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The following Handbooke a upon on ube oe he y 
International Fisheries Exhibition are already pipe hed i 
or in active preparation :— | i: ae 

Deny 8wo., in Illustrated Wrapper 1s. each ; or bound tn cloth 25. cash, } on 
Law, M.A. (Oxon.), Hon. LL.D. Edin. ; Corpus Christi Pioteee of | Juri 
prudence in the University of Oxford. 
Demonstrator of Biology, Normal School of Science, and Royal School of M ines, 
South Kensington. i. 

(Lilustrated.) By W. SAVILLE KENT, F.L.S., F.Z.S., Author of Official Guide- i 
books to the Brighton, Manchester, and Westminster Aquaria, eS 

APPARATUS FOR FISHING. By E. W. H. Hotpswortn, Pe 3 
F.L.S., F.Z.S., Special Commissioner for Juries, International Fisheries 4 
Exhibition ; : Author of “Deep Sea Fisheries and Fishing Boats,” ‘‘ British — 
Industries—Sea Fisheries,” &c. 

WALPOLE, Lieut.-Governor of the Isle of Man. a | 

BERTRAM, Author of ‘‘ The Harvest of the Sea.” > a 

THE SALMON FISHERIES. (Lilustrated.) By C. Es. FRYER. 
Assistant Inspector of Salmon Fisheries, Home Office. 

|e Do i oa 

late Angling Editor of ‘‘ Bell’s Life.” ee ¥ | 


Day, F.L.S., Commissioner for India to International Fisheries Exhibition. 

TIMES. By W.M. ADAMS, M.A. (Oxon.), late Fellow of New Collane x 
FISH CULTURE. (Iilustrated.) By Francis Day, F.L.S., Courth S 
missioner for India to International Fisheries Exhibition. 
EDIBLE CRUSTACEA. By W. Savitz Kent, F.LS., F.ZS. 

Author of Official Guidebooks to the Brighton, Manchester, and aa Ee 

By JOHN J. MANLEY, M.A. (Oxon.) ; “a te | 
SEA FABLES DISCLOSED. By Henry Lez, F.L.S. et | 
FOLK LORE OF FISHES: their Place in Fable, Fai niry | 
Tale, Myth, and Poetry. By Puri ROBINSON. 

TRENDELL, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, Literary Superinte ende 
the Fisheries Exhibition. * a 



* t4 D242 

@ 2lnternational Fisheries £ Exhibition 

BS} at LONDON, 1883 





PieeeNctis DAY, F.L:S. 



ie ee : Pa as 





ONE great purpose which many persons have anticipated 
from the International Fisheries Exhibition is a full investi- 
gation into the condition of fisheries in general ; the causes 
which have conduced to their prosperity or deterioration, 
with the suggestion of rules for their future administration. 
At present British fish economists are divided into two 
schools, which may be thus defined :— 

I. That Government should permit our marine fisheries 
to be untrammelled by legislative restrictions, everyone 
should be permitted to help himself to fish as he pleases 
under the belief that the stock in the sea is inexhaustible. 

II. That Government regulations in the working of sea 
fisheries is advisable in order to prevent undue destruction 
of the spawn and young fish, on the supposition that our 
inshore fisheries, as well as those of some trawled forms, are 
being unduly depleted. 

The following pages on the “ Fisheries of India,” mainly 
relate to the condition they were in a few years since as 
ascertained by personal investigations. Some of the 
obstacles under which they laboured have been removed, 
while others, it is hoped, are shortly to be remedied ; but 
the result of the incidence of the salt-tax on marine fisheries, 
and the want of restrictions on fresh-water ones, are well 
,demonstrated. | 

The length of the sea-board of India and Burmah has been 



computed at about 4611 English miles, throughout the whole 
of which extent the waters are more abundantly stocked with 
fish than are those around the British Isles; either due to 
the greater reproductive powers of the species, or more 
probably to the less amount of depredation committed by 
man. While predaceous fish-consuming animals, as por- 
poises, sharks, rays, skates and sea perches, are far more 
numerous in the tropics than in these more northern climes. 
But it is a remarkable fact that due to some cause these 
fisheries which should afford a plentiful supply of food along 
the sea-coast are practically nearly unworked, except near 
large centres of population, or where cheap salt can be pro- 
cured wherewith to cure the captures. This food-harvest, 
up to within the last few years, has been comparatively un- 
touched even while famines were devastating the contiguous 

Maritime fisheries, irrespective of affording food, ought 
likewise to be serviceable, as producing isinglass, fish oils 
and manures, as well as necessitating the purchase of 
materials for boat-building, the manufacture of nets, hooks 
and lines, the carriage of produce, &c. The principal modes 
made use of for utilising fish for food along the sea-coasts 
of India and Burmah may be considered under the following 
heads: (1) Fresh fish, how far it can be conveyed inland? 
(2) Dried fish and its varieties. (3) Cured or salted fish, 
and how prepared ? 

Flow far can fresh fish be conveyed inland? In examining 
this question, if the employment of ice or salt is omitted, 
the distance sea fish can be carried inland, while fresh, 
depends upon several circumstances. The season is one 
important factor, as during the hot months putrefaction 
commences very rapidly, while some forms, especially the 
immature, the herrings, and the siluroids or scaleless fishes, 


decompose more quickly than others ; and the same result 
follows close packing, or want of protection from the full 
force of the sun’s rays. Usually, fish are not landed until 
after sunrise, while those brought on shore of an evening are 
generally kept where they are until the next morning, 
coolies being averse to travelling after dark. On the other 
hand, facilities of carriage may exist, as railways, water 
communications passing inland, or arrangements made for 
this purpose. As a general rule, inland places having no 
special facilities for carriage do not receive uncured sea fish 
in a wholesome condition upwards of ten miles from the 
beach where they were landed. Should, however, the fish 
be first opened and cleaned, some salt rubbed in, and care 
taken in their conveyance (as warding off the sun’s rays), 
they may be carried considerably further. But salt being 
very expensive is very seldom employed for this purpose, or 
else a very slight amount is used, and putrefaction has often 
set in prior to the fish being disposed of for human food. 
While ice is only prepared or stored at large centres of 
population, and at such localities a ready market exists for 
all the fisherman’s captures. 

What varieties of dried fish exist in India? In many 
places along the shores of British India, especially where 
the salt-tax is rigorously enforced, it is usual for the purpose 
of laying in a store for future supply or for inland trade, 
simply to dry fish in the sun. This can be done with 
smaller and thinner forms, as A mbassis, Equula, the Bombay 
duck (Harpodon nehereus), many of the herrings and small 
varieties or immature forms, but not so well with the larger 
fish ; however, even from these last, slices may be cut and 
sun-dried. In some localities small fish are first buried in 
the sea-sand, in order to obtain a little saline substance, and 
subsequently sun-dried. In damp weather such articles 

B 2 


rapidly decompose, while in the hot months they are attacked 
by innumerable insects. 

Lastly, how are fish salted? The processes employed 
are chiefly divisible into the two following :—(1) Those 
cured with monopoly salt, or salt which has paid the Govern- 
ment tax - and (2) those prepared with salt-earth, or 
spontaneous and untaxed salt. I propose first referring to 
salt and its cost, for wherever the fisherman or fish-curer can 
obtain this condiment at a cheap rate, there marine fisheries 
flourish ; where it is dear, his occupation is destroyed, except 
for the purpose of supplying daily wants, and a small 
surplus for salting or sun-drying. This will be most easily 
explained by referring to a few districts in detail. . 

The amount of salted and dried fish exported by sea 
from Indian ports was as follows (the value is given in £, 
computing one rupee at two shillings) :— 

Five Years From Sind. Brom Sonn Ste = Consmantien 
ending Value in £. Value in z Valneanre Coast. 
: Value in £. 

1857-58 8,472 |Noreturns./No returns.) Noreturns. 
1862-63 13,064 AG 205272 he 
1867-68 18,725 6,969 48 , 207 1,753 
1872-73 22,944 14,921 90,849 4,513 

The duty in Sind upon salt was 2s., or less, a maund of 
822 lb. avoirdupois, during the entire period comprised in 
the foregoing table. | 

The first great increase in salting fish in that province 
occurred in 1860-61, in which year the duty was raised in 
the contiguous Presidency of Bombay from 2s. to 2s. 6d. 
a maund. The next spurt of this trade, in Sind, was 
in 1864-65, when the salt-duty in Bombay was again raised 
from 2s. 6d. to 3s.a maund. Possibly the importations into 


that Presidency from Sind would subsequently have been 
even more considerable, but Government decided, in 1867, 
to admit all salt-fish from foreign ports, where no salt-duty 
exists, into British India free of duty, to the immense 
advantage of the Portuguese settlements and the Meckran 
coast, but completing the ruin of Indo-British fishermen 
and fish-curers, unless they were advantageously located. 

In olden times, salt was allowed duty-free in British ter- 
ritory, for salting fish; but this enactment was repealed 
(year not ascertained), because the excise officers found that 
it assisted smuggling, and so necessitated keeping up a 
larger preventive staff than would otherwise be required. 

The annual sales of Government or monopoly salt in the 
various districts on the Malabar coast of Madras, along 
with the value of the salted and dried fish exported by sea, 
are shown in the following table. The figures demonstrate | 
that but very little, if indeed any, taxed salt was employed 
by the fish-curers ; while in the native state of Cochin, the 
sale of salt in ten years, ending 1872-73, owing to aug- 
mented duty, was reduced by two-thirds, and it is a signifi- 
cant fact that it was during this very period the great 
increase in the amount of exported salt-fish began. In the 
contiguous British district of Chowghaut, although in the 
year 1872 £1067 8s. worth of salt-fish were exported, only 
£4060 worth of monopoly salt was disposed of among the 
entire population. 

The reason why the sale of taxed salt is not in propor- 
tion to the amount of salt-fish exported, appears capable of 
the following explanation. Due to a legal decision the 
people had become entitled to collect salt-earth in order to 
cure fish for their own consumption; but, there being no 
law restricting their disposing of any surplus they possessed, 
a large trade in selling salt-fish sprang up. This induced 


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an increased demand for fish; the fisherman’s trade became 
well paid, and a very large amount of animal food found its 
way into the market which would otherwise have been lost. 
That this is most probably the correct explanation is shown 
by examining the condition of the fisheries on the eastern 
coast of the Madras Presidency at the same period. On 
this side of the Presidency the right to gather salt-earth 
was not recognised, but, observed one official, the practice 
of salting fish must be increasing, considering that the price 
of the fish, which formerly cost 2s., has been reduced to 
Is. 3a. or Is. 6@. But it appears probable that this reduced 
value of the fish was due, not to the increased prosperity 
of the fishermen, who were evidently in a miserably poor 
state, but that the absence of salt wherewith to cure fish had 
diminished the demand for the article, and fishermen had to 
be content with a lessened price.* 

In the Madras Presidency the salt-tax in 1859 stood at 
2s. a maund, but has since been raised as follows :—1859-60, 
2s. Q@.; 1860-61, 35.; 1864-65, 35. 45@.; 1869-70, 4s. ; 
1875, 6s.; now 4s. The incidence of this tax resulted ina 
very small amount of salt-fish being prepared with monopoly ~ 

or taxed salt for local consumption, and a little for export 

* The Madras Revenue Board (May 14th, 1873) observed that the 
fishermen numbered throughout the Madras Presidency 394,735 
persons ; that the answers elicited by the questions put by Dr. Day, 
&c., have directed the attention of the Board to the subject of the 
influence of the salt-duties on the trade of fish-curing, and they see 
reason to think that a great practical hardship exists, which they would 
advocate immediate endeavours to alleviate. That this is being done 
will be shown by the following extract of a letter from one of the 
Members of the Revenue Board at Madras, who observed on 
November 8th, 1882, “ The industry (of salting fish) is really com- 
mencing at last : 400 tons more were salted this year than last, and 
80 more yards for curing are to be opened in a month or two.” The 
amount cured in the Madras Presidency was 1734 tons in 1882. 


to Ceylon ; but the amount of this condiment employed by 
fish-curers cannot be great, as it makes no perceptible 
figure in the quantity of salt disposed of. During the last 
few years the system of bonded enclosures, within which 
fish may be cured with free salt, has been tried at Madras, 
and it appears to be working so successfully, that it is 
hoped it will be found practicable to introduce it to all other 
parts of British India. | 

In Bengal, excised salt appeared never to have been 
employed for fish-curing, and the fisheries were in a neg- 
lected state; or, as observed by the collector of Balasore, 
“Fish sold in the markets are so stale that no European 

would touch it, and most of it is putrid. . . . The people in © 

this district do not salt their fish, they dry it in the sun, 
and eat it when it is quite putrid. They like it in this way, 
and there is no reason why they should be interfered with.” 
Salt was then (1870) subject to a duty of ten shillings for 
822 lb. weight. Further to the eastward, in Burmah, the salt 
duty was one shilling for the same quantity, sun-dried fish 
a rarity, the fisherman’s trade flourishing, while salted fish or 
crustacea, in the form of mga pee, invariably formed part of 
every meal among the indigenous population. 

