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Dr.  Hyrum  L.  Andrus  instructs  Education  Week  visitors  in  Church  history. 

Attend  a  BYU  Education  Week  in  Your  Area 



Preston,  Ida May  31,  June  1,2 


Denver,  Colo. June   1,  2,  3 


Washington,  D.  C June  1,  2,  3 

Gaffney,  So.  Car June  8,  9,  10 

Pittsburgh,  Penn.  __ June  5,  6 


Las  Vegas  June  3,  5,  6 

Mesa June  8,  9,  10 

Phoenix  June  12,  13,  14 


Idaho  Falls  ...May  31,  June  1,  2 

Rexburg June  5,  6,  7 

Pocatello  June  8,  9,  10 

Blackfoot  June   12,   13,   14 

Montpelier  lune   15,   16,   17 


B.Y.U.  Campus  lune  6,  7,  8,  9 

Ogden  June  13,  14,  15 

Salt  Lake— Downtown 

August  21,  22,  23 
Salt  Lake— Sugar  House 

August  24,  25,  26 

Logan September  5,  6,  7 


Lethbridge,  Can.,  June  15,  16,  17 

Calgary,  Can.  lune  19,  20,  21 

Spokane,  Wash.,  June  23,  24,  26 
Moses  Lake,  Washington 

June  29,   30,  July  1 


Snowflake,  Ariz.,  June  19,  20,  21 
Albuquerque,  N.  M. 

June  24,  26,  27 
El  Paso,  Tex.,  June  29,  30,  July  1 

Richland,  Wash.,  June  22,  23,  24 
Tacoma,  Wash.,  June  26,  27,  28 
Seattle,  Wash., 

June  29,  30,  July  1 


Boise  June  28,  29,  30 

Ontario  July  5,  6,  7 

Twin  Falls  July  10,  11,   12 

Burley  July  13,   14,  15 


Sacramento  July  6,  7,  8 

Oakland  July  10,  11,  12 

Palo  Alto  ...July  13,  14,  15 


Fresno  July  18,   19,  20 

Bakersfield    July  21,   22 

Santa   Barbara   luly  24,   25 

San  Diego July  27,  28,  29 

Rialto  July  31,  Aug.   1,2 


Anaheim  ...August  3,  4,  5 

Long  Beach  August  7,  8,  9 

Huntington  Park,  Aug.  10,  11,  12 
Santa  Monica  ....Aug.  14,  15,  16 
San  Fernando  ....Aug.  17,  18,  19 

Glendale Aug.  21,  22,  23 

West  Covina  Aug.  24,  25,  26 


Colonia-Juarez    ...Oct.  12,  13,  14 

Education  Weeks  will  be  held 
this  summer  in  48  locations  in 
United  States,  Canada  and 
Mexico.  These  festivals  of  learning 
bring  several  days  of  enjoyable 
and  profitable  classwork  to 
local  audiences  from  the  great 
community  of  scholars  at  BYU. 
Hundreds  of  classes  are  offered 
in  science,  religion,  social 
studies,  handicrafts,  fine  arts, 
family  living  and  home  science, 
business,  education,  and  many  other 
subjects  to  assist  the  visitor  in 
self  improvement.  The  theme  this 
year  is  "Values  in  a  World  of 
Change,"  aimed  at  giving  the 
participant  direction  in  our  age 
of  upheaval.  Plan  to  attend  one 
of  these  vital  weeks  in  your  area. 
For  information,  write  to  Education 
Weeks,  122  HRCB,  Brigham  Young 
University,  Provo,  Utah. 

Brigham  Young 

Provo,  Utah 

Memo  to  Our  Readers: 

The  Voice  of  the  Church 

May  1967 

Volume  70,  Number  5 

Some  40,000  members  of  the  Church 
in  48  locations  in  the  United  States  are 
expected  to  participate  in  the  Brigham 
Young  University  Education  Week  pro- 
grams this  year,  Beginning  on  May  31 
in  some  areas,  these  training  sessions, 
each  held  for  three  days,  will  feature 
condensations  of  courses  offered  at 
BYU  and  are  taught  mostly  by  BYU 

These  education  weeks  provide 
golden  opportunities  for  all  who  are 
able  to  take  advantage  of  them  to  re- 
ceive professional  instruction  in  a  wide 
variety  of  subjects.  The  courses  are 
meant  to  supplement,  enrich,  and 
strengthen  the  teachings  of  the  priest- 
hood and  the  auxiliary  organizations. 
Fees  are  nominal. 

Theme  of  this  year's  education  week 
programs  is  "Values  in  a  World  of 
Change."  This  timely  and  challenging 
theme  suggested  several  of  the  articles 
featured  in  the  Era  this  month. 

Our  cover  is  from  a  transparency  by 
Carl  Byoir  and  Associates,  Inc.,  for 
Hughes  Aircraft  Company.  It  shows 
Early  Bird,  the  world's  first  commercial 
communications  satellite,  built  for  the 
Communications  Satellite  Corporation 
by  Hughes.  For  two  years  this  space- 
craft has  been  in  synchronous  orbit 
22,300  miles  over  the  Atlantic  to  pro- 
vide 240  two-way  telephone  channels 
between  Europe  and  North  America,  or 
two-way  television  between  the  conti- 
nents. The  satellite  symbolizes  the 
fast-changing  world  in  which  we  live — 
a  world  that  needs  eternal  values  com- 
municated to  it  with  all  the  inspiration 
and  challenge  we  can  muster. 

Managing  Editor 

Official  organ  of  the  Priesthood  Quorums,  Mutual  Improvement  Associations, 
Home  Teaching  Committee,  Music  Committee,  Church  School  System,  and 
other  agencies  of  The  Church  of  Jesus  Christ  of  Latter-day  Saints. 

The  Improvement  Era,  79  South  State,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah  84111 

Regular  Features 

2       Editor's  Page:    Values  Everlasting,  President  David  0.  McKay 

22       Genealogy:    Research  in  Ireland 

28       The  Era  Asks:    How  Are  We  Using  Electronic  Mass  Media  to  Spread 
the  Gospel? 

33,  81,  82,  87  '    The  Spoken  Word,  Richard  L.  Evans 

41        Era  of  Youth 






Teaching:    The  Church  Teacher — Classroom   Diagnostician,   Sterling 
R.  Provost 

The  LDS  Scene 

Melchizedek  Priesthood:    Those  Who  Are  Valiant 

Presiding  Bishopric's  Page:    It  Is  a  Day  of  Sacrifice 

Today's  Family:    Grandmothers  and  Great  Mothers, 

Florence  B.  Pinnock 

Home,  Sweet  Home 
Best  of  Movies 
The  Church  Moves  On 
Buffs  and  Rebuffs 

These  Times:    International  Law — Prospects  and  Developments, 

G.  Homer  Durham 

End  of  an  Era 

Special  Articles 




Values  in  a  World  of  Change:    Constancy  Amid  Change,  Reed  H. 


Values  in  a  World  of  Change:    Religious  Authority  in  Today's  World, 

Milan  D.  Smith 

Values  in  a  World  of  Change:   The  Role  of  Parents,  Orpha  S.  Boyden 

Values  in  a  World  of  Change:    Wise  Ways  With  Worldly  Wealth, 

Quinn   G.   McKay 

Ye  Have  My  Promise,  Barbara  T.  Jacobs 
Mommy  Likes  Mud,  Too!  Janis  P.  Hutchinson 

Fiction,  Poetry 

58       A  Run  of  Gray,  Brian  Kelly 
14,  20,  24,  33,  72,  86,  87,  96 


David  0.  McKay  and  Richard  L.  Evans,  Editors;  Doyle  L.  Green,  Managing  Editor;  Albert  L.  Zobell,  Jr.,  Research  Editor;  Mabel  Jones  Gabbott,  Jay  M,  Todd, 
Eleanor  Knowles,  Editorial  Associates;  Florence  B.  Pinnock,  Today's'  Family  Editor;  Marion  D.  Hanks,  Era  of  Youth  Editor;  Elaine  Cannon,  Era  of  Youth 
Associate  Editor;  Ralph  Reynolds,  Art  Director;  Norman  F.  Price,  Staff  Artist. 

G.  Homer  Durham,  Franklin  S,  Harris.  Jr.,  Hugh  Nibley,  Sidney  B.  Sperry,  Alma  A.  Gardiner,  Contributing  Editors. 

G.  Carlos  Smith,  Jr.,  General  Manager;  Florence  S.  Jacobsen,  Associate  General  Manager;  Verl  F.  Scott,  Business  Manager;  A,  Glen  Snarr,  Acting  Business 

Manager  and  Subscription  Director;  Thayer  Evans,  S.  Glenn  Smith,  Advertising  Representatives. 

©General  Superintendent,  Young  Men's  Mutual   Improvement  Association  of  The  Church  of  Jesus  Christ  of  Latter-day  Saints,  1967,  a  <d  published  by  the 

Mutual  Improvement  Associations  of  The  Church  of  Jesus  Christ  of  Latter-day  Saints.    All  rights  reserved.    Subscription  price.  $3.00  a  year,  in  advance; 

multiple  subscriptions,  2  years,  $5.75;  3  years,  $8.25;  each  succeeding  year,  $2.50  a  year  added  to  the  three-year  price;  35$  single  copy,  except  for 

special  issues. 

Entered  at  the  Post  Office,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah,  as  second-class  matter.     Acceptance  for  mailing  at  special  rate  of  postage  provided  for  in  section  1103 

act  of  October  1917,  authorized  .July  2,  1918. 

The  Improvement  Era  is  not  responsible  for  unsolicited  manuscripts  but  welcomes  contributions.     Manuscripts  are  paid  for  on  acceptance  and  must  be 

accompanied  by  sufficient  postage  for  delivery  and  return. 

Thirty  days'  notice  is  required  for  change  of  address.     When  ordering  a  change,  please  include  address  slip  from  a  recent  issue  of  the  magazine.    Address 

changes  cannot  be  made  unless  the  old  address  as  well  as  the  new  one  is  included. 

May   1967 




By  President 
David  0.  McKay 

•  Many  hundreds  of  years  have  passed  since  man- 
kind was  first  taught  the  value  of  treasuring  a 
sincere  heart.  "As  [a  man]  thinketh  in  his  heart,  so 
is  he"  was  proclaimed  in  the  days  of  the  wise  man 
who  wrote  the  Book  of  Proverbs.  So  also  was  the 
divine  appeal,  "My  son,  give  me  thine  heart,  and 
let  thine  eyes  observe  my  ways."  Hillel,  whose  life 
ended  just  a  few  years  after  Christ  was  born,  and 
in  whom  Judaism  found  one  of  its  ablest  exponents, 
expressed  the  thought  in  these  noble  words :  "If  you 
are  where  no  men  are,  show  yourself  a  man." 

No  principle  of  life  was  more  constantly  empha- 
sized by  the  Great  Teacher  than  the  necessity  of  right 
thinking.  To  him,  the  man  was  not  what  he 
appeared  to  be  outwardly,  nor  what  he  professed 
to  be  by  his  words:  what  the  man  thought  deter- 
mined in  all  cases  what  the  man  was. 

Christ's  teachings  regarding  man's  duty  to  him- 
self as  well  as  man's  duty  to  his  neighbor  are  per- 
vaded with  the  truth  that  thought  in  all  cases 
determines  the  man's  right  to  happiness  or  his  con- 
demnation for  sin. 

In  a  revelation  to  the  Prophet  Joseph  Smith  the 
Lord  emphasized  adherence  to  this  principle  as  being 
the  first  duty  of  the  Twelve  in  going  forth  to  preach 
the  gospel  of  Jesus  Christ.  "But  purify  your  hearts 
before  men;  and  then  go  ye  into  all  the  world,  and 
preach  my  gospel  unto  every  creature  who  has  not 
received  it."  (D&C  112:28.) 

Improvement  Era 

True,  that  revelation  was  given  to  President  Thomas  B.  Marsh  of  the  Coun- 
cil of  the  Twelve  specifically  for  the  Twelve,  but  it  also  concerns  missionary 
activity.  We  have  long  said  that  every  member  is  a  missionary.  And  only 
they  whose  hearts  are  sincere  and  whose  thoughts  are  high  and  noble  can  influ- 
ence others  to  seek  to  attain  these  high  ideals. 

Fundamental  doctrine  this,  and  glorious !  Contentment,  complacency,  peace 
— all  that  makes  life  worth  living — have  their  source  in  the  mind  of  the  indi- 
vidual. From  the  same  source  spring  unrest,  turbulency,  misery — everything 
that  leads  to  dissolution  and  death.  It's  a  life  lesson  too  seldom  considered. 
People  are  influenced  and  moved  to  action  more  by  what  they  think  other  peo- 
ple think  than  by  what  they  themselves  think.  Too  many  arrogate  to  them- 
selves the  thought  that  sin  may  be  indulged  in  with  impunity  so  long  as  it  is  not 
"found  out."  They  presume  that  dishonest  acts  may  be  committed  if  kept  hidden. 

To  use  just  one  example,  as  boys  of  other  generations  stealthily  hid  behind 
barns  and  bushes  to  smoke,  so  boys  of  today  find  hiding  places  for  such  acts, 
and  they  blindly  think  it  is  all  right  if  they  manage  not  to  be  caught. 

No  matter  what  the  hidden  act,  whether  found  out  or  not,  those  who  trans- 
gress pay  the  penalty  of  sin  and  of  indiscretion.  The  intent  that  precedes  the 
act  leaves  its  indelible  impression  upon  the  character.  And  though  the  culprit 
might  offer  a  balm  to  his  conscience  by  saying  that  he  "will  not  count  this 
one,"  yet  deep  in  the  inner  mind  it  is  counted  just  the  same,  and  the  marks  in 
his  character  will  stand  against  him  in  the  day  of  judgment.  No  one  can  hide 
from  his  thoughts  nor  escape  from  their  inevitable  consequences. 

In  view  of  the  responsibility  of  leadership  that  every  member  carries  in 
The  Church  of  Jesus  Christ  of  Latter-day  Saints  and  in  the  world,  it  is  well 
for  each  of  us  to  pause  frequently  and  to  take  stock  of  ourself  to  ascertain  what 
we  are  thinking  about  when  we  don't  have  to  think.  "For  as  [a  man]  thinketh 
in  his  heart,  so  is  he.  .  .  ."  (Prov.  23:7),  and  "what  you  are,"  as  Emerson  says, 
"thunders  so  loud  in  my  ears,  I  cannot  hear  what  you  say."  o 

May  1967 

Dr.  Reed  H.  Bradford,  professor  of  sociology  at  Brigham 
Young  University  and  executive  secretary  of  the  adult 
committee  of  Church  Correlation,  has  long  been  a 
popular  contributor  to  Church  periodicals. 

societies  only  during  the  last  fifty  years.  This  has 
made  it  possible  for  the  individual  to  receive  knowl- 
edge about  places,  people,  and  facts  in  ways  that 
were  completely  unknown  to  his  grandfather.  The 
opportunity  to  expand  his  horizons  is  available  to 
him.  He  can  know  about  events  happening  all  over 
•  We  must  be  concerned  with  eternity.  The  Lord  has  the  world  almost  as  soon  as  they  occur, 
told  us,  "For  behold,  this  is  my  work  and  my  glory—.  3.  The  basic  character  of  many  organizations  has 
to  bring  to  pass  the  immortality  and  eternal  life  of  changed.  Sociologists  refer  to  such  groups  as  the 
man."  (Moses  1:39.)  family  or  neighborhood  as  "primary"  groups  in  which 

One  of  the  things  that  has  eternal  implications  is  the  relationships  of  individuals  are  intimate  and  face- 
change.  Change  occurs  within  both  individuals  and  to-face.  Such  individuals  know  much  about  each  other 
organizations.  The  twentieth  century  is  characterized  and  are  united  by  many  common  bonds, 
by  some  of  the  most  rapid  and  profound  changes  in  But  this  century  has  witnessed  the  rise  of  another 
the  social  life  of  human  beings  ever  experienced  in  the  type  of  group,  often  referred  to  as  a  "secondary" 
history  of  man.    Let  us  note  some  of  the  major  ones,     group.     This  group  tends  to  be  formal,  rather  than 

1.  There  has  been  a  great  explosion  of  certain  kinds  informal.  Organized  for  a  limited,  specific  purpose, 
of  knowledge.  In  this  century  science  has  truly  been  it  concerns  itself  with  only  one  aspect  of  the  indi- 
exploited  as  a  method  for  the  discovery  of  truth.  viduaFs  total  life.  There  are  hundreds  of  such  or- 
Someone  has  indicated  that  approximately  ninety  per-  ganizations.  For  example,  one  who  buys  stock  in  a 
cent  of  all  the  scientists  of  recorded  history  are  now  given  corporation  and  attends  perhaps  one  meeting 
living.  Vast  sums  of  money  are  being  spent  for  re-  a  year  is  personally  acquainted  with  very  few  of  the 
search  by  both  private  and  governmental  agencies  in  other  stockholders.  Or  perhaps  one  is  a  member  of 
many  countries.  The  amount  of  information  being  a  given  occupational  or  professional  organization;  the 
published  daily  is  staggering.  The  individual  who  only  time  he  sees  most  of  the  other  members  is  at  an 
wishes  to  become  an  authority  in  a  given  discipline     annual  meeting. 

finds  himself  forced  to  become  more  and  more  of  a         4.    In  many  countries  there  has  been  a  basic  change 
specialist.  from  a  rural  to  an  urban  type  of  living.     In  1790, 

2.  Systems  of  transportation  and  communication  when  the  first  census  was  taken  in  the  United  States, 
have  greatly  increased  in  number  and  efficiency,  over  ninety  percent  of  the  population  lived  in  towns 
The  telegraph,  telephone,  radio,  television,  automo-  of  less  than  8,000  inhabitants.  Today  the  vast  majority 
bile,  and  airplane  have  become  commonplace  in  many     of  citizens  live  in  metropolitan  areas,  and  their  social 

By  Reed  H.  Bradford 

Values  ,^, 

of  Change  \ 

Jesus  sometimes  sought  isolation  to  think,  reflect,  evaluate,  fast,  and  pray. 

"Why  shouldn't  we?" 

Improvement  Era 

life  is  characterized  by  complexity  and  heterogeneity. 

The  above  changes  have  produced  many  problems 

for  both  the  individual  and  his  society.    The  new  com- 


plexity  of  life  has  produced  bewilderment  and  con- 
fusion. As  a  result,  many  individuals  have  turned  to 
so-called  escape  mechanisms,  such  as  alcohol,  drugs, 
lust,  and  gambling,  to  mention  only  a  few.  In  many 
nations,  crime  rates  are  increasing  much  more  rapidly 
than  population  rates. 

This  new  type  of  world  has  brought  with  it  many 
changes  of  values.  There  has  been  a  relaxing  and 
letting  down  of  moral  standards.  Church  member- 
ship and  attendance  are  low  in  many  nations.  Divorce 
rates  are  rising.  Giving  mediocre  effort  in  one's 
daily  occupation  is  common  practice. 

How  can  a  person  adjust  to  all  these  changes? 

First  of  all,  the  ringing  message  of  the  Savior  should 
be  heard  and  understood.  "These  things  have  I  spoken 
unto  you,  that  my  joy  might  remain  in  you,  and  that 
your  joy  might  be  full."  (John  15:11.) 

His  atonement  and  resurrection,  the  principles  that 
he  taught,  and  the  Church  that  he  organized  are  all 
designed  to  help  each  person  find  divine  fulfillment. 
He  said:  "I  am  Jesus  Christ,  the  Son  of  God,  who 
was  crucified  for  the  sins  of  the  world,  even  as  many 
as  will  believe  on  my  name,  that  they  may  become 
the  sons  of  God,  even  one  in  me  as  I  am  one  in  the 
Father,  as  the  Father  is  one  in  me,  that  we  may  be 
one."  (D&C  35:2.) 

To  become  his  son  (or  daughter)  means  that  one 
must  understand  the  principles  upon  which  such  at- 
tainment is  based.     This  requires   a  depth  kind  of 

education,  an  education  that  is  based  on  thought  and 

In  obtaining  such  an  education,  members  of  The 
Church  of  Jesus  Christ  of  Latter-day  Saints  have  a 
special  blessing.  Not  only  can  they  consider  the  ex- 
periences of  life  thoughtfully  and  reasonably,  but  they 
can  also  enjoy  the  influence  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  or, 
more  precisely,  the  gift  of  the  Holy  Ghost. 

"Yea,  repent  and  be  baptized,  every  one  of  you,  for 
a  remission  of  your  sins;  yea,  be  baptized  even  by 
water,  and  then  cometh  the  baptism  of  fire  and  of  the 
Holy  Ghost."  (D&C  33:11.) 

And,  "God  shall  give  unto  you  knowledge  by  his 
Holy  Spirit,  yea,  by  the  unspeakable  gift  of  the  Holy 
Ghost,  that  has  not  been  revealed  since  the  world  was 
until  now."  (D&C  121:26.) 

An  individual  living  in  a  complex  society  often 
finds,  however,  that  it  is  difficult  for  him  to  carry  out 
such  a  process  of  education  because  of  the  many 
demands  placed  upon  him.  The  only  way  such  an 
educational  process  can  be  carried  out  is  for  the 
individual  to  make  a  commitment  to  himself  to  do  it. 
One  way  to  accomplish  this  is  to  follow  the  example  of 
the  Savior.  He  practiced  what  might  be  called  "the 
art  of  contemplation."  He  went  alone  to  a  place 
where  he  would  not  be  disturbed  and  where  he  could 
think,  reflect,  evaluate,  fast,  and  pray.  He  was  thus 
able  to  gain  a  depth  understanding  of  the  principles 
of  the  gospel. 

But  an  understanding  of  the  principles  is  not  enough. 
One  must  also  live  them.  At  first,  when  one's  experi- 
ences with  the  living  of  the  principles  is  limited,  he 


the  author  asks. 

5-«V»  *  ** 


May  1967 

may  experience  strong  temptations  to  behave  in  ways  hold  of  faith,  and  let  virtue  garnish  thy  thoughts  un- 

that  are  not  in  harmony  with  the  teachings  of  the  ceasingly;  then  shall  thy  confidence  wax  strong  in  the 

Lord.    The  Savior  had  such  temptations  in  mind  when  presence  of  God;  and  the  doctrine  of  the  priesthood 

he  said:  "I  pray  not  that  thou  shouldest  take  them  out  shall  distil  upon  thy  soul  as  the  dews  from  heaven." 

of  the  world,  but  that  thou  shouldest  keep  them  from  (D&C  121:45.    Italics  added.) 

the  evil."  (John  17:15.)  Our  Heavenly  Father  presides  over  an  eternal  fam- 

As  one  discovers  the  joy  that  comes  from  incorporat-  ily.    If  an  individual  is  married  by  his  authority  and 

ing  these  teachings  into  his  life,  it  becomes  easier  for  lives  the  principles  of  the  gospel,  the  marriage  will  be 

him   to   live   them.     This    does   not  mean   that   the  eternal.     Children  born  to  such  a  marriage  may  be 

temptations  will  cease,  but  when  they  come  he  must  sealed  by  the  Holy  Spirit  of  Promise  to  the  parents, 

remember  that  a  diamond  is  of  much  greater  value  Such  a  family  and  home  become  a  divine  sanctuary 

than  its  glass  imitation.    Also,  to  be  tested  is  one  of  for  the  individual.    Husband  and  wife  become  mem- 

the  great  purposes  of  this  life.  bers    of   a    paired   unity   wherein   they    understand, 

"Therefore,  be  not  afraid  of  your  enemies,  for  I  encourage,  and  complement  one  another.  They  con- 
have  decreed  in  my  heart,  saith  the  Lord,  that  I  will  sider  themselves  to  be  partners  with  their  Heavenly 
prove  you  in  all  things,  whether  you  will  abide  in  my  Father  in  helping  their  children  to  become  his  sons 
covenant,  even  unto  death,  that  you  may  be  found  and  daughters.  There  is  a  certain  kind  of  spirit  that 
worthy."  (D&C  98:14.)  For  those  who  survive  this  characterizes  such  a  home:  the  spirit  of  respect,  of 
test  successfully,  ".  .  .  all  things  are  theirs,  whether  kindness,  of  understanding,  of  love  itself, 
life  or  death,  or  things  present,  or  things  to  come,  all  Yes,  we  must  be  concerned  with  eternity.  The  soul 
are  theirs  and  they  are  Christ's,  and  Christ  is  God's."  is  eternal;  the  priesthood  is  eternal;  the  family— the 
(D&C  76:59.)  Lord's  kind  of  family— is  eternal;  and  his  principles  are 

To  further  assist  the  individual  to  become  his  son  eternal.  The  Ten  Commandments,  the  Beatitudes, 
or  daughter,  the  Lord  has  provided  for  him  the  oppor-  and  all  of  his  principles  are  valid  in  any  society  and 
tunity  of  being  blessed  by  the  priesthood  and  the  in  any  age.  By  making  a  personal  commitment  to 
family,  both  of  which  are  eternal.  The  priesthood  is  him  to  represent  him  well  in  whatever  positions  one 
both  authority  and  power.  It  provides  the  authority  holds,  one  can  experience  the  maximum  joy  in  what- 
for  the  individual  to  participate  in  such  saving  ordi-  ever  kind  of  society  he  lives. 

nances  as  baptism  and  eternal  marriage.    If  one  lives  And  if  he  gives  the  last  full  measure  of  devotion 

the  principles  of  the  gospel,  he  acquires  the  kind  of  to  the  eternal  "constants  amid  change"  in  this  life, 

power  indicated  in  the  following:   "Let  thy  bowels  ...  he  has  the  promise  of  salvation  and  exaltation  in  the 

be  full  of  charity  towards  all  men,  and  to  the  house-  life  to  come,  which  is  the  greatest  of  attainments.        O 

Improvement  Era 

Milan  D.  Smith  is  president  of  the  Washington  [D.C.] 
Stake  and  executive  vice  president  of  the  National 
Canners  Association. 

•  Fundamental  laws— eternal  truths— do  not  change, 
but  customs,  habits,  hypotheses,  standards  of  living  of 
various  societies,  methods  of  carrying  on  commerce, 
types  of  government,  communication,  modes  of  trans- 
portation, and  style  of  dress  and  fashions  do  change 
over  periods  of  time.  In  fact,  in  our  era  dramatic 
alterations  and  innovations  in  some  of  these  categories 
take  place  at  a  highly  accelerated  rate. 

Other  changes,  many  not  pleasant  to  contemplate, 
are  also  taking  place.  A  vocal  minority  cry,  "God  is 
dead."  If  they  could,  they  would  influence  all  to 
reject  the  spiritual,  moral  laws  with  fixed  principles. 

Despite  the  efforts  of  iconoclasts  to  ridicule  the 
profound  utterance,  George  Washington's  statement 
on  the  value  of  religion  continues  to  inspire  most  of 
his  countrymen  and  many  beyond  our  borders:  "Of 
all  the  dispositions  and  habits  which  lead  to  political 
prosperity,  religion  and  morality  are  indispensable 
supports.  In  vain  would  that  man  claim  the  tribute 
of  patriotism  who  should  labor  to  subvert  these  great 
pillars  of  human  happiness— these  firm  props  of  the 
duties  of  men  and  citizens  .  .  .  and  let  us  with  caution 
indulge  the  supposition  that  morality  can  be  main- 
tained without  religion.  Whatever  may  be  conceded 
to  the  influence  of  refined  education  on  minds  of  pe- 
culiar structure,  reason  and  experience  both  forbid 
us  to  expect  that  national  morality  can  prevail  in 

By  Milan  D.  Smith 

exclusion  of  religious  principle." 

The  annual  Federal  Bureau  of  Investigation  report 
and  the  National  Crime  Commission  report  released 
recently  underscore  the  degree  to  which  the  American 
stability  and  morality  have  been  affected  as  a  result 
of  the  unrelenting  campaign  of  derision  against  re- 
ligion and  high  moral  values. 

The  FBI  report  says  that  "the  organized  underworld 
has  amassed  tremendous  wealth  from  the  vice  opera- 
tions it  controls.  Gambling,  narcotics,  trafficking, 
usury,  labor  racketeering,  even  legitimate  business 
activities  pour  huge  sums  into  the  coffers  of  the  top 
men.  Of  these,  gambling  is  probably  the  most  im- 
portant. Profits  from  gambling  are  used  by  the 
gangland  overlords  to  finance  other  lucrative  ventures 
and  to  expand  their  organizations.  These  funds  also 
find  their  way  into  the  hands  of  corrupt  public 
officials  who  are  able  to  provide  protection  for  the 

"In  fiscal  year  1966,  there  were  1,705  violations 
committed  under  the  Bank  Robberies  Statute,  includ- 
ing 1,077  robberies,  47  burglaries  and  161  larcenies. 
While  the  total  number  of  these  crimes  remains  high, 
it  is  encouraging  to  note  that  there  was  a  reduction  of 
71  in  the  1966  fiscal  year  over  the  record  high  in 
1965.  Convictions  for  these  crimes  continued  to  in- 
increase,  however,  with  a  new  peak  of  870  recorded 
for  the  year.  Over  8,696  years  in  actual,  suspended 
and  probationary  sentences  were  imposed.  Two  death 
sentences  were  also  levied.  Only  convictions  in  federal 
courts  are  included  in  these  totals.  .  .  ."  The  study 
revealed  that  banking  institutions  in  36  out  of  the 

World  morality  has  been 
seriously  affected  by  those  who 
have  rejected  moral  law. 




in?  today, 

May  1967 

Crime  in  America  accounts  for  over  $20  billion  yearly-and  is  highest  in  the  15-21 

50  states  in  the  United  States  were  victimized. 

"Seven  convictions  for  crimes  aboard  aircraft  and 
32  for  crimes  on  the  high  seas  were  registered  in  the 
1966  fiscal  year. 

"Investigations  of  crimes  on  government  and  Indian 
reservations  by  the  FBI  during  the  year  led  to  a  record 
high  of  1,777  convictions.  Sentences  exceeded  2,100 
years.  In  addition,  a  total  of  363  fugitives  wanted  for 
such  crimes  as  murder,  manslaughter,  assault  with  a 
dangerous  weapons,  rape,  burglary,  and  armed  rob- 
bery were  located  in  these  cases." 

A  summary  of  major  convictions  disclosed:  Assault- 
ing or  killing  a  federal  officer,  42;  escaped  federal 
prisoners,  parole,  probation,  and  conditional  release 
violators,  214;  espionage,  2;  extortion,  62;  Federal 
Housing  Administration  matters,  103;  bribery,  con- 
flict of  interest  and  bond  default,  78;  interstate  trans- 
portation of  obscene  matter,  22;  Federal  Train  Wreck 
Statute,  15;  fraud  against  the  government,  288;  illegal 
wearing  of  uniform  and  related  statutes,  109;  imper- 
sonation, 71;  interstate  transmission  of  wagering 
information,  12;  interstate  transportation  in  aid  of 
racketeering,  76;  interstate  transportation  of  stolen 
motor  vehicles  or  aircraft,  5,141;  interstate  transporta- 
tion of  stolen  property,  1,096  (21,164  stolen  motor 
vehicles  were  recovered);  kidnaping,  42;  mail 
frauds,  13;  national  bank  and  federal  reserve  acts- 
banks,  federal  credit  union,  savings  and  loan,  626; 
perjury,  19;  Selective  Service  Act,  1948—343;  theft, 
embezzlement,  or  illegal  possession  of  government 
property,  602;  theft  from  interstate  shipment,  834; 
Veterans    Administration    matters,    61;    White    Slave 

Traffic  Act,  75.  There  were  602  convictions  for  theft 
of  government  property  and  related  violations. 

The  National  Crime  Commission  report  sets  the 
economic  impact  of  crime  in  America  in  excess  of  $20 
billion  a  year.,   A  breakdown  of  crime  costs  follows: 

"Crimes  against  persons,  such  as  homicide  and  as- 
sault, 815  million  dollars;  crimes  against  property,  3.9 
billion;  other  crimes,  such  as  drunken  driving,  tax 
fraud  and  abortion,  2  billion;  illegal  goods  and 
services,  such  as  narcotics,  loan-sharking,  bootlegging 
of  liquor,  prostitution  and  gambling,  8  billion;  public 
law  enforcement  and  criminal  justice,  4.2  billion; 
private  costs  related  to  crime,  1.9  billion." 

The  report  notes  that  "for  the  nation  as  a  whole, 
there  is  far  more  crime  than  ever  is  reported,"  and 
that  crime  is  highest  in  the  15  to  21  age  group.  "What 
appears  to  be  happening  throughout  the  country,  in 
the  cities  and  in  the  suburbs,  among  the  poor  and 
among  the  well-to-do,  is  that  parental,  and  especially 
paternal,  authority  over  the  young  people  is  becom- 
ing weaker." 

The  truth  of  these  facts  is  even  more  apparent  as  a 
result  of  a  broad  survey  of  10,000  representative  Amer- 
ican households.  The  survey  found  that  "burglaries 
occur  some  three  times  more  often  than  reported,  that 
forcible  rapes  occur  some  three  and  a  half  times  more 
often,  that  white-collar  offenses  are  probably  the  most 
underestimated  of  all  crimes  and  that  no  one  knows 
for  certain  just  how  many  victims  of  organized  crime 
keep  silent  out  of  fear,  or— as  in  the  case  of  gamblers- 
out  of  disinclination  to  see  the  particular  criminal 
activity  stopped." 


age  group. 

An  astounding  point  made  by  the  commissions  sur- 
vey is  that  one  boy  in  every  six  sooner  or  later  is 
referred  to  juvenile  court.  Further,  it  predicts  that 
"about  40  percent  of  all  male  children  living  in  the 
United  States  will  be  arrested  for  non-traffic  offenses 
during  their  lives." 

