis to Xfaded ao moedoost .b 
bebleer sinshnoteb edt moiteeup at aoltosenstt edt to ott ont a 
. abixolt at ebast alsixe0 tdguod yedd tent jogsotdd Yo vie oie mt ie 

, eS 


~_" ea ie 

through H. Be Hunter by makl or telegraph; that they had no knowledge 

er experience concerning lands in Florida, and had no knowledge con- 
cerning the value, character, condition or location of the lands so 
purchased, but that the defendants relied wholly upon the representa- 
tions and statements of Hunter, who was the agent of the plaintiff; 
that Hunter, for the purpose of inducing the defendants to purchase 
the lands, represented that they were high, consisted of twelve sub= 
divided lots improved and surrounded by streets, sidewalks and other 
Similar improvements, and were within and adjacent to a built up and 
populated section within and adjoining the city of St. Petersburg, 
Florida; that various bulidings were in process of construction in or 
near the property; that the land overlooked a goif course which was 
then being platted and about to be developed and improved with build- 
ings; that a street car line was about to be extended and established 
to run slong and opposite the property; that the parcel of land was of 
a value of $350,000.00; that defendants, relying on these statements 
and believing them to be true, purchased the land in question for a 
consideration of $30,000.00, subject to an dncumbrance of $8,000.00; 
that they paid the plaintiff %6,000,00 in cash and executed the notes 
in qestion, upon which they have since paid the sum of $5,500.00, It 
is alleged in this affidavit of merits that the statements made by 
Hunter were false; that the lands were low; that there were no improved 
streets or sidewalks adjacent thereto; that it was not adjacent to a 
built-up section within or adjacent to the city of St. Petersburg, but 
consisted of wild and unimproved land lecated several miles from St. 
Petersburg in a sparsely populated and unimproved locality; that there 
was no golf course overlooking the property, as alleged, and that no 
street oar line had been extended or established along or near the 

There is no claim that the verdict and judgment are excess- 

ive. The whole case turns 

‘ oybelwond on band yeodt ted? jdastgelet to idam yd tetawH of oH dguotdt 
“100 esbedwoadt on bad bae ,sbtroli ai abmel yaletoonoe sonvixeqxe ro 
—s«O@ Bhasl edt to nottacel xo motttbaoo ,retostato ,eutsv edd gainre0 
 etaeserqer edt noge yi lodw beilex etushreteh edd tedd tud ,besedoreg 
; {ithtalele edt to tuege odd esw ode .tetaul to staemotsts Sus noid 
sastorua ot atnebasteb dt galoubal te esoqiuq edt tot .Tedauh sand 
i “adine eviewt to betatenoo gid Stew yout tad? hotnevsrqet ebasl edt 
todte bas etisweobie .steexsts yd behaworrue bue bevotgmt ater bebivib 
hae qu $lind 6 of tasoatbs bas aldtiw stow baa .dtadnevergnt reLimte 
) aivdersted .#0 to Yeio edt yalafotbe bas aidéiw nottoee betsiluqog 
’ ‘a0 ai ‘noltorrtenco to esedote mi otew egnibfind evedzav vant “yabixolt 
gaw doidw eatiu00 tioy & beizoolteve bask ot fade ; pwrecotq edt x90 
: <bitud d¢inw bevordmi Bae beqelaveb ed o¢ trods Bie ‘pettatd gated | aed 
q bodalidstee bas bebastxe sd of fuods esw onli té0 toorte 8 dadt tegnt 
| ‘Ye eaw bael to ‘fsoreq edd tadé pywteqora odd et teoqgo bas ‘gitole autos 
atnenetate ouedi £0 ‘piityler ‘vedasbaste ‘tedt 100.600; 088 46 outiv's 
ae @ tot solteeyp at bast ed? besaderuq ,euxt od oF bat gant tbd" bits 
400.000, 88 to comardmroah ma ot too{ de (0bs000,08@ 48 mb¥ts285 tendo 
| aevon ‘eit bétuoexe bus deco nd (00,000.38 tiitatelq edd breq youd deus 
7s “400,008.88 $6 fire odt bieq code’ Sved’ yade dolAW ody” laobbed ip Rt 
“Yd bbas etnowotats Sut sade etitem to ¢ivabsthe wind as Begelce’ a2 
new on evew stead tadt wot stow ebast odt dent yoatet ody sovauk 
i 2 Od dudoathe tom baw #f aane josdredd #moontbw eitaweble to atoorte 
| tud .auvdetetet ote to ytlo edd of taddatbs 26 atdtiw ontees aumsttind : 
"a0 moet ebtn Levevea botseo! past Bévotambay/ bit ‘bai re tolanoe 
’ oxed? tant jybhiedol poverimiay has betetuqoq yLobreqe o Ht gruel 
on dott bas sbogetic es ‘svéreqory ost gattoolrero went 
oat TOM TO ‘yao ta bedel Idates %0 bepaotze feed baat aaa 

eee odie Rae 

atin exe taompbut bas telbrey oss feat, stato 4. e " stot ca 


5 Fine” ke ai lec 
. adatree thawed veal? feds poanokit: Fe vei ob al . 
rs i 4, hay 

upon the questions as to whether or not there was fraud practiced 

of the notes, 
in the  procurement/ and whether Hunter, the real estate broker, 
was the agent of the seller or the buyer. Also it is insisted that 
inagmuch as plaintiff had been adjudged a bankrupt subsequent to 
the beginning of this action, that, therefore, he could not maintain 
the action. 

it appears that M, 0. Kretchmer, father of the defendant, 
Rrank P. Kretchmer, had s2bout completed the purchase of the property 
referred to, when he died on September 28th, 1935. 

There was admitted in evidence on behalf of plaintiff a 
deed dated September 26th, 1925, from William M. Davis and wife to 
Frank P, Kretchmer and Frank J. Jacobson, conveying to them as joint 
tenants the lands in question, 

Prank P, Kretehmer testified in substance that shortly 
before Me. 0. Kretehmer's death, Kretchmer senior had received a 
letter dated September 19th, 1925, from H. J. Hunter, whose letter- 
head indicates that he, Hunter, was then a real estate broker at 
St. Petersburg, Florida. This letter was received in evidence, and 
in it Hunter acknowledges the receipt of « check from Kretchmer 
senior. It states that his firm is advertising a lot of Kretchmer 
senior, not involved in this litigetion, situated in the city of 
St, Petersburg; that a certain Block 12 in the city of St. Petersburg 
had been withdrawn from the market; that he, Hunter, had sold two 
ether blocks in a certain subdivision, one for $36,000.00 and another 
for $25,000.00, and that his firm could purchase Block 20 in this 
same subdivision - the block in question - which he considered a 
good purchase, for $30,000.00, one fifth to be paid in cash, the 
balance to be paid in one, two and three years, with interest on 
the deferred payments at 8% per annum. It is stated in this letter 
that the block is high and dry, and that the reason the writer 
considered it an exceptionally good purchase was that he deemed it 



beoltoerg buatt eae ered? toa x0 tedtedw ot es enoktaeup “ent aoqu 

w\Betom edt to =~ 
_ytedord otstas Laer odd  retnull reditenv bas Aitomexwoorg | ata at 

“tad heteleni ef ¢f oela roy edt to xeLles odt to oaean. edt naw 
mse dora 

o¢ taespeedve tquriasd s begbytbs seed bad Vidatadg as “dormant 

*% SYEy 2 anoeii » 

ntedstes ton biuoo axl sototeredd atedt wottes edd 20 putantged beed 

Soates ea 

“staabasteb | edt to rodtst etondotort 0 tact exceqas #r 
«tet sabivan 
yezeqo79 edt to sandorig edt betelqnos tuods bes <romiiot ox aS Aaeril 

nk AB td 

as@L FBS redmetye® no boib od mostn ot bexteter 
hi SLO! 
2 tiitaiata to tiaded un eonehive ak betéimbs sew xed? 

7 269 Yet Spee 
oe okiw bas stved «ki mat Loti wort s880L «dS xodmotqed tab : 
Hoa a +7 gy 

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eissg oe hia) 3 

-otteoup at abneL od? etasnet 

- ltross bade oonsteden ak bottitess ‘romdotoxd “fi aor _ 
Y 2 er ni OF 
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3 vf eile? & 
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wees eee tee twe 
ts xrex01d ofetes ino a nestd asw total od bade sedsozhat 

FET LIF a oe 
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gra BG iB estite oe he 
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RR iW Hoty ~te ties 

. remsotors te tol B galelisievbs et ore EE etd edd negate Mt. Pr 82 

Past payed 


to yto edd at dotautte Moltagtt Ls eid? at boviovat “ toknee 
wires a Lee ae eine se eer rets pt 
eted #8 t tho od mi ot soola i82%90 8 ade 
grader tod #8 to ¥ een ipguthe A aft 
' owt bLoe bea Te tau <8 tads jtexzam ont sort Sk 5 
} ( ia « Ch ah ty 4 mapas te Se 

‘xedgons bas 00.000,98¢ tot eno wtolety tbdve nbsere0 8 as i Saher Yee 

on edad mh 08 asold sesifoxug bLuoo ark aid testi bas. 200.00 

Leet ROB 

| | & berebianee ed Moutin = aoitaoup ak atoold edt ~ noleivibdua omen 
. aye Lt «Gam vrey Wenge ty rie, stg Neer ailkid 
Ps pat dese wat bksq ed ot geet ea 100,000,059 02 ot ree me dors 
no teeretat dtiw .etesy oonse be owt .8n0 at bieq ed canara 
“neesSL etd? at betete ef ¢T - pitusttibe | TOM &6 te stnényed bere a 
a rotixsw edd moeser edt tedt base awh bra dgkd et” foo.Lc ot 
AE Demeeb ef tent now onadoreg boog Wissoitisexe as a th be 

itera 7% 


practically certain that a proposed oar line extension to Shore 
Aeres would go through, and would run along the side of Block 20, 
and that if the writer had the money, he would purchase it himself, 
The letter further states thet Bock 20 on Poplar Street overlopks 
a golf course, and Hunter mentions certain other advantages which 
the property is suppesed to have had. In this letter, Hunter also 
spesks of a check sent by Kretchmer senior to him. 

On September 22nd, 1925, Kretehmer senior sent a telegram 
to Hunter, in which he stxted, among other things, that if the 
golf course faced Poplar Street opposite Block 20, and if certain 
lots could be replatted, and if an alley could be closed without 
violating the city ordinance, Hunter could close the deal mentioned 
in the letter of September 19th, 1925, that he make the contract in 
the name of M, 0. Kretohmer, Frank P. Kretehmer and F. J, Jacobson, 
and that Hunter could obtain an abstract for certain other properties 
at a certain address in St. Petersburge In reply, Hunter stated 
that the replatting and closing of the alley, as requested, might 
be accomplished, 

Shortly after the death of Kretchmer senior, defendant, 
F. J» Jacobson, telegraphed to Hunter that he and Frank PF. Kretchmer 
would complete the purchase of the property, and that a deed should 
be drawn to F. J. Jacobson and Frank P. Kretchmer, 

Hunter testified that at the time of the delivery of the 
deed, $1,000.00 was paid to Davis, the plaintiff in this oase, and 
sybsequently $5,000.00 was paid, and that the notes in question were 
subsequently delivered to Davis, 

The undisputed testimony in the record indicates that for 
three or four years prior to the death of Kretchmer senior, he had 
spent the winters in St, Petersburg, and had been desling in real 
estate in that and surrounding cities and towns; that he had had 

exo of molenetxe onit ra0 besogog 8, stadt, atetzao Ulsotsosra 
gOS Hoole Yo bie edt goofs aur blyow bas «dusordt og bisow ested 
stisomid #1 oacdorud biuvow éf ,.yonom sdt bat ~coticw edt tL ted? bas. 
sadoltevo toetté rafqot mo Of Moods todd gotate todtawt rettel edt 
‘to kate eogatasvha réddo alstre0 anoltnem xetaui dan .eexuod tloy a 
neta tetauH ,xottel eid? aI .baed evan of beroqqwe el wieqonq edt 
" emid of t6ines temfogerX yd tea dood 6 to ten 
| gbtgetes A dmee soited renderers (ener <daee sédmodque ad“ “= 
| eit ti tedd .dkolde “xoddo gmome .betate od pripevings poe 

| ss gbeeeeo TL bas (OS Wools s¢leoqto toer#4 telqo4 heost eexves tLog 

juodtin beeolo od bivoo yOLis ae TL bus * betealgee od biveo etek 
honelinem Ieeb edt Svolo bisoo tetavH’ eomantbto ytio ‘odd gattaidie | 
pi toaxtaoo edt oem on todd ,a8@L ,dt@L todwosqes to cotter sat a 
- gttondoont .% 1 bas xemibford 4 dnoti toadoder 0 st ‘Yo omen ont 
“aettreqoxa reddto nietxes zot tonéeds ad alatde Bivoo todaiH dead “pas” 
“ petete rotauit «Viger at sgrudeiote4 $#8 at eeezbbs aisixeo a 4 ‘i 
ghar cboteouner as «esis eit To seilsis > bis aaltisiger: tai ‘teat 
} % 

- « 

afasbasteb ,rolaee tomdoterd to ddseb ot tedte Yltxodd — 

tondiodexi .1 dasxt bas od tad) retawH of bodqargeled spe sain 
biuods Boob s Gadd bas .ydtedotg edt Yo Sendo edt etetqude ‘bivow 
stoniosexd st saett bas moadoost .t ia 84 dwbeh Pra 

ed? Yo yroviten ‘odd to salt odd te $add Seis Pess Zodawn ~~ ~~” 
Bae .oeso eidt af Ytidatelq oat aeived os Bhaq baw 06, 000,58 eee : 
exew Hofseoup af eotod! edt text Bas .btoq wav 00.000,8% yltuedpeadge | 
| (0 0 aby ett od bétevk rab y taompendye 
(got tdi wedeottat broods ode as ynddiveed beta tal “eagen boos 
bed ™ tolnes tondotexrx to dtaeb ede ‘of tolxq exsoy ‘uidt Ho ‘oa 
ss "Feoe ot gatleeh need bad bas L cethal de ab Gaeta 

dala we ti 
beau had en saat 3 bas sortio orn antl sn no 
a ; Spi a Se Sora tiyeor ea é. de ron beaoo me 


certain dealings with Hunter; that Hunter and Kretchmer senior had 
inspected the whole of the so-called Coffee Pot addition to 

St. Petersburg, which included the block in question; that Kretchmer 
senior was familiar with and interested in the property and sought 
to purchase a certain Block 12 in the addition mentioned, but when 
it came tool esing the deal, he found that this Block had been sold. 

Hunter testified to the effeet that he wrote to defendant, 
Jacobson, on February 13th, 1926, that Kretchmer senior had told 
him that his intention was to hold the property purchased for a year 
or two, and then sell it. He further testified that he became 
acquainted with Kretchmer senior about six months to a year prior to 
the Fall of 1925; that he sold certain property for him, collected 
interest for him, and discussed with him real estete conditions in 
and about St. Petersburg; that his first meeting with Kretehmer senior 
was when he obtained a price for him on another piece of property 
in 1925, and that he talked with him possibly twenty to thirty times 
regarding real estate between this first meeting and September, 1925; 
that his first conversation with Kretehmer senior about the Coffee Pot 
addition subdivision was in May or June, 1925, and thet he visited 
with Kretchmer senior not only the property in question, but other 
property adjacent to it. 

Plaintiff testified in substance that he first became 
acquainted with Hunter, the real estate broker, when Hunter came to 
his office in the summer of 1925 to inquire as to the price of Block 
20 in QGoffee Pot addition to 8t. Petersburg, and that the plaintiff 
had not known the broker before that time. He also testified that 
the next time he met Hunter was when Hunter came to him with an offer 
to buy this property at the price which he, the plaintiff, had already 
given him, and that at that time Hunter told the plaintiff he was 

a real estate broker, and that as a result of the conferences with 

bad tolnmee remdoterX eh tedauh tadé retail dtiw ‘egnttesd alstxos 
ot nolttbbs tod eattod peLiso-oe oni to ¢fodw ‘sit bovooqant 
xensiotexi teas ino t¢eeup ak dooid edt bebuLons ot si purderotet #8 
tdauoe hats yireqorg ed? al boteerstat bas déiw tetitmst osm ‘rolnee 
sodw dud bene Ltnen nett bobs odé ab ak renee atstxed re ‘oeaslorug, os 
wbfoe meed bed dood aid? tad? bavot et leash edt gateo toot omso ‘tt 
stashasteb of etoww od tat soorte add of beititeet res ints 
nie ‘blot bad tolaes seadetext todd sel otek Vrsw Eset to canudetals 
THeY 8 rot boesdoteg yYeteqotg odt bLod of exw noktaesat okt ‘tad? HP 
i ‘onsoed on tadt boititess redtavt oH tl Loe nedt bas bas , <owd Zo 

ot rolta “29 2 ot ediaom xia tueds roimes Semdotord dttw gore AL aUpos 
r betooLtoo aid rot ysroqorq mbsdre0 bLoe od tedt ; jaseL xo Es St oat 
4 “ak anottibnos states Laer mid dtee beaavorth bas eutd ‘tot ‘teoredat 
rolaee remdotork dt tw gatteos sexit atd todd ‘guudexstet es tuods bas 
_ et ‘Wrogers to eoelg teditoas ao ‘sid tot eolxa e ‘bentetdo ‘od node woe 
aemid yalds ot. viaewt udteseq tna dé tw bodies. od taddt ‘bas «2802 mt 
; saeeL .tedmesqs® bas gaitesm tert? eidt ‘heewted efatse g re xed a 

! tot eetted ed? tuods roidee oe ty Ps st lw noitsereraeo ‘gout? wid” tout 
_bottaty oat dota has aeet x sau "O vl ae ean noinivthéue nottihbs 
a cob samtobord tit 

“reside tus ,s01¢29up ak b yezeqor ode yino ton rolaes 
EAN ; uate ‘bLsew 

th oe tenet ba Adah ne» 

| mm ae *t & 
| onsoed tert ‘on todd oonetadua ak geriiast viteaiast 

of S20 rotawl nexw rotor states isox ott rodent “tthe | betataupes 
hy Reka tat a HBS 

woo fa “to eokse ad? of of eriupat at “ese to Tesmve “eda gt anltto eid 

gt? Cees at On 

” yttentelq edd tedt bas \ptmdersted. te ot aostinba’ tot 

5 HS Fa voy. lan Ya reespon dee 
pany. heitivest oaks of page tact ‘cuoked xolord odd aoa tox 
ne BY Saney it 8 Stier Oe 
rorto ns ditiw mid ‘ot omen xodaut “nate ace ‘ret ‘tou ot ‘omit ak 2 

_ vosorts bad etdtaisle ett oa so btw ening ‘edt ts Wreqora < eat) wid ban 
SP ae ARE ‘e fi. a 
“28m ed vhivadalg ant blot xodnu eatt soité te tadd + hen guke ¥. 

re Bae ee | rpg 
, “atte neonate 00 odt to tives 2g a8 ‘tat ‘bas grent bie: a9 inet 8 




Hunter, the property wae sold to the defendant, Frank P, Kretohmer 
and F. J. Jacobson. This witness also testified that he paid Hunter 
a Commission on the sale, and that he had never listed the property 
with Hunter, but as stoted, had only met him when he came with the 
offer to purchase it. Neither the testiaony of plaintiff, Davis, 
nor Hunter is disputed. 

A letter was introduced and received in evidence from 
defendant,frank J. Jacobson, to the plaintiff dated Mareh 26th, 1927, 
in which he states that he had received notice from the Central 
National Bank of St. Petersburg of the balance due on the notes in 
question, and in which the writer stated he had been delayed in 
clesing out the Kretchmer estate, and asked for additional time in 
which to pay the notes, 

Frank J, Jacobson testified that after the deal was closed 
in the first week of September, 1986, he visited the land and found 
that the road leading to the property was rough, thet Bleck 20 
appeared to be desolate, flat marshy ground, as far as he could see, 
covered with a heavy tropical or semi-tropical growth of vegetation 
and scrub trees; that it appeared to him to be swamp land; that he 
did not see any street cars running in that vicinity while he was there, 
and that he could not find a golf course, However, the record 
shows from photographs and other testimony vecetved, thet a street 
Gar line ran along the edge of the property. 

The first point made by defendants im that in ¢iew of the 
fact that the plaintiff had been adjudged a bankrupt after the 
beginning of this action, he cannot, under the law, maintain this 
preceeding. This contention was set up by defendants in a special 
plea, To this plea, a special replication was filed, in which it is 
set forth that on November 27th, 1931, an order was entered in the 
bankruptcy proceeding by the referee in bankruptey, in which it is 
recited that it was to the best interest of the bankrupt estate and 


temdioterd .4 Amer’ ,taabaeteb edt oF Dios few b daienciery ent atetanl 
rotaul Sie od tedt holtiteet gels neoatiy eid? snoadoosl, a mi bas 
. Wreqozq od¢ betetl seven bed on vast bas site edt? £0 aotvetmos 5 
add Md be omso ed motw mid tom Ylao bed sbotete as tind soon atin 
_sadved oe te yonktaes ede roddtek ott onntouny ot roto 

ebosuqe tb at red ‘ton 
‘mort sanab bee mt Lehane bas beoubor tt acw xetteL A 
eer idee fora botab tiitatelq edt of atmeadonal +b taert,tnabasreb 

PSA) ge? 

He Lertns0 ont moxt ooltom bevieves bed od tect sotote od fonda | at 
ai eeton sit a0 euh eourtied edt to grudetated +98 to tase Aaaontet 
acs beysieb aved bed ox betste ted irw edt dotéw at bus «to eotteoup 

‘4 LeRae wo 
at omte fanettibhs 0? bodes bas eoiates comogori out tm, anteols 

veeton out ve ot fotde 
‘ becess aew Loeb od¢ xetts aaat boltitees agedoost B aaa - 

«ime " bawot bas busi edd bottety ed .26eL vrodusdqe? to ioow “teat ont at 


os doo La tedt eiguor acw vtreqony odd ot pakbost beot pr tedt 

see bLiuoe oc es “wat ae bawory Vile te setaloaeb od ¢ mre bore " . 
si aoLtatagov to diworg Leotqortinee 10 Esotqoré yvsed a dthe berevoo 
wie fade bust qnewe od of mit of berseuqs tt tet t jesort, duzve bas 
eredt a REY od elide Yiiakoty Set mt natn erso toorte wn sae fou Deb 

 breoos ode <TeveWOL s2eT09 tiog a batt ton ‘Luo ia sate ius 
oy) Dee Gh Abe : ri Aap eta 
| : “teonts 8 tadt preventer Yaga ttaed tedto bas adgexgoterg ov? 

syirogorg odt ‘to ashe ong patos nor eakl «99 

1 sitive begalewsen — 
\ ‘out to weit at tant ni ataphaeteb ve obo taker Sent? out sig 
& ; eS bf te AA 

a " | edé rodta tqueined ® begbubbe need bad ‘viLtatelg et date soak 
kt mtstatem wot ont reba etonmse on utoztos endt to 

Estosge f& ith etashasteb w aus tee now ‘no ttastn09 ent cs 5 ona 
i #t rio ben mt bot BOW nottsoniqer isteoge 8 20g eailt | ' 
7" ott ut ‘bere tne osw xebro a8 “ites Roa ‘redmevoll 20 tnt ae * eet 
ad +t so bein st vosquestasd at sexston ont w sa tbesvora: vo 

: : bas eistes tqwrieed ‘ont ‘to teeretat ‘teed ost oe enw ete ta 4 

its creditors that the plaintiff be authorized and directed te 
continue the prosecution of this cause to sconelusion in his own 
name, and ordering that plaintiff be authorized and directed to 
continue the prosecution of the cause in his own name, and to pay 
over to the trustee in bankruptcy any moneys recovered. To this 
replication, defendants filed a demurrer, which was overruled by 
the trial court. The record also shows that on November 18th, 1931, 
in the District Court of the United States for the Southern District 
of Florida at Tampa, in that state, it was ordered that the trustee 
in bankruptcy be directed to enter into a contract with the firm 
of Shapman & Cutler of Chicago, attomneys for plaintiff herein, to 
prosecute this particular suit, and fixing their compensation, 
157 NeYeS. 

953, the court said: 

"Where a party, after commencing an action, is adjudicated 
@ bankrupt, the action does not abate, and may be continued by 
him, unless the trustee in bankruptey obtains leave of the 
federal cout and becomes substituted in the action as plain- 
tiff (Hahlo v. Gole, 112 App. Div. 636, 98 N. Y. Supp. 1049; 
Colgan v. Finck, 159 App. Div. 57, 144 N. ¥. Suppe408); but in 
such gase the effect of bankruptoy is te transfer the title 
of the plaintiff in the action, and by the express provisions 
of section 756 of the Code of Civil Procedure the action may 
be continued in the name of the party by whom it is brought 
before a transfer of interest," 

See also Roberts v. Fogg, 138 Ny &. (Supreme Judicial Court of Mass.) 
224 NeYe 

iutus insurance Oo, of N. ¥., (Supreme 
Gourt of Georgia) 46 3. E. 870. We are of thé opinion that plaintiff 
had the right to proceed with the suit. 

it seeme clear to this court from all the evidence in 
the case, that the elder Kretchmer wae fully conversant and femiliar 
with this property, and that it is reasonable to presume that the 
defendants were acting upon information received from him before 

his death, when they coneluded the desl and executed the notes. 


of betoetin bas besizedius od Wiltaielg edt tad? arotbere eth 

gwe aid ai mofeulonoo ot seyeo ald? to aaitwoeaetg edt eunttaco 

et botoetth baa besixodius ed tiitaielg ted? gaivebzo Das.,.eman 

¥8q of bas ,omsn awo ald al sauseo adt te sottuossorg edt euattaoo 
eidt of .berovooer eysnom yas yotqurdasd at cetgeurt sit of teve 

yd belurzevo sew dotdw ,rertumeb « belt gtashasteb ,aoltkotiqas 
fURQL,.AtGL sedmevoll no ¢edt ewoda oale hironet oT ..tavoo Iaixd adt 

toixtedG sradéve sd¢ tot eetede botiay tum totréedd edt as 

aetens? edt tedé horobro ecw ti .etate ted¢ at .sqmaT ts,ebizelt to 

_ West edt déiw tostisoe = o¢ai tetae ot hotoeyib ed yotqurdacd ak 
ct ,miered Yivaislg tot eyenmotss ,eysoidd te zeLtyO 4 asmgedd, te 
: 4 soltganeqnos thons ganixit Sas ,tiva talvoliiaq ids. oveneenne i 

abise ei, edt te2 

betecihythe ef ,sottes as gatenpmmoo testa oq 8. oxestt Ht wth ws 
yd beunttnoo ad Yeu bas ,otade ton obeh 9 ot edt vegeta 

o8eYoH Val 

edt to eveel anistde yg ai soteust off & suas 
~ehod as moitos edt ai betutitedue “eit 38 bas t m09 e 
GbOL sqqwe »Y oH 88 .8&8 oe eagé BLf 5 .¥ 8 yh 

‘at “tus (808 -oaue o¥ of SOL « Ve «vit Qa etonit VT 

edt retemect of ef yodqurausd to prt ot S889- 

pmotaivorg easrgxe edt yd bas ,soltes ont ai aleig 

yam mottos aft exudsoord Livil to shed ed¢ toe a6’. aaktoee To, | 
tig uerd ei #2 ate yd vexed or? to aman edt ai bevnitaoo 

7 \,fgetetnt to retegett & a oll 

(.2aa¥ to #zy0d s npenen enexqua) »% al BEL Rok +1 pizedog gate pn 

Tiitatelq test sotatqo sit, te ore, wt. OTS. «Hi. o2 8h (etgxoed to ¢x0d 
| , viioe odd dtiw beesorg of tdgit edt, dad 

at evnebive pit Lie mort. txvoo aidt.ot seofo sweet BL) oy 
retilnst bas dasavevaco yiivt sen temioterd seble odt gadt .eeso edt 
eid gedt enuposq o¢ eldanpecer al tt todd bas ,yeregerq aidt diiw 
oxoted mii mor bevyieoox aottamrotad aogs puking oxew atunbasteb 
aveton oft betunexe bas Leeb edt bebutonoo yodd aode wlan mh 

hn trod ade BO tyevetek duod mie of aaw FE sac hetkovs i 



Further, the evidence clearly indicates that it was he who employed 
the broker Hunter to act in the matter of the purchase of the prop- 
erty and that it was as Kretchmer senior's agent that Hunter dealt 
with the plaintiff with reference to its purchase, The fact that 
plaintiff paid Hunter a commission is of no particular significance. 
It is well known that it is a familiar custom among persons purchas- 
ing real estate to have the seller pay the broker's commission on 
sales, even where the broker is the agent of the buyer, and it does 
not change the fact as to agency that this is done. (See Payne vs 
Newoomb, 100 111. 611.) If Hunter made false representations as te 
the character and value of the land, he did se as the agent of 
M. G. Kretehmer, and not as the agent of the plaintiff, However, it 
is our opinion that the record does not indicate that there was 
any fraud practiced upon defendants in this transaction, and thst in 
view of the fact that it is so clearly established that Hunterowas 
the agent of the buyer and not the seller, we conclude that the court 
was justified in directing « verdict for plaintiff. Therefore, 
the judgment of the Circuit Court of Cook County is affirmed, 


beyolqme one ed esw $a ted? eoteotbal Unsele sonebtve odd "todo 


~qorg ont to oesdioxug edt to rod tem ‘ed? at tos ot ‘redaw exord edt 

tiseb rotastt teas taege e'rotmen soadotery es cow tk tadé bas’ qr8 
Ms i Stree 
tend toat ont soandorug atl od sone tote tbr ‘Mubmtely odd pod 

sooasottingie. telvolireq om to el ao tae.kumoo s restau biog Wiitatssa 

“eaters ssonzeq yaoms moteso selifmet B at tt tect awosit ‘Her + en 
‘ef 8 ot 
f0 ao teotnmoo a'xoxord odd x80 reLloe ot eved ot erste Lsex gat 
ee) ae 
“ aa0b th bas ro Wd sds to segs ont a rosomd oat sree _aev9 _— 
] Dicer te 
v gaat 202) sono at aide todd yonegs ot es gost ont oysedo sg 
ed ‘abo oe 
ot at sno ttetaonerqot onset eben tetaul 3 (6118. + {LI 
, Lt 4. cao 
‘te tacgs ont es oa bib od  bael ont to oudey bas bi) 
b Serpe. wots rhea oy 4 
at <tovenoH Whagatate odd te $1098 odd ee ton bas Dor nies 

i] Rs 
new ered? todd stsethnt ton aeob —- end todd notatco a 
tAfes Prema wie 
at tedt bas 0 L¢onnnert side ai atashaeteb aoaw boot buat yes 

esteorotant te bedeLidetae viens to ve ot a sould air 

it to welv 

: ie 
frusob with edt stmLonee 9m yrosioe odd fox bus moqut! asd ro 

oie uw tt i PR ) + 
_qotoored? sa VBR tthe sot tolbrey = gatsosr2h ol. 
a: get age & ene ie 
| sown ithe ob neh ne ten ee . ond 
5 Piha le eat ae ae 
sGRNRINGA: 8. %+ a4onn edd eh ew rend Pea vat 
‘ unretnk ty tehmaret in ab are 

oe te cht: "so “ ws losin Ct st ea 
Tek OP met b: SME ROMMEL Lev Co eet Bik lt Rye) RSET Ao solbabe SH (See 

soo spocrgoel Oe Reautenl ts Ek er ma ge ae” 

Theil: 3 be aioe at Re ae TT ll eh Le te Fee 

7 . x 4 | a f ms 
or rk ee z 4 stg Ba a eal? Pies 

’ + Wee se By Pe ge 
Pts Beailt. Pere die areunn yy et A tunes hy cepa de ® cehiie eyo gd ean ey, aaa 
te jedd hin eee: ae we 
hives coheed aout wee he le cee 

atta ack meyer Owe deat ett taheawon sot cele Gee 

é yd 
‘ ff er alia 

emperor Nil 

5 ager , 



Plaintiff - appellee, 

Defendant - Appellant. ke J Dox O&O. 


The plaintiff brought her action to recover for personal 
injuries sustained by reason of a fall upon the steps leading into 
the entrance to a building owned by the defendant and was awarded 
damages in the amount of $1,200 by a jury and judgment was entered 
on the verdict. This case is now here on an appeal from that judgment) 

From the facts it appears that the defendant, Maywood 
Temple Association, owned a building located at the corner of Fifth 
avenue and Oak street, Maywood, Illinois. Part of this building was 
occupied by lodge halls and rooms on the upper floor. That portion 
of the building fsecing on Fifth avemie was occupied by the United 
States Government as a post office. The entrance to the post office, 
which was on Fifth avenue, was about 30 feet Back from the street 
and there was a walk running from the street sidewalk to the building 
and a cement step or platform near the entrance which was from three 
to five inches higher than the sidewalk. The plaintiff was a resident 
of Maywood and had been for five years prior to the accident. She 
testified that on the day of the accident she had been in the post 
office and left it through the entrance leading to the walk which 
led to the street and when she had reached « point 4 or 5 feet away 
from the door, about where the step was, her feet slipped out from 
under her and she fell and sustained the injury complained of, She 
testified that there was mud and slush covering the step and walk 
and that she could not see the step because of the mud that was upon 

ey seays, 
No cE siamo 
eoLfeags = Rhbtabelt 
a yee 
| nektsroqroo 
Sebo FOSS of “sinetioggh ~ “techno ine 

Iekoeteq tol tevovst of molten tod tdguotd thita letq oct pening 
otnt @8ibeel eqete od? mogy [ist a to soasdx w bentesere ve aoteatah 

“bhebtswe eew baa jnshactsb eft yo benwo pani bir! add inal 
ie * 

7 ter fe 

boretns esw taemybdst bas yxut ay cos. ra to ‘tivoms ‘edt pats 7 
d emghst tad? most fseqqs as mo oxed won el Sasd eld ‘olbaey odd a6 
boowy#i ‘, fashmeteb edt ted ateeqqs t2 atest edt ‘port Py agen 
« M#TET To tent99 edt te betcool gaibling & bestwo .coktaiopned otaat 
paw igitb live eidt Yo Peet velomtitT \boowyem qtoomte 490 bas ounove ounove 
Woldrée tect sJtooft tectu ‘sd? mo altoor bas eifed oybot we bekquoce 
betiall sft yd beige enw ounevs ‘attLt no ‘yatost pabbs iu ud ould “at 
aaa teoy oft ot sometine eit s0ftto feo. ses ta a RE Ie. os) e 
 teexte edd mort doef test Of twods ssw ,oumeve détil mo Bow doldw 
 -patbiiod edt of Alswobie teerte edt mort galrutus Aloe ental exedt bas & 
esrdt mort sew doidw sonstiae edt ts098 mrotéal¢ 10 gote tnomeo 8 yo 
| dnebivor s asw ttidalelg sdT ediewobla edt asdé redgid eedont evit ot 
«gd stnobioos edt of soltq ataey svit tot aeed bed bas boowysi to 
teog ed? oi ased bed ode taebioos ed? to ysb edt mo tadt beltisaos 
goidw tfew edt of gatbeol eonsttme edt dauotdid ti *tel bas soltto 
= toet 2 to 4 tated 2 hedoser bed ode aotw bas teotte edt of bel 
moxt tuo beqqila Jeet ted .eew gota edt stedw tuods et008 edd sort 
a eae sto bonisiquos vupat eit bentsteya bas Llet ede bas red vey 
haw bas qote edt gatzevoo devle bas bum asw stodd tent | i tite 
: ‘ po esw tedt bum edt to eausoed gota ont 998 tom bLueo ode | 

On oross—examination plaintiff testified that she went 
into the post office between 2:00 and 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon 
and was there about » half hour before leaving. ‘She further testi- 
fied that when she entered the building there was no mud or slush 
upon the walk or step and that it must have accumulated in the half 
hour she was inside. There was some evidence that people coming 
around the building crossed the lawn to get to the post office 
entrance and deposited mad upon the step and that this was what 
caused the fall; she testified also that when she came out of the 
building she did not take particular notice of the step, nor the 
accumulation of mud. 

Defendant contends that the walk leading to the Fifth 
avenue entrance, and thereby into the post office, was under the 
control of the United States Government and that the entrance to 
the remaining portion of the building was on the side street known 
as Oak street; that the entrance, the step and walk were unier the 
control of the government and that plaintiff was there at ite invita- 
tion and not at the invitation of the defendant, It is also contended 
that if the walk was in proper condition at the time plaintiff entered 
the building, so short a time had elapsed thereafter until the happen- 
ing of the accident, that the defendant could not with reasonable care 
have been expected to heave cleared away the mud and slush, if any 
there was. It is further insisted that the defendant is not an 
insurer of the safety of the people upon the premises and that the 
deposit of mud or slush was one which was beyond its control, 

it is without doubt a fact that the post office was 
occupying the premises at the time of the accident and the lease 
in evidence dated September 15, 1933, between the defendant company 
and the Postmaster General of the United States, was for « period of 
10 years, which would extend it for a considerable time beyond the 
happening of the accident, This lease not only conveyed that portion 

! ttew ode tant beoititeed tiltinisiq no ttantusxe~gueny AQ... | 
Hoouretts ad? at doolo'o 08:8 has 00:8 rooted ooktto tog. oat went 
| wbteod roseawt en8 sgatveet eroted twod tied 6 tuods exedt vow brs 
| devle so bum om asw sted? gatbityd sedi Dexetay ede nedw add ‘belt 
tisk edt wh betelumyoos eved teum ti tod? bas qote To wiew od? oq 
giisioo efgoeg teat coaebive omoe asw oved?- .6bient esw'eits wed 
eeltte ¢geoq edé of tex ot owal edt beesoto galblind odt brvors 
‘faitw pew aidt ert bas qete edt moqu bint betisoqeb'bis sonettas 
SRS two omBd bde aodw doit obs botthtaed ote {List edd beauso 
‘ edt tor babes ent to soltea reluottrag exe? ton bib — petaciog . 
‘GdYFa ent of gatbsol ALaw edt tad? ebmotioo tashasted™ © “O° 
Gat tebaw eon ,90ftto taoq edt otnt yderedt bas soastitad ounovs 
of S6aertas odd tadt bao trommtevod edtese’ bor fnv bit to Lotisos 
“twomi teotte sbie edt ao enw gakbited edt to mobtroq grtotamen oot 
Gd te has otew Lew bos qote odt .eonettae odd #adf jteette ie a8 
| cotta eth te ovédd eew Tittaisle ter? bas tuomatevdg 6dt Yo Tormod 
bobnoitaes ‘gels et $1 tiebasteb ot to nodtstival ott ta ton bad sole 
bevedae YWitntale omit edt te noitthnoo toqora at dow few edt LE Fade 
anoqqad edt Litas -tettacreds Beeqals bad oute W'ttoe 6d gitkhiud “edt 
etae eldanoscer déiw tom bivod dnsbrioteb edt tadd (¢aebiocs edd to gif 
‘ia ti ,devle bas bum odd yews Boreal evad of betosaxe mood eved 
Re tom ef tacbseted oft ted? botetedt veilerdt of #7 “Jaow oreds 
odd tedt bus eoetmore ost aoc Slqoliq off 26 Ytotde ent To xotwent 
(foo {Wotdwoe Bt baoysd dew notte ‘eno dew dade te Sum to Wieoges 
9 aw sotto feo edt ted ‘tos® 's ‘tdueb tvottin db er POO 
| - Senet edt bus ¢eobtocs edt Yo omit ott ¥H adutmoxt ont ‘prityyuods 
aba gnadnoted off neowied .SeGL al rodmodqed “Heteb Sonebtve Ht 
to" ‘beireq « tot uaw ,cdtst® boriad oft to Lerened rotenmieo Soa 
(edt Boyer omit eiisrob tends sagt Hf Bndtxe bitiow ‘dotiw jersey OF 
- gittitod adit be Yovned ‘vino ‘fom vesol ead” stroptvos oft To gaititeagdif 

of the premises which was occupied by the post office, but also 
"the ways of ingress and egress thereto.and therefrom." 

Plaintiff testified that after one entered the building 
through the post office, there was a stairway leading downstairs and 
one leading up to the second or third floor. A witness by the name 
of Bessie Van Tassel attempted to corroborate the testimony of the 
plaintiff by testifying that there was a stairway to the right of 
the entrance to the post office, leading to other rooms in the build 
ing. Her testimony is 90 indefinite, vague and uncertain as te 
carry little weight. 

A&A witness by the name of Jacoby testified thet he was 
seeretary of the Maywood Temple Association and that at the time of 
the accident the post office ocoupied a portion of the premises and 
that its entrance on Fifth avenue led directly to the street; that 
the rest of the premises were walled off and bricked up when the 
post office authorities went inte possession and that there wes no 
means of entering the rest of the building except by way of the walk 
and entrance on Oak street. His testimony was corroborated by one 
Thompson, the janitor for the defendant at the time of the accident, 
and by one Heady who was the janitor for the post office premises, 
This last witness testified that it was his duty to keep the premises 
used by the post office, together with the sidewalk leading thereto, 
clean and in a proper condition. 

The evidence fails to establish the charge in the declaration 
that the step and walk in question leading from 5th avenue into the 
premises used as a post office was under the control of the defendant, 
Where a party leases premises to another and gives the lessee exclusive 
possession, it becomes the duty of the lessee to keep the premises 
in a safe condition for its use by invitees, Mercovitz v. Hergenrether, 
302 Ill, 162; West Chicago | ciation v. Cohn, 192 Ill. 210. 

otis tyud ,eo0ltte feoq sdt id betquooo esw doidw geekmotq odd to 
",mottetsdt bow,oteredt shergs bas eestynt le eyaw onde” 
gathiinod eit bexetade ono cette tedtd beltiseot thhtnial® | 
be etistenwob gaibsesl yeurlete s saw otedd ,eoltto teoq edé mguordt 
‘emer edt yd eeentiv A srowlt bridt ro bnooee edt of qu gatbeol eno 
edt To yacuktesd ed? e¢stedorre0 oF botquetts Jounal ma, 
to tdyit oft of Yewriste s ecw ered? tadt galytitaet vd tildaiesl¢ 
| wbiisd oft af amcor roilto ot gatbeel geoltto ¢eoy ed? of somatine edt 
‘ ot es mistveosy bas orgev ,otinitehal o@ el yromitsst 19H. ..gat 
Lf * -etatgtow (OLstil ‘Yrta0 
esw od fadd betttteet ydoost to oman edt yd eeentiw. Ars) ....) 
to séitd ont fe tedt bee motsstooces oLqmal boowyeN yrsteroen 
bat eoalmerqc oct to aoltceq « belquose eoltio teoq edt tnsbioos edt 
gads proorte odd OF Utoorsd bel eunovs d#tli mo somattae att ted? 
ett wtiw qu befottd Bas tte Bolisw erew senimerq. edt 20 geet edt 
eh ew Oren? tact bas modesoeson. oduk taow sett ixodtus eoltho: teoq 
 8ksw oft to yew yo teeoxe gatblind edt to teen edt gatrotue to. aaaom 
Biba ond vd betsroderres esw YRomtteot el  .teotte As0 no eonastne bus 
wien (tnebtoos ed? to omlt od? de taebaetob oft rot wotins edd .moaqmedT 
a ssouinerq seltto teog eft cot sotinet edt esw one ybsell) eno yd) bas 
“eoalnorg att qset ot Yub wid sew th tedt beititee? seeatiw teat pit 
by otoreutt mene dinwebie edd dtiw redtegot .sottte taoq edd yd bean 
8 | “stot? tbnge Teqoxa # at bas neato 
noltirs Loeb edt mi egrado sft detidstag ot siiat gonebive eT Hiwatt 
gtd ediet oxewe t4@ amet ginthoed! nottnenp ti dlsw bas qete edd tart 
etnshaetsd edt to Lorénoo edt reba esw @olito teoq.s es Dosw sonimesq 
a amused estecl ont edvig bas 1edtons of woeimoxq eonsel. virag 6 ered 
~ apeimere oft qeedt of eoanel edt to ytub edt eewoood Shea ai 
siasbtisiven .v stivoomll snestival vd eau pth slniaenal ye coi ? 
lll see SO nse tgstooesh ofmousli onnoldd tool (SOL aL 

The plaintiff was net upon the premises by resson of an 
invitation ef the defendant, as from her own testimony it is clear 
that her sole purpose in the building was to transact business with 
the post office located on the premises, The accident happened in 
the daytime, and if there was mud end slush upon the step and walk 
at the time plaintiff made her exit from the building, it should 
have been observed by her, Dietz v._ Belleville Jo-op Grain Jo., 273 

Ill. App. 164; Jones v. Kroger Grocery & Baking Co., 273 Ill. App. 

There was no inherent defect in the walk or step over 
which plaintiff was proceeding at the time of her fall. The only 
ground on which negligence could at all be predicated was the fact 
that the mud and slush had accumulated and that it had existed long 
enough for the defendant, if it was in control and management of the 
walk, to have had a reasonable time to remove it. There is also 
another question which arises in cases of this charaeter and that is 
whether or not plaintiff had an opportunity of obmerving the condition 
and, nevertheless, proceeded to use the step and sidewalk in departing 
from the premises, The owner of the premises is not an insurer, 
in the case of Kresge Go. v. Fader, 116 Ohio St. 718, a 
somewhat similar situation appears. In that case the plaintiff sought 
to recover because of a slippery floor occasioned by reason of people 
using the entrance while it was raining and resulting in an accumulation 
of mud and water, The court in its opinion, said: 
“Owners or lesses of stores, office buildings, banks, 
hotels, theaters, or other buildings where the public is 
invited to come on business or pleasure, are not insurers 
against all forms of accidents that may happen to any who 
some. Everybody knows that the hsliways between the outside 
doors of such buildings and the elevators or business counters 
inside the building during » continued rainstorm sre tracked 
all over by the wet feet of people coming from the wet side- 

walks, and are thereby rendered more slippery than they would 
otherwise be, The same thing is true in the hallways of all 

{ e 
as to aonzet vd aseimeta | oud nogy ton asw Matntats out Se all 

tesio ai ti ynoniteod awo 19 moti es ,tashaeteh odt to miktativas 
dtiw eecntaud tosanett of aan gatbliud edt at saoqrug efos rod tedt 
st beneqqed tasbloos oT -eeaimexg edt mo hetsool eoitto So ond 
Siuorie th t conthiel edt noxt ttxo nv cheat 33ktatada outs ath ae 
SYS .200 alex) gorod eiliveliell .v sted rod yd bovreedo soed evad 

GGA LIT ENS 4200 nodal § yrsces) roger -v geaoh 4AOL eaqh fit 
atte eLsFis ad 

tev6 qgete to Alew adi ai toetedb taetedat om asw exe? | 
_ Uno edt oiist xed to emtd sit te gatbssoorg acw ‘ttaatalg Aokde, 
dost edt sew betsotberq od ie te divoo onegitgon Moidw 2. Aawozg 
| mano Detaixe bad tt tedd bas betalumyoos bet Sevle bas Swe, % t tam, 
edt to taemegedam fas Lottaoo at sew ti TL ,tnshaeteb MS re, Aguone 
: oels et etenT «tk svomer ot omle oidsaosset & bed eved ot ailew 
| et tadt bas tetastsdo eid? to BOnBD as geaits dois Ao itaeup ‘tedtons 
“noid tba00 edt gatvreedo to YWiautzeqgo ne bed Tittatele tom ro rodtade 
‘galitagod ai ALowoble bas gots edt sav of Pebeoorg .eeeleritreven, bas 
| stomirand os tom ef eaeiueng sud to tomMO oT ,Bentnorg. ext, gost 
| 8 ABET 88 on BLL rebel .¥ -0_samend Yo 9ne9 OME AE 26 on 
- higuos Ytoniels edt eeso tadt al .weagaga moktanthe Tabimse, Fakegans 
efqoog to soesez yd hemeissooo xooit yreqqite 6 to eausoed sevooes ot 
a ns ai gottinvest bus goiciss RAF at alidy senartnp edé gitas 
ibise ,stotonigo atf af tryoo edt state, Ana, fem 30 

. fit t . - Wy ns ik ty 

"pt au ee, ee te ese edad °° 3¢ 

efg To & bi 

__ghiaie ai eonss seyensing add Bats wa ma a8 er ob 

 betosrs ors atent er bernitaos » git: 
PSs Safe Foret nor ot ow sper tatio ty ‘elqoog A 

sae to. Apter 79) wsgutia Ae radia epeterat "gieyatle -_ ‘ 

post offices. It is not the duty of persons in control of 
such buildings to keep a large force of moppers to mop up 
the rain as fast as it falls or blows in, or is earried in 
by wet feet of clothing or umbrellas, for several very good 
reasons, all so obvious that it is wholly unnecessary to 
mention them here in detail. 

It should be borne in mind that this accident did not 
happen in some dark walkway in the store where the shopper 
found it necessary to go, It occurred in broad daylight, 
and there is no pretense that there was anything to prevent 
any shopper from seeing and knowing precisely what the 
conditions were. 

Not every accident that oceurs gives rise to a cause 
of action upon which the party injured may recover damages 
from some one, Thousands of accidents occur every day for 
which no one is liable in damages, and often no one is to 
blame, not even the ones who are injured," 

The reference to the hallways of post offices in the opinion 
cited is apt, inasmuch as such premises are frequented by large num- 
bers of the public, and it is well known that mud and slush is liable 
to be tracked into and upon the approaches to such an edifice. To 
the same effect see Murray v. Bedell Oo. 256 Ill. App. 247; Dudley 

v. Abraham, 107 N. Y. Supp. 97. 
According to plaintiff's own testimony the mud and slush 

upon the step and walk leading from the post office must have accumu- 
lated during the period of one half hour while she was in the building, 
It is very doubtful whether or not such a brief time would be requis- 
ite to compel notice on the part of the defendant or the person in 
charge of the premises. The condition was not so inherently dangerous 
as to eall for immediate action. 

From the evidence in the record this court is of the 
opinion that it is insufficient to support the verdict and, therefore, 
the judgment of the Superior Court is reversed and the csuse remanded 
for a new trial, 


te fottaoo ai anoeteq to ytub edt tom at #E .ee0itto teog 
\> GY qom eof axeqqem to sexol egrsi = ge bs yeti thee oe pow dose 
ai besictso si to .mi ewold to eliat #2 es igs ee ais: ont 
boon yrov Lereves tot ,esiiexday xo ng ote ie feet sew. yd iv! 
ot Yiseasoensy vledw elt #2 tant tvdo os IIs ,anoeset 
»Listeb ni oxed medd aotinem ==.) 
ton BLd tasbtoos 9 = Pig! ee at ented ed biyode I 
gone oft oxede stOte edd ai youtLew aned omoe al moqged: 6: ! 
die tl yee beord ai berzyode tI 40g of yxseneoed tf bavot 
.. tasverq of gaadiyas esw sredg tact sansterq:on alt vetoed?) bas)! 
ont taiw vise iosrg gaiwons bas gatese mott 1 ides 
~ eerow! 43 
eeuco s of esit sevis BTNODO ted tnebioos Yreve sok 
ES ROBARAR KoTOOOS Ysa 4 of Ytisg edt. deidy aoqy sottos he © 
ysh yrevs ryw090 atmebtoos to ebasavodt .9no emo mort 
- het si 400 og eee mi ofdsif st eno; yp od ik 


ers ow sano eft move fon . 
Pe § 
om alqo edt at seottto teeq to , Wyout iad edt ot sper-adeintoiat oat 

F ae egal ye besnoupert OTs eos Imerg foue oe doumesnt tes at betio 
" Efa.0 Coline 
| ekdett at daute bas bom tect mwont Lfow ot #2 ‘bas ob tdug oxi to ered 
ie ; wet 
of oot the as dove ot aedosoreqs ond ocr bas ‘ovat ‘bedostt ed of 

fis hem Ode Deis 

THE oA eed 888 . sea foelte sues. 
_ albus i aq 0 Ltebeg . v sexu ¢ ‘a lh ay ~ — 
Ve rue Y “m 

diane bas bun sat “ymomttess nwo o'titatelg of gatbro00 eae 
mayo eves tesrm votite taog ot mort gatbaol ite has qete ort 

2 gubbLived edt al enw esta oLtdd wed Led eno ‘to bodr9q oad gain otal 

‘i  satupes od BLuow euit tetxd = dove tom x0 ‘xodtedw Linttdvob yxov ev ‘ai 4 

along oh mort 
mt noere edt to tusbaoteb edt to tug ‘ont mmo “selton . 

j avoregitab Utnoredat oe ton Baw ao? 2ht0o ‘edt “soulnorg ea hoot Patio 
nok tos odatbeumt ‘xot Ifso oF Bs 

a the : ond to al sur00 aise brooos odd wt ‘sonsbive ons ‘ori jain 

| eon 22 toibrey adt troqque ot inotoltiwent ar ‘th test AO. 

a hobammex Sen edd bas bearever a $xu00 oie ont ‘yo daemgiut ett it 

. . 
ae eer f 

KeaL YO TET ae 

x  sAistst wan te tot 

b 1 OF Dt hd 

, casa suo ua uaensvast ‘raiDEUS © tS tasthnys 

is Eey¥ i} <a eit 

3 bite | sAB0HOD 8. LAD GHA eg TERE 
Pri 3 ARS err Sa ra eZ Lees bite ee Lv 

' y rare, bain’ ‘weer he ‘Veae fer ece wa eove ne ie 
MN eM She SET. AS RAE? gdore dd OE the, ine Bd ; 



is on yeh ‘ TRY 

; Poe Mey uel Lae gel gel @aghe ee abe ey Wee Bae! ge vi ro 


£ ar age i” a 

37689 f tf Y 
(Plaintiff) Appellee, . J Fi 
Ve é 

pares 279 1.4. 645° 

(Defendant) Appellant. 


Plaintiff, Evelyn Krueger, brought her action against 
the City of Chicago to recover damages for personal injuries sus- 
tained when an automobile in which she was riding as = passenger ran 
into and collided with a landing platform located in the street 
which, it was claimed, at the time of the accident carried no lights 
which would indicate its presence at the point where the accident 
occurred, The accident happened on the night of September 30, 1928, 
and according to the t estimony of the witnesses it was very dark 
at the time of the accident. 

No point is made as to the pleadings or the instructions 
of the court. The cause was submitted to a jury which returned a 
verdict in favor of the plaintiff in the sum of $1500.00 and no 
claim is made by the defendant that thie amount is excessive, 

The points relied upon for reversal are that the verdict 
is contrary to the evidence; that there is no proof of actual or 
combructive notice to the defendant of the condition complained of 
and that the plaintiff was guilty of contributory negligence as 
a matter of law. 

From the facts it appears that the accident happened on 
Western avenue, which is a wide snd much traveled highway located 
in the City of Chicago, Sometime in the year 1927, the city built 
@ loading platform with which the automobile in which plaintiff was 

t ts meal. 7, 

, i 
\ ! ‘ 

be, hy cat i _ .,, 888 

WORT GNESI, ane! wi ga sees: urauvE 
‘3 Vim bet im or (eo nieqes see 
enone: 2900 ee eq to tos 6 oun» 

Scebeoh 3 se & Ops wud ae: ome 

| stantLoqaa < foment 


+9100 GH? 40 #0 LKLI0 ant canuvLsea HOBAEW sonveut AK: 
teniage ‘mottos ted tfguiord erageued: mytovi ss S30: 98 ae i ; ) 
~eve soiirutal Isnosteq 10ot soyameb revecsr of ogsolde To tio edt 
fas tegtesasy s 268 gathts esw ede doidw mi eliiomotus ns medw Deatat 
teerte edt at betcogi mrettalg yadboal 8 itie bebhiiow bas otnt 
stigil ot beixzeo taobtoos edd ko omit edt tn edoutsio aaw tt gtoktn 
taebtoos edt e1sdw taiog edt te eonenetq att atavibat Bivow dotdw 
8804 ,08 xredmetqest to tdgin edt ao heteqqad tasbtoos sift shoxeveee 
-ixeb prev saw tl asesentiw edt to ywromitset ent ot ‘gntbro00s: bas 
“éasbives ont to cult ot to 
smettourtent edt to eyattbaady edt ot es ebam at tatog oh badat 
4 Demroter doidw yrut s of Lottindes ssw oame0 odT “atwoo eilt Yo 
‘om bas 00,00819 to mye oft ab tren belg | ous Yo Youat nt tLe 
“5. g@wteesoxe ef time eldt tude tasbasteb eft yd sbeut ef abate 
toLbrev odd tedd ors Lestever tot aogi heifer statog oat a of Ge 
to Isutos to teovg of sk exvodd tadd jsoushive ond oF Yyxertaoo at 
(Re Bentetqnon sottthnoo edt to tuebasreb edt oF soktod ovivouranee 
es sonegiigon yrodidiviaos to ytling eaw ativatese edd tents ‘bate 
i eek to wettan 
«to beneqqed taebloes eds jast erseqqes #2 atost odd mort Sy 
) botsoo! Yewdgid beloverd down bas. ebte 6 at Koidy jeunes anste08 
#ttud vito ext ,TRCL e0y odd a ombtonod sognotst0 to ywrd ont at 

a) an i: re Bijan: Pays 

eaw ttitabeig doidw af olidonotuys ont dotdw ditinw wrottetg ark b 

ee | ee eee ee he ee ee 

riding collided, This pletform extended north from Grace street, 

an intersecting street in the city, about 100 feet. It was about 
three feet west of the southbound street car track in Western avenue 
and five or six feet wide. It was six or eight inches sbove the 
street level and at the north end of this loading platform was a 
conerete block five or six feet wide and about four feet high. The 
platform was loeated about three feet from the nearest street car rail, 
It was intended as a loading platform for persons intending to take 
passage on the street cars and was equipped with automatic lights 
for the purpose of warning motorists operating their machines along 
Western avenue. The lighting system was installed by the Welsbach 
Company, under the direction of the city, and was operated by this 
company under sn arrangement with the city. 

fhe accident happened about 7 o'clock on the night of 
September 30, 19238, and from the evidence it appears that the auto- 
matic lights were out of order and had been since September 26, 

A witness produced by the city and employed by the Welsbach Company, 
testified that during this emetgency he would hang a herosene lantern 
upon this loading platform and other loading platforms where the 
lights were not operating and that he customarily started out for 
this purpose about 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon. 

The car in which plaintiff was riding was driven by one 
Tulke, At the time of the accident the plaintiff was of the age of 
13 years and was riding in the front seat with the driver. 

Tulke testified that at the time of the accident he was 
driving in a southerly direction in the middle of Western avenue; 
that the brakes on his car were good; that he was driving at a apeed 
of about 20 miles an hour; that he did not see any lights nor did he 
observe the obstruction until it was too late to stop the car. He 
testified that his eyesight was good, but that the street was dark; 
that when his Gar hit the loading platform it turned over, 

eteezte eost) mort ditron bebastxe mrotéelg sidT .bebiifoo gatbix 

tuode asw tL .teet OOL dvods ,ytlo odt at seorte gattoeerestal as 
suneve xretes al doatt iso teertde bavoddtyos edt to teow post sordt 
edd evods eaiont tigie to xte eaw tL .ebiw teot xia to ovit bas 

& ssw maottiadg gnthsol aidt to kne diton edt te bas dovel tooxte 

| rdgid geet 1wot twode bas obiw test xiv xo evit svold otsxonoo 

iter “ao feerse teorsen odd mort fost sexs} tuods betasel baw zattala 

ode? of gnibaetat anoets¢ tot maotéste aathoos 8 85 bobnetat acsw +I 
stdgil oltemotus détw baqgivpe ew bas exse toorte ent #0 839888q 
yao Le eenidoss riedt gnitereqe ateixoton galanee 0 esoqmig odd sot 

j P ef 

dosdalow ect yd belletent ase moseaya goktdigtt edt eunevs. recy 

nt mote Sartia 

aide ral Retareqe esw bas ,ystio adit to sotsoortb out reba « 
Vary | tes ote 

eYtio edt dttiw tnonegustis nus ‘reba Yisqno 

to fdgln edt mo dooloto Y tuodea bemeqasdt inebtoos oat oe 
-Otue sdt tedt areeqqs ti eomebive ad? soxt has cB8EL OE 
oBS xedmetqeé eonia heed bed bas xobre to tue erew atsgit we. 
.yeueqnod Mostatew out yd beyolque has wis eas ‘yd boouborg at ssenttw A 
wrodnsl exoeored s gmed bivow od yonegtouws eldt gett todd beitis te aad 
‘pad orose amtotésig patbsol redto bra mrotéslq gathsol eidt moqu 
mot tho hottate yLixemodeve od todd bas gnitersqo toi “enen sidgtt 

ze : moontette adt at Moloto Obs) tuwode onoarzwe mt Shh 

EY) vit nevich ecw yaibix sew ti Hatele dotdw at x80 eat anes 

to out ed? to eew tiivatelq edt tasbioos odt to ont edt th soattut 
z stovith oft ddlw teee taort ont at ‘gmtbis asw bas axes er 
: Rew ext tnebioos edd to omit odd ts teat boltiteo? ett ower 
jouaevs ‘predeelt to eibhtm edt ab “no kd oextb vredewoe a a “palvis a 

De ae 

beoqa s te yaivicd sew afi dest iboeg exew Peal ated no “nodend odd tadt 
ei bib xon atdgil yas ee ‘tos bb eat tet jtwod as ‘eLta 08 duods re 
OH: »180 edt qote ot otal oot ew tt Lita moktountedo 2 ag | oo 
yiteh nsw foots add tout tod boon, aw tigieoye aid, saat ben Ret 
ii aan “areve beaut $i ‘wrottalg pathaak edt tid ts0 ate aorde tat i 

ar Ree 

Plaintiff testified in her own behalf thst at the time of 
the accident it was dark and that they were going in a southerly 
direction along Western avenue when they struck something and the 
automobile turned over and that she did not remember anything more; 
that the car (automobile) was not going fast and that she did not 
see what it was the car (automobile) hit; that she was looking ahead 
but did not see any light in the street. 

Boebert Isendrath, 2 witness on behalf of the plaintiff, 
testified that he also was driving south on Western avenue about 
seven o'diock on the evening upon which the accident happened and 
that it was quite dark; that when he was about 25 feet from the 
island or platform, he was about to pass the automobile in which 
plaintiff was riding and that hia automobile was about 10 feet 
ahead of Tulke's when he saw the front of the island and that at 
that time the island or loading platform was about 35 feet awey and 
that there were no lights upon it; thet he passed the island and 
drew up to the curb and went back to the scene of the accident, 

Martha Schultz was riding in the car with plaintiff at the 
time of the accident and testified that it was dark and that there 
were ne lights on the platform. 

After the accident plaintiff was taken to a hospital where 
it was found she had received a transverse fracture of the right tibia. 

We gee no point in the proposition advanced on behalf of 
the defendant that it had no notice of the obstruction in the street, 
it was constructed by the defendant and it would naturally be pre- 
sumed that the defendant, the City of Chicago, would know where it 
was located and the manner in which it was constructed, 

There is evidence sustaining plaintiff's position that 
there were no lights at the time of the accident, The direet testi- 
mony of witnesses is borne out by the fact that it was admitted 

to omté odd ¢e tadt tieded avo red mi beitttasd ttténteld — 
yitedivos s al gatog orew yedd ted? bas drab acw th ‘dasbtoos ‘edt 

edt bus gatdtemoa Youtte yodt aedw eumeve aveteow guote nottoerth 
jeron garddyne redmomot ton bith ede ted? bas revo boaust eLidonotus 
son bib eis gadt bas test gaiog ton esw (oLtdomo tas) 10 ‘edt ted 
beods guttool esw ode tsdt ;tid (oftdomotwe) reo edt aew ‘tt tee oon 
alt steorte odd at tigit yas 602 tom bib tut 
“Nb tetera edt to teed mo eeeitiw « .dterbueer trode || OY SS 

tuods suneve mretee! so dtwoe grivixh asw osLe od tadt beltivest 

‘bes bensaqed trebloss sft doldw mouw antaeve odt mo XooId'o mover. 

edt mort test SS tuods acw of mostw dante ‘{aitsb otiup ‘asw tt ‘teas 
doidw at sLidouotus si? weeq of twoud eow otf ywrottalg zo beater — 

test OL tyods saw enna ahen eid tadd hoe gatbix enw Yhttabelg 
ots ted? bas bustet ad? to tmort odd wee od ody et odtut to heeds 
wm Yews toot 28 twods eew mrottalg gutbeok x0 babtet si a omté ta: 7 
has Sustet edt beaseq on edd j2i moqu widgit os eee Ge fadé 
etnebioos eat to eneoa ait of toad tase ‘bas dxuo ond of ‘ oS cae P 
pe odd ts thitabelg dtiv iso edt at gaibtr eae st Lisio® aa bai avert 
oved? tant bas aitab gew oi tant boitivesd bas tmebloos - ee aa 
smcottate edt no vit ra rs 
erodw ist iqsor 8 ot noxed sew Yiientalg Heabloos’ odd ett (teat elds 
eahdés tig ts edt to exutoant eetsvense® B beviooot et bw bawot asw te 
to tissded no beonsvbs we tt keogorg ac? mt tntoq of Ny oelanatgpass 
stoerte ont ht nolsourtade edd te aotton ‘on bast #2 Sad tn 
~sig od yiletytaa bivew ¢i bas tusbasteh edt ye dete: ot 09 Baw #I 
$i oxotw wood bivow .og80180° to yero ant \tashastoh edt ‘fay Demwa 
3 ybetourtenod saw ti dokdw ab coanen ont ‘Sa bedeBel ad 
ie nbsp tbody aithsdiber? pikaslbela’ bolbitie ks babi *°%* 7° 
atdnod tootth edt \ekebtook ad¢ to omy oF #e atMgil on rn oxeiit 
bedtinoe | eaw ad Sait toat ont ye tuo envod bt beeaen 


OD a 

» 4 ; 5 ; pi is ie ee, Bl M ¥ te "tine? wht Bode tod fe 

that the automatic lights were out of order and had been for two 
days. The jury could well draw the inference that the employee 
charged with the duty of placing the kerosene lantern upon the 
structure had not reached it for that purpose, prior to the time of 
the accident. 

if the defendant had placed the obstruction in the street 
it was necessary to warn persons using the highway of its presence, 
either by s light or otherwise. Its failure te have such a light 
upon the structure in the night time would constitute negligence, 

4s to the question of contributory negligence on the 
part of the plaintiff, it appears that at the time of the accident 
she was of the age of 13 yeara, The question of contributory 
negligence in a person between the ages of 7 and 14 years is one of 
fact for the jury. Deming v. City of Ghicago, 331 Ill, 341. On the 
theory that it was her duty to warn the driver if she apprehended 
danger, it appears from the evidence that she did not see the 
obstruction and cannot be charged with contributory negligence if 
the jury believed her statements to be true. The cuestion of negli- 
gence on the part of the defendant and contributory neglicence on 
the part of the plaintiff, was one ef face for the jury and we are 
not disposed to disturb the verdict or judgment entered thereon, 

For the reasons stated in this opinion, the judgment of 
the Superior Court is affirmed, 



A te 

{ 3 
{ owt tot meed bad has rabc0 to gwo etew Biigll olsanotus edt tedt 
eeyoldne odd tam? somerdtni edt work Lfew bivoo Yuwt ext eva 
git? moqu mxbtnel snceoxed ed? gatoaly Yo Ytub ont Htiw hegrado 
; te mid aid ot bail .oeogtug tedd xot tf hedosex ton bad oustointe 

| | stab to0s edt 
BA UK min te i katie bert tnsbaoreb eat uw papell 
,ooueeeTg ati to yowdgid edt gotev enoarted stow ot Visesooon oan ‘tt 
$iutl o dowe oved of orulist atl asetwredto to titght r vw nedtte 
sdomogity on stutitenco bisvew emit tigia edt at outoutts one peat 
edd a0 ponsgtigon yrotudiztémos to nottesuo ont ef Bh phases 
tuebioos sd¢ to omit edt ts ted? exasqqs #2  (Wbtatate odd to Prag 
“Yrotud i taco to acitaawp od? ,ereey EL to‘ ogs odt to sew Ode a 

bo emo bf axsoy Af Ans T to Boye ott moowsad noaxeq & Ai sonegiTgen 
od? HO LISS <LT 188 ,Onsotdo to wito .v gakmett” syrut sat xox Poet 
“‘fehasdorags ede ti rovixh oat maw ot Ydub ‘ted eaw tk” ait! yrood 
edt ode ton bib ode tect sowobsve odd MOLT exaeggs #2 .cognad 

ti bonsaityen yrotutictnoo atte beguaid bd tonnhd baa mo tfourtede 
chigen to notteeup eaT lett od OF atnonodsda Ted bevetied yrot ont 
KO boieghigen Yrotudintmeo ban fuedavted odd 0 Freq odd mo’ ooAdy 
ets ow base yrut edt rot dost to emo pew eithtatele ont to traq odt 
" \nooresd borotne tromatut x0 tolbrey edt dutaib of bosogeth tom 
m “ko oe ont Kananst eld ai boise anoeset ‘edd zat me 
net twigoet bootie at b tamed xoleque 4 

OHM TTA PIGOTT : da salioinan: ulamd 


sy P De aeae SF Rae pAb = | 
ssutito0 og uk GHA 4 jaa 

rage dy bbban io. Bar 

a a | iby there & 
tk wtterl ok eee ever 

weerod al Giang ithe he vio wy 

; ‘ae pe 4 i 

i Jo f evans 
‘Ate eit . ste 
377 34 f & dna y Ca 3 




aa he 


(Plaintiff) Appellee, § ob 

of AMERICA, a corporation, 96 2 
TF Oy, i ee 
(Defendant) Appellant. atoll Ag Ad 


This was an action by the plaintiff to recover on a life 
insurance policy, issued by the defendant company, in which she wag 
named as beneficiary. There was a trial before the court and jury 
resulting in a verdict and judgment om the verdict for $2,000 in 
favor of the plaintiff and against the insurance company, and from 
that judgment this appeal has been perfected. 