The amount of salt which must be employed in order to 
properly prepare a given quantity of fish is about as fol- 
lows :—In Sind 20 1b. of monopoly salt is added to 82? lb. 
of fish ; on the western coast of Madras, as Tellicherry, 
28 lb. of salt is used to 822]b. of small fish, as mackerel, 
herrings, &c. It appears that, for the purposes of trade, 
one part of monopoly salt is necessary to about three parts 
of fish. However, at Gwadur, in Beloochistan, where this 
condiment is very cheap, a larger proportion of it was used 
than in either Sind or in India. Fish cured with salt-earth, 
or spontaneous but untaxed salt, require a much larger 


amount of this antiseptic than they do of monopoly salt, or 
nearly three (upwards of 23) parts of salt earth to one part 
of fish. This cost of salt, it will be perceived, must have a 
direct bearing upon the usefulness of the fisheries ; where it 
is cheapest (other things being equal) the fisherman’s trade 
will be most developed. Along the coasts of Beloochistan, 
where there was. no salt-tax (1873), large communities were 
entirely supported. by fisheries, their captures being cured 
and exported for the Indian or Chinese markets. The 
same remark applied to the Portuguese settlements of Goa, 
Daumaun, and Diu, the salt used there costing about three- 
pence per 82? lb. weight, whereas in the contiguous British 
territory it stood at the salt-pans at about four shillings. 
Hence the foreign fishermen were able to freely use this 
condiment; the cured article was preserved in a superior 
manner, more wholesome to the consumer, and able to be 
carried further inland. 

The following return shows the amount of dried and salt 
fish (in maunds) despatched inland from Bombay and other 
stations on the Grand Trunk Peninsular Railway, for ten years 
ending 1881, and shows how the trade is developing :— 

1872—21,837 Maunds. 
1873— 22,839 9? 
1874—20,608 _ ,, 
1875—25,, 563 29 
1876—23,690 ,, 
1877—25,718  ,, 
1878—33,916 29 
1879 Fie 885 29 
1880—42,0Ir ,, 
188I—45,192 ,, 

A few years since, fisheries thrived along the Beloo- 
chistan coast and the Portuguese settlements, due to the 
excise on salt being not excessive or entirely absent. In 


the Bombay Presidency, the fisherman’s market became 
restricted to the sales for immediate consumption, or else 
for sun-drying, or, as the Collector of Tanna observed, 
“Whether fish is dried as above, in preference to its being 
salted, is a question I have been unable to ascertain. It is 
very probable that it has been resorted to in the place 
of curing by salt, consequent on the excise duty levied on 
salt.” Wherever salt-earth could be obtained free of duty, 
along the western coast of Madras, there the fisheries thrive, 
the fish-curer requiring a large supply of fish. Along the 
east coast of Madras, the collection of salt-earth was more 
or less prohibited, and the fisherman’s trade, except near 
large towns, the reverse of flourishing. But in Bengal the 
fisheries are, or were, worst off, the only curing fish obtained 
being sun-drying. Lastly, in Burmah, where salt is cheap, 
the fisheries were thriving. Before concluding this portion 
of my subject, I would observe that it is not to be supposed 
that fish cured with salt-earth are of the best quality ; on 
the contrary, it imparts a bitter and unpleasant flavour, and 
is believed to engender disease. But the poor cannot be par- 
ticular respecting the taste or smell of their food—expense 
being usually the most important consideration. Salt-earth 
costs about $d. a basket of 144 lb. weight, depending upon 
its quality ; but, as I have remarked, it requires treble the 
amount to what is necessary if excised salt is used. But 
824 lb. of monopoly salt was taxed 3s. 74d. at this time ; 
now 4s5.; whereas 246 lbs. of salt earth cost from 3d. to 1d, 
and this is evidently the reason of the latter being preferred 
by fish-curers for the purpose of preparing fish for the 
trade ; for if monopoly salt, at its present rate, were used, 
the article, at least to the general public, would be beyond 
their means, and simply unpurchaseable. The reason why 
the plentiful harvest of fish in the sea remains ungathered 


is not due to the apathy of the fisherman, or the unwilling- 
ness of the general public to be consumers of fish, but is 
solely a result of the cost of salt, and that due to the Indian 
salt-tax, a condition of things which it is hoped is being 
slowly ameliorated. 

Having thus briefly adverted to how the fisherman’s and 
fish-curer’s occupations are injured by the incidence of a 
heavy salt-tax, I pass on to the fishermen and their con- 
dition, as it was a few years since. Doubtless, should no 
sufficient market exist for the produce of their industry, 
some of these people must cease fishing, and engage in 
other pursuits ; while those who remain to make a livelihood, 
as did their forefathers, seek the cheapest way and easiest 
method by which such may be accomplished. A very little 
acquaintance with the habits of fish suffices to teach the 
fisherman that the smallest kinds and fry are taken with the 
greatest ease ; as, preferring the vicinity of the shore, and 
seeking their food in shallow waters, they are more readily 
captured in weirs, or with fixed engines and traps, than are 
the larger, more predaceous, and deep-sea forms. But by 
destroying or driving away the small fish, crustacea, and 
minute animal life, the food is being diminished which 
previously decoyed the larger and more predaceous forms 
in, thus scaring away what would otherwise be the natural 
supply. The fisherman’s business is to supply personal 
requirements and family wants ; consequently, if he obtains 
as much of the finny tribes as he can find a market for or 
otherwise employ, no injury is inflicted by his proceeding. 
For, so long as salt is not available for the purpose of curing 
any surplus, meeting the small local demand for fresh fish 
is all that is really requisite. 

The deep-sea fishermen—or rather, those who ply their 
occupation outside the shallow waters of the littoral zone— 


as a rule do so by means of nets, stakes, or with hooks and 
lines. Deep-sea netting is not carried on to any great 
extent, partly because of the insufficiency of a market to 
render such remunerative, and likewise owing to the expense 
which would be necessary in obtaining the requisite nets, 
and the cost of building seaworthy boats. Fishermen are 
not to be classed among the richer classes, but have to 
borrow money, which is lent them at exorbitant rates of 
interest, wherewith to supply themselves with the requisites 
for their work. As an instance, in Sind a net suitable for 
sea-fishing would involve the outlay of £40 or £50, while it 
does not usually last more than.a year. A boat costs about 
£100, and ought to be serviceable for several successive 
seasons. The money having been borrowed, the fisherman, 
who is the borrower, disposes of his captures at half the 
market rates to the money-lender, still this leaves a profit 
due to the existence of a good market for the fish-curer’s 

Along the coasts of Sind large nets for sharks are 
employed in the comparatively deep sea ; while off Malabar 
during the mackerel and sardine seasons, drift-nets, having 
a mesh suited to the size of the species it is desired to 
capture, are used for taking these two descriptions of fish, 
as well as for the seir fish (Cydcwm) and horse mackerel 
(Caranx), but not expressly for any other sorts. Also inthe 
vicinity of large towns, or where a great demand exists, stake 
and other nets are somewhat largely employed. In some 
places fishing by hooks and lines is much pursued: not so 
in others. The modes of capture may be divided into two 
descriptions: first, the larger hooks used for sharks and 
other predaceous forms when they are connected bya chain 
to a strong cord; secondly, the smaller kinds of hooks used 
in catching sea perches, maigres, polynemi, and other 


eatable or valuable species. Occasionally artificial baits are 
also made use of. For embarking upon these last descrip- 
tions of fishing, a large capital is unnecessary, at least in 
such districts where catamarans or rafts are employed. 
When line fishing is carried on off coral reefs, as at the 
Andamans, large numbers of hooks are lost, due to the 
hooked fish dashing into or below the coral, when the lines 
become severed. In certain places, as at Kurrachee, for 
line fishing, moderately sized boats are employed, prawns 
being considered the most killing bait. In some boats 
captured fish are opened, cleaned and salted while at sea, 
and in others the whole of this process is carried out.on 
shore. This is especially the case along the western coast 
of India, because the fisherman can obtain salt at Goa 
or other foreign settlements at 43d. to 6d. a maund (82? 
Ib.), take it out to sea, capture and salt his fish there, and 
then run in and dispose of them at a British port. 

The salt-water fisheries of India and Burmah are carried 
on by means of various contrivances from the most primitive 
to elaborate labyrinths ; alsoin many other ways in the deep 
sea. Without entering upon a detailed description of each, 
with the variations noted in the several districts, perhaps it 
may be better to briefly advert to the chief characteristics 

First, there are tidal fisheries, the most primitive type of 
which is when pounds are constructed, or tidal ponds made 
use of, where the fish which enter with the flood are left 
impounded on the ebb occurring ; from such a place they 
sometimes have to be removed by scoop, lave, cast, or other 
nets ; or a very rough stonework may be employed to bar 
the outlet to the fish, but through the interstices of which the 
water is able to escape. Bamboo, rattan, reed, or other 

screens constructed in various ways may also be used to 


preclude the escape of the imprisoned fish. Slightly in 
advance of these pounds, frequently constructed at the head 
of an estuary, are wicker-work labyrinths placed at right 
angles to the shore, or else acting like a pound in permitting 
the fish to enter with the flood, but precluding exit with the 
ebb. 7 

Probably as the supply from pounds became insufficient, 
stake-nets were constructed where suitable currents exist, 
and these are now among the chief means of obtaining a 
supply of fish along some portions of the coasts of India. 
The stakes which are employed are usually made of the 
stem of some species of palm-tree or jungle wood, and up 
to as much as 100 feet in length. They are placed at right 
angles to the shore, and driven perpendicularly into the mud 
to a depth of twelve feet or more, and at a distance of about 
twenty-five feet apart, while to them nets, mostly con- 
structed of hemp, and of a bag or funnel shape, are fixed. 
These bag-nets are up to great lengths, as forty yards, and 
are composed of meshes, diminishing from two inches 
between knot and knot, to half an inch at the apex. Into 
these nets the fish are carried by the tide or currents which 
exist even far out to sea, while fishermen are waiting to 
secure the captures. Trammels are also employed. 

Another mode of sea-fishing is by means of a stationary 
dip-net; this in Malabar is worked from a frame-work 
situated upon the river-bank, where the tide ebbs and flows ; 
an addition to this is used in China, where the dip-net is 
worked from a boat or a platform. Slightly in advance of 
these fixed nets are purse-nets, fixed in bamboo frames and 
capable of being dragged up narrow pieces of water, or lave- 
nets set in triangular frames, and which can be worked by a 
single man up shallows, or a row of fishermen can employ 
them along suitable places on the coast. Next we find the 


cast-net, which can be carried from one spot to another, 
as requirements dictate; occasionally several are joined 
together, thus constructing a drag-net. There are simple 
nets with floats, which are either without sinkers or with 
them ; some employed near the shore have a bamboo at 
either end. There are purse-nets and bag-nets, some with, 
others without, pockets ; some for drifting, others for being 
dragged or fixed; as well as special nets for various 
purposes, some of which have more complicated arrange- 
ments, while the size of the mesh is constructed in accordance 
with that of the fish it is intended to capture. 

One of the most primitive forms of implement for the 
capture of fish, and which is extensively employed in the 
East, is cone or bell-shaped, made of pieces of split bamboo 
or rattan, the lower end of this cone being open, while at its 
upper end is a small orifice through which the fisherman 
can pass his hand and remove the captures. In many 
places rows of fishermen, each armed with one of these 
primitive implements, work a tideway, and often with good 
results, especially among grey mullet and small fish; or 
the upper end of this cone may be closed, forming a handle, 
while a rope-handle is affixed to the larger extremity, and 
it is thus employed as a scoop. A similar cone, but closed 
at its narrow end, and having a second one inserted into the 
larger extremity, when laid flat constitutes a trap which can 
be used in weirs or elsewhere. From these have sprung a 
most varied assortment of wicker traps, many resembling in 
structure rat-traps ; some are baited, others simply inserted 
in tideways for the purpose of taking fish or crustacea. An 
enumeration of all forms would be endless. Triangular 
lave-nets used by a single fisherman are also constructed 
of split bamboo as well as of net. 

