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PAPER  NO.  1286 

The  Impact  of  Diffusibility  of  Blame  on 
Subsequent  Persistence  in  a  Project 

Marya  L.  Leatherwood 
Edward  L.  Conlon 

College  of  Commerce  and  Business  Administration 
Bureau  of  Economic  and  Business  Research 
University  of  Illinois,  Urbana-Champaign 


College  of  Commerce  and  Business  Administration 
University  of  Illinois  at  Urbana-Champaign 
September  1986 

The  Impact  of  Dif fusibility  of  Blame  on  Subsequent 
Persistence  in  a  Project 

Marya  L.  Leatherwood,  Lecturer 
Department  of  Business  Administration 

Edward  J.  Conlon 
University  of  Iowa 

Work  on  this  paper  was  supported  in  part  by  NSF  Grant 
//BSN-8616275,  "Resource  allocation  with  sunk  costs:  A 
behavioral  approach."   The  authors  thank  Professor  Barry  Staw 
his  helpful  comments  on  an  earlier  version  of  this  paper. 

Digitized  by  the  Internet  Archive 

in  2011  with  funding  from 

University  of  Illinois  Urbana-Champaign 


Although  previous  research  on  escalation  and  entrapment  indicates  that  the 
responses  of  resource  allocators  to  setbacks  may  be  related  to 
characteristics  of  the  setback,  that  relationship  has  not  been  well 
understood.   Using  a  realistic  resource  allocation  scenario,  this  study- 
tested  how  one  such  characteristic,  dif fusibility  of  blame,  affected  subject 
responses.   Withdrawal  from  a  project  occurred  when  blame  could  be  diffused. 
Conversely,  continued  involvement  in  the  project  resulted  when  blame  for  the 
setback  clearly  rested  on  the  allocator. 

Over  the  last  decade,  a  number  of  studies  have  demonstrated  that  when 
courses  of  action  result  in  setbacks  or  failures,  the  contextual 
characteristics  of  both  the  decision  to  enter  the  course  of  action  and  the 
decision  to  continue  (or  not  continue)  the  course  of  action  can  affect  the 
amount  of  resources  a  decision  maker  will  commit  following  the  setback.   In 
the  first  study  of  this  phenomenon,  Staw  (1976)  showed  that  decision  makers 
who  were  responsible  for  the  decision  to  enter  a  course  of  action  tended  to 
escalate  their  commitment  of  resources  following  a  setback.   Responsibility 
was  studied  because  of  its  relationship  to  cognitive  dissonance;  that  is,  a 
responsible  decision  maker  would  experience  greater  dissonance  as  a  result 
of  the  failure  than  one  who  was  less  responsible.   Escalation  was  explained 
as  a  way  that  decision  makers  would  rationalize  their  failures  and  resolve 
their  dissonance. 

Since  Staw's  first  study,  researchers  have  examined  the  effects  of 
additional  context  factors  that  interact  with  responsibility  and  failure  to 
affect  decision  makers'  behavioral  commitments  to  a  course  of  action.   These 
factors  are  repetition  of  failure  (Staw  and  Fox,  1977:  McCain,  1986), 
foreseeability  of  the  failure  (Staw  and  Ross,  1978),  job  insecurity  (Fox  and 
Staw,  1979),  involvement  and  visibility  (Conlon  and  Wolf,  1980),  prospective 
information  (Leatherwood  and  Conlon,  1986) ,  closeness  to  a  goal  (Rubin  and 
Brockner,  1975),  group  versus  individual  responsibility  (Bazerman,  Giuliano 
and  Appleman,  1984),  presence  of  a  model  (Brockner,  Nathanson,  Friend, 
Harbeck,  Samuelson,  Hauser,  Bazerman  and  Rubin,  1984)  and  opportunity  costs 
and  framing  (Davis  and  Bobko ,  1986;  Northcraft  and  Neale ,  1986)   These 
studies  have  primarily  focussed  on  exogenous  aspects  of  the  social  situation 
(e.g.,  responsibility,  visibility,  groups)  or  endogenous  characteristics  of 

the  decision  itself   (e.g.,  opportunity  costs  and  framing).   Prompted  by 
results  obtained  by  Staw  and  Ross  (1978),  this  study  examined  how  endogenous 
characteristics  of  a  setback,  specifically  diffusibility  of  blame  to  another 
party,  affected  behavioral  manifestations  of  commitment  to  a  course  of 

Effects  of  Setback  Types 

Staw  and  Ross  (1978)  found  that  allocations  made  following  a  setback 
varied  depending  on  the  nature  of  the  setback  that  had  occured.   In  their 
study,  which  utilized  the  "World  Bank"  case,  subjects  were  given  a  choice  of 
three  regions  of  Kenya  in  which  to  build  an  economic  development  project. 
The  information  about  each  region  contained  a  warning  about  a  potential 
problem.   In  the  foreseeable  setback  condition,  subjects  were  told  that  a 
setback  had  occured  and  that  it  had  been  caused  by  the  potential  problem 
mentioned  in  the  information  that  had  been  provided  about  the  region 
selected.   These  problems  were  (1)  corrupt  local  officials,  (2)  ineffective 
economic  incentives  and  (3)  widespread  illiteracy.   In  the  non-foreseeable 
setback  condition  the  setback  was  attributed  to  excessive  rainfall,  a 
possibility  that  subjects  were  not  warned  about. 

