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VOL.  105 

A  signature  of  process  color 
followed  by  a  short  but  un 
comprehensive    history    of 
Alma  Mater.  Pages  1-31 

People,  projects  and  Profiles. 
A  look  at  that  portion  of  our 
environment  that  is  devoted 
to  learning.  Pages  32-87 





^  m^ 



Ah  yes,  interest  groups.  We 
couldn't  survive  without 
keeping  our  RSO  affiliates 
happy  so  this  section  is  by 
about  and  for  them.  Pages 

A  two  sided  view  of  the  Class 
of  1974  with  our  congratula- 
tions. Pages  208-264 



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% :.. 

The  campus  in  1863  with  South  College,  North 
College  and  the  Old  Chem  Lab  in  the  back- 
ground. Below  is  a  sketch  from  a  Gay  Ninties 
Index,  and  another  early  campus  pastoral. 

In  1863,  after  nearly  four  decades  of  effort,  Massachusetts 
was  awarded  an  agricultural  college  by  an  act  of  Congress. 
Competing  with  Northannpton,  Lexington  and  Springfield, 
Amherst  was  chosen  as  the  site  in  1865.  Finally  in  1867  the 
first  students  were  accepted.  There  were  47  in  all  who  com- 
posed the  pioneer  class  of  '71.  They  paid  their  $36  tuition 
and  went  to  work  under  the  supervision  of  Professor  Levi 
Stockbridge  on  a  campus  with  no  pond  and  only  four  build- 
ings (South  College  among  them).  There  was  no  lack  of 
skepticism  over  the  experimental  college's  future,  but  by 
1876  it  had  earned  international  repute  for  successful  agri- 
cultural endeavors  and  President  Clark  was  on  his  way  to 
Japan  to  help  them  establish  a  similar  institution. 

^-    >?!l 

The  passing  years  brought  advancement  and  growth;  the 
Chapel  in  the  mid  '80s,  women  in  the  '90s,  and  the  Campus 
Pond  around  the  turn  of  the  century.  But  the  most  burning 
issue  of  our  history  began  in  1881  about  the  time  of  the  in- 
troduction of  new  and  hberahzed  course  matter.  The  stu- 
dents feh  that  the  name  Mass  Agricultural  College  was  to 
blame  for  its  small  enrollment  and  financial  problems,  so 
they  demanded  it  be  changed  to  Mass  State  College.  This 
outcry  continued  with  varying  intensity  for  literally  dec- 
ades. As  a  matter  of  fact,  the  Class  of  '01  was  forced  to 
spend  some  of  its  lean  treasury  for  the  removal  of  the  letters 
M.S.C.  from  some  unidentified  conspicuous  space. 

By  the  time  the  change  was  adopted  in  1931,  there  was  al- 
ready a  movement  to  change  the  name  to  The  University  of 
Massachusetts,  but  that  didn't  happen  until  1947. 

First  graduating  class  of  M.A.C.  (1871)  above. 
The  Old  Cliem  Lab  burns  to  the  gound  on  what 
is  now  Machmer  Hall  in  1914. 


The  College  steadily  grew  from  the  insides  out,  with  the 
construction  of  Stockbridge  Hall  in  1914  being  one  of  its 
most  ambitious  undertakings.  During  world  war  I,  1304 
students  and  faculty  served  couragously.  It  was  to  the  fifty- 
one  who  gave  their  lives  that  Memorial  Hall  was  constructed 
in  1921  with  an  obviously  well  attended  dedication  ceremo- 
ny. During  the  thirties,  despite  the  depression,  the  College 
continued  to  grow  with  added  dormitories  and  improvement 
of  the  quaint  but  outdated  classroom  facilities. 




An  aerial  view  taken  around  the  '30s  shows  that  the  campus 

had  no  lack  of  open  space  that  seems  all  to  confined  to  the 
Pond  area  these  days.  After  the  second  world  war  an  addi- 
tion to  Mem  Hall  was  planned  and  Ike  himself  came  to  see 
the  sketches  but,  mysteriously,  it  was  never  built.  Then  the 
campus  began  to  take  on  its  more  modern  shape  with  the 
construction  of  the  Student  Union  in  '57,  our  city  within  a 
city  called  Southwest  in  '66  and  the  Campus  Center  in  '69 
which  has  centered  controversy  over  its  worth  to  the  stu- 
dents who  pay  for  it.  The  construction  of  the  world's  tallest 
library  is  well  within  the  memory  of  upperclassmen,  pic- 
tured in  1970. 






By  the  first  commencement  of  1871  there  were  already  many 
estabHshed  groups  at  the  Aggie,  including  several  fraterna- 
ties,  two  of  which  had  been  founded  here,  a  debating  socie- 
ty, a  glee  club  and  an  orchestra.  The  first  student  publica- 
tion. The  INDEX,  was  published  that  year  and  has  been  ev- 
ery year  since.  AGGIE  LIFE,  a  weekly  newspaper,  began 
publication  in  the  '80s,  changed  its  name  to  COLLEGE 
SIGNAL  in  1901  amidst  student  agitation  for  the  removal  of 
the  word  Aggie  from  everything,  and  eventually  became  our 
constant  companion  the  COLLEGIAN  in  1914 . 

„  ACCK  OtTFUYS  HARViM  Ofi  aiPTOir 

imo  em  LOSE  aw  lY  lo  stoH 


And  of  course,  sports.  Traditionally  football  has  been  the 
most  popular  sport  here,  but  in  the  early  days  there  were 
only  two  men  who  had  even  heard  of  the  game  before  arriv- 
ing at  the  Aggie.  It  was  these  very  two  men  who  organized 
the  first  team  in  1878.  Baseball  found  a  place  on  campus  in 
1868  but  the  Umie  forefathers  played  without  so  much  as  a 
glove  until  1877  and  there  was  more  than  one  of  them  that 
had  scars  to  prove  it.  Basketball  came  to  us  firsthand  being 
introduced  in  1898  by  a  Springfield  College  team  from 
where  the  sport  sprang. 


Both  the  proudest  and  most  amazing  victory  in  the  one 
hundred  and  six  year  history  of  athletic  competition  came 
just  days  after  the  first  commencement  in  1871.  One  warm 
July  evening  on  the  Connecticut  River  near  Springfield,  the 
Massachusetts  Agricultural  College  rowing  team  defeated 
the  Harvard  and  Brown  crews  at  their  own  game.  On  top  of 
all  that,  they  were  adjudged  to  have  broken  the  world's  rec- 
ord in  the  victory.  It  was  a  long  time  ago,  but  it  still  means 




The  more  social  of  pastimes  have  been  taking  up  valuable 
study  time  ever  since  we  planted  our  first  grape.  The  tradi- 
tional rope  pull  between  classes  was  a  favorite  at  the  turn  of 
the  20th  century  and  was  still  popular  in  the  '50s.  The  pond 
also  played  an  intergral  part  in  numerous  initiaions  of  all 
sorts.  Homecoming  was  a  big  thing  of  the  '50s  and  still  is 
today  but  they  had  football  rallies  like  you  just  don't  see 
around  here  anymore. 

Formal  balls  are  another  part  of  life  that  has  left  us  for  now 
and  the  malt  shop  atmosphere  of  the  Campus  Store  has  been 
replaced  by  the  crowds  in  the  Hatch.  Those  days  are  gone 
but  no  doubt  someday  this  years  favorite  social  activity  wi 
be  remembered  for  some  years  to  come. 







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1940  s 




Above:   an  early  20th  Century  class  with  female  representation.  Right;  The 
Women's  Student  Government  Association  in  1931, 

Over  the  years,  more  than  just  the  facade  and  style  of  the 
school  have  changed:  the  people  have  changed.  One  gender 
in  particular,  the  female,  has  evolved  from  non-participation 
to  the  point  of  relative  equality  today.  Women  were  not  pre- 
sent at  the  birth. of  the  college  and  weren't  recognized  as 
possible  members  of  this  academic  community  until  1894 
when  the  President  was  first  given  authority  to  establish 
courses  for  co-eds  by  an  act  of  Congress.  The  end  of  the 
First  World  War  brought  an  increase  in  women's  enrollment 
which  brought  along  increased  recognition.  We  can  get  an 
insight  to  their  role  at  that  time  by  looking  at  a  piece  in  the 
'31  Index  reviewing  the  Women's  Government  Association. 

A  Perioital  Canv:i:c -■    -:lt."--5:      .  a- 

•  Evils  of  Dormitoty  Life- 'fidnight  HoWtlt 
ol  Who  Knows  WhM'  .       'j 

•  Flirtinj   «   Speskinj   to    M»le  Sinto**  ! 
vithout  Proper  Introduction  A  Ch  ?'""*■ 

•  Rtsding    Improper    Novels,    Mai:i»t'***» 
A  Other  Suggi'sfive    Litcrseurc.  > 

"This  body  was  organized  in  1919  under  the  name  Wom- 
en's Student  Council  for  the  purpose  of  controlling  all  af- 
fairs pertaining  to  the  conduct  of  women  students.  The 
Council  was  formed  when  the  Senate  found  itself  incap- 
able of  legislating  wisely  for  the  co-eds,  although  the 
truth  of  the  matter  is  that  the  co-eds  discovered  it  first. 
Not  only  was  the  Senate  unable  to  legislate  for  the  women 
students,  but  it  was  also  unable  to  punish  women  for  in- 
fractions of  the  roles  as  their  sole  method  of  enforcing  laws 
was  through  pond  parties  and  the  co-eds  objected  to  a  pub- 
lic bath. " 

It  was  in  the  years  following  WWII  that  won^en  turned  their 
recognition  into  equality  with  an  integration  of  ladies  from 
the  Women's  S.G.A.  into  the  previously  all  male  Senate. 



Swerving  down  the  mountainside,  the  bed  gains  momentum 
with  the  sweep  of  the  curves  as  it  coasts  toward  the  univer- 
sity. The  bed  is  the  vehicle:  the  student  its  operator.  An  inti- 
mate gravitational  force  draws  the  student  inward.  On  four 
tiny  wheels  he  lemminglv  glides  into  the  green.  The  potent 
color  assaults  his  eyes,  but  nothing  will  prevent  him  from 
reaching  the  place  of  education. 

Passing  through  farm  lands,  villages,  tobacco  fields  and 
hills,  the  student  delights  in  the  solidarity  around  him.  The 
typical  New  England  countryside  pervades  the  senses.  New 
England  smells  so  typical  that  one  could  almost  inhale  if. 
The  bed  picks  up  speed  as  the  foothills  force  it  to  the  center 
of  the  \'alley,  to  the  university  and  education. 

The  student  has  journeyed  through  the  Murkwood  Forest. 
He's  gone  through  the  land  of  Gandolph.  Tapped  maple 
trees  and  pastoral  quietness.  The  bed  is  winding  in  and 
among  the  beauty. 

Descending,  the  bed  leaves  the  titillating  freshness  and  is 
greeted  by  a  mirage  of  sorts.  There  is  an  exaggeratedly  tall 
monument  in  the  distance. 

A  lofty  formica  plaque  now  stands  where  the  university 
once  was.  There  is  a  level  grassy  plain  beyond  the  plastic 
monolith.  The  place  where  the  university  was  appears  to  be 
ready  for  a  hay  harvest.  This  serene  sight  of  fertility,  how- 
ever, is  nearly  obliviated  bv  the  formica. 

The  plaque  is  lavish  and  large,  colored  glossy  black  and 
plastic  white  marble.  The  student  glances  up  uncertainly  at 
the  epitaph  looming  over  him.  He  muses  that  it  looks  like  a 
World  War  II  veteran's  memorial;  he'd  even  have  to  ascend 
steps  in  order  to  read  the  wording.  There  are  small  American 
flags  planted  by  its  flanks. 

The  student  grins,  salutes,  and  mounts  the  cardboard  steps. 
He  parks  his  bed  adjacent  to  the  formica  slab.  Reading  an 
inscription,  the  student  shrugs  then  smiles  again. 

"The  university. 

Place  of  higher  education  and  fun. 

The  zone  from  which  all  good  things  come." 

Yes,  the  student  reminisces.  It  is  now  the  year  n.  The  uni- 
versity in  this  year  did  x  to  avert  becoming  y  so  that  the  co- 
tangent of  b"  would  never  realize  itself.  Competition  and  the 
survival  of  the  fittest  is  the  formula  by  which  all  will  be 

He  knows  about  the  formica  plaque.  The  student  knows 
that  there  is  a  grassy  ground  where  the  university  once  was. 
He  has  memorized  the  wording;  he  can  recite  the  familiar 
refrain.  The  student  also  knows  that  his  birth  coincided 
with  the  erection  of  the  monolith,  after  the  destruction,  after 
the  competition  and  after  the  carnage  of  the  university. 

With  the  murmurings  of  Robert  Goulet  music  in  his  heart, 
the  student  reads  the  familiar  words.  'In  the  past,  persons 
of  every  rancor  and  from  every  crevice  in  the  earth  attended 
the  university  because  it  was  inculcated  in  them  that  high- 

er education  led  to  the  making  of  more  money,  more  success, 
and  by  coincidence  perhaps,  the  betterment  of  society. 

"These  people  of  the  past  who  attended  the  university  were 
of  all  varieties;  tall,  short,  fat,  from  different  income  groups, 
with  different  intellectual  capacities.  Living  at  the  university 
were  people  who  turned  on  and  people  who  turned  off  to  the 
people  who  turned  on.  People  became  frightened  and  brutal- 
ized by  those  around  them.  The  masses  and  the  turning  on 
and  the  growth  and  the  technology  forced  the  people  to  at- 
tack one  another.  Everyone  tried  to  badger  his  neighbor  as 
much  as  he  could  in  every  way  that  he  could.  Some  of  the 
people  turned  inward,  but  most  of  the  species  lashed  at  their 

"This  transition  and  adaptation  occurred  when  the  universi- 
ty first  came  into  its  own  renown.  Its  structural  growth  was 
superceeded  only  by  ferocious  competition.  The  womb  had 
burst  and  in-fighting  among  the  people  spread  like  the 
common  cold. 

"The  rapid  and  luminous  development  created  a  very  short 
pause  so  that  an  evaluation  could  be  made.  Then,  people 
didn't  think  the  technology  would  stop  there.  In  their 
hearts,  they  feared  the  bricks  and  mortar  which  had  blighted 
their  valley.  The  social,  environmental,  educational  and 
administrative  problems  were  overwhelming." 

The  student  digests  the  sagacious  formica  words.  He  will  be 
able  to  tell  his  grandchildren  about  the  university.  Since  the 
coming  of  the  formica  plaque  so  much  has  happened. 

The  university  library  long  ago  went  down  in  architectural 
history  as  the  least  conducive  to  study  and  the  ugliest.  Con- 
crete and  bricks  which  formed  the  facade  decayed  at  an  early 
age.  The  refuse  sank  into  the  ground  beneath.  The  only  arti- 
fact remaining  from  the  construction  is  the  elevator  system 
which  is  stored  in  the  university  archives. 

The  Campus  Center  eventually  filled  with  rainfall  and  float- 
ed to  Hadley  where  it  is  presently  being  used  as  a  recreation 
area  and  meeting  place  for  the  Valley's  Polish  American 

Dormitories  on  the  hill  slid  into  campus  and  sank.  The  same 
fate  befell  SouthWest.  Much  of  their  preserved  remains  has 
been  found  in  the  mire.  The  writing  on  the  walls  tells  of  the 
torment  which  students  underwent  while  living  in  the  cubi- 
cles. The  graffiti  also  tells  of  their  pleasures. 

There  are  no  remains  of  the  dining  commons.  In  the  militant 
1990's  they  were  blown  off  the  face  of  the  earth.  The  tax 
people  have  indicated  that  decades  of  churning  stomaches 
due  to  tasteless  food  caused  students  to  sabotage  the  gar- 
bage disposal  system.  The  subsequent  stench  forced  admin- 
istrators to  employ  the  national  guard  who  obliviated  the 

The  student  ponders  the  fate  of  the  university.  Lounging  in 
his  bed  he  laughs  at  the  grassy  plain  meeting  his  sight.  The 
destruction  of  the  university  was  a  joke  just  as  its  inception 
was.  Its  purpose  was  "to  provide  the  student  with  a  broad 
understanding  of  our  historical  heritage  and  to  equip  him 


with  the  knowledge  and  skills  necessary  to  meet  the  chal- 
lenge of  our  changing  times." 

He  wheels  just  bevond  the  formica  gravestone.  He  has  en- 
tered the  confines  of  the  university.  Narrowing  his  eyes  and 
looking  into  the  abundant  verdant,  the  student  rolls  forward 
with  trepidation. 

Seemingly  mesmerized,  the  student  goes  forward.  He  wheels 
along  in  his  bed.  The  peripheral  mesh  of  the  university 
could  be  best  compared  to  the  web  of  the  black  widow.  A 
glowing  goodness  and  fluorescence  can  be  sensed  in  the 
distance.  Stethily  creeping  upon  the  edge  of  the  encasement, 
the  student  becomes  hypnotized  by  what  he  imagines  will  be 
awaiting  him  at  the  center.  He  wants  the  pulsating  sensual 
pot  of  gold. 

Getting  closer  to  the  center  of  what  had  been  the  university 
a  golden  glow  lights  up  the  sky  for  miles.  A  Utopian  aura 
entices  the  student.  The  scents  of  azaelias,  begonias  and  li- 
lacs fill  the  air.  The  music  of  muses  fill  the  ear.  Fruit  trees 
suddenly  abound.  Even  the  tangerine  trees  are  blazing  flu- 
orescent orange  and  goodness. 

The  goodness  pervades  the  senses;  one  can  taste  it,  feel  it 
and  enter  it.  It  surrounds  the  prey,  swallowing  it  whole.  Ah, 
the  year  n,  where  all  is  goodness.  A  vacuumous  goodness 
which  can  contain  only  the  student. 

The  fruits  and  smells  are  tempting.  Goodness  is  overwhelm- 
ing him,  hanging  above  him  like  a  cloud.  He  abandons  his 
bed;  the  comfort  and  security  of  the  bed  can  only  impede  his 
quest  for  whatever  it  is  that's  out  there.  Travelling  in  the 
protection  and  shelter  has  been  cast  aside  without  overt 

The  student  walks  as  a  somnambulist.  Fruits,  music,  then 
laughter.  He  begins  skipping  and  hopping,  running  toward 
the  source.  Being  alone  is  too  confining,  he  craves  the  pres- 
ence of  others.  Laughter.  Children's  laughter.  Running  and 
crying,  joyfully  buzzing  toward  the  sound  of  children,  the 
student  flies. 

He  continues.  The  place  is  out  there.  He  can  hear  it.  Giggling 
and  running,  he  sights  a  white  picket  fence  which  runs 
alongside  his  path.  The  fence  is  low  and  covered  with  flow- 
ers of  every  species.  With  a  bound,  the  student  clears  the 
fence  and  breathlessly  springs,  leaping  in  the  direction  of 
the  laughter. 

The  sight  is  pastel.  The  fence  is  soothinly  beautiful,  as  it 
encloses  the  children.  There  is  the  world's  largest  ferris 
wheel,  all  the  cotton  candy  is  magenta.  The  flowers  make 
the  enclosure  clean  and  perfect.  The  carnations  smell  so  deli- 
cious, the  student  tastes  their  beauty  and  fills  his  stomache. 

Playing  and  laughing,  the  children  include  the  student  in 
the  games.  They  romp  in  the  yard  and  eat  in  the  garden. 
King  of  the  mountain  is  one  of  the  favorite  games.  The  loser 
always  falls  in  the  gladiolas. 

Bright  smiling  faces,  freckles  and  fun.  The  student  glories  in 
the  goodness.  It  seeps  through  his  skin.  Yes,  this  is  the  Uto- 
pia. What  more  could  life  offer? 

Through  so  much  good  weather  the  student  plays.  Good 
weather  can  be  the  only  control  by  which  one  judges  time 
because  one  second  could  be  one  hour  of  happiness,  one 
minute  could  be  a  day.  Degree  and  length  of  perfection  is  the 


most  difficult  essence  to  determine.  The  student  is  happy, 
supremely  happy,  in  this  amusing  fantasyland. 

He  is  smiling  inside.  Then,  it  began  fading.  The  smile  began 
straightening  itself  out.  This  is  the  place  where  the  universi- 
ty once  was,  and  the  student  finds  he  is  not  learning.  He  is 
playing  and  interacting  with  mere  children.  His  search  for 
education  abruptly  ends. 

The  student  runs  away,  exiling  himself  from  the  happiness 
of  the  Utopia.  He  feels  that  perfection  is  not  a  desirable  end. 
Again  springing  into  the  air  over  the  flower-laden  picket 
fence,  the  student  enters  the  world  of  the  grassy  plain. 

Wandering  among  the  towering  weeds,  the  tall  grass,  the 
student  is  aimless.  The  plain  smells  of  rainwater,  feels  like 
smooth  skin  and  sounds  like  a  rushing  stream.  For  aeons  of 
miles  the  grass  surounds  him.  The  goodness  engulfs  him. 

Then,  passing  several  gravestones  that  reek  with  history, 
looking  at  some  abandoned  glass  houses,  the  student  be- 
comes overburdened  with  nostalgia.  He  lies  down  in  a  bed  of 
straw.  He  dreams  of  the  children  and  derides  their  Utopian 
happiness.  He  laughs,  then  the  sound  of  his  own  voice 
awakens  him. 

The  student  sees  a  rectangular  hall  surrounding  him  with 
mirror-bedecked  ceiling,  floor  and  walls.  The  student  is 
dressed  in  white;  shirt,  shoes,  hat,  even  his  complexion  is 
pale.  He  sees  himself  a  million  times  multiplied.  The  mirrors 
have  the  student  engrossed  in  himself.  He  loves  to  look  at 

He  slowly  undresses  and  looks  at  his  body.  He  examines 
every  inch  then  dresses  again.  He  is  completely  satisfied 
with  his  image. 

The  student  touches  and  caresses  himself,  the  mirrors,  his 
body.  Timelessness  penetrates  the  nothingness.  He  scruti- 
nizes himself  for  years  perhaps.  He  looks  at  his  body,  his 
clothing,  his  reflection. 

One  very  contemplative  day  the  student  paces  down  the 
long  rectangular  room  for  the  miUionth  time,  but  everything 
has  turned  inside  out.  The  enclosure  has  become  busy  and 
noisy.  There  are  black  people  filling  the  space.  The  mirrors. 
The  student's  attire  is  black. 

The  people  are  talking  among  one  another.  Some  are  talking, 
scowling,  nodding  in  little  groups.  The  student  is  first  con- 
cerned with  the  color.  With  his  color.  Is  he  black?  He  asks 
those  people  around  him;  they  don't  respond. 

The  student's  clothing  is  black  and  there  are  no  mirrors. 
Tormenting  him  are  the  black  people  who  ignore  him,  who 
don't  respond,  who  won't  speak.  Is  he  black? 

He  merely  came  out  in  search  of  education.  The  student  was 
curious  about  the  university  and  its  destruction.  Now  he  is 
unsure  of  everything. 

He  has  rejected  the  children.  Became  engrossed  then  horri- 
fied in  himself.  Is  this  what  education  does?  The  student 
laughs  at  the  university  with  its  buildings  and  mortar,  but 
laughs  at  everything  in  the  conclusion. 

Waking,  he  finds  himself  on  the  grassy  plain,  alongside  his 

bed.  He  climbs  in,  gears  to  auto-pilot  and  goes  to  the  hills 

from  where  he'd  come. 

Cindy  Genet 


■>"'       "«■ 



31  tc 







y ' 




Dr.  Doric  Alviani  came  to  Massa- 
chusetts State  College  in  1938  and  by 
1939  already  had  been  chosen  for  an 
Index  dedication.  When  Dr.  Alviani 
came  to  this  school  as  the  director  of 
the  music  organization,  there  was  no 
Music  department;  whatever  few 
music  courses  were  available  to  the 
students  were  fovmd  under  the  Eng- 
lish department  heading.  Music  was 
not  a  major  here  and  there  were  very 
few  courses  offered.  Dr.  Alviani  put 
his  whole  effort  in  developing  a  music 
program  for  this  school.  The  music 
courses  for  non-majors  became  very 
popular  and  blossomed  fast.  The 
enthusiasm  and  participation  of  the 
students  climbed  high  the  first  year 

he  was  here.  Dr.  Alviani  started  con- 
cert tours  for  his  performers  and  be- 
gan the  concert  committee.  The 
students  honored  Dr.  Doric  Alviani 
in  1939  for  all  the  work  he  put  into 
the  school  in  only  one  year. 

After  graduating  from  high  school, 
Dr.  Alviani  went  to  the  New  England 
Conservatory  and  earned  his  diplo- 
ma. For  a  while  after  the  Conservato- 
ry, he  became  a  professional  singer, 
conductor,  and  instrumentalist.  Dor- 
ic Alviani  went  back  to  school  and 
studied  for  his  professional  music 
degree.  He  got  his  Master's  degree 
from  UMass  in  Education.  Dr.  Alvi- 
ani obtained  his  Doctorate  Degree 
from  Union  Theological  Seminary  in 

New  York.  Dr.  Alviani  began  teach- 
ing in  the  Amherst  public  school  sys- 
tem in  1937.  The  next  year  he  came 
to  the  State  College. 

During  the  1950's  attention  was 
turned  to  build  up  the  music  organi- 
zation at  the  university.  The  stu- 
dents were  very  interested  in  this 
idea  and  did  much  to  help.  The  stu- 
dents ran  many  projects  to  raise 
money,  wrote  their  own  releases, 
wrote  music  for  the  project  and  some 
of  them  became  conductors  of  the 
student-written  music.  Their  efforts 
were  not  in  vain,  for  during  the  same 
time,  a  music  department  was 
initiated.  The  new  Music  depart- 
ment had  a  few  part-time  men  and 



Left:  A  copy  of  Dr.  Doric  Alviani's  dedication 
in  the  1939  Index.  Below:  Dr.  Alviani  in  1974. 

no  building,  but  for  those  who 
worked  so  hard,  including  Dr.  Alvi- 
ani, it  had  become  a  reality.  With 
more  support  from  the  students  and 
the  university,  the  music  depart- 
ment was  able  to  increase  concerts, 
not  only  in  the  area,  but  in  other 
parts  of  the  country  and  Europe.  The 
students  were  able  to  raise  the  mon- 
ey themselves,  not  asking  the  univer- 
sity for  any  assistance.  The  musical- 
comedy  theatre  played  an  important 
role  when  Dr.  Alviani  became  the 
first  head  of  the  Music  department. 
The  University  of  Massachusetts 
became  the  first  college  to  bring 
Broadway  Shows  to  campus  for  pre- 
New  York  performances.  A  couple  of 

examples  of  what  was  brought  to 
campus  are  Brigadoon  and  South 

Dr.  Alviani  increased  the  oppor- 
tunities for  a  student  of  Music  dur- 
ing the  sixties.  Students  of  music 
were  allowed  a  type  of  work-study 
program,  where  the  student  would 
attend  some  classes  and  do  some 
work  in  the  New  York  or  Conneticut 
theatre,  or  in  the  Hartford 
Symphony.  Also,  this  same  time  pe- 
riod brought  the  finalization  of  the 
Fine  Arts  plans.  Dr.  Alviani  project- 
ed that  the  department  would  defi- 
nitely need  an  increase  in  faculty  to 
accommodate  the  large  growth  of 
student  interest  in  music,  not  only  as 

a  major,  but  also  for  those  interested 
in  non-major  courses,  such  as  music 
appreciation,  choirs,  band  and  or- 
chestra. Dr.  Alviani  wanted  to  see  a 
more  varied  musical  course  choice, 
and  for  the  department  to  offer  Con- 
tinuing Education  in  Music. 

When  Dr.  Doric  Alviani  stepped 
down  as  department  head,  all  his 
plans  had  been  reached.  Dr.  Alviani 
now  has  more  time  to  devote  to  his 
performances.  For  the  American  Bi- 
centennial, he  is  doing  research  on 
music  and  plays  of  the  eighteenth 
and  nineteenth  centuries  for  special 
programs  in  and  around  the  universi- 
ty. He  is  also  investigating  church 
organ  music  in  nineteenth  century 

Dr.  Alviani  feels  that  "Music  is 
much  more  important  than  the  per- 
formance itself;  it  is  a  means  to  an 
end.  Music  is  more  than  making 
noises,  there  must  be  emotions 
















31  k: 


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Professor  Howard  0.  Brogan  is 
known  for  more  than  being  a  former 
head  of  the  English  Department  and 
now  English  professor;  he  was  the 
chairman  of  the  committee  to  bring 
the  union  to  campus  for  the  profes- 
sors. Six  years  ago  a  former  student 
of  Dr.  Brogan's  in  Ohio  set  up  a 
Higher  Educational  Association  of 
the  National  Educational  Associa- 
tion. Professor  Brogan  observed  his 
former  student's  actions  and  be- 
lieved it  to  be  something  that  this 
campus  needed.  Two  years  ago,  he 
proposed  that  the  American  Associa- 
tion of  the  Unionization  of  Professors 
have  a  local  chapter  brought  to  cam- 

pus. The  suggestion  was  not  taken 
very  seriously,  but  they  did  decide  to 
try  collective  bargaining.  The  com- 
mittee for  the  collective  bargaining 
elected  officers  for  the  Massachu- 
setts Society  of  Professors,  a  chapter 
of  the  Massachusetts  Teachers  Asso- 
ciation. At  the  same  time  the  AAUP 
was  brought  to  campus,  having 
about  two  hundred  members.  The 
MSP  had  slightly  less  in  its 

Last  fall  the  members  of  the  com- 
mittee went  around  campus  in  find- 
ing support  of  the  two  groups.  The 
AAUP  was  found  to  have  less  than 
thirty  percent  of  the  campus  profes- 

sors' approval,  so  the  AAUP  merged 
with  the  MSP  to  solidify  the  push  for 
the  union  being  brought  to  campus. 
The  AAUP-MSP  elected  Howard 
Brogan  to  head  this  important  com- 
mittee. About  one  year  ago  the  com- 
mittee started  to  negotiate  with  the 
administration  on  setting  a  date  of 
the  elections  of  whether  the  union 
should  be  allowed  on  campus  and  the 
guidelines  on  how  the  campaign 
should  be  run. 

The  vote  was  taken  in  the  fall  of 
1973  and  the  decision  was  made  at 
this  time  that  fifty-eight  percent  of 
the  professors  did  not  want  the  un- 
ion, meaning  that  the  AAUP-MSP 


did  receive  forty-two  percent  of  the 
votes.  Tiie  tabulation  of  the  voting 
was  challenged  by  Dr.  Brogan  and 
different  department  heads  and  it 
was  found  that  the  counting  of  the 
votes  was  wrong,  so  that  the  AAUP- 
MSP  actually  had  more  votes  than 
first  believed,  but  it  was  not  enough 
to  change  the  outcome  of  the 

Professor  Brogan  fears  a  danger 
which  could  arise  if  the  organization 
of  higher  education  is  changed.  There 
is  a  bill  presently  in  the  State  House 
to  put  different  state  schools  in  cata- 
gories  for  a  supposed  more  effecient 
system.  The  Secretary  of  Education, 

Cronin,  in  Massachusetts  would  be 
given  considerable  control  over  ten- 
ure, and  put  the  tenure  question 
another  step  further  away  from  the 

The  AAUP-MSP  is  still  active, 
having  monthly  meetings.  Professor 
Brogan  is  hopeful  for  the  next  elec- 
tions. He  feels  that  there  is  a  real 
interest  in  this  community  in  bring- 
ing a  union  onto  the  campus.  The  of- 
ficers of  the  committee  are  going  to 
be  replaced  in  the  near  future.  Next 
fall  the  committee  will  again  start 
negotiating  with  the  administration 
for  the  next  election  which  probably 
will  be  held  next  spring. 



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Dr.  Fergus  Clydesdale,  one  of  the 
best  known  names  on  campus,  wants  - 
to  teach  pertinent  and  pragmatic 
information  to  students,  and  with 
this  wish  has  offered  Food  Science 
101  every  semester  beginning  with 
the  spring  semester  of  1970.  When  he 
was  counseling.  Dr.  Clydesdale  real- 
ized that  there  was  a  need  for  a  sci- 
ence course  which  does  not  "attempt 
to  make  scientists  by  the  end  of  one 
semester".  Believing  in  keeping  core 
requirements  to  round  our  a  stu- 
dent's knowledge,  he  feels  Food  Sci- 
ence 101  covers  a  need  for  students 
generally  dissatisfied  with  science 
courses.  Dr.  Clydesdale's  infamous 
course  attempts  to  remain  relevant 
to  different  dietic  lifestyles  on  cam- 
pus from  macrobiotic  to  vegetarian  to 
carnivorous  and  wants  to  prove  that 
"technology  isn't  all  bad".  The  stu- 
dents who  take  Struggle  for  Food  are 
taught  how  to  feed  themselves,  their 
families  and  are  given  a  view  of  the 
world  food  situation.  Thus,  these 
Food  Science  scholars  can  build  their 
dietic  lifestyles  with  science  instead 
of  fads  and  crazes,  making  them- 
selves and  their  future  families 

Dr.  Clydesdale  earned  his  BA  in 
Liberal  Arts  and  his  MA  in  Food 
Chemistry  at  the  University  of  To- 
ronto, and  received  his  PHD  from 
the  University  of  Massachusetts.  He 
worked  as  a  chemist  in  industry  for 
awhile  and  then  moved  into  medical 
research  before  becoming  a  teacher. 
In  1967  he  came  to  the  University  as 
an  educator  and  by  1972  he  had  won 

the  Distinguished  Teachers  Award. 
In  June  of  this  year,  Dr.  Clydesdale 
has  been  invited  to  be  a  panelist  for 
the  United  States  Senate  Committee 
on  Food  and  Nutrition  Education, 
something  of  which  Dr.  Clydesdale 
knows  much  about. 

The  general  atmosphere  of  the 
class  is  very  relaxed.  Even  though  a 
syllabus  is  handed  out.  Dr.  Clydes- 
dale uses  it  only  as  a  general  outline, 
if  the  students  are  interested  in  a 
topic  more  time  will  be  spent  on  it. 
Dr.  Clydesdale  feels  that  the  stu- 
dents make  the  course.  Students 
write  questions  concerning  anything 
that  pertains  to  food,  vitamins, 
diets,  etc.  and  sometimes  a  half  to 
three-quarters  of  an  hour  will  be 
spent  discussing  answers.  Also,  stu- 
dents bring  in  clippings  from  news- 
papers and  magazines  and  ask  Dr. 
Clydesdale  to  comment  on  them.  By 
answering  all  questions  he  brings  a 
rather  large  class  down  to  a  more 
personal  level.  Besides  replying  to 
questions.  Dr.  Clydesdale  lectures  to 
further  increase  the  students'  aware- 
ness of  food.  Food  Science  101  does 
not  require  any  laboratories  or  any 
reading  in  order  to  stimulate,  not 
deter  the  students.  A  large  percen- 
tage of  the  students  do  read  about 
four  books  concerning  food  science 
during  the  semester.  Another  aspect 
of  Food  Science  101  to  encourage 
learning  is  that  grades  are  de-em- 
phasized and  those  that  attend 
classes  normally  perform  well  on 

Dr.  Clydesdale  feels,  up  to  a  cer- 

tain point,  that  the  larger  the  class 
the  better,  because  more  students 
could  be  enlightened  in  the  ways  of 
correct  nutritional  intake.  The  class 
is  high  in  attendance  percentage, 
running  close  to  90'"f .  Dr.  Clydesdale 
feels  that  if  the  time  came  when  the 
course  became  almost  empty,  he 
would  stop  teaching  the  course  be- 
cause it  would  have  ceased  to  be  of 
interest  and  relevance  to  the  stu- 
dents, but  right  now  this  is  not  the 

The  Struggle  for  Food  course  was 
first  offered  in  spring  of  1970;  260 
students  took  advantage  of  it.  By  fall 
of  1970  the  enrollment  increased  to 
about  1100  students.  This  semester 
approximately  1350  are  taking  the 
course.  Food  Science  101  still  has  a 
priority  for  seniors  and  freshmen.  Dr. 
Clydesdale  has  offered  a  new  alterna-. 
five  for  the  student  who  is  genuinely 
interested  in  Food  Science  and  is  not 
a  science  major.  Two  credits  are  giv- 
en for  this  special  evening  session  to 
the  student  that  desires  extra  read- 
ing and  discussion  on  the  topic . 

Struggle  for  Food  appeals  to  most 
students.  The  student  who  is  inter- 
ested in  satisifying  a  university  core 
requirement,  the  student  who  is  con- 
cerned with  learning  something 
about  food  and  nutrition,  or  the  stu- 
dent looking  for  a  relevant  non-back 
breaking  science  course,  all  fall  under 
its  program.  The  course  attracting 
national  attention  because  of  its 
unique  format  has  certainly  captured 
and  held  the  attention  of  the  Univer- 
sity of  Massachusetts. 




























Dr.  Arthur  Musgrave,  Professor  of 
Journalistic  Studies,  came  to  this 
University  a  full  professor  in  1946  at 
a  time  in  U  Mass  history  when  there 
were  about  1200  students  and  the 
name  of  the  school  was  Massachu- 
setts State  College.  Part  of  Dr.  Mus- 
grave's  responsibilities  as  "Professor 
of  Journalism  and  Director  of  Infor- 
mation" was  to  handle  legislative 
relations  on  changing  the  name  of  the 
school  to  the  University  of  Massa- 
chusetts. President  Baker  felt  that  a 
name  change  would  facilitate  devel- 
opment of  the  school,  increase  sup- 
port, and  keep  Massachusetts  stu- 
dents from  travelling  elsewhere  to 
attend  college.  So  in  1947,  due  to  Dr. 
Musgrave's  efforts,  Massachusetts 
State  College  became  a  thing  of  the 

Dr.  Musgrave  strongly  believed 
when  he  came  here,  as  he  does  now, 
that  the  best  background  for  a  jour- 
nalist is  a  liberal  arts  education  with 
on-the-job  experience  referred  to  as  a 
co-curricular  tutorial  program.  This 
non-credit  program  would  allow  stu- 
dents of  all  majors  to  participate  who 
felt  they  were  interested  in  a  writing 
career.  The  Massachusetts  Daily 
Collegian  takes  students  interested 
in  journalism.  Also  several  newspa- 
pers work  in  cooperation  with  the 

University  by  using  students  in  the 
program.  The  other  program  for  pro- 
spective journalists  is  the  Journalis- 
tic Studies  academic  program.  The 
student  that  selects  this  tract  be- 
comes a  double  major;  a  student 
completes  the  requirements  for  one 
major  and  then  takes  five  courses  for 
a  Journalistic  Studies  major. 

Dr.  Musgrave  had  been  educated 
mostly  in  co-curricular  type  pro- 
gram. In  1926,  at  the  age  of  sixteen, 
Arthur  Musgrave  entered  John  Hop- 
kins University  for  a  writing  major. 
During  his  sophomore  year  a  New 

Above:  Dr.  Arthur  Musgrave  as  he  ap- 
pears today,  the  professor  with  the 
longest  tenure  on  the  Journalistic  Stud- 
ies faculty.  Opposite:  Dr.  Musgrave 
taken  in  1946  when  he  first  came  to 
Massachusetts  State  College  a  full 

York  advertising  firm  offered  him  a 
job,  so  he  quit  school  and  worked.  Dr. 
Musgrave  did  go  back  to  school  and 
earned  his  BA  and  Masters  degrees 
from  Boston  University.  After  his 
New  York  job,  he  obtained  a  position 
on  the  Baltimore  Sun  as  a  reporter 






-""         """ 


and  feature  writer. 

Another  move  brought  Dr.  Mus- 
grave  to  Austin,  Texas  as  a  managing 
editor.  In  1939  he  became  the  news 
editor  and  chief  trainer  of  the  Hous- 
ton Post.  During  the  forties,  Mus- 
grave  received  a  Neiman  Fellowship 
from  Harvard.  At  this  time,  Mass. 
State  College  was  looking  for  a  schol- 
ar in  Journalism  and  Arthur  Mus- 
grave  was  suggested  to  President 
Baker.  Two  of  his  former  employers, 
the  Baltimore  Sun  and  the  Houston 
Post,  wanted  him  to  return  and  of- 
fered him  more  money  than  the  Uni- 

versity. Dr.  Musgrave  took  a  $2000 
cut  in  salary  and  decided  to  try  a  life 
of  academics  for  one  year.  He  has 
been  here  ever  since,  except  for  sab- 
baticals. Dr.  Musgrave  worked  to 
change  the  name,  plus  handled  his 
classes  and  was  the  tutor  for  the  co- 
curricul  ar  program . 

In  the  60's  Al  Oickle,  and  Sid 
McKean  were  hired  part-time  with 
the  co-curriculum  tutoring  program. 
Al  Oickle,  Editor-in-Chief  of  the 
Greenfield  Recorder  is  now  working 
the  tutoring  guidence  program  him- 
self. Also  in  the  60's,  Dr.  Musgrave 

developed  and  conducted  a  fellow- 
ship program  where  newspapers 
would  finance  journalists  to  attend 
three  3-credit  courses.  It  was  because 
of  this  fellowship  program  that  the 
Journalism  Program  at  the  Universi- 
ty became  Journalistic  Studies.  The 
Education  Committee  of  the  New 
England  Society  of  Newspaper  Edi- 
tors felt  that  it  would  be  absurd  to 
send  experienced  journalists  to  study 
journalism.  The  trustees  approved 
the  name  change  when  they  ap- 
proved the  fellowship  program  itself. 
Dr.  Musgrave  remained  director  of 
this  program  until  1969. 

Dr.  Musgrave  believes  that  the  job 
of  the  teacher,  lawyer,  and  journalist 
are  all  similar;  basic  to  the  occupa- 
tions is  the  ability  to  "gather,  under- 
stand, and  present  information".  "A 
teacher  must  stretch  the  mind  of  the 
student  and  provide  motivation  to 
interest  a  scholar.  You  learn  from 
teaching  and  from  your  students. 
One  thing  you  learn  is  that  you  must 
love  teaching  to  continue  with  the 
occupation."  For  a  man  who  has  been 
director  of  programs  and  a  teacher 
here  for  twenty-eight  years.  Dr. 
Musgrave  certainly  must  have  made 
quite  an  attachment  with  the  Uni- 
versity of  Massachusetts  to  devote 
most  of  his  life  for  its  well-being. 

■^*^  ■><"" 


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Micheline  Dufau  is  one  of  a  very 
few  female  professors  elected  to  the 
Faculty  Senate  to  also  be  elected  to  a 
position  of  an  officer.  Professor  Du- 
fau was  elected  to  the  Faculty  Senate 
in  1968  from  her  district  consisting  of 
the  languages  located  in  Herter  Hall, 
French,  Spanish,  Portuguese,  Slavic 
and  German.  The  same  year  she  was 
elected  by  the  senators  to  hold  the 
Secretary  of  the  Senate  position.  Her 
jobs  included  keeping  minutes  of  the 
meetings,  to  keep  track  of  everthing 
that  went  on  and  to  edit  her  own 
material.  Dr.  Dufau  feels  that  this 
experience  was  one  of  the  best  she 
has  ever  had.  By  serving  on  commit- 
tees she  met  many  people  and  she 
knew  what  was  going  on  in  other 
departments  and  parts  of  the  univer- 
sity that  was  not  her  own.  Professor 
Dufau  also  commented  that  it  was  a 
great  experience  to  learn  more  about 
the  English  language  and  to  practice 
what  she  already  knew.  Micheline 

Dufau  remained  in  the  Faculty  Sen- 
ate as  an  officer  until  1971  when  she 
became  Chairperson  of  the  Depart- 
ment of  Romance  Languages,  which 
includes  French  and  Italian. 

Professor  Dufau  was  born  in 
France  and  attended  schools  there. 
She  graduated  from  the  Lyc6e  Victor 
Hugo  and  went  on  to  the  Sorbonne. 
She  earned  her  Master's  and  PHD 
degrees  in  English  from  the  New 
York  University.  Micheline  Dufau 
believes  that  the  higher  education  is 
much  better  in  this  country  than  in 
France,  because  more  people  are  al- 
lowed to  be  educated  than  in  the 
French  system. 

Dr.  Dufau  came  to  the  University 
of  Massachusetts  in  1967  as  the  as- 
sistant Chairperson  of  the  Dept.  of 
Romance  Languages.  At  this  time 
she  taught  two  courses,  but  most  of 
her  work  was  administrative  duties. 
Then  in  1971,  she  became  Chairper- 
son. Micheline  explained  the  differ- 

ence between  a  chairperson  and  a 
head  of  a  department.  A  head  of  a 
department  has  almost  complete 
power  over  where  the  department  is 
headed,  while  the  chairperson  is  re- 
sponsible to  a  committee  made  up  of 
members  of  the  department,  so  the 
committee  and  the  chairperson  reach 
their  decisions  concerning  the  de- 
partment together. 

Since  Dr.  Dufau  took  over  the  job, 
she  has  had  to  cut  down  her  classes 
so  that  she  only  has  one  undergradu- 
ate course,  because  of  all  the  admin- 
istrative work  that  must  be  done. 
Professor  Dufau  has  helped  students 
to  realize  that  there  is  more  to  major- 
ing in  French  than  just  going  out  af- 
terwards and  teaching.  She  is  sug- 
gesting to  her  students  to  work  on 
another  minor;  so  that  some  French 
students  will  graduate  with  a  Major 
in  French  and  a  certificate  in  Busi- 
ness, Political  Science  or  Journalistic 












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Dr.  Dufau  has  also  worked  on  some 
special  projects  to  offer  more  than 
just  university  classroom  for  the 
student  interested  in  French.  The 
French  Dept.  has  a  program  at  the 
University  of  Grenoble  which  is  of- 
fered for  one  semester  in  the  spring. 
UMass-Boston  has  a  program  at  the 
University  of  Paris  for  a  year,  in- 
stead of  a  semester,  that  UMass- 
Amherst  students  are  allowed  to  take 
advantage  of.  Also  there  is  a  summer 
program  at  the  University  of  Pau. 
Next  summer  the  French  Dept.,  will 
offer  another  university  for  their 
summer  program  for  the  student  who 
is  interested  in  studying  the  French 
language  outside  of  France,  UMass. 
students  will  be  going  to  Switzer- 
land, a  multi-lingual  country,  to  the 
University  of  Lausanne.  The  French 
Dept.  is  considering  a  January  pro- 
gram next  year  somewhere  in 

This  summer  the  French  Dept.  will 

be  going  through  the  last  names  of 
the  students  here  to  find  students  of 
French  descent.  The  hope  of  the 
Dept.  is  that  some  of  the  students 
have  not  lost  their  former-family 
language.  For  those  students  that  do 
not  speak  French,  but  are  of  native 
descent,  possibly  they  may  become 
interested  in  picking  the  language 
up,  and  get  a  tighter  hold  on  their 
past  heritage. 

Dr.  Dufau  has  written  some  of  the 
textbooks  for  some  French  courses, 
including  grammar,  reading  selec- 
tions and  textual  analysis.  She  feels 
that  part  of  her  job  is  to  keep  in 
touch  with  all  language  develop- 
ments around  her,  not  only  for  her- 
self, but  for  her  students . 

Dr.  Micheline  Dufau  has  only  been 
at  this  university  for  seven  years,  but 
in  that  time  has  added  much  to  this 
school . 





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Danny  Hobart  is  a  University  Year 
for  Action  Volunteer  working  at  the- 
Neighborhood  Youth  Corps  in  Spring- 
field. His  job  is  that  of  a  Test  Assess- 
ment and  Orientation  Counsellor. 

"Working  at  the  Neighborhood  Youth 
Corps  for  the  past  year  has  been  an  ex- 
perience that  has  made  me  more  aware 
of  myself.  I've  learned  how  to  deal  with 
adolescents  not  by  the  so-called  'book" 
but  by  actually  getting  involved,  and  by 
not  being  afraid  of  stepping  out  of  my 
role  as  teacher  and  exposing  myself  as  I 
really  am.  When  I  first  came  to  the 
Neighborhood  Youth  Corps  there  was 
no  school,  there  were  few  enrollees  and 
those  enrollees  were  headed  nowhere. 
Now  we  have  our  own  school,  enroll- 
ment has  increased  and  good  things  are 
happening.  I  am  proud  to  say  that  I  was 
a  part  of  a  successful,  worthwhile  pro- 
gram. For  the  first  time  in  4  years  of  col- 
lege, I  feel  that  I've  really  learned  some- 
thing. Not  only  that  but  I've  helped 
other  people  while  doing  it.  It  was  prob- 
ably one  of  my  greatest  experiences ." 


tl  YOUTH 





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Larry  mikes  Sesame  Street  cast  while  they  talk  with  Russ  Carpenter  (Director  of  Development). 

Below:  Larry  takes  a  shift  at  Master  Control . 

"Being  a  communications  major  I 
went  to  Action  in  hopes  of  finding  a 
work  situation  that  would  give  me  some 
practical  experience  in  the  industry." 

Larry  Scott  joined  University  Year 
for  Action  as  a  Volunteer  at  Channel  57, 
a  public  television  station  in 

Working  at  a  public  television  station 
means  working  with  next  to  zero  for  a 
budget  thus  money  dictates  the  format 
of  the  show. 

"I've  learned  more  at  this  station  in 
six  months  than  I  could  have  in  twice 
the  time  anywhere  else.  Since  the  sta- 
tion only  employs  15  people,  it  is  very 
heavily  dependent  upon  volunteers  to 
carry  out  crew  functions.  Thus  unlike 
commercial  stations  where  I  would  have 
been  placed  at  one  task,  I  was  able  to 
rotate  into  every  task  that  goes  into 
producing  a  program.  Floor  Manager, 
Camerman,  Audioman,  Switcher,  are 
some  of  the  various  jobs  one  will  per- 
form in  the  course  of  a  week  or  in  the 
course  of  one  evening  as  was  the  case  at 
our  Auction.  The  Auction  ran  for  six 
nights,  live,  from  6  PM  till  12  or  1  PM. 
Russ  Foyer,  the  director  of  the  Advo- 
cates came  out  from  WGBH  in  Boston 
to  help  direct  the  show.  It  was  a  great 
experience  to  work  on  such  a  fine 





















In  1971  a  new  concept  of  education 
was  introduced  at  the  University  of 
Massachusetts.  Three  years  later, 
the  B.D.I.C.  program  is-recognized  as 
a  valuable  and  rewarding  method  of 
study.  When  the  program  began, 
there  were  125  students  enrolled  in 
it.  There  are  now  approximately  400 

B.D.I.C.  is  the  abbreviation  for 
Bachelor's  Degree  with  Individual 
Concentration.  The  department 
awards  B.A.  or  B.S.  degrees  in  that 
field  in  which  the  student  has  specif- 
ically concentrated.  The  program  in 

essence,  offers  an  alternative  ap- 
proach to  earning  a  degree,  from  the 
traditional  means  established  by  the 
university.  It  is  limited  to  those  who 
cannot  receive  the  education  essen- 
tial to  their  chosen  career  by  enroll- 
ing in  any  one  department  of  the 

The  B.D.I.C.  student  designs  his 
own  program  of  study  by  combining  a 
number  of  courses  from  several  de- 
partments. The  selection  is  intended 
to  give  the  student  the  best  possible 
education  from  the  resources 

The  idea  for  B.D.I.C.  came  up  at  a 
S.W.A.P.  (Student  Workshop  for 
Academic  Planning)  meeting  in  1970. 
Its  conception  came  about  as  a  result 
of  a  combination  of  student  demand 
and  a  faculty  awareness  that  such  a 
demand  was  justified.  Through  the 
efforts  of  Arthur  Kinney,  Lee  Short, 
and  Anthony  Borton,  the  program 
was  instituted  at  UMass  in  1971/72, 
when  it  began  a  successful  two-year 
trial  period.  Kinney  became  the  pro- 
gram's first  director  and  it  has  been 
said  that  B.D.I.C.  was  really  his 
"brainchild".  A  complementary  pro- 







gram  is  in  effect  at  The  University  of 
Michigan,  but  without  the  leader- 
ship of  Kinney  the  program  probably 
would  not  have  gotten  off  the  ground 
here  at  UMass . 

In  addition  to  proving  that  the 
university  cannot  traditionally  edu- 
cate the  student  for  that  field  which 
he  hopes  to  enter,  there  are  other 
steps  that  must  be  taken  before  he 
can  be  admitted  to  the  B.D.I.C.  pro- 
gram. First,  a  sponsor  must  be  se- 
cured. The  sponsor  should  be  a  fac- 
ulty member,  who  has  a  background 
or  knowledge  of  that  field  which  the 
student  is  interested  in,  and  is  will- 
ing to  devote  time  for  conference  and 
guidance.  Once  a  sponsor  is  found, 
the  student,  with  the  aid  of  the  spon- 
sor, should  develop  a  proposal  and 
submit  it  along  with  his  transcript  to 
the  B.D.I.C.  office.  The  proposal 
should  include  the  reasons  for  want- 
ing to  enter  the  program  and  an  out- 
line of  the  proposed  courses  under 
the  program.  The  case  is  then  re- 
viewed by  the  B.D.I.C.  staff  and  the 
student  is  either  accepted  or 

This  year  from  April  29  —  May  3, 
the  B.D.I.C.  program  presented  A 

Spring  Festival  of  the  Arts.  A  display 
of  art  and  photograph  was  shown  for 
the  whole  week  in  the  Campus  Cen- 
ter. For  the  rest  of  the  week  one  ex- 
hibit was  shown  everyday.  Monday 
evening  included  a  jazz  concert  fol- 
lowed by  a  wine  and  cheese  recep- 
tion. Tuesday  had  a  presentation  of 
original  films,  while  Wednesday  eve- 
ning exhibited  a  dance.  Renaissance 
and  Baroque  music  was  featured  on 
Thursday  with  another  reception. 
Friday  afternoon  had  an  open  house 
in  their  Goodell  office  to  acquaint 
students  with  their  program.  The 
purpose  of  the  festival  was  to  com- 
municate the  excitement  of  the  pro- 
gram to  the  university.  Hopefully, 
this  will  become  an  annual  event  to 
exhibit  the  great  diversity  of  the 
B.D.I.C.  knowledge,  talent  and 

What  is  in  the  future  for  B.D.I.C? 
The  B.D.I.C.  office  says  "hopefully 
become  obsolete."  Ideally,  the  uni- 
versity will  develop  its  programs  to 
the  point  where  every  student  can 
tailor  them  to  his  specific  needs. 
This  appears  to  be  a  long  way  off,  so 
until  then  B.D.I.C.  is  indeed  a  sensi- 
ble and  valuable  alternative. 

Above:  B.D.I.C.  dancers  performing  in  the 
Spring  Festival  of  the  Arts.  Below  Left:  The 
B.D.I.C.  office,  located  in  Goodell.  Below: 
Open  house  in  the  B.D.I.C.  office. 

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Most  students  remember  what 
Home  Economics  was  like  when  they 
were  in  junior  high.  It  was  a  required 
course  for  girls  in  which  they  learned 
to  cook  and  to  sew,  and  was  consid- 
ered by  most  to  be  quite  boring  and 

Students,  however,  change  and  so 
has  the  field  of  Home  Economics.  It 
is  shedding  its  old  image  and  becom- 
ing active  in  the  area  of  Consumer 
Services,  in  addition  to  the  tradition- 
al Home  Ec.  Education.  Last  Sep- 
tember, the  Department  Of  Home 
Economics,  with  its  main  office  lo- 
cated in  Skinner  Hall,  restructured 
its  courses  into  three  major  areas  of 
concentration:  Home  Economics, 
Consumer  Services  in  Clothing,  and 
Fashion  Marketing.  What  was  once 
the  major  of  Interior  Design  has  been 
moved  to  the  Art  department  as  Art- 

Fashion  Marketing  (once  called 
TCEA)  is  a  professional  major  in  the 
field  of  clothing,  which  views  cloth- 
ing as  a  transitional  factor  between 
the  individual  and  his  surroundings. 
Part  of  this  program  is  a  semester  of 

Retailing  Field  Experience  during 
which  a  senior  spends  the  fall  semes- 
ter working  in  a  store  in  either  New 
York  or  Boston  at  the  junior  level  of 
management.  This  program  will 
make  the  graduate  eligible  to  enter  a 
Junior  Executive  Training  Program 
in  a  major  retail  department  store,  as 
well  as  other  related  careers  in 

The  Consumer  Services  in  Cloth- 
ing major  provides  an  opportunity  for 
students  who  wish  to  combine  depth 
in  textiles  and  clothing  with  inter- 
ests in  communications  and  busi- 
nesses, or  services.  This  program  of- 
fers the  senior  a  semester  of  field 
experience  in  clothing  working  with 
stores  and  businesses.  Positions  in 
industry,  trade  publications  and 
Community  Adult  Education  pro- 
grams are  open  to  the  graduate. 

The  Home  Economics  Education 
program  offers  concentrations  in 
Consumer  Economics  and  Communi- 
ty services  as  well  as  the  more  tradi- 
tional teacher  preparation.  Those 
students  planning  on  teacher  certifi- 
cation spend  one  semester  student 



















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teaching  and  those  with  emphasis  on 
Human  Development  work  at  the 
Nursery  school  located  at  Skinner 
Hall.  Students  may  spend  a  semester 
working  with  consumer  educators, 
counselors  and  cooperative  extension 
programs  as  part  of  their  field  experi- 
ence for  Community  Services  and 
Consumer  Economics. 

Two  seniors  with  majors  in  Home 
Economics  Education  and  consen- 
trations  Community  Services  are 
Cathy  Shwab  and  Barbara  Fisk. 
They  both  spent  the  spring  semester 
1974  doing  their  Field  Experience 
working  with  local  Cooperative  Ex- 
tension Programs. 

Last  fall,  Barbara  found  a  sponsor 
within  the  department  who  arranged 
a  position  in  the  Hampden  County 
Extension  Service  for  her.  Barbara 
then  spent  every  Wednesday,  Thurs- 
day and  Friday  of  the  semester  work- 
ing with  the  Regional  Clothing  Spe- 
cialist. One  project  that  she  worked 
on  was  a  Clothing  Recycling  Program 
for  which  she  prepared  in  educational 
program  and  made  clothing  from 
cast-off  blue  jeans  and  man's  shirts. 

Barbara  presented  this  educational 
program  to  groups  of  women  in  West 
Springfield,  Orange  and  Springfield 
eight  times  during  the  semester. 
Also,  Barbara  prepared  and  present- 
ed a  radio  talk  show  with  her  supervi- 
sor on  the  recycling  of  clothing. 

Much  of  Barbara's  field  experience 
time  was  spent  in  the  Extension  of- 
fice answering  telephoned  questions 
on  clothing  and  problems  from  con- 
sumers. In  addition,  she  presented  a 
program  on  careers  in  Home  Eco- 
nomics to  a  junior  high  school  in 

Cathy  Schwab  focused  on  another 
area  of  Consumer  Services  this  se- 
mester in  her  work  on  Tuesdays  and 
Thursdays  with  the  Regional  Spe- 
cialist in  Time  and  Money  Manage- 
ment in  the  Home,  of  the  Franklin 
County  Extension  Service.  For  this, 
Cathy  worked  mainly  on  a  Metric 
Awereness  Program  as  part  of  an  at- 
tempt to  inform  the  public  about  the 
metric  system  and  its  future  adop- 
tion. This  year  Cathy  noted,  the 
U.Mass.  School  of  Engineering  and 
Tufts  Medical  School  have  changed 

to  the  metric  system. 

Visual  aids  and  demonstrations 
were  prepared  by  Cathy  for  the  edu- 
cational program  she  presented  to 
high  school  teachers  and  to  the  elder- 
ly. She  also  adapted  scripts  for  the 
radio  and  television  on  teaching  the 
metric  system  and  its  use  to  all  age 
levels.  She  even  presented  four  2'/2 
hour  radio  shows  locally  on  the  me- 
tric system  and  sewing  trends.  In 
addition  Cathy  helped  in  Financial 
counseling  every  Tuesday  in  each  of 
the  four  counties  of  Western  Massa- 
chusetts. She  also  acted  as  a  judge 
for  the  4-H  Club  State  Revue  held  in 
Springfield,  of  the  clothing  each  girl 
had  made. 

Both  Cathy  and  Barbara  enjoyed 
their  field  work  very  much  and  felt 
that  they  obtained  much  practical 
knowledge.  After  graduation,  Cathy 
hopes  to  continue  to  work  with  young 
people  through  the  4-H  Club,  while 
Barbara  plans  to  continue  to  work 
with  the  Extension  Service. 




















When  it  is  time  for  faculty  mem- 
bers of  the  University  of  Massachu- 
setts, it  is  one  of  the  best  kept  secrets 
on  the  campus.  The  reward  is  the 
Distinguished  Teachef  Award,  which 
is  presented  annually  to  six  UMass 
teachers  for  teaching  excellence  in 
the  areas  of  response  to  student 
needs  and  academic  achievement. 
The  nominees  are  currently  under 
review  by  the  Distnguished  Teacher 
Award  Committee,  and  the  winners 
of  the  award,  which  carries  with  it  a 
cash  prize  of  $1,000  will  be  an- 
nounced in  September  at  the  Open- 
ing Convocation. 
„       But  the  biggest  problem  for  the 
Jfeommittee  is  not  in  selecting  the 
t  skinners.  It  is  in  letting  people  know 
•  sthe  award  even  exists.  From  a  cam- 
Ji)us  community  of  about  25,000,  plus 
alumni,  the  DTA  Committee  re- 
ceived only  46  nominations  for  the 
award  during  the  '73-74  academic 
year.  And  for  once  the  small  number 
of  responses  can  not  simply  be  at- 
tributed to  public  apathy,  since 
there  is  another  group  on  campus 
that  is  providing  that  UMass  stu- 
dents are  still  very  much  interested 

in  honoring  distinguished  teachers . 

The  Council  of  Undergraduate 
Students  in  Psychology  is  conduct- 
ing a  DTA  within  the  Psychology 
department,  and  judging  from  the 
response  the  award  has  received,  the 
organizers  of  the  campus-wide  award 
would  be  well  advised  to  take  notice. 
In  the  first  year  of  the  award's  exist- 
ence, CUSP  has  received  159  nomi- 
nations, some  of  which  were  for  the 
same  persons.  Some  methods  used 
by  the  committee  to  obtain  nomina- 
tions have  been  to  request  depart- 
ment heads  to  make  at  least  one 
nomination,  asking  the  faculty  for 
nominations  through  the  University 
Bulletin,  and  soliciting  nominations 
from  the  alumni  through  the  Alumni 
Bulletin.  But  the  students,   the 
source  of  over  two-thirds  of  the  nomi- 
nations this  year,  are  left  in  the  dark 
about  the  award.  The  Psychology 
Department's   award,   through,   em- 
phasizes student  participation  by 
posting  notices   and  nomination 
forms  throughout  the  buildings  used 
for  psyhology  classes.  There  are  no 
such  advertisements  for  the  other 











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The  campus-wide  DTA  was  insti- 
tuted in  1962,  and  has  had  31  winners 
since  then.  In  1972,  the  number  of 
recipients  was  increased  from  three 
to  six,  to  include  three  teaching  as- 
sistant awards.  The  annual  prizes  of 
$1,000  each  are  donated  by  the 
Standard  Oil  Company  of  New  Jer- 
sey. In  1971,  the  DTA  Committee  set 
down  guidelines  forjudging  the  nom- 
inees. They  are:  "ability  to  stimulate 
students  to  challenging  ideas  and 
effective  communication;  real  knowl- 
edge of  subject  matter;  ability  to  re- 
late to  students;  ability  to  relate  and 
interpret  results  of  contemporary 
scholarship;  performance  in  both 
large  and  small  classes;  interest  in 
counseling  students,  and  evidence  of 
a  consistently  distinguished  teaching 
record  over  a  number  of  years."  Any 
number  of  the  university  community 
is  eligible  to  nominate  either  a  pro- 
fessor or  a  teaching  assistant  for  the 
award.  The  nominaion  requires  only 
a  letter  of  recommendation  to  the 
committee,  evaluating  the  nominee's 
performance  in  terms  of  the  estab- 
lished criteria. 

After  receiving  a  nomination  the 

committee  sends  a  questionnaire  to 
the  personnel  committee  of  the  nom- 
inee's department,  asking  it  to  rate 
that  teacher's  abilities.  The  commit- 
tee then  reviews  the  feedback  from 
the  departments,  making  decisions 
on  the  winners  during  the  summer 
and  submitting  them  to  te  Provost 
and  Chancellor  for  final  approval . 

The  Psychology  department's 
award  is  a  rather  modest  one.  It  has 
no  cash  prize,  but  each  recipient  re- 
ceives a  recognition  plaque,  plus  hav- 
ing his  or  her  name  inscribed  on  the 
DTA  Plaque  to  be  installed  outside 
the  department's  main  offices.  In  an 
effort  to  get  a  variety  of  winners,  the 
Council  has  stipulated  that  no  facul- 
ty member  can  win  the  award  in  con- 
secutive years.  There  will  be  three 
winners  each  year;  one  from  the  cate- 
gories of  professors,  teaching  assist- 
ants and  graduate  student  discus- 
sion leaders. 



























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The  School  of  Education,  world- 
reknown  for  its  ideas  on  education 
and  teaching  methods,  has  still  an- 
other area  of  unique  offerings  in  edu- 
cation, that  is  the  School  of  Educa- 
tion's bi-annual  Marathon.  The  idea 
of  the  Marathon  came  about  due  to 
the  lack  of  interest  and  enthusiasm 
of  Foundation's  course  given  by  the 
School.  In  1968,  Drs.  Clark  and 
Woodberry  taught  a  course  that  stu- 
dents took,  but  felt  was  boring,  so  to 
alleviate  the  course  work,  the  stu- 
dents asked  if  they  could  get  all  the 
work  done  in  a  fifteen  hour  marathon 
block.  The  professors  agreed  and  the 
first  marathon  was  held  with  the 
students  of  this  class  teaching  little 
fifteen  hour  courses.  Other  members 
of  the  School  of  Education  who  at- 
tended this  first  marathon  or  had 
heard  about  it,  got  together  and  of- 
fered it  again  the  next  year.  Since 
then,  it  has  been  given  at  least  once 
a  year. 

In  1969  Drs.  Woodberry  and  Cros- 
san  extended  the  Marathon  time 
from  one  day  to  a  day  and  a  half  and 

offered  more  courses.  By  second  se- 
mester of  the  1969  school  year  the 
time  for  the  Marathon  ran  three 
days.  Also  the  responsibility  for  the 
workings  of  all  the  projects,  notifica- 
tion of  university  faculty  and  anyone 
else  interested  in  teaching  a  mini- 
course  was  shifted  from  the  School  of 
Education  faculty  to  a  graduate 

Dean  Dwight  Allen  has  added 
much  to  the  Education  Marathon. 
The  man  who  worked  out  the  modu- 
lar credit  system  for  the  School  of 
Ed.,  Dwight  Allen  has  made  credit 
available  for  those  who  participate  in 
the  Marathon,  either  as  an  instructor 
or  as  a  student.  Dean  Allen  feels  that 
the  normal  system  of  working  within 
the  educational  structure  is  insensi- 
tive for  the  student,  so  by  offering 
this  Marathon,  an  alternative  is  pre- 
sented to  the  student  who  wants 
some  education  outside  the  average 
channels  of  the  university . 