In some places on the Andaman Islands, the fishermen 


to this day can obtain fish by diving, the use of spears, or 
shooting with bows and arrows; these latter having the 
shaft in two pieces attached together by a piece of string. 
. The upper end of the shaft is made of reed which will float 
in the water, and as soon as the game is struck, the arrow 
separates into two parts (these being connected by string), 
and the fisherman obtains possession of the floating portion, 
and thus secures his prey. Hooks and lines are used in 
many places, and also artificial bait of the most primitive » 
description in imitation of flying fishes (Plate IV., Fig. 3), 
and which is towed at the stern of boats when it is desired 
to take seir and other large fishes. In many parts crustacea 
are scarcely fished for, except as bait for line fishermen; in 
other localities, as Cochin, Madras, Calcutta, and Burmah, 
they are extensively captured. In taking crabs, an iron 
hook is inserted into the cavities of rocks where they exist, 
and by it they are removed. 

The sea fishermen belong to the servile class or Sudras, 
according to the ancient legislators of Hindustan, and in 
most parts of the coasts of India still maintain that they 
were, in times now past, divided into two distinct classes— 
(1) those who captured fish in the deep sea, or beyond 
their own depth; and (2) others who fished from the shore 
and in the backwaters and creeks. But that now, owing to 
the depressed condition of the fishing trade, the deep-sea 
fishermen (except where salt is cheap or a good market 
exists) have taken to the less expensive occupation of 
plying their work in-shore, and earning a portion at least of 
their living by engaging in other pursuits. In several parts 
of India, more especially in the Madras Presidency, they 
have customs of a patriarchal nature, but which are more 
strictly observed on the Coromandel than on the western 
coast. In Sind the fishermen termed Mohanees are a 


Mussalman tribe, composed of immigrants from Arabia, 
or the descendants of Hindus possibly converted by their 
conquerors to Islam. The divisions are each under their 
own chief, who is hereditary, and his business is to settle 
caste disputes and other trifling matters, also to conduct 
the religious ceremonies connected with marriages and 
deaths. In Bombay, as in the Deccan and Carnatic, they 
claim to be a sub-division of the Mahrattas ; while in the 
Madras Presidency, headmen to the fishing castes exist; in 
some localities they are hereditary, in others elective ; or, 
should there be no headmen, matters are laid before certain 
wealthy individuals of their own caste, whose decision is 
final. In places where the fishermen are native Christians, 
the priest is frequently appealed to in order to settle such 
disputes as arise. 

In olden times the fishing castes were commanded by 
their own chiefs, who appear to have been constantly ready 
to engage in military expeditions. The Samorin, in 1513, 
sent a deputation to Portugal, and his ambassador, who 
turned Christian, was knighted, under the name of “John 
of the Cross,” by John III. On his return to Malabar, he 
was banished from the Samorin’s court, as a renegade from 
the faith of his fathers. In 1532 he joined the fishermen, 
by whom he appears to have been installed as their chief, 
as he headed a deputation of eighty-five of them to Cochin, 
soliciting the assistance of the Portuguese against the Ma- 
homedans. ‘The whole of the embassy are said to have 
become converts to the truths of Christianity, so a Portu- 
guese fleet was sent to their relief, and 20,000 are reputed 
to have immediately consented to be baptized. Ten years 
subsequently, Xavier instituted a church for these people. 

It appears probable that the present organisation of the 
fishing classes is the remains of some ancient system, for 



on no other supposition can the existence of individuals 
holding such extensive sway be accounted for. The village 
or patriarchal system of an elective headman to such of 
his caste as inhabit each street and hamlet, is what is seen 
elsewhere among other classes ; so likewise is the hereditary 
headman over several villages. But among the fishermen 
there exist priestly chiefs, two of whom in the Madras 
Presidency are to be found on the Eastern coast, one being 
at Madras and the other at Cuddalore, the territory of the 
former stretching up the Coromandel coast, while that of 
the latter reaches towards Cape Comorin. A third is 
found in South Canara, where he exercises spiritual control 
over a large district, and it is by no means improbable that 
others may exist. These chiefs, whose offices are hereditary, 
claim or receive fees and fines from those of their caste 
living within their jurisdiction, and they are the final 
referees in all cases of caste or family disputes. 

The next grade is also hereditary. These mere petty 
chiefs or headmen only hgld sway each over a few villages ; 
their duties are the same, and some of their fees seem to 
have to be transmitted to their superior. On one of these 
headmen dying without heirs, a new one is elected by the 
people of the caste. Lastly, the fishermen have the elective 
headman, who is chosen by the residents of a single hamlet ; 
his duties are to decide disputes, to be present at marriages 
and religious ceremonies, often to fix the work, and assist 
in certain Government duties; his emoluments appear to 
be very trifling. | 

Passing on to the condition of the fishermen (as it was a 
few years since) in Sind, they have to pay a tax of Ios. a 
ton yearly on their fishing boats, while the rate at which 
they borrow money for the purpose of procuring boats and 
nets I have already alluded to. Here these people are 


well off. At Guzerat, in Bombay, the fishermen are poor, 
and the precarious living they make often induces them to 
accept service as sailors, labourers, or anything that ensures 
them a steady competence. Although following out the 
condition of the fishermen in various districts must have 
rather a sameness, it will be necessary to do so in order to 
clearly see whether these people are really in a prosperous 
or in a poverty-stricken condition ; whether, in short, it is 
the case that they are in the utmost misery, not due to 
their own laziness, but as a result of British legislation 
imposing prohibitory duties on salt. In the Junjura dis- 
trict, the fishermen supply themselves with boats and nets ; 
six or ten club together to obtain a boat and net, dividing 
the produce ; here they have decreased in numbers, at 
least, up to the year 1873 when my inquiries terminated. 
At Broach they are also said to have diminished. The 
same report comes from Kaira. In Rutnagiri the practice 
of salting fish has decreased during the last fifteen years, 
in consequence of the increase in the price of salt, but the 
maetmen are said to have increased. If, however, the 
practice of curing fish has decreased, while the number of 
fishermen has augmented, such must be due to a greater 
demand for fresh fish, or else the fishermen, from increased 
numbers, must be worse off than they previously were, or 
be engaged in other occupations as boatmen. However, 
the official from Kanara gives a similar reply. The Com- 
missioner observed that at present no larger number of 
men are engaged on fisheries than are required to provide 
sufficient for local consumption. ‘The practice of curing 
fish has to a great extent diminished, owing partly to the 
falling off in the amount usually captured, and also the 
duty charged on salt in British territory. 

In the Madras Presidency, we are informed that, in the 



Tinnevelly Collectorate, the fishermen, as a rule, were a 
very miserable lot of people, and excessively poor. The 
way in which they work is by a system of advances made 
by traders, a few of whom reside in each fishing village, 
and supply all the requisites for fishing, as well as the 
boats, taking one-third of the captures as their share. In 
the Nellore district, although no one claims exclusive rights 
to the sea fisheries, the inhabitants of the different villages 
are exceedingly tenacious in order to prevent fishermen 
from other localities plying their occupation within what 
they believe to be their limits; this, however, is by no 
means restricted to this district, but is common throughout 
most portions of the sea-coast of India. In the South 
Canara district, where the use of spontaneous salt is, or 
rather was, not prohibited, the number of sea fishermen is 
stated to have increased of late years. This augmentation 
has been computed as high as I5 per cent. The same 
symptom of prosperity was reported all down the Malabar 
coast. At Ponany there is an annual increase in the 
number of fishermen. At Cannanore the owners of boats 
and nets supply them to these people, as well as advance 
certain sums of money. The money-lenders sell the 
captures, half the proceeds going to either party ; if, how- 
ever, the take is insignificant, the boat and net owners 
surrender their share to the fishermen. A like plan 
obtains at Tellicherry, where the fishermen have framed 
rules for their own guidance, one of which is the right of 
the first discoverer, among a lot fishing together, to a 
school of fish: he is allowed to capture them without 
hindrance from the others, even though at the time when 
the fish were discovered he was not prepared to launch his 
net. Passing out of the districts where the free collection 
of salt-earth is permitted, another change for the worse in 



the condition of the fishermen is reported. In Madura it 
is said that, on the whole, the sea fishermen have increased, 
but that the aboriginal fishing castes have decreased, owing 
to emigration or their becoming sailors. At Ootipadaram 
the native official estimates the daily earnings at threepence, 
taking all the year round, and excluding costs, and at 
‘Munjery at from three-halfpence to ninepence, while at 
Tenkarei their earnings are computed at from threepence 
to one shilling a day. In the Tanjore Collectorate, they 
are reported to have decreased in some places, but remained 
stationary in one locality. A little better report comes 
from Madras, but there the fishermen are also employed as 
boatmen, which is very profitable, while the vicinity of 
large stations affords a ready sale for fresh fish. Without 
tracing out the condition of these people in each district on 
the coast, it will be sufficient to say that they are poor and 
miserable, but not so badly off as in the Bengal maritime 
districts, where they appear to be quite poverty-stricken, 
unless near large towns. Passing on to Burmah with its 
cheap salt, we find the sea fishermen well off. 

If we survey the reports from all the sea districts of 
India, we find the fishermen well off in Sind, while, unless 
in the vicinity of large towns, they are miserably off in the 
Bombay Presidency. Along the western coast of Madras, 
with its untaxed salt-earth, these people prosper ; but once 
round Cape Comorin, where the collection of spontaneous 
salt becomes a penal offence, they become, as observes the 
Collector of Tinnevelly, a very miserable lot of people, and 
such is the same account all up the Coromandel coast, 
except where there are large towns. With poverty we find 
them reported to be decreasing in numbers, due to cholera 
or other diseases, emigration, or accepting service as Lascars 

in coasting vessels. These are a people who in olden times 


were among the most prosperous of the inhabitants along 
the coasts of India ; who, when the Portuguese first landed, 
were able to bring large armies into the field ; whose occu- 
pation is now but too little considered by some of our 
Indian officials—as an European civilian remarked, that 
sympathy ought not to be wasted on fishermen, for they are 
an independent, careless, and drunken set of men. This 
gentleman appears to have placed upon official record what 
are probably the feelings of many who are unacquainted 
with. the state of this trade, for by careless and independent 
is probably meant idle, which idleness is due, first, as I 
have already explained, to the incidence of the salt-tax ; 
and, secondly, that when salt is unobtainable, did they 
exert themselves, the market would become overstocked. 
The result of the investigations I conducted in India led 
me to conclude that wherever a good local demand existed 
for fish, the fishermen were in a prosperous condition. 
Wherever salt was dear, the fish-curers’ trade was restricted 
or destroyed, and as a result the fishermen were in 
a depressed state. That fish salted with taxcaiien 
monopoly salt is a luxury for the rich, the sick, and for 
export: that such as is prepared with salt-earth keeps 
badly, and predisposes to disease. That in many localities 
where the salt-laws were rigidly enforced, the poor had to 
consume their fish putrid, or simply immerse it in sea-water, 
and then dry it inthe sun. In short, it was patent to most 
that the depressed condition of the fishermen and _ fish- 
curers’ trades was to be found in the incidence of the salt- 
tax, and that those who deprecate any interference with the 
poor fishermen, on the ground of their miserable state of 
destitution, must be unaware of their real condition. One 
cannot suppose such advisers to be oblivious of the dis- 
tresses of those among whom they reside, or would desire 


to feed the poor on putrid fish, on the consideration that 
the realisation of the salt-revenue is of much greater im- 
portance than the lives, health, and comfort of their fellow- 
creatures. Assisting fishermen with money, boats, and 
nets would be insufficient to place the sea-fishermen and 
fish-curers’ trade in a healthy state, while if it is in a 
healthy condition such advances are unnecessary. Expen- 
sive salt is beyond the reach of the majority of the fish- 
curers, it is ruinous to their trade, and in the ruin of the 
fish-curer the fishermen must eventually participate. It is 
to be hoped that the endeavours now being made to re- 
introduce prosperity among this numerous class will be 
productive of the greatest benefits, not only to themselves, 
but by augmenting the food for the general public. 