The insurance policy in question was issued on Bhe life 
of James W. Cross on May 16, 1931. Cross died on July 37, 1931, 
and upon the filing of proof of death, payment was refused. The 
policy was one of that kind wherein the statements of the applicant, 
in regard to his condition of health prior to the application, were 
taken by the insurance company in lieu of a physical examination. 
The application which was signed by him contained the statements 
and answers to the questions therein as to his condition of health 
and on May 18, 1931, he received the policy which also contained, 
attached thereto, a copy of the questions and his answers, so that 
at the time he received this policy, he had a further opportunity 
in which to consider his answers to the questions propounded, upon 
which he procured the issuance of the policy involved here. 

Gross died a little more than two months after the policy 
was issued, 

The application contained a recital to the effect that 
the statements and answers to the cuestions were complete and 

~ \ aSTyE 
\ \ 
a MOR ends ; ; s08080 .A MTARAD 
aell A i ec ae 
mel aAs LOTMUN 4 ead ( ds 
4 7? 
“OOAD IED io YWATNOD somanueuy at 
a ie 5 a toisetog7109 «& oe 
G i GO .AaiwG? © etasliegga (tasbastedy so" 96! 


Stil s no seveoet of Mitatelg odd yd moltes ne Gow etdT’) © 9° °° 
est sie dotde ti ,ymeqnoo teabmeteb edd yd bousel \yORlog sonettamt 
vruk Sas gawes edt ersted Inictt 2 saw oredT .ytsloziemed as bomen 
ai 000,88 tot tolbrev eft ao tnomsbut bas doLbrov # at gate teder 
mort Bae ,yueqmoo somstwert oft teateye bas tkttmisla edt to xovet 
-befostraq moed eed Laeqys add dnsmgtut dade 

SELL odd 10 bosent sow solteeug at ySilog soustwant ef? © ~*~ 
“[EBCL WS YLot ao BeLb eeotd steel {BL yall ad weord |W Roiwt Zo 
od? .besvtot exw taenyeq .ft0eb to toord to getiet ond aoqs baw 
etisokiqgs oft to staemesete eit atenodw batd todd to en6 aw Wilog 

“Stew ~noltastiqga edt of role it Load te Wess Lbnoo and OF Sreget al 

guattenbiaxe Lsotewic # to wotl ef Ytedueo eoneivent odd yd moder 
_ ginoustetes edd Rentetaes mid yd bongta eaw dotdw nokdsolloge “wd? 
dtised to coitibnos sid ot as afeted? anotteeup-ent ot erewann bas 
 benistiee coals doldw yotlog edd bovieoer om (lZel {BI yok no bas 
ted? oe ,etowens eid bas amoltteeup edt to yqoo 4 _otetodt besostts 
qinutroqce reddtut 0 bad ed’ ,yollog elds bevieoet od emt edt te 
ogy ,hsbavoqerq snolteeup edt of atoweas eld tebieaoo ot doidw ak 
sored bevlovat yotleq edt to eenaweed odt beret ed stoittw 

wtied eft tetts adéaom ows madd or0em oL¢til « beth ase’ vi, | 


true and should form a part of the contract of insurance. Among 
the questions propounded to the applicant and the answers thereto, 
were the following: 
17a. Have you ever had a serious illness? Anewer No. 
17e. Do the answers to Question 17 a, b, o, d, and f 
constitute a complete statement of all the severe illnesses, 
surgical operations and hospital and sanitariua treatments 
which you have ever had? Answer:Yes. 

22e Have you ever had dizziness or fainting spells? 
Answer: No. 

22. Have you ever had disease of the bladder? Answerl No. 
235. Have you ever had albumin, blood or sugar in your 
urine? Answer: No,» 
The question in the application designated 17d, reads as 

"Had medical or surgical treatment in a hospital 
or sanitearium? No." 

Appended to this question appears to be a notation that the applicant 
had had an operation for appendicitis in the year 1906, 

The records of the Illinois Central Hospital in Chicago 
disclose the fact that he was an inmate of thet hospital from 
February 14, 1927 to February 37, 1937, for diseased tonsils and 
secondary anemia; that he was again an inmate of that institution 
from November 28, 1930 te December 18, 1930, for cystitis, which 
is en inflammation of the bladder, 

The death of the applicant, a little more than two months 
after the date of the policy, was represented by the attendinse 
physician as due to cerebral hemorrhage and that the contributing 
causes of death were diabetes mellitus and hypertension. A statement 
made to Dr. Dowdall of the Illinois Central Hospital, by the interne 
in charge, which is in writing and bears date December 19, 1930, 
shows thet Cross stated that he had run albumen in the urine for 
years and had been susceptible to fainting speAls. At the time of 
his admission to the hospitel, the examination showed that he was 
running pus in the urine and had some badly infected teeth which 
were removed while he was an inmate of that institution. The 

h g 
gtomi ,.eoneryeni to tostinoo odd to drsq # mrot biveds bas ext 
,oferodt erewens odd bas sacsviiqqe edt o¢ hebaveqerq sqottesup edt 
:gatwolfot oft stew 
OH tawedd er eee evoitoa 6 bad teve voy Sal epee 

bas ,b .o .d ,2 VI mottesud of arowane od at tett 
_. goeeentii orevon oct Lis to thometste stalqmoo « 6 dels 4: 

 gttemteett mulistiaga bar iat scent ae Bees be I Leos |e 


Selleqe gaitnist ro Se bed T98v8 HOY ova ‘ne 

“yo st owana 

oo dvowaama fxebheld edt to sanssib bad reve. vo bin Od «88 

seoy ai tenue to boold myonygins bed teve Ree 
soil ;KowanA foukcu 

6s abeor ,b3L betangized ng tee ifaae ott ak po tepenp, edt deinceiitt 

Ptead SP bans: 
thase to 2 Lgiei 
dusollogs sft tedt soltstex * ed of exseqqs molteep widt OF bebdeqgd 

-80@L xs9y Ont ai aitiotbooqas tot mottereqo He bed bad 

ogsotd® ai Lndiqeoh Lexéaed elontf1I ait to ebuovse it : 
moxt Letiqeod tadt to stamni xe adw ed todd d08 ‘edt étutinks 
bas ellanot beasoelh rot ,YS@L .TS yrewrdet of Veer OL yrackde® 
ne nottutivent tedd to otemat ne aiogs aew od tadd jalaots Ytoidoode 
dossin wititero rot oeer BE cedmeost of oer .88 redaevell ‘wort 
- yrepbald 6dt to néhtaumetta as ef 

ed¢on owt nsdd etom #létil s ‘ dmaot faqs edt to dédeb edt) 0" 8! 

|  smbbnotts edd yd botasnerqor eew ,Yollog ert “to oted eit rette 
Sabtudixtnos ord tedd Baa égedvtomed Lsrdorso ot ovb es wetdteyt¢ 
tnometete A emolenetreqyd bas entitien setedsis’ view thse aedite 
| enredat edt vd ,fetiqeok Lartaed dtonkict ‘edt to Lfebwod $80 of oben 
“080 GF redmeoed 6¢8b eraed bas Qattiew ‘at ei ‘Aokitw” gogtede ate 
tot edics odt af momectie mut bad sit ‘tant botnte waoHO dat ewords 
“to omit sat tA yakdoqe gattaisr of sialiqooass’ a dB 
asw od tedt bewore nohteninexe odt ,iotiqeed edt o¢ s ya tel 
doliw ddeot botoatak the Onod bad bite edbed’ bite nilGa 
ad? .nottudtient tent to edamal no bow ot otha ‘boven ox 6 

faticgaot « at iuemtsert Lsoigtse x0 _ssouben ben 

OS eee ee ee a ee ee ee ee 


records of the Illinois Central Hospital also showed that he was 
examined in that institution on November 7, 1930 and on November 
15, 1930. 

From these facts it is apparent thet he had concealed 
from the insurance company in his answers to questions asked him, 
the fact that he had had a serious illness and that he had been 
subject to dizziness and fainting spells; that he had bladder 
trouble and had albumen or sugsr in his urinés 

in the view the courts have taken in regurd te the issuance 
of this class of policies, it is a matter of no importance as to 
whether or not the answers were made with the intention to deceive, 
The vital question is as to whether the insurance company had ¢ right 
to rely upon them as true at the time it issued its policy. The 
questions and answers pertain to material matters and their falskty 
must have been known to the applicant inasmuch as the application 
was signed by him and was also made a part of the policy which he 
subsequently received, 

The Supreme Court of this state in the case of The Western 
and Southern 

igurance Company v. Tomasun, 358 Ill, 496, has 

ennmnciated the rule in such esses in the following language: 

"In am equitable action for the cancellation of an 
insurance policy upon the ground that misrepresentations 
hed been made as to facts material to the risk, it is not 
essential that the applicant should have willfully made 
such misrepresentations knowing them to be false. They 
will avoid the policy if they are, in fact, false and 
material to the risk even though made through mistake or 
in good faith, In ted States e d Guara CO» 
Ve SESE be aks 205 Ill, 475, we stated this rule in 
the fo ng languege: ‘The law is well settled, in its 
application to ingurance contracts, that a misrepresentation 
of a material fact, in reliance upon which a contract of 
insurance is issued, will avoid the contract, and it is 
not essential, in equity, thet such a misrepresentation should 
be known to be false. A material misrepresentation, whether 
made intentionally or knowingly or through mistake and in 
good faith, will avoid the policy.' The same rule has been 
applied in many other jurisdictions." 

The Supreme Gourt of the United States in the case of 

esw od t4i¢ bowode vels Letlqac! Leréas0 atom {Lt odd ‘to ebxreest 
-ged@evoll ae ine O8@L ,8 tedmevol Ho moftutiteni tudd ai bent kmaxd 
syattwed to earn 
beLeviiie’ bed od tant twetaqes et tt stont seeds wort - 
quid Seder 686 Ideas ob éxsiteal eid mi yasqnot eonmneant at mort 
aeed bed ed tedt due eaontlt ‘euoltoe s bed had on teat ‘tot ont 
bap ca bed od test jaileqe gattaist bas sesnter tb of toep due 
| “-Otity etd mt cegee to dowd ts bad” bus ‘tiduoxd 
| sonsueel odd ot btsget ai meant eved etiu0e oat wety ods at 
| ot as eexadcecut on to teottem ws et tt ,eslollog % aealo etst x9 


| savieosS of soltuetni odd dtin oben ore Stewans eat tog, x0 xenteey 
«tigix & Ded yasquoo soastuent edt redtedw of Bs ‘ef 0 keeedty: Lativ od. 

eg .yotlog efi beweei #2 emit edt te owed we mode ‘nod Yor et — 

Wtalet riedd bas erodtem Latzevan of mistxoq axewaas: bes eno keen 
foktsollege eid as Houserat tueetlqys edt ot wom a30¢ oved temm 

\ ‘ed dokiw yotlod ot 26 tung sehen once eae bea sid ye odgtW Ba 

Eis ‘ te) - ~bevisosr Wineupoadve 
Tasman Yo sase sd¢ at state aid to dod oceomgedie vt duroewe 

regewgasl gutwoilot edt al #6ab + ese i ove at hota 
as to moiteifeoaso ont ot moites eldstivpo ate are 

enoitataseergetsin tect baworg edt 
tom Pa 7k sal ent eat coade 24 ; 
8 Sy. 89 iT hE OL 
yori ae Od of Wade it padvor anol? tis Ep oral 
£ pies seu edits Ga” 
Qe LSE Siw bie Ye fi 90. we i tL we ee etd + Doo: 
ett a Hs Liew at aor 

Mice seavienn A.abtee Ade ME gripe ni oy 
ef EB ep my TLE ae _ 
were” SS tere ar Rea Kae) bey trond od : 
ann nisdd ead elux exes orlT qe ata 
KE i a,anoidotbataut, “roate. Van Nase Me. 4 del. 

et 5 ae 
to onso edt ai sotate betiad edt to tuo ama 

tt ag | CER ty 

Stipeich v. Metropolitan Life Insurance Oo., 277 U. & Sli, in its 

opinion, says: 

insurance policies are traditionally contracts 
uberrimae ei and a failure by the insured to disclose 
conditions affecting the risk, of which he is aware, makes 
the contract voidable at the insurer's option. *** even 
the most unsophisticated person must know that in answering 
the questionnaire and submitting it to the insurer he ia 
furnishing the data on the basis of which the company will 
decide whether, by issuing = policy, it wishes to insure 
him. If, while the company deliberates, he discovers facts 
which make portions of his apvlication no longer true, the 
most elementary spirit of fair dealing would seem to require 
him to make a full disclosure, If he fails to do so the 
company may, despite its acceptance of the rag 
decline to issue a policy, Farquha » A. B. De 

737; uokengie v. } rthwestern Mutual Life Insu: il 
Ga, App. 285, or if a policy has been issued, it as-8 a valid 
defense to a suit upon it." 

It would seem unnecessary to quote from further authorities 
in support of this proposition, but cases similar in character which 
have followed this rule are Rostenkowski v. Chicago National Life 
259 Ill. App. 673; Cohen v. New York ASs 
256 Ill, App. 345; Lewandowski v. Western & So Life Ins. Go., 

241 Ill. App. 55; Gennaldi v. Metropoliten Life Ins. Go., 274 Ill. 
App. 663; Perking v. Pru¢ 69 Fed, (2 Ed) 218 

From our ¢xamination of the evidence we are of the opinion 

that the answers to the questions propounded were untrue and that they 
were answers to material facts which, if known to the insurance company 
defendant herein, could well have caused it to have refused to issue 
the policy in question, 

In view of the fact that the applicant, by signing his applic 
ation, represented the answers therein to be true, which were in fact 
untrue, it would serve no good purpose to remand the cause for a new 
trial, The judgment of the Municipal Court is, therefore, reversed, 




ett ak ,L12 «2 .U TTS ,.00 consmuenl o8tl mathlogortell .v dotoatse 
| rayae .soiniqo 

etoaténoo yilénoitibact ets eetotiog eorsruanl" 
eecloalb of hbetwani sdt yd erwilet « bas 
eS aotnm ,etews ai od doidw to ,delx sf% paitostis ane 
| aove *** .noltgqo e'yetent odd te eldablev ftoatiace oft 
gnizewace al tadt wood tem aoatag wigrteabon yom t20m Heda ae 0" 
ei of convent edd of df guittingre bas ot siiaiile 
fiiw yrsqmoo edt doidw to atesd ext mo ey Peo 
exyent o¢ notielw tk .yollog # griivsel yd .xodt _ 
etost arvevoceib ed ,eetaredi{eh yaasqmoo edt elidw 3 gait ae 
oat ,ouxt repool on noltsotiqgs eit to sro x0 a . 
erivuost of moose bluow satlesdb thet to pts pe p> ne ne wi 
ini # edsm of een 



edt os eb of alisi ef TI §|.etnwotneih 
ey weet le — pousaqenoe obtea a Pye settee 

; Nad! ome pry, s oF “saneten Te 

aolttzosieus roddeut sort etoup o¢ Yrsaseoonay mese bivow er 

ivy oat 

* fotdw refostesdo ak eatinte sesso tud 2049 Laogozg, sige to pa ad ~ 

5 gitd Lenoitell onapicd .v bXunounoteog ozs olur i 
: ae ce Teg +v gede® 4875 .qqA -£4% O68 ,yascmed 4 

20 2b Eee se .y ddamobawned i265 yah 14% 988 
au ov Sbieamep 782 -agh oft fae 
S (ba S) shot 68 ssolionh Yo .00 sa0k Lattaaber Y aubdnod 188, HA 

Che eu ay 
“nolatqe ect to sts ow gomsbive edt to coktantmex® xo » EE bing? state 
“youd tedd ‘bas suréns oxéw bebauoqorg ‘ano £Fa0up oxtt ot exews 6 eat andt 
WSAMCO eonsivent edt of awond tL wHoldw atost Ietxotan, ‘ot _Browaas Tow 

oueat of doauter ‘event: ot tt beavso eves flew piwoo cans eaten 

taenp pe aa" oe 
i ae No ie He rr 
Mm iil ae 30 pate : kis 


‘ . 
ile Bt pact tt owetaw 
‘ea su 
ee mamuneyte: r : ‘ee ) wea e CFT eed 
“aE RTRR ; MP ede apa | Dias: Be ‘g ry jo ; | oe pn ng spy 
nag lla pecan age taped wine 
teed aid Lane ‘sate OMT Ky | 8UOKOD st ae 

gamete 1D bee nt 
Hae ree, teneesy ati ont 

37759 f “xf 

i i anny 
Plaintiff and Appellee, 

OF GHIGAGO, a sorporation, 9 TOT A eC A Bt 

Defendant and Appellant. & o bolle VX 


Plaintiff, Charles Schubert, brought this action against 
the Peoples Trust and Savings Bank, an Illinois corporation, to 
reeéver the purchase price of twe bonds. The first was a bond for 
$1,000, known as the Rose-Mont bond and was purchased June 8, 1928, 
The second wes a bond for $500, and was known as the 63rd and 
Fairfield bond and was purchased June 1, 1929, Both of these bonds 
were sold te the plaintiff by one Keefer. 

At the time of the purchase of the first bond, known 
as the Rose-liont bond, Keefer was employed by the Peoples Trust 
and Savings Bank of Ohiesgo.e At the time plaintiff purchased the 
second, the 63rd and Fairfield bond, Keefer claims that he was 
employed by the Peoples Securities Company and not by the Peoples 
Trust and Savings Bank, The plaintiff testified that he purchased 
both bonds on the premises oceupied by the defendant and through 
Keefer who had a desk in the quarters occupied by defendant bank, 

As to the first or Rose-lont bond the defendant claims 
there was no fraud and, furthermore, that the statute of limitations 
had run. As to the second or 63rd and Fairfield bond, the defendant 
Claims there was no fraud and further that the sale was made to 
plaintiff by the Peoples Securities Cogpany and that, therefore, it, 
the defendant, is not liable. 

The cause was tried before a jury whieh returned a verdict 

in favor of the plaintiff for the full amount on both bonds and 

» soctaled has ttttateld 

ili gg B98 
ae Xt 

a bifid 
= Cad 
mat ate ees Prt as wa TeURT, ane at 
stb iterogvos ¢ \ODADENO 10 
"at KO Tes en s 
Wermas bus. rt a 

horns tottos elds tiguotd creditor sets Yr tomdel 
ae FRAO 

OF jitoL¢sr0qr00 abtonk £1 a tol epadvaa bate tears? we lqoeR ont 
pro eed & sew terlt edT sebnod owt to solr eaadomus ‘od rovboor 

«aed (8 omw% Soesdotugq eaw has bued: taol~a08 edt am aweod "000,59 
"Bae 5x83 ort as awond eer bas (0034 tot haod s ssw Saonee edt 

ebsod e¢edt to dtod yeser qi snuh besedotug aow bus: baed blelieher 
; ; yteteed ono yd ttitaisiq ed? at Sloe oxen 
wont ybned tetit edd to sendotug edt to emit odd tA ft pas 

‘teptT seLqost ond yd beyolqme ede rSteoN {baod snoM-sea08 edt- ae 

“edt beendorue Itiduielg omit oft th \Logsokdo: to Aaed egtivet bas 

"ow od todd smielo tetesX .baod BLlottriet bab bx88" ode vbnoo0ee 
 geltgoet eft yd tom bas yntqmol adtticuoe? ‘ediqoet ont yd nite ‘ 

 “pbebdoniey on todd hettitect trttwtalg of?  .dae@ egmbvee bana tet? 
"" tgvoutt bae’ tasbasteb edt yo betqubco esetmery oft nd ahnod tod 

etosd tuabesteb yd belquvoce statraup edd mt deeb « bati onw rere0x 

emtsio danbasteb edt baod tmoM~eeof to tat? ede ot @A 
paottetimil te etutete edt tant .etomredtist bine bubrt on sew, orodt 
trebasteh ent .baod bLeltrist bee bro +o. baoose edt oF eh fist” bad 

ot oben aew else edt tastt godtret bao buart’ on Baw oroutt antsio 

wii ,stotetedsd tet base yosqpod eo ltiaqyost ealqood ont iM tiitatsta 

robrov & bentuter dolidw yrot 6 exoted beixt ue eat ae ' 
prs ebaod died mo tayoms Lint ed? tot Wtatela edt to ee mk 

‘ - 
An! Fae 

judgment was entered upon the verdiot and an appeal prayed and 
allowed to this court. 

In view of the fact that there were two sales and in 
order that the issues may not be confused, it is advisable to 
consider them separately. 

It is admitted that the fose-Mont bond was purchased 
June §, 1928, and was sold to the plaintiff by the defendant 
through Keefer and that Keefer was the agent of the defendant at 
the time of the sale and purchase, Plaintiff testified that Keefer 
at the time of the sale told him thet there were no defaults under 
the trust deed securing the bond issue and that the monthly payments 
ef principal and interest were promptly made. He further testified 
that he was given a folder deseribing the Rose=-lMont bond and that 
Keefer told him that this would be a desirable investment. This 
Gireular described the location of the building, together with the 
transportation adjacent thereto, the value of the land and building 
and the annual income, It also stated that there was a provision 
in the trust deed securing the bonds under which $22,000 of the $80,000 
loan was to be paid between December 15, 1927 and December 15, 1932, 
It alse contained a provision to the effect that the borrowers were 
te deposit each month with the Peoples Trust and Savings Bank a 
certain sum of money which was for the purpose of paying the principal 
and interest as it fell due. 

The books of the company introduced in evidence discloses 
the fact that at the time plaintiff purchased the bond, there was a 
default in these prepayments which were necessary to pay the interest 
and part of the principal and that at the tige plaintiff purchesed 
the bond very little had been paid in on the trust deed to take care 
of the interest and principal payments and the defendant had advanced 

eee. ie 

bre beystq ineqqs as bas tolbrey odé soqu beretae aew taenghut 
| » atmo eidt ot bewolle 
mi bas eine owt srow sredt tant tost edt to weltv aj 
ot eldnaivbs at tt aa tena od fom Yau aovent ont seat: raawe 
’ -Uoderaqee nous rebianoo 
abunbiied Bay haod tao a0% ont tedt bettimbs et sd ity 
taebasteb out yd WAtaela ent ot bloe sew bas Ng «8 orust 

ts tasbastob edt to tnege eas Rew _reteed fade bas sotoox dguord? 

reteox taslt bettitost ‘wWitatels sseasiorurg na fsa ad eee Bored 

ce haw atinsted on eTew ered? tert wid biog olee edt to omit odt ts 

s stnonyed Yidssom out dedt bas eveet buod ot gatuoee peed taunt et 

ie botttinet sedixwt of sobou Mtqwora ores ‘teorotat ‘bas Leqtontzg te 

a aay UGoo4 iho Fw & “ 
_ tesa bas dood taol~anok oa gatdironeh robLot 2s noviy Baw wy By 
Ae: ewe Die BY « Hs 
eid? .toenteevat eidertest 8 od biwow eid teste med Blot ret 

on? thy xodtogos agaikbLtae out t0 mottsool ont bodtxoned ob cateonts 
pack Lind bas bass ot to oulay od? .otexedt ‘tases hs fo Ltstroqeners 
i aotatvorg s ao" etedt tans betate oals m ‘enoont yew oat ee 
, 000,08} edt to 000,889 dozdw robrur ahaod ons antsuoes heck dust ett nt 
: S861 ,2f cedmened bas 0s 2a ‘rodmeoed poe bog ‘ov Gb Uae moet 

WOOK Bey iihaf * én hove 
oxew preworrod edt tant soorte edt ot aotelvory § wee valet 

woe ag oye : eth tee? 
8 Anse spatyoe bas taut? anigost odd si¢in Atnon dinom dose theogeb ot 
i Ewen Oe nee eel Me pet. 
¢ “ teqtontsg edt galyeq to seoqtug odd x08 anw ‘os to awe mistreo 
: eA ts i bigs og odat bas 

oud ier ¢ Jj 
& _nesetonth somablys at booubortat wasqnao ont ‘to sie Se ! 
cing Dorin t. Ob Gil, wedge 
4 8 Baw etedt abated edt beessloruq aaentadg omit ede Ve Pend 
q Be: ey Pees eS 

teorstal ond — ot YEsaeooen ozew Monde @ etromyerors benkt dé ai #Lusten 
SAE RGA See aah ES 
_ Deasdonug tt ftatele eke ont ts tadt bas fsqtoateq odd to bas 
ot HOO’ Ot VE Fe Reliads hg 
exso efet ot beeb tautt ote Oo ‘ah bie ood bad elttit 
AGEL Fame We ie abbr wie wy 

boonsyds bed tnehaoted edt bas edaonyog, aiikei rei one 8 _ pret - to 
Re we we ‘ | 
ni? vot wWitendelte nae ta move’ a 1 

RR ee 

ee s,) ee... | -e 
e : x 


considerably more in order to take csre of these. In other words, at 
the time plaintiff purchased the bond there had already occurred a 
defaplt in the provisions of the trust deed, These facts were not 
disclosed to the plaintiff and was a m&terial fact which, if known 
to the plaintiff, might have resulted in his refusal te purchase, 

. The interest on this bond wae due semi-annually and payable 
December 15th and June 15th of each year, The defendant continued 
to pay the interest up to and until December 15, 1930, and according 
to plaintiff's testimony, it was not until the next installment in 
June of 1931 became due that he was refused the interest on his bond. 

in October, 1932, plaintiff went to the bank and tendered 
the bond plus the interest to a Mr. Weakly of the defendant company, 
The fact of this tender is denied by the defendant but it is admitted 
by Weakly that he did talk with him on or about this time concerning 
the bond in question. It was a question of fact for the jury as to 
whether or not a tender had been made, 

There is no force in the contention that the statute of 
limitations had run, inasmuch as the defendant had concealed the 
defaulta by the payment of interest to the plaintiff on its bond 
and thereby kept the obligation and the agreement alive. Skrodski 
Ve. Sherman State Bank, 348 Ill. 403; Elmore v. Johnson, 143 Ill. 513. 

There were sufficient facts in evidence from which the 
jury could have found that at the time of the purchase of the bond 
by the plaintiff the provisions of the trust deed which secured the 
bond had not been complied with and that there was a default which 
the defendant concealed by the advancement of the money sufficient 
to pay the interest charges, 

The second bond, known as the 63rd and Fairfield bond, was 
purchased June 1, 1929, Plaintiff testified that at the time of the 

: 4 
| ts ,obrow tredto al »eeedt to oreo sist af Tebt0 al ron <idaxebtanes 
# beriwoee Ybserls Hed ered? buod edé beasdouwg tti¢atelq emit edt 
tom o1ew aiost eee? .beeab tawrt edt to onotetvorg edd ai tiystod 
mwont ti ,doeidw toct Lelzetin & esw Dae tthinielg edt oF Seeotonth 
ssestorug of fsayter sir at betiuses oved tigtm ddaistg edt of 

— eldsyeq Sas yileunns-lmwee oub asw buod eldd ao sestedat edt ct eet 
hosaticos tasbnoteb edt ,teey dose to Mrel oawl has Atel xedmeoed, 
gukbrovos brs s0beL oot tedmecot fttnw bas ot our toeretnt ect ¥e t: 
| sbaod asl mo fuoredat edd Beavtot esw oa bast oud hada reer Yo pon 
berebaes bas daed edt ot taen titatsLa aStGL yredoteo al. 
trsqmoe Jasbaoteb edt to yidsav +x s of tnexetnt odt ews. sie edt 
; bet timbe at tt ted tasbaeteb oft yd beinsd et robaet eidt to, ) tont of? 
_ gattarsonoe omit nidd tuods xo mo mtd dttw ALet bib of tadd ylAsow xa 
om as Vout. edt tot tos to agiseoup a sew tt sotteesp: 7 aod, edt. 
sobem need bet rebaet 8 tom 19 Seid 

ome te otetate edt tedt aoitaetaoo edt af eotot om ai sted? + eat at 
| , 

e oat beLseon0o bes tashasted ort es doumesnt avr bed eng itet tats. 
bod att mo Yhttntety pdt of teeredat to, tmemys, ont M.etdeet 

re i ij 
i te hk “ih er 

biaborie vevits ¢nousergs edd bas goiteatige edt teed 
| MG LIT ENE gogulol -v exons ;80b yL4T OPS ina . 
got doidw mort eomobive mi atoat sao totiiva exer oredT bok ecw 

Forte edt to eashormg oft to Bas | ont sed todd brwsot ovad binoo vent 
odd beurooe so eter deeb fewtt ‘odd to enotetvesg. out “wiitatsda, edt xd, 
_ Ho kate Lust’ 5 Rew ered todd bee dt be Detiqnos ne 9d, fen. bad Gaul 
“tus testis yorion edi be ‘tiengonsrbe edt ye boiseonco, tasbrst ol 
‘ 1 ak Ms sere f ek ib oto of. 
; enw | sbaod biotretst bus bBo odd as wom _sbaoe baod hagsen. Oe cid te 
ete to omit odd te godt bettiteed deitatelt *88OL 4% onus aed 

Pe ee eas 


purchase he had a talk with Keefer and was told by Keefer that there 
were no defaults under the trust deed securing the bond issue and that 
the monthly prepayments of principal and interest had been promptly 
made; that he was givem a folder, describing the property, which 

was introduced in evidence, setting out its value and stating that 
provision was made for monthly deposits of principal and interest 
beginning April 15, 1927, in order to systematically reduce the loan. 

The account kept by the defendant shows that at the time 
plaintiff made his purchase of this 6érd and Fairfield bond, there 
had already accrued defaults in the prepayments provided for and that 
the defendant was advancing the money to take care of the interest 
falling due and the maturing bonds. in this regard the situation 
was very similar to that surrounding the evidence in regard to the 
Rose-Mont bond purchased the previous year, If, as a matter of fact, 
the books of the company showed there was a default in the provisions 
of the trust deed at the time the plaintiff made his purchase, and 
this fact was known te the plaintiff at the time, there was such a 
concealment of a material fact as would vitiate the sale, 

It is insisted, however, on behelf of the defendant that 
at the time this latter purchase was made Keefer was in the employ 
of @ Company known as the Peeples Securities Company, and that he 
was acting as an agent for that company and not for the defendant 
and that, therefore, plaintiff's right of action, if any, was against 
the Peoples Security Company and not against the defendant. 

Plaintiff testified that at the time of the purchase of 
the 63rd and Fairfield bond, he entered the bank and found Keefer 
there seated at the same desk where he was when he, the plaintiff, 
had made his previeus purchase of the Rose-Mont bond and that he 
did not know that Keefer wes employed by any one other than the 
defendant. If Keefer was in the employ of the defendant, it would 

7 ’ 
pened tade wereed y¢ Blot eow bus reteod déiw alet s bad of evsdoxue 
tend bers ouent bood edt yaivvece boob terry edt sehay etiveteb on ort 
Ytquord seed bed teeredni bas Isqiontiq to svuomyeqer¢ yiddénom edt 
doidw .ytreqorg edt yatdirees) .rebLol = mevig ssw of tary jobem 
ted? goiveta bas oxvtev sti vo paltiee .conobive al heowbortal saw 
 Faoetetal bas Leqiontiq to etieedeb yidtaom “et oben ew aotetvotg 
| gftaok edt soubor YLisoltemeteye oF tobro ak ,V8@L ,3f Linq gutantged 
gat? of ts daddy swodld taehaeteb et yd tqed tavooow eT: ) ys of 
‘erent ,baod bloltrist bas 263 eld? to casdoty etd eben thidatalg 
. od base vot bebivete esaemynqetc eft wl stivsteb beurecs Wistrle fad 
- Peeretal ant to axso est ot Yeaou od? gntonavbs usw tasbnsteb edt 
-. tebfestte edt breyet eidt ml .«sbaod yaitotem edt bas eybogat List 
- eft of bisyot al sonsbive edt yatbavotie tadt ot «slike Yrov ese 
aioe? to retsan s es (tT »tsey auoiveng edd besadowy, ‘buod aol-oaeh 
 pwoleiverg sd? of ¢lustebh » ase ered? bewods yasquoo ott to sdood edt 
bas ,ceadotyg eld obem tiiinkely od¢ omtt odd ¢a boob teutt edt to 
4 dove eew ovedt omit edt te thidntalq edd of awomd ew tost eidt 
seine en? sfaltiv bluew es test Latratem # to taswlasodso 
tedtt taebasteb et to ifeded no yrevewod detetent ef ID 6) 8 
ss RSLqma odd 45 ow TOTCON oben sew sendowid Todtal utdd wmtd edits 
- od tedt due .yaeqmeD asttinves® eafiqeet edt es awonk yaad. s to 
frebssteb dé tol tom bas yraqmeo tedt cok taege ase patios aay 
 featkegs esw pyas TL .soLfes To digit w¥tidntsle Qorotored? ytediebges 
duebacted edt fatiage tos bas ydtaqned 'yeityoss selyoet al 
“Yo eesdormg sit to omtd edt te todd bettiseed Trttalslt ©» Aiod. 
= ggRGOX DauSt bas toad odd horeras of \.bacd Slottubet has brsdcodt 
| ititatslg edd .o modw pow Od oxedw deeboomes ledtots ‘betde | 
8 Gb Fed bas Lod tnok-ea0% est to sesiotuy waaitaibtie: oan oat | 

Ss piel 

we liable under the circumstances in this case. Moreover, the 
defendant would be liable if it held Keefer out as ite agent or 
permitted him to occupy a position, with its consent, which would lead 
an unsuspecting person te presume that he was dealing with the bank, 
t Swiss Az. Golony v. Pease, 194 Ill. 98; Stock Yards Go. v. 
Mallory, 157 Ill. 554, 
From the evidence it appears that the Peoples Securities 

Company wes organized sometime in the latter part of 1928, and opened 
its offices on the first floor of the same building in which the 
defendant was located on or about January 1, 1929. The facets in 
evidence show that the defendant company had attempted to separate 
its trust department from its regular banking business, A number of 
officers of the Peoples Securities Company were, or had been, officers 
eof the bank. A number of the employees of the bank were transferred 
to and employed by the Peoples Securities Sompany. The bank 

proper occupied the premises on the ground floor of the building 
located at the corner of Michigan avenue and Washington street 

in the city of Chicago. A main entrance to this building was next 
door to the bank entrance and persons entering the building at 

the main entrance entered a corridor which extended around the bank 
and out upon Washington street, a side street intersecting Michigan 
avenue, There was an exit at the rear of the bank on to this . 
corridor and directly opposite was an entrance off the same corridor 
to the offices of the Peoples Securities Company, which was in the 
same building, but whose main entrance was on Washington street. 
There appears to have been a sign over the door on Washington street 
which read: "Peoples Securities Company." There was also a similar 
sign over the corridor entrance, In other words, employees of the 
bank or its patrons could pass directly from the bank to the Peeples 
Securities Company by crossing the corridor, without leaving the 
building. It appears that the lease to the premises occupied by 


ed? ,xovoetoK .«9ae0 eldt al scsonstenworlo oft tebaw sidsil eg 

‘wo tregs ati se ¢uo reteoT bled th th efdalki od binow taebasteb 

| heel Bite 16 tw etagenos stk dtivw .soktieod & yaqoote of mid dott imersg 

Maa Ot Mitte gob tesh aow od tant omwasea of aoated equneecmnralien 
i oe 

ie st aa 
aeivivrrose anole edt tedt peti #£ oowebive pilin min he Sr eete 

’ @it Woldw mi sakbited omes oat Yo roolt terkt At mo seottto até 
wk etost off 0885 .f yrauaet tuods to mo Basbool baw thabeetes 

-  gteteqen of betqmetts bed yneqmdo tnebnoteb edt ted wollte eonebive 
«fe ted A yeeemtend grtined eelugor adi mort Yrewtredsb tautd Bit 
“ mteLtO (nbéd bad TO (Stow Yeqmod eottitvese Belqoed oft TO eteORTTO — 
«Petreteaert orew Anke ont to wesyoleme oat to reduna A .anad SAd TO 
F gFOH3 Ynsd sdf .ynecmo0 eshtix098 eelqoel oft yo boyelane bre ot 
pith Eted edd te toe? bavorg ect m6 Roatmorg end Detquooe xeqoRG 
teerte dotgaidaey bas omeve negtfei to rearoo edt a) bobsoer 

txen sew grtbltic elit of edtettns alam A -ogsotdd Yo ysko” edt mb 

ta gatbiiud edt satrotas enoeteg bab eonerine Saad edt of to0b 

Mosd off haves bebastxe dotde robitr0} 6 betotns sonertze atem edt 
“megifolm anttosersdn! teerte ebin s .deorte hotgmtdeaW mogtr tivo’ baa 
ghne OF mo Mee ott to asor oft te tixe me now ovodt “Gemmets 
robbttod' buns’ eid tho sonettde He baw BFLevegO YEtborEy ba SOBE<keD 
gif mt cow doitiw ,ytegqmod eetticwoel eelqoed onff ‘to woottre bar ot 
stoorte cotgntdstt oo paw onsets offen Seodw tud \gatbLivd diss 
tootts netgatdest ao roob gif? revo myte & meed ovat OF exseqas ened 
gettwts s ols asw oveitT javapnedes fe sana ‘we ‘baer Holkdw 
edd to eseyoLoms’ ,ebtew Yoddd at leonextad YobErroe ate ae gh 
nolgosd edt o¢ ane edt wort ores wasq bivad ‘endrtad ber Ye dita 
gift! gatveel todtiy (robirtbb! edé gatenote Yo pene spinaw "I 
ad betqyeos seetmete oft OF BeseL od? sadlt i qe 


both the bank and the Peoples Securities Company was in the name 
of the bank. At the time the Peoples Securities Company began to 
do business, the bank assigned a portion of the premises to the 
Peoples Securities Jompany, but this assignment or sublease was 
never assented to nor received the approval of the owners of the 
building or its agents. While it may be true that the bank and the 
Peoples Securities Company were separate and distinet entities, 
nevertheless, there appears to have been a clese cooperation and 
mutual buginess relation existing between them, 

At the time plaintiff purchased the 63rd and fairfield 
bond, he was given 2 receipt by Keefer which bere at the top the 

"Peoples Securities Company, 
Michigan Avenue at Washington Street, 

Phone Randolph 8800," 

The circular which was introduced in evidence and which 
plaintiff testified he received at the time of his purchase bore on 
its back the following statement in large print: 

"Since 64% 1s a very attractive ykeld for a conserva- 
tive investment at the present time, good business judgement 
should lead our customers to select one or more of these 
bonds at once, *** # 

Undernaath this statement was the legend: 
"Peoples Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago, 
Real Estate Loan Department, 
Michigan Boulevard at Washington Street," 

From the receipt, one purchasing the bond might infer that 
he was buying from the Peoples Securities Company. From the circular 
the purchaser could just as well infer that he was buying as one of 
its customers from The Peoples Trust and Savings Bank. While the 
address given at the top of the receipt of the Peoples Securities 

Company was Michigan Avenue at Washington Street, the fact remains 

east odt ai enw yneqmo? eeltixuoes sefqoed ade Sua dnsd edt dtod 
_ OF maged yaeqnod eeitinves® eelqood edt omit odt #4 ..aasd edt ke 
odd of eeatuorg ont to nottzed 6 hamytany Anad pat gpagatend gh 
asw eeseldue to tnommglees sidd tud « yateqm90 soktinueet seLqee 
ed? to axenwo oct te Levorggs edt hevieoe: tom ot betaeans toven 
po ft Ae Anes ont stadt curt od Yam #f otiay. .wtnegs et2 go wakes tant 
| _spedtitne foaiteth bas etexsgee stow yasgmod gettinuee’ aelaoed 
hts aottsxeqooo anoles need aved of axsogue eTedt .asesedtxeven 
3 emods avended guitaixe mottelot seenthud Levtum 
“ploitsist bas £188 edt Boasdoruy Bktatasgemtt edtth 4 oo) 
eit got edt te exod dotdw xeteed yd tqiecer s oevig vow ed) ,baod 
vetiaus Ae < Ries shegaes 

oe ope: a o2,sott suns eet. sieallindel 

| ' ror ee oan” ees 
Lasmnlloas eoxebive at boouborsat eaw tiétde <eltiorto 6a te boreoat 
no etod sasdoru aid to omit oft ts bevteoer Sd Boltiseod ‘YWtalelq 
saeked egret ai ‘trometsté ‘patwoLtot edf aad att 

dr tgp @ tot Bledy svitoarttes yrov & at ate" “sae tm set 
ee a 

seed to 8 ai to om eas Bot pr lomar sbaod 

sa, AbMONOL eat aa trometate aldt déommrebal 

nts xoue0ie0 4 Piet pre Won? a8 Meek cohten dtea™ heedtte our 49 

_ Metaorde sotgntcest a Susvelwel asgideld coal iid edit 

tant xotat tate dood edt gatesdorug amo ctqheeey OAF MORE gat 
xeiuorte edt mori .Yequod geifixuee® selqoed edt moxt gatyud eau ed 
tg ane a8 gatyed son on tadt meted hon om dens Abiuoo i 
ee ‘epatye Ate ROUT, | 
is ‘ eoltixuaed eeigqosd edt te tqteoes fet; to w. ae or mre 

-—— endamen 90h out «toon motgmisany, ts sxmews 2 5 

ee = 

that its correct address was Washington Street at Michigan Avenue, 

if we consider its entrance and address as upon the street on to 
which its offices opened. On the other hand the address of the bank 
was Michigan Avenue at Washington street, which was correct, and 

was the entrance through which the plaintiff passed at the time 

he made his purchase, 

There is no evidence in the record which shows that the 
plaintiff was at any time upon the premises of the Peoples Securities 
Company. If, as a matter of fact, he did as he testified - purchased 
his bond in the quarters of the bank from Keefer whom he had known 
ag an employee of that institution and through whom he had made 
ether purchases from the bank - he had a right to rely upon the 
fact that Keefer was the banks agent and the question as to whether 
or not he was put upon inquiry by reason of the acceptance of the 
receipt and any other facts in evidence, was for the jury. 

If the bank permitted Keefer to transact business upon 
its premises and to hand out circulars with its name attached 
describing the bond in question, together with its recommendation 
to customers to purchase as shown by the circular, it would be 
estopped to deny its responsibility if a customer was misled by 
reason of its action. These were questions of fact which were 
properly submitted to the jury. 

There was no error in permitting proof of ‘other trang- 
actions with Keefer at the bank, It had « direct bearing on the 
question of plaintiff's right to regard him as still an employee of 
the bank. Wor was there any error in admitting the circular in 
evidence, inasmuch as the plaintiff's testimony was to the effect 
that he had received it upon the premises of the bank from a person 
whom he presumed to be its agent. 

e2unevA aayidoltM te teett® aotgnides® asaw aeetbbhs tosrtoo atl fade 
ot ao teorte odd soqy a8 agethbe bas eonaytas ett teblanoo ow ti 
dasd odd to esorbhbs ed Saed todte edé a9 ,»bensqo aseitto ati doidy 
bas .f0eTx00 asy doidy .toonte mofgaident #9 euneys segidolh eee 
out od? te bogesq tiitaisig edt dotdy Aguotdl? sonsttae adt.aew 
7 | pastors ald ebanod 
_entd ‘tat arose doldw bxooer edt as enanhive OK BL SHOAT pes roe 
_aottizue9t goigoe% edt to seetuerq odt moqu amtt yas te acw tttdmisia 
Poasdowg ~ bottitaes of as Dib ox .toet to xottam 9 2a «2h. oNanqmed, 
swona bas od modw teTecd mont Aned st to exotiaup add mt baod eld. 
(aban bed od pode Aguotdt has aoltutiteant tadt to eoyolque 18 Bs 
ot mogu yiez ot tigis s Sed od —ansd adit mort ARS AANEIN reste. 
tedtodw ot es noltasyp oft baz tnogs sided eit sew retsod tart toe) 
ent to soastqeoos edt to noaset yo yitupal aogu faq sini sd tom x0 
eTrust edt tot enw ,sonebive at etost “4odto ws bas tqieoex 
mogy sesniaud tosaneart of 1teteed Dott tmrsg dnad edt so | 
‘bedostte omen aft dtiv oxefwerts tuo Baad of Bus asetworg ets 
“no ttabmommooet etl délw tedteyet wit0 tfe@xp ni baod edt pate <oa0b 
ed bivew th ,xelvorto oft yd mwode es saaforug oF aromoteue of 
W befatn soy xemasayd 2 th Ytbitdtenognes até, xno! ‘ot bongotes 
ersw fo tctw fost to etolvesun ater beodt “uno htoa. att ‘te conser 
| a Ntwh, edt of, begtindva, xizecoxa, 
~anert redto; to, teong galstimzec al LO7%9, 9m, all etodT 
exit no gaiteod, toerib « bad #1 pxadd odd ie xstood dtiw enottos 
to soyolque as Liite as mid breges of digit eltitiaisig to solteeup 
i . ft tsivor to edt gaitttmbs ai roxre yas, ered? een tol. cadena 
: “gosnte. ond ot Bow Ynomttoot a!ititatela edé es oumeant. «9 
noero: § mort aed oft to segtmerg. edt, soqu. th. bevdener., bed. os sat 
_ stags ett ed of bomuserg ed, morly, 

to oenperh oon ddoss pam wxanee? he 
Rte 2 an eo 

Whether or not plaintiff tendefed back the bonds within a 
reasonable time was one of fact for the jury. Plaintiff's testimony 
was to the effect that he did not discover the fraud until September, 
1932, when default was made in the interest payments, The delay 
between the time of his discovery of the fraud and his tender in 
October 1932, was not of such great length as to make the cuestion 
ef laches or delay one of law. 

| We find no error in the record which would justify a 
reversal and for that reason and the reasons expressed in this 
Opinion, the judgment of the Municipal Court is affirmed, 



sdhded xiii buartt odd revooeth ton Mprgctnsareioreriie: yoo 
‘yetsb edt ataomysq tdovedat oat wi ébow ‘tow tioned itd eer 
nt tobaet eid bas bustt sdf to yrevecerh utd to omit edt Heowied — 
motteoup edt sien of es ieee avrg sfowe Yo ‘You saw .S80x ‘xedod6o 
Pe fd deci ene mi sf See Sie fut Ge sedoat to 
s Ytlteut bivow Holdw Bidter ont ai cétve Od Bast'dy” {2448 ; 
ra at boveorgue ancecex odd bas pecs mn 

a __shesiains et bia ‘(toi veel to ‘tuomgbt Ont | oittqo 

% eoi~osk ted? Fo as 1s an 
-" oc ¥ ¥ dl a 
is i &) . red A ow . Lee >. ae a nor ilbiliok - 7 

dh hy rae ae ? Oo fMonReo?s fh you v7 ded SAE & wigs 7 vs oe x0 




is saan adi Atlin weelourie tiie Saad of hae tenner nig " 
2 St ues wor 3 | 

Angee ss 
mye a ey 
7 v 

idvew 22 _xedverto ed? Yo Beene 86 we adowsry ov conan 
betolu ghw. xvoutuegut i yttite death wii, xa oe. 
goiite Poet Th Bttaifesvs setae a nae bts b94 btow ane 

sal, SA nt ad sean aa wy . a 


sie heist cue an ‘eo if tid 

eed Y ¥ any s ¥ th . “ ,ey a $ a 

37770 an a f 


Fl & 4 5 a a 
EDWARD He MORRIS, Receiver of the” * APPEAR FROM Se 
Binga State Bank, a corporation, Mi 

Appellee, MUNICIPAL a 



Appellant. 979 1.4.64 G' 



This is an appeal te reverse a judgment of the Municipal 
Court of Chicago entered upon the verdict of the jury in the sum 
of $2,123.68. The suit was instituted by Edward H. Morris, Receiver 
ef the Bings State Bank, based upon a promissory note executed by 
the defendant in faver of the bank and dated June 12, 19230. The 
judgment note contained the usual clause permitting the entry of 
judgment, which was done, and on motion the defendant was permitted 
to enter his appearance, plead and defend. The questions of fact 
surrounding the issuance of the note were submitted to a jury. 

The defendant takes the position in this court that having 
denied the execution of the note under oath, the burden was upon the 
plaintiff to prove its execution, and further that Binga, president 
of the bank, was guilty of fraud in the procurement of the note and 
the receiver oceupies no better position than did the Binge State 

From an examination of the evidence we find that there is 
ample proof tending to support the fact that the note was in facet 
executed by the defendant, 

Morris, the receiver, testified that about two months after 
his appointment as receiver of the Binga State Bank, he talked with 
the defendant and was told by him that the note in cuestion was all 
right and defendant admitted signing it, The defendant, himself, in 
the course of his testimony confirms this fact by acknowledging that 

Bs aL stonntd .tasbaeteb od? «ti gutmgte bettinbs 9 


~~ _— N 
ee ee orrte 
. MOST waits ‘\ \edt to rovieoes ,SIMiOM .H GAAwax 
ie si of —gtohtetogtee 8s. .daed estes? agate 
00. JATIOLMUR: eoollogia roti Ottawa 


t e a e eSSRAAR oW WHOL 
rs) b 5 auf 3 i Qe y @ la stuoliogga ith ate wapeted 
, ' ’ sie weston sn 

 Leqteiasl edt to énomghut s eetevor ot Ieeqqs as at aldT 
mye adt al yxvt ed¢ to tolbrey odt mnogu betgtae egsotdd to tryed 
roviecs® ,eitroM .H brewbd yd betutttani esw tive odT,  BOsESL—8¢ Xe 
yd botwoors efom yroseisorg s coqu beesd ,laed ofede egnta edt to 
eiT .C8@L .SL savt betab bos daed oft to rovet at tusbasteb edt - 
to yrtae edt gaittimreq sauslo Levey adt boatstace ston taemgbhyt 
bettimvreg sew tacbastsb ed¢ mottom ao brs ,emob sew otde tromgbyt 
“fost to saottesup ex? .basteb bas heel ,sonetaeqqe abd reds of 
-YIut 2 of bettindwe exow stom edt to comswast edt gatbavorzue 
gaived tedt trvoo etdt ai aoltleog edt asides? taebactob odT — 
edd nowy new aebrud odd .diso tebay ofea sat to moituosxe edt bolnsh 
taobinstq .syaid tart redtécst bas no ltupexd etl evotq of Ytitniela 
bas ston oft to taemotwoorg edt ai bustt to ytiivy asw .tasd edt to 
etst? agntd edt bth asdt sottheog tetted om eetqubes tevisoés oft = =—— 
et ovedt tedt batt ow somebive ed? to noiteantmexs as wotl om \ 
 ¢oet at asw often odt tadd tost edt troqqwa of gatbnot ‘toorg ofqne | 
: stuabasteb edt yd vaiearsd 
xotte adtaom owt dvods tadi bo ttitest «etovissor odt itt sis = 
dtiw bedtlet od ined etst? synth eft to revieos es tae ; I: 
| fis gsw aolteeup at stom edt taut mtd Yt bLot sow bas oa na 

he signed the note, but attempted to avoid on the ground that he did 

not have his glasses with him and relied upon the statements of Binga, 
president of the bank, 

The question of fraud in the procurement of the instrument 
was submitted to the jury and we see no reason for disturbing its 
verdict nor the judgment entered thereon, 

Objection is also made to the giving of certain instructions 
on behalf of the plaintiff. We have examined these instructions and | 
find there is no error which would require a reversal of the judgment, 

The defendant introduced evidence for the purpose of showing 
that he was ignorant and unused to business practices and did not 
possess sufficient knowledge of affairs to cope with the blandishments 
of Binga, president of the bank, and was thereby induced to do something, 
in the signing of the note, which he otherwise would not have done if he 
had the requisite business experience. On Gross-examination he was 
asked certain questions in regard to his financial transactions and from 
this it appears that he was not only well versed in transactions in 
real estate and the signing of notes, but that he had secured patents, 
recovered judgments at law, dealt in cashier's cheeks and was familiar 
with mortgages and mortgage transactions. It is insisted that this 
eross—examination was error in that it was an attempt to disclose the 
financial situation of the defendant and thus prejudice him in the eyes 
of the jury. It is apparent from a reading of the evidence that it was 
attempted by the defendant to elicit the sympathy of the jury because 
of his poverty and ignorance concerning business transactions. By his 
testimony he opened the door to the cross—examination that followed, 
Where one oper the door in chief, great latitude is allowed on cross- 

examination. The cross-examination was not for the purpose of showing 
his financial worth, but rather to overcome his defense of ignorance and 

lack of understanding, 
We see no reason for reversing the judgment and for the reasons 

ae i 

 «-BEb od tedt hovers od? ao bievs of botquetta tud ,oten oft beagte ox 
| eagai® fo etaenetste ot aoge bet lox has. wtd tbe poeasly als evant tom 

9.» shaad edt To tasbiaerq 
taesuitteni od¢ to taemetmootg das ai Suett to moiteeup odT 
ati guidsutsib cot moaset of ses ow bas yrst edt ot bettindwe, sae 
soeTadt batedae saab, edt tom toLbrev 
| eel aerated nistroo te gatvts edt of Sham oeis ei noltoetdd 
bas avoltourtent ened? beaimsxe eved of ,ttitatedg edt to tisded ao 
etremebut edit to fsateves s exiupay blvow doidy sorte os af etedd batt 
gaiwods to seoqum edd tot eomehive beouborid! gasbasteb edt. 
ten bib bac seoitesig eaentamd of beauns bas tnateagt aew ed tedt 
4 atnemfathasid edt dite eqoo at aatetia te sghbedwond taeltoltive aaeeaoq 
juntdtomoe ob of boobai ydered? sew ban .inad oft 20 taodlieerq..syatd to 
od tt snob evad son Sivow satwredte od doldw ,oven od? 20 gudmgta edt at 
eew od moltentmexe-saczt m0 «soneizeqxe ensniend etielypet. edd bad 
bas aneitessasss Istomentt ald of bisger at eagiteeup atstzee betes 
| si scoitecsesst? si beetev ilew yino ton esw ani fadd ptseqqs ti eidt 
— apteeten beru09s bed od tadd tod ,eoton Yo galagtea edd bas. vtstes Leer 
E teiilast ecw bag edvede elyeideso at siseh .wel te staomghul betevover 
phat dedt betetenl ei #1 .anoitosenstt egsytzosi bas, segngitom dtiw 
edt esolocth of iqmetts ae vay ti tedd wi tocxe saw sotdentmexe-peotl 
“goye ont at mtd sotbuterq sudt bac daabusteb edt to noltsutie Letengalt 
- gaw df ted? eonebive od? Yo gatbser s most tuoteqqe ef #1 ynet edt to 
seusosd yrut odt to ydtoquye edt ¢tofe of sasbasteb edz, xd botametts 
ein Yi .anotionanstt eesniend gatareoneo sonetongl bas, ytngveg sid to 
sbewollot todd soiteanimexe~aeots edt ot took edt beaggo hg panne? 
mteors oo bewolle af ebutital tuerg .teido, ai rood edt Gis wna 
givers to sxoqreg sdt wet don esw mottagimaxo-overo, eff, .notteningxo 
bes gomarongi to saneteb eld smocrevo of tediet Ssiiciadh idee 

arenes oat rot bas tment edt ‘ gaterever rot noaset ‘ja os OW 
. ektapt add to: aemite oe 


expressed in this opinion, the judgment of the Municipal Court is 



ME in esta it 86 ea ned saat 
<2 MRS t 

gages Le ateoratata aft mony bOES 

SCUUTTTA THEMDATE vanes ust to § 

#aeeoriend odd to teaenereeoons Git ab bonct to oto Aid oearp edt 
tl nabwiedh cok aoenet C8 die 6 OKO ¢ 
oo engbrs., _ Se i ont : om 
eaohGoyetcul wistreo to zasekp oc? of obo eota ef wottoseaa m4 
Baie anoitcritest eoasic heatanre ive o 4ttttatelg odd, te ‘‘iaded 0 
qtteeeiat edt to losrerg ns polenes Slvee dakde 2959 2 ah onedtd int 
— Meyer att TO? comedies beavhergad tanine Ye ellie 
Pee Sth lng aegdgocey eeenheam oF | LaBues Sate JAF 

. aiaenielicinig ads itive ageo-ad. a8 ietio to oebehacedl Bag 
Bocteitenae th et heuting qiepen? ean ten ..taed odt. Se. trode ° 
hind tr ‘oRet. wyed tous Adwor gelwiediy oo deddy ,otet, ed?) ae 
ear wd seltoctaotineet® 20. ghemiseyes anapiand Jt, 
meet bes arn dingnins? Leaner 2? -rigpes. sxeyet ah mist d tw , 
| ui uooiioceses? ch Sgener ilew. give sen. gen, of. poet, 
antpoies beritte bes of jatt, ted qpetou a i Lag he. si 
pdt hed vow fan exons oly ddim at tig, ang, ta.8 
oR dag bear bate tend, ai af, sito bitmaps tt, sytem, pr 
ace. Seid oe 2D OF FQRSIER MA BB, os. teats 3 ROUTH, ceil wikte 
anys ee ch win eotfuten: raat. bas: Sept eh edt tom i? ba 
| @or €2 tadyY seeehive aft ke gothewt « Bett ¢aeceqge ef 4 
~~ ad vot adh he ee tceengpr pete, 220kfn ot sanbashes, 
fhe best: einen LINO ERE me ema: yeraewante anqatongy Me 
sbowellet tual? avitantmmpeanor® edt oF mpg adh ms : 
weRere me Demt ie as, ovine hte, EDS boas 8 
aie kiraate Ter Reaeyeay nate wet Pent. ere amitagt dive utiles 
bees. ‘uate he, teh all adil oc a t? : af, Fy 

eaten: ‘eae ‘wet baw sagt ‘nad ant 20 


ANNA MILLER, Deceased, 

Petitioner - Appellee, 


COOK gounry. 


Respondent —- Appellant. 9 rd 9 [ : A. 6S 4 ae 


Frank Lagareki, administrator of the estate of Anna Miller, 
deceased, filed his petition in the Probate Court of Cook County, 
praying for an order on the respondent, William Lezareki, to turn 
over a certain mortgage, ‘together with the mortgage notes secured 
thereby, and a real estate bond in the sum of $500.00, claiming 
that they belonged to the estate. 

William Lazarski defended on the ground that both these 
evidences of indebtedness had been given to him as a gift by the 
deceased prior to her death. 

The Probate Court found in favor of the administrator 
and an appésl was taken to the Circuit Gourt of Cook County. 
Evidence wes heard upon the trial in the Circuit Court and a judgment 
order entered in favor of the estate. The cause was tried by the 
court without a jury and in view of the fact that the cause will 
have to be reversed, it would be useless to discuss the evidence 
in detail. 

During the course of the proceedings in the Gireuit Court 
the defendant introduced two witnesses, Berenice Lazarski, aged 

19 years, « daughter of the respondent and « niece of the deceased, 
Anne Miller, and Edward Lagzarski, aged 18 years a son of the 
respondent and a nephew of the deceased, Anna Miller, 

The court heard the offer of proof made by counsel for 
the respondent as to what these witnesses would testify to and to 

x a08ts 

aS Ne ATA 4 aE? 30, ARITA ABE AE 

~ MORE a . 
Yoo TruDAIO julien ~ ronotsited” ”* °” 

hah 00 

fofod .<A.l Cys 

stasilegds - tmebadaeen® pyre 
«TOLLiM and to etatee edd to rodextetaimbs ,tdurstel anert © 
aYtawed A000 to ¢xwo0 otadord ods at moltiteg ald beLit sboasooed 
atet ot ,tuietexed msilliw ,tnebaoqeet edt ao tebto as tot gaiyerq 
bouscee aston egagtitom edt diiw tedtege?? ,egsgtiom aist1eo s 19v0° 
giiwtsio ,00.008¢ to ave elt ai Daod otatee Iser s bas .ydoredt d 
-otstee add of hegaoled yor? tedt 
event déod tadt havors ed? ao behwoteb tdersed matitim 
edt yi tty © es mid of aovig mood bad seenbotdebat do. eoonebive: 
eitsob zed ot wie preonen: 
totexteinimbs ods to rovst at bavet twod st¢edort edt. 
eutavoed Xood to truod sivotiO edt of modest wa as bas 
taompbut o bas truo0 tiworld edt at Leitt edt aoqe bised sw eonshiva 
|. gt yd belts eew gauco edt .etstee oft To tovet al boreiae tebro 
" Eftw aes ont tadd fost edt to wetv at bas yrut 8 twodtiw txu00 
| sonobive edd seveeth o¢ saeleay ed bivow #i ,beerevet od ot ovad 
; ettetob at 
-try0d tiuorld edt at egatboeoorg ont ‘to oezuo9 odd gated dks aie 
bogs ,tXeressd eoineted ,sonnentin owt beoubotiat tusbaoted oat, 
: " ghoaneook edt to seein s bas tasbnoqest edt to rotdgush @ «8ts9y ef 
edt to noe 8 gresy Sf begs ,tdatesed brewbd bas. st0LLlM sank 
reli sani ,0oaseoeh od¢ to wedgen s baa sismmeenel 
= Leenuon yd Shem toorg to zetto edt brsed tryoo eat | 
at bus of Ylitest bivow eevsentin evedt tadw of es pe ao 


a limited extent, over objection, heard their testimony in chtef, 

Both of these witnesses testified to the fact that the documents had 
been given to the respondent prior to the death of the deceased and 
that at the time she stated that she was giving them to the respondent 
as a present because of the length of time she had lived at their 
home. Other testimony material to the issue wan produced by these 
witnesses and at the conclusion the court sustained a motion to strike 
it from the record on the ground that these witnesses were interested 
and, therefore, not qualified to testify. In thie the court committed 

The test of interest which determines the competency of a 

witness is as to whether or not the witness will gain or lose as a 

direct result of the suit and this interest must be certain, direct 

and immediate. Brownlie v. Brownlie, 351 Ill. 72. 
The Supreme Court of this state in the case of Boyd v. Boyd, 

163 Ill. 611i, in its opinion says: 

“Alexander Boyd and Wilson M. Boyd are the sons of James 
Boyd, deceased, and of Anna Boyd, and Jane Biggs is the 
daughter of Anna Boyd by = former husband. The claim is, they 
were not competent witnesses for the same reason their mother 
was incompetent, for, it is said, the establishment of « trust 
in favor of Anna Boyd would inure to their benefit as her pro- 
spective heirs. But this interest ia too remote and uncertain 
to render them incompetent, for their mother may dispose of 
the property before ahe dies, or she may out-live her children." 

in the case at bar the witnesses, although children of the 
respondent, had ne direct or immediate interest in the result of the 
litigation. We de not believe that the interest necessary to dis- 
qualify them was present in this case or was such as was intended by 
the statute. The court was in error in striking their testimony from 
the record and in refusing to consider it on thé hearing of the cause. 

For the reasons and grounds expressed in this opinion, the 
judgment order of the Circuit Court is reversed 2nd the cause is 
remanded for a new trial. 