The  FBI  report  concludes:  "Crime  and  subversion 
continue  to  chip  at  the  bulwark  of  democracy  as  laid 
down  by  our  forefathers  nearly  200  years  ago.  There 
must  be  a  reawakening  of  the  entire  citizenry  and  a 
return  to  the  old-fashioned'  principles  of  honesty,  re- 
spect, high  moral  standards  and  patriotism  if  we  are 
to  survive." 

It  is  interesting  to  note  that  only  one  member  of 
the  Crime  Commission,  in  a  minority  statement,  re- 
gretted that  the  report  "neglects  to  recognize  Godless- 
ness  as  the  basic  cause  of  crime,  and  religion  as  the 
basic  cure." 

As  these  facts  demonstrate,  a  great  multitude  have 
either  completely  rejected  religion  or  have  designed 
to  keep  a  void  between  its  stabilizing  influences  and 
the  conduct  of  their  daily  lives. 

Satanic  powers  seem  to  have  prevailed  through 
men  in  undermining  in  millions  of  lives  the  recogni- 
tion and  reverence  for  and  humble  submission  to  God, 
whose  creative  power  directed  the  formation  of  this 
world  and  innumerable  other  worlds,  With  faith  in 
God  gone,  these  people  find  it  difficult,  if  not  impos- 
sible, to  have  faith  in  man.  They  therefore  cannot 
accept  or  support  human  law. 

As  a  result,  the  following  prophecies  are  being  ful- 
filled in  our  years : 

"This  know  also,  that  in  the  last  days  perilous  times 
shall  come. 

"For  men  shall  be  lovers  of  their  own  selves,  covet- 
ous, boasters,  blasphemers,  disobedient  to  parents, 
unthankful,  unholy, 

"Without  natural  affection,  trucebreakers,  false  ac- 
cusers, incontinent,  fierce,  despisers  of  those  that 
are  good, 

"Traitors,  headyy  highminded,  lovers  of  pleasures 
more  than  lovers  of  God."  (2  Tim.  3:1-4.) 

How  grateful  all  of  us  should  be  to  focus  on  the 
overriding  event  of  this  dispensation— the  establish- 
ment, within  the  broad  field  of  religion,  of  the  Church 
through  revelation.  The  Lord's  Church  has  been  or- 
ganized through  the  Prophet  Joseph  Smith  and  pos- 
sesses direct  authority  from  God  to  those  of  his  children 
who  qualify  to  act  in  his  name  in  performance  of  the 
duties,  responsibilities,  and  ordinances  of  their  offices 
within  the  kingdom. 

The  scriptures  indicate  that  "no  man  taketh  this 
honour  unto  himself,  but  he  that  is  called  of  God,  as 
was  Aaron."  (Heb.  5:4.)  Each  who  has  served  since 
Joseph  Smith  as  Prophet  and  President  of  the  Church 
has  served  as  the  only  mouthpiece  of  God  in  his  time 
to  those  people  who  have  entered  into  the  covenant 
of  baptism  and  other  covenants  with  the  Lord.  The 
greatest  prophet  in  a  given  generation  is  President  of 
the  Church,  because  he  gives  counsel  that  strengthens 
the  Saints  in  meeting  the  problems  of  their  day.  Man, 
through  obedience,  can  obtain  joy  and  satisfaction  in 
this  life  as  well  as  in  the  world  to  come.  Through 
obedience  he  will  develop  qualities  of  character  that 

cannot  be  taken  from  or  denied  him  when  he 
leaves  this  life. 

Church  authorities  at  all  levels— general,  stake,  ward, 
mission,  branch,  and  parental— can  in  this  changing 
world  guide  those  over  whom  they  preside,  can  guide 
them  to  achieve  the  celestial  kingdom  of  God. 

Jesus  gave  the  formula  to  obtain  eternal  life:  "If 
thou  will  enter  into  life,  keep  the  commandments." 

Looking  again  at  the  world  about  us  and  its  effect 
on  us,  we  are  impressed  that  many  men  who  are  held 
high  in  the  esteem  of  their  fellowmen  but  who  do  not 
have  the  priesthood  of  God  are  not  in  the  best  position 
to  counsel  society  on  problems  of  everyday  living. 
How  much  more  ineffectual  they  become,  then,  if 
they  are  dealing  in  the  intangible  realms  of  the 

We  find  that  man  is  generally  unable  to  make 
accurate  interpretations  of  his  fellow  human  beings 
with  whom  he  has  close  physical  and  mental  com- 

How,  then,  can  he  reasonably  follow  them  in  their 
counsel  in  a  field  that  they  are  patently  unquali- 
fied to  comprehend?  By  comparison,  those  men 
in  the  Church  who  counsel  by  inspiration  are  able 
to  convey  truths  that  are  spiritually  discerned.  With 
confidence  one  can  accept  such  guidance,  knowing 
that  those  truths  are  part  of  the  total  truths  that  ulti- 
mately rule  life  and  eternal  destiny. 

Would  that  all  mankind  could  appreciate  the  beau- 
ties of  the  gospel  and  live  for  its  blessings;  then  the 
problems  that  now  appear  to  have  no  solution  would 
swiftly  be  solved.  O 


Orpha  S.  Boyden  is  mother  of  four,  a  member  of  the 
Utah  State  University  Board  of  Trustees,  and  in  the 
Yale  (Salt  Lake  City)  2nd  Ward  Relief  Society 

•  "Times  have  changed.  Our  home  is  nothing  more 
than  a  hotel,  with  maid  service,  where  the  children 
stop  long  enough  to  eat,  sleep,  shower,  change  their 
clothes,  and  go  to  their  next  appointment."  Parents 
with  this  attitude  are  defeated,  and  their  children  are 
to  be  pitied. 

Times  have  changed.  Man  can  now  cross  the  conti- 
nent in  the  time  he  used  to  drive  a  team  of  horses  30 
miles.  This  is  the  day  of  the  instant  breakfast,  drip- 
dry,  and  permanent  press.  But  there  is  one  thing  that 
has  not  changed:  the  responsibility  of  parents  to  their 
children.  The  counsel  given  by  King  Benjamin  a  long 
time  ago  is  just  as  valid  today  as  it  was  then: 

"And  ye  will  not  suffer  your  children  that  they  go 
hungry,  or  naked;  neither  will  ye  suffer  that  they 
trangress  the  laws  of  God,  and  fight  and  quarrel  one 
with  another,  and  serve  the  devil.  .  .  . 

"But  ye  will  teach  them  to  walk  in  the  ways  of 
truth  and  soberness;  ye  will  teach  them  to  love  one 
another,  and  to  serve  one  another."  (Mosiah  4:14,  15.) 

The  role  of  Latter-day  Saint  parents  has  been  made 
very  clear  by  the  Lord  in  a  revelation  to  Joseph  Smith 
in  1831: 

"And  again,  inasmuch  as  parents  have  children  in 
Zion,  or  in  any  of  her  stakes  which  are  organized, 
that  teach  them  not  to  understand  the  doctrine  of 

By  Orpha  S.  Boyden 



Improvement  Era 

repentance,  faith  in  Christ  the  Son  of  the  living  God,  to  teach  children  how  to  sort  out  and  live  by  those 

and  of  baptism  and  the  gift  of  the  Holy  Ghost  by  the  principles  that  will  bring  them  happiness.     Here  are 

laying  on  of  the  hands,  when  eight  years  old,  the  sin  some   specific  ideas  that  might  be  helpful  to  your 

be  upon  the  heads  of  the  parents.  .  .  .  family: 

"And  they  shall  also  teach  their  children  to  pray,  1.    We  must  make  home  a  pleasant  place.  This  has 

and  to  walk  uprightly  before  the  Lord."  (D&C  68:25,  nothing  to  do  with  architecture  or  decor.    If  we  expect 

28.)  to  teach  proper  values  to  our  children,  it  must  be  in 

If  we  want  our  homes  to  be  less  like  grand  hotels  an  atmosphere  of  love  and  understanding,  where  the 

and  more  like  places  where  we  can  teach  our  children  Spirit  of  the  Lord  can  dwell,  where  ideas  are  ex- 

to  pray  and  to  walk  uprightly  before  the  Lord,  we  changed  freely,  and  where  each  person  feels  appre- 

will  have  to  work  at  it.    We  must  quit  talking  about  ciated  for  his  own  special  qualities.    Home  should  be 

the  "good  old  days"  when  life  was  simpler,  and  bring  a  place  where  children  like  to  be,  a  haven  from  the 

our  thinking  down  to  here  and  now.    Personally,  I'm  world  of  conflict  and   competition,   a  place  where 

not  sure  how  good  the  good  old  days  really  were.    I  good  humor  abounds  and  where  courtesy  is  not  saved 

find  the  modern  highways  and  automobiles,  with  all  for  company. 

their  hazards,  a  great  improvement  on  the  dusty  wash-  2.    Keep  up  with  the  times!       Are  we  interesting 

board  roads  we  used  to  bounce  over.    I  am  likewise  persons,  not  merely  dutiful  parents  to  whom  the  child 

grateful  for  the  advances  in  scientific  areas  providing  feels  obligated?    We  may  not  be  able  to  do  the  new 

us   with   vaccines    and   drugs    that   now   practically  math,  but  we  can  read  enough  about  it  to  show  that 

eliminate  diseases  that  were  common  in  my  childhood,  we  are  at  least  in  the  twentieth  century. 

The  problem  for  today's  parents  is  to  help  their  With  newspapers,  books,  magazines,  radio,  and 
children  understand  that  the  automobile  can  be  a  television,  there  is  no  excuse  for  not  being  reasonably 
wonderful  means  of  transportation  or  it  can  be  a  lethal  well  informed  on  current  subjects.  While  we  can't 
weapon;  drugs  can  save  lives  or  ruin  them.  So  many  know  all  about  everything,  we  can  keep  abreast  of 
forces  are  competing  for  the  time  and  interest  of  our  things  enough  to  understand  the  problems  that  face 
children  that  parents  must  be  real  leaders  if  they  are  our  children  today.  How  can  we  deal  with  the  sub- 
to  succeed.  jects  of  miniskirts,  LSD,  long  hair,  short  hair,  pro- 

We  must  help  our  children  meet  the  onslaught  of  tests,    and   pornography   unless   our   discussions    are 
conflicting    ideas.      Conscientious    parents    will    not  based  on  accurate  information?     How  can  we  en- 
shield  their  children  from  new  ideas  but  will  help  courage  our  children  to  develop  cultural  and  scientific 
them   evaluate   their   worth.     Experiences    can   and  interests  unless  we  do  so  ourselves? 
should  be  provided  within  the  framework  of  the  home  3.    Quiet,  please!    Someone  has  declared  that  the 

A  six-point  plan  for  making  a  house  more  of  a  home  and  less  of  a  hotel. 

May  1967  •  U 

"How  can  we  talk  to  youth  about  miniskirts,  protests,  or  pornography  unless  we 

communications  gap  between  generations  is  greater  how  much  times  have  changed,  the  home  remains 
than  between  languages.  It  could  be  that  many  of  us  the  place  where  each  child  starts  his  life  experience, 
parents  are  talking  when  we  should  be  listening.  If  and  what  happens  there  profoundly  affects  his  fu- 
we  really  want  to  improve  the  dialogue  between  us     ture. 

and  our  children,  we  will  listen  respectfully  when  the  Latter-day  Saint  parents  have  an  obligation  to  guide 
children  ask  questions  or  when  they  are  in  a  mood  their  children  in  such  a  way  that  they  may  qualify 
for  a  friendly  talk.  If  we  are  interested  listeners,  we  to  return  to  our  Heavenly  Fathers  presence.  This 
can  learn  much  about  the  value  systems  they  are  means  that  we  must  introduce  them  to  experiences  in 
encountering.  which  the  eternal  values  are  embedded.     If  a  child 

Children's  timing- is  usually  bad  (until  they  become  is  brought  up  in  a'  home  where  he  feels  loved  and 
a  little  older  and  know  its  importance).  Even  though  appreciated,  he  is  more  apt  to  have  confidence  in 
the  baby  is  crying,  the  phone  is  ringing,  and  the  gravy     himself  and  faith  in  others.     For  the  first  few  years, 

the  important  formative  years,  home  is  the  entire 
world  to  the  child.  His  whole  outlook  on  life  is 
affected  by  what  takes  place  there. 

The  home  and  its  surroundings  provide  a  natural 
laboratory   for   learning.      The   assignment  of  home 

about  to  boil  over,  the  wise  parent  will  actually  handle 
the  matter,  not  using  the  confusion  as  an  excuse  for 
postponement  until  tomorrow  or  forever. 

On  the  other  hand,  parents  who  are  too  preoccupied 
often  lose  contact  with  their  children's  points  of  view. 

When  a  touchy  subject  comes  up,  these  parents  often  duties  should  not  be  merely  a  device  for  getting  the 
"lose  their  cool,"  harsh  words  are  exchanged,  and  the  work  done;  such  qualities  as  dependability,  prompt- 
line  of  communication  between  parent  and  child  is  ness,  decision-making,  and  pride  in  workmanship  can 
pretty  well  clogged,  if  not  cut  off  completely.  One  be  developed  in  children  whose  parents  will  take  the 
teenager  said  to  her  friend:  "I  wish  I  could  attend  time  and  interest  to  make  it  happen.  The  nagging 
your  home  evenings  instead  of  ours.  You  and  your  approach  may  get  the  job  done  but  that's  about  all. 
folks  have  such  a  good  time  together,  and  you  can  Children  whose  parents  take  the  time  to  watch  a 
talk  about  anything.  At  our  home  I  feel  that  unless  sunset  with  them,  or  plant  a  garden  with  them,  will 
I  answer  the  questions  exactly  as  my  father  wants  develop  an  appreciation  for  the  wonders  and  beauty 
them  answered,  he  is  disappointed  and  critical  of  me.  of  nature.  Children  whose  parents  plan  with  them  and 
So  I  just  don't  talk."  do  a  good  deed  for  a  neighbor  are  learning  the  mean- 
4.  Home  as  a  laboratory.  Young  parents  could  be-  ing  of  brotherly  love.  Parents  who  give  of  themselves 
come  "confused  by  the  barrage  of  printed  material  will  be  remembered  in  love  much  longer  than  those 
on  the  modern  approach  to  child-rearing.  But  parents  who  spend  their  energies  providing  material 
any  thoughtful  parent  must  realize  that  no  matter  things  for  their  children. 


have  accurate  information?" 

One  of  the  greatest  blessings  to  come  to  families 
through  the  Church  in  recent  years  is  the  home 
evening  manual,  particularly  the  sections  on  applica- 
tion of  the  gospel  truths  being  taught.  Every  class 
we  attend— priesthood,  MIA,  Primary,  Sunday  School, 
Relief  Society— teaches  gospel  principles,  but  the 
home  is  in  the  unique  position  of  being  able  to  actually 
try  these  principles  out.  For  example,  what  better 
way  could  we  help  children  begin  to  understand 
Jesus'  sacrifice  for  us  than  to  give  them  actual  experi- 
ence  in  making  sacrifices  for  each  other? 

Ann,  who  was  shy  and  needed  more  association  with 
children  her  own  age,  was  invited  to  a  party.  She  had 
an  important  family  responsibility  and  declined  the 
invitation.  Her  older  brother  discovered  this  and 
insisted  on  her  going  to  the  party  while  he  did  her 
assignment.  It  was  learned  later  that  to  do  this  he 
had  turned  down  an  invitation  to  attend  a  basketball 
game,  and  he  loved  basketball.  This  experience 
helped  both  children  learn  what  it  means  to  do  with- 
out something  we  ourselves  want  in  order  to  help 
someone  we  love;  thus  we  will  come  to  appreciate 
more  and  more  the  great  sacrifice  Jesus  made  for  us. 
As  Latter-day  Saint  parents  we  must  put  more  empha- 
sis on  living  the  gospel  than  on  talking  about  it. 

5.  Who's  in  charge  here?  At  times  this  is  not  easy 
to  tell.  One  too  often  gets  the  impression  that  the 
children  are  making  the  decisions  and  giving  the 
orders.  In  these  cases  it  may  be  that  since  the  "par- 
ents are  either  too  timid  or  too  lazy  to  be  the  leaders, 
the  children  do  it  for  them.  Enough  has  been  said 
and  written  on  the  subject  to  convince  any  parent 

that  children  want  and  need  discipline.  They  often 
have  neither  the  background  nor  the  experience  to 
make  proper  choices  without  guidance. 

"Consistency,  thou  art  a  jewel,"  could  have  been 
written  about  child-rearing.  When  a  child  is  pun- 
ished one  day  for  misbehaving  and  the  same  action 
is  ignored  on  another  occasion,  it  is  difficult  for  him 
to  understand  just  what  behavior  is  expected.  It  is 
very  tedious  work  for  the  parents  of  young  children 
to  hammer  away  at  what  behavior  is  acceptable  and 
what  is  not,  but  nothing  will  pay  greater  dividends  in 
helping  children  become  stable  members  of  society. 

If  a  child  has  not  been  taught  by  loving  parents  how 
to  mind,  he  is  on  the  road  to  trouble  with  all  author- 
ity—the  school,  Church  teachers  and  officers,  military 
and  government  officials.  Respect  for  law  and  au- 
thority begins  in  the  home.  The  child  whose  parents 
are  wishy-washy  about  how  instructions  are  followed 
has  a  difficult  time  adjusting  to  those  who  are  in  au- 
thority over  him  outside  the  home.  If  parents  allow 
their  child  to  do  as  he  pleases  when  he  pleases,  they 
are  failing  in  their  responsibility  to  prepare  him  for 
life's  experiences.  Fundamental  in  Latter-day  Saint 
teaching  is  respect  for  law  and  authority. 

6.  The  power  of  example.  An  English  minister  of 
the  seventeenth  century  stated:  "Whatever  parent 
gives  his  children  good  instruction,  and  sets  them  at 
the  same  time  a  bad  example,  may  be  considered  as 
bringing  them  food  in  one  hand,  and  poison  in  the 

If  we  are  truly  serious  about  assuming  our  role 
as  parents,  consistent  with  Latter-day  Saint  teachings, 


of  (mange 

we  must  prove  through  our  actions  our  sincere  belief 
in  the  eternal  values.  We  cannot  stoop  to  hypocrisy, 
as  exemplified  by  the  parent  who  tells  the  school  his 
child  is  ill  at  home  when  in  reality  he  is  on  the  ski 
slopes,  or  the  parent  who  permits  a  child  to  drive  a 
car  before  he  is  of  legal  age.  When  a  parent  shows 
contempt  for  regulations,  his  lessons  on  respect  for 
the  law  are  soon  forgotten.  If  a  parent  only  has  the 
"Christmas  and  Easter"  approach  to  his  religious  in- 

volvement, the  child  soon  believes  that  keeping  the 
commandments  may  not  be  so  important  after  all. 
These  are  some  of  the  areas  that  we  might  explore 
in  reviewing  our  role  as  Latter-day  Saint  parents  in 
a  changing  world.  It  must  be  recognized  that  a  par- 
ent is,  first  of  all,  a  leader,  and  that  he  must  develop 
within  himself  to  the  best  of  his  ability  those  unas- 
sailable qualities  that  enable  him  to  say,  as  Jesus 
has  said  to  all  of  us,  "Come,  follow  me."  O 

A  Mother's  Prayer 
By  Marjorie  K.  Reynolds 

Thank  you  for  his  hands 

that  he  can  catch  a  ball, 

And  dress  himself  and  hold  his  cup; 

Hang  on  so  he  wont  fall. 

Thank  you  for  his  eyes 
that  he  can  see  to  play, 
And  read  his  hooks  and  look  for 

To  know  sunshine  is  day. 

Thank  you  for  his  feet 

that  he  can  skip  and  run, 

And  climb  a  tree  and  hop  a  fence 

And  march  with  his  toy  gun. 

Thank  you  for  his  ears 
that  he  can  hear  his  name, 
And  Toby's  bark  and  birds  that 

And  rain  tliat  falls  the  same. 

Thank  you  for  his  thoughts 

that  he  can  wonder  why, 

And  watch  the  stars  and  feel  the 

To  dream  and  plan  and  try. 


•  *> 


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ship, as  well  as  the  personal  humility  and 
depth  of  character  that  have  made  him  so 
beloved  of  his  people. 


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Era  May  67 

Dr.  Quinn  G.  McKay,  dean,  school  of  business  and 
economics  at  Weber  State  College,  Ogden,  Utah,  is 
teachers  quorum  adviser  in  his  ward  and  a  consistent 
contributor  to  personnel  management  publications. 

•  What  are  our  attitudes  toward  people  who  are 
wealthier  than  we,  or  those  who  might  be  considered 
poor?  Anyone  who  attempts  to  honestly  discuss  eco- 
nomic values  often  runs  the  risk  of  offending  either 
the  rich  or  the  poor  or  both.  The  rich  frequently 
seem  to  disparage  the  poor  because  of  their  poverty, 
and  the  poor  often  condemn  and  are  covetous  of  the 
rich  because  of  their  accumulation  of  material  goods. 
The  rich  may  justify  their  position  by  pointing  out 
such  facts  as  that  Peter  was  a  businessman  and  must 
have  had  some  means,  while  the  poor  may  cite  quota- 
tions of  the  Savior  condemning  the  rich. 

It  seems  fairly  safe  to  say  that  neither  prosperity 
nor  poverty,  as  such,  has  any  virtue  in  and  of  itself. 
Unrighteous  rich  and  unrighteous  poor  are  equally 
condemned  in  Doctrine  and  Covenants  56:16-17.  What 
poverty  or  prosperity  does  to  one's  relationship  to  God 
and  his  fellowmen  is  certainly  the  important  thing. 
However,  a  tabulation  of  the  statements  of  Christ  for 
and  against  wealth  and  poverty,  coupled  with  the  his- 
tory recorded  in  the  Book  of  Mormon,  does  indeed 
seem  to  indicate  that  of  the  two,  riches  are  more  to 
be  feared. 

In  the  scriptures,  practically  every  period  of  pros- 
perity led  to  unrighteousness.  Measured  by  almost 
any  standard,  the  Saints  are  now  living  in  a  period 

of  prosperity  and  enjoy  the  luxury  of  material  posses- 
sions unequalled  in  any  other  period  of  man's  history. 
The  oft-repeated  statement  attributed  to  one  of  the 
latter-day  prophets,  "The  Saints  can  endure  poverty 
much  better  than  they  can  handle  prosperity,"  should 
serve  to  encourage  us  all  to  raise  questions  about  our 
economic  values  and  make  sure  we  are  not  going 

Neither  wealth  nor  poverty  is  an  indication  of 
worthiness.  It  is  somewhat  disturbing  to  hear  more 
and  more  frequently  the  idea  that  if  a  person  lives 
righteously,  he  will  gain  economically.  This  implies 
that  if  one  is  poor,  he  is  not  obeying  God's  command- 
ments. If  it  is  argued  that  righteousness  brings  pros- 
perity, then  those  in  poverty  should  be  able  to 
overcome  their  lot  by  repenting;  hence,  such  reason- 
ing implies  that  their  economic  condition  is  evidence 
of  failure  to  live  a  God-like  life.  Likewise,  it  also 
implies  that  accumulation  of  material  goods  is  evi- 
dence of  a  more  Christian  way  of  life.  But  surely 
God  does  not  equate  righteousness  with  riches,  nor 
use  poverty  as  evidence  of  sinful  living. 

Some  people  believe  that  accumulation  of  worldly 
goods  is  evidence  of  their  having  lived  a  good  life. 
One  author  notes  that  many  of  the  early  founders  of 
America  were  highly  motivated  by  such  a  belief.  They 
reasoned  that  if  one  lives  God's  laws,  he  will  be 
blessed  materially;  thus  if  one  has  gained  many 
material  things,  this  must  be  verification  of  a  God-like 
life.  Two  factors  indicate  that  this  reasoning  cannot 
be  valid: 

1.    If  wealth  follows  righteous  living,  it  would  then 

By  Quinn  G.  McKay 



"Neither  wealth  nor  poverty  is  an 

Itm  rJ*-  ¥\i\    •' 


Improvement  Era 

appear  that  people  who  have  no  wealth  are  unrigh- 
teous—but wasn't  Christ  himself  poor? 

2.  If  wealth  follows  righteous  living,  those  who 
are  most  wealthy  should  be  the  most  righteous.  But 
wealth  and  poverty  have  little  causal  relationship  to 
either  righteousness  or  sinful  living. 

We  live  in  an  age  of  great  materialism,  and  at  times 
we  all  tend  to  get  caught  up  in  the  urge  to  get  more 
money.  In  former  days  people  lived  in  small  towns 
and  could  get  to  know  their  neighbors  on  a  close, 
personal  basis  that  allowed  them  to  evaluate  others 
more  honestly. 

Today,  in  our  highly  urbanized  society,  we  come 
to  know  our  neighbors  less  intimately,  and  the  value 
of  a  man  is  often  determined  by  fleeting  glimpses 
of  the  make  of  his  car,  the  clothing  he  wears,  the  size 
and  location  of  his  home,  and  a  rumored  amount  of 
his  income.  This  relative  personal  remoteness, 
coupled  with  the  materialism  of  our  society,  tends 
to  increase  the  urge  of  many  to  become  more 

To  help  provide  a  basis  for  sound  economic  values 
in  this  world  of  change,  it  should  be  useful  to  discuss 
some  of  the  reasons  people  may  be  poor  or  rich. 

First,  why  are  people  poor?  Here  are  some  possible 

1.  Laziness.  Yes,  some  people  are  poor  because 
they  are  lazy.  However,  those  who  are  wealthy  are 
sometimes  prone  to  judge  this  to  be  the  major  or  sole 
reason  for  poverty.  Evidence  proves  that  the  wealthy 
have  no  monopoly  on  hard  work.  We  all  know  of  poor 
people  who  work  hard,  and  wealthy  people  who  are 

quite  lacking  in  industry.    There  must  be  other  causes 
for  poverty. 

2.  Poor  management,  or  lack  of  skills.  This  is  prob- 
ably a  more  frequent  cause  of  poverty  than  laziness. 
Many  people  just  do  not  have  the  skills  to  make  and 
manage  money.  Wealth  is  accumulated  by  following 
economic  (material)  principles,  not  spiritual  princi- 
ples. Some  people  never  learn  these  principles.  Some 
perhaps  don't  feel  that  money  is  important,  and  thus 
they  have  not  been  motivated  to  develop  necessary 
economic  skills. 

3.  Misfortune.  Such  things  as  ill  health,  death  of 
the  income  earner,  drought,  fire,  or  an  accident  might 
also  cause  people  to  be  poor. 

4.  Poverty  that  is  inherited.  Children  usually  adopt 
the  attitudes  of  their  parents,  and  so  the  attitudes  that 
made  the  parents  poor  are  often  passed  on  to  their 

Why  are  people  rich?    Consider  the  following: 

1.  Wealth  that  is  inherited.  Today  there  are  few 
Horatio  Algers  who  worked  up  the  ladder  from  janitor 
to  president  of  the  company;  many  wealthy  people  of 
today  inherited  their  wealth  from  their  parents. 

2.  Good  management.  We  usually  do  well  what 
we  set  our  hearts  on;  thus,  ".  .  .  where  your  treasure 
is,  there  will  your  heart  be  also."  (Matt.  6:21.)  If  a 
man  thinks  worldly  wealth  is  important,  he  may  set 
his  goals  toward  attaining  such  wealth,  develop  the 
necessary  skills,  and  concentrate  his  efforts,  and  often 
he  will  make  money. 

3.  Dishonesty.  Regardless  of  the  slogan  "Honesty 
is   the   best  policy,"   many  people   become   wealthy 

indication  of  worthiness." 

May  1967 


Unfortunately,  many  people  spell  $ucce$$  only  one  way. 

through  dishonest  and  even  illegal  practices.  This 
does  not  mean  that  all  rich  people  are  dishonest;  it 
does  mean  that  wealth  cannot  be  used  as  an  indication 
of  righteousness. 

4.  Good  fortune.  Being  in  the  right  place  at  the 
right  time  or  being  involved  in  some  unforeseen  hap- 
pening has  made  more  than  one  man.  rich. 

5.  Hard  work.  This  is  another  contribution  to 
wealth,  but  usually  it  must  be  accompanied  by  good 

Suffice  it  to  say,  there  are  many  other  reasons  for 
wealth  and  poverty  than  living  or  not  living  spiritual 
commandments.  Worldly  riches  usually  come  to  those 
who  obey  economic  laws,  and  poverty  to  those  who 
disobey  economic  laws. 

Since  the  words  of  scriptures  and  latter-day  prophets 
seem  to  indicate  the  possession  of  riches  to  be  the 
greater  problem,  our  concern  should  be  even  height- 
ened in  this  day  of  bounteous  material  goods. 

Our  motives  are  far  more  important  than  whether 
we  have  or  have  not.  Years  ago  a  young  member  of 
the  Church  set  a  goal  to  make  a  million  dollars  by 
the  time  he  was  40  so  he  could  then  do  as  he  wished. 
He  reached  this  goal,  and  as  far  as  can  be  discerned, 
he  has  used  his  wealth  wisely.  However,  many  others 
have  attempted  the  same  thing,  and  in  the  course  of 
events  their  attitudes  have  changed.  Avarice,  greed, 
a  desire  for  prestige,  power,  and  ostentation  have 
crept  in,  and  they  have  completely  forgotten  Jacob's 
admonition  in  the  Book  of  Mormon: 

".  .  .  because  some  of  you  have  obtained  more 
abundantly  than  that  of  your  brethren,  ye  are  lifted 

up  in  the  pride  of  your  hearts,  and  wear  stiff  necks 
and  high  heads  because  of  the  costliness  of  your  ap- 
parel, and  persecute  your  brethren  because  ye  suppose 
that  ye  are  better  than  they. 

"But  before  ye  seek  for  riches,  seek  ye  for  the  king- 
dom of  God. 

"And  after  ye  have  obtained  a  hope  in  Christ  ye 
shall  obtain  riches,  if  ye  seek  them;  and  ye  will  seek 
them  for  the  intent  to  do  good— to  clothe  the  naked, 
and  to  feed  the  hungry,  and  to  liberate  the  captive, 
and  administer  relief  to  the  sick  and  the  afflicted." 
(Jac.  2:13,  18-19.) 

In  most  western  societies  today,  money  represents 
a  certain  degree  of  power  and  influence.  Indeed,  this 
is  one  of  the  prime  motives  for  some  who  seek  wealth. 
While  this  can  be  a  real  blessing,  caution  should  be 
practiced  to  heed  continually  the  warning: 

"We  have  learned  by  sad  experience  that  it  is  the 
nature  and  disposition  of  almost  all  men,  as  soon  as 
they  get  a  little  authority  [power],  as  they  suppose, 
they  will  immediately  begin  to  exercise  unrighteous 
dominion."  (D&C  121:39.) 

Society  today  often  equates  success  with  money. 
When  people  refer  to  a  man  with  means  as  success- 
ful, it  doesn't  take  others  long  to  determine  that 
money  may  also  win  them  the  same  title,  and  thus  they 
often  seek  for  success  as  measured  by  society. 

On  the  other  hand,  those  who  might  be  considered 
poor  should  assess  their  motives  and  make  sure  that 
justifying  poverty  by  quoting  scriptures  is  not  just  a 
salve  to  cover  an  indolent  attitude.  Each  man  should 
do  all  he  is  capable  to  provide  his  own  support. 





tfBT;  >* 






■i*#p  "**^ 

0         ~4£f 

■"■■  '  ■    ■ 

Here  are  some  suggestions  each  of  us  might  con- 
sider to  help  us  maintain  sound  economic  values  in  a 
hectic  world  of  change: 

1.  Periodically  I  will  have  a  frank  talk  with  myself 
about  my  attitudes  toward  those  who  are  poorer  and 
those  who  are  richer  than  I.  Does  my  behavior  to- 
ward these  people  demonstrate  that  I  regard  each  of 
them  as  my  brother?  Or  do  I  attempt  to  avoid  the 
poor  because  they  are  not  "in  my  class"?  Am  I  con- 
descending toward  those  who  are  poor?  Do  I  curry  a 
certain  man's  favor  because  he  is  rich?  When  I  see 
a  man  who  is  poor,  do  I  make  a  mental  note  that 
he  must  be  lazy  and  irresponsible,  not  realizing  that 
there  may  be  valid  reasons  for  his  economic  condition? 
Do  I  regard  all  rich  as  being  dishonest  or  greedy? 

2.  I  will  regularly  ask  myself  searching  questions 
and  be  tough-minded  in  my  answers  to  check  my 
feelings  toward  worldly  wealth.  Do  I  avoid  avarice 
and  greed?  How  much  of  my  seeking  after  worldly 
wealth  is  honestly  prompted  by  my  wanting  to  pay 
more  tithing  or  to  give  to  the  poor,  and  how  much  by 
wanting  more  recognition,  power,  influence,  and 
prestige?   . 

Do  I  give  only  of  my  surplus,  or  do  I  share  also 
my  necessities?  How  much  does  a  keeping-up-with- 
the-Joneses  attitude  direct  my  attempts  to  get  more 
money?  Am  I  a  "publican"  who  loves  to  be  seen  of 

How  do  I  spell  $ucce$$?  If  I  have  little  worldly 
wealth,  am  I  poor  because  I  have  not  accepted 
my  responsibility  to  my  family?  Have  I  made  an 
honest  effort  to  learn  the  skills  necessary  to  provide 

my  family  with  the  economic  necessities  of  life? 

3.  I  will  make  a  self-evaluation  to  see  if  I  have 
tended  to  lose  sight  of  the  purpose  for  which  I  was 
placed  on  earth— i.e.,  to  develop  God-like  qualities. 
Brigham  Young  has  said,  "The  Latter-day  Saints  who 
turn  their  attention  to  money-making  soon  become  cold 
in  their  feelings  toward  the  ordinances  of  the  house 
of  God."  Does  my  behavior  demonstrate  that  seeking 
the  kingdom  of  God  is  my  primary  goal?  Do  I  find 
it  easier  to  forego  my  duties  toward  furthering  the 
Lord's  work  in  favor  of  things  that  will  bring  me  either 
more  money  or  worldly  recognition?  Do  I  really  keep 
first  things  first? 