Fresh-water fisheries differ in many respects from marine 
ones ; while, wherever any quantity of fresh water exists in 
the East, there we are almost certain to find fish ; and this 
from a sea level to nearly the summit of the highest moun- 
tains. Consequently, fishing is had recourse to, in various 
manners, in rivers, irrigation canals, lakes, tanks, ditches, 
inundated fields, and swamps. The importance of such 
fisheries is not solely in a ratio as regards their productive- 
ness, but also in accordance with the character.of the 
adjacent people as to whether they are or are not fish con- 
sumers ; while the sparsity or the reverse of the population 
has also to be taken into account. 

Should no regulations be in force for the protection of 
inland fisheries, and other circumstances be equal, that dis- 
trict which is most densely populated by man will be least 
so by fish. Individuals can more readily live by fishing 
than by agriculture, as the trouble of capturing the finny 
tribes is considerably less than that of tilling the soil. But 
unregulated capture is simply catching food without a 


thought respecting future supply. Fish have been endowed 
with certain means of increase and protection—the number 
of their eggs may be enormous, and sufficient to counter- 
balance natural waste. The operations of man, however, 
are in excess of natural waste, consequently such a destruc- 
tive agency requires to be kept in some check. In India 
certain forms of fish keep guard over their eggs, and likewise 
over their fry, in order to afford them protection from their 

When man increases, watery wastes (wherein the fish 
had been protected by grass, reeds, bushes, and the roots 
of trees) become drained and cultivated ; predaceous man 
increases his means of destruction; an augmented popu- 
lation, possibly assisted by the unscrupulous manufacturer 
or miner, pollute the previously wholesome water, and a 
diminution of the finny tribe becomes apparent to the 

With an increasing fish-eating population, an increased 
supply of fish is a self-evident necessity, and this must be 
provided for by augmented captures or dearer prices, the 
latter acting as a check on the poor, by more or less placing 
it out of their reach. ‘This latter result may, consequently,. 
eventuate in gradually diminishing the physical strength of 
the people by decreasing their food, a proceeding which will 
scarcely bear examination. It is clear that a greater supply 
must be met from one or two sources, either from fisheries. 
which previously have been insufficiently worked, or by 
overworking such as exist, by means of capturing, for 
present use, those which ought to be left for a future season. 
Even if the extent of the water is so great, and the con- 
tiguous inhabitants so few, that this result need not be 
anticipated for several generations, still, populations under 
good systems of government have a natural tendency to 


increase. Means of carriage generally improve with time, 
and should neither regulation nor care of the fisheries be 
attempted, disastrous results must eventually be arrived at, 
unless the finny tribes by means of artificial propagation 
are kept up to the required numbers. Fish appear to have 
but few friends but many enemies, and investigations as to 
their condition but too frequently end in giving increased 
licence to their captors. We see interested parties and 
philanthropists (so-called) exclaiming against the hardship 
to the poor in not allowing every available fish to be 
secured. The majority of our law-makers are content to 
allow the fish to shift for themselves, and to leave the 
fishermen to be controlled simply by their own consciences. 
To-day’s market it is hoped will be supplied, sufficient for 
this season it is believed may be obtained, so to-morrow’s 
wants are left to be met as they can, until the time arrives 
when depletion of fisheries becomes obvious, when, if the 
fault cannot be laid upon meteorological or other conditions, 
something has to be attempted. 

The fishermen of the fresh waters of India and Burmah 
are divisible into two main classes—first, such as follow this 
calling as their sole means of livelihood; and, secondly, 
such as engage in it only occasionally, and as a subsidiary 
occupation. Who, then, are these Indian fishermen? Here, 
even within the limits of a single, or at least of a few 
generations, great innovations have crept in, for in the time 
of native rule, fishing was in the hands of distinct castes, 
but now it is only here and there that one comes across 
some remnants of these people, living in small communi- 
ties, and frequently in the greatest poverty. At Comba- 
conum, in Madras, there is a tradition that the fishing 
castes resident there were originally brought from Conja- 
veram as palanqueen-bearers ; while, at Broach, in Bombay, 


two sub-divisions of these people are named in accordance 
with the villages from which they originally migrated. 

In native States, fish have obtained great consideration, 
more so perhaps in ancient than in our own times. Thus 
in Mysore, in the time of Hyder Ali, very stringent fishery 
laws existed ; whereas, at the present day, about two-thirds 
of the population of some divisions of the country occa- 
sionally add fishing to their other occupations, nearly every 
villager possessing a fish-net or trap, to be employed as 
occasion or opportunity arises. Now fisheries are open to 
all; a fisherman’s calling is no longer a profitable one, 
mainly due to the fisheries being depopulated. When 
whole districts were let to contractors, they were not 
so short-sighted as to permit an indiscriminate destruction ; 
but now everybody does as he likes, when he likes, where 
he likes, and how he likes. Thus it has come to pass that 
among the animal productions of India, fresh-water fish 
meet with the least sympathy, and the greatest persecution, 
many forms having to struggle for bare existence in rivers 
which periodically diminish to small streams, or even 
become a mere succession of pools, or in tanks from which 
the water totally disappears. They have their enemies in 
the egg stage, in their youth, and during their maturity ; 
but among these man is their gretest foe, as anyone who 
desires a fish diet captures these creatures whenever and 
wherever he gets the chance, irrespective of season, age, and 
size. In certain districts they simply appear to exist solely 
because man and vermin have been unable to destroy them. 

Fisheries may be let to a contractor, and if their extent 
is large he takes partners or sublets portions ; sometimes 
he employs servants, who are paid partly in money, or food, 
clothing, and lodging, and partly in a share of the captures. 
In some districts the fisheries, or a portion of them, are 


declared free, but a licence fee is charged to the fishermen. 
Or the general public is permitted to take fish for home 
consumption, but not for sale. Lastly, no regulations at all 
may exist, due to the general poverty of the fisheries, 
peculiar difficulties in their capture, or the general impecu- 
niosity of the inhabitants. 

When the public have, more or less, depleted fisheries, 
the fishermen become poorer and poorer, unless they turn 
to other sources of obtaining money; at first, no doubt 
pleased at the remission of rents, and the removal of 
all restrictions upon fishing, they employ redoubled energy, 
and thus augment their immediate profits: But soon the 
general public find that nothing precluded their fishing in 
any way they please ; the markets become glutted, and the 
price may fall from the want of purchasers. But after two 
or three years fish become scarcer; fishing is no longer 
remunerative ; removing the rents from fisheries and throw- 
ing them open to the public will not decrease the price of 
fish. The rates ruling in India are comparative to what 
obtains for meat and other articles of animal food. Fisher- 
men, living on free fisheries, do not dispose of their captures 
below market rate any more than farmers who possess 
rent-free farms sell the produce at less than their neigh- 
bours, while perhaps one of the widest spread fallacies 
of the present day is, that permitting fisheries to be free of 
rent and unrestricted by regulations, is beneficial to the 
fishing population. If the fisherman benefits, the purchaser 
does not, and their misapplied energy eventuates in nothing 
but small fish remaining. The young have to be raised 
from ova of such as are merely one or two seasons old, 
while the younger the parent the smaller the eggs, and this 
is probably one mode in which races of fish deteriorate. 

The rivers which have Alpine sources, as such which 


descend from the Himalayas, have, exclusive of springs, two 
most abundant sources of replenishment. During the hot 
months this is derived from melted ice and snow, while during 
the monsoons the rains assist; we may then have the hill 
rivers forming torrents, rising rapidly, and as rapidly subsid- 
ing, while they possess no contiguous tanks into which the 
fish can retire. These animals are often peculiar, or endowed 
with means of existence differing from such as live wholly 
or mostly in the waters of the plains. Many of the fish are 
provided with adhesive suckers, situated behind the lower 
jaw, or placed on the chest, which enable them to fix them- 
selves against rocks, and so prevent their being washed 
away by the stream. 

Through the cold months, and generally until the setting- 
in of the south-west monsoon in June, rivers are at their 
lowest, some at this period (especially in hilly regions) being 
merely a succession of pools, united by a more or less 
insignificant stream, in which limited localities the fish take 
refuge, and may be easily secured by fishermen. 

Among the artificial causes affecting fisheries in many 
districts are the irrigation works, which are formed by throw- 
ing a weir or bund across a river, and diverting a large amount 
of its water down a main irrigation canal. These weirs are 
usually built as stone walls across the entire breadth of 
rivers, and consequently impede both the upward and down- 
ward passage of fish that are endeavouring to migrate, while 
should they be sufficiently high, they entirely stop them. 
Where large under-sluices are present, fish can pass up such 
when open ;, but up the long narrow ones, as constructed in 
Madras, the strength of the current renders this impossible. 
The under-sluices are here closed, except where there is an 
excess of water, as during the monsoon months ; and as the 

weirs have no fish-passes, not only is ascent towards the 


breeding-grounds intercepted, but fishermen take the oppor- 
tunity of capturing the fishes which are detained here. Stand- 
ing on those weirs, one can see the fish jumping against the 
obstruction, which they vainly hope to surmount; some 
strike against the piers of the bridge, others fall into the 
cascade which descends over its summit; but to them the 
wall is an impassable obstacle. 

The irrigation canals may be said to be streams obtained 
by diverting a large amount of water from a river into a 
new channel, and this, of course, would be taken from above 
the weir ; consequently, all fish descending the river become 
diverted into the irrigation canal. If these canals are con- 
structed for navigation as well as for irrigation, the fish can 
pass along them; but if due to falls, they are unsuited to 
navigation, then the fish can descend them, but are unable 
to re-ascend. They thus become vast fish traps, wherein 
all the finny inhabitants are destroyed whenever the canals 
are run dry in order to examine their condition in order to 
see what annual repairs are necessary. Passing off on 
either side of these canals are lateral irrigation channels, 
which are employed to directly water the crops, and at each 
successive replenishment of these, another shoal of fish 
passes to inevitable destruction. Unprovided with gratings 
at their entrance, and only kept filled on alternate weeks, 
all the fish which enter invariably perish. The same 
destructive process exists throughout India wherever irri- 
gation is carried on. 

As the yearly rains cause inundations of the country by 
the overflowing of the rivers and tanks, fish move about in 
order to find suitable localities for breeding in, and the small 
streams and their outlets resemble the net-work of irrigation 
channels. Many species ascend them to spawn, but find, at 
every turn, appliances invented by man ready for their 


destruction. Persons may be watching to intercept them, 
engines or traps may be fixed in their course; or, should 
any breeding fish succeed in effecting their ascent, means 
are taken to ensnare them on their return, whilst the fry are 
destroyed in enormous quantities—a proceeding which has 
been declared not to be waste because they are eaten. 

Then there are tanks, some of which are, others are not, 
in connection with running water. Should they entirely 
dry up during the hot months, only such fish as bury them- 
selves in the mud will survive to the next rainy season. 
As a rule, the owner of a tank, if it is employed also for 
fish-culture, leaves one portion (the deepest) in order to 
retain sufficient water to keep the finny residents alive, 
while, during the hottest weather, boughs of trees or tatties 
are placed over this locality to mitigate the heat. 

The fishes which inhabit the fresh waters of India, Burmah, 
and Ceylon, may be divided into (1) those which enter from 
the sea for breeding or predaceous purposes ; and (2) such 
as, more or less, pass their lives without descending to the 
salt water. 

An exhaustive account into the strictly fresh-water forms 
would doubtless be interesting scientifically, but hardly so 
to the fisherman or general reader; consequently I shall 
restrict myself to observing that the fisheries alluded to 
contain about 369 species, appertaining to eighty-seven 
genera. Of the spiny-rayed, or Acanthopterygian order, we 
have nineteen genera, the members of which are most 
numerous in the maritime districts and deltas of large 
rivers, while their numbers decrease as we proceed further 
inland. Feware of much economic importance, if we except 
the common goby, spine-eels (J/astacembelide), the snake- 
headed walking fishes (Ophzocephalide), and the' labyrinthi- 
form climbing-perch and its allies. Among these forms, 


the semi-amphibious walking fishes deserve especial notice, 
owing to their great economic importance. When pollu- 
tions or poisonous substances find access to rivers, or mud 
is carried down in such quantities as to choke the gills of 
most forms, these Ophiocephalidz are almost unaffected, 
for breathing atmospheric air direct, the presence or 
absence of fluviatile contamination is not of such material 
eonsequence to their existence. They are able to live 
until the poison has passed down-stream and the waters 
are again purified. Of the sheat-fish, or scaleless silu- 
roids, we have twenty-six genera; the mouths of these 
forms are provided with sensitive feelers, which, serving 
as organs of touch, assist them while seeking their prey 
in turbid waters. All that are of sufficient size are 
esteemed as food, although, owing to their propensity 
for consuming unsavory substances, their wholesomeness 
appears, at times, to be questionable. The next three 
genera, gar-pike (Selone), Cyprinodon, and Haplochilus, 
are of but little value, but the thirty-five genera of carps 
and loaches are of the greatest possible consequence, afford- 
ing a large amount of food to the population of the country. 
The remaining four genera, consisting of the curiously 
flattened (Votopterus, and three forms of eels, are of but 
little mercantile importance. 