LNA bie 

steddo at yoomitesd ried? biced ,noltos{do reve otaotxe” boskaks ] 
oad atnomuooh sat tedt tost edt of boltésney eonvomtin & ousstt ‘to dtoa 
bas beeegoeb sdt to dtseb edt of tolitq tnebnoqaet od? ot nevis need 
i tasboaogasr: edd o¢ mocdé guivig asw eda ted? betste ode oats “ ts want 
eiorts ts bevil bad ode ealt to d¢gaed elt to oaueoed taeserq, “ Be 
éaod? yd heowborg binw eyeet sd? of feiretam yonitass todgo eon0d 
| ediizrte ot moltow s benisteva tives oft aoleulonoo sdt ts has eseecntin 
. beteetesat eto" eoceoatiw seedt tadt bavorg edt mo brooox oat mort tf 
_-Bodtinuoo txuoo edt olds aI .xtitee? of best iLaup ton covotoredt om 
he aagnah 
8 To Yousteqmen ont etnimietebh dotdy teoretat to tust ed?) _stexre 
# as %eol to mies iLiw easatiw oft tom to xondtorw ot as et ssomtiw 
toorkh yutetreo ed teu seotetal eid? bus te ott to tivesr doauth 
o83 .LLl [88 .otlowoxk iv piinwost 'aevetbomms hae 
| WARY Salt od Sr Sl Se | 
‘gayse moialgo ati mt (Alo fit eel 

eens to enoe ed? ete byod ,M aoeliv¥ ham si MIDE: Be ocoseb 

edt ef enaif east base ,byot ennA to BD 
yods .ei misflo edT .baedemd temrot « yd Syel enah to 
tedton xsled¢ moaset omee odt tot eeseontin a ge ea nl. 

taut? & to tnemMeildstes edt ,Siew eb ti . a rea bees 
sed ac titened tledé of etwat biser A to om 

 gietroons bos stones oot ef thoxnetai etd? hiva 
to seogelh yen redtom rLedt tot ,imevoqsooa! pore ot 

*,combiido sed evil-tuo yam ede so ,eeth ade ezoied Bicone bsg 
elt to morhlide dguodtis ,sceesatiw edt rsd ta ens edt al tt iuoe ” 
oct to tiyeet edt mi teoretat otetbemnt 20 foexth on bad De gee 
~-gib o¢ yreseeoen teststal od? tent aveliod ‘ton ob ow vaotinad -~ 
WW bobuedat aew ea dove sew 0 esse olde me saseetg ay vis Loup 
mort Woniteot riosdt gabiinie at sors® nt asw $xu00 Od?  yetusare ont 
seauso odd To git teed edt ao ti <eblendo of gutevtes mi bas hes rode “dds 
ait .adlatco etdt wi besaorqxe ebavotg bas’ asoeser of set 8 
ei Sauad edt bite hoatover ef due “FivdxtO ont iii enc | 
‘enaunc ‘gauss Cita GxARaVER AAdHO CMMMOGUE © ent 
i Lyon eo o8eel SY game y gaamm wo sm i 


37836 Fil / ee - lo / 
HELEN S,. MAGNUS, praren mane At * le ] f 

Appellee, f 


ota yt we G46 

On appeal of 


This is an appeal from an order of the Circuit Court 
finding one Bernard J, Brown in contempt of court for failure to 
compiy with an order to turn over money in his possession to the plain= 
tiff within 20 days from the date of the entry of the decree or order, 

From the facts it appears that there were two brothers, 
Adolph and Ignetz Swartz. Adolph Swartz died and one Katherine Swartz, 
his wife, was appointed administratrix of his estate. As adminis- 
tratrix she obtained possession of certain promissory notes and 
securities which had been pledged with the Broadway Trust & Savings 
Bank but which in fact were afterwards found to be the property of 
Ignatz Swartz. These notes and securities were not listed or inven- 
teried in the estate of Adolph Swartz. About a year after the death 
of Adolph Swartz, Ignatz Swartz died and one Carl Hansen was appointed 
as administrator to collect. The Probate Court, and later the 
Circuit Court, found that these promissory notes and securities were, 
in fact, the property of Ignatz Swartz and, therefore, belonged to 
his estate. An appeal was taken from this order to the Supreme Court 
on the ground that a constitutional avestion was involved and the case 
is found reported in Hansen v. Swartz, 345 Ill. 609. The court in its 
opinion in that case held that the action was brought against 

y os . ih J he 1 ma 
s a u} 
' : a { 

. gen emnbhrt Fh “pA, 2 ste 

M , ' aentlegas i ov eels mone 
\taudo riterto’ ~~ ~ WS oott ont tx pon? 
aMWORE oh Gnannaa bas sare xis 
erhivee 203t MaRMREEORED, oss Louk vemos 
| | to tsaagn 
‘ane LE OR «be: ee ae OM RO nt 

_stmellogga | 

t «etetexecs dan 
; | tere 
‘yravoo det Yo WOINTIO BHT CasaVELad MORTIW AdtTevt Se 
“gaed Sivortd ant to Yebto ad mod’ Leodaa ne ef efitr! OOO 
of euiifict tof t2u0d to tymésnoo Hi more .L Breated ono yaibalt 
wntelq od o¢ aoleesedoy ett af Yodou Tove mivt oF rebro as dite Ylqnee 
| stsbro to seross of to yrttte sd¢ Ld Steb oct mort eyab OF midtiw Yett 
| oredtord ows otow otedt tant neh ‘et efobt ot moxt as heh 
a trowe entrada eno bas, barb adres dqtobs sshuma 0m baw sig toa 
| Satatnba Bh .otades Bid to ritdentelaibs at Sees one 
“bas, e2ton rose lmong, aiasao to colseaeeeg sabe dene | 

. bie § feaxt Youbsosk ont ddiy bogbesq,aoad Sad dotdw seldtiwoos 
} be ee Yo yereqora edt od o# bavot obtawtedts ore “fost ‘ait dotde tind xiae8 % 
ae neva To, botell ton oxen aettinuoee bap aston oxos? guttene, atamat | 
' ‘dteed ond rotte T58Y £ tosh sateen dqlobA 1 to 0 ststee edt ak beizod. 
; _botatonae nsw aoenel ize0 eno bas beth stzowe, atamgl «stuewe, AalobA to, 
dd. gilt xptet bas .tr00 ofedort eft pfoetioo of notetiatatmbs aa 
some asitinvoss bas aeton yroreinosg seadt tad? bavot ,txwod. Piers 

oF boywoled .evoteredt .dap strowe atasgl To yeroqety edd dost ak 
| x00 enorqu8 ot of tebro eidd moxt ‘eset tow nani iad 
4 oneo est bas beviovail eew aolteeyp Lenottutitenoo & tat , ‘ 2 
: bd nt damon ott  .€00 .LLT ade Qyitvewe vv meembit at jevenees avo e ‘ 
tantegs tdgvord esw noltos edt tad bled eno odd tke 4 


q ah 


Katherine Swartz, individually, and not as administratrix, and that, 
therefore, there were others as heirs not made parties who had an 
interest in the litigstion and reversed the judgment. 

The defendant here, Bernard J. Brown, was the attorney 
of record in the appeal to the Supreme Court and the proceedings prior 
thereto in the Probate and Circuit Courts and as such attorney 
represented Katherine Swartz, so that he was well informed as to the 
Claim of the estate of Ignatz Swartz to the promissory notes and 
securities. This defendant now appears in this proceeding as attorney 

Pro S@e 
This proceeding was started in the Probate Court under 

sections 81 and 82 of the Administration Act against the defendant 
on the theory that he held assets of the estate which he had converted 
to his own use and which he refused to deliver up to the estate of 
Ignatz Swartz. Under this proceeding the defendant was found to have 
such assets and was ordered to turn them over, and from that order 
defendant appealed to the Circuit Court. The cause was heatd in the 
Circuit Court and an order entered finding that the defendant Brown 
received from Katherine Swartz, as administrator of the estate of 
Adolph Swartz, Deceased, certain negotiable papers on which he had 
collected the sum of $1,753.09, out of which he had paid for court 
costs and expenses in litigation concerning the ownership of said 
assets, the sum of #116,58, leaving a balance of $1,636.51, which 
should be turned over to Helen S. Magnus, administratrix of the 
estate of Ignatz Swartz within 20 days from the date of the order. 

The defendant having failed to turn over or account for 
the property or the money, on February 13, 1934, was required to show 
cause why he should not be attached for contempt for failure to comply 
with said order, Defendant answered and alleged that he had expended 
$716 in actual costs in defending the case of the administratrix of the 
estate of Ignatz Swartz against the estate of Adolph Swarts and that 


sted? bas ,xictsttainimbs as ton bas eVilsubivibal axtrewe ontxodtad 
as bed odw eelixeq sham toa etted ae etedto stew exedt .orotoredt 
stnesgbhyt odd hoeubysx dae soltegttil edt al teoretat 

i Yarotts eit asw ,nwork «Lb bregted ,ored tasbasted edt — P 
toixg egaibessorq edt bas trod emerquh od? of Iseqqa adt mt buseer to 
' vervotts dowe as bus attwo0 tlyotid bas staderd odd at otexedt 
. edt ot ee Domrotat Low easw od tad? on Sot ENE entredted botaecerqer 
¢ bas eoton yroeatmorg elt of sixew8 gtsagl to etstes odd to mislo 
--yemsotts as gnibsesotq aidd aft atseqqs won tashasteh eld? .eeitiztuoes 

xebay teryoO etsdott eft at hetrste eaw gnibeeootg aidT 

| tachdsteb odd tantsys tod aottertatnimbA odt to &6 bas I8 eaottooe 
| betaevmoo het ef Hoidw otetee edé to ateeet bled of taut yroodt eft ho 
"so etetes add of qu tovtieb oF boabtet em ib ttle bas eats fo @tit ot 
'“oyed 0¢ bavot aaw tnabmoteh sit gaibessote stat rebat vbrawe stem 
ebro tadt mozt bas ,rovo med¢ mut o¢ betehto sw ita! eteoas Howe 
“git? at based sew secso of? .tryod Hkorto’ out ot belasqas tanbmoteb 
word! tasbacteb ed? ftedt yalbalt berstas xebre me baw drsod tivorto 
to oteteo sit Yo todaTtninimbe be ,xivewe! ontroctad mort bevisosr 
“bes od Motdw oo ereqeq eidsitogea wistrde {besseded atsent ig foba 
_ tye sot Bheq bed of doide to tuo <80.827,L9 ‘to mee adt betoeLioo 
bse te qidaronwo edt gainmteoneo moldepi¢nt at ‘aoeiteqxe ‘bas titeoo 
"donde (£80880,£8 to soneldd s yatvest ,8d.aLt% to mud edt fetioes 
“il edt to xiuéstéeinimbs .avaged .8 aéLe o¢ revo beat od bLuoite 
srebro edt to of ed? mov ays 08 ahdtiv adtewa —e stares 
; se “wot tmsooos to revo axed oF beLict gaived tasbnstob od? Pi 
wouls od boxioper ead .Sz@L (el qrevrdet md ,yedou ‘edt xo yeueqora ‘edt 
__Vlaxes ot orulist tot tqmettod fot bedostis Od ton Siwede od “yw euro 
hebuenxe Sed of taut begstta ie Betowens tusbuened soto koe ad 
a ‘ent to xictetteinimbs af¢ to ees edb gt ibaets: > Lait BES 
‘ . tedde bus ‘sirswe dqlobA to otstee ‘oat tankegs abeate’ ©: arg] te , 


he did not have the securities, nor moneys om hand sufficient to 
satisfy the order and that he had no money or property of any kind 
with which to satisfy said finding. 

July 12, 1934, the matter being submitted on the record, 
the court found the defendant had failed to pay the sum of $1,636.51, 
and had wilfully and contumaciously refused and still refuses to pay 
said sum or any part thereof and, therefore, is in contempt of court, 
and it was ordered that he should be committed to the County Jail 
until said sum was paid or until he should be otherwise purged of 

The order provided that the commitment should not continue 
for more than six months from the date of the order and, in view of 
the fact that thet time has expired by reason of this appeal, we 
are asked under an assignment of cross-error to correct the order so 
that the duration of imprisonment should read: 4s from the first 
day of imprisonment or unless the defendant shall sooner satisfy 
the claim, 

But two points are raised by the brief of defendant, under 
which a reversal of the order of the Circuit Court is sought. It 
is insisted that the court had no power to enforce the payment, first, 
because it was not shown that the failure to comply with the order 
was wilfub or contumacious; and second, because of the fact thst the 
answer denies respondent's ability to comply with the order, for 
lack of funds, No demand for a jury was made and consequently that 
question is not here for consideration, 

Sections 81 and 82 of the Administration Act, as amended, 
gives the right to the administrator to take the necessary steps to 
discover assets, This question has been passed upon in the case of 
People ex rel Olsen ve Templeman, 265 Ill. App. 369, wherein the 
court announees its views as follows: 

"Section 81 and 82 of the Administration Act, as 

+ Re 

ot tne totttive basd go eysmom rom eattizuess ont evad tom bib of 

bait yas to ytxeqgeta to Yomom om Hed Od dat Sag tebto edd. yteltee 
? spitbalt dise yteltca ot dotdw détw 

,Dteoer oft no | bos tage outed rotten edt aPS8L .8L yint 
_fG.888,L8 to mua odd yet of boktet bast tasbasted edt bowok tuyoo edt 
yeq ot moawten ILite bus beestet yLlevoloenvinos bas ylivitiw bad hes 
etxwoo to tgmotaeo nt al ,etoteredt .bae tooxedt trsq Yas to swe bise 
| Lisl yiouod odd of bettinwoo ed bivode ol tedt boxebro. gow dh haun 
to begrug sedwiedte od bivode od Litas so Bieq esw swe hiew Lito 

4 | euattaos tom blveife thomttnmos odd tet bebivorg ebro edt 
— to wotv mt ,bme rebro ody to ‘eteb off mott adénom xie Gadk oe me catiane 
' “°° ow .Leseqb ald? te sogser yd bettaxe aad omit vail thd?’ dos' tae % 
a oe rebro edt toerro9 OF torte—2801d to shommpkess. as reba boxes on Hg 

“Feat? odd wort 24 ibser bivode shomnoetxqut to i deca Mae 2 

fas eon tenooe Ifade tkaniivtes’ ond pestny 3 x0 ‘no: 

eae ss PIR mb ‘to pod 


wast WE PwBS DO 
obaw daabasteb to ‘telid edt ee he bad’ eta etatog ont te re 

dy ¥ es. 
41° sdiignoe' ui vod Fiverto” edt to’ adit’ otf 3S" lhiseren ery 

“¥ ” 
aterlt ,tnonysq odd sototcs of TSwoq on ‘bed ‘trude ‘edt “badd "Seaal a 

, wad oe td 
rébe6 odd idtw ylamod of Oraliar bie’ todd imiode nar ahs eunced 

9 REET, Ses ke 
oid tet goot oft Yo eausoed .bacose bas ‘yauolosmutn08 <0  B8W 

Oh as cee wr eee 
tok (rebto edt Mtiw ylqmoo of ytiiide 8! diebaogaer salaah towane re 
se sy Wi CR ts byrne ariel w 
tant A scrgosegmncs bas ebam dew yt ‘6 rot ‘busine ok eabuyt to dost 
Hi wie yt Soares ree @ 2 ibe 
si ce raleat «10 Htexeb tem00 cet ered tom 6. 

Pankere Kok a 
bobieme as ,toA nottartabatmba eae to “Se bas £8 ‘eno ve #088 


a faites yo 7 id 

‘er aqete yreesesen edt ant oe Yotertatninds ‘edt of * 

fy Lapensi sic Sal a a 
pine 19v0D 

yh eeeo edt ai nog besasg ased ‘esd me lteoup aid? 78 

gi aterede «888 sath “rer dae aan Pe be 

Fagin Me i ‘Ate ree aoe 
| ake to etna aa! awed at? meemmonse Fmu02 

“et ke beisiad 
es 70d nottertutaimbs edd to 8B bas te mobdoeeh 

amended, give authority to any ‘person interested in 
the estate! to bring the proceedings provided for, and 
administrators de bonis non are, we think, such persons, 
The finding is that respondent converted the property 
ef this estate to his own use, The proceeding was 
therefore not one merely for the collection of a — 
which would violate the rule announced in Johnson v 
Nelson, 541 Ill. 119, and while it must be conceded. that 
prior to the amendment of these sections the proceeding 
could not have been maintained under the rule laid down 

in Moore v. SLUSERI2LL 248 Ill. 232, and other cases 

cited, the amendment to these sections extending the 

jurisdiction of the probate court to cases of this kind 

and granting the right of trial by jury, has removed that 


The proceeding before us is not one to colleet a debt 
nor is the property claimed as a gift. It is admitted by the answer 
of the respondent that he received the property and had it in his 
possession or the proceeds therefrom. Moreover, it would be impossible 
for him to take the position that it was a gift as he is bound by 
his knowledge as attorney during the course of all the proceedings 
that the property which he held was claimed by the estate of Ignatz 
Swartz and always had been so claimed from the time thst he originally 
obtained possession. The claim that he utilized the proceeds of this 
property in the fighting of the claim does not justify him in his 
position in the present proceeding, Anything he did with the 
property after notice was at his peril. It is 2 well settled doc- 
trine of equity jurisprudence thet a constructive trust arises when- 
ever one party has obtained money, which does not equitably belong 
to him, and which he cannot in good conscience retain or withhold 
from another, who is benefically entitled to it. Bank of Williston 
* Alderman, 106 S$. C. 386, The mere fact that his client, Katherine 

Swarts, as administrator of the estate of Adolph Swartz, failed to 
inventory this property in the estate of Adolph Swartz, while the 
defendant was acting as her counsel, is evidence of the fact that it 
was known by the defendant that it was not equitably the property 
of the estate of Adolph Swartz. 

There is sufficient evidence in the record to justify 

ai beteotetal noerteq' we ot ytitodtws ovig ,bebnoms 
bas ,xot bebivetq egaibessoty edi guitd of ‘etsteo edt °° 

eanosisq dows ,anidt ow ,o1s pe es = atotertteiaimbs 
YWreqetg edt betievace teskne 2 ef gatbalt ed? © 

esw guibeecotq sdf .sey awo ald of otetes aidt to 
«tdeb s to solitoelloo edg tot Yletem sao dom srotetedt’* 

ev at Dbeonyonns slut adt stately bivew doldw 

tact , ened ed taum #4 eiidw bas ,@if .fLI Ips. ence 

gathescorq ait enottose seedt to tneabnems edt of tO — 
gab piak a odd salem : talem aeed eved ton Bivoo ; ody 

eeeso Tonto t ’ wv a 
gilbaetxe enoitoeca asedd of) de nian “nL 

buts side ardbe seeso of trvoo atsdotg edt to aolsoiSalrul 
ted? bevewer esd .yrut WwW Laird to tdgix said Bina 1380do eiek 


* fdeb s ‘toeltoo e+ eno ton ei Bs ototed gatdoooora out asi 
miew. La 
towans odt yd bottinbs al #1 tis 8 88 bemtsLo vexeeeek edt af mf 

. 2S CMG Bio 
f sid at #£ Bed bas ytreqetg ed? bevieoor ed tadt ¢. edt To 



‘eidteeount ed bilwew ti eTevOOTON 7 -moxtor9it abesoorg oxi bine ) to Lnavetod 
ve bawod et od as itty 6 een ad touts nol#is0g odd out ot ashes 

egutbeeoors odd ffs to eeTu0o edt gattub younesea a | 

g * fs sid 
ote ad’ J 

| “ stamal to ete tao odt yd boutale new bled od ao tatn _— i 8 ott pads 
‘ fie S P| hab iy oh j 
q | yELentgtso ed todd omit ode nortt ‘boatate oe mood bed 

atdt ¥o ebeooosg edt bestitew ed tad¢ misio oaT pedaanenin ietda 
aids = Sa) &. - 

ead a mid ytisaut toa seob miclo sit to wrtstgst soar E . Yregetq 

‘edt ddiw bib od peut dd yd “sgadbovoorg toaexa oat at i mont teog 
< ¢ ; ah 4 A 
-oob belftee Liow 2 et #1 its eld ts esw sotton pep UWroqorg 
| > heed Wi nl be: 9 ™ ay ¢oae Aeeeeets 
pede eeatte teutt ovitourtesoo F bastd sonshutgaltatt eee byes i 
i thse get or AD : 
gaesed yidstiuns ran eo0b ato betw .Yerton benistdo ead Pty ek ) ts 

““ploddtiw to aistes some toenoo boog mi tonaso od dois Sas utd ot 

° eo ined S59Ras. 

to x tin. 
gotaiitiv to xasd tt sell boltttas Wisedtoned et ° % craenone mort 
entyedisd gtnotto eld tant tost exam ‘oa? 1288 0 8 BOE creat ; 
ot belts? wrtrews figfoba to states ode to, roferdatninbs as entrswe 

“edd ofidw ,xtzawe atobs to tetas out at recone ‘stat } yrosaovat 
tt ‘tedt fost ent to sonehive et efoanvoo aod as gattos: sew Tipe 

veregona edt Udies tape aaa oe, oa tans, taabaered rid yf mond, son 

aloe ot > wf 

_ aatzan® diqLobs to bi to oteten oF. 

Vittest ot broges ont ak oonshive tno toitiwe at exodt 


the court in holding that the property was wilfully and contumaciously 
‘held by defendant in defiance of its orders. It is true that Brown 
was not acting as attorney for the estate of Ignatz Swartz, but he 
still occupied a position adverse to that estate with full knowledge 
of the facts and, in our opinion, became a trustee of the property 

er funds in his possession which he should account for upon the 

final determination of the cause. When it originally came into his 
hands from the administrator of the estate of Adolph Swartz, he 

accepted it as a trust, and subsequent payments to himself as fees 

therefrom were at his peril. People v. Zimmer, 238 Ill. 607; Wise 
v. Chaney, 67 Iae 73; Rohn v. Rohn, 204 Ill. 184, 

Defendant in his amended answer for a rule to show cause 
states that he did not have in his possession at any time since 
January 1, 19335, any of such moneys nor any other money in excess 
of $100 at any one time and had no money or property at the time the 
decree was entered and that his failure to comply with the decree is 
not contumacious, but due to his inability so to do. We are satisfied 
from the record in this case that if the defendant did not have the 
money, it was because he hag wilfully parted with it and has used it 
for his own purposes. Inability to pay because of lack of funds does 
not avail where such lack of funds is due to the wrongful act of the 
party who had them in his possession. People v. Zimmer, 238 Ill. 607. 

if a defendant should be released upon an answer as meager 
as the one in the reoord in this proceeding, there would be no redress 
to the estate. The Supreme Court of Iowa in the case of Wise v. 
Chaney, 67 Ia, 73, cited by the Supreme Court of this state in the 
case of People v. Laiiothe, 331 Ill. 351, in its opinion said: 

"His other excuse, that he had no money of his own in his 
possession, will not do. It would be a convenient way, 
if this excuse should be regarded as sufficient, for one 
required to surrender money or property of an estate, to 

divest himself thereof, and thus defeat the order of the 
court and justice," 




— Wavolosmytnoo bee yilvtity asw ytreqotg ed? tedt gatblod ai txyoo ent 
aword tat eutt af #1 .axobuo atl to Soantted at tiabnered a bled 
od tud inane atesal. to. etates sdf tot yearotts: es gaiton ton asw 
eghsinont List ities gistee, tadt oF eersrbs no ttteow & betqwoos? {L290 
yWreqerq ede to setveurt & omaosd .woimtge tir" wh het etost ode to 
edt moqes tot barons bLuotte orf ao batw noleesenoq ant ak aba F:) 

eid ofmé amso Yllentgize tk many .oeuse anit to: nottentuxeteb L20 Lanit 
ed ,3tsewe dqfobA Yo stetes edt ta’ ‘rodorietatabe 8 out nor? ebasd 

ssot a6 tieemid of staomyec taeypeadve Das ateete s es u betqeoos 
edt ;7O3 .LL1 BES .xoumss .v eigoog -Lixeq eid te oxen prom 

mee ei Lod 
oh8L.LLT 208 .aroh »v adof 387, ast ¥_qgemeudo’ ov 
gayeo wods of Glut s rot rewens bebaows eid at tasbasted ; 
* tO Mose @oagou 
(ents omit yas ts colepagsog ald at oved ton bib od teat sctie 
 Radoxe al yenom tento Yas Tom eyenom fove to Was ? Sle 

etd omit oft ts. Yereqotq ro yemom om bed bas out? eae Was ts to 

aS. St? Fray 

@t goroeb est atin yiqwoo of ommiist eid tedt bas boretne. as ecw r pownee 

v" rage! 
beltetise exe ef «0b ot of yttildent etd of eub sud ae m0. be 

ait eved ton bib tasiasteb edt ti stadt eas0 pias at brovex. ont Sey 

ti bear esti bas oi Ati betuaq yLivtlin. aed ot causoed new th a Xourom 
esol shat to dval to seunoed ysq of Yelitdenl .sssoqruq mwo aid 

Yer arouy 
~ edt to tos Lytynortm ed? ot exb pi abmyt to foal, dowe Steve ton 

-VOO £1 88S ~zommis «v gigoed .notaacesoq eis at Lee me wes 

Tegeem es TWeNs 48 Bogs beeseter od bLwoste tasbaeteb s 

bate ke Se Fan? 8274 ry, 

asszbe7z on ed bivow qredt. .gatbesoorg eldt mi nreget it ae ee odt as 
od AR ‘ = iaytg 

#¥ 284 2o see0 edt ai swol to tqu0o paetque ont. pe pty 
ent at etete aidt to. tryed, a ll edt yd bet at “at 3s 

— tnainevnos s 9d bi : uoW 
20 TOt, ¢tned ng us. 88. £ 
Ot =_2etote® ms a 
. gt to tebro ot 

In Tindall v. Nisbet, 113 Ga. 1114, the court said: 

"Finally it is said that there should be a discharge 
of this prisoner, because he testifies that he cannot pay 
the sum required of him or comply with the order of the 
court. There is no explanation of what he has done with 
the money, but only the bald statement that he is unable to 
pay it. Shall receivers, sheriffs, and attorneys, who have 
funds entrusted to their care, be discharged by merely 
saying that they have spent the money which did not belong 
to them, and cannot pay? ‘Surely not. To wrongfully place 
one's self in such a position gives no right of discharge," 

In the case of Barclay v. Barolay, 184 Ill. 471, the court 
in its opinion, said; 

"Gt is finally urged, with much earnestness, that the 
facts shown upon the hearing did not justify the order of 
the court, but that the defendant sufficiently established 
his inability to perform the decree to entitle him to his 
discharge. With this contention we cannot agree. On the 
contrary, his own affidavit clearly shows that he has 
persistently and repeatedly refused to make payments in 
performance of the decree when he had the ability to do so, 
choosing to spend large sums of money in resisting payments 
rather than to apply the same in the discharge of his 
liability. He, as appears from his own showing, seems to 
have acted upon the theory that he was justified in spending 
the whole of his salary, amounting to $125 per month, for 
his own support and that of his minor son, and in fruitless 
litigation to escape the performance of the decree for the 
maintenance of his wife and daughter, leaving them without 
any support whatever, 

in the case of Harrigan v. Stone, 237 Ill. App. 314, the 
court said: 
"It ig insisted that the injunetion issued by the court 
prevented Harrigan from raising any money to comply with 
the decree, There is nothing in the record to indicate his 
inability financially to comply with the decree, The burden 

is upon the person charged with contempt to prove his in- 
pce gn ag comply with the order or decree, by definite and 

ig age sone © Shaffner, 212 Ill. 492; People 

4 defendant in a proceeding such as this ehould be required 
to make a much better showing, either by proof or by his answer, of 
his inability to pay than has been done in the case at bear, In spite 
of his contention that he fs without funds, it appears that he is able 
to procure an appeal bond in the sum ef 42,000. No attempt appears 

to have been made to give the court either by answer or proof any 

= —. 


eide si ed sade eteegGs | $f. vebintt “thostt ty ot *, feat Aghtie 

ibiea dtyoo edt ,ALLf od CLL wgodeik »v Lishad? al 

saredoalb s ed bluode otedt tadd pint 
vey donast oc tert eeftitast ed athe iin to 

edt to rebroe edt déiw yiqmeo to aa te 
dtiw enob ged od fede to aolfenelaxe on “tat tee 
ot eldsavx si of tadt toemetete Sled ede o rae | Bus Yo 
even =. ed salva ggg toda ,eteviso i th aA 
v oath ad ,erno tie Re “o 
gnoied toa Be fotdw yeron ene aneee sa" ‘saws test gniyse Dente 

eesig yt ow of tom yloru® 1: fogaso. Lent? 
a seprenstte Lb o tigit on eer natbieee sé dowea af Ube atone re 

foyoo sit ITS .£LT dBi cmakecat Vv ee to sas ed¢ ‘at 
‘ * yBtee Ai sitne otk at 

eee RF th 

as ae ‘Seater fs et fit els ids wk aw 

0 TSHTO 9 au om Ts . b nt, 

hedeildstes yLineroit i patetee i d dead tude . - hd 
t ei 

aid of mid oftiinae of rayne + eure 

eft m0 .eotge — OW i ee tad att sidltig 
ees of tedt ewods Ylisel0 gl sige 

‘gt stromyay eden of boentot ou eos edd. pilatated —_ 
208 Ob of ytilids eft Sad ed Wig estoeh ad? a te aan’ | 
einen ysr yatteieet mt yenom to smue es ue 
aid to egrsdosth oat mt A supe os va chee i 
“Ot eweee .atiwode nwo sit gods, esoead onl por 

fi + Piguet roa ate niet feat be 
‘ to 8 cin tid to. fu 

edt tot seroeb ont é 
 thodt te meds gatvest <xedguab ons cf id 3 we 
‘edt’ (ALe° sata WEY Ves ceaote vv seakowd to eead o i hbo ot 
a aa 
‘Pryce odd yd — ‘no ttonytat eit ‘that bodetent et fa lh bhaen Se 
dtiw recat e om 
ab se Y baooee rh of gilaton a 
_ 8. 3 le r) 9 © 
‘ee ait evory of tomotios tek 5 cag ibe dae 
bus atiaiteh yd ,eeT0eb. te yebso ont dtiw 
eigost ang oil sie brperepnes ov Nene 
hoatweer ad biuoste eldt ss dove, gatbesoorg B Mth. pried snr GO vena 
te ,teweas eid yd ze toorg | ve pret se, egadwods metted oun 6. eilam OF 

etiqe al ted te eege edt at sno aeod esd aadt yaq oF, WAtidaas sid 
eresags' tomers ont LOOS{RE 6 wit edt ni be 1 me pst 

yas toore co tewens yd vosdtie dsr00 LA erly OF ‘snd evn ot 


detailed statement of his financial position and we do not believe that 
he has by his answer sufficiently met the issue. 

In view of the fact that the time has expired, under the 
order of the Circuit Court, during which the defendant should be 
required to repay to the estate of Ignatz Swartz the money found due 
the assignor on penalty, the error assigned by plaintiff will be 
sustained and an order entered here carrying out the purpose and 
intent of the order of the Circuit Court. 

We are of the opinion that the order finding the respondent 
guilty of contempt of court was proper and the order is affirmed 
and the order of the Circuit Court corrected so as to read as 

It is ordered that Sernard J. Brown be committed to the 
County Jail of Cook County, Illinois, until he shall have paid the 
sum of $1,656.51, but not, however, for a period of over 6 months 
from the day of his commitment. 

For the reasons expressed in this opinion the order of 
the Circuit Court finding the defendant guilty of contempt is 
affirmed and the order of commitment is corrected in accordance with 
the views hereinbefore expressed, 



; 3 ve 
an Abe 
ws | 

j y 
ted? ovetiod fon ob ow bas ‘nolttiog Latodentt atd Yo ‘neMesete LoLtated 
eounad odd tom Utaelostive ‘towane, ‘Big iat ee ed 
ont rohay .bexkgxe and omit odd tact seat adt to ‘wely az | 
ed biuode tasbaoteb ed? doidw yatzud - ta nt et th eobne 
exh bayer yenom odd stxen® stamgl ‘to otetes edd .od yeqox ‘od ber 
od Lin YWitalele yo bémgiees zoxte ed? .xeLenoq a0 “xomgtens sd’ 
bas seoqrug odt tuo gaiyrrso gred betotae rebte as due benisteve 
«tusod tiuoriO edt te tebrq edt te taotal 
_— duohmogget edt gaibat? robro edd halt qoiatqo edt to ene .ef 
9 beusi%is ob <ebro eit bus veqonq scr tuee to tqmmiuoo to yet 
as hoot of as cc patoorree. heed aed aut ta xebte. sd? bas 

ku ae aPMOD 
vj Mei att @ —-tawo Lot 

i ie Phaey 

odd of het ttnnoe od mort ob sreaned sate betaine po gt 

We ihe od KG, 

ag 9 ie lo 4h tO a 
stead temeo eid to ait oe 

pret rat Dit 

to tsbro edd aolaigo etdd at fiatblnte anoaset ode Re yan 
» Bh tqmetnea to yitug Anchored alt guthal? rxu90 tivors0 ott 
dite — ai betoot160 ef tnemtinwoo to tebro odt beioi ribs 

risk bataevaag 
oot eh ene 

ig yabtedass 
iy ri 4 i Be 
ae a me % Spore wa G8 29 ERLE RS a RS tee Agim JG OA at a 
aroh @eed 22d mets won oF Ost items eid. 
q A 
Pe ns ee RV MN et eae A ey nme MP EEO RS 4 fo ae et Rei ae Sea ARE tae 
nal ar ee Sh ce : 5 Wee Wis ‘ct ‘ 

» fh fe an % ye 
iiie tomo ott orb Oo Chan ea eee oe 

37856 ite ( Pd ps 


Plaintiff) Appellee 



(Defendants) Appellants. 


Plaintiff recovered 2 judgment for possession in an 
action in forcible entry and detainer against the defendants. From 
this judgment the defendant appealed. A motion was made to dismiss 
the appeal, which was reserved to the hearing. The record shows 
that the defendants failed to file their notice of appeal within 
20 days from the rendition of the judgment and failed to follow 
out such subsequent steps as service of a copy of any notice of 
appeal, ; | 

Defendants eontend that the Civil Practice Act now in 
effect does not apply to actions of forcible entry and detainer, 
This question was squarely passed upon in the case of Veach v. 
Hendricks, 278 Ill. App. 376, which was an action in forcible entry 
ahd detainer, An appeal bond was filed in that case as was done here, 
but the court held that the filing of the notice of appeal was 
jurisdictional and that the proceedings in the lower court could 
not be reviewed unless such was done. In the case of Veach v» 
Hendricks, supra, the motion to strike the cause from the docket 
of the Appellate Court was allowed. We have examined the facts in 
the case before us, however, on the merits and find that the judg- 
ment of the trial court was proper. 

The lease introduced in evidence, under which the defendants 
Claim possession, was for a period of 4 months, It expired April 

eee 5 a~4 

™ 4 \ 
“a \ 
7 > Nag i 8asve. 
tote ovennie fo MOR amt eHOLTARO RROD ations ~ RAMS, 
| i. TAUOD JATIDIVUN eoeifogaa (tiisntsL4), e’ pod @a 
hs donegone Pe isores sidpaden fq €@ AAADERTR ALIFE TAM, 
sf , - 
f a] iliac K Sire hoe 

by 2, Pinteq ue TOR. er on? 
+ BAU00 auT tO ‘WOIUrs0 an “canayRaRG, ngeate S0x7E0%, «fh han . 

as of moLenee cog wah tcomghu, 8 betevooer Niitatelt - eientae 

wert setaabusteb edt teniege teatsseb bas ‘Vitae sidtorot at noltos 
“eed ot obau aoe foiton A sbolseque tasbnetod odd tromgbut edt 
eworte brooet (odf .gakteed edt? o¢ bevroaet opel dod ster atgouge. edt 
midtiw Lesgqs to seiton ried? oLtt.ot bedtiat atnebnoteb ed? tact. 
woilot of beitet bae tasmyhut edt to nottibaos edt mort sysb 08 

P Pd colton yas te yqoo 2 te eolviee as mete, SoD RSD HONS, AIM 
oe : , wwe ates ty coh oetaoens. 
as wont toa sottoert ftvio edt tats Aaetaoo | etasbaored tk nas 
«tonisiteb bas yttae oldloret to anottes et yigqs. ton aeob ones 

«v Sosa’ to saso edt at aoqu bevesq yLoteype esy aoiteoup aid? 

; yada sidiorot ai softes as esw doidw ,8YS sqah »fiT. (S8Y8 setodzbaek 
<oted eno asw as caso tedt at beLit sew baod Iseqgs mA  erenisted bals, 
| aw Lesqqs te colton edt to yatitt edt tadt bled txw0o edt tud 
blues tive9 eens edt ai egnibeeserq odt tad? bas Lenoitorbaiast 
«¥ dogsy to onso edt aI .emob eew douse eaolny boweiver od tom, 
texoob edd moxt seyso edt editde of moltom odd .sraye ,atoistbask 

mi etost ed? bentasxe evead oW .bewolls aaw Pwod etalleqqA edt to 
—gbut edt ¢adt belt bas atizen edt ao yreveword ,au exoted ease edt 
| »Teqotg ssw txvoo Laitt edd to taem 

ishnetsh odt doldw tobay ,eosebtve ai beowboviat easel eT | 

Iiega bettqxe $I ,edtaom A to hoireq s rot ssw vo teeencon ange 


; ak 

Meld ry 
ae hy 

30, 1934. On May lst, following, this action for possession was 
instituted and service had. Defendants insist they were entitled 
to a 30 day notice. The Landlord and Tenant Act, Chapter 80, See. 12, 
Gahill's Ill, Rev. St. 1933, provides: 
813, When the tenancy is for a certain period, and the 
term expires by the terms of the lease, the tenant is then 
bound to surrender possession, and no notice to cuit or 
demand of possession is necessary." 
Finding no reversible error in the proceedings in the 

Municipal Court, the judgment of that court is affirmed, 



anw smoiseoseog 4O% aoltoe aldt .guiwollot ,tel ye 20 a 
‘beltiias erew yodt toteat vinebasted bat ootvroe vinenigielll 
; 4008 .08 rodqed® .tok tucaoT bas broLbrmid Sit sedtton ys Of a oF 
| twebhvonq ECL .#8 vont 221 e'Liided 

weet 7 

(soumTupar TOR TLUp OT wOrTON eanTGKE Moat wane Vent” mak, 

yt har ,bolzeq pre i «SLB PS i 
ng ; tnanet hs easel RP, 7 BE yonnae! os ish 22 i. 
By ng ot epiton on pata .fotexsaeeq tebaetrye of bayod Ney 

".yxseagoen al soieeoarog to ener 
* ed? at ayatbsecorg oft nt torre dsdivxdved dat ‘Minndie ere 2 
pills socmmephalbraiminesiniersiutpatniigay x jpbornel 

ehE GS 4 ‘ 4 * ae | rwae p qi may ed nostos RK: 

ot hemmed tose Merhnelen wee oe exghat, pet, 
E vi : . : 3 Ly wae. I Tho Ak az shay isecwa 
kewiqe to snbton ghost Ba ssiaped hase asp | 
Seite bae taomaist ec? Te He Seibied ast? apts syab oe 
r 324 j Te ny ‘ ot f ey YCRh me geeea @ TRUE say dour te 
As : 
3 i ae | 
ba won #04 golvoasd divi ect £248 eeeeaon ata ahAg reg ere oul ; 
sdiowet to anotves ef. ubean. tee apeb foarte 
feast to ease odt ot aoe bepent, visgeupe, cay coLteoup thy 
Rit Lowe iL neers Ha wow modely ,2tt ro ae {£5 GYR, at b | 


‘ =: ie 
wiry ua Sf > foes #2) bets? vaoe Reed LGreiye a, -exnabeted tide, Mt 

Ieecue to ooltes od? to parbdit. mee. dade bieg too ede tut i 


Yyrmes tase anf afl wantpeerwia ase $ at Sis Lenadtorboret 

st Tete aut Moe RE Les. bovanyer. od ° 

ai a 

i } 
isos edgy six Geant od? sltete oF moatem aig rsa, sainunba 

a i fs 

#28 GFP>- 
| aes | 
7 } 
“f FA Pf 
i ¥ ; 

Begun and held at Ottawa, on Tuesday,’ “the fifth day oe 
the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and inivty-tive, 
within and for the Second District of the State ofsIllinois: 

Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice 



RALPH H. DESPER, Sheriff. D, 79 


‘4. 64.64 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 
FEB 14 1935 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 

Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 

; \ 
| - \ TMUOA Ee ‘Fe 4 wep ay wie . TA 
t : %, , ‘ 
; % Pat i oy et oo 

i romwnde Dg ean bis Saad At geBogtam oul De ie a ay 

see tee 3 legions tn vennhas 

whoo thet beg, 43 ate. ede. t 

it it-6y sebrbers 

at br 


GEN. NO. 8835 AGEN DA NO. 35 

October Term, A. Ds 1954. 

LOWELL L. JIBBEN, by his next 
friend, Orie L. Jibben, 


ee ee 


DWE, J. 

This is an action brought by appellee against the Villege 
of Bartonville to recover damages for personal injuries. The de- 
claration charged that on July 17, 1932 appellee was walking along 
a foot bridge on Bolivia Avenue, a public street in the Village of 
Bartonville, and while in the exercise of due care for his own safety, 
casually stopped and leaned lightly against the banister or railing of 
the bridge, causing it to give way and precipitating appellee into the 
sully beneath. It was averred in th declaration tat the purpose of 
this railing was to prevent people in passing across the bridge from 
falling from the bridge into the gully am that it was the duty of 
appellant to use reasonable care and caution to maintain the bridge 
and railing in a reasonably safe condition so that the banister or 
railing would not give way. The declaration then chrges that ap- 
pellant did not use reasonable care and caution to maintain the rail- 
ing ina reasonably safe condition tut negligently and carelessly al- 
lowed the railing and uprights, to which the railing was attached, to 

be and remain rotten and so insecurely attached together where the 

| gHT UI 
TOIATAIA aqwoome 

«20QL .1 .A ,mreT tedoto0 

trom ald yd .WeaaIt I IUaWOT 
 qttedd ke oI ota0 baoktt 




* av ¥ Pigs ae mC 
a) ir cae Ba 




: dasileqqsA 

to gsoqtyg oft talt noitete load ott at bowievs asw tI .discusd : 
mort ogb Lad © at agoros anicasa ai elqooq smevetq of asw patlter 9 
to YWrb ott eaew ti dedi ine Ylims edt otmt ophiit edt moxt s 
enbiad sft ateataiem ot moitueo bas etso eldsnceset eau ot dnslle 
$0 todainad odd ted? oa molt ibnce etaa qld etoese sat gail tor 
. -qs jedt aegnde sedt apitexsloed edT .»yew.evig tom Bluow aatt. 
«fist eft aistaiam ot solityso bas ets. oldanounet eeu tom Sip t | 

is Ylasoloteo faa yitnegiigen tui no tt ifvoo ote etnias loa a 


uprights joined the railing end side of the bridge that anyone pass= 
ing dtl ong bridge, exercising due care and caution for his om 
Sethe, wanla strike or lean against the railing, would cause the 
upright to become detached from the railing and from the side of 

the bridge and the railing would fall into the gully. A plea of 

the general issue was filed and a trial had which resulted in a ver= 
dict and judgment for $5,000.00 in favor of appellee and the record 
is brought to this court for review by appeal. 

It is contended by eppellant that the evidence discloses 
that it was not cuilty of the negligsenee charged; that appellee was 
guilty of contributory negligence: that the trial court erred in 
its instructions and also in denying appellant's request to require 
appellee to submit toa physical examination. 

The evidence discloses that Bolivia Avenue runs in an easter- 
ly end westerly directio in the Village of Bartonville end that on 
the north side thereof there is a ditch or sully, which also extends 
in an easterly and westerly direction. Collier Avenue is one block 
south end runs parallel with Bolivia 4venue. Taft Avenue is north of 
Bolivia Avenue and runs north and south, but its southerly end coes 
not intersect with Bolivia Avenue. There is, however, a foot bridge 
eeross this gully or diteh which connects with a path which leads to 
the south end of Taft Avenue. Appellee is a boy, and at the time of 
the accident was sixteen years of age and lived at home with his 
parents on Collier Avenue. Between seven and seven=-thirty o'clock on 
the evening of July 17, 1932 he left his home in company with Louis 
Correl, a neighbor boy twelve years old, am Yarm Correl, @ brother 
of Louis, who ws about fifteen years of age, and started tovard the 
business part of the village. They went north and when near the south 

line of Bolivia Avenue and a little east of the bridge, Parm stopped 

- Be 

Wa } 

-aseq onoynis tedt egbicd edt to eble bas antiiat edt boatot eis txau 

oo eid wot noltyso Sins etso oph gotatotexe ,eg bind sit tevo sak 
edi savso blyow ,gnilieset eft teanies;s asel to silite pivor\ worse 
to ebte sit mort bas anif{ist edt mort bedosteb emooed ot tigtzay 
to selq A .yliua esky ofat Ilet bl sow gailiat edt bas ep bia oft 


Cstect oalilinemeetiadd ak tk 

B1ooet edt hae eollecas To tovet at 00.000,¢¢ 10% remo Paste ; 
sfsorqs Yd welvet tot too ei dt of dagiord 8. 
seactoeih eomebive edt tedt taslleqgs yd be bnotaos at gi i 

~tev ent beotiveot dotdw bad fsict s bas boltt esw evant Isteseg ent 

am eelleqs ted ;begtado eonsaifzen oft to Witwa ton” ew t prey 

mt berro d1voo [stat aft ted? seonogtioen wrotid ite ‘to Ww 

oe a Rate 

visite ot canon Melee sotyadh nt onfs bas ano it outs ant ath 
 ,mo ttentmexe feoteyde 8 ot thm ue ‘ot ee | 
-tetase as at enuy evmevs aivilod tadt esacloulh eomebive edT ; 
fo teat bas elltenotaed 26 oa sili¥ oOdt af mob oets 5 ulteieew bas % re 
adrotx ode Ls .do ftw tiling <0 motth » eb ere ft ‘Wotedt obra’ Pere | 
aoold eno al esnevA teiLiod dite 1a 3485 {ited ew bits YLtotass eat | 
to dtron ek sunev\ fislT “,evnevéA sivilod Atiw felteta¢ ent bam toe 
-0ee0b ue Yltedthos att thd ,dtooa Hae Atom eter Bas QumdvA atv! to a 
egbitd toot 8 ,tevewod fel erent ‘semitevA str foe dite doderet nt & é ‘ 
ot absel lok dw mtaeq 8s dAtiw ato sino 5 dot tw tot tb 0 item atéé edotea 
to “amit adé ts bas pyod eel eelfeqcA “vewnmevs fren Ito * Sit Ub aid _ 
 @hit dtiw oma ts bevit Sis ons to etssy meedx be asa ‘t mob doos “i 
fo Asols "o PORE Aeeao res bas tevee teewted Vou news “tet fl fod” ‘to etneniy 
alvol dtiw ymecmoo nt mod att der ed seer ‘Ytt YEut “Yo antiiove 7) 
xedtowd a°yfetrod mre‘ bas , BLo atsey evlent yor oditsten "sti ? 
of? fts wot bédiete bas \spe To wtdey: fteatt it tweds: al ot anid 4 
ddsom edd tsen stedw fen ‘ttrom taow yea vege ftny’ ‘ett 0 Yued es prey” 

becqote mrs? 9p bbs od to teso oftd ls baa ‘sunews ‘stv EOE ores 

ne, sus 
in then { of waite | hete mick Ete oda bom 


a uloursoest ce fina modind aie 1 3hA 5 

and started to pick black berries. Louis and appellee continued 
north and entered Bolivia Avenue and thence west to the bridge. Louis 
reached the bridge first and had proceeded almost to the northerly 

nd of it when appellee reached it. Accarding to appellee's testimony, 
he had just walked onto the bridge and turned around to see if Parm 
was coming, and in so doing his hip hit the banister or rai ling on 

the westerly side of the bridge and it gave way, causing appellee to 
fall into the ditch, striking his back upon a rock therein, seriously 
injuring the socket of his left shoulder. louis Correl also fell, 

but was tninjured. 

The evidenee further discloses that this bridge was ten or 
twelve feet in length, the floor of the bridge being not to exeeed 
five feet from the bottom on the gully. Prior to ‘uly 7, 1930 the 
only means of crossing this gully was by two planks, there being no 
banisters or hand rails. Onduly 7, 1930 the foot bridge which 
spanned this gully was built. Two eight by eight inch sills or 
stringers between twelve and fourteen feet in length, of fir lumber, 
were used and across these a floorwas laid of 1 x 8's three feet 
long. On the westerly side of the bridge, two boards, each two 
inches by four inchs, were used as uprights to support the banister. 
One was near the north end and the other mar the south end of the 
bridge and were about eight feet apart. Eachrested on some rock in 
the bottom of the ditch and with its four inch side to the sill, ex= 
tended above the floor of the bridge two and one-half or three feet. 
Zach upright was nailed to the sill and to another two by four inch 
board about twelve feet long, which constituted thebanister or hand 
rail as it is spoken of in this record, This banister extended a bout 
two feet south of the southerly upright and approximately tw feet 

north of the northerly upright. The banister was nailed wth its 

; 5 “sete tnsd 6 at wiegqae ot ad tg tq ae boas exew 8 opfont bah 

bounis xc 9 eel leqgs bas euro. | ‘saettzed woald Hore saan ' 
etyol .oubind eit ot taew son ont bas eumevi atv tfod , eee ee 
yitedttos edt of taomLe babes song Dad ‘bas teat eabiad hited batons 
«Yaron tqat a weet long 8 ot aatb wook atk bedosot seller ce oe ty. = : 

Misi Tt 9ee of biwots beaut bas eabind @ sit odo bool Law sess bad 

Bien & “They i 
10 pail fet TO we etaad ody fbf ata ete gatob oe mt Sas sguisos 
CO ee 26 hahah Bie 
ot eelfocce ankarss cvew evan ti has egbind oat To bia yeh 
oF Sinere 

Tiago ites yiioteds woot s mea wad etd paisth rte aod BB A opt . c. 3 
ifort eels Lerrod a tot +9 Biodts #0 eb to # ouoos outs Bisel Lu 
i shout abat = 

at I ‘ow yr x 20 vt ie Ce “Fis. Late 
to not aaw oa bind aids salt soso foais ‘ost ut gouobive ed 
fir bl » wry ak 
jevenen 6 ot ton omted shin. osit ‘to xoolt edd digasl at pi + 
tindim o¢ ETS 
edt oaeL 8 yLir oF toilet wvLlug enti a mod to ¢ omy sort toot e" 

of ante d ered? ,a2ine fg owd vd aay Rase2 pe gniseoro te enon 

ur yb retaew' De 

donde eabixd toot edt oseL 4% Uwkao alist et to atote. 

oa whew chen aes 

so ellis dont tigis xd tia te owt 1 tLbud ane vhine aidt Dor 

: ¥ d fy ds yo VL tot eR 
s _ Tedut tit to ,dtgnol a foot moet aot. bus oviewd neowds od 74 

i. eyes * chevy " bi) 

Poet setdt a's x = to biel ea xoolt a eae dé eRoros bets | 

: 2 ated a eer a: 

ows soso. yebta od. owd .op bias et te ob ia yilueteow edt a. 

: Eee Tar em Feigao 

eT. “pit 
ent to ‘bao fits08 odd 18 ef 9 cto ont bas ‘be irom ods ats90m 5! 
a Ae Me a el Gere i ting | 
ry Aor emoe a0 bedaer dot Ro toot tdate tuods etow tg 
oy aeahe Re soy Sie 
is! A Ltte oat ot ebic dont x0 att att bw 5 ns sot ib ont To 

oR otk pinud Poret an MP 

«toot sensi 0 ‘Bssieoao ‘bap ont ‘eubitd exit 20 oolt Sat ore | 
dont xeey xd ont xedtons ot baw Lite oft of bottam oF : ji 
_ basd <0 tote tned ent deipsitanoo dotdw wonet 00% 07 Pi 
_ tod & bobnotxo teteinsd ater ,b1000 ald¢ is to mexoqga ag 
iw Bes ate on Xtot amixoraqs bas tiptaqu ‘ylwdtves oat 0 Pre { 
Ms att dt ie 6 eten asw sotetmad ed? “ime Virese en att ? 

four inch side to the uprights. These uprizhts and banister were 
of pine, bought new in 1929 and the street commissiomwr testified 
that they may have been used by appellant for a street "blockage" 
or barricade before they were used in the bridge in July 1950. 

At the time of the accident, appellee and Louis Correl 
were the only ones on the bridge. It is the theory of appellant 
that these boyés must have been scuffling or pushing or exerting 
some force Or power against this bannister or it would not have 
given away and in this connection our attention is called to the 
evidence of Mrs. Cora Brow, who lived secross the street from this 
foot bridge. She testified that she had had occasion to cyppss the 
bridges frequently and did pass over it between five and six o'clock 
on the same evening when the accident occurred and at that time the 
banister was up and as she passed over it, she did not then or at 
any time prior thereto observe any portion of it beings rotten or 
decayed, When the southerly upright was exhibited to her on cross 
examination, she stated that, as she passed along the bridge that 
afternoon, she had not noticed "that rottenness" as she expressed it, 
indicating a portion thereof. She further testified that she had 
never touched her hand to the banister, but that it apresred all 
right to her. 

Appeliant also insists that the physical conditions after 
the accident support its theory as the north upright was disconnected 
from the sill, but the banister remained nailed to this upright and 
both were in the ditch while the south upright remained attached to 
the sill of the bridge, tut the banister had pulled away therefrom. 
Appellant further insists that the evidence discloses that the banister 

was mailed tothe inside, tht is, the bridge side of both uprights, 


etew teteinad bose at deisey ea edt -2ad da troy odt ot nie font wal 

Hettitess tend elmvo teente dif bas e&@L at wea ttsasd ‘\enta 
"epatoold” toette tot teallegge Yd boas mod ovad Y ea ga 
O#eL ett mi am) tid off at boas otew ‘yedt oroted ebs0 iced 
‘Vferto® atwor bre eellaqds ,tasbions edt to amt eit ya Fee Ke 
diel fegqe to yrosdy ond ef YI Jopbidd ‘aft ko ganto ‘ulne eild od 
gritiexe To Satdowd to aotittvee ned évat saum aa ‘bao dt ve 
eved ton Bigow a 10 Teteltnnsd e hie fodtays te wo 20 eorot ee 

AL ae E> We 
eit of beliso et aot nett s tio mottvennod anu a Bate we : nfl: | 

ool" xia bas Svit mewtsd ti tovo seaq Sib igh PCT ars op. 

; den vif 
elt amid tact te its horn 00 tneb loos edt motfw aahnove amea & 

| owe Oe 
‘7B TO med? Jom bth sie ev ie 10% vba ote! as bas e. a tabs soe 

‘Bed eda tent Bo ttitees wdtest ate » Tob tedt seyase, 3 6 lll 

{fs betsercs tf tadt tud tote tnad out of nel be ‘Dodouot teva 

4 gala dns 24 , aoe a Glew gk ewe pia 
tatts anoittbhnos Iaoteyty edt te ot atetent oele tate” 2 

yy Be ed a 
ae . 

botpo anova th: asw ail iron ‘edt ee Wheat suid jeoir'g! 2 

hs Totelns d ont seis hehothn We whines ba oe ih ebitad qeees “ ve 

in. dl fited re’ iad bouyiacy sat ant at ete es ey: ts 
Ae | rca ter he eee O89, 


tele elaode es. vat hi Att 

and that both uprights were nailed to the sill by five spikes. 

One of which was a thirty penny, two were twenty pennies and two 
were sixteen pennies, and that therefore a sufficient amount of 
force was exerted by these boys to loosen the spikes which fastened 
the north upright and when it gave way both were precipitated 
simultaneously into the gully below. 

It is the theory of appellee that the banister was nailed 
to the inside of the north uprisht and to the outside of the south 
one. The uprights, banister and nails taken therefrom were pro- 
duced at the trial and the jury examined them, They lve also bean 
certified to this court for our inspection and we have consideroad 
them in the light of all the testimony in this record anc fram a 
consideration of all the evidence, we are unable to say that the 
jury was not warranted in adopting the theory of appellesc, nar is 
the finding of the jury that appellent is suilty of the negligence 
charged and appellee free from such contributory negligence as 
would bar a recovery manifestly against the weight of the evidence. 

It is unnecessary to review at iength all the evidence in 
this record as to the condition of the vprighis, and banister of 
this bridge at the time of the accident. It is sufficient to state 
that Harold Lakota testified that he had crossed this bridge fre- 
quently for several years vrecedins the accident. That in May, 
prior to the accident, the banister was loose and could easily be 
shaken and that the nails which fastemed the uprights to the banis ter 
were rusty and thet the uprights and stringers were rotten and the 
corners where the uprights were nailed to the banister were decayed. 
Louis Correl testified that he examined the banister the nisht after 

the aceident and found the mails rusty and the upper end of the up- 

~ 5 = 

; ‘ P Bios Fe me 
ez ouiga ev lt yd [ita ot 9 batten otey settee Phi} toe a: 

ors bas aeltameg Yinowt, stew owt waned wridt *® asw pt ae y ‘0 bar 
to dayems taetotitvs s etoteteds jedi bas eh ORR EO. met xte 89°% 

benotest soldy aexige edt mezool ot syod saedt Yd hotzexe saw eot0% 
Setssigtoeds. ovew diod ysw ovey ti modu bas dogitay ai tom oat 
ewoled yling ot ofpt. npelrinati 

helisn asw noteined eit ¢adt selteqqs to yroedt oft nf fF nance cami 
fituoe sit to ebiedwo edt of haa tdgingy dtm edd to @ opsen, 24a 
= -OLT. STEW poutene dd newst alien bas tet ated eats Lage edt 1 AAG 
med cals eval YedT. godt bontmaxe ywl 9 dit bas etre edt te bepuh 
bortebtasoo eval en baa mottoecant wo tot tivoo atd? of ; of. Pot taps 
48 @Pit has bvooer aldt at ymomtteet edt Ife To tig it , Ot Ba 
eit tadt ysa of sideny ets ew .semebtve edt Ils to mit stoblenes 

at ma ,esileaqevto yroait add anitqobs at billy tom 2: ay, wy 
emoyifgen eft to wWiinn et tastfleaqs tedt Yul edt, to u priba rt ead 
as eoneaiinen Ytotudittaoo foye mort aett pelleqqs bae bepaee 

_ eenebtve odd to tdatew edt taniage yteetinem yrevoper s RTs 
at eoaebive eft tLe dtgnol aR Ralvas ot Yraeeeoenay ai tI ad Shiai 
to tetainsd bas .e deity edv to Holt iigoo edt ot BS btove Te 

stateot tmefoittve et tl .tmebloos edt to emit ont ts sabiad obi 

. ort egbind aids beazato had ef t adt boltitass stoisl Fade! ha 

bo vo, eM rh tad? ..«.tnebloos sit 2g Lbepetg. BTseY. _ Satey 2 t0% Timon 

ad yLiese. hiweo Das eaoglt Baw tetetned. aid cimehieos edt oF t to 

ie abund edt ot atnginugs edt ho sratast fo tdw alt an oat tedt Ae ER 
c ede 5 ss, aston stew aisgainte bas ztdatiap edt tat das. Wart Si 
‘in seheyaped. o7er tefelasd edd of belt an stew. etde tage esta, eters ae 4 
Tetts., tigta edt. gstaiaead edt Seniasxe oi fedt, bettites? fex709 eiweg 
“qu eft Io bas teqay 9 at brs yeu alk a ee Samp % Sas tmebioos ¢ 

right “rotten enough so that a part of the top came off with the 
end of the railing". Charles atkins stated that he frequently 
crossed this bridge and at various times he put his hand on the rail 
and notice that it was rotten where it was railed to the top of tls 
uprights. Orie Jibben, Roy Hayes and George Jibben likewise testi-~ 
fied as to the uprights and banister which they described as rotten 
or decayed and also as to the rusty nails taken therefran. One of 
these witnesses, Hayes, described the top of the south upright amt 
the south end of the banister as being "plenty rotten", ‘lo over~ 
come this testimony appellant introduced a number f witnesses 
whose evidence tended to prove that the lumber used at the time the 
bridge was built was in good condition and the bridge properly con- 
structed. That it apveared to be a substantial bridge and Jesse 
Higgins, appellant's street commissioner, exanined it in April, 1932 
and no portion of the banister or unrights appeared to the naked 
eye to be decayed or rotten at that time. Other witnesses testified 
that as they crossed the bridge it did not wobble or weave, the 
banister appeared to be in sood condition and they did not observe 
that either the banister or unrishts were not substantial. With 
the record in this cmditicn, it was peculiarly the province of the 
jury to determine the facts and in the absence of erronsous rulings 
of the trial court, either in the admission or rejection of evidence 
or upm instructions asto the law, this court would not be warranted 
in interferins with the findings of the jury. 

In this connection counsel for appellant insists that re~ 

to embody 

versible error was committed by the trial court in refusing/the 
following in its instructions: "That the plaintiff cannot vecover 
in this case unless the jury find by a preponderance of the 

evidence that the defendant had notice, either actwl or constructive 

ent dtiw tro ons qot edt to trsq s tedt o8 mom mattou" tig te 
ylineupert out t sais bot ste antut all aeltaid "pabiton ode to ba 
{tsteft mo baat ald tq od eomtt evoltev tea bas enbind ald ‘poaabas 
ait 10 qot oft ot beftac new ti ev edi nestor eaw tt dasft eotton’ Bas 
~ttest eelwowttl meddi% eproed bas geyell yoR , meddit ‘ebi0 vei dg tags 
metiot es bedizocab yout dotdw retataed fue atdattqy ed of @s beh 
to and storterte nti medat alten yar ont of as oe fs ‘bas Beunosh 'x 
ts tigitas divoe ott Yo qot ond beditoash a0 aoneentiw ea cdi 
~"t9Vo of . ed dor woola" pated as tote land att to bae ido a “etl 
‘7 ‘eeavond bv t vedeyn s beouborial raat Long a tom tao atde sia 
aay emit eit tw Beck’ x duit od’ te dt evo of besmet eoneb tvs ows 
«109 Ylxegord embind odd bus sot? ibnoe Boos at eew eBid! ao? oud ia 
ezect bas ep bind [sttnstedya s ed ot be'tsed qs +h saan” posit 

Ser iba nt ¢£ bentwsxe .tonoteaimmoo toonrte s'daatreqas « at 8 i 
iodine edd ot betseqqs erdg stay IO toteined ent to. “a0 i100 © ‘ Sin Bi 
bofiivces wetsettiw tedt0 oak todd te met dor “to beyaceb od oF a 
odd oveew to elddow tom Bib 1 enh hut ode bensore yo aw Oem 
“evreado fom Bib yedd has aot tibaoo boos at ed of borseqgs ena tin 
a Lsttastadve tom etew atiuloos 10 teteinsd ent tedtie dod 
eit To be tach out vireituseg eew ot M6 £4 tba 0 et dt nt brood 2 ed 
agit Wt avoemoTtts to porteads odt at bas adost oat” ontinemebb Ot er 
etnebive to molt oot et «0 Motsetmis of at teddies ft 08 tated oid % 
5s inatrnsw od ton aiivew tro aldd wal ait of a8 em itowrd ent ‘was 
| “Vw et to aoribalt ddd addtw anteotvorat & 
oe a mie at aeaut tnslleqqe tot feenwo nottoontros et iit a ibis: 
yYbodme of 
aid\anteutet st dros Isine ont td bod tiutoo asw worre ‘stato 
Tovoosy Younsd ‘titvmtafe edt tal?" :enottormbant att ak pal 
edt to ssaetefmocetg s yd ba tt wut ett eaelau ‘ene "siti 

exer crstuiics 3 Latos teddie woiton bax dasbastob ant f Bat ‘sarob iy 


of the defective conditimm of the bridge". There was no error in 
refusing to add this to the charge which the court gave to the jury. 
It does not define or explain to the jury what is meant by construce 
tive notice. It is true that appellant was not liable uniess it had 
either actual or constructive notice of the defective condition of 

this bannister and uvrig 

shits, and if the suggestion had gone further 
and defined constructive notice, there might be some merit in ap-= 
pellant's contention. Furthermore, we have read the court's in- 
structions end in our opinion the jury was fully and provery in- 

It is finaily insisted that it was error for the court to 
deny appellant's motion to require appellee to submit to a physical 
examination by anpellant's physicians. The record discloses that. 
appellee had testified and while on the stand exhibited his back 
and chest to the jury. Following his testimony several other wit- 
nesses testified and the court recessed until the following mornim,. 
When court again convened om the following morning, avpellant made 
its motion out of the presence of the jury and requested the cowt 
to fix the time, place and condi tims under whichthe examination 
should be made. Counsel for appellee thereupon stated that the 
eourt should designate the physician before appellee finished his 
case, Counsel for appellant refused. Counsel for appellee then 
stated: "I want the sxamination made before | close my case and 
report mde to the court that I may see". Counsel for eer gen 
made no reply to this suggestion end after an inquiry by the court 
and a further statenent by counsel for appellant, the court denied 
the motion. In support of appellant's contention, the cases of 
Swenson v. City of Aurora, 196 Ill. App. 83 and Pronskevitch v. C. 

and A. Ry. Co., 232 Ill. 136 are cited. ‘Je have cxamined those cases 




ni-torre om asw etodl ."egbitd.edt to mi ibso9.evttgoted. edd. %¢ 
VIL. odd oF vag dawoo od doidw eatedd.odt ot aid? bbe. ot gataites 
-outtanos ¥d tasem al tedw yxut edt.ot atsigxe to entteh tom 208, £1 
‘ban tt aaelou eldstl ton saw tasllegges tadt, ovtt et $I. sootton ovis 
to moldibace evitoeteb edt to sation evitemttencoo 10) lewtos toda 
tedtivi esos bad nottaepnya oft ti. bas ,aidsiaoe bas tetelaned etd 
-gp nt tivem emow ed tdalm, etodt. ,soltom evitouttanog, bemtted. Bas 

(gy MELE, 8 'sai0 9. oxlt beet eved ew ,oromzeditwt .10B met aos at inet to 
al Wrsrorg bas ylint sew Yrs edt soimiqo wus ok 5 oe. acto Ht oss 

ue BS ie o sbos ound: 

od #tu09. od} tot tote asw dt ‘heits betelent yllemit ef t2..., , ot 

Sao taysdey s ot timdye of eelleggs otivpst ot ap Hom a'insttegan vn 
tedy #080 Loe th broset, oAT. ..eastoloyde a'tasllegqs yd. mm Id eatnox: 
AMosd eid botididxe Baste, edt mo olidy ban boititest bed eal locas 
-tiw tedte [ateves yoomitees ald ga twollol.. .yml. edt. of teodo bas 
amigion saiwollol sm.iitay begaeoes fives, ent Sos, boltitesd BOER oF 
ebem tusilegcs .aatarou pabwollct, ost 20, Sener cog. tags divoo aah 
t+woo off boteevpet bus yw edt to eoneretg edt to. tyo mobi om ai. 
soitenimaxe eftdotdw tebay amolt thooo 508 90 el¢ (mrt, ost x 1% 0 
edi tedi betste goquetedt eelleggs tot fmanyed, ss ebsm, of, Luo a 

aid bedatsit eelleqqs exoled matotayda edt otetnieed biyods tao 
aedt eellegqs 107 Loeavod. -beavter taalieggs rot fe eno) robe! 
bas ease ya eaolo 1 etoted ehem aolisainexe end tasm,.I") betat 
wal Betteres Tot feenvod, ."9e8 yeu 1. tadid txvoo, edt of. oban droge: 
tes edt yo yrivpal as totta fs molieoggue aldt. ot viger on ebo 
bo taed. tives odt.,taelleq¢s to. feanyoo yd; tromsatea. sodtryt. 8. ba 
to ssaso oft molt aatnop attaslloggs to ttoqgua, ml » » modtom: esi 

+0 .v dotiverenerd ne 66 .qgs «fll de, a StomaA to tio »¥ moenow 
geese enodd bexioaxs evade! »betio ote OL »LLT StSi4 109s WhiwAy Ba 

and while the court might have granted appellant's request and re- 
quired appellee to submit to an examination of that portion of his 
body which was exhibited to the jury, eertainly appellee had a right 
to have his own physician present and it would hot have been unrea- 
sonabie to have had the examination completed before appellee's case 
was closed. In the instant case it is not insisted that the damages 
are excessive and the only purpose of desiring an examination by a 
physician other than of appellee's choosing woulc be to determine 
the extent of appellee's injuries and as that question is not raised 
in appellant's argument, the error if any was committed was a harm= 
less one. 

There is no reversible error in this record and the jubre nt 

is therefore affirmed. 