4.  I  will  avoid  debt.  "Let  us  all  be  happy  and  live 
within  our  means,  even  if  we  have  to  borrow  the 
money  to  do  it  with,"  said  Artemus  Ward.  In  a  way, 
Mr.  Ward's  comment  epitomizes  our  day.  Con- 
sumer debt,  along  with  bankruptcy,  has  been  rising 
at  an  alarming  rate.  It  is  relatively  easy  for  one  to 
say,  "I  am  different.  Only  those  who  don't  know  how 
to  handle  money  go  bankrupt."  This  may  be  true, 
but  an  alarming  number  of  people  who  thought  they 
knew  how  to  handle  debt  have  gone  bankrupt.  A  key 
to  avoiding  debt  is  to  save  a  portion  of  everything 
earned.  With  rare  exception,  only  three  things  justify 
personal  debt:  buying  a  house,  starting  a  business, 
and  obtaining  an  education. 

5.  I  will  pay  my  obligations.  "A  man  who  will  not 
pay  his  honest  debts  is  no  Latter-day  Saint,  if  he  has 
the  means  to  pay  them,"  said  Brigham  Young.  Too 
frequently  we  hear  about  people  who  are  careless, 
neglectful,    or   even    deceitful   about   their   financial 

~^*&*ii'  -&£•*.'£  ~  : 

obligations.  Each  of  us  should  learn  to  be  prompt 
and  honest  in  money  matters. 

6.  I  will  return  to  the  Lord  his  tithing,  one-tenth 
of  my  increase.  This  is  the  nearest  the  Lord  has 
come  to  giving  us  an  economic  law.  However,  even 
this  is  primarily  a  spiritual  law. 

"We  do  too  many  right  things  for  too  many  wrong 
reasons"  is  an  oft-repeated  statement.  No  one  should 
pay  tithing  with  as  his  main  motivation  the  belief 
that  by  so  doing  he  will  become  wealthy  in  worldly 
things.  There  is  no  doubt  that  a  man  will  be  blessed 
abundantly   for   paying   tithing— perhaps-  even   with 

worldly  goods.  However,  man  should  not  obey  the 
commandment  just  because  he  hopes  it  will  return 
more  money  to  satisfy  his  desire  for  material  gain. 
Tithe  payers  should  return  the  tenth  because  it  is 
the  right  thing  to  do;  they  should  obtain  the  personal 
development  and  strength  that  come  from  doing  the 
right  thing  for  the  right  reason. 

Continual  vigil  must  be  maintained  to  make  certain 
we  are  not  engulfed  by  the  materialistic  mindedness 
of  our  society.  Each  of  us  should  cultivate,  as  prime 
virtues,  industry,  thrift,  and  a  willingness  to  make  his 
own  way  in  life.  O 

Two  in  a  Garden 
By  Webb  Dycus 

Haze-muted,  in  the  west  the  sinking  sun 
Slipped  dreamily  below  the  ridge's  rim, 
While  mockingbirds  and  quail  and  warblers  spun 
Sweet  fabrications,  and  the  light  grew  dim. 

A  toad  forsook  his  station  by  a  plant, 
Fleeing  the  doom  of  an  approaching  hoe;< 
Above,  a  jet  trailed  plumes  rose-radiant; 
And  dusk  obscured  the  far  end  of  the  row. 

Day  music  stilled,  and  whippoorwills  charged  in 
With  ringing  notes  of  pastoral  renown. 
I  watched  the  fireflies'  mystic  show  begin. 
While  we  were  gardening,  night  put  gently  down. 

%k  mM- 


There's  one  other 
tissue  just  as  soft 
as  (hi  Hon 

It  eomes  in  rolls. 

Both  the  bathroom  tissue 

and  the  facial  tissue  have  the 

same  touch  of  luxury— -in  colors 

as  gentle  as  the  tissue  itself. 

Two  layers  of  tissue  make  Chiffon 

doubly  soft  and  doubly  strong. 

By  the  box,  or  by  the  roll. 

May  1967 









•  In  identifying  ancestors, 
genealogical  researchers 
need  the  answers  to  four 
key  questions  regarding 
record  sources: 

1.  What  types  of  records 
exist  that  will  aid  in  the 
identification  of  ances- 
tors ? 

2.  What  periods  of  time 
do  the  existing  records 

3.  What  genealogical  in- 
formation appears  in  the 
existing  records? 

4.  What  is  the  avail- 
ability of  existing  records 
for  searching? 

The  chart  and  table  that 
follow  contain  answers  to 
the  above  questions  for  the 
major  genealogical  record 
sources  of  Ireland.  The 
major  sources  are  listed, 
together  with  type  of  rec- 
ord, period  covered,  type 
of  information  given,  and 
source  availability. 

Table  A  shows  at  a 
glance  the  record  sources 
available  for  a  research 
problem  in  a  particular 

Table  B  provides  more 
detailed  information  about 
the  major  records  avail- 
able. For  example,  if  a 
pedigree  problem  is  in  the 
seventeenth  century,  a 
quick  indication  can  be 
obtained  from  Table  A  of 
the  sources  available  for 
that  period.  Reference  to 
Table  B  will  then  provide 
more  complete  informa- 

Major  Genealogical  Record  Sources 









1.  Civil  Registration 

2.  Griffith's  Valuation  Lists 

3.  Protestant  Marriages 

4.  Tithe  Applotment  Books 

5.  Census  Records 

6.  Marriages  in  Dublin 

7.  Roman  Catholic  Registers 

8.  Presbyterian  Registers 

9.  County  Militia  Records 

10.  Deeds  &  Land  Records 

11.  Anglican  Church  Registers 

12.  Quaker  Registers 

13.  Probates 







1.  CIVIL 


1864  to 

Births  and   deaths.   Catholic   mar- 
riages:  names,  dates,  places,  ages, 
occupations,  parentage,  residence 

Registrar  General,  Custom  House,  Dublin; 
index  1864-1957  on  film  (Genealogical  So- 
ciety); original  certificates,  births  1864-1955, 
marriages  1864-1870;  deaths  1864-1870,  on 
film   (GS) 

North  of 

1922  to 

Births,    marriages,   deaths:    names, 
dates,     places,    ages,     occupations, 
parentage,  residence 

Central  Registry  Ofc.  Fermanagh  House, 
Ormeau  Ave,  Belfast;  index  and  original 
certificates  1922-1959  on  film  (GS) 

at  sea 


Births    at    sea    on    British    vessels 
when  at  least  one  parent  is  Irish: 
names,  dates,  parentage 

Registrar  General,  Custom  House,  Dublin 

at  sea 


Deaths   at   sea   on   British   vessels 
of    Irish    persons:    names,    dates, 
ages,  sometimes  additional  data 

Registrar  General,  Custom  House,  Dublin 



Births  of  children  to  Irish  parents 
abroad  certified  by  British  consul: 
names,  dates,  parentage,  sometimes 
additional  data 

Registrar  General,  Custom  House,  Dublin 



Deaths  of  Irish  persons  abroad  cer- 
tified   by    British    consul:    names, 
dates,  parentage,  sometimes  addi- 
tional data 

On  film  (GS) ;  Registrar  General,  Custom 
House,  Dublin 



Compiled  for  valuation  and  rating 
purposes,  houses,  tenements,  lands: 
names  of  tenants,  leasees,  owners; 
name  of  parish 

Southern  Ireland  in  print  (GS) ,  Public  Re- 
cords Office,  Dublin,  National  Library  of 
Ireland,  Dublin;  Northern  Ireland  on  film 
(GS),  Public  Rec  Ofc,  Belfast 






3.  PROTES- 


Names,    dates,    ages,    occupations, 
fathers'    names    and    occupations, 
place  of  residence 

Registrar  General,  Custom  House,  Dublin; 
index  and  originals  on  film  (GS) 

4.  TITHE 


Lists  all  land  holders,  incl  tenant 
farmers  and  leasees.   Gives  name 
of  owner,  tenant,  or  joint  tenant, 
rate  of  tithe  payable,  the  townland, 
parish,  barony,  and  county 

Southern  Ireland  on  film  (GS) 

North  of 



Northern  Ireland  on  film  (GS) 



Names  of  all  members  of  family, 
ages,  occupations,  relationships 

On  film  (GS),  Public  Rec  Ofc,  Dublin.  Ma- 
jority destroyed.  Extant  are  parishes  begin- 
ning with  A  through  T  in  County  Meath, 
A-L  in  Co  Galway,  A-D  in  Co  Offaly  (Kings 
Co),  A-R  in  Co  Fermanagh,  and  A-M  in  Co 


Name  of  head  of  family,  residence, 
number  of  males   and  number  of 
females  in  family,  number  of  ser- 
vants, religion 

On  film  (GS),  Pub  Rec  Ofc,  Dublin.  Only 
one  county  preserved,  Londonderry 


Names  of  all  members  of  family, 
ages,     occupations,     relationships, 
year  of  marriage,  education- 

On  film  (GS),  Pub  Rec  Ofc,  Dublin.  Only 
one  parish  preserved,  Killeshandra  Parish, 
County  Cavan 


Same  as  1841 

On  film  (GS),  Pub  Rec  Ofc,  Dublin.  All 
destroyed  except  Drumkerran  Parish,  Fer- 
managh, and  the  following  parishes  in  An- 
trim: Carncastle,  Kilwaughter,  Rasharkin, 
Tickmarcrevan,  Craigs  (Ahoghill),  Killead, 
Ballymoney,  Aghagallon,  Lame,  Dunaghy, 
Aghalee,  Ballinderry,  Grange  of  Killyglen 


Complete  identifying  data 

Census  returns  of  1861,  1871,  1881,  and  1891 
not  preserved.  The  1901  census  is  at  the  Pub 
Rec  Ofc  in  Dublin  but  not  available  for 

6.  MARRI- 


Registers   of  marriages  in  Dublin 
performed  by   the  Rev.  J.   G.  F. 
Schulze,   minister  of   the   German 
Protestant  Church:   names,  dates, 
places,  sometimes  christenings  and 
additional  information 

On  film  (GS) ;  Registrar  General,  Custom 
House,  Dublin 

7.  ROMAN 

1800  to 

(In  Latin)  christenings,  marriages, 
a    few    burials;    christenings    list 
names,    dates,    parentage,    usually 
incl    mother's    maiden     surname, 
names  of  godparents 

Local  parish  custody;  microfilmed  by  Na- 
tional Library  of  Ireland  (the  staff  does  not 
search  —  it  is  necessary  to  have  someone 
in  Dublin  search  for  you) 


llustrated  by  Sherry  Thompson 



gt»s&  *j>&  weim& 


(Continued  from  preceding  page) 





8.  PRESBY- 

1800  to 
some  earlier 
1674  ff 

Christenings:   names  of  father  and 
child,  very  rarely  mother's  name, 
dates,   residence 

Marriages:  names,  dates,  residence 

Local  parish  custody;  earliest  registers  at 
the  Presbyterian  Historical  Society,  Belfast 



Usually  name,  birthplace,  date  of 

Public  Record  Office,  London 

10.  DEEDS  & 

1708  to 

Deeds    of    sale,     trust    mortgages, 
transfer    leases,    etc.:    genealogical 
data  varies 

Marriage   settlements,    transfer   of 
property  to  bride  and  groom:  often 
gives  two  and  even  three  genera- 
tions of  genealogical  data 

Surname  index  and  land  index  on  film  (GS) ; 
original  deeds  at  Registry  of  Deeds,  Henri- 
etta Street,  Dublin 


18th  C 
to  present 

Christenings,     marriages,     burials: 
names,  dates,  ages,  parentage,  resi- 
dences,   relationships,    information 


Local    parish   custody;    few   in   print    (GS) 
many  destroyed — for  details  of  registers  ex- 
tant see  Deputy  Keepers  Reports  (GS) 

12.  QUAKER 

1655  to 

Monthly    meeting   records   contain 
births,    marriages,    deaths:    names, 
dates,   places,   relationships,  infor- 
mation varies — often  quite  detailed 

Society  of  Friends,  9  Eustace  Street,   Dublir 
(the    staff    does    not    search,    need    agent) 
Friends  Meeting  House,  Lisburn,  Antrim 


1536  to 

Names,  dates,  places,  relationships, 
information  varies 

Index  of  most,  1536-1917,  on  film  (GS);  few 
originals  on  film  (GS);  all  Prerogative  Couri 
wills  prior  to  1810  copied  into  pedigrees  in 
"Betham  MSS"  (GS);  originals  scattered — 
Public  Record  Ofc,  Dublin;  Public  Record 
Ofc,  Belfast;  Soc  of  Genealogists,  London 

NOTE:  In  1922  a  civil  war 
took  place  in  the  course  of 
which  the  Public  Records  Of- 
fice, then  called  the  Four 
Courts,  was  burned  and  the 
majority  of  the  records 
therein  were  destroyed.  That 
year  a  separate  parliament 
and  government  were  estab- 
lished at  Belfast  for  North- 
ern Ireland,  comprised  of 
the  counties  of  Antrim,  Ar- 
magh, Down,  Fermanagh, 
Londonderry,  and  Tyrone. 
The  remainder  of  Ireland  (26 
counties)  set  up  a  parliament 
and  government  in  Dublin, 
first  known  as  the  Irish  Free 
State,  later  as  Eire,  and  since 
1948  as  the  Republic  of  Ire- 
land. This  partition  affected 
the  keeping  of  vital  statistics, 
and  dating  from  1922  the 
records  pertaining  to  the  six 
separate  counties  are  kept  in 
Belfast.  Prior  to  1920,  Irish- 
men served  in  the  British 
armed  forces,  since  there  was 
no  official  army  or  navy  of 
Ireland.  ° 


&?#I&«sa63g3f3g3y  jf&  m%%:  3%        iftgSBSfoES 


I  gave  you  life 

Those  years  ago, 

My  middle  child, 

And  watched  you  grow 

A  lovely  child  of  God. 

You  oft  would  say  to  me: 


I've  found  some  flowers 

In  a  tree. 

Come  with  me." 

I  went  to  see 
New  beauty 
Living  there, 
Untouched  by 


I've  found  some 


Come  with  me." 

I  went 
To  feel  the 
Warmth  of  new  life 
And  understand. 


I've  heard  a  song 
That  matches  the  stars. 
Come  with  me." 

I  went 

And  heard  the 
Angels  singing 
In  your  heart. 


I've  found  a  friend. 

Come  meet  her." 

I  went 

To  see  the  sweetest 

Girl,  with  laughter  in 

Her  eyes,  God's 

Message  on  her 

Lips.    I  loved  her,  too. 


I've  found  a  church 
That  is  true. 
Come  with  me." 

I  went, 
And  all  the 
Beauty  of  the 
World  was  there. 
Christ's  Church 
Upon  this  earth, 


I  went, 

And  as  the  waters 

Rippled  o'er  my 

Face,  strong  arms 

Held  me,  and  a  stronger  love 

I  knew  that  God 

Was  near— those 

Hands  upon  my 

Head  with  the 

Gift  of  the  Holy  Ghost. 

All  these  things 
You  brought  to 
Me,  my  child. 
And  I  only 
Gave  you 
Life!  " 

May  1967 




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ensemble  work. 

11th  Annual 

High  School 
Publications  Workshop 

August  7-11 

Practical    experience    in    journalism  —  work- 
shops in  newspaper  and  yearbook  production, 
advertising    and    photography. 




Special  Courses  and  Conferences 

242-E   HRCB,    Brigham   Young   University 

Provo,    Utah   84601 

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a  gasoline  customer. 

So  our  Super  Tire,  the  Amoco®  120,  has  20%  deeper 
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The  Era  Asks 

How  Are  We  Using  Electronic 
Mast  Media  to  Spread  the  Gospel? 

Few  persons  are  better  qualified  to  discuss  Church  electronic  communi- 
cations than  Brother  Arch  L.  Madsen,  president  of  Bonneville  Interna- 
tional Corporation  (the  firm  that  directs  all  of  the  broadcasting  interests 
of  the  Church )  and  member  of  the  boards  of  the  National  Association  of 
Broadcasters  and  the  Radio  Advertising  Bureau. 

Arch  L.  Madsen 

Q — Why  are  electronic  mass  media 
so  important  to  the  Church? 

A — Because  they  are  such  effective 
communication  tools.  In  the  United 
States,  people  spend  more  time 
with  television  and  radio  than  with 
all  other  types  of  mass  communica- 
tions combined.  This  pattern  is 
spreading  worldwide.  For  example, 
94  percent  of  U.S.  homes  have 
television,  and  nearly  one-third 
have  two  or  more  sets.  The  average 
set  is  on  an  average  of  five  and  a 
half  hours  daily.  Some  98  percent 
of  U.S.  homes  have  radios— a  total 
of  258  million  sets— and  have  them 
on  an  average  of  2.8  hours  daily. 
There  are  now  more  TV  and  radio 
sets  abroad  than  in  the  U.S.,  and 
the  number  is  growing  rapidly. 

The  answer  concerning  the  new 
media's  importance  also  lies  in  an 
understanding  of  the  world's  rising 
population  figures.  Experts  esti- 
mate that  one  billion  people  lived 
at  the  time  of  the  Restoration,  three 
and  a  half  billion  are  now  living, 
and  seven  billion  will  be  living  by 
the  year  2000.  As  a  Church,  our 
task  is  to  fulfill  the  Lord's  purposes 
and  carry  the  truth  forward  until, 
as  the  Prophet  Joseph  Smith  said, 
".  .  .  it  has  penetrated  every  conti- 
nent, and  sounded  in  every  ear.  .  .  ." 

Q — What  are  the  main  tools  of 
electronic  mass  communication? 

A — Standard  AM  radio,  FM  radio, 
television,  shortwave  radio,  direct 
telephone  lines,  and  cable.  There 
are  over  4,100  AM  and  1,500  FM 
broadcasting  stations  in  the  United 
States  and  over  6,000  AM-FM  sta- 
tions abroad.  Standard  AM  radio, 
once  thought  to  be  dead  under  the 
threat  of  TV,  has  now  boomed 
back,  thanks  to  the  invention  of 
the  transistor. 

Q — How  has  the  transistor  altered 
world  communications? 

A — It  has  opened  the  doors  of 
knowledge  to  literally  millions. 
Some  claim  the  invention  of  the 
transistor  will  be  recorded  by  fu- 
ture historians  as  a  miracle  greater 
than  the  invention  of  the  printing 
press.  One  basis  for  such  a  state- 
ment is  that  approximately  half  of 
the  world's  population  is  illiterate. 
A  great  behavioral  scientist  has 
said  that  unless  unexpected  condi- 
tions develop,  more  than  half  of 
the  world's  children  between  the 
ages  of  five  and  19  will  never  see 
a  schoolroom.  The  only  way  we 
can  reach  hundreds  of  millions  of 
people  is  by  speaking  to  them  in 
their    language.    People    in    even 

TV  director  follows   score ,  selects 
camera   angles    for  choir  broadcast. 

Newsman   addresses    Latin   American   audiences. 

KSL  engineer  oversees  four  TV  camera  mon- 
itors of  general  conference  broadcast. 


Artist's  rendering  of  new  KIRO  broadcasting  complex,  Seattle. 

VJNYW  announcer  in  broadcast  to  Africa ,  Latin  Americ; 

KIRO  remote  studio  is  in  Seattle's  World's  Fair  Space  Needle. 

Production  of  English  LDS  programming  for  shortwave  transmission. 

the  most  poverty-stricken  villages 
around  the  world  now  listen  daily 
to  either  a  privately  owned  or  a 
village-owned  transistor  radio. 

Q — What  communication  facilities 
does  the  Church  have? 

A — The   Church  presently  has  fi- 

WRFM  antennas  atop  Empire  State  building 
beam  to  metropolitan  New  York. 

Spanish-speaking  announcer  of  WNYW. 

nancial  interest  in  a  grouping  of 
television  and  AM  and  FM  radio 
stations  in  four  U.S.  cities:  Salt 
Lake  City,  Seattle,  Boise,  and 
Idaho  Falls.  In  addition,  an  appli- 
cation is  pending  before  the 
Federal  Communications  Commis- 
sion ( FCC )  to  approve  the  Church 
purchase  of  an  AM-FM  radio  sta- 
tion in  Kansas  City,  Missouri.  The 
Church  owns  WNYW,  which  is  a 
complex  of  five  international  short- 
wave transmitters,  plus  a  powerful 
FM  station,  WRFM,  New  York 
City,  which  just  moved  its  trans- 
mitter and  antenna  to  the  top  of 
the  Empire  State  Building.  Two  ad- 
ditional stations,  KBYU-TV  and 
KBYU-FM,  are  operated  by  Brig- 
ham  Young  University. 

Q — What  programs  does  the 
Church  make  available  for  broad- 

A — The  oldest  program  the  Church 
uses  in  standard  AM  radio  is  the 
weekly  Tabernacle  Choir  broadcast 
with  Elder  Richard  L.  Evans.  This 
is  broadcast  over  the  CBS  Radio 
Network,  by  tape  over  an  addi- 
tional 100  radio  stations  in  the  U.S. 
and  Canada,  and  over  Voice  of 
America,  Armed  Forces  Network, 
and  WNYW.  This  program  is  also 
broadcast  weekly  over  nearly  100 
radio  stations  in  South  America 
with  translated  commentary. 

Special  programs  by  the  choir 
are  also  released  in  beautiful  stereo- 
phonic sound  by  a  growing  number 
of  FM  stereo  stations,  including 
our  own  family  of  FM  stereo  sta- 
tions: KIRO-FM,  Seattle;  KSL-FM, 
Salt  Lake  City;  WRFM,  New  York; 
KID-FM,  Idaho  Falls;  KBOI-FM, 

Boise;  and  soon,  we  hope,  KMBR- 
FM,  Kansas  City. 

Hundreds  of  stations  provide 
large  daily  audiences  for  the  choir's 
music  through  recordings.  In  fact, 
management  in  a  leading  station  in 
the  East  requires  the  playing  of 
four  choir  numbers  per  day  as  sta- 
tion policy. 

Another  popular  standard  radio 
series  is  Elder  Sterling  W.  Sill's 
talks,  which  are  taped  and  used 
weekly  by  approximately  400  sta- 
tions in  the  United  States  and 

We  also  have  a  six-hour  program 
from  midnight  to  6  a.m.  Sunday, 
"Prelude  to  the  Sabbath,"  which  is 
heard  over  KSL  and  KIRO  and  in 
which  we  have  invited  many  faiths 
to  participate  with  us.  It  is  an  un- 
derstatement to  say  that  we  have 
learned  much  from  other  churches 
and  faiths  in  the  use  of  radio  and 

General  conference  is  heard  over 
50  radio  stations  in  the  U.S.,  Can- 
ada, and  Mexico  and  released  over 
five  stations  in  South  America  in 
Spanish  and  Portuguese.  Over  KSL 
and  KIRO  we  have  three  four-hour 
rebroadcasts  of  general  conference, 
beginning  at  1  a.m.,  local  time. 

Q — What  has  been  the  response  to 
these  rebroadcasts? 

A — From  one  rebroadcast  we  re- 
ceived responses  from  40  states,  27 
countries,  and  three  ships  at  sea. 
A  Relief  Society  president  in  Sa- 
moa, with  her  radio  antenna  tied 
to  a  palm  tree,  reported  good  re- 
ception. A  Latter-day  Saint  woman 
in  Canada  awoke  one  morning  at 
3   a.m.   to  the  voice   of  President 

Improvement  Era 

David  O.  McKay  on  her  radio  and 
soon  gathered  her  entire  family, 
who    listened    nightly    thereafter. 

Q — Church  members  have  read 
much  in  the  past  few  years  about 
our  involvement  in  international 
or  shortwave  radio.  Why  are  we  so 
extensively  committed  to  it? 
A — To  most  Americans,  interna- 
tional or  shortwave  radio  is  just  a 
hobby.  But  for  most  of  the  world 
it  is  a  great  lifeline  that  blankets 
the  globe.  There  are  over  3,000 
shortwave  transmitters  and  100 
million  shortwave  receivers  in  op- 
eration worldwide.  Of  the  seven 
privately  owned  international  short- 
wave transmitters  licensed  in  the 
U.S.  by  the  FCC,  the  Church  owns 
five.  Our  transmitters  operate 
under  the  WNYW  call  letters,  with 
transmitters  near  Boston  and  stu- 
dios in  New  York  City. 

Using  all  five  transmitters,  we 
broadcast  daily  56  hours  in  English 
and  24  hours  in  Spanish.  We  plan, 
in  the  near  future,  to  broadcast  also 
in  Portuguese,  French,  and  Ger- 
man. One  of  the  conditions  upon 
which  our  license  is  granted  is  that 
we  reflect  the  culture  and  princi- 
ples of  America.  Although  95  per- 
cent of  the  WNYW  programming  is 
not  Church  material,  we  have  15 
programs  weekly  in  English  and 
another  15  in  Spanish  presenting 
Church  news,  doctrine,  and  culture. 
We  also  broadcast  the  Tabernacle 
Choir  and  sessions  of  general  con- 
ference over  these  facilities. 


Q — What  is  the  potential  audience 

of  these  facilities? 

A — Over  one  billion  people  (about 
one-third    of    the   world's    popula- 

May  1967 

tion)  and  about  one-half  of  the 
world's  surface  are  within  the 
WNYW  signal  coverage.  Recently 
the  FCC  gave  us  authorization  to 
increase  the  power  of  our  WNYW 
stations  by  many  times  their  pres- 
ent level.  We  hope  to  start  con- 
struction of  this  powerful  new 
plant  very  soon  on  800  acres  of 
land  in  New  Jersey. 

Q — What  has  been  the  response  to 
these  shortwave  broadcasts? 

A — From  one  shortwave  conference 
broadcast  we  received  more  than 
900  letters  from  37  states,  61  coun- 
tries, and  eight  ships  at  sea.  Surveys 
show  that  international  radio  audi- 
ences are  a  younger  audience,  pre- 
dominately young  men  who  are 
college-educated.  A  letter  came 
from  one  in  Mexico,  saying,  "Last 
Sunday  afternoon  I  was  listening 
to  the  shortwave  and  heard  the 
mighty  organ  from  the  Salt  Lake 
City  Temple  and  I  heard  the  ser- 
mons in  Spanish.  Will  you  please 
tell  the  missionaries  to  come  and 
find  me?"  A  student  in  Bogota, 
Colombia,  wrote,  "I  have  never 
heard  of  your  church  before.  Are 
there  any  people  in  the  country  of 
Colombia  that  could  help  me  un- 
derstand more  of  your  religion?" 

Q — How  extensively  does  the 
Church  use  telephone  lines  and 
direct  oceanic  cable  in  broad- 

A — We  have  used  telephone  lines 
for  some  years  for  closed  system 
broadcasts  of  general  conference 
priesthood  sessions  and  reached  by 
this  method  over  500  chapels  in 
the  U.S.  and  Canada  for  our  re- 
cent conference.   Fifty-five  chapels 

K/RO  executive  giving  TV  editorial. 

Records  and  taped  music  play  an  important 
part  in  radio  broadcasting. 

WNYW  "hit  parade"  disc  jockey. 

The  Promise 
By  Elizabeth  Shafer 

"What  is  it,  David?" 

"Laura,  come  with  me. 
There's  something  out  here  I  want  you  to  see." 
"Wait  till  I  fetch  my  bonnet.   Is  it  far?" 
"No,  just  beyond  the  ridge.  Not  very  far." 

They  left  the  cabin-.    David  took  her  hand. 
The  sun  that  morning  lay  hot  upon  the  land 
Where,  only  iveeks  before,  the  snow  had  lain 
So  deep  it  seemed  that  winter  must  remain 
Forever  in  that  remote  and  barren  place. 
All  winter  long  they  seldom  saw  a  face 
Save  Indians,  a  Mexican  or  two, 
Or  a  wild,  bearded  trapper  passing  through. 
If  spring  should  ever  come,  that  very  day 
She'd  pack,  Laura  declared,  and  go  away! 
Then,  close  in  David's  arms,  "Oh,  David,  dear, 
If  you  can  show  me  one  thing  lovely  here, 
One  single  flower,  even  in  this  place, 
I'll  stay." 

"You  are,"  he  said,  and  kissed  her  face. 
And  she  had  stayed.    The  winter  left    at  last, 
And  spring  and  summer  came.    The  hot  days  passed. 

"What  is  it,  David?   Are  we  almost  there?" 
"Almost.    Beyond  the  ridge."    He  pointed  where 
Vast  virgin  meadow  stretched  before  their  eyes. 
Atop  the  waving  grass  gay  butterflies 
Appeared  to  float:  lavender,  yellow,  white. 
"David!  How  beautiful!"  Her  eyes  were  bright. 
"Don't  cry.   That  Spanish  fellow  up  the  draw 
Says  they're  called  mariposa.    When  I  saw 
Them  blooming  here,  I  thought  of  you.    See  how 
They  sway  so  light  and  lovely?    Laura,  now 
Remember  your  promise?    Don't  ever  go  away." 
Smiling,  she  put  her  hand  in  his.  "I'll  stay." 


in  England,  Austria,  and  Germany 
received  conference  by  direct 
oceanic  cable. 

Q — Is  TV  significant  outside  the 
United  States? 

A — Yes.  Television  is  a  popular 
and  rapidly  growing  means  of  com- 
munication throughout  the  world. 
Even  tiny  Samoa  has  more  than 
500  operating  sets;  Japan  has 
nearly  20  million  TV  sets;  but  no 
other  nation  equals  the  U.S.  total 
of  over  69  million  sets. 

Q — How  is  the  Church  using  the 
medium  of  television? 

A — Recent  innovations  in  TV  and 
its  film  reproduction  are  remark- 
able. It  is  now  possible  to  televise 
an  event  live  and  to  simultaneously 
feed  the  electronic  signal  into  a 
device  called  a  kinescope  (film 
recorder)  and  receive  90  seconds 
later  a  ready-to-project  16  mm. 
sound-on-film.  With  the  use  of 
the  machine  we  film  general  con- 
ference and  the  Tabernacle  Choir 
broadcasts  for  use  in  other  nations. 
One  of  the  advantages  of  this  film 
recording  machine  is  that  we  can 
attach  a  sound  track  in  any  lan- 
guage we  desire,  with  reasonably 
good  synchronization  of  sound  and 
lips.  Utilizing  these  techniques,  we 
have  prepared  Church  TV  and  film 
programs  in  Spanish,  Portuguese, 
French,  German,  and  Mandarin 

The  Tabernacle  Choir  broadcast 
is  presently  on  12  U.S.  TV  stations, 
including  KTLA  in  Los  Angeles. 
We  are  presently  preparing  a  13- 
week  youth  Sunday  School  tele- 
vision series,  using  illustrated  Bible 
stories.  We  also  commenced  an- 
other TV  series  that  acquaints 
viewers  with  interesting  Latter-day 
Saints  and  our  way  of  life.  Elder 
Sill's  15-minute  programs  are  also 
being  readied  for  a  13-week  TV 

Perhaps  the  most  amazing 
Church  story  of  TV,  however,  is 
its  use  for  general  conference.     In 

Improvement  Era 

October  1961,  21  TV  stations  car- 
ried conference.  At  the  April 
conference  just  passed,  over  240  TV 
stations  carried  all  or  part  of  con- 

Q — What  do  you  think  the  future 
holds  for  broadcasting  of  the 

A — All  of  the  various  media  of 
communication  will  continue  to 
grow  in  popularity  and  maturity, 
and  the  Church's  use  of  these  mar- 
velous tools  will  become  an  ever 
more  meaningful  way  of  spreading 
the  gospel.  In  fact,  in  a  few  years 
we  may  have  a  monumental  break- 
through with  the  use  of  relay  satel- 
lites that  have  been  thrust  22,000 
miles  into  space.  Through  these 
satellites  we  will  be  able  to  relay 
our  programs  with  excellent  pic- 
tures and  sound  quality  to  radio 
and  TV  stations  around  the  world. 
We  feel  that  our  Father  in  heaven 
has  given  the  world  radio  and  TV 
to  help  all  of  his  children  come  to  a 
better  understanding  of  truth.  Our 
challenge  is  to  find  out  what  we 
should  say  and  how  we  should  say 
it  to  be.  most  effective. 

Q — Do  you  envision  that  the  new 
media  will  outmode  personal  mis- 
sionary contact? 