The various modes in which the reproduction of these 
fishes is carried on is a most necessary investigation, and in 
briefly considering such, we must inquire into what migra- 
tions they undertake for this purpose? Whether the 
parents are monogamous, polygamous, or are annuals 
dying after the reproductive process has been accomplished 2 
The time of year when spawning occurs? Whether such 
is or is not deleterious to the parent? The size of the eggs, 

their colour ; whether they float or sink; are deposited in 


running or stagnant waters? If they are covered or left 
uncovered in their nests? If the male carries them about 
or protects them? Can their germination be retarded by 
artificial means or natural causes, as by the action of cold 
or their immersion in mud? 

That anadromous forms, as the salmon or shad of Europe 
or the hilsa (Clupea palasah) of India, pass from the sea 
to the fresh waters to deposit their eggs in localities most 
suitable for their reception, is well known. If we examine 
into the migration of Indian fishes for breeding purposes in 
fresh waters, we find such takes place under three conditions, 
viz. :—(1) anadromous forms from the sea to the fresh waters, 
as already adverted to; (2) such species as may be con- 
sidered pertaining to the mountains, or else deposit their 
ova in the rivers of the hills; (3) such as are restricted to 
the plains, but which likewise undertake certain changes of 
locality at these periods. Of the migratory hill fishes, the 
various forms of large barbels, Barbus, termed Mahaseers, 
furnish good examples. In the Himalayas they ascend the 
main rivers, but turn into the side streams to breed ; while 
on the less elevated Neilgherry mountains in the Madras 
Presidency, the same phenomenon occurs, but with this 
difference, that they deposit their ova in the main streams 
because such are small, and perhaps due to their never being 
replenished with snow-water. Occasionally the fish are too 
large to ascend these mountain rivers, when they would 
appear to breed at the bases of the hills ; whether it is from 
the offspring of such that this genus has extended through 
the plains it is not my purpose to inquire in this place. 
When the rivers commence being in flood, adults are able to 
ascend to feeding grounds which were previously inaccessible 
tothem. Having spawned, they keep dropping gently down 
stream, during which time the amount of water is diminish- 


ing ; thus the ova, when hatched, are completely cut off 
from the locality where their parents reside, precluding the 
possibility of their devouring them. The fry, consequently, 
have the heads of the rivers to themselves in perfect security, 
and each torrent becomes transformed into a small stream 
intersected by pools, where they can remain until the next 
rains enable them to descend to the larger rivers. Of the 
migratory fishes of the plains, we may observe many forms 
of carp, and this is more particularly perceptible where 
impassable weirs exist across the rivers; here they may be 
perceived attempting to jump over the obstruction, and so 
common is this phenomenon that the natives of India hang 
baskets, cloths, even native cots turned upside down, or 
anything equally suitable, over the sides of the piers, and 
into this the fish fall. 

In Asiatic waters we have monogamous and polygamous 
forms of fish and other phenomena as to breeding, which 
deserve attention. The walking, or snake-headed fishes, 
Ophiocephalide, of India, and other amphibious genera, are 
perhaps the best known of monogamous fishes; some of 
them reside in ponds, others prefer rivers, where they take 
up their residence in deserted holes, which they find in the 
banks. The pond species delight in lying at the grassy 
margins, where the water is not deep enough to cover 
them ; and here they are able to respire atmospheric air 
direct. The striped walking-fish constructs a nest with its 
tail among the vegetation, and bites off the ends of the 
water weeds ; here the ova are deposited, the male keeping 
guard ; but should he be killed or captured, the vacant 
post is filled by his partner. The hissar, Callichthys, of 
South America, is likewise monogamous, constructing a nest 
which it also defends. The majority of fishes unquestion- 
ably are polygamous, as has been repeatedly observed, and 



perhaps as distinctly among the salmon as any other form 
in a wild state, and likewise in sticklebacks resident in 
aquaria ; while, doubtless, fishes which migrate in shoals 
for breeding purposes, as the mackerel, herrings, or some 
forms of carp, are all polygamous. 

The time of year at which spawning is effected varies in 
accordance with the locality and the family of fish. This 
again appears to be further susceptible of modifications in 
accordance with the temperature of the water, and many 
other local causes, while there are some fishes which only 
breed once a year, others more frequently. I must@itere 
premise that some fishes do not appear to feed during the 
season of depositing their spawn, as the salmon, the shad, 
and-the siluroid Avzn@. In India an anadromous shad 
termed “Pulla” in the Indus, “Ulum” by. the diame 
“ Sable-fish”’ by the Madrassees, “ Palasah” by the Telingis, 
“Hilsa” or “ilisha” in Bengal, “ Nea-tha-louk” by ithe 
Burmese, breeds in rivers as already described. In Sind 
they ascend the Indus in February to spawn, descending in 
September. In the Cauvery, in Madras, they pass up 
when the first burst of the June monsoon fills the river, and 
continue doing so for the succeeding four months. In the 
Kistna, which has a far greater velocity, but, similarly to 
the Cauvery, is filled in June, they defer their ascent until 
September, but it is not until the end of the month, or com- 
mencement of October, when the waters are subsiding, and 
their velocity decreasing, that the majority arrive ; whereas 
in the neighbouring river, the Godavery, in which the current 
is less rapid, these fishes ascend earlier to spawn, being 
most numerous from July to September. In the Hooghly 
they continue ascending throughout the June monsoon, and 
many are found still in roe in September. The main 
bodies of these fish ascend the large rivers of India and 


Burmah generally when the June monsoon commences, but 
not always at the same period, such apparently at times 
being dependent upon the rapidity of the current and other 
causes. That it is not solely due to the presence of rain- 
water flooding the river is evident, because those of the 
Indus and Irrawaddi are mainly caused by melting snows 
at this period, and likewise in the latter river these fishes 
push on to Upper Burmah, to which country the monsoon 
scarcely extends, but where the inundations are due to 
snow floods. Probably the cause of the majority of fishes 
at these various periods ascending the different rivers to 
Spawn may be due to their having been bred there, while 
inherited instinct causes them to select the most suitable 
times, when the shallows are covered with water, and ascent 
is rendered practicable. 

It is evident that members of the same family, genus, or 
even species, may spawn at very different periods, due to 
local or climatic causes. There are also fishes which deposit 
their ova twice yearly, if not more frequently ; these are 
generally fresh-water forms, and not rare, especially in tropical 
countries ; as an example, we have the walking-fishes. 

Whether spawning exercises any deleterious effect upon 
the parent fishes, two replies may be given, as in some 
cases it renders their flesh unwholesome, while in others it 
does not cause their character as to food to be much 
altered. The shad in the East are excellent eating up to 
the period when they have deposited their eggs, subsequent 
to which they become thin, flabby, and positively unwhole- 
some. Fresh-water fishes that deposit a smaller number of 
eggs, or perhaps do so more gradually, or twice at least 
during the year, do not invariably appear to be so dele- 
teriously affected by breeding. 

The size of the eggs, their colour, and whether deposited 



in fresh waters or in the sea, are all questions requiring 
attention. The forms which produce the greatest number 
of eggs are often those which live in large communities and 
spawn once a year. In an Indian shad I found 1,023,645 
eggs. But. other fishes have likewise numerous eggs. I 
observed 410,500 in a barbel (Lardus sarana) ; on the other 
hand, some have large eggs, as a few of the sheat fishes, 
and a genus of carps (Bardlius). In such as spawn at least 
twice a year, and likewise protect their young, the number 
of eggs is less than what generally obtains in other genera ; 
thus in a walking-fish (Ophzocephalus), 1 found 4700. 

Respecting the colour of fish eggs, they are very diversi- 
fied ; in some fresh-water siluroids they are of a light pea- 
green, as in the scorpion fish, Saccobranchus fossilis. 
Regarding the localities where fish deposit their eggs, these 
are exceedingly various, as might be anticipated, owing to 
some sinking in the water, while others float. The gar-fish 
(Belone), and the flying-fish (Exvocetus), have filaments 
springing from their eggs for the purpose of attachment to 
contiguous objects; others are covered with a glutinous 
secretion. In fresh waters eggs may remain at the bottom, 
either covered or uncovered. 

Among the marine siluroids (Arzzv@), in some forms the 
male carries about the large eggs in his mouth until 
hatched ; or it may be that he only removes them from one 
spot to another to avoid some impending danger. However 
this may be, I have netted many along the sea-coast with 
from 10 to 20 eggs in their mouths, and in one example 
was a young fry just hatched. In none of these large males 
was there a trace of any food in their stomachs. 

Bloch, at the end of the last century, made many experi- 
ments as to the feasibility of fish being artificially hatched, 
and also whether it could be possible to convey the ova 


in safety for any considerable distance. He proposed 
placing the eggs of pond-fish in mud, similar to that 
existing in the locality from whence the eggs were pro- 
cured, and he believed that when the mass had dried, they 
could be thus removed without injury, from one pond to 
another. His proposal was based upon the theory that 
frequently on dried-up ponds being refilled with water, 
young fish appear, and which could only be due to the 
eges having been present in the mud, but with their germi- 
nation suspended. In India, as ponds dry up, some of the 
fish contained therein descend into the mud, where they 
zstivate until the next year’s rains set in. As these com- 
mence, and the mud liquefies, fish are perceived diverging 
in all directions, up every watercourse, no matter how 
small, or how lately it may have been dry, while in a few 
days fry are distributed everywhere. Where the eggs 
come from which have produced these fry is a very in- 
teresting subject for investigation. Have they remained 
inside the mother fish, and did she deposit them as soon as 
the rains set her free? I cannot accept this theory, because 
I have witnessed fish removed alive from the mud, but 
they had no ova; and secondly, because the fry are so 
soon hatched after the setting in of the rains, while none 
of these fish are ovi-viviparous. It seems more reasonable 
to suppose that the fertilised eggs are embedded in the 
mud, and, as soon as the rains occur, they become hatched 
out, and this would give us reason for attempting to ascer- 
tain whether ova of pond fishes imbedded in mud could be 
successfully transported long distances. 

We know that germination of fish eggs can be retarded 
by cold. In fact, by the use of ice, those of trout and 
salmon have been safely conveyed to Tasmania and else- 
where, and from America and Canada to Europe. 


From the information collected between 1869 and 1873, 
it appeared that the fisheries in our Indian Empire in olden 
times were royalties, mostly let out to contractors, who 
alone in their respective districts possessed the right to sell 
fish, while they, as a rule, permitted the people, on pay- 
ment, to capture sufficient for their households. It was, in 
fact, a licence on payment, resumable at will. Remains of 
this custom still exist in Lahore, while the leasing of 
fisheries is even now in force in many portions of India. 
Along the Himalayas, in the Kangra and other districts, 
the petty rajahs adopted a different method. To some 
persons they gave licences to supply the fish markets, of 
which they virtually made them monopolists, while others 
obtained licences for fishing with small nets for home 
consumption, but not for sale. In Burmah, under native 
rule, a similar plan was carried out. There were no free 
fisheries ; but inhabitants had the privilege—or perhaps 
right—to fish for home consumption on the payment of a 
fixed annual sum to the contractor for the district in which 
they resided. It is believed, under native rule, the erection 
of fishing weirs was permitted in several of the streams in 
the Himalayas, but not to the extent that they are at the 
present day. In some districts landowners even now raise 
an income from the fisheries, claiming a third of the 
captures or a certain amount of money. Some of cur 
officials consider that, as Government has permitted indis- 
criminate fishing, the exercise of long practice has converted 
such into a communal right. 