Ss Bos 

«ty ; te we, £7 Poatioks oh. te 

“9't Bae tee upet e’tasLlecas "Eat iiee evad tds ior tu09 ia ate sae 
aid to nots mq tedt to not ten iwaxe ms of timdwe ot “eolteqas bextup 
fdigixn s Sad eallegqe vinietre9 | Vwi, oft of botidtixe Bsr ‘doltw bod 
~89"TA gxood ave god bilyow tI bas tnocstq ‘asiolevig mo “att ovat of 
ees 2 ‘pal [8g GB exoted ber» Legmes moiteal mex 9 edt be eva « ot ae Roy 
etna s ent dade hote Lani son al vt 9289 tnatent edt al pry ie ion 
8 we Bol tentuexe me pottieeb te exo gid yino out bus “ovtaaooe on 
emimteteb of sd Siow pmizoo do a ‘ee ftieggs to usdé wito ms to teys 
boaist tox ak moi Seoup ie dt 8a dae eolmiai a Bh a perys 2 ay teste ott 

~arsst a asw bettinmoo asw wre th ToTTe 6 aig (tno tani toqas at 
atuallorge  aigm 

+9n10 aaol 
; bi a fei? ty if rath y Ee. SS 1 ae 

tn amiwt edt bas bawenee elctt ai Torte ‘aléiexeyes on ae he ae nee 
i> 2 ‘ ge wa 

sbomiitte etotet ods al 

wart? og ad ae b.the 

at Rada j Be BN Elio. AS ae 5 sb dbo Her Bab 
-<CAMATITA VWeMocur - Theda 

a ats wef. ao eget ros Shas. een ge 

cay i? 3 Ser. se Ee Oats wee 

1m 22 tam o bine, oP Gig) ewe h eae ae DR ae 

aby a, DL eae 

C7) EO Dare ae. 
sace Bet Seated .. -eeR8 

foam I") hea 
3 a 
af at o}vat, Fee 
ee aura heh ok lee Ot aim 
7: f % 4 ey reer e. twa A ay ig-y es" ge & £. Bee 

te A grate ek + yu ae 

‘ ‘ ‘ iS IZ2 i: Mp? : teE Pray ey hi ue UV Me phen Brey & 
ey Sagres u . . « g PE Ay Baia ee a ih A ose ‘af r 
of ioe pe ae Te gat He $9 ea a 4 i a bf oh * #O Doe Br Cn pie 


I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause, 

of record in my office. 
In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

Appellate Court, at Ottawa, this day of 

_CC“‘“‘(RUUOCNin *the year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 
(13815—5M—8-82) &$33307 


4) oy "eo 

out ae ric tare rare iy ay 
pes ae | 
cA ap So, oie oF mikeres 

Satie atvAs Cpa ea ee ie ‘acces aie 

hun. i wane ojatiogak old in Heh 0 “YOwIHOL re apres 1 hs 

deed ob Nosrtadlt Sno Bete abizaneME oi bo. ayevil ail” Baa sasstt shea 
~aiistials potty arvaits als at tuo om ai hime si 4 erobereje pelt niidier >. 

= «@ / 

Ke to fase oil ats ‘aia, cod wi Ar] ee ry Jontt vaiones 
to th ican oie eee ame phisat AN sn 
if. wake bucisied Sets | baa 180 iw ‘Sea, od? at. poe! 
. i ee te ei 

yy 0) nip oar set p foto 

o¢ *3 

De enna 




Begun and held at Ottawa, on Tuesday, the fifth dey of February, 
the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five, 
within and for the Second District of the State of Tinodae 

Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 

Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 
Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 

JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk. 2 yn . 
: C9 TA, 644 
RALPH H. DESPER, Sheriff. elle O- rd 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 

FEB 14 1935 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 

Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 

' * 7 
Uo} ; | 7 
i" \ = 7 \ i" ri 
yo AUS) Tih AHP MG MARE A TA P +, ee 
A x. as ae | eee 

j > } 7° Dat e vs thissda guteEd on oe 

ty reds ¥o yah is fs us ‘eaheon? ap | wo .away20 ta bled baa aa 
voxt +X <tif.baa bethoud oata baacuont oatg biol to0 to 789% yA 
ELL tqeetar?® edt te dobasare hooves. ent 7 pe 
otteds aathteest. Sa20W .o Cage. cer 
seolingh 2V0G. of RICARARN ot ¥ 

lookvaat ,KAMETIM isso a to 

tod. HOCMIOL iat ieee 




; 7 2 



ieee aac 

oe ih a xe 

Gen. No. 8843 Agenda No. 20 
In the Appellate Court of Illinois 
Second District 

October Term, A. D. 1934 

Henry Boomgarden, as Administrator 
of the Estate of Augusta Boomgarden, 


Appeal from the Circuit 

Court of Iroquois County 
Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railway 
Company, a Corporation, 


DOVE ~ J. 

This action was brought to recover damages for the alleged 
wrongful death of Augusta Boomgarden, growing out of a railroad 
crossing accident accurring at the intersection of Hickory Street 
and the right of way of the defendant below, in Watseka on July 9, 
1930. The original declaration was filed on October 23, 1950. It 
consisted of four counts, each charging the defendantwith negligence 
only. On October 17, 1931 each of the four counts were amended and 
as amended eliminated all charges of negligence and sought to charge 
the defendant with wilful and wanton conduct. The defendant plead 
the general issue and a trial was had, resulting in a verdict and 
judgement in favor of the plaintiff for $5,000.00. An appeal was taken 
to this court, and that judgment was reversed and the cause was re- 
manded. Boomgarden, Administrator, ete. v. C. & li. I. Ry. Co., 

266 Ill. App. 622. That opinion is not published, but what we there 
held was that each count of the declaration as aménded did not state 
a cause of action of wilful and wanton injury and further held that 
the evidence wholly failed to show that the defendant was guilty of 
any wilful or wanton conduct which in any manner caused the death of 

the plaintiff's intestate. 

 gpsentinen dwivtasbaeted et satstado dose ,etayoo wot to soreapinn,. | 

geist esw Iseqqs mA .00.000,e$ tot ttitaislq edt to stovst at tnompbut 

OS ,oM sbme,A ES88 .oVl 0D 
atonti{I to tavod stalleqqA est al 
tolateld bmooe? 
Be@CL .d .A ,mteT tedotosod 

totsiteiminhA es ,mebisymood yineH i 
 Sebtsgmood atesquaA to ovat ed and 0 
tivoxtd edt mort Issqqé 

ytavod atovporl to fuwo0d BS) 
yawitel eltomifiil aretesi bas ogsotdo 
viotteroqtod s ,YasqmoD 


bexelis edt tot sexamsb tevooes ot tdnvord saw mottos efdT - 
beotlist 5 to tye anitwor ,sebissmool steyaguA to dtseb Lfutgnomw — 
teste yrowotH to nolttoesatetnt edt ts gutiiwess taebtoos pateworo 
.@ Yist oo sxeatsW ot ,woled tnshnsteh edt To yew to tdgit edt Sas 
tI .0ceLf 8 ssdoted mo belit asw solteislosb Isnitgtio eXxT .08eL 

‘fas bebnems ovew atnwoo avet edt to dass [éeL ,VL uasdoso0 m0 “theo 
egisdo of tiguoe bas eomentinen to aenisio [Is botsuimtic bebnems as 
Baelq tasbnosteb edT .tovbaoo cotasw bas iutitw détw Paebuersd ont 
bee tolibtev s at anittIneet:,bad esw Isiat s bas oueek {siemexn edt ey) 

~8t esw sauao edt bas heetever esw tromgbut tagt bas hie ssc : 
che VA .I 8 .D .v .ote ,totsrtetnimbA ,nebtegmood — bobasm ie 


etedt ow tadw tud ,besetiduq tom et motmtqo tad? .880 .qad ‘IT 888, 


etate tom bib bebubms as nottsialoeh edt Yo tavoo ose tadt asw bled 
‘tedt bles todd? bas yistal sotasw bas Iviliw to mottos te eaves 5 


iba Wiivg nae itnnhented edt tsdt wode of bolist yLtodw ner 

Sen, | Meee 3 


Upon the case being reinstated in the trial court, the plain- 
tiff, on July 25, 1935, filed, by leave of court, what he designated 
as first amended count as amended. This count charged that on July 
9, 1950 the defendant was operating a passenger train over its rail- 
road, driving the same through a thickly settled portion of Watseka in 
a northerly direction across Hickory Street and other streets within 
the corporate limits of said city; that it was the custom of the public 
generally to pass over the Hickory Street crossing on féot, horseback 
and by various vehicles of conveyance; that this custom and practice 
was well known to the servants in charge of the said train; that about 
6:15 P. M. on July 9, 1930, Augusta Boomgarden was walking along Hickory 
Street in a northwesterly direction across the railroad and over said 
crossing; that she was unaware of the approaching train and in a posi- 
tion where the servants of defendant saw her or by the exercise of 
ordinary cere could have seen her and saw or could have seen that she 
was unaware of the approaching train or the danger which threatened 
her; that said servants were conscious from their knowledge of sur- 
rounding circumstances that their failure to proceed with caution and 
their driving of said locomotive at a speed in excess of fifteen miles 
per hour would naturally result in injury to persons on said crossing, 
including plaintiff's intestate; that it became the duty of the engineer 
and fireman, in control of said train, who were servants of defendant, 
to keep a lookout for persons who might be lawfully upon said crossing 
and to sound a warning of the approach of said train and to warn 
Augusta Boomgarden of the danger threatening her and to approach 
said crossing with caution and to so manage said train so as not to 
inflict injury upon her, then and there known by said servants to 
be lawfully upon said crossing. This count then charges a breach 
of this duty by alleging that the servants of the defendant who were 
in control of said locomotive, with reckless disregard of the life 
of the said Augusta Boomgarden, wilfully and wantonly failed to keep 

a lookout down the track for the protection of persons lawfully using 


-alsiq oft ,dis0o taiat out ol betatastet puted eeso oft noqu 
betengtaeh od tadw ,tusoo to evsel yd ,belit.,e8eL .é8 yw ao {tht 
yist no tet bepiedo toweo efdT ..bebaems ag tavoo bobnoms te1ft as 
-ftex ett tovo atett texneseasq s aaitesieqe asw tnebnsteb ort oser .@ 

at ateats to solttoq belttea yiofolsdt s daueti? a Pa tal gl 

nidttw eateetts xolde bas teste ytoxoll esoiss soltoe 1th \ ieddesoa’s 

etiduq env to motam odt sow tl tant ;ytio bise to etiail etatod7eo oft 
dosdeated ,foOt mo gutaveto teett2 yroxo fi sit teve eesq ot yl stoneg 

we E3 i) 

eottostg has moteuo eitdt ted? jsonsyevnoo to eelotilev suotiey yd bas 4 
twode tsdt j;atett bise edt to sgisdo mk atasvtee ont ‘ot wos! ‘tow ear | 
prove lH gnols gaixlew asw nebtegsiood steuguA ,O8CL ‘,e cist we at SE 
| Bise zevo bas beotiis: edt eszotos noltoortbh yiseteewdécon s at teeite 
=-feoq a at bas otatt anidosorgqs edt to otswenv eew offs tadt igatenote. 4 

_ to eetotexe od yd 10 tod wee tasbmeted 10 atasvtes, ost: etedw vid 


ofa tedt meee eves binoo to waa fasted mese eved. biwoo. oso, Xx bat cs 
benataouit dotdw rossab edt co ate zatdosorggs ed? 29 murat aie } 
-1e to eshelyoat tiers mort avotoanoo elew etnevier bisa ted? ytedtin 
bas gottuse dtiw S5ess0aq of, suiLiat aiedt sade agoast emuosto Ratt rue - 
 eolim seotikt to. sseoxe al beeqe s ts ovitomoool. bisa. to, Snlvitb thedh 
x satiaeoto bkan no emoated ot youtat of ¢ineor yiisiteam bisow wod | cl am 
somtans, ett to ytub sdt omseed dt tadt. potsieet mt 2'thigatela satbuLont 
<taabieieb to. at teavres si98W ow ,aleath Skee to Lonfmoo mh ApmTO TET, Bate) ‘ 

- gatleson hiss soqu yilstwel. ed tdgim ofw anoateq 10% tuotool s sth ete Ah 

W i , ot, atasvise Siee yd nwosst bps bas oesdt ld modu sieideat npiironeg ig 
| per a cogieds sod? taupo edt. .ankeeos, bise soqu YLlintwed od i 
stow, ow tosbae teh edt. Io. atnavtee ead tedt: gattne fLs Udi xtub etd fo » hy 
SRE otlt 0, Saeperath ecolsoes. st iw, ,evitomooos: bise. te fostnoo. ih 
Be geez of belist yinotaew fac \LiuiLin, , seb isgmook, siseaeh tes e820: 

| aay sy 
i  pabers ylivtwal enosteq to Ho ttootoxg eit tot Samad edd: mom: ¢ roxool ly 

owes) Wee, Rea bed ih, - IF F Y x , ! i). oP ye ‘bit ah, ¥ Z 


the Hickory Street crossings and wilfully and wantonly failed to 
approach the crossing with caution and although they saw the said 
Augusta Boomgarden in a situation of peril, they wilfully and wanton- 
ly disregarded their duty and with reckless disregard of the life of 
Said Augusta Boomgarden, the servants of defendant refused to give 

her warning and wilfully and wantonly drove said locomotive at a speed 
in excess of fifteen miles per hour and without warning wilfully and 
wantonly drove the locomotive upon her and wilfully and wantonly 
inflicted great bodily injuries upon her, as a consequence of which 
she died three hours thereafter. 

To the amended counts filed October 17, 1951 and to the fore- 
going first amended count as amended, filed July 25, 1933, the defend- 
ant filed its general and special demurrer, which was by the court 
sustained and the plaintiff electing to bhide by these several counts, 
refused to plead further and from a judgment in bar of the action 
and for costs the plaintiff brings the record to this court for re- 
view by appeal. 

Appellee concedes that the count filed July 25, 1933 stated a 
good cause of action but insists that inasmuch as no cause of action 
had been stated in any of the previous counts filed by appellant, that 
the court therefore properly sustained a demurrer thereto. Appellant 
insists that by operation of law this count relates back to the 
original cause of action stated in the first declaration, which was 
filed on October 23, 1930; that this count does not state a new 
cause of action, but was simply a restatement of the specified 
conduct upon which the original declaration was based; that the 
statute of limitations can not be raised by demurrer in an action 
at law but only by a plea, and therefore the judgment of the trial 
court should be reversed. 

The Injuries Act, upon which this proceeding was instituted, 
provides that the action must be brought within one year after the 

decease of the party for whose wrongful death the action was instituted. 

6t bolls? Yinétusay, das yiiviitw bas gmteaorp teerts yxogoth edt 
bisa eft wae yedt davedtis hae sottuas, dtiw aatecoxe ede fosotggs | 
a Btost aise bas Yiliviliw yeds ,itaeq to nott asst te, p mt. fod tag.mood ST anaus 
to otif edd to, busgetath aeeLaoen ditiw bas Xeub riod bebisye re tb ae + 
evig of heenten tashueted to atasytes edt obrapmoos atasguh, Bhat i 
bas yilvilin soigiey svodtiw bas wod seq eelim meettti to seeoxe at 
| ehdeticny bas ylloiliv bas wed sogu evitomosel edt evox visotmaew ; ganeypaanoo 5 es ,ted moqu eeltazuhat vitbod. teo73, beto stat me 
sted tse teat oid, sexiy botb outs ‘ | 
-etol oft ot bos [8eL VL. yedotod belit atauos bobsems edt of, ane 
: rbagieb odt ,S8@1 .0S yink belkt ,hebmome gs, tayoo, bebsems, teat?) amkep 
tawoo edt. vd. sev do kaw  tetumeb Letosqa brs fayenes ad t beso 
atau lateves edt . yd eblds ot galjoelte, Tiivatelq eat bos bea. He 
asoitos uit to usd af teompout. s. mort, baa Tedd ayy beta, ot, Beswtex | 
78%, 10t tusoo abit of brogex ost agaiad, Tiitatstg 9 edt, 2880p, yor. ae 
Mey - & POR. ease ate nf 
an 8 hetete Seer cS. Ygt bette i auio9 wat. teat, ween (eolleqgs whens. a 
Mebitos to eauso on Bs losses I. tect etetent tud coltes 3B, PRAM Aons 
ate ,ealleqis yd belit atasoo avoivesg odd to yas ot, betste, A908. bas 
saelioaga ..otevedt tetumeb s bentetaup, ylxeqexg, etotenodd, Aree eat ‘ 
aa edt of slosd 2etsfes, tauoo eldt wal to Aoltiatego yd, tent BABEMEE cl 
eav, sio.Bei, loltsisioeh tari edt ot beisie. Bolvoa. to seved tiaat; h 
faa yea s sista tom asoh twos eid teat, oder “88, sedot00, up belt? : 
_beitioeqe edt to tuametataes s vLgmle, pew tug, sFOHL RATA SM H 
ws of? tsdt (doasd asw Sottaieloeb, Isatadio exit. aE, fogu prey oa 

or ee 

Cahill Illinois Revised Statutes, Chap. 70, Sec. 2. The time 
fixed for bringing such actions is a condition of liability, 
Hartray v. Chicago Railways Co., 290 Ill. 85, Goldstein V. Chicago 
City Re. Co., 286 Ill. 297, and appellee's demurrer properly raised 
the question whether the action was brought within the statutory 
period. Holden v. Schley, 271, Ill. App. 159. Bhshop v. Chicago 
Rys. Co., 505 Ill. 273. 

The original declaration in the instant case was filed October 
- 23, 1950. It consisted of four counts in each count of which negli- 
genee only was charged, This declaration was abandoned by the fil- 
ing of an amended declaration on October 17, 1931. MeAleeman v. 
East St. Louis Light and Power Co., 188 Ill. App. 291, Holt v. 
Gity of Moline, 196 Ill. App. 235. In this amended declaration 
Plaintiff sought to charge wilful snd wanton conduct and this 
court has held that no cause of action wes stated in any of these 
amended counts. Bommgarden, Admr. v. ©. & i. I. Ry. Cos, supra. 
The averments of negligence and the averments of wilful and wanton 
conduct are entirely different, O'Neill v. Blair, 261 Ill. App. 470, 
and when-a declaration charges negligence and wilful and wanton 
conduct a general verdict will not be permitted to staid, as it is 
impossible to say upoh which charge the jury based its verdict, 
Broadbent v. Kagly, 275 Ill. App. 623. Proof of negligence will 
not support the averments of a declaration alleging wilful and 
wanton conduet and proof of wilful and wanton conduct will not 
support a declaration alleging negligence. The death of plaintiff's 
intestate may have been caused by the negligence of the servants 
of appellec, or it may have been caused by their wilful and wanton 
conduct, but it was not caused by both. Grinestaff v. New York 
Central Railroad, 253 Ill. App. 162-589. 

In Bahn v. National Safe Deposit Co., 234 Ill. 101, it is 
said: “The rule is established in this state that the Statute of 

Limitations exptring after the commencement of an action bars recovery 

emit eff .S .008 ,OY .qedd ,setutat2 beetvel eloatitl Iiided 
Uiiltdstt to sotttpado s ef anottos dowe gntgatad tor ‘bextt 
onaotd® .V stetabiod ,88@ .ILIT oes ..00 eyewliasi oneo td av vexd-aal 

bealat ylteqouy teriwmeh a'selloqqs has (wes . If 888 4000 fi wh : 
yiotutsta eft aldtin tdysyord eaw coltos elt xedtorlw noktesup out 

egectdd .v qede@a .e0@f .acA . LIT Ite (velHoe .¥ nedlok " shotaed 
ENS LIT 808", 00 +8 

Tedovs0 bellt esw easo taatent edt at cotterstoebh Lantytio sit 
-ffsen dotdw to ¢#aco dose at efnuod twot to betetemoo ‘1 O30 (88 
“1% oil? yd bonobrads esv sottsrafoeh eta? .begrato esw yao cones 
.v ameotAoM .I8@L ,8L tedeto0 do nolfeteloeh Bebaome a9 to sith 
te GLOH ,L@S .qgA .1LT BBL ,.00 xowot bre ‘tight elvol +e test 

' ‘noltsteloéb bebmome atd¢ al .éeS saga »fII Ser ponitLoM ‘to ah 

etdd bas ¢eubsoo aotmew baa Ivtfiw eguado of tifpyoe abtaterg 

e2edt ‘to yous nt betste sew nol¥es %6 eatas on Sod bled asd ‘tasoo 
ss81qne ..09 SUH oT. 8 6D sv. tba HobraymmOs ‘at nuos sebrems 
motvasw baa Iutitw to etaemtevs edd bas conestigen to et nomaevs eat 
OND .oGA .LLT £88 .atele .v Lite ,tactetttb ylextine ete toubsoe 
not naw ‘pos Ivsitw bas “eoheg tien gop isde nottstsioss 8 "haw bas 

at tk as ,boaste of botdiored ed ton fttw tokbiev Iateneg. 8 “toubdoe 

: rVOLD tev att Bbeesd yout out se tedo ilo tdw foqu {se of oétasous tt 

_ diiw ednegtigen =o toort 188° +QGA LIT ‘ers (Uisei 7 $i6tb bt 

bas LutLiw onivetis nottateloed 8 to edpemievs odt “troggue' tea 

ton Ifin ¢oubnoo not caw bas Idtiiw to teorxq bas towbaoo, ‘notaaw 
ettattntete to d teed edt ebhesiinan yittsel is aottetatoes B tog 

by: atmarsee eft to ecneatisen ont vd Beauaa seed even ‘sit ‘otatceeai 
Pod: sotnew Sas intiiw aztedt va Beatso need evel yan th 96 ooltoags 0 
ay t10¥ adetss “v Vist een. “dtod wd beevso tox bow # ‘tod stoub bi208 

| 088-881 adh tar aes = poonttat dotted 

ib as 

upon an amended pleading afterwards put in, where the original pleading 
fails to state a aause of action; or, stated in other words, the rule 
ts, that when a plaintiff, in his original declaration filed before 

the Statute of Limitations has run against his cause of action, fails 
to aver any cause of action whatever, and afterwards, when the statute 
-has run, filed an amended declaration with new and additional counts 
which do set up a cause of action, such new counts must be held to 
state a new cause of action, - - ome never before stated, and one that 
“ds barred by the statute.” 

In Allis-Chalmers Mfg. G0. ve. Chicago, 297 Ill. 444, the court 
stated that the rule was well established that when a cause of action 
is stated for the first time in an amended count of a declaration, 
the suit is regarded as having been commenced as to such cause of 
action at the time of filing the amended count, and if the Statute 
of Limitations has then run, it will be a bar to the new cause of 
action stated in the amended count. 

Under these authorities this court is obliged to hold that 
appellant for the first time stated a cause of action in his declara- 
tion filed July 25, 1933, and we must therefore regard this suit as 
having been commenced at that time. Appellant insists that it was 
just this construction which the 1929 amendment sought to remedy and 
calls our attention to the ease of Zister v. Pollack, 262 Ill. App. 
170, which was an action brought under the Injuries Act to recover 
damages sustained by the heirs at law of Anthony M. Zister, deceased, 
whose death, it was alleged, was caused by the negligence of the 
defendants. Anthony M. Zister died February 24, 1929, The allegations 
of the original declaration were that the deceased "on to-wit: February 
16, 1929" through the negligence of the defendants in operating two 
automobiles on streets in Chicago, was struck by the automobiles with 
great force and vielence “and thereby the said Anthony M. Zister was 
then and there thrown with great force and violence to and upon the 

ground there, and was thereby then and there killed" and that he left 


autbeslq fontutvo edt eteiw ,at tug abtewiedtes gnthss tq bobnome is abel 
aiyt oft | sbiow Yedto af betsta , 10 doltos ‘to eta iW 'Svate ot ‘ettet 
eroted heft? nottarsioeh Ientafso efi of ,YuFntelq s conde teed ek 
aftst ,nottos %0 cave ett tentega sa Bost enoltes habe ve otiteee edt 
etutste edt fodw ,ebaewretts Bus ,wevededw pottos to eavso yee. eva ot is 
aimed Isnott15h8 Bus woo cttw cottarsloos’ bebdome’ me ‘Derk Sone ek: 
ot bled ed taum etnteo wen dove ,mottos to bavso 8 “ww yon’ ob ‘te Tite 
ter? eho bus ,betate orcted tovem eito - - ito Hoe to save wom 8  etste 
wether Gad te MR 
Pros’ orf DAE VtrT Ves ,oynordd wv od sg 2M etembenO-enttx ay 
‘ nottos Yo Sultan « met tot bedekfdadeo Ilew saw elua edt tart pan 
ss  torteistseh s Te tnvoo" bebnomes ne at omtd tact ott it betate ae) 
s : ‘to eeiao tows ot as Heol imtoo read ahived’ es ’ Sobhegee at” a 
| otutste edt tf hms ,tnveo bebdems ont satt}t to mbt ‘edt ¢ Yat 
i ; to saved won ent of ad 5 of’ ittw tt fst fie? aadl ato tat ima” Yo 
too Bebacms edt ot betat Here 
Seng Stor oF boatido ef trwod etdd eblt tots seedd YoAU ee 
4 -Biafodb eft ut notes %6 o&uen & betets omtd veokY ad” no¥ tattoage 
: j as tive abdt breget snotevedé term ow fine ‘eset es ‘iat bolt? note | 
. ; ew th teift atatant ¢nstloqaa womtt dade +s feonmommoo "ped See 
. bus yhenme+ od tifswoe frombiome eset ont do hijw Girt othd akes eine” ae 
Ate .Lft $88 wosllod 4 noth tS 26 ekse ont ‘oF hottnot}s ‘ie attae 
; Tavgosat ot toa eolaut at ont ‘rebaw tiawotd dottos nT ‘gow ‘Hotiw , ot é 
- | qbeass0e8 mod ets “M {Hoss mA to wal ts ested oat Ww ‘pontat ave’ po 9 é 

eit 6 eonestizen edt we beetien sew. \penetias aew tt Bree 
| aoltesolie oat “sel as var beth Perso Me ene 

dtiw selidomotua edd vd Aouad Saw epee by ‘ateette 10d Hs 
 aew sotet® “ymtodlt nA btew “sie Yeerods bas" ny pode lowe 
4 me edit mocts “bra of ‘goneloty ‘bas itl teem ‘tthe ticle ms mode 
"4 “tte! ed dat bas *betfix evoity bas ‘nellt dered? eew Bue id id” bas "5 | 


him surviving certain heirs. At the conclusion of the third count 

it was alleged “To the damage of the plaintiff, as administratrix, as 
aforesaid, of $10,000.00 and therefore she brings her suit within one 
year from the dete of the death of plaintiff's intestate." On June 25, 
1930 ,an amended declaration was filed, the allegations being substan- 
tially the same as in the original declaration, except in the amended 
declaration it was alleged that the plaintiff died Tebruary 24, 1929, 
as a result of the injuries which he sustained February 16, 1929. Among 
other pleas, the defendant plead that the cause of action set up in the 
amended declaration did not acenue within one year after the death of 
Anthony M. Zister.n The trial court held that the Statute of Limitation 
barred the cause of action asserted in the amended declaration. The 
Appellate Court held that the amendment to the decharation setting up 
the specific date of the death of the deceased, although filed more 
than a year after the date of such death, related back to the date of 
the filing of the original pleading and said: "It is obvious that 

the cause of action asserted in the amended declaration grew out of 

the same transaction or occurrence and is substantially the same as 

set up in the original pleading. The cause of action asserted in 

both the original and amended declaration was to recover damages on 
account of the claimed negligence of the defendants in striking 
Anthony M. Zister on February 16, 1929 as a result of which he died. 
The time and place of the accident are particularly pointed out in both 
pleadings. The only allegation claimed to have been omitted in the 
original decharation was the date of the death of the deceased. It 

is cleer that the csuse of action asserted in both pleadings is one 

and the same and not different causes of action. * * * Prior to the 
enactment of the amendment to Section 39, there were many pitfalls 

that were fatal to a plaintiff should his counsel fail to allege in 

his declaration all essential facts and should the time limited 

within which an action must be brought have expired before the 

omission had been discovered. And such omissions in most cases 



teyoo brid? edi te moltaulonoo ot tA »atted otsiies aiivivewe mid 

as ,xliterteiatsbs. es $Witatela eit To egsmeb ost oT" begelis asw tt 
one aldtiw tlus tod agatad ede eroteredt bus 00,000,01$ to ,bieae1ots 

.88 ool 0. ",etsteetat a'ttitaielq to dteeb oft. to etad edt mott ms0y 

wnstedue guted enoltagol{s edt ,doflt eaw goltsislees bebaeme mg. 08@L 
bebosms sit af tqeoxe ,noltsieloeb fsatatro edd at es omsg, oft yiistt 
<OSOL .F8 YIsurdel beth Tiitatelg odd tedt deneL{s asw th notteneLoed 

gnomA .@seL ,df yaewadel bontsteya ed dotdw eolwiat eit to tiveet 8 28 
ead at qu tee mottos to cenuso edt tadt bent vashaeted edt ,aselq todto- 

to (ised edt setts assy smo nidtiw eymoos ton BLD noivstaloed bebnoms 

| Meitetimid to etutate edt tadt bled tivoo Ishat eT c,cotelS .M yeodtaa 

qu gaittes soltsusdoed eit of tmomhmems edt tedt bled tuuod oteLleqga 

stom belli davoitls ,beaseseh eft To dtseb edt to etsb ofttoege ont 

to ofsbh edt ot Aosd betsloa ,diseb dove to etsd edd setts tex, es nant 

tedt evotvdo ei tI" :bise bos gntbselq Laniginzo, edt to, patsy edt 
46 tuo wem softsieloed bebmois off al botaeses, moltos to gauso elt 
88 emse eft yilsitastedua el bua sonetapse wo soltosepext ontae enit 
ai betupass solves to savso act .saibselg isatglro edt ot. qu tA col 
ao eegamed ievooes ot saw soltsrsloeb bebsems bas Lentgtro sit dtod 
gaoltaliute ni atashnotebh edt Yo eosegiizen bomtslo edt to. het pl 

i -belb ed doltdw to ¢iveot a as. @Sel ,df yteridot 19 tetvelS if waodtak 

dtod ai tuo bet ntog yiisivettiseg eis tuebtoos ed} te sesiq bas omit oat 


= a a lee = 

- oft ot bettine seed eyad of bemisio moitsgelia yino oT .aanthse, 

~.. 80 ef egnibeele dtod at betmeees molting. to ease edt ted ts 

bai tie is Aci biite signi sak Prado i 

a See _BeRaD. ‘nos ait acotaatng dove oes osoens® 00d yooh 

Bie Si 

tI .hesssoed. alt to dtaeh ent 0 otsd odd asw. ent somst0 . 
sat of tobad * OF -Holtos To seayse daeTotiib tom Sas eupe ont, ‘aa oh 
siistiig yosm stow ot\ed? ,08 sottoe? of taombaems oft to tno zt 

ger am 

a eh 

hale t 

Gt egeita of Lftat Loanyoo eid bivode Ititatsta e ot Istet exer i ee 

do not prejudicially affect the defendant in the filing of his plea 
or the making of his defense. It was to obviate and remove these pit- 
falls that the Legislature enacted the amendment. With this construct- 
ion effect will be given to the amendment.” 

In eur opinion the Zister case is cleariy distinguishable from 
the instant case as in that case there was a defective statement 
of a good cause of action and the amendment did not assert a new 
cause of action. Not so here. The original declaration had been 
abendoned and né cause of action was stated, we held in our former 
opinion in any of the four counts filed October 17, 1931. For the 
first time a cause of action was stated in the count filed July 25, 
1933, and this was long after the lapse of the period provided for 
the institution of suits of this character. 

Keslick v. William Heating Corporation, 277 Ill. App. 265 
was a suit instituted by Lucille Keslick, as administratrix of the 
estate of her deceased husband, to recover damages for the death 
of her husband, in which she charged a violation of the Occupational 
Diseases Act. The declaration alleged that Floyd H. Keslick died 
on December 6, 1951. Additional counts were thereafter filed to 
which a demurrer was sustained on the ground that the action was 
improperly brought by the administratrix. On September 26, 1953, 
Lucille Keslick individuallp and William Keslick, a minor son of 
Floyd H. Keslick, deceased, by Lucille Keslick, his next friend, 
were substituted as parties plaintiff in lieu of Lucille Keslick 
as administratrix. On October 16, 1933 the plaintiff dismissed 
William Keslick as a party plaintiff and left Lucille Keslick as 
sole plaintiff. To this declaration as amended a special plea was 
filed to the effect that the causes of action in the amended declara- 
tion were separate and distinct from those alleged in the original 
declaration and that they did hot acerue to the plaintiff at any time 
within one year before the filing of the emended declaration. In hold- 

ing that the trial court properly overruled a demurrer to this plea, the 


selig etd to soltitiooest ab tasbneteh' eds .tostts: Vilaiolsuperg ren: of , 
-tiq.esent svemet hus etsivde ot aaew tI spaneteb: eid. ‘TO. aniasa ot 0 } 

| ~-touttenoo @id¢ ctiIv .tnesibuens ent bstosue erttetitgel eit tad?) eiist ; 
| *,dmombtens off ot Mivig ed ILiw toette» ~” { 

" deb eldsdatugnive Lh Yisels at eeso totetS ont: sotntgo 1H6 at 1 
tnomed ste evitoeted & Baw ted? send todd: mt es caso: rately , 

wen a preses ton Bib tnembsoms odt bua aottes to sesso. boog ae a6 

eS Le 

. eed: bed coltersloeb Lseninitd eit +9 ten. oe tou. tottos ‘to: 2280 

Avittot ww6 At Sian ew cbetsta esw nolvos To sauso bm bas bianhasiiy r 

edt tol .[eOL ,VL tedoto0-heltt eatasoo spot! eit to yas at notsatoo : 
: “68 Vint belit tayoo edt at betste esw nottos ‘to eavee 8 amit: otek ; 
‘ ‘0%: bobtvong bolieq edt to seqael ext tot te eatot Ban addy ous: 400d 
| ee ie stetoaredo elit to ative to noktut trent * 

' eas «qgh .LIT TVS (molt enog'709 anttpeH meiCCiw sv aotined ; 
ive a eee 

ont to xiwavteininbs es ,xotleed elI[foul vd botutitagt tive, & 2 
fitsed silt ‘ot segsmab tevooet of Sasdeus beznooeb leat 2. etotae 
‘ on Isnott squad eit to solttialoty s bep*torio ena” sio.bsiw at shosdaust, sree ile Sey ; 
2 both to tlaen «i ayuss gent begoiis nolisisloeb ail  .toA apanoake 
| Sof DeLLY ses rsoreNt ow etmuoO LeaOPLbDA EOL @ ara A i 
Baw tro fyos aime vedt bovow ent mo berlateys eew conmumob a sot | 
¥ ) SOL a8 rTédmesges £0 -xinetatetmbs end yd diguond wiregomqmt : 
me (Pe ae moe nit 8 ,zlotlack me2iL2W, bas Ailevbivibsk dotlesk eLiteal 
| hue ttt txen eid ,Aoileel efltoul yd Sempeped: plot inex AH ByonT 
f 4 to bLest ‘eLLtoud to well ak -Trttniel¢ sotteq ae bodut oedue ° a 
e — bewetmets viltatete elt BECL 81 redotod m0 \atateste tata a0 ‘i 
a ey 8s doties® elftoul Wiel bas Vititele tse 8 an yobieed. mothe 7 
he. > ag sofa Esfoege a bebaon.s es bolts taloeb edt ot © whttntele aloe vy 
Be (ste loeb Sobseme oft mi ‘polios to esaues edd tadt toette onld: ot fies 0 

fentsive ost ak begelis eaods moxt todttats bas ev ar9068 orem oe 
my € 4 ae uP 

Sy ee 

Bia mtd vais te sobtanetg edt of ouTDos ton bib ae he on pres eo 

i es 2 % 

. -blod ni! 

Appellate Court for the Third District held that the original declara- 
tion stated no cause of action and that no cause of action was ever 
stated under the Occupational Disseases Act until the amendment to 

the original declaration was filed, which was two years after the death 
of Floyé AH. Keslick. In disposing of the contention that under the 
amendment of 1929 to Section 39 of the olc Practice Act the amendment 
to the declaration related back te the filing of the suit, the court 
said: "In the present case the original declaration stated no cause 

of action because the statute did not autherizé suit to be brought by 
the administratrix. “se therefore do not think that the cause of action 
asserted in the amended declaration can be held as being substantially 
the same as that stated in the original declaration. The appellate 
courts of this state have recently so construed that amendment to the 
Practice Act. Hanley v, Waters, 255 Ill. App. 259; Holden v. Sehley, 
271 Ill. 4ppe 159; Redman v. Schilthelm, 873 Ill. App. 222". 

Hanley v. Waters, supra, was an action brought to recover 
damages for negligently causing the death of a boy. The original 
declaration centained no allesations that the deceased left hin 
surviving any next of kin who sustained pecuniary loss as a result 
of his death. <A demurrer was sustained to the declaration and an 
amended declaration was filed more than two years after the death of 
plaintiff's intestate and in each count of the amended declaration 
it was alleged that the deceased, at the time of his dcath, left 
certain perties as his next of kin. The defendant plead that the 
causes of action had not acerued within one year next befere the 
commencement of the suit, and to this plea a demurrer was sustained. 
In its opinion, the Appellate Court stated that the action was 
commenced within one year after the death of plaintiff's intestate, 
but the declaration had not stated a gocd cause of action in that it 
did not allege that the deceased left him surviving any next of kin 

who had suffered pecuniary loss because of his death, and for that 

3 BIRT eh al 

- B= 

-stsioeh Laatetxo ost tant Best ‘forutait ‘pata ott ‘07 #caod oveLteqaa f 

‘aeve asw mottos to seus on tani hie athens to oauae ont “bedese nots 

bf 6 

ot pe ane agit Tbe nr toa soumenoie Isat? sas090 ont ‘vob aw berate 

pteeh odd totts aTBey ows asw tio taty belt? apr tort s19Loeb ‘Taakgt%e edt 

‘edt cebay tedt anottmetnoe edt to anteoqaks al so BLaex E yore bi “a 
Togaoe «7 Fu ' yF 
tmembsome odd ton soltestt blo edt to e8 nottoee ot esel to Som om 

fi nit ey * 
tos ot tive eit to gattrt edt ot toad hedaiex sottarsfo0b ‘Nat ot 
LO. ee eag | 
eaus. on betata gotteratoab Lantstto oMt 9280 tnecerg Be 9 aI" eng s 


yd tlguosd ad ot tive est xodtys ton Bib otutata eit sevaced ‘molten. a 
‘igh a eee 

nottes to oauso edt todd Antdt tor ob store set on wcintardeinimbs ott 

tetenat : dre anced ‘Bs bled ad aso nottaxs {eb bebroms edt at betroees 

baled: fame 
stallsqqs edt “0 tists foab Ieaigito ent at botate ted 88 omer iy 

edt ot tnomb sens test heuttesos of “Ut aeet eval ‘ohata elit te wee | 
voldo2 v nob tott 268 ag eI fT Zee emetl “wv vet aal “toa ate 

aa e 

"686 .qqa .ffT 8v@ .mfodtitde® .v member eer ‘sak yi 3 a 

; i de; he re sta 
‘tevoo9% ‘ot tiauexd soites as saw ere “eteta v Xelasit 
Ye apa ek Or, 

“Taukatae ont .«Yod s to Steeb ont ‘satenss ‘lines! fen ot 8 
4 6-9 a 
| "td ra of boaacoch ent ‘tent anott sve Lis on bontntnos neers a 

of Lame. 

tiveen ‘p 88 ‘esol visauoeg bontat ape ont ‘nist to xed “as satvivige 

ne “bar notte afoeb oft ot bonistexe ao 197109 i “uitaeb aid 

Py ae 

to it neb ody tof 18 ‘e1Rey ows nade ‘oven Tiss enw hie “Bebidas ve 

nol} susfo05 bobnems edt ‘io aves ‘dose nt bas ofsteotat satiate 
eed i, 
; ¥tel tite B abd Yo omt? odd ts wbeasedeb edt tell bogolts 2 yes aw tt 

( me eg 
Ry edt Fads baolg Jaebneteb ont att te fren etd es voit nistteo 

Nh fh . ri dante g 
edf stoted tien 80% eno wbit tir boutoos ton Bell nolios ‘to ae 

sboatagans’ eew teriumeh s a edd ot bs tine out 0 — 

aio te saat nore ) rey i ‘a 
dae “ statectnl alititdielg 10 deed offs tote 70 ~~ ey beonon 

ti tedd ak solves to o¢uso boos a bodate ton ‘bat ott» foe 
“alt %o Veen vais anivivure mht Hol Deaseood ‘odd tedt “egolts to. 

DP wh Tos if oy hed se 
i fait 107 bas itaeb old ‘to eounsed ined Traliowes + twa 5 

ater oi te. aa ow: Tes mcr co. oad ae aa iy OM eo Re A is cpa +e sia a eee, or, 
ay - 5 es 

reason held that the trial court properly sustained defendant's 
demurrer to the declaration. It was not until more than two years 
after the death that plaintiff filed an amended declaration in which 
it was alleged that the dedeased had left him surviving next of kin 
who had suffered pecuniary loss as a result of his death and which for 
the first time stated a good cause of action against defendants. The 
opinion then quoted from the case of Devaney v. Otis Hlevator Co., 
e2ol Ill. 28, where it is said: "The rule is familier that when a cause 
of action is stated for the first time in an amended or sdditional 
count, the suit is regarded, as to such cause of action, as having 
been commenced at the time when such amended or additional count is 
filed, and if the period fixed by the statute of limitations has run 
when such a count is filed, the plea setting up the statute is a proper 
plea and a good defense for such newly stated cause of action. " In 
commenting uvon the amendment of 1929 to Section 39 of the Practice 
Act, the court in the Hanley case said: “It will be noticed that the 
amendment is to be applicable tif it shall appear from the original 
and amended pleading that the cause of action asserted in the amended 
pleading grew aut of the same transaction or oceurrence and is sub- 
stantially the same as set up vin the original pleading', But in 
the originel declaration in the present case, no cause of action was 
asserted because essential facts * * * were not alleged. And hence 
we do not think that the cause of action asserted in the emended 
declaration can be considered as being substantially the seme as that 
stated in the original decleration.” 

Holden v. Sehley, supra, was also an action brought under 
the Injuries Act and it appeared that plaintiff's intestate died on 
September 3, 1928. The suit was commenced on August 6, 1929 and the 
original decleration was filed September 24, 1929, each count of which 
omitted any allecation as to due gare and caution on the part of the 
next of kin and beneficiaries of the deceased, and also failed to 
disclose by any facts or cireumstances the conduct of the next of 

kin. On August 2, 1930 an auended declaration was filed, which 

a . : 



a'tasbneteb benisteve ylueqoiq tuyoo Latat odd tadt bled moese1 h) 
_. ateey owt aadt estom {itay tom asw ot” Hoitetaloe’ adit Sm 
fotdw at noktsisloeb bebssmgehs belli tittntslq tend Ht gob pat etka 

nti to txen satvivase aid tel bal heaseboh, ont tedt wakth wa be 

| 02 dotdy bas dteeb bi 0 iinaet s 28 esol Yisinwoeg beteTiva bart ode 
eiT .ataeineteb taatssa soktos to gauss hoo, 2 Sotats omlt ta1t2 edt 4 
4300 toteve Lt sitO .v Yoasved to osso ont mort betoup uodt, notmtge a 

 ebngo 8 medw tat? teiftmet ot elut ent" :btea at tk snow , 88 oid fea 
| fenotttpds Kt) Sabnems ng of omit fartt edt rot botace 2 ak apttoa te 
. gatved as ,ndites to saus9 dove ot as ,bobsapet at tive ost aPnsr08 
M4 ot tavoo Ignolttohs 10 bebmems dave nodw omtt edt te beocesuos need if 
f Biciel asd anottattmit to etstete oilt ve. bextt Soltteq, arit at bie. Peet 
i) soqoxg 8 et stutats ond, qu gaities Belg edt ebeLht al Taso 8. iia ial 
ai. ne 0 FF 99, to eames betste yiwon dove to% eastelob Boog, . s 

be "p ahc ail odd To && sottoos of @S@L to tnembnoms ot noom anita 7 

ori tect beolton od itn tI", ibise, ease yoLlnsk opt at F700, ntti 
fantgizo edt mort tseqqs Linde, ti 22" eldaotiqas ed of at trombone 

bobnews eit ni Setieaes sottes to esuso oft tact gatbaolt Sobroms faa 
~die at bie eoretio90 to noliosensi omae edt to tus wed. aatheelg, f 

at tug -"gatoselg faatatse ot nk ay, tee as, Oma mid TERRE, 

asw soltos to oeveo on ,oaso tnssetq oft at nolteisfoeb fontatap, eat, ; 
eoned bal .bogelia ton. ayer Oh atost Lattnapap, eausood betwesis i 

bebsoma edd ot het tonne Hotta to eestap out todt Akad tom ob om 

taxt 2 ome oft yitettnetedue gated ap boushtenos pd nso Hott azatoob, . 
Sir | “.fotterslo0 Lantyte ot at botate, 

soph ar: thane soitos pe oats saw ,stqsa ,vatioc sy. eb LOR i 

9 Ho eld etsteetat a122ttnisla tad betaoqas th bas oA setaubs Todt 
be edt bag esef .8 taupe Ao, hoo.stoswsiop saw tina og? .O80L 48 rerenene, 
a aokste to, twos ose, (e 880L AS te dmetqs% boltt asw ao tterntoes - 

ee a ee i 
a an ee ee en 

a ed a . - e 

be +, ae 

“ont to tus Sait Lo soft seo bas. 8780 9pb. of Ati foktaselis: wae, Dott te 
OF bolist cols bas ,besseoob silt to aetuate stoned pas $A, ‘Yo # 
to, ten, end ig toubnoo edt neorist emuoxt me, atoat yas xd | 

to beiw oboLtt aew motteitaloeh bebmows as ower , teu 00 ™ 

i i 


contained the necessary allezation. A demurrer was interposed to 

the amended declaration and sustained, and the Appellate Court for 

the Third District, in affirming the action cf the trial court, said: 
"The rule is well established that when a cause of action is sustained 
for the first time in an amended count of a declaration, the suit 

is recsarded as having been commenced as to such cause of action at 

the time of filing the amended count, and if the statute of Limita- 
tions has then run, it will be & bar to the new cause of action 

stated in the amended count". 

In our opinion the count filed July 25, 1935, stated for the 
first time a cause of action and as more than the statutory period 
had then elapsed, since the death of appellant's intestate, and 
as these facts appeared upon the face of the pleadings, the trial 
court did not err in sustaining the demurrer end the judgment will 
therefore be affirmed. 

Judgment affirmed. 

Ob Dam tarant 

| ot Beacqietut saw aittiied® A abt ana 
i oe $a0d lninevuan ant bie ,benteteua andere aatashiar "i 

fe ‘dottos to e@ied wen sat of aed é od ffiw ft ,AnT ad wai? ott 


aver vi da ~ibloe To omen foam Ot 88 ghee ovepsdinesions er 

r he eet 


SECOND DISTRICT fs I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause. 

of record in my office. 

In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

Appellate Court, at Ottawa, this day of 

in the year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 
(78815—5M—3-82) 307 


@ & 

Pian kite q 

eh . # oop at he hamdas went Ea 

Wer re : ry 

ON Ett Dito NET a a 
ee 2007 PS ee hehehe | - | 
c Paths tar) + pee : fer a wh ; 
ya Wianal es a “a! an 
cla “eos Tt sala ‘Seth 
ol taNQdins ee int ‘dee “ | 
ABT ogo cuit | aes i . 

fe At ‘ sone SE ar 

<7 P92 x 


- 7 sf 

f oe 

4 | | 
Begun and held at Ottawa, on wae Jie day of Febrgary, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five, 
within and for the Second District of the State of Fllinois: 
Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 
Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 
Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 
29 TA 


BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 

FEB 14 1935 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 
Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 


eee Eee eee eee ee eee. oe 

dae ads 

is ne SS os: ‘ 

: E tt Pe tae “eseset 1g Aw asEO oa. BJ f 
A bes Setbeyrd enia Diaevod? oxo Soe ae 70. 12d | 
pi ‘a ofate otft to dotvdeld Snosed oi? “ot baa, ate pac 
oltaul potblieess 2YIOW >, WERT 208 on oa ie 
eanlveut <7Od .f WiLDOLARY tO 
sottavh .MAMTIUE SHTAIS- coll 

309 £2 ROPE ot SUTEUMS ag 

nO :tiw-ot ,abtewtelts dadd ml 
edt ai Bell? esw t1r07 al to notaiqs ‘odds, 
_getegit Bae sbrow ade: at stuur0d bine to 9 

oe, = << 
* jhe 

GEN. NO. 8852 AGENDA NO. 33 

October Term, A. D. 19354. 

EE nn TTT 2 mem nee ts tN ene A 5 a EE eS RRS Rr RY 





On January 28, 1932 appellee filed in the Circuit Courtd 
Henry County her bill of complaint in which she alleged that her 
husband died in 1911 and that as a result of the settlement of his 
estate she became the owner of eighty acres of land in Carroll 
County, Iowa, and two lots improved by dwellings in Coon Rapids, 
Iowa. The bill further alleged that Dora M. Lager was the sister 
of appellee and that appellant Carl J. Lager was her husbend: that 
they were frequent visitors at appellee's home in Iowa where she 
then lived: that appellant was an experienced busi ss man and be- 
cause of that fact and her relationship to him she had great faith 
and confidence in him: that she was inexperienced in business affairs 
end soon after the death of appellee's husband, appellant and his wife 
commenced a course of persistent and continuous urging of her toturn 
over to them all the property she owned, except her clothing and house- 
hold goods: that appellant and his wife insisted to appellee that 

she was not competent to manage her own business and that she could 

Sé .OW AMIDA ; Sasa 0M p fe 
SHT MI oa 

TOIATeL@C qMooka 

oDSOL .2 .A ,mteT tedoso0 


| ,eelleqqs 
( AID AT ob DA 
-tasileqaA a 

‘two0d tiwottd edt ot bSeltt ee{feqas SéeL .8S pond oak 0 nm 
ted gait begelis ere doindw at tatet{qmoo to [iid ted eiv09- 

ait to tnemelttea edt to tivaet s es tadt hus [fel at both basd z 
{forts} at Basl to setos yWoisnte to teawo adit emsoed onda ot ates 
~<2biqeh mood at egaiffewb yd bevorqmt etol owt bas ,swol «Wats 
totale oft esw tozel .M stod tadt bogelis tedirwt {Ltd ofl 7 
tedt :Bosdeud ted esw tesel .& {rsd tnsileqqs tisdd bas eefleqas. | 
ede etedw swol at emod e'eaelleqce ts etotieltv THONpPSTI stow Yer 

~ed bas mam 228 aiieud heonsiitsqxs as asw tuosileqdqs t aft ibevit 1 a 
dt ist teers hsd ede mid ot Citewn it ated ted Sas tost tedt to. caus : 
etistis eseentend at beoneiteqxent esw ode taft. :mid at eonebtinos, bu 
etiw ata bas tusileqqs ,busdavd ateellegqs to Atseb ert tevts mo0e 4 ‘ 

miutot ted to saint avounitnoe bus taeteletegq to Setyoo 8 beonem 

not enjoy life unless she would turn over her lands to them, end in 
consideration of her doing so, appellant promised that he would hold 
the purchase price of said land in trust for appellee and that he 
would manage and control the same for ler, vay out the purchase 

price for her support and mintenance as she might wish it, in such 

@ wanner as she should always have all the necessities and conven- 
iences of life and money as she needed it without care or anxiety 

upon her part: that appellee believed said promises and relied on 
them and on April 1, 1915 executed and delivered a deed for the 

eighty acre tract to appellant Carl J. Lager and his wife Dora M. 
Lager: that the consideration there expressed in that deed and agreed 
to be paid was $12,000.00, which was then the actual value of said 
land: that 34,000.00 of said consideration was paid by the assumption 
by appellant and Dora M. Lager of the mortgage indebtedness and that 
the remining $8,000.00 was held by appellant in trust for appellee, 
the agreemmt being that it should be paid out to appellee as herein- 
before specified: tht on April 3, 1916 appellee conveyed to Daa M. 
Lager, the then wife of appellant, the lots located in Coon Rapids, 
Towa: that the consideration expressed in this deed and agreed to 

be paid was $3200.00, which was the then value of the premises: that 
said consideration was to be held by appellant in trust for appellee 

to be paid out to and for her as hereinbefore specified: that at the 
time said conveyances were executed, appellee believed the promises 

of the grantees, relied upon them and would not otherwise have 

executed said conveyances: that upon the execution of said conveyances, 
the grantees entered into possessim of the premises and have continued 
in possessim hitherto: that appellant has never rendered an accounting 
of his trusteeship but has kept a part of the consideration deposited 
on interest bearing bank certificates and has loaned out other portions 

of the money of the consideration on interest and used a portion thereof 


a Se 


— nigger oo aia 


ot bos ,menit ot absasl sei tevo atyt Bluow efe eaolay ettl yobme tt 
blo bisow ef tedt beatmota taslleqas .oa gatob ted to not ferobt. 
ed tadt bas selleq¢s tot de wit fit Smel Stee to esitg seesdotug a 
eesdoxug edt two ysq sal wT omse oat foxtnoo bas epsmam 5 8 
dove ait ,tt daiw tdeim ete as sonsnovitian bas siogqve rsd tot ool; 
eevnoo bas asitleesoen ef Iis-ovsd eyawls bivoda offs es tecmen 
vielxas to siso Syolltiw Tr bebeen ef2 @s Yonom bas etil to se ae 
fo boiler bas acatmotg Hise bevelled eelfeqqs teddy  :titsq zed m0 
edt tot beeb s betevti fob bas bedvooxe eLeL a trxgA wo Bas a 
.M s10d etiw etd bus tegel .t L1sd tasltecys oF tostt eros Yt 4 
beerss has boob ted¢ at beseotqxe eredt sotdstebtamoo edt teadt "see 
bise to eritev Isutos edi not den dot dw 100,000, Slip asw ot 
mo td qmrees ent vd bieq esw soitstebhiamos bisa ‘to (00. 900, be todd ! 
t add 5as aaenbetdebnt egsgttom oft to tegsl .M stod bas taelec x 
,celfeqaqs tot teyit at tasifeqqs yi Sied asw 00,000, 8g EE ae ; 
-atetet es selloqqs of tuo Bisq of biyode tt tadd atted t emoors.s e 
M sDO of beyewroo eollogqs BLOL ,e Cruqh ao tat {bert toeqa ox 
eb ioe mood mt betsool etol edt ,tnelleqqs to atiw nodt ‘ent © 9: 
ot beers Bits Beeb etdt at bozaetaxe mo tdetobtenoo edd Seite 
tect “1eeaimete oft $6 exfav aodt odd bow Hotiw . .00.0088§ aw’ 
eeffeqqs Tot teimt mi thslloacs yt bled od of Baw ths ivielitaae , 
et ts tsdt Yhelttoe de etotediteret as tom wt ins ot “ts brag ed 
geximotg sit Bovetfiod: senieanartd, bedupexe ozeit wipabetat ae nk 
,2ooneyeynoS Biss ‘tb fottveexs eit mow te tt ‘feosmsyertoo ‘adie’ fie: 
hewntinos svad bas Picaicigpeine ant to doswaiannists “ovat bete t19 abs titi Pe 

~enord we qetite $60 Beneol sad babs od ao tt heree Lihat SabiGol ‘fede 23 

tooted? foltixog & beey bnh- ‘teotetat ao noltstebtexos “elit to eee” ee 
(ebhis on eds wads Be — nf ceo thd eoanen of ¢taeteqmes thm aay ede 

+ ee ye me i 

in his own business and has derived from the use of said funds 

a large amount of money in the fom of interest and profits. The 
bill mde Carl J. Lager a defendant, waived an answer under mth, 
and prayed that the trusteeship be terminated and for an accountim 
and that appellant be required in his answer to state all interest 
and profits he has received from the monies held in trust by him 
for appellee, state the present status of said trust, how much is 
on deposit, the rate of interest it is drawing and where it is 
deposited, also the amount of the trust fund which he has loaned 
out, to whom and on what security and at what rate of interest am 
the anount he has used or is using in his own busi ss, and that 

he render a full and accurate accounting of all the amounts he has 
received and his expenditures, and that he be decreed to pay 
appellee the amount found due her upon such accounting. In addition, 
nineteen specific interrogatories were submitted to appellant to be 

On June 6, 1952 an answer was filed by appellant, which 
admitted that his then deceased wife was the sister of appellee, 
admits the death of appellee's husband in 1911 and that she became 
the owner of the eichty acres of land in Carroll County, Iowa, but 
states that it is subject to a mortgage of 35,000.00. The answer 
admits that appellant and his wife visited at appellee's home both 
before and after the death of appellee's husband, denies that 
appellee was inexperienced in business affairs and states that pria@r 
to the conveyances mentioned in her bill, she managed and directed 
her property. In his answer, appellant stated that he has been 
engaged in the clothing business in Geneseo for mare than fifty 
years and that his relatioss with appellee have at all times been 

friendly. He denied that he and his wife continuously urged appellee 

- & = 

Mo ttt bbs ail .aaitqvooss dove soon ted exh satot thooms off Sol ead. 

"sewane ef 00.000. “aa to fn, bof ‘toet tira” ey” tt wrt 

mood emt? ‘tis te ved selteqas asiw amit aier att ‘yi 
os oe if Hy th rt Wee " 
set togze begtu Yleuoun tta09 ett ahd ‘bas ot tet bebo ol 

abast bisa to ear edt mott bevitved ast Sas asentaud awo ant 

edt at Mora Sms teetotal to mot eft mt yerom to tnromd otal 
«id coho tewens ms hovisw ‘irsineteb 8 waal ob "Ltd evar 
mittayooos ms 10% bas betantmret of qideooteirt edt tad? Beyata Bi 
tastotat [fs stste of towans afd at betinpet ed theffogss ten | t 
mid yd tent? mi Bret eétxom eit mort bevivod? Wat of" He Hoxg Bil 
al doom wod ,vamr? Stas to evtetea tuseetq oft ofsre Yeotreges WwW 


‘ef #t oredw bas gatweth ef ft teetedai PS eter edt {tizocé! 


“pensof eat od doliw bast tarty off to tavom ont resale in) 

, gt 

ire deotsint YO otex tadw ts bas Yt triode “dbdwito ‘hed moitw St & te 
‘Fale bas ,88 ditevd mo etd‘ at’ sutey'et to Bees & ad on “tava % , 

‘esd ed atasome of} ffs to 2 ittyosos etetoo's bao fers Ye ba 
 “ypq od bedt0sh od of tadt Has 2owtt daeyte etl” Bas Ov 

“ed of Fiseipcnisgyal ot } bots tmdwa etew aapiphiveeycaigeeipil ofttood’ me: 
te OR DIO HE sie pam 

‘didn wtastloqas i Bolt t asw tewens me S8er (8 eat nena 4 ih 
~eellecas ‘to wotele sit esw etiw ‘beas0d8B tert ada! ‘tedtt ‘Botti 
‘omsosd ede tads bas fier at bodcabd see ttehd a td "xtadh Ub af 
dud amrol .Utased Lforrs0 nt busf to aetos yids te eat S8” ws” Se 

“iit od emod 2 ‘sel toga = ‘ds bettetv. otin atl bas taatteqaa saat ae 

tect eotmeb , basdasd | veoltecss to ‘deeb’ “ett nett Bas ot 
mii aardt sotete fas ‘extstts aed atau *, Peuarert esd to dat 

ote it 

to turn over the property described in the bill to them, denies 
that he eae stated she was incompetent to manage her own business 
or that he ever made any representatios that she could not gain 
any enjoyment from life unless she should con ey her property to 
appellant, denied that he ever promised that if she did convey ler 
property to him that he would put the purchase price in trust @ 
that he would manage and control the same for her or use the same 
for her support and maintenance. Denies that he ever promised to 
pay the purchase price to her as she might wish, so that she would 
have, during ell of her lifetime, all the necessities and conven= 
iences of life without care or anxiety, denie s that appellee ever 
relief upon any such promise and avers that none were ever made. 
In his answer he alleged that the eighty acres of land immediately 
prior to April lst was run down and in need of extensive repairs: 
that shortly prior thereto there was a $5,000.00 mortgage upon said 
premises bearing 8% interest: that the income from the premises was 
insufficient to pay this interest, taxes, insurance and other 
necessary repairs and expenses: that anpellee repeatedly insisted 
and requested and importuned appellant aml his wife to purchase the 
premises and proposed to sell the same to them for $12,000.00, sub= 
ject to said mortgage of 35,000.00, which appellee agreed tor educe 
to $4,000.00, and the balance of the purchase wice, being $8,000.00 
should be paid appellee in payments as she requested and needed for 
living expenses, but not at a greater sum than $30.00 per month and 
the balance should not bear interest: that it was in pursuance to 
this arrangement that the conveyance was made to appellant and his 
wife Dora M. Lager: that thereafter the grantees made payments to 

appellee amd for her bere fit, smounting to $1678.63: that the parties 

AUS Pie oo 40g 
aclneh .medi of Lftd edt at bed troaeh ween edt cs mero mut ot 

assitevd mo ted epenem ot tmetequooat esw ode botste wve ed ¢ add 
_ fiisg ton biwoo ede ted! amvitatneasiqet yas ebem teve ed Past 0 
ot vWwueqow ted yo moo bivode ods aaolov otil wort tnemot, ae ws 
Tet Yercoo Sih oda Ti tect beotmorg teve ei stadt betaed Seehes 
~ deust oat eoity sasdotuq edi tuq biuow od t edt abel oF, 

ems odd sev ro ted mT omea edt Joxtqoo ing spsnem atuow ¢ te 
ot. Seatoorg teve od tadt seine .egenetnten bus SPE we * 9 

mmevnoo has + tap hae inadieien edt tis vomitorhe wi to ffs, aah 

seve eellseqqs tedt a atmed VWeixas K) e189 tuodt tw eth 9.8 ‘ 

959m tove stew stom tsdt atevs bus ealmomw foue yas oa 

YLet stbemmt Sns{ to setos ytdate adt tad? fegetis. od ewe, ig pee 
tetincet eviemetxe to becom at bas nwob mut esw tal Laas od i 

; stp ere, Say - 

bites Hogs egecgt tom 00.000,.34 5 asw one; Dabs a Hag? eet 

may oe 2 

) hete fant yLhetseqer eetlecas teds . AERTS, ines exis08 
: edt eestotuq of | oThw, ald fas toalleqas benut togme bas bote 
D, -dve 190.000 84 tot ment o¢ onee ont Ifee of besoqo my Eg 
i” i : eoube tot hoorge selfeqgs dolidw .00.000 dip Yo obagt tom, bine. of 9k 
| 00.000,a% sated ,cot zi saadozug od? m eamptad emt fan 00,000.06 | | 
10% Sebeor bas Seize upet ede 88 adgonyag: at ool to age Dad ; 90! ; 
Sas disom tq 00.059 asit mus tedsotg 8 a8. tom ted, #20 a | 0 a 
ot somsuetug ot aew dt 2 ati steotetat ts9d ton biyode. 6 18 fs 
i iy | aid. bas, Apel fogce ot ebsm, aew gonayormoo alt tedt, fp Bs oe 
oy ok gg ee atcegysq phan. ssetmets, ot settee tons edt i709 Mt 
; aelixsc ent talt :09,8T8L% of gnitavom , $i sted fain /_ Y Bate wi 

te said conveyance had settlements from time to time, which were 
approved by appellee and satisfactory to her up to April 1, 1919: 
that shortly after April 1, 1919 appellee became ill at her home 
in Carroll County, Iowa and desired to come to the home of appellant, 
and appellant and his wife Dora M. Lager thereupon went to Carroll 
County, lowa and learned that a few days previously Emily Larson, 
another sister ef appellee, had gone to Tow: 4nd brought appellee 
to her home near Geneseo, against the will of appellee: that since 
that time appellee has never requested any money on said emtract 
for the purchase of said land, that appellant and his wife repeatedly 
sought to ascertain whether she was in need of funds but that the 
said Emily Larson prevented avpellant and his wife fran seeing or 
having any conversation with appellee, but that Imily Larson told 
appellant and his wife that appellee did not need any money nor 
desire any from appellant: that since the settlement of April 1919, 
appellee had never requested appellant to pay my money to her: that 
the purchase of said farm was an ordinary sale made by appellee to 
appellant and his wife jointly and that he owns an undivided one-half 
interest in said land: that $8,000.00 is not held by him in t rust 
for appellee but that that amount is the balance of the agreed pur- 
chase price to be paid to appellee without interest, in payments of 
not more than $30.00 per month whenever requested and needed by ap-= 
pellee: that Dora M. Lager died January 25, 1931 and appellant has 
been duly appointed sdministrator of her estate, that all payments 
were to be made jointly by appellant and his wife, and tht, as ad- 
ministrator, appellant has never been made a party to this proceeding. 
Upon information and belief, the answer of appellant states 

that about April 3, 1916 appellee conveyed to Dora M. Lager the premises 

rr Meares i 
. é i 

etew doidw ,anit o¢ emlt moxt at nometitees bal sonsyovae® hise ot 
:eLeL ~f {tugs of gy ted of ytotoste ivse 5 oe eellaggs beans <0 , 
emod tad vs [li omsoed eelleaqas efel ,f Lira . teits Y Lt tod at 
.toslleqqs to emod et of omoo of Setieeb ins ewol .Wwayod Levee? 
fLorts0 ot mow soquetedt togsl .M smd otiw ald baa taelleqas, Bp ‘ 
mest yin yLlevoiveiq aysh wets tem 5 tee Ll Pan PY at 
esileqrs tiguo1d bab aol of e103 bad ,collogrs 20 mega ke. ted doy 
soute tsdt reelleqqs, to iftw edt tenisgs ,9ORONe) Taem mon oe ie 
| tents 9 Bisa mo Yenom Yas, botsoupst tTOVeK asd eelfoggs om iit 8 Mi 2 
tbst seqex otiw a tel has stastleggs Am, 2 Sal 5ise to atu | o 
a $ sft tud e bout to. boon si asw ede “pidtosmw aiiss i986 oo 
10 guloss pa x otte aid bus vaisfleqq¢s bsdseverg moata.l Ceo 
blot foatst elimi todd jug ,oellegas sit fy mold sete yao. Xae a 
tom yerom yas heen ton bts eelleqcs Sod o% Iw ald ‘airs ‘nation 
210. Abas SS ‘nomelt tos 0 as somla te lt stmatteaas mont Dn 
Japers ited od engin ‘us ver ot tast Leaae betassuper ets bac F - +s 

‘6 to. ‘atmo at “yteete tnt tio sit bw se Ltegae ot ‘bieg of 02 eos : 
BS ie ; Hai gh Ae iy BE ne 
“ce ‘yd bobeon Bis beteoupor ‘wveredy dgabm ‘req 00,088 ee 2 
ts Gia iy 
eit aditauae’ bab reer (a8 mune beth opal at “st0d ts ie 

8 tment ‘tte Tt evant me rf to sodatd olathe + betmtoats. aa 

actate ‘Haat teege to towa 18 ont ietled peta no 1 santo se srs 
> ee ort wt 4 
“Roe tmered ott seated +i stod of F boys im08 Mactan! exer 2 ‘Des! twode 
' rat veut “vt hate 

“ya t “ Phy to 

Ps oe 
ate a 
4 ay 


in Coon Rapids, Iowa. He denies that he was made a trustee of 

any funds arising out gd that transaction, avers that he was not 
connected in any manner or in any capacity with it and that the 
transaction was solely between appellee and her sister Dora M. 