Interestingly,  Staw  and  Ross  found  that  the  amount  allocated  to  the 
project  following  the  setback,  a  behavioral  manifestation  of  commitment, 
varied  according  to  the  type  of  setback.   Generally,  allocations  were  lower 
following  the  endogenous  setbacks  (i.e.,  Responsible  subjects  withdrew  from 
the  project),  but  there  was   -nsiderable  variance  in  allocations  among  the 
three  setback  conditions.   Subjects  allocated  the  least  following  the 
corruption  setback  and  the  most  following  the  illiteracy  setback.   The 
amount  allocated  following  the  illiteracy  setback  was  about  the  same  as  that 
allocated  following  the  (non-forseeable)  rain  setback. 

In  other  studies  of  this  type,  allocators  have  been  shown  to  escalate 
rather  than  withdraw  resource  commitments  in  high  responsibility  contexts 
(e.g.  Staw,  1976;  Staw  and  Fox,  1977;  Fox  and  Staw,  1979).   An  important 
difference  between  the  Staw  and  Ross  design  and  the  others  was  the  extent  to 
which  the  subjects  were  given  explicit  information  about  the  cause  of  the 
setback.   Unlike  the  World  Bank  case,  the  other  studies  produced  a  setback 
by  indicating  to  the  allocator  that  the  performance  of  a  previously  funded 
corporate  division  continued  on  a  declining  trend.   No  specific  rationale, 
such  as  corruption  or  rain,  was  provided  for  the  decline.   When  no  rationale 
is  given,  it  may  be  difficult  for  allocators  to  formulate  specific 
rationales  on  which  to  base  their  funding  decisions.   Research  has  shown 
that  they  tend  to  continue  funding  following  setbacks  in  such  situations. 
When  rationales  are  provided,  however,  allocations  may  become  part  of  the 
allocator's  means  of  rationalizing  the  setback. 

The  variation  in  allocations  that  occurred  following  Staw  and  Ross's 
three  foreseeable  setbacks  suggests  that  the  ability  to  diffuse  blame  for 
the  setback  to  an  outside  party  may  be  an  important  part  of  this 
rationalizing  process.   For  example,  by  withholding  further  funding  to  a 
project  beset  by  corruption,  the  allocator  could  claim  that  s/he  was  either 
legitimately  punishing  the  local  officials  or  pressuring  the  local 
government  to  purge  those  officials  before  further  action  could  be  taken. 
In  contrast,  it  is  unclear  that  such  a  hard  line  would  be  considered 
legitimate  following  the  setb  rk  caused  by  illiteracy.   The  extent  to  which 
behavioral  commitment  would  increase  as  a  result  of  setback  foreseeability 
would  depend  on  the  extent  to  which  blame  for  the  setback  would  be  placed 
entirely  on  the  allocator.   In  the  present  study,  we  hypothesized  that 
setbacks  which  could  legitimately  be  blamed  on  outside  parties  would  lead  to 

different  levels  of  commitment  to  the  chosen  course  of  action  compared  to 
those  which  could  not. 

This  study  employed  two  variations  on  a  single  setback,  a  labor  strike, 
to  investigate  the  diffusion  hypothesis.   In  one  case,  the  strike  was  a 
legitimate  response  to  an  action  taken  by  the  allocator  (i.e.  the  non- 
diffusible  condition),  in  the  other  it  was  not  (i.e.,  the  diffusible 
condition).   We  hypothesized  that  when  the  setback  was  not  foreseeable,- 
therefore  the  responsibility  of  the  allocator  for  the  setback  was  low,  the 
placement  of  blame  would  not  be  a  strong  concern  of  the  allocator  and  the 
diffusibility  of  blame  for  the  setback  would  not  affect  behavioral 
manifestations  of  commitment.   When  foreseeability  was  high,  behavioral 
commitment  would  be  greater  following  the  setback  for  which  blame  could  not 
be  diffused  than  following  the  one  for  which  blame  could  be  diffused.   The 
hypothesis,  therefore,  predicted  an  interaction  between  foreseeability  and 
diffusibility  of  the  form  outlined  in  Figure  1. 

The  Use  of  Multiple  Dependent  Measures 

In  previous  studies,  the  extent  of  commitment  to  a  project  has  been 
inferred  from  the  level  of  monetary  allocation  to  that  project.   Even  though 
some  of  those  studies  produced  results  that  were  consistent  with  the 
hypothesized  commitment  effects,  allocations  may  be  ambiguous  indicators. 
The  problem  is  most  easily  seen  in  situations  where  the  subject  is  provided 
with  the  estimated  development  costs  of  the  project  as  was  the  case  in  the 
World  Bank  scenario  (Staw  and  Ross,  1978;  Conlon  and  Wolf,  1980)  and  in  the 
present  study.   When  the  amount  necessary  to  complete  a  project  is  known  or 
can  be  estimated,  allocations  of  that  amount  signify  a  clear  decision  to 
continue,  and  allocations  of  zero  indicate  a  clear  desire  to  withdraw. 