A — Never.  Important  as  mass  elec- 
tronic communications  are,  we  must 
always  remember  that  broadcasts 
have  never  baptized  a  single  per- 
son. Mass  media  can  help  erase 
prejudice  and  ignorance,  create  a 
desire  in  people  to  know  more, 
cause  strangers  to  ponder  questions, 
give  answers  to  friends,  build  faith 
among  members,  and  give  oppor- 
tunities to  missionaries  (which  all 
of  us  are ) .  Its  major  function  is  to 
prepare  the  way.  There  is  no  sub- 
stitute for  personal  communica- 
tion, and  it's  obvious  that  if  we  are 
to  fulfill  the  Lord's  commandment 
to  carry  the  gospel  to  every  nation, 
kindred,  tongue,  and  people,  we 
have  a  tremendous  amount  of  com- 
municating to  do.  O 

Richard  L.  Evans 

The  Spoken  Word 

The  Humor  That  Offends 

We  have  perhaps  all  known  people  who  didn't  seem  able  to  pass 
up  a  bad  joke  or  a  cutting  comment,  no  matter  how  poor  in 
taste  it  was,  no  matter  who  was  hurt.  "Anything  for  a  laugh," 
as  a  vernacular  saying  says  it—but  often  a  laugh  at  a  very  high  price. 
"The  unpolite,  impulsive  man,"  said  Samuel  Smiles,  "will  sometimes 
rather  lose  his  friend  than  his  joke.  He  may  surely  be  pronounced  a 
very  foolish  person  who  secures  another's  hatred  at  the  price  of  a 
moment's  gratification.  .  .  .  Spite  and  ill-nature  [and  bad  humor]  are 
among  the  most  expensive  luxuries  of  life."1  The  uses  and  abuses  of 
humor  are  many:  good  and  bad  humor,  kind  and  unkind  humor,  clean 
and  unclean  humor— even  ill  humor,  which  is,  indeed,  "among  the  most 
expensive  luxuries  of  life."  "No  mind  is  thoroughly  well  organized,"  said 
Samuel  Coleridge,  "that  is  deficient  in  a  sense  of  humour."2  "The  best 
humor,"  as  Thackeray  observed,  "is  that  which  contains  most  humanity, 
that  which  is  flavored  throughout  with  tenderness  and  kindness."3  "The 
essence  of  humour,"  Carlyle  added,  "is  sensibility;  warm  tender  fellow- 
feeling."4  If  it  is  clean  and  kindly,  humor  relieves  and  lubricates  life 
and  draws  people  closer  and  warms  the  heart.  The  sincere  smile  and 
gentle  laughter  are  a  blessing  without  which  the  days  would  be  dreary— 
but  not  giddy,  light-minded  laughter;  not  loud,  harsh  laughter;  not 
laughter  that  is  unkind,  crude,  and  cruel;  not  laughter  that  has  evil 
overtones.  There  is  a  merciless  kind  of  humor,  humor  based  on  distress- 
ing and  unsympathetic  situations.  And  there  is  humor  that  is  altogether 
evil  in  essence,  false  humor  founded  on  immoral  suggestiveness,  on 
embarrassment;  humor  that  would  offend  the  mind  of  a  clean  man, 
contrived  to  be  funny,  but  basically  filthy.  Kindly  humor  and  gentle 
laughter  do  much  to  relieve  the  tensions  of  life,  but  there  is  no  proper 
place  for  humor  at  the  expense  of  hurt  hearts,  or  humor  that  emerges 
from  debased  minds  and  morals.  He  who  would  "rather  lose  his  friend 
than  his  joke,"  as  Samuel  Smiles  said,  "may  surely  be  pronounced  a 
very  foolish  person"— for  no  man  can  afford  the  humor  that  offends. 

•X-    "The  Spoken  Word"  from  Temple 
Square,  presented  over  KSL  and  the  Columbia  Broad- 
casting System  February  19,  1967.  Copyright  1967. 

1Samuel  Smiles,  Character:    Manner— Art,  Ch.  9.      2Samuel 

T.  Coleridge,  Table  Talk.     sWilliam  M.  Thackeray, 

Lecture:     Charity,   and     Humor.       ^Thomas 

Carlyle,   Essays:    Richter. 

These  Changeless  Verities 
By  Mary  L  Lusk 

Were  I  to  orbit  through  infinity, 

These  changeless  verities  would  go  with  me 

Faith  in  the  Maker  of  our  universe, 

Love  for  my  loved  ones,  a  need  to  be 

Always  and  ever — an  entity. 

May  1967 


A  firsthand  report 

of  the  conversion  and  faith 
of  some  Italian  Latter-day  Saints. 

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Ye  Have  My  Promise 

By  Barbara  T.  Jacobs 

•  "For  where  two  or  three  are 
gathered  together  in  my  name, 
there  am  I  in  the  midst  of  them." 
(Matt.  18:20.) 

During  the  three  months  my  hus- 
band and  I  and  our  four  children 
drove  a  camper  from  Rotterdam  to 
Jerusalem,  then  back  to  Austria,  we 
sought  out  many  groups  of  Saints 
who  were  gathered  together  in  one 
of  our  Heavenly  Father's  houses  of 
worship  and  experienced  the  great 
truth  of  this  scripture.  Always  we 
found  the  room  filled  with  his 
Spirit.  It  made  little  difference 
whether  our  familiar  hymns  were 
being  sung  in  Dutch,  German,  or 
English,  or  whether  we  could  un- 
derstand the  message  presented  in 
Sunday  School  lessons  or  sacrament 
meeting  talks;  the  important  truth 
was  that  almost  everywhere  we 
went  we  were  able  to  find  at  least 
a    few    Mormons,    and    when    we 

joined  with  them  in  their  services, 
we  felt  strengthened  and  renewed 
and  ready  to  venture  once  more 
into  the  unknown. 

We  had  not  expected  to  enjoy 
such  church  connections  once  we 
reached  the  Middle  East,  and  it 
was  quite  by  accident  that  we 
learned  of  the  small  servicemen's 
groups  that  are  faithfully  function- 
ing there.  This  is  how  it  all 

Driving  into  Frankfurt,  Germany, 
one  Saturday  evening  at  dusk,  we 
began  our  search  for  the  Church  so 
that  we  might  attend  Sunday 
School  the  following  morning.  Re- 
peated telephone  calls  to  the  num- 
bers listed  in  the  telephone  directory 
for    the    chapel    and    the    mission 

home  brought  no  answer,  and  we 
settled  into  slumber  greatly  dis- 
appointed. The  let-down  feeling 
persisted  the  following  morning, 
and  we  resolved  to  locate  a  tele- 
phone booth  and  try  once  more 
before  admitting  defeat.  This  time, 
a  missionary  at  the  mission  home 
answered  the  phone.  He  told  us  if 
we  could  be  there  in  15  minutes, 
he  would  direct  us  to  the  chapel. 
By  dressing  as  we  drove,  we  made 
the  deadline,  met  him  as  planned, 
and  were  present  when  services 

Surprisingly  enough,  the  chapel 
was  the  same  one  we  had  visited 
seven  years  before,  and  sitting  in 
the  audience  was  Deon  Greer,  a 
native  Utahn,  whom  we  had  not 

Barbara  Tietjen  Jacobs  is  a  BYU  Education  Week  instructor,  an  accomplished 
string   musician,    and    Laurel    leader   in   the   Oak    Hills    (Provo)   4th   Ward. 

Roma,  the  interpreter. 

Tiny  chapel  is  in  this  home. 

The  Snaideros,  Brother  Pittina,  Roma,  author. 

Brother  Pittina,  Snaideros  in  home-chapel. 

seen  since  the  last  time  we  entered 
this  room  and  found  him  leading 
the  discussion  in  the  Gospel  Doc- 
trine class.  Deon  and  his  wife  had 
just  driven  from  England  most  of 
the  night  in  order  to  be  present  for 
church  that  morning. 

When  Deon  learned  that  we 
were  contemplating  driving  through 
Yugoslavia,  Greece,  Turkey,  Syria, 
Lebanon,  and  Jordan  in  a  camper 
with  no  planned  itinerary  or  con- 
nections, he  took  us  to  meet  a  friend 
of  his,  Capt.  Dave  Weiland,  pilot 
in  the  United  States  Air  Force, 
chorister  of  the  Frankfurt  Branch, 
and  a  recent  convert  to  the  Church. 
Dave  had  flown  on  many  missions 
to  the  Middle  East.  Not  only  did 
he  give  us  sound  advice  about  road 
conditions  and  things  to  do  and  see, 
but  he  also  offered  us  the  names 
and  addresses  of  friends  along  the 

"But  these  are  your  friends.  We 
would  be  total  strangers.  How 
could  we  possibly  knock  on  their 

doors  and  ask  for  help?"  we  asked. 

"You  are  Mormons,  aren't  you?" 

"Of  course,"  I  replied. 

"Well,  so  are  they.  And  if  you 
need  help,  whether  it  be  to  locate 
a  doctor  or  take  a  bath  in  their 
tub  or  wash  some  clothes  in  their 
washing  machine  or  locate  safe 
food  and  water,  you'll  be  taken 
care  of.  Wouldn't  you  do  the  same 
for  any  of  your  brothers  and  sisters 
in  the  gospel?" 

"Of  course,"  I  once  more  replied. 

And  it  was  just  as  Dave  said  it 
would  be.  The  Saints  shared  their 
homes  and  themselves  with  us 
whenever  we  gave  them  an  oppor- 
tunity to  do  so.  And  always  these 
groups  of  Saints  were  carrying  on 
their  church  responsibilities  in  spite 
of  hardships  and  handicaps.  The 
six  families  living  at  Yalova,  Tur- 
key, for  instance,  drove  30  minutes 
over  treacherous  roads  in  order  to 
reach  their  meeting  place  at  Kara- 
musel,  while  the  seven  Latter-day 
Saint  families   in  Adana,   Turkey, 

The  branch  at  Aviano,  Italy.  The  Saints  of  Vicenza,  Italy. 


couldn't  begin  any  of  their  Sunday 
meetings  until  1  p.m.,  for  they 
shared  the  military  chapel  with 
other  denominations  on  the  base. 

In  Italy  we  found  that  our 
Church  binds  Latter-day  Saints  to- 
gether by  giving  meaning,  warmth, 
and  security  to  their  existence.  In 
Vicenza,  as  elsewhere,  the  service- 
men's group  was  small;  yet  all  of 
the  organizations  met  regularly  and 
were  fully  staffed,  even  though  it 
meant  that  the  president  of  the  Re- 
lief Society  was  also  counselor  in 
the  Primary  and  a  teacher  in  the 
Sunday  School.  Typical  of  this 
group's  enthusiasm  and  devotion 
was  the  monthly  trip  by  Branch 
President  Clinton  Gillespie  to  do 
his  home  teaching  to  the  one  couple 
living  at  Verona,  30  miles  away. 
Furthermore,  one  night  a  month  the 
entire  Relief  Society  membership 
boarded  the  train  and  went  to 
Verona  to  enable  one  lone  sister  to 
participate  in  their  Relief  Society 

The  first  Saturday  night  after  we 
arrived  in  Vicenza,  we  attended  a 
district  conference  of  the  Vicenza- 
Verona-Aviano  Saints.  All  together 
we  did  not  fill  many  benches  in  the 
military  chapel,  and  as  Elder  Ezra 
Taft  Benson  stood  behind  the  pul- 
pit surveying  his  eager  audience, 
he  began  his  remarks  with  the  quo- 
tation from  Matthew:  "For  where 
two  or  three  are  gathered  together 
in  my  name,  there  am  I  in  the  midst 
of  them." 

At  the  conclusion  of  his  inspiring 
address,  he  announced  that  he 
would  like  to  hear  from  one  of  the 
Italian  members  present.  Quickly 
all  eyes  shifted  to  three  elderly 
people  sitting  on  a  bench  midway 
back.  John  M.  Russon,  then  serv- 
ing as  president  of  the  Swiss  Mis- 
sion, arose  and  called  Brother 
Pittina  to  the  stand.  For  the  next 
ten  minutes,  with  an  interpreter 
translating  for  us,  we  listened  to 
what   the   gospel   of   Jesus   Christ 

Improvement  Era 

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School  Address— 


n  Teacher 




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means  to  one  of  his  servants. 

From  the  moment  of  this  first 
meeting  I  felt  a  great  desire  to 
know  more  about  these  three  con- 
verts to  the  Church  who  had  trav- 
eled nearly  four  hours  from 
their  village  near  the  Yugoslavian 
border  to  attend  this  conference. 
Thus  I  was  delighted  when  our 
family  was  invited  to  join  the 
Aviano  Saints  in  their  pilgrimage  to 
Comerzo  to  take  Christmas  gifts 
to  these  Italian  Saints.  Since  the 
Italian  members  spoke  no  English 
and  we  knew  only  a  dozen  or  so 
Italian  words,  we  took  with  us  an 
interpreter,  Roma  Bortotto,  a 
charming  Italian  girl  who  was 
corresponding  secretary  for  the 
Italian  members  in  the  Swiss  Mis- 

As  we  headed  north  through  the 
lovely  Italian  countryside,  we  asked 
Roma  to  tell  us  about  her  own  con- 
version to  the  Church.  For  more 
than  an  hour  her  story  held  us 
spellbound.  Her  mother  died  when 
she  was  five  years  old  and  her 
father  and  sisters  had  reared  her  as 
a  Catholic.  Upon  completing  the 
fifth  grade  she  went  to  work  in  a 
factory  that  prepared  silk  thread 
from  the  cocoons  of  silkworms. 
Every  morning,  six  days  a  week,  she 
left  her  home  in  Susegana  and 
walked  for  an  hour  to  reach  the  fac- 
tory where  she  worked  for  nine 
more  hours. 

By  the  time  she  was  nineteen 
years  old  she  was  suffering  from 
rheumatism,  which  had  grown  so 
acute  that  her  doctor  recommended 
she  leave  her  home  and  family  to 
seek  domestic  service  in  England. 
After  working  eight  months  in  Eng- 
lish homes,  she  found  a  better- 
paying  position  in  a  hospital  and 
moved  into  one  of  its  dormitories. 
One  night,  feeling  quite  discour- 
aged, she  began  to  smoke;  suddenly 
she  felt  guilty  about  the  cigarette 
in  her  hand.  Offering  a  secret 
prayer,  she  told  her  Heavenly 
Father  that  she  would  quit  smoking 
if  he  really  wanted  her  to  do  so. 

Once  a  month  an  entire  Relief  Society 
entrains  to  visit  one  lone  sister. 

Soon  thereafter  a  French  girl 
who  had  been  baptized  a  member 
of  the  Church  by  the  missionaries 
in  France  moved  into  the  dormitory 
room  next  to  Roma's.  She  had 
previously  worked  at  the  hospital 
for  a  year  and  a  half  in  order  to 
learn  English  and  then  had  gone 
back  to  France  and  applied  for  a 
visa  to  come  to  the  United  States. 
For  reasons  unknown  to  herself, 
she  had  decided  to  return  to  the 
hospital  in  England  and  wait  her 
last  three  months  there  before 
sailing.  Thus  Roma  first  heard 
about  the  Church  and  received  her 
inspiration  as  to  its  truthfulness 
from  this  French  friend. 

After  her  baptism  Roma  felt  such 
an  urgent  desire  to  fulfill  a  mission 
for  her  new  church  that  before 
long  she  was  an  active  proselyting 
missionary  in  the  Swiss  Mission.  At 
the  end  of  two  years  she  returned 
to  Italy  and  tried  in  every  way  pos- 
sible to  help  with  the  spreading  of 
the  gospel  in  her  native  country. 

After  driving  three  hours  through 
drizzling  rain  with  Roma,  we 
reached  Pordenone,  where  the 
Aviano  Saints  were  waiting  for  us. 
Here  we  formed  a  five-car  caravan 
and  drove  first  to  Buia  to  leave 
some  of  our  gaily  wrapped  gifts 
with  Brother  and  Sister  Pittina. 
Stealthily  we  slid  out  of  our  cars 
and  grouped  ourselves  in  a  semi- 
circle outside  their  home;  then, 
when  the  signal  was  given,  high- 
pitched  children's  voices  blended 
with  mature  mellow  ones  in  singing 
with  great  gusto,  "We  Wish  You  a 
Merry  Christmas!" 

The  Pittinas  opened  their  door, 
and  the  look  of  happy  surprise  on 
their  faces  was  one  not  soon  to  be 
forgotten.  Their  daughter  scurried 
about  the  neighborhood  borrowing 
extra  chairs  for  us  to  sit  on,  but  it 

was  not  possible  to  bring  them  in, 
for  there  was  hardly  space  enough 
for  us  even  to  stand.  We  sang  all 
the  Christmas  carols  we  could  re- 
member, and  then,  after  many 
handshakes  and  "buon  natales"  we 
headed  for  Comerzo  to  call  on  the 
Snaideros.  Again  we  were  warmly 
welcomed,  and  once  more  we  re- 
joiced that  we  could  bring  a  bit 
of  brightness  into  the  lives  of  these 
loyal  but  lonely  members  of  the 

After  being  served  cookies  by 
Sister  Snaidero  and  suffering 
through  an  awkward  pause  waiting 
for  one  of  the  children  in  our  group 
to  recite  a  Christmas  poem  he  had 
learned  in  Italian  especially  for 
this  occasion,  the  Aviano  Saints 
began  their  homeward  trek.  Brother 
Pittina  had  peddled  several  miles 
down  the  rolling  foothills  on  his 
bicycle  to  join  us  at  the  Snaidero 
home,  and  so  my  husband  and  I 
remained  behind  for  answers  to 
some  of  the  questions  racing 
through  our  minds. 

"How  old  are  you  and  your  wife, 
and  when  did  you  become  members 
of  the  Church?"  we  asked  Brother 

"I  am  80  years  old  and  my  wife 
is  70.  We  first  heard  about  the 
Church  when  we  went  to  France  to 
visit  our  daughter,  but  we  were 
converted  later  in  Bologna  by  an 
Italian  who  had  received  our  name 
from  the  French  missionaries.  It 
has  been  14  years  since  Brother 
Cagli  baptized  us  in  a  swimming 

"Did  your  daughter  ever  join  the 

"Oh,  yes.  Actually,  she  joined  be- 
fore we  did,  and  she  is  now  living 
in  Salt  Lake  City  and  has  a  son  on 
a  mission  in  Switzerland,"  he  proud- 
ly added. 


Improvement  Era 

"What  about  you,  Brother  Pit- 
tina?  How  did  you  become 
converted  to  the  Church?" 

"I  have  been  a  member  since 
1956.  I  chanced  to  hear  about  Mor- 
monism  one  night  after  I  had  been 
to  the  hospital  to  visit  a  friend.  As 
I  was  walking  home,  a  gentleman 
named  Santo  Beltrame  joined  me 
and  we  began  talking  about  re- 
ligion, even  though  we  were  total 
strangers.  A  year  and  a  half  later, 
Brother  Snaidero  baptized  me.  My 
wife  is  not  a  member,"  he  added 
wistfully,  "but  I  hope  some  day 
she  will  join." 

"It  is  a  long  way  to  Pordenone 
where  the  Aviano  Saints  meet,"  I 
remarked.  "Without  a  car,  how  do 
you  three  ever  manage  to  get  to 

"We  have  our  own  chapel  right 
here  in  this  house.  Would  you 
like  to  see  it?" 

Sister  Snaidero  opened  a  door 
leading  from  her  kitchen-living 
room  and  we  entered  the  tiniest 
chapel  we  had  ever  seen.  The 
room  could  not  have  been  more 
than  8'  x  14'  in  size.  Glancing 
quickly  around  the  room,  I  noticed 
four  little  wicker  chairs  with  coral 
seat  cushions  and  a  bare  wooden 
floor.  There  was  a  potted  fern  in 
one  corner  of  the  room  and  a  pink 
iron  stove  in  another.  The  inside 
of  the  door  was  painted  bright  yel- 
low, and  from  a  blue  and  gold  light 
fixture  dangled  a  bare  light  globe. 
At  the  lone  window  hung  crisp 
white  organdy  curtains  speckled 
with  pink  and  blue  polka  dots.  At 
the  north  end  of  the  room  stood  a 
cloth-draped  table  on  top  of  which 
was  a  smaller  lace  cloth,  a  vase 
filled  with  fragrant  roses,  and  a 
little  blue  pulpit.  But  what  in- 
trigued me  the  most  was  the  un- 
usual assortment  of  items  hanging 
on  the  white  plaster  walls.  Besides 
coat  pegs,  a  small  blackboard,  and 
a  poster  listing  in  French  seven 
keys  to  eternal  salvation,  there  was 
a  picture  of  the  Salt  Lake  Temple, 
another  of  a  house  in  the  Alps,  and 

May   1967 

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one  of  Joseph  Smith,  Oliver  Cow- 
dery,  and  John  the  Baptist  with  a 
quotation  from  John  11:40  under- 
neath: "Said  I  not  unto  thee,  that, 
if  thou  wouldest  believe,  thou 
shouldest  see  the  glory  of  God?" 

Another  picture,  showing  a  sail- 
boat on  a  lake,  was  inscribed  with 
a  quotation  from  Matthew  28:20: 
"Teaching  them  to  observe  all 
things  whatsoever  I  have  com- 
manded you:  and,  lo,  I  am  with  you 
alway,  even  unto  the  end  of  the 
world.    Amen." 

And  framed  by  themselves  were 
the  fourth  and  fifth  verses  of  the 
twenty-fifth  Psalm:  "Shew  me  thy 
ways,  O  Lord;  teach  me  thy  paths. 
"Lead  me  in  thy  truth,  and  teach 
me:  for  thou  art  the  God  of  my 
salvation;  on  thee  do  I  wait  all  the 

"How  long  have  you  been  using 
this  little  chapel?"  I  asked  Sister 

"For  thirteen  years  now.  It  used 
to  be  my  kitchen,"  she  confided. 
"I  noticed  that  it  is  three  or  four 
miles  from  Brother  Pittina's  home 
to  here.  Surely  he  doesn't  try  to 
come  down  when  the  weather  is 
bad,  does  he?" 

"Brother  Pittina  is  73  years  old, 
but  his  faith  is  so  great  that  every 
Sunday  morning  he  peddles  down 
on  his  bicycle,  whether  in  snow  or 
rain.  We  have  almost  a  hundred 
percent  attendance,  for  in  eight 
years  he  has  only  missed  coming 

"What  a  marvelous  record.  But 
surely  he  doesn't  try  to  make  the 
trip  twice  every  Sunday.  Do  you 
have  just  one  meeting?" 

"No,  Brother  Pittina  comes  Sun- 
day morning  and  stays  all  day  with 
us.  We  have  a  meeting  when  he 
arrives,  during  which  we  partake 
of  the  sacrament,  and  another  short 
meeting  in  the  afternoon,  but  with 
no  sacrament  this  time." 

"Tell  me  what  else  you  do  during 
your  meetings." 

"After  an  opening  hymn  and 
prayer,  we  take  turns  reading  out 

of  the  Book  of  Mormon  and  the 
Bible  and  discussing  what  we  have 
read.  Then  we  conclude  with  a 
closing  hymn  and  another  prayer." 
The  same  thought  struck  my 
husband  and  me  simultaneously, 
and  while  he  hurried  out  to  the  car 
to  get  the  tape  recorder,  I  asked 
Sister  Snaidero  if  she  and  her  hus- 
band and  Brother  Pittina  would 
please  sing  one  of  their  hymns  for 

We  handed  Brother  Snaidero  the 
small  microphone  without  realizing 
that  he  had  never  seen  a  tape  re- 
corder before.  He  did  what  seemed 
natural  to  him— he  placed  the  mike 
next  to  his  ear.  Gently  we  moved 
his  mike-holding  hand  from  his  ear 
to  his  lips. 

Still  he  seemed  to  be  confused, 
for  he  began  putting  the  mike  into 
his  opened  mouth.  After  a  quick 
demonstration,  Brother  Snaidero 
finally  understood  that  he  was  to 
speak  into  this  strange  object,  and 
he  proceeded  to  give  his  name  and 
bear  a  fervent  testimony. 

When  he  had  finished,  we  re- 
wound the  tape  and  played  it  back 
for  him.  Complete  disbelief  and 
astonishment  flooded  his  face.  He 
simply  couldn't  imagine  what  had 

However,  after  the  surprise  and 
shock  had  worn  off,  he  found  it 
all  delightfully  amusing,  and  he 
had  to  hold  his  sides  to  keep  from 
exploding  in  laughter.  Jis  we  left 
Brother  and  Sister  Snaidero  and 
Brother  Pittina  standing  in  the 
doorway  and  began  walking  toward 
our  car,  Brother  Snaidero  called 
out  to  us,  and  Roma  turned  to 
answer,  "Si." 

"What  did  he  say,  Roma?" 

"He  wants  to  know  if  his  voice 
is  still  inside  your  little  box,"  she 

Great  flakes  of  snow  were  gently 
falling  from  a  darkened  sky  as  we 
hurried  into  our  camper  and  settled 
ourselves  for  the  long  journey 

None  of  us  spoke  or  even  seemed 

to  want  to,  as  we  sped  along, 
clicking  off  the  miles,  for  each  was 
occupied  with  his  own  thoughts. 
Uppermost  in  mine  was  the  prom- 
ise of  the  Lord  that  where  two  or 
three  are  gathered  in  his  name  there 
shall  he  surely  be  also.  Once  again 
we  had  been  given  evidence  of  the 
truthfulness  of  this  particular  scrip- 
ture, for  no  one  could  meet  these 
three  stalwart  Saints  without  know- 
ing that  they  and  their  little  chapel 
were  abundantly  blessed  with  his 

During  the  course  of  our  travels, 
we  drove  through  five  different 
countries  behind  the  Iron  Curtain. 
On  one  occasion,  we  were  fortunate 
enough  to  make  contact  with  sev- 
eral members  of  the  Church.  While 
mass  is  still  being  said  in  Com- 
munist-controlled countries  for  the 
few  who  attend  the  Roman  Catholic 
churches,  participating  in  a  religion 
restored  through  revelation  to 
prophets  in  capitalistic  America  is, 
of  course,  strictly  prohibited.  Con- 
sequently, these  truly  devoted  and 
loyal  members  of  our  Church  are 
staying  close  to  its  teachings  with- 
out being  able  to  meet  either 
openly  or  secretly. 

I  wanted  so  desperately  to  do 
something  for  these  courageous 
Saints,  but  what?  My  offer  to  mail 
copies  of  Church  literature  was 
valueless  because  all  such  litera- 
ture, they  told  me,  is  confiscated; 
boxes  of  clothing  or  food  sent 
through  the  mail  would  cost  the 
Saints  more  in  duty  than  they  could 
afford  to  pay.  As  I  rolled  down  the 
car  window  to  wave  a  last  goodbye, 
she  whispered,  "Pray  for  us." 

Yes,  that  I  can  and  will  do,  as 
will  others,  and  we  shall  all  hope 
that  one  day  these  persecuted 
members  of  the  Church  will  be 
free  to  worship  according  to  their 
heartfelt  desires.  In  the  meantime, 
there  is  no  doubt  that  our  Heavenly 
Father's  spirit  is  indeed  with  these 
steadfast  Saints,  for  they  have  his 
promise  to  sustain  them  and  to  be 
with  them  always.  O 


Improvement  Era 

Teens  oft  Wis  page  arc:  Peter  P.  Mendel,  Barbara  Perry.  David 
Erakson,   SUSan   Nibley,   Pat   Stoddard,   Westchester.   New  York. 

Marion  D.  Hanks,  Editor**  Elaine  Cannon,  Associate  Editor  •  May  1967 

If  You  Don't 

Know  Anything 

About  Mormons, 

Follow  Someone 

Who  Does 

Follow  them  through  windy 

cities  .  .  .  desert  trails  .  .  .  campus 

corridors  .   .   .   libraries  and 

music  halls  .  .  .  galleries  of 

art  .  .  .  country  towns  .  .  .  red-rock  canyons  ,  .  .  surf  the  world 

over  .  .  .  fields  of  wheat  and  corn 

and  tulips  and  welfare  farms. 
Follow  them  in  and  out  of  battle- 
fields .  .  .  laboratories  .  .  .  alps  and  valleys  .  .  .  rice  paddies  .  .  . 

Indian  huts  .  .  .  skyscrapers  .  .  . 
family-living  centers  .  .  .  class- 
rooms .  .  .  temples  and 
tabernacles  and  meetings  all  day  Sunday; 

Mormons  on  the  move  on  these 
pages  include  Richard  Smith,  Dan- 
ny Steadman,  Richard  Peterson, 
Brent  Miner,  Kenneth  HolBert, 
Dean  Collingwood,  Gay  Smith, 
Mimi  Smith,  Virginia  Namias, 
Shane  Smith,  Lyrtn  Gubler,  Lana 
SteWart,  Sandy  Gubler,  and  Mar- 
lene  Peterson,  all  of  Southern 
California  stakes. 


Improvement  .Era 

Follow  them  around  historic  sights 
like  pioneer  wagon  crossings, 
peace  monuments,  water  wheels, 
sports  cars,  exhibits  and  displays, 
tennis  courts,  and  the  buffet  table  at  a  festive  youth  function. 

Follow  them  to  church  .  .  .  their 

place  of  worship,  of  meeting  and 

learning,  of  bolstering  one 

another's  faith,  of  sharing  gladness  in  gospel  principles  .   .   . 

their  place  of  mutual  improve- 
ment, of  finding  the  meaning 
in  life  and  the  promise  in  self. 
Follow  them  .  .  .  follow  .  .  . 
follow  .  .  .  follow. 

.:!■'■■■     ':-::S-:.v:.:::. 

May  1967 


Follow  Someone  Who  Does   continued 

Mormons  on  the  move  on  these 
pages  include  Delores  Boyle,  Law- 
rence Wright,  Long  Beach,  Cali- 
fornia; Ken  Renshaw,  Sylvia  Ed- 
wards, David  Colwell,  Dave  Fraser, 
Aubrey  Fielden,  Halifax,  Nova  Sco- 
tia; Nancy  Price,  David  Peterson, 
Phoenix,  Arizona. 


Improvement  Era 

May  1967 


Greater  Love  Hath  No  Man 

By  Marion  D.  Hanks 

*l^A^?,  Illustrated  by 
Dale  Kilbourn 

•  When  Jim  Childers  turned  12,  he  received  a 
choice  letter  from  his  big  brother,  Steve,  who  was  a 
cadet  at  West  Point.  We  learned  of  the  letter  and 
were  privileged  to  print  it  in  the  "Era  of  Youth" 
in  January  1961.  That  article  is  reproduced  on 
the  adjoining  page. 

On  January  19, 1967,  two  days  before  Jim's  19th 
birthday,  his  brother  Steve — Captain  Stephen  A. 
Childers,  United  States  Army — died  heroically 
while  attempting  to  save  the  lives  of  women  and 
children  held  as  hostages  by  enemy  troops  in  a 
cave  in  the  central  highlands  of  South  Viet  Nam. 

Captain  Childers,  an  infantry  company  com- 
mander, volunteered  for  duty  in  Viet  Nam  after 
service  in  Europe.  When  some  of  his  men  were 
wounded  while  seeking  to  evacuate  the  hostages, 
Captain  Childers  himself  went  into  the  cave  to  try 
to  free  them  and  was  killed  by  enemy  fire. 

Steve  Childers'  departure  from  this  world  was 
entirely  consistent  with  the  way  he  lived  in  it  dur- 
ing his  short  but  brimful  and  overflowing  26  years. 
His  was  a  balanced  and  productive  life,  marked  by 
success  and  honor  as  a  student,  athlete,  leader,  out- 
standing soldier,  and  an  unswering  devotion  to 

God,  to  the  Church,  and  to  his  fellowmen.  At 
West  Point,  from  which  he  was  graduated  in  1963, 
he  was  group  leader  of  the  Latter-day  Saint  cadets. 
One  closely  connected  with  the  Academy  for  many 
years  wrote  this  of  Steve's  activities  at  the  Point: 

"In  the  four  years  he  was  at  West  Point  we  came 
to  know  him  well.  We  have  never  known  one  of 
'our  boys'  who  radiated  so  much  good  or  inspired 
so  much  confidence  as  Steve.  Every  cadet,  and 
especially  every  LDS  cadet,  whose  spirit  needed 
bolstering  was  a  better,  stronger  person  for  having 
known  Steve.  His  testimony  and  faith  were  con- 
tagious and  all  the  more  inspiring  because  they 
came  from  a  man  who  was  an  all-round  person." 

Letter  after  letter  received  by  Captain  Childers' 
parents  from  many  parts  of  the  world  spoke  of  his 
unusual  love  for  children  and  of  their  great  love 
for  him,  of  his  deep  religious  convictions,  whole- 
some life,  and  selfless  service. 

Many  choice  LDS  men  have  given  their  lives 
in  the  cause  of  freedom.  Some  of  them  have 
received  our  humble  homage  in  these  pages  before. 
It  is  well  that  young  members  of  the  Church,  and 
all  others  who  may  read,  soberly  consider  the  noble 


Improvement  Era 

Dear  Jim :   Happy  Birthday !    How  does  it  feel  to  be  twelve  ?   If  I  were  home,  it  would 
feel  painful  in  a  certain  spot  .  .  .  understand  ?  By  the  time  you  get  this  you  will  be  twelve.  This  is 
an  important  time  in  your  life  because  you  will  be  able  to  hold  the  priesthood  now.    I  wish  I 
could  be  there  when  you  are  ordained.    You  must  always  remember  that  holding  the  priesthood 
is  a  great  honor  and  privilege.  You  must  always  be  true  to  it  even  if  you  see  others  who 

,  aren't  honoring  theirs.   The  office  of  deacon  in  the  Aaronic  Priesthood  gives  you  more  power 
and  authority  in  God's  kingdom  than  do  the  offices  of  President  of  the  United  States,  Prime 
Minister  of  Great  Britain,  and  leaders  of  all  the  other  countries  combined.    It 
may  be  hard  to  realize,  but  it  does.   Don't  think  the  seriousness  of  the  priesthood  will  make 
holding  it  unpleasant,  for  you  will  find  that  the  priesthood  will  give  you  great 
opportunities  for  service.  Love  of  God  and  service  to  him,  combined  with  love  and  service 

to  people  is  the  best  road  to  happiness.  You  have  a  wonderful  opportunity 
unfolding  before  you5  make  the  most  of  it.   Honor  and  magnify  your  priesthood. 
If  you  are  in  doubt  whether  something  is  right  or  wrong,  ask  yourself, 

"Would  Jesus  do  it  ?"  If  he  wouldn't,  don't  you,  and  you  won't  be  wrong. 
I  hope  you  have  a  Happy  Birthday.  Don't  bother  your  sister 
too  much.  Write  me  and  tell  me  what  you  are  doing. 