Lager. The answer then alleges that the Coon Rapids, Iowa property 
was improved by two dwellings and that upon information and belief 
he states that appellee, by reason of kindnesses shown her by her 
sister, gave her sister Dora M. Lager one of the lots which was 
improved by a dwelling and that the other lot was to be sold by Dara 
M. Lager and the proceeds held by her for the use of appellee as she 
should require the money and request the same: that thereafter en 
with the consent of appellee, one lot was sold for $1500.00 and that 
at the time of Dora M. Lager's death, Dora head in her possession for 
the use of appellee the sum oO %1358.90, represented by three certi- 
fieates of deposit issued by the Farmers National Bank of Geneseo, 
fllinois in the name of appellee: that the balance, emounting to 
$161.10, was held by Dora M. Lager forappellee: that avpellant as 
administrator of his wife's estate, and not otherwise, has possession 
of the three certificates of deposit and of the said sum of $161.10, 
Wiich he offers to turn into court or to pay to anyone duly authorized 
to recsive the same and that he has heretofore offered to turn over 
said certificates of deposit and cash upon receiving a proper receipt 
for the same: that he holds saidcertificates of deposit and money not 
as @& individual but in his representative capacity and holds no sums 
or money individually or as trustee for appellee in connection with 
this trensaction. Appellant in his answer denies thet appellee would 
not have executed said deed except from the fact that she relied upon 

the representations of appellant and his wife, and states that Daa M. 

to sedeutt: s ebsm dar ed teddy eotned oh .swol ab tqeh goed 4 
tom taw off teadd arevs ,moltoseanstd tatt wb tvo prtelis ebay? ye 
edd tedt Das tt sit tw ytiosqss Yue ai to telttmes yas mh betoen 0 
-M si0@ tovate ted bas selleqqs meewre!d yYfeoloe asw moitesam ; 
“ystreqote swol ,ebiqsl mood est tent aogelle med? sewane at? a 
tetis d Ine: mot teswrotnat moquy sedi bas apatliewb ows vd bovotgmt 7. 
seit Yd tod twods eeasedbate to foeset yd ,colleqqs staat es 
eew dotdw etol otft to ano reget .M sarod wetste sei eyag 41 
sw?C yd blow ed ot asw tOL wito oft Fans Das amtllowd: 8 YO, Devt 
ef2 as solleqqs to say edt tot ted yd bled ehessorg edt bas rena & 
frte settaetodé tedt :emse oft teovpet bas ysnom ont ettupet bY fot 
tat ban 00,0081) xct bLoe ssw Jol ofd ,eelToud a Yo Pnbalos sidt_ at 
Tot nolessasog BA at bed sto ,désod e'tegsl .M stod to smtft : 
-itteo seta vd botaesdotqet 08. B8EL) ‘b mua odd 9 Llegq 8 to ew 8 
joasened to Haat Lanottsh avemeal elt yd beyast tleogeb to eeits 3 
ot galtavoms ,eomalad ssa te dt :eelleqcs to ema dz ai ¢ $4 i 
as tasileccs tent sealleqq s rot tegsl .M. B10 vd fox asw f . 
notescasog Bel eaimtostic tom bas ,otpies afotiw ‘ati to Linibite 
Ole toL3 3D mye bine ‘onlt to Has fieogss to nodsolt itte 9° eo ‘ult eit 
bes brody s ‘ote e eaoxae ot xeq ot to tmoo oo att a ant ot eter to a 

‘t8.vo mut ot botet b ororod otal and oi be sit bas ‘bab edt vi 
dqtoves Teqorq 9 aniv boas + OCs fias9 Soe fleoqeb to aotnorttonse 
tox ‘enon bus # taogeb to sofsoititre 0 bisa ablod eit sedg Jame ot ; 
| BONS 2 on ‘2 Bios Daus eitoccas evita imcoxgon aid ati we tab te tbat A . : 
uit Ew noitoonnos ne eollogas Tot. oot ant es 10 vi tau ty that 
| Bt vow eollecrs tent setnob fore ns ald at Een Die 

Lager individually went into possession of the town property. He 
denies he obtained any profit from any trust funis, but alleges that 
the farm in Iowa has been a liability and not an asset and that dur- 
ing the period he and his wife were the owners thereof, more monies 
for upkeep and improvements have been vaid out then received, that 
the farm is still a liability and that the mortgage has been increased 
from $4,000.00 to 35,000.00, the additional sum being expended thereon 
and in addition appellant expended more than $3,000.00 of his ow 
money in making necessary improvements over and above the rentals he 
received therefra, 

To this answer a general replicatim was filed, am on July 
15, 1932 the cause was referred to a Special Master to take and report 
the testimony, together with his conclusions. Evidence was offered 
by the respective parties before the Master on various days, and on 
February 22, 1935 evidence in rebuttal was taken ond appellee rested 
her case. With the record in this condition, appellee was granted 
leave to file an amendment to her bill and did so m April Sth, 
1933, and no further evidence was offered thereafter. 

By the amendment appellee charged that the grantees in the 
deed to the farm land promised to pay the consideration of 512,000.00 
by assuming the payment of the $4,000.00 mortgage thereon and pay the 
balance of $8,000.00 in twelve years after the date of the deed with 
interest thereon, said interest to consist of payments of $50.00 each 
and every month until the principal sum of $8,000.00 was paid: that 
on April 3, 1916 appellee conveyed to Dora M. Lager the town los 
in Coon Rapids, but avers that at that time she was sick and did 
not know or understand she was executing a deed to both of the 
tom lots but thought she conveyed only one: that the considera- 

tion agreed to be mid by Dora Lager to appellee was $3100.00 


eH .yitegqotq mwot edt to mofeaeaacg of at toow yllarbivifal 

tedt setelis tad ,e hort tems yte mott thom Yrs bentatdo od a yt 
-wb Hii Snes tezes os ton bas Yifidell s need aad swol ‘nt mte¥ . 
nefnon Sta ,toereris exam 6h otew ettw afd bie on bolted ‘Bx | 
tedt ,Sevieoot apdat tuo blac med ovad atasmvorgntt bas qeadoe 
peesoton! fed ead openttom oft tedd Bus wilidsti a Litta ek mt t 
noste i? hebiiedxe adled mye Lanett ibbs efit ,00.000, 84 ot 00.06 ahi te 
vo abit to 00,000.88 madd etom botnoqre taalleqds moLtrsbe® | 

ed effete sit ovodsa bus tevo at womevommt Viseeooen athlon: - 

{ist do fee ,Hollt dew Mi tsollder Lerones 9 towens att of * was pss 
droge 1 bas oAst of tetaeM Esioeq? 8 of bertoter esw savas oui 4 at 
 Boretto eaw eomebiv® .enotayfonoo eld Atiw tendtexot” ; 
mm bate ,2y8b enottey mo tetesM oft onoted ee httaq wits eniliiadl 
‘Hainer eelieqg as bas sedat eaw Petiudet at eonsbtve &8er 8S yw 
“Pednets saw sellecns ,motttbitos atdt at Hroeer edt dtiw & 
eat® Litqa nb oe bb bas flid ted oF ‘teromB re mie Si efit t 
.tettsstedt borotte wow eorebive tM wt of 

. ont bak i Cad llerns odt tady festeno setiogas #nombcons edd. ae 
00.000 0, 8£8 Y moitsrebfasoo odt yar oF boatmexg bool mst oe | 


eit “Yog Suk misvedd eaesd in ‘Odedd Ae oad 16 deemveq edt anh 
dt iw boob off to eteh add tots atsey eviews at 00. 06 we ts 

‘ Rae 00; 08 to at onryad to #eienca of tested at btea Pt TEN 
“tedé i bisa 2 PIN (00.000 ,88 Yo ‘nate Feet Loni edt om itaom y 
BL mos ede test fog ar0d of  Beyersoa Satins ates 

% “F 

“90. 00L84 » nsw sibbaied ot regs. ‘ead ea! ‘bi ar Ht) f 

when Dora would be able to pay: that appellee has ratified and des 
ratify said deed as to both properties. That in 1929 Dora M. Lager 
sold one of the houses for $1500.00, deposited the proceeds in the 
Farmers Natimal Bank of Geneseo on a certificate or certificates 
ef deposit payable to appellee in part payment of the sum which she 
owed appellee. That appellant secured possession of saidcertifi- 
cates, renewed them from time to time, added accumulated interest 
thereto and now has said certificate or subsequent renewals thereof. 
That during the lifetime of Dora M. Lager, she and appellant made 
humerous $50.00 monthly payments of interest by dppositing the same 
in the Farmers National Bank of Geneseo in the name of appellee, 
they themselves retaining the certificates: that the deposit of 
such interest payments in said bank was at the express request 
of appellee: that shortly prior to the death of Dora M. Lager, 
appellant withdrew a large part of the money so deposited and 
redeposited it in his own name and has possession of the certi- 
ficates of deposit evidencing the seme. That appellant and his wife 
made certain interest payments to appellee and paid out certain 
moneys for her benefit, but appellee has no account thereof: that 
appellant holds the money so deposited as a trustee and should be. 
required to account therefor and prays for an accounting as to the 
balance of the purchase price of the farm and for the payment of 
$1500.00 received by Dora M. Lager as the purchase orice of one of 
the dwellings and deposited by her in the name of and for the bene- 
fit of appellee and now in the possession of appellant. 

Appellant answered the bill as amended, denyins that the 
consideration for the farm was ever agreed to he oayable at the end 
of twelve years after the date of the deed or that the payment” 

thereon was to consist of $30.00 per month until the payment of 


205 Bete bettiter ead eelfeqas teadi sysq ot efds od Bivow stod's 
tenel .M stod @8ef at tefl .astireqorq mod ot es boob 5 bee: Trits 
ont mi sbesootq aft botteoqod ,00.008L¢ «ot aeavod oft to’ eno BLO 

adtssitities w edecttitzes e no oddemad Yo wnat Londtt sl etamee 
oie dot dr ome edt to #moorrsy Freq at eolflercs ot oeldaysq tbeoweb Te 
~Itisjaehise to molesessod borsses tnellecqs ted? college & 
teoretdtit betaitenreos Hobbs ,emid od omit not? modt bewenet wots 
stostedt alewenet tmooupeadue to steorrities Hise 2 at wor ins ‘ot ote 
eben ttelfeqcs bas efe ,venel .M etod Yo emitetht eft aa iieh tad 
emsa adt ga ht taoggh yd taetetnt to atneuyeq yliitnom 00.088 a , 
» yeefiloges to omen att mt cevened to ‘Mad [emo iteM exouret edd ’ 
%0 tieoqeb oft tant. :setsottities elt anitictet eqvicamesld - af 
taqper ceetq¢xe ait ts esw disd Bisex at ad@emyeq footed ms’ dol 
y Tegal .M eto ta dfsod ods of stra Ultrode tad 260l hegqe Ke 
Bas het teoqeb oe yastom ext to tx8¢ epral 6 Werth! by dk ae 16 
+iiteo edt To aoteveasog ead bas omen Aw etd nt tr Ret teog be 
stiv eid base tasifeqas teil “.ome edt gntomebive Pteogeb te eoxsat 
Aistteo tuo Bisa bus selleqqs of ed men yer daototni aisired eben 
nf Jadt  Stostent damoss on wal celles tv '.t Mened ted tot a . 
“ad Sivodte bos eetawts s es bet feoded o« tonon eat ablos dr aliog ve 
eft od as anidnwesos as. tot ‘aystg has tOYenre dt. ‘Gawo008 od pertup ov 
to. dwenvec sot tot ‘bets amet ort Xo -@oletey exadtound ; edt ‘to tite ted 
/ ® ego to eotua. saadotag edi we Topel .M stod yd beviesst 00. are 
~efed emt tol bos to saen edt at t68ed yd Dot iso qeh bts @pmil av | 
wtasileqga to mo lawexsoy ont’ at wom Bins! pean) bide 
edt tadt eniyoob ,.bebmems ap Lf tde dt ‘bevewaas dralieaga’ 
has. ent ta eldsyse ed: af, beotgs tave. Ba ortet oni ‘agott oi anton dec i 
“Tress ot fadd 10 boob edt Ao otah ond etta kueey evlows 
to tasmypgq oft L[hiav diaom teq 00.08% to Taian 9 ot esw sows 3 

$9,000.00 was mde. Denies that st the time the deeds for the tewn 
property were made to Dora Lager thet appellee was ill and did na@ 
understand she was executing a deed or that the deed she did execute 
only conveyed one of said lots, but alleges that appellee intended 


to convey both lots, one as a gift to Dora from her sister for past 
services in settlement of their father's estate and the other was to 
be held by Dora for sale and when sold the proeecds to be held by 
Dora end given to appellee from time to time as she should advise 
Dora she needed the same: that up to the time of the institution 
of this suit, appellee never requested appellant or Dora M. Lager to 
turn over to appellee any of said funds which they held. Denies that the 
deposits that were mde in the bank were payments of interest or 
made by appellee or et her request or direction, but avers tmt the 
deposi ts were made in the name of anpelles by appellant and his wife 
for the purpose of keeping them separat: and apart fran other funds 
ef theirs, except that the $1500.00 was money derived from the sale 
of one of the tom lots and Felonsea to appellee. That as to the farm 
his agreement was to pay the $8,000.00 in instellments of not mor 
then $30.00 per month as appellee should request: ‘that he has paid 
to her $1678.65 and is ready to pay the balance in sums not execeding 
$50.00 per month whenever he is furnished with a proper acquitance. 
By his answer, appellant insists that appellee has a complete remedy 
at law and that this suit lacks a proper party defendant as the estate 
of Dora M. Lager is not represented. 

The Special Master found that sanetime prior to April l, 
1915 appellee was the ower of the Iowa farm and she and appellant 
entered into an oral agreenent, by the terms of which anpellant 

agreed to purchase the farm fHr $12,000.00 and to pay therefor by 


| meet «(% rot nbeoh orl) editd edd dn tach eetnad’ sob mt teaw, ann 
| tbr 2b hes Lit gow oelfecce dads tegel! atod ‘of eBam lets : 
etuiexe. Biers hook off fads to besh) se 2 ait oro aew Wah sm ipo 
bobiat nt cefleqca tort’ venol le tut ,adol bredito sho Beysvaoone hs 
ahead tet sotste ton sow'roerot of fits » es eno! edo ‘dod you 3 
ot wbw tore ent hee etedos e “teiite?’ + tend ww dnendrt stew a wee i 
ig wd HLedt sd of sieeve ty ort blow netwbas else wT main ‘ 
j - @atvi se bivode ene es teuttd ot eintt mort eollarcs’o# nev ty’ Nae a 
mortue tart oft lo emit. ot of ay tard :omse edt Bobson eile | 20 
of ‘togel iM erode snikitedqe Beteaipor toved cel ters ed kue® wel 
ent tadt astred jb Led yeild ao hdr ‘ebivY bisa Ww piping sizio® 
" to teetotnt to atmomysy erow wed off at obi erew d , 
i odd Fett Stove vd .ao Hoeri® ©o tee vee? tad ¥4 tol solteree ee obs 
ie etiv afi bus tighleqes Ye eellecge Ye stow odd’ it “ear oreir | ee thode 

abil “teitto sett trecs be iteraqes med? Sakoeex 46 Webern > 
sled odt mov? bevites Yoon aew OOVOORES off? tur Yooord bat 
mat edt of ee Pas Veblioqrs of hoateltem bre bfor mod ote td eM 
stom fo to ation (stemk ‘ee 00,000,2% ott ‘ys¢ ‘ot asw saa 
Biey nat 6 edt steowpes ATvode sellers ed dito bi thal 


Riesegee date amin at sencied ent yer of ybser Bl bis 88 e 
iecksPlepes aaqetd # abr Neale aa oa Seine eaten al 
Uboust oto lqioo # eat collogys tadd Std tant smattoqgs | s>weRs a 
etetas dit Hs THB ASTER Ytted “ee dtd 'B bios! Hie Toit ou ai 
Seanad Ha RY aaa aR Mh eanciatvessk fou er an 

owen ‘bits’ ite ‘hive’ wrst pwol edt te ‘emro sdf daw's 
‘Paelicde s Me tie ‘to ‘garted’ ond Yd pcan yiinad yrs cs 

i “apt or éat esd ot fae Ponies at mie? enh “ob adforua 

: i x J p i e CHR Dis v a Lhe Lay og ae ef od 8 oy. soesaina 
; rn A 

; p i at ce) - ; : - : ' we tai R 

assuming a mortgage of 4000.00 thereon and the balance of 

$8,000.00 he was to pay twelve years thereafter, interest upon said 
sum of $8,000.00 to be paid monthly at the rate of }°0.00 per month 
until the $8,000.00 was paid. That in pursuance of that agreement 
appellee conveyed said farm to appellant and his wife by e warranty 
deed dated April 1, 1915, which was thereafter on November 27, 

1915 duly recorded in Carroll County, Iowa. That on September 1, 
1916 the grantees in said deed commenced paying interest and from 
that date until about December 1, 1931 continued to make interest 
payments by purchasing certificates of deposit in the neme of 
appellee at the Farmers National Bank of Geneseo, Illinois, appellant 
and his wife retaining the certificates of deposit in their possession: 
that up to 1925 most of the vayments were made by Dora M. Lager am 
after that time by appellant: that most of the payments were for 
$30.00 but somtimes vere mare and sometimes less than that amount 
and were not made each month but from time to time: that the deposits 
were made at the request and direction of appellse: that fron time 
to time these certificates were surrendered by appellant and his 

wife ané renewals issued adding accumulated interest thereon: that 
on Jamuvary 22, 1951, as a result of these payments, there was on 
deposit in said bank the sum of $5187.94 represented by six certifi- 
cates of deposit, of which $3893.82 represented interest on said pur- 
chase price of %8,000.00 end $1294.12 represented accumulated in- 
terest m said payments: that om January 22, 1931 appellant endorsed 
the name of appelles upon each of said certificates, surrendered tlem 
to the bank and deposited the proceeds in said bank in his own name 
and now retains the same and holds said amount in trust for appellee 

and should account to her for said sum, together with 5% interest 

a ta Ltecae eStonlfit eORRPRRD to. Ale Leno iis ateote oat ie | 
imolaasenog thodt of theogeh to goteoltitres edt arial al ey enin-e 

ed teoqah edt tedt :emtt of walt mort dud dimom dose obain, AM, 

matt berphaas as beter gstepes Sisa To spas MOG esllegas ap 

.» to eonelsd edt bas soetedt. 00, 000 @% to pant on. Bi 
Sise soqy tesietml ,redTeered? atssy eviewt Yeq oF Baw nt, 00,0 
déaom, s9q 00,05} to etex ed? te yidéaom blag ef of 00. 09048 38 
taemsomgs ted? to eomavanug at ted? .bieo sew 00.000,8% © dam 
Yinsttew a yd etiw ald baa tasllecas, a mist, § ise, Deyevaoe “pattogas 
«8 xedme youl M9 tetiseted? asw. doidw Fel ef Lhaga Dota b ‘ 
od, to dmig tq 08 ao tect .ewol , ytanod fiowrad, gt bebmoe% Sd 
_moxt bas trotetat BRLVAG, beomommoo beeb bisa at. Beotnety, edt 
teotaint, exem ot Sawn hbeoo | f5eL ,f sedmeoed tyods Lito BF gh, 
ne to omen odd mi thaoged te aetsotiities anlesdotug pa 

ine tezed .M.orod xd eben e1ew etnomyag edt to, tang BERS Pt iy, 
to otew ataomysg oft to teom tedt itaalLords, Xd. WEAR, in, 
tayons tect soeselt use. Seuitemos bre 9mm ety, PLY GEOR, dud. oO 

emt 07 ted :eolfeqre te mo bt pen ih, has teoupet ost sid: 
atd bas tasilegqe yd betohses tue ote% APT AR, ititseo Milian 
tet iaocoredd ¢acresnt bot aluanege paibbe poweet alam Sp in 
mo aew etedt ,ataomysc esodd. ‘to tiveer s sas , feel «880 
=Hiite9, ate vd Setmeaexcet DC, V8LE% to, uve ont Anand biea at ¢ 
~uig blee so. seonogn) bot seaesaet SB.8085) doidy to. «2fe0g08. 20 68 
“th betslomsooa Sof sevonget, Si-degty. fas 00.000, 8% to pong 
boamwbae trellegqs I6@L ,&S visual mo, te ds, | RtpME eT, Bee bait 

| Sian sw. ake. ail aned bien. aL abeooora oi bet ta0q08, ba, zed, 

“eekieags: ot dawut ml tavone, Siae, abfod, hing sie Fenty Leh 
teozeiat Be at tw mld 9908, wa Dlea xo% red se omen Dy 

| oe 

thereon from January 22, 1931: that from April 1, 1915 to 1919, 
appellant advanced and paid to appellee or for her benefit and use 
$872.79 and should be given credit therefor as payments on the 
interest of $30.00 per mmth. As to the other property, the 

Special Master found that on April 5, 1916 appellee sold and conveyed 
to Dora M. Lager the two lots in Coon Rapids, Iowa, each improved by 
a dwelling, for ‘3100.00,said Dora M. Lager asresing to pay therefor 
when she would be able: that between 1927 and 1930, Dora M. Lager sold 
one of the lots and thereafter mde certain payments to appellee by 
depositing in the Farmers National Bank certain sums and purchasing 
certificates of deposit in the name of appellee: that on January 22, 
1921 there were outstanding four such certificates of deposit aggre= 
gating $1271.36 and on that date appellant had possession of these 
certificates and has renewed them from time to time and had the ac- 
cumulated interest added thereto until September 21, 1932 when there 
were outstanding three certificates of deposit in the name of appellee 
aggregating $1542.62: that appellant, on said September 21, 1932, sur- 
rendered these eertificates to the bank, added thereto the sum of 
$157.38 end vurchased from the bank a certificate of deposit for 
$1500.00 in the name of appellee, which certificate apvellant now 
holds in trust for appellee. 

The Special Master further found that the material allegations 
of the amended bill of complaint are true and recommended a decree 
directing appellant to deliver to anpellee said certificate of deposit 
for 31500.00, and to pay appellee $15,659.42 with interest from August 
7, 1935, the date of the Master's report. ‘The account as stated by 
the Master charges appellant with the balance of the purchase oriee of 
the farm, being 38,000.00, computes interest thereon at $30.00 per 

month from April 1, 1915 to July 21, 1933, being 56,591.00, charges 

S Bis 

,efel of 2f£@L .f LiscgdA moti tadt :feel 8S bgienpnary sree aneiet 
eeu has + ened tei tot to eeLleqgs of inks baa boo nsvbe tant Sggs 

4 vy of OF ane i 

’ edy m0 atirom©ysc as toterens 2 there movie od bivoda bars ef. a 

if 5 ; IY to ae 

me VWwiecorg sedto e dt ot aA - i? aon 0g 00,089 to seoredat 
COeOO0 fe oct cies 

beyovsos Bae 5Loa sefleqqs tet ce Lings ito vad? pao totes Isto i 

soo 2 oe fey 
yd Bevotamt tloss amor ebiqen m009 mt etel ows ont rd a wtee ey 
totere it ved of gatoerss ‘toyed i sxod Bites ,00.0018¢ sot 
bLloe meget “Mo stod ,08@L Bue eer mowtod t ed? it :ofda od Ateow. aie 

wR Sa. 

ae eellogns ot heglesge a aint tes ob am rot teerosd be atoL out 
Lee 4 ‘ Le Be Hit 

 aieaddaing Sits emus a intt6 0 tins f sino bt sit arose ould at pit 
et “oe ee 

088 Tiss02. no tat :selloaqe To ement ont e ttaoqed ‘1% seta ri 
4 A {st ‘ a a 

~oTeae tfeoqeS to aetao ttidtso dowa zwot 2a thaate sao orem 9" 
nent t wleeoesod bod tralleaas otob aiff 0 bas Bf 

ee Wa eeu cfs 
A eelleqds to omiset Wt: at tisoasb to eodsoltittes ‘eeu at ibasdadwo = 
if dette 
~The S80L , £8 is bisa fo deal toes tad 88.80. patton 

i ae Fay ok oan 

to mye ont oteteds hobhs yuan’ hy o¢ aedeoitiizes oe afd Derg 

: Ee ZA ea f 
A Toi tiaogs to ed eortivses 8 ued ont mort Doone ‘bas 
8 ae ae FES Ls 
WO taniion Ys avsoltidx69 dole ‘eoiteaqe 9 omen oat at 
‘ ' 2 re ‘t Tt 

sel foaqe wt iit ot 
a Cay tf Atay: ma 

“ato Ht opel ie Istaosam out ‘teste bawot ‘redid say? awetesk tstoore a 


x po ee ee ae ee ee 

1h FH 

‘eetoah 2 | Bebremnooet hare enti one SnteLqnoe to tite poked 

ees APO athe ae RAR ET 

ttnoced to ‘ot so ltt?t00 Bise sefleqas of sev! fen og sriatteaae sattes 

# enrpas§ MoTT taorod at tbe 8.689, ant esfleacs wea ot | bas 

YC. Botate es tassoO0s et? sftoqot a" 19d eat axtt to otsb yet 
: phe Ae v St iva fz 
to ool eeartosws ont to’ oonsted at agiw tuetlogca sont alo — 
ey Sek ME wath A 
‘r0q 00,084 ts aoe i daored at acducnoe 400,000.88 pated | an 
eg of tioes@ El pe 

_ aegtado 00. ree, ry anted Seer fe yiut Ae alert ae Litqa mort 


him also with interest accumulated upon the interest payments amount- 
ing to $1294.12 and interest m the $5187.94 from January 22, 1931 to 
July 21, 1935 at 5%, being $647.00. ‘These several items aggregate 
$16,532.12, Appellant is credited with the payments made to appellee 
amounting to $872.70, leaving the said sum of $15,659.42 due appellee. 
Objections, which were renewed as exceptions, were filed to 
this report anc overruled and a decree rendered in accordance with 
the recommendations of the Special Master. In the decree, however, 
the interest upon the $8,000.00 was computed to May 17, 1934, aggregat- 
ing $6885.00, and the interest on the $5187.94 was computed at 5% from 
Janusry 22, 19351 to May 17, 1934, making $861.05, so thet avopellant 
was charged with $17,040.17 and credited with $872.70, leaving a bal- 
ance of $16,167.47, of this amowt $5,187.94 was found to be represented 
by a certificate of deposit issued by the First National Benk of 
Geneseo, dated January 22, 1931. The decree directed appellant to 
endorse this certificate and deliver it to the clerk of the court for 
the use of appellee and decreed that he pay appellee the balance, 
amounting to $10,978.55 within twenty days, and directed also that 
appellant deliver to the clerk for the use of appellee the certificate 
of deposit issued by the First National Bank of Geneseo,dated Septem- 
ber 21, 1952 for $1500.00, and which is payable to appellee. Fram this 
decree this anpeal has been prosecuted and the record is before us fo 
revi ew. 

While the record in this case is rather voluminous, the 
abstract thereof consisting of 319 pages, and the briefs of counsel 
rather involved, there are only a few controlling issues wesented to 
this court for determination, and inasmuch as the transactions in 
connection with the purchese of the farm and town property were separate 
and distinet and made at different times and with different individuals, 

we will take cach of them up separately. 

Sy a 

~tavoms etcemyeq teototnt silt moqu bet slvnsoos teoretat dP2w o8le mkt 
i ot Teer as Tene ATT AGLTSLG} odd op teete tir bas SL.aesle of 3 9a] 4 
, etasemas amedt ferevee ebedT 00. FROC Rate d 28 ts bee. Pp te Y ve 
ead temas oF eben atcoays¢ edt dtiw bet thers et teal fe gad: ‘¥en EG th 
eolleqa's ond SP. 068, 6L$ t ave bisa oilt ant veer «OF ENSF, ot oa 

of bellt stew Vaito 10q Boxee bewener etew mot dw anot rote - 

| “feds aattwae f° on. ays? st bw bat thers Ons xine 6.0 neti 
Li bet noes e% Sd of Bavot ew bO.9BL, CH tmroms eat Yo MR. TOE OLY TH) 3 “ 
.” # ‘ ‘To Ane fanoltell terri odd yo Seacr vane % Stes mt 

te Pa09 exit to stroLe ent ot Jt coir tes ade ere ee ar 
‘ AMS (sons ted od eeffoqas Ysr ont text beereob bas ‘vekToqys ‘to « 
pol beh 
tat Ge Le beter ty bas aw ‘thaw anbsts tw sberubriciud a 3 

i _saaupaveat toot hte pee hed genic eeamuerees 4 ts Pie wae te 
; »Yletetsces qu mont ‘to dose at 

The evidence discloses that appellee is a sister-in-law 
of appellant and at the time of her husband'd death, lived in 
Carroll County, lowa and was fifty-four or fiftyfive years of aze at 
that time. four years later she sold her farm of cighty acres, 
whieh she acquired upon the death of her husband, and executed a 
deed therefor to appellant and her sister Dora, who was the wife of 
appellant. There is no dispute that the purchase price therefor 
was $12,000.00 and that one-third af the purchase price was paid by 
the assumption of a $4,000.00 mortgage, then a lien upon the land, 
The disputed point in issue is whether the remaining $8,000.00 was 
to be psid with interest or without interest, 

In support of the allegations of appellee's original bill, 
she called appellant as a witness end he testified that at the time 
of the hearing he was seventy-nine years of age, was then a merchant 
in Geneseo and had been in business there for fifty-seven years: 
that appellee first suggested to him and his wife that they purchase 
the farm, as the buildings thereon were in a bad state of repair 
and that the farm needed some man to take charge of it: that it then 
rented for $400.00 cash per year, of which amount %240.00 was paid 
by her for interest on the $4,000.00 mortvage and that the taxes, 
insurance and upkeep consumed the balance. Appellant further stated 
thet appellee then stated that she didn't have much to live on and 
that if appellant and his wife would pay her $30.00 a month on the 
principal, when she needed it, and without interest, she would sell 
the farm to them: that the agreement was that the deed would be mde 
to appellant and his wife and they would assume the payment of the 
$4,000.00 mortgage and pay appellee $8,000.00 without interest, said 
$8,000.00 to be paid appellee whenever she needed or requested it, 

but not to exeeed $50.00 per month. 

- 3s 

Le siatae wth 

“ws-at-ro0 ete e at eet foras tadit t eosoLoath beri 
te ene ‘to aTsey ovit yt tt £0 “motu? esw ‘bans avo! Je ih : 
‘ : a yeeros yids to mes en ‘blo esta dedet sty “mwo'l * ato pa 
ih Aner cs) bet vouxe San | bred asia ted to “ddsob ole nen soba ‘ota 

to otlw edt asw ofw ,stod tedate red bas fnatteqas ‘e ‘stored t 

} Toteroiit eoizq ad Baio Teg edt dade ‘otuoa kb on al exert erie? 

vd bieq saw eolrg oa sifortig ‘ot bukit ante todd ‘bre 00,0 6 ech “Bw 

i iba Me 
| 25 00. 000 “6 stat aust ont cect esta at enue ii intod ‘bedinge db ate 

(eee eeretut doedete wat onic “ie ‘bide ee 

a é “itd Lantz bse et sellocce to amotdazelts erty 40 ea, ., ape name 
5 int omit oats ts dads bettidacd ef bro aeentiw s as poe Be 

bast edd MOC tretf a ned  enent xom 60. 000,58 3 to “no te 

8 tuedorem e edt ‘ca: 008 "to e709 ean doves Row bat gollt aon 
; LeTa0y mevea—yTlt ro% eto ‘nash oat ‘nik aeod ‘batt bt ‘ie S tale 

a, ' ox atox cuq yedd tet euie eld bas “Bhd OF Pe eS ail ae oe thot 
KK theqor to afate had « at oxew wore th autlblind od Fes. sity 
i to 3 tt + eat is Yo aptede erst oF ait emo Beles ‘ars "add Y fas 
| ies Shed ‘asw 00. dase tnvoms: ‘dotdw Yo 8 ‘gq daao ot. dose iee'be 
on aoxat edt tect bas epandrom 00.000, 28 edt oo te sereade ‘68 : 

em betsts _todieat benassi seonsiad oat hegre padi eons bas ‘66 


- Of - 

Appellee then testified as a witness in her own behalf and 
after stating her name and age, her counsel then asked her if she 
was the complainant in this case and she answered in the affirmative. 
The next question propounded to her was: “Before signing over your 
Towa farm to Mr. and Mrs. Lager, did you have a talk with them about 
the payment of interest on the purchase price?" An objection was 
interposed which was overruled, but appsllee did not answer the 
question. Her counsel, however, assumed in the mxt question that 
such a talk was had, as he inquired: "Where did you have that talk, 
at their hom in Geneseo?" She answered in the affirmative and 
stated Mr. and Mrs. Lager were present. She was then asked: "How 
long was that before you deeded over the farm to them?" and she an- 
swered: "Sometimes I know and then again I can't think of it". After 
again being asked the question she stated she "zuessed" it was a 
couple or three months. Her counsel then asked her: "Now tell us 
Mrs. Gottsche, just what Mr. and Mrs. Lager said about interest?" 
end she answered: "hey said they would pay me $30.00 every month 
till the capital was paid". She was then asked: "When did they 
say that they would pay the canital?" end she answered: “In twelve 
years they would pay me the capital, what was coming to me then". 
This was all of her testimony on direct examination. Upon cross 
examination she was asked: "You was to get $30.90 a month until 
the capital was paid. Now who said that?" and she answered: "They 
said that". And again: "What rate was the interest to be figured 
at on this $8,000.00. How much ver cent?" and she answered 8%. She 
was then asked: "Did Dora say they would pay 8%?" and she answered: 
"I suppose she did". She then testified that she got the interest 
money every month at the bank, an@ when asked how lon: she got it 

at the bank said she couldn't remember. She further testified tht 

cae: Se 

Sas tiated mo ted ai aacndin 8 as betiivaed aodt ocLLogaa 
ede it tod boxes wodt feanyoo tof ,ons bus omen red gaivate Tetts 
-ovitamtitts ont at betewans oda bas ease alds nt tmacteLqmoo ont saw - 
Moy tevo sningie etoted” :asw ted of bebasoqoig mo Ete euip oxen oat 
tuods modt mAthy ALat se eved voy BIb ,tegel “21M Sas tM o¢ met chi i, 
asw foltssido mA "feetiq ezsdoma odd mo teotetat te dnenryeq ¢ ent 
edt towans tom bib selleqqs dud ,beluitevo asw dol dw vosogtes at, 

tedt ooiteoup txax odt at Sommas «tevewow , fon perge tel oe ae, 
rine tedt eve voy Sb etediy" s:bertvpml od 35 boul eaw Ast s Mere 
bas evitamittts odt mi betewens aia "? ooaemed bs axon ntedé, te 4 

woh" :bedves medt esw off .t menres stow regal sam as tt 

Por Beaty 

~~ ae 

wae efe bas "“Tmedt of mret edt tevo baheob BOY exoted teat sew anol | 
sods "i to antdt t'aso I mtens medt hae, wont I eemivemoa" tberewa, 
s esy cE "boreevy" ofa betsta ese no tt eeup ent bewas ented ats fe 

av {let wo” sted devas vail foaniroo tell | -edtaom corde, to ofa ah 
"Steotstai tuods o£se senal orl bie 1M ¢ she teu Rae KAT C. om 
dtoom YIeve 00.08¢ om ysq Silvow qed? bise exit” sborewa ns orfe bas : 
Yous Lb medi" sbeias nedd ew oa s"bieq eaw tag iqes. ould ot: 

| eviewt aI" :betewane oda Sas "Leg tase ‘oat vq bison weds tage ee 4 
‘ "neat em ot naoimoo eay tady .Lat tyeo odd om ve, bLsrow yeas. PTs 
eaaoto soqU ~ -Holtsmtmaxs toe thb 110 Wuombtaet rod 10 ta aaw 

yal et an 
Etta dinom s 00.088 tex ot esw vox" bese s aew ote mo ft sa 


Ter!" rbetewene ede bas "tte dt bisa ov wou blag sow r indtqao edd 
bors it od of seototnt art asw ets tsa" ; sg. mn ‘bisa 

: ge 0 Aan 

of2 .&8 betewans ode bos "S $a99 teq dow wort -00,.000,88 aks mo $8 





sa, OC 

teorotal edt $08, ede. tect belitiaes mactd ade. ."b ib one, oougue I 

ibotowens ofa Bmp NEL wa b Low yout yse prot ara Anew Rove ot ae 

tt ton eda pmol wos bewvles ‘aod Bae plaed edt ts 169 not vrve yen 

tL ake 

ast beltitest ae ene -rodmome $'ab ion oda bisa ce aie: edt g 

4 O,is Shag ry 


appellant bousht the farm on time, but she never got ony money 

for it. She was then ssked ; "None at all?" and she replied: 

"T got $5.00 or so now and then". She was then asked: "How much 
did you get altogether" and she answered: "Five Dollars was all 
I got". To the question: "Did you send them your bills and ask 

them to pay them?", she replied: "They had to pay the bills", 

She refused to answer the question as to why they had to pay the 
bills and was unable to state anything else that appellant or Mrs. 
Lager ever said about the farm and stated that she was nervous and 
that her memory was not good the day she was testifying. Later she 
was asked: "Was that $30.00 to be payable when you asked for it?", 
and she replied: "Yes, but I didn't ask for it". She was then 
asked: “And you haven't asked for any money since you have been with 
your sisters?", and she replied: "No, I haven't." She was then 
asked: “Have you asked for any sum of money of either Carl Lager 
or your sister, Dora, Gin you didn't get?". She did not answer 
this question, and the Master then asked her: "Did you cver ask 
Mr. and Mrs. Lager for any money?", and she replied: "Not very 
much, very little I asked for". She was then asked: "did youask 
for any at all?", and she replied: "Once in a while, I got very 

little". Question: “Did you get it when you asked for it?". 

Answer: "Sometimes". Question: "When did they refuse to give it 
to you?". Answer: "You are asking too much". Question: "This 
is your case, you brought it?". Answer: "I did not". And to the 

questi whether her sisters brought it, she refused to answer. 

The record discloses that the sisters referred to were 
Emily and May Larsm. In February, 1916 appellee wrote them, stat- 
ing that she desired them to understand that appellant and his wife 

sa OB ae 

Yetom yas tom teven ofa tud ,emit he mistveds ddgsod aatitaits 
shetfgqes 6de bas "Tillis fe ato" 7 betas ato dt esw ef) ea or 
foum woH” :bedas medtd saw ef@ s"nedd baa not oe! Bold 00.28 03, an 
tte ‘eew arslfod owri" <tbetewans ede bas. nasdd onod Lo tegruoy bt * 
es bas aLltd woy moat Buea soy BIG” . yn tte evpuedd of "top I 
e“ellid edt yor ot Ded -yedt" :detlgqer ode ."tmoudt ys, 0% med? 
ent yer of ba ‘eet vdw ot 28 moiteemp edt tewans o¢ bessitex: one 
',e1M vo taallecas seit sale puidiyoa otave, ot oldsay. es. aia addy é 
bus evovten aew efa teddy botste bas mist edt tuoda bise 19ve sepa 
efe “6tal vaniytiteet sew one yeb aft boog tom eaw ‘Yromom met teat 
("fst Tot bexes poy not eldaysy od of 00.08% Facial any” . ibelee ) 
medd esw ode "ti tot Mee ta hih DT tod 202" theLicem 
détiw seed evad yoy eoate yYanom Yas cot hedes t'neved poy Boa". 
sett esw off ",t'novsd I) yon" ‘betlget ede bar» tlie ny 
togsi Ins) tetie to qoueint to ore yas 10% bodas we eval" t hee ! 
tewens tom bib ede "itos t'e6 £b voy dat ,at00 stotate Toy 
Yea wove soy BEG" :tod bexas medd totamM edd Bas emivaoun 
TOosptev’ ton" she Rito oie bas ,"Pyanod Yns x0% regs sem, ‘DES. : 
Massey bb" “ibexas molt asw one os «"tot boves I wltged vey re mt 
« Yrev ‘toa I poLisdw s at eng" :betlaet ode bas | <MeLLa te ws 0 
-Ptt i0t hextas poy nodw ti tes YOY, bia" » mokte cap « ee LE 
| th evin inte BeuUtsT “tort: ‘OI. aed" faolt teen aonbtemoa” 
-atare inottcon? ."deonm oot satdes eas yvoY? - tomer, Moyo { 
‘ont oe bak | "ton bib a ewan ote idguond BOY 088: me | 
srewaas ot boevtex ois aft: aaguond emote ta )ed red rast ony ok ick | 
“otew od herretet etogsl a edd tedt ae renee: brooen. eit ‘ 
“steve moi atom selisccs @£0L \ymmdel/al  smared ysl b : 
ete aid bos tasifeqaqs dt sdt- brostarco bras ids cxirhinie beriaeb eis 

ae @r ~ 

had not taken her farm from her, but that it was so run dowm that 

it takes a man to run it and that she had asked them to buy it: 

that they did not care to do so but to please her they did: that 
appellant and his wife (referred to in this letter as Carl and 

Dora) had been very kind to her and that Dora was a noble woman 

but that Imily and May had not been kind to her and she hoped they 
would let her alone and never cross her rath. Subsequentiy, in 

June, 1919, appellee, who was then living in Iowa, became ill and 
Emily received notice thereof froma neighbor and went to Iowa dnd 
brought appellee to her farm near Geneseo, where she has since re- 
mained. Appellant and his wife also, upon learning that appellee 

was ill in fowa went there, but found that a day or so previous 
she md been removed to Illinois by Emily. Appellant insists that 
from this time in 1919 wntil the death of Dora Lager on January 25, 
1951, appellee was kept a virtual prisoner ‘at Hmily and May Larson's 
and appellant and his wife were both prevented from seeing or com- 
Municating with her. What the attitudes of the several Larson sisters 
were toward each other is not very msterial. It does appear, however, 
that Emily and Mey were present at the hearings before the Master, 
although they did not testify. During the examination of appellee, 
these sisters sat near her and while the record does not disclose 
what they said or did, it does disclose that upon different occasions 
they, in some way, inerfered with the witness or interrupted the 
proceedi mgs. For instance appellee had testified tmt she was getting 
$30.00 a month interest and had said she got it every month at the 
bank and counsel for appellant then asked her: "Did you collect it 

at the bank?" The record the states that at this point the sisters 
of the wimess interfere. This happened not only once, but five times 

during her examination, the record in each instance stating: “At this 

By RE. ie 

tedd mob ur oa asw ft tedd dud . ted mort aes red nonist a5 ‘bat 
tf vad ot ote rit Bexes bad eda tad? Sus ‘dt mut ot nest 8 eaaat ba 
Pout “SSip yodd tod oe0dlG OF tue Oa ob of eteo tom ‘bib wee ‘taut 
bas fxs es toftel atds al of berretet) ‘otiw ais bas txattencs 
femow ofdox e aew etod ésdt bas tod of batxt qisv mood bad (stod 
yent becod efe bos ted of baix noed tout bac eM bas <Linti vend tod 


at ‘vis heupeadue. .ater ted eaors tevert “pms ono fs a ter ‘Bator: 
‘Bas ft essed ,ewol at anivit aed? esw ow ,cofleqqs ener eat 

Beb awot of taew Bas todiaten s mort Wexod eotton bev fever et tmr 
Cr: Se oan 
sor odfile asi edz etedw ,oeasne!) 108M ast ted of eotteaas diguond : 

.b daw 
' gefleqcs tadt grintast focus oats oti aid bas Fast teqch ; boa tom q 

evo iverq o2 x0 ‘yeb s teat barsro % hare oredé toew geet le at et ey 
“tad? etetant tnsffeqaa ._yLimt yd ‘atomti{t ot bavoner med paves 
20S (weal 110 tepe.. prod to i sob edt iia ener ai ‘omid ane mont 
a’ ‘noetel ysM bas “elimi te ronoatag Louis tty 8 0x asw “soltegas fy. eer 

P ym be Sita i) a 

“0109 ‘To ‘maitoes, mo tt bed meveng tidod atew otiw id bas tnstfoqus ; 

> ph bf Giro baat 

iceteie ‘portal Reaves ode to sobui tits be dea wed “ddiw nites lasm % 

oe tn ; si ve ety Ben | et , 

(tevewor! ‘ ayes ee0h +r . tsitetam ‘av ‘ont ar rent o fons ‘piswot ‘otew 
Lae ; 

etetash! eft etoted ‘eanitesd edt tes fasaorq otew vee Bas vl ier 

; Sh fe i Sty | 
,sefLeqas To notteninexe 9 dit sated sViLinet ton sib vot aguas 

o2oloa ib ton 26 OD prose’ edt efidw bas ‘tod T80m tne sunita le 

go! 2000 $netoYt Lb mean tort oxo Loe th paps ok . St * 10 from wea oe 
enti potqurne: ‘nt to ee ont iw odd i tw horotaeti! (sw w emoe ft vee 9 
sation asw onde t ait he ftitess bod velieqss constant wt 2pm ibeeoota 
exit ‘ts dion reve ar #08 orle bles bed bas jeexed al mx 8 00s ih ot 

itt io aloo wor bra *, ‘od bosles usta iuatiogga & 10% Ipsuuno me sod ‘ 

. etovele ‘alt tator a tit te tet aotate ‘wat brooer oat whamed edt 3 
semit evit td ye0mo yim rou Bonoqgsd eid? ,etetretat ‘azentw ont 2 * 

efdt dA” veyed eonstant to 20 ot broset ottt .fio itsa imexe tent pa ", 



point a sister of the witness interrupts" or "At this point sisters 
of the witness interfere" or "At this point in the testimony a sister 
of the witness interruba". Counsel for appellant requested that 
the sisters be segregated in another room or separated from the 
witness but his request was denied. 

Appellant offered in evidence a letter written by appellee 
to her sister Dora, signed by appellee and dated July 29, in which 
she said: “tell Carl not to send no more money till I want it but 
put it in the bank to draw interest for I got plenty now". Another 
letter offered in evidence by appellant was written by appellee to 
her sister Dora, dated May 23, in which appellee requested her to send 
her a check for thirty dollars, the June money. These letters, from 
all the evidence, were probably written in 1916, although the year 
does not appear therein. 

The evidenee further discloses that on August 2, 1916 either 
appellant or his wife deposited $30.00 in the Farmers National Bank 
of Geneseo and as evidence thereof received a certificate of &vosit 
from the bank, reciting that appellee had deposited that sum, which 
was payable to the order of herself upon the return of thec ertificate 
properly endorsed by her six months after date, with 4% interest: that 
from that date until December 1, 1951 further deposits were mde by 
them and in each instance like certificates of deposit were received 
from the bank, that most of the sums so deposited were “50.00, but 
sometimes more, and at other times less, the deposits not being made 
each and every month but from time to time: that when a certificate 
matured, it was surrendered to the bank and a new certificate issued, 
the accured interest being added to the mw certificate. ‘Three days 
prior to the death of his wife, anpeliant surrendered six certificates 
of deposit to the bank, which had been previously issued to him but 

which stated that appellee had made such deposit and recetived in lieu 


. bs. 2 ; : f a, 
atotete taiog aldt tA" to “etqurretat esentiw edt Yo tetefa sb tatog — 

teteie as yYaomitest od¢ at ¢otoq etdt ta" to “eretrotmit esentiwv bit to” 
tad? beteoupet tasileqas xot Leanvod .*bawerred m2 eaontiw ‘oct to" 

oft mon 2 botescqes TO moot tedious ai bot asempes od erotete: ya ; 

‘bot ob, enw teeupet etd. bud es en¥in’” 

celloqae vw nedd tw motte. 3 enwohiee nk. Doxak in teat torah bi adil 
toidw at «es yt betsh bas Pe ype vd bengte “sll “tetete ‘ged or 
tud +t hawe I eel yestont etom on Base of tom Sted fflet" Vbise. ide | 
tedfons "wor, viaelg bis I tot jeoteta weth of ates d o dis at ‘th ‘sug 4 
os eel! Togas vd fed Pye aiel insliogas we eonebive n ‘boxers wetter | 
broa of x94 boteouper eotieqce ‘foida nt ,e& yen bosses .stod. ‘metate “eit” 
mo atedial saedtlT ,Yemon onus out wallob ia Ot “yo ato ah 
THO outs sy uoaid Lo Les at aott inw vid adoig Tew eoomeb ive, ‘oat th” td 
sttetoit x64 qa nid 280 

todd fe oseL 28 " dawawA mo tact mips de ‘rodeaut eonobive eat > lilt { 
si Lenoi tai aroma ot ck 00,086 bet teogsb otlw eld To daekae : 

| tleoce to ‘etaoititzes 8 bevisee 1 tosreds eonebive EY: bas ovaenod 7") 
“dot civ ange Sed bat taogeb bat selieqqe sats auliives, tasd ‘ont nit” 

ot 20 it hire 9 oid to sivtot oui moqu Sieaxed to taba alt of oLdsyee ase } 


tad :daete im Rb dtiw ata totts a d¢om xk teal yd ‘psatobin uted or we 

Ud 9b su otew ed dteoaes raittst Lset ,L  diso9t ‘Litas’ ‘etab seat mo 
bevteos ore tage 6 te got aolttite0 lhl eonmé arti toes, at bite al” i 
M tic 00. ang ataw ‘bosteodes 08 ams “edd to taom tit te ot moet ; 
| “ebeum amted ton at taoge b oxid, 2ael asmit texto ts bo otom geal Heioa! 4 
stsof1tite 9 s naw $8dt remit of emit mont. ‘ted dtaom Yovs Baw ike { 

' ty : ‘*. 
Doueat efs0itti190 wen 8 ons waned ould, ot ovebrot ze oa WE ‘ 

i Ky 

avat oout! oreo! "htze9 wet ‘odd ot bobbs puted dasted al “pew ‘ 98 oft 
aetnortiv reo xe borebiet ura tae. teas otbr afd to dseb Aesbaaga i ; 
td md ot aves! Varo tverq “dead "bad dot dv inet ‘ode od abot ei 4 

thereof six other certificates of deposit payable to his own order. 
These certificates aggregated $5187.94, of which amount $1294.12 re- 
presents accrued interest upon certificates of deposit, issued by 
the bank to appellant in the name of appellee. 

Severel contentions were made by appellant why this decree 
should be reversed, none of them need be considered however except 
his contention that the evidence does not support the deeree as ren- 
dered. We have set forth in this opinion the pleadings and the evi- 
dence at considerable length and have read this record with care. 
The evidence does not satisfy our minis that appellant was to repay 
the principal in twdve years or that he agreed to pay thirty collars 
interest each month upm this $8,000.00. In her original bill, ap- 
pellee made no such contention. She said nothing about when the pring 
cipal was to be repaid or about any interest or about thirty dollars a 
month to be vaid, but charged that appellant's agreement was to hold 
the $8,000.00 for her and pay it to her as-she might need and request 
it. She charged that appellant had kept a portion of this sum deposited 
in interest bearing certificates anda part thereof she alleged he had 
loaned out on interest and the balance she stated he had used in his 
own business and sought to have him account for the interest he had 
received and profits which had acerued to him. In his answer to the 
cwriginal bill, appellant stated that the contract was that he was to 
pay the $8,000.00 to avpellee whenever requested by her and as needed 
by her, but at a rate not to exceed 330.00 ver month. ‘This is the first 
time any reference was made to the peyment of this sum or any sum per 
month. Furthermore, appellee called anpellant as her witness, thereby 
vouching for his truth. The record discloses that his evidence was 
taken September 20, 1932 and that at the conclusion of his testimony a 
recess was taken and appellee testified on October 27, 1932. The 
fourth question asked her was to inquire whether she had a talk with 

a UB = 

~T@bTO sMwo etd og att oe tteoge b to eetsoltitree tedio a, rooeds 

~et SL. SeS.Li tasome dotdw to 22. TELBi Hotssotags. actsottivres: eaedT 
“ed boweat .t tsoqeb to aotgotri¢nss ogy trototal hepi92 & af peaong 
: -selfeqgs to emsa eg at tnslleqas of asd ett | 
esetoeb eildi ydw taslfeqes yd ebsa Siew anoldmedatoo fexeve® seni. | 
tqsoxo tevewod berebianoo od boon mod ‘to enon ,begtevet ed biuoda , 
16% ae served ont Stpqaes tom eeob eonebive sult tsa no timetacs att» 
~ive eit boas aan! ‘bee le ost ao Lattgo sint of dftol tee, evel ev) .»boseb 
sores dt iw Broser eidt Seer evedt bas dtgcel oidexobtaso9, tm ened 
ystot ot ea tnellegqe tata & Fe tar tivo yleltse tom acod, eonebive edT 
etellod yittidd vse ot beergs ed tadt to 2189, 9 vbwi at Ang ou tra edt 2: 
“ae e{iid Lantatze wa al -00.000 .5° elds soqy dtmom toee teotetat 
-nitq odd cedw tuods pirdton b tse oe, 10 btstes 10 9. do we, on ebsa, coileg: 
B erst fob ytal dd tuode 10 teetetat yae dirods to bleget of of sew Laake - 
SLod ot Baw intome org 8 a'tusilegqe tady bogtats tod dtag.ed ot dgaom 
ge: fas Boon ¢dyim one es rod of tt ysq bar ted tot 00.00.00 cent 
bot taogeb ma aid? to moktxoq 2 Sqox bec toellegcs, tart beats do ed@y att 
bed ec bosalis one to eters pane 8 bas aotsoititateo yalrsed. deoret hat « 
aid at Hea bed of betsts ede eonsisd om. bas teetetm i. mo. tyo bemeot 
bad of teotetal edt tot ¢awooos mid eved ot tdgoe abehetmiensiancl: 
edt of tewens eid al eee od BeUTPS s, Sed doidw ed torg, hrs, bevh 
ot eew od ted asw Tani £69. edt tedt betste taslieqas,,flid porns 
bebeon ae bas. ted uw bedzeupet tovemedw sellequa of 00,000, 8%. ibaa 
fatit ed ab ata -finom tec 00.08% hecoxe ot ton etey.s ta. avd tod ed 
teq mse Yas Lo muse etd’ to. dcam Y2q, ent of eham ase, sonetstes Ya ois 
ydoredtt 98 smth tw ted as tastieqas feliso eslleqgs. <8 Tomrr edd ri efter 20 
" ea eonobtve ete tout sezoloald broget onT . .dturat, aid fant ght 
8 8 Yonkveet e bd te fo ew Lonoe ede te tent. Sms Seek 108: xodmodtgen 
4 oft 88 ats sedot 90 ‘0 beittzess, eoflecas, Sac getet aaw 2 


atin ist & ba ods tos edu etivpat of ssw sed bestes, asdeeaeloneell 

Seiki 3 | a 

appellant and his wife about the payment of interest on this $8,000.00. 
At that time whether apvellant and his wife had or had not agreed to 
pay interest was not, under the pleadings, in issue. A consideration 
of all her evidence upon this feature of the case is neither satisfac- 
tory or convincing, and the statements she did make concerning the pay- 
ment of interest and principal was not in any way corrobforated. Her 
eet ‘calis our attention to her mental and physical condition as an 
excuse for the unsatisfactory character of her evidence. ‘ie recognize 
that she was an elderly lady andi her letters indicate that she had 
little education, but these facts do not excuse her from proving her 
case as stated in the pleadings by a preponderance of the evidence. 

The evidence did substantiate the allegation of her original bill to 
the effect that this $8,000.00 was to be held by appellant and was to 
be paid out by him to her for her support and maintenance as she might 
need it, and it also supported her charse that appellant kept a part 

of this money deposited in interest bearing bank certificates, but there 
was no proof that he loaned any part of it to other parties @ that he 
used any vortia of it in his own business. Upon the issues raised by 
the amended bill end answer which were whether appellant was to pay the 
$8,000.00 twelve years after the date of the conveyance and whether in 
the meantime he was to pay her $30.00 interest ver month, we are of the 
opinion that appellee has not proved the affirmative or these issues by 
@ preponderance of the evidence, but from all the evidence we hold that 
the contract was, as she stated in her origins1 bill, and that is that 
appellant was to hold this $8,000.00 and pay it out to her for her 
suoport and maintenance as she might need and request it. There is 

no evidence that she ever requested of appellant or his wife anything 
which she did not receive and unless there was an agreement that ap- 
pellant was to pay interest, he should not be charzed therewith. Her 
letter of July 29, herein referred to, is consistent with the allega- 

tions of her original bill md with appellant's contention as to what 

- 19 = 

.00,.000,88 etd mo teertetni to taeomrysq edt tuods etiw etd bas taalle ue 
ot Beergs ton bed to bad otiw afd bas taslleqqs sont oxiw en tt adit 

nolteteblanoo A .eveal mi ,asnidsela odd rofaw ton ebw deotetnt wy is 
~osta tise ‘todilen et caso edé to otmtset abit mote ooneblive Yod 20 

-ye¢ odd aminromos ven Bb 62 adnemetete ‘oi Bats wpatontvacs” 1% 

xoH ,batetofderm. Yew Yas at dor bbw "fag fomPth Sas Be odode ae” ta | 


me as mottifnoe Leoleyde bie fednam ved of no timetts She ellso Jeenw 

exingooet sl! .eonebive tom To uevostato Yrotoste it sent ont bea 
‘Bed ofa ¢adt etsotint avevéel ted fee Ybal ylteble ws edW ede Yad 
aod sitiverq mot? ted eayoxe tom ob atoet ‘edsdd tid /mo Mheoubs entt] 

‘Seonebive oi ‘to sonsiebnogsty = Yd aeaidseld Sat UE Betate aan 

ot Iftd [sents ho ted to mottspel fs edt etaltasiadia’ bED’ aaa btve 

of asw has duelleqas Yd bled od of asw 60,000,48 ': Eat ‘fene soetrS 
tiisitty efa ae Somometatam bah trogawe red “rot Yed oF mid ee tno 
$2s¢ 8 tasxf tnsfteqts tait entedo ted bettogg¢u® oa le db) bare" ¢ HE ob 
eteds tud “eetsoltittes anad priteed tretet nt mt bet koged sna 
3d-dsit © edlitced tenio ot $i to tren yus bersdl off ait 64 om: 
“ed Beatet eoveat edt mogU “.aeentevd awol etd mf tt % eo ido” Yaak 
efit Ysq of aay tnalledds wedvedw erew dotdw tewac’s bas £Ltd bebmoms a 
fi wediery Sus eomsyevnoo ont to ofs6 off vetts arsey ovont? 00,000 
edt ‘to ets ow . dtaon xoq testotnt 00.08 sed ysq Of eowied's : 

yd aoveal ovendt to evitanritts oad bevoty ton eat eglleogas teat: 
tedd blot ow eoehive eft [fs mort twd jeomebive elt to oousrebaoges 2 , 

tedt ef sady brs {If td Lanta Pro wed wk betste (dda as ,esy! thane 6 

fod tot tel of Foo tt ved be 00,000,8¢ eidt bad ot een tad. ba 
ai eted? .#f Seeupet bas beon tigi efe as eon aneta ker bas. duoges 

* ghiddyre etiw ebd 40 taslfecas to betesepet neve edaitadé 6 

“qs tso dnemsetss 13 aew etedt seefiut bas ev isvey dem i tb eet . 

“Sei siltiwotodt beptads ed don bined od ,teetetak Water new dust. 
~sgeile edt dttwitoteatenoo ak ,o¢ borretot alowed _ OS -XLuE Io. meee 

tedw ot es oof tnedtnoo e'tasileqds atiwi boo LLtd taskalm 3 & toes wk 

od FE Dee betaty pod Oaap Lima) . 

‘ +i 


the contract was. Appellant's conduct in making deposits and taking 
certificates of deposit issued to her does not prove that he was to 
pay her interest on the {8,000.00 at the rate of $30.00 per month. 
He knew that she could have required him to pay her $30.00 per month, 
and he evidently has been sending her some money prior to the time 
she wrote the letter of July 29, because she requested him not to 
send any more until she wanted it, but to put it in the bank to draw 
interest. This he did and continued to do ,for this reason, and in 
our opinim, appellee is entitled to receive the accumulated interest 
upon these various certificates of deposit, which the evidence discloses 
amounted to the sum of 51294.12. 

In our opinion appellant should, in this proceeding, be 
charged with said sum of $8,000.00. He should also be charged with 
‘the acnumulated interest on the various certificates of deposit which 
he had issued to appellee and which on January 22, 1921 amounted to 
$1294.12. He should also be charged with interest, as evidenced upon 
the certificates of deposit issued on January 22, 1931 to January 28, 
1932, the date this suit was instituted @ 4%, approximately $207.51. 
These sums aseregate $9501.63 and appellant should be charged with 
interest upon this amount from January 28, 1932 to the date of the entry 
of a final decree herein at the rate of 5% per annum. 

In Appellant's answer he allesed that he paid to and expended 
for appellee the sum of $1678.63, but upon the hearing he was only 
able to produce checks, receipts and book eitries showing the payment 
to her of $872.70 and the finding of the Special Master and the decree 
of the court was that he was entitled to credit for this amount. While 
appellant testified that he paid appellee and bills for her to the amaint 

stated in his answer and that some of his cancelled checks were not 

is aiLeg 

aitvat Sas atisoqeb antaem mt touhaoo a'tasifeqqs + B8W, tos 90 eff 
ot esw od tent evotq ton &90h tof ot boveat tieo qe to pod nett lf sei 
siitmom reg 00,082 to eter edt ts 00,000,8% ont mo taetot al med y . 
eitaom teq 00,06) ted yeq ot mid betivoet svai 5 Luwo one datit wend off | 
emit edt of toitq Yenom emoe tod yathage mead esd ¥Ltneb ive od ba 
, ot tom mtd Seteeupet ene sauooed ,eS yiul to tedtel ony jefo%m ont 
wst5.ot.Aasd ods at tt any ot tud ,tt betnsw ena Litas ston was fois; 
nt Sas ,moeser alin 107,08 ot Sexattaoo bas 5ih od ataT _steerot al 
teetetal betslimmoos adt evioce: of beltitas ef eelfeqqs ale ae 
aezolonibh sonebive sdf dotdw ,tisoqeS to setscltit1es, avo tray ee odd 
oSL.3@S8L} To me ont of Sevnsom 
ed ,9atbesoote aidt at ,blvode tusileqas Mo Laigo wo at. poobeaita ; 
tte Dopcedo ef cele Bivode oH .00,000,8$ Yo ma ise déiw bepxed 
doidw titogeb to eetsoltttrteo avolitsy edt mo taozetat botalymgoe 9 ont 

ot hetnyoms OL .SS yrsunel o dotdw bas eelleqgs ot eens beta 
soquy beonehive es ,dagctetai déiw bepitonto ed oats bivorta off Nis «Sk, es 7 
,e@S yrennsl of L6@L .SS yraveel, mo be weal tisogeh to ect sottivzes af 
.18, 908? ylotemizorags 4RS @ hoduditent eaw tii edd; ete box see 
ithe berredo ed) binode tusilLerqs bas 88.L08e%, ot sgeTEns, Boe | 12 61 
qrdine ont to otsb edd of SECL .&8 Yuevnal mont tavome el dt. mogs, tae 
sme Teg {2 to ots ent de aleted cores, fon tk 2% 
bebuscxe bas ot blag ed dead bonelie ed towanse'tnalleqgAal.. ceaboeaigwe 7 
Vino caw of guitsedi ont soqu tad ,88.8%OLt to mye ot entiniag* 
tnoges¢ edd patwodaeoitt ne aood bmp, seach ,atoedo aeneetin eee 
efiiwW'$teromb etd? wt tibet. of boltidne esw ef tsdt, sew sce ath 2 ¥ 
tne edt ot ted tot eLotd bos eslfeaqs bisa ed deat bolttitess Eresae i 
‘Wor etew eieeio he fLoonee att to -entoa tom bae tows as hth mk ven 
aS OMe ep Ce Renal ity neat s ta 
toe TT SIG o el Lay af Lewes LL eal) Lee be bene nae eh a apm. 2 

(cites ue . 

available because of the dlosing @ the Geneseo Savings bank, upon 

which some of the checks were drawn, yet that happened before his answer 
was filed and he did not produce any records of any kind or chsracter 
which substantiated his statement in this respect, no, did he explain 
the souree from whichthe list of items of expenditures contained in 

his answer was derived. In our opinion appellant is in no position 

to complain of the amount of the credit to which he was entitled as 
found by the decree. 

In the original bill appellee alleged that the consideration 
for the conveyance of the lots in Coon-Rapids was $3200,00 and charged 
that this amount was likewise held in trust by appellant and was to be 
paid out by him to her for her support and maintenance as she might 
Reed it. In his answer, appellant insisted that he was not connected 
with this conveyance, that it was a transaction solely between appellee 
and her sister, Dora M. Lager, and that upon information and belief 
he stated thet one lot was a sift to his wife from appellee and that 
the agreement was that one lot was to be sold and when sold Da@ea was 
to hold the proceeds for appellee and until? appellee should request 
the same. In her amemcd bill appellee charzed she was sick at the 
time this conveyance was made: that she thought she was conveyir 
one lot: that the consideration was $5100.00 to be paid by Dora Lager 
when she was able to pay: that one lot had been sold for $1500.00, 
which was deposited in the bank mdcertificates of deposit issued 
therefor and charges that appellant has secured possession of these 
certificates. The evidence is that the deed conveying these lots to 
Dora M. Lager was executed on April 3, 1916. Appellee testified that 
appellant had nothing to do with this conveyance and "at the time the 
deed was made, I didn't have an agreement with Dora. She could ® just 

as she wanted to". The grantee in this deed died intestate on January 

= BL « 

foqu ,iasd apamivee ossene) eft Db gnizob edt to pavannd a bs 
toweas aif exroted beseqgai stadt tey ,maweth etew aioedo, outs to amos. bh 
tetoetado TO bax Yas to abtoost yas eouborg tem bib ed. bap helt 
aisioxs of Sid Seon oecset aidtd at tnometste aig bei attnsis dup, ob 
nt hentst s09 sot ut ibasqxe Yo amett to gall edtdol de aozt, comoe, ¢ 

mot lao q on mi ai ¢aslleqas soliaigo THO ai ..»bevigeh nen em pan 

as bolitiae ssw of dotdw of st ibote, aft To tmwome edt to, aks : 
eetood ost usm 

soitsreh tas ce edt t suit Seay iS bli iLi¢ Lsatatao. edt mt. 