As British rule has gradually superseded that of the 
native princes, so the modes in which fisheries were leased 
has become widely different, and in permanently settled 
estates, unless a stipulation to the contrary exists, they go 
with the land. In some localities it has been decided that 


the adjacent villagers or people possess certain communal 
rights with respect to them, due, it seems most probably, to 
a misapprehension. Although it may have been proved 
that the landowner never received more than one-third of 
the produce, this does not demonstrate that the other two- 
thirds were public property, but that such expressed the 
share accruing to the fisherman in return for his labour in 
capturing the fish. It is the rule in India and Burmah to 
remunerate by the proceeds—sometimes the working fisher- 
man has to dispose of his share to the contractor or lessee 
at a given rate; more rarely the fish are sold, and he 
receives a proportion of the returns, or he may be paid in 
kind. In the manual of the Madura district, it is remarked 
that a letter of 1713 states that the fishery of a single tank 
produced occasionally as much as 2000 crowns; and that 
sums so realised were invariably applied to the execution 
of repairs. In some localities the British Government 
leased fisheries, or imposed a tax on the implements of 
fishing, or a capitation tax upon the fishermen, but without 
interfering with the manner in which the fisheries were 
conducted. By degrees the tax on fishing implements was 
taken off, but the fishermen still became poorer, and in 1849, 
at least in Madras, many leased fisheries were thrown open 
to the public, resulting, as they were not regulated, in 
unlimited licence, and thus an intended boon eventuated in 
their depopulation. In Burmah, the practice of employing 
fixed engines in irrigated fields and watercourses very 
largely increased when the native régzme became abolished, 
as did also the custom of throwing weirs across creeks and 
minor streams. 

Free fisheries have been permitted, due to several causes, 
such as the difficulty in making them sufficiently remuner- 

ative to bear taxation or the incidence of rent ; this may be 


owing to the rapidity of the current, the paucity of fish as 
in some hill streams and depopulated rivers, the depths of 
tanks, the presence of foreign substances in them, or the 
poverty of the general population. How general and indis- 
criminate fishing ruins fisheries, without any commensurate 
benefit accruing to the public, I have already stated. In 
these deteriorated but public fisheries, as soon as the 
monsoon has set in, and the fry are commencing to move 
about, women and children are daily engaged in searching 
for them in every sheltered spot where they have retired for 
security, as, not being able to face strong currents, or live 
in deep waters, they naturally resort to the grassy but in- 
undated borders of rivers and tanks. Every device that 
can be thought of is now called into use; nets which 
will not permit a mosquito to pass are employed ; even the 
use of cloths may be frequently observed. Neither are 
the agricultural population idle. They construct traps of 
wicker-work, baskets, and nets ; these traps permit nothing 
but water to pass, and a fish once inside is unable to return, 
as they resemble some of our commoner kinds of rat-traps. 
So soon as fish for the purpose of breeding commence 
passing up the small watercourses at the sides of rivers and 
streams, these implements of capture come into use ; breed- 
ing fish are taken, and the few which surmount the obstruc- 
tions find the traps reversed, so that, although they have 
ascended in safety, it is by no means improbable that their 
return to the river will yet be cut off. In Burmah a large 
triangular-shaped basket is employed in places where 
trapping is difficult, and a pair of buffaloes having been 
harnessed to it, such is dragged through the localities 
inhabited by the fry. Even when there are no restrictions, 
fishermen often find it advantageous to ply their occupation 
in concert. Sometimes large bodies of villagers proceed at 


certain seasons of the year to rivers which can be easily 
bunded, having done which, they kill every fish they are 

In investigating what is the minimum size of the meshes 
of the nets in general India and Burmah (excluding 
Sind), where no regulations exist declaring what such should 
be, I received the following replies from ninety-one native 
officials, who refer to such in inches :— 

Native Size in inches between knot 
officials. and knot of meshes. 
5 eee See anon oe See 
5 gee ey ae fe ac, es. VelOWs INCH. 
18 3 inch 
5 e ” 
24 els 
I 5 ” 
5 eS 
18 Bo 
4 = ye 
= aa ” 
3 26 ”? 
i er 



And out of seventy more returns, fifty-three officials com- 
pared the size of the mesh to a grain of wheat, mothi, mucca, 
gram, dholl, lamp-oil seed, barley, tamarind seed, a small 
pea, a peppercorn, a large needle, a bodkin, quill, coarse 
muslin, will ensnare a gnat, or hardly anything will pass. 
The remaining seventeen described the smallest size as 
follows :—Size of finger or thumb, five; of half ring-finger, 
two; as big as a broomstick, one; size of half rupee, one ; 
of a four-anna bit, one ; of a quarter of an anna, one; of a 
two-anna bit, five ; of a pie, one. 

The size of the mesh must to a certain extent be made 
to suit the water to be fished and the fishes to be captured ; 
thus very small meshes are unsuited for rapids. The figures 




here given show (1) the size of the mesh in a drag-net em- 
ployed during the rains in Orissa. As the water subsides 
and the fishermen are able to wade up to their waists, the size 
of the mesh is increased (No. 2) ; and as the waters begin to 
clear, No. 3 comes into use; and in the cold months No. 4. 
Young fry commence moving about at the first freshes. 

The fixed engines employed in India.and Burmah (see 
Plate I.) are mainly divisible into two forms—(1) those 
manufactured of cotton, hemp, aloe fibre, coir, or some such 
material ; and (2) others constructed of split bamboo, rattan, 
reed, grass, or some more or less inelastic substance. “Those 
which are manufactured of elastic substances include all 
stake-nets, but when the meshes are of a fair size, they are a 
legitimate means, when properly employed, for the capture of 
fish, but are occasionally to be deprecated, especially when 
used solely to take such as are breeding. But in some of these 
implements the size of the mesh is so minute that no fish 
are able to pass. There it stands, immovably fixed across 
an entire waterway, capturing everything, the water being 
literally strained through it. In one instance, in the Punjab, 
a whole drove of mahaseer were observed to be captured 
by natives fixing a net across a river, and then dragging 
another down to it, thus occasioning wholesale destruction, 
and ruining the rod-fishing for the succeeding season. This 
plan is a very common procedure throughout India, as is 
also constructing earthen dams across streams, leaving a 
channel or opening through their centre, where a purse-net 
is fixed, and arrests every descending fish. The largest 
numbers are taken towards the end of the rainy season, for 
as the waters fall, countless lakes and pools of all sizes are 
formed on the low iands in the vicinity of rivers. These, 
which during the floods were lateral extensions of the 
stream, now become lakes, having one or more narrow out- 


lets into the river ; across each opening nets are stretched, 
or a weir of grass constructed, and every fish which has 
wandered up becomes a certain prey to the fishermen. 
Fixed engines constructed of non-elastic substances are 
still more destructive to fish than are such as are made 
of net, and which are more liable to be injured. Their 
forms are exceedingly numerous, their sizes infinite, while 
the interstices, between the substances of which the weirs or 
traps are composed, appear everywhere much the same, 
whether examined in the ghats of Canara, the Yomas of 
Pegu, the Himalayas, or on the plains of India or Burmah. 
Still, local influences must occasion certain modifications, 
while some are solely employed for taking large fish, others 
for fry, and a few are employed for both. In hilly dis- 
tricts, as the monsoon floods subside, and the impetuosity 
of the mountain torrents has decreased, they can be erected 
without being liable to be washed away. Up the hill 
streams (as I have already observed), some of the most 
valuable of the carps ascend to breed, but now there are 
but few that are not weired, and the parent fishes have the 
greatest difficulty in reaching their spawning grounds. 
Some, however, surmount the obstacles which oppose their 
ascent, a few deposit their spawn ; this completed, the rains 
are now passing off, the force of the current lessening ; and 
these parent fish commence descending, trying to regain 
their low country rivers. I omit in this place how spearing, 
snatching, or snagging, netting, and angling are carried on, 
only referring to how fixed engines are employed. Weirs 
are now erected every few miles, through which the waters 
of the hill streams are literally strained, while each is fitted 
with a cruive or fishing-trap. The probabilities are that the 
great majority of the mahaseer which reach the rivers of 
the plains are the last year’s fry that have fortunately 


escaped destruction during the dry months, and with the 
first floods have obtained a free passage, due to the 
- standing weirs having been swept away. Wicker traps are 
likewise constructed across convenient rapids; here few fish 
can pass without entering, while these are examined twice 
daily. Or should there be no rapids, such are artificially 
formed by laying large stones in a V shape across a stream, 
while at the apex of this a trap is fixed. Or a mountain 
stream is conducted down a slope over a large concave 
basket, so that all descending fish are pitched into it, and 
speedily suffocated by the rushing water or other falling 
fish, which act like a succession of blows, preventing their 
ever rising again. Hill streams in some places, as in the 
Doon, are frequently diverted for the purpose of taking 
the fish. From March to the commencement of the rains, 
streams are dammed and turned. In these mountain 
districts the torrents, where they burst from the hills, form 
three or four beds, all of which are full during the rains, 
but subsequently only one. One year one of these beds 
will be used, another year another bed, and so on. The 
poachers select a spot where the stream and an old bed 
are in close proximity: both have good pools in their 
course. They fix their nets across the stream about a mile, 
or even more, below the selected spot, first nets with large, 
and subsequently those with small meshes. These nets 
are kept to the bottom by means of heavy stones. When 
the nets are ready they dam up the stream and open 
a water-way into the old bed. The force of the water soon 
cuts a deep channel for itself, and thus the late bed of the 
river is left dry except in the deep holes, while all fish 
attempting to come down stream are stopped by the net. 
Large fish are carried off, the fry are left to die as the 
pools dry up. This process is repeated lower down the 


stream, and after a month or so they begin again at the top 
of the hillside as before. 

In addition to the larger weirs and traps, there are minor 
sorts most extensively employed, especially in the plains— 
some to capture breeding fish ascending up the smaller 
watercourses during the rain to deposit their spawn, others 
to arrest them and their fry attempting to descend the 
stream as the flood waters recede; and there is not a 
district, except perhaps in Sind, where this mode of capture 
is not carried on. And some officials now speak of the use 
of these contrivances as communal and prescriptive rights, 
and hold that their prohibition would be an interference 
with private property. 

Moveable fishing implements are of two varieties, (1) 
those manufactured of cotton, hemp, aloe-fibre, coir, or of 
some such material, and (2) others made of split bamboo, 
rattan, reed, grass, or other more or less inelastic substances. 
Large drag-nets (see Plates IIT. and IV.), having fairly-sized 
meshes, are used mostly during the dry months, and em- 
ployed for the purpose of obtaining fish from pools in rivers 
into which they have retired awaiting the next year’s floods. 
But the moveable nets which occasion the most damage 
are those with small meshes, and principally employed for 
taking the fry of the fish as they are first moving about ; they 
may be cast-nets with fine meshes, wall-nets dragged up 
some small watercourses, purse-nets similarly used, and even 
sheets may be thus employed. In some places several 
cast-nets are joined together, to stop up all passage of fish 
along a stream, while others are employed above this 
obstacle ; or several fishermen surround a pool, each armed 
with a cast-net, and these they throw altogether, giving the 
fish but little chance of escaping. In Sind the fishermen 
float down the Indus, in certain suitable localities, upon 


a gourd or hollow earthen pot, while the net is let down 
beneath them ; as a hilsa fish (C/upea zlisha) ascends up the 
muddy and rapid stream, it strikes against the dependent 
net, which is made to contract like a purse by means of 
a string that the fisherman holds in his hand. 