Your  brother,  Steve 

sacrifice  of  Elder  Stephen  A.  Childers,  who  gave  who  lay  their  lives  on  the  altar  that  others  may  live 

his  life  in  defense  of  freedom  and  in  an  effort  to  in  freedom  and  in  peace. 

preserve  the  lives  of  innocent  women  and  children.         "Greater  love  hath  no  man  than  this,  that  a  man 

He  serves  as  an  appropriate  example  of  the  men  lay  down  his  life  for  his  friends." (John  15:13.)0 

May  1967 


-  ! 



By  John  Randolph  Ayre 

Photograph  by  Lorin  Wiggins  &  Ernst  Wittke 



tose  action-packed  yc 

men  in  today's  MIA.  Seems  like  the  best  way 
to  describe  them  is  by  likening  them  to 
one  of  these  new  Fastback  sports  cars.  The 
boys  might  not  appreciate  being  likened 
to  a  car,  but  they  sure  have  a  lot  in 
common-they're  both  supercharged,  power- 
ful, and  can  be  a  bit  destructive  if  out 
of  control. 

What  are  our  Fast  backs  like?  Well,  like 
all  good  cars,  our  MIA  Fastbacks  need 
a  fine  body.  But,  instead  of  a  body  by 
Fisher,  our  Fastbacks  come  outfitted  with 
the  finest  bodies  available-bodies  that 

result  of  having  goodly  parents. 
Needless  to  say,  a  body  isn't  everything. 
Our  Fastbacks  need  a  finished,  functional 
interior.  This  is  the  job  of  home  and 
school-to  carefully  outfit  our  young 
Fastbacks  with  the  type  of  interior  that 
can  take  the  bumps  and  jars  along  the 
road  of  life. 

Of  course,  having  the  most  stylish  body 
and  best-designed  interior  in  the  world 
isn't  much  good  unless  you  have  a  power 
plant  up  in  the  hood  capable  of  separating 
our  Fastbacks  from  the  popular  sports  cars 
on  today's  highways. 
The  Church  has  solved  this  by  tooling 
the  power  of  the  priesthood  into  our  young 
Fastbacks.  We  also  feature  Word  of 
Wisdom  filters  and  seminary  suspension. 
Standard  safety  equipment  includes 
heavy-duty  parental  support  with 
bishop  and  teacher  reinforcers  to  take 
the  pressure  off  overhead  valves 
and  cams.  It's  no  wonder  that  with 


Improvement  Era 

Pictured  are  Marcos  Dean,  DeRay  Jensen,  Sherrie  Wallin,  Mike  HatHday,  John  Clements,  Ellen  Linton,    Dennis  Gutke. 

this  quality-built  church  motor  we're  able 
to  give  an  unconditional  warranty  in 
place  of  the  usual  5-year,  50,000- 
mile  ones. 

Trouble  with  our  quality-built  Fastbacks 
at  this  point  is  that  they  lack  one 
thing-they  haven't  been  thoroughly  tested. 
This  is  where  MIA  comes  in.  Here's  the 
Church's  proving  ground.  MIA  takes 
these  spanking  new  Fastbacks  off  the 
assembly  line  and  runs  them  over  one  of 
the  best  practical  experience  courses  in 
the  world.  Here  is  a  course  that  lets 
our  Fastbacks  test  themselves.  The  bonus 
feature  on  the  course  is  that  we  have 
our  own  tow  trucks  and  pit  men  stationed 
along  the  way  to  help  iron  out  any  final 
factory  bugs.   (A  lot  of  other  proving 
grounds,  such  as  school  buddies  or 
fraternity  men,  don't  help  out  when  a  bug 
develops  ;  they  just  leave  you  for  the 
wrecker  or  salvage  heap. ) 
MIA  challenges  our  young  Fastbacks  to 
give  this  tough  course  a  real  try.  Start 
out  by  tackling  Scout  valley.  You  can 
zip  through  this  while  building  up  steam 
for  Explorer-Ensign  summit .  Just  watch  out 
for  some  of  the  hairpin  turns  along  the  way. 

Then  there's  M  Man  pass.  Don't  let  your 
motor  idle  now,  for  soon  you  will  be 
heading  down  mission  straightaway. 
As  you  can  see,  MIA  is  a  great  course 
for  today's  young  men.  Here's  a  first-rate 
proving  and  testing  ground  geared  to 
handle  all  the  action  that  Fastbacks 
can  dish  out.   If  you  don't  believe  it,  go 
on  down  to  your  local  MIA  this  week 
for  a  free  test  run. 

May  1967 



M  here  is  much  more  to  getting  and  holding  a 
job  than  just  saying  that  you  will  do  so! 

Before  even  venturing  out  for  a  job  interview, 
you  should  carefully  weigh  many  factors  about 
yourself  and  the  job  you  seek.  Give  thorough 
consideration  to  the  job  you  have  in  mind  for 
yourself  and  your  specific  reasons  for  wanting  it. 

1.  Review  your  job  assets  and  liabilities  for  the 
work  you  would  like  and  could  do.  Keep  in  mind 
that  you  have  the  best  chance  for  job  success  if 
you  select  a  job  that  is  the  right  one  for  you. 

2.  Register  for  employment  at  the  local  office 
of  your  state  employment  service.  Check  with 
your  relatives,  friends,  and  neighbors  about  pos- 
sible job  openings  or  leads  they  may  know  about. 
Read  the  help-wanted  ads  in  the  newspapers.  Go 
to  the  appropriate  union  office  if  hiring  for  the 
occupation  in  which  you  are  interested  is  generally 
done  through  a  union. 

3.  Get  in  touch  with  companies  that  use  work- 
ers in  the  field  of  your  choice.  You  can  find  their 
names  in  the  classified  telephone  directory  or  by 
consulting  local  or  state  industrial  directories. 

4.  To  make  your  job  interview  count,  prepare  your- 
self well  in  advance.     Have  all  factual  information 

and  papers,  such  as  Social  Security  card,  health 
certificate,  driver's  license  (if  needed),  proof  of  age, 
military  records  (if  needed). 

Take  along  samples  of  your  work  if  appropriate 
or  requested;  for  example,  samples  of  work  for 
artist  or  designer;  outline  of  training  and  experi- 
ence for  professional  jobs ;  copies  of  recommenda- 
tions for  personal-selective  jobs. 

5.  Learn  all  you  can  about  the  firm  to  which 
you  are  applying — its  products  or  services,  for  ex- 
ample. Be  prepared  to  indicate  why  you  wish  to 
work  for  that  company. 

6.  Don't  underestimate  the  importance  of  a  neat 
appearance  and  a  courteous,  alert  manner.  The 
way  you  are  dressed,  the  way  you  walk  and  sit, 
the  way  you  talk — all  will  make  an  impression. 
Strive  to  make  a  good  one. 

7.  Let  the  employer  take  the  lead  in  conversa- 
tion. Pick  up  clues  given  you  by  the  employer's 
questions  and  statements  and  use  them  to  con- 
vince him  that  you  fit  his  requirements.  It  is 
usually  better  to  indicate  a  specific  type  of  job 
rather  than  saying,  "I'll  take  anything."  Be 
flexible  and  willing,  but  do  indicate  a  preference, 
for  your  own  good. 


and  Your  Job  Interview  "By  Lucille  J.  Goodyear 


"~4"— ~- 

0^,    ""W  '  Y"  by  Darlene  Korpi,  age  15 


Walking  in  a  field  on  a  windy  day. 

Sleeping  in  till  noon. 

Friday  night  and  no  homework. 

Getting  a  present 
for  no  special  reason.  3 

Knowing  that  you  are  wanted. 

May  1967 

Having  lots  of  phone  calls. 

A  drawer  full  of  nylons 
with  no  runs. 

Finding  money  when 
you  clean  your  room. 

Riding  in  a  red  sports  car. 



By  Morris  and 
Donna  Reid 

The  trip  to  Woodland,  Utah,  is 
a   beautiful  drive,  and  the 
Crestwood  campsite,  nestled  in 
the  majestic  Wasatch   mountains 
with  the  Provo  River  running 
nearby,  gives  one  a  feeling  of 
awe  and  inspiration. 
Arriving  at  Crestwood  Camp  from 
the  various  stakes  of  the  Church, 
we  are  given  instructions  as  to 
our  duties  and  activities.     There 
are  four  bunk  cabins  with  two 
units  to  a  cabin  and  an  office  for 
the  supervisors.  A  supervisor  is 

assigned  to  each  unit,  and  each 
unit  is  expected  to  carry  out  the 
activities  and  camp  capers  for 
each  day  we  are  at  the  camp. 
Each    morning   before   breakfast 
the  supervisors  meet  together 
in  the  office  to  plan  the  day's 
activity.    While  they  are  doing  this, 
the  girls  prepare  for  breakfast — 
which  means  making  beds, 
sweeping  floors,  and  tidying  up 
the  cabins,  since  each  unit  is 
inspected  during  breakfast. 
The  hike  to  the  lodge  takes  us 
through   the  archery  course  and 
past  the  first-aid  instruction 
area  and  compass-reading  range. 

Before  entering  the  lodge  we 
sing  a  spiritual  hymn.   This  sets 
a  wonderful  mood  for  the  rest  of 
the  day — to  see  the  tall,  majestic 
oak  trees  shimmering  in  the 
early  morning  sunlight,  to  hear 
strains  of  beautiful  words  and 
music  in  the  air,  to  feel  the  spirit 
of  the  Lord.    We  pause  for  a 
prayer  of  thanksgiving  and 

After  the  prayer  we  have  a 
flag-raising  ceremony.     Now  we 
are  ready  for  breakfast.    When  all 
is  quiet,  the  supervisor  asks 
one  of  the  girls  to  give  thanks 
for  the  food. 

Each  morning  one  of  the  units 
goes  outside  for  a  cookout 
instead  of  going  into  the  lodge  to 
eat.     This  means  building  a 
fire,  carrying  water,  and  cooking 
scrambled  eggs,  bacon,  and 
scones.     Scones  are   made  by 
rolling  dough  onto  a  stick  and 
roasting  it  over  the   hot  coals. 
When  the  scone  is  cooked,  it 
is  pulled  off  the  stick  and  stuffed 


Improvement  Era 

with  butter  and  jam.     What 
a  treat! 

After  breakfast  each  unit  gets 
involved  in  the  day's  activities. 
A  long  hike  is  everyone's  favorite. 
After  last-minute  instructions 
and  checking  the  gear,  food, 
packs,  water,  and  rain  shelters, 
we're  off  to  find  a  new  delight 
over  each  hill. 

Interesting  strains  of  conversation 
may  be  heard  among  the  hikers. 
One  group  of  girls  asks  the 
supervisor  the  requirements  for 
training  to  follow  in  her  footsteps 
as  a  camp  leader.    Another 
group  talks  about  requirements 
for  entering  the  temple.    Still 
another  group  talks  about  beaver 
dams  built  along  the  south  fork 
of  the  Provo  River. 
And  when  we  finally  find  the 
dams,  we  have  reached  our  goal. 
We  turn  to  go  back  to  the 
crossing  of  the  river,  but  rain 
and  the  rising  river  have  covered 
our  steppingstones.    River  or 
rain,  it  is  all  the  same — wet!   We 
are  seasoned  waders  by  the 

time  we  reach  the  lodge  and  rush 
to  hot  showers,  clean  clothes, 
and  a  warm  meal. 
All  in  all  we  enjoy  every  step  of 
the  hike  and  every  moment  of 
our  stay  at  Crestwood,  the  girls' 
camp  in  Woodland,  Utah. 

May  1967 


U  have  stayed 

^T^^  Ttiine  to  tbrow  on  ^y  way 

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""Good  gri*    I  *       ng  royself  out  nev,srooff» 

,      i.i  Veep  Knoe  .    o      eop\e  m  u    _.    v  never 
"V/by  do  l  *  T\ese  ottrer  V  J      ivne.    They 
ligations?     1  such  a  go°       work  done--ev 

a^ayS  t:>  tliei;  CG    course,  *>  °f  ^ 
»»»»       f  overdoes    tsetf  *£„*fl****  *  «* 

W ^S^BS-^TS^^  didn't  toe 
-^her^0^.'    fads  over  wit*-  J^ry {oI 

ttf&*t  sed1^ td  tod V  ^ad 

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tid°      readtuecop^o  , 

*e  I***  ^  tedious  ro»tvn *  j  would  be 

1  began  the  We  wore 

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P  dreaders  slip  "P  °c      bim  Uoyd.    »         wete  a 


"True  to  tlte 

Improvement  Era 

/Maybe  she  could  tea  id  cas- 

*5s*i^e4      ,eieleaining 

uauy-  v  Vie  was  nelc  .  , 

-n  »ever  »°  Maty  *«*d-  lce  guy.    ^_ 

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*»  £  «e  Sd  you  *£*£*  the  bgf^t 

cause  the »    b       wh0  reaUy  nnctaded, 

image  ot  a  ten ,  »»*  &e 

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still  cuu    5  showet  on  *  0\d 

-  *??££&■  soinSo  story-  ,eViehad 

l°ahee^^£^Ce«achV    ^Vld 
**  C  **  day'  Id  ■*"»  on  *e  -y  *£^ 

,       ,  efs  see,  how  did  it  8°?  ^ 

te°endy-     ,    Saith  that  out  V-ents  ^pelished, 

?0  God's  comtoand,  S- ,  ^  ^ 


ro  Gods  co^e5;fflever  stand. 

Fai*tUl  uRh  X  "ad  d^ted  *;X  «  seemed 

W-ft.'Sfci --*•**  Musthetoe 

^ that  evening^  light.    ^aUy  enjoyed 

7       these  people  10  *  *       d  have  ^S^sion,  «r 
saw  these  v  they  v/ou  ^  teiev 

rveeventational^ed  SuXlday   Sen  &ottr 

have  eve  are  tW»  there!    ^°        ,      eet- 

they   could  P  they  were  ^       rld  ui 

inS  in(  *em.    Ho*  *anVW  cessiul 

.^eone-ai  {alter 

,    u  the  youtb  ol  ^n    uT 



By  Ann  Bedford  Williams 

Illustrated  by  Jeanne  Lindorff 

May  1967 

(Based  on  the  Sermon  on  the  Mount  found  in  Matthew  5,  6,  7, 

and  3  Nephi  12.) 


Be  humble 

Keep  your  mind  open,  your 
energies  properly  focused. 

Be  courteous 

Not  only  in  the  social  graces 
but  spiritual  courtesy  as  well. 

Be  merciful,  tolerant 

"Do  unto  others" — the 

golden  rule. 
"Greater  love  hath  no  man 

than  this." 

Be  honest 

Not  only  with  others  and  the 
world  but  with  yourselves. 

Be  practical,  balanced 

In  all  things — your  home,  your 
school,  your  business  and  church. 

Be  courageous 

In  your  religion  as  well  as  in  the 
face  of  fear  and  danger. 

Live  helpfully 

Love  your  neighbor  as  yourself. 
Civic  and  community 

Help  others  to  find  peace 

Spiritual  as  well  as  mental 
and  physical. 

Control  your  temper 

In  all  things. 

Be  pure 

In  mind  as  well  as  in  body. 

Be  righteous 

Live  your  religion  all  24  hours 
of  the  day. 

Have  faith  and  trust  in  God 

Testify  of  Christ  and  of  the 


Improvement  Era 

We're  helping  to  develop  a  national  resource 

(with  names  like  Sam,  Russ,  Steve) 

We  met  these  young  men  on  one  of 
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They  learned  quite  a  few  things  about 
Catalytic  Crackers  and  Residuum 
Strippers  that  day. 

We  learned  a  few  things  about  them,  too. 
About  their  curiosity  and  their  ambitions. 

Why  our  interest  in  these  bright  young 
men?  Because  young  people  are  our 
greatest  national  resource. 

They  deserve  all  the  help  they  can  get 
toward  realizing  their  potentials. 

Refinery  tours  and  geology  tours, 
scholarships  and  fellowships,  and  teaching 
materials  for  schools,  are  just  some  of  the 
ways  our  Company  shows  its  active  interest 
in  today's  young  men  and  women. 

Standard  Oil  is  trying  to  help  young  people 
discover  more  about  themselves  . . . 
and  the  world  they  live  in. 

Standard  Oil  Company  of  California 

and  its  worldwide  family  of  Chevron  Companies 

The  Chevron  — 
Sign  of  excellence 

May  1967 


A  Run  of  Gray* 

By  Brian  Kelly 

•  The  valley  begins  at  the  south  end  of  Utah  Lake. 
In  the  northeast  corner  of  the  valley  stands  an  un- 
usual mountain,  alone  and  unattached.  In  the  south- 
east end  of  the  valley  both  warm  and  cold  springs 
rise,  making  the  area  around  them  a  flat  marsh  pushed 
tight  against  the  dry,  brush-covered  hills. 

The  first  white  settlers  came  to  the  valley  in  1860. 
Before  that,  trappers  and  prospectors  occasionally 
passed  through. 

Jasson  Evans  trapped  in  the  valley  during  the  win- 
ter of  1885.  He  named  it  Warm  Springs  when  he 
saw  the  clouds  of  steam  that  continually  rose  off 
the  ponds  in  the  south  end  of  the  valley. 

Five  years  later  he  returned,  bringing  others.  He 
built  a  one-room  adobe  house  and  helped  to  dig  a 
canal.  Cottonwood  shoots  were  put  out  in  front  of 
the  house  for  shade.  He  planted  a  long  row  of  pop- 
lar trees  along  the  south  side  of  the  farm  to  soften 

the  harsh  winds  from  the  desert. 

#     #     »     »     # 

I  walked  down  the  lane,  caught  in  the  spell  of  the 

past  as  memories  of  my  childhood  came  in  a 

torrent.     I  had  thought  of  them  before,  but 

now,  under  the  old  cottonwoods,  they  were 

more  poignant.     My  childhood  was  close. 

Savoring  each  moment,  I  looked  past  the 

house  down  into  the  meadow,  then  back 

to  the  canal.    Yes,  it  was  all    still  here— 

the  adobe  house,  the  barn,  the  chicken 

coop.      Everything     looked    the     same 

except  for  the  cottonwoods.     They 

were      crowded     along 

the    ditch 

bank  now  because  of  their  bigness.  Their  trunks  had 
turned  from  the  chalky-green  color  of  my  youth  to 
rough,  scarred,  gray  supports  for  the  tumbled  foliage 
above  them.  My  mind  wouldn't  stay  in  the  present; 
it  kept  drifting,  going  back,  remembering  my  ninth 
spring  in  the  valley.  . 

The  buds  on  the  cottonwoods  were  beginning  to 
show.  It  was  early  spring,  and  the  canal  was  still 
dry  from  the  winter.  Father  told  me  that  now  that 
I  was  nine,  I  was  old  enough  to  help  clean  the  canal. 
The  dry  moss  and  old  brown  weeds  had  to  be  cut 
from  the  banks  so  the  water  could  run  smooth  and 
easy  when  it  was  turned  into  the  ditch. 

That  first  day's  work  was  hard,  and  my  arms  and 
back  were  sore  and  aching.  After  work  Dad  said, 
"I've  heard  that  back  East  they  keep  tame  ducks  to 
live  on  the  ponds  and  slow  streams.  The  ducks  eat 
the  moss  and  a  lot  of  other  water  vegetation." 

The  talk  of  tame  ducks  made  my  tired  mind  race. 
I'd  never  thought  of  tame  ducks  before,  but  I  knew 
that  there  were  wild  ones  in  the  meadow  behind  the 
house.  If  I  could  just  find  and  tame  some,  I  wouldn't 
have  to  hack  at  these  canal  banks. 

Every  day  as  we  worked  on  the  ditch  I  watched  the 
meadow.  It  was  only  half  a  mile  away,  and  many 
times  I  could  see  ducks  landing  in  the  reeds.  The 
edge  of  the  cow  shed  sighted  with  the  corner  fence- 
post  gave  a  straight  line  to  the  rushes  where  the  ducks 
landed  most  frequently.  I  watched  every  day,  and 
finally  when  the  ditch  was  cleaned  I  was  sure  I  could 
go  straight  to  the  rushes  where  I'd  seen  the  ducks 

The  Saturday  after  the  second  week  of  ditch  clean- 

"I  didn't  notice  the  swooping  gulls, 
or  hear  their  shrill  cries.  I  stumbled, 
fell.  Heart-broken,  convulsive 
sobs  racked  my  body." 

Improvement  Era 

ing  was  over,  I  got  up  early  and  started  chores  by 
myself.  By  the  time  Dad  got  to  the  barn  I  had  the 
heifer  half  milked.  After  chores  and  breakfast  I  said 
that  I  wanted  to  go  to  the  meadow  to  look  for  frogs. 
Dad  didn't  usually  care  for  me  doing  useless  things, 
but  this  morning  he  said  okay. 

At  first  I  didn't  know  what  to  look  for.  I  followed 
the  line  from  the  side  of  the  cow  shed  to  the  corner 
post,  straight  toward  the  big  clump  of  rushes  I  had 
picked  out  before.  When  I  got  to  the  rushes  I  couldn't 
see  anything  except  tangles  of  reeds  lying  every  way 
in  the  water.  On  one  tangle  of  rushes  I  did  see  a 
white  and  tan  pile  of  fluff  that  was  dry  and  out  of 
water.    I  searched  back  and  forth  between  the  several 

springs  in  the  meadow  until  noon,  and  still  I  didn't 
see  a  nest. 

On  the  way  back  to  the  house  I  saw  another  pile 
of  down.  This  one  was  on  dry  ground,  nestled  in  the 
salt  grass.  I  put  my  hand  on  the  fluff,  and  underneath 
the  softness  I  felt  something  hard.  Warily  reaching 
in  the  softness,  I  brushed  some  of  the  down  away  and 
counted  nine  eggs.  They  were  bigger  than  chicken 
eggs,  and  olive  green  in  color.  Whipping  off  my 
shirt,  I  tied  knots  in  the  sleeves  and  neck.  Then  one 
by  one  I  placed  the  eggs  carefully  in  it.  On  the  way 
back  to  the  house  I  waded  out  to  the  first  pile  of 
fluff  I  had  seen.    In  this  nest  were  ten  eggs. 

It  was  hard  to  walk  evenly.    Nineteen  eggs  made 

"A  Run  of  Gray"  won  for  its  author,  Brian  Kelly,  first 
place  in  last  year's  Vera  Hinckley  Mayhew  short  story 
contest  at  Brigham  Young  University  and  will  appear 
in  Out  of  the  Best  Books,  Vol.  Ill,  where  it  will  be  one 
of  the  few  selections  written  by  a  Latter-day  Saint. 
Brother  Kelly,  an  editor  with  Battelle-Northwest  in  Rich- 
land, Washington,  is  a  Sunday  School  teacher. 

Illustrated  by  Ted  Nagata 

May  1967 

"Son,  they  can't  be  blamed  for  killing  your  ducks.   They  did  what  they  did 

the  shirt  heavy,  and  it  kept  swinging  back  and  forth,  God   made   some   things   to  be   good  when   they're 

but  I  made  it  home  without  a  mishap.    Dad  was  sur-  natural  and  some  naturally  bad.     "Well,  Son,"  Dad 

prised  when  I  told  him  about  the  eggs.    Together  we  answered,  "a  lot  of  it  depends  on  the  point  of  view, 

fixed  two  nesting  boxes  with  fresh  straw,  put  them  Before  the  pioneers  settled  out  here  the  Indians  waited 

in  the  corner  of  the  coop,  and  placed  ten  eggs  in  one  every  year  for  the  coming  of  the  grasshoppers.    They 

nest  and  nine  in  the  other  one.     We  weren't  sure  thought  God  sent  the  grasshoppers  to  them  for  their 

whether  we  could  get  a  hen  to  sit  on  the  strange  eggs,  food  supply.     When  I  was  a  boy  in  Salt  Lake  that 

but  we  left  a  pan  of  wheat  on  the  floor  and  went  to  first  summer  after  we  came  west,  we  were  depending 

the  house.    After  supper  Dad  went  back  to  the  coop  on  our  meager  crops  to  carry  us  through  the  coming 

with  a  lantern.     Sure  enough,  two  hens  had  adopted  winter. 

the  nests.  "Then  one  day  the  sky  became  black  with  another 

I  kept  a  close  watch  on  the  nests  during  the  next  kind  of  grasshopper,  noisy  ones  that  we  called  crickets, 

three  weeks.     I  didn't  need  to  worry,  because  the  They  moved  down  from  the  hills  toward  the  crops, 

hens  seemed  to  treat  the  eggs  like  their  own.    Every  eating  every  green  thing  in  their  path.    We  tried  to 

day  or  two  they  would  slide  back  and  forth  on  them  drown  them  in  ditches;  we  burned  them;  and  still 

and  roll  them  with  their  beaks.    Dad  said  that  eggs  they  kept  coming.     The  sky  was  black  with  them, 

had  to  be  turned  every  day  or  so  if  they  were  going  Every  morning  your  uncle  and  I  would  get  up  at 

to  hatch.  dawn  and  walk  back  and  forth  through  the  grain, 

The  eggs  started  to  hatch  on  the  28th  day  after  I  holding  a  thirty-foot  rope  between  us,  flipping  the 

found  them  in  the  meadow.    The  hens  didn't  seem  to  stalks  of  wheat  so  the  crickets  would  fall  off  before 

know  the  difference.     They  treated  the  little  yellow  they  could  eat  the  heads  of  grain, 
flat-billed  balls  of  fluff  as  if  they  were  baby  chicks.         "Finally,  when  many  people  were  ready  to  give 

It  was  amusing  to  watch  the  hens  scratching  in  the  up,  the  Lord  sent  the  seagulls  to  help  us.    For  weeks 

dirt  around  the  coop  for  food  for  the  ducks  and  the  they  filled  the  sky,  eating  the  crickets  until  the  crops 

ducks  not  even  paying  attention.  were  saved.    Son,  those  gulls  were  naturally  good  for 

The  most  comical  thing  was  when  the  ducks  first  us.    God  sent  them  to  help  us. 
took  to  water.     The  hens  were  trying  to  lead  their         "Now  there  were  some  good  men  who  grumbled 

new  charges  along  the  bank  of  the  canal  in  search  for  against  the  leaders.     So  they  were  sort  of  naturally 

food.    As  soon  as  the  little  ducks  got  near  the  water,  good  and  bad  at  the  same  time.     This  is  what  free 

they  scrambled  down  the  bank  and  slid  into  the  canal,  agency  means.    Everyone  has  to  choose,  and  we  are 

The  hens  were  frantic  and  ran  back  and  forth  trying  not  all  good  or  all  bad  as  some  people  think." 
to  call  the  ducklings  back.     The  little  ducks  lived  in         The  conversation  was  interrupted  as  we  drove  down 

the  water  a  lot  of  the  time  from  then  on.  the  lane  to  the  farm.    Gulls  were  circling  and  diving 

A  hawk  tried  to  get  the  ducklings  one  day,  but  they  along  the  canal.     We  weren't  alarmed  until  we  got 

escaped  by  diving.    This  made  us  feel  good;  we  knew  close  enough  to  see  that  the  canal  was  almost  dry. 
we  didn't  have  to  worry  about  the  ducks  as  long  as         I  scrambled  over  the  side  of  the  wagon  and  ran 

the  water  was  kept  over  a  foot  deep.  up  the  ditch  to  where  the  gulls  were  diving,  just  in 

The  following  Sunday  was  Conference  Sunday.  This  time  to  scare  a  gull  out  of  the  bottom  of  the  canal, 

meant  we  had  to  make  a  five-mile  trip  to  the  stake  Its  mouth  was  open  wide  with  a  ball  of  yellow  fluff 

tabernacle.  in  it.     The  gull  swallowed  the   duckling  alive  and 

All  I  remember  from  conference  that  day  was  that  whole,  just  as  I  had  seen  birds  eat  mice, 
there  is  a  natural  and  an  unnatural  man.    I  had  never         Dad  came  walking  along  in  the  muddy  ditch  with 

noticed  the  difference  before;  I  just  figured  that  all  his  head  down,  searching  along  the  banks  for  the 

men  were  good.    I  liked  the  part  about  children  being  ducks.      Together   we   found   three.      Three   out   of 

pure  and  naturally  good.    I  couldn't  see  how  a  natural  nineteen.     "I  guess  only  these  are  left,  Son,"  Dad 

child  was  good  and  a  natural  man  was  bad,  but  by  said.     With  my  chest  throbbing  and  eyes  burning, 

this  time  I  quit  trying  to  figure  it  out  and  leaned  I  ran  to  the  haystack  where  no  one  could  see  me 

against  Dad  and  fell  asleep.  and  cried. 

On  the  way  home  from  conference  I  asked  Dad  why         I  didn't  see  Dad  again  until  it  was  time  to  do  chores. 

Improvement  Era 

because  of  their  nature." 

I  started  milking  before  he  explained  about  the 
ducks.  I  was  grateful  for  the  delay.  Somehow  it  was 
easier  to  listen  with  the  cow's  body  between  us. 
Dad  said,  "The  reason  the  canal  was  dry  was  because 
Brother  Wright  had  the  whole  stream  turned  on  his 
farm.  He  opened  all  his  headgates  so  he  could  let 
the  water  run  on  all  of  his  fields." 

For  me  the  blame  wasn't  on  Brother  Wright  as 
much  as  the  gulls.  I  didn't  want  to  know  reasons 
why;  I  wanted  more  direct  action.  I  had  to  find  a 
way  to  release  the  awful  hurt  inside  me. 

When  I  awoke  the  next  morning  I  knew  exactly 
what  I  wanted  to  do.  Somehow  I  would  get  even 
with  those  gulls.  After  chores  I  headed  for  the  point 
in  the  distance  where  the  lone  mountain  meets  the 
lake.  This  is  where  the  gulls  seemed  to  come  from 
and  also  to  disappear. 

When  I  got  to  the  foothills  along  the  lake  I  couldn't 
help  running.  Caught  in  the  combined  force  of 
gravity  and  hate,  I  ran  and  stomped,  in  an  erratic 
pattern,  back  and  forth  along  the  ledges  and  rocks 
above  the  water,  stomping  and  kicking  at  the  gull 
nests  in  my  path.  I  didn't  notice  the  shrill  cries  of  a 
cloud  of  shrieking  gulls  above  me.  I  didn't  shy  when 
they  swooped  at  me.  I  was  caught  up  in  my  frenzied 

The  buff-green,  brown-speckled  eggs  were  easy  to 
see  along  the  ledges  and  among  the  rocks— sometimes 
bunched  around  a  few  sticks  and  bits  of  debris  but 
mostly  alone  and  bare  on  the  ground. 

A  sickle-shaped  horde  of  gulls  shrieked  and  cried 
as  they  beat  up  and  down  in  the  air  above  the  slashed 
path  along  the  hillside.  I  wasn't  conscious  of  fatigue, 
but  gradually  I  stumbled  more  and  hated  less.  Sud- 
denly, as  I  lashed  at  a  nest  knee  high  above  me,  I  fell 
on  the  rocks.  I  struggled  to  get  up  but  I  couldn't.  The 
pent-up  hate  and  anger  was  leaving  in  its  place  exhaus- 
tion.   Heart-broken,  convulsive  sobs  racked  my  body. 

I  don't  know  how  long  I  lay  like  this,  but  when  I 
got  up  pieces  of  speckled  shell  and  yolk-mixed  blood 
had  hardened  on  me.  Slowly  I  made  my  way  back  up 
the  foothill  away  from  the  water  and  the  gull  nests 
until  I  topped  the  slight  crest  of  the  hill.  In  front  of 
me  the  whole  valley  was  visible.  I  could  see  the 
glinting  ribbon  of  the  canal  that  would  lead  me  home. 
Turning  my  back  on  this,  I  faced  toward  the  lake. 
I  didn't  hate  anything  now. 

Then,  weak  and  unsure  on  my  feet,  I  stumbled 
down  the  hill  toward  the  canal  and  home.     About 

four  miles  from  home  I  plunged  into  the  canal  and 
waded  in  the  waist-high  cool  water  The  cool  water 
made  me  suddenly  conscious  of  my  senses— the  bright 
sun,  breeze  from  the  hills,  my  tired  muscles. 

The  sun  was  down  when  I  got  home.  Dad  had 
already  finished  the  chores,  but  he  didn't  say  anything 
about  it.  Mother  made  me  change  clothes  before 
supper.  She  had  cooked  the  big  meal  at  noon,  but 
there  was  bread  and  milk  and  honey  left  for  supper. 
She  didn't  say  anything  when  I  passed  the  honey  by 
and  ate  bread  and  milk  and  onions  along  with  Dad. 
Then  I  excused  myself  and  went  to  bed.  I  couldn't 
look  them  in  the  eye  any  longer.  I  was  alone  and 

Next  morning  started  the  same  as  others.  Dad 
shook  me  so  we  could  milk  and  do  chores  together. 
On  the  way  back  to  the  house  a  few  seagulls  flew 
over,  and  Dad  saw  me  intently  watching  them.  He 
spoke  quietly  beside  me,  "Son,  they  can't  be  blamed 
for  killing  your  ducks,  and  they  do  eat  a  lot  of  mice 
and  insects." 

I  couldn't  hold  it  any  longer  and  began  to  tell  him 
where  I  had  been  yesterday.  I  tried  to  make  it  not 
sound  so  bad  by  telling  how  the  gulls  didn't  even 
build  a  nest.  They  just  laid  their  eggs  on  the  bare 
ground.  They  didn't  leave  a  cover  of  down  over  their 
eggs  like  the  ducks  did. 

Dad  interrupted  and  began  one  of  his  sermon  an- 
swers: "The  gulls  did  what  they  did  because  of  their 
nature.  The  seagulls  killed  your  ducks  so  they  could 

"I  guess  compared  to  a  duck  a  gull  doesn't  build  a 
very  good  nest,  but  they  do  live  and  raise  their  young 
the  same  way.  I've  already  told  why  the  gulls  are 
special  to  me.  This  summer  I'd  like  you  to  watch 
them  as  they  hatch  and  grow.  Learn  about  them. 
When  they  are  little  they  are  about  as  ugly  as  you 
were  when  you  were  born.  But  they  change.  Look 
up  at  them  now  and  see  how  they  circle  and  glide.  I 
guess  that  next  to  a  sailing  ship,  a  gull  wing  in  flight 
is  the  most  graceful  shape  I've  ever  seen. 