The  School  of  Education  Mara- 
thon allows  anyone  who  has  some- 
thing to  offer  the  School  Marathon 





the  space  and  time  to  teach  it;  the 
theory  being  that  everyone  has  some- 
thing to  give.  Also  the  School  of  Ed. 
does  not  control  or  suggest  what  is 
taught,  anything  that  someone 
wants  to  teach  is  fine.  If  there  is  a 
large  interest  in  a  certain  area  of  the 
Marathon,  the  person^coul^^ger  it 
again  for  the  next  Marahon,  but" this 
all  depends  on  the  person.  The  Mara- 
thon coordinators  are  extremely  flex- 
ible, pertaining  to  the  people  who 
teach  courses  or  the  courses  them- 
selves. A  Marathon  course  does  not 
have  to  be  taught  by  a  member  of  the 
university;  there  have  been  people 
from  all  over  the  country  and  the 
world  that  have  offered  classes.  Also, 
a  person  need  not  be  an  educated 
teacher;  secretaries,  cafeteria  work- 
ers, housewives,  the  elderly,  are  all 
equally  welcome.  Every  Marathon 
offers  different  courses  every  semes- 
ter; some  courses  have  been  given 
before  and  some  are  new.  An  an- 
nouncement of  the  Marathon  is  sent 
out  to  people  who  have  showed  an 
interest  in  the  previous  Marathons 


and  anyone  else  the  School  of  Educa- 
tion feels  would  be  concerned.  Also 
an  advertising  campaign  is  begun  for 
those  who  have  had  no  knowledge  of 
the  program  before.  The  person 
wanting  to  give  a  class  fills  out  a  par- 
ticipation form  and  schedules  a  time 
that  is  convenient  for  him  or  her.  The 
School  of  Education  publishes  a  pre- 
liminary schedule  for  the  courses  and 
then  just  before  the  Marathon  begins 
a  final  schedule  is  made  available. 

The  School  of  Education  offers  the 
Marathon  in  January  and  in  April. 
The  April  date  was  when  the  first 
Marathons  were  held,  but  it  was  de- 
cided that  a  January  time  was  need- 
ed also.  At  other  times  during  the 
semester  people  are  involved  in  their 
other  interests  in  the  university  and 
may  not  have  the  time.  Also,  the 
university  wants  to  increase  the 
number  of  courses  offered  in  the  Jan- 
uary term  to  make  it  an  optional 
third  term  school  year.  The  School  of 
Education  has  succeeded  to  this  re- 
quest by  offering  the  most  courses  of 
any    department    or    college    on 

of  Education  Mara- 
unique  program  in  the 


The  Schoo 
thon  is  a 
education  field.  First,  this  university 
has  the  longest  and  most  diverse  of 
any  Marathon.  Also,  this  Marathon 
is  able  to  attract  many  people  from 
all  over  the  world.  Thirdly,  there  is 
no  fee  to  be  in  the  Marathon,  except 
that  outsiders  need  to  pay  a  small 
charge  to  the  university.  Another 
factor  is  that  for  the  person  just  in- 
terested in  learning,  not  teaching, 
th^g  is  no  preregistration;  whoever 
wants  to\;ome  to  learn  is  welcome. 
Finally,  this  is  the  only  program  able 
to  offer  credit  to  anyone  who  wants  it 
whether  the  person  is  in  the  universi- 
^^  or  not. 

<j|2|  The  School  of  Education  definitely 
^^ans  to  have  their  Marathons  as 
ing  as  there  is  the  interest  for  them, 
asically  the  School  of  Education  is 
^fering  to  give  credit  to  anyone  that 
ants  to  come  to  the  Marathon  and 
0  whatever  interests  them  with  no 
restraints  or  control.  Isn't  that  just 
what  students  ^retooking'f of? 













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The  Division  of  Nursing,  now  part 
of  the  School  of  Health  Sciences,  of- 
fers interested  Nursing  students  an 
opportunity  to  do  some  field  work  in 
a  predominantly  Spanish-speaking 
area.  Students  and  faculty  provide  a 
much  needed  service  by  running  the 
Brightwood-Riverview  Health  Center 
in  the  Brightwood  section  of  Spring- 
field. The  Health  Center,  located  in  a 
vacant  apartment  in  a  low-income 
housing  project,  aids  Black  and 
Spanish-speaking  people.  The  Cen- 
ter has  been  operating  for  the  past 
five  years  on  a  federal  grant.  Also 
working  on  this  program  is  the 
Springfield  Hospital,  which  is  able  to 
give  extra  services  that  the  UMass 
students  and  some  faculty  members 
could  not  give. 

The  Brightwood-Riverview  Health 
Center  was  established  in  1968.  The 
program  consisted  of  two  student 
nurses  and  three  faculty  members. 
Vandalism  was  a  major  problem  in 
the  beginning;  all  equipment  had  to 
be  carried  out  at  night  and  brought 

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back  and  set  up  the  next  day.  Now 
the  program  has  expanded  to  sixty- 
five  students  and  four  faculty  mem- 
bers. Vandalism  has  ceased  to  be  a 
problem.  The  program  has  been  such 
a  success  that  another  health  center 
was  established  in  1972  at  the  Model 
City  site  of  Springfield. 

Student  nurses  work  for  one  year 
ih  community  health,  generally  in 
their  junior  year.  More  of  an  empha- 
sis has  been  put  on  out-patient  and 
community  service,  and  less  on  car- 
ing for  the  hospital  patient,  than  ever 
before.  The  UMass  Division  of  Nurs- 
ing feels  that  if  a  nurse  can  under- 
stand and  relate  to  people  in  a  nor- 
mal setting,  such  as  in  the  Bright- 
wood-Riverview  Health  Center,  then 
a  nurse  can  work  with  sick  hospital 
patients  with  a  greater  success  of  in- 
sight into  the  people  with  whom  he  or 
she  is  working.  Senior  year  is  usually 
spent  working  in  depth  on  an  individ- 
ual concentration. 

Initially  the  students  are  assigned 
to  the  Health  Center.  The  students 
are  given  certain  people  or  families 
with  health  concerns  and  the  nurses 
follow  the  people  through  whatever 
care  is  needed.  The  students  start  off 
by   visiting  the  person  or  family. 

whom  they  are  caring  for,  at  home  to 
develop  a  relationship.  If  needed, 
there  are  interpretors  to  aid  student 
nurses  who  do  not  speak  Spanish. 
The  next  step  for  the  student  is  to 
care  for  their  patient  in  the  Center, 
offering  the  primary  assistence  of  the 
health  problem.  If  the  Center  cannot 
completely  cure  the  patient,  he  or 
she  is  moved  to  the  hospital.  The 
student  nurse  would  follow  their  pa- 
tient to  the  hospital  and  aid  in  any 
way  the  student  could.  The  final  step 
of  the  follow-up  schedule  is  to  give 
the  patient  post-clinic  or  post-hospi- 
tal care  and  later  checking  to  see  if 
the  patient  is  well  and  following 
whatever  health  prescription  was 
advised  by  doctors.  A  student  nurse 
may  have  several  patients  at  one 
time  and  also  be  working  on  some  of 
the  other  services  offered  by  the 

Besides  giving  the  student  nurse 
experience  working  on  a  one-to-one 
basis,  he  or  she  learns  to  work  with 
groups.  The  Health  Center  offers 
other  services,  such  as  a  drug  center, 
elderly  care,  instruction  and  explan- 
ation of  high  blood  pressure,  an  obes- 
ity clinc,  family-planning  and  natu- 
ral childbirth  classes  and  a  mental 

health  section.  Students  either  teach 
some  of  the  classes  or  help  out  in 
other  group  areas.  With  a  knowledge 
of  working  with  groups  and  a  knowl- 
edge working  with  an  individual,  a 
nurse  has  more  to  offer  a  future  place 
of  employment. 

The  Brightwood-Riverview  Health 
Center  offers  many  opportunities  for 
a  student  nurse.  With  a  heavy  con- 
centration of  population  in  a  small 
area,  an  effecient  and  economical  use 
of  time  and  resources  is  made  avail- 
able to  a  UMass  student  nurse.  A 
student  nurse  can  broaden  and  open 
her  ideas  of  the  services  of  a  nurse  in 
a  community  health  setting.  Lastly, 
a  student  nurse  can  improve  her 
communication  and  increase  the 
understanding  of  the  role  of  a  nurse. 
The  Health  Center  gives  its  workers 
some  educational  preparation,  and  a 
chance  to  practive  the  skills  the 
nurse  has  already  learned. 

In  the  future,  the  Brightwood-Riv- 
erview Health  Center  will  continue 
its  services  to  the  Springfield  area, 
even  though  the  federal  money  has 
run  out.  The  Center  hopes  to  be  able 
to  increase  its  involvement  with 
health  services  for  the  people  of  the 
housing  project. 












































Presently  there  is  no  major  in 
dance;  either  the  student  majors  in 
Physical  Education  with  a  concen- 
tration in  dance  or  turns  to  the 
B.D.I.C.  program  and  develops  their 
own  course  of  study  in  terms  of 
dance.  The  problem  with  the  Phys. 
Ed.  major  is  that  the  student  must 
take  courses  which  are  unnecessary 
for  dancers,  such  as  theory  courses 
geared  to  sports.  Hopefully  a  dance 

major  will  become  a  reality  for  1975, 
and  then  the  next  step  for  the  stu- 
dents of  dance  would  be  to  gain  ap- 
proval and  develop  a  Dance  depart- 
ment. All  the  dance  courses  are  being 
taught  in  the  North  Phys.  Ed.  build- 
ing, which  is  equipped  with  a  special 
floor  with  air  pockets  underneath  to 
allow  for  the  dancers'  movements. 
The  program  started  in  1968  and 
graduated  its  first  students  in  1970. 

Since  then  a  large  interest  in  dance 
has  blossomed  and  demanded  more 
courses  and  instructors. 

There  are  five  members  of  the 
dance  faculty,  including  one  from  the 
Afro-American  Studies,  Anthony 
Crescione,  Richard  Jones,  Marilyn 
Patton,  Daniel  Peterson,  and  Andrea 
Watkins.  Mr.  Crescione  is  in  charge 
of  the  music  for  the  classes  and  is  the 
musical  director  and  composer  for 













In  the  past, 

students  interested  in  a  dance 

major  have  been  overlooked, 

but  in  the  near  future 

this  may  change. 













the  University  Dancers.  The  four 
other  members  all  have  their  Master 
Degrees  and  have  been  performers  in 
well-known  dance  companies,  such 
as  Erick  Hawkins  Storie-Crawford, 
and  Eugene  Loring. 

A  Dance  Concentration  major 
takes  technique  courses  in  modern 
dance,  ballet,  song  dance,  jazz  and 
tap  dance.  In  addition,  the  student 
takes  courses  in  Dance  History, 
Dance  Composition,  Improvisation, 
Small  Group  Choreography,  Analysis 
of  Dance,  Dance  Production, 
Rhythmic  Analysis,  Dance  Therapy, 
and  Dance  Notation.  The  Dance  fac- 
ulty also  offers  general  dance  courses 
for  non-majors  for  fulfilling  the  Phys. 
Ed.  requirement.  Every  year  many 
interested  students  are  turned  away 
because  of  the  lack  of  instructors. 
There  is  even  a  program  for  students 
who  are  interested  in  teaching  dance 
in  secondary  schools.  Students  are 
also  prepared  for  professional  or 
graduate  work.  A  student  completing 
the  necessary  courses  with  the  major 
and  the  university  are  awarded  a 
Bachelor  of  Science  Degree. 

A  major  part  of  the  dance  program 
is  the  University  Dancers.  This 
dance  group  originated  in  the  fall  of 
1970.  The  dancers  consist  of  about 
twenty  members  with  seven  under- 
studies These  students  perform 
wherever  they  are  asked  to  go,  at  the 
university,  touring  state  high 
schools,  or  representing  the  United 
States  in  different  countries.  Last 
summer  these  dancers  were  the  only 
American  Dance  Group  at  the  Inter- 
national Congress  on  Girls'  and 
Women's  Sports  held  in  Iran.  The 
University  Dancers  raised  their  own 
money  needs  for  the  trip.  While  they 
were  across  the  ocean,  they  gave  con- 
certs in  Italy  and  Greece,  too. 

The  Fine  Arts  Council  has  invited 
professional  dance  groups  to  perform 
on  campus  every  year.  Alvin  Alley, 
the  Dance  Theatre  of  Harlem,  Alwin 
Nikolais,  Murray  Louis  and  many 
others  have  presented  their  dance 
programs  here.  Besides  being  of  in- 
terest to  the  Fine  Arts  community 
and  general  public,  the  members  of 

the  professional  dance  companies 
give  master  dance  classes  at  high 
schools  and  colleges  before  their  per- 
formances. This  gives  an  excellent 
opportunity  for  the  students  to  meet 
with  professionals  and  ask  questions. 

Students  have  the  occasion  to  study 
with  leading  artists  in  their  field  that 
they  might  not  otherwise  have  re- 
ceived in  their  course  of  development 
as  a  dancer. 

It  is  hoped  when  Dance  becomes  a 
major  that  a  new  look  will  be  given  to 
the  courses  and  the  credit  system. 
Students  get  no  credit  for  any  re- 
hearsing that  they  do  even  though 
sometimes  as  much  as  five  days  a 
week  and  between  four-to-six  hours  a 
day  is  spend  practicing.  Possibly,  a 

new  method  for  earning  credits  could 
be  mitiated  to  give  theatre  perform- 
ance credit  and  to  combine  technique 
and  performance  credit.  The  stu- 
dents and  the  faculty  believe  that 
the  program  should  be  restructured, 
putting  less  emphasis  on  science  and 
include  more  Humanities.  Also  the 
university  needs  to  expand  the  cours- 
es offered.  There  is  no  Kinesiology  for 
dancers  at  this  school,  interested 
students  must  go  to  Smith  College. 
Dance  Notation,  the  recording  of 
dance  and  reading  movement,  is  only 
given  at  Mt.  Holyoke.  The  university 
has  only  one  course  each  in  History  of 
Dance  and  Dance  Composition, 
which  should  be  expanded  to  more. 
The  Dance  classes  also  need  a  meth- 
ods course,  for  those  interested  in 

David  Smith  is  a  former  Pre-Med 
major,  now  a  B.D.I.C.  major  in  Thea- 
tre and  Dance.  Next  year  David  will 
be  studying  at  the  Joffery  School  of 
Ballet  in  New  York.  David  Smith  is 
an  example  of  the  growth  of  interest 
in  dance,  changing  majors  since 
learning  about  the  major.  He  has 
"found  dance  to  be  one  of  the  most 
direct  and  beautiful  ways  to  commu- 
nication." He  hopes  to  develop  new 
ideas  using  theatre  and  dance  in 

Janice  Schleiger  is  a  Phys.  Ed. 
major  with  a  concentration  in  dance 
who  is  also  doing  her  student  teach- 
ing here  next  semester.  She  plans  on 
teaching  a  general  dance  course  for 
the  Phys.  Ed.  department,  but  in  the 
future  is  interested  in  using  dance  to 
make  children  more  aware  of  their 
abilities  and  potential.  She  believes 
that  "Dance  is  opening  all  over,  it  is 
really  blooming.  To  continue  growing 
the  university  must  reevaluate  the 
program  and  nurture  it." 



















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The  School  of  Nursing  and  Public 
Health  combined  this  year,  "the 
whole",  according  to  Dr.  William  A. 
Darity,  "being  more  than  the  sum  of 
the  parts."  Dr.  Darity  heads  this  new 
creature  with  two  heads  called  the 
School  of  Health  Sciences  and  brings 
to  disciplines,  historically  of  a  clini- 
cal orientation,  a  strong  academic 

Both  Public  Health  and  Nursing 
have  tended  to  move  towards  the 
practical,  the  problem  solving.  To- 
day, concepts  of  health  are  changing 
on  a  national  level.  Like  preventing 
medicine  of  the  '40's,  the  new  idea  is 
to  keep  people  healthy  instead  of 
emphasizing  the  treatment  of  dis- 
ease. Taking  a  cue  from  the  old 
Chinese  Philosophy  of  not  paying  the 
doctor  when  you  are  sick,  but  only 
when  you  are  well,  the  federal  gov- 
ernment instituted  "HMO"  legisla- 
tion. HMO's,  a  health  maintenance 
organization,  is  the  same  kind  of 
health  plan  that  in  the  past  only  stu- 
dents and  corporations  have  been 
able  to  afford.  The  plan  provides 
economic  incentives  for  keeping  peo- 
ple healthy  and  for  a  one-time  pay- 
ment; the  subscriber  obtains  almost 
unlimited  health  care.  An  HMO  pro- 
posal for  the  Amherst  community, 
including  faculty  members,  stu- 
dents' dependents  and  townspeople 
not  associated  with  the  university  is 
pending  action  by  the  UMass.  Board 
of  Trustees.  The  final  outcome 
should  be  decided  during  the  sum- 
mer of  '74.  The  plan  will  incorporate 
both  the  UMass  infirmary  and  the 
local  physician-owned  medical  cen- 
ter, Amherst  Medical  Associates. 

The  new  School  of  Health  Sciences 
reflects  these  changes  in  society.  Dr. 
Darity  said,  "The  goals  of  the  new 
school  are  not  just  to  train  students, 

but  to  develop  in  students  the  ability 
to  think,  and  communications  skill." 
But  there  are  no  problems  associated 
with  these  shifts  in  priorities,  and 
they  are  especially  acute  in  nursing, 
where  the  graduate  program  is  weak 
and  undergraduate  courses  are  called 
"too  task  oriented".  Some  label  this 
conflict  in  the  nursing  division  a 
fight  between  liberal  and  conserva- 
tives philosophies,  a  young,  scholast- 
ically  oriented  group  aligned  against 
an  older,  vocational  school  ethic.  Dr. 
Darity,  who  headed  the  School  of 
Public  Health  before  becoming  dean 
of  the  combined  Public  Health  and 
Nursing,  moves  toward  strengthen- 
ing the  academic  disciplines.  The 
outcome  of  these  conflicts  will  be  an 
estimated  minimum  of  three  years  to 
knit  together  Public  Health  and 

Controversy  flared  late  in  the 
school  year  over  the  admissions  poli- 
cy to  the  nursing  division.  An  artifi- 
cial major  created  two  years  ago  by 
CASIAC  called  "Pre-Nursing"  had 
enlisted  students  for  channeling  into 
the  nursing  school.  Students  spent 
their  first  two  years  as  pre-nursing 
majors  and  then  applied,  or  were 
channeled  into  the  nursing  school. 
But  over  800  applicants  found  them- 
selves vying  for  a  scant  100  positions 
in  the  upper  division  nursing  school. 
The  Collegian  ran  a  story  on  page  one 
and  underscored  the  often  subjective 
standards  used  for  those  applying  to 
the  nursing  school.  Even  the  Student 
Senate  was  forced  to  action  as  Sen- 
ate Speaker,  Cindy  McGrath,  called 
for  an  investigation  of  the  policies 
and  operation  of  the  nursing  school 
admissions.  But  in  fairness  to  the 
people  running  the  nursing  program 
many  of  the  problems  were  beyond 
the  schools'  control.  Politics  dictated 

that  UMass-Amherst,  as  the  only 
four-year  state-supported  nursing 
school  west  of  Worchester,  accept 
large  numbers  of  applications,  but 
economics  dictated  a  limited  enroll- 
ment, as  State  and  Federal  funding 
were  not  forthcoming. 

The  Nursing  Division  began  in  the 
fall  its  new  "integrated  curriculum" 
that  separated  those  students  con- 
centrating on  hospital  care  (primary 
care)  and  those  involved  in  commun- 
ity health  (secondary  care).  For 
community  projects,  three  geograph- 
ic areas  were  established,  with  four 
"learning  centers"  where  students 
worked  directly  with  the  community. 
One  of  the  most  noted  cities  was  the 
Brightwood-Riverview  center  servic- 
ing the  predominantly  Spanish 
neighborhoods  of  North  Springfield. 
The  use  of  nurses  in  the  community, 
this  emphasis  on  the  "secondary 
caretakers"  reflects  again  changes  in 
national  health  policies. 

With  President  Nixon's  late  May 
message  proposing  National  Health 
Insurance,  the  increased  funding  of 
community  health  projects,  and  the 
forementioned  HMO's,  the  academic 
community  moved  to  fall  in  line  with 
a  restructuring  of  America's  health 
programs.  For  nursing  it  meant  de- 
veloping of  alternatives  to  the  con- 
vention, hospital  caretaker-type 
training.  In  Public  Health,  the  issues 
of  environment  quality,  food  addi- 
tivies,  sewage  treatment,  and  the 
effects  of  radiation,  gained  emphasis. 
The  challange  in  health  care  (Nixon 
called  it  a  crisis)  is  being  answered 
by  the  academic  community  with 
pooling  of  educational  resources, 
interdisciplinary  study,  and  a 
movement  toward  community 
















"...  the  telescope  will  be  used  to  study  the  cre- 
ation of  celestial  bodies,  the  formation  of  mole- 
cules and  organic  matter  in  space,  and  possibly 
shed  some  light  on  the  origin  of  life. " 

Radio  Astronomy  in  conjunction 
with  the  Quantum  Electronics  Group 
of  the  Electrical  and  Computer  Engi- 
neering Department  have  disclosed 
plans  for  building  the  country's  most 
sensitive  millimeter  wave  radio  tele- 
scope in  its  frequency  range.  The  pro- 
ject, which  will  take  about  three 
years  to  become  functional,  has  been 

given  a  three  year  grant  of  $750,000 
from  the  National  Science  Founda- 
tion and  matching  funds  from  the 
University  itself.  Also  contributing 
to  the  effort,  NASA  has  donated,  up 
to  now,  $6  million  worth  of  valuable 
equipment  now  being  stored  on  the 
second  floor  of  Goodell. 

■^w  >"-^  "«<  >"^  ""~~f: 

Observatory  in  the  Quabbin  Reser- 
vation, will  be  joining  a  functioning 
meter  wave  length  radio  telescope 
consisting  of  four  120  foot  diameter 
bowl  shaped  antennas.  This  tele- 
scope is  studying  the  expiration  of 
celestial  bodies  and  the  existence  of 
neutron  stars.  The  new  telescope  will 
consist  of  a  45  foot  diameter  move- 
able disk  shaped  telescope  with  pre- 
cise pointing  and  tracking  mecha- 
nisms. Offering  protection  from  wind 
and  weather  will  be,  surrounding  the 
disk,  a  68  foot  in  diameter  alumini- 
um space  frame  radome  covered  with 
a  teflon-coated  plastic  skin,  allowing 
entry  to  radio  waves,  but  obstructing 


Dr.  Huguenin  projects  that  the 
bulk  of  the  construction  will  be  per- 
formed during  the  summers  of  1974 
and  1975  by  himself,  other  professors 
and  students.  The  scheme  for  this 
summer  is  the  construction  of  the 
radome  with  the  erection  of  the  tele- 
scope planned  for  the  summer  of 
1975.  A  contractor  will  be  hired  for 
heavy  machine  work,  and  putting  in 
the  foundation.  Other  professors 
working  with  Dr.  Huguenin  are  Drs. 
Taylor,  Dent,  Manchester  in  Radio 
Astronomy  and  from  Electrical  and 
Computer  Engineering  Prof. 

Prof.  Sigfrid  Yngvesson  has  devel- 
oped a  vital  component  for  the  tele- 
scope, a  series  of  maser  receivers. 
The  miser  is  similar  to  the  laser, 
operating  at  near  zero  temperatures 
for  improved  sensitivity.  Yngvesson 
cultivated  his  design  in  1971  funded 
by  the  National  Science  Foundation 

The  computers  working  with  the 
telescope  will  enable  the  scientists  to 
see  certain  pictures  and  graphes  with 
numbers.  The  millimeter  wave 
length  is  the  shortest  of  the  radio 

Dr.  Richard  Huguenin  director  of  the  radio 
telescope  project  and  also  of  the  Five  College 
Radio  Astronomy  Observatory. 


This  photograph  represents  the  radio  emission 
from  the  spiral  galaxie  known  as  Whirlpool 


The  University  of  Massachusetts 
will  be  working  with  a  radio  telescope 
now  operating  in  Brazil  and  one  in 
Sweden  in  the  process  of  being  built. 
The  radio  telescopes  in  three  differ- 
ent parts  of  the  world  will  form  a 
triangle  and  will  allow  scientists  a 
better  picture  of  the  information  that 
they  are  seeking  and  better  accuracy. 
Dr.  Huguenin  plans  to  spend  his 
sabbatical  semester  next  fall  working 
with  Swedish  scientists  on  their  ra- 
dio telescope.  All  three  of  the  tele- 
scopes have  been  designed  by  the 
Electronics  Space  Systems  Corp.  of 
Concord,  Massachusetts.  Stony- 
brook,  part  of  the  New  York  Univer- 
sity system  has  also  given  some 
money  to  the  UMass  radio  telescope 
in  exchange  for  some  use  when  it  is 
built.  It  is  easily  recognizable  that 
this  project  involves  much  more  than 
the  University  itself.  An  important 
fact  is  that  this  telescope  will  be  the 
most  sensitive  in  the  country,  but 
also  that  Massachusetts  and  New 
York  professors  and  students  will  be 
working  in  cooperaton  with  two  other 
important  telescopes  in  different  sec- 
tions of  the  world. 













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The  School  of  Engineering  at  the 
University  was  established  on  Sep- 
tember 1,  1947.  Instruction  in  engi- 
neering has  been  a  part  of  the  curric- 
ulum on  the  campus  since  the  found- 
ing of  the  Massachusetts  Agricultur- 
al College  in  1863.  However  it  did  not 
develop  as  rapidly  here  as  at  many 
other  land-grant  colleges  throughout 
the  country  largely  because  of  the 
many  other  fine  engineering  schools 
in  Massachusetts  including  M.I.T. 
which  shared  the  original  land-grant 
funds.  A  department  of  Agricultural 
Engineering  was  established  in  1914 
and  for  many  years  a  department  of 
Mathematics  and  Civil  Engineering 
existed.  In  1936  this  work  was  com- 
bined into  a  department  of  General 
Engineering,  lasting  only  long 
enough  to  separate  in  1946  into  two 
separate  departments,  again  Agricul- 
tural and  Civil. 

The  pressure  for  a  full  scale  School 
of  Engineering  came  from  the  return- 
ing veterans  of  World  War  II,  who 
returned  to  civilian  status  with  the 
G.I.  Bill  for  education  in  their  hands 
and  found  inadequate  facilities  in  the 
Commonwealth  for  engineering  edu- 
cation. Thus  the  history  of  the 
School  of  Engineering  really  begins 
with  the  establishment  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  Massachusetts  as  a  univer- 
sity in  1946,  and  the  establishment  of 
the  School  of  Engineering  as  a  mem- 
ber of  the  academic  community  in 
1947.  To  accommodate  the  surge  of 
veterans  at  that  time,  classes  were 
conducted  at  two  locations,  some  on 

the  Amherst  campus  but  the  bulk  of 
Engineering  students  received  their 
first  two  years  of  instruction  at  Ft. 
Devens  until  that  university  activity 
was  phased  out  about  1951.  These 
students  represented  some  of  the  fin- 
est men  and  women  that  we  have  had 
in  that  their  motivation  as  older  and 
war  matured  people  provided  an  in- 
centive for  them  to  work  to  their 
highest  potential. 

The  first  Engineering  building  to 
be  so  identified  and  built  on  this 
campus  is  Gunness  Laboratory  con- 
structed in  1949  at  a  cost  of  $400,000. 
Additional  buildings  came  "on 
stream"  as  follows:  Marston  Hall, 
one-half,  1950,  $500,000;  Marston 
Hall,  one-half,  1954,  $850,000;  Goess- 
man  addition  for  Chemical  Engineer- 
ing, 1959,  $1,000,000;  Engineering 
Laboratory,  1964,  $2,200,000;  and 
Engineering  Building  East,  1965,  $1, 
900,000.  Summarizing,  the  five 
buildings  at  a  construction  value  (in- 
cluding equipment  and  furnishings) 
of  $6,850,000  provide  an  excellent 
physical  plant  to  carry  out  our  pro- 
grams of  teaching,  research  and 

The  large  wave  of  World  War  II 
veterans  passed  through  the  campus 
in  the  early  1950's,  peaking  in  1951 
when  251  engineering  degrees  were 
awarded.  The  low  point  following 
this  wave  occured  in  1954  when  only 
forty  five  engineering  degrees  were 
awarded.  From  that  point  the  under- 
graduate engineering  enrollment 
showed  a  steady  climb,  with  minor 
ripples,  to  a  peak  of  1,050  undergrad- 
uates in  1969-70.  This  was  followed 
in  the  next  few  years  by  a  declining 
enrollment  to  a  minimum  of  907 
undergraduates  in  1972-73.  For  the 
current  academic  year,  1973-74  it  has 
increased  to  983  students  and  predic- 
tions for  1974-75  based  on  freshman 
and  transfer  student  applications 
indicate  that  this  figure  should  in- 
crease about  five  per  cent. 

While  the  nation-wide  trend  has 
been  toward  decreasing  engineering 
enrollments  for  a  number  of  years,  we 
can  point  out  that  our  enrollments 
have  not  decreased  percentage  wise 
as  much  as  the  national  average,  and 
furthermore,  we  appear  to  have 
turned  the  corner  to  an  upward  trend 
several  years  ahead  of  the  national 
trend.  We  attribute  this  to  several 
things  but  most  importantly  to  bring 
a  knowledge  of  the  University  and  of 
the  Engineering  School  in  particular, 
to  the  high  school  and  community 

college  campus  through  a  vigorous 
information  campaign.  We  expect 
this  upward  trend  to  continue  in  the 

The  School  of  Engineering  has 
funded  research  underway  at  the 
present  time  approaching  a  rate  of 
two  million  dollars  annually.  The 
type  of  research  may  be  basic  or  ap- 
plied. In  the  1972-1973  school  year  for 
example,  there  were  ninety  grant  re- 
search projects  in  the  School  of 

In  Chemical  Engineering  there  is  a 
project  studying  air  pollution  con- 
trol. Researchers  are  attempting  to 
discover  a  process  for  removing  sulfur 
dioxide  and  nitrogen  oxide  pollutants 
from  stack  gasses  from  power  plants. 
Also  being  studies  in  Chemical  Engi- 
neering is  the  use  of  immobilized 
enzymes  which  offer  advantages  and 
potential  economy  in  Chemical  and 
Bio-chemical  processing.  The  De- 
partment of  Food  Science  and  Nutri- 
tion is  contributing  to  this  study. 

Electrical  and  Computer  Engi- 
neering researchers  are  working  with 
a  model  of  the  ear  to  determine  how 
the  ear  is  able  to  differentiate  be- 
tween the  pitch  of  sound.  An  impor- 
tant project  in  this  same  department 
is  the  work  being  done  on  the  Maser. 
The  research  work,  being  carried 
on  jointly  with  the  Astrononiy 
Dept.,  uses  advanced  technology  in 
improvement  of  the  design  of  radio 

A  transportation  study  is  being 
done  by  the  Mechanical  and  Aero- 
space Engineering  and  members  of 
Civil  Engineering  and  the  School  of 
Business  Adminstration.  The  study 
is  to  find  and  implement  a  transit 
system  in  the  Amherst  area  and 
study  the  effects  of  this  system  on 
the  university  community. 

Another  important  project  is  being 
researched  by  the  Mechanical,  civO, 
and  Aerospace  Engineering,  the 
Ocean  Thermal  Power  Plant.  Re- 
searchers want  to  use  the  tempera- 
ture difference  of  the  ocean  water  at 
different  depths  to  produce  electrical 
power  and  be  a  non-polluting 
sources . 

In  the  School  of  Engineering,  much 
is  being  accomplished.  Simultan- 
iously,  many  projects  are  being  car- 
ried out  to  improve  our  future  way  of 































The  crunch!  UMies  are  faced  with 
Kill-a-watt  signs  plastered  through 
out  the  university,  waiting  in  long 
lines  for  gas  and  buses  and  walking 
to  eight  o'clock  classes  in  the  dark. 
Everyday  inconveniences,  debates 
and  symposiums  have  awakened  the 
public  and  instigated  research  for  a 
new  and  inexhaustible  source  of  ener- 
gy. In  respect  to  the  nation's  growing 
concern  for  the  environment,  health 
and  safety  factors,  as  well  as  an  in- 
creasing dependency  on  petroleum 
and  gas  fuels,  many  foresee  solar  en- 
ergy as  the  solution  to  the  energy  di- 
lemma. Not  only  is  solar  energy  an 
inexhaustibly  supplyj^f  power,  but  it 
offers  enoBtnbus  amounts  of  clean 

energy.  It  is  present  in  sufficient 
quantity  to  make  a  major  contribu- 
tion to  the  nation's  energy  needs  and 
with  substantial  development  and 
success,  could  be  utilized  for  heating, 
synthesizing  of  fuels,  and  generation 
of  electricit-y  within  the  next  ten 
years.  Lafte  scale  use  of  solar  energy 
would  crelte  a  minimal  effect  on  the 
environm«>1s  and  continual  evalua- 
tion wouftuninimize  these  effects. 

Technical  barriers  in  the  use  of  solar 
energy  are  few.  Numerous  methods 
of  conversion  exist  and  in  spite  of  the 
fact  that  conversion  methods  are 
expensive,  with  the  rising  price  of 
conventional  fuels,  solar  energy  is 
becoming  competitive.  With  moder- 
ate funding  from  government  and 
private  sources,  research  in  such 
conversion  methods  as  solar  collec- 
tors, ocean  temperature  differences, 
and  wind  has  now  been  intensified. 
The  University  of  Massachusetts  is 
participating  in  these  important 
studies  for  the  future  of  energy.  Pre- 
sented are  j^ree  samplings,  the  de- 
partment^^ Engineering  foresee  for 
thenottCo  distant  future. 


24  k: 




24  k: 


Ocean  Thermal  Power  Plant 

In  January  of  1974,  the  University 
of  Massachusetts  received  a  $170,000 
grant  from  the  National  Science 
Foundation  for  the  purpose  of  re- 
search in  the  field  of  solar  energy. 
Presently,  thirteen  U.Mass  faculty 
members  and  fifteen  graduate  stu- 
dents are  formalizing  a  design  for  the 
generation  of  power  from  solar  ener- 
gy. The  design  is  founded  upon  the 
existence  of  a  thermal  difference  in 
the  ocean  waters.  In  such  areas  of  the 
world  as  the  Gulf  Stream,  water  cur- 
rents, created  by  the  sun  provide  the 
necessary  temperature  difference. 
The  mixing  of  different  temperatures 
of  water  occurs  with  the  warm  waters 
rising  towards  the  North  Pole  and 
the  cool  waters  descending.  The 
warm  waters  would  be  used  to  vapor- 
ize substances,  capable  of  operating 
turbines  and  generators,  thus  pro- 
ducing electric  current.  Cooler  wa- 
ters would  be  used  to  condense  these 
materials  for  reuse.  Power,  produced 
as  an  electric  current  could  be  uti- 
lized as  electricity  or  stored  as  hydro- 
gen fuel  by  the  electrolysis  of  water. 
The  output  of  the  plant  is  estimated 
at  400  million  watts  electric.  Ideally, 
there  would  be  a  string  of  400-500 
plants,  one  mile  apart  along  the  Gulf 
Stream.  The  effects  of  the  power 
plant  on  the  environment  are  still 
under  evaluation.  The  introduction 
of  deep  water  marine  life  through  the 
cooler  waters  of  the  bottom  of  the 
ocean  into  more  shallow  waters  could 
pose  serious  problems  or  be  used  to 
an  advantage.  Researchers  are  in- 
volved not  only  in  study  of  the  tech- 
nical aspects  of  the  Ocean  Thermal 
Difference  Power  Plant,  but  also  with 
its  economic  feasibility.  Equally  an 
integral  part  of  the  research  is  the 
determination  and  possible  uncer- 
tainty lying  in  the  cost  generation  of 
energy  through  this  solar  source  in 
comparison  to  conventional  means. 


Just  as  water  currents  are  created 
by  solar  energy,  also  are  wind  cur- 
rents. For  centuries,  man  has  turned 
to  the  wind  as  a  source  of  energy.  At 
present,  with  the  rising  prices  of  pe- 
troleum fuels,  it  is  proposed  that  we 
turn  once  again  in  this  direction. 

The  process  by  which  wind  power 
is  captured  is  through  windmill-like 


structures,  capable  of  operating  gen- 
erators and  producing  electricity. 
The  power  is  then  utilized  as  electric- 
ity or  stored  as  hydrogen  fuel  through 
the  hydrolysis  of  water,  there  are 
many  variations  of  the  windmill 
under  consideration.  Research  is  now 
being  conducted  by  Dr.  W.  E.  Hero- 
nemus  and  colleagues  in  this  area. 
Devices  such  as  the  New  England 
Wind  Furnace  are  concerned  with 
home  heating  and  electricity.  Large 
hot  water  tanks  would  serve  as  stor- 
age systems.  With  a  large  tank,  it  is 
estimated  a  home  would  have  power 
for  four  to  five  days  if  wind  power  was 
very  low.  To  substantiate  a  greater 
part  of  the  nation's  energy  demands, 
larger  wind  power  machines  are  also 
being  studied.  Large  complexes  of 
wind  power  machines,  arranged  stra- 
tegically offshore,  in  the  Great 
Lakes,  and  Great  Plains,  would  pro- 
vide maximum  utilization  of  solar 
energy.  The  major  set  back  involved 
in  wind  power  lies  in  developing  an 
efficient  means  of  energy  storage  in 
the  event  that  wind  power  is  very  low 
over  a  lengthy  period  of  time.  There 
is  also  some  question  as  to  the  visual 
pollution  the  wind  machines  would 
create,  but  it  is  felt  by  some  that 
they  would  be  no  more  unsightly 
than  presently  viewed  power  lines. 
Also,  wind  power  machines  must  be 
built  to  withstand  hurricane  winds, 
ice,  and  water  corrosion.  Researchers 
are  now  involved  in  the  construction 
of  an  experimental  wind  machine. 
Under  consideration  is  a  plan  for  the 
construction  of  a  wind  power  ma- 
chine in  Orchard  Hill.  The  power 
produced  would  be  used  for  experi- 
mentation and  also  provide  energy  to 
light  a  parking  lot.  It  is  hoped  the 
plan  will  be  realized  within  the  next 

Solar  Collection 

Solar  collector  experimentation  is 
currently  being  conducted  by  the 
department  of  Engineering,  under 
the  supervision  of  Dr.  J.  G.  Mc- 
Gowan.  Home  heating  is  the  final 
product  to  be  gained  from  the  honey- 
comb type  modular  under  investiga- 
tion atop  Gunness  Laboratory.  This 
modular  is  twelve  square  feet,  but  it 
is  expected  the  average  home  would 

Above:  a  model  of  the  Ocean  Thermal  Power 
Plant.  Below:  the  solar  collector  situated  on 
the  roof  of  Gunness  Lab. 


need  a  collector  somewhere  in  the 
vicinity  of  six  hundred  square  feet.  In 
comparison  among  solar  collectors, 
the  honeycomb  type  modular  offers  a 
higher  performance  over  the  flat 
plate  collector.  The  difference  lies  in 
the  construction  of  the  collector.  The 
flat  plate  collector  gathers  energy  by 
way  of  two  flat  sheets  of  glass,  ar- 
ranged in  a  wooden  structure,  while 
the  honeycomb  modular  places  a 
honeycomb  material  between  the  two 
sheets  of  glass  for  increased  efficien- 
cy in  the  absorption  of  solar  energy. 

Another  solar  home  heating  pro- 
ject is  progress  is  Solar  Augmenta- 
tive Heating.  It  involves  partial  solar 
heating  and  partial  furnace  heating. 
Presently,  much  interest  is  with  this 
system.  The  General  Electric  Com- 
pany may  possibly  become  involved 
with  this  type  of  heating,  pending 
notification.  In  addition  to  providing 
funds  for  the  project,  GE's  vast 
knowledge  would  be  capable  of  elimi- 
nating any  technical  flaws  and  aid  in 
making  the  Solar  Augmentative 
Heating  system,  a  mass  produced 
system,  available  to  the  American 
household  in  ten  years  or  less . 











-«K  >"<- 


Anstiss  Miller  and  Florence  first 
met  on  April  1,  1974,  for  the  annual 
animal  showing  held  May  11,  1974. 
Before  the  April  first  date,  Ann  went 
through  classes  in  how  to  show  spe- 
cific animals  to  help  her  to  decide 
which  two  animals  she  wanted.  Ann 
had  a  choice  of  a  cow,  pig,  sheep, 
oxen,  or  horse  and  she  chose  a  cow 
and  a  sheep.  This  show  is  a  require- 
ment for  the  Dairy  or  Livestock 
Management  classes  of  Stockbridge, 
part  of  the  two  year  program  of  an 
Animal  Science  major  of  Stock- 
bridge.  We  have  followed  Anstiss  and 
Florence,  her  sheep,  from  the  day  she 
got  her  animals  until  the  day  of  the 

Anstiss'  first  step  with  Florence 
was  to  build  a  relationship' with  her, 
which  took  about  one  week  for 
Florence  to  recognize  and  realize  that 
Ann  was  her  friend.  Ann  went  daily 
to  spend  time  with  Florence,  increas- 
ing the  duration  every  day,  until 
Florence  began  to  follow  her  around. 
The  next  step  was  for  Anstiss  Miller 
to  completely  clean   Florence  and 




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train  her  for  the  show. 

Anstiss  learned  showmanship  in 
some  of  her  classes,  but  learned 
much  when  actually  working  with 
her  own  animal.  When  she  first  re- 
ceived her  sheep,  Florence  was  al- 
most grey  in  color.  Ann  had  to  spend 
a  lot  of  time  washing  and  rinsing 
Florence  down  before  the  sheep  be- 
came a  pure  white  color.  Ann  washed 
Florence  with  either  milk  oil  and 
water  or  an  ordinary  dish-washing 
detergent.  Ann  spent  at  least  two 
hours  a  day  cleaning  her,  but  she  dis- 
covered that  two  hours  was  too  much 
for  Florence's  delicate  hair,  so  to  sof- 
ten it,  Ann  added  some  creme  rinse. 

Another  important  part  of  getting 
a  sheep  ready  for  a  show  is  clipping 
the  hair  to  the  necessary  length.  Ann 
said  that  not  much  time  was  passed 
in  class  discussing  actually  how  the 
sheep's  hair  was  to  be  cut.  Anstiss 
acquired  some  techniques  of  her  own 
and  showed  them  to  the  others  work- 
ing on  the  sheep.  The  hair  first  needs 
to  be  carded,  or  combed,  so  that  the 

hair  will  stand  up.  Also,  Ann  needed 
to  make  sure  that  the  hayseeds  that 
might  have  gotten  in  the  hair  of  the 
sheep,  be  raked  out.  Then  the  hair  is 
held  between  the  fingers  and  clipped 
to  one-half  inch  on  the  body.  Clip- 
ping the  hair  on  the  face  depends  on 
the  sex  of  the  animal,  a  female  has 
less  hair  left  on  the  face  than  the 

Training  the  sheep  is  the  last  of 
Anstiss'  jobs.  After  Florence  lost  her 
fear  of  Anstiss,  she  followed  Ann 
across  the  street  from  her  stall  to 
Grinnel  Arena.  There  the  two  of 
them  worked  together  on  showman- 
ship techniques.  In  showing  a  sheep, 
the  sheep's  legs  must  be  moved 
around  so  that  they  form  a  perfect 
square.  Also,  Florence  had  to  get 
used  to  being  led  around  the  arena. 

On  the  day  of  the  showing,  all  went 
well.  Florence  was  completely  clean 
and  clipped  perfectly.  The  sheep  did 
everything  that  she  was  trained  to 
do.  Ann  and  Florence  won  a  third 
prize  that  day.  Right  now  Florence's 


future  is  unclear.  She  could  possibly 
be  held  apart  from  the  other  sheep 
her  age,  so  that  she  can  be  shown 
next  year,  or  possibly,  Florence  will 
be  used  for  breeding  purposes.  One 
thing  is  for  sure  though,  Florence  has 
found  a  friend  in  Anstiss. 























Lane John  McGee 

Algernon  Moncrieff Alan  Kurtz 

John  Worthing    Mark  Cuddy 

Lady  Bracknell    Thomas  Keegan 

Gwendolyn  Fairfax   Margery  Gram 

Cecily  Cardew   Deborah  Gibbs 

Miss  Prism Kathy  Foley 

Rev.  Chasuble   David  Miller 

Merriman  Edward  Clark 

Assistant  Directors    Bruce  Maza 

Millie  Tessler 
Movement  Master    Norman  Brown 


*"      "''      «*<-     ^ «      ""■      "«■ 

■"^      "«      ""-     ""      «* 

The  Importance  of  Being  Earnest 
by  Oscar  Wilde,  directed  by  Marya 
Sednerik,  was  cast  in  September. 
Tiie  fall  semester  was  devoted  to  re- 
hearsal to  prepare  for  the  spring  rep- 
ertory season,  alternating  with  Hen- 
rik  Ibsen's  Rosmersholm  and  John 
Osborne's  The  Entertainer. 

The  rehearsal  and  performance 
experience,  for  which  the  cast  mem- 
bers received  project  credit,  culmi- 
nated in  an  entertaining  University 
theatre  production.  The  set,  de- 
signed by  Jeff  Fiala,  with  lighting 
design  by  John  Galbreath,  and  the 
costumes,  designed  by  June  Gaeke, 
were  also  constructed  by  students  in 
scenography  projects  during  the  fall 

The  play,  "a  trivial  comedy  for  se- 
rious people",  is  a  delightful,  witty 
picture  of  the  inane  social  intricacies 
of  the  British  aristocracy  at  the  turn 
of  the  century. 




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What  began  in  1962  as  an  idea  for  a 
concert  hall  and  was  later  proposed 
to  also  include  some  offices,  has  fi- 
nally emerged  in  1974  as  a  cultural 
center.  Kevin  Roche  and  Dinkeloo,  a 
Connecticut  architectural  firm,  pre- 
ceded the  construction,  begun  in 
1970,  of  the  sixteen  million  dollar 
Fine  Arts  Center  which  all  have  pa- 
tiently been  waiting  to  enter.  After 
being  allowed  a  sneak  preview,  we  are 
prepared  to  clear  up  any  questions 
you  might  have  about  the  structure 
and  function  of  the  buildng  which 
will  open  for  instructional  use  in  Sep- 
tember 1974  and  for  performances  in 
September  1975 

The  building  will  be  shared  by  a 
few  departments,  with  no  one  de- 
partment, except  possibly  the  thea- 
tre department,  being  completely 
housed  there.  The  art,  music,  and 
theatre  departments  will  have  class- 
room space  as  well  as  faculty  offices. 
Studios  are  available  for  use  by  the 
art  department;  there  are  large  ones 
for  instructional  use  in  the  area  of 
painting.  The  sculpture  section  of 
the  art  department  will  not  be  using 


Above:  Art  Gallery  located  outside  of 
Concert  Hall,  for  intermission  enjoy- 
ment. Below:  Concert  Hall  being 
opened  in  September  1975. 

the  facilities  of  the  new  center  and 
the  art  historians  will  remain  in 
Bartlett  Hall.  A  large  art  gallery  will 
be  used  for  various  exhibits.  The 
concert  hall,  which  seats  2,055  and 
the  recital  hall,  which  seats  250,  will 
benefit  the  musical  groups  which 
previously  performed  in  Bowker  Au- 
ditorium. Large  musical  groups  will 
also  have  the  use  of  large  rehearsal 
rooms  in  the  building.  The  library 
was  originally  planned  for  use  by 
both  the  art  and  music  department, 
but  now  may  only  be  used  by  music. 
A  theatre  that  seats  750  and  a  studio 
theatre,  designed  with  a  balcony,  as 
well  as  workshops  for  scenery  con- 
struction, and  makeup  and  dressing 
rooms,  are  to  be  utilized  by  the  thea- 
tre department.  It  is  not  yet  known 
whether  they  will  require  additional 
space  outside  the  building. 

At  a  time  when  the  fine  arts  are 
coming  to  have  their  own  prominence 
and  can  benefit  from  the  services  of  a 
notable  faculty,  the  University  of 
Massachusetts  community  will  have 
the  additional  advantage  of  a  distin- 
guished facility  in  which  to  accom- 
modate them. 




















DtH         mc 


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The  Graduate  Research  Center  is  a 
isnomer  for  a  building  complex 
that  houses  facilities  for  the  benefit 
of  undergraduate  as  well  as  graduate 
students.  What  in  1963  was  merely  a 
concept  on  paper,  has  gone  through 
many  planning  changes  and  is  now  in 
he  process  of  being  completed.  It 
was  originally  planned  to  be  con- 
structed in  three  phases:  phase  I  was 
to  be  the  existing  low  rise,  phase  II 
was  to  encompass  the  three  towers, 
and  phase  III  was  supposed  to  be 
another  low  rise  building  at  the  north 
end  of  the  existing  complex.  The 
twenty-two  million  dollar  complex 
was  designed  by  Campbell,  Aldrich, 
and  Nutty. 

The  low  rise  building,  which 
opened  for  use  in  October  1971,  al- 
lowed the  graduate  school  office  to  be 


moved  from  Munson  Hall.  The  base- 
ment of  the  building  contains  the 
graduate  school,  glassblowing  and 
electronics  shops,  as  well  as  the 
Hampshire  Inter-Library  Center. 
The  Education  Library  was  recently 
moved  from  the  basemjent  ot  the 
low  rise  to  the  University  Library. 
The  first  floor  houses  the  University 
Computer  Center  and  the  Center  for 
Instructional  Resources  and  Im- 
provement, which  deals  with  the 
functions  of  the  Provost's  Office.  The 
Physical  Science  Library,  Computer 
Science  department  (including  lab 
space,  department  offices,  profes- 
sors' offices  and  classrooms).  Water 
Resources  Research  Center,  and 
graduate  school  office  (records, 
deans,  registration,  admission  and 
research)  are  located  on  the  second 

floor.  The  third  floor  is  reserved  for 
the  Statistics  and  Nuclear  Physics 
departments,  along  with  a  few  Com- 
puter Science  classrooms  and  offices . 
It  was  originally  planned  that  the 
three  towers  be  used  for  the  Chemis- 
try department.  However,  when  the 
university  enrollment  ceiling  was 
changed  from  30,000  to  25,000,  not  as 
much  space  was  needed  for  Chemis- 
try. The  second  and  third  towers 
were  reprogrammed.  Office  space 
was  designated  in  place  of  Chemistry 
labs.  Math  offices  and  classrooms, 
Theoretical  Physics  and  some  phys- 
ics labs  were  to  be  housed  in  the  tow- 
ers. The  completed  tower  (which 
became  the  second  half  of  phase  I) 
contains  labs,  classrooms,  depart- 
ment offices,  and  professors'  offices 
Jgr  the  Physics,  Biochemistry,  Poly- 

ngineermg,  ^^if^^^^ 
nents.  Some  Grad,JLJ  \ 

mer  Science,  Er 
Chemistry  departmc 
uate  teaching  assistants  also  have 
offices  in  the  tower.  Math  Depart- 
ment offices  and  classes,  some  labs 
and  offices  of  the  Theoretical  Physics 
department,  and  a  few  general  pur- 
pose classes  will  be  located  in  the 
towers  that  are  presently  under 

Phase  III,  the  second  low  rise,  no 
longer  exists.  What  was  originally  a 
vague  idea  for  some  sort  of  center  for 
graduate  students  and  was  later 
planned  to  be  a  building  that  would 
house  Applied  Physics  is,  due  to  fi- 
nancial difficulties,  no  longer  being 






























IX  k: 








Several  greenhouses  can  be  found 
throughout  different  sections  of 
campus  belonging  to  either  the  Bo- 
tany Dept.  or  Plant  and  Soil  Sci- 
ences. The  greenhouses  outside  of 
Bowditch  Hall  and  French  Hall  and 
the  Durfey  Conservatory  all  are  a 
part  of  Plant  and  Soil  Sciences.  The 
ones  outside  of  Clark  and  Morrell 
Hall  are  in  the  Botany  Dept. 

The  alpine  house  is  the  greenhouse 
attached  to  Clark  Hall.  All  the  cold 
climate  plants  are  grown  and  studied 
in  that  building.  Morrell's  four  green- 
houses are  a  little  over  a  year  old. 
The  whole  area  contains  the  four 
greenhouses,  storage  areas,  a  growth 
chamber  room,  a  potting  room  and 
an  office.  Right  now  the  growth 
chamber  room  lacks  the  necessary 
electronic  power  to  run  the  seven 

chambers,  so  that  only  three  are 
working.  The  Physical  Plant  hopes  to 
fix  the  power  shortage  over  the  sum- 
mer to  complete  this  botanical  area. 
A  growth  chamber  is  a  large  metal 
box  that  provides  a  very  controllable 
climate  to  allow  plants  to  grow  under 
certain  conditions  or  for  planting 
seeds  to  grow. 

In  the  four  greenhouses  there  are 
different  types  of  plants  to  be  found. 
A  greenhouse  exclusively  for  tropical 
plants  is  the  first  of  the  buildings. 
Inside  this  house  there  is  a  mecha- 
nism for  simulating  the  climate  of  a 
tropical  rain  forest,  several  water 
sprays  that  either  are  on  continuous- 
ly or  are  on  for  fifteen  minutes  every 
hour.  The  plants  are  rather  exotic: 
some  that  produce  colorful  flowers 
and  other,  like  the  Venus  Flytrap, 





— UV  «W  -WW  WV  UW  SI 

that  eat  insects. 

The  next  two  buildings  are  for  ex- 
perimental plants.  The  climate  for 
the  plants  vary  between  the  two 
buildings;  one  could  find  a  hot  and 
dry  building  or  a  rather  warm  area. 
Researchers  are  doing  such  experi- 
ments with  the  plants  as  discovering 
how  water  pollution  from  mills  effect 
the  plants  or  studying  the  genetics  of 
plants,  or  studying  cellular  struc- 
ture. The  plants  in  these  houses  are 
all  abnormal  in  genes,  although  they 
are  very  similar  to  the  normal  plant. 

The  last  of  the  four  greenhouses  is 
the  building  for  the  permanent 
collection  of  plants.  These  plants  are 
the  ones  used  for  different  Botany 
classes  when  a  certain  type  of  plant 
is  needed  for  a  demonstration  or  a 

The  university  greenhouses  oper- 
ate all  year.  In  these  houses  there  are 
no  bugs,  except  bees;  all  spraying  for 
bugs  takes  place  on  Wednesday, 
depending  on  the  weather.  No  per- 
sonal plants  are  allowed  in  the  green- 
houses for  fear  of  bringing  in  bugs  or 
disease.  Any  plants  that  are  brought 
in  from  the  outside  are  stored  for  a 
period  of  time  in  a  guest  chamber 
that  cleans  the  plants.  The  green- 
houses offer  plants  that  the  research- 
es do  not  need  any  more  to  students 
who  are  interested.  Also,  they  pro- 
vide potting  soil  to  those  who  need  it. 
The  students  must  bring  their  own 
containers  for  the  soil  or  the  plants, 
because  there  is  now  a  shortage  of 
plastic  containers . 

Ronald  Beckwith  is  the  greenhouse 
manager  and  he  works  with  two  as- 

sistants. Mr.  Beckwith  declared  that 
we  are  now  in  the  middle  of  a  plant 
rage.  He  feels  that  more  students  are 
more  aware  of  their  environment  and 
a  plant's  contribution  to  the  earth. 
Also,  more  students  than  a  few  years 
ago  know  how  to  take  care  of  many 
different  types  of  plants  and  are  used 
more  of  an  ornament.  Many  students 
have  been  going  to  the  greenhouses 
to  find  plants  that  they  like  or  have  a 
place  for  in  their  homes  or  dorms . 

Already  the  greenhouses  are  too 
small  for  the  amount  of  experiments 
that  need  to  be  done.  In  the  near  fu- 
ture there  are  no  plans  for  new  build- 
ings for  the  greenhouses,  but  soon 
the  administration  will  have  to  face 
additional  space. 












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What  do  you  do  with  an  obso- 
lete library,  anyway?  Here's 
what  we're  doing  with  ours . 

The  building  was  known  to  most 
seniors  as  Goodell  Library  —  or  just 
"the  Lib"  —  and  housed  approxi- 
mately 800,000  volumes  for  reference 
use  and  required  reserve  reading  with 
a  few  general  study  areas.  With 
stacks  on  all  six  levels  students  often 
made  the  attempt  to  climb  down  into 
the  hot,  dark,  musty  stacks  on  Level 
1  to  search  out  that  all  important 
book,  only  to  find  it  gone  and  among 
the  missing. 

But  all  this  changed  with  the  open- 
ing of  the  new  University  Library  and 
during  the  summer  of  1973  Goodell 
Library  was  emptied.  For  most  of  the 
academic  year  '73  to  '74,  much  of 
Goodell  has  remained  as  empty 
stacks  and  chairs  piled  on  tables 
with  the  reserved  reading  room 
strangely  vacant.  Many  of  the  doors 
in  the  building  have  been  locked  and 
the  mezzanine  has  been  dark;  but 
slowly  the  corners  of  the  building 
have  become  occupied  by  different 
services  and  offices. 

Goodell  is  to  be  renovated  as  soon 
as  the  University  can  obtain  the  nec- 
essary funds,  states  Jack  Littlefield 
of  the  Planning  Office.  The  1934 
building  and  its  1959  addition  will  be 
renovated  to  ultimately  house  class- 
rooms and  offices.  In  the  interim, 
Goodell  is  being  used  as  transitional 
space  to  house  various  University 
functions  and  services  which  have 
grown,  or  are  being  juggled  while  oth- 
er buildings,  such  as  Hills,  are  being 

The  sixth  floor  is  presently  being 
used  for  classroom  space,  and  is  un- 
der the  control  of  the  Scheduling  Of- 
fice to  allocate  the  classrooms  as 
needed.   The  Audio-Visual  Center 

moved  in  during  late  August  from 
Thompson  Tower  and  now  occupies 
about  eight  rooms  on  the  fifth  level. 
The  University's  film  library  is  han- 
dled by  the  A-V  Center,  which  also 
stores  and  maintains  the  audio-vis- 
ual equipment  and  produces  instruc- 
tional slides  and  tapes.  The  A-V 
Center  also  has  storage  rooms  on  the 
third  level  of  Goodell  and  a  darkroom 
located  on  the  second  level . 

The  Everywoman's  Center  moved 
to  fifth  level  in  October  of  1973  from 
Munson  Hall  where  it  egan  as  Pro- 
ject Self  in  1972.  Project  Self  offered 
courses  and  counselling  for  women 
returning  to  school  and  was  staffed 
with  one  paid  counsellor  and  volun- 


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Left:  A  machine  in  the  AV  Center  that  cleans  each  film.  Right:  Everywom- 
an's  Center. 

teers.  In  the  short  span  of  a  year-and- 
a-half,  Project  Self  has  grown  to  the 
Everywoman's  Center  with  a  staff  of 
42.  Filling  the  large,  high-ceilinged 
paneled  room  on  the  fifth  level,  the 
Center  seeks  to  counsel  women  re- 
turning to  school,  develop  a  feminist 
arts  program  and  offer  employment 
counseling  for  the  women  on  this 

Located  next  door  to  the  Every- 
women's  Center  is  the  Carnegie  Pro- 
ject for  Women,  which  seeks  to  en- 
courage more  women  to  become  pro- 
fessionals in  fields  traditionally  cho- 
sen by  men.  The  program,  begun  ear- 
ly in  1974,  will  also  offer  opportuni- 
ties for  students  to  serve  as  interns  in 

various  fields.  Behind  the  Carnegie 
Project,  on  the  fifth  level  is  the 
Communications  Studies  Lab  and 
several  offices  of  the  Speech 

Taking  up  a  large  part  of  the  fourth 
level  are  the  Accounting  Purchasing 
Offices,  which  were  previously  locat- 
ed in  Whitmore.  Also  found  on  this 
level  are  the  offices  of  BDIC  (Bache- 
lors Degree  in  Individual  Concentra- 
tion), which  is  a  program  in  which 
the  students  create  the  major  they 
want  through  a  program  of  interdis- 
ciplinary study.  To  be  accepted  into 
the  BDIC  program,  a  student  must 
submit  an  outline  of  a  course  of  study 
and  goals  to  be  achieved,  signed  by  a 

faculty  program  has  grown  rapidly 
and  presently  has  400  students  fol- 
lowing an  individual  course  of  study. 

The  Outreach  program  moved  to 
the  fourth  level  of  Goodell  from  Ar- 
nold House  in  February,  1974.  Oc- 
cupying two  rooms  and  staffed  by 
student  volunteers.  Outreach  acts  as 
a  channel  for  acadmic  credit  for  the 
200  participating  students.  Through 
this  newly  developed  program,  stu- 
dents can  receive  credit  for  outside 
experience  relating  to  their  field  of 

The  third,  second  and  first  levels 
of  Goodell  are  primarily  under  the 
control  of  the  Property  Office  and  are 
used  for  storage  of  surplus  furniture 
and  state  property.  There  is  a  small 
Physical  Plant  shop  on  the  third  lev- 
el, and  a  storage  room  for  the  Physics 
and  Astronomy  departments  on  the 
second  level,  but  the  lower  levels  are 
mainly  quiet  now. 

















31  tc 

























In  the  summer  of  1973  the  new 
University  Library  opened  to  the 
public  after  almost  a  decade  of  work 
and  effort  on  the  part  of  many  indi- 
viduals. Not  long  after  the  occupancy 
in  1960  of  the  new  addition  to  Good- 
ell  Library  it  was  noticed  that  with 
the  expansion  in  the  university  addi- 
tional library  facilities  would  be 
needed  in  the  near  future.  By  Febru- 
ary, 1965,  a  planning  committee  had 
been  established  a  building  program 
had  been  formulated,  the  universi- 
ty's campus  consultants,  Sasaki, 
Dawson  and  DeMay  Associates,  had 
made  recommendations  on  possible 
building  sites  and  the  internationally 
known  architectural  firm  of  Edward 
Durell  Stone  had  been  selected  as  the 






















By  late  1965  the  design  decision  to 
build  a  twenty-eight  story  building 
on  a  two  floor  podium  on  the  site  east 
of  South  College  was  made.  This  de- 
sign was  approved  by  the  Board  of 
Trustees  in  early  1966  and  the  prepa- 
ration of  the  final  architectural'  plans 
begun.  On  April,  1969,  the  ground 
was  broken  for  the  new  building.  In 
September,  1969,  2600  cubic  yards  of 
concrete  were  poured  continuously  to 
form  the  base  of  the  new  building. 
"The  Great  Concrete  Pour"  required 
the  combined  output  of  three  cement 
plants,  two  shifts  of  over  fifty  men 
each  and  approximately  thirty  five 
trucks  making  twenty  five  trips  each. 
By  September,  1971,  the  building 
had  been  topped  off  and  by  June, 
1973,  Goodell  Library  was  moved 
over  to  the  new  University  Library. 

During  the  past  decade,  the  Uni- 
versity Library,  like  the  university, 
has  grown  tremendously  and 
changed  in  many  ways.  In  1962,  the 
Library  had  a  collection  of  252,000 
volumes,  a  staff  of  fifty  seven  and  no 
program  of  library  automation.  In 
December,  1972,  the  Library  had  a 
collection  of  1,500,000  volumes,  a 
staff  of  208  and  an  active  program  of 
library  automation. 

The  new  University  Library  is  one 
of  the  largest  U.S.  academic  library 
buildings.  The  405,000  square  foot 
structure  provides  seating  for  about 
3,000  readers  and  has  a  potential 
capacity  of  2.5  million  volumes.  Two 
of  the  levels,  the  third  and  sixth, 
have  been  left  out,  but  the  building  is 
designed  so  that  they  may  be  added 
at  a  later  date  when  additional  space 
is  required.  The  two  top  levels  are 
mechanical  floors  so  initially  twenty- 
four  floors  are  open  to  the  public.  The 
total  project  cost  is  $16,800,000  in- 
cluding $850,000  for  equipment.  The 
equipment  budget  is  much  smaller 
than  those  of  other  recently  complet- 
ed library  buildings  of  smaller  size  as 
a  result  there  are  some  equipment 

Much  of  the  Library's  activities 
are  centered  in  the  main  level  which 
is  accessable  from  two  stairs  leading 

from  the  entrance  level.  Originally, 
access  to  this  level  was  to  be  by  esca- 
lators but  budget  limitations  neces- 
sitated substituting  stairs.  Located 
on  the  main  level  are  the  card  cata- 
log, the  reference  desks  and  collec- 
tion, current  periodicals  and  newspa- 
pers, a  browsing  collection,  college 
catalogs,  a  copy  center,  new  books 
display  and  the  microform  room.  The 
Main  Level  also  includes  office  and 
work  areas  for  most  of  the  Library's 
staff;  Technical  Services,  Reference 
and  Interlibrary  Loan,  Public  Serv- 
ices, Systems  and  Bibliography.  The 
Bibliography  Division  is  together  for 
the  first  time  in  one  location  and  in 
an  area  adjacent  to  the  card  catalog 
and  the  reference  collections.  Tech- 
nical Services  are  located  in  the 
north  end  of  the  level.  Although  floor 
space  is  limited,  all  of  the  depart- 
ments within  the  Division  are  locat- 
ed in  one  area  in  an  arrangement  that 
expedites  the  rapid  processing  of  li- 
brary materials. 

The  high  rise  portion  of  the  struc- 
ture contains  general,  individual  and 
department  studies,  book  stacks  and 
Special  Collection  Archives.  The 
26th  floor  is  the  highest  usable  level 
of  the  building.  It  is  enclosed  by  glass 
walls  and  surrounded  by  promenades 
with  magnificent  panoramic  views  of 
the  campus  and  surrounding  area. 
This  colloquium  floor  features 
lounges  and  lecture  rooms  available 
for  library  and  book-related  meetings 
and  programs.  The  second  level 
houses  the  Circulation  Services, 
bringing  together  their  principal 
work  areas  for  the  first  time.  In  addi- 
tion to  the  area  occupied  by  Circula- 
tion, Reserve  and  Stack  Mainte- 
nance, about  one-third  of  the  floor  is 
devoted  to  a  reading  room. 

Of  the  twenty  four  useable  levels  in 
the  tower,  twelve  stack  floors  hold 
the  bulk  of  the  collection.  These  are 
alternated  with  six  floors  of  individu- 
al and  departmental  studies  so  that 
there  are  two  stack  floors  between 
each  study  floor.  Each  stack  floor  has 
a  capacity  of  125,000  volumes.  Thus 
from  each  study  floor,  stacks  with  a 

capacity  of  250,000  volumes  are  only 
one  flight  of  stairs  away,  and  stacks 
with  a  capacity  of  500,000  volumes 
are  within  two  flights.  On  each  study 
floor  are  a  typing  room,  a  building 
telephone  so  that  readers  can  query 
library  service  desks  without  return- 
ing to  the  main  floor  and  a  small 
room  for  the  use  of  handicapped  stu- 
dents. On  three  of  the  study  floors 
small  coin  operated  copiers  are  avail- 
able and  on  one  floor  a  number  of 
computer  terminals  are  installed 
which  connect  the  user  with  the  Uni- 
versity Computer  Center. 

Each  study  floor  contains  six  de- 
partment studies  and  individual 
studies  for  86  readers.  There  are  ten 
large  individual  studies  on  each  floor 
which  are  assigned  to  two  persons 
each.  Individual  studies  are  available 
for  faculty,  graduate  students  and 
honors    students    doing    library 


The  new  building  can  accommo- 
date approximately  3,000  readers; 
nearly  three  times  as  many  as  Good- 
ell Library.  In  addition  to  the  reader 
space  available  in  the  departmental 
and  individual  studies,  each  stack 
level  has  fifty-six  carrels  around  the 
perimeter  of  the  building,  over  300 
seats  are  available  on  the  main  level 
and  another  572  seats  available  on 
the  general  study  levels  on  the  fourth 
and  fifth  floors  and  on  the 
Circulation/Reserve  level  on  the  sec- 
ond floor.  Access  to  the  latter  three 
levels  is  also  available  through  a  sep- 
arate staircase  on  the  east  side  of  the 
building.  By  opening  the  east  lobby 
it  is  possible  to  keep  these  three 
floors  open  after  the  rest  of  the  build- 
ing has  been  closed. 