. ,beatade bas 00,0088% naw eblgeieueod mt atol eslf To. eon.aye V0, ae 
ed ot asy bas tnaflocgs yd tewtt mt bled ealwedit ee" tavem ona a 

tent pangs chitaaue mo Tt, © T be ols ot are ASM 1, t05,0m9 sous. m ot pit . 
asw sod Sloe aedw bas blos ad of. oem tol OO . PR oe. 4 20 be 
a) eHRex hivode selloqas Be bees Sas eeflogga tot gboovony oils, Dk ° r 
ett ts Hoke asw ede berg silo eollea s {itd Soi oms. moat aT, .9 2098 od 

| “Bilyevaos am one sapyo ct... oe Bhd rekon BoM, oomarernen 
nogel stot yo Stag ed ot 00,0053 aew m9.bY p00 Lago 9 edt tedt : 
,00. 008 Le rot ‘Loe eed bed tol eno. asdy . *¥ Sg, ot. elds. asw ote 
Bouaet  teogeb. to actsottitue bas Aned © di. Bt bet taoged 297, tokd 
saci © Holesseeoq bexyoe: aed. tne Llegge dedt septade, bos vieted 

of ato. ea edt galyeraoa beeb ot ts dd at, oon divs att con 2% 

t ait be ittteet eelleqch .9f@f ,E Lia 99bs tugexe a 7oa8 
ont omit edt ta” ‘bas eoneyevao. at pit tiv, 95 of, ‘aatdéon. bed, as. 
val & Bie. 98% BTC. dittw tomers 8 os, oved.t'abib I soban 26m, 
ytsunst £0 ‘tibia: beth beeb ais at eetnets eft ."ot bet naw " 


Tie ie 

25, 1931, leaving appellant, her surviving husband, and one daughter, 
On March 19, 1951, appellant was appointed administrator of her es- 
tate. On Jenuary 28, 1952 this bill was filed. The decree herein 
found that appellee sold to Dora M. Lager this Coon-Rapids property 
for $3100.00, for which Dora M. Lager agreed to vay appellee therefar 
when ake was able. In our opinion there was no competent evidence in 
the record to sustain this findine and furthermore neither the heirs 
or legal representative of the estate of Dora M. Lager were parties to 
this proceeding. Appellant, in his pleadings, insists that the 
$1500.00 represented by a certificate of deposit issued by the Farmers 
National Bank on September 21, 1952 in the name of appellee is held 
by him as administrator of the estate of his deceased wife, and there- 
- fore it was improper for the decree to direct him to tum this certi- 
ficate over to the Clerk of the court fob the use of appellee, inas- 
much as administrator he is nota party to this suit. The evidence, 
however, discloses that on January 22, 1951 there were several certi- 
ficates of deposit outstanding other than those hereinbefore referred 
to, which were payable to appellee and which aggregated $1271.36. 
The evidence further discloses that these rewesented the proceeds 
derived fra the sale of me of the Coon-Rapids proverties: that on 
September 21, 1952, which was eight months after the death of ap- 
pellant's wife, he, appellant surrendered these certificates to the 
bank, added $157.38 thereto and with the amount due for accrued in- 
terest pro cured the issuance by the bank of a certificate of deposit 
for $1500.00, payable to anvellee, amd it is this certificate which 
the decree ordered delivered to the clerk for the use of appellee. 
Appellant testified m his direct examination, when called 

as a witness for apvellse, that both appellee and his wife had told 

=- 2B - 

I 7 
4 ate ay 
s tedden ab amo bre , baed sod aa ivivas ted . tal Leqgs pulveot «Leet i 

-e9 ‘tor to tot szv2 tatmbs het atoqas 8aw tel toaqa eer et orl 

giox ert Setnen Fer belkt saw [Lid aldy aces . 88 eeu ast rae Bi 
+ eat a4 a 

utteqotd ebhiqsi-noed a idtt segal oM wed o Bios eeliongs gr Set = 
totetedt salleqgs yer of Sooins repel M pst dott tot “(00s 

ot sonsblve 0% eqmoe om aew otedt miatge a0 a ‘ . olds ears 
atied eit vo dt ton 9 Tomte otto bine pat tba Lt aid? nbatane of Drones s 

ot noltisg eran 193.8. oM stod ‘to asee ze ods to area aad ime 

- oatt todd ate lent gtaet dae te aid ft 4 ?seLLegga saabeoeosy | 

eiiperss¥ emt yd bouaat Ytesues to et aoltitros 8 ve bodmnetgot en BL 
blo el sellorrs to Reg ray oat a sees oS “roduosgse 99 ar i ra oe 

worst bas ott Boareooh ald to efstac ets Ri totetteatalms Be 7 
~itte0 ata’ mie od mtd doezts of ooreeb ‘oat 10% moount 8 as dh ar0t 
5 weent welleacs to een os as FILO 9 0 at to ) a0 0 o ot of me or" 

es | we i a a 

~Ltze9 istevea Sten aut reer se EBay 19 ted Seuotoe 1» pe a 
VET | i, 4 

bovrstet oxotedatered ecoutt neds w dito patbaste duo tteoged 0 aetse 

M oan IY si be tszotgss dotdy bite eotieag » 97, 2 idsvar orLew so 

ay abesootd od bev mene wos eesti adit eouo,ls ath x ont yt one 

7 mo tedt 120 Itzsqorg ebdiqafemood 2 dt to em to ofpe om mn bev. 
a me oe 

~98 to At seb ont wetts add com tdgte aan ot tr -88eL, ts ot 

Noa exit ot SPP. oaadtt betebretiwe gnalteqas ye aot EB es 
Bie, ae, a 

| “ok bewtooe ‘rot eub imome edd ditw bas otesedt ee. Volt heb es 

sy ro 

tigoqeb To. etn olttetes 8 to uned odd vd consveel od Deuces # 
Hoidw etzoltttreo a.t.dd eb th, bas Poiivags ot eld sy aq _ 9 Oe 


_Detiso nenty sb tantmae tooxth abil m hattives “taektogeh 
w Piao 4 ght eT 8 

: Bot pad ote eid bas eolleqae tod dastt scollagae ‘0% Gols 
ue < 40 ania 

him that appellee gave one of these houses to his wife and that the 
$1500.00 derived from the sale of the other dwelling belonged to 
appellee and that she was entitled to that sum whenever she wanted 
the money. He further testified that his wife left this 41500.00 
in his hands to make that payment whenever appellee needed it. 

In our opinion the institution of this suit was a demand 
on the part of appeliee for this money and there was no error in 
directing appellant to turn this certificate over to the clerk of 
the court for the use of appellee. 

The decree of the lower court will be reversed and this 
cause is remanded to the Circuit Court of Henry County, with 
directions to enter a deeree in conformity with this opinion. 

Rach party will pay one-half of the costs @f this court. 


ea Ng Peay A A 3h ny W ream? 

e gi 4 we 4 a ah Legge. arp aon 
oxi isis re 6 thr aid ~ asevori ovoid . om, was, aah + 
war SSCL) a 
of benstoLod amit tows wm dito ott to oLse oat sort bevizes ¢ 

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oo ‘b 

L10E7 8 an 

00.0085! » at sid tte etiw aid todd bottiteot wodvuyt oH en 
on pm 


. tt bebesn oolloqas rovemsris tnomyed ‘tedd sdsm ot abroad 
he at ters sll v2 9 
th atucse of b 
mi some on asw oxotid baa esto nt elie 102 eelisqqs To ta 
ony ft V7 BE Ms 7 *is wr 
LLOgs & base 0% 
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an Bitte pte ned vue to axg0o ttuozto om ot bebam ey 
2. Gen Aen . . DF 8. it A ; 

Fa, 2 esw thee endt to wo tind tant edt “motntgo suo aT 

| to strolo 9 itt ot tev0 sieo L'ttd 90 aide wut og fusite Te 2 ag 

sist Bo | Bovzoves od iftw frasoo Sy aoe out to perves See 
smo kage ek at at Lo wwharotno0o al vere b 8 ‘tet a9 ot 

_+tur00 aids ma at200 edt to “Undone yeq LLiw 7 

mh ae! ait 2p Py F 

STIS Lapey ag é y See gas S Vases te 
y Auer i > j 
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eoia et © Kis a . . , es " 4 : t, ma rs 
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» x « 
aR 7 PS 4 y “a zt ' ae; By 
Pr a a ates % a ae ae a . 
Pe 8 oes Teo eu. 27 1h As oe . pee POL LACES 
? ts r ay 
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OS ua ES j i oye 4 g s xt Ry oy 
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} ‘ a 
ME ESE i " wis TF ype Bp) eet y ‘ 

SECOND DISTRICT I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, in and 


for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause, 

of record in my office. 
In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

Appellate Court, at Ottawa, this day of 

—in the year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 
(73815—5M—-82) ox@3507 


ic ‘he Koy. re ent gethe, fara Decal tie ses dhaaeactt 1) Somali ’ 

yin evden, wie: bt se to, The et Fre 

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tat) wiallagsh aad: Yo Ta 
a Ia 

hex wa 

within and for the Second District of the State of 

Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 

Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. / : 
Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. j 


RALPH H. DESPER, Sheriff. 

FY wm 5 
279 1.4.647° 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 
FEB 14 1935 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 
Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 

— es — ——— a = me, ded 45 Ne me = 



svetsecas th? bore Lesbos on for Engentods end bot 190 a 

' § ee 
es ae 
\ ; —., i 704: 4S. Oe 

peed” nah aoe 
i E " 
(Ui1sae te ga Ast LE odF gabasv" no .awagtsd iggee. Bi 

{ ‘-yeaitest #¥oC 12 ich Maas 08 | 
roo taney MAMRCTE RMEATAE ok is 

retd OnRBOU ot evneut 

“Ti ttede AAIEEL TERS 

a h.1 6YS 

a0 itiw-od ,ebtawtedts. tad? ..ce rag 
“) | sdt at bellt gaw d109 outs ¥o! eer 
ier eowwglt inte abtow sat ‘ae staead Shee Xe 

#2 a 
1, 45 2 
Ds * 
= “ys hg 
ie 2 
; #. te 
4 e 
iy 7 
oe ad a 
r ¥ toy 
a + pt ie 

GEN. NO. 8858 AGENDA NO. 26. 
October Term, A. D. 1934. 
William A. Atkinson, 
Appeal from the Circuit Court 

of Winnebago County. 

Julia P. Warren, 



The Circuit Court of Winnebago County overruled a general 
and special demurrer to the amended declaration of the plaintiff 
below, and the defendant below elected to stand by her demurrer, 
refused to plead further and from a judgment rendered against her 
in the sum of $2204.63 brings the record to this court for review 
by appeal. 

The declaration as amended alleges that the plaintiff and 

the defendant, with Moses Allen Warren and the Security Trust Company, 
a Michigan corporation, acting as administrators with the will 
amnexed of LouiseW. Atkinson, deceased, in February, 1925, executed 

the following written contract, viz; "Memorandum of Agreement made 
this ..... day of February, A.D. 1925, by Julia P. Warren, of Rock- 
ford, Illinois, Moses Allen Warren of New York City, New York, 
William A. Atkinson, of Detroit, Michigan, and the Security Trust 
Company, a Michigan Corporation, acting as administrator with 

will annexed of Louise W. Atkinson, Deceased. Witnesseth: That, 
whereas, Julia P. Warren is the mother of Louise W. Atkinson, 
Deceased, and of the said Moses Allen Warren, and Whereas, the said 
Julia Pp. Warren is the owner of and possessed of loans and mortgages 
kept, used and managed by her in several different accounts accord- 
ing to a plan of her own with a view final disposition of the 

same to her said children and others end has according to said plan 

8S .OW AGMEDA gases .Ou .uaO 
| 7 SRT MI 7 | 
TOLATeIa quoowe 
»POCI .2d A ,mtstT tedoto0 
etoanidta .A metif{iw 

favo0 tivottd end mort [eeqga 
-vtavod ogsdenmatw to 
~mertsW .f situ, 


<b ,avod 

Istensg s belurtsve ytnvod ogsdenatW to trwod tiyortd edT 
tiitnielq sdt to nottstsloeb bebasms ot of xotrwmeb Istoege bre 
wormed ted yd basta of betools woled tmsbasteb oft bas ,woled 
ted tenisys betobast taemgbut s wott bas reddit bselq ot beautes 

waiver rot tuvco aldsd of brooet edt eagnind €8.h088% To awe edt at 

-lsoqgs yd 
bis tiitatelq edt tedt segelia bebuoms as noltstsloeb ef = 

<Ussquod taurT ytinwos2 edt bus metzsW oslla sesoM dittw ,tasbaeteb ent 
Iiiw edt déiw axotsttetaimbs as gnitvos ,moitstoqroo asgidoiv s 
betuooxs ,d8@l .yrsurdeT ai ,besssosh ,moantdta .Woaiwol to bexenns 

sbsm tnemestgA to awbestomeM" :stv ,toattaoo netiiqw gatwolfot sat 
~Hoof to ,setzeW .f silva yd ,88ef .d.A ,ytevidet To Tel nabs aidt 
e{u0Y wsli ,yIiO AxoY wet to serrsW moll, seeoll ,alomtill ,b1rot 
gautT ytitvose edt bas ,wegidoim ,tlowedc te ,moanittA .A me iff ty 

dtiw totettainimbs as gaitos ,qolisroqiod megidoiM s ,Yasquiod 

tsdt idfesseqtiv .beaseoed ,soantita .W saiuol to bexeans [itw 
oRmitdA .W saiwol to tedtom edt at mertsW .¢ siivt ,asotedw 

bisa eit ,asetedW bas ,aestrsW motta #9a0M Bbise edt to bas .08as909C 
asgsgitom bus ansol to beagsaeod bas te isawo edt ei metisW .f sfivt 
-btooos etmvoons tastettib [staves ai ted yd begensm bas bea ,tqeal 

edt to noltiaoqath Isati @weiv s déiw mwo ted to asiq s ot gat 


asiq bise ot goibtooos asd bas aexedto bas mexbiido bise ted of ousa 


and for many years last pest, taken some notes, mortgages and 
other securities in the name of the said Louise W. Atkinson and 
has at times and when necessary, called upon the said Louise 
Warren Atkinson to make, execute and deliver sufficient and 

proper releases, assignments, etc. but has at all times, retained 
sol@ possession of all of said notes, mort@ges and securities and 
has never parted with the ownership thereof and has never delivered 
the same or any part thereof, to the said Louise Warren Atkinson 
but has from time to time given to the said Louise Warren Atkinson, 
@ portion of the income thereof, and Whereas, the said Louise W. 
Atkinson departed this life the fifth day of June, A.D. 1924, in 
the City of Detroit, State of Michigan, leaving a last will and 
testament which has been admitted to probate in the Probate Court 
for the County of Wayne and State of Michigan, and Whereas, on the 
petition of the said William A. Atkinson the said Security Trust 
Company, of Detroit, Michigan, has been duly appointed and is now 
acting as administrator of said estate with will annexed, and 
Whereas, the said William A. Atkinson is the surviving husband 

of the said Louise W. Atkinson, Deceased, and Whereas, the second 
paragraph of the said last will and testament is as follows, to-wit 

‘all funds invested in western mortgages of which I am possessed 
at the time of my decease, and all property which has been in the 
care of my mother, Julia P. Warren, of Rockford, Illinois, I give 
and bequeath to her, should she survive me, with the understanding 
that she forward to my husband, William A. Atkinson, of Detroit, 
Michigan, the sum of $750.00 quarterly, or an anntal income of 
$3000.00, as he may desire during his lifetime, so long as he shall 
remain unmarried', and Whereas, the said last will and testament 
was made by thessaid Louise W. Atkinson in view of her expectancy 
of estate from her said mother, and Whereas, the property referred 

to in said paragraph 2 in said willhad not passed to the said Louise 

W. Atkinson md is not, thereby, and therefore does not become an 

Fi Ahn Fe 


bas aensatrom ,aetor emoe meta? ,tesq tasl aressy yasm tot bas 

base moantit, .W satwol Biss edt to emsa edt mi settixrvesa tedite 
exivol bisa edd soqu bsiiso ,ytasasoen medw bas semtt ts asd 

bee taetofttva reviled bas stuoexe one ot mosnlaga por ary 
Hhentistez ,aemitd [is ts sad dud .ote oduninie keun acaselor penn 
bas eottiqvoss bas esaaitow .,e@6con bise to IIs to mofaassaog Loa 
berevifeb rever aad bas tosert qtdateawo edt dtiw bedusq seven asd 
soenitts sexrsW seivol bisa edd ot ,tostedt tteq Yas to omsa oft 
Toenitt, setisW saivod bisa sit ot asvig omit of ante next esd ted 
»W geivol bisa et ,asstedW bas ,losteds smoort edt to Holt TOG, A, 

ak ,PSOL .C.A ,oauh to Yeb detLt edt otLL atdt betrsqeh noantata 

bas Lftw tesl s yaivest ,asgisoiy to efsta..thorted to vito edt 

ted stsdord edd at etsdota. ot bettiubs aged asd doidw sromsteed 
eit so,,esexedy Dos ,magisdoly to stste bas emryeh | tO Bhd ah Ps edt ¢ tot 

taut Ytinwoen bisa sdt soamilts .A meili iv bse edt to mitites 
won ak bas betntoacgs vyiub need asd mag toh tloxted ‘to “femsgnod 


bas ,bexenme [itw dtiw ststae bisa to totsitataimbs as gnttos. 

busdesi gaivivawe oft ai moanitta .A mellliv bisa: edt, .ssetodW 
»bnoves, oft ,asetedy Sas ,beassoed ,soemitt, .W eeivod., ALAR, Off 3, 
dives awollel as, ed toomatast bas. [liv test bisa, edd to. 

‘ besbeenog tis I dotiw to pegayttom mretveew mt betaeval atasite diane 
edd mi need asd dotdw ytreqora' Ife bre ‘jeassosh Ym to Smit ond te 

“avis I ,atontiiy ,btotdooh to .mertel .4 siiet \ bite’ ch Ye’ ia? 
gutbostersiay oift Attn om ovivewe eda Biuode ,xeit of d¥'seuped bas 
ptorted Yo yoanttta A melfiiy bisdest ym oF brewror oda’ Pei? 

to emoomt Iatans ms to .yfrstretip 00.08% to! ind ett amghiont 
{Issa ed as gaol oa ,omttetit eid gititub exteob vent et as (00-0 os 
tnonistasd bus tLiw teal bisa odé sasetedy bas be ference ts 
Youstooqxs ted to welv af moeaistta WW Salved bisevadt yd ebew aaw 
“Ddetzetex Yixsqotq edt laseredw pad ,tedton bias ted mort otetue to 
eetuot bles edd ot beweeg tor bait fiw ‘bide! nt s meetye tee: MESY mk we 
fa smoosd tot aeeb srotexesdd bets cn: (tot at Bae ii aw 

in Dhee 4 ae ence hoe 

asset of said estate, and as to said section said will of 
necessity becomes inoperative, and Whereas, it is the desire 
of all parties to this contract thet the legal status of the 
parties hereto each in relation to the other shall be established, 
understood and confirmed, and for the further purpose of avdding 
any possible misunderstanding, dispute or litigation pertaining 
thereto, and further it being the wish and desire of the said 

Julia P. Warren to carry out the wishes and intent of her said 

daughter pertaining to the payment of annuity as provided for 
in and by said paragraph of said will, and further the said 
Julia Pp. Warren desiring to have proper releases of record made 
in connection with said mortgages, notes, bonds and securities 
so held by her in the name of the said Louise W. Atkinson and 

as they shall be demanded and requested from time to time by 
such persons who shall be entitled thereto to the end that 

the said Julia P. Warren may continue to handle, negotiate, 
dispose of, collect, receipt for, assign and properly trensfer 

such notes, bonds, mortgages and securities so standing in the 
name of the said Louise W. Atkinson at the time of her death and 
to make proper release of mortgages in some instances which have 
been paid prior to the death of the said Louise W. Atkinson but 
which through inadvertence have not been released, and in con- 
Sideration of the premises and of the covenants and agreements 

herein made, it is therefore agreed First; The said Julia P. 

Warren hereby agrees to carry cut the provisions of Paragrabh 
2 of said last will md testament pertaining to the payment of 
annuity to the said William A. Atkinson and to thet end she 
hereby binds herself, her heirs, executors, administrators and 
assigns. Second: The said Moses Allen Warren hereby agrees to 

carry out any instructions or directions given by will or other- 
wise by the said Julia P. Warren pertai ning to the payment of 

said annuity as provided in and by said paragraph 2 of said last 
will and testament. Third: The said William A. Atkinson agrees 
to accept the payment of annuity as herein provided in full of 
all claims, directly or indirectly, against the said Julia P. 
Warren or against her estate or for any notes, bonds, mortgages 

or other securities whatsoever which have bem or now are in the 


to [fiw bise molftose bisa ot as bas ,etstes bisa to tears 

etiaeh sit ef vi ,.asetedyW bas ,ovitatreqorni eemoosd ydteasoon 

eft to autsta [see edt tadd foerttoo eft ot eottted ffs "6 
edaildstes sd [lade tedto edd o¢ amoftefer nt dose oteted estixsq 
goibbvs to seoctug rtedirwt edd tot bese ,Seutitdos bas bdoterebat 
gaiaisiteg mottagitil to etuqatb .embbastarehavein efdteaoq {ns 
biss ed? To stfeeb bas daiw edt gnisd ti tediiwt bas ,oteredd 

Sise ted to tnetni bas aedelw edt tuo, yxrs0, ot motrey,, 7 shlay, 

tot bebivotg es ytinvans to taomysa sdt of guintstreq retdgisb 
bisa edt tsdicut bos .Iitw bisa to dgetgstsq biaa yd bas at 
she brooer to geasslet teqotq evsd of gnitised metrsW .% stint 
seitiawoes bas abaod. ,setom ,aegsgitom bisa atiw, sottosmmoo mi, 
bas soantita .W eaivod bisa edt to emen sdt ai xsd yd bled on 

yd omtt of omit mort beteeupex bas bobmsaeh od ffsde yodst as 
tadt bae oft ot oteredt beltitas od fisde osw anosteg soe 

tsttogsn ,sibasd of sunttnoo ysem mottsW .f silyl bise edt ~ 

~ et 

tatenstt ylteqotq bms mgtaas Tot tqtesss ,toelloo to ‘eeogalb 

edt ot gaotbasta oa esttinuosa Sas adgsat tom abod ,2etom ‘ove 
bas diseb red to eutt edt vs noemtsta W egisol. bisa edd to, ‘smsat, 
evet dotdw aeometent emoa at aegsyttom to easter reqetq oism ‘ot 

iw monattda a satyod bisa edt to 7 ody ow noltg ise need 

99, gh bas boase Lex seed tom eved enpetxevaess, dguordd, do tim, 

atroemeetgs | baa atasaevod edt to bas) Bon fue rg elt to aotterebta . 
1G Shiny bine ont ident beergs ototereds at ve _sebsn atered. 

ddisrgsted to exo tatvorg edit tro yTtso ot. aeoxns wsexoxt KSTISW 
to datemyeq edt of gainisiteq thomstast bias Iftw taal bse to 
eda bee tsdt ot Das sogcints oA, msi ff ty) Sise edt, ot coe 
‘bas etotetteinimbs <aTot09x9 etied tof ,tieared abaid yc ced 

of esetgs ydered certsW nellA geno bisw edt :bmooe@> ,aaglaes 

_~tedto to Ifiw yd. asvig anottosxih to enoltoyrtent yas oy aby 
to tremysq edt of anita isttod merxew .¢ BiIvt bise ett ta 

tasl bisa to & HEAERS HRT bisa yd bass bebivetq aa ytivans bisa. 

ReeTgs moaaidd es metiitw bisa AT :btidt -tromsteed bas LL se, 
te*Liut mi. bebiver. aisted: as a nae ‘to taemyeq edd tqeoos: ot, 

na. silgt btse edt: varkeys \iteetthal to! Vidootth yamisfo.tIev 
“gezeytron cebitod .Wesée yns 46% xo Otet¥s ‘ted sentage en cedtecw® 
‘oft af 938 wor to med evsd dofdw rovecatedw eettinvdse tedto To 

7 oe 
possession of the said Julia P. Warren whether in the name 

of Louise W. Atkinson or otherwise; thet he will save and keep 
harmless the said Julia P. Warren, her heirs, executors, eduinis- 
trators and assigns from any claims or effort on the part of any 
representative of the estate of Louis W. Atkinson, and it is 
further understood that the provisions and undertakings embodied 
in this contract to be kept and performed upon the part of the 
Security Trust Gompany as such administrator as hereinafter set 
forth, are and shall become his obligation so far as he shall be 
able to carry the same into effect or cause the same to be done, 
and he hereby further waives all alleged right or claim to have 
such administrator or eaeny successor to attempt by litigation or 
otherwise the recovery of any such notes, bonds, mortgages or 
other securities or other thing of value from the said Julia P, 
Warren, or from her heirs, executors, administrators or assigns 
and if he shall ever be called upon so to do, he shalljoin in 

the execution or delivery of any of the releases, conveyances, 
documents, endorsements or assignments as is herein provided to 

be made by the said Security Trust Company as is hereinafter pro- 
vided, and to the end that this contract may be carried out 
particularly as to such releases, assignments, etc., hereby 
authorizes, empowers and directs the said administrators of the 
estate of Louise W. Atkinson or any successor thereof or any 
possible trustee, to make, execute and deliver all sufficient 

and proper endorsements, assignments, Aemiikvandan, releases, deeds 
and disclaimers for the purpose of properly releasing and discharg- 
ing securities of record, cancellation of notes or other obliga- 
tions or of for the purpose of Serrecting titles in connection with 
any mortgages that now stand in the name of the said Louise W. 
Atkinson or for the purpose of conveying legal title to the same 

or any part thereof in the said Julia P. Warren or her heirs, 
executors, adwinistrators or assigns whenever the same shall be 

requested by those entitled thereto. Fourth: The said Security 

essa edj of tsdtedw astasW .¢ silo, oise alt To polamesseg 
qeez bas svea Iftw af tant josiwtesdto zo nosatg A, v oetuod. 29 
~aicimhbs ,atodposze ,atisd red ,merreW .f SifuL, oise ek pepiaxed 
yes Io trsq edt mo trotts to emtelo yas wort anpions. bas Sresest 
at tit bas ,moaniatta .W sivot to sistas eal ae ovlistneaszaer 
bothodan agoitettebas bas anole tvoxg end it bootexebias rose 

ig bf 
lt to treq eft soqy bemzotreq bas tqod. ad ot toertno0 ‘aia At 

fea teiicniexed as totsttieinimbs dove as. yeeqmod. teurt ytinuose 
6d Jisdea ust og soltsyiide,eid emooed Iisde ims, Oran gtzer 
.emab ed oF omsa ort oeus9 to tostts otal smee Sut yrtso ot ofdas 
eved ot misfo 13 ) tgs pegalis ile aevisw sedgwwt » Yderss od bas 
TO wo Btagiv tl ud tqmetts oF Towae sous oe to ‘Torstée tt inbds | dove 
* Qe pGarpes a, oof £iedh elt. aa: 

bis) aeyaysol ,ehuod: gapten dowa (ae to Gaclinsitte ‘ery ‘Ssatwredto 
“J Siig, bse sdf mort outav to gaids redo 0 aoidbauoee ae 
eigiaas to efovsitaininbs ,arotvoexe ,atied ted mort to .menteW - 
te ntoi ited ad ,.ob at os mogu bellso ed tsve {isda ed TL bas 

_ qBeomaysvaco ,asaselex ot to yma to yrsvileo a0 goktwoens, edt 
ot bebivorg ateqex ef as atmemmgiass 10 adnomenrebas yet eenmacogp 

“org nod tentored at as wxagi0 fauet vt bawoee Dish yo xe men Re 
4 Tae, £Ofaw; 
deo betxrteo od Ysut somti00 ‘aids tadé bre edt ot nF eenee 

rb te 

ydered ,.ot9 zi moun tone ssese ler dove of as italvoltzeg 
edt to etotetta tmimbe pkee eds afoot ‘Dis axemognd ‘aie seltodiue 

Vinh Weed 

"ye to toasedt toagzeqoue yas. to noantita Wh padvcol Yo setae 
tasfotttue fis" rev ifes brs odircexs orem ot estaurt | Rear 
abeeb sabagelex qanonedt haps sattaanten thie atcomastobne tegoxg bas 
~giadoath Bre giftese fox tizecotq to beogtig aitt ‘tot arolitaton sb 1 a5 
~sgiide xaite to gevor to notte! Lsonso bros to s6.ittewwes: gat 
diiw nottoennoo mt aefiis gaiteor20® Yo seoquig out toR Rs to aioe 
WW @akvold Sise edt to veman edt at baste vor tad? aeyagtrom yas 
mga adt of altis Iogel gaiyerace :to eacqtuq ‘edt tot to adentits 
atied ted to A9TLSW ~4 slit btse eft mi aenetave nat 

ed Lissa omee . gait. ‘sevenouda aagtees 0, atodsitalnimbs nodes in 
Ytitsose bisa eiT :dtcy0t otereds beititne eaodt yd anton 



oo am 
Yrust Company as such administrator hereby agrees to make, execute 
and deliver sufficient legal and proper endorsements, assignments, 
acquittances, releases, deeds, conveyances and disclaimers or other 
papers necessary to recover, distharge, assign, transfer or convey 
written evidences of obligations of indebtedness standing in the 
name of the said Louise W. Atkinson, deceased, and belonging to the 
said fund so owned, possessed and controlled by the said Julia P. 
Warren and to make necessary and proper endorsements of any note 
or obligation pertaining thereto the same to be without recourse or 
liability and without expense on its part or without expense to the 
estate of the said Louise W. Atkinson, deceased, such execution, 
endorsements and deliveries as aforesaid to be made whenever the 
seme shall be requested by the said Julia P. Warren, her lawful 
authorized agents or attorneys or her heirs, executors, administrators 
or assigns; that it will not demand of, sue for, or attempt to 
recover any of such papers or securities or to collect any proceeds 
thereof and the said Julia P. Warren, her heirs, executors, adminis- 
trators and assigns hereby agree to save and keep harmless the said 
Security Trust Company from all personal liability or obligation by 
reason thereof and shall pay the necessary fees for notaries and 
sxiveners in connection therewith." 

fhe declaration then avers that the plaintiff hes not remarried 
since the death of his former wife, Louise W. Atkinson, but has 
remained unmarried; "that prior to and at the time of the death 
of the said Louise W. atkinson and continueusly thereafter until 
the contract hereinbefore set forth was made and executed, the said 
defendant, Julia Pp. Warren, held in her possession for the said Louise 
W. atkinson a considerable number of farm loans secured by mortgages 
upon real estate, which mortgages and loans were issued to and stood 
in the name of the said Louise W. Atkinson, and which aggregated a large 

sum of money, the exact amount of which is to this plaintiff unknown, 


etwosxs oem ot avetas ydexed totettetaimbes dove as yEsqnod taut? 

einemrgingas ,etnemestobre teqotq bas Isgel tnestolttve reviled bae 

soto to atemisioeth bas asomsyevnco »abesdh (enya Boonie Lupos 
yevace To tetamsrt ,muieas ,egueftoarh ,rsvoosx of vrsensoen ateqsa 
edt mi gtibrsts seembetdebut to eamottagiido to eonshive note haw 
ens of yrignolied baa ,bseasso95 ,coenidtv, .W seatvol bisa edt to emest 
«Tt siiut bise eit yd bellortnoo bas beasseaog henwo ce baw bise 
eton yas to atnemeaxobms teqotq bas yiseaeoen exam ot bas “ners 
TO SBIVODST ouinentalel ed of enmsa sit otetedt PALHCOP ENE mottagtide x0 

edt ot eaneaxs Saceatt det to tisq ati mo semeqxs suodtew bna Wittostt 

wtoktwosxe dova ,bsaesoob ,moantata .W 98 tyod hike oat Se whabes 

edt nevensdy sham od oft bhaeatp hs as asizevileb ins “ataensetobae 

trie ad 
Iutwsl cai ~TSITsAy .F silent bisa edt yd betaoupet od Ilede ome ~ 

atotstta teins aTosNoOKS ~atfed ted xo svertodds ©0 etasgs seesaaiek 
ot tqnetis to ,tot eva ,to bosmeb ton fItw #t dant jangisas “to 

abesoota yms toelloo ot to aettinyeee to arsqsq dove to vas zevooes 

~atnishe arotsooxs vation ted mors «ff shist bisa odd Bak ise 


bisa ede eaoLnrad qeex bas eves ot setae yde 1981 angteas bits “aroter? 

odd vet eae wet 
ud netting hide no yttlidsil Isnoatsg Ils mozt Yasqmo deus? vwitwoee 
ef a mt at hoy 
bas aoisaton 62 aeek YEseE Sem ost wea ifede a gs toe tedé fone 
s- to 7 E t bax > << 

* dg tweneds aottosanoo, ait ST 

beittenet tort asd tiitvelelg edd taft areve nods noigers loeb Py 

asi turd ostaga .W paivod ohin romno2 aii ve? Agana, edt. 9 ots 

hy deer edt To omiv edd ts bas ot bate, | tana ibe be xas Senisnet 
$ 3 ae oe ey BBS Meh a 

iP fs 

I its rothsonedd Yiasrasmtsso9 , bas foantats W eeiod bisa A to 


bisa ouit .betuoexe bas eben ecw déxo% tox exotedatozed soaxsnco exit } 

THNCS part 

gaivol Diss edt xot fo tapsasog. ted ong bles aecmeW nd BLL nt 

aegegixon yd betvoee sasol met to xodimun sidstebtanoo 2. Honest, 0 
foots bus 9% bewaal stew assoL bets eaguizon 4 Ao tetw cistes Iss 

OSE 4 iy falPtoaeY . sada y ‘ olPitae bs ead” edt: «tis dapire We 


Gh Ue 


but he believes and on belief here states the fact to be that such 
farm mortgages and loans amounted to at least {40,000.00 or $50,000.00; 
that prior to and at the time of the death of the said Louise W. 
Atkinson, she, the said Louise W. Atkinson, held the legal title 

to saidnortgages and loans, and that she, the said Louise W. 
Atkinson, believed and claimed that said mortgages and loans be- 
longed to her and that her mother was merely holding possession of 
them for her; that after the death of the said Louise ¥. Atkinson 
and the appointment of the said Security Trust Company as aduinistra- 
tor of her estate with the will annexed, the plaintiff herein and the 
said Security Trust Company es such administrator believed and in 
good faith claimed that said mortgages and loans formed a part of 

the estate of the said Louise W. Atkinson, deceased; that said 
Security Trust Company, after its appointment 2s such administrator 
and shortly prior to the making of the contract hereinbefore set 
forth, planned and was about to institu and prosecute action 

against the said Julia Pp. Warren for the recovery of said securities 
as 2a part of the estate of the said Louise W. Atkinson, deceased, 

of all of which matters and facts the said Julia BP. Warren, had 

full knowledge and notice." 

The declaration further averred "thet immediately upon the 
making of said contract, the parties thereto entered upon the per=- 
formance thereof; that the plaintiff and the Security Trust Company, 
a Michigan corporation, acting as administrator with will annexed of 
Louise W. Atkinson, deceased, have and each of them has fully and 
completely complied.with and performed all of the terms and provi- 
sions of said contract which, by the terme thereof, they or either 
of them were required to comply with and perform; that the defendant 
Julia P. Warren, is still living; that in accordance with the terms 
and provisions of said contract, the defendent, Julia P. Warren, be- 
came and was obligated to pay to the pleintiff, William A. Atkinson, 
the sum of $750.00 quarterly, or at the end of each and every three 

months; that the said defendant, Julia Pp. Warren, did from the time 

a | 
doua tedd ad ot tosl sid aststa ered tetied movbms asvebied em tud 

700.000, 06% zo 00.000,080 tusef ¢s ot betavoms ansol bas» asgsgteom mtst 
.W satvol bisa edt to dtseb sit to omit edt oa ors of softg tadt 
elsit Legel edt bled, .woamttv, .W satvod. bise oft. 4edea, moentdta 

-Vi salpel bise edt ,eda ssdt bas ,aasol bas. sagesttonbise ov 

~ed ansol ons aegegtitom bisa tad? bentsio bas bevetied amoanlnsa 

to metesseeoq yaibfon ylerem asw redtow rad tent Ons. ged,o¢ Sogaol 
soenttts..V¥ setvod bisa edt Yo dtseb edt retts gent, ;red sot med? 
~etiaiaiube as yasqnod tautt ytitook Sise oct to taeatatoggs ed? bas 
edt bas gisied Tittsielg sct ,bexenos Illw edd dtiw atsdae tod to tod 
at bas Hevaties setentatetads dose as yersqmod 4 teu? Ve ftseeek ,>tse 

‘to ersq 8S Demrot ensol bas eegegtzom bisa tedt bemts fo trots bere 
bise tact jbeassoeh oarttta W salvo bSae Lad x0 stetee © out 

-% on Se ee ee a 

rotyttatatmbs dowe as tremtatoqas ave rotts eaacued tout Dis homie 

Ce Le: 

vos erotedniexsd tostéaoo edt to astian ett ot notse wtaode | ad 
a i 

fnottos eturoeaoxa bas dus ident ot tuods aaw bas Po trot 
@ VRS ZevVeass 
asiiiwoes bisa to ‘re yooes edt rok hdd 4 abist Adam om: aentans 

beaseoe Hoar ixit a W pot bites ‘eu ie evates edt to tzsq 8 88 
bad metta «4 atiut bise eat adaa? bas ovestam dolite to. Ila, te 
oth ge , i .ontton, bite ‘sabefwonst itu . 
add soqu visits tbewmt tedsu boxzeva’ sodduut noitsze loeb ody 3 | 
~roq edt nog betstae ofered? dettusq eat ,toatéaco bisa to yaften ; 
yaTsquod teux? yituvoss edd bas tittaisle edt tert oorony sonsnto2 ; 

to bexesing (liv dtiw votsutetdinbs es gattos ,nettstoqros ad 

bre yitut sad vest to dose baa eved ,benasool moemttta .W epdnic 

-fvorg bas aiuret edt to Irs pemrotteq bes ddtw. betfqnos YLeteLquoo 
“sett io xO yet , tested? pated sat yd .dottw ‘fostdies bisa ‘to. anole 
ate tasbooteh edt ted? ymrotreq bas déiw YIqnon ot bot tvpe®) ere medi to | 
 guered edd ddiw eonshtooos ni tedé pentvit [ffte ek ‘aot TeW Ge ALot ‘ 
aed yrottsy .¢ sflvt  tusbitsteh edd) tostitadd bise to biotatvorg ‘bas MM 
tad ower Eat A oA manEREW: (Thitmtslg edd oF Yog oF bedegtido asw bas onal 
 eondt Yasve | bas dose. (to bne sd?) ta: to so (qizetsaup 00, 089% to awa ott hy 
Sud edt most Hb .moxzsH .¢ stivt ,dmabme teb bisa edt tat sttnen a 



of the execution of said contract until the quarterly payment 

which fell due December 5, 1931, pay to the said plaintiff, William 

A. Atkinson, all of said quarterly payments; that prior to the com 
mencement of this suit there became due and payable according to 

the terms and provisions of said contract from the said defendant 

to the said plaintiff a quarterly payment of $750.00 on December 5, 
1931, a quarterly payment of $750.00 on March 5, 1932, and a quarterly 
payment of $750.00 on June 5, 1932, making a total of $2250.00; that 
neither the defendant, nor eny one for her, has paid any part or 
portion of said three quarterly payments aggregating $2250.00, except 
only the swa of $250.00, which was paid by the said defendant to the 
plaintiff on January 11, 1932, leaving a balance unpaid of $2000.00 

at the time this suit was instituted; that in accordance with the terms 
and provisions of said contract and prior to the commencement of this 
suit, the defendant, Julia Pp. Warren, became end was liable to pay to 
the defendant the said principal sum of $2,000.00, and is further 
liable to pay to the plaintiff interest at the lawful rate of 5% on 
each of said quarterly payments from the dete the same became due, until 
paic.* fhe declaration concludes in the usual form, alleging a 
Failure of the defendant to pay to the plaintiff the sum due him or 
any part thereof, and lays the damages which plaintiff has sustained 
at $3,000.00. 

It is the contention of appellant that the averments of this 
declaration disclose that appellee never had any right to have paid 
to him an annuity of $3,000.00 or any part thereof, that appelleets 
promise to give releases was an agreement to do what the estate of 
Louise ¥. Atkinson was bound to do and therefore no consideration 
passed from appellee to appellant to support appellant's promise to 
pay this annuity as appellee's promises were of no real value or 
benefit to appellant. 

On behalf of appellee it is insisted that the averments of the 

declaration disclose a sufficient legal consideration passing from 

tromyer vitetasep sd Creo foartaoe bise to’ roltyoexe | ont ‘to 
meiir in .titdietelq bles edt ot yeq (£8@L Ve tedmsost exh Let dobitw 
~“oo eft ot toitg isdt ;etesifysq yinetesup bisa to its moerdita’ iar 
ot gribtooce aldsysec brs sub emeosd ererit dive efi Yo teenbonen 
txsbroted bisa ext novt dosttaoo bise to anolalvord bas’ emt sxe 
<2 tSdugosd no 00.08% to taomysq yivetrsup 6 THYNESLG bisa ‘ene oF 
ylverrsop ¢ bas ,S8@L .2 sors Ho OOLORTH to tromyed ylreetebp's Yieer 
ted? ;00.088S# to Ietot s ynistsm .SSCl .@ emit mo OO.L0aNG YO Snemysd 

xo tis¢ yas Sisq esd .ted tot amo Ys rom .insbneteb edt rect ter 

dqboxs ,00.0888¢ grivsgoteygs atmemysq yIretraip said ise to nomtted 
edt of titshmeteh bisa edt yd bisq asw doldw ,O0.08S@ ‘to mma ei yin 
00.0008# to htaqmr somsisd s sWtveel (Seer LF vrsiisy oo Witnhere 
amret odd tiv sonabronns wt tent jbetuttient saw thie “etnd ety ety v8 
atd? to taomeoremuon oft of tole bre tosttdco Sieve Yd sive Radvotclg he 
ot ys¢ Ot Sfdstf saw bes ensded ymerraw V¢ stint ,fnabre tes ent (eine 
tedtiwt at bas ,09.000,88 to me Leqtonttg Sithe sift tusbasteh edt 

mo R@ to etst Intwsf sat ts testetal Ttttnbele edt oF yeq ot ‘eldstr 
lita ,emb 6 taser emsa edt atsb eff mott stremysa Ylxetrasp bina %o dose 
se gtinefis .wtot fever ett of dehelonds adtssaloes eat” ".518q 

to vifd seb mua ect ttitatelq edt of Ysa dd daabre ted oad to etn tis? 
bentedeua eed anienan: votdw aogamsb ont aval baa lostedd f28q was 

PS FREE eR » | (00, 000,88 ts 

. gind Yo atmemrevs sit todd tnalleces Yo Hetadtnes ene abeepo ss 
“bise evad oF ‘tugs yor bad taver séilsoqs tadd seolowtd nd tedslood 
ates Fisaqs eteit ,teareds seeq “YaS” ‘xO 00.900,88 te “ed iste ‘eel nadvod 

‘So otdred’ eit deaw'on oe ‘dromestgs’ ‘as esw agetslet avis ot éainore 

‘foitstehtamco om eréteedt bas ob ot awed Baw mtoamitda.W ne By 

oot eaincre attmetieqas ftocdea of Haslfends ét ahanaides “ 
ait aie 3 aie Iket ‘on to etew ‘ebathoty vibe as yt 
| re TE ee cpasccedaenel | 
it 0° ‘Boneandvs ed todd bodetadt af tt esfleqqe: tot s fled re 

meet sh sonaaest nobsexsbteneo Sse teenie ste iansaty n r: haw 96h 


appellee to sustain appellant's promise to pay the annuity as the 
agreement which forms the basis of this action wes a family settle- 
ment contract which the courts favor. 

Among other things, the declaration charged and the demurrer 
admitted that in February 1925 appellant, her son Moses Allen Warren, 
appelles and the administrator with the will snnexed of Louise YW. 
Atkinson, deceased, executed a written instrument which recited that 
the reason for its execution was the desire of the parties thereto to 
have the legal status of the parties each in relation to the other 
established, understood and confirmed and for the further purpose of 
avoiding any possible misunderstanding, dispute or litigation per- 
taining thereto; that it was the desire of appellant to pay appellee 
the annuity provided in her daughter's will and her desire also to 
procure releases of mortgages which she owned, but which had been 
taken in the name of her deceased daughter; that appellee is the 
surviving husband of Louise W. Atkinson and that prior to her death, 
her mother, appellant herein, had a considerable sum of money in- 
vested, the amounts thereof being evidencedby notes, mortgages and 
securities taken in the name of her daughter LouiseW. Atkinson: 
that when called upyto do so, Louise would execute proper releases 
or assignments thereof, but thet at all times appellant retained 
possession of the evidences of such indebtedness and never parted with 
the ownership thereof, although appellant did at various times give 
her daughter a portion of the income therefrom: that Louise died 
testate on June Sth, 1924; that the second paragraph of her will be- 
queathed to her mother certain property, with the understanding that 
her mother pay appellee an annuity of $3,000.00 go long as he shall 
remain unmarried: that Louise did not own the property which she sought 
to dispose of in the second paragraph of her will and said paragraph 
therefore became inoperative: that appellant nevertheless desired to 
carry out the wishes of her daughter and obligated herself to pay 
appellee $3,000.00 per year as long as he should remain unmarried. In 

consideration of this promise, appellee agreed to accept said sum in 

est as ytiungs edt yso ot gatmorc a'tasileqqs. atstave of eslleqgs 
~olitvee ylimet « asw moites aldé to alesd edt amrot dotdw tmemetgs 
stovel afivoo siv foidw tostisog saem 

Terie) edt Dae beytedo softetsloed edt ,egaidt rsddo gaoma _ 
eretrsi mella esac moa tod ,tasifeqgs a8@L yrsuidsy at tedt bedtinbs 
W saivol to. boxenas [ftw edd dt kw totettatainhs ent bas selleqgs 
tedd betloat doidw tsentritant aettiiw © betuoexe .deeseged ,noantita 
ot otetedt asitiseg old to etiseb edt asw coitwoexe ati tot soaser edit 
todto adit o¢ goivetst si dose setizseg et to antsta Leget edt eved 
to seoqysg tedduwt edt rot Das bermttaco bas bootaxehay deteiidstas 
-IS¢ motes tttt to etscatp attbneterebasvata aldiaseq yas gatbtovs 
eelleqgs ean ot dusileqgs to ettash ony 2ew tk tot joteredd gainiss 
of coals etiash ued bos Iitw ea'tetdgush ted wt bebivetq \tinans edt 
need bed doidw tud ,benwo eile doidw eegsys 10m. to peaselet exugorg 

ent al valisqqs tsdd :teddgush beassoeh ted to emem edt mt aoisd 

eitseb wed of roltg tedé doe moenidta .W eatwol to baedaud gatviviwe 
aed Yettom zo ause eidaneh tases & bed  .wieted taslleqcs etedtom xed 
Das wegegiiom ,aston ydbesnebive gated Tostedt atogroma oat osbetasy 
snoantttA .Wwuiwol tetdgueb 19d to ome oft at sodst aeitiquess 

esaselot teqotg stvosxe biyow satvod ,oa ob odmay beliso sedw tent 

heniste: tnalleqgs semis Ils ts tedif, tad stoetedd atnoungtass: to 
ddiw betisg tevex bas srembetdehat coue to asomebive edt to Solepeseog 

evig aemit avyoirav ts bib taalleqqs Aguodi{[s ,tostedt qtdatemwo ede 
belb oaivod ted¢ ;moketedt smogat ent to cottmeq  tedigusd aed 

~od Ii tw sai to dqatgstsq boooer eff tadt ;dSGl dt enw, a0, adepues 
tedt anibastetebay edt ad fw a¥ixeqorg statreo : itor xed ot bs a tlh Sher 

Ilse, ed aa geol oa 00,000,5% to yeiinnas os en siis Yaq, ean: , 

 tigwos eda cotde, wtxeqozg edt owe tom DL eatuod tarts abeds . puts aire 

“Yag of teased betsgtido bre rtetidgusb, test, ve BOS 

E bedenseau, atin hivota ed es gaol as rey Od, 00,000.89 aalieque 

ai mise bisa tqeons of beergs selleqqs ,eetmonq elit to noktaxebiemoo 

pa. ey 

full of all claims against appellant or her estate and agreed that 
he would save and keep appellant and her estate harmless from any 
claims, or effort on the part of the representative of the estate 
of his deceased wife to assert a claim against her or her estate 
and he himself waived any right to have the representative of his 
wife's estate, attempt to recover from apellant or her estate any- 
thing of value; that if ever called upon to do go, he would join in 
the execution or delivery of any of the releases, conveyances, 
endorsements or documents as the agreement provides shall be executed 
by the representative of his wife's estate, and by the instrument he 
expressly directs said representative to execute to those entitled 
thereto, whenever requested, such instruments in connection with any 
mortgages that stand in the name of Louise W. Atkinson. 

From the foregoing, it is apparent that when this agreement 
was executed in February, 1925, following the death of appellant's 
daughter in June, 1924, nothing of value passed from appellee to 
support appellant's promise to pay this annuity. Appellee recognized 
that appellant took nothing by the will of his deceased wife, as the 
bequest to appellant by her daughter was made because Louise expected 
to receive an estate from her mother, but this expectation was not 
fulfilled and the property which she bequeathed her mother never be- 
came an asset of Louise's estate and therefore the provision for her 
mother became inoperative. Appellee insists, however, that the legal 
title to the notes and mortgages was never vested in appellant, as 
Louise was the payee in the several notes and the mortgagee in the 
several mortgages and therefore she became vested with the legal title 
in her lifetime andupon her death, by operation of law, title thereto 
became vested in her administrator with the will annexed. This may 
be true, but in February, 1925, over his own signature, appellee 
recognized that these notes and mortgages were not assets of his wife's 
estate. By that agreement he never claimed they were. He conceded 
they belonged to appellant and only obligated himself to join in the 

execution or delivery of any releases or documents which the agreement 

@ Orr). 1s 

~@> i 
tedt beotgs bak atatas ted to tasiloages deniags aatake bie. to sua 
Ys mort essluxsd etstace ten bas tnalleqgs ase Das, eves dalton, ea 
etstae sdv to evitsinsasiget add to dusq edt no protte,.co autelo. 
efateae ted 10 red ¢aniegs atelo & d1eges of etiw beaseoeh ali to 
aid te svitsiaseciger edt ovat o¢ trigiq wis bevyisw tleamtd ed bas 
“yas stsise tsi to tuslisaes mott tevoest ot tqmetts ,etstes.s'eiiw 
of ateg SLuow ad .oa eb ot goqu heilso teve ii cadt. ,eulav to gaidé 
aeonsyevnoo ,asassieyt afd to yas te yxevilsh to .pottugexs edt 
betuoexe of [iste gadtverq tmemetys edd as,admsupetobas 
sa tooowtvert odd yo Sas .etetae a'etiw ain To evitedageeiqer ect yd 
belti¢as esodt of stwooxe of evitsineaotget bise atoerlh vlaeeiqxs 
yse dtiw aoitoenses ai atnesustant dove ,betaeupey tevemedw,cteredt 
sMoanitts .W eatvel to emad ed? mi baste tadt eegeytrom 
dasmesrgs eivt nedy Jedd saetaggs al Ji ,yatogeto? edt mort, AN 
attnslisyqs to dtseb ect gubdwolfot ,@6@L ,yiswidey, at betuoexe asw ) 
et eslieqcs mott beaesq sulev to yoidtom ,.bSsel emt, at retdguah 
hesimgooez selieqgsA .Yeiuuns atdd ysq of eatuotg ettaetleqgs, tzoqgue 
edt es .siiw beessoeb aid to {[iiw.edt yd gaidion #ood taal legga,. tadt 
betoecxe satved eusoed sham eaw teddavab ted yd daslleggs o¢ taeuped 
ton aew ooltstoegus sidt tud .rediam tod aor states as evtenss ot 
-od reves tontom ted Wedtseuped eda doidw yttoqorg, edt bas beltstiyt 
ted t9% ooleivotq ed¢ sxotersdd bas etstae.e'gaiual to deans 8 oma , 
isgei sda seit ,sevewod ,adetant gelleqgs —.evitstsgont omsoed xeétom | 
as ,tusilegge si betaev sevec asw aegsgtiom bas agton oct of olttt 
oft mi eegsyitom edi bas satos Lareyse edd at sexed ode aan saived 
eltit) Isgel eds diiw besaey emsosd ofa arotereijdd as, oBsyt TOM, Late ypR 
otetedt sitit wal to aoltexsqo yd ,fvseb ted soci as ouvert tent gt a 
Nem aid? .bexeacs, [fby edt. ditw rosetta diimbs. ted, St pedaey SULBIS 
seliscgs ,oxudemgis mmo aid tevo .88eL auxsuxdet, wh, canted 
stetiw afd to eveees tog, etew aegsgiton bag. aston paeat,, teat. ; 

Dapeonoe Of, . Pte, Yoct, Pamisio. raves. ed trousers, tad. Fist atate, 
edt at tol of Beenid Seteziido vine bas, taslfeqas, ¢ 


provides shall be executed by the representative of his wife's 
estate. At the time this agreement was made, our statute, 
(Cahill Ill. Rev. Stat. Chap. 95, Sec. 11),provided that any 
party aggrieved could recover a penalty against a mortgagee 
or his administrator who s oulé, knowing that the debt secured 
by the mortgage had been paid, refuse to release the same of record. 

Appellee, however, calls our attention to the further ellega- 
tions of the amended declaration which allege that prior to the 
time of the death of Louise W. Atkinson, she believed and claimed 
that said mortgage loans belonged to her and that her mohher was 
merely holding possession of them for her anc that after her death, 
appellee and the administrator of her estate believed and in good 
faith claimed that said mortgages and loans formed a part of her 
estate and that said aduinistrator shortly prior to the execution 
of the contract in February, 1925 planned and was about to institute 
and prosecute an action against appellant for the recovery of said 
securities as a part of the estate of said Louise WY. Atkinson, and 
insists that under the authorities this agreement was a family 
settlement contract and that its provisions terminated an honest 
controversy between members of a family and that such a termination 
is in iteelf a sufficient consideration to support the promises con- 
tained in the agreement. The case of Woodall v. Peden, 274 T1ll. 301 
is cited and relied upon as sustaining this contention. It is said 
in that case that a compromise of a doubtful right is sufficient 
consideration for a conveyance, but that if 2 party knows or ought 
$o know that a claim which is compromised has no foundation whatever 
and cannot be enforced upon any state of proof, either in law or 
equity, it furnishes no consideration for a conveyance of land and 
there is nothing in the nature of a compromise where the claim made 
is one which could not be enforced under any state of proof. In 12 
Q@.J., 316, it is stated that conflicting claims are essential to 
the validity of a compromise. At the time this agreement was made 

if there were honest controversies between members of this family, 

donee atdd to eredmen reewted t sabipibevitis ‘Seonod oxow exout it te 

e'etiw ald to evitstnsxetqer edd yd betuooxe od Iiede septvoxg 
stutets two ,ebsm saw SHomeotze aldt omit oii¢ th evstoe 

ure tedt bebivote,. (ff .o88 .8@ .qend .dete .vem . itr ri tite ) 

eézeygitom s tentsss YeIetteq s tévo0st Aitoo bevebtgas \ineg 

hexose fdeb ett tedt gatwort .bfu0u ow votortekabinbs Bia x6 

.DLOdSt To smas odd sassler of Sawtox .bisc need bak ogsgetom oat yd 

~mpgelia veddtut edt of axottostts two. affao rovewoul jeetiegaa 
sit of role sont eyolls doLiw aottaesloed Seomems edt Yo Behold 
beubsto ons bevelled eda yhoeatatA .y oatwot to dtaeh 6ad°46 omtt 
@sw xodton tei teit bas tet of begholéd ansol egsyiton Biss tadé 
yitesh ted tetts tadt bos ted tot medd to aotvassadg ‘garth tod qtéxent 
‘hoog ff Bis bevelled states add to roverterctubs “edd bas settoqgs 
ged to tusq s bemrot anaol bas segcatton Hise got Bembeto bist 
mottvoexns eit of totvh vfétcite todstisintabs Sise hdd Bad Ohadae 
etutivent ot tvods ssw bas bennefq e8el ,ytevtdey ak tosvintl “s dé te 

bise to vrevoost eft rot tusflecas vatiins ro ttos ‘gs eduoeaorg ons 

bas couch, ww eetsot bisa to evatee edd to tisd’s as aeft trvoes 
<fimst s eaw tremesays aft eetyriodéus edt rebiir tart efatent 
* faewod ws Hitentiret anotatverg ati tant bus tosténoo ‘tnemelties 

“foltsrturs? s doun fent bas YLbast s to atedmew aeawted yarevortmos 

-n00 asetinote ent troqcita of ‘Nottstebtanoo the lotttie ‘se ‘Yidee! nt ot 
LOS .EfT AVS .nebed .+ ELeboow to skao ovr | JSiemeergs one af Hewks¥ 
bise et $Y .noftnstnod efit gointséava os mode better boa betio ak 
teefoittve af Sdyix Cu'ttdvob s To ou tuo%e09 ry Fait 9889 tedt at 
fiigue xo ewok Yorsq # LE oN Hy leomeyevaoo & Zot nottarebisaco 
revedadw cotisboset om ast beatmoranoo af dobdw wists 8 todd wont of 
zo wal wt vexitte ,Yootq to stata rns noqy beoxotne ed Poanso bie’ 
bas bast to edmayovsoo & 6% nolvevebhtande on setaiaa? +r tide? 
ebam tisfo elt etsdw sa imoxtneo s Yo sxutee Sad mt gaidton at ered 

SL oI stoorq to stata ynk sebaw beordtne ef tom bluoo “dothw' emo ef et 

‘of Isttcends oxa entalo grivetltmos tedd botsta ef ¢F (8Le ,.%.0 
Sham asw tnonesxga obit entd ete HA” eetmoxques = 20 wibnay ent 

vinga lon «an lo embers oat % ee 



the contract itself does not disclose what they were, and it is 
this contract which forms the basis of this action. It recited 
that the securities therein mentioned had always belonged to 
appellant and appellee knew it. For him now to be permitted to 
insist that he, at that time believed, and in good faith claimed, 
that these securities formed a part of his wife's estate and that 
prior to the time of his wife's death she believed and claimed thet 
these securities belonged to her would be to permit him to assume 
an inconsistent position and such averments are repugnent to and 
contradictory of the provisions of the contract itself. 

In our opinion the trial court erred in overruling the 
demurrer to the amended declaration and the judgment is therefore 
reversed and the cguse remanded with directions to sustain the 


4 ee a 
seks’ i At a ie 
ai #f bas .ovew Yed? ¥Adw @sofoatd von aoo8 aioeds eth 
bettos: #1 .aoltod aiid to alead eds ewrot Motdw toansaoo 

; ea f 
ot begnoled eyswis bad benoitaem atetedé ‘salt coane: od Rie 
vi atsbdeegite ed 6¢ wor mtd tot ti werl eet toaes btaie @ 

Sade Das etstes elotiw eld fe #taq | £ benzo? sobtaavosa ‘esods oe | 

‘ded¥ Neutato fas beveited oda déseb atetiw wis Yo omet odd ‘ot otra 

: fi emssas of mid timteq of ed biuow ted of hagnoled ‘seit ttuooe Veade 
‘bas of reer ets atnemisvs dove bas pester gre oa 

he d visve 
ey edt agniisrtevo at bette txusoo Isizd ed moimtgo 0 sd a“ 
eroteredd al éaomgby edd bas mottersfoeb bebnems ‘ett ot x ‘xerx mb 
hako pa rhs : i 
edt ntstesa of anoitosthbh atiw araarnp de oauso oat | bra bea : i’ 

ite) 4 Pt : : ec’ % BAY Brel atad 
fab tetas | “oxime 

scale ella JeMOTTORTIG HTIW CHCWAMEH Cita “witdhnedlonll 2 
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Ob te sant ian : . 
ah he ' : . 4 nts yewiae + ie “ onl 
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tee ot vette elie ayaa wld wi 3 7 nid | 
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SECOND DISTRICT fs I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause, 

of record in my office. 
In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

Appellate Court, at Ottawa, this day of 

in the year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 
(73815—5M—3-32) $807 

as - at ee gia aR 
F on: 
an? ‘ F ah en eee oe 9 88 u/ Nolan Pts) 
SPS Les . ae we ae it, oft ei oy ‘ 
oe aba . ee $e 
~ at) cae a bait Ze 4 alia | 
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r ie ea } a ss a 
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ar ? 73 Saw mi nthe ad to 469 Konus HOt i estes 
[ ae Yow ob: Yoxjadt fo? has ebons od te suas alt fanny cates 
; < is boiittzs » prod wl i ati ti0 aio ‘bie eat cy re 
ee De 2 Ha 
a + Je I armen us 

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a) sete one erpae e ni 

saat) vanes sat re oo 


Shue 5 ie 

eran ae 



Begun and held at Ottawa, on Tuesday, the /2izth/ aay of 
the year of our Lord one thousand nine mundrsaeend thirty-five, 
within and for the Second District of the State of Jiiinois: 

Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 

Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 
Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 

RALPH H. DESPER, Span < 9 if A 64. ay 4 
olihe ¢ 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 
MAR 22 1935 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 
Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 

pe Up. = he AR ae (,aBeectT Ao. \ewedto ta bhest hi 
‘ ; : . 
\l-git dv too Leihacd sala Soaspods enc biod 350 Fa ree: 
i ‘ 1 : => ban, HOS 
‘sigmts !* to eget? ed’ te toingveld Dapeed ear Tor 
eotlay) gatblsety 2 aeOw 8 aaa ROE'S 
poles wctoe A WiTRWAREL . 
oottaotl ,WARTioR AL Ada. 
: 9) href MOZMROE ailzei 

¥ OT Ces, ATS Rea 

" tna WP HEE 2) ee Sy 

yee 3 
_ a. es 

_sbrawte sta tags” 

ng. itiw-o? 



February Term, A. D. 1935. 





a St Nh Sa ge eh 


On August S3lst, 1929, the parties hereto entered into a 
written lease by the provisions of which appellant leased certain 
business property in the City of Monmouth to appellee for a period 
of five years from August 31, 1929 at a stipulated monthly rental 
of $175.00 per month, payable in advance. On June 3, 1953 by vir- 
tue of a power of attorney therein, a judgment by confession was 
rendered by the Circuit Court of Warren County in favor of appellant 
and against appellee for $1267.25, which included the sum @& $250.00 
attorney fees. Subsequently this judgment was opened up and leave 
granted appellee to plead. Pleas were filed, a trial had before a 
jury which returned a verdict in favor of appellee, upon which judg- 

ment was rendered and the record is before this court for review 

by appeal. 




aHT ai 

,8b@L «0 oA ~wreT Yisstdet 


Vay ai . 


( ,tnalleggs *. 

{ : og Tae 


( AAT 2 HL 


( -selfloqga “ek eae 

4% ,avoa. 
8 otnt betetne oteted eeitreg oft ,e8eL ,talé ens te , os 

aisttes beasel tnslleqcs dotdw to amotelivot odt yd easel. neve ten 
botvec s tot eelleqqs ot divomnoM to WIO eft af Yiateqor¢q aroniasd 
Istnert yidinom Setsiyqita sa ta eCSeL .[& tewnnA mort atsey evit to 
“tiv yd G€eL ,€ enut oO .sonevbs at eldsysq ,déaom teq o0.aNse 10 
esw tolteastaoo yd toompbyt a ,mtotedt yentotts to tewoq s to out 
tnsileqqs to tovat ak ytavod merts¥ to ¢1y0) tisorto ont xd botebnet 
00,088¢ D mre oft Sebulont doidw ,38.Veslsé rot eelleqqs taniegs hoo 
svsel bes qu Seneqo eaw tnompbhut aitdt ylimespeedwe  .aeet yeatodss 
8 etoted bed [sins s ,beLit etew aseli .bsela ot eslleags soamers 
-shuj, dotdw moqw ,eelleqgs to tovst at tolbitev s boamtet so tet ‘ 

Aecording to the bill of particulars filed by appellant 
on January 12, 1934, his claim is for rent of the premises for 
the twelve month period beginning July 1, 1932 and ending June 
30, 1933 at $175.00 per month, aggregating $2100.00, less a cash 
eredit of $592.25 and a further credit of 325.00 for a cow, leav= 
ing a balance of $1482.78 due him, exclusive of attorney fees. 