"Watch  their  color.  They  get  whiter  and  whiter  as 
they  grow  older.  They  start  a  motley  brown  and  gray 
color  and  every  year  come  closer  to  pure  white." 

That  summer  I  began  to  watch  the  gulls  as  they 
changed  from  ugly  chicks  to  brown,  then  gray, 
fledglings  and  then  on  to  a  purer  shade  of  white.  That 
summer  I  began  to  watch  men  age  also.  Many  times 
since  I  have  envied  the  white  gulls.  O 

May  1967 


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Improvement  Era 

The  teacher's  first  responsibility  is  to  set  a  proper  example. 


Conducted  by  the 
Church  School  System 



"And  Jesus  answering  said 
unto  them,  They  that  are  whole 
need  not  a  physician;  hut  they 
that  are  sick." 

(Luke  5:31.) 

By  Dr.  Sterling  R.  Provost 

Director,  Institute  of  Religion 
Boulder,  Colorado 

•  Often  when  a  physician  arrives 
at  his  office  he  finds  it  crowded 
with  patients  suffering  from  various 
ailments.  He  talks  with  each  in- 
dividually and,  as  part  of  the 
examination  period,  may  bring 
into  service  pieces  of  highly  spe- 
cialized and  technical  equipment 
in  order  that  he  might  arrive  at  a 
complete  and  precise  diagnosis. 
Once  the  results  are  obtained  from 
examinations  and  tests,  the  pa- 
tient can  be  wisely  treated. 

Now,  suppose  the  physician  were 
to  be  called  in  to  diagnose  the 
ills  of  a  group,  and  the  only  means 
by  which  he  could  determine  their 
problems  would  be  through  ob- 
servation of  their  actions  and  by 
offhand  comments  that  might  be 
made.  Under  these  conditions, 
how  accurately  could  he  identify 
the  nature  of  their  individual 
ailments?  — *"~ 

Photograph   by  Eldon   Linschoten 

May   1967 


Five  symptoms  of  ineffective  teaching — and  what  to  do  about  them. 

Obviously,  a  medical  practitioner 
would  never  willingly  place  him- 
self in  a  situation  where  he  would 
be  without  the  advantage  of  pri- 
vate consultation.  However,  this 
situation  is  substantially  the  di- 
lemma that  constantly  challenges 
lay  teachers  in  the  Church  as  they 
meet  their  classes. 

The  common  didactical  procedure 
of  both  the  physician  and  the 
church  teacher  should  be  that  of 
understanding  people  as  they  are 
and  then  helping  them  to  make  the 
greatest  possible  use  of  their  God- 
given  potential.  To  accomplish 
such  an  ambition  requires  an  intel- 
ligent interpretation  of  "danger 
signals"  that  may  be  present.  In 
this  connection,  the  teacher  be- 
comes a  classroom  diagnostician. 
Let  us  investigate  five  of  the 
significant  symptoms  of  ineffective 
teaching  and  prescribe  a  treatment 
for  each. 

I.    Do  you  have  frequent  discipline 

Discipline  is  inherent  in  good 
teaching.  It  is  not  a  matter  of  cor- 
rection so  much  as  it  is  a  matter 
of  prevention.  The  good  disci- 
plinarian anticipates  disorder  and 
directs  the  energies  of  his  pupils 
so  that  the  disorder  is  made  im- 
possible by  attention  to  legitimate 

Dr.  Adam  S.  Bennion  categorized 
the  securing  of  discipline  into  five 
methods:  (1)  rewards  and  punish- 
ments; (2)  being  good  for  the  sake 
of  pleasing  parents,  teachers,  and 
other  adults;  (3)  compulsion;  (4) 
gaining  social  appeal;  and  (5)  cre- 
ating interest.1  Thus,  before  a 
teacher  can  exercise  any  form  of 
discipline  effectively,  he  must 
know  to  what  end  he  is  striving. 

Stoops  and  Dunworth  have  de- 
veloped a  booklet  of  considerable 

value  in  this  area.     Among  their 
conclusions  are: 

1.  There  is  no  simple  answer. 

2.  Behavior  is  caused. 

3.  Work  on  the  causes  as  well 
as  on  the  behavior. 

4.  Don't  work  alone;  get  others 
on  your  team. 

5.  Don't  expect  change  all  at 
once;  it  will  take  time. 

6.  Know  yourself  and  your  own 

7.  Constantly  reevaluate  your 
classroom  techniques. 

8.  If  you  had  the  same  experi- 
ences and  background  as  those  mis- 
behaving, would  you  act  any  dif- 

Discipline  or  classroom  control 
is  the  joint  effort  of  both  teacher 
and  student.  Because  self-disci- 
pline is  the  ideal,  student  responsi- 
bility for  classroom  order  is 
desirable.  However,  the  teacher's 
seasoned  experience  for  added  con- 
trol is  also  of  major  importance. 

II.  Do  you  suffer  from  a  feeling 
of  inadequacy  in  the  classroom? 

Dr.  Asahel  D.  Woodruff  says  that 
"teaching  assignments  must  be 
taken  seriously.  ...  A  full  com- 
mitment to  the  gospel  and  the  as- 
signment is  essential.  No  half-way 
acceptance  of  the  task  will  do.  The 
commitment  requires  right-of-way 
in  two  forms:  time  to  prepare  for 
teaching,  and  time  to  do  the 

A  teacher's  real  obligation  starts 
at  the  point  at  which  he  begins  to 
contribute  to  others.  The  teacher 
who  truly  senses  the  tremendous  re- 
sponsibility that  is  his  will  have 
moments  when  he  feels  incapable 
of  fulfilling  his  commission.  Such 
times  of  despondency  are  natural 
and,  if  used  advantageously,  can 
assist  the  teacher  immeasurably  in 
reaching  greater  heights. 

To  help  individuals  improve  both 
their  quality  and  success  in  teach- 
ing, Woodruff  outlines  the  major 
parts  of  the  teaching  job  as: 

1.  Your  commitment  to  your 

2.  Your  cooperation  with  the 
Church's  plan  for  teaching  the 

3.  Your  basic  qualities  for  teach- 
ing: your  personality  and  personal 
relationship  with  class  members, 
the  quality  of  the  thoughts  you 
take  to  your  class,  and  your  ability 
in  teaching  those  thoughts. 

4.  Your  stewardship  over  those 
you  should  be  teaching. 

5.  Your  progress  in  developing 
a  supply  of  teaching  materials.4 

Constant  self-evaluation  by  the 
teacher,  in  light  of  classroom  de- 
velopments, will  insure  a  healthy 
teacher  image,  both  for  himself 
and  the  student. 

III.    Do    you    avoid    personal    in- 
volvement with  your  students? 

A  class  consists  of  persons,  and 
persons  are  individuals.  Learning 
is  an  individual  experience  and  is 
necessarily  based  on  a  personal 
need.  To  further  understand  this 
concept,  certain  generalizations  can 
be  made. 

Eva  May  Green  suggests: 

1.  Each  learner  is  unique. 

2.  Many  things  are  learned 

3.  People's  interests  are  broad 
and  varied. 

4.  Different  class  members  will 
learn  different  things  from  identi- 
cal experiences. 

5.  The  development  of  the 
learner  is  a  continuous  process.5 
Consequently,  the  group  learns 
only  as  the  individual  learns. 

There  are  various  ways  of  learn- 
ing about  a  person:  (1)  listen  to  him 
and  observe  his  behavior;  (2)  find 


Improvement  Era 

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May  1967 


Teachers  need  to  ask  themselves:  "If  I  were  a 
student,  would  I  act  differently?" 

out  what  he  values  and  how  he 
feels  about  things;  and  (3)  study 
his  personal  qualities  as  these  are 
revealed  through  his  behavior. 

How  can  data  regarding  a  stu- 
dent's background,  values,  and 
reaction  to  various  things  be  ob< 
tained?  This  may  be  done  by  using 
a  simple  interest  questionnaire  with 
items  geared  to  the  age  group  con- 
cerned, or  having  students  write 
biographies  or  compositions  that 
reveal  the  desired  information.  In 
some  areas,  a  simple  test  or  quiz 
can  be  a  helpful  technique  to  ac- 
quire valuable  information,  such  as 
a  sentence-completion  exercise. 
Always  remember  to  keep  confi- 
dential information  that  warrants 

Teachers  may  well  work  upon 
these  six  suggestions: 

1.  Be  aware  of  pupil  responses— 
of  all  kinds. 

2.  Be  interested  in  them  and  in 
what  lies  behind  them. 

3.  How  have  they  been  appealed 
to  heretofore? 

4.  Watch  for  the  natural  re- 
action of  your  pupils  as  you  proceed 
with  the  various  steps  of  your 

5.  Take  pains  to  keep  pupils 

6.  Try  to  anticipate  the  develop- 
ing interests  of  your  pupils  by 
keeping  out  in  front  far  enough 
that  they  are  kept  busy  following 

IV.  Are  you  losing  a  sense  of  di- 
rection in  your  teaching? 

How  does  the  teacher  acquire 
and  maintain  his  sense  of  direction? 

It  has  been  said  that  an  objective 
is  where  one  is  going,  and  a  pur- 
pose is  why  one  is  going  there. 

There  is  more  than  one  kind  of 
objective.  For  example,  the  gen- 
eral objective  of  all  Church  classes 

is  to  develop  devout  Latter-day 
Saints  by  helping  them  gain  testi- 
monies pursuant  to  eternal  life.  This 
obviously  cannot  be  achieved  in 
any  single  year's  work  or  course  of 
study,  so  it  must  be  divided  and 
then  subdivided.  However,  it  is 
the  guiding  star  to  which  other 
objectives  are  subject. 

In  addition  to  the  long-range  ob- 
jective, the  author  of  each  year's 
course  of  study,  regardless  of  the 
organization  (priesthood  class,  aux- 
iliary, seminary),  provides  objec- 
tives that  are  applicable  to  the 
subject  matter  under  consideration. 

There  is  a  kind  of  objective  that 
applies  to  an  individual  lesson.  As 
given  by  the  writer,  this  may  not 
always  be  in  workable  form  for 
the  teacher.  If  this  is  the  case,  he 
must  restate  or  otherwise  adapt  it 
for  his  group. 

Now  let  us  briefly  turn  to  the 
place  of  purpose  in  developing  a 
lesson.  With  the  appropriate  ob- 
jectives determined  and  properly 
implemented,  the  teacher  must  then 
give  attention  to  why  he  is  going 
in  a  particular  direction.  The  ma- 
terials that  the  teacher  proposes  to 
use  in  class  should  clearly  illus- 
trate why  he  is  trying  to  reach  that 
goal.  In  addition,  students  may  ask 
"why?"  concerning  certain  ideas 
presented,  and  the  teacher  must 
be  able  to  respond  intelligently. 
Therefore,  all  methods  and  tech- 
niques used  in  reaching  a  given 
objective  must  be  first  subjected 
to  the  purpose.  When  this  is  con- 
sistently done,  much  superfluous 
material  can  be  profitably  avoided 
and  the  mind  of  the  student  will  be 
more  apt  to  remember  the  vitality 
of  the  message. 

Once  both  objectives  and  pur- 
poses have  been  realistically  estab- 
lished, the  teacher  should  make  a 
written  plan  for  each  lesson.     As 

someone  has  said,  "Find  a  plan  that 
works,  and  then  work  that  plan." 

V.  Have  you  failed  to  provide  a 
favorable  classroom  learning 

Practical  lessons  of  lasting  value 
are  constantly  being  presented  in 
various  conditions  and  places.  It 
is  true  that  effective  teaching  may 
be  carried  on  anywhere  at  any  time. 
However,  the  main  scene  of  teach- 
ing is  the  classroom.  It  is  impor- 
tant that  the  classroom  setting  be 
right.  Teaching  can  go  on  despite 
unfavorable  conditions;  yet,  why 
should  it?  We  will  assume,  for  the 
sake  of  this  discussion,  that  the 
room  is  adequately  ventilated  and 
at  the  proper  temperature,  clean 
and  orderly,  physically  attractive, 
and  modestly  equipped.  What 
roles  do  the  student  and  teacher 
then  have  in  completing  the  de- 
sirable classroom  scene? 

First,  a  teacher  must  of  necessity 
deal  with  the  individual  as  part  of 
the  group.  Redl  and  Wattenburg7 
say  that  in  each  classroom  group 
are  found  many  role  players- 
leaders,  advocates,  clowns,  "fall 
guys,"  and  instigators.  These  roles 
are  not  constant  and  often  change 
with  each  new  situation.  A  teacher 
should  be  prepared  to  deal  with 
each  role  change  and  strive  to  main- 
tain a  continuing  healthy  classroom 

Teachers  must  insure  that  the 
basic  psychological  needs  of  each 
class  member  are  met,  an  atmos- 
phere exists  in  which  students  feel 
that  they  can  participate  without 
fear  of  how  the  teacher  will  react, 
group  morale  is  strengthened  by 
thinking  in  terms  of  "we"  instead 
of  "me,"  and  a  classroom  climate 
exists  that  sets  the  stage  for  real 
learning  and  discovery  by  remov- 
ing any  existing  social  barrier. 


Improvement  Era 

To  guide  and  inspire  the  church 
teacher  in  his  assignment,  Presi- 
dent McKay,  the  Lord's  living 
prophet  today  and  a  noted  educator 
in  his  own  right,  penned  the  fol- 
lowing, which  might  serve  as  the 
basis  of  a  personal  commitment 
for  all  Church  teachers: 

"To  the  teachers  of  the  Church, 
the  best  way  to  achieve  this  [to 
bring  to  pass  the  immortality  and 
eternal  life  of  man]  is  to  discharge 
at  least  three  great  responsibilities. 
The  first  is  the  responsibility  to  set 
a  proper  example.  .  .  . 

"Second,  is  the  responsibility  of 
guardianship,  of  being  shep- 
herds. .  .  . 

"The  third  obligation  is  so  to 
live  that  we  may  merit  the  com- 
panionship and  guidance  of  the 
Holy  Spirit.  .  .  "8 

The  mission  of  a  teacher  in  the 
Church  is  one  of  the  most  impor- 
tant in  life.  It  is  a  holy  and 
responsible  calling.  It  calls  for 
the  finest  effort  one  can  give  to 
transmit  the  truths  of  the  gospel 
to  the  children  of  God.  To  do  this 
work  properly  requires  that  Church 
teachers  become  indeed  classroom 
diagnosticians.  O 


iAdam  S.  Bennion,  Principles  of  Teaching 
(Salt  Lake  City:  Deseret  News  Press,  1958), 
pp.    152-55. 

2Emery  Stoops  and  John  Dunworth,  Classroom 
Discipline  (Montclair,  N.  J.:  The  Economics 
Press,   Inc.),  p.  41. 

3Asahel  D.  Woodruff,  Teaching  the  Gospel 
(Salt  Lake  City:  Deseret  News  Press,  1961), 
p.  5. 

*Ibid.,  pp.  242-47.  (See  also  John  T.  Wahl- 
quist,  Teaching  As  the  Direction  of  Activities 
[Salt  Lake  City:  Deseret  Sunday  School  Union, 

6Eva  May  Green,  "Teaching— A  Learner- 
Centered  Process,"  The  Instructor,  Vol.  84, 
August  1949,  p.  405. 

6Don  A.  Orton,  "Study  Your  Students,  Too," 
A  Reader  for  the  Teacher,  ed.,  A.  Hamer  Reiser 
(Salt  Lake  City:  Deseret  Book  Company,  1960), 
pp.  112-13. 

TFritz  Redl  and  William  W.  Wattenberg, 
Mental  Hygiene  in  Teaching  (New  York:  Har- 
court,  Brace  and  Company,  Inc.,  1959),  pp. 

8David  O.  McKay,  Treasures  of  Life,  comp. 
Clare  Middlemiss  (Salt  Lake  City:  Deseret 
Book  Company,  1962),  pp.  489-90. 

May  1967 

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TheLDS  Scene 

The  lighting  of  the  Oakland  Temple  has  been  awarded 
first  place  in  a  night  beautification   program  sponsored 
by  the  Alameda  County  (California)  Electrical 
Industry  Trust,  Electric  and  Gas  Industries  Association, 
and  Pacific  Gas  and  Electric  Company.    More  than 
200  San  Francisco  Bay  area  architects,  electrical 
engineers,  contractors,  and  business  and  city  leaders 
served  as  judges. 

%*  ■  - *      i 

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•    •        '  ;  f 



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f  I 

Service  Recognized 

Elder  Spencer  W.  Kimball  of  the  Council  of  the 
Twelve  holds  a  desk  clock  with  the  inscription,  "The 
Gardener  of  Souls,"  presented  him  by  students  of  the 
Institute  of  Religion  at  Snow  College,  Ephraim,  Utah. 
Sister  Kimball  was  presented  with  a  bouquet  of  roses. 
The  tribute  was  in  recognition  of  Elder  Kimball's 
"long  years  of  service  to  the  youth  of  the  Church  and 
his  wise  counsel." 

"Family  Movie  of  the  Year" 

Actress  Vera  Miles  and  co-producer  Winston  Hibler  accept 
"Family  Movie  of  the  Year"trophy  for  Follow  Me,  Boys  from 
President  N.  Eldon  Tanner  of  the  First  Presidency  during 
impressive  ceremonies  honoring  the  Walt  Disney  Productions 
film  on  Boy  Scouts.    Looking  on  are  leaders  of  the  four 
institutions   sponsoring  the   award:  L.  H.  Curtis,  KSL  Radio-TV, 
far  left;  Doyle  L.  Green,  The  Improvement  Era;  E.  Earl  Hawkes, 
Deseret  News,  second  from  right;  and  Ernest  L.  Wilkinson, 
Brigham  Young  University. 

Choir  in  Phoenix 

The  Tabernacle  Choir  opened  its  1967 
concert  season  with  a  spring  appearance 
in  the  Arizona  Veterans  Memorial 
Coliseum,  Phoenix,  before  an  audience 

of  more  than  11,000.    The  event, 
sponsored  by  ten  stakes  in  the  Phoenix 
area,  was  hailed  as  a  "tremendous 
missionary  and  cultural  experience." 

Radio  Series 

The  Brigham  Young  University 
Symphonic  Band  with  student  choral 
groups  will  continue  until  May  its 
26-week  series,  "Speaking  of  Music," 
on  ABC  radio  network.     The  program, 
aired  Sunday  afternoons  over  200 

stations,   is  believed  to  be  the  only 
U.S.  musical  program  sponsored  by 
a  college  or  university  on  a  nationwide 
basis.     President  David  0.  McKay 
has  called  the  program  "a  great  honor 
for  the  Church's  university." 

Turkey  Federation 

John  S.  Morgan  of  the 
Layton  (Utah)  Fifth  Ward  has 
been  elected  president  of 
the  10,000-member 
National  Turkey  Federation 
of  America.     Brother 
Morgan  has  held  executive 
positions  in  the  $500-million 
turkey  industry  for  the 
past  nine  years. 

May  1967 


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our  money-saving  family  fares  for  husband  and  wife,  as  well  as  family  with  youngsters, 

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Call  us,  or  come  on  in  —  let  us  tell  you  more 


DOMELINERS:  City  of  Los  Angeles,"  "The  Challenger/' "City  of  San  Francisco,"  "City  of  Portland,"  "City  of  Denver,"  "City  of  St.  Louis" 


We  arose,  and  swinging 

our  hats  three  times  over 
our  heads,  shouted:   * Hurrah, 
hurrah  for  Israel,9  " 

Melchizedek  Priesthood 

Those  Who  Are  Valiant 

"Therefore,  go  ye  into  all  the  world;  and  unto  whatsoever  place  ye   cannot  go  ye  shall 
send,   that  the  testimony   may  go  from   you   into   all   the  world   unto   every    creature. 

•  "And  as  I  said  unto  mine  apostles,  even  so  I  say  unto 
you,  for  you  are  mine  apostles,  even  God's  high 
priests;  ye  are  they  whom  my  Father  hath  given  me; 
ye  are  my  friends; 

"Therefore,  as  I  said  unto  mine  apostles  I  say  unto 
you  again,  that  every  soul  who  belie veth  on  your 
words,  and  is  baptized  by  water  for  the  remission  of 
sins,  shall  receive  the  Holy  Ghost."  (D&C  84:62-64.) 

"September  14th  [1839],  President  Brigham  Young 
left  his  home  at  Montrose  [Iowa]  to  start  on  the  mis- 
sion to  England.  He  was  so  sick  that  he  was  unable 
to  go  to  the  Mississippi,  a  distance  of  thirty  rods, 
without  assistance.  After  he  had  crossed  the  river 
he  rode  behind  Israel  Barlow  on  his  horse  to  my 
house,  where  he  continued  sick  until  the  18th.  He 
left  his  wife  sick  with  a  babe  only  three  weeks  old, 
and  all  his  other  children  were  sick  and  unable  to  wait 
upon  each  other.  Not  one  soul  of  them  was  able  to 
go  to  the  well  for  a  pail  of  water,  and  they  were  with- 
out a  second  suit  to  their  backs,  for  the  mob  in  Mis- 
souri had  taken  nearly  all  he  had.  On  the  17th, 
Sister  Mary  Ann  Young  got  a  boy  to  carry  her  up  in 
his  wagon  to  my  house,  that  she  might  nurse  and 
comfort  Brother  Brigham  to  the  hour  of  starting. 

"September  18th,  Charles  Hubbard  sent  his  boy 
with  a  wagon  and  span  of  horses  to  my  house;  our 
trunks  were  put  into  the  wagon  by  some  brethren; 

I  went  to  my  bed  and  shook  hands  with  my  wife  who 
was  then  shaking  with  a  chill,  having  two  children 
lying  sick  by  her  side;  I  embraced  her  and  my  children, 
and  bade  them  farewell.  My  only  well  child  was 
Heber  P.,  and  it  was  with  difficulty  he  could  carry 
a  couple  of  quarts  of  water  at  a  time,  to  assist  in 
quenching  their  thirst. 

"It  was  with  difficulty  we  got  into  the  wagon,  and 
started  down  the  hill  about  ten  rods;  it  appeared  to 
me  as  though  my  very  inmost  parts  would  melt  within 
me  at  leaving  my  family  in  such  a  condition,  as  it  were 
almost  in  the  arms  of  death.  I  felt  as  though  I  could 
not  endure  it.  I  asked  the  teamster  to  stop,  and  said 
to  Brother  Brigham,  'This  is  pretty  tough,  isn't  it;  let's 
rise  up  and  give  them  a  cheer.'  We  arose,  and  swing- 
ing our  hats  three  times  over  our  heads,  shouted: 
'Hurrah,  hurrah  for  Israel.'  Vilate,  hearing  the  noise, 
arose  from  her  bed  and  came  to  the  door.  She  had  a 
smile  on  her  face.  Vilate  and  Mary  Ann  Young  cried 
out  to  us:  'Goodbye,  God  bless  you.'  We  returned  the 
compliment,  and  then  told  the  driver  to  go  ahead. 
After  this  I  felt  a  spirit  of  joy  and  gratitude,  having 
had  the  satisfaction  of  seeing  my  wife  standing  upon 
her  feet,  instead  of  leaving  her  in  bed,  knowing  well 
that  I  should  not  see  them  again  for  two  or  three 
years."  (Journal  of  Heber  C.  Kimball,  quoted  in  Orson 
F.  Whitney,  Life  of  Heber  C.  Kimball,  pp.  265-266. ) 

May  1967 


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Two  Mothers 
By  Randall   L.  Green 

My  thoughts  traverse 

five  times  five  hundred  miles, 
And  take  me  back 

ten  times  a  dozen  years, 
To  place  and  age 

where  Light  forsook  the  wiles 
Of  life,  and  brought  great  souls, 

through  toil  and  tears, 
Across  a  continent 

as  pioneers 
And  planted  them 

in  this  once  desert  land 
That  progeny  might  live 

beyond  the  fears 
Of  ignorance, 

and  in  the  sunlight  stand. 
Among  those  noble  souls 

Light  did  expand 
Was  one  fair  mother* 

who  illumed  her  son 
And  led  him, 

without  help  of  husband's  hand, 
To  be  a  beacon 

for  tfie  Holy  One. 
How  rare  such  mothers! 

Yet  rare,  too,  is  mine, 
Who,  but  for  mortal  blood, 

would  be  divine. 

°Mary    Fielding    Smith 

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•  The  bishop  had  an  uncomfortable  week  thinking 
about  the  stake  president's  words:  the  time  had  finally 
arrived  to  build  the  new  ward  house.  The  property 
was  now  purchased,  the  title  clear,  and  groundbreak- 
ing would  be  scheduled  as  soon  as  his  ward  raised 
its  share  of  the  required  cost  for  starting  construction. 

"The  other  ward  already  has  the  money  to  start," 
said  the  president.  "As  you  know,  we  originally  in- 
tended having  them  merely  remodel  the  old  building. 
They  started  gathering  funds  a  year  ago,  and  Bishop 
Barton  tells  me  they  now  have  over  thirty  thousand 
dollars.     So  they're  just  waiting  for  you." 

That  certainly  put  the  pressure  on  his  ward— and  on 
him.  This  is  why  he  had  made  an  appointment  to 
see  the  president  again.  As  a  bishop,  he  was 
anxious  for  the  president's  counsel.  How  does  one 
go  about  raising  thousands  of  dollars  from  a  small 
ward  full  of  young  families  struggling  to  pay  for  new 
homes  and  furniture,  families  with  many  little 

"In  addition  to  being  made  up  mostly  of  young 
families,  President,  my  people  aren't  all  that  active. 
Oh,  they're  wonderful  people,  but  tithing  is  a  genuine 
problem  for  some  of  them.  In  fact,  now  that  I've  had 
a  chance  to  dig  into  the  records  a  bit,  I  was  going  to 
start  calling  on  those  who  I  feel  need  some  encourage- 
ment. But  how  can  I  go  to  them  with  a  big  building 
project,  too?  I  mean,  their  income  can  only  stretch 
so  far!" 

This  last  remark  came  as  an  honest  lament.  The 
bishop,  new  and  eager,  had  spent  a  week  going  over 
names  and  lists,  jotting  down  figures.  It  appeared 
a  little  unrealistic  to  him  to  have  to  raise  all  that 
money  in  such  a  limited  time. 

"Last  night  my  counselors  and  I  figured  there  might 
be  an  easier  way  to  do  this,  to  make  the  burden  a  little 
lighter  for  our  families."  The  bishop  shifted  uneasily. 
(He  still  didn't  feel  good  about  his  building  fund 
plan.  But  then,  that  was  why  he  was  here  talking 
to  the  stake  president.) 

"First  off,  we  feel  that  rather  than  give  a  blanket 
assignment  to  all  families,  we  should  use  a  percentage 
figure,  like  we  do  with  tithing.  Only  this  one  would 
be  their  pledge  of  one  month's  income  to  be  paid  out 
over  three  years."  The  president  winced  inwardly, 
but  held  his  pleasant  expression  and  allowed  the 
bishop  to  go  on. 

"To  supplement  this— since  obviously  we  can't  give 
this  one-month  assignment  to  inactive  families— we 
propose  a  series  of  building  fund  projects.  We've 
been  working  on  a  list,  and  there  is  really  quite  a 
remarkable  variety  of  things  we  can  do:  weekly  bake 
sales,  ward  movies,  carnivals,  and  the  like.    We  plan 


It  Is  A 

Day  of 


The  problem  of 
fund  raising 
— and  how 
to  solve  it. 


!  jppqe  he  put  m s 
He  toolunteenul 


to  use  all  the  auxiliaries  on  these.  For  example, 
there's  a  cookbook  the  Relief  Society  could.  .  .  ." 

But  he  stopped  in  mid- sentence;  the  president  had 
tilted  back  in  his  chair,  smiling.  He  rubbed  his  nose 
a  minute.  Then  slowly  he  leaned  forward  and  began 
to  speak: 

"Bishop,  let  me  say  how  much  I  appreciate  your 
coming  to  me,  allowing  me  to  give  you  the  benefit 
of  whatever  experience  I've  had  in  raising  money  for 
Church  projects  over  the  years.  Just  now  your  com- 
ments sounded  like  some  of  my  own,  long,  long  ago. 
So  let's  touch  on  these  things  one  point  at  a  time. 
First,  you  say  your  ward  is  very  young,  in  the  throes 
of  buying  houses  and  feeding  children.  Just  like 
Bishop  Barton's  ward!  Then  you  indicate  that  you 
feel  a  percentage  of  income  from  all  your  active 
families  would  be  the  most  equitable.  But  I  suggest 
that  not  every  family  has  the  same  financial  problems; 
where  a  month's  salary  paid  out  over  three  years 
might  be  all  right  for  some,  it  might  also  be  a  crush- 
ing burden  for  others.  Don't  you  feel  that  to  make  a 
fair  judgment  of  each  family's  ability  to  pay,  you 
almost  have  to  sit  down  with  each  family?" 

The  bishop  found  himself  relaxing.  This  was  what 
he  wanted.    The  president  went  on: 

"Only  the  bishop  has  the  mantle  of  judgment  in 
these  matters.  Only  you  can  wisely  make  a  deter- 
mination of  how  much  each  family  should  be  asked 
to  pay.  But  you  must  have  their  counsel  and  confi- 
dence to  set  this  figure.  And  you  must  not  hesitate 
to  make  it  a  challenging  figure.  You  see,  Bishop,  I'm 
convinced  that  people  are  happy  for  the  opportunity 
to  sacrifice  if  they're  convinced  it's  for  a  needful 
purpose,  for  the  Lord. 

"I  like  that  statement  in  the  Doctrine  and  Covenants 
that  says :  'Verily  it  is  a  day  of  sacrifice.'  And,  frankly, 
I  don't  feel  that  any  sacrifice  you  might,  in  your 
bishop's  judgment,  wish  to  ask  of  your  families  is  going 
to  bring  them  anything  but  happiness." 

The  bishop  broke  in:  "Then  you  don't  think  we 
should  have  all  the  fund-raising  projects,  nor  neglect 
asking  money  from  non-tithe  payers?"  And  the  presi- 
dent chuckled  openly. 

"I  think  I've  worked  on  as  many  fund-raising  projects 
as  the  next  man— had  a  lot  of  fun  doing  it.  But  you'll 
create  more  problems  than  you'll  solve  by  trying  to 
build  your  building  with  carnivals  and  bake  sales. 
You  see,  your  auxiliaries  and  quorums  already  have 
their  programs  and  projects.  They  don't  need  any 
added  fund-raising  tasks  from  you.  Solve  everything 
through  your  wise  and  equitable  request  from  each 
family.  And  don't  neglect  the  man  who's  never  paid 
tithing.     Of  course,  there  will  be  lots  of  wonderful 

opportunities  for  everyone  to  work  with  a  shovel  or 
a  hammer.  You'll  be  able  to  make  some  tremendous 
cash  savings  there."  The  president  tilted  back  again, 
pausing  reflectively. 

"Yes,  don't  neglect  asking  your  inactive  brethren 
to  make  a  sacrifice  of  their  time  as  well  as  of  their 

The  bishop  sensed  the  president  had  struck  a  nos- 
talgic note  and  withheld  his  questions  while  the 
president  went  on: 

"You  know,  Bishop,  this  conversation  reminds  me  of 
a  young  man  I  once  knew— and  you  might  have  some- 
one just  like  him  in  your  ward.  He  had  a  good  job, 
a  splendid  wife,  and  three  little  children.  He  had 
plenty  of  places  to  put  his  money,  and  there  was  never 
enough  to  go  around.  But  he  had  enough  for  his 
own  personal  vices,  and  breaking  the  Word  of  Wis- 
dom drove  him  further  from  the  Church. 

"When  his  ward  started  to  build  a  new  building,  he 
was  visited  by  his  bishop.  When  he  complained  that 
he  didn't  really  believe  in  tithing,  the  bishop  asked 
him  if  he  believed  in  the  Primary  his  children  went  to 
or  the  Relief  Society  his  wife  attended.  The  bishop 
began  talking  in  terms  of  bricks  and  mortar.  They 
cost  money,  he  pointed  out,  and  then  he  challenged 
this  inactive  brother  with  the  opportunity  of  making  a 
personal  sacrifice  of  cash  to  pay  for  the  new  building 
his  wife  and  children  might  be  using. 

"The  bishop's  approach  had  just  the  right  touch. 
The  young  man  made  an  important  decision:  he 
would  scrape  up  the  money  the  bishop  had  asked 
for.  He  would  make  a  sacrifice.  At  first  it  wasn't 
intended  for  the  Lord  but  for  his  wife  and  children, 
for  the  bishop.  But  it  didn't  end  there.  Once  he  put 
his  money  into  the  project,  he  found  himself  more  and 
more  interested.  He  volunteered  to  do  some  hammer- 
ing, and  he  spent  many  hours  toiling  with  his  brethren 
to  build  what  he  came  to  call  'the  house  of  the 
Lord.'  Eventually  he  gave  up  his  bad  habits.  He 
even  attended  a  meeting  or  two  with  his  family.  And 
finally,  one  Sunday  he  appeared  at  priesthood 

By  now  the  president  was  misty-eyed  and  a  little 
embarrassed.  He  chuckled  again,  relieving  the  mood 
he'd  created. 

"Yes,  Bishop,  I  guess  I  owe  more  than  I  can  say— 
those  many  years  ago  when  I  was  young  and  most 
unwise— to  the  need  to  sacrifice  for  building  'the 
house  of  the  Lord.'  And  the  key  then,  the  thing  that 
caused  me  to  make  the  right  decision,  was  a  good 
bishop  who  came  to  me  in  kindliness  and  love,  but 
who  didn't  hesitate  to  tell  me:  'Verily  it  is  a  day  of 
sacrifice.' "  O 

money  into  the  project,  he  found  himself  more  and  more  interested, 
to  do  some  hammering.  ..." 


Today's  Family 





Mothers  are  wonderful,  but 
they  are  even  more  precious 
if  they  are  great  mothers  or 
true  grandmothers. 
'Grandmother"  is  an  honorary 
title  until  it  is  earned.  Anyone 
whose  child  has  a  child  is  called  a 
grandmother.  This  can  happen  at 
quite  an  early  age.  It  isn't  unusual 
for  a  38-year-old  woman  to  become 
a  grandmother,  but  still  that 
"grandness"  in  the  title  isn't  hers 
until  she  affects  for  the  better  the 
lives  of  her  grandchildren.  This  is 
done  act  by  act,  hour  by  hour,  as 
she  builds  a  good  solid  bridge  be- 
tween herself  and  each  little  one. 
Thus,  when  their  eyes  meet  hers, 
there  is  understanding.  To  these 
children  here  is  a  person  who  adds 
to  their  security;  she  is  the  second 
line  of  defense  for  them  against  the 
world.  She's  there,  and  she  cares 
what  they  are  today  and  what  they 
-  will  become.  All  of  us  know  grand- 
mothers who  are  truly  grand  hu- 
man beings. 

A  woman  gives  birth  to  a  baby  or 
extends  ,  her  love  to  a  child  and 
adopts  it,  and  in  doing  so  becomes 
a  mother.  Songs  aire  sung  about 
her,  books  are  written  in  her  praise, 
and  nations  are  stronger  because 
of  her  influence.  It  is  a  wonder- 
ful thing  to  be  a  mother  but  a  far 
superior  thing  to  be  a  great  mother. 
As  we  look  around,  we  see  women 



Improvement  Er£ 

There  are  many  degrees  between  a  mother  and  a 
"great"  mother,  a  grandmother  and  a  "grand"  mother. 





J8y  Florence  B. 

and  Great  Mothers 

who  could  well  be  called  "great- 
mothers,"  if  there  were  such  a  title. 

There  are  many  degrees  between 
a  mother  and  a  great  mother.  The 
wisdom  of  the  ages,  the  capacity 
to  truly  love,  an  understanding 
spirit,  laughter  that  springs  easily, 
and  the  courage  to  say  "no"  to  a 
child  when  it  is  necessary— all  add 
up  to  greatness  in  a  mother.  This 
can  happen  to  you  even  if  your  first 
baby  was  just  born  yesterday. 

Wisdom  comes  from  being  able 
to  sift  the  valuable  from  each  situa- 
tion and  discard  the  chaff.  A  wise 
mother  seldom  holds  a  Ph.D.  de- 
gree, but  she  has  learned  to  use 
yesterday  and  the  day  before  as 
stepping-stones  to  today.  This  wise 
woman  knows  good  from  evil  and 
teaches  her  children  to  distinguish 
between  the  two.  She  guides  her 
small  sons  and  daughters  to  choose 
the  good.  This  mother,  who  is  to  be 
called  great  someday,  nourishes 
conscience  within  each  of  her  chil- 
Jren  to  direct  them  always.  A  wise 
mother  teaches  her  children  that 
they  have  a  Heavenly  Father  who 
loves  them  and  wants  them  to  live 
so  that  they  can  return  to  him  some- 
day, They  learn  from  her  how  to 
pray  and  how  to  depend  on  his 

The  capacity  to  love  varies  within 
each  of  us.  Some  love  themselves 
so  much  that  there  isn't  room  in 

May  1967 


Graceful  Classic 



Mid-Calf  Length  $15.00 
Ankle  Length  $17.00 

There  is  more  than  beauty  built  into  this 
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Salt  Lake  City,  Utah  841 15 


their  hearts  for  anyone  else.  An- 
other has  a  heart  so  big  it  can  en- 
fold her  own  brood  and  any  child 
anywhere.  Many  claim  to  have  a 
heart  this  big,  but  their  actions 
prove  differently.  To  truly  love 
shows  on  the  outside  in  every  act. 
Love  shines  in  doing.  Showering 
gifts  upon  a  child  does  not  show 
love.  True  love  gives  the  gift  of 

An  understanding  spirit  is  a 
warm,  tolerant  spirit.  When  a 
woman  can  look  into  a  child's  eyes 
and  see  their  depths,  that  is  under- 
standing. She  sees  the  reason  for 
the  child's  act,  not  just  the  act.  She 
clearly  sees  the  consequence  and  is 
able  to  transfer  its  meaning  to  her 
child.  She  understands  him  by 
walking  in  his  shoes,  and  in  so 
doing  she  guides  him  into  her  foot- 

A  little  girl  said  to  her  mother 
one  day,  "Eddie  has  a  funny 
mother."  The  admiration  in  her 
voice  belied  the  thought  that 
Eddie's  mother  was  strange.  It  said, 
"She's  fun;  she's  cheerful.  I  like  to 
be  with  her."  Laughter  should 
spring  easily  and  quickly  from  a 
mother.  There  is  a  lilt  to  a  great 
person.  Someone  rightly  said,  "A 
deep  person  has  a  light,  happy 
touch;  a  shallow  person  is  pom- 
pous." A  great  mother  never  cries 
over  spilt  milk.  Understanding  the 
humor  in  life  makes  living  enjoy- 

There  are  many  kinds  of  courage, 
but  one  of  the  greatest  and  the  most 
difficult  is  the  courage  of  a  mother 
to  say  "no"  to  her  child  when  the 
need  for  such  an  answer  arises.  This 
strong  "no"  can  mean  the  difference 
to  a  boy  or  a  girl  between  a  happy, 
successful  life  and  a  dismal,  sad 
failure.  It  takes  courage  for  a 
mother  to  say  "no"  when  all  the 
other  mothers  are  saying  "yes." 
With  this  "no,"  if  a  mother  is  truly 
great,  a  child  feels  understanding 
and  love.  It  is  a  talent  to  be  able  to 
say  "no"  and  keep  a  happy  climate 
in  a  home.  This  talent  can  be  devel- 
oped   if   a    mother    is    wise,    truly 

loves,  is  understanding,  has  a  light 
touch,  and  prays  constantly  to  her 
Heavenly  Father.  Living  will  be 
great  as  long  as  there  are  "great 
mothers"  and  grandmothers  in  this 

Some  Dishes  Mother  Made 
Over  and  Over  Again 

Walnut  Cookies 

%  cup  butter  or  margarine 
XU  teaspoon  salt 
2  cups  white   sugar 
1  cup  brown  sugar 
4  eggs,  well  beaten. 
3y2  cups  flour 
iy2  teaspoons  baking  powder 
1  teaspoon  vanilla 

1  cup  nuts,  finely  chopped 

Combine  the  butter,  salt,  and  sugars; 
cream  until  light.  Add  the  beaten  eggs; 
mix.  Sift  the  flour  and  baking  powder 
and  add.  Then  add  the  vanilla  and  the 
nuts.  DroD  by  teaspoons,  flatten,  and 
bake  at  375°   F.   until   light  brown. 

Old-Fashioned  Two-Egg 
Chiffon  Cake 

2  eggs,  separated 
iyz   cups  sugar 

2Vi   cups  sifted  cake  flour 

3  teaspoons  baking  powder 
1  teaspoon  salt 

y3   cup  salad  oil 

1  cup  milk 

2  teaspoons  vanilla 

Beat  the  egg  whites  until  frothy.  Grad- 
ually beat  in  V4  cup  sugar.  Beat  until 
stiff  and  glossy.  Sift  remaining  sugar, 
flour,  baking  powder,,  and  salt  into 
another  bowl.  Add  the  oil,  half  the 
milk,  and  the  vanilla.  Beat  one  minute 
at  medium  speed.  Scrape  sides  of  bowl 
constantly.  Add  the  remaining  milk  and 
beaten  egg  yolks.  Beat  1  more  minute. 
Fold  in  the  meringue.  Pour  into  a 
13x9x2-inch  pan.  Bake  about  40  min- 
utes at  350°  F. 

The  Best  Fudge  Cake 

2/3  cup  butter  or  margarine 
1%  cups  sugar 
2  eggs 

2  teaspoons  vanilla 
2   1-ounce  squares   unsweetened 
chocolate,  melted 
2y2   cups  sifted  cake  flour 
1V4   teaspoons  soda 

y2   teaspoon  salt 
114  cups  ice  water 

Cream  together  the  butter,  sugar,  eggs, 
and  vanilla  until  light  and  fluffy.  Blend 
in  the  cooled  chocolate.  Sift  together 
the  flour,  salt,  and  soda;  add  to  the 
creamed  mixture  alternately  with  the 
ice  water,  beating  well  after  each  addi- 
tion. Line  two  9-inch-layer  cake  pans 
with  wax  paper,  grease,  and  pour  in 
cake  mixture.  Bake  at  350  degrees  F. 
for  about  30  minutes  or  until  done.  Let 
cake  cool,  then  frost  with  chocolate 
frosting  and  trim  with  walnuts. 

Improvement  Era 

Chocolate  Frosting 



1 -ounce  squares  unsweetened  choc- 

tablespoons  hot  water 
cups  sifted  powdered  sugar 

cup  butter 
teaspoon  vanilla 

Melt  the  chocolate  in  bowl  over  hot 
water.  Remove  from  the  heat  and  blend 
in  sugar  and  water.  Beat  well  with 
electric  mixer.  Beat  in  egg,  butter  and 
vanilla.  Beat  at  top  speed  for  5  minutes. 

Pineapple  Pie 

1   package  lemon  fruit  gelatin 
ll/4   cups   hot   pineapple   juice   plus 

1   pint  vanilla  ice  cream 
1   can  (#2)  crushed   pineapple, 

1   baked  9-inch  pie  shell,  cooled 

Dissolve   the   gelatin    in   the    hot   pine- 

apple liquid.  Add  the  ice  cream  by 
spoonfuls;  stir  until  melted.  Chill  until 
thickened,  but  not  set.  Fold  in  1  cup 
drained  pineapple.  Turn  into  the  pie 
shell.  Chill  until  firm.  Garnish  with  the 
remaining  drained  pineapple  and  dol- 
lops of  whipped  cream. 

Cranberry  Sherbet 

(Serves  6) 

Mash  1  can  (1  pound)  whole-berry 
cranberry  sauce  and  stir  in  1  6-ounce 
can  thawed  concentrated  orange  juice. 
Stir  in  iy2  cups  water  and  2  table- 
spoons lemon  juice.  Pour  into  freezer 
tray  and  freeze  until  firm. 

Macaroon  Tortoni 

Whip  1  cup  heavy  cream  with  2  table- 
spoons sugar,  1  teaspoon  vanilla,  and 
%  teaspoon  almond  extract.  Fold  in 
y2  cup  soft  macaroon  crumbs.  Freeze 
mixture  until  firm.  Spoon  into  serving 
glasses.  Sprinkle  with  additional  maca- 
roon crumbs.  O 

llustrated  by  Phyllis  Luch 

Home,  Sweet  Home 

•  Fair  and  warmer,  unsettled,  sud- 
den cold,  rainy,  stormy,  high 
clouds,  windy,  thundershowers, 
and  clear.  These  are  all  weather 
predictions.  How  is  the  climate  in 
your  family?  Each  one  of  these 
weather  conditions  could  apply  to 
any  family  at  times. 

If  you  want  to  change  your  fam- 
ily climate,  work  on  enthusiasm.  If 
father's  feet  lag  toward  family 
evening,  so  will  everyone  else's. 
The  success  of  the  lesson,  the  ac- 
tivity, the  whole  idea  of  family 
togetherness  is  in  direct  proportion 
to  father's  and  mother's  enthusiasm. 

May   1967 


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Gloria  Chaston  (reg.  $2.95) 


Bruce  R.  McConkie  (reg.  $6.95)     postpaid 


Don  C.  Corbett  (reg.  $4.95)  postpaid 


Helen  B.  Andelin  (reg.  $5.50)  postpaid 

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Unforgettable  villages  of  Tahiti,  Fiji,  Sa- 
moa, Tonga,  Old  Hawaii  and  Maori  New 
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of  Bennett's  Finest  Semi- Gloss 


Rubber  Latex 
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SAVE  $$$!  A  free  quart  of 
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Offer  good  when 
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Offer  ends  May  31, 1967 

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Bennett's  CotonkenfBdnU 

The  Improvement  Era 

uses  your 

Zip  Code 
and  hopes  you  use 

yours,  too! 

Each  must  light  the  torch  and  carry 
it  high.  If  they  think  of  this  night 
as  something  special,  so  will  the 
children.  It  will  then  be  a  happy, 
enjoyable  time.  Children  react  to 
their  parent's  moods.  Enthusiastic 
expectation  should  begin  early  in 
the  day,  and  the  weather  report 
will  then  be  fair  and  warmer. 

There  should  be  no  clouds  of 
discontent,  such  as,  "Let's  get  this 
thing  over,"  or  "We'll  just  read  this 
lesson  aloud  with  no  time  for  dis- 
cussion and  finding  out  how  each 
member  feels  about  the  subject," 
or  "All  this  is  a  chore  to  be  lived 
through;  now  behave  and  the  time 
will  soon  be  over."  Enthusiasm  by 
each  child  and  by  each  parent  for 
the  idea  of  family  home  evening 
will  pay  big  dividends.  The  out- 
look for  the  future  will  be  clear 
and  much  warmer. 

Sunshine  Soda 

Put  one  scoop  of  vanilla  ice 
cream  and  one  scoop  of  orange 
sherbet  into  a  tall  glass.  Spoon  on 
2  teaspoons  orange  marmalade.  Fill 
to  the  top  with  ginger  ale  and  gar- 
nish with  whipped  cream  tinted  a 
pale  yellow  color.  Serve  with 
straws  and  a  long  spoon.  O 



Let  us  jump  over  the  mistakes  of 
others,  learn  from  them,  and  do  it 
right  the  first  time  ourselves. 

Why  chop  onions  the  hard,  cry- 
ing way?  All  you  need  to  do  is  put 
a  quarter  of  an  onion  and  one  or 
two  tablespoons  of  water  into  the 
blender  and  turn  on  the  switch. 

If  you  use  only  part  of  an  onion 
in  a  recipe,  there  is  no  need  to 
waste  the  rest.  Cut  the  section  of 
onion  fairly  coarse,  and  place  it  on 
a  square  of  foil;  wrap  it  drugstore 
style,  and  freeze.  F.B.P. 

Improvement  Era 

Richard  L.  Evans 

The  Spoken  Word 

Courtesy  and  Character 

Often  where  people  live  and  move  so  crowded,  so  closely,  of  utmost 
importance  are  courtesy  and  character.  "Manner[s]  [are]  not  so 
frivolous  or  unimportant  as  some  may  think,  .  .  ."  said  Samuel 
Smiles.  "A  manner  at  once  gracious  and  cordial  is  among  the  greatest 
aids  to  success,  and  many  .  .  .  fail  for  want  of  it;  .  .  .  rudeness  and 
gruff ness  bar  doors  and  shut  hearts.  ...  A  man's  manner,  to  a  certain 
extent,  indicates  his  character  ...  his  taste,  his  feelings,  and  his  temper. 
.  .  .  Artificial  rules  of  politeness  are  of  very  little  use.  What  passes  by 
the  name  of  'Etiquette'  is  often  of  the  essence  of  .  .  .  untruthfulness. 
It  consists  in  a  great  measure  of  posture-making,  and  is  easily  seen 
through.  .  .  .  but  the  natural  manner  .  .  .  signifies  a  great  deal.  .  .  .  Good 
manners  consist,  for  the  most  part,  in  courteousness  and  kindness.  .  .  . 
The  truest  politeness  comes  of  sincerity.  .  .  .  No  amount  of  polish  can 
dispense  with  truthfulness.  .  .  .  True  courtesy  is  kind.  It  .  .  .  contribute [s] 
to  the  happiness  of  others,  and  in  refraining  from  all  that  may  annoy 
them.  .  .  .  Want  of  respect  for  the  feelings  of  others  usually  originates 
in  selfishness,  .  .  .  want  of  sympathy  and  want  of  delicacy— a  want  of 
.  .  .  perception  and  [neglect  of]  attention  to  those  little  and  apparently 
trifling  things  [that  are  so  essential  in  courteous  and  kindly  living  of 
life].  .  .  .  Without  some  degree  of  self-restraint  in  society  a  man  may 
be  .  .  .  insufferable.  .  .  .  [And]  for  want  of  self-restraint  many  men 
are  .  .  .  rendering  success  impossible  by  their  own  cross-grained  un- 
gentleness;  while  others,  .  .  .  much  less  gifted,  make  their  way  and 
achieve  success  by  simple  patience,  .  .  .  and  self-control."1  True  courtesy 
and  true  kindness  and  thoughtfulness  are  increasingly  essential  to  the 
successful  living  of  life,  and  true  courtesy  never  comes  without  true 
character.  ".  .  .  good  manners  are  thoughts  filled  with  kindness  and 
refinement  and  then  translated  into  behavior."2 

*  "The  Spoken  Word"  from  Temple 
Square,  presented  over  KSL  and  the  Columbia  Broad- 
casting System  March  5,  1967.    Copyright  1967. 

Samuel  Smiles,  Character:  Manner—Art,  Ch.  9. 
2Author    unknown. 

Better  than  Sunlight 

Every  man  is  privileged  to 
believe  all  his  life  that  his  own 
mother  is  the  best  and  dearest 
that  a  child  ever  had.    By  some 
strange  instinct  of  taciturnity 
and  repression,   most  of  us  lack 
utterance  to  say  our  thoughts 

in  this  close  matter.   A  man's 
mother  is  so  tissued  and  woven 
into  his  life  and  brain  that  he 
can  no  more  describe  her  than 
describe  the  air  and  sunlight 
that  bless  his  day. — Christopher 
Morley,  Mince  Pie 

May  1967 

Step  ahead  with 
Summer  Study 

at  the 


of  UTAH 

June  26  th 
Aug  19  th.  1967 

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10  days  Hawaiian  Tour  —  $319.00 
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Wheat  is  the  heart  of  any  food  stor- 
age program,  keep  your  wheat  supply 
on  a  regular  turnover  basis  rather 
than  risk  spoilage.  Write  for  informa- 
tion about  high-protein,  cleaned 
wheat.  Make  your  food  storage  pro- 
gram a  practical  program. 


That  wheat  you  have  stored  in  your 
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The  All-Grain  Mill  is  a  modern  elec- 
tric refinement  of  the  old  fashioned, 
two-stone  flour  mill  that  preserves 
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vor with  exceptional  economy. 
Start  now  to  enjoy  top  flavor,  good 
health  and  economy.  Mills  available 
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one  year.  Easy  terms. 

For  full  information,  write:    " 


Dept.  E,      P.O.  Box  168 

Brigham  City,  Utah  84302 


P.O.  Box  115 

Tremonton,  Utah  84337 

Let's  make 
our  target 

"The  ERA 
v  in  every 


Richard  L.   Evans 

The  Spoken  Word 

The  Dotted  Line 

Signing  on  "the  dotted  line"  has  come  to  be  a  symbol  of  entering 
into  obligations  —  a  symbol  sometimes  of  getting  into  things  that 
are  not  easy  to  get  out  of.  Many  have  discovered  that  it  is  much 
easier  to  get  into  things  than  it  is  to  get  out  of  them.  Sometimes  we 
seem  to  set  our  hearts  on  opening  certain  doors,  on  entering  into  certain 
situations,  and  we  knock  and  pry  and  push  and  almost  insist  on  getting 
inside.  Then  we  may  find  that  being  inside  isn't  quite  what  we  thought 
it  was.  And  often  we  find  that  the  exits  aren't  so  easily  accessible.  This 
question  of  getting  into  what  is  hard  to  get  out  of  applies  to  many 
matters:  to  borrowing,  to  signing  notes,  to  contracts  of  many  kinds, 
to  joining  things,  to  accepting  things,  to  mortgages,  to  marriages.  It  is 
so  easy  to  sign,  so  easy  to  accept,  so  easy  to  say  "yes,"  so  easy  to  make 
commitments  —  and  so  hard  to  fulfill,  so  hard  to  pay  back,  so  long  to 
regret,  so  long  to  repent  —  so  easy  to  get  into  and  so  hard  to  get  out  of. 
Often  we  pursue  mirages.  We  follow  fashions;  we  cling  to  pride;  we 
stubbornly  set  ourselves,  and  make  commitments  and  shortsighted  de- 
cisions. But  before  we  do,  we  should  see  ourselves  on  the  paying  side 
as  well  as  on  the  receiving  side.  We  should  read  the  fine  print;  we 
should  take  a  long  look,  consider  consequences,  and  not  commit  ourselves 
to  any  course  that  would  impair  our  peace,  our  solvency,  our  self-respect, 
our  credit,  our  character,  our  conscience.  It  isn't  only  the  moment  that 
matters.  It  is  the  morning  after,  the  month  after,  the  year  after,  the 
long  years  ahead,  the  whole  of  life  —  and  everlasting  life.  We  must 
look  beyond  the  moment,  through  all  the  days  there  are,  to  the  day  the 
debt  is  due.  We  must  look  beyond  the  limits  of  time,  even  into  eternity, 
and  keep  ourselves  as  free  as  we  can  from  questionable  compromise, 
questionable  company,  questionable  commitments.  We  should  read  the 
fine  print,  take  a  long  look  at  life  (and  not  trust  the  moonlight  too  much), 
and  consider  all  commitments  carefully  in  the  clear  light  of  day,  and 
proceed  slowly  before  assenting,  before  signing. 

#  "The  Spoken  Word"  from  Temple 
Square,    presented  over   KSL  and  the  Columbia   Broad- 
casting System  March  12,  1967.    Copyright  1967. 

"But  How  Do 

The  teacher  asked  the  students 
to  draw  a  picture  of  that  which 
they  wanted  to  be  when  they  grew 
up.    They  went  to  work  dili- 
gently, some  drawing  pictures 
of  soldiers,  some  of  policemen, 
some  of  nurses.     All  worked  hard 
except  one  little  girl,  who  sat 

I  Draw  This?" 

quietly  holding  her  pad  and 
pencil  in  hand. 
"Don't  you  know  what 
you  want  to  be  when  you  grow 
up?"  asked  the  teacher.    "Yes, 
I  know,"  she  replied,  "but  I  don't 
know  how  to  draw  it.    I  want 
to  be  married." 

Improvement  Era 

Of*P*50»lOCT*W;B   WHWt  ||  OCTAVE  II  fUXIiiKE 

How  much  should  you  pay 
for  an  organ  with  these  stops? 

Pictured  are  the  stops  of  a  Great  Diapason 
Chorus,  Pedal  work  to  adequately  support  it, 
Flute  work  on  the  Swell,  and  Strings  on  the 

These  stops  alone  can  give  you  a  rich  vari- 
ety of  tonal  effects. 

But  they  are  just  part  of  the  tonal  make-up 
of  the  Baldwin  Model  6.  All  told,  the  organ 
has  35  stops.  In  addition  to  those  shown 
above  on  the  Great  there  are  Gedeckts  at  8' 
and  4'  pitches,  a  Dulciana,  Unda  Maris,  and 
a  Trumpet  and  Clarinet  at  8'.  To  supplement 
the  Pedals  shown  above,  there  is  a  16'  Sub 
Bass,  8'  Bourdon,  T  Block  Flute,  16'  Posaune, 

May   1967 



8'  Trumpet  and  4'  Schalmei.  And  the  addi- 
tional stops  on  the  Swell  are  8'  Diapason, 
Mixture  IV,  16'  Fagott,  8'  Trompette,  8'  Oboe 
and  4'  Clarion. 

Each  of  these  stops  is  tonally  independent. 
Each  is  programmed  through  various  chan- 
nels of  the  three-channel  amplification  sys- 
tem to  deliver  good  acoustical  results. 

All  right,  "How  much  should  you  pay?" 
We  think  our  price  for  the  Baldwin  Model  6 
in  the  area  of  $6500  is  remarkably  reasona- 
ble. If  you  think  so  too,  and  would  like  more 
information,  just  write  Baldwin,  Dept.IE  5-67, 
Cincinnati,  Ohio  45202. 


Janis  Hutchinson,  mother  of  three,  is  Gospel  Doctrine  teacher 
in  the  Wendover  (Utah)  Ward,  and  is  presently  finishing  her 
first  book  for  an  East  Coast  publisher. 

I  remember  that  I  took  off  my  shoes  and  socks,    rolled  up 
my  slacks,  and  stepped  in.  I  can  still  remember  how  good  that  mud  felt. 

Mommy  Likes  Mud  Too! 

By  Janis  P.  Hutchinson 

•  The  back  door  opened  quietly.  Then  a  voice  called, 
"Mommy,  promise  fyou  won't  get  mad?" 

I  sighed  to  myself.  "What  now?  I'll  try  not  to," 
I  replied. 

Bobby's  head  peered  around  the  corner  apprehen- 
sively.   "Let's  see  the  rest  of  you,"  I  gasped. 

As  he  inched  himself  around  the  corner  of  the  door- 
way, I  screamed  inside.  Bobby  was  (as  usual)  cov- 
ered with  mud.  I  pictured  my  nice  clean  bathroom 
and  the  inevitable  job  of  cleaning  up  after  Bobby. 
But,  instead,  I  managed  to  say,  "Hi,  there.  Looks  like 
you're  really  having  some  fun." 

The  expression  on  Bobby's  face  changed.  "It's  okay, 

"Sure.  Just  be  sure  to  clean  up  the  basin  after  you 
get  through."  I  smiled  reassuringly,  then  sighed.  I 
heard  the  basin  fill  up  and  visualized  the  muddy  foot- 
marks that  would  be  all  along  the  top  edge  of  the 
tub,  where  he  would  have  to  stand;  the  muddy  ring; 
the  gooeyed-up  soap;  the  muddy  drips  that  would  run 
from  his  hands  down  his  elbows  and  onto  the  floor 
(which,  of  course,  he  would  then  step  in);  the  dirty 
towel.  .  .  . 

Bobby   reappeared   in   the   doorway.    "Hey,   Mom, 


Improvement  Era 

come  on  out  and  see  what  we're  making!" 

Out  we  went,  to  the  yard,  where  his  sister  Patty  was 
playing.  Observing  the  tall  dirt  mountain,  neatly 
shaped  roads,  secret  tunnels,  and  one  huge  lake  in 
the  middle— full  of  mud— I  said,  "Boy,  Bobby,  that's 
really  swell!" 

Bobby  plunged  into  the  dirt  again  and  asked,  "You 
wanna  play  cars  with  us?  Look  how  neat  they  go 
through  these  tunnels." 

Patty,  looking  quite  disgusted,  turned  to  Bobby  and 
said,  "Honestly,  Bobby,  don't  you  know  anything? 
Mommies  don't  play  in  dirt.     They  don't  like  it!" 

"Well,"  I  said,  smiling,  "mommies  don't  usually  play 
in  the  dirt,  but  I  can  remember  how  good  all  that 
mud  feels."  They  looked  at  me  as  if  they  hadn't 
heard  right.  "Yes,"  I  continued,  "I  remember  the  time 
when  I  got  a  great  big  bucket  and  filled  it  with  the 
nicest,  gooey  est  mud  you  ever  did  see.  Then  I  took 
off  my  shoes  and  stockings,  rolled  up  my  slacks,  and 
stepped  in.  I  can  still  feel  how  good  that  mud  felt 
oozing  up  between  my  toes.  Then  I  washed  my  hands 
and  arms  in  it." 

"You  mean  you  really  like  mud?  Golly."  Patty 
looked  at  Bobby  with  an  I-guess-mommies-aren't-so- 
bad-after-all  look. 

Later,  on  one  occasion  when  the  oldest  boy,  Gordon, 
accused  me  of  not  knowing  exactly  how  he  felt  about 
something,  Patty  interrupted  with  "Oh,  yes,  she  does. 
Remember,  she  likes  mud!" 

Strangely  enough,  this  was  the  beginning  of  real 
communication  and  understanding  between  us. 

I  found  other  occasions  to  gain  the  children's  con- 
fidence by  letting  them  know  that  I  understood  exactly 
how  they  felt. 

"Mom,  I  can't  swallow  this  asparagus  ...  it  just 
won't  go  down.  It's  nasty!"  Then,  "I  just  can't!  I'll 
never  like  it!" 

I  felt  like  saying,  "It's  good  for  you— full  of  vita- 
mins. You're  just  acting  silly,  and  it's  all  in  your 
mind!"  But  instead  I  managed  a  sympathetic  look. 
"Yes,  I  can  remember  when  I  thought  my  mother  was 
the  worst  monster  in  the  world  to  make  me  eat  my 
asparagus.  And  I  always  used  to  sit  and  pick  all  the 
bits  of  onions  out  of  the  dishes  she'd  fix,  just  as  you 
do.  I  know  children  don't  like  certain  foods,  but 
when  you  grow  up  you'll  like  them." 

At  the  next  dinner,  I  had  to  smile  as  Patty,  shud- 
dering as  she  did,  put  a  forkful  of  meat  loaf  (with 
onion)   into  her  mouth. 

"Ugh  .  .  .  but  I'll  like  them  when  I  grow  up." 

What  does  all  this  have  to  do  with  communication? 
The  main  complaint  of  older  children  when  they 
won't  go  to  their  parents  is,  "They  don't  know  how  I 

really  feel.  They  just  won't  understand.  Nothing  I 
say  or  do  is  important." 

Achieving  communication  is  the  big  factor  in  de- 
veloping happy  family  relationships.  I  want  to  help 
my  children  and  have  them  feel  free  to  come  and 
talk  with  me.  But  at  times  I've  been  guilty  of  giving 
the  impression  that  I'm  too  busy  to  be  bothered  with 
listening  to  them.  I  have  the  deepest  love  for  my 
children,  as  I'm  sure  all  parents  have.  I'd  give  my 
life  for  them.  But  I  wisely  decided  that  instead  of 
my  life,  how  about  15  minutes  regularly? 

Bobby  was  so  excited  about  his  birthday  party.  He 
had  opened  all  his  presents  but  one.  This  was  an 
envelope  that  he  knew  was  from  me.  When  he  opened 
it,  it  read,  "Dear  Bobby:  Starting  tomorrow,  my  pres- 
ent to  you  is  15  minutes  a  day.  This  will  be  your 
special  time.  I'll  do  anything  you  want  to  do  .  .  . 
even  get  down  on  the  floor  and  play  cars.  Love, 

"You  mean  it?"  he  exclaimed  excitedly.  But  then  a 
little  apprehensively,  "What  if  someone  calls  and  wants 
you  to  do  something?" 

"Then,"  I  replied,  "they'll  just  have  to  wait.  Nothing 
is  going  to  interfere  with  your  special  time." 

Another  time,  Bobby  wasn't  feeling  well  and  was 
lying  on  the  couch. 

"Mommy?"  he  called. 

"What  do  you  want  this  time?  Do  you  want  some- 

"No.  .  .  .  Mommy?" 

"What  on  earth  do  you  want  me  for?" 

"I  just  want  you,"  Bobby  answered. 

At  this  point  I  melted  somewhat  and  said,  "Do  you 
want  me  to  hold  you,  Bobby?" 

Nodding  his  head,  he  snuggled  into  my  lap.  After 
five  minutes  of  just  sitting,  I  began  to  think  of  the 
cake  I  wanted  to  get  into  the  oven,  of  the  floor  I 
wanted  to  get  waxed  before  the  other  children  came 
swarming  home  from  school. 

"I  love  you,  Bobby,"  I  said,  giving  him  an  extra 

"Me  too,  Mommy." 

Ten  minutes  went  by. 

"Mommy,"  he  began,  very  seriously,  "I  love  you  as 
much  ...  as  much  as  .  .  ."—his  brows  knitted  together 
— ".  .  .  as  much  as  all  the  mountains  in  the  whole  world 
stuck  together." 

I  chuckled  to  myself,  "Who  cares  about  the  floors!" 

Sometimes  I  have  thought  that  I  spend  a  great  deal 
of  time  with  my  children  because  I  have  them  around 
me  all  day.  But  it  isn't  the  right  kind  of  time.  Emo- 
tionally, the  children  don't  need  me  to  iron  their 
clothes;  they  need  me  to  spend  that  special  time  that 

May  1967 


shows  them  that  I  love  them,  not  their  clothes. 

Eight-year-old  Patty  once  said,  "You  know,  I  think 
I'd  miss  you  if  I  were  killed.    Know  why?" 

"Why?"  I  asked,  surprised. 

"Well,  I'd  miss  my  warm  bed,  and  you  to  snuggle 

I  observed  that  she  didn't  say,  "I'd  miss  all  the  ways 
you  love  me  by  sewing  on  buttons,  washing  my  clothes, 
cleaning  my  bedroom."  But  she  would  miss  the  spe- 
cial time  of  direct  physical  nearness— not  the  time  spent 
in  correcting  or  teaching,  but  in  just  being  loved. 

Preparing  the  family  night  lesson  on  repentance,  I 
came  to  the  part  where  the  parent  is  supposed  to  im- 
press upon  the  child  that  whenever  he  or  she  has  any 
problems,  the  child  should  feel  free  to  come  and  seek 
advice  and  help  from  the  parent.  With  all  the  hustle 
and  bustle  during  the  day,  where  was  the  opportunity 
that  I  could  provide  for  this?  Taking  three  clothes- 
pins, I  colored  on  each  one  the1  name  of  a  child. 

"Now,"  I  explained  to  the  children,  "whenever  you 
have  a  problem— or  perhaps  it  may  not  be  a  problem, 
but  just  something  you  want  to  talk  about— come  and 
get  your  clothespin  from  the  flower  dish  on  the  piano 
and  quietly  clip  it  to  the  door  handle  of  the  freezer. 
When  I  see  it,  I  won't  say  anything;  but  after  you  are 
all  tucked  in  at  night,  that  person  and  I  will  get  to- 
gether, without  any  interference  from  the  others,  and 
talk  about  his  problem." 