Even  with  the  new  space  the  li- 
brary has  problems  that  must  be 
worked  out.  UMass- Amherst  has  al- 
ready set  up  programs  with  UMass- 
Boston  and  Worcester,  but  this  is  not 
enough.  The  University  Library  is 
going  to  need  to  find  a  library  partner 
with  either  the  Boston  or  Albany  li- 
braries. It  is  hard  to  imagine  that  our 
new  library  is  going  to  be  too  small  in 
the  near  future,  but  already  authori- 
ties are  working  on  this  problem. 

























New  Africa  House  functions  in  a 
number  of  compensates  for  the  Third 
World  Community  in  the  five  college 
area.  As  well  as  providing  a  spiritual 
and  cultural  link  with  our  heritage;  it 
also  serves  a  number  of  day  to  day 
needs.  Most  popularly  known  about 
are  Afro-American  Studies  and  the 
CEEBS  program.  Less  well  known  is 
the  Lumuba  Hut,  a  snack  bar  provid- 
ing nutritious  black  cuisine  as  well  as 
a  quiet  setting  to  enjoy  your  meal. 
There  are  two  day  schools  and  a  bar- 
ber shop  which  provides  convenient 
services  to  the  Black  community.  In 
addition  there  is  a  dance  studio,  the 
art  gallery  and  a  large  study  hall  lo- 
cated in  the  basement,  the  first  floor 
and  the  second  respectively. 

New  Africa  also  provides  space  for 
Third  World  organizations  on  cam- 
pus such  as;  Afro-Am,  Harambee, 
Drum  Magazine  and  the  Black  Sci- 
entist Association.  It  is  the  home  of 
one  of  the  country's  most  respected 
departments  of  Afro-American 

The  New  Africa  House  is  an  entity 
unto  itself,  a  self  governing  body.  It 
is  governed  by  the  New  Africa  House 
steering  Committee  which  is  com- 
posed of  the  Black  Scientist  Associa- 
tion Carribean  students,  Third 
World  Central  Area,  Black  Caucus  of 
Southwest,  Upward  Bound,  Black 
Student  Psycological  Association, 
CEEBS,  Department  of  Afro-X 
American  Studies,  African  Students 
Association,  Drum  Magazine  and 
Black  Action  Team. 

Dedicated  to  Black  cultural  educa- 
tion, propagation  and  preservation, 
the  Center  is  expanding  as  rapidly  as 
the  Students'  need.  There  is  a  f, 
amount  of  pride  generated  around 
the  House  and  unspoken  promise  by 
everyone  to  increase  it'; 
the  community.  Plans  for  next  year 
include:  adding  space  for  the  Black 
News  Service  and  the  Black  Mass 
Communications  Project.  Just  two 
more  ways  of  expanding  the  scope  of 
New  Africa. 












The  University  of  Massachusetts 
in  Boston  opened  its  doors  on  Janu- 
ary 28,  1974,  to  an  enrollment  of  5700 
students.  UMass -Boston  makes  the 
third  member  of  the  University  of 
Massachusetts  system  joining 
UMass-Amherst  and  the  Worcester 
Medical  School.  The  new  Boston 
complex  enabled  the  school  to  move 
from  the  crowded  former  office  build- 
ing in  Park  Square  to  the  Columbia 
Point  cite. 

The  $133  million  campus  was  built 
on  the  old  city  dump  spot  and  is 
about  three  miles  from  downtown 
Boston.  The  building  was  nearly  fin- 
ished, but  a  few  workmen  remained 
for  some  final  work  and  gave  direc- 
tions to  bewildered  students.  The 
complex,  consisting  of  several  build- 
ings, built  overlooking  the  Boston 
Bay  part  of  the  Atlantic  Ocean. 

Eighty  percent  of  the  students 
used  public  transportation.  A  garage 
is  available,  but  only  one  thousand 
checked  into  the  facilities,  two 
hundred  less  than  expected.  The  fee 
of  the  garage  has  been  primarily  set 
at  $1.50,  but  will  be  adjusted  to  un- 
derwrite the  shuttle  bus  service. 

An  expansion  of  the  campus  will  be 
more  difficult  for  Boston,  being  sur- 
rounded by  ocean  and  the  Columbia 
Point  housing  complex,  than  Am- 
herst with  its  open  spaces.  For  now 
there  is  an  adequate,  long  awaited 
and  deserved  campus  for  the  eastern 
Massachusetts'  student  or  the  stu-  •« 
dent  interested  in  state-owned  edu- 
cation offered  in  the  city.  Like  it  was 
for  the  Amherst  Aggies,  UMass-Bos- 
ton  is  the  beginning  of  a  rajjidly 
growing  monster.  '      t     ||    """i  -». 







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The  planning  for  Tobin  Hall  began 
about  1962.  At  this  time  in  the  Psy- 
chology Department  there  were  nine 
faculty  members,  and  the  expected 
growth  of  the  department  was  to  add 
between  twenty-one  and  thirty-one 
new  members  of  the  faculty.  The 
administration  doubted  the  Psychol- 
ogy department's  figures  and  felt 
that  if  a  Liberal  Arts  Building  was 
constructed  to  house  the  Psych. 
Dept.  and  a  few  others  it  would  solve 
the  lack  of  space  problem  for  Psy- 
chology and  save  money  at  the  same 
time.  Five  years  later,  the  Psych. 
Dept.  was  in  their  rapid  growth  peri- 
od. More  students  were  taking 
Psych,  courses  and  becoming  Psych, 
majors  than  was  expected.  In  1967 
the  faculty  numbered  twenty-two. 
The  Psych.  Dept.  changed  their  pro- 
jected numbers  of  faculty  size  to  six- 
ty and  a  little  over  one  hundred-fifty 
graduate  students,  which  is  the  cur- 
rent size  of  the  department.  It  was 
then  known  that  the  Psych.  Dept. 
could  not  share  a  building  with  an- 
other department . 

About  five  million  dollars  was  ap- 
propriated (plus  a  five  percent  infla- 
tion allowance)  for  the  Liberal  Arts 
Building  in  1963.  Rapid  inflation  hit 
the  money  for  this  building  and  cut 
the  equipment  funds  by  about  twen- 
ty-five percent.  A  request  for  seven 
hundred  thousand  dollars  more  was 
eventually  granted.  By  1967  the  uni- 
versity knew  that  the  building  would 
house  the  Psych.  Dept.  only;  two 
years  later  construction  began.  The 
architect  of  the  building  was  Barry 
Coleth  and  the  builders  were  the 
Fontaine  Brothers.  The  Psychology 
Department  started  to  move  in  by 
October  of  1972  from  their  areas  in 
Bartlett  Hall,  Middlesex  and  Berk- 
shire House.  Everyone  who  was  mov- 
ing over  to  Tobin  was  in  by  Thanks- 
giving of  1972. 

Today  the  Psychology  Department 
is  located  in  Tobin  mainly,  but  they 
still  have  some  space  in  Bartlett, 

crOBin  CHALL 






Middlesex  and  Berkshire.  Tobin 
houses  many  crucial  parts  of  the 
Psychology  Dept.  important  not  only 
to  the  school  and  dept.,  but  also  to 
the  community. 

The  first  floor  of  Tobin  has  the 
Psychology  Service  Center,  which 
provides  a  mental  health  clinic  for 
the  public  and  training  for  students 
ijiajoring  in  Clinical  Psychology.  The 
necessary  mechanical  room  for  heat, 
electricity,  air  system,  etc.  and  a 
room  for  storage  is  also  located  on  the 
first  floor.  In  addition,  a  third  area 

completes  the  rooms  on  the  primary 
level;  an  electronical  and  a  metal 
shop  can  be  found  there  too.  These 
two  shops  make  much  of  the  research 
equipment  needed  by  the  dept.  Ei- 
ther the  graduate  student,  or  the  por- 
fessor  can  do  the  work  themsevles,  or 
give  the  ideas  to  one  of  the  men  who 
works  in  the  shop  and  he  will  do  it  for 
whomever  wants  it. 

The  second  floor  includes  one  large 
classroom  and  research  space.  The 
research  space  is  many  different  size 
rooms  equipped  for  large  discussions 




or  small  conversations.  Some  of  the 
rooms  have  two-way  mirrors.  All  are 
decorated  in  a  comfortable,  modern, 
colorful  style.  One  of  the  most  amaz- 
ing rooms  on  campus  is  also  located 
on  this  floor,  a  soundproof  room.  The 
room  is  filled  with  foam  pyramids  on 
the  ceiling,  all  walls,  and  the  floor. 
The  floor  has  a  chicken  wire  across  it 
to  allow  people  to  walk  around  with- 
out touching  the  foam.  When  stand- 
ing in  the  room  with  the  vault -type 
door  shut  it  is  impossible  to  hear  any 
sound,  even  if  it  is  a  scream.  Also 
your  ears  pop  in  this  room.  A  well- 
equipped  computer  and  date  is  also 
on  this  floor. 

The  third  floor  is  used  for  class- 
room space  and  different  types  of 
research  space.  Also  some  offices  are 
found  on  this  floor.  The  next  three 
floors,  although  including  different 
things,  are  set  up  in  a  similar  man- 
ner. On  the  outside  edge  of  the  floor 
are  offices,  lounges,  classrooms,  and 
seminar  rooms.  The  inner  edge  coft- 
tains  research  space. 

Monkeys,  rats,  cats  and  pigeons 
are  housed  on  the  fourth  floor.  The 
fifth  floor  contains  more  rats,  guinea 
pigs,  and  hamsters.  The  sixth  floor 
holds  other  animals.  The  Psychology 
Dept.  has  three  full  time  animal  men 
to  watch  over  them  and  make  sure 
they  are  fed. 

January  of  1973  brought  a  major 
fire  to  the  fifth  floor  which  has  not 
been  repaired  as  yet.  The  fire  de- 
stroyed most  of  the  research  area  and 
ruined  many  thousands  of  dollars 
worth  of  equipment.  Some  of  the  fire- 
damaged  floor  has  been  cleared  for 
some  wok.  The  money  has  just  been 
given  to  the  department  to  fix  the 
floor,  so  that  it  will  probably  be  fixed 
for  next  year. 

Tobin  is  a  building  that  was  very 
much  needed,  but  now  is  already  too 
small.  Tobin  helped  the  department 
come  together  and  hopefully,  Tobin 
can  grow  to  keep  the  Psychology 
Department  together. 

































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mfdr  h^       ^-  1 




Although  there  are  alterna- 
tives, walking  is  still  the 
most  reliable  form  of  trans 
u^.    portation. 








*     f. 


'.r  ^' 

"5>tir'i>S!'i><  ■-^■'■.MiQjv^'^'a.r'iw^ 




Professor  Dario  Politella  ex- 
amines our  mid-semester  phen 



The  streak  is  not  for  the  meek. 

That's  the  very  first  conclusion 
to  be  drawn  from  raw  data  available 
from  the  studies,  both  textual 
and  photographic,  that  have  been 
appearing  in  the  nations  press. 

It  takes  guts  to  practice 

what  students  have  been  preaching, 

since  their  coming  out  of  the 

campus  doldrums  that  followed  those 

halcyon  days  when  they  drove 

goldfish  down  their  alimentary 


Nowadays  they're  letting  literally 
it  all  hangout. 

And  from  the  other  side  of  the 
lectern,  the  professors  see  that 
this  is  good. 

As  student-watchers  of  experience 
and  devotion  some  professors  are 
predicting  that  a  result  of 
streaking  is  that  campus  lifestyles 
will  be  better.  And  streaking  is 
only  the  first  manifestation.  For 
as  soon  as  students  succeed  in 
exercising  this  devil  within 
they'll  find  another. 

Like  inhibitions  about  dress, 
contempt  for  age  proofs,  distaste 
for  the  Establishment  they  will 
inevitiblyjoin  marriage  and 

Streakers  are  obviously  the 
leaders  of  the  New  Generation.  For 
they  are  already  putting  into 
practice  what  the  White  House  has 
been  practicing  since  Watergate  1972: 
hide  nothing  and  keep  America  moving. 

An  editorial  in  the  University 
of  Maine  student  newspaper  recently 
suggested  that  even  President  Nixon 
might  be  able  to  regain  some  of  his 
credibility  if  he  streaked  from 
the  White  House  to  the  Justice 
Department,  in  front  of  television 

"The  American  public  would  cheer 
the  President  for  finally  exposing 

Further  proof,  if  needed,  that 

the  streakers  are  heading  for  fame 
and  fortune  in  politics  is  indicated 
by  the  heady  slogans  they  have  conjured. 

"Have  you  got  the  cheek  to  streak?" 
is  the  challenge  at  the  University 
of  Louisville. 

"Stop  your  grinin,  drop  your  linen." 

The  echo  comes  from  Berkley, 
where  University  of  California 
students  have  been  smarting  at 
their  apathy,  since  Mario  Savio 
led  the  Free  Speech  Movement  in 
1964  that  began  the  student 
revolts  that  spread  across  the  country. 
In  1974,  their  cry  became  "Hell  yes, 
we'll  undress." 

Mad  Ave  couldn't  have  done  better. 
But  then,  in  the  eyes  of  the  New 
Generation  they're  too  meek  to  streak. 

The  spring  rite  of  barreling  in 
the  buff  has  come  as  no  surprise  to 
academics,  both  teaching  and  administrative 
who  know  the  fullness  of  the  moon 
and  the  approaching  vernal  equinox 
portend  that  the  saps  would  soon  be 
running.  It's  happened  every  year 
since  the  Greeks  began  their  Olympiad 
with  a  run  in  the  raw. 

Three  Yalies  remembered.  And  they 


streaked  the  streets  of  New  Haven 
accompanied  by  a  fully  clothed  guide 
carrying  a  torch. 

And  as  if  to  emphasize  the 
educational  aspects  of  the  new 
campus  caper  The  New  York  Times  has 
reported  that  even  a  trio  of  streakers 
appeared  at  a  lecture  on  Roman  history 
at  Princeton  University,  "It  could 
not  be  immediately  ascertained  whether 
they  were  attempting  to  illustrate 
the  discussion  or  to  comment  on 
civilization's  decline  or  fall." 

Another  aspect  of  the  streaking 
movement  which  has  aroused  admiration 
among  professors  is  the  talent  for 
organizing  which  has  surfaced  on 
the  campuses. 

Directing  the  dashes  at  St.  Louis 
University  is  the  National  Collegiate 
Streaking  Association.  At  the  State 
University  Center  at  New  Paltz,  N.Y. 
it's  the  New  Paltz  Intramural 
Streaking  Club. 

Under  the  banner  "We  have  nothing 
to  hide,"  some  Harvard  students 
run  the  gauntlet  organized  as  FUDA 
Fully  Unclothed  Dashing  Activists. 

And  while  "streak  control"  is  into 
things  at  Texas  Technological  University 

activities  at  Indiana  University 
are  decentralized  into  outfits 
like  the  Colonial  Crest  Apartments 
Streaker  Club  and  the  Dunn  Hill 
Apartments  Streakers. 

But  the  group  that  has  shown  the 
most  imagination  at  least  as  far  as 
English  teachers  are  concerned  is 
at  Penn  State.  Someone  there  with  an 
appreciation  for  acronyms  has  conjured 
the  Association  for  Student  Streakers 

To  streak  undoubtedly  is  not  for 
the  meek. 

Where  did  it  all  start? 

Professors  with  a  penchant  for 
history  have  looked  to  the  popular 
press  for  the  answer. 

An  editor  at  the  University  of 
Bridgeport's  student  newspaper 
says  it  all  begun  at  the  University 
of  Maryland  in  November  of  1973. 
One  press  service  credits  University 
of  Florida.  And  at  the  same  time 
it  discovered  one  Fred  R.  Pierce, 
who  was  expelled  from  Stanford 
University  in  1918  for  sprinting 
his  bare  bottom  past  sorority  row. 
Now  74,  Mr.  Justice  Pierce  is  retired 
from  the  California  Appeals  Court. 

There  are  other  conclusions  a 
professor  may  draw  from  the  serious 
side  of  the  podium.  Former  University 
of  Massachusetts  president  John 
Lederle,  who  now  teaches  political 
science  at  the  Amherst  campus,  has 
told  his  students  that  "It's  better 
than  painting  clenched  fists  on  the 

At  the  University  of  Maine  at 
Crone  there  was  a  suggestion  that 
streaking  be  adopted  as  a  varsity 
sport  with  annual  Big  Ten  playoffs 
in  a  "Lady  Godiva  Bowl." 

And  under  a  photo  showing  nude 
couples  at  the  end  of  the  sprint, 
a  University  of  Massachusetts 
Daily  Collegian  writer  asks, 
"What  is  the  student  body  coming 

At  Indiana  University  a  psychology 
major  told  an  inquiring  newsman  that 
"The  whole  practice  is  insane  and 
shouldn't  be  analyzed." 

But  from  a  professor's  point  of 
view  streaking  can  be  scholarly. 

Socet  tuum. 











lift.— T 


• '  Ifl*:,' 

•  JN"- 




1 1  a  ^  -i- 




So  much  time  is  spent  doing 
the  things  that  have  to  be 
done  .  .  . 











An  adaption  of  Chinois  Achebe's  classic 
novel,  "Things  Fall  Apart",  was  present- 
ed by  the  Black  Repertor\  Theatre.  Es- 
ther Terry,  a  member  of  the  compan\ , 
adapted  the  novel  for  the  stage  and  di- 
rected the  production. 

Mr.  Achebe's  novels  deal  w  ith  the  cultur- 
al clash  between  traditional  .African 
modes  and  the  colonial  presence.  Recog- 
nized internationalK  as  masterpieces, 
the  novels  have  engendered  the  modern 
school  of  African  fiction. 

The  Black  Repertor\  Theatre  is  made  up 
of  students  from  the  valle\  and  faculty 
from  the  Five  College  area.  The  produc- 
tion represented  the  creative  collabora- 
tion across  disciplines  of  two  members  of 
the  Five  College  Black  facult\,  and  w  as 
the  most  ambitious  undertaking  b\  the 
theatre  to  date. 


.  mi^ 






















Parents  who  are  triistiiiii  their  children  to 
make  a  ne\N  world  out  of  the  l)iireauera- 
e\-ridden  y;o\ernments  of  their  genera- 
tion —  forget  it. 

In  Massachusetts  it  isespeciall\  true, 
because  the  Comnionw  ealth  is  well 
know  n  for  its  political  patronage  and 
top-heav\-  go\erning  s\stem.  where  o\  er 
8.5  percent  of  the  state  s  entire  labor 
force  are  on  the  public  pa\  roll. 

Students  of  the  new.  generation  now  pre- 
paring the  political  takeo\  er  from  their 
parents  appear  to  be  going  their  parents 
one  better. 

In  a  communit\  of  22.000  students,  oxer 
400  are  in\  ol\  ed  in  school  go\  ernment. 
And  the  issues  aren  t  proms,  parties  or 
picnics,  either.  The\  manipulate  student 
ta.xes  and  student  policy.  The\  not  only 

decide  how  much  students  w  ill  be  as- 
sessed each  semester,  the\  also  divide 
the  mone\  and  distribute  it  in  the  "best 
interest  of  the  students. 

These  student  leaders  are  not  dealing 
w  ith  pett\  cash.  The\  have  control  of 
more  than  half  a  million  dollars  per  year. 
In  1973-74,  the  budget  for  the  Student 
Senate  was  8863,000.  For  1974-75,  the 
budget  is  closer  to  SI  million. 

While  the  mone>  w  as  distributed  to  46 
organizations  last  \ear,  more  than  50 
have  applied  for  funding  in  1974-75. 

The  mone\  goes  to  the  student  new  spa- 
per,  radio  station,  yearbook,  or  an\  of  a 
long  list  of  groups. 

But,  the  mone\  allocated  to  student  gov- 
ernment groups,  like  the  area  govern- 

ments, has  a  long  w  a\  to  get  to  where  it 
is  going.  Mone\  appropriated  tOi^n  area 
government  must  be  distributed  to  or- 
ganizations and  committees  in  that  area. 
For  example.  Southwest  Residential  Col- 
lege (SW),  received  832,000  for  the  1973- 
74  school  year.  That  money  w  as  then 
budgeted  by  the  SW  Budget  Committee 
and  distributed  to  the  Women's  Center, 
CJenter  for  Racial  Understanding,  Black 
Caucus,  Resource  Center,  Academic 
Affairs  Office,  Hampden  Student  Cen- 
ter, plus  the  AssembK  s  Committees  and 
an\  proposals  that  came  up  during  the 

For  the  governments,  distribution  of 
funds  is  not  c.vtremcK  complicated.  But, 
for  the  group  that  wants  the  monex,     , 
there  is  a  bureaucratic  back-up 
comparable  to  the  present  s\  stem  in 
Washington,  D.C^ 

Money  is  available  from  sources  other 
than  the  student  government.  The  Pro- 
vost has  funds,  the  \  ice-Chancellor  has 
funds,  and  there  is  a  Cultural  Enrich- 
ment Fund  (CEF  ).  To  share  in  this  bo- 

nanza,  one  needs  only  to  know  who  can 
give  mone\'  to  w  hom,  the  proper  order  in 
which  one  must  climb  the  ladder  to  the 
mone\-,  and  who  "the  godfather    is  on 

A  dorm  government  decides  it  needs 
funding  for  an  activity  or  House  im- 
provement. First,  it  must  tap  CEF  mon- 
ey; if  there  is  no  money  available,  the 
students  can  go  to  either  the  Vice-Chan- 
ceilor  or  their  area  assembh-.  However, 
if  their  need  is  not  included  in  the  criter- 
ia of  the  CEF,  then  the  dorm  can  go  di- 
rectly to  the  other  sources. 

If  the  dorm  decides  to  go  to  their  Assem- 
bly, the  request  is  brought  before  the 
Finance  Committee.  There  it  can  sit  or  it 
can  be  sent  to  the  Assembi\  \\  ith  a  rec- 
ommendation. At  the  AssembK ,  it  can  be 
debated,  tabled,  passed  or  defeated. 

If  defeated,  a  dorm  can  tr\  the  Chancel- 
lor or  the  Student  Government  Associa- 
tion or  they  can  try  to  raise  the  mone\- 
themselves.  Raising  money  is  usualK-  the 
easiest,  but  there  too,  there  are  compli- 

cations in  the  s\  stem  in  trying  to  get  an 
event  approved. 

If  the  m  one  \is  approved,  the  dorm  must 
wait  for  the  mone\transfer  from  the 
Assembly  to  the  dorm,  via  the  Recog- 
nized Student  Organization  Office 
(RDO  ).  If  the  proposal  involves  a  work 
order  for  the  Physical  Plant,  there  is  a 
long  wait  for  the  plant  to  call  the  num- 

ber. There  are  certain  procedures  that 
must  be  followed  throughout  the  pro- 
cess, and  leaving  out  any  procedure 
could  result  in  delay.  It  took  one  dorm 
almost  a  year  to  request,  get  approved, 
and  receive  e.xercycles,  for  example. 

Like  all  government  s\  stems,  some  get 
money  and  some  don't.  But  all  must  fol- 
loyv  rules  for  getting  funding,  or  to  find 
the  proper  loop-holes.  One  technical  er- 
ror can  mean  that  the  funds  are  cut  or 
frozen  at  the  direction  of  student  leaders, 
their  constitutions  and  their  Robert's 
Rules  of  Order. 

"Play  ing  politics"  is  as  important  to  stu- 
dent government  as  it  is  to  the  real 
world's  political  systems.  Student  gov- 
ernment, like  all  government,  is  made  up 
of  persons  yvith  a.xes  to  grind.  Some  of 
them  are  House  representatives.  Vying 
for  top  priority,  each  is  convinced  that 
his/her  dorm  is  in  more  desperate  need 
of  money  for  painting  halUv  ays,  buying 
exercy  cles,  pool  tables  or  receiving  sub- 
sidies for  parties. 

To  set  such  liills  throiisj;h  takfs  iitulcr- 
stancliiit;  ot  how  the  system  works.  In  the 
Southwt'st  Ri-sick'iitial  area,  for  t'xainpk'. 
two  top  priorities  were  comhatiiiij;  racism 
and  Sfxism.  All  interest  groups  practice  a 
third  prioritx :  the  proposal  must  he  in 
the  best  interest  oF  a  majoritv  of  the  stu- 
dents. Organizations  constantK  insist 
that  tlu'ir  ser\ices,  be  it  sk\cli\  ing.  coin 
eolleeting  or  science  fiction  w  riting. 
greatK  affect  the  Lni\ersit\  population. 

With  so  nuun  interests,  interesting  so 
man\  students,  the  Assemblies  rareU 
refuse  funding  requests   It  is  important 
to  support  the  student  interests,  and  it  is 
important  to  strengthen  the  area  govern- 
ments. What  better  wa\  to  de-centralize 
than  letting  the  Areas  offer  financial 

But.  the  SW  As.sembly  spent  over  S II, 000 
in  one  semester.  That  left  less  that  SI, 000 
for  the  Spring  1974  semester.  The 

President  of  this  area  w  as  upset  at  the 
amount  spent  and  felt  it  wasn  t  spent  on 
worth  while  projects. 

The  AssembK  persons  were  annoyed 
too,  but  the\  can  t  go  back  now.  To  solve 
the  problem  of  being  short  of  funds,  SW, 
along  w  ith  the  other  financialU  drained 
areas,  sponsored  a  bill  to  increase  the 
student  ta.\  and  got  it  passed. 

In  the  past,  one  amount  w  as  charged  for 
"Student  Activities  Ta.x  Fund"  (SATF). 

It  was  decided  that  the  .\rea  (Govern- 
ments needed  more  money  and  another 
tax  w  as  going  to  be  added  to  the  bill.  It 
w  as  defeated,  however,  because,  accord- 
ing to  an  SGA  Budget  Committee  mem- 
ber, the  students  might  not  understand. 

Instead,  the  SATF  money  w  ill  be  in- 
creased from  $24.25  per  semester,  to 
approximateU  $o0.50  per  semester,  de- 
pending on  the  exact  amount  negotiated. 
At  present,  they  anticipate  a  $5.75  in- 
crease, per  semester,  in  the  Area  Govern- 
ment s  budget.  This  is  an  85  per  cent  in- 
crease for  the  Areas  from  last  year. 
When  asked  if  the  students  w  ere  aw  are 
of  the  increase  that  the  student  leaders 
had  planned,  the  response  was  a  muffled, 
'not  exactK .    No  referendum,  or  vote  of 
any  sort  was  taken  of  the  students. 

The  student  government  system  is  not 
unlike  the  situation  they  11  face  in  the 
real  w  orld.  The  student  leaders  are 


learning  their  lessons  well:  short  of 
mone>  r"  Increase  taxes. 

Their  parents  are  sa\  ing  that  the  stu- 
dents of  the  Se\enties  are  regressing  to 
the  Fifties.  The\  charge  that  the  students 
are  apathetic,  uninterested  in  their  fu- 
ture and  bored  w  ith  political  mo\enient 
of  the  Si.xties. 

Perhaps  the  students  are  a  bit  nostalgic     ' 
b\  developing  fads  such  as  streaking.  But 
politics  is  certainK  not  out  of  the  picture. 
Students  have  more  pow  er  in  schools 
now  than  ever  before.  Students  are  on 
advisor)  boards,  dealing  w  ith  ever\  thing 
from  food  service  and  academic  pro- 
gramming to  interview  ing  administra- 
tors. Students  operate  their  own  Student 
Unions,  and  form  lobb\  groups  at  the 

state  Capitols. 

Students  don  t  riot  as  much  an\  more, 
and  demonstrations  ha\'e  reduced  drasti- 
calK .  Toda\  s  students  seem  to  be  work- 
ing w  ithin  the  "s\stem    .  The  question  is, 
is  that  good':^  Are  the  students  follow  ing 
in  the  footsteps  of  politicians  who  have 
steeped  this  countr\-  w  ith  a  bureaucracy 
so  complex  that  onl\  another  politician 
can  even  begin  to  understand  how  the 
s\stem  works':' 

At  U.  Mass.,  things  don  t  look  promising 
for  change.  Students  control,  manipulate 
and  practice  their  oral  exercises  in  poli- 
ticking. The  students,  w  ith  no  conscious 
help  from  the  administration,  have  de- 
vised their  ver\'  own  complex  bureaucra- 
c\  for  other  students  to  get  tangled  in. 

Many  Had  to  Succumb 

to  Reality  And 


Not  all  students  were  fortunate  enough 
to  receive  scholarships  or  have  their  four 
years,  or  more,  at  UMass  paid  for  by  par- 
ents or  summer  earnings.  Many  had  to 
succumb  to  reality  and  work  during  the 
academic  year  to  support  themselves  and 
their  extra-curricular  activities. 

Appro.ximately  5,000  students  were  em- 
ployed on-campus  by  the  university  this 
year.  The  Campus  Center  ranked  first  in 
hiring,  providing  such  jobs  as  bartend- 
ing, bouncing,  cashiering,  and  vvaitress- 
ing.  The  dining  commons,  library,  and 
school  of  education  opened  up  other 
areas  of  employment  to  the  increasing 
number  of  students  desiring  work.  Work- 
study  programs,  offered  through  the 
Financial  Aid  office,  provided  500  jobs, 
though  the  number  requesting  place- 
ment far  surpassed  the  positions  avail- 
able. As  happened  in  many  other  areas  of 
the  university,  funds  for  financial  aid 
were  cut  back  while  the  number  of  per- 
sons applying  continued  to  increase.  As 
an  alternative,  many  students  looked  off- 
campus  for  employment.  Local  firms 
offered  and  unestimated  number  of  jobs; 
Most  were  difficult  to  obtain  and  fol- 
lowed that  old  cliche:  "The  early  bird 
gets  the  worm.  ' 

^k  A 









The  job  market  was  brightened,  how- 
ever, by  the  opening  of  the  Mountain 
Farms  Mall  on  Route  9,  which  helped 
to  ease  the  situation  through  the  de- 
mand of  personnel. 



The  \ear  1973-1974  was  highlighted  by 

unprecidented  grow  th  in  the  Outing 

Club,  as  both  the  club  membership  and 

the  equipment  locker  inventory  doubled. 

This  growth  has  facilitated  the  club  s 

primary  aim;  the  promotion  within  the 

University  of  an  active  interest  in  the 


The  increase  in  size  was  accompanied  by 

an  even  larger  increase  in  the  number  of 

trips  being  taken;  UMass  Outing  Club 

members  were  active  in  virtually  every 

part  of  the  United  States.  In  addition  to 

the  longer  trips  over  vacation  periods  to 

such  places  as  the  Grand  Tetons  and 

Mexico,  there  were  many  weekend  trips 

to  all  areas  of  the  Northeast.  Canoeing, 

camping,  rock-climbing,  caving,  hiking, 

cross  country  skiing,  snowshoeing,  and 

ice  climbing  were  only  a  few  areas  of 

activity  this  year. 



Ski  Club 

73-74  officers: 
Harry  Charych,  president 
Chuck  Beaudin,  vice-president 
Phil  Saluter,  vice-president 
Debbie  Belanski,  treasurer 
Michelle  Riox,  secretary 
Connie  Saluter,  secretary 

This  year  the  Umass  Ski  Club  was  more 
active  than  it  had  ever  been  in  the  past. 
Both  skiing  and  socializing  were  the 
main  focal  points.  Since  the  ski  club  is 
self-sufficient,  the  first  semester  was 
devoted  to  fund  raising.  The  main  money 
maker  this  year  w  as  the  annual  used  ski 
sale  held  in  the  Campus  Center  at  the 
beginning  of  December.  $150,000  of 
used  skis,  boots,  poles,  and  clothing  was 
offered  for  sale.  Many  first-time  skiers 
were  able  to  outfit  themselves  complete- 
ly at  minimal  cost. 

Because  of  the  severe  lack  of  snow  dur- 
ing December,  there  weren  t  any  ski  ac- 
tivities, but  interscession  was  a  busy 
time.  The  club  sponsored  trips  to 
Innsbruck,  Austria,  Canada,  Sugar- 
bush,  and  Jay  Peak. 

Second  semester  was  devoted  to  spend- 
ing the  money  made  first  semester  on 
skiing  and  partving.  One  night  a  week 
the  club  provided  free  buses  to  Berkshire 
East  Ski  Area.  The  special  all  night  lift 
ticket  rate  was  only  $2.00  and  a  live  band 
helped  with  the  socializing  after  skiing. 
It  was  a  rare  occasion  when  the  buses 
returned  before  2  A.M.  It  was  a  pity  for 
those  with  8  o  clock  classes  the  next  day, 
but  most  felt  it  was  worth  it. 


On  Februar\'  16  the  club  sponsored  ski 
races  for  its  members.  For  most  of  the 
participants,  this  v\as  their  first  time 
running  slalom  gates.  Some  left  thinking 
of  the  Olympics  in  1976,  others  left  deep 
holes  in  the  snow  in  places  where  they 
almost  made  the  gate.  An  awards  cele- 
bration was  held  afterwards  with  tro- 
phies going  to  the  fastest  three  male  and 
female  racers.  The  club  provided  beer, 
v\  ine,  and  cheese  to  help  the  celebration 
along.  For  some,  the  hardest  part  of  the 
day  was  finding  their  way  back  to  the 

Every  Saturda\  when  ski  conditions 
were  good,  the  club  provided  free  bus 
transportation  to  big  areas  in  Vermont 
such  as  Stratton,  Killington,  and  Bromely 
with  a  discount  on  the  lift  ticket. 

During  spring  break,  the  club  ran  trips  to 
Quebec,  Jay  Peak,  and  Sugarloaf. 

Storms  bombed  Vermont  for  the  entire 
week  before  vacation  and  skiing  was  bet- 
ter than  it  had  been  all  winter 


The  Massachusetts  Public  Interest  Re- 
search Group  (MassPIRG  )  is  a  non-profit 
corporation,  inspired  by  consumer  — 
advocate  Ralph  Nader  and  de\  oted  to 
issues  of  public  concern.  MassPIRG  \\  as 
formed  this  \  ear  b\  consolidation  of  the 
Western  Mass  Public  Interest  Research 
Group  (WMPIRG)and  the  Eastern  Mass 
Public  Interest  Research  Group  (Mass- 
PIRG East ).  It  is  one  of  20  PIRGs  now 
operating  on  American  college  campus- 
es, with  others  still  in  the  planning 

MassPIRG  is  funded  b\  voluntar\-  contri- 
butions of  $4  per  \  ear  b\  students  of 
Massachusetts  colleges  and  universities. 
Contributions  finance  a  full-time  staff  of 
professionals  who  supervise  MassPIRG 
acti\ities  under  the  direction  of  a  student 
Board  of  Directors.  The  staff  of  research- 
ers, writers,  law\ersand  an  en\  ironmen- 
tal  scientist  work  in  close  cooperation 
with  students  from  participating  schools. 
Through  their  active  participation  in 
MassPIRG  projects  and  polic\making 
decisions,  students  gain  practical  experi- 
ence in  public  interest  research  and  or- 
ganizing and,  in  most  cases,  can  receive 
academic  credit  for  their  work 

This  \ ear,  MassPIRG:  "Researched  the 
question  of  nuclear  power  plant  safety, 
publishing  a  25  page  report  which  called 
for  a  moratorium  on  nuclear  plant  con- 


struction,  and  brought  Ralph  Nader  to 
Massachusetts  on  a  four  da\-  barnstorm- 
ing speaking  tour  to  promote  their  i)ill 
before  the  Mass  state  legislature  to 
halt  all  construction  of  nuclear  power 
facilities  until  the  legislature  has  had 
a  chance  to  review  the  hazards. 

"Won  a  precedent  setting  suit  block- 
ing construction  of  a  $500  million  in- 
terstate —  standard  highwa\-  in  west- 
ern New  England. 

"Continued  legal  action  designed  to 
challenge  the  constitutionality  of  state 
public  utilit\'  rate-setting  procedures  on 
the  grounds  that  consumers  are  not  ade- 
quateU  represented  at  rate  hearings. 

"Intervened  in  Federal  Power  Commis- 
sion hearings  regarding  licenses  of  five 
hydroelectric  dams  on  the  Connecticut 
River,  spurring  restoration  of  migrating 
fish  to  the  river  and  decreasing  erosion 

and  other  detrimental  effects  of  pow  er 
plant  operation. 

"Monitored  the  implementation  of  the 
1972  Clean  Water  Act  Amendments  in 

"Undertook  numerous  other  projects  re- 
leated  to  the  public  interest. 

V,»<r*'!'i-  .*"*: 




fii-x  }»■:'!•  ■,'■•- ■■'•:. 

w  'i 
'.-_^<  -' 

The  North  American  Students  Against 
Fires  Competition  was  held  in  Mari- 
nette, Wisconsin  May  1-May4,  1974. 

This  was  the  second  in  a  series  of  engi- 
neering competitions  sponsored  by 
SCORE  (Student  Competitions  on  Rele- 
vant Engineering  ),  the  first  being  the 
Urban  X'ehicle  Design  Competition  in 
which  Univ.  of  Mass.  was  the  winner  of 
the  Safety  Award. 

The  UMass  Team  that  went  to  the  com- 
petition at  Marinette  consisted  of  Diane 
Bradford,  Mechanical  Engineering;  Jen- 

n>-  R\an,  Electrical  Engineering;  Peter 
Cadieu.x,  Electrical  Engineering;  Rob- 
ert Hopkins,  Psychology;  Bruce  Whit- 
more,  Business;  and  Dr.  Paul  Tartaglia, 
Facult)- Advisor,  Mechanical  Engineer- 
ing. Also  entered  w  ere  projects  b\'  David 
O  Conner  and  Paul  Grocki,  both  in  Me- 
chanical Engineering,  who  were  unable 
to  attend  the  competition.  The  competi- 
tion ran  very  smoothly  for  its  three  and 
one  half  da\  duration  thanks  to  the  ef- 
forts of  the  SAF  Co-ordinating  Commit- 
tee (students  from  Georgia  Tech )  and 
the  Ansul  Company,  one  of  the  leading 
fire  fighting  research  companies  in  the 
country,  who  hosted  the  competition  at 
their  research  facilities. 

The  competition  ended  Saturday,  May  4, 
and  was  followed  by  an  impressive  fire 
fighting  demonstration  put  on  b\'  the 
Ansul  Company  Fire  Fighting  School 
instructors.  The  aw  ards  banquet  was 
held  Saturday  evening.  Two  UMass  en- 
tries won  awards  —  a  third  place  in  the 
Protection  and  Rescue  Category  by  Rob- 
ert Hopkins  and  Bruce  Whitmore  for 
their  impro\ed  design  of  fire  fighting 
clothing  and  a  Special  Av\ard  in  the  Fire 
Fighting  Category  by  Diane  Bradford 
for  her  automatic  oven  fire  extinguisher. 


As  an  alternative 
to  academics  and 
the  use  of  the 
mind  alone,  the 
Crafts  Shop  pro- 
vided students 
with  the  opportun- 
ity to  use  their 
hands  and  create, 
to  learn  skills, 
and  to  gain  a 
sense  of  satis- 
faction by  actually 
making  something 
with  their  own  hands 
in  a  time  when 
everything  is  made 
by  machine. 



Programs  such  as  silk  screening  semi- 
nars, a  four-week  course  in  ceramics,  sil- 
ver jewelry  workshops,  and  workshops  in 
darkroom  techniques  of  photography 
were  offered  by  the  center  in  addition  to 
such  crafts  as  leathermaking  and  other 

Open  6  days  a  week,  the  Crafts  Shop  sold 
inexpensive  materials  and  provided  the 
tools  necessary  to  create  beautiful,  and 
original,  leather  belts  and  pocketbooks, 
silver  rings  and  bracelets,  or  just  about 
anything  else  one  desired  to  make.  All 
that  was  required  was  time  and  patience; 
the  end  product  provided  the 



A  student-run  communit\  mental  health 
center,  Room  to  Move  has  struggled  to 
keep  au  are  of  the  changing  needs  of  the 
student  bod\  and  to  develop  effective 
ways  fo  meeting  these  needs.  It  has 
served  as  a  vehicle  for  communication 
between  the  "folk  medicine     of  the 
street  and  professional  medicine  and  has 
been  instrumental  in  developing  new 
models  of  health  care.  The  staff  is  aware 
of  many  of  the  social  and  spiritual  issues 
underlying  drug  abuse  and  strives  to 
provide  services  which  will  help  persons 
resolve  some  of  these  issues. 

The  drug  education  outreach  program 
provides  drug  information,  including 
workshops  in  all  aspects  of  drugs  for  the 
university  community,  dormitory  coun- 
selor training  work-shops  in  drugs  and 

Room  To  Move 

drug  abuse,  and  personal  growth  work- 
shops, in  which  persons  are  encouraged 
to  develop  themselves  through  such 
areas  as  art  and  movement. 

Much  of  our  effort  is  directed  toward 
helping  persons  find  alternatives  to  drug 
use.  Teams  composed  of  trained  staff 
members  conduct  workshops  in  such  al- 
ternatives as  altered  states  of  conscious- 
ness, or  alternative  "highs",  such  as 
those  experienced  through  voga,  exer- 
cise, and  meditation.  A  Black  Action 
team  is  involved  in  all  aspects  of  educa- 
tion and  counselling  in  the  Third  World. 
Alcohol  abuse,  now  cited  as  the  number 
one  drug  problem  in  the  United  States,  is 
being  dealt  with  by  the  alcohol  team, 
which  holds  rap  sessions  Wednesday 

m                ■^aK^,n  - 



nights  in  addition  to  workshops  and 
counselling  programs. 

Room  to  Move  is  distinguished  from 
other  counselling  centers  in  that  we  are  a 
crisis  intervention  center.  Persons  strug- 
gling with  drugs,  alcohol,  or  psychologi- 
cal problems  seek  help  here.  Counseling 
is  done  in  both  short-term  and  long-term 
programs;  the  stigma  connected  with  the 
Mental  Health  Center  is  not  found  here 
because  people  feel  at  ease.  There  is  a 
sense  of  community  among  the  staff  and 
hopefully  among  the  people  who  drop- 

In  a  period  of  confusion  and  despair 
we  are  trying  to  help  individuals  find  a 
source  for  positive  growth  within  them- 
selves and  with  each  other. 

a  place  to  hv  listt'iicd  to 

&  to  1)C'  heard  ^  ,  . 
to  Ik-  supported  \\  hilc 

\  oil  natlu'i"  \  our  torccs 

6i  get  \  our  heariugs. 
a  fresh  h)ok  at  alti'inatix  es 

6;  some  uew  uisights 
to  taei'  \oui'  tears  — 

—  \ our  needs, 
to  eonie  to  a  deeision 
Al  take  tlie  eouiaiie  to  act 
6c  to  take  tlu'  risks 
that  li\  inu  cU'iiuuuls. 



The  year  1973-1974  marked  the  return  of 
concerts  to  the  Curry  Hicks  Cage  after  a 
silence  of  three  years.  The  resuU  w  as  less 
than  spectacular  from  the  point  of  view 
of  attendance. 

In  October  the  Concert  Committee  pre- 
sented Donny  Hathaway  and  Chick  Co- 
rea.  The  audience  numbered  1100,  less 
than  one-half  the  capacity  of  the  Cage. 
In  November,  John  Mayall  and  Bruce 
Springsteen  played  before  an  audience 
of  1600  persons.  The  following  night 
Mayall  and  Maria  Mulduar  entertained 
2600  persons.  All  three  concerts  were 
fine  shows  musically;  the  fact  that  they 
had  to  be  given  on  Sunday  or  Monday 
nights  and  a  general  lack  of  interest  in 
these  particular  types  of  music  contribut- 
ed to  the  consistently  poor  attendance. 

At  the  beginning  of  the  spring  semester 
the  Committee  planned  to  present  Bon- 
nie Raitt  for  two  shows  in  the  Student 
Union  Ballroom.  The  shows  were  sold 
out  in  two  and  one-half  days.  Two  days 
before  the  show  Bonnie  cancelled  her 
performance.  As  a  replacerrtent,  the 
Concert  Committee  presented  the  Jon 
Pousette-Dart  String  Band  and  Mitch 
Chakour  with  the  Mission  Band.  The 
concert  attracted  less  than  200  persons. 

The  year  has  been  a  generally  disap- 
pointing one.  The  Concert  Committee 
has  lost  most  of  its  money  and  its  opti- 
mism about  the  future  of  concerts  at  U 
Mass.  Without  the  support  of  the  student 
body,  the  future  looks  pretty  dim. 


Greg  Somerville.  Sonja  Bt'nnett.  Carol  Ingram.  Dr.  Levi  Watkins. 


The  Black  Scientist  Societ\  is  an  ora;ani- 
zation  to  unite  undergraduate  and  tiradu- 
ate  Black  students  who  ha\  e  a  common 
goal  of  achieving  a  degree  or  degrees 
within  a  scientific  discipline. 

The  B.S.S.  strives  towards  academic  ex- 
cellence by  the  development  of  educa- 
tional support  s\  stems  for  its  members, 
to  insure  their  successful  pursuit  of  their 
individual  disciplines. 

The  B.S.S.  tries  to  create  "New  Black 
Experiences  in  scientific  postures.  The 
Societ\  as  a  viable  vehicle  for  promulga- 
tion of  minorities  into  the  schools  of  sci- 
ence and  \\  ill  address  itself  \\  ith  recruit- 
ing and  placement  of  students  w  ithin  the 
ph\sical  science  areas. 

The  B.S.S.  has  been  successful  in  initiat- 
ing and  executing  inter-communication 
and  relevanc}  between  the  Black  scien- 
tist, the  Black  communit)  and  Black  en- 
terprise. The  organization  will  further 
develop  the  concept  of  projects  b%  Black 
scientists  for  the  Black  communit\  . 

The  B.S.S.  tries  to  provide  support  for 
Black  programs  on  campus,  primarily 
programs  dealing  w  ith  ad\  ancement  of 
minorities  w  ithin  the  hard  sciences.  Our 
group  is  imique  in  that  as  students,  we 
have  unified  our  efforts  and  concerns 
into  a  working  task  force  whose  focus 
and  thrust  has  been  to  aid  in  the  educa- 
tion of  our  Brothers  and  Sisters. 

VVe  have  our  credibilit\  in  that  we 
complement  minorit\  program  cffecti\e- 
ness,  thus  bridging  the  gap  betw  een  rhet- 
oric and  pragmatism. 

The  Black  Scientist  Societ\  runs  se\  eral 
different  programs  during  the  regular 
school  semester  which  include  trips, 
guest  speakers,  films,  participation  in 
minorit\  recruitment  programs,  and 
meetings  at  regular  interxals.  What  is 
pictured  here  is  the  societ\  s  finest  event. 
At  the  end  of  the  school  v  ear  the  societ\ 
holds  an  annual  reception  —  this  is  our 
second  annual  reception  —  the  purpose 
of  these  receptions  is  to  show  recognition 
to  somebod\  who  has  shown  an  interest 

in  the  societ\  and  or  somebodv'  who  is 
interested  in  some  scientific  field  b\'  pro- 
fession or  b\  stud\ .  The  first  reception 
ga\  e  recognition  to  Dr.  Randolph  Brom- 
er\ .  who  is  the  chancellor  of  the  Univer- 
sit\  of  Massachusetts,  Amherst.  He  is 
also  a  geoph\sicist  and  showed  a  sincere 
interest  in  the  Black  Scientist  Society 
and  what  it  was  trying  to  do  for  Black 
Students  here  at  the  University  of  Massa- 
chusetts in  the  w  a\  of  promoting  the 
hard  sciences  and  the  support  of  follow- 
ing through  on  a  career  in  the  profession- 
al fields  which  w  ere  science  oriented. 

At  this.  Second  Annual  Reception  of  the 
B.S.S.,  the  students  were  honored.  They 
received  certificates  of  recognition  for 
their  interest  in  the  society.  Also  the  so- 
ciet\  recognized  Dr.  Levi  Watkins  for  his 
role  in  the  Black  Community.  He  is  pres- 
ently doing  research  on  hypertension. 
Trent  Poole,  who  is  one  of  the  original 
founders  was  also  honored  at  this 


ro^j  cnv 

wi'icf'jhf  f 

A  little  time,  a  little  effort,  and  a  lot  of 
love.  The  Belchertown  N'olunteers  iiive 
all  three.  The\  donate  several  hours  of 
their  time  each  \\  eek  to  work  with  resi- 
dents of  Belchertow  n  State  School,  they 
e.vtend  a  little  effort  to  help  someone 
gain  self-confidence. 

Each  volunteer  w  orks  w  ith  a  resident  of 
the  school,  taking  them  for  w  alks,  to  pla\ 
on  the  s\\  ings,  or  to  stay  indoors  and  play 
with  to\  s.  The  ages  vary,  from  small 

children  to  middle-aged  men  and 


Some  of  the  volunteers  spend  several 
hours  a  w  eek,  others  spend  several  days  a 
week  and  are  involved  in  the  Boltwood 
Project  or  volunteer  as  requirements  for 
university  courses.  Volunteering  is  not 
an  easy  thing  to  do.  Seeing  a  small  child 
continually  banging  their  head  against 
the  wall,  or  moaning  and  waving  their 
hands  in  the  air,  or  just  sitting  in  silence 
for  hours  makes  one  feel  helpless,  frus- 
trated, and  sometimes  depressed. 


One  thing  is  certain,  though,  the  resi- 
dents of  Belchertown  State  School,  like 
all  state  schools,  need  persons  to  care,  to 
be  interested,  and  to  help.  Conditions  are 
often  poor,  man\  persons  would  rather 
turn  a\va\  and  not  face  the  reality  of 
Belchertoun.  Those  unique  individuals 
that  do  face  the  reality  and  are  able,  and 
are  willing  to  do  something  to  help,  no 
matter  how  small  the  contribution  of 
time  deserve  a  great  deal  of  praise  and 
thanks  from  all  of  us. 


WMUA,  91.1  FM  in  Amherst,  became 
more  diverse  in  its  programming  this 
year  than  ever  before.  Interspersed 
throughout  the  20  hours  of  music  played 
seven  da\s  a  week  were  greatly  im- 
proved newscasts,  thanks  to  the  coopera 
tion  of  local  radio  stations,  and  the  addi- 
tion of  a  full,  eight-hour  news  staff. 

New  concepts  in  public  affairs  program- 
ming were  presented.  "Gay  Break"  pro- 
vided an  in-depth  analysis  of  the  prob- 
lems of  gay  people  in  our  society,  as  we 
as  the  comic  relief  that  made  the  show 
successful.  "The  Women  s  Show  '  was 
produced  weekly  and  collectively  by  20 
women  in  a  Southwest  Women's  Media 
course,  and  attempted  to  join  progressive 
people  s  music  with  information  and  in- 
terviews about  people's  struggles  for 
freedom.  Other  programs  included  "  Fo- 
cus ",  centered  on  local  politics,  "Off  the 
Hook  ",  a  nightK  talk  show,  and  "Uni- 
versity Week  in  Review'  ,  a  recap  of 
campus  events. 

The  station  continued  its  wide  coverage 
of  Minutemen  sports,  both  during  the 
regular  seasons  and  at  post-season  tour- 
naments. That  familiar  banner  draped 
outside  the  press  bo.\  at  Alumni  Stadium 
or  over  the  railing  at  the  Cage  told  U 
Mass  fans  that  WMUA  was  there,  broad- 
casting to  those  fans  who  couldn't  stand 
the  cold,  fight  the  lines,  or  v\eren"t  dedi- 

cated enough  to  put  up  with  the  long 
wait  before  the  event  s  start.  Don  Gorski 
presented  play-by-play  action  for  both 
football  and  basketball  games,  with  Lar- 
ry Convoy  adding  football  color  and  Jer- 
ry Brooks  basketball  color. 

Music  continued  to  improve,  although 
already  far  ahead  of  area  competition. 
"Progressive,  Free  Form/Informative 
Format  '  is  how  we  define  the  diversified 
programming  at  91.1  FM.  No  other  sta- 
tion around  has  a  more  serious  approach 
to  their  music,  or  as  varied  a  presentation 
of  public  affairs. 


Afro- American  Music 

Archie  Shepp 

Max  Roach 

The  beat  of  Afro- American  music  is  ech- 
oing through  the  halls  of  more  than  500 
campuses  across  the  country,  where  for- 
mal course  offerings  and  degree  pro- 
grams show  that  music  departments  are 
interested  in  Bop  as  well  as  Bach. 

These  courses  and  degree  programs  are 
attracting  not  only  students  but  also  pro- 
fessional musicians  who  are  finding  the 
serenity  of  the  campus  scene  a  relief 
from  the  rigors  of  the  nightclub  and  con- 
cert circuit. 

Pros  like  Max  Roach,  Archie  Shepp,  and 
Reggie  Workman  are  now  sharing  the 
knowledge  they've  accumulated  over  the 
years  as  concert  and  recording  artists 
with  the  students  enrolled  in  their  classes 
at  the  University  of  Mass. 

The  increased  interest  in  Afro-American 
studies  during  the  mid-sixties  is  said  to 
have  been  an  important  catalyst  in  open- 
ing up  this  new  outlet  for  passing  on  the 
jazz  tradition. 

In  1964,  when  the  interest  in  including 
Afro- American  studies  in  college  curric- 
ulums  was  beginning  to  be  felt,  there 
were  25  colleges  in  the  United  States  of- 
fering courses  in  jazz.  Ten  years  later 
there  are  over  500  colleges  and  universi- 
ties offering  such  courses. 

At  UMass,  the  move  to  include  jazz  be- 
gan in  1968  when  students  held  informal 
sessions  at  the  music  librarian  s  home.  At 

this  time,  the  music  curriculum  had  tra- 
ditionally covered  only  classical  music  in 
the  Western  European  tradition. 

The  Faculty  now  involved  in  jazz  in- 
cludes eight  composers,  instrumentalists, 
and  vocalists.  Of  these.  Roach,  Shepp, 
and  Workman  are  considered  to  a  be 
among  the  most  influential  musicians  on 
today's  scene. 

In  her  definitive  book,  "The  Music  of 
Black  Americans  ",  Eileen  Southern 
writes  of  Max  Roach:  "  whose  legate,  but 
strongly  rhythmical  style  was  widely 
imitated  by  other  drummers." 

Black  poet  and  jazz  critic  Imamu  Amiri 
Baraka  (Leroi  Jones),  in  an  article  in 
Downbeat  magazine,  spoke  of  Archie 
Shepp's  tenor  saxophone  style  which 
"combines  a  big  wide  elegant  bluesiness 
with  a  rhythmnic  force  .  .  .  Archie  has 
something  to  say  which  is  new  and  pow- 
erfully moving.  ' 

Reggie  Workman  has  performed  and 
recorded  with  the  two  musicians  above 
as  well  as  Art  Blakey  and  John  Coltrane. 

There  are  now  over  200  students  enrolled 
in  the  UMass  program,  which  covers  the 
entire  spectrum  of  Afro- American  music 
including  Soul,  Jazz,  and  Gospel.  Besides 
regular  lecture  and  discussion  type  class- 
es, several  large  and  small  ensembles 
offer  the  student  opportunities  for  practi- 
cal applications  of  his  knowledge. 


These  courses  and  ensembles  attract  a 
wide  range  of  students,  both  black  and 
white,  from  not  only  the  Music  Depart- 
ment but  also  from  such  diverse  sources 
as  the  Theater  Department  and  Depart- 
ment of  Afro- American  Studies,  among 

The  students  interest  ranges  from  those 
who  are  into  the  music  just  for  the  plea- 
sure of  listening  and  playing,  to  those 
music  education  majors  who  see  the  val- 
ue the  experience  gained  here  will  be  in 
their  future  teaching,  and  finally  those 
who  seek  careers  as  professional 

In  the  future  these  students  will  be  able 
to  major  in  Afro- American  music,  an  op- 
tion not  presently  available  except 
through  special  individual  concentration! 

Dr.  Frederick  Tillis,  who  is  now  coordi- 
nater  of  the  program,  sums  up  its  princi- 
pal aim:  "to  develop  a  program  in  Afro- 
American  music  which  offers  an  oppor- 
tunity for  serious  studies  and  investiga- 
tions of  the  music  and  musicians  of  this 

As  a  result.  Bop,  Blues,  and  Boogie  may 
well  continue  to  take  their  place  next  to 
Beethoven,  Bach,  and  Bartok,  atUMass 
and  across  the  country. 


Not  since  the  1950's  had  a  woman 
been  elected  Collegian  Editor-in- 

At  Editor  meetings  Karen  Lynch 
would  privately  joke  that  her  only 
reason  for  seeking  the  position  had 
been  to  change  the  Collegian  Flag. 

Whatever  her  reasons,  the  56 
journalism/English  major  from  Win- 
chester, Mass.  wasted  little  time  at  the 
paper  s  helm.  She  did,  indeed,  change 
the  Collegian  Flag:  "I  wanted  to  get 
rid  of  all  the  garbage  there." 

For  Karen  and  her  editors  there  w  ere 
layout  procedures  to  standardize  and 
editorial  opinions  to  formulate.  With 
each  controversy  that  endlessly  con- 
fronted Karen  and  her  editors  there 
were  countless  meetings  and  discus- 
sion groups  to  attend. 

During  these  controversies  Karen  s 
true  value  as  Editor-In  -Chief  became 
apparent.  Her  abilit\'  to  "steer  a  mid- 
dle course  ,  to  absorb  pertinent  argu- 
ments v\hile  not  wavering  in  her  con- 
victions, earned  the  respect  of  staff 
and  students  alike. 


The  energy  crisis  is  set  at  the  gas 
pumps   ,  said  Stewart  Udall,  former  Sec- 
retary of  the  Interior  under  President 
Kennedy  and  Johnson.  He  proposed  a  re- 
orientation of  American  life,  calling  the 
United  State  automobile  industry  one  of 
the  main  causes  of  the  energy  crisis.  "  It's 
child's  play;  the  joyride  is  over  nov\ ,  "  he 
said,  calling  for  support  of  gas  rationing 
while  pointing  out  that  President  Nixon 
fears  rationing  because  of  the  World 
War  II  hangup  that  rationing  is  commun- 
ist or  un-American.  As  a  solution  to  the 
energy  crisis,  Udall  proposed  free  trans- 
portation, the  return  of  the  railroad,  con- 
struction of  walkways  and  bikeways,  and 
a  more  ogranized  trucking  sy«tem.  He 
warned  that  the  crisis  is  not  "short- 
termed   ,  as  many  think,  but  a  very  real 
problem  we  will  face  in  years  to  come. 

Steward  Udall 

The  1973-1974  academic  year  saw  in- 
creased awareness  by  the  university 
community  in  exposing  itself  to  the  out- 
side world,  and  an  attempt  at  departure 
from  the  isolationist  label  which  often 
attaches  itself  to  such  an  institution. 

DVP's  purpose  is  just  that;  to  keep  the 
university  community  sensitive  to  the 
world  in  which  it  exists.  It  seeks  to  bring 
to  campus  persons  of  varied  experiences 
and  interests  who  are  qualified  to  inter- 
pret, explain,  and  raise  questions  about 
life  is  all  its  dimensions.  A  part  of  that 
exposure  to  life  is  the  stimulation  of  criti- 
cal thought,  of  debate,  and  the  presenta- 
tion of  a  balanced  range  of  opinion  on  an 
issue.  The  year  could  be  described  in  one 
word:  diversity.  Topics  ranged  from  les- 
bianism, to  the  Black  struggle,  to  escape 

Among  those  persons  brought  to  the 
University  this  year  by  DVP  were  Tom 
Wolfe,  Jill  Johnston,  Norman  Bigelow, 
Dr.  Robert  Hill,  James  Reston,  Jr.,  Jean- 
Pierre  Debris,  Paul  Morrissey,  Flo  Ken- 
nedy, Stewart  Udall,  David  DuBois, 
John  Boone,  and  Dick  Tuck. 

Author  and  cult  hero  Tom  Wolfe,  whose 
works  include  "The  Electric  Kool  Aid 
Acid  Test"  and  "The  Pump  House 
Gang'  ,  spoke  to  a  capacity  crowd  on 
"Class  Warfare  Among  American 
Youth".  He  called  the  seventies  "the  age 
of  the  debutante  in  bluejeans  ",  pointing 
out  that  fashion  conscious  debutantes  of 
the  old  days  now  are  part-time  social 
workers  who  insist  on  a  common  bond 
between  themselves  and  the  dis-advan- 
taged  class.  Wolfe  called  the  great  strug- 
gle and  subtle  resentment  of  the  age  the 
conflict  between  the  "greasers  "  and  the 
"surfers  ",  or  the  "collegiates  "  and  these 
who  are  not.  The  Silent  Majority,  and 
more  specifically  the  hardhats,  are  ac- 
tually rebelling  against  a  kind  of  person, 
the  "intellectual".  This,  Wolfe  said,  is 
the  main  crux  of  blue  collar 

Jill  Johnston,  columnist  and  author  of 
"Marmalade  Me  "  and  "Lesbian  Na- 
tion", proclaimed  lesbianism  as  THE 
feminist  solution:  "There  will  be  no  po- 
litical revolution  until  all  women  are 
convinced  that  lesbians  are  women.  The 
problem  of  the  fiminist  movement  is  that 
the  problems  are  pointed  out  but  a  no 
solutions  are  offered  for  them." 


Ms.  Johnston  said  the  there  are  two 
classes,  one  boys  and  one  women;  Boys 
are  the  "ruling  class  ,  while  women 
must  "remove  themselves  from  the 
oppressor   .  She  said  that  she  herself  w  as 
getting  back  to  being  an  individual 
instead  of  a  militant  lesbian. 

David  DuBois 

David  Graham  DuBois,  a  visiting  W.E.B. 
DuBois  scholar  and  step-son  of  the  late 
Pan-Africanist  leader,  called  the  prob- 
lem of  the  twentieth  century  "the  prob- 
lem of  the  color  line."  His  primary  con- 
cern, like  that  of  this  father,  is  the  libera- 
tion of  the  Black  people  in  Africa  and 
America,  and  the  destructions  of  capital- 
ism, colonialism,  and  racism  tow  ards  the 
building  of  socialism  and  communism. 
DuBois  said  that  Blacks  in  America 
"discovered  among  their  own  people 
groups  totally  committed  for  radical 
change  in  America,  and  devoted  to  the 
search  for  freedom."  He  believes  that 
American  Blacks  will  lead  the  United 
States  to  a  revolution  involving  the 
"rejection  of  capitalism  with  the  replace- 
ment of  socialisms. 

Dick  Tuck,  a  long  time  associate  of  Pres- 
ident Nixon,  said  the  President  "will  sa\ 
he  is  incapacitated  '  to  prevent  further 
impeachment  proceedings.  He  then  pre- 
dicted that  Gerald  Ford  would  become 
acting  President,  although  Ni.xon  would 
still  officially  be  President.  Tuck 
claimed  this  w  as  why  the  democratic 
leadership  has  stopped  asking  for  resig- 
nation and  is  pushing  impeachment. 

Tuck  became  famous  as  a  "political 
prankster"  who  has  tried  to  embarrass 
and  expose  the  President  since  1950.  He 
once  arranged  a  speech  at  the  Universit\ 
of  Southern  California  on  a  day  and  time 
when  no  one  would  be  there.  Nixon  ex- 
pected 4,000  persons  onl\  40  came. 

During  Nixon's  '62  campaign  for  gover- 
nor of  California,  Tuck  made  2  signs  par- 
tially in  Chinese.  Two  Chinese  children 
held  them  up,  and  Nixon  posed  for  pic- 
tures with  them.  When  he  found  out  that 
the  signs  made  reference  to  one  of  his 
scandals,  the  Hughes  fun,  he  took  the 
signs  and  ripped  them  up  before  televi- 
sion cameras. 

He  predicted  President  Nixon  would  re- 
sign soon,  and  that  he  has  been  plea  bar- 
gaining w  ith  members  of  the  House  of 
Representatives  over  resignation 

John  Boone 

Norman  Bigelow,  who  claims  to  be  the 
reincarnation  of  Harr\  Houdini,  the 
original  escape  artist,  thrilled  the  crowd 
with  various  acts  of  "escapologN    .  In 
mysterious  fashion,  Bigelow  managed  to 
escape  from  a  360  gallon  tank  of  w  ater 
he  w  as  hanging  upside  dow  n  in,  unchain 
himself  from  a  table  while  a  path  of  lit 
gun  powder  rushed  toward  a  pile  of  ex- 
plosives underneath,  and  release  himself 
from  a  variet\  of  straps  and  belts  while  a 
boa  constrictor  tightened  around  his 
neck.  One  of  the  most  tense  moments  of 
his  set  came  when  he  had  onl\  3  minutes 
to  release  himself  from  chains,  belts,  and 
straps  before  a  time  released  door  of 
knives  closed  upon  him. 

Dick  Tuck 


Ever\  woman's  Center  grew  out  of  strong,  local  groups  which 
had  translated  some  of  the  ideas  of  the  w  omen's  movement  into 
action.  Among  other  con\  ictions.  we  w  ere  convinced  that  edu- 
cation should  not  be  denied  to  people  because  the\  w  ere  old,  or 
parents,  or  poor,  or  had  to  work,  or  w  ere  born  female.  That 
conviction,  and  the  people  in  Continuing  Education,  the  Prov- 
ost's Office,  Student  Affairs  and  the  Counseling  Center,  and 
Administrative  Services  who  share  it,  are  the  real  founders  of 
this  center.  We  called  it  "Every woman's  '  because  we  were 
aware  that  there  were  many  women  on  campus,  or  who  should 
be  on  campus,  whose  needs  w  ere  neglected  or  whose  existence 
was  not  recognized.  \\'h\  'r' 

BECAUSE  THEY  WERE  "TOO  OLD".  Not  all  students,  or 
those  capable  of  being  successful  students,  are  under  21.  In 
fact,  more  and  more  students  are  old  enough  to  have  children 
of  their  own.  Traditionally,  it's  been  beyond-college-age  wom- 
en who  have  "continued  '  their  "educations  ",  and  now  it  is  true 
more  than  ever  —  either  in  Continuing  Education  or  as  regular 
or  part-time  students,  as  undergraduates  or  graduate  students. 
We  have  advocated,  sometimes  successfully,  for  equal  oppor- 
tunitv  in  admissions  and  in  financial  aid,  and  have  reminded 
the  community  that  older  women  are  here  as  students. 

BECAUSE  THEY  ARE  PARENTS.  Some  of  those  older  wom- 
en have  a  need  for  child  care.  If  they  are  working  as  well  as 
attending  classes,  they  may  need  full-da\  child  care,  as  do 
many  facultv  and  staff  women.  We  have  provided  child  care 
for  manv  of  our  ow  n  programs  and  have  reminded  other  plan- 
ners of  the  necessity  for  building  it  into  campus  programs.  We 
make  referrals  to  local  parents'  exchanges  and  cooperatives, 
and  have  pleaded  for  publiclv-supported  child  care  in  tow  n 
government  meetings.  We  hereby  plead  w  ith  \ou  to  recognize 
the  necessitv  —  for  both  children  and  parents  —  for  safe,  su- 
pervised places  for  children  to  grow  and  learn. 

BECAUSE  THEY  HAVE  TO  WORK.  Often,  "students  and 
facultv  "  are  mentioned  as  though  the\  were  the  onlv  inhabit- 
ants of  this  campus.  There  is  a  large  work  force  which  keeps 
records  and  types  letters  and  maintains  buildings  and  handles 
food.  Many  of  thes.e  people  who  keep  the  place  going  are 
women,  and  the\  have  been  ignored  both  in  the  speech  and  ac- 
tions of  decision  makers.  Their  insurance  coverage  is  discrimi- 
nator);  they  are  shuffled  into  the  low  est-paying  jobs;  they 
want  training  to  handle  their  jobs  better;  the\  w  ant  training  to 
equip  them  for  other  and/or  better  jobs;  they  need  full-da\ 
child  care  if  they  are  mothers  of  young  children;  they  need 
academic  advising  and  encouragement  if  thev  are  trv  ing  to 
continue  their  educations;  thev  w  ant  information  and  action  on 
promotions.  Evervvvoman  s  Center  has  provided  counseling 
and  referrals,  academic  advising,  advocacv  for  individuals, 
training  programs  for  groups,  and  we  have  lobbied  for  campus- 


wide  changes  to  accomodate  the  needs  of  women  who  work 

BECAUSE  THEY  ARE  POOR.  Everywhere,  women  make  less 
money  than  men,  and  many  of  the  women  who  attend  UM/A 
are  poor,  some  on  welfare.  One  of  the  groups  at  Every  woman  s 
Center  is  the  Poor  Women's  Task  Force,  15  women  w  ho  at- 
tended classes  this  year  and  who  have  recruited  19  new  mem- 
bers of  the  Task  Force  for  the  coming  academic  \ear.  These 
women  are  able,  highly  motivated  students  who  would  other- 
wise have  been  shut  out  of  the  University  —  and  that  would 
have  been  a  loss  to  the  University  as  well  as  to  the  women 

BECAUSE  THEY  WERE  BORN  FEMALE.  Women  are  dis- 
couraged from  many  schools,  training  programs  and  jobs  for 
which  they  qualify;  in  addition,  they  are  encouraged  into  occu- 
pations which  are  not  valued  by  society  —  care-taking,  nurtur- 
ing home-making.  What  are  the  working  hours,  paid  vacation 
time,  salary  and  retirement  benefits  of  a  housewife?  We  be- 
lieve she  deserves  pay  and  benefits.  The  fact  that  nobody  pays 
for  this  valuable  work  leads  women  who  do  it  to  feel  that  they 
themselves  are  not  as  valuable  as  men  are,  not  as  deserving  as 
men  are.  Even  on  this  campus,  women  are  a  long  way  from 
"equal  pay  for  equal  work",  and  to  be  underpaid  is  to  be  un- 
dervalued. Women  have  been  robbed  of  self-confidence  by 
these  facts  of  economic  life,  robbed  by  a  history  and  literature 
which  have  recorded  "founding  fathers'   without  "founding 
mothers  '.  Through  the  Women's  Studies  program  developed 
through  Everywoman's  Center,  they  have  a  chance  to  learn 
that  they  have  a  history  which  men  forgot  to  write.  Through 
Project  Self  workshops,  women  can  share  their  knowledge, 
skills  and  talents,  building  competence  and  confidence  in  col- 

laborative, non-competitive  groups.  (The  trouble  with  compe- 
tition is  that  someone  loses,  and  many  of  us  have  been  lifetime 
losers. )  Through  the  Feminist  Arts  Program,  all  of  us  on  cam- 
pus can  enjoy  the  plays,  poetry  readings  and  the  arts  and  crafts 
shows  which  give  creative  women  the  needed  chance  to  reach 
an  audience.  Through  the  Task  force  on  Employment  for 
Woman,  counseling  and  guidance  on  career  options  are  avail- 
able. Weekends  for  Every  woman  offer  life-planning  for  those 
looking  for  new  options  in  education,  in  their  work  and  in  the 
way  they  live  their  lives. 

We  have  had  much  help  from  people  at  every  level  of  the  Uni- 
versity who  haved  shared  our  concern  for  women  and  given  us 
money,  support,  advice,  encouragement,  and  their  own  best 
efforts.  We  thank  them  that  they  increasingly  share  our  own 
growing  concern  as  we  learn  about  women  who  are  hazed,  har- 
rassed,  insulted,  assaulted  and  raped. 

As  a  Center,  Everywoman  s  tries  to  be  a  place  where  people 
can  bring  their  problems,  meet  other  women,  and  work  togeth- 
er toward  dissolving  the  barriers,  rules,  regulations  and  atti- 
dudes,  which  deny  us  education,  earning-power,  choices  about 
our  own  lives,  and  the  Goddess-given  right  to  stand  on  our  hind 
legs  and  be  proud  to  be  women  and  to  be  ourselves. 




The  prt'ssiiri's  placi'cl  on  stiiclfiits  in  to- 
cla\  s  world  arc  iniini'nsc.  Kor  a  w onuMi. 
those  prfssiirt's  can  he  c\cm  more  confus- 
ini;  and  difficult  than  for  a  man,  as  socic- 
t\  s  expectations  of  her  and  those  shi'  has 
of  herself  are  likeK  to  he  in  conflict. 

'I'here  are  w  a\  s  for  women  to  hi'lp  them- 
seKes  throufih  these  conflicts  and  to  he- 
jiin  to  learn  ahout  themsei\  es.  'I'he  Kv- 
ervwoman  s  (k-nter  is  iiuoK  ed  in  the 
formation  of  "support  j^roups.     some- 
times referred  to  as  "consciousness- 
raisinjj  j^roups."  In  these  groups.  7-10 
women  meet  rej^ularK  to  examine  their 
feeliiifis  and  |)rol)lems  and  to  lend  each 
other  support  in  their  efforts  to  under- 
stand and  jjcrhaps  change  themscK  I's. 

Women  ari'  often  in  competition  w  ith 
each  other  because  of  the  roles  the\  are 
forced  into.  One  fre(|Ui'nt  result  is  a 
warped  senseof  values —  women  can 
bcfiin  to  ha\  e  a  lack  of  respect  for  each 
other.  In  a  support  ^roup  women  jjet  to 

know  each  other  in  an  open  and  non- 
competitive  w  a\.  Support  j^roups  talk 
about  the  feelings  women  have  about 
each  other  and  about  men.  'l"he\  ijrinu;  up 
<luestions  of  how  each  women  feels 
about  herself  —  her  bocK.  her  famih  . 
her  relationships.  '!"he\  ha\ o  discussions 
about  the  w  a\  s  each  has  been  oi^pressed 
and  w  hat  the\  can  do  about  their  oppres- 
sion.  The  (|uestions  are  those  that  all 
women  will  ha\  e  to  deal  w  ith  at  some 
time  and  the  supporti\i-  atmosphere  of 
the  uroup  is  helfpul  in  beijinnini;  to  work 

Ihe  .Southwfst  W'l 

forces,  or  support  t^roups.  each  under  dif- 
ferent subjects,  and  each  w  ith  three  main 

eliminations  of  certain  proiirams.  Kach 
task  force  meets  once  a  woek,  and  pre- 
sents it's  findings  in  turn  to  a  lii'ueral 
.S\\'(;  meeting,  w  heri'  policies  are  dis- 
cussed and  re\'ised.  'I"he  task  force  also 
works  to  provide  expanded  contu'ctions 
of  the  center  and  to  build  a  broader  case 
of  referral  services.  Anions  the  topics 
covi'red  are  Hazards  for  Women  on 
Campus,  liudj^et  (,'ounselinii.  Academics, 
Racism,  Outreach,  and  the  (iommunica- 
tion  Krou|3,  which  wojkstui  inter-task 
force  communications.  The  (^omnumica- 
tion  Kroup  is  also  iiuoK  ed  w  ith  commu- 
nications w  ith  residents  of  Southwest 
and  the  campus  as  a  whole.   The  I'iuhth 
task  force  worked  on  Sprinti  Weekend, 
which  was  sponsored  b\  SWCi. 

Support  uroups  ha\'e  been  atteniled  and 

first  stud\  what  has  been  done  on  the 
subject,  and  specificalK  in  Southwest. 

)osed.  includinii  chanj^es,  adtlitions.  and 

Main  more  an-  interested  in  workini 
aiul  forming  task  forces  for  the  main 
problems  facinji  wonu'ii  in  the  uni\i' 
cornmunit\  toda\ . 


"  Fix  your  own  means  a  chance  to  save 
money  and  the  opportunity  to  learn  for 
yourself  the  ins  and  outs  of  automobile 
repair.  It  also  means  SAW,  the  Student 
Auto  Workshop. 

Located  on  Level  1,  Permit  Parking,  in 
the  Campus  Center  Garage,  the  work- 
shop provides  equipment,  space,  and  as- 
sistance. The  student  supplies  the 

While  many  students  are  still  not  aware 
of  the  workshop  s  existence,  over  1600 
students  use  the  facilities  each  year,  or 
40  to  50  each  week.  The  workshop  is 
open  only  during  the  academic  year, 
every  day  except  Monday  and  Friday. 
Thirteen  spaces  are  available  for  use;  the 
cost  of  renting  equipment  is  $2  the  first 
hour  and  $1  each  hour  after  that. 

SAW  not  only  saves  the  student  repair 
charges,  it  also  helps  save  money  on 
parts,  which  can  be  purchased  at  "rea- 
sonable' prices.  A  repairman  and  parts 
man  are  available  whenever  the  work- 
shop is  open  to  assist  students  whose 
knowledge  of  automobile  engines  is 

A  staff  of  1 1  students  run  the  Student 
Auto  Workshop,  which  began  operation 
two  years  ago.  Trucks,  motorcycles,  and 
cars  are  repaired  quickly  and  cheaply, 
which  is  something  rare  these  days. 


The  year  1973-74  was  a 
disappointing  one  for 
UMass  in  athletics.  While 
many  teams  did  well,  it  was 
a  real  letdown  from  1972- 

The  football  team  lost  the 
Yankee  Conference  title  to 
UConn,  cross  country  won 
the  New  Englands  and  the 
soccer  team  improved 
under  their  fourth  coach  in 
four  years. 

The  basketball  team 
made  it  to  the  N.I.T.  again, 
four  wrestlers  won  New 
England  titles.  Gene  Whe- 
lan  won  the  individual  East- 
ern gymnastic  champion- 
ship, the  skiiers  had  anoth- 
er good  season  while  the 
swimmers  were  improved. 

The    women^  gymaast^ 
beat  out  Springfield  for  the 
Eastern  title  but  failed  to 
defend  their  national  title. 

The  crew  did   defend 
their   Dad  Vail  title,  the 
track  team  won  the  New|| 
Englands  but  the  baseball 
p:eam  had  a  poor  year. 

The  lacrosse  team  fin- 
ished 9th  in  the  nation  and 
he  tennis  team  lost  the 
Yankee  Conference  title.  ^ 

Yes,  it  was  a  real  letdown  f  ik 
from  the  many  champion-  |^1 
sh i p  clu  bs  of  1 972-73 .  ^   ^   »     '* 



Left:  Tom  Maguire.  Center:  Coach  O'Brien. 
Right:  Paul  Segersten.  Opposite  Page:  Top:  Bil 
Gillin  and  Randy  Thomas  vs.  U  Conn.;  Freshmen 
Paul  Dorian  and  Chris  Farmer.  Bottom:  Randy 
Thomas  and  John  McGrail. 


The  UMass  Cross  Country  team  had 
one  of  their  most  successful  seasons 
ever  by  edging  out  powerful  Harvard 
and  Northeastern  for  their  first  New 
England  title  in  twelve  years. 

Lead  by  co-captains  Randy  Thomas 
and  Bill  Giliin,  coach  Ken  O'Brien's 
runners  went  through  an  8-2  dual  meet 
record,  beating  such  powers  as  Provi- 
dence and  Central  Connecticut  and 
osing  only  to  Harvard  and 

Then  came  the  YanCon  meet. 
Thomas  copped  the  individual  champi- 
onship as  the  Minutemen  won  their 
fourth  straight  Conference  title. 

Lead  by  Thomas'  3rd  and  Gillin's  5th 
place  finishes,  UMass  took  the  New 
England  title. 

The  Minutemen  then  went  on  to 
capture  a  third  in  the  Eastern's,  finish- 
ing behind  Manhattan  and  Penn  State. 

Thomas,  Giliin,  Tom  Maguire,  John 
McGrail  and  Paul  Segersten  finished 
the  year  with  a  15th  place  in  the 
NCAA's.  Surely,  1973  squad  was  one  of 
the  most  exciting  of  all  UMass  Cross 
Country  teams. 

Every  season  in  every  sport  starts  off 
w^ith  hopes  that  are  unrealistically  high. 
On  occasion,  like  1972,  the  hopes  pan 
out  and  a  post-season  bowl  victory  is 
the  year's  final  destination.  But  more 
often  the  season  becomes  a  weekly 
proposition,  as  the  team  wins  one  then 
loses  one. 

Such  was  the  1973  UMass  football 
season.  A  6-5  record  for  a  team  that  on 

Labor  Day  seemed  headed  for  much 
more  was  a  disappointment.  There  was 
some  exciting  football  —  Holy  Cross, 
Villanova,  Rutgers  and  Rhode  island. 
There  were  some  duds  —  Maine,  New 
Hampshire,  Boston  University  and  Bos- 
ton College. 

One  player  in  particular,  flanker  Tim 
Berra,  had  one  of  the  best  seasons  a 
UMass  player  ever  had. 


Left  hand  page:  Top:  Fred  Kelliher,  Bottom 
left:  Bobby  Wolfe,  Bottom  right:  Paul  Hansen 
(10),  Right  hand  page:  Top:  Piel  Pennington, 
Bottom  left:  Ed  McAleney,  6o((om  right:  Tim 

He  broke  several  school,  Yankee 
Conference  and  New  England  records. 
He  made  the  conference  first  offensive 
team  along  with  quarterback  Piel 

The  defense  placed  four  men  on  the 
first  team,  but  gave  up  over  200  points 
as  inconsistency  was  their  problem.  But 
Ed  McAleney,  Tommy  Bradshaw,  Den- 
nis Kierman  and  Bob  Parrott  were  good 

enough  to  rate  all-star  recognition. 

Unfortunately,  the  players  who  had 
good  seasons  weren't  in  the  majority 
and  as  a  unit,  the  individuals  never 

It  all  added  up  to  6-5  and  a  long  wait 
'till  next  year. 



HOLY  CROSS  (30)  AT  UMASS  (28)  — 
The  season  started  out  like  the  year 
before  ended  as  the  Minutemen 
scored  the  first  two  times  they  had  the 
ball,  building  up  a  13-0  lead.  But  30 
straight  Crusader  points  were  enough 
to  hold  off  a  fourth  quarter  comeback 
that  brought  UMass  within  two. 

VILLANOVA  (20)  AT  UMASS  (21)  — 

Backup  quarterback  Fred  Kelliher 
earned  lasting  fame  with  a  "come  off 
the  bench"  second  half  performance 
that  brought  the  Minutemen  from  way 
behind  to  victory.  The  game  winner 
was  a  two-point  conversion  pass  to  Bill 
Wolfe  with  only  one  minute  left. 

MAINE  (0)  AT  UMASS  (20)  —  The 
Black  Bears  continued  their  tradition  of 
not  scoring  against  UMass  in  a  typically 
dull  game.  The  Minutemen  weren't  as 
sharp  as  they  should  have  been  and  it 
showed  up  the  following  week. 

UMASS  (7)  AT  HARVARD  (24)  —The 
Minutemen  scored  first  but  it  was 

about  the  only  thing  they  did  right  as 
the  Crimson  opened  up  their  season 
with  a  revenge  win.  Harvard  quarter- 
back Jim  Stockel  and  wide  receiver  Pat 
Mclnally  combined  to  destroy  UMass. 

UMASS  (25)  AT  RUTGERS  (22)  — 
Rutgers  had  the  ball  on  the  UMass  six- 
inch  line  and  the  leading  runner  in  the 
nation,  J.J.  Jennings,  ready  to  take  it  in 
with  only  six  seconds  left  in  the  game. 
An  illegal  procedure  penalty  and  an 
incomplete  pass  got  in  the  way  and  the 
Minutemen  had  their  biggest  win  of 
the  season. 

TY (6)  —  A  real  clinker  for  the  few  fans 
that  attended.  The  only  thing  they  had 
to  cheer  about  was  the  first  Terrier 

touchdown  in  16  quarters.  The  Minute- 
men  finally  put  together  some  sembl- 
ance of  a  running  game  and  that  was 
the  big  news  for  them. 

RHODE  ISLAND  (41)  AT  UMASS  (35) 

—  One  of  the  most  memorable  and 
entertaining  games  ever  played  at 
Alumni  Stadium.  Only  the  outcome 
dulled  the  day.  The  Minutemen  came 
from  20  points  behind  to  lead  with  less 
than  a  minute  to  go  but  the  Rams 
scored  near  the  end  and,  despite  a 
UMass  drive  that  wound  up  on  the  URI 
20  as  the  gun  sounded,  hung  on  to  win. 


—  As  entertaining  as  was  Rhode  Island, 
this  one  was  bad.  It  was  one  of  the  sad- 
dest offensive  performances  possible 

by  the  injury-wrecked  Minutemen  as 
the  Huskies  knocked  them  out  of  con- 
tention for  the  Yankee  Conference 

VERMONT  (7)  AT  UMASS  (27)  —The 
Cats  made  it  19  years  in  a  row  without  a 
win  over  UMass  as  the  Minutemen 
bounced  back  and  turned  in  a  steady 
performance.  For  a  while,  the  outcome 
was  in  doubt  but  the  UMass  passing 
game  clicked  in  the  second  half  and 
that  was  it. 

(7)  —  The  biggest  news  of  this  game 
was  the  frigid  weather  and  the  83-yard 

touchdown    run    by   freshman    Rich 

(59)  —  The  Eagles  annihilated  the  Min- 
utemen with  an  incredible  running  at- 
tack that  picked  up  over  500  yards. 
UMass  passed  for  over  300  yards,  but 
never  had  a  chance  as  BC  avenged 
their  28-7  loss  in  1972. 

The  women's  field  hockey  team, 
coached  by  Jane  Farr,  had  one  of  its 
most  successful  seasons  as  it  posted  a 
record  of  4-1-3. 

They  were  led  by  senior  Wendy 
Alpaugh,  the  high  scorer,  who  made 
the  first  team  of  the  Northeast  College 
Field  Hockey  Association  Tournament. 

The  women  pucksters  were  able  to 
place  eight  members  on  the  first  and 
second  teams  of  the  tournament.  Be- 
sides Alpaugh,  Lori  Nazar  also  made 
the  first  team. 

The  second  team  qualifiers  were 
Kathy  O'Neil,  Elaine  Senosk,  Joanne 
Lorrey,  Joanne  Smith,  Kathy  German 
and  Barbara  Martell. 

Next  year's  team  will  suffer  the  loss 
of  Alpaugh,  German  and  Nancy  Barr 
but  will  maintain  a  strong  nucleus. 



Keene  State 



Mt.  Fiolyoke 



Bridgewater  St. 






Worcester  St. 



So.  Connecticut 









Women's  volleyball's  premier  season 
at  UMass  put  together  some  bumps, 
sets  and  spikes  to  open  with  a  2-5 

Paced  by  Nancy  Caruso's  serving  and 
graduate  student  Jody  Jensen's  coach- 
ing, the  women  laid  out  the  ground- 
work for  future  teams. 

Karen  Fruzzetti,  Janice  Perkins,  Di- 
ane Boucher,  Jane  McNamara,  Susan 
Brophy  and  Nancy  Caruso  were  the 
varsity  team  members  that  played 
strong  and  fast  to  produce  this  new 
hard-hitting  women's  intercollegiate 


It  was  a  season  of  both  happiness  and 
frustration  for  the  UMass  soccer  team. 

The  hooters  finished  with  an  overall 
record  of  6  wins,  3  losses  and  a  tie.  But 
they  were  only  4-2  in  the  Yankee  Con- 
ference, a  record  which  left  them  in 
third  place. 

If  any  one  aspect  of  the  season  stood 
out,  it  was  the  fact  that  the  team  re- 
fused to  quit.  Even  after  several  early 
disappointments  that  kept  the  Minute- 

4   •-. 



men  out  of  the  Conference  race  and, 
for  the  most  part,  the  New  England  rat- 
ings, the  hooters  maintained  a  hi 
spirit  and  sense  of  pride.  ^ 

The  three  losses  came  at^he  hand^ 
Maine  and  two  of  thrpe  tgjjjteaTns  in 
New  England  socCer>^LJConn  and 
Springfield.  ^ 

But  the  Minutemen  also  knocked  off 
their  share  of  top-flight  competition. 
They  whipped  Tufts  at  a  time  when  the 



5     Boston  College 


Worcester  Tech 

Boston  Univ. 

Rhode  Island 

0     Connecticut 
3     Vermont 
0     Springfield 
5     New  Hampshire 

HIP^  *^BiiH 


Jumbos  were  rated  sixth  in  the  poll. 
The  hooters  were  also  successful 
against  Rhode  island,  the  defending 
conference  champions,  and  they  thor- 
oughly dominated  New  Hampshire  in 
the  final  game  that  was  to  decide  third 

There  were  also  some  fine  individual 
performances  turned  in  during  the 
course  of  the  season. 

Tom  Coburn,  a  junior  from  Chico- 
pee,  lead  the  conference  in  scoring 
and  was  named  to  the  All-Conference 

The  only  other  Minuteman  named  to 
the  all-star  team  was  Mike  Nugent,  a 
senior  halfback  from  Needham. 

Two  UMass  players,  Coburn  and 
halfback  Jim  Vollinger  were  chosen  to 
play  in  the  annual  New  England  soccer 
coaches'  all-star  game. 

Probably  the  most  meaningful 
awards,  however,  are  the  ones  that  are 
bestowed  by  one's  teammates. 

For  Most  Valuable  Player,  the  team 
chose  Mark  Tyma,  a  senior  halfback 
from  Langhorne,  Pennsylvannia. 

Gary  McKenna,  a  fullback  from  Nor- 

NlHb  HUtm 


thampton  and  only  a  sophomore;  was 
chosen  as  the  most  improved  player  on 
the  squad. 

In  the  voting,  the  team  also  elected 
Vollinger  and  goalie  Carl  Vercollone  as 
team  captains  for  1974. 






Above:  (L  to  R)  Betsy  East;  Margie  Coombs; 
Anne  Vexler.  Below:  Jeannine  Burger. 

■  • 

*  V- 

T  --..,7  ▼'  "^a^y.m^mi 

The  1974  women's  gymnastics  team 
added  another  title  to  their  list  when 
they  shattered  Springfield  College's 
unbroken  Easterns  record  and  became 
the  new  Eastern  Regional  Champions 
with  a  score  of  106.2  to  Springfield's 

The  Easterns,  held  in  jampacked  Cur- 
ry Hicks  Cage  on  the  UMass  campus, 
turned  into  a  battle  between  two 
schools  instead  of  eighteen  as  UMass 
and  Springfield  dominated  the  meet.. 

Working  like  a  well-oiled  machine, 
the  UMass  women  put  on  an  unsur- 
passed team  performance  and  cap- 
tured numerous  individual  titles  as 

The  first  place  all-around  title  went 
to  junior  Jeannine  Burger.  Captain 
Anne  Vexler  was  the  runner-up  and 
Margie  Combs  tied  for  fourth.  Burger 
also  won  individual  titles  in  the  uneven 
bars  and  floor  exercise  and  qualified 
sixth  on  the  beam.  Vexler  captured  first 

place  on  the  beam,  second  in  floor 
exercise  and  fifth  on  the  uneven  bars. 
Combs  had  the  highest  score  of  the 
entire  meet  with  a  9.2  vault.  She  won 

that  event,  was  in  a  three-way  tie  for 
second  on  the  beam  and  qualified  sixth 
on  the  floor  exercise. 

Top  performances  were  also  given 
by  specialists  Betsy  East,  Jodi  Hitt  and 
Linda  Nelligan.  East  took  fourth  on  the 
uneven  bars,  Hitt  tied  for  second  on 
the  beam  and  Nelligan  tied  for  sixth  on 

Rounding  out  the  Easterns  team 
were  senior  Heidi  Armstrong,  who 
qualified  for  finals  on  vaulting  and 
beam,  Marion  Kuliok  and  Gail  Mc- 
Carthy. Freshman  Carol  Rogers  added 
depth  to  the  team  throughout  the  sea- 
son on  bars  and  vaulting. 

Coming  off  such  an  overwhelming 
performance  it  seemed  the  defending 
National  Champs  would  have  no  prob- 
lem retaining  their  title  in  California. 
But  various  organizational  problems  of 
the  poorly  run  national  meet  com- 
bined with  the  fact  that  UMass  couldn't 
quite  get  it  all  together  this  time  result- 


ed  in  a  new  champion,  Southern  Illi- 
nois University  scoring  108.6.  South- 
west Mississippi  Junior  College's  107.2 
was  second  and  UMass  tied  for  third 
with  Springfield,  scoring  104.8. 

The  three  Minutewomen  qualifying 
for  the  finals  were  all-arounders  Jean- 
nine  Burger  on  beam  and  uneven  bars, 
Anne  Vexler  on  the  beam  and  Margie 
Combs  on  floor  exercise.  Burger 
scored  well  on  bars  both  days  to  cap- 
ture fourth,  but  due  to  falls  either  dur- 
ing the  team  meet  or  during  the  finals, 
she  and  the  other  women  failed  to 
place  in  the  other  events. 

The  dual  meet  season  began  with 
some  unfortunate  setbacks  when  three 
varsity  gymnasts;  Thanne  Poth,  Diane 
Cantwell   and   Gail  Hannan  suffered 

injuries  that  removed  them  from  com- 
petition. This  brought  the  team  down 
to  eleven  competitors  but  despite  this, 
the  season  resulted  in  a  highly  success- 

ful 7-1  record.  The  one  loss  was  a  heart- 
breaker  to  Springfield  with  a  score  of 
107.25  to  105.3.  Once  again,  Springfield 
was  undefeated  in  dual  meets,  a  record 
hopefully  to  be  broken  by  the  Minute- 
women  next  year. 

The  team  loses  four  of  its  top 
gymnasts  with  the  graduation  of  se- 
niors Anne  Vexler,  Margie  Combs,  Bet- 
sy East  and  Heidi  Armstrong.  These 
dedicated  athletes  have  worked  for 
four  years  to  bring  the  team  to  its  pre- 
sent level  of  superior  gymnastics.  This 
type  of  team  dedication,  combined 
with  the  fine  coaching  of  Virginia  Evans 
and  her  assistant,  Mike  Kasavana,  will- 
insure  progressively  better  gymnastics 



The  1973-74  season  went  down  as 
another  chapter  in  the  success  story  of 
the  UMass  men's  gymnastics  team,  but 
it  took  a  spectacular  performance  by 
all-around  performer  Gene  Whelan  in 
the  last  meet  of  the  season  to  make  it 
their  best  ever. 

Whelan's  record-breaking  perform- 
ance came  in  the  Eastern  Intercolle- 
giate Gymnastic  League  Championship 
Meet  at  Cornell,  where  he  lead  the 
Minutemen  to  a  fourth  place  finish  and 
their  highest  total  score  (159.6)  in  their 
history.  Less  than  one  point  separated 
thetop  four  teams. 

Two  unheralded  seniors  contributed 
heavily  to  a  near-upset  of  NCAA  run- 

ner-up Penn  State.  Steve  Clancy  fin- 
ished tenth  on  the  floor  exercise  and 
Brian  Hassig  finished  ninth  on  the 
pommel  horse.  This  gave  UMass  the 
lead  but  lapses  on  the  parallel  bars  pre- 
vented an  upset  victory. 

But  the  big  winner  of  the  meet  was 
Gene  Whelan.  His  parallel  bar  champi- 
onship and  his  second  place  in  the 
floor  exercise  still  rings  and  horizontal 
bar  made  him  not  only  the  Eastern 
League  Ail-Around  Champion,  but  he 
was  the  first  Minuteman  ever  to  place 
in  the  all-around. 

Until  the  Easterns,  Coach  Tom 
Dunn's  second  season  had  been  almost 
a  carbon  copy  of  his  first.  Lead  by  all- 

arounds  Whelan,  Bill  Broulett  and 
Steve  Scuderi,  the  gymmen  rolled  to  an 
8-3  record.  The  team  was  also  assisted 
by  specialists  Jack  Fabricante,  Rich  Sei- 
kunas  and  Jay  Thomsen . 

The  highlight  of  the  dual  meet  sea- 
son was  the  Southern  Connecticut 
meet,  where  an  overflow  crowd  at 
Boyden  Auxilary  Gym  watched  UMass 
take  the  College  Division  NCAA 
champs  to  the  final  man  of  the  final 
event  before  falling  by  a  score  of  159.5- 
159.35.  Other  high  points  in  the  season 
included  a  victory  over  Navy  and  their 
first  road  win  against  Springfield  since 

With  the  loss  of  Scuderi,  Seikunas 

and  Thomsen,  UMass  faces  a  rebuild- 
ing year,  but  this  was  the  season  that 
UMass  became  an  Eastern  League  con- 
tender. It  will  be  savored  for  a  long 

But  the  best  was  yet  to  come,  as 
Whelan  went  on  to  place  fourth  in  the 
Nationals  in  the  All-Around  with  a 
score  of  106.25,  only  2.7  points  behind 
the  champ,  Steve  Hug  of  Stanford.  This 
was  also  highlighted  by  a  second-place 
finish  in  the  high  bar.  These  accom- 
plishments made  the  junior  from  Bed- 
ford, N.H.  the  first  All-American  gym- 
nast at  UMass. 






Lead  by  center  John  Murphy  and 
forward  Al  Skinner,  the  UMass  basket- 
ball team  enjoyed  another  fine  season 
which  was  climaxed  by  the  fourth  ap- 
pearance in  five  years  by  the  Minute- 
men  at  the  National  Invitation  Tourna- 
ment in  New  York  City. 

There  were  some  disappointments 
that  showed  up  during  the  year,  but 
even  the  bad  breaks  didn't  diminish 
the  quality  of  basketball  played  by 
coach  Jack  Leaman's  charges. 

The  season  started  on  December  1st 
with  a  nine-point  win  over  Harvard  at 
the  Cage,  spoiling  the  coaching  debut 
of  former  Boston  Celtics'  great  Satch 


Wins  over  St.  Anselm's,  Rhode  Is- 
land, Connecticut,  Holy  Cross  and  lona 
Followed.  Then  the  hoopsters  won  the 
Hall  of  Fame  Tournament  in  Spring- 
field, beating  St.  Peter's  and  De  Paul. 

A  road  victory  over  Boston  Universi- 
ty set  the  Minutemen  for  a  showdown 
against  Providence  College  in  Spring- 
field's Civic  Center. 

A  last-second  shot  gave  Providence  a 
one-point  win.  The  sting  was  further 
felt  when  the  A. P.  polls  placed  the 
Friars  in  the  top  ten  but  completely 
ignored  UMass. 

After  a  win  at  Maine,  the  Minutemen 
had  their  second  showdown  of  the 
year  become  a  flop  as  Syracuse  beat 
them  by  16  points. 

Victories  over  Vermont,  Northeast- 
ern New  Hampshire  and  Niagara  fol- 

lowed  but  then  the  hoopsters  lost  two 
overtime  games,  one  at  Boston  Col- 
lege, the  other  at  Connecticut. 

Boston  University,  Springfield, 
Rhode  Island,  Vermont,  and  Miane  all 
went  down  to  defeat  and  the  Minute- 
men  traveled  to  Fordham  for  another 
key  game.  The  routing  of  the  Rams 
sealed  the  bid  to  the  N.I.T. 

A  make-up  game  at  New  Hampshire 
gave  UMass  a  21-4  record  for  the 

The  pairings  put  uMass  up  against 
Jacksonville  in  the  first  round.  In  what 
was  to  be  part  of  one  of  the  best  of 
these  post-season  tournaments,  UMass 
took  the  taller  Dolphins  to  an  overtime 


period  before  failing  73-69. 

Besides  Murphy  and  Skinner,  the 
Minutemen  had  some  fine  play  from 
forwards  Steve  Mayfield,  Greg  Duarte, 
Peter  Trow;  and  Guards  Bill  Endicott, 
Rick  Pitino  and  Jimmy  Burke.  Skinner, 
Pitina,  Trow  and  reserve  forward  John 
Olson  will  be  graduating  but  the  return 
of  6'8"  Murphy  and  6'  7"  Mayfield  plus 
the  addition  of  redshirted  6'8"  Jim 
Town  gives  the  Minutemen  a  positive 
look  for  next  year  and  hopes  of  making 
the  top  twenty  in  the  nation. 

H*-  IC^A 


Edminster,  a  sophomore,  broke  all 
previous  records  by  setting  a  12.4  scor- 
ing pace  and  grabbing  an  average  of 
10.3  rebounds  per  ganne. 

Glispin,  a  junior,  added  10.8  points 
and  8.1  rebounds  per  game. 

Rookie  freshmen  Chris  Basile  and 
Kate  Stanne  made  outstanding  varsity 
debuts.  The  team  can  expect  not  only 
repeat  performances  from  these  two 
players,  but  also  the  addition  of  several 
junior  varsity  hoopsters. 

Other  varsity  members  who  will  re- 
turn next  year  are  juniors  Karen  Fruz- 
zetti  and  Chris  Molonea  and  sopho- 
more JoanneSmith. 

After  compiling  a  7-5  record,  the 
women's  basketball  team  headed  for 
the  Regional  Tounament  in  Brooklyn, 
New  York  where  they  won  their  first 
round  contest  against  Rhode  Island  61- 
53.  Thus,  for  the  first  time,  the  Minute- 
women  went  into  second  round  com- 
petition. There,  Coach  Jane  Farr's  team 
lost  to  second  seeded  Queens  College 

They  were  sparked  to  their  better 
than  .500  season  by  co-captains  Jeannie 
Abramson  and  Marilyn  Ritz  who  were 
assisted  by  Jenny  Edminster,  Ann  Foley 
and  Pat  Glispin. 

A  strong  team  this  year,  the  women 
look  to  be  even  better  in  1975.  Only 
guard  Marilyn  Ritz  will  be  graduating. 
Edminster  and  Glispin,  the  two  leading 
scorers  and  rebounders,  lead  the 












51   CENT.  CONN. 
























35  SMITH 




The  women  swimmers'  dual  meet 
record  of  4-6  was  not  a  true  expression 
of  their  talent  and  depth.  They  com- 
peted against  four  of  the  top  six 
schools  in  New  England.  Coach  Pat 
Griffith  provided  UMass  with  some  of 
the  best  swimmers  they  have  ever  had. 

On  February  16th,  they  placed  sixth 
in  the  New  England  Championships  in 
Orono,  Maine.  At  the  Regional  Tour- 
nament, they  finished  14th  out  of  38 

Sophomore  Mary  Ellen  Dash  set  a 
New  England  record  in  the  200  yard 
individual  medley  with  a  time  of  2:21.1 . 

UMass  also  sent  four  swimmers  to 
the  Nationals  on  March  14-16.  They 
were  Dash,  Carol  Griffiths,  Cindy  Whit- 
ing and  Laurie  Seluk. 


Lead  by  senior  co-captains  George 
Kwiecien  and  Dick  Blaisdell,  the  men's 
swimming  team  had  a  respectable  6-7 
record,  their  best  in  many  seasons. 

Rookie  coach  Bey  Melamed  lead  a 
team  that  broke  six  school  records,  Ben 
Crooker  set  three  of  those  records:  an 
18:05.3  in  the  1650  yard  freestyle,  a 
10:56.2  1000  yard  freestyle  and  a  5:07.5 
500  yard  freestyle. 

Dave  Boucher  set  a  new  100  yard 
breastroke  record  of  1 :05.2  and  teamed 
with  Blaisdell,  Duncan  Lomas,  and  Joe 
Hebert  to  set  a  3:26.7  record  time  in 
the  400  yard  freestyle  relay. 

The  other  new  record  was  set  by  the 
800  yard  freestyle  relay  team  of  Hebert, 
Lomas,  Crooker  and  Ron  Boucher. 

Coach  Melamed  and  assistant  Larry 
Lammert  have  reasons  to  fee!  that 
UMass  swimming  will  get  even  better. 
Only  Kwiecken  and  Blaisdell  are  grad- 
uating. The  general  feelings  of  the 
team  are  that  everyone  returning 
should  improve  and  that  the  Minute- 
men  will  be  back  among  the  New  Eng- 
land swimming  powers. 



Lead  by  co-captains  Kurt  Syer  and 
Dave  Rutter,  the  varsity  ski  team  had 
another  successful  season,  capturing 
the  New  England  inter-College  Ski 
Conference  title  for  the  fifth  year  in  a 

Due  to  lack  of  snow  in  January,  the 
season  started  late.  The  skiers  had  a 
two  week  delay  which  showed  as  they 
took  a  fourth  in  the  UConn-sponsored 
Giant  Slalom  and  a  seventh  in  the  AlC- 
sponsored  Slalom  during  the  first 
weekend  of  competition  at  Roundtop 
near  Ludlow,  Vt. 

The  second  weekend  of  competition 
took  the  skiers  to  Mt.  Rowe  in  Laconia 
N.H.  where  they  took  second  place  in 
both  the  Bentley-sponsored  Giant  Sla- 
lom and  the  Tufts-sponsored  Slalom. 
Waltham's  Prospect  Hill  was  the  next 
site  for  the  Minutemen  as  they  took  a 
second  place  in  the  Northeastern- 
sponsored  Slalom  and  a  fourth  place  in 
the  Boston  College  —  sponsored 

Charlemont's  Berkshire  East  was  the 
next  stop.  UMass  placed  second  in  the 
Amherst-sponsored    Slalom    and    won 

their  first  meet  of  the  season  at  the 
UMass-sponsored  Giant  Slalom. 

Coach  Bill  MacConnel  had  one  of  his 
most  talented  teams  with  not  only  Kurt 
Syer  and  Dave  Rutter,  but  senior  David 
Ferris;  juniors  Jim  Hawkins,  Larry  Peek 
and  Rich  McWade;  sophs  Steve  Tonel- 
li,  Gary  Peck  and  Bill  Nebeski;  and 
freshmen  Ben  Ferris  and  Bob  Choudos. 
His  problem  had  been  putting  it  all 

The  national  Invitational  Alpine 
Tournament  saw  the  Minutemen 
emerge  as  the  winners  for  the  fifth  year 
in  a  row.  Out  of  thirteen  colleges  com- 
peting in  this  tournament,  UMass  fin- 
ished third  in  the  downhill  event  be- 
hind Dartmouth  and  Plymouth  State 
but  they  won  the  slalom  and  giant  sla- 
lom events  to  win  the  tournament  and 
the  conference. 

Next  year  should  probe  the  same  as 
only  three  seniors  are  graduating.  The 
return  of  McWade,  Tonelli  and  Hawk- 
ins should  continue  the  UMass  varsity 
skiing  tradition  of  winning  the  New 
England  Inter-College  Ski  Conference. 



The  UMass  varsity  wrestling  team 
had  a  most  unusual  season,  climaxed 
by  tying  for  the  New  England  champi- 
onship with  Rhode  Island. 

The  Minutemen  entered  the  season 
as  the  defending  New  England  champs 
and  were  expected  to  do  well  but  inju- 
ries forced  coach  Homer  Barr  to  go 
with  youth.  A  dual  meet  record  of  9-7 
was  disappointing  but  the  grapplers 
stunned  the  rest  of  New  England  by 
coming  from  behind  to  win  their  sec- 
ond consecutive  team  championship, 
placing  four  individual  champs. 

The  season  started  well,  but  there 
were  some  doubts  about  personnel. 
Defending  heavyweight  champ 
George  Ireland  incurred  an  injury  that 
ultimately  kept  him  out  for  the  year 
while  some  of  last  year's  place  winners 
decided  not  to  return. 

These  vacant  spots  had  to  be  filled 
with  freshmen,  albeit  talented  wres- 
tlers, but  untried  freshmen  just  the 

Opening  victories  over  UConn  and 
Yale  were  soon  forgotten  when  the 
Rhode  Island  Rams  blasted  the  Min- 
utemen out  of  Kingston  37-3,  in  a  taste 

of  what  URI  would  do  to  the  rest  of 
New  England  wrestling  in  the  season  to 

A  victory  over  Wesleyan  was  fol- 
lowed by  losses  to  MIT,  Harvard  and 
Hofstra  wherein  UMass  learned  what 
they  had  to  do  if  they  were  to  finish 
respectably  in  the  New  England's.  The 
Christmas  break  saw  the  Minutemen 
come  back  three  weeks  early  for  a 
grueling  road  trip  to  Long  Island,  New 
Jersey  and  Pennsylvannia  that  left  them 
bruised  and  sore,  but  showed  them 
that  with  hard  work,  they  could  wrestle 
as  well  as  anyone. 

The  remainder  of  the  dual  meets 
went  quickly.  There  were  disappoint- 
ing losses  to  C.W.  Post,  Springfield  and 
Wilkes  but  the  Minutemen  set  their 
sights  on  the  New  England 

The  final  motivating  factor  was  the 
Yankee  Conference  Tournament  be- 
cause UMass  was  upset  and  took  a 
third  place  behind  Boston  University 
and  URI,  finishing  with  only  one 
champ  while  the  Rams  had  six. 

Right  there.  Coach  Barr  and  the  team 
knew  what  had  to  be  done.  Every  wres- 
tler had  to  figure  out  what  weight  was 
best  and  all  had  to  work  to  achieve 
those  weights.  For  some  it  meant  drop- 
ping to  a  weight  they  had  not  seen  in 
years,  for  others  it  meant  going  up  to 
where  they  didn't  belong  just  to  give 
the  team  the  balance  that  would  help 
in  the  New  England'.  Seniors  Larry 
Reynolds  and  Steve  Benson  set  the 
example  by  committing  themselves  to 
dropping  one  weight  class,  Reynolds  to 
118  and  Benson  to  158.  Sophomore 
Cliff  Blom  dropped  to  150,  junior  Dick 
Muri  to  126  and  freshman  Bob  Spauld- 
ing  to  177.  Soph  Doug  LeMire  went  up 
to  142,  freshman  Robin  Osborne  went 
up  to  190  and  freshman  Steve  Jabaut 
went  up  to  167. 

The  two  big  questions  were  at  134 
and  heavyweight.  Russ  Chateauneuf 
was  the  New  England  champ  as  a  frosh 
but  had  sat  out  his  soph  season  be- 
cause of  a  knee  injury.  His  dual  match 
record  at  142  was  not  impressive  and 
he  made  the  cut  to  134.  The  heavy- 
weight was  freshman  Dennis  Fenton, 
who  had  shown  that  he  was  at  least  the 
second-best  in  New  England,  but  three 
losses  to  URl's  Ray  Miro  looked  to  be  a 
factor  in  the  New  England's. 

From  the  outset,  it  looked  like  URI 
was  going  to  walk  away  with  the  cham- 
pionship. Then  a  funny  thing  hap- 


pened  in  the  semi-final  and  consola- 
tion rounds;  UMass'  wrestlers  were 
winning  and  the  Rams  were  flat.  By  the 
end  of  the  semi-final  round,  UMass 
had  pulled  ahead  of  Boston  University 
and  URl  was  not  far  off.  The  consola- 
tions saw  Muri  finish  fourth,  LeMire 
third,  Blom  fourth,  Jabaut  third  and 
Spauiding  fourth.  Reynolds,  Chateau- 
neuf,  Benson,  Osborne  and  Fenton 
made  the  finals. 

Reynolds  started  off  the  final  round 
by  pinning  Rich  Adham  of  URl  in  4:51. 
Chateauneuf  tied  Boston  U's  Sev  Po- 
polizio  in  regulation  time  and  in  over- 
time but  won  the  bout  by  a  unanimous 
referee's  decision.  Captain  Steve  Ben- 
son has  no  trouble  in  disposing  of  Bos- 
ton U's  Paul  Donovan  10-4.  Osborne 
was  pinned  by  Dartmouth's  Chuck  Es- 
tin  in  59  seconds. 

By  then,  UMass  was  only  a  point  be- 
hind URl  as  the  Rams  had  only  two 
champs  in  five  attempts.  The  final  bout 
was  UMass'  Fenton  against  Miro  of 
URl.  Miro  had  beaten  Fenton  by  a  de- 
cision once  and  had  pinned  him  twice, 
Fenton  had  to  win  to  have  the  Minute- 
men  tie  the  Rams,  a  pin  or  superior 
decision  would  give  UMass  a  victory. 

Fenton  won  the  bout  13-4,  giving  the 
Minutemen  the  tie  which  maintained 
the  Minutemen's  dominance  in  New 
England  wrestling. 









(Top  left):  Looking  lor  a  New  England 
Championship  is  senior  118  pounder  Larry 
Reynolds.  He  won  the  title  with  a  pin  in 
the  finals.  (Top  right):  Head  Coach  Homer 
Barr  and  Asst.  Mike  Welch  advise  Russell 
Chateauneuf  on  the  way  to  his  second 
New  England  championship  at  134 
pounds.  Chaleuneul  (also  top  right  and 
below  left  placed  in  the  top  fifteen  in  the 
NCAA's  at  Iowa  State  —  the  highest  of  any 
of  the  NEUWA  Champs.  (Center):  Senior 
158  poiund  NEUWA  Champ  and  UMass 
team  Captain  Steve  Benson  in  the  finals. 
(Below  right):  Sophomore  Cliff  Blom, 
fourth  placer  at  150  in  the  NEUWA 



It  was  a  season  that  promised  to  be 
unpredictable,  and  it  was.  It  was  a  sea- 
son full  of  questionmarks,  most  of 
which  were  answered  pleasantly  by 
year's  end,  and,  while  not  a  raging  ar- 
tistic success,  it  was  a  season  that  prom- 
ised a  bright  future.  10-12-1  was  the 
final  tally  at  year's  end,  but  after  a  start 
that  saw  the  young  Minutemen  lose 
their  first  two  games  by  combined 
scores  of  16-8,  it  seemed  pretty 

Actually,  UMass  came  within  a 
smidgen  of  winning  their  second  Divi- 
sion Two  championship.  Jack  Canniff's 
men  drew  the  fifth  seed  in  the  eight- 
team  post-season  playoffs  and  upset 
the  Boston  State  Warriors  in  the  first 

Vermont  came  next,  in  Burlington  of 
course,  and  the  Minutemen  almost  had 
them.  Trailing  all  the  way,  a  late  goal  by 
John  Muse  pulled  them  to  within  one 
but  the  clock  ran  out  and  Vermont 
won  4-3. 

The  Cats  won  the  title,  beating  Mer- 
rimack 6-2  and  the  general  opinion  was 
that  UMass  could  have  taken  Merri- 
mack in  the  finals. 

Most  encouraging  was  the  work  of  a 
slew  of  freshmen  and  sophomores. 
Mike  Merchant,  a  freshman  from 
Framingham,  tied  with  senior  Jim 
Lynch  in  team  scoring.  Tim  Howes, 
from  Marblehead,  showed  signs  of  fu- 
ture stardom  and  won  a  place  on  the 

All-Merrimack  Tournament  team.  Carl 
Burns  and  Mark  Sullivan  both  had  their 
ups  and  downs  but  the  ups  were  fre- 
quent enough  to  keep  them  as  regulars 
all  season. 

Sophomores  Jim  Lyons  and  Billy  Har- 
ris played  alongside  each  other  on  a 
high-scoring  line,  with  Lyons  being  the 
big  goal-scorer  off  set-ups  from  Harris. 

Steve  Nims,  a  hard-hitting  right  wing, 
and  linemates  Kevin  Conners  and  John 
Muse  were  the  juniors  in  Canniff's 
forward  lines.  Nims'  solid  two-way  play 
made  him  invaluable,  as  did  Muse's. 
Conners  didn't  score  often,  but  most  of 
them  were  key  goals  against  tough 

Senior  Jim  Lynch,  the  only  one 
among  UMass'  non-goaltenders,  filled 
his  role  as  on-ice  leader  well.  He 
played  the  off-wing,  was  selected  once 
to  the  ECAC  Division  Two  weekly  all- 
star  team  and  scored  heavily  in  the 
playoff  games. 

On  defense,  the  Minutemen  were 
short  on  experience,  but  things  back 
there  didn't  turn  out  to  be  the  disaster 
it  could  have  been. 

Bob  Quinlan  and  Dave  Alesandroni 
saw  spot  duty  throughout  the  season, 

and  for  a  while  so  did  Bill  Mintiens.  An 
injury  to  Mike  Ellis  gave  him  a  regular 
shot  and  he  responded  well. 

Ellis,  who  along  with  Brian  Mulcahy 
combined  to  give  the  blueline  corps 
some  experience,  had  a  fine  season 
until  he  suffered  a  shoulder  separation 
in  early  February.  He  came  back  in 
time  to  help  out  with  the  playoffs. 

Mulcahy  missed  the  first  six  games  of 
the  season  while  on  academic  proba- 
tion, but  played  a  strong,  steady  style  of 
defense  over  the  second  part  of  the 
season . 

The  pride  and  joy  of  the  UMass 
hockey  program,  though,  was  the  goal. 
Chick  Rheault,  despite  being  snubbed 
by  the  Division  Two  Awards  Commit- 
tee, was  one  of  the  best  netminders 
anywhere.  Hurt  much  of  the  year  with 
a  recurring  shoulder  problem,  he  sin- 
glehandedly  won  several  games  and 
was  magnificent  in  the  playoffs.  If  he 
can  keep  out  of  the  hospital,  he  seems 
a  sure  bet  to  make  it  as  a  professional. 

His  backup,  John  Binkoski,  never 
quit  and  did  well  for  himself  when  he 
got  a  chance.  Perhaps  his  finest  mo- 
ment was  when  he  came  in  to  play  late 
in  the  Northeastern  game  with  UMass 
down  5-2  and  his  teammates  rallied 
around  him  to  tie  the  game  at  6-6.  Both 
he  and  Rheault  will  be  gone  next  year, 
leaving  Coach  Canniff  a  major  hole  to 



Most  of  next  year's  club  will  be  com- 
posed of  sophomores  and  juniors.  The 
loss  of  Rheault,  Lynch  and  Binkoski  will 
hurt,  but  the  knowledge  that  all  those 
experienced  underclassmen  will  be 
coming  back  should  make  Jack  Can- 
niffs  off-season  a  pleasant  one. 


Cooperation,  determination  and  a 
sense  of  group  achievement  character- 
ized the  U.  Mass  Woman's  Crew  Team 
as  they  entered  their  third  year.  For  the 
first  time  two  boats  were  filled  and  a 
sense  of  competition  ensured  a  lively 
training  period. 

During  the  fall  season,  the  women 
greeted  the  dawn  on  the  Connecticut 
River  as  they  practiced.  In  spite  of  the 
early  hour,  the  sparkling  wit  of  the 
crew  so  appreciated  by  their  coach 
provided  some  of  the  incentive  for  the 
women  to  brave  the  predawn  dark- 
ness. The  women  proved  their  dedica- 
tion and,  to  their  acquaintances,  their 
insanity  to  the  sport  of  crew  through 
the  seven  days  per  week  involvement 
with  rowing.  Practicing  six  days  a  week 

the  women  travelled  to  Connecticut 
and  eastern  Massachusetts  to  partici- 
pate in  races  as  well  as  hostessing  their 
first  home  regatta  on  the  Conn.  River. 
Affectionately  dubbed  "The  Burger 
King  Regatta"  for  the  benefactor  who 
provided  food,  it  was  the  women's  first 
reciprocal  regatta  to  the  teams  who 
had  lent  them  boats,  equipment,  and 
friendship  over  the  past  seasons. 

After  intersession  the  women  re- 
turned to  gruelling  winter  training.  In- 
cluded in  this  were  weight  workouts, 
running  the  WOPE  hills  to  East  Pleasant 
street  and  a  daily  jaunt  to  North  Am- 
herst to  ascertain  that  no  one  had  sto- 
len the  traffic  lights.  In  addition  there 
were  weekly  workouts  on  the  ergome- 
ter  —  the  rowing  machine  that  often 

made  the  women  wonder  if  the  pain 
was  worth  the  beauty  of  the  sport. 

With  the  coming  of  Spring  and  the 
thawing  of  the  Conn.  River,  the  wom- 
en took  once  again  to  their  aquatic 
practices.  Now,  in  the  late  afternoon, 
two  boats  of  grimly  determined  wom- 
en fought  the  current,  debris  and  the 
unfamiliarity  of  new  crew  people  in 
their  quest  for  a  stronger  and  more  co- 
ordinated team.  Urged  on  by  their  two 
star  coxwains  as  well  as  Bob  Sposta,  a 
critical  coach  striving  to  perfect  tech- 
nique, the  women  continued  to  fight 
the  inclement  weather  (remember  that 
snowy  day  with  ice  on  the  oars,  or  the 
day  with  the  thirty  mile-per-hour 

Being  the  Yankee  Conference  cham- 
pions for  three  straight  years,  the  ten- 
nis team  started  the  1974  season  on  a 
high  note.  However,  things  were  to 
change  drastically  along  the  way. 

Coach  Steve  Kosakowski,  in  his  26th 
year  as  UMass'  tennis  coach,  had  a 
winning  season  with  a  5-3  record. 

It  started  out  with  an  opening  loss  at 
Tufts  but  the  Minutemen  won  four 
straight,  defeating  Rhode  Island,  Bow- 
doin,  SUNY-Albany  and  New  Hamp- 
shire. M.I.T.  ended  the  winning  streak 
in  Cambridge  but  the  team  quickly 
rebounded  by  shutting  out  A.I.C.  9-0  in 
a  match  played  on  two  different  courts 
—  on  the  A.I.C.  campus  and  at  a  public 
park  in  downtown  Springfield. 

The  final  match  played  as  a  team  re- 
JVXr^^^^^^t^ja^r  suited  in  a  loss  to  Boston  College  at 
\'>y^'^^^^  Chestnut  Hill.  After  that  final  encoun- 

ter, coach  Kosakowski  stated,  "I  wish 
we  had  gotten  lost  today."  This  state- 
ment was  in  reference  to  the  fact  that 
the  team  had  trouble  finding  its  way  to 
all  of  the  previous  away  matches. 

The  Yankee  Conference  Tourna- 
ment on  the  URI  campus  in  Kingston 
was  the  final  competition  for  the  team. 
UMass  was  considered  a  favorite  going 
in  but  when  the  two-day  event  had 
ended,  Vermont  came  away  with  the 
championship.  UMass  and  UConn  fin- 
ished in  a  tie  for  second. 







The  UMass  Men's  Crew  enjoyed 
one  of  its  finest  seasons  ever  in  1973- 
74,  with  the  varsity  and  freshman  boats 
taking  individual  College  Division 
championships  at  the  Dad  Vail  Regatta 
on  May  11. 

Coach  Mike  Vespoli  had  his  rowers 
training  as  soon  as  school  began  in  the 
fall  with  six  weeks  of  rowing  on  the 
Connecticut,  culminating  with  compe- 
tition in  the  local  Hadley  Henley  and 
the  Frostbite  Regatta  in  Philadelphia. 

Then,  members  of  the  crew  went 
indoors,  working  to  build  up  their 
strength  and  endurance. 

When  the  weather  got  warm  again, 
the  rowers  went  back  out  on  the  Con- 
necticut to  get  ready  for  the  six-week 
long  season. 

The  varsity  won  every  event  entered 
and  beat  such  schools  as  Boston  Uni- 
versity, Harvard's  third  team,  Coast 
Guard,  LaSalle  and  the  M.l.T. 

The  freshman  crew,  coached  by 
Chick  Leonard,  lost  to  only  B.U.  and 
beat  many  fine  freshman  crews  during 
their  dual  meet  season. 

In  addition,  the  junior  varsity  crew 
had  a  fine  season. 

By  defeating  Harvard's  third  team  in 
the  New  England  Open  Champion- 
ships on  May  4,  the  varsity  showed  they 
were  ready  for  the  Dad  Vail. 

Traveling  to  Philadelphia  for  the  Dad 
Vail,  UMass  entered  not  only  the  var- 
sity, jayvee  and  frosh  teams  but  a  Var- 
sity -4,  entirely  composed  of  freshmen . 

At  the  Vail,  The  Varsity-4  took  a 
fourth  in  their  race,  the  jayvees  took  a 
third  and  the  frosh  won  their  event 

The  big  event,  though,  was  the  var- 
sity race.  Eith  a  lineup  of  Bill  Fitzpa- 
trick.  Jack  Watkins,  Kevin  Connor,  Paul 
Gowen,  Peter  Flood,  Steve  Loomer,  co- 
captains  Peter  Berg  and  Rich  Clair  with 
coxswain  Bruce  Kline,  they  won  a 
neck-and-neck  race  with  Coast  Guard 
and  St.  Joseph's,  taking  the  Dad  Vail 
cup  for  the  second  year  in  a  row. 

But  the  event  was  saddened  as  both 
Coach  Vespoli  and  Coach  Leonard  re- 
signed as  a  result  of  the  crew's  being 
refused  varsity  status.  But  members  of 
the  crew  feel  that  the  continuation  of 
excellence  in  UMass  crew  will  prevail 
during  1974-75. 







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The  1974  UMass  track  season  did  not 
start  out  on  a  very  high  note.  The  team 
traveled  to  Boston  College  and  lost  81- 
73  and  there  were  thoughts  about  a 
long  season  ahead. 

But  the  trackmen  bounced  back, 
however,  and  came  on  strong  to  pick 
up  six  straight  victories  before  losing  to 
a  strong  Dartmouth  team.  The  high- 
light of  this  six-win  skein  was  a  thrilling 
victory  over  Northeastern  by  a  99-97 

The  story  of  the  NU  meet  (and  the 
entire  season)  was  the  success  of  the 
distance  runners.  In  the  meet  with 
Northwestern,  Randy  Thomas  lead  a 
charge  in  the  two-mile  run  that  sewed 
up  the  win. 

This  inspitational  performance  pro- 
vided the  trackmen  with  incentive- 
enough  incentive  to  come  together  as 
a  team  at  the  BC  Relays.  The  result  was 
a  first  place  finish  and  it  was  apparent 
that  the  opening  loss  to  BC  was  indeed 
a  fluke. 

After  a  sensational  showing  at  the 
Penn  Relays,  where  five  records  were 
set  by  UMass  competitiors,  a  "distance- 
less"  team  traveled  to  Rhode  Island 

and  rounded  out  the  dual  meet  seg- 
ment of  the  season  with  an  80-74  win . 

Then  track  fans  were  treated  to  an 
unscheduled  meet  with  the  Greater 
Boston  Track  Club  and  all  the  big 
names  from  the  past  few  years  in  New 
England  track  were  there.  The  one- 
point  loss  was  just  another  indication 
of  how  strong  1974  UMass  track  team 
really  was. 

This  set  up  for  the  perennial  duel 
between  the  Yankee  Conference  pow- 
ers, UConn  and  UMass.  UMass  had  an 
off  day  and  UConn  won  the  YanCon 
meet  92-731/2. 

But  the  team  didn't  let  the  poor 
showing  at  the  the  Conference  meet 
get  them  down  and  just  seven  days  lat- 
er, UMass  was  the  best  in  New  England 

In  winning  its  first  new  England  title, 
the  team  scored  37  points  in  five  of  the 
first  nine  events  and  coasted  victory 
over  teams  like  Northeastern,  UConn 
and  Dartmouth. 

Highlighting  the  title  effort  were 
performances  by  Paul  Segersten,  John 
McGrail  and  Tom  Maguire,  who  fin- 
ished 1-2-3  in  the  six-mile  run.  The  top 

three  finishers  in  the  test  of  endurance, 
both  mentally  and  physically,  earned 
the  team  13  big  points. 

Tom  Wilson  and  Bill  Gillin  finished  1- 
2  in  the  steeplechase  and  conveyed  a 
team  spirit  that  was  there  all  year  long. 
The  two  harriers  came  across  the  finish 
line  in  a  true  illustration  of  comradery- 
holding  hands. 

Valuable  points  were  also  picked  up 
by  Randy  Thomas  (3rd  in  the  3  mile), 
Steve  Crimmins  (3rd  in  440),  a  2-3-4  fin- 
ish in  the  triple  jump  by  Bob  Adamson, 
Ken  Adamson  and  Mike  Geraghty,  and 
a  3rd  by  Gereghty  in  the  long  jump. 

Only  six  seniors  will  be  lost  to  the 
team.  Long  distance  runner  Paul  Seger- 
sten, high  jumper  John  Osborne,  mid- 
dle distance  runner  Barron  Littlefield, 
weightman  Bob  Bocash,  hurdler  Jim 
Hennessey  (2nd  in  120  high  hurdles  at 
New  England's),  and  middle  distance 
runner  Jack  Moloney  are  now  only 
memories  of  a  team  that  gave  UMass  its 
first  New  England  track  championship. 

But  there  are  some  promising  frosh 
on  their  way  and  their  addition  to  the 
team  makes  1975  look  bright  as  UMass 
will  look  to  defend  its  hard-won  title. 



After  being  one  of  the  top  teams  in 
the  Yankee  Conference  for  several  sea- 
sons, the  UMass  baseball  team  slid 
downhill  with  a  9-16  record,  0-8  in  the 
Yankee  Conference. 

The  season  started  off  well  with  a  3-2 
spring  trip  to  Florida  but  the  team  saw 
its  pitching  staff  collapse  and  they  lost 
four  straight  in  opening  their  New  Eng- 
land season. 

After  a  win  over  Holy  Cross,  five 
more  games  were  lost  before  the  Min- 
utemen  won  a  high-scoring  affair 
from  Fairfield,  split  a  doubleheader 
with  Dartmouth,  lost  two  to  UConn, 
and  accomplished  something  more 
successful  UMass  teams  hadn't  done. 
They  beat  Harvard  in  a  11-10, 10-inning 
contest  that  was  the  highlight  of  the 

The  season  ended  with  a  loss  to 
Northeastern,  another  split  double- 
header  with  Dartmouth  and  a  win  over 
nearby  Amherst. 

But  it  was  a  young  ballclub  as  only 
three  seniors,  John  Olson,  Rick  Hansen 
and  Steve  Merrill  will  graduate.  Among 
the  returnees  are  first  baseman  Ron 
Beaurivage  (4  home  runs,  .337  aver- 
age), shortstop  Mike  Koperniak  (.300 
average),  third  baseman  John  Seed 
(.284),  certerfielder  Peter  Backstrom 
(.294),  second  baseman  Joe  Marzilli, 
pitcher  Craig  Allegrazza,  and  catcher 
John  Healy. 

With  this  nucleus  and  the  addition  of 
players  from  a  successful  jayvee,  UMass 
baseball  should  rise  up  in  1974-75  to 
contend  for  the  Yankee  Conference 




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"We  have  alot  of  men 
outstanding  in  this  field" 



One  of  the  more  successful  teams  on 
campus  in  the  spring  was  the  varsity 
golf  team. 

They  came  off  a  successful  fall  that 
saw  them  take  fourth  in  the  ECAC  tour- 
nament and  a  first  in  New  England. 

BurrtTe^spTing  was  not  as  successful 
even  though  the  golfers  had  a  13-2 


Maine  beai mem  »_,ui  iwi  mt  lallI^.^..^ 
Conference  title  but  they  came  back  to 
take  first  in  the  New  England  University 
Division,  sixth  overall. 

But  coach  Fan  Gaudette  had  a  young 
team.  He  loses  only  one  senior  in  Dave 

Kern  but  the  other  of  his  top  five,  in- 
cluding MVP  joe  Artman. 

Other  returnees  include  Howie  Ter- 
ban,  John  Lazek  and  Rick  Olson. 

With  these  golfers  returning,  UMass 
can  expect  to  have  a  very  successful 
golf  team  1974-75. 

The  Gorillas  opened  the  1974  season 
in  Division  I  for  the  first  time,  having 
been  moved  up  from  Division  II  after 
the  1973  season.  This  gave  them  the 
first  chance  ever  to  qualify  for  the 
NCAA  post-season  tournament. 

They  played  spectacularly  in  pre- 
season scrimmages  but  opened  the 
season  on  a  sour  note,  losing  the  first 
two  games. 

Both  losses  were  heartbreakers,  the 
first  being  a  7-6  loss  to  Hofstra  on  a 
snowy,  sloppy  day  on  Long  Island;  and 
the  second  being  a  five  overtime,  10-9 
loss  to  Cortland  State. 

But  when  it  seemed  that  the  team's 
morale  was  busted,  they  pulled  them- 
selves together  and  won  eleven 
straight  games. 

Led  by  senior  tri-captains  Hirsch 
Seidman,  John  Rutledge  and  Rich  Laily, 
a  stingy  defense  limited  opponents  to 
an  average  of  less  than  six  goals  per 
game  while  high-scoring  attackmen 
Harry  McVey  and  Jeff  Spooner  led  the 
offense  with  a  record-breaking  total  of 
213  goals. 

While  the  UMass  stickers  were  tear- 
ing along  on  their  winning  streak,  the 
excitement  and  anticipation  was  build- 
ing up  for  the  eventual  clash  with 
Brown  on  May  8. 


"The  best  team 
I've  ever  coached" 


UMass  10  —  Brown  9:  the  scoreboard 
told  it  all.  The  Umass  lacrosse  team, 
alias  Garber's  Gorillas,  had  defeated 
Brown  on  a  last  ditch  breakaway  goal 
by  freshman  Jeff  Spooner  with  only 
eight  seconds  remaining  in  the  game. 

This  was  the  all-important  game.  It 
was  the  peak,  the  climax,  the  focal 
point  of  the  whole  season.  So  much 
depended  on  the  outcome  of  this  con- 
test. An  overflow  crowd  of  approxi- 
mately 4000  showed  up  and  were  re- 
warded with  a  victory.  Defeating 
Brown  was  the  culmination  of  a  superb 
season.  However,  it  was  only  one  of  the 
many  honors  achieved  by  the  team. 

They  also  grabbed  their  first  bonaf- 
ide  New  England  championship,  ninth 
place  in  the  national  rankings  —  the 
highest  national  ranking  ever  by  a 
UMass  lacrosse  team,  and  the  sixth 
straight  Northeast  Division  title  for 
coach  Dick  Garber. 

By  the  time  that  game  was  over,  the 
Gorillas  proved  that  they  were  the  best 
team  in  New  England  and  one  of  the 
better  teams  in  the  country.  They 
played  a  fierce  game  that  day,  body- 
checking  well  and,  just  like  they  had  all 

season,  displayed  their  powerful,  fast- 
break  type  of  attack. 

But  to  make  the  NCAA  tourney, 
UMass  had  to  finish  in  the  top  eight  in 
the  national  poll.  However,  they  lost 
points  after  beating  Brown  and  this 
leads  one  to  suspect  a  bit  of  politics 
and  prejudice  on  the  part  of  the  five- 
man.  Southern,  selection  committee. 

In  spite  of  this,  the  season  was  a  suc- 
cess. It  is  fitting  that  the  Brown  game 
be  used  as  a  summary  of  that  fantastic 
season.  The  1974  squad  was,  according 
to  Coach  Garber,  "the  best  team  I've 
ever  coached." 



Besides  the  men's  and  women's  var- 
sity athletic  program,  there  are  also 
club  sports  in  existence  at  UMass. 
These  clubs  are  RSO  groups  and  they 
are  open  to  any  student.  These  clubs 
include  the  sailing  club,  the  water  polo 
club  {men's  and  women's),  NAIADS, 
the  motorcycle  club,  the  rugby  club, 
the  equestrian  club  and  sport  para- 
chuting club. 

\  t 



These  clubs  are  formed,  basically,  for 
the  enjoyment  of  the  participants. 
Some  of  them  engage  in  competition 
with  other  colleges  and  universities 
and  on  the  national  level  as  well. 




The  Athletic  Department  was  be- 
sieged with  another  controversy  dur- 
ing the  spring  that  started  off  when 
Athletic  Director  Frank  Mclnerney 
recommended  that  men's  varsity  gym- 
nastic coach  Tom  Dunn  not  be  rehired 
after  the  1974-75  season. 

Overnight,  student  reaction  to  this 
was  overwhelmingly  against  Mc- 
lnerney. Members  of  the  gymnastics 
team  inititated  a  petition  drive  and 
gathered  12,000  names,  which  were 
presented  to  Mclnerney  and  Dean 

But  inflation  and  the  expansion  of 
the  women's  program  have  been  forc- 
ing the  Athletic  Department  to  look  to 
new  ways  for  solving  budget  problems. 

In  a  Collegian  story  on  May  16,  Mc- 
lnerney revealed  that  the  Athletic 
Department  is  to  be  reorganized  in  the 
coming  year  and  announced  that  a 
women's  Athletic  Director  would  be 
hired  shortly. 

Tom  Dunn 

But  the  big  story  was  that  a  State  pos- 
ition was  available  in  the  Athletic 

The  gymnastics  team  made  a  bid  for 
it  with  the  Athletic  Council  as  did  the 
soccer  team,  which  is  currently  being 
coached  by  Athletic  Department  Fi- 
nancial Manager  Al  Rufe. 

As  of  this  writing,  it  appears  that  this 
position  will  be  in  limbo  for  the  com- 
ing year  and  that  either  soccer  or  gym- 
nastics will  get  the  coaching  position. 

As  for  the  coming  year,  Mclnerney 
stated  that  there  will  be  stability  that 
will  give  the  department  the  time  it 
needs  to  meet  these  problems,  keep  as 
many  athletes  in  athletics  as  possible 
and  still  maintain  a  quality  program. 


During  the  year  1973-74,  UMass  stu- 
dents continued  to  have  an  interest  in 
pro  sports  that  was  heavy  and  empha- 
sized strong  interest  in  Boston-based 

The  first  big  event  in  pro  sports  was 
the  "Battle  of  the  Sexes",  a  tennis 
match  between  hustler  Bobby  Riggs 
and  women's  champion  Billie  Jean 
King.  Ue\d  in  Houston's  Astrodome  in 
late  September,  King  startled  male 
chauvinists  everywhere  by  beating 
Riggs  3  sets  to  none. 

The  next  bit  of  excitement  was  the 
ending  of  the  1973  major  league  base- 
ball season.  The  Red  Sox  were  a  disap- 
pointing second  to  the  Baltimore  Ori- 
oles in  the  AL  East  and  manager  Eddie 
Kasco  was  fired. 

The  Orioles  went  on  to  meet  the 
Oakland  A's  in  the  American  League 
playoffs  with  the  A's  winning,  3  games 
to  2. 

In  the  National  League,  the  Cincin- 
nati Reds  won  the  West  and  were  fa- 
vored to  beat  the  East's  New  York 
Mets,  who  had  won  a  very  exciting 

The  Mets  beat  the  Reds  3  games  to  2 
in  an  exciting  playoff  series  and  took 
the  A's  to  seven  games  in  the  World 
Series  before  they  collapsed  and  gave 
Oakland  its  2nd  consecutive  World 

Frank  Mclnerney 

Al  Rufe 


Defending  NCAA  champion  UCLA 
headed  towards  another  championship 
but  were  stopped  by  North  Carolina 
State's  David  Thompson  in  the  semi- 
finals. With  their  overtime  win  against 
UCLA,  N.C.  State  went  on  to  defeat 
Marquette  in  the  finals  to  win  the  na- 
tional championship. 

In  the  National  Basketball  Associa- 
tion, the  Boston  Celtics  finally  beat  the 
New  York  Knicks  in  the  semi-final 
round  of  the  playoffs  and  went  on  to 
beat  the  Milwaukee  Bucks  in  the  final 
round  winning  their  12th  NBA  champi- 
onship, their  first  since  1969. 

in  the  American  Basketball  Associa- 
tion, former  UMass  star  Julius  Erving 
lead  the  New  York  Nets  to  their  first 

AP  Photos 

In  the  National  Hockey  League  the 
Boston  Bruins  rolled  to  the  Eastern  Di- 
vision championship  but  met  their 
match  in  the  playoff  finals. 

The  Philadelphia  Flyers,  inspired  by 
singer  Kate  Smith's  version  of  "God 
Bless  America"  defeated  the  Bruins  4 
games  to  2  to  win  the  Stanley  Cup. 

Two  new  pro  leagues  were  started 
with  the  World  Team  Tennis  league 
starting  play  in  May  and  the  World 
Football  League  scheduled  to  start  play 
in  July  of  1975.  There  was  also  two 
teams  added  to  the  NFHL  is  Washington 
and  Kansas  City.  Some  thought  went 
towards  the  formation  of  a  World  Base- 
ball League. 

Late  in  March,  heavyweight  boxing 
champion  George  Foreman  defended 
his  title  against  Ken  Norton  in  Caracas, 
Venezuela  with  a  secondround 

But  the  biggest  event  of  all  came  on 
April  8  when  Atlanta  Braves'  star  Henry 
Aaron  hit  the  715th  home  run  of  his 
career,  passing  the  record  set  by  the 
immortal  Babe  Ruth  in  1935. 





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rim.  rr 



>4  "^isi 


Janice  M.Abbott 

Steven  P  Afiel 

Raymond  C.  Adams 

Tina  B  Atrame 

Rosemary  Agazanan 

Ralph  J  Agdoslmelli 


Joseph  C  Aielto 


Steptien  W  Albert 

Brian  M.  Allard 

Karen  Allard 

SuSan  Alley 

Kenneth  N.  Aloisi 

Joseph  S.  Atonzo 

William  N.  Andrews 

Stephen  G.  Antil 

Peter  L.  Arceci 

Margaret  E.  ArctiJbald 

Nancy  Arcidiacono 

Rochelle  L.  Arc  us 

Robert  W.  Armstrong 

Bonnie  L,  Arons 

Jay  S.  Aronstein 

ABBOTT,  J.M.:  Holliston;  Human  Development;  University  Chorus;  Northampton  Volun 
teers:  VITA;  Outreach  Internship.  ABEL,  S.P.;  Lexington;  History.  ADAMS,  R.C;  Waltham 
Management,  Beta  Kappa  Phi  AFRAME,  T  B.;  Worcester;  Nursing;  Sigma  Theta  Tau;  Stu 
dent  Nurse  Organization  AGAZARIAN.  R,.  Lawrence;  Elementary  Ed.  Kappa  Delta  Pi 
Armenian  Club.  AGOSTINELLI,  R.J.;  East  Boston;  Chemical  Engineering.  AHMADJIAN, 
J. J.:  Framingham;  Elementary  Ed.;  Five-College  Program;  Dorm  Council;  National  Slu 
dent  Exchange  Program  AIELLO,  ).C  .  East  Boston.  Psychology,  Area  Government  Rep: 
Intramural  tJmversily  Runners  Up  -  Wrestling,  ALBERT,  S.W  ;  Newtonville;  Computer 
System.  ALL  A.M.;  Springfield;  Elementary  Ed.  ALLARD,  B.M.,  North  Adams;  Human 
Development,  Collegian  Staff;  Beltwood:  Northampton  Volunteers.  ALLARD,  K,L.;  Fitch 
burg;  Communications  Studies:  Shi  Club.  ALLEN,  DI:  Westfield;  Psychology  ALLEY, 
S.T.;  Mallield;  Psychology.  ALOISI,  K  1^.;  Amherst,  Environmental  Design.  AL0N20,  J.S.; 
Chestnut  Hill;  Microbiology.  AMES,  A  6.,  Staghton;  Management,  Pi  Lambda  Phi  Fratern- 
ity -  Secretary.  ANDELMAN,  8.1,;  Lexington;  Accounting  ANDERSON,  M.Y  ;  Sprmg- 
field:  Elementary  Ed.  ANDERSON,  N  E.;  Amherst:  Agriculture.  ANDERSON,  S.G.;  Need- 
ham;  Political  Science;  Collegian,  N.E.S.  Tutor;  Pi  Sigma  Alpha.  ANDREWS,  J  L  ;  Mattapo- 
isett;  Physical  Ed.:  Cheerleaders:  Chi  Omega;  Staff  Assistant  University  Basketball  De- 
partment ANDREWS,  W.N  ,  Dighton,  Chemical  Engineering,  ANNIS,  G.L.:  Brocton;  Hu- 
man Development.  ANTI,  S  G.;  Holyohe:  Environmental  Design:  Park  and  Arboriculture 
Club;  Open  Space  Preservation  research.  ARCECI,  P.L.;  Winchendon;  General  Business 
and  Finance;  Intramural  Soccer;  Football.  ARCHIBALD,  M  £  ;  Needham;  Elementary  Ed. 
ARCIDIACONO,  N.,  North  Andover,  Communication  Studies  AREL,  D;  Northampton: 
Education  ARGUS,  R.L.;  SwampscotI;  Sociology.  ARMATO,  P  M  ;  Stoneham:  Animal  Sci- 
ence. ARMSTRONG,  R.W  :  Mansfield,  Accounting  ARNO,  K.J.,  Sunderland:  English. 
ARONS,  B.L.;  Worcester:  Psychology.  ARONSTEIN,  J  S.;  Pittsfield;  General  Business  and 
Finance:  Gymnastics  Team  —  Captain  72-72;  Manager  73-74  AROVCA,  DA  ;  Brockton: 
Political  Science;  Residence  Hall  Counselor:  Political  Science  Undergraduate  Studies 
Committee  ARSENAULT,  G.A.:  Wilbraham:  Psychology.  ARVANITES,  W.J.,  Lowell.  Sociol- 
ogy. ASMAR,  S,;  Greenfield;  General  Management;  International  Students  Organization. 
ATWOOD,  M  W.;  Gloucester:  HTRA:  Pi  Lambda  Phi:  President  1972  IFC  Greek  Council. 

MilfordW.Atwood.  Jr. 


Kenneth  S  Ajberl 

Philip  S.  Aubrey 

William  M  Auttinger 

Dayle  E,  Augusto 

Kathryn  V.  Ausman 

Patricia  M.  Avolio 

Nahid  Bahramsoltani 

Bobby  L.  Bailey 

Pat  (O'Bryant)  Bailey 

Cofinne  P.  Baker 

Raymond  S  Baker 

Christine  Barcus 

Kelly  G.  Barker 

EncW  Barkerman 

AUBERT,  K.S.:  Chelmsford;  Human  Development;  Alpha  Zeta;  Ski  Club;  Northhampton 
State  Hospital  Volunteer.  AUBREY,  PS.;  Saugus;  Environmental  Design;  Alpha  Zeta  Hon- 
or Ffalernity,  Varsity  Gymnastics  Team;  University  Independent  Intramural  Champions. 
AUFFINGER.  W  M  ,  Belmont,  Zoology;  Beta  Kappa  Phi  AUGUSTO.  D.E.,  Somerset;  Psy 
chology.  AUMAN,  J.L,  Topsfield;  English;  Collegian;  Northampton  Volunteers,  English 
Department  Undergraduate  Council.  AUSWAN.  K.V  ,  Amherst;  Zoology;  Tau  Beta  Sigma 
Honorary  Music  Soronty,  Marching  Band  —  1973  Summer  Recruiter.  AVOLIO,  P  M. 
Revere,  Psychology;  Sigma  Alpha  Mu,  Vice-President.  Dorm  Counselor;  Southwest  As 
sembly.  BACHINI,  P,F ;  Winthrop,  Physical  Education.  JFK  -  Treasurer;  Athletic  Chair 
man  BECKER.  S.A  .  Frammgham,  English  Ed.,  House  Council;  Intramural  Basketball 
Volleyball  BAER  SB,  Sharon;  Communication  Studies.  Alpha  Lambda  Delta;  Hillel 
BAHRAMSOLTANI,  N  .  Tehran.  Iran;  C  Engineering.  BAILEY,  B  L,,  Springfield;  Sociology 
Intramural  Basketball;  Music  BAILEY,  P.O.;  Roxbury;  Community  Development  and 
Health  Education:  Black  Science  Club;  Tutoring;  Fine  Arts  Council,  BAIN,  S  J ,  Amherst 
Philosophy,  Freshman  Baseball.  BAKER,  C.P;  Sunderland:  Art  BAKER,  RS.,  Amherst 
General  Business  Finance  in  Aviation  BARKER,  RA.  Bedford;  Psychology  BAKOS,  CA 
Chicopee,  Physical  Ed.  BALL.  M.E.;  Dorchester;  Sociology.  BALLAN.  D.L,;  West  Spring 
held:  Political  Science;  Alpha  Lambda  Delta,  BAPTISTE.  MS.;  Amherst;  Public  Health 
BAPTISTE,  JG;  Amherst,  Elementary  Ed,,  Head  of  Residence  Selection  Committee. 
BARCUS.  C;  Pittsfield.  French  Honors;  Secretary  of  Tau  Beta  Sigma,  Horrarary  Service 
Soronty  for  Bandswomen;  Marching  and  Concert  Bands.  Campus  Scouts.  BARKER,  K  G  , 
South  Hadley;  Accounting  6AKERMAN.  E.W  ,  Randolph;  Accounting;  UMASS  Accounting 
Association,  UMASS  Bands.  Field  House  Business  Manager,  BARNETT,  ML;  Amherst, 
Sociology;  Southwest  Patriots:  National  Student  Exchange;  Deans  List,  BARNHARO, 
G,M  .  Ossming.  New  York,  Civil  Engineering,  Marching  Band,  Concert  Band,  Pep  Band 
BARR,  N,L,,  Swampscolt,  Ammal  Science;  Lambda  Delia  Phi.  Field  Hockey,  Captain,  In 
tramurals,  BARRETT,  CE,,  Peal)ody.  Economics,  Weightliftmg;  Backpacking  BARRON 
J,S  .  Newton.  HRTA.  Innkeepers  Club.  Vice-President  BARRY,  J.M  ,  Methuen,  Biochemis 
try;  Phi  Eta  Sigma.  Phi  Kappa  Phi,  Northern  Educational  Service,  BARRY,  K  T  ;  Hamilton, 
Political  Science  BARRY,  T  P  ;  North  Easton,  Accounting.  Phi  Mu  Delta,  Administrative 
Vice-President,  Accounting  Club,  BARTHOLOMEW,  P,:  Mornsville,  Penn,:  Fashion  Mar 
ketmg.  American  Home  Economics  Association.  Alpha  Lambda  Delta.  Phi  Kappa  Phi 
BARLLETT,  R.A  ,  Scitiate;  Zoology  BASHAW,  FB,.  Pillsfield;  Animal  Science.  Animal 
Science  Club:  Pre-Vet  Club,  Outing  Club  BASHFORD.  R  D  ,  Saugus.  General  Business 
Finance.  BATHUfiST,  Bi  ,  Amherst,  Human  Development  BATTEN,  A.C;  Amherst. 
Human  Development.  Publicity  AEYC,  BAUVER,  WP,;  Hadley;  Mechanical  Engmeermg; 
Sigma  Nu;  Tau  Beta  Pi. 

Maureen  L.  Barnett 

Glenn  M,  Barnhard 

Nancy  L.  Barr 

Charles  E  Barett 

Joseph  M  Barry 

Kenneth  T  Barry 

Thomas  P  Barry 

Patricia  Bartholomew  Richard  A  Bartlett 

Frank  B,  Bashaw 


Robert  D.  Bashlord 

Somla  L  BalhursI 

Wesley  P.  Bauver 

Karen  L  Bennett 

PaulV  Benoit 

Steven  E,  Benson 

Susan  E.  Berberian 

Barry  J.  Berman 

George  H.  Bernard 

Carl  R.  Berndtson 

Gary  A.  Bigelow 

Arna  C-  Bigman 

Anne  E.  Billingham 

BAXTER.  D.I.;  Braintree;  Physical  Ed.  BEAULIEU,  L.J,;  West  Bridgewater;  Medical  Tech- 
nology; Gamma  Sigma  Sigma  Service  Sorority.  Dorm  Committees.  BEAULIEU,  B.R.;  Sal- 
em; Forestry;  UMASS  Wildlife  Society,  Treasurer;  Dorm  Counselor;  BEAUREGARD.  T.N.; 
Greenfield;  Fashion  Marketing;  American  Home  Economics  Association;  School  of  Home 
Economics  Liason  Committee;  Tennis,  BECK,  PA.;  Southbridge;  Sociology.  BEDELL. 
EC  ;  Longmeadow;  Human  Development;  John  Quincy  Adams  Upper,  Vice-President; 
University  Year  For  Action  -  Vista  U.Y.A.  BEECY,  J.I,;  Bedford;  Human  Development; 
Gamma  Sigma  Sigma;  Tennis  Team;  Tvwirler.  BELIVEAU,  C.P  .  Biochemistry.  Dorm  Presi- 
dent; f^odern  Dance  Workshop;  Newman  Club.  BELISLE,  CM,;  Holyohe;  Physical  Ed.; 
Varsity  Softball  Team;  Softball  Team  Rep,  for  Women's  Athletic  Comm  ;  Student-Faculty 
Affairs  Comm.  BELIVEAU,  B  ;  Middleboro-  MAE;  American  Society  of  Mectianical  Engi- 
neers, Intramurals.  BELLE.  R  N,;  Boston;  Leisure  Studies  and  Services;  Intramural  Foot- 
ball BELMONTE.  C,J,  Stoneham;  Human  Development;  University  Chorus:  National  Stu- 
dent Exchange,  BELOUNGIE.  L.E,;  Amherst;  Elementary  Ed,;  Dorm  Counselor,  BENDER. 
D.N  .  Watertown.  Economics.  BENEVIDES.  J,M,;  Fall  River;  Zoology;  Phi  Beta  Kappa:  Phi 
Kappa  Phi,  BENNETT.  J,A,  Wilbraham;  Design;  Debate  Team,  NSID  member;  Outing  Club. 
BENNETT.  K,L.;  Springfield;  Political  Science;  Alpha  Lambda  Delta,  BENOIT,  P.V.;  Hol- 
yoke;  Psychology;  Council  of  Undergraduate  Students  m  Psychology,  editor  of  newslet- 
ter; Research  Assistant  in  Psychology  Department;  Collegian  Photography  Staff. 
BENSON,  S.E  ;  Valley  Stream,  N.Y,;  Physical  Ed.;  Kappa  Sigma,  Secretary,  Pledge  Train- 
er, House  Manager;  Wrestling,  Captain:  J.V.  Lacrosse.  BERBURIAN,  S.E,;  Arlington;  His- 
tory, International  Folk  dancing.  BERMAN,  B,J,;  Brookline.  Zoology;  Intra  Sports  Team; 
Dormitory's  Council.  University  Bridge  Champion.  BERNARD.  G.H,;  Wayland.  Manage- 
ment. Business  Club:  Skiing,  sailing.  BERNARD.  PR,;  Amherst;  Physical  Ed;  Water  Polo, 
BERNDTSON.  C.R;  Amtierst;  Economics;  Parasailmg.  BERNSON,  N.J,;  Springfield;  An- 
thropology, Honors,  BERNSTEIN.  D.L,:  Sunderland;  Journalistic  Studies;  Collegian,  Om- 
budsman oMice.  Deans  List  BERNSIEiN,  B,t,;  Norwouo;  Education.  Belchertown  - 
Boltwood;  Crampton  Dorm  Government:  Northern  Educational  Services  8ERTELLI.  S.A.; 
Tewksbury:  Marketing  BERTRAND.  V.C;  Sunderland;  Marketing,  Business  Club.  BIGDA. 
K,A,,  Palmer:  Human  Development.  BIGELOW,  G.A.;  Northampton;  History,  BIGMAN, 
P  C  ,  Weltham,  Human  Development;  Counselor  Selection.  Coolodge  BILLINGHAM.  A.E,: 
Shrevfibury;  Interior  Design;  Gamma  Sigma  Sigma,  Ski  Club;  UMASS  Track  Official, 
ISSONNETTE,  D,E.,  Leominster;  Elementary  Ed,;  Chi  Omega;  Greek  Aclivities  Committee; 
Homecoming  Committee,  BITTERS,  T,P.;  Greenfield:  English.  Golf  Team.  BLACK.  C.A.; 
Greenfield;  Physical  Ed,;  Field  Hockey,  Volleyball  BLACK.  D,R,;  Norwood;  Public  Health. 
BLACK.  E,F,;  Agawam;  Home  Ecomomics;  Alpha  Lambda  Delta;  Concert  Band,  BLACK. 
K.P.;  North  Scituate;  Ptiysical  Ed.;  Thela  Ctii;  Wrestling.  Dean's  List. 

Kewn  P.  Black 

David  F.  Booth 

Sheldon  E.  Boredkin 

Margery  T,  Bernstein 

Karen  Bouldry 

James  R.  Buenomo 

Barry  Beuthilette 

Cheryl  A.  Bowes 

Barbara  A.  Boy 


Janet  E.  Bracey 

Steven  F,  Bradley 

BLACKWELDER.  D.E,:  Amherst:  Psychology.  BLACKWOOD.  B.E.:  Cambridge;  Political 
Science;  Boltwood  Volunteer.  BLAKE,  F,;  Boston;  Nursing;  CCEBS  counselor, 
BLANCHARD,  A.S.;  Hingham;  Zoology;  Intramurals;  Dorm  Government.  BLANCHE!,  LP.; 
Greenfield;  Recreation  BLANCHET,  M  C  ;  Southbndge;  Zoology;  Freshman  Soccer;  Var- 
sity Soccer.  BLAZAK,  W  F ,  Lynn,  Animal  Science  Club;  Dorm  counselor;  Skiing,  BLUM, 
LC:  Methuen;  Psychology.  BOCASH,  R.B.,  Leominster;  HRTA;  Varsity  Track.  BODIE,  V.; 
Amherst;  Plant  &  Soil  Science;  Vice-President  of  Knowiton  House.  BOFFINTON,  S.; 
Westpor.  CI;  English  BOGERT,  M  E.;  Springfield:  Elementary  Education,  BOYAJIAN, 
G.S  ;  Amherst.  Business  Administration;  Beta  Kappa  Pfii  Fraternity;  Business  Club;  Man- 
agement Club.  BOIS,  D.A.;  Rockland;  Psychology.  BOKSANSKA,  P.M.;  Marlboro;  Physical 
Education;  Varsity  Football;  Rugby.  BEAULIEU.  B.L.:  Draeut;  Physical  Education:  Kappa 
Kappa  Gamma  Social  Chairman:  Revellers;  Intramurals.  BOOTH,  D,F.;  Medford;  Commu- 
nication Studies;  Media  Lab  Assistant;  Program  Council  BORODKIN,  S.E,;  Peabody; 
Business  Management;  Business  Club.  Dorm  Government,  Floor  Representative;  Social 
Advisor;  Intramural  sports  BORNSTEIN,  M.T  ,  W  Nevrton,  Philosophy;  Grayson  House 
counselor;  Philosophy  Club.  BOULDRY,  K  BUONONO.  JR.;  Sunderland;  Political  Sci- 
ence; Student  Senate,  Rents  &  Fees  Committee.  BOUTHILETTE,  B.,  Florence;  Sociology; 
University  Year  for  Action;  Outreach:  Boltwood  Volunteer;  Intramural  Football. 
BOUDREAU,  J  M.;  Fitchburg;  Human  Development:  Scrolls  Treasurer;  Revelers;  Social 
Chairman  Chi  Omega,  Research  Assistant  m  Human  Development;  Dean's  List;  Magna 
Cum  Laude:  Intramurals.  BOWES,  C  A.:  Middleton;  Psychology;  Alpha  Lamba  Delta;  Phi 
Kappa  Phi;  Dickinson  Dorm  counselor:  Floor  Representative.  BOY.  B.A.;  Webster;  Nurs- 
ing; Alpha  Lambda  Delta;  Nursing  Club.  BOYD,  K.L.;  New  York;  Elementary  Education; 
Dorm  Government,  BOYLE,  A  L,;  Natiek;  Elementary  Education;  Intramural  Sports;  Dorm 
counselor.  BOYLE,  PF.;  Amherst,  Business  Administralion;  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon;  Ac- 
counting Club:  Intramurals.  BDYLES,  C  S.,  Amherst,  Physical  Education.  BRACEY,  J.E.; 
Everett:  Nutrition;  Food  Science  and  Nutrition  Club;  AHEA;  Mass.  American  Home  Eco- 
nomic Assoc,  Environmental  Standards  Committee.  BRADLEY,  S.F.;  Somerset;  Physical 
Education,  Varsity  Track,  Counselor.  BRADLEY.  AS.;  Lexington;  Int,  Design/Fashion 
Design,  AHEA  Treasurer;  Educational  Programmer,  Northeast  Counselor:  TCEA  Liason 
Committee.  BRADY,  PJ.;  Breckton,  Marketing.  Varsity  Football,  Marketing  Club. 
BRANTON,  R.K.:  Amherst;  Communication  Studies  BRALEY,  F.W.:  So  Dartmouth,  Ac- 
counting; Captain  of  Tennis  Team:  Dorm  counselor.  BRAREN,  R.;  Burke,  Virginia,  Me- 
chanical Engineering,  Tau  Beta  Pi  Honor  Society  BRAYMAN,  L.M.Amherst:  Education: 
Mortar  Board.  BRAZ.  D.L ,  Swansea;  Elementary  Education;  Phi  Kappa  Phi:  Dean's  List, 
Intramural  Athletics;  Tutoring,  BRAZEE,  A,E.,  Lenox  Dale:  Accounting:  Beta  Gamma  Sig- 
ma Honor  Society;  Accounting  Club.  6REAU,  A.E.:  East  Longmeadow;  Elementary  Educa- 
tion, Vice-President  Grayson  House  Council;  Floor  Representative;  Intramurals;  J,0,E, 

Austin  E.  Brazee 


Arlene  E.  Breau 

Lloyd  G.  Bristol  Jr. 

Karen  B.  Bnttain 

Oenise  B.  Bto  (""aid  S.  Brooks  Beverly  J  Btoska 

BREGOLl.  J.E:  Braintree;  Human  Development;  Alpha  Lambda  Delia  Honors  Society; 
Inlramurals  Breslin  D,  Clifton;  Nursinj  BREWSIER,  DM.  Plymouttl;  Animal  Science; 
BRtJS.  WE  .  Piltstield.  Dance  Ttierapy;  Dancing,  Northeast  aiea  dotm  council  BRtGHT. 
M  E  Waban.  Education  BRISTOL,  L  G  ,  Hadley,  Civil  Engineering,  Student  Chaptet  oi 
the  American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers  BRiniAN,  KB  ,  Dedham:  Zoology,  Alpha  Lamb- 
da Delta.  Outreach  Volunteer  BRO.  DB.  Wilmington.  Fashion  Merchandising.  Iota 
Gamma  Upsilon,  Social  and  Alumni  Chairman;  National  Sludent  Exchange  Program,  Flu- 
tist BROOKS,  GS  ,  Framingham,  Communication  Studies,  Beta  Kappa  Phi  WfllUA  - 
Sports  Director;  News  Director;  J  F  K  upper  President;  BROSKA,  8  ) ,  Chicopee;  Span- 
ish; Phi  Kappa  Phi,  Alpha  Lambda  Delta;  BROW  T  L  ,  Qumcy;  History;  Dorm  Counselor 
BROWER,  S  D  ,  Roosevelt;  Human  Development  BROWN,  F  M  ;  Scotch  Plains  English 
BROWN,  KD,  South  Hadley;  Art  BROWN,  MG;  Amherst;  Education  BROWN,  N,l , 
Cambridge;  Education  BROWN,  N  M  ;  Dunbory,  Fine  Arts,  Chief  justice  Mc  Kimmie 
House  ludiciary  BROWN,  P;  Centerville;  Accounting,  Accounting  Association,  Dorm 
Counselor  BROWN,  P  P  ;  Amherst,  Nursing,  BROWN,  Y  B  ,  Springlield;  Elementary  Edu- 
cation SANDY.  B  R  ,  Amherst;  Psychology;  Sage  Reporter,  f^c  Govern  Campaign,  Psy- 
chology Honors  BRUNT.  WL.  Cheslcrtield.  History.  Special  High  School  Principalship 
Diploma  Teachers  College  Coumbia  University  BRUSH.  S  J  ,  IVledford;  Political  Science 
BRYANT,  R  C  ,  l^edfield;  Forestry;  Alpha  Zeta,  Society  of  American  Foresters;  Intramural 
Sports  BUCKLEY.  EM  ;  Brockton,  fjlarketing  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma  ~  Treasurer;  New- 
man Club  BUCKHOUT,  TS,  Hadley,  Fisheries  Biology;  Scuba  Diving  Club,  BUCKLEY, 
JAE;  Revere,  HTRA;  Vice-President,  President  and  Resident  Advisor  of  Chadbourne 
House  BUCKLEY,  MA,;  Boston,  Communications  Studies;  Skiing;  Swimming;  Tennis 
BUCO,  A  P  ,  Amherst,  Political  Science  Collegian  Typist  BUNTING,  MA;  Acton;  Russian; 
Alphs  Lambda  Delta;  Phi  Kappa  Phi;  BUFALO,  B  M  ,  ,Miltord,  French  BURACK,  L,S,; 
Worcester;  English,  Sigma  Delta  Tau,  Alpha  Lambda  Defta,  Arcon  BURGMYER,  B  A  ,  fall 
River;  Speech  Therapy;  Sigma  Delta  Tau,  Greek  Representative  BURKE,  M  F ;  Amherst; 
Elementary  Education;  Sigma  Kappa;  Deans  List  BURKHART,  KE,  North  Amherst; 
Nursing  BARNETT,  KA;  Leominster;  Education  BURNSIDE,  RL,  Walpole;  Nursing; 
IQA  Middle  Dorm  Secretary-Treasurer,  Floor  Representative  BURR,  KM,  Medfietd; 
Mathematics,  BURT,  C,A,;  Wellesley;  Mathematics,  Ski  Club,  Waterpolo  Club 

Robert  C,  Bryanl 

Ellen  M  Buckley 

Terry  S,  Buckhout 

James  A  E  Buckley 

Mary  A  Buckley 

Angela  P  Buco 

Angela  P  Buco 

Mary  A  Bunting 

^|jM|y  1  ^1^ 

CACCAMESI.  C.F.;  Norward:  Psychology:  Alpha  Lambda  Delta;  Fine  Arts  Cultural  Events: 
Honors  Program  m  Psychology.  CACCIAPUOTl,  C,J :  Webster;  Wildlife  Biology;  Phi  Eta 
Sigma:  Alpha  Zeta;  Wildlife  Society:  National  Wiidlile  Federaltion.  CADMUS,  C.E..  Toledo 
HRTA:  Alphy  Zeta  Honor  Fraternity.  CADOGAN,  R.P..  Amherst;  B.B.A.;  Sigma  Alpha  Epsi 
Ion  Fraternity:  Accounting  Club:  Inttamurals  CALLAHAN.  O.J,:  Charlestown:  Psychology 
Newman  Club:  Search  Program.  Anlioch  Community  —  Treasurer.  Bookministry,  CA 
IWARA,  ANTHONY  D.;  Fall  River;  Psychology:  Inlramurais.  CAMPANA.  J,C.,  Pitlsfieid 
Managemenl;  Sh  Club.  CAMPANELLA,  KB.;  Ludiow:  Medical  Technology  CAMPBELL 
K.L.:  Brookfield;  Education.  CAMPBELL.  M.A.;  Amherst:  Political  Sci 
ence:  Head  of  Residence  —  VanMeter,  CAMPO.  M.J.:  Whilinsville;  Mathematics:  Intra 
murals:  Dorm  Government.  CANNON,  P.R.:  Amherst:  Human  Development;  CAPLES.  S.T. 
Topsfield:  Fme  Arts  -  Art  Education;  Varsity  Softball:  intramurals.  CAPPOLINO,  P.D, 
South  Barre;  E.C.E.:  Member  of  E  E.E  and  A.O  P  A.  CAPPS,  L.J.;  Amherst,  Psychology. 
CUSP;  Intramural  Volleyball  and  Softball.  CARLYN,  CJ.:  MarbieheatI:  Nursmg;  Sister  of 
Sigma  Delta  Tau:  Assistant  Rush  Chairman.  CASHIN,  B.;  New  Carrollton;  English;.  CASH- 
IN.  L,  Sunderland:  English.  CAULFIELD,  M.J.:  Needham;  Education;  Phi  Mu  Delta:  Ar- 
con.  CAVANAGH.  M.S.;  Lexington;  BDIC;  Student  Resident  Director  John  Adams  Tower; 
ASME.  CARLON.  O.L:  Pittsfield:  Wildlife  Biology  Wildlife  Society  -  U  Mass  Student 
Chapter,  Xi  Sigma  Ki  -  Honorary  Forestry  Fraternity.  CARLSON,  L.A.;  North  Reading; 
Elementary  Education  CARLSON.  S  H.;  Walpole.  Animal  Science.  CARLSSON,  EC  Valley 
Stream:  Physical  Education;  Kappa  Sigma;  CARPENTER,  C,E,;  Lynnfield.  Elementary 
Education.  House  Council  Member,  CARR.  T.A.  Beverly,  Natural  Resource  Economics 
CARROL,  K  M  ;  Melfose:  Sociology;  UMass  students  for  McGovern;  Belchertown  Bolt- 
wood  Pro)ecl:  Student  Volunteer  Services:.  CARTER,  S.M.,  Westfield;  Interior  Design 
CAVANAUGH,  R.W.:  Lawrence;  History.  CASEY.  k:M.:  Greenfield;  Counseling  CASHMAN, 
CM..  Braintree:  Fashion  Merchandising.  CASONI,  J  L.;  Boston;  Wood  Technology:  Intra- 
mural Sports:.  CASTLEBERRY.  N.L.:  Springfield;  Education:  Magna  Cum  Laude  CA- 
ZEAULT,  P..  Dudley;  Mechanical  Engineering;  Member  and  Recording  Secretary  of  Tau 
Beta  Pi;  Member  and  Vice-President  of  the  ASME  Chapter  at  U  Mass  CHAMBERLAIN,  S  : 
Shutesbury:  Art:  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma:  Motar  Board:  Yahoo-Editor;  Student  Senate. 
CHAMPION.  CA,:  Waltham.  Psychology.  CHANDLER,  K.M,;  Lynn;  Political  Science. 
HANDL,  RE.,  HRTA;  Northeast  Area  Government  Representative;  Intramural  Sports. 
CHANEL,  ML :  Silver  Spring,  Md,;  Human  Development.  CHAPMAN,  J.A.;  Waltman,  His- 
tory; Phi  Kappa  Phi;  Newman  Club:  N,E,S.  Tutoring;  Program  Council 

Claire  F.  Caccamesi  Carmine ).  Cacciapuoti 

Constance  E  Cadmus  Richard  P.  Cadogan,  Jr. 

Daniel  i.  Callahan 

Anthony  D,  Camara 

lames  C.  Campana 

Kenneth  B.  Campanella  Kerry  L.  Campbell 

Michael  A.  Campbell 

Michael  J  Campo 

Pamela  R  Cannon 

SusanneT.  Caples 

Paul  D  Cappolino 

Linda  J.  Capps 


Cynthia  J.  Carlyn 

Bonney  Cashin 

Michael  J.  Caulfield 

Marks.  Cavanagh 

Edward  C  Carlsson 

Cheryl  E  Carpenler 

Thomas  A.  Carr 

Katherme  M  Carroll 

Robert  W  Cavanaugh  Kathleen  M  Casey 

Clare  M  Cashman 

Robert  E,  Chandler.  Jr. 

Mary  L.  Chanel 

Janet  A.  Chapman 


Jeffrey  T.  Clayton 

Lurena  F.  Clayton 

James  P.  Cleary  I 

Joseph  A.  Cleary 

Gary  N.  Clemens 


Richard  E,  Clifford 






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William  F.  Czelusniak 

Irene  M.Czajkowski 

Mary  E  Curlis 

Thomas  M,  Curne 

Bruce  T.Capman 

CHARETTE,  J.L;  Fall  River;  Nursing.  CHARLES,  R,M.;  Salisbury;  Human  Development, 
CHAROS,  G.S.;  Somerset;  Chemistry.  CHASEY,  L.L.;  Auburn;  Sociology.  CHASE,  C.A.. 
Westboro;  Women's  Crew  Club;  Women's  JV  Gymnastics;  Pi  Beta  Phi.  CHELLI,  M.A.; 
Amherst;  Speech;  M.A.S.H.A.;  Newman  Club;  Boltwood  Project.  CHERNAIK,  B,l,;  Ran- 
dolph; Spanish;  Phi  Kappa  Phi;  Madrid  Summer  Seminar;  Provost's  committee  to  review 
status  of  Spanish  Speaking  students.  CHERNESKV,  EJ.;  Groveland;  Elementary  Educa- 
tion; Delta  Chi  Chapter  Sweetheart.  CHERVINCKY.  M.A.;  Amherst;  Civil  Engmeermg;  In- 
tramural Wrestling-  CHIARAVALLE.  M.F,  Springfield;  Elementary  Education; 
F.R.I.E.N.D.S.  counselor;  ARICA.  CHIN,  A.C:  Boston;  Management;  President  Fencing 
Club;  Treasurer  Undergraduate  Business  Club;  Dean's  List:  Dean's  Advisory  Council  SBA. 
CHIN.  J.T.;  Brookline;  French:  University  Chorus;  Church  Choir.  CHINAPPI,  A.J.;  Milford; 
French;  Undergraduate  Rep.  to  French  Faculty;  Coordinator  Italian  Club;  Dorm  Rep. 
CHISHOLM,  C.C:  Amherst;  Child  Development;  Tri  Sigma;  Equestrian  Drill  Team.  CIC- 
COLINI,  S.S.;  Leominster;  Communication  Studies.  CIERPIAL.  S.;  Chicopee:  Fine  Arts; 
Art  Applied  Studio.  CIGNONI,  C.V.;  Norwood;  Psychology:  Dorm  counselor;  Northeast 
Area  Academic  Affairs  Committee;  Dorm  Athletic  Chairman.  CINAMON.  J.S.;  Framingh- 
am;  Zoology;  Swim  Team;  Sport  Parachute  Club;  Ski  Club.  CIRAMELLA,  R.T.;  Lee;  Sociol- 
ogy; Lambda  Delta  Phi.  CLARK,  P.A.;  Lee;  Psychology;  Women's  Choir;  N.E.  Area  Govern- 
ment-treasurer: Secretary,  CLARK,  W.M,:  Dorchester:  Animal  Science;  Irish  Cultural  So- 
ciety, Historian;  Collegian;  House  Judiciary:  Intramurals.  CLAYTON,  J,T.:  Sunderland; 
Philosophy:  Art  Director  Emeritus.  Below  The  Salt;  Co-chairman  Undergrad,  Philosophy 
Club.  CLAYTON.  LF.;  Springfield;  Seamtress.  CLEARY,  111,  J.P.;  Haverhill;  Political  Sci- 
ence; Phi  Kapp  Phi;  Betcherlown  Volunteers  -  Director;  Pi  Sigma  Alpha;  Soko-Lok  Moi- 
Charter  Member,  CLEARY,  J.A,;  Haverhill:  Political  Science;  Tappa  Kegga  Beah.  CLE- 
MONS,  G.N.;  Boston;  Afro  American;  Third  World  Alliance:  Afro-Amertcan  Society.  CLEM- 
MONS,  0 ;  Springfield:  Business.  CLIFFORD.  RE.:  Weymouth;  Management  and  Electri- 
cal Engineering;  Dorm  Rep.;  Southwest  Assembly;  Dorm  social  co-ordinator,  CLIFT,  K.; 
Andovoer;  BDIC,  CZELVSNIAK,  W,F.:  Southampton;  Marketing.  CZAJKOWKI,  l,M.;  Hadley; 
English;  Alpha  Lambda  Delta:  Phi  Kappa  Phi;  Mortar  Board:  Newman  Club.  CUSACK,  M.; 
Natick;  Health  Services  Administration;  President  Delta  Chi;  President  Greek  Council: 
President  Adelphia;  President  N.E.I.F.C;  Gamma  Gamma;  "Who's  Who";  Index;  Collegi- 
an. CURTIS,  M.E.;  Salem;  Elementary  Education;  Intramurals.  CURRIE.  T.M.;  Audubon, 
PA.;  Environmental  Design;  Intramurals;  Guitar:  Scuba  Diving.  CAPMAN,  B.T.;  Gardner; 
Environmental  Health;  Claridad  newspaper;  Belchertown  volunteer.  CAPEN,  R,F.;  Asha- 
land;  Civil  Engineering;  Tau  Beta  Pi:  Secretary  Student  Chapter  ASCE;  Co-editor  Mass 
Transit.  Cullen,  J.E.;  Framingham;  Education.  CROWLEY,  T,J.:  Centerville;  Business 
Administration/Economics.  CROWLEY,  N.E.:  Tewksbury;  Marketing;  Business  Club  Presi- 
dent; Dean's  Advisory  Council.  CROWLEY.  K.M.;  Needham;  Food  Science  &  Nutrition; 
Dorm  counselor;  Vice-President  of  House  Government  Thoreau;  Girls'  Basketball  Team; 

Richard  F.  Capen 

JaneE.  Cullei 

Thomas  J.  Crowley 

Neal  E.Crowley 

Kathleen  M.Crowley 


CROWLEY,  J.E.:  Worcester;  Marketing;  Marketing  Club;  Colloquium  Instructor;  Corridor 
representative:  LaCrosse  Team;  Inlramurals.  CROWE.  W.A.;  Lynn;  Accounting;  Phi  Mu 
Delta.  CROVELLO.  S.M.;  Taunton;  Elementary  Education;  SWAP.  CROSSLAN,  B.A.;  So, 
Hadley;  Elementary  Education  CROSS,  E.S.;  Lynn.  Marketing;  WMUA  Announcer;  House 
Council;  Dorm  Business  Manager.  CROCKER.  S.C.;  Danvers;  Ctiemislry.  Floor  Counselor, 
CROOK,  J.M  ;  Wellesley:  Education,  Daily  Collegian;  Intramurals  CRONE,  W  C;  Turners 
Falls;  Geology,  iudo  Club  Secretary  Treasurer,  Human  Subjects  Committee.  CROCKETT, 
S,0.;  Reading;  English  CRISTELLO.  S.D.;  Walertown;  Elementary  Education;  Floor  Repre- 
sentative; Intramurals  CRESSY,  J.C  :  Hyannis,  Fine  Arts;  Head  Counselor  Field  Dorm. 
CRENSHAW,  M,A.,  Springfield,  Elementary  Education  CREIGHAN,  J ,  Mattiematics,  Bolt- 
wood-Belctiertown;  Intramurals;  Dorm  Social  Committee;  Student  leaching  m  Colorado; 
Dean's  List  CREANZA,  M.A.,  W  Springfield.  Economics.  Sigma  Alptia  Mu  Treasurer  & 
Rush  Chairman.  CREA,  DA.;  Pittsfield;  Political  Science;  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon  V.P.;  Greek 
Council.  CRAIG,  C.A.;  Natick;  Human  Development.  COX,  J.E ;  Amherst:  Sociology.  COW 
LEY,  JC;  Littleton;  Comparative  Literature:  Chairperson  Funny  farm  Dream  Factory 
Dwight  House  SWAP  delegate;  Deans  List.  COUTURE,  D.J.,  Somerset,  Ammal  Science, 
Equestrian  Club  COUTURE,  CA„  Amherst;  Find  Arts;  Phi  Kappa  Phi;  CC  Food  Service 
Artist  in  residence  COUNCIL,  C.E ,  Springfield:  Management;  Treasurer  IMAWI;  Intra- 
murals COTE,  DJl„  Beverly;  Nursing,  lota  Gamma  Upsilon  House  Manager;  Sigman  The^ 
ta  Tau.  Norttiampton  State  Volunteer  COSTA.  D.A  ,  Old  Saybrook,  CT  ;  Psychology,  Intra 
murals  COSGROVE,  P  .  Sunderland,  French  CORREIA,  R  H  ;  Amherst,  History;  Head  of 
Residence  Moore  House.  COOK,  PJ,;  Frammgham;  Marketing;  Phi  Mu  Delta  President; 
Greek  Council,  Adelphia:  M.S,  Dance  Marathon  Coordinator  COOK,  J.A  ;  Orange;  Home 
Economics  Education,  Marching  Band,  Jazz  Workshop  Librarian,  COOKE,  C  L.,  Westfield; 
Nursing;  Sigma  Theta  Tau  COOK,  B  M  ;  Andover;  Sociology;  Collegian.  CONWAY,  J.F 
Turners  Falls,  Wildlife  Otology,  Wildlife  Society,  Equestrian  Club.  CONNORS,  SA  .  Am 
herst;  Education,  Secretary  of  Education  Course;  Inlramurals.  CONNOLLY,  T.M.;  Leom 
inster;  Zoology  CONGDON,  D  E.:  Beverly;  English,  Canadian  Club  Prime  Minister.  CON 
FORT,  E.:  So,  Hadley,  Sociology.  COMlSKEY,  R  J ;  Amherst  COLON,  Y.M.:  Amherst  Bilm 
gual-Bicultural  Educalion.  Ahora  member.  COMBS.  MR.,  Northampton 
English/Journalism;  Vansty  Gymnastics  Co-captain,  Collegian.  COLLINS,  S  W ;  E.  Brain 
tree,  Engineering,  American  Institue  for  Aeronautics  &  Astronautics,  Flying  Club  COL 
LINS,  J,  Amherst;  Sociology  COLLNS,  J. K,  Amherst,  Anthropology;  N,A, 

ludityA  Cool^ 

Cassandra  L  Cooke 

Brian  M.  Cook 

lean  F  Conway 

Susan  A.  Connors 

Thomas  M.  Connolly 

David  E.  Congdon 

Edward  Contorli 


Robert  J  Comiskey 

Yvonne  M,  Colon 


Margaret  R.  Combs 

Steven  W.  Collins 

Judy  Collins 

Barry )  Cogan 

Cynthia )  Coffman 

Donald  A  Cohebn 

Deborah  E  Chhen 

Sharman  Cohen 

Dominic  I  Colanton 

Peter  B  Colasanti 

lames  E  Colby 

Dianne  Oabiowski 

Elizabeth  A  Oagle 

Brian  F  Oailey 

Eddy  R,  DanofI 

COLLINS  DC:  Newburvport  Political  Science.  Alpha  Chi  Omega  Social  Chairman:  Intra- 
murals  COLETTA.  AT:  Leiington:  French  COLEMAN,  LE  Brockton.  Environmental 
Design  COLE  R  I  ,  Belchertown:  forestry.  Lambda  Chi  Alpha  CLINE.  N  I .  Indianapolis 
Indiana  Fashion  Marketing  COBB  WL.  Swansea  Nursing  COLBAN.  RJ.  Franklin 
Square.  N  Y  Accounting.  Intramurals.  Outreach  COGAN.  B  I :  Tewksbury.  Political  Sci- 
ence. Pi  Sigma  Alpha  Dorm  Rep.  Central  Area  Council.  Ski  Club.  Outing  Club  COFFMAN, 
C  I  Newburyporl  Political  Science.  President  Commuler  Assembly  Dean  s  List  Who's 
Who  Morlar  Board  Treasurer.  Birth  Control  Handbook:  Student  Senate  COHEN,  DA 
Newton  Center,  Political  Science  COHEN,  D  E ,  Longmeadow  Urban  S  Legal  Studies, 
Student  Ailiisor,  -Room  to  Move '  Counselor  COHEN,  M  R ,  Syracuse,  N  V  Pte-Medi- 
cine.  Outing  Club,  Exchange  to  Univ  ol  Oregon,  Intramurals  COHEN,  S  I  Springheld, 
French:  VITA,  Holyoke  Tutorial:  Undergraduate  Rep  lo  French  Oept  COHEN,  S  ,  West 
Roibury,  Human  OevelopmenI  COLANTON,  D  I ,  Sangus:  Org,  Management  COLASANTI, 
P  B  Weymoulh,  Zoology,  Order  of  Natural  Historians  COLLOV,  I  E :  Longmeadow:  Art, 
DA6R0WSKI,  D  Amherst  Physical  Education  OAGLE,  EA  ,  Northbor,  Nursing,  Dorm 
Counselor  DAILEY  B  F  ,  Boston  Psychology  Daily  Collegian  8  Poor  Richards'  Stall, 
CUSP  Belchertown  Volunteer  I  0  E  Program  DALY,  M  ,  Wanaque,  N  I :  Marketing, 
Alpha  Lambda  Delta  Beta  Gamma  Sigma  Business  Club  DANGELO,  R:  Frammgham 
Phi  Beta  Kappa  DANIEL,  C  E :  Newton  Center  English:  Kappa  Alpha  Theta  ocial  Chair- 
man Sludenl  Senate,  Academic  Affairs  Committee  DANIELS,  A  :  Springfield  Elementary 
Education  DANOFF  E  R  N  Amherst  Fine  Arts  Legal  Studies  DASHO,  N  M  ,  Stoneham 
Education  DAVID,  A  M  ,  Melhuen  History,  Phi  Beta  Kappa  Phi  Kappa  Phi  Phi  Eta  Sig- 
ma DAVIN  N  L  Amherst,  Medical  lechnology  Alpha  Lambda  Delia  DAVIS,  B  S  ,  Sun- 
derland, Psychology,  Intramurals  Dorm  Government,  DAVIS,  D  E  ,  Amherst.  Human 
DevelopmenI  DAVIS,  E  L ,  E  Pepperell,  Accounting:  Secretary  Acclg,  Assoc  ,  Treasurer 
House  Council,  Marching  Band  DAVIS,  N  L  Walerbury,  Vermont  Environmental  De- 
sign DAVIS,  P  J  ,  Quincy  Zoology  Phi  Ela  Sigma,  Phi  Kappa  Phi,  Intramurals  DAVIS 
S  M  Newton  Highlands,  Engineering,  If  K  House  Council  DAWIOJAN,  A  M  Springfield 
Public  Health  DAY,  I  M  ,  Lancaster,  Physical  Education  DEANDSUS,  G  M  Amherst 
Elementary  Education  Sigma  Kappa  DECAIALDl,  PL  Southbndge  Education  DECK- 
ER, P  M ,  Newton  Civil  Engineering,  Tau  Bela  Pi,  A  S,C  E  Intramurals  DECOURCEY 
I  P  ,  Milton,  Enviconmenlal  Design,  Outing  Club:  Park  &  Arboriculture  Club  Program 
Council:  Social  Committee  Co-Chairman 

Nancy  M   Dasho 

Nancy  L  Davin 

Barbara  S  Davis 

Donald  E,  Davis  Jr, 

Earlene  L  Davis 

Ned  L  Davis 

Stanley  M  Davis 

Ale<ander  Dawidian 

ludity  M,  Day 

Gina  M  DeAndrus 


Phihp  N,  Decker 

James  P,  DeCourcey 

Oomenic  P.  Deleso 

Brran  Delaney  Rtchafd  L  Delery  J 

DonaM  R  Delay 

Catherine  M  Oelizia 

John  Dempsey 

Susan  j  Dempsey 

Chfistine  Oendor 

Nancy  M  Oeotte 

Mary  L  DeRose 

Linda  M  Desmanas  CalhenneA  Desmond 

Gerald  J.  Desiauners  Richard  A.  Desroches 

Linda  A  Oeulsch 

Barbara  J.  DeWiU 

Erneslina  A  Diaz 

Kathetine  F  Oiemand 

r.'  7 

f^A    i 

Devereaul  G  Dion 

PhylhsL  Duon 

ManlynA  Bogue 

Thomas  F  Dohetly 

William  F  Ooifon  Jf 

Charles  H  Dolan  )r 


DEFELICE.  S,A  ,  Canlon;  DOIC  DEGRAEVE  DA  ,  Easlhamplon:  Marketing.  Sludenl  Sen 
ale  Leclute  Nole  P'OEram  -  Manager  DEGRAEVE.  GAE  Easthamplon,  Art  DEIESO 
D  P  AmhersI  Business.  Special  Events  Compelilion  Flying  Club  DELANEY,  8  ,  New 
Ion  Pnlilical  Science  Pi  Sigma  Alpha  Inlramurals  DELERY  Ir  Rl  Woburn  Matketing 
Reielets  Seciice  Oiganiiation  Greek  Council  Bela  Kagpa  Phi  -  Pres  DELGALLO  K 
AmhersI  Education  Dean's  List.  National  Honor  Society  m  Education  DELAY,  D  R  Lex 
tngton  Microbiology  American  Society  ol  Microbiology.  Amer  Chemical  Society  Stu 
dent  Senate.  Area  Govt  Ollicer  House  Pres  and  Vice  Pres  DELIZIA  C  M  Springfield 
English  Mortar  Board  DEMPSEY  J.  Quincy  BDIC  DEMPSEY  SJ  Natick  Nursing 
DENDOR.  C  Ware  Community  Studies.  BollMod  Belcherlonn  Proiecl  -  Student  Su 
pervisor.  Outmg  Club  DEOTTE.  N  M  W  ,  Ware.  Elementary  Education.  Alpha  Lambda  Del 
la:  Kappa  Delta  Phi.  MES  tutoring;  Inlramurals  DEROSE,  M  L ,  Northampton:  Theatre, 
Theatre  Productions  la;z  Piorluctions  DEROSE  JL,  Northampton,  CSE  IEEE  DES 
MARAIS  LM  Holden  Nursing  DESMOND  CA  Roslindale  Chilli  Development  DES 
LAURIERS.  G  1  Ludlow.  Mechanical  Engineering  DESROCHES.  RA  Adams.  Planl  Soil 
Univ  Theatre  Produclions,  Consliuclion  and  Running  Crews  DEUISCH,  L  A  .  West  Harl 
lord  Conn  HRTA  OEWITT.  B  1  English  DETOMA.  P  G  .  Nalick  Management  DIAZ 
EA  Springlield  Urban  Education  DICK  K  E  .  Canton  Bachelor  ol  Fine  Arts  Ski  Patrol 
Christian  Science  Organization  Alpha  Lambda  Delia  OIEMAND  KF  Northamplon 
Physical  Education  DILLON.  S  E  .  Winchester.  Human  DevelopmenI  Dorm  Govt  Sailinj 
Club  Brett  Sollball  Team  DIMETRI.  D  S  Slurbridge  HRTA  DIPERSIA.  1  F  Worcester 
Ploitical  Science  DION,  D  G  Lexington  Marketing  DIXON  PL  Princelon.  N  I  .  Sociol 
ogy  Cohcerl  Commillee  -  Marshal  Ski  Club  Boltwood  and  Northamplon  Volunteers 
ROGUE,  M  A  AmhersI  English  Everywoman  s  Center  Stall  Women  s  Studies  Commit 
lee  OOHERTY,  T  F  Sunderland  MAE  Bela  Chi  Pres  DOIRON,  Ir  W  f  .  Lawrence.  Medi 
cal  Technology  DOI  AN.  Ir  C  H  ,  Peabody  Philosophy  Univ  and  State  Communicattons 
Council  -  Vice  Chairman  DOMAIN  K  Amherst  PreVel.  Equestrian  Drill  Team  DON 
AGHEY  E  M  Lowell  English  )  S  DONNER  K  E  .  Wayland  Math.  Alpha  Lambda  Delta 
Cave  Dwellers ".  Dorm  Pres ,  Dorm  Counselor.  Assistant  Head  ol  Residence  DONO 
HUE  M  K  Springlield:  Sociology.  Scrolls  Inlramurals:  Dorm  Govt:  Newman  Club 
DONOVAN.  I F  Woburn,  History  Honors:  Square  Dance  Club.  Newman  Center  Chairman 
DONOVAN.  T    Norwood  Education 

Elaine  M  Donaghey 

Kalherine  E  Donner 

Mary  K  Donohue 

lohn  f  Donovan 


lOOMAJIAN.  SI.:  Wmcheslec;  Human  DevelopmenI  DOWLING.  PA,,  Billenca;  HRTA: 
Doim  Academic  Chanperson:  Inlramurals  DOWNEY,  H  M  :  Spimgfield;  Economics,  Boll 
wood  Program  DOWNEY,  S,S.;  Needham;  Elemenlary  Educalion.  DRAKE,  IW;  Swansea: 
Sociology:  Orchard  Hill  Area  Goyemmenl,  Floor  Rcpresenlalive:  UVA:  Para-Legal  in  Do- 
mestic Law  -  Western  Mass  Legal  Services:  DRANOFF,  SA:  Sharon:  Psychology 
DSAIFIELD.  S  :  Conway:  Human  DevelopmenI:  Omicron  Nu  DRAZEK.  K  F  :  Ludlow:  Re 
creation  Heymakers  Square  Dance  Club  ORENNAN,  R ,  Piltslield:  Polilical  Science 
DREVER  J,:  Amherst:  Wood  Science  &  Technology:  Five  College  Folk  Dancers  Perlorrm- 
ance  Group:  Ski  Clut):  Outing  Club  DREYER  SR,  Longmeadow:  Sociology:  Marching 
Band:  Concert  Band:  Pep  Band:  House  Government:  Floor  counselor:  Peer  Sex  Educa- 
tion counselor,  DROUART,  E.I,  Amherst,  Marketing:  Tout  en  Francais  Radio  Program: 
Marketing  Club  DUBIN,  R,A  :  Chicopee:  Psychology.  Purdue  University  Chorus:  Learning 
Disabilities  tutor  OuBOIS.  A.P :  Filcbburg.  Psychology.  Beta  Kappa  Phi:  Belcherlown 
Volunteers  OUBSKV.  MA:  Worcester:  Medical  Technology.  Sigma  Delta  Tau.  Alpha  Zela 
Exchange  Program  -  Hawaii.  Secretary  Thoreau  House.  Soltball  &  Volleyball  Team 
DUOA.  ML:  Piltslield:  German:  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma  Sorority,  Secretary  &  Cultural 
Chairman:  University  Symphony:  Dean's  List:  Ski  Club  OUCLOS,  MA  :  Roslindale,  Eng- 
lish OUFFEY,  I  A  ,  Canton:  Elementary  Education:  Students  lor  Sacco,  Belchedown  Vol- 
unteer OUFNEY,  P  M  ,  Oilord:  Environmenlal  Design  DUGGAN,  K  C  ,  Amherst:  Nursing: 
Sigma  Iheta  Tau:  Lewis  House  Inlramurals,  Ski  Club  DUNN,  M  L ,  Madison,  New  Jersey: 
Psychology  DUPONT  CA  ,  Billenca  Animal  Science  DURANT,  D  I :  Melrose:  Econom- 
ics: Kappa  Sigma:  Greek  Council:  Social  Chairman:  Freshman  &  J  V  Hockey  DWINNELS, 
C,B  ,  Haverhill:  Management:  Track,  Inlramurals:  Business  Club,  OWYER,  J  R :  Wake- 
lield:  English,  Student  Aulo  Workshop  DYDEK,  G  )  Hyannis:  Microbiology:  Intramural 
soccer  DZIOKONSKI,  K,A,:  Amherst:  Nursing  DURKIN.  C  £  ,  Salem:  8DIC,  Alpha  Lamb 
da  Delta  Honor  Society:  Counseling  Slall  Dickinson  EARLY,  F  P  ,  Worcester,  History:  Phi 
Sigma  Kappa  EATON,  RP:  Weston,  Elemenlary  Education  EBEL,  LA,  So,  Oeerfield 
Fine  Arts  EDELSTEIN,  I  f ,  Salem.  Zoology:  Distinguished  Visitors  Program  Inlramurals 
EICHELBERGER  L.E  ,  Marblehead,  Communication  Studies:  Debating  Team  FISK,  B  A 
Andover:  Home  Economics,  lota  Gamma  Upsilon  ELLIOTT.  D  B  :  Amherst:  Management 
Dean's  List:  Chairman  Funny  Farm  Dream  Factory:  Chairman  Revelers:  Proiect  10  EL 
LIOTT,  K,A :  Amherst:  Psychology:  Sigma  Alpha  Mu:  Executive  Council  Class  ol  1973 
Budget  Commillee  &  House  Judiciary  Grayson  House:  Boltwood-Belchertown  Volunteer 
ELLIOT.  W  J :  Amherst.  Marketing:  Inlramurals  ELLIOTT.  MS:  Northampton:  Education 
Sigma  Sigma  Sigma.  Kappa  Delta  Pi  Corresponding  Secretary:  Distinguished  Visitor; 
Program:  Univ.  Marching  Band:  Univ  Publishisls.  ELLIS.  R.:  Peabody;  Psychology. 

Susanna  L.  Toomajian 

Patricia  A.  Dowling 

Henry  M  Downey 

Susan  S.  Downey 

Sheryl  A  Dranott 

Syril  Dratfield 

Richard  X.  Drennan 

JeHrey  H  Dreyer 

Susan  R.  Dreyer 

RuthA.  Dubin 

Alan  P.  DuBois 

Mary  A  Dubsky 

Mary  Lee  Duda 

Margaret  A  Duclos  TracyADutly  Pamela  M.  Dulney 

:  5>-*«aS<jai'S*ft:':>  ' 

Margaret  L  Dunn 

CandaceA.  DuPont 

James  F.  Edelstein 

Louise  E.  Eichelberger 

Barbara  A.  Fisk 

David  B  Elliott 

Kenneth  A.  Elliott 


Walter  J.  Elliot 

Marilyns.  Elliott 

Robert  Ellis 

Carol  L.  Emanvelson 

Jay  C.  Emmitt 

Eve  En  right 

Jcyce  J.  Epstin 

EMANUELSON,  C.L.:  Reading,  English.  EMMITT.  I.C  :  Mitford;  HRTA.  ENRIGHT.  E.;  So. 
Wellfleet:  Leisure  Studies  and  Services:  Scrolls:  University  Music  Theater.  EPSTIN,  i.J.. 
Brockton;  Psychology.  ERAMO.  M.P.:  Pittsfield;  English;  Sigma  Phi  Epsilon;  Intramurals. 
SSTS  Driver.  ERERSON.  S  N.,  Lynn:  Civil  Engineering;  Student  Chapter  of  A.S.C.E.;  Intra- 
murals.  ERICKSON,  S.J.:  Gardner;  Biochemistry;  Sigma  Alpha  Mu;  Vice-President  Chem 
istry  Club;  Student  Judiciary  &  Student  Senate.  ESSIG.  L.J.;  Greenfield;  Sociology:  Uni 
versity  Chorus;  National  Exchange  Student  to  Umv  of  So.  Florida.  ESTERMAN,  L.G.: 
Newton.  Human  Development.  ETTINGER,  S.P-:  Bolton;  Accounting;  Accounting  Club; 
Floor  Representative  &  House  Council  Thoreau,  EVANS.  F.J,;  Northampton;  Chemistry: 
Alpha  Phi  Omega  Executive  V.P.,  Advisor.  EVANS.  R.A  ;  Amherst;  Forestry.  FAHERTY 
K,M,:  Gloucester:  BDIC;  PSE  Counselor;  Oorm  Counselor.  FAHEY.  E.N  .  Natick:  Hotel 
Alpha  Phi  Omega:  Treasurer  &  Secretary:  Newman  Club;  Innkeepers  FAILLE,  L.I,:  Hoi 
yoke:  Mathematics.  Phi  Beta  Kappa:  Phi  Kappa  Phi  FASSER.  L.V.:  Easthamplon;  Zoolo 
gy  FASSNACHT.  J,E.:  Walpole.  Human  Development:  Dean's  List,  Collegian  &  Poor  Rich 
ards  Staff;  News  editor.  FAUST.  K,H.;  Marion;  Sociology.  FAVALORO.  J.A.;  Commack. 
New  York,  Nutrition:  Pi  Beta  Phi,  Ski  Club:  Intramurals.  FOINZIG.  H.I.;  Brookline:  Ac 
counting;  UMass  Debate  Society  FELD,  S.J.;  No.  Dartmouth;  Mass  Communications;  Col 
legian,  Grandaddy  record  reviewer.  FELDE.  I.V.:  Arlington,  Virginia:  Geology:  Intramur 
als.  FELDMAN,  S.R.:  Winchendon;  Education:  Hillel.  Social  Chairman  Southwest  Patriots: 
Social  Chairman  Alpha  Lambda  Delta:  Floor  Representative:  UYA.  FERNANDEZ,  KG, 
Amherst;  Psychology  &  Literature.  FERRIS.  D.W..  Wellesley;  German.  Ski  Team;  Repre^ 
sentative  to  German  Degt  Personnel  Committee.  FERRARA,  E.M.;  Northampton;  Nurs 
mg.  FERRARO.  N.A..  Somerset.  New  Jersey:  French  FERRY.  M.G.;  Somerville:  Russian, 
FINAMORE.  S.P.;  Waltham.  Plant  Soil;  Theta  Chi:  Intramurals;  Dorm  Social  Chairman. 
FINE.  M.A.:  Waltham.  Interior  Design:  NSID.  FINIGAN.  S.J.;  Marblehead:  Physical  Educa- 
tion: Field  Hockey:  Volleyball;  Student-Faculty  Affairs  Committee:  Intramurals.  FINN. 
E.M.:  Marblehead;  Speech:  Swim  Team  FINN,  R.J;  Holliston;  Environmental  Design 
Landscape  Club.  FINNERTY.  KM.;  Bramtree:  English.  FIORENZA,  CE,  Arlington;  Ele 
mentary  Education:  Sigma  Alpha  Mu  Rush  Chairman  &  Social  Chairman.  Lambda  Delta: 
Mortar  Board.  FISHER,  A.J;  Brookline:  Zoology.  Colloquim  Instructor;  Boltwood- 
Belchertown  Volunteer.  FISHMAN.  M  S.;  Marblehead;  Accounting;  Sigma  Alpha  Mu:  Out 
standing  Acctg.  Senior;  Accounting  Association;  Hillel  Treasurer:  Beta  Gamma  Sigma 
Student  V.P,;  Phi  Kappa  Phi.  Alpha  Lambda  Delta  FISKE,  R.A.  Amherst;  HRTA,  Alpha  Tau. 
Gamma:  Innkeepers.  FITZGERALD.  E  M.;  Amherst.  Accounting;  Sigma  Kappa;  Intramur- 
als: Accounting  Club;  Business  Club:  Newman  Club;  Outing  Club:  Ski  Club  FITZGERALD, 
T.P.:  Amherst;  HRTA;  Theta  Chi;  Intramurals. 

Richard  A.  Evans 

Kathleen  M  Faherty 

Earl  N   Fahey 

Marilyn  A.  Fine 

Susan  J.  Finigan 

Ellen  M.  Finn 

Kathleen  M  Fmnerty 

Christine  E.  Fiorenza 

Avril  I.  Fisher 


MarfOfy  S.  Fishman 

Ellen  M  Filgerald  Thomas  P,  Fitzgerald 

PalfCia  A  Fi[;simmons 

Susan  L  fashner 

Arlene  E  Flelcher 

Rristtne  R,  Fletcher 

Anne  M  Flynn 

Kevin  ].  FIvnn 

Mary  M.  Flynn 

'^  ^"^^ 

Rfionda  L  Forman 

Cynthia  L.  Fudado 

Lynne  M  Fountaine 

Debta  H  Frank 

Pamela  J  Frampton 

Kathleen  A  Fraser 

Robert  F.  Fredette 

Bruce  W  Freedman 

Loren  A.  Friedman 

Faye  E.  Friedman 

Rhonda  L.  Friedman 

FryeL  Bernard 

Nancy  L  Furlong 

FIT2SIMM0NS,  PA:  Concord;  English  FLASHNER.  SL,  Revere;  Elementary  Ed. 
FLETCHER.  A.E.:  Reading;  Accounting:  Sailing.  FLETCHER,  K.R..  Lynntield:  Elementary 
Ed..  Cheerleader,  captam.  Who's  Who  1974;  Chairman  of  Diet  Marathon  FLYNN,  A.M.. 
Worcester:  Human  Oevelooment:  Scrolls,  secretary:  Dorm  Counselor:  Deans  List. 
FLYNN,  K.J ;  Bfooklme:  Marketing.  FLYNN.  MM.,  Sudbufy,  Psychology.  Phi  Theta  Kappa 
-  Marymount  College  of  Virginia  FORD,  A.R .  Randolph,  Communication  Studies.  Phi 
Kappa  Phi  Honor  Society.  FORD.  S,A.,  Hoyyoke:  Political  Science:  MARY  Program  FOR- 
MAN, R.L.:  Milton,  Education.  Kappa  Delta  Pi  FORTES,  P  M  ;  New  Bedlord;  Retailing. 
CCEBS  Dorm  Counselor;  Counselor  Selection  Committee:  Costume  Director  Southwest 
Black  Theater  Group  FOSTER,  AC,  Worcester.  Marketing,  Collegian;  Business  Club: 
Marketing  Club.  FURTADO,  C  L  .  Somerlet.  Accounting;  Accounting  Association  FOUN- 
TAINE. L.M  .  Quincy.  Economics:  Sigma  Sigma  Sigma,  treasurer,  vice-president  FRANK 
D  H  :  Milton:  Anthropology.  Alpha  Lambda  Delta.  Phi  Kappa  Phi;  Hillel  FRAMPTON.  P. 
Wakefield;  Elementary  Ed.  FRASER,  KA.,  Westwood,  English;  Pi  Beta  Phi  treasurer.  In- 
dex; Collegian  FRA2IER.  D  J ,  Stoughton;  Nursing  FREDETTE,  R  F ,  Baldwmville:  Mathe- 
matics. Phi  Ela  Sigma,  Phi  Kappa  Phi;  Intramural  Softball  and  basketball  FREEDMAN, 
B.W.;  Brookiine;  Accounting,  Beta  Gamma  Sigma.  FREESE.  P  L .  Education,  FREIMAN. 
L.A.:  Brockton,  Psychology;  Sigma  Delta  Tau.  pres.;  Search  Committee  for  Greek  Area 
Director;  Floor  Rep.  in  Coolidge:  FRIEDMAN,  F  E.,  Holbrook;  Sociology.  Boltwood  - 
Student  Supervisor  FRIEDMAN,  IH;  Attleboro:  Sociology  NES.  Belchertown.  FRIED- 
MAN, R.L.:  Somerset:  Zoology:  lota  Gamma  Upsilon,  Arcon,  Hillel  FROST.  C.A,;  Wilming- 
ton. English,  FRYE,  BL.  Springfield:  Urban  Ed,  Intramurals  FUCHS.  C  R.;  Waban, 
Human  Development.  Counselor,  Intramurals.  FULLUM.  V.A  .  Amherst,  Psychology:  Bolt- 
wood-Belchertown  Project  Student  Supervisor  FURLONG.  N  L .  Newburyporl;  Elementa 
ry  Ed  ,  Alpha  Chi  Omega:  FISIA,  J.K.  Whippany,  N.J.;  Elementary  Ed.  FREEDMAN.  B.D.: 
Randolph,  Zoology,  Belchertown  Volunteers,  Student  Mobilization  Committee.  Inlra- 
■Tiural  soccer  FORHAN.  E.L.:  South  Hadley,  Home  Economics  Ed  GNACEK,  B,J :  Chico- 
pee.  Fashion  Merchandising.  GODBOLT.  M  H  :  Springfield;  Elementary  Ed  GOLDBERG, 
C.L  ,  Newton  Centre;  American  Studies.  GOLDBERG  G  Winthrop;  Spanish.  Alpha  Lambda 
Delta  GOLDBERG.  J.B.:  Mattapan,  Accounting:  Marching  Band;  Concert  Band:  Account- 
ing Association.  GOLDBLATT.  JR.;  Chelsea:  Physical  Ed.;  lota  Gamma  Upsilon;  Revelers. 
GOLDSTEIN,  HA,:  Worcester:  Computers,  Sigma  Alpha  Mu, 

loyce  R.  Goldblatt 

Howard  A.  Goldstein 


Stanley  M.  Goldstein 

Barbara  E  Gomez 

Gary  Gomes 

)anel  M.  Goode 

Robert  C.  Goodman  Robert  M.  Goodman 


Lydia  G.  Gorecki 

Nathan  Gorenstein 

Ttieresa  Y.  Goudreau 

Lauren  G  Coulson 

Rodgef  R  Grant 

Meryl  Green 

Jane  E.  Greenberg  Marstia  R  Greenberg 

Kathleen  M  Gnlfilhs 

Richard  D  Gray 

Calhy  L  Groll 

Kennelh  R  Grossman 

Patricia  R.  (Hilton)  Guillette  Alan  R  Gunn 

MariorieA  Gunn 

Anna  M.  Garbiel 


Rona  P  Garbowit 

GOLDSTEIN.  S.M  :  Waltham;  Psychology;  Sigma  Alpha  Mu  GOMES.  C  :  Pillslield;  Physi- 
cal Ed-  GOMEZ,  B  E,;  Beverly  Farms:  Animal  Science:  Dorm  Treasurer:  Oxen  Club:  Intra- 
murals  GOMES,  G  .  Fall  River:  Sociology:  Student  Senate  -  Communications  CoOidi- 
nators.  Collegians:  Racism  and  Academics  Counselor:  WSYL  GOODE,  )  M  ,  Weston  Eng- 
lish: Alpha  Lambda  Phi:  Phi  Kappa  Phi:  Masque  Ensemble  GOODMAN,  R  C  ,  Amherst 
Zoology:  Pre-Med  Club  Vice-President:  Crew:  Lacrosse  GOODMAN,  RM  ,  Lowell,  Pre- 
Med:  Phi  Kappa  Ph;  Honors  Society:  Inlramurals  GORDON,  C  F :  Lancaster,  Communi- 
cation Studies:  Kappa  Kappa  Pi  Secretary,  Fine  Arts  Council  Manager:  University  Bands: 
Symphony  Orchestra,  WMUA  GORECKI,  LL,:  New  Bedford:  Interior  Design,  GOREN- 
STEIN, N,  English-Journalism:  Managing  Editor  Daily  Collegian  GORSKI,  D,L  :  Lynn: 
Communication  Studies:  Beta  Kappa  Phi,  Arcon  Guide  Service,  Maroon  Keys,  Adelphia 
WMUA  Announcer,  Inlramurals,  Revelers  President,  GOUDREAU,  T  Y  :  Holyoke,  Political 
Science  COULSON,  L  G  West  Springfield,  Animal  Science,  lota  Gamma  Upsilon  GRACE, 
A  B  :  New  Bedford,  Nutrition,  Dorm  Counselor  GRANT,  R  A  :  Old  Bethpage,  New  York: 
Environmental  Design,  Skiing,  Fishing  GRANT,  RR  :  Millers  Falls:  American  History, 
Kappa  Sigma  GREEN,  D,J ,  Amherst:  Physics:  Phi  Kappa  Phi,  GREEN,  M  :  Sociolojy: 
],0  E,  Program,  Inlramurals  GREENBERG,  J  E:  Lawrence:  HRTA:  Alpha  Lambda  Delta: 
Secretary  Innkeepers,  Hillel,  Collegian  Ad,  Rep  GREENBERG,  MR,  Nalick,  English- 
Communication  Studies:  Intramural  swimming,  Belchertown  volunteer,  flying  club: 
crosscountry  club  GRIFFITHS,  K  M  :  Amherst,  Accounting:  Sigma  Kappa,  Inlramurals 
Business  Club,  Accounting  Club,  Newman  Club:  Ouling  Club:  Ski  Club  GRAY,  R  D,:  Am- 
herst: History:  Japanese-American  Club:  Student  Senate:  Collequium  Program  Instruc- 
tor, GROLL,  C  L :  Lexington,  Nursing,  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma,  Greek  Council  Representa- 
tive: Graduation  Committee  for  the  School  of  Nursing  GROSSMAN,  K  R  :  Newton  HIds: 
Marketing  GROSSMAN,'S  A  :  Bloomlield,  New  Jersey:  Political  Science:  Freshman  Honor 
Society,  Political  Science  Honor  Society,  Dorm  Government:  Commonwealth  Scholar 
Inlramurals  GRUNIN,  B¥,  Milton,  Political  Science,  Intramuials  GUILLETTE,  PR 
Ware,  Education  GUNN,  A,f) :  Maynard,  Chemistry:  Floor  Counselor  GUNN,  MA,  Sun- 
derland: Home  EconomicsFS&N  GUDMAND,  KE:  Hingham:  Elementary  Education: 
Gamma  Sigma  Sigma  GOMES,  DL,  Waieham:  Physical  Education  GOLDBERG,  B,E: 
Beverly:  Human  Development:  lota  Gamma  Upsilon:  Revellers:  Opeietta  Guild,  Child- 
ren's Theatre  GREVE,  C  A ,  Westwood,  New  Jersey,  Zoology:  lota  Gamma  Upsilon  Rush 
Chairman:  Northampton  Volunteers  Activities  Committee  GAGNON,  J  :  Amheist:  Chemi- 
cal Engineering  GALIPAULT,  C  E,  Gieenfield:  Child  Development  GALLANT,  C  J,:  Lowell, 
Civil  Engineering:  ASCE,:  Outing  Club:  Tennis  GALUSHA,  DJ:  Northampton:  Educa- 
tion: Alpha  Lambda  Delta:  Dean's  List,  GANLEY,  P  K :  Burlington:  Physical  Education: 
Beta  Kappa  Phi  GABRIEL,  A  M,:  Montague:  Elementary  Education:  Kappa  Delta  Pi,  GAR- 
BOWIT. R,P,.  Northampton;  Art, 

Linda  1  Geddes 

David  A.  Gee 

Janet  L  Gee 




Michael  L.  Gerrol  Mary  Anne  I  Giarrusso 

Deborah  £.  Gibbs 

Patricia  A.  Glbney 

Mary  Lou  Gibson 

Jennifer  H.Gilda 

Gordon  R.  Gillett 

Bruce  M.  Gilman 

William  W.Girouard 

Terry  L  Glass 

Lance  A.  Glasser 

James  P.  Gloriant 

Barbara  J.  Glynn 

John  S.  Haddad 

Paula  A.  Hadden 

Margaret  E.  Haggerty 

lobertC,  Hagerly 

Ali  Hajizadeh 

Barry  S.  Halpern 

Ellen  D.  Hapern 

Renee  D  H^iDern 

Judith  P.  Hammond 

GARGAS,  M.D.:  Peabody;  History;  Student  Judiciary;  Sailing  Club;  Dean's  list;  Intramur- 
als.  GARITY,  P  J.,  Qumcy:  Finance.  GATES,  HE.;  Greenfield;  Forestry.  GATTERMAN;  6.H.; 
Amherst;  Psychology:  CVSP  Boltwood-Belchertown.  GAUVREAU,  R.J.;  Medford;  Civil 
Engineering:  Tau  Beta  Pi;  A.S.C.E,;  Honor  Graduate:  Outing  Club;  Motorcycle  Club,  GA- 
ZILLO,  PA.,  Greenfield;  Home  Economics  Education;  A.H.E.A,  GEDDES.  L.J.;  Lawrence; 
Elementary  Education.  GEE,  DA.;  Sunderland:  Communication  Studies;  WMUA;  WUMV; 
Intramurals.  GEE.  Jl.;  Boston;  Chinese;  Asian  American  Students  Association;  Chinese 
Students  Club:  Intramurals.  GENTILE.  G.T  ;  Springfield;  History.  GEOFFRION.  S.R.;  East 
Longmeadow;  Marketing;  Sigma  Phi  Epsilon.  GERMAIN,  D.A.;  No.  Weymouth;  Communi- 
cation Studies.  GEROW,  P.A.;  N.  Sciluale;  Antropology:  Anthropology  Club;  Intramurals: 
Dorm  counselor;  Ass't  head  of  Residence,  GERROL,  M.L,;  Worcester;  Sociology;  Floor 
Representative.  GIARRUSSO,  ME,,  Lawrence:  Accounting;  Accounting  Club;  Intramurals 
GIBBS,  D.E  ,  Hingham;  Mathematics.  Vice-President  Alpha  Lambda  Delta;  Music  Theatre 
Guild,  tJniversity  Theatre  Student  Representative.  GIBNEY.  PA.;  So  Dennis;  French;  Ski 
Club;  French  Club;  French  Corridor,  People's  Market  Coordinator;  Undergraduate  Repre^ 
senlative  to  Curriculum  Committee  of  French  Dept,  GIBSON,  M,L,;  Amherst;  Education, 
NES  tutor.  GILDA,  J.H  ;  Worcester;  Elementary  Education;  Members  of  Crafts  Guild.  GIL 
LETT,  G.R.;  Fall  River;  BDlC-tJrban  Public  Administration;  President  Grayson  House;  Co 
director  Action  Lab  tutorial  program:  Staff  Aid  Energy  Conservation  Committee.  GIL 
MAN.  B.M.;  W.  Roxbury;  Psychology.  GIROUARD,  W.W.;  Woburn;  Mathematics.  GLASS, 
T.L.:  Beverly;  Marketing;  Chi  Omega;  Alumnae  Chai^ian  &  Secretary;  Intramurals.  GLAS 
SER,  L.A.;  Sunderland;  Electrical  Engineering;  Tau  Beta  Pi;  Eta  Kappa  Nu;  Science  Fie 
tion  Society  President;  Judo.  GLONANT,  J  P.;  Fitchburg;  Accounting;  Orchard  Hill  Area 
Government;  Acc't  Club.  GLYNN,  B.J,.  Natick;  Psychology,  HADDAD,  J,S ,  Shrewsbury: 
History,  University  Chorus.  HADDEN,  PA.;  Agawan;  Physical  Education.  HAGGERTY, 
M.E  :  Fall  River;  Elementary  Education.  HAGERTY.  R  C:  Amherst;  Engineering;  AllE.  Haji 
zadeh,  A,;  Iran;  Civil  Engineering.  HALPERN,  B.S.;  Amherst;  Mathematics;  Intramurals. 
HALPERN,  ED.;  Amherst;  Zoology;  Alpha  Lambda  Delta,  HALPERN,  R  D  ;  Haverhill;  Soci 
ology;  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma  Assistant  House  Manager,  Marshall,  1st  VP.;  Hillel;  Revel 
ers,  Ski  Club;  Outreach  Intern.  HAMMOND,  l.P;  Fitchburg;  Elementary  Education;  Chi 
Omega  President;  Kappa  Delia  Pi;  Who's  Who  in  American  Colleges  &  Universities: 
Belchertown  Volunteer;  Placement  Committee.  HANLON,  M  F  ;  Scituate;  Human  Devel 
opment;  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma  Marshall  &  Pledge  Chairman.  HANNIGAN,  J.;  Rockland; 
Nursing;  Alpha  Chi  Omega  Assistant  Rush  Chairman  &  Recording  Secretary.  HANSBER 
RY,  ML.;  Nashua,  N.H,;  Sociology.  HANSON,  LE.;  Elmwood:  English,  HARDIN,  C.L.;  Mil 
lis;  Psychology. 

Mary  F,  Henlon 

Marv  Lou  Hansberr> 

Lesley  E,  Hanson 

Christopher  L,  Hardin 


HARDIN.  J.M;  Millis:  Civil  Engineering.  HARDING.  N.J.:  Wellesly  Political  Science 
HARDING.  G.E.:  Ipswich;  Chemistry;  Marching  and  Symphony  Bands.  HARITOS,  O.E.. 
Amherst;  Communication  Disorders;  Alpha  Lambda  Delta;  Sigma  Delia  Tau;  Dean's  List. 
HARPIN,  M,;  Swampscott;  Elementary  Ed.;  NES  tutor  HARRINGTON,  D.B  ;  Springtield, 
Management,  HARRIS,  B.F  ;  Springfield;  Elementary  ed  .  Cheerleader.  HARRIS,  C.A , 
Towsend;  Economics;  Dorm  Counselor;  HARRIS,  J  C.  Medtord,  General  Business  Fi- 
nance; Beta  Gamma  Sigma.  HARTMAN.  W.C.  Ill;  Spnngtield,  Accountmg.  HARTRY,  S.) , 
Amherst;  Business  Administration,  Dorm  Counselor.  HARTWELL.  PP.;  Amherst;  Natu 
ral  Resources^ udies,  Student  Senate,  vicepresident;  OutingClub.  HASSIG,  B.L.;  fJatick; 
Marheting,  Beta  Kappa  Phi;  Marron  Keys;  Varsity  Gymnastics.  HASSEL,  V  R.;  Holbrook; 
Child  Development;  Nolta  lota  Theta,  secretary;  Walking  Wonders  Club,  president 
HATHAWAY.  G.A.;  Leominster;  Education:  Kappa  Alpha  Theta;  Kappa  Delta  Pi  HAYES 
ML  .  North  Sciluate.  Public  Health;  Outing,  Club;  intramural  Soccer  and  Football  HAW- 
KESWORTHM  M  E  ,  Worcester,  Pi  Sigma  Alpha;  Phi  Beta  Kappa.  HAWKINS.  M  W  ,  Sehr 
born.  Accounting,  HAYWRD,  S  C;  Westwood;  Art.  HEAD.  S.M  ;  Andover.  Mathematics, 
Outing  Club;  University  Chorus,  SIMS.  HEALY.  MP.;  Easthamplon;  Communication 
Studies;  Student  Affairs  Committee,  Speech  Department  HERBERT,  R  L  ,  Salem;  Micro- 
biology: Intramurals.  HECHT,  P.  Amherst:  Public  Health;  Phi  Eta  Sigma..  HEE,  CM., 
Honolulu.  Hawaii.  Human  Development.  HELD.  M.E.:  Winthrop;  Sociology;  Northern 
Educational  Services  Tutoring  Program,  HENAULT.  S.J.;  Haverhill;  Elementary  Ed  ,  Sigma 
Kappa.  Assistant  Rush  Chairman.  Second  Vice-President;  Intramurals.  Dean's  List.  HEN- 
DERSON. DM  ,  Amherst;  Elementary  Ed.,  Sigma  Kappa;  Intramurals.  HENDERSON.  L . 
Whitinsviile:  Elementary  Ed.;  Kappa  Delta  Pi:  Naiads;  Northern  Educational  Services 
Tutoring  Program.  HENNESSEY,  J.L.,  Lynn;  Financial  Management,  Varsity  Track,  Indoor 
and  Outdoor  Co-Captam  HENRY.  A.P;  Newlon;  Psychology;  Phi  Eta  Sigma:  Gymnastic 
Team;  Intramurals  HENRY,  R.V  ;  Springfield,  Nursing:  Black  Scientist  Society;  Caribbe- 
an Student  Association.  HERMAN.  J.M.;  Middle  Village,  New  York;  Zoology;  Phi  Beta 
Kappa.  Commonwealth  Scholar  HERMANSKI,  P.W  .  Pittslield;  Mathematics;  Baseball 
HERNANDEZ.  EC,  Waban;  Psychology;  Northampton  Volunteers  HERSHBERG.  D.L., 
Brookline.  Psychology;  Southwest  Assembly;  National  Student  Exchange.  ENZ.  HC. 
South  Yarmouth;  Physical  Ed.,  Intramurals.  HERZENBERG,  I.E.:  Springfield,  Fine  Arl^ 
Spectrum.  Editor  HEWETT.  A, I.,  Lawrence;  Accountmg;  Accounting  Association,  Intra 
murals.  HIGGENS,  hM.,  Wol)urn.  Physical  Ed.:  Sigma  Sigma  Sigma,  Social  Ctiairman, 
Greek  Council  Representative:  Varsity  Lacrosse  Manager, 

Susan  J,  Henault 

Demse  M.  Henderson 

Laurel  Henderson 

James  L  Hennessey 

Albert  P.  Henry 

flita  V,  Henry  James  M  Herman 

Paul  W  Hermanski 

Elena  C  Hernandez 

Debra  L.  Hershberg 


lane  E.  Herzenberg 

Ann  M.  Higgins 

James  P.  Hongan 

Ellen  B.Horvitz 

Minna  E-  Horvitz 

Norman  F,  Hoedtke 

HIGGINS.  C;  Amherst;  French:  Sigma  Kappa  Social  Chairman;  Intramurals.  HIGGINS, 
W.F  ;  Wilbraham;  Political  Science.  HIGGS,  C.J.;  Hanover.  N.J.;  Retailing.  HILL,  S.C  .  Na- 
tick;  Pre-Dental;  Phi  Kappa  Phi;  Phi  Eta  Sigma;  Intramurals.  RAILEY,  H.H.;  Stoughton: 
Marketing.  HILTON,  B.L.;  Amherst;  Elementary  Education;  Tepam  Program.  HIMMEL- 
BERGER,  A.W.;  Wellesley  Hills;  Management;  Phi  Sigma  Kappa  Social  Chairman  &  Presi- 
dent; Greek  council.  HINCHCLIFFE,  N.;  Swansea;  Nursing;  N.E.S.;  Musigals;  Ski  Club. 
HINKES.  S.L.;  Helyoke,  Human  Development;  Beltwood  Proiecl.  HIRSCH,  J.A.;  Holyoke; 
Accounting;  Intramurals;  University  Band,  Jazz  Workshop.  HITCHINGS,  C.A.;  Hopkinlon; 
Physical  Education;  Lambda  Delta  Phi;  Student  Athletic  Trainer  for  Women's  Intercolle- 
giate sports.  HOBBS,  LL.;  Pampano  Beach,  Florida;  Marketing;  Sigma  Kappa  Rush  Chair- 
person; Intramurals.  HOBBS,  J.L.;  Dedham;  Human  Development;  lota  Gamma  Upsilon; 
Who's  Who  in  American  Colleges  —  Universities;  Arcon  Guide  Service;  V  P.  Greek  Coun- 
cil; Tennis  team.  HOBBS.  R.I.;  Boston:  Theatre;  Atro-Am;  Black  Repertory  Theatre. 
CCEBS  counselor:  Academic  Advisor;  House  Council  Committee.  HORROCKS,  K.G  ;  Re- 
vere; Elementary  Education;  Phi  Sigma  Kappa  Little  Sister;  Ski  Club.  HOBSON,  S.J.; 
Medway;  Animal  Science;  Iota  Gamma  Upsilon;  Alpha  Zeta  scribe,  Musigals;  Intramurals. 
HOGAN.  J.F.:  Clinton,  Physical  Education,  Musigis;  Intramurals,  HOGAN,  J.F.:  Clinton, 
Physical  Education;  Intramurals.  HOLMAN,  S.E.;  Norwood;  Communication  Studies. 
HOLUCHUCK.  S.A.;  Springfield;  Human  Development.  HOFFSTEW,  G.B.;  Natick;  Ac- 
counting; Intramurals:  Southwest  Patriots:  AD  Representative;  Ski  Club.  HORIGAN,  J.P.; 
Wollaston;  Marketing;  Business  Club;  Marketing  Club.  HORVITZ,  E.B  ;  Fall  River;  Human 
Development;  Magna  Cum  Laude.  HORVITZ,  ME.;  New  Bedford;  ludaic  Studies. 
HOEDTKE,  N.F.:  Hingham;  General  Management:  Resident  Assistant:  Intramurals.  HOFF, 
K.N.;  Hadden  Heights,  N.J.;  Physical  Education;  Sigma  Phi  Epsilon;  Football.  HOFFMAN, 
G.;  Sharon;  Elementary  Education;  Dorm  Social  Committee:  Intramurals;  Editor  of  "In 
Touch  With  the  Classroom."  HOH.  R.W.;  Bernardston;  Elementary  Education.  Scuba; 
Basketball,  HORSEY.  J.;  Topstield;  Clinical  Psychology.  HUSKINSON,  S.A.;  Peabody;  Ur- 
ban Education;  University  Year  for  Action;  N.E.S.;  University  Theatre;  Children  Theatre. 
HOUGHTON,  C.W.;  Harwich;  Human  Development.  Expenemment  m  Environmental  Liv- 
ing. HOWCROFT.  R,A.;  Williamstown;  Community  Services:  Outing  Club;  Drom  Council 
Representative.  HOWLE,  C.A.;  West  Springfield;  Political  Science.  HRENCHUK,  I.S.;  E. 
Walpole;  Political  Science:  Collegiate  Flying  Club  President;  Resident  Assistant  Thatcher 
Dorm.  HUMPHREY,  A.B.;  Amherst;  Art  History.  HUNT,  A.M.;  Hyde  Park;  Elementary  Edu- 
cation, Newman  Club.  HUNTER,  S.A.;  Roxbury;  Sociology  HUNTINGTON,  J.F.:  Holbrook; 
Communication  Studies:  Dorm  government:  Alpha  Lambda  Delta;  Dorm  counselor,  HUS- 
SEY.  E.M.;  Nashua,  N.H.;  English;  Hatch  Rat.  HUTCHESON,  P.A.;  Chicopee;  Sociology; 
Honor  Society.  lACOBONI,  M.E.:  Leominster;  Medical  Technology. 

Gail  Hoffman 

Janet  Horsey 

Sara  A  Huskinson  Christina  W.  Houghton 

Rebecca  A.  Howcroft 

Carol  Ann  Howie 

John  S.  Hrenchuk 

Anne  B,  Humphrey 

Shirley  A.  Hunter 

Jane  F.  Huntington 


E.  Mark  Hussey 

Patricia  A.  Hutcheson  Marsha  £.  Jacobson 

Eileen  M.Johnson 

Jane  E.  Johnson 

Jennifer  A.  Johnston 

KristtneL.  Johnson 

Roy  A.  Johnson 

Steven  M. Johnson 

S'4 /'/'■:/ A  .. 

Jennifer  Jones 

Suzanne  £,  Johnson 

Anthony  C.  Joneck 

lEMOLINI,  C.A.:  Stockbridje:  Physical  Education  INFANTINE,  P ;  FranWm:  Manage- 
ment; Beta  Kappa  Phi;  Maroon  Keys;  Intramurais;  Greek  Council.  IWANOWICZ.  T.J,. 
PittslielrJ;  Human  Development;  Omicron  Nu;  Alpha  Lambda  Delta.  JABLONSKI.  DA.; 
Shrewsbury;  MAE;  Tau  Beta  Pi  Corresponding  Secretary;  ASME;  ASM  JACK,  R.J ,  Natick; 
Accounting.  JACOBS,  R.A ;  Newton;  Human  Development;  Belchertown  Volunteer.  lAF- 
RATE,  DM.;  Brockton;  History;  Chi  Omega  Pledge  Trainer;  Scrolls;  National  Student 
Exchange  to  U.  of  Alabama.  JAMES,  SB.;  Ouxbury;  Elementary  Education;  Equestrian 
Club-  Christian  Science  College  Organization  JAMARA,  R.J ;  Oakham;  Pre-Mcdicine;  Crew 
Club.  JAMESON,  J  M.;  Bradford;  Psychology.  JANORIS,  BE,  South  Hadley;  German  JAN- 
IK,  C-G.;  Agawam;  Nursing;  Floor  Representative;  Graduation  Committee  JARVIS,  N.R.; 
North  Reading-  Zoology  Square  Dance  Club  President;  Scuba  Club;  Dorm  Counselor; 
Dorm  Government  JANSON,  W.C;  Sunderland;  HRTA.  JERSZYK,  J  F.;  Belchertown;  Psy- 
chology. JIGGETTS,  CD.;  Framingham;  Psychology;  Black  Student  Psychological  Asso- 
ciation President;  Black  Caucus  Southwest  Area  Gov't.  JOHNSON,  W  K.;  Mendon;  Pliysi- 
cal  Education;  Intramurais  JOHNSTON,  B.H.;  Quebec,  Canada;  Industrial  Engineering. 
JOYCE,  J.M  ;  Worcester;  Political  Science;  TE0  Rush  Chairman  8  Historian.  JOHNSON, 
CA  Amherst;  Education;  Gamma  Sigma  Sigma.  JOHNSON,  E.M.;  Chelmsford;  Human 
Development"  JOHNSON,  J.E;  Filcbburg;  Psychology;  Sigma  Sigma  Sigma;  Dean's  List; 
Intramurais  JOHNSTON,  J,A.;  Wellesley;  Human  Development;  Alpha  lambda  Delta;  Phi 
Kappa  Phi,  JOHNSON,  K.L  ;  Brownsville,  Vermont;  Human  Development;  Boltwood  Vol- 
unteer; Ski  Club.  JOHNSON,  R.A,;  Wellesley;  English  JOHNSON,  S.M  ;  Hadley;  Forestry; 
Alpha  Zeta;  Censon  '74.  JONES,  J.;  Springfield;  Home  Economics,  JONES,  K.L ;  Chelms- 
ford' French;  Alpha  Lambda  Delta;  Dorm  Treasurer;  Dorm  Counselor;  Southwest  Assem- 
bly; Phi  Kappa  Phi.  JOHNSON,  S.E.,  W.  Bridgewaler;  Human  Development  JONECK,  A.E.; 
East  Boston;  Plant  &  Soil  Sciences;  Crew  Team.  JOSEPH.  T.A.;  Amherst;  Psychology; 
Dean's  List  JOY,  C.B.;  Andover;  Management;  Southwest  Budget  Committee;  Dorm 
Counselor.  JOYCE,  L.;  Hadley;  Nursing.  JURKOWSKI,  BH.;  V»estfield;  Human  Develop- 
ment; VITA  Volunteer;  Dean's  List.  JOYNER,  T.;  Amherst;  Psychology;  Black  Students 
Psychological  Association  Secretary;  Black  Mass  Communications;  Intramural  Supervi- 
sor. KABACHNICK,  E  B.;  Natick;  Sociology;  UMass  Ski  Patrol,  Auxiliary  Amherst  Fire- 
fighter, Concert  Committee  Medic  KAMEN.  G.P  ;  Newton;  Zoology;  University  Health 
Council  KANE,  R,  Holyoke;  Elementary  Education;  Sigma  Sigma  Sigma;  Inlramurals. 
KANTANY,  C.I ;  Springfield;  English;  Program  Chairperson  of  Distinguished  Visitors  Pro- 
gram; Inlramurals;  Dean's  List,  KAITZ,  N.L;  Newton;  Political  Science;  Sigma  Alpha  Mu, 

Eliot  B  Kabachnick 

Gary  P  Kamen 

Rosemary  Kane 

Carol  I.  Kanlany 


Kenneth  G.  Kennealiy 

Leo  T.  Kennealiy 

Carol  A.  Kennedy 

Margaret  M  Kennedy 

Patricia  L,  Kennedy  William  P.  Kennedy,  Jr. 

Philip  J.  Kenney 

Thomas  J,  Kenney 

Ernest  A  Keyes  Joseph  A.  Kiah 

KANTOR,  J.C;  Brookline;  Mathematics:  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Phi  Kappa  Phi:  Phi  Eta  Sigma; 
Intramurals,  KAPLAN,  D.B.;  Marblehead;  Accounting.  KAfWHALlS,  C;  Amherst;  Fashion 
Merchandising:  Sigma  Kappa,  Greek  Council;  Captain  Hockey  Cheerleaders.  Intramurals: 
Ski  Club:  Outing  Club.  KARfWKER.  J.R.;  Fairfield,  Ofiio;  Zoology;  V.P.  Sigma  Alpha  Epsi- 
Ion;  Campus  Crusade  for  Christ  President.  KASSNER,  S.R.:  Brookline;  Nursing;  Sigma 
Theta  Tau.  KAYLOR,  K.J :  Somerset:  Physical  Education:  Crew  Team;  Intramurals,  Ski 
Club.  KELLEY.  A,T,;  Brighton;  Political  Science;  Editorial  Writer  for  Mass.  Daily  Collegi- 
an; Orchard  Hill  Area  Gov't  Delegate;  USCC;  Dorm  counselor;  University  Chorale;  Or- 
chard Hill  Advisory  Committee.  KELLY,  PA.;  Springfield:  Communication  Studies,  Alpha 
Chi  Omega  2nd  V.P.:  Naiads;  Intramurals.  KENNEALLY,  K.G,;  Weymouth;  Marketing; 
Sigma  Alpha  My.  KENNEALLY,  L.T,;  Reading;  Economics.  KENNEDY,  C.A.;  Holyoke; 
Communication  Studies;  lota  Gamma  Upsilon;  Revelers.  Collegian  Reporter:  Dean's  List. 
KENNEDY,  MM  ,  Pittsfield:  English;  Lambda  Delta  Phi  V.P  ,  Alpha  Lambda  Delta;  Mortar 
Board  President.  KENNEDY,  P.L:  Arlington;  English  KENNEDY,  W.P.;  Wakefield;  Fisher- 
ies; Scut)a  Divng  Ctub.  KENNEY,  P.J.;  Brockton.  Civil  Engineering:  Beta  Kappa  Phi; 
Frosh  Crew;  ASCE,  KEOHANE,  T.J.:  Avon;  Physical  Education:  Rugby  Club:  M.A.H.P.E.R.; 
A.A-H,P,E,R  .  Dean's  List;  Intramural  Athletic  Chairman;  Lester  Sherman  Scholar/Athlete 
Award.  KENT,  L.M,;  Milton;  Elementary  Education,  Outreach  Volunteer;  Northampton 
Volunteer.  KENYON.  ].K.:  Hicksville,  NY;  Political  Science.  KEOHANE,  J.J.;  Chelsea,  Mar- 
keting; Student  Senate;  Student  Gov't  Association.  KERAS,  R.F.;  Franklin;  History;  Beta 
Kappa  Phi  Secretary-Treasurer;  ARCON;  Maroon  Keys;  Rugby  Club:  Intramurals.  KERN, 
D,J,;  Shrewsbury:  Marketing:  Marketing  Club;  Business  Club;  Area  Representative:  Var- 
sity Golf;  Rugby;  Intramurals.  KESTLER,  S.M.;  Lexington;  Nursing;  President  Student 
Nurses  Organization;  Sigma  Theta  Tau,  KEYES,  E.A.;  Amtierst;  Finance;  Phi  Kappa  Phi. 
Beta  Gamma  Sigma;  Dean's  List;  SBA  Dean's  Undergraduate  Advisory  Council;  Business 
Club;  WMPIRG.  KIAH,  J.A.;  Springfield;  Accounting;  Lambda  Chi  Alpha;  Freshman  Hock- 
ey; Beta  Gamma  Sigma.  KINCAID,  B.G,;  Cambridge;  Zoology,  KINSELLA,  M  L.;  Quincy; 
Leisure  Studies  &  Services,  Recreation  Society:  Belchertown  Volunteer.  KlSLO,  J,R,; 
Sunderland:  Engineering;  President  American  Institute  of  Industrial  Engineers;  Alpha  Pi 
Mu:  Tau  Beta  Pi,  KILCOYNE.  M.H.:  Worcester;  Urban  Education.  KISH.  K,P,;  Bangor. 
Maine;  Hotel  Administration.  KLEE,  H.J,;  Beverly,  Psychology;  Floor  Representative;  Ski 
Club;  Scuba  Club;  Intramurals;  Newman  Club,  KLEIOER,  B.S.:  Wayside,  N.J.;  Theatre; 
SIMS.  KLETT,  0,;  Natick;  HRTA;  Southwest  Assembly,  Ski  Club,  Women's  Law  Teacher. 
Volunteer  Retarded  Children:  Women's  Movement:  Bartender,  KLYMAN,  AM,:  Nevrton. 
History  KNEELANO,  l,E.;  Amherst;  Elementary  Education:  Intramurals.  KNOFF.  ED., 
Frammgham;  Zoology:  Dorm  President;  Intramurals;  University  of  Keele  Exchange  Pro- 
gram. KNOPP,  B.E,;  Braintree;  Sociology:  Swim  Team.  KOCH.  RE,;  Pittslield  Psycholo- 
gy; Ski  Club,  KOCHAN.  R,J,;  Hatfield:  Fmance,  KOHLER,  M,E.;  Lakehurst,  N.J.;  Communi- 
cation Studies;  Debate  Unior:  Boltwood-Belchertown  Proiect:  Dorm  Government.  KOHN- 
FEEDER,  J  P.;  Springfield:  Elementary  Education,  Hillel:  Raftee;  Dorm  Government: 
Dorm  Speakers'  Committee  Head:  Boltwood-Belchertown  Volunteer:  Children's  Theater 

Mary  L,  Kinsella 

Joseph  R.  Kislo 

Martha  H,  Kilcoyone 

Harry  J,  Klee 

Barry  E,  Knopp 

Joseph  F.  Koiek  Nancy  J.  Kolodzinski 


Stanley  J-  Kopec 

Debra  L  Komblum 

Karen  L.  Kozlowski 

Melanie  A.  Krawczyk 

Barry  M.  Kray 

James  P  Lally 

Thomas  E.  LaMasney  il 

Patricra  A.  Umphin 

Lance  W  Percy 

James  M.  Lane 

Irene  I  Lang 

Lin(]a  A.  Lankowski 

John  F  Lannon 

Paul  F  Lappin 

Robert  M.  Laplas 

KOLEK.  J  F  :  Chrcopee;  Elementary  Education;  Counselor  Selection  Committee,  KOLOD- 
ZINSKI. Nl,  Amherst;  Urban  Elementary  Education;  Intramurals.  University  Chorus 
KOPEC,  S.J ;  W  Groton;  Mathematics,  KORNBLUM,  O.L:  Jericho,  N,Y  Music;  Sigma 
Alpha  Mu  Historian  KOZLOWSKI,  KL.;Agawam;  Economics/Sociology;  Outreach  KRA- 
MER. K  D.;  Plymouth;  Fine  Arts.  EQuestrian  Drill  Team  KRAWCZVK.  MA  :  Webster, 
Spanish  KRAY.  B.M,;  Amherst;  Marketing;  Student  Senate;  Marketing  Club  President 
KREELL.  M  F.;  N  Grafton;  Spanish;  Sigma  Kappa;  Alpha  Lambda  Delta;  University  Cho- 
rus: Intramurals:  Holyoke  tutorial  KROL.  J  W  ;  Portsmouth.  Rhode  Island;  Psychology 
Intramurals  Sailing  Club  KRUTE.  D  J.:  Winthrop;  Sociology;  N  ES  Tutoring  KUBLIN 
D.B  ,  Newton,  Sigma  ALPHA  Mu  Recorder  KUCHVT.  W.W  ;  Hatfield.  Finance  KUPPENS. 
A-M  ;  Wareham:  Nursing;  Lambita  Delta  Phi  President:  Greek  Council;  Musigals;  Belchei- 
lown  Volunteers  KUTZV,  S,J ;  Brockton:  Political  Science;  Beta  Kappa  Phi:  Phi  Eta  Sig- 
ma; Student  Senate;  Maroon  Keys,  Intramurals  KWIECIEN.  G  H  :  Melrose;  Leisure  Slud 
les  8  Services.  Dorm  Counselor:  Varsity  Swimming  Co-Captam  KVLES.  W.H,:  Spring- 
tield;  Education;  Track  LABERGE,  KA.  East  Longmeadow;  Human  Development  LA- 
COSTE,  S  G  ,  Chicopee;  Sociology.  Ski  Club;  Boltwood  Volunteer;  Community  Advocate. 
CASIAC  Advisor  LAFRANCE.  L  .  New  Bedford:  English  LAFORD.  J  E  ,  Athol;  Botany  LAL- 
IBERTE.  W  M  ,  Attleboro:  Political  Science;  Pi  Sigma  Alpha.  Five  College  Latin  American 
Studies  Council;  Co-moderator  MacKimmie  House  Council;  Collegian  Reporter  LALLY 
J  P.  Billerica.  Mathematics  LAMASNEY.  TE;  SpMiglield;  Psychology;  Pre-Veterinar» 
Club  LAMPKIN,  PA.  Roslmdale;  Home  Economics  Education.  Black  Repertory  Theatre; 
Mt  Sugarloat  Women's  Track  Team  PERCY.  L  W  .  So  Hadley;  Psychology  LANDIS.  S.J . 
Northamplon,  BDIC  Phi  Beta  Kappa.  Alpha  Lambda  Delta:  University  Chorus.  Women's 
Choir  LANE.  J  M  ;  Greenfield.  Political  Science:  Chess  Club  President.  Debate  Union, 
Science  Fiction  Society  LANG,  II  ;  Waltham:  French,  Counselor:  House  Council  l?epre- 
senlative,  LANGLEY.  I  M  ;  Fitchburg;  English.  University  Chorus  LANKOWSKI.  LA.;  Lit- 
tleton: Physical  Education;  Field  Hockey:  Softball:  Dorm  Athletic  Chairman:  Intramurals 
LANNON,  JF.  Lynn:  Biochemistry  LAPPIN.  PE:  Dracut:  History  LAPTAS.  R.M..  Hol- 
yoke: Environmental  Design  LAVERTY,  D  M  .  Hacketlstown,  New  Jersey:  Spanish  LAR- 
SON. B  E ;  Sudbury;  Journalism  LASH.  J .  Amherst:  Leisure  Studies  &  Services:  Presi- 
dent Recreation  Society;  Dorm  Government,  Yearbook  Photographer;  Program  Council, 
Columbians  LASH.  P.S .  Beverly;  Psychology  LASKEY.  LA.  Wakefield;  Chemistry: 
Gamma  Sigma  Sigma  2nd  V.P,;  Curriculum  Committee  Chemistry  Oept.;  Chemistry  Club. 

Diane  M  Laverly 

iay  Lash 

Peter  S.  Lash 

Linda  A  Laskey 

Gail  F  Leafy 

MarciG  Leavitt 

Ellen  T.  Leavy 

Roger  E.  LeBlanc 

Richard  A.  Lett 

Allan  G.  LeFrancois 

Deborati  L  Lehrman 

JanyeF.  Leigh 

)ohn  P.  Letourneau 

Deborah  A  Levme 

Jeffrey  H.  Leyin 

LAURAKAS.  J.F,:  Durstable;  English;  Collegian;  Poor  Rictiards  (co-editor);  Spectrum: 
Freshman  Soccer.  Lawson  Chelmford:  Economics:  Intramural  sports  —  Basketball, 
Football.  Softball.  LAU20N.  L  M  ;  Englisti;  Index  -  Section  Editor;  Collegam;  National 
Student  Exchange  Program  -  University  of  Hawaii;  Who's  Who  Among  Students  in 
American  Universities  and  Colleges  LAWRENCE;  Westwood:  Zoology;  Dean's  List;  Intra- 
murals  -  Football,  Basketball.  Softball.  LAWRON.  D.L,;  Northampton;  English.  LAW- 
TON.  I.K.:  Hamilton;  History.  UZZNRO.  J ;  Amherst;  BDIC  -  Advertising;  Intramurals. 
Newman  Club;  Ski  Club.  Outing  Club;  Sigma  Kappa.  LEAK,  R.D.;  Springfield;  Business 
Administration;  Intramural  Sports;  Orchard  Hill  Head  of  Residence  Selection  Committee: 
Orchard  Hill  Dorm  Counsel  Representative  LEARY,  G.F  ;  Amherst;  Communication  Stud- 
ies. LEAVITT,  M.G.;  Worcester;  Art;  Fencing  Club  Secretary.  LEAVY,  EJ.;  Amherst;  Hu- 
man Development;  Alpha  Lambda  Delta,  Phi  Kappa  Phi,  Japanese  Club;  Sailing  Club. 
LEBLANC,  RE.:  Gardner;  Exercise  Science;  Ski  Club;  Baseball  J.V,  LEFF,  R.A  ;  Amherst; 
Arts  and  Sciences  LEFRANCOIS,  AG.;  AtHeboro;  English  LEHRMAN,  D.L;  Amherst; 
Communication  Studies.  LEIGH,  J  F.,  Springfield:  Elementary  Ed,  LELAND,  D.C.;  Conway; 
Elementary  Ed.;  Phi  Kappa  Phi,  Kappa  Delia  Pi  LEFMAN,  I.J.:  BrooMine;  Psychology: 
Daily  Collegain;  House  Government;  Northampton  Volunteers.  LEHTOLA.  L.I.;  Worcester; 
Sociology;  NES  Tutor;  Dorm  Counselor  LEIVIKIN,  L.J.:  Lowell;  English;  Alpha  Chi  Omega: 
Sophomore  Woman's  Honorary  Society.  Collegain  LEONARD,  H.W.:  Amherst;  Account- 
ing. LEPP.  E,A,:  Fitchburg;  Zoology;  Shi  Club.  LETOURNEAU,  J.P  ;  New  Bedford:  Political 
Science.  LEVINE,  D.A  :  Sharon;  Sociology.  LEVINE,  J.H.,  Revere;  Political  Science;  Colle- 
gain: Concert  Band,  Intramurals.  LEVINE,  L.L.;  Newton;  Sociology:  Sigma  Delta  Tau; 
Magna  Cum  Laude.  LEVINE.  A.M.,  Hillside,  N.J.;  Sociology;  Phi  Eta  Sigma;  Daily  Colle- 
gain, Freshman  Basketball.  LEVINE,  H  6.,  New  York  City;  Zoology.  LEVINE,  S.E.;  Bourne, 
History:  Intramurals.  LEVINE,  S.L  ;  Springfield.  Psychology;  Student  Intern;  Belchertown 
State  School  Volunteer.  LEWINSON,  LB.;  Newton;  Communication  Studies:  Treasurer  of 
Dorm.  LEVY,  D.J.,  Brighton,  Human  Development  LEVY,  J  H.;  Cheltenham,  Pa,  Fine 
Arts.  LEWENBERG,  R.S.;  Newton;  Urban  Management;  Honors  Program;  Distinguished 
Visitors  Program  -  Chairperson,  LEWIS.  I  R.;  Amherst;  Economics:  Drum;  New  Africa 
House  —  Steering  Committee  —  Treasurer:  Bowling;  Music.  LIDDY,  A.E.;  Worcester 
Nursing:  Chi  Omega  Sorority.  LIENGHOT,  H.T.:  Needham;  Business.  LIFTMAN,  C.S. 
Lynn:  Human  Development.  LIMA,  CD.;  Wilbraham;  Fine  Arts.  LINGLEY.  C.E.:  Peabody 

Arthur  M,  Levme 

Howard  G.  Levme 

Samuel  E.  Levme 

Susan  Levme 

Laura  B  Lewmson 

Oebra  J.  Levy 

Joanne  H.  Levy 

iger  S  Lewenberg 

Imogene  R  Lewis 

Ann  E.  Liddy 

Ha  TangLienghot 


Christopher  D,  Lima,  Jr. 

Charles  E.  Lmgley 


Michael  S.  Livingston 

Linda  M  Lombardi 

Kevin  A.  Lonergan 

Douglas  B  Lou» 

Carl  A.  Lopes 

LynneT  Lordi 

Janice  L  Lowery 

Heiane  K-  Luff  Mary  J  Lucey 

Brenda  R.  Lurvey 

Paula  M,  Lyie 

Anne  R.  Lynch 

Kattiryn  L,  Lynch 

Marcia  L.  Lappin 

Margaret  M.  Mahoney 

Brenda  A  Mahar 

Ellen  M,  Mahoney 

Nancy  I.  Ma|or 

George  J.  Makrys 

Andrew  T  Malloy 

Edward  F  Mangiaratti 

Diane  Maniiak 

LIVINGTON,  M.S.:  Blandford;  Biochemistry;  Treasurer  of  Science  Fiction  Society.  LOKK, 
K.O..  Worcester:  German;  Pfii  Beta  Kappa.  Alpha  Lambda  Delia.  LOMBAI^DI,  L  M.:  Pitts- 
field:  Nursing;  Sigma  Kappa  -  Treasurer;  Dean's  List.  Intramurals.  LONERGAN,  K,A.; 
Tewhsbury:  Sociology:  Irish  Cultural  Society  -  President  LOUX,  D.B.;  Springfield:  Po- 
litical Science:  Ptii  Eta  Sigma:  Student  Senate;  Phi  Kappa  Ptii:  Pi  Sigma  Alpha:  Dean's 
List  Undergraduate  Studies  Committee  LOPES.  C.A.;  Fairhaven;  Art;  Artist,  Intramurals 
sports  LORDI  Rockland,  Human  Development:  Chi  Omega  Sorority,  Belchertown  Volun- 
teer, Newman  CCD  Volunteer  LOWERY,  )  L ,  Amherst;  Counseling.  LUFF,  H  K  :  Brook- 
Ime  Psychology  Sigma  Alpha  Mu:  Dorm  Government,  Psychology  Teaching  Assistant, 
LUCEY.  M.J.:  Taunton,  Psychology  LURVEY,  B,R,;  Lilllelon;  Psychology,  LUSSIEI?,  M,R,: 
Holyoke:  Management:  Sigma  Alpha  Mu  Fratefnity;  Jazz  Workshop;  Symphony  Band 
LYLE,  P.M.;  Maiden,  Reading  Specialist.  LYNCH,  AR.;  Woburn,  Home  Economics  Ed: 
Sigma  Sigma  Sigma  -  Recording  Secretary:  Revellers  -  Secretary  LYNCH,  K.L..  Need- 
ham;  Elementary  Ed,  Kappa  Delta  Pi,  Scrolls.  LAPPIN,  ML ,  Mattapan;  Communication 
Studies.  MACONE,  J  C  ;  Hyannis;  Home  Economics  Ed;  Alpha  Lambda  Delta  Honor  Socie- 
ty. Dorm  Counselor  MADDEN,  KM..  Sprmgfield;  English  MACISAAC,  L.J.;  North  Quincy; 
Anthropology:  Anthropology  Club  (Boston)  MADOW,  E.;  Brookline.  Psychology.  MAGUR- 
lE,  J.Y.:  V/altham;  Political  Science;  Ski  Club:  Equestnum  Drill  Team,  MAGIERA,  S,A.: 
Dudley;  Economics,  Budgets  CommiUee  -  Sludenl  Senate:  Angel  Flight  -  Command- 
er MAHONEY.  MM  ,  Home  Economics,  American  Home  Economics  Association.  MAIL- 
HOT  P  J.:  Framingham,  English;  Thatcher  House  President,  Intramurals  Sports  MAINI- 
Nl  S  P  .  Milford:  Physical  Ed  ,  Phi  Mu  Delta.  MAHAR,  B  A  ,  Elementary  Ed.;  Tn-Sigma 
-  Treasurer,  Assistant  Rush  Chairman.  MAHONEY.  E.M.,  Worcester;  English.  MAJOR, 
N  I  Lunenburg:  Anthropology,  Alpha  Lambda  Delta;  N.E.S  Tutor;  Anthropology  Club. 
MAKPRYS  G  ]  ■  Wareham  Political  Science;  Student  Area  Government  (Treasurer);  Stu- 
dent Judiciary  MALLON,  JT;  Wenham;  English;  University  Ski  Club  MALLOY,  A,T,; 
Cheshire  Conn  ,  Music  Ed  :  Marching  band.  Orchestra:  Symphony  Band;  Concert  Band: 
Jazz  Band,  Trombone  Choir,  204  Club  MANGIARATTI,  E  F ,  Westfield,  BDIC  (Computer 
Science);  Pholographer  for  the  Collegian  &  Index  MALKASIAN,  L ,  North  Uxbndge,  Near 
East  MALTZ.  J  D  :  Sunderland;  Psychology,  Treasurer  of  The  University  &  State  Commu- 
nications Council,  Collegian  Staff  Member.  Nominated  For  Who's  Who  Among  American 
Universities  and  Colleges,  Dorm  Social  Chairman,  Intramural  Sports  MANIJAK,  D  .  Hol- 
yoke: Anthropology,  Anthropology  Club  Member,  MANNING,  C  ;  Blue  Ridge  Summil,  Pa., 
Accounlmg.  MANNING,  )M.,  Brockton;  Math;  Sigma  Alpha  Mu:  Intramurals;  "Bounce 
For  Beats",  Bollwood  Pfoiecl.  MANNING, )  M.,  Brockton.  Accounting;  Sigma  Appha  Mu; 
Vita  Ski  Club  Accounting  Assistant,  Intramurals.  Swim  Team  MANNING,  L,;  Fall  River; 
English;  Chess  Club:  N.E.S  Tulor;  Bridge  Club,  MANNING,  P  J .  New  Bedofrd:  Sociology: 
N.E  S  Tutor  (President);  Belchertown  Volunteers. 

Catherine  Manning 

June  M  Manning 

Janet  M  Manning 

Leslie  Manning 

Paula  J.  Manning 

MANNING.  R.L :  Newmgton.  Conn,;  Hotel  and  Reslaurant;  Alpha  Tau  Gamma;  Innkee- 
pers. MANSEAU,  R.H  ,  Sprmgheld;  Management:  Intramufal  Softball.  MANZOLILLO.  B.A.. 
Holliston;  Sociology.  Treasuref  of  University  Ski  Club;  Intramural  Volleyball.  MAPLE, 
M.L  ;  Randolpli;  Accounting;  Intfamural  Sports:  Intramural  Official  and  Supervisor. 
MARCHANT,  D.C.;  Soout  Hamilton,  Political  Science:  Northeast  Area  Government  - 
President,  Student  Senate  -  Cfiairperson  Sludenl  Matters.  MARCUS.  D.L,.  Amtierst, 
Communication  Studies.  MARK,  ).  South  Deerfield;  Sociology  MARK,  V,;  French 
MARKS,  S.M .  North  Weymouth.  Human  Development;  House  Council;  Southwest  Area 
Counseling  Staff  MARSH,  L.;  Physical  Ed,,  Dorm  Counselor,  Thoreau  House  Govern- 
ment; Intramurals,  MARSHALL,  8. J,:  West  Roxbury;  Human  Development;  Alpha  Chi 
Omega:  office  —  Historian  MARSHALL.  K.C  :  North  Dartmouth;  Management;  Student 
Coordinator  Resident  Director.  MARTIN,  G.8,;  West  Brooktield:  Management.  MARTIN, 
K.A;  Lawrence;  Urban  Ed.;  Alpha  Lambda  Delta  Honor  Society;  NES  Tutor.  MARTIN. 
E  B  ,  Lowell,  Physical  Ed.;  Intramurals  -  Tennis.  Swimming.  MARTIN.  M,L,;  Scituate: 
Elementary  Ed.:  Alpha  Lambda  Delta.  MARTIN.  T.P,:  Holyoke;  History.  MARTINSEN.  S  C  . 
Weymouth:  Elementary  Ed..  Honor  Society  in  Education,  Intramurals.  Dorm  Govern- 
ment. MARZILLI,  V.C,  Amherst;  Literature  &  Psychology;  Deans  Lisl  MASLOWSKI.  J . 
Communication  Studies.  MASON,  A.Y.:  Nalick,  Markelmg;  Intramurals,  Daily  Collegam 
MASTERMAN,  L.J.;  Elementary  Ed.;  National  Student  Exchange  Program  MATTHEWS. 
K,J,:  Florecne:  Sociology;  Belchertown  Volunteers:  Dean's  List.  MAVRIDES,  M.G.;  Wren- 
tham.  Political  Science.  MAWRENCE,  ML.;  Omaha.  Neb,;  Political  Science.  Student  Sen 
ate:  Academic  Affairs,  Assistant  Manager  Peoples  Market.  MAYNARD.  ME,.  Tuners  Falls, 
Psychology  MAYS.  L.;  Egg  Harbor  City.  N,J.;  Communication  Studies;  Black  Mass  Com- 
municalions  Project  -  Class  Instructor:  Southwest  Area  Government  Budget  Com- 
tee,  MAZONSON,  H.R,;  Human  Development;  Thoreau  House  Government,  Intramurals 
Sports,  MCCALLUM,  P.M..  West  Roxbury;  Public  Health;  MCCARTHY.  J.D.;  Fitchburg; 
Wood  Science  &  Technology;  Honor  Sludenl  Chosen  By  Foresl  Products  Research  Socie- 
ty ■'Outstanding  Students."  McCARTHY.  N,K.;  Somerset;  Psychology;  Sigma  Delta  Tau; 
Counselor;  Intern;  Dorm  Government,  McCAUL.  M.A,;  Natick;  Sociology.  McCLAINE, 
M.J ,  Wellesley  Hilts,  BDIC  -  Food  Chemistry,  McCOR,  F.L,:  Boston:  West  African  Politi- 
cal Systems,  Lacrosse,  intramurals.  MASDONALD,  E.I.,  Chicopee;  Home  Economics, 
Ahea:  Intramurals  McDONALD,  RE.,  Northampton;  Marketing;  Air  Force  R.O.T.C,;  Mar 
keting  Club  McOONALD,  S  R  ,  Milton;  History;  Intramurals.  McDONOUGH.  P.M.;  Dorch- 
ester; Legal  Studies.  Lambda  Delta  Phi;  Editor  -  Course  Description  Guide:  Student 
Senate;  Greek  Area  Academic  Allairs  -  Chairperson,  McELHINNEY.  LA.;  Woburn, 
Human  Development  McFARL^ND.  J.S.:  Pittsfield;  Elementary  Ed.;  Boltwood  Proiect 


Richard  L  Manning 

Ronald  H  Manseau 

Barbara  A,  Manzolillo  Michael  L,  Maple  Dana  C.  Marchant 

Donna  L.  Marcus 

Barbara  J.  Marshall 

Kenneth  C.  Maeshall 

Gerald  B  Martin 

Kathleen  A  Martin  Elizabeth  B,  Martin 


Mary  L  Martin 

Timothy  P  Martin 

Susan  C,  Martmsen 

Veronica  C.  Marzilli 

Linda )  Masterman 

Kevin  J.  Matthews 

Michael  G.  Maundes  Mark  L.  Mawrence 

Mark  E.  Maynard 

Larkey  Mays  HI 

Harlene  R.  Mazonson 

Patricia  M-McCallum 

James  D,  McCarthy 

Nancy  K.  McCarthy 

Patricia  M.  McOonough  Lesley  A.  McElhinney 

Joan  S.  McFarland 


Beverly  A.  McHugh 

Palncia  M  McHugh 

James  V.  NIcKiernan 

McGAHAN,  J.A..  Greenfield:  English  McGARRETT.  W.].:  Clinlon:  Economics:  Sigma  Phi 
Epsilon.  President.  Secrelary  Pledge  Tramei  Maroon  Keys.  Greek  Council  McGEE.  J.F,: 
Winthrop;  Theatre,  Rosiler  Doislers  314:  Deans  Lisl,  Intramurals:  Dorm  Theatre  Mc- 
GRORY,  K,P  :  Weymouth;  English;  Knowlta  lota  Theata.  McGRATH.  T.l.;  Eay  Pepperell; 
Spanish;  Newman  Club:  Right  To  Lite  Committee.  Delegate  To  1972  Coliege  Young  Dem- 
ocrats National  Conventions.  McGUlRK,  S.R  ,  Amherst,  HRTA,  Student  Senate:  Ski  Club. 
Chorus  McHUGH,  B.A  ,  Oallon.  Nursing.  Alpha  Chi  Omega  -  Housemanager.  Scholar- 
ship Chairman:  Sigma  Theta  Tau  -  Treasurer  McHUGH,  P  M  ,  Cfielmsford,  Elementary 
Education,  lota  Gamma  Upsilon,  Marching  Band.  Symphony  Band.  McKIERNAN,  IV.. 
Worcester,  Fire  Science  McKEON,  CA.:  Worcester.  Human  Development:  Univ.  Theater; 
Univ  Concert  Dance  Group.  S-U.  Movie  Committee  McLAUGHLlN,  E.J.:  Pitlslield:  Me- 
chanical Engineering,  A.S.M  E  .  A  I.A  A.  McLEAN,  B.B.:  Hcusatonic;  Elementary  Educa- 
tion McLAURIN.  M  ,  Sprmglietd:  Elementary  Education,  McMAHON,  P  M  ,  frammgham: 
Civfl  Engineering:  Tau  Beta  Pi:  Phi  Kappa  Phi,  A  SO  E.:  Freshman  Basketball:  Intramur- 
als McMAHON,  S  D..  Boston;  Political  Science;  Hills  North  Oorm  Treasurer:  Collegian 
Commentator  McNAMARA.  K.K.,  Maiden:  Medical  Technology  McQUAIO.  C  P.;  Ware; 
Business  McQUAID.  M.F ,  Ware:  Naresl:  Phi  Eta  Sigma.  Phi  Kappa  Phi.  Xi  Sigma  Pi 
(Officer)  McSweeney,  R.M.,  Ipswich,  History,  Lacrose.  Northeast  Area  Government" 
Dwight  House  Council.  MELANSON.  C.A.:  Shrewsbury:  Nursing:  Alpha  Lambda  Delta: 
Nursing  Club  McNALLY.  J.J.  Longmeadow,  Human  Development.  MENDENHALL,  L,: 
Greenville,  S.C:  Public  Health  fVlENDES.  M  M..  New  Bedford;  Child  Development:  IM- 
ANI.  Secretary-Treasurer  of  Emerson  House.  MENTZER,  C.L..  Bolton.  Physical  Education: 
Outing  Club  (treasurer);  Varsity  Softball;  Intramurals:  Junior  Year  Abroad  -  England. 
Sussej  Mountaineering  Federation  (England)  MERCIER.  C.  MERRIFIELD,  C  L :  Rockland: 
Nursing  MERRILL.  SR:  Portland.  Me.:  Physical  Education.  Varsity  Baseball:  Floor 
Counselor;  Intramurals  MERRILL,  RD;  Springfield;  Physical  Education,  Sigma  Alpha 
Eosilon  -  Pariimentanan  and  Housemanager,  Varsity  Soccer  MESSIER,  J.F ,  Spencer, 
Computer  System  Engineering,  Eta  Kappa  Nu,  Tau  Beta  Pi,  leee  MEYER.  MA  . 
Swampscotl.  Spanish,  lota  Gamma  Upsilon  MEYER.  M.W  .  Marblehead:  Personal  Man- 
agement: Sigma  Alpha  Mu:  Business  Club:  Assis.  to  Univ  Ombudsman  MIDDLETON. 
J  M  ,  Everett,  Education,  Intramurals  MIKA.  MA  Charlottesville,  Va,:  Microbiology:  Phi 
Beta  Kappa;  Phi  Kappa  Phi:  Alpha  Lambda  Delta,  Intercollegiate  Horse  Show  Assoc. 
Member.  MIKUS2EWSKI.  M.W,  South  Hadley:  Community  Disorder;  Dorm  Counselor 
MILLAR.  D.L.:  Norlhboro;  Physical  Education  MILLER,  D.J..  Lunenburg:  Leisure  Studies 
and  Services;  Intramurals.  MILLER.  D.:  Sloughton:  Marketing;  Business  Club.  MILLER. 
D.L .  Pittslield;  Home  Economics  Education  Mortarboard,  Northeast  Area  Government. 
School  of  Home  Economics  Student./Faculty  Senate:  AHEA  MILLER.  ST.:  Pitlsfield. 
Marketing:  Beta  Gamma  Sigma:  Business  Club:  Collegian  Sports  Staff:  Hillel.  Intramur- 
als. MILLER.  W.I :  Peal)ody:  Psychology;  Pi  Seta  Phi;  Dorm  Counselor;  Dorm  President. 

Edward  J  McLaughlin 

Bonny  B.  McLean 

Margaret  McLaunn 

Peter  M  McMahon 

Stephen  D.  McMahon 

Karen  K.  McNamara 

Charles  P  McQuaid 

Michael  F  McQuaid 

R  Michael  McSweeney 

ChrislineA  Melanson 

Joan  J  McNally 

Landers  Mendenhall 

Marione  M  Mendes 

Catherine  L  Menlzer 

Calhy  f^ercier 

Carol  L  Mernfield 

Stephen  R,  Merrill 

Robert  D,  Merrill 

tames  F  Messier 

Marione  A  Meyer 

MarkW.  Meyer 

Jeannme  M  Middleton 

MarciaA  Mika  ManeW  M.kuszewski 

David  t  Miller 


Stephen  T  Miller 

Wendy  I.  Miller 

Malcolm  C  Modrzahowsm  RobertA.  Mills 

Betsy].  Mindick 

Mitchell  R  Marcus 

Stephen  P  Mudgetl 

lames  £.  Monagle 

lean  L  Montague 

ChnstmeL  Monterosso  Robert  I  Monaghan.  If. 

Kathleen  A  Moore 

Roger  H  Moore.  Ill 

Donald  C  Moody 

Michael  D  Morm 

Maryann  Mysyshyn 

Jane  E  Mulligan  Richard  I.  Mulvee  Kathleen  M  Murphy 

MODRZAKOWSKI.  M.C  ,  Amherst,  Microbiology.  MILLS,  R.A.:  Cambridge:  Elementary 
Ed;  Inlramurals  Sports  MINDICK.  B  I.:  Frammgham,  Fashion  Marketing,  Alpha  Chi 
Omega  -  Treasurer  MARCUS.  MR.,  Amherst:  Management:  Representative  m  Dorm 
Government  &  Business  Club  HIRSCH.  D  M..  Acton.  Student  Government,  Member  ol 
National  Students  Association  Intramural  Sports,  Medical  Technology  MUDGETT.  S.P  , 
Bedford,  History  MONAGLE,  I  E.:  Special  Ed  :  Tau  Epsilon  Phi:  Special  Ed  Club.  Intra- 
mural Football.  Basketball,  &  Softball  MONTAGUE.  J  L ,  Northfield:  Speech.  MONTER- 
OSSO, C  L .  Pittstield.  Art  MONAGHAN,  R  1.;  Brockton;  Psychology:  University  Chorus 
(Manager).  MOORE.  K.A ;  Amherst:  Communication  Studies.  Dorm  Counselor.  MOORE, 
R.H  .  Danvers:  Management:  Inlramurals.  Football,  Volleyball.  &  Softball,  Counselor  in 
Dorm  MOODY.  DC  .  Acton,  Animal  Science;  Intramural  Soccer;  Pre-Vet.  Club.  MOREIRA. 
I  P-  Sunderland;  Spanish.  MORIN,  M.D.;  Adams:  History.  Inlramurals.  Dorm  Govern- 
menl;  Dean's  List.  MORRILL,  1:  Amherst:  Anlhropology,  MORRISON.  M.J.;  Clinton;  Math; 
Dean's  List.  Residence  Hall  Tutor  (Chairman);  Conslitulion  Committee,  Dorm  Counselor: 
Dorm  Counselor  &  Constitution  Selection  Committee's.  MOSS.  I.L.:  Yardley:  Psychology: 
Council  on  Undergraduate  Service  m  Psychology:  Intership  m  Student  Development; 
Teaching  Assistant.  IPC  Tutor;  Deans  List;  Summa  Cum  Laude  MOSS,  K  L..  Andover. 
History  MOSS.  MA  South  Hadley  Home  Economics.  Angel  Flight,  Marching  Band 
MORAN,  I  R  ,  Longmeadow.  English  MORAN.  K.R.;  Natick,  Entomology:  Varsity  Football. 
MOREY.  P  A  .  Natick;  Environmental  Design;  Coalition  For  Environmental  Quality  (Secre- 
tary); House  Council.  MORIN,  IS  ,  Northampton;  Zoology.  MORIN.  LI.;  Sunderland:  Pre- 
Vet:  Alpha  Lambda  Delta.  MORRELL.  DC;  South  Hadley;  Communication  Studies, 
MORSE.  B.A.  Concord;  Psychology,  Alpha  Lambda  Delta.  Commonwealth  Scholars; 
Cashm  House  Moderator,  University  Chorale:  Publicity  Manager  University  Chorale: 
Chamber  Singers,  Senior  Honors  Thesis  MULACZYK.  I.M.,  New  Bedford;  Human  Devel- 
opment MULCAHY,  )M.  Methuen,  History;  Dorm  Government.  Social  Co-Chairman; 
Experimental  Living  Styles  MULDOON.  C  I.;  Newburyport,  Nursing,  Intramural  Sports. 
Softball,  Basketball.  &  Volleyball  MYSYSHYN.  M.:  Springfield.  Alpha  Lambda  Delia,  Phi 
Kappa  Phi  MULLIN,  P  W  ,  Maynard,  Zoology  MULLIGAN,  I  E.,  Amherst.  Elementary  Ed: 
Sigma  Kappa  Soronly.  Angel  Flight  MULVEE,  R.J.:  Amherst.  History  MURPHY,  KM.. 
Scituate,  Science.  Alpha  Zeta  -  Treasurer:  Baystate  Livestock  Classic;  Dorm 
Treasurer:  Intramural  Sports  MURPHY.  M  L..  Lixington.  Political  Science  MURPHY. 
PA.  Revere.  Communication  Studies.  IDE.  N.E.S  Tutor;  Collegian.  MURPHY.  T.R.; 
BrocMon.  Math  MURPHY,  T  W.;  Bramtree:  Physical  Ed..  Resident  Staff  Assistant;  Peer 
Sex  Educator  Counselor  MUSETTI,  D  M.:  Watertown.  Human  Development.  Onicron  Nu. 

Mark  L  Murphy 

Patricia  A.  Murphy 

Thomas  R.  Murphy 

Thomas  W  Murphy 

Donna  M  Musetti 


leannette  Martineau 

Christine  Masterson 

Charles  ].  Manero 

lanet  A.  Nabozny 

Darlene  P.  DacKo 

Mohamad  R.  Nafez  Oavid  P.  Nagle.  Ir 

Alan  M.  Naglin 

Marlene  Nahabedian 

Benila  P  Needle 

Ins  H  Nerenberg 

Leah  G  Nerenberg 

Stanley  I  Newborn 

MARTINEAU,  I ;  New  Bedford:  Political  Science.  Coilegian:  Newman;  Alpha  Phi  Gamma 
MASTERSON.  C:  Worcester;  Physical  Ed:  Intramural  Sports  -  Basketball.  Softball  i 
Badminton  MANERO.  C  I..  Worcester;  General  Business  &  Finance  NABOZNY.  J  A  :  Sal 
em:  Communication  Studies  DACKO,  DP."  AmhersI:  Interior  Design  NADLER.  AF 
Lynn.  Pre-Oentistry;  University  Marching  Band  &  Props  Crew.  University  Concert  Band: 
University  Pep  Band.  NAFEZ.  MR ,  Amherst.  Accounting  NAGLE.  DP :  Needham,  Bio 
Chemistry:  Phi  Eta  Sigma.  Dorm  Counselor,  Drake  Club  NAGLIN,  A  M  .  English.  Maroon 
Keys;  Dorm  Counselor  NAHABEDIAN.  M  Palmer.  English,  Sigma  Sigma  Sigma,  House 
Manager;  President  NEEDLE.  B  ,  Newton  Cenler.  Physical  Ed.,  Alpha  Lambda  Delta.  Phi 
Kappa  Phi;  Tenms  Team  NEEDLE.  BF'.  Lawrence  Nursmg,  Sigma  Delta  Tau,  Sigma 
Delta  Tau;  Northampton  Volunteers;  Belchertown  Volunteers,  NERENBERG.  I  H  .  Somer 
set:  Human  Development  NERENBERG,  L  G.:  Somerset.  Human  DevelopmenI  NEW 
BORN.  S.I,,  Frammgham.  Elementary  Ed.  NEWMAN,  VA  ,  Broohline:  Fine  Ads  NICHO- 
LAS, D  I.:  Boslon;  Elementary  Ed  .  Kappa  Delta  Pi.  University  Chorus  NICHOLSON,  G  R  . 
Wakefield;  Wood  Technology.  Cum  Laude.  NIHAN,  L  ,  Lynnlield.  Dietetics.  Tn-Sigma,  Ski 
Club:  Univetsily  Judiciary  StudenlFacuHy  Liason  Committee  For  Home  Economics 
Revelers;  Finland  Summer  Exchange  Program;  Inlramurals:  Dean's  List  MILEY.  M  E  , 
AmhersI:  Sociology.  Women's  Crew.  NIVEN  10,.  Attleboro.  English  Honors:  Marching 
Band:  Concert  Band,  Universily  Chorus:  CASIAC  Student  Advisor:  Intramural  Sports 
NOFERI,  AM  Sunderland,  English,  NOLAND.  SM.  Psychology.  Northampton  Volun 
leers.  Coalition  For  Environmental  Qualily,  Movement  For  A  New  Congress  NORMAN, 
B  F :  Atllebor:  German,  Resident  Staff  AssistanI  Gorman  House:  University  Marching 
Band.  Concert  Band  NORWOOD,  R.L..  AmhersI,  Engmeenwc.  Ela  Kappa  Nu,  IEEE 
NOSEL,  W.J ,  Wofcesler:  English.  University  Debating  Team,  Ski  Club:  Varsily  Football 
NOTINI.  S  A..  Lexington,  Italian.  Alpha  Lambda  Delta.  Phi  Kappa  Phi  NOWAK,  EM  Lud 
low.  Elementary  OBORNE,  RA.  Easlhampton,  Political  Science:  Congressional  Intern 
O'BRIEN.  J  M  ,  Wilmmgton:  Human  Development,  Alpha  Lambda  Delta,  Phi  Kappa  Phi. 
Treasurer  Of  Omieron:  Senior  Advisor  For  Human  Development  Majors  OCOIN,  M 
Amherst:  Math.  Outmg  Club  OXONNELL,  OG,  AmhersI  Chemical  Engineering  Tau 
Beta  Pi  -  Cataloger,  Phi  Kappa  Phi,  Cross  Country  (Captain),  Track,  Field  O'CONNELL, 
G  C  .  West  Springfield.  English,  Alpha  Chi  Omega  0  CONNELL.  L  M  ,  Milhs  Zoology,  Phi 
Bella  Kappa.  Phi  Kappa  Phi  OXONNELL.  P  ,  Amherst.  Elementary  Ed  Sigma  Kappa.  In 
tramural  Sports,  Newman  Club;  Teachers  Of  Tomorrow  Club:  Ski  Club,  Outing  Club 
OXONNOR,  D  J .  Chiopee,  Mechanical  Engineering  OXONNOR,  R  i  .  Amherst,  History 
O'DAY,  C:  Wollaston,  Communication  Studies.  Belchertown  Volunteers,  Arcon  Campus 
Center.  Pi  Beta  Phi  Sorority  (Vice-President):  Dean's  List  OOONNELL.  DA,  Lowell 
Elementary  Ed,  Vice-President  Kappa  Delta  Pi,  Inlramurals  -  Volleyball,  Softball 
0  DONNELL.  Dl .  New  Bedlord,  Distinguished  Visitors  Program.  Student  Senale 
Group  Four 

David  1  O'Connor 


Rila  E  O'Connor 

Collenn  ODay 

Deborah  A  OOonnell  Dennis  J  0  Donnell 

Joseph  T  Ochab 

Marguerite  Olria 

Roy  F.  0  Hare 

Jean  M  Ohnemus  John  A  Olbrych 

Donna  A  Olean 

Roberta  M.  Oliver 

Robert  B  Olivier 

Linda  M.OIbns 

OCHAB.  TJ.:  Wallham:  Forestry:  XI  Sigma  Pi  (Secretary  &  Treasurer):  Maroon  Keys:  Al 
ptia  Xeta  OFRIA.  M  :  Ahmerst:  Psychology  O'HARE.  R.F  ;  Holyoke;  Marketing;  Intramur 

als,  Football.  Bashelball.  Softtiall.  OHNEMUS,  )  M..  Walltiam,  Sociology,  McNamara 
Dorm  Council  OLBRYCH,  ).A  ,  Sunderland,  Theatre.  University  Theaire,  Music  Theatre. 
OLEAN,  DA  ,  Seekonk,  Fashion  Merchandising;  Chi  Omega  Soronly,  Pledge  Trainer  72; 
House  Standards  73  OLIVER,  RM.;  Provmcelown;  Malh,  Gamma  Sigma  Sigma  (Corre- 
sponding Sec  )  -  Spring  73  OLIVIER,  R.B  English,  Intramurals  -  Softball,  South- 
west Radio  OLBRIS,  L  M  ,  Florence:  Nursmg  OLSSON,  D  R.;  Psychology.  O'MALEY,  L.A,: 
Gloucester;  Education,  Deans  List,  Chi  Omega,  Phi  Sigma  Kappa,  "Little  Sister";  Intra- 
mural Sports.  O'NEAL,  K.E.:  Maiden,  Nursing,  Scroll  -  Treasurer:  Angel  Flight,  O'NEIL, 
J  C  ,  Noflh  Weymouth.  Fisheries  ORLEN,  M  ,  Granby,  Special  Ed  ,  Eichange  Student  To 
Hawaii  OSBORN,  D  F ;  Lowell,  Psychology;  Deans  List;  Inlramural  Basketball  O'SHEA, 
T  J .  Echo  Hill,  Psychology,  Sociology;  Phi  Ela  Sigma  Honor  Fraternity,  OSTBERG,  R.C.; 
Worcester:  Zoology;  Phi  Sigma  Kappa  -  Treasurer,  Worcester  Clique  -  Chancellor 
O'SULLIVAN.  M.E.;  Dorchester,  Communication  Studies;  Ski  Club;  Bollwood;  N.E.S.  Tu- 
tor. OVIAN,  G.E,;  Shrewsbury.  Sociology.  PACIOUS,  R.I.;  Watertown;  French  PAULINCA, 
T.M  :  Melhuen;  Geology:  Assembly  Person  (Southwest)  PALANO,  C  A  ;  Pittstield;  Zoolo- 
gy: Phi  Kappa  Phi,  Dorm  Government,  Soccer.  PALANO,  G  E.:  Amherst;  Sociology.  PAL- 
EN,  M,  Salem:  Medical  Technology;  University  Chorus,  Women's  Choir  -  Secretary. 
PALKA,  D  A  ,  Lynnfield,  Nursing:  Ski  Club,  International  Club,  WSI;  Student  Nurse  organ- 
ization PALMER,  C  ]  .  Greenfield;  Textiles  &  Clothing.  PARKER,  M  L.;  Springlield:  Ele- 
mentary Ed  PARKER,  SJ  ,  Lowell:  History  PARLEE,  N.E ,  Braintree,  Elementary  Ed,;  In- 
tramural Sports.  Social  Committee  At  Dorm  PARRISH.  T  K.,  San  lose,  Calil.:  Psychology: 
Intramural  Football,  Photography  PASQUALE,  A  P.,  Haverhill,  Child  Development;  luta 
Gamma  Upsilon  Sorority:  Dean's  List,  PASINI,  M.C  :  Spnngtield:  Communication  Stud- 
ies PASSO,  M  A  ,  Amherst;  Accounting.  PASTOR,  )  B  ,  Greentield,  Medical  Technology, 
Alpha  Lambda  Delta;  Phi  Kappa  Phi  PATRICK,  C.F ;  Jamesport,  N.Y.;  Elementary  Ed.; 
Kappa  Delta  Pi  -  Treasurer  PAULSON,  A.M.,  Winchester,  Elementary  Ed ,  University 
Orchestra,  Stuijent  Senate.  PAWLOWSKl,  E.J.,  Lynnlield;  Zoology,  Dorm  Government, 
Intramurals  PAYNE,  E.J.;  Accounting;  Hockey  Cheerleader:  Kappa  Alpha  Theta;  Greek 
Council  PEARLMAN,  D  S  ,  Brockton:  Studio  Art;  Dorm  Counselor;  Member  01  Hillel  Or- 
ganization. PEARSON,  CB.,  Worsecter;  Human  Development;  Alpha  Chi  Omega:  Song 
Chairperson;  Activities  Chairperson. 

Richard  C  Ostberg 

Mary  E  O'Sulhvan 

Ro'.emjiy  I   PdLious 

Thomas  M.  Paulinca 

Ctiarles  A.  Palano 

Grancine  E.  Palano 

Maryanne  Palen 

Cynthia  J.  Palmer 

Mary  L  Parker 

Stephen  I  Parker 

Nancy  E.  Parlee 

Anne  P  Pasquale 

Maryann  C  Pasini 

Michael  A.  Passo 

Charlotte  F.  Patrick 

Alicia  M  Paulson 

Edward  ].  Pawlowski 

Elizabeth  J.  Payne 

DebraS.  Pearlman 

Candace  B  Pearson 

PECK.  C.G.:  Shelburne  Falls;  Home  Ec.Ed.;  American  Home  Ec.  Assoc  PELLETIER-  M  , 
Lee:  Soc;  PELOQUIN,  DP ;  Souttibfidge:  Forest:  Stuilent  Senate  Transit  Services,  PE- 
PYNE,  E,W.:  Ashlield:  Polsci:  Debate:  Intermurals.  Deans  List-  PEPVNE  E.W :  Ashiield 
Polsci:  Debate:  Intermurals  PERDUE.  I.E  Sunderland:  Animal  Science.  PERKINS.  BE: 
South  Hadley:  Special  Ed  :  Tennis  team:  Ski  Club  PERKINS.  )  E  Walttiam:  Phys  Ed 
Varsity  Volleyball.  Intramurals.  PERRY.  C  A  .  Frammgham:  Phys  Ed  :  Chairman  of  Dorm: 
Intramurals:  Ski  Club  PERRY.  KV,:  Somerset.  Educ.  PETERS,  t  L :  Greenfield:  Psych: 
Dorm  counselor:  Drum:  Dean's  List:  yearbook  PETERSON.  J.O  :  Dedham:  Nursing.  PE- 
TERSON. N.A:  Le«ington:  Food  Science:  Program  Council:  PHI  KAPPA  PHI:  Christian 
Science  Organization  PETRAUSKAS.  DA:  Groreland:  Comm  Studies:  Intramurals. 
Niaids.  Belchertown  Volunteer.  PETTINGELL.  R.H  :  Easthampton  History  PEYSER. 
S.L.K..  Sprmgfield:  Plant  and  Soil:  Student  Advisory  Board:  Christian  Activities  PFEIL 
ID.:  Lexington:  Marketing:  PHI  ETA  SIGMA  BETA  GAMMA  SIGMA:  PHI  KAPPA  PHI 
Dorm  Govt  PFEIL.  ID:  Leimglon:  Marketing:  Intramurals  PFLOCK,  R.R.  Brewster 
Env  Des.:  Alpha  Tau  Gamma  -  Treasure  PHILBROOK.  DL .  Shrewsbury:  History 
PHILIPS.  DM.:  Worcester:  Elem  Ed.  PICARD.  P.O.:  Amherst:  Mgt  PICCOSSI.  J.C :  So- 
merville:  Marketing:  UYA:  lOE  Intramurals  PIECHOWIAK.  PR.:  Ipswich:  Math  PICK- 
ARD.  IS.:  Amherst:  French.  PIEPHO.  K.W  :  Monson:  Engineering  Beta  Kappa  Phi  - 
House  manager:  Intramurals:  ROTC:  cheerleaders.  Revelers.  PIERCE.  RC  :  Peabody.  Pol- 
sci: PI  Sigma  Alpha:  Student  Advocate:  Sec.  of  dorm  govt.  PICULIN.  K.T..  Peekskill:  Eng- 
lish: PHI  KAPPA  PHI:  PHI  ETA  SIGMA.  PINAF.  G.:  New  Bedford:  Urb  Educ  Imam  Organ- 
ization lERSZYK.  J  P:  Fitchburg:  Comm  Health  PITMAN.  LH  :  Lowell:  Math.  Alpha 
Lambda  Delta:  Dean's  List  PITMAN.  L.T  :  Lowell:  Math:  Alpha  Lambda  Delta  Rid 
ing:  Dean's  List.  PLANT.  T.W  .  Quincy:  Comm.  Studies.  PLANTE.  J.L.:  Attleboro:  Comm 
Stu  :  Kappa  Gamma:  Collegian  Staff:  Musicals:  Bat  girl  varsity  Baseball  Team  PLAXCO 
IT:  Frammgham:  Mass  Comm  POLANSKI.  GC  :  Three  Rivers:  Forestry.  ROTC:  Society 
of  American  Foresters:  Bay  Slate  Special  Forces  III  and  IV  POLUMBO.  P:  Adams. 
Psych:  Ski  Club:  Outreach  PORTER.  EV  :  Dudley:  Math:  Alpha  Lambda  Delia  -  Pres  : 
Scrolls:  dorm  counselor:  Isogon  Chapter  of  Mortar  Board.  PUSKEY.  DM:  Amherst:  Eng- 
lish: Dean's  List.  POSTER.  J  R :  Waban:  Psych.:  Ski  Club:  Professional  singing:  floor 

Christine  G  Peck 

Mary-lou  Pelletier 

Donald  P.  Peloquin  Edward  W  Pepyne.  Jr 

Edward  W.  Pepvie.  Jr 

Jane  E,  Perdue  Beth  E.  Perkins 

Janice  E.  Perkins 

Carol  A  Perry 

Kathleen  V.Perry 

Doris  A.  Petrauskas 

Richafd  H  Pettmgell 

Sandra  L.K.  Peyser 

Robert  R,  Pflock 

Donna  L.  Philbrook 

David  M.  Philips 

Joseph  C.  Piccosi  Paula  R  Piechowiak 

John  T  Plaxco 

Gordon  C,  Polanski 


Patricia  Polumbo 

Dianne  M.  Pushey 

Jonathan  R,  Poster 

POTH.  D  L  .  Somerville:  Human  Development:  Tn  Srgma:  Scholarship  Chairman:  Song 
Chairman.  Activities  Chairman:  Revellers  POTTER.  PM  .  Piltsdeld:  Physical  Education 
POWER  KR  Woburn  ENVOES  POWER,  W  )  Florence  Botany  Ph.  Eta  Sigma,  Newman 
Club.  PRATT.  BE,.  Weslboro.  Physical  Education  PRAWLUCKL.  PM.  Chicopee  Falls. 
Nursing,  PRONOVOST,  B.A.:  Holyoke:  Management.  Sigma  Alpha  Mu  PRENTICE.  CA. 
Hmgham:  Elementary  Education:  Knowlla  lota  Thela  -  Vice  Pres  ,  Flying  Club,  Cross- 
country Club,  Brittany  Club,  BiKe  Touring  Club.  Volleyball  Team  PROVENCHER,  I  E  . 
fitchburg:  Mechanical  Engmeenng:  American  Society  o(  Mechanical  Engineers  -  Co- 
chairman  PRIOR.  T  E  ,  Arlington;  Elementary  Education,  S  A  E  -  Pres  PROCTOR,  R  B  . 
Northampton,  Mechanical  Engineer  Technology  PROKO  SE,  Amherst,  Nursing,  Beta 
Zeta  Chapter  ol  Sigma  Theta  Tau:  Lewis  Lovers  Softball  Team,  Diet  Marathon:  Dorm  Par 
ly  Planning  Commtttee  PROSTAK.  K  S  .  Worcester.  Botany  PROUTY.  S  E .  Orange.  Eng 
hsh.  Undergrad  Advisor  to  the  Mass  Daily  Collegian  Publishing  Board  PROVENCHER, 
P.G  ,  West  Spnngtield:  BDIC,  Student  Senate  Transit  Service  -  Treasurer,  Juwenile 
Opporlunilies  Extension  -  Treasurer:  Vietnam  Veterans  Against  the  War  PRZELOMSKt, 
B  S.,  Webster.  Accounting:  Accounting  Club.  Intramurals  PUMA,  A  M  ,  Arlington.  Human 
Development  PUPO.  MA,,  Amherst,  Economics  PUTES,  PR.  Worcester,  Political  Sci 
ence  PYATT,  G.D.:  Somerset,  Home  Economics  Education.  American  Home  Economics 
Association  PYENSON.  A  L  .  Otis:  Ammal  Science,  President  ol  Hills  North.  President  - 
Baher  House,  Pres  Central  Area  Council:  Dorm  Counselor,  SDCPC  Task  Force,  Hills  So- 
cial Chairman  PYLES.  D  M  .  Holyoke:  Urban  Education  QUERZE,  D  F ,  Somerville:  In- 
dustrial Engineer:  Judo  Team  QUINLAN,  J  E  :  Easthampton,  Management.  QUINN,  M  D., 
Sunderland.  Electrical  Engineering  Tau  Beta  Pi:  Eta  Kappa  Nu  -  Corresponding  Secre 
tary,  IEEE  -  Secretary:  Dorm  Vice  President,  Intramurals  RACINE.  0  S  ,  New  Bedford. 
French,  Varsity  Bowling  Team.  French  Club,  Undergrad  Rep  to  Program  Committee 
RAFAIL,  R.T.:  Worcester:  Accounting:  Intramurals  RAFTERY,  LA.  Natick:  Nursing, 
Scrolls.  Chairman  of  Investiture  Committee  for  School  ol  Nursing  Graduation  RAGO. 
K  L .  Pittsburgh.  Pa  ,  Forestry.  Xi  Sigma  Phi.  Cross-Country,  Track.  RAHER.  T  I.  Leo- 
minster Management  RAND  V  .  Amherst  Fashion  Marketing  RAPALLO.  C A:  Medford. 
Communication  Disorders  RAPP.  A  P  :  Amherst:  History.  Dorm  Counselor  RASMUSSEN. 
T  R .  Burlington,  Management:  Business  Club.  Intramurals  RAWITZ,  J.G  ,  Frammgham. 
Accounting.  Chadbourne  House  President  and  Athletic  Chairman  RECORDS,  P  S  .  Bed- 
ford. Nursing  REDDICK.  G  B  .  Norwood.  Management.  Business  Club:  Chairman  o!  Used 
Book  Sale:  Chairman  of  Luncheon  Committee.  Intramurals  REESE.  J  0  .  Scituate,  Civil 
Engineering,  President  of  American  Society  ol  Civil  Engineers.  American  Concrete  Insti- 
tute. "'Mass  Transit"  REILLY.  J  M..  Reading:  Human  Development;  Boltwood  Belcher- 
town  Volunteer:  NES  tutoring.  REITER.  C.E  ;  Springfield:  Psychology 

Patricia  M.  Proqiuckl 

Bruce  A.  PronovosI 

Cynthia  A.  Prentice 

John  E.  Provencher 

Roben  6.  Proctor 

Kenneth  S,  Prostak 

Sharman  E.  Prouty 

Paul  G.  Provencher 

Michael  D.  Quinn  Dennis  S.  Racine  Richard  T.  Rafail 

Linda  A.  Raftery 

Joyce  Rand 

Carol  A,  Rapallo 

l^  ii 

Andrew  P,  Rapp 

Thomas  R,  Rasmussen 

Paula  S,  Records 

Gordon  B,  Reddick 

Joan  Reilly 

Charles  E,  Reiter 

Joanne  M.  Resteghini 

Larry  0.  Reynolds 

Jerry  E.  Rideout 

Christine  F  Ricciardone 

Sharyn  M.  Rjchards 

William  A.  Richardson 

Elizabeth  F.  Riley 

Neal  Riley 

Davids.  Ritchkoll 

Natalie  J.  Rizzotto 

J     CM 
John  T.  Robichaud 

RESTEGHINI,  J.M.:  Wmchesler:  Communication  Studies:  Kappa  Alpha  Theta:  Arcon: 
Scroll's  Honor  Society;  Secrelary  lor  Students  for  Sacco  Organizalton:  Collegian  report- 
er; WMUA  newswriter:  Ski  Club  REYNOLDS,  L.O.:  Portville,  NY.  Physical  Education, 
Wrestling  Team  RIDEOUT,  I.E.:  Amherst,  History:  Phi  Eta  Sigma.  RICCIARDONE,  C.F.; 
Maiden,  Speech;  Mortarboard:  SWAP:  Belctierlown  Volunteers.  RICE-  PJ ;  Ashland;  Ac- 
counting; Phi  Mu  Delta  (treasurer)  RICH,  C  E  :  Wakefield;  Psychology  RICHARDS,  S.M.; 
Lowell.  Journalism  —  English,  Lambda  Delta  Phi  —  (steward).  Index  -  managing  edi- 
tor; Hillel:  Collegian.  RICHARDSON.  W.A  ,  Bernardslon.  Civil  Engineering,  ASCE 
RHODES.  R.J .  Piltsfield:  Philosophy.  Phi  Sigma  Delta.  Undergrad.  Philosophy  Club: 
WEMPIRG;  Greek  Council  Rep.;  Inlramurals  RIDEOUT,  L.Z  ,  Amherst:  Sociology.  RILEY. 
E.F ,  Oakham.  Physical  Education,  J  V.  Field  Hockey,  Volleyball:  Women  Athletic  Council 
72-73,  RILEY.  N.:  Auburn;  Hotel  Restaurant  and  Travel  Administration  RITCHKOFF. 
D.S  :  Fitchburg.  English  Honors,  Honors  Programs.  Commonwealth  Scholar,  Phi  Eta 
Sigma.  Phi  Kappa  Phi,  Phi  Beta  Kappa  RIZZOTTO.  N  J .  Hmgham.  Elemenlary  Education. 
Robichaud,  J.T  .  Waltham;  Economics:  Debate  Union  -  Vice  President;  Phi  Eta  Sigma 
Economics  Undetgrad.  Liason  Committee:  Folk  Dancing;  R08INS0N,  J  E.Abmgton.  Eng- 
lish. Naiads  ROBINSON,  T  .  North  Andovef,  Psychology.  Chess  Club:  Inlramurals  ROBI- 
TAILLE.  D.E.:  New  Bedford,  English  ROCCO.  M.C:  Wakefield.  Elementary  Education 
CUDDY,  8.C.;  Garden  City.  N.V  :  Accounting:  Accounlmg  Assoc  -  president;  Sigma 
Alpha  Epsilon  -  president;  Greek  Council  ESTELLE,  R.,  Port  Jefferson.  N  Y  ,  Physical 
Education;  Collegian  Editorial  Columnist  and  Sports  Staff:  Index  Sports  Editor,  WUMU- 
TV;  Intramurals:  RODERICK.  C.A,;  New  Bedford:  Urban  Elementary  Education.  ROGALES- 
Kl,  R  I .  Northampton;  Civil  Engineering;  American  Society  of  Civil  Engineering  -  Stu- 
dent Chapter  BOGERS,  J.L.;  Amherst;  Sociology  ROGERS.  E.J.  Westporl:  Mass  Com- 
munications. Co-editor  of  Drum.  Founder  of  John  Adams  Black  Caucus,  Exchange  Stu- 
dent, CCEBS  Dorm  Counselor.  ROGERS,  SD.  Salisbury;  Hotel,  Restaurant  and  Travel 
Administration  ROBERGE,  D  ;  Amherst:  Sociology  ROHNERT.  B  S  .  South  Hadley.  Mu- 
sic; Symphony  Band;  Symphony  Orchestra.  Collegium  Musicum.  ROLLINS.  JR.  H.S.: 
Brockton;  Electrical  Engineering:  I  E.E.E  ROMAN,  J  A.,  Palmer,  Forestry.  BOMANUS, 
ME  Middleton,  RL,  Physical  Education;  Cheerleader  (captain);  Chi  Omega  (treasurer); 
Univ  Concert  Dance  Group;  Rhythmic  Gymnastics  Performance  Group:  Intramurals: 
Southwest  Patriots.  BONICA,  M.J.,  South  Hadley;  Fashion  Marketing  ROOT.  S.H.:  Chico- 
pee.  Zoology  ROSE,  0  H  .  New  Bedford.  Psychology,  Intramural  Basketball  ROSEN- 
FELD,  Y  Z.;  Amherst:  Electrical  Engineering,  Treasurer  and  President  of  Israel  Students 
Organization.  ROSCIO,  J.M,;  Wakefield;  Fashion  Merchanising;  Textiles.  Clothing  and 
Environmental  Arts  Liason  Commillee.  ROSS.  J.M  .  Hanover.  Psychology.  Iota  Gamma 
Upsilon:  Alumni  Chairman.  ROSS,  PS,:  Timomum,  Md.;  Marketing;  Deans  List;  Intra- 
murals. ROSS,  S.K,;  Amherst;  English.  ROSSEN.  B.L,  Milton.  Nursing:  Sigma  Theta  Tau. 

Edward  J  Rogers 

Stanley  D,  Rogers 

Oenise  Roberge 

Barbaras.  Rohnert  Herbert  S.  Rollins.  Jr 

Mane  E.  Romanus 


Stephen  H  Root 

Yechiel  Z,  Rosenfeld 

Joanne  M  Roscio 

Jerilynn  M.  Ross 

Peter  S.  Ross 

Scolt  K,  Ross 

Barbara  L.  Rossen 


Thomas )  Rosselti 

Michael  ORolh  Michael  A  Rowland  ^^     W.  fc'       ^^ 

Stephen  H  Rowland 

Peter  E.  Royal 

RictiardC  Rubin 

Robert  I  Ruggiero 

lonalhan  D  Russel 

Roseann  M.  Russel 

Patricia  A  Rosselll 

Anne  M,  Ryan 

Susan  L  Randall 

Marcia  P.  Roszkiewicz 

H.  Dennis  P.  Ryan.  I 

ROSSETTI,  T,J :  Medlord:  English:  Oorm  GovernmenI:  Intramurals.  ROTH,  M.D  ;  Andover: 
Political  Science:  Pres  Patterson  House:  Student  senate  -  Machmmie  House:  Hillel;  Pi 
Sigma  Alpha:  Campaign  Coordinator  ot  Students  lor  Sacco  for  Attorney  General.  ROW- 
LAND, MA  ,  Peabody.  Business.  ROWLAND,  S  H  ,  Wrentham;  System  Management:  Hon- 
ors Program:  Inlramurals  ROYAL,  P  E.:  Clifton,  N  J.,  Psychology.  RUBIN,  R.C:  Cromwell, 
Conn  ,  Pyschology:  Phi  Eta  Sigma:  Representative  Student  Government,  RUGGIERO,  R.J : 
Plattevitle,  N  Y  .  Public  Heallh.  Marching  Band:  Concert  Band,  Pep  Band.  RUSSEL,  I  D.: 
Montague:  Hotel  and  Restaurant  Administration  RUSSEL,  R.M.:  Shrewsbury:  French, 
Intramurals:  Oorm  Governments  ROSSELLI,  P.A  ,  South  Barre:  Human  Development 
RUSSETT,  I.e.  Amherst:  Animal  Science;  Intramurals:  Pre-Vet  Club;  Ammal  Club:  Outing 
Club;  Ski  Club  ROSSI,  E.L .  Westford;  Sociology:  Precistonettes  Drill  Team  RUSSO,  J.; 
Pittsfield;  Sociology,  Intramurals,  RUTTER,  O.J.;  Foxtjoro:  Physical  Education;  Ski  Team 
72-'74,  Co-captam  73  and  74  ROZENAS,  FA  ;  Raynham,  Management.  RYAN.  K.:  Am- 
herst: Physical  Education;  Kappa  Alpha  Theta:  Athletic  Chairman  and  Secretary:  Intra- 
murals. RYAN,  M.M  ,  Sprmgtield,  Elementary  Education.  RYAN,  N  M.;  Florence:  Physical 
Education.  RYNGIEWICZ,  M.L,:  South  Barre:  Medical  Technology:  Ski  Club:  Univ.  Con- 
cert Band:  Science  Club  Supervisor.  RYAN,  O.A.,  East  Pembroke;  Math;  N.E.S.  Tutoring; 
Intramural  Volleyball:  Concert  Dance  Group.  Colloquim  Instructor,  ROMANO,  A.M  ;  Sa- 
lem; Elementary  Education,  RANDALL,  SL.:  Lynn;  Human  Development.  CLAIR,  R.C: 
Worcester;  Political  Science:  Alpha  Phi  Omega  (treasurer);  Dorm  -  Secretary.  Counse- 
lor: Fine  Arts  Council  -  Housemanager;  Crew  (captain):  Intramurals  ROSZKIEWICZ 
M.P.:  New  Bedford;  Math,  Dorm  Counselor.  RYAN,  111,  H.D.P.  Sunderland:  Environ- 
mental Design.  SABiN.  B.J :  LEE;  Psychology.  SACK,  S.L.;  Pittsfield,  Physical  Education. 
SAFER,  J. P.;  Worcester,  Zoology;  Belchertown  Volunteers;  Phi  Eta  Sigma:  Phi  Kappa  Phi; 
Intramurals.  SABBAGH.  M  ;  Andover;  English  SAIDEL.  A.L.,  Randolph;  Psychology:  MES: 
IPC  Tutorial  Program;  Dorm  Counselor  SAINATO,  III.  J.C:  Bedford;  Physical  Education: 
Phi  Sigma  Delta  (vice-president);  Student  Senate  Budget  Committee:  Intramurals.  SAL- 
OKY,  E.A.:  Wharton,  N.J.;  Computer  Systems  Engineering;  Kappa  Kappa  Psi  Nationals: 
Epsilon  Nu  Chapler;  Band.  SAMMUT.  A  P.,  Pittsfield,  Accounting.  SAMPSON.  G,;  Three 
Rivers;  Human  Development,  Equestrian  Club;  Dorm  Counselor;  Intercollegiate  Horse 
Shovre.  SANDERS. 'D.;  Chelmsford;  Fashion  Merchandising;  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma  (corre- 
sponding secretary  1973);  AHEA.  SANGSTER,  W.A.:  Amherst;  Physical  Education;  Varsity 
Track;  Student  Athletic  Trainer.  SAND,  M.C,  Stoughton;  Psychology,  SARNO,  S.E.;  West 
Roxbury:  Communication  Studies:  lota  Gamma  Upsilon  (pledge  trainer):  Greek  Council; 
Intramural  Basketball.  SAVAGE,  R.A.:  Melrose;  BDIC  Honors:  Intramurals.  SAVOIE,  R.8.; 
Belchertown;  Narest;  Ski  Club;  Parachute  Club, 

letlrey  P  Safer 

Marilyn  Sabt)agh 

Andrea  L.  Saidel 

Joseph  C  Sainato,  111 

E  Alan  Saloky 

Andrea  P.  Sammut 

George  Sampson 

Diane  Sanders 

William  A.  Sangster 

Theresa  A.  Shand 

David  W.  Seward 

Barbara  C.  Stiamogochian 

Edward  J.  Shankle 

ionnie  Shapiro 

SCARFONE,  DA.;  North  Adams;  Psychology.  SCHAnCEfJ,  K.M.;  Greenfield;  Medical 
Technology;  Alpha  Lambda  Delta;  Phi  Kappa  Phi  SCHAVONE,  M.J.;  Natick;  Psychology; 
Theta  Chi;  Swimming.  Smoking.  SCHEIER,  R.L;  Waltham,  Political  Science;  Collegian  - 
Managing  Editor  and  Reporter;  WMUA,  SCHILLING,  R.F.;  Northampton;  Psychology. 
SCHOLTEN.  J  D.;  Wellesley  Hills,  Elementary  Education;  Chi  Omega;  Kappa  Delta  Pi;  Al- 
pha Lambda  Delta;  Cheerleadmg;  Intramurals.  SCHOTT,  R.W  ,  Bolton,  Busmess;  Prelaw 
Assoc;  Intramurals;  Outing  Club;  Crew.  SCHRAGLE.  P.S.;  Lexington;  Education;  Lambda 
Chi  Alpha.  SCHUMACHER,  Jr.  W.  J ;  West  Sprmgfield;  Psychology:  Acting;  Intramurals. 
SCHWAB,  CM  ;  Amherst,  Community  Services;  lota  Gamma  Upsilon,  Student  Faculty 
Committee  -  Home  Economics;  Intramurals.  SCHWARTZ,  A.;  Fort  Lauderdale,  Fla.; 
Elementary  Education;  Boltwood  Program,  Northampton  Volunteer  SCHWARTZ,  C.I.; 
Frammgham;  Psychology;  SCHWARTZ,  L.).;  Amherst;  Art  History.  SCHWARTZ,  N.S.;  An- 
dover;  Medical  Technology;  Band;  OHAG;  Orchard  Hill  Area  Government.  SEABURY.  S.H.; 
Longmeadow;  Communication  Studies;  Assis.  Manager  —  Umv.  Chorus;  Madrigal  Sing- 
ers; Communication  Studies  Under  grad.  Rep.  SEGAL,  J.B.;  Chelsea:  Human  Develop- 
ment, lota  Gamma  Upsilon;  Dean's  List.  SEMPLE,  PA,;  Braintree;  Home  Economics  Edu- 
cation SERRALLES,  W.E.;  Bronx,  N.Y.:  Physical  Education;  Univ.  Dance  Co.;  Univ.  Dan- 
cers, Intramurals;  Dance.  SERVISS,  B.A.:  Massena,  N.Y.;  Physical  Education;  Freshman 
Hockey.  SEVERIN,  DM.;  Amherst;  Comp.  Lit ,  Honors;  Commonwealth  Scholars'  Classics 
Society;  WSW.  SHAND,  T.A.;  Amherst,  Education;  Voices  of  New  Africa.  SEWARD,  D.W,; 
Somerset;  Physical  Education;  Track;  Intramurals.  SHAMOCHIAN,  B.C.;  Worcester;  Art 
Education,  Mortar  Board;  Historian,  Armenian  Club;  Lambda  Delta  Phi.  SHAf^KLE,  E.J.; 
Woburn;  Psychology.  SHAPIRO,  B  ;  Natick;  Psychology.  SHAPIRO,  S  R.;  Worcester;  Hu- 
man Development;  Gorman  House  Human  Relations  Programmer;  Dorm  Counselor  and 
Treasurer;  House  Council  Rep.  SHAPIRO,  T.L.;  Oanvers,  Elementary  Education:  Sigma 
Delta  Tau;  Greek  Council;  Dorm  Council  Rep.  SHAPIRO,  T.L.;  Danvers;  Elementary  Edu- 
cation; Sigma  Delta  Tau  —  Vice  President  and  Historian;  Intramurals.  SHAW,  B.G.; 
Springfield;  Elementary  Education  SHEA,  D  A  ,  Springfield;  City  Planning;  Maroon  Keys: 
Univ.  and  State  Communications  Council:  SWAP  Committee:  Head  of  Residence;  Dorm 
President;  Dean's  List  SHEA,  K.J:  Peabody;  Business.  SHEA,  M.A.;  Holyoke;  Spanish; 
Student  Rep.  to  Spanish  Dept.  Curriculum  Committee.  SHEA,  P.J.;  Holyoke;  Accounting; 
Accounting  Club;  Thatcher  House  Council;  Intramurals.  SHEEHAN,  DP.;  Northampton; 
Environmental  Design,  American  Society  ol  Landscape  Architects;  Dean's  List.  SHEL- 
DON, S  S  ,  Springfield;  Human  Development;  Knowlta  lota  Theta;  Flying  Club;  Judo;  Kar- 
ate; Art  Dealing:  Cross  Country  SHARKEY,  P  I ,  Springfield;  Psychology  SHEPARDSON. 
D.E  ;  Amherst:  Psychology,  Fencing  Club:  WMUA.  SHIFMAN,  E.A.,  West  Newton;  Elemen- 
tary Education;  Sigma  Delta  Tau:  Greek  Council  Rep.;  Kappa  Delta  Pi;  Intramurals. 
SHERMAN,  EM.;  Randolph;  Sociology:  Student  Senate:  Services  Committee;  Student 
Matters  Committee;  Concert  Committee;  JA  House  Government.  SHERMAN,  W.J.;  Newton 
Lower  Falls;  Math. 

Patrick  J.  Sharkey  Douglas  E.  Shepardson 

Eviyn  A.  Shifman 

Elliot  M.  Sherman 

Wendy  J.  Sherman 


Carol  A.  Shilanskv 

Glenn  E.  Shippee 

Linda  i.  Sniezek 

Robert  J.  Shonak 

Janet  LShtiber 

Mary  Louise  Sibley 

Bruce  WSibson 

Jerry  J.  Sicibiang 

Lois  G.  Siebert 

Paul  H.  Sienkiewicz 

Robert  M.  Siluk 


Paulettel  Silveira 

Barry  P  Silvermari 

Laura  M.  Simeone 

Thomas  W.  Simmons 

Ronald  J.  Simonian 

David  A.  Sinclair 

Robert  E.  Singleton 

Brian  P.  Skanes 

Tama  Skrinnikov 

Sharon  M.SIilaty 

Marsha  L.  Sloane 

I  /.     ''^i 

Michael  H.  Slobodkin 

SHILANSRY,  C,A.:  Broclon:  Nursing,  SHIPPEE,  G,E,:  Auburn:  Psych,;  Psychology  Honors 
Section,  SHORK.  M,;  Hayerhill;  Psych  SNIEZEK,  l,J,;  Adams:  Microbio,:  Women's  Varsity 
Softball  Team:  Dorm  Inlramurals,  SHONAK,  R,J,;  West  Springfield:  Environmental 
Health  SHRIBER,  J  L  ,  Sharon:  Polsci,  SIBLEY,  M,L :  Duxbury:  Eng,  Sec,  Ed,  SIBSON, 
B,W:  Havertown:  Entomology:  Lacrosse:  Soccer:  Volleyball  Club  DICIBIANO,  I],  III: 
North  Adams:  Microbiology;  Chemistry  Club;  Math  Club:  Intramurals  SIEBERT,  L,G,: 
Carle  Place  NY  ;  Nursing,  Sigma  Theta  Tau;  Ski  Club;  Dorm  Vice-Pres  SIENKIEWICZ. 
P  H  Beverly  Acctg  SILUK,  R,M  ,  Clifton;  Civil  Engin  StGLER,  M,T  :  Amherst:  Psyhics: 
PHI  ETA  SIGMA;  PHI  KAPPA  PHI;  Ski  Club:  Physics  Club,  SILVA,  Gf,:  Indian  Orchard;' 
Spanish  and  French:  Index  Photo  Editor,  Varsity  Soccer:  Univ,  ol  Grenoble,  SILVEIRA. 
P,I,;  Taunton.  English,  SILVERMAN,  B  P  :  Newton:  Legal  Studies,  SILVERMAN. ),;  E,  Pat- 
chogue,  NY,;  Accounting:  Accounting  Club  SIMEONE,  L,M  ;  Winchester;  English,  SIM- 
MONS, T,W :  Pepperell;  Geology;  Judo  Club,  SIMONIAN.  R,I :  Shrewsbury:  Mgt,  SIN- 
CLAIR DA  Amherst:  Elem,  Ed,:  Intramurals,  SINGLETON,  R,E,;  Amherst:  Elem,  Ed,: 
Student  Senate,  SKANES,  B  P,;  Saugus:  P,E,;  Rugby  Club;  Sec  SKRINNIKOV.  T  :  Natick: 
German  SLIWTY.  S,M,:  West  Roxbury:  Elem,  Ed  SLOANE,  ML;  Belmont;  Special  Ed,: 
B.D  I  C  .  Floor  Rep  SLOBODKIN,  M,H,:  Hull:  Marketing:  KAPPA  KAPPA  PSI.  Treas,; 
Marching  Band;  Pep  Band:  Director  of  Public  Relations.  Univ  Band;  Inlramurals  SLOV- 
IN  D  L  ■  Worcester  FS8N,  SMIGLIANI.  A  ;  Roslindale;  Elem  Ed,;  lota  Gamma  Upsilon, 
Secretary  SMITH.  B  I ;  Amherst;  Comm,  Studies  SMITH,  D  W,:  Amherst:  Agri,  and  Food 
Econ  SMITH,  F  H  :  Sunderland:  Systems  Mat,;  Amateur  Radio  Club;  Sec  of  Umass  Busi- 
ness Club;  Veteran's  Club  SMITH,  L,M,;  Waltham;  Nursing;  Lambda  Delta  Phi;  Sigma 
Theta  Tau;  Scrolls;  Student  Nurses  Org,:  Norlhampton  Volunteer  SMITH,  N,M,;  Nor- 
wood; P  E,  SMITH,  P  J,;  Concord:  Music;  Univ,  Chorus:  Pres  of  Music  Educators  Nation- 
al Conference  Student  Chapter  SMITH,  R,W,;  Needham:  Pre-Dent,;  Dorm  Govt :  Intra- 
mural Supervisor  SMITH.  R  W,;  Concord:  Econ,  SMITH,  R,J :  Whitinsyillc;  LS&S;  Tennis 
Team;  Intramural  Volleyball,  SMITH,  R,A,:  Sunderland:  Soc  ;  Gamma  Sigma  Sigma;  Na- 
tional Service  Sorority,  SNEAD,  E,J,:  Durham;  Marketing;  lota  Gamma  Upslon  (Master  of 
Ritual);  Marketing  Club. 

Deborah  L,  Slovin 

Andrea  Smiglini 

Barry  J,  Smith 

Elizabeth  J,  Snead 


SNOW.  RE-:  N.  Weymouth;  Env  Health;  B.A  SNOWDON.  G  ;  Hingham;  An  Science;  Al- 
pha Zeta  SOFFAN,  L  U.;  Springfield,  Pol.  Sci  and  Near  East  Studies;  Pi  Sigma  Alpha 
SOFKA.  R.J  ;  Maynard;  Gen  Bus  .  Ski  Patrol;  Ski  Club  GANDOMI.  S.R.;  Lansing.  Ill  ; 
Humanistic  Ed.  Member  of  Baha'i  SOMERS,  R.P.;  Amherst;  English;  Outing  Club.  Veter- 
ans Club  SOMMERS.  MS  ,  Reading;  Psych;  Pres  of  dorm;  intramural  volleyball  SOR- 
DONI.  0.;  Winchendon;  Human  Dev.  SOUCY.  EM.;  Chelmsford;  Soc.  SOUSA,  PA.;  New 
Bedford:  HRTA:  dorm  counselor  SOUZA.  R.S  ;  Teaticket:  Anthro.  SOUZA,  M  ;  Taunlon; 
Comm  Studies;  lota  Gamma  Upsilon;  Dorm  counselor:  Boltwood  Pro.  SPARANGES,  LP.; 
Arlington;  Zool;  Judo  Club.  SPARGO,  10.:  N.  Weymouth:  Microbiology  SPEAR.  J.T  ; 
North  Hampton-  Pol.  Sci.;  Pi  Sigma  Alpha  -  Pres.  SPEARS,  MA;  So  Hamilton:  Ed.: 
Dorm  Rep;  Area  Gov.  SREIBERG,  C,R;  Worcester;  Elem.  Ed.  SPIELER,  DA.:  Holbrook: 
Eng  Am  Soc  Of  Civil  Eng.  Co-Editor  for  Mass  Transit;  Student  Newsletter  SPIERS, 
KC  Leiington;  Com.  Disorders.  SPENCE,  S,L,;  W  Roibury:  French  FRANGULES,  S,; 
Nahant;  Econ.:  Pres,  dorm;  Pres.  SW  Patriots,  SPIEGLMAN,  K,N,:  Millbum:  Zool;  Phi 
EIA  Sigma,  Belchertown  volunteers:  Vice-pres,  SPRATT,  B,G,;  Whitinsville;  Nursing: 
Kappa  Kappa  Gamma;  Greek  Council  SPRATT,  B  G  :  Whitinsville,  Animal  Science:  Dorm 
Counselor:  Crew,  SPRINGSTUBE,  C,A,:  West  Stockbridge,  Anthropology  SREIBERG,  C  , 
Worcester:  Education,  STANCHFIELD,  B,A.;  Amherst:  Education:  Chi  Omega  STANCH- 
FIELD.  J,E,:  Amherst:  Zoology:  Kappa  Sigma,  STENBERG,  PC;  SunderlancJ  Psychology- 
Sociology.  STEPHANO,  M.L.,  Gardner:  Political  Science;  House  Council  -  Social  Com- 
mittee Chairman;  Counselor  Selection  Committee:  Sports  Editor  —  Sage  Revisited, 
STERN  D  I  HulT  English:  National  Student  Exchange  Program:  Oiford  Summer  Semi- 
nar STEVENS,  J  R,;  Southfield;  History:  Ph.  Eta  Sigma:  Phi  Kappa  Phi  STEVENS,  J,N,; 
Cumington:  Bio-Chemistry,  STEVENS.  R  A,;  Longmeadow;  Food  Science  and  Nutrition; 
Food  Science  Club:  Institute  of  Food  Technologists:  Ski  Club  STEWART,  F  G  ;  Saugus: 
Landscape  Architecture;  Ski  Club;  Outing  Club:  Landscape  Operations,  Alpha  Zeta, 
STEWART.  LK,:  Lynnheld:  Human  Development:  Sylvan  Area  Government  -  Secretary; 
National  Student  Exchange  Program  ST.  JEAN,  LA,;  West  Springfield;  Physical  Educa- 
tion, STILLMAN,  S-D,;  Amherst:  Physical  Education,  STINES.  CJ^.E.:  Jacksonville  Beach, 
Fla,:  Education/Psychology;  Chi  Omega;  Intramural  Champ  -  1973 

Majory  A  Spears 

Cheryl  R,  Sreiberg 

David  A-  Spieler 

Katherine  C  Spiers  Stephanie  L.  Spence 

Speros  Frangules 

Kenneth  N.  Spiegelman 

Brenda  G.  Spratt 

Brian  G-  Spratt  Cynthia  A.  Springstube 

Cheryl  Sreiberg 

Barbara  A.  Stanchfield 

James  E,  Stanchfield 

Peter  C.  Stenberg 

Mictiael  L  Stephane 

LesleeA,  Sllean 

Shaun  D,  Stillman 

Carol  Ann  E,  Stines 


John  A  Stumpf 

Brian  J- Sullivan 

Eugene  P.  Sullivan 

Francis  S.  Sullivan 

Kathleen  Sullivan 

Mary  A.  Sullivan 

Maura  A.  Sullivan 

Maureen  Sullivan 

Laurlel  L.  Sweener 

Mane  J  Sewny 

STOGEL,  E.T-;  Merrick,  N.V.;  Human  Development;  Alptia  Lambda  Delta:  Phi  Kappa  Phi; 
Collegian;  NES-  STOLZBERG,  S-R.;  Swampscolt;  Elementary  Education;  Kappa  Kappa 
Gamma:  Kappa  Delta  Pi;  Intramurals  STONE,  D,E.:  Norwood:  French;  Sigma  Delta  Tau. 
Dean's  List;  Grenoble  Program  STONE.  P  M  ;  Lexington:  English  STORY,  0  G.;  Rowley; 
Accounting,  STRAUSS,  D,R,;  Springfield:  Sociology:  Commuter  Assembly  Presidenl, 
U.SCC,  editor  S  secretary;  Collegian  STRICKLAND,  E,;  Seekonk:  Psychology:  CVSP 
STUMPF,  ]  A.:  Perth  Amboy,  N.J ;  Accounting:  Intramurals  SUCH.  J.E,:  South  (irafton; 
Psychology:  Alpha  Lambda  Delta,  SULLIVAN,  B  i:  Somerset:  Physical  Education 
SULLIVAN.  E.P,;  Dorchester:  Physical  Education,  SULLIVAN,  F  S.:  Melrose;  General  Busi- 
ness &  Finance.  SULLIVAN.  K.A.:  N.  Scituate;  Human  Development:  Pi  Beta  Phi  V.P.; 
ARCON  guide  service:  Commuter  Assembly;  M  A.R.Y  program.  SULLIVAN.  MA.: 
Andover;  English:  Melville  dorm  council  President:  Intramurals  SULLIVAN.  M.A :  So' 
Brainlree:  Nursing.  SULLIVAN.  M.;  Maiden;  Medical  Technology;  Intramurals;  Dorm  Gov- 
ernment Secretary  SULLIVAN.  M.J.;  Framingham;  Public  Health:  Environmental  Health 
Assoc  :  Intramurals  SURABIAN.  0  :  Medlord:  Elementary  Education;  Boltwood-Belcher- 
lown  Volunteer.  SWART2.  S.A  ;  Framingham;  Political  Science:  Alpha  Lambda  Delta:  Stu- 
dent Senate  Vice-Chairman:  Academic  Affairs;  Director  Tutoring  Service.  SV»ARTZ.  A.R.; 
Maiden;  Mathematics.  SWARTZ.  B  D  :  Maiden;  Elementary  Education:  Tri  Sigma  Treasur- 
er: Manager  of  Intramurals  for  Tri  Sigma;  Dorm  Government  Representative.  SWANA, 
LM,:  Greenfield:  Medical  Technology.  SWEENER,  LL;  Pittsfield;  Outreach  Staff.  SV*EE- 
NEY.  J  M  ;  Brockton:  Child  Development.  Student  Senator;  Student  Affairs  Committee 
Secretary:  Cultural  Committee  Knowlton.  SWENY.  M.J.;  Arlington-  French  SWETT  PEL- 
2ETTA  C;  Springfield;  Urban  Education.  SWIATLOWSKI,  N  A.;  Three  Riyers:  Marketing. 
tola  Gamma  Upsilon  Treasurer:  Revelers:  Dean's  List:  Intramurals  SYER.  K.W..  Great 
Barrington;  HRTA;  Phi  Mu  Delta;  Varsity  Soccer  Co-Captam;  Varsity  Ski  Team  Co-Cap- 
tain; Flying  Club  Secretary.  SZADO,  SM.;  Monson;  Physical  Education:  Dean's  List 
SZOCIK.  C  K.,  Brighton;  Economics  SULLIVAN,  ED,:  Springfield:  Urban  Education 
TACKEFF.  ME;  Chestnut  Hill;  Political  Science;  Student  Senator  Field  House:  Editorial 
Stall  Collegian.  TAICH.  J.L.;  Maiden;  BDIC;  Chi  Omega:  Twirler  with  Band.  TAM.  HT 
Brighton:  B  D  I.C ;  Action  lab.  TAMULEVICH.  A.R.:  Brockton;  HRTA;  Innkeepers  Club 
Ski  Club;  Dorm  Basketball.  TARLOW.  SM  ;  Peabody:  Elementary  Education:  Sigma  Delta 
Tau  Rush  Chairwoman  &  Social  Chairwoman:  Sisters  of  Nanoo;  Toots  TARRAGO.  RE.. 
Brighton:  Environmental  Design:  AZ  honor  fraternity;  Newman  Club  V  P.  TAYLOr!  D.A.; 
No.  Easton;  Special  Education.  TAYLOR.  K.V.;  Roxbury;  Sociology.  TAYLOR.  R.E.:  Pea- 
body;  Nursing. 

Pelzetta  G.  Sweti 

Natalie  A.  Swiatlowski 

Kurt  W.  Syer 

Sandra  M.  Szado 

Ctlristine  K.  Szocik 

Edith  D.  Sullivan 

Matthew  E.  Tackeff 

Arleen  R.  Tamulevich 

Sharon  M.  Tarlow  Rafael  E.  Tarrago  Debbie  A.  Taylor 


Kindreth  V.  Taylor, 

Ruth  E.  Taylor 

Yolanda  Taylor  Richard  C.  Tessier  Anne  R  Tetreault 

Paul  Timmerman 

Sharvn  L  Thomas 

Barbara  J.  Thompson 

Ctinsline  Thompson 

Janet  Thompson 

Gail  F.  Townsend 

Deborah  Tracy 

Tony  R.  Tncanco 

Lee  A.  Tringali 

Frank  R.Tropea 

Sandra  J.  Tucker 

Sandra  L  Tuihka 

Michael  D  Tumck 

Nancy  L  Turner 

JaneE  Twombly 

Mary  M.Tyer 

MarkS,  Tyma 

James  P  Talanco 

April  Ueoka 

lames  P  Ulwick 


TAYLOR,  Y,;  Sprmgfield:  Ed.:  Voices  of  New  Africa.  TESSIER,  R.C.;  Woburn;  Management; 
Intramural  Softball.  TETREAULT,  A.R.;  Springfield;  Human  Development.  TIMMERMAN. 
P.;  E»ton,  Pennsylvania:  Management:  Business  Club:  Outing  Club:  Intramurals  Manag- 
er, THOMAS.  S.L.,  Springfield;  Fine  Arts.  University  Concert  Dance  Group;  University 
Marching  Band;  Homecoming  Float.  THOMPSON,  B  J ;  Barre  Plain;  Geology;  University 
Chorus;  Women's  Choir;  Astronomy  Club.  THOMPSON,  C;  Arlington;  English;  Gamma 
Sigma  Sigma:  Dorm  Counselor;  Intramurals.  THOMPSON,  J.;  Amherst;  Communication 
Studies;  Scuba  Club:  Square  Dancing,  THOMPSON,  )  P.;  Amhestt:  Political  Science;  In- 
tramural Volleyball,  Soccer,  Sotlbail.  TIBBETTS,  M.L.:  Arlington;  Elementary  Ed.;  TtER- 
NEY,  JL,;  Needham;  Medical  Technology;  Kappa  Alpha  Theta,  Vice-President,  Corre- 
sponding Secretary;  Southwest  Assembly;  Revelers.  TiRONE,  J. J,;  Waltham:  Italian;  Ital- 
ian Club,  Corrdinator.  TODD,  M.W.;  Belmont:  Psychology.  TOLENTINO,  FA.;  New  Bed- 
ford: Medical  Technology;  Voices  of  New  Africa;  Fooor  Rep.  TOLOCZKO,  J.H.;  Worcester; 
Mechanical  Engineering;  ASME;  Tau  Beta  Pi;  Phi  Kappa  Phi.  TRAYWICK,  D.C.;  Chelms- 
ford, English.  TOLOCZKO,  J  H.;  Worcester;  Mechanical  Engineering,  TOMCZYK,  R..  New- 
tonville;  Wildlife  Biology.  TOMOLILLO,  R.F,;  Medford;  Art,  Judo  Club,  President;  Art 
Club.  TOOMEY,  K.P.;  Lee:  Physical  Ed.;  Recreation  Society.  TOOMEY,  R.D,;  Randolph; 
Psychology:  Dorm  Secretary  Treasurer;  Floor  Rep.  TOUGHER,  M,;  South  Ryegate,  Ver- 
mont: Human  Development.  TOWNE,  R.B.;  Concord;  Forestry,  TOWNSEND,  G.F.;  Me- 
thuen;  Home  Economics  Education,  TRACY,  D  ;  Springfield;  Human  Development:  Dance; 
Everywomen's  Center;  University  Honors.  TRICARICO,  T.R,;  Millbury;  General  Busmess 
And  Finance.  TRINGALI,  L.A,;  Weymouth;  French:  Alpha  Chi  Omega:  Judo  Club:  Italian. 
TROPEA,  F.R„  Brockton;  English  Honors;  Honors  Ctub;  Who's  Who  1S72,  TUCKER,  S.J,: 
Norwood:  English.  TUIKKA,  S,L,:  Fitchburg:  Psychology:  Dorm  Judiciary  Committee:  Ski 
Club;  Dean's  List.  TUNICK,  M.D.;  Teanech.  New  Jersey:  Psychology.  TURNER,  N,L,;  Sa- 
lem; Ed,;  Alpha  Lambda  Delta,  Kappa  Delia  Pi;  Intramurals.  TWOMBLY,  J.E.;  Beverly; 
Physical  Ed,.  Residential  Living  Board;  Dorm  Social  Committee;  Intramurals.  TYER, 
M.M.,  Lee;  Home  Economics,  Dorm  Social  Committee,  TYMA,  M.S.;  Langhorne,  Pennsyl- 
vania; Engineering;  Tau  Beta  Pi;  Alpha  Pi  Mu;  Varsity  Soccer,  captain,  TZOUMBAS,  L.: 
Worcester;  Zoology;  Phi  Sigma  Kappa,  Social  Ctiairman  TALARICO.  J, P.:  Williamstown; 
Physical  Ed.;  Varsity  Football  UEOKA,  A.;  Waituku,  Hawaii,  ULWICK,  J,P,:  Winchester; 
Political  Science;  Crew.  UNKEL,  D,;  Sayreville,  New  Jersey;  Physical  Ed. 

Susan  S.  Van  Dyke 

Joey  Von  Iderstem 

Joan  M.  Van  Order 

MireilleS.  Vanpee 

Kathleen  L.  Varner 

Robert  J,  Varney 

Diane  C.  Vatcher 

JaneC  Vollnsky 

Ethel  M.Vaughn 

Lynn  M.  Vear  Maria  P.  Venooker 


April  M.  Ueoka 

Judith  A.  Verbryhe 

Carol  A,  Vistonno 

Mark  E,  Vogler 

Richard  J.  Walc2ewshi 

Belsy  S.  Waldman 

Elaine  M.  Waldman 

Edwin  L.Wallace 

Thomas  P.  Walsh 

Chrislme  L.  Ward 

Dorothy  F.  Warner 

Mar>  E,  Warren 

Denise  A  Washington 

VACHOWSKI.  B.J ;  Gardner;  Forestry:  Xi  Sigma  Pi  DAIGLE.  C  A  :  Gt.  Barrington:  Human 
Development:  Intramurals  VALENTINE,  J  A :  Dover,  New  Hampshire:  Dietetics;  Alpha 
Lambda  Delta,  Phi  Kappa  Phi;  Omicron  Nu,  Vice  President  VAN,  MA  ;  Brighton;  Social 
Work;  Women's  Center  Staff:  Women's  Center  Softball:  Outreacli  Program.  VANDER- 
LEEST,  T  A  ;  Longmeadow;  Accounting  VAN  DYKE,  MR.;  Pittsfield:  Speech  Ed  :  Roister 
Doisters,  Personnel  Coordinator;  Music  Theater,  University  Theater  VAN  DYKE,  S  S, 
Pittsfield-  Fine  Arts;  PSE  Counselor,  University  Theater:  Roister  Doisters,  Vice  President 
Music  Theater,  VON  IDERSTEIN,  J ;  Scituate;  Human  Development  VAN  ORDER,  J  M,, 
Skaneateles,  N,Y  ;  Communication  Studies;  Pi  Beta  Phi;  Boltwood-Belchertown  Volun 
leer:  Mortar  Board  VANPEE,  MS;  Amherst:  Zoology;  International  Club:  Outing  Club 
Tennis  Team,  VARNER,  K  L,;  Amherst;  Home  Economics  Education;  Northeast  Area  So- 
cial Chairman  and  Secretary;  Who's  Who  19?4,  VARNEY,  R,J :  Engineering;  Berlin,  New 
Hampshire:  Tau  Beta  Pi;  Alpha  Pi  Mu,  Vice  President,  VATCHER,  DC:  Saugus;  Mathe- 
matics; Pi  Beta  Phi,  Secretary:  Greek  Counsel  Rep:  Intramurals,  VOLINSKV,  JC;  Am- 
herst: Nursing  VAUGHN,  EM,  Springfield:  Elementary  Ed,  VEAR,  LM,  Pelham,  New 
York:  Speech  VENOOKER,  MP ;  Chelsea:  Human  Development;  lota  Gamma  Upsilon 
UEOKA.  AM  ,  Wailuku,  Kawaii;  Mathematics  VERBRYKE,  J,  A,:  Sudbury:  Nursing;  Alpha 
Chi  Omega  VIERA.  R,G,:  Somerset,  HRTA:  Winter  Carnival  Committee:  Revelers;  Concert 
Committee  VIEIRA,  M,;  Amherst;  Elementary  Ed ;  Intramural  Volleyball,  VISTORINO. 
C,A ;  Topsfield;  Communication  Disorders,  Belchertown  Volunteers:  Outreach  Volun- 
teer VOGLER,  ME,;  Swansea:  Journalistic  Studies:  Collegian;  WMUA;  WUMV.  WAL- 
CZEWSKI,  R,J,:  Chelsea;  Accounting  Accounting  Association;  Intramurals:  Dean's  List 
WALDMAN,  B,S,:  Sharon;  Elementary  Ed;  Ski  Club,  WALDMAN.  EM,;  Framingham; 
Human  Development,  WALKER.  IS;  Mobile  Alabama:  Pre-Dental;  Beta  Kappa  Phi; 
Cheerleader  WALLACE,  EL :  Amherst;  General  Business;  Varsity  Football:  Theta  Chi, 
Social  Chairman,  Rush  Chairman,  House  Manager  WALSH,  T  P  ;  Amherst;  Accounting 
WANDELOSKI  H  W  South  Deerlield;  Forestry  WARD,  C  L  ,  Hingham:  Ed  WARNER,  D,F  : 
Amherst:  General  Business  Finance  WARREN,  M  E  ,  Worcester;  Ed,  WASHINGTON,  DA 
Springfield,  Human  Development  WATERMAN,  S  J ;  East  Longmeadow;  Nursing;  Alpha 
Chi  Omega,  Social  Chairman,  Pan  Hel  Rep  ;  Arcon  Guide  Service  WATKINS,  J,R,;  Welles- 
ley  Hills:  HRTA;  Phi  Sigma  Kappa:  Crew  Team  WATSON,  J  D  ;  Pillslield:  Performing  Arts 
Ed,;  Chorus;  Chorale,  Collegian  WATSON,  M  P  ;  Chicopee;  Electrical  Engineering;  Pow- 
er Engineering  Society  WAWZYNIECKI,  S  ,  JR  ;  Athol;  Chemistry;  Dorm  Counselor;  Intra- 
murals, WAYSHVILLE,  R,J,;  Westwood:  Microbiology, 

Harry  W,  Wandeloski 

Susan  J,  Waterman 

John  R.Watkins.Jr. 

Jed  D  Watson 

Richard  J.  WayshviUe 


Paula  C  Wellinger  DeLeon  NMN.  Wells 

Andrea  J,  Wheildon 

Anthony  D.  White 

Gretchen  A  Wiike 

Janet  A.  Williams 

Patricia  L  Whiteley 

WEEKS.  MM;  Jamaica,  New  York;  Interior  Design;  Third  World  Committee,  Coolidge. 
WEINER,  G  P.:  Kew  Gardens.  New  York;  Zoology  Honors;  Honors  Program;  National-^u- 
dent  Exchange;  Band,  WEINER,  J,;  Saugus;  Zoology;  Alpha  Phi  Omega;  President;  Phi  Eta 
Sigma;  Phi  Kappa  Phi  WEINER,  RB;  Sharon;  Theater  WEINER,  S,M  ,  Amherst:  Ed, 
Sigma  Delta  Tau,  House  Manager,  Mortar  Board  WEISSLITZ,  G  B,;  West  Boiford;  Zoolo 
gy  Honors;  Phi  Eta  Sigma;  Collegian,  Intramurals  WELCH,  E  T  ,  Brockton,  Accounting; 
Accounting  Association;  Intramurals,  WELLINGER,  PC  ,  Arlington;  Elementary  Ed 
WELLS,  D,N  ;  Oakland,  California;  Political  Science,  WELTERLEN,  G  A  ;  Lunenburg;  His 
tory;  Tau  Epsilon  Phi;  Bursar;  Scribe  WELCH,  J,T  ,  Haverhill;  Physical  Ed  ;  Campus  Cru 
sade  For  Christ;  Student  Fellowship,  Coordinator,  Intramurals  WERLIN,  P  A  ;  Brookline; 
Microbiology  WERNER,  S-,  Amherst;  Classics;  Chi  Omega;  Dickinson,  House  Council 
Social  Chairman,  WALTHALL,  WS;  Amhest;  Accounting;  Swim  Team;  Intramurals 
WETHERBY,  L  E,;  New  Salem;  Human  Development  WHALEN,  EL;  Milton;  Speech 
Academic  Affairs  Committee;  Dorm  Government  WHEELER,  D  E ;  Berlin,  Zoology;  f'rom 
Counselor;  Intramurals;  Marching  Band  WHEILDON,  A, J,,  Frammgham;  Human  Develop- 
ment; Equestrian  Club,  WHITE,  AD;  East  Orange,  New  jersey;  Media  Specialist  for  the 
Deaf  WHITE,  K  ,  Abington;  Psychology:  Alpha  Lambda  Delta,  Phi  Kappa  Phi;  Dorm  Coun- 
cil WILK,  S  C  ,  Dallon:  History;  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma;  Registrar;  Outreach  WILEE,  G  A,; 
West  Springfield;  Elementary  Ed,,  Kappa  Delta  Phi;  Scrolls,  Naiads,  WILKES,  B,A,;  Lynn- 
lield.  Political  Science;  Collegian,  Student  Judiciary;  Delta  Tau  Delta  (Maine)  WILKES, 
D  ;  Indianapolis,  Indiana;  Peisonnel  Management,  Business  Club;  Student  Government; 
Pi  Lambda  Phi  WILLIAMS,  J  A,;  Norwood;  Elementary  Ed,  WILLIAMS,  J  J ;  Pittsfiefd; 
Zoology;  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Phi  Kappa  Phi;  Intramurals  WILLIAMS.  WD;  Springfield:  Fine 
Arts  WILSON,  C  P  ;  Springfield;  Human  Development,  WILSON, )  1,;  Lee;  History;  Alpha 
Lambda  Delta:  Women's  Crew  Team  WILSON,  K  M  ,  West  Roihury,  Nursing  WHITELEY, 
PL ;  Marstons  Mills,  Education,  Equestrian  Drill  Team,  Intercollegiate  Horse  Show 
Team  WHITTIER,  DL,  Melrose,  Dance;  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma,  Recording  Secretary 
Musigals  WHITTLES,  KG  ,  Holden;  Civil  Engineering;  American  Society  of  Civil  Engi 
neers.  Treasurer:  Mass  Transit  Newspaper,  Co-Editor  WHITWORTH,  HAF ;  Mattapan 
Mechanical  Engineering,  Central  Area  Third  World  Center,  President;  Central  Area  Coun 
cil.  Minority  Rep  ,  Soccer  WHITE,  S  ,  WIEDER,  EN  ,  New  Milford,  New  Jersey,  Speech 
Ed  ;  University  Theater;  Dean's  List:  N  E,S,  Tutoring,  WIGGIN,  C;  Amherst;  Sociology 
WIGGINS,  R,J ,  Shrewsbury;  Marketing;  Business  Club,  Vice  President;  Dean's  Advisory 
Council;  Committee  Member  of  Careers  Conference,  WILDER,  M,;  Norwell;  Nursing 
WILK,  J.J .  Sunderland;  Special  Ed..  Belchertown  Volunteer. 

Winston  D.  Williams 

Cynthia  P.  Wilson 

Kathfeen  M,  Wifson 

Donna  L,  Whittier 

Keith  G,  Whittles 

HoraceA,  FWhitworth 

Sue  White 

Christine  Wiggin 

Robert  I  Wiggins  Michele  Wilder 


OeniseS.  Wolfe 

Paula  A.  Wojtowic: 

Joan  M.  Wolf 

Sharon  I.  Wolfe 

Deborafi  D.  Wong 

Brian  R.Wood 

Martha  A.  Wriglil 

William  J.  Vacovilch 

Bijan  Yaghoubzadeh 

WILLEY,  D.F.:  Lowell:  Physical  Ed.;  Cross  Country:  Track,  WINCH,  D,H,;  East  Pepperell: 
History.  WHINNE,  E.J:  Sunderland:  Political  Science:  Action  Lab.  WININGER,  CD,: 
Hyannis:  Psychology:  Phi  Sigma  Kappa,  Steward,  Alumni  Chairman:  Student/Faculty 
Senate:  Ski  Club  WINIKER,  RL  :  Amherst:  Human  Development:  Orchard  Hill  Counselor 
Selection  Committee:  Summer  School  Counselor:  Outreach  WINTERS,  PC:  Andover: 
Communication  Studies.  WITKIEWICZ.  P  J.:  Amherst:  Civil  Engineering:  Phi  Eta  Sigma: 
American  Society  of  Civil  Engineering:  Tau  Beta  Pi,  WITHERSPOON.  R.M.:  Canandaigua, 
New  York:  English:  Women's  Choir,  University  Chorus:  Oilord  Program,  WOLFE,  D,S,: 
Taunton:  Accounting:  Accounting  Association,  WODIN,  L,S,:  Newton:  English:  N  E.S.  Tu- 
toring: Intramurals.  WOJTOWICZ,  PA.:  Three  Rivers:  Nursing  WOLF,  IM:  Plainville:  Po- 
litical Science:  Gamma  Sigma  Sigma,  WOLFE,  K,E:  Newton:  Art.  WOLFE,  S,J :  South  Had- 
ley:  Sociology:  Sociology  Club.  Board,  WONG,  D,D,:  Swampscott:  Art,  WOOD.  B,R,:  Ad- 
ams: Geology,  WOOD,  C  J,:  Raynham:  Human  Development,  WOODRUFF,  WO,:  Glouster: 
General  Business  Finance:  Beta  Gamma  Sigma,  WOEOEN,  W,A.:  North  Grafton:  Finance: 
Delta  Chi,  Treasurer:  Campus  Center  Board  of  Governors:  Debate  Union  WORCESTER, 
W,T,:  Annisquam:  HRTA,  WORMSER,  R,S  :  New  Milford.  New  Jersey  Jngineermg:  Ameri- 
can Society  of  Mechanical  Engineers,  Vice  Chairman,  Outing  "Club:  Track  Official, 
WRIGHT,  A,J.:  Amerst:  Urban  Ed,  WRIGHT,  M,A,:  Hingham:  Elementary  Ed  YACOVITCH, 
W,J,:  Danvers:  Engineering:  University  Year  For  Action:  Head  Technical  Illustrator  Nucle- 
ar Physics  Department,  YAGHOUBZADEH,  D,:  Worcester:  Civil  Engineering,  YARVITZ, 
J,G,:  Marblehead,  Political  Science:  Karate  Colloquium  Instructor,  YELVERTON,  E,B  : 
Worcester:  Education  YOUNG,  B,L,:  Nalick:  Education:  Chi  Omega:  Kappa  Delta  Phi: 
Cheerteader,  YOUNG.  M,E,:  Sloneham:  Food  Science  and  Nutrition  CHU,  Y,L,:  Boston: 
History,  YOUNG.  E,A,:  Millis:  Agriculture  and  Food  Economics  YOUNG.  L,V,:  Springfield: 
Elementary  Ed,  YOUNG,  MA:  West  Springfield:  Claridad,  Reporter,  YOUNG.  M.K.:  Mil- 
waukee. Wisconsin:  Communication  Studies:  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma,  President:  Alpha 
Lambda  Delta:  Newman  Club,  YOUNG,  N,J :  Springfield:  Food  Science  and  Nutrition, 
YOUNG,  S,K,:  Agawam:  Sociology,  YUSHINSKY,  DA:  Highspire.  Pennsylvania:  Psycholo- 
gy: Sigma  Phi  Epsilon.  Treasurer.  House  Manager.  Pledge  Trainer:  Varsity  Football:  Adel- 
phia.  YUU,  C:  Lynn:  Accounting:  Lambda  Delta  Phi,  Corresponding  Secretary:  Account- 
ing Association:  Index,  2ABEK,  P,:  Ware:  Accounting:  Accounting  Association:  Beta 
Gamma  Sigma.  ZAJAC.  C.A.:  South  Dearfield:  Human  Development:  Marching  Band:  Ma- 
jorettes: Ski  Club. 

Susan  K.Young 

David  A.  Yuskinsky 


Phyllis  Zabek 

Carol  A.  Zajac 

Paul  A.  Zavorshas 

William  Zielewski 

Suzanne  Zimble 

Marcia  M.  Zimmer 

Gary  S.  Zimmerman 

Joseph  E.  ZIoch 

Matthew  D.  Zofrea 

Carol  D.  McEwan 

Paula  M.  Barley 

Martm  Kelley 

ZANGLES,  N  :  Clinton;  Child  Development.  Omicron  Nu:  Belchertown  Volunteer;  Twirling 
Corps  ZANKWSKI.  J.J.;  Greenfield,  Political  Science:  Intramurals  ZAVORSKAS.  PA.: 
Auburn.  Microbiology  ZIDES.  R.B  ,  Hyde  Park.  Accounting,  Sigma  Alpha  Mu,  President: 
Accounting  Association:  Greek  Council  ZIEGLER,  DK.:  East  Weymouth.  lapanese-Amer 
ican  Club.  ZIELEWSKI.  W.:  Easthampton,  Plant-Soil.  ZIMBLE.  S  :  Beverly,  French;  Sigma 
Delta  Tau.  Second  Vice  President,  ZIMMRE,  M.M.:  Nursing,  Sigma  Delta  Tau.  ZIMMER- 
MAN. G  S.;  Hyannis:  Accounting:  Accounling  Association:  Business:  Club.  ZLOCH.  J.E.: 
Worcester;  Political  Science.  Young  Republicans  ZOFREA,  M.D,:  Cummington;  Psycholo- 
gy; Sigma  Kappa,  University  Chorus.  BARLEY,  P.M..  Physical  Educ;  Dorm  President. 
MARRA.  N  0  ,  New  York;  English  Honors. 


Charline  L.  Abbott 
Gall  S.  Abend 
Laurence  B.  Abrams 
Andrew  T.  Adams 
Frederick  G.  Adinolfi 
Suzan  J.  Aflfl 
Michael  J.  Aguda 
Paul  M.  Ahearn 
AnneT.  Ahern 
John  F.  Ahern 
Joseph  C.  Aiello 
Ruth  E.  Aisenberg 
David  A.  Altkenhead 
Edward  J.  Albrec*"' 
James  N.  Aldrlch 
Marjorie  E.  Aldrlch 
James  Alegrla 
Gerald  H.  Alemian 
Amelle  R.Alexander 
Robert  T.  Alexy 
Steven  F.  Alger 
Warren  F.  Alger 
Dorothy  Alglna 
Nicholas  D.  Allkakos 
Michael  A.  Allard 
Aldlth  S.  Allen 
Bruce  Allen 
Peggy  L.  Allen 
Robert  G.  Allen 
Elizabeth  L.  Allery 
Colette  A.  Almeida 
Wendy  L.  Alpaugh 
Jerome  L.  Altman 
Dean  Altshuler 
Robert  A.  )imbrose 
Richard  C.  Amiot 
Betty  J.  An  del  man 
Susan  G.  Anders 
Jergen  K.  Anderson 
Rhonda  J.Anderson 
Sandra  H.  Anderson 
Stuart  C.  Anderson 
Deborah  J.  Anderstrom 
James  A.  Andreas 
Peter  Andrews 
Naomi  B.Angoff 
Joseph  L.  Annello 
Paul  R.  Antonio 
Francis  A.  AntonuccI 
Michael  G.  Archdeacon 
Nancy  Arcldlacono 
Douglas  P.  Arlow 
Heidi  J.Armstrong 
Judith  A.  Armstrong 
Lola  D.  Armstrong 
Caroline  G.  Arnold 
Edmund  S.  Arruda 
Jay  S.  Aronstein 
Michael  W.  Arseneault 
Peter  W.  Arzberger 
Steve  Arzillo 
Claudia  Ashworth 
Lee  I.  As  kern 
Carol  Atkinson 
James  S.  Aven 
Kirk  B.Avery 
John  F.  Awtrey  Jr. 
Karen  L.  Axten 
Nancy  C.  Ayoub 
Bernard  A.  Babcock  Jr. 
George  W.  Bacon  III 
Remigio  H.  Badilla 
Donald  W.  Bailey 
Ellen  M.  Bailey 
Andrew  D.  Baker 

Elaine  D.  Baker 
George  H.  Baker 
James  H.  Baker 
Eric  W.  Bakerman 
William  E.  Ballou 
Jane  H.  Bamba 
Melissa  R.  Bamber 
Frances  J.  Baraniuk 
Roan  Barber 
Richard  M.  Barboza 
Joanne  Barley 
Paula  M.  Barley 
Thomas  R.  Barnes 
Gilbert  M.  Barone 
Michael  Barrett 
Paul  W.  Barrows 
Brian  P.  Barry 
Richard  P.  Barry 
Marilou  Barsam 
Elaine  H.  Barsky 
Susan  E.  Barsky 
James  K.  Barter 
Donna  P.  Bartlett 
Richard  A.  Bartlett 
Richard  G.  Bartlett 
Rodney  A.  Bartlett 
Kevin  P.  Baruzzi 
Irene  Barwinski 
Ralph  H.  Basner 
Lois  Bass 

Barbara  B.  Bassett 
James  R.  Bates 
John  E.  Bates 
Michael  Battersby 
Judy  A.  Baumgartel 
James  A.  Baxter  Jr. 
Raymond  L.  Baye 
Derry  S.  Beal 
John  W.  Beal 
Gail  S.  Bean 
Susan  M.  Bean 
Stephen  B.  Bearse 
Barbara  J.  Beaudoin 
Bonnalyn  L.  Beaulieu 
Douglas  W.  Beaumier 
Stephen  C.  Becker 
Paul  G.  Beckwith 
Gregory  S.  Beede 
Susan  Beers 
Steven  Behrsing 
Paul  A.  Beliveau 
Jesse  E.  Bell 
Richard  A.  Bell  Jr. 
David  M.  Belliveau 
Chrysoul  Beltsios 
Kathleen  A.  Bemben 
Christopher  J.  Bennett 
Marlene  Bennett 
Nellie  Bentley 
Virginia  E.  Bentley 
Linda  A.  Berberick 
Laurence  H.  Berger 
John  P.  Bergeron 
Sharon  A.  Bergman 
Carol  A.  Berkowicz 
Mark  E.  Berkowitz 
Janet  C.  Berlo 
Douglas  G.  Berloni 
Daniel  G.  Berman 
Nancy  E.  Berman 
Nelson  Bernard 
Joanne  Berndt 
Rene  H.  BernierJr. 
Janet  L.  Bernstein 
Mary  M.  Bernstein 
James  E.  Berry 

BetsyAnn  Berson 
Janice  M.  Bertrand 
Paul  J.  Berzenski 
Vilnls  J.  BerzHis 
John  T.  Betsch 
Edgar  L.  Betts 
Ronald  B.  Betts 
William  A.  BiciocchI 
Harold  E.  Bigelow 
Darlene  H.  Biggs 
Jeffrey  M.  Billingham 
Michael  R.  Billups 
Marie  L.  Bilodeau 
Gary  J.  BInowski 
Beverly  M.  Birdsall 
Nancy  K.  Biron 
Nancy  Birtwell 
DeniseA.  Bisalllon 
Roland  Bisi 
Mark  Black 
Robert  W.Blair 
Elizabeth  A.  Blake 
Richard  A.  Blake 
Davids.  Blanchard 
Ellen  F.  Blood 
Steven  M.  Bloom 
Susan  J.  Bloom 
David  J.  Bluestein 
Dana  P.  Boardman 
Marilyn  A.  Bogue 
Ronald  B.  Boheim 
Peter  G.  Boisvert 
Guy  A.  Boldini 
Joseph  M.  Bollus 
Glen  P.  Bombardier 
James  A.  Bond 
Alexander  J.  Bonica 
Marcia  J.  Bonica 
Nancy  E.  Bookless 

Janis  Bookman 
Peter  T.  Boos 
Margery  T.  Bornstein 
Lois  A.  Botelho 
Francois  L.  Bouchard 
Donald  Boucher 
James  W.  Boucher 
Jane  R.  Boucher 
John  D.  Boucher 
Jeanne  D.  Boudreau 
MicheleA.  Boudreau 
Russell  F.  Boudreau 
Robert  G.  Bourgeault 
Michael  J.  Boutin 
John  F.  Bovenzi 
David  W.  Bowers 
Joanne  M.  Bowers 
Gary  S.  Boyajian 
Candice  M.  Boyan 
Patricia  A.  Brack 
Sylvia  J.  Brackett 
Keith  L  Bradford 
Lawrence  F.  Bradley 
Matthew  J.  Brady 
Jean  M.  Braheney 
Frederick  W.  Braley 
Robert  J.  Braman 
Joy  C.  Brandenburg 
Karen  E.  Brasier 
Mark  S.  Brass 
Barbara  A.  Brearley 
Paul  E.  Brehaut 
Larry  S.  Breitbord 
Maureen  F.  Brennan 
Janice  E.  Brenner 
Joan  C.  Bresnahan 
Thomas  W.  Bresnahan 



Kenneth  P.  Brewer 
William  D.  Bridgman 
Deborah  L.  Briggs 
Gary  P.  Briggs 
Roger  G.  Briggs 
Carol  D.  Briner 
Ronald  H.  Brink 
William  N.  Brissette 
David  J.  Brisson 
Deborah  P.  Britzman 
Susan  M.  Broadhurst 
Thomas  P.  Broderick 
Stanley  R.  Brody 
Robert  E.  Bronner 
William  G.  Brookman 
Elizabeth  R.  Brooks 
Barbara  F.  Brooslin 
Denise  R.  Brousseau 
Andrea  M.  Brown 
Janice  E,  Brown 
MarkW.  Brown 
Michael  H.  Brown 
Pamela  Brown 
Prescott  A.  Brown 
Rebecca  P.  Brown 
Richard  J.  Brown 
Susan  E.  Brown 
Betsy  L.  Browning 
Betty  J.  Bruley 
Ellen  M.  Bryan 
Hazel  E.  Buckingham 
Dianne  M.  Buckley 
John  Buckley 
Thomas  M.  Buckley 
Susan  J.  Buczynski 
Linda  S.  Budzynkiewic 
Joyce  A.  Buechel 
Douglas  M.  Buitenhuys 
Brian  M.  Bulman 
George  D.  Burgess 
Richard  J.  Burke 
Susan  F.  Burke 
David  W.  Burnham 
Henry  A.  Burniewicz 
Edward  H.Burns  III 
JackO.  Burns  Jr. 
Kathryn  E.  Burns 
Michael  P.  Burns 
Susan  E.  Burns 
Valerie  J.  Burns 
Laura  J.  Butler 
Elizabeth  B.  Bykowski 
James  E.  Byrne 
Peter  A.  Cadieux 
Richard  M.  Caggiano 
Kevin  W.Cahill 
Peter  J,  Cahill 
Allan  D.  Cain 
James  E.  Call 
Catherine  F.  Callanan 
Steven  C.  Calrow 
Paul  F.  Cameron 
Stuart  C.  Cameron 
Barbara  A.  Campbell 
Thomas  J.  Campbell 
Gregory  Campese 
Francis  M.  Canavan 
Eugene  Cannarella 
Kevin  Canterbury 
Oenise  D.  Cantin 
Timothy  S.  Card 
John  W.  Cardano 
Gloria  G.  Cardenas 
Judith  L.  Cardozo 
James  F.  Carey 
John  J.  Carney  III 

Lora  A.  Carney 
Alan  P.  Carpenter 
Daniel  J.  Carr 
Elizabeth  A.  Carr 
Susan  A.  Carrazza 
Williams.  Carrie  Jr. 
Rachel  T.  Carrier 
NorineT.  Carroll 
Timothy  J.  Carroll 
Richard  E.  Carter  Jr. 
Stephen  P.  Carter 
John  P.  Carvello 
Mark  Casagrande 
Bruce  M.  Casavant 
Joseph  M.  Casey 
Thomas  W.  Casey 
Alan  0.  Caso 
Stephen  J.  Catalano 
Lynn  M.  Caulfield 
Richard  J.  Cavanaugh 
Joseph  V.  Celeste 
Donna  M.  Chabot 
Saul  L,  Chafin 
JaneS,  Chalmers 
Christpher  R.  Chambers 
Ernest  D.  Chambers 
Catherine  A.  Champion 
Anita  W.Chan 
Gordon  S.  Channell  Jr. 
Christine  A.  Chapman 
EricW.  Chapmen 
Brenda  M.  Chappelear 
Cynthia  A.  Charpentier 
Patricia  B.  Chastain 
Carol  E.  Chatham 
Robert  C.  Cheney 
Ann  0.  Childs 
GaryA.  Childs 
Keith  D.  Chipman 
Elizabeth  M.  Chisholm 
Victoria  A.  Chiungos 

John  J.  Chmiel  Jr. 

Stephanie  Chmielewski 

Alan  Choi 

Dana  C.  Christensen 

Victoria  L.  Christie 

Karen  L.  Christo 

Thomas  F.  Christoun 

Carol  E.  Chronis 

YookL.  Chu 

Alfred  P.  Chruchey 

Mark  F.  Cicerone 

Deeann  C.  Civello 

Richard  C.  Clair 

Edward  R.  Clark 

James  M.  Clark 

Roland  D.  Clark 

Roland  R.  Clark 

Barbara  A.  Cleary 

Alison  Climo 

Gregory  C.  Cmar 

David  F.  Cockcroft 

Linda  C.  Coderre 

Donald  S.  Coe 

Jane  D.  Coffey 

Thomas  M.  Coffey 

David  M.  Cohen 

Robert  M.  Cohen 

Roberta  I.  Cohen 

Sandra  F.  Cohen 

Thomas  Coish 

Sarah  M.  Coito 

Robert  W.  Colantuoni 

John  W.Colby 

Catherine  S.  Cole 

Donna  M.  Coleman 

Daniel  J.  Collins 
Joseph  P.  Collins 
Michael  L.  Collins 
William  H.Collins 
Paul  F.  Colhs 
Patricia  G.  Colson 
Frances  J.  Combs 
James  M.  Comey 
Robert  J.  Comiskey 
Christine  M.  Comparone 
Robert  E.  Concannon 
Kathleen  A.  Condon 
James  J.  Conley 
David  G.  Conners 
Michael  J.  Connolly 
Donald  E.  Connors 
Harold  R.  Connors 
John  X.  Connors 
Kevin  C.  Conry 
John  Consign 
Claudia  S.  Conte 
Anthony  A.  Contrada 
Cynthia  J.  Cook 
Peter  S.  Cook 
Marguerite  A.  Cookson 
Carl  W.  Coolbaugh 
Susan  J.  Coombs 
Michael  A.  Cooney 
John  A.  Cooper 
Jamie  A.  Cope 
Holly  H.  Corradino 
Barbara  M.  Corrigan 
James  B.  Corsiglia  Jr. 
JanineL.  Cowin 
Daniel  J.  Cosgrove 
Jeffrey  R.  Cossin 
Eugene  G.  Costello 
Jacalyn  R.  Costello 
Dennis  W.  Cote 
Leon  M.  Cote 
Eric  P.  Cotter 
Susan  M.  Cotter 
Alfred  R.  Couchon 
Peter  A.  Coulis 
Lauren  G.  Coulson 
Jean  E.  Courage 
Peter  C.  Cox 
Peter  D.  Coy 
Christopher  J.  Cramer 
Barbara  H.  Crawford 
KatherineA.  Cray 
Joan  C.  Cronin 
Patrick  F.  Cronin 
Paul  T.  Cronin 
Patricia  A.  Cross 
Charlotte  F.  Crowder 
Brian  C.  Cuddy 
Lee  A.  Cudworth 
John  A.  Culley  Jr. 
Kay  Cummings 
Marks.  Cummings 
William  J.  Cummings 
Barry  C.  Cunningham 
Coleen  M.  Curley 
Gerald  F.  Curley 
Alan  R.  Curns 
Andrew  L.  Currie 
Janet  L.  Curry 
Elizabeth  A.  Curtin 
John  P.  Curtis 
James  Cutter 
Joan  Czaporowski 
John  F.  I)acey 
Richard  F.  Dacey 
Virginia  C.  Daggett 
Carol  A.  Daigle 


Joseph  J.  Dailey 
Richard  M.  Dalton  Jr. 
Frank  W.Daly 
John  E.  Dangelo 
Sarah  J.  Daniels 
Arthur  A.  Daprato  Jr. 
Jauad  Darouian 
Karl  E.  Dastoli 
AnneL.  Davis 
Elizabeth  H.  Davis 
Henry  W.  Davis 
Paul  G.  Davis 
Steven  B.  Davis 
Quinton  H.  Dawson 
Deborah  A.  Day 
Jacky  L.  Day 
Jean  A.  Day 
Carole  J.  Dayton 
Linda  L,  Deamicis 
Gratia  C.  Deane 
Richard  M.  Debowes  Jr. 
Joseph  S.  Decaro 
Charlotte  E.  Decastro 

Patricia  A.  Dee 
Joan  E.  Dely 
Robert  A.  Degaeta 
Dolores  E.  Degraaf 
Lyndia  M.  Dehart 
Ronald  D.  Dehart 
Kathleen  M.  Delaney 
Joseph  L.  Demarco 
Maria  V.  Demartino 
Dennis  C.  Demeritt 
Dennis  W.  Dempski 
Gene  N.  Demsey 
Christine  Dendor 
Dennis  B.  Denicola 
Paul  J.  Oenman 
David  M.  Dennis 
James  R.  Dennis 
Maureen  Depalma 
Rose  V.  Deremian 
Roger  R.  Deshaies 
Normand  R.  Desjardins 
Donna  M.  Desmond 
Robert  J.  Desmond 
Jean  E.  Despres 
Betty  J.  Desrosiers 
Paul  G.  Detoma 
Gary  L.  Dettman 
Peter  M.  Deveau 

Sandra  C.  Oevincentis 
Ruth  M.  Diaz 
Lynne  L.  Dibble 
Kenneth  R.  Dicarlo 
Ellen  A.  Oicicco 
Bob  A.  Dickinson 
Doris  M,  Dickinson 
Mary  J,  Didonato 
Ned  P.  Diffendale 
Charles  J.  Dimare 
Diane  N.  Oinucci 
Barbara  M.  Dion 
Jane  E.  Dion 
Marie  E.  Ditucci 
John  E.  Dixey 
Peter  J.  Dizoglio 
Theodore  E.  Djaferis 
Ann  W.  Dobrowolski 
Michael  E.  Dodelin 
Edward  J.  Doherty 
Mark  Doherty 
Maureen  J.  Dolan 
Edward  J.  Donahue  Jr. 

Michael  P.  Dufty 
Patricia  A.  Dugan 
Bonnie  L.  Dumas 
Ralph  0.  Dumas  Jr. 
Walter  E.  Dunaj 
Jeanne  M.  Dunlop 
Karen  J,  Dunne 
Jane  E.  Dupuis 
Jacques  R.  Durocher 
Michael  E.  Duval 

John  P.  Favorito 
Thomas  P.  Fazio 
James  S.  Ferrer 
Barry  N.  Feldman 
Norma  Feldman 
Maureen  F.  Ferland 
Stephen  J.  Fernandez 
Jeffrey  A.  Fernstein 
James  F.  Ferraro 
Stephen  J.  Ferreira 
Thomas  J.  Ferrick 
Draig  F.  Ferris 
David  W.  Ferris 
James  P.  Ferriter 
Joseph  R.  Ferruzzi 
Michelle  E.  Fine 
Robert  C.  Finkel 
Christine  E.  Fiorenza 
Jonathan  P.  Fisette 
Faith  E.  Fisher 
Lee  R.  Fisher 
Alan  R.  Fishman 
Kenneth  U.  Fittz 

Stephen  J.  Donahue 
Sally  A.  Donellon 
Katherine  E.  Donner 
Ellen  E.  Donohoe 
Joseph  B.  Donovan 
Robert  W.  Donovan 
Janet  J.  Doody 
Robert  L.  Doolan 
George  D.  Dorough  III 
Barry  I.  Dorson 
Christopher  J.  Dostal 
Donald  K.  Douglas 
Patricia  A.  Dowling 
Donna  L.  Downes 
Ethel  A.  Downey 
Wayne  R.  Downs 
Mark  Doyle 
Robert  E.  Doyle  Jr. 
William  A.  Doyno 
Elizabeth  J.  Dripps 
James  R.  Driscoll 
Ellen  R.  Dripps 
Joanne  P.  Driscoll 
Paul  K.  Driscoll 
Steven  D.  Drophin 
Linda  M.  Drury 
Marcia  Ducas 
Michael  J.  Duffy 

Marks.  Ellis 
Deborah  Elworthy 
Brian  D.  Emond 
Marcel  L.  Emond  Jr. 
Rosa  J.  Emory 
Paul  D.  Engel 
Roseann  Enyong 
Herslija  Enz 
Judith  I.  Epstein 
Joyce  J.  Epstein 
Gary  E.  Erickson 
Gregory  P.  Erickson 
William  F.Esip  III 
Edward  F.  Esteves 
Diane  M.  Ethier 
Nelson  F.  Evans  Jr. 
Daniel  W.  Ewick 
Bruce  W.  Eyier 
Frederic  H.  Fahey 
Thomas  J.  Faicia 
Stephen  P.  Fairly 
Jean  M.  Fallon 
Mark  A.  Farber 
William  J.  Farrell 
Kimberly  M.  Farrington 
Anne  M.  Faulkner 
Francis  D.  Faulkner 
Kathleen  H.  Faust 

William  J.  Fitzgerald 
Thomas  P.  Fitzgerald 
Neil  F.  Fitzpatrick 
Laurie  E.  Flamm 
Barbara  J.  Flammia 
Robert  W.  Fleck 
Norma  S.  Fleischman 
James  F.  Fleming 
Lee  E.  Fiodin 
Dona  C.  Flood 
Christine  M.  Flynn 
William  J.  Flynn 
Richard  M.  Fongemie 
Stephan  P.  Foose 
Dale  M.  Forbes 
Jean  P.  Forcier 
Ellen  E.  Ford 
Peter  A.  Ford 
Henri  A.  Forget 
Paul  E.  Forte 
Daniel  J.  Fox 
Howard  C.  Fox 
David  L.  Foy 
Robert  E.  Foy 
Jean  M.  Franchebois 
Nancy  L.  Francis 
Robert  F.  Fredette 
Paula  L.  Freese 

Eleanors.  French 
Dorothy  M.  Frenning 
Stephan  A.  Frentzos 
Gloria  H.  Freytag 
Diana  L.  Frost 
Joanne  M.  Frotten 
Dorothy  L.  Frumson 
Cynthia  W.Fulton 
Roderick  M.  Fuqua 
Joseph  C.  Furnia 
Elizabeth  L.  Gaffney 
Roger  L.  Gagnon 
George  Gaj 
John  F.  Gallagher 
Vincent  D.  Galli 
Paul  R.  Gallo 
Joseph  F.  Gardner 
Pamela  E.  Gardner 
Stephen  F.  Gardner 
Roberta  Garr 
Linda  J.  Garrity 
Janet  H.  Gary 
Donna  A.  Gasperini 
Douglas  N.  Gates 
Christine  R.  Gatti 
Richard  C.  Gazo 
Dave  E.  Geiger 
Gary  A.  Gemme 

Louis  M.  Gentile 
William  B.  Getz 
Peter  Giabbai 
Lawrence  T.  Gibbons 
Gregory  P.  Gifford 
Lynda  D.  Giftos 
Helen  F.  Giger 
Paul  K.  Gilbert 
Shelley  A.  Gllboard 
Richard  P.  GildeaJr 
David  M.  Gilfoil 
Kathleen  E.  Gill 
Geoffrey  B.  Gillett 
Ellen  M.  Gilman 
Paul  T.  Gilrain 
Jeannine  M.  Gingras 
Louis  Giokas 
John  P.  Girard 
Gary  H.  Gitner 
JamesA.  Glinsky 
Normand  J.  Godfrey 
Arthur  P.  Godin 
Jay  D.  Goguen 
Nancy  M.  Goguen 
Audrey  E.  Gold 
Marjorie  L.  Gold 
Deborah  A.  Goldman 
Judith  L.  Golus 
John  D.  Gombar 
Victor  J.  Gonyea 
Dennis  J.  Goode 
Mark  E.  Goodell 
Wayne  M.  Goodreau 
Timothy  J.  Goodwin 
Mary  L.  Goodyear 
Russell  C.  Gordon 
Susan  H.  Gordon 
Bonnie  C.  Gorman 
Robert  H.  Gormley 
Victoria  E.  Gorum 













George  B.  Holey 
Mary  M.  Holland 
Colin  B.  Holmes 
Leslie  C.  Holmes 
Steven  D.  Holmes 
Howard  M.  Honigbaum 
Lewis  E.  Hootnick 
Stephen  J.  Hope 
Cathy  Horvitz 
Charles  J.  Howard 
Steven  A.  Howard 
Kevin  P.  Howe 
Rachel  S.  Howitt 
Christop  E.  Hubbard 
Michael  P.  Huber 
William  J.  Huckins 
Joy  A.  Hughes 
Philip  E.  Hull 
Richard  C.  Humphreys 
Gretchen  Hunsberger 
Richard  A.  Hunter 
Gregory  S.  Hurd 
William  J.  Hurley  Jr 
Jeffrey  D.  Hutchins 
John  R.  leni 
Gail  E.  Jackson 
George  Jackson 
William  D.  Jackson 
RonnaA.  Jacobs 

Barry  M.  Joseph 
Lawrence  W, Joyce 
John  E.  Kambhu 
Steven  P.  Kampler 
Charlene  E.  Kane 
Ruth  M.  Karl 
John  R.  Karraker 
Susan  R.  Kassner 
Deena  Katzander 
Diane  E.  Kearney 
Randy  Kehlenbeck 
Maida  L.  Keighley 
Gary  R.  Keilson 
Mark  P.  Kelleher 
Alan  R,  Kelley 
John  C.  Kelley 
William  G.  Kelley 
Paul  G.  Kelliher 
Peter  F.  Kelly 
James  S.  Kenary 
Russell  F.  Kenefick 
Donald  E.  Kennedy 
Michael  J.  Kennedy 
John  P.  Kenney 
George  E.  Kernander 
Paul  F.  Kerwin 
Susan  L.  Kesselman 

Gene  M.  Kosinski 
Stanley  P.  Koska 
Victor  N.  Kourey 
Susan  H.  Kovacs 
Paula  M.  Kowalewski 
Robert  Kowalik 
Sherrie  L.  Kowarsky 
Karen  L.  Kozlowski 
Gerald  F.  Kramer 
Richard  S.  Kramer 
Robert  M.  Kravets 
Debra  J.  Krawczynski 
Francis  A.  Kritf 
A.  Dianne  Krul 
Christina  D.  Krutsky 
Christophers.  Kudia 
Chris  V.  Kuhner 
Patricia  A.  Kulis 
Joseph  P.  Kurpiewski 
Mary  M.  Kurtz 
David  C.  Kuzmeski 
Daniel  M.  Kuzmeskus 
Joseph  A.  Labenski 

Irwin  J.  Lefman 
David  G.  Lefrancois 
Louise  I.  Lehtola 
Hester  I.  Leibowitz 
Deborah  C.  Leiand 
Paul  R.  Lelito 
Michael  J.  Lemanski 
Leon  A.  Lemieux 
Joseph  W.  Lemire  Jr. 
Gregory  C.  Leonard 
Charles  B.  Leoni 
Norma  L.  Lepler 
Linda  K.  Lesperance 
Robert  V.  Levasseur 
Lawrence  R.  Leventhal 
Mary  J.  Levy 
Dominic  W.  Li 
Nancy  B.  Light 
Shuenn  Shiuan  Lin 
Martin  S.  Linda 
Janice  Liva 
John  M.  Livingston 
Martha  B.  Livingstone 

Jean  J.  Gosselin 
Julie  A.  Gottlieb 
Ruth  E.  Gouldrup 
David  A.  Grader 
Christopher  G.  Graham 
Maurice  J.  Granfield  Jr. 
David  P.  Granger 
Phyllis  J.  Grant 
Donald  S.  Grayson 
Louis  A.  Greco 
Jeffrey  E.  Green 
Lilli-Ann  Green 
Philip  L.  Greenfield 
Mark  E.  Greenwood 
Michael  F.  Gregory 
James  A.  Griffith  Jr. 
Anna  H.  Griffiths 
John  A.  Grimaldi 
Serena  G.  GrochowalskI 
Walter  F.  Grocki 
John  D.  Gruppionj 
Rosemary  A.  Gryncel 
Enzo  R.  Guadagnoli 
Thomas  M.  Guilbault 
Susan  J.  Habeeb 
Henry  P.  Hack 
Michael  R.  Hackett 
Carolines.  Hadley 
Melissa  B.  Hagstrum 
Stephen  J.  Hahesy 
Edward  R.  Hakesley  Jr. 
Marks.  Haley 
Daniel  J.  Halicki 
Gail  A.  Hall 
Nancy  G.  Hall 
David  E.  Hamel 
Walter  B.Hamilton 
Daniel  B.  Hammond 
Beatrice  A.  Hanack 
Deborah  A.  Handy 

Martin  R.  Hanley 
Ann  M. Hannan 
David  N.  Hansen 
Richard  H.  Hansen 
Robyn  L.  Hansen 
Edwin  D.  Harrington 
Joseph  L.  Harris 
Joy  V.  Harris 
Mickey  E.  Harris 
William  J.  Hart 
Karsten  E.  Hartel 
Donald  M.  Hartford  Jr. 
William  F.  Hartford 
Janice  M.  Harvey 
Donna  M.  Hassan 
Verna  R.  Hatch 
Raymond  M.  Haughey 
Jeffrey  C.  Hazel 
Donald  F.  Healy 
Kevin  M.  Healy 
Douglas  A.  Hebert 
Eugene  J.  Hebert 
Robert  E.  Hedlund 
Irvin  N.  Heifetz 
Wanda  J.  Hendrix 
Eunice  I.  Henry 
Parvitz  Heravi 
Patricia  Heslam 
Peter  P.  Heymanns 
George  E.  Heywood 
Maureen  L.  Hickey 
William  F.  Higgins 
Vicki  S.  Hillman 
Frank  L.  Hinds 
David  M.  Hirsch 
Colin  J.  Hochrein 
Therese  M.  Hofmann 

Joyce  E.  Jacobsen 
Monica  A.  Jakubowicz 
Susan  B.  James 
Rudyard  D.  Jameson  Jr. 
David  F.  Jane 
Vera  H.  Janowycz 
Gail  R.  Jasionkowski 
Carol  M.  Jaworski 
Susan  J.  Jeffery 
Everette  B.  Jenkins 
Michael  D.  Jenkins 
Paul  F.  Jennette 
Robert  L.  Jepson  Jr. 
Donna  M.  Jerszyk 
Thomas  M.  Jodka 
Mary  E.  Johansen 
Leslie  A.  Johndrow 
Dennis  C.Johnson 
Gordon  A.  Johnson 
Jean  M.  Johnson 
Karen  L.  Johnson 
Margaret  H.  Johnson 
Peter  P.  Johnson 
Thomas  W.  Johnson 
Warren  J.  Johnson 
Bernadette  M.  Johnston 
Corey  A.  Jones 
Jennifer  M.  Jones 
Johnny  F.  Jones 
Russell  K.  Jones  Jr. 

Louis  E.  Kessing 
Kenneth  L.  Ketchum 
Deborah  A.  Keys 
Michael  A.  Kielb 
Frances  J.  Kieltyka 
Lynne  N.  Kilham 
Paul  Killeen 
Janet  A.  Killion 
Holly  A.  Kimball 
Paul  R.  Kimball 
Olend  G.King 
Gerald  E.  Kinsey 
Barbara  J.  Kirchberger 
Christopher  E.  Kirousis 
MarkL.  Klaman 
Amy  S.  Klayman 
Dianne  M.  Kleber 
Steven  P.  Kleinglass 
Edward  M.  Klempa 
Karl  D.  Klingelhofer 
Ronald  C.  Klinger 
Martha  M.  Kneeland 
MarciaA.  Knowlton 
Everett  E.  Knudsen 
Nancy  E.  Kocik 
Merrilee  Harrigan 

Paula  M.  Korchun 
Susan  E.  Kornetsky 
Susan  C.  Koscielniak 

Jeanne  M.  Labonte 
Anita  P.  Lacey 
Linda  J.  Lacey 
Donald  A.  Lacroix 
Paul  A.  Lacross 
June  F.  Ladd 
Stephen  H.  Ladd 
John  J.  Laird 
Joseph  H.  Laliberte  Jr. 
Julie  A.  Lamontagne 
Philip  A.  Landa 
Sheryl  R.  Landesman 
David  T.  Landry 
Lawrence  J.  Lane 
Diane  M.  Lanoue 
Gary  N.  Lapidas 
Jean  M.  Laplante 
Ann  L.  Laporte 
Roberta  A.  Laporte 
Paul  F.  Lappin 
James  B.  Laquerre 
Gail  M.  Larsson 
David  A.  Lawrence 
Gene  R.  Laycock 
Michael  W.  Leach 
Robert  M.  Leadei 
Christine  Zwirko  Leary 
Ann  M.  Leathers 
Charleen  I.  Lebeau 
Bernard  J.  Leblanc 

Chester  L.  Locke 
Judith  A.  Loeb 
Keith  E.  Loescher 
Sandra  Lofchie 
Julie  M.  Logue 
Charles  W.  Londraville 
Margaret  Loring 
Caroll  L.  Lothrop 
Sandra  A.  Lottero 
Linda  S.  Lovely 
Jeffrey  B.  Low 
Ralph  W.  Low  Jr. 
John  D.  Lubarsky 
Mary  J.  Lucey 
Janice  W.  Ludman 
Henry  J.  Lukasik 
Bruce  E.  Lupien 
David  B.  Luppold 
Richard  S.  Lyman 
Kevin  L.  Lynch 
Michael  S.  Lynch 
Patricia  A.  Lynch 
Barry  D.  Lynn 
Thomas  S.  Macauley 
Heather  E.  MacConnell 
Richard  A.  MacGovern 
Nanciann  B.  Machnik 
Charles  D.  MacPherson 

Dolores  M.  Madden 

Deborah  A.  Mager 
James  J.  Maggio  Jr. 
Donald  F.  Maggs 
James  F.  Maguire 
Maryellen  Maguire 
Robert  M.  Maher 
David  S.  Malbor 
Jeffrey  H,  Mam 
Jotin  C,  Makacinas 
Mary  M.  Malaspina 
Gary  M.  Malmstrom 
Jane  M.  Malone 
AlanT.  Manix 
Philip  J^  Manna 
Paula  J.  Mannmg 
Richard  F.  Marchetta 
Frani^W.  Marcoux 
Mitchell  R.  Marcus 
Stephen  J.  Margil 
Joanne  E.  Margola 
Stephen  L.  Marhelewicz 
Richard  P.  Marini 
Natalie  D.  Marra 
Joseph  A.  Marshall 
Arlene  R.  Martel 
Daniel  E.  Martin 
Marysusan  Martin 
Pamela  J.  Martin 
Stephen  M.  Martin 
Sheila  R.  Martmelli 
Cheryl  A.  Marzilli 
Martin  P,  Mascianica 
David  J.  Mason 
William  C.  May 
Barbara  H.  Mayer 
Michelle  R.  Mayer 
William  H.  Mayer 
Walter  A.  Mayo 
Gabriel  L.  Maznick 
Dianna  R.  McAllister 
Charles  F.  McAuliffe 
Patricia  M.  McCallum 
Roberta  E.  McCann 
Katharine  A.  McCarthy 
Marianne  K.  McCarthy 
Robert  F.  McClure 
William  J.  McCluskey 
William  K.  McCoubrey  Jr. 
Flora  J.  McCoy 
Paula  McDonough 
Carol  D.  McEwan 
Joan  S.  McFarland 
Susan  J.  McGourty 
William  M.  McGovern 
Robert  E.  McGowan 
Colleen  M.  McGrath 
Elizabeth  M.  McGrath 
Peter  M.  McGrath 
Cheryl  L.  Mcintosh 
Dean  S.  Mclntyre 
James  J.  Mclsaac 
Jane  McKenzie 
Debra  K.  McLauchlin 
Christine  McLaughlin 
Bonny  B.  McLean 
Joanne  F.  McLean 
Thomas  J.  McMahon  III 
Joan  J.  McNally 
Robert  F.  McNally 
James  A.  McRae 
Ellen  M.  McTigue 
John  G.  Meade 
Marsha  E.  Medeiros 
Thomas  F.  Medlock 
Joanne  H.  Medwid 
Janice  E.  Meeks 
Richard  P.  Melle 
Nancy  C.  Mellor 
Paul  F.  Mendocha 
Consuela  A.  Mendoza 
Christine  E.  Merchant 

Richard  A.  Merritt 
Ann  M.  Messenger 
Susan  Messier 
Diane  C.  Messina 
Richard  C.  Metro 
Maryiane  Metzger 
Gail  S.  Meyer 
David  R.  Michaelson 
Eric  D.  Milgroom 
Kevin  M.  Mills 
Paula  Milner 
Karen  S.  Minasian 
DeniseA.  Miniutti 
Edward  J.  Misch 
Amy  S.  Miskin 
James  S.  Mistark 
Mark  R.  Mitchell 
Edward  J.  MIeczko  Jr. 
William  F.  Moan 
Vincent  J.  Monaco 
Mary  0.  Mone 
David  W.  Moore 
Marilyn  A.  Moos 
Anne  Moretsky 
Warren  H.  Morgan 
Stephen  D.  Morganelli 
Carolyn  M.  Moriarty 
Deborah  M.  Moriarty 
Mary  A.  Moriarty 
Sarajane  Morin 
Robert  B.  Morrill 
William  C.  Morrison 
Gregory  M.  Morrow 
David  A.  Mortimer 
Richard  A.  Morton 
Theresa  J.  Moylan 
Francis  T.  Moynihan 
Patricia  A.  Moynihan 
Nancy  Mucciaccio 
Charles  R.  Mulcahy 
Leo  R.  Muldoon 
Thomas  K.  Mullen 
Christine  V.  Mollis 
Mary  F.  Mulloy 
Robert  K.  Mulvey 
Christopher  D.  Munson 
Alexander  Murphy  III 
Charles  E.  Murphy 
Jane  D.  Murphy 
Joann  Murphy 
Mark  L.  Murphy 
Sandra  L.  Murphy 
Stephen  P.  Murphy 
Christine  Musante 
Benjamin  Muse 
Norma  E.  Mutti 
Chariest.  Myrbeck 
Maryann  Mysyshyn 
Arnold  F.  Nadler 
Judith  A.  Nagy 
Lorna  A.  Nahil 
Barbara  R.  Naidich 
Edward  W.Nalband 
Shelley  Nanes 
James  J.  Nasciment 
Ivy  S.  Nathan 
Richard  D.  Naughton 
CharleneA.  Navasinski 
Deborah  L.  Nelson 
Richard  C.  Nelson 
John  J.  Nestor  Jr. 
Eileen  M.  Neville 
Russell  H.  Nicholls 
Daniel  T.  Nichols 
Suzanne  D.  Nichols 
Walter  A.  Niemiec 
Henry  P.  Nigra 
Dorothy  L.  Niland 
Jean  0.  Niven 
Peter  E.  Nixon 
Kathryn  A.  Nonnemaker 

Anne  M,  Noonan 
William  Norris 
Carl  P,  Novak 
Alan  C.  November 
Evelyn  M.  Nowak 
William  J.  Nowlan 
Mark  S.  Noyes 
Stephen  W.  Noyes 
Ruth  E.  Noymer 
Charles  J.  Nyman 
Kenneth  J.  Nyman 
Paul  E.  Nyman 
Carolyn  J.  Oblinger 
Michael  L.  Oliverio 
Robert  B.  Olivier 
Nola  N.  Olmsted 
Ralph  W.  Olsen  Jr. 
Harold  E.  Olson 
John  A.  Olson 
Shelley  L.  Olson 
Thomas  P.  Olson 
David  R.  Olsson 
David  M.  Omalley 
Lucia  D.  Ooms 

Maryann  C.  Oparowski 
Barbara  E.  Oreilly 
Elaine  D.  Orphanos 
Michael  A.  Orris 
Peter  M.  Orsi 
Charles  D.  Orzech 
Patricia  A.  Osepchuk 
Henry  S.  Ostapiej 
Edward  S.  Ostrowski 
Thomas  R.  Ouellette 
Dana  A.  Owens 
Marcia  A.  Packlick 
Phillip  J.  Padula 
Candace  Palley 
Walter  W.  Palmer 
Joseph  A.  Palmieri 
Robert  A.  Palumbo 
Marks.  Panall 
Bruce  Pangburn 
Patricia  L.  Paradis 
Thomas  A.  Parisi 
Valentina  Parisi 
JayneA.  Parker 
Joan  E.  Parker 

William  J.  Parker 
James  A.  Parkhurst 
Kristin  M,  Parks 
Robert  M.  Parodi 
Michael  D.  Parry 
Judith  L.  Parsells 
Michael  J.  Parziale 
Richard  C.  Pask 
David  J.  Paskowski 
Jane  E.  Passburg 
Michael  F.  Pasternak 
Caroline  M.  Patacchiol; 
Patricia  A.  Paterson 
Michael  C.  Patterson 
Thomas  M.  Paulinga 
Deborah  A.  Peck 
Philip  C.  Pedersen 
James  A.  Peikon 
Edwin  J.  Pelis 
Lance  W.  Percy 
Robert  F.  Perkins 
John  P.  Peros 
Denice  M.  Perrault 
Joann  K.  Perreault 
Albino  A.  Perry 
David  R.  Perry 
Nancy  M.  Perry 
John  J.  Retell 
Carmen  Peters 
Francis  X.  Peters  Jr. 
James  A.  Peters 
Constanc  A.  Peterson 
Theodore  E.  Peterson 
James  K.  Petros  Jr. 
Sandra  L.  Peyser 
Robert  V.  Peyton 
Maureen  E.  Phelan 
Jerry  R.  Phillips 
Joseph  P.  Phillips 
Michael  J.  Phillips 
Pamela  M.  Phillips 
Patricia  E.  Phipps 
Virginia  C.  Piantedosi 
Paul  J.  Picillo 
Jean  H.  Pickens 
David  E.  Pickering 
Edwin  0.  Pickering 
Richard  J.  Pieciul 
Steven  L.  Pierce: 
Doreen  A.  Piersall 
Craig  A.  Pierson 
Jeffrey  C.  Pisciotta 
Barton  G.  Pisha 
Carol  A.  Pistone 
Donna  M.  Pivero 
William  E.  Player 
Stanley  E.  Plaza 
Eileen  V.  Polchlopek 
Nancy  S.  Pollack 
Sharon  R.  Pollard 
Jean  Pollock 
Robert  A.  Pontifex 
Laurence  K.  Poole  Jr. 
Paula  J.  Popeo 
Walter  J.  Popko 
Bridget  M.  Porter 
Ross  W.  Potter 
Walter!  Powell 
David  N.  Powers 
Kenneth  D.  Powers 
Paul  C.  Powers 
John  J.  Prance 
Joseph  T.  Pratt 
Maureen  A.  PrendergasI 
Sandra  C.  Prentice 
Judith  E.  Prescott 
Michael  J.  Preston 
Anthony  J.  Pribash 
Gerald  L.  Price 
Hampton  L.  Price 
Diane  G.  Routhier 

Cindy  L.  Roy 

Maryann  Primavera 

John  E.  Provencher 

Blase  W.Provitola 

Gale  E.  Puntoni 

Donald  R.  Putnam 

John  C.  Putnam 

William  F.  Queen 

Michael  A.  Quental 

Michael  J.  Quercio 

Rosemary  G.  Querze 

Michael  J.  Quinn 

Charles  E.  Quirk 

James  M.  Rabbitt 

JohnT.  Rabbitt 

Linda  A.  Radwanski 

Hilton  H.  Railey 

Karen  C.  Ramos 


Toni  A.  Ranieri 

Ruth  C.  Rankin 

Karen  S.  Rascoe 

Fred  J.  Ravens  III 

Patricia  A.  Reardon 

Stephen  F.  Reardon 

Stephen  L.  Rechter 

David  J.  Reed 

Joseph  M.  Regan 
Matthew  P.  Reich 

Shelley  F.  Reid 
Robert  A.  Reilly 

Carol  L.  Reinstein 
Robert  L.  Reis 
Ronald  J.  Rems 
Michael  J.  Remy 
John  P.  Renehan 
Dennis  F.  Renkowicz 
Margery  Anne  Reuben 
Roberto  L.  Rexach 
Fay  A.  Reynolds 
Shirley  A.  Reynolds 
Vernon  G.  Rhett 
Raymond  T.  Ricard 
Barbara  J.  Richardson 
Chester  A.  Richardson  III 
Linda  J.  Richardson 
Maria  J.  Riley 
Roger  L.  Ringenbach 
David  S.  Ritchkoff 
Marilyn  RItz 
Natalie  J.  Rizzotto 
Donald  D.  RobadueJr. 
Susan  L.  Rabbins 
James  F.  Roberts 
Iris  Robertson 
William  A.  Robinson 
Donald  P.  Robltaille 
Dalvd  M.  Rocha 
Stanley  J.  Rodak 
David  A.  Roddy 
Nancy  D.  Rodman 
Herman  D.  Rodrlgo 
Imelda  J.  Rojak 
Gary  A.  Romanian 
Anne  M.  Romano 
J.  Collyer  Rondeau 
Patricia  Roode  Roland 
Daniel  A.  Rosa 
Joanne  M.  Roscio 
Linda  S.  Rosen 
Donna  B.  Rosenberg 
Theodore  Rosenberg 
Lawrence  H.  Rosenkranz 
Andrea  B.  Ross 
Donald  M.  Ross 
NIkkl  E.  Ross 
Julie  A.  Rossborough 
Steven  C.  RostkowskI 
Sheldon  L.  Rothman 
Frank  A.  Rozenas 
Marjories.  Rubenstein 


Barbara  F.  Rubin 
Jonathan  D.  Rubin 
Marjorie  Rubin 
Mariene  Rubin 
Ralph  F.  Rullis 
James  E.  Russell 
Suzanne  Russell 
Jeffrey  S.  Ryan 
Jeffrey  M.  Ryan 
Jenny  L.  Ryan 
Angelo  F.  Sabatalo 
Michelle  A.  Saben 
Bernice  E.  Sadoski 
Carol  A.  Salem 
Martin  C.  Salon 
Christopher  L.  Salter 
Christine  A.  Salzmann 
Anne  R.  Sampson 
Robert  J.  Sanderson 
Bruce  R.  Sandy 
Mary  E.  Santman 
Susan  A.  Sapareto 
Paul  F.  Sardella 
Stephen  N.  Sarikas 
Karen  H.  Sarkisian 
Linda  J.Sarkisian 
Norman  E.  Saulnier 
Jane  M.  Savari 
Charles  J.  Savas 
Fred  J.  Scalese 
Patrick  J.  Scanlon 
Bruce  P.  Schabinger 
Barry  E.  Schatz 
Joseph  E.  Scheible 
Gerald  C.  Schena 
Arnold  F.  Schmidt 
Paula  A.  Schmidt 
Paul  K.  Schnabel 
Charles  F.  Schuft 
MaryT.  Schumacher 
Susan  A.  Schwartz 
John  P.  Sciacca 
Jerry  S.  Scott 
Russell  L.  Scott 
Anthony  D.  Scucci 
Stephen  P.  Scuderi 
Edward  H.  Scully 
James  R.  Seaquist 
Raymond  F.Sebold 
Stephen  A.  Seche 
Ellen  B.Sedlis 
Hirsch  D.  Seidman 
Richard  L.  Seikunas 
Carolyn  J.  Selby 
David  H.  Selby 
Ronni  L.  Selikson 
Teresa  J.  Serafin 
Anthony  J.  Serine 
Anita  Seroll 
Valerie  A.  Sessions 
Benjamin  M.  Seversky 
James  H.  Sexton 
James  M.  Shanks 
Elizabeth  C.  Shannon 
Lynne  D.  Shapiro 
Susan  R.  Shapiro 
Susan  Sharff 
Robert  B.  Sharpe 
Daniel  T.  Shay 
Ann  C.  Shea 
Donald  R.  Shea 
F.  M.  Sheehan 
James  M.  Sheehan 
Robert  J.  Sheehan 
Mary  E.  Sheridan 
Helen  T.  Sherry 
Susan  T.  Sherry 
Helen!  Shields 
Irene  M.Sholkin 
Walter  C.  Shutak 
Mary  L.  Sibley 

Bruce W.  Sibson 
Jerry  J.  Siciliano 
Laura  A.  Sicklick 
Lois  G.  Siebert 
Paul  H.  Sienkiewicz 
Maurita  M.  Signore 
Susan  D.  Signore 

St.  George 
Marks.  Silin 
Robert  M.  Siluk 
Bernard  R.Silva 
David  R.  Simard 
Christine  Simonsen 
William  J.  Simpson 
Nancy  L.  Sinden 
John  W.  Skorupski 
Richard  D.  Skowera 
Richard  A.  Sledzik 
MarkB.  Slocum 
Ronna  L.  Small 
David  M.  Smith 
Dennis  C.  Smith 
Lawrence  J.  Smith 
Madelyn  P.  Smith 
Marcella  E.  Smith 
Nancy  H.  Smith 
Norman  W.  Smith 
Richard  H.  Smith 
Richard  P.  Smith 
Michael  A.  Smollar 
Philip  W.Snedeker 
Judith  C.  Snow 
Steven  S.  Snyder 
Teresa  A.  Snyder 
Gerianne  M.  Socha 
George  A.  Soffron 
Brenda  H.  Sohlgren 
Susan  Sokolow 
Mohammad  Soleimani 
Walter  E.Soroka  Jr. 
Stephen  L.  Sotar 
George  P.  Soteropoulos 
Stephen  B.  Soumerai 
Jean  L.  Sousa 
Nancy  M.  Souza 
Robert  S.  Souza 
Dieter  W.Spaderna 
David  J.  Sparling 
Peter  D.  Spawn 
Stephen  P.  Spellenberg 
Stephanie  L.  Spence 
William  H.  Spence 
David  A.  Spieler 
Howard  A.  Spier 
Katherine  C.  Spiers 
Maruta  S.  Splgulis 
Sandra  L.  Spinzola 
Louis  M.  Spiro 
Conrad  J.  Stacheiek 
Paul  S.  Stachowicz 
David  M.  Stankus 
Raymond  F.  Stawarz 
Carol  E.  Stearns 
Gery  L.  Steinberg 
Michael  L.  Stephano 
Doron  Sterling 
Deborah  I.  Stern 
Frank  G.  Stewart 
James  H.  Stewart 
Richard  L.  Stewart 
Stephen  M.  St.  Marie 
William  M.Stokinger 
Patricia  A.  Stone 
Dale  A:  St.  Pierre 
Joanne  L.  Strahl 
Eleanor  Straus 
Russell  T.  Street 
William  D.  Stressenger 
Donald  F.  Sullivan 
Janet  M.Sullivan 

Peter  F.  Sullivan 
James  E.  Sumberg 
Patricia  A.  Suprenant 
David  G.  Swallow 
Carole  B.  Swartz 
Salli  A.  Swartz 
Richard  A.  Swiater 
Brian  J.  Sylvester 
Michael  A.  Szumilas 
Daniel  F.  Szymonik 
James  P.  Talarico 
John  K.  Talbot 
Nancy  A.  Tammik 
Deborah  A.  Tanacea 
Gary  F.  Tansino 

Pamela  L.  Tarlow 
Dennis  P.  Tarmey 
Helmut  G.Tatar 
Paul  N.  Tauger 
Bruce  E.  Taylor 
Michael  P.  Teasdale 
Nina  S.  Tepperforran 
Ric  M.  Testagrossa 
Irwin  Thall 
John  W.Thayer 
Stephen  C.  Themelis 
Lawrence  D.  Theriault 
LeeC.  Thibodeau 
Cathy  M.  Thom 
John  S.  Thomas 

Jeffrey  S.  Thompson 
John  L.  Thompson 
Kristen  R.  Thompson 
Mary  S.  Thompson 
Jay  R.  Thomsen 
Joseph  J.Tirone 
Jade  A.  Tits  worth 
Allan  C.  Tkaczyk 
John  Tocci 
Donna  M.  Tolper 
Paula  A.  Toltz 
John  F.  Toohey 
Susanne  L.  Toomajian 
Michael  A.  Toro 
Kenneth  M.Torosian 
James  J.  Toscano 
Carole  M.  Touchette 
Kenneth  A.  Tower 
Mary  E.  Trageser 
Philip  M.Traunstine 
Jeffrey  F.  Travers 
Craig  A.  Travis 
Louis  Tredeau 
Joseph  W.  Tripp 
Robert  P.  Trocki 
Robert  A.  Trotta 
Richard  C.  Tubman 
Elaine  D.  Tullson 
Paul  A.  Tully 
Ann  M.Turner 
Brenda  K.  Turner 
Stephen  A.  Turner 
Jane  E.  Twombly 
Richard  D.  Twomey 
Leonard  J.  Umina 
Peter  Urbanski 
Michael  P.  Ureneck 
Thomas  V.  tJrsch 
Joseph  A.  Vale 
Denise  L  Valois 
Kendall  E.VanBlarco 
WayneA.  Varricchio 
Robert  C.  Vautrain  Jr. 
Timothy  J.  Vecchiarelli 
Arthur  B.  Vega  Jr. 
Penny  Barnes  Vega 
Sister  Susan  M.  Vegiard 
Christine  R.  Veneri 

Marsha  J.  Venuti 

Judith  A.  Viles 


Paul  D.  Villant 

Thomas  P.Vincent 

LisaJ.  Vinick 

Anna  E.  Vontzalides 

Barbara  A.  Voorhees 

Gregory  C.  Vouros 

Diantha  L.  Wade 

Joanne  M.  Walkden 

Michael  R.  Wallace 

Mary  C.  Walsh 

Maureen  A.  Walsh 

John  J.  Walsh 

John  L.  Wanat  Jr. 

Ralph  E.  Ware  Jr. 

Robert  P.  Warren 

Diane  Waterfall 

Ellen  K.  Watson 

Cathy  A.  Webb 

Robert  P.  Webb 

David  C.  Weber 

Margaret  A.  Weigle 

Susan  F.  Weiler 

Susan  C.Weinberg 

KristineA.  Weiner 


Peter  R.  Weis 

Anne  M.Welch 

Nancy  L.  Welch 

Barry  R.  West 

Mary  J.  West 

JohnT.  Whalen 
Frank  A.  Wheaton 
Joseph  C.Wheeler  Jr. 
Albert  W.White 
Edward  A.  White 
Edward  E.'White 
Kathleen  White 
Lorita  B.Wichman 
Margaret  J.  Wiesel 
Christin  Wiggin 
William  J.  Wigmore 
Bruce  A.  Wilbur 
Shelley  B.Wilcox 
Robert  D.  Wiley 
Joyce  M.Wilkes 
Diane  LWillett 
David  J.Williams 
Kenneth  W.Williams 
Susan  A.  Williams 
Thomas  D.Williams 
Winston  D.  Williams 
Paul  K.  Williamson 
James  C.  Wilmot 
Jean  M.  Wilson 
Michael  J.  Wilson 
Ronald  A.  Wilson 
Glenn  6. Wing 
Claire  L.Winston 
Brendan  L.  Winters 
Ronald  Witek 
Paula  A.  Wojtowicz 
Michelle  A.  Wolf 
Stephen  G.  Wolf 
Wendy  B.  Wolf 
Denise  S.  Wolfe 
Michael  A.  Wolfe 
Judith  A.  Woll 
Robert  J.  Woloss 
Christine  E.Wood 
Peter  G.  Wood 
Robert  L.  Wood  Jr. 
Sheryl  L.  Woodcome 
Wayne  O.Woodruff 
Janet  L.  Woodward 
Linda  D.  Woolard 
Winchester  Woollard 
Franklin  C.  Wright 
Ralph  E.  Wyman 
Robert  A.  Wyner 
Steven  D.  Wyner 
Elizabeth  A.  Yarmac 
Alan  A.  Yelsey 
Carolyn  J.  Young 
Richard  D.  Young 
Marcia  B.  Zack 
Richard  M.  Zajac 
Kenneth  G.  ZaIenskI 
John  J.  Janiewski 
Ann  C.  Zenevitch 
Beth  R.  Zevin 
Joseph  P.  Zocchi 
Nancy  L.  Zolliker 











"Let  me  acknowledge  at  the  very 
outset  that  you're  absolutely  right  to 
blame  Washington  for  this 


"Confidence  is  a  fragile  structure,  easily  damaged, 
but  not  easily  restored.  The  crisis  we  face  ttien  is  a 
crisis  affecting  the  question  whether  or  not  we  are 
going  to  be  able  in  time  to  bring  about  restoration 
of  confidence  that  will  be  strong  enough  on  which 
to  continue  to  rest  the  trust  upon  which  free  repre- 
sentative self-government  depends." 

—  Elliot  L.  Richardson 


"You  are  graduating  at  a  critical  time  of  deep  social  malaise  and  a  growing 
public  cynicism  and  institutional  failure  at  all  levels.  This  country  desperately 
needs  your  individual  and  combined  talents  and  a  renewal  of  concern  and  con- 
fidence for  the  defense  and  advancement  of  a  truly  democratic  society." 

—  Chancellor  Randolph  W.  Bromery 

"Turning  our  backs  on  the  prospects  for  applying  our  collective  wisdom  to  the 
solution  of  our  common  problems  is  not  a  viable  alternative.  Withdrawing  to 
ourselves,  to  a  narrow  sense  of  self  and  career,  is  to  guarantee  both  personal 
emptiness  and  collective  failure." 

—  President  Robert  Wood 

"The  morality  of  our 
society  is  in  the  end 
our  own." 




Alan  Chapman 

History  compiled  by 
Alan  Chapman 


Alan  Chapman 
Steve  Ruggles 

"The  Cultivation" 
Cindy  Gonet 



Pamela  Normandy 


Alan  Chapman 
Pat  Carney 



Alan  Chapman 

Normandy    (Pp.  34-43;  52-55;  66- 
67;  82-85.) 
Neister  (Pp.  44-45)_ 

Anestos  (Pp.  46|*^ 

I  Frazier  (Pp.  48-49;  7fr 

I  Coyne  (Pp.  50; 

Citron  (Pp.  56- 

Marie  Testarmata  (Pp.  641 

>i  Newman 

(Pp.  701 

(Pp.  ii 


Gil  Silva 

Bob  Gamache 

John  Stewart 

.Steven  Bernson 

Bill  Foster 

r         D«nnis  Conlon 

Darlene  Lyko 

Marcia  Lappin 

Dan  Smith 

George  Withers 

Dick  Leonard 

Alan  Chapman 

Iniversity  Photo  Center 

0  Don  Lendry  and  Pat  Carney  fo| 
invaluable  assisi 



Alan  Chapman 


Dick  Leonard 

George  Withers 

Tuna  Stewart 

Dan  Smith 

Gil  Silva 

Joe  Martins 

Gail  Larson 

Doug  Hurst 

Al Jagoda 

Bill  Foster 

Bob  Gamache 

Bob  Berman 

Steve  Ruggles 

John  Neister 

Alan  Chapman 



s      Shelly  Lauzon 

John  Neister 



in  Brock  (I 

vis  Belton 

rry  Charych 

-flUngram  i 


elley  Lauzon    (128-129;  134-135;  l< 
152-153;  15; 


Bill  Foster 


immelt  Schmarsow 


|Fck  Margossian 


Bob  Barman 


ack  Iwanik 


irry  Charych 



(132;  I39H 

hn  Neister        (133-141 

;  146-149;  15|m| 

win  Mack 


"orge  Withers 


hn  Stewart 


ick  Leonard 


e  Martins 





Bob  Esteile 


I  Alan  Chapman 

^  John  Neister 



(Pp.  164-167;  l^mmm 

pin  Bock 

(Pp.  184-185) 

Steve  DeCosta 

(Pp.  170-171) 

Mike  Elliot 

(Pp.  200-201) 

Candy  Gross 

(Pp.  174-175) 

Scott  Hayes 

(Pp.  192-195) 

jUnda  Mackler 

(Pp.  168-169;  180-181) 

jl^ry  Miley 

(Pp.  188-189) 


(Pp.  190) 


(Pp.  176-177) 

mb  Esteile 

(Pp.  160-163;  178-179;  182-183; 


196-199;  202-207) 




'    (W.  Crewi;   Football;   Baseball; 



TTan  Chapman    (W.  Gymnastics;  Football; 

Hockey;  Basketball) 

Dan  Smith 

(Basketball;  Lacrosse) 

Joe  Martins 

(Cross  Country;  Soccer;  Baseball) 

Joe  Martins    (Crosscountry;  Soccer;  Baseball)      | 

Gil  Silva 


Ed  Mangiratti 

(Track  &  Field) 

Doug  Hurst 

(Golf;  Wrestling) 

Ben  Ferris 


Bob  Gamache 

(Hockey)   l 

Jim  Bilek 

(Mens  Gymnastics) 

Steve  Ruggles 

(Basketball;  Football) 

University  Photo  Center 



Kermit  Plimpton 


Joan  Johnson 

Kathy  Stickney 

Susan  French 

Janis  Peters 

Joanne  Frotten 

Ann  Marie  Testarmata 

Class  of  1974 


John  Neister  (Pp.  256-267) 

Gil  Silva 

Photo  Editor 

Doug  Heifner 

Business  Manager 



Kermil  Plimpton 

Senior  Editor 

John  Neister 

Managing  Editor 


Pam  Normandy 

Academics  Editor 

Alan  Chapman 


Shelley  Lauzon 


Bob  Estelle 

Athletics  Editor 


74  INDEX 

/^jt^  ^^uxftma*^ 



Managing  Editor 

^oco^loA  ^cC^^t^ 

Business  Manager 

Photo  Editor 




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