His testimony on direct examination was that appellee paid $175.00 
per month until July 1, 1932 and then $150.00 for a while, and 
later at various times paid $75.00, which appellant accented on 

According to the testimony of appellee, he and appellant 
had a conversation in the early part of July 1952, in which 
appellee stated to appellant that times were tough, that he was not 
taking in any money, and that if appellant wanted appellee to get 
out of his building, he, appellee, would do so. After some dis- 
cussion, appellant asked appellee what he would be willing to do 
and remain in the building, to which appellew replied: "I will pay 
you $75.90 a month from now on as lons as I stay in the building, 
and I will get out any time you want me to. Fo this appellant 
stated: "You give me $75.00 and that is 0. K." There was some 
further conversation, appellee stating to appellant that there was 
a little back rent, but he, appellee, was in no position to pay it, 
that as appellant was indebted to appellee for some wrk appellee 
had done for him, the mutual accounts were, as appellee exmressed 
it, "seratched off". This testimony of appellee was corroborated 
to some extent by the testimony of Melvin Parker, his employee. 
Appellant denied that there was ever any talk about reducing the 
rent to $75.00 per month. He admitted, however, receiving the 

cheeks hereinafter referred to, but testified that those checks 




‘, oz 
ae ae 

a ee 

vas ligdas yd be Ltt etaiwoltisq to [{td edd of BaEDTOODA aD fe 
0% seatnes¢ eid to taet tot eft mislo ald ,sbeL ,8f yrevasl ao 
ont gaibne bas Svel ,L£ vist satintsed bolteq ddnom ‘eviowt oat 
deso s aeel ,00.00fs% satteadiags ,dtaom req 00.8TL¢ ts Sel 08 
-vsel 109 £8 tot 00,4a8% to 3 Lbeze tediust s bas @&.8@é$ to $tboro 
<eeot yontotts to eviawioxs mid ev5 SY.S8alt to sonsisd B yak 
00.8°L% bisd ceffeqes teit enw solteatmexs tootlh mo Yromitaed ett 
Sra elkiw 8 tot 00,08.L¢ tedt bas S8eL ,L ylw. Lite désom 2 

Seana ee 

“fo Betqesos tusileqqs dotdw ,00.é%G bieq eemts: euoltsy ds tete . 

tasifeces bas of ,oelfeqqs to yYnomiveos eft of grthtoo0s — 
doldw mi ,SECL ylwl to tueq Ylrs6 edt at IN i 
toa bahar ed tedt ,davot erew aomit tad taosilecgs ot aan 
ten of eolleqas beiaew taatleccs TL ted¢ bits \yysetom Yue ab antist 
-2ib emba settA .oa ob biwow ,eellegga ,od . ssazeiud etd to.tup 
of ot satiiiw sd Sivow eX tedw eellecqs bexes vasileqgs _modeaue 
Yeq Iiiw I’ rhettoor iSeffedoe dotdw ‘ot «(rtd Lhd exif ot alsnot igs 
qnlilted edt of yeve T ab enol es) Ro wom mot? dined 00.019 hoe 
“¢nalisoge etdt of vo ov ont deter voy omit Yas fo Fox. rte ba 
‘eRe Bsw wnat ".N .0 af ¢edd bas 00.809 om evi wor" “hets 
waw otedt ted’ tuslifeece of Bnitsre oellécce sito rnatee i dh ape 
wl Yer oF Molt icog on at esw ,eslleqge od tud \tnor' aosd elas Bw + 
‘eellfeqos Awor embe zOT eelleqga od betdebat asw tankcock a ae tat 
heeas exe seileg¢s as ,etew etayooos Tautun. oft. mtd To exo wot 
‘hetetotorws ssw eolleccs to Ynomiteot ent oe PTO. bowtoe ene 
' ,eeyelems eft, reteed! AlviloM to Ytomi seed edt veh) Sted xe omoe at 
edt artorbet tyods Alet yap “eve eaw eterty ‘taut’ Botneb 
‘ett grivieoet ,tevewoH \hetilmbs eh’ sAtconr att 2 

were received and accepted by him on account, but not in full for 
the rental of the premises at a reduced rental. The checks which 
appellee produced were eleven in number, one dated each month from 
July, 1932 to February, 1935, inclusive, one in April, 1953 and tw 
in May, 1933. Nine of these were for #75.00 each, one was for 
$67.25 and one for $350.00. Hach check was signed by appellee and 
bore the endorsement of appellant, who admitted he received the 
same. The check for $67.25 was dated February 6, 1935 and accord- 
ing to appellee's testimony, eppeliant owed appellee $9.75 for work, 
and this check represented the balance due appellant for rent for 
the month of February, 1933. The check for 50.00 was dated May 17, 
1953, and it, together with the cow which appellee sold appellant, 
paid the rent for April, 1933. The cheek for the December rent was 
d@€ated December 19, 1952 and upon the face thereof are these words: 
tRent in full to January 1, 1935", Anpellee testified these words 
were on the check when he delivered it to appellant, who accepted 
the same. Appellant testified he did not remember seeing these 
words upon this check when he received it. That when these several 
checks were given to him by appellee, he told him that the lease 
called for $175.00 per month. That appellee replied that times were 

no good and that appellant then stated he would take the check on 

acc ounte 
Appellant objected to the testimony of appellee and his 

mechanic as to the conversation which they related as having taken 

place in the early part of July, 1952, which tended to prove that 

the rent had been reduced to #75.0 per month by appellant ,and it 

is earnestly insisted that such evidence was inadmissible as it 

tended to vary the terms of the written lease of the partiese 


tot Livi af tom dud ,tayooes mo mid yd. Set gases Satphaxieses on 
fiskdw afeeds odT ,lstaet beoybet s te zeaime mg al ‘to fatnex 9s 
mTt dtgom dose heteh exo ,tedmpm ot mevels etew beouborg eekioaae 
owt bie SEL elitqaA ak eno oviagtont ehdel +Vraunde% (ot. BERS e es 
tot aew eso «tase a0. ang Tot ete eacdd to enti, eBBOL. aval a 
bas eelleqcs Yd bomgie asw xoedo ost 00, 08¢ ‘Tot emo baa 28. ; 
Reed bevieoet of bottimbs onw staalleqes To daemeatobae | ont om 
~btooos bas Geel .a yisstdel betsh asw 68,8) t0t Joes ox some 
aatow Tot ar, VY? sellecqe bowo fas lleqes «Wlomiteart ateoltercs oe 
tot tae1t tot tuslleqca oud eonsisd edt botnezeiget toads alae 
eVL YeM boted aaw 00.08 402 2foodo eft ~SeeL- ¢ Wennder: tO ‘dom 
(taal logge hloa seilerqs doldw wee ofit ait iw ‘tent sgot et be ‘ 
Sev Inox tedme9ed edt 10% Aoelo af? .c8eL fines to? trot one | ts: 
rebtow sasdt exe tostex¢ cost edt noce bre SbCL yer rodueoet Be 
8b %F seed? battitees eelleqqa . ,"E8eL oh Vraernet. y Lt at ¢ 
betgqeoos ow ,tnellegqs ot tt betevites sd nerdy xoorto ont 00 
eesdi.zateee Toda agg toa bib ed bet trav: taslloocs ‘oma 
Letovea eeods motw tei? .tt bevieoer od tentw ‘Moar ebay noge | 
eases odt todd mtd bled ed ookiougs yo mbt’ oF nevis’ oxen! 

semlt tact beklesr, selfleqgs tedT . mieaishasness’ fide 
210 aosio edt oABi » 


eld Fete, er te Yomiteos: onkit ot Bevestdo ‘at feggh™ ‘ = J b 
noast atived as botaiex yout: thos de: Hott dats Titoo | oxth oy oy id . 
‘tadtt SVvotd of, ebnes, doidw .86eL yytys to Ptaq titse eat aE ant ; 
tt bra. tnelleqca Vo Atnom taq 00, ayée: ‘ot beoubor aoed Dat hat os oul 
thas oldtesinbent ase Somob ive Hose: todd petetant’ yf 
+8918 x0 ong. to weno neti kaw! ots 0 ante? ect eee 

ot berteter ted Yin 



Appellant relies particularly on Chapman v. McGrew, 20 Ill. 101, 
Loach v. Farnum, 90 Ill. 368, Barnett v. Barnes, 75 Till. 216, 
Davidson v. Dingeldine, 295 I11.367, and Goldsborough v. Gable, 

140 111.269. The holdings in these cases sustain the general 
proposition that the terms of a written lease under seal cannot 

be varied by parol evidence. Numerous authorities announce this 

to be the rule. In Barnett v. Barnes, supra, it was held that 

where a lease, under seal, fixes a certain amount of rent to be 

paid each month, a parol agreement chanzing the amount of rent 

to be paid for the unexpired term and leaving the lease in other 
respects unchanged and in force, ig not binding upon the lessor, 

and he will, notwithstanding such parol agreement, be entitled to 
recover the amount of rent called for by the lease. Loach Ve 
Farnum, supra, was a distress for rent proceeding and it appeared 
that the parties had entered into 4 written lease under seal, where- 
by appellees had rented certain premises to appellant for three years 
from April 1, 1872 at an annual rental of $800.00, payable in monthly 
installments of $66.66 2/8 each. Upon the trial apvellant offered 

a written endorsement, but not under seal, which appeared upon the 
lease. This endorsement was dated Yebruary 1, 1874 and was to the 
effect that appellees agreed to aceept $55.00 per month instead of 
866.66 2/3 commencing February 1, 1874. Appellant further of fered 

to wove that for the months of February, Merch end April, 1874 

appellees agcepted $55.00 per month, in full for the rent for those 

months. This evidence was not admitted by the trial court and in 

affirming its judgment the Supreme Court held that the agreement 

for the reduction of the rent was executory, was without any ¢con- 

sideration, a mere nudum pactum and not binding upon the le ssOTe 


brcn bee Loew + owtew 

-f0L .ffT 0S ,werPeM .v amg 39 me vitalvo tery ection Snaltonay 
188 -{fI ev pee nted «Vv tten tad 1888 » £51 og R ensorteode pb viare 

se: OL ey 

‘olde Vv dusotodeb Loo bae ,VOe. (LT aes outb fogatd .v te ; 

’ : ele a 

wh eee mY 
ietones edt iietess sesso ee ond at egsid fod ed +268. L1T | a 

tonnes tous To baw exsel Hots Pew 6 to anid oft tadi 01 tlaeg 

» Rage ORs VOR 
alts eomonts settisodtws auotemytt 90085 ive Iorq Yd bottey og 

Mn Ad i ah < id te 

tedt Bled aaw tl eAtque epee: .v 9 onras at akan ont we 

1% creel wk 

ed ot tnet To Frvoms atsitess s gex it cine ro au veasol 8 

gt S le cad Sia nd 
tno ‘0 trws0 m3 edt aa tats do Snemoets 8 forsq r 4daom dose hiaq 

1oa Hey aoe iy 
rondo at eanel ot gnivael bas ated betigxomy ody tot bi a4 , 

r Mia We ty Be 
‘Toaesl edt sq "go tba td ton al (200% ut bas pap _adoocaen 

‘of be Lt tio od  taemery 5 fotee dove ath aed edt trten’ i fa 

“es Peg eae 

eV foeot -Sensl ani vd ot bel iso dor to mee oft tevooet 

n : zt ey Mel APN ey cf 
betacqqs tt bas gitbessotg tae rot seorets 8 tay ems au YS 
Sivek Pee 

easel aott Low Ss od at beretme Bad wetecog ced gre 

: dn x: 5A 
ars x sort ‘tot tnelleqas ot ‘eeeinesg atatr9 0 bovne x haa ‘eowlleuin af 

SRE. mane agit” 
vidinon mt oldager 00, 008¢ to Letnot fouams a8 ta sveL f sae bgt ' 

Salar yard Lose tebay 

| betstto tusifecqs Labtt odd aoqu +tio9 a\s 88,986 to adem. tent — 
| ei Oa eg ees fan a 

te baw tom Sud stares 0 has net? tiow ay 
bot Bret ‘ha tty ‘ 

ond of 284 bas AVS .f yressdet botan’ eaW trovwerohae, ald? 9 O88: a 
> bootent fitoom teq 00.886 $qe0e8 ot booms eeeliogcs. eat # ; 


Betst to we ridrart ‘aal logge N6L ef b Soh oe Bat onsames a\e pap 

avBL fiama Hite dora 1 Vrsiredot to adtnon ‘ould 10T ‘tadt evo if 

va eno.ts 10% tor ott tot ‘Lon at ‘ftom. ton 00.088 be ongn.aneene ay 

is at ae trar09 tats ead ve bes tne don (sey oonobive ala sai | ne 
“taomers 2 cit dade bled sa109 omexque, oult tnembu, ast» y 

) =s09 Yaa tuoste by asw {Teodu09x9 ean tne eat to pei ci gl 

HO. oxrbore ont 4 
“stoa at oid ‘aoqiy suidaid tom bas _mutoog ru ) 

edd mogur borseccs fot di elses 

: ta 

“Se Wee bah 
ten 8 

hs ey ‘ pigs 

Ege Fa 

That no error was committed in refusing to permit appellant to 
show that appellees had accepted the reduced rent for February, 
March and April, 1874, as no claim was mde by appellees for rent 
for those months, but only for subsequent months. "The agreement 
for a reduction was still executory as to subsequent rent", sai d 
the court,"and the payments made would be but invalid ratifica- 
tions and repetitions, so far as the contract remained executa@y, 
of an invalid promise and would stand on the same footing as the 
promise itself". The holdings in these and the other eases cited 
by appellant are to the effect that where one party obligates 
himself to pay and another to reccive 4 less amount after both 
are already legally obligated, the one to pay and the other to 
receive, a larger amount, such an arrangement is without any con@= 
sideration to support it. The parties to a written lease under 
seal cannot by parol agreement, without consideration passing 
fran the lessee to the lessor, reduce the stipulated rental, as 
such en agreement is a mere nudum pactum end not susceptible of 
being enforced. While a sealed executory agreement cannot be 

altered, modified or changed by parol agreement, it may be can-=- 

eeled by a parol agreement and an executed parol agreement may be 

shown to defeat a recovery upon an instrument under seal, and al- 

though the parol agreemen» may have been without consideration, 

it may become the pasis of an equitable estoppel. Yockey Ve 

Marion, 269 111.542, “now Ve criesheimer, 220 Ill. 106, Doyle 

v. Dunne, 144 Ill. Avp. 14, Levy Ve Greenberg, 261 Ill. App.541. 

In Snow v. Griesheimer, 220 Ill. 106, it appeared that 

the parties thereto had entered into a lease unser seal by the terms 

icago was leased for a term a three 

al of 518,000.00, payable 

of which a store puilding in Ch 

years, ending April 30, 1898 ata term rent 

in monthly installments of $500.00 in aavaence on the first of each 

month. The evidence was that in the Spring of 1896 there was an 


° SSW ToTts on tae 
oy tnaelleqqes pn wince ot gateutet at Set hime : 
westde® Tot Jjmet beoubex edt bot qoves Se cf eooliogzs tedd wore ay 
dmot xot eeolloods yd ob am | sew mislo on az OSL Litaa bas soma 


dmanootas oat" sedd nom tne upeadue 10% yin tad _ auld sont eaodt rot ve 
Sise ,“Shor tmevpeadma o¢ as yYtotwoexe [itive 2aw nottouber 8 oe 

Rare Ore? 

~soltitet biisvat tud ed blyow ebam etnemysq edt bas" ,duwoe a 

4¥ OFvIexKe hentemet tosiimoo oft as tet of ,emo lt iteqen bas ene? 
ait es snttoot omse edt oo basta biuow bie ea inorg bitevat as PF 

bevto sesso wedio edt bus os edd mt eanthfod ext "tlorth oe setmotq 

m, fedang 
aot swt ido Wired eno etedw todd toetts eit o¢ one tmaltogas ey 
EY od 

dated ustte ¢nyoms eeel s evisoer of ‘edtons ne a ot baie 

ot medito afd bas ysq ot sno add Dotagiido ylissel ‘ybsorLs ous d 

2 bts . 
“709 yns twodiw si tnemesneats os dome .Jovoms teptsel gs Cay hewine | 
ate te Waar 

tebas ones Hetfinw s ot setiasq off tt twain ot foltetehta 

‘ : - atlas 2 Sb AF cate 

Qalsesy mottstehicnos suorntiw e7 Bose STR 2 Loxaq w tonne Lesa 
wh we mg 
as ,lstnex betalugttia et sober eToezel ong ot soteel ond mm tt 

Lee EGS El . 
to eldiiqeoane tou ‘bas. mrt 9 2q mbar otam s at Inemoeiye ae owe 

ed tommss J nomserg.s Yrotueexs belsea 8 aL buw beorotre pated 

eats Oat mgt 
-1s0 ed Ysa ci ,Inemeety s foxng vd he grado 0 DottLbon rheted ls 
1 hapa ae 
ed Ysu PHO Meet Lot sq hedyoexe ne fits 

inemeerg 2 Loxsq 8 Vd be loo 
J apie l 
. ieee 26 bass toremrat ess £8 Mog Vievooer 8 $a0t0b ot mwore 
Mo13 stabi anc 

~ is bas 

Bats footie _ 
> tuontiw geed ovat van ? nem ort3s fovey ont ‘thgwods 

“v yoto0¥ »Leqqotas ofdat tupe icy ‘to ataad ‘edt emooed ae yen J a 

atyod BOL .111 ose \Pittedeoia Vv wom «808, Lit 88 ,aot aottsli he 
eLdQ.qoA efit fas artbdineadts ov we.l aL. sack ft PY gas imdican all 

a Ft! i i: atl mis te 
tomy Sexsoads tt (260L —r oss _<Tombedagixo 7 woe ar 
ee hares tte 
emrot odd td {see <9 

beter cenel ‘8 otat beroine bod orereit astineg edt 
» pW PED OD, oie. Bon. 
boost aay ogsoine at abd emia ne dotdw to 

sett 2 mre s ot 
SLiwer (00. 000, (Le. to. p pe iene pte a ts esr 408 "Ebeet" ‘sete 

8988 to taxtt edd no sonevis nt 00,008¢ to ‘atmantistent Vidi nom st 

M8 @sw etodt 8@BL to Saimre edt mi-teds esx eonebive ofT at 


agreement reducing the rent to $416.66 each month. ‘The testimonyy 
for the lessor was that the reduction was for the Summer months 

of 1896, after which the rent was to be the same as pefore and that 
the reduction was made because the lessee complained that business 
was poor and he was loosing money. The testimony of the lessee 

was that the reduction was for the remainder of the term, made in 
consideration of his making certain repairs which he did. The rent 
was paid according to the terms of the lease up to May 1, 1896. 
Thereafter the lessee paid $416.66 for the remainder of the term 

by checks which on their face disclosed they were in full fo the 
rent and were so offered by the lessee. The lessor received and 
collected these checks but did not assent to the claim that they 
were in full of the rent after the Summer months of 1896 and the 
checks were only credited by the lessor on account. The court 
after stating that it was settled law that an executory contract 
under seal cannot be modified or changed by an agreement not under 
seal held that so long as the contract contained in the lease re- 
mained executory the lessor had a right torepudigate the parol agree= 
ment and claim the full amount of rent ce ntracted for. That the 
judgment of the Appellate Court. im affirming the judgment of the 
Circuit rendered in favor of the lessee was conclusive as to the 
provisions of the parol contract made in the Spring of 1896 and that 
as the lease was thereby modified and as modified had been executed 
by the parties it was no longer an executory contract put an 
executed one and not sub ject to being disturbed and evidence that 
it had been performed was competent. In commenting upon the fact 
that the lessor refused to reeeive the chects tendered as rent in 
full payment of the rent aceruing after the Summer monthssof 1896 

and protested to the lessee that they were only received on account, 

lh se 

wrasse og to 

wytoutiacs oat ype dose 63. SIG ot tues edt sat ouber poke 
sition tema edt tol ssw molieubet sdt tady red toeeel ong | ar 

tars ons etoted ea ens edt od o¢ esw tet oxtt dotdw Tests + 8@8L ae i 
agontand tect beatalqmoe evinn t ‘odd eaysood ehem BW, m Hubert, ot 
seagel eft to yomtised off . Yemen grizogt aaw od. Ana eeu 

ai ebom ,sriet ed} %© tebr isnot edt tot sew mo it arbor et ted? as 

trex ect bib ed doldw.atiover ateties sabia etd to, molzsrehkea oe 

28@SL .f ysli ot ar easel odd to emted edt of BER THOR saci 

aries ods to tebnismat off, tot 04-3L8,. bisg eorest edt natte0 | 

: edt mt Lint at etew yods Seeoloeth sost tiedt M0 Motrin pranis 
| Sn Sev ieoot ‘Togeel ail! .ceenel eit yW hare? tm 08 orew asia: 
Ned! tan misfo eft of tueees ton Bb td exosdo oe ct dete | 

ei edt Dae oecf to antnom yamowe oft ‘tet'ts wet at. ‘to frre’ ms ’ ala 
‘tuwo08e oT .taweoos go tTozast edd, xa bet theze tino oe asfoe 

% Ssechidacll it 
tostitooo TIO UBOXe as tady wel bolttee asw of tad jebsts 4 

<a ae 

tebay toa tnemeetys me yd bexnedo to Bett tbom ad TommAe Pr . ‘ 

~OT oenel git at be xiséaoo tosttaeo edt es gaol oe jada Dior J 39% 

a*s f ex? = ev =é 

 «seetzs foyeq edt ste@tonqe t of fdgin 8 hed toesel ont Yrovwoers at 

i! ‘ee ayy g 

, O8t Fadl  .tot hotoertays trot To, Fauo me Lint ont mis 9 Bo Fe ; 

~ PAd 20 taemebuyl ent gotnatits Bhat t00) stalleaqa ert to 4 on Bt ‘ 

ent of..¢8 eviaulomon &sy essaal sdt to Soyer ai Sotebaor tren 1m 
tadt bag 8e@al Ke Bt ltge edt of oben, tosttmo9 | fore. edt © BnD, 3. vo: 
betvoexs seed bed Boltibom. as bee beitt5om, Woredd asw eaa0f URS 

2 dud tosutnos yxotusoxs: {8 tezo0f om asw tt serena 
J2dt .aogebive bas badintals sated od teat dus tom pas eno: 

_ test, odd. megs Sats memmod xT stastoqmes aw Bemrzorzeq ieee | a 
_ At tget as botebaat aroado ot exteoes OF Bee vtet tonal hee 

, RCSL Toeadtson temmye odd tetts Salvtegs toot Aa * 


cs emo 0 Aationey ‘Cine etew yous ‘tect eoaael at, cae 

wha & sin 4 ~ higwa sy 2 

the court said: "The checks purported on their face to be in full 
payment and there is no dispute that they were sent as »ayment in 
full: that plaintiff's agents so understood it and thet they were 
received and collected. The law is, that where the amount due a 
efeditor is ascertained and not in dispute, the payment by the 
debtor and acceptance by the creditor of a less am will not operate 
as a satisfaction of the demand, but if the amount is unliquidated 
or there is a bona fide dispute as to how much is due, a vayment of 
the amount claimed by the debtor to be due, in full settlement, 
if accepted by the creditor, is a satisfaction of the claim. It 
is not necessary that the debtor shall pay more in such a case than 
what he admits to be due, end if a check for such sum is offered in 
payment of a disputed accoun’, it must be accepted by the creditor 
upon the terms upon which it is offered @ must be rejected. Ifa 
check is offered under such circumstan-es as amount to a condi- 
tion that it is to be received in full payment of the demand, an 
acceptance will satisfy the demand, although the creditor protests 
at the time that it is not all that is due him or that he does not 
aceept it in full satisfaction of his claim. An acceptance in such 
a case is an acceptance of the condition, notwithstanding any pro- 
test he may make to the contrary". 

In Levy v. Greenberg, 251 Ill. App. 541, the Snow case, 
supra, was followed and it was held that the test in a case of 
this character is not whether there was a consideration for the 
reduction of the rent, but whether the gift wes executed or un- 
executed, that reductions in rental are to be rezerded as gifts 
of separate and distinct items each month and when the reduced 
rental is paid and accepted, the gift is complete and irrevocable 
and the fact that the term under the lease had not expired was 


Tint ot ed of eset theif? mo berry mg oveedea onmR” rbisa : 
nt ¢nomye? ae ties oTew vedt ¢edt etuewth om at ered. fae tient : 
eisw You? add bow ri boo ters haw oR arne28 & qikeat aly tacit : ; ; 

& Bivh Shruti me odd etetw Sade ,el wal ori bet ool Los bus bevl ‘ 
Mbt ’ 

ae 4 ns 
nadt saso @ dove mi.otom Yeq Sleds totdeb sat tosis visesocodt . 
tot ibeto eft yd betqeoos ed tenm th 4i'nuooop betuaete nto 
8 tL. ,botoetox od teymm m beretto ch tl dot aw moqw, eared: ott 

waves 8 ot dnvom as be cmey smu the dovare “nw. Boxe%to 2 

In 16 R. C. Le 924, it is stated that as a general rule, 
@ voluntary agreement of a lessor, made during the term of a lease, 
to reduce the rent there stipulated, to be valid and enforcible 
in so far as it remains unexecuted, must be supported by a new 
consideration. “But it is held", continues the text, "that if 
the lessor orally agrees to reduce the rent, and to aceept a less 
sum than stipulated for, and such agreement is carried out for a 
number of years by the payment by the tenant and the acceptance by 
the lessor of such rent as reduced, and the giving of the receivts 
therefa@ as in full of all rent to date of said receipts, the 
lessor will be regarded as »aving made a valid sift to the tenant 
of the difference between the rent paid and that stipulated for 
in the lease, and cannot recover of the ldfier the amount so given 

In view of the forezoin« authorities we are clearly of the 
opinion that the evidence of appellee and the witness Parker, when 
considered in connsetion with the other evidence, which appears in 
this record was competent and there was no error in overruling ape 
pellant's objections thereto. The issue presented to the jury as 
to whether there was a subsequent oral agreement to reduce the 
rent and whether that agreement, if made, was executed were ques- 
tions of fact for the jury to determine. It is not insisted that 
the jury were improperly instructed as to the law and we are not 
disposed to say that the findings of the jury, approved as they 
have been by the trial court, are contrary to the weight of the 

At the time judgment was entered, the lease had not ex- 
pired. Appellee vacated the premises on June 2, 1933, at which 
time the rent for that month had accrued and had not been paid 
according to the terms of the lease. Appellee, therefore, is 
concededly liable to appellant for rent under the terms of the 

lease for the month of June, 1933 to the amount of $175.00, to- 

.elut [stones 8 as ted botats al tt hae ef .0 .f et al 

,92sef 8 To mret Py nattsb ebsa , Toagal 8 to tnemectss “yee! tor 5 
fi C7. 

aldiomtas bre Stisv od of , bets stag ite etodt tne edi oquhes 

yt RE 

t ed damm ,5ed sooxeay aciaaet at B : 

won & vd pad Togqus 7 Bhar : 9 an tst 03 = 

tt tede” Ixo# edt eeunttnoo . "blot et tt ane" sok srebtenog 

5 Lo me Le 

ezel s teen ot bas tat07 edt soubor of acomss vLLexe roane L 

a ‘tot ‘tuo boirtse at tosmestys fowa bas To ev atughts ait 
to Bate Ne "i 

t t ¢ ad ey Tt 

yd egeatqeyes out hae mene od a i ak te 2 ye ate v 2 Fev 

edt ,etatecet bise to oteh of 00: tte te Lit at as wu , 

. ere om 

taaned edt ot tite bifsy a ebam satya: as hebisget od fitw Tur el 4 
ar 6) ¥ rte kt . 
10% boteluqite ted? bas bisq tast arid meevted sonetett Ip. od to 

r *' eas 

Mevis os tavons edt total eit to 1sv00e tomas bas couse oat 
. a” nt i ft i 
. oct ate 
edt to yirselo ets ew eeltizodiue » pa sogwrer oat to welv at eT ae 
ares | ee fete 
ned ¢ wwted seoutiw ait bis selteqas > oouebive oat tsdt nalet fo 
THs. és 0 f 
mt erseqgs dotdy ,conebive mere oud Asn m to exr00 gt sexobtenos | 
LM estat Yaans 

“7s aailytievo as TIO<TTO Cf BBW ored9 bas taetequoo aew cert aang 
if aega. 

88 Ts, one od bot mevetq suset ou? sot otedt em Ioet do 2 gee 
i Teaser 
ed¢ sovbet of taemesias Isto troupes du 2 8 eaw ovestd rasta of 

wie © th abe a 
“29Up elew hedveexe asw ob sar Li To amoetss $ suid todd edtw bare to 
Leen year: eth tee 
te dé bete beat ton et i: -omtoustes of vot, edt not Lo Hh eaotd 

c x 

tou ers ow bas wal out ot as bovourt ant ‘rogorant onew emt 8 
heh! eT ‘2 ; 

eat as bevotrqs VW), oat to aga Boa bY ectt tact we wa 

BED) Lathe 4 ; 
sale to ip tow py oF yrsrin09 ots P00 iste ats we need Po 


f 3) bea i f ¥ iby 
“x8 “tom bad easel ont Sores ne 23% tuomabur anti? ext tA 

oe si 

Motsw TB» Bees 38 ony. 10 sectmog orld Botaosy solLerch 

Bied aoe d on bast buna bowr00s bed tenon todd 10% “pee ‘i 

at (otots tert en Liougd jouaet edt “to ‘amet ~ ' o's 

Fo ba Fi 

edt to emiet odt tebmy toot xl snalleqgs ‘ot oldeley vad 
rot ,00.202¢ to tavoms emt of 28@L , emit to Atoom edt 

gether with attorney fees as provided by the lease. Under the 
provisims of the Civil Practice Act, Cahill Ill. Rev. Statute, 
1933, Chap. 110, Par. 220, Sec. 92, this court may enter the 
judgment which should have been entered in the trial court. 

The judgment of the Circuit Court of Warren County is 
reversed and judgment is rendered in this court in favor of ap- 
pellant and against appellee for $218.75. Appellee will pay the 
costs in this court. 



taneod oc GF Ft Ob) tev » OAR gaival as Bebuenet og Like 

oe Sot iat ewe we a! bt pers Ste omy Paar wake ‘oat i’ 

oat mee , pets, 0. AS PORIEFT BA SOP hae ast 
y eostud ade aver, -pfLl, LLtded 0k eo ttostt nes 08a wen rs 
vit tote CR IPP Siro ¢ ee (ORS, » 07 pk OLE qed 

és ¢ str me, ot a Pty eave rel Fk Me a 
at vauod sersal to #2100 pang Yo trengivt eft 
co "® 39 xOveT at Foo abit af Berebmon at #ematut bas 8 
_ ta Yar Ltn softonsA 28.8188 sot eatfegon taniage Bem 

77 wom queee eit Ane daenet oft yo sapurgad Hie ae de A 

Sd of One MA ag ny, au b wt fo.on te eon 8 


ei? ,picigeat Pies tT toh of Pawn A i ‘ex tivt at as 
|. aa 

wnt Satefre tte feds bas fieq Inet OfF seeedet ehaeset® 4 

aor le on Yona wih tama! edd bo tevene: ¢enmie bas seenel 

ey 7 

oy Bo elie wea Th, ote & ealtidgeniiva 2a] pO Rw wT ane re wore wt shell 

CE a 

sete . XS enniiw gt. bo aoheats » onebave alt cine al 

mt exsonys Side .omneciva ubety one 430 > bg Munk a a 

mith Rit istevo. 82 ttt og Fay oeety hes ftetogros Sab Ses) 

4 Aa HE £ 

ae Tort, oc? bt Ree meme sveel ef? inl rb 81 A? out 42 pe 

ade eayier of Daemons fore ‘mia Dae 8 s oor rept won sade Ot 

; eek! judy et oe eee 

“Gato are: pur sig @ saw pian Th tu amore B dodts ee tibeyred tet, 

: wee pe iigg tN dae he 

fon ab ah coRsesptan of wt ody or sont te uae te 
: eM ay By ah at 

bmn Wal ad of. os bad oars a ‘cftogomms ate cut eet 

Nemes J OLR Ra? Saea 

yeas ae Hm verted 6 ‘Tes eit do mite Yh ets att fam? i sete oO 



cs eta oy 

Bik Fo Fs i ne ars Pri oy b eal ¥ end wt & tate taded ats xd pret 
' Das P Seah Se aA 

# he, 
RN re ad 

ae 5 re oh ED i = ee fy Sst ci r ar . 
Hind ice ie | Sal gfe g Ont re ea as ino ett ar oadiat 

oa hon ve grey yop aber 

Sloe nies yi Geet bts bane & ar tines Sake awe pte : 

ee Ce ie ge 

x Pitas? na) 
wt peo pers s cael secgiedk: abet ont to aaigee ‘elt oe 
oi? te eueed edt vobeyr doer % % tialtogy's of sidebe” 

wet OCR Do teens cat of BSee aul te ee ae aid aealae 


SECOND DISTRICT fs I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause. 

of record in my office. 
In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

Appellate Court, at Ottawa, this day of 

in the year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 
(73815—5M—3-32) G37 



, “i ee 

nS $6) ao 4 

+ } 
1 / 
en fl 
f ni a oP 
fo f 


Begun and held at Ottawa, on Tuesday, the fifth hosel ee 
the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five, 
within and for the Second District of the State of Illinois: 

Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 

Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 
Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 

RALPH H. DESPER, Sheriff. 

~t9 | As Gaz 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 
MAR 82 1995 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 
Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 


*, \ te 

he var Ait ae Nae dak te ait ,yabasst ag ,awaded $2 ged 5a 

svii-giiiat Soe Sexhnud ents Saaniout ene Sied teu 1o.188% 8 

eto (tr 0 esaie eit 2O Forsaeid: hioos® edt 10% Baa nag 

"  ottaxt Sc LBorett ‘ MEZOW 0 ORAt) nol “eitt, S23 

eolteut— VOR" oh RICHARD tO i oan 

onteeeh JaMNTga marae a0 a. 

- X4eL9 ,NOBMHOY outed a 


hr : 

a KA fh. TONS. | a 

GEN. NO. 8871. AGENDA NO. 8. 


February Term, A. D. 1935. 


Appellants, ) 
VSe ) 
Appellee, ) 


On May 10, 1953 Bentley, Murray & Comoany, a Corpora- 
tion, instituted its suit in assumpsit in the Circuit Court of 
Kane County against Exposition Park Jockey Club, also e corpora- 
tion, Robert Eddy and Joseph Catarrinich, seeking to recover the sum 
of (6665.18. On the same day a writ of attachment in sid was 
issued, directed to the Sheriff of Kane County, who was, at that time, 
Harry A. Crawford, appellee herein. On the same day, avrellee executed 


the writ ani endorsed thereon that he hed attached “S8SXeExan at the 
same time left a true copy of the writ with Joseph Catarrinich, manager 
of the Mutuel Department of the defendant, Jockey Club. The cause 
was subsequently tried, resulting in a finding in favor of all the 
defendants upon the attachment issue and for the defendants, -oseph 
Catarrinich and Robert Hddy, upon the assumpsit issue and for the 
plaintiff and against the Jockey Club upon the assumpsit issue. Upon 
these findings judgment was rendered on November 10, 1933, quashirm the 
writ of attachment and for the plaintiff and against the Jockey Club 

for $6665.18. 


| 8 .OW AGUEDA | -1988 OM «100 

TOIATSId Gh core 

-GEQL .c .A ,mreT yisuitdsi 



m oe 
§ Re 

Ae...) eee 
(Ve ae DORE 



° eellogga 


7 | ae ves UA aes A a 
be saheied o civsieit a toncia Cetéake ead ad we wee y ia 

to dxvod tivextd edé al ¢hacmwees at tive ett botutitent \a m0. 
-atocros 8 cels ,duid yexoot waist moltiitsodxa feniess Vinod | 
, me edt tevoset of saitess ,fotatirsts) dqeaot, bus YOST tasvo . A = 
: eew Ste at tromfostis to titw s yesh emse ont m0 +h OH, 

. “,omrtt tedt te ,sew ow ,y¥tavod ens to Tttred2: ett of ‘potoeth | 

Setuoexe on ait ysh emse odd nO .ateted woltorgy sbehnacys> idl 

j i tepeiem ,fotniirsts) dqeact Atiw ¢itw ont to yqoo ett 6 niall 
; exue0 off . duld Youoot ,tashaeteb eft to tmemtraqed Leutem ¢ . 
edt ffs to'tovst at poliatt s mi giritiveet ,botat Vite supber | 
digqesol ,etnebnetob eit tot bas sweat tmemfostts odt noqu edt s 
edt wt bos eveat ¢leqmaee oct woqy ,ybbU Ptedof bas fol 

noqU .eveet treqmveas edt moqu dul yoxoot edt tantegs bie t 

On November 20, 1935 execution was issued upon this judg- 
ment and on the same day returned "no property found". Subse-~ 
quently an affidavit for garnishee summons was filed, u»on which a 
garnishee summons was duly issued against appellee, who entered his 
special anpearance therein and moved to guash the writ on the 
grounds that as sheriff he was not subject to garnishment. On 
February 7th, 19354 this motion of appellee to quash the writ of 
varnishment was allowed and the writ quashed. On the same day a 
second garnishee summons was issued and served on appellee. On 
February 7, 1934 interrogatories were filed and answered. To this 
answer a replication was filed and on July 15, 1934 the cause was 
heard by the court without e jury resulting in the writ of sarnish- 
ment being dismissed, And it is from this judsment that the recard 
is brought to this court for review by avpeal, 

At the hearing appellant called appellee as 4 witness, who 
testified that the sum of $6665.18 seized by him uncer the attachment 
writ in the original case was deposited in a special account in the 
State Bank of Geneva on May 19, 1923 and remained there on depests 
to his eredit as sheriff until February 2, 1934, when it was with- 
drawn by appellee and paid by him to D. C. Burnett, as agent and 
attorney in fact of ‘Soseph Catarrinich. Appellant also offered 
in evidence a receipt of Catarrinich, acknowledging the receipt of 
this money on February 2, 1954 from appellee, the receipt stating 
that said sum of $6665.18 was taken from Catarrinich by appellee by 
virtue of the writ of attachment issued on May 10, 1955 and that it 
was returned to Catarrinich in pursuance to an order entered in the 
attachment proceedings. This judgment was entered on November 1,0: 
1933 and it not only quashed the writ of attachment but also 
directed anvellee to return the money attached to the perty from 

whom it was taken. 


: , 
Pact hae 

= but aids noc ie 8 aow noltuoexe see (08 ‘to dasvoit 10° 
, “ eo . 
~on du « "Bro" ‘Wd tec org on" bes’ wtex “yeb, ems a “aye pol So: 

iturin Haliaray ranean 


s dokdw moos bel tt asw anno msn. godde intag wr 1 EVER IITA cl fi i 
eid betetaos odw seblerge tekivac, deus at wtb ast anomnae cera tm “ 



4 | nO ae ‘einisa of tool dus ton asw an Titres ae tadt a 

to tiaw ond skaotp ot selfog ga ta ote. eit. aber or, 
8 ab omae oxit ® -besdaaup tiaw otf? pas bows ils Beso a0 

he Neer  aathened sledcidis seaman Ak ir oe 

oft mo Siaw end dacsip ot bovom Ate ntere 3 bonerseqcs Lato oat 

£0 wullecgs ao Seytes bas wheat aor heated 
{aa PL ap pea: 
abits of .betewans bas beLtt eto ‘sekxd spore Y saot 
i i aan sesso ont aes 7s xint me bas petit 2 asw sosioeline’s & a 
od SE Ba Ph. ee 
-e hanes to + bow adit At. pat? fuees Tw at tuts tw +109 eg | 
tech a Pies ae 
bmoer edt tent ‘4 asmabut abdd ages at tt bed _ sean km td & ; cs 
-. Leoqae vd vetved “a0 | #100 eit ot 

ny een ao eH) Bin ees ais ar sta Mawes! 

‘ont ,aaecd he a &8 | eetieane bo {Leo muatteca ad boa tt ase + 

coo anv ti nodw <SSCl .d pease Leow ges 
ele bas tnops aa teat, .0, 4 0%, mit yd beg ip 95a 
i m | Bete to cele tialleqas » nile irdce19# 29, tqe20's, we dpet my 4 
‘ bat re igteper oii, ackaboLnomion Aptatrray ed; 20. Fioset ae r 
ah Bai afb. Jqigoor ants 9eLtoage moxt deel «8 quatre” 
8 eellongs xe, Ap inbred ad Mott aowed eae, BL. aenae, 9 to: ! 
“th tady bas S80L .OL, you 0, houeat tuomdsat ts, 20 tre 
oat ‘al beresne., repre, ns, 8 somawenty. al fio} 
08 regis ye. a0, boret. asir, Mitioailcs aio» 

Appellant contends that this sum of $6665.18 was taken 
from and belonged to txposition Park Jockey Club, but the evidence 
elearly discloses that it did not belong to Exposition Park Jockey 
Ciub, but belonged to Joseph Catarrinich, manager of the “sari- 
Matuel Department thereof, 

The appellant makes a further contention that when the 
attachment was queshed, the court should have ordered the funds 
attached returned to the Jockey Club and that the court sleo 
erred in refusing to allow an amendment to be made to the first 
affidavit for garnishment which was filed November 20, 1935, 

There is no merit in either of these contentions. This is not 

an appeal from the judgment quashing the attachment and a dering 
the funds attached returned to the party from whom they were taken 
nor is it an a»npeal from the judsment quashing the first writ of 
garnishment, but is an appeal from the judgment quashing the second 
writ and henee these matters of which appellant complains are not 
before us. The rule in this state is that a judgment creditor by 
garnishment proceedings may recover only such indebtedness as his 
debtor might recover in an action of debt or assumpsit against the 
garnishee, Wold v. Glens Falls Indemnity Co., 269 Ill. App. 407. 

In this sarnishment proceedins the burden of proof is 
Deer the beneficial plaintiff to show that the garnishee has in his 
hands money or property belonging to the Jockey Club at the time of 
the service of the garnishment writ. The judgment which this court is 
now reviewing was entered in a proceeding instituted five days after 
appellee, the garnishee, had paid the money sought to be reached to 
the party from whom he had taken it several months previous. Coneededly 
there was no money or property in appellee's hands at the time the 
garnishment rit was served om appellee, or thereafter, subject to 
garnishment end the trial court entereé the only judgment which could 

have been entered upon the facts as they anvear in this record, and its 

judgment will be affirmed. 


| gevst asw 81,4880) to mua al nt tat abastnos tnat Lega a 
s eonebive emt sud aud yetoot Areal no Ltteoaxt ot bosstofed bie wort 
yexoo. Anat soitieorx’ of gmoled ton bkb +k text ‘gexoloolh visnole ” 

-its* edt To TOR MOM ¢ dotatyvrstsd dasaol od bosmto led td vito 

. toetedt dnomdt xed Leute ‘' 

Lat lewd 
edt modw teadt soi tmetnoo aed ot 5 a elem saatlengs edt x 

os tech 
edast dé betebw oved b fo de tmoo oft Sede sip aaw tacmtoodts © 
oels ti1y0° ott todd bas dy £9 younol. out ot benwdés bodosits” 

ng id, 
tor It ot ot ebsm ad ot legge as wolle ot gu iswhe+ nt 
“sB80L , 08 xednevor! boltt anew “ten soxonuts tartey wt ‘dival te 
f : errr 
ton al ataT . eno it net 109 ee erit te medlt to att tixem on “at 2 tf 

Ce. 9 awa : 
gnitoh'p Sas taomfostts edt yaldesup tnamphut oxfi mor reat ti 
; 6 wit Sod ore 

nos etew yedt modw oT uitas ont of bout ot baioadi 2 @ beast acid 

: " pated | B. 

to titw fect? ont patie sup inom burt add mont isoqss pi a ek bn 

; ere 

buoces ent amt tdeewp $ro.9, bert edt mont LIseq qa ae’ ar aud Pree tg 

od thi 

ton ers ant be Lqmoo tnslLoqas Hokie ‘to eTodtd eat ‘en ont ‘somes base ticw 
apne aid Peds’ bolt kdand 

vd tottbero ¢remeBut s t edt et otnte has at ous oT 2 eC 

j a +2 Wy ; 

eld as saonboddebat dome Nino tev090% van egmtboseo 39 J aemste tt 
fy Se) ah Re> | LE 

edt rentays theqmuaes <0 ides To wotso5 m3 at eens Wee » 

VOL eQoa +ffT @8S ..00 Lane bal elle ans +¥ bLow 20 

. % at Toor to nob wd edt + theo sorg “tanda taxes att aI . vet 

aid aut sedi sora tara ont teat wo dz ot mutatele “Latortened aes, 

E to om td ont ts duLo ees oat ot amigac Lod Wteqe a ae page ae i 

if at F199 aid doldw omg Pst ou? thon toma batey ents ® eotvaee_ ad 31 
i xetts ayes svit bodut igant Bathoeo org 8 at beresae By _patwotye 

OMe ot Sedoset ed ov tiawoe Senge ode tog bed y0ede lacey ait, seats aie 

“eUdeseoaoy sayotvexg edi nom Leneves $2 notes bas on wet nae nis aah 

on 9f 


ont emt oe te ebued shoetiogas ak wtego 1g ze. vie. 
- . ot toot due Tet teotodt ae geetleqzs ao bevroe asw or, te 

oP ds fs 

Biwoo doidw Snrommy burt vine out hevetas tty O90 fatct ype bas 
- att ony ~bioset aldd of ts9ecca yedt es 3 atost ont Homes ‘bere; 



SECOND DISTRICT fs I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause, 

of record in my office. 
In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

Appellate Court, at Ottawa, this day of 

in the year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 
(73815—5M—3-32) «G37 


a i. aT brant we. toot Hie hy ings 

te uab. es 

; aero ave agp oat we Irat 

ROWE Dine Shas or aY 

iby Sa Rhea h embed 

saw 4 |\ 3 . / 

- fb 


é / / | # ae” 
yA ae s er 
f 4 
f f , Fi 

Begun and held at Ottawa, on Tuesday, the fifth day of PION a in 
the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five, 
Within and for the Second District of the State of Illinois: 

Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 

Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 
Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 

JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk. QD ré 9 T A 6 | 
A. 648 

RALPH H. DESPER, Sheriff. 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 

MAR 22 1935 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 
Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 


a ae Ps Lie? Toe Yahumtt lteedt ,yabssut go awe eG 18 bead Sida te | 
ee Davcrit ‘es ae RRA one ond Ont ere" to: ae i 
twhomhiot ta eiaré edt tu +o fore ee BmonAy ad? tot Bra ddl 
| ‘on kraut 3 veces ee 0 itr” cat eel 
s0itact V0 A TC otOR 27 i a 

P § 



sokinul MAMTTUR UIA 9H 
= 7 - 4 C 5 a : 
© fs | ‘e S wor ated MOSRHOS a e0rEut 
, «@ 3+ 

= es | Se 

ore: HO. i tiweod he a ae 

Et Seftt usw 

GEN. NO. 8911. AGENDA NO. 29. 

re re AA te A RN CER nat eenreenemeneeneninnast 




February Term, A. D. 1955. 

OF AMERICA, a Corporation, 

Defendant in lirror, 

et al., (S. Roy Hoge, Hleanor 
Weir and Mabel Manehester and 
Marry C. Daniels, Guardian Ad 
Litem and Trustee of Interests of 
Future Issue, and John H. Raymond, 
Guardian Ad. Litem), 


Plaintiffs in Error, 
MABEL MANCHESTER, Cross Complain- 
ants (S. Roy Hoge, Eleanor Weir end 
Mabel Manchester, Harry C. Daniels, 
Guardian Ad Litem and Trustee of 
interests of Future Issue and John 
H. Raymond, Guardian Ad Litem), 

Plaintiffs in Error, 

AMERICA, a Corporatio, et al., 
Cross Defendants, 

ee Saget at ae ee et Ne a St Sl a eat ot Ri See nat Si tl iF Se a Se et en i Ni Nt et ret Tiere Nat tl Mat Mt 

Defendants in Error. 

"Defendant in error, The Prudential Insuranee Company of 
America, filed its bill in the Circuit Court of Kendall County, 

seeking to foreclose a mortgage securing the payment of a note in 


xET a | 
Pye | TOLATAIG anoosa 


} -28@L .0 .A pmreT yrestdst ihe 
(810 5 axOGTOD B 0 rs 

tot eth ‘tasbreted 

,100H .7 STARAD or) 
. Tomse egoh 
bas od 08 deel Lodait 

y 4 ‘ to ateete’al to 
om GY OT HOMME TO TIAN ~bnomysi .H auot a or" 
Re ieee enter A «Tova a avattmiess wie 
Te .YMV0D LAGE , Perey 
. Rit 4. atln doy 



oe hes | | bus ateW tomsel ,ogol : 
a 2. ; ; « afained «2 Yrtsi «tata on 1 Bit 
i | . to setaut? bas medhl BA 1 1 
Pande ie | aieot bas evaal euiul Yo ai 
y | (oe aL BA netbrav) « 

pry at ettivm ist | ' hs oe 


storm! at ainebaoted ea ke 

 ® YoHsqmod somer vent 
 qWawod Llsbaed to 

4 é S , 
} } 1 ‘ ee: 
Van ee eS ew 

the sum of Nine ty-six Thousand Dollars ($96,000.00), which had 
been executed by Charles C. Hoge and Carrie T. Hoge, his wife. 
The land described in the mortzage so sought to be foreclosed 
was in part devised to the mortgagor by his deceased father, 
Samuel iioge, and in part by his deceased mother, Matilda Hoge. 
In his bill, defendant in error set forth that Eleanor Weir, 
Mabel Manchester and S. Hoy Moge, the children of Charles C, 
Hoge, deceased, and other descendants of Samuel end Matilda HhOge, 
claim some right, title or interest in the premises sought to be 
foreclosed, but alleged that they head no such interest, ond in 
addition to a decree of foreclosure prayed that these persons 
might be adjudged to have no title to the lond nor any interest 
in it. Eleanor Weir, Mabel Manchester and 5. oy Hoge filed 
ang@wers and a eross bill, setting forth the wills of Samuel Hoge 
and Matilda Hoge, They prayed that the title of Gharles C. Hoge, 
the mortgagor, might be determined to be a base or determinable 
fee, with executory devise over to the cv’oss complaints so far 
as the will of Samvel Hoge vassed any title, and a life estate, 
only, with the contingent remainder over to the cross complainants 
upon the death of Charles C. ‘oge so far as the will of Matilda 
Hoge was concerned. An answer to the cross bill was filed. A 
Guardian Ad Litem was appointed for minors and a trustee for the 
future issue of unborn children. Replications followed in due 
course and upon a hearing, the Chancellor construed the wills of 
Samuel Hoge and Matilda Hoge as vesting Charles ©. Hoge with a fee 
simple title, ordering a dismissal of the cross bill and decreeing 
foreclosure for the anount found to be due." 

The foregoing statement of facts is taken from the opinion 

of the Supreme Court, from which court the cross complainants sued out 


bad sotde. ,(00s000,9¢¢) erallod Sasavod? xte-w? oxfuto mu et 
-etiw atd ,esoll .T oftrsd bas eyoit -0 aeltsdd YI betuvoexe © _ Ce 
bexo foe xt od ot tdpgros of epepsttom edt ak Seditoeed bael T 3 
etodt st bor ssoob ald yd Togsay mos e itt ot Boa iveh t12eq at a 
segoH abitvsM ,rediom besseoad abd yd tireag ot bas ,egotl . few 
«tieW¥ tonseld deat dro t tee wire ab tasbaotob ,fLitd ot 
«) seltado to nmetbhlide ont _agol xi «2 fas tata cionsM f 

,9a0H sblitsM bas. Laumse. to atasbsreoeed hapty bab «bOs20908 9 °% jon 

ed ot tdgvoe asaimem od! at taete fat, 10 Brae wdatt ame utelo 
at bos ,teotatni dove, on bart yedt tent honet in in Seago: ot 

 - Btoateg esedt tadd beystgq lates: ‘ea to seto9b s ot 
teotetat yas ton bool jolt of oldid on oviad ot bopmutDe 24. 
bealit exoll yo .& has ote offomalt Laid ei 4 thet pene 
“ego Loumoe to efliw edt dixot anitter (LL EG Seon: a 
ag sono 2 26 Ite to ali bt saad Saat beaver oat. sot at 
i efdanimreteb 10 easd 6 od of beulmrgded ad. dua jd: 
tet ce atniafqmoo eaoro edt et tevo eatved qrotimexe 3 
7 —@tsteo eTtl & bas wolsit vas bai spol ream Thin ¢ ies 
oe ataantelqmoo exoto ect of isv0 To he Pune 4 f nega itmoo edd ‘od athe tee - 
| ‘sblitsM to [ftw enit ** 1st 98 230° 2? rei eric’ to dtseb mf) qu 

as : 
i ae 
aor ty 

enh at bewoL tor noi deotigos -sviitihe paeres sie et) 

aes 40a 
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~~ 98% 8 att Iw egoH- +o ae ix add, aritesv #8 9p0H onesbiate’ aataet 

awrit of error. (The Prudential Insurance Company of America v. 
Charles C. Hoge, et al., 359 I11. S36.) ‘The Supreme Court held 
that a freehold was not involved an@ therefore it had no juris- 
diction notwithstanding the fact that title to the land covered 
by the mortgage was put in issue by the pleadings. In its opinion, 
transferring the cause to this court, the Supreme Court said: 
"Those allegations in the bill of complaint whereby an attempt 
was made to quiet the title of the mortgagor, and those allegations 
of the eross bill seeking a construction of the wills and a decree 
as to the title toa free hold, were not germane to the proper sub- 
ject matter of the suit, and the findings of the Chancellor thereon 
are surplusage ard not only not necessary to the deeree of fore- 
closure, but were improper. -* * * The rule inIllinois is, that 
where a party does not claim title through or under cither mortgagec 
or mortgagor, he is neither a proper or a necessary party to the 
foreclosure proceeding and should be dismissed from the suit. 
(Gage v. Perry, 93 I11. 176). In Whitaker v. Irons, 300 Ill. 254, 
we said: ‘The only proper parties to a bill to foreclose a mortgage 
are the mortgagors and the mortgagee and those who acquired richts 
under them subsequent to the mortgage’. The only effect the decree 
in this case can have is to foreclose the lien of defendant in err@ 
as against whatever title it received by the mortasce in question". 
The only contentiao made and arcued by plaintiffs in error 
in this court is that the Chancellor.erred in construing the wills 
of Samuel Hoge and Matilda Hoge and in decreeing that Charles 0. 
Hoge, the mortgagor, was vested with a fee simple title under the 
provisions of those wills and therefore the deeree dismissing the 

eross bill was erroneous. Jt is conceded that defendant in error 



\ ; ; ht 
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.v boltenh Yo Yowqmod sonswanl Ietthebirrs oft)” sr071e 16" $2 
HLGH Hbouwhorywe’ sae” (Lae Drtt ede Ta Gel hon te tee ito 
~Btowt om bail ti etoterede Bra be jtovat’ toh BBW btdHeett' » Pbk 
peto¥oo babr Sat beer dtd Foe Sess dt ShoseH dCR HOS 

ee .s10 ttrt@o att of ,endibsortd’ edt Yd Sveek at fu 38% oand toot” pif 

¢bise trd9 ometque eft dives str’ od eaves ott ae 

tqmits ms ydorstfy stsfemoo to L628 ont Ht addrtesette Ob . 
anottasefia seodd bas ,tonsad tom edt to offty¥ eit?’ ‘oblip oy obi ‘ bs 
ebtosh {bie aftiw edd to mbhreeatands #gthtcbe Ti stew & 

-dy2 “todox Sit OF enserten ton orby , SLO eott B ot whe 

nostsi? rollsenss> oft to esartbatt eat bre tive ‘Sit to” peg: : 

Letot to estoss ont of¢ Wrsshecenh Jour vino fon ‘fees “op 
tent ,et atonittimt efi sut * * *. swwqotant pet otk 
seneatton “te tate wear xo dowotdd efete mtsfo tod acos yteq 8 > 
| ert of wren “yraeneoon ‘8 tO Teqord B todd tom of of 3 sogani 

AW “yetwea end mort” Booarhe 1B of stoite br) na tbeo0d 24 ‘etira0 fos | 
aboS Lert 008) Lansdt Sv consti ot) (8K tet Bb leet Lyf 33 20) 

spenttom 2 ssofsotet ot! free s oF 2 oitaeg noqorg “xine edt? gi: ble: ct 
“atdoty Botingos odw eaodt Bas bgig haa edt bas POETS a 

eoTseh oft toetts yimo edT .'ogentiom’ sdf of ssa edt Big 

DT10 at‘ stabasteh to melt eft s20fse%0% ot at evad 55 eso atdt a 
."Hotteesp al ‘esontiom eft Yd bev tose gt etsta 19v9 stedw deataye es 
nomts af ettitatale yo heures bee ébam m Hiedioo ylao. edt “ at 
affiw edd Sntwidea0s at bette. ‘soLLvonsdd “eid Fault of dau so ‘ae 
"40 a6 fei text gi tsetoeb at” bas egoi ‘apkié out tna Lott "he 

‘eilt “ebay sitit otquts set 8° ‘ghtebitdde ell Ton aaf be - he i 
odt satae ime Ib eerosh* sit s10téxe tt ‘bas aif’ iw Seoail 6 VBR 
‘mire at taehasteb tact Bebe slid al sa ‘+ avoonore ° oan iL 

) Bewe IIRL e lyme eed Ot ree eo ute Site eg BPS ethereal: 

oie P A Poa 
f +0 baleen Uy ; 4 eva he iY 
| Tales oo Sati a 
« a i Nite a , eS ae Ff ‘ oe ted Jae nate ee J 

is entitled to a decree of foreclosure and it is not contended 
that there was any errar in finding the amount which was due 
it under the provisions of its mortgage. 

Under the authorities, plaintiffs in error were neither 
necessary or proper partics to this litization and the findings 
in the decree to the effect that under the wills of Samuel Hoge 
and Matilda Hoge, the mortzagor, Charlies C. Hoge, took a fee 
simple title have no vlace in the decree and should be expunged 

The decree therefore will be modified by this cout by 
striking out those improper pwrtions thereof. Insofar as the 
decree directs a dismissal of the cross-bill of plaintiffs in 
error ami deerees a foreclosure of the mortgage of defendant in 
error it is affirmed. The costs in this court will be taxed one- 

half to plaintiffs in error and one-half to defendant in error. 


a tron vamerwrit't Ketttebet® Gu? cmialet eee 
bad bebas taco toa et th bas emiaoLoe tor zo neqnee. 8 p3 ius a 

rege asw A tay ourons edt ga tha bt al » eae = ice 


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ea t i 4 ay eo aE yen 
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am ena tbat? odd pas ae bi pert ht ald ot ao brag. Pee, 
: 1 eget Loumee ro, effin © a stebau edd toorte edt ot ad 
“e ; . ato lew! = bal’ 
it ayo 99% 8 do ot, poll “0 eolx alo emaest pm ont ro bi 

_bepauaxe od bigo de bas eoto0b ont at seals, - ovat elf 


wll it gin 7° % , 3 wr Por i eee? & 9 oles? 
_ Nd tayoo ald ao botttbom od ths oroterod? eotosb oat 

” ow as astoant + toote dt Reread tegotqmt esodt rd 

Y LO Ck ey 

mi atizin tela x0 Alida | off To Leeatmaih a ar 

‘ we a o LOAF f pais. 

Ah, tnebnoteb 0 epegt ron ont », as ts Na aa 

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none borat ad LLew + m0 abd: at nto fae. eben bY 

» torre mt Pusbaeteb of Biadnowo, bas, Bier ah @ ot wrth: a 
ie ti oS tomee nag 8 

MATTED CET TTGOW Ga OMe CuttreOM nc a! chil ; 

bi ha : : ay ' 
alate? “o rd eo ao? sf ote ae Ls . tine mint ft 
PL EUE } CGR? BR Pee aie we 1 fe u oie rid ; 

; 4 dim 
Mie FOROS Mie BP | «lense OA om By dp pile & 


foehewte® to belt wt) dee téndet oh 4k ol cet hi ee Noha 
2 en PU HiT “4d Boy ened Be wlth tet reget | 


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8 Pot saa + 
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MiP al 


SECOND DISTRICT fs I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause, 

of record in my office. 
In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

Appellate Court, at Ottawa, this day of 

_in the year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 

(73815—5M—8-82) B57 

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, oC 


Begun and held at Ottawa, on Tuesday, the fifth day of ese in 
the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and Wirtz: -five, 
within and for the Second District of the State oe PV nor): 

Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 

Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 
Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 


RALPH H. DESPER, Sheriff. Yd é 2 i “Ae 6 o J 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 
MAR 22 1935 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 
Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 

a3 WP + ; 2 N i 2 ¢ : : “] * fide 

% 5 
ab? cyt (et aa yao meF ia eds  yebesut fa yawass0 tz dfed Sra 
we ete pit da Ape botbabd ond ficeyods eno Diol avo ta taey ade” 

SAinaeket Fo aie:® eas ‘to totrtieit bacned eit? “Tot hie neds r 
0itvert arth reseis Slow 20 a4e noe oe 3 Eo <' os 

seoitenl VOI iH KT ARE 50H ) er 

seligot CAMO, MTA © a j 

—_ ; ery s: ROeIMOL a eunede 
os whe dA » @ ett itede ruteea ait BUIAR 

Se ter sere oe ee ote ee aS nT 
rs —— —— = ae ee : t 
a0 ‘ ; i ; i 
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> ‘ Li 

edfiat heflit -eaw dus0d- ade +0! noinigo: ‘entd! 
aetualt Sas ebvow eda nf .#1s0D> Biea, to | 

Gen. No. 8891 Agenda No. 18 
In the Appellate Court of Illinois 
Second District 
February Term, A. D. 1935. 

Leah Pearsall, 


Appeal from the Circuit Court 
a. of De Kalb County 

Harry T. Campbell, 



This was an action for damages brought by appellee against 
appellant for personal injuries resulting from an automobile colli- 
sion which happened in August, 1952. It appears from appellant's 
brief that the case was tried by a jury, but it does not appear 
therefrom that a verdict was rendered, or in whose favor Et was 
rendered, or that any judgment in this case was entered by the 
trial court. Appellant assigns no errors for revérsal, and 
argues no errors for reversal. The abstract fails to show what 
the verdict of the jury was, in whose favor it was, or what the 
judgment of the court was. There is nothing before this court 
upon which to pass. 

For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the trial court 
herein is affirmed. 

Judement affirmed. 

BL .o% sSaegA Less .ou —_ 
atonkifl to tod etailseqqA edt al 
toLateid baooed 
~céQl .2@ .A ,mteT y1s mdet 
,ilsexsel dsed 

tavod tiwoexrtd edt mort IseqgqA 

viasod disk ef to oa 
etledqis) .T y116H | 
~taslleqas ; ' 
oh a 

tentsgs selleqas yd tdgueid eegsmeb tot nolvos os esw eldT 

-tfifoo sildomotys oa mort gattivee: eoluwinat [enoarwq 10% tusiieqgs 

etinsifeqqs moxt exseqqs tI .8EOL ,teuquwA at beneqqsd doldw dime My, 

tseqas tom esob ti tud , yt 2 yd betat eaw 9880 odt tent hes 

asw tH aovet seodw at to ,botebmet esw tolbiev s tend morte rent : 

elt yd 5eted ne eaw oeso etdt alt Snompbut yas tedt 0 ,bevebaet on 

bas ,isetéver tot atorrs om anyteas tasileqgé s¢am0n faiat ne a 

tsdw wode ot elitist tositeds efT .fsexrsvet tot erot1e on aeugis 

edt tadw to ,asw tl tovst scodw at \aaw Yui edt to tolbiev edt 

twos atdt erted anid¢on et etedT .2aw tivo edt to toomebut 

-easq o¢ dolidw soqy 

goo Istat sdi to tnemgbut edt ,enoeset gitoge 10% eit 10% yt 
-bomsttts at atored 

‘ | ebomritts tnemabut 

SU. en eae a ct} REV AA | aCe ee SO ie ts Oe a eee a Ba LIS 


SECOND DISTRICT fo I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause, 

of record in my office. 
In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

Atppellatem Courtamatian O/ubanyia) mein cee en VERO 

___in the year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 

(73815—5M—28-32) oeG3p07 

a ee feline 

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Fig . 7 . 4 ee 7” ant | 
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A pig | 
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wey ail ah toe ral Leer’, See braced 3 

d rai! firs ayia ori? ag true i son frre by i ‘ | AOEETO ould Ta Taiat 

ae hs 


had in Fane edt ui eee frecext refi te sieieeh { oo aon x 
fi afk st ee De Piers) malt” 

\“oned beemnot ais ie ars) Nw rs aT oh. ies el 

dae me uccsipi arti tlie 


onl a stat sen hheaerte ‘see me! See Eh ee ~—— 

Val } sbatog ts ae ie at, 

po 441" rH 


: fy 

f £ F 
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he; f 
j j f £ 

Begun and held at Ottawa, on Tuesday, the fifth day of Febyuary/ in 

the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five, 
within and for the Second District of the State of Illinois: 
Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 
Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 
Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 

D4 Gaui C48 
279 1.4. 648° 

RALPH H. DESPER, Sheriff. 

BE If REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 

MAR 22 1935 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 
Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 

P aro 

. * : . mee 
4 ' JPOOD MAC, SATA BAO i rth 
be \ : a, iat By 7 ae. .: 
. 1 oe . 
. | | y 7 | ee 
* oF an : : ey 

Veinoytot 16 rah dest edd ( yabeeoe ate award) pan 

parkt<gitint tHe Lorinca ste beseoea? en0\ Sand iio. <04 


: ® - 2 os 
il to stage env bo! forested baronet sit=tes haa ots 

pe 5 
* \ostraul galiteor? ~RaIOW .0 GUA noe 
of qv Or oh a7 LYRA nok 

a ~ ae 


._ Xvotd> uoeiinot ar ea | ee 

BP own. Sa tied: ETRE te 

ep ate ernecmonne oe 


GEN. NO. 8896 AGENDA NO. 21. 

a rr emer 













Appellee secured a verdict against anpellant for the sum 
of $500 because of injuries received by her while riding with him 
as a guest in an automobile, and allezed to have been received be- 
cause of his wilful and wanton misconduct. 

Appellant prosecutes this appeal from the judgment of the 
trial court upon the verdict. There is only one question involved 
in this case, and that is, whether the evidence when considered, 
with all reasonable inferences drawn therefrom, in the most favorable 
aspect to appellee, is sufficient to establish wilful and wanton mis- 
conduct on the part of appellant. The facts in the case are as 
follows: Appellant, accompanied by Bernice Christensen, attended 
a banquet at the Waukegan Township High School. They met anpellee 
at that place. Apvvellant did not know appellee, Miss Christensen 
knew appellee and with appellant's consent invited appellee to 
ride with them to her home. Appellant was driving a Studebaker auto- 
mobile, which the evidence shows was in good working order. The acci- 

dent occurred some three or four blocks from the school building. 


efS .0M AQWHDA . sess 

ee ene een 


TOIATaIad auoowe 
-d0ef .@ .A .MAXT YRAUREST 



mod bavieves ead ove of bozelis bas eLidomotire ne at faoup ‘ 
-toubmooaim sotnsw bas tytttw ald to y 

edt to trompbut edt mort Iseqqe atdt 26duse20 1g tnslleqaA | ly 

heviovat moiteaerp eno yino al otedT stolLbtov edt noqy tudo 

~alm motasw bas Lytliw datidstes ot tneteitiwe at ‘yeolleggs ie 
ae to ease edd at atost ed? stupileqas to tusq ent mo | 
behaet ts eHeanese tr sotated xd betasqmooos ,daatieqas 
| sol teqss tom yett ,Loodoe fg tH qidenwoT asexual wat ta 
moamate 10 ee tit veoLteqas: won ton bLb taattouts, — 

_notue rexadebut 2 8 paivish asw tye “su 10d o moat 

The evidence is short and is not conflicting. Appellee's 
evidence discloses that she was employed as a maid; that she was 
at the school on the evening of January llth, 1934; that following 
the banquet, she left the school building in company with appellant 
and Miss Christensen for the purpose of riding with them to her home. 
She testifics that it was raining slightiy and the streets were "a 
little slippery," but not frozen. Miss Christensen testified for 
appellee resard ng the accident. Her testimony was confined to a 
statement that she was familiar with the streets over which they were 
travelling, giving the direction thereof, and that when the accident 
occurred, appellee was cut on and about the face and head because of 
a broken windshield. Appellant testified as a witness for appellee. 
Ris testimony mereiy went to his acquaintance with the place of the 
accident, the make of car he was driving, and his age. Rbbert L. 
Hall, the driver of the car with which appellant collided, testified 
for appellee. His testimony disclosed that the street where the 
accident ocecwred was on a hillside, and the vavement was slipperty 
He estimated appellant's speed at from twenty-five to thirty miles 
per hour. Appellant giving testimony upon his own behalf estimated 
his speed at twenty-five miles per hour. 

Appellant states that appellee was riding as a guest in his 
ear and that he was taking her to her home at the request of Mis 
Christensen; that his car »as in good mechanical condition; that upon 
leaving the school building he started the car; that in travelling to 
the place of the accident, he had stopped and started the car at 
different street intersections, and had experienced no difficulty be- 
cause of the condition of the pavement; that his car had not skidded 
at any of these times; that the savement seemed to be covered with a 

light frost which had not caused his car to skid. Miss Christensen 


’ sew ofa ted? | : 
a aniwolfot tad? ;h0eL di LL) yrewnst Yo aninsve eft ao Loodoe edt rs 
tnalfloqgqe dttw yaecpoo ai. paibliod Loodea eit titel eda toupasd sit 

- somod ted ot medd dtiv gathit to saoqig odt tol moanesatrdd | 
8" etew etoette edt bas yltdaile aataiet epw st tedt eoltizes# 
Tot beititeaet mosastaiadd eeli .nesort ton tod, *Yteqgs le | 

' B ot Benttaos easw yaomivaet teH .tnebioos ait gn disper eelis 

etew Yort Moidw revo ateotte oft dtiw isilimet esw ere t adit toreme’ 

soalloqqs Tot seontiw s as bottitaed faelseqgs prreary: 

ent » eosiq edt astw eonedn tenes atd ot . dew Nletem Yomidacs 

| ‘x trod +038 ata has oat ty ith esv al 89 to olen ot tae 

beltitee? bebtifos inalloqas doldw at Ew 199 ‘eit 10. parton 3 xa 
ait etodw tesite oat tedz bosoloetd Yombjant. alt _eelleqgs 


eereqat i= aaw to emev ag edt bos, coble lias & 0. Baw willy Biter : 

% Ai betenttes. +i aed mmo atd moqu yromtvest poner peefine, ae 
ys . -stwod t9q_ altar. evitaydiout ¢2 h¢ 

: rr) ‘e F ~~ 
r ° ete a teens 8 B68 pats, esw selieqas tad ketsta taetleggs - ouths 
ae I to teouner ods ta emod zed oF “oi gabled saw et tad 8 

4% f pR, $i ms 

sons tnt {110 £9 EBs0 8 Ino tasito om boos an as’ ts89 nie toads By 


Bebb bic ton ‘bad | “aB5 “eld ‘told | Smomovee “edd roe m i2a00 

ve Ee wee Tips | ups! 

ry ait tr berevoo oe od Bomeee ‘tromover itt att jpomit oa oe 
ce Tt. SOs a8 

| meenada txs10 ae Lit «btoa ot m0 abd ‘beasso tor bad toh tw Beri 

M ¢ 


$ 7 J thy 
Vs b  A(ee 
; 5 ‘ . ; ; ik , oo H 
. ‘ " es ial ‘OF gah Qh” GRY at ie bee 
yi * at Pe ds ‘ 7 oe tea Cul (ae 1 he es 

testified for appellant, end estimated the speed of the car to be 
between twenty and twenty-five miles per hour. She further stated 
that nothing was said by either appellee or herself requesting ap- 
pellant to drive more slowly. 

At the place of the accident there is a hill and a curve. 
When appellant started tom this incline and attempted to anoply his 
brakes, his car skidded to the left and struck the car in which Mr, 
Hall was then riding. The impact of the collision anpears to have 
thrown appellee against the windshield. The windshield broke and 
appellee sustained painful and extensive cuts and lacerations on end 
about her face and head, 

Appellant moved for a directed verdict at the close of the 
plaintiff's evidence and at the close of ail the evidence. Both mot- 
jons were denied and the instructions refused, Appellant urges that 
the evidence failed to establish wilful and wanton misconduct on his 
part, and that the court erred in refusing to instruct the jury to 
find aprellant not guilty. While the qestion of wilful or wanton 
misconduct is usually a question of fact for the jury, yet where all 
the evidence, viewed in its most favorable light for the plaintiff, 
does not tend to show a wilful and wanton act done, and where procf 
of such act is essential to the right of recovery, the jury should 
be directed to find a verdict for the defendant. Before it becomes 
a question of fact to be deternined by the jury, there must be some 
evidence fairly tending to show a wilful disresard of a known duty 
and of the consequences likely to flow therefrom, or 4 Willingness to 
inflict the injury. 

An examination of the evidence presented by this record, 
when considered in the most favorable light to eppellee, fails to 
establish wilful or wanton misconduct on the part of appellant. Ap= 

pellee being injured while riding in appellant's automobile as a 


“Se ao oe 

ed ot ts® edt to beeqa oft betamites bas tual Log as tot sil 
beteta tediwt ef@ .i0d teq ealltm oviteytuews baw ud tows sioowsed 
-q8 gniteeupet WMeoer0edote eelleqds tote yd pies eaws fat ton batt 

sUlwole arom évitb oF oni tea 

on i 

.evire 6 bas Lftd s ai stedd thebioos edt to ooala eit? he ede a 
gid vlads ot betametts bow ontfLont etd mos hedtote tcatleqas pant, 

iM Olde wh too” 6m Aowtta baa 16! oft “of BeboEMe 4e0 at je 
évat of erssqq8 Motakl(oo ext’ to tosqm eft sam th ly meds eaw i 
‘bas eddtd bloidebatw exT ybLoldabmtw ott dare is venir wert 

eds to eaols edt ts torbrev Ey 8 Mt bevom waothedes « 
-ton aitod ‘Yeonsbive edt ff2 to edofo edt #8 bas oomebive: e'rnry n ; 
ae coat tasiLegaa bocwtet ano tioutdeak odd. bin betes wan , 
ati -“ doubnooeta motnew. ona futLtw deiidstes ot belts?’ cotébive™ itt 

o¢ rw. oxi toutten! ot ya tevtes ab berte #1200 vedi ‘tame. all 
notaen 10: futLiw to a0 ive enp edt ef i. se Witus: ton punstad oat 

Stns axedy Jey ecast edt tot dost. To ie bate 3 iT at 

guest, without payment therefor, is barred from any action azvainst 
appellant for any injuries received because of negligence, and ean 
only recover in the event injuries received are received because of 
Wilful and wanton misconduct of appellant. Ch. 954, Sec. 43 (b), 
Cahili's St. 1933. 

The record shows Dr. George B. Callahan, a physician and sur- 
geon of the city of Waukegan, attended appellee; that she was severe~ 
ly cut on and about the face and head; that a great many stitches 
were necessary in the treatment of appellee's wounds; that it took 
about three and a half hours to administer to appellee following her 
injuries; that she was in the hospital for more than a week; thet 
the deetor visited her three or four times a day; that she was dis- 
abled for about five weeks, and still has some distortion of the lip 
due to scar. The doctor's services and the hospital bills practi- 
eally equal the amcunt of the judgment. It is unfortunate that such 
kind and ecapab'e treatment of an unfortunate person may go unpaid. 

But in order to constitute wilful and wanton misconduct, the injury 
must have been cither intentionally inflicted or produced by such 
grossly careless conduct as to exhibit a wilful disre:ard for the 
safety of others, with a full knowledge of the impending danger, and 
the failure to exercise ordinary care to prevent it. It is not with- 
out extremes recret at the necessity made by the ebove statute, that 
this court decides this case. we can but accept the statute as write 
ten and the matter therefore becomes a duty which must be performed. 
There is no evidenee in the record tending to prove wilful 
and wanton misconduct upon the part of appellant. We therefore fim, 
as an ultimate fact to be incorporated in the judement, that the 
eviderce in this case does not tend to show or demonostrate wilful and 
wanton misconduct on the part of appellant, or that appellee sustained 

the injuries complained of because of any wilful and wanton misconduct 



tenians notions yas mort betied al oR, omemyeg + y9, Mt Ee tae 
Meo bas .29negt [gen to seusood bev teoet aetwwhat h 3. tnell nyt 

a(d) Sd .oe& ,AGe .f0 .tanalloqgs to Youdaoe alm not sew bas x Apt, 4 
: ay ith 
| -BECL 2 atiihded 
ae bas matotaydq 5s ,aadsifso .f og 390 Py Ae anode bireI2e% ed, . 

® oaunoed bovisoot eta, beviese aokrui at Fo ais ould asi sevgoe ino 

; pie 
~oToyes esw ofa tadt jeellegqs Sebmotss , msgodeil to ytio ont * ae 


sedotite yas sseta s tadt jhsed bas eoxt esd tuods bss go to 
#003 ai ted? ;abowow e ‘eefleaqqs to tnomtsett oat ait yisezooem y 

red aniwolfot sefleqys of tod ainiabds of eqwod ‘Lad 6 bas eo tdt | 
tedt jxeew s neft etom tot [stiqeod ed? at aw ede tad veotustat 
~8'h aew ofe ted? ;yeb 8 eomid wot to semlt ed Setieiv witooh Seif 
ail oct to motitotath emoe eat ({hte Ooms ,steew evit tuods eh palde: 
, ~ifostg eLlid fetiqeod ols Sas egolyrea 2 motoeh aft ala 

q dove tants stsautiotay at t1 J asm Sut, ext To Javoms edt SOOTHE 
» biecaus o2 vn foateq st snyd rw Tay M8 10. From g97F © (dagse fae, ci 

A Sud 

ey: ry 
‘Tra at oft ,tovbmooatm motasw bas Lutt tw etup ttanos od mebro a 

P dow: yd shpat To bosotftat Yilsaots aetat out Le need, ev ail tam 

ae + tot 6 2 1 f 

s ty tot Sxssore i futt tw p idtixe of as topbia 9 pa oLesaa, vieeom 
bas teanab ar kieornt ont to esbelyonw, figt s Ao by 48 20,fit 0. to » tsa 

“Stiy vom at tI tt trove na ot ets Wreath zo, eelotexs ov eu {iet, os 
tests otutate evods odd yd obem yt ieasoon ont is tetpet erentxe, 1y9° 

; etivw as etriste ed tqe00s turd _ 189 ow (18689 atdy 296 ioeb t1y09 iat 
5 exzotteq ed taum dotiiw Yeub 8 aomoood oroteted) tettom, odd, nae 

_istitw syerd. og garb aot bt099T ods at sonebive on ak etedT 
ant etotestedt el 

taellegas to trseq adit soqu ‘asada daniel 
odd fedd ,taem but edt at hae Yo od oF tos) of emit ly We 

on the part of appellant. The trial court should have directed a 
verdict for appellant, in response to appellant's motion made there- 
for. On account of this error, the cause is reversed without re- 

Judgment reversed. 

Mi f Y i 
; | 

= ahs as ‘ ea er a poe tus09 ag me ea! 

| a sf 1 cag res tc feng Duy oon 1 ed 
agra remaere sion erst 

‘ (4) Ob woe £88 om ta nileqas % ant Bot meet fs 

7 ae be made/) ape a pr stiess 3 sa -e00 ey arose ce dnoans | ine eed ee 
1 awrsyed i aay ati fal raat fag ie bolyata & aon, a@, We oar & 
Bes caahin YR, Oger & dads pheod pag ormt, eAt tile a 
4eo° at dag. pateyton #2 ve llogga Xe inom teeth Y at a, Spit: 8 OF 
Tat aninettot ee Lt ORs OF Test ole tabs, oF puns ALed &, bas #974 | 
tad). rteew wm matt anos tot Letiqeat antd ah, a beans 
~2' 5 aw outs felt {ye & Gomis *aro% SP gee, RADE 
; gid alg to so binptel’ cans sal [ike Mee genmew. RAC a 
| attomg eLing fh 39994 ahi Aina pg a A ant o@8, waite 
d ners age a asc Fa Ai 34 oF IRHOML, ail &9 | Si iasig ir: 
bse Mw 08 qn AN 27 StAtUs wIgM J, ok. Ses Pat, 
. et mh ed ston brqouks AIK aw ban ith ts pridvediacsey ° 4 
i dows oe baou tena +9, beteltro) Xt pene erat PORae mr 
“este 70% am) anne re) Lui be 3 EAA hee. ot BA, fete A RO ee 
bas 793 se% pat tba 9 aL oad te opbative nd Atay, 9 SEB aBnee. 
titi Fou ah fT ‘tt taeverts ot ihe Pb, 20 same fs a 
ear ad evpoe sad va. whew ¥itunep og, oth feanee 4 

setae ea aursin ade quae ted BD of, renee et, pee saey 
wb orrdhree 96 eeu Cote We nome bdiacgings’ iy 
ett Arey, ot Lamas breom ($4 ot 9aneb 

Fai Med 

\ eee exotet nde stan Sieqen to #89 “ect oun th | 
Py cpt tothe tenet, ae Ba Ress aoaat PF } 
bre ‘tort by, ores yaxcmab hid sted o22 Axe! Ste hed 
bea torneg aokionga, rege, sig sfeebiowa, 2 ty . 

1 Shaigsar. ia natn hee ane Wet. Pea “a te 

to ' : re ry iy, 
| 2 Meer oe ; ¢) ya me ane ae | aks ey Tee Fi 
‘ a 7 " ; 7 nat f es 3 a H Lf ’ d Prag ve vD) ae af 
: rie : ; 6 Aisa eae Oeioe 


SECOND DISTRICT fe I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause, 

of record in my office. 
In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

Appellate Court, at Ottawa. this day of 

ee ingthenyear of our, Lord one) thousandymine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 

(73815—5M—3-82) «i537 



re it Taek: Sekt “a bus font tit fe at Sor = 
io qed... mee | ease Wn tet) 5 
ngs bund ane - Brod 10 tn eh, x ‘ah ae : | 

Ef aoe ce ih 

“xii ee le 

ere Bor —— | 

\ j t 

Begun and held at Ottawa, on Tuesday, the fifth day of February, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five, 
within and for the Second District of the State of Illinois: 

Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 

. Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 

Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 

TUSTUS L. JOHNSON, clerk. © @ S 1A: 64 gt 

RALPH H. DESPER, Sheriff. 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 
MAR 22 1985 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 
Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 

| x 

. | vs | 3 £10 STATIS = 10 MART A CA a 

‘ i: Vises \. ' ‘ “1 ® i 

. . | Mesa erie 

at travrdel to Yah. chet odd ‘wabasat to “anatio fa bapa bow a 
ovit-yd Add bee berbee dente haagyors: 2in0 dred ‘wo kay ck a ae 
sefamtits ty otata eit to tobrdeid ‘Bacped ony tot ica | 
pottart girib leer “malo 6 cant ia fe “ta 
—— oy. Aepbieus kee eLoomame” soll) ons 
waotteut pic accr® ea 

‘ont mi betit 32W ‘tet ets 
rs ee coe ni ah AAAS ye tig 

5 it baa abtow | «WEE 
bie a et 

a oy as 
bes ite UTE) 
i. E ' 

Gen. No. 8906 Agenda No. 27 
In the Appellate Court of Illinois 
Second District 
February Term, A. D. 1935 
Wm. C. De Wolf, 

Appeal from the Circuit Court 

of Boone County 
Andrew A. Mulligan, Chairman 
of the Boone County Board of 
Supervisors, et al, 



This was a mandamus proceeding brought by appellee as peti- 
tioner against the county of Boone, the County Clerk, County Treas- 
urer, and members of the Board of Supervisors of said county, seek- 
ing to cause the said Board of Supervisors to convene in a special 
session and to levy a tax for the purpose of payment to petitioner 
of a pension claimed due under the Judges Pension Law, Ch. 57, 

Secs. Sl, 32, Cahill's St. 19353. Appellee claimed benefit of said 
statute by virtue of having served in the capacity of County Judge 
of said county for a period of twenty-four years. He further alleg- 
ed that he had reached the age of sixty-five years, and set up that 
by virtue of said statute, the county of Boones was thereby obligated 
to pay him a pension of {$750 per year. The respondents to said 
petition filed a general demurrer thereto, which was overruled. 

They then presented their answer to said petition, which the court 
denied respondents leave to file and entered an order that said 
petition be taken as true against respondents, and directed that 

a peremptory writ of mandamus issue in favor of the petitioner 
(appellee herein) and against respéndents, directing the members 

of the Board of Supervisors of said county to convene within twelve 
days and to levy a tax or provide funds for the payment of a pension 

to petitioner as prayed; and that the County Clerk should extend 

a nokaneq s to t emyec exit rot ebaut ebivorg ‘10 xed a wel ot ‘bas 

VA ‘. ; ; ie ERE RAN aca eNO HF 

°& .o ebnepA 80e8 .of .med 

etontifl to tawod staifeqqaA ent al 

tolafei@ huoosek 
eéel .2d .A wmteTt yisvideil. 

eitoW of .0. mW 


txuod tiverld sdt mort [eeqqa va 

femiltad® ,segif{ivoM .A wetbod 

to braced ytavod smood eft to 
ela to ,e2mwelviequa 

Yiavod enoo0d To 

-ataelleqga . 


-ltieq es esl{eqas yd tdguord saheebharae BuMBbasm 8 enw ad? aie 
-es0x? yinvoD ,dveld ytavod odd ,snood to yiaveo edt tentegs ronoht 

-1os8 Vttasos Sise to etoeiviegque to br808 edt to 20 dmom bas mew ay 

Latooge 8 at gnevooe of stosiviequya to bascd Brae orit eause ‘ot ak 

tenolt iteq of tnemyeq to eeogimg eit 10% xst 2 yet ot bas mo teeee 

~"S dO wal colene’ Bogut ont reba evb ‘bomtslo notemeq 8 0 

hiea to éLtened bomtslo eelfLeqga 280 8 e' Lied Se 118 weet 
i Ae 
oxbul yi mi0d to utiesqse edv al bevites oa brad to ext uty vd otutate 

tact qu tee bas ,2TBoy ovit-ytxte to eps edt bedoset bau oul sat bo 

iat hase i 

hstsaildo ydeisdt saw snood Io yiauoo oit stutada bise ‘t0 out aty ‘vd ‘ 

bise ot etme baogeet eT .us9~y eq O8TG to noteneq 8 wmbdl wea of 
“sbeLurrev0 aew do tciw otere st tTexiumsb Istenes 8 belt? nobd tte 
tuvoo edt doldw ,foltitec bise ot towens atedt bot neae7q nedd vor 
Biase tadt 105 %0 a8 betetne bas offt of eveel et nebaoqaet betaob 
taut botoo rth bate etmebsogee tentesss eutt as nosed ed none beg 
renolti¥eq out 70 xovs't nt eneei epushasm to thaw yrot quoted a 

| etedmem ost aiitoets setnebuéqeet daatags bag (mtoxed eolfeqas) 
“ovlees jh abstt tw eriaviio9 ot Vtawoo bee 10 eros tvzequé 10 bus08 atte 

Bactxe pleode areLo vemtod | edt tent bas ) ibaa as aot oq op f 

ee ; Moon 


 egeLLs todtw?t eH .etsey “auot= tt sews to bofted s 10% et sus0e bhee ‘t0 | 



the proper tax to raise the necessary funds and issue warrants to 
petitioner upon the Treasurer of ssid county for the pension fund 

In a mandamus proveeding such as this, the defendant may 
plead or answer, as he elects. Ch. 87, Sec. 2 et seq., Cahill's 
St. 1933; People v. Powell, 274 Ill. 222. If the answer traverses 
by direct denial any facts alleged in the petition upon which the 
claim of the relator is founded, this raises a question of fact, 
and such facts charged in the petition and denied by the defendant, 
must be proved by the relator. This necessarily requires a hearing 
on the merits, and the parties have the right to have the issue of 
fact tried by a jury. People v. Czaszewiez, 295 Ill. 11. The 
defendants have the legal rizht to answer the petition. If the 
petitioner is of the opinion that the defense set up by the answer 
is insufficient, he may demur thereto, and the question as to the 
sufficiency of the answer is then properly before the court for 
the first time. After a general demurrer to the petition for the 
writ has been disposed of, the respondent may, at his election, 
abide by the demurrer or answer the petition. Hartman v. City of 
Chicago, 198 Ill. App. 572. 

The respondents claim their answer controverted facts set 
forth in the petition upon which the claim of the relator is based. 
Under such circumstances, we are of the opinion the coyrt erred 
in refusing them the right to file same. Should they not have 
filed a sufficient answer in law to the petition, the petitioner 
could have raised this by demurrer and the matter would have then 
been disposed of in such a manner as to have presented to this court 
a definite’ issue of law to decide. If the answer of the respondents 
challenges the facts set forth by petitioner upon which he bases 
his claim, we know of nd other way the same may be properly deter- 

mined than by a hearing on the merits. 


golatge sit to ois ow ,tawoe eldt sioted etaixe biode: et eA 
> efit of tdgit odd atasbnoqest gatyaes gk borte tovoo Iatat edt 
~iteq egt es isitasm dove ani omee oft aebheanoo of Has .tewane. thodt 
»beesotq oF tosole tdylm temokt 

hue Deatevext eroteveds ef tives Lala edt to toemgbut oT 
edt ditw yimwtooo al esnifbessotg toftat tol bebosmet eaves) atiot 

wot ited amt 

we ga) xond 

 -besaetgze aleted awaty 

{ Rs »Sebnemes ina beateven / ff Roe ang 
; et ant ele | 
t i 
“e j ; 1 hevorwr ed tem 
} hee ,etivest off a) 
US  watnes y whgo i» te polet Fant | 
: ” aig f afexudsneteb 
5 iy to a2 wey ond Rog 
a ; > Aa Vert £ a ee rieeat at 
fant ' 
a¢ eae ett Le teeeke Jee 
yaid ti : + ¥ mie teat? ent 
gtk i , 2 gull feed vad Rid 
. . ; aM “6 7 Sores “42? vd ab gen 
OTS GA CET] BAL oat pow kdo 
# i Beal oF PIS WOT8NS ost? | 
F Bee ( t ty [You £89 rm cat tet 
ec! } ‘ ". y emarony watered Aon m . 19 batt 
t _ of gaudy on¢ ated? gate a at 
Z ae oy 2a OF wel ek Lye & at) ‘atis La AE rm a bolit 
: t ai ee vevien wakes boa twn ovasl ‘hiwoo 
» etait me 2 of 94% nian aE Oem | to desoguh nang 
Rie as ; ere AS hier 27 was bed ouwnd Intin ion r) 
Roeed o@ Sele waneiehhec vd at ws? eh ned ston’ eat cance Liane 4 
Ma Pe hy 
~Setet wl" ei Yer ome ett thw nese a to vom ow etal aid 

2 q fe 
we auth Ascciex 



SECOND DISTRICT fs I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause, 

of record in my office. 
In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

Appellate Court, at Ottawa, this day of 

_in the year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 
(73815—5M—3-82) 307 

tay Yo. tows sa Ba. us bond cd tne isonet t vse ‘pone 

ae Arvsaaieitt oto, bral no oo. winr, odds, ‘et = 


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d a , 


Begun and held at Ottawa, on tee cee the fifth dag of February, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand nine Murae as ana thirty-five, 
within and for the Second District of the State of Illinois: 

Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 

Hon, FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 
Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 

RALPH H. DESPER, Sheriff. Pa ¢ Y I SNe 6 A gf 

BE If REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 
MAR 99 1935 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 
Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 

?S— a. 

roe rata, ‘enn 40 Maee A TA 
fae wee ee 

Sig idly we ssbesul fo “awadse ta Se brut 
ale Beisnoareaen Trae faa? ena (htod tio: to tHe 

: At a Ags 

fetontfit in ofsi2 bat 0 an trtsit: none: ody ta ‘haa F 

as ast 

eotiset Sclbteers ncow ) tert sro oft 
is iz a : ia 
, wotteck VOC \A MERMARE , 
es :  ienitert 2AMTRUR BWA coe 

1, 7 ps : x9 lh HORHIEOT a Te 
YOO ALT OVS | shane anand E Boot oe , 

‘ bs : ae i 
7 , 1 “Y 
: " : 
y > ie’ ba : -_- au, 
ve. q 
nd ‘ 
PS a ae ef = = 
: = # F Gy x, * 
- OF i ns ws 
a « 
' > ? 

a0 :flw-ot ,abrewxedta fad 0% 
add at Soft? esw tiy9d ed? a8 poe 

Pepe 3. Ms ie Niaser ae Lod Ji 

serge aa sbiow, * ak es 

Gen. No. 8915 Agenda No. 30 
In the Appellate Court of Illinois 
Second District 
February Term, A. D. 1935 
City of Wheaton, 
Appellee, ; 
Appeal from the Circuit Court 

ot of Du Page County 

Edward Howard, 



Appellant was convicted in the cirevit court of Du Page county 
for violation of that section of the city ordinances of thdcity of 
Wheaton, making it unlawful to engage in peddling without a license. 
Jury was waived and trial had before the court. The court found the 
issues against appellant, and assessed appellee's damages at the 
sum or 325. Appéllant prosecutes this appeal from the judgment 
against him. 

The evidence shows that on May 21, 1935, appellant, together 
with fifty or more other people, went from Chicago to Wheaton in the 
capacity of “Messenzers of Jehovah." Appellant states that his 
occupation is thet of "Jehovah's Witness," and that he is engaged in 
no other work or employment. Appellant went from house to house in 
the city of Wheaton, with certain printed books which he sought to 
pleee"in the hands of the people for a small contribution of twenty- 
five cents and five cents." The evidence shows that appellant had 
one book for which he required a contribution of twenty-five cents, 
and two books for which fe required a contribution of five cents 
each. He had not Secured a license to sell these bo@ks in the city 
‘of Wheaton. His testimony discloses that he and the other people 
went to Wheaton for the purpose of going from house tc house over 
the entire city with the books in question; that they all carried the 

same books and asked for the seme contribution therefor. Appellant 

0S .o adbmesA El@sS .of . med ‘9 
atonti£I to tod stalieqqA edt al : 

totateld Dnoose | 

ecel .d@ .A ,mtef yiewide'l 

.sot sedW to ytto 
twod ¢ieoitd edt mort Laeqgqaé Rs 4 
yinwoD east uf To oe 
-DiewoH brswhi 

te IL eqgéA 

ytovoo eget ul ‘to tusoo tivetto eft al betotvnoo esw tneileqqA.s. ~ 
to wtobst to seonsmthto yWio eft to aoltoee stadt to sottslotv tot 
-eanooil a tyodtiw yntibbeq at opszae ot [vtwalay ti anidem  totsodt 
edd babot tivoo sdT .tawoo edd oxoted bat Letat bas boview ebw yxet 
-» edt te segemeh e'eoelleqgs hbeereces base ,tnoeileage tentsys seveet it 
Tromhut. ont wort Issqqs etdd eetyeoroiq taslfeqqk .&S% to mae 
tae min mutt temtege 
“wottepot ,taelfoggs ,280L ,L8 yall mo tedt avode eonpbive off 9) 
ott ot. noteodW of onsoind mort Trew ,siqoeq unite etom 10 yttlt Atiw ie 
aed tat e0eteate taslieqqA  ".favedot to, etesneaseM” to tt toeqso 
at begague ef of tadd bos ",2eentiW atdevedet” to tedt ef soktsquoso 
at eened of oevod mort tnew tasileqqa. staenie Lene. to Atow terdto: on 
ot ¢dgvoe ed dotdw exood betutiq aistise diiw ,aotsed¥ to ylo edt 
~ytnews to soltudtutace [fame s rot eleooq ext to absed esft. at" esala 
bed tosifecqqs tedt eworea eonebive eT "atoms evit bas etaso ovit 
| ,afaso evit-yitnewt to oottudiataos s betigpet od doltdw 1% Aood esto 
etneo evil to solttudiattnos se bertupes s¥j\dotdw rot adood owsd bas . 
ytio edt al-enéod saedt [fee of eenentl s bemoed ton bed oH tose 
efqueq, tedto oft dus ed ted’ eozoloelh yaomtteet aft .notsen to | 
tevo savon of savod mort aniog to saoqiwwe edt: aot sotsed ot tow i 
| ed? Botv1s0 Lis yord tem utottesup mt elood edd ndiw ytlo exttns odt 
dl  tasllogqa .totetedt doltudiatsoo emea odd tot bores base eslood emee 


states thathe delivered about five books in Wheaton on that day; 
that he offered them at a great many residences, going from house to 
house; that when he showed the large book, twenty-five cents was 

the contribution he required for it, anc five cents was the contri- 
bution he required for each of the smaller books. 

A police officer of said city saw appellant Goliciting persons 
tobuy the books. He asked appellant how much the books were, and 
appellant told him that one was twenty-five cents and the others five 
cents each. The police officer bought a copy of the twenty-five cent 
book which was entitled "Vindication," and a copy of each of the small- 
er books entitled, "Where are the Dead", and "Home and Happiness," 
paying appellant therefor the sum of thirty-five cents. Appellant 
had other copies of the books with him at this time, and after the 
police @fficer purchased his copies, appellant proceeded on his way 
to the next house. ‘The officer thereafter watched appellant while 
he solicited sales of the books at residences upon three other streets. 
The officer then placed appellant under arrest, at a house located 
on the corner of Indiana and Chase streets, where he was engaged 
in é@gdeavoring to sell the books. <Appellent st the time, was en- 
gaged in conversation tith the oceupant, at the door. The occupant 
stated to the offiepr in the presence of appellant, that appellant 
was trying te sell the books to him. 

Appellent makes no assignment of errors relied upon for re- 
versal, and sets out no propositions of law and the authorities 
relied upon to support them, as required by rule nine of this court. 
Appellamt takes the position that he was a member of a missionary 
band engaged in preaching the gospel of "Jehovah's Kingdom", in the 
capacity of a witness, and the distribution of the books as he was 
making same, he considered a "commandment of Jehovah." 

While appellant's brief is inadequate under the rules of this 

court, to properly present this case for review, yet we have carefully 




ryeb Jvedt go aotsed¥ al exlood evit twods botevileb edited? eotstes 
o¢ seavod mort gnitceg ,eeoneblées qnem #3eT s ts wodt be tet to efi tent 
ssw atneo evit-yimow? ,dood exial edt bevore od nesiw teat peavod 
-itainés oft eaw etnoo evylt bas ,tf sot bexalupet od bait tlt tab ‘ort 
-ego0od seileme olf to tose sot be tispet ed ree 

emoeteq unitttotic® tealleqas wae yilo bise Io szeoftto eollog A 
bre ,otow atood oft doum wod tnel{leqqs betas eH .adood sd? weer 
We etedio edt bos atnss evit-yiaowsy esw ono todt mins blot tasf{Leqqs 
#moo ovit-ytasewt ofd To yYqoo s trisuod teottto eollog eiiT does atnas 

-[Lomé edt te dose to yqoo a dns *,nokssotbalv" holétias sew otde wood 

“pauemigqas!!) bus smoH” bus ,"bsed eit etd oredW” , bolt Lice -edoed 16 

 toelleqgA  .etseo ovit<ytutdt to mye ont totoaert taelLloqas. sabyaq 

9d? getts bus ,omld ata? ta mid dtiw adlood ait toveetqdo teAdto bail 

ysw eid so bebeoooty taalleqca yaeiqoo sid boasdowg teolttb sslied 

elidw tuaileqgs bedetaw tottseiddt rwoltto eft .eayod txon ant vod 
seteotta asdto eeidt soqu eeonebtest ts exlood et to eelee hettoltioe ed 

betaso{ saved ste ,teet1s t350y tnalleq¢s boosiq nedd!seottto ofT 

Dbeygssne esw en etedw ,atvestta ceadd base sasifal te tons ‘suf ao 
-i gow ,omfd oft ts tasifoqqA. ssdood ext Lfes ot gnitovsebab wt 
 daeqrpoe ofT .t00b sat te ,tuequevo edd dtbe aotteetevnco at begeg 
. tasileggqs tant ,Jaalleqqs to eonaes1g oft nt teaektio edt .ot betseta 
‘ wr 4 ’ i smin ot azioed oft Lfee oF gaiyat asw 

% esititediuys eft Same weal to anotticoqouq on tuo atea Sas gise1sT 

:; ", ,dsvoisl te tneabasmmoo" a berebrenoed en’ ‘qomtpa cgebsiem, 
| one ‘toveolut oft tobav etgopebsal al “tetud e'tasileq¢s tbat oft 

id = er tet sogqu Belfer atoris to tnemagtees cn eovsm tralfeggAcsel> 

i .tasso efdd to omnis oiva yd betltupet en imedt t soqqua, ot “noqu belies ay . 
ue _««-Vissobkeeta so to tedsem s eev ef tant nottleog sid caotet taekisqqa | 
ald at y"mebgatt etdsvodet" to lequoy cit sabiosemgeat: eseyme. aed r 
Listed edcas efood ei? to noltudittelb sd? bus: jeeentiws ro-yetesqso 

mS oe 

reviewed the same and find no error to exist in the judgment of 

trial court. 
The same is therefore affirmed. 

Judgment affirmed. 


=e ry ‘ Phen 

ett fo gheanbut sh5' at sakxe os nome ey eee a 
Shoo get Lahing , sepa Ob] Ber * (BME FOV A $m moat WE resrfooni 
Ban ime evitytaus? dood °F boasts 2 hasade. a at eoma ost ty 

{ ? 

eltieeo ot2 #2 pet Sts aren 967 Sebtape’ ad limit abtwt aoe oud 
idee wollen att ‘bo tyee tet her stage ad noha 
Mette ansitviged 3 redfogte wes 43 be bites To peolt'o option i pu 
pas yoriew adtod on dokei ood ComiLogge Selina OR vasiood out yude? 
ahs stesso vif bas efaee evil-idew? var ono pays wad Asot tusl Soqggs 
tence ovit~vd news o4% ‘yo yore 5 tagved vevltte sotieg ei?  .dtind gee 
efiown get Yo ster Te Yyou k line “jcotteathall® eddiiew saw Hobdy gogd) 
M caine beens daw sieve | nw owt lech otntant grat tee anided +e | 
Sed ienga adden thpeytaiet te mus ot sotarinat ites Stogts ceed ! 
ee ere eT ere eT i ee 
youn no tofewto ty Tusifegce yeatqoes cid Senate ‘toons ee, 
Siisw tinkifeqed béded ww sptsectsds wend rho (edtNeehae 0 
eUdhSTs tdto cect! moqe setcebtnot ta wieud ede te ne Loe bette tbo egal 
dotetel enval ate ~leetia toon teed loge hom be todd. reo ste ant 
LY Reoweate ser Ot OMe | neta ‘we add | baat ouabeth yd ‘nese eit ae” 
ome aut 4 ate eat do taaliisgya - net. on? hme Ob ane wer aati th 
Hieguens wit «aati aftae' asgeoe aus eh aditaaarane ek /) hae 
eeghiwges sade stant Senye he pees adhe etommite a: asd ot betete: | 
res soa ek, Eine ethyl am 
Ro A ML butte Ateenie OTS tw ey mo eo iene: Fnkihogyn opal iy 
hehe bendium <e bae wal te spetd Pegg: ot 190 etde Say ipeweie 
AOC abt Deeks aherniyd erkusped ee «gainer sstiecai: at seca towh La 
TadeS kes re omen home a PAN ae khang muti dotet take gg 
GAP Gb. Mey Ee heveroE Te Leywag die due meer nt ben ame Junaid 
| Ei aw athens ent to conden tuieks nat aedjeoont beta te ghana! 
# SP Se eS. AN eral eaiiann et a be na Seema: eh poone gpa.tiet 
ap vada Te eo Ler WOT awit sniharnge Bead ‘aS ean. we araais gta. ad Lotti nie } 
Seyret ete wt sq i(vedtexy tet meadhemticmnnibahibatinsts 

a é oe ‘y re ° 4 
P , : , | ‘ me. ial eae) Se be 


SECOND DISTRICT fs I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause, 

of record in my office. 
In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

Appellate Court, at Ottawa, this day of 

in the year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 

(73815—5M—3-32) «E307 

; So ie 
>= ° 
cae Sian Se oe 

“a ~~ 

satan bolle aes ot ii tea ma 

hating ‘ ke ee 

lo vab_. 
trdss hetenuvgld Te fro x % tot nth 



fred alabank wat towel 

en ett ee 


Fourth District 

October term A.D (9a 

r dy caw teal 
i a 9 
Fevm Mo A3 At g en a 


hrs Appeal from 
Circuit Court, 
Franklin County. 

(Plaintiff) Appellee, 

Roy EH. Pearce, 
Judge Presiding. 

279 1.A.649° 


Re Ci Ca et Tin Ti i Tie te tee 

(Defendant) Appellant. 

Stone, J. 

This is an appeal from a judgment of the Circuit Court 
of Franklin County in favor of Rosetta Hungate, appellee, 
plaintiff below, egainst the Westchester Fire Insurance Com- 
pany of New York, appellant, defendant below. The ection wes 
assumpsit on an insurance policy in which appellant insured 
appellee in the amount of 4250.00 on a certain dwelling house 
and $250.00 on certain household goods and personal effects. 
The policy contained a clause to the effect that the company 
should not be liable for any amount greater than three-fourths 
of the actual cash value of any item of property described 
by the policy at the time of the loss. The jury returned a 
verdictin favor of the plaintiff in the sum of $499.00 and 
judgment was entered thereon. 

Appellent contends that there is no sufficient evidence 
to show that notice of loss wes given within six days after 
the fire. The evidence showed that two days efter the fire 
appellee reported the loss to the local agent, informed him 
that the policy had been burnt, received from the agent the 
name of the company, wrote to the company "right off", and 

that an adjuster from the company appeared within a week, 

totztara 1 daxw0t var Nain 

hat A.A nyst vedetoO 

oN sons gh 

aoe mott LseqqA 

at ,ttve0 sivotL0 selleqga asta 

ay! ys aod aiizvast® 


i : ».,YHadMoO ZOwaAUeKI FATT neceanorean 
Wick aldstonok 

a .90%seT .7 yon ~AHOY Wau .YTIO TAOY 

ety -gaibleord 93 0uL 

. IE etasiLeqgqa (tasbnstsd) 

“ebo A.t evs 

esw cottos edT -wolod Snsiteaictatt ‘Wahid LAr01 W9tt Yo 

betvant tasif[sqaqs dose af yotfoq sonstueni as aly the 
eavod gntifewb alstis9 s ao 00 yess, to tavocs odt al. opto 

yasamoo odd ¢ad¢ sostts et of eauslo s bentstnaoo youl 

eddivot-csrdt asd totsere. dasome yas tot sidsti od ton | 


badixoeeb yi reqozg to meti yas to euisv aso Isutoa 

& bentutet yme edt .sa0f oft to omit odt ta worLog 
bas 00.9@3% to mya add¢ oi ttLdatsiq edt to. tovat at 

ee at eS Oi 
-mootedt vane: Baw 191 

It is not stated whether this wes a week from the occurrence 
of the fire or the writing of the letter. No sufficient ac- 
count’ wes given of an attempt to procure the letter and the 
sourt properly refused to permit proof of the contents of the 
letter, but allowed the appellee to state that she sent a 
letter to the company within three days after the fire oc- 
curred, The jury might ressonebly have found from the fact 
that a letter wes sent and the fact thet an adjuster appeared 
in due course, that notice in writing concerning the loss was 
given. The court did not err in submitting this issue to 
the jury. 

It is next contended that the court erred in permitting 


the foregoing evidence to be received after the plaintif had 
rested her cese. It has long been well settled that this is 
a matter within the discretion of the trial court, and that 
the discretion will not be interfered with in the absence of 
a showing of a clear abuse of this discretion. | 

Appellant urges as error the refusel of instructions 3, 
3, and 4, which related to fraudulent overstatement of the 
value of articles destroyed, fraudulent listing of articles 
knowing they were not destroyed, and fraudulent listing of 
articles knowing she did not own the same. No evidence was 
introduced by the appellant as to the value of property destroyed. 
We do not think thet the repetition of the value 98 cents for 
several small articles is any evidence of freud. The fact that 
the insurance agent did not notice certain articles of furni- 
ture in the house at the time the policy vase issued is not 
evidence that such articles were fraudulently listed in the 
proofs of loss. Appellee is a woman ignorant of the refinements 
of property law. The fact that she thought certsin articles 
of property were her own “as much as her husband's" and listed 
them as her own, when in fact they were common property is not 
e¥idence of a fraudulent intent to deceive. Since there wes no 

proper evidence of fraud or false swearing the court did not 

err in refusing to give the instructions requested, 

ji } r 


ratce -o8 tastotitua of Heres ‘odd ¥6' itt ine 


hes eit brs tetiel edt Ph aig oF tame tis ia to oil nowt f 
i a 
a edt to atnotnoo edt “to Yoore thors? ot  boeutaa” iteqorq too 

jtihieg ) (8 f pary! ode tedt stste ot celleqas edt oswolls tud <totteL 
i pen ~90 ati? Sat totts eyeb serdt atdtiw yaaqno’ Bas toe! cover T 
tost add mort bause? eved yldsnoscer tdytm yeep edt ‘89REi 
botsaqds’ yeesaatbs! fs facts tost sft bas tise leie tottel s tant iy 
sae deol ent an tatsonoo gaitinw at soiton tadt ,9atvoo sub nt a 
be ; ot supei stdt goadetedss at «19 tom bib ra leat” visors “a if 
Sat wae’, Verb setup sas 
a) j gattes mreq at betzre dsiroe 98t Sodt bebwetaoo tYon al $t hat ‘ 

a 8 posit tite tata eat Ph a88ts bevisost 9d of soasbive snfogstot ode 

at eid? teadt beftise Iloew moed gaoft ssi tI .9ea0 tod or ° 

eolotits to aa ks tnefubuart ,{bsyottaeb esrststs aed 

tot etned BC “entsav “odd I6: dsarineued vedas pian ar i 
todd foatosd? 1 

on saw sredéeoater vavisoes ot tata sobbed 

SOR ANE toa bbb tines oat gatssews 99 fe? to buat Yo > 

bye insdesnped’ enottourtedt adv evisiot 
‘ “Faia i int ae PETG a ae: qr I iss me! z 



Instruction Number 1 explained to the jury thet it 
might take into consideration the plaintiff's interest in the 
result of the suit. We think the point wes sufficiently 
covered by instructions given by the court. 

Appellant urges that there was a variance between the 
provisions of the policy declared upon as lost, and the policy 
offered to prove the provisions of the lost policy. While 
there are some differences in lenguege used, the court does 
not find any substantial variance in materiel provisions. 

The admission of the testimony of Lewis Harris with ref- 
erence to the value cf the building is assigned as error. 

The qualificetions of the witness were: experience as @ 
building contractor for forty years; acquaintance with prop- 
erty in the locality; acquaintance with the values of property 
in the locality at the time of the loss. The witness made 

an estimate of the cost of rebuilding the premises, and de- 
ducted fifty per cent for deprecietion. There was no error 

in the admission of his testimony. 

There was sufficient evidence that the dwelling exceeded 
$350.00 in value. There wes sufficient evidence that personal 
property destroyed in the dwelling exceeded $375.00 in value. 
Three-—fourths of the value of the dwelling would exceed $250.00 
and the same is true of the personal property. Fe cannot 
say therefore that the verdict of $499.00 was excessive. 

Finally it is contended by appellant that remarks of 
counsel for appellee were calculated to incite the jury a- 
gainst appellant and its counsel. The reference to counsel 
for appellant as high powered Chicago lawyers was not proper, 
and yet it would not necesecrily influence the result of the 
trial. The trial judge who heard the speeches of counsel is 
in a better position to judge the effect of the remarks, and 
to observe the manner in which they were made, than this 
court is. Unless the speeches of counsel sre so clearly a- 

busive and violent that they would in all probability affect 


| yorlog iy? a ~t2ol 24 ; nogu dexafseh ea hae ok Yo pn Mi 
eftam -yotLoq teot ent to anolatvorg . ods voxg, ot b Rete 
e905 dx09 edt , beer ogougant at gonnes? tb Puoe ate ores, 

Y .ertote tvorg Ig iret em at ote btav Hatingredee ae, dats tom 

z Se. 2 

none Asin eitish atwad a2 Xmomttes t ett to notgedaba nat, 
«torts as bemsiens ef gnibliud edt to sulev edt og, 
5 #8 sonstteqxe s9T5w sasatiw edt to eaotsigtthiayp | 
-00%q dtiw SOGRIAI SDDS 2BTS9Y xttot tot Sotoetdnoo BaIBLI a 
yiteqorq Xo pentav anys atin Sonstatsupos | a iWtisool edt ph wan 
| sbsa aoontin edT «gaol pds Yo emtt edt da, Wilsool edt. 
9b bas .3%8imong ont ~—aaiblisdor. to. dp.09 pas. to. sanaane 
IOITS on asy onedt, ! Moltstoergsb tot ta90 APs, WR 
bh be _sWomttest etd To. y PAAR 5. 

a =, 

“ bebssoxs “amt ttown oAd foad sada tmotostsue. 8 com oma 
fenoeteq, todd sonebive. traiot* tue caw. Steet. , -puipy, at. $0.8 

' onl ey at, 00.8058 dabssoxe part Aone. add at boronsaph, xtt9q 
00.0888 ps9oxs, bivos goiiiowp edt to _ eulsy. odd 9, padre 150 } 

NADY: dong 189 98 i sN2t9Go74 Ispostsq, "ty to. suat at nt it 

to etzanor todd Suativan +t Mra att ule 0 ee 
_78 Xt odd ottont of betatpolso, erox, posfogga, xoX, fo a } 
jell ot somststot ont -lopapoo att, bas tnatioags 
vuagong, Jom po", az0xvef ons0kMD. Doxovod, fld.2, Sonts 
we oo to Hugor, at sonsultah, yfizsogopeg, ton, biuvom 
et _fseano9 to, Bedogega odd, brsed ode. epbub- fakmd, 9 
bas sAzenpz, of? 20Mperte. ME RAPES OF, ‘Motttaog, 79 
se _ -Btit_gadd .sbem. 219%, xsd? doisw. af. 2 SRE, pda 
. oy WtseLo, 98, 918 _feeauoo to eadooogs, at, ; a 1 
toate, HAE Ht ai. pine, me si a9, 4 


the result of the case this court must leave the matter in 
the sound discretion of the trial court. In view of the 
fact that counsel for the defense stated at the beginning of 
the trial that they would prove a conspiracy to set fire to 
the dwelling, and in view of the fact that no evidence what- 
ever was introduced to support this statement, counsel for 
appellee were justified in calling upon counsel for appellant 
to explain the making of such an opening statement. 

We find no error in the conduct of the trial, and the 
judgment of the Circuit Court of Franklin County will there- 
fore be affirmed. 



A Ad jrbtialud wi fell 

G1 ‘qastam od4 evaet taum tyes Bids geay ape to #1 

jy (oat Yo wetv al »PaHeo fait? 1 249\to 9 Pun eke 
to gainatyed. ant ts bodade sanoteh Mt. x0 com teat font 
ot exit fos of Yostigenos 2 evotg biyow yah ray feta ott 
~tada songhive on tacit font edt, to woty, af ‘bas awetiage of ods 
pe. feeauod vtrowotate eidt Poggue,. ot eouhogtat 35 Ae 
tint isane sot Loganoo noay ME HIA9 at. Rev Uout ome, i notteqas Mh 
he stnougdete aniasgo as dove to Fees *Af CARLO 

ont Sas fait edt To toubaoo joat eh ah 06 ei 7" 
sexedt fite vtax00 AaLAnsyy 39 eHo® ttogtt0 1,949 Se. taqroiut ih 
sKATTe. OC Doeherayad weorred dae hay onthe ca, | 


nS she 
Soh 2°US) teres Pages eoine iw ai ts wee SR ar he | : ny 
i? Lh wetecet soft PLM ue 
ier goog hew ont REGS Wht Aa: See 8 LOK “i | Ph, 
a ‘ia (vet eon , A? See hi titeoe Po {whine any te nea Pe 
ten OY kod ORT. sv pik ata ROM uty Las shpat Hey Dar! 7 a 

‘y ss idee nos. Th: peer ge 

Gehasies wi anh il bots sagen hg tao Aad np bey Magic i,t 

Eigen se rave ‘atiebh evs) dnarhod* tue ay ont Brdehy ne ies : 
het ee ad ~~ Lae Lahshei ae grt d few Oy mets a newonpean 9a 7 

‘) CSSH Soeveny . tleryen weed i tant ath te. awe ‘e od, 4. arb suetensamty 

havin 4 ‘ ae an jane ty, uge., oA on St 
OR ou I Be i" Ley, toner #8, + ut, stage, BR 

Ye @ineovx ati tine i Lenn Ce bapagtars ab, tt VEEN pac We 

en aur’ mit ob boa) at a Pix senda. eray. as iB mS a 
; siesael hie | girs Pes nit code peo, ant ting ae 


te vj & ’, 

na eas pete, 
ME. THO Rom, eae wie OY y anes 8. Path TOR. BER, « £9, Foalieggang@n, t 
ga no “pia + e, RoE OP 20 ej ene 08, A26 : 
ag Jopgives, oF Mopawe ad, bataed ace, gubih Lange: of lehid 
| baw, yatawieeg, ga 26 Mon y2o, 27, anbbit ing ape hom, aie : ; 
ee ly belie ihe aint chan Hy lee ok nt L tepid oft pins : 

ne toto, op. 930, Aopen nl MAAR emai 
tig Voki act Ay actin OL lt Bis om ule if tat tenths OO 

i ‘ i Ray ree 
UE Te MD Bln Ee Maly aaa ee er iy yi P: 
ta: | (Ny y 




79 I.A. 649 

Fourth District 

tol tT. ty A.D 143% 
Texm Mo 2 ean vere Ao enda.Wo Ab 

Appeal From The 
Circuit Court of 
Franklin County 

Appellants - Defendants, 


Roy &. Pearce, 
Judge Presiding. 


Tet a a il ne ee i Ne Ce et Thee te oe” 

Appellee= Complainant. 


The Christopher Building and Loan Association, appellee 
herein, complainant below, brought its bill in the Circuit 
Court of Franklin County against Sheidon R. Gilbert and Eunice 
R. Gilbert, his wife, appellants herein, defendants below, to 
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the appellants to 
the appellee. Appellants received $2,500.00 from appellee, 
and 25 shares of stock in appellee's building and loan asso- 
Ciation. Appellants executed a note to appellee by which 
they agreed to pay appellee monthly the sum of $12.50 dues 
on the said stock, and a further sum of $12.50 interest on 
the said loan, end a further sum of $12.50 premium on the 
loan, until the loan should be liquidated under the by-laws 
of appellee corporation by the said shares of stock having 
reached their par value. Appellants also agreed to pay such 
fines and penalties as should accrue by fsilure to pay the 

said monthly sums as they came due. 

i” on isin.» 
soieteta Witv0t aad te. ae - 
YE sh A ied nied vind iow, wane 2 
4 . ~~ hare Ge Ai \ 
a? wort . | | baa ine aim : 
S. mo SSqga tet a . 
to trr100 iret : z , | BROAD 2 sOTMUa ih 
vtauod aitaet ISL RTS ONY fe soit, ai aie 
Aa atisonstsa 2 adnstraggad” pay sb, 

-togge ts adn: 
Gua ourartla dand 


eldstenoH ( 
~2otsst .2 yor 
ebay’ i rit Ok. 
. tasot atquod = eifsqqa 
eur CR ro ANy 

+ ,woled atnsbnroteh  nteted etaslisaqa ,etir eid jue 

os stnosifsqqs edit yd betuoexe egeydtom atsttso 

,2oifscqs mort 00.006,8% bevisost SEN 


The mortgage which appellee sought to foreclose was 
given to secure the above note. On March 17, 1933, appellants 
having permitted the obligations to become 30 months in 
arrears, the board of directors of the appellee association 
adopted a resolution to forfeit the stock and to foreclose 
the mortgage, 

The ansver to the bill required strict proof that 
appellee was organized and doing business under the Building 
and Loan Act of Illinois, denied that the loan was made in 
conformance with the statute andthe by-laws of appellee, and 
averred that the interest and premiums contracted for ex- 
ceeded 7% per annum and equalled 12% per annum, thet the said 
interest and premium did not eccrue to appellee pursuent to 
the stetute, in that appellee had not by its by-laws dis- 
pensed with the offering of its money for bids in open meet- 
ing, and in that the supposed premium was uncertain and in- 
definite being payable for an indefinite time, in consequence 
of both of which facts the premium was but a shift and de- 
vice on the part of appellee to exact interest in excess of 
the legal rate of 7% per annum, and therefore was usurious. 
The answer avers that $2,520.00 was paid by appellants and 
asks that the interest be declared usurious, the principal 
debt be declared satisfied, and the bill dismissed for want of 
equity. | 

The court below found the balance remaining on the in- 
debtedness to be $2,358.50 and decreed a foreclosure of the 

It is first contended by appellants that the evidence in 
the case is not sufficient to support the allegations that 
the complainant was organized and transacting business under 
the provisions of the Building and Loan Act of Illinois. 

The proof shows that the appellee association was issued a 
charter, that it had officers, that it had a board of direc- 

tors, that the Board of Directors met regularly and made loans, 

pom ‘seo fostot of 9008 é bis 

t atasiieqas « eel wv dotaM 90 .$t00 ‘Svods ont 
te ae ad crane o€ snooad ot ‘dee feayr Re “ert? Bay 

iM SAL! : 
mottst o0aes set ioqae ed? te, atotoe1th to btsod oft .2 


92 tah are ot Sms. cite add. Sistroy ot Ao ttufoast 

«, f» ] & : Ae eae 

tadd toot: toltis Sesitivost fitd ode oF, 109808 AT, op Rh | 
eke ae 

* gatbs fog ont tebou sasoieud gated bas ably 3 Baw selteaan WN): 
Nr diem eae wel edt tad betas atone £11 to toa pie ; 
brs ,eetlsqqe To ewal-yd sect bas stutats ont sat sonaato? 
-k9 tot bstosittaos smutmeitg bas taetedal | oi ad, bane 
biee odd tadt tune T9q RSL beilespe bas a 2 Fy a 3Y Dai my 

: eked 

rise ot nieve tud eelloags ot euTOOs toa pth me paler! bas teers 
Go) ta oe 

-sib awsl-yd ati wi tou bad csffegas dade al satutte a 

-toom meqo at abid Tot yeaom att to sn tratto id roe 
-at bas ntstreonu asw mus Ear Tq bssoqque ods, tot mone 
sonervpseuoo at ,omt? etiattebat as tot o1dsvaq -anded stia ¥ 
~9b bas tide o ted ssw mutmerg edt etoat Hots Padiatr 

Yo -gacoxe at tastagat Joaxe at Piteces 33 to BEA ae 

-eyotivey agw etoTstodt Das mans 19g, RY 20.8 ai thol 


_ bas etnslloqgs yd bteg eas 00,082, 88 sade, atsy vs, 918 ies @.: 

, Henin es oat sauod Tey, betsfosb 38, teoraat add tor te B 
to tags, x0% benetmaste L624 ods Sem ane ag botetgs 

FOR Ty. fey 

1 oo . Pico ea eye rey Sr e® 

nat 6g, a0 patatonos povetas 3df.. ris roles “te 

Yeah , « " eps Wiad Soe 

that it kept books and records, that it did a building 
and loan business for 28 years, and thet appellants were 
stockholders end dealt with it as a corporation. The proof 
was at least sufficient to establish a de facto corporate 
existence, and its de jure existence can not be questioned 
collaterally in the foreclosure proceeding. FRANKLIN COUNTY 
BUILDING ASSOCIATION v. BLOOD, 255 I11l. App. 175. This con- 
tention is without merit. 

It is next urged by appellants thet the evidence is 
insufficient to show the adoption of a by-law dispensing with 
the requirement that loans shall be offered for bids in open 
meeting and giving the board of directors the power to fix 
a rate of interest and premium. The evidence offered was 
a printed pamphiet containing by-laws including one dispens- 
ing with bids for loans, and the statement of the president 
of the association, Harry Stotlar, that "The Board of Direc- 
tors went over them and prepared them and got ther ready to 
be adopted and approved by the stockholders." It is also 
stated that they were submitted to the stockholders. There 
is no evidence whatsoever that any action was taken on the 
by-laws by the stockholders. The copy of the by-laws was 
therefore erroneously admitted in evidence over the objection 
of the appellant. This falls clearly within the principle 
of the case of COBE v. GUYER, 237 Ill. 568, where it was held 
that the record must show what action was taken on the by- 
law by the stockholders. In order to justify loans made at 
@ rate of interest and premium fixed by the bosrd of direc- 
tors,it is absolutely essential that the association bring 
itself within the terms of the law. The failure to do so 
would make the loan usurious. ANNA LOAN AND IMPROVEMENT 
ASS'N. v. DORRIS, 342 I11. 567. As the improper admission 
of this evidence would require the case to be remanded, and 
as the appellants present another issue which would be con- 
trolling if decided in their favor, we must consider it. 

Appellants contend that the premium for the loan in 

(Nd ee | ee 
wa tas bud a bab ti todd _gepteoes bits a 
a ating Pa 
Stow atasileqqs dastd bas ,atasy 8s tot meng: d me 
ee © SQodie war ten aw “i A 
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+S id eee 
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ie eenghs , 
YTHUOD MIIIMAAT " garbacoess stolosto? on? nt ‘Winrstaltoo A 
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va “eee 2 ST BS ype | 
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Som: Re Baw. 
atin yo teceqetb wal-nd 8 to aottqohs: ont worla af tastotttweat val 
ty ty eo roeyORMBO 
msqo af ebtd ge poretio ed Ifede saael tet taomet tupex edt 
he 9 se 1a We by ih Me at} 
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CyDe is PON SERS et 
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, ae ih APS, ee ae sy 
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fae ts vai 
~05Tid to bisod sat" sadd .taltote vets moh saloaues edt to. 

iY % Nak tho, £, oe 
ot Loria wedt tox bas wodd boraqezg bas ‘merit xove ¢abe. de 
fe stow gH hed SR beh. t 
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et giv gat ee plone 
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sa Yo ¢9ag eh Ma oly, 
ott To nesat aa" mottos ‘yas feat reveoat arin son ripe “i 
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room BP ie a fie Dee 
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ae PD} “ae 5a: ao Bi \ 
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rb loge 

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i! ORE a RE: hab R 
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a " bebasnos od of ‘80 edi stiuper ‘erpow: ‘sont 


“A109 od ‘biyow dob ‘eueat ‘rerdtons Linge 

this case is uncertain in thet it is payable for an in- 
definite number of months, that is, until the time when the 
stock matures, which time is umcertain, and thet the law re- 
quires the premium to be certain. It is not contended that 
the premium must be a lump sum, but simply thet it must be 
capable of ascertainment at the time the loan is made, that 
is, that it must be either a lump sum or a fixed number of 
definite installments. Appellee contends that premium 
may be contracted for in the same manner thet interest is 
contracted for, to run at a certain rate until the loan is 

That portion of Section 19 of the “Act in Relation to 
Mutual Building, Loan and Homestead Associations", (Section 
393, Chap. 32, Cahill's Illinois Revised Statutes, 1933), 
which applies to the method of charging interest and premium 
is as follows: 

"fhe board of directors shall hold such 

stated meetings not less frequently than once a 

month, as may be provided by the by-laws. At 

which meeting the money in the treasury shall be 

offered for loan in open meeting, and the share- 

holders who shall bid the highest premium for the 
preference or priority of loan, shall be entitled 

to receive a loan of one hundred dollars (#100.00) 

for each share of stock held by said shareholders; 

the said premiums bid may be deducted from the loan 

in one amount, or may be paid in such proportionate 

amounts or installments and at such times during 

the existence of the shares of stock borrowed upon 

as may be designated by the by-laws of the respective 

associations; provided: that any such association may, 

by its by-laws, dispense with the offering of its 
money for bids in open meeting, and in lieu thereof 
loan its money at @ rate of interest or interest 

and premium, to be fixed by the directors, decid- 

ing the preference or priority of the right to a 

loan by the priority of the approved epplication 

therefor of its shareholders; *****," 

Section 23 of the same Act provides thet no interest, 
premiums, fines, or interest on premiums accruing to the 
corporation “in accordance with the provisions of this Act" 
shall be deemed usurious. This refers us back to Section 19 
above to determine what premiums are assessed in accordance 
with the Act. 

The statute provides two methods for making loans. One 

requires the taking of bids for loans. The second permits 

SAG | ve 
i -91 wei sdt godt bas vatatiobaal ‘af yay La ew 
ef se eteslonweora 
‘ sed? bebnotaoo ton ef FI .abstT00, ed oe mus imety odd eotiun 
site Lyi ae 2 
90 taum ti taft ylomta tod ma anit s od teum ms twetq edt 
ue a mm. x cH .« 

gad? .ebsm et asel oft amit ont ta tnsmntedtees ‘to oideuah 

to rsdn baxtt 2 10 me quut 8 asdtie ad aun #t “anil fet 
Hah S eet 
fi myinseng tent shastace ssi isaga vetasmilstent etiniteb 
ie ) he eh Cede. 
et daetotal ted¢ teaasw oma odt mt ‘to? betosttaca od a i 

eft asol sdt Lises etet ntattso a fs aur of tot. bevostin00 
a 7 > faalot  avens.. 


fei et ARR oy 

ot nottafes ai OA" edt to @f aottos? ‘Yo 01409 sas iy 

mottos ) “anottstooaca. bastaemoR bas. mod ‘aatbtiod ieusam 
: ‘td ote% i 

(Seer  eotutat2 bee ivet stout itt e'{itdad 88 jaan ae ree if 


wel as 

mist mate bes tesretai aaiszode to basen adt of wnbicas 
wid ewoLlot a 

3 ; Theepiris y ri tS ee ana 
dowe hbilod [fede erotostih to bisod edt’ a 
8 eono asdd ylinesypert seel ton agnttqem betatencos 
tA .ewsl-yd edt yd babivotq sd yem as ,f¢nom i 
9d [{sde yisesots sedi at yoaom.odd galt sc do tdn a8, bibs. cs 
-sisie edt bas ,gattsem asqo at asol tot besstto sit 
sdt tok muimneiq.dasdgid.ods oid Lfade .edw abbdes 
beltitas sd [fade ,asol te ystroitq 10 at 
(00 ,00i$) arsilob. botband as0l-s gg hehe a eke 
ratsblodsteda bkse yd bfed doota To siede dog he 
asol edt sezt betosbsh od you hid empimetgq, piaw eahinyd, as} 
stsnotttogota dove af bisq sd yam to ,tavoms eno nt . 
gaits soutt dove ta bas etasml isteat 20 cadausoma 5 
mnogu bswertod foots to eetade edd to sonstaixe oft 
svitosqest est to emaf-vd adit Md betengiash ed yam set a XO) 
,you seltaioores dove yas tad? : janoltslooe 
att to gutrehto dt dtiw oe esmal=yd-ati yds do, 
toorsdt uetl at bas ,3ynttesm asgo at ebid tot yenom / 
_ teaetotai to tasistak to stet sota, yonom até agoL o) 
-biosh ,eatofostib edt yd bexit sd ot PF very bas 
8 of tdgtt edt to ytttotag 19, eoa9ts storg: ona s wal. 
fo ftac tiqge bsvotqas sdt to ytittolsa |d 7.) 
4 40084 vatoblodetsde att to eqhocadt + a ee 

<testetat oa dad? sesbivetg toA .emee st, ‘to ons we 

the board of directors to loan money at a fixed rate of 
interest and premium. Does the statute require the premium 
in the latter case to be ascertainable when the loan is made? 

After dispensing with bids for loans, the association 
may “loan its money at a rete of interest, or interest and 
premium, to be fixed by the board of directors". The word 
"rete" in the portion of the statute sbove quoted is used in 
connection with both the words interest and premium, and it 
is a fair inference that it means the same thing as applied 
to both. It may be contended that the result of an inter- 
pretation which would permit the charge of a premium to run 
indefinitely would be to make “premium" and “interest” the 
same thing. In practical effect this is of course true. 
However, the legislature may have used the word premium here 
simply to make clear the fact that a charge in addition to 
ordinary interest was to be permitted to mutual building 
associations, as well where the terms of the loan were to be 
fixed by the board of directors as where bids for loans were 
to be taken in open mecting. An additional reason for be- 
lieving that the legislature intended to permit the premium 
charge to be indefinite where the terms were fixed by the 
board of directors is that in defining the second method of 
lending money the word “installment” is not used, and the 
deduction of a lump sum is not specifically authorized. Only 
the word "rate" is used in connection with the description 
of the premium. 

Appellants cite no authority interpreting the Illinois 
statute, which requires the premium, when fixed by the board 
of directors, to be a definite or ascertainable sum. While, 
on the other hand there appesre to be no authority specifically 
approving such e charge, such charge has, by inference, been 
approved by the Suoreme Court of Illinois in a number of cases. 

In CANTWELL v. WELCH, 187 I11. 875, the court affirmed 
a decree of foreclosure where the borrower agreed to pay 6% 

per annum interest, and 7% per annum premium. In HOME BUILDING 


‘ ’ ‘ +. 4 , i AL. Ls Win . 

Kh : rae Pa ye Kh einpe. GF MD oe + 

Laks . A i ah 

ea Yo cr bextt a, ts von ‘aaot : toi od odt 
rc Gyr % + Big ie ie & Me ; 
Wak nskastg ads ontupor stutote outs ‘e00d ‘ .m mutes Vr 
i ban febam ef asol efi modw oidantsdasoes ato? 2m, at 
ioe nottetoores ott yeasol tot ‘ebte athe Pareneget ee 
aN: has teonsdat To, fagryont 20 nex 8 ts Aa om 9d -mso. Xam 
| iy biOw ost “etotost tb to ht90d wat Ww bextt ppegy meq “ 
he at bees ef bedoup avods etustate odg to fo te toc ane.. ag Meter" 

bs ti bas ,msimet¢ bas. seotstas abtow uit dited : Attn sattgninte 

‘ : betiqga’ am gnidd smear’ dt ancem ry tad mee totieh a 
7 -retat as to ¢ioner et edt bebast soo, ed yam tl. 

ae nut of mutmetq 8 to egreds oft, tare avo dosti awe 

: edt "teoretat® brs “na tare tq" oven of 9d, biuom xtot en 

ef sOuTS OP tOD to at etdd torte’ Isqttogra, Ais, ey a 

oo ered murimetq Stow eds baaw ved ‘xan, stutelatest Mahe 

ed ‘ot nolsibba of sgtado 5 tad? sos? edt T9109. 

Bf : a Btn 

a gatbliud feastomm ot bett turreq od. ot gay, de ve Nts 

as aE oa a 

ae od of otew ‘sol ‘sit To amredt edt sro MAAC 

“ ‘ etow ansol tot avid Stedw Es’ orators 20 : 

hit 4 ad ‘tot Onset Lemons Y0b ‘AA | gtttite 

bi ' » A aay Se Pwr 

Oy! uke ait there ‘Ot. bonding Suite te tae om and 

ae | is 


ode xd box tt ore siete ott onsite s stint iden Ae wid 
“te bod sa baooee nf ‘antares at tnd excita rts ‘ ] 
ede Des Ssex ‘vor’ wf c teeoetcateee wen #3 ae ret 

PO Ti 



eS ee 

pie rere 

ul . 

PEM okt ae A da ‘sh 
v9, Ye Cade he: wa 

“a etontifl st i areata rere a on stto- s . . 
ean pusod Sido yd boktt asitw iwtmdey BiF oStbupee’ sotite 
oLEd® “lmoe’ Sidentettedas’ x0 et fn ttss’ 's Sad oP (brotet 
sania ial Witortis ot ad’ ot earsegts” bedithest ed, 

en alu Pe 
.29980 Yo “tedmsa 8 mf “aronfITT te Fxsrod wea st Ye 


‘need ,9onerstar yt gait egtsdo Hose’, 

AND LOAN ASSOCIATION v. McKAY, 217 I11. 551, 557, the loan 
made bore interest at 7% per annum and premium at 7/24 of 
1% per month. The court said: 
"Tf the loan to the McKays was made in pur- 

suance of these vrovisions (the by-laws) it is 

not to be deemed usurious, though the interest and 

premium contracted to be paid therefore exceed the 

Maximum rate of interest specified to be exacted by 

the general interest lawsof the State." 

The court held that foreclosure should be granted. In 
COLLINS v. COBE, 202 Ill. 469, foreclosure was granted and 
the defense of usury was overruled where the agreement was 
to pay interest at 5% per annum and premium at 5% per annum. 

In view of the fact that the Suvreme Court of Illinois 
has approved foreclosures where the premium charge has been 
like that in this case, and in view of the fact that there 
is no public policy in this state condemning extraordinarily 
high interest charges when fixed in accordance with the law, 
we would not be justified in holding the loan usurious be- 
cause of the indefinite premium. 

However, in view of the fact that the legislature has 
permitted such charges to be made in the case of mutual 
building and loan associations only,and in view of the fact 
that the charges in this case are exceptionally large, this court 
must require the strictest proof that the association has 
brought itself within the letter of the Act. For the reason 
previously stated with respect to the adoption of the by-law 
dispensing with bids in open meeting, the decree of the 
Cireuit Court of Franklin County will be reversed and the 

cause remanded, 

Reversed and Remanded, a 

IK To be Aweuodeol on peel 

- Pt ¢ ey 
yee msof eff ,TS¢ £23 £50 8 «YAtoM oa ‘ 

| ' * } Ret ™ ’ hee 
to SS\v t8 utente bas sao eng ar ta fecrsdat 1 ard sag 

ey “t1009 od i hele oe 

4 Ar 

-~tud aft ebsaw sew “sys tou edt ot asol sai t+ Shee: 
ai ti (ewal-vd edt) anotaivotq 6esd% to sonaue — 
has festetat ait dgvodd ,avofivay bemesb sd oF tog, - sy 
iy _ add Desens stotersdt blag ed of bedogtindo mutheta 0 
¥ hotosxe 9d of beit tose teotetat to sist oe bana 
 " * etst8 adt Tosasl tastetnt isténs3 a 

Al ibstasts 6. bivods steaofseto? fads atad ¢t09 dt’ ** if 
bné ‘betnst2 gaz bande tadio’ , 28s ttt gos 1800 sean Me 
gaw themsotge adt stodw. osfartrevo: aaw vtiiad “to ‘sedstsb ‘etd " 

mona Itsq ne te muimetd bas mounds a3¢ niet ts ‘Yeotsint nila ail 

%. fTu09 arnt aeat itedo tageors ‘ota seioo etde ai een Gurr, 
ae eal noltetodees ont | pai aon: festa tiee est senate toot 

or to ‘aetoeb ade settee ‘eae, é esbiie a deisel 
‘edt bas baatenge: od ELiv weav0d, aathanet to i000 $B EO 
tr “eb tom haed ti ee Fa 2 paella: ‘seuso, 

ik il | -dobansoht ‘bain, peeeea 0% 

te orale oad 46 


Bh he nay i 

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sii en 