Allocations  between  zero  and  the  cost  estimate  are  difficult  to  interpret 
since  they  could  be  attributed  to  an  incremental  approach  to  allocation 
(e.g.  Lindblom,  1959),  an  attempt  to  "control  costs"  or,  more  generally  a 
risk  averse  "wait  and  see"  attitude.   Similarly,  allocations  in  excess  of 
the  projection  may  indicate  the  subject's  disbelief  of  the  estimate  or  some 
type  of  "adjustment"  for  potential  cost  increases. 

The  present  study  used  three  measures  of  behavioral  commitment  in  erder 
to  clarify  the  allocators'  motivations.  The  first  measure  (AMOUNT)  was  an 
allocation  of  an  amount  which  would  be  spent  to  further  develop  or  complete 
the  project.   Because  the  task  used  in  this  study  was  closely  modeled  after 
a  real  context  where  cost  projections  are  routinely  provided,  this  measure 
was  expected  to  be  distributed  in  a  bimodal  fashion  with  allocations 
equalling  either  the  remaining  development  costs  or  zero.   As  such,  it  was 
expected  to  be  a  particularly  good  indicator  of  a  desire  to  withdraw  from 
the  project. 

A  second  measure  (OVERAGE)  allowed  individuals  to  set  aside  funds  which 
could  be  used  in  the  event  of  further  setbacks.   It  was  explained  that  funds 
in  this  account,  if  not  used,  would  revert  to  the  allocators'  general  fund 
and  could  be  used  for  future  projects.   The  use  of  an  overage  amount 
provided  an  indicator  of  commitment  based  on  how  willing  decision  makers 
would  be  to  exceed  the  projected  budget  in  order  to  finish  the  project.   It 
was  expected  to  be  a  good  indicator  of  a  subject's  desire  to  continue,  but 
would  not  distinguish  allocat  ts  who  desired  to  withdraw  from  those  who 
desired  to  continue  without  committing  additional  resources.   Finally,  an 
important  alternative  to  the  abandonment  of  projects  which  develop  capital 
assets  (ie.  land,  buildings,  financial  instruments,  etc.)  is  for  managers  to 
seek  to  sell  the  assets  and  recover  as  much  of  the  development  cost  as 

possible  (see  Northcraft  and  Wolf,  1984).   To  measure  this  propensity, 
allocators  were  asked  to  indicate  their  desire  to  sell  the  project  (PRTYSEL) 
on  a  four  point  scale.   Unlike  AMOUNT  and  OVERAGE,  PRTYSEL  can  indicate 
the  desire  to  withdraw,  continue  or  escalate  resource  commitment  with  about 
equal  sensitivity. 


Sixty-seven  business  students  volunteered  to  participate  in  what  was 
described  as  a  decision  making  study.   The  members  of  this  sample  ranged  in 
age  from  19  to  45  with  a  mean  age  of  26.7.   Twenty- four  subjects  were  MBA 
students  who  were  employed  full  time.   These  students  had  between  1  to  10 
years  experience  in  their  current  jobs  (mean  =2.9)  and  1  to  19  years  in  their 
current  organization  (mean  -  6.2).   The  remaining  subjects  were  in  their 
last  2  years  of  undergraduate  study  in  business  administration  and  had 
completed  the  introductory  courses  in  finance,  accounting  and  economics. 
Subjects  were  randomly  assigned  to  experimental  conditions. 


Subjects  were  provided  a  package  of  materials  that  contained  the 

following  instructions: 

This  is  an  exercise  in  decision  making.   You  will 
be  acting  in  the  role  of  a  vice  president  for 
Conwood,  Inc.,  a  real  estate  development  corporation. 
Several  decisions  nee^.  to  be  made  regarding  the 
funding  of  various  re. .4  estate  projects  in  the 
southeast  region  --  such   decisions  will  be  your 
responsibility  in  this  exercise. 

You  have  recently  been  provided  information 
describing  two  office  projects  located  in  major 
metropolitan  areas  of  the  southeast.   The  following 
portfolio  contains  the  information  on  each  of  the 
projects.   You  should  examine  this  information 

and  make  a  decision  to  fund  one  project  as  a 
commercial  development  in  your  region. 

All  of  the  participants  were  given  portfolios  that  included  information 
in  the  form  of  a  financial  pro  forma  detailing  the  development  costs,  the 
expected  leasing  rates,  the  projected  cash  flows  and  the  net  present  values 
for  two  commercial  real  estate  development  projects,  one  in  Birmingham  and 
the  other  in  Jacksonville.   A  financial  analysis  was  also  included  that 
indicated  the  net  present  value  of  each  project.  In  addition,  reports  from 
the  company's  contracting  specialist,  market  analyst  and  policy  specialist 
were  included  in  the  portfolio.   These  portfolios  were  modeled  after  those 
used  by  two  real  estate  management  firms  in  the  Southeastern  U.S. 

The  information  provided  in  the  portfolios  was  constructed  to  be  similar 
for  each  of  the  projects  across  a  number  of  dimensions  including  the  net 
present  value,  the  expected  demand  for  office  space,  the  projected 
availability  of  building  materials  and  the  "fit"  of  the  project  with  current 
corporate  strategy.   Similar  information  for  each  project  was  provided  in 
order  to  prevent  a  systematic  choice  of  one  project  over  the  other  from 
occurring  and  to  increase  the  degree  of  commitment  that  the  decision  makers 
felt  regarding  their  choices. 

The  case  materials  stated  that  the  corporate  policy  required  the  vice 
presidents  to  annually  allocate  a  proportionate  amount  of  the  development 
cost  of  the  project  based  on  the  construction  horizon  of  the  selected 
project.   Since  each  of  the  projects  had  a  construction  horizon  of  two 
years,  the  allocation  at  the  ^nitial  decision  time  should  be  one-half  of  the 
total  development  costs  for  the  project  that  was  chosen  for  funding.   At  the 
beginning  of  the  next  fiscal  year,  (i.e.  the  second  experimental  session) 
the  project  would  be  reviewed  and  a  decision  regarding  the  next  annual 

allocation  would  be  made  at  that  time. 

Within  the  contracting  specialist's  report,  two  levels  of  foreseeability 

of  the  setback  were  manipulated.   For  those  subjects  in  the  foreseeable 

condition,  the  contracting  specialist's  report  stated: 

The  report  on  union  activities  indicates  some 
unrest  within  the  masons'  union  A  lack  of  resolution 
regarding  the  use  of  prefabricated  construction 
techniques  may  create  conflict  when  the  current  masons' 
contract  expires.   This  contract  will  expire  during 
the  construction  horizon  for  this  project. 

The  not  foreseeable  condition  contained  no  mention  of  labor  problems. 

Individuals  were  instructed  to  review  the  materials  for  each  project  and 
to  select  one  project  to  be  funded.   After  selecting  a  project  and 
allocating  funds  to  cover  the   development  costs  for  the  first  construction 
period,  individuals  were  asked  to  write  a  prospectus  detailing  their  reasons 
for  project  selection,  and  were  then  asked  to  assign  themselves  a  code  name 
so  that  their  materials  could  be  returned  to  them  at  the  second  session. 
Self -assigned  codes  were  used  to  retain  anonymity. 

At  the  second  experimental  session,  held  one  week  after  the  first  one, 
individuals  were  told  that  a  strike  (setback)  had  occured.   The  reasons  for 
the  strike  were  manipulated  in  order  to  create  two  levels  of  dif fusibility . 
In  the  high  dif fusibility  condition,  subjects  were  told  that  a  strike  had 
occurred.   In  the  low  dif fusibility  condition,  subjects  were  told  that  "they 
(i.e.,  the  subject)  had  approved  the  prefabrication  of  masonry  slabs,  off- 
site,  by  non-union  workers  as  a  cost  saving  measure."   They  were  further 
told  that  "although  this  procrdure  may  have  violated  the  union  contract,  the 
step  had  been  taken  as  a  cost  saving  measure  in  the  hope  that  the  union 
stewards  would  not  realize  it."   The  strike,  in  the  non-exonerating 
condition,  resulted  from  the  allocator's  gamble  on  cost  savings. 

Persistence  was  explicitly  manipulated  in  order  to  control  the  possible 


effects  of  variation  in  subject's  perceptions  of  the  extent  to  which  the 
setback  would  continue.   In  the  resolved  condition,  subjects  were  told  that 
the  labor  dispute  had  been  sucessfully  resolved.   In  the  persistent 
condition,  they  were  told  that  although  the  employees  were  back  to  work, 
unrest  continues  and  a  contract  had  not  yet  been  signed. 

The  diffusibility  and  persistence  manipulations  were  fully  crossed  with 
the  forseeability  manipulation  conducted  during  the  first  experimental  - 
session.   The  result  was  a  complete  2  (high  /  low  foreseeability)  by  2  (high 
/  low  diffusibility)  by  2  (resolved  /  persistent)  experimental  design. 

After  receiving  the  setback  information,  subjects  were  asked  to  review 
the  project  portfolio,  to  make  a  second  allocation  of  development  costs  to 
the  project  (AMOUNT)  and  to  decide  on  the  amount  of  money  that  they  wished 
to  allocate  to  an  overage  account  that  would  be  set  aside  for  the  project 
(OVERAGE).   Each  folder  also  contained  a  memo  informing  subjects  that  a 
potential  buyer  existed  for  the  office  building.  The  memo  instructed 
subjects  to  indicate  their  priority  to  sell  the  project  on  a  four  point 
scale  ranging  from  1  -  "low  priority- -continue  project"  to  4  =  "high 
priority--  consider  accepting  a  price  covering  development  costs  to  date" 

After  completing  the  case  materials,  subjects  completed  a  questionnaire 
containing  the  5  manipulation  check  items  displayed  in  the  Appendix.   The 
first  two  of  these  items  evaluated  the  extent  to  which  the  subjects  felt 
that  the  setback  was  foreseer.  Ae   and  that  they  felt  responsible  for  it.   The 
next  two  items  evaluated  the  extent  to  which  an  outside  party  was 
responsible  for  or  should  be  blamed  for  the  setback.   The  last  item 
evaluated  the  subjects'  expectations  that  the  setback  would  persist. 

Subjects  were  thanked  for  their  participation,  debriefed  regarding  the 


true  purpose  of  the  study  and  given  a  written  feedback  summary  of  the 
experiment  after  all  the  data  were  collected. 

Manipulation  Checks 

Analyses  of  variance  (ANOVA's)  were  used  to  evaluate  the  effect  of  all 
three  experimental  manipulations  on  the  five  manipulation  check  items.  - 
These  results  are  summarized  in  Table  1.   The  manipulation  of  foreseeability 
produced  significant  effects  on  item  1  which  evaluated  personal 
responsibility  for  the  setback  (F  1,59  -  8.10,  p  <  .01)  and  item  2  which 
evaluated  the  foreseeability  of  the  setback  (F  1,59  =  9.17,  p  <  .01).   The 
means  of  both  items  were  greater  in  the  highly  foreseeable  condition.   The 
manipulation  of  setback  persistence  produced  a  significant  effect  on  item  5 
which  evaluated  persistence  (F  1,59  -  5.18,  p  <  .05).   As  anticipated, 
subjects  in  the  persistent  setback  condition  reported  greater  persistence 
than  those  in  the  resolved  condition.   The  manipulation  of  dif fusibility 
produced  significant  effects  on  item  1  which  evaluated  personal 
responsibility  (F  1,59  =  25.15,  p  <  .001),  item  2  which  evaluated  setback 
foreseeability  (F  1,59  =-  13.2,  p  <.001),  item  3  which  evaluated  the 
responsibility  of  an  outside  party  for  the  setback  (F  1,59  =  5.83,  p  <  .05) 
and  item  4  which  evaluated  the  extent  to  which  an  outside  party  should  be 
blamed  for  the  setback  (F  1,59  =  18.07,  p  <  .001).   In  the  high 
dif fusibility  condition,  subj  -cts  felt  less  personal  responsibility, 
perceived  the  setback  to  be  less  foreseeable,  and  attributed  greater 
responsibility  and  blame  to  a  third  party  compared  to  the  low  diffusibility 
condition.   The  ANOVA's  did  not  reveal  any  other  significant  main  effects  or 
interactions  on  the  manipulation  checks. 


The  contrast  between  the  effects  of  foreseeability  and  dif fusibility  on 
the  manipulation  checks  is  important.   As  in  previous  studies  (i.e.,  Staw 
and  Ross,  1978;   Conlon  and  Wolf,  1980),  forseeability  affected  the  degree 
to  which  subjects  felt  responsible  for  the  setback.   It  did  not  affect  the 
perception  of  third  party  responsibility.   In  contrast,  the  diffusibility 
manipulation  both  reduced  the  perception  of  personal  responsibility  and 
increased  the  perception  of  third  party  responsibility  for  the  setback.-  The 
unique  effect  of  diffusion,  then,  was  to  shift  responsibility  away  from  the 
subject  and  toward  an  outside  party. 
Dependent  Measures 

There  were  three  dependent  variables:   AMOUNT,  OVERAGE  and  PRTYSEL.   In 
the  introduction,  we  suggested  that  the  distribution  of  AMOUNT  may  be  bi- 
modal  with  most  allocations  being  either  the  normative  amount,  or  zero.   On 
examination  of  the  frequency  distribution  of  this  measure,  we  found  that  62 
of  the  67  subjects  allocated  exactly  the  projected  budget  requirement,  2 
subjects  allocated  zero  dollars  and  3  subjects  allocated  amounts  greater 
than  the  projections.   This  result  was  consistent  with  our  concerns  about 
the  experimental  demand  that  would  be  induced  when  projected  costs  were 
provided  to  subjects.   Further  examination  showed  that  the  five  subjects 
allocating  an  amount  other  than  the  budget  were  not  concentrated  in  any 
particular  experimental  condition  and  that  the  two  subjects  who  allocated 
zero  also  placed  zero  in  the  overage  account.   Because  the  variance  in 
allocations  was  small  and  ess   ntially  random  with  respect  to  the 
manipulations,  we  excluded  the  AMOUNT  measure  from  further  analyses  and 
tested  our  hypothesis  with  the  remaining  2  indicators  of  commitment: 

The  correlation  between  OVERAGE  and  PRTYSEL  was  -.21  (  n  -  67, 


p  <  .05).   Both  the  sign  and  significance  of  this  relationship  was 
appropriate  and  support  the  notion  that  the  two  measures  each  evaluate 
commitment.   It  is  not  suprising,  however,  given  the  differences  between  the 
measures  that  we  noted  in  the  introduction,  that  the  relationship  is  not 
stronger.   Because  of  the  significant  correlation  between  the  two  variables 
and  the  unequal  cell  frequencies,  a  Multivariate  Analysis  of  Variance 
(MANOVA)  estimating  unique  sums  of  squares  was  conducted  to  test  the 
hypothesis . 

The  means  and  standard  deviations  of  the  dependent  variables  are 
presented  in  Table  2.   The  MANOVA  produced  two  significant  multivariate 
effects.   The  strongest  of  these,  a  dif fusibility  by  foreseeability 
interaction  (Multivariate  F  -  5.21,  df  =  2,58;  p  <  .01)  was  predicted  by  the 
hypothesis.   The  second,  a  main  effect  for  persistence  (Multivariate  F  = 
4.05,  df  =  2,58;  p  <  .05)  was  not  specified  a  priori .   These  multivariate 
effects  were  further  interpreted  by  examining  the  univariate  effects  on  each 
dependent  variable.   The  univariate  effects  for  OVERAGE  and  for  PRTYSEL  are 
displayed  in  Tables  3  and  4  respectively. 

It  was  hypothesized  that  diffusion  of  blame  would  interact  with 
foreseeability  in  the  form  outlined  in  Figure  1.   Consistent  with  the 
hypothesis,  significant  dif fusibility  by  foreseeability  interactions  were 
obtained  on  both  OVERAGE  (F  -  4 . 80 ,  df  =  1 , 59 ;  p  <  . 05)  and  PRTYSEL  (F  = 
7.49,  df  -  1,59;  p  <  .001).   These  interactions  are  diagrammed  in  Figures  2 
and  3  respectively.   The  95%  '-mfidence  intervals  on  the  means  indicated 
that  diffusibility  affected  OVERAGE  in  the  foreseeable  setback  condition, 
but  not  in  the  non-foreseeable  condition.   In  the  foreseeable  (i.e.,  high 
responsibility)  condition,  subjects  allocated  more  to  the  OVERAGE  account 
following  setbacks  for  which  blame  could  not  be  diffused.   The  interaction 


on  PRTYSEL  followed  a  similar  pattern  except  that  diffusibility  produced 
significant  differences  in  both  of  the  foreseeability  conditions.   When 
foreseeability  was  high,  the  desire  to  sell  was  significantly  greater 
following  the  diffusible  setback  than  following  the  setback  that  could  not 
be  diffused.   This  pattern  was  reversed  in  the  non-foreseeable  condition 
where  subjects  expressed  a  significantly  greater  desire  to  sell  projects 
following  setbacks  for  which  blame  could  not  be  diffused.   Considered 
together,  the  results  for  both  OVERAGE  and  PRTYSEL  indicate  that  when  an 
allocator  is  responsible  for  a  setback,  diffusibility  of  blame  to  an  outside 
party  promotes  a  preference  for  withdrawal,  whereas  low  diffusibility 
promotes  continuation  in  the  project. 

A  significant  univariate  effect  for  persistence  was  indicated  on 
PRTYSEL.   As  would  be  expected,  subjects  indicated  a  higher  priority  to  sell 
the  project  when  the  labor  contract  had  not  been  signed  (mean  =  2.36).  When 
the  labor  dispute  had  been  successfully  resolved,  subjects  were  not  as 
willing  to  abandon  the  project  (mean  =  1.99). 

A  significant  univariate  effect  for  diffusibility  was  also  found  on 
OVERAGE,  meaning  that  subjects  allocated  more  resources  when  responsibility 
for  the  setback  could  not  be  diffused  to  the  labor  union. 

The  results  of  this  study  indicate  that  the  behavioral  manifestations 
of  commitment  to  a  course  of  action  following  a  setback  depend  not  only  on 
the  extent  to  which  the  alloc-cor  feels  responsible  for  the  setback,  but 
also  on  the  extent  to  which  an  outside  party  may  be  held  responsible. 
Although  the  foreseeability  manipulation  was  sufficient  to  induce  feelings 
of  responsibility  in  the  allocators,  it  was  not  sufficient  to  explain  how 


allocators  behaviorally  cope  with  responsibility  for  failure.   When 
blame  for  the  strike  could  be  diffused  to  members  of  the  contracting  union, 
withdrawal  from  the  project  was  a  viable  option  for  responsible  allocators. 
When  the  blame  for  the  strike  clearly  rested  on  the  allocator,  the  tendency 
was  to  continue  involvement  in  the  project. 

Alternative  Explanations 

The  design  of  this  study  ruled  out  several  alternative  explanations  for 
the  results.   Because  persistence  of  the  setback  was  explicitly  manipulated 
rather  than  controlled,  the  nature  of  the  setback  was  not  confounded  with 
expectations  about  its  continuation.   Although  we  found  that  the 
manipulation  of  persistence  had  a  significant  effect  on  PRTYSEL,  persistence 
did  not  interact  with  either  the  dif fusibility  or  foreseeability 
manipulations.   It  is  reasonable  to  conclude  that  the  effects  of  the  latter 
manipulations  occurred  independently  of  subjects'  perceptions  of  risk  or 
expectations  that  the  setback  would  continue. 

Secondly,  the  interaction  of  forseeability  and  dif fusibility  could  not 
be  attributed  to  the  joint  effect  of  those  factors  on  the  perceived 
responsibility  of  the  allocator  for  the  setback.   As  in  the  World  Bank 
scenario,  the  forseeability  manipulation  -affected  levels  of  perceived 
personal  responsibility  for  the  setback,  but  did  not  affect  the  perceived 
extent  to  which  a  third  party  could  be  blamed.   The  dif fusibility 
manipulation  lowered  the  perc/ived  level  of  personal  responsibility  and  also 
increased  the  perceived  level  of  third  party  blame.   Diffusability  and 
foreseeability  did  not  interact  to  affect  perceptions  of  responsibility. 
The  joint  main  effects  of  diffusion  and  foreseeability  on  personal 
reponsibility  could  be  used  to  explain  the  results  on  the  commitment 


variables  if  main  effects  were  hypothesized  and  obtained,  but  the  obtained 
interaction  cannot  be  explained  by  a  simple  responsibility  effect.   The 
results  suggest  that  the  ability  to  diffuse  blame  to  a  third  party,  in  this 
case  the  union,  has  an  effect  on  commitment  that  is  independent  and 
different  from  that  of  personal  responsibility  and  is  not  contingent  on  a 
lowering  of  perceived  personal  responsibility. 

Finally,  the  results  obtained  in  this  study  were  generally  consistent 
across  two  different  indicators  of  commitment.   Specifically,  we  observed 
that  in  the  foreseeable,  diffusible  condition,  allocations  to  the  overage 
account  were  low  and  the  desire  to  sell  was  high.   In  contrast,  when 
setbacks  were  foreseeable  and  blame  could  not  be  diffused,  the  allocation  to 
overage  was  high  and  the  desire  to  sell  was  low.   If  these  results  had  been 
obtained  on  a  single  dependent  variable,  or  if  the  pattern  of  results  had 
differed  between  the  two  variables,  the  result  may  have  been  attributed  to 
factors  unique  to  allocations  or  sales.   The  convergence  of  the  results 
across  the  variables  enhances  the  interpretation  of  these  results  as  a 
commitment  phenomenon. 


Several  aspects  of  this  study  have  implications  for  future  research  on 
the  escalation  of  commitment.   The  major  implication  concerns  the  manner  in 
which  researchers  construe  decision  making  following  setbacks.   Staw  (1976) 
originally  proposed  that  escaiaCion  occurred  as  an  attempt  to  rationalize 
past  behavior  in  the  face  of  failure,  a  process  generally  referred  to  as 
self  justification.   Later,  Staw  (1981)  expanded  this  explanation  to  include 
the  possibility  of  justification  to  others,  and  a  desire  to  appear  publicly 


consistent.   The  present  results  suggest  that  the  behavioral  manifestations 
of  justification  (e.g.,  escalation,  continuation  or  withdrawal)  may  depend 
on  the  way  in  which  the  setback  can  be  explained  by  the  allocator.   For 
example,  when  a  third  party  may  be  blamed  for  the  setback,  withdrawal  can  be 
used  to  symbolize  for  self  or  others  that  a  third  party  was  involved  in  the 
setback,  and  can  be  rationally  justified  by  the  allocator  as  a  possible 
means  to  control  the  future  behavior  of  the  third  party.   In  the  absence  of 
a  third  party,  withdrawal  may  signify  resignation  or  an  admission  of  blame, 
but  continuation  may  help  define  the  setback  as  a  learning  experience  or  as 
a  short  term  cost  in  a  long  term  strategy  of  success.   Characteristics  of 
the  setback,  such  as  dif fusibility  of  blame,  may  have  an  important  effect 
on  the  rationalization  process,  and  more  research  on  this  issue  is  needed. 

A  second  implication  concerns  the  design  of  future  studies  of 
escalation  and  commitment  in  resource  allocation  contexts.   One  feature 
which  explicitly  differentiates  the  present  methodology  from  those  of 
previous  studies  was  the  provision  of  complete  financial  information.   There 
are  at  least  two  advantages  of  providing  such  information  in  studies  of 
escalation  and  commitment.   First,  such  information  provides  a  stronger  test 
of  "rationalizing"  effects.   To  the  extent  that  rationalization  is  described 
as  antithesis  to  "economically  rational"  decision  behavior  (Staw,  1981; 
Bazerman,  1986)  ,  studies  of  rationalization  processes  should  provide 
subjects  with  opportunities  for  rational  choice.   Studies  that  do  not 
clearly  define  the  economical!--  rational  pathway  for  subjects  may  be 
criticized  for  creating  a  demand  for  rationalization  or  for  failing  to 
distinguish  between  the  rational  and  rationalizing  options  available  to 
subjects.   In  the  present  study,  the  economically  rational  signal  (i.e.,  net 
present  value)  favored  continuation.   The  apparent  desire  of  allocators  to 


withdraw  in  the  forseeable,  diffusible  condition  is  a  more  impressive 
demonstration  of  rationalizing  when  viewed  in  the  context  of  that  signal 
than  it  would  be  if  the  economically  rational  path  was  not  specified. 
The  second  advantage  of  normatively  relevant  information  concerns  its  effect 
on  internal  validity.   When  rational  paths  are  not  specified,  subjects  may 
infer  them.   To  the  extent  that  such  inferences  are  affected  by  the 
experimental  manipulations  meant  to  produce  rationalization  (e.g. 
forseeability) ,  internal  validity  may  be  threatened.   For  example,  if 
persistence  of  the  setback  had  not  been  explicitly  manipulated  and  assessed 
in  this  study,  it  is  possible  that  foreseeability  or  dif fusibility  may  have 
affected  the  allocators'  expectations  about  persistence  and  rationally 
affected  allocations  to  OVERAGE.   The  chance  of  such  effects  occurring  is 
reduced  by  anticipating  and  providing  a  rational  course  of  action  against 
which  actual  behavior  may  be  compared. 

The  study  also  suggests  a  practical  implication.   The  results  of 
studies  utilizing  the  World  Bank  case  (Staw  and  Ross,  1978;  Conlon  and  Wolf, 
1980)  showed  that  responsibility  and  its  effect  on  the  need  to  justify  a 
prior  behavior  could  promote  withdrawal  from  a  course  of  action  as  well  as 
escalation.   The  present  study  showed  that  third  party  involvement  partially 
explains  the  type  of  rationalizing  strategy  that  allocators  will  use.   It  is 
noteworthy  that  such  strategies  may  appear  quite  rational  to  the  parties 
involved.   Conlon  and  Wolf  (1983)  documented  a  corporate  example  that 
parallels  the  results  of  this  --tudy.   In  that  case,  a  decision  was  made  to 
discontinue  a  new  product  tha;:,  if  kept,  was  projected  to  have  an  above 
average  profit  margin  for  the  firm.   The  product  was  discontinued  because  of 
the  persistent  failure  of  the  firm  to  meet  development  deadlines  which, 
because  of  contractual  obligations  to  a  client  firm,  were  embarrasing  to  top 


management.   At  the  time  the  decision  was  made  to  discontinue  the  product, 
development  was  virtually  complete  and  most  of  the  "start  up  costs"  had  been 
paid.   The  ceremony  of  discontinuation  was  a  top  management  meeting  during 
which  the  most  affected  managers  presented  a  profit  and  loss  statement  for 
the  product  to  date.   The  managers  blamed  the  negative  cash  flow  on  poor 
decisions  by  engineers  who  had  been  hired  specifically  to  work  on  the  new 
product  and  who  would  be  dismissed  if  the  product  was  dropped.   The 
presentation  ignored  the  known  interest  of  potential  future  clients  in  the 
product.   To  an  uninformed  observer,  the  process  would  have  appeared 
economically  rational.   Privately,  the  involved  managers  admitted  their 
intent  to  detach  themselves  from  a  product  which  evoked  bad  memories  and 
some  embarrassment.   Hence,  the  advice  to  managers  on  how  to  avoid 
escalation  (cf.,  Rubin,  1980;  Brockner  and  Rubin,  1985)  may  apply  equally 
well  to  contexts  of  unproductive  escalation  and  unproductive  withdrawal. 



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Table  1 
Cell  means  for  manipulation  checks 



























































Table  2 
Cell  means  and  standard  deviations  on  AMOUNT  and  PRTYSEL 

Condition  Frequency      OVERAGE  PRTYSEL 


NOT  FORESEEABLE        8  1.10  1.75 

(.65)  (.71) 

FORESEEABLE  9  .57  2.33 

(.51)  (.71) 

NOT  FORESEEABLE        8  1.06  2.13 

(.82)  (.35) 

FORESEEABLE  10  .77  2.50 

(-48)  (.53) 

NOT  FORESEEABLE        7  1.09  2.00 

(.19)  (.63) 

FORESEEABLE  9  1.11  1.89 

(.48)  (.06) 

NOT  FORESEEABLE        9  1.05  2.67 

(.58)  (.50) 

FORESEEABLE  7  1.57  2.14 

(1.06)  (.69) 


Table  3 
Analysis  of  Variance  on  OVERAGE 











A  X  B 


A  X  C 


B  X  C 


A  X  B  X  C 































p  <  .05 
p  <  .01 












A  X  B 


A  X  C 


B  X  C 


A  X  B  X  C 




*  p  <  .05 

**  p  <  .01 

Table  4 
Analysis  of  Variance  on  PRTYSEL 


1  312.67 

1  0.00  0.00 

1  2.21  6.31* 

1  0.11  0.31 

1  0.15  0.42 

1  2.62  7.49** 

1  0.40  1.14 

1  0.04  0.12 

59  0.35 


Figure  1 
An  illustration  of  the  hypothesized  interaction 


diff usability 





dif fusibility 



2  ^ 

Figure  2 
Diagram  of  the  obtained  interaction  on  OVERAGE. 




(millions)    .9 




dif fusibility 


dif fusibility 




Figure  3 
Diagram  of  the  obtained  interaction  on  PRTYSEL. 


1  - 


dif fusibility 


dif fusibility 




Manipulation  check  items. 

The  following  items  were  included  in  the  post-experimental  questionnaire  as 
manipulation  checks.  The  anchors  for  the  six-point  scales  are  indicated  in 
parentheses  following  each  item. 

1.  How  much  responsibility  do  you  feel  for  the  setback  to  the  project? 
(None  -  1,  A  Great  Deal  -  6) 

2.  The  setback  to  the  originally  chosen  project  was  foreseeable. 
(Strongly  Disagree  -1,  Strongly  Agree  =■  6) 

3.  How  much  responsibility  do  you  feel  another  party  had  for  the  setback  to 
the  project?   (None  -  1,  A  Great  Deal  =  6) 

4.  How  much  blame  for  the  setback  should  be  given  to  a  third  party? 
(None  -  1,  A  Great  Deal  -  6) 

5.  The  setback  to  the  initially  chosen  project  will  probably  persist. 
(Strongly  Disagree  -1 ,  Strongly  Agree  =  6) 


BINDERY  INC.        |§| 
