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PAPER  NO.  1355 

Improving  Performance  Through  Cost  Allocation 

Susan  I.  Cohen 
Martin  Loeb 



College  of  Commerce  and  Business  Administration  «oiS 

Bureau  of  Economic  and  Business  Research  URt  lGN 

University  of  Illinois,  Urbana-Champaign 


College  of  Commerce  and  Business  Administration 
University  of  Illinois  at  Urbana-Champaign 
May  1987 

Improving  Performance  Through  Cost  Allocation 

Susan  I.  Cohen,  Associate  Professor 
Department  of  Business  Administration 

Martin  Loeb 
University  of  Maryland 


Considered  is  an  intrafirm  resource  allocation  model  with  a  single 
principal  and  n  agents.   Each  agent  represents  a  distribution  division 
and  the  principal  represents  an  owner  who  is  responsible  for  production 
of  the  "output"  that  is  eventually  "sold"  by  the  agents.   It  is  assumed 
that  each  agent  (division  manager)  knows  the  local  profit  function  for 
the  division  and  has  disutility  for  effort.   The  principal  seeks  to 
maximize  firm-wide  profits  net  of  output  costs  and  compensation  to  the 
agents.   In  this  setting,  which  incorporates  divergence  of  preferences 
and  asymmetric  information,  it  is  shown  that  the  principal  and  the  n 
agents  can  strictly  improve  their  welfare  by  moving  from  a  set  of  com- 
pensation functions  that  do  not  include  any  allocation  of  costs  to 
compensation  functions  that  are  based  on  cost  allocation. 

I.   Introduction 

In  a  review  of  the  cost  allocation  literature,  Biddle  and  Steinberg 
[1984]  conclude  that  "...  the  process  of  explaining  and  ultimately  im- 
proving cost  allocations  has  just  begun."  (p.  35).   Our  goal  in  this 
paper  is  to  extend  this  process  by  presenting  an  intrafirm  resource 
allocation  model  in  which  the  firm  is  better  off  allocating  costs  than 
not  allocating  costs. 

Zimmerman  [1979]  addresses  the  positive  question  of  why  firms 
allocate  costs  for  internal  reporting.   He  presents  two  examples  that 
suggest  possible  uses  for  cost  allocation.   The  first  looks  at  the  use 
of  fixed  cost  allocations  to  reduce  the  managers'  consumption  of  per- 
quisites.  In  this  example,  the  preferences  of  the  manager  and  the 
superior  diverge  with  respect  to  expenditures  valued  by  the  manager  as 
perquisites.   Furthermore,  there  is  asymmetry  of  information  since  the 
superior  does  not  know  the  level  of  expenditures  and/or  the  (marginal) 
value  of  these  expenditures.   Zimmerman  claims  that  the  cost  allocation 
acts  as  a  lump-sum  tax,  reducing  the  manager's  wealth  and  hence  the 
consumption  of  perquisites.   Biddle  and  Steinberg  [1984,  p.  6],  as 
well-as  Zimmerman  [p.  509],  note  that  using  the  cost  allocation  as  a 
lump-sum  tax  may  cause  the  manager  to  seek  alternative  employment, 
since  the  manager's  utility  has  been  reduced.   This  illustrates  that  a 
necessary  condition  for  a  cost  allocation  to  be  useful  to  the  superior 
is  that  it  does  not  decrease  the  welfare  of  the  managers.   In  addition, 
Baiman  [1981,  p.  109]  remarks  that  the  lump-sum  tax  is  not  really  a 
cost  allocation  in  the  true  sense  because  it  does  not  have  any  rela- 
tionship to  either  the  existence  or  size  of  a  joint  cost. 


Zimraerman's  second  example  looks  at  the  use  of  cost  allocations  in 
a  decentralized  firm  to  motivate  the  subunit  managers  to  efficiently 
use  a  centrally  provided  input.   With  this  example,  asymmetric  infor- 
mation arises  because  a  subunit 's  manager  has  more  knowledge  of  its 
technology  and  market  conditions.   Zimmerman  here  ignores  the  problem 
of  overconsumption  of  perquisites  and  does  not  model  divergence  of 
preferences  in  any  other  way.   This  second  example  suggests  that  cost 
allocations  are  useful  because  they  approximate  hard-to-observe  costs 
of  service  degradation,  delay  and  future  expansion. 

If  cost  allocations  are  to  have  a  role  in  coordinating  a  decen- 
tralized firm,  then  clearly  such  allocations  should  dominate  no  cost 
allocation.   Our  paper  demonstrates  this  dominance  by  presenting  a 
model  that  formalizes  and  refines  Zimmerman's  examples.   Our  model 
incorporates  both  asymmetric  information  and  divergence  of  preferences. 
We  show  conditions  under  which  the  use  of  a  cost  allocation  mechanism 
will  lead  to  a  strict  improvement  in  the  welfare  of  both  the  principal 
(top  management)  and  the  agent(s)  (managers).   In  our  model,  cost 
allocations  are  useful  because  they  signal  scarcity  of  the  centrally 
provided  input  to  the  subunit  managers  and  encourage  managers  to 
increase  their  effort  levels,  thereby  reducing  a  moral  hazard  problem. 

We  prove  two  main  results.   First,  we  show  that  there  exist  full- 
cost  allocations  that  will  leave  the  firm  better  off  than  with  no 
allocation  of  costs.   This  first  result  is  merely  an  existence  theorem, 
and  does  not  provide  a  mechanism  for  the  firm  to  reach  this  superior 
position.   Second,  we  present  a  cost  allocation  mechanism  under  which 
the  dominant  strategy  of  each  subunit  manager  results  in  higher  net 


profits  for  the  firm  than  under  no-cost  allocation.   In  other  words,  we 
show  that  the  firm  can  use  cost  allocations  to  reach  a  position  of 
superior  profits.   The  mechanism  that  we  provide  is  not  based  on  a  full 
or  "tidy"  allocation  of  costs;  however,  it  may  be  thought  of  as 
approximate  full-cost  allocation  mechanism. 

It  should  be  pointed  out  that  full-cost  allocations  are  not  neces- 
sarily optimal.   Baiman  and  Noel  [1983]  have  found  a  setting  where 
cost  allocations  are  optimal.   Their  model  is  of  a  principal  and  a 
single  agent  and  looks  at  the  allocation  of  a  fixed  cost  over  time. 
In  contrast,  our  model  is  of  a  principal  and  many  agents  and  looks  at 
the  allocation  of  total  costs  in  a  single  period.   Our  results  are 
consistent  with  the  results  in  Deraski  [1981],  who  showed  that  cost 
allocation  can  have  a  use  as  a  means  of  coordinating  agents. 

In  the  next  section  we  describe  our  model  of  the  integrated  firm. 
Section  III  contains  the  definition  of  "no-cost  allocation"  and  the 
properties  of  the  no  cost  allocation  reward  functions.   In  Section  III 
we  define  a  solution  concept  and  state  and  prove  our  existence  result. 
In  Section  IV  we  present  and  analyze  our  dominant  strategy  cost  allo- 
cation mechanism.   A  brief  summary  is  contained  in  Section  V. 

II.   The  Model 

The  focus  on  this  paper  is  on  presenting  some  (sufficient)  con- 
ditions under  which  cost  allocation  dominates  no  cost  allocation,  not 
on  presenting  an  optimal  organizational  structure.   Consider  an  inte- 
grated firm  that  centrally  produces  a  product  that  is  transferred  to 
and  either  sold  by  several  distribution  divisions,  or  transformed  into 
a  final  product  that  is  then  sold.   Assume  that  the  center  must  meet 


the  product  demand  of  each  division.   The  situation  we  are  modelling 
is  one  in  which  the  divisions  make  binding  contracts  with  third  par- 
ties; the  contract  must  be  fulfilled  by  the  firm.   Divisional  profits 
gross  of  the  costs  of  the  product  transferred  from  the  center  depend 
on  the  division  manager's  level  of  effort  and  the  quantity  of  the 
product  transferred.   All  the  division  managers  and  the  center  know 
the  cost  function  faced  by  the  center,  but  only  division  managers  know 
their  own  profit  and  utility  functions  ex  ante,  and  can  observe  their 
own  levels  of  effort.   The  center  observes  only  the  realized  profits  of 
each  division  ex  post.   Finally,  every  division  observes  the  amount  of 
product  transferred  and  the  realized  profits  of  every  other  division  ex 
post;  that  is,  each  division  has  access  to  all  of  the  information  that 
the  center  has  ex  post.   Thus,  our  model  differs  from  the  standard 
principal-agent  models,  where  the  principal  (the  center)  is  assumed  to 
know  the  utility  function(s)  of  the  agent(s).   In  addition,  we  assume 
that  the  principal  does  not  have  a  prior  distribution  over  the  profit 
and  utility  functions;  that  is,  over  the  agents'  types. 

This  last  assumption  is  the  one  that  differentiates  our  model 
dramatically  from  the  standard  principal-agent  models  in  the  economics 
and  accounting  literatures.   However,  this  assumption  is  a  common  one 
in  the  public  goods  literature;  for  example,  see  Groves  and  Ledyard 
[1977a],   The  firm  we  are  modelling  is  one  in  which  the  division  man- 
agers have  private  information  about  their  divisions  that  the  center 
cannot  acquire.   This  information  has  so  many  dimensions  that  it  is 
not  possible  for  the  center  to  form  a  prior  distribution;  that  is,  the 
division  managers'  "types"  cannot  be  parametrized  in  a  way  that  would 
allow  the  formation  of  a  probability  distribution  over  these  types. 


We  are  thus  modelling  decision  making  under  uncertainty  rather  than 
decision  making  under  risk.   Given  the  paradigm  that  we  have  chosen, 
maximization  of  expected  value  is  no  longer  an  appropriate  decision- 
making criterion. 

We  assume  that  each  division  manager  seeks  to  maximize  his  or  her 
own  utility,  which  is  a  function  of  the  reward  (or  incentive  compen- 
sation) paid  by  the  center  and  the  manager's  effort  level.   In  general, 
the  reward  function  may  depend  on  whatever  the  principal  can  observe 
ex  post:   the  jointly  observable  transferred  product,  divisional  real- 
ized profits,  and  the  firm's  realized  costs,  but  not  on  managerial 
effort.   As  in  the  standard  principal-agent  models,  the  center  (as  the 
residual  claimant)  seeks  reward  functions  that  result  in  maximum  net 
profits,  where  net  profits  equal  the  sura  of  divisional  gross  profits 
less  the  center's  cost  of  producing  the  transferred  product  and  less 
the  total  compensation  paid  to  all  the  division  managers. 

We  capture  the  essential  elements  of  the  situation  described  above 
by  looking  at  a  model  with  a  single  principal  and  n  agents.   Although 
we  model  asymmetric  information,  our  model  may  be  viewed  as  deter- 
ministic, since  the  only  "uncertainty"  concerns  the  private  informa- 
tion held  by  the  divisions,  and  not  a  random  state  of  the  world  that 
must  be  realized  at  some  point  in  the  process.   That  is,  each  division 
manager  knows  what  his  or  her  division's  output  would  be  for  every 
combination  of  effort  and  resource. 

Our  interest  lies  in  coordination  in  the  integrated  firm,  in  which 
the  center  is  the  residual  claimant.   Since  the  center  must  meet  all 
of  the  demands  of  the  divisions,  coordination  has  a  slightly  different 
interpretation  here.   We  assume  that  the  divisions  of  the  firm  are 


such  that  their  only  connection  is  via  the  center.   That  is,  the  only 
externalities  that  exist  are  those  created  by  the  fact  that  the  cost 
function  faced  by  the  center  is  not  separable,  so  that  the  marginal 
cost  generated  by  the  ith  division  depends  upon  what  the  jth  division 
demands.   Note  that  the  situation  we  are  modelling  is  similar  to  the 
situation  modelled  by  Groves  and  Loeb  [1979].   Their  model  deals  with 
a  similar  coordination  issue,  is  also  deterministic,  and  allows  for 
asymmetric  information.   However,  their  model  does  not  take  into 
account  managerial  disutility  of  effort  nor  does  it  examine  the  maxi- 
mization of  profits  net  of  incentive  payments  made  to  divisional  man- 
agers.  Therefore,  the  critical  element  of  divergence  of  preferences 
is  missing  from  their  model. 

The  ith  agent  (division  manager)  knows  the  ith  division's  profit 

function  II.(x.,e.),  where  x.  >  0  is  the  quantity  transferred  to  the  ith 
ill  l  — 

division  and  e.  e  [0,e.]  is  the  effort  level  of  division  manager  i. 


e  profit  function  n,(x.,e.)  represents  the  division's  profits  gross 

ill  ° 

of  costs  of  x.,  and  is  hereafter  referred  to  as  the  division's  gross 
profit  function.   The  center  does  not  know  the  gross  profit  functions 
and  can  only  observe  realized  gross  profits  ex  post.   It  is  assumed 
that  a  division  cannot  earn  positive  gross  profits  without  selling  any 
output,  if  x.  is  a  final  good,  or  without  any  of  the  input  when  x.  is 
interpreted  as  an  intermediate  good.   For  positive  levels  of  x.  we 
assume  that  gross  profit  is  additively  separable  in  transferred  good 
and  effort.   We  can  rewrite  the  gross  profit  function  as: 

0  if  x.  =  0 

n.(x.,e.)  =  {  l  (1) 

111      f  (x  )  +  h  (e.)   if  x.  >  0  and  0  <  e  <  e 
ii      li        l  —   i  —  i 


The  interpretation  of  these  assumptions  is  straightforward.   Effort 
is  a  shift  parameter  that  changes  the  local  profit  function  of  the 
division.   For  example,  we  could  view  effort  as  the  negative  of  per- 
quisite consumption — as  effort  increases,  perquisite  consumption  de- 
creases.  Therefore,  local  fixed  costs  (i.e.,  costs  that  are  independ- 
ent of  the  amount  of  product  transferred)  decrease  as  effort  increases. 
This  interpretation  is  consistent  with  the  standard  principal-agent 
models  found  in  the  literature.   In  those  models,  it  is  necessary  to 
assume  that  the  agents'  utility  functions  are  additively  separable  in 
output  and  effort  (that  is,  the  cross-part ials  are  zero)  to  get  the 
desired  results.   The  assumption  that  local  profit  is  additively 
separable  in  x.  and  e.  helps  to  perform  the  same  function  in  our  model; 
that  is,  this  assumption  helps  to  alleviate  the  problems  created  by 
positive  cross-partial  derivatives.   In  addition,  the  assumption  that 
x.  must  be  positive  for  positive  local  profit  is  equivalent  to 
assuming  that  the  division  cannot  generate  profits  just  by  the  provi- 
sion of  effort  (and  this  without  the  "input"  x.).   The  local  profit  in 
our  model  is  analogous  to  the  output  produced  by  the  agent  in  those 
models.   In  the  usual  model,  the  output  produced  by  the  agent  is 
assumed  to  be  a  function  of  the  action  (effort)  taken  by  the  agent, 
where  all  other  arguments  of  the  output  generating  function  (except 
for  the  random  state  of  the  world)  are  ignored.   In  our  model  the  ith 
agent's  output  depends  upon  effort  and  the  transferred  product;  thus 
we  have  posited  a  somewhat  different  situation  than  appears  in  the 
usual  agency  models. 


We  assume  that  f.  is  continuously  twice  dif f erentiable   for  posi- 
tive x.,  h.  is  continuously  twice  dif f erentiable ,  h.(0)  =  0,  and  h. 
11  l  l 

is  increasing  in  e.  at  a  decreasing  rate  (i.e.,  h.(e.)  >  0  and 

h.  (e.)  <  0).   Additionally,  we  assume  that  for  x.  >  0,  profits  are 
11  l  — 

strictly  concave  in  x.  and  that  for  all  e. ,  0  <  e.  <  e. ,  there  exists  an 
'  l  l—i—i 

x  such  that  n.(x  ,e  )  >  n  (x  ,e  )  for  all  x  >  0.   Hence,  for  all 
l  liiiii  l 

x.  >  0,  f!'(x.)  <  0,  and  at  x. ,  f!(x.)  =  0.   Let  P.  be  the  set  of 
l       11      '         i'ii  l 

all  possible  divisional  profit  functions  which  meet  the  restrictions 
detailed  above.   We  assume  that  the  corporate  center  does  not  have  any 
prior  beliefs  about  the  set  P..   For  example,  suppose  that  the  divi- 
sions were  salespeople  in  individual  territories  selling  a  product 
produced  centrally.   Then  IT.  can  be  viewed  as  revenues  minus  the  local 
costs  associated  with  selling  the  product  in  the  ith  territory.   In 
contrast  to  the  standard  principal-agent  formulation,  we  assume  that 
the  principal  does  not  have  a  prior  distribution  over  P..   However,  we 
assume  that  the  center  knows  that  the  demand  and  local  curve  costs 
faced  by  the  divisions  are  well-behaved  enough  so  that  local  profit  is 

a  -jointly  concave  function  of  x.  and  e.  ,  and  increasing  in  e.  ,  and  has 

11  l 

an  interior  maximum  in  x.  for  each  e..   For  expository  purposes  only, 
we  will  refer  to  x.  as  "output." 

Each  division  manager  is  assumed  to  have  a  utility  function 
separable  in  monetary  reward,  r. ,  and  own  effort  e.: 

U.(r.,e.)  =  r.  -  g.(e.)  (2) 


where  g.  is  the  disutility  of  effort.   It  is  assumed  that  g.(e.)  is  an 
increasing,  strictly  convex,  continuously  twice  dif ferentiable  func- 
tion of  e.  and  that  g.(0)  =  0.   Also,  it  is  assumed  that  as  effort 
approaches  the  maximum  level,  disutility  of  effort  approaches  infinity: 

i.e.,  lim  e.(e.)  ♦  •.  as  e  +   e  .   We  let  G.  denote  the  set  of  all 
11  11  l 

disutility  of  effort  functions  that  meet  the  above  conditions.   In  the 

standard  principal-agent  framework,  the  principal  knows  the  functional 

form  of  the  disutility  of  effort  function  g.  for  each  agent.   In  the 

world  where  the  agent  knows  the  profit  function  II.  with  certainty  and 

where  the  H.  are  parametrized  by  a  single  variable,  the  principal  can 

observe  x.  ,  infer  agent  i's  "type"  (i.e.,  infer  the  function  II.)  and 

use  a  penalty  contract  to  force  the  agent  to  provide  the  optimal 

amount  of  effort.   We  explicitly  assume  that  the  g.  functions  are  not 

known  by  the  principal  and  that  the  principal  has  no  distribution  over 

the  set  G.  .   Thus,  there  are  many  pairs  of  II.  and  g.  which  would  lead 
l  J  l      &i 

to  the  same  x.  (given  an  R.).   The  center,  therefore,  cannot  infer 
l  l 

division  i's  type  and  its  unobservable  effort. 

The  principal  (corporate  center)  receives  the  gross  profits  from 

all  the  divisions  and  must  pay  for  the  production  of  the  transferred 

product  and  the  incentive  compensation  of  the  n  division  managers. 

The  principal  learns  the  realized  gross  profits  of  the  ith  division, 

n.(x.,e.),  ex  post  (a  number  not  a  function).   The  center  must  meet 

the  demands  of  all  the  divisions,  x, ,  x„ ,  ...,  x  .   The  cost  of  pro- 

12        n 

duction  is  assumed  to  depend  only  on  the  total  amount  produced, 

x  =  x.  +  X.  +  . . .  +  x  ,  and  is  assumed  to  be  known  by  the  center  and 
12  n 

all  the  divisions.   In  addition,  we  shall  use  x  -  x.  =   Z  x.  to  denote 

1    i«  J 


the  total  amount  demanded  by  all  the  divisions  except  division  i.   At 

this  stage  of  the  analysis,  we  only  restrict  the  cost  function  C(x)  to 

be  strictly  increasing.    The  most  interesting  cases  occur  when  vari- 
able costs  are  not  linear  or  when  the  cost  function  has  discrete  jumps. 

For  these  cases,  the  incremental  production  costs  caused  by  the  demand 

of  one  division  depends  upon  the  demands  of  all  other  divisions.    We 

do  not  exclude  piecewise  linear  cost  functions  or  cost  functions  that 
have  discrete  steps  (although  they  must  have  a  positive  variable  cost 
component).   Also,  note  that  a  reason  why  the  firm  would  want  to 
centralize  production  in  the  first  place  is  that  there  are  economies 
of  scale — for  example,  large  fixed  production  costs. 

Although  the  center  does  not  know  the  profit  functions  of  the 
divisions  or  the  managers'  disutility  of  effort  functions,  the  center 
knows  the  sets  of  admissable  profit  and  disutility  of  effort  functions. 
We  restrict  attention  to  the  case  where  real  moral  hazard  problems 
arise.   Consider  the  extreme  case  where  the  ith  division  manager  is 
rewarded  the  full  gross  profits  of  division  i.   An  interesting  moral 
hazard  problem  would  exist  if,  in  this  case,  the  manager  would  select 
an  interior  effort  level;  i.e.,  0  <  e.  <  e..   Restricting  the  admis- 
sable set  of  profit  and  disutility  of  effort  functions  for  manager  i 
to  be  in  the  subset,  call  it  M .  ,  of  P.  X  G.  such  that  h.'(0)  >  g.'(0), 
is  a  sufficient  condition  for  the  existence  of  an  interior  solution. 
We  are  assuming  that  the  center  knows  that  for  sufficiently  small 
levels  of  effort  the  marginal  gross  profitability  of  effort  is  greater 
than  the  marginal  disutility  of  effort  for  the  division  manager. 


In  the  next  section,  we  define  the  no-cost  allocation  benchmark, 
state  the  center's  problem,  and  give  the  properties  of  the  no-cost 
allocation  reward  functions. 

III.   No-Cost  Allocation  Problem 

In  order  to  define  the  no-cost  allocation  reward  functions,  it  is 
useful  for  us  to  give  the  exact  chronology  of  the  process  we  are 
modelling.   The  center  decides  on  a  contract  (based  on  what  it  can 
observe)  and  offers  this  contract  to  the  division  manager.   The  divi- 
sion manager  must  then  decide  whether  or  not  to  accept  the  contract; 
that  is,  whether  or  not  to  accept  employment.   If  the  division  manager 
decides  to  accept  employment,  he  or  she  then  chooses  a  level  of  trans- 
ferred product,  which  is  then  provided  by  the  center.   Profit  is  then 
realized  and  transferred  to  the  center.   The  center  rewards  the  divi- 
sion manager  and  keeps  the  residual. 

We  can  now  define  what  we  mean  by  the  no-cost  allocation  benchmark. 
Clearly,  no-cost  allocation  must  mean  that  we  are  excluding  C(x)  as  an 
argument  of  the  reward  function.   In  addition,  we  exclude  reward  func- 
tions that  are  nonincreasing  in  the  transferred  product.   Our  ration- 
ale is  that  any  reward  function  that  is  decreasing  in  the  transferred 
product  implicitly  defines  a  cost  allocation  (but  not  necessarily  a 
full-cost  allocation).   In  contrast,  with  a  full-cost  allocation 
reward  is  decreasing  in  transferred  product  and  the  sum  of  the  costs 
allocated  to  all  of  the  divisions  is  exactly  the  firm's  total  cost. 

Let  R.  (IL  , . . .  ,  JI  ,x.,...,x  )  be  the  no-cost  allocation  reward  function 
11      n   1      n 

for  division  i.   Then,  the  division  manager  will  choose  (x.,e.)  to  solve 
the  following: 


MAX  R.  (II.  ,. ..  ,H  ,x.,...,x  )  -  g.(e.) 
11      n   1      n     11 
x.  ,e. 

s.t.  R.  (  IL  ,. .  •  ,11  .x,,..,^  )  -  g.(e.)  >  W. 
ll      nl      n     li  —  i 

Here  W.  is  the  manager's  reservation  wage.   We  assume  that  the  divi- 
sion manager  can  only  observe  the  realized  profits  of  the  other  divi- 
sions ex  post,  and  does  not  have  a  probability  distribution  over  the 
possible  realizations.   Therefore,  the  manager  would  not  be  able  to 
decide  whether  or  not  to  accept  the  contract  ex  ante  if  the  contract 
depended  upon  the  realized  profits  of  the  other  divisions.   Given  the 
informational  assumptions  that  we  have  made,  the  center  will  restrict 

attention  to  reward  functions  that  depend  only  on  (n.,x.)  and  are  non- 


decreasing  in  x..   Note  that  x.  is  still  an  argument  of  the  reward 
°     l  l  ° 

function.   The  previous  discussion  only  eliminates  reward  functions 

that  are  nonincreasing  in  x. ;  that  is,  reward  functions  that  implic- 
itly charge  for  x.. 

In  order  to  determine  the  properties  of  the  no-cost  allocation 

reward  function  (in  addition  to  the  aforementioned),  we  must  state  the 

center's  problem.   The  center  would  like  to  find  reward  functions  that 


<  R.  >.n. 
l   1=1 

LI  Ll 

I   [ni(xi,e1)  -  R1(H1(x1,e1),x1)]  -  C(  J  x  ) 

i=l  j=l 

s.t.  (xi,ei)  e  argmax  {R  (  Il^x^e.)  tx±)    -  g^e  )  } 

and   R.(n.(x. ,e.) ,x.)  -  g.(e.)  >  W. 
l   ii'i'i     °l   l  —  l 

for  all  i  =  1, . . . ,n 


However,  the  center  does  not  know  each  division's  (n.,g.)  pair, 
nor  does  it  have  a  prior  distribution  over  the  set  of  possible  profit 
and  disutility  of  effort  functions,  M. ,  for  all  divisions  i.   Thus, 
there  may  not  exist  optimal  reward  functions  in  the  usual  sense.   In 
the  standard  principal-agent  setting  with  unknown  types,  the  principal 
has  a  distribution  over  the  agents'  possible  types,  and  selects  reward 
functions  that  maximize  expected  net  profits,  subjected  to  expected 
utility  being  greater  than  or  equal  to  the  managers'  respective  reser- 
vation wages  (for  the  first  best),  and  the  maximization  of  expected 
utility  by  the  managers  (for  second  best),  where  expectations  are 
taken  with  respect  to  the  unknown  types.   The  R.  selected  in  such  a 
manner  are  ex  ante  optimal  but  not  necessarily  ex  post  optimal. 

For  our  model  we  must  abandon  the  usual  notion  of  first  or  second 
best  optimal  reward  functions,  as  well  as  expected  utility  maximiza- 
tion.  Given  the  lack  of  information  at  the  center  when  the  reward 
functions  must  be  designed,  the  center  has  a  much  more  difficult 
problem  than  in  the  standard  principal-agent  models. 

When  expected  utility  maximization  is  no  longer  a  feasible  strategy, 
other  criteria  must  be  used.   We  assume  that  the  center  chooses  reward 
functions  that  are  ex  post  "rational."   Specifically,  the  center  wants 
it  to  be  the  case  that  whenever  a  division  manager  accepts  the  contract 
offered  by  the  center:   (1)  ex  post  the  firm  would  never  be  better  off 
without  that  division  in  the  firm,  and  (2)  ex  post  the  division  is  not 
operating  on  the  downward  sloping  part  of  its  local  profit  function. 
Since  x,  is  costly  to  the  center,  the  center  would  always  be  better 
off  (ex  post)  with  an  x.  chosen  so  that  its  marginal  contribution  is 


at  least  zero.   Clearly,  some  division  managers  may  decide  not  to 

accept  the  contract  with  the  above  defined  kind  of  reward  function; 

and  there  may  be  situations  in  which  the  center  would  be  better  off 

with  a  different  kind  of  contract  that  does  not  have  that  property 

given  the  actual  types  of  managers.   However,  since  the  center  does 

not  know  the  manager's  types,  nor  have  a  probability  distribution  over 

them,  the  center  uses  a  "minimum  regret"  type  strategy. 

Formally,  we  define  an  admissible  reward  function  R.  to  be  such 


*   * 
that  for  all  (n., g.)  e  M. ,  if  (x.,e.)  is  chosen  by  division  manager  i 

(using  the  reward  function  R.),  then 

JL  JL  J?  JL  JL 

n.(x.,e.)    -   R.(n.(x.,e„),x.)     >   0;  (3) 

ill  liiii     — 

that  is,  the  net  contribution  of  division  i  is  nonnegative;  and 

3n«    *   * 
^(x.,e.)>0.  (4) 

The  incentive  compensation  is  therefore  a  real-valued  function  of 
II.  and  x..   Given  the  above  assumptions,  we  show  in  the  Appendix  that 
when  there  is  no  allocation  of  costs,  the  center  will  choose  reward 
functions  for  the  divisions  that  are  concave,  increasing  functions  of 
local  profits  alone,  and  such  that  R.(n.)  <  II.  for  all  n.  >  0.   We 
denote  the  set  of  such  real  valued  functions  by  R*. 

For  the  case  where  costs  are  not  allocated,  net  profits  are: 

l      n.(x*,e*)  -  C(x*)  -  I   R.(n.(x*,e*)).  (5) 

iil  *  *  *         i-1  x     x     x     x 


In  the  next  section,  we  show  that  for  all  admissable  reward  func- 
tions that  the  center  could  select,  the  center  and  the  division  man- 
agers do  strictly  better  by  shifting  to  a  full  allocation  of  costs  and 
adjusting  the  reward  functions  to  guarantee  that  each  division  manager 
suffers  no  loss  in  utility. 

III.   Dominance  of  Full  Cost  Allocations 

Suppose  that  the  division  managers  that  have  decided  to  accept  the 
no-cost  allocation  contracts  have  done  so,  and  that  the  firm  is  now 
comprised  of  those  managers  only.   The  question  then  arises:   are 
there  other  reward  functions  for  the  managers  such  that  both  the  firm 
as  the  residual  claimant  and  the  managers  can  all  be  made  better  off? 
That  is,  given  that  a  manager  has  decided  to  accept  the  no-cost  allo- 
cation contract  and  accept  employment  with  the  firm,  can  the  firm  move 
to  a  Pareto  superior  outcome  via  a  revised  set  of  contracts?   In  this 
section  we  show  the  existence  of  contracts  that  make  both  the  firm  and 
the  managers  better  off.   Clearly,  there  are  some  managers  who  may 
have  decided  not  to  accept  the  no-cost  allocation  contracts,  but  who 
would  now  accept  employment  with  the  revised  contracts.   Our  purpose 
is  to  show  that  once  the  firm  has  been  formed  with  the  no-cost  alloca- 
tion contracts,  a  Pareto  improvement  can  be  made  by  using  contracts 
that  depend  on  a  full  allocation  of  costs.   We  do  not  show  that  these 
contracts  are  optimal;  to  do  so  we  would  have  to  consider  those  managers 
that  did  not  accept  the  no-cost  allocation  contracts. 

It  should  be  noted  that  our  results  on  the  dominance  of  full-cost 
allocations  hold  for  any  reward  functions  that  are  (i)  concave;  (ii) 
increasing;  (iii)  functions  of  local  profits  only;  and  (iv)  strictly 


less  than  their  arguments.   Thus  any  firm  whose  technology  looks  like 
the  technology  of  the  firm  we  have  modelled  and  who  is  currently  using 
a  reward  function  of  with  properties  (i)-(iv)  can  move  to  a  Pareto 
superior  outcome  by  fully  allocating  costs. 

With  the  no-cost  allocation  contracts,  it  was  not  necessary  to 
define  an  equilibrium  concept,  since  the  rewards  of  the  individual 
division  managers  were  independent  of  the  actions  of  the  other  divi- 
sion managers.   When  we  move  to  the  full-cost  allocation,  a  division 
manager's  reward  will  depend  on  the  transferred  product  demanded  by 
the  other  division  managers  (but  not  on  the  unobservable  effort  of  the 
other  division  managers);  we  therefore  need  to  define  the  kind  of 
equilibrium  concept  we  are  using  and  how  we  are  using  it.   Since  our 

model  is  deterministic  we  will  use  the  Nash  equilibrium  as  our  solu- 

tion  concept. 

A  Nash  equilibrium  is  a  best-replay  equilibrium;  that  is,  if  you 
manage  to  reach  it,  given  that  the  other  players  use  their  Nash  stra- 
tegies, your  best  response  is  to  play  the  Nash  strategy.   In  the  tra- 
dition of  much  of  the  economics  literature,  we  do  not  describe  how  the 

Nash  strategy  is  reached.    We  do  show  that  if  the  firm  gets  to  the 

Nash  equilibrium  (with  the  full-cost  allocation  contracts),  then  that 
solution  strictly  dominates  the  no-cost  allocation  solution.   Given 
the  notion  of  Nash  as  a  best  replay  equilibrium,  it  is  not  inconsis- 
tent with  our  previous  analysis  to  have  the  reward  functions  depend  on 
the  realized  transferred  products  of  all  of  the  divisions.   Since  the 
divisions  can  observe  every  other  division's  realized  profits  and 


transferred  product  ex  post,  we  have  not  violated  the  spirit  of  the 

Nash  equilibrium  concept. 

To  summarize,  we  show  existence  of  reward  functions  such  that 

at  equilibrium  the  firm  and  the  managers  are  strictly  better  off. 

Let  R.(y)  be  an  arbitrary  reward  function  in  R*.   We  show  that  if 

y  is  gross  divisional  profits,  the  principal  (center)  and  the  n  agents 
(divisions)  can  all  do  strictly  better  by  ad-justing  y  downward  by  a 
full  allocation  of  costs,  and  adding  a  constant  to  the  reward  function. 
We  first  show  that  a  division's  profits  net  of  the  full-cost  alloca- 
tion are  strictly  greater  when  the  argument  of  R.  includes  the  cost 
allocation  than  when  the  argument  of  R.  does  not  include  the  cost 

Suppose  that  costs  are  fully  allocated  so  that  the  argument  of  the 

reward  function  is  now  realized  net  divisional  profits;  i.e., 

y  =  II.(x.,e.)  -  C.(x.;x-x.)  where  C.(x.;x-x.)  _>  0   and  £  C.(x.;x-x.)  =  C(x) 

i  =  l 
We  require  that  for  each  i  the  C.  function  be  increasing,  lower  semi- 

•  .    .       10 

continuous,  and  quasi-convex  in  x. ,  and  nondecreasing  in  x-x.. 

Note  that  if  the  cost  function  C  is  lower  semi-continuous  and  quasi- 
convex,  and  C.  =  C/n,  then  these  criteria  are  met.   Also,  if  there  is 

a  "dual"  allocation  C  =  (l/n)FC  +  (x  /x)VC,  where  FC  and  VC  are  fixed 

i  i 

and  variable  costs,  respectively,  and  where  VC  is  either  linear  or 

quadratic  in  x,  then  the  criteria  on  the  C.  are  again  met.   Finally, 

if  C  is  convex,  C.  =  (x./x)C,  and  the  center  knows  that  the  firm  will 
l      l 

be  operating  in  that  portion  of  the  cost  function  where  marginal  costs 
are  greater  than  or  equal  to  average  cost,  C.  will  again  meet  the 
requirements.     Thus,  for  common  (full)  allocation  schemes,  and 


reasonable  cost  functions,  the  C.  functions  will  be  increasing,  lower 

semi-continuous,  and  quasi-convex  in  x. ,  and  nondecreasing  in  x-x.. 

1  1 

Moreover,  we  only  seek,  to  demonstrate  the  existence  of  conditions 

whereby  the  firm  is  strictly  better  off  fully  allocating  costs. 

*   * 
As  in  the  previous  section,  we  let  (x.,e.)  denote  the  output  and 

effort  levels  selected  by  the  ith  division's  manager  when  costs  are  not 

allocated.   When  costs  are  allocated,  let  the  n-tuple 

((x.  ,e,),  ....  (x  ,e  ))  of  output  and  effort  define  a  Nash  equilibrium. 

Then  (x.,e.)  maximizes: 

Ri(Hi(xi,e.)-Ci(xi;x-x.))  -  g^e.).  (6) 

In  addition,  for  an  accepted  contract,  division  managers  must  receive 

positive  compensation,  and  thus  x.  >  0.   Hence,  (x.,e  )  maximizes 

l  11 

R.(f.(x.)+h.(e.)-C.(x.;x-x\))  -  g.(e.).  (7) 

1111111     l      11 

For  tractability,  it  is  assumed  that  (x.,e.)  satisfies  the  first-order 
necessary  conditions  for  an  interior  maximum. 

We  now  show  that  for  each  division,  net  profits  are  higher  with 
cost  allocations  than  with  no  allocation.   That  is,  we  prove  that: 


f,(x.)    +   h.(e.)    -   C.(x    :x-x)    >    f.(x.)    +   h.(e    )    -   C. ( x . ; x*-x. ) .       (8) 
ii  11  lii  11  li  11  l 

PROPOSITION  1:   For  every  R.  e  R* ,  for  i  =  1,  2,  ...,  n,  the  net 

profit  (net  of  allocated  costs)  in  equilibrium  for  division  i  is 
higher  with  an  increasing,  lower  semi-continuous,  quasi-convex  full 
cost  allocation  than  with  no  cost  allocation. 


Proof : 

By   definition,    (x.,e.)    satisfies    the    following    first-order    conditions: 

R!(f.(x*)+h.(eX))f!(x*)    =  0  (9) 



R!(f.(x*)+h.(e*))h!(e*)    -  g!(e*)    =   0.  (10) 

l      l      l        l      l        l      l  *i      i 

Since  R.  >  0,  (9)  implies  that  f.(x.)  =  0.   Note  that  the  choice  of  x. 

is  independent  of  e..   Also  by  definition,  (x.,e.)  satisfies  the  fol- 

l  li 

lowing  first  order  conditions 

R!(f.(x.)+h.(e.)-C.(x.;x-x.))[f!(x.)-c!(x.;x-x\)]    =0  (11) 

11111         li  l  li         li  l 


R!(f.(x.)+h.(e.)-C.(x.;x-x.))h:(e.)    -   g[(e.)    =   0,  (12) 

1111111  ill  li 

where  C.  is  defined  as  the  first  derivative  of  C   from  the  right. 
i  l  & 

(Since  C.  is  lower  semi-continuous,  this  derivative  exists).   Since 
RJ  >  0,  (11)  yields 

f!(x.)  -  c!(x.;x-x.)  =  0.  (13) 


Thus,  x.  is  also  selected  independently  from  e..   Since  f.(x  )  =  0, 
l  ill 

C.  >  0  for  all  x.,  and  f.  is  strictly  concave,  (13)  implies  that 
i  11  J  '  r 

x.  >  x..   From  concavity  of  R. ,  we  have  R.  nonincreasing  in  its  argu- 
11  l  i 


ment.   This  with  x.  >  x.  gives  us: 


ill        ii        11  I       — 

111         11        — 

R'.(f.(x*)+h.(e.))  for   all    e.    >   0.  (14) 

lilii  l 

When    e.    =   e. ,    we   have: 
l  l 

R!(f .(x.)+h.(e.)-C.(x.;x-x.))    >   R* ( f . (x*)+h. (e. ) ) .  (15) 

ill        ii        ii  l—iii        ii 

Since    h!    >    0,    (15)    implies    Chat: 

0    =   R^(f.(x.)+h.(e.)-C.(xi;x-x.))hJ(e.)    -   g^(e.)    > 

R*(fi(x*)+h.(e.))h:(e.)    -  g^(e.).  (16) 

As    R. (f . (x. )+h. (e. ))h. (e. )    -  g„(e.)    is    decreasing    in   e.    (from   concavity), 
111111111  l 

(10)  and  (16)  together  imply  that  e.  <  e.. 

By  strict  concavity  (in  x.)  of  f.,  quasi-convexity  of  C.  and  (13) 

we  have  x.  as  a  unique  maximizer  of  f.  -  C  .   Therefore, 
i  ii 

f.(x.)  -  C.(x.;x-x.)  >  f.(x.)  -  C.(x.;x-x\).  (17) 

ii     ii    l     ii     ii    i 

As  x.  >  x.  for  all  j  and  C.  is  nondecreasing  in  x-x. ,  (17)  then  gives 

us : 

a        *     /\  Jc  AAA 

f,(x.)    -  C.(x.;x-x.)    >   f,(x.)    -  C.(x.;x-x.).  (18) 

ii  ii  l  ii  ii  i 


Finally,  using  e.  >  e.  and  h.  increasing,  we  get: 

f.Uj)  +  h  (e  )  -  C^xjx-x^  >  f.(x*)  +  h.(e*)  -  C.  (x*;x*-x*) .   (19) 


We  have  therefore  shown  that  net  divisional  profits  are  higher  with  an 
ex  ante  cost  allocation. 

•  The  next  step  in  the  demonstration  that  there  exist  reward  func- 
tions based  on  full-cost  allocations  that  dominate  reward  functions 
based  on  no  allocation,  is  to  show  that  divisional  profits  net  of  cost 

allocation  and  managerial  disutility  of  effort  are  higher  at  (x.,e.) 

*   * 
than  at  (x.,e.),  i  =1,  2,  ...,  n. 

PROPOSITION  2:   For  each  1-1,  2,  ...,  n, 

f.(x.)  +  h1(ejL)  -  C.(x.;x-x.)  -  g^e.)  > 

f.(x*)  +  h.(e*)  -  C.(x*;x*-x*)  -  g.(e*).  (20) 


Rewriting  f.(x.)  +  h.(e.)  as  H.(x.,e.),  using  Proposition  1  and 
&   l   l     11      ill 

the  fact  that  y  >  R.(y)  for  y  >  0,  we  have: 

[n  (x  ,e  )-C  (x.;x-x  )]  -  [n. (x. ,e . )-C  (x. ;x*-x. ) ]  > 

R.([H.(x.  ,V)-C.(x.fx-x.)]    -    [n.(x.,e.R(x.;x*-x.)]).  (21) 

111111  i  11111  i 

From   concavity   of    R.    for   y  >   0    (and   R.    >   0) ,    we   get: 

R.([n.(x. ,e.)-C.(x. ;x-x.)]    -    [n. (x. ,e. )-C. (x. ; x-x. ) J )    > 
l        ill        11  l  ill        11  l  — 

R.(n.(x. ,e.)-Ci(x.;x-x.))    -   R. ( H. ( x. ,e. )-C. ( x . ; x*-x . ) ) .  (22) 



~     ~  *        *  *  * 

[ll.(x.  ,e.)-C.(x.;x-x.)]    -    [n. (x. ,e . )-C. (x. ;x*-x. ) ]    > 
ill        11  1  ill        11  l 

R.(n.(x.  ,e.)-C.(x.;x-x.))    -   R.  (  II.  (x  .  ;  x*-x.  )-C.  (x.  ;  x*-x.  )  )  .    (23) 
1111         11  l  ill  l         11  l 

By   definition   of    (x.,e   ), 

R.(n.(x. ,e.)-C.(x.;x-x.))    -  g.(e.)    >   R. ( H. (x. ,e . )-C . (x . ;x-x\  ) )    -  g.(e.).  (24 

1111        11  l  li     —     iiii        11  l  11 

Since   x.    >    x.    for   all    i,    C.    nondecreasing    in   x-x    ,    and   R.    >   0,   we   have: 

R.(n.(x. ,e.)-C.(x. ,x-x.))    -  g.(e.) 
1111        11  i  ii     — 

R.(n.(x. ,e.)-C.(x.;x*-x.))    -   g.(e.).  (25) 

1111         ii  l  ii 

Rewriting    (25)    and    using    (23)    gives    us: 

[Il.(x.  9e.)-C.(x.;x-xJ]    -    [ H. ( x. ,e . )-C. (x . ; x*-x. ) ]    > 
lii        ii  i  ill        ii  i 

g.(e.)    -  g.(e*)    >   0.  (26) 

Finally,  rearranging  terras  in  (26),  and  noting  that  x.  and  x.  are  both 

positive  so  that  we  can  substitute  f.(x.)  +  h.(e.)  for  II.(x.,e.),  we 
K  1111       ill 

have  our  desired  result  that: 

f.(x.)  +  h.(e.)  -  C.(x.;x-x.)  -  g^e.)  > 

f^x*)  +  h.(e*)  -  C.(x*;x*-x*)  -  g^e*).  (27) 


We  can  now  use  Propositions  1  and  2  to  demonstrate  our  main  result. 
That  is,  if  the  center  currently  uses  reward  functions  R  ,  R  ,  ...,  R 
based  only  on  gross  divisional  profits,  there  exist  reward  functions 


R, ,  R_,  ....  R  based  on  divisional  profits  net  of  a  full  allocation 
1'   2        n 

of  costs  such  that  the  center  is  strictly  better  off  and  each  division 
manager  is  strictly  better  off.   It  will  therefore  be  in  the  best 
interests  of  the  center  and  division  managers  to  renegotiate  the  con- 
tracts to  use  a  compensation  scheme  based  on  a  full-cost  allocation. 

THEOREM:   There  exists  R,  ,  R„ ,  ....  R  ,  which  depend  on  divisional 
1   2        n 

profits  minus  a  full-cost  allocation,  that  lead  to  an  outcome  that 

Pareto  dominates  the  outcome  realized  with  R,  ,  R„ ,  ....  R  ,  when  the 

1 '   2'       n ' 

R.  are  concave,  increasing  functions  that  are  less  than  their  argu- 

Proof : 

Let  e.  be  the  difference  between  gross  profits  net  of  allocated 
costs  and  disutility  of  effort  at  (x.,e.)  and  (x.,e.)«   That  is 

e.  =  [n.(x. ,e1)-Ci(x.;x-xi)-gi(e.)] 

-  [^(x  ,e  )-C  (x  ;x-x  )-g  (e  )].  (28) 

By    Proposition   2,    e.    >    0. 

Since   e.    >^  e.    and   g.    is    increasing,   we   have    that: 

[n.(x. ,e.)-C.(x.;x-x.)]    -    [ n. (x* ,e*)-C . ( x. ; x*-x*) ]    >    e..         (29) 
iiiii  l  11111  i  l 

We    can   now  define   R     as: 


R.(n.(x.  ,e.)-C.(x.  ;x-x.))    =  K.    +    R.  (  JT.  (  x  .  ,e  .  )-C  .  (x.  ;  x-x  .  )  )    (30) 
1111        ii  l  l  iiii        li  i 



K.  =  MlUx^e*))  -  g.(e*)  -  ^(n-Cx^.e.)  -  C.(x\;x-x.)  +  g.(e.)  +  f:  (31) 

Clearly,  (x.,e\),  i-1,  2,  ...,  n  form  a  Nash  equilibrium  when  division 
managers  are  rewarded  according  to  (30).  At  equilibrium,  the  division 
manager's  utility  is: 

R1(a1(xJ,e1))  -  g1(e1)  +  Y~   ,  (32) 

so  that  the  division  managers'  utilities  have  all  increased  by  a 
strictly  positive  amount.   At  the  (x\,e\)  equilibrium,  the  center's 
profits  are: 

I    [n.(x.,e.)-R,(n.(x  ,e  )-C  (x  ;  x-x  ))]  -  C(x)  = 
i  =  l 

I    [ni(xi,ei)-R.(ni(x*,e*))-g.(e.)+gi(e*)  -  3-  -C.Cx.  ;x-x±)} .   (33) 


Without  the  cost  allocation,  the  center's  profits  are: 

-*  .^M  (34) 

I    [ni(xi,ei)-Ci(xi;x*-xi)-Ri(ni(x.,e.))] 

Therefore,  the  benefit  of  the  cost  allocation  can  be  calculated  as  the 
difference  between  the  r.h.s.  of  (33),  and  (34): 



T    {[II.  (x. ,e.)-C.(x.;x-x.)-g.(e.)] 
*■,  "■     1      I      1        11  l        11 

i  =  l 

-    [n.(x*,e*)-C.(x*;x*-x*)-g.(e*)]}  -      J     ^-  =      V     ^  >   0.      (35) 
11111  ill  .,2  .,2 

1=1  1=1 


Thus,  the  center  and  all  the  divisions  are  strictly  better  off 

with  a  full  allocation  of  costs  and  the  reward  functions  R. ,  i  =  l,  2, 


...,  n.   Although  the  center  does  not  know  the  values  of  K.  a  priori, 

the  proof  given  above  demonstrates  that  there  exist  reward  functions 

that  are  Pareto  superior  to  reward  functions  based  on  no  allocation  of 

costs.   We  have  not  shown  that  the  R.  are  optimal  reward  functions, 


only  that  they  dominate  reward  functions  that  are  optimal  in  the  class 


In  this  section,  we  give  an  explicit  formulation  of  compensation 
functions  R.,R„,...,R   that  are  based  upon  a  cost  allocation  (although 
not  on  a  full  cost  allocation)  and  that  result  in  an  outcome  that 

Pareto  dominates  the  outcome  achieved  with  the  R  's.   Furthermore, 


with  the  cost  allocation  that  we  present,  each  division's  manager 
can  explicitly  calculate  his  or  her  best  input  and  effort  levels 
without  knowledge  of  the  current  behavior  of  the  other  divisions' 

We  define  new  compensation  functions  based  on  an  allocation  of 
costs  by: 


R.[tt.,x.]  =  R.[tt.(x.  ,e.)-C.(x.;x*-x*)]  +  R.  [  tt.  (x*  ,e*)  ] 
111      111111      1      1111 

-  R.U„(x*,e*)  -  C.(x*;x*-x*)].  (35) 

1111      11      l 

Let  K.  and  (x.,e.)  be  defined  as  follows: 
l       11 

-  *       *  it       it  -  it  it 

K.     =   R.[ir.(x.  ,e.)]    -   R.  [  tt.  (x.  ,e  .  )-C.  (x.  ;  x*-x.  )  ]  (36) 

l  1111  1111         11  l 


(x.,e.)    e   argmax{R.  [tt.(x.  ,e.)-C.(x.  ;x*-x*)]    -   g.(e.)    +  K.  }.  (37) 

11  111111  l  11  l 

The  following  theorem  shows  that  for  R. 's  in  R* ,  the  associated 
to  l 

R.'s  will  result  in  higher  total  profits  for  the  firm,  while  causing 
no  loss  in  utility  for  the  divisions'  managers.   Note  that  with  the 
R.  compensation  functions,  the  manager  of  division  i  is  "charged"  a 
portion  of  total  input  costs  that  would  have  been  incurred  if  the 
other  divisions  continued  to  demand  their  no  cost  allocation  level  of 
inputs.   The  K.  term,  which  can  be  explicitly  computed  by  the  Center, 
is  included  to  ensure  that  the  manager  of  division  i  suffers  no  loss 
in  utility  in  the  switch  from  no-cost  allocation  to  cost  allocation. 

THEOREM:   The  compensation  functions  R. ,R_,...,R   lead  to  an  outcome 
that  Pareto  dominates  the  outcome  achieved  with  the  compensation  func- 
tions R,  ,R  ,...,R  ,  when  the  R  fs  are  concave,  increasing  functions  of 
1   2      n  i 

divisional  profits  alone  and  are  less  than  their  respective  arguments. 


Proof :   For  the  outcome  achieved  with  the  R.'s  to  be  Pareto  superior 

the  outcome  achieved  with  the  R.'s  it  is  sufficient  that: 



2      {ir.(xi,ei)-Ri[TT1(x1,e.)-C.(xi;x*-x*)]-Ki}  -   C(x)    > 


I      (TT.Cx^.ep-R.U.Cx^e*)]}  -   C(x*),  (38) 



R.[ir.(x.,e.)-C.(x.;x*-x*)]    +  K.    -   g.(e.) 
iiiiii  i  i  ii     — 

R   [it  (x*  e*)]    -  g.(e*)  for   all    i=l,2,...,n.  (39) 

From  the  definition  of  K. ,  the  left-hand-side  of  (39)  equals  the 


right-hand-side   of    (39)    when    (x.,e.)    =   (x*,e*).      Since    (x.,e.)    is 

l '    l  ii  l      l 

chosen    to   solve: 

MAX        R.  [tt.(x.  ,e.)-C.(x.  ;x*-x*)]    +  K.    -   g.(e.), 
(x.,e.)      iiiiii  i  ill 

l      l 

the  inequality  in  (39)  is  immediate. 

Recall  that  ir.(x.,e.)  =  f.(x.)  +  h.(e  ).   The  first-order  condi- 
lii     ii     ii 

tions  for  the  above  problem  are: 

R'.[f.(x.)+h.(e.)-C.(x.;x*-x*)][f!(x.)-c!(x".;x*-x*)]    =  0  (40) 

1111111  l  1111  i 


R![f.(x.)+h.(e\)-C.(x.;x*-x*)]h'(e    )    -   g!(e.)    =   0.  (41) 

ill        ii        ii  iii  ii 

Since   R*    >   0,    (40)    yields: 


f!(x.)  -  c!(x.;x*-x*)  =  0.  (42) 

i   i     l   i     l 

Thus  x.  is  selected  independently  from  e..   Since  f.(x*)  =  0  and 
l  l  11 

f.(»)  -  C.(»)  is  quasi-concave,  (42)  implies  that  x.  >  x..   From  con- 
11  11 

cavity  of  R  ( •) ,  we  have  R  non-increasing  in  its  argument;  this  along 
i  i 

with   x*   >    x.    gives    us: 
l  l 

R![f .(x.)+h.(e.)-C.(x.;x*-x*)]    >   r!  [ f . (x . )+h. (e . ) ]    > 
l      l      11111  l        —     l      l      l         l      l        — 

R'.[f.(x*)+h.(e.)]  for   all    e.    >   0.  (43) 

11111  l 

When   e.    =   e.  ,    we    have: 
l  l 

R![f.(x.)+h.(e.)-C.(x.;x*-x*)]    >   r! [ f . (x*)+h. (e. ) ] .  (44) 

ill        11        11  l—iii        11 

Since  h'  >  0,  (44)  and  (41)  imply  that 

0  =  Rj[fi(xi)+hi(ei)-Ci(xi;x*-x*)]h^(ei)  -  g!(e.)  > 

R^[fjL(x*)+hi(ei)]h](e1)  -  gUe.).  (45) 

From  the  definition  of  (x*,e*)  we  know  that: 

R^[f.(x*)+h.(e*)]h|(e*)  -  g^(e*)  =  0.  (46) 

From  R.  concave,  h.  concave  and  g.  convex,  the  right-hand-side  of  (46) 

is  decreasing  in  e..   Thus,  (45)  and  (46)  together  imply  that  e.  <  e.. 
&     l  l—i 

By  quasi-concavity  in  x.  of  f.(«)  -  C. (  •) ,  and  (38)  we  have  x   as 

ill  l 

the    unique    maxiraizer    of    f.(0    -  C.(«).      Therefore, 

f.(x.)    -   C^x.jx^x*)    >    f.(x*)    -   C.(x*;x*-xJ).  (47) 


JL         "" 

Since  e.  <  e. ,  and  h.(»)  is  increasing,  we  have 
1  —  1 '      l  ° 

f .(x.)  +  h.(e.)  -  C.(x.;x*-x*) 
11     11     11     l 

>  f.(x*)  +  h.(e*)  -  C.(x*;x*-x*).  (48) 

11     11      11      l 

Rewriting  (48)  results  in: 

TT.(x.,e.)  -  C.(x.;x*-x*)  >  Tr.(x*,e*)  -  C.(x*;x*-x*)        (49) 
ill     11     i     ill     ii     i 

Using  R.(y)  <  y  for  all  y  >  0  and  (49),  we  get: 


<  {1r.(xi,e~i)-C.(x.;x*-x*)}-{1Ti(x*,e*)-C;L(x*;x*-x*)}]        (50) 

Concavity  of  R.(«)  and  R.  >  0  together  imply  that: 


<  R.[{TTi(xi,e"i)-C.(xi;x*-x*)}-{TT.(x*,e*)-Ci(x*;x*-x*)}]. 


Combining    (50)    and    (51)    gives: 

l      l      I'    i        i      i'  i  1111        ii  l 

<  {TT.(xi,ei)-C.(x.;x*-x*)}-{TTi(x*,e*)-C.(x*;x*-x*)}. 



Rearranging    terms    in    (52)    yields: 

TT.(x.,e    )-C    (x    ;x*-x*)-R    [tt.(x    ,e.)-C    (x    ;x*-x*)] 
liiii  iiiiiii  i 

+   R.[Tr.(x*,e*)-C   (x*;x*-x*)]    >    tt.  (x*,e*)-C.  (x*;  x*-x*)  . 
1111        ii  i  ill        li  i 


Subtracting  R.  [  it.  (x*  ,e*)  ]  from  both  sides  of  (53)  and  using  the 
definition  of  K.  gives  us: 

tt.(x.  ,e.)-C.(x.;x*-x*)-R.[Tr.(x.  ,e".  )-C.  (x.  ;  x*-x*)  ]  -  K. 
ill    ii      l    1111    ii      l      l 

>  7r.(x*,e*)-C.(x*;x*-x*)-R.[TT.(x*,e*)].  (54) 

ill   ii     l   1111 

Since  (54)  holds  for  all  i  =  l,2,...,n  and  since  C(  •)  =   £  C.(0,  we 

i=l      * 


I    {tt.(x.  ,e.)-R.[TT.(x.,e.)-C.(x.;x*-x*)]    -  K.  } 
._.       111111111  l  l 


-      I     C.(x.;x*-x*)    > 
.,ii  i 



I      {^(x^ep-R^Cx*  e*)]}  -   C(x*).  (55) 

i  =  l 

As    x*   >    x     for   all    i   =   l,2,...,n   and   C.    is   non-decreasing    in   x-x. ,    we 


n  n 

C(x)    =      I     C.(x.;x-x.)    <      Y     C.(x.;x*-x*).  (56) 

..ii  i     —  . L,      i      l  i 

i  =  l  i  =  l 


Using    (55)    and    (56)    together  we   get: 

n  _ 

I    {Tr.(x.,e.)-R.[7T.(x.,e.)-C.(x.;x*-x*)]  -K.}-C(x) 

*■«      i     i     i        liii        li            i  i 


>      I    (T:.(x*,e*)-R.[Tr.(x*,e*)]}  -   C(x*),  (57) 

.  L,      l      li         l      l      l      l 

which  is  just  (9),  what  we  set  out  to  prove. 


Note  that  the  cost  allocated  to  division  i  is  based  on  the  amount 
of  input  that  division  i  actually  demands  and  the  total  amount  of  input 
that  the  other  divisions  would  have  demanded  without  allocated  costs. 
This  is  necessary  in  order  for  the  division  managers  to  be  able  to 
explicitly  compute  their  input  demands  and  effort  levels.   If  we  view 
the  input  demands  of  the  divisions  when  costs  are  not  allocated  as 
"historical"  in  some  sense,  then  division  i  is  being  allocated  costs 
based  on  its  current  input  demand  and  the  historical  demand  of  the 
other  divisions. 

If  we  compute  the  total  of  all  the  allocated  costs,  and  compare 
that  to  actual  total  cost,  we  see  that  with  this  mechanism  more  than 
total  costs  are  allocated  to  the  divisions.   Specifically,  since 
x.  >  x.  and  C.(»)  is  nondecreasing  in  x-x.,  it  is  straightforward 
to  demonstrate  that 

n     _  n 

C(x)  =   T  C.(x.;x-x.)  <   V  C.(x.;x*-x*) 
.,ii     l  —  .  ,   11     l 
1  =  1  1  =  1 


<  I      C.(x7;x*-x:)  =  C(x*).  (58) 

i=l   X   1      X 


V.   Summary 

Suppose  a  principal  (the  center)  compensates  agents  (division 
managers)  according  to  reward  functions  that  are  based  on  divisional 
profits  gross  of  any  allocation  of  costs;  and  suppose  that  these 
reward  functions  are  concave,  increasing,  and  less  than  their  respec- 
tive arguments.   We  have  demonstrated  that  for  all  such  reward  func- 
tions that  the  center  could  select,  it  is  al-ways  in  the  interests  of 
the  center  and  the  divisions  to  renegotiate  a  new  set  of  compensation 
functions  based  on  a  full  allocation  of  costs.   Thus,  we  demonstrated 
the  existence  of  conditions  under  which  full  cost  allocations  dominate 
no  allocations. 

Our  analysis  may  be  viewed  as  a  formal  demonstration  of  Zimmerman's 
[1979]  assertion  that  cost  allocations  can  dominate  no  cost  allocation. 
Our  formalization  explicitly  considered  the  welfare  of  division 
managers  as  well  as  the  welfare  of  the  principal,  and  explicitly 
modelled  both  divergence  of  preferences  and  asymmetric  information.   We 
allowed  the  cost  function  to  have  several  jumps  so  that  an  increase  in 
output  may  impose  additional  (capacity)  "fixed"  costs  as  well  as 
variable  costs.   Hence,  the  implications  of  allocating  total  costs 
differ  from  those  of  allocating  only  variable  costs.   Our  results  are 
robust  in  the  sense  that  most  common  full  cost  allocation  methods  can 
lead  to  Pareto  improvements  in  welfare,  in  a  wide  range  of  environments, 

In  proving  the  existence  of  full  cost  allocations  that  dominate  no 
cost  allocation,  we  relied  on  the  concept  of  a  Nash  equilibrium.   How- 
ever, the  issue  of  the  actual  computation  of  the  Nash  equilibrium 
input  and  effort  levels  by  the  division  managers  was  not  resolved. 


Cost  allocation  mechanisms  that  resolve  this  computation  problem  were 
given.   With  these  mechanisms,  the  ith  division  manager's  compensation 
is  a  function  of  the  ith  division's  current  input  demand  and  the 
historical  demand  of  the  other  n-1  divisions.   These  mechanisms  result 
in  a  dominant  strategy  equilibrium,  thereby  solving  the  computation 
problems,  but  the  allocation  of  costs  is  only  approximate.   This  sug- 
gests that  in  order  to  resolve  the  computational  problems  associated 
with  the  full  cost  allocation  model,  one  must  be  willing  to  sacrifice 
the  notion  of  a  tidy  allocation  of  costs  in  the  current  period  based 
only  on  the  actions  (demands)  in  the  current  period. 

The  intuition  underlying  our  results  is  as  f ollows :   at  the  no- 
cost  allocation  equilibrium  the  manager  could  trade  a  small  amount  of 
additional  effort  for  a  small  amount  of  transferred  product  and  leave 
local  profits  unchanged,  costs  lower,  and  firm  profits  gross  of  reward 
greater.   However,  since  effort  is  costly  to  the  manager  and  the  trans- 
ferred product  is  not,  the  manager  has  no  incentive  to  do  so.   From 
the  firm's  point  of  view,  both  the  transferred  product  and  effort  are 
costly  (the  latter  because  the  firm  must  pay  the  manager  for  effort  in 
order  to  meet  the  manager's  reservation  wage).   When  the  division  is 
charged  for  the  transferred  product,  the  manager's  relative  prices  for 
effort  and  transferred  product  change,  and  the  manager  increases 
effort  and  reduces  consumption  of  the  transferred  product,  giving  the 
firm  larger  profits  gross  of  rewards  but  net  of  costs.   For  this  cost 
allocation  scheme  to  Pareto  dominate  the  no-cost  allocation  scheme, 
the  decrease  in  costs  must  be  greater  than  the  increased  reward  paid 
to  the  manager  to  compensate  for  the  increase  in  effort.   Since  R.  is 


concave,  the  firm  saves  more  in  costs  of  producing  the  transferred 
product  than  the  manager  incurs  as  a  result  of  increased  effort. 
Thus,  a  transfer  from  the  center  to  the  manager  exists  that  makes  both 
parties  better  off. 

Finally,  we  again  point  out  that  we  have  not  shown  that  cost  allo- 
cations are  an  optimal  method  of  coordinating  decentralized  units  of 
an  organization.   Certainly  for  cost  allocations  to  be  optimal  it  is 
necessary  that  they  dominate  no-cost  allocation.   We  have  seen  that 
this  necessary  condition  is  met. 


We  prove  that  in  the  no  cost  allocation  case,  the  center  chooses 
reward  functions  that  are  concave,  increasing  functions  of  local  prof- 
its alone,  and  such  that  R.(lL)  <  II.  for  all  It.  >  0.   We  demonstrate 

111  1 

this  by  proving  four  separate  assertions. 

ASSERTION  1:   Let  R.(n.,x.)  be  the  reward  function  for  division  i. 

Without  loss  of  generality,  we  can  restrict  R.'s  domain  to  R  such 

that  R.  is  increasing  in  its  first  argument. 


By  contradiction.   Assume  there  exists  (a,b)  e  R  such  that  R.  is  non- 
increasing  in  its  first  argument  at  (a,b). 

CASE  1 

There  exists  no  (H.,g  )  e  M  such  that  R  (a,b)  =  R  (II. (x  ,e  )  ,x  )  for 

li      l  l         liiii 

some  (x.,e.).   Then  (a,b)  is  not  part  of  the  relevant  domain  of  R.  and 
may  be  excluded  without  loss  of  generality. 

CASE  2 

There  exists  (n.,g.)  z   M.  such  that  for  some  (x.,e.),  R.(a.b)  = 
11      l  ill 

R.  (  II.  (x.  ,e.  )  ,x.  )  .   We  claim  that  (x.,e.)  will  never  be  chosen  by  divi- 
sion manager  i.   Using  the  fact  that  g.  is  strictly  increasing  in  e. , 
II.  is  strictly  increasing  in  e.  ,  and  R.(a,b)  is  non-increasing  in  its 
first  argument  at  (a,b),  we  have  that  there  exists  some  e.  <  e.  such 


R.(a,b)  -  g^e.)  =  R1(ni(x.,e.),x.)  -  g.(e.) 

<  R.(iri(x.,ei),7.)  -  g^e.). 

Therefore,  since  there  exists  (x.,e.)  that  makes  division  manager  i 

11  ° 

strictly  better  off  than  at  (x.,e.),  the  latter  will  never  be  chosen 
by  the  division  manager.   We  may  therefore,  without  loss  of  generality, 
exclude  (a,b)  from  the  relevant  domain  of  R.. 


For  an  accepted  contract,  the  following  self-selection  constraint 
must  be  met: 

*      * 
(x.,e.)    e  Argmax   R. (n. (x. ,e. ) ,x. )    -  g.(e.) 
11  11111  11 

(x.,e.)  e  T.  (Al) 

where  T.  =  {(x. ,e. )  |0  <  x.  and  0  <  e.  <  7. }. 

l      li1  —  l       —l—i 

The  existence  of  a  solution  to  the  problem  in  (Al)  leads  to  our  second 

ASSERTION  2:   Let  R.(n,,x.)  be  the  reward  function  for  division 
l   11 

manager  i.   Then  R   is  concave  in  its  argument. 


A  necessary  condition  for  a  solution  to  (Al)  to  exist  for  a  particular 

(II  ,g  )  e  M   is  quasi-concavity  of  the  raaximand  in  (x  ,e  ).   A  neces- 
i   i     l  i   l 

sary  condition  for  quasi-concavity  of  the  maxiraand  in  (Al)  for  all 

(JI.,g.)  e  M.  is  concavity  of  R..   Therefore,  a  necessary  condition  for 

a  solution  to  (Al)  to  exist  for  all  (n.,g  )  e  M   is  concavity  of  R. . 

ill  i 


The  third  assertion  depends  directly  on  our  definitions  of  no-cost 
allocation,  and  "reasonable"  reward  functions. 

ASSERTION  3:   Let  R.(lT.,x.)  be  the  reward  function  for  division  i. 
1   11 

Then  for  the  no  cost  allocation  benchmark,  R.  "depends  only  on  II.. 

l  i 


The  self-selection  constraint  can  be  rewritten,  at  (x.,e.),  as 

3R.  an.      3R. 

1  *    +   T±  =    0. 

an.   ax.       ax 

ii  i 


3R.  an. 

TiT  IT  ~  gi  =  °' 
i      i 


By  definition  of  no-cost  allocation,  we  know  that  — —  is  non-negative, 

3x . 


3R.  .   . 

i  *  a 

Assume  that  -r —  is  strictly  positive.   Then  (x.,e.)  will  be  chosen 
3x.  J    v  i»  x 


such  that 

3n.      3R.    3R. 
i  /    i 

3x.    3x.   an.  * 
i     ii 

3R.  3R.         an. 

From  assertion  1,  -rr-   >  0;  from  assumption,  — —  >  0.   Thus,  — —  <  0 

Oil .  dx .  3x . 

*      *  1  1  i 

at    (x.,e.),    for    all    II..      From   our   definition   of    admissable    reward 
ii  l 

9lIi  ,    *      *N 

functions,    we    excluded    all    R.    where  - —  <    0   at    (x.,e.),    for    all    n. . 

~„  1  oX  .  11  1 

3R.  i 

This  gives  us  — —  =  0,  or  R.  depending  only  on  n.  . 
3x .  i  i 



The  center  will  choose  reward  functions  R.  that  depend  only  on 


IT.  and  that  are  strictly  increasing  in  II..   Our  fourth  assertion  is 
1  l 

that  the  division's  reward  will  be  positive  only  if  it  produces  posi- 
tive profits,  and  that  the  division's  reward  will  always  be  less  than 
its  profits. 

ASSERTION  4:   Let  R.(n.)  be  the  reward  function  for  division  i.   Then, 
for  all  (n.,gi)  e  Mj., 

(i)  R.(a)  >  0  only  if  a  >  0;  and 
(ii)  R.(a)  <  a  for  all  a  >  0. 


*   * 
(i)  Let  (x.,e.)  denote  the  output  level  and  effort  level  chosen  by 

division  manager  i,  if  the  contract  is  accepted.   A  necessary  con- 
dition for  the  contract  (employment  under  the  compensation  plan)  to  be 

*   * 

accepted  is  R.  (  II.  (x.  ,e.  )  )  >  w.  ,  where  w.  >  0  is  the  division  manager's 
K        l   l   l '  l   —  l  '        l  b 

reservation  utility  level.   Since  a  division  manager  knows  n.(x.,e.) 

i   ii 

prior  to  accepting  the  contract,  and  reward  functions  are  chosen  for 

all  (H.,g.)  e  M, ,  the  contract  must  have  the  property  that 

*  *  *   * 

R.  ( II.(x.  ,e.  ))  >  0.   If  it  were  the  case  that  R.  ( II.  (x.  ,e  . ) )  >  0  and 
i  I  I  i  1111 

H.(x.,e  )  <  0,  then  the  center  would  not  want  the  division  manager  to 

accept  the  contract.   Thus,  the  center  will  restrict  its  attention  to 

*   *  *   * 

reward  functions  such  that  R.  ( II.  (x.  ,e . ) )  >  0  if  n.(x.,e.)  >  0,  and 

1111  ill 

*  *  *   * 

R.  ( II.  (x.  ,e.  ))  =  0  if  n.(x.,e.)  <  0.   Again,  as  reward  functions  are 
1111  ill  — 

chosen  for  all  admissible  profit  and  disutility  of  effort  functions, 
it  follows  that  the  center  can  restrict  attention  to  reward  functions 
such  that  R.(y)  >  0  only  if  y  >  0,  and  R.(y)  =  0  if  y  <_  0.   Since 


II,(x.,e.)  >  0  only  if  x.  >  0,  it  must  be  the  case  that  for  an  accepted 

*  15 

contract,  x.  >  0.    For  an  accepted  contract,  the  self-selection 

constraint  (Al)  can  be  written  as 

*  * 

(x.,e.)    e  Argmax   R. ( f . (x. )+h. (e. ) )    -  g.(e    ) 
11  11111  11 

(x. ,e.)    e  T. 
11  l 

(ii)  Suppose  that  for  some  a  >  0,  R.(a)  >  a,  and  that  there  exists 

*   * 

(II., g.)  e  M.  such  that  JI.(x.,e.)  =  a.   From  the  definition  of  admis- 
li      l  ill 

sable  reward  functions,  such  an  R.  is  not  admissable. 




See  Harris,  Kriebel  and  Raviv  [1982]  for  more  on  this  point. 

We  denote  the  first  and  second  derivatives  by  single  and  double 

primes,  respectively. 

Further  restrictions  are  placed  on  the  cost  functions  in  Section 


See  Zimmerman  [1979,  p.  515]  for  more  on  this  point. 

This  is  similar  in  spirit,  but  not  the  same  as  the  minimum  regret 
strategy  defined  in  Luce  and  Raiffa  [1957]. 

Note  also  that  the  properties  of  the  reward  functions  do  not 

exclude  a  simple  sharing  of  a  division's  gross  profits. 

Clearly,  the  game  we  model  is  one  in  which  the  managers  accept 
the  contract  myopically;  that  is,  they  (the  managers)  assume  that  the 
contract  is  not  going  to  be  changed  in  the  future.   Therefore,  those 
potential  managers  who  have  not  joined  the  firm  have  no  interest  in 
any  change  in  the  reward  scheme. 

It  should  be  noted  that  the  Nash  equilibrium  is  ex  post  rational, 

in  the  same  sense  as  the  center's  strategy  in  choosing  the  no-cost 
allocation  reward  functions. 

Groves  and  Ledyard  [1985]  provide  a  cogent  defense  of  the  use  of 

Nash  equilibria  as  the  solution  concept  in  the  type  of  situation  we 
have  modelled: 

. . .we  turn  to  the  Nash  equilibrium  of  the  complete 
information  game.   We  do  not  suggest  that  each  agent 
knows  all  of  [the  environment]  when  they  compute 
[their  strategies],  just  as  in  real  markets  no  auc- 
tioneer knows  the  excess  demand  function  when  equil- 
ibrium prices  are  calculated.   We  do  suggest,  how- 
ever, that  the  Complete  Information  Nash  game- 
theoretic  equilibrium  [strategies]  may  be  the  pos- 
sible "equilibrium"  of  [some]  iterative  process, 
i.e.,  the  stationary  messages,  just  as  the  demand- 
equal-supply  price  is  thought  of  as  the  "equil- 
ibrium" of  some  unspecified  market  dynamic  process. 

[p.  30] 


For  our  proof  to  go  through,  we  do  not  need  Ci  to  be  quasi- 
convex  in  x-^ ,  but  the  somewhat  weaker  condition  that  f^  -  C^  be 
strictly  quasi-concave  in  x^ . 


It  should  be  noted  that  this  condition  is  analagous  to  Zimmerman ' s 
conditions  on  page  518  for  his  Case  1.   He  points  out  that  if  marginal 
cost  is  greater  than  average  cost,  allocating  overhead  dominates  no 
overhead  allocation. 


When  Ci  =  (xj/x)C,  we  are  using  a  transfer  pricing  scheme  where 

the  price  is  average  cost.   We  will  thus  demonstrate  that  there  exist 

conditions  under  which  average  cost  transfer  pricing  dominates  no  cost 



All  of  our  results  on  dominance  in  full  cost  allocations  can  be 

obtained  for  compensation  functions  in  the  larger  class  of  increasing, 

quasi-concave  functions  whose  first  derivatives  are  strictly  less  than 

one.   However,  optimal  reward  functions  for  the  no  allocation  problem 

must  meet  the  additional  restriction  that  they  are  less  than  their 



Since  R^  is  concave  and  defined  over  all  of  its  domain,  it  is 

necessarily  continuous.   In  addition,  there  exists  only  a  finite  num- 
ber of  points  where  Rj  is  not  dif ferentiable  [see  Rockafellar,  p.  83 
and  p.  246].   Therefore,  without  loss  of  generality  we  can  let  the 
partial  derivatives  be  from  either  the  right  or  left,  as  long  as  we 
are  consistent.   In  that  case,  the  first  and  second  order  necessary 
conditions  have  their  usual  interpretation. 

We  can  further  restrict  the  set  of  reward  functions  to  be  ones 
that  would  be  accepted  for  some  w^  >  0.   Thus,  we  need  only  concern 
ourselves  with  the  properties  of  a  reward  function  R$_(y)  over  positive 
values;  i.e.,  where  y  >  0. 


Ref erences 

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