Irrespective of the modes already detailed as in common 
use for capturing fresh-water fish in India and Burmah, there 
are a number of what may be termed minor plans likewise 
in force (see Plate IV.). Sheets have already been remarked 
upon as employed for taking the fry which have ascended 
small watercourses, or are found in shallow water, while they 
may also be used as dip-nets, being sunk in an appropriate 
place, and raised by strings attached to the four corners, as 
_ soon as the little fish have been enticed above. Or onthe 
sheets bushes may be placed; here the fry seek shelter 
from the rays of the sun, and the whole concern is lifted 
bodily up. A little grain or bread is likewise found useful 
as a bait. Two pieces of rattan may be employed, crossing 
one another in the middle, where they are tied together: 
the ends are then bent downwards in the form of two 
arches. Here a net is attached, and this the fisherman 
presses down upon the fish, which are then removed by 
the hand. In some places they may absolutely be so 
frightened as to permit themselves being readily taken ; 
thus ropes to which at intervals are attached bones, leaves, 
stalks of kurbi or jowaree, or pieces of solar (pith) or small 
bundles of grass, are stretched across a stream; two 
persons, one at either end, constantly jerk this rope, causing 
the fish to dart away towards nets that are fixed to entrap 
them. Snares of the most varied descriptions are almost 
universally employed ; but in some localities angling may 
be said to be almost unknown, especially in Orissa, or 
districts where wholesale poaching is preferred as easier 


and more successful. One method of using hooks is 
perhaps as cruel as could well be devised. A number are 
securely fixed to a line at regular intervals of about three 
inches for employment in a narrow pass in a hill stream. 
When used, the rope is sunk from eighteen inches to two 
feet below the surface, and held by a man on either 
bank ; others drive the fish towards this armed cord, and 
as they pass over it, the line is jerked for the purpose of 
hooking it. In some places dexterity has been arrived at 
by constant practice, and many fish are thus captured. 
The desire is to hook the game by its under surface ; but, 
as might be supposed, although in some cases the hooks 
penetrate sufficiently deep to obtain a secure hold, such is 
by no means invariably the case. The struggles of the 
wounded creature frequently are sufficient to allow it to 
break away, often with a portion of its intestines trailing 
behind it. If its gill-covers have been injured, respiration 
may be wholly or partially impeded : crippled, it wanders 
away to sicken and die in an emaciated state: while, 
should it be captured before death has stopped its suffer- 
ings, it is useless as food, unless to the lower animals. 
Baited hooks are in some places fastened to lines, which 
are tied to bamboos fixed in the beds of rivers, or to bushes 
or posts at their edges, and so managed that when a fish is 
hooked the line runs out. Ora somewhat similar plan is 
to have a cord stretched across a river, floated by gourds ; 
to this the short lines which have the baited hooks are 
attached, but so that they are not long enough to reach 
the bottom ; these are visited every few hours. In some 
districts night-lines are baited with frogs. Spearing fish 
by torchlight is extensively practised in the Punjab and in 
the Presidency of Bombay ; or they may be speared during 
the daytime in the cold months of the year, when they are 


not very active. Two persons usually engage in this occu- 
pation; the one punts the boat along as noiselessly as 
possible, while the fisherman stands at the prow, silently 
pointing to the direction to be adopted, and uses his spear 
when he gets a chance. Shooting fish with guns is carried 
on in Oude, and occasionally elsewhere. This is more 
especially employed for the snake-headed walking-fishes 
(Ophiocephalide), which are frequently seen floating on the 
surface of the water, as if asleep. They may be ap- 
proached very closely, but the game usually sinks when 
killed, and has to be dived for, or otherwise obtained. 
Crossbows are also employed for a similar purpose in 
Malabar. In Mysore—observed the native officials of the 
Nagar division—fish are taken by nets, traps, hooks, cloths, 
by the hand, by baskets of different shapes, by damming 
and draining off the water, by shooting, by striking them 
with clubs, with swords, or with choppers, by weirs, and by 
various descriptions of fixed engines ; in short, by poaching 
practices of every kind, as well as by fishing with rods and 
lines, and poisoning pools of water by milk bush, tobacco- 
leaves, Indian hemp, and many poisonous kinds of jungle 
fruits. This is generally carried on during the dry seasons 
of the year, when the pools in the rivers are still, and 
hardly any current exists. It is very easy to collect the 
poisons, throw them into a pool, and await the fish floating 
intoxicated to the surface. These fish are sold in the 
markets. Even fishes’ eggs do not escape the general hunt 
to which the persecuted finny tribes are subjected in these 
days, the ova being collected and made into cakes, which 
are considered a delicacy. 

The boats employed for fishing purposes (see Plate II.) 
are too numerous and varied to permit of description in this 

place. The dug-out, or boat ofa solid tree, is common. The 



coracle is also known; while the fast-sailing fishing-boats 
of the Konkan, termed Muchvas. (an excellent model of 
which is in the Fish Exhibition), are evidently improve- 
ments on the dug-outs of the Maldives. One curious boat 
from Chittagong, but which is also employed: throughout 
Burmah, and the East, is fitted up with a bamboo platform 
on. one side, behind which a bamboo, having palm-leaves 
attached, projects into the water. Thus fish are scared, 
and spring on to the platform, which is partly submerged, 
and on: into the boat, while a net fixed on the opposite 
cunwale precludes their clearing the boat. 

There are certain vermin in the East which are destruc- 
tive to fish, some when in the immature, others when in 
their matured state. Commencing with the crocodiles, 
two distinct genera have representatives in the waters of 
India. The true fish-eating crocodile (Gaviatis. gangeticus); 
with its long and slender snout, attains upwards of twenty 
feet in length, and is a resident throughout the main 
courses. and affluents of the Indus, Ganges, Brahmapootra, 
and Mahanuddi rivers, but absent from Burmah, and most of 
those in Bombay and Madras. ‘This species is usually 
timid of man, excepting when he invades the locality where 
it has deposited its eggs. Their diet appears to mainly 
consist of fish, turtles, and tortoises. In 1868, I found it 
was one of the sights of Cuttack to watch these enormous 
reptiles feeding in the river below the irrigation weir which 
impedes the upward ascent of breeding fish. The long 
brown snout of the crocodile would be seen rising to the 
surface of the water, holding a fish crosswise between its 
jaws; next, the finny prey was flung upwards, when, 
descending head foremost, it fell conveniently into the 
captor’s comparatively small mouth. 

Crocodiles, similarly to predaceous fishes, generally 


swallow the finny tribes head first, because, if they are 
of the spiny-rayed forms, their spines are thus pushed 
backwards, lie flat, and do not injure the creature which is 
swallowing them. Were they taken in tail first, this would 
erect the spines, and wound every animal which should 
endeavour to swallow them. Doubtless some forms, while 
in transit, wriggle themselves round, and get fixed in the 
gullet of their captors, as the father-lasher of our coasts. 
These reptiles are very prolific. Thus the overseer in 
charge of the Narrage weir in Orissa, in the year 1869, 
came across a brood, and within three hours shot sixty- 
nine. When at this place I obtained a young one that had 
become entangled by its teeth in a fishing net, and asked 
the fishermen if they ever destroyed them. Astonishment 
was depicted on their faces, and they protested against the 
supposition that they had ever been guilty of such a mean 
action. Their argument was that both classes belonged to 
the fish-destroying races, therefore on the principle that 
hawks do not pick out hawks’ eyes, they consider it would 
be wrong to cause their deaths. As to the destruction 
they occasioned, they admitted it, but also observed that 
they would do as much if they were able. It must not 
therefore be hoped that fishermen will assist in clearing 
rivers of these monsters ; neither will the native sportsman 
throw away a single charge of powder and ball on such 
unremunerative game, which he could not sell, and would 
be unable to eat. 

The common crocodile, Crocodilus palustris and C. 
porosus, ate found in most parts of India and Burmah. 
These reptiles, although oftem termred man-eaters or snub- 
nosed crocodiles, assist in depopulating the waters of ‘fish, 
and it has appeared to me that it is mostly when they find 
an insufficiency in the finny supply and carrion that they 

E 2 


turn their attention to man and the larger mammals. 
Every traveller in the East must have seen these logs of 
wood, as they appear to be, lying for hours at the sides 
of rivers or on rocks above the surface of the stream, and 
which sink so noiselessly into the current as almost to 
make one believe one’s eyes had been deceptive, for how | 
could anything so large have so quietly disappeared. In 
1868, when at Cuttack, the crocodiles’ appetites were not 
appeased by the fish they obtained, so they commenced 
consuming human beings, horses, and cows, varying their 
diet with an occasional goat or sheep. Doubtless, in large 
rivers, as the Ganges, these reptiles have their redeeming 
qualities, being the natural scavengers and consumers of 
carrion. Human beings are now no longer permitted to 
piously place their dying relatives by the side of the sacred 
stream, fill their mouths with mud, and leave them to be 
carried away by the waters or adjacent crocodiles ; neither 
are corpses interred in the current of that holy river. If 
fish are insufficient, and the crocodiles are not to be 
destroyed, from whence are these reptiles to obtain their 
subsistence? The common law of self-preservation will 
induce them to feed on the cattle of the neighbouring © 
country, or on such human beings as unwarily approach 
too near to the waters in which they reside. This is no 
fancy sketch, but I will merely adduce two instances that 
came under my notice in 1868. At Cullara exists a hole 
or pool in the Nuna River to which these monsters resort 
during the dry season, and a short time prior to my visit, 
they had succeeded in carrying off five adult human beings, 
while near the Baropa weir two women and one horse were 
taken by crocodiles in a single month. 

Otters are likewise very destructive, especially in the 
hilly districts, and when they have exhausted the fish, they 


turn their attention to the frogs. In fact, the large frogs 
(Rana tigrina) are evidently considered great delicacies 
by these animals, for when kept domesticated they even 
Seem to prefer them™ to fish. In some tfivers, as the 
Ganges and Indus, the porpoise (P/atanista) is a large fish 

When mentioning animals which compete with man in 
destroying fishes, there are some families that must not be 
omitted, although I only propose casually to allude to 
them. Birds which eat fish are exceedingly numerous, not 
only in the true swimming and wading forms, but even the 
Indian pee-wit may be observed in the dry months taking 
its share of the smaller examples of the finny tribe that are 
more or less exposed to view in the drying-up pools. 
Snakes luxuriate in irrigation canals, and revel in luxury at 
the bases of the larger weirs. In that across the Coleroon, 
when the water was low, I was plainly able to see these 
reptiles lying in wait for the fishes attempting to ascend. 
I should suppose I never saw less than twenty any evening 
I examined this weir on its down-stream face. ‘Tortoises 
and turtles are fish-consumers, while most fishes prey upon 
their weaker neighbours or their eggs. Near Ganjam, 
a native official informed me how he had ventured out one 
night to see how murrul—the walking-fishes—were cap-- 
tured.. The fisherman was provided with a long flexible 
bamboo as a rod, and as a bait used a live frog. Hardly 
had the frog splashed into the water, when a moderately- 
sized murrul seized and swallowed it. Desirous of ob- 
serving what would next occur, the fish was left on the 
hook, as a bait for anything else. Before long, a large 
water-snake was seen swimming towards it, and soon had 
the fish enclosed in its capacious jaws, and in this fashion 
all three were pulled together out of the water. Frogs 


appear to relish fish-eggs, and to be by no means averse to 
occasionally devouring the fry. 

Considerable discussion occurred respecting the condition 
of the fresh-water fisheries in India, some high officials sug- 
gesting that a falling-off in the quantity is no reason for 
legislative interference, unless it could be demonstrated that 
a danger existed of annihilation. The Viceroy summed upthe 
question in the following suggestive sentences :—“Is the 
present plan of non-interference likely to ensure to future 
generations the fullest possible supply of this food staple ? 
Ts it even such as to ensure their inheriting a supply equal 
to that which now exists ? The Governor-General in Council 
apprehends that both these questions must be answered in 
the negative, and that not only is there no prospect, as 
matters now stand, of an increased supply hereafter, but 
that, owing to the absence of precautionary measures and 
reasonable restrictions, the existing supply is diminishing.” | 

Were poisoning of the fresh-water forms to be prohibited, 
the sale of fry be rendered illegal, and traps and nets placed 
under control, an immense increase in the amount of the 
fresh-water fish would be a certain result. Here I must 
refer to an experiment which has been made in India for 
the purpose of protecting fisheries. If no destructive waste 
was existing prior to the commencement of protective 
measures, no augmentation of the fish would have become 
apparent ; if, however, very beneficial results have ensued, 
there does not appear any reason why such should not 
be extended elsewhere. In South Canara, Mr Gea: 
Thomas observed that it may be doubted whether poisoning 
rivers or the wholesale destruction of fry is most injurious 
to fisheries ; while prohibiting the finer and closely-woven 
bamboo cruives has been that the most ignorant, and there- 
fore the most obstinate opponents, have been convinced by 


the testimony of their own senses, and have exclaimed, to 
use their own words, “ truly the river is everywhere bubbling 


with fry ;” and, what is still more to the point, their practice 
has not belied their words, for they have taken to fishing on 
grounds that were before considered profitless. Two years’ 
discouragement of poisoning, and one year’s discouragement 
of fine cruives, has worked such a change that it has been 
_ demonstrated, beyond cavil even of the ignorant and of the 
most interestedly opposing, that marked advantage can be 
reaped from the adoption of these two simple measures 

What rules have been instituted in order to mitigate 
the condition of the fisheries I have been unable to ascertain. 
An Act (VII. of 1875), however, has been passed for Burmah, 
for the protection of the fisheries; while Mr. Buckland, 
Member of the Revenue Board in Calcutta, remarked 
(November, 1879) that the following figures show the 
_ progress which is being gradually made at Goalundo, at 
the confluence of the Ganges, and Burhampootra, where 
hilsa fish abound :—Fish cured 1875, 1,362 maunds; 1876, 
ass, 4077, 10,800 5 ~1878,* 14,000. - He concludes that 
“there is, therefore, some reason to hope that Dr. Day’s 
proposal may bring some good fruit after a while.” While 
at page 6 I have referred to some results obtained in 

I now propose considering what proportion of the people 
of India and Burmah use fish as food, or, rather, can do so 
without infringing caste prejudices ? 