This  worked  out  very  well,  especially  as  I  realized 
that  bedtime  seemed  to  be  a  different  time.  It  was 
a  time  when  the  cockiness  and  pretending  dissolved, 
and  the  children's  true  feelings  would  come  to  the 

One  time  Patty  leaned  over  to  me  as  she  was  going 
out  the  door  to  school  and  whispered,  "Look  on  the 
freezer!"     Then,  giggling,  she  left. 

That  night  Patty  told  me  her  problem.  We  talked  a 
long  time  and  worked  out  a  solution. 

As  we  said  goodnight  Patty  hesitated  for  a  moment. 
"You  know  something?  That  clothespin  sure  makes 
things  easier."  Then  happily  she  hopped  off  to  bed 
with,  "I  love  you,  Mommy!" 

Another  example  of  frustrating  the  older  child  is 
by  not  letting  him  be  himself. 

"Ma!"  Gordon  dashed  in  wildly.  "I'm  in  the  school 
play!    It's  about  this  here  guy  .  .  ." 

"This  boy,"  I  said  gently. 

"Well,  this  boy  moves  in  with  this  uncle,  and  he 
don't  know  .  .  ." 

"Doesn't  know  .  .  ." 

"He  doesn't  know  that  his  uncle  is  the  real  murderer. 
And  he  finally  finds  out  from  snooping  around,  but 
he  don't  know  what  .  .  ." 

"Doesn't  know,  Gordon." 

"Doesn't  know  what,  Ma?"  Gordon  looked  puzzled. 

"You  were  saying  ..."   I  said. 

Slowing  down,  with  a  somewhat  less  excited  expres- 
sion on  his  face,  Gordon  continued,  "Oh,  yeah.  He 
don't  know  what  to  do  'cause  his  uncle's  been  good 
to  him,  and  yet  he  seen  him  do  .  .  ." 

"He  saw  him,"  I  said,  patiently  suffering. 

Gordon  sighed  and  shoved  his  hands  into  his  pockets. 
"Oh,  never  mind,  Ma." 

"But  Gordon,  I'm  interested,"  I  said,  looking  sur- 
prised at  his  sudden  change. 

"Oh,  it's  really  not  too  exciting  anyway.  It's  just 
sorta  a  dumb  story,  I  guess."  With  a  frustrated  shrug, 
he  sauntered  off  outside. 

It  goes  without  saying  that  raising  children  takes  a 
huge  amount  of  patience.  Children  react  angrily, 
and  we  as  parents  tend  to  do  the  same.  Irritations  of 
the  day  can  make  our  tempers  rise  sharply. 

Whatever  success  I  have  achieved  in  my  relation- 
ships with  my  children  is  based,  I'm  certain,  on  my 
letting  them  know  that  I  know  how  they  feel;  giving 
them  sufficient  time  and  attention  to  assure  them  that 
their  personal  hopes,  dreams,  and  problems  are  most 
important  to  me;  and  making  certain  they  have  ample 
opportunity  to  express  themselves.  This  approach  has 
worked  for  us,  and  for  this  reason  I  pass  it  along  for 
the  consideration  of  other  parents.  O 

By  Naomi  Stevens  Smith 

On  trembling  wings  you  lift  your  body  high 
And  waft  it  effortlessly  into  flight. 
One  moment  you  are  poised  against  the  sky, 
Then  gone  beyond  the  limits  of  my  sight. 

Not  lost,  that  I  should  grieve  or  will  you  here 
To  match  the  pace  my  clumsy  feet  must  move. 
Not  changed,  that  I  should  spend  myself  in  fear, 
Nor  ever  moved  beyond  the  reach  of  love. 


Improvement  Era 

To  Kathy 
By   Maureen  Cannon 

How  vulnerable.  ....   For  all  your  Alone,  and  very  brave.     All  that 

shoulders  squared,  you're  feeling 

Your    careful    public    face,    your  Is  my  pain,  too.   But  we've  a  mu- 

smile  revealing  tual  task: 

No  private  thought  at  all,  I  see  you  I  will  not  offer  help.  You  will  not 

scared,  ask. 


Richard  L.  Evans 

The  Spoken  Word 

Uninvited  Events 

No  man  ever  lived  his  life  exactly  as  he  planned  it.  There  are  things 
all  of  us  want  that  we  don't  get.  There  are  plans  all  of  us  make 
that  never  move  beyond  the  hopes  in  our  hearts.  There  are 
reverses  that  upset  our  fondest  dreams.  Unforeseen  events  are  always 
in  the  offing.  Countless  people  who  have  had  their  careers  carefully 
planned  have  seen  them  swept  aside  by  a  single  sudden  circumstance. 
Accidents,  ill  health,  misfortune  in  money  matters,  the  loss  of  loved  ones, 
the  faithlessness  of  friends,  the  tragedies  of  a  troubled  world,  the  missing 
of  time  and  tide,  and  many  other  untoward  events  can,  in  a  moment, 
take  from  any  of  us  the  plans  and  pleasures  and  purposes  we  have  long 
pursued.  And  when  events  take  a  turn  we  haven't  anticipated  and  upset 
our  plans  and  purposes,  we  sometimes  give  way  to  hopelessness  or  to 
fatalistic  fear  or  to  bitter  rebellion— rebellion  against  life,  rebellion 
against  our  inability  to  control  it  according  to  our  own  ideas.  And  often 
we  rail  against  facts  that  cannot  be  refuted,  and  bruise  our  heads  and  our 
hearts  in  fighting  irrevocable  realities.  But  when  some  unlooked-for 
accident  or  some  uninvited  event  does  enter  in,  there  is  no  peace 
or  purpose  in  letting  rebellion  rankle  within  us.  There  are  many  things 
in  life  beyond  the  present  power  of  anyone  to  alter  or  to  answer  or  to 
understand.  And  what  we  cannot  understand  we  shall  have  to  accept 
on  faith— until  we  do  understand.  In  any  case,  rebellion  isn't  the  answer. 
But  neither  is  hopeless  resignation.  Resignation  may  retreat  too  far. 
But  somewhere  between  bitter  rebellion  and  beaten  resignation  there 
is  an  effective  fighting  ground  where  a  man  can  make  the  most  of 
whatever  is,  where  he  can  still  face  each  day  and  do  with  it  whatever 
can  be  done.  And  when  life  rides  roughly  over  our  best  laid  plans,  the 
way  to  personal  peace,  to  faith  and  effectiveness,  to  accomplishment  and 
reconciliation  is  to  change  what  should  be  changed,  if  we  can,  and  to 
make  the  most  of  whatever  is,  when  we  can't  for  the  moment  change 
the  facts  we  face. 

*"The  Spoken  Word"  from  Templey 
Square,   presented   over  KSL  and  the  Columbia   Broad- 
casting System  February  26,  1967.    Copyright  1967. 

May  1967 

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Warner  Bros. 

Up  the  Down  Staircase  features  Sandy  Dennis  as  an  idealistic  public  school  teacher. 

Best  of  Movies 

By  Howard  Pearson 


•  Up  the  Down  Staircase,  based  on 
a  best-selling  book  by  Bel  Kaufman, 
spotlights  the  behavior  of  some 
students  and  educators  in  schools 
in  certain  underprivileged  areas  in 
America  today. 

It  does  this  by  concentrating  on 
one  young,  idealistic  teacher  who 
confronts  the  realities  of  her  first 
assignment.  The  characters  pre- 
sented in  this  powerful  and  honest 
portrayal  are  typical  of  those  to  be 
found  in  many  schools  today.  Some 
of  them  make  the  headlines  with 
their  defiant  behavior;  some  are 
pompous,  pushy  types— even  their 
fellow  students  see  through  them; 
others  just  want  to  learn. 

There  aren't  enough  of  the  latter 
type  of  students  to  counterbalance 
the  bad,  but  that  would  negate  the 
purpose  of  the  story.  Even  the 
school  administrators  have  their 
problems,  because  theirs  is  a  poor 
school  in  a  poor  district  with  poor 
students.  But  without  flamboy- 
ancy,  without  preaching,  the  light 
of  the  idealistic  teacher  shines 
through.  Her  problems  and  those 
of  her  colleagues  are  •  presented  in 
straightforward  fashion. 

Near  the  film's  end  she  stages  a 
mock  trial  from  a  classical  story. 

A  boy  who  has  been  in  and  out  of 
courts,  who  has  been  considered 
a  bad  student,  comes  through  with 
flying  colors.  He  discovers  who 
he  is  after  searching  for  his  iden- 
tity, and  in  his  triumph  the  young 
teacher  finds  her  own  identity.  The 
film  could  furnish  a  vehicle  for 
many  discussions  with  worthwhile 
aims.  Broadway  star  Sandy  Dennis 
leads  the  splendid  New  York  cast, 
which  includes  some  young  peo- 
ple who  have  never  before  acted. 

Latter-day  Saints  with  a  sports 
bent  should  find  interest  in  Goal, 
a  beautifully  photographed  account 
of  the  world  soccer  finals  held  in 
England  last  summer.  The  long 
playoffs,  the  games  leading  to  the 
finals,  and  the  championship  com- 
petition between  England  and 
West  Germany  make  a  thrilling 
movie  experience.  Interesting  shots 
of  the  crowds  and  music  by  the 
Royal  Grenadiers  supply  worthy 
side  effects  in  a  picture  suitable 
for  the  whole  family. 

Three  Walt  Disney  movies  that 
offer  enjoyable  fare  for  all  family 
members  will  be  playing  at  theaters 
and  drive-ins  through  the  summer. 
Included  are  Folloio  Me,  Boys,  the 
heart-warming    story    of    Scouting 

Improvement  Era 

that  won  the  Family  Movie  of  the 
Year  award;  Bullwhip  Griffin,  a 
spoof  on  westerns  of  the  gold-rush 
period;  and  Monkeys,  Go  Home, 
a  delightful  comedy  about  monkeys 
that  pick  olives. 

A  Man  for  All  Seasons,  the 
splendid  picturization  of  the  Broad- 
way play  about  the  clash  between 
Henry  VIII  and  Sir  Thomas  More 
because  of  the  latter's  refusal  to 
compromise  his  conscience,  also 
continues  as  one  of  the  finest  pic- 
tures of  the  season. 

In  the  category  of  adventure 
pictures,  older  members  of  the 
family  should  enjoy  Grand  Prix, 
which  concentrates  on  auto  racing 
on  the  tracks  of  Europe,  but  one 
or  two  scenes  make  this  film  un- 
suitable for  the  young.  Funeral 
in  Berlin  is  a  secret  agent  story 
with  many  suspenseful  moments 
and,  since  it  was  filmed  along  the 
Berlin  wall,  the  added  feature  of 
an  educational  angle. 

The  Mikado,  new  film  version  of 
the  Gilbert  and  Sullivan  operetta, 
filmed  during  an  actual  perfor- 
mance of  the  operetta  in  a  London 
theater,  is  being  released  to  some 
theaters  on  a  reserved-seat  basis. 
Also  in  the  classical  category  are 
Romeo  and  Juliet,  featuring  the 
London  Ballet,  and  Bolshoi  Ballet 
of  1967,  which  is  just  going  into 
general  release  in  a  few  selected 
theaters,  and  which  turns  the  spot- 
light on  the  Bolshoi  and  its  won- 
derful dancers  and  music. 

For  the  very  young,  there  are 
not  many  films.  Two  stand  out: 
Brighty  of  the  Grand  Canyon,  story 
of  a  freedom-loving  burro  who 
lived  in  the  canyon  50  years  ago 
and  became  part  of  canyon  history, 
and  Do  You  Keep  a  Lion  at  Home? 
in  which  two  little  brothers  have  a 
fantastic  adventure  with  talking 
animals,  playful  lions,  non-frighten- 
ing ghosts,  and  a  magic  fountain. O 

Motion  pictures  reviewed  on  this  page  are 
neither  approved  nor  recommended  by  the 
Church  or  the  Era.  They  are,  however,  in 
the  judgment  of  the  reviewer,  among  the 
least    objectionable    of    the    current    films. 

May  1967 



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The  Church 
A/loves  On 

February  1967 

New  stake  presidencies  sus- 
tained: Julian  C.  Lowe,  presi- 
dent, and  Byron  F.  Dixon  and  Ira 
L.  Somers,  counselors,  Potomac 
Stake;  Derek  J.  Plumbley,  presi- 
dent, and  Archibald  M.  McCormack 
and  John  H.  Weightman,  counse- 
lors, Manchester  (England)  Stake. 

The  80-team  all-Church  bas- 
ketball tournament  began  this 
afternoon  in  eight  Salt  Lake  City 
gymnasiums,  with  three  divisions: 
junior,  senior,  and  college. 

Van  Nuys  First  Ward  won 
the  all-Church  senior  division 
basketball  tournament  by  defeat- 
ing fellow  Californians,  Mar  Vista, 
89-87.  Holladay  Third  won  the 
consolation  from  Spanish  Fork  13th, 
80-59.  Pleasant  Grove  Third  placed 
third,  defeating  Clearfield  Second, 
56-52.  Corvallis  won  the  senior 
sportsmanship  trophy. 

Centerville  Third  won  the  junior 
division,  defeating  Garden  Park, 
51-42.  West  Hills  defeated  Moun- 
tain View  45-51  for  the  consolation, 
while  Holladay  24th  won  over 
Yoomeenchoopeetes  68-61  for  third 
place.  The  Yoomeenchoopeetes 
team,  from  a  Navajo  Indian  branch 
in  Sevier  Stake,  won  the  junior 
division  sportsmanship   trophy. 

BYU  47th  won  the  college  divi- 
sion over  their  nearby  campus 
rivals,  BYU  43rd,  43-32.  Utah 
State  University  Sixth  took  the  con- 
solation from  Idaho  State  Univer- 
sity Third,  56-52.  Oregon  took 
third  by  defeating  Utah  Third, 

Improvement  Era 

The  appointment  of  Samuel 
L.  Holmes,  Lafayette,  Cali- 
fornia, to  the  general  board  of  the 
Deseret  Sunday  School  Union  was 

March  1967 

The  First  Presidency  an- 
nounced the  appointment  of 
Howard  C.  Badger  of  Salt  Lake 
City  to  preside  in  the  South  African 
Mission,  succeeding  President  J. 
Golden  Snow. 

The  appointment  of  Frank  W. 
Gay,  Encino,  California,  to  the 
Deseret  Sunday  School  Union  gen- 
eral board  was  announced. 

The  First  Presidency  issued  a 
statement  endorsing  the  current 
fund  drive  of  the  American  Red 

New  stake  presidency:  Butler 
(Salt  Lake  County)  Stake, 
President  William  James  Mortimer 
and  counselors,  Don  H.  Brighton 
and  Alvin  D.  Nydegger. 

The     First     Presidency     an- 
nounced the  appointment  of 

William  N.  Jones  of  Salt  Lake  City 

as  a  mission  president. 

New  stake  presidency:  Wich- 
ita (Kansas)  Stake,  President 
John  K.  Lawson  and  counselors, 
Gerald  P.  Langton  and  Phil  R. 

Relief  Societies  throughout 
the  Church  were  celebrating 
this  month  the  125th  anniversary 
of  the  founding  of  the  organization 
at  Nauvoo,  Illinois,  on  March  17, 

The  Salt  Lake  Tabernacle 
Choir  sang  before  a  capacity 
audience  in  the  Arizona  Veterans 
Memorial  Coliseum  at  Phoenix, 
under  the  sponsorship  of  the  ten 
stakes  of  the  Phoenix  area.  O 

May  1967 

for  accurate  news  coverage 



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Let's  make 
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The  ERA 

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Portraits  of  Joseph  Smith? 

I  am  very  interested  in  your  article 
on  Joseph  Smith  (December)  and 
would  like  to  note  that  my  mother, 
Margaret  Ann  Hill  White,  lived  with 
her  family  in  Nauvoo  and  experienced 
the  hardships  of  the  Saints.  Her 
father  served  as  bodyguard  for  the 
Prophet  Joseph.  My  mother  distinctly 
remembered  seeking  the  lifeless  bodies 
of  the  Prophet  and  Hyrum  when  they 
were  taken  from  Carthage. 

A  friend  of  our  mother's  family,  a 
Brother  Cahoon,  had  in  his  possession 
a  tintype  of  Joseph  and  Hyrum,  identi- 
cal to  picture  "D"  on  page  1076.  He 
had  six  pictures  taken  from  this  tin- 
type and  gave  my  mother  one  of  them, 
which  I  remember  well.  I  can  testify 
that  the  picture  in  the  Era  is  a  true 
copy  of  the  picture  my  mother  had, 
and  we  all  knew  it  was  the  Prophet 
Joseph  Smith. 

Maude    White    Whitehead 

(92  years  old) 

Santa    Monica,    California 

Home  Evening 

My  roommates  and  I  here  at  Ricks 
College  enjoyed  the  articles  on  home 
evening  (January)  and  would  like  to 
read  suggestions  for  conducting  a 
home  evening  in  a  student  apartment. 
Our  favorite  section,  by  the  way,  is" 
the  "Era  of  Youth." 

Linda  Anne  McBride 
Rexburg,  Idaho 

The  New  Format 

Just  can't  say  enough  good  about  the 
new  format  as  we  continue  to  become 
more  and  more  acquainted  with  it  each 
succeeding  issue.  Also,  the  illustra- 
tions of  Trevor  Southey  have  a 
warmth  to  them  that  is  memorable. 
Philip  Bellon 
Provo,  Utah 

More  than  ever  we've  noticed  the 
changes  in  the  Era,  the  new  art  work, 
and  the  very  pertinent  articles  di- 
rected at  the  problems  of  this  day.  As 
a  family — thanks! 

Brady  Family 
Phoenix,  Arizona 

Of  all  the  new  ideas,  the  one  that 
gives  me  the  most  pleasure  is  placing 
the  articles  to  follow  from  page  to 
page  instead  of  having  to  turn  to  the 
back  of  the  magazine  to  finish  read- 
ing the  article. 

Irene  Middleton 
Trona,  California 

What  a  marvelous  experience  to  turn 
off  TV  and  curl  up  with  really  good 

Mrs.   Gail  Bartholomew 
Coalinga,  California 

"The  Uncertain  Promise" 

The  quality  of  the  Era  fiction  is  really 
improving!  I  enjoyed  "The  Uncertain 
Promise,"  and  it  reinforced  my  think- 
ing on  temple  marriage.  Congratula- 
tions on  the  continued  changes  being 
made  and  especially  for  running  all 
of  an  article  together  without  con- 
tinuing it  to  the  back  of  the  magazine. 

LaDene  Sweat 

Weber  State  College,  Utah 
Changes  of  Address 

Please  accept  my  thanks  for  the  most 
prompt  attention  to  an  address  change 
I  have  ever  seen.  I  transferred  from 
one  Air  Force  base  to  another  in  the 
first  week  of  January  and  several  days 
later  forwarded  my  new  address,  but 
I  did  not  expect  to  receive  my  January 
Era  at  my  new  address  just  two  weeks 
later.  I  know  of  no  magazine  or  pub- 
lication that  extends  such  quick 

Daniel  Dreher 

Holloman  AFB,  New  Mexico 

Great  Scott!    Two  of  them! 

To  give  credit  to  a  fine  scout,  Robert 
F.  Peterson  of  Owyhee  Ward,  Nyssa 
Stake,  we  note  the  error  in  the  Febru- 
ary "Era  of  Youth"  in  which  he  is 
identified  with  Mesa  Stake. 

Ross  E.  Butler,  scoutmaster 

Ontario,  Oregon 

As  I  was  reading  I  checked  the  refer- 
ence to  the  Journal  of  Discourses,  Vol. 
1,  p.  73,  in  Elder  Gordon  B.  Hinckley's 
talk  (December).  I  found  the  refer- 
ence should  be  JD,  Vol.  1,  p.  133. 

Dan  Bachman 
Orem,  Utah 

Nonmembers  Write 

My  gratitude  for  such  an  inspiring 
and  comforting  magazine!  I  am  an 
investigator  of  your  Church  and  look 
forward  monthly  to  the  Era. 

Mrs.  B.  Jameson 
Sydney,  Australia 

I  am  writing  to  tell  you  what  wonder- 
ful work  your  Mormon  elders  are  do- 
ing here  in  New  Zealand.  I  have  often 
heard  "by  their  fruits  ye  shall  know 
them,"  but  never  before  did  I  realize 

Improvement  Era 

how  true  it  is.  Though  not  a  member 
of  your  Church  at  present,  I  respect 
your  missionaries. 

Glenis  Clark 

Gisborne,  New  Zealand 

I  have  received  a  copy  of  the  December 
issue  and  find  it  very  interesting.  I 
have  enjoyed  watching  your  [general 
conference]  TV  presentations  from 
Salt  Lake  City. 

Maurice  J.  Pollard 
Dover,  New  Hampshire 

No  Need  for  Panic 

One  article  I  look  forward  to  each 
month  is  "These  Times" -by  Dr.  G. 
Homer  Durham.  When  I  saw  the  new 
January  issue  I  looked  for  his  article 
and  almost  panicked,  but  thank  good- 
ness it  was  there.  I  use  these  articles 
often  to  relate  lessons  to  "these  times" 
in  our  times. 

Mrs.  Victor  Merrell 
Moses   Lake,   Washington 

Sometime  ago  I  read  where  you  will 
accept  contributions  for  "End  of  an 
Era."  I  sent  several  items  to  you 
but  they  have  not  been  returned  to 
me  and  I  have  not  heard  if  they  were 
accepted.  Could  you  please  tell  me 
what  has  happened  to  them? 

Jerald  Palmer 
Phoenix,  Arizona 

For  "End  of  an  Era"  we  do  welcome 
original  contributions  of  appealing  or 
humorous  sidelights  on  Latter-day 
Saints  and  the  Mormon  way  of  life. 
We  do  not  accept  jokes,  quotations,  or 
epigrams  of  general  interest.  Contri- 
butions that  are  accepted  arc  paid 
$3.00  within  six  weeks.  Others  will  be 
returned  only  if  accompanied  by 
a  stamped,  self -addressed  envelope. 

Turkish  Conference 

Era  readers  throughout  the  world 
might  be  interested  to  know  that  we 
held  a  district  conference  here  in 
Samsun,  Turkey,  on  January  8,  under 
the  direction  of  the  East  Mediter- 
ranean District  presidency.  It  was 
here  in  Northern  Turkey  that  the 
Nicean  Creed  was  formulated  in  325 

Sgt.  Kenneth  G.  Colyar,  USAF 

Samsun,  Turkey 

May  1967 

mUrt ,  3ttpr4ay  Saints: 
The  Lattery  ndToday 

C      The  Mormons 



Robert  Mull^ 




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This  is  the  kind  of  book  both  Mormons  and 
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past  and  reports  and  interprets  present 
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able church.  Mr.  Robert  Mullen,  a  former 
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tiful style  makes  it  a  literary  work  of  art. 

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extremely  interested  in  this  well-written 
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of  questions." 

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religious  movement." 

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99  N.  Main  ■    ■  °  Smithfield,  Utah 


These  Times 

By  Dr.  G.  Homer  Durham 

President,   Arizona   State   University 

Education  and 

religion  ivill  provide 

answers  to  the  problems 

of  shrinking 


International  Law: 
Prospects  and  Developments 

#  A  characteristic  of  this  generation 
of  Americans,  not  greatly  noted,  is 
the  absence  of  spirited  discussion 
about  the  prospects  and  the  need 
for  the  development  of  interna- 
tional law. 

This  may  be  due  to  other  prob- 
lems: our  own  nationalism,  pre- 
occupation with  civil  rights,  and 
other  internal  developments. 

However,  it  is  also  possible  that 
there  has  been  more  substantial  de- 
velopment of  international  law  in 
the  past  twenty  years  than  in  the 
preceding  generations  combined. 
There  has  been  a  ground  swell  of 
the  ingredients  that  constitute  ef- 
fective elements  of  an  international 
legal  system.  Thus  there  may  have 
been  less  talk  about  international 
law,  per  se,  but  more  development 
of  it  in  fact. 

Prior  to  1850,  international  law 
consisted  largely  of  the  influences 
of  custom,  religion,  and  adjudica- 
tion by  each  nation  of  its  own 
rights  and  interests.  There  were 
some  treaties,  some  primitive  diplo- 
matic machinery,  and,  of  course, 
talk  and  scientifc  discussion.  The 
ingredients  that  make  for  law  in 
the  fuller  sense— legislative,  admin- 
istrative, and  judicial—were  largely 
missing.  Such  organs  began  to 
emerge  about  1850,  in  the  inter- 
national sense.  The  Universal 
Postal  Union  and  the  International 

Bureau  of  Weights  and  Measures 
are  examples. 

The  development  of  many  such 
organs  in  the  last  twenty  years  has 
almost  escaped  attention.  The  list 
is  large.  It  includes  the  Inter- 
national Monetary  Fund,  the 
International  Telecommunications 
Union,  the  International  Atomic 
Energy  Agency,  International  Seed 
Testing  Association,  and  so  on. 
These  organs  embody  and  serve  the 
needs  of  fundamental  economic  and 
social  interests  nurtured  by  the 
scientific  and  technological  revolu- 
tions. Notable  examples  are  the 
International  Civil  Aviation  Orga- 
nization and  the  International  Air 
Transport  Association  (IATA), 
whose  operations  underlie  tariffs, 
services,  and  privileges  of  the 
world's  jet  fleets,  and  which  involve 
the  home  governments  of  every  na- 
tion so  served.  The  health  certifi- 
cates accompanying  the  passports 
carried  abroad  by  all  who  travel 
symbolize  one  small  phase  of  the 
work  of  the  World  Health  Orga- 
nization, meshed  with  national  and 
local  health  agencies. 

A  feature  of  our  times  is  the  fact 
that  nominal  "hot"  war  between 
approximately  equal  nations  ap- 
pears to  have  been  replaced  by 
softer  names,  such  as  "police  ac- 
tions" or  "cold  wars."  Such  wars 
that  flame  out  into  the  open  are  no 

Improvement  Era 

longer  "declared"  wars.  Congress, 
for  example,  has  not  declared  war 
since  World  War  II.  Wars  of  "ag- 
gression," openly  acknowledged  as 
late  as  1939,  no  longer  "exist."  All 
such  are  now  wars  of  "defense"  or 

Something  more  than  subtlety 
attaches  itself  to  these  phenomena. 
The  changed  terminology  reflects 
dawning  recognition  of  the  limited 
utility  of  warfare  as  an  instrument 
of  national  policy,  as  heretofore 
understood.  Wars  of  "liberation" 
rather  than  of  "aggression"  appeal 
to  both  domestic  and  external  pub- 
lic opinion,  including  what  has 
come  to  be  called  "the  world  com- 
munity." Instantaneous  communi- 
cation, by  satellite,  radio,  telephone, 
or  cable,  serves  this  "world  com- 
munity" and  those  who  influence 
and  arc  influenced  by  it. 

The  coming  of  the  missile,  the 
laser  beam,  the  globe-circling  satel- 
lites, jet  aircraft,  the  747  (due  in 
1969),  and  the  SST  (due  there- 
after)—all  foreshadow  even  greater 
developments.  There  are  now 
about  125  billion  passenger  miles 
flown  per  year.  In  1980,  accord- 
ing to  Fortune  (February  1967, 
"The  $4  Billion  Machine  That  Re- 
shapes Geography"),  there  will  be 
nearly  720  billion  passenger  miles 
flown.  The  world's  communica- 
tions and  information  systems,  fed 

by  satellite  and  personal  travel,  will 
have  produced  more  change  by  that 
time  than  we  can  today  possibly 

But  we  can  forecast  the  problems 
these  developments  pose. 

Problem  Number  1  is  the  crowd- 
ing together,  in  less  time  and  space, 
of  the  enormous  cultural  and  politi- 
cal differences  that  exist.  The 
USA,  which  has  five  percent  of  the 
world's  people,  nearly  50  percent 
of  the  world's  telephones  and  ma- 
chines, and  all  forms  of  wealth, 
including  an  adequate  food  supply, 
is  within  a  few  travel  hours  of 

Problem  Number  2  is  the  outlook 
for  this  situation.  Based  on  past 
experience— the  crowding  of  cul- 
tural groups  in  New  York  City,  for 
example— the  future  is  stormy.  The 
ever-crowding  world  neighborhood 
will  be  rife  with  conflicts.  The 
people  of  the  USA,  placed  under 
severe  strain  in  shifting  from  iso- 
lation to  world  involvement  in  the 
recent  past,  will  be  (1)  subjected 
to  more  severe  internal  stresses  and 
strains,  and  (2)  challenged  to  de- 
velop new  means  of  conflict 

Problem  Number  3  is  the  neces- 
sity of  reckoning  with  the  chal- 
lenge. What  avenues  lie  open  to 
optimism,  hope,  and  creative  effort? 
The    hope    lies    largely    in    future 

attitudes  among  men  toward  each 

Education— education  at  home, 
and  education  everywhere  in  the 
world— can  serve  this  end.  Edu- 
cation is  needed  to  build  human 
manpower  resources  to  ( 1 )  support 
and  maintain  life  and  health,  and 
(2)  build  the  capacity  in  indi- 
viduals and  the  communities  of 
the  world  to  somehow,  in  orderly 
ways,  thrive  and  develop,  while  in- 
habiting a  shrinking  neighborhood 
filled  with  new  and  strange  neigh- 
bors. Religion  can  help.  The  issues 
really  get  down  to  bedrock  with 
the  doctrine  of  the  Fatherhood  of 
God  and  the  brotherhood  of  man. 

Therefore,  there  will  have  to  be 
much  more  than  education  as  we 
normally  view  it.  There  will  have 
to  be  more  than  an  upsurge  in 
technical  exchange  and  service,  so 
broadly  launched  by  so  many 
countries  and  agencies  since  1945. 
(For  example,  sixty-five  percent  of 
the  faculty  at  Michigan  State  Uni- 
versity have  spent  a  year  or  more 
abroad  in  some  form  of  technical 
or  scientific  service.  Some  60,000 
scholars,  scientists,  engineers  have 
been  exchanged  between  the  U.S. 
and  other  nations  under  the  Ful- 
bright  program  since  1946,  and 
other  nations  have  similar  pro- 
grams.) There  must  also  come  a 
change  in  attitudes.  O 

May  1967 


End  of  an  Era 

The  day  was  hot  and  humid, 

making  the  morning  session  of 

stake  conference  seem  rather 


Two  men  paused  to  visit 

between  sessions,  and  one  asked 

the  other,  "Are  you  planning 
to  stay  until  the  bitter  end?" 
The  other,  who  was  scheduled 
to  speak  in  the  afternoon  session, 
replied,  "Brother,  I  am  the 
bitter  end!" 


"End  of  an  Era"  will  pay  $3  for  humorous   anecdotes  and  experiences 
relating  to  Latter-day  Saint  way  of  life.    Maximum  length   150  words. 

Life  Among  the  Mormons 

My  aunt  attended  a  Relief 
Society   meeting  at   which  a 
recording  was  played  about 
a  woman  who  had  become  active 
in  the  Church  after  years  of 
inactivity.    At  a  dramatic  point 
in  the  story,  the  voice  on  the 
recording  had  just  said,  "Now 
that  I  am  active  in  the  Church 
I  .  .  ."  when  the  needle  stuck  in 
a  groove,  "go  to  meetings  .  .  . 

go  to  meetings 
meetings.  .  . 

.  go  to 
— Submitted  by 

Myrle  Phelps, 
Montpelier,  Idaho 

Ward  Picnic 
By  Virginia  Maughan  Kammeyer 

A  party,  a  party,  we're  having  a  party; 
The  entire  ward  we'll  include. 
Hooray,  hooray  for  picnic  day! 
But  who  is  bringing  the  food? 

The  bishopric's  getting  the  ice  cream  cones; 
The  elders  are  bringing  the  punch; 
The  high  priests  are  laying  the  barbecue  stones; 
Oh,  we'll  have  a  wonderful  lunch. 

A  party,  a  party,  we're  having  a  party, 
And  all  of  us  would  fain 
Go  to  the  park  for  a  summer  lark, 
That  is,  if  it  doesn't  rain. 

If  the  bishop  remembers  the  ice  cream  cones, 

And  the  ladies  remember  the  salad, 

And  the  high  priests  remember  the  barbecue  stones, 

And  our  reservation  is  valid, 

And  the  seventies  bring  the  volleyball  nets, 

And  we  all  remember  to  pray 

That  the  children  won't  get  the  chicken  pox, 

We'll  see  you  a  week  from  today. 

Next  Month:    Genealogy 


One  night  after  a  family  home 
evening  lesson,  Father  asked  his 
three-year-old  son,  "Robert, 
are  you  going  on  a  mission?" 
Robert,  in  all  seriousness,  replied, 
"I  can't.   I'm  in  my  pajamas!" 
— Submitted  by  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Thomas  Byrnes,  Pleasant 
Grove,  Utah 

The  Pharaoh,  a  man  with  a  good, 
curious  and  out-reaching  mind, 
summoned  his  great  mathematics 
teacher,  Euripides.    He  wanted 
to  learn  mathematics,  particularly 
geometry,  so  he  was  taught 
from  the  beginning.   But  he  grew 
impatient  with  the  long,  torturous 
effort  and  asked  if  there  was 
not  a  shorter  way.  He  was  assured 
there  was  not.    "Ah,"  he  said, 
"but  I  am  the  Pharaoh."    "Yes, 
sire,"  said  Euripides.  "But  there 
is  no  royal  road  to  geometry." 
So  far  as  I  have  been  able  to 
learn  in  my  lifetime,  there  is  no 
royal  road  to  anything  worth 
achieving. — President  Marion 
D.  Hanks 


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