In the Punjab, comparatively but few of the inhabitants 
are prohibited by their religion from consuming fish, but 

* This shows an increase of 1,043,215 lbs. of fish in a year in one 
locality, where in the first of the four years nearly 112,073 lbs. only 
were prepared. 


there are many Hindus who reject it, as well as the rural 
population of some districts. But of those residing in towns, 
and in hilly ranges, it appears that, if the Brahmans are 
excepted, the consumption of fish is only limited by the 
paucity of the supply and the cost of the article. In Sind, 
fish is generally eaten by the population of the province, 
whether Mussalman or Hindu, unless a Brahman. In the 
North-West Provinces, containing about 28,000,000 of popu- 
lation, out of twenty returns received from native officials, 
seventeen give more than half of the people as not forbidden 
by religious scruples from eating fish. In Oudh, the 
majority of the people appear to eat fish, but the supply is 
unequal to the demand. In the Bombay Presidency, the 
majority of the inhabitants of the inland districts are con- 
sumers of fish when they can procure it. In Haiderabad, 
Mysore, and Coorg, more than half the population are fish 
consumers ; in South Canara, 89 per cent. ; in Madras the 
majority, the exceptions being Brahmans, goldsmiths, high- 
caste Sudras, the followers of Siva, Jains, &c. In Orissa, 
more than half the people ; in Bengal proper, from 90 to 95 
per cent.; in Assam and Chittagong, almost the entire 
population ; and in Burmah, in the form of nga pee, its use 
is universal. , 

As Buddhists, the Burmans profess a religious horror at 
taking the lives of lower animals, but being immoderately 
fond of fish diet, they console their consciences (while 
indulging in it) with the idea that the deaths of those 
animals used by them as food must be laid to the account 
of the fishermen, and cannot in any way be attributed to 
the consumers’ fault. The walls of their temples have 
pictures of the terrible tortures the fishermen will have to 
endure in a future state of existence. In some of these 
interesting representations are large fires being stirred up by 


devils, while other evil spirits are dragging more fishermen 
in nets towards the burning fiery furnace, helping on some 
by striking fish spears into them from behind, and hauling 
them forward by hooks and lines fixed to their mouths 
towards the place of punishment. 

But it may be asked are these Poongees’ (priests) 
practices in accord with their teachings? By no means, as 
the following example will show. At Yahdown, on the 
banks of a branch of the Irrawaddi, a fisherman (Een 
Thoogyee), built a Kyoung, or monastery, as his great hope 
was to be termed a K young taga, or founder of a monastery, 
a highly-prized title amongst the Burmese. Poongees came, 
and Poongees went away, but they did not care to remain, 
and partake for any lengthened period of the hospitalities 
of their host and disciple. At last one old priest appeared, 
who seemed to consider the quarters as desirable. To him, 
in great trepidation, the owner put the following question, 
“Why, my father, do not the Poongees approve of my 
monastery, for none but yourself have remained over the 
going down of two suns?” “Because, my son,” replied the 
holy man, “do you not break the law by depriving the fish 
Gelite?” 2“ True,” he answered, “but were I not to do so, 
how could I supply your table with fish, or how could I live 
were I to give up my employment?” The only reply he 
could obtain was, “Better to fast while keeping the law, 
than to feast whilst breaking it!” 

With sorrow the disciple took the priest at his word, and 
for three days refrained from fishing, giving his preceptor 
merely vegetables for his diet. On the fourth morning, 
when the same fare appeared, the Poongee observed, “My 
son, when you fish the river, does your net extend all across, 
permitting no fish to escape; or is a portion of the river 
free for those which select to pass to one side?” “Not all 


across, but only one-third of the way,” he answered. “ Well, 
then, my son,” said the priest, “I have been seriously con- 
sidering the subject, and have arrived at the conclusion that, 
if you leave room for the fish to ascend or descend the 
stream, and they will not avail themselves of it, but rush — 
headlong into your net, the fault is theirs and not yours. 
Even Gaudama blessed the hunter who met him when he 
was hungry, and supplied him with venison. This was 
accounted as a meritorious act, although he must have 
killed a deer to obtain it. So go, my son, and procure me 
some fish, for I am hungry.” From that day the priest 
consumed his fish in quietness, and refrained from inquiring 
from whence it had been procured. 

Investigating how the local markets were supplied with 
fish up to 1873, the replies from native officials gave the 
following results. In the Punjab one in ten markets was 
sufficiently supplied, in the North-West Provinces one in 
three, in Qudh one in four. In Bombay the amount was 
stated to be insufficient in all, and the same reports came 
from Haiderabad, Mysore, and Coorg. In Madras, near 
the sea, the quantity of fish was sufficient, but only in one 
in ten of the inland markets. In short, merely one-tenth of 
the bazaars were reported as fully supplied with fish, and 
of these one-fifth obtained them from the sea-coast. 

Fisheries, to a more or less extent, exist in the Indian 
Ocean, as well as up to the mouths of the larger rivers, in 
backwaters and estuaries ; while parallel to certain places, 
especially along the coasts of the Madras Presidency, vast 
mud-banks are present in the sea, having such a thin con- 
sistence that many kinds of fish are able to obtain abundance 
of food there as well as a suitable locality in which to 
deposit their ova. The most casual observer cannot fail to 
perceive how numerous are the varieties and vast the 


number of the finny tribes in the seas of India, but from 
some cause—whether due to the legislative enactments and 
local obstructions, or native apathy and impecuniosity—the 
harvest has, up to within the last few years, been com- 
paratively untouched; an enormous amount of food still 
remains uncaptured, while famines are devastating the 

contiguous shores. 






Dollika—A trap made of split bamboos, used in shallow water 
It is plunged suddenly into. the water. From the Godavery. 

FHloncha.—A fishing scoop. From Nuddea. 

Malai.—A fishing trap set in stone weirs, with the large end 
down stream. 

Ghonee.—A trap with a double screen of finely split bamboos. 
From Bengal. 

Section of above. 

Khora.—A trap used in irrigated fields, for catching fry in 
channels where there is no current. From Bengal. 

Aineh.—Is set in streams frequented by small fish. From Bengal. 

Dhaur.—A jf\-shaped trap, with a loose screen of pointed bam- 
boos. From Bengal. 

Hloochna.—Trap for catching fry. 
Dhowree.—A trap used in shallow streams. From Cuttack. 

Doob.—Small trumpet-shaped trap, with narrow orifice, let into a 
short cylinder. The cylinder is taken off in order to remove 
the fish. 

Koramenalu Vuchit.—A trap of -net-work placed amongst 
rushes in tanks for murrel (Ophiocephalus marulius). From 

A vase-shaped basket, with small opening, for carrying fish. | 

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Fishing-boat, fitted with a bamboo platform projecting into the 
water on one side, and with a net placed obliquely on the 
other. The fish are frightened on to the bamboos, and in 
leaping into the boat are prevented from clearing the other 
side by the net. 

Parachal.—A coracle, or flat-bottomed boat, used in rocky tor- 
rents in the Bowani river, Coimbatore. . 

Bombay fishing-boat (Muchwa), built of Malabar teak. 

Canoe dug-out, or donga, made of the stem of Borassus flabet- 
liformis or tar palm; the soft portion of the palm-stem is 
excavated, and the broadly expanding base forms the prow. 

Head of paddle belonging to the Muchwa. 
Anchor made of wood, and weighted with stone or brick. 

Bombay fishing-boat (Tony), made of Malabar teak. 
pata Masulah boat : the planks are sewn together. 

Fishing-vessel from Tuticorin. 

22. Burmese snake-boat, for passengers. 



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2 \casting-nets. 


A landing-net from Moorshedabad. 

Choba.—A plunge-net, used chiefly in shallow water to capture 
fish which lay half-concealed in the mud. From Poona. 

A shrimping-net. From Poona. 
YVethuvala.—A hand-net. From the Gedavery. 

Akhu.—A scoop-like net for catching small fish. From the 

Stake-net—can be raised or lowered according to the depth of 
the stream. 

Palona jal—The base forms a scraper to which the net is per- 
manently attached, and which has sockets for the receipt of the 
side bamboos. From Cuttack. 

Mazi aN drag-net, attached to a bow-like bamboo, having a 
weight fastened to each end and a cord fastened to the middle. 
It is dragged along the bottom like a dredge. 

Chach jal.—A hoop supporting a bag-like net 3 ft. in length, 
with a septum about 11 inches from mouth leading into the 
lower portion of the net. From Chittagong. 

Poluha jal.—A conical net, used by means of a framework of six 
bamboos tied together at the apex, and kept in position by a 
hoop. The fisherman climbs on to this framework, and if in 
shallow water stands on the hoop, he then loosens the cord by 
which the net is fastened to the bamboos, and the net falls to 
the bottom. A feeler (which may be the rudder of his boat) to 
ascertain whether any fish are under the net, and if he finds 
one the spear is used. 

A dip-net, with weights. 



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36. Kharo jal.—A large dip-net worked by means of a complicated 
arrangement of bamboos and a boat. To raise or cover the 
net, which is supported by a bamboo fixed to the side of the 
boat, a man steps backwards or forwards on the lower of the 
two bamboos which join the tripod of bamboos on the shore 
to the upright bamboos on either side of the boat. With one 
hand he holds on to the upper bamboo, and with the other 
raises or dips the net by means of a string attached to the 
-bamboo which is fixed into the side of the boat. 

37. Artificial bait in use among the Divi Islanders. 
38. Malabar puffing tube, with darts used for killing fish. 

39-46. Various kinds of spears used for killing fish, turtles, or 
tortoises. j 




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WM. CLOWES & SONS, Limited, 13, Charing Cross, S.W. 

(And Sold at their Stalls near cach Entrance to the Exhibition.) 


post-free 13d. 

GUIDE to the EXHIBITION, 3d.; post-free 4d. 

PROGRAMME of MUSIC, &c., 2d.; post-free 3d. 

OFFICIAL CATALOGUE, Second Edition, ls.; post- 
free Is. 4d. 

by Mrs. CHARLES CLARKE. &d.; post-free 4d. 


Ten eve Etchings of Scenes on the British Coast, 
1.—Bait Gatherers . 6 «© © « « R. W. MacsetuH, A.R.A, 
2.—Running Ashore . + « « o « CoLIn HUNTER. 
3.—A Fisher Girl QU CS Wee at the en pas dae, WV RESON 
4.—Fishing Boats off Hastings . . Davip Law. 
G:—Going for Balk be. ee Otto LEypE, R.S.A, 

6.—Boat Building on the Yare . . C.J. Warts. 
7.—Preparing for Sea—Hastings . C. P. SLOCOMBE. 

8.—Ramsgate Harbour . . . e« « J. P. HESELTINE, 
9.—Fisherman’s Haven . ». « « + J. MAcCWHIRTER, A.R.A. 
tO0.—Stranded—Rye. . . » » ~- » WILFRID W. BALL. 

Price 15s. the complete set. 

Lonpon : WILLIAM CLOWES & SONS, Limrtep, 

ee A A A Pen | 

ro ti 

: NOTES ‘ON THES * 0723 5138 





| i | iiiilin 


fessor Brown GooveE, M.A. 

LANDS. By Professor HUBRECHT. 

‘Lzrevre, M.P. 

TISATION OF FISH. By Sir James Ramsay Gipson MAITLAND, Bart. _ 

 PISH DISEASES. By Professor HuxLEy, P.R.S. SS ea. 



SION OF TOWN SEWAGE. By the Hon. W. F. B. Masszy MAINWARING. "3 






FRONTAGES. By D. HowriTz, Esq. 
FISH AS FOOD. By Sir Henry THompson. 



FRYER ves 

CRUSTACEANS. By T. Cornisu. 

FRESH-WATER FISHING (other than Salmon). “By J- Pi Watkeneae ey 

Lieut.-Col. F. G. Souda, ie 



IRISH FISHERIES. By R. F. Watsun, of Kinsale. Meiers 


Sweden, Norway, ee &c., eee took : Pane in the Conference. 

5 ooh: