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Full text of "The individual delinquent; a text-book of diagnosis and prognosis for all concerned in understanding offenders"

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Give  therefore  thy  servant  an  understanding  heart  to  judge  thy 
^     ^    *  Solomon's  Fraykr,  I  Kings,  in.  9. 

Socrates :  And  yet,  O  my  friend,  if  true  opinion  in  law  courts  and 
knowledge  are  the  same,  the  perfect  judge  could  not  have  judged 
rightly  without  knowledge.  p^^^^^.  Thecet.t^s. 

There  is  only  one  principle  in  penology  that  is  worth  any  con- 
sideration :  it  is  to  find  out  why  a  man  does  wrong  and  make  it  not 
worth  his  while.  Devon  :  The  Criminal  and  the  Community. 

The  only  way  to  stop  us  is  to  find  out  who  and  what  we  are,  and 
what  we're  good  for.  Then  you've  got  to  make  punishment  severe 
enough  or  opportunities  good  enough  for  us.  You  don't  do  either 
or  tnese  now.  Statement  of  an  unjailed  expert  criminal. 

Bei  uns  soli  dann  aber  erst  der  Zweck  unserer  Arbeit;  eine 
gesunde,  psychologisch  begriindete  Kriminalpolitik  beginnen  und 
alles  in  unserem  Streben  muss  dem  einen  Ziele  untergeordnet  sein : 
Kriminalpolitik  auf  richtig  erkannter  Kriminalatiologie. 

Gross:  Aufsatze. 















!/:    i 

Copyright,  1915, 
By  Little,  Brown,  and  Company. 

All  rights  reserved 

The  University  Press,  Cambridge,  U.S.A. 



It  has  been  a  joy  to  direct  for  five  years  the  important  scien- 
tific task  which  finds  expression  in  the  present  volume.  Our 
work  has  been  done  under  favoring  auspices  and,  indeed,  with 
the  constant  stimulus  of  a  kindly  reception.  For  advice  in  early 
planning,  and  for  later  counsel,  I  am  deeply  grateful  to  many. 
j\Iy  acknowledgments  made  in  an  already  published  schedule 
for  data  (24)^  and  in  a  monograph  on  mental  tests  (70)  are  to  be 
repeated.  To  my  coworkers  acknowledgment  is  also  due.  Their 
names  are  connected  with  their  special  contributions. 

The  organization  of  the  Juvenile  Psychopathic  Institute  is 
set  forth  in  Appendix  B.  Miss  Julia  C.  Lathrop,  as  one  of  the 
originators,  is  indissolubly  connected  with  the  research.  Several 
of  our  advisory  council  and  others  have  given  expert  assistance. 
There  has  always  been  encouragement  from  the  wise  outlook  of 
Judge  Merritt  W.  Pinckney,  who  ever  urges  better  understand- 
ing of  the  cases  coming  before  him.  Elsewhere  we  have  received 
the  heartiest  welcome  from  jurists  and  others  who  cherish  the 
vision  of  rational  treatment  for  the  delinquent. 

To  the  ideals  of  Mrs.  W.  F.  Dummer  we  have  felt  the  utmost 
devotion  and  responsibility.  Her  financial  support  has  been  only 
part  of  her  effect  on  the  work. 

We  should  be  unjust  to  our  feelings  if  we  did  not  gratefully 
acknowledge  the  fine-spirited  cooperation  of  the  many  practical 
workers  who  handled  the  delinquents  we  studied.  They  have 
been  on  the  firing-line  of  effort. 

To  the  dear  friends  who  have  aided  in  the  literary  prepara- 
tion of  this  volume  the  gratitude  of  all  who  benefit  by  their 
emendations  is  due. 

The  statement  of  our  findings  has  gradually  assumed  the  scope 
of  a  text  or  reference  book,  the  first  on  the  subject.  We  hope 
for  our  science  the  growth  that  other  sciences  have  experienced; 

1  Throughout  this  work,  both  in  the  text  and  foot-notes,  the  full-face  nu- 
merals in  parentheses  refer  to  detailed  mention  in  the  Bibliography,  Appen- 
dix A,  of  the  particular  works  of  the  authors  indicated. 



there  is  great  necessity  for  further  research,  but  extensions  and 
modifications  are  to  be  embodied  only  as  their  truth  is  assured. 
It  would  take  long  to  specify  the  parts  of  our  subject  with 
which  people  of  various  affairs  should  be  familiar.  Judges, 
other  court  officers,  including  lawyers,  and  institutional  authori- 
ties, should  have  a  particularly  well-rounded  knowledge  of  the 
whole  field.  Without  the  most  thoughtful  observation  a  great 
deal  is  hidden  from  view,  as  may  be  easily  appreciated  by  con- 
sideration of  our  cases  and  causal  types.  (Some  suggestion  of 
the  special  bearings  of  special  types  as  seen  in  court  work  is 
given  in  §  139.)  Psychologists,  physicians,  religious  leaders, 
school  people,  and,  not  least  of  all,  parents,  should  be  in  posses- 
sion of  many  of  our  fundamental  facts.  All  who  have  to  deal 
with  offenders  need  the  utmost  possible  understandings  of  human 

William  Healy. 

WiNNETKA,  Illinois, 
September,  1914. 




Introduction Pages  3-8 

§  1.  Presentation  of  Results.  §  2.  Our  Research  into  Genetics  and  Dynam- 
ics. §  3.  Delinquency  and  Abnormality  not  Synonymous.  §  4.  Scheme 
of  Presentation.  §  5.  Practical  Aspects  of  the  Study.  §  6.  To  Whom  this 
Study  Should  Appeal.  §  7.  Legal  Dicta  vs.  Scientific  Studies.  §  8.  Con- 
structive Values  for  the  Law.  §  9.  Scientific  Data  Indispensable  for 


Orientations 9-21 

§  10.  Our  Main  Point  of  View.  §  11.  General  Data  for  Delimiting  the  Field 
of  Study.  §  12.  Best  Age  for  Study.  §  13.  Our  Study  of  Recidivists. 
§  14.  Group  of  Cases  Studied  and  Our  Approach  to  Their  Problems. 
§  15.  Social  and  Scientific  Values  of  Deeper  Studies.  §  16.  Historical 
Orientation  of  Our  Standpoint.  §  17.  Ascertained  Facts  Overwhelm  the 
Theories.  §  18.  Our  Empirical  Method.  §  19.  Newer  Methods  of  Study. 
§  20.  Follow-up  Observations  Necessary.  §  21.  Insoluble  Problem  of 
Legal  Responsibility.  §  22.  Responsibility  a  Dispensable  Criterion. 
§  23.  Our  Study  Largely  Characterology. 

The  Individual 22-25 

§  24.  Dynamic  Center  of  the  Problem.  §  25.  Definite  and  Practical  Knowl- 
edge of  the  Individual  is  Necessary.  §  26.  Weakness  of  General  Causa- 
tion Theories.  §  27.  Thorough  Study  Means  Balancing  of  Factors.  §  28. 
Growth  of  Idea  of  Studying  the  Offender.  §  29.  The  Problem  of  Per- 


The  Mental  Bases  of  Delinquency 26-32 

§  30.  Conduct  an  Expression  of  Mental  Life.  §  31.  Practical  Bearings  of 
the  Psychological  Viewpoint.  §  32.  Importance  of  Mental  Abnormality. 
§  33.  Psychological  Standpoint  Taken  Alone  is  Unsafe.  §  34.  Specific 
Features  of  Mental  Life  Underlying  Delinquency. 




Working  Methods Pages  33-67 

§  35.  General  Survey  of  Working  Methods.  §  36.  The  Observer  and  His 
Attitude.  §  37.  Privileged  Communication.  §  38.  Previous  Training  of 
Observer.  §  39.  Age  of  the  Examinee.  §  40.  Types  for  Study.  §  41. 
Sources  of  Information.  §  42.  Place  of  Observation.  §  43.  Extent  of 
Study  of  a  Case.  §  44.  Office  and  Equipment.  §  45.  Assistants.  §  46. 
Interview  and  Examination.  §  47.  Records.  §  48.  Schedule  of  Data 
Concerning  Delinquents.  I.  Family  History.  II.  Developmental 
History.  III.  History  of  Environment.  IV.  Mental  and  Moral  De- 
velopment. V.  Anthropometry.  VI.  Medical  Examination.  VII.  Psy- 
chological Examination:  (A)  Records  of  Tests.  (B)  Records  of  Psycho- 
logical Analysis.  VIII.  Delinquency.  IX.  Diagnostic  Summary.  X. 
Follow-up  Records.    XI.  Subsidiary  Records.     §  49.  Medical  Methods. 


Working  Methods  —  Continued 68-103 

Psychological  Methods.  §  50.  General  Statement  Concerning  Psycho- 
logical Methods.  §  51.  (A)  Anamnesis.  §  52.  (B)  Method  of  Giving 
Mental  Tests.  §  53.  (C)  The  Mental  Tests.  §  54.  A  Plan  of  Psycho- 
logical Inquiry.  §  55.  Our  Development  of  Performance  Tests,  (a)  Tests 
for  Levels  of  General  Intelligence.  §  56.  Binet  Tests,  (b)  Tests  for  School 
Work.  §  57.  Interpretation  of  Educational  Tests,  (c)  Tests  for  Special 
Abilities  and  Functions.  §  58.  Special  Capacities  and  Tests  for  Them.  §  59. 
Memory  Powers.  §  60.  Ability  to  Give  Testimony.  §  61.  Powers  of 
Attention.  §  62.  Motor  Coordination.  §  63.  Associative  Processes.  §  64. 
Perception  of  Form  and  Color  Relationships.  §  65.  Learning  Ability. 
§  66.  Ability  to  Profit  by  Experience.  §  67.  Language  Ability.  §  68. 
Arithmetical  Ability.  §  69.  Mental  Representation  and  Analysis.  §  70. 
Foresight  and  Planfulness.  §  71.  Perception  (Visual)  and  Analysis.  §  72. 
Judgment  and  Discrimination.  §  73.  Suggestibility.  §  74.  Will  Power. 
§  75.  Apperception.  §  76.  Moral  Discrimination.  §  77.  Following  In- 
structions. Vocational  Tests.  §  78.  Special  Abihties.  §  79.  Mental  Con- 
tent and  Interests. 


Working  Methods  —  Concluded 104-125 

§  80  (D)  Interpretation  of  Mental  Tests.  §  81.  Enumeration  of  Disturbing 
Conditions.  §  82.  Norms  on  our  Own  Tests.  §  83.  Dangers  of  Insufficient 
Data.  §  84.  (E)  Classification  from  Tests.  §  85.  (F)  Psychoanalysis. 
§  86.  (G)  Psychological  Impressions;  The  Psychogram.  §  87.  Summar- 
izing of  Case. 


Statistics 126-158 

§  88.  The  Basis  of  Valuable  Statistics.  §  89.  Characteristics  of  Our  Group 
of  Cases.  §  90.  Interpretation  of  Statistical  Findings.  §  91.  Group  II. 
Summary  of  Causative  Factors  by  Groups  and  Totals.  §  92.  Analysis  of 
Mental  Abnormalities  and  Peculiar  Mental  Characteristics.  §  93.  Analysis 
of  Defective  Home  Conditions.  §  94.  Analysis  of  Mental  Conflicts. 
§  95.  Analysis  of  Improper  Sex  Experiences.  §  96.  Bad  Companions. 
§  97.  Analysis  of  Abnormal  Physical  Conditions.  §  98.  Analysis  of  De- 
fective and  Unsatisfied  Interests.     §  99.  Analysis  of  Defective  Early  De- 


velopmental  Conditions.  §100.  Analysis  of  Mental  Shock.  §101.  Analy- 
sis of  Stimulants  and  Narcotics.  §  102.  Experiences  Under  Legal  Deten- 
tion. §  103.  Group  I.  Statistics  of  Psychological  Classification  of  1000 
Young  Repeated  Offenders.  §  104.  Offenses  of  1000  Young  Repeated 
Offenders,  (a)  694  Male  Offenders,  (b)  306  Female  Offenders.  §  105. 
Statistics  of  Weight  Correlated  with  Age.  §  106.  Statistics  of  "Stigmata 
of  Degeneracy."  §  107.  Epilepsy  Among  1000  Repeated  Offenders. 
§  108.  Numerical  Family  Table  in  1000  Cases  of  Repeated  Delinquency. 
§  109.  Family  Conditions.  §  110.  Illegitimacy  in  1000  Repeated  Offenders. 
§  111.  Birthplace  of  Offenders.  §  112.  Birthplace  of  Parents.  §  113. 
Previous  Institutional  Life.  §  114.  Religion.  Education.  §  115. 
Alcoholism  of  Parents.     §  116.  Statistics  on  Heredity. 


General  Conclusions  —  Methodology Pages  159-165 

§  117.  Methodological  Conclusions.  §  118.  Bearings  of  our  Findings  on  Clas- 
sifications. §  119.  Causal  Types  may  be  Differentiated.  §  120.  Study 
of  Mental  Life  Most  Direct  Way  of  Getting  at  the  Causal  Factors.  §  121. 
Social  Predictability  of  the  Given  Case.     §  122.    Intricacy  of  Causation. 


General  Conclusions  —  Treatment 166-182 

§  123.  Our  Fundamental  Ideas  of  Treatment  Are  Derived  from  Observations. 
§  124.  Punishment  is  Necessary.  §  125.  Defective  Self-Control  No  Excuse 
for  Legal  Freedom.  §  126.  Punishment  Should  Not  Harm  the  Offender. 
§  127.  Mental  Life  and  Moral  Dangers  During  Custody.  §  128.  Effect 
upon  Offender  of  Attitude  towards  Him.  §  129.  Danger  of  Deceit  in  Treat- 
ment. §  130.  Advantage  of  Beginning  Treatment  Early.  §  131.  Causa- 
tion Often  Not  Obvious.  §  132.  Organization  of  Courts  for  Better  Treat- 
ment. §  133.  Treatment  of  Physical  Causes.  §  134.  Treatment  of  Mental 
Causes.  §  135.  Treatment  of  Environment.  §  136.  Treatment  in  In- 
stitutions. §  137.  Good  Treatment  Can  Only  Come  Through  Under- 
standing and  Following  Up. 


Foreword 183-187 

§  138.  Cases  and  Causes  Treated  in  Book  II.  Complexities.  §  139.  Our 
Concrete  Data  Available  for  All  Concerned.  §  140.  Plan  of  Presentation 
of  Cases  and  Causal  Studies. 

Heredity 188-200 

§  141.  Studies  of  Heredity  Need  Critical  Methods.  §  142.  Inheritance  of 
Excess  of  Energy.  §  143.  Inheritance  of  Irritable  Temper.  §  144.  In- 
heritance of  Hypersexual  Tendencies.  §  145.  Inheritance  of  Physical  Traits. 
§  146.  Familial  Biological  Defect. 




Factors  in  Developmental  Conditions    ....       Pages  201-213 

§  147.  General  Statement.  (A.  Antenatal  Conditions.)  §  148.  Physical 
Conditions  During  Pregnancy.  §  149.  Abuse  During  Pregnancy.  §  150. 
Mother  Mentally  Troubled.  §  151.  Insanity  and  Epilepsy  of  the  Preg- 
nant Mother.  §  152.  Alcoholism  During  Pregnancy.  §  153.  Morphinism 
During  Pregnancy.  §  154.  Congenital  Syphilis.  §  155.  Old  Age  of  Par- 
ents. §156.  Attempted  Abortion.  §  157.  Twins.  §  158.  Mother  Work- 
ing During  Pregnancy.  §  159.  Maternal  Impressions.  (B.  Natal.)  §  160. 
Premature  Birth.  §161.  Difficult  Labor.  (C.  Postnatal).  §162.  General 
Statement.  (D.  Senility.)  §  163.  Nature  and  Causes  of  Offenses  of  Old 


Physical  Conditions:   Peculiarities  and  Ailments   .     .     .  214-233 

§  164.  General  Considerations.  §  165.  Ocular  Ailments.  §  166.  Ear  Troub- 
les. §  167.  Nose  and  Throat  Obstructions.  §  168.  Teeth.  §  169.  Speech 
Defects.  §  170.  Deaf -mutism.  §  171.  Minor  Nervous  Disorders.  §  172. 
Phimosis.  §  173.  Enuresis.  §  174.  Other  Physical  Irritations.  §  175. 
Syphilis.  §  176.  Under-nourishment.  §  177.  Excess  of  Physical  Vigor. 
§  178.  Menstruation  and  Pregnancy.  §  179.  Headaches.  §  180.  Head 
Injuries.     §  181.  Other  Physical  Ailments. 


Developmental  Physical  Abnormalities 234-261 

§  182.  General  Statement  and  Definition.  §  183.  Statistical  Findings.  §  184. 
Developmental  Age  Norms.  §  185.  (A)  Very  Poor  General  Physical  De- 
velopment. §  186.  (B)  (C)  Delayed  Puberty  with  Either  Poor  or  Normal 
Development.  §  187.  (D)  General  Sex  Characteristics  Undeveloped,  with 
Normal  Puberty.  §  188.  (E)  General  Physical  Over-development.  §  189. 
(F)  Over-development  of  Both  General  Physical  and  Sex  Characteristics. 
§  190.  (G)  Premature  Puberty  with  General  Physical  Over-development. 
§  191.  (H)  Premature  Puberty  without  Over-development.  §  192.  (I) 
Premature  Puberty  with  Distinctly  Poor  Development. 


Stimulants  and  Narcotics 262-281 

Alcohol.  §  193.  General  Opinions.  §  194.  Various  Ways  in  which  Alcohol 
is  a  Factor.  §  195.  Effect  of  Alcohol  on  Adolescents.  §  196.  Effect  of 
Alcohol  on  Mental  Defectives.  §  197.  Treatment.  §  198.  Morphine. 
§  199.  Cocaine.    §  200.  Tea  and  Coffee.    §  201.  Tobacco. 

Environmental  Factors 282-296 

§  202.  General  Statement.  §  203.  Treatment  of  Environmental  Factors. 
§  204.  Method  of  Presentation  of  Data.  §  205.  Parent  AlcohoHc.  §  206. 
Immoral  Home  Environment.  §  207.  Irritation  at  Home.  §  208.  Mem- 
bers of  Family  Immoral  or  Criminalistic.  §  209.  Severity  and  Harshness 
of  Parent.  §  210.  Incompetent  Parental  Control.  §  211.  Home  Uncon- 
geniality.     §  212.  Parents  Separated.    §  213.  Crowded  Housing  Conditions. 



§  214.  Poverty.  §  215.  No  Home.  §  216.  Parental  Neglect.  §  217. 
Bad  Companions.  §  218.  Theatres.  §  219.  Social  Allurements.  §  220. 
School  Irritation.     §  221.  Unsatisfactory  Vocation. 


Environmental  Factors  —  Concluded Pages  297-315 

§  222.  Lack  of  Healthy  Mental  Interests.  §  223.  Influence  of  Newspapers. 
§  224.  Influence  of  Pernicious  Stories.  §  225.  Influence  of  Pictures, 
Especially  Moving  Pictures.     §  226.  Experiences  During  Custody. 


Professional  Crimnalism.     Deliberate  Choice  ....    316-338 

Professional  Criminalism.  §  227.  Definition  of  Terms.  §  228.  Fre- 
quency of  This  Type.  §  229.  Genetics  and  Characteristics  of  Profession- 
alism. §  230.  Presentation  of  Cases.  §  231.  Treatment  of  Profession- 
ahsm.    §  232.  Deliberate  Choice  of  Criminalism. 


Mental  Imagery.     Mental  Habit 339-351 

§  233.  Criminalistic  Mental  Imagery.     §  234.  Criminalistic  Mental  Habit. 


Mental  Conflicts  and  Repressions 352-399 

§235.  General  Statement.  §236.  Nature  of  Mental  Conflicts.  §237.  Types 
of  Delinquency  which  Ensue.  §  238.  Success  or  Failure  in  Treatment. 
§  239.  Our  Material.  §  240.  Causes  of  Mental  Conflicts.  §  241.  Illus- 
trative Cases. 


Abnormal  Sexualism 400-413 

§  242.  General  Considerations.  §  243.  Hypersexualism.  §  244.  Sexualistic 
Obsessions  and  Impulsions.  §  245.  Masturbation.  §  246.  Early  Sex 
Experiences.  §  247.  Sex  Perversions.  §  248.  Psychoses  Accompanied  by 
Abnormal  Sexualism. 


Epilepsy 414-440 

§249.  General  Statement.  §250.  Varieties  of  Epilepsy.  §251.  Criminalism 
and  Epilepsy.  §  252.  Our  Findings.  §  253.  Mental  Peculiarities  of  Epi- 
leptics. §  254.  Physical  Peculiarities  of  Epileptics.  §  255.  Causes  of  Epi- 
leptic Being  an  Offender.  §  256.  Illustrative  Cases.  §  257.  Legal  and 
Other  Social  Treatment  of  Epileptic  Offenders.    §  258.  Epileptic  Psychoses. 


Mental  Abnormality  in  General 441-446 

§  259.  General  Considerations.     §  260.  Classifications.     §  261.  Definitions. 




Mental  Defect Pages  447-462 

§  262.  General  Considerations.      §  263.  Nomenclature.      §  264.  Definitive 

Classifications.   Feeblemindedness.      §  265.   Idiots.     §  266.  Imbeciles. 

§  267.  Morons.     §  268.  Treatment  of  Feeblemindedness.  §  269.    Treat- 
ment of  Feebleminded  Offenders. 

Mental  Defect — Continued 463-490 

Feeblemindedness  with  Special  Abilities.  §  270.  Special  Abilities  Not  Socially- 
Significant.  §  271.  Special  Abilities  Socially  Significant.  §  272.  (a)  and 
(b)  Mental  Defectives  with  Normal  Insight  plus  Motor  Ability.  §  273.  (c) 
Verbalist  Type  of  Defective. 


Mental  Defect  —  Continued 491-514 

Mental  Subnormality.  §  274.  Definition  of  Subnormality.  §  275.  Illus- 
trative Cases.     §  276.  The  Subnormal  Verbalist. 


Mental  Defect  —  Concluded 515-545 

Defects  in  Special  Mental  Abilities.  §  277.  General  Statement.  §  278. 
Language  Defect.  §  279.  Defect  in  Arithmetical  Ability.  §  280.  Defect 
in  Judgment  and  Foresight.    §  281.  Defect  in  Self-control. 


Mental  Dullness  from  Physical  Conditions      ....    546-574 

§  282.  General  Statement.  §  283.  Case  Showing  Possibilities  of  Diagnosis 
and  Treatment.  §  284.  Dullness  from  General  Physical  Conditions. 
§  285.  Mental  Dullness  from  Narcotics  and  Stimulants.  §  286.  Mental 
Dullness  from  Debilitating  Sex  Habits.  §  287.  Mental  Dullness  from 
Head  Injury.     §  288.  Epileptic  Dullness.     §  289.  Doubtful  Cases. 


Psychic  Constitutional  Inferiority 575-589 

§  290.  Definition.  §  291.  Characteristics.  §  292.  Illustrative  Cases. 
§  293.  Varieties  of  the  type.  §  294.  Causations.  §  295.  Degeneracy. 
§  296.   Treatment. 


\y    Mental  Aberration 590-608 

§  297.  General  Statement.  Major  Psychoses.  §  298.  Dementia  Precox. 
§  299.  Paresis.  §  300.  Juvenile  Paresis.  §  301.  Melancholia.  §  302. 
Manic-depressive  Insanity.  §  303.  Epileptic  Psychoses.  §  304.  De- 
mentia.   §  305.  Paranoia.    §  306.  Unclassified  Major  Mental  Aberrations. 




Minor  Mental  Aberrations Pages  609-650 

§  307.  Hypomania.  Constitutional  Excitement.  §  308.  Psychosis  of  Chorea. 
§  309.  Traumatic  Psychoses.  §  310.  Menstrual  Mental  Aberrations. 
§311.  Mental  Aberrations  of  Pregnancy.  §312.  Amnesic  Fugues.  Other 
\mnesias.  §  313.  Mental  Aberration  from  Bad  Sex  Habits.  §  314.  Hys- 
terical Mental  Aberrations.     §  315.  Transitory  Mental  Aberrations. 


Minor  Mental  Aberrations  —  Concluded 651-693 

Adolescent  Mental  Aberrations.  §316.  Diagnostic  Considerations.  §317. 
Illustrative  Cases.  §  318.  Varieties  of  the  Type.  §  319.  Treat- 
ment. Psychoses  from  Alcohol.  §  320.  Nature  of  Alcoholic  Psychoses. 
§321.  Alcoholism  and  Criminality.  §  322.  Treatment  under  the  Law. 
§  323.  Psychoses  of  Chronic  AlcohoUsm.  §  324.  Acute  Alcoholic  Psy- 
choses. §  325.  Alcoholic  Psychoses  in  Adolescents.  Psychoses  from 
Drugs.  §  326.  Psychoses  from  Morphine.  §  327.  Psychoses  from  Co- 
caine. §  328.  Psychoses  from  Other  Drugs.  §  329.  Other  Minor- 
Mental  Aberrations. 

Mental  Peculiarities 694-708 

§  330.  General  Considerations.    Abnormal  Social  Suggestibility.     §  331. 

(a)  Abnormal  Social  Suggestibility  of  the  Individual  as  a  Mental  Peculi- 
arity. §  332.  (b)  Abnormal  Social  Suggestibility  of  the  Members  of  a 
Crowd.  §  333.  (c)  Abnormal  Social  Suggestibility  to  the  Influence  of 
One  Individual.  §  334.  Hypnotism.  §  335.  (d)  Dual  Social  Suggesti- 


Mental  Peculiarities  —  Continued 709-728 

Adolescence.  §  336.  General  Statement.  §  337.  Characteristics  of  Puberty. 
§  338.  Adolescence  and  Misconduct.  §  339.  Mental  Characteristics  of 
Adolescence  Causing  Delinquency.  §  340.  Illustrative  Cases.  §  341. 
Treatment.  §  342.  Treatment  under  the  Law.  §  343.  Preventive  Treat- 


Mental  Peculiarities — Continued 729-752 

Pathological  Ljing  and  Accusation.  §  344.  Definition.  §  345.  Charac- 
teristics. §  346.  Formative  Personal  Experiences.  §  347.  Prognosis. 
§  348.  Illustrative  Cases.  §  349.  Cases  of  Self-Accusation.  §  350. 
Some  Cases  Prove  to  be  Psychoses. 


Mental  Peculiarities  —  Concluded 753-769 

Love  of  Excitement  and  Adventure.  §  351.  General  Statement.  §  352. 
Types.     §  353.  lUustrative  Cases.     §  354.  Desire  for  Travel.     §  355.  Ex- 



plosions  of  Desire  for  Excitement.  §  356.  Desire  for  the  Stage.  §  357. 
Treatment.  Other  Peculiarities.  §  358.  Racial  Characteristics.  §  359. 
Contrary  Suggestibility.  §  360.  Revengefulness.  §  361.  Excessive  Irri- 
tabihty.     §  362.  Special  AbiUties.     §  363.  Restlessness.     §  364.  Stupidity. 


Pathological  Stealing — "Kleptomania."  Pathological  Arson  — 
"Pyeomania."  Suicide.  Vagabondage.  Simulation.  "Born 
Criminals."     "  Moral  Imbecility  " Pages  770-788 

§  365.  General  Considerations.  §  366.  Pathological  Stealing  —  "  Klep- 
tomania." §  367.  Pathological  Arson  —  "  Pyromania."  §  368.  Suicide. 
§  369.  Vagabondage  —  Tramp  Life.  §  370.  Simulation.  §  371.  "Born 
Criminals."     §  372.  "  Moral  Imbecihty  "  —  "  Moral  Insanity." 

Appendix  A,  Bibliography 791 

Appendix  B,  Organization  of  the  Juvenile  Psychopathic  Institute    809 
Index 811 




Plate  Page 

I   A  Picture  Form-Board • 87 

II    Construction  Test  A ,  • 88 

III  Construction  Test  B .  89 

IV  Puzzle-Box  Test '.....  92 

V   Pictorial  Completion  Test 97 

VI    Instruction-Box  Test 100 

VII   Age-Weight  Charts 144 

VIII   Age-Weight  Charts 145 

IX    "  The  Prison  Look."     (From  Kauffmann) 311 

X   Two  Family  Portraits 312 





§  1.  Presentation  of  Results.  §  2.  Our  Research  into  Genetics  and  Dynam- 
ics. §  3.  Delinquency  and  Abnormality  not  Synonymous.  §  4.  Scheme 
of  Presentation.  §  5.  Practical  Aspects  of  the  Study.  §  6.  To  Whom  this 
Study  Should  Appeal.  §  7.  Legal  Dicta  vs.  Scientific  Studies.  §  8.  Con- 
structive Values  for  the  Law.  §  9.  Scientific  Data  Indispensable  for 

§1.  Presentation  of  Results.  —  Out  of  deep  consideration 
of  hard-won  facts  this  work  is  produced.  In  view  of  the  failure 
of  the  past  and  of  the  present  effectively  to  handle  anti-social 
conduct,  and  in  the  light  of  the  enormous  expense  of  criminality, 
standing  in  striking  contrast  to  recent  progress  in  many  other 
fields  of  human  endeavor,  there  seems  the  utmost  justification 
for  research  work  in  the  underlying  causations  of  delinquency.^ 

It  has  been  called  to  our  attention  again  and  again  that  there 
is  astonishingly  little  in  the  litemture  of  criminology  which  is 
directly  helpful  to  those  who  have  to  deal  practically  with  of- 
fenders. Of  general  theory  there  is  no  lack,  but  when  we  come 
to  that  study  of  the  individual  which  leads  to  clear  understand- 
ing and  scientific  treatment,  there  is  almost  no  guidance.  The 
field  covered  by  this  volume,  which  is  developed  from  the  find- 
ings in  many  well-rounded  case-studies,  has  only  been  touched 
heretofore  in  spots.  Pioneering  has  stimulated  deepest  en- 
deavor, but  pleasure  in  it  is  tempered  by  the  realization  that 
fewer  mistakes  might  have  been  made  had  there  been  more 
scientific  foundations  upon  which  to  build.  Through  appre- 
ciation expressed,  we  know  that  some  service  has  been  rendered 

1  "Crime"  and  "delinquency"  are  used  in  this  work  as  overlapping  and 
practically  synonymous  terms.  "The  Individual  Dehnquent"  may  be  either 
a  young  offender  or  an  older  criminal.  The  criminal  is  a  person  found  guilty 
of  a  crime.  Criminahsm  may  be  the  action  of  a  person  not  yet  a  criminal. 
Criminahstics  is  the  study  of  criminalism. 

§   1]  INTRODUCTION  [Chap.  I 

by  our  development  of  mental  tests  and  methods  of  case  study, 
and  it  is  hoped  that  the  present  elaboration  of  the  whole  sub- 
ject will  prove  of  much  further  value. 

§  2.  Our  Research  into  Genetics  and  Dynamics.  —  Our 
studies,  for  reasons  enumerated  later,  have  purposely  for  the 
most  part  been  confined  to  youthful  recidivists.  We  have  dealt 
with  a  formative  period  for  the  sake  of  learning  the  structural 
growth  of  whole  delinquent  careers.  Since  knowledge  of  growth 
processes  is  always  important  for  understanding  the  fully  de- 
veloped state,  we  feel  assured  that  we  have  a  definite  contri- 
bution to  make  to  the  anatomy  of  delinquency  in  general.  Of 
course,  study  and  discussion  of  older  criminals  will  always  be 
needed;  knowledge  of  consequences  is  necessary  even  for  the 
predictabilities  with  which  we  concern  ourselves  so  much.  But 
far  more  important  for  the  science  and  practice  of  criminol- 
ogy is  the  study  of  beginnings.  Just  because  the  delinquent's 
character  is  the  result  of  a  long-continued  process  of  growth, 
one  needs  to  regard  him  as  the  product  of  forces,  as  well  as  the 
sum  of  his  present  constituent  parts;  one  must  study  him  dynami- 
cally as  well  as  statically,  genetically  as  well  as  a  finished  result. 
This  side  of  criminology  has  heretofore  received  very  little  at- 

§  3.  Delinquency  and  Abnormality  not  Synonymous.  —  We 
would  make  it  clear  here  and  elsewhere  that  we  have  not  the 
slightest  inclination  to  place  delinquents  as  such  in  the  list  of 
abnormal  individuals.  Selection  of  our  cases  has  not  been  made 
by  their  possession  of  a  given  quality;  all  along  we  have  been 
simply  searchers  for  any  driving  forces.  Review  of  our  case 
studies  will  plainly  show  this.  Nor  has  our  aim  been  the  de- 
velopment of  any  philosophical  system  or  scientific  theory  con- 
cerning delinquency  or  delinquents.  In  view  of  the  immense 
complexity  of  human  nature  in  relation  to  complex  environ- 
mental conditions  it  is  little  to  us  even  if  no  set  theory  of  crime 
can  ever  be  successfully  maintained.  Such  statements  as,  "Crime 
is  a  disease,"  appear  dubiously  cheap  in  the  light  of  our  experi- 
ence. Altogether  our  task  has  been  not  so  much  gathering  mate- 
rial for  generalizations,  as  ascertainment  of  the  methods  and 
the  facts  which  will  help  towards  the  making  of  practical  diag- 
noses and  prognoses. 

;  §4.  Scheme  of  Presentation.  —  The  general  survey  of  the 
subject,  which  is  frequently  undertaken  in  an  introduction,  can 


Chap.  I]  SCHEME    OF    PRESENTATION  [§  4 

well  be  omitted  here,  because  the  relationship  between  the  pre- 
vious development  of  the  science  and  our  work  frequently  crops 
out  in  the  opening  chapters.  Of  historical  surveys  of  criminol- 
ogy there  are  a  plenty,  of  polemics  anent  the  theory  of  criminal 
law  there  are  altogether  too  many,  of  statistics  leading  to  general 
explanations  and  theories  there  are  interesting  and  scholarly 
analyses.  For  our  own  part  we  leave  these  almost  entirely  alone. 
What  material  we  studied,  why  we  chose  this  material,  what 
methods  we  used  and  what  viewpoint  we  assumed  in  projecting 
our  study  and  in  obtaining  our  data,  what  attitude  we  found 
most  serviceable  in  reaching  the  individual,  each  of  these  will 
be  set  forth  in  its  place.  At  all  times  we  have  felt  ourselves 
concerned  solely  with  the  endeavor  to  ascertain  the  best  way 
in  which  the  interests  of  the  individual  and  of  society  can  be 
conserved  by  the  regulation  of  tendencies  to  misconduct.  In  our 
writing  we  have  maintained  the  same  mental  attitude,  in  order 
that  there  shall  be  a  presentation  of  the  workable  methods  and 
possibilities  of  diagnosis  and  prognosis  in  cases  of  delinquency. 

In  our  chapter  on  methods  we  have  introduced  a  general  sur- 
vey of  the  procedure  for  the  adequate  study  of  a  delinquent. 
Such  a  sketch  was  not  to  be  found  elsewhere.  It  is  a  feature  of 
the  work  about  which  there  is  always  much  inquirj^  Enough 
references  are  given  for  filling  out  the  details  so  that  the  chapter 
may  be  used  as  a  chart  for  the  elaboration  of  studies.  Many 
items  of  inquiry  taken  from  the  fields  of  anthropology  and  sociol- 
ogy are  enumerated.  A  schema  for  the  entire  examination  is 
offered.  The  psychological  method  is  gone  into  with  detailed 
explanation  because  of  its  great  interest  and  the  recency  of  its 

Following  the  acquirement  of  separate  facts  from  the  study 
of  the  individual  case,  we  see  great  advantage  in  the  careful 
grouping  of  them  for  the  purpose  of  drawing  safe  inferences. 
We  regard  this  logical  use  of  the  findings  as  the  strongest  feature 
of  our  procedure.  Familiarity  with  our  method  of  summarizing 
cases,  and  with  our  card  system  of  causative  factors  will  make 
this  point  stand  out  sharply.  The  chapter  on  conclusions  speaks 
for  itself.  Our  main  conclusion  is  that  every  case  will  always 
need  study  by  itself.  When  it  comes  to  arraying  data  for  the 
pm^Dose  of  generalization  about  relative  values  of  causative  factors 
we  experience  difficulty;  it  is  not  easy  to  see  how  any  systematic 
order  can  be  followed.    The  concatenation  of  factors  making  for 


§  4]  INTRODUCTION  [Chap.  I 

delinquency  leads  now  in  this  direction  and  now  in  that.  The 
statistical  method  has  been  carried  by  us  only  so  far  as  common 
sense  would  warrant,  and  we  have  tried  to  make  neither  this 
nor  any  other  form  of  interpretation  a  fetish. 

§  5.  Practical  Aspects  of  the  Study.  —  It  is  to  our  concrete 
studies,  with  the  accompanying  exposition  of  groups  and  types, 
that  we  specially  ask  attention.  If  one  had  space  and  skill, 
many  of  these  histories  could  be  portrayed  with  the  force  and 
interest  of  clever  romance.  Even  in  their  s^Tioptic  form  some 
will  command  deep  interest.  Particularly  for  the  reader  who 
wishes  to  gain  general  understanding  is  this  part  of  the  work  to 
be  recommended.  No  precept  concerning  the  value  of  a  profes- 
sional understanding  of  the  whole  problem  of  delinquency  can 
be  so  powerful  as  this  actual  setting  forth  of  the  facts. 

The  handling  of  a  delinquent  in  any  way  is  an  important 
affair  for  society.  Our  findings  show  how  vital  it  is  that  the 
handling  should  be  entrusted  to  intelligent  people,  capable  of 
understanding  a  hrnnan  individual,  and  charged  with  a  feeling 
of  grave  public  duty.  We  see  every  need  of  insisting  on  this 
matter  of  understanding  all  along  the  line.  It  begins  with  parents, 
for  they  should  comprehend  at  least  the  main  phenomena  of 
child  liife,  and  should  guard  the  mental  and  moral  sources  of 
weal  and  woe.  Ultimately,  as  many  a  judge  has  insisted,  the 
problem  of  crime  must  hark  back  to  parental  guardianship. 
Unfortunately,  however,  cases  are  seen  too  late  to  educate  pa- 
rents, while  of  course  many  parents,  by  reason  of  innate  defect 
or  other  circumstances,  have  never  been  educable  in  this  matter. 

§  6.  To  Whom  this  Study  Should  Appeal. — But  there  are  many 
besides  parents  who  fail  to  understand  the  foundations  on  which 
delinquent  careers  are  built.  Teachers,  pastors,  and  physicians, 
to  whom  the  laity  go  so  frequently  for  advice  on  mental  and 
moral  questions,  have  not  always  adequate  knowledge  of  the 
springs  of  conduct.  These  things  are  not  taught  as  yet  in  theo- 
logical and  medical  schools,  and  are  only  just  finduig  a  place  in 
psychological  departments  of  universities  and  teachers'  col- 
leges. It  would  seem,  however,  that  the  phase  of  applied  psy- 
chology which  has  to  do  with  human  behaviour  should  be  essen- 
tial in  all  these  disciplines. 

Our  outlining  of  concrete  case-studies  should  appeal  to  all  who 
deal  with  delinquency  under  the  law.  Judges,  and  especially 
juvenile  court  judges,  ought  to  gain  the  fullest  possible  acquaint- 


Chap.  I]  CONSTRUCTIVE    VALUES    FOR   THE    LAW  [§  8 

ance  with  types  and  causes.  To  this  end  instruction  in  at  least 
the  fundamentals  of  social  adjustment  needs  to  be  carried  back 
to  the  law  schools  —  for  what  is  learned  as  a  standard  branch 
of  one's  profession  makes  deep  impress.  Perhaps  if  there  was  a 
more  intellectual  outlook  upon  the  problem,  and  the  intricacies 
of  the  human  individual  were  shown  to  be  as  captivatingly  in- 
teresting as  the  solution  of  a  case  in  civil  law,  judges  would  enter 
with  more  zest  and  better  preparation  into  this  field. 

One  would  argue  for  a  similar  instruction  among  the  ancilla- 
ries  to  modern  court  work;  probation  ofiicers,  and  officials  of 
detention  institutions  of  all  kinds.  They  come  in  closest  con- 
tact with  the  individual  offender,  and  the  former  can  often  study 
him  in  his  own  environment.  They,  especially,  should  know 
the  possibilities  and  limitations  of  constructive  efforts.  A  move- 
ment for  the  better  achievement  of  reformatory  work  is  now  at 
hand,  but  only  can  advance  far  by  introducing  among  institu- 
tional workers  acquaintance  with  the  scientific  verities  of  the 
mental  and  moral  life.  As  a  basis  for  supplying  the  vaguely 
felt  need  for  individualization  of  treatment  in  institutions  com- 
prehension of  the  genetics  of  misbehavior  is  a  prime  necessity. 

§  7.  Legal  Dicta  vs.  Scientific  Studies.  —  We  are  acutely 
aware  of  the  full  many  problems  and  perhaps  legal  obstacles 
which  may  be  involved  in  applying  to  the  field  of  criminal  law 
and  procedure  the  principles  and  facts  we  are  setting  forth  in  this 
work.  We  would  not  presume  to  make  a  statement  of  the  special 
bearings  of  such  problems,  but  it  is  plainly  to  be  seen  that  here 
are  difficulties  implicating  much  profounder-  issues  than  those 
which  arise  within  the  field  of  penology.  However,  actual  exist- 
ence of  legal  obstacles  does  not  automatically  prove  either  their 
own  fundamental  worth  or  their  irrevocability.  Legal  dicta 
represent  merely  certain  conceptions  of  ways  in  which  to  deal 
with  some  social  exigencies,  and  these  conceptions,  so  far  as 
criminal  law  is  concerned,  always  have  been  built  up  in  default 
of  attempt  to  trace  fundamental  issues  and  causes,  and  entirely 
without  study  of  the  ultimate  efficiency  of  adopted  measures. 
Realization  of  these  historical  facts  forces  doubt,  to  put  it  mildly, 
of  the  omniscience  of  existing  codes. 

§  8.  Constructive  Values  for  the  Law.  —  Precisely  here,  it 
would  seem,  might  arise  one  of  the  greatest  values  of  such  a  work 
as  ours,  by  suggesting  to  those  who  deal  with  criminal  law  some 
rational  principles  for  its  criticism,  and  some  possibilities  for  its 


§  8]  INTRODUCTION  [Chap.  I 

development  along  lines  of  more  efficient  human  service.  Cer- 
tainly the  facts  we  have  to  show  clearly  indicate  that  from  knowl- 
edge of  the  springs  of  conduct  in  the  offender  we  may  hope  a 
thousand  times  more  reasonably  for  a  wise  adjustment  of  his 
case  than  from  the  application  of  artificial  legal  rules  and  punish- 
ments. It  is  quite  beside  the  mark  to  say  that  the  individual 
must  be  sacrificed  to  the  public  welfare,  or  to  say,  with  John 
Stuart  Mill,  that  the  aim  of  punishment  under  the  law  is  curative, 
albeit  the  administration  of  it  is  painful.  The  fact  is  that,  let 
the  aim  of  the  law  be  what  it  may,  the  actual  effect  of  carrying 
out  legal  measures  is  frequently  anything  but  curative.  Might 
not  the  law,  however,  be  vastly  more  curative  if  understandings 
of  beginnings  and  foundations  of  misconduct  in  general,  and 
knowledge  of  them  as  existing  in  the  individual  career,  were 
made  the  business  of  those  who  administer  treatment  under  the 
law?  The  investigation  of  these  fundamentals  in  the  offender's 
case  may  never  be  a  part  of  the  lawyer's  or  the  jurist's  work, 
but  surely  general  acquaintance  with  them  and  with  the  possi- 
bilities of  their  bearing  upon  particular  cases  should  be  a  required 
qualification  of  any  one  who  sits  in  legal  judgment.  Can  social 
treatment  —  a  main  business  of  the  law  —  ever  be  really  learnedly 
or  efficiently  prescribed  without  adapting  it  closely  to  the  funda- 
mental facts  and  possibilities  of  the  given  case?  The  letter  of 
the  law  must  not  stand  as  a  shibboleth  preventing  better  adjust- 
ment of  affairs  in  the  field  of  delinquency. 

§  9.  Scientific  Data  Indispensable  for  Treatment.  —  In  fine, 
there  may  be  gathered  from  our  work  as  a  whole  every  reason 
for  the  deepest  conviction  that  only  through  logical,  scientific 
study  of  the  individual  can  there  be  any  reasonable  expectation 
of  amendment  in  most  delinquent  careers.  Those  who  have  to 
do  with  the  judging  and  treatment  of  offenders  must  reckon 
with  such  methods  and  facts  as  we  present,  if  they  would  rank 
as  intelligent  workmen. 

Chap.  U]     CiENEKAL  DATA   FOR    DELIMITING   FIELD   OF  STUDY    [§11 



§  10.  Our  Main  Point  of  View.  §  11.  General  Data  for  Delimiting  the  Field 
of  Study.  §  12.  Best  Age  for  Study.  §  13.  Our  Study  of  Recidivists. 
§  14.  Group  of  Cases  Studied  and  Our  Approach  to  Their  Problems. 
§  15.  Social  and  Scientific  Values  of  Deeper  Studies.  §  16.  Historical 
Orientation  of  Our  Standpoint.  §  17.  Ascertained  Facts  Overwhelm  the 
Theories.  §  18.  Our  Empmcal  Method.  §  19.  Newer  Methods  of  Study. 
§  20.  Follow-up  Observations  Necessary.  §  21.  Insoluble  Problem  of 
Legal  Responsibility.  §  22.  Responsibility  a  Dispensable  Criterion. 
§  23.  Our  Study  Largely  Characterology. 

§  10.  Our  Main  Point  of  View. — To  ascertain  from  the  actuali- 
ties of  life  the  basic  factors  of  disordered  social  conduct  has  been 
the  deliberate  plan  of  our  work.  Our  orientations,  inasmuch  as 
they  have  been  developed  by  careful  reflection,  should  prove  of 
worth  to  the  student. 

After  formulation  of  the  plan,  the  next  step  was  discovery  of 
a  vantage  ground  from  which  to  gain  accurate  information  con- 
cerning the  forces  which  drive  towards  delinquency.  Nothing 
w^ould  seem  to  be  easier  in  such  an  endeavor  than  in  the  library 
chair  to  gather  descriptive  histories  and  biographical  statements;^ 
but  it  was  soon  clear  that  the  merely  anecdotal  nature  of  the 
available  material  precluded  scientific  results.  The  truth  is 
that  the  literature  offers  almost  nothing  in  the  way  of  studies 
of  delinquents  which  meet  the  requirements  of  recently  developed 
science.  In  fact,  one  finds  even  no  trail  distinctly  blazed  to  the 
goal  of  competent  studies.  Our  only  course  was  to  devote,  with 
generous  assistance,  years  of  hard  work  to  winning  the  facts 
while  serving  in  the  field.  Meanwhile  the  methods  and  tools 
of  study  had,  many  of  them,  to  be  developed. 

§  11.  General  Data  for  Delimiting  the  Field  of  Study.  —  In 
exploring  the  field,  certain  manifest  possibilities  and  certain  in- 

^  SomethiBg  of  this  sort  has  been  undertaken;  for  example,  there  is  a  good 
deal  of  biographical  material,  gathered  often  from  German  newspaper  re- 
ports, in  Wulffen's  (2)  two  volmne  work  on  the  psychology  of  the  criminal. 
Also  van  Dijck  (168)  has  collected  from  hterary  som-ces  many  biographies 
of  criminals,  classified  them  by  offenses,  and  attempted  the  comparative 
sizing  up  of  their  personal  attributes. 


§   11]  ORIENTATIONS  [Chap.  II 

surmountable  barriers  were  soon  perceived  in  various  quarters. 
These  possibilities  and  limitations  will  stand  out  clearly  by  con- 
sideration of  the  following  points: 

(a)  By  reason  of  their  number  and  the  seriousness  of  their  of- 
fenses, repeated  offenders  (recidivists)  have  the  greatest  significance 
for  society.  In  this  country  we  have  only  immature  statistics 
on  this  point,  but  penologists  accord  in  their  opinion  that  con- 
ditions are  much  the  same  here  as  in  Germany  and  England. 
The  Blue  Book  (40)  of  1912  gives  the  English  figures  for  1910. 
Out  of  168,260  convictions  during  that  year,  104,171  had  received 
at  least  one  previous  conviction;  12,133  had  been  convicted 
above  20  times  previously.  Of  the  11,337  convictions  for  the  more 
serious  offenses  tried  at  the  assizes  and  quarter  sessions,  7,997, 
or  seventy  per  cent.,  had  been  previously  convicted.  The  im- 
portance of  recidivists,  and  of  all  that  makes  them  what  they  are, 
is  thus  clearly  determined. 

(6)  Practically  all  confirmed  criminals  begin  their  careers  in 
childhood  or  early  youth.  The  fact  of  this  remarkable  early 
development  of  a  definite  tendency  towards  criminality  was 
soon  clear  to  us,  both  through  observable  trends  in  young  offend- 
ers, and  through  the  life  histories  of  older  delinquents.  Experi- 
enced penologists  all  verify  the  fact  of  extremely  early  beginnings. 
The  deplorable  dearth  of  productive  criminal  statistics  in  this 
country  can  here  again  be  offset  only  by  figures  from  abroad 
where,  after  all,  conditions  are  fairly  comparable.  Despite 
many  opinions  and  references  which  could  be  offered  as  minor 
corroborations,  the  only  extensive  researches  found  are  the 
following:  In  connection  with  the  early  impulse  given  to  the  re- 
formatory movement  in  England  during  the  conferences  of  1851^ 
1853  and  1861  a  number  of  direct  observations  were  reported. 
Clay  in  a  communication  to  the  Earl  of  Shaftesbury  stated  that 
he  had  found  that  58  per  cent,  of  criminals  are  already  dishonest 
before  they  are  15  years  old,  that  14  per  cent,  become  so  between 
15  and  16,  and  that  all  of  them  have  shown  their  anti-social 
tendencies  before  they  are  19  or  20.  Elliott  stated  at  the  Birm- 
ingham meeting  in  1863,  "  Of  the  1000  prisoners  examined  hy 
me,  395  had  beeen  convicted  before  they  were  out  of  their  teens. 
The  great  majority  of  professional  thieves  have  been  engaged 
in  their  careers  almost  from  infancy."  Another  writer,  cited  by" 
Morrison  (54),  states,  "  It  is  an  ascertained  fact  that  there  is 
scarcely  an  habitual  criminal  in  the  county  of  Staffordshire  who< 


Chap.  II]     GENERAL  DATA    FOR   DELIMITING   FIELD   OF   STUDY     [§11 

has  not  been  imprisoned  as  a  child." ^  Even  more  important 
is  the  thorough  research  of  Matz  (56),  who  investigated  the 
prison  population  of  the  province  of  Pommern.  He  found  that 
in  70  per  cent,  the  first  unprisonment  had  been  inflicted  before 
the  21st  year,  and  that  of  the  repeated  offenders  by  far  the 
greater  number  had  received  their  first  punishment  before  the 
17th  year.  It  must  be  remembered  that  here  Matz  is  speaking 
not  of  the  commission  of  the  first  oft'ense,  but  of  receiving  the 
first  punishment. 

Although  his  figures  are  based  on  studies  of  a  particular  class 
of  criminals,  the  chapter  on  age  as  an  etiological  factor  in  crime 
in  the  recent  statistical  work  by  Goring  (160),  shows  out  clearly 
these  same  points.  It  appears  that  the  principal  age  for  recruit- 
ing into  the  ranks  of  criminal  life  is  between  15  and  20,  as  judged 
by  the  first  convictions  of  2204  English  habitual  offenders.  And 
here  again  it  is  only  the  first  punislmaent,  not  the  first  offense 
that  is  recorded. 

(c)  The  determinants  of  delinquent  careers  are  the  conditions  of 
youth.  This  conclusion  is  a  corollary  from  the  well-established 
findings  set  forth  in  the  preceding  paragraph.  Now  if  these 
early  causes,  either  external  or  internal,  are  to  be  accurately 
ascertained,  there  must  be  first-hand  acquaintance  with  them; 
the  phenomena  should  be  studied  when  they  are  active. 

{d)  In  youth  prime  causative  factors  stand  out  much  more  clearly 
than  they  do  later.  Many  adventitious  elements,  such  as  the 
effects  of  alcoholism,  morphinism,  years  of  social  degradation, 
the  evil  results  of  imprisonment,  and  the  never-to-be-forgotten 
inexorable  laws  of  mental  habit  render  diflScult  the  later  appre- 
ciation of  beginnings. 

(e)  Knowledge  of  developmental  conditions  is  important.  Many 
of  the  conditions  of  mind  and  body  which  stand  in  intimate 
relationship  to  criminalism  can  be  ascertained  only  through  in- 
quiry into  early  illnesses  and  other  untoward  circumstances. 
Such  knowledge  is  rarely  to  be  obtained  except  during  the  youth 
of  the  offender.     Then  family  life  is  more  apt  to  be  intact,  and 

1  An  excerpt  from  Clay's  paper  may  be  found  in  Morrison's  book  (54) 
on  crime.  Rylands'  interesting  work  (55)  makes  a  special  point  of  this  whole 
topic  of  juvenile  beguinings;  it  is  from  this  that  EUiott  is  quoted.  In  his 
admirable  little  volume  on  the  psychology  of  the  criminal,  Polhtz  (8)  de- 
votes an  instructive  chapter  to  the  age  when  delinquent  careers  are  started. 
Kinberg  (161)  the  eminent  Swedish  authority,  in  the  absence  of  complete 
national  statistics,  states  that  in  Sweden  the  maximum  frequency  of  im- 
moral crimes,  arson,  and  grand  larceny  occurs  in  the  age  group  of  15-18  years. 


§  11]  OKIENTATIONS  [Chap.  II 

memories  of  elders  are  keener.  Working  with  adult  offenders 
in  courts  and  institutions  makes  us  quickly  realize  how  little 
the  average  person  knows  of  his  own  developmental  history. 

(/)  Data  about  family  traits,  early  characteristics,  and  enviro7i- 
ment  may  be  worth  much  for  explanation  of  the  offender's  tendencies. 
Both  for  positive  and  negative  values,  the  careful  student  of 
the  delinquent  is  most  desirous  of  ascertaining  the  facts  of 
heredity  and  of  early  formative  conditions.  These  possible  de- 
terminants of  the  career  can  best  be  known  also  when  details 
and  general  aspects  are  not  dim  in  the  past. 

(g)  Disingenuou^ness  of  the  offender  is  a  barrier.  For  this  reason 
it  is  important  in  the  ascertainment  of  whole  groups  of  causes 
to  approach  the  delinquent  in  the  years  of  naivete.  With  the 
development  of  reserve  and  self-containment  characteristic  of 
the  adult,  and  particularly  of  the  adult  who  feels  himself  antag- 
onistic to  society,  there  is  often  difficulty  in  getting  at  some  vital 
points.  Our  chapter  and  case  histories  on  mental  conflicts  show 
the  worth  of  knowing  formative  influences  at  the  time  when  they 
can  most  easily  be  brought  to  the  surface. 

(h)  The  best  rewards  of  therapeutic  efforts  are  from  working  with 
youth.  Experimental  endeavor  is  frequently  necessary  in  ad- 
justing the  affairs  of  the  offender,  and  this  is  comparatively  diffi- 
cult in  the  case  of  the  adult.  When  the  delinquent  is  young, 
relatives  have  not  usually  acquired  the  hopeless  attitude  so  often 
seen  later.  Then  they  sometimes  can  be  wakened  from  their 
neglect  and  failure,  and  can  be  urged  to  try  constructive  meas- 
ures. At  that  age  the  state  agencies  and  other  organizations 
take  a  more  hopeful  view,  and  render  more  intelligent  aid.  Both 
for  the  human  interest  and  for  the  scientific  elucidation  of  funda- 
mentals, one  would  demand  alteration  of  circumstances  durmg 
a  period  when  the  individual  was  still  plastic. 

§  12.  Best  Age  for  Study.  —  Notwithstanding  our  emphasis 
on  youthful  begimiings,  never  would  we  in  the  least  discourage 
the  study  of  older  offenders.  Much  practical  social  improve- 
ment, both  in  courts  and  institutions,  waits  for  the  development 
of  such  work.  One  of  our  reasons  for  undertaking  prolonged 
and  intimate  study  of  young  offenders  was,  in  truth,  establish- 
ment of  a  better  understanding  of  the  types  and  possible  social 
adjustments  of  older  delinquents.  Man  is  but  a  child  with  a  little 
larger  growth;  and  genetic  fundamentals  are  the  logical  forbears 
of  etiology  and  diagnosis  in  later  years.     Conversely,  mature 


Chap.  II]  OUR   STUDY    OF   RECIDIVISTS  [§   13 

types  present  diagnostic  pictures  in  characterology  which  sug- 
gest by  deduction  the  genetic  processes.  This  retracing  the  steps 
of  a  career  is  not  only  explanatory,  but  sometimes  has  an  almost 
forgotten  therapeutic  value. 

Partial  studies  of  older  offenders  have  been  discussed  by  me 
elsewhere  (29).  The  value  of  what  is  done  in  any  given  situation 
depends  upon  fulfilment  of  immediate  needs,  and  upon  scien- 
tific contributions  apperceived  in  their  true  relationship.  Of  the 
making  of  fragmentary  researches  we  have  said,  "  There  can 
be  no  scientific  danger  in  this,  provided  there  is  not  the  unwar- 
ranted jumping  at  conclusions  and  indulgence  in  theorizing  from 
insufficient  premises,  both  as  to  the  nature  of  '  the  criminal ' 
and  of  crime,  which  has  unfortunately  characterized  very  much 
of  the  criminology  of  the  past.  The  snapshot  diagnosis,  that 
categorizing  of  individuals  as  belonging  to  some  type,  without 
adequate  study  of  the  make-up  or  the  possibilities  of  the  individ- 
ual, can  only  lead  to  immature  decisions  and  interference  with  the 
development  of  a  science  of  adjustment." 

§  13.  Our  Study  of  Recidivists. — The  repeated  offender  we 
have  spoken  of  above  as  especially  jeopardizing  society,  is  early 
to  be  discerned  as  such.  During  even  our  juvenile  court  work, 
for  recidivism  is  rampant  here  as  elsewhere,  we  have  seen  that 
one  of  the  most  valid  distinctions  that  could  practically  and 
scientifically  be  offered  is  between  the  repeater  and  the  offender 
for  a  single  time.  There  are  many  types  of  each,  but  psycho- 
logically the  great  distinguishing  mark  seems  to  be  that  the  non- 
repeater  finds  in  the  outcome  of  his  deed  sufficient  reason  for 
future  refraining.  Our  working  definition  is  simple:  The  repeated 
offender  is  that  individual  who  in  spite  of  reprimands,  warn- 
ings, probation  or  punishment  proceeds  to  further  anti-social 
deeds.  Usually  in  our  cases  what  has  been  offered  in  the  way  of 
retribution  has  emanated  from  police  and  juridical  sources. 
However,  I  should  not  care  to  hinge  the  classification  on  that 
fact,  for  some  of  the  worst  repeated  offenders  one  has  ever  seen, 
including  young  adults,  have  managed  through  family  protec- 
tion to  escape  prior  contact  with  the  courts. 

While  discussing  the  repeated  offender  it  should  parentheti- 
cally be  said  that  no  judgment  is  here  passed  on  the  compara- 
tive viciousness  or  sinfulness  of  his  conduct.  In  fact,  we  are  not 
at  all  inclined  to  state  in  general  that  misconduct  punishable 
under  the  law  is  necessarily  worse  than  many  other  vices  and 


§  13]  ORIENTATIONS  [Chap.  II 

meannesses.  The  social  results  of  various  sorts  of  improper 
conduct  about  which  there  are  no  laws  at  all  may  be  a  hundred 
times  more  disastrous  than  certain  misdeeds  of  which  the  law 
takes  special  cognizance. 

§  14.  Group  of  Cases  Studied  and  Our  Approach  to  their 
Problems. — Our  studies  as  finally  summarized  deal  with  a  group 
of  1000  repeated  offenders  selected  from  the  total  number  of 
cases  seen,  on  the  basis  of  repetition  of  offense  plus  sufficiency 
of  data.  As  will  be  later  seen,  823  of  these  have  been  used 
for  comparative  study  of  causative  factors.  Most  of  the  subjects 
have  been  adolescents;  the  average  age  between  15  and  16  years. 
Sometimes  younger  children  have  been  observed  and  occasion- 
ally young  adults.  We  have  made  a  specialty  of  seeing  youthful 
"  problem  cases,"  those  in  which  previous  efforts,  sometimes 
even  including  definitive  reformatory  training,  have  proved 
useless  for  checking  anti-social  tendencies. 

Offenders  have  been  brought  to  us  from  many  sources,  mostly 
through  the  officials  of  the  juvenile  court  who  have  been  de- 
sirous of  getting  light  on  their  different  cases.  Almost  all  have 
been  seen  in  connection  with  relatives,  but  of  course  a  few  have 
had  no  immediate  family.  Credit  should  be  rendered  to  the 
numerous  parents,  clergymen,  and  school  people  who  have 
sought  to  avert  an  evil  career  by  seeking  scientific  knowledge 
of  the  case.  This  cooperation  has  been  great  encouragement 
to  arduous  effort.^ 

Occasionally  cases  have  been  studied  elsewhere  than  in  Chicago, 
and  enough  insight  has  been  gained  into  the  workings  and  mate- 
rial of  courts  in  other  places  to  see  that  the  problems  are  those 
of  human  nature,  and  vary  but  little  with  the  locality.  Diag- 
nosis of  cases  belonging  to  the  simpler  groups,  such  as  the  obviously 
feebleminded,  has  been  easy,  and  much  more  time  has  thus  been 
left  for  study  of  other  types.  This  latter  has  often  meant,  as 
may  be  estimated  from  some  of  the  cases  cited  in  this  volume, 
expending  a  total  of  days  of  work  on  a  single  individual. 

1  The  unexpectedly  ready  response,  both  on  the  part  of  the  offender  and 
his  relatives,  has  been,  after  all,  the  most  markedly  encouraging  featiu-e  of 
our  work.  In  no  cases  had  there  been  previously  any  thorough-going  attempt 
to  study  causation,  and  such  effort  is  nearly  always  appreciated.  In  some 
cases  it  awakened  vigorous  apperceptive  interest,  once  to  the  extent  that  the 
examination  alone  caused  the  cure.  The  young  man  turned  to  his  mother 
and  asked  her  if  she  thought  he  was  "off"  in  any  way  because  he  behaved 
so  badly.  He  said  he  would  show  her  differently,  and  from  that  time  on  he  has 
been  a  reformed  character.  Very  frequently,  through  hearing  of  our  work, 
parents  of  children  of  many  ages  have  themselves  first  sought  us  out. 


Chap.  II]      HISTORICAL  ORIENTATION    OF    OUR    STANDPOINT        [§  16 

Without  didactically  prescribing  such  intensive  application 
as  necessary  for  other  investigators,  we  ourselves  have  found  it 
imperative  for  the  establishment  of  some  hitherto  unelaborated 
U-pes  of  delinquent  causation.  However,  we  hardly  see,  even 
in  the  light  of  increased  knowledge,  how  the  work  in  certain 
cases,  as  where  a  deep-rooted  mental  conflict  existed,  could  have 
been  done  in  shorter  time.  As  to  such  earnest  effort  being  worth 
the  time  or  energy  expended  we  can  say  a  little  something  about 
the  practical  economics  involved. 

§  15.  Social  and  Scientific  Values  of  Deeper  Studies. —  Even 
leaving  out  the  tremendous  human  side,  which  really  should 
give  the  first  impulsion  towards  activity  in  this  field,  it  is  clear 
to  us  that  the  saving  to  society  from  averting  criminal  careers 
is  immense.  Taking  the  outcome  of  only  a  few  cases  we  have 
adjusted  by  scientific  study,  enough  profit  has  accrued  readily 
to  equal  the  expenses  of  our  institute  during  its  five  years.  Other 
saving  from  corresponding  work  done  under  court  auspices  may 
be  vers^  great.  One  has  known  a  trial  based  on  psychopathic 
accusations  and  fairly  estimated  to  have  cost  the  state  $15,000, 
which  might  have  been  wholly  avoided  through  the  application 
of  scientific  diagnosis. 

The  prime  motive  for  our  research  into  beginnings  and  causa- 
tive factors  we  have  ever  felt  to  be  the  establishment  of  scien- 
tific laws  of  predictability  upon  which  all  sorts  of  treatment  could 
be  rationally  planned.  With  the  accumulation  of  data  it  also 
stands  out  clearly  that  the  ascertainment  of  causative  factors 
in  the  individual  is  fundamental,  not  only  for  the  application 
of  practical  therapy,  but  also  for  the  gathering  of  any  statistics 
and  the  framing  of  any  classifications  which  can  be  safely  utilized. 
In  our  chapter  on  conclusions  and  results  we  offer  a  careful  state- 
ment of  the  relative  dangers  and  values  of  dealing  with  isolated 
facts  of  causation,  while  all  through  these  pages  will  be  found 
echoes  of  our  insistence  on  the  ultimate  validity  of  only  thorough- 
going studies  of  the  individual. 

§16.  Historical  Orientation  of  Our  Standpoint.  —  Our  re- 
lation to  prior  development  of  criminology  should  be  summarily 
reviewed,  though  with  attempt  to  avoid  the  polemic  which  in- 
vasion of  the  realms  of  this  largely  theoretical  science  always 
seems  to  incite.  It  is  quite  fair  to  speak  of  most  previous  works 
on  this  subject  as  theoretical,  for  their  marshalling  of  statistical 
and   individual  facts  often  may  be  likened  to  the  gathering  of 


§  16]  ORIENTATIONS  [Chap.  II 

building  stones  for  an  edifice  of  opinions  already  designed.  Not 
only  have  many  theories  been  published  at  great  length,  but 
volumes  have,  in  turn,  been  written  in  review  of  them.^  Too 
much  splendid  effort  has  been  deliberately  busied  with  these 
theoretical  inquiries  for  us  to  turn  such  studious  opinions  lightly 

One  who  derives  his  first  interest  in  the  problem  of  delin- 
quency, as  did  the  author,  from  the  neurological  clinic,  and  whose 
first  teachers  were  the  works  of  Lombroso,  Ferri,  and  Talbot, 
need  hardly  be  considered  as  prejudiced  against  the  Italian 
positivist  school.  To  these  early  masters  of  individual  study  we 
still  offer  all  praise  as  pioneers.  And  so  far  as  our  relations  to 
the  so-called  anthropological  school  are  concerned,  Ellis  is  right 
in  combating  the  constant  attributing  to  it  of  set  opinions,  be- 
cause no  such  school  really  exists.  Anthropology,  the  science  of 
man,  must  be  ever  growing  with  the  growth  of  human  knowledge, 
and  can  not  be  held  to  the  limitations  of  set  opinions. 

§  17.  Ascertained  Facts  Overwhelm  the  Theories.  —  Our 
experience  is  simply  that  we  found  the  facts  too  much  for  the 
theories.  Through  the  detailed  study  of  cases,  under  good  condi- 
tions for  getting  at  the  essentials,  the  path  of  preconceived  etiol- 
ogy and  classification  was  seen  beset  with  difficulties.  The 
intricacies  of  causations  appeared  manifold.  It  was  then  that 
the  plan  of  making  straight  for  the  facts,  all  the  facts  available, 
showed  itself  of  significant  worth  to  us.  Pigeon-holes  and  cate- 
gories could  remain  unused  if  we  had  to  damage  our  facts  to  fit 
them  in.  It  was  clearly  evident  that  classification  by  crimes 
leads  only  in  special  instances  to  knowledge  of  the  criminal; 
that  statistics  of  seasons,  and  races,  and  head-measurements, 
and  alcoholism,  and  so  on,  mean  almost  nothing  for  the  funda- 
mental understanding  of  the  individual  case;  that  epileptic 
and  atavistic  theories  could  not  be  substantiated  by  case  histo- 
ries; that  refinements  of  psycho-physical  measurements  some- 
times used  on  criminals  need  a  tremendous  amount  of  over- 

1  Mentioning  only  the  important  reviews,  we  have  "Modem  Theories  of 
CriminaUty,"  by  De  Quirosj  (121),  " IndividuaUzation  of  Punishment,"  by 
SaleiUes  (123),  and  the  eminently  well-balanced  "Penal  Philosophy,"  by 
Tarde  (5).  Crammed  full  of  the  data  used  for  building  theories,  is  Havelock 
EUis's  "The  Criminal"  (124).  Aschaffenburg  (1)  also  handles  carefully  the 
contentions  of  the  different  schools.  Most  noteworthy  is  the  collection  of 
fourteen  volumes,  "Kritische  Beitrage  zur  Straf rechtsref orm "  (125),  in 
which  every  phase  of  the  conceptual  bases  of  criminal  law  is  treated  in  the 
fashion  of  true  Teutonic  scholarship. 



hauling  before  they  can  be  regarded  as  valid  for  conclusions;  ^ 
that  the  elders,  who  spoke  so  ghbly  of  "the  criminal"  as  a  born 
t^-pe,  had  not  the  means  of  investigating  whether  he  was  not 
rather  a  born  defective,  and  a  criminal  through  accident  of  en- 

This  last  consideration  alone  is  enough  to  make  the  student 
look  askance  at  all  the  older  classifications.  The  statistics  that 
we  are  offered  concerning  criminals,  whether  about  their  deeds, 
their  ears,  their  religious  faith,  or  what  not,  are  presented  with- 
out knowledge  of  essential  facts,  such  as  whether  or  not  they 
were  mentally  defective;  and  thus  lead  us  nowhere  for  purposes 
of  practical  treatment.  We  see  segregated  in  institutions  the 
feebleminded  with  just  these  stigmatized  skulls  and  palates 
and  ears.  We  find  well-developed  stigmata  sometimes  in  those 
who  are  morally  normal.^  So  it  seems  that  by  virtue  of  educa- 
tion or  social  protection,  such  marked  individuals  need  not  be- 
come criminals.  In  the  light  of  these  facts  and  of  the  construc- 
tive possibilities  of  our  own  findings  we  have  become  certain 
that  the  development  of  mental  tests  and  psychological  analysis 
is  doing  more  towards  the  establishment  of  true  theories  and  of 
practical  classifications  of  criminals  than  all  other  methods  of 
study  combined.  In  the  past  there  has  been  great  mistaking  of 
incidentals  for  essentials. 

It  seems  that  we  have  not  entirely  avoided  polemic  in  showing 

1  As  a  paradigm  for  criticism  on  some  of  the  older  conclusions,  one  might 
review  the  data  on  "Physical  Insensibility  of  Criminals,"  well  summarized 
by  EUis  (124,  pp.  123-140).  Since  this  phenomenon  has  been  so  often  as- 
serted and  commented  on,  the  following  points  should  be  known.  First,  we 
are  offered  no  evidence  that  the  findings  were  not  obtained  largely  by  test- 
ing mental  defectives,  notoriously  insensible,  who  were  secondarily  criminals. 
Only  correlation  with  mental  tests  would  show  this.  Next,  there  is,  as  EUis 
acknowledges,  considerable  disagreement  in  the  findings.  Finally,  the  methods 
of  testing  insensibihty  involve  some  very  grave  sources  of  possible  error. 
Miss  KeUor  (127,  p.  52)  has  neatly  shown  some  of  the  difficulties  which  she 
experienced.  We  so  appreciated,  by  long  experience  in  the  neurological  chnic, 
the  impediments  to  safe  judgment  where  stoicism  and  other  subjective  ele- 
ments were  involved,  that  from  the  first,  testing  for  the  pain  sense  was  omitted 
by  us  as  a  routine  procedure. 

2  In  this  country  where  so  Little  comparative  anthropometry  has  been 
undertaken  we  should  not  forget  the  careful  researches  of  Charming  and 
Wissler  (128),  and  of  Boas  (129).  The  former  show  the  most  common  clas- 
sical stigma  to  be  only  shghtly  more  prevalent  in  some  mentally  abnormal 
types  than  in  normal  individuals.  The  latter  demonstrate  the  great  influence 
which  environment  may  have  upon  the  most  stable  of  bodily  measurements 
- —  a  most  important  fact  for  those  to  meet  who  in  anywise  correlate  crim- 
inaUty  as  such  with  anthropometric  measurements.  Just  now  there  is  newly 
before  us  the  monumental  work  of  Goring  (160)  who,  better  than  any  one, 
proves  from  his  extensive  studies  of  the  physique  of  English  convicts  the  non- 
existence of  a  criminal  anthropological  type. 


§   17]  »  ORIENTATIONS  [Chap.  II 

our  evolution  of  opinion  as  we  progressed  in  the  study  of  cases 
and  methods.  We  should  do  every  justice  to  the  fathers,  partic- 
ularly to  Lombroso,  whose  chief  glory  it  was  to  insist  on  under- 
standing the  individual  preliminary  to  handling  his  case.  So 
far  as  the  theories  are  concerned,  we  would  in  agreement  cite 
Aschaffenburg  (l,  p.  177) :  "  As  often  as  a  new  field  of  criminal 
anthropological  investigation  has  been  attacked,  the  same  thing 
has  been  repeated.  First,  assertion  is  made  that  a  certain  form 
of  deviation  is  characteristic  of  the  criminal.  Then  it  is  proved 
that  the  same  phenomena  are  found  in  non-criminals,  and  finally, 
it  is  shown  that  these  anomalies  are  somewhat  more  frequent 
in  criminals." 

§  18.  Our  Empirical  Method.  —  We  resolved  to  classify, 
then,  etiologic  or  diagnostic  facts  only  according  to  what  we  should 
find.  If  no  scheme  was  foUowable,  or  much  overlapping  was 
shown,  that  could  not  be  helped.  To  apply  by  rule  of  thumb 
either  the  simple  four-fold  scheme  of  Bianchi  (276),  or  the  recent 
elaboration  of  Ingegnieros  (131),  or  any  other  a  priori  classifica- 
tion, would  be  to  disregard  the  complexity  of  causation  which 
can  be  found  in  every  case.  We  early  ascertained  that  the 
facts  needed  one  classification  of  mental  findings,  another  of 
physical  conditions,  another  of  environmental  background,  and 
so  on.  The  outcome  was  the  discovery  of  combined  types  of 
causations  and  individual  peculiarities  that  often  fit  the  criminal 
into  no  system.  Any  classification  according  to  theories  of  epi- 
leptoidism,  of  atavism,  or  of  other  biological  causation,  would 
end  in  the  mere  giving  of  a  name;  whereas  a  complete  survey  of 
the  facts  leads  through  the  realization  of  a  many-sided  etiology 
to  adequate  conception  of  diagnosis,  prognosis  and  treatment. 
All  this  may  be  seen  concretely  elaborated  in  our  chapter  on 
conclusions  and  in  our  presentation  of  cases  and  types. 

§  19.  Newer  Methods  of  Study.  — In  relating  our  methodology 
to  that  of  the  past  we  may  add  that,  starting  from  no  crim- 
inological theory,  our  attempt  has  been  to  obtain  all  the  avail- 
able facts  by  combination  of  all  methods  which  bid  fair  to  offer 
explanatory  results.  The  more  recent  conceptions  of  individual 
study  carry  one  far  beyond  external  and  anthropometric  de- 
tails. The  introduction  of  psychological  tests  for  estimation  of 
the  mental  potential  is  as  new  and  valuable  as  the  application 
of  those  analytical  methods  which  throw  light  on  covert  mental 
mechanisms  and  the  startling  effects,  unsuspected  or  apparently 


Chap.  II]    INSOLUBLE    PROBLEM    OF    LEGAL    RESPONSIBILITY     [§   21 

unrelated,  of  early  experience.  To  compare  these  improved 
methods,  which  bring  to  the  surface  such  an  increased  number 
of  facts,  with  the  older  modes  of  study,  as  applied  to  Marie 
Schneider  (vide  Ellis,  124,  p.  7  ff.)  or  to  Jesse  Pomeroy  (vide 
Folsom,  60),  is  like  comparing  many  of  the  mechanical  advances 
of  the  day  with  those  of  a  generation  or  two  ago. 

§20.  Follow- Up  Observations  Necessary. — We  are  impressed 
with  the  necessity  for  much  follow-up  work  in  the  establish- 
ment of  scientific  principles.  It  is  not  enough,  certainly  at  this 
stage  of  the  development  of  the  science  of  individual  study,  if 
it  ever  will  be,  merely  to  say  that  here  is  a  given  human  equip- 
ment with  certain  powers  and  with  such-and-such  background 
of  experience.  One  has  to  venture  a  prognosis  under  various 
possible  social  circumstances,  and  then  to  follow  up  year  by  year 
to  see  if  what  one  has  said  about  this  given  type  or  case  needs 
revision  as  the  result  of  changed  conditions.  Only  by  such  a 
method  of  self-criticism  and  prolonged  observation  can  the  ob- 
server or  his  science  grow.  It  is  a  fact  that  in  our  work  this 
longitudinal  study  has  in  many  cases  demanded  a  record  of 
several  scores  of  pages,  and  the  spending  of  considerable  energy 
in  personal  observation.  However,  this  was  the  way  to  set 
about  it,  and  we  have  come  to  see  that  neither  we  nor  other 
investigators  can  make  such  a  contribution  to  the  principles 
of  our  science  as  shall  ever  do  away  with  the  necessity  for  (a) 
careful  personal  study  of  each  offender,  and  (b)  testing  the  value 
of  measures  carried  out,  always  by  the  criteria  of  future  results. 

§21.  Insoluble  Problem  of  Legal  Responsibility.  —  It  is  fre- 
quent in  the  general  discussion  of  delinquency  to  deal  specifi- 
cally with  the  problem  of  legal  responsibility.^  Many  times  it 
has  been  made  the  center  of  argument,  and  yet  if  one  watches 
the  concrete  issues  appearing  every  day  in  court,  and  endeavors 

1  The  psychological  and  social  aspects  of  responsibiUty,  as  a  basis  for 
legal  adjudications,  are  treated  in  the  following  recent  notable  contribu- 
tions. Parson  (190)  in  a  dissertation,  summarizes  the  best  authorities  and 
interprets  them  according  to  the  scientific  principle  that  most  human  action 
is  response  to  stimuU.  McCoimeU  (191)  also  covers  much  ground  in  his  work, 
which  takes  in  both  the  legal  and  social  standpoints.  A  paper  by  Jones  (192) 
led  to  an  unusually  thorough  discussion  by  medical  psychologists  of  the 
border  line  of  responsibihty.  The  modern  scientific  viewpoint  of  attenuated 
criminal  responsibihty  is  iinely  treated  in  synopsis  by  Wagner  von  -Jatuegg 
(193),  the  scholarly  Austrian  neurologist,  and  a  review  of  the  htera.ture  on 
the  subject  is  given  by  Gottschalk  (375).  Sibenaler  of  Bordeaux  (194)  pre- 
sents a  careful  study  of  juvenile  responsibihty  and  age  of  moral  discernment. 
A  remarkably  pithy  symposium  is  contributed  to  by  Engelen  (226)  Kahl  (227), 
and  Mezger  (228). 


§  21]  ORIENTATIONS  [Chaf.  II 

fair-mindedly  to  gather  information  bearing  upon  the  problem 
of  dealing  with  offenders,  he  cannot  avoid  the  conclusion  that 
the  practical  question  of  responsibility  is  not  the  core  of  the  prob- 
lem. If  responsibility  has  been,  as  Tarde  asserts,  the  pivot 
upon  which  penal  philosophy  has  heretofore  revolved,  then  it 
seems  clear  that  what  has  been  called  penal  philosophy  should 
be  replaced  by  something  much  more  human,  more  economic 
in  the  long  run,  and  more  efficient  for  reformation. 

And  then  the  criteria  of  responsibility  involve  so  much  that 
is  intricate,  uncertain,  and  metaphysical,  and  are  themselves 
properly  subject  to  variations  by  reason  of  environmental  and 
disease  conditions,  by  reason  of  innate  defects  and  differences 
in  social  suggestibility,  that,  for  the  purposes  of  general  dis- 
crimination and  the  development  of  a  general  standardization, 
they  are  thoroughly  impracticable.  Our  case  studies  contain 
many  proofs  of  this  point. 

Some  of  the  greatest  thinkers  have  found  the  problem  insolu- 
ble. Mercier  (148),  one  of  the  latest  and  best-known  writers  on 
the  subject,  finally  gives  up  the  whole  question  (to  be  sure,  he 
does  not  accede  to  the  idea  of  gradations  of  responsibility,  and 
does  not  allow  for  psychological  discoveries  made  by  modern 
methods  of  testing)  and  wants  decision  relegated  to  the  common 
sense  of  a  jury  of  untrained  men.  Can  anything  be  more  signif- 
icant of  the  difficulties  which  stand  in  the  way  of  a  satisfactory 
solution  of  dealing  with  criminals  by  standard  laws  and  artifi- 
cial rules  applicable  to  all  persons  alike? 

§  22,  Responsibility  a  Dispensable  Criterion.  —  But  the  sav- 
ing grace  of  it  all  is  that  when  one  invades  the  field,  and  sees 
clearly  the  issues  at  stake,  it  at  once  becomes  plain  that  to  face 
this  long-maintained  point  of  view  is  not  at  all  necessary.  The 
light  of  better  things  for  the  future  is  seen  to  lie  in  an  entirely 
different  direction,  and  m  dealing  with  the  practical  question 
of  social  welfare,  we  are  early  constrained  to  leave  the  path  that 
ends  in  the  dilemma  of  responsibility  or  irresponsibility. 

Concerning  an  alternative  idea,  that  of  a  continental  sociolog- 
ical school,  to  center  the  problem  of  punishment  on  criminal 
intent  —  the  state  of  mind  in  which,  or  the  purpose  with  which 
the  act  was  done  —  almost  the  same  ground  might  be  taken  as 
in  regard  to  responsibility.^     This  idea  is  the  nucleus  of  a  pro- 

1  A  scholarly  volume  by  Allfeld  (158)  is  devoted  to  discussion  of  the  plan 
of  meting  out  the  penalty  according  to  the  intent.    This  author  opposes  any 



posed  system  which  cannot,  on  account  of  the  many  practical 
difficulties,  nearly  cover  the  field  of  treatment  of  the  offender. 

§23.  Our  Study  Largely  Characterology. — As  a  last  word 
in  this  chapter,  we  may  say  that  much  of  our  study  might  be 
termed  characterology,^  to  adopt  the  appellation  of  several  au- 
thors. As  students  of  character,  we  are  dealing  with  the  motives 
and  driving  forces  of  human  conduct  and,  since  conduct  is  directly 
a  product  of  mental  life,  we  immediately  become  involved  in 
individual  and  differential  psychology.  This  relationship  of 
mental  life  to  conduct  is,  however,  a  subject  important  enough 
to  be  treated  in  a  separate  chapter. 

general  scheme  elaborated  on  such  a  basis,  although  he  acknowledges  its 
good  points. 

^  The  word  characterology  was  introduced  at  least  as  early  as  1862.  Bahn- 
sen's  (62)  essays  on  the  subject  appeared  then.  Wulifea  (2)  has  a  chapter  on 
this  branch  of  anthropology,  and  Stern  (79)  also  uses  the  word.  John  Stuart 
Mill  used  the  more  euphonious  term,  ethology. 


§  24]  THE    INDIVIDUAL  [Chap.  Ill 

The  Individual 

§  24.  Dynamic  Center  of  the  Problem.  §  25.  Definite  and  Practical  Knowl- 
edge of  the  Individual  is  Necessary.  §  26.  Weakness  of  General  Causa- 
tion Theories.  §  27.  Thorough  Study  Means  Balancing  of  Factors.  §  28. 
Growth  of  Idea  of  Studying  the  Offender.  §  29.  The  Problem  of  Per- 

§  24.  Dynamic  Center  of  the  Problem. — The  dynamic  center 
of  the  whole  problem  of  delinquency  and  crime  ^  will  ever  be 
the  individual  offender. 

§  25.  Definite  and  Practical  Knowledge  of  the  Individual  is 
Necessary.  —  It  is  impossible  to  get  away  from  the  fact  that  no 
general  theories  of  crime,  sociological,  psychological  or  biological, 
however  well  founded,  are  of  much  service  when  the  concrete 
issue,  namely  the  particular  offense  and  the  individual  delin- 
quent, is  before  those  who  have  practically  to  deal  with  it.  The 
understanding  needed  is  just  that  craved  bj^  Solomon  —  the 
understanding  of  the  one  who  has  actually  to  deal  with  people, 
the  one  who  formally  is  the  therapeutist.  It  does  not  require 
prolonged  observation  of  aiiy  treatment  of  the  offender  to  real- 
ize what  knowledge  will  prove  of  most  worth  in  the  procedure; 
one  quickly  perceives  that  it  must  be  information  concerning 
characteristic  variations  of  physical  and  psychical  equipment, 
concerning  laws  of  mental  mechanics,  and  the  influence  of  the 
various  forms  of  experience  on  various  types  of  mankind.  From 
this  arises  scientific  and  common-sense  appreciation  of  the  rela- 
tion of  antecedent  to  consequent  in  the  life  history  of  the  indi- 
vidual offender  whose  actions  and  person  are  to  be  dealt  with. 

Collected  statistics  and  groups  of  facts  concerning  criminality 
are  offered  from  time  to  time  as  the  bases  upon  which  measures  of 
public  policy  may  be  erected.     So  far,  however,  there  has  been 

^  The  terms  "deUnquency"  and  "crime,"  or  "criminality,"  will  be  used 
throughout  our  work  as  synonymous.  There  is  no  logical  line  of  demarcation 
of  meaning,  in  Em-opean  terminology  the  words  are  interchangeable.  In  our 
country  "delinquency"  and  "delinquent,"  because  of  their  seemingly  less 
harsh  connotation,  are  apphed  to  youthful  offenders.  For  the  vital  reasons 
given  above  we  have  concerned  ourselves  most  largely  with  the  study  of 
youthful  offenders  and  have  chosen  for  our  title  the  less  offensive  term. 


Chap.  Ill]      WEAKNESS    OF    GENERAL    CAUSATION   THEORIES      [§  26 

astonishingly  little  written  into  social  ordinances  as  the  result 
of  much  labor  expended  in  the  effort  to  determine  the  general 
facts  of  crime.  There  may  be  several  reasons  for  this.  Some- 
times the  criminologist,  even  of  wide  renown,  has  allowed  him- 
self to  become  almost  obsessed  by  theories  and  doctrines  which 
have  led  for  the  most  part  only  to  controversy.  But  perhaps 
the  greatest  cause  for  slight  effect  upon  legislation  and  other 
practical  procedure  may  be  found  in  the  fact  that  when  face 
to  face  with  the  complications  of  the  actual  case  many  of  the 
generalizations  of  criminology  are  seen  to  crumble  away. 

§  26.  Weakness  of  General  Causation  Theories.  —  Nothing 
is  shown  by  our  data  more  convincingly  than  the  predictable 
inadequacy  of  social  measures  built  upon  statistics  and  theories 
which  neglect  the  fundamental  fact  of  the  complexity  of  causa- 
tion, determinable  through  study  of  the  individual  case.  Many 
of  the  w^orks  on  social  misconduct  deal  with  what  is  often  de- 
nominated 'general  causation,'  and  attempt  to  establish  geo- 
graphical, climatological,  economic  and  many  other  correlations. 
Much  of  this  is  interesting  and  even  seductive,  intellectually, 
and  it  is  true  that  there  are  some  relationships,  such  as  that 
between  alcoholism  and  crime,  well  enough  verified  to  justify 
social  alteration.  But  that  many  of  these  suggested  correlations 
contain  only  half-truths,  one  is  constrained  to  believe  after 
prolonged  attempt  to  gather  in  all  available  facts  in  many  in- 
dividual cases.  To  illustrate  a  couple  of  these  '  general  causation  ' 
inferences,  we  might  take  the  failure  of  the  treatment  of  drunk- 
ards during  the  last  decade  under  the  English  Inebriate  Acts. 
It  was  soon  found  that  the  projected  curative  measures,  pro- 
posed without  any  adequate  estimation  of  the  personal  equip- 
ment of  those  who  would  come  under  treatment,  could  not  com- 
bat, for  example,  innate  mental  deficiencies.  In  other  words, 
many  of  the  great  army  of  topers  are  such  because  of  their  feeble- 
mindedness, and  it  is  that,  and  not  the  ingestion  of  alcohol, 
which  must  be  fundamentally  reckoned  with.  For  another 
illustration,  we  may  take  the  findings,  often  alluded  to,  that 
several  forms  of  crime  are  more  prevalent  in  certain  seasons  of 
the  year.  Sex  assault  and  violence  are  notably  more  frequent 
during  hot  weather;  is  it  then  safe  to  assert  summer  tempera- 
ture as  the  main  cause?  One  might  well  ask,  is  there  not  rather 
a  lowering  of  moral  inhibitions  during  that  season  through  the 
excess  of  alcoholic  beverages  then  ingested?    The  above  are  two 


§  26]  THE    INDIVIDUAL  [Chap.  Ill 

of  the  very  simplest  instances  of  the  neglect  to  ascertain  the 
complexities  in  the  causation  of  crime.^  Studies  of  individual 
cases,  and  final  summary  analysis  of  these  cases,  such  as  we 
present  in  the  latter  part  of  this  work,  form  the  only  way  of 
arriving  at  the  truth.  Results  of  such  work  make  the  investiga- 
tor exceedingly  chary  of  theories  built  upon  the  consideration  of 
single  causes. 

§  27.  Thorough  Study  Means  Balancing  of  Factors. — Thor- 
ough study  of  individual  cases  does  not  imply  that  we  shall  al- 
ways find  the  main  cause  of  the  offender's  tendency  in  his  own 
make-up  —  it  merely  implies  the  logical  balancing  of  causative 
factors.  One  has  seen  an  extensive  family  chart  exhibited  as 
proof  that  criminalism  is  inherited,  because  of  its  springing  up 
in  several  side  lines.  But  in  addition  to  the  chart  the  investiga- 
tor possessed  information  that  the  various  persons  showing 
delinquent  tendencies  all  lived  in  an  atrocious  environment. 
The  facts  not  plotted  on  the  chart  could  be  used  to  show,  if  we 
took  them  also  by  themselves,  that  in  this  family  criminalism 
was  uniformly  the  result  of  bad  social  circumstances.  On  the 
other  hand,  it  may  be  conditions  in  the  home,  or  other  environ- 
mental agents,  which  at  first  sight  loom  large.  But  then  one 
finds  other  individuals  in  the  same  family  turning  out  well,  vide 
§  108,  others  on  the  same  street  or  with  the  same  associates  who 
do  not  become  criminals.  Complicating  the  argument  again, 
we  may  discover  grave  delinquent  tendencies  appearing  in  some 
one  member  of  the  most  upright  families,  while,  contrariwise, 
we  have  occasionally  found  all  the  numerous  immediate  descend- 
ants of  a  terrible  drunkard  successfully  arising  in  full  strength 
of  character  from  the  squalor  in  which  he  placed  them.  So  it 
goes;  to  single  out  and  blame  this  or  that  specific  condition, 
without  proceeding  by  the  scientific  process  of  elimination  and 
attempting  to  rule  out  other  possible  causes,  will  not  lead  far 
towards  real  solutions.  Indeed,  without  well-rounded  studies 
of  the  pivotal  facts  in  the  particular  case  it  ensues  that  "  experi- 
ence is  fallacious  and  judgment  difficult." 

§  28.    Growth  of  Idea  of  Studying  the  Offender.  —  The  idea 

^  As  an  example  of  the  bare  collection  of  minute  data  concerning  the  social 
and  biological  background  of  a  group  of  offenders,  which  omits  many  of  the 
psychological  possibiUties,  and  fails  to  analyze  the  relative  bearings  of  the 
total  facts  in  the  respective  cases,  we  might  cite  Gruhle's  recent  book  (147). 
Here  even  an  extreme  application  of  the  statistical  method  fails  to  demon- 
strate its  value  when  applied  to  only  105  cases. 


Ch.\P.  Ill]  THE    PROBLEM    OF    PERSONALITY  [§  29 

that  the  individual  must  be  carefully  studied  in  order  that  crime 
may  be  ameliorated  has  been  steadily  growing  since  the  day  of 
Lombroso.  The  humanitarian  efforts  of  John  Howard  were 
evidence  of  the  appreciation  of  the  needs  of  offenders  as  individ- 
ual human  beings;  the  view  of  Lombroso  was  that  of  the  scien- 
tific man  who  sees  in  this  field  the  inexorable  laws  which  govern 
man's  nature  and  environment.  It  makes  little  difference  which 
theoretical  view  of  penology  is  held;  the  problem  of  society  ever 
is  to  handle  a  given  offender  satisfactorily.  Recently  the  Japa- 
nese authority,  Oba  (51),  a  strong  believer  in  the  necessity  of 
meeting  evil  by  evil,  maintains  that  at  the  beginning  of  the  han- 
dling of  the  offender  there  must  be  the  most  exact  research  into 
the  characteristics  and  conditions  of  both  him  and  his  family.  In 
his  plans  for  effectively  dealing  with  recidivism  this  writer  in- 
sists that  only  through  such  a  method  could  the  punishment  be 
made  proportionate  to  the  guilt  —  and  that  is  a  prime  necessity 
in  his  scheme. 

§29.  The  Problem  of  Personality.  —  Clear  comprehension 
•of  the  make-up  of  human  personality  will  prove  a  gain  to  the 
student  of  our  subject.  A  person  is  not  fairly  to  be  regarded 
merely  as  the  soul  and  body  of  the  moment.  It  is  only  our  own 
temporal  limitations  which  prevent  us  from  seeing  people  as 
they  really  are  —  as  products  of  the  loom  of  time.  Every  individ- 
ual is  partly  his  ancestors,  and  partly  the  result  of  his  develop- 
mental conditions,  and  partly  the  effects  of  many  reactions  to 
environment,  and  to  bodily  experiences,  and  even  of  reactions 
to  his  own  mental  activities.  An  ideal  description  of  a  human 
person  would  refer  each  trait  or  condition  to  its  proper  source. 
Most  serviceable  to  us  is  the  conception  of  the  individual  as  the 
product  of  conditions  and  forces  which  have  been  actively  form- 
mg  him  from  the  earliest  moment  of  unicellular  life.  To  know 
him  completely  would  be  to  know  accurately  these  conditions 
and  forces;  to  know  him  as  well  as  is  possible,  all  of  his  genetic 
background  that  is  ascertainable  should  be  known.  The  inter- 
pretations that  may  be  derived  from  acquaintance  with  the 
facts  of  ancestry,  ante-natal  life,  childhood  development,  ill- 
nesses and  injuries,  social  experiences,  and  the  vast  field  of  mental 
life,  lead  to  invaluable  understandings  of  the  individual  and  to 
some  idea  of  that  w^onderful  complex  of  results  which  we  term 


§  30]  THE    MENTAL    BASES    OF    DELINQUENCY  [Chap.  IV 

The  Mental  Bases  of  Delinquency 

§  30.  Conduct  an  Expression  of  Mental  Life.  §  31.  Practical  Bearings  of 
the  Psychological  Viewpoint.  §  32.  Importance  of  Mental  Abnormality. 
§  33.  Psychological  Standpoint  Taken  Alone  is  Unsafe.  §  34.  Specific 
Features  of  Mental  Life  Underlying  DeUnquency. 

§  30.  Conduct  an  Expression  of  Mental  Life.  —  All  conduct 
is  directly  an  expression  of  mental  life.  Immediately  back  of  the 
action  is  the  idea,  or  the  wish,  or  the  impulse,  existing  as  mental 
content.  Of  course  many  actions  have  no  representation  in 
consciousness,  either  before  or  after  performance,  but  never- 
theless they  are  just  as  truly  controlled  by  mental  processes. 
One  starts  to  walk  down  the  street,  thereby  engaging  in  public 
conduct,  and  continues  to  walk,  and  finally  stops;  all  without 
the  slightest  thought  about  this  succession  of  acts.  Yet  every 
part  of  the  performance  has  been  impelled  by  operations  of  the 
mind,  that  part  of  the  mind  which,  fortunately  for  our  ability 
to  pay  attention  to  other  things,  is  subconscious.  Proof  of  all 
this  is  found  in  the  normal  power  to  produce  similar  action  as 
consciously  controlled  behavior;  to  see,  as  it  were,  how  it  was  done. 
More  evidence  on  the  same  point  is  derived  from  our  ready  recol- 
lection that  actions  arose  from  mental  activity  which  at  the  mo- 
ment of  action  was  not  above  the  threshold  of  consciousness. 
We  remember  how  we  walked  down  the  street  and  that  the 
walking  was  carried  out  at  the  bidding  of  our  desires,  although 
we  did  not  at  the  time  formulate  this  sequence.  Altogether,  a 
great  deal  of  mental  life  at  any  given  moment  is  subconscious, 
and  a  great  deal  of  conduct  which  appears  for  the  moment  un- 
controlled, nevertheless  is  directly  dependent  on  subconscious 
mental  activity. 

Even  conduct  in  the  pathological  mental  states  which  super- 
vene during  the  varied  conditions  of  epilepsy  or  insanity  is  just 
as  truly  the  direct  outcome  of  mental  activity,  although  not 
controlled  by  the  conscious  will,  and  frequently  not  in  the  least 
representable  at  any  time  in  consciousness.  The  anti-social 
actions  of  such  periods  are  the  fault  of  the  disordered  mental 



mechanism  which  at  the  time  precludes  normal  conscious  mental 
life.  Disordered  though  the  higher  mentality  may  then  be, 
some  parts  of  the  mind  are  actively  at  work  creating  conduct.^ 
We  can  be  sure  of  this  through  the  easy  determination  of  hallu- 
cinations and  morbid  ideations  and  impulsions  which  are  often 
discernible  in  such  cases. 

In  its  physiological  aspect  conduct  may  be  traced  back  to 
origins  which,  reasoning  from  the  well-established  correlation 
of  brain-cell  activity  with  mental  life,  show  also  the  mental 
processes  back  of  the  deed.  Conduct  may  be  readily  stated  in 
terms  of  muscular  action;  the  latter  activity,  in  turn,  is  propa- 
gated by  currents  of  nervous  force  which,  for  all  such  complicated 
processes,  are  known  to  arise  from  the  coordinated  energy  of 
cerebral  cells.  The  parts  of  the  brain  involved  are  the  higher 
levels,  those  which  we  know  are  correlated  with  mental  phenom- 
ena rising  on  occasion  above  the  threshold  of  consciousness. 
So  it  seems  that  all  analysis  of  the  dynamics  back  of  conduct 
leads  directly  to  contemplation  of  mental  activity. 

§  31.  Practical  Bearings  of  the  Psychological  Viewpoint.  — 
However,  for  the  pragmatic  ends  of  this  work,  one  would  not  be 
satisfied  with  any  a  priori  considerations  alone,  however  logically 
fundamental,  in  the  study  of  the  causative  factors  of  delinquency. 
To  be  suited  for  our  piu-poses,  such  a  line  of  approach  as  the 
above  must  present  tangible  evidences  of  practical  worth.  It 
must  appear  that  by  deliberately  turning  our  studies  towards 
the  phenomena  of  mental  life,  paths  will  be  discovered  to  amend- 
ment of  the  moral  situation.  The  psychological  point  of  view, 
if  it  fail  in  this,  must  be  discarded  as  not  inherently  essential. 

1  On  several  occasions  I  have  had  the  opportunity  of  attempting  with  in- 
telHgent  subjects,  analysis  of  criminahstic  behavior  enacted  during  a  pre- 
vious aberrational  period.  A  woman  of  fine  character,  who  in  her  attacks  of 
insanity,  for  which  she  had  to  be  confined,  was  very  prone  to  commit  vio- 
lence, said  she  always  knew  at  the  time  it  was  wrong,  but  something  stronger 
than  her  reason  impelled  her.  Another  particularly  high-minded  woman,  who 
in  ephemeral  outbreaks  of  her  psychoses  made  attempts  at  murder  which  she 
finally  accomphshed,  said  the  voice  which  she  heard  at  the  time  was  so  com- 
manding that  it  seemed  to  be  the  word  of  God.  An  epileptic  young  man 
(§  256)  who  during  one  of  his  whim-controlled,  almost  automatic  states 
nearly  perpetrated  a  most  heinous  crime  —  wrecking  a  passenger  train  — 
has  since  frequently  discussed  it.  His  consciousness,  judging  by  his  memory 
of  the  event  and  by  witnesses  to  his  actions  at  almost  the  same  time,  seems 
to  have  been  narrowed  to  the  one  impulse  and  the  cunning  scheming  for  its 
satisfaction.  Clear  though  it  is  that  the  feUow  was  not  right  mentally  at  the 
time,  he  has  always  felt  that,  since  his  action  followed  an  idea,  the  deed  was 
mentallj'  controlled,  and  from  the  evidence  of  his  memory,  he  never  has  been 
inclined  to  assert  his  own  actual  irresponsibiUty.  This  is  another  example  of 
i;he  great  difficulty  of  adjudication  according  to  criteria  of  responsibility. 


§  31]  THE    MENTAL    BASES    OF    DELINQUENCY  [Chap.  IV 

In  taking  up  the  actual  problem  of  the  sources  of  delinquency 
it  was  apparent  that  just  this  method  of  approach  afforded  the 
quickest  and  clearest  understanding,  the  surest  interpretation, 
and  by  far  the  greatest  promise  of  success;  and  altogether  was 
a  much  less  difficult  path  to  follow  than  might  be  expected. 
Our  own  case  studies  have  gradually  led  us  to  the  overwhelming 
conclusion  that,  for  practical  purposes,  what  we  particularly 
want  to  know  about  the  offender  are  the  immediate  mental 
antecedents  of  his  conduct. 

Misconduct  is  only  a  branch  of  conduct  in  general;  and  nor- 
where  can  the  relationships  between  conduct  and  mental  life 
be  perceived  better  than  in  studying  the  immediate  causations 
of  social  misdoing.  The  robbery  was  preceded  by  the  mental 
presentation,  the  plan;  the  assault  followed  upon  the  mental 
reaction  of  anger  to  the  displeasing  pictures  which  the  spoken 
word  brought  up;  the  temptation  was  followed  because  the  idea 
of  immediate  satisfaction  was  not  counterbalanced  just  then  by 
conscious  representation  of  consequences.  Thus  illustrations 
might  be  indefinitely  multiplied  of  how  a  mental  process  imme- 
diately precedes  conduct. 

Hence  it  is  clear  that  whatever  influences  the  individual  towards 
offense  must  influence  first  the  mind  of  the  individual.  It  is 
only  because  the  bad  companion  puts  dynamically  significant 
pictures  into  the  mind,  or  because  the  physical  activity  becomes 
a  sensation  with  representation  in  psychic  life,  or  the  environ- 
mental conditions  produce  low  mental  perceptions  of  one's  duty 
towards  others,  that  there  is  any  inclination  at  all  towards  delin- 

So  true  is  this  that,  through  application  of  the  methods  of 
individual  study,  it  soon  becomes  apparent  that  really  the  only 
safe  way  to  ascertain  the  driving  forces  which  make  for  social 
offense  is  to  get  at  the  mental  mechanisms  antecedent  to  the 
behavior  in  question. 

Not  reckoning  with  the  mental  factor  leads  to  many  errors 
in  the  drawing  of  conclusions.  The  force  of  the  actual  findings 
is  the  strongest  argument  against  the  student  of  delinquency 
becoming  an  externalist,  an  investigator  merely  of  outward 
and  overt  circumstances.  If  the  facts  are  taken  all  together  the 
following  sorts  of  complications  are  to  be  found:  The  family 
life  may  have  been  faulty,  but  it  was  actually  the  influence  of 
certain   pernicious   experiences  which   made   recurrent   imagery 



that  has  consciously  or  subconsciously  driven  to  offense.  Study 
of  heredity  may  show  wanderers  in  a  family  line,  but  in  this 
member  of  the  family  it  was  a  hidden  mental  conflict  about  a 
terrible  secret  that  led  to  the  running  away  from  home.  We 
came  to  know  this  because  we  brought  the  conflict  to  light,  and 
the  light  cured  both  it  and  the  running  away.  In  another  case 
frightful  crowding  of  the  home  could  not  be  blamed  except  that  it 
induced  ideas  and  mental  pictures  which  led  straight  to  bad 

Such  facts,  and  what  is  brought  out  by  differential  psychol- 
ogy, give  some  suggestion  as  to  why  other  persons  in  the  same 
family,  or  house,  or  street,  or  gang,  have  not  turned  to  delin- 
quency. These  comparisons  should  be  ever  a  barrier  to  the 
acceptance  of  general  social  or  biological  theories  of  crime. 
Realization  of  the  mental  factors  must  prevent  our  giving  credit  to 
mouth-filling  declarations  that  crime  is  an  atavistic  phenomenon, 
or  a  disease,  or  that  "  the  criminal  "  belongs  to  this  or  that 
human  sub-species  —  declarations  in  which  definition  is  bought 
for  too  cheap  an  intellectual  outlay. 

§  32.  Importance  of  Mental  Abnormality.  —  Turning  now 
to  abnormal  mental  traits  and  conditions  correlated  with  delin- 
quency, we  have  further  corroboration  of  mental  life  standing  to 
conduct  as  antecedent  to  consequent.  The  part  insanity  plays 
in  the  production  of  social  disturbance  is  too  obvious  to  need 
illustration.  Border-line  individuals  with  their  morbid,  over- 
whelming impulsions  and  compulsions  are  also  well  recognized 
as  having  a  mental  equipment  prone  to  develop  delinquency. 
Showing  mostly  negative  aspects  we  have  the  mental  defec- 
tives. In  them  it  is  not  so  much  that  their  actual  concepts  give 
rise  to  delinquency,  as  that  through  their  lack  of  judgment  and 
counterbalancing  power,  influences  and  suggestions  coming  either 
from  their  own  physical  selves  or  from  the  external  world,  lead 
to  impulses  and  pictures  which  determine  the  misdeed. 

Therefore,  even  in  these  abnormal  individuals  it  is  clearly 
improbable  that  peculiar  palates,  or  insensitive  finger  tips,  or 
queerly-shaped  heads  will  ever  be  found  in  any  such  close  rela- 
tionship to  delinquency  as  are  the  mental  phenomena  we  dis- 
cuss. With  full  respect  for  those  who  earliest  apprehended 
the  problem  of  the  delinquent  as  an  individual,  we  nevertheless 
see  the  utter  inadequacy  of  work  which  did  not,  first  and  foremost, 
determine  the  offender's  mental  content,  his  mental  traits,  pecu- 


§  32]  THE  MENTAL   BASES    OF   DELINQUENCY  [Chap.  IV 

liarities  and  abilities.  Vastly  important  though  social  and  bio- 
logical backgrounds  are,  yet  they  must  take  at  least  second  place 
to  these  more  immediate  causative  factors  of  delinquency. 

We  have  previously  insisted  on  the  impossibility  of  applying 
in  all  cases  the  criterion  of  responsibility  as  definable  in  the  law. 
We  believe  this  matters  little  because  cases  can  be  satisfactorily 
handled  from  other  standpoints.  But  as  students  of  mental  life 
we  are  forced  to  unequivocally  commit  ourselves  to  the  opinion 
that  many  individuals  who  commit  misdeeds  have  abnormal 
impulsions,  or  are  temporarily  or  chronically  weak  in  the  powers 
of  self-control.  This  is  the  basis  for  the  idea  of  lessened  moral 
responsibility  which  accords  truly  with  the  facts.  We  may  call 
the  attention  of  the  reader  to  our  studies  of  types  primarily  de- 
fective in  self-control  (§  281),  types  of  those  affected  by  adoles- 
cent impulsions  (§§  316,  336),  of  those  assailed  by  the  curious 
phenomena  of  the  epilepsies  (§  253),  of  menstrual  mental  dis- 
orders (§  310),  of  senile  failures  of  inhibition  (§  163),  and  so  on. 
When  one  has  surveyed  such  groups  as  these,  two  practical  con- 
clusions must  be  drawn;  one,  that  there  often  is  prodigious 
difficulty  in  defining  legal  responsibility,  and,  next,  that  these 
cases,  for  their  own  welfare  and  for  the  protection  of  society, 
need  appropriate  physical,  educational,  or  even  disciplinary 
treatment  under  highly  individualized  surveillance. 

§  33.  Psychological  Standpoint  Taken  Alone  is  Unsafe. — We 
will  not  attempt  to  review  the  opinions  of  the  several  criminol- 
ogists who  upon  a  priori  grounds  have  already  declared  them- 
selves for  the  psychological  point  of  view.^  We  can  do  better 
by  presenting  the  facts  gleaned  from  life  studies  which  lead  us 
directly  to  the  same  position.  The  concrete  argument  is  to  be 
read  in  almost  every  page  of  our  case  histories.  Mental  and 
moral  problems  may  there  be  seen  to  merge. 

1  The  psychological  point  of  view  in  the  study  of  individual  delinquents 
is  well  stated  by  Bechterew  (63).  His  program  is  based  upon  the  distinction 
between  general  and  individual  factors  in  the  development  of  dehnquency, 
and  involves  an  actual  study  of  the  criminal's  personality.  It  is  strange  that 
in  the  hterature  of  criminology  there  are  so  many  works  designated  "psy- 
chology of  the  criminal,"  which  nevertheless  deal  with  psychology  in  only 
the  most  indirect  way,  without  development  of  a  methodology,  and  which 
really  set  us  onward  very  little  towards  a  better  understanding  of  the  mental 
mechanisms  standing  as  immediate  precursors  of  dehnquent  conduct.  For  a 
general  statement  of  "such  a  pragmatic  apphed  psychology  as  will  deal  with 
all  states  of  mind  that  might  possibly  be  involved  in  the  determination  and 
judgment  of  crime"  no  one  can  afford  to  neglect  the  work  of  Gross  (64).  He 
gives  a  long  list  of  authors  who  have  written  from  the  standpoint  of  psy- 
chology, and  includes  in  his  text  many  of  their  best  ideas. 


Chap.  1\]        -MENTAL    LIFE    UNDERLYING   DELINQUENCY  [§  34 

Notwithstanding  all  this  I  fully  recognize  that  there  are  many 
cases  in  which  sole  dependence  on  the  psychological  standpoint 
would  be  a  grave  mistake.  Repeatedly  I  have  asserted  the 
opinion,  still  held,  that  it  is  verj^  difficult  to  decide  which  is  in 
general  the  most  important  investigatory  vantage  ground  —  social, 
medical,  or  psychological.  The  point  is  clear,  however,  that  one 
can  most  surely  and  safely  arrive  at  remedial  measures  through 
investigation  of  the  mental  factors. 

There  is  no  doubt  that  certain  groups  of  physicians  and  educa- 
tors will  best  understand  the  importance  of  the  above  truths  — 
physicians  who  have  been  especially  engaged  with  psychiatric 
and  neurological  problems,  and  educators  who  are  interested 
in  applied  psychology.  Sociologists  and  psychologists  have 
nowadays  rapidly  growing  conceptions  of  the  value  of  individual 
study.^  Those  who  under  the  law  have  to  deal  with  offenders 
are,  however,  foremost  in  needing  to  understand  fundamentals. 
And  if  it  be  intimated  that  these  issues  are  too  abstruse,  we  should 
feel  justified  in  asserting  that  those  who  have  not  the  capacity 
to  appreciate  these  things  are  certainly  not  fitted  to  pass  judg- 
ments on  delinquents  or  hold  authority  over  them. 

§  34.  Specific  Features  of  Mental  Life  Underlsdng  Delin- 
quency.— This  chapter,  dealing  with  the  general  survey  of  the 
mental  bases  of  delinquency,  is  hardly  the  proper  place  in  which 
to  offer  specific  details.  Not  that  the  fundamentals  are  too 
technical,  but  that  they  are  best  presented  in  connection  with 
concrete  findings.  The  study  of  actual  cases  is  imperative  for 
understanding  the  part  which  mental  life  plays  in  the  production 
of  misconduct.  It  may  be  useful  here,  however,  to  itemize  some 
of  those  features  of  mental  life  which  study  shows  directly  under- 
lie delinquency.  Perusal  of  concrete  instances  in  the  second  part 
of  this  volume  will  lead  to  completer  understanding  of  what  is 
now  merely  enumerated.  The  proof  of  the  validity  of  the  psycho- 
logical data  will  often  be  found  in  the  actual  outcome  of  the  case 
as  predicted  in  accordance  with  them. 

We  may  find  existing  as  bases  of  delinquency  any  of  the 
following : 

^  There  can  be  no  question  but  that  applied  psychology  is  in  the  infancy 
of  a  mighty  growth,  and  that  our  field  is  in  large  part  its  field.  Writing  on 
the  control  of  mental  life,  Yerkes  (284)  says,  "the  prediction,  modification 
and  direction  of  psychological  processes  is  an  unescapable  task  of  psychology." 
Thatthis  is  a  view  somewhat  opposed  to  that  of  many  older  psychologists 
certainly  does  not  bespeak  for  it  any  the  less  fruitfulness. 


34]  THE    MENTAL    BASES    OF    DELINQUENCY  [Chap.  IV 

Mental  dissatisfactions;  those  developed  from  cravings  of  no 
special  moral  significance  in  themselves,  or  even  from  unfulfilled 
creditable  ambitions. 

Criminalistic  imagery,  sometimes  fairly  obsessional,  which  per- 
sists, and  is  strong  enough  to  impel  misconduct. 

Irritative  mental  reactions  to  environmental  conditions,  seeking 
expression  or  relief  in  misdoing. 

The  development  of  habits  of  thought  involving  persistent  crimi- 
nalistic ideas  and  reactions. 

Adolescent  mental  instabilities  and  impulsions. 

Mental  conflicts,  worries  or  repressions  concerning  various  ex- 
periences or  matters  of  mental  content.  These  sometimes  inter- 
fere with  that  smooth  working  of  the  inner  life  which  fosters 
socially  normal  conduct.  The  misdeed  here,  too,  may  be  a  relief 

The  chronic  attitude  of  the  offender  representing  himself  to  him- 
self as  one,  like  Ishmael,  whose  hand  shall  be  against  every  man 
and  every  man's  hand  against  him.  The  remarkable  phenomenon 
of  anti-social  grudge  may  be  included  here. 

Mental  peculiarities  or  twists  which  are  agents  in  the  production 
of  anti-social  conduct,  but  which  do  not  overwhelm  the  personality 
enough  to  warrant  us  in  grading  the  subject  as  aberrational. 

Aberrational  mental  states :  —  all  the  way  from  fully-developed 
psychoses  to  temporary  or  border-line  psychotic  conditions. 

Mental  defect  in  any  of  the  several  forms  described  in  our 
special  chapter  on  the  subject. 


Chap.  V]  GENERAL    SURVEY    OF   WORKING   METHODS  [§  35 

Working  jMethods 

§  35.  General  Survey  of  Working  Methods.  §  36.  The  Observer  and  His 
Attitude.  §  37.  Privileged  Communication.  §  38.  Previous  Training  of 
Observer.  §  39.  Age  of  Examinee.  §  40.  Types  for  Study.  §  41. 
Sources  of  Information.  §  42.  Place  of  Observation.  §  43.  Extent  of 
Studj"  of  a  Case.  §  44.  Office  and  Equipment.  §  45.  Assistants.  §  46. 
Interview  and  Examination.  §  47.  Records.  §  48.  Schedule  of  Data 
Concerning  Delinquents.  I.  Family  History.  II.  Developmental 
History.  III.  History  of  Environment.  IV.  Mental  and  Moral  De- 
velopment. V.  Anthropometry.  VI.  Medical  Examination.  VII.  Psy- 
chological Examination:  (A)  Records  of  Tests.  (B)  Records  of  Psycho- 
logical Analysis.  VIII.  DeUnquency.  IX.  Diagnostic  Summary.  X. 
FoUow-up  Records.    XL  Subsidiary  Records.     §  49.  Medical  Methods. 

§  35.  General  Survey  of  Working  Methods. — Our  conception 
of  working  methods  starts  from  the  premises  that  a  sound  pro- 
cedure for  understanding  and  treatment  of  dehnquency  is  only 
to  be  found  in  a  well-rounded  survey  of  the  individual  delin- 
quent and  the  driving  forces  of  his  career.  To  this  end  there  must 
be  made  first  a  cross-section  study  of  the  offender,  just  as  com- 
plete as  is  practicable,  including  data  derived  from  the  stand- 
points of  social,  medical  and  psychological  investigations.  From 
such  a  cross-section  the  diagnosis  must  be  derived  by  thought- 
ful consideration,  and  the  prognosis  or  predictabilities  carefully 
rendered.  The  prognosis  should  be  offered  with  a  view  to  the 
several  possibilities  that  loom  up  for  the  given  case.  After  this 
should  come,  whenever  conditions  permit,  the  valuable  check- 
ing up  of  predictions  as  set  over  against  results,  especially  with 
scrutiny  of  the  working  of  some  trial  scheme  which  has  been 
suggested  as  of  worth.  This  follow-up  work  is  often  of  great 
benefit,  primarily,  to  the  offender  whose  treatment  is  in  this 
way  supervised  and  who  is  sensible  of  the  interest  taken  in  him 
as  an  individual;  secondarily,  to  the  examiner  and  other  ob- 
servers who  may  grow  by  the  accumulation  of  their  own  data 
and  judgments;  and  finally,  for  the  development  of  the  whole 
nascent  science.  Back  of  the  technological  details  of  methods 
are  the  following  practical  considerations  which  are  of  great  im- 
port for  the  success  of  the  investigation. 


§  36]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  V 

§  36.     The   Observer  and  His  Attitude. 

Of  first  importance  is  the  suitableness  of  the  person  to  under- 
take this  oftentimes  difficult  research.  He,  or  she,  must  have 
a  temperament  or  an  attitude  of  mind  calculated  to  develop 
friendly  cooperation  with  the  offender  and  his  relatives,  to  say 
nothing  of  those  who,  under  the  law,  or  otherwise,  will  have  to 
do  with  the  offender's  treatment,  I  should  no  more  expect  good 
results  from  an  unsuited  examiner,  whatever  his  background  of 
training,  than  I  should  anticipate  the  production  of  an  appro- 
priate architectural  design  from  an  inartistic,  though  well-trained 
draughtsman.  It  is  simply  a  matter  of  common-sense  observa- 
tion that  some  persons  are  much  better  equipped  in  spirit  to 
bring  out  the  best  in  others,  and  that  is  a  prime  necessity  in  this 
working  situation.  Everyday  recognition  of  the  differences  in 
talents,  sympathies,  understandings  and  innate  impulses  should 
lead  to  greater  discrimination  in  selecting  physicians  and  psychol- 
ogists fitted  for  this  work  than  has  been  recommended  ^  for  the 
eligibility  of  judges  for  the  criminal  and  juvenile  courts. 

The  only  attitude  to  be  assumed  with  much  profit  is  that  of 
shrewd,  but  sympathetic  inquiry  into  an  unsolved  problem.  We 
have  insisted  that  the  examiner  should  have  no  special  nose  for 
the  pathological,  and  should  be  entirely  willing  to  survey  all 
the  facts,  and  to  be  guided  in  his  conclusions  by  no  special  bias. 
The  question  for  him  must  be:  What  is  the  cause  in  this  person 
or  in  his  experience,  and  how  can  it  be  altered?  The  investiga- 
tion is  seldom  an  affair  merely  of  objective  psychology  or  medical 
testing.  The  impersonal  effort  of  those  methods  is  usually  inad- 
equate. The  work  is  much  more  like  that  of  the  modern  neurol- 
ogist, or  rather  psycho-neurologist,  who  uses  both  psychological 
and  physiological  inquiry  in  his  study  of  patients.  The  success- 
ful attitude  combines  that  of  the  specialist  with  that  of  the 
family  physician. 

Often  I  have  stated  the  following  fact,  which  has  become 
increasingly  apparent  to  me.     Just  as  soon  as  the  offender  and 

1  For  the  whole  needs  of  the  situation,  it  will  be  instructive  to  read  the 
conclusions  of  Gross  (64)  in  his  keen  study  of  the  general  psychological  as- 
pects of  criminal  procedure  and  of  the  personaUties  involved.  Resolutions 
passed  embodying  the  high  authority  of  the  International  Prison  Congress 
of  1910,  meeting  at  Washington,  offer  also  much  food  for  thought  in  their 
urgent  demand  for  special  temperamental  and  technical  quaUfications  on  the 
part  of  judges  and  others  who  deal  with  beginning  criminal  careers. 



his  relatives  realize  that  there  is  some  one  who  takes  the  atti- 
tude of  the  friendly  family  physician,  to  whom  they  can  go  with 
their  secret  troubles,  the  case  frequently  undergoes  the  most 
remarkable  transformation  from  the  fighting  aspect  actually 
seen  in  the  court  room,  or  while  the  interested  ones  are  in  con- 
tact with  the  police  or  other  authorities  of  the  law. 

The  opening  of  the  interview  with  some  such  friendly  and 
reasonable  statement  as  the  following  has  been  found  in  itself  to 
have  a  rationalizing  effect.  One  may  say:  "Well,  you  people 
do  seem  to  have  a  difficult  affair  on  your  hands  with  this  boy. 
Let's  sit  down  and  talk  it  all  over,  and  study  it  out  together  — 
how  it  all  began  and  what's  going  to  happen.  I'm  at  your  serv- 
ice.   Did  you  ever  think  it  all  out  carefully?  " 

As  we  have  previously  said,  it  is  certain  that  often  ours  has 
been  the  first  really  inquiring  approach  that  has  ever  been  made 
to  this  individual  and  his  problem.  The  response  is  nearly  always 
gratifying.  The  attitude  of  all  concerned  becomes  much  the  same 
as  when  the  family  physician  makes  a  complete  study  and  in- 
quiry into  the  possible  causes  for  an  obscure  ailment  or  defect, 
We  get  accounts  of  characteristics,  and  environments,  and  fore- 
bears, and  other  antecedents,  and  even  histories  of  offenses 
unknown  to  the  authorities,  that  throw  often  a  great,  new  light 
on  what  should  be  done  with  and  for  the  offender.  Just  this 
alone  shows  how  vastly  necessary  it  is  to  have,  as  in  any  other 
business-like  endeavor,  the  attitude  that  wins  success. 

§  37.    Privileged    Communication. 

It  is  apparent  from  the  above  that  the  procedure  involves  a 
very  different  approach  and  obligation  from  that  of  the  examin- 
ing detective  who,  according  to  classic  account,  prefaces. his  in- 
terrogatory with,  "  You  know  that  anything  you  say  can  be  used 
against  you."  Our  States  differ  in  their  legislation  on  the  point 
of  privileged  communication.  To  be  sure,  the  question  very 
rarely  comes  up,  for  practically  always  recommendation  can  be 
made  to  the  judge  or  officer  or  institutional  worker,  without 
specific  enumeration  of  family  and  personal  affairs. 

A  great  deal  that  is  most  valuable  in  this  work  can  never  be 
done  successfully  except  when  the  attitude  and  obligations  of 
the  family  physician  are  assumed  by  the  observer.  The  offender 
and  his  family  must  have  appreciation  of  the  good  offices  at  their 


§  37]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  V 

service.  The  point  of  privileged  communication  may  occasion- 
ally have  to  be  made  clear,  or  the  statement  made  that  what 
is  revealed  by  the  family  or  the  offender  is  not  a  matter  of  court 
record.  Personally,  in  most  cases  I  am  in  favor  of  an  open  dis- 
cussion with  the  interested  ones  as  to  what  the  judge  ought  to 
know.  This  frankness  helps  towards  general  rationality,  and 
is  usually  met  by  a  satisfactory  response. 

§  38.    Previous  Training  of  Observer. 

A  question  frequently  asked  is  whether  a  physician  or  psychol- 
ogist is  best  fitted  for  the  work.  This  is  a  difficult  question, 
and  the  answer  always  depends  on  the  exigencies  of  the  given 
situation.  Undoubtedly,  much  the  best  personal  equipment  is  to 
be  found  in  the  combination  of  medical,  including  clinical,  train- 
ing, with  previous  instruction  in  normal  psychology,  and  actual 
experience  in  studying  abnormal  mental  t\'pes.  For  the  giving 
of  tests,  preparation  in  the  modern  field  of  practical  differential 
psychology  is  essential.^  When  a  person  trained  in  both  lines 
cannot  be  obtained,  certain  facts  stand  out  clearly.  Both  the 
medical  and  psychological  work  must  be  done  in  each  case.  The 
work  of  the  physician  can  usually  be  secured  most  easily.  And 
then,  except  where  actual  pathological  conditions  are  found,  the 
physical  examination  is  by  far  the  shortest.  So  it  may  be  wise 
in  some  circumstances  to  put  a  clinical  psychologist  in  charge  of 
the  work.  When  there  is  use  of  the  physician's  findings,  there 
must  be  complete  cooperation  in  the  interpretation  of  the  signifi- 
cance of  the  data.  The  psychologist  must  have  had  practical 
acquaintance  with  abnormal  and  defective  mental  types,  in  order 
clearly  to  discern  them  during  the  process  of  the  psychological 
examination.  The  studies  of  neurotic  and  border-line  cases  by 
the  psychoneurologists  have  developed  such  understanding  of 
mental  mechanisms  that  their  methods  are  absolutely  essential 
to  the  equipment  of  all  who  would  deal  with  certain  of  the  most 
interesting  and  hopeful  phases  of  delinquent  tendencies. 

There  is  much  room  for  the  work  of  intelligent  and  well-trained 

women    in   this   field.      Especially   the    objective   psychological 

1  Definite  qualifications  for  those  who  professionally  handle  delinquents 
have  been  set  forth  perhaps  best  by  Kinberg  (52).  He  shows  what  demands 
have  been  made  and  what  opportunities  offered  for  special  knowledge  in 
Europe.  For  the  prison  physician  he  recommends,  as  indispensable,  train- 
ing in  both  normal  and  abnormal  psychology,  plus  some  months  of  experience 
in  both  a  hospital  for  the  insane  and  a  criminological  institute. 



work,  namely,  the  giving  of  the  tests,  can  be  done  successfully 
by  them.  Rather  less  well  are  they  fitted  for  the  other  parts  of 
the  work.  The  reason  for  this  is,  of  course,  that  men  and  boys 
are  not  going  to  reveal  much  of  their  inner  troubles  to  women. 
Occasionally  even  the  girls  state  that  what  they  have  to  say  can 
only  be  said  to  the  "  doctor."  Both  directly  and  indirectly,  un- 
pleasant features  of  sex  life  are  discovered  persistently  cropping 
out  m  the  experiences  of  offenders,  and  they  have  to  be  met  in 
scientific  spirit.  ^  ery  frequently  has  one  heard  from  parents  or 
the  offender  the  introductory  question,  "  Are  you  the  doctor  ?  " 
before  the  feeling  is  engendered  that  it  is  proper  to  tell  all  the 
facts.  Women  should  calculate  upon  these  unpleasant  features 
before  entering  the  work. 

Physicians  are  not  only  valuable  in  this  field  because  they 
have  knowledge  of  pathological  conditions,  but  also  because  of 
their  acquaintance  with  physiological  norms.  Here,  as  in  school 
work,  they  may  be  of  service  for  this  reason.  This  seems  to  be 
forgotten  by  those  who  maintain  that  the  profession  can  only 
offer  advice  about  disease. 

It  is  very  different,  of  course,  in  the  case  of  psychologists 
who,  for  the  most  part,  have  had  little  training  in  the  study  of 
abnormal  individuals.  In  the  interest  of  both  sciences  it  should 
be  remembered  that  the  discovery  of  pathological  conditions 
has  very'  frequently  led  to  differential  knowledge  of  normal 
structure  and  conditions.  This  is  proving  as  true  where  mental 
structure  and  functions  are  thrown  into  new  light  during  the 
investigator^'  process  of  psycho-analysis  or  during  the  progress 
of  a  psychosis  as  it  was  in  the  development  of  knowledge  of  car- 
diac physiology  or  the  anatomy  of  the  spinal  cord. 

A  matter  that  lies  midway  between  the  considerations  of  this 
section  and  the  next,  concerns  the  difference  between  the  adult 
and  the  child  tj^e  of  mind.  There  is  collected  as  yet  altogether 
too  little  information  on  this  point,  but  we  see  many  indications 
why  we  should  reckon  on  this  difference  when  giving  various 
tests.  The  examiner,  in  general,  should  not  take  it  for  granted, 
when  he  is  passing  social  judgment  on  an  offender's  capacity, 
that  experience  with  one  type  of  individual  can  without  modifi- 
cation be  safely  applied  to  another.  What  is  true  of  ages  is  true, 
to  some  extent,  when  working  with  different  social  conditions  or 
classes.  Glueck  (283)  points  this  out  as  clearly  bearing  on  the 
problem  of  the  mentally  defective  immigrant.    A  level  of  mental 


§  38]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap,  V 

capacity  quite  sufficient  to  keep  a  ditch  digger  within  the  limits 
of  good  behavior  would  probably  lead  to  much  misconduct  where 
environmental  demands  and  temptations  were  greater.  Espe- 
cially until  we  get  further  differential  norms  established  the  ex- 
aminer should  have  personal  experience  with  different  ages  and 
social  groups. 

§  39.    Age   of  the   Examinee. 

We  have  spoken  previously  of  the  advantage  of  seeing  a  case 
as  early  as  possible  in  the  beginning  of  the  criminal  career,  for 
explanatory  as  well  as  therapeutic  reasons.  It  has  been  suggested 
to  us  that  the  age  at  which  we  have  taken  delinquents  (the  aver- 
age age  has  been  nearly  16  years)  is  too  late.  If  all  is  true  that 
has  been  stated  about  the  early  genesis  of  character  formation 
as  elicited  by  the  many  investigators  in  the  field  of  psychological 
analysis,  we  are  surely  somewhat  behind.  It  may  be  seen  in 
our  case  studies  that  the  strange  beginnings  of  the  criminal  im- 
pulse may  often  be  discovered  in  young  childhood.  Common 
sense,  too,  would  teach  us  that  the  earlier  the  case  is  studied,  the 
better  for  constructive  purposes. 

On  the  other  hand,  every  case,  at  every  age,  is  a  problem  that 
requires  study,  if  any  real  solution  is  to  be  worked  out.  Some- 
times the  beginnings  can  be  taken  into  account  very  little.  Thefl 
occasionally  conditions  which  lead  to  delinquency,  for  instance 
senility,  may  supervene  upon  a  previous  background  of  good 
citizenship  and  normality.  The  genesis  in  these  instances  is  not 
far  to  seek.  Our  final  dictum,  then,  must  be  that  in  nearly  every 
case  the  earliest  possible  study  will  be  followed  by  the  best  re- 
sults. But  every  case  of  delinquency  needs  adjustment,  at  what- 
ever age  appearing,  and  should  be  investigated,  even  if  habit  or 
alcohol  or  environment  are  adventitious  factors,  in  themselves 
difficult  to  grapple  with. 

§  40.    Types  for   Study. 

Elsewhere  we  have  committed  ourselves  to  the  opinion  that  it 
is  the  repeated  offender  who  particularly  needs  study.  As  seen 
in  the  juvenile  and  adult  courts,  there  are  those  who  have  been 
merely  transgressors  of  the  moment;  breaking  ordinances,  or 
misdoing  in  such  other  ways  that  the  possession  of  criminal 
tendencies  is  not  in  the  least  betokened.  Nobody  would  allege 
it  worth  while  to  spend  the  time  and  energy  necessary  for  the 


Chap.  V]  SOURCES   OF   INFORMATION  [§  41 

careful  study  of  such  offenders.  It  is  true  also  that  certain 
crimes  for  which  long  sentences  are  imposed,  either  on  account 
of  the  money  values  involved,  or  the  injuries  received,  have  been 
committed  by  offenders  under  peculiar  stress,  such  as  might 
overtake  many  an  ordinarily  law-abiding  citizen.  It  is  usually 
quite  unnecessarj^  to  study  these  delinquents,  except  for  the 
opinion  which  might  be  desired  by  a  board  of  pardons,  or  by  a 
prisoners'  aid  society,  which  might  wish  vocationally  or  otherwise 
to  aid  them. 

We  must  most  sincerely  discredit  any  notion  that  our  methods 
of  study  are  primarily  developed  to  discern  the  pathological. 
While  one  always  realizes  that  the  recognition  and  the  segrega- 
tion of  the  insane,  feebleminded,  or  epileptic  criminal  is  of  im- 
mense import  to  society,  yet  the  discover^^  of  some  capacity,  or 
adaptability,  or  mental  conflict,  upon  which  to  base  therapeutic 
measures  for  the  checking  of  a  criminal  career  is  an  occasion  of 
much  greater  satisfaction.  Repeated  offenders  of  all  types,  then,- 
especially  form  proper  subjects  for  thorough-going  inquiry. 

§  41.    Sources  of  Information. 

The  shrewdness  which  w^e  have  insisted  on  as  a  part  of  the 
general  attitude  of  the  observer  implies  a  sufficient  skepticism. 
Entirely  undesirable  is  that  brutal  suspicion  so  frequently  seen 
in  police  and  prison  officials,  justified  more  or  less  by  the  usual 
prevaricating  retort  to  coarse  inquiry.  It  is  better  apparently 
to  believe  a  great  deal,  and  preserve  one's  kindly  attitude,  than 
to  spoil  one's  service  in  the  case.  The  skepticism  required  is 
that  of  the  scientist  who  asks  at  least  a  reasonable  amount  of 
corroboration.  To  this  end  other  sources  of  information  than 
the  offender  are  requisite  in  the  vast  majority  of  cases.  Some 
offenders'  accounts  of  themselves  and  their  surroundings  have 
such  veridical  flavor  that  they  can  be  in  fairness  accepted;  here 
the  corroboration  comes  from  the  examiner's  own  experience. 

Relatives  are  to  be  seen  whenever  possible.  We  have  found 
surprisingly  little  difficulty  in  getting  them  to  come.  The  idea 
that  some  one  was  trying  to  take  an  intelligent  interest  in  their 
family  problem  has  generally  been  sufficient  to  arouse  coopera- 
tion. It  must  be  confessed  that  at  first,  however,  it  has  been 
necessary  to  stimulate  interest  and  show  some  background  for 
optimism  in  the  situation.    With  us  the  introduction  to  parents 


§  41]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  V 

has  perhaps  most  frequently  come  through  officers  of  the  law, 
and  the  kindly  efforts  of  policemen  and  probation  officers  can 
not  be  too  highly  praised  in  this  connection.  Officers  have  them- 
selves sometimes  been  long  acquainted  with  the  family  and  can 
offer  much  in  the  way  of  sidelights  derived  from  their  visits  to 
the  household.  Teachers,  and  school  principals,  and  reHgious 
leaders  are  all  to  be  drawn  on  for  the  facts.  When  the  offender 
is  held  in  a  place  of  detention  various  observations,  sometimes 
very  shrewd  ones,  are  made  by  the  officials  there.  How  much 
visitation  to  the  home  or  other  environment  is  to  be  made  for  the 
purpose  of  specific  inquiry  depends  upon  the  circumstances 
surrounding  the  study. 

§  42.    Place  of  Observation. 

Often  when  a  center  for  the  study  of  delinquents  is  estab- 
lished the  location  will  be  predetermined.  With  us  a  certain 
amount  of  choice  was  enjoyed,  which  led  to  offer  of  the  service 
of  our  Institute  to  the  court  where  studies  could  not  only  best 
be  made,  but  best  be  acted  upon.  Although  choice  is  not  usually 
to  be  had,  yet  a  few  words  about  the  comparative  advantages 
of  different  situations  are  worth  while. 

I  credit  Kauffmann  (81)  and  Holmes  (66),  critical  students  of 
criminology,  with  wise  discernment  when  they  so  emphatically 
state  that  the  place  really  to  study  the  criminal  is  in  the  open. 
But  yet  how  difficult  must  this  be  when  we  wish  to  apply  the 
methods  of  an  objective  psychology,  for  instance.  Desirable 
though  their  recommendations  would  seem,  we  have  yet  to  become 
acquainted,  even  through  these  authors,  with  any  adequate 
well-rounded  researches  carried  out  "  in  the  open." 

Certain  points  which  seemed  to  stand  out  clearly  at  first, 
appear  even  stronger  as  time  goes  on.  The  offender  must  ap- 
proach you  willingly  before  you  can  do  anything  for  him.  Now, 
when  will  he  exhibit  this  willingness?  Certainly  not  when  he 
is  "on  the  outs,"  and  feeling  it  quite  unlikely  that  he  will  recom- 
mit offenses  or  at  least  be  caught  again.  No,  the  golden  moment 
is  when  he  feels  himself  to  be  a  problem,  and  his  relatives  feel 
it,  and  all  want  a  promising  solution  of  the  difficulty.  It  is 
after  he  has  been  caught,  and  while  he  is  either  detained  or  on 
probation,  and  has  not  already  been  sentenced  that  is  the  best 
time  of  all  for  inquiry.     Then  parents  will  come  many  miles  in 


■Qkaf.  v]  place  of  observation  [§  42 

search  of  a  solution,  not  by  any  means  always  desiring  the  softest 
outcome  for  the  offender.  Then  the  offender  will  himself  strive 
hardest  to  achieve  with  the  "  doctor  "  some  fundamental  explana- 
tion of  the  causes  of  his  delinquent  tendencies.  For  many 
reasons  this  is  the  opportune  moment  for  gathering  information 
from  many  sources.  The  wise  judge  perceives  this,  and  often 
holds  a  case  in  abeyance,  that  he  may  have  the  gathered  facts 
laid  before  him,  or  at  least  have  definite  recommendations  from 
well-informed  sources. 

Immediately  after  the  trial,  when  hope  is  abandoned,  and  the 
spirit  evinced  is  that  of  taking  the  medicine  and  gritting  the 
teeth,  one  finds  that  very  little  can  then  be  gained  by  study. 
Relatives  are  usually  tired  of  the  case  and  evade  inquiry.  There 
is  little  use  then  in  making  any  approach,  unless  the  offender 
be  on  probation  and  the  question  arises  as  to  what  constructive 
measures  can  be  carried  out  for  his  reformation.  Under  these 
circumstances  also  a  favorable  point  of  entrance  into  the  problem 
<?an  be  utilized. 

But  in  institutional  life  there  are  certain  other  advantages 
accruing  from  possible  studies  that  make  them  decidedly  worth 
while.  We  should  hardly  agree  with  Holmes  that  the  worst 
place  in  the  world  to  study  an  offender  is  in  prison,  unless  he 
means  by  prison  something  entirely  different  from  our  reforma- 
tories, where  prisoners  most  desirable  to  be  studied  are  congre- 
gated. Here  not  only  cross-section  studies  may  be  made,  but 
also  a  longitudinal  observation  can  be  undertaken.  How  does 
the  individual  thrive,  for  instance,  under  this  or  that  discipline, 
or  treatment,  or  education,  or  encouragement?  Many  questions 
which  the  observer  is  unable  to  answer  from  his  laboratory  in  a 
court  building  can  be  determined  there.  On  the  other  hand,  the 
reformatory  or  penitentiary  observer  is  confronted  with  an  un- 
fortunate paucity  of  prior  history  and  opportunity  to  have  car- 
ried out  various  measures  of  social  alteration  with  a  view  to 
moral  therapy.  The  former  drawback  can,  in  varying  measure, 
be  obviated  by  the  efforts  of  competent  field  workers,  who  have 
the  possible  opportunity  of  bringing  to  the  physician  or  psy- 
chologist invaluable  information,  when  families  themselves  cannot 
be  seen  at  the  institution.  Field  workers  from  institutions  of 
the  industrial  school  type  can  accomplish  more  than  those  from 
reformatories,  for  the  reason,  mentioned  above,  that  the  families 
of  younger  individuals  are  more  often  found  intact  and  interested. 


43]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  V 

§  43.    Extent  of  Study  of  a  Case. 

Concerning  the  length  of  time  or  extent  of  effort  necessary  for 
working  up  a  single  case,  the  objections  we  have  occasionally 
heard  are  likely  to  be  repeated.  The  best  answer  we  can  make  to 
the  objectors,  who  are  frequently  officials  of  the  law,  is  Socratic 
in  form.  Is  it  not  true  that  a  vast  deal  of  time,  days  and  even 
weeks,  is  spent  in  preparation  for  and  trial  of  merely  one  feature 
of  a  case,  namely,  the  question  of  the  guilt  of  the  accused?  Is 
not  this  true  sometimes  even  in  the  trial  of  repeated  offenders? 
If,  under  the  law,  the  resources  of  society  are  thus  liberally  spent,^ 
does  it  not  ill  behoove  those  who  see  such  facts  to  criticize  any 
prolongation  of  individual  study  which  may  lead  to  knowledge 
of  measures  indispensable  for  satisfactory  treatment  of  the  case? 
Is  not  efficient  treatment  a  feature  of  the  total  procedure  to 
which  the  question  of  guilt  is  but  a  preliminary?  John  X,  for 
example,  is  a  reformatory  graduate.  This  is  well  known,  but  it 
may  require  many  days  of  work  to  connect  him  by  evidence  with 
a  recent  burglary,  and  secure  a  verdict.  How  much  more  im- 
portant, however,  to  study  him  so  that  there  may  be  the  fullest 
scientific  determination  of  the  possibilities  of  efficient  treatment. 

It  is  easy  to  see  that  there  is  great  variation  in  the  time  neces- 
sary to  be  spent  in  the  study  of  different  types.  In  an  hour  or 
an  hour  and  a  half  one  can  determine  the  fact  of  the  simpler  forms 
of  feeblemindedness,  and  with  intelligent  relatives  get  a  suffi- 
ciently accurate  notion  of  the  causation  through  history  of  hered- 
ity or  development.  With  corroborative  evidence  from  school 
people,  or  officers  of  the  law,  or  others  who  are  working  in  the 
field,  that  may  be  sufficient  diagnosis  in  this,  the  simplest  type  of 
case.  But  when  it  comes  to  digging  out  the  very  essential  facts 
in  border-line  cases,  or  in  normal  individuals,  where  certain 
mental  or  environmental  experiences  have  been  paramount 
causative  factors,  the  length  of  time  is  altogether  a  different 
matter.  The  equivalent  of  whole  days  of  study,  perhaps  not  all 
done  at  once,  is  frequently  necessary  for  accurate  determination 
of  just  those  facts  upon  which  effective  treatment  must  be 
founded.     After  our  prolonged  experience,  I  see  no  way  to  avoid 

^  The  average  cost  of  obtaining  one  conviction  in  this  country  is  about 
$1500.  Boies'  (286)  figures  on  this  have  been  reaffirmed  by  Moore  (287), 
who  writes  me  that  his  own  calculations  have  been  based  on  the  total  con- 
victions for  1912  in  the  most  populous  county. in  New  Jersey. 


Chap.  V]  EXTENT    OF   STUDY   OF  A   CASE  [§  43 

this,  if  work  is  to  be  done  which  shall  stand  professional 

The  time  is,  of  course,  part  of  the  expense,  but  even  so  consid- 
ered, there  must  not  be  any  shortening  of  it  that  shall  lead  to 
inefficiency.  In  any  given  situation  there  is  apt  to  be  some 
calculation  of  the  number  of  individuals  that  ought  to  be  seen. 
No  one  can  plan  out  work  upon  this  basis.  The  proper  question 
is,  what  number  can  be  competently  studied,  and  that  can  only 
be  determined  as  the  work  advances  in  any  given  field.  It  is 
argued  in  some  quarters  that  even  superficial  study  will  help 
out  of  the  mess  that  results  from  undiscriminating  judgments 
and  treatments.  This  contention  is  undoubtedly  true,  and  is 
inspired  by  a  practical  situation  that  must  be  met.  On  the 
other  hand,  it  is  indubitably  a  fact,  as  was  suggested  to  me  by 
keen  thinkers  at  the  inception  of  our  own  work,  that  to  study 
a  dozen  cases  of  varying  tj'pe,  with  a  thoroughness  that  shall 
lead  to  scientific  understanding  of  the  bases  of  conduct,  is  to  make 
a  far  greater  contribution  than  to  have  studied  a  thousand  super- 

Outside  of  the  actual  time  spent  on  study,  including  the  taking 
of  first  notes,  there  must  be  allowed  time  for  the  dictation  and 
review  of  such  extensive  records  as  alone  can  provide  for  the 
future  development  of  safe  conclusions  in  the  case.  The  after 
study  and  summary  of  these  records,  in  the  form  of  a  practical 
statement  of  the  data  which  stand  behind  the  prognostic  con- 
clusions, is  another  time-consuming  effort. 

The  up-shot  of  all  this  is,  that  the  observer  must  be  allowed 
sufficient  time  to  do  good  work,  and  his  official  studies  should 
not  be  so  crowded  as  to  drown  out  good  scientific  achievement. 
The  habit  we  have  in  this  country  of  overwhelming  a  good  man 
in  public  or  institutional  life  with  executive  duties,  has  had  a 
notoriously  bad  result  for  the  progress  of  our  own  social  con- 
ditions. In  this  new  field  it  ought  to  be  avoided.  With  super- 
ficial studies  of  the  individual,  nobody,  especially  the  critics 
from  the  side  of  the  law,  will  be  satisfied.  Our  summarized 
studies  and  causative  factor  cards,  vide  infra,  will  show  how 
thorough  scientffic  work  leads  to  practical  issues.  But  just  these 
terse  and  definite  charts  of  causes  and  predictabilities  can  only 
be  developed  upon  the  basis  of  studies  sufficiently  prolonged. 


§  44]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  Y 

§  44.    Office  and   Equipment. 

There  is  little  that  needs  to  be  said  about  the  office  itself 
except  that  several  small  rooms  make  the  best  arrangement, 
and  that  quiet  is  absolutely  essential.  A  vast  deal  of  time  and 
effort  is  economized  if  interfering  entrances  and  outside  noises 
are  avoided.  Here,  as  elsewhere,  the  direct  and  quick  response 
can  best  be  obtained  thi'ough  appreciation  of  the  psychological 
economics  of  attention.  To  keep  the  mind  of  the  examinee,  or 
the  relative,  upon  the  subject  in  hand,  means  many  minutes 
saved  in  the  course  of  the  day.  To  the  same  end  the  appurte- 
nances of  the  office  should  be  of  the  simplest  form,  and  altogether 
non-distractive.  One  distance  of  20  feet  with  good  light  upon  a 
wall  for  preliminary  examination  of  vision  is  essential.  It  is 
only  in  rare  instances  that  the  dark  room  of  the  oculist  is  avail- 

One  cannot  be  too  careful  in  dealing  with  delinquent  women 
and  girls,  even  though  in  the  friendly  attitude  of  the  family  phy- 
sician, which  in  this  country  is  almost  an  unviolated  relationship. 
I  have  maintained  that  there  should  be  absolutely  no  possibility 
of  criticism,  and  a  third  person  must  always  be  present  during  an 
interview,  or  at  least  just  outside  a  glass  partition,  when  an  inter- 
view with  a  delinquent  girl  or  woman  is  taking  place. 

The  equipment  of  medical  apparatus  hardly  needs  to  be  men- 
tioned. It  will  vary  according  to  the  needs  of  given  circumstances. 
In  cosmopolitan  centers,  such  as  we  have  been  working  in,  all 
of  the  special  work  has  been  done  in  hospitals  or  in  the  offices  of 
specialists.  All  that  has  been  needed  with  us  has  been  the  appa- 
ratus for  first  examination  of  the  eyes,  nose,  throat,  ears,  etc., 
which  shall  lead  to  the  individual  being  sent  to  a  specialist  when 
necessary.  Routine  examination  of  the  body  in  general  can  be 
done  with  very  little  equipment.  Accurate  scales  and  a  standard 
for  measuring  height  are  essentials.  Simple  apparatus  for  taking 
some  anthropometric  data  is  also  requisite,  but  we  early  con- 
ceived and  have  later  confirmed,  the  advisability  of  not  empha- 
sizing this.  If  there  is  any  suspicion  that  the  w^ork  is  connected 
with  measuring  for  identification  there  is  an  immediate  revulsion 
of  feeling  which  will  often  spoil  the  entire  interview.  Conse- 
quently one  must  keep  out  of  sight  the  few  instruments  neces- 
sary for  the  gathering  of  such  facts  as  are  of  real  significance  and 


CH.iP.  V]  OFFICE    AND    EQUIPMENT  [§  44 

not  obtrude  the  measuring  process  in  any  way.  Anything  that 
savors  of  merely  medical  work  proves  to  be  acceptable,  but  there 
must  not  be  the  least  flavor  of  police  methods. 

The  laboratory  equipment  on  the  psychological  side  has  been 
a  source  of  much  discussion,  and  we  ourselves  early  obtained 
advice  from  the  most  competent  authorities.  Several  of  the 
best  psychologists  insisted  there  was  no  indication  that  work 
with  the  complicated  apparatus  found  in  psychological  labora- 
tories bore  in  any  way  on  our  problem,  so  their  advice  was  not 
to  fit  our  laboratory  with  any  such  apparatus.  It  was  evident 
that  therein  might  lie  an  element  of  diversion  from  perception 
of  the  direct  issues.  While  many  forms  of  apparatus  are  imposing 
as  exhibitory  mechanical  features  it  has  always  been  my  feeling 
that  the  presence  of  these  would  be  to  a  certain  extent  deceptive, 
at  least  to  others,  and  perhaps  to  ourselves.  As  to  the  desira- 
bility of  certain  deceptions,  such  as  are  deliberately  intended 
in  many  a  physician's  office,  I  have  little  comment  to  offer.  It 
is  barely  possible  that  they  are  occasionally  justifiable.  Matters 
of  special  research  can  well  be  undertaken  and  apparatus,  im- 
posing or  otherwise,  directly  obtained  for  the  purpose. 

There  can  be  no  doubt  that  this  work  demands  laboratory 
methods  and  special  apparatus.  The  essentials  are  that  one 
must  have  the  literature  and  the  material  for  giving  a  large  variety 
of  practical  mental  tests.  What  we  have  found  necessary  in 
our  work,  will  be  seen  by  consulting  the  section  on  psychological 
examination.  There  must  be  a  full  line  of  tests  for  the  estimation 
of  various  abilities  and  mental  functions,  and  for  the  grading  of 
various  psycho-physical  powers,  and  the  gauging  of  the  individual 
response  to  certain  age  norms  and  other  standards.  One  hopes 
to  see  in  the  future  much  more  development  of  these  important 
testing  methods,  particularly  in  the  line  of  studying  vocationl 
aptitudes.  Most  of  this  apparatus  is  simple  and  can  be  made 
by  those  who  are  accurate  at  such  work.  However,  we  would 
call  attention  to  the  fact  that  we  have  seen  repeatedly  some  of 
our  own  tests  used  with  much  lack  of  appreciation  of  fundamental 
purposes,  because  of  inaccuracy  of  construction.  The  safest 
way  for  those  who  are  not  adepts  in  working  up  such  material, 
is  to  get  apparatus  from  the  standard  makers.^    The  equipment, 

1  For  convenience  to  the  reader  we  may  mention  that  C.  H.  Stoelting  Co., 
125  North  Green  Street,  Chicago,  make  much  of  the  psychological  apparatus 
used  in  this  country,  and  deal  in  the  material  used  in  our  tests. 


§  44]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  V 

although  not  occupying  much  space,  is  made  up  of  many  pieces 
and  must  include  blank  forms  for  the  accurate  recording  of 
results.     The  cost  of  the  entire  material  is  comparatively  small. 

§  45.    Assistants. 

It  is  obvious  what  a  large  part  the  personal  element  plays  in 
this  work,  and  it  must  be  clear  that,  however  large  an  office 
force  it  is  possible  to  have,  there  is  always  a  great  deal  that  can- 
not be  relegated  to  assistants.  The  principal  observer  in  each 
case  has  a  hold  on  the  individual,  the  value  of  which  cannot  be 
overestimated  even  for  scientific  purposes.  For  instance,  in 
follow-up  work  it  is  rarely  that  the  progress  of  a  case,  especially 
when  any  such  subtle  factor  as  mental  conflict  be  present,  can 
be  accurately  determined  by  a  second  person.  Many  parts  of 
the  objective  examination,  however,  be  they  medical  or  psycho- 
logical, may  be  performed  by  another  examiner.  The  total  re- 
sults should  be  brought  together  and  estimated  by  the  one  who 
has  had  most  relation  to  the  case.  The  working  possibilities 
of  assistants  will  have  to  be  developed  according  to  the  exigencies 
of  any  given  situation.  Sometimes  the  foregoing  method  will 
seem  best;  at  another  time  the  entire  working  up  of  an  individual 
case  by  a  single  observer  will  prove  safest. 

We  have  been  surprised  to  find  that  one  of  the  most  particular 
portions  of  the  work  was  the  interviewing  of  relatives.  Just 
the  right  attitude  has  to  be  assumed  in  this.  They  frequently 
feel  that  they  have  to  see  the  head  of  the  office,  because  it  is  his 
name  that  has  been  mentioned  to  them  as  the  one  who  is  to  be 
interested  in  their  family  trouble.  As  I  have  elsewhere  men- 
tioned, the  facts  of  developmental  history  and  family  life  are 
frequently  so  explanatory  that  it  is  most  necessary  to  get  the 
best  possible  approach  to  those  who  can  give  this  information. 
The  whole  working  out  of  the  problem  is  much  the  same  as  in 
the  office  of  some  famous  physician  who  has  assistants.  Nobody 
who  goes  there  is  satisfied  without  saying  his  most  intimate  word 
to  the  chief.  Advice  and  prognosis  are  valued  most  highly  when 
they  come  from  the  master.  Just  what  training  is  required  for 
assistants  depends  upon  what  work  is  going  to  be  demanded  of 
them,  and  hence  is  not  a  matter  for  general  statement. 

For  the  scientific  success  of  work  done  in  many  situations, 
particularly  in  institutions,  field  work  is  essential.     I  have  found 


Ch.-^.  v]  the  interview  and  examination  [§  46 

reason  at  times  to  be  surprised  at  the  great  values  contained  in 
reports  from  field  workers  who  are  especially  fitted  by  training 
and  natural  adaptation  to  this  style  of  work.  They  can  get  hold 
of  medical,  social,  educational  and  other  information  which  is 
invaluable  for  the  understanding  of  the  individual.  It  requires 
a  rare  combination  of  shrewdness,  friendliness,  and  scientific 
training  to  form  a  good  field  worker.^ 

Success  of  the  entire  work  depends  largely  upon  the  accuracy 
and  completeness  with  which  records  are  kept,  and  one  assistant 
must  be  a  secretary  who  can  intelligently  take  charge  of  this. 
This  person  must  be  on  hand  directly  after  an  interview  in  order 
that  every  detail  of  importance  may  be  accurately  recorded  when 
it  is  perfectly  fresh  in  the  mind  of  the  observer.  The  work  of 
this  secretary  will  have  a  great  deal  to  do  with  both  the  scientific 
and  practical  success  accruing  from  the  results  of  individual  study. 

§  46.    The  Interview  and  Examination. 

A  tactful  approach  to  the  individual  delinquent  is  in  many 
cases  a  matter  of  deep  concern,  inasmuch  as  upon  it  depends 
success  or  failm-e.  Over  and  over  from  relatives  and  others  we 
have  heard  of  the  difficulty  in  getting  their  problem  individual 
to  come  and  see  us.  It  seems  to  be  hard  to  get  it  understood 
that  because  there  is  delinquency  there  must  be  need  of  study. 
The  answer  is  given,  "  There's  nothing  the  matter  with  me. 
I  know  what  I'm  doing."  So  it  comes  about  that  a  collateral 
explanation  is  offered.  "  We  want  you  to  go  to  see  the  doctor 
to  find  out  if  you  are  healthy,"  or,  "We  want  to  find  out  what  you 
are  best  fitted  for."  This  latter  explanation  indeed  makes  a 
truthful  form  of  entrance  that  we  have  come  to  use  most  frequently 
as  offering  the  chance  of  developing  the  greatest  amount  of  in- 
terest. The  question  of  vocational  diagnosis  is  really  a  part  of 
almost  every  young  person's  thoughts,  however  crudely  apper- 
ceived.  The  old  examiners  in  phrenology  thrived  on  the  general 
desire  for  this  information.  So  when  a  young  man  or  boy  is 
studied,  one  of  the  best  ways  to  begin  the  interview,  or  to  get 
him  to  come  at  all,  is  to  state  that  you  are  going  to  make  a  study 
of  his  special  abilities  —  which,  indeed,  is  the  truth. 

^  To  those  interested  in  the  development  of  such  work  I  would  recommend 
as  a  paradigm  the  records  of  field  work  made  for  the  trustees  of  the  Massachu- 
setts Training  Schools  under  the  planful  efforts  of  Miss  Burleigh  and  Miss 


§  46]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap,  V 

The  part  of  the  study  to  enter  upon  at  first  depends  upon  what 
seems  to  afford  the  best  opportunity  to  eHcit  the  examinee's  in- 
terest. If  the  vocational  approach  has  been  made,  then  tests  for 
various  abilities  are  usually  given  at  first.  From  these  one  can 
work  off  either  into  the  medical  examination,  or  the  tests  for  general 
intelligence,  or  into  the  story  of  the  life  career  and  its  influences. 
In  all  this,  tact  is  of  great  service  and  one  learns  to  develop  an  elas- 
tic method  which  best  of  all  subserves  scientific  as  well  as  prac- 
tical interests.  It  is  useless  to  talk  of  giving  the  tests  in  any 
certain  order,  because  interests  differ,  and  the  one  unvarying  con- 
dition that  should  pervade  the  entire  study  is  that  of  securing 
interest  and  attention. 

This  means  that  an  interview  may  have  to  be  broken  and  con- 
tinued on  another  day.  Flagging  attention  or  actual  tire  demand 
this.  We  should  unhesitatingly  recommend  the  advantage  of 
several  interviews  in  order  to  see  the  individual  in  as  many  moods 
as  possible.  We  should  have  made  failures  in  many  a  prognosis 
had  we  relied,  for  instance,  upon  a  single  recalcitrant  interview, 
or  for  that  matter  upon  a  most  promising  outlook  that  had 
developed  merely  upon  the  spur  of  the  moment,  and  was  based 
upon  unusual  manifestations  in  the  individual's  conduct. 

Interviews  should  always  be  undertaken  alone  with  the  ex- 
aminee, and  preferably  with  only  one  of  his  relatives  at  a  time. 
The  presence  of  both  husband  and  wife  will  not  infrequently 
lead  to  the  interviewer  not  getting  just  exactly  the  facts  he  is 
looking  for.  Friction  is  very  frequently  discoverable  in  the 
families  of  delinquents,  and  from  one  side  of  the  house  at  a  time 
can  one  best  obtain  the  facts.  Then  again,  stories  of  family 
ailments  and  troubles  are  not  going  to  be  retailed  as  the  profes- 
sional man  wishes  them,  in  the  presence  of  other  people.  Indeed, 
the  fact  is  certain  from  experience  that  even  the  child  prefers 
to  be  alone  with  the  "  doctor  "  when  telling  his  troubles. 

It  has  been  suggested  by  some  observers,  e.  g.,  Binet,  that  a 
stenographer  should  be  present  to  take  down  the  subject's  re- 
marks during  his  work  with  tests.  We  should  not  at  all  agree 
to  this  at  any  stage.  There  should  be  no  onlooker  or  any  third 
person  even  surreptitiously  taking  notes  when  one  is  dealing  with 
a  delinquent.  We  have  come  to  feel  that  even  the  Binet  tests 
are  given  much  more  freely  when  the  psychologist  is  alone  with 
the  examinee.  To  a  considerable  extent  the  same  question  comes 
up  when  the  interviewer  himself  takes  the  words  in  shorthand. 


Ch-^.  V]  records  [§  47 

People  all  look  askance  when  they  know  w^hat  they  are  saying  is 
being  taken  down  word  for  word.  Of  course  it  is  absolutely 
necessary  to  take  notes  in  order  that  there  shall  be  records, 
preferably  verbatim  records,  for  scientific  purposes  alone,  of  much 
that  is  said  in  all  of  these  various  interviews.  We  have  tried 
several  methods,  and  are  convinced  that  by  far  the  best  scheme 
is  to  make  little  jottings  of  words  and  phrases  and  facts  in  an 
apparently  careless  and  irregular  fashion  while  sitting  at  one's 
desk,  and  then  immediately  after  the  interview  to  dictate  as  nearly 
as  possible  the  actual  words  used.  After  a  little  practice  one  uses 
all  sorts  of  abbreviations  that  really  make  up  an  individual 
shorthand  system,  and  from  these  one  can  later  dictate  accurately 
the  essence  of  interviews  lasting  an  hour  or  more.  This  scheme 
works  very  well  with  us,  and  rarely  arouses  any  comment  from 
the  interviewed.^ 

§  47.    Records. 

Not  so  very  long  ago,  in  the  critical  attempt  to  develop  better 
methods  of  studying  the  insane,  it  was  quite  generally  found  that 
the  older  forms  of  records,  in  which  a  few  impressions  were  jotted 
down  about  the  patient  from  time  to  time  were  quite  inadequate. 
This  has  also  been  found  true  of  individual  studies  along  educa- 
tional lines  and  in  other  fields  of  endeavor.  Such  ineffective 
superficiality  should  be  avoided  from  the  start  in  the  building 
up  of  our  new  science.     We  need  accurate  and  full  records  of 

1  No  better  illustration  of  the  value  of  an  understanding  attitude  and  a 
rational  technic  can  be  given  than  the  following  report  of  an  actual  occurrence 
with  us.  A  young  woman  of  18,  being  studied  by  a  certain  psychologist  said, 
after  several  tests  had  been  performed  weU,  "Isn't  it  funny  I'm  not  a  bit 
afraid  with  you,  and  I  was  so  frightened  the  other  day  with  that  other  lady." 
It  then  appeared  that  she  had  already  been  examined  and  the  verdict  given 
that  she  was  defective.  She  went  on  to  say,  "WeU,  the  doctor  sat  there  first 
and  stared  at  me.  That  made  me  nervous.  I  got  so  embarrassed.  I  guess  I 
really  did  act  Uke  a  fool.  I  don't  know  what  I  did  say  to  them.  Then  two 
ladies  came  in,  and  once  when  I  answered  some  question,  I  saw  the  lady  that 
was  talking  to  me  look  at  them  and  laugh.  After  that  I  got  mad,  and  I  did  not 
try.    I  just  felt  Uke  I  did  not  want  to  say  anything." 

In  the  course  of  the  Binet  series  the  free  association  test  was  given,  which 
calls  for  60  words  in  3  minutes.  The  girl  gave  the  60  words  in  about  2  min- 
utes, and  when  comments  on  her  good  record  were  made  she  said,  "I'm  glad 
you  think  I  can  do  something,  because  I  gave  only  25  words  the  other  day. 
Oh,  I  know  because  I  saw  her  write  it  down.  She  had  the  paper  right  there 
where  I  could  see  it.  My  probation  officer  told  me  I  did  wrong  because  I 
had  the  mind  of  a  Uttle  child." 

The  story  of  this  girl,  who  by  Binet  and  other  tests  was  found  positively 
not  to  grade  now  as  a  defective,  contained  a  great  lesson  for  us.  We  saw  the 
unfavorable  bearings  which  suspicious  scrutiny,  others  being  present,  and  a 
visible  record  of  tests  may  have  on  results. 


§  47]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  V 

facts  and  modifying  collateral  circumstances,  and  we  want  com- 
plete accounts  of  results  of  introspection  on  the  part  of  the 
offenders.  Samples  of  phraseology  and  direct  statements  of 
points  of  view  should  be  carefully  set  down.  The  golden  mean 
will  always  be  to  preserve  the  essential  while  not  burdening  our 
records  with  trivialities.  What  has  been  found  useful  in  the 
working  up  of  the  best  case  studies  in  hospitals  for  the  insane 
has  served  as  an  example  to  us.  The  formulation  of  case  study 
methods  by  Dr.  Adolf  Meyer  (67)  was  a  previous  step  that  helped 
us  much  on  our  way. 

The  form  of  the  records,  aside  from  the  actual  contents,  one 
finds  to  be  of  importance.  The  temptation  is  always  to  start 
with  some  schedule  on  which  certain  items  are  enumerated. 
The  development  of  such  a  method  obviously  is  based  on  the  fact 
that  one  can  put  down  in  a  word  the  answer  to  such  specific 
questions  as  age  and  nationality.  But  trouble  soon  arises  because 
one  finds  a  set  form  not  fluid  enough  to  answer  the  requirements 
except  on  simple  facts.  As  one  cannot  answer  some  questions 
by  yes  or  no,  so  one  cannot  scientifically  record  many  facts  in 
three  words,  or  even  in  a  line  or  two.  For  example,  the  for- 
mulated query  may  be  concerning  measles.  Now  answering 
this  yes  or  no  means  very  little,  for  measles  may  be  an  entirely 
insignificant  fact  on  account  of  innocuousness  of  the  attack,  or 
it  may  have  been  accompanied  by  or  may  have  left  in  its  train 
conditions  which  rightfully  require  much  space  scientifically 
to  describe.  The  observer  working  with  a  set  form  tends  to  feel 
that  a  plus  or  minus  sign  is  sufficient,  and  may  entirely  neglect 
the  qualifications  which  may  be  significant  in  every  answer. 
So  while  we  ourselves  started  with  some  five  large  sheets  of  for- 
mulated inquiry,  we  have  now  entirely  adopted  the  typewritten 
page,  with  its  more  natural  and  more  scientific  statement  of  the 

Every  sheet  that  records  an  inquiry  should  state  who  the 
inquirer  was,  and  in  the  case  of  records  of  hear-say  facts  must 
give  an  evaluation  of  the  sources  of  information.  No  student 
of  the  psychology  of  testimony  can  be  willing  to  neglect  this  im- 
portant precaution.  We  can  take  two  mothers,  for  instance, 
coming  to  us,  one  of  whom  by  virtue  of  natural  endowment,  or 
educational  background,  is  qualified  to  give  us  a  fundamentally 
correct  story  of  the  developmental  history  of  her  child,  and  the 
main  characteristics  of  her  family  line.     The  next  woman  might 


Chap.  V]  RECORDS  [§  47 

well  be  a  poor  unfortunate  from  whose  loquacity  we  might  safely 
gather  only  a  few  general  conclusions.  Yet  if  personalities  were 
not  commented  upon,  the  record  of  one  would  stand  of  equal 
value  with  the  other,  and  as  for  the  length  of  report,  the  loqua- 
cious one  might  easily  outstrip  the  other.  It  is  always  important 
to  estimate,  as  far  as  possible,  good  will  and  qualifications  for 
accurate  report.  Of  course,  in  the  interview  with  the  offender 
these  points  stand  out  all  through  as  of  great  import. 

A  statement  of  the  general  format  of  our  case  study  records, 
as  at  present  constituted  after  several  years  of  experience  and 
outside  criticism,  may  prove  helpful.  Mr.  W.  F.  Dummer, 
from  his  standpoint  as  a  skillful  business  man,  has  at  various 
times  given  us  very  j^ractical  aid  in  the  development  of  our  sys- 
tem. Our  main  records  are  kept  on  sheets  of  uniform  size  to 
fit  in  a  9x  11  inch  filing  cover,  which  may  be  of  the  usual  folder 
design,  or  if  more  stiffness  is  desired  may  be  made  of  cardboard 
—  in  either  case  to  fit  in  an  upright  filing  case  where  the  name 
or  munber  is  prominently  displayed.  The  only  printed  forms 
are  the  sheet  for  medical  examination  (on  which  plus  and  minus 
signs,  and  the  like,  are  recorded  in  the  usual  professional  style), 
and  some  of  the  records  of  psychological  tests,  mentioned  in  the 
proper  place.  A  color  scheme  of  sheets  for  different  types  of 
information  is  most  useful.  For  instance,  information  derived 
from  the  family  may  be  on  pink,  the  offender's  own  statement 
on  white,  and  so  on.  Where  there  are  many  sheets  of  typewrit- 
ing, as  there  must  be  in  the  study  of  some  of  the  difficult  cases, 
this  color  scheme  aids  future  survey  of  the  records.  Frequently 
we  will  have  an  officer's  introductory  statement,  then  the  mother's 
story,  which  may  cover  several  closely  typewritten  pages,  then 
perhaps  other  points  which  have  been  learned  from  the  father 
or  other  relatives,  from  a  pastor  or  school  teacher.  Then  there  is 
the  offender's  own  long  story  about  himself  —  a  story  that  may 
be  told  in  continuous  chapters  when  he  has  been  seen  in  different 
interviews  —  then  the  medical  examination,  and  scoring  of 
psychological  results,  covering  probably  a  good  many  sheets. 
(We  record  the  latter  on  a  different  kind  of  paper.)  Next  we 
come  to  a  registered  summary  of  the  facts  and  possibilities  drawn 
up  from  the  first  study,  or  when  an  opinion  is  first  rendered. 
This  is  an  affair  of  several  paragraphs,  as  shown  in  the  specimen 
below,  and  in  its  attempt  to  relate  antecedent  and  consequent 
is  to  be  regarded  as  the  most  important  record.     (The  summary 


§  47]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  V 

is  written  on  a  distinctively  colored  sheet.)  Finally  come  the 
sheets  pertaining  to  the  follow-up  work,  in  which  other  examina- 
tions, or  interviews,  or  conclusions,  are  recorded  properly  on  their 
corresponding  color  sheets.  The  records  are  headed,  "Mother's 
Story,"  "Father's  Story,"  "Officer's  Story,"  "Own  Story," 
"  Court  Record,"  "  Record  from  Industrial  School,"  etc.  We 
give  all  this  in  detail  because  of  the  many  inquiries  we  have  re- 
ceived about  our  form  of  record. 

Over  and  beyond  the  main  sheets  there  are  subsidiary  records 
for  various  purposes.  If  the  main  records  are  kept  according 
to  number  then  there  must  be  an  alphabetical  card  system  which 
may  contain  a  few  general  facts  of  identification,  and  of  disposi- 
tion of  the  case,  and  perhaps  a  few  facts  for  statistical  purposes. 
Card  systems  can  be  worked  up  on  any  basis,  and  are  of  the  utmost 
scientific  value  as  giving  easy  opportunity  for  survey  of  the  facts. 
Card  systems,  for  instance,  of  heredity,  of  medical  findings,  of 
environmental  causes  and  the  like  might  be  developed.  Uniquely 
valuable  with  us  has  been  the  development  of  a  card  system  of 
specific  causative  factors  —  a  system  which  has  called  forth  much 
favorable  comment  {vide  infra). 

Beyond  all  these  general  considerations  there  is  the  great 
problem  of  desirable  information.  We  are  frequently  asked  for 
a  statement  of  what  information  we  look  for,  and  what  we  have 
found  the  most  valuable.  An  enumeration  of  items  for  inquiry 
is  largely  demanded.  Since  we  have  maintained  that  the  best 
method  of  recording  is  to  have  no  form  at  all,  but  to  use  type- 
written  sheets,  it  is  clear  that  a  schedule  of  desirable  data  must 
exist  somewhere  —  either  at  the  inquirer's  side  or  in  his  mind. 
The  latter  is  preferable,  but  implies,  of  course,  considerable 
familiarity  with  the  many  points  of  value.  To  facilitate  inquiry 
we  have  twice  gotten  out  a  schedule  of  data  appearing  as  reports 
of  Committee  A  ^  of  the  American  Institute  of  Criminal  Law  and 
Criminology  (68,  69).  The  first  report  was  a  statement  of  num- 
erous items  of  inquiry,  developed  from  our  own  experience  and 
from  the  advice  of  numerous  authorities,  and  classified  under 

1  American  Institute  of  Criminal  Law  and  Criminology.  Report  of  Com- 
mittee A:  System' for  Recording  Data  Concerning  Criminals.  —  "Investi- 
gation of  an  effective  system  for  recording  the  physical  and  moral  status 
and  the  hereditary  and  environmental  conditions  of  delinquents,  and  in  par- 
ticular of  the  persistent  offender;  the  same  to  contemplate,  in  complex  urban 
conditions,  the  use  of  consulting  experts  in  the  contributory  sciences."  The 
first  bulletin,  although  issued  in  a  large  edition,  has  long  been  out  of  print. 


Chap.  Y]       SCHEDULE  OF  DATA   CONCERNING   DELINQUENTS      [§  48 

general  headings.  The  second  report,  omitting  the  enumeration 
of  separate  items,  showed  further  possibilities  in  the  development 
of  a  constructive  and  useful  form  of  record. 

On  the  following  pages  will  be  found  the  good  points  of  both 
reports.  It  should  be  clear  that  we  have  never  found  it  possible 
to  get  anything  like  all  the  scheduled  items  answered.  It  would 
be  unlikely  even  under  the  best  possible  family  conditions.  But 
most  of  the  items  of  information,  as  stated,  are  desirable,  and  by 
the  use  of  the  schedule  to  form  sweeping  inquiries,  a  great  many 
of  them  are  actuallv  obtainable. 

§  48.    Schedule  of  Data  Concerning  Delinquents. 

A  system  can  well  be  developed  under  the  following  eleven 
heads : 

I.  Family  History  —  especially  all  aspects  of  heredity. 
II.  Developmental  History  —  including  antenatal  conditions. 

III.  Environment. 

IV.  Mental  and  Moral  Development. 

V.  Anthropometry  —  including  photography. 
VI.  Medical  Examination  —  particularly  from  a  neurologic  and 

psychiatric  standpoint. 
VII.  Psychological — (a)  Mental  testing;  (6)  Psychological  analy- 
VIII.  Delinquency. 
IX.  Diagnostic  and  Prognostic  Summary. 
X.  Follow-up  Records. 
XI.  Subsidiary  Records. 


Family  History. 

Offender's  Name. 



Sources  of  Information. 


1.  Racial  and  national  characteristics  of  forebears.    For  both  father 
and  mother  give, 

(a)  name. 

(b)  age. 

(c)  birthplace. 

(d)  race. 

(e)  years  in  the  U.  S. 

(/)    language  spoken  at  home. 


§  48]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  V 

2.  Marital  conditions  in  the  family. 

(a)  legitimacy. 

(6)   parents  living  together,  divorced,  remarried. 

(c)  age  of  each  parent  at  birth  of  this  child. 

(d)  consanguinity. 

3.  Industrial  and  financial  history  of  the  family  in  its  general  bear- 
ings on  the  problem. 

(a)  occupation  of  father  now  and  previously,  occupational 

contact  with  poisons. 

(b)  occupation  of  mother  as  a  child,  later,  during  this  preg- 

nancy, and  since  child  was  born. 

(c)  earnings  of  father  and  mother. 

(d)  earnings  —  how  used. 

(e)  other  support  of  family. 

4.  Account  of  siblings  (a  convenient  term  for  brothers  and  sisters 
taken  together). 

(a)  schedule  of  siblings  in  order  of  birth,  including  miscar- 
riages, giving  sex  and  age  of  each;  give  causes  of  death. 

5.  Abuse  of  alcohol  or  drugs  by  father  and  mother  before  concep- 
tion and  by  mother  during  pregnancy. 

(a)  include  in  this  a  study  of  either  parent  as  an  alcohol  or 

a  drug  habitue. 

(b)  tea  and  coffee  in  excess. 

(c)  tobacco  in  excess  or  any  tobacco  smoking  on  the  part  of 

the  mother. 

6.  Specific  defects  or  diseases  of  father  and  mother,  particularly 
such  as  may  have  debilitated  germ  plasm  or  affected  embryo,  and  in- 
cluding hereditary  diseases. 

Particularly  consider  father  and  mother  in  relation  to  the  following: 
(a)  condition  as  child. 
(6)   general  diseases. 

(c)  blind  or  deaf. 

(d)  sexual  diseases:  syphilis  and  gonorrhea. 

(e)  nervous  and  mental  diseases:  particularly  convulsions, 

epilepsy,   periodic   headache,    neurasthenia,   nervous 

(J)    ever  insane :  diagnosis  and  length  of  attack. 
(g)   feebleminded:  grade  of  amentia. 
(h)  deformed. 
(i)    ever  in  hospital  or  sanitarium :  for  what. 

7.  Mental  aberrations  or  defects  on  the  part  of  the  forebears; 
peculiar  traits  of  disposition  in  the  family.  For  grandparents, 
uncles  and  aunts  specify  whether  paternal  or  maternal,  and 
consider   the  following: 

(a)  consanguinity. 

(6)  general  diseases. 

(c)  nervous  and  mental  disorders. 

(d)  peculiar  traits  of  disposition. 

(e)  ever  in  institution,  and  if  so  why. 


Chap.  V]       SCHEDULE   OF  DATA   CONCERNING  DELINQUENTS      [§  48 

8.  Mental  and  physical  defects  or  diseases  in  siblings  which  may 
throw  light  on  hereditary  tendencies. 

(a)  general  diseases. 

(b)  nervous  and  mental  disorders. 

(c)  peculiar  traits  of  disposition. 

(d)  ever  in  institution,  and  if  so  why. 

9.  Mental,  moral  and  other  traits  in  ancestors,  siblings,  and  ances- 
tral side  lines. 

For  father  and  mother  and  siblings  give, 

(a)  mental  traits  and  talents. 

(b)  mental  peculiarities  as  children. 

(c)  mental  peculiarities  as  adults, 
(rf)  schooling. 

(e)  ability  to  speak,  read  and  write  English  or  other  lan- 

guage. _ 

(/)    moral  or  immoral  traits  and  habits. 
For  grandparents,  uncles  and  aunts  give, 

(a)  mental  peculiarities. 
For  any  member  of  the  family  give, 

(a)   court  or  institutional  record. 

(&)   death  and  cause. 

(c)  longevity. 

(d)  suicide. 

For  family  as  a  whole  give, 

(a)  relief  received  —  public  or  private  charities. 
(6)   social  station  in  relation  to  the  past,  showing  tendency 
of  the  family  to  go  morally  or  socially  up  or  down. 


Developmental  History. 

1.  Conditions  of  disease,  use  of  intoxicants,  or  debility  of  either 
parent  directly  prior  to  conception. 

2.  Antenatal  conditions   of    health,   hygiene   and    occupation  of 
mother  during  pregnancy. 

3.  Mental  condition  of  mother  during  pregnancy,  including  aber- 
rations, worries,  shock.    Note  illegitimacy  and  its  effects. 

4.  Injury  or  accident  to  mother  during  pregnancy. 

5.  Attempted  abortion. 

6.  Birth. 

(a)  full  term. 

(6)  instrumentation,  operation,  difficult  labor,  difficulty  in 

resuscitation,  deformity  of  head,  weight  and  size  at 

birth,  or  any  other  peculiarity. 

7.  Infancy  and  Childhood. 

(a)  full  history  of  all  diseases  or  nutritional  disturbances, 
including  anything  in  the  way  of  convulsions  or  dis- 
turbances of  consciousness. 


§  48]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  V 

(6)  developmental  defects  or  deformities. 

(c)  defects  in  special  senses. 

(d)  injuries,  especially  to  head. 

(e)  chronological  development  —  age  of  crawling,  walking, 

running,  teething,  talking,  going  to  school. 
(/)    mental  aberrations,  defects,  disposition  and  traits. 
(g)  use  of  tea,  coffee,  tobacco,  alcohol  and  drugs. 
(h)  sex  habits  in  detail,  if  possible. 
(i)    fright  or  shock, 
(j)    habits  of  sleep. 

(k)  age  and  peculiarities  of  onset  of  puberty,  menstruation. 
(1)    adolescent  instabilities  or  peculiarities,  both  mental  and 

(m)  later  health  history. 
(n)  comparison   of   development   with   other   members   of 

(o)   enuresis. 
(p)  somnambulism,  night  terrors,  etc. 

History  of  Environment. 

1.  Changes   of   living   through   immigration.     Other   residential 

2.  Effect  of  various  languages  used  in  the  family. 

3.  Effect  of  disordered  marital  conditions.     Harmony  in  family. 

4.  Education  and  mental  disposition  of  parents  which  may  in- 
fluence child  in  environment. 

5.  Housing  and  financial  conditions  in  detail. 

6.  Recreational  facilities.     Occupation  outside  of  school  hours. 

7.  Family  control,  and  influence  of  neglect.     Mother  working  or 
away  from  home. 

8.  Companionship.     Opportunities  afforded  by  relatively  good  or 
bad  association.     Amusements  in  detail. 

9.  Opportunities  for  religious  culture. 

10.  Occupational  opportunities.     Character  of  places  worked  in. 

11.  Institutional  life  in  detail. 

12.  Efforts  to  assist  individual  before  or  after  custody. 

13.  If  married,  complete  history  of  home  life. 


Mental  and  Moral  Development. 

1.  School    history    in    detail    with    individual's     own    reaction 
towards  it. 
;  (a)  duration  of  attendance;  why  left. 

(6)   grade  reached. 


Chap.  V]       SCHEDULE  OF   DATA   CONCERNING   DELINQUENTS      [§  48 

(c)    public,  sectarian  or  private  schools  attended. 

(rf)  knowledge  of  English;  was  foreign  language  used  in  the 

(e)    much  absence;  why. 
(J)    teacher's  report;     scholarship  —  deportment  —  general 

(g)   child's  impressions  of  school. 
(h)  studies ;  which  was  child  best  in  or  worst  in. 
(i)    was  child  ever  regarded  as  subnormal;  ever  studied  by 

a  child  study  department. 

2.  Effect  of  companionship,  beginning  with  earliest  associations. 

3.  Were  bad  companions  voluntarily  sought  or  were  associations 

4.  Character  of  associations  with  the  opposite  sex. 

5.  History  and  character  of  reading. 

6.  Use  and  development  of  special  talents,  in  music,  art,  me- 
chanics, athletics,  etc. 

7.  Occupation  or  employment  history,  with  detailed  account  of 
success  or  failure. 

8.  History  of  the  home  life  and  the  development  of  the  individual 
in  it. 

9.  General  behavior,  with  detailed  characteristics. 

10.  Disposition  and  mental  traits.  Detailed  history  of  any  changes 
taking  place  in  these. 

11.  Habits  with  regard  to  alcohol,  tobacco,  drugs,  sex,  etc. 

12.  Effect  of  coming  into  the  hands  of  the  law. 

13.  The  effect  of  incarceration,  sentence,  or  probation. 

14.  The  effect  of  institution  as  compared  with  the  opportunities  and 
training  while  there. 



The  high  hopes  of  leaders  of  the  anthropometric  school  of  criminolo- 
gists not  having  been  fulfilled,  especially  with  regard  to  our  American 
population,  the  detailed  work  to  be  done  in  this  field  with  prospect  of 
valuable  results  is,  according  to  our  best  authorities,  decidedly  limited.^ 
In  study  of  the  young  offender  perhaps  developmental  tendencies  are 
worthy  of  the  most  attention.  To  be  especially  noted  are  —  Time  of 
appearance  of  menstruation  and  its  characteristics;  Time  of  appear- 
ance of  hair  on  the  pubes  and  on  the  face;  ^  Time  and  degree  of  de- 
velopment of  the  breasts;  Time  and  peculiarity  of  eruption  of  the 
various  teeth;  Studies  of  the  growth  curves  of  height  and  weight.  In 
addition  and  more  particularly  for  all  ages  are  to  be  recorded :  Com- 

^  Since  writing  the  above,  Goring's  classic  anthropometrical  study  (160) 
of  English  convicts  has  appeared.  He  gives  us  the  most  authoritative  state- 
ment of  the  narrow  limitations  of  that  field  that  has  yet  appeared. 

^  Crampton's  (229)  methods  of  recording  the  degree  of  pubescence  offer 
the  best  approach  to  a  standard.     His  work  should  be  consulted. 


§  48]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  V 

plexion  and  color  of  hair;  Peculiarities  of  physiognomy;  The  well- 
known  stigmata  of  degeneracy  —  especially  those  of  head,  ears,  eyes, 
palate,  teeth,  hands  and  feet;  Weight;  Height;  Chest  size  and  capac- 
ity; A  few  careful  measurements  of  the  head,  taking  principally  the 
circumference,  the  biparietal  and  antero-posterior  diameters  and 
allowing  for  or  eliminating  measurement  of  hair  as  much  as  possible. 
Besides  such  determining  of  the  status  of  the  body  and  its  parts,  tests 
and  measurements  may  be  made  of  motor  functioning,  particularly  of 
strength  and  control. 

Criminal  characteristics  are  frequently  not  marked  in  photographs 
of  an  offender's  face  taken  in  repose,  and  it  has  been  amply  proven  that 
differentiation  of  even  the  feebleminded  from  the  normal  cannot  be 
made  by  a  study  of  such  photographs.  It  has  been  suggested  that 
since  skillful  observers  frequently  make  diagnosis  of  mental  defect  by 
studying  motor  phenomena,  not  only  of  the  whole  body,  but  of  the 
face  in  action,  that  possibly  some  clue  to  the  character  and  mental 
status  of  the  individual  might  be  gained  by  developing  a  photographic 
method  of  recording  instantaneous  impressions  of,  say,  response  in  the 
facial  expression  to  various  intellectual  and  emotional  stimuli.  Mov- 
ing film  pictures  have  also  been  suggested  for  this  purpose. 

Striking  characteristics  of  physiognomy  and  expression,  including 
facial  action,  are  always  impressive  and  legitimately  find  place  in  the 
summarized  final  impressions  of  the  offender.  But  the  whole  subject 
is  difficult  to  generalize  on.  A  study  of  Mantegazza  (282)  gives  little 
help  for  our  purpose.  There  has  been  overexaggeration  of  facial  and 
cranial  criminal  types,  as  Goring  (160)  very  clearly  shows  by  his 
photographic  profiles. 

Use  of  the  algometer  and  the  ergograph,  instruments  for  making 
psycho -physical  measurements  of  the  pain  sense  and  fatigue  respec- 
tively, have  been  frequently  recommended  for  the  study  of  criminals. 
But  their  application,  though  interesting,  proves  of  exceedingly  little 
value  as  compared  with  many  other  examination  methods  which  we 


Medical  Examination. 

Family  History  (complete  record  under  section  I). 
Personal  History:  special  attention  to  convulsions,  epilepsy,  petit 
mal,  sexual  habits  and  diseases,  alcoholism,  excess  of  tobacco,  drug 
taking,  sleep. 

Present  Ailments. 
Examination : 

(a)  personal  cleanliness  —  vermin,  etc. 

(6)   weight,  height. 

(c)    development. 

{d)  nutrition. 

(e)  deformity. 

(f)  attitude. 


Chap.  V]       SCHEDULE   OF  DATA   CONCERNING   DELINQUENTS       [§  48 

(g)   expression. 

(h)  speech. 

(i)    th\Toid  gland. 

[j)    nose. 

(A-)  throat. 

(/)    thoracic  viscera;  heart,  lungs. 

(m)  abdominal  viscera. 

(/?)  teeth;     special  attention  to  Hutchinson  teeth,  carious 

and  impacted  conditions. 
(o)   temperature  —  pulse  —  blood  —  urine. 
(p)  genital  organs. 

(q)   trophic  conditions;  muscle  —  skin  —  bones. 
(r)    functions  of  digestion,  circulation,  etc. 
(s)    Mental  (very  important) : 

(1)  perceptions:  hallucinations,  illusions,  clouding  of 

consciousness,  etc. 

(2)  association  processes. 

(3)  attention. 

(4)  judgment:  delusions,  orientation,  etc. 

(5)  memory. 

(6)  emotions:  many  abnormal  variations. 

(7)  abnormal  physical  sensations. 

(8)  physical  control. 

(9)  mental  control. 
(10)  moral  control. 

(t)    Cranial  Nerves: 

II.  vision  —  visual  fields  —  optic  discs. 

III.  IV.  VI.  pupillary  form  and  reactions  —  strabis- 
mus —  ocular  movements  —  nystagmus  —  ptosis — 

V.  motor  —  sensory. 
VII.  paralysis  —  tics. 
■  VIII.  hearing  —  subjective  auditorv  disturbances. 
IX.  X.  XI.  XII. 
(u)  Sensory: 

(1)  headache. 

(2)  vertigo. 

(3)  pain. 

(4)  tactile  sense. 

(5)  temperature  sense. 

(6)  joint  sense. 

(7)  vibratory  sense. 

(8)  paraesthesias. 
(v)   Motor: 

(1)  upper  extremity. 

(2)  lower  extremity. 

(3)  trunk. 

(4)  coordination. 


§  48]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  V 

(v)  Motor  —  continued 

(5)  tremor. 

(6)  gait.  _ 

(7)  tonicity. 
(w)  Reflexes: 

(1)  conjunctival. 

(2)  palatal. 

(3)  pharyngeal. 

(4)  abdominal  —  upper,  lower,  right,  left. 

(5)  cremasteric. 

(6)  plantar. 

(7)  jaw. 

(8)  arm. 

(9)  knee  jerks. 

(10)  ankle  jerks. 

(11)  micturition. 

(12)  defecation. 

Psychological  Examination. 

The  records  of  psychological  tests  are  for  the  most  part  made  at 
the  moment  of  testing.  It  is  essential  that  they  be  so  recorded  that 
interpretation  of  them  later,  even  by  others,  is  easy.  Standardization 
of  records,  that  there  may  be  uniformity  at  different  times  and  be- 
tween different  workers,  is  a  great  desideratum.  A  summary  of  the 
observer's  impressions,  gained  during  the  period  of  testing,  both  from 
general  behavior,  as  well  as  from  the  tests  themselves,  should  quickly 
be  written  up  in  order  that  no  vital  points  be  omitted.  The  mere 
numerical  statement  of  time  or  of  other  elements  of  performance  by 
no  means  covers  the  ground.  A  keen  observer  learns  much  and  ought 
to  record  much  that  is  not  to  be  stated  in  figures. 

Records  of  tests  are  of  use  not  alone  for  immediate  judgment  on  the 
characteristics  of  the  individual,  but  also  for  future  studies  on  the 
value  of  the  tests  themselves.  Then,  too,  we  need  to  further  our 
understanding  of  general  reaction  types  of  individuals  as  gauged  by 
performance  on  given  tests  according  to  age,  according  to  general 
levels  of  ability,  and  according  to  performance  on  other  tests.  Good 
records  that  provide  for  such  comparisons  may  be  the  foundation  of 
valuable  discoveries.  As  showing  what  can  be  developed,  the  ledger- 
like sheet,  devised  by  Mr.  W.  F.  Dummer,  for  our  data  and  published 
in  our  monograph,  "Tests  for  Practical  Mental  Classification,"  (70) 
is  a  good  example.  Here  ruled  columns  and  colored  lines  make  the 
several  comparisons  of  results  mentioned  above  an  easy  matter,  since 
they  appear  on  one  page.  The  original  scoring  sheet  should  be  per- 
manently filed  with  the  subject's  record,  and  can  be  referred  to  for 
statistical  estimation  of  any  given  point. 


Chap.  V]       SCHEDULE   OF   DATA    CONCERNING   DELINQUENTS      [§  48 


The  important  studies  which  may  be  undertaken  of  hidden  mental 
worries  and  conflicts,  of  recurrent  imageries,  and  mental  attitudes, 
and  half -forgotten  mental  experiences,  many  of  which  underlie  mis- 
conduct, also  require  careful  recording.  One  of  the  most  promising 
features  of  investigation  lies  before  us  here,  and  all  accuracy  is  re- 
quired that  we  go  not  astray  in  developing  it.  Verbatim  records  of 
essential  passages  are  demanded  by  their  importance,  and  particularly 
should  we  be  able  to  read  and  understand  at  any  time  by  what  associa- 
tive processes  previous  thoughts  and  experiences  have  been  brought 
to  mind  in  the  inter^^ew.  The  value  of  recording  all  this  will  better 
be  seen  when  the  topic  of  psychological  analysis  is  discussed,  and  per- 
haps even  more  when  corresponding  case  histories  are  read. 



(a)  Description  of  special  acts  and  types  of  misconduct. 

(6)  The  cause  of  delinquency  in  the  opinion  of  relatives  and  friends. 

(c)  Attitude  of  delinquent  towards  court,  probation,  institution, 

(d)  Official  record,  poHce,  court,  institutional. 


Diagnostic  Summary. 

The  mere  registration  of  information  must  be  followed,  for  the  vital 
aims  of  indi\'idual  diagnosis  and  prognosis,  by  a  careful  summary  of 
such  facts  as  positively  bear  upon  the  case.  These  facts  ought  to 
clearly  focus  upon  the  point  at  issue,  namely,  the  delinquent  behavior, 
and  in  the  Hght  of  their  significance  the  outlook  under  various  en- 
vironmental conditions  often  becomes  plain.  Predictability,  which 
is  the  aim  of  any  science  of  dynamics  is  here,  too,  the  end  in  view. 

The  summary,  leading  up  to  its  outcome  in  prognosis,  can  be  built 
up  in  several  ways,  but  to  insure  healthy  self-criticism  and  ultimate 
professional  respect  it  must  be  inclusive  of  all  the  main  contributory 
factors.  A  systematic  method  of  approach  is  essential.  A  scheme 
used  satisfactorily  in  court  work  and  passed  upon  by  a  number  of 
eminent  scientific  men  develops  its  theme  in  five  paragraphs  as  follows : 
Here  is  the  individual  with  (1)  such-and-such  physical  characteristics, 
and  (2)  such-and-such  mental  abilities  and  mental  traits,  who  (3) 
committed  such-and-such  types  of  delinquent  acts.  There  are  (4)  in 
the  background  such-and-such  conditions  of  defective  heredity, 
pathological  development,  injuries,  early  teachings  of  immoral  con- 
duct, bad  personal  habits,  lack  of  educational  opportunity,  or  what 
not.  In  the  light  (5)  of  his  being  what  he  is  physically  and  mentally 
and  having  this  background,  we  can  offer,  on  the  basis  of  known  pre- 


§  48]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  V 

dictabilities,  such-and-such  a  prognosis  if  such-and-such  treatment 
is  afforded  in  such-and-such  an  environment.  (Always  to  be  included 
here  are  the  old  environment  and  other  alternatives  open.) 

How  cases  have  been  actually  worked  up  by  this  logical  method 
is  shown  in  the  examples  to  be  found  under  §  87  in  our  chapter  on 


FoLLow-rp  Records. 

After  the  making  of  studies  leading  up  to  the  first  transcribed 
opinion  there  is  often  some  opportunity  for  following  up  the  case. 
We  have  insisted  above  on  the  value  of  this  latter  work,  and  the  records 
gained  should  be  kept  in  accordance  with  the  dignity  of  the  proceed- 
ing. Items  of  information  should  be  written  in  uniform  style  with 
the  case  record  —  at  least  one  sheet  to  a  date,  with  statement  of  the 
sources  of  information,  the  circumstances  of  examination  and  so  on. 
Frequently  upon  request,  or  as  a  matter  of  self-criticism,  secondary 
opinions  or  prognoses  are  rendered,  and  should  be  written  upon  the 
colored  paper  devoted  to  impressions  and  summaries. 


Subsidiary  Records. 

Card  systems  or  charts  for  statistical  purposes,  and  the  graphic 
representation  of  findings  are  extremely  valuable  and  may  be  de- 
veloped in  various  ways.  Our  weight  chart,  as  given  in  another 
chapter,  and  the  well-known  heredity  chart,  illustrated  below,  are 
examples.  For  scientific  evaluation  of  the  related  facts  of  inheritance, 
a  card  system,  showing  for  each  individual  offender  the  various  find- 
ings besides  the  superficial  one  of  criminalism  in  the  family,  items 
which  could  not  be  plotted  on  a  chart,  was  of  the  greatest  service  for 
the  avoidance  of  misinterpretation.  Card  systems  of  record  lend 
great  aid  to  the  rapid  sorting  and  enumeration  of  facts  which  are 
vital  to  a  clear  survey  of  the  general  situation.  The  use  of  different 
colored  cards  for  different  classes  of  cases  or  facts  also  promotes  clear 

Our  gradual  development  of  a  card  system  of  causative  factors  has 
proved  one  of  our  strongest  points  of  methodology,  and  has  received 
wide  commendation  as  a  measure  of  great  practical  value.  By  the 
use  of  this  system  one  is  bound  to  evolve  more  than  ever  the  spirit 
of  deep  reflection.  It  certainly  forms  the  only  safe  basis  for  the  build- 
ing of  statistics  of  causation,  but  above  all,  in  its  presentation  of  the 
relative  values  of  causative  factors,  it  may  be  of  the  greatest  service 
for.  the  adjustment  of  circumstances  immediately  concerning  the 
offender.  For  both  these  ends  the  development  of  such  a  comparative 
record  of  causations  should  be  most  carefully  developed.  Study  shows 
all  cases  of  delinquency  to  be  complex  in  origin.    However,  it  is  usually 


Chap.  V]       SCHEDULE  OF   DATA   CONCERNING   DELINQUENTS       [§  48 

not  difficult  to  determine  that  one  factor  is  of  greater  importance  than 
any  of  the  others.  Yet  while  this  conclusion  may  be  with  fairness  de- 
terminable, the  proportionate  value  of  the  remaining  factors  proves 
frequently  to  be  much  less  distinguishable.  The  main  factor  is  wi'itten 
above  the  top  line  of  a  card  and  the  others  follow  below  in  their  best 
arrangeable  order. 

We  have  been  speaking  of  the  presentation  of  the  total  facts  when 
well-rounded  study  could  be  made  of  probable  sources  of  origin. 
But  if  study  of  the  delinquent  is  undertaken,  for  example,  in  an  in- 
stitution where  there  are  distinct  hiatuses  in  the  available  information, 
any  card  system  dealing  with  causations  should  clearly  denote  the 
insufficiency  to  guard  against  immature  conclusions. 

Exemplars  of  causative  factor  cards  are  as  follows  and  many  others 
may  be  seen  inserted  in  the  case  studies. 

Home  conditions. 

Large  family. 
Poor  control. 

John  Doe,  15  yrs. 
Case  163. 

Bad  Companions. 

Lack  healthy  mental  interests, 
occupational  or  recreational. 

Sex  habits  with  other  boys. 

Stimulants.     Tea  +,  +. 

Former  truancy. 
Petty  stealing. 

Mental : 
Class  C. 



John  Doe,  14  yrs. 
Case  597. 


Two  severe  fractures  skull  in 

drunken  brawls. 

Family  conditions  atrocious 

Father  A.  and  C. 

3  brothers  notorious  C. 




Mental : 
Class  K. 




[Chap.  V 

IN]  'i  ^  '6  *i  i  'ik 

dinf.  d  •"  -       i 


Key  to  Heredity  Chart. 

(The  symbols  may  be  put  on  the  sheet  with  rubber  stamps  or  in  the 
form  of  pasters,  which  may  be  readily  obtained.) 

Other  letters  used  in  or  around 
the  squares  or  circles  are : 

Male.  Female, 

n  O    No  Data. 

Q  ©    Epileptic. 

U  w    Feebleminded, 

m  ^P     Insane . 

'C<l  Q     Criminalistic 

Above  the  line  —  Order  in  the  line  of  birth. 

Above  the  square  or  circle  —  Individual  reference  number. 










i.       Ne. 




Sexually  Immoral. 


Wanderer  or  conl 



Chap.  V]  MEDICAL   METHODS  [§  49 

Below  the  square  or  circle  —  Age  at  time  of  death  or  date  of  birth 
or  death. 

In  squares  or  circles  —  Number  of  individuals  of  that  sex. 
Roman  numerals  at  side  denote  the  generation. 


b  —  Born.  t  or  (d)  — Died  or  dead. 

t  or  (d)  inf.  —  Died  in  infancy.  m  —  Married. 


Solid  —  Connects  married  individuals  and  fraternities. 
Dotted  —  Not  married  or  illegitimate. 


JS®"*  Shows  patient  at  institution  where  chart  is  made. 
•    Miscarriage  or  stillbirth. 
^  Under  institutional  care  (place  under  symbol). 

§  49.    Medical  Methods. 

There  is  little  to  further  be  said  about  methods.  The  immensely 
important  means  of  physical  identification  find  no  place  in  our 
work.  Over  and  beyond  the  usual  medical  findings  there  are 
certain  anthropometric  data,  e.g.,  developmental  anomalies  in 
adolescence,  which  are  sometimes  of  utmost  importance  for  the 
estimation  of  the  primary  causes  of  delinquency.  The  medical 
examiner  should  carefully  register  those  as  suggested  in  our 
schedule.  On  account  of  so  much  being  found  negative  in  the 
examinee,  who  does  not  usually  come  as  a  patient,  a  half-hour 
medical  examination  is  all  that  avails  much  in  the  ordinary  run 
of  court  cases.  But  when  definite  indications  are  met,  such  as 
existence  of  special  sense  defect,  or  actual  disease,  or  when  cer- 
tain classes  of  offenses  are  under  consideration,  such  as  exhibi- 
tionism in  old  men,  a  thorough  examination  is  essential.  A  report 
from  a  competent  and  careful  specialist  is  highly  desirable  in 
many  of  these  instances. 

Physical  examination  of  wayward  girls  and  women  should 
be  undertaken  by  a  skillful  woman  physician.  Gynecological 
anomalies  and  ailments  are  frequent  conditions  of  grave  causa- 
tive importance,  and  should  be  carefully  studied  and  remedied. 
In  those  places  where  a  competent  woman  physician  is   not 


§  49]  WORKING    METHODS  [Chap.  V 

available,  the  work  may  be  done,  as  in  private  practice,  with  a 
nurse  always  present. 

Diseases  and  other  defective  conditions  of  the  genito-urinary 
system,  and  syphilis  being  present  in  proportionately  such  a 
large  number  of  offenders,  and  leading  by  local  irritation  and  by 
deteriorative  conditions  almost  directly  to  the  production  of 
further  misconduct,  call  for  much  attention  and  treatment. 

Examination  of  girls  for  virginity  as  a  basis  for  their  moral 
classification  is,  from  our  observations  in  many  cases,  to  be  greatly 
deprecated  and  I  have  especially  urged  parents  against  it.  Con- 
trary to  common  opinion,  I  do  not  believe  the  evidence  of  actual 
penetration,  the  accident  of  a  moment,  to  be  necessarily  of  great 
weight  for  moral  prognosis.  Of  course,  if  the  attitude  of  society 
towards  sex  morality  centers  around  this  materialistic  consid- 
eration, the  girl  herself  is  through  reflection  of  general  sentiment 
going  to  regard  her  future  as  hopeless  after  such  an  event.  The 
vulgar  opinion  of  outcomes  in  such  cases  is  strengthened  by  social 
discouragement  and  recklessness  induced  by  just  the  common 
idea.  But  fortunately  we  have  been  able,  even  among  the  sordid 
material  of  court  work,  to  see  another  side  —  involving  as  another 
viewpoint  for  prognosis,  the  psychological  or  spiritual  life.  From 
watching  the  result  of  treatment  over  years  we  are  convinced 
that  many  a  girl  with  a  record  of  scores  of  physical  contacts  has 
essentially  the  clean  mind  that  under  better  environmental  cir- 
cumstances, promises  well  for  good  living.  And,  contrariwise, 
there  are  girls  who  have  not  experienced  complete  sexual  con- 
tact, whose  minds  nevertheless  are  so  charged  with  mental  imagery 
and  desires  concerning  sexual  things  that  the  prognosis  for  their 
conduct,  without  closest  segregation  and  supervision,  is  inevita- 
bly bad.  To  decide  the  disposition  of  the  case  by  the  physical 
finding  is  to  overlook  the  deeper  facts  which  form  the  real  basis 
of  predictability,  and,  unhappily,  is  often  to  do  grave  injustice 
to  a  human  career. 

Psychiatric  investigation,  so  important  in  selected  cases  of  de- 
linquency, consists  of  methods  too  technical  to  be  elaborated 
here.  The  general  outline  of  investigation  is  sketched  under 
the  head  of  medical  examination  in  our  schedule,  but  in  its  study 
of  mental  states  belongs  properly  to  the  field  of  abnormal  psy- 
chology, which,  to  be  sure,  has  been  largely  preempted  by  medical 
men.  The  psychiatrist,  in  dealing  with  aberrational  individuals, 
should  always  study  them  both  from  the  standpoint  of  their 


Chap.  V]  MEDICAL   METHODS  [§  49 

physical  functions  or  defects,  any  of  which  may  be  causing  the 
aberrant  mental  manifestations,  and  from  the  side  of  the  mental 
life  itself.  This  latter  involves  use  of  tests,  some  of  which  are 
found  mentioned  in  our  following  enumeration  of  psychological 
tests,  and  by  analysis  of  mental  workings  as  evidenced  in  conver- 
sation and  conduct.  We  are  not  called  on  to  discuss  psychiatric 
methods,  they  are  dealt  with  fully  in  many  other  text  books. 
It  is  very  clear  that  judgment  by  means  of  tests,  or  otherwise, 
as  to  the  possible  existence  of  those  abnormal  states  which  con- 
stitute insanity,  is  often  a  matter  only  for  those  with  a  highly 
technical  training  and  experience. 


50]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VI 

Working  Methods  —  Continued 

Psychological  Methods.  §  50.  General  Statement  Concerning  Psycho- 
logical Methods.  §  51.  (A)  Anamnesis.  §  52.  (B)  Method  of  Giving 
Mental  Tests.  §  53.  (C)  The  Mental  Tests.  §  54.  A  Plan  of  Psycho- 
logical Inquiry.  §  55.  Our  Development  of  Performance  Tests,  (a)  Tests 
for  Levels  of  General  Intelligence.  §  56.  Binet  Tests,  (b)  Tests  for  School 
Work.  §  57.  Interpretation  of  Educational  Tests,  (c)  Tests  for  Special 
Abilities  and  Functions.  §  58.  Special  Capacities  and  Tests  for  Them.  §  59. 
Memory  Powers.  §  60.  Ability  to  Give  Testimony.  §  61.  Powers  of 
Attention.  §  62.  Motor  Coordination.  §  63.  Associative  Processes.  §  64. 
Perception  of  Form  and  Color  Relationships.  §  65.  Learning  Ability. 
§  66.  Ability  to  Profit  by  Experience.  §  67.  Language  Ability.  §  68. 
Arithmetical  Ability.  §  69.  Mental  Representation  and  Analysis.  §  70. 
Foresight  and  Planfulness.  §  71.  Perception  (Visual)  and  Analysis.  §  72. 
Judgment  and  Discrimination.  §  73.  Suggestibility.  §  74.  WiU  Power. 
§  75.  Apperception.  §  76.  Moral  Discrimination.  §  77.  Following  In- 
structions. Vocational  Tests.  §  78.  Special  Abilities.  §  79.  Mental  Con- 
tent and  Interests. 

Psychological  Methods. 

§  50.  General  Statement  Concerning  Psychological  Methods. 
—  Under  the  head  of  psychological  methods  in  general  we  are 
constrained  to  speak  again  of  certain  very  important  preconsid- 
erations.  In  psychological  work  with  offenders,  not  obviously 
insane  or  feebleminded,  we  are  bound,  in  getting  at  either  the  in- 
telligence, capabilities,  mental  functionings,  or  mental  content, 
to  be  engaged  very  largely  in  a  subtle  process  of  observation  and 
inquiry.  In  considering  the  scientific  exactness  of  the  results, 
we  must  remember  that  there  are  many  delicate  possibilities 
of  variation  ever  present.  These  occur  through  the  many 
varying  conditions  of  the  investigator,  the  one  investigated,  and 
the  medium  of  investigation  —  especially  if  the  latter  be  verbal 
and  interrogatory.  On  account  of  all  this  there  should  be  much 
self-conscious  preparation  on  the  part  of  the  observer  for  the 
avoidance  of  all  possible  interference  with  the  accurate  determina- 
tion of  facts.  As  Ribot  (71)  says,  "  The  method  of  inquiry 
cannot  become  a  true  auxiliary  to  psychology  unless  criticism, 
too  frequently  neglected,  is  accorded  the  role  which  it  deserves. 
Criticism  must  be  two-fold  —  of  the  procedure  and  of  the  re- 


Chap.  Vl]  PSYCHOLOGICAL   METHODS  [§  50 

Foremost  must  come  criticism  of  the  observer's  temperamental 
qualities  and  attitude.  We  would  hardly  again  emphasize  this 
point,  especially  in  the  light  of  its  neglect  in  the  literature,  if  our 
actual  observation  did  not  vouch  for  its  importance.  In  a 
chapter  on  methods,  one  of  the  best  authorities.  Stern  (79), 
starts  from  the  fact  that  in  any  case  of  investigation,  there  must 
always  be  a  chain  of  three  elements,  namely,  the  observer,  the 
material  used  during  observation,  and  the  observed.  It  may 
be  that,  since  so  very  few  psychologists  have  dealt  largely  with 
the  offender,  there  has  been  too  little  professional  observation 
of  the  general  difficulties  caused  mainly  by  the  extreme  emotional 
conditions  presented  by  those  under  study.  This  lack  of  experi- 
ence may  be  the  reason  why  there  is  so  little  expressed  realization 
of  the  grave  necessity  for  the  examining  psychologist's  being 
able  sjTnpathetically  to  sink  his  ow^n  personality  for  the  needs 
of  the  inquiry.  This,  however,  is  keenly  appreciated  in  some 
quarters.  Devon  (6)  asserts,  "  As  for  the  assessment  of  the 
mental  characters  of  prisoners,  the  value  of  it  will  largely  depend 
upon  the  ability  of  the  examiner  to  place  himself  in  touch  with 
them."  We  ourselves  have  over  and  again  witnessed  success  or 
failure,  of  which  we  could  give  striking  anecdotes,  in  the  court 
room,  or  the  home,  or  school,  or  psychological  laboratory  —  by 
judge,  parent,  probation  officer,  teacher  or  psychologist  —  de- 
pendent upon  just  this  ability  or  inability  to  get  in  touch  with 
the  individual.  An  examiner  or  teacher  who  would  attempt 
to  bulldoze  the  person  tested  into  giving  good  results  is  on  a  par 
with  the  judge  who  shows  anger  to  the  powerless  wretch  before 
him,  or  the  parent  who  summarily  thrashes  his  child. 

It  may  be  that  in  the  mind  of  the  psychologist  is  the  general 
idea  that  with  proper  criticism  of  method  will  come  appercep- 
tion by  the  observer  of  the  needs  of  his  own  relationship  to  the 
situation.  The  point,  however,  sometimes  needs  expressly  stat- 
ing. Binet  (74)  in  many  places  has  made  clear  his  conception 
of  the  requisite  personal  bearing  and  method  of  the  examiner. 
Goddard  (75)  thinks,  "  The  attitude  of  the  examiner  is  all  im- 
portant." The  point  of  personality  is  simply  this;  it  is  an  in- 
dispensable condition  for  success  in  the  investigation  that  the 
observer  be  easily  able  to  bend  to  the  occasion,  so  that  the  most 
vital  facts  concerning  the  offender  are  obtained  for  the  under- 
standing of  him. 

Now  concerning  the  other  party  to  the  investigation,  only  a 


§  50]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VI 

little  needs  to  be  said,  but  this  is  most  important  as  a  general 
review.  The  offender  may  present  any  of  a  great  number  of 
varying^  qualities;  fatigue,  ennui,  quick  comprehension,  tricki- 
ness,  sullenness,  response  to  stimulation,  friendliness,  and  in  fact 
most  of  the  entire  list  of  mental  traits  described  in  such  richness 
by  Partridge  (18).  Such  of  these  exhibited  conditions  as  may 
be  unfortunate  for  the  purposes  of  the  examination  have  to  be 
carefully  reckoned  with  and  ameliorated,  if  possible,  and  always 
finally  evaluated  in  reference  to  the  results  on  tests.  That  co- 
operation which  is  met  in  testing  the  friend  who  is  interested  in 
science,  or  in  testing  the  good  school  child  who  is  doing  exercises 
every  day  at  the  bidding  of  his  teacher,  is  not  always  easily  du- 
plicated in  the  offender.  Partridge  (18,  p.  113)  says,  "  The  study 
of  the  emotional  life  is  probably  the  most  important  chapter  in 
the  study  of  individuality,  for  not  only  are  the  emotions  the 
foundation  of  all  the  practical  life,  but  they  enter  into  the  abstract 
intellectual  functions  in  various  ways."  If  this  be  true,  then 
important  indeed  is  taking  into  account  the  affective  states  in 
those  who  exhibit  such  wide  variation  in  them  as  do  offenders. 

The  penumbra  of  emotional  conditions  is  never  shown  more 
clearly  about  various  phases  of  mental  life  than  in  this  study  of 
the  mental  phenomena  of  delinquents,  vide  §  236.  Before  poten- 
tial mental  activities  reach  expression  in  word  or  deed  they  may 
meet  obstructions  in  mind,  body,  or  environment  that  prevent 
their  full  development  and  normal  appearance.  He  who  fails 
to  reckon  on  the  various  possible  stimulative  or  inhibitive  condi- 
tions at  work  inside  or  outside  the  offender  fails  to  have  the  first 
requisite  for  understanding  the  results  of  tests  or  of  other  inquiry. 

Next,  the  conditions  surrounding  the  inquiry;  here  everything 
should  be  conducive  to  winning  the  cooperation  of  the  subject. 
The  needs  of  his  personality  should  be  met  by  arrangement  of 
the  general  features  of  the  laboratory,  and  by  the  method  of  pres- 
entation of  tests.  The  psychologist  who  stated  that  all  he  wanted 
was  the  facts,  not  the  personality,  and  the  one  who  said  that  any 
given  minute  of  time  in  an  examination  had  equal  value  with 
another  minute,  forgot  that  mental  phenomena  are  not  to  be 
observed  as  one  observes  the  dropping  of  a  weight  during  an 
experiment  in  physics,  or  as  one  observes  the  movements  of  the 
eye  at  a  word  of  command.  Essential  facts  of  mental  life  are 
not  to  be  pick^.ijp,  like  pebbles  on  the  shore,  with  indifferent 

Chap.  VI]  .AJSTAMNESIS    OF   MENTAL    TKAITS  [§51 

§  51.    A.    Anamnesis  of  Mental  Traits. 

We  have  already  indicated  under  the  head  of  schedule  of  data 
concerning  JMental  and  Moral  Development,  §  48,  that  the  in- 
quiry into  past  life  should  include  facts  of  psychological  interest. 
Under  favoring  circumstances  such  investigation  may  well  go 
much  farther.  We  are  primarily  students  of  personality.  What- 
ever light  the  mental  history  of  the  individual  throws  on  his 
present  personality  should  be  highly  welcomed.  Sometimes 
one's  services  are  invoked  by  intelligent  parents  and  sometimes 
there  is  access  to  the  school  people  who  knew  the  offender.  Under 
these  circumstances  the  anamnesis  can  be  widely  extended  in 
regard  to  mental  traits. 

In  the  giving  of  mental  tests  we  may  learn  much  about  the 
individual's  capacity  to  meet  certain  situations,  but  many  sec- 
tions of  the  emotional  life  are  not  even  tapped  in  the  process. 
Now  so  far  as  conduct  is  concerned,  we  have  every  reason  to  see 
over  and  again  from  our  case  studies  that  it  is  just  these  emotional 
reactions  towards  conditions  which  are  not  artificially  present- 
able that  have  most  significance  for  us.  The  best  guide  to  such 
a  study  is  that  offered  by  Hoch.^  We  cannot  afford  space  for 
all  the  details  of  his  carefully-thought-out  inquiry,  but  the  main 
headings  will  give  an  indication  of  its  scope: 

I.  Traits  relating  essentially  to  the  intelligence,  the  capacity  for 
acquiring  knowledge,  the  judgment,  etc. 

II.  Traits  relating  essentially  to  the  out-put  of  energy. 

III.  Traits  relating  essentially  to  the  subject's  estimation  of  him- 

IV.  AdaptabiKty  towards  the  environment. 

(a)  The  more  striking  traits  which  on  their  abnormal  side 

interfere  in  a  rather  general  and  striking  way  with 

contact  with  the  environment. 
(&)   Traits  which  in  a  more  specific  but  in  a  less  obvious  way 

interfere  with  contact  with  the  environment, 
(c)   Traits  which  show  to  what  extent  the  subject  lays  bare 

to  others  his  real  self. 

1  A  guide  to  the  descriptive  study  of  the  personaUty  by  Hoch  and  Ams- 
den  (265)  gives  us  a  schedule  produced  from  ripe  consideration  of  the  subject. 
While  this  guide  is  primarily  introduced  to  psychiatrists,  still,  on  account  of 
the  mental  bases  of  conduct,  it  has  much  value  for  us.  It  should  be  carefully 
reviewed  by  every  student  of  criminahstic  behavior.  In  its  philosophical 
presentation  of  the  subject  it  is  of  vastly  more  use  for  us  than  any  bare  enu- 
meration of  mental  traits,  such  as  is  found  in  "The  Trait  Book"  {vide  Daven- 
port, 277)  issued  by  the  Eugenics  Record  Office. 


§  51]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VI 

(d)  Traits  which  in  normal  proportions  are  useful  qualities, 

but  in  exaggerated  form  interfere  with  efficiency. 

(e)  Traits  which  show  a  tendency  to  actively  shaping  situa- 

tions, or  the  reverse. 
(/)    Traits  showing  the  attitude  towards  reality. 

V.  Mood. 

VI.  Instinctive  demands,  traits  which  are  more  or  less  clearly  re- 
lated to  the  sexual  instinct. 

(a)  Friendship. 

(b)  Attachment  to  members  of  the  family. 

(c)  Attitude  towards  the  other  sex. 

(1)  General. 

(2)  Specific  sexual  demands. 

(3)  General  traits  derived  from  sexual  instinct  or  re- 

actions against  its  assertions. 

VII.  General  interests. 

VIII.  Pathological  traits. 

In  reviewing  the  above  it  is  interesting  to  note  how  many  of 
these  points  are  brought  out  in  a  good  family  and  developmental 
history,  as  ordinarily  given  by  interested  and  intelligent  parents. 
But  the  value  of  the  inquiry  is  clearly  added  to  by  some  cate- 
gorical arrangement  of  the  facts.  As  finally  summarized,  the 
main  issues  must  be  presented  in  the  psychological  impressions 
or  psychogram,  of  which  we  speak  later. 

§  52.    B.    Method  of  Giving  Mental  Tests. 

The  desiderata  in  testing  offenders  are  obvious.  The  results 
of  the  best  possible  efforts  of  the  subject  are  desired  for  com- 
parison with  norms  that,  in  turn,  have  been  established  by  stim- 
ulating the  best  efforts  of  those  who  are  known  to  be  willing  to 
cooperate.  It  seems  clear  that  the  fundamental  basis  of  stand- 
ardization must  be  comparisons  of  efforts  of  individuals  who 
have  done  their  best.  All  else  is  secondary;  measurement  of 
quantities,  qualities  and  time  of  work  presupposes  this  best  effort. 
If  the  best  was  not  obtained,  then  evaluation  of  the  output,  since 
we  desire  to  predict,  is  of  little  value.  Many  times  now  have  we 
learned  by  experience  the  significance  of  this  fact. 

The  surroundings  and  the  examiner  must  elicit,  on  the  part  of 
the  subject,  attention,  interest,  friendliness,  understanding,  and 
secure  him  from  distractions  and  fatigues. 

Simplicity,  if  not  actual  bareness  of  the  room,  is  desirable. 
There  should  be  no  exhibition  of  apparatus,  or  of  instruments 


t?.iiAi>.  Vl]  METHOD    OF    GIVING   MENTAL    TESTS  [§  52 

or  tests,  except  as  such  exhibition  may  prove  valuable  for  the 
awakening  of  interest.  We  have  seen,  however,  a  prior  survey 
of  testing  material  arouse  desire  for  action,  and  we  have  by 
explanation  of  the  nature  of  the  scientific  work  with  tests,  brought 
around  many  a  doubtfully  cooperating  adult.  Many  times  my 
stop  watch  has  proved  valuable  in  awakening  appreciation  and 
in  arousing  competitive  spirit.  A  cursor}^  exhibition  of  tests 
which  look  interesting,  but  which  are  quickly  put  out  of  sight, 
will  prove,  of  course,  a  stimulus  to  all. 

Records  as  they  are  made  are  quickly  thrown  aside  in  an  off- 
hand way  without  discussion.  The  performances  of  others  are 
not  to  be  mentioned  or  shown.  Only  in  rare  cases  is  anything 
but  encouragement  given,  and  that  is  generally  offered  in  liberal 
doses.  Still,  occasionally,  appreciation  of  a  failure  and  the  care- 
lessness it  implies,  will  stimulate  to  better  effort  on  other  tests. 
The  order  of  giving  tests  varies  with  the  capacity  of  the  subject, 
and  according  to  necessity  for  arousing  interest  and  attention 
and  for  preventing  fatigue.  More  than  one  sitting  is  usually 
necessary,  except  for  the  testing  of  the  clearly  feebleminded,  or 
those  who  are  so  capable  that  the  work  is  done  with  great  rapidity. 

In  the  presentation  of  each  test  standard  procedures  should 
prevail  as  far  as  is  conducive  to  the  desideratum,  namely,  the 
exertion  of  the  best  possible  efforts.  In  the  giving  of  the  tests, 
as  well  as  in  the  interpretation  of  the  results,  much  shrewd  com- 
mon sense,  as  well  as  acquaintance  with  technic,  should  come 
into  play.  I  mean  this  sort  of  thing;  suppose  the  standard  pres- 
entation of,  say,  our  Construction  Test  A,  calls  for  one  state- 
ment: "Here  is  a  frame,  and  these  five  pieces  will  exactly  fill 
all  the  spaces  in  it,  if  you  get  them  in  correctly.  Do  it  as  quickly 
as  you  can."  Now  an  examinee,  through  some  emotional  condi- 
tion or  non-understanding  of  some  word,  may  not  fully  take  in 
the  nature  of  the  test.  It  is  clearly  important  precisely  for  the 
standardization  of  his  efforts  that  there  be  appreciation  of  his 
difficulty,  and  that  he  get  a  fair  start  through  complete  under- 
standing of  the  task.  It  is  just  because  of  such  practical  points 
as  this  that  conditions  must  be  carefully  watched  and  gauged 
in  the  light  of  common  sense.  Whipple  (78),  in  his  general  rules 
for  the  conduct  of  tests,  curiously  implies  in  one  important  sen- 
tence hov\^  necessary-  shrewd  judgment  is  for  all  this  work,  much 
as  one  would  like  to  eliminate  conditional  variations  and  personal 
equations.     He  says,  "  No  test  should  be  undertaken  until  the 


§  52]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VI 

subject  is  perfectly  clear  as  to  what  is  required  of  him."  If  only 
one  could  know  when  another's  comprehension  is  perfectly  clear! 
However,  Whipple  when  elsewhere  asserting  the  great  value  of 
adventitious  observation  while  recording  tests,  clearly  concedes 
our  point. 

The  general  nature  of  tests  for  intelligence  and  special  capaci- 
ties, such  as  are  serviceable  for  the  study  of  the  offender,  may  be 
profitably  discussed  for  a  moment,  together  with  some  general 
methods  of  procedure  and  interpretation.  It  must  be  remem- 
bered that  nearly  all  of  these  tests  call  for  a  much  more  com- 
plex mental  activity  and  response  than  is  measured  by  the  typical 
psychological  laboratory  instruments,  where  visual  perceptions 
and  the  like  are  finely  discriminated  and  timed.  We  are  dealing 
with  differential  human  psychology;  and  as  Stern  (79)  says, 
"  Differential  psychology  is  not  based  on  minute  analysis  of 
mental  phenomena  and  determination  of  general  laws,  but  upon 
the  delineation  of  individual  peculiarities."  ^  Elsewhere  the 
same  author  adds,  "  And  so  we  come  to  the  important  methodo- 
logical conclusion  that  under  certain  circumstances  the  general 
psychological  exactness  of  an  experiment  may  stand  in  inverse 
proportion  to  its  worth  for  differential  psychology."  ^  These 
considerations  call  for  no  lessening  of  the  attempt  at  precision 
in  the  procedure  of  giving  tests,  but  they  do  give  room  for  intro- 
duction of  the  thought  that  precision,  under  such  complex  con- 
ditions, may  rest  in  other  things  than  uniformity  of  the  spoken 
word  or  time  of  exposure  of  the  test. 

In  the  interpretation  of  the  scoring  of  tests  the  same  points 
come  out.  I  agree  with  Goddard  (80),  who  after  a  series  of  con- 
ferences on  methods,  speaking  of  the  Binet  tests,  says,  "  But 
the  most  serious  objection  to  a  time  limit  comes  from  the  fact 
that  it  makes  the  whole  test  a  stereotyped,  rigid,  mathematical 
procedure,  which,  in  the  last  analysis,  reduces  the  whole  method 
to  an  absurdity."  In  some  of  our  own  tests,  for  instance,  Con- 
struction Test  A,  wide  time  limits  must  be  allowed,  in  all  common 
sense,  before  discriminating  for  or  against  the  performer.     The 

^  "Die  differentielle  Psychologie  geht  nicht  aus  auf  feinste  Analyse  psy- 
chischer  Phanomene  und  Feststellung  allgemeiner  Gesetze  sondern  auf 
Charakteristik  individueller  Besonderheiten." 

2  "Und  so  kommen  wir  zu  dem  methodologisch  wichtigen  Schluss,  dass 
unter  Umstanden  die  generell  psychologische  Exaktheit  eines  Experimentes 
in  umgekehrter  Proportionalitat  zu  seinem  differentiellepsyehologischen 
Symptomwert  stehen  kann." 


Chap.  Vl]  THE   MENTAL   TESTS  [§  53 

fact  that  John  did  the  test  in  15  seconds  is  really  no  proof  that  he 
is  so  much  better  in  the  very  qualities  the  test  is  devised  to  es- 
timate than  Jim  who  did  it  in  35  seconds.  John's  comprehension 
of  the  spoken  word  may  have  been  quicker.  We  used  the  accent 
and  phraseology  with  which  he  was  familiar;  we  struck  an  en- 
couraging note  in  meeting  him;  he  has  heard  this  morning  that 
he  will  be  released  next  week;  the  first  piece  he  picked  up  at  once 
appeared  directly  over  its  place  in  the  frame,  and  the  other  pieces 
followed  fortuitously  into  their  correct  places.  Reall}''  we  have 
no  right  to  call  John  more  intelligent  in  method  or  truer  in  form 
perception  than  Jim  who  is  downcast,  and  slow  at  understanding 
words,  and  who  accidentally  put  the  first  piece  in  the  wrong 
place,  where  it  deceptively  seemed  to  iSt.  He  then  placed  the 
other  pieces,  but  had  to  retrace  his  steps,  learning,  however, 
quickly  by  experience,  and  showing  after  all  just  as  good  per- 
ception as  John,  No,  it  is  clear  that  very  much  more  has  to  be 
registered  than  the  time,  or  any  other  numerically  recordable 
element,  in  order  to  form  a  fair  judgment  of  the  ability  of  the 

§  53.    C.    The  Mental  Tests. 

Before  mentioning  specific  tests  and  their  import,  we  should 
indicate  how  our  selection  of  tests  arose.  Here  we  can  neither 
go  into  the  theory  of  psychological  tests  nor  consider  individual 
and  differential  psychology  as  a  special  discipline.^  It  will 
suffice  to  show  the  immediate  rational  background  of  our  psy- 
chological method. 

Prior  to  making  a  selection,  or  undertaking  the  production 
ourselves,  of  any  tests,  we  attempted  carefully  to  formulate,  with 
all  possible  criticism,  the  definition  of  our  problem.  We  saw 
ourselves  as  students  of  the  causations  of  delinquency,  directly 
meeting  the  mental  bases  of  action,  those  that  we  have  indicated 
in  our  chapter  on  the  subject.  With  the  next  step  we  saw  that 
we  must  ascertain  those  peculiar  mental  characteristics,  and 
potentialities,  and  functionings,  and  content,  which  might  be 
correlated    with   the   fact    of   the   offender's   delinquency.     We 

^  For  extensive  discussion  of  these  we  would  refer  to  William  Stern's  able 
work,  "  Diff erentielle  Psychologie"  (79),  where  the  foundations  as  well  as  the 
superstructure  of  the  science  find  detailed  treatment.  Any  careful  student  in 
this  field  should  become  acquainted  with  this  fundamental  work;  its  survey 
of  principles  and  methods  and  hterature  on  specific  problems  and  tests  is 


§  53]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VI 

needed  the  mental  measurements  for  those  traits  or  functionings 
which  first,  from  a  common-sense  point  of  view,  would  seem  likely 
to  stand  in  some  sort  of  relationship  to  the  mental  background 
of  misconduct.  No  findings  were  to  be  passed  upon  lightly  as 
indicating  discovery  of  the  causative  agents  of  delinquency,  but 
naturally  with  the  realization  of  the  intimate  relationship  between 
mind  and  deed,  one  would  first  turn  in  the  investigation  of  causes 
to  those  phenomena  which  lie  obviously  linked  together.  Of 
prime  importance,  then,  should  always  be  construction  of  a 
PSYCHOGRAM  of  the  offender,  namely,  a  studied  estimate  of  his 
mental  qualities  and  conditions,  including  both  the  strengths  and 

Now  for  the  studying  of  all  possible  mental  conditions  and 
qualities  great  stretches  of  time  would  be  required,  and  then,  of 
course,  many  things  might  be  investigated  which  would  stand 
in  no  known  relationship  to  delinquency.  For  the  practical 
psychologist  —  der  Menschenkenner,  who  does  not  begin  by  ask- 
ing in  the  fashion  of  the  psychiatrist,  "  ^Vhat  psychosis  is  this 
person  suffering  from  "  —  Kauffmann  (81)  states  the  problem 
to  be,  "  Just  why  does  this  offender  commit  these  offenses." 
One  might  carefully  investigate  auditory  perceptions,  or  spacial 
judgments,  or  muscle  fatiguability  and  so  on,  but  none  of  these 
seems  to  give  rational  promise  of  any  correlation  with  delinquency, 
or  offers  more  probability  of  explanation  than  the  study  of  finger- 
tip perceptions  and  ear  measurements  of  an  older  criminology.- 
There  must  from  the  start  be  selection  of  studies  of  such  mental 
structure  and  function  as  offer  most  return  in  the  way  of  direct 
explanation  of  our  prime  phenomenon,  anti-social  conduct. 
To  illustrate.  A  wider  view  than  that  of  the  old  criminology 
leads  us  to  note  the  fact  that  some  individuals,  who  are  mentally 
dull,  are  as  insensitive  as  certain  notorious  criminals  studied  for 
sensory  discrimination.  Now,  the  background  of  insensitivity  in 
both  types  may  be  general  mental  incapacity,  which  was  almost 
never  tested  in  those  criminals,  and  which  is  known  in  other 
cases  to  stand  in  close  causal  relationship  to  crime.  Then,  on 
the  other  hand,  one  only  needs  to  take  an  unselected  group  of 
criminals  under  the  best  conditions,  namely,  when  they  are  young, 
to  find  that  most  of  them  are  normally  sensitive  in  all  directions,, 
mentally  and  physically.  The  direction  of  the  more  valuable 
investigations  may  be  perceived  as  indicated  by  such  consid- 
erations as  these. 


Chap.  VI]  A    PLAN    OF    PSYCHOLOGICAL    INQUIRY  [§  54 

§  54.  A  Plan  of  Psychological  Inquiry.  —  Close  reasoning  on 
this  whole  subject  from  our  own  first  findings  and  in  the  light  of 
many  conferences  with  able  specialists,  led  to  the  following  for- 
mulation of  a  plan  for  psychological  inquiry; 

1.  What  is  the  subject's  mental  ability,  independent,  so  far  as 
ascertainable,  of  the  results  of  formal  education?  This  should  be 
estimated  in  terms  of  strength  or  weakness  of 

(a)  the  subject's  general  ability  or  general  intelligence 
{if  such  a  thing  as  general  intelligence  there  be). 

(&)  the  subject's  special  abilities  —  selecting  for  inves- 
tigation here  those  abilities  or  functions  which, 
since  we  are  dealing  with  social  conduct,  seem 
most  likely  to  be  related  to  social  action,  success, 
or  failure  ; 

2.  What  has  been  the  result  of  formal  education,  interpreted  in 
the  light  of  its  conditions  and  extent? 

3.  Does  the  individual  suffer  from  aberrational  mental  function- 
ings,  whether  border-line  or  fully-developed  psychoses  ? 

4.  What  are  the  individual's  preponderating  mental  interests,  as 
stated  in  terms  of  mental  content,  imagery,  ideation  and  the  like  ? 

5.  Has  the  individual  important  peculiar  characteristics,  particu- 
larly of  emotional  or  moral  life,  leading  to  impulsive  or  other  ab- 
normal action  ? 

6.  Has  the  individual  suffered  earlier  experiences,  mental  or 
environmental,  which  have,  through  the  arousal  of  inner  conflicts, 
complexes,  inhibitions  or  resistances,  interfered  with  the  satisfac- 
tory, smooth  and  healthy  working  of  mental  life?  This  is  peculiarly, 
in  modern  terminology,  a  study  of  mental  mechanisms. 

We  can  at  once  see  that  mental  tests  are  imperative  for  answer- 
ing the  queries  advanced  in  1  and  2.  They  may  at  times  detect 
the  facts  in  answer  to  question  3,  and  when  given  under  the  form 
of  bare  interrogation  help  to  determine  4.  Some  expert  inves- 
tigators also  use  certain  tests  at  times  to  help  in  the  solution  of 
6,  but  that  is  altogether  a  highly  technical  matter.  The  range 
of  interests  indicated  in  this  scheme  of  inquiry  shows  at  once  the 
necessity  for  keeping  well  within  the  bounds,  since  all  studies 
must  be  limited,  of  attempt  to  answer  the  most  important  ques- 

So  far  as  inquiry  3,  namely,  into  aberrational  tendencies,  is 
concerned,  we  may  at  once  say  again  that  discussion  of  test 
material  for  this  purpose  is  outside  our  province.  At  first  in- 
dication of  the  fact  we  pass  the  problem  into  the  field  of  special 
inquiry  where  special  tests  and  special  literature  ^  are  used  in 
development  of  the  subject's  pathogram. 

^  The  most  noteworthy  literature  on  psycho-pathological  tests  consists 
of  Sommer's  text  book  (82),  Gregor's  manual  (83),  and  the  recent  work  by 


§  55]  WORKING    METHODS  [Chap.  VI 

§  55,  Our  Development  of  Performance  Tests.  —  The  wisdom 
of  developing  our  tests  along  lines  befitting  our  eminently  prac- 
tical aims  has  been  well  proven.  The  early  advice  of  a  number 
of  the  foremost  American  psychologists  to  avoid  complicated 
apparatus  or  mechanical  devices  in  the  establishment  of  a  psy- 
chological laboratory,  accorded  with  our  own  first  survey  of  the 
necessities  and  ends  of  the  work.  The  initial  investigation  showed 
the  important  fact  that  no  set  of  mental  tests  existed  at  all  ade- 
quate to  give  the  desired  information  about  the  capabilities  of 
delinquents.  It  was  soon  found  that  offenders  range  in  mental 
capacity  all  the  way  from  imbeciles  to  those*  who  seem  to  excel 
the  ordinary  person  of  their  age  in  ability  and  information.  We 
had  then  to  evolve  practical  methods  for  estimating  range  of 
ability,  except  for  children  under  10  to  12,  and  for  the  definitely 
feebleminded.  In  work  with  these  two  latter  classes  the  system 
of  Binet  has  all  along  been  found  extremely  valuable,  especially 
since  for  the  feebleminded  it  has  been  so  generally  adopted  as  a 
criterion  of  mental  development. 

We  have  tried  and  discarded  many  tests  which  have  been 
offered,  or  which  we  have  devised,  because  of  their  failure  as  tests 
or  the  failure  of  their  results  to  meet  the  practical  ends  of  the 
above  inquiry.  We  have  no  space  in  this  work  technically  to 
describe  all  the  tests  we  have  found  available,  but  they  may  at 
least  be  enumerated  in  connection  with  the  types  of  information 
that  they  give  about  the  characteristics  of  mental  life.  Our  own 
first  set  of  tests  has  been  described  by  us  at  length  in  a  separate 
monograph  (70)  and  the  others  we  have  selected  are  described 
(see  the  respective  references)  elsewhere.  We  see  no  reason  to 
regret  further  development  of  new  tests.  In  fact,  as  is  shown, 
we  have  welcomed  all  those  which  seemed  to  have  peculiar  and 
direct  import  for  our  studies.^  In  this  matter  our  point  of  view 
is  not  that  of  those  who  mainly  have  at  heart  the  science  of  mental 
life  as  such;  we  need  the  higher  lights  and  deeper  shadows  of 
mental  processes.  We  hope  for  much  more  standardization  of 
all  sorts  of  tests,  but  find,  as  yet,  no  evidence  of  the  value  of 

Franz  (84) ;  the  last  is  in  English.     Each  gives  descriptions  of  tests  valuable 
beyond  the  realm  of  psychotic  manifestations. 

1  We  highly  commend  sets  of  tests  pubhshed  by  Sommer  from  Giessen  — 
recently  called  the  Giessen  tests  —  by  RossoUmo  (278),  by  de  Sanctis  and  Jas- 
trow  (vide  Whipple,  78).  There  has  been  interesting  further  development  of 
the  performance  test  idea  with  concrete  material  in  the  immigrant  service 
by  Gwyn  (376)  and  Knox  (377). 


Chap.  Vl]  THE    BINET   TESTS  [§  56 

very  close  work  with  numerical  norms  when  dealing  with  diag- 
nosis and  predictabilities.  One  has  only  to  review  Whipple's 
Manual  (78)  to  see  how  often,  after  a  test  has  been  found  to  bring 
out  differential  high  lights,  further  attempts  at  refinement  of 
measurements  by  it  have  resulted  in  critical  discovery  of  modi- 
fying influences  that  invalidate  more  minute  conclusions.  Our 
selection  of  a  point  of  view  for  the  attack  of  our  psychological 
problem  was  guided  in  this  matter  by  the  best  psychological 
authority,  and  our  appreciations  of  a  practical  methodology  have 
grown  apace. 

(a)  Tests  for  Levels  of  General  Intelligence. 

§  56.  The  Binet  Tests.  —  The  most  widely  used  system  of 
tests  is  that  of  Binet.^  We  have  had  long  experience  with  this 
so-called  "  Measiu-ing  Scale  of  Intelligence,"  and  find  it  of  great 
value  within  certain  well-defined  limits.  The  gist  of  the  method 
is  its  application  of  the  idea  that  mental  development,  like  bodily 
gro-^lh,  shows  distinct  accretions  from  year  to  year.  Just  where 
measurement  of  these  accretions  can  stop  is  a  moot  question. 
By  application  of  this  system  to  older  mental  defectives,  they 
can  be  gauged  by  the  age  standards  of  young  children  and 
spoken  of  in  terms  of  so  many  years  of  mental  growth  or  of 

We  may  at  present  leave  out  of  consideration  tests  for  years 
above  12,  because  psychologists  with  the  greatest  experience  ^  feel 
now  that  the  tests  for  the  later  years  are  uncertain.  As  a  matter 
of  fact  a  good  many  of  us  feel  the  same  about  the  five  tests 

^  Alfred  Binet  and  Th.  Simon  about  1904  began  the  standardization  with 
pubUc  school  children  of  various  tests  most  of  which  they  had  devised. 
They  pubhshed  (85)  in  1905  a  first  set  of  tests  which  appeared  in  1908  in  the 
form  of  a  system  of  tests  graded  for  ages  up  to  13  years.  A  final  revision 
appeared  in  1911,  stUl  more  formally  laid  out,  with  five  tests  for  each  year 
up  to  10,  and  then  five  tests  for  12  years,  15  years,  and  for  adult  intelli- 
gence. There  have  been  various  short  summary  presentations  of  the  system 
in  English,  notably  by  Goddard  (86),  Kuhhnann  (91),  and  Whipple  (78),  but 
the  only  actual  translation  of  the  tests  and  of  directions  for  giving  them  is 
that  of  Town  (87),  who  presents  the  1911  article  of  Binet  and  Simon.  Re- 
visions of  the  system  have  been  attempted  by  Goddard  (88),  Kuhhnann  (89), 
and  Terman  and  Childs  (90).  The  full  description  of  these  tests,  particu- 
larly as  given  in  Dr.  Town's  work,  is  now  so  available  that  we  need  give  no 
space  to  their  eniuneration. 

2  At  the  1913  meeting  of  the  American  Association  for  the  Study  of  the 
Feebleminded  there  was  general  expression  of  the  uncertainty  involved  in  the 
use  of  any  tests  which  have  thus  been  developed  for  grading  intelligence  for 
years  above  the  12-year  hmit.  Binet's  tests  for  this  are  found  quite  unfair, 
and  both  Goddard  and  Kuhhnann  at  this  time  asserted  lack  of  faith  in  even 
their  own  revisions  of  tests  for  those  upper  ages. 


§  56]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VI 

for  12  years.  But  for  children  under  ten,  and  for  defectives  who 
range  as  low  as  ten,  there  can  be  no  doubt  that  this  scheme  of 
gauging  intelligence  by  age  levels  is  of  the  utmost  practical  use- 
fulness, and  is  one  of  the  greatest  contributions  made  to  the 
science  of  psychography.  To  be  able  to  say  to  the  judge,  or  to 
any  one  with  the  power  to  take  action,  that  the  offender  of  23 
chronologically  is  mentally  an  individual  of  10  years,  puts  the 
whole  matter  in  an  enticingly  clear  light. 

The  trouble,  however,  with  just  this  scoring  of  the  intelligence 
by  these  comparatively  few  tests  is  that  many  facts  may  be  left 
out  of  the  evaluation.  This  kind  of  a  psychogram,  measuring 
the  mentality  on  a  given  numerical  basis,  tells  little  about  the 
many  other  conditions  of  mental  structure  and  function  which 
should  be  known.  Especially  should  one  understand,  in  order 
to  do  the  best  for  the  individual,  whether  or  not  there  are  spe- 
cial disabilities,  or  special  capabilities,  or  aberrational  tendencies. 
The  numerical  method  forms  too  easy  an  evaluation  of  the  human 
mind  with  its  complexities  and  manifold  potentialities.  Many 
times  we  have  seen  this  demonstrated.  The  Binet  scale  may  not 
reveal  what  might  be  of  vast  importance  for  society  to  know 
concerning  the  individual.  We  refer  to  our  case  studies  for  many 
evidences  of  the  fact. 

One  of  the  most  difficult  phases  of  the  use  of  this  scale  is  found 
in  its  application  to  a  cosmopolitan  population.  Occasionally 
with  a  good  interpreter  safe  results  can  be  obtained,  but  the 
difficulties  are  obvious.  The  system  was  built  up  for  a  homo- 
geneous people,  and  largely  turns  in  many  ways  upon  the  ability 
to  use  and  understand  language.  And  then  the  system  is  unfair 
in  its  high  grading  of  those  who  are,  on  the  one  hand,  glib  in  the 
use  of  language  and,  on  the  other  hand,  it  grades  too  low  those 
whose  performances  on  other  tests  may  not  be  down  on  a  par 
with  their  inability  to  use  words  well. 

Those  who  think  that  this  scale  measures  general  ability  apart 
from  schooling  and  other  advantages  should  read  Binet  himself 
on  this  subject.  He  goes  so  far  as  to  say  that  the  scale  as  he  pro- 
duced it  embodies  the  norm  for  schools  of  Paris  in  the  poorer 
districts.  He  finds  that  easy  circumstances  are  correlated  with 
higher  intellectual  development,  the  pupils  of  a  private  school, 
for  instance,  showing  an  average  of  a  year  and  a  half  advance  on 
his  norms.  The  findings  are  always  to  be  interpreted  in  the 
light  of  physiological  conditions  and  of  influence  of  past  poverty 


Chap.  Vl]       INTERPRETATION    OF    EDUCATIONAL    TESTS  [§  57 

and  other  experiences.     Binet  would  have  been  one  of  the  first 
to  agree  to  this. 

Much  more  might  be  said  in  praise  or  in  adverse  criticism,  but 
we  have  practically  covered  the  principal  non-technical  points. 
The  fact  is  that  the  scale  is  really  a  valuable  measure  of  the  lower 
general  levels  of  intelligence.  It  will  have  to  be  revised  ulti- 
mately for  our  conditions,  although  there  is  surprisingly  little 
difficulty  with  the  use  of  it  in  this  country.  The  idea  of  this 
system  will  continue  to  hold  good. 

(6)  Tests  for  School  Work. 

§  57.  Interpretation  of  Educational  Tests.  — -  Testing  the 
results  of  formal  education  is  always  of  interest  and  value  and, 
of  course,  is  the  common  way  of  evaluating  the  individual's 
ability.  There  is  logic  in  the  notion  that  if  a  child  has  been 
going  to  school  for  a  certain  number  of  years,  and  has  failed  to 
learn  what  has  been  taught  during  that  period,  and  has  failed 
to  advance  with  children  of  his  class,  that  this  is  an  indication 
of  personal  defect.  But  yet  in  the  light  of  certain  possibilities 
one  would  ask  for  an  indulgent  attitude  in  this  matter.  When 
we  consider  variabilities  in  teaching  powers,  and  in  the  interest 
which  may  be  aroused  in  school  work,  or  when  we  think  how  the 
necessary  attitude  for  learning  may  be  counteracted  by  bad  com- 
panions, or  learning  abilities  lessened  by  bad  hygiene,  sensory 
defect,  or  poor  nutrition,  it  makes  us  hesitate  about  summarily 
interpreting  the  fact  of  retardation.  Any  one  who  has  observed 
month-long  failure  in  school  work  because  of  the  distraction  of 
bad  company,  or  because  of  impotent  teaching  in  a  room  where 
there  are  three  times  as  many  pupils  as  there  should  be,  or  be- 
cause of  improper  nourishment,  feels  keenly  this  whole  problem. 
Though  arithmetic  is  found  to  be  done  abominably,  or  reading  is 
atrocious,  the  burden  of  proof  is  still  on  the  observer  who  denomi- 
nates the  pupil  as  mentally  defective.  The  point  is  capable  of 
demonstration,  and  may  require  two  methods;  the  giving  of  a 
wide  range  of  other  tests,  and  instruction  under  the  best  possible 
conditions,  including  remedy  of  physical  defects. 

Tests  to  be  given  for  school  work  are  easily  enough  selected. 
They  should  not  have  an  age  basis,  but  call  for  the  appreciation 
of  facts  and  processes  that  have  actually  been  taught.  There 
is   considerable   variation   in   different   school   systems,    as,   for 


§  57]  WOEKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VI 

instance,  the  age  at  which  arithmetic  is  taught,  and  one  must 
be  correspondingly  guarded  in  tests.  A  very  practical  point 
seems  obvious,  although  it  is  not  at  first  remembered.  The 
likelihood  of  school  teaching  being  retained  is  in  inverse  pro- 
portion to  the  length  of  time  the  individual  has  been  away  from 
school,  unless  practice  has  been  continued  in  school  subjects, 
and  both  these  circumstances  must  be  carefully  taken  into  ac- 

(c)  Tests  for  Special  Abilities  and  Functions. 

§  58.  Special  Capacities  and  Tests  for  Them. — It  will  be  quickly 
seen  that  our  selection  of  tests  under  the  following  heads  em- 
bodies, whenever  possible,  the  idea  of  performance  with  other 
material  than  language.  The  use  of  language  is  of  course  the  most 
important  of  all  human  activities  in  the  development  of  civili- 
zation, and  gauging  of  the  individual's  ability  in  this  direction 
is  highly  desirable.  But  there  are  many  other  abilities  and  dis- 
abilities which  should  be  studied  in  their  relation  to  needs  and 
opportunities  that  the  social  order  presents.  Again  we  will  refer 
to  our  case  histories  as  showing  in  strong  light  and  shade  the 
variations  in  language  ability,  and  the  curious  misinterpretations 
and  unfortunate  results  which  have  developed  from  not  under- 
standing the  whole  mental  make-up  of  the  offender.  Many 
vocations  call  for  performance  without  words,  and  in  seeking  an 
estimation  of  the  possibilities  of  social  success  by  tests  this  must 
be  kept  clearly  in  the  examiner's  mind. 

Some  of  the  special  qualities  studied  by  our  range  of  tests  are, 
of  course,  more  fundamental  than  others,  but  one  does  not  pass 
judgment  on  relative  values  for  the  individual,  if  one  is  wise, 
without  making  a  well-rounded  investigation  and  learning  the 
possibilities  of  vicarious  activity  on  the  part  of  other  functions. 
It  is  the  tests  taken  altogether,  we  feel,  that  give  us  a  basis  for 
sound  practical  judgment  —  a  judgment  leading  very  often  to 
the  establishment  of  helpful  measures,  or  in  other  instances  to 
the  greater  protection  of  society.  Many  fine  points  of  psycho- 
logical research  are  purposely  neglected,  but  we  think  a  finer 
point,  in  another  sense,  is  keeping  constantly  in  view  the  develop- 
ment of  a  fair  psychogram  of  the  individual  for  the  purpose  of 
actually  doing  something  for  him. 

§  59.  Memory  Powers.  —  Of  course  the  powers  of  memory 
and  recall,  conscious  and  subconscious,  are  involved  in  every 


Chap.  VI]  MEMORY   POWERS  [§  59 

single  test  that  is  offered.  ]\Iemory  of  movements,  and  space 
relationships  and  images,  are  part  and  parcel  of  our  entire  being 
from  the  day  of  birth  or  even  before  it.  The  bases  and  beginnings 
of  memory  are  not  to  be  tested.  The  ability  to  succeed  in  cer- 
tain efforts  which  largely  involve  memory  processes,  and  which 
are  of  social  import  can,  however,  be  gauged  by  performance 
on  tests.  Without  resolving  the  process  used  into  the  various 
memory  t^^pes,  visual,  auditory^  motor,  etc.>  we  can  offer  im- 
portant t}T)es  of  tasks  and  gauge  ability  thereby.  For  instance, 
the  capacity  for  remembering  what  has  been  read  by  one's  self 
is  of  great  social  import.  We  can  gauge  this  by  a  fair  enough 
test,  such  as  our  Test  XII,^  where  an  interesting  standard  passage 
is  given  for  reading  and  recall.  It  boots  little  that  we  cannot 
separate  in  this  task  visual  perception,  storing  of  images,  recall 
of  sounds  for  the  response,  and  so  on.  The  task  is  one  that  we 
are  all  called  on  to  do  in  practical  life  without  knowledge  of  the 
component  parts  of  the  mental  process.  (This  statement  will 
serve  as  a  text  for  explanation  of  the  principle  involved  in  most 
of  our  other  tests.)  The  test  mentioned  is  for  the  powers  of 
memory  of  visually  presented  verbal  material. 

In  just  the  same  way  the  powers  of  recall  from  auditory  verbal 
presentation  can  be  tested.  Capacities  in  this  direction  may 
not  be  quite  so  important  in  modem  civilization  as  the  former 
powers,  but  still  are  vastly  worth  gauging  for  assessment  of  the 
subject's  chances  to  succeed  under  many  conditions.  Test  XIII 
covers  this  point. 

The  so-called  memory  span,  the  amount  that  can  be  taken 
in  at  one  time  and  remembered,  may  be  obviously  a  function 
of  importance  in  various  ways.  This  quantitative  measurement 
is  not  always  correlated  with  general  intelligence.  Various 
ways  of  testing  the  auditory  or  visual  powers  by  this  method  will 
occur  to  psychologists.  The  memory  span  for  numbers  ^  as 
presented  by  the  spoken  word,  or  on  the  printed  page  as  visually 
presented  numerals,  offers  perhaps  the  simplest  form  of  test. 
Norms  of  performance  have  been  carefully  established.     The 

1  Reference  will  be  made  throughout  this  work  to  the  numbers  given  in 
oxir  Monograph  on  tests  (70).  We  have  found  reason  to  describe  shortly  and 
to  illustrate  in  the  following  pages  some  of  these  tests.  We  earnestly  counsel 
that  no  work  with  them  be  undertaken  without  exact  knowledge  of  the  tests 
and  standard  methods  of  presentation.     Also  vide  §  82. 

^  Many  psychologists  have  busied  themselves  with  this  interesting  form  of 
immediate  rote  memory.  Especially  to  be  commended  is  the  work  of  Smed- 
ley  (92).    Whipple  (78)  gives  a  good  description  of  the  method. 


§  59]  WORKIJSTG    METHODS  [Chap.  VI 

bearing  of  this  test  upon  gauging  certain  vocational  aptitudes 
is  clear. 

The  visual  memory  for  form,  also  vocationally  important,  can 
be  estimated  in  a  number  of  ways,  the  easiest  of  which  is  the  use 
of  a  couple  of  geometrical  figures  of  special  import  which  have 
been  extensively  used,  following  the  publication  of  Binet.  We 
describe  them  as  Test  VII.  Even  here  it  is  difficult  to  estimate 
visual  memory  powers  per  se,  for  it  is  quite  easy  to  discern  some 
subjects  introducing  elements  of  motor  memory  in  their  efforts  on 
the  test. 

Not  only  immediate  memory  should  be  tested,  but  also  the 
power  of  longer  retention  —  an  ability  that  is  perhaps  as  im- 
portant as  the  other.  Some  passage  of  interest  may  be  read 
or  some  nonsense  syllables  learned,  and  then  recall  is  asked  for 
on  another  day.  For  the  purposes  of  our  testing  we  and  our 
advisers  have  felt  that  it  was  better  to  ask  for  the  memory  of 
passages  which  included  a  logical  presentation  of  its  subject, 
and  which  preferably  should  be  of  a  nature  to  appeal  in  interest 
to  the  learner.  The  will  to  cooperate  and  put  forth  the  best 
effort  is  not  going  to  be  brought  out  in  ofi^enders  by  asking  them 
to  memorize  nonsense  syllables  and  perform  other  feats  of  rote 
memory.  In  the  case  of  testing  for  retention,  it  is  only  fair  to 
find  out  how  much  conscious  endeavor  to  renew  the  memory 
there  had  been  in  the  interval.  The  performance  of  one  who 
has  been  able  to  call  to  mind  many  times  the  test  during  the 
interval,  is  not  to  be  compared  with  the  production  of  the  one 
who  has  been  constantly  subjected  to  environmental  distraction. 

§  60.  Ability  to  Give  Testimony.  —  In  recent  years  no  psycho- 
logical test  has  aroused  so  much  interest  as  a  certain  one  which 
involves  very  largely  the  powers  of  memory.  I  speak  of  the 
so-called  "  Aussage  "  or  Testimony  Test  - —  the  ability  of  the 
observer  to  recall,  immediately  or  at  a  future  time,  a  scene  or 
action  that  has  been  presented.  No  one  has  done  so  much  to 
develop  the  study  of  this  socially  important  subject  as  Stern, 
and  with  him,  and  following  him,  there  have  been  numerous 
observers,  ^  who  have  convinced  at  least  the  judiciary  of  Ger- 

1  In  Germany  an  entire  periodical  edited  by  Stem  (93)  is  devoted  to 
the  psychology  of  testimony,  and  the  other  literature  on  the  subject  is  al- 
ready immense.  A  good  selection  of  the  important  contributions  is  to  be 
found  in  Stern's  text  book  (79,  p.  423).  At  a  number  of  conferences  of  psy- 
chologists and  jurists  this  important  topic  has  been  dwelled  upon  and  labora- 
tory tests  have  been  prepared.    An  interesting  account  of  some  of  them  has 


Chap.  VI]  POWERS   OF   ATTENTION  [§  61 

many  that  in  this  psychological  investigation  there  was  matter 
of  vital  import  to  certain  phases  of  social  life.  Outside  of  any 
question  of  good  will  or  intent  the  result  of  an  examination  on 
the  witness-stand  depends  most  largely  on  sheer  abilities  of  re- 
call. These  abilities  vary  not  only  according  to  the  distance 
in  time  from  the  obsen^ed  event,  but  also  according  to  certain 
special  types  of  powers  possessed  in  greatly  varying  quantity 
and  quality  by  different  subjects.  Nor  is  this  ability  by  any 
means  always  correlated  with  general  intelligence.  A  very  sim- 
ple way  of  testing  some  of  the  abilities  in  this  direction  is  pre- 
sented in  our  Test  VI,  and  is  copied  from  Stern's  method  of  pre- 
senting a  picture  of  a  familiar  subject  and  asking  for  a  description 
of  it,  proceeding  then  to  a  cross-examination  for  the  details 
presented  in  it.  Frequently  the  results  of  this  test  are  indifferent, 
but  then  again  they  demonstrate  remarkable  abilities  or  weak- 
nesses which  may  be  corroborated  in  other  ways. 

§61.  Powers  of  Attention. — Observations  of  the  ability  of 
the  subject  to  attend,  are  properly  made  all  through  the  process 
of  testing,  and  should  form  part  of  the  observer's  report  — 
another  evidence  of  the  necessity  of  the  use  of  general  judgment 
for  the  psychogram.  When  it  comes  to  testing  directly  the  powers 
of  attention,  various  methods  suggest  themselves.  We  have 
ourselves  occasionally  created  distractions,  such  as  we  know 
are  ordinarily  effective  during  mental  tasks,  and  in  some  in- 
stances have  gained  thereby  valuable  knowledge.  We  learned 
a  good  deal  about  a  certain  bookish  lad  by  finding  out  that  re- 
vealing the  works  of  a  stop  watch  beside  him  did  not  divert  his 
attention  from  reading.  When  we  consider  how  large  a  part 
the  interest  of  the  individual,  either  positive  or  negative, 
plays  in  his  power  to  withstand  distraction,  we  see  that  meas- 
m-ements  of  anything  except  gross  divergencies  may  be  diffi- 
cult. Possibly,  however,  only  those  are  of  any  importance  for 
us.  Our  judgment  from  general  observations  in  giving  a  series 
of  other  tests  has  usually  seemed  sufficient  to  us,  but  sometimes 
specific  information  is  desirable.  For  diagnostic  purposes,  it  must 
be  carefully  remembered  that  observed  attention  to  one  type  of 
activity  may  be  quite  at  variance  with  possible  attention  in 
another  field. 

been  given  by  Miinsterberg  (95),  and  Whipple  (96)  has  made  a  special 
point  of  gathering  the  literature  on  the  subject.  He  who  reads  Miinsterberg 
should  follow  it  up  by  perusing  Wigmore's  (97)  scholarly  presentation  of 
certain  counterfindlngs. 


§  61]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VI 

A  widely-used  type  of  test  involves  largely  the  question  of 
attention  to  visual  perceptions.  In  several  forms  it  is  very  simple 
to  give.  One  well-standardized  test  calls  for  the  selection  and 
cancellation  as  rapidly  as  possible  of  given  letters  or  numerals 
as  presented  on  a  sheet  where  they  are  mixed  with  other  symbols. 
One  of  these  demands  the  crossing  of  all  A's  on  a  sheet  of  closely 
printed  letters.^ 

In  the  interpretation  of  results  here,  as  in  the  case  of  those 
derived  from  a  number  of  other  tests,  we  believe  that  the  psycho- 
gram  developed  for  our  purposes  should  not  deal  too  closely 
with  numerical  calculations,  but  rather  with  more  important 
characterizations.  We  should  be  especially  interested  in  some 
such  determination  as  that  the  subject  was  slow  and  accurate, 
or  was  speedy  and  accurate. 

§  62.  Motor  Coordination.  —  Testing  the  motor  coordina- 
ting abilities  is  well  worth  doing  in  every  case,  because  when 
disturbances  are  found  they  are  important,  from  neurological, 
vocational,  and  educational  standpoints.  The  neurologist  always 
gives  well-known  tests,  particularly  those  with  the  eyes  shut,  in 
order  to  see  whether  certain  functions  of  the  nervous  system  are 
intact.  Coordination  of  the  motor  with  the  visual  perceptive  func- 
tions is  also  important  to  test.  We  have  with  satisfaction  used  a 
test  where  the  subject  taps  as  rapidly  as  possible  in  succeeding 
half-inch  squares  without  touching  the  lines  or  missing  the  squares. 
Information  of  value  has  been  found  out  in  numerous  cases  by 
this  method.  Testing  by  means  of  other  and  more  compli- 
cated methods,  particularly  with  the  use  of  electrical  apparatus, 
where  the  individual  attempts  steadily  to  hold  a  stylus  in  a 
given  space  without  causing  the  ringing  of  a  bell,  is  well  known. 
Most  of  the  apparatus  can  be  very  easily  installed  in  a  simple 
laboratory.  Our  tapping  sheet,  Test  XVI,  has  so  far  answered 
our  purposes. 

§  63.  Associative  Processes.  —  Testing  the  rapidity  and  ac- 
curacy of  associative  processes  brings  us  very  close  to  estima- 
tion of  the  essential  working  powers  of  the  mind  in  general.  All 
of  the  separate  items  of  our  total  mental  content  are  connected 
in  a  stream  of  thought  by  links  of  association;  one  calls  up  the 
other  because  it  is  in  some  way  related  to  it.    Now  study  of  the 

1  Whipple  in  his  Manual,  under  the  title  of  Test  XXVI,  Cancellation,  de- 
scribes various  tests  primarily  adapted  to  estimate  attention  as  applied  to 
visual  perception. 


Plate  I 
A  Picture  Form-Boakd- 

ouR  Test  I 

An  example  of  a  test  in  which  form  and  color  perceptions,  some  apperceptions, 
and  methods  of  trial  and  success  are  brought  out. 


rapidity  and  rational  accuracy  of  these  links  gives  us  a  clue  to 
fundamental  strengths  and  weaknesses.  Study  of  them  is  pecu- 
liarly valuable  for  knowledge  of  the  existence  of  a  number  of 
psychological  conditions. 

The  only  direct  way  in  which  to  know  the  associative  process  is 
through  the  medium  of  language.  Where  a  foreign  language 
has  been  used  extensively  by  a  subject  in  school  or  at  home, 
that  must  be  taken  into  account  in  the  interpretation  of  certain 
of  the  tests  given  for  association.  We  have  tried  a  number  of 
methods  which  have  not  proved  available.  The  following  seem 
to  be  of  most  worth. 

The  so-called  uncontrolled  continuous  association  is  where 
the  individual  is  told  to  say  all  the  words  he  can  as  rapidly  as 
possible,  or  when  he  is  told  to  follow  the  same  method,  but  after 
the  giving  of  a  stimulus  word.  By  this  means  not  only  the  rapid- 
ity of  response  may  be  gauged,  as  in  one  of  the  Binet  tests  for 
12  years,  but  also  the  range  of  information  and  interests  may  be 
sometimes  discerned. 

Controlled  association  may  be  tested  both  for  rapidity  and 
accuracy.  The  subject  is  asked  to  give  as  rapidly  as  possible 
a  w^ord  that  means  exactly  the  opposite  to  the  word  given,  and 
the  time  is  taken  in  fifths  of  seconds  by  a  stop  watch.  If  the 
language  factor  can  be  fairly  ruled  out  of  the  case,  the  rapidity 
of  correct  association  in  this  test  gives  one  of  the  best  indica- 
tions that  we  have  of  any  form  of  native  ability.  Our  Test 
XV,  Antonyms,  offers  a  standard  list  of  words.  Much  work 
on  this  test  has  been  done  by  Norsworthy  (99)  and  others. 
It  affords  one  of  the  easiest  ways  to  study  mental  reaction 
times.     (Latterly  we  use  a  better  standardized  list.) 

Another  form  of  this  test  is  to  give  a  word,  and  call  for  another 
word  naming  the  class  to  which  the  stimulus  word  belongs. 
Studies  of  accuracy  and  rapidity  have  been  made  for  such  a 
standard  set  of  words  by  Norsworthy.  This  test  has  much  less 
significance  for  us  than  the  antonym  method. 

§  64.  Perception  of  Form  and  Color  Relationships.  —  Form 
perceptions  are  tested  in  their  very  primary  relationships  by 
the  so-called  Form  Board  Test,  which  is  seen  in  many  institu- 
tions for  the  feebleminded.  Goddard  has  attempted  to  stand- 
ardize the  apparatus.  It  will  hardly  be  found  useful  except  for 
those  mental  defectives  who  are  usually  segregated  as  such  before 
they  become  arrant  offenders.    Perception  of  form  relationships 


§  64]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VI 

enters  into  our  Test  I,  and  also  into  our  Construction  Tests, 
which  are  illustrated  on  the  accompanying  plates. 

It  is  very  difficult  to  distinguish  between  native  and  acquired 
abilities  in  working  with  these  tests.  Training  of  children  in 
kindergarten  work,  or  with  geometrical  figures,  undoubtedly 
affects  profoundly  their  abilities. 

Perception  of  color  relationship  is  perhaps  of  less  importance 
vocationally.  Although  for  some  time  in  the  beginning  of  our 
own  researches  we  looked  fairly  carefully  for  major  defects  of 
color  vision,  we  found  not  a  single  case.  There  has  been  some 
suggestion  in  the  past  of  the  relationship  of  this  defect  to  crim- 
inalism. Our  results  would  not  justify  our  going  farther  in  the 
study  of  a  possible  correlation  that  had  no  warranted  a  priori 
basis,  nor  grounds  in  observed  fact. 

§  65.  Learning  Ability.  —  Learning  ability  for  words  as  ordi- 
narily presented  may  be  tested  as  described,  §  59,  under  the  topic 
of  Memory.  Perhaps  more  exact  determinations  of  native  learn- 
ing ability  may  be  tested  in  other  ways;  meaningless  lists  of  words 
may  be  memorized  and  so  on.  We  have  advisedly  confined 
ourselves  in  this  matter  to  the  study  of  the  ability  of  the  subject 
to  learn  the  arbitrary  association  of  a  set  of  symbols  with  numer- 
als. In  the  form  we  present  as  Test  VIII  there  is  found  a  varia- 
tion on  some  ideas  proffered  earlier  by  a  number  of  psychologists. 
Learning  ability  in  more  complicated  relationships,  as  shown 
by  the  results  gained  from  the  use  of  a  number  of  our  other  tests, 
is  a  matter  of  rather  obvious  estimation. 

§  66.  Ability  to  Profit  by  Experience.  —  One  of  the  com- 
monest remarks  concerning  the  unsuccessful,  repeated  offender 
is  that  the  individual  does  not  seem  to  be  able  to  profit  by  ex- 
perience. Now,  of  course,  this  profiting  by  experience  in  social 
situations  implies  not  only  learning  powers,  but  also  the  ele- 
ments of  attention,  memory,  apperception  and  what  not,  that 
go  to  make  it  possible  consciously  to  represent  a  situation  in 
the  light  of  past  related  ideas  and  experiences.  There  are  thus 
many  circumstances  and  conditions  which  affect  the  total  social 
result,  but  it  is  certainly  important  to  note,  if  possible,  whether 
the  individual  has  the  innate  power  to  make  any  such  combina- 
tion of  mental  activities.  Several  of  our  tests,  which  involve 
the  manipulative  performance  of  a  task,  the  solution  of  which  is 
usually  not  obvious,  are  calculated  to  demonstrate  something  of 
the  individual's  ability  to  profit  by  the  results  of  what   he  has 

Plate  II 

Construction  Test  A 

An  example  of  a  test  which  demonstrates  planfulness  and  the  powers  of 

learning  by  experience.     The  illustration  shows  the  test  as 

presented,  as  completed,  and  two  types  of  error. 

J      ) 

Plate  III 

Construction  Test  B 

Another  test  for  planfulness  and  learning  by  the  method  of  trial  and 

success.     The  illustration  shows  the  test  as  presented,  and 

one  example  of  error  in  placing  the  pieces. 

Chap.  Vl]  LANGUAGE    ABILITY  [§  67 

done  previously  in  the  performance.  In  the  doing  of  our  Con- 
struction Tests  III  and  IV,  this  point  is  sometimes  brought  out 
most  remarkably.  Other  estimations  might  be  made  by  ob- 
serving the  procedure  on  tests  which  involve  more  of  the  puzzle 
idea  —  in  fact  to  a  clear-headed  person  the  solution  of  a  puzzle 
involves  exactly  this  tjpe  of  work,  namely,  making  a  trial  and 
profiting  by  one's  success  or  error.  We  have  tried  a  number  of 
puzzles,  but  for  our  purposes  have  found  very  little  satisfaction 
in  their  use,  because  so  many  other  elements  were  involved  in 
working  with  them.  One  probably  valuable  form  of  test  for  this 
piu'pose,  as  some  one  has  suggested,  might  embody  the  electrical 
wiring  of  a  simple  switchboard  or  a  little  system  of  bells  in  which 
the  inner  combination  of  wires  could  not  be  seen. 

An  exceedingly  ingenious  test,  unfortunately  taking  up  much 
space,  was  devised  by  G.  V.  Hamilton  (112),  to  study  in  ani- 
mals and  human  beings  of  low  capacity  the  ability  to  profit 
by  simple  experience.  The  ingenuity  of  his  device  offers  much 
food  for  thought.  It  is  quite  possible  that  the  same  principles 
might  be  used  for  methods  which  could  be  evolved  to  apply  to 
institutional  inmates.  For  the  description  of  the  apparatus  we 
must  refer  the  reader  to  the  original  article,  but  may  say  here 
that  it  consists  of  a  room  with  one  entrance  and  several  exits, 
only  one  of  which  was  opened  at  the  time.  The  one  that  would 
be  opened  at  the  time  of  a  given  trial  varied  according  to  a  scheme 
which  could  be  learned  by  the  results  of  previous  trials.  The 
direct  results  of  errors  and  successes  are  very  clearly  appre- 
ciated in  this  test  —  a  quality  making  for  its  validity. 

§  67.  Language  Ability.  —  On  account  of  its  practical  im- 
portance in  the  many  ways  which  crop  out  in  our  case  studies, 
particularly  in  the  groups  concerned  with  special  mental  abilities 
or  disabilities,  and  with  pathological  liars,  language  ability  should 
be  definitively  evaluated.  By  general  observations  during  the 
giving  of  the  tests,  many  of  which  deal  directly  with  language, 
and  during  the  interview,  enough  of  an  estimate  can  be  made 
practically  to  classify  the  individual,  or  at  least  to  get  first  im- 
pressions of  any  peculiar  language  characteristics.  In  any  case, 
further  tests  with  reading,  and  estimation  of  the  vocabulary, 
and  the  flow  of  ideas,  can  be  made  as  necessary.  For  the  sum- 
marized psychological  impressions,  in  cases  where  the  abilities 
are  remarkable  on  account  of  richness  or  poverty  of  language 
powers,  judgment  should  be  made  on  the  rapidity  of  speech, 


§  67]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VI 

choice  of  words,  formation  and  consequentiality  of  ideas.  If 
innate  inability  to  read  or  write  is  discovered,  that  matter  should 
be  specially  investigated  by  methods  familiar  to  neurologists 
and  educational  psychologists. 

§  68.  Arithmetical  Ability.  —  The  ability  to  deal  with  num- 
ber relationships,  a  capacity  that  can  be  isolated  for  practical 
purposes,  although  thoroughly  complex  in  its  elements,  when  it 
appears  to  be  below  par  should  be  investigated  as  a  possible 
cause  of  trouble  in  the  individual's  career.  It  is  an  issue  of  suffi- 
cient importance,  as  we  have  on  occasion  found,  to  be  taken 
carefully  by  itself.  Psychologists  will  study  the  weakness,  and 
endeavor  to  find  if  due  to  innate  disability  or  to  poor  teaching, 
to  find  if  it  exists  for  concrete  or  only  abstract  numerical  items, 
whether  it  is  dependent  on  weak  auditory  or  visual  functions, 
defective  memory  span,  and  so  on.  Some  of  these  facts  may 
stand  so  closely  related  to  the  welfare  of  the  individual  that 
they  are  correlated  with  delinquency. 

§  69.  Mental  Representation  and  Analysis.  —  The  ability 
to  represent  in  terms  of  various  imageries  a  given  situation 
to  one's  self,  and  to  revolve  it  over  in  the  mind,  seeing  its 
different  parts,  and  mentally  commenting  on  their  comparisons 
and  relationships,  is  one  of  the  most  valuable  of  human  facul- 
ties. It  is  an  ability  that  greatly  makes  for  social  success  or  fail- 
ure, even  to  the  point  of  giving  that  understanding  which  is  the 
best  prophylaxis  of  delinquency.  A  group  of;  tests  of  increas- 
ing difficulty  we  have  used  with  much  satisfaction  —  our  num- 
bers IX  and  X,  namely,  the  Cross  Line  Tests,  and  XI,  the  Code 
Test  —  appears  to  bring  out  the  possession  of  just  this  quality. 
These  tests  involve  spacial  and  numerical  relationships,  and 
require  the  mental  representation  of  a  simple  form  scheme,  and 
analysis  of  the  parts  as  the  whole  is  mentally  viewed  through 
use  of  imagery.  On  these  tests,  usually  regarded  by  adults  as 
easy,  some  curious  results  may  be  observed  from  many  offenders 
who  are  not  feebleminded. 

In  many  other  ways  this  important  ability  may  be  estimated; 
a  social  situation  involving  moral  sanctions  may  be  orally  pre- 
sented, as  is  done  by  ethical  and  religious  preceptors,  and  an 
analysis  required.  This  latter  constitutes  a  complex  test  of 
comprehension.  We  offer  a  couple  of  interesting  orally  pre- 
sentable situations.  Test  XXI  (Moral  Judgment  §  76),  but  warn 
that  interpretation  of  results  should  be  made  with  much  cir- 


Chap.  VI]  PERCEPTION    (vISUAL)    AND    ANALYSIS  [§  71 

cumspection.  The  varying  mental  elements  often,  though  not 
always,  interfere  with  final  safe  conclusions. 

§  70.  Foresight  and  Planfulness.  —  It  was  Thorndike  who 
long  ago  said  to  us,  that  if  weakness  in  any  one  particular  ability 
were,  a  priori,  to  be  selected  as  most  likely  to  stand  often  at 
the  root  of  criminalism,  it  would  be  the  lack  of  foresight.  Per- 
haps the  facts,  if  they  were  determinable,  might  confirm  this 
suspicion,  but  it  appears  to  be  a  very  difficult  matter  to  check  up 
with  accuracy  the  powers  of  foresight,  so  much  do  they  vary  in 
different  fields  of  thought  and  action.  Certainly  foresight  has 
much  to  do  w^ith  planfulness,  and  the  latter  can  be  partially 
tested  in  various  ways.  From  our  construction  tests  we  can  fre- 
quently obtain  a  good  register  of  planning  ability.  In  the  han- 
dling of  oiu"  mechanical  box,  which  is  offered  for  perceptual  analy- 
sis {dde  §  71),  the  planning  or  lack  of  it  may  be  noted.  Just 
so  with  many  other  tests;  notes  can  be  made  on  the  question  at 
many  points  of  the  performance.  A  test  that  commands  interest, 
and  which  involves  some  visual  perception,  much  mental  repre- 
sentation, and  analysis  of  the  representation,  and  is  directly 
calculated  to  demonstrate  planning  ability,  is  offered  by  Terman 
(113).  A  baseball  is  supposed  to  be  lost  in  a  circular,  grassy  field 
and  the  subject  is  asked  to  think  over  the  situation  and  plan 
and  diagram  the  most  economical  possible  route  to  be  taken  over 
the  field  in  search  of  the  ball.  Nothing  can  be  easier  than  the 
giving  of  this  test  and  the  results  obtained  are  often  valuable. 

We  early  considered  games  as  demanding  planning  and  fore- 
sight. The  only  available  one,  on  account  of  its  universality, 
has  seemed  to  be  checkers  or  draughts.  Of  course,  if  this  game 
has  not  been  played  often  enough  to  offer  the  subject  oppor- 
tunity for  gaining  skill  in  it,  the  test  is  not  available.  But  when 
we  ascertain  this  to  have  been  the  case  we  can  use  it  as  a  test. 
The  most  important  result,  as  in  the  case  of  any  performance, 
is  when  we  have  the  positive  proof  of  ability.  Under  our 
Test  XX  we  consider  the  conditions  of  proof.  When  ability  has 
not  been  shown,  we  must,  to  be  fair,  feel  sure  that  effort  was 

§  71.  Perception  (Visual)  and  Analysis.  —  We  have  made 
an  effort  to  develop  means  of  estimating  the  combination  of 
visual  perceptive  and  analytic  functions.  A  mechanical  box,  our 
Test  V,  (see  illustration)  was  gradually  evolved,  in  which  the 
task  could  be  easily  perceived  and  then  analyzed  and  solved  by 


§  71]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VI 

studying  the  sequence  of  steps  required.  This  test  is  undoubtedly 
of  some  value  for  vocational  diagnosis.  This  same  combination 
of  powers  is  less  directly  involved  in  the  performance  of  other 
tests,  such  as  our  Construction  and  Cross  Line  Tests. 

§72.  Judgment  and  Discrimination.  —  Judgment  has  to  be 
displayed  notably  in  the  performance  of  a  number  of  the  tests, 
particularly  those  mentioned  in  the  preceding  paragraph.  As 
exercised  either  through  direct  or  indirect  discrimination,  we 
can  test  judgment  in  several  ways.  The  sorting  of  a  series  of 
weights  in  the  Binet  ten-year  test,  and  the  asking  for  judgment 
on  the  length  of  slightly  different  lines  are  good  examples.  Both 
these  tests  can  be  carried  to  any  desirable  extent.  The  Binet 
eight-year  question  about  the  difference  between  remembered 
objects  gives  suggestion  for  the  development  of  further  and 
harder  questions  that  involve  the  same  type  of  judgment.  Ziehen 
(114,  p.  28)  developed  earlier  this  method  of  determining  the 
ability  to  discriminate  mentally  represented  material,  and  the 
difference  test  is  sometimes  called  Ziehen's  test. 

A  number  of  other  tests  of  perceptual  and  sensory  judgment  or 
discrimination  are  available,  beginning  with  the  simple  tests  of 
neurologists  for  anomalies  of  nervous  conductivity.  Whipple 
(78)  in  a  chapter  on  tests  of  sensory  capacity,  and  Franz  (84)  in 
his  chapter  on  sensation  give  many  tests  which  can  be  applied 
without  the  use  of  exceedingly  complicated  apparatus.  The 
discrimination  which  is  under  discussion  in  this  paragraph  is 
supposed  to  involve  very  little  of  the  feature  of  mental  repre- 
sentation. But  as  a  matter  of  fact,  what  really  constitutes  pain 
or  brightness  or  pleasantness,  forms  in  itself  a  matter  of  judg- 
ment on  the  part  of  the  subject.  The  data  collectable  by  these 
tests  do  not  belong  to  the  simple  anthropometric  categories 
where  they  were  earlier  placed.  Perhaps  some  of  these  tests 
will  be  shown  later  to  have  considerable  worth  for  the  study 
of  offenders,  but  at  present  we  feel  justified  in  mostly  passing 
them  by. 

An  interesting  judgment  test,  first  developed  for  vocational 
ends,  is  described  by  Miinsterberg  (ill).  It  consists  in  the  rapid 
visual  perceptive  judgment  upon  and  sorting  of  cards,  which 
present  varying  numbers  of  special  letters  mixed  among  other 
members  of  the  alphabet.  Judgment  is  formed  as  to  which  letter 
preponderates  and  the  card  is  sorted  accordingly.  Accuracy 
and  time  are  recorded.    We  see  clearly  from  this  test  that  some 


Plate  IV 

A  Puzzle  Box  —  our  Test  V 

An  example  of  a  concrete  problem  to  be  reasoned  out  from  perceived 

relationships.     Each  step  to  the  solution,  namely,  opening 

the  box,  is  plainly  visible. 

Chap.  VI]  SUGGESTIBILITY  [§  73 

fair  characterizations  of  the  examinee  may  be  formed,  but  the 
establishment  of  numerical  coefficients  worked  up  on  the  com- 
bination of  varying  quantities  of  time  and  accuracy  is  to  be  looked 
upon  as  dangerously  artificial. 

§  73.  Suggestibility.  —  Many  tests  for  estimating  suggesti- 
bility by  the  sensory  illusion  type  of  test  (looking  for  false  inter- 
pretation of  perceptions,  such  as  those  of  warmth  and  weight) 
have  been  worked  out,  but  are  hardly  to  be  considered  desirable 
for  study  of  the  offender  unless  carefully  undertaken  and  in- 
terpreted by  a  technician.  They  offer  little  for  a  practical 

On  the  other  hand,  tests  of  suggestibility  where  personal  in- 
fluence is  a  factor,  are  obviously  of  considerable  import  in  the 
study  of  the  delinquent.^  Binet  wisely  laid  much  stress  on  per- 
sonal influences  in  suggestibility,  and  even  introduced  a  test  of 
resistance  to  suggestion  into  his  series,  putting  it  into  the  12- 
year  group  because  he  considered  at  that  age  level  there  was 
first  developed,  on  the  average,  resistance  to  suggestion.  (Psy- 
chologists working  with  the  "  Aussage "  test  have  concluded 
that  there  are  very  great  differences  between  resistance  to 
personal  suggestion  at  different  ages  in  the  giving  of  testimony.) 
Binet  says  heedlessness  and  lack  of  attention  may  cause  falling 
into  the  trap.  This,  as  we  see  it,  is  exactly  how  in  social  life 
certain  individuals  from  empty-headedness  or  lapses  of  will 
receive  criminalistic  suggestions.  The  individual  through  cer- 
tain negative  aspects  of  his  mental  life  is  more  passive  and  sug- 
gestible than  he  might  otherwise  be.  Proved  suggestibility  in 
one  field,  however,  does  not  necessarily  imply  suggestibility 
in  another.  Another  point  is  that  deliberate  persuasion,  with  its 
straightforward  attempt  to  change  judgment,  is  to  be  very  prop- 
erly separated  in  test  work  and  in  judgments  of  social  conduct, 
from  either  direct  or  indirect  suggestion. 

We  have  always  seen  many  reasons  for  doubting  whether  we 
could  reproduce  conditions  that  would  lead  to  accurate  deter- 
mination of  the  individual's  practical  suggestibility  in  social 
situations.     Our  §  331  on  Social  Suggestibility  should  be  care- 

1  This  most  captivating  psychological  problem,  individual  suggestibiUty 
(we  deliberately  omit  consideration  of  hj^pnosis  and  other  abnormal  condi- 
tions, and  also  the  psychology  of  crowds),  should  be  looked  into  by  every  care- 
ful student  of  offenders.  Very  many  partial  contributions  have  been  offered, 
but  the  most  desirable  works  with  which  to  become  acquaioted  are  those  of 
Binet  (100  and  101),  O.  Lipmann  (102)  and  Sidis  (17). 


§  73]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VI 

fully  perused  in  this  connection.  We  can  see  at  least  that 
if  the  individual,  with  the  determined  bracing  of  his  will  and  judg- 
ment that  is  frequently  seen  in  the  examiner's  office,  shows  nor- 
mal or  even  more  than  the  ordinary  resistance  to  various  types 
of  suggestion,  it  by  no  means  signifies  that  he  will  not  succumb 
outside  to  social  temptations.  Unpredictable  though  this  point 
is,  we  probably  can,  with  some  degree  of  accuracy,  prognosticate 
from  the  converse  findings  —  for  instance,  it  seems  certain  that 
those  who  show  undue  acceptance  of  indirect  or  direct  suggestion 
with  us  are  often  those  who  notoriously  exhibit  the  same  quali- 
ties socially. 

In  this  whole  matter  of  personal  suggestion  it  should  always 
be  remembered  that  suggestibility  within  moderate  limits  is  a 
perfectly  normal  quality  of  mind,  and  that  people  of  the  highest 
character  and  attainments  show  the  phenomenon.  We  have 
never  made  a  specialty  of  developing  these  tests,  seeing  plainly 
the  unsatisfactoriness  and  difficulty  of  safe  interpretation  for 
the  psychogram.  We  perceive,  however,  that  some  types  of  tests 
bear  good  fruit.  Suggestibility  in  testimony  has  long  been  a 
subject  of  discussion  and  many  of  the  contributions  to  the  "  Aus- 
sage"  or  testimony  problem  (§  60)  deal  with  it.  An  easy  method 
of  introducing  experimental  suggestion  into  our  own  testimony 
test  (Test  VI)  is  to  ask,  during  cross-examination  of  the  subject 
about  what  the  picture  reveals,  whether  certain  things  have  been 
seen  which  are  not  there.  Our  suggestive  inquiry  concerns  such 
items  as  might  well  be  in  the  picture.  We  have  uniformly  told 
the  subject  at  the  beginning  of  the  cross-examination  that  many 
things  would  be  inquired  for,  some  of  which  were  there  and  some 
not  there.  For  the  purposes  of  a  harder  test  this  verbal  precau- 
tion might  be  left  out,  as  it  is  during  the  examination  of  the 
witness  on  the  stand  by  the  shrewd  lawyer.  In  our  responses, 
we  find,  according  to  the  facts  of  normal  suggestibility  mentioned 
above,  much  must  be  often  interpreted  as  neutral.  But  occa- 
sionally such  an  egregious  example  of  suggestibility  is  seen,  even 
when  the  individual  is  not  feebleminded,  or  such  sturdy  and  well- 
judged  responses  are  obtained,  that  the  test  proves  of  much  worth 
for  our  psychological  impressions  of  the  individual. 

From  our  series  of  repeated  offenders  we  have  selected  the  cases 
of  seven  who,  being  mentally  normal,  have  very  markedly  shown 
themselves  to  be  extraordinarily  suggestible  socially  (§331), 
and  have  compared  their  results  on  the  Aussage  test.     None 


Chap.  Vl]  WILL  POWER  [§  74 

of  these  was  diagnosed  lower  than  having  fair  mental  ability. 
In  these  cases  from  4  to  7  of  our  standard  suggestions  were  used 
when  asking  for  a  report  on  the  picture.  We  found  that  in  three 
of  these  cases  no  suggestions  whatever  were  accepted.  One  ac- 
cepted 2  suggestions,  two  accepted  3,  and  in  one  instance  the 
individual  proved  extremely  suggestible,  falling  in  with  no  less 
than  5  of  the  points.  As  an  average  this  shows  far  more  than 
normal  suggestibility.  The  youngest  of  the  group  was  14,  and 
at  this  age  we  find  the  norm  for  our  suggestions  is  not  more  than 
1  accepted.  But  the  extreme  variations  show  that  averages  are 
of  little  import.  The  outstanding  facts  are  that  in  some  cases 
of  extreme  social  suggestibility  no  positive  result  whatever  (vide 
§  331)  was  shown  on  the  "  Aussage"  test,  while  in  others  there  was 
distinct  correlation  between  the  two.  Indeed,  in  a  couple  of 
cases  our  suspicions  of  the  true  nature  of  the  social  difficulty 
were  first  aroused  by  the  findings  in  this  test.  But,  in 
general,  the  conditions  of  laboratory  quiet  are  very  different 
from  those  of  the  coercion  which  so  often  obtains  in  social 

The  story  of  the  individual's  social  reactions  as  revealed  by 
himself  or  his  relatives  and  friends  occasionally  brings  out  the 
point  of  social  suggestibility  very  strongly.  We  have  many 
records  containing  remarkable  examples  of  statements,  even  by 
subjects  themselves,  in  regard  to  their  being  unduly  influence- 
able  by  other  individuals  or  groups  of  individuals.  This  is  simply 
one  more  indication  of  the  fact  that  if  the  social  test  could  be  ap- 
plied, which  would  tell  us  the  individual's  actual  response  under 
environmental  conditions,  we  should  have  one  of  the  best  of 
psychological  tests.  The  report  that  we  can  get,  even  at  second 
hand,  of  the  performance  under  some  of  these  living  conditions 
has  its  import,  particularly  in  the  matter  of  suggestibility,  for 
the  psychogram. 

§  74.  Will  Power.  —  Whatever  may  be  the  equivalent  of  the 
phrase  "  weakness  of  will  power  "  in  correct  psychological  ter- 
minology (the  barest  study  will  show  that  it  implies  numerous 
defective  conditions  of  mind  and  body),  it  is  used  in  the  every- 
day characterization  of  offenders,  with  common-sense,  forceful 
significance.  We  may  get  direct  indications  of  the  strength  of 
this  faculty,  also,  while  carrying  the  subject  through  a  series  of 
tests.  There  are  great  difficulties  in  testing  the  will  as  such,  ex- 
cept in  aberrational  cases.     No  test  has  been  devised  that  has 


§  74]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VI 

yet  received  sufficient  trial  of  its  validity  for  discernment  of 
types  and  comparative  strength  of  will. 

A  most  commendable  effort  in  this  direction  is  the  simple 
but  ingenious  test  of  Guy  C.  Fernald  (104).  Here  there  is  at- 
tempt to  measure  will  power  through  making  observations  of 
conscious,  long-continued  muscular  effort,  namely,  standing 
easily  on  the  toes.  The  important  distinction  which  Fernald 
makes  between  this  and  ergographic  work,  is  that  the  latter  is 
primarily  a  measure  of  fatigue,  the  muscles  giving  out  long  before 
the  will  does;  while  in  his  test  the  strength  of  the  muscles  in- 
volved is  so  great  that  the  discontinuance  of  the  task  is  always 
brought  about  by  breaking  down  of  the  will.  This  Achievement 
Capacity  Test,  as  it  is  called,  deserves  in  its  original  form,  or  in 
modification,  much  trial  in  suitable  laboratories,  such  as  those 
in  reformatories,  where  plenty  of  time  is  available.  Whoever 
uses  it,  however,  should  remember  the  numerous  a  priori  criti- 
cisms which  have  been  offered,  to  the  effect  that  the  personal 
interest  and  good  intention  of  the  subject  are  greatly  involved. 
It  might  be  just  the  one  who  would  say,  "  To  thunder  with  the 
test,"  after  doing  it  a  little  while,  who  would  unremittingly 
exert  his  will  to  some  personally  desired  end.  But  after  all,  a 
•priori  criticism  is  not  always  found  valid  when  practically  work- 
ing with  tests. 

§  75.  Apperception.  —  One  of  the  highest  intellectual  facul- 
ties is  that  of  recognition  of  the  relationship  of  part  to  part  in  a 
given  event,  or  situation,  or  in  a  sequence  of  ideas  or  perceptions. 
This  process  of  apperception,  according  to  the  complexities  in- 
volved, involves  combining  mental  material,  directly  presented 
as  perception,  with  what  is  already  in  the  mental  content.  The 
person  with  so-called  quick  perceptions,  or  good  understanding, 
is  the  one  who  has  apperceptive  ability  in  full  measure.  Accord- 
ing to  Ebbinghaus  (105),  whose  scheme  for  verbally  testing  the 
power  to  discern  relationships  between  separate  ideas  has  been 
given  wide  recognition,  we  have  in  the  performance  of  tests 
which  call  out  the  above  powers,  the  opportunity  of  getting  an 
estimate  of  general  intelligence.  Of  course  all  of  our  tests  call 
out  to  some  degree  the  ability  to  put  what  is  already  in  the  mind 
together  with  what  is  immediately  presented,  but  any  test 
which  more  directly  serves  to  estimate  this  important  ability  is 
altogether  worth  while.  The  Ebbinghaus  Completion  Test  re- 
quires the  insertion  of  words  or  syllables  for  the  completion  of  the 






^1 1 







>     OJ   T3 

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5   o  -S 






























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sense  of  a  passage  from  which  various  parts  have  been  omitted.^ 
The  subject  has  to  draw  on  his  stock  of  words  and  ideas  about 
the  relationships  of  things  for  the  performance  of  this  Comple- 
tion Test.  For  our  purposes,  although  we  see  the  great  value  of 
estimating  some  of  the  powers  called  forth  by  these  completion 
tests,  certain  of  the  requirements  are  clearly  adventitious.  It 
is  the  same  old  trouble;  there  is  involved  in  this  form  of  test, 
through  its  use  of  language,  entirely  too  much  dependence  on 
the  acquaintance  with  words  and  particularly  with  language  as 
visually  presented.  In  testing  apperception  in  this  way  subjects 
who  have  had  the  advantage  of  much  language  training,  have 
an  immense  advantage,  which  is  unfair  for  our  general  study  of 

It  occurred  to  me  that  perhaps  the  valuable  central  idea  of 
the  completion  test  might  be  utilized  without  involving  the  me- 
dium of  language.  Our  Test  II,  originally  designed  to  bring  out 
this  point,  has  been  found  too  easy  and  so  has  been  discarded. 
More  recently  a  picture  representing  ten  easily  recognizable 
activities  and  events  was  constructed,  and  from  it  ten  squares 
of  equal  size  were  cut  so  that  on  each  piece  was  a  part  essential 
to  the  meaning.  Then  on  forty  other  pieces,  all  of  the  same 
size  and  fitting  into  any  of  the  square  holes,  were  drawn  objects 
that  could  be  put  in  place  only  with  injury  to  the  meaning  of 
the  picture.  Some  of  the  wrong  pieces  are  not  so  wrong  as  others. 
Some  may  cover  part  of  the  meaning.  We  designate  errors  as 
partial  and  complete,  or  logical  and  illogical.  The  total  fifty 
pieces  represent  a  stock  of  ideas  from  which  to  draw  to  complete 
the  meaning  of  the  picture.  This  test  (see  illustration)  arouses 
much  interest,  and  from  a  clearly  bad  or  clearly  good  perform- 
ance of  it  very  definite  conclusions  as  to  apperceptive  ability 
may  be  drawn.^ 

Testing  apperceptive  ability  by  jokes  has  been  suggested,  but 
not  much  developed  as  yet.    It  is  a  scheme  that  offers  promise 

1  Texts  of  all  degrees  of  difficulty  may  be  contrived  for  the  giving  of  this 
test.  Several  may  be  found  in  the  original  article  of  Ebbinghaus,  also  as  used 
by  Wiersma  (107),  but  those  are  all  in  German.  Terman  (106)  worked  up  a 
couple  of  forms  and  has  done  something  to  standardize  them. 

2  This  picture  has  been  developed  since  we  pubUshed  our  monograph  on 
tests.  For  a  technical  description  of  it,  with  directions  for  giving,  and  an  ac- 
coimt  of  the  norms  estabhshed,  vide  Healy  (378).  The  skill  of  the  artist, 
Mrs.  Eleanor  Manierre,  was  necessary  to  the  success  of  this  undertaking.  Her 
experience  in  illustrating  children's  books  was  just  what  was  found  necessary 
for  the  evolution  of  the  test.  Much  gratitude  is  due  her  for  her  interested 


§  75]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VI 

of  results  when  undertaken  by  means  of  well-selected  pictures.^ 
Binet's  test  for  nonsense  statements  in  the  ten-year  group  is 
along  the  same  line.  Anderson  is  using  for  the  same  pur- 
pose tests  for  interpretation  of  proverbs  and  of  verbal  ideational 

§  76.  Moral  Discrimination.  —  In  forming  impressions  of 
the  offender,  one  would  naturally  feel  the  importance  of  the 
actual  capacity  for  moral  judgment.  Of  all  the  mental  furniture, 
the  power  to  discriminate  between  right  and  wrong  would  seem 
to  be  most  essential  for  well-doing.  Undoubtedly  of  greatest  value 
to  know  would  be  the  mental  procedure  in  the  face  of  an  active 
moral  issue.  Unfortunately,  the  only  thing  open  to  ordinary 
testing  is  the  general  ideational  potentiality,  and  that  by  no 
means  reveals  the  procedure  that  actually  takes  place  in  a  liv- 
ing situation.  The  capacity  is  not  the  same  thing  as  the  prac- 
tice in  the  realm  of  moral  decisions.  The  tyro  will  realize  that 
by  questioning  the  answer  will  generally  be  obtained  that  steal- 
ing and  assault  and  so  on  are  pernicious  deeds,  as  considered  in 
the  abstract,  and  will  also  realize  that  the  answer  gives  no  crite- 
rion of  what  the  subject's  judgment  will  be  in  the  face  of  oppor- 
tunity or  provocation. 

However,  the  powers  of  general  moral  judgment  and  par- 
ticularly of  the  comprehension  of  moral  issues  involved  in  a 
given  situation,  are  sometimes  important  to  appreciate.  F.  C. 
Sharp  (no)  has  done  interesting  work  with  non-offenders  on  this 
subject  of  moral  discrimination,  and  we  have  utilized,  in  modi- 
fication, in  our  Test  XXI,  some  of  his  methods.  A  short  narra- 
tion involving  some  points  of  ethical  judgment  is  orally  presented, 
and  a  discriminating  response  is  called  for. 

Professor  Sharp's  concise  rendering  of  the  problems  is  something 
as  follows: 

(1)  In  a  Russian  city  last  year  there  lived  a  man  who  could  get  no 
work.  He  had  for  a  neighbor  a  sick  widow  with  two  little  children, 
who  were  starving.  The  poor  man  took  some  bread  that  did  not  be- 
long to  him  from  a  baker's  shop,  because  he  could  get  it  in  no  other 
way  and  gave  it  to  the  widow  and  her  children.  •  Did  he  do  right  or 

(2)  A  settlement  was  once  besieged  by  a  large  body  of  Indians  be- 

1  An  article  on  testing  intelligence  by  means  of  jokes  from  "  Die  Fliegende 
Blatter"  has  appeared,  ?nde  bibliography,  Testing  Intelhgence  (379). 

2  These  tests  are  used  by  Dr.  V.  V.  Anderson  of  the  Municipal  Court, 
Boston.    Results  on  them  have  not  yet  been  pubUshed. 


Chap.  Vl]  MORAL   DISCRIMINATION  [§  76 

cause  the  chief  thought  that  one  of  the  white  men  had  done  him  an 
injury,  though  he  really  had  not  done  so.  The  chief  sent  word  to  the 
captain  of  the  ^^llage  that  if  the  man  was  given  up  to  him  lie  would 
go  away,  but  if  not  he  would  burn  the  village  and  kill  the  people. 
The  captain  and  the  people  knew  that  if  the  Indians  attacked  them 
they  would  be  very  likely  to  capture  the  settlement  and,  at  least, 
would  kill  a  good  many.  They  also  knew  that  their  fellow  citizen 
was  innocent  and  that  to  give  him  up  meant  torture  and  death  for 

What  was  the  right  thing  for  the  captain  of  the  village  to  do  and 

What  would  you  have  done  if  you  had  been  captain? 

We  see  at  once  many  difficulties  in  interpretation  of  the  an- 
swers, and  have  to  confess  that  in  only  comparatively  few  in- 
stances has  the  response  proved  of  distinct  worth.  Occasionally 
strong  types  are  met  with,  either  showing  much  appreciation  of 
ethical  sanctions,  or  clearly  belittling  the  canons  of  social  moral- 
ity, and  then  only  is  interpretation  fair.  One  grave  trouble  is 
in  noting  whether  all  the  details  of  the  situation  have  been  com- 
prehended. On  cross-examination  we  have  sometimes  found 
absence  of  realization  of  some  of  the  facts  mentioned.  The  test 
then  turns  out  to  be,  as  we  mentioned  above,  one  of  compre- 
hension or  mental  representation  of  a  situation  verbally  pre- 

An  ingenious  test  for  ethical  discrimination  has  been  evolved 
by  Guy  Fernald  (109).  He  uses  ten  slips  of  paper,  each  having 
printed  on  it  a  few  words  describing  tersely  some  offense,  or  am- 
bition or  meritorious  act.  The  task  is  to  sort  these  in  the  order 
of  their  moral  significance.  The  idea  is  good,  but  through  the 
use  of  only  a  few  words  the  lack  of  sufficient  connotation  and  ex- 
planation leaves  great  possibilities  of  variation  in  the  compre- 
hension of  the  signfficance  of  the  deed.  At  our  suggestion  Fernald 
has  developed  illustrations  representing  the  same  deeds  with, 
of  course,  a  vast  increase  of  the  detailed  significant  background 
of  fact  and  meaning.  (Moving  pictures  represent  manifold 
possibilities  in  this  direction.)  Another  trouble  in  this  test  is 
with  the  standard  of  norms.  The  deed  may  be  considered  ob- 
viously from  the  legal,  the  conventional  ethical,  the  religious, 
or  the  personal  emotional  standpoint.  For  instance,  the  killing 
of  a  moose  may  be  looked  at  from  the  standpoint  of  a  hungry 
woodsman,  of  a  game  warden,  or  of  a  nature-lover  like  Thoreau. 
The  student  of  the  evolution  of  morals  would  have  much  to  say 


§  76]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VI 

on  this  whole  question.  Still  another  trouble,  and  one  that  we 
have  found  peculiarly  in  our  own  situation,  is  in  the  language 
factor.  In  our  population  the  understanding  of  the  written  word 
in  any  given  language  varies  too  greatly  for  the  idea  of  complete 
comprehension  of  even  these  short  sentences  to  be  safely  used 
as  an  established  norm.  Perhaps  this  test  may  be  worked  up 
past  some  of  these  difficulties. 

§  77.  Following  Instructions.  Vocational  Tests.  —  One  of 
the  oldest  tests  used  by  neurologists  in  the  diagnosis  of  general 
mental  powers,  is  that  of  the  ability  to  follow  instructions. 
Usually  the  directions  for  three  simple  tasks  were  given  together, 
orally.  The  results  of  the  performance  gave  important  indications, 
even  though  the  mental  process  involved  was  unresolved.  Binet 
took  this  same  idea  in  extremely  simple  form  for  one  of  the  seven- 
year  tests.  It  is  obvious  that  desirable  elaboration  of  this  method 
could  be  introduced  for  vocational  or  general  ability  diagnosis. 

In  instances  where  information  for  vocational  diagnosis  in  a 
broad  sense,  as  between  fitness  for  being  a  field  laborer  and  an 
office  clerk,  was  desirable,  we  have  used  the  following  test,  which 
may  be  regarded  as  an  example  of  its  kind.  Our  Test  XIV,  see 
illustration,  consists  of  a  mechanical  box  to  be  opened  by  care- 
ful manipulations  following  verbal  instructions.  The  form  of 
the  test  arouses  competitive  interest;  the  performance  always 
gives  some  indication  of  general  ability  and  some  specific  knowl- 
edge of  fitness  for  certain  kinds  of  accurate  work. 

Other  tests  could  readily  be  devised  if  vocational  diagnosis 
in  any  given  study  of  the  offender  was  desirable,  and  how  ex- 
tremely desirable  it  may  be  can  be  seen  from  contemplation  of 
some  of  our  case  studies.  We  are  certain  that  diagnosis  of  occu- 
pational aptitude  should  properly  be  a  careful  part  of  the  study 
of  the  delinquent,  because  of  the  frequent  relationship  between 
vocational  dissatisfaction  and  social  misconduct.  The  develop- 
ment of  this  whole  line  of  work  promises  much,  but  as  yet  it  is 
nearly  a  virgin  field.  The  best  vocational  bureaus  themselves 
advisedly  await  the  production  of  really  dependable  methods 
of  diagnosis  and  prediction  at  the  hands  of  practical  psychol- 

§  78.  Special  Abilities.  —  On  account  of  their  importance, 
and  also  because  they  are  not  always  to  be  considered  in  a  voca- 
tional light,  special  abilities  may  be  dwelt  on  apart  from  the 
matter  of  the  previous  section.    Tests  for  special  abilities  may  be 


Plate  VI 

An  Instruction  Box  —  our  Test  XIV 

Example  of  a  vocational  test.     The  box  can  only  be  opened  by 

accurately  following  each  step  of  the  instructions  given. 

Chap.  VI]  SPECIAL   ABILITIES  [§  78 

presented  and,  naturally,  in  the  form  of  selected  tasks.  What 
emphasis  to  place  on  the  possession  of  special  talents  may  be 
gathered  from  the  relevant  facts  presented  in  our  practical  study 
of  delinquents.  The  need  for  self-expression  forms  in  some  per- 
sons the  soil  from  which  misconduct  springs.  The  first  abilities 
that  come  to  the  reader's  mind  are,  no  doubt,  those  connected 
with  the  artistic  world,  where  the  peculiar  mental  traits  con- 
nected with  genius  and  ardent  desire  for  self-expression  are 
so  well  recognized.  The  mere  desire  to  shine  in  any  of  these 
fields  may  be  exotic,  however,  and  bespeak  no  corresponding 
natural  faculty.  The  only  way  to  determine  such  ability  is  to 
have  people  competent  in  the  artistic  world  sympathetically 
conduct  a  special  test.  Even  if  discovered,  the  presence  of  artis- 
tic ability,  as  we  know  only  too  well,  does  not  guarantee  freedom 
from  delinquency;  but  that  full  exercise  of  native  talents  does 
bring  about  immensely  favorable  changes  in  some  careers  we  also 
have  reason  to  know. 

Other  special  abilities  may  be  more  easily  reckoned  with.  A 
boy  may  have  capacity  for  mechanical  pursuits,  powers  he  has 
never  had  a  chance  to  know  he  possessed,  and  which  may  prove 
his  saving  grace.  Not  a  few  girls  with  real  histrionic  ability 
have  become  delinquent  in  the  search  for  self-expression.  Their 
abilities  and  desires  might  have  been  recognized  and  utilized, 
in  w^ays  quite  normal  and  moral,  and  quite  apart  from  the  public 

I  am  not  sure  but  that  I  should  include  under  this  head  of 
special  abilities  the  peculiar  sagacities  and  capacities  which  make 
for  success  in  the  great  out-door  world.  The  capacity  of  a  man 
for  solitude  and  hardship,  and  for  overcoming  the  difficulties  of 
nature,  and  the  ability  keenly  to  observe  and  reason  on  natural 
phenomena,  and  the  desire  for  large  freedom,  and  for  long  stretches 
of  muscular  activity,  mark  a  man  as  having  peculiar  adaptabili- 
ties just  as  much  as  do  his  possession  of  qualities  which  will  make 
him  an  artist.  While  these  traits  are  hardly  open  to  laboratory 
testing,  another  field  of  trial  may  be  found  in  the  larger  world, 
from  which  we  can  gather,  after  all,  many  facts  for  our  psycho- 

Knowledge  of  special  abilities  in  the  field  of  imagination  may  be 
worth  testing  for.  Simple  devices,  such  as  the  well-known  ink- 
blot test,  vide  Binet  (115)  and  Whipple  (78,  p.  430),  where  the  sub- 
ject is  asked  what  he  can  imagine  a  certain  irregular  blot  looks 


§   78]  WORKING    METHODS  [Chap.  VI 

like,  have  been  used.  Much  more  important,  of  course,  is  the  use 
of  imagination  in  the  artistic  and  Kterary  fields.  Recognition  of 
the  latter  is  possible  by  obvious  methods,  and  has  led  to  success- 
ful careers.  The  writing  of  a  story  which  has  been  read  some  days 
previously  may  be  demanded,  and  if  the  subject  is  told  to  give 
full  sway  to  his  powers,  the  possession  of  imagination  can  usually 
be  determined  from  one  such  production.  We  have  had  reason 
to  recognize  practical  connection,  at  first  not  obvious,  between 
the  possession  of  the  imaginative  faculty  and  a  tendency  to  delin- 
quency. It  is  Stemmermann  (117)  who  tells  of  a  delinquent  v/ho 
long  continued  his  career  of  swindling  and  misrepresentation, 
until  he  found  expression  for  his  imaginative  powers  in  the  field 
of  journalism. 

A  familiar  field  for  use  of  the  imagination  in  the  modem  world 
is  that  of  invention.  It  might  be  more  or  less  easy  to  test  abili- 
ties in  this  direction,  and  one  would  certainly  like  to  see  something 
of  this  sort  done.  Terman  (118)  has  suggested  a  simple  way  of 
bringing  out  what  might  be  called  the  first  principles  of  this  abil- 
ity. His  test  consists  of  the  offering  of  five  sets  of  chains  of  three 
links  each.  The  subject  is  asked  to  figure  out  how  these  could 
all  be  welded  into  one  chain  with  breaking  and  welding  only 
three  of  the  links.  By  such  methods,  carried  to  any  desired  com- 
plexity, no  doubt  a  great  deal  of  the  subject's  power  of  imagina- 
tion and  invention  could  be  learned. 

§  79.  Mental  Content  and  Interests.  —  A  questionnaire  cal- 
culated to  bring  out  the  quantity  and  quality  of  general  informa- 
tion in  a  number  of  branches  of  human  knowledge  frequently 
reveals  much  of  importance.  As  the  result  of  our  special  in- 
quiries. Test  XXII,  we  have  at  times  wondered  if  this  was  not 
one  of  the  most  important  of  tests,  because  of  its  revelation  of 
the  paucity  of  healthy  mental  interests  to  be  found  in  mentally 
normal  offenders.  Of  this  more  in  our  case  studies.  The  idea  is 
not  new.  Whipple  (119)  has  published  a  "  Range  of  Informa- 
tion Test  "  for  high  school  and  college  students,  consisting  of  one 
hundred  words  for  definition,  belonging  to  various  fields  of  human 
knowledge.  One  would  venture  to  say  that  the  use  of  this  test 
would  give  considerable  accurate  information  about  abilities 
and  interests.  Simpler  lists  of  words  could  be  gotten  up,  such  as 
Terman  (120)  has  developed  for  his  revision  of  the  Binet  scale. 
We  should  strongly  counsel  the  use  of  this  method,  realizing  that 
it  should  be  modified  to  suit  the  circumstances  found  in  any 


Chap.  \l]  MENTAL    CONTENT    AND    INTERESTS  [§  79 

given  place  where  work  with  offenders  was  to  be  carried  out. 
The  mere  vocabulary  tests  of  Whipple  and  of  Terman  are  hardly 
as  direct  as  the  questionnaire  method  we  have  used.  Asking  for 
definitions  may  frighten  the  subject  from  full  self-expression, 
whereas  if  one  asks  him  sympathetically  to  tell  all  he  knows 
about  a  steam  engine,  or  professional  baseball,  or  the  civil  war, 
you  may  soon  arouse  interest  which  in  turn  may  give  clue  to 
abilities  that  often,  for  the  sake  of  preventing  a  delinquent  career, 
should  be  practically  tested  and  utilized. 


§  80]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VII 

Working  Methods  —  Concluded 

§  80  (D)  Interpretation  of  Mental  Tests.  §  81.  Enumeration  of  Disturbing 
Conditions.  §  82.  Norms  on  our  Own  Tests.  §  83.  Dangers  of  Insufficient 
Data.  §  84.  (E)  Classification  from  Tests.  §  85.  (F)  Psychoanalysis. 
§  86.  (G)  Psychological  Impressions;  The  Psychogram.  §  87.  Summar- 
izing of  Case. 

§  80.    D.   Interpretation  of  Mental  Tests. 

To  present  a  detailed  statement  concerning  the  interpretation 
of  psychological  tests,  their  standards,  norms  and  variabilities, 
is  here  quite  out  of  our  province.  For  technical  instruction  in 
all  these  points  special  works  must  be  consulted,  and  no  one  is 
qualified  to  work  in  this  field  without  professional  training.  All 
that  we  purpose  to  give  here  is  some  guidance  for  those  who  are 
psychologically  inclined  and  wish  to  make  some  general  interpre- 
tation for  themselves  of  the  results  of  the  tests  as  set  forth  in 
our  case  studies.  For  them  the  following  statement  of  norms 
will  suffice  for  such  conclusions  as  are  justifiable. 

Psychology  is  in  its  infancy  as  an  applied  science,  and,  as  may 
be  gathered  from  the  foregoing  pages,  the  work  of  studying  abili- 
ties and  functions  by  means  of  tests  is  one  of  the  more  recent 
developments.  On  account  of  this  we  have  had  not  only  to  select, 
but  also  to  develop  tests,  and  then,  what  was  even  more  arduous, 
to  establish  some  standards  of  norms  for  the  group  of  individuals 
we  work  with. 

Much  space  might  be  occupied  by  discussion  of  the  possibili- 
ties, limitations,  and  pitfalls  of  developing  and  applying  stand- 
ards, but  all  that  is  really  necessary  to  state  here  comes  under 
two  points;  First,  we  are  thoroughly  convinced  that  some  sort 
of  standards  must  be  worked  up  for  each  given  situation  or 
social  group  in  which  tests  are  applied.  Second,  unless  there  be 
remarkable  uniformity  of  school  training,  environmental  back- 
ground and  emotional  conditions,  such  as  obtain  readily  in  testing 
students  in  a  college  laboratory,  interpretation  of  answers,  types 
and  times  of  performance  can  only,  in  all  fairness,  be  made  within 
wide  limits.    The  many  variabilities  possible  in  the  performance 



of  an  individual  as  seen,  for  instance,  in  court  work,  with  all  the 
complications  of  life  bearing  on  the  given  result,  as  well  as  the 
variations  depending  on  social  opportunities,  we  have  given  some 
hint  of  on  other  pages. 

§  81.  Enumeration  of  Disturbing  Conditions.  —  It  may  serve 
the  purpose  of  illustrating  our  particular  theme  here  to  give  a 
bare  enumeration  of  the  disturbing  conditions,  many  of  them 
at  first  not  at  all  plainly  perceived,  which  may  produce  a  per- 
formance in  the  tests  leading  to  error  in  diagnosis  of  ability.  The 
principal  interferences  we  have  noted  are:  (a)  The  various  pecu- 
liar mental  states  supervening  in  cases  which  later  proved  to  be 
epileptic.  (6)  The  irregular  mental  states  of  hystericals.  (c) 
Choreic  mental  conditions,  especially  when  the  symptoms  are 
confined,  as  they  occasionally  are,  to  the  psychical  sphere,  (d) 
Any  of  the  tremendously  varying  mental  conditions  seen  in  mild 
manic-depressive  conditions,  (e)  Deliberate  deception  (very  rare). 
(/)  Sheer  laziness,  as  occasionally  seen,  (g)  Complete  recalci- 
trancy, sometimes  combined  with  deception,  (h)  Temporary 
dullness  on  account  of  excessive  sex  practices,  (i)  Bashfulness 
or  other  inhibitory  emotions,  (j)  Environmental  conditions,  e.  g. 
effect  of  a  warm  afternoon  or  a  close  room,  (k)  Fatigue  on  the 
part  of  the  examinee.  (Z)  Fatigue  on  the  part  of  the  examiner, 
(m)  Dullness  from  narcotics  or  aberration  from  stimulants. 
(n)  Dullness  from  general  physical  conditions,  such  as  anemia, 
exhaustion  from  recent  illness,  over-exercise,  (o)  The  effects  of 
special  sensory  defects;  these  are  too  obvious  to  need  detailed 
mention,  (p)  Emotional  conditions  resulting  from  incrimination, 
from  being  charged  —  whether  rightly  or  not  —  with  offense 
{vide  §  315). 

Fortunately,  however,  when  the  above  conditions  are  taken 
into  account  there  is  extraordinarily  little  difficulty  in  the  inter- 
pretation of  most  results  as  bearing  on  the  question  of  general 
classification  of  the  individual  in  the  broad,  but  useful  catego- 
ries set  forth  in  the  next  section,  and  in  ascertainment  of  those 
special  abilities  and  disabilities  which  we  find  are  of  much  con- 
cern for  those  who  would  seriously  attempt  to  treat  delinquency 
according  to  its  causes.  At  no  time  do  we  expect  to  see  mental 
performances  set  forth  for  a  general  group,  such  as  ours,  with 
such  numerical  precision  that  one  who  has  not  taken  counsel  of 
experience  with  the  causes  of  variability  can  safely  interpret 
them.     But  given  scientific  training  in  this  direction,  and  the 


§  81]  WORKING    METHODS  [Chap.  VII 

experience  which  common  sense  would  dictate  is  necessary  in 
such  a  situation,  so  that  the  many  causes  of  variabiUty  are  as 
far  as  possible  reckoned  with,  then,  we  find  by  observation  of 
new  workers  in  the  field,  interpretation  is  comparatively  easy. 

§  82.  Norms  on  Our  Own  Tests.  —  The  following  statement 
shows  what  may  be  expected  on  our  own  group  of  tests  from  in- 
dividuals who  are  to  be  considered  as  normal,  or  as  of  ordinary 
ability,  among  the  general  social  group  which  one  meets  in  study- 
ing delinquents  in  a  large  cosmopolitan  center.  There  is  not 
the  slightest  reason  to  think  that  this  normal  differs  to  any  ex- 
tent from  the  normal  of  a  city  school  in  the  same  community. 
It  does,  however,  naturally  differ  from  that  of  a  selected  group, 
for  example,  the  pupils  in  a  high-grade  private  school.^  Binet 
declared  the  same  difference  for  his  tests.  What  is  subnormal 
or  feebleminded  in  our  group  we  generally  find  has  been  regarded 
as  the  same  by  the  public  school  people.  Since  we  deal  mostly 
with  older  individuals,  we  may  say  that  what  we  schedule  as 
ordinary  or  fair  in  ability,  is  the  equipment  possessed  by  the  young 
person  who  shows  himself  qualified  to  succeed  under  the  require- 
ments of  employment  which  call  for  what  we  might  roughly  de- 
nominate average  intelligence.  Other  things  being  equal,  the 
members  of  this  group  had  usually  proved  themselves  capable  of 
passing  one  school  grade  a  year. 

Smaller  type  is  used  for  the  statements  of  norms,  in  uniformity 
with  the  record  of  results  as  given  in  the  case  studies.  Technical 
signs  are  used  for  minutes  and  seconds.  Interpretation  of  the 
Binet  tests  is  spoken  of  above.  Fuller  description  of  the  follow- 
ing tests  is  to  be  found  in  our  Monograph  (70). 

Test  I.  (Illustrated  on  Plate  I.)  Beginning  at  about  7  years  any 
mentally  normal  child  should  be  able  to  do  this  test  in  its  entirety  — 
many  2  years  younger  do  it.  The  time  naturally  varies  a  great  deal. 
A  bright  5th  grade  group,  ranging  about  11  years,  averaged  1'  43";  a 
kindergarten  group  averaged  3'  16".  There  is  purposely  a  great  deal 
of  difference  in  the  difficulty  of  working  with  the  triangles  and  putting 
the  other  pieces  in  place.  Of  the  normal  kindergarten  group  14  per 
cent,  failed  on  these  triangles,  none  on  the  other  pieces.    The  triangles 

^  An  extended  study  of  performance  on  a  number  of  our  tests,  partly  com- 
bined with  the  Binet  system,  has  been  made  by  Dr.  Clara  Schmitt  (to  be  pub- 
hshed  later).  She  particularly  compared  the  results  on  our  general  group  of 
offenders  with  those  gained  from  the  pupils  in  a  certain  large  private  school, 
notable  for  the  high  character  of  its  work  and  attended  by  children  from  unu- 
sually inteUigent  famihes.  Some  of  her  results  are  embodied  in  our  statement 
of  norms. 


Chap.  VIl]  NORMS    ON    OUR    OWN   TESTS  [§  82 

are  put  in  place  by  most  children  of  12  or  under  by  a  trial  and  error 
method;  very  few  plan  the  approach  to  the  problem.  The  other 
pieces,  however,  most  often  are  at  once  apperceived  in  their  true 
relationship  —  9  out  of  27  kindergarten  children  put  them  in  place 
without  error.  As  we  have  said  in  another  place,  this  test  is  given  to 
interest  and  to  get  a  first  general  measure  of  the  individual  and  is  not 
suited  for  close  methods  of  scoring. 

Test  II.  Special  Picture  Puzzle.  Even  at  kindergarten  age  normal 
children  are  able  to  do  this  correctly,  though  usually  with  many  trials. 
Average  time,  then,  3'  15".  At  10  years,  33  per  cent,  did  the  test 
without  any  errors,  although  18  per  cent,  still  made  from  3  to  10 
errors.  The  time  then  averaged  2'  22".  We  have  latterly  given  up 
the  test  as  too  simple  for  the  ages  we  work  with.  Our  Completion 
Test,  vide  infra,  takes  its  place. 

Test  III.  Construction  Test  A.  This  is  one  of  our  more  important 
tests.  (Illustration,  Plate  II.)  No  normal  person  over  8  or  9  years 
should  fail  to  do  it  in  5'.  At  12  years  we  find  great  variation  in  the 
time,  showing  very  distinct  differences  in  ability.  Some  grasp  and  plan 
the  task  very  readily,  performing  it  in  12"  to  15";  nearly  all  of  those 
normal  mentally  getting  it  done  in  2'.  To  be  considered  as  done  well 
it  should  be  done  within  these  limits,  and  without  replacing  pieces  in 
ob\dously  impossible  positions.  Of  course  a  planned  method  is  better 
than  trial  and  error,  but  some  get  through  with  it  rapidly  by  quickly 
percei\'ing  the  possibilities  of  the  latter.  The  number  of  moves  used 
depends,  of  course,  on  the  method.  Estimation  of  the  method  is 
certainly  more  important  than  the  time,  within  the  above  limits. 
The  least  possible  number  of  moves  is  5.' 

The  private  school  group  all  succeeded  from  2d  grade  up,  with 
a  gradual  diminution  of  the  average  time,  which  in  the  2d  grade  was 
2'  7";  33  per  cent,  failed  in  the  1st  grade,  even  with  10'  trial,  and  23 
per  cent,  in  the  2d  grade.  Beginning  with  the  4th  grade  50  per  cent, 
did  it  by  planning.  None  in  this  school  did  any  better  than  many  of 
the  best  in  the  group  of  offenders. 

Test  IV.  Construction  Test  B.  (Illustration,  Plate  III.)  This  is  sim- 
ilar in  idea  to  the  preceding  test,  but  for  most  is  much  harder.  It  should 
be  done  in  10'  by  all  normal  persons  from  12  years  on.  Most  of  our 
normal  12-year-old  offenders  do  it  in  from  1'  to  3',  but  even  when  older 
persons  exceed  such  time  limits  it  can  hardly  be  maintained  as  e\ddence 
of  low  ability.  Again  in  this  it  is  the  method  that  is  most  valuable  to 
note  —  particularly  the  attitude  of  planning,  as  put  over  against 
taking  the  chances  on  trial  and  error,  and  particularly  as  against  the 
repetition  of  impossibilities.  This,  namely,  the  ability  to  profit  by 
experience,  is  registered  with  certainty  in  the  number  of  moves 
made.  Errors  to  the  extent  of  10  or  15  indicate  little,  but  beyond 
that  there  is  carelessness  or  actual  inability  to  think  out  the  situation. 
There  are  1 1  pieces  to  put  in  —  thus  normally  the  task  should  be 
done  in  at  least  26  moves.  Occasionally  a  slap-dash  method  done  by 
a  bright  person  involves  more  moves,  but  only  seldom.  It  should  be 
remembered  that  a  planful  attack  may  be  very  slow. 


§  82]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VII 

The  private  school  group  made  no  failures  after  the  4th  grade. 
The  average  time  then  was  2'  10",  and  that  was  not  decreased  in  2 
higher  grades.  In  fact,  at  11  years  the  performance  was  as  good  as  it 
was  for  2  years  later.  This  type  of  result,  both  here  and  in  the 
preceding  test,  is  characteristic.  We  see  our  brighter  young  offenders 
doing  these  two  tests  quite  as  well  as  any  of  the  private  school  group, 
or  as  well  as  adults.  These  two  tests  are  more  definitely  ability  than 
age  tests. 

Test  V.  Puzzle  Box.  (See  Plate  IV.)  Nearly  all  of  our  offenders 
above  12  years  who  have  ordinary  ability  can  open  this  box,  well  inside 
of  10',  but  very  occasionally  such  a  one  may  fail.  Since  a  considerable 
time  may  be  rationally  spent  in  studying  the  situation  involved  in  the 
test,  the  time,  unless  very  rapid  or  very  slow,  hardly  counts  for  much. 
There  is  every  invitation  to  plan  the  task,  and  of  course  with  increas- 
ing years  there  is  the  tendency  to  do  so.  It  is  difficult  to  say  how  many 
errors  are  allowable  —  it  is  easier  to  judge  of  the  method  by  observing 
whether  the  correct  steps  are  interspersed  with  errors,  which  should 
not  be.  Upwards  of  2  or  3  errors  before  doing  step  one  makes  the 
probability  quite  against  planfulness.  Very  often  there  is  a  combina- 
tion of  trials  with  some  later  planning.  Miss  Schmitt  estimated  that 
39  per  cent,  of  our  offenders  between  12  and  16  years,  who  showed 
no  school  retardation,  did  the  test  by  planning,  but  11  per  cent,  failed 
entirely.  It  is  not  uncommon,  however,  for  a  girl  to  take  very  little 
interest  in  this  test,  usually  so  inviting  for  a  boy. 

The  private  school  group  made  no  failures  above  the  4th  grade. 
Average  time  was  steadily  lowered  to  6th  grade,  the  highest  worked 
with,  and  then  it  was  3'  54".  Planning  then  was  done  by  70  per 

Test  VI.  Testimony  from  a  Picture.  (See  page  85.)  The  interpre- 
tation of  this  test  lies  largely  along  common-sense  lines.  Beginning 
with  8  years,  bright  persons  can  give  a  good  account  of  the  picture, 
bringing  out  most  of  the  main  points  on  cross-questioning,  if  not  on 
free  recital.  An  ordinary  good  account  as  heard  from  our  offenders  is 
to  give  12  or  15  items  on  free  recital,  and  perhaps  8  or  10  more  on 
inquiry.  More  than  2  or  3  erroneous  details  is  a  bad  record,  as  is 
also  to  accept  more  than  2  suggestions.  General  interpretations  of 
absent  or  excessive  suggestibility,  and  of  memory  failures  are  ob- 
vious. So,  too,  are  the  extraordinarily  straightforward  or  dramatic 
accounts  sometimes  registered.  There  is  the  greatest  variation  in 
ability  to  testify  and  this  show^s  itself  early  —  many  a  bright  child  of 
10  has  correct  and  \d\id  pictures,  not  excelled  by  others  of  greater 
age.    (For  further  comment  on  results  in  this  test  see  §§  60,  73,  331.) 

Test  VII.  Visual  Memory  of  Geometrical  Figures.  (See  page  84.) 
This  should  be  done  correctly  by  all  from  10  years  who  have  normal 
visual  memory,  as  Binet  states,  but  great  variations  in  ability  to  draw 
well  are,  of  course,  noticeable. 

Test  VIII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Associations.  (See  page  88.)  This 
test  is  done  exceedingly  well  by  even  young  children  who  have  normal 
ability.     Beginning  certainly  with  the  10th  year  we  should  expect, 


Chap.  VII]  NORMS    ON    OUR    OWN    TESTS  [§  82 

even  among  our  offenders  who  are  normal,  the  task  to  be  done  with 
at  the  most  1  or  2  errors. 

In  the  private  school  group  55  per  cent,  of  1st  grade  children  did  it 
without  any  error,  70  per  cent,  in  2d  grade,  80  per  cent,  in  3rd  grade, 
and  86  per  cent,  in  4th  grade. 

Test  IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.  (See  page  90.)  This  is  done  by  nearly 
all  normal  persons  correctly,  either  at  first  or  second  trial,  by  the  age 
of  10.  It  is  an  easy  task  for  most,  even  at  the  first  attempt.  In  the 
private  school  group  there  were  no  total  failures  above  the  2d  grade 

—  a  total  failure  meaning  four  trials  without  success.  In  the  3d 
grade  90  per  cent,  got  it  at  first  trial,  and  at  the  5th  grade  all  of  them. 
Beginning  at  the  6th  grade  all  of  our  offenders  got  it  right  at  first 

Test  X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.  (See  page  90.)  This  is  on  the  same 
order  as  the  preceding  test,  but  is  more  difficult.  It  should  be  done 
by  normal  persons  above  12  years,  certainly  on  the  second  trial.  Each 
trial  follows  demonstration  of  ability  to  draw  the  whole  figure  from 
memory — this  is  the  same  as  in  giving  Test  IX.  The  private  school 
pupils  all  did  it  at  first  trial  in  the  6th  grade;  94  per  cent,  at  first  or 
second  trial  in  5th  grade;  84  per  cent  in  the  4th  grade.  No  final  failure 
(after  the  fourth  trial)  was  first  noted  in  4th  grade.  No  final  failure 
among  our  offenders  was  first  noted  at  6th  grade.  Between  the  ages 
of  11  and  15,  judging  mental  ability  normal  by  absence  of  school 
retardation,  only  4  per  cent,  of  our  offenders  made  a  total  failure, 
whereas  41  per  cent,  of  those  who  were  retarded  2  years  or  more  totally 
failed.    This  is  a  test  which  the  adult  type  of  mind  finds  much  easier 

—  as  differentiating  the  faculty  of  mental  analysis  from  mere  memory. 
Test  XI.  Code  Test.    (See  page  90.)    This  is  one  of  our  most  difficult 

tests,  requiring  good  powers  of  concentration  and  analysis.  Many 
persons  who  prove  themselves  able  to  cope  with  the  world  in  the 
ordinary  simpler  walks  of  life  do  not  accomplish  this  test  with  less  than 
3  or  4  errors.  To  do  the  task  without  errors  shows  some  good  mental 
powers.  The  average  numbers  of  errors  was  3  at  6th  grade  in  the 
private  school  group.  It  is  probably  fair  to  say  that  the  person  of 
ordinary  ability  above  14  years  in  our  offending  group  should  do  this 
test  with  at  most  4  errors,  out  of  the  possible  11.  More  errors  are 
made  by  those  who  come  in  our  group  of  poor  in  ability,  though  not 
distinctly  subnormal;  and  fewer  errors  by  those  of  marked  good 
ability.  In  working  with  offenders  on  such  a  test  which  requires 
prolonged  effort  and  does  not  long  appeal  to  the  mentally  lethargic, 
whether  temporary  or  chronic  cases  of  mental  debility,  the  interpre- 
tation of  partial  failure  is  not  always  obvious,  and  needs  the  critical 
comparison  of  results  on  other  tests. 

Test  XII.  Visual  Verbal  Memory.  (See  page  83.)  The  passage  con- 
sists of  20  details  which  follow  in  definite  logical  sequence.  Beginning 
with  3cl  grade  pupils  —  ages  9  or  10  —  there  is  much  more  difference 
between  types  of  individual  response  to  this  test,  than  between  re- 
sponse by  ages.  At  10  years  the  results  average  nearly  as  good  as  for 
later  years.    In  the  private  school  group  86  per  cent,  in  the  5th  grade 


§  82]  WORKING    METHODS  [Chap.  VII 

gave  the  sequence  quite  correctly,  and  72  per  cent,  gave  from  15  to 
19  details,  while  13  per  cent,  gave  the  entire  20  details.  The  latter 
result,  however,  is  peculiarly  high,  for  only  4  per  cent,  of  the  6th  grade 
did  as  well,  and  none  in  the  4th  grade.  Our  offenders  above  12  years 
of  age  and  of  ordinary  ability  nearly  always  give  correctly  the  general 
logical  sequence,  and  at  least  12  of  the  details  are  recalled  with 

Test  XIII.  Auditory  Verbal  Memory.  (See  page  83.)  In  this  test 
there  are  12  details.  Every  one  knows  the  facility  with  which  bright 
young  children  learn  a  passage  by  ear,  so  we  are  not  surprised  to  find 
in  the  private  school  group  88  per  cent,  in  the  2d  grade  remembered 
at  least  9  details  with  much  accuracy  of  sequence.  Below  that,  the 
sequence  was  very  defective.  At  the  4th  grade  all  got  9  details  or 
better,  25  per  cent,  got  all  the  details.,  and  the  sequence  was  almost 
perfect.  In  our  group  of  offenders  of  ordinary  ability  above  10  years 
we  should  expect  at  least  9  items  remembered  in  logical  sequence. 

Test  XIV.  Instruction  Box.  (See  Plate  VI.)  This  test  should  be 
done  correctly  at  the  second  trial  by  all  above  14  years,  unless  there  is 
distinct  misunderstanding  of  the  figures  on  the  dial,  —  and  even  then 
there  is  a  fault  of  perception.  Failure  to  open  the  box  after  being 
shown  twice,  would  make  us  question  very  carefully  whether  the 
person  should  be  recommended  at  all  for  office  or  shop  work. 

Test  XV.  Antonym  or  Opposites  Test.  (See  page  87.)  Interpreta- 
tion on  this  test  is  only  fair  where  there  has  been  a  normal  chance  of 
becoming  acquainted  with  the  English  language.  Under  such  con- 
ditions it  becomes  a  very  interesting,  and  occasionally  important 
measure  of  the  rapidity  of  associations.  For  the  ages  above  10  years 
there  is  no  marked  increase  in  ability  to  quickly  respond.  We  expect 
in  our  offenders  of  ordinary  ability,  response  in  average  time  of  at 
least  2"  and  with  certainly  not  more  than  2  or  3  errors.  The  private 
school  group  at  4th  grade  gave  average  time  2",  and  61  per  cent,  no 
errors;  in  the  6th  grade,  time  1.6",  and  87  per  cent,  no  errors. 

Test  XVI.  Motor  Coordination  Test.  (See  page  86.)  Above  12 
years  old  we  expect  from  individuals  of  ordinary  ability  at  least  60 
squares  tapped  in  30"  with  not  more  than  3  or  4  errors.  Various 
physical  conditions,  of  course,  prevent  good  performance. 

Tests  XVII,  XVIII,  XIX.  Writing,  Arithmetic,  and  Reading.  The 
interpretation  of  these  when  schooling  has  been  good  is  obvious;  the 
performance  should  be  up  to  grade.  Unfortunately,  it  is  very  difficult 
to  say  that  schooling  has  been  suited  to  the  needs  of  some  pupils, 
especially  those  with  specialized  defects  of  sensory  or  intellectual 

Test  XX.  Checkers.  This  test  has  been  rarely  given,  but  when  a 
game  is  played  with  care  and  foresight  it  is  a  sure  indication  of  cer- 
tain very  good  mental  qualities  —  powers  of  analysis  and  foresight. 

Test  XXI.  Reaction  to  Moral  Questions.  (See  page  98.)  This 
test,  rather  infrequently  given  by  us,  may  show  both  some  indication 
of  powers  of  comprehension  of  a  situation  verbally  presented,  and 
powers  to  analyze   an  ethical   problem.     The   comprehension   and 


Chap.  VI  I]  DANGERS    OF    INSUFFICIENl^    DATA  [§  83 

analysis,  irrespective  of  the  exact  solution  offered,  is  most  important. 
From  our  group  of  offenders  above  12  years,  ordinary  in  ability,  we 
get  reasonable  answers,  with  some  show  of  analysis  of  the  situation  as 
correctly  represented  in  their  own  mind. 

Test  XXII.  Information.  (See  page  102.)  The  correct  interpreta- 
tion of  answers  to  the  questions  given  is  obviously  dependent  on 
en^'ironmental  conditions  as  well  as  on  mental  ability,  but  a  well- 
rounded  inquiry  in  either  case  serves  as  an  indication  of  absence  or 
presence  of  those  normal,  healthy  mental  interests  and  opportunities 
which  are  so  important  as  a  preventive  of  criminalistic  ideas  and 

Test  XXIII.  Pictorial  Completion  Test.  (See  Plate  V.)  At  11 
years  tliis  test  should  be  readily  accomplished  with  not  more  than  1 
or  2  final  errors,  and  certainly  not  more  than  1  illogical  error.  Most 
of  our  group  of  normal  offenders  by  11  years  do  better  than  this,  and 
even  some  at  10  years  do  as  well.  With  age  there  seems  to  be  no 
marked  average  increase  of  ability.  The  median  or  average  perform- 
ance for  all  in  the  group  of  those  ordinary  in  ability  above  10  years,  is 
1  final  error  and  no  illogical  error. 

The  private  school  group  does  just  about  the  same  —  at  11  years 
the  mark  is  set  which,  for  at  least  2  ensuing  years,  is  not  passed. 
In  this  school,  however,  a  good  many  below  1 1  years  are  able  to  do 
the  test  without  error,  great  variations  occurring.  The  median  error 
above  10  years  is  the  same  as  for  the  offenders. 

The  average  time  is  about  3'  and  this  does  not  vary  greatly  for  ages 
above  11  years.  The  erratic  performance  often  seen  in  psychosis  cases 
has  seemed  very  notable;  indeed,  hardly  any  other  test  has  proved 
so  indicative  of  the  aberrational  tendencies,  but,  no  doubt,  some  of  the 
really  insane  could  perform  the  test  readily.  We  have  seen  no  feeble- 
minded person,  as  yet,  able  to  do  it  without  error,  although,  on 
account  of  the  variance  of  special  abilities  which  we  so  much  in- 
sist on,  two  or  three  have  come  within  limits  we  prescribe  as  normal. 
Looking  over  the  brightest  subjects  at  Vineland  we  found  a  young 
man  of  21  —  Binet  age  of  10  —  said  to  be  perhaps  the  nearest  to 
normal  of  any  boy  in  the  institution,  who  accomplished  the  test  with 
only  1  logical  error,  but  he  took  16'  for  the  task.  Then  one  of  the 
brighter  girls,  16  years  old,  —  Binet  age  11  —  made  only  one  logical 
error,  and  did  it  in  3'  30".  Both  of  these  came  very  near  to  apper- 
ceiving  all  the  relationships  depicted  in  the  test;  all  the  others  of  even 
this  brightest  group  fell  much  behind  these  performances,  and  none 
of  our  feebleminded  offenders  has  done  so  well. 

§  83.  Dangers  of  Insuflacient  Data.  —  As  a  last  word  on  inter- 
pretation we  may  warn  against  drawing  conclusions  from  insuffi- 
cient data  as,  for  instance,  the  findings  on  a  single  test,  or  without 
taking  into  consideration  physical  and  environmental  conditions. 
In  working  with  any  group  of  considerable  size,  curious  variations, 
perhaps  on  a  single  test,  will  be  found  which  must  be  interpreted 


§  83]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VII 

for  the  individual  person  or  in  the  light  of  peculiar  conditions. 
Then  one  must  not  forget  the  whole  question  of  specialized  de- 
fects and  special  abilities,  which  we  have  concretely  illustrated 
in  their  proper  place. 

§  84.    E.    Classification  from   Tests. 

We  have  had  surprisingly  little  trouble  with  the  classification 
of  cases  in  the  scale  of  mental  ability  and  peculiarity  as  given 
below.  Perhaps  that  is  because  no  preconceived  standpoint  was 
taken,  and  divisions  were  not  forced.  We  waited  until  the  data 
on  about  250  offenders  had  accumulated,  and  then  the  results  of 
psychological  tests  were  sorted  by  the  method  of  allowing  them 
to  fall  into  what  seemed  to  be  natural  classes.  This  first  work 
was  done  with  the  help  of  outsiders  who  could  not  be  prejudiced 
by  acquaintance  with  the  cases.  The  classification,  with  more 
exact  definitions  and  some  modifications,  has  stood  the  test  of 
time.  In  my  course  to  professional  people,  working  with  dis- 
guised synoptic  case  studies  replete  with  abbreviations,  both  in- 
structor and  students  have  been  surprised  at  the  facility  with 
which  a  practical  diagnosis  could  be  rendered,  corresponding 
with  the  original  classification  made  years  before. 

It  must  be  strictly  understood  that  such  a  classification  is  only 
one  part  of  the  psychogram  and,  indeed,  in  some  cases  does  not 
even  cover  all  the  facts  which  can  be  learned  from  the  giving  of 
tests.  For  instance,  the  possession  of  special  capacities  or  disabili- 
ties, and  of  peculiar  traits  of  character,  which  may  be  learned 
during  the  laboratory  examination,  is  not  accounted  for  in  this 
scheme,  and  must  be  added  to  the  psychogram.  Of  course,  one 
would  always  like  to  know  more  of  the  individual  than  is  expressed 
in  such  categorical  terms,  but  sometimes  it  is  difficult  to  get  a 
chance  to  minutely  study  individual  peculiarities.  I  should  al- 
ways insist,  however,  that  an  examination  which  did  not  go  far 
enough  to  enable  the  observer  to  place  the  offender  in  one  of 
these  rough  classifications  was  entirely  inadequate  for  the  pur- 
poses of  even  first  impressions.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  in  our  regular 
court  work  we  have  seldom  encountered  a  case  which  we  could  not 
study  to  this  extent. 

With  slight  modification  from  the  original  statement  in  our 
monograph  on  tests,  the  scheme  of  classification  stands  as 
follows : 



A.  Considerably  above  ordinary  in  ability  and  information  —  the 
latter  estimated  with  reference  to  age  and  social  advantages. 

B.  Ordinary  in  ability  and  information  —  the  latter  estimated 
v,iih  reference  to  age  and  social  advantages. 

C.  NatiA-e  ability  fair  and  formal  educational  advantages  fail* 
or  good,  but  very  poorly  informed. 

D.  Native  ability  fair  and  formal  educational  advantages  fair 
or  good. 

E.  Native  ability  distinctly  good,  but  formal  educational  ad- 
vantages poor. 

F.  Native  ability  fair  and  formal  educational  advantages  poor. 

G.  Native  ability  poor  and  formal  educational  advantages  poor. 
H.  Native  ability  poor  and  formal  educational  advantages  good 

or  fair. 

I.  Dull,  perhaps  from  ascertained  physical  causes,  including  some 
cases  of  epilepsy. 

J.  Subnormal  mentality  —  considerably  more  educability  than 
the  feebleminded. 

K.  Moron. 

L.   Imbecile. 

M.  Psychoses. 

For  accurate  understanding  some  comment  on  the  above  is 
needed.  It  will  be  seen  that  above  the  group  of  subnormal  there 
are  only  three  large  subdivisions,  the  supernormals,  the  ordinary  or 
fair,  and  the  poor  in  ability.  There  is  some  overlapping  of  defini- 
tion, especially  in  the  middle  group,  but  we  have  found  it  very 
difficult  to  avoid  this.  Those  who  are  graded  as  fair  are  simply 
those  who  do  not  make  such  a  well-rounded  presentation  of  them- 
selves as  to  be  called  quite  up  to  the  ordinary,  while  yet  one 
would  hesitate  to  denominate  them  poor.  Consideration  of  any 
such  point  brings  us  at  once  to  the  main  question  —  what  forms 
our  standard  of  norms  for  the  different  classes?  To  this  we  can 
only  reply,  that  we  must  work  by  the  rough  averages  of  the  social 
situation  in  which  we  find  ourselves.  Any  one  who  attempts 
to  do  otherwise  and  engage  in  finer  calculations  will  find  untold 
intricacies.  Let  us  remember  that  all  mental  classification  is  social 
classification  —  even  the  insane  man  is  one  who  is  first  noticeable 
for  not  doing  as  others  do.  Let  us  remember  Binet's  acknowl- 
edgment, that  children  of  the  bourgeoisie  grade  no  less  than  a  year 
and  a  half  above  his  published  norms.  After  all,  the  practical 
question  is  best  answered  by  the  fact  that  psychologically  trained 
workers  coming  to  our  Institute  as  assistants  from  time  to  time 
have  found  little  or  no  difficulty  or  disagreement  with  others  in 


§  84]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VI I 

using  the  above  classification.  Finer  distinctions  would  bring 

Our  estimation,  "  Formal  educational  advantages  poor,"  in- 
cludes no  implication  of  cause,  it  may  be  due  to  chronic  truancy 
or  to  faulty  environment.  What  we  mean  by  mental  subnor- 
mality  is  set  forth  with  some  attempt  at  exactness  in  our  chapter 
on  Mental  Defect.  The  class  entitled,  "  Dull,  perhaps  from  physi- 
cal causes,"  is  intended  to  form  a  temporary  pigeon-hole  for  the 
class  of  cases  that  Witmer  (142)  and  Holmes  (141)  have  done  so 
much  to  emphasize.  On  many  of  these  only  a  tentative  state- 
ment is  possible.  Perhaps  with  remedy  of  the  physical  condi- 
tions there  will  be  a  show  of  mental  betterment,  or  perhaps  not. 
Physical  causes  include  general  poor  physical  conditions,  over-use 
of  narcotics  and  stimulants,  bad  sex  habits,  arrested  develop- 
ment, and  epilepsy.  All  this  is  set  forth,  too,  in  connection  with 
our  chapter  on  Mental  Defect.  It  should  be  remembered  from 
the  start  that  epilepsy  may  be  correlated  with  anything  from 
supernormality  to  idiocy  and  insanity,  and  that  sometimes  an 
apparent  mental  defect  may  clear  up  under  successful  treatment 
for  this  disease. 

Our  classification  into  mental  groups  above  subnormality  is 
made  largely  on  a  social  basis  —  that  is,  our  classification  in  a 
general  way  is  determined  by  the  averages  of  the  class  of  individuals 
we  see.  It  is  obvious  that  if  one  were  to  take  the  findings  on  tests 
for  a  picked  and  successful  social  class,  the  averages  would  be 
much  higher  than  for  a  lower  social  group.  We  have  had  to  get 
not  only  our  own  results,  but  to  establish  our  general  norms,  and 
for  the  latter  we  have  purposely  allowed  a  wide  range  of  findings. 
For  example,  interpretation  one  way  or  another  of  five  or  ten 
seconds  more  or  less  on  certain  performance  testS;,  when  the  total 
task  takes  on  the  average  forty  or  fifty  seconds,  seems  to  us  of 
little  value  because  of  the  many  incidental  causes  of  variation 
which  come  in.  Our  so-called  B  Class  consists  of  individuals  who 
do  not  make  an  exceptionally  good  or  bad  performance  and  who, 
as  a  rule,  have  been  able  to  keep  up  to  their  school  grade  if  they 
have  had  the  social  opportunity  to  do  so.  We  have  clearly 
noted  the  fact  that  some  individuals  who  have  grouped  in  this 
class  might,  if  gauged  by  certain  exceptional  family  and  social 
standards,  be  considered  almost  subnormal  individuals.  For 
instance,  we  have  seen  a  boy  whose  performance  on  school  work 
and  on  tests  was  up  to  the  average  of  our  general  group,  but  who 


Chap.  VII]  PSYCHOANALYSIS  [§  85 

when  measured  by  the  unusual  mental  performances  of  his  ex- 
ceedingly brilliant  family  seemed  and  indeed  was  designated  a 
subnormal  individual. 

So  it  comes  about  that  the  study  of  any  human  individual  by  a 
mere  process  of  classification  and  registering  results  on  tests  with- 
out reference  to  the  relationship  of  abilities  or  disabilities  to 
environment,  lacks  in  the  common-sense  elements  which  must  be 
introduced  into  any  investigation  which  would  fundamentally 
deal  in  predictabilities,  treatments,  and  preventions. 

§  85.    F.   Psychoanalysis. 

One  would  prefer  a  term  other  than  psychoanalysis  for 
the  heading  of  this  section,  a  term  which  savored  less  of 
highly  technical  considerations  and  which  would  not  suggest 
acrid  disputations  on  theories  which  have  been  built  up  from 
the  use  of  this  method.  Appreciation  of  the  vital  principles 
involved  in  the  method  is  not  confined  to  one  school,  in  spite 
of  the  recent  tendency  to  fit  the  term  psychoanalysis  into 
the  mold  of  one  particular  scheme  of  interpretation.  Again,  in 
this  matter  we  are  not  concerned  with  general  theories.  We 
want  facts  which  can  be  used  for  understanding  a  given  case. 

This  method  in  varying  measure  is  available  for  the  study  of 
offenders,  and  in  accordance  with  well-known  curative  principles 
brilliant  results  maj^  ensue.  Our  interest  in  the  psychoanalj^ic 
method  has  been  only  aroused  by  the  common-sense  explanations 
and  therapeutic  results  it  has  given  us.  The  application  to  the 
study  of  misconduct  is  a  natural  evolution,  although  its  main 
use  lately  has  centered  about  treatment  of  the  psychoneuroses. 
Indeed,  some  of  the  best  technicians  speak  of  it  as  being  fundamen- 
tally a  study  of  motives,  and  this  fact  is  brought  out  even  more 
strongly  in  the  title  of  a  recently  started  periodical,  "  The  Psy- 
choanalytic Review  —  a  Journal  Devoted  to  the  Understanding 
of  Human  Conduct"  (132).  From  all  this  it  is  seen  that  we  may 
perhaps  best  adopt  the  general  term  psychoanalysis,  even  if  we 
omit  very  much  of  the  matter  discussed  under  that  head.  Many 
of  the  facts  and  some  of  the  principles  of  this  rapidly  developing 
branch  of  psychological  science  are  still  sub  judice,  and  others  we 
are  not  at  all  sure  concern  us  in  our  study  of  offenders. 

In  developing  the  simplest  statement  about  the  technic  and 
usefulness  of  this  method  for  our  work  we  draw  at  various  points 


§  85]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VII 

upon  the  voluminous  literature.^  From  this  we  soon  learn  that 
the  whole  structure  of  the  psychoanalytic  method  rests  upon  one 
foundation  —  that  for  explanation  of  all  human  behavior  tenden- 
cies we  must  seek  the  mental  and  environmental  experiences  of 
early  life.  If  one  traces  back  the  driving  forces  of  conduct  in  any 
normally  minded  individual,  one  finds  their  first  springs  so  far 
away  that  the  intervening  links  of  relationship  are  not  quickly 
perceived.  Up  through  the  aisles  of  time  the  mental  individual 
has  progressed  by  steps  that  are  now  forgotten,  and  by  paths 
which  may  have  been  dimmed  to  consciousness  in  the  passing. 
The  psychoanalytic  method,  first  and  foremost,  invokes  retracing 
the  steps  which  progressively  formed  the  whole  character;  hence  it 
bespeaks  utmost  value  for  students  of  social  misconduct. 

It  is  clear  that  the  technic  of  the  method  must  take  account  of 
facts  and  laws  conditioning  the  activity  of  mental  processes.  Of 
prime  importance  is  the  discovery  that  tracing  connected  mental 
experiences  soon  leads  to  that  huge  portion  of  the  life  of  the  indi- 
vidual not  for  the  moment  in  consciousness.  Many  times  the 
chains  of  causal  nexus  lead  in  and  out  of  subconscious  life;  some 
links  of  experience  stand  out  clear  and  sharp  above  the  threshold 
of  realization,  and  other  linked  groups  of  activities  remain  below. 
Some  psychologists  have  laid  much  stress  on  the  structure  of  that 
vast  world  of  mentality  which  is  not  naively  perceived  as  being 

1  I  am  accustomed  to  ask  my  students  to  get,  in  all  fairmindedness,  their 
first  acquaintance  with  psychoanalysis  through  sympathetic  exposition.  Put- 
nam's paper  on  "Etiology  and  Treatment  of  Psychoneuroses "  (133)  and 
Meyer's  (153)  discussion  of  fundamental  issues  form  splendid  first  statements 
for  any  one.  White's  monograph  on  "Mental  Mechanisms"  (134)  gives  a 
soimd  presentation  of  many  bearings  interesting  to  the  general  reader.  For 
a  simple  historical  presentation  Freud's  own  lectm-es  (135)  at  Clark  Uni- 
versity are  to  be  highly  recommended.  A  clear-cut  protest  against  certain 
criticisms  is  found  in  Putnam's  "Comments  on  Sex  Issues"  (136).  A  much 
more  technical  and  thorough  presentation  of  the  whole  subject  is  found  in 
Hitschmann's  "Freud's  Theory  of  the  Nemoses"  (137),  recently  translated. 
Brill's  "  Psychanalysis  "  (138)  is  calculated  to  offer  a  free  general  statement  of 
the  whole  subject.  Jones  (139)  has  written  brilliantly  of  many  phases,  and 
we  would  especially  recommend  here  his  essays  on  educational  subjects. 
Much  of  the  Uterature  in  German  is  very  difficult  and  is  scattered  in  various 
periodicals  and  in  separate  works.  The  deep  student  of  the  subject  wiUonly 
be  satisfied  with  original  sources.  A  painstaking  survey  of  the  important  find- 
ings, with  much  original  observation,  devoted  to  the  purposes  of  pedagogy, 
comes  recently  from  the  pen  of  the  pastor  and  teacher,  Oskar  Pfister  (140). 
For  a  review  of  the  literature  see  the  edition  of  Hitschmann  mentioned  above. 
Notwithstanding  tomes  of  argumentation,  there  has  been  really  very  httle 
constructive  criticism  of  Freud's  development  of  technic.  As  a  possible 
example  of  the  latter,  reference  should  be  made  to  Sidis's  (145)  various  arti- 
cles. However,  he  and  many  other  critics  use  the  general  methods  of  psycho- 


Chap.  Vll]  PSYCHOANALYSIS  [§  85 

part  of  one's  individuality;  the  technic  of  psychoanalysis  has  come, 
on  the  other  hand,  to  reckon  closely  with  its  dynamics.  Latent 
memories  must  be  called  up;  one  never  realizes  how  much  of  the 
forgotten,  once  conscious  past,  or  even  of  the  unconsciously  ex- 
perienced past  there  is  that  can  be  remembered. 

The  term  psychogenesis  is  frequently  used  in  discussion  of 
tendencies  traceable  by  psychoanalytic  methods.  This  term 
implies  that  the  given  tendency  spoken  of  as  originating  in  the 
mind  sprang  from  reactions  which  were  essentially  mental  activi- 
ties. The  reactions,  of  course,  are  either  to  environmental  expe- 
riences, direct  or  indirect,  or  to  other  mental  experiences.  The 
important  facts  of  psychogenesis  are,  then,  only  to  be  learned 
through  knowledge  of  the  dynamics,  the  laws  of  mental  activity, 
which  condition  conscious  and  subconscious  reactions.  The  user  of 
this  psychoanal}iic  method  has  constantly  to  work  with  active 
consequential  relationships.  No  other  part  of  psychological  study 
is  so  keenly  alive  to  the  actual  forces  of  mental  life. 

The  exponents  of  psychoanalysis  have  ever  alleged,  despite 
superficial  criticism  to  the  contrary,  that  original  reaction  to  experi- 
ence was  partly  determined  by  structural  conditions  derived  from 
hereditary  or  congenital  sources.  The  following  seems  a  fair  state- 
ment of  psychical  genetics.  From  early  environmental  experi- 
ences, reacting  on  the  original  organism,  arose  a  reactive  tend- 
ency, a  character.  From  now  on  all  future  behavior  reactions 
must  have  a  three-fold  parentage  —  the  new  experience  (oppor- 
tunity we  called  it  above  in  thinking  of  our  offenders),  the  innate 
functional  potentialities  of  the  individual,  and  the  reactive  tend- 
ency or  character  already  formed.  Which  one  of  these  mainly 
engenders  any  given  act  of  conduct  it  may  be  very  hard  to  deter- 
mine, but  two  things  are  sure  —  innate  conditions  are  unalter- 
able and  new  experiences  are  always  crow^ding  in.  Concerning 
the  reactive  tendency,  that  is  the  business  of  psychoanalysis.  Thus 
we  see  how  much  of  the  field  of  characterology  psychoanalysis  may 
possibly  cover. 

Induced  introspection  is  the  principal  method  of  psychoanalysis. 
The  subject  in  an  atmosphere  of  perfect  calm  is  asked  to  remember, 
to  remember;  letting  the  machinery  of  associated  processes  have 
full  sway  in  pulling  up  for  inspection  each  link  of  the  chain  of 
mental  causation  which  reaches  gradually  into  the  past.  There 
are  really  many  chains,  and  skilled  guidance  is  needed  for  keeping 
the  right  one  centered  in  the  field  of  view.    Many  links,  of  course, 


§  85]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VII 

are  unimportant  and  can  be  rapidly  passed  by.  Tangles  are  met 
which  must  be  straightened  out,  if  possible,  and  sometimes  there 
are  interferences,  technically  known  as  resistances,  to  be  over- 
come. In  these  hindrances  perhaps  the  machinery  fails  to  work 
well  because  of  deep-set  and  hardly  conscious  lack  of  desire  to  co- 
operate. So  quietness  and  good  will,  skilled  questioning  without 
undue  suggestion,  and,  above  all,  sympathetic  understanding,  are 
indispensable  to  the  inquiry. 

Some  have  tried  to  develop  other  ways  of  getting  acquainted 
with  the  facts  of  mental  life  locked  up  for  the  moment  in  subcon- 
sciousness. There  has  been  considerable  advocacy  of  Jung's  (142) 
method  of  using  association  reactions  to  stimulus  words.  Putnam 
terms  this  a  sort  of  concentrated  conversation.  So  far  we  have  not 
found  this  scheme  pregnant  with  results  for  our  study  of  offenders. 
Then  comes  the  vastly  disputed  field  of  interpretation  of  symbols 
and  of  dreams.  We  ourselves  see  at  the  present  youthful  stage  of 
development  of  the  psychoanalytic  method,  no  reason  in  our  de- 
partment of  study  to  deal  much  with  these  disputed  points.^ 
The  technic  best  suited  for  work  with  offenders  undoubtedly  is 
that  of  uncontrolled  or  free  association,  simply  guiding  the  sub- 
ject in  the  bringing  of  his  related  experiences  up  to  consciousness. 

Many  of  the  limitations  and  the  possibilities  of  the  application  of 
this  method  will  at  once  occur  to  the  reader.  Without  good  will 
nothing  can  be  accomplished,  but  often,  however,  good  will  can 
be  created.  If  the  inquirer  is  willing  to  spend  sympathetically  so 
much  effort  in  the  services  of  the  subject,  that  in  itself  should  be 
a  bid  for  his  good  will.  If  one  reads  of  the  long  months  over  which 
interviews  continue  in  the  difficult  cases  handled  by  tne  neurolo- 
gists, discouragement  for  this  method  of  study  ensues.  But  we 
can  offer  a  contribution  on  both  the  above  points  that  puts  a  dif- 
ferent face  on  the  matter.  In  the  first  place,  we  have  found  that 
in  working  with  individuals  near  the  beginning  of  their  careers 
the  essential  facts  are  much  more  easily  obtainable.  Perhaps  this 
is  because  in  the  formative  years  the  subjects  themselves  are 
more  naive  and  pliant,  and  are  looking  forward  to  possible  changes 
in  their  careers;  and  certainly  it  must  be  partly  because  the  im- 
portant facts  of  origin  are  nearer  the  surface  of  mental  life..    As 

^  We  have  no  sympathy  with  the  grotesque  fabrication  of  symbolisms,  such 
as  have  been  offered  for  the  interpretation  of  the  phenomena  of  "klepto- 
mania," vide  Stekel  (143),  and  it  is  only  fair  to  state  that  the  most  authorita- 
tive exponents  of  psychoanalysis  decry  this  exaggerated  effort. 



the  years  go  on,  more  and  more  strata  of  experience  are  deposited  in 
the  memory,  and  deeper  are  buried  the  beginnings  of  character 
tendencies;  it  is  harder,  for  geological  reasons,  as  it  were,  to  pull 
up  the  facts  into  consciousness.  Then,  too,  difficulties  arise  as 
side  issues  in  the  form  of  pride,  grudge,  hopelessness  and  estab- 
lishment of  mental  habits. 

It  is  repeatedly  urged  that  mental  flexibility  is  necessary  for  the 
therapeutic  success  of  psychoanalysis,  and  that  consequently  age 
and  unintelligence  are  barriers.  We  have  purposely  worked  for 
the  most  part  with  adolescents.  With  children  we  have  often 
found  it  possible  to  get  the  needed  information  in  a  few  interviews, 
although  even  at  this  age  rare  cases  have  been  met  which  showed 
undoubted  mental  conflict  problems  in  the  background,  while 
our  efforts  proved  unavailing  for  ascertainment  of  the  facts.  In 
working  with  adolescents,  we  have  found  vast  differences  of 
reaction  in  different  individuals,  and  in  relation  to  the  time 
which  has  elapsed  since  the  vital  experience  occurred.  In  some  of 
the  older  cases  we  perceive  at  once  the  difficulties  that  the  neu- 
rologists encounter;  careers  are  set  which  probably  could  at  one 
time  have  been  modified.  Very  much  more  work  will  have  to  be 
done  with  adult  offenders  before  anything  like  a  final  estimate  can 
be  given  of  the  value  of  the  method  as  a  whole  for  this  particular 
class.  In  the  case  of  the  comparatively  young  and  intelligent 
adult  delinquent,  we  find  evidences  ourselves  that  the  value  is  great, 
and  note  corroboration  of  this  in  the  literature,  vide  Pfister  (140). 
For  faults  of  conduct  it  may  not  be  necessary  to  go  so  deeply  as 
for  faults  of  nervous  function,  with  which  most  psychoanalysts 
have  been  engaged.  At  any  rate,  with  much  less  work  than  they 
have  generally  prescribed,  we  have  achieved  knowledge  of  facts, 
and  reached  the  eminently  satisfactory  therapeutic  results  outlined 
in  some  of  our  sample  case  studies. 

This  simple  review  of  the  method  and  intent  of  psychoanalysis 
is  not  satisfactory  without  some  word  of  what  is  revealed  by  the 
use  of  the  method.  Full  of  meaning  for  us  are  the  following  main 
discoveries:  Very  much  that  is  formative  of  character  does  not 
appear  above  the  surface.  Active  interreactions  of  mental  ele- 
ments may  be  all  unconsciously  the  motive  forces  of  conduct. 
Experiences  which  come  to  the  individual  with  a  great  deal  of 
emotional  context  are  likely  to  cause  the  greatest  amount  of  re- 
action. As  through  life  in  general  so  here,  experiences,  either 
inner  or  outer,  related  to  sex  life,  in  the  broadest  sense,  show  the 


§  85]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VII 

strongest  and  subtlest  reactions.  Mental  shock,  psychic  trauma, 
is  produced  frequently  by  experiences  of  which  dearest  relatives 
may  be  ignorant.  These  traumata  are  experienced  most  frequently 
in  young  childhood.  Mental  conflicts  occur  on  the  basis  of  either 
outward  experiences,  physical  sensations,  or  pure  ideation,  at  ages 
so  early  as  to  be  unsuspected.  These  conflicts  may  be  entirely 
repressed,  but  do  not  thereby  lose  their  force  and  significance  for 
the  formation  of  character  tendencies.  Repression  of  that  which 
naturally  needs  expression  is  followed  by  reaction,  which  may 
vent  itself  mostly  in  the  organism  or  show  as  anomalies  of  con- 
duct. The  cause  of  habit  formations  of  many  sorts  is  deeper 
than  appears  on  the  surface,  many  of  them  being  vicarious  ex- 
pressions of  hidden  and  even  unconscious  impulses  to  action. 
Much  more  might  be  said,  but  the  above  is  sufficient  to  indicate 
the  scope  of  the  findings  of  psychoanalysis,  aside  from  an  involve- 
ment of  technical  issues. 

For  our  specific  ends  the  general  points  mentioned  above  offer 
much,  but  in  addition  one  can  add  that  early  mental  experiences 
and  strange,  altogether  hidden,  mental  conflicts  have  arranged  the 
destinies  of  many  a  chronic  offender.  We  are  not  at  all  convinced 
that  the  sole  source  of  mental  conflict  is  some  experience  with  the 
sex  instinct;  there  are  other  causes  of  emotional  disturbance 
which  strike  deeply  into  the  mental  organism.  Taking  cases  as 
they  come,  we  find  an  immense  amount  of  inner  mental  disturb- 
ance at  the  background  of  stealing  and  other  delinquencies.  Such 
disturbance  often  forms  an  attitude  of  mind  showing  itself  either 
as  grudge,  or  hopelessness,  or  as  a  tendency  to  seek  relief  in  mis- 
conduct, —  all  directly  leading  to  a  delinquent  career. 

The  therapeutic  effects  of  the  application  of  the  psychoanalytic 
method  to  the  study  of  offenders  prove  in  some  instances  nothing 
short  of  brilliant.  Such  results  would  warrant  from  every  stand- 
point the  expenditure  of  much  effort.  The  success  has  always 
been  alleged  to  be  largely  due  to  the  mere  exploration  itself, 
the  bringing  to  consciousness  of  the  causal  steps,  which  were 
not  known  before  to  exist  as  such.  It  is  just  the  bringing  of  the 
facts  to  light,  say  some,  that  does  the  good.  And  in  our  experi- 
ence it  does  seem  sometimes  as  if  J:he  subject,  in  pulling  up  parts 
of  his  mental  past  and  seeing  their  connections,  does  say  to  him- 
self, "That's  so;  now  I  know  why  I  did  this  thing."  Any  of 
us  can  have  this  explanatory  experience  by  applying  the  analysis 
to  every  day  phenomena,  such  as  memory  lapses   and  slips   of 



the  tongue,  which  the  psychoanalyst  shows  us  have  deeper  roots 
in  our  prior  mental  life  than  would  naturally  be  expected.  Now 
it  is  to  be  readily  conceived  that  self-consciousness  of  the  origin 
of  a  fault  might  prove  the  first  step,  and  perhaps  a  long  one, 
towards  its  cure. 

By  merely  showing  to  the  subject,  through  hauling  up  the 
contents  of  his  own  mental  reservoirs,  what  his  failure  is  based 
on,  may  not  prove  sufficient,  if  environmental  or  physical  con- 
ditions, which  serve  as  two  of  the  three  instigating  causes,  are 
still  irritating  as  of  old.  Various  reasons  will  readily  suggest 
themselves  why  this  should  be  so.  Habits  and  thoughts  and 
tendencies  of  years'  standing  are  not  to  be  lightly  overcome  if 
nothing  but  added  knowledge  is  to  stand  up  against  them.  Re- 
education and  helpful  new  interests  from  the  outside  are  also 
frequently  necessary.  For  energies  which  previously  found 
outlet  in  socially  undesirable  behavior,  "  substitution "  must 
be  made  possible  by  discovery  of  a  junction  point  where  now, 
by  conscious  volition,  shunting  on  to  another  track  can  take 
place.  More  of  this,  however,  and  more  of  the  whole  subject  will 
be  appreciated  by  study  of  the  concrete  issues.  We  purposely 
refrain  from  introducing  more  technical  considerations  and 
terminology.  We  resist  also  the  temptation  to  illustrate  here 
the  simple  points  mentioned  in  this  our  little  primer  of  psy- 
choanalysis, and  ask  the  reader  carefully  to  study  the  living  facts 
as  given  in  our  chapter  on  Mental  Conflicts. 

§  86.    G.  Psychological  Impressions.     The  Psychogram. 

Logically,  the  development  of  the  psychogram  should  be  con- 
sidered here,  but  as  a  matter  of  fact  this  ground  has  nearly  all 
been  covered  before.  In  the  first  part  of  our  discussion  on  mental 
tests  (§  54)  we  formulated  our  plan  of  inquiry,  and  the  answer 
to  the  problems  there  propounded  forms  exactly  the  psycho- 
gram. WTiat  is  needed  is  a  statement  of  all  psychological  points 
which  offer  a  likelihood  of  bearing  on  delinquency.  Under  the 
six  headings  given  in  §  54  the  field  is  plotted.  Close  statement 
of  the  psychological  diagnosis  is  of  course  desirable.^     For  in- 

^  With  the  development  of  our  science  more  and  more  attention  is  going 
to  be  paid  to  writing  up  a  psychogram.  The  best  general  reference  work  for 
the  student  on  this  subject  is  the  volume  by  Stern  (79),  from  which  valuable 
ideas  may  be  drawn.  From  several  quarters  has  come  the  suggestion  that 
comparative  evaluation  of  mental  traits  and  qualities  be  stated  according 


§  86]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VII 

stance,  if  the  individual  is  a  specialized  defective,  what  is  the 
nature  of  his  defect,  and  so  on. 

The  first  psychological  impressions  should  be  carefully  written 
immediately  after  the  observational  work  has  been  done.  The 
later  statement,  after  all  the  case  material  has  been  worked  up, 
forms  the  final  impressions  or  psychogram.  Sometimes  for 
formulation  of  this  a  page  or  two  of  typewriting  is  necessary, 
but  sometimes  only  a  paragraph  is  required  in  its  proper  place 
on  the  sheet  which  represents  the  final  summarizing  of  the  case. 

§  87.    STimmarizing  of   Case. 

Under  the  head  of  Diagnostic  Summary,  in  our  §  48  on 
records,  we  gave  the  outline  of  a  logical  scheme.  In  the  five 
paragraphs  we  propose  to  present  all  of  the  salient  facts  which 
in  any  way  focus  upon  the  problem  of  delinquency.  This  is  not 
at  all  for  enumerative  purposes,  but  is  to  be  strictly  regarded 
as  a  study  of  antecedent  and  consequent,  both  in  the  past  and 
in  the  future.  The  form  of  this  scheme  was  a  gradual  develop- 
ment, and  has  proven  so  far  to  be  much  the  best  form  for 
rational  presentation  of  the  accumulated  facts  that  we  have 
ever  seen.  In  fact,  we  cannot  over-emphasize  the  value  that 
accrues  both  to  the  studied  individual  and  to  the  observer  from 
this  type  of  studious  representation  of  the  case.  By  this  method 
of  selecting  apparent  causative  factors  we  can  keep  ourselves 
freest  from  the  tendency  unscientifically  to  attribute  everything 
to  a  single  cause,  and  from  otherwise  drawing  unsafe  conclusions. 
The  only  rational  way  to  proceed  is  to  investigate  all  probable 
sources  and  then  fairly  and  squarely  to  set  the  facts  down  in 
relationship  one  to  the  other.    As  Devon  says,  "  Mere  discovery 

to  a  numerical  scale.  For  instance,  Rossolimo  (278)  has  a  scheme  for  indicating 
the  comparative  strength  of  psychic  processes  on  a  decimal  scale  —  the  unit 
being  the  highest  known  manifestations.  In  the  Trait  Book  of  Davenport 
(277)  we  find  it  recommended  to  assign  grades  to  mental  quaUties  on  a  scale 
of  five  units,  in  which  one  and  five  (the  lowest  and  highest  grades)  are  as- 
signed to  the  best  or  the  worst  found  in  study  of  1000  cases  of  the  whole 
population;  the  grades  two  and  four,  distinctly  above  or  below  the  ordinary, 
are  for  results  obtained  on  the  average  in  one  out  of  50  cases.  Grade  three 
is  for  the  ordinary.  Van  Dijck  (168)  in  his  psychobiographical  studies  of 
criminals  uses  a  system  of  plus  and  minus  signs.  Woods  (279)  in  researches 
into  the  personal  characteristics  of  royalty  proceeds  on  a  basis  of  ten  points 
for  each  quahty.  Other  minor  studies  known  to  us  have  the  same  basis. 
We  would  counsel  in  oiu-  field  extreme  caution  in  the  use  of  this  method,  at 
least  for  a  long  time  to  come,  until  there  has  been  estabhshed  a  very  much 
greater  body  of  information  on  norms,  even  of  special  classes  of  persons,  than 
has  yet  been  gathered. 


Chap.  VII]  SUMMARIZING   OF   CASE  [§  87 

of  facts  means  nothing  unless  they  are  shown  to  have  causal 
connection  with  dehnquency." 

Nothing  should  make  all  these  points  clearer  than  the  careful 
perusal  of  actual  summaries  of  cases.  We  append  herewith 
some  examples  for  this  purpose. 

Mrs.  A.  C.  No.  000.  March  3,  1905. 

Age  35. 

Physically  in  very  good  general  condition.  Strong  and  vivacious. 
Good  color.     Seven  months  pregnant. 

Mentally:   psychosis  —  for  details  see  psychological  impressions. 

Delinquencies:   misrepresentation;   swindling;   neglecting  family. 

Causative  factors:  (a)  heredity.  Comes  from  a  family  notorious 
for  alcoholism  and  general  bad  behavior,  but  no  insanity  known. 
(6)  puerperal  conditions.  We  have  the  account  of  a  prior  attack  of 
mental  excitation  at  about  the  time  of  the  birth  of  another  child; 
(c)  alcoholism,  as  indulged  in  during  the  last  few  months. 

The  outlook  for  this  case  is  temporarily  poor,  but  perhaps  good  in 
the  long  run,  since  she  now  shows  characteristics  quite  changed  from 
those  of  her  normal  self.  She  should  be  immediately  taken  care  of 
in  some  hospital  and  mthout  the  excitement  of  a  trial  for  insanity. 
We  referred  her  to  the  Mental  Hygiene  Society.  The  welfare  of  the 
unborn  child  is  to  be  thought  of  as  well  as  of  the  mother's  own  well- 

John  Doe.     Age  16.  No.  111.  Sept.  26,  1908. 

Physically:  very  good  general  condition.  Strong,  active  boy, 
slouchy  tyge.    Sex  development,   adult. 

Mentally,  high-grade  feebleminded  —  Moron. 

Delinquencies  consist  in  earlier  truancy  —  was  once  in  institution 
on  account  of  this;  general  mean  behavior  earlier  at  home;  recent 
vicious  sex  assault  upon  a  boy. 

Causative  factors:  (a)  mentality  as  above.  The  boy  has  been  in  an 
institution  for  the  feebleminded  for  a  couple  of  years;  (6)  lack  of 
family  control.  The  father  was  rather  an  irresponsible  character  and 
the  family  has  broken  up;  (c)  proportionate  sex  over-development  and 
{d)  alcohol.  Up  to  the  day  of  the  assault  this  boy  had  been  doing 
quite  well  at  work,  but  he  was  given  whiskey  to  drink  and  the  offense 
quickly  followed.  (The  causation  of  the  mental  defect  was  never  satis- 
factorily obtained.  The  father  was  previously  a  drinking  man,  but 
now  holds  a  good  position.  The  mother  is  long  since  dead.  She 
was  said  to  have  had  some  education.) 

The  outlook  is  altogether  bad  in  a  community  where  he  can  get 
alcohol.  He  might  do  well  on  a  farm  where  he  was  free  from  tempta- 
tion to  drink.  He  has  succeeded  industrially  since  leaving  the  school 
for  the  feebleminded  over  a  year  ago.  Under  the  circumstances  he 
should  be  returned. 


§  87]  WORKING   METHODS  [Chap.  VII 

Adele  B.     Age  15.  No.  222.  March  8,  1907. 

This  girl  is  magnificently  endowed  physically.  She  is  strong  and 
well  and  has  a  considerable  measure  of  good  looks.  She  had  an  early 
puberty  and  is  much  over-developed  in  sex  characteristics  for  her  age. 
We  note  a  rather  mask-like  expression,  typical  of  some  prostitutes. 

Mentally,  this  girl  has  distinctly  good  ability  and  has  a  very  good 
range  of  interests.  She  belongs  in  our  B  class.  Is  rather  a  sugges- 
tible type.  Considering  her  advantages  she  has  read  many  good 
books.  She  has  a  distinctly  refined  attitude  towards  her  delinquen- 
cies, as  shown  in  her  manner  of  relating  them. 

Delinquencies:  excessive  sex  immorality  since  she  was  ten  years 
old.    She  has  already  been  once  in  a  reformatory  school. 

Causative  factors:  (a)  heredity.  Father  alcoholic.  Mother  im- 
moral. Maternal  uncle  criminalistic;  (b)  mother's  influence.  She 
has  been  flagrantly  immoral  herself  and  has  made  light  of  this  girl's 
transgressions,  if  she  has  not  deliberately  urged  them;  (c)  early 
maturity  and  magnificent  physique. 

Prognosis:  notwithstanding  this  girl's  bad  background  in  heredity 
and  environmental  conditions,  she  shows  certain  qualities  which  speak 
in  favor  of  her  reformation.  Her  good  mental  ability  and  good  in- 
terests, and  her  refined  behavior  are  encouraging.  Her  physical 
over- development  at  present  rather  speaks  against  her  chances,  but 
she  may  develop  self-control.  Her  suggestibility  may  be  used  to 
her  advantage.  This  is  a  case  in  which  better  environment  under 
good  personal  influences  may  produce  an  entirely  different  result 
from  that  of  the  past.    She  is  probably  worth  doing  much  for. 

Mary  Doe.     Age  18.  No.  333.  Sept.  26,  1911. 

Physical:  Very  well  developed  and  nourished.  Pleasant  features 
and  expression.  No  sensory  defects  of  importance.  Examination 
otherwise  negative. 

Mental:  Notwithstanding  the  fact  that  this  girl  never  got  beyond 
third  grade,  we  find  her  to  have  quite  fair  mental  ability.  We  were 
astonished  to  see  her  good  performance  on  some  tests.  She  has  good 
mental  control  and  is  well  oriented  in  all  ways.  She  has  much  motor 
dexterity.  Not  the  slightest  evidence  of  aberrancy  found,  although 
her  relatives  say  she  must  be  crazy  to  do  what  she  has  done.  Mental 
diagnosis;  good  ability  with  exceedingly  poor  educational  advan- 

Delinquencies:  Repeated  stealing  over  a  considerable  period  in  de- 
partment stores  where  she  has  been  employed.  At  one  time  she  was 
stealing  by  a  system  which  she  had  evolved. 

Causative  factors:  (a)  heredity.  Parents  are  dead,  but  from  other 
relatives  we  gain  nothing  but  negative  evidence.  The  whole  family 
have  good  reputation;  (6)  developmental  history.  This,  except  for 
ordinary  children's  ailments,  is  negative;  (c)  environmental  condi- 
tions during  childhood  were  not  especially  good  on  account  of  pov- 


Chap.  VII]  SUMMARIZING   OF  CASE  [§  87 

erty  which  in  turn  was  caused  by  much  illness  in  the  family.  How- 
ever, we  do  not  know  this  has  direct  bearing;  (d)  much  more 
important  is  the  fact  that  the  girl  had  exceedingly  poor  educational 
advantages  on  account  of  frequent  changes  of  abode  and  being  kept  at 
home  on  account  of  family  illness;  from  this  has  come  (e)  a  dearth 
of  healthy  mental  interests.  The  girl  is  a  great  reader,  but  only  of  the 
cheapest  literature  and  the  sensational  daily  newspapers;  (/)  prob- 
ably the  most  important  factor  is  due  to  mental  conflict  over  sex 
affairs.  She  has  had  no  guiding  hand  and  ever  since  her  childhood 
has  been  hearing  of  these  things  from  bad  sources.  Many  of  her 
occupational  acquaintances  tell  her  of  the  easy  money  they  make 
in  these  ways  and  are  able  to  indulge  in  dress  and  pleasures  which  are 
beyond  her.  Apparently  she  has  always  rejected  the  advances  which 
had  naturally  come  to  her  as  an  attractive  girl  among  immoral  asso- 
ciates, but  has  thought  much  about  it.  (Note  her  own  story.)  As 
a  definite  reaction  to  this,  she  has  got  to  stealing;  (g)  bad  companions. 
The  outlook  we  should  consider  distinctly  good  under  different  en- 
vironmental conditions  and  if  some  good  woman  will  give  her  a 
helping  hand.  The  mental  mechanism  back  of  her  misconduct  has 
been  frequently  observed  by  us  and  the  best  of  results  have  been 
obtained  when  constructive  measures  have  been  offered  under  pro- 
bation. Change  of  occupation,  friendship  with  some  woman  compe- 
tent to  become  her  confidant,  adviser  and  helper,  and  development  of 
healthy  mental  interests  we  feel  sure  will  do  what  is  needed. 


§  88]  STATISTICS  [Chap.  VIII 


Statistics  ^ 

§  88.  The  Basis  of  Valuable  Statistics.  §  89.  Characteristics  of  Our  Group 
of  Cases.  §  90.  Interpretation  of  Statistical  Findings.  §  91.  Group  II. 
Summary  of  Causative  Factors  by  Groups  and  Totals.  §  92.  Analysis  of 
Mental  Abnormalities  and  Peculiarities.  §  93.  Analysis  of  Defective 
Home  Conditions.  §  94.  Analysis  of  Mental  Conflicts.  §  95.  Analysis 
of  Improper  Sex  Experiences.  §  96.  Bad  Companions.  §  97.  Analysis  of 
Abnormal  Physical  Conditions.  §  98.  Analysis  of  Defective  and  Unsatis- 
fied Interests.  §  99.  Analysis  of  Defective  Early  Developmental  Condi- 
tions. §  100.  Analysis  of  Mental  Shock.  §  101.  Analysis  of  Stimulants 
and  Narcotics.  §  102.  Experiences  Under  Legal  Detention.  §  103. 
Group  I.  Statistics  of  Psychological  Classification  of  1000  Young  Re- 
peated Offenders.  §  104.  Offenses  of  1000  Young  Repeated  Offenders, 
(a)  694  Male  Offenders,  (b)  306  Female  Offenders.  §  105.  Statistics  of 
Weight  Correlated  with  Age.  §  106.  Statistics  of  "Stigmata  of  Degen- 
eracy." §  107.  Statistics  of  Epilepsy.  §  108.  Numerical  Family  Table. 
§109.  Family  Conditions.  §110.  Statistics  of  Illegitimacy.  §  111.  Birth- 
place of  Offenders.  §  112.  Birthplace  of  Parents.  §  113.  Previous  Insti- 
tutional Life.  §  114.  Religion.  Education.  §  115.  Alcoholism  of 
Parents.     §  116.  Statistics  on  Heredity. 

§  88.  The  Basis  of  Valuable  Statistics.  —  By  far  the  most 
important  statistics  of  causation,  indeed  almost  the  only  ones 
worth  deep  consideration,  are  those  gathered  from  well-rounded 
study,  enumeration,  and  analysis  of  the  factors  which  stand  in 
direct  logical  relationship  to  delinquency  in  the  individual.  One 
might  easily  pick  out  all  sorts  of  isolated  facts,  for  example, 
defective  eyesight,  or  low  family  wages,  and  show  them  to  have 
certain  correlations  with  delinquency.  However,  even  if  the 
correlations  show  higher  than  for  non-delinquents,  their  signifi- 
cance is  not  in  the  least  proven  without  the  establishment  of 

1  A  pertinent  inquiry,  partially  answered  above,  would  be,  why  in  a  text 
book  there  is  so  httle  space  given  to  statistics  from  other  sources.  Putting 
aside  the  question  of  the  comparison  of  foreign  statistics  with  American  con- 
ditions, we  may  say  that  nowhere  could  be  found,  except  on  special 
points,  what  was  needed  for  the  elucidation  of  our  problem,  namely,  that  of 
gaining  understanding  of  the  individual.  Perhaps  Gruhle  (147)  comes  the 
nearest,  but  this  author  stops  far  short  of  putting  together  all  that  might  have 
been  known  about  the  small  group  he  studied.  We  insist  again  that  statistics 
on  isolated  facts  are,  in  general,  unsafe  for  us.  Many  case  histories  scattered 
in  recent  German  Uterature  contain  just  the  type  of  information  we  ourselves 
have  gathered,  but  except  in  dealing  with  certain  small  classes  no  figures  for 
groups  have  been  discovered.  The  clearing  of  the  ground  by  the  statistics 
gained  from  just  such  work  as  that  of  Goring  (160),  which  throws  a  great 
light  on  some  single  vital  point,  is  most  important. 


Chap.  Vlll]       CH-\RACTERISTICS    OF    OUR    GROUP    OF    CASES        [§  89 

norms  for  the  social  groups  from  which  the  dehnquent  came, 
particularly  if,  when  it  comes  to  facing  actual  cases,  other  factors 
are  found  which  stand  in  vastly  more  direct  relationship  to  the 
delinquency.  The  offender  w4th  bad  eyesight,  from  a  family  of 
poor  earners,  may  be  the  victim  of  obsessional  mental  imagery, 
or  of  character-destroying  habits,  or  mental  defects  —  any  one 
of  which  conditions  is  known  to  produce  delinquent  tendencies 
with  or  without  bad  eyesight  and  poverty.  Then,  on  the  con- 
trary, plenty  of  individuals  from  poorly-paid  families  or  with 
bad  eyesight  have  not  at  all  turned  towards  delinquency. 
Thus  the  only  efficient  method  of  gathering  highly  valuable 
statistics  of  delinquent  causation  is  to  proceed  by  scheduling 
evaluated  facts  as  they  are  discerned  through  study  of  the 
individual  offender. 

The  enumerative  results  offered  in  this  chapter  have  nearly 
all  been  produced  according  to  the  criticism  of  values  offered 
above.  Our  first  gathering  of  statistics,  three  or  four  years  ago, 
by  the  accumulation  of  isolated  facts,  in  the  manner  of  the  pre- 
vailing methods  of  criminology,  led  to  nothing  serviceable  for 
a  scientific  and  practical  study  of  delinquency,  such  as  was  our 
aim.  The  lesson  learned  from  this  attempt  was  that  we  ought 
not  to  proceed  along  any  such  scientifically  dangerous  path. 
The  critique  of  methods  used  in  working  up  the  individual  case 
for  diagnosis  and  prognosis  is  fundamental  for  the  production  of 
essentially  valuable  statistics.  Since  our  early  abortive  attempt, 
we  have  entirely  enumerated  the  factors  by  first  setting  them  in 
rough  chronological  order,  as  they  apparently  produced  the  career 
of  the  offender,  afterwards  estimating  them  as  far  as  possible  in 
their  relative  importance.  A  survey  of  the  method  is  to  be  ob- 
tq,ined  by  study  of  the  case  summaries  (§  87)  and  the  card  sys- 
tem of  causative  factors.  We  regard  the  establishment  of  these 
modes  of  procedure  as  one  of  our  best  contributions. 

§  89.  Characteristics  of  Our  Group  of  Cases.  —  Our  figures 
are  based  on  the  study  of  1000  repeated  offenders  (Group  I)  seen 
during  the  years  1909  to  1914.  We  early  conceived  the  value 
of  dealing  for  all  enumerative  purposes  with  a  homogeneous 
group.  The  phenomenon  of  recidivism  appeared  so  striking  that 
it  was  used  as  the  criterion  for  selection  of  the  series  of  cases. 
Judgment  as  to  recidivism  was  based  on  the  grounds  already 
given  in  the  Introduction.  Many  facts  might  be  tabulated  for 
the  whole  1000,  and  some  of  these  are  elaborated  in  the  succeed- 


§  89]  STATISTICS  [Chap.  VIII 

ing  tables,  but  careful  after-criticism  has  led  to  the  judgment 
that  823  cases  only  (Group  II),  are  to  be  regarded  as  studied 
sufficiently  well  by  the  completer  methods  we  have  insisted  on, 
to  be  used  for  satisfactory  comparison  of  causative  factors.  Then 
in  our  special  study  of  heredity,  for  reasons  given  below  (§116), 
there  was  further  selection  of  668  cases  (Group  III). 

For  the  most  part  the  values  of  the  facts  speak  for  themselves. 
Taken  as  a  whole,  the  chief  importance  of  the  comparative  sta- 
tistics of  causative  factors  undoubtedly  lies  in  their  urgent  call 
for  just  the  type  of  study  upon  which  the  statistics  themselves 
were  built.  The  number  of  cases  is  too  small  from  which  to 
draw  many  statistical  conclusions.  To  be  sure,  the  changes 
might  be  rung  on  various  groups  of  facts,  many  of  which  we  have 
not  even  introduced,  but  to  no  more  purpose  than  when  the  same 
type  of  work  has  been  done  in  other  quarters.  Some  few  tables, 
such  as  the  age-weight  charts,  are  significant,  but  we  are  ever 
inclined  to  caution  about  the  specific  application  of  even  major 
findings  to  the  individual  case,  unless  they  are  in  the  given  in- 
stance shown  to  be  probable  causative  influences.  Interesting 
though  it  is,  for  example,  to  note  the  physical  over-development 
of  girl  offenders,  one  must  logically  hesitate  to  give  excess  of 
physique  as  a  factor  unless  there  is  good  reason  to  consider  it 
as  a  causal  antecedent  in  the  actual  instance.  Tables  showing  high 
correlations  between  offense  and  antecedent  merely  indicate  the 
direction  in  which  to  look  for  causes;  they  do  not  prove  the 
existence  of  any  cause  in  any  case. 

Early  in  this  volume  we  dwelt  on  our  choice  of  ages  for  study. 
Our  observations  cover  offenders  from  6  years,  at  which  age 
we  have  noted  several  cases  of  strongly  developed  delinquent 
tendencies,  to  adult  life.  We  have  purposely  busied 
with  only  a  few  above  20  years;  there  are,  of  course,  compara- 
tively few  recidivists  under  10;  so  our  total  material  clusters 
well  about  the  average  age,  which  is  15}^  years. 

The  proportion  of  sexes  studied  by  us  is  about  the  ratio  of 
juvenile  offenders  as  they  come  before  a  cosmopolitan  court. 
It  represents  no  selection  by  us;  we  have  always  taken  cases 
as  they  have  been  brought. 

Indeed,  our  material  for  enumeration  has  not  been  selected  by 
us  in  any  way  except  on  the  basis  of  backsliding.  The  choice 
by  others  who  bring  cases  to  us  involves  simply  the  fact  of  the 
offender  being  a  "  problem  case,"  the  solution  of  which  by  the 


CiiAP.  VIIl]       INTERPRETATION    OF*  STATISTICAL    FINDINGS         [§  90 

ordinary  methods  of  family  treatment  or  court  decree  was  not 
readily  to  be  discerned.  (Non-repeaters  have  been  seen  by  us, 
but  they  have  been  studied  much  less  thoroughly,  and  have  never 
been  placed  in  our  series,  except  when  later  they  may  have  be- 
come recidivists.)  Selection  of  "  problem  cases  "  for  us  has  in- 
volved, without  question,  our  seeing  a  somewhat  unduly  large 
number  of  cases  of  mental  abnormality.  However,  even  such 
cases  hardly  present  the  difficult  problems  which  other  more 
normally  minded  individuals  sometimes  offer,  and  this  fact  has 
made  somewhat  for  the  balancing  of  our  material.  Taking  it 
altogether,  notwithstanding  years  of  experience  with  our  large 
material,  I  hesitate  even  to  suggest  exact  figures  on  percentages 
of  types  which  come  before  juvenile  or  other  courts.^ 

§  90.  Interpretation  of  Statistical  Findings.  —  For  the  inter- 
pretation of  many  general  statistics,  local  conditions  of  economic 
welfare,  nationality,  police  regulation,  truancy,  consumption 
of  alcohol  and  so  on,  should  be  taken  into  account.  My  obser- 
vations would  lead  me  to  believe,  for  instance,  that  vastly  more 
delinquency  could  be  attributed  to  poverty  in  London  than  in 
Chicago,  that  far  slighter  offenses  lead  to  police  interference 
in  New  England  than  in  the  West,  that  truancy  is  rare  in  cer- 
tain German  cities,  and  so  on,  A  word  about  our  not  finding 
poverty  to  be  a  very  large  causative  factor  is  here  in  order.  Local 
conditions  of  relative  financial  welfare  in  Chicago  constitute 
part  of  the  explanation  —  in  clinical  and  court  experience  here 
one  rarely  indeed  sees  the  physical  evidences  of  poverty  which 
simply  abound  in  some  European  cities.  Then,  on  the  other 
hand,  in  contravention  of  the  first  impulse  to  attribute  much  to 
poverty,  one  finds  either  other  members  of  the  same  poor  family 

1  Here  it  is  of  interest  to  compare  certain  findings  and  statements  of 
Goddard  (151)  and  his  helpers,  drawn  from  the  observation  of  small  groups  in 
courts  by  the  Binet  system.  Since  we  have  largely  avoided  first  offenders,  and 
undoubtedly  have  seen  most  of  the  easily  discernible  mental  defectives  ap- 
pearing in  court  dm-ing  our  connection  with  it,  our  results  are  certainly  not 
to  be  taken  as  fair  indications  of  total  percentages,  and  yet  they  range  lower 
than  Goddard's  estimation.  (A  very  careful  research  on  large  numbers  by 
Dr.  Augusta  Bronner,  that  has  been  going  on  for  some  time,  is  showing  noth- 
ing like  the  large  niunbers  of  defectives  that  have  been  alleged  to  appear  in 
juvenile  courts.)  Observation  of  a  very  large  unselected  group  of  offenders, 
such  as  Britton  {vide  Churchill  and  Britton,  150)  made  in  his  study  of  physical 
conditions,  is  absolutely  the  only  logical  basis  of  percentages,  and  even  then 
the  figures  may  only  prove  true  for  the  given  locaUty.  In  this  connection, 
again,  I  should  inrge  the  weakness  of  isolated  facts,  even  though  so  apparently 
valuable  as  those  obtained  by  the  Binet  tests.  For  more  on  this  point  of 
judgment  by  mental  tests  alone,  note  our  chapter  on  Mental  Defect. 


§  90]  STATISTICS  [Chap.  VIII 

living  righteously,  or  that  the  poverty  itself  arose  from  an  anterior 
factor,  such  as  alcoholism  or  mental  defect,  which  often  is  the 
progenitor  of  both  poverty  and  delinquency. 

As  being  of  greatest  importance,  we  shall  first  present  our 
enumeration  of  causative  factors,  —  under  their  general  heads, 
and  then  as  analyzed  in  detail.^  The  latter  will  include  the 
findings  concerning  the  equipment  of  offenders,  both  mental 
and  physical.  Then  will  come  the  table  of  offenses,  and  finally 
statistics  and  charts  of  facts  which  have  significance  for  students 
of  criminology  in  general.  The  latter  are  given  for  what  they  are 
worth;  some  of  them  point  one  way  and  some  another.  Certain 
of  the  special  findings,  for  instance,  those  on  heredity,  deserve 
to  carry  great  weight. 

It  will  be  seen  in  our  studies  of  types  of  causation  that  we 
fully  recognize  the  fact  that  certain  important  factors  in  the 
production  of  delinquency,  such  as  mental  habit,  imagery,  etc., 
are  hardly  at  all  open  to  enumeration.  Statistics  will  never  tell 
iJie  loliole  story. 

§  91.    Group  II.    Summary  of    Causative   Factors  by    Groups 
and  Totals  in  823  Cases  —  560  Males,    263  Females. 

Number        Number         Total 
of  times        of  times       nnrnher 

Groups  of  Causative  Factors.              ^^toX^'^  ^^toX^^  of  times 

„  •  -  appeared 

mam  mmor  „q  factor 

factor.  factor.  as  1  actor. 

Mental  abnormalities  and  pecul- 
iarities               455  135  590 

Defective  home  conditions,  includ- 
ing alcoholism 162  394  556 

Mental  conflict  {vide  infra)     ....  58  15  73 

Improper  sex  experiences  and  habits  46  146  192 

Bad  companions 44  235  279 

Abnormal  physical  conditions,  in- 
cluding excessive  development     .  40  233  273 

Defects  of  heredity 502  502 

Defective  or  unsatisfied  interests,  in- 
cluding misuse  or  nonuse  of  special 
abilities 16  93  109 

Defective  early  developmental  con- 
ditions    214  214      : 

1  For  most  of  the  work  in  arraying  and  enumerating  our  collected  facts  and 
summaries  of  findings,  we  are  deeply  indebted  to  Miss  Frances  Porter,  who 
has  with  much  inteUigence  and  painstaking  effort  carried  out  a  prolonged 


Chap.  VIIl]  ANALYSIS     OF    MENTAL    ABNORMALITIES  [§   92 

Mental  shock 3  3 

Deliberate  choice 1  1 

Sold  by  parent 1  1 

Use  of  stimulants  or  narcotics    ...  92  92 

Experiences  under  legal  detention     .  15  15 

Educational  defects  extreme      ...  20  20 

823  2097  2920 

Reference  to  the  tables  of  analyzed  groups  of  factors  will  be 
necessary  before  complete  understanding  of  the  above  summary 
can  be  obtained.  However,  the  numerical  proportions  of  the 
various  groups,  even  in  their  bareness,  are  of  great  interest. 

There  is  undoubtedly  some  unfairness  about  the  relativity  of 
the  times  mental  conflict  appears  as  a  cause.  During  our  first 
two  years  we  were  not  nearly  so  alive  ,to  the  discovery  of  this 
factor  because,  although  we  early  listed  it  as  a  factor,  we  desired 
longer  observation  of  typical  cases  before  feeling  justified  in  spend- 
ing the  long  time  in  study  that  most  cases  of  the  kind  demand. 
To  a  less  degree  this  same  criticism  could  be  made  against  the 
number  of  times  we  discovered  the  influence  of  bad  sex  experi- 
ences and  habits;  occasionally  these  facts  are  carefully  hidden, 
but,  after  all,  not  so  often  as  one  would  suspect. 

The  totals  of  analyzed  minor  factors  will  not  agree  with  the 
group  totals  of  minor  factors,  because  under  one  group  head  several 
registerable  conditions  may  be  factors  and  yet  are  only  counted 
once.  For  example,  under  home  conditions  in  a  single  case  we 
may  have  alcoholism,  poverty  and  marked  lack  of  parental 
control;  these  are  enumerated  separately  under  the  head  of 
analyzed  home  conditions,  but  in  the  summary  appear  registered 
altogether  as  simply  one  case  where  home  conditions  were  defec- 

§  92.    Group    II.     Analysis   of    Mental    Abnormalities  and 
Peculiar   Mental   Characteristics. 

Number  Number 

of  times  of  times 

appears  appears 

as  a  as  a 

major  minor 

factor.  factor. 

Defective  types: 

Poor  native  mental  ability 6  5 

Mental  subnormality 66  2 

Feeblemindedness  —  moron 87 


§  92]  STATISTICS  [Chap.  VIII 

Feeblemindedness  —  imbecile 5 

Dull,  perhaps  from  ascertained  physical  causes, 

including  some  cases  of  epilepsy 28  5 

Specialized  defects,  including  defect  in  self- 
control    16  8 

Aberrational  types: 

Epileptic  mentality  —  variable 60                    3 

Hysteria  —  with  well-marked  mental  mani- 
festations  12  2 


Paranoia 4 

Dementia  precox 6 

Juvenile  paresis 1 

Manic  depressive  insanity 2 

Confusional  excitement  during  pregnancy     .    ..  1 
Major  psychoses  not  further  classified  by  us      .34 
Minor  psychoses  not  further  classified  by  us 
—  this  includes  some  cases  of  so-called  men- 
strual psychosis 17                    1 

Adolescent  or  pubertal,  temporary  psychoses    .  4 

Choreic  psychoses .  2 

Traumatic  psychoses ' 3 

Hypomania;  constitutional  excitement     ...  2 

Amnesic  fugues     . 1 

Temporary  psychoses 3 

Peculiar  mental  characteristics: 

Adolescent  instability,  marked  cases 30                   61 

Social  suggestibility  extreme  . 9                     6 

Love  of  adventure  extreme     .........  5                    5 

Marked  sensual  type 6                   10 

Constitutional  inferiority,  including  marked  neu- 
rasthenic and  psychopathic  types      20                     2 

Extreme  stubborn,  reckless,  self-assertive  type     .3  3 

Marked  criminalistic  impulses  on  unanalyzed 

mental  basis 12 

Extreme  laziness,  in  spite  of  very  good  physical 

and  mental  endowment 1 

Hypersensitiveness 2                    1 

High  mental  ability  —  only  in  connection  with 

unsatisfied  interests 3                     2 

Obsessed  by  mental  imagery .  1                     5 

Racial  characteristics  extreme,  negro,  Indian, 

or  both 3                   5 


Definitions  of  the  terms  used  above  in  enumerating  defective 
types  will  be  found  best  in  the  chapter  on  case  studies  of  Mental 


Chap.  Vlll]  ANALYSIS    OF    MENTAL   ABNOR^L\LITIES  [§  92 

Defect.  A  considerable  number  of  the  psychosis  cases  could 
not  be  finally  diagnosed  in  the  time  at  our  disposal;  indeed, 
later  inquiry  at  the  hospitals  for  the  insane  to  which  some  of 
the  offenders  had  been  sent  often  brought  forth  only  a  tentative 
statement.  (For  the  non-professional  reader  we  should  state 
that  many  cases  of  insanity  have  to  go  through  a  considerable 
period  of  evolution  before  they  can  be  ultimately  classified  accord- 
ing to  categories  at  present  available.)  Mental  confusion,  hebe- 
tude, delusions,  or  other  break-down  of  function  forced  the  recog- 
nition of  a  psj^chosis;  the  giving  of  a  name  would  have  added 
nothing  explanatory,  and  scientifically  was  most  often  inadmis- 
sible. Cases  of  insanity  with  very  well  marked  symptoms  very 
evidently  are  recognized  and  handled  as  such  before  they  get 
into  court  primarily  as  offenders.  Many  of  those  seen  by  us  may 
be  said  to  have  had  comparatively  masked  characteristics.  So 
far  as  recounting  symptoms  may  be  concerned,  we  have  found 
mostly  weakened  functions  with  slowness,  confusion,  and  inac- 
curacy of  mental  reactions.  Delusional  states  are  less  frequent, 
as  are  also  the  excited  conditions.  To  obtain  correct  ideas  of 
the  correlation  of  different  types  of  insanity  with  delinquencies, 
the  records  of  the  population  of  penal  mstitutions,  of  general 
hospitals  for  the  insane,  as  well  as  for  the  criminal  insane,  would 
have  to  be  studied  for  this  purpose. 

For  our  definitions  and  the  significance  of  the  various  minor 
psychoses  and  peculiar  mental  characteristics,  reference  should 
be  made  to  our  case  studies.  The  nature  of  the  work  has  led  to 
our  seeing  an  unusually  large  number  of  not  only  border-line, 
but  also  of  temporary,  pubertal  or  adolescent  and  other  minor 
psychoses.  We  get  also  major  psychoses  in  their  earlier  evolution, 
when  the  outcome  is  not  determinable.  No  doubt  a  certain 
few  of  those  classified  above  as  minor  psychoses  will  develop 
into  full-fledged  cases  of  insanity  —  at  least  such  has  been  our 
experience  in  the  past.  The  figiu'es  in  the  above  analysis  of  mental 
causative  factors  do  not  agree  with  certain  totals  given  in  our 
psychological  classification,  vide  §  103,  because  of  the  fleeting  or 
minor  nature  of  some  psychotic  manifestations.  This  has  led 
sometimes  to  our  classification  of  the  subject  as  belonging  to 
another  mental  category  than  that  of  being  a  victim  of 


93]  STATISTICS  [Chap.  VI]! 

§  93.    Group  II.    Analysis  of  Defective  Home  Conditions. 

Major.  Minor. 

Quarreling  and  other  irritative  conditions     ....  26                   78 

Members  of  family  at  home  alcoholic,  immoral,  or 

criminalistic 62                  95 

Poverty 4                  59 

Lack  of  home  control  through 

gross  ignorance      2                '10 

illness 2                  26 

father  away  much 6 

mother  working  out      21                   32 

sheer  inability  of  parents  to  control 11                   68 

family  not  immigrated 3 

Parental  neglect  excessive 7                   31 

Family  broken  up 20                   35 

No  home,  plus 

street  life 1 

wandering  life 4 

child  changed  about  in  institutions  and  board- 
ing places 2                  17 

Immoral  home  environment 5                  23 


§  94.    Group  II.    Analysis  of  Mental  Conflicts. 

About  sex  matters 43                   12 

About  parentage 7                    2 

Cause  unknown 4 

About  home  conditions 2 

Cause  unknown,  but  extreme  development  of  anti- 
social grudge      4                     3 

About  superstitious  folk-lore  belief 1 

About  social  significance  of  own  physical  defects     .  1 

§  95.    Group  II.    Analysis  of  Improper  Sex  Experiences. 

Extremely  early  improper  learning  or  experiencing 

sex  life 34  73 

Masturbation  in  excess 12  75 

Sex  perversions  (regarded  as  antecedent  to  other 
offense;  elsewhere  themselves  registered  as 
offense) 11 

Sex  attraction  by  negro  men 1 



§  96.   Group  II.    Bad  Companions. 

No  analysis  is  needed  of  the  figures  under  the  heading  of  bad 

companions.     It  is  obvious  that  bad  companionship  may  have 

been  sometimes  within  the  family  circle,  but  most  often  else- 
where. Sometimes  bad  companions  were  of  about  the  same  age, 
and  of  the  same  sex,  and  sometimes  the  reverse. 

§  97.     Group  II.      Analysis  of  Abnormal   Physical  Conditions. 

Major.  Minor. 

General  excessive  over-development  for  age    ....  4  33 
Marked  over-development  of  sex  characteristics  for 

age ■ 5  18 

Puberty  markedly  premature 9  53 

Excessively  poor  general  development 7  42 

Very  poor  nutrition 3  24 

Puberty  much  delayed 8 

General  poor  physical  condition 5  23 

Anemia 5  7 

Heart  disease 1  6 

Excessive  enlargement  of  thyroid 1  2 

Diseases  or  defects  in  nose  and  throat 10  41 

Excessively  carious  teeth 3  19 

Marked  defective  vision ;    .    .  13  72 

Marked  defective  hearing 1  13 

Phimosis 5  5 

Local  irritative  conditions  of  genitals 1  5 

Venereal  disease 1 

Pregnancy 1 

Ptosis .  1 

Defective  control  of  bladder 3 

Deaf-mutism 1  1 

Stammering  in  excess 2  4 

Headaches  in  excess 3  11 

General  nervous  manifestations  (neurotic  types)      .    .   2  15 

Gynecological  ailment      1 

Chorea 3 

Epilepsy     . 1 

Ring  worm 1 

Tuberculosis 2 

Recent  injiu'y 1 

Migraine 1 

Boyish  type  of  physique  in  girl 1 

It  is  only  when  physical  conditions  have  appeared  themselves 
directly  as  causes,  irrespective  of  mental  conditions,  that  we  have 


§  97]  STATISTICS  [Chap.  VIII 

included  them  in  the  above  enumeration.  For  example,  epilepsy 
was  a  factor  in  the  delinquency  of  one  individual  who  did  not 
have  any  accompanying  mental  symptoms,  and  thus  it  is  counted 
as  a  physical  cause.  Then  ring  worm  caused  the  rejection  of  a 
boy  from  school  and  his  consequent  life  with  bad  street  com- 
panions. Of  course,  in  many  more  cases  than  given  above,  carious 
teeth  were  found,  but  only  in  the  22  instances  could  the  condi- 
tion be  counted  in  any  way  related  to  the  delinquency.  It  is  the 
same  with  defective  vision,  and  other  conditions.  The  number  of 
instances  in  which  phimosis  was  a  factor  will  to  some  appear  very 
small,  but  it  is  as  we  have  found  it  with  very  careful  observation. 
Venereal  disease  is  very  common  among  the  young  women  we  have 
seen,  but  in  itself  could  only  be  regarded  as  a  causative  factor  in 
one  case.  Pregnancy  once  was  a  factor  when  there  was  an  ac- 
companying minor  psychosis.  Possession  of  a  boyish  type  of 
physique  was  an  incentive  in  one  case  to  the  girl  pursuing  a  life  of 
adventure,  suitably  attired  as  a  boy. 

In  this  group  the  total  of  even  the  major  causative  factors  does 
not  agree  with  the  total  given  in  the  summary  (§91);  an  of- 
fender whose  physical  conditions  maybe  regarded  as  responsible  for 
his  career  is  most  often  suffering  from  more  than  one  defective 

§  98.  Group  II.   Analysis  of  Defective  and  Unsatisfied  Interests. 

Major.  Minor. 

Lack  of  general  healthy  mental  interests 9                53 

Lack  of  healthy  recreational  interests 7 

School  or  vocational  dissatisfaction  ........  6                24 

Dissatisfaction  with  racial  religion 1 

Excessive  interest  in  moving  picture  shows 9 

Social  life  of  saloons 1 

Exciting  Hterature 2 

Excitement  of  revival  meeting 1 

Excessive  interest  in  theatres 1 


I  have  no  doubt  that  our  findings  set  forth  in  the  above  group 
will  arouse  criticism.  One  would  certainly  believe  off-hand  that 
the  influence  of  low  types  of  picture  shows,  theatres,  of  bad  news- 
papers and  other  pernicious  literature  could  be  much  more  surely 
traced  than  is  shown  in  our  figures.  One  cannot  doubt  that  they 
really  do  have  much  more  influence  than  our  figures  would  indi- 



cate,  but  it  is  altogether  a  difficult  matter  to  make  any  kind  of  a 
trustworthy  estimation  of  such  subtle  factors.  One  feels  that 
frequently  the  matter  is  better  stated  by  saying  that  there  is  a 
lack  of  healthy  interests,  and  that  these  other  things  have  come 
in  to  fill  up  the  vacuum.  Upon  this  whole  subject  it  is  easy  to 
ofter  impressionistic  conclusions,  but  specific  data  and  proofs  are 
hard  to  get.  A  very  interesting  point  is  in  regard  to  saloon  in- 
fluences, for  it  is  quite  evident  that  the  social  life  of  saloons,  which 
has  been  made  so  much  of,  does  not  begin  to  get  in  its  work  until 
after  17  or  18  years  of  age.  If  we  had  not  been  so  scrupulously 
careful  in  regard  to  the  individual  facts  of  influence,  much  greater 
emphasis  would  be  placed  on  both  the  negative  and  positive  fac- 
tors listed  numerically.  For  instance,  if  one  were  to  judge  by  the 
findings  on  our  Information  Test,  one  would  say  there  was  over- 
w^helming  evidence  of  the  paucity  of  healthy  mental  interests 
being  a  large  general  factor.  On  this  point,  our  chapter  and  case 
studies  where  lack  of  healthy  mental  interests  is  set  forth  as  a 
cause  of  delinquency,  should  be  read. 

§  99.      Group  II.      Analysis   of    Defective    Early    Developmental 


Antenatal:  Major  Minor 

Congenital  syphilis 26 

Mother  sickly  or  poor  condition 34 

Mother  severely  ill 6 

Mother  much  worried 16 

Mother  much  abused,  generally  by  drunken  husband  31 

Mother  alcoholic 6 

Mother  morphinist 2 

Mother  old 4 

Father  old 1 

Attempted  abortion      4 

Mother  insane 1 

Severe  mental  shock  to  mother 3 

One  of  twins 3 

Mother  destitute 8 

Mother  working  very  hard 4 


Markedly  premature  birth 5 

Very  difficult  labor 18 

Postnatal : 

Much  illness  in  general 28 

Very  severe  early  illness 18 

Epilepsy  in  childhood ■ ,  9 


§  99]  STATISTICS  [Chap.  VIII 

Severe  convulsions  in  childhood 15 

Severe  head  injury 21 

Early  malnutrition  severe 6 

Impacted  teeth,  very  severe 2 

Severe  accident 1 

Severe  rheumatism 1 

Mastoid  infection  severe 3 

Gonorrhea  severe 1 

Early  paralysis 4 

Severe  "  brain  fever " 5 

Severe  "meningitis" 5 

Severe  chorea 7 

As  in  the  case  of  defective  heredity,  so  here  the  factor  never 
appears  as  major,  because  the  more  immediate  cause  is  the  condi- 
tion or  peculiarity  of  mind  or  body  that  defective  hereditary  or 
defective  developmental  factors  leave  in  their  train.  The  diag- 
nosis of  congenital  syphilis  was  usually  made  from  somatic  find- 
ings. The  laboratory  tests  have  only  recently  been  at  our  disposal. 
There  is  little  doubt  that  a  somewhat  larger  number  would  have 
proved  positive  to  tests. 

§  100.    Group  II.    Analysis  of  Mental  Shock. 

Major  Minor 

Fright  in  riot  and  massacre 2 

From  killing  companion  accidentally 1 

§  101.     Group  II.     Analysis  of  Stimulants  and  Narcotics. 

Major  Minor 

Alcohol .  ,   .     22 

Excessive  tea  or  coffee 43 

Tobacco  in  excess 60 

§  102.    Group   II.    Experiences    under    Legal    Detention. 

In  most  cases  where  experiences  under  legal  detention  have  been 
a  readily  ascertained  cause  of  delinquency,  we  have  been  sorely 
tempted  on  account  of  the  virulence  of  the  cause  to  ascribe  to  it 
the  major  part.  If  it  were  not  that  chronologically  some  other 
cause  had  antedated  the  first  offense  one  would  feel  justified  in 
doing  this.  Altogether  we  must  acknowledge  that  our  separation 
into  major  and  minor  factors  of  delinquent  careers  breaks  down  at 
this  point.  However,  we  are  unquestionably  far  under-shooting 
the  mark  in  our  slight  ascribing  of  crime  to  this  cause.  For  the 
varied  details  of  what  we  mean  by  experiences  under  legal  de- 
tention our  case  studies  on  this  subject  should  be  read. 



(From  this  point  we  deal  with  enumerations  concerning  our  series 
of  1000  young  repeated  offenders,  setting  forth  facts  which  stand  by 
themselves,  irrespective  of  whether  or  not  they  ham  relationship  to 
ascertained    causation.) 

§   103.      Group  I.      Statistics  of   Psychological    Classification  of 
1000  Young  Repeated  OfEenders. 

A.  Considerably  above  ordinary  in  ability  and  information,  — 

the  latter  estimated  with  reference  to  age  and  social 
advantages 31 

B.  Ordinary  in  ability  and  information,  —  the  latter     esti- 

mated with  reference  to  age  and  social  advantages    .    .    .     267 

C.  Native  ability  fair  and  formal  educational  advantages  fair 

or  good,  but  very  poorly  informed 69 

D.  Native  ability  fair  and  formal  educational  advantages  fair 

or  good 69 

E.  Native  ability  distinctly  good,  but  formal  educational  ad- 

vantages poor 22 

F.  Native  ability  fair  and  formal  educational  advantages  poor  123 

G.  Native  ability  poor  and  formal  educational  advantages  poor  40 
H.    Native  ability  poor  and  formal  educational  advantages  good 

or  fair 53 

I.     Dull,  perhaps  from  ascertained  physical  causes,  including 

some  cases  of  epilepsy f    .  79 

J.     Subnormal  mentality  —  considerable  more  educability  than 

the  feebleminded 81 

K.    Moron 89 

L.    Imbecile 8 

M.  Psychosis 69 


Some  explanation  of  the  above  classification  has  been  given  iii 
the  chapter  on  Methods.  In  our  numerical  studies  of  these  1000 
cases,  percentages  are  obvious.  Since  the  classification  necessa- 
rily, for  practical  purposes,  has  to  have  a  place  both  for  the  cate- 
gories of  mental  ability  and  of  aberration,  there  is  some  over- 
lapping which  is  not  shown  in  the  table.  For  instance,  a  choreic,  or 
epileptic,  or  dissipated  individual  may  be  well  up  to  the  ordinary  in 
ability  and  still  have  shown  temporary  aberrational  tendencies 
which  led  to  delinquency.  If  the  psychotic  manifestations  were 
past  at  the  time  we  studied  him,  our  logical  classification  was  ac- 
cording to  demonstrated  ability  —  although  so  far  as  causation 
was  concerned  we  carefully  reckoned  in  the  aberration.  Then  in 
other  instances  there  may  be,  as  a  continuous  condition,  a  slight 


§  103]  STATISTICS  [Chap.  VIII 

aberrational  tendency  superimposed  on  quite  fair  ability.  Such  a 
case  might  be  classified,  for  example,  as  D  plus  M.  As  is  also  well 
known,  a  feebleminded  person  may  be  insane;  thus  we  get  K 
plus  M.  Our  clue  to  classification,  as  given  in  the  above  table,  has 
been  the  most  predominant  mental  classification  of  the  individual. 
We  may  call  attention  to  this  table,  with  its  overlapping  of  facts 
in  the  sphere  of  mental  attributes,  as  showing  another  example  of 
the  danger  of  inferring  causative  factors  from  the  bare  isolated 
facts  of  a  set  classification. 

It  will  be  noted  that,  leaving  out  all  the  cases  with  any  appear- 
ance of  doubt,  and  all  cases  where  we  observed  the  subject  in  a  tem- 
porarily dull  or  aberrational  condition,  we  found  67.4  per  cent, 
that  should  be  regarded  without  question  as  mentally  normal. 
Of  the  7.9  per  cent,  dull  from  physical  causes,  we  have  found  some 
making  extraordinary  improvement  with  the  cessation  of  bad 
habits  or  rectification  of  bodily  ailments.  Others  for  whom  noth- 
ing was  done  or  could  be  done,  eventually  may  be  graded  lower. 
In  the  course  of  years,  changes,  either  up  or  down,  in  the  classifica- 
tion of  some  of  the  subnormals  also  may  well  be  made.  As  beyond 
peradventure  feebleminded,  we  found  about  10  per  cent.,  but  the 
figure  will  be  increased  as  some  of  the  younger  in  the  lower  groups 
fail  to  advance  with  age.  The  group  of  psychoses  has  already 
shown  a  number  of  cases  of  cures  and  we  may  expect  more. 
Further  discussion  of  these  cases  and  classes  may  be  found  in  our 
chapters  on  mental  defects  and  the  psychoses. 

§  104.    Group  I.     Offenses  of  1000  Young  Repeated  OfEenders. 

(Not  only  as  charged  in  court,  but  as  obtained  from  the  story  of 
parents  and  others.) 

(a)  Of  694  Male  Offenders. 

Stealing 455 

Including  stealing  automobiles,  robbing  from  mail  boxes,  etc. 

Burglary 54 

Means  breaking  and  entering.  Ordinary  sneaking  into  stores,  or 
homes,  even  through  a  window,  is  counted  merely  as  stealing. 

Pickpocket 11 

Only  counted  as  such  when  distinctly  professional  tendencies 
shown  in  this  line. 

Hold-ups 6 

There  is  much  disproportion  of  this  offense  before  17  years 
and  afterwards,  as  shown  by  comparison  with  records  of 
courts  for  adults. 


Chap.  Vlll]    OFFENSES  OF  1000  YOUNG  REPEATED  OFFENDERS    [§  104 

Forging 12 

Tniancy      225 

Onl\-  marked  cases.  Staying  away  from  school  a  day  or  two 
infrequently,  not  counted. 

Loafing 71 

IVIarked  cases  of  refusal  to  work  while  living  at  home. 

Vagrancy 14 

This  ahvays  means  wandering  and  loafing  and  not  living  at 

Runaway 261 

This  means  going  away  from  home  and  staying  more  than  over 
night  and  usually  more  than  once. 

Sleeping  out  at  night 85 

This  usually  means  staying  in  barns  or  hallways  or  in  vacant 
houses,  generally  in  the  neighborhood  of  the  home. 

General  incorrigibility 92 

This  includes  quarrelsomeness,  excessive  disobedience,  imperti- 
nence, mischievous  conduct,  and  disturbance  of  many  kinds  at 
home  and  in  school.  When  this  type  of  conduct  occurs  in  a  place 
of  employment  the  individual  is  discharged,  and,  of  course,  not 
complained  of. 

Lying 104 

Only  when  very  excessive  and  when  a  notorious  characteristic  of 
the  indi\'idual  has  this  been  counted. 

False  accusations 5 

Only  recorded  when  of  an  excessive  and  dangerous  sort. 
Obtaining  or  attempting  to  get  money  under  false  pretenses     .    .        11 
Only  marked  cases,  including  various  schemes  of  misrepresenta- 
tion.    Includes  some  vicious  cases;  for  instance,  "black-hand" 

Begging  _ .  ^ 7 

In  Chicago  only  extreme  cases  of  this  kind  are  brought  to  court, 
and  only  when  misrepresentation  is  involved. 

Bad  temper 21 

Only  recorded  when  excessive  manifestations. 

Violence 40 

Only  when  a  very  marked  characteristic.  It  may  be  either  at- 
tacks on  person  or  property. 

Cruelty 11 

Either  to  children  or  animals. 

Fighting  with  weapons 42 

Ordinary  street  fights  of  boys  not  included.  This  category  means 
much  more  serious  offenses. 

Carrying  concealed  firearms 11 

Destructiveness 21 

Of  a  malicious  type. 

Attempt  to  wreck  train 2 

Setting  fires .        11 

"Flipping"  moving  trains 4 


§  104]  STATISTICS  [Chap.  VIII 

Desertion  from  navy 1 

Gambling .       14 

Only  when  excessive. 

Alcoholism 24 

In  our  study  of  young  offenders,  this  complaint  of  alcoholism  gen- 
erally means  the  use  of  intoxicating  beverages  quite  beyond 
moderate  standards  of  family  life.  In  many  cases  it  also  implies 

Use  of  cocaine 1 

Use  of  opium 1 

The  use  of  these  drugs  by  young  people  is  regarded  as  a  delin- 
quency, but,  of  course,  only  the  excessive  cases  are  brought  to 

Sex  offenses  with  the  opposite  sex 33 

In  only  this  number  of  cases  have  boys  under  17  been  reported  so 
delinquent.  Adults  are  not  usually  charged  with  this  offense 
unless  there  is  assault,  etc. 

Masturbation 32 

Reported  as  delinquency  only  when  very  excessive. 

Sex  perversion 29 

This  includes  various  sorts  of  homosexual  and  other  perversions. 

Sex  assault 15 

This  includes  a  few  cases  of  homosexual  assault. 

Obscenity 10 

Only  counted  when  excessive  characteristic. 

Murder 2 

As  a  rule  we  have  purposely  refrained  from  studying  sensational 
murder  cases.  Murderers  generally  have  careers  behind  them  that 
are  best  studied  at  earlier  stages. 

Accessory  to  murder 1 

Attempted  homicide  .    .    .    .  • 1 

Attempted  suicide 4 

Exhibitionism 4 

This  has  been  reported  as  a  delinquency  only  when  not  done  as  a 
childish  performance.  It  means  a  flagrant  offense  by  an  older 
individual  and  in  a  more  public  manner. 

(6)  Of  306  Female  Offenders. 

Sex  offenses  with  the  opposite  sex 180 

In  many  other  cases  where  the  charge  has  been  "staying  out 
nights"  or  "runaway"  there  has  been  grave  suspicion  of  sex 
delinquency,  but  not  proven. 

Masturbation .    . 22 

Regarded  as  delinquency  only  in  excessive  cases. 

Sex  perversions 9 

Homosexual,  etc. 

Stealing 97 

Obtaining  money  under  false  pretenses  . 5 



This  includes  swindling  and  begging  plus  swindling.  Begging,  as 
such,  rarely  brought  into  court. 

Begging 1 

Burglary 1 

Forging , 6 

Lying 80 

Only  when  this  is  a  very  notorious  characteristic  of  the  individual 
is  this  made  part  of  the  charge. 

False  accusations 16 

Only  when  very  serious  charges  have  been  brought,  elaborated  and 
persisted  in. 

Runaway  76 

Sleeping  out  nights 33 

This  usually  means  staying  out  somewhere  in  the  neighborhood, 
sleeping  in  barns,  hallways  or  vacant  places. . 

Truancy 23 

Only  when  a  very  repeated  offense  is  this  counted. 

Pretending  to  be  employed 19 

Under  this  category  are  the  cases  where  individuals  have  been 
living  at  home,  pretending  to  work  in  the  daytime  while  really 
loafing  elsewhere. 

Bad  temper      18 

Only  when  excessive  is  this  recorded. 

Violence 16 

Includes  attacks  on  both  person  and  property. 

Incorrigibility 39 

This  includes  quarrelsomeness,  excessive  disobedience,  imperti- 
nence, mischievous  conduct,  and  disturbances  of  many  kinds  at 
home  and  at  school.  When  this  type  of  conduct  occurs  in  a  place 
of  employment,  of  course  the  individual  is  discharged  and  not 
complained  of. 

Attempted  homicide 3 

Attempted  infanticide 1 

Attempted  suicide 9 

Threatened  suicide 2 

This  only  counted  when  repeated  excessively  and  causing  much 

Setting  fire 3 

Cruelty  to  children 1 

Alcoholism 8 

The  mere  fact  of  a  girl's  indulging  regularly  in  alcohol  is  regarded 
as  a  delinquency,  but  intoxication  is  frequently  the  result  in 

Smoking 1 

This  reported  as  a  delinquency  only  when  excessive.  In  fact,  in 
this  case  it  was  a  habit  of  years'  standing. 

Obscenity 13 

Only  very  marked  cases  reported  as  a  delinquency. 
Sex  assault 1 


§  104]  STATISTICS  [Chap.  VIII 

In  explanation  of  the  above  table  of  delinquencies  the  following 
points  should  be  made:  Numerical  comparison  of  offenses  is  of 
peculiar  interest  for  the  study  of  the  beginnings  of  delinquent 
careers,  hence  we  have  confined  our  attention  to  the  1000  young 
repeated  offenders  we  have  all  along  used  as  a  basis  for  statistics. 
Much  more  extensive  statistics  could  have  been  compiled  from 
juvenile  court  records,  but  it  is  well  known  that  the  short  wording 
of  a  court  charge  most  frequently  does  not  represent  the  whole 
facts  of  delinquency.  In  our  cases  great  care  has  been  used  to  get 
an  account  of  the  offenses  in  detail,  and  this  has  been  compara- 
tively easy  for  us  in  our  direct  dealings  with  parents  and  others 
interested  in  the  case. 

In  comparing  the  delinquencies  of  males  and  females  certain 
differences  stand  out  clearly  from  the  numerical  comparisons 
above.  We  have  attempted  for  this  purpose  to  have  our  classes  of 
offenses  cover  analogous  conduct  for  both  sexes.  The  set  cate- 
gories of  the  law  or  of  the  criminological  literature  have  not  been 
followed.  We  have  attempted  to  go  farther  than  this  and  get  the 
direct  first-hand  facts  and  to  present  them  without  attention  to 
set  terminology. 

It  is  most  interesting  to  note  the  differences  in  the  charges  of 
offense  for  the  two  sexes,  either  as  set  forth  in  court,  or  as  a  general 
social  consideration.  The  attitude  of  society  varies  mostly  in 
offenses  against  the  person.  Seduction  of  a  boy  by  a  female  is 
never  charged  in  court.  Exhibitionism  by  girls  is  a  very  frequent 
phenomenon,  but  no  charge  of  that  nature  has  been  observed. 
Smoking  is  regarded  as  vastly  more  of  a  delinquency  in  girls  than 
it  is  in  boys.  This  is  also  true  of  staying  out  late  at  night,  or  away 
from  home.  Staying  out  late  nights  is  a  common  charge  for  both 
sexes,  but  without  other  delinquencies  it  is  hardly  to  be  regarded 
as  an  offense.  It  is  practically  never  charged  as  a  sole  delinquency. 
Standards  in  different  families  in  regard  to  such  things  as  a  child 
staying  away  from  home  over  night,  or  in  regard  to  drinking  vary 

§  105.    Group  I.    Statistics  of  Weight  Correlated  with  Age. 

For  the  interpretation  of  physical  conditions  as  the  cause  of  de- 
linquency in  any  given  case,  we  all  along  insist  on  the  close  scru- 
tiny of  them  as  related  to  other  possible  causes.  Discovery  of  the 
poor  nutrition  or  defective  eyesight  of  an  offender  does  not  mean 


Girls -Mentally  Normal 

9  10  II  12  13  14  15 

— : 1-. 1.— 

4«— Uji— ^r-^^ 

1----J^^^- -^ 

^_-^_^l_, ^1 . 

J-; ^^-^ L__^? 

_ f,^ • _ 


5— — !^,  ;^_ 

Years  6 

Girls -Mentally  Abnormal 

9  10         II         12  13         14         15         16 

. ^ , 1—-—^, 

i Ji^^l 4 _ 

Plate  VII 

Age-Weight  Charts 

Boys-Mentalt/  Normal 

Years  6     7     8     9     10    11     12    13    14    15    16    17     18    19 
































■  • 








































.  ' 



























































,  , 




























Boys— Mentally  Abnormal 

9  10  II  12  13  14        15  16  17         18  19 





'  *'''.  [', • 

. ,-^_^,-»t^ , . , • — 

Plate  VIII 

Age-Weight  Charts 


that  either  of  these  faulty  conditions  should  necessarily  be  re- 
garded as  the  responsible  factor.  But  in  massing  the  collected 
facts,  conclusions  of  great  interest  emerge.  For  many  summed- 
up  details  there  is  no  fair  norm  to  compare  with ;  for  example,  we 
cannot  compare  our  findings  on  defective  eyesight  with  any 
standard  for  the  general  population,  but  in  the  case  of  develop- 
ment or  nutrition  as  judged  by  weight  and  age  we  have  as  fair 
a  chance  to  compare  massed  facts  with  a  standard  norm  as  can 
be  obtained. 

We  would  immediately  insist  that  both  our  findings  and  the 
norms  are  to  be  interpreted  only  for  the  United  States  —  one 
can  be  very  sure  from  observations  abroad  that  the  same  find- 
ings would  not  obtain  there.  Then  the  interpretation  of  under- 
size  should  properly  include  knowledge  of  how  many  families  and 
nationalities  normally  under  the  average  in  size  are  represented. 
To  a  less  degree  this  might  be  true  of  over-size,  if  the  accompany- 
ing charts  did  not  show  clearly  the  immense  sex  difference,  even 
when  the  normal  curve  is  plotted  for  the  sexes  separately. 

The  discrepancy  between  the  physique  of  boy  and  girl  of- 
fenders is  remarkable  —  that  between  the  mentally  normal  and 
abnormal  is  to  be  expected.  The  difference  between  the  sexes 
can  perhaps  best  be  appreciated  by  realizing  that  on  the  charts 
for  the  mentally  normal  almost  exactly  50  per  cent,  of  the  boys 
are  on  each  side  of  the  curve  of  averages,  while  no  less  than  73  per 
cent,  of  the  girls  range  in  weight  above  normal.  The  meaning  of 
over-development  in  studies  of  delinquent  causation  is  discussed 
m  §§  142,  188  ff. 

The  charts  easily  explain  themselves.  The  curve  of  norms  has 
been  taken  from  Burk's  (189)  study  of  massed  data  concerning 
€9,000  American  young  people.  The  averages  made  from  this 
largest  group  study  of  growth  seems  unquestionably  the  best 
with  which  to  compare  our  offenders.  We  could  have  obtained  a 
great  many  more  age-weight  records  of  delinquents  to  plot  on  our 
charts,  but  decided  to  confine  ourselves  to  our  own  homogeneous 
and  carefully  studied  series.  Norms  have  been  developed  only 
up  to  16  or  17  years,  so  there  was  no  use  plotting  cases  above  that 


106]  STATISTICS  [Chap.  VIII 

§  106.    Group  I.    Statistics  of  "  Stigmata  of  Degeneracy." 

Well-marked  stigmata  were  found  in  133  of  the  1000  eases  as  follows: 

Anomalies  of  external  ear 67 

Anomalies  of  palate  and  jaws 63 

Anomalies  of  shape  of  head.  (Including  facial  asymmetry)  55 

Anomalies  of  teeth 5 

Body  asymmetry 5 

Anomalies  of  eye 4 

Gynecomastia 2 

Anomalies  of  hands 2 

Supernumerary  mammae 1 

Defects  of  teeth  usually  ascribed  to  congenital  syphilis  were 
found  in  40  cases.  Most  of  these  were  typical  Hutchinsonian 
forms.  Minor  defects  of  enamel,  small  "  erosions  "  of  undoubted 
congenital  origin,  are  not  counted  in  the  above. 

It  should  be  distinctly  understood  that  those  structural  anom- 
alies which,  it  has  well  been  said,  could  be  found  by  careful  exam- 
ination on  almost  every  human  body,  have  altogether  been  left 
out  of  count.  The  stigmata  recorded  were  decidedly  obvious  to 
an  experienced  medical  examiner.  In  illustration  we  note  that 
the  following  are  the  types  of  defect  given  in  our  records:  Ear 
anomalies  were;  completely  adherent  lobule,  crumpled  helix, 
excessive  Darwinian  tubercle,  flattened  —  relatively  formless 
ear,  and  other  marked  malformations.  The  dental  anomalies  were 
supernumerary  teeth,  completely  absent  teeth,  etc.  Misplace- 
ment that  was  due  to  crowding  is  not  enumerated.  (Of  course, 
an  expert  student  of  dental  development  would  have  discovered 
much  that  we  missed  in  the  way  of  minor  data.)  Chest  and 
body  asymmetry  was  not  counted  unless  it  appeared  to  be  due  to 
congenital  malformation  —  spinal  curvatures  and  the  many 
sequelae  of  rickets  are  not  stigmata.  Anomaly  of  the  hands 
means  hypertrophy  of  a  digit,  and  the  like. 

The  writer  offers  the  above  facts  without  comment,  except  to 
state  that  if  the  cases  of  mental  abnormality  were  taken  out  of  our 
series,  the  proportion  of  marked  stigmata  would  be  little,  if  any, 
larger  than  in  the  general  population.^ 

1  We  are  fuUy  cognizant  of  the  possibilities  of  a  prolonged  discussion  at  this 
point,  but  we  can  see  no  good  coming  out  of  it.  The  fact  that  Knecht  (164) 
found  20  per  cent,  of  1274  German  criminals  with  malformed  ears,  and  that 
5  per  cent,  had  cleft  palate,  and  that  14  per  cent,  of  the  European  prostitutes 


Chap.  VIII]      EPILEPSY  AMONG  1000  REPEATED  OFFENDEliS     [§   107 

§  107.    Group  I.    Epilepsy  Among  1000  Repeated  Offenders. 

The  diagnosis  of  epilepsy  was  made  on  the  finding  that  the  offen- 
der suffered  from  convulsions  with  loss  of  consciousness  and  other 
well-recognized  accompaniments  of  the  seizm-es,  or  from  the  char- 
acteristic phenomena  of  yetit  mat.  No  subdivision  according  to 
the  newer  conceptions  of  epilepsy  was  attempted,  but  the  possi- 
bility of  hysteria  was  frequently  taken  into  consideration.  Con- 
vulsions in  early  childhood  were  not  counted  as  epileptic  unless 
there  was  good  positive  evidence.  Following  the  above  rules  we 
found . 

Epilepsy 67  cases. 

Possible  epilepsy  —  in  these  cases  there  were  evidences 
strongly  suggestive  of  major  or  minor  epilepsy,  but  on  ac- 
count of  incomplete  history  the  diagnosis  could  not  be 
made  with  certainty 18  cases. 

Then  in  the  immediate  families,  including  grandparents,  uncles 
and  aunts  (blood  relatives),  we  learned  of  epilepsy  in: 

29  cases  where  the  offender  was  epileptic. 

53  cases  where  the  offender  was  not  known  to  be  epileptic. 

Not  all  the  cases  of  epilepsy  are  ranged  under  the  head  of  aber- 
rational types  —  in  some  of  them  the  disease  appeared  to  be  merely 
incidental  to  their  otherwise  determined  mental  and  moral  life. 

examined  by  Tamowsky  (165)  had  cleft  palate,  whereas  we  found  not  a  single 
case  of  cleft  palate  among  our  repeaters;  the  fact  that  Talbot  (166,  167)  found 
stigmata  twice  as  frequent  among  the  inmates  of  Pontiac  and  Ehnira  as  among 
non-criminals  —  all  this  simply  leads  us  back  to  the  point  we  made  in  our 
chapter  on  Orientation,  namely,  that  all  these  physical  signs  may  possibly 
better  be  correlated  with  mental  defect  and  also  with  nutritional  and  even 
environmental  conditions  than  with  criminaUsm,  as  such.  The  definition  of 
degeneracy  as  an  embryonic  nutritional  defect  is  sufficient  to  clear  the  theo- 
retical groimd  for  these  latter-day  considerations. 


§  108] 


[Chap.  VIII 

§  108.    Group  I. 

Numerical    Family    Table   in 
Repeated  Delinquency. 

1000    Cases    of 

No.  of 









ter of 

one  de- 







in  family 








No.  of 

No.  of 

No.  of 

No.  of 

No.  of 

No.  of 

No.  of 


















































































From  the  above  table  we  see  among  other  points  that  there  were 
119  cases  in  which  the  deHnquent  was  the  only  child; 
48  cases  in  which  all  the  children  were  delinquent  in  family  of  more 
than  one. 
525  cases  in  which  only  one  was  delinquent  in  a  family  of  more  than 
":     one. 

The  significance  of  the  above  figures  is  great  for  any  who  would 
attribute  to  family  conditions  alone  the  largest  share  in  the  causa- 
tion of  delinquency.  They  must  reckon  with  the  fact  that  in  so 
many  cases  where  there  are  several  children  only  one  has  become 
criminalistic.  Then  those  who  draw  other  conclusions,  e.  g.,  that 
the  conditions  which  surround  an  only  child  specially  make  for 
delinquency,  must  take  note  of  our  relatively  small  figures  on 
that  correlation.  Sometimes,  however,  conditions  peculiar  to 
the  family,  either  environmental  or  hereditary,  must  be  entirely 


Chap.  VIll]  BIRTHPLACE    OF    OFFENDERS  [§111 

responsible,  as  can  be  seen  from  the  instances  when  several  chil- 
dren, or  even  all  the  children  are  delinquent.  It  is  clear  that  our 
statistics  do  not  all  point  one  way,  and  that  they  emphasize  once 
more  the  logical  need  for  well-rounded  individual  study  of  cases. 

§  109.     Group  I.     Family  Conditions  of  1000  Young  Repeated 


One  parent  (usually  father)  deserted 86 

Parents  separated 114 

Both  parents  dead 57 

Father  dead 87 

Mother  dead      154 

In  the  above  cases  there  are: 

Foster  parents  or  two  step-parents  in 20  cases. 

Step-father  or  foster  father  in 105  cases. 

Step-mother  or  foster  mother  in 109  cases. 

In  the  1000  cases  mother  works  away  from  home  in    .    .     165  cases. 

§   110.     Group  I.     Illegitimacy  in  1000  Repeated  Offenders. 

Parents  born  in  the  U.  S.  (white) 7 

Parents  born  in  the  U.  S.  (colored) 5 

Parents,  one  negro,  one  white 3 

Parents,  German 5 

Parents,  Itahan 1 

Parents,  unknown  nationality 5 


These  figures  would  seem  very  small  as  compared  with  many 
foreign  statistics.  Perhaps  had  we  accurately  known  all  the  facts 
(to  be  obtained  with  difficulty  from  some  of  our  shifting  popula- 
tion) rather  larger  figures  would  have  been  obtained,  but  not  very 
much  larger. 

§  111.    Group  I.    Birthplace  of  Offenders. 

United  States 783  France   .    , 2 

United  States  (negro)     ...  27  Sweden 

Russia  (Jewish) 33  Denmark 

Poland 29  Slavonia 

Italy      22  Norway 

Germany 16  Croatia .    . 

Austria 13  Bulgaria 

England 12  Galicia 


§  111]  STATISTICS  [Chap.  VIII 

Roumania 5     Greece .       1 

^        1    j  English 5  Switzerland  .......        1 

^^'^^^^  1  French 2    Unknown      33 

Bohemia 3                                                   

Scotland 3  1000 

Ireland      3 

§  112.  Group  I.   Birthplace  of  Parents  of  1000  Repeated  Offenders. 

United  States      233     Denmark 3 

United  States  (negro)     ...  42     Hungary 2 

Poland 109     Slavonia .'  .       2 

Germany 77     Belgium 

Italy      ". 59     Wales 

Ireland      54     Spain 

Bohemia 28     Croatia      •    •    • 

Austria 17  Galicia       ........ 

Sweden 16     Bulgaria 

England 12     Russia  (Jewish) 70 

Scotland 10  Parents  foreign  born,   but 

France 8  from  different  countries  .      74 

Lithuania 8  Mother  U.    S.   and  father 

Norway 7        foreign 41 

p        1     f  French     .....  6  Father  U.   S.   and  mother 

^^'^^^^  1  English 4         foreign 18 

Roumania 5     Unknown 85 

Holland 4                                                 


For  fair  interpretation  of  the  above  statistics  of  nationality  the 
cosmopolitan  character  of  the  people  of  Chicago  must  be  taken 
into  account,  although  there  are  several  reasons  why  the  propor- 
tions of  nationalities  or  races  of  offenders  as  seen  by  us  may  not 
agree  with  census  percentages.  In  the  case  of  Jews,  for  instance, 
we  have  studied  more  than  a  fair  proportion  because  of  the  splen- 
didly organized  Jewish  efforts  to  look  after  the  delinquents  as  well 
as  the  dependents  of  their  own  race,  and  the  desire  of  their  workers 
to  have  individuals  studied  and  handled  with  the  greatest  effi- 
ciency. For  opposite  reasons  we  should  be  unlikely  to  see  an 
equal  proportion  of  certain  other  races  and  nationalities. 

It  would  be  difficult  to  present  comparable  statistics  on  account 
of  the  selective  ages  of  those  we  have  enumerated  —  the  majority 
being  beyond  school  age  but  under  21  —  but  the  following  figures 
give  some  indication  of  our  city  conditions:  In  Chicago  the 
native  white  population  of  native-born  parents  is  only  about  20 
per  cent. ;  the  native  whites  of  foreign  or  mixed  parentage  number 


Chap.  VIII]  RELIGION  —  EDUCATION  [§   114 

about  41  per  cent.;  the  foreign-born  whites  are  35  per  cent.,  and 
the  negroes  2  per  cent,  of  the  total  population.  The  only  court 
figures  available  in  Chicago  are  those  of  the  Juvenile  Court  where 
14,183  delinquents  (boys  under  17,  girls  under  18)  were  seen  in 
the  ten  years,  1899  to  1909.  The  parentage  of  these  showed  in 
about  the  following  percentages:  American  whites,  14.5;  Ameri- 
can negro,  4;  Foreign,  69.5;  Unknown,  12  {vide  Breckenridge 
and  Abbot  318,  p.  57). 

§  113.    Group  1.    Previous  Institutional  Life. 

We  had  thought  of  stating  in  detail  the  figures  concerning  the 
previous  residence  of  offenders  in  institutions,  but  the  informa- 
tion we  get  from  case  studies  leads  us  to  see  definite  unfairness 
in  this.  We  might  say,  what  is  the  truth,  that  18  per  cent,  of  our 
Chicago  male  offenders  had  been  in  a  certain  correctional  institu- 
tion, and  another  percentage  had  been  in  some  other  institution. 
But  picking  out  such  an  isolated  fact,  without  analysis  of  the  men- 
tality and  the  later  environmental  conditions  of  these  offenders, 
leads  to  no  safe  conclusion  as  to  the  efficacy  of  these  institutions. 
The  same  point  came  up  when  I  was  asked  my  opinion  about 
certain  narrower  statistics;  the  working  up  of  the  after-careers  of 
graduates  of  Elmira  Reformatory.  Unless  one  knows  the  physical 
and  mental  equipment  of  the  individual,  and  consequently  what 
chance  he  has  to  succeed  in  the  world,  no  fair  gauge  of  the  pos- 
sibilities of  reformatory  work  can  be  obtained  from  following 
his  career.  What  they  say  at  Elmira,  might  be  said  of  any  other 
good  institution  which  attempts  reform:  "  Give  us  reformable 
material,  and  we  can  reform."  The  same  might  be  said  con- 
cerning the  work  of  probation  and  parole  ofllcials.  So  we  have 
deliberately  left  out  these  statistics,  which,  without  thorough 
contemplation  of  the  individual  handled,  mean  little  indeed. 

§  114.    Group  I.    Religion.      Education. 

Similar  complications  and  many  more  would  arise  if  one  pre- 
sented statistics  of  the  religious  creeds  of  offenders.  One  would 
have  to  compare  the  figures  with  the  local  membership  in  various 
churches  and  with  a  number  of  other  modifying  facts.  It  will  suf- 
fice to  say  that  the  figures  would  leave  little  room  anywhere  for 
self-satisfaction  or  for  sectarian  controversy.  It  is  quite  evident 
that  formal  religious  training  has  not  prevented  delinquency  in 
many  of  our  cases,  when  other  strong  personal  or  environmental 


§  114]  STATISTICS  [Chap.  VIII 

conditions  were  not,  as  such,  squarely  met.  Participation  in  relig- 
ious education  and  religious  communion  has  been  quite  general 
among  our  offenders,  but  of  course  the  answer  given  by  pastors  of 
all  congregations  is  that  these  have  had  the  word,  but  not  caught 
the  spirit.  Occasionally  in  certain  unstable  types  there  is  a 
tendency  to  religious  emotionalism  and  anti-social  conduct  at 
the  same  time.  It  is  curious  that  in  not  over  a  dozen  cases  have 
we  heard  expressions  of  formed  irreligious  opinions.  I  should 
be  far  from  asserting  that  religious  life  does  not  sustain  against 
the  provocations  and  temptations  of  alcoholism,  poverty,  bad 
social  companionship,  or  even  that  it  does  not  offset  some  bad 
effects  of  certain  minor  aberrational  tendencies,  but  certain  it  is 
that,  through  not  taking  into  account  these  other  backgrounds 
of  delinquency,  such  religious  experience  as  most  of  our  offenders 
have  had  has  not  proved  thus  sustaining.  Many  a  parish  would 
be  bettered  if  the  fundamental  sources  of  misconduct  were  studied, 
enumerated,  and  treated  in  a  scientific  spirit. 

Our  figures  on  education  are  only  of  negative  value.  Practi- 
cally every  one  of  our  native  born,  and  most  of  our  foreigners, 
has  had  a  chance  in  our  school  system.  That  the  school  system 
has  not  fitted  the  needs  of  every  one  goes  without  saying.  Some 
significant  points  concerning  this  are  to  be  gleaned  from  our 
case  studies.  Otherwise,  we  may  say  that  illiteracy  arising  through 
lack  of  opportunity  plays  no  important  part  in  the  production 
of  delinquency  as  we  have  seen  it  in  our  city  population. 

§  115.    Group  I.    Alcoholism  of  Parents  in  1000  Cases. 

Occasionally  intoxicated : 

Father 129 

Mother 9 

Both  father  and  mother 12 

Rather  frequently  intoxicated : 

Father 118 

Mother 5 

Both  father  and  mother 4 

Excessive  drinking  and  intoxication: 

Father 25 

Mother 8 

Both  father  and  mother 1 

Distinctly  moderate  drinking  of  alcoholic  beverages  has  not 
been  counted  at  all  in  the  above  figures. 


Chap.  VIII]  STATISTICS   ON   HEREDITY  [§  116 

§  116.    Statistics   on    Heredity. 

Our  statistical  findings  on  heredity  are  of  especial  theoretical 
and  practical  interest  because  they  are  based  on  studies  which 
included  all  ascertainable  causal  factors  in  each  case.  For 
our  main  study  of  the  facts/  out  of  our  1000  cases  of  repeated 
offenders,  668  only  (Group  III)  were  found  to  have  data 
sufficient  to  justify  the  conclusion  that  we  could  fairly  evaluate 
the  causal  factors,  having  at  the  same  time  probable  knowl- 
edge of  whether  or  not  there  was  a  criminalistic  tendency  in 
the  immediate  family.  This  study  was  centered  on  the  problem 
of  the  direct  inheritance  of  criminalistic  tendencies  as  such. 
In  271  cases  there  was  good  evidence  that  no  prior  criminal- 
istic tendency  in  the  family  existed.  In  245  other  cases  epi- 
lepsy, or  some  grade  of  mental  defect,  was  present.  (In  order 
to  be  absolutely  fair  in  this  matter,  the  group  of  subnormals  — 
see  our  chapter  on  Mental  Defect  for  definitions  —  and  those 
with  special  mental  defects,  were  enumerated  together  with  the 
feebleminded  and  epileptic.)  In  these  cases  there  was  such  an 
obvious  mental  or  physical  basis  for  delinquency  that  they  could 
be  left  out  of  account,  whatever  their  inheritance  showed.  The 
remaining  152  cases  were  neither  mentally  defective  nor  epileptic, 
and  did  show  other  criminalistic  persons  in  the  direct  family. 

The  positive  group  of  152  cases  would  seem  undoubtedly  large 
enough  to  bring  out  some  facts  proving  the  inheritance  of  crimi- 
nalistic tendencies  as  such,  if  this  trait  is  inheritable.  But  these 
facts  fail  to  materialize.  The  predominating  causative  factors 
as  obtained  from  careful  individual  study  in  these  152  cases 
have  been  scheduled  as: 

Offender  distinctly  psychopathic  or  neuropathic,  with  heredity 
of  tlds  type 42 

Offender  victim  of  faulty  developmental  factors  with  serious 
sequelae 3 

Cases  in  which  the  environment  was  extremely  faulty  —  similar 
to  tha4;  causing  delinquency  where  there  is  no  criminalistic 
heredity.  (It  is  interesting  to  note  that  in  many  of  these  cases 
the  fault}^  environment  is  undoubtedly  the  result  of  defective 

1  Dr.  Edith  R.  Spaulding  spent  several  months  in  collating  our  data. 
Her  results  have  been  recently  pubUshed  (162).  In  their  deaUng  with  the 
variety  of  data  obtained  from  well-rounded  individual  studies  they  form 
one  of  the  most  important  contributions  to  this  subject. 


§  116]  STATISTICS  [Chap.  VIII 

physical  or  mental  conditions  on  the  part  of  parents,  even 
when  there  is  no  proof  of  defective  transmission  to  the  child)    .       61 

Cases  in  which  there  is  some  inheritance  of  defect  plus  very  bad 
developmental  conditions  or  faulty  environment 17 

Cases  in  which  bad  environment  is  combined  with  faidty  devel- 
opmental factors     2 

Cases  in  which,  aside  from  criminalistic  tendencies,  there  are 
peculiar  mental  characteristics,  not  traceable  to  inheritance     .  3 

Cases  in  which  the  factors  are  so  complicated  that  they  cannot 
be  discriminated  in  value  for  the  individual  case;  however, 
these  are  factors  of  importance  outside  of  criminalistic  heredity        9 

Cases  not  included  in  the  above 15 


By  elimination  this  leaves,  then,  15  cases  in  which  to  search 
further  for  criminalistic  inheritance  as  such.  In  every  one  of  these, 
however,  other  predominant  factors  than  mere  inheritance  of 
criminalistic  impulses  could  be  made  out.  Peculiar  outbursts 
of  temper,  hypersexualism  as  a  prevailing  trait,  premature 
puberty,  lack  of  general  mental  and  moral  energy,  excess  of 
energy,  and  lack  of  normal  mental  and  moral  inhibitions,  each 
figures  as  the  main  cause  of  delinquency  in  the  individual.  Some- 
times these  traits  could  be  traced  in  the  inheritance  and  some- 
times not.  All  of  them  might  make  for  delinquency,  and  do  so 
make  in  other  cases,  even  if  there  are  no  other  criminals  in  the 
family.  Dr.  Spaulding  in  resolving  these  data  for  us,  calls  atten- 
tion to  the  fact  that  at  least  the  last  two  traits  enumerated  could, 
in  a  good  environment,  easily  be  factors  making  for  genius. 

(The  proportion  of  31  per  cent,  of  alcoholism,  noted  previously 
in  our  total  figures,  more  than  obtains  all  through  this  series 
of  cases  with  criminalism  in  the  family.  In  6  of  the  last  15  cases 
cited  there  was  alcoholism  to  excess  on  the  part  of  parents;  and 
in  86  out  of  the  total  152,  that  is  in  56  per  cent.,  parents  were 

Altogether  there  seems  to  be  no  proof  whatever  from  our  ex- 
tensive material  that  there  is  such  a  thing  as  criminalistic  in- 
heritance apart  from  some  otherwise  significant  physical  or 
mental  trait,  which  in  the  offender  and  his  forbears,  forms  the 
basis  of  delinquency.^ 

^  In  our  chapter  where  we  give  cases  showing  heredity  as  a  cause,  there 
may  be  found  illustrations  and  enumeration  of  what  is  discoverable,  outside 
the  weU-known  inherited  background  for  many  cases  of  mental  disease  and 


Chap.  VIII]  STATISTICS   ON   HEREDITY  [§  116 

When  it  comes  to  the  question  of  indirect  inheritance  we  have 
an  entirely  different  statement  to  make.  Our  summary  of  causa- 
tive factors  by  groups  showed  that  in  823  cases,  Group  II,  heredity 
appeared  as  a  minor  factor  no  less  than  502  times.  This  means 
that  while  in  no  case  could  we  feel  justified  in  denominating 
heredity  the  immediate  and  main  factor  of  delinquency,  yet 
in  61  per  cent,  distinct  defects  in  the  family  antecedents  were 
noted.  (The  reader  should  be  reminded  that  in  the  normal, 
non-criminal  population  a  goodly  number  of  family  defects  might 
be  discovered,  but,  of  course,  nothing  approaching  this  large 

To  enumerate  in  heredity,  a  matter  apart  from  the  above 
narrower  study,  the  various  defects  which  have  been  considered 
as  possible  factors  in  the  indirect  development  of  delinquency 
will  prove  a  matter  of  general  interest,  although  it  must  be  dis- 
tinctly understood  that  we  refrain  entirely  from  drawing  conclu- 
sions regarding  the  specific  results  of  any  given  defects.  It  is 
difficult  enough  to  work  out  and  prove  the  relationship  of  inherit- 
ance to  anything  but  a  specific  family  physical  characteristic, 
and  then  only  when  one  family  line  is  studied.  But  the  astonish- 
ing extent  to  which,  in  general,  peculiarities  in  the  ancestors  ap- 
pear in  the  background  of  delinquency  can  be  witnessed  by  the 
following  unresolved  statistics.  Before  passing  to  these,  some 
critical  comment,  an  urgent  minimum,  is  necessary. 

We  certainly  have  nothing  like  the  entire  story  of  defects  and 
peculiarities  in  the  immediate  ancestors,  and  in  the  following 
enumeration  we  have  not  included  any  others  than  parents 
and  grandparents  —  in  order  to  make  the  findings  as  direct  and 
simple  as  possible.  We  have  often  known  similar  facts  about 
brothers  and  sisters  or  collateral  lines  of  relatives. 

As  stated  above,  alcoholism  in  the  parents  was  known  to  exist 
m  31  per  cent,  of  Group  I.  We  learned  of  many  other  instances 
of  alcoholism  in  grandparents  or  uncles  and  aunts.  In  these 
records  it  is  remarkable  to  note  the  incidence  of  insanity  with 
alcoholism.  (Of  course  we  recognize  alcoholism  as  the  producer 
of  a  defective  environment  which  may  be  a  sufficient  cause  for 
alcoholism  in  the  children.) 

There  is  a  small  amount  of  duplication  on  account  of  some 
individuals  coming  in  more  than  one  category;  for  instance,  one 
mother  was  epileptic,  insane  and  immoral;  and  more  than  one 
case  of  suicide  was  evidently  that  of  an  insane  person.     The 


§  116]  STATISTICS  [Chap.  VIII 

great  list  of  insane  ancestors  is  also  partly  the  result  of  alcohol- 
ism. Where  insanity  is  enumerated  it  means  that  the  diagnosis 
was  well  substantiated,  and  nearly  always  the  individual  had 
been  in  an  institution  for  the  insane.  In  our  enumeration  of 
subnormality  mere  ignorance  is  not  counted  as  subnormality. 
It  is  certainly  true  that  even  when  a  parent  may  appear  dirty, 
careless  and  brutal  this  is  no  real  evidence  of  subnormality. 
It  has  been  impossible  to  draw  the  line  between  feebleminded- 
ness and  subnormality,  and  when  there  has  been  a  reasonable 
doubt  we  have  included  the  individual  as  subnormal.  It  was 
obviously  impossible  for  us  to  apply  tests  even  when  we  saw 
the  parents  themselves.  Many  of  the  subnormals  are  foreigners, 
and  the  detection  of  real  subnormality  is  no  easy  matter  in  such 
cases.  In  regard  to  the  fairness  of  our  figures,  we  may  say  that 
it  is  no  doubt  true  that  a  small  percentage  of  our  cases  was  brought 
to  us  because  a  parent  was  already  known  to  be  insane,  and  it  was 
suspected  by  the  remaining  parent  or  the  probation  officer  that 
the  child  might  be  affected  by  inheritance.  But  such  cases 
form  only  a  small  percentage  and  do  not  much  affect  the  total 
findings.  In  the  502  cases  of  Group  II,  making  61  per  cent.,  in 
which  heredity  seemed  to  be  fairly  regarded  in  some  way  as  a 
factor,  we  find  the  following  important  known  defects.  Since 
the  information  about  grandparents  has  often  been  vague  we 
have  included  only  what  we  have  heard  about  insanity  or  suicide 
or  criminality  for  them. 

Including  father,  mother  and  grandparents  there  were: 

82  cases  of  insanity. 
12  cases  of  suicide. 
79  cases  of  criminality. 

Enumerating  only  father  and  mother  we  found: 

39  cases  of  epilepsy. 
10  cases  of  migraine. 

19  cases  of  feeblemindedness. 

60  cases  of  subnormality,  a  certain  proportion  of  which  were  prob 

ably  feebleminded. 
57  psychopathic  cases  in  which  there  was  very  marked  instability. 
10  neuropathic  cases  with  marked  symptoms. 

20  cases  of  marked  constitutional  inferiority. 

112  cases  in  which  gross  immorality  on  the  part  of  the  father  or 
mother  was  known  —  this  includes  many  cases  of  maternal 

61  cases  of  desertion. 


Chap.  VIII]  STATISTICS   ON   HEREDITY  [§  116 

18  cases  of  extremely  bad  temper. 

6  cases  of  drug  addiction. 
16  cases  of  extreme  cruelty. 

8  cases  of  extreme  laziness. 

In  the  following  modification  of  one  of  Dr.  Spaulding's  tabu- 
lation charts  a  different  point  of  view  is  taken.  Here  in  the  668 
cases,  Group  III,  an  endeavor  was  made  to  range  the  immediate 
causative  factors  of  the  delinquency  in  relationship  to  heredity 
regarded  as  possibly  an  important  factor. 


§  116] 


[Chap.  VIII 

























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General  Conclusions  —  Methodology 

§  117.  Methodological  Conclusions.  §  118.  Bearings  of  our  Findings  on  Clas- 
sifications. §  119.  Causal  Types  may  be  Differentiated.  §  120.  Study 
of  Mental  Life  Most  Direct  Way  of  Getting  at  the  Causal  Factors.  §  121. 
Social  PredictabiUty  of  the  Given  Case.     §  122.    Intricacy  of  Causation. 

§  117.  Methodological  Conclusions. — Our  general  conclusions 
are  concerned  with  methodology  and  therapy  as  sociological 
generalization.  First  in  importance,  we  find  complete  proof  of 
the  necessity  for  intimate  study  of  the  individual  offender.  Next, 
our  observations  bear  on  the  problems  of  methods  of  investigation, 
of  gathering  the  facts  for  diagnosis  and  prognosis,  of  classifying 
individuals  and  facts  for  the  purpose  of  treatment  and  general- 
ization. Clearly,  many  points  of  value  concerning  the  delin- 
quent do  not  appear  on  the  surface,  and  will  always  have  to  be 
sought  for  by  carefully  developed  methods  of  individual  study. 
Peculiarities  of  mental  equipment,  and  other  sources  of  tenden- 
cies to  misconduct  cannot  be  investigated  thoroughly  by  any- 
thing short  of  scientific  inquiry.  Characterology  and  differential 
psychology  rest  upon  deep  foundations. 

One  might  see  thousands  of  cases,  as  some  judges  do,  and 
develop  very  shrewd  ideas  concerning  the  general  springs  of  con- 
duct, and  yet  (often  perforce,  from  press  of  work)  continually 
overlook  the  essentials  of  successful  treatment.  We  can  see 
that  for  practical  purposes  order  must  in  some  way  be  established 
out  of  a  multitude  of  superficial  observations.  Practical  people 
of  necessity  become  theorists.  But  our  case  material  shows 
most  clearly  that  causes  are  not  to  be  widely  met  by  any  theory 
arising  out  of  snap-shot  diagnosis.  The  roots  of  the  recidivist's 
career  are  not  uncovered  by  touch-and-go  methods.  It  is  not  by 
chance  that  this  individual  falls  by  the  wayside  and  another 
does  not.  Hence,  w^hatever  it  involves,  the  depths  and  structure 
of  causation  must,  for  the  sake  of  efficiency,  be  unearthed  in 
the  individual  case. 

Not  only  causation  of  past  action,  but  the  hope  for  the  offender's 
future  should  be  a  matter  of  deep  concern.  We  find  it  necessary 
to  make  a  diagnosis  of  special   capabilities   and   adaptabilities 



in  order  to  gain  the  foundation  for  constructive  and  remedial 
work.  It  is  socially  as  valuable  to  do  this  as  to  Jaiow  the  defects 
and  negative  sides.  Emphasis  should  be  placed  not  only  on 
finding  out  what  the  individual  cannot  do,  or  what  are  the 
sources  of  his  tendency  to  misbehavior,  but  also  what  he  might 
successfully  do,  or  be  interested  in,  under  different  internal  or 
external  conditions.  We  have  had  plenty  of  evidence  that  un- 
fulfilled and  even  creditable  desires  and  ambitions  have  been 
factors  in  some  cases  of  delinquency,  and  that  in  others  unrec- 
ognized talents  have  been  the  keynote  to  successful  therapy. 

With  these  words  we  can  refer  to  our  special  chapters  on  work- 
ing methods,  treatment,  and  statistics,  and  especially  to  our 
concrete  case  studies  for  further  and  more  specific  statement 
of  the  conclusions  built  up  from  practical  observations.  Prog- 
nosis —  the  outlook  or  predictability,  under  various  possible  con- 
ditions —  is  hardly  to  be  treated  under  the  head  of  general  con- 
clusions. The  understanding  of  what  may  be  expected  to  happen 
is  only  to  be  safely  gained  from  the  study  of  actual  case  types. 
From  the  background  of  the  knowledge  of  types,  it  is  not  difficult 
to  discern  with  considerable  accuracy  the  social  outlook  of  a  case, 
w^hen  once  all  the  essential  facts  are  gathered  and  evaluated. 

§  118.  Bearings  of  our  Findings  on  Classifications.  —  Stu- 
dents in  the  field  of  criminology  are  frequently  asked  what  classi- 
fication of  crimes  or  criminals  they  accept.  In  our  practical 
work  we  have  let  facts  gradually  answer  this  for  us,  and  it  devel- 
ops that,  for  the  ends  of  diagnosis  and  prognosis,  no  classifica- 
tion along  systematic  lines  is  adequate.  We  must  indulge  in 
some  explanation  of  this  statement.  Taking  for  example  the 
frequent  use  of  a  general  term,  "  the  criminal,"  ^  in  the  litera- 
ture of  criminology  —  "  the  criminal  "  being  an  undersized  man, 
or  an  atavistic  phenomenon,  or  a  product  of  economic  conditions, 
as  it  may  be  —  one  would  almost  think  that  the  offender  was 
some  species  of  animal,  which  could  be  accurately  described  by 
markings  and  habits.  But  any  such  ascribing  of  nature  and 
traits  in  general  would  seem  to  us,  after  our  practical  work,  to 

1  We  cannot  get  away  from  the  feeling,  which  has  grown  by  our  continuous 
study  of  cases,  that  this  constant  use  of  the  word  criminal  in  a  generic  sense 
is  one  of  the  most  curious  features  of  criminological  hterature.  We  might  just 
as  weU  speak  in  this  way  of  the  "hunter."  All  sorts  of  people  are  himters 
and  criminals,  and  they  hunt  many  sorts  of  creatures  and  commit  many  sorts 
of  crimes,  and  all  sorts  of  reasons  are  back  of  their  hunting  and  their  commit- 
ting of  crime.  We  are  astonished  to  note  such  a  good  writer  as  Wulffen  (98) 
recently  giving  way  to  indiscriminating  use  of  the  word. 



be  absolutely  theoretical  and  superficial.  There  are  many  kinds 
of  criminals,  with  all  sorts  of  traits,  and  one  would  urge  great 
caution  in  speaking  of  them  in  any  way  as  a  single  group. 
As  Goring  (190)  has  just  proclaimed  from  his  authoritative  re- 
searches, "  The  physical  and  mental  constitution  of  both  criminal 
and  law-abiding  persons  of  the  same  age,  stature,  class  and  in- 
telligence are  identical.  There  is  no  such  thing  as  an  anthropo- 
logical criminal  tis-pe." 

As  a  matter  of  fact,  it  is  easily  seen  that  there  are  a  few  well- 
differentiated  classes,  such  as  the  definitely  feebleminded,  or 
the  insane,  or  the  senile  dements,  who  readily  commit  crime. 
One  could  not  go  as  far  as  Quinton  (149)  in  the  statement  that 
there  are  as  many  classes  as  there  are  criminals,  but  one  does 
concur  in  his  point  about  the  danger  of  a  theoretical  classification 
obstructing  individual  study.  Human  beings  have  many-sided 
natures,  and  the  variabilities  in  the  proportion  of  this  or  that  char- 
acteristic are  immense.  Even  when  classified  on  one  side  alone, 
for  instance,  in  regard  to  mentality,  we  find  complexities  arising 
so  that  there  is  no  fitting  into  single  pigeon-holes.  For  example, 
the  offender  who  is  congenitally  defective  may  also  be  insane; 
the  epileptic  may  be  either  intellectually  superior  or  a  dement; 
certain  individuals  may  be  one  thing  one  day  on  the  mental 
side,  and  another  to-morrow.  In  the  legally  important  group  of 
pathological  liars,  some  are  epileptic,  some  hysterical,  some 
partially  defective,  some  have  mental  conflicts,  and  so  on.  When 
it  comes  to  sizing  up  the  individual,  and  classifying  him  with  a 
word,  this  indeed  may  be  an  impossible  task.^ 

Any  classification  of  offenders  or  offenses,  if  it  is  to  be  of  practi- 
cal service  in  treatment,  must  surely  take  account  of  at  least  the 
immediate  causes.  And  as  for  dealing  with  this  conception  of 
causes  by  a  cut-and-dried  classification,  that  appears  at  once  out 
of  the  question.  But  lest  we  seem  indifferent  to  the  presentation 
of  facts,  let  us  say  that  it  is  perfectly  clear  that  our  specifications 
for  an  adequate  study  of  offenders  call  in  the  end  for  much  sharper 
focusing  of  the  findings  than  any  systematic  classification  has 

^  An  extremely  good  point  is  made  by  Saleilles  (123,  p.  118)  when  he  insists 
on  such  a  distinction  as  that  between  crime  and  criminaHty.  The  former  is 
not  necessarily  the  issue  of  the  latter.  He  maintains  that  both  scientifically 
and  legally  the  idea  of  the  social  fact,  crime,  should  be  dissociated  from  the 
conception  of  criminalism,  which  is  a  psychological  affair.  Lombroso  with 
his  class  of  "juridical  criminals"  had  earlier  developed  the  same  idea. 


§   119]  GENERAL    CONCLUSIONS  —  METHODOLOGY         [Chap.  IX 

§119.  Causal  Types  may  be  Difierentiated. — Out  of  the 
chaos,  which  some  of  our  previous  statements  might  seem  to 
imply  exists  in  the  study  of  deUnquents,  we  rejoice  to  see  strongly 
marked  causal  types  or  classes  emerging.  These  evidently  are 
not  to  be  factitiously  categorized,  but  nevertheless  represent 
the  centering  of  clear-cut  practical  issues.  Now  we  see  mental, 
now  social,  now  physical  factors  uppermost  as  each  t^^pe  appears, 
and  one  observes  greatly  mixed  causes  which  insistently  have  to 
be  interpreted  for  the  individual  case  itself.  Our  card  schedule 
of  causative  factors  shows  sufficient  illustration  of  this.  The  main 
factor  gives  a  clue  to  the  most  logical  grouping.  The  minor 
and  antecedent  issues,  may,  however,  have  their  bearing  on  direct 
treatment  or  on  public  measures  of  prevention.  Any  grouping 
of  similar  factors  may  be  fairly  denominated  causal  groups, 
standing  by  themselves  simply  because  they  represent  answers 
to  our  formal  inquiry  concerning  the  causes  of  delinquency. 
These  represent  pragmatic  and  not  theoretical  groups. 

We  find  there  is  much  over-lapping  of  the  types  and  groups, 
and  that  there  is  occasional  difficulty  in  differentiation.  There 
are  border-line  cases  of  feeblemindedness;  the  influence  of  bad 
companions,  of  mental  conflicts,  of  physical  defect,  may  not  be 
separable  from  other  influences.  Different  ways  of  looking  at 
cases  may  lead  to  some  little  confusion.  For  example,  grouping 
by  abilities  according  to  the  psychological  examination  may 
neglect  the  fact  that  there  is  some  psychotic  tendency,  especially 
when  there  are  temporary  and  variable  symptoms.  Of  course 
there  is  endeavor  to  avoid  all  this,  but  sometimes  the  relative 
importance  of  several  factors  is  not  discernible.  We  find  much 
evidence  of  the  truth  of  Galton's  oft-quoted  dictum,  "  Natural 
groups  have  nuclei,  but  no  outlines."  Luckily  the  main  groups 
have  central  types  sharply  established,  and  for  the  most  part 
the  facts  crystallize  readily  about  some  center. 

As  we  have  gone  on  with  the  grouping  according  to  ascer- 
tained factors  in  individual  cases,  we  have  seen  that  many  sub- 
types  can  be  discriminated  and  related  to  various  prognoses. 
This  comes  out  distinctly  in  our  case  studies,  and  turns  out  to  be 
the  logical  center  for  the  making  of  case  summaries.  As  an 
example,  we  might  take  the  instance  of  an  epileptic  offender. 
Now  apart  from  the  question  of  the  disease  itself,  we  must  take 
up  as  a  subhead  his  environment.  Let  him  there  be  tempted  to 
alcoholism,  and  we  have  a  combination  that  at  once  determines 


Chap.  IX]      SOCIAL    PREDICTABILITY    OF    THE    GIVEN    CASE      [§   121 

a  bad  prognosis  in  the  matter  of  his  dehnquent  tendencies.  But 
if  his  home  control  is  good,  we  can  pass  to  another  point,  the  form 
of  his  disease.  If  he  has  epileptic  lapses  with  wandering,  the 
prognosis  is  bad,  and  so  on.  This  brings  us  to  the  conclusion 
that  even  though  his  epilepsy  be  justifiably  regarded  as  the  main 
antecedent,  still  that  factor  unconsidered  in  the  light  of  sub- 
conditions  is  not  enough  to  base  the  prognosis  on,  nor  enough 
to  form  the  unit  of  statistics  which  shall  give  accurate  data 
concerning  ultimate  causes  and  remedies. 

§  120.  Study  of  Mental  Life  Most  Direct  Way  of  Getting  at 
Causal  Factors.  —  Finding  direct  mental  determination  of  delin- 
quency demonstrates  prime  consideration  of  the  mental  life  of 
the  individual  as  being  the  straightforward  way  of  discriminating 
most  causal  factors.  Not  only  is  this  shown  by  the  undue  pro- 
portion of  feeblemindedness,  epilepsy  and  insanity  among  delin- 
quents, but  also  by  the  mental  disappointments,  irritations  and 
conflicts  which  very  frequently  are  at  the  roots  of  offending  careers. 
Our  groupings  by  weight  of  the  facts,  show  much  more  neces- 
sary allegiance  to  psychological  than  to  any  other  classification 
of  both  offenders  and  causes.  Not  that  even  here  we  achieve 
consistency,  since  we  deal  now  with  static  abilities,  now  with 
functionings,  now  with  mechanisms,  and  now  with  content. 
We  are  forced  first  to  the  use  of  a  differential  individual  psy- 
chology, and  then,  as  best  we  can,  later,  to  the  formulations 
of  group  psychology,  as  well  as  to  analysis  of  mental  mechanisms 
and  mental  content. 

A  corollary  to  be  drawn  from  the  above  conclusions  is,  that 
every  evidence  goes  to  show  that  progress  in  investigating,  col- 
lecting and  demonstrating  the  underlying  factors  of  delinquency 
is  to  be  made  only  by  development  of  the  case-study  method, 
without  prior  attention  to  classification.  Most  arguments  being 
urged  for  the  adoption  of  this  method  in  professional  teaching 
hold  here,  and  are  doubly  valid,  for  there  is  as  yet  no  accumula- 
tion of  psychological  knowledge  by  which  one  can  safely  pro- 
ceed by  principles  alone  in  the  determination  of  the  causes  of 

§  121.  Social  Predictability  of  the  Given  Case.  — A  fair  ques- 
tion here  is  whether,  after  diagnosis  of  the  causal  type,  our  follow- 
up  work  has  proved  the  predictability  in  any  considerable  pro- 
portion of  cases.  Assuredly  it  has.  By  the  use  of  the  well-rounded 
methods  of  arriving  at  conclusions  that  we  have  insisted  upon, 


§121]  GENERAL    CONCLUSIONS  —  METHODOLOGY        [Chap.  IX 

one  gets  an  outlook  upon  the  whole  situation  that  very  frequently 
affords  an  entirely  safe  basis  for  prognosis.  Such  prognosis  is 
not  to  be  offered,  however,  until  all  the  facts  which  are  likely 
to  have  a  practical  bearing  are  in.  There  is  nothing  occult  or 
difficult  about  this  arriving  at  conclusions  when  once  the  case 
has  been  thoroughly  studied.  It  is  the  prediction  based  upon 
half-truths  which  invites  suspicion  about  methods.  Naturally 
the  closeness  with  which  prediction  can  be  made  varies  greatly, 
and  nearly  always  stands  in  some  proportion  to  the  variation  of 
environmental  conditions.  For  example,  of  this  person  we  may 
certainly  say:  With  his  innate  defect  there  will  not  be  normal 
resistance  to  anti-social  impulses  and  suggestions,  consequently 
the  strictest  guardianship,  impossible  for  his  hard-working  parents 
to  give,  is  necessary.  Of  another:  In  this  case  there  are  good 
working  powers  of  mind  and  body,  but  healthy  interests  are  all 
undeveloped,  and  unless  some  environment  furnishes  them,  the 
past  with  its  transgressions  most  likely  will  be  repeated.  Of 
another:  There  is  a  mental  conflict  present,  a  grudge-forming 
process,  which  must  be  unearthed,  or  it  will  probably  crystal- 
lize and  permanently  warp  the  subject's  character;  —  mere 
punishment  will  add  strength  to  the  process.  These  and  many 
other  general  prognostications,  sharp  enough  in  their  statement  of 
practical  issues,  and  closely  leading  up  to  the  details  of  treatment, 
can  be  safely  asserted  after  careful  study  of  the  case  as  a  whole. 

§  122.  Intricacy  of  Causation.  —  The  discovery  of  great  in- 
tricacy in  causations  appears  so  momentous  for  the  treatment 
of  the  individual,  for  those  who  are  concerned  in  any  way  with 
general  causes,  and  for  the  projection  or  interpretation  of  any 
statistics,  that  we  have  diagramed  group  connections  of  some 
simple  findings  to  bring  out  sharply  their  vital  interrelation- 
ships. We  show  in  this  at  three  levels  the  delinquency,  the 
offender  as  a  member  of  some  general  class,  and  the  causal  ante- 
cedents back  of  his  tendency  to  delinquency.  The  combina- 
tions are  made  from  only  a  few  of  the  ascertained  facts  and  types 
and  could,  of  course,  by  the  addition  of  facts,  be  made  infinitely 
more  complex.  The  combining  lines  represent  either  sequence 
or  conjunction  of  the  portrayed  elements. 

We  observe  from  the  diagram  that  classification  on  any  level 
tells  very  little  of  what  is  of  practical  importance  on  other  levels. 
For  example,  petty  thieving  may  be  committed  by  any  one  of 
the  types  of  offenders  on  our  diagram,  who  may  in  turn  have 


Chap.  IX 


[§  122 

been  influenced  by  any  of  a  number  of  different  remotely  ante- 
cedent or  immediately  inciting  factors.  As  an  instance,  the 
feebleminded  individual,  the  least  difficult  of  all  to  group,  may  be 
with  his  deficiency  the  result  of  several  possible  causes,  may  be 
directly  incited  towards  crime  by  inward  or  outward  influences 
apart  from  his  defect,  and  may  commit  any  of  the  diagramed 

Prior  conditions 

V  V  Y  Y   Y 



Antecedents^  AlcohonlM 

Prior  conditions 

Y   y    V    Y    y 

Broken  -  up 


The  JMentally 

Offender  I  norpiai 


,,  <  Vagrancy 





The  criminal  is  not  in  himself  to  be  grouped  according  to  any 
logical  system,  and  mere  classification  of  either  the  antecedent 
or  the  consequent  of  his  tendency  leads  only  a  short  distance 
along  the  path  of  scientific  and  practical  aims.  This  is  the  first 
lesson  to  be  learned  from  the  diagram.  The  second  is,  that 
each  nucleus  of  fact  cannot,  in  any  fair-minded  way,  be  inter- 
preted as  being  or  having  a  sole  antecedent  or  a  sole  consequent. 
The  diagram  is  worth  pondering  over  with  this  in  mind,  before 
spending  time  on  the  estimation  of  the  responsibility  of  alleged 
main  causes,  or  the  values  of  even  partial  panaceas. 

On  the  other  hand,  when  it  comes  to  the  particular  case,  we 
find  the  greatest  help  from  this  articulating  and  viewing  the  facts. 
It  leads  to  evaluation  of  causes  by  which  adjustments  become 
actually  possible  that  otherwise  would  be  blunderingly  missed. 



General  Conclusions  —  Treatment 

§  123.  Our  Fundamental  Ideas  of  Treatment  Are  Derived  from  Observations. 

§  124.  Punishment  is  Necessary.  §  125.  Defective  Self-Control  No  Excuse 
for  Legal  Freedom.  §  126.  Punishment  Should  Not  Harm  the  Offender. 
§  127.  Mental  Life  and  Moral  Dangers  During  Custody.  §  128.  Effect 
upon  Offender  of  Attitude  towards  Him.  §  129.  Danger  of  Deceit  in  Treat- 
ment. §  130.  Advantage  of  Beginning  Treatment  Early.  §  131.  Causa- 
tion Often  Not  Obvious,  §  132.  Organization  of  Courts  for  Better  Treat- 
ment. §  133.  Treatment  of  Physical  Causes.  §  134.  Treatment  of  Mental 
Causes.  §  135.  Treatment  of  Environment.  §  136.  Treatment  in  In- 
stitutions. §  137.  Good  Treatment  Can  Only  Come  Through  Under- 
standing and  Following  Up. 

§  123.  Our  Fundamental  Ideas  of  Treatment  are  Derived 
from  Observations.  —  Shallow  indeed  is  treatment  of  the  offender 
that  fails  to  reach  any  of  the  roots  of  misconduct.  Such  failure 
is  seen  in  neglect  of  the  therapy  indicated  by  the  mental  factor, 
which  is  the  immediate  root.  It  is  like  the  old  quarantine  for 
yellow  fever  which  entirely  overlooked  the  mosquito. 

Our  words  on  treatment  are  rightfully  placed  in  the  chapter  on 
conclusions,  since  our  ideas  on  this  subject  are  exactly  the  result 
of  observations.  It  would  be  altogether  out  of  place  here  to  run 
the  entire  gamut  of  treatment  in  institutions,  under  probation, 
and  so  on  —  most  of  these  details  must  be  coordinated  with  the 
exigencies  of  the  given  situation.  We  shall,  however,  deal  with 
general  measures  and  general  opportunities,  insisting  on  the  great 
importance  of  knowledge  of  specific  needs  for  the  success  of  any 
treatment.  Some  indication  of  the  varieties  of  these  specific  needs, 
shown  as  essential  by  individual  studies,  may  be  seen  in  the  case 
histories  in  Book  II. 

§  124.  Punishment  is  Necessary.  —  First  of  all,  let  us  deny 
that  our  studies  tend  to  show  any  desirability  of  eliminating  pun- 
ishment as  such,  or  that  they  prove  in  any  way  that  punishment  of 
offenders  is  not  a  deterrent  to  some  who  might  otherwise  commit 
crime.^    It  may  be  positively  affirmed  that  there  is  much  evidence 

1  We  have  been  rather  disappointed  not  to  find  in  our  case  studies  any 
facts  from  which  one  could  form  an  opinion  on  the  desirabihty  of  capital 
punishment.  We  have  become,  moreover,  skeptical  as  to  whether  the  for- 
feiture of  life  can  fairly  be  regarded  as  the  worst  retribution  society  offers. 
Certainly  there  are  other  issues,  however,  in  the  question  of  dealing  the  death 
penalty  than  observation  of  the  effects  of  such  a  legal  provision  upon  offenders. 


Chap.  X]  DEFECTIVE    SELF-CONTROL  [§   125 

that  the  thought  of  penal  consequences,  in  persons  of  normal  self- 
control,  often  makes  for  self-restraint.  It  certainly  is  the  sincere 
opinion  of  many  offenders  that  if  punishment  were  more  swiftly 
and  surely  carried  out,  its  deterrent  effect  would  be  commensu- 
rably  greater.  Who  can  doubt  that  to  hold  up  the  picture  of 
future  suffering  and  painful  retribution  which  would  far  outweigh 
the  pleasure  accruing  from  the  deed,  is  an  effective  argument  to 
any  one  who  can  keep  the  idea  in  mind.  (Observation  of  the  effects 
of  simple  rewards  and  disciplines  in  modifying  the  conduct  of  many 
of  the  actually  insane  or  feebleminded  leaves  no  room  for  doubt 
that  even  in  these  cases  the  apprehension  of  future  discomfort  is 
often  a  deterrent  of  misbehavior.  But,  of  course,  here  the  con- 
ception must  be  unusually  well  established  and  the  possibility  of 
consequences  easily  perceivable.)  We  are  altogether  inclined  to 
agree  with  Conti  (285),  who,  after  looking  over  our  American 
institutions,  still  feels  that  reformation  as  the  sole  basis  of  a  penal 
system  is  an  untenable  principle. 

§  125.  Defective  Self-Control  No  Excuse  for  Legal  Freedom.  — 
Any  idea  that  the  state  ought  to  lessen  its  hold  upon  offenders 
because  of  the  fact  of  their  diminished  or  partial  moral  responsi- 
bility cannot  be  logically  substantiated  by  our  findings.  In  this 
matter  again  there  is  the  greatest  need  for  individualization. 
To  put  a  concrete  case:  the  authorities  who  freed  the  epileptic 
inmate  of  a  reformatory  because  he  was  epileptic  (Case  78),  acted 
most  unwarrantably.  The  individual  who  is  liable  often  to  be 
only  partially  responsible,  and  who  has  developed  criminalistic 
impulses  is  the  most  dangerous  of  citizens.  To  adjudge  the  law 
to  have  no  hold  upon  him  because  he  is  not  always  entirely  re- 
sponsible, and  then  to  set  him  at  large  because  he  cannot  be 
proven  out-and-out  insane,  is  to  perpetrate  a  grievous  fault 
against  society.  There  is  all  the  more  reason  for  retaining  control 
of  this  individual  because  he  cannot  exercise  normal  inhibitory 

Then  we  also  perceive  other  important  points  in  this  matter.  It 
is  certainly  true  that  the  offender  may  exercise  considerable 
effort  to  bolster  up  the  powers  of  self-control,  if  he  is  properly 
kept  under  surveillance  and  the  idea  of  legal  retribution  stUl  pre- 
vails. I  mean  that,  with  full  appreciation  of  the  offender's  per- 
sonal background  and  with  attempt  at  all  needed  therapy,  there 
may  well  go  hand-in-hand  the  deliberate  idea  of  building  up  in- 
hibitory powers  by  maintaining  the  conception  of  possible  future 



penalty.  Even  in  the  cases  of  short  periodic  relaxation  of  will 
power  {vide  §  310)  there  is  no  reason  why  the  idea  of  retribution 
should  not  be  invoked  to  aid  in  moral  reformation,  though  the 
conduct  has  a  definite  physical  basis  which  demands  consideration. 
To  excuse  an  offender  of  this  sort  and  do  nothing  further  about 
the  case,  is  not  exercising  full  powers  that  make  for  social  welfare. 
It  is  just  here  that  probation,  parole,  suspension  of  fine  or  of  other 
sentence,  together  with  the  development  of  constructive  measures, 
should  be  brought  into  play.^ 

§  126,  Punishment  Should  not  Harm  the  Offender.  —  But 
following  these  disclaimers,  we  should  like  to  make  one  of  the 
strongest  pleas  of  our  chapter  against  carrying  out  the  idea  of 
punishment  in  such  ways  that  the  mind  or  spirit  of  the  offender 
suffers  harm.  There  is  no  doubt  that  from  the  moment  the  police- 
man claps  his  hand  on  the  offender,  the  notion  of  punishment 
does  rule,  and  it  is  because  this  idea  is  so  immediate  and  so  pre- 
vailing that  fartherseeing  modes  of  treatment  are  not  even  con- 
sidered. One  of  the  most  appalling  discoveries  made  in  the 
study  of  offenders  is  that  in  attempting  to  protect  itself,  society 
so  frequently  ends  by  making  matters  worse.  Yet  nothing  should 
be  easier  to  perceive  than  that  all  sorts  of  punishment  must  be 
carefully  safeguarded  if  they  are  to  leave  no  ill  effects.  The 
possibility  of  breeding  evil  by  punishment  is  seen  in  several  ways. 

§  127.  Mental  Life  and  Moral  Dangers  During  Custody.  — 
The  danger  begins  with  the  moment  of  arrest.  One  has  traced 
only  too  often  the  boldly  formed  anti-social  grudge  that  dated 
from  the  moment  of  ill-treatment  by  an  officer  of  the  law.  The 
danger  continues  through  all  jaUings  and  court  procedures,  and  is 
much  more  an  affair  of  the  mental  and  moral  than  of  the  physical 
life.  After  learning  some  of  the  genetics  of  criminalistic  tenden- 
cies, sanitation  and  physical  features  of  the  building  where  offend- 
ers are  detained  appear  quite  secondary  in  importance  to  the 
moral  possibilities  of  the  place.  (Note  our  observations,  §  226,  on 
experiences  during  custody  as  causing  delinquency.)  Fortunately 
the  equipment  that  maintains  physical  health  conserves  to  a  cer- 
tain extent  the  moral  well-being  of  prisoners,  although  they  are  by 

^  The  disadvantages  of  any  system  where  hard  and  fast  measures  of  pro- 
cedure are  outUned,  may  be  seen  in  the  difficulties  lately  experienced  in  the 
attempt  to  adjust  the  German  criminal  code  to  scientific  knowledge.  The 
appHcation  of  scientific  study  to  the  individual  involves  many  matters  upon 
which  it  is  difficult  to  generaUze,  and  room  must  always  be  left  for  the  devel- 
opment of  scientific  knowledge. 


Chap.  X]  M0IL\L   DANGERS    DURING   CUSTODY  [§127 

no  means  identical.  Lest  there  be  any  mistake  as  to  how  the  ill 
results  originate,  even  in  the  case  of  grudge  formation  on  the  part 
of  offenders,  it  may  be  said  that  one  has  never  heard  that  any 
mere  experience  with  walls  and  bars  set  the  offender's  face  against 
society;  the  morbid  influence  has  always  been  engendered  from 
human  associations. 

It  is  no  lack  of  wisdom  that  leads  the  shrewd  policeman  to  say 
to  the  young  offender,  "  You  'd  better  keep  out  of  jail,  because 
if  you  're  not  a  crook  when  you  go  in,  you  will  be  when  you  come 
out."  Wliat  a  very  strange  anomaly  it  is,  that  society  should  take 
the  person  from  whom  it  desires  better  actions,  and  place  him 
under  conditions  which  offer  every  chance  for  the  creation  of 
worse  tendencies.  One  cannot  conceive  of  a  more  foolish,  un- 
economical piece  of  work.  Just  what  is  it  that  creates  the  bad 
effect?  In  scores  of  cases,  now,  we  have  heard  the  calm  statement 
that  the  offender's  real  career  began  with  what  he  learned  from 
others  in  the  police  station,  or  county  jail,  or  even  in  the  detention 
home  for  juveniles.  There  is  no  local  setting  for  this,  we  have 
heard  it  everywhere;  and  it  simply  means  that,  as  in  any  idle 
crowd,  what  the  worst  knows  will  soon  be  the  property  of  all. 

The  problem  of  moral  contagion  is  undoubtedly  the  most  im- 
portant one  to  be  reckoned  with  in  handling  offenders.  Efforts  to 
prevent  further  immoral  or  criminalistic  experiences  and  communi- 
cations should  preface  all  other  phases  of  treatment.  Placing  any 
but  the  most  hardened  under  typical  jail  conditions,  where  evil 
intercourse  is  rampant,  whether  before  or  after  sentence,  can  be 
safely  proved  to  be  one  of  society's  insanest  extravagances.  One 
sees  difficulties  in  individualization  here;  the  usual  application  of 
an  age  limit  helps  but  little,  for  with  the  liberal  interpretation  of 
juvenility  by  the  American  law  many  a  dissolute  criminal  with 
untold  potentiality  for  harm  is  deliberately  placed  among  genuine 
children.  Unfortunately,  some  offenders  of  15  or  17  years  are 
aheady  men  and  women  in  physical  development  and  knowledge 
of  the  underworld.  However,  the  difficulties  of  moral  diagnosis 
are  not  practically  insurmountable  in  the  vast  majority  of  in- 
stances, and  isolation  from  even  probable  bad  influences  under 
detention  could  and  should  be  made  a  part  of  the  offender's 
regime  from  the  first. 

The  throwing  of  unknown  personal  quantities  together  in  any 
form  of  jail  life  is  pernicious  in  its  possibilities  at  any  time,  as  we 
know  from  much  tracing  of  cause  and  effect,  and  is  unutterably 



wretched  in  the  more  formative  years  of  life.  The  development 
of  a  community  of  interest  among  offenders  as  such,  is  unfortu- 
nate both  inside  and  outside  penal  jurisdiction.  It  is  worth  much 
endeavor  to  prevent  delinquents  leaguing  in  any  way  together 
against  society,  because  the  strength  of  their  offensive  and  de- 
fensive union  more  than  equals  the  force  of  their  totality  as  sepa- 
rate individuals.  The  helpful  ties  that  are  formed  from  acquaint- 
ance and  friendship  in  the  business  world  are  similarly  operative 
here.  Many  a  secret  plot  solaces  the  hours  of  confinement,  and 
confederacy  outside  prison  walls  keeps  plenty  of  criminal  careers 
going  which  would  otherwise  spontaneously  terminate.  It  is 
obvious  that  officialism,  ill-treatment,  and  unfavorable  chances 
are  likely  to  cause  banding  together  of  offenders.  It  is  less  under- 
stood that  group  classification,  uniformity  of  institutional  condi- 
tions, and  non-understanding  of  individual  needs  may  also  produce 
undesirable  gregariousness. 

The  highest  exponent  of  treatment  en  masse,  is  the  prison  build- 
ing where,  even  if  the  aim  be  not  to  depress  all  consciousness  to  a 
bare  vacuous  level,  such  largely  is  the  effect.  No  better  illustra- 
tion of  the  childishness  of  our  efforts  to  ameliorate  criminalistic 
conditions  can  be  found  than  the  planning  of  buildings  which 
does  not  first  and  foremost  take  into  account  the  conditions  and 
possibilities  of  mental  life.  Especially  does  this  appear  absurd 
when  we  consider  the  fact  that  future  actions  depend  directly 
upon  the  conditions  of  mentality.  The  immediate  surroundings 
that  may  be  necessary  to  make  one  man  better  may  be  very  dif- 
ferent from  what  is  desirable  in  another's  man  treatment.  May 
we  see  the  day  when  carefully  worked  up  studies  shall  be  available 
on  this  subject! 

Another  general  condition  to  be  vastly  deplored  while  society  is 
detaining  the  offender  may  be  simply  named  mental  vacuity. 
What  can  any  one  conceive  to  be  the  mental  content  of  prisoners 
when  they  are  unoccupied?  "  What  the  h —  do  you  suppose  we 
think  of,"  was  the  laconic  answer  of  an  intelligent  old-timer. 
We  have  much  evidence  of  what  detained  girls  think  about  — 
and  talk  about  when  they  get  a  chance.  And  as  for  the  males,  no 
greater  proof  can  be  conceived  of  the  truth  of  the  empty  mind 
being  the  devil's  workshop,  than  what  we  have  learned  to  be  the 
thoughts  brewed  during  the  unoccupied  moments  of  prison  life. 
To  take  the  simplest  case :  it  seems  clear  that  the  result  of  throw- 
ing a  group  of  arrested  young  boys  together  without  the  most 


Chap.  X]  EFFECT    OF    ATTITUDE    UPON    OFFENDER  [§    128 

effective  occupational  control,  is  similar  to  the  idle  gatherings  of 
criminalistic  gangs  which  inhabit  a  deserted  barn  for  some  days. 
Even  when  school  or  vocational  treatment  is  instituted  for  offend- 
ers, the  idleness  of  Saturday  and  Sunday,  with  or  without  con- 
gregation, is  a  highly  dangerous  moral  period. 

One  might  well  have  prefaced  the  above  short  recital  of  condi- 
tions to  be  prevented,  by  a  statement  which  more  than  one  keen 
observer  has  offered,  namely,  that  general  principles  for  the  treat- 
ment of  the  offender  will  have  to  be  vastly  more  developed  before 
society  tlirough  its  own  efforts  will  cease  to  be  pushing  itself  in 
this  matter  continuall}-  further  in  the  hole. 

§  128.  Effect  Upon  OfiEender  of  Attitude  towards  Him.  —  To 
come  now  to  more  positive  considerations  we  may,  even  at  the  risk 
of  reiteration,  emphasize  once  more  the  importance  of  attitude 
towards  the  offender.  Here,  however,  attitude  is  to  be  spoken  of 
only  in  its  general  relationships.  Eschewing  for  the  moment  the 
question  of  personal  contact,  let  us  think  of  the  effect  of  legal 
formalities,  as  such,  upon  the  offender.  It  is  most  interesting  to 
note  that  even  young  delinquefits  assume  towards  the  law  that 
sporting  attitude  which  they  conceive  to  be  its  own  towards  them. 
Even  a  little  lad  says,  "I  '11  take  my  medicine  when  the  judge 
hands  it  out,"  and  an  older  feUow  blurts  out,  "  It 's  one  to  ten 
(years)  for  assault  with  a  deadly  weapon  and  that 's  all  there  is  to 
it.  I  took  my  chance  and  lost."  Set  rules  induce  just  this  give- 
and-take  attitude,  not  only  on  the  part  of  the  offender,  but  also 
on  the  part  of  officers  of  the  law.  A  game  of  penalties  is  played  — 
a  gambling  chance  is  taken  on  the  avoiding  of  specified  results. 
The  theory 'of  set  punishments  in  the  law  ^  is  altogether  easy  for 
the  criminal  to  comprehend,  and  this  gives  him  a  sense  of  playing 
a  game  where  he  is  pitted  against  obstacles  which  his  skill  may  or 
may  not  be  able  to  avoid. 

The  folly  of  short-term  punishments  without  any  constructive 
measures  being  undertaken  in  any  way  is  too  obvious  and  has 
too  often  been  deplored  by  good  authorities,  to  need  reiteration. 
In  the  case  of  older  adolescents  it  particularly  serves  to  famil- 

^  The  building  up  of  the  criminal  law  upon  theories  which  are  not  based 
upon  thorough-going  ascertainment  of  the  facts,  either  statistical  or  per- 
sonal, is  simply  evidence  of  the  immaturity  of  oiu"  knowledge  of  the  whole 
subject.  The  contrasted  opinions  of  learned  men,  such  as  Saleilles  (123),  who 
beUeves  in  the  individuahzation  of  punishment,  as  set  over  against  Koehler 
(157)  and  Allfeld  (158),  who  stand  for  firm  adherence  to  definite  penalties  for 
definite  crimes,  may  also  be  explained  by  the  lack  of  thorough  research  on 
the  outcomes  and  possibilities  of  various  forms  of  treatment. 



iarize  in  an  unfortunate  way  with  prison  life.  The  result  of  this 
treatment  on  them  is  one  of  the  best  arguments  for  extension 
to  20  or  21  years  of  the  juvenile  court  methods. 

Quite  another  feeling  on  the  part  of  the  offender,  vide  §  36,  may 
without  any  doubt  very  often  be  engendered  by  an  honest  and 
studious  attempt  at  interpretation  of  his  delinquency.  We  have 
endeavored  to  set  forth  these  possibilities  in  other  places.  Here 
it  will  suffice  to  say  that  efficiency  in  handling  these  grave  human 
problems  will  ever  depend  largely  upon  the  emotional  and  intel- 
lectual reactions  which  are  aroused  in  the  ofi^ender  during  the 
whole  course  of  his  treatment  under  the  law. 

§  129.  Danger  of  Deceit  in  Treatment.  —  We  cannot  decry  too 
strongly  the  use  of  any  kind  of  deceit  in  dealing  with  offenders. 
We  have  many  observations  to  show  that  lying  on  the  part  of 
those  in  authority  creates  in  the  offender  a  unique  feeling  of  dis- 
trust towards  the  world  that  stands  greatly  in  the  way  of  his  moral 
recovery.  The  stronger  the  natural  expectancy  of  truth  from  any 
given  source  the  greater  is  the  emotional  upset  and  reaction  in 
behavior  to  prevarication.  Parents,  teachers,  court  officials,  all 
ought  to  scrupulously  avoid  misstatements.  Every  one  ought  to 
recognize  that  the  first  step  towards  getting  the  right  kind  of  in- 
fluence over  a  person  is  to  treat  him  with  the  utmost  squareness 
and  openness.  Young  and  old,  all  detest  being  met  by  a  falsehood. 
We  have  seen  cases  of  mental  conflict  and  serious  delinquency 
(§  240)  that  have  arisen  largely  from  a  basis  of  deceit,  even  well 
intentioned.  It  may  be  just  the  best  type  of  person  who  has  the 
most  sensitive  temperament  and  who  reacts  socially  most  strongly 
to  falsehoods.  As  a  preventive  measure  this  is  a  matter  for  serious 
consideration  in  the  case  of  the  adopted  child,  who  notoriously 
resents  year-long  deception  about  parentage. 

§  130.  Advantage  of  Beginning  Treatment  Early.  —  The  over- 
whelming importance  of  beginning  treatment  of  the  offender  as 
early  as  possible  in  his  career  has  been  carefully  elaborated  in  our 
opening  chapters.  This,  together  with  the  employment  of  per- 
sons with  the  right  tj^e  of  understanding,  are  two  of  the  most 
fundamental  considerations.  Eventually,  it  seems  clear  to  me, 
the  way  will  be  opened  for  the  work  of  efficiency  students  who 
will  have  a  scientific  background  for  safely  estimating  results  of 
treatment  as  offered  under  the  auspices  of  various  courts  and  in- 
stitutions. It  would  be  trite  to  say  that  here  in  America  our  offi- 
cials who  have  to  do  with  this  most  business-like  affair  must  be 


Chap.  X]  BETTER   TREATMENT   IN   COURTS  [§  132 

taken  away  from  political  influence.  We  might  better  state  that 
the  first  step  must  be  educational,  with  the  establishment  of  such 
institutes  as  may  train  all  who  handle  delinquents  for  their  grave 
professional  duties.^  How  grave  these  duties  are  we  realize  when 
we  remember  that  mistakes  of  treatment  are  tremendously  reactive 
upon  society.  The  offender  who  is  harmed  or  who  develops  a 
grudge  WTcaks  vengeance  in  return. 

§  131.  Causation  Often  Not  Obvious.  —  In  many  cases  of 
delinquency,  features  are  discovered  that  at  first  sight  are  not 
obvious.  Only  through  appreciation  of  these  features  is  there 
any  straight  path  to  understanding  and  developing  possibilities 
of  treatment  that  offer  high  chances  of  success.  Much  of  what 
there  is  to  be  discovered  that  is  useful  can  be  discerned  in  our 
chapters  on  causal  types.  The  newer  ideas,  such  as  represented 
by  the  Hungarian  Law  and  the  recent  Ohio  provision,  which  con- 
template careful  study  of  minor  offenders  after  trial  and  before 
sentence,  are  steps  towards  better  things.  But  unless  the  spirit 
of  scientific  inquirj^  is  caught  in  observational  institutions,  these 
new  legal  provisions  will  still  be  ineffectual. 

§  132.  Organization  of  Courts  for  Better  Treatment.  —  The 
organization  of  courts  that  shall  enable  the  most  efficient  treat- 
ment of  delinquency  must  include  two  fundamentals  which  are 
wanting  now:  One  is  extension  of  the  juvenile  court  method  and 
juvenile  jurisdiction  to  offenders  up  to  the  age  of  20  or  21  years, 
with  powers  of  committing  proper  cases  (perhaps  through  the 
adult  criminal  courts)  to  penal  institutions.  My  years  of  daily 
work  in  courts  have  served  to  enforce  upon  me,  what  everybody 
knows,  that  most  boys  and  girls  do  not  cease  to  be  boys  and  girls 
at  17  or  18.  As  we  shall  say  in  our  discussion  of  adolescence, 
§  336,  the  formative  period  of  life  is  variable  in  different  individ- 
uals, but  is  almost  never  ended  at  the  limit  fixed  now  as  the 
juvenile  court  age.  Practical  workers,  as  well  as  scientific  students 
of  adolescence,  perceive  remarkable  changes  of  character  taking 
place  between  18  and  20.    Every  safeguard  that  society  can  throw 

^  In  Germany  courses  on  forensic  and  penological  medicine  have  long 
been  offered.  In  Paris  the  "Institut  de  medicine  legale  et  de  psychiatrie" 
was  estabUshed  a  decade  ago.  This  type  of  instruction  deals  for  the  most  part 
with  questions  of  responsibihty  under  the  law.  The  Imperial  Criminalistic 
Institute  at  the  University  of  Graz,  Austria,  offers  instruction  in  all  branches 
of  criminology.  The  com-se  offered  at  Harvard  by  the  psychological  depart- 
ment in  the  summer  school,  and  given  by  the  author,  has  been,  so  far,  the 
only  systematic  instruction  in  this  coimtry  on  the  cUnical  study  of  delin- 
quents as  such. 


§    132]  GENERAL    CONCLUSIONS  —  TREATMENT  [Chap.  X 

about  these  important  years  by  virtue  of  the  parental  method  of 
the  juvenile  court,  with  its  properly  gathered  knowledge  of  causa- 
tions and  results  of  previous  efforts,  should  be  continued. 

The  other  fundamental  is  that  any  court  handling  an  offender 
should  have  direct  jurisdiction  over  the  contributing  agencies  to 
his  offense.  The  greatest  travesties  in  justice  occur  through  this 
omission,  found  almost  everywhere.  The  failure  to  do  justice  to 
the  total  situation  involved  in  the  case  betokens  the  utter  weakness 
of  this  branch  of  social  effort.  The  conveying  of  a  complaint  and 
of  evidence  to  another  court,  to  be  tried  perhaps  weeks  hence, 
without  the  intimate  knowledge  of  the  facts  concerning  the  pri- 
mary offender  and  his  case,  is  psychologically  and  practically 
a  very  weak  proceeding. 

There  are  many  other  fundamental  needs  in  criminal  procedure, 
which  members  of  the  legal  profession  see,  but  the  above  two  are 
matters  of  organization  where  decisive  human  factors  are  not 
taken  into  account. 

§  133.  Treatment  of  Physical  Causes. — The  actual  therapy 
may  be  discussed  under  several  heads  —  physical,  psychological, 
educational,  religious,  and  so  on.  Treatment  of  the  physical  ail- 
ments and  incapacities  of  the  offender  is  often  an  absolutely  indis- 
pensable condition  for  his  moral  success.  A  physical  irritation 
may  be  immensely  formative  of  character  {vide  §  174).  More 
often  there  is  some  disability  which  tends  to  prevent  giving  or  re- 
ceiving satisfaction  in  employment  and  education.  A  good  ex- 
ample is  that  of  a  young  man  who  had  been  committed  by  courts 
some  five  or  six  times,  and  had  been  sent  out  as  many  times  from 
institutions,  without  anybody  ever  paying  attention  to  his  vision, 
which  only  equalled  about  one-fifth  of  normal,  to  say  nothing  of  his 
general  physical  make-up,  which  was  such  as  to  preclude  his  suc- 
cess at  most  kinds  of  labor.  When  he  failed  again  and  again  in  his 
utterly  poor  environment,  society  passed  him  along  with  the 
offenders  of  the  day  through  the  mill  of  the  law,  and  that 's  all 
there  was  to  it.  It  is  clear  that  whether  physical  conditions  stand 
directly  or  indirectly  as  causative  factors  of  delinquency,  they 
should  never  be  ne^lected.^ 

1  Much  is  to  be  learned  about  the  medical  correlatives  of  delinquency  from 
the  extended  reports  of  the  Chicago  House  of  Correction  where  Mr.  Whitman 
(156)  and  Dr.  Sceleth  organized  some  years  ago  an  unsurpassed  medical 
department.  Survey  of  the  wide  range  of  defects  and  ailments  observable 
from  a  routine  medical  standpoint,  to  say  nothing  of  all  the  psychological 
and  social  factors  in  the  background  of  criminal  tendencies,  leaves  no  room 


Chap.  X]  TREATMENT   OF   MENTAL   CAUSES  [§  134 

§  134.  Treatment  of  Mental  Causes.  —  Specific  possibilities  of 
psychological  treatment  arising  from  ascertainment  of  the  mental 
background  of  delinquency  are  suggested  elsewhere  in  this  work. 
General  educational  features  of  treatment  are  better  mentioned 
here.  There  can  be  no  doubt  that  educational  treatment  is  essen- 
tial for  many  delinquents,  even  though  they  be  adults.  Leaving 
out  the  mental  defectives,  there  is  still  a  great  deal  of  intellectual 
retardation  among  offenders.  The  kejTiote  to  success  in  educa- 
tional effort  is  the  offering  of  such  material  as  will  arouse  healthy 
mental  interests,  and  add  to  healthy  mental  content.  The  mere 
giving  of  formal  education,  as  such,  affords  hardly  any  part  of 
the  solution.  The  school-room,  for  the  delinquent,  should  be  the 
avenue  to  higher  vocational  possibilities,  to  better  recreational 
resources,  to  appreciation  of  right  methods  of  thinking.  Ethical 
comprehensions  may  often  be  skilfully  developed  in  connection 
with  the  learning  of  other  material.  All  through  there  must  be 
individualization,  and  understanding  on  the  part  of  the  teacher 
of  the  genetic  issues  which  may  be  met. 

We  are  chary  of  discussing  religious  education  or  religious  treat- 
ment in  any  form,  on  account  of  the  strange  controversial  aspects 
immediately  arising.  In  any  case,  however,  one  finds  no  sound 
argument  against  the  application  of  efficiency  studies  to  this  form 
of  treatment  —  that  is,  if  such  studies  can  be  fairmindedly  car- 
ried out.  Religious  teachers  of  many  faiths  are  undoubtedly  ac- 
complishing results,  and  many  people  who  receive  their  impulses 
to  service  from  religious  faith  are,  in  various  situations,  dealing 
wonderfully  well  with  the  special  problem  of  individual  delin- 
quents.^ But  whatever  is  already  done  in  this  field  could  be 
vastly  increased  if  the  ground  for  such  work  could  be  cleared  of 
impediments.  Religious  workers  themselves  frequently  do  not  see 
what  stands  in  their  way.  They  should  ask  that  their  failures  be 
analyzed  for  them,  and  out  of  the  analysis  might  come  to  them 
more  instead  of  less  hope.  They  would  be  able  to  build  up  better 
constructive  measures  if  they  understood  various  fundamental 

for  belief  in  anything  ia  any  field  even  remotely  suggesting  a  panacea.  We 
say  this  becaiise  every  now  and  again  there  is  recrudescence  of  the  notion  of 
some  wonder-working  reformative  medical  treatment  of  the  offender.  Some- 
times it  is  special  sm-gery  (usually,  of  course,  of  the  head  or  brain),  and  some- 
times it  may  be  hypnosis  of  the  deUnquent  that  is  proposed. 

^  I  fail  to  find  any  accmate  studies  of  the  result  of  prior  religious  education 
of  offenders.  Perhaps  they  are  not  feasible.  The  biographical  studies  of 
Begbie  (159)  contain  striking  information  about  the  possibihty  of  treating 
certain  cases  which  otherwise  must  inevitably  fail. 


§   134]  GENERAL    CONCLUSIONS  —  TREATMENT  [Chap.  X 

needs.  Here,  as  in  the  case  of  school  education,  the  formal  train- 
ing is  not  sufficient  in  many  cases;  an  understanding  of  perplexi- 
ties and  disabilities  must  be  obtained  and  met. 

§  135.  Treatment  of  Environment.  —  Environment  is  a  fit  ob- 
ject for  treatment  in  very  many  instances  of  delinquency.  There 
are  a  thousand  and  one  ways  in  which  it  may  be  defective,  and  a 
thousand  and  one  ways  in  which  it  may  be  altered.  We  would 
refer  to  our  chapters  on  environment  for  concrete  observations 
on  the  subject.  It  has  always  to  be  taken  into  account  as  a  forma- 
tive influence,  at  least  until  the  individual  is  thoroughly  crystallized 
in  his  habits.  The  point  here  again  is,  first  to  start  out  from  the 
standpoint  of  what  the  individual  really  needs,  and  sometimes  of 
what  he  definitely  wants.  Merely  to  blame  the  environment  with- 
out constructively  altering  it  is,  of  course,  thoroughly  weak. 
Many  times  have  I  seen  parents  and  officers  and  school  people 
complaining  bitterly  about  an  offender,  when  not  one  single  meas- 
ure that  could  be  of  constructive  benefit  had  been  developed  in 
his  environment.  The  tremendously  important  correlations  be- 
tween alcoholism  and  delinquency  which  we,  as  well  as  many  others, 
find,  show  an  example  of  neglect  by  society  of  environmental  con- 
ditions which  fairly  eat  at  the  heart  of  civilization. 

§  136.  Treatment  in  Institutions.  —  Institutions  have  a  great, 
fundamental  opportunity,  inasmuch  as  they  offer  a  controlled 
environment.  Of  course  the  reformatory  is  built  up  on  this  idea. 
The  difficulty  is,  that,  following  the  establishment  of  a  plant  there 
has  been  too  much  complacence.  It  is  one  thing  to  develop  an  envi- 
ronment, and  another  thing  to  know  that  it  fits  the  individual.  As 
a  matter  of  fact,  there  is  a  great  deal  of  evidence  that  institutions 
do  not  fulfill  the  needs  of  a  goodly  number  of  inmates.  Where 
effective  results  are  achieved  they  are  due  largely  to  the  fact  that 
offenders  are  steadied  through  certain  unstable  age  periods.  The 
efficiency  of  institutions  could  be  greatly  increased  if  they  were 
divided  into  smaller  units,  where  offenders  could  be  classed  much 
more  nearly  according  to  the  possibilities  of  their  treatment.  This 
classification  should  be  studiously  developed  upon  a  psychologi- 
cal basis  for  the  most  part,  for  the  many  reasons  which  are  estab- 
lished throughout  this  volume.  It  should  begin  with  segregation 
of  mental  defectives,  to  whom  standard  treatment  is  not  fitted. 

In  any  reformatory  type  of  institution  it  seems  perfectly  clear 
that  great  practical  benefit  might  accrue  from  much  more  indi- 
vidualization of  understanding  and  treatment  than  obtains  even 


Chap.  X]       GOOD    TREATMENT    ONLY    BY    UNDERSTANDING        [§   137 

in  any  ordinary  school  system.  The  results  obtained  in  these  in- 
stitutions, we  can  safely  predict,  are  nothing  like  what  they  might 
be  if  measures  more  appropriate  to  the  needs  and  possibilities  of 
different  offenders  were  skillfully  reckoned  with.  A  general  pro- 
fessional understanding  of  this  whole  topic  must  be  developed  for 
the  sake  of  improvement  of  efficiency.  There  is  the  greatest  need, 
as  our  observations  show,  for  teachers  understanding  the  special 
problems  of  offenders,  who,  as  a  class,  present  an  unusual  number 
of  special  problems.  The  individuals  who  are  the  victims  of 
various  mental  and  nervous  habits,  who  have  speech  defects,  who 
belong  to  the  class  of  specialized  mental  defectives,  and  so  on,  all 
are  going  to  receive  large  benefit  only  through  highly  individualized 
methods  of  training.  One  might  pick  out  certain  other  points;  for 
instance,  the  phenomena  of  puberty  and  adolescence,  as  we 
have  sketched  them  elsewhere  in  this  volume.  The  necessities 
of  the  adolescent  period  are  far  from  being  obvious,  but  they  are 
vital  for  society.  All  these  should  be  understood  enough  so  that 
they  may  be  reckoned  with  by  those  in  control  of  young  offenders. 
Altogether,  we  might  rationally  demand  for  delinquents  in  charge 
of  the  state  the  same  sort  of  careful  scientific  study  and  treatment, 
even  if  more  difficult  and  complicated,  that  is  accorded  to  plants 
and  animals  under  governmental  auspices. 

§  137.  Good  Treatment  Can  Only  Come  Through  Under- 
standing and  Following  Up.  —  In  this  country  we  have  estab- 
lished several  notable  systems  for  the  treatment  of  offenders; 
the  reformatory,  the  juvenile  court,  the  junior  republic,  and  the 
big  brother  movement.^  But  all  of  these  will  remain  just  bits  of 
machinery,  and  will  never  do  thorough  work  in  the  treatment  of 
offenders  unless  they  develop  something  more  than  the  mechanics 
of  procedure.  The  juvenile  court  as  an  institution,  without  in- 
telligent personalities  and  methods,  can  do  nothing,  although  at 
times  it  seems  almost  a  word  to  conjure  with.  As  a  matter  of  fact, 
recidivism  is  rampant  there  as  elsewhere.  The  junior  republic, 
with  its  splendid  ideal  of  personal  development,  may  be  abso- 
lutely unfitted  to  certain  types  of  offenders.    As  one  highly  intel- 

^  In  this  connection,  although  it  undertakes  for  the  most  part  social 
study  and  prevention  of  dehnquency,  rather  than  primarily  the  treatment  of 
the  offender,  should  be  mentioned  the  work  of  the  Juvenile  Protective  Asso- 
ciation, one  of  the  best  balanced  efforts  now  being  carried  on  anywhere  in  this 
field.  As  estabUshed  in  Chicago,  the  organization  at  present  is  doing  its  work 
by  notable,  scientifically  efficient  methods,  and  this  partly  because  the 
need  of  thorough  understanding  is  (recognized  when  it  comes  to  any  question 
of  handling  the  individual  case. 


§   137]  GENERAL    CONCLUSIONS  —  TREATMENT  [Chap.  X 

ligent  lad  said  to  me  of  it,  "  Did  n't  you  know  that  was  the  worst 
place  in  the  world  you  could  send  me  to?  "  The  reformatory, 
which  it  has  been  the  pride  of  America  to  establish,  is  often  very 
far  from  accomplishing  its  projected  aims,  because  a  systemi  has 
been  built  up  as  if  there  was  a  universally  applicable  scheme  of 
treatment.  Even  the  big  brother  movement,  which  represents, 
both  here  and  abroad,  the  high-water  mark  of  effort  to  reduce 
delinquency,  is  as  a  movement  only  a  little  better  than  other 
things.  Merely  the  idea  of  one  man  to  one  boy,  or  one  woman  to 
one  girl,  will  never  solve  the  problem,  if  the  man  or  woman  has 
hot  a  deep  appreciation  of  all  the  needs  and  perplexities  of  the 
offender,  and  does  not  attempt  to  adapt  treatment  to  these 

As  one  makes  more  and  more  studies  of  the  formative  period  of 
life,  and  watches  cases  go  on  to  success  or  failure,  one  sees  clearly 
that  a  great  feature  of  treatment  is  the  careful  carrying  over  of 
offenders  through  the  period  of  adolescent  instability.  A  little 
touch  here  and  a  little  touch  there  to  the  young  individual  is  not 
sufficient;  there  must  be  that  prolonged  studying  of  the  case  that 
offers  the  best  chance  of  forfending  the  growth  of  delinquent  ten- 
dencies. Natm*al  development  involves  a  period  of  impression- 
ability and  instability  during  those  years  when  many  important 
social  facts  are  first  met.  To  tide  safely  over  these  times  of  stress 
is  to  do  more  than  later  can  be  accomplished  in  decades. 

A  very  weak  point  in  practically  all  social  and  moral  therapy  is 
the  lack  of  follow-up  work.  Criticism  may  be  extended  to  parents 
who  have  no  patience  to  deal  systematically  with  a  problem  child, 
to  court  admonitions  which  imply  the  ability  of  human  nature  to 
change  itself  in  a  trice,  to  public  administration  which  sends  back 
old  offenders  from  institutions  to  an  environment  where  they  are 
almost  sure  to  fail  again.  (The  wastefulness  of  the  latter,  after 
spending  so  much  for  punishment  or  reformation  of  the  individual, 
I  call  attention  to  elsewhere,  §  203.) 

All  through  safe  and  sane  consideration  of  the  various  aspects 
of  the  treatment  of  the  offender  should  run  the  idea  of  the  human 
family,  with  full  sensing  of  interdependence.  Complete  vision  of 
community  of  interests  is  not  easy  to  attain,  but  once  clearly 
arrived  at,  the  application  by  society  of  wholesome  paternal  and 
fraternal  control  of  treatment  of  offenders  will  win  approval. 
The  honest  inquiry  which  precedes  good  parental  reaction  to  filial 
misconduct  will  then  be  comprehended  as  imperative  for  the  best 


Chap.  X]       GOOD    TREATMENT    ONLY   BY   UNDERSTANDING         [§   137 

interests  of  society.  Offenders  can  never  be  treated  properly 
unless  their  problems  are  understood.  No  machinery  of  court  or 
institution,  however  well  organized,  can  ever  take  the  place  of 
deep  humanistic  understanding.  The  girl  put  it  well  who  blurted 
out  to  a  certain  judge,  "  You  and  your  officers  are  here  to  do  your 
duty,  and  I  suppose  you  are  going  to  send  me  away,  but  before  I 
go  I  want  to  tell  you  one  thing;  you  don't  at  all  understand  me." 



Foreword]  CASES  AND   CAUSES  TREATED  [§  138 


§  138.  Cases  and  Causes  Treated  in  Book  II.  Complexities.  §  139.  Our 
Concrete  Data  Available  for  All  Concerned.  §  140.  Plan  of  Presentation 
of  Cases  and  Causal  Studies. 

§  138.  Cases  and  Causes  Treated  in  Book  II.  Complexi- 
ties. —  This  second  division  of  our  work  presents  the  concrete 
outcome  of  our  eminently  practical  attempts  to  understand  the 
offender  and  the  forces  which  work  through  him  to  produce  delin- 
quency. Here  we  deal  with  both  individuals  and  causes.  As 
before  stated,  it  disturbs  us  little  to  find  the  array  of  facts  too  rich 
to  permit  the  use  of  hard-and-fast  lines  of  classification.  Nor  are 
we  nonplused  by  discovering  the  complexities  of  causative  fac- 
tors in  the  individual  case.  Indeed,  it  is  often  by  perception  of  the 
issues  which  emerge  from  the  interweaving  of  factors  that  the 
greatest  hope  for  the  whole  situation  in  handling  the  offender 
arises.  For  example,  we  may  discover  that  some  individual  (§271) 
who  is  subnormal  according  -to  formal  educational  tests,  has  very 
special  abilities  which  may  prove  to  be  his  social  salvation  if  he 
is  properly  handled.  Or  by  delving  deep  below  the  surface,  we 
may  ascertain  that  a  second  offender  (§  235)  is  burdened  in  his 
inner  consciousness  by  mental  conflicts  or  problems,  the  solution 
of  which  offers  the  direct  remedy  for  his  conduct.  Or  in  another 
case  (§  188  ff.),  one  finds  certain  conditions  of  physical  develop- 
ment, unalterable  in  themselves,  which  have  to  be  unhesitatingly 
met  as  important  facts  if  delinquent  tendencies  are  to  be  thwarted. 
In  other  words,  there  is  generally  much  more  to  the  case,  espe- 
cially for  remedial  purposes,  than  can  be  learned  by  superficial 
observation  of  the  individual,  or  by  enumeration  of  the  apparent 
conditions  of  his  environment. 

It  is  also  true  that  for  other  phases  of  dealing  with  the  offender, 
segregation  in  particular,  there  are  deeper  facts  which  will  help 
to  more  accurate  determination  of  the  outlook,  and  consequently 
to  scientifically  based  decisions  concerning  treatment.  In  de- 
velopmental or  family  history,  for  instance,  we  may  find  a  back- 
ground of  conditions  which  permanently  burden  the  delinquent, 
and  which  could  not  be  detected  by  a  simple  examination.  Our 
case  histories  abound  in  particulars  of  this  kind,  many  of  which 


§  138]  FOREWORD  [Foreword 

are  definitely  applicable  to  our  knowledge  of  possible  outcomes. 
One  might  observe  a  big  young  vagrant  (§§  256,  350),  and  never 
understand  in  the  least  what  to  do  about  the  case,  if  knowledge 
was  not  forthcoming  of  the  antecedent  early  years  of  convulsive 
attacks.  And  concerning  the  victim  of  border-line  aberrational 
tendencies:  it  should  make  a  vast  difference  to  prognostic  opinion 
whether  this  individual  (§  343)  came  from  a  defective  line  of  ances- 
tors or  not.  Thus,  for  their  bearing  on  questions  of  permanent 
segregation  or  prolonged  treatment,  we  need  even  this  more  pes- 
simistic type  of  facts. 

§  139.  Our  Concrete  Data  Available  for  all  Concerned.  — 
We  present  our  concrete  data  for  the  use  of  judges,  officials  of 
probation,  parole  or  pardon  departments,  for  institutional  oflScers, 
professional  people,  and  all  others  who  should  have  close  scientific 
understanding  of  what  makes  for  criminalistic  proclivities.  All 
concerned  should  have  at  heart  the  two  aims  on  which  the  con- 
crete facts  bear,  namely,  the  protection  of  society  and  the  im- 
provement of  the  criminal  himself.  One  may  venture  to  insist 
that  all  workers  anywhere  in  this  field  should  have  at  least  an  ac- 
quaintance with  all  the  types  of  individuals  and  causes  which  find 
place  in  this  practical  study  of  delinquency.  Theories  may  be  dis- 
pensed with,  but  not  the  scientifically  grouped  facts  which  throw 
light  on  handling  individual  offenders.  There  is  a  good  deal  of 
broad  human  interest  in  the  material  we  have  to  offer,  and  special 
phases  of  it  bear  on  many  a  particular  human  situation.  As  a 
single  illustration,  we  might  point  out  that  legal  people  all  should 
have  definite  understanding  of  the  existence  of  certain  types  which 
play  an  unduly  large  part  in  court  work  —  (a)  the  mental  defec- 
tives in  general,  and  especially  those  with  particular  abilities, 
such  as  (a)  industrial  capacity  (§  272)  which  can  be  utilized  to  keep 
them  out  of  social  difficulties,  or  (jS)  unusual  verbal  capacity  (§§ 
273,  276),  which  may  cause  them  to  be  great  trouble-makers; 
(6)  the  several  types  of  border-line  psychoses  in  individuals  who 
consequently  are  morally  only  partially  responsible;  (c)  the 
highly  interesting  cases  having  the  hidden  mental  conflicts  often 
in  the  background  of  definite  anti-social  careers;  and  (d)  the 
strange  class  of  pathological  liars  and  accusers. 

This  does  not  mean  that  judges  and  other  officials  are  to  spend 
time  qualifying  to  make  diagnoses  themselves.  Their  prime  need 
is  to  cultivate  appreciation  of  the  facts  and  of  essential  values. 
The  movement  is  already  well  on  foot,  particularly  in  Germany  and 


Foreword]  PL.\N  OF  PRESENTATION  [§  140 

America  and  with  indications  of  it  elsewhere,  to  have  indispensable 
studies  of  offenders  carefully  made  and  reported  on.  The  coming 
years  are  bound  to  see  much  growth  in  this  feature  of  court  and 
institutional  life.  It  is  to  be  hoped  that  with  the  advent  of  even 
greater  foresight  such  studies  may  be  commenced  in  still  earlier 
formative  years,  preceding  any  appearance  of  the  individual  in 

§  140.  Plan  of  Presentation  of  Cases  and  Causal  Studies.  — 
All  chapter  and  section  headings  in  this  division  represent  the 
various  groupings  of  causative  factors  as  observationally  ascer- 
tained. We  have  not  followed  classification  lines  according  to 
individuals,  offenses,  or  anything  else  —  we  have  previously  shown 
(§  122)  the  inadequacy  of  this  plan.  And  particularly  have  we 
avoided  dwelling  on  data  of  mere  general  interest,  such  as  climatic 
and  racial  correlations,  about  which  nothing  can  be  done.  Again 
it  must  be  remembered  that  our  causes  are  always  the  causes  of 
delinquency.  If  we  were  regarding  the  individual  simply  in  his 
mental  qualities,  our  schedule  of  related  causations  would  show 
very  differently.  For  comprehending  the  causative  factor  cards, 
which  we  frequently  append  by  way  of  graphic  illustration  to  a 
case  study,  this  practical  limitation  should  be  kept  in  mind.  Our 
presentation  of  cases  and  causal  types  follows  no  preconceived 
logical  order;  the  subdivisions  correspond  to  nothing  but  prac- 
tical issues. 

We  again  would  emphasize  that  living  material  shows  much 
overlapping  of  types  and  causes,  and  that  it  is  exactly  this  ad- 
mixture of  facts  which  must  be  comprehended  in  order  that  jus- 
tice may  be  done  to  the  whole  situation.  It  has  been  frequently 
pointed  out  by  many  authorities  that  there  is  no  wall  of  division 
between  the  normal  and  abnormal,  either  in  defect,  aberration  or 
development;  in  our  material  this  fact  is  always  patent.  But 
nevertheless  most  cases  have  outstanding  characteristics  that  are 
clearly  marked. 

Despite  the  difficulty  which  we  seem  to  be  bringing  down  upon 
our  heads  by  introducing  all  this  idea  of  complexity,  we  really  are 
opening  the  way  for  clarification  of  decisions  concerning  practical 
measures.  We  ask  for  studious  consideration  of  the  cases  that 
this  point  may  be  clear.  The  true  picture  of  the  whole  case,  we  in- 
sist, is  the  only  one  scientifically  desirable,  and  the  only  way  of 
getting  a  true  picture  is  through  shedding  on  the  subject  the  light 
of  keen  analysis. 


§  140]  FOREWOED  [Foreword 

The  logical  method  of  dwelling  proportionately  longer  on 
numerically  more  important  types  has  been  only  partially  followed 
by  us.  We  have  merely  outlined,  for  example,  characteristics  of 
the  obviously  feebleminded  and  insane  offenders,  and  have  only 
in  summary  dealt  with  well-known  environmental  factors.  This 
has  left  us  more  room  for  discussing  the  less  generally  understood 
features  of  causation,  features  that  frequently  present  the  greatest 
constructive  possibilities. 

Our  portrayal  of  facts  is  based,  as  may  be  seen,  on  prolonged 
studies  of  cases.  We  realize  that  many  types  of  individuals  and 
causes  need,  at  least  for  specialists,  more  elaborate  study  records 
than  we  can  afford  space  for  here.  Publication  of  such  detailed 
observations  will  form  part  of  the  future  development  of  the  science 
of  clinical  criminology.  We  have  stopped  short  of  the  anecdotal 
method,  that  is,  we  have  not  related  many  an  interesting  study 
of  some  single  striking  case  because  it  was  too  unusual.  And 
nearly  always  we  have  purposely  avoided  presenting  the  most 
exaggerated  types  of  offenders,  and  of  extreme  delinquencies,  for 
instance,  murder.  We  are  in  this  work  primarily  dealing  with 
genetics,  and  the  commission  of  desperate  offenses  usually  comes 
after  many  years  of  delinquency  have  added  the  force  of  mental 
habit  and  accumulated  environmental  stress  to  the  original 
source  of  misconduct.  The  individual  thus  far  along  in  his  career 
is  like  the  case  of  chronic  disease  in  which  many  secondary  condi- 
tions have  arisen  that  obscure  knowledge  of  the  onset  and  "  mate- 
ries  morbi."  But  even  within  our  set  limits,  if  we  had  talent  and 
space,  our  case  studies  might  ring  true  to  the  requirements  of  that 
best  type  of  biography  which  focuses  upon  the  beginnings  of 

For  professional  people  it  need  hardly  be  said  that  the  per- 
sonalities of  all  our  cases  are  fictitious  and  that  facts  of  time  and 
place  are  effectively  disguised.  The  fictitious  details,  however, 
have  been  carefully  selected  with  a  view  to  not  damaging  the  rec- 
ord of  causation.  Measurement  of  height  is  net,  but  weight  is 
subject  to  deduction  of  about  5  lbs.  for  clothes.    In  the  case  of 

1  We  do  not  deny  that  occasionally  it  is  quite  possible  to  have  biographical 
material  of  considerable  interest  in  criminology,  even  as  related  to  treatment, 
without  attempts  at  well-rounded  estimation  of  the  individual  and  his  driv- 
ing forces.  All  studies,  however,  would  be  immensely  strengthened  by  more 
complete  data  on  many  points.  One  finds  himself  unable,  for  instance,  on 
account  of  such  omission,  satisfactorily  to  diagnose  certain  types  of  appar- 
ently recoverable  chronic  cases  in  Begbie's  (159)  interesting  work  on  moral 


Foreword]  PL.\N  OF  PRESENTATION  [§  140 

the  youngest  offenders,  subtracting  4  lbs.  is  more  nearly  correct. 
The  record  of  the  physical  examination  which  showed  normal 
conditions  is,  for  the  most  part,  omitted. 

For  those  with  special  interest  in  the  psj'chological  phases 
of  our  work,  we  have,  in  many  case  studies,  inserted  in  smaller  type 
the  results  on  tests,  which  may  be  interpreted  by  reference  to 
§  82  in  our  chapter  on  methods.  Why  there  has  been  great  varia- 
tion in  the  tests  given  is  easy  to  see.  We  have  had  to  deal  with 
many  ages,  and  all  classes  of  mental  ability.  We  needed  to  have 
one  sort,  of  information  in  one  case,  perhaps  about  vocational 
aptitude,  and  another  sort,  perhaps  concerning  the  general  level 
of  intelligence,  in  a  second  case.  The  wide  range  of  knowledge 
desirable  is  discussed  under  the  heading  of  mental  tests  (§54; 
vide  also  §  34) .  The  undesirability  of  any  cut-and-dried  system 
is  clearly  demonstrated  by  a  survey  of  our  material. 

Not  so  much  has  been  said  about  treatment  as  would  be  justi- 
fiable if  this  book  were  WTitten  for  any  single  class  of  those  who 
have  to  do  medically,  educationally  or  disciplinarily  with  offend- 
ers. Our  task  is  mainly  to  present  the  essentials  of  diagnosis 
and  prognosis,  but  since  many  points  of  prognosis  are  only  to  be 
decided  in  the  light  of  possible  treatment,  general  considerations 
of  therapy  have  been  treated.  The  time  will  come,  we  feel  sure, 
when  on  the  basis  of  carefully  rendered  diagnosis,  really  scientific 
work  will  be  devoted  to  studying  the  possibilities  of  individualized 
treatment  under  the  various  conditions  in  which  offenders  may 
be  found.  While  treatment  in  reformatory  institutions  has 
been  more  considered  in  the  light  of  observed  results  than  has 
any  kind  of  court  work,  still  institutional  efforts  in  general  are 
very  far  from  having  been  developed  with  the  scientific  impetus 
that  their  importance  would  justify.  Here,  too,  is  a  field  that 
lies  fallow  for  the  cultivation  of  better  discriminations  and  better 

The  bibliographic  references,  as  in  Book  I,  have  been  selected 
with  much  care  from  extensive  reading.  Students  of  special 
problems  are  offered  here  and  there  an  introduction  to  the  most 
important  material  on  the  given  subject,  whether  as  gauged  by 
its  recency,  its  originality  of  research,  or  the  fact  that  it  valuably 
summarizes  previous  work  in  the  field. 


§   141]  HEREDITY  [Chap.  I 


§  141.  Studies  of  Heredity  Need  Critical  Methods.  §  142.  Inheritance  of 
Excess  of  Energy.  §  143.  Inheritance  of  Irritable  Temper.  §  144.  In- 
heritance of  Hypersexual  Tendencies.  §  145.  Inheritance  of  Physical  Traits. 
§  146.  Familial  Biological  Defect. 

§141.  Studies  of  Heredity  Need  Critical  Methods.  —  In  the 
light  of  the  enormous  Kterature  on  heredity,  and  especially  of 
the  recent  excess  of  writing  on  this  subject,  we  have  been,  dur- 
ing the  years  of  our  research,  carefully  on  the  lookout  for  data 
that  shall  stand  scientific  scrutiny.^  The  whole  problem  of 
human  conduct  is  so  complicated  by  environment  and  other 
genetic  factors,  that  only  now  and  then.,  do  we  get  satisfactory 
positive  evidence  of  the  part  that  heredity  plays  in  the  background. 
We  have  dealt  with  our  general  findings,  §  116,  in  the  chapter 
on  Statistics  —  it  remains  to  give  instances  of  some  of  the  def- 
initely inherited  subfoundations  of  criminalism.  Inheritance 
of  certain  types  of  feeblemindedness,  epilepsy  and  insanity  is 
such  a  well-established  fact,  and  is  covered  so  well  by  many 
published  researches,  that  nothing  need  be  said  here  about  all 
this,  in  spite  of  the  close  relationship  of  these  abnormalities  to 
criminalism.  There  are  less  well-known  inherited  conditions  also 
in  the  background  of  anti-social  conduct. 

From  our  experience  we  would  warn  at  this  place  once  more 
against  the  danger  of  drawing  easy  conclusions  about  heredity 
being  the  main  factor  back  of  misdeeds  simply  because  some 
progenitors  or  other  members  of  the  family  were  guilty  of  delin- 

1  We  have  also  searched  the  hterature  for  recent  careful  studies  on  the 
inheritance  of  criminahstic  tendencies.  Apart  from  the  researches  on  the 
inheritance  of  various  mental  and  nervous  defects  or  aberrations  that  are  so 
frequently  correlated  with  dehnquency,  we  find  nothing  in  the  least  convinc- 
ing —  nothing  to  add  to  Aschaffenburg's  summary  (1,  Eng.  ed.  p.  129)  of 
work  done  on  the  subject,  or  to  his  words,  "This  makes  it  possible  to  dis- 
pense with  the  hjrpothesis  that  criminal  tendencies,  hke  artistic  talents,  for 
instance,  are  transmitted  from  parents  to  children.  I  expressly  say  that  we 
can  dispense  with  it  for  it  cannot  be  refuted  or  proved."  Our  statement  on 
heredity,  under  Statistics,  §  116,  and  the  results  of  a  special  research  (Spauld- 
ing  and  Healy,  162)  on  cases  seen  in  the  Juvenile  Psychopathic  Institute 
should  here  be  consulted. 



Chap.  IJ  ^INHERITANCE    OF    EXCESS    OF    ENERGY  [§    142 

quency.  Both  mother  and  child  may  be  prostitutes,  and  both 
be  victims  of  environment.  Grandparents  and  parents  and 
children  may  be  liars,  or  thieves,  or  misdoers  in  other  ways, 
and  very  little  cause  of  their  conduct  be  protoplasmic  carrying 
over  of  special  traits.  Some  changes  or  reformations  that  may  be 
witnessed  through  alteration  of  environment,  make  one  very 
skeptical  about  deciding  the  role  of  inlieritance  in  criminalism, 
unless  other  proof  than  that  of  similar  misconduct  in  successive 
generations  is  brought  forth.  We  feel  certain  that  absolutely 
the  only  fair  way  to  study  inheritance  in  criminalistic  families  is 
to  ascertain  the  various  causes  of  misbehavior  in  individual 
cases,  and  then  to  reckon  up  these  with  known  heritable  condi- 

Nothing  is  more  unfair  than  to  offer  family  charts  alone  in 
proof  of  inheritance  of  criminality.  Without  detailed  environ- 
mental and  developmental  history  they  prove  nothing,  no  matter 
how  many  criminal  histories  they  may  indicate.  Studying  the 
significance  of  delinquent  tendencies,  which  may  arise  through 
any  of  a  large  number  of  possible  biological,  mental,  or  social 
factors,  is  altogether  different  from  studying  the  heritage  of  a 
Hapsburg  lip  or  the  heredity  of  feeblemindedness.  Facial  fea- 
tures are  altogether  simply  derived,  and  even  feeblemindedness 
arises  from  merely  a  few  general  biological  causes.  The  unsafe- 
ness  of  interpreting  from  graphic  representation  and  isolated 
facts  is  ob\dous  from  the  above  considerations. 

§  142.  Inheritance  of  Excess  of  Energy.  —  We  may  have 
overlooked  much  in  our  individual  studies,  but  at  least  the 
things  we  are  about  to  tell  of  are  typical  of  what  may  be  seen, 
and  the  details  speak  for  themselves.  Inherited  excess  of  phys- 
ical development,  strength  and  energy,  with  accompanying 
seK-will  and  self-assertion,  as  it  leads  to  delinquency,  may  first 
be  dealt  with. 

Case  1.  —  A  bright  girl  of  16  years.  English  parentage.  Father 
is  dead.  The  girl  has  been  guilty  of  much  misbehavior.  She 
has  stayed  away  from  home  on  numerous  occasions,  going  to 
work  when  and  where  she  pleased,  unbeknown  to  her  mother, 
threatened  physical  violence,  showed  extreme  temper,  and  in- 
dulged in  sex  delinquency. 

Physically,  we  found  her  in  tremendously  good  condition  — 
very  well;  symmetrically  developed.  Very  strong.  Weight,  152 
pounds.    Height,  5  feet,  1  inch.    Notable  is  her  mature  type  of 


§  142]  HEREDITY  [Chap.  I 

face,  with  its  decidedly  good  features  and  firm  chin.  She  has 
defective  vision,  and  headaches,  perhaps  from  eye  strain. 

Although  she  refused  to  do  the  tests  for  us,  we  could  fairly 
judge  her  to  have  ordinary  mental  ability.  We  learned  of  her 
accomplishments  in  other  directions,  and  she  showed  signs  of 
the  possession  of  quick  intelligence.  Her  school  work  is  fairly 
well  done.  She  showed  under  observation  a  great  many  indi- 
cations of  mental  energy  and  will,  she  formed  quick  opinions  of 
persons  —  perhaps  taking  a  sudden  grudge  against  them.  She 
said  that  she  would  purposely  do  the  tests  wrong  if  she  did  them 
at  all.  She  cares  much  for  her  physical  well-being,  and  is  said 
in  some  ways  to  be  decidedly  lazy,  but  not  at  all  so  on  the  mental 

The  family  history  is  said  to  be  remarkably  free  from  taint, 
even  of  alcoholism,  on  both  sides.  The  father  was  a  good  man. 
This  child  was  fourth  in  fifteen  pregnancies,  eight  children  being 
alive,  several  of  them  sickly.  Her  development  was  normal 
except  for  two  very  severe  illnesses,  once  with  some  gastrointes- 
tinal disorder,  and  again  with  scarlet  fever  during  childhood. 
She  menstruated  at  13  1-2  years. 

Interest  in  the  hereditary  aspects  of  this  case  was  immediately 
awakened  by  viewing  the  mother.  She  and  the  daughter  were 
cast  from  exactly  the  same  mold.  This  woman  of  a  little  more 
than  40  years,  with  her  fifteen  pregnancies,  and  much  trouble 
on  account  of  poverty,  the  death  of  her  husband,  and  other 
family  troubles,  is  stUl  enormously  strong,  healthy,  fiery  and 
emphatic.  The  powerful  physiognomy  of  the  girl  was  inherited 
straight  from  this  vigorous  personage.  The  mother  freely  told 
of  beating  the  daughter,  and  displayed  much  temper  in  recount- 
ing the  girl's  delinquencies.  In  fact,  she  stated  that  on  account 
of  certain  things  her  daughter  had  said  about  her  she  really 
feared  she  would  choke  her  to  death  if  she  got  hold  of  her  again. 

The  girl  met  us  in  the  same  straightforward  way  as  the  mother. 
"  I  can't  see  why  mother  thinks  I  'm  so  bad,  since  she  's  just  like 
me."  She  went  on  to  tell  us  that  she  did  what  she  did  just  be- 
cause she  wanted  to.  She  knew  all  about  what  she  was  doing, 
even  about  sex  things.  Her  mother  had  told  her  much.  "  I  'm 
not  weak  —  I  just  do  as  I  want  to." 

After  careful  warning  and  obtaining  for  her  another  position, 
this  girl  kept  exactly  on  the  path  she  had  previously  pursued, 
and  there  was  nothing  to  do  but  send  her  to  an  institution.    Ordi- 


Chap.  I]  INHERITANCE    OF    IRRITABLE    TEMPER  [§   143 

nary  treatment  could  hardly  be  expected  to  succeed  in  this  Unpe 
of  individual,  when  even  fifteen  pregnancies  and  much  hard 
work  had  not  worn  out  just  the  same  sort  of  vigor  in  the  mother. 
Of  course,  as  the  card  of  causative  factors  shows,  there  were 
other  elements  in  the  case,  but  the  background  of  the  trouble 
was  certainly  the  inlieritance  of  a  remarkable  physical  organiza- 
tion, the  substratum  of  her  mental  qualities  and  her  delinquency. 

Mental  peculiarities: 

Very  strong  type.     Self-will,  self-assertion 
excessive.     Reckless. 

Case  1. 
Girl,  age  16. 

Physical  conditions:  Over-development 
and  prematurity. 

Heredity:  M.  same  type. 

Adolescent  instability? 

perhaps  a  factor. 

Delinquencies : 
Leaving  home. 
Threatening  violence. 

Fair  ability. 

§  143.  Inheritance  of  Irritable  Temper.  —  As  throwing  light 
on  the  question  of  inheritance  of  such  traits  as  bad  temper  and 
irritability,  one  finds  many  evidences  of  inheritance  of  physical 
characteristics,  some  of  them  plain  inferiorities  and  some  only 
vaguely  definable,  which  may  underlie  the  irritability  and  "  ner- 
vousness." (A  point  to  keep  in  mind  in  this  connection  is  that 
outbreaks  of  temper  may  be  an  epileptic  equivalent,  §  250.) 
However,  where  one  hears  about  bad  temper  both  in  parents 
and  children,  there  is  always  the  possibility  of  parental  reactions 
in  the  household  having  been  partially  responsible  for  the  character 
of  the  child.    In  one  instance  this  could  well  be  ruled  out. 

Case  2.  —  We  studied  a  very  attractive  Irish-American  boy 
at  the  request  of  his  mother,  who  had  had  much  trouble  with 
him  on  account  of  exhibition  of  bad  temper  combined  with 
violence.  We  found  a  nervous,  active,  strong-featured  boy  with 
no  defects  whatever  discernible,  except  enuresis,  which  still  per- 
sisted at  13.  On  the  mental  side  there  was  not  the  slightest 
difficulty  in  classifying  him  as  normal  in  ability,  with  a  good  range 
of  information.    There  were  varying  reports  from  teachers,  one 


§  143]  HEREDITY  [Chap.  I 

of  them  stating  he  could  do  only  second-grade  work.  But  this 
we  were  able  to  prove  was  due  to  his  reaction  toward  her.  So 
far  as  we  could  ascertain,  everything  about  development  and 
heredity  was  negative,  except  that  the  boy  is  the  image  of  his 
father,  who  was  a  very  active,  good-hearted,  and  remarkably  quick- 
tempered man.  He  has  been  dead  six  or  seven  years.  The  other 
children  do  not  physically  resemble  the  father,  and  are  more 
quiet  and  stable.  Our  youngster  had  got  into  very  serious  trouble 
through  fighting  with  weapons.  In  spite  of  all  this  we  felt  that; 
the  prognosis  was  distinctly  good.  At  present,  in  the  beginning 
of  adolescence,  there  is  undoubtedly  lack  of  developed  inhibi-i 
tory  powers  to  overcome  the  traits  which  he  had  derived  in  such; 
full  measure  from  his  father.  ' 

Mental  peculiarity:    Terrific  temper.     Active,         Case  2. 
fiery  type.    Lack  of  Boy,  age  13. 

self-control .     (Enuresis) . 

Heredity:  F.  same  type. 

Adolescent  lack  of  self-control. 

Fighting.  Mental : 

Violence  + .  Fair  ability. 

§  144.  Inheritance  of  Hypersexual  Tendencies.  Case  3.  —  A 
short  summary  of  this  case  will  show  the  significant  facts  of 
heredity  which  have  to  do  very  definitely  not  only  with  physical 
structure,  but  also  with  sex  impulses.  A  girl  of  16  years,  in  splen- 
did physical  condition,  very  strong,  weight  121  lbs.,  height  5  ft. 
1  in.,  over-development  of  structural  sex  characteristics  for  her 
age,  had  already  been  delinquent  enough  to  have  had  two  mis- 
carriages. With  the  exception  that  she  bit  her  nails  excessively, 
there  were  no  findings  of  physical  abnormality.  On  the  mental 
side  we  diagnosed  her  mental  ability  as  rather  poor  and  educational 
advantages  poor.  She  showed  no  aberrational  tendency  what- 
ever, and  very  willingly  cooperated  in  tests. 

The  heredity  in  this  American  family  is  decidedly  interesting. 
The  mother's  father  was  a  saloon  keeper.  The  mother  herself 
was  notoriously  gay  when  young,  so  much  so  that  she  had  to 
leave  the  small  town  in  which  she  was  brought  up.  She  then 
met  and  married  an  alcoholic  reprobate,  by  whom  she  had  no 
less  than  fifteen  children,  six  of  whom  are  living.    Several  of  the 



children  are  said  to  have  had  con^'^ulsions  when  very  young,  and 
four  of  them  are  said  to  have  died  from  this  cause.  No  other 
tendency  to  convulsions  is  known  in  either  family.  In  spite  of  the 
father's  alcoholism,  he  had  fairly  good  health,  but  he  failed  to 
support  his  family,  and  his  wife  worked  out  a  great  deal.  From 
reliable  sources  we  learn  that  this  woman  is  a  very  fine  worker 
and  is  well  liked.  She  is  tremendously  active,  full  of  life,  rather 
witty,  and  much  given  to  smutty  talk.  Recently  she  has  parted 
from  her  husband.  This  woman,  now  about  45  years  old,  having 
had  children  part  of  the  time  at  the  rate  of  about  one  a  year, 
shows  herself  to  be  fairly  intelligent,  hard-working,  still  very 
strong,  and  inclined  to  the  erotic. 

It  is  important  for  treatment  in  such  cases  to  note  that  our 
girl,  who  had  early  shown  such  an  excessive  desire  for  the  oppo- 
site sex,  in  spite  of  much  warning  and  many  good  advantages 
offered,  finally  showed  that  she  never  had  done  so  well  morally 
as  when  she  had  to  do  very  hard  work.  The  miscarriages  left 
no  bad  physical  effects,  and  when  she  was  working  out  in  a  place 
where  she  had  to  do  big  washings  she  controlled  her  sex  tenden- 
cies much  better  than  previously. 

Physical  over-development 

:  general  and  sex 

Case  3. 


Girl,  age  16. 

Heredity :  M.  early  sex  delinquent, 
fine  physique. 
F.  ale. 

Home  conditions: 

M.  careless  morally. 

Lack  healthy  interests. 


Sex  + 

Poor  in  ability. 

Still  better  evidence  of  the  same  type  of  inheritance  in  early 
development  of  certain  physical  characteristics  is  shown  in  the 
following  instance. 

Case  4.  —  This  is  a  boy  of  15  years,  German  parentage,  who  has 
caused  his  hard-working  mother  an  excessive  amount  of  trouble. 
Physically  we  find  him  to  be  well  nourished  and  developed, 
with  remarkable  sexual  over-development  for  his  age.  Weight 
120  lbs.    Height  5  ft.,  4.    He  has  a  well-shaped  chest.    The  boy 


§144]  HEEEDITY  [Chap.  I 

is  to  some  extent  a  mouth  breather  on  account  of  partial  occlu- 
sion of  the  nose.  Dull-looking  eyes,  dark  underneath.  We  note 
his  general  dull,  sheepish  expression,  thick  lips  and  sensuous 
face.  Slouchy  in  attitude.  No  sensory  defect. 
'.  Mentally,  we  classify  him  as  having  fair  ability  and  fair  ad- 
vantages, although  showing  an  element  of  mental  dullness, 
perhaps  from  debility  caused  by  his  bad  sex  habits.  Although 
Jiis  record  on  some  things  was  good,  his  work  was  irregular  and 

Results  on  Tests:  (As  stated  previously,  records  on  our  own  tests 
throughout  Book  II  may  be  largely  interpreted  by  reference  to  §  82.) 

I.  3'.  Repeated  trial  and  error  on  the  triangles  —  a  very  stupid 
attitude  at  the  beginning  of  his  tests. 

III.  5'  17".  25  trial  of  impossibilities.  Only  3  retrial  of  obvious 
impossibilities.  This  curious  result  was  brought  about  by  his  not 
taking  in  our  original  statement  that  the  pieces  must  exactly  fill  up 
the  frame.    He  did  the  test  immediately  again  without  error. 

IV.  1'  20".  11  moves — -the  smallest  possible  number.  Contrast 
this  splendid  performance  with  the  above. 

V.  3'  43".     Between  step  1  and  step  2  he  interspersed  3  errors. 

VIII.  All  correct. 

IX.  Correct  at  2d  trial. 

X.  Correct  at  1st  trial. 

I  XI.  He  got  the  idea  very  quickly  but  was  very  inaccurate  in  his 
work,  making  7  out  of  11  possible  errors.  Strangely,  some  of  the 
^ore  difficult  parts  of  the  code  were  correctly  done.  His  mental 
control  seemed  quite  inadequate  to  the  performance. 
i  XII.  13  out  of  the  20  items  given  with  a  fair  amount  of  accuracy 
4nd    understanding. 

!    XIII.    11  out  of  the  12  items  given  correctly  and  without  attempt 
^t  verbal  accuracy. 
I    XV.    1  failure.    Average  time  1.8". 
I    XVI,  XVII,  XVIII.    In  school  work  equals  7th  grade. 
;    XXII.    Simple  history  items  and  contemporary  items  given  cor- 
rectly.   Is  a  reader  of  books  and  mechanical  magazines,  and  desires 
to  be  an  electrician. 

XXIII.   Pictorial  Completion  Test.    3'  17"  and  no  final  errors. 

This  boy  is  said  to  come  from  very  good  stock  indeed  on  both 
sides,  with  the  exception  of  the  father,  who  was  the  only  black 
sheep  in  his  good  family.  No  insanity,  epilepsy,  feeblemindedness 
or  familial  disease  is  known  on  either  side.  Our  boy  was  first- 
born of  four  children,  the  two  middle  ones  having  died  in  infancy. 
A  younger  brother  of  eight  is  showing  none  of  this  boy's  peculiar 
traits.    The  pregnancy  occurred  during  a  very  unhappy  time  on 



account  of  the  father's  misbehavior.  The  birth  was  normal| 
and  the  development  was  quite  heahhy.  Enuresis  persisted! 
until  a  few  years  ago.  From  perhaps  one  to  four  years  the  boyj 
showed  excessive  bad  temper,  throwing  himself  upon  the  floor 
in  rage.  The  father  and  mother  married  when  very  young 
He  proved  at  once  to  be  a  drinking  man,  and  although  well 
able  to  do  so,  has  failed  a  great  deal  of  the  time  to  support  her. 
Even  during  this  pregnancy  she  had  largely  to  support  herself, 
evidently  out  of  pride,  being  unwilling  to  apply  to  her  family.! 
But  his  drinking,  however,  was  not  so  bad  as  his  excessive  sex,; 
delinquency  continued  over  many  years.  At  present  he  is  serv-' 
ing  a  long  term  for  engaging  in  immoral  practices  with  two  young* 
girls.  ' 

This  boy  already  has  a  record  of  many  delinquencies.  He  has 
been  a  runaway  from  home,  previously  showed  a  boyish  tend- 
ency for  the  possession  of  guns,  and  engaged  in  Indian  warfare 
and  the  like,  which  got  him  into  trouble.  Recently  he  has  been 
loafing  on  the  streets  much,  and  often  stealing.  Already  he 
has  been  committed  four  times.  The  worse  feature  about  hi^ 
case  is  his  sex  delinquency.  This  has  been  engaged  in  to  such 
an  extent  in  schools  and  institutions  that  he  is  everywhere  re- 
garded as  a  most  serious  menace.  Again  and  again  he  has  de- 
liberately taught  smaller  boys  the  worst  kinds  of  sex  practicesi 
His  mother,  thoroughly  aroused  about  the  whole  matter,  is  at 
her  wit's  end  to  know  what  to  do  to  check  his  tendency.  Many 
others  who  have  had  him  in  charge  also  have  failed  utterly  with 
him.  These  tendencies  were  shown  many  years  ago.  The  mother 
states  that  already  at  3  or  4  years  of  age,  long  before  he  had 
engaged  in  any  bad  habit,  he  was  showing  extraordinary  phys- 
ical signs  of  sexual  activity. 

Now  in  adolescence  the  boy  is  much  inclined  to  lie  in  bed,  and 
although  because  of  his  ability  he  has  had  many  good  positions 
offered  him,  he  does  not  seem  to  be  able  to  keep  at  them.  H 
is  comparatively  recently  that  his  more  shameless  teaching  of 
others  has  taken  place.  At  one  time  when  he  ran  away  he  is 
said  to  have  lived  in  a  hut  with  a  man  who  was  thoroughly  bad^ 
but  the  association  was  quite  voluntary  on  the  part  of  the  boy* 
It  was  interesting  to  note  that  the  mother  realized  that  this  boj*^ 
was  as  desperate  a  problem  in  general  life  as  he  was  in  the  family^ 
She  was  most  earnest  in  her  desires  for  something  thorough  to 
be  done  to  prevent  his  injuring  others. 


§   144]  HEREDITY  [Chap.  I 

Physical:  Sex  over-development  +.  Case  4. 

Developmental:  Abnormal  early  ^^y'  ^^^  ^^• 

development  of  sex. 

Heredity:  F.  great  sex  offender. 

Mentality  —  dull  and  lethargic, 

probably  from  bad  habits. 

(?)  Prison  type  of  repression. 


Sex  offenses  +,  including  Mental: 

homosexual.  Fair  ability. 

Case  5.  —  Another  case  of  a  little  boy  of  eight  years,  Austrian 
father,  Scotch  mother,  already  notorious  on  account  of  sex-per- 
vert tendencies,  might  be  used  as  complete  evidence  of  remark- 
able heredity  of  sex  traits  if  it  were  not  for  the  fact  that  environ- 
ment, as  commonly  found  in  these  cases,  cannot  be  ruled  out. 
Most  frequently  one  finds  on  the  part  of  the  parents  defects 
which  produce  bad  environment,  and  thus  complicate  the  problem. 
This  little  lad  was  physically  and  mentally  normal,  but  a  very 
impudent  and  turbulent  specimen.  He  had  already  associated 
with  some  of  the  vilest  human  characters.  He  had  shown  very 
marked  sex  tendencies,  himself  being  already  a  seeker  of  the  bad. 
The  mother,  despite  one's  sympathy  for  her,  must  be  regarded 
as  a  careless  individual.  The  father  was  an  exceedingly  bright 
man,  known  to  possess  much  ability,  very  large  and  strong.  He 
had  been  married  several  times.  Besides  this  he  was  frequently 
immoral  with  other  women.  He  has  already  served  two  terms 
in  different  states  on  account  of  bigamy.  The  mother  desired 
the  boy  placed  under  better  circumstances,  and  a  remarkable 
result  was  obtained  after  a  few  months  of  treatment  in  a  better 
home.    The  boy  seemed  to  lose  his  bad  tendencies. 

In  another  instance  we  had  most  remarkable  testimony  from 
several  reliable  sources  concerning  excessive  sex  tendencies  on 
the  part  of  a  whole  family  —  father,  mother,  at  least  one  grand- 
parent, and  others  in  the  generation  of  the  boy  whom  we  saw. 
Mentally  he  was  a  normal  lad,  a  great  deal  of  a  reader,  and  at 
15  1-2  years  had  already  the  stature  of  a  big  man,  with  complete 
adult  sex  development. 

We  have  seen  indication  that  the  trait,  evidently  sometimes 


Chap.  I]       INHERITANCE    OF    HYPERSEXUAL    TENDENCIES  [§   144 

inlierited,  of  hypersexiialism  may  be  passed  over  from  a  parent 
to  a  child  of  the  opposite  sex.  The  following  case  seems  to  prove 
the  point  clearly. 

Case  6. — This  is  a  girl  of  American  parentage,  14  years  old, 
\'ery  strong,  good  nutrition,  strong  type  of  face,  rather  prominent 
chin,  no  sensory  defects.  No  signs  of  over-development.  Men- 
struated at  13;  complains  much  of  headache  and  dizzy  spells 
at  these  times. 

On  the  mental  side  we  had  no  difficulty  in  diagnosing  this 
girl  as  well  up  to  the  ordinary  in  ability  and  information,  although 
in  her  early  life  her  school  advantages  had  been  poor.  More  re- 
cently she  had  taken  a  course  in  a  business  college.  No  aberra- 
tional tendencies  whatever  were  discoverable.  Our  series  of  tests 
were  done  rapidly  and  uniformly  well. 

The  developmental  history  is  not  completely  ascertainable, 
but  there  is  fairly  good  evidence  that  there  was  no  serious  trouble, 
or  the  relatives  whom  we  saw  would  have  known  about  it.  The 
mother  has  been  dead  since  the  girl  was  four  years  old,  and  later 
there  was  a  step-mother  who  was  deserted  by  the  father.  The 
relatives  of  the  girl's  own  mother  are  of  a  distinctly  refined 
type,  not  at  all  like  this  child  in  ruggedness.  There  is  an  older 
sister  who  is  much  more  delicate.  We  have  a  definite  state- 
ment that  no  insanity,  feeblemindedness  or  epilepsy  is  known 
to  exist  in  either  family.  The  general  character  of  the  father  is, 
simply,  that  he  has  been  crazy  after  women  all  his  grown  life. 
As  a  married  man  he  eloped  with  one  of  the  girls  he  later  married. 
All  his  family  know  full  well  his  traits. 

The  girl  who  is  the  subject  of  our  study  has  already  had  many 
sex  experiences,  and  when  boys  have  not  been  available  she  has 
indulged  in  homosexual  affairs,  even  to  the  extent  of  attacking 
a  little  girl  in  her  bed.  Her  relatives  state  that  she  will  at  times 
grip  them  in  a  tense,  peculiar  manner  for  a  moment  and  set 
her  teeth.  It  is  interesting  to  hear  from  other  sources  that  the 
girl  seems  to  have  no  inclination  whatever  to  associate  with 
bad  girls.  This  is  indication  that  her  sex  tendencies  are  prima- 
rily autogenetic.  The  girl  spoke  freely  of  her  own  traits,  of  her 
desire  to  kiss  other  girls,  and  of  her  earlier  affairs  with  boys. 
She  says  that  since  she  learned  of  the  danger  of  having  a  baby 
she  has  never  been  with  boys.  Before  that  time,  and  in  a  general 
way,  she  thought,  she  says,  it  was  not  a  right  thing  to  do,  but 
did  not  realize  much  of  what  she  was  doing. 


§  144]  HEREDITY  [Chap.  I 

Mental  or  physical  peculiarity: 

Case  6. 

Sex  tendencies  excessive. 

Girl,  age  14. 

Heredity:  F.  sex  offender. 

Home  conditions:  tlirough  these  early 

acquaintance  with 

sex  immorality. 

Sex  delinquencies  + 


including  homosexual. 

Good  ability. 

§  145.  Inheritance  of  Physical  Traits.  — -  The  inheritance  of 
other  physical  traits  and  characteristics,  especially  of  the  nerv- 
ous system,  which  may  have  much  to  do  with  the  production 
of  crime,  is  so  well  substantiated  that  it  hardly  needs  to  be  men- 
tioned. We  know,  for  instance,  that  an  early  onset  of  puberty, 
morally  a  dangerous  event  under  certain  environmental  condi- 
tions, may  be  a  family  characteristic.  Then,  we  have  seen  some 
very  convincing  examples  of  the  inheritance  of  a  lazy  disposi- 
tion in  physically  well-endowed  people.  In  the  case  of  one  girl, 
unusually  strong  and  capable,  and  for  whom  a  great  deal  was 
done  in  an  effort  to  save  her  from  going  to  the  bad,  there  seemed 
always  to  stand  in  the  way  a  very  definite  temperament,  show- 
ing itself  as  an  innate  tendency  to  take  the  easiest  path.  Although 
this  girl  lived  far  away  from  her  father,  in  a  different  climate  and 
among  totally  different  people,  she  was  said  by  those  who  knew 
both  to  be  exceedingly  like  him  in  practical  attitude  toward  life. 
The  physical  substratum  of  this  physical  and  moral  inertia,  in 
the  face  of  abundant  good  health,  is  hardly  to  be  surmised. 

The  inheritance  of  inferiorities  of  mind  or  body,  even  outside 
the  realm  of  feeblemindedness  or  insanity,  is  so  well  known  that 
we  need  not  give  examples.  Those  of  our  cases  of  constitutional 
inferiority  which  have  developed  on  the  basis  of  inheritance  may 
be  studied.  The  many  other  points  which  our  various  individual 
studies  suggest  concerning  the  problem  of  inheritance,  can  re- 
ceive such  elucidation  as  our  present  knowledge  affords,  through 
reference  to  the  many  technical  works  upon  the  subject.  The 
effect  of  alcoholism  of  parents  upon  the  offspring  is  discussed 
under  the  head  of  alcoholism,  §  194,  and  in  our  chapter  on  statis- 
tics, §  115. 

§  146.  FamiUal  Biological  Defect.  —  At  this  place  we  should 
call  attention  to  a  possible  misinterpretation  of  causative  factors. 


Chap.  I]  FAMILIAL    BIOLOGICAL    DEFECT  [§   146 

If  several  of  a  family  fraternity  are  found  mentally  defective  it 
is  generally  inferred  that  their  characteristics  are  derived  from 
ancestral  strams  where  such  defect  must  have  been  potent.  But 
this  is  not  always  the  case,  for  the  results  of  the  union  of  two 
elements,  growing  under  definite  conditions,  may  be  regularly 
the  production  of  characteristics  which  are  not  somatically 
innate  in  either  one  of  the  ancestors  who  carried  these  elements. 
The  following  family  history  is  illustrative  of  this  point. 

Case  7.  —  We  have  studied  four  members  of  a  fraternity  of 
nine,  five  of  whom  are  defective.  The  father  and  mother  are 
both  honest,  fairly  intelligent  and  reliable  people.  They  utterly 
deny  the  existence  of  mental  defect  on  either  side.  In  neither 
family  has  any  one  been  in  an  institution.  All  brothers  and  sisters 
of  the  father  and  mother  are  self-supporting  and  their  few  chil- 
dren are  all  said  to  be  normal.  We  can  imagine  no  reason  why, 
in  the  face  of  other  frank  revelations  they  have  made,  the  parents 
should  conceal  family  facts,  and  they  corroborate  each  other. 
Certainly  if  one  were  to  go  by  Mendelian  proportions,  one  would 
expect  a  trait  which  shows  itself  in  five  out  of  nine  children  to 
be  prepotent  in  the  ancestral  history,  and  therefore  to  be  well 
known  as  family  characteristics. 

The  father  and  mother  were  married  at  23  and  21  respectively. 
The  mother  is  a  healthy,  strong  woman,  and  the  father  has  held 
a  federal  position  for  some  20  years.  Since  our  acquaintance  with 
him  he  has  been  incapacitated  for  2  years  with  tuberculosis. 
When  we  first  knew  him,  3  years  previously,  he  was  recognized, 
although  quite  able  to  work  steadily,  as  having  the  disease  in  an 
incipient  stage.  How  long  he  had  it  prior  to  that  time  is  not 
known.  He  has  been  non-alcoholic.  There  are  no  signs  of  s}q)h- 
ilis  or  of  any  other  constitutional  disease  in  the  family.  No 
children  dead.  The  children's  characteristics  run  as  follows: 
I.  Girl,  19,  reached  8th  grade.  Supports  herself.  Compara- 
tively healthy.  II.  Girl,  5th  grade  at  14  years.  Never  seriously 
ill.  No  convulsions.  Decidedly  good-looking.  Became  a  tre- 
mendous sex  delinquent.  When  studied  by  us  she  graded  only 
as  a  moron,  but  it  is  possible,  since  she  had  a  record  of  5th  grade, 
that  she  was  in  a  temporarily  poor  condition.  She  later  was  re- 
ported as  doing  well  morally  and  being  a  good  worker,  but  un- 
doubtedly is  subnormal  mentally.  III.  Boy  of  16,  imbecile. 
When  outside  of  an  institution  is  much  of  a  menace  on  account 
of  bad  sex  habits.     Severely  ill  with  spinal  meningitis  at  2  1-2 


§   146]  HEREDITY  [Chap.  I 

years,  but  before  then  seemed  to  be  defective.  IV.  Boy  of  12. 
1st  grade.  Cannot  write;  speech  defect.  V.  Boy  of  9.  3d 
grade;  seems  normal.  VI.  Girl  of  7  years.  1st  grade  and  seems 
normal.  VII.  Boy  of  5  years.  Had  spasms  three  times  dm-ing 
infancy.  Does  not  talk  plainly.  Evidently  defective.  VIII. 
Boy  of  4  years.  Only  just  commenced  to  talk.  Did  not  walk 
until  he  was  2  1-2  years.  Once  had  convulsions.  IX.  Girl  of 
15  months.  Walks  and  runs  about-  very  well.  Seems  normal. 
In  this  family  history  of  defect  the  possible  influence  of  the 
father's  chronic  disease,  tuberculosis,  must  remain  for  us  merely 
a  matter  of  conjecture. 



Factors  in  Developmental  Conditions 

§  147.  General  Statement.  (A.  Antenatal  Conditions.)  §  148.  Physical 
Conditions  During  Pregnancy.  §  149.  Abuse  During  Pregnancy.  §  150. 
Mother  Mentally  Troubled.  §  151.  Insanity  and  Epilepsy  of  the  Preg- 
nant Mother.  §  152.  AlcohoUsm  During  Pregnancy.  §  153.  Morphinism 
Dm-ing  Pregnancy.  §  154.  Congenital  Syphilis.  §  155.  Old  Age  of  Par- 
ents. §  156.  Attempted  Abortion.  §  157.  Twins.  §  158.  Mother  Work- 
ing During  Pregnancy.  §159.  Maternal  Impressions.  (B.  Natal).  §160. 
Premature  Birth.  §  161.  Difficult  Labor.  (C.  Postnatal.)  §  162.  General 
Statement.  {D.  Senility.)  §  163.  Nature  and  Causes  of  Offenses  of  Old 

§  147.  General  Statement.  —  As  may  be  seen  by  our  analysis 
(§  99)  of  defective  developmental  conditions  which,  in  our  young 
offenders,  could  be  regarded  in  any  way  as  causes,  we  divided 
the  developmental  period  into  antenatal,  natal  and  postnatal,  in- 
cluding in  the  latter  the  usual  developmental  period  of  childhood. 
Some  general  discussion  of  this  whole  matter  is  needed.  All 
these  causes  in  early  development  are  merely  antecedents  of 
present  conditions  which  are  to  be  found  in  mind  and  body. 
They  are  to  be  regarded  as  causes  only  inasmuch  as  they  do 
produce  discoverable  effects  or  peculiarities;  they  can  never  be 
in  any  way  regarded  as  directly  responsible  for  delinquency. 
From  this  it  may  be  easily  seen  why,  although  we  would  not 
in  any  way  undervalue  this  group  of  causes,  in  our  classification 
such  antecedents  never  emerge  as  major  factors.  To  make  it 
clearer  we  may  state,  for  instance,  that  old  age  of  the  father  at 
the  time  of  conception  could  not  be  scientifically  considered  as 
having  any  relationship  to  delinquency  unless  the  individual 
produced  from  this  conception  was  mentally  or  physically  in- 
ferior. Or  some  head  injury  in  childhood,  which  is  often  alleged 
to  stand  in  relationship  to  delinquent  tendencies,  cannot  be  rec- 
ognized as  a  cause  imless  one  finds  evidence  of  possible  resultant 
physical  trouble  or  mental  instability.  But  the  obviously  vary- 
ing import  of  the  factors  as  they  are  discussed  will  make  this 
whole  matter  much  clearer,  and  will  show  the  need  for  individual 
interpretation  of  earlier  conditions. 


§  148]  FACTORS    IN   DEVELOPMENTAL    CONDITIONS         [Chap.  II 

A.   Antenatal. 

§  148.  Physical  Conditions  During  Pregnancy.  —  It  will 
be  noted  (§  99)  that  in  40  instances,  or  5  per  cent.,  of  our  ana- 
lyzed cases  we  learned  of  ailments  during  pregnancy  which 
were  severe  enough  to  lead  us  to  consider  them  probable  ante- 
cedent causes.  What  we  discovered  abnormal  in  the  offspring 
—  anything  from  mental  defect  to  the  various  signs  of  physical 
inferiority  —  was  very  likely,  and  in  some  cases  without  doubt, 
due  to  the  antenatal  conditions.  Sometimes  our  evidence  was 
made  strong  by  the  fact  that  this  given  individual  differed  from 
the  others  of  the  same  fraternity,  all  of  whom  had  been  born 
after  a  normal  pregnancy. 

It  is  hardly  necessary  to  give  each  specific  condition  of  the 
mother  which  may  cause  trouble.  It  is  obvious  that  a  wasting 
chronic  disease,  or  a  severe  acute  ailment,  might  be  sufficient. 
Among  our  cases  are  instances  of  a  child  being  born  of  a  mother 
suffering  either  from  cancer,  tuberculosis,  extreme  debility  from 
a  recent  illness,  and  so  on.  We  have  seen  two  cases  where 
children  were  born  when  the  mother  had  puerperal  eclampsia. 
Both  came  from  highly  intelligent  families,  and  were  the  only 
members  of  the  fraternity  or  family  who  showed  mental  abnor- 
mality. One  has  specialized  mental  defects,  and  the  other  is  a 
subnormal,  unbalanced  individual.  In  both,  tendencies  to  anti- 
social conduct  have  developed.  One  showed  defects  of  the 
teeth  which  are  ordinarily  accredited  to  the  effects  of  syphilis. 
The  latter  could  without  much  doubt  be  ruled  out  —  a  fact 
especially  interesting  to  syphilographers.  A  similar  dental  con- 
dition was  found  in  an  individual  born  of  a  cancerous  mother. 
Other  severe  illnesses,  such  as  typhoid  fever  during  pregnancy, 
without  any  doubt  leave  influences,  as  we  have  observed,  upon 
the  offspring,  which  may  result  in  mental  abnormality  later  con- 
nected with  delinquency. 

§  149.  Abuse  During  Pregnancy.  —  This  is  a  factor  that  is 
much  more  difficult  to  evaluate,  and  we  have  only  included  it 
when  the  history  showed  it  to  be  an  exaggerated  case.  If  a  woman 
is  half  starved  and  brow-beaten,  or  actually  beaten,  as  women  are 
sometimes  by  brutal  and  drunken  husbands,  she  is  likely  to 
become  herself  a  poorly-nourished  individual,  and  to  poorly 
nourish  her  infant.     We  have  known  of  a  number  of  extreme 



cases  of  this  kind :  a  woman  lying  in  bed  perhaps  for  days  as  the 
result  of  mistreatment  and  lack  of  food. 

§  150.  Mother  Mentally  Troubled.  —  It  is  still  harder  to 
gauge  this,  and  in  the  vast  majority  of  cases  we  have  not  included 
it  at  all  as  a  cause,  but  when  one  hears  of  worry  to  the  extent  of 
causing  malnutrition  and  much  physical  disturbance  it  can  be 
fairh'  considered  that  the  unborn  child  is  a  probable  sufferer. 
An  extreme  case  of  this  kind  which  very  likely  resulted  in  the 
mental  defect  of  a  child,  who  is  a  tremendous  delinquent,  runs  as 
follows:  An  immigrant  woman  of  good  physical  strength,  who, 
according  to  her  account,  comes  of  a  healthy  and  mentally  normal 
family,  had  a  terrible  trouble  in  the  6th  or  7th  month  of  preg- 
nancy. She  came  home  one  day  to  find  her  home  destroyed  and 
her  husband  and  four  children  burned  to  death  as  the  result  of 
an  explosion.  But  the  difficulty  of  proof  of  cause,  even  in  this 
case,  is  great,  since  we  cannot  trace  the  family  history.  This 
mother  at  first  seemed  reliable,  but  as  the  years  have  gone  on 
she  has  become  very  unreasonable,  perhaps  simply  as  the  re- 
sult of  her  very  great  and  continued  troubles.  She  has  always 
insisted  that  her  other  children  were  normal,  and  that  there  was 
no  feeblemindedness  in  either  family.  The  mental  shock  caused, 
of  course,  physical  debilitation.  Clearly,  we  should  put  down 
this  as  the  probable  main  factor  of  the  feeblemindedness  which 
is  the  more  direct  cause  of  the  delinquency. 

Excessive  worry,  such  as  that  connected  with  a  husband's 
illness  and  death  during  pregnancy,  may  very  rationally  be  sup- 
posed to  so  interfere  with  the  mother's  physical  conditions  as 
to  affect  the  child.  It  would  be  more  difficult-  to  prove  the  con- 
nection between  such  a  shock,  vide  §  159,  as  the  mother  being  in 
a  big  train  robbery.  In  one  case  like  this  we  were  unable  to  find 
that  the  child  really  was  left  with  any  definite  physical  or  mental 
signs  which  would  make  the  claim  of  causation  clear. 

§151.  Insanity  and  Epilepsy  of  the  Pregnant  Mother.  —  It 
is  often  impossible  to  know  in  what  proportion  the  abnormali- 
ties of  the  offspring  of  a  mother  who  is  pregnant  when  insane 
are  due  to  heredity  or  to  antenatal  condition.  In  all  but  one 
case  we  have  ruled  out  the  latter,  but  there  we  learned  of  the 
mother  being  terribly  negligent  of  herself,  and  very  likely  this 
negligence  helped  to  produce  the  child  that  was  not  up  to  normal. 
The  child  of  an  epileptic  mother  who  is  having  attacks  during 
pregnancy  is  much  more  likely  to  suffer  from  defective  ante- 


§  151]  FACTORS    IN   DEVELOPMENTAL    CONDITIONS        [Chap,  II 

natal  conditions.  It  is  well  known  that  there  is  toxemia  at  the 
time  of  convulsions  and,  of  course,  the  unborn  child  must  di- 
rectly suffer  from  the  poisons  which  are  circulating  in  the  mother's 

§  152.  Alcoholism  During  Pregnancy.  —  Difficulty  that  there 
is  in  understanding  the  bad  effect  of  alcohol  upon  germ  cells 
is  not  paralleled  by  its  obviously  easy  influence  upon  the  growing 
fetus.  Alcohol  circulates  with  great  ease  through  such  mem- 
branes as  separate  the  mother's  blood  from  the  embryonic  circu- 
lation, and  thus  the  growing  brain  cells  are  bathed  in  it  in  pro- 
portion as  the  mother  takes  it  into  her  system.  There  is  much 
to  prove  that  cells  in  the  younger  stages  of  growth  are  more  plastic 
and  more  readily  affected  by  alcoholic  poison.  So  the  drinking 
mother  stands  a  very  good  chance,  by  all  accounts,  of  bringing 
forth  children  with  defective  or  unstable  nervous  systems.  We 
know  the  relation,  in  turn,  of  these  abnormalities  to  human 
inefficiency  and  to  criminalism. 

Proofs  of  the  above  as  a  cause  are,  very  naturally,  vitiated  by 
the  fact  that  a  later  defective  environment  practically  always 
is  also  a  factor.  Indeed,  in  cases  where  we  heard  of  the  mother's 
alcoholism  during  pregnancy,  we  found  that  there  was  so  much 
else  that  might  account  for  the  child's  bad  conduct  that  we  have 
been  obliged  to  refrain  from  ever  including  this  as  a  main  factor. 
As  in  the  case  of  probable  alcoholic  deterioration  of  germ  cells 
(vide  §  194)  proofs  of  actual  deterioration  will  have  to  come  through 
direct  physiological,  rather  than  through  social  and  psychological 

§  153.  Morphinism  During  Pregnancy.  —  It  is  certain  that 
morphine  taken  by  the  pregnant  mother  affects  the  unborn  child. 
The  infant  sometimes  will  not  survive  unless  it  is  given  some 
allowance  of  the  morphine  which  it  has  been  previously  receiving. 
In  a  couple  of  our  case  histories  of  constitutional  inferiors,  mor- 
phinism of  the  mother  appears  in  the  background,  but,  of  course, 
there  is  difficulty  in  knowing  how  fairly  to  interpret  the  inferiority 
which  we  find.  The  mother  herself  may  have  been  a  morphin- 
ist because  she  was  already  an  abnormal  individual. 

§  15.4.  Congenital  Syphilis.  —  The  germ  of  syphUis  is  now 
known  to  infect  the  embryo  and  to  cause  its  results  in  this  way, 
rather  than  by  deteriorating  the  germ  cells  of  the  parent,  as  was 
formerly  supposed.  The  after-effects  in  the  further  developed 
individual  may  be  seen  in  numerous  organs  of  the  body  and  in 


Chap.  II]  CONGENITAL   SYPHILIS  [§  154 

the  central  nervous  system.  The  diagnosis  must  be  left  to  the 
physician  who  nowadays  is  not  satisfied  with  the  old  pathog- 
nomonic signs,  but  requires  tests  made  from  the  blood.  The 
length  of  time  the  disease  is  active  in  an  individual  who  is  born 
with  it  varies  greatly,  both  with  and  without  treatment. 

It  is  clear  that  when  the  central  nervous  system  is  much  af- 
fected, or  when  there  is  a  sensory  defect  as  the  result  of  con- 
genital syphilis,  the  relationship  of  the  disease  to  delinquency 
may  be  close.  Feeblemindedness  or  epilepsy  or  some  forms  of 
insanity, may  follow^  from  this  congenital  disease;  the  relation- 
ship of  these  mental  troubles  to  crime  is  elsewhere  shown.  There 
is  a  tremendous  variation  in  the  possible  effects  upon  the  nerv- 
ous system  which  runs  all  the  way  from  idiocy  or  juvenile 
paresis  to  mere  headaches  or  nervous  instability.  One  case 
(§  300)  we  studied  was  that  of  a  boy  who  had  long  unsuccessfully 
been  tried  under  probation  and  who  was  readily  found  to  be 
suffering  from  juvenile  paresis  with  the  usual  physical  signs. 

We  expect  sometime  to  see  these  harmless  blood  tests  for 
inherited  syphilis  done  on  all  children  who  come  under  public 
care,  in  order  that  any  who  are  infected  may  receive  appropriate 
treatment  as  early  as  possible.  Such  protective  measures  will 
yet  come  to  be  regarded  as  a  sacred  duty.  If  only  one  case  out 
of  50  among  dependents  and  young  delinquents  was  found  suf- 
fering from  the  disease,  the  possible  outcome  of  treatment  might 
readily  pay  for  the  effort.  The  fact  is  that  when  numbers  have 
been  tested,  as  in  a  few  European  centers,  a  very  considerable 
percentage  has  been  found  infected.  For  our  American  popu- 
lation it  would  be  unwise  to  predict  at  all  what  would  be  found 
among  the  young  people  who  come  under  public  care. 

It  is  a  matter  of  much  public  interest  to  know  what  is  the  after- 
history  of  children  with  inherited  syphilis,  as  gauged  by  the 
study  of  large  numbers.  Study  of  this  kind  involves  much  effort 
and  only  recently  have  results  been  obtainable.     The  findings  ^ 

•  1  Several  researches  involving  arduous  labor  in  following  up  cases  of  con- 
genital sj^hilis  have  recently  appeared  and  are  worthy  of  careful  attention. 
Peiser  (269)  reports  on  conditions  of  general  health  in  cases  of  congenital 
syphilis  which  have  been  treated.  He  maintains  that  general  physical  condi- 
tions are  by  no  means  so  imfavorable  as  frequently  assumed,  if  the  individual 
survives  infancy,  and  most  of  them  do.  Among  those  treated  at  the  Breslau 
clinic  dm-ing  a  10-year  period,  39  per  cent,  were  later  foimd  in  excellent  gen- 
eral condition  and  37  per  cent,  in  fair  condition.  Hochsinger  (270)  traced 
263  children  whom  he  has  had  under  his  charge  for  many  years.  He  found  that 
14  per  cent,  died  during  the  first  year,  and  25  per  cent,  grew  up  to  be  healthy 
adults.    If  puberty  is  passed  without  manifestations,  there  is  every  probability 


§  154]  FACTORS    IN   DEVELOPMENTAL    CONDITIONS        [Chap.  II 

lead  us  inevitably  to  the  conclusion  that  syphilis  in  the  parents 
which  is  passed  along  to  the  offspring  has  a  more  injurious  in- 
fluence upon  the  physical  and  mental  development  of  children 
than  is  observed  in  any  other  disease.  Several  writers  who  have 
followed  up  cases  state  that  even  when  there  are  no  ordinary 
physical  manifestations  of  the  disease  itself,  the  children  are 
found  physically  and  morally  inferior.  Vas  (271)  reports  that 
even  when  the  mental  development  was  satisfactory  many 
parents  complained  that  the  children  were  extraordinarily  nerv- 
ous and  naughty.  Hochsinger  (270)  notes  a  great  deal  of  trouble 
with  moral  development  in  these  cases. 

The  exact  relationship  of  syphilis  to  epilepsy  and  feeblemind- 
edness has  been  worked  up  by  modern  methods  in  some  places. 
The  result  has  been  unexpectedly  small,  but,  of  course,  varies 
greatly  according  to  the  community  from  which  the  patients 
are  drawn.  In  Denmark,  vide  Thomsen  (272),  it  is  clear  that  in 
less  than  2  per  cent,  of  2000  cases  of  mental  deficiency  was  con- 
genital syphilis  of  etiological  moment.  Such  a  small  finding  as 
this  is  of  great  interest  to  us,  but  it  involves  only  a  very  small 
part  of  the  whole  problem  of  the  possible  connection  between 
the  disease  and  future  delinquency. 

§  155.  Old  Age  of  Parents.  —  There  seems  to  be  good  evi- 
dence that  a  child  born  of  a  mother  long  after  she  has  had  other 
children,  and  after  she  has  begun  her  involutional  period  may  be 
physically  or  mentally  defective.  We  have  seen  several  such 
cases.  Old  age  on  the  part  of  the  father  has  only  seemed  to  figure 
in  one  case,  if  we  compared  the  individual  with  his  fraternity. 

§  156.  Attempted  Abortion.  —  It  is  extremely  difficult  to  know 
to  what  extent  attempted  abortion  may  be  a  cause  of  deficiency 
on  the  part  of  the  child.  Certainly  in  many  cases  we  have  heard 
of  it  without  there  being  any  defect,  and  yet  in  others  the  case 
seemed  clear,  but  mostly  when  there  was  a  hemorrhage.  Again, 
one  would  have  to  be  very  careful  in  evaluating  this  as  a  cause. 

§  157.    Twins.  —  It  sometimes  happens  that  one  of  twins  is 

that  the  individual  will  permanently  escape  them.  But  he  found  only  51 
individuals  absolutely  normal  out  of  208  cases  who  had  been  years  under 
observation.  None  of  the  children  with  pronounced  symptoms  soon  after 
birth  grew  up  to  be  healthy.  There  are  many  cases  of  defective  mental  and 
moral  development  as  well  as  physical.  Vas  (271)  reports  on  a  large  number 
of  children  as  observed  a  few  years  after  passing  through  the  pohcUnic.  One- 
tenth  of  these  had  convulsions;  one-third  suffered  from  habitual  headache; 
enuresis  was  comparatively  common,  and  there  was  much  complaint  from 
parents  of  bad  behavior. 



smaller  than  the  other,  and  seems  to  have  suffered  the  result  of 
nutritional  "crowding,"  leaving  it  very  defective  in  comparison 
to  the  other. 

§  158.  Mother  Working  During  Pregnancy.  —  The  effect  of 
hard  work  must  be  interpreted  according  to  the  conditions.  The 
unborn  child  of  many  a  peasant  woman  seems  to  thrive  while  its 
mother  labors,  but  we  have  heard  many  times  of  what  was  un- 
doubtedly over-work,  which  may  very  largely  have  affected  the 

§  159.  Maternal  Impressions.  —  The  effect  of  so-called  pre- 
natal influences  or  maternal  impressions  (namely,  some  condition 
or  activity  of  the  mother's  mind)  in  molding  in  any  way  the  mind 
or  body  of  the  unborn  child  has  yet  to  be  proven.^  This  is  in  no- 
wise controverting  the  well-known  serious  effects  of  disease,  sor- 
row, or  worry  shown  in  nutritional  disturbance,  or  the  effects  of 
lack  of  food,  poisoning,  etc.,  during  pregnancy. 

Very  many  times  we  have  heard  mothers  or  even  fathers,  hark- 
ing back  from  the  fact  of  their  offspring's  delinquency,  state  that 
the  cause  was  to  be  found  in  some  of  the  mother's  mental  experi- 
ences during  her  pregnancy.  But  in  every  such  case  we  have 
also  heard  of,  or  found,  other  more  direct  influences  (quite  suffi- 
cient in  hundreds  of  instances  to  produce  delinquency  when  such 
maternal  impressions  were  lacking) .  So  there  was  neither  the  log- 
ical necessity  nor  the  scientific  right  to  seize  upon  this  supposed 
cause.  An  example  of  the  type  of  explanation  we  hear  offered 
would  be  the  case  of  a  thieving  and  runaway  constitutional  inferior 
of  16  years  whose  father  insisted  that  the  boy's  disposition  came 
as  the  result  of  the  mother  handling  money  in  covetous  spirit 
during  this  pregnancy.  As  a  matter  of  fact  the  boy  struggled  with 
very  irritating  physical  conditions  during  his  childhood  and  then 
later  was  taken  in  hand  by  the  worst  sort  of  rascals  and  instructed 
in  pernicious  habits.  But  of  course  the  father  did  not  realize 
either  of  these  other  points.  And  so  it  has  gone  in  all  cases  where 
we  have  heard  of  prenatal  influences  in  explanation  of  criminality. 

Superficially  it  suggests  direct  causation  to  argue,  for  instance, 
from  the  child's  thieving  back  to  the  fact  that  the  pregnant  mother 

^  I  particularly  like  the  scholarly  and  temperate  summary  of  Thomp- 
son (224),  one  of  the  foremost  students  of  heredity,  on  this  subject.  Perhaps 
in  the  present  stage  of  our  scientific  knowledge  it  is  better  to  be  a  httle  less 
sm-e  than  recent,  widely  distributed  statements,  vide  West  (225) .  However, 
these  much  more  nearly  approach  known  truth  than  fulsome  injunctions  to 
mothers  about  mentally  influencing  their  embryonic  children. 



was  forced  to  harbor  a  thief  in  her  home.  But  never  have  we  found 
such  an  explanation  standing  alone  as  a  probable  or  possible  cause. 
For  the  same  reason  we  are  logically  forced  to  neglect  the  state- 
ment, often  heard,  that  some  given  child  at  conception  was  not 
wanted,  and  therefore  shows  anti-social  traits. 

B.    Natal. 

§  160.  Premature  Birth.  —  The  prematurely  born  child  has  a 
poor  start  in  the  world,  but  it  is  not  necessarily  permanently  handi- 
capped by  it.  In  our  type  of  studies  premature  birth  could  not  be 
included  as  any  possible  cause  of  delinquency  unless  there  were 
physical  or  mental  evidences  of  defect  which  may  have  been  in 
turn  the  result  of  premature  birth. 

§  161.  Difficult  Labor.  —  In  this,  again,  the  results  are  not 
easy  to  interpret.  We  have  as  a  matter  of  enumeration  put  down 
the  cases  where  we  had  history  of  extremely  difficult  labor,  which 
may  possibly  have  caused  intracranial  conditions  that  later  tended 
to  produce  delinquency.  But  altogether  the  interpretation  is 
most  unsatisfactory.  Certainly  there  is  no  reason  to  suppose  that 
instrumental  delivery  in  itself  results  in  mental  defect,  any  more 
than  merely  prolonged  labor  where  the  head  is  for  a  long  time 
compressed.  We  have  the  same  difficulty  about  evaluating 
asphyxia  in  the  new-born.  This,  together  with  prolonged  labor 
and  the  use  of  forceps,  has  been  blamed  by  several  authors  for  the 
subsequent  appearance  of  nervous  disorders  and  mental  defects. 
The  only  comparative  study  which  I  have  been  able  to  find  is 
that  of  Hannes  (250),  who  investigated  the  after-records  of  three 
series  from  the  same  maternity  hospital,  cases  of  asphyxia,  artifi- 
cial delivery,  and  normal  spontaneous  birth,  150  of  each.  He 
found  no  significant  difference  whatever  between  the  outcome  of 
these  three  series.  He  concludes  there  is  no  ground  for  the  belief 
that  forceps  have  any  permanent  injurious  effect.  He  also  sees 
every  reason  to  believe  that  if  an  asphyxiated  child  is  resuscitated, 
and  has  no  complication  during  the  first  week,  it  will  not  subse- 
quently suffer  from  this  cause. 

Of  course  there  are  exceptional  cases  where  the  effect  of  acci- 
dents at  birth  is  very  plain,  or  where  the  individual  has  perma- 
nently suffered  from  intracranial  hemorrhage  within  a  few  days 
after  birth,  but  Hannes  seems  to  show  clearly  that  in  general 
one  cannot  fairly  place  much  stress  upon  untoward  birth  condi- 
tions as  such,  if  they  are  properly  handled. 


Chap.  II]     NATURE  AND  CAUSES  OF  OFFENSES  OF  OLD  AGE      [§   163 

C.    Postnatal. 

§  162.  General  Statement.  —  All  the  conditions  enumerated 
in  §  99  as  defective  features  of  early  development  can  be 
directly  interpreted  without  further  discussion.  The  bearings 
of  cranial  injury,  chorea,  epilepsy,  etc.,  are  discussed  under  their 
appropriate  headings.  They  are  effective  in  the  production  of 
delinquency  only  as  they  cause  some  form  of  mental  abnormality. 
In  an  undue  number  of  cases  we  have  learned  of  convulsions  dur- 
ing childhood,  quite  apart  from  the  positive  demonstrations  of 
epilepsy.  Then  brain  fever  and  meningitis  have  figured  in  our 
cases  to  a  much  larger  proportion  than  would  be  found  in  the  ordi- 
nary population.  The  relationship  of  both  of  these  to  possible 
brain-cell  injury  is  clear.  In  numerous  other  cases  we  have  heard 
of  extremely  defective  conditions  of  nourishment  and  general 
health  during  infancy.  It  is  hard  to  interpret  these  for  our  pur- 
poses. Neither  is  any  connection  of  rickets  with  mental  condi- 
tions certain.  When  we  have  heard  of  illnesses,  such  as  cholera 
infantum,  with  evidence  of  accompanying  involvement  of  the 
central  nervous  system,  for  instance,  coma  or  convulsions,  it  is  to 
be  fairly  thought  that  there  may  have  been  some  damage  to  brain 

It  is  easy  to  appreciate  that  illness  during  the  normal  period  of 
school  life  may  have  social  as  well  as  direct  physical  significance. 
If  the  individual's  schooling  is  ended  at  14  years,  whatever  the 
acquirements  or  non-acquirements,  as  it  is  in  many  we  have 
studied,  then  previous  periods  away  from  the  school-room  may 
prove  a  distinct  disadvantage,  which  can,  in  turn,  cause  tendency 
towards  delinquency. 

The  effects  of  stimulants  and  narcotics  in  early  development 
are  mentioned  in  Chapter  V,  Book  II. 

D.   Senility. 

§  163.    Nature   and    Causes    of    Offenses    of    Old    Age.  —  In 

dealing  with  the  offenses  of  old  age  we  may  see  for  the  first  time 
a  practically  valuable  correlation  between  age  and  the  type  of 
offense.  Although  directly  due  to  mental  aberration,  the  delin- 
quency is  properly  chargeable  to  unfortunate  features  of  physical 
involution  of  the  individual.  We  ourselves,  as  students  of  genetics, 
have  particularly  easy  sailing  here  because  so  many  of  the  senile 


§  163]  FACTORS    IN   DEVELOPMENTAL    CONDITIONS         [Chap.  II 

delinquents  are  first  offenders,  as  will  be  shown  later,  and  there- 
fore the  causative  factors  are  immediately  at  hand. 

Comparatively  few  of  the  offenses  of  old  age  are  committed  by 
individuals  previously  considered  demented.  With  far-gone  senile 
dementia  there  often  comes  much  bodily  weakness.  Or  even  if 
not,  there  is  excuse  in  an  obviously  childish  person  for  childish 
type  of  misconduct.  In  instance,  we  might  cite  the  case  of  a 
man,  cultured  and  of  previously  good  reputation,  who  purloined 
flowers  at  intervals  from  a  public  park  when  he  was  about  80  years 
of  age.  His  general  dementia  was  so  evident  that  no  policeman 
ever  felt  justified  in  taking  him  even  to  the  station  house.  But 
yet,  though  delinquency  in  old  age  be  the  only  expression  of 
senile  dementia,  it  evidences  just  this.  It  is  a  phenomenon  unques- 
tionably dependent  upon  the  defective  physiological  conditions 
of  blood  vessels  and  brain  cells  which  lead  to  a  break-down  in  the 
efficiency  of  the  mental  processes.  Study  of  such  cases  shows  that 
the  trouble  comes  from  defect  in  force  of  will  power  and  ethical 

The  several  main  considerations  concerning  this  whole  subject 
can  best  be  dealt  with  categorically  as  follows: 

(a)  Type  of  offenses  peculiar  to  old  age.  Beyond  60  years  of 
age,  when  the  general  tendency  towards  anti-social  behavior  is 
markedly  diminished,^  we  find  certain  types  of  misconduct  spring- 
ing up  in  unexpected  places.  Comparatively  few  women  at  this 
period  of  life  engage  in  offenses,  and  these  usually  for  petty  steal- 
ing. Most  of  the  offenders  are  old  men,  and  their  delinquencies  are 
nearly  always  sexual.  Bresler  (266),  who  has  contributed  the 
only  extended  writing  upon  this  subject,  makes  many  points  clear 
to  us.  He  strikingly  shows  that  while  the  proportion  of  general 
crime  after  70  years  is  only  3^  to  3^  as  much  as  in  the  previous 
decade,  sexual  offenses  are  3^  as  many.  Aschaffenburg  (l,  Eng. 
trans.,  p.  154)  puts  it  differently.  He  says  that  grand  larceny 
after  the  70th  year  is  only  i^o^  part  of  what  it  is  between  18  and 
21,  relating  the  delinquency  to  an  equal  number  of  persons  of 
the  given  ages.  But  convictions  for  indecency  and  rape  are 
almost  34  ^s  many,  proportionately  to  the  same  number  of 

1  On  this  point  the  convincing  figures  of  the  "Statistik  des  Deutschen 
Reiches"  N.  F.  LXXXIII,  II,  (concerning  the  proportion  of  crime  by  ages 
and  number  of  inhabitants)  may  be  consulted.  Aschafifenburg  (1,  Eng. 
trans.,  p.  155)  gives  the  figvu-es  in  detail. 


Chap.  II]      NATURE  AND  CAUSES  OF  OFFENSES  OF  OLD  AGE      [§    163 

Now  this  peculiarity  of  old  age  finds  other  social  expression, 
which  Bresler  has  delved  out  of  national  statistics.  He  shows  that 
in  the  5  yeare  from  1900-1904  the  marriages  of  girls  of  20  years 
and  under  run  as  follows:  401  married  men  between  40  and  50; 
1521  married  men  between  50  and  60;  1762  married  men  over  70. 
These  figures  must  have  increased  significance  in  the  light  of  the 
fact  that  there  are  considerably  fewer  men  living  over  70.  But, 
of  course,  there  are  somewhat  modifying  circumstances,  such  as 
an  increased  number  of  widowers,  and  so  on.  Still,  even  so,  Bres- 
ler's  figures  are  very  interesting. 

(b)  Many  senile  delinquents  are  first  offenders.  It  has  been 
generally  noted  by  all  who  have  had  much  experience  that  many 
old  men  who  commit  sexual  offenses  have  never  before  been  in 
collision  with  the  law.  Indeed,  some  of  them  are  people  of  high 
previous  reputation,  professional  men,  and  men  of  distinctly  re- 
ligious procli\^ties.  This  point  is  also  much  more  convincingly 
dealt  with  statistically.  Notwithstanding  the  greater  chances 
which  a  long  life  offers  any  one  for  at  some  time  becoming  an 
offender,  Bresler  shows  that  the  proportion  of  first  offenders  in- 
creases from  50  years  onward.  The  maximum  number  of  first 
offenders  are  punished  from  18  to  21  years.  Of  the  offenders 
between  40  and  50  years  of  age,  49  per  cent,  are  punished  for  the 
first  time.  Those  between  60  and  70,  60  per  cent.;  those  over 
70  years,  67  per  cent.  Beginning  with  60  years  a  greater  percent- 
age of  first  offenders  among  convicted  criminals  are  found  than  at 
any  other  period  save  between  18  and  21.  Pathetic  instances  are 
known  to  all  of  us  of  men  who  have  fallen  from  a  previously  high 
estate  by  indulging  in  uncannily  morbid  sex  offenses.  It  is  un- 
necessary for  us  to  take  space  to  relate  the  details. 

(c)  The  mental  condition  of  aged  offenders.  There  can  be  little 
doubt  that  in  every  one  of  these  aged  offenders  some  mental 
changes  have  taken  place.  The  alterations  are  mostly  in  the  field 
of  will  and  of  the  ethical  sense.  Every  one  has  recognized  the 
lowering  of  emotional  tone  in  old  age.  Whether  these  changes 
should  come  under  the  category  of  legal  insanity  is  not  a  matter 
for  us  now  to  discuss.  As  we  have  frequently  stated,  such  problems 
are  only  solved  according  to  general  social  (legal)  plans  and  prin- 
ciples. Aschaffenburg  (263)  maintains  that  every  case  which  he 
has  ever  seen  has  shown  senile  mental  decay.  Kinberg  (52),  as 
the  result  of  his  prolonged  experience  with  prison  cases,  demands 
that  there  shall  be  obligatory  psychiatric  examination  for  every 


§    163]  FACTORS    IN    DEVELOPMENTAL    CONDITIONS         [Chap.  II 

offender  over  60.  Krafft-Ebing  (267)  long  ago  in  his  work  on 
forensic  psychology  maintained  that  the  main  trouble  in  these 
cases  is  involutional  degeneration  of  the  brain.  Anatomical 
changes  bring  about  both  weakened  ethics  and  decreased  resist- 
ance to  sex  feeling. 

(d)  Local  physical  irritation  and  treatment.  A  significant  fea- 
ture of  these  sexual  offenses  is  that  they  mostly  occur  after  60 
years  of  age,  when  sexual  powers  normally  have  waned  or  prac- 
tically disappeared.  The  explanation  that  senile  brain  degenera- 
tion causes  lowered  ethical  discrimination  does  not  to  some  satis- 
factorily explain  the  great  increase  in  sex  stimulation,  which 
only  can  account  for  the  nature  of  the  delinquencies.  There  are 
several  points  which  here  have  to  be  considered. 

The  fact  is  that  there  is  a  marked  tendency  towards  the  selec- 
tion of  children  for  these  offenses.  More  occasionally  abnormal 
acts  are  indulged  in,  including  exhibitionism,  the  latter  repre- 
senting the  most  impotent  procedure.  Krafft-Ebing  suggests 
that  the  peculiar  sex  objects  selected  are  indication  of  weakened 
potency.  Another  general  tendency  of  the  same  period  of  life  is 
toward  the  use  of  obscene  language.  This  has  been  specially 
noted  as  a  phenomenon  of  advancing  age.  But  none  of  this  tells 
perhaps  the  whole  story. 

It  is  undoubtedly  true  that  in  some  cases  there  is  much  actual 
sex  stimulation  and  apparent  sex  power.  It  has  been  more  re- 
cently suggested  that  a  considerable  share  of  these  unfortunate 
tendencies  of  old  age  are  immediately  due  to  local  irritative  con- 
ditions in  the  pelvis,  particularly  as  brought  about  by  the  charac- 
teristic senile  enlargement  of  the  prostate  gland.  Percy  (268) 
makes  a  special  point  of  this.  While  he,  and  other  surgeons  per- 
haps, take  into  account  too  little  the  well-known  brain  degenera- 
tion of  old  age,  still  one  sees  no  reason  why  local  irritation  may 
not  be  all  the  more  productive  of  offensive  tendencies  because  of 
lowered  inhibitions.  The  reported  cases  of  complete  alteration 
in  this  respect  after  operation  must  be  regarded  cautiously  as 
proving  the  original  factor,  because  of  the  great  moral  influence 
that  an  important  operation  might  have.  Elsewhere  we  have 
had  to  insist  on  this  point  in  connection  with  surgical  measures. 
There  is  the  possible  element  of  suggestion,  and  there  is  the  shock 
which  might  very  well  stimulate  will  power.  When  a  man's  con- 
duct is  sufficiently  anti-social  to  demand  a  serious  operation, 
there  is  pretty  likely  to  be  contrition  and  constructive  appercep- 


Chap.  II]      NATURE  AND  CAUSES  OF  OFFENSES  OF  OLD  AGE      [§163 

tion  following  the  operation,  even  in  cases  of  mild  dementia. 
We  eagerly  await  the  accumulation  of  more  proof  on  these 

In  regard  to  treatment  we  can  but  see  every  reason  for  carrying 
out  surgical  measures  whenever  indicated.  With  the  physical 
benefit,  we  may  hope  for  conunensurate  moral  improvement. 


§164]    PHYSICAL  conditions:  PECULIARITIES,  AILMENTS    [Chap.  Ill 

Physical  Conditions:  Peculiarities  and  Ailments 

§  164.  General  Considerations.  §  165.  Ocular  Ailments.  §  166.  Ear  Troub- 
les. §  167.  Nose  and  Throat  Obstructions.  §  168.  Teeth.  §  169.  Speech 
Defects.  §  170.  Deaf-mutism.  §  171.  Minor  Nervous  Disorders.  §  172. 
Phimosis.  §  173.  Enuresis.  §  174.  Other  Physical  Irritations.  §  175. 
Syphilis.  §  176.  Under-nourishment.  §  177.  Excess  of  Physical  Vigor. 
§  178.  Menstruation  and  Pregnancy.  §  179.  Headaches.  §  180.  Head 
Injiu-ies.     §  181.  Other  Physical  Ailments. 

§  164.  General  Considerations.  —  It  is  far  from  my  purpose 
to  go  at  length  into  the  question  of  bodily  characteristics  of 
criminals  taken  as  a  class,  or  even  of  alleged  special  physical 
types.  Much  discussion  has  arisen  over  various  data  collected 
on  this  separate  point,  but  it  is  almost  valueless  for  any  one  who 
sees  the  practical,  scientific  necessity  of  reviewing  all  probable 
causes  before  arriving  at  conclusions.  Again  we  might  remind 
the  reader  that  studies,  even  of  the  brain  and  skull,  such  as  Ser- 
noff's  (195),  leading  to  supposed  discrimination  of  types,  are 
fatally  weak  if  complete  differentiation  is  not  made,  for  instance, 
between  mentally  defective  and  mentally  normal  criminals. 
Of  course  we  should  expect  the  former  frequently  to  show  anomalies 
of  brain  and  skull,  and  we  well  know  from  recent  studies  by  psy- 
chological tests  what  a  considerable  proportion  of  prison  popula- 
tions these  mental  underlings  form.  The  large,  well-substan- 
tiated correlations  that  should  at  once  be  grasped  by  the  student 
of  criminalistic  genetics  are,  first,  that  the  mentally  weak  readily 
become  members  of  the  chronic  offender  class,  and,  second,  that 
innate  mental  weakness  is  very  often  accompanied  by  signs  of 
physical  defect  or  anomaly.  Nowhere  in  the  extensive  literature 
do  we  find  any  evidence  whatever  that  mentally  normal  delin- 
quents have  typically  peculiar  bodily  characteristics. 

As  we  stated  in  our  chapter  on  statistics,  where  our  specific 
findings  on  bodily  conditions  may  be  reviewed,  statements  about 
the  physique  of  American  prisoners  or  other  delinquents  must  be 
compared  with  American  norms.  More  than  that,  for  the  fair 
deduction  of  conclusions  they  must  be  compared  with  norms  for 
the  classes  of  the  population  from  which  the  given  criminals 
come.     The  oft-quoted  findings  of  Elmira  Reformatory,  where 


Chap.  Ill]  GENERAL   CONSIDERATIONS  [§  164 

SO  many  thousands  have  been  physically  examined  and  found 
exceedingly  wanting,  unless  these  delinquents  were  to  be  com- 
pared with  others  of  the  same  family,  nation,  or  environment, 
have  no  value  for  proving  that  the  physical  conditions  were  re- 
sponsible for  the  criminality  —  and  that  is  one  point  at  issue. 
From  different  parts  of  the  country  we  get  differing  facts,  as  we 
might  well  expect.  Sleyster  (196)  recently  reports  from  Wisconsin 
that  1521  adult  criminals  studied  by  him  there  at  the  penitentiary, 
as  a  class  are  well  nourished,  that  they  are  only  1.8  inches  below 
the  average  American  height,  that  they  weigh  about  the  same  as 
the  average  American  for  their  height,  that  their  chest  measure- 
ment is  quite  fair,  and  so  on.  Can  any  one  doubt  the  good  phy- 
sique and  keen  senses  that  go  largely  to  the  making  of  a  desperado 
in  our  western  states?  The  gist  of  this  situation  is  undoubtedly 
best  stated  by  Goring  (160,  p.  370)  from  his  most  careful  re- 
searches: "  The  physical  and  inental  constitution  of  both  criminal 
and  law-abiding  persons,  of  the  same  age,  stature,  class  and  in- 
telligence, are  identical."  In  many  places  the  prisoner  is,  on  the 
average,  markedly  differentiated  from  the  normal  population  by 
defective  physique  —  and  so  is  the  general  social  class  he  is  drawn 
from.  Then,  of  course,  the  possession  of  a  certain  type  of  phy- 
sique, as  in  Fagin's  gang,  may  be  an  asset  for  engaging  in  a  certain 
type  of  offense. 

In  any  study  and  discussion  of  the  general  criminal  physique, 
it  must  never  be  forgotten  that  calculation  of  average  types  is 
probably  largely  spoiled  by  the  fact  that  it  is  the  criminal  weakest 
in  mind  and  body  who  is  most  frequently  arrested  and  rearrested, 
entirely  out  of  proportion  to  the  total  number  of  persons  com- 
mitting crime. 

The  good  to  be  derived  from  deciding  on  what  are  the  physical 
characteristics  of  whole  groups  of  delinquents  —  and  only  by 
grouping  them  rationally  can  any  good  at  all  come  —  is  in  the 
establishment  of  accurate  bases  for  social  action,  either  in  provid- 
ing for  treatment,  legal  or  otherwise,  of  the  person,  or  in  treatment 
of  living  conditions,  such  as  poverty  and  slum  life.  Even  then 
the  facts  will  always  have  to  be  locally  surveyed  —  witness  the 
difference  there  must  be  between  need  for  medical  treatment  of 
prisoners  in  the  just-mentioned  Wisconsin  prison  and  at  Elmira. 

With  the  above  comment  on  generalities,  and  with  reference  to 
our  chapter  on  Orientation  for  some  statement  of  our  relation  to 
anthropological  criminology,  and  to  our  chapter  on  Treatment 



for  other  matters  connected  with  physical  conditions  of  delin- 
quents, we  may  return  to  our  particular  business — the  individual, 
and  the  gaining  of  knowledge  concerning  the  causation  of  his  tend- 
encies. At  once  we  may  restate  the  fact,  concurred  in  by  all 
careful  students  of  criminalism,  that  no  one  single  measure  of 
relief  or  alteration  of  physical  conditions,  whether  it  be  correction 
of  eye  strain,  circumcision,  operation  on  the  head,  or  what  not, 
offers  the  chance  of  any  considerable  amount  of  total  recon- 
struction in  the  crime  situation. 

On  the  other  hand,  it  ought  to  be  generally  realized,  in  all 
common  sense,  that  any  physical  peculiarities,  defects,  or  diseases 
of  the  offender  which  stand  in  the  way  of  social  success  should 
be  as  efficiently  treated  as  possible.  It  is  of  the  utmost  benefit 
to  society  to  equip  its  members  who  are  costly  failures  with  the 
foundations  that  are  necessary  for  betterment  of  conduct.  The 
treatment  may  require  any  of  a  large  number  of  measures;  per- 
haps removal  to  a  more  suited  environment,  perhaps  a  surgical 
operation,  perhaps  segregation  in  a  special  colony.  One  of  the 
best  things  that  we  can  do  in  this  chapter  is  to  state  most  of  the 
defective  physical  conditions  (this  does  not  include  the  stigmata  of 
inferiority  or  degeneracy  elsewhere  touched  upon,  §  106,  §  295) 
which  appear  to  be  in  any  way  causative  of  delinquency.  The 
handicap  which  many  of  these  are  to  the  individual's  well-doing 
is  so  obvious  that,  for  the  most  part,  case  histories  need  not  be 
given.  The  importance  of  certain  physical  conditions  is  alto- 
gether so  clear  that  giving  small  space  to  their  consideration  will 
not  be  charged  to  indifferent  concern  about  their  treatment. 

In  thinking  of  the  possible  effects  of  treatment  we  must 
always  remember,  even  when  physical  conditions  are  diagnos- 
able  as  probable  causative  or  contributory  factors,  that  mental 
habits  may  have  been  formed.  These  will  leave  sufficient  cause 
for  continuance  of  the  effect,  namely,  delinquency,  even  when 
some  original  causes  may  be  removed. 

Physical  conditions  concerned  at  all  with  the  causation  of 
delinquent  tendencies  could  rather  readily  be  divided  into  those 
which  cause  weakness  and  those  which  cause  irritation.  In 
thinking  of  how  the  bodily  condition  acts  in  a  causative  way, 
both  possibilities  should  be  kept  in  mind.  Of  course  plenty  of 
inimical  bodily  conditions,  such  as  large  tonsils,  may  be  found 
in  delinquents,  and,  while  offenders  should  receive  treatment  as 
well  as  anybody  else,  many  of  such  troubles  cannot  be  said  to 


Chap.  Ill]  OCULAR    AILMENTS  [§  165 

have  any  traceable  relationship  to  the  misconduct.  Several 
physical  findings  of  great  importance  for  understanding  the 
causative  development  of  criminal  careers  belong  properly  among 
developmental  abnormalities  (§  182  If.),  wheie  we  shall  discuss 

§  165.  Ocular  Ailments.  —  In  our  estimation  of  causes  of 
delinquency  it  appeared  that  defective  vision  could  be  regarded 
as  either  a  major  or  minor  factor  in  over  10  per  cent,  of  the  cases. 
Vision,  to  be  sure,  was  not  perfect  in  many  other  instances,  but 
in  these  it  was  hardly  to  be  regarded  as  any  cause  of  the  delin- 
quency. There  are  several  sides  to  the  resultant  effects  of  bad 
eyesight,  so  far  as  delinquency  is  concerned. 

Eye  strain  notoriously  leads  to  irritability,  discontent,  head- 
ache, various  feelings  of  bodily  discomfort  —  all  of  which  may 
be  contributory  to  the  individual's  delinquency.  Now  eye  strain, 
it  should  be  remembered,  is  not  always  to  be  readily  measured 
by  what  the  individual  can  see  on  a  test  chart.  Defective  vision 
may  exist  without  strain,  and  strain  may  result  from  not  readily 
discerned  defects,  such  as  astigmatism.  This  latter  may  be  pro- 
vocative of  such  unconscious  irritations  as  we  are  interested  in. 
These  irritations  are  just  such  feelings  as  are  likely,  especially 
dm-ing  the  adolescent  period,  to  cause  a  reaction  in  anti-social  acts. 

Another  important  side  of  this  question  concerning  eye  trouble 
should  be  thoughtfully  considered  by  those  who  work  for  the 
prevention  of  delinquency.  This  consists  in  the  relation  which 
defective  vision  bears  to  the  acquirement  of  education  and  in- 
terests. We  all  acknowledge  that  we  must  considerably  rely 
for  the  prevention  of  the  development  of  delinquent  impulses 
upon  not  only  giving  the  individual  the  foundations  for  earn- 
ing a  livelihood,  but  also  upon  developing  desire  for  wholesome 
recreations  and  pursuits.  With  poor  eyesight  the  carrying  out 
of  both  these  desiderata  is  seriously  impeded,  and  the  pathway 
to  undesirable  tendencies  is  left  abnormally  easy  of  passage. 

Engaging  in  satisfactory  occupations  may  be  interfered  with 
to  various  extent  by  defective  vision.  We  remember  the  exagger- 
ated instance  of  one  lad  placed  out  on  a  farm,  who  was  returned 
by  the  farmer  as  of  no  account  because  of  his  carelessness.  This 
boy  was  then  found  to  be  so  nearsighted  that  he  was  not  able 
to  clearly  see  the  holes  in  which  to  drop  the  seed  corn.  In  voca- 
tionally training  individuals  in  reformatories  this  factor  of  vision 
should  ever  be  kept  in  mind.     I  have  noted  the  instance  of  a 


§165]    PHYSICAL  conditions:  PECULIARITIES,  AILMENTS    [Chap.  Ill 

young  fellow  with  exceedingly  bad  eyesight,  partially  corrected  by 
glasses,  being  taught  in  a  reformatory  the  craft  of  engraving. 

It  must  not  be  forgotten  that  children  who  have  never  known 
what  it  was  to  see  any  better  may  not  understand  the  basis  of 
their  own  troubles.  They  may  never  complain  to  the  teacher 
or  parent.  They  merely  react  with  disgust  or  recalcitrancy, 
whether  in  school  or  at  work,  if  the  demand  upon  their  vision  is 
beyond  easy  fulfillment. 

Strabismus  is  one  of  the  ocular  troubles  which  may  cause  a 
tendency  towards  delinquency.  There  may  be  annoyance  through 
eye  strain  and  also  through  the  jeering  of  comrades.  We  have 
seen  some  distinctly  good  moral  results  from  the  straightening 
of  eyes  by  operation. 

In  less  measure,  one  might  offer  the  same  statement  about 
ailments  of  the  eyelids,  when  vision  is  somewhat  attended  with 
discomfort.  At  the  risk  of  being  anecdotal  we  may  speak  of  a 
curious  case  where  capital  was  made  of  such  a  physical  ailment. 

Case  8.  —  A  boy  of  14  had  chronic  inflammation  of  the  eyelids, 
and  a  consequent  stoppage  of  the  tear  ducts.  As  a  result  of  this, 
the  little  fellow  by  squeezing  his  eyes  could  cause  tears  to  run 
down  his  cheeks.  He  and  his  family  found  this  a  source  of  con- 
siderable income.  The  boy  haunted  the  down-town  districts 
at  an  hour  when  people  were  in  sympathetic  mood,  coming  from 
restaurant  dinners  and  the  theatres,  and,  offering  chewing  gum 
for  sale,  he  would  be  seen  profusely  weeping.  This  often  brought 
to  his  pocket  quarters  or  even  half-dollars  in  place  of  the  usual 
nickel,  and  the  boy  was  thus  able  to  enjoy  a  right  royal  income. 
When  sent  to  the  eye  infirmary  his  parents  at  once  objected  to 
his  receiving  any  treatment.  It  is  quite  fitting  to  relate  that  these 
parents  themselves  more  recently  have  had  to  bring  this  boy  to 
court  for  delinquency.  He  is  somewhat  subnormal  mentally, 
and  after  his  prolonged  experience  of  earning  money  easily  has 
been  quite  unwilling  to  work  at  any  honest  occupation.  This 
type  of  a  cause  of  delinquency  belongs  in  the  same  category  as 
some  mentioned  in  oui  chapter  on  abnormalities  of  develop- 
ment, where  capital  has  been  made  of  the  possession  of  ex- 
ceptionally small  physical  stature,  vide  §  185. 

§  166.  Ear  Troubles.  —  Markedly  defective  hearing  is  not 
nearly  so  frequently  found  among  delinquents  as  defective  vision. 
Even  then  we  cannot  regard  it  as  of  any  importance,  except 
when  it  has  interfered  with  education,  or  with  the  development  of 


Chap.  Ill]  NOSE   AND   THROAT   OBSTRUCTIONS  [§167 

wholesome  interests,  or  with  occupational  success.  The  peculiar 
characteristics,  often  recalcitrant,  of  the  deaf  person,  are  well 
known.  The  varying  conditions  of  hearing  which  arise  from 
middle-ear  infection  and  otorrhea  are  notoriously  irritating. 
This  having  good  hearing  one  day  and  poor  the  next,  causes 
both  sufferer  and  teacher,  or  any  one  else  associated,  readilj'- 
to  become  provoked.  Tinnitus  aurium,  ringing  in  the  ears,  in 
several  instances  of  delinquency  we  have  found  to  be  a  great 
soiu-ce  of  irritation,  as  might  naturally  be  expected.  It  has 
been  more  than  once  pointed  out  that  such  annoyances  may  lead 
towards  the  establishment  of  chronic  mental  troubles.  Inflamma- 
tions of  the  mastoid  cells,  those  which  lie  in  close  contiguity  to 
the  ear,  with  the  continual  throwing  off  of  poisons  into  the  sys- 
tem may  be  of  importance  in  our  studies.  Frequently  such 
inflammation  arises  from  middle-ear  infection  and  sometimes  is  ac- 
companied by  the  annoying  subjective  noises  of  which  we  have 
just  spoken.  Low-grade  inflammations  that  reach  up  through  the 
mastoid  bone  to  the  meninges  may  occasionally  cause  even  dis- 
turbances in  brain  function, 

§  167.  Nose  and  Throat  Obstructions.  —  Occluded  pharynx 
or  nostrils,  adenoids,  and  excessively  large  tonsils  may  readily 
be  sources  of  physical  weakness  and  general  malaise.  The  re- 
sults are  so  obvious  and  have  been  dwelled  on  in  so  many  works 
on  hygiene  that  we  need  not  discuss  them  here,  except  to  say  that 
one  can  be  very  certain  that  these  conditions  may  occasionally 
be  at  the  basis  of  such  delinquent  tendencies  as  grow  from  weak- 
ness and  discomfort.  The  trouble  may  begin  with  a  distaste 
for  school  work.  While,  of  course,  adults  suffer  much  less  from 
these  conditions,  yet  there  may  be  interference  with  success  at 
employment.  No  doubt  there  has  been  much  exaggeration  in 
general  of  the  effect  of  the  above  conditions.  We  are  much  in- 
clined to  agree  with  Gulick  and  Ayres  (201)  who,  after  having 
made  a  most  extensive  survey  of  the  conditions  among  large 
numbers  of  school  children,  become  very  conservative  in  a  general 
statement  about  the  matter  of  the  final  results  of  such  physical 
defects  as  large  tonsils  and  adenoids.  They  show  clearly  that 
these  troubles  tend  to  disappear  with  increasing  age.  But,  of 
course,  no  one  doubts  the  value  of  removing  actual  obstructions  to 
proper  breathing,  or  tissue  which  is  definitely  engendering  disease. 

Mouth  breathing  is  usually  caused  by  the  above  conditions, 
but  may  in  other  cases  only  be  a  habit.    In  either  instance  the 



expression  of  the  mouth  breather  gives  him  a  distinct  disadvan- 
tage, inasmuch  as  the  first  impression  the  employer  or  other  ob- 
server gains  is  one  of  inefficiency. 

§  168.  Teeth.  —  It  should  go  without  saying  that  extremely 
carious  teeth  are  not  only  a  menace  to  the  general  good  health 
of  then-  possessor,  but  also  stand  in  the  way  of  normal  social 
achievement.  It  is  to  be  emphasized  that  it  is  not  the  local 
discomfort,  or  the  inability  to  properly  masticate,  so  much  as 
it  is  the  constant  absorption  into  the  system  of  poisons  generated 
by  decay,  which  does  damage.  It  might  be  difficult  to  estimate 
the  social  results  of  taking  care  properly  of  the  teeth,  although 
some  have  attempted  this  task,^  but  there  can  be  no  gainsaying 
the  common  sense  that  should  lead  to  proper  dental  treatment  of 
a  delinquent  whose  mouth  conditions  are  thoroughly  bad. 

Within  a  few  years  some  little  stir  has  been  made  concerning 
the  relationship  of  dental  impaction  to  the  production  not  only 
of  nervous  troubles,  but,  it  has  been  suggested,  also  of  delinquency. 
There  have  been  only  a  few  contributors  to  this  subject.^  Dental 
impaction,  it  must  be  understood,  means  the  crowding  of  teeth 
in  the  jaws  before  eruption.  The  diagnosis  in  many  cases  is  only 
to  be  made  by  use  of  the  skiagraph.  The  gist  of  the  whole  sub- 
ject is  that  while  no  doubt  there  may  be  considerable  peripheral 
nerve  irritation  as  the  result  of  impacted  teeth,  and  this  may 
result  in  unfortunate  reflex  conditions  which  are  not  consciously 
perceived,  still  the  proof  is  quite  wanting  that  there  is  any  marked 
connection  between  this  and  bad  behavior.  All  the  dental  sur- 
geons we  have  consulted  are  extremely  skeptical  of  the  alleged 
facts.  The  skiagraph  also  may  show  chronic  abscesses  about  the 
roots  of  the  teeth,  and  these  may  be  the  cause,  in  turn,  of 
chronic  systemic  poisoning  of  mild  degree. 

§  169.  Speech  Defects.^  —  From  time  to  time  we  have  been 
tremendously  impressed  in  the  study  of  certain  cases  with  the 
influence  which  a  speech  defect  has  had  upon  the  personality 
of   the   offender.      We   agree   entirely   with   several   authorities 

1  The  interested  student  should  consult  the  attempt  of  Wallin  (212)  to  esti- 
mate psychologically  the  effect  of  dental  treatment. 

2  The  principal  wi'iter  has  been  H.  S.  Upson  (213)  who  has  proceeded  in  an 
investigation  by  careful  methods.  The  only  instance  known  to  me  of  de- 
Unquency  treated  and  "cured"  by  the  rehef  of  dental  impaction  is  reported 
by  Hohnes  (214). 

^  A  speech  defect  is  a  totally  different  affair  from  a  language  defect.  The 
former  is  a  trouble  with  the  articulation  of  words.  The  latter  is  a  mental 
defect;  it  is  treated  by  us  in  §  278. 


Chap.  Ill]  SPEECH   DEFECTS  [§   169 

who  state  that  the  tendency  of  stuttering  is  to  make  the  individ- 
ual highly  anti-social.  The  victim  of  this  annoying  disorder 
looks  upon  himself  as  very  different  from  others  of  his  kind,  and 
is  easily  won  by  suggestions  of  anti-social  behavior.  It  seems 
to  be  not  always  that  the  individual  wishes  to  wander  off  by 
himself,  although  that  is  sometimes  the  case,  but  he  finds  comfort 
in  the  society  of  those  who  will  readily  put  up  with  his  disorder 
without  comment,  and  who  make  little  demand  upon  him.  We 
have  seen  just  this  tendency  result  in  miserably  inferior  associa- 
tions on  the  part  of  otherwise  normal  young  fellows.  Thieving, 
vagrancy  and  homosexual  practices  have  in  consequence  been 
indulged  in. 

Character  deterioration  has  been  made  much  of  by  specialists 
in  speech  defects.  These  maintain  that  the  emotional  disturb- 
ances and  discouragements  lead  all  the  way  to  a  definite  psychosis 
and  marked  suicidal  tendency.^  From  our  own  vivid  experiences, 
for  which  we  cannot  afford  space,  as  well  as  from  the  emphasis 
placed  on  the  subject  by  others,  we  are  convinced  that  a  stutter- 
ing offender  needs,  above  anything,  encouragement  and  special 
treatment.  We  grant  the  difficulty  in  the  way  of  the  latter,  ac- 
centuated by  the  double  fact  that  treatment  must  be  prolonged 
and  that  it  requires  the  exertion  of  much  will  power,  in  which, 
of  course,  many  of  our  offenders  are  lax.  The  whole  matter  is 
another  argument  for  teachers  with  special  knowledge  to  do 
imperatively  needed  work  in   reformatory   institutions. 

We  grant  at  once  that  both  stuttering  and  other  speech  de- 
fects may  be  one  of  the  signs  of  essentially  degenerate  or  defective 
traits.  For  adequate  diagnosis  and  prognosis  much  more  must 
be  known  of  the  individual  than  that  he  stutters  or  lisps.  But 
by  no  means  all  people  with  speech  defect  are  defectives  in  other 
abilities.  We  can  all  point  out  examples  of  the  complete  or  par- 
tial overcoming  of  this  disorder,  and  indeed  the  attainment  of 
social  success  without  entirely  overcoming  it.    No  doubt  in  such 

1  From  the  extensive  literature  on  this  subject  we  may  select  the  following 
as  specially  bearing  on  the  relation  between  speech  defects,  particularly  stut- 
tering, and  character  defect.  Coru-adi  (215)  in  a  striking,  short  article  calls 
attention  to  the  relation  between  stuttering  and  mental  retardation,  with  its 
consequent  feehng  of  inferiority.  Hoepfner  (216)  specifically  deals  with  the 
pecuhar  character  of  the  stutterer  and  his  tendency  to  anti-social  development, 
both  on  account  of  inner  and  outer  conditions.  Scripture  (217)  in  his  recent, 
most  practical  work  on  this  subject  also  strongly  emphasizes  the  pecuhar 
mental  disposition  and  conduct  of  the  person  suffering  from  speech  defect. 
Many  sides  of  the  whole  subject  are  dealt  with  in  Gutzmann's  (218)  mono- 


§  169]  PHYSICAL  conditions:  peculiarities,  ailments  [Chap.  Ill 

cases  the  encouragements  and  mental  training  of  a  good  early 
environment  have  had  much  to  do  with  the  outcome.  In  some  of 
our  delinquent  stutterers  we  know  there  has  been  nothing  but 
jibes  and  discouragements. 

Aside  from  treatment  of  this  trouble  itself,  one  of  the  main 
points  in  handling  a  delinquent  stutterer  is  to  find  for  him  a 
suitable  occupation  where  a  daily  stint  of  work  can  be  done 
without  it  being  continually  borne  in  upon  the  sufferer's  con- 
sciousness that  he  is  a  defective  individual.  Work  that  requires 
as  little  association  with  fellow  beings  as  possible,  such  as  farm- 
ing, may  in  consequence  be  most  desirable. 

§  170.  Deaf-mutism.  —  It  should  be  easy  for  any  one  to  be- 
lieve that  such  an  affliction  as  deaf -mutism  might  lead  to  extreme 
recalcitrancy,  because  of  the  dissatisfactions  and  irritation  which 
follow  attempts  at  social  intercourse.  Perhaps  it  is  fortunate  on 
this  account  that  so  many  thus  afflicted  are  taken  care  of  in  in- 
stitutions. In  some  cases  the  inherited  or  acquired  cause  of  the 
affection,  generally  one  of  the  nervous  system  itself,  has  also  left 
in  its  train  a  thoroughly  unstable  nervous  make-up.  The  individual 
then  is,  of  course,  a  constitutional  inferior,  presenting  the  typical 
signs,  and  should  be  treated  as  one.  Such  offenders  may  be 
terrible  trouble-makers,  as  have  been  some  cases  studied  by  us. 

The  peculiarities  of  two  of  these  cases,  though  deaf-mutism 
be  comparatively  rare,  illustrate  so  well  various  features  met 
with  in  the  study  of  personalities  of  offenders  that  they  are  worth 
recounting.    This  can  be  done  in  short. 

Case  9.  — This  was  a  boy  of  15  who  had  been  'creating  a  great 
deal  of  trouble  for  years.  His  delinquencies  may  be  summarized 
as;  deliberately  associating  with  extremely  bad  companions, 
quarrelsomeness,  violence,  great  disobedience  in  school,  running 
away  from  home  and  institutions,  vagrancy,  stealing.  Besides 
the  deaf-mutism  we  found  physically  a  great  contrast  between 
general  poor  development  and  premature  sex  development.  This 
was  a  marked  anomaly. 

In  tests  for  mental  ability  he  showed  himself  very  keen  and 
dexterous.  We  otherwise  noted  him  as  excitable,  nervous, 
irritable,  obstinate,  changeable,  and  lacking  in  self-control. 
He  was  all  this  in  spite  of  prolonged  care  in  a  model  institution. 
He  was  born  with  the  defects  in  his  nervous  system  which  pre- 
vented hearing.  Altogether,  he  might  be  classed  as  a  constitu- 
tional inferior.     Outside  of  the  fact  that  both  his  parents  were 


Chap.  Ill]  MINOR    NERVOUS    DISORDERS  [§171 

deaf-mutes,  his  family  history'  is  unknown  to  us.  The  poor 
moral  and  social  prognosis  in  such  a  case  of  extreme  instability 
was  quite  evident;  of  course  probation  would  fail.  The  last 
heard  of  this  case  was  that  he  was  again  under  arrest  in  another 
city  for  obtaining  money  under  misrepresentation. 

The  other  case  involved  malingering. 

Case  10.  —  This  was  a  boy  of  15  who,  after  getting  into  various 
difHculties,  engaged  in  a  street  robbery.  At  this  time  he  was 
found  in  fair  physical  condition.  He  had  been  taught  to  speak 
in  an  institution.  As  a  result  of  early  illness  he  had  very  defec- 
tive hearing,  but  his.  speech  when  he  chose  to  use  it  was  quite 
understandable.  We  graded  him  as  being  perhaps  somewhat 
mentally  dull  on  account  of  his  auditory  trouble,  but  even  by 
the  little  work  he  was  willing  to  do  under  observation  he  was 
found  to  be  not  feebleminded. 

Our  decision  in  this  case  was  important,  because  one  feature 
of  the  boy's  malingering  concerned  itself  with  his  pretending 
to  be  mentally  defective.  He  had  conceived  the  idea  that  if  he 
were  considered  irresponsible  he  would  be  sent  to  an  institution 
desirable  from  his  standpoint.  Our  opinion  was  partially  framed 
on  the  report  from  his  old'  school,  which  told  of  the  boy's  ability 
and  cunning.  One  difficulty  in  this  case  arose  from  the  home  sur- 
roundings which  were  atrociously  bad  and  poverty-stricken.  It 
was  easy  to  see  in  this  case  that  prolonged  treatment  in  a  re- 
formatory institution  was  necessary,  unless  some  one  would  be 
willing  to  try  him  by  giving  him  a  chance  in  a  better  home. 

§  171.  Minor  Nervous  Disorders.  — Most  of  the  external  signs 
of  mild  nervous  disorders  in  offenders,  whether  they  be  habit 
spasms,  great  restlessness  or  what  not,  are  accompanying  phe- 
nomena, and  not  really  any  causes  of  delinquent  tendencies.  (It 
is  in  line  with  many  professional  observations  to  state  the  fact 
that  neuropathic  disorders  are  often  found,  entirely  out  of  nu- 
merical proportion,  among  Jewish  offenders.)  The  underlying 
nervous  trouble  must  be  sought  out  if  moral  betterment  is  to  be 
expected.  No  doubt  many  of  the  observed  sjonptoms  grow  from 
a  neuropathic  basis  that  not  infrequentlj^  also  engenders  criminal- 
ism. Even  for  moral  success  the  cases  of  offenders  showing  nerv- 
ous signs  should  be  placed  in  competent  professional  hands  and 
a  sufficiently  prolonged  adjustment  with  proper  environmental 
conditions  be  undertaken.  There  is  little  room  for  doubt  that 
many  a  criminal  career  would  be  prevented  if  neuropathic  chil- 


§  171]    PHYSICAL  conditions:  peculiarities,  ailments    [Chap.  Ill 

dren  were  properly  recognized  as  such  and  adequately  treated 
early  in  life.  Arguing  to  this  point  we  may  offer  in  bare  summary 
two  cases,  the  contrast  between  the  outcomes  of  which  has  high 

Case  11.  —  A  little  boy  of  10  years,  already  remarkable  for 
his  unreliability  and  his  repeated  running  away  from  home 
(during  which  times  he  had  gotten  into  sex-pervert  practices) 
was  found  to  be  a  highly  nervous  individual.  He  had  previously 
suffered  from  rheumatism  and,  judging  from  the  history,  mild 
chorea.  We  also  found  traces  of  an  old  endocarditis.  The  main 
signs  of  disorder  at  present  are  what  might  best  be  termed  general 
nervousness.  By  tests  his  mental  ability  was  found  fair:  his 
advantages  had  been  poor.  So  erratic  was  he,  however,  that 
the  temporary  diagnosis  was  neuropsychosis.  The  environ- 
mental conditions  included  poor  parental  oversight  and  poverty. 
Any  one  could  see  the  type  of  treatment  this  boy  needed.  This 
was  not  carried  out,  and  four  years  later,  after  a  varying  career 
of  unreliability  and  petty  stealing,  committed  more  serious  faults 
and  had  to  be  committed  to  an  institution  by  the  court. 

Case  12.  —  The  contrasting  case  is  that  of  a  boy  of  13  who 
was  rapidly  becoming  an  out-and-out  delinquent.  The  general 
charges  were  extreme  disobedience,  incorrigibility  and  stealing. 
This  boy  was  found  to  be  definitely  a  psychoneurotic.  He  showed 
various  habit  spasms  and  other  nervous  conditions  at  the  time 
we  saw  him,  and  previously  had  been  a  very  marked  sufferer  from 
morbid  impulsions  which  had  led  him  to  extraordinary  behavior, 
such  as  kicking  himself  while  he  walked,  retracing  his  steps  to 
touch  posts,  etc.  General  physical  conditions  were  not  extremely 
poor.  Mentally  he  was  found  by  tests  to  be  a  supernormal  in 
ability.  In  the  background  there  was  defective  heredity.  The 
father,  a  gambler,  was  accustomed  to  gross  sex  immoralities.  Dur- 
ing the  pregnancy  the  mother  was  much  abused  and  had  insuffi- 
cient food.  Home  control  and  general  advantages,  particularly 
on  account  of  poverty,  were  decidedly  poor.  This  was  a  case 
which  was  promptly  taken  in  hand,  with  the  result  that  some 
months  of  life  in  a  good  environment  in  the  country  lowered  his 
tendency  to  nervousness  and  gave  the  needed  basis  for  the  cessa- 
tion of  delinquent  tendencies.  With  a  small  amount  of  atten- 
tion from  time  to  time  this  case,  which  easily  might  have  de- 
veloped seriously,  has  been  carried  along  fairly  satisfactorily. 

Chorea  (St.  Vitus  dance)  is  frequently  accompanied  by  mental 


Chap.  Ill]  PHIMOSIS  [§172 

sjonptoms  and  is  discussed  by  us  under  the  head  of  minor  psy- 
choses (§  308). 

§  172.  Phimosis.  —  As  the  result  of  assertions  concerning  the 
rehition  of  phimosis  to  disorders  of  character,  we  have  been 
constantly  on  the  look-out  for  proof.  It  is  quite  proper  for  surgeons 
and  others  to  be  always  seeking  possible  causes  for  the  genesis  of 
criminalistic  tendencies,  but  on  this  point  only  a  slight  amount 
of  corroborative  evidence  is  to  be  adduced.  (We  must  caution 
the  reader  that  the  word  phimosis  means  a  very  definite  condi- 
tion, namely,  imperfectly  retractable  prepuce.)  The  number  of 
times  phimosis  was  found  may  be  seen  in  our  statistics  (§  97),  and 
it  should  be  stated  that  never  was  it  found  as  the  sole  physical 
trouble.  Under  these  circumstances  it  would  not  be  safe  to  in- 
terpret any  correlation  with  a  given  delinquent  tendency,  or 
with  the  results  of  treatment  directed  simultaneously  to  several 
conditions.  The  difficulties  in  the  way  of  honest  conclusions 
about  any  single  factor  are  demonstrated  by  the  following  case, 
which,  however,  well  shows  the  value  of  constructive  measures. 

Case  13.  —  This  is  a  case  of  a  boy,  which  for  our  immediate 
purposes,  may  be  summarized  on  a  causative  factor  card  — 
with  the  additional  statement  that  he  has  been  in  no  more  trouble 
with  the  authorities  since  he  had  the  benefit  of  surgical  treatment 
during  a  short  stay  in  an  institution.  This  treatment,  how- 
ever, was  not  circumcision  alone;  his  nose  conditions  also  were 
looked  after.  Unfortunately,  we  cannot  rule  out  of  the  result 
the  effect  of  the  idea  of  punishment,  which  sometimes,  even  in 
such  cases,  constrains  to  better  behavior. 

Physical  conditions: 

Case  13. 

Teeth  very  crowded  (earlier  impaction?). 

Boy,  age  14. 

Very  nervous. 

Deflected  nasal  septum  —  entire  occlusion. 

Phimosis  in  excess. 

Poor  development  and  nutrition. 

Heredity:  Father  terribly  alcohohc. 


Antenatal:  Mother  much  troubled. 

Masturbation  as  a  very  young  child. 



Assault  with  weapon. 


Sex,  with  girls. 

Ability  fair. 


f  172]    PHYSICAL  conditions:  peculiarities,  ailments    [Chap.  Ill 

We  have  no  doubt  that  phimosis  in  young  children  does  cause 
irritability  and  nervousness,  and  the  reaction  may  be  bad  be- 
havior. But  by  the  time  the  individual  gets  under  the  auspices 
of  court  people,  either  this  phimosis,  as  such,  has  disappeared,  or 
bad  impulses  and  habits  of  thought,  quite  beyond  the  reach  of  a 
surgeon's  knife,  have  been  established.  This  may  be  so  with  any 
physical  condition  which  was  originally  a  cause,  and  certainly  is 
true  in  the  considerable  number  of  cases  where  we  have  noted 
that  circumcision  has  been  followed  by  no  change  of  character. 
Then  we  must  not  leave  out  of  count  our  Jewish  offenders;  they 
display  just  the  same  types  of  conduct.  Now  all  this  is  not  deny- 
ing that  in  very  rare  instances  we  have  felt  sure  that  the  opera- 
tion in  young  boys  did  result  in  a  very  considerable  change  of  be- 
havior. Nor  do  we  assert  it  should  not  be  done  whenever  there 
is  any  fair  chance  of  it  doing  good.  Where  the  trouble  exists, 
however,  it  should  be  surgically  met  early  in  childhood.  One  is 
astonished  to  find  so  little  reference  to  it  in  professional  works  on 
examination  and  hygiene  of  school  children.  These  books  ought 
to  insist  that  all  physical,  as  well  as  environmental  causes, 
should  be  met,  by  way  of  prevention,  in  early  childhood. 

I  have  to  confess  only  a  very  moderate  amount  of  faith  in  this 
operation  done  for  the  cure  of  the  habit  of  masturbation  in  ado- 
lescents. Usually  this  treatment  then  either  fails  to  strike  the 
cause,  or  is  too  late ;  the  grooves  of  habit  in  the  central  nervous 
system  have  generally  been  already  worn  deep. 

In  females  there  is  an  analogous  phimosis  recognized  as  provoca- 
tive of  nervous  symptoms  —  and  hence  of  bad  behavior.  Even 
conservative  gynecologists  have  advocated  a  slight  operation, 
somewhat  similar  to  that  in  the  male,  for  suitable  cases.  But,  as 
in  Dudley's  (220)  statement  about  masturbation  in  girls,  often 
what  is  called  'a  guarded  prognosis'  is  to  be  offered;  —  the 
operation  may  be  followed  by  a  cure,  if  supplemented  by  positive 
and  proper  moral  instruction  and  judicious  hygiene. 

§  173.  Enuresis.  —  Lack  of  control  of  the  functions  of  the 
bladder  is  found  with  astonishing  frequency  in  delinquents,  taken 
as  a  class.  This  is,  of  course,  due  in  part  to  the  considerable  pro- 
portion of  mental  defectives  among  offenders.  (Many  of  the 
feebleminded  have  trouble  controlling  themselves  in  this  way.) 
It  is  also  partly  due  to  the  characteristic  lack  of  self-control  found 
in  the  constitutional  inferiors,  neuropaths,  those  who  have  a 
special   defect  for  self-control,   and  other    tj^es    of    offenders. 



Sometimes  it  accompanies  bad  sex  practices,  or  the  weak  will 
which  leads  to  these.  Then  there  are  the  few  who  suffer  from 
the  local  causes  of  enuresis.  In  nearly  all  cases  the  trouble  tends 
to  become  less  with  the  beginning  years  of  adult  life. 

Ordinarily  this  trouble  can  be  said  to  be  rather  the  accom- 
paniment of  delinquent  tendencies  than  any  cause.  But  yet  in  a 
few  instances  the  shame  and  discomfort  connected  with  this  dis- 
order has  stood  very  clearly  in  relationship  to  anti-social  be- 
havior. In  one  plain  case  we  studied,  the  nature  of  the  trouble, 
which  had  resulted  in  a  good  deal  of  mental  conflict,  had  not 
dawned  on  the  family  nor  the  school  people.  They  noted  the 
growing  delinquent  tendencies,  truancy  and  its  accompaniments, 
and  they  knew  of  the  difficulty,  but  had  not  appreciated  the  psy- 
chological lines  of  causal  connection. 

Lack  of  control  of  functions  of  the  rectum  belongs,  of  course,  in 
the  same  category,  and  we  have  seen  the  same  results,  but  this 
trouble  is  much  rarer. 

Physicians  have  loud  demands  made  upon  them  for  the  cure  of 
such  disorders,  particularly  because  of  the  household  discomfort. 
The  cure  is  sometimes  difficult  and  even  impossible,  unless  the 
morale  of  the  individual  can  be  built  up.  In  medical  literature 
much  has  been  written  on  the  subject  of  enuresis. 

§  174.  Other  Physical  Irritations.  —  It  should  be  clear  enough 
from  the  standpoint  of  common  sense  that  in  the  study  of  the 
genesis  of  tendencies  to  bad  behavior  and  to  bad  habits  of  thought, 
to  say  nothing  about  the  beginning  of  bad  physical  habits,  we 
should  hark  back  to  any  physical  conditions  which  may  appear 
to  be  the  first  roots  of  the  trouble.  Practically,  as  a  matter  of 
fact,  over  and  over  again  parents  or  guardians  have  called  our 
attention  to  the  former  existence  of  these  antecedent  conditions. 
Most  important  for  us,  after  the  abnormal  conditions  of  eyes  and 
ears,  is  irritation  of  sex  organs.  In  a  word  it  may  be  said  that  this 
irritation  and  undue  stimulation  may  be  caused  by  local  unclean- 
liness,  or  inflammation,  acidity  of  urine,  local  enlargements,  and 
chafing  of  clothes.  It  is  quite  unnecessary  here  to  give  cases; 
for  details  we  may  refer  to  standard  works  on  children's  diseases 
and  gynecology  (unfortunately  one  has  rarely  seen  any  mention 
of  these  things  in  works  on  child  hygiene).  It  will  suffice  to  say 
that  I  see  no  reason  to  discredit  the  opinion  of  observers  who  tell 
me  that  they  have  witnessed  definite  character  tendencies  de- 
velop upon  a  basis  of  local  irritation,  though  I  would  insist  that 



in  most  cases  there  must  have  been  also  in  the  individual  a 
foregoing  neurotic  or  psychopathic  tendency. 

Local  irritation  in  any  sensitive  parts  of  the  body  from  rupture, 
tight  sphincter,  chronic  inflammations,  etc.,  even  in  adults  notori- 
ously leads  to  chronic  bad  temper  and  anti-social  behavior,  which 
may  undoubtedly  at  times  assume  criminalistic  proportions.  Many 
medical  authorities  have  noted  cases  of  the  kind,  and  accounts  of 
the  various  ailments  may  readily  be  found  in  medical  works. 

My  appreciation  of  the  effect  of  physical  irritation  upon  charac- 
ter dates  from  the  life  story  of  a  patient  told  to  me  long  ago.  A 
certain  man  revealed  to  me  his  appreciation  of  his  own  character, 
which  was  notorious  for  meanness  and  misconduct  bordering  on 
criminalism,  and  asked  how  it  could  have  been  otherwise.  For 
years  he  had  been  suffering  from  an  excruciating  irritation  vv^hich 
was  always  in  the  background  of  his  consciousness.  It  seemed 
highly  probable  that  he  was  right  in  believing  that  a  long-standing 
fissure  with  pruritus  ^  was  responsible  for  his  anti-social  conduct. 

In  chronic  offenders  or  in  any  problem  cases  there  should  be 
thorough  questioning  and  examination  for  any  physical  causative 
influence.  Many  a  person  shows  a  mean  disposition,  or  anti- 
social conduct,  without  hardly  knowing  why,  and  in  occasional 
cases  there  is  physical  cause  unrecognized  as  such. 

The  theory  of  so-called  reflex  irritation  from  bodily  abnor- 
malities, causing  mental  tendencies  as  well  as  physical  reactions, 
gains  full  expression  in  the  idea  that  the  enlarged  prostate  of  old 
men  is  an  inciting  cause  of  sexual  offenses.  Trouble  in  establish- 
ing the  fact,  here  again,  is  met  by  the  coincidence  of  the  local 
condition  with  failing  mental  powers.  We  discuss  this  latter  point 
under  senility  (§  163).  Even  the  asserted  cures  of  cases  do  not 
prove  the  theory,  for  such  a  severe  operation  as  the  removal  of 
this  gland  is  quite  likely  to  give  a  shock  or  to  arouse  appercep- 
tions that  may  themselves  result  in  better  moral  tendencies  — 
quite  without  any  specific  action.  However,  it  may  be,  as 
suggested,  just  exactly  the  concatenation  of  the  constant  and 
subconscious  irritation  of  this  abnormal  condition  with  the 
lowered  inhibitory  powers  of  old  age  that  brings  about  the  bad 
behavior.  The  argument  then  is  that  there  is  only  one  of  the  two 
ailments  which  can  be  altered,  and  all  that  can  be  done  should  be 
done  to  prevent  further  social  damage  and  personal  disgrace. 

1  Gant  (155)  and  other  medical  writers  state  frequent  observance  of  the 
disturbing  influences  upon  conduct  which  this  class  of  ailments  causes. 


Chap.  Ill]  UNDER-NOURISHMENT  [§   176 

§  175.  Syphilis.  —  The  effects  of  s^'philis,  either  congenital  or 
acquired,  have  relation  to  the  production  of  delinquency  only  as 
there  is  some  disability  or  irritation  produced.  The  individual  in 
general  may  be  rendered  more  inefficient  through  weakness,  gen- 
eral or  local,  or  some  sensory  function  may  be  impaired,  or  the 
central  nervous  system  maj^  be  affected.  The  result  of  the  latter 
can  be  feeblemindedness,  as  in  some  cases  of  congenital  syphilis,  or 
can  be  any  of  the  well-known  psychoses  or  minor  aberrations  which 
in  some  follow  acquirement  of  syphilis.  However,  the  resistance 
of  the  individual  to  the  disease  and  the  effects  of  treatment  must 
never  be  lost  sight  of,  for  it  is  certainly  a  fact  that  many  a  case  of 
congenital  lues  develops  fairly  normally,  and  that  only  a  few  of 
those  who  have  acquired  the  disease  become  mentally  affected. 
Paresis  (dementia  paralytica),  everywhere  recognized  as  a  form 
of  insanity  which  gives  rise  to  criminalistic  behavior  (§  299),  is 
caused  by  S3T)hilis.  Certain  forms  of  epilepsy  develop  on  a  syphi- 
litic basis. 

In  the  above  ways  the  relation  of  syphilis  to  criminalism  is 
frequently  masked,  because  the  individual  is  primarily  classed  as 
mentally  defective,  insane,  epileptic,  and  so  on.  This  is  true  also 
of  our  cases.  However,  it  would  not  be  fair  to  take  the  figures 
gained  by  tests  for  this  disease  among  offenders  ^  as  indication 
of  its  extent  as  a  cause  of  delinquency.  Very  frequently,  as  among 
prostitutes,  syphilis  comes  in  the  wake  of  the  delinquency.  But 
taking  the  question  altogether,  and  including  the  congenital 
aspects,  there  is  no  gainsaying  that  the  annals  of  criminalism 
would  have  far  fewer  black  pages  if  this  important  disease  were 
stamped  out. 

§  176.  Under-nourishment.  —  A  problem  somewhat  distinct 
from  that  of  underdevelopment  in  relation  to  criminality  (vide  §  185) 
is  that  of  undernourishment  and  debilitated  physical  conditions. 
Disgust  with  school  work  or  with  steady  employment  follows 
naturally  from  the  bodily  weakness,  —  the  accompaniments  and 

1  The  many-sided  importance  for  society  of  investigating  properly  this 
question  of  syphihs  among  offenders  has  been  shown  by  some  recent  careful 
studies  with  the  Wasserman  test.  The  New  York  State  Reformatory  for 
Women  {vide  Kneeland  324,  p.  189)  reports  48  per  cent,  syphilitic  among 
446  inmates,  and  the  Massachusetts  Reformatory  for  Women  {vide  Spauld- 
ing,  222)  44  per  cent,  of  239  inmates.  Among  the  definitive  prostitutes  at  the 
latter  place  63  per  cent,  were  thus  diseased.  We  look  forward  to  similarly 
careful  reports  from  institutions  for  men,  but  expect  the  proportion  of 
sjTjhihtics  to  be  very  much  smaller,  because  so  many  of  the  women  are 
primarily  sex  offenders.  Reports  from  foreign  prisons  are  of  httle  use  for  us, 
and  different  locahties  in  our  own  country  may  show  greatly  varying  results. 



sequels  of  truancy  and  loafing  need  not  here  be  mentioned.  (Pos- 
sible causation  of  mental  dullness  is  elsewhere  discussed  —  §  282.) 
In  these  cases  the  outlook  is  often  quite  different  from  what  it  is 
when  the  difficulty  is  developmental  and  unalterable.  Proper 
treatment  should  be  assiduously  undertaken,  without  considering 
the  individual  permanently  limited,  as  if  he  were  not  always 
to  be  a  weakling.  There  is  very  often  great  trouble  in  logical 
separation  of  undernourishment  as  a  cause  of  delinquency  from 
the  frequently  accompanying  poverty  and  alcoholism,  and  the 
undue  ingestion  of  stimulants  and  other  unhygienic  practices  of  an 
ignorant  family.  No  doubt  the  great  success  of  industrial  schools 
in  bettering  bodily  conditions  is  due  largely  to  separation  from 
actively  pernicious  prior  methods  of  living,  as  well  as  through  in- 
creasing nutritional  values  of  the  food  taken. 

The  following  card  shows  the  causations  in  a  case,  of  which  we 
knew  well  the  surrounding  circumstances,  and  indicates  compli- 
cations which  are  practically  always  encountered  when  focusing 
on  the  question  of  poor  nutrition. 

Case  14. — This  boy,  age  12, weighed  63  lbs.;  height  4  ft., 33^  in.; 
hollow-eyed,  tired-looking. 

Physical  conditions :  Case  14. 

Long  under-noimshed;  partial  nasal  Boy,  age  12. 


Heredity:  Father  not  bright,  gambler,  deserter. 
Sister  feebleminded. 
Sister  paralyzed. 

Home  conditions:  Poverty.     Mother  works  out. 
Much  bickering. 

Bad  companions. 

Temperament:  Very  nervous  and  irritable. 

Truancy  -(-• 

Runaway  -|-. 

Petty  stealing  -f .  Mentality: 

Sex  offense  with  girl.  Ability  good. 

At  14  years,  8  months,  this  boy  weighed  85  lbs.;  height  4  ft., 
8  in.  He  was  still  tired-looking.  Poor  musculature.  His  delinquent 
tendencies  had  been  growing  less.  He  then  was  having  much 
difficulty  getting  employment  on  account  of  his  small  size. 


Chap.  Ill]  EXCESS    OF    PHYSICAL   VIGOR  [§   1~7 

§177.  Excess  of  Physical  Vigor. — Excess  of  vigor  is  justi- 
fiably considered  in  rare  cases  as  a  direct  cause  of  delinquency. 
There  are  some  individuals,  misplaced  in  an  environment  which 
does  not  call  forth  all  their  powers,  whose  very  superabundance 
of  animal  spirits  makes  for  criminalistic  tendencies.  This  phenom- 
enon stands  out  more  self -evidently  when  we  discuss  it  under 
the  head  of  over-development,  as  judged  by  age,  in  our  section 
on  physical  abnormalities  of  development  (§  188).  There  the  main 
point  is  the  lack  of  correlation  between  physical  over-growth 
and  child-like  t;y'pe  of  mental  powers.  But  even  in  an  adult, 
mentally  normal,  too  great  a  surplus  of  general  or  special  energy 
under  the  conditions  of  an  ordinarily  civilized  environment 
may  occasionally  lead  directly  to  anti-social  conduct.  The 
exceeding  restlessness  and  restiveness  of  a  tremendously  vigorous 
man  or  woman  may,  of  course,  lead  to  misdeeds. 

The  excess  of  certain  special  physical  vigor,  best  denoted  by 
the  term  hypersexualism,  is  entirely  another  matter.  This  may 
be,  of  course,  very  hard  to  differentiate  from  the  results  of  strong 
mental  stimulation  when  there  is  mental  over-stress  in  the  direc- 
tion of  sexual  things.  (We  discuss  this  subject  as  a  whole  else- 
where, §  243.)  Certainly,  however,  in  men,  and  more  rarely  in 
women,  there  is  sometimes  a  physical  foundation  in  organic 
over-development,  or  over-energizing  of  related  nerve  centers. 
The  result  in  behavior  may  be  excessive  impulsions,  perhaps 
paroxy^smal.  The  relationship  to  the  commission  of  offenses, 
ranging  up  to  very  serious  ones,  may  readily  be  appreciated. 
Operations,  self-desired,  have  been  successfully  undertaken  on 
women  to  relieve  this  condition.^  We  are  inclined  to  believe  that 
society  might  be  better  off  if  occasional  cases  of  the  same  nature 
in  men  were  treated  by  preventive  surgical  measures. 

When  excess  of  energy  in  the  direction  mentioned  above  is 
combined  with  a  defect  of  mentality,  as  it  unfortunately  some- 
times is,  particularly  in  epileptics,  society  is  apt  direly  to  suffer 
the  consequence.  The  most  vigorous  man  sexually  of  whom  we 
have  ever  heard,  was  a  large  and  strong  epileptic,  feebleminded 

1  What  can  be  accomplished  by  an  operation  depends  entirely  upon  the 
nature  of  the  case;  there  are  many  modifying  circumstances.  It  is  only  fair 
to  say  that  it  is  the  rare  instance  when  a  hypersexual  woman  can  be  bene- 
fited by  anything  short  of  an  extensive  operation.  This  is  not  the  place  to 
cite  professional  hterature  on  the  subject,  but  we  may  add  that  a  few  cases 
of  uncontrollable  erotic  paroxysms  have  been  reported  as  cured  by  a  mod- 
erate surgical  proceeding. 


§  177]    PHYSICAL  conditions:  peculiarities,  ailments    [Chap.  Ill 

individual  (vide  §  256),  who  committed  at  least  one  typically 
degenerate  murder. 

§  178.  Menstruation  and  Pregnancy.  —  Although  both  of 
these  conditions,  especially  the  former,  may  have  definite  rela- 
tionship to  delinquency,  it  is  not  the  condition  in  itself  through 
being  an  irritating  or  weakening  factor,  which  causes  the  delin- 
quent tendencies.  The  individual  is  only  influenced  towards 
delinquency  because  the  mental  state  at  that  time  is  not  quite 
normal.  Properly,  then,  we  shall  discuss  these  subjects  under 
the  head  of  minor  psychoses  (§  310,  §  311). 

Premenstrual  restlessness  and  sex  stimulation,  as  we  have 
elsewhere  stated,  §  310,  may  be  correlated  with  sex  offenses  and 
also  other  delinquencies. 

§  179.  Headaches.  —  Although  belonging  in  the  category  of 
minor  nervous  disorders,  headaches  have  a  definite  relation  to 
delinquency  because  of  the  irritating  and  even  disabling  effects. 
When  an  offender  really  suffers  much  from  them,  any  one  who 
would  reform  his  conduct  should  take  thorough  cognizance  of 
the  possible  effects  of  this  trouble  upon  behavior.  The  only 
thing  necessary  to  say  about  treatment  is  to  state  that  head- 
aches come  from  a  wide  variety  of  causes  and  the  underlying 
trouble  must  be  carefully  searched  for. 

§  180.  Head  Injuries.  —  No  injury  to  the  head  any  more 
than  to  any  other  part  of  the  body  will  affect  character  or  be- 
havior unless  the  brain  and,  through  this,  the  mind  is  affected. 
The  finding  of  even  a  considerable  scar  on  the  scalp  of  an  offender, 
even  with  evidences  of  injury  to  the  cranium,  is  not  any  proof 
of  damage  significant  as  a  cause  of  delinquency.  Cases  where 
there  has  been  resultant  mental  change  will  be  properly  discussed 
in  the  chapter  on  minor  psychoses  (§  309).  To  seize  on  statistics 
showing  the  strange  frequency  with  which  a  history  of  head  in- 
jury is  obtainable  concerning  offenders  is  not  our  method  of 
procedure.  But  the  bare  facts  as  we  find  them  (vide  §  99)  and 
as  others,  such  as  Sleyster  (196)  who  says  that  11  per  cent,  of 
592  penitentiary  prisoners  have  suffered  injury  to  the  head,  find 
them,  are  indeed  striking. 

§181.  Other  Physical  Ailments. — A  glance  at  our  statis- 
tical analysis  of  causative  abnormal  physical  conditions  (§  97)  will 
show  that  various  other  ailments  may  be  fairly  regarded  as  causa- 
tive factors  of  delinquency.  The  boy  with  ringworm,  for  instance, 
was  rejected  on  this  account  from  the  schools  in  two  cities,  and 


Chap.  Ill]  OTHER    PHYSICAL    AILMENTS  [§   181 

began  his  criminalistic  career  through  this  expulsion.  The  man  with 
tuberculosis  was  unable  to  work,  and  in  his  idleness,  and  perhaps 
through  his  prescribed  over-feeding,  developed  lewd  thoughts 
that  led  him  to  use  the  mails  for  sending  obscene  communica- 
tions. The  boy  with  heart  disease  cannot  work  steadily;  his 
leisure  gives  him  opportunity  for  working  up  the  thieving  schemes 
that  have  made  him  easily  the  leader  of  a  criminalistic  gang  in 
his  wild  neighborhood.  The  young  man  with  the  venereal  dis- 
ease developed  such  a  morbid  attitude  towards  himself  that  he 
became  willing,  even  in  modern  America,  to  assault  a  pyre  little 
girl,  in  compliance  with  the  old  superstition  that  by  so  doing  his 
disease  would  be  cured. 

The  general  physical  changes  of  old  age,  senility,  have  signifi- 
cance as  the  mind  and  character  are  changed.  The  subject  is 
treated  in  §  163. 



Developmental  Physical  Abnormalities 

§  182.  General  Statement  and  Definition.  §  183.  Statistical  Findings.  §  184. 
Developmental  Age  Norms.  §  185.  (A)  Very  Poor  General  Physical  De- 
velopment. §  186.  (B)  (C)  Delayed  Puberty  with  Either  Poor  or  Normal 
Development.  §  187.  (D)  General  Sex  Characteristics  Undeveloped,  with 
Normal  Puberty.  §  188.  (E)  General  Physical  Over-development.  §  189. 
(F)  Over-development  of  Both  General  Physical  and  Sex  Characteristics. 
§  190.  (G)  Premature  Puberty  with  General  Physical  Over-development. 
§  191.  (H)  Premature  Puberty  without  Over-development.  §  192.  (I) 
Premature  Puberty  with  Distinctly  Poor  Development. 

§  182.  General  Statement  and  Definition.  —  An  important 
feature  of  our  practical  findings  is  concerned  with  the  several 
developmental  abnormalities  which  clearly  stand  in  causative 
relationship  to  delinquent  tendencies.  Our  specific  data  on  this 
point  persuade  one  that  altogether  too  little  attention  has  been 
given  to  this  subject  by  students  of  the  genetics  of  criminalism. 
It  is  true  that  some  European  criminologists  have  dealt  with 
poor  physical  development,  and  several  writers  have  suggested 
that  the  phenomena  of  adolescence  (vide  §  336)  may  in- 
clude several  of  these  anomalous  developmental  conditions. 
But  nearly  all  this  has  been  without  careful  attention  to  case 
studies.  In  the  light  of  what  we  afterwards  found,  I  feel  indebted 
to  Franz  Boas  and  W.  T.  Porter  for  the  emphasis  which  they 
both  placed  upon  this  topic  in  discussing  with  us  the  beginning 
of  our  research.  Their  insistence  on  the  possibility  that  abnormal 
development  might  be  one  determinant  of  delinquency  led  us, 
already  partially  convinced,  to  lay  special  stress  on  the  obser- 
vation of  data  concerning  this  point. 

By  physical  abnormalities  of  development  we  mean  physical 
conditions  which  are  disproportionately  correlated  with  the  age 
of  the  individual.  Of  course,  if  we  observe  a  very  large  man  or 
a  very  small  man  we  do  not  say  that,  as  an  adult,  he  is  suffer- 
ing from  a  developmental  anomaly,  although  such  may  have 
been  the  cause  of  his  being  an  uncommon  physical  specimen. 
Moreover,  with  adult  opportunities  for  self -adjustment  his  case 
is  not  of  great  practical  interest  for  us  as  students  of  criminalism. 
But  when  a  growing  individual  is  so  slight  that  he  cannot  com- 



pete  fairly  with  his  fellows  who  are  classified  with  him  accord- 
ing to  age,  or  when  a  boy  or  girl  prematurely  develops  the  phys- 
ical basis  of  adult  impulsions,  then  we  have  a  right  to  speak 
of  developmental  abnormalities  as  involving  social  and  moral 
issues.  We  find  that  these  imperfect  correlations  lead  to  such 
defective  social  adjustments  and  moral  stresses  as  may  determine 

It  should  be  thoroughly  appreciated  that  the  physical  anomaly 
may  be  only  temporary;  the  individual  may  grow  larger  or  stronger, 
or,  in  the  opposite  type  of  case,  may  never  develop  further  than 
the  dimensions  which  appear  excessive  for  the  given  age.  A 
characteristically  overgrown  girl  of  12  may  be  a  perfectly  nor- 
mal women  when  she  is  20,  and  the  same  is  true  of  the  over- 
grown boy.  But  none  of  this  alters  the  fact  that  during  an 
exceedingly  important  period  of  life,  when  the  powers  of  adjust- 
ment are  by  no  means  as  strong  as  they  will  be  later,  there  was 
a  determining  amount  of  mental  and  moral  stress. 

It  should  also  be  definitely  understood  that  in  our  discussion 
of  this  subject  we  are  not  including  cases  in  which  the  cause  of 
the  delinquent  tendencies  can  be  attributed  to  aberrational 
or  defective  mentality,  even  though  in  instances  of  the  latter 
there  may  be  causally  important  physical  abnormalities  of  de- 
velopment. We  describe  elsewhere  the  anomalies  of  involu- 
tional development  which  play  also  a  part,  fortunately  a  minor 
part,  in  the  production  of  criminalism.  We  deal  with  this  sub- 
ject, §  163,  under  the  head  of  senility. 

In  our  estimation  of  developmental  anomalies  we  have  often 
wanted  to  know,  for  the  sake  of  comparison,  how  our  findings 
on  premature  development  and  over-development  compare  with 
the  status  of  young  offenders  elsewhere  observed,  but  we  have 
been  able  to  find  no  adequate  studies  of  this  feature  of  criminal- 
istic genetics.  A  large  share  of  this  whole  subject,  since  it  deals 
so  much  with  youthful  development,  and  especially  the  devel- 
opment of  sex  characteristics,  might  be  thought  to  belong  properly 
under  the  head  of  studies  of  adolescence.  However,  in  the 
cases  now  under  discussion  there  are  certain  extra  physical  fea- 
tures, which  bring  about  a  stress  that  is  certainly  no  part  of 
ordinary  adolescent  life.  The  many  writers  on  adolescence . 
fail  to  discriminate  a  great  deal  that  is  pathological  or  anoma- 
lous from  what  is  usual  in  the  stress  and  storm  belonging  to  this 



§  183.  Statistical  Findings.  —  To  get  this  important  matter 
concretely  before  ourselves,  we  have  carefully  gone  over  our 
related  observations.  We  find  that  of  our  statistical  Group  II 
(vide  §  97)  of  823  cases,  13  1-2  per  cent,  have  some  anomaly  of 
development  as  one  of  the  probable  causes  of  their  delinquency. 
Even  these  figures  leave  out  entirely  the  mental  defectives  and 
the  aberrational  types,  in  which  the  pivotal  fact,  so  far  as  crim- 
inalism is  concerned,  has  sometimes  been  abnormal  early  develop- 
ment or  an  over-development  of  sex  characteristics.  We  have 
scheduled  our  youthful  offenders  with  these  anomalies  in  the 
classes  given  below  —  enumerating  them  only  when  the  anomaly 
was  fairly  to  be  considered  a  cause  of  delinquency.  This  point 
must  be  insisted  on  because  in  other  instances  there  may  have 
been,  for  instance,  poor  development  or  over-development  when 
it  seemed  to  have  no  logical  relationship  to  the  misconduct. 

Males  Females 

(A)  Very  poor-  general  physical  development ...     26  0 

(B)  Delayed  puberty  plus  poor  development ...       7  0 

(C)  Delayed  puberty  with  normal  development  2  0 

(D)  General  sex  characteristics  undeveloped,  with 

normal  puberty      2  1 

37  1 

(E)  General  physical  over-development 6  0 

(F)  Over-development  of  both  general  physical  and 

sex  characteristics      0  17 

(G)  Premature  puberty  with  general  physical  over- 

development    9  19 

(H)  Premature  puberty  without  over-development  4  14 
(7)    Premature    puberty  with  distinctly  poor  de- 
velopment    4  0 

23  50 

Some  words  of  explanation  are  necessary  for  understanding 
the  above  table.  The  figures  cover  only  youthful  developmental 
anomalies  which  are  discernible  as  causative  factors  of  delin- 
quency. All  cases  where  mental  defect,  epilepsy,  or  psychosis 
was  the  major  factor  have  been  eliminated.  Our  lines  of  demar- 
cation of  under-development,  over-development,  delayed  and 
premature  puberty  are  gauged  very  broadly.  Over-development 
of  general  or  sex  characteristics  is  naturally  most  readily  recog- 
nized, and  is  only  included  by  us  when  the  anomaly  was  very 


Chap.  IV]      VERY  POOR   GENERAL  PHYSICAL  DEVELOPMENT      [§   185 

marked.  Most  frequently  it  may  be  said  that  the  individual  was 
an  anomaly  in  his  own  family  circle.  Poor  development  also  is 
readily  recognized  by  ordinary  observational  standards.  When 
the  under-sized  individual  at  all  approached  the  normal  his  lack 
of  development  was  not  considered  causative.  In  our  given 
cases  we  had  special  reason  to  know  that  his  poor  development 
stood  in  the  way  of  his  moral  and  social  success.  What  con- 
stitutes a  premature  or  a  delayed  puberty  is  not  to  be  so  roughly 
adjudged.  We  have  discriminated  according  to  the  following 

§  184.  Developmental  Age  Norms.  —  In  dealing  with  the 
problem  of  abnormally  early  or  late  puberty  it  is  not  scientif- 
ically accurate  to  consider  averages.  Wide  time  limits  must 
be  taken  as  representing  the  normal.  In  the  case  of  girls,  as  might 
be  supposed,  the  age  of  first  menstruation  is  the  best  known  of 
any  facts  connected  with  the  onset  of  puberty.  Englemann  (34) 
in  a  careful  study  of  this  subject  states  that  the  average  age  in 
the  United  States  for  first  menstruation  is  at  14  years  (earlier 
than  the  average  in  Europe).  In  a  vast  proportion  the  age  of 
first  menstruation  centers  closely  about  the  average,  so  that 
one  may  safely  regard  puberty  beginning  at  12  years  or  earlier 
as  an  unusual  phenomenon,  and  likely  to  throw  considerable 
stress  socially  upon  the  girl. 

The  age  of  puberty  in  boys  is  not  nearly  so  well  known,  nor 
so  readily  distinguished.  Until  the  recent  research  of  Crampton  ^ 
we  had  little  that  was  accurate  to  guide  us,  but  yet,  after  all,  in 
such  work  as  ours  we  have  not  felt  the  need  of  recording  any- 
thing except  extremes.  In  general  we  may  say  that  if  signs  of 
puberty  which  appear  normally  at  14  1-2  to  15  years  are  already 
present  by  13  years  or  earlier  it  is  a  possible  danger  sign.  Most 
individuals  at  this  earlier  age  are  not  yet  mentally  equipped 
to  stand  the  burden  of  this  new  life. 

§  185.    (A)  Very    Poor    General   Physical    Development.  —  Of 

all  our  topics  m  the  present  chapter,  under-development  has 

been  most  emphasized  as  a  cause  of  crime,  particularly  by  foreign 

criminologists.     In  this  country  it  certainly  does  not  play  the 

part  that  it  does  abroad.    Morrison  (223,  p.  102)  states  that  from 

his  long  experience  with  English  offenders  he  judges  that  phys- 

1  To  the  work  of  Crampton  (229)  we  woiild  refer  all  students  for  defini- 
tions, criteria  of  growth,  and  positive  statement  of  numerous  observations. 
The  work  of  the  past  has  been  impressionistic,  but  Crampton's  effort  has 
been  to  establish  accuracy. 



ical  inferiority  is  one  of  the  most  important  causes  which  pro- 
duce criminality.  As  he  sees  it,  there  are  several  reasons  for  this. 
The  inferior  offender  comes  from  a  class  who  have  to  live  by  the 
labor  of  their  hands,  and  who,  when  deficient  in  strength,  are  in 
a  position  of  disadvantage.  Through  ordinary  industrial  selec- 
tion the  weak  ones  tend  never  to  be  incorporated  properly  in  the 
army  of  labor.  As  a  consequence  they  find  pauper  life  easy,  and 
even  crime  not  uninviting.  With  our  much  more  fluid  social 
conditions  and  the  greater  chances  of  employment,  this  is  not 
nearly  so  true.  But  even  in  this  country  there  are  still  plenty  of 
discouragements  and  proofs  of  social  inefliciency  forced  upon 
the  victim  of  physical  inferiority. 

Distinguishing  the  difference  between  social  demands  made  upon 
the  sexes,  as  well  as  their  respective  temptations,  we  can  fairly 
say  we  have  never  seen  a  single  instance  in  which  poor  general 
development  seemed  to  be  the  important  cause  of  delinquency 
in  a  female.  On  this  point  our  statistical  charts,  §  105,  should  be 
consulted.  But  we  would  not  deny  the  possibility  of  finding  it 
as  such  elsewhere. 

It  would  hardly  seem  necessary  to  mention  the  type  of  physical 
condition  which  seriously  interferes  with  normal  school  life  and 
normal  employment,  yet  short  case  summaries  may  serve  to 
show  the  various  complications  of  antecedent  and  consequent 
amid  various  environmental  circumstances. 

Case  15. — A  boy  of  15  1-2  years,  who  earlier  was  a  great 
truant  and  mischief  maker  in  school,  later  became  much  of  a 
runaway  from  home,  stealing  from  his  mother,  not  working, 
and  living  at  times  a  most  irregular  life  in  the  business  districts. 
Physically  very  poorly  developed.  His  height  was  4  ft.  9  in., 
and  he  weighed  only  79  lbs.  Moderate  hypermetropia.  Slight 
tremor  of  hands.  Bites  finger  nails  much,  and  is  distinctly  a 
nervous  type.  Examination  otherwise  negative.  Mentally  we 
found  the  boy  to  be  rather  bright,  as  shown  by  his  work  on  tests, 
general  reactions,  and  range  of  information.  He  also  showed 
some  artistic  ability. 

In  the  background  there  were  important  factors,  (a)  At  the 
time  of  this  boy's  conception  the  father  was  suffering  from  a 
chronic  illness  from  which  he  died  while  the  mother  was  in  mid- 
pregnancy.  Consequently  (b)  antenatal  conditions  were  very 
defective  on  account  of  worry  and  trouble.  (The  older  children 
were  born  when  the  father  was  well  and  are  very  different  both 


Chap.  IV]      VERY   POOR   GENERAL   PHYSICAL  DEVELOPMENT      [§    185 

morally  and  phy:?ically.)  (c)  Years  ago  this  boy  began  the 
excessive  use  of  stimulants,  which  he  craves.  He  has  been  ac- 
customed to  taking  an  excess  of  tea  and  coffee  and  smokes 
a  great  deal,  (d)  Home  control  was  bad  on  account  of  the 
mother  having  to  work  out  ever^y  day  and  consequently  he  (e) 
fell  in  with  bad  companions.  (/)  On  account  of  his  small  size 
he  has  never  been  able  to  get  desirable  work. 

This  boy  has  been  in  at  least  four  different  institutions  and 
has  run  away  from  some  of  them,  as  well  as  from  home.  He  was 
tried  on  a  farm,  and  did  not  do  well.     He  finally  disappeared. 

Many  other  cases  bearing  on  the  same  point  could  be  given. 
The  under-developed  individual  frequently  comes  from  an  atro- 
cious environment,  often  is  the  result  of  defective  heredity  or 
congenital  conditions,  early  seeks  the  use  of  stimulants,  and  feels 
himself  utterly  unable  to  cope  on  even  terms  with  others.  Noth- 
ing is  more  natural  than  that  cunning,  vagrancy  and  low  forms 
of  enjoyment  should  be  resorted  to  in  the  individual's  endeavor 
to  get  out  of  life  what  he  can  by  the  easiest  means. 

Occasionally  one  meets  a  case  in  which  under-development 
points  the  way  along  a  profitable  path  in  crime,  as  in  Fagin's 
gang,  where  the  small-sized  fellow  was  of  special  use. 

Case  16. — Boy  of  11  years,  a  truant  and  a  thief;  already 
considered  by  the  police  authorities  to  be  an  expert  pickpocket. 
We  found  a  little  boy  of  net  weight  47  lbs.,  height  4  ft.,  1  in. 
Examination  brought  out  no  defect.  The  boy  was  a  humorous 
type,  old  in  expression,  quick  in  movement.  He  had  noticeably 
small  hands.  On  the  mental  side  we  graded  him  as  having  fair 
native  ability.  His  motor  dexterity  was  noteworthy.  In  fact, 
he  was  proud  of  showing  his  ability  in  this  direction. 

This  delicate,  fairly  bright,  and  naturally  dexterous  little  boy 
had  had  years  of  instruction  in  stealing,  and  on  account  of  his 
success  took  to  it  with  delight.  He  demonstrated  to  us  very 
cleverly  the  skill  with  which  he  could  insinuate  his  small  hands 
unnoticed  into  people's  pockets. 

In  such  a  case  one  could  be  quite  sure  that  only  prolonged  care 
would  reform.  Of  course  poor  home  control  was  a  large  factor 
in  the  case.  Even  an  ordinary  term  in  a  boy's  industrial  school 
would  not  be  long  enough  at  this  boy's  age  to  overcome  the  tend- 
encies. The  instabilities  of  adolescence  in  such  a  case  must  be 
reckoned  with,  and  prolonged  care  be  given  accordingly.    As  a 



matter  of  fact,  this  boy  proved  to  be  a  model  in  the  institution 
where  he  was  sent,  but,  after  a  year  and  a  half,  return  to  the 
old  environment  brought  renewal  of  old  habits,  and  he  had  to  be 
sent  back  for  another  period. 

§  186.  (B  and  C)  Delayed  Puberty  with  Either  Poor  or  Nor- 
mal Development.  —  Nearly  all  cases  which  come  under  these 
headings  clearly  belong  to  the  category  of  constitutional  infer- 
iority, discussed  at  length  elsewhere  (§  290  ff.).  We  have  not  seen 
delayed  puberty  figure  as  a  cause  of  delinquency  among  girls. 
The  retarded  older  boys  show  a  strange  mixture  of  childish  and 
adult  characteristics,  which  is  perhaps  just  what  might  be  ex- 
pected.   The  following  case  is  a  fair  example. 

Case  17.  —  A  young  fellow  of  almost  17,  weight  121  lbs.,  height 
5  ft.  6  in.,  is  just  entering  puberty.  He  has  unusually  good  mental 
ability,  and  a  good  range  of  information,  but  his  emotional  reac- 
tions are  absurdly  childish.  He  cries  upon  the  slightest  provoca- 
tion. He  is  well  behaved  and  affectionate  at  home,  but  he  cannot 
stick  at  anything,  and  whenever  he  gets  tired  of  doing  the  same 
thing  for  long  he  finds  it  very  easy  to  steal  and  run  away,  making 
his  own  living  elsewhere  by  working  for  a  time.  This  boy  did  excel- 
lently in  school,  graduating  from  8th  grade  at  123/^  years.  From 
that  time  on  he  has  grown  more  unstable  morally,  becoming 
lately  rather  bold  in  stealing,  but  never  showing  viciousness. 
One  of  his  escapades  illustrates  well  his  traits.  Working  on  a 
farm  where  he  was  much  liked,  he  suddenly  stole  about  $20  and 
ran  away.  He  was  easily  caught.  He  stated  that  the  deed  was 
committed  under  the  impulse  of  homesickness.  A  chance  was 
given  him  to  work  at  another  place  and  pay  back  the  money.  He 
did  this  faithfully  in  his  customary  spirit  of  penitence.  No 
other  factors  in  the  background  stand  out  convincingly  as  causes, 
and  the  whole  case  seems  to  hinge  mostly  on  this  instability  of 
character  correlated  with  very  backward  puberty. 

In  such  a  case,  where  the  marks  of  constitutional  inferiority 
are  not  clear,  the  prognosis,  judging  by  our  experience  with  others, 
is  good  if  the  fellow  can  be  tided  over  his  unusually  late  adolescent 
period  amid  decent  associations.  This  affords  another  lesson  for 
us  always  to  individualize  cases,  and  not  to  estimate  possibilities 
and  probabilities  in  chronological  terms,  when  they  should  be 
reckoned  according  to  physiology. 

§  187.  (D)  General  Sex  Characteristics  Undeveloped,  with 
Normal  Puberty.  —  The  only  bearing  this  phenomenon  has  for  us 



is  in  the  two  types  of  eases  where  non-development  of  general  sex 
characteristics  brings  to  the  individual  some  suggestion  of  a  path- 
way in  dehnquency.  In  the  case  of  a  girl  or  woman  with  mascu- 
hne  contour,  especially  if  there  is  unusual  muscular  strength, 
mascuHne  t^-pe  of  dehnquency  or  adventure  may  suggest  itself. 
We  have  studied  a  notable  case  of  this  kind  where  male  disguise 
was  assumed  and  male  emplo;yTnents  were  readily  followed  in 
adventurous  spirit  for  wrecks  at  a  time.  Old  country  annals  of  the 
unusual  in  criminalism  give  many  such  instances  among  brigands 
and  other  classes  of  offenders.  Then  there  is  the  masculine  type 
of  woman  who  plays  the  male  role  in  homosexual  love  affairs, 
Platonic  or  complete  perversion. 

The  other  type  comprises  the  young  man  or  adolescent  youth 
who  retains  his  childish  general  physical  characteristics,  and  is 
ordinarily  designated  as  effeminate.  It  does  not  seem  to  be  gener- 
ally recognized  that  there  may  be  abnormality  in  the  correlation 
of  the  various  signs  of  adult  masculinity.  Such,  however,  is  the 
case.  There  may  be  complete  normal  pubescence  (growth  of 
pubic  hair  as  an  indication  of  puberty)  with  retention  of  childish 
(effeminate)  contour  of  face  or  torso,  and  even  retention  of  child- 
ish voice  tones.  Most  unfortunately,  occasional  individuals  of 
this  type,  by  reason  of  some  maldevelopment  of  sex  instinct,  and 
sometimes  by  reason  of  their  attractiveness  for  individuals  with 
predilection  for  unnatural  sex  behavior,  are  readily  recruited  to 
the  ranks  of  sex  perversion.    {Vide  Case  114.) 

In  considering  care  of  individuals  of  this  last  class,  temptations, 
inner  and  outer,  should  be  considered.  Chances  for  developing 
the  healthiest  possible  mental  and  physical  interests  should  be 
given.  The  excessive  stimulations,  as  well  as  direct  temptations, 
found  in  city  life  are  inimical.  Students  of  social  vices  know  well 
the  astonishing  amount  of  tendency  in  this  direction. 

Case  17  a. — As  an  example  of  the  dangers  we  could  cite  the  case 
of  a  boy  nearly  17  years  old,  weight  110,  height  5  ft.  4  in.;  fairly 
nourished,  but  very  small  bones,  delicate  fingers,  childish  shoulders 
and  torso,  normal  pubescence,  high  voice.  This  lad  up  to  within 
a  month  or  so,  had  been  singing  soprano  parts  on  the  stage.  He 
had  been  frequently  approached,  even  on  the  streets,  by  a  certain 
class  of  men  who  have  recognized  in  him  a  special  type  towards 
which  they  are  attracted.  This  lad  has  apparently  rejected  all 
advances,  but  has  gained  worldly  wisdom  on  the  subject,  and 
manufactured  altogether  from  this  experience  and  his  own  recog- 



nition  of  his  innate  peculiarities,  an  anti-social  attitude,  which 
bodes  ill  for  both  his  mental  and  moral  future. 

Treatment  of  such  cases,  even  when  they  have  dipped  into  bad 
practices,  is  not  necessarily  hopeless.  From  appropriate  moral 
and  social  measures,  which  must  be  highly  individualized,  we  have 
seen  splendid  results  ensue. 

§  188.  (E)  General  Physical  Over-development.  —  We  need 
barely  touch  this  subject  except  as  applied  to  males,  because  when- 
ever the  same  physical  phenomenon  has  been  observed  in  females 
there  has  always  been  corresponding  over-development  of  sex 
characteristics  which  heavily  complicated  the  case.  Even  when 
excess  of  general  size  and  strength  in  girls  or  women  has  seemed 
to  be  a  main  factor  (vide  §  142),  sex  affairs  always  complicate, 
which  leads  us  to  negative  conclusions  about  the  responsibility  of 
general  over-development  alone.  No  doubt  some  of  the  vigorous 
female  offenders  instanced  by  Lombroso  (230)  have  been  incited 
to  criminalism  through  their  tremendous  physique,  but  such  cases 
are  decidedly  rare  in  this  country  and  need  only  this  bare  mention. 

Concerning  general  physical  over-development  as  a  cause  in 
youth  of  delinquent  tendencies,  which  may  stand  at  the  begin- 
ning of  a  whole  criminalistic  career,  we  have  very  specific  data. 
Here,  once  again,  in  considering  the  possible  results  of  proper 
treatment  we  are  confronted  with  the  essential  fact  of  the  forma- 
tion of  mental  habit  (vide  §  234).  Specific  thoughts  and  tempta- 
tions being  once  aroused,  avenues  of  action  clearly  opened,  and 
unfortunate  associations  with  other  delinquents  formed,  even  if 
there  be  offered  a  chance  to  tide  over  part  of  the  adolescent  period 
with  fitting  mental  activities,  there  may  not  be  a  satisfactory 
outcome.  What  I  have  said  elsewhere  about  much  of  the  good 
results  of  industrial  school  training  being  due  to  carrying  the 
individual  over  what  is  a  normally  unstable  period  of  life,  applies 
here,  when  an  anomalous  physical  condition  adds  to  the  ordinary 
difficulties  of  this  period.  What  we  have  ourselves  seen  of  the 
effects  of  proper  treatment  in  cases  of  this  kind  should  be  highly 
instructive  to  all  students  of  the  subject. 

Case  18.  —  A  boy  of  14  years,  9  months,  was  studied  by  us  after 
a  considerable  career  of  delinquency.  He  had  already  run  away 
from  home  six  times,  once  having  been  gone  3  months.  On  these 
occasions  he  had  made  his  way  hundreds  of  miles,  generally  towards 
the  western  plains.  He  had  been  arrested  at  least  twice  for  steal- 
ing; once  that  we  know  of  he  had  taken  small  things  from  a  store, 


Chap.  IV]         GENEIL^L    PHYSICAL    OVER-DEVELOPMENT  [§   188 

another  time  he  had  helped  hhnself  to  a  neighbor's  horse  and 
buggy  with  which  he  had  gotten  a  start  on  one  of  his  expeditions. 
His  intelhgent  parents  were  in  a  quandary  about  him. 

We  found  this  young  boy  to  be  a  strong,  alert,  bright,  and  enor- 
mously over-grown  lad,  with  no  ascertained  physical  defect. 
Weight  145  lbs.,  height  5  ft.  10  in.  On  the  mental  side  he  showed 
himself  to  be  well  up  to  the  ordinary  in  ability.  Naturally  his 
school  record  was  defective  on  account  of  his  being  away  so 
much,  but  he  had  entered  6th  grade.  We  were  much  interested 
to  note  that  his  interests  strongly  centered  about  out-door  and 
ranch  life. 

The  quandary  of  these  good  parents  seemed  to  us  entirely 
uncalled  for:  there  was  only  one  sensible  way  to  look  at  the  case. 
Here  was  their  son,  whom  they  regarded  as  a  young  boy  because 
of  his  years,  already  towering  above  them.  In  his  physical  make- 
up he  was  at  least  five  years  ahead  of  the  children  he  had  been 
called  upon  to  associate  with,  and  the  confines  of  the  small  city 
apartment  which  the  family  occupied  were  altogether  too  narrow 
for  his  actual  requirements.  The  circumstances  of  life  provided 
by  his  parents  were  totally  unfitted  for  him.  On  our  advice  he 
was  given  a  chance  to  play  a  man's  part  on  a  far  western  ranch,  and 
this  at  once  checked  his  criminalistic  career.  A  return  a  couple  of 
years  later  showed  him  with  a  still  greater  development,  and,  of 
course,  still  unfitted  for  indoor  city  life.  The  fact  that  this  boy 
had  a  roving  frontiersman  for  a  grandfather  might  be  considered 
in  evidence  of  the  inheritance  of  roving  instincts.  But  as  we 
have  elsewhere  (vide  Spaulding  and  Healy,  162)  pointed  out,  what 
really  was  inherited  was  the  physical  basis  of  such  instincts. 

Physical  over-development  -|-  -1-  -1-.  Case  18. 

Environment:  unfitted.  ^o^'  ^^  y^^^^'  ^  "^^^- 

Heredity:  grandfather,  very  active 
physically,  a  frontiers- 

Stealing.  Mentality: 

Runaway  -}-  -f.  Good  ability. 

Case  19.  —  A  boy  of  153^  years,  we  saw  at  the  end  of  a  tre- 
mendously aggressive  career  of  delinquency,  which  he  had  begun 
before  he  was  12  years  of  age.    His  offenses  consisted  of  much 



truancy,  staying  away  from  home  over  night,  petty  stealing,  then 
burglary,  and  running  away  from  home.  We  found  a  boy  with 
man's  stature,  and  no  observed  defects  except  carious  teeth  and 
two  slight  physical  stigmata.  Weight  125  lbs.,  height  5  ft.  7  in., 
strength  great,  bones  large,  carriage  slouchy.  It  was  quite  easy 
to  decide  that  he  had  fair  mental  ability;  he  even  did  rather  well 
with  school  work,  in  spite  of  very  irregular  attendance.  Certain 
other  mental  characteristics  were  very  notable.  When  guided  by 
those  he  liked  in  an  institutional  school,  he  was  found  tractable 
and  even  helpful.  Under  other  conditions  he  showed  great  insta- 
bility and  recklessness.  In  court  he  exhibited  absolutely  no  feel- 
ing in  regard  to  his  record  of  bad  conduct,  and  simply  desired  to 
be  sent  away  to  an  institution  by  the  judge,  as  he  had  been  tliree 
times  before,  in  order,  as  he  said,  that  he  should  not  have  to  work 

This  boy  came  from  a  poor,  but  non-criminalistic  family,  and 
had  been  mixed  up  with  bad  companions  in  his  neighborhood, 
but  it  seemed  to  be  clear  that  physical  conditions  and  adolescence 
were  largely  responsible  for  his  behavior.  Reckoning  with  these  it 
might  have  been  foreseen  much  earlier  that  a  long  period  of  protec- 
tive disciplinary  treatment  would  be  necessary.  The  outcome  of 
this  case  is  of  great  interest  to  us,  and  proves  as  much  as  we  could 
hope  to  have  proved  when  observing  the  various  admixture  of 
conditions  in  any  case.  At  about  17,  with  his  chronological  age 
gradually  catching  up  to  his  physiological  conditions,  this  young 
fellow  has  grown  more  stable,  and,  so  far  as  known,  gradually 
ceased  to  be  an  offender. 

Adolescent  characteristics  4- . 

Case  19. 

Physical  over-development. 

Boy,  15  yrs.  6  mos. 

Bad  companions. 


Fair  ability. 

§  189.  (F)  Over- development  of  Both  General  Physical  and 
Sex  Characteristics.  —  In  one  sense,  the  subject  as  discussed  at 
this  point  belongs  to  the  problem  of  abnormal,  early  maturity. 
But  since  very  special  complications  for  the  individual  are  in- 


Chap.  IV]       OVER-DEVELOPMENT  —  GENERAL   AND    SEX  [§189 

volved  in  a  premature  appearance  of  puberty,  as  well  as  in  over- 
development during  adolescence,  the  subject  of  prematurity 
itself  Avill  be  dealt  with  separately  in  the  next  section. 

Adding  to  our  statement  above  that  mere  general  physical 
over-development  has  little  connection  with  delinquency  in  young 
women,  we  may  now  say  that  when  there  is  over-development  of 
general  sex  characteristics,  the  relationship  to  delinquency  is  very 
marked.  This  latter  over-development  does  not  necessarily  imply 
a  very  early  puberty.  Perhaps  we  should  state  that  what  we  mean 
by  general  sex  characteristics  is  marked  over-development  for 
the  age  of  the  ordinary  signs  of  female  maturity,  particularly  en- 
largement of  the  hips  and  bust,  and  general  rounding  of  the  figure. 
Again  in  this  matter  our  estimations  have  been  made  on  the 
broadest  lines:  we  have  only  included  cases  of  very  marked  over- 
development. It  should  be  remembered  that  delinquent  tenden- 
cies caused  by  this  type  of  over-development  may  arise  both  from 
within  and  without.  Well-developed  young  women  are  very  prone 
to  have  an  unusual  amount  of  sex  feeling  and  sex  consciousness, 
and  just  such  a  person  is  regarded  as  especially  attractive  by  the 
opposite  sex.  It  would  hardly  seem  to  be  necessary  to  illustrate 
by  cases  these  obvious  facts,  but  a  couple  of  very  short  summaries 
may  serve  to  clinch  the  point. 

Case  20.  —  Girl  16  years,  weight  160  lbs.  Regular,  strong 
features,  bright  eyes,  decidedly  good-looking,  altogether  large 
and  mature  type.  First  menstruated  when  13  years  old.  Men- 
tally, distinctly  good  native  ability,  but  defective  range  of  inter- 
ests and  information.  Delinquencies,  very  repeated  sex  offenses. 
Now  pregnant.  This  girl  comes  from  a  very  pious  and  stern  family 
where  there  has  been  attempt  to  utterly  repress  her  instincts. 
Although  apparently  she  has  many  ladylike  feelings,  she  is  hot 
tempered  and  is  extremely  defiant. 

Case  21.  —  Girl  of  16.  Delinquencies,  repeated  sex  affairs  over 
two  or  three  years.  Ran  away  to  another  city.  Violence  even  to 
the  point  of  desperately  engaging  in  a  street  brawl.  Weight  153 
lbs.  Height  5  ft.  2  in.  Tremendously  well  developed  in  strength 
as  well  as  form.  Large,  well-molded,  regular  features.  Very  firm 
and  alert  expression.  Menstruated  first  when  over  13  years  old. 
On  the  mental  side  she  proves  herself  to  have  normal  ability.  Is  a 
very  marked  type,  talkative  and  responsive,  but  lies  without  a 
shade  of  emotion.  From  her  own  account  of  herself  she  evidently 
is  the  bold,  willful,  quick-tempered,  headstrong,  and  physically 



brave  individual  that  her  family  portray  her.  She  has  been  mar- 
ried to  a  very  decent  young  man,  but  finding  home  life  too  tame, 
she  leaves  him  whenever  she  wishes.  Life  in  an  institution, 
whether  as  ordered  by  the  court  earlier,  or  which  she  has  been  per- 
suaded later  to  voluntarily  seek  for  a  couple  of  months,  has  not 
caused  the  slightest  abatement  of  her  native  tendencies.  Other 
factors  in  the  background  complicate  the  case.  She  comes  of  a 
distinctly  neuropathic  family,  with  high  temper,  alcoholism, 
hysteria,  and  probable  epilepsy  all  playing  a  part.  Previously  she 
has  never  had  anything  but  the  best  of  health,  but  within  the  last 
year  there  have  been  attacks  of  hysteria  when  she  would  long  re- 
main rigid,  with  arms  extended.  Lately  on  account  of  flagrant  sex 
delinquencies  she  had  to  be  sent  again  to  an  institution.  (In  insti- 
tutional life  she  again  proved  herself  willful  and  vicious.) 

There  are  several  subtypes,  some  quite  different  from  the  above, 
which  come  under  our  present  heading.  One  is  the  lazy  and  easy- 
going, over-developed  girl,  either  frank  in  sex  desires  or  perhaps 
indulging  in  glib  talk  about  religion  and  personal  reformation. 
Some  of  stronger  character  definitely  battle  long  against  their 
own  inclinations  or  temptations. 

Consideration  of  treatment  for  this  class  brings  us  to  some  vital 
points  in  social  welfare.  It  is  ostrich-like  not  to  see  the  critical 
dangers  surrounding  over-developed  girls,  under  many  of  the  con- 
ditions of  social  life.  It  is  fortunate  that  these  untoward  condi- 
tions confront  only  a  small  minority  of  adolescent  girls,  for  it 
may  be  readily  appreciated  that  this  type  is  a  menace  in  more 
than  one  social  stratum.  When  a  typical  case  is  recognized  what 
can  be  offered  in  the  way  of  treatment? 

It  is  perfectly  clear  that  the  large  share  of  delinquent  girls  of 
this  type  cannot  be  safely  taken  care  of  in  their  old  environment. 
Even  if  families  wake  up  to  the  need  of  more  efiicient  control,  still 
there  are  constant  suggestions  in  the  presence  of  old  associations. 
The  main  consideration  here,  as  ever,  is  complete  study  of  the 
needs  and  possibilities  of  the  case.  This  is  rendered  all  the  more 
necessary  because  there  is  little  chance  for  prolonged  segregation 
of  many  cases;  there  are  few  institutions  which  can  tide  a  girl 
even  through  3  or  4  years  of  instability.  Occasionally  short  segre- 
gation with  the  repression  that  ordinary  institutional  life  affords 
will  be  found  sufficient,  but  in  many  cases  this  is  not  enough. 

Leaving  out  of  account,  for  the  moment,  the  question  of  very 


Chap.  IV]       OVER-DEVELOPMENT  —  GENERAL    AND    SEX  [§   189 

early  marriage,  which  in  our  particular  civilization  is  rarely  justifi- 
able, we  can  find  to  offer  as  constructive  and  off-setting  measures 
just  two  tjTpes  of  treatment.  One  involves  the  using  up  of  physical 
energy,  the  reducing  of  restlessness  and  animal  spirits  by  physical 
labor.  By  this  one  does  not  mean  ordinary  enjoyment  of  out-door 
life;  we  have  seen  cases  in  which  out-door  life  has  built  up  even 
more  physical  feeling.  As  in  the  case  cited  in  §  142,  excessive 
labor  may  be  the  price  of  personal  salvation,  and  of  the  protection 
of  societ3\ 

The  other  point  in  treatment  has  to  do  with  better  mental  and, 
particularly,  more  wholesome  recreational  interests.  As  pointed 
out  by  Jane  Addams  (231),  it  is  in  connection  with  recreation  that 
the  ordinary  girl  finds  the  most  suggestion  towards  delinquency. 
Many  of  the  modes  of  recreation  of  to-day,  whatever  they  may 
have  been  in  the  past,  are  conducive  to  the  development  of  offen- 
ses against  the  better  social  order.  In  natures  such  as  these 
under  discussion,  where  great  outlets  are  needed  for  self -activity, 
vigorous  pleasures  of  the  more  innocent  type  must  be  definitely 
offered.  The  attempt  at  substitution  of  religious  for  sex  impulses 
may  be  rarely  wholly  successful,  and  often  is  in  part,  but  it  be- 
hooves all  to  know  that  any  form  of  substitutive  repression  and 
inactivity  is  likely  to  result  in  the  hypocrisy  we  have  often  seen, 
when  there  is  glib  talk  about  being  good,  while  secret  actions  are 
the  opposite. 

Just  what  mental  and  recreational  interests  will  prove  most 
valuable  depends  naturally  upon  the  capacity  of  the  individual. 
It  is  safe  to  say  that  for  any  girl  who  has  normal  self-control,  who 
is  not  suffering  from  mental  defect  or  aberration,  activities  and 
interests  sufficient  to  outweigh  physiological  sex  impulses  can  be 
found  by  skilled  and  understanding  people.  Great  difficulty  is 
found  with  the  indolent  members  of  this  group,  and  for  some  of 
these  we  should  be  quite  willing  to  recommend,  under  medical 
supervision,  a  course  of  asceticism.  We  have  not  heard  of  individ- 
ualization anywhere  being  carried  to  this  extent,  except  as  a  very 
temporary  matter,  but  it  has  been  personally  indulged  in  by  many 
good  people,  and  there  is  no  reason  why  it  should  not  be  con- 
sidered as  a  method  of  treatment.  - 

The  whole  idea  of  segregation  and  repression  for  young  women 
of  this  type  is  often  scouted  by  those  who  say  that  this  means  fly- 
ing in  the  face  of  nature.  The  chief  answer  to  this  is  that  these 
individuals  under  modern  conditions  are  frequently  a  great  menace 



to  the  welfare  of  society.  They  are  tempters  of  the  opposite  sex, 
purveyors  of  disease,  and  spreaders  of  vicious  knowledge  among 
other  girls.  Society  has  a  great  deal  at  stake  in  protecting  itself 
and  the  individual.  Even  if  we  proceed  somewhat  against  nature, 
and  even  if  some  happiness  of  the  individual  is  sacrificed,  the 
effect  of  a  proper  segregation  is  better  than  the  opposite. 

It  is  many  times  proposed  that  early  marriage  is  a  proper 
solution  of  these  cases.  Nature  has  matured  these  individuals, 
and  fitted  them  for  adult  sex  life.  Among  uncivilized  peoples  and 
in  simpler  phases  of  civilization  early  marriage  is  readily  enough 
carried  out.  But  with  us  economic  and  many  other  conditions 
are  all  against  this.  We  have  many  times  heard  from  families 
that  though  they  perceive  the  benefits  of  early  marriage  for  the 
over-developed  daughter  in  the  family,  it  is  impossible  to  be 
carried  out,  because  either  no  one  is  in  love  with  her,  or  the  only 
one  who  would  marry  her  was  too  disreputable,  too  youthful, 
financially  incapable,  or  otherwise  undesirable.  The  customs 
governing  marriageable  age  are  imperfect,  when  based  chrono- 
logically, as  are  the  laws  concerning  working  age,  or  any  formal 
limitation  of  what  is  a  matter  for  individualization.  Occas- 
ionally a  girl  of  16  may  be  the  physical  and  even  the  mental  equal 
of  many  a  woman  of  30,  just  as  some  boys  at  14  or  15  are  en- 
dowed with  adult  working  strength.  Years  may  add  steadiness 
and  discretion,  but  already  there  is  maturity. 

We  can  leave  this  problem  of  treatment,  with  the  statement 
that  the  suggestions  apply  perhaps  even  more  to  the  cases  of 
early  puberty  plus  physical  over-development,  those  which  will 
be  discussed  in  the  next  section. 

§  190.  (G)  Premature  Puberty  with  General  Physical  Over- 
development. —  In  the  case  of  girls,  the  conditions  implied  by 
this  heading  include  over-development  of  the  sex  characteris- 
tics already  spoken  of.  With  boys  it  usually  means  very  early 
general  physical  development,  and  often  includes  premature 
post-pubertal  signs,  such  as  deep  voice,  appearance  of  hair  on 
face,  etc.  At  this  point  again  a  little  discussion  of  the  whole 
subject  is  in  order.  We  may  repeat  that  the  material  of  this 
chapter  differs  from  consideration  of  adolescence  (§  336  if.)  as 
such.  Adolescence  has  its  bearing  quite  apart  from  the  added 
stresses  of  physical  anomalies  of  growth  at  this  important  period. 

Our  charts  of  developmental  conditions  (§  105)  shown  by 
weight  correlated  with  age  seem  to  indicate  the  much  larger 


Chap.  1\]  PREMATURE   PUBERTY  [§  190 

part  which  over-development  plays  in  the  production  of  delin- 
quent tendencies  in  girls  than  in  boys.  These  charts,  it  should 
be  remembered,  merely  give  the  isolated  facts,  but  even  our 
analyses  of  causations  show  the  importance  of  over-development. 
It  is  rather  astonishing  that  so  little  attention  has  been  called  to 
this  subject  in  the  literature.  However,  judges  of  wide  experi- 
ence, and  others  who  see  adolescent  delinquents,  often  make  the 
observation  that  many  young  people,  girls  in  particular,  do  go 
astray  on  account  of  over-development. 

The  excessively  early  maturing  of  an  individual  is  a  physical 
Xihenomenon  to  be  distinguished  from  its  mental  analogue, 
precocity,  w^hich  brings  none  of  the  special  problems  concerning 
delinquency  in  its  wake.  Indeed,  it  is  just  the  lack  of  correla- 
tion between  physical  and  mental  qualities  which  causes  the 
trouble.  In  other  words  the  prematurity  does  not  extend  to  the 
psychical  sphere.  It  is  easily  seen  to  be  antecedently  probable 
that  the  effect  of  early  development,  whether  of  general  phy- 
sique or  sex  functions  or  sex  characteristics,  is  to  be  considered  a 
highly  dangerous  influence  in  the  life  of  a  young  individual. 
Without  the  development  of  those  mental  qualities  which  give  full 
power  to  social  inhibitions  the  temptations  arising  from  inner 
and  outer  conditions  unduly  stress  the  individual. 

In  the  class  of  cases  immediately  under  discussion  we  are 
dealing  not  only  with  prematurity,  but  also  with  over-develop- 
ment, which  makes  a  double  social  and  moral  burden  upon  an 
immature  individual.  Here  it  should  be  stated  again  that  both 
these  conditions  are,  for  our  purposes,  estimated  as  factors  only 
when  in  well-marked  exaggeration.  In  the  consideration  of  the 
combination  of  prematurity  with  over-development  we  should 
remember  that  the  onset  of  puberty  does  not  necessarily  bring 
about  immediate  development  of  other  mature  characteristics, 
either  sex  or  general.  The  age  of  first  menstruation  is  not  the 
age  of  the  development  of  the  womanly  contour  which  is  evi- 
dence of  still  further  maturity.  It  is  true  that  Williams  (35), 
who  has  made  a  special  study  of  menstruation  in  girls,  says 
that  the  early  appearance  of  this  function  is  generally  indicative 
of  vigor  and  vitality  in  excess  of  the  average.  (Perhaps  the  nutri- 
tional theory  explains  the  much  earlier  average  age  of  menstrua- 
tion (§  184)  in  this  country  than  among  the  Europeans  from 
whom  our  people  have  sprung.)  Certainly  our  own  experience 
tends  to  show  this  true  in  many  cases,  although  there  are  ex- 



ceptions,  and  enforces  our  own  perceptions  of  the  dire  need  which 
exists  for  the  utmost  parental  or  equivalent  protection,  with  the 
developing  of  safe-guarding  interests  and  occupations  to  suit  the 
needs  of  this  period  of  great  stress.  The  same  considerations 
in  a  different  measure  are  applicable  to  the  prematurity  and  over- 
development of  boys.  For  studies  of  this  sex  we  would  again 
refer  to  Crampton's  (229)  valuable  work.^ 

The  question  of  heredity  in  relation  to  prematurity  and  over- 
development is  of  great  interest,  and  satisfactory  data  might 
be  extensively  gathered  if  one  were  to  make  a  special  investiga- 
tion. As  we  have  stated  in  our  chapter  on  Heredity  (§  144)  we 
have  often  heard,  where  there  was  excessive  and  premature 
development  with  tendency  to  sex  delinquency,  that  a  parent 
was  peculiarly  disposed  towards  sex  indulgence.  And  some- 
times it  has  been  stated  that  the  parent  had  matured  early  and 
was  unusually  developed  physically. 

The  following  cases  are  selected  to  bring  out  several  of  the 
most  significant  points.  The  first  one,  which  gives  us  a  social, 
physical,  mental,  and  moral  comparison  of  twins,  is  of  great  value. 

Case  22.  —  Maria  X.  This  girl  of  12  1-2  years  was  brought 
to  us  by  her  straightforward  New  England  parents.  They  were 
intensely  disturbed  about  her  delinquency,  and  blamed  them- 
selves for  not  having  been  foresighted  enough  to  have  prevented 
it.  They  are  both  healthy.  We  obtained  at  that  time  no 
facts  of  significance  in  regard  to  heredity.  The  last  two  children 
were  twins,  and  one  of  them  was  the  subject  of  our  study.  The 
girl  has  been  all  her  life  in  a  lively  manufacturing  town.  Her 
developmental  history  is  said  to  have  been  absolutely  normal 
and  free  from  illness,  except  for  the  fact  that  she  has  twice  had 
convulsions.  The  first  attack  came  when  she  was  9  and  the 
second  when  she  was  10  1-2  yrs.  During  her  recent  years  she  has 
been  notably  larger,  stronger  and  better  developed  than  her  twin 
sister.  She  menstruated  when  she  was  just  12.  Her  sister  has 
not  yet  done  so.  There  is  a  difference  between  them  also  on  the 
mental  side,  but  this  is  much  in  favor  of  the  sister,  who  is  a  full 
grade  higher,  and  seems  considerably  brighter.  (As  we  observed 
this  sister,  she  is  a  typically  slim  and  physically  unattractive  girl, 

1  Recently  there  has  been  much  more  attempt  to  study  accurately  the 
highly  important  relationship  between  prematurity  and  mental  conditions. 
We  have  noted  Crampton's  (232,  233)  papers,  Foster's  article  (234)  on  physi- 
ological age,  and  King's  (235)  study  of  physiological  age  and  school  standing 
as  a  basis  for  classification  of  pupils. 


Chap.  IV]  PREMATURE    PUBERTY  [§190 

quite  normal  for  her  age.)  The  parents  tell  us  that  Maria  has 
been  discovered  to  have  been  long  engaged  in  sex  delinquencies 
with  young  men. 

On  the  physical  side  we  found  an  extremely  well-nourished 
girl  of  4  ft.,  11  in.  In  general  sex  characteristics  she  is  astonish- 
ingly developed;  attitude  and  bearing  strong  and  upright;  well- 
muscled  arms.  We  also  noted  that  she  had  a  pleasant  face, 
good  features,  beautiful  skin,  and  the  broad  hips  and  prominent 
bust  of  a  well-developed  young  woman.  One  observer  states  that 
the  girl  has  the  most  beautiful  neck  and  shoulders  she  had  ever 
seen  in  a  young  girl.  Vision  slightly  defective.  Speech  rather 
hesitating,  with  a  hardly  perceptible  stutter  at  times.  Tonsils 
and  adenoids  had  been  removed.    Other  examination  negative. 

The  summary  of  our  psychological  findings  is  that  the  girl 
showed  a  good  deal  of  mental  irregularity  and  lack  of  control. 
To  be  sure  she  was  under  some  emotional  strain,  but,  even  so, 
her  ability  could  hardly  be  called  better  than  poor.  After  we 
heard  the  storj'  of  her  delinquencies  we  were  inclined  to  believe 
that  perhaps  she  might  be  dull  by  reason  of  excessive  sex  prac- 
tices, or  at  least  that  her  mental  processes  were  under  poor  con- 
trol for  that  reason.  Even  more  noteworthy  than  the  result  on 
performance  tests,  was  her  absurdly  small  range  of  informa- 
tion. She  was  not  sure  who  was  the  president  of  the  United 
States,  and  did  not  know  what  the  Fourth  of  July  celebrated. 
^'NTien  telling  us  her  story,  we  found  her  attention  had  to  be 
frequently  called  to  the  matter  in  hand,  although  we  observed 
nothing  definitely  like  fetit  mat. 

Of  course  Maria's  mental  condition  as  well  as  her  physical 
make-up  was  a  matter  of  grave  interest  and  importance  for  prog- 
nosis and  treatment.  She  was  reported  thoroughly  dutiful, 
and  a  good  worker  at  home.  Sometimes  she  tells  fanciful  stories 
for  the  sake  of  deceiving  others,  but  is  not  a  great  liar.  The 
mother  says  the  girl  seems  almost  to  wander  in  her  mind  at  times, 
but  after  we  heard  of  her  behavior  we  did  not  wonder  at  this.  We 
felt,  too,  that  her  habits  might  account  for  the  fact  that  she  had 
not  yet  passed  into  5th  grade,  in  spite  of  having  gone  to  school 
between  7  and  8  years. 

The  freely  told  history  of  delinquency  revealed  to  us  the  most 
extensive  amount  of  sex  indulgence  with  others  that  we  have 
ever  heard  of  from  a  child,  except  in  the  case  of  some  feeble- 
minded girl.     For  two  years,  between  school  and  home,  she  has 



been  engaging  in  sex  misconduct  with  various  boys  and  young 
men.  On  account  of  her  charms  she  has  even  posed  for  pictures 
of  the  nude.     She  wrote  suggestive  notes  to  boys  in  school. 

The  most  remarkable  social  feature  of  this  case  is  the  fact  that 
the  twin  sister  had  accompanied  this  girl  back  and  forth  from 
school,  but  had  taken  no  interest  in  what  was  definitely  going 
on  between  her  sister  and  members  of  the  opposite  sex,  and  seems 
to  have  been  in  no  moral  danger  at  any  time.  She  had  simply 
waited  for  her  in  this  or  that  place,  and  either  did  not  wish  to 
tell  tales,  or  did  not  concern  herself  enough  to  inform  her  parents. 

We  never  felt  certain  of  the  diagnosis  in  this  case,  especially  in 
regard  to  abnormal  psychological  features.  But  the  physiological 
aspects  stand  out  in  great  prominence,  especially  in  comparison 
to  the  make-up  of  her  sister.  The  social  bearings  of  her  unusual 
development  are  obvious.  It  was  evident  that  Maria  needed  the 
utmost  protection  and  control,  and  her  parents  now  realized  this. 
Our  card  of  causation  as  asccFtained  at  this  time  runs  as  follows : 

Over-development  and  premature  puberty.  Case  22. 

Remarkably  attractive        Girl,  age  12  yrs. 

Mentality:  Dull,  perhaps  from  epilepsy,  or 
sex  practices. 

Parental  neglect  —  unwitting. 

Sex  H — I — h-  Dull  as  above. 

The  parents  soon  decided  it  was  impossible  for  them  to  properly 
control  this  girl  on  account  of  the  extreme  tendencies  she  had 
developed.  They  placed  her  in  an  institution.  A  year  or  so  later 
she  returned  home.  Recently  we  have  again  been  consulted 
about  her.  It  seems  that  after  a  few  months  at  home  she  again 
became  a  sex  delinquent.  Study  of  her  case  now  shows  that 
she  has  frequent  attacks  of  petit  mal.  They  are  described  by 
Maria  herself,  and  have  been  observed  by  her  parents  and  others. 
There  is  no  longer, any  doubt  of  her  being  an  epileptic.  The 
family  now  give  a  history  of  epilepsy  in  a  maternal  great-uncle 
to  Maria,  of  fainting  attacks  in  Maria's  maternal  aunts;  also 
a  paternal  uncle  had  convulsive  seizures  following  an  accident. 
At  16  Maria  is  no  longer  so  disproportionately  over-developed, 


Chap.  IV]  PREMATURE    PUBERTY  [§190 

and  shows  little  of  her  old  attractiveness.     Again  we  find  it 
necessary  to  recommend  an  institution. 

This  case  illustrates  two  of  the  points  we  have  elsewhere  made 
in  regard  to  over-development.  Premature  development  and 
over-development  are  found  with  astonishing  frequency  in  cases 
of  epilepsy  (§  254).  Secondly,  early  over-development  does  not 
always  mean  great  size  later. 

The  following  history  of  a  young  woman  whom  we  have 
known  for  several  years  brings  out  again  the  point  that  over- 
development at  12  years  may  mean  normality  at  19  or  20.  Also 
it  brings  out  that  the  young  adult  has  the  mental  power  to  control 
a  physical  and  social  situation  which  may  be  overwhelming  in 
earliest  adolescence. 

Case  23.  —  This  girl  when  seen  by  us  at  15  had  already  had  a 
long  career  of  sex  delinquency.  She  willingly  began  her  affairs 
at  10  years  of  age,  and  actually  supported  a  "  cadet  "  by  pros- 
titution when  she  was  12  years  old.  We  found  her  to  be  magni- 
ficently endowed  with  strength,  general  development  and  good 
looks.  She  w^eighed  151  lbs.,  height  5  ft.,  1  1-2  in.  No  physical 
defects  of  any  kind  noted.  General  development  of  a  mature 
woman.    She  menstruated  first  at  11  years. 

On  the  mental  side  she  demonstrated  herself  to  have  decidedly 
good  ability  and  an  unexpected  range  of  interests.  We  partic- 
ularly noted  her  apparent  mental  instabilities,  which  we  felt 
best  able  to  characterize  as  social  suggestibility.  From  what 
we  were  able  to  learn  about  her  we  had  reason  to  believe,  however, 
that  she  was  suggestible  for  good  as  well  as  for  bad. 

This  girl  came  from  a  family  not  showing,  as  far  as  we  could 
learn,  any  marked  mental  dullness,  but  thoroughly  immoral  on 
both  sides.  Her  own  beginning  sex  tendencies  were  allowed  full 
sway  by  a  dissolute  mother,  and  a  male  relative  had  proposed 
to  start  a  house  of  prostitution  with  this  girl.  When  we  saw  her 
she  had  already  been  in  a  reformatory  school  in  one  state  and 
had  belonged  to  the  "  street-walker "  class  in  several  cities. 
Notwithstanding  all  this,  the  girl's  good  mental  qualities,  her 
range  of  interests,  her  previous  lack  of  chance  in  a  better  social 
circle,  and  even  her  social  suggestibility  led  us  to  believe  there 
might  be  a  favorable  prognosis. 

This  girl  was  taken  by  a  high-minded  and  practical  woman, 
entirely  away  from  her  old  associations,  and  the  outcome  of  the 



case  has  been  wonderfully  successful.  Now  at  19  she  appears 
a  very  normal  young  woman.  She  is  no  larger  and  perhaps  weighs 
a  little  less  than  when  she  was  15.  Her  good  mental  qualities 
have  been  well  utilized  and  she  has  steadily  been  making  a  bril- 
liant record  in  arduous  studies  leading  towards  her  chosen  diffi- 
cult profession. 

Over-development  excessive :  Premature  puberty.      Case  23. 

Home  conditions:  Mother  immoral,  etc.         ^^^'  ^^  y^^' 

Heredity :  Father  alcoholic.     Mother  immoral,  etc. 

Delinquencies:  Mentality: 

Sex  -|-  -|-  -h.  Good  ability. 

Case  24.  —  A  girl  of  16,  who  is  said  to  have  been  in  scores 
of  sex  delinquencies.  The  father  says  she  is  just  the  mother 
over  again.  His  wife  left  him  when  this  child  was  three  years 
old.  One  other  child  is  said  to  be  a  good  girl,  but  has  convul- 
sions "  when  she  eats  certain  things."  We  found  a  strong  girl, 
with  decided  over-development  of  sex  characteristics  for  her 
age.  Weight  145  lbs.  Fairly  good  features.  Bright  eyes.  Good 
color.  Severe  visual  defect  in  one  eye  for  which  she  has  worn 
glasses.    She  had  menstruated  by  the  time  she  was  12. 

The  girl's  mental  powers  showed  her  to  be  poor  in  ability, 
but  hardly  defective  enough  to  be  called  even  subnormal.  Her 
use  of  language  was  good,  considering  her  social  station.  She 
was  polite,  and  might  be  considered  decidedly  attractive  in  some 
circles.  In  this  case  it  was  very  difficult  to  say  which  was  the 
major  factor.    The  causative  factor  card  ran  as  follows: 

Early  sex  teachings : 

Boys,  et  al. 

Case  24. 
Girl,  age  16. 

Over-development,  premature  puberty. 

Home  conditions: 

Father  rules  by  repression. 
No  healthy  recreations. 

Heredity:  Mother  immoral. 
Sister  epileptic. 

Sex  offenses  -| — \-. 

Poor  in  ability. 


Chap.  IV]  PREMATURE    PUBERTY  [§  190 

The  problem  of  prematured  and  over-developed  boys  involves, 
naturally,  very  different  features.  Here,  for  the  most  part,  it  is 
restiveness  and  desire  for  self-expression  and  for  general  physical 
activity  that  has  to  be  met.  In  some  cases  there  is  early  ac- 
centuation of  sex  impulse,  but  it  is  quite  likely  to  be  a  minor 
factor  as  compared  to  the  overt  tendencies  of  girls  in  this  direc- 
tion. The  two  cases  cited  below  are  fair  examples  of  the  prob- 
lems involved. 

Case  25.  —  We  were  asked  to  see  a  boy  of  15  1-2  after  his 
arrest  as  an  adult  for  a  petty  misdemeanor.  He  was  then  living 
away  from  home,  as  he  had  many  times  before.  He  had  been 
more  than  once  previously  arrested.  His  well-to-do  and  unus- 
ually intelligent  parents  gave  a  very  clear  story  of  his  life.  They 
have  a  very  attractive  home  in  a  neighboring  state,  but  he  merely 
visits  them  and  lives  with  them  as  inclination  dictates.  His 
delinquencies  began  by  his  running  away  from  home  for  a  number 
of  days  when  he  was  only  9  years  old.  Since  then  he  has  mis- 
appropriated and  stolen  at  times,  apparently  as  the  result  of 
the  conditions  of  actual  poverty  in  which  he  sometimes  gets 
while  away  from  home.  He  has  worked  at  the  most  arduous 
occupations,  sometimes  as  a  stevedore,  and  even  as  a  coal  passer 
on  a  transatlantic  liner.  His  affectionate  parents,  as  we  had 
reason  to  perceive,  were  very  sympathetic  in  their  attitude, 
quite  commanded  his  love,  and  had  done  much  for  him.  The 
boy  had  even  been  taken  on  foreign  travels. 

We  found  this  boy  with  the  physical  make-up  of  a  strong  man. 
Height  5  ft.  10.  (He  was  already  a  head  taller  than  any  other 
member  of  his  family.)  Large  boned.  Lean,  and  well  muscled. 
Weight  145  lbs.  Fingers  broad  and  misshapen,  probably  from 
his  early  hard  work.  No  sensory  defect.  Badly  deflected  septum. 
Chin  small  in  proportion  to  his  other  large  features.  Sex  devel- 
opment completely  adult.  On  the  mental  side  the  boy  presented 
nothing  peculiar.  He  was  a  fluent  reader.  He  did  arithmetic 
equivalent  to  the  5th  grade,  despite  excessive  truancy.  Normal 
emotions.  A  very  frank  pleasant  fellow  with  decidedly  good 
orientation  as  to  his  own  career  and  place  in  the  world.  We 
found  not  the  slightest  evidence  of  anything  pathological  in  his 
mental  condition. 

Speaking  of  himself,  he  tells  us  that  it  is  just  his  natural  crav- 
ings, "My  crazy  roving  habits,"  that  lead  him  to  his  delin- 
quent running  away  from  home,  and  then  to  occasionally  taking 



things  when  he  is  hard  up.  Often  he  is  too  utterly  ashamed  of 
himself  on  account  of  his  unkempt  condition  to  turn  up  at  home 
even  when  he  is  near  there.  He  wanders  all  over  the  country, 
and  even  abroad,  taking  care  of  himself  by  the  labor  of  his  hands. 
The  boy  believes  that  his  innate  sex  inclinations  are  partly  re- 
sponsible for  his  restiveness,  and  at  times  has  given  way  to  grati- 
fication, but,  of  course,  this  feature  has  been  greatly  minimized 
by  his  hard  labor  and  even  semi-starvation.  His  excessive 
general  development  was  already  marked  at  10  years,  but  no 
accurate  data  upon  the  beginning  of  pubescence  could  be  otained. 
Early  in  his  school  life  he  hated  to  be  with  small  children. 

It  is  a  matter  of  no  small  interest  that  this  intelligent  boy 
early  took  his  case  in  his  own  hands,  and  prescribed  his  own 
treatment.  He  perhaps  did  more  for  his  own  salvation  than 
his  parents,  who  desired  to  give  him  luxuries  and  to  further  his 
career  along  commercial  lines.  The  fact  that  he  needed  a  place  for 
himself  in  the  forest,  on  the  mountains  or  the  plains  should  have 
been  as  obvious  years  earlier,  as  it  became  now,  after  our  study. 

Over-development  extreme  with  premature  Case  25. 

puberty.  Boy,  153^  yrs. 

Adolescent  instability  for  years. 

Early  school  dissatisfaction  on  account  of  above. 

Love  of  wandering. 

Delinquencies : 

Running  away  -t-  +  +.  Mentality: 

Petty  stealing.  Fair  ability. 

§191.  (H)  Premature  Puberty  without  Over-development. — 
In  order  to  show  that  the  problems  of  prematurity  may  occur 
without  general  over-development  we  offer  the  following  cases. 
The  point  is  important  because  it  is  generally  considered  that 
prematurity  is  accompanied  by  over-development  either  of 
general  physical  or  of  sex  characteristics. 

Case  26.  —  We  studied  this  girl  when  she  was  143/^  years  old. 
For  more  than  two  years  she  had  been  engaged  in  sex  immorali- 
ties, beginning  with  boys  and  more  recently  continued  with  men. 
Physically  we  found  her  very  strong  and  well,  of  distinctly  boyish 
form.  Weight  130  lbs.,  height  5  ft.,  5^  in.  Regular  features  and 
thick  lips.    A  frank  bold  type.    The  fairly  intelligent  father  gives 


Chap.  IV]  PREMATURE  PUBERTY  [§  191 

US  a  full  account  of  the  case.  The  mother  became  after  marriage 
free  in  morals,  and  separated  from  him.  This  girl  lives  with  him. 
One  sister  became  immoral,  but  three  older  children  have  never 
caused  any  trouble.  The  girl  we  saw  menstruated  before  she  was 
13.  According  to  the  father,  the  whole  trouble  with  her  is  that 
she  is  naturally  inclined  to  sex  immoralities.  Our  study  of  her 
mentality  showed  her  to  be  rather  poor  in  ability,  but  we  could 
not  denominate  her  subnormal.  She  had  gotten  to  the  5th  grade, 
in  spite  of  her  delinquent  tendencies. 

This  case  is  rather  notable  for  the  premature  onset  of  puberty 
and  of  sex  feeling  without  development  of  general  physical  sex 
characteristics.  The  prognosis  was  plainly  unfavorable.  She 
was  placed  in  an  institution  for  a  long  period  and  while  there  is 
said  to  have  learned  well  and  behaved  properly.  After  a  year  she 
was  released,  being  then  about  16  years  old.  At  once  her  old 
proclivities  strongly  showed  themselves,  in  spite  of  normal  ad- 
vantages and  probationary  care.  Renewed  delinquencies  made  it 
necessary  for  her  again  to  receive  institutional  protection. 

Premature  puberty.  Case  26. 

Physical  or  mental  peculiarity.  ^^^^'  ^^/2  yrs- 

Marked  sensual  type  although  not 

Heredity.     Mother  immoral. 

Home  conditions  —  earlier  defective. 

Bad  companions  earlier. 

Delinquencies:  Mentality: 

Sex  +  +  +.  Poor  ability. 

Case  27.  —  Boy  of  14  years  and  3  months.  Much  truancy,  con- 
siderable petty  thieving,  incorrigibility  at  home,  out  much  at  night. 

Physically,  stoop  shouldered,  a  mouth  breather,  but  no  obstruc- 
tion in  nose  or  throat.  Very  defective  occlusion  of  the  teeth  par- 
tially accounts  for  his  mouth  breathing.  Has  a  peculiarly  weak 
physiognomy,  with  retreating  chin.  No  sensory  defect.  Poor 
color.  Weight  119  lbs.  Height  5  ft.  6  in.  Complete  adult  type 
of  sex  development.    Well-shaped  head. 

On  the  mental  side  we  found  a  quiet,  subjective,  suggestible 
type.  He  complained  of  slight  feelings  of  faintness,  perhaps 
mostly  from  weakness.     Has  been  to  the  5th  grade  in  school. 



From  the  results  on  tests  we  decided  that  he  showed  mental  dull- 
ness, probably  from  poor  physical  conditions  and  bad  sex  habits. 
It  is  difficult  for  him  to  carry  through  a  long  task  of  any  kind. 

He  is  said  to  have  been  a  very  bright  young  child.  Other  mem- 
bers of  the  family  are  very  well  endowed  mentally.  He  had  a  very 
severe  sickness  at  9  years,  following  a  heat  stroke.  Heredity  nega- 
tive.   Age  of  first  pubescence  not  obtainable. 

In  this  case  there  was  not  only  a  marked  lack  of  correlation  be- 
tween age  and  onset  of  puberty,  but  the  boy  was  too  much  of  a 
weakling  to  have  this  burden  thrown  upon  him.  He  was  led  into 
the  practice  of  bad  sex  habits  early.  The  whole  case  was  felt  to 
be  one  for  hygienic  treatment.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that  as 
time  has  gone  on,  and  the  case  has  been  taken  well  in  hand,  that 
there  has  been  great  improvement  in  behavior. 

Premature  puberty  —  very  marked 

Case  27. 

Physical  conditions  poor. 

Boy,  14  yrs. 

Developmental.     Early  severe  illness. 

Bad  sex  habits. 

Bad  companions. 


Petty  thieving,  etc. 

Dull  from  physical  causes. 

§  192.  (7)  Premature  Puberty  with  Distinctly  Poor  Devel- 
opment. —  Cases  of  the  kind  denoted  by  this  heading  have  still 
other  points  of  difference,  and  involve  other  moral  and  social 
complications.  The  young  person  who  is  already  somewhat 
socially  incapacitated  by  general  poor  physical  conditions  is  badly 
equipped  for  standing  the  extra  burden  of  an  early  puberty.  The 
peculiar  significance  of  this  unfortunate  combination  of  circum- 
stances varies,  as  may  be  seen  from  the  following  cases. 

Case  28.  —  Boy,  11  years,  4  months.  This  boy  has  long  been 
thoroughly  delinquent,  a  great  truant,  and  has  engaged  in  petty 
stealing  from  home  and  stores  on  numerous  occasions. 

We  found  him  defective  in  nutrition  and  general  development. 
Weight  62  lbs.,  height  4  ft.  3  in.  Poor  strength.  No  sensory  de- 
fect. Large  tonsils.  Very  evasive  expression.  Ears  poorly  formed. 
Other  physical  signs  negative,  except  considerable  development  of 
pubic  hair  and  other  signs  of  puberty.  A  most  unusual  case  and 
in  sharp  contradistinction  to  general  poor  development. 


Chap.  IVJ  PREMATURE   PUBERTY  [§  192 

Mentally,  fair  in  ability.  Was  in  the  4th  grade  at  school.  He 
is  one  of  three  children ;  an  older  boy  was  delinquent.  The  father 
deserted  years  ago.  INIother  works  out.  This  boy  has  been  hang- 
ing about  a  disreputable  store  where  girls  go,  but  he  denies  sex 
delinquency  with  any  one.  He  has  been  left  much  to  his  own 
resources.     Uses  tobacco. 

The  outlook  was,  of  course,  poor  in  his  old  environment  and  after 
probationary  oversight  for  a  time  he  got  into  more  difficulties. 

Home  conditions :  Father  deserted. 
Mother  works  out. 

Case  28. 
Boy,  11  yrs.  4  mos. 

Physical  conditions : 

Weakly  type. 

Premature  puberty.     Very  marked  case. 


Delinquencies : 

Fair  mental  ability. 

Case  29.  —  A  boy  of  15  years  who  has  been  under  arrest  many 
times,  was  finally  seen  by  us  because  a  police  officer  was  inter- 
ested in  doing  something  for  him.  His  delinquencies  had  been 
going  on  for  many  years,  and  consisted  in  much  truancy,  street 
loafing,  sleeping  away  from  home,  and  stealing.  He  has  long  asso- 
ciated with  some  of  the  worst  people  to  be  found  in  city  life.  At 
last  he  was  arrested  in  company  with  a  notorious  seller  of  cocaine, 
and  had  packages  of  the  drug  on  his  own  person.  Despite  his 
small  size  he  has  been  able,  perhaps  by  his  deep  voice,  to  convince 
judges  in  adult  courts  time  and  again  that  he  was  over  juvenile 
age.  He  has  received  at  least  one  sentence  to  the  House  of  Cor- 
rection. Registration  of  birth  was  looked  up,  and  his  real  age 
found  to  be  as  above.  (Falsehood  is  not  only  a  common  charac- 
teristic of  this  boy,  but  also  of  other  members  of  the  family,  so 
cooperation  has  been  difficult.) 

On  the  physical  side  one  finds  him  to  be  very  poorly  developed, 
but  fairly  nourished.  Weight  98  lbs.,  height  5  ft.  No  sensory 
defect  noted.  Is  decidedly  anemic.  Poorly  developed  and  asym- 
metrical chest,  with  prominent  sternum.  Narrow,  high  palate. 
Teeth  very  much  crowded,  showing  earlier  impaction.  Shifty, 
evasive  and  tired  expression.  Small  mouth  and  sharp  chin. 
Constant  fine  tremor  of  outstretched  hands.     Reflexes  normal. 



Completely  adult  type  of  sex  development.  Slight  mustache. 
Circumcised  several  years  ago.  About  a  year  ago  he  had  gonor- 
rhea and  chancroid.  Speech  is  thick  and  hoarse,  of  the  nasal 
quality  found  among  low  street  types.  Head  well  shaped;  cir- 
cumference 54,  length  183/2>  breadth  15  cm. 

A  summary  of  our  mental  findings  is  that  this  boy  shows  evi- 
dences of  having  fair  mental  ability,  although  results  on  formal 
educational  tests  equal  only  2d  grade  work.  He  has,  however, 
plenty  of  information  about  ordinary  street  interests,  shows  a 
certain  smartness  in  that  direction,  and  much  acquaintance  with 
criminalistic  affairs.  Of  the  normal  interests  of  boyhood  his  in- 
formation is  practically  nil,  although  he  knows  some  of  the  ordi- 
nary facts  of  historj^  and  geography.  He  claims  to  have  gone  to 
school  very  little.  We  found  he  was  an  excessive  liar,  and  his  irra- 
tional behavior  in  the  face  of  proffered  help  by  interested  police 
officers  threw  open  the  question  as  to  whether  he  was  not  pos- 
sibly aberrational  in  t>T)e.  Whether  or  not  he  was  a  user  of  cocaine 
we  could  not  at  first  determine,  although  he  had  it  in  his  posses- 
sion. The  final  mental  diagnosis  was  held  in  abeyance.  (Later 
it  came  out  that  he  was  a  cocainist.) 

There  was  very  much  more  in  this  case  than  the  mere  fact  of  sex 
precocity  with  poor  development.  He  came  from  an  atrociously 
bad  environment,  and  a  degraded  and  alcoholic  family.  He  has  been 
an  excessive  user  of  stimulants,  e.  g.,  coffee,  before  taking  cocaine. 
For  our  present  purposes  we  may  regard  him,  however,  as  being 
largely  the  product  of  a  thoroughly  disorganized  adolescent  devel- 
opment. The  disparity  between  his  premature  sex  development 
and  his  backward  physical  development  equalled  certainly  5  years. 

Home  conditions  atrociously  bad.  Case  29. 

Mother  alcoholic,  etc.  Boy,  15  yrs. 

Stimulants,  early  use  of,  now  cocainist. 

Physical  conditions  —  very  poor  in  general. 

Premature  puberty,  marked  case. 

Heredity.    Mother  alcoholic.    Other 
facts  not  known. 

Delinquencies:  Fair  ability. 

Stealing.  Probably  constitutional 

Vagrancy,  etc.  inferior. 


Chap.  IV]  PREMATURE    PUBERTY  [§   192 

It  is  unnecessary  to  give  cases  of  girls  in  whom  there  is  premature 
puberty  phis  poor  physical  conditions;  the  two  may  be  combined 
in  various  ways.  Many  debihtating  conditions  or  ailments  may 
evidently  be  correlated  with  prematurity. 

The  treatment  of  this  whole  group  should  include  measures  of 
hygiene  and  environment  and  nourishment  which  shall  build  up 
the  body  and  strengthen  the  will.  Definite  ailments  are  to  be  taken 
care  of  medically.  The  sex  prematurity  is  to  be  thought  of  in 
the  light  of  its  being  a  developmental  peculiarity  of  an  individual 
who  probably  has  unusually  poor  resistance  to  temptations. 
Unfortunately  many  of  these  cases  come  from  families  defective 
in  morals  as  well  as  in  financial  status,  and  much  of  their  tendency 
to  delinquency  arises  from  home  conditions.  Over  and  over  again 
we  have  seen  attempts  to  handle  these  cases  in  the  old  environ- 
ment followed  by  failure. 


§   193]  STIMULANTS   AND   NARCOTICS  [Chap.  V 


Stimulants  and  Narcotics 

Alcohol.  §  193.  General  Opinions.  §  194.  Various  Ways  in  which  Alcohol 
is  a  Factor.  §  195.  Effect  of  Alcohol  on  Adolescents.  §  196.  Effect  of 
Alcohol  on  Mental  Defectives.  §  197.  Treatment.  §  198.  Morphine. 
§  199.  Cocaine.    §  200.  Tea  and  CofEee.    §  201.  Tobacco. 


§  193.  General  Opinions.  —  The  many-sided  relationship  of 
the  use  of  alcohoHc  beverages  to  criminalism  is  so  completely  es- 
tablished that  we  hardly  need  to  dwell  on  the  general  question, 
important  though  it  is.  All  court  officials  are  well  acquainted  with 
the  concrete  facts,  and  many  statisticians  and  others  have  gathered 
the  larger  data.^  We  must  acknowledge  at  once  the  difficulties 
which  lie  in  statistical  investigation  of  the  subject  in  many  direc- 
tions. Pearson  and  Elderton  (240)  have,  if  nothing  more,  shown 
this  clearly,  and  also  Hoegel  (241)  has  dwelled  with  force  upon  the 
point.  But  impossible  though  it  may  be  to  accurately  determine 
the  influence  of  alcohol  in  the  production  of  this  or  that  especially 
attributed  condition,  still  taken  either  en  masse  or  studied  in  con- 
nection with  the  individual  offender,  which  is  our  special  point 

1  From  om-  bibliographic  studies  we  offer  the  student  a  short  Ust  of  the 
most  available  recent  important  statistics  on  the  connection  between  consmnp- 
tion  of  alcohol  and  delinquency.  We  concern  ourselves  strictly  with  scien- 
tific and  not  propaganda  material.  Under  the  auspices  of  the  French  Min- 
istry of  Justice  for  some  years  an  investigation  has  been  carried  out  by  means 
of  reports  from  judges  who  are  compelled  to  state  whether  the  convicted  per- 
son committed  the  offense  under  the  influence  of  hquor,  or  is  a  confirmed 
alcohohc.  The  Journal  officiel  (41)  from  time  to  time  has  pubhshed  these 
reports  and  Yvernis  (42)  summarized  them  m  1912.  Boas  (237)  in  1908  gave 
a  good  short  summary  of  many  researches  in  statistics.  Macdonald  (238)  in 
1909  presented  an  interesting  summary  from  many  countries  and  cities. 
Aschaffenburg's  (130)  fair-minded  and  illuminating  chapter  on  the  subject  is 
now  available  for  readers  of  Enghsh,  as  also  is  Lombroso's  (239)  more  general 
statement  of  the  subject.  Nothing  more  convincing  is  foxmd  than  the  state- 
ments of  the  diminution  of  criminahty  in  Ireland  as  the  result  of  Father  Mat- 
thews' abstinence  campaigns.  According  to  Baer  (256)  this  wonderful  man  in 
the  five-year  period  from  1837  to  1842  reduced  the  consumption  of  spirits  in 
that  coimtry  50  per  cent.  The  crimes  dropped  from  64,520  to  47,027,  and  the 
executions  from  59  to  only  1  in  the  year. 

The  most  important  reference  work  on  alcohol  and  alcoholism  is  that  by 
Abderhalden  (253),  who  offers  a  bibhography,  with  descriptive  notes,  of  the 
tremendous  number  of  contributions  to  the  subject. 


Chap.  V]    VARIOUS  WAYS   IN   WHICH   ALCOHOL  IS  A  FACTOR    [§   194 

of  view,  the  facts  will  easily  justify  the  cold  assertion  of  Aschaffen- 
biirg  (l,  p.  228)  that  if  we  could  by  one  blow  do  away  with  the 
use  of  alcohol,  the  number  of  annual  convictions  would  be  reduced 
one-fifth.  And  this  does  not,  of  course,  include  at  all  the  rela- 
tionship which  we  discern  so  plainly  between  alcoholism  and  future 
delinquency  in  the  family.  For  our  purposes,  the  whole  problem 
in  its  general  features  may  be  left,  and  we  can  push  forward  to  our 
discussion  of  the  relation  of  the  use  of  alcohol  to  the  case  of  the 
individual    offender. 

§  194.  Various  Ways  in  which  Alcohol  is  a  Factor.  —  In  study- 
ing the  individual,  alcohol  as  a  causative  factor  appears  not  only 
in  respect  to  its  immediate  use,  but  also  in  the  home,  in  the  envi- 
ronment, in  the  developmental  history,  including  antenatal  life, 
and  in  heredity.    These  points  should  be  taken  up  one  by  one. 

(a)  Heredity.  Logically,  the  whole  question  of  possible  defec- 
tive inheritance  arising  through  alcoholism  centers  about  injury 
to  germ  cells,  whether  the  alcoholic  condition  of  the  parent  be 
chronic  or  occur  at  the  time  of  procreation.  The  greatest  diffi- 
culty, which  most  authors  have  not  reckoned  with  in  studying 
heredity  and  alcoholism,  is  the  fact  that  many  drunkards  are  such 
because  they  are  already  defective  individuals  with  tendency  to 
pass  down  defective  traits,  especially  mental  defects,  irrespective 
of  alcoholism.  Few,  if  any,  of  the  students  of  the  subject  have 
taken  this  point  sufficiently  into  account.^  And  here  again  gross 
statistics  may  well  be  misleading  on  account  of  the  point  which 
we  have  had  elsewhere  to  bring  up  so  strongly,  namely,  that  the 
character  of  the  parents  may  be  reflected  in  the  child's  behavior 
rather  through  environment  and  development,  than  through 
hereditary  influences.  The  study  of  the  relationship  between 
mental  defect,  as  such,  and  criminalism  must  be  kept  quite  apart 
from  our  present  subject.  Many  points  in  the  general  problem 
are  still  sub  judice,  but  various  fragmentary  researches  are  grad- 
ually being  accumulated,  and  the  general  bearing  of  the  findings 
so  far  unquestionably  is  that  alcohol  may  be  in  many  instances  a 
directly  deteriorating  influence  upon  germ  cells,  and  so  fairly  be 
regarded  as  a  cause  of  defective  inheritance. 

We  would  submit  the  statement  that  our  own  findings,  in  spite 
of  their  total  significance,  cannot  be  used  in  proof  of  defective 

^  A  fine  example  of  controlled  experiment  is  that  by  Stockard  (264)  who 
has  most  cautiously  studied  the  effect  of  alcohol  on  the  germ  cells  of  animals. 
He  finds  that  the  degeneracy  caused  by  alcohol  may  be  passed  on  by  degen- 
erate offspring. 


§   194]  STIMULANTS    AND    NAKCOTICS  [Chap.  V 

inheritance  from  alcoholism,  because  of  the  mix-up  with  possible 
inheritance  of  defective  characteristics,  and  the  direct  influence  of 
alcoholism  upon  the  environment. 

(6)  Alcohol  and  Procreation.  The  effect  which  the  parent,  being 
under  the  influence  of  alcohol  at  the  time  of  procreation,  may 
possibly  have  on  the  offspring  stands  on  the  border  line  between 
defective  heredity  and  defective  environmental  conditions.  The 
time  is  probably  not  yet  ripe  for  a  definite  statement  upon  this 
subject,  but  certainly  one  may  assert  the  probable  correctness 
of  the  view  of  those  who  hold  that  an  undue  amount  of  alcohol 
in  the  circulation  of  either  parent  at  the  time  of  procreation  may 
be  a  cause  of  degeneracy  of  the  offspring. 

(c)  Antenatal  Conditions.  We  have  already  sufficiently  dis- 
cussed this  point  in  §  152.  There  cannot  be  the  slightest  doubt 
that  the  ingestion  of  alcohol  by  the  pregnant  mother  may  have  a 
very  deleterious  effect  upon  the  nervous  system  of  the  unborn 

(d)  The  Developmental  Period.  Very  fortunately  alcoholism  in 
children  in  our  country  is  a  comparatively  rare  phenomenon.  We 
found  (§  101),  in  spite  of  our  group  of  repeated  offenders  coming 
largely  from  alcoholic  families,  that  only  in  2.7  per  cent,  were 
the  offenders  themselves  users  of  alcohol,  and  practically  all  of 
these  were  only  occasional  partakers.  The  exceedingly  bad 
results  of  alcoholism  in  children  as  seen  in  certain  special  regions 
of  Europe  are  well  known.  It  is  to  be  remembered  that  com- 
paratively intense  poisoning  results  in  children,  and  that  after- 
effects are  manifested  in  the  nervous  system.  Outside  of  actual 
ingestion  of  alcohol,  many  chances  for  defective  development  are 
found  in  the  household  of  drinking  people  who  afford  their  chil- 
dren a  bad  environment. 

(e)  Environmental.  We  would  not  presume  to  be  able  always  to 
accurately  distinguish  between  hereditary,  developmental  and 
strictly  environmental  effects  of  alcoholism  or  drunkenness  on 
the  part  of  the  parents.  But  considering  the  general  question  of 
alcoholism  in  the  environment,  we  have  before  us  one  of  the  most 
striking  causative  factors  of  delinquency.  It  will  be  noted  (§§115 
and  116)  that  we  readily  obtained  information  about  drunkenness 
in  at  least  one  parent  in  31  per  cent,  of  our  1000  cases,  and  in  56 
percent,  of  the  cases  where  there  was  other  criminalism  in  the  family. 
It  must  be  understood  that  this  means  drunkenness,  not  merely 
the  moderate  drinking  which  so  frequently  in  a  household  makes 


Chap.  V]    VARIOUS  WAYS   IN  WHICH   ALCOHOL   IS   A   FACTOR     [§    194 

for  irritation  and  bickering  and  hard  feelings;  sometimes  in  turn 
leading  to  delinquency  on  the  part  of  a  child.  In  these  latter 
instances  it  has  been  quite  impossible  to  fahly  determine  the  part 
which  alcohol  played,  but  it  is  a  matter  of  general  knowledge 
that  in  some  individuals  alcohol  incites  a  quarrelsome  disposi- 
tion. Illustrating  a  t^^^ical  family  history,  and  the  complexity 
of  conditions  involved  in  clux)nic  alcoholism,  we  may  cite  the 

Case  30.  —  In  this  family  we  have  had  the  opportunity  of 
carefully  studying  one  member,  observing  two  more,  and  knowing 
much  of  the  records  of  the  others  over  many  years.  The  father 
and  mother  were  immigrants.  They  have  five  grown-up  children, 
all  of  whom  were  born  in  this  country.  The  father  is  a  laborer  who 
cannot  ^\Tite,  but  in  all  probability  is  not  a  mental  defective.  The 
mother  can  read  and  WTite.  She  has  been  accustomed  to  working 
out  at  times.  For  many  years  both  of  these  parents  have  been 
hard  drinkers.  The  father  has  been  sentenced  a  number  of  times 
for  drunkenness  and  violence  and  also  for  larceny.  The  mother  is 
a  person  whom  a  little  liquor  is  said  to  make  crazy.  She  has  re- 
ceived short  sentences  upwards  of  50  times.  According  to  her 
historj'',  and  as  seen  by  us,  she  is  probably  a  case  of  alcoholic 
paranoia.  She  readily  develops  a  grudge  against  her  neighbors, 
becomes  violent,  breaks  windows,  etc.,  and  often  moves  her 
household.  Home  conditions  have  thus  included  poverty,  lack 
of  control,  quarreling,  and  many  changes. 

This  couple  have  had  12  children,  7  of  whom  died  during  child- 
hood. Of  the  5  who  have  survived,  4  have  been  extremely  de- 
linquent. They  have  been  guilty  of  stealing,  burglary,  picking 
pockets,  and  one  girl  has  been  sexually  immoral.  The  two  older 
boys  have  both  served  long  terms  besides  short  ones.  We  know 
that  some  of  the  children  are  bright,  and  probably  not  one  is  men- 
tally defective.  They  all  have  learned  fairly  well  in  spite  of  their 
interrupted  schooling,  and  when  willing  to  work  have  been  good 
earners.    The  case  history  of  the  youngest  runs  as  follows. 

Seen  at  14  this  boy  was  poorly  developed  and  nourished. 
Weight  76  lbs.,  height  4  ft.  7  in.  Asymmetry  of  forehead.  High 
Gothic  palate.  One  tooth  erupted  out  of  alignment.  Adenoids. 
Mouth  breather.  Dull  eyes,  and  drawn  expression  about  the 
mouth.  Very  slouchy  attitude.  On  the  mental  side  we  found 
him  well  up  to  the  ordinary,  and  much  brighter  than  one  would 
expect  from  his  physical  conditions  and  environmental  chances. 


§   194]  STIMULANTS   AND    NARCOTICS  [Chap.  V 

Already  this  boy  had  been  in  several  charitable  institutions, 
and  had  been  in  trouble  with  the  courts  on  numerous  occasions 
for  picking  pockets  and  other  stealing.  After  being  taken  care 
of  for  a  while  he  was  returned  each  time  to  his  own  environment 
with  all  its  general  bad  associations.  When  less  than  19  he  was 
apprehended  once  more,  and  a  charge  of  21  recent  burglaries 
was  brought  against  him. 

In  this  case  it  would  be  safe  to  say  that  alcoholism  had  directly 
caused  the  criminality  of  the  father,  the  criminality  and  mental 
condition  of  the  mother,  the  defective  developmental  conditions  of 
this  boy,  and  had  created  an  atrocious  environment  which  was 
in  itself  sufficient  to  account  for  delinquent  tendencies.  We 
can  thus  safely  reason  from  cause  to  effect  without  interposing 
heredity  and  defective  germ  plasm,  although  the  latter  may 
have  caused  part  of  the  trouble. 

Many  other  cases  of  this  same  kind  could  be  given,  though 
few  with  so  virulent  criminalistic  tendencies.  We  are  glad  to 
have  observed  a  few  cases  in  which  alcoholism  of  a  parent  has 
been  the  cause  of  extreme  reaction  against  it  by  a  family  of 
vigorous  children.  The  condition  of  the  latter  gives  us  social 
proof  that  all  germ  cells  may  not  be  deteriorated  by  alcohol, 
and  that  the  substructure  of  alcoholism  is  not  necessarily  pre- 
potently  inherited,  and  that  alcoholic  defects  of  the  environment 
may  by  some  be  met  and  overcome. 

It  should  hardly  be  necessary  to  enumerate  the  different  fea- 
tures of  a  defective  environment  which  may  be  caused  by  alcohol- 
ism of  the  parent.  The  main  defects  are  poverty;  lack  of  control; 
neglect  of  proper  nourishment,  clothing,  or  other  hygienic  con- 
ditions for  children;  crowded  housing,  with  all  its  miserable 
physical  and  moral  incidents;  neglect  of  attention  to  schooling 
and  mental  and  moral  development;  irrational  disciplinary  be- 
havior, expressed  in  variations  from  indifference  to  great  irri- 
tation about  small  things;  immodest  behavior  and  use  of  ob- 
scene language  on  the  part  of  a  parent,  which  we  have  frequently 
found  to  be  one  of  the  main  causes  of  a  girl  going  wrong;  lowered 
moral  inhibitions,  which  sometimes  lead  as  far  as  attempted 
rape  of  a  daughter;  quarreling  and  bickering  and  development 
of  grudge  in  the  home.  These  several  latter  conditions  are  not 
often  thought  of,  but  for  any  one  who  studies  individual  offenders 
they  stand  out  prominently  as  factors  which  decide  careers  of 


Chap.  V]  EFFECT    OF   ALCOHOL    ON   ADOLESCENTS  [§  195 

boys  and  girls.  All  these  things  and  still  others  have  to  be  reck- 
oned with  when  there  is  alcoholism  of  a  parent. 

Our  careful  and  conservative  statistics  are  altogether  com- 
parable to  findings  elsewhere.  Naturally  in  this  matter,  as  in 
many  others,  the  fact  of  alcoholism  in  parents  would  vary 
greatly  in  different  regions  and  different  countries.  Figures 
gathered  by  Hoppe  (242),  Gruhle  (147),  and  Wulffen  (2)  show 
that  among  criminals  of  all  ages  an  astoundingly  large  percent- 
age have  had  alcoholic  parents.  The  collection  of  statistics  on 
this  point  by  Gruhle  from  different  countries  is  particularly 
worth  consulting. 

(/)  Relation  of  Delinquency  to  the  Use  of  Alcohol  by  the 
Delinquent.  This  subject  must  be  subdivided  for  logical  con- 
sideration. We  are  especially  concerned  with  it,  and  must  take 
up  its  main  phases. 

It  may  be  reiterated  that  only  2.7  per  cent,  of  our  analyzed 
cases  of  young  repeated  offenders  were  users  of  alcohol.  This  is 
significant  since,  as  repeatedly  insisted  on  in  our  earlier  chap- 
ters, we  are  dealing  with  the  genetic  factors  of  criminal  careers. 
Any  finding  that  a  larger  per  cent,  of  older  criminals  are  alcoholic, 
bears  very  little  on  this  question,  since  they  may  have  acquired 
alcoholism.  To  be  sure,  later  alcoholism  is  an  added  factor  mak- 
ing for  the  continuance  of  criminalism,  but  the  personal  drinking 
was  very  unusual  at  first.  Perhaps  it  is  good  reasoning  to  say 
that  the  hereditary,  developmental,  and  environmental  factors 
which  made  for  early  criminalism,  made  also  for  later  alcoholism, 
but  certainly  the  criminalism  starts  first  in  the  vast  majority  of 
cases.  We  speak  now  for  our  own  population  and  social  condi- 
tions, realizing  that  these  facts  vary  somewhat  in  places  where 
drinking  among  children  is  much  more  frequent.  As  primarily 
students  of  the  individual  offender  we  should  at  once  again  plunge 
into  the  question  of  types  of  personalities  and  of  causes,  rather 
than  discuss  generalities  or  even  types  of  drinking. 

§  195.  EflEect  of  Alcohol  on  Adolescents.  —  The  effect  of  a 
little  wine  or  beer  upon  an  adolescent  girl  in  breaking  down  her 
normal  social  and  moral  inhibitions  is  notorious.  The  effect  is 
produced  by  premeditation  of  companions  of  both  sexes  who 
desire  to  lower  the  intended  victim's  levels  of  behavior.  Many 
well-founded  social  studies  of  the  connection  between  drinking 
in  dance  halls  and  saloons,  and  beginning  prostitution  are  now 
available.     One  of  the  most  simple  and  direct  is  to  be  found  in 


§   195]  STIMULANTS    AND    NARCOTICS  [Chap.  V 

the  report  of  the  Vice  Commission  of  Chicago  (243).  In  our  own 
study  of  cases  we  have  learned  the  facts  over  and  over  again,  and 
they  amount  to  just  this:  there  was  a  desire  for  company  and 
pleasure  on  the  part  of  the  girl;  even  in  bad  company  there  would 
be  resistance  to  the  many  suggestive  influences  thrown  about 
her,  except  for  the  directly  decisive  part  played  by  a  physiopsycho- 
logical  condition  —  with  the  use  of  liquor  to  which  she  was 
unaccustomed,  a  feeling  of  not  caring  possessed  her,  and  the  step 
was  taken.     In  example  is  the  following. 

Case  31.  — A  very  attractive  girl  of  15,  over-developed  in  sex 
characteristics  for  her  age,  had  found  herself  able  to  earn  very 
much  more  in  theatre  life  than  she  could  elsewhere.  She  came 
of  normal  and  healthy  stock  on  both  sides  and  was  herself  well 
endowed  mentally  as  well  as  physically.  Her  earnings  helped 
greatly  her  widowed  mother,  who  carefully  watched  over  her. 
All  went  well  until  the  drinking  men  and  women  with  whom  she 
went  out  one  night  finally  induced  her  to  do  likewise.  She 
then  and  there  started  a  career  of  sex  delinquency  which  never 
has  been  thwarted  except  by  her  being  held  in  some  institu- 
tion. In  spite  of  much  being  done  for  her  in  succeeding  years, 
this  fine-looking  girl  has  repeatedly  entered  the  same  life  through 
the  same  avenue,  namely,  partial  alcoholic  intoxication. 

Alcohol  —  social  di-inking. 

Case  31. 

Over-development  of 

sex  characteristics. 

Girl,  age  15. 

Bad  companions 

connected  with  stage  life. 

Delinquencies : 

Sex  +  +. 


The  type  of  trouble  which  adolescent  boys  get  into  from  drink- 
ing varies  considerably,  especially  according  to  their  background 
of  mental  ability.     The  following  case  illustrates  several  points. 

Case  32.  —  This  is  a  boy  whom  we  have  known  over  several 
years.  When  first  seen  at  16  he  was  found  small  in  size  and 
considerably  undeveloped  so  far  as  sex  characteristics  were  con- 
cerned, but  of  good  strength.  102  lbs.,  4  ft.  11  in.  No  sensory 
defect.  A  frank,  alert,  responsive,  intelligent,  nervous  type 
with  much  artistic  ability.  Already  he  had  been  in  trouble  a 
good  many  times  on  account  of  running  away  from  home  and 
stealing  in  petty  ways,  and  he  had  also  committed  at  least  one 


Chap.  V]      EFFECT    OF    ALCOHOL    ON   MENTAL   DEFECTIVES       [§  196 

burglary.  He  was  said  to  be  a  very  affectionate  and  pleasant 
boy.  For  years  at  home  he  had  been  allowed  a  little  beer  and 
occasionally  a  taste  of  brandy,  and  was  accustomed  to  drinking 
tea  and  coffee  three  times  a  day.  He  showed  a  definite  desire 
for  stimulants.  At  8  he  began  to  smoke,  later  this  habit  became 
excessi^-e,  but  in  the  last  year  or  two  there  has  been  very  little 
of  it.  The  father  is  much  the  same  type,  a  moderate  drinker 
of  alcohol,  a  large  user  of  tobacco  —  a  nervous  man  who  loses 
his  temper  readily.  No  epilepsy,  insanity  or  feeblemindedness 
is  known  to  exist  on  either  side.  One  elder  brother  is  an  irritable 
fellow  who  often  gets  into  fights.     A  sister  also  is  delinquent. 

On  account  of  his  ability  good  people  have  attempted  to  help 
this  boy.  At  times  he  has  responded,  but  then  again  has  been 
unable  to  hold  himself  long  at  work  or  at  school.  At  one  period 
he  did  succeed  in  keeping  one  place  for  seven  months.  The 
main  feature  of  his  case  has  always  been  his  instability,  which 
unfortunately  has  not  passed  away  with  the  first  years  of  adoles- 
cence. There  has  been  constant  desire  for  stimulants,  with  in- 
creasing symptoms  of  moral  and  social  unreliability.  The  many 
splendid  chances  which  have  been  offered  him  have  been  un- 
availing, and  he  has  become  a  dissipated  wanderer  and  half 

Back  of  the  use  of  stimulants,  which  has  steadily  lowered  the 
social  status  of  this  young  fellow,  there  undoubtedly  was  a  nerv- 
ous organization  which  demanded  their  use.  Whether  this 
peculiarity  of  his  nervous  make-up  was  due  to  heredity,  or  to 
his  earlier  use  of  stimulants  during  a  more  plastic  developmental 
period,  it  is  hard  to  say.  The  outlook  for  such  a  case  is  not  good, 
and  splendid  human  material  seems  to  have  gone  to  waste.  How- 
ever, after  years  of  wandering,  such  previous  failures  have  been 
known  to  settle  down  and  become  more  stable. 

§  196.  Effect  of  Alcohol  on  Mental  Defectives.  —  The  problem 
of  alcoholism,  whether  as  viewed  by  medical  people,  institutional 
officials,  planners  of  social  reforms,  or  by  courts  who  have  to  deal 
with  drunkards  as  offenders,  must  include  consideration  of  the 
various  personal  types  of  alcoholics  and  their  potentialities.  We 
recently  have  begun  to  hear  something  about  the  feebleminded 
alcoholic,  and  we  shall  hear  still  more,  for  it  undoubtedly  is  true 
that  many  of  the  social  outcasts  who  are  merely  denominated 
drunkards  are  basically  mental  defectives.  It  may  be  put  down 
as  a  cardinal  fact  that  no  social  treatment  of  the  drunkard  is  going 


§  196]  STIMULANTS   AND    NARCOTICS  [Chap.  V 

to  prove  availing  which  does  not  reckon  with  the  mental  and 
physical  conditions  of  the  individual,  and  which  does  not  offer 
prognosis  and  treatment  in  the  light  of  these,  as  well  as  of  social 
conditions.  More  of  this  question  of  individualization  later. 
The  mental  defective,  and  the  epileptic  who  suffers  from  psy- 
chical disabilities,  are  both  prone  to  become  drunkards.  The 
alcoholic  feeling  of  exaltation  or  superior  strength,  the  illusion 
of  the  moment,  appeals  strongly  to  all  inferior  types.  In  the 
British  public  inebriate  asylums  it  has  finally  been  found  that 
a  considerable  number  of  the  inmates  are  feebleminded.  Lack- 
ing such  public  institutions  here  we  have  not  any  figures  to  offer, 
yet  it  is  a  well-known  fact  that  many  drunkards  are  defectives. 
To  effectively  alter  the  situation  they  must  be  dealt  with  as 
defectives  and  not  primarily  as  drunkards.  The  effect  of  alcohol 
upon  a  weakminded  person  can  readily  be  discerned  in  some  of 
our  cases,  such  as  the  following. 

Case  33.  —  Boy  of  15,  well  developed  and  of  fair  strength. 
No  sensory  defect.  123  lbs.  5  ft.  3  1-2  in.  Well  along  in  pubes- 
cence. Over-development  of  sex  organs.  Mentally,  feebleminded. 
He  has  already  been  several  years  in  a  school  for  the  feebleminded, 
where  they  have  succeeded  in  teaching  him  to  write  well  and  to 
add  up  simple  numbers.  Technically  he  is  a  middle  grade  moron 
with  a  good  deal  of  industrial  capacity.  Before  he  went  to  the 
school  for  the  feebleminded  he  was  a  truant.  He  came  from  a 
family  who  gave  him  decidedly  poor  control;  father  alcoholic, 
mother  dead. 

This  boy  had  learned  so  well  that  he  seemed  capable  of  mak- 
ing his  own  way  in  the  world  and  was  released  from  the  school. 
He  obtained  a  position  in  a  factory  which  he  did  not  hold  for 
long,  and  later  went  to  work  for  a  milk  dealer.  He  did  well  there 
for  some  months,  got  tired  of  it,  worked  in  an  amusement  park, 
and  then  obtained  employment  with  another  milk  man.  Here 
he  did  his  work  properly,  and  indeed  during  all  this  time,  a  matter 
of  a  year  or  so,  he  had  made  his  own  way  in  the  world  without 
trouble.  One  day  he  was  given  a  half  a  bottle  of  whiskey  which 
he  consumed  then  and  there.  Within  an  hour  or  two  after 
drinking  this  he  violently  assaulted  sexually  a  little  boy  who 
came  to  the  place  for  milk. 

We  could  give  other  instances  of  young  men  who  have  con- 
siderable industrial  capacity,  even  though  not  quite  up  to  normal 


Chap.  V]  TREATMENT  [§197 

in  general  intelligence  tests,  who  could  very  probably  maintain 
themselves  in  society  if  it  were  not  for  the  temptations  and 
results  of  alcoholic  drinking.  Particularly  have  we  frequently 
noted  the  disastrous  combination  of  epilepsy  and  drinking.  In 
these  cases,  whether  or  not  the  alcohol  incites  more  frequent 
attacks,  there  is  a  marked  lowering  of  mental  and  moral  tone. 
Epileptics  who,  but  for  perhaps  a  moderate  amount  of  intoxi- 
cants, might  maintain  themselves  just  above  the  border  line  of 
social  incapacity  and  immoral  living,  become  vagrants,  prosti- 
tutes or  other  social  outcasts.  This  point  should  be  so  self-evi- 
dent that  we  need  take  no  space  to  cite  any  of  the  many  cases  of 
the  kind  we  know,  but  we  may  refer  to  §  256  and  §  257  for  some 
indication  of  the  atrocious  crimes  which  epilepsy  plus  alcohol 
produces.  This  part  of  the  subject  may  be  summarized  by  saying 
that  many  of  the  troublesome  drinkers  who  cost  society  dear 
are  primarily  inferiors,  suffering  from  ailments  or  defects  of 
mind  and  body,  and  that  alcohol  just  turns  the  balance  against 
their  maintaining  themselves  as  non-criminalistic  citizens. 

Other  examples  of  abnormal  physical  and  mental  conditions 
which  offer  undue  chance  for  the  break-down  of  moral  equilibrium 
through  the  influence  of  alcohol  may  be  found  in  the  weaknesses 
of  various  chronic  diseases,  such  as  tuberculosis,  and  in  the  well- 
known  weakened  inhibitory  states  of  senility.  Some  criminal- 
istic behavior  which  is  typically  senile,  such  as  exhibitionism, 
may  be  directly  incited  through  ingestion  of  alcohol,  particularly 
by  old  people.^  The  aberrational  mental  states  actually  caused 
by  alcohol  are  considered  under  the  head  of  Psychoses,  §  320. 

§  197.  Treatment.  —  Although  we  shall  make  no  attempt 
to  give  the  medical  treatment  of  inebriety  and  alcoholism  —  for 
this  special  treatises  ^  must  be  consulted  —  yet  for  all  concerned 
in  handling  offenders  we  would  emphasize  certain  points.  In 
the  first  place  it  should  be  thoroughly  realized  that  any  treat- 
ment planned  for  alcoholics,  whether  as  such,  or  as  criminalistic 
offenders,  whether  undertaken  in  a  special  colony  or  within  in- 
stitutional walls,  bears  very  little  promise  of  fruitfulness  unless 
the  background  in  personal  characteristics  and  in  environment 

^  Ladame  (244)  has  an  article  on  the  relation  between  alcohol  and  exhibi- 

2  For  instance,  the  recent  English  contribution  by  Cooper  (245),  the  well- 
considered  statements  of  Neff  (246)  (368)  from  his  long  experience  in  Massa- 
chusetts, and  the  recent  studies  in  the  psychology  of  intemperance  by  Par- 
tridge (247). 


§   197]  STIMULANTS    AND    NARCOTICS  [ChaP.  V 

be  taken  into  account.  Isolation,  or  deprivation,  or  agricultural 
labor,  or  any  other  proposed  preventive  and  hoped-for  correc- 
tive measure,  carried  over  any  special  length  of  time  may  be 
quite  beside  the  mark  of  cure.  Nothing  will  be  largely  effective 
which  does  not  allow  for  individualization  of  treatment. 

Some  indication  of  the  suggestive  values  for  treatment,  and 
yet  limited  possibilities  of  set  classification  of  alcoholics  may  be 
shown  by  the  following:  Williams  (248)  classifies  inebriates 
into  (a)  suggestible  individuals  who  drifted  into  drinking,  and 
who  were  not  really  inebriates  until  the  occurrence  of  tissue 
degeneration  from  prolonged  use  of  alcohol;  (6)  individuals 
who  get  into  drinking  ways  because  they  possess  the  suggesti- 
bility that  is  the  result  of  not  being  ethically  trained  to  overcome 
the  impulsive  tendencies  of  childhood;  (c)  those  who  have  a 
weak  nervous  make-up  that  by  way  of  longing  turns  towards 
the  satisfaction  of  narcotics.  Pettey  (249)  says  chronic  alcohol- 
ics may  be  subdivided  as  follows: 

A.  Regular  drinkers. 

(a)    Daily  consumers  who  create  their  own  need  —  the  larger 

(fe)    Those  of  defective  physique  cra^dng  stimulants, 
(c)    Pure  dissipation  by  those  deficient  in  moral  fibre. 

B.  Periodic  drinkers. 

(a)  Dipsomania  —  periodic  insanity  taking  the  form  of  un- 
controllable desire  for  drink  (rare). 

(&)    Moral  cowards  —  these  drink  to  drown  troubles. 

(c)  Unstable  character  with  bad  environment  —  drinkers 
who  lose  control  of  themselves  when  slightly  under  the 
influence  of  alcohol. 

{d)    Bad  environment;  with  ever  present,  but  resisted  appetite. 

From  these  efforts  at  classification  we  can  see  some  of  the 
complexity  of  the  subject.  But  when  we  realize  what  a  variety 
of  individuals,  with  all  sorts  of  innate  potentialities,  may  com- 
pose one  of  the  classes,  such,  for  instance,  as  Pettey's  daily  con- 
sumers or  Williams'  suggestible,  drifting  individuals,  it  becomes 
clear  that  general  schemes  of  treatment  prescribed  by  law  cannot 
be  satisfactorily  carried  out.  Nothing  short  of  some  method 
of  indefinite  sentence,  leaving  the  treatment  and  time  to  special- 
ists, will  accomplish  much.  But  what  about  the  return  to  or- 
dinary social  conditions?  It  must  make  the  gods  laugh  to  see 
this  costly  effort  by  police,  court,  and  sanitarium  methods  followed 
up  by  public  opportunity  and  even  suggestion  to  repeat  the  of- 


Chap.  V]  TREATMENT  .  [§  197 

fense  for  which  the  arrest  was  made  and  the  treatment  given. 
At  any  rate,  until  the  large  class  of  defectives  and  inferiors  is 
handled  in  some  different  way,  or  their  opportunities  for  relapse 
are  suppressed,  the  old  deep  connection  between  alcoholism  and 
crime  will  ever  obtain. 

\^'Tiat  attitude  the  law  shall  take  in  regard  to  responsibility 
for  acts  committed  under  the  influence  of  liquor  is  strictly  a  matter 
of  a  given  legal  policy,  and  will  vary  as  the  fundamental  con- 
ceptions of  the  purpose  and  possible  efficiencies  of  criminal  codes 
may  vary.  The  fact  is  that,  aside  from  complete  stupefaction, 
the  effect  of  alcohol  upon  separate  mental  functions,  including 
the  will,  is  a  highly  individual  matter.  The  loss  of  normal  will 
power  is  logically,  as  in  the  German  code,  the  stage  of  intoxica- 
tion in  which  the  person  becomes  actually  irresponsible.  It  is 
perfectly  clear  to  students  of  the  subject  that,  even  leaving  out 
of  count  the  recognizable  innate  inferiors  and  defectives,  merely 
one  or  two  glasses  of  beer  will  dispossess  some  persons  of  their 
volitional  and  moral  powers  to  an  extent  that  a  whole  evening 
of  drinking  will  not  affect  another.  So  the  quantity  taken  will 
not  tell  the  story  of  lost  responsibility,  nor  will  any  other  im- 
mediately applicable  criterion,  short  of  the  physical  helplessness 
which  prevents  deeds  of  all  kinds. 

The  many  complicating  features  for  treatment  in  a  single  case, 
even  before  the  advent  of  sottish  habit  formation,  and  without 
a  background  of  mental  or  physical  inferiority,  are  worth  illus- 
trating. Here,  too,  let  us  take  an  early  career,  that  we  may 
observe  fundamental  driving  forces. 

Case  34.  —  Young  man,  22  years,  big,  strong,  bright  eyes, 
unusually  good  features.  Son  of  Slavish  parents.  He  looks 
anything  but  a  drunkard,  but  is  unduly  restless  and  nervous. 
Mental  ability  well  up  to  the  ordinary.  He  did  well  in  school. 
Is  affectionate  and  kind.  He  holds  a  good  position  where  he  has 
two  assistants;  has  worked  in  the  same  place  for  6  years.  The 
heredity  is  negative  except  that  most  of  both  families  are  drink- 
ers; no  bad  drunkards  among  them.  The  father  is  very  fond  of 
his  beer  at  home,  and  the  boy  has  had  it  in  small  quantities  ever 
since  he  was  12  or  13.  He  is  the  eldest  of  9  children.  The  mother 
is  a  good  woman  and  much  distressed  over  this  fellow's  delin- 
quencies. He  drinks  only  on  Saturdays  and  Sundays.  He  began 
to  use  whiskey  a  couple  of  years  ago  with  companions,  but  before 
that  had  been  drunk. 


I  197]  •         STIMULANTS    AND    NARCOTICS  [Chap.  V 

About  his  own  case  this  unusually  fine-looking  fellow  explains 
that  there  is  not  the  slightest  reason  for  his  drinking  except  that 
when  Saturday  comes  he  just  seems  to  forget  himself.  He  began 
frequenting  saloons  with  others,  but  now  goes  alone.  He  sel- 
dom has  any  other  place  to  go,  and  feels  as  if  he  is  forced  to  pass 
the  time  away  drinking.  No  real  craving  at  any  time.  He  just 
goes  to  the  saloon  to  spend  a  few  hours.  He  has  a  drink  or  two, 
and  that  would  be  all  right,  but  always  then  wants  more.  He 
works  only  half  a  day  on  Saturdays,  and  he  thinks  it  would  be 
better  if  he  worked  all  day.  He  went  with  a  nice  girl,  but  she 
put  him  aside  —  she  was  quite  right  in  doing  so,  he  thinks.  She 
ought  not  to  marry  a  drunkard.  He  has  promised  his  parents 
over  and  over  to  do  better,  but  when  he  goes  out  it  always  ends 
up  by  drinking.  His  companions  all  drink,  but  don't  get  drunk 
as  he  does. 

He  came  home  intoxicated  6  or  7  months  ago  and  since  that 
time  is  nearly  always  intoxicated  on  Saturday  nights  or  Sundays. 
He  has  stopped  drinking  entirely  for  a  week  at  a  time  and  then 
gets  intoxicated  worse  than  ever.  His  parents  think  his  mind 
must  be  weak  because  his  promises  are  so  readily  broken.  No- 
body has  done  anything  constructive  in  the  case,  there  has  merely 
been  extensive  scolding  by  the  parents  and  others.  The  young 
man  has  been  athletic  at  times,  but  has  no  special  interests,  and 
reads  no  books.  He  makes  much  of  the  companionship  side  of 
drinking,  but  acknowledges  that  now-a-days  he  seeks  the  in- 
toxicant by  himself. 

In  this  case  we  have  the  following  main  factors:  early  moder- 
ate home  drinking;  possible  inheritance  of  unknown  defective 
qualities  from  drinking  ancestors;  influence  of  companionship; 
the  invitation  of  social  life  in  neighborhood  saloons;  lack  of  healthy 
mental  interests;  an  already  created  need  for  alcohol  through 
long  indulgence;  loss  of  will  power  after  a  glass  or  two  is  taken. 
All  this  overcomes  an  apparently  very  well  endowed  young 

As  to  his  treatment;  of  course  there  should  be  complete  with- 
drawal of  the  intoxicant,  and  building  up  of  the  system  so  that 
future  abstinence  can  be  tolerated.  This  will  have  to  be  away 
from  the  scene  of  previous  mental  and  social  associations.  Treat- 
ment thus  means  loss  of  position.  But  then  the  return  home; 
there  is  a  difficulty.  The  young  man  and  his  family  want  a 
specific  against  alcohol.     Finding  nothing  offered  they  go  away 


Chap.  V]  MORPHINE  [§  198 

sorrowing,  and  the  young  man  thinks  he  can  gradually  stop.  The 
prognosis  is  absolutely  bad.  Not  only  personal  conditions, 
strong  fellow  though  he  is,  are  against  him,  but  also  social  cir- 
cumstances. Society,  which  does  not  alter  the  latter,  will  have 
to  stand  the  brunt  of  his  downfall. 

§  198.    Morphine. 

Morphine  in  its  relation  to  criminality  is  vastly  more  subtle 
than  alcohol.  (We  include  the  use  of  opium  with  that  of  its 
derivative,  morphine.)  In  the  first  place,  it  is  often  quite  diffi- 
cult to  obtain  the  facts  about  the  use  of  the  drug,  and,  next,  the 
effects  are  not  nearly  so  obviously  connected  with  misconduct. 
The  use  of  morphine  is  comparatively  infrequently  an  actual 
cause  of  crime,  but  in  some  cases  it  is  a  direct  factor.  The  re- 
sultant effects  of  habitual  use  of  this  drug  are  fairly  uniform,  so 
that  one  may  offer  general  statements,  rather  than  take  space 
for  citing  cases.^ 

Morphine  is  taken  for  its  quieting  effect,  which  is  very  different 
from  the  stimulation  of  alcohol  or  cocaine,.  I  think  it  may  be 
fairly  said  that  the  two  main  classes  of  users  of  morphine  are 
neuropathic  individuals  of  good  mental  endowment,  who  some- 
times regulate  so  well  the  use  of  the  drug  that  they  can  go  many 
years  without  a  vast  amount  of  bad  effect  ensuing,  and  secondly, 
prostitutes  and  social  failures  who  desire  to  deaden  their  sensi- 
bilities and  appreciations  of  distressing  circumstances.  It  is 
not  always  an  easy  matter  to  be  sure  that  any  individual  in 
question  is  an  habitue  of  morphine,  even  by  medical  examination, 
when  the  drug  is  being  taken.  Signs  of  physical  distress  show 
themselves,  for  the  most  part,  only  upon  withdrawal  of  the 
drug.  Occasionally  before  then  indications  of  the  effect  of  mor- 
phine may  be  discerned,  but  by  no  means  in  every  case. 

The  contentions  concerning  the  legal  questions  of  sanity  and 
responsibility  of  the  alcoholic  apply  also  to  the  habitual  user 
of  morphine.  Morphinists,  without  question,  are  to  be  regarded 
as  affected  mentally  by  the  drug.  That  the  aberrational  tend- 
encies are  not  shown  on  all  occasions,  is  no  argument  against 
the  fact,  any  more  than  is  the  usual  appearance  of  a  normal  men- 
tal state  in  the  paranoiac.    How  much  leeway  for  aberration  or 

1  The  best  available  literature  on  the  connection  between  criminality  and 
morphinism  is  in  the  treatise  on  drug  addictions  by  Crothers  (260),  and  his 
special  article  (261)  on  "Criminality  and  Morphiaism." 


§   198]  STIMULANTS   AND    NARCOTICS  [Chap.  V 

irresponsibility  is  going  to  be  allowed  to  the  drug  user  under 
the  law  which  bases  retribution  upon  "  responsibility  "  is,  as  we 
said  of  alcoholics,  a  matter  to  be  established  by  general  theory 
or  social  policy. 

There  are  certain  typical  psychic  conditions  and  peculiarities 
recognized  as  caused  by  morphine.  In  summary,  we  cannot 
do  better  than  enumerate  these  mental  states:  Prolonged  use 
of  morphine  causes  (1)  a  distinct  loss  of  energy.  (2)  This,  as 
observed  in  the  psychical  sphere,  appears  as  a  lowering  of  the 
powers  of  attention,  self-control  and  volition.  The  weakness 
of  the  latter  frequently  is  severe  enough  to  be  called  paralysis 
of  the  will.  (3)  Deterioration  of  moral  judgments  and  general 
character.  (4)  Tendency  to  morbid  impulses  of  mind  and  body. 
(5)  Mental  vagaries  bordering  on  delusions.  (6)  Occasional  hal- 
lucinatory and  delusional  states.  (7)  Rarely,  well-defined  psy- 

So  far  as  criminality  is  concerned,  morphine  may  be  effective 
in  several  ways.  Often  there  is  development  of  the  unexpected 
in  the  individual.  A  woman  of  good  reputation  is  found  out  to 
be  a  thief;  a  previously  honest  man  becomes  a  swindler.  In  one 
case  we  knew  a  woman  morphinist  with  quite  sufficient  income, 
who  trained  her  adopted  daughter  to  be  an  expert  shoplifter. 
In  general  there  is  a  growing  laxity  of  chara.cter;  the  person 
becomes  less  industrious  and  less  particular  in  the  general  habits 
of  life,  and  in  moral  standards,  perhaps  occasionally  showing 
abnormally  erotic  symptoms.  The  evolution  of  unfortunate 
traits  may  take  years;  if  the  morphinist  is  of  strong  will  they 
may  not  be  shown  at  all. 

Sometimes  the  beginning  of  the  downfall  is  in  some  stress 
which  is  made  easier  by  drug  indulgence.  A  typical  situation  in- 
volving a  very  grave  social  offense  I  had  reason  to  know  well.  A 
foreign-trained  veterinary  surgeon,  who  failed  to  succeed  in  this 
country,  became  a  morphinist.  This  man,  after  a  period  of  meet- 
ing his  misfortunes  by  morphine,  gradually  induced  his  wife  and 
then  successively  his  three  oldest  children  all  to  become  addicted 
to  the  drug.  The  descent  of  this  family  from  self-respect,  normal 
earning  capacity,  and  general  decency  of  living,  to  poverty  and 
degradation  was  the  most  characteristic  exhibition  of  the  effect 
of  the  drug  that  one  could  witness.  The  moral  deterioration  of 
this  intelligent  father  who  involved  his  family  in  an  unconquer- 
able habit,  was  on  par  with  the  lowered  powers  of  self-control 


Chap.  V]  COCAINE  [§  199 

which  led  to  gradual  carelessness  about  the  cleanliness  of  hypo- 
dermic needles,  so  that  multiple  abscesses  developed  over  all 
their  arms  and  legs. 

Criminalism  is  developed  onlj''  as  the  morbid  mental  condi- 
tions become  more  intense,  or  when  the  supply  of  the  drug  is 
not  obtainable.  Economic  stress  plays  its  part  here.  Petty 
thieving  offers  the  best  chance  of  obtaining  a  new  supply,  so  is 
the  most  frequent  delinquent  result  of  morphine  habituation. 
Perhaps,  however,  we  should  class  the  main  delinquency  as  the 
lying,  which  is  so  notoriously  characteristic  of  morphinists.  The 
tendency  to  lying  can  well  be  understood  in  the  light  of  the 
psychical  deterioration  we  have  mentioned  above.  It  may  go 
hand-in-hand  with  the  development  of  vagaries,  and  include 
even  self-accusations.  The  "  dope-fiend  self-accuser "  is  well 
known  to  experienced  police  officials. 

§  199.    Cocaine. 

Cocaine  stimulates  mentally  and  physically.  The  cocaine 
user  who  appears  in  court  after  taking  his  stint  of  the  drug  fre- 
quently passes  muster  as  having  unusually  good  mental  ability. 
Cocaine  increases  the  "  nerve,"  renders  the  user  more  apt  at 
repartee,  and  if  he  is  not  mentally  weakened  by  its  chronic  use, 
or  is  not  too  much  under  the  influence  of  it,  his  talkativeness 
hardly  partakes  of  incoherency.  When  the  cocainist  is  senterced, 
and  seen  perhaps  at  a  House  of  Correction  after  some  days  of 
deprivation,  the  underlying  mental  state  of  weakness  and  aber- 
ration is  clearly  perceived.  The  drug  induces  unwonted  bold- 
ness on  the  part  of  weak  individuals,  and  it  is  the  sense  of  exal- 
tation and  exhilaration  which  makes  it  eagerly  sought  for  by 
inferior  types. 

A  case  which  we  have  given  in  short  elsewhere.  Case  29,  was 
reported  to  us  as  being  certainly  that  of  a  cocainist.  This  was 
a  boy  of  distinctly  inferior  type,  coming  from  a  notoriously  bad 
en^^ronment,  who  had  cocaine  in  his  possession.  He  was  an 
excessive  thief  and  vagrant,  associating  with  the  lowest  com- 
panions. He  glibly  gave  an  account  of  the  most  miserable  forms 
of  life  in  the  underworld.  Already  at  15  he  had  had  two  venereal 
diseases.  Offered  a  helping  hand  by  a  manly  police  officer,  he 
was  so  weak  willed  that  he  could  not  lift  himself  out  of  the  mire, 
although  he  steadily  maintained  that  he  wished  to  do  better. 


§   199]  STIMULANTS   AND    NARCOTICS  [Chap.  V 

His  word  was  absolutely  unreliable.  In  court  this  boy  took  on 
the  toughest  attitudes,  and  volubly  insisted  that  he  was  being 
persecuted  by  the  police.  He  had  been  already  4  times  in  the 
adult  courts  through  always  giving  his  wrong  age,  and,  although 
small  in  size,  had  twice  served  terms  in  adult  houses  of  correc- 

Chiefly  notable  about  him  was  his  poor  physical  condition, 
his  lack  of  will  power,  his  excessive  lying,  and  his  attitude  of 

It  is  well  recognized  that  some  criminals,  and  rarely  others, 
take  this  drug  to  give  them  physical  steadiness  and  temporarily 
heighten  their  mental  capacity.  Occasionally  a  criminal  will 
become  so  far  influenced  by  it  that  he  loses  all  foresight  and  self- 
control,  and  is  ready  to  shoot  to  kill  upon  the  slightest  provoca- 
tion. If  we  saw  the  case  cited  above  a  few  years  later  we  should 
probably  find  him  a  most  dangerous  fellow,  carrying  weapons, 
and  willing  to  do  anything  desperate. 

Many  authors  have  noted  the  volubility  of  chronic  cocainists, 
and  many  accounts  are  given  of  their  literary  proclivities.^  In- 
deed some  writers  have  deliberately  used  it  to  increase  their 
fluency.  The  trouble  with  the  acquired  verbal  ability  is  that  it 
readily  passes  over  into  prolixity  and  incoherency;  this  charac- 
teristic is  frequently  noted  in  works  which  treat  of  the  subject. 

The  cocainist's  tendency  to  prevarication  is  excessive.  So, 
too,  is  his  general  moral  degradation.  Nothing  demonstrates 
the  latter  any  more  clearly  than  the  readiness  with  which  users 
of  this  drug  unlawfully  sell  it  to  others,  dragging  them  down 
too,  in  order  to  obtain  funds  for  their  own  supply. 

§  200.    Tea  and  Coffee. 

It  might  be  a  difficult  matter  to  show  how  even  the  most  ex- 
cessive use  of  tea  and  coffee  could  cause  criminalism  in  an  adult, 
but  the  relationship  of  anti-social  tendencies  in  a  child  to  the 
overuse  of  these  stimulants  is  quite  clear.  They  cause  an  amount 
of  excitation  and  unsteadiness  of  the  nervous  system,  and  a 
general  restlessness  which  makes  the  individual  unable  to  com- 
fortably maintain  school  life.  Truancy  is  the  natural  reaction, 
and  from  this  arises  the  usual  range  of  temptations  and  undesir- 

1  In  the  work  on  drugs  by  Crothers  (260)  there  is  a  good  chapter  on 
cocainism,  and  the  same  author  has  also  pubMshed  a  separate  article  (262) 
on  the  subject,  both  of  which  treat  somewhat  of  criminalistics. 


Chap.  V]  TEA  AND  COFFEE  [§  200 

able  tendencies.  The  same  is  true  of  life  in  the  home.  With  an 
excessive  use  of  stimulants  there  is  very  apt  to  be  irritability, 
disobedience,  and  family  friction.  These  in  turn  may  induce 
anti-social  reactions.  In  a  considerable  number  of  cases  we 
have  noted  this.     For  instance,  in  the  following: 

Case  35.  —  Boy,  10  years,  9  months.  Weight  55  lbs.,  height 
4  ft.  2  in.  General  and  neurologic  examination  negative,  except 
that  right  pupil  is  twice  as  large  as  left.  Two  years  ago  he  fell 
from  a  second  story,  striking  the  back  of  his  head,  and  rendering 
him  unconscious.  Bled  from  ears  and  nose.  Eyes  said  to  have 
crossed  at  that  time.  Was  in  the  hospital  for  3  weeks.  Nowadays 
complains  of  many  headaches,  mostly  on  one  side.  Is  a  weak 
and  irritable  type. 

Mentally  we  find  him  to  be  about  fair  in  native  ability.  He 
is  only  in  second  grade,  but  has  been  out  of  school  much.  We 
regard  him  as  perhaps  being  somewhat  dull  from  physical  causes. 
He  gets  into  much  trouble  in  the  school-room  on  account  of 

This  boy  comes  from  a  family  which  shows  many  peculiari- 
ties. The  father  was  a  hard  drinker,  once  sentenced  for  disorderly 
conduct,  later  committed  suicide.  An  older  brother  was  earlier 
a  delinquent,  but  later  made  good.    One  sister  attempted  suicide. 

This  boy  has  been  found  very  difficult  to  handle  through  his 
stubbornness.  There  has  been  lack  of  home  control  on  account 
of  the  mother  being  away  working.  He  has  been  accustomed 
to  get  up  early  in  the  morning  for  his  coffee,,  go  back  to  bed,  and 
get  up  later  to  make  more  coffee  when  his  mother  had  gone 
away.  He  began  it  very  early.  She  states  that  they  could  not 
afford  to  have  meat,  and  so  they  had  to  have  coffee.  He  has 
been  accustomed  to  drinking  about  7  cups  of  coffee  and  2  of  tea 
in  a  day. 

Seen  4  years  later,  we  still  note  his  poor  development.  Now 
at  almost  15  years  he  weighs  only  53  lbs.,  height  4  ft.  7  1-4  in. 
He  is  a  restless,  repressed  type,  with  overuse  of  the  facial  muscles. 
The  pupils  are  still  unequal.  Vision  slightly  defective  in  one  eye. 
Other  examination  negative,  except  that  we  note  his  club-shaped 
finger  tips.  He  speaks  in  staccato  voice,  is  nervous  and  furtive. 
His  people  at  home  say  he  is  not  right  mentally  and  that  they  can 
do  nothing  with  him.  As  a  matter  of  fact  they  abuse  him.  Home 
conditions  bad  in  many  ways.  A  man  in  the  same  house  has 
recently  committed  suicide. 


§  200]  STIMULANTS   AND   NARCOTICS  [Chap.  V 

The  boy  has  been  stealing  and  in  a  burglary.  He  has  only 
reached  3d  grade.  In  spite  of  his  terrifically  poor  school  record 
we  find  him  to  have  good  ability  in  many  ways.  He  does  a  num- 
ber of  our  difficult  tests  very  well  indeed,  showing  good  powers 
of  reasoning  and  mental  representation.  Evidently  he  has  paid 
very  little  attention  to  reading  for  he  does  about  2d  grade 
work  in  it.  Is  known  in  his  neighborhood  to  have  a  good  deal 
of  mechanical  ability.  Has  made  a  machine-like  contrivance. 
This  boy  still  uses  tea  and  coffee  at  the  rate  of  about  6  cups  a 
day,  and  our  impression  is  that  much  of  his  trouble  still  arises 
from  that  cause.  A  good  proof  was  that  when  placed  out  in 
the  country  and  deprived  of  these  stimulants  he  began  to  im- 
prove immediately  on  the  physical  side. 

The  standard  rule  in  pharmacy  is  that  the  effect  of  a  drug  is 
proportionate  to  the  weight  of  the  individual.  If  this  is  true  for 
tea  and  coffee,  as  it  probably  is,  one  can  best  think  of  the  result 
upon  this  small  boy  in  terms  of  what  a  proportionate  amount 
would  do  to  an  adult. 

It  is  unnecessary  to  give  other  examples,  because  all  cases  of 
this  kind  read  alike.  It  is  perfectly  clear  that  the  unsettling  of 
the  nervous  system  which  occurs  in  young  people  by  the  exces- 
sive use  of  these  stimulants  is  a  direct  factor  making  in  many 
environments  for  delinquency. 

§  201.    Tobacco. 

Much  that  we  have  said  about  the  use  of  tea  and  coffee  would 
apply  to  tobacco.  Almost  the  only  way  in  which  tobacco  makes 
for  delinquent  tendencies  is  by  causing  an  unstable  nervous 
system,  and  this  it  certainly  does  when  indulged  in  excessively 
by  young  people.  There  have  been  many  exaggerations  of  the 
bad  effects  of  smoking.  Only  in  occasional  cases  where  tobacco 
was  begun  very  early  have  we  found  the  individual  directly  led 
through  the  use  of  it  into  anti-social  behavior.  An  example  is 
the  following. 

Case  36.  —  Boy  of  13  years.  Weight  89  lbs.,  height  4  ft.  10 
in.  Entire  physical  examination  negative  except  for  a  very  u*- 
regular  pulse  and  a  systolic  heart  murmur.  The  boy  gets  out  of 
breath  easily.  Mentally  we  found  him  to  be  distinctly  bright. 
He  comes  of  a  family  where  the  mother  works  out,  the  father 
having  deserted  years  ago.    He  does  pretty  much  as  he  pleases. 


Chap.  V]  TOBACCO  '  [§  201 

His  delinquencies  consist  in  stealing  and  truancy.  He  is  an 
excessive  smoker,  which  perhaps  accounts  for  his  heart  irregular- 
ity. He  smokes  a  pipe  and  some  cigarettes  every  day.  This 
boy  made  so  much  improvement  in  the  institution  to  which  he 
was  sent  that  he  got  into  no  further  trouble. 

Under  the  head  of  mental  dullness  from  physical  causes  (§  285), 
we  have  given  the  case  of  a  girl  in  which  smoking  seemed  to  have 
direct  effect  upon  her  mental  conditions.  We  have  also  cited 
(§  328)  a  remarkable  case  of  psychosis  apparently  induced  by 
tobacco  in  the  form  of  snuff.  The  typical  signs  of  overuse  of 
tobacco  are  nervousness  and  tremor,  while  mentally  the  individual 
shows  inability  to  concentrate  attention,  or  to  engage  in  any 
prolonged  task.  A  feeling  of  restlessness  goes  with  the  objec- 
tive nervous  sjTnptoms.  The  treatment  of  this  condition,  the 
same  as  of  the  overuse  of  tea  and  coffee,  consists  in  building  up 
the  individual  physically,  and  entirely  or  partially  stopping  the 
babit.  There  can  be  no  denying  that  very  many  individuals  after 
having  been  overusers  of  such  stimulants  have  been  able  to  stop 
or  modify  their  use  so  that  there  has  been  no  permanent  delete- 
rious effect.  In  this  there  is  a  great  difference  from  the  effect 
of  alcohol  or  of  the  habit-forming  drugs. 

The  following  is  a  point  that  must  never  be  forgotten,  a  point 
that  is  important  for  treatment  as  well  as  for  diagnosis  of  delin- 
quents. The  overuse  of  tobacco  and  of  tea  and  coffee  most  fre- 
quently signifies  a  defective  underlying  condition  which  is  the 
fundamental  cause  of  theu-  several  unfortunate  tendencies.  To 
pick  out  tobacco  as  the  cause  of  a  person's  moral  or  social  in- 
efiiciency,  simply  because  it  is  the  most  visible  fault  or  weakness, 
bespeaks  a  very  shallow  method  of  approach  to  the  subject. 
If  one  digs  deeper  one  finds  out  why  these  things  are  craved, 
and  that  there  is  some  feature  of  the  background  which  has  a 
stronger  connection  with  delinquency  than  the  more  easily 
observed  fact. 


§  202]"  ENVIRONMENTAL   FACTORS  [Chap.  VI 

Environmental  Factors 

§  202.  General  Statement.  §  203.  Treatment  of  Environmental  Factors. 
§  204.  Method  of  Presentation  of  Data.  §  205.  Parent  Alcoholic.  §  206. 
Immoral  Home  Environment.  §  207.  Irritation  at  Home.  §  208.  Mem- 
bers of  Family  Immoral  or  Criminalistic.  §  209.  Severity  and  Harshness 
of  Parent.  §  210.  Incompetent  Parental  Control.  §  211.  Home  Uncon- 
geniality.  §  212.  Parents  Separated.  §  213.  Crowded  Housing  Conditions. 
§  214.  Poverty.  §  215.  No  Home.  §  216.  Parental  Neglect.  §  217. 
Bad  Companions.  §  218.  Theatres.  §  219.  Social  Allurements.  §  220. 
School  Irritation.     §  221.  Unsatisfactory  Vocation. 

§  202.  General  Statement.  —  Generalization  about  environ- 
mental factors  as  causes  of  delinquency  is  not  our  immediate 
business.  We  are  students  of  the  individual,  and  evaluators  of 
causal  factors  in  the  specific  case.  That  this  does  not  imply  neg- 
lect of  the  environment  as  a  cause  may  be  witnessed  by  our  gen- 
eral statistics,  §  93,  where  defective  home  conditions  alone  are 
numerically  a  close  second  to  the  mental  conditions  responsible 
for  delinquency  among  our  repeated  offenders.  In  this  matter, 
once  more,  we  strongly  counsel  against  reckoning  up  the  total 
dynamic  value  of  any  cause  apparently  making  for  delinquency 
by  regarding  it  as  an  isolated  fact. 

If  we  desired  to  pick  out  one  topic  we  might  go  much  farther 
in  our  consideration  of  home  environment,  for  instance,  as  a 
causative  factor  of  delinquency.  It  would  be  easy  enough  to 
credit  the  home  which  the  delinquent  comes  from  with  being  the 
main  cause.  Since  he  lives  there  of  course  his  troubles  mainly 
originate  there.  If  all  offenders  came  from  institutions  then  we 
could  just  as  well  blame  the  institutions  as  we  may  now  blame 
the  homes.  We  show  clearly,  and  others  have  shown,  that  in 
the  majority  of  cases  offenders  are  bred  under  bad  home  con- 
ditions. But  it  is  pertinent  for  the  scientific  observer  to  ask 
what  makes  the  homes  defective.  It  is  altogether  possible 
that  some  anterior  cause  is  directly  responsible  both  for  the 
poor  home  and  the  moral  failure  of  the  offspring.  Such  causes 
would  be  alcoholism,  feeblemindedness,  epilepsy,  and  so  on. 
We  recognize  a  common  factor  back  of  both  defects  in  many 
of  our  cases. 


Chap.  VI]  GENERAL   STATEMENT  [§  202 

We  see  altogether  many  reasons  for  not  throwing  entirely  un- 
qualified stress  upon  environment,  either  in  most  individual  cases, 
or  as  a  general  cause.  The  make-up  of  the  personality  is  the  larg- 
est part  of  the  story.  Many  of  the  families  in  which  there  is  a 
delinquent  are  doing  as  much  for  their  children  as  other  families 
of  the  same  grade  of  intelligence  or  economic  capacity,  whose 
children  are  turning  out  well.  Indeed,  as  may  be  shown  by  our 
interesting  family  tables,  §  108,  very  often  other  individuals  in 
the  same  family,  and  under  the  same  environment,  are  doing  quite 
well  morally.  Without  drawing  on  the  many  concrete  illus- 
trations which  could  be  given,  bearing  positively  as  well  as  nega- 
tively on  this  point,  it  may  at  once  be  clearl}^  appreciated  that 
delinquency  is  the  product  of  a  personal  reaction  to  a  given  envi- 
ronment. And  the  reactions  of  differently  constituted  persons  to 
the  same  environment  vary  immensely. 

It  is  not  always  easy  to  keep  a  clear-minded  balance  between 
opposing  arguments  on  causation,  for  instance,  those  of  the 
heredity  specialists  versus  the  environmental  enthusiasts.  We 
have  attempted  everywhere  to  be  open  to  both  sides,  even  in 
trying  to  show  that  the  feebleminded  individual,  who  may  other- 
wise pose  as  a  "  born  criminal,"  (vide  §  371),  is  almost  free  from 
delinquent  behavior  in  the  right  kind  of  an  institution.  Which, 
in  his  case,  is  to  be  regarded  as  the  main  cause  of  delinquency, 
as  well  as  in  many  others,  might  be  very  difficult  to  answer  if  it 
were  not  for  the  fact,  which  we  must  always  remember,  that 
conduct  is  the  direct  outcome  of  mental  life.  Any  defect  or 
peculiarity  of  the  latter  is  thus  to  be  regarded  as  much  more 
immediate  in  the  causation  of  behavior  than  any  other  condition 
of  life. 

No  contention  on  opposing  points  is  necessary  or  desirable.  In 
many  cases  it  is  the  environment  that  can  be  more  easily  altered 
than  an}i:hing  in  the  individual's  personality.  In  a  fewer  number 
of  cases  the  opposite  is  possible,  and  an  individual  can  learn  to 
conform  without  change  of  surroundings.  Which  modification 
is  best  to  aim  at  can  only  be  answered  by  the  careful  survey  of 
the  facts  we  have  everywhere  urged.  Among  repeated  offenders 
we  have  in  some  cases  found,  apparently,  that  environment  was 
solely  to  blame.  But  in  illustration  of  the  complications  which 
there  are  in  the  solution  of  the  problem,  even  when  environment 
is  to  be  regarded  as  the  main  factor,  we  offer  throughout  this 
chapter  various  cards  of  causal  factors.    I  have  little  doubt  that 



offenders  who  do  not  become  repeaters  much  more  frequently  have 
environmental  conditions  alone  at  the  root  of  their  breach  of 

The  story  of  the  effect  of  bad  environment  in  producing  de- 
linquency is  only  to  be  told  by  giving  an  account  of  the  psychical 
effects  of  the  unfortunate  conditions.  Poverty,  and  crowded 
housing,  and  so  on,  by  themselves  alone  are  not  productive  of 
criminalism.  It  is  only  when  these  conditions  in  turn  produce 
suggestions,  and  bad  habits  of  mind,  and  mental  imagery  of  low 
order,  that  the  trouble  in  conduct  ensues.  The  construction  of  en- 
vironmental measures  calculated  to  prevent  delinquency  must  be 
looked  at  in  the  same  light.  A  public  playground  is  no  incentive 
towards  good  conduct  unless  better  mental  activities  and  better 
mental  content  are  fostered  there.  In  illustration  we  might  tell 
of  conditions  which  have  arisen  where  such  a  meeting  place  has 
been  afforded  boys  and  girls,  which  otherwise  they  would  not 
readily  have  had,  and  where  many  ideas  of  delinquency  were 
concocted  and  spread.  All  problems  connected  with  bad  envi- 
ronmental conditions  should  be  carefully  viewed  in  the  light  of 
the  mental  life. 

We  have  felt  so  strongly  that  the  effect  of  a  bad  environment 
was  only  to  be  measured  in  terms  of  possible  harm  done  to  the 
mental  content  that  we  have  repeatedly  ventured  prognoses  on 
this  basis.  We  have  said,  for  instance,  that  a  girl  who  may  have 
been  through  the  depths  of  immorality  can  yet  rise  above  all, 
if  there  has  not  been  mental  contamination.  We  are  convinced 
that  physical  experiences  do  not  necessarily  mean  permanent 
mental  degradation.  Cases  well  studied  and  evaluated  by  their 
mental  aspects  (vide  Case  23),  and  watched  over  a  number  of 
years  prove  this  point.  We  would  sharply  contrast  the  prognosis 
in  an  individual  whose  delinquencies  have  been  merely  the  result 
of  environmental  conditions,  and  those  who  may  not  have  been 
offenders  to  anything  like  the  same  extent,  and  yet  whose  mental 
attitude  and  mental  content  are  indicative  of  a  deeper-set 

Parenthetically,  by  way  of  giving  another  illustration  on  this 
point  of  the  psychical  aspects  of  environment,  we  may  mention 
the  fact  that  a  prolific  source  of  delinquency  arising  from  home 
conditions  is  the  use  of  bad  language  on  the  part  of  parents.  Many 
times,  both  from  boys  and  girls,  and  particularly  from  children  of 
rather  finer  fibre,  we  have  heard  the  ingenuous  statement  that 


Chap.  VI]       TREATMENT    OP^    ENVIKONMENTAL    FACTORS  [§   203 

the  main  source  of  their  deUnquent  tendency  has  been  vile  language 
heard  at  home. 

We  should  always  like  logically  to  separate  physical  from  psy- 
chical environment.  Occasionally  this  can  be  successfully  done, 
but  frequently  the  two  conditions  thoroughly  overlap.  As  we  look 
over  a  long  list  of  environmental  conditions  which  we  have  found 
as  causes,  it  stands  out  clearly  that  most  of  the  defects  can  be 
classified  properly  only  under  the  head  of  conditions  which  have 
directly  had  mental  influence  on  the  offender. 

§  203.  Treatment  of  Environmental  Factors.  —  The  definite, 
highly  important,  struggle  against  environmental  conditions  for 
the  prevention  of  further  delinquency,  should  be  based  only  on  a 
knowledge  of  how  they  have  affected  the  delinquent.  Some 
circumstance  in  the  environment,  perhaps  generally  exploited  as 
cause  of  delinquency,  may  be  directly  assailed  when  it  was  not  in 
the  least  a  factor.  Much  expense  in  time  and  labor  can  thus  be 
wasted.  The  well-directed  procedure  first  establishes  the  rela- 
tion between  cause  and  effect;  it  does  not  proceed  from  a  possible 
cause  to  a  perceptible  fact,  which  may  really  be  due  to  another 
cause.  The  knowledge  that  60  per  cent,  of  all  repeaters  come 
from  bad  homes  does  not  prove  that  any  particular  repeater 
comes  from  a  bad  home,  nor  does  it  prove  that  the  bad  home  in 
any  given  case  produced  the  delinquency.  There  should  be  evalu- 
ation of  the  personal  traits  of  a  bad  young  man  from  a  bad  home, 
as  well  as  a  bad  young  man  from  a  good  home,  if  effective  recon- 
structive measures  are  to  be  undertaken.  Treatment  of  environ- 
ment, as  many  a  wise  probation  officer  clearly  perceives,  turns  out 
to  be  another  highly  individualized  problem.^ 

There  is  not  the  slightest  doubt  in  my  mind  that  effective  pre- 
ventive treatment  of  delinquency  under  the  law  will  never  be 
carried  out  until  there  is  completely  adequate  power  over  the 
environmental  contributors  to  delinquency.    A  prime  necessity,  in 

^  The  best  philosophic  conception  of  crime  from  the  environmental  stand- 
point is  undoubtedly  that  given  us  in  such  good  hterary  form  by  Tarde  (122). 
Natm^Uy,  many  writers  on  criminaUstic  subjects  have  dealt  with  social  causes, 
but  there  have  been  few  attempts  at  extensive  survey  of  American  condi- 
tions. Various  comers  of  the  field  have  been  looked  over  by  different  stu- 
dents. Some  larger  areas  have  been  surveyed,  notably  by  the  Vice  Commis- 
sion of  Chicago  (243),  by  Kneeland  (324),  in  his  study  of  vice  conditions  in 
New  York,  by  Hayford  (325)  in  the  Immigration  Commission  report  on  im- 
migration and  crime.  The  study  by  Breckenbridge  and  Abbott  (318)  is  the 
best  presentation  that  has  been  offered  of  the  problem  of  home  conditions 
which  surround  juvenile  offenders.  Mary  Conyngton's  report  on  the  Relation 
between  Occupation  and  Criminahty  of  Women  (370)  is  a  recent  contribution. 


§  203]  ENVIRONMENTAL    FACTORS  [Chap.  VI 

turn,  for  carrying  this  out  is  that  the  same  court  which  comes  to 
understand  and  adjudicate  the  affairs  of  the  offender  shall  have 
authority  to  remedy  as  much  as  possible  the  external  source  of  the 
trouble.  Without  this  the  procedure,  even  in  juvenile  courts, 
frequently  becomes  nothing  more  than  a  farce. 

The  environmental  circumstances  of  released  prisoners  is  a  topic 
that  requires  the  greatest  consideration,  regarded  merely  as  a 
causative  factor  of  delinquency.  Treatment  of  these  conditions  is 
as  yet  a  very  slightly  appreciated  need.  Comparable  is  the  new 
social  service  work  done  in  connection  with  hospitals  —  the 
principle  being  that  if  the  hospital  has  given  its  services  as  far  as 
the  convalescent  stage,  it  is  a  matter  of  the  greatest  economy  to 
carry  them  still  further,  and  see  that  the  patient  is  restored  to 
social  efficiency.  Now  the  hospital  patient's  inefficiency  is  mostly 
a  negative  quantity.  The  ex-prisoner's  failure  is  a  positive 
menace.  Society  has  undertaken  to  treat  him  for  his  misconduct; 
it  desires  his  moral  well-being  and  general  welfare.  The  penal 
failure,  which  is  everywhere  witnessed  to  by  recidivism,  can 
best  be  prevented  by  after-care  methods  that  are  based  on  full 
appreciation  of  the  offender's  needs  and  possibilities.  Perfunc- 
tory parole  work  is  to  be  regarded  as  a  weak  effort.  The  same  is 
true  of  aid  to  discharged  prisoners  by  whatever  agency  —  suc- 
cessful relief  must  be  based  on  understanding  of  the  individual 
and  his  relation  to  his  environment. 

§  204.  Method  of  Presentation  of  Data.  —  In  presenting  the 
main  points  of  defective  environmental  conditions,  case  histories 
are  unnecessary,  and  many  details,  while  important,  are  so  obvious 
that  they  hardly  need  mention.  The  use  of  our  causative  factor 
cards  will  bring  most  of  the  concrete  issues  to  light.  As  we  said 
before,  since  practically  all  offenders  live  with  a  family,  in  some 
sort  of  a  home,  very  many  environmental  factors,  whatever  they 
may  in  turn  be  caused  by,  center  about  the  home.  We  focus  on 
home  conditions  first  in  our  discussion. 

§  205.  Parent  Alcoholic.  —  The  influence  of  an  alcoholic  parent 
on  home  conditions  that  produce  delinquency  is  one  of  the  plain- 
est facts  observed  in  the  study  of  criminalistics.  It  should  be 
necessary  but  to  enumerate  the  physical  and  the  psychical  envi- 
ronment which  emanates  from  alcoholism  of  the  parent  to  show 
the  relationship.  Alcoholism  of  the  mother  is  undoubtedly  worse 
than  that  of  the  father  in  this  matter.  A  child  of  an  alcoholic 
parent  is  prone  to  be  confronted  in  the  home  by  any  of  the  fol- 


Chap.  VI] 



lowing:  —  poverty;  lack  of  parental  control ;  cruelty;  immodesty 
and  obscenity;  sex  immorality,  amounting  sometimes  to  rape  and 
incest;  familiarity  with  social  disorder  and  crime.  From  what 
might  be  thought  to  be  minor  conditions  resulting  from  alcohol- 
ism, such  as  quarreling  and  home  irritation,  and  the  use  of  such 
language  as  many  a  drinking  man  indulges  in,  we  have  seen  delin- 
quent careers  straightway  arise.  From  our  scores  of  cases  the 
following  cards  illustrate  a  few  of  the  conditions. 

Home  conditions:  Mother  alcoholic.  Case  37. 

Early  puberty.  ^""1,  16  yrs. 

Physical  conditions  —  over-development  + 

extremely  defective  vision. 

Heredity:  Mother  very  weak  willed. 

Runaway.  (Unsuccessful  under  probation  Ordinary  in 

Sex.  and  sent  to  institution.)  ability;   B. 

Home  conditions:    Much  poverty,  irritation. 
One  brother  epileptic. 
One  brother  thief. 
Father  as  below. 

Heredity:  Father  alcoholic,  wife  beater, 
deserter  and  epileptic. 

Forging.  (Much  help  on  probation. 

Stealing.  but  never  successful.) 

Case  38. 
Boy,  17  yrs. 


Fair  ability,  poor 


Home  conditions :  Mother  dead. 

Case  39. 

Father  alcoholic  -| — |-. 
Step-mother  shiftless. 

Boy,  15  yrs. 

Bad  companions  with  street  life. 

Early  truancy. 

Stealing.                                                                         Mental : 

Later,  burglary.                                             Ordinary  in  ability,  B. 


§  206]  ENVIKONMENTAL    FACTOES  [Chap.  YI 

§  206.  Immoral  Home  Enviromnent.  —  Whether  or  not  the 
parents  show  active  criminaHsm  or  immorality,  the  moral  condi- 
tions surrounding  the  home  may  naturally  be  a  vital  point  in  the 
production  of  delinquency.  Thus  a  home  in  association  with  a 
saloon,  or  in  contiguity  to  a  vice  district  is  likely  to  develop  delin- 
quents. Women  who  support  themselves  keep  rooming  or 
boarding  houses  sometimes  where  rather  questionable  people  con- 
gregate; it  may  be  difficult  to  avoid  secretly  bad  characters.  We 
have  known  such  homes  to  be  absolutely  disastrous  to  a  young 
man  or  woman. 

§  207.  Irritation  at  Home.  —  One  hears  extensively  of  the 
effect  of  quarreling  and  nagging  and  teasing  as  causes  of  delin- 
quency, both  from  offenders  and  their  relatives.  A  young  man's 
reaction  to  a  father's  quarrelsomeness,  which  perhaps  the  mother 
endures,  may  be  delinquency.  Sometimes  there  is  a  mental  con- 
flict set  up  from  this  cause,  as  when  a  child  suppresses  the  tend- 
ency to  direct  reaction.  The  irritation  may  come  from  home 
quarreling  with  others  than  parents.  A  very  frequent  irritation 
is  the  abnormal  social  reaction  which  obtains  between  a  step- 
parent and  child.  It  is  a  matter  of  interest  to  know  that  sometimes 
an  insane  person  being  kept  at  home  proves  irritative  enough  to 
create  a  tendency  towards  delinquency. 

Home  conditions :  Father  earlier  alcoholic  Case  40. 

and  deserter.  Boy,  15  yrs. 

Now  very  abusive. 
Another  boy  ran  away  on 

account  of  the  father. 
Mother  works  out.     (Another 

brother  under  sentence.) 

Heredity:  Father  as  above. 



Runaway.  (Several  times  in  Mental : 

Burglary.  institutions.)  Ordinary  in  ability;    B. 

§  208.  Members  of  Family  Immoral  or  Criminalistic.  —  The 
only  way  in  which  it  is  necessary  to  illustrate  this  point  is  in 
showing  the  relationship  there  may  be  between  criminalistic 
home  conditions  and  mental  abnormality. 



Home  conditions:  Father  and  mother  fla-  Case  41. 

grantly  immoral.  Girl,  14  yr.s. 

Lack  of  parental  control. 

Heredity:  Mother  epileptic,  probably  insane. 

Maternal  grandfather  mentally  peculiar. 
Father  immoral,  mean  and  vicious. 

Bad  companions. 

(Unsuccessful  on  probation  Mental : 

Sex  H — \-.  and  sent  to  institution.)        Fair  in  ability. 

Home  conditions:  Father  saloon  keeper  and  Case  42. 

alcoholic.  Boy,  17  yrs. 

Three  brothers  criminalistic. 

Heredity:  Much  mental  dullness  among  children  of 
3  sisters,  ten  delinquents  among  them. 
One  brother  of  this  boy  epileptic,  one  con- 
genitally  blind  and  one  a  dwarf. 

Bad  companions  —  at  home  and  elsewhere. 

Stealing  +.  Mental: 

Away  nights.  (Often  under  arrest.)  Fair  ability. 

§  209.  Severity  and  Harshness  of  Parent.  —  The  effect  of  se- 
verity on  the  part  of  a  parent  may  have  a  direct  reaction  in  delin- 
quency. As  we  have  had  to  reckon  with  such  behavior,  it  runs 
all  the  way  from  mere  repression  to  putting  the  child  out  of  doors, 
or  actual  fighting.  The  immediate  reaction  of  one  boy  to  a  father 
who  kicked  him  was  a  stabbing  affray.  Excessive  strictness  on 
the  part  of  a  parent  when  no  normal  outlets  are  provided  for  the 
boy's  or  girl's  activity  may,  of  course,  directly  lead  to  misconduct. 

§  210.  Incompetent  Parental  Control.  —  Poor  parental  con- 
trol arises  from  weak  will  on  the  part  of  parents,  or  through 
their  actual  irresponsibility  or  semi-responsibility,  or  through 
their  having  some  sensory  defect,  even  such  as  deafness,  or  on 
account  of  family  illness.  Then,  too,  it  frequently  occurs  as  the 
result  of  there  being  many  children  in  the  family.  Both  igno- 
rance and  poverty  may  cause  lack  of  proper  control.  The  number 
of  cases  in  our  series  in  which  the  mother  was  working  out 
may  be  seen  by  reference  to  analysis  of  home  conditions  (§  93). 



The  children  who  are  obliged  to  shift  for  themselves  because  the 
mother  is  out  working  during  the  day,  or  who  live  in  a  boarding 
house  with  a  father  who  works  all  day  are  apt  to  be  living  under 
very  dangerous  conditions. 

§    211.    Home    Uncongeniality. — One    of   the   most   peculiar 
i  phases  of  family  life  that  has  come  to  our  notice  as  a  cause  of  de- 
■  Hnquency  is  the  uncongeniality  that  arises  through  a  young  indi- 
vidual desiring  to  better  himself.    This  ought  not  to  lead  to  delin- 
quency, but  sometimes  the  irritation  caused  by  the   thwarted 
desire  creates  such  reactive  tendencies  that  the  ambitious  one  gets 
into  court.    We  have  seen  now  several  such  instances.    The  elders 
in  a  family  are  perhaps  of  a  peasant  type,  immigrants  without 
education,  not  caring  for  social  advancement.    A  son,  or  even  a 
'daughter,  becoming  in  this  countrj^  educated  and  ambitious,  finds 
;old  country  customs  and  ignorance  irritable  to  the  highest  de- 
igree.    Family  quarrels,  even  violence  may  ensue. 
;     This  factor  of  irritation  because  of  ambition  rarely  appears 
;  alone,  nearly  always  it  is  in  connection  with  the  hypersuscepti- 
Ibility  and  instability  of  adolescence.     We  have  known  well-en- 
;dowed  boys  to  show  the  irrational  reaction  of  becoming  violent 
■and  otherwise  intolerant  in  their  own  homes  from  very  slight  un- 
' congeniality.     There  may  be  repeated  attacks  of  temper  which 
finally  lead  to  arrest.    Such  a  case  is  not  to  be  readily  understood 
by  mere  court-room  procedure.     Wise   probation   officers  have 
over  and  again,  however,  been  able  to  size  up  the  situation  and 
help  towards  readjustment.     Mere  punishment  without  appre- 
ciation in  the  case  of  such  sensitive  adolescents  is  likely  to  prove 
disastrous  for  them  and,  of  course,  is  in  turn  inimical  to  society 
at  large. 

§  212.  Parents  Separated.  —  A  very  fruitful  source  of  delin- 
quency is  found  in  the  separation  of  parents,  either  with  or  with- 
out divorce.  One  cannot  deny  that  in  some  cases  the  character 
of  one  parent  is  such  that  the  child  would  better  not  be  with 
that  one.  And  then  one  would  not  argue  from  our  large  findings, 
§  93,  on  families  of  offenders  being  broken  up  from  cause  other 
than  death,  that  it  was  the  mere  breaking  up  which  created  the 
delinquent  tendency.  Equally  back  of  both  delinquency  of  the 
child  and  the  separation  of  the  parents  there  may  have  been  an 
anterior  factor,  such  as  alcoholism  or  immorality.  The  fact  stands 
out  very  clearly,  however,  that  the  child  who  is  not  controlled 
under  the  united   efforts  of  both  father  and  mother  is  at  great 



disadvantage,  and  readily  acquires  anti-social  tendencies.  The 
breaking  up  of  a  family  is  in  itself  an  act  of  anti-social  portent, 
and  seems  the  blackest  from  the  standpoint  of  the  child's  moral 
welfare.  ^Vliere  a  child  goes  from  one  parent  to  another,  and  thus 
feels  in  an  entirely  different  social  situation  from  that  of  children 
in  happier  families,  the  reaction  is  very  likely  to  be  dangerous  to 
society.  So  not  only  in  their  personal  habits,  but  also  in  their  atti- 
tude towards  the  marriage  relation,  parents  influence  their  off- 
springs' behavior. 

It  is  altogether  insufficiently  comprehended  that  children  are 
immensely  susceptible  to  the  influence  of  the  conduct  of  their 
parents.  It  is  not  that  they  often  copy  the  type  of  action  of  the 
elders,  but  there  may  be  sorenesses  of  spirit  and  hidden  mental 
conflicts  about  parents'  misconduct  which  unconsciously  seek 
relief  in  other  kinds  of  misbehavior. 

§  213.  Crowded  Housing  Conditions.  —  The  material  founda- 
tions of  social  life  deeply  influence  morality.  In  the  matter  of 
the  many  decencies  that  depend  upon  housing  conditions  this 
stands  out  very  clearly.  A  considerable  cause  of  sexual  vice  is  to 
be  found  in  the  spacial  circumstances  of  home  life.  The  mere 
huddling  of  people  together  would  do  little  harm  if  it  were  not  for 
the  mental  results  of  such  conditions.  I  mean  by  this  that  it  is 
asking  too  much  to  expect  people  who  are  brought  up  under  condi- 
tions which  necessitate  bodily  exposure  and  premature  acquaint- 
ance with  sex  affairs  to  respect  related  types  of  conduct  which 
make  for  the  welfare  of  society.  Again,  in  this  matter,  we  speak 
from  experience.  We  find  that  children  who  have  seen  cohabita- 
tion between  parents,  for  instance,  are  deeply  influenced  by  it, 
and  that  exposure  of  the  body  under  our  modern  civilized  condi- 
tions, where  such  exposure  is  not  common,  creates  mental  imagery 
that  may  be  all  against  sex  morality.  We  say  nothing  of  the  actual 
sex  practices  which  unfortunately  tend  to  occur  between  members 
of  the  same  family  under  crowded  conditions,  these  are  obviously 
and  hideously  bad;  there  are  other  more  subtle  features  to  consider. 

After  all,  respect  for  parents,  and  for  the  integrity  of  family  re- 
lationships, and  for  the  human  body  itself,  is  largely  the  basis  of 
the  morality  of  our  civilization,  and  nothing  so  easily  militates 
against  this  respect  as  crowded  living  conditions.  It  is  hardly 
necessary  to  enlarge  upon  this,  hardly  necessary  to  show  the  rela- 
tionship of  tenement  house  life,  and  of  crowded  shanties,  and  of 
irresponsible  boarders  in  the  home,  to  the  development  of  per- 


§  213]  ENVIRONMENTAL    FACTORS  [Chap.  VI 

verted  sex  instincts  among  children.  This  is  another  subject  we 
cannot  take  space  to  do  justice  to,  but  we  may  be  allowed  to  say 
that  until  communities  realize  the  dangers  from  crowded  housing 
there  is  simply  bound  to  be  a  considerable  quota  of  prostitutes  and 
other  loose-living  people  emerge  from  these  conditions. 

§  214.  Poverty.  —  The  general  relation  of  poverty  to  criminal- 
ism it  is  not  necessary  to  expatiate  on.  We  have  endeavored  in 
different  places  to  point  out  the  particulars.  There  can  be  no 
doubt  in  the  mind  of  anyone  who  has  compared  by  observation 
conditions  of  European  cities  with  ours  that  poverty  here  is 
vastly  less  a  factor  in  delinquency.  Frequently  we  have  had 
to  call  attention  in  a  given  case  to  the  fact  that  one  could  throw 
the  blame  on  family  ignorance,  fully  as  much  or  more  than  on 
the  family  poverty  which  was  present.  But  perhaps  a  counter 
argument  might  be  made  that  against  the  existence  of  ignor- 
ance itself  there  are  no  active  influences  possible  under  the  con- 
ditions of  poverty.  However  that  may  be,  the  fact  is  that  fre- 
quently conditions  of  poverty  must  be  alleviated  in  order  that 
delinquent  tendencies  may  be  checked.  This  is  seen  and  amelio- 
ration, if  very  partially,  accomplished  through  the  modern  sociali- 
zation of  courts,  those  which  have  operating  in  connection  with 
them  various  helping  agencies. 

§  215.  No  Home.  —  An  adolescent  without  a  home  is  under 
the  most  favorable  circumstances  for  the  establishment  of  crimi- 
nalistic behavior.  Studies  we  have  made  of  youthful  itinerancy 
when  the  wandering  has  been  even  in  company  with  one  parent, 
have  led  us  to  see  that  there  is  very  little  hope  for  the  develop- 
ment of  moral  life  under  such  conditions.  The  homeless  child 
that  for  any  reason  is  changed  about  from  place  to  place,  or  from 
institution  to  institution,  gets  in  much  the  same  unsettled  mental 
state  as  the  wanderer  and  gains  the  same  feeling  of  the  insta- 
bility of  his  social  milieu,  which  is  not  comportable  with  the 
establishment  of  good  conduct. 

§  216.  Parental  Neglect.  —  The  subject  of  the  effect  of  paren- 
tal neglect  as  productive  of  delinquency  is  altogether  too  trite 
to  be  dwelled  on  in  detail.  The  one  point  in  this  subject  to  which 
we  would  draw  intimate  attention  is  the  factor  of  non-under- 
standing as  a  feature  of  parental  neglect.  So  very  frequently 
have  we  become  acquainted  with  cases  in  which  the  source  of 
delinquency  was  not  in  the  least  comprehended  by  parents, 
that  we  feel  strongly  on  this  point.     Even  when  parents  have 


Chap.  Vl]  BAD    COMPANIONS  •     [§  217 

attempted  discipline  and  have  warned,  there  may  not  have 
been  the  least  understandins;  which  was  necessary  for  the  appli- 
cation of  adequate  therapy.  In  fact,  very  frequently  there  does 
not  seem  to  be  the  glimmer  of  appreciation  that  any  understand- 
ing was  necessary.  The  adults,  forgetting  their  own  formative 
period,  have  projected  their  adult  point  of  view  absolutely. 
The  unfortunate  feature  here  is  that  very  frequently  the  situa- 
tion in  this  respect  is  irrcA^ocable.  The  parents  will  not  under- 
stand. Their  usual  response  is  that  they  have  put  up  w^th  the 
situation  as  long  as  they  can,  and  have  become  so  provoked,  or 
so  nervous  about  it  that  they  can  do  nothing  more.  If  the 
environment  in  this  way  is  unalterable,  then  there  is  nothing 
further  to  do  about  it  except  to  attempt  to  get  the  delinquent 
to  take  himself  in  hand  with  understanding  of  the  causes  of  his 
own  trouble,  or  to  obtain  for  him  better  understanding  in  another 
environment.  The  better  understanding  is  quite  possibly  gained 
for  him  in  good  institutional  life,  as  we  have  had  reason  to  know. 
The  above  feature  of  parental  neglect  is  beyond  the  power  of 
any  court  proceeding  to  alter. 

§  217.  Bad  Companions.  —  As  observed  in  any  phase  of  court 
life,  bad  companions  play  an  immense  part  in  the  production 
of  criminalism.  To  be  sure  there  are  quite  solitary  individuals 
who  have  developed  an  anti-social  grudge,  or  who  have  deliber- 
ately entered  upon  a  professional  criminalistic  career,  but  the 
majority  work  up  their  impulses  gregariously.  Bad  companions 
may  be  considered  as  part  of  the  psychical  environment,  and 
may  exert  influence  under  many  varying  conditions.  We  have 
as  a  matter  of  interest  enumerated  the  following  types  of  bad 
companions:  (a)  As  found  in  the  home.  This  may  be  either 
the  father  or  mother,  but  far  more  often  is  either  brother  or 
sister.  All  sorts  of  criminalistic  and  vicious  behavior  may  thus 
receive  its  first  incentive  in  what  should  be  the  most  protected 
environment;  (6)  School  companions;  (c)  Street  companions. 
There  are  various  types  of  these  —  loafers,  occasional  thieves, 
gangs  of  thieves,  and  gangs  in  general;  (d)  Companions  found 
in  institutions,  where  some  of  the  worst  of  moral  contagion  takes 
place.  We  have  spoken  of  this  elsewhere;  (e)  Influence  of  one 
criminalistic  companion,  particularly  an  older  person;  (/)  In- 
fluence of  a  person  of  the  opposite  sex.  There  are  all  sorts  of 
possible  variations  here  on  the  sex  impulse;  (g)  Influence  of 
stage  people;    (h)  Influence  of  a  feebleminded  companion.     This 




[Chap.  VI 

is  rather  striking  because  the  influence  is  usually  supposed  to 
be  the  other  way,  but,  as  a  matter  of  fact,  a  feebleminded  indi- 
vidual who  has  learned  vicious  ways,  may  be  a  tremendous 
teacher  of  bad  conduct. 

We  have  shown  in  our  statistical  summary,  §  96,  the  part 
which  we  found  bad  companions  actually  play  as  a  causative 
factor.  Neither  there  nor  here  does  the  subject  seem  to  call  for 
further  analysis  or  case  studies.  The  effect  of  a  bad  companion 
is  altogether  too  clear  to  need  illustration,  but  we  should  state 
that  almost  never  have  we  found  the  effect  of  bad  companions 
to  stand  alone.  Weakness  in  the  situation  has  appeared  else- 
where, either  in  the  individual's  own  personality  or  in  some  neglect 
which  centers  about  home  life.  Any  overwhelming  influence  of 
a  bad  companion,  as  a  peculiar  phenomenon,  itself  needs  explana- 
tion. The  following  cards  give  some  inkling  of  adventitious 

Bad  companions.    Influence  of  one  young 

Poor  parental  control.    Large  family. 
Delinquencies : 
Sneak  thief. 

Case  43. 
Boy,  age  14  yrs. 

Fair  ability. 

Bad  companions. 

Defective  vision. 

Delinquencies : 


Case  44. 
Boy,  age  13  yrs. 

Good  ability. 

§  218.  Theatres.  —  Possible  effects  of  theatrical  presenta- 
tions in  producing  criminalism  is  obvious  when  it  occurs  at  all. 
High-priced  plays  are  as  a  rule  not  seen  by  adolescents,  and  it  is 
doubtful  if  theatres  ever  influence  towards  criminalistic  conduct 
except  at  this  impressionable  age.  Melodramas  urge  to  action 
much  as  moving  pictures  do.  We  were  interested  at  one  time 
to  know  that  the  most  popular  play  ever  seen  by  a  series  of 


Chap.  VI]  SCHOOL   IRRITATION  [§  220 

young  offenders  was  one  that  had  to  do  with  convict  life,  but 
there  was  never  any  evidence  that  the  play  had  induced  bad 
conduct.  There  cannot  be  the  slightest  doubt  that  the  stimu- 
lation of  certain  shows  is  towards  misconduct  in  sex  affairs;  the 
influence  is  direct. 

The  main  point  of  contact  between  theatres  and  delinquency 
is  in  connection  with  the  life  of  the  stage  itself.  The  attraction 
which  it  has  for  immature  young  women  and  young  men,  and 
the  freedom  of  intercourse  which  it  brings  about,  and  the  per- 
verted notions  of  sex  morality  which  center  about  this  life  are 
frequently  disastrous.  But  except  in  the  case  of  young  men  who 
steal  or  young  women  who  run  away  in  order  to  enjoy  some 
phases  of  this  exciting  life,  the  delinquencies  are  nearly  all  con- 
fined to  sex  affairs. 

§  219.  Social  Allurements.  —  The  various  allurements  of 
social  life  which  stand  out  in  the  causation  of  delinquency  form 
a  great  variety  which  are  too  long  to  recount.  We  find,  for  in- 
stance, a  defective  boy  who  is  a  great  runaway  always  going  to 
the  sho'ps  down  town.  We  note  a  strong  young  man,  who  is 
turning  alcoholic,  finding  the  social  life  of  the  saloon  his  chief 
source  of  downfall.  Dance  halls  nowadays  are  notoriously  great 
factors  in  breaking  down  morality.  In  the  study  of  the  indivi- 
dual each  of  these  must  be  estimated  for  just  what  it  is  worth. 

The  allurements  of  fine  clothes  as  worn  by  others  or  as  seen  in 
shop  windows  is,  to  those  who  have  a  native  desire  for  finery, 
an  undoubted  temptation  which  may  result  in  some  form  of 
dishonest  acquirement. 

§  220.  School  Irritation.  —  As  part  of  the  psychical  environ- 
ment we  must  very  properly  reckon  with  this  factor,  although 
in  the  study  of  the  individual  the  prime  cause  would  undoubtedly 
be  the  personal  peculiarity  which  leads  to  the  irritation.  We 
find  the  specialized  defective  (§  277  ft'.),  for  instance,  developing 
anti-social  tendencies  because  he  was  kept  with  small  children, 
although  in  many  respects  he  had  mental  powers  corresponding 
to  his  age.  Others  on  account  of  nervous  trouble  or  physical 
ailments,  including  uncorrected  sensory  defects,  are  irritated 
by  the  confinement  of  the  school-room.  Conditions  of  hearing, 
which  are  more  difficult  to  correct  than  vision,  may  cause  great 
irritability  and  recalcitrancy.  Then  we  might  cite  the  case  of 
the  boy  who,  as  educationalists  say,  was  not  book-minded.  His 
traits  required  that  he  do  things  with  his  hands;  his  delinquency 


§  220]  ENVIRONMENTAL    FACTORS  [Chap.  VI 

was  the  result  of  impulsions  which  arose  in  this  way.  Attendance 
at  a  school  where  there  was  poor  teaching  and  poor  discipline, 
or  where  language  was  taught  that  was  not  the  general  language 
of  the  community  —  have  all  figured  as  causes. 

§221.  Unsatisfactory  Vocation. — On  some  occasions  we 
have  found  hypersensitive  adolescents  to  whom  the  vocations 
they  were  following  were  highly  irritative,  and  who  showed 
delinquent  tendencies  as  a  result.  In  others  there  has  been 
fancied  possession  of  some  special  talent,  with  constant  com- 
plaint, accompanied  by  recalcitrant  behavior  because  they  had 
no  chance  to  use  this  special  talent.  In  reckoning  with  adoles- 
cents, matters  which  in  older  years  would  be  less  productive  of 
irritation,  are  properly  taken  into  account.  Adolescence  is  the 
age  of  hypersusceptibility  as  well  as  the  age  of  high  develop- 
ment of  criminalistic  tendencies.  So  the  adult  point  of  view  in 
regard  to  affairs  which  later  would  not  be  irritative,  is  not  a  safe 
guide  for  the  student  of  causations. 


Chap.  Vll]  ENVIRONMENTAL    FACTORS  [§  222 

Environmental  Factors  —  Concluded 

§  222.  Lack  of  Healthy  Mental  Interests.  §  223.  Influence  of  Newspapers. 
§  224.  Influence  of  Pernicious  Stories.  §  22.5.  Influence  of  Pictures, 
Especially  Moving  Pictures.     §  226.  Experiences  During  Custody. 

§  222.    Lack  of  Healthy   Mental  Interests. 

We  have  been  exceedingly  impressed  by  what  we  have  learned 
concerning  the  paucity  of  mental  interests  of  individuals  who 
start  criminalistic  careers.  If  we  were  believers  in  statistics,  as 
such,  we  could  offer  extensive  findings  on  this  point.  In  our 
routine  inquiry  into  not  only  actual  activities  of  adolescent  of- 
fenders, but  even  through  evidences  of  their  lack  of  knowledge 
of  what  should  be  every  young  person's  birthright  in  the  way 
of  wholesome  interests,  we  have  found  the  most  astonishing 
deficiencies.  These  unfortunate  individuals  are  generally  un- 
accustomed to  playing  games  that  have  interesting  mental  con- 
tent, they  rarely  are  found  to  read  the  type  of  books  which  lead 
them  into  constructive  activities.  They  have,  almost  univer- 
sally, very  slight  knowledge  of  the  modern  scientific  interests, 
such  as  electricity,  which  fairly  possess  the  minds  of  more  fortu- 
nate young  people.  Such  normal  activities  as  that  of  collecting 
objects  of  interest  ^  are  rarely  met  with. 

Impressive  though  these  findings  have  been,  and  though  they 
clearly  bear  in  the  individual  case  upon  the  production  of  anti- 
social tendencies,  yet  one  would  be  careful  in  drawing  large 
conclusions  concerning  the  lack  of  these  activities  in  offenders 
as  compared  with  what  we  might  find  in  other  members  of  the 
same  family  or  the  same  social  group.    It  is  true  that  in  certain 

1  Norms  for  the  collecting  activity  have  been  more  or  less  gathered,  but 
not,  of  course,  for  the  non-dehnquent  members  of  the  same  social  groups  that 
our  offenders  come  from.  Stanley  HaU  (320),  Earl  Barnes  (321),  and  Carohne 
Burk  (322)  have  aU  made  studies  on  the  collecting  instinct  in  children.  They 
show  that  it  is  very  common.  Ehzabeth  Howe  (323)  also  has  an  interesting 
short  paper  in  which  she  raises  the  practical  question  of  the  utihzation  of 
this  activity.  We  do  not  intend  over-emphasis  of  "collecting" ;  we  merely  use 
it  by  way  of  concrete  illustration  of  the  lack  of  healthy  mental  interests  in 
■offenders'  early  Uves. 



instances  we  have  known  the  offender's  healthy  young  activities 
to  have  been  suppressed  beyond  the  normal  of  others  in  his  sphere, 
but  no  general  theories  therefrom  can  be  safely  adduced.  But 
certainly  if  one  were  to  think  of  very  many  of  these  cases  in  terms 
of  what  could  be  done  to  prevent  the  growth  of  anti-social  ten- 
dencies, the  consideration  of  the  development  of  healthy  mental 
interests  should  be  uppermost. 

The  emptiness  of  home  life  in  the  above  matters  is  partly  due 
to  poverty,  but  undoubtedly  ignorance,  again,  is  more  directly 
responsible.  Many  families  who  have  no  greater  means  look 
after  the  mental  content  and  the  general  activities  of  their  chil- 
dren with  at  least  some  conception  of  the  fundamental  principle 
that  mental  vacuity  is  pernicious.  Then,  too,  we  have  on  nu- 
merous occasions  become  acquainted  with  family  life  where  the 
funds  were  ample  and  yet  the  young  people's  activities  had  never 
been  developed  along  wholesome  lines. 

Even  in  this  matter,  where  we  feel  convinced  there  is  one  of 
the  greatest  origins  of  delinqiient  tendencies,  personality  must 
once  more  be  taken  into  account.  What  would  offer  sufficient 
satisfaction  for  one  type  of  mind,  might  be  quite  inadequate 
to  supply  activities  to  another.  The  fact  of  this  variability,  as 
well  as  proof  of  our  main  theme  by  results  obtained  by  treatment, 
lead  us  to  offer  some  short  sketches  taken  from  among  hundreds 
of  cases  which  we  could  cite. 

Case  45.  —  A  boy  of  15,  of  foreign  parentage,  small  in  stature, 
but  otherwise  normal  physically,  and  of  fair  mentality,  was  out 
much  on  the  streets  with  bad  companions.  He  had  repeatedly 
been  stealing  and  was  connected  with  several  burglaries.  He 
comes  from  a  family  of  ten  children.  Father  a  laborer.  At  least 
two  older  brothers  were  delinquents.  This  boy  had  been  mostly 
to  a  foreign-speaking  school.  He  reads  the  sporting  pages  of  the 
newspaper  and  some  cheap  novels,  but  nothing  else.  The  only 
books  at  home  were  his  school  books.  He  played  ordinary  ath- 
letic games  with  the  other  boys.  His  knowledge  of  scientific 
items  was  practically  nil.  His  parents  were  deceitful  and  un- 
trustworthy, characteristics  which  this  boy  strongly  resented. 
He  begged  for  a  chance  to  get  away  from  the  city,  where,  as  he 
said,  there  was  nothing  for  him  to  do  but  to  get  into  trouble,  and 
where  all  activities  centered  about  the  street  life.  Given  a  chance 
elsewhere,  he  took  hold  of  his  new  interests  with  a  vim,  and  as  ob- 
served over  a  period  of  years  has  done  absolutely  well. 


Chap.  VIl]        LACK    OF   HEALTHY   MENTAL    INTERESTS  [§  222 

Home  conditions.     Parents  severe, 

Case  45. 


Boy,  15  yrs. 

and  untruthful. 

Large  family. 

Lack  of  healthy  mental  interests, 

either  recreational  or  occupational. 

Bad  companions. 




Fair  ability. 

Case  46.  —  Another  very  different  type  of  case  was  that  of  a 
very  strong,  well-developed  boy,  of  more  than  ordinary  ability, 
who  was  the  only  member  of  his  family  that  had  become  delin- 
quent. He  was  one  of  9  children.  The  father  and  mother  are 
thoroughly  good  people,  but  have  had  a  hard  struggle  financially, 
and  feel  keenly  their  inability  to  give  this  boy  what  he  really 
needs.  The  home  life  has  satisfied  the  others,  but  not  this  lad 
who  has  always  been  very  active  in  mind  and  body.  When  sent 
away  to  a  model  public  institution  on  account  of  a  minor  delin- 
quency, he  was  a  great  favorite  and  grasped  greedily  all  the 
opportunities  which  were  there  afforded  him.  His  intelligent 
mother  was  bitter  on  that  point,  for  he  came  home  more  spoiled 
than  ever.  At  15  he  was  quick  and  bright  and  self-assertive, 
but  not  shrewd  enough  to  keep  out  of  mischief.  At  last  he  stole 
several  hundred  dollars,  which  he  was  about  to  use  for  the  pur- 
poses of  travel,  when  he  was  caught. 

From  this  case  we  learned  an  important  fact  for  the  treat- 
ment of  similar  individuals.  It  appeared  that  a  gentleman  in 
business  knew  of  this  lad's  home  circumstances,  and  his  ability, 
and  had  given  him  in  an  office  a  position  which  was  created  for 
the  purpose.  There  was  almost  nothing  to  do  all  day.  The  boy 
stayed  a  couple  of  months  resisting  temptation  before  he  finally 

A  few  words  from  his  own  story  show  the  need  for  supplying 
such  minds  with  activities.  "  I  'd  like  to  be  an  electrician  if  I 
could.  I  don't  care  for  office  work.  I  'd  like  to  know  about 
machines.  When  I  was  younger  I  used  to  go  with  a  bunch  of 
bad  kids,  but  since  I  was  out  at  that  place  I  know  enough  to 
keep  away  from  them.  Mr.  Y.  did  not  have  work  for  me.  I 
was  just  sitting  around  there  nearly  all  day.    I  would  do  about 



a  half-hour's  work  all  day.  I  got  tired  of  reading  the  papers.  I 
was  thinking  I  would  rather  be  working  hard  and  doing  more. 
I  can't  stand  sitting  around.  I  'd  rather  be  blacksmithing  or 
anything.  I  was  just  crazy  enough  to  think  I  could  get  away 
with  that  money.  I  was  thinking  of  going  somewhere  west  of 
here,  anywhere,  and  was  buying  those  things  ready  to  start." 

Lack  of  sufficient  mental  interests  at  home,  Case  46. 

and  where  employed.  Boy,  15  yrs. 

Home  conditions  —  large  family  and  poverty. 

Adolescent  instability 
Lack  of  foresight. 

Truancy.  Mental: 

Stealing.  Ability  above  ordinary. 

Neglect  of  education  may  well  be  considered  under  the  head 
of  not  providing  an  individual  with  sufficient  mental  interests. 
If,  as  a  simple  instance,  the  ability  to  read  easily  is  not  acquired 
there  cannot  be  the  opportunity  there  otherwise  would  be  for 
the  gaining  of  healthy  ideas.  To  some  extent  the  same  is  true 
of  the  gaining  of  dexterity  in  other  activities.  But  it  is  not 
only  in  the  matter  of  teaching  the  ability  to  handle  mental  tools, 
so  to  speak,  that  the  schools  can  do  good  in  this  respect.  It  would 
be  well  if  there  were  a  more  definite  attempt  to  increase  in  early 
school  life  the  acquirement  of  such  mental  interests  as  might 
save  many  from  delinquency.  This  could  include  recreational  as 
well  as  occupational  interests. 

If  one  were  to  go  into  a  household  where  the  children  had 
sufficient  in  the  way  of  interest  to  keep  them  healthily  occupied, 
one  might  make  a  long  list  of  very  simple  and  inexpensive  arti- 
cles which  serve  the  purpose.  The  question  of  getting  the  right 
things  is  more  one  of  intelligence  than  of  amount  of  money  spent. 

This  question  of  supplying  healthy  mental  interests  has  impor- 
tant bearings  for  those  who  are  shut  out  in  any  way  from  normal 
participation  in  what  is  ordinarily  offered  by  way  of  occupation  or 
recreation.  I  am  not  sure  but  that  a  goodly  share  of  the  reason 
for  the  feebleminded  falling  into  evil  ways  is  because  they  in  an 
ordinary  environment  are  not  afforded  suitable  mental  interests. 
We  have  had  the  good  fortune  to  witness  some  striking  examples 
of  the  effect  of  suitable  mental  interests  given  to  individuals  who 


Chap.  VII]  INFLUENCE   OF   NEWSPAPERS  [§  223 

had  been  largely  deprived  of  them.  One  boy,  who  was  notorious 
for  indulgence  in  vicious  misdeeds,  was  found  to  have  a  harassing 
ear  trouble.  This  had  largely  precluded  him  from  being  inter- 
ested in  ordinary  school  life,  or  from  enjoying  other  social  advan- 
tages. Then  it  was  discovered  that  he  had  a  talent  for  drawing. 
He  was  so  thoroughly  delighted  with  his  new-found  abilities  and 
with  the  opportunities  given  him,  that,  although  he  has  not 
been  a  startling  success,  he  ceased  to  be  a  delinquent  from  the 
very  day  of  the  discovery.  The  career  of  this  young  man,  over 
the  years  we  have  known  him,  is  the  sharpest  possible  contrast  to 
his  previous  life,  as  far  as  conduct  is  concerned.  The  main  change 
has  been  through  finding  for  him  an  interest  and  outlet  in  self- 
expression  which  was  utterly  denied  before. 

We  can  afford  no  fm*ther  space  for  study  of  this  subject  because 
its  bearings  and  details  should  be  clear  enough  to  the  student.  We 
are  inclined  to  think  that  herein  lies  a  most  important  consider- 
ation for  the  treatment  of  offenders  in  any  situation,  especially 
if  they  are  taken  early.  A  deep  psychological  fact  is  involved 
when  we  consider  the  possibility  of  introducing  mental  activi- 
ties which  may  win  the  day  against  less  desirable  ones.  Diffi- 
cult though  this  may  be  in  handling  offenders  in  a  poor  environ- 
ment, as  many  probation  officers  know,  yet  the  ideal  is  always 
worth  striving  for.  The  good  mental  activity,  if  suitable  to  the 
needs  of  the  person,  can  frequently  be  calculated  to  drive  out  the 
bad  which  is  not,  by  comparison,  always  of  commanding  interest. 
This  should  be  a  fruitful  matter  for  consideration  in  all  industrial 
schools  and  other  institutions.  The  best  possible  way  to  prevent 
the  growth  of  delinquent  tendencies  is  to  give  the  individual  an 
equipment  of  better  interests  which  may  command  his  thoughts. 
The  same  principle  works  even  in  the  treatment  of  defectives. 
In  the  best  institutions  for  these  unfortunates  it  is  most  notice- 
able that  the  development  of  satisfactory  interests  for  them  so 
commands  their  attention  that  they  are  not  at  all  the  criminal- 
istic persons  which  they  would  be  outside.  The  above  few  con- 
siderations do  scant  justice  to  this  most  important  topic. 

§  223.    Influence  of  Newspapers. 

Consideration  of  the  question  of  the  influence  of  newspapers 
in  producing  anti-social  conduct  has  brought  forth  results  sur- 
prising to  ourselves.      It  would  seem,  a  priori,  that  the  great 



amount  of  material  which  the  newspapers  publish  relating  to 
delinquency  must  certainly  very  definitely  harm  the  readers. 
Fenton  (295)  in  his  highly  interesting  study  of  this  matter  pro- 
ceeds from  this  standpoint.  He  shows  that  a  very  considerable 
proportion  of  the  news  space  of  the  ordinary  daily  paper  is  taken 
up  by  accounts  of  criminalistic  and  other  anti-social  affairs.  But 
when  it  comes  to  anything  like  the  proof  of  this  supposed  effect 
in  a  given  case  it  appears  singularly  hard  to  obtain.  General  im- 
pressions from  many  sources  are  readily  forthcoming,  but  no 
satisfactory  exact  data,  and  yet,  of  course,  this  does  not  deny  cer- 
tain eminently  bad  influences  which  such  literature  may  have. 

From  our  own  studies  we  get  the  following  results.  In  no  one 
single  case  can  we  in  the  least  show  that  the  reading  of  newspapers 
was  a  strong  cause  of  criminality.  We  have  inquired  about  mental 
influences  in  many  hundreds  of  cases,  and,  while  other  factors 
stand  out  clearly  as  affecting  mental  processes,  this  one  does  not. 
Nor  do  our  results  contradict  anything  that  other  authors  have 
actually  been  able  to  show.  Hellwig  (296)  in  his  well-balanced 
consideration  of  the  subject  comes  to  just  the  same  conclusion.^ 

Before  passing  on  to  a  word  about  the  bad  influence  news- 
papers can  be  shown  to  have,  it  may  be  worth  while  theorizing  a 
little  about  why  they  do  not  appear  as  any  great  cause  of  crimin- 
alism. We  know  in  the  first  place  that  most  criminal  careers  are 
begun  before  there  is  extensive  reading  of  the  newspapers.  Young 
offenders  as  a  rule,  we  find,  care  for  little  but  the  comic  portions. 
They  are  just  as  much  interested  in  accidents  as  in  criminalistic 
material,  and  only  rarely  have  we  met  the  slightest  indication 
that  a  newspaper  story  of  a  criminal  has  developed  hero  worship. 

We  should  be  inclined  to  believe  that  there  are  good  psycho- 
logical reasons  why  newspapers  do  not  have  anything  like  the 
same  bad  effect  as  literature  of  the  dime  novel  order,  or  as  per- 
nicious moving  and  other  pictures.  There  is  ordinarily  no  glamour 
whatever  about  the  story  of  a  criminal  as  told  in  the  papers. 
He  is  nearly  always  a  sufferer,  being  either  hunted  for  or  under 
duress.    He  is  often  shown  with  a  haggard  face,  and  his  suffer- 

1  Fenton,  despite  liberal  quotation  of  impressions,  was  unable  to  give  a 
single  carefully  studied  case  where  newspapers  had  been  found  to  be  the 
main  source  of  a  tendency  towards  a  delinquent  career.  It  seems  strange  that 
none  of  his  correspondents  was  able  to  give  satisfactory  data.  We  are  genu- 
inely siuT)rised  at  this  as  well  as  at  the  results  of  oiu-  own  inquiry.  The  stu- 
dent will  find  in  the  thesis  of  Fenton  (295)  and  in  the  article  by  Hellwig  (296) 
the  best  sources  of  information,  and  many  references  to  the  other  literature. 


Chap.  VII]  INFLUENCE   OF   NEWSPAPERS  [§  223 

ings  are  recounted.  This  is  altogether  different  from  the  history 
of  a  bandit  as  told  in  cheap  novel  form.  Then  the  constant  crowd- 
ing of  the  newspapers  with  all  sorts  of  ideas  can  but  tend  to 
militate  against  the  influence  of  any  single  story.  There  is  no 
chance  for  following  up  and  living  in  a  life  story  as  there  is  in  a 
novel,  or  in  a  story  as  told  by  moving  pictures.  We  should  also 
remember  that  many  newspapers  have  the  best  sort  of  personal 
counsel  in  large  type  in  the  very  same  edition  where  the  grue- 
some is  carefully  depicted.  Perhaps  these  facts  account  for  the 
unexpectedly  slight  proof  of  bad  influence. 

Now  in  regard  to  what  bad  influence  newspaper  presentation  of 
pernicious  subjects  really  does  have  we  may  consider  the  following. 
No  one  can  possibly  doubt  the  general  lowering  of  good  taste 
and,  perhaps,  of  moral  tone,  that  must  come  from  daily  education 
in  the  more  notorious  and  less  decent  aspects  of  life.  Beyond  this 
we  must  look  to  specific  cases  for  proof.  Perhaps  newspaper 
stories  of  expert  criminal  methods  may  be,  as  Fenton  suggests, 
somewhat  educative  —  but,  of  course,  only  to  those  with  a  pre- 
dilection for  criminality.  And  even  here  one  must  remember  that 
through  individual  enterprise  and  the  teaching  of  "  schools  of 
criminals  "  the  development  of  methods  is  far  greater  than  repre- 
sented by  the  meagre  details  given  in  the  newspapers.  Informa- 
tion and  news  of  all  kinds  peculiar  to  their  pursuits  spread  among 
the  denizens  of  the  underworld  in  ways  quite  apart  from  news- 
paper activities. 

The  effect  of  suggestion  may  occasionally  be  seen,  but  we  have 
never  observed  it  except  in  unbalanced  persons.  An  abnormal 
young  man  becomes  a  self-accuser  as  the  result  of  reading  about 
a  robbery  and  murder.  People  on  the  verge  of  suicide  may  sud- 
denly carry  out  the  idea  as  the  result  of  reading  of  the  self-de- 
struction of  some  one  else.  We  have  no  doubt  of  this,  although 
even  here,  we  have  had  no  proof  of  a  single  case.  The  suggestion 
has  always  come  in  our  cases  from  other  sources.  We  have 
several  times  known  a  newspaper  account  of  a  girl  adventuress  to 
cause  unstable  adolescent  girls  to  seek  like  notoriety,  but  never 
was  out-and-out  criminalism  induced.  Weakminded  people,  in 
general,  are  very  prone  to  accept  suggestion.  One  source  of  sug- 
gestion inevitably  must  be  the  newspaper,  but  we  are  thoroughly 
convinced  by  our  own  inquiry  on  this  point,  as  well  as  by  the 
failure  of  others  to  definitely  prove  it,  that,  as  compared  with 
other  possible  sources  of  pernicious  influence,  the  newspaper  plays 



a  comparatively  small  part.  If  it  were  otherwise,  the  enormous 
amount  of  reading  of  newspapers  that  goes  on  would  result  in  an 
obvious  connection  with  the  production  of  delinquency. 

Of  course  we  have  frequently  met  with  a  show  of  personal  pride 
in  an  offender  at  being  written  up  in  the  newspaper.  However, 
this  was  always  after  the  deed  and  we  have  never  actually  known 
that  the  desire  to  be  written  up  had  anything  to  do  with  the  pro- 
duction of  an  offense.  "  Getting  into  the  newspapers  "  prob- 
ably figures  in  sensational  impulses  to  which  many  young  people 
as  well  as  some  older  ones  are  prone.  We  have  never  seen  sugges- 
tion from  newspaper  reading  so  clearly  manifested  as  in  "  black 
hand  "  schemes.  But  where  these  were  imitatively  attempted  it 
is  likely  that  the  desire  for  the  sensational  "  write-up  "  was  the 
main  motive.  Of  course,  deep-laid  plots  of  blackmail  have  their 
instigation  in  other  things  than  newspaper  suggestion. 

§  224.    Influence  of  Pernicious  Stories. 

One  of  the  most  exploited  causes  nowadays  of  criminal  behavior 
is  the  pernicious  printed  story.  Quite  in  contradistinction  to  the 
supposed  effect  of  newspapers,  we  can  prove  this  fact  by  nu- 
merous cases.  The  subject  is  dealt  with  by  us  partly  under  the 
head  of  mental  imagery  (§  233),  and  there,  in  its  psychological 
aspects,  it  properly  belongs.  The  influence  of  bad  literature  is 
established  only  through  definite  mental  processes;  specifically, 
by  virtue  of  arousing  certain  imagery  which  spurs  to  action. 
The  hold  that  such  imagery  has  on  the  individual,  following  un- 
fortunate acquaintance  with  harmful  literature,  may  be  most 
powerful  and  frequently  recurrent.  (We  should  at  once  state  that 
some  of  the  most  striking  cases  of  the  unfortunate  development  of 
recurrent  criminalistic  mental  pictures  originated  in  viewing  actual 
cuts  or  photographs  in  a  text,  and  are  properly  to  be  considered 
partly  under  the  head  of  the  influence  of  pictures.)  We  have 
come  to  learn  that  the  perusal  of  a  connected  story  of  an  exploit, 
or  a  career,  may  strongly  impress  itself  upon  the  mind  —  so 
strongly  as  to  incite  to  like  activities. 

As  in  all  cases  where  comparisons  of  influences  can  be  made,  we 
find  that  the  greatest  possible  effect  is  via  the  several  aspects  of 
sex  life.  The  elements  of  universality  of  experience,  emotional 
context,  and  sensory  stimulus  account,  of  course,  for  this.  Erotic 
stories  read  in  youth  are  universally  recognized  as  forming  ineradi- 


Chap.  VII]  INFLUENCE    OF    PERNICIOUS    STORIES  [§  22-i 

cable  mental  content.  All  who  have  inquired  widely  have  heard 
from  men  and  women  that  they  have  always  regretted  reading  or 
hearing  such-and-such  stories.  There  can  be  no  doubt  of  the  ex- 
citing influence  of  the  erotic  narrative  and,  indeed,  this  fact  is 
widely  made  use  of  for  a  definite  purpose.  The  relationship  of 
such  literature  to  the  moral  break-down  of  young  men  and  women 
in  sex  affairs  is  so  well  recognized  that  it  would  be  superfluous 
to  offer  cases.  It  is  ground  already  covered  by  Havelock  Ellis 
(186)  and  others. 

The  influence  of  blood-and-thunder  literature  is  still  another 
matter.  It  has  been  suggested  that  there  is  quite  a  proper  use  for 
such  writings  of  the  better  sort  in  vicariously  disposing  of  anti- 
social instincts  for  adventure.  Very  likely  this  is  true,  for  who 
has  not  been  pleasantly  satisfied  by  the  reading  of  "  Treasure 
Island."  The  influence  of  particular  criminalistic  characters  in 
fiction  has  been  studied  by  Sighele  (297),  who  is  apparently  able 
to  prove  that  the  depiction  of  these  characters  has,  at  least,  had 
considerable  influence  upon  the  behavior  of  rather  unbalanced 

The  type  of  influence,  however,  which  is  most  prevalent  in 
American  life  unquestionably  arises  from  perusal  of  those  cheap 
novels  which  deal  with  bandit  and  detective  life.  Judges  in 
juvenile  courts  learn  frequently  of  the  effect  of  such  reading  upon 
even  quite  normal  lads.  Fenton  (295),  in  his  thesis  on  newspapers 
brings  out  the  influence  of  cheap  novels  with  considerable  force. 
It  is  easy  enough  to  learn  from  many  young  and  old  offenders  that 
one  of  the  chief  formative  influences  of  their  careers  was  this  read- 
ing matter.  We  can  get  at  the  facts  in  several  ways.  It  is  a  very 
common  occurrence  in  any  place  where  adolescent  offenders  are 
searched  to  find  these  stories  in  their  pockets,  well  thumbed  over. 
The  fires  of  the  spirit  of  adventure  are  not  only  kindled,  but  are 
kept  going  by  this  fuel.  A  definite  habit  and  craving  for  this 
type  of  reading  is  developed  just  as  the  individual  develops  a 
habit  for  alcoholic  stimulants.  The  force  of  the  effect  can  best  be 
studied  in  our  §  233  on  mental  imagery. 

In  our  classification  of  causative  factors  it  was  nearly  always 
found  difficult  to  say  whether  the  principal  reason  for  the  influence 
of  such  literature  was  not  negative  rather  than  positive  —  was 
not  rather  through  the  absence  of  opportunities  for  wholesome  ac- 
tiv^ity  and  adventure,  than  through  the  effect  solely  of  this  litera- 
ture which  came  in  to  fill  a  vacuum.    This  was  not  always  the 



case,  but  certainly  it  was  true  in  the  vast  majoritj'.  However  we 
have  seen  instances  (Case  171)  where  an  innately  adventuresome 
spirit  was  fed  by  exciting  literature  and  grew  beyond  any  ordi- 
nary means  of  satisfaction. 

In  this  matter,  as  in  the  question  of  any  kind  of  influence  or 
suggestion  upon  the  individual,  personal  peculiarities  form  part 
of  the  reason  for  the  effect.  It  is  certainly  true  that  a  very  small 
minority  of  all  who  have  read  blood-and-thunder  stories  have 
been  moved  to  act  in  similar  fashion.  Then,  too,  such  stories  are 
not  dynamic  for  adults.  This  literature  stirs  to  action  young  indi- 
viduals who  have  peculiar  plasticity  in  a  given  direction.  Affected, 
however,  may  be  those  of  distinctly  good  mental  parts. 

Except  in  the  instances  where  there  is  definite  obsessional  men- 
tal imagery  involved,  the  reading  of  blood-and-thunder  literature  is 
rarely  found  to  be  the  main  factor.  At  least  in  all  our  cases  there 
have  been  other  negative  and  even  other  positive  causal  conditions 
implicated  in  the  results.    The  following  is  an  illustration : 

Poor  home  control.     Mother  works  out.  Case  47. 

Father  careless  type.  Boy,  14  yrs. 

Lack  of  home  discipline. 
One  brother  delinquent. 

Lack  of  healthy  mental  interests, 

except  in  reading. 

Pernicious  literature.     Boy  is  a  great  reader,  but 

takes  mostly  to  bandit 
and  detective  stories. 

Picture  shows,  where  boy  sees  same  things. 



SteaHng  4"  +■  Mental: 

Burglary.  Good  ability. 

This  boy  gradually  became  more  stable  after  being  sent  to  a 
corrective  school  a  short  time. 

§  225.    Influence  of  Pictures,  Especially  Moving  Pictures. 

There  is  an  entirely  sufficient  psychological  reason  why,  of 
all  forms  of  presentation,  pictures  should  have  the  strongest 
influence.    In  nearly  all  people  visual  memory  and  visual  imagery 


Chap.  VII]  INFLUENCE   OF   PICTURES  [§  225 

play  the  most  dynamic  part  in  mental  life.  It  is  the  thing  seen 
which  is  represented  again  in  consciousness  with  the  greatest 
force  and  with  probably  the  greatest  frequency.  The  strength 
of  the  powers  of  visualization  is  to  be  deeply  reckoned  with  when 
considering  the  springs  of  criminality.  When  we  inquire  from 
the  offender,  young  or  old,  concerning  that  portion  of  his  mental 
content  which  seems  to  urge  him  on  in  his  career,  we  always 
get  more  or  less  clearly  framed,  the  answer  that  it  is  stimulation 
from  a  visual  tj'pe  of  imagery.  (We  need  not  here  go  into  a  dis- 
cussion of  the  more  technical  considerations  about  visual  imagery 
being  frequently  mixed  with  motor  imagery  and  so  on.)  It  is 
the  mental  representation  of  some  sort  of  pictures  of  himself  or 
others  in  the  criminal  act  that  leads  the  delinquent  onward  in 
his  path.  The  vacuities  of  prison  life,  as  we  have  elsewhere 
insisted,  §  127,  §  226,  leave  room  for  entrance  into  the  mind  of 
just  such  pictures. 

Some  of  the  most  graphic  accounts  of  the  influence  of  pictures 
have  come  from  personal  interviews  with  offenders,  where  in 
detaU  the  vivid  nature  of  the  mental  process  is  exposed.  Nor 
do  we  have  to  turn  to  offenders  merely  to  prove  this  point.  Most 
of  us  have  had  like  experiences.  A  prominent  educator,  a  man 
of  active  mind  and  purity  of  thought,  tells  me  that  one  of  his 
main  regrets  is  that  he  once  saw  a  certain  pornographic  sketch. 
It  was  indelibly  impressed.  Offenders  we  find,  vide  §  233,  have 
been  sometimes  fairly  obsessed  and  impelled  by  the  character 
of  pictures  seen.  In  this  matter,  too,  the  pervasion  of  the  sex 
element  makes  the  chance  of  future  representation  all  the  stronger 
on  account  of  natural  impulses  in  that  direction.  The  combina- 
tion of  sex  offenses  with  other  criminality  forms  an  unusually 
virulent  admixture  for  later  mental  depiction. 

When  it  comes  to  motion  pictures  we  have  added  elements 
of  force  for  the  production  of  either  good  or  bad.  Not  only  a 
single  event,  but  chapters  from  life  histories  are  depicted.  Not 
alone  is  one  action  or  posture  depicted,  but  there  is  added  all  of 
the  motor  phenomena  active  through  a  period  of  time.  The 
act  is  not  suggested;  every  detail  of  it  is  made  clear.  The  break- 
ing open  of  a  safe,  the  holding  up  of  a  train,  the  effort  at  suicide 
are  all  presented  in  such  fashion  that  it  is  bound  to  recur  as  a 
memorv'  picture  of  detailed  events,  if  there  is  any  tendency  or 
opportunity  for  its  mental  reproduction.  Added  force  comes 
from  the  concrete  issues  which  are  represented. 



We  have  had  much  evidence,  sometimes  in  remarkable  ways, 
that  moving  pictures  may  be  stimulating  to  the  sex  instinct. 
We  should  expect  pictures  of  love-making  and  similar  scenes 
to  have  this  efPect  on  young  adults  or  older  adolescents,  but  we 
have  very  strikingly  heard  of  it  in  children.  The  effect  is  not  only 
felt  at  the  moment,  but  also  there  is  the  establishment  of  memory 
pictures  which  come  up  at  other  quiet  times,  such  as  when  the 
individual  is  in  bed.  We  have  found  that  bad  sex  habits  some- 
times center  around  these  pictures.  In  some  instances  a  very 
definite  mental  conflict  ensues,  with  production  of  delinquency 
along  other  lines. 

(No  one  considering  the  effect  of  moving  pictures  can  neglect 
the  possibilities  for  bad  behavior  which  occur  through  the  dark- 
ness of  the  hall  in  which  the  pictures  are  shown.  Under  cover 
of  dimness  evil  communications  readily  pass  and  bad  habits 
are  taught.  Moving  picture  theatres  are  favorite  places  for  the 
teaching  of  homosexual  practices.) 

There  can  be  no  fair  consideration  of  the  whole  subject  of 
moving  pictures  unless  we  remember  that,  after  all,  the  amount 
of  delinquency  produced  by  them  corresponds  but  slightly  to  the 
immense  number  of  pictures  which  are  constantly  shown.  This 
partly  tends  to  show  the  innocuousness  of  the  greater  number 
of  these  pictures,  but  it  also  brings  us  back  to  our  old  question 
of  personal  equation.  Some  individuals  are  susceptible  to  pic- 
torial suggestions  and  others  are  not.  However,  there  is  no  ex- 
cuse for  showing  pictures  which  damage  the  morals  of  any  one. 

The  main  hope  for  the  prevention  of  these  undesirable  effects 
will  be  found  in  rigorous  censorship  of  perverting  pictures,  and 
in  radical  prosecution  of  those  who  produce  and  deal  in  obscene 
and  other  demoralizing  pictorial  representations.  Never  have 
we  heard  one  word  indicating  that  bad  effects  have  arisen  from 
representations  that  could  in  any  way  be  interpreted  as  pro- 
ductions of  art.  The  type  of  thing  we  mean  is  altogether  un- 
savory, and  obviously  manufactured  for  its  appeal  to  the  pas- 
sions, or  to  other  unhealthy  interests. 

It  seems  unnecessary  to  add  specific  examples  of  the  influence 
of  pernicious  pictures  to  those  given  under  Criminalistic  Mental 
Imagery,  §  233.  Scores  of  cases  could  be  detailed  in  which  the 
same  type  of  causation  is  clearly  apparent.  It  is  not  unimpor- 
tant to  note  that  we  have  heard  much  condemnation  of  pictures 
from  offenders  themselves  who   have   been  thus   influenced. 


Chap.  VII]  INFLUENCE   OF   PICTURES  [§  225 

The  effect  of  moving  pictures  in  starting  criminalistic  tenden- 
cies in  children  is  almost  always  along  such  conspicuous  lines 
that  it  is  not  necessary  to  cite  cases.  It  is  nearly  always  a  boy 
who  is  affected,  and  the  impulse  started  is  an  imitative  one. 
He  proceeds  to  get  weapons  and  cowboy  clothes,  and  wants  to 
make  off  for  the  plains.  Or  else  he  desires  to  become  a  soldier 
and  get  into  warfare.  The  stealing  suggestion  is  much  more 
rarely  taken  up  with. 

In  considering  the  total  social  results  of  the  introduction  of 
moving  pictures  one  must  not  forget  the  astonishing  appetite 
which  is  created  for  the  particular  mental  pabulum  which  they 
supply.  In  many  instances  the  stealing  has  taken  place  in  order 
that  the  individual  shall  have  his  fill  of  going  to  such  shows. 
Often  we  have  heard  of  a  perfect  orgy  in  this  direction  —  the 
delinquent  staying  away  from  home  and  going  from  one  show  to 
another  during  the  entire  day  and  evening.  Several  possible  fea- 
tures of  the  whole  situation  are  brought  out  in  the  following 

Case  48.  —  William  J.  This  is  the  interesting  case  of  a  very 
charming  little  boy,  not  yet  11  years  old,  who  is  in  good  physical 
condition  and  of  supernormal  mental  ability.  He  belongs  to  an 
exceptionally  nice  family  of  immigrants.  His  father  and  mother 
are  decidedly  rational  people  who  have  been  willing  to  do  much 
for  him,  but  he  has  caused  them  an  excessive  amount  of  trouble 
for  about  a  year.  He  has  very  repeatedly  stolen,  and  very  cu- 
riously, in  the  light  of  his  physical  delicacy  and  mental  ability, 
often  stayed  away  from  home  all  night.  He  sleeps  in  boxes  or 
under  porches  even  in  cold  weather.  Punishment  has  done  no 
good,  and  even  when  he  has  been  promised  money  to  stay  at 
home,  he  has  jumped  out  of  the  window.  When  he  is  away 
from  home  he  begs  for  his  meals.  At  home  he  is  very  reticent. 
The  only  causes  for  his  misconduct  which  his  mother  can  think 
of  are  that  he  was  taught  bad  sex  things  by  a  girl  when  he  was 
four  years  of  age,  and  that  later  on  he  was  caught  at  the  same 
thing  with  other  boys,  but  there  has  been  frankness  in  the  family 
and  his  parents  are  sure  he  is  not  given  to  an  excess  of  sex  habits. 
He  does  go  with  bad  companions,  first  one  and  then  another,  but 
when  he  is  out  all  night  he  is  always  by  himself.  He  wants  to 
go  to  nickel  shows  every  day.  Neither  in  hereditary  nor  in 
developmental  history  do  we  hear  of  items  of  great  importance. 

We  had  reason  to  see  this  little  boy  on  a  number  of  occasions, 



and  we  and  others  found  him  a  very  open-hearted  and  charming 
boy.  One  can  hardly  beHeve  that  he  carries  on  the  Ufe  that  he 
does.  He  frankly  acknowledges  his  stealing,  and  his  perfect 
craze  for  moving  pictures.  He  goes  practically  every  night  to 
them  and  stays  all  evening  in  one  show.  In  the  winter  he  stays 
out  until  11  or  12  o'clock,  and  in  the  summer  until  2  or  3  in  the 
morning.  Sometimes  he  sleeps  in  a  box,  or  under  a  porch,  before 
going  home.  Sometimes  he  does  not  go  home  at  all  during  the 
night.  He  is  fondest  of  cowboys  and  Indians,  and  with  a  poor 
show  of  talent  he  draws  many  pictures  of  Indians  for  us.  He 
runs  away  because  his  mother  does  not  want  him  to  go  to  the 
shows.  He  says  he  does  not  want  to  be  a  cowboy.  He  would 
rather  be  a  soldier  or  an  engineer.  When  he  steals  he  spends  it 
for  shows,  and  perhaps  treats  other  boys.  Some  of  these  boys 
are  pretty  bad  and  have  initiated  him  into  sex  affairs,  but  his 
father  has  counselled  with  him  about  it.  He  finds  sex  stimu- 
lation in  the  nickel  shows  when  he  sees  lovers'  pictures,  "  when 
they  kiss  theirselves,"  but  he  likes  cowboys  better.  He  thinks 
about  sex  affairs  and  sometimes  practices  masturbation  after- 
wards. Often  he  does  not  get  his  supper,  eating  nothing  between 
noon  and  breakfast  the  next  morning.  He  stays  away  from  home 
at  supper  time  so  that  he  may  go  to  shows. 

After  a  long  trial  in  his  old  environment  it  was  finally  found 
impossible  for  him  to  succeed  there.  Old  associations  connected 
with  the  shows  had  too  strong  a  hold  upon  him.  He  repeatedly 
stole  several  dollars  at  a  time,  and  finally  had  to  be  put  in  an 

§  226.    Experiences  During   Custody. 

Among  all  environmental  conditions  which  tend  to  create 
anti-social  conduct  none  is  better  known  than  those  which  sur- 
round the  offender  during  custody.  The  very  individual  whom 
society  would  turn  into  the  paths  of  rectitude  is  often  made  much 
worse  by  experiences  forced  upon  him.  The  neglect  of  this  thor- 
oughly substantiated  fact  is  a  plain  token  of  our  colossal  failure 
to  appreciate  and  meet  the  springs  and  sources  of  misconduct. 
Let  there  be  no  misunderstanding;  the  question  of  how  prisoners 
become  worse  through  imprisonment  does  not  even  involve  con- 
sideration of  the  well-accredited  general  social  values  of  punitive 

If  one  might  hazard  an  opinion  concerning  the  general  disre- 






^^  ^    '. 


Plate  IX 

A  group  of  faces  illustrating  "der  Gefangnissblick  " — ^the  prison  look. 
Taken  from  Kauffmann's  "Psychologic  des  Vcrbrechers." 


gard  of  custodial  injuries,  it  probably  could  be  accounted  for 
by  the  superficial  mixing  of  ideas  that  often  occurs  in  practical 
life.  The  feelings  that  obtain  during  handling  of  the  delinquent 
are  that  he  is  a  punishable  individual,  that  no  special  pains  ought 
to  be  taken  for  his  comfort,  that  he  ought  to  reform.  As  ordi- 
narily carried  out,  the  whole  custodial  procedure  has  little  sanity 
in  it.  It  is  forgotten  that  society  as  a  result  of  incarceration  is 
likely  to  have  a  deteriorated  individual  free  again  in  its  midst. 

^Authoritative  testimony  on  the  frequently  baneful  influence  of 
experiences  under  detention  is  abundant.  All  criminologists 
acknowledge  the  evil.  We  cannot  afford  space  to  more  than 
summarize  the  trend  of  their  observations.  In  his  chapter  on 
the  etiology  of  crime  Lombroso  (239)  devotes  a  section  to  pris- 
ons. "  One  of  the  greatest  factors  in  crime  is  the  prison."  This 
author  (239,  p.  114)  went  so  far  as  to  say  that  the  introduction 
of  schools  into  prisons,  developing  the  intelligence  and  power 
of  bad  men  in  contact  with  each  other,  would  increase  the  num- 
ber of  recidivists.  He  certainly  is  right  when  he  states  that  the 
pickpocket  and  the  cutthroat  often  have  learned  in  prison, 
at  the  expense  of  the  state,  skilled  methods  of  committing  mis- 
deeds. Tarde  (120,  p.  256)  says,  "  The  criminal  is  partly  the  re- 
sult of  his  own  crime  and  partly  of  criminal  justice."  Kauffmann 
(81)  finds  a  large  place  among  the  causes  of  crime  for  the  condi- 
tions under  which  punishment  is  carried  out.  Ellis  (124,  p.  305  ff.) 
has  gathered  a  considerable  number  of  important  practical  ob- 
servations on  this  point.  From  among  the  writings  of  men  of 
the  widest  personal  experience  with  offenders  we  shall  merely 
cite  Devon  (73,  p.  271),  "  In  my  opinion  it  is  beyond  dispute 
that  our  methods  result  in  the  making  of  criminals:  that  in  the 
majority  of  cases  imprisonment  not  only  does  no  good,  but  does 
positive  and  serious  harm."  And  Holmes  (66,  p.  244  ff.)  says, 
"  Why  is  it  that  a  man's  facial  expression  changes  during  a  long 
detention?  Why  is  it  that  his  voice  becomes  hard  and  unnatural? 
Why  is  it  that  his  eyes  become  shifty,  cunning  and  wild?  .  .  . 
It  is  not  because  of  hard  work,  ...  it  is  the  system  that  does 
it,  the  long-continued  soul-and-mind-destroying  monotony.  .  .  ." 

The  change  of  physiognomy  indicative  of  a  change  of  per- 
sonality, resultant  upon  incarceration,  has  been  a  subject  of 
thoughtful  comment.  Gautier  (326)  noted  keenly  the  psycho- 
logical changes  which  take  place  during  imprisonment,  and  the 
manufacture  under  these  conditions  of  a  changed  and  special  type 



of  individual.  He  long  ago  spoke  of  "  Vair  des  detenus.''  Kauff- 
mann  (81,  p.  70),  following  up  an  observation  by  Flynt  (310,  p.  9) 
devotes  much  consideration  to  what  he  calls  the  "  prison  look," 
{der  Gefdngnisblick) .  This  peculiar  type  of  physiognomy  he 
finds  every  reason  to  believe  is  simply  the  product  of  the  set  life 
of  incarceration.  Flynt  thinks  that  "  prison  life,"  if  taken  in 
large  doses  and  often  enough  will  give  the  most  moral  man  in 
the  world  prison  features.^ 

The  most  untoward  eifects  of  incarceration,  those  which  have 
always  impressed  us  greatly  in  our  study  of  causes,  are  in  the 
realm  of  psychic  contagion.  As  we  have  said  elsewhere,  it  has 
hardly  ever  proved  to  be  the  physical  surroundings  which  have 
done  the  offender  most  harm.  We  have  heard  the  testimony 
many  times,  and  received  ample  corroboration  on  several  oc- 
casions, that  when  offenders  are  thrown  together  the  worst  of 
knowledge  has  been  spread  and  powerful  stimulus  has  been  dis- 
seminated towards  anti-social  conduct.  The  experiences  are 
often  the  worst  in  the  delinquent's  whole  life.  These  distressing 
results  are  so  contradictory  to  the  intended  effect  of  legal  treat- 
ment that  the  situation  is  nothing  short  of  tragically  anomalous. 

We  may  note  the  several  classes  of  undesirable  mental  effects 
entailed  by  incarceration:  (a)  Under  any  short  term  method 
of  punishment,  for  young  or  old,  there  often  is  developed  the 
conception  that  imprisonment  itself  is  not  such  a  bad  thing  after 
all.  It  is  medicine,  the  bitterness  of  which  is  found  to  be  much 
exaggerated.  Statistics  everywhere,  as  well  as  personal  observa- 
tions, bear  out  this  fact.  Garofalo,  from  the  lawyer's  standpoint 
one  of  the  keenest  observers  of  penal  methods,  lays  much  stress 
on  this  weakness  of  short  incarcerations;  "  for  it  is  evident  that 
imprisonment  for  such  short  terms  is  wholly  devoid  of  intimi- 
datory  effect.  As  for  its  reformatory  effect,  it  is  not  worth  wast- 
ing words  on  "  (328,  p.  424). 

1  The  striking  assertion  by  Ruggles-Brise  in  his  introduction  to  Goring's 
work  (160),  that  the  statistical  method  demonstrates  "that  imprisonment 
does  not  have  the  adverse  physical  and  mental  results  which  are  often  al- 
leged," we  do  not  find  corroborated  by  Goring's  own  statement.  The  latter 
says  (p.  371),  "We  find  that  imprisonment,  on  the  whole,  has  no  apparent 
effect  upon  physique,  as  measured  by  body  weight,  or  upon  mentality,  as 
measm-ed  by  intelligence."  Now  this  latter  is  a  very  limited  statement,  and 
not  at  aU  contradictory  to  the  contention  of  all  the  other  observers  who  have 
set  forth  the  opposite.  Body  weight  is  notoriously  a  poor  criterion  of  physi- 
cal efficiency,  and  there  are  many  mental  conditions  and  effects,  particularly 
such  as  may  be  correlated  with  immoral  tendencies,  which  are  not  dis- 
covered by  simple  inteUigence  tests. 


Plate  X 

Two  family  portraits  illustrating  the  acquirement  of  the  prison 
expression  in  a  normal  person.  Above  is  the  boy  of  15  who 
has  committed  some  minor  offense,  and  below  is  the  same 
individual  at  20  after  serving  two  years  for  petty  stealing. 
Note  the  unfortunate  change  of  expression  about  the  mouth. 
Even  these  portraits  fail  to  do  justice  to  the  marks  which 
have  been  set  on  this  face  from  long  repression. 

Chap.  VI l]  EXPERIENCES   DURING   CUSTODY  [§  226 

(6)  Often  during  custody  there  is  a  spread  of  pernicious  ideas 
about  sexual  affairs,  and  the  acquirement  of  bad  personal  habits, 
both  through  verbal  communication  and  actual  experience  with 
others.  This  is  a  subject  of  great  import.  We  have  learned  so 
much,  witness  our  case  histories,  which  proves  that  undermining 
of  moral  regard  for  the  natural  and  social  laws  concerning  sex 
affairs  is  provocative  of  other  criminalism  that  we  must  be  con- 
vinced of  the  seriousness  of  this  matter.  There  is  much  more 
significance  to  the  fact  than  the  mere  learning  of  sex  knowledge 
would  seem  to  imply.  A  wide  range  of  new  anti-social  impulses 
often  follows.  That  contagion  of  this  sort  takes  place  with  great 
frequency  in  all  sorts  of  custodial  institutions  is  acknowledged  on 
evers'  hand.  Church  reformatory  schools  form  no  exception. 
^Miere  old  offenders  are  mixed  with  young  ones,  as  in  many  jails, 
the  results  are  intolerably  bad.  It  is  probably  merely  the  nature 
of  the  subject  that  has  not  caused  its  more  frequent  discussion 
in  open  conferences.  If  there  were  more  appreciation  of  the 
psychological  ramifications  of  this  psychic  infection  more  justice 
would  be  done  the  importance  of  the  matter.  A  student  of  prison 
conditions,  Widen  (327),  in  one  of  our  younger  states  where 
degenerate  practices  are  supposed  to  be  less  frequent,  finds  that 
these  form  the  greatest  danger  of  prison  life.  Sixty  per  cent, 
of  the  young  men  he  consulted  in  the  penitentiary  asserted  that 
they  thought  there  was  a  great  deal  of  sexual  vice  practiced  there. 
AVhat  goes  on  in  other  institutions  has  either  been  hinted  at  or 
specifically  stated  by  many  observers. 

A  characteristic  phase  of  this  whole  matter  is  that  communica- 
tions between  adolescent  girls  under  custody  are  much  more 
pernicious  than  betw^een  boys  of  the  same  age.  Many  a  girl  has 
testified  to  us  that  she  learned  more  in  the  first  twenty-four  hours 
under  custody  than  she  knew  in  all  her  life  before.  Attendants 
among  female  offenders  all  bear  witness  to  the  peculiarly  vicious 
t^'pe  of  conversation  ordinarily  carried  on  by  these  women  and 

(c)  Development  of  prison  friendships.  Human  affection, 
however  perverted  its  forms  may  seem,  plays  its  part  within  prison 
walls.  Indications  of  this  fact  can  be  found  in  literary  produc- 
tions as  well  as  in  the  miserable  annals  of  recidivism.  Our  ex- 
periences have  taught  us  that  many  times  when  a  young  offender, 
especially  if  he  has  not  strong  home  ties,  is  committed  for  a  few 
months  he  is  apt  to  form  friendships  which  are  productive  of 



misconduct  later.  Dozens  of  times  we  have  known  two  young 
men,  who  were  not  acquainted  with  each  other  before  incarcera- 
tion, to  meet  after  they  had  gained  their  freedom,  and  indulge 
together  in  further  misdemeanors.  The  main  suggestion  of 
companionship  thus  acquired  is  naturally  towards  anti-social 
conduct.  We  have  never  heard  of  a  single  case  of  a  prison  friend- 
ship being  active  upon  the  basis  of  mutual  help  towards  better 

(d)  Development  of  criminalistic  knowledge  and  technique. 
Ellis  (124,  p.  230  ff.),  quotes  from  an  interesting  autobiography 
of  a  noted  Australian  criminal.  In  his  teens  he  was  imprisoned 
where  he  had  a  chance  to  meet  older  men,  under  conditions  such 
as  exist  in  many  of  our  American  county  jails  and  elsewhere  in 
the  world.  He  later  wrote,  "  The  instruction  I  received  during 
these  three  months  considerably  improved  me  in  my  profession. 
The  Government  had  placed  me  in  the  position  to  learn  a  trade, 
and  having  learnt  it,  I  was  determined  to  work  at  it." 

The  most  acute  observations  on  this  point  to  which  I  have 
ever  listened  came  from  the  lips  of  a  free  professional,  vide  Case 
49,  who  had  reason  to  be  frank  and  friendly.  He  sees  a  great 
causative  factor  of  criminality  in  the  enforced  congregating  of 
offenders.  During  imprisonment  the  older  man  is  on  the  lookout 
for  future  partners,  and  tries  to  enlist  those  who  have  intelli- 
gence and  nerve.  Perhaps  the  actual  teaching  of  new  recruits 
may  not  go  on  in  custody,  but  the  opening  wedge  is  placed,  and 
when  acquaintances  meet  on  the  outside  definite  plans  are  formed. 
Communications,  even  in  penitentiaries,  cannot  be  stopped  be- 
tween shrewd  men.  They  learn  to  talk  without  moving  their  lips, 
and  to  communicate  in  other  ways,  and  so  readily  form  acquaint- 
ances. "  It  is  quite  taken  for  granted,"  said  this  man,  "  that  if 
a  fellow  once  gets  in  the  toils  he  will  be  ready  for  further  crimes, 
even  if  his  earlier  deeds  have  been  only  minor  offenses.  It  is  as- 
sumed to  be  a  certainty  that  the  '  nervy '  and  intelligent  fellows 
will  commit  crimes  again;  they  will  naturally  be  against  society." 
Friendships  formed  in  prisons,  however,  are  a  big  factor  in  this 

(e)  Development  of  mental  content  which  drives  towards  crim- 
inalism. Here  we  need  barely  mention  the  various  undesira- 
ble forms  of  imagery  which  are  likely  to  rush  in  to  fill  the  prolonged 
vacuities  of  mental  life  during  custody.  It  should  require  only 
common  sense  to  appreciate  that  the  thinking  which  is  done  under 



these  circumstances  partakes  often  of  the  nature  of  evil.  There 
is  the  constant  suggestion  towards  misconduct  which  comes 
from  thinking  of  one's  self  as  an  offender.  There  is  the  definite 
picturing  of  profitable  depredations.  There  are  all  the  sex  image- 
ries which  come  from  deprivation.  There  is  the  inner  rest- 
lessness resulting  from  lack  of  physical  activity. 

When  it  comes  to  giving  cases  to  prove  the  baneful  effect  of 
experiences  under  custody  there  is  an  inevita"ble  difficulty,  except 
about  certain  details.  Offenses  had  already  started  before  ar- 
rest, so  at  no  time  can  one  fairly  assert  that  custodial  experi- 
ences formed  the  major  cause  of  a  career.  But  this  thing  is  plain; 
if  absolutely  innocent  individuals  were  put  under  prison  conditions 
they  would  tend  to  develop  anti-social  conceptions  of  conduct. 
The  details  which  we  have  heard  from  offenders  themselves,  and 
have  had  corroborated  in  various  ways,  form  the  basis  of  the 
enumeration  of  the  unfortunate  mental  effects  of  custodial  life 
given  above. 

Remedies  for  all  this  are  matters  of  the  deepest  concern.  It 
must  be  the  part  of  our  new  science,  as  this  develops,  that  there 
shall  be  understanding  of  all  the  influences  which  custodial  con- 
ditions may  have  upon  the  human  being.  The  effects  of  various 
treatments  will  have  to  be  evaluated  in  the  light  of  thorough- 
going studies  of  outcomes,  such  as  yet  have  never  been  under- 
taken in  this  field.  Some  part  of  institutional  considerations 
will  always  have  to  do  with  bricks  and  mortar,  but  the  core  of 
the  whole  matter  is  the  influence  of  man  on  man,  —  the  influence 
of  ofiicials  on  prisoners,  the  influence  of  prisoners  on  each  other. 
And  some  day  will  be  found  out  the  economy  of  paying  salaries 
sufficient  to  get  better  people  officially  to  influence  towards 
the  good.  There  are  many  ways  in  which  the  incarcerated  may 
be  turned  towards  good  or  towards  bad.  To  this  end  we  must, 
with  a  gradual  accumulation  of  scientffic,  and  particularly  of 
psychological  knowledge,  build  upon  the  foundation  started 
by  John  Howard  (329). 



Professional  Criminalism.     Deliberate  Choice 

Professional  Criminalism.  §  227.  Definition  of  Terms.  §  228.  Fre- 
quency of  This  Type.  §  229.  Genetics  and  Characteristics  of  Profession- 
ahsm.  §  230.  Presentation  of  Cases.  §  231.  Treatment  of  Profession- 
alism.   §  232.  Deliberate  Choice  of  Criminalism. 

professional  criminalism. 

§  227.  Definition  of  Terms.  —  The  term  "  professional," 
which  is  applied  by  certain  criminals  to  themselves,  and  which 
is  used  extensively  by  those  who  have  to  deal  with  offenders, 
serves  well  to  discriminate  for  practical  diagnosis  and  treatment 
a  most  important  group.  The  adoption  by  some  individuals  of 
crime  as  a  trade,  or  calling,  or  profession  is  as  much  an  actuality 
in  our  civilization  as  was  the  development  of  the  gentle  art  of 
brigandage  by  the  Thugs  of  Tartary.  Many  authors  have  in- 
sisted on  the  necessity  for  distinguishing  the  professional  group, 
which  seems  to  stand  out  sharply  by  itself,  at  least  for  practical 
treatment.  The  exact  significance  of  the  term  and  the  striking 
characteristics   of   professionalism   should    be   made   clear.^ 

Under  the  head  of  habitual  offenders  we  may  discriminate 
the  professional  and  non-professional  classes.  An  example  of 
the  latter  would  be  the  subnormal  individual  who  habitually 
transgressed,  merely  in  obedience  to  uninhibited  impulses.  Pro- 
fessionals belong  to  the  group  of  premeditated  offenders,  but 
not  all  of  the  latter  belong  to  the  former  class.  Wulffen  (2,  vol. 
2,  p.  282)  and  Mercier  (3,  p.  50)  bring  this  out  clearly  from  both 
the  practical  and  theoretical  standpoints.  It  is  a  fact,  of  course, 
that  a  single  offense  in  a  person's  whole  career  might  be  premedi- 
tated. In  general  the  criterion  for  discrimination  of  this  pro- 
fessional class  is  that  their  criminalism  is  deliberate,  premedi- 
tated and  repeated,  as  compared  to  the  type  of  action  which  is 
the  result  of  the  impulse  of  the  moment. 

It  is  well  recognized  that  the  so-called  occasional  criminal, 

1  The  use  of  the  term  "professional  criminal"  coincides  with  Berufsver- 
brecher  and  Gewerbsverbrecher  as  used  by  German  authors.  The  habitual  crim- 
inal, the  Gewohnheitsverbrecher,  may  not  be  a  professional. 


Chap.  VIII]  FREQUENCY   OF   THIS   TYPE  [§  228 

that  is  the  individual  who  becomes  an  offender  only  as  opportu- 
nity is  clearly  offered  to  him,  and  delinquents  of  other  classes  to 
whom  avenues  of  honest  livelihood  become  more  and  more 
difficult  on  account  of  their  offenses,  may  ultimately  develop 
professionalism.  This  should  be  thoroughly  taken  into  account 
in  considering  measures  of  treatment  and  prevention. 

The  "  professional  "  has  received  literary  portrayal  to  a  much 
greater  extent  than  other  classes  of  offenders.  He  is  shown  to  be 
the  one  who  engages  in  criminal  undertakings  as  a  matter  of  busi- 
ness, with  the  deliberate  choice  and  calculations  of  chances  and 
profits,  of  personal  adaptabilities,  and  of  methods  of  efficiency  that 
are  given  ordinarily  to  the  successful  carrying  on  of  other  pursuits. 
To  be  siue,  the  environment  limits  opportunities,  but  so  it  does 
in  other  affairs.  In  different  communities  different  types 
of  crime  are  in  vogue.  In  the  small  towns  there  are  no  pick- 
pockets, but  in  them,  and  even  in  country  districts,  the  profes- 
sional swindler  finds  a  fair  field.  The  remarkable  competency 
of  the  professional  cruninal,  or  the  detective  for  that  matter, 
portrayed  by  romancers  on  this  theme,  is  rarely  met  with  in  real 
life,  but  stUl  all  those  who  have  had  much  experience  must  ac- 
knowledge great  respect  for  the  ability  and  dexterity  frequently 
shown  by  professional  offenders. 

§  228.  Frequency  of  This  Type.  —  A  word  of  comment  about 
the  statistical  frequency  of  this  type  of  offender  is  in  order.  It 
is  well  understood  that  in  the  records  of  courts  or  institutions 
the  professional  is  in  small  proportion  to  the  total  number  of 
criminals.  Even  a  superficial  observation  of  the  population  in 
reformatories  or  houses  of  correction  where  petty  and  habitual 
offenders  are  sent,  will  show  the  small  representation  of  the  pro- 
fessional. In  penitentiaries  the  latter  shows  in  larger  propor- 
tion, but  even  there  the  percentages  are  surprisingly  small. 
A  salient  reason  for  the  above  fact  is  that  the  chief  requisite  for 
a  successful  career  in  crime  is  ability  to  escape  detection. 

In  our  study  of  beginners  we  have  all  along  noted  the  com- 
parative infrequency  of  appearance  in  juvenile  courts  of  the 
delinquent  who  is  verging  on  professionalism.  It  is  the  stupid 
types  who  predominate  in  the  records  as  repeaters,  but  this  by  no 
means  proves  that  they  carry  out  the  largest  number  of  crimes. 
The  situation  is  quite  analogous  to  that  of  the  girls  and  women: 
the  ones  who  get  caught  are  those  who  are  not  shrewd  enough  to 
conceal  their  delinquencies.     As  careers  develop,  even  greater 



skill  is  acquired  in  avoiding  detection,  and  fewer  professionals 
in  proportion  are  apprehended  during  the  years  of  their  greatest 
vigor  than  at  an  earlier  stage.  It  has  been  frequently  estimated 
by  police  officials  that  there  are  from  five  to  ten  times  as  many 
criminals  at  large  as  in  custody.  A  considerable  proportion, 
how  great  I  doubt  if  any  one  can  judge  safely,  of  those  at  large 
belongs  to  the  professional  class. 

Advance  in  our  practical  knowledge  of  the  professional  crimi- 
nal must  come  almost  entirely  through  investigation  of  two 
main  questions:  What  are  the  foundations  of  the  professional 
criminal's  start?  What  holds  him  to  his  career?  These  are  the 
points  most  valuable  for  developing  the  conception  of  adequate 
treatment.  From  the  standpoint  of  ordinary  penology  the  pro- 
fessionals are  generally  regarded  as  incorrigible.  They  are  in- 
cluded in  the  classification  of  the  International  Criminalistic 
Union  (346)  as  "  criminals  whose  rehabilitation  in  regulated 
social  life  can  no  longer  be  expected."  If  this  be  quite  true  —  I 
am  not  sure  of  it  myself  —  then  the  only  study  that  can  be  worth 
much,  is  of  the  two  questions  we  mention.  That  brings  us  back 
once  more  to  the  genetics  of  criminalism. 

§  229.  Genetics  and  Characteristics  of  Professionalism.  — 
It  is  easy  to  see  that  a  number  of  innate  personal  characteristics 
may  induce  an  early  trend  towards  criminalism.  Following  our 
studies  of  personalities,  as  offered  elsewhere  in  this  volume,  we 
may  note  such  widely  divergent  characteristics  as  laziness, 
motor  dexterity,  smallness  of  size,  mechanical  ability,  abnormal 
social  suggestibility,  and  many  others  which  have  very  evidently 
made  for  criminalistic  pursuits.  No  doubt  in  some  chronic 
offenders  there  are  peculiar  mental  incapacities  and  feelings  of 
social  irritability,  but  such  cannot  be  alleged  to  be  general  traits 
of  the  professional.  An  interesting  suggestion  is  that  of  Wulffen 
(2,  vol.  2,  p.  285)  who  thinks  that  fundamental  craving  for 
adventure  may  be  at  the  root  of  many  professional  careers. 

As  an  example  of  a  frequently  cited  characteristic  of  profes- 
sionals we  might  take  egoism  and  vanity.  To  these  people  their 
very  notoriety,  as  well  as  their  shrewdness  in  evading  detection 
and  their  operative  dexterity,  appear  as  matters  for  self -con- 
gratulation. They  do  not  refrain  from  boasting  of  their  prow- 
ess to  their  friends,  or  even  to  the  authorities  when  under 
arrest.  Many  striking  anecdotes  have  been  recorded  bearing 
on  this  point.    But  there  is  no  reason  why  this  should  not  be  so. 



A  real  or  an  assumed  self-satisfaction  in  any  line  of  conduct  is 
a  prime  requisite  for  its  deliberate  selection.  The  usual  springs 
of  satisfaction  in  activity  and  achievement  are  available  for  the 
professional  criminal  as  well  as  for  the  honest  workman.  Even 
in  such  a  gentlemanly  and  quiet  t;vT)e  as  the  one  quoted  below, 
Case  49,  it  was  quite  plain  that  there  was  ample  felicity  in  the 
fact  of  his  own  skill  and  fame.  Certainly,  however,  in  many 
instances  this  egoism  has  not  at  all  killed  out  the  power  of  ex- 
periencing normal  feelings  of  affection  and  friendship,  although 
the  irregular  life  and  breaking  of  home  ties  which  ensue  from 
criminal  operations  and  occasional  incarcerations  interfere  con- 
sidera,bly  with  normal  enjoyment  of  human  relationships.  The 
constant  taking  of  big  chances  and  the  facing  of  danger  with 
one's  hand  against  his  fellows  must  inevitably  lead  to  a  harden- 
ing of  spirit  which  therefore  is  to  be  regarded  as  the  result  of  the 
occupation  rather  than  the  cause  of  it. 

That  professionals  or  recidivists  in  general  are  devoid  of  feel- 
ings of  remorse,  as  maintained  by  Pollitz  (8,  p.  131),  we  cannot 
agree  to.  The  fact  that  they  show  no  sorrow  for  having  engaged 
in  a  certain  class  of  deeds  may  be  the  result  of  general  environ- 
mental conditions  or  of  early  teachings.  We  know  very  well 
how  ethical  feelings  and  conceptions  are  built  up  as  the  result 
of  social  experiences.  As  we  show  later,  the  very  delinquent 
who  has  no  hesitation  whatever  about  committing  certain  types 
of  crimes  will  show  great  honesty  in  other  affairs.  This  same 
author  should  see  reason  to  think  differently,  since  he  himself 
brings  out  that  repetition  of  crime  does  not  necessarily  mean 
innate  criminal  tendencies.  For  instance,  we  might  cite  the  class 
of  offenders  who  transgress  only  when  they  are  out  of  work  during 
certain  seasons  of  the  year.  The  category  of  offenders  proposed 
by  Garofalo  (10)  which  includes  one  large  class  with  many  sub- 
divisions, said  to  be  composed  of  criminals  devoid  of  a  sense  of 
honesty,  must  fairly  receive  the  same  criticism.  (If  the  ques- 
tion of  innate  lack  of  moral  sense  is  involved  here  we  must  refer 
to  our  discussion  of  "  moral  imbecility,"  §  372.)  There  is  a  pro- 
verbial honor  among  thieves,  and  honesty  may  be  found  in  one 
sphere  of  action  when  it  is  entirely  lacking  in  another.  The 
sense  of  honesty  may  not  be  at  all  lost,  even  in  the  most  con- 
firmed offenders. 

The  older  conception  that  professional  criminals  belong  to  a 
natural  class  because  they  show  marked  characteristics  of  phy- 



sique  or  expression  is  exploded.  Inscrutability,  shiftiness,  the 
occasional  keen  furtive  glance,  and  other  peculiarities  of  physi- 
ognomy are  of  no  more  fundamental  significance  than  is  the  fact 
that  various  occupations  develop  peculiar  characteristics.  We 
can  at  once  think  of  the  clear  gaze  of  the  seaman,  the  kindly 
expression  of  the  family  physician,  the  vivacity  of  the  society 
woman,  the  bland  joviality  of  the  politician.  As  Devon  (6,  p.  11) 
from  his  long  practical  experience  puts  it,  "  The  criminal  is 
born  and  made  just  as  the  policeman  is  born  and  made.  To 
see  him  early  in  his  career  it  is  impossible  to  tell  what  he  is,  but 
when  he  has  undergone  his  training  it  may  be  expected  to  leave 
its  mark  on  him,  which  those  who  know  may  read  with  more  or 
less  success."  More  on  this  point  comes  out  in  our  discussion 
of  the  results  of  prison  experience,  §  226.  If  innate  traits  at 
all  determine  professionalism  they  should  be  discernible  at  the 
early  age  which  we  insist  on  is  the  proper  time  for  studying  crimi- 
nalistic genetics. 

Many  economic  and  environmental  conditions  have  been 
cited  as  cause  for  the  establishment  of  professional  criminal 
careers.  It  is  quite  unnecessary  to  go  over  these  conditions, 
most  of  which  have  been  enumerated  in  our  chapter  on  environ- 
mental causes.  They  are  both  negative  and  positive,  and  involve 
neglect,  poverty,  lack  of  opportunity,  criminalistic  teachings, 
and  many  other  factors.  Tarde  well  lays  great  stress  on  the 
social  aspects  of  criminology,  and  emphasizes  (5,  p.  252)  that 
the  criminal  career  is  one  into  which  the  individual  has  been 
thrust  usually  from  an  early  age,  and  that  the  influence  of  pillag- 
ing comrades,  lack  of  education,  and  other  living  conditions 
are  often  responsible.  Institutions  for  criminals,  as  we  else- 
where (§  226)  show,  are  themselves  to  be  regarded  as  great  breed- 
ers of  professionalism. 

The  class  of  criminals  who  develop  their  careers  in  a  busi- 
ness-like way  are  given  opportunities  by  delays  in  the  law  and 
sinister  protection  of  many  kinds.  Certain  economic  laws  also 
are  in  force  here;  professional  criminalism  would  not  be  pursued 
were  it  not  profitable.  It  is  hardly  necessary  here  to  enlarge  on 
the  possibilities  of  graft  and  protection  which  involve  those  who 
are  concerned  with  carrying  out  legal  and  police  measures.  Some 
intimation  of  what  really  goes  on  may  be  seen  below,  in  Case 
49,  our  professional's  story. 

Teaching  the  tricks  of  different  branches  of  professional  crimi- 


Chap.  VIII]  PRESENTATION    OF    CASES  [§  230 

nalism  goes  on  regularly.  Tiny  little  felloM^s  are  instructed  in 
the  art  of  inserting  their  slender  hands  in  people's  pockets,  they 
practice  purse-snatching  until  skill  is  acquired,  the  use  of  burg- 
lar's tools  and  of  explosives  are  studied  in  the  same  way  that 
the  emploATnent  of  implements  in  any  trade  is  learned.  There 
are  even  nowadays  occasionally  to  be  found  "  schools  of  crime." 

In  our  own  studies  we  have  been  much  impressed  by  the  ex- 
periences and  mental  reactions  which  set  an  individual  definitely 
in  the  direction  of  anti-social  actions,  such  as  find  expression  in 
professional  criminalism.  Several  of  our  chapters  are  devoted 
to  these  phenomena.  The  opportunities  for  learning  the  arts 
of  criminalism  are  sometimes  sought  out  by  the  individual,  rather 
than  thrust  upon  him.  Just  as  in  the  case  which  we  cite  later. 
Case  50,  frequently  there  are  features  of  the  environment  which 
create  a  mental  attitude  that  is  a  favorable  soil  for  criminalistic 
impulses,  determined  though  the  latter  may  be  in  this  or  that 
direction  by  special  aptitudes  or  abilities. 

§  230.  Presentation  of  Cases.  —  In  our  study  of  individual 
cases  we  go  farther  in  discriminating  the  factors  which  make  for 
professionalism  than  do  those  who  have  observed  merely  the  full- 
grown  professional  as  such.  This  has  led  us  to  see  how  careers 
which  might  rapidly  become  professional  in  tendencies  may  be 
entirely  checked  by  changes  of  environment,  the  offering  of  suit- 
able educational  and  vocational  inducements,  the  modification 
of  mental  conflicts,  the  satisfaction  of  legitimate  but  o'erweening 
desires.  We  could  not  oft'er  cases  which  represent  the  range 
of  personality  types  that  develop  into  professional  criminalism. 
Many  types  are  represented,  all  the  way  from  absolutely  normal 
individuals  to  the  constitutional  inferiors,  or  those  with  slight 
mental  defects.  But  we  can  offer  a  few  studies  which  present  live 
issues  pertaining  to  the  subject.  Any  practical  consideration  of 
this  matter  will  always  take  in  both  peculiarities  of  personality 
and  other  causative  factors. 

Case  49.  —  No  more  striking  evidence  of  the  concrete  issues  of 
professional  criminalism  can  be  gained  than  from  the  words  of 
one  of  America's  most  intelligent  and  successful  criminals,  whom 
I  have  had  the  opportunity  of  knowing,  as  Devon  says  every 
offender  must  be  known  if  one  is  to  be  really  acquainted  with 
him,  entirely  outside  of  institutional  life,  or  of  police  surveillance. 
Inasmuch  as  the  hereditary,  developmental  and  early  environ- 
mental history  of  this  man  is  unknown  to  us,  he  represents  only  a 



partial  case  study.  But  from  his  personality,  his  social  philosophy, 
and  good  apperceptions  we  may  learn  lessons  of  great  import. 

This  man  is  possessed  of  unusually  fine  presence,  keen  sensi- 
bilities, and  good  speech,  and  is  educated  far  above  the  ordinary 
offender  met  with  in  court  work.  He  is  unquestionably  a  man  who 
might  have  filled  some  important  position  in  commercial  life. 
The  experienced  observer  would  detect  about  the  set  of  his  mouth 
and  other  facial  expression  some  indication  of  the  months  of  silence 
that  he  has  been  through  during  his  incarcerations,  but  perhaps 
a  thoroughly  taciturn  individual  might  show  the  same  type  of 
physiognomy.  This  man  speaks  of  his  "  work  ";  with  conscious 
pride  he  calls  himself  a  professional.  To  him  expert  safe  opening 
is  a  science,  involving  knowledge  of  mechanics  and  chemistry.  He 
belongs  to  what  has  been  denominated  the  "  aristocracy  of  crim- 
inality." He  has  served  several  short  terms,  but  never  has  there 
been  fastened  upon  him  any  major  deed.  In  the  meantime,  when 
in  funds,  he  may  live  like  a  millionaire  at  a  first-class  hotel,  or 
"enjoy  the  home  where  his  wife  and  child  abide. 

His  sentences  have  been  given  him  on  general  suspicion,  or 
when  he  has  plead  guilty  to  some  minor  charge  in  order  to  save 
himself  from  the  graver  one  of  being  an  habitual  offender.  This 
is  one  of  the  tricks  of  his  trade  —  one  that  is  particularly  made 
possible  by  the  methods  of  states  attorneys  who  will  sometimes 
give  him  the  choice  of  so  pleading  guilty,  or  of  taking  his  chances 
on  being  tried  for  a  major  offense, which  perhaps  he  has  committed, 
but  which  they  cannot  well  prove.  His  last  sentence  was  received 
in  just  such  a  way  as  this,  and  he  remarks  to  us  that  at  about  the 
same  time  he  noted  by  the  papers  that  another  criminal  in  an- 
other state  was  sentenced  for  an  offense  which  he  (our  friend)  had 
committed.  By  pleading  guilty  to  lesser  crimes,  he  says,  one  may 
thus  keep  out  of  worse  indictments,  and  then  the  police  will  get 
credit  for  having  captured  the  right  man. 

"  If  you  good  people  want  me  to  stop  my  career  you  must  make 
it  worth  my  while  to  stop.  I  'm  just  like  the  rest  of  professionals. 
I  love  good  living.  The  only  way  to  stop  us  is  to  find  out  who  and 
what  we  are  and  what  we  are  good  for.  Then  you  've  got  to  make 
punishment  severe  enough  or  opportunities  good  enough  for  us. 
Society  does  not  do  either  one  of  these  now.  I  've  got  to  have  a 
good  living  when  I  get  out.  I  can  stay  at  the  Waldorf  or  the 
LaSalle  when  I  'm  in  funds,  but  I  would  rather  have  less  and  a 
steadier  job.    I  'm  not  a  cheap-looking  fellow,  and  yet  all  I  could 


Chap.  VIII]  PRESENTATION    OF    CASES  [§  230 

hope  to  do,  if  anybody  takes  me  in,  is  to  get  perhaps  $15  a  week 
for  doing  work  that  would  be  worth  twice  as  much.  If  I  am  recom- 
mended nowadays  anybody  thinks  he  is  doing  a  great  charity  to 
hire  me  at  any  price.  There  's  no  trade  I  can  easily  get  into,  and 
when  I  get  out  of  the  '  pen,'  all  I  have  is  a  few  dollars  and  the 
suit  they  give  me,  which  would  tell  anybody  where  I  had  come 
from.  Now  what  do  you  think  a  fellow  is  likely  to  do  and  what: 
will  be  his  natural  temptation?  Why  can't  they  give  a  fellow  work 
in  the  penitentiary,  and  wages  that  can  be  saved  up  for  him  sO 
that  when  he  comes  out  he  can  have  some  kind  of  a  start?  Either 
you  have  got  to  make  it  so  hard  for  me  that  I  would  rather  work, 
at  laborer's  wages  than  take  a  chance,  or  else  you  have  got  to  give- 
me  a  decent  job  —  neither  of  these  things  has  come  about  yet.- 
Certainly  very  few  of  even  the  best  professionals  make  a  success- 
of  it  in  the  long  run,  but  there  is  always  a  chance. 

"  Your  first  step  towards  stopping  me  would  be  to  have  a  cen^ 
tral  bureau  of  identification  in  Washington.  Then  you  could 
check  me  up  and  know  who  I  am,  and  the  parole  system  could  be 
extended  with  perfect  safety.  As  it  is,  I  am  one  person  in  one  state 
and  another  in  another,  and  there  is  no  following  me  up  in  any 
way.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  society  does  not  know  yet  the  first  steps 
about  effective  ways  in  which  it  might  treat  its  criminals." 

We  tried  to  get  this  man's  point  of  view  in  regard  to  the  genetics 
of  professionalism.  Of  course  he  knew  little  about  beginnings  in 
youth,  nor  did  we  ever  learn  of  his  own  early  life.  (It  is  only  fair 
to  say  that  about  some  details  given  by  this  man  we  were  able  to 
get  corroboration.)  "  Well,  what  the  hell  do  you  think  we  have 
to  think  about  when  we  are  in  prison?  Even  in  well-ordered  peni- 
tentiaries we  find  means  of  getting  into  communication  with  the 
other  fellows,  and  soon  learn  to  speak  without  perceptibly  moving 
our  lips.  We  are  always  on  the  look-out  for  shrewd  and  teachable 
young  chaps.  You  take  a  fellow  who  has  not  done  much  but 
just  fall  in  line  with  the  temptations  that  have  been  offered  him 
and  who  has  been  sentenced  for  it;  of  course  he  is  feeling  sore. 
And  when  he  realizes  he  is  going  to  be  called  a  gaolbird  for  all  his 
life  he  is  willing  to  learn  more  about  the  game.  Even  if  we  don't 
have  much  to  say  to  him  on  the  inside  we  can  find  out  where  tq 
meet  him  later  on.    That 's  how  the  best  pals  are  made." 

This  man  made  much  of  the  difficulty  of  leaving  the  path  of 
professionalism  after  once  started  on  it.  He,  for  instance,  (we 
had  corroboration  of  this)  had  been  run  out  of  a  certain  city  when 



he  had  started  in  business  with  a  capital  obtained  from  family 
friends  —  run  out  by  the  police  on  general  principles.  They  said 
he  was  too  dangerous  to  have  around  —  "he  might  be  pulling 
off  some  deal  sometime."  He  also  made  much  of  certain  other 
persecutory  features  of  police  life,  which  for  obvious  reasons  one 
is  unable  to  corroborate.  He  asked  what  is  easier  than  for  a 
shrewd  detective  to  recognize  a  man  by  his  picture,  then  to  look 
up  his  record  and  confront  him  with  immediate  arrest,  alleging 
the  possibility  of  his  having  committed  some  recent  local  crime  of 
the  kind  which  his  past  record  would  suggest.  Nothing  offers  an 
easier  way  out  of  this  than  to  hand  the  detective  a  matter  of  $25 
or  so,  and  there  is  no  possibility  of  any  charge  of  "  graft  "  being 
made,  because  in  the  course  of  such  a  charge  the  criminal's  whole 
career  would  be  brought  to  light  —  a  most  undesirable  occur- 
rence, whether  he  be  going  on  in  a  professional  way,  or  trying  to 
live  an  honest  life. 

This  man  through  his  moving  about  from  state  to  state  belongs 
to  what  in  Europe  is  called  the  highest  type  of  his  profession, 
namely,  the  traveling  or  international  criminal.  Through  the 
lack  of  cooperation  between  the  police,  the  courts,  and  institu- 
tions of  our  different  states,  this  man's  situation  is  almost  as  if  he 
were  in  another  country  when  he  goes  from  one  state  to  another. 
Indeed  it  is  quite  doubtful  whether  there  is  in  America  as  good 
a  chance  to  obtain  information  about  the  career  of  a  criminal  in 
another  state  as  the  chief  of  police  in  Paris  has  for  getting 
knowledge  from  Scotland  Yard. 

Case  50.  —  Boy  of  16  years.  Arrested  for  having  calmly  walked 
into  a  place  where  a  public  reception  was  going  on  and  appro- 
priated some  watches.  He  was  found  to  have  a  number  of  other 
charges  against  him.  Interested  officers  attempted  to  get  family 
cooperation,  but  this  was  only  partially  obtainable,  because  of 
the  hopeless  attitude  of  the  mother  toward  her  whole  family 
situation,  and  because  of  the  low  character  of  the  boy's  father. 
With  us  the  boy  was  so  frank  in  exploring  his  career  ^s  an  expert 
thief  that  one  got  a  very  full  picture  of  some  beginnings  of  profes- 
sionalism. His  statements,  which  were  checked  up  as  far  as  pos- 
sible, were  found  reliable  in  many  details,  even  as  pertaining  to 
different  localities. 

His  mother  gives  him  the  reputation  of  being  a  terrible  thief. 
She  is  inclined  to  attribute  his  deeds  to  some  mental  injury  which 
she  thinks  he  must  have  received  when  he  fell  from  a  second-story 


Chap.  VIII]  PRESENTATION    OF    CASES  [§  230 

window  a  couple  of  years  previously.  (As  a  matter  of  fact  we 
found  no  signs  of  head  injury  of  any  kind,  and  his  own  story  of 
misdoing  goes  back  many  years  prior  to  the  fall.)  Although  w^e 
did  not  get  a  detailed  developmental  history,  it  is  stated  that  he 
has  never  been  very  ill.  He  is  the  oldest  of  three  children.  His 
father  is  an  excessive  alcoholic  who  has  been  arrested  many  times 
for  fighting  and  drinking.  He  has  been  known  to  wear  a  gold 
watch  his  boy  had  stolen,  but  is  said  not  to  be  a  thief  himself. 
The  family  is  largely  supported  by  the  mother  doing  washing. 
The  boy's  sister  at  13  is  in  7th  grade.  The  third  child  died  in 
infancy.  The  mother  shows  signs  of  having  had  some  education 
and  ambition. 

Physical  examination:  the  boy  is  fat,  slouchy  and  very  short: 
bright  and  responsive  expression;  pleasant  features.  Notwith- 
standing the  boy's  waddling  gait  and  apparent  lack  of  muscular 
tone,  he  is  very  quick  and  active;  weighs  115  lbs.  and  is  4  ft.  93^ 
in.  in  height;  long  narrow  head;  circumference  53.3,  length  18.3, 
and  width  14.3  cm.;  teeth  crowded;  right  upper  lateral  incisor 
missing  —  said  not  to  be  erupted;  as  yet  no  external  signs  of 
puberty;  nystagmoid  movements  of  eyes  on  lateral  deviation. 

Mental  tests:   our  own  series. 

I.  59".    Practically  no  trial  and  error. 

II.  46".     No  error. 

III.  41".     14  moves. 

V.  Much  interested  in  this  test.  After  several  quick  trials  and 
errors,  steps  done  rapidly  in  correct  order.  1'  37".  It  is  remarkable 
that  this  was  done  entirely  by  the  use  of  the  fingers  instead  of  the  hook 
—  the  only  time  we  have  ever  seen  the  box  opened  in  this  way.  Great 
adeptness  shown. 

VI.  "Aussage."  Fairly  full  enumerative  account  with  no  sugges- 

VII.  Both  well  done  at  the  first  trial. 

VIII.  Four  errors  with  a  curious  reduplication  of  numbers.  Care- 
lessness, as  elsewhere,  is  the  only  explanation  of  this. 

IX.  Correct  at  first  trial. 

X.  Correct  only  at  the  third  trial. 

XII.  Only  7  items  out  of  20  given  correctly.  Very  childish  and 
careless  result. 

XIII.  7  out  of  12  items  given  correctly  in  logical  sequence. 

XIV.  Fails  on  the  first  trial  to  open  the  box  by  reason  of  a  small 
final  error.     Opens  it  in  55"  at  the  2d  trial. 

XV.  Average  time  3".     No  error,  2  failures. 

XVI.  102  squares  tapped  at  first  trial  with  4  errors.  106  squares 
tapj)ed  the  2d  time  with  3  errors.    An  unusually  rapid  performance. 



XVII.  Writing  is  rapid  and  normal  for  his  age. 

XVIII.  Through  an  oversight  no  record  of  his  arithmetical  abil- 
ity was  made. 

XIX.  Fluent  reader. 

XXI.  The  reaction  to  the  2d  moral  question  was  that  he  would 
rather  give  the  man  up  than  get  killed.  He  was  pretty  sure  on  this 

XXII.  Fair  amount  of  information  obtained  from  considerable 
reading  of  newspapers  and  books.  Has  merely  a  common-sense  view 
of  scientific  things.  Never  been  interested  in  them.  Has  read  stories 
of  New  England  and  of  olden  days,  about  King  Arthur,  Benjamin 
Franklin  and  "all  them  books."  Is  fond  of  magician  tricks,  plays 
cards,  is  fond  of  bicycling,  swimming,  and  baseball.  Plays  with  some 
skill  the  violin,  piano,  and  cornet.  Has  taken  music  lessons  for  years. 
WheR  under  custody,  on  account  of  his  ability  to  entertain,  he  is  a 
great  favorite.  He  will  sit  at  the  piano  and  perform  for  long  periods  in 
music  hall  fashion. 

His  method  in  work  with  tests  showed  definite  characteristics.  He 
was  interested,  quick,  but  utterly  careless.  Without  waiting  for 
full  instructions  he  plunges  ahead.  He  is  quite  devoid  of  quiet  thought- 
fulness  or  of  deliberate  foresight.  Relies  entirely  on  quick  percep- 
tions. Emotions  normal.  Is  much  worried  about  the  prospect  of 
being  sent  to  an  institution. 

In  spite  of  much  changing  of  schools  and  truancy,  this  boy 
reached  7th  grade  when  he  stopped  at  14  years.  Since  then  he  has 
held  many  positions  for  short  periods  each,  and  there  is  no  doubt 
of  his  ability  to  earn  well  if  he  were  only  more  stable.  One  could 
readily  classify  him  as  having  fair  mental  ability,  and  also  as  pos- 
sessing certain  special  aptitudes,  as  indicated  above. 

His  delinquency  consists  of  an  excessive  amount  of  stealing  con- 
tinued over  many  years.  He  has  already  been  in  court  in  dif- 
ferent cities  a  number  of  times.  On  all  except  one  occasion  he  has 
been  placed  on  probation,  but  he  found  this  no  bar  to  his  traveling 
about  the  country  whenever  he  felt  like  it.  On  a  number  of  occa- 
sions of  which  we  learned  from  other  sources,  he  has  boldly  exe- 
cuted shrewdly  planned  escapes  from  places  where  he  was  detained. 
On  two  occasions  he  has  with  the  utmost  effrontery  simply  walked 
away  in  full  view.  Many  tributes  to  his  shrewdness  and  motor 
dexterity  are  rendered.  One  experienced  person  says,  "  He  is  as 
quick  as  greased  lightning."  No  efforts  were  ever  seriously  put  into 
effect  for  this  boy's  reformation,  because  he  never  gave  any  one 
the  chance. 

In  describing  his  own  career  this  boy  was  very  frank  and  helpful. 
He  seemed  distinctly  to  have  the  idea  that  he  would  like  to  do 


Chap.  VIII]  PRESENTATION    OF    CASES  [§  230 

differently.  In  fact,  he  made  direct  appeal  to  us  to  help  him  get 
into  some  life  away  from  temptation.  But  before  anything  could 
be  done  for  him  he  had  escaped  again.  He  made  the  same  impres- 
sion on  us  as  on  others,  namely,  that  he  was  frank,  intelligent, 
well-mannered  and  pleasant. 

"  Well,  I  don't  remember  exactly  what  I  stole  first,  but  know  I 
stole  a  cornet  when  I  was  in  S.,  when  I  was  5  years  old.  I  took 
it  out  of  a  trunk.  I  guess  I  was  a  pretty  bad  kid.  I  drowned  some 
cats.  Can't  tell  exactly  how  it  was  I  began  stealing.  I  never  did 
run  with  any  bad  boys.  I  was  in  court  last  year;  stole  forty  dollars' 
worth  of  pocket  knives  from  B's,  down  there  at  their  main  store. 
It  was  about  6  o'clock  at  night.  I  was  alone.  The  judge  let  me 
go  on  probation.  I  took  the  knives  because  I  wanted  some  money. 
I  sold  them  to  some  man  for  about  50  cents  apiece.  They  got 
most  of  the  knives  back.  I  took  a  detective  up  and  got  the  knives 
from  the  man.  It  was  around  in  the  M.  building  that  I  went  and 
peddled  them.  Well,  maybe  it  was  not  in  the  last  year  I  took  those 
knives.  They  really  caught  me  about  the  sixth  time  I  was  stealing 
there.  A  thief  always  goes  back  for  more.  I  used  to  keep  the 
things  under  the  sidewalk. 

"  After  that  when  I  was  on  probation  I  was  supposed  to  come 
to  court,  but  I  ran  away  the  night  before.  I  went  to  L.  Stayed  in 
a  lady's  house  there.  Then  I  stole  a  watch  and  got  arrested.  I  was 
trying  to  sell  it  and  a  boy  went  up  and  told  the  copper  about  it. 
I  wrote  home  from  there,  and  my  mother  sent  me  railroad  fare, 
and  the  judge  let  me  go  and  I  came  back  here.  I  did  not  work 
then,  and  I  stole  a  bicycle. 

"  There  was  a  woman  kept  a  little  store  up  near  where  we  lived. 
She  told  me  anything  I  would  steal  she  would  buy  it  off  me.  The 
first  thing  she  bought  of  me  was  a  pair  of  opera  glasses.  They 
were  my  mother's.  Then  she  bought  a  diamond  ring  off  of  me. 
I  got  that  at  the  bathing  beach.  A  lady  had  it  on  and  she  was 
sitting  on  the  sand  cleaning  it.  I  came  up  quietly  behind  her  and 
reached  over  her  shoulder  and  grabbed  it  and  then  walked  off  in 
the  crowd.  She  could  never  tell  who  it  was.  After  I  worked  at  R.'s 
about  a  week  I  took  a  $5  bill.  It  was  lying  on  the  counter.  When 
I  saw  the  cashier  lady  coming  I  threw  it  back.  I  did  not  steal  any 
watch  from  a  store  that  I  can  remember  of.  Oh,  yes,  I  do  remem- 
ber that,  too.  It  was  from  a  jewelry  auction  store.  She  paid  me 
$2  for  that.    She  's  never  been  arrested. 

"  Nobody  ever  started  me.    Maybe  it  was  on  account  of  my 



mother  telling  me  to  go  through  my  father's  pants.  That  was 
when  he  was  drunk.  I  guess  it  was  so  he  would  not  get  drunk  so 
much.  I  was  about  7  years  old  when  I  did  that.  He  's  been 
drinking  all  the  years.  I  '11  bet  he  is  drunk  to-day.  When  I  went 
into  that  place  the  other  day  I  did  not  go  in  to  steal.  If  I  'd  get  a 
chance  I  'd  take  things,  but  I  did  not  go  in  to  steal  there.  When 
my  father  is  drunk  he  tells  me  to  go  and  steal,  and  when  he  is 
sober,  too.  When  I  worked  I  always  took  my  wages  home.  My 
mother  never  got  cheated  out  of  a  single  week's  wages.  She  can  tell 
you  that  herself.    Father  never  stole  as  I  know  of. 

"  That  woman  that  runs  that  store  she  's  about  45.  There  's 
always  men  there.  Everybody  says  she  goes  with  men.  She  al- 
ways has  a  gun  with  her.  One  day  she  pointed  the  gun  right  at 
me  if  I  would  not  get  out  of  the  store.  She  has  a  man  there  who 
will  strike  a  man  down  all  right  if  he  comes  in  drunk  or  anything. 
I  told  the  officer  all  about  her.  I  would  not  like  to  go  out  to  the 
reform  school.  I  want  to  go  out  on  a  farm.  I  want  to  keep  away 
from  trouble." 

In  a  letter  the  boy  says,  "  I  had  a  fight  with  my  sister  and  she 
threw  the  broom  at  me  and  I  threw  it  back  at  her  and  hit  her  in 
the  face.  My  mother  got  mad  and  tried  to  hit  me  with  the  poker. 
Then  last  night  she  told  me  not  to  come  home  as  she  had  told  the 
police  on  me.  I  forgot  and  they  got  me  last  night.  I  just  escaped 
from  this  place  about  a  year  ago." 

About  the  time  that  we  last  saw  this  boy  he  made  confession  to 
the  police  that  cleared  up  a  number  of  cases  of  stealing  which  had 
baffled  them.  The  woman  who  conducted  the  "  fence "  was 
convicted  largely  on  information  obtained  from  him.  Some  time 
after  his  last  escape  he  was  arrested  in  another  state  for  stealing, 
and  for  the  first  time  was  placed  in  a  reformatory  for  a  long  term. 

In  the  background  of  this  boy's  personality  and  delinquency 
there  are  some  abnormal  physical  and  social  conditions  which  no 
doubt  have  had  a  partly  determining  influence.  But  it  is  cer- 
tainly most  reasonable  to  conclude  that  his  career  directly  centers 
about  certain  special  abilities,  particularly  motor  dexterity.  With 
the  exercise  of  these  and  his  cool  shrewdness  he  is  well  equipped 
to  be  an  expert  sneak  thief.  Bad  though  his  home  is,  his  mother 
is  a  good  woman,  and  he  has  been  given  some  special  attention, 
such  as  receiving  music  lessons.  He  is  capable  of  earning  a  very 
good  living,  but  deliberately  chooses  to  exercise  his  ability  in 
dishonest  ways;  he  has  definitely  begun  following  crime  as  a  trade 


Chap.  Vlll]  TREATMENT    OF    PROFESSIONALISM  [§  231 

or  profession.  There  may  have  been  other  causal  elements,  par- 
ticularly in  the  field  of  inner  mental  life,  which  we  never  ascer- 
tained, but  we  did  learn  a  great  deal  in  this  case  of  how  begin- 
nings of  professional  criminalism  may  develop. 

Special  abilities:  Early  discovered  motor  Case  50. 

adeptness  and  satisfaction  in  it.  Boy,  age  16. 

Home  conditions :  Father  alcoholic  and  bad  man. 

Heredity:  As  above.    (Otherwise  not  known.) 
Stigmata:  Delayed  puberty. 
Irregular  physical  development 

and  dentition. 
Nystagmoid  movements. 

Stealing  -\ — \- .  Fair  intelligence  with 

Sneak  thief  —  professional  type.  special  ability. 

§  231.  Treatment  of  Professionalism.  —  In  any  practical  scheme 
of  treatment  of  professionalism  in  crime  one  would  insist  upon 
the  necessity  of  thorough  diagnosis.  We  should  be  much  inclined 
to  lay  stress  upon  the  above  views  expressed  by  the  thoughtful 
professional.  This  is  a  field  for  deterrent  possibilities.  We  should 
hesitate  much  to  discuss  punishment  as  set  forth  in  any  schedule, 
such  as  that  of  Garofalo  (10),  because  our  stand  is  primarily  for 
diagnostic  study.  It  seems  perfectly  evident  that  many  features 
of  even  penal  treatment  should  be  based  upon  facts  which  can 
only  be  learned  through  careful  study  of  causative  factors.  There 
are  individual  needs,  and  individual  differences  in  response  to  de- 
terrent laws,  which  can  be  more  or  less  estimated  by  careful  diag- 
nostic methods.  Professionals  differ  widely  in  personal  charac- 
teristics and  in  the  other  background  for  their  offenses.  But  if 
one  will  consider  merely  the  readily  available  American  literature 
on  the  subject  of  professional  criminals,  for  instance,  the  work  by 
Inspector  Byrne  (53),  the  autobiographies  of  Moore  (347),  and 
White  (348),  there  will  be  little  question  about  the  value  of  more 
efficient  police  methods,  and  of  the  application  of  swifter,  surer 
and  longer  penalties  for  this  type  of  crime.  Thoughtful  students 
must  necessarily  agree  with  Garofalo  (328,  p.  211),  who  says, 
"  Short  punishments  invite  the  criminal,  monstrous  as  it  may 
seem,  to  mock  the  law,  to  snap  his  fingers  at  justice."    Prevention 



is  the  watchword  in  the  treatment  of  professional  criminalism. 
In  this  there  is  a  great  opportunity  for  work  with  the  young,  which 
will  prove  satisfactory  only  through  study  of  the  determining  forces 
of  their  careers.  We  have  observed  a  number  of  instances  in 
which  an  impending  career  of  professional  criminality  has  been 
thwarted  by  constructive  measures.  The  following  is  a  splendid 
example,  inasmuch  as  there  was  considerable  likeness  of  environ- 
mental and  family  background  to  the  case  given  in  detail  above. 

Case  51.  —  This  was  the  instance  of  a  boy,  who  at  13  was  al- 
ready the  leader  of  a  gang  of  youthful  burglars,  who  planned  and 
executed  skillful  and  lucrative  depredations.  Apparently  the  boy 
had  discovered  what  he  was  suited  for,  and  the  future  seemed  to 
offer  many  chances  for  him  in  this  line.  He  was  physically  and 
mentally  alert  and  active.  He  was  courageous  and  aggressive. 
There  was  nothing  hopeful  in  his  environment.  Here,  too,  was  an 
ignorant  and  excessively  alcoholic  father,  and  a  step-mother  who 
kept  a  slatternly  home.  Thieving  and  burglary  offered  to  this 
young  adept  the  pleasures  of  adventure,  occupation,  easy  acquire- 
ment of  possessions,  and  money  to  spend  —  altogether  a  lively 
set  of  interests  and  satisfactions. 

With  this  boy's  good  mentality  was  a  forceful  personality  and 
freedom  from  vice.  A  study  of  his  case  after  a  "  big  haul  "  led  to 
the  introduction  of  live  interests  in  another  environment.  This 
boy  soon  realized  that  satisfaction  accrues  along  other  than  crim- 
inalistic lines.  Opportunities  for  normal  boyish  possessions  and 
interests  and  adventures  in  a  very  ordinary  country  home  were  all 
that  were  necessary  to  change  him  into  a  self-sustaining  and  useful 
member  of  society.  He  has  been  a  continued  success  over  the  num- 
ber of  years  that  we  have  known  him,  even  when  occasionally 
returning  to  the  formerly  tempting,  home  environment. 

Many  of  the  points  which  are  important  in  considering  treat- 
ment of  the  professional  criminal,  either  as  a  fully  developed 
character  or  in  the  formative  state,  are  dealt  with  elsewhere  in 
our  work.  We  have  spoken  of  the  definitive  field  of  the  reforma- 
tory institutions,  and  the  need  for  individualization  there,  of  the 
weaknesses  of  penal  institutions,  of  the  absurdly  expensive  pro- 
cedure of  sending  adolescents  back  into  old  environments  before 
they  are  able  to  stand  on  their  feet,  either  morally  or  financially. 
We  have  discussed  mental  habits  and  mental  imageries  which  make 
for  the  establishment  of  behavior  characteristics,  and  we  have  in- 
sisted on  the  necessity  for  after-care  when  a  prisoner  is  discharged 


Chap.  VIII]        DELIBERATE    CHOICE    OF    CRIMINALISM  [§  232 

from  the  custody  of  the  institution.  There  is  much  value  in  the 
Hungarian  and  the  Ohio  laws  which  provide  for  the  study  of  all 
young  ott'endei-s  before  they  are  sentenced,  in  the  work  of  pris- 
oners' aid  associations,  in  the  recent,  shrewd,  common-sense  efforts 
of  several  of  om*  penitentiary  superintendents  who  have  started 
practical  measures  for  making  better  human  beings  out  of  their 
prisoners.  The  further  need  is  for  the  scientific  unification  of  all 
these  and  still  other  profitable  measures  of  treatment. 

§  232.    Deliberate   Choice  of   Criminalism. 

Justification  for  any  consideration  of  deliberate  choice  as  a 
causative  factor  of  criminalism,  especially  apart  from  the  cap- 
tion "professionalism,"  is  found  in  the  following  facts:  Anti- 
social deeds  may  be  committed  with  premeditation,  but  with 
no  notion  of  making  criminalism  a  trade  or  profession.  It  is 
an  opinion  held,  sometimes  by  those  who  do  not  proclaim 
themselves  against  determinism,  that  deliberate  choice  of  crim- 
inalistic conduct  is  quite  a  common  phenomenon  even  among 
young  delinquents.  We  have  several  times  in  individual  cases 
ascribed  to  deliberate  choice  the  main  part  in  causation,  but, 
on  more  thorough  study  of  discovered  factors,  we  have  been 
inclined  to  discount  our  earlier  view.  We  below  illustrate  the 
complexities.  It  finally  has  seemed  patent  to  us  that  both  for 
prognosis  and  treatment  this  difficult  element  of  diagnosis 
might  nearly  always  be  left  out  of  account. 

Perhaps  a  definition  of  the  term  deliberate  choice  is  necessary. 
I  mean  a  choice  made  by  those  who  possess  mental  powers  suffi- 
cient for  self-determination  of  the  direction  of  their  careers, 
in  whom  there  are  not  —  perforce  of  overpowering  physical  and 
mental  characteristics  —  such  internal  tendencies  as  well  might 
be  calculated  to  develop  criminalism,  and  in  whom  there  is  no 
overwhelming  push  from  environmental  sources.  I  should  in- 
sist that  if  deliberate  choice  is  to  be  invoked  by  way  of  explana- 
tion of  an  anti-social  career,  there  must  have  been  plenty  of 
opportunity,  and  even  invitation,  to  take  advantage  of  occupa- 
tional or  recreational  interests  which  would  have  proved  enticing 
enough  to  cause  others  to  choose  refraining  from  misdeeds. 
Here,  as  elsewhere  in  our  work,  we  must  carefully  avoid  the  un- 
fruitful theoretical   discussion  of  determinism  versus  free  will. 

No  doubt  if  one  were  to  take  a  mentally  normal  offender  who 


§  232]  DELIBERATE    CHOICE  -  [Chap.  VIII 

has  passed  the  more  formative  period  of  life,  and  were  to  judge 
him  by  the  immediate  and  obvious  causes  of  his  action,  one  would 
frequently  ascribe  much  to  deliberate  choice.  But  as  we  stated 
early  in  our  book,  the  cases  we  have  put  into  our  series  are  those 
in  which  the  background  of  causation  was  largely  known.  Per- 
haps this  is  why  we  find  so  much  else  than  deliberate  choice 
at  the  roots  of  misconduct.  If  I  were  asked  to  pick  out  the  most 
egregious  examples  of  criminalistic  conduct  that  betokens  de- 
liberate choice,  I  am  inclined  to  think  I  should  select  panderers 
and  "  cadets."  And  yet  of  this  most  despicable  class  those 
members  of  which  I  have  knowledge  have  come  from  such 
family  circumstances  that  to  know  the  latter  would  be  to  say 
that  from  such  influences  nothing  good  could  be  expected. 

Professional  criminals  of  other  types  have,  many  of  them, 
started  their  careers  under  decidedly  determining  conditions. 
Some  themselves  maintain  that,  once  started,  society  itself 
continues  to  prevent  them  from  exerting  deliberate  choice  of 
conduct.  Making  up  our  minds  at  many  different  times,  and 
often  in  consultation  with  experienced  people,  and  with  the  great 
amount  of  material  which  often  has  been  collected  on  a  case,  it 
is  significant  that  we  find  justification  for  applying  the  phrase 
"  deliberate  choice  "  as  a  cause  in  less  than  half  a  dozen  instances 
in  more  than  1000  cases  of  repeated  offenders.  Let  the  casual 
onlooker,  who  sees  only  the  deed  and  the  apparent  choice  of 
action,  follow  up  the  data  and  see  how  many  other  factors  loom 
up  as  determining  forces.  The  first  case  given  below  seemed  to 
present  to  us  as  marked  evidence  of  deliberate  choice  as  we  have 
ever  seen,  and  yet  note  the  many  other  factors. 

Case  52.  —  A  mother  brought  her  problem  to  us  considerably 
in  advance  of  the  time  we  were  able  to  see  her  boy.  Although 
only  15,  he  had  for  years  been  getting  into  an  excessive  amount 
of  trouble  on  account  of  misconduct.  Recently  his  delinquen- 
cies had  culminated  in  a  well-planned  theft  of  a  considerable 
sum  of  money  which  he  divided  with  a  bad  woman  with  whom 
he  had  lately  become  acquainted,  and  who  had  partly  instigated 
the  plot.  The  theft  and  burglary  might  have  involved  the  murder 
of  a  certain  old  relative,  and  it  had  been  planned  to  carry  that 
out  if  necessary.  These  facts  will  give  some  indication  of  the 
boy's  recklessness.  His  delinquencies  had  begun  before  he  was 
10.  He  was  a  great  truant,  sometimes  managing  to  evade  school 
for  months  at  a  time,  although  he  had  been  sent  to  more  than  one 


Chap.  VIII]        DELIBERATE    CHOICE    OF    CRIMINALISM  [§  232 

institution  on  account  of  truancy.  By  the  time  we  saw  him  he 
had  already  engaged  in  various  sorts  of  thieving,  several  burg- 
laries, the  forging  of  checks,  and  had  indulged  in  sex  dissipation 
of  several  kinds. 

The  mother,  much  broken  down  by  her  family  troubles,  felt 
that  her  son  was  quite  beyond  her.  He  is  her  only  child.  The 
father  has  been  dead  since  the  boy  was  10.  He  was  an  alcoholic, 
but  never  criminalistic.  No  features  of  any  significance  about 
the  boy's  heredity  were  available.  The  mother's  side  was  said 
to  be  clear  of  defects,  but  on  account  of  the  absence  of  specific 
information  concerning  the  father's  side,  who  was  an  immigrant, 
we  cannot  fairly  state  that  heredity  was  all  negative.  The  preg- 
nancy and  birth  were  normal.  The  boy  is  said  never  to  have 
been  seriously  ill.  No  injuries  or  convulsions.  At  one  time  he 
had  tubercular  cervical  glands,  but  those  are  now  well. 

The  boy  has  lived  at  home  only  intermittently.  He  has  been 
taken  to  their  homes  by  various  members  of  the  mother's  family, 
and  has  already  been  five  times  in  different  institutions  on  ac- 
count of  delinquency.  From  each  place  he  has  run  away,  or  has 
created  so  much  disturbance  that  all  have  been  glad  to  get  rid 
of  him.  A  notably  good  institution  for  boys  could  not  offer 
an;^i:hing  that  he  regarded  as  worth  while,  and  they  relinquished 
their  guardianship.  He  has  never  been  committed  to  a  reforma- 
tory from  which  he  could  not  readily  escape.  He  has  never 
worked  steadily,  but  has  taken  odd  jobs  for  a  time.  There  has 
always  been  money  enough  at  home  for  ordinary  needs,  and  his 
family  have  been  very  ambitious  for  him,  particularly  because 
he  has  always  shown  such  good  mental  ability.  A  very  good 
and  strong  man,  who  is  the  guardian  of  his  financial  inheritance, 
has  been  unable  to  influence  the  lad  in  the  least. 

Physical  examination;  fairly  good  general  development; 
slender  type;  strength  good  for  age;  no  sensory  defect  noted; 
tonsils  very  large;  gonorrhea;  marked  tremor  of  the  hands; 
pleasant,  regular  features;  intelligent  face  and  vivacious  expres- 
sion; many  evidences  of  good  physical  care  in  the  past;  dome- 
like forehead  with  prominent  frontal  bosses.  Head;  circum- 
ference 54.2,  length  19,  breadth  15  cm. 

Mental  examination.  Tests  not  completely  carried  out  because 
of  his  obvious  great  ability  in  many  directions  and  his  dislike  to  do 
what  he  called  the  childish  type  of  tests. 

HI.    Construction  Test  A.     10".    5  moves.    Our  fastest  record. 


§  232]  DELIBERATE    CHOICE  [Chap.  VIII 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.    27".    11  moves.    Also  record  time. 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  30".  Step  one  accomplished  in  10",  and  the  others 
done  with  simply  marvelous  rapidity.  Nothing  like  this  ever  seen  by 
us  previously. 

VI.  "  Aussage."  Gave  one  of  the  fullest  accounts  ever  given  of  this 
picture,  with  much  slangy  and  humorous  interpretation,  altogether, 
however,  directly  to  the  point.    Not  the  slightest  suggestibility  shown. 

VIII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Symbol  Associations.  Done  rapidly 
and  altogether  correctly. 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.    Correct  at  first  trial. 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.  Correct  at  the  second  trial  after  drawing 
the  figure  once  himself.  Rather  curious  to  note  that  he  did  not  see 
his  own  error  in  the  first  attempt  where  he  had  duplicated  number 
7  in  different  compartments. 

XL  Code  Test.  Two  errors  in  final  result.  Considerable  diffi- 
culty with  this  on  account  of  his  nervousness  and  trouble  in  con- 

XXII.  Information.  All  ordinary  items  of  geography  and  history 
correct.  Reads  books  —  reads  anything.  Likes  good  plays.  Is  re- 
markably ignorant  of  scientific  information  in  which  boys  are  usually 
interested.    His  verbal  reactions  to  the  tests  were  most  instructive. 

"Well,  do  I  do  these  things  fast  enough  for  you?  There  is  no  kind 
of  a  lock  or  a  box  that  I  can't  open.  I'm  a  locksmith,  I  am.  Col- 
lections of  anything?  I  should  say  not.  It's  nothing  but  foolish 
people  who  harbor  a  lot  of  trash.  It's  the  theatres  all  the  time  — 
that 's  me.  I  like  the  drama  —  Chauncey  Olcott  and  the  rest  of  them. 
I  took  lessons  on  the  piano  for  three  years,  but  forgot  it  all.  I  was 
never  round  machinery.  I  never  studied  any  steam  or  electricity, 
don't  know  anything  about  them.  I'll  tell  you  the  kind  of  a  fellow 
I  am,  if  you  want  to  know  how  I  can  play  checkers.  I'll  play  well 
enough  so  I  can  cheat  you  if  I  get  an  opportunity,  and  prevent  you 
from  cheating  me.  I  'm  a  fellow  who  is  not  going  to  let  anybody  get 
ahead  of  me.  I  shot  a  couple  of  kids  once.  One  of  them  was  trying 
to  steal  one  of  my  chickens.  The  other  was  entering  our  barn.  I  'd 
knife  or  stab  anybody  before  I  'd  let  them  get  ahead  of  me.  A  sport- 
ing life  is  the  life  for  me.  You  can  only  live  once,  and  you  might  as  well 
die  now." 

In  this  case  we  saw  exhibited  some  of  the  quickest  perceptions 
ever  observed  by  us.  Great  accuracy  and  promptness  were  dis- 
played where  any  task  could  be  done  with  rapidity.  The  powers 
of  attention  and  concentration  were  somewhat  faulty.  It  was 
quite  clear  that  we  had  to  do  with  an  individual  of  supernormal 

In  conversation  he  always  showed  himself  extremely  bright 
and  apt,  but  he  was  almost  always  flippant  and  showed  a  very 
perverted  philosophy  of  life.     His  self-orientation  was  perfect. 


Chap.  VIII]         DELIBERATE    CHOICE    OF    CRIMINALISM  [§   232 

He  did  not  hesitate  to  talk  of  his  whole  career.  Indeed,  he  seemed 
to  be  rather  glad  to  have  a  chance  to  do  so.  He  vowed  venge- 
ance on  everybody,  and  threatened  murder  and  disaster  every- 
where.  He  told  about  his  association  with  bad  women,  both  in 
the  red  light  district  and  in  private  homes,  but  evidently  his 
delinquencies  began  long  before  then.  It  is  only  fair  to  state 
that  the  boy  did  voluntarily  tell  us  that  he  wished  to  be  somewhat 
different,  and  that  although  he  had  such  a  bad  record  he  did  not 
desire  to  be  a  criminal. 

"  Did  I  go  with  a  bad  bunch  when  I  was  a  kid?  Well,  I  should 
say.  Wliy,  they  are  all  in  states  prison  or  the  reformatory  now. 
One  got  three  years  in  the  band  house.  Say,  did  you  ever  hear 
of  the  X  Street  bunch,  or  maybe  of  the  L  Street  gang?  What 
else  could  a  feller  do?  I  did  n't  have  no  father.  My  mother  al- 
ways used  to  say,  '  First  it 's  bumming  and  then  it 's  stealing.' 
Did  I  bum?  Well,  I  should  say  so.  When  I  did  start  truancy, 
I  tell  you  I  did.  One  four  months  I  did  not  go  a  single  day. 
WTien  I  see  any  kids  get  into  trouble  I  can  give  them  good  advice 
—  don't  start  bumming  and  keep  away  from  a  bad  bunch.  Oh, 
I  smoke  cigars  and  tobacco  all  right.  I  never  smoked  50  cigarettes 
in  my  whole  life.  I  did  not  go  out  at  nights  much.  She  would 
not  let  me,  but  I  was  up  to  devilment  in  the  daytime." 

"  I  was  sent  away  to  that  school.  I  suppose  my  guardian  thought 
it  was  a  good  school  because  he  had  to  pay  well  there,  but  I  tell 
you  that 's  the  rottenest  place  you  ever  heard  of.  I  have  never 
been  in  any  reformatory.  Got  pinched  now  because  of  some 
trouble  with  some  money." 

This  boy  in  his  appearance  and  general  attitude  seemed  to  be 
anji:hing  but  the  vicious  fellow  which  he  has  been,  and  which 
he  frankly  states  himself  to  be.  It  is  perfectly  evident  from  much 
that  he  told  us,  and  from  the  accounts  of  his  mother  and  guardian 
that  the  boy  has  really  had  exceptionally  good  chances  in  life. 
They  would  at  all  times  have  furthered  his  vocational  inclinations, 
and  they  always  desired  the  best  of  recreations  for  him.  In  an 
ordinary  environment  it  was  found  impossible  to  control  him. 
The  only  check  to  his  actions  has  been  when  he  was  sent  to  an 
institution  by  order  of  court.  Everywhere  and  under  all  condi- 
tions, and  even  according  to  his  own  story,  he  has  deliberately 
sought  out  the  worst  in  life.  Early  bad  companionship  partially 
determined  his  career,  but  yet  there  was  always  the  chance  for 
other  friends. 


§  232]  DELIBERATE    CHOICE  [Chap.  VIII 

Deliberate  choice?? 

Case  52. 

Bad  companions  —  early  in  life  and  later.       ^^^'  ^^®  ^* 
Much  dissipation. 

Home  conditions: 

Lack  of  control  when 
boy  most  in  need  of 

Sex  experiences:  Early  and  excessive. 


:  Father  unstable  alcoholic. 

Running  away. 





Supernormal  ability. 

Case  53.  —  Another  case  of  which  we  have  the  most  intimate 
details  and  have  known  for  a  long  period  is  that  of  a  man  who  has 
shown  many  criminalistic  tendencies  in  spite  of  unusual  opportuni- 
ties. The  first  study  of  this  case  brought  out  points  quite  un- 
suspected even  by  the  relatives. 

Deliberate  choice??  Case  53. 

MentaUty:  Slightly  defective  as  shown        ^^"'  ^^  ^^• 
by  lack  of  self-control  and 
by  tests. 

Home  conditions:  Defective  discipline. 
Much  leniency  early. 

Bad  companions  —  richer  young  men. 

Stealing.  Poor   in   ability; 

Lying.  really  subnormal 

Gambling.  for  his  own  social 

Fraud.     All  excessive.  group. 

Case  54.  —  A  girl  of  19  whom  we  have  long  known  has  excep- 
tionally good  mental  powers  and  developed  normally.  Her  firm 
strong  carriage  and  frank  expression  made  her  notable  among 
offenders.  This  girl,  after  some  little  period  of  mischief  making, 
began  stealing  and  entered  into  sex  delinquencies.  Then  she 
was  given  chance  after  chance  under  good  conditions,  sometimes 


Chap.  VIII]       DELIBERATE   CHOICE    OF    CRIMINALISM  [§  232 

in  the  very  environment  she  said  she  had  craved,  but  every- 
where she  threw  away  these  chances,  and  finally,  in  the  course 
of  two  or  three  years,  and  after  thus  being  helped  out  of  one  scrape 
after  another,  she  deliberately  became  a  prostitute,  and  pro- 
ceeded to  make  the  considerable  amount  of  money  which  was 
possible  on  account  of  her  attractiveness.  She  was  rescued  from 
this  and  asserted  she  had  simply  used  her  own  choice  in  the  matter. 
She  said  she  deliberately  chose  to  do  these  things  because  they 
were  the  easiest,  and  she  preferred  them  rather  than  work.  She, 
too,  had  supernormal  ability.  From  our  long  acquaintance  with 
the  case  we  know  that  the  following  factors  were  in  the  back- 
ground : 

Deliberate  choice??  Case  54. 

Mental  peculiarity:  frankly  lazy  and  ^    '  ^^" 

sensuous  type. 

Heredity:  father  notoriously  lazy  and 
shiftless,  although  mentally 

Masturbation  —  begun  early  and 
continued  long. 

Home  conditions:  Mother  died  early. 

Girl  much  shifted  about. 

Mischief  making.  Supernormal  abil- 

Stealing.  ity    when   first 

Sex  H — \-.  studied. 

Other  cases  which  we  have  studied  and  which,  even  by  their 
own  confessions,  seemed  to  be  based  on  deliberate  choice  have 
turned  out  to  present  many  other  factors.  One  of  our  most  marked 
instances  of  apparent  deliberate  choice  was  that  of  a  girl  who,  we 
came  to  learn,  had  unfortunately  early  and  without  volition, 
developed  excessive  phases  of  the  sex  instinct.  Another  was 
a  young  pickpocket  who  only  occasionally  plied  his  craft.  In 
this  case  we  found  his  older  brothers  had  taught  him',  and  that 
his  home  conditions  were  miserable  on  account  of  lack  of  care 
by  an  unintelligent  mother  and  the  presence  of  an  insane  father. 
Then  perhaps  nowhere  are  the  superficial  evidences  that  lead  to 
interpretation  of  deliberate  choice  as  a  cause,  more  prominent 


§  232]  DELIBERATE    CHOICE  [Chap.  VIII 

than  among  the  cases  where  anti-social   behavior  is  based  on 
mental  conflict  (vide  §  237). 

Consideration  of  deliberate  choice  leads  directly  to  at  least 
one  practical  conclusion:  The  opportunity  for  doing  right 
should,  in  ordinary  measure,  be  furnished  to  every  one.  In 
other  words,  even  though  one  cannot  say  whether  or  not  a  given 
ofi^ender  of  normal  mental  ability  did  exert  deliberate  choice  in 
past  conduct,  the  student  of  the  causation  of  his  offenses  should 
endeavor  to  point  a  way  so  that  those  in  authority  may  give  him 
opportunity  to  make  deliberate  selection  of  good  conduct  in 
the  future.  This  often  involves  attempt  at  alteration  both  of 
environment  and  mental  content.  What  there  may  be  in  the 
background  of  failures,  even  under  apparently  bettered  condi- 
tions, is  indicated  in  the  few  cases  given  above.  The  many  suc- 
cesses need  not  be  cited  because  they  merely  represent  the  natural 
outcome  when  environment  and  personal  tendencies  are  more 



Mental  Imagery.    Mental  Habit 

§  233.  Criminalistic  Mental  Imagery.     §  234.  Criminalistic  Mental  Habit.  • 

§  233.    Criminalistic   Mental  Imagery. 

The  general  relation  of  mental  imagery  to  conduct  is  a  sub- 
ject still  open  to  inquiry  which  may  prove  vastly  interesting  and 
important.  By  imagery  we  mean  mental  copies  of  former  sen- 
sory perceptions  which  arise  in  the  absence  of  stimulation  of  an 
organ  of  sense.  For  some  psychologists  imagery  and  imagination 
seem  to  be  much  the  same  process,  but  others  have  discriminated 
clearly  between  the  two.  At  this  place  we  do  not  care  to  go  into 
this  discussion,  nor  to  take  up  the  rather  intricate  problem  of 
the  sensory  types  of  imagery.  In  the  examples  which  we  have  to 
offer,  the  diagnosis  of  the  actual  memory  or  imagery  type,  a 
point  of  interest  to  psychologists,  would  hardly  be  possible. 
Indeed,  we  have  rarely  asked  for  careful  introspection  on  this  by 
the  offender;  conceding  most  value  to  more  direct  issues  and  to 
spontaneous  utterances.  Our  interest  in  this  matter  was  aroused 
by  naive  and  non-suggested  statements,  and  has  been  continued 
simply  along  the  lines  of  noting  the  driving  force  towards  mis- 
conduct which  mental  imagery  often  seems  to  be.  We  acknowl- 
edge that  this  factor  is  most  inadequately  treated  here  by  us; 
we  hope  that  some  day  thorough  study  may  yield  the  values 
which  the  subject  promises. 

The  connection  between  earlier  human  experiences  which  lead 
in  the  direction  of  criminalism  and  the  criminalistic  deed  itself 
is  certainly  very  largely  via  the  path  of  mental  imagery.  The 
mental  reproduction  in  some  way  causes  the  tendency  to  mis- 
conduct. Just  how  the  anti-social  impulse  is  aroused  we  cannot 
always  be  sure.  Some  indication  of  the  part  which  imagery  plays 
in  some  mental  conflict  which  leads  to  criminalism  may  be  seen 
in  our  chapter  on  that  subject,  §  235.  Why  there  should  be  an 
outcome  in  bad  impulse,  as  well  as  the  fact  of  the  vitality  of 
the  specific  imagery,  is  a  fitting  subject  for  future  students  of 
dynamic  psychology.      The  people  who  have  told  us  of  their 


§  233]  MENTAL    IMAGERY  —  MENTAL   HABIT  [Chap.  IX 

imagery  and  the  part  it  has  played  in  producing  their  conduct 
of  course  have  no  explanation  to  offer  of  the  process.  All  they 
know  is  that  this  is  the  thing  that  seems  to  be  a  paramount  in- 
fluence. We  have  no  reason  to  doubt  their  testimony  on  this 
point.  Psychologists  recognize  what  Angell  (335,  p.  152)  calls 
the  motor  consequences  of  imagery.  He  points  out  that  certain 
persons  may  have  imagery  that  takes  on  almost  perceptual 
vividness  and,  as  in  the  case  of  the  thought  of  a  wound,  may  re- 
sult in  even  such  marked  phenomenon  as  nausea  and  vomiting. 
It  is  a  long  step  further  to  proceed  from  such  reflex  disturbances 
to  the  complexities  of  conduct,  but  no  longer  than  is  justified 
by  many  features  of  the  psychological  elements  in  the  causation 
of  behavior. 

Many  of  the  facts  of  imagery  which  we  have  heard  from  of- 
fenders show  extraordinary  vividness.  Occasionally  it  has  been 
difficult  to  discriminate  the  more  normal  processes  from  actual 
hallucinations.  One  young  fellow  tells  of  the  walls  opening  up 
in  the  dark  at  night,  and  blood-and-thunder  scenes  being  enacted 
there.  The  material  was  drawn  from  melodrama,  moving  pic- 
tures, and  wild  west  narratives.  The  responses  have  followed 
our  very  simple  questions;  invariably  little  more  than,  "  How 
did  you  happen  to  think  of  these  things  you  have  been  doing? 
What  comes  up  in  your  mind  to  make  you  do  them?  What  do 
you  think  of  usually  in  connection  with  the  wrong  things  you 
do?  "  In  some  cases  we  have  directly  asked  if  pictures  of  any 
kind  come  up  in  the  mind  which  have  anything  to  do  with  the 
misconduct.  We  have  ever  felt  it  unsafe  to  urge  introspection 
to  the  point  of  suggesting  mental  pictures  as  causes.  Perhaps 
in  the  latter  way  we  should  have  heard  many  more  details,  but 
undoubtedly  they  would  have  been  much  less  reliable.  There 
is  never  any  reason  for  falsification  by  offenders  on  this  point 
because  their  inner  mental  processes  obviously  have  nothing  to 
do  with  the  outcome  of  their  case  as  handled  by  the  authorities. 

The  urgency  and  power  of  imagery  impelling  to  misconduct  has 
been  witnessed  to  by  the  fact  that  some  individuals  have  main- 
tained that  their  whole  welfare  depends  on  preventing  this  imagery 
from  dominating  their  activities.  One  intelligent  boy  of  14  him- 
self urged  the  necessity  of  his  going  to  a  reform  school  in  order 
that  he  might  be  freed  from  the  environmental  suggestions  which 
caused  mental  reproduction  of  impelling  pictures.  He  had  once 
seen  them  and  they  viciously  reproduced  themselves.     More  of 



the  significance  of  this  whole  matter  may  be  realized  by  our  con- 
sideration of  the  influence  of  pictures,  §  225. 

I  see  every  reason  for  believing  that  there  are  negative 
as  well  as  positive  considerations  concerned  in  the  development 
of  mental  imagery  that  is  provocative  of  misconduct.  The  in- 
dividual with  paucity  of  healthy  mental  interests  is  much  more 
likely  to  be  obsessed  by  the  recurrence  of  imagery  of  some  ex- 
perience, which  in  a  more  healtlifully  occupied  mind  would  be 
almost  a  negligible  influence  for  the  bad.  We  have  dealt  with 
this  from  other  standpoints,  §  222,  and  we  have  elsewhere, 
§  127,  attempted  to  emphasize  the  importance  of  this  psycho- 
logical consideration  in  penal  treatment.  The  old  saw  that 
"the  empty  mind  is  the  devil's  workshop,"  means  that  mental 
vacuity  permits  the  growth  of  pernicious  imagery.  I  am  in- 
clined to  think  that  here  is  one  of  the  greatest  psychological  princi- 
ples that  can  be  used  in  the  effective  treatment  of  the  offender. 

The  most  effective  imagery  in  leading  directly  or  indirectly 
to  misconduct  consists  mainly  of  the  visual  type,  but  other 
elements  are  added,  as  may  be  seen  by  our  examples.  Of  course 
mental  peculiarities  play  a  large  part.  In  this  we  get  explanation 
of  the  fact  that  some  have  been  deeply  affected  by  experiences 
innocuous  to  others.  Imagery,  such  as  of  sex  subjects,  which  is 
potent  to  stimulate  physical  powers,  and  imageries  that  create 
feelings  of  restlessness  and  other  desires  are  the  most  forceful. 
Mental  conflict  plays  its  part  here  too.  Imagination,  with  its 
production  of  new  situations,  is  effective  in  various  ways.  It 
must  not  be  presumed  from  all  of  the  above  that  imagery,  even 
visual  imagery,  in  its  forms  potent  for  misconduct,  always  arises 
from  the  seeing  of  pictures  themselves.  A  story  read  or  heard 
may  be  translated  into  visual  terms;  an  incident  witnessed  may 
be  reproduced.  And  there  is  the  possibility  of  all  sorts  of  imagi- 
native representations,  made  up  of  separate  bits  of  remembered 
experience,  becoming  obsessive  mental  imagery.  We  might  go 
on  at  great  length  in  considering  this  whole  topic,  but  it  is  worth 
most  to  relate  what  we  have  actually  heard  of  the  influence  of 
mental  imagers^  in  producing  misconduct. 

Case  55. — Ellen  B.  A  girl  of  12,  normal  in  development, 
good  nutrition,  without  sensory  defect,  easily  found  to  be  quite 
fair  in  mental  ability.  She  is  somewhat  backward  in  school  on 
account  of  being  changed  about  so  much,  but  does  well  on  mental 
tests.      By   getting   detailed   descriptions   from   her   of   moving 


§  233]  MENTAL    IMAGfERY  —  MENTAL    HABIT  [Chap.  IX 

pictures  and  other  things,  much  beyond  what  is  ordinarily  ob- 
tainable from  young  people,  as  well  as  by  listening  to  her  story, 
we  gained  evidence  that  imagery  played  a  large  part  in  her  mental 

Heredity  is  decidedly  defective.  The  father  was  alcoholic,  and 
criminalistic,  a  very  bad  man.  Home  conditions  on  account  of 
the  father  have  been  deplorable.  The  mother  works  out,  and 
the  girl  has  been  left  much  to  herself,  being  the  only  child  in  the 
family.  A  man  once  started  to  attack  her,  and  on  account  of 
this  and  certain  other  sex  experiences  there  has  been  consider- 
able mental  conflict  of  which  her  mother  has  been  quite  unaware. 

Stealing  has  been  carried  on  by  this  little  gu-l  a  number  of 
times  by  gaining  entrance  to  neighbors'  houses.  She  has  taken 
moderately  large  sums  of  money  and  other  valuables.  On  one 
occasion  when  the  robbed  people  were  telling  their  neighbors, 
this  little  girl  gave  a  very  vivid  description  of  a  man  whom  she 
had  seen  go  into  the  house.  On  another  occasion  she  came  home 
late  at  night  and  said  she  had  been  kidnapped  by  a  man  who 
locked  her  in  his  room.  In  general  she  is  good  and  a  very  helpful 
child.  After  her  stealing  was  discovered  Ellen  was  handled  very 
kindly  by  her  mother  and  friends. 

Ellen  became  frank  with  us  after  we  had  learned  the  circum- 
stances of  her  life.  She  blamed  no  one  else  in  any  way,  but 
when  she  was  asked  where  she  learned  about  stealing  she  said, 
"  I  was  to  a  show.  It  was  long  ago.  I  saw  about  burglars.  That 
was  before  I  stole  anything  at  all  —  not  even  that  25  cents  from 
my  mama.  One  went  in  the  window  and  took  money  out  of 
the  drawer.  He  went  out  again  and  was  not  caught."  Do  you 
think  about  that?  "  No,  I  don't.  It  comes  up  in  my  mind  when 
I  'm  at  home.  It  comes  up  when  I  was  thinking  about  other 
things.  It  comes  up  lots  of  times.  When  it  comes  up  in  my 
mind  I  thought  I  'd  steal.  I  never  stole  with  anybody  else.  I 
was  alone  when  I  saw  the  burglar  picture.  I  was  thinking  about 
getting  in  that  last  place  long  before  I  did.  I  was  playing  with 
the  little  girl  at  that  house  and  I  found  a  key  on  the  floor.  I 
kept  it.  I  saw  them  going  out  and  then  I  went  and  tried  the  door." 
Wliy  did  you  think  about  using  the  key?  "  One  of  the  burglars 
had  a  key.  He  had  keys  on  a  chain.  He  tried  one  and  it  would 
not  fit  and  then  the  next  one  did.  It  was  the  other  one  who  got 
in  through  the  window.  It  was  in  two  parts  —  that  show  was." 
On  another  day  Ellen  reiterated  to  my  assistant  that  the  only 



notion  she  ever  had  of  steaHng  was  from  that  picture  which 
was  reproduced  in  her  mind,  but  she  was  also  much  disturbed 
about  some  words  which  she  said  boys  had  told  her  and  which 
she  said  scared  her  very  much.  These  words,  or  at  least  one  of 
them,  came  up  in  her  mind  very  often  and  she  had  never  told 
her  mother.  She  tried  hard  not  to  think  of  this,  but  it  would 
come  up  in  her  mind. 

Ellen  was  a  well-behaved  and  most  reasonable  child  and  her 
mother  was  apparently  a  thoroughly  good  woman.  After  these 
matters  were  cleared  up  there  was  no  further  trouble  about  the 
stealing  which  had  beeen  carried  on  previously  for  several  months. 

Case  56.  —  Albert  R.  This  is  the  case  of  a  bright  boy  of  10 
years,  who  has  very  defective  eyesight  and  suffers  from  head- 
aches. Earlier  he  had  many  children's  diseases  severely.  Home 
control  had  been  distinctly  deficient  because  of  much  illness  in 
the  family,  and  there  had  been  a  great  deal  of  bad  companion- 
ship. His  delinquencies  have  consisted  in  staying  away  from 
home  at  night  and  then  romancing  about  his  adventures.  Be- 
sides this  he  has  been  stealing,  what  for  him  were  large  sums.  We 
found  him  to  bear  out  the  general  reputation  he  has  of  being  a 
very  pleasant  little  chap.  He  proved  to  be  frank  and  a  rather 
talkative  little  boy,  with  decidedly  nice  feelings  towards  the  world, 
and  good  perceptions  of  ethical  differences.  It  seems  he  was  once 
with  another  boy  who  skillfully  picked  the  pocket  of  a  coat  when 
the  owner  was  in  the  same  room.  Later  this  older  boy  was  put 
in  jail.  Now  this  thief  used  to  tell  the  little  boy  what  he  calls 
"  dirty  stuff,"  things  that  the  little  boy  maintains  he  did  not 
like  to  hear.  "  He  is  not  there.  His  family  moved  away.  All 
of  the  boys  are  glad  he  went.  He  's  the  first  ever  said  such  bad 
words  I  heard.  He  would  tell  bad  stories.  Sure,  I  think  of  these. 
That 's  why  it  spoils  me.  I  used  to  tell  bad  words,  but  not  no 
more.  You  can't  help  it.  When  a  kid  gets  to  know  these  things 
he  feels  like  saying  them  out.  It  makes  me  sick.  I  see  some- 
times I  feel  like  saying  them  and  that  makes  me  feel  bad.  When 
I  come  right  up  to  it  and  get  ready  to  say  them  I  stop."  (Ques- 
tions :  Do  you  mean  it 's  a  temptation?  Do  you  know  what 
temptation  is?)  "  Yes,  I  know  what  that  is.  It 's  when  you  start 
to  say  a  thing  and  then  you  don't.  I  think  of  things.  It  sounds 
it  —  it  sounds  it.  It  would  be  words  —  what  he  said,  those  bad 
words  —  words  I  would  not  like  to  tell  you,  I  'm  ashamed.  It 
does  bother  me.     It  makes  me  think.     Nobody  ever  said  that 


§  233]  MENTAL   IMAGERY  —  MENTAL   HABIT  [Chap.  IX 

before.  I  see  a  lady  with  a  baby  and  I  don't  like  to  see  her,  and 
I  think  maybe  she  has  no  husband.  It  makes  me  think  like  any- 
thing about  bad,  that  does.  It 's  the  bad  words  he  said,  and  what 
he  says  about  ladies." 

Nothing  in  the  tests  we  did  with  this  boy  showed  indication  of 
any  peculiarity  in  his  imagery.  His  defective  eyesight  caused 
him  a  good  deal  of  trouble,  but  in  spite  of  it  he  was  able  to  do  well 
in  many  things,  and  was  only  slightly  backward  in  school  work. 

Case  57.  —  This  is  an  instance  in  which  a  young  woman  of 
18  had  been  stealing  from  places  where  she  worked  during  a  con- 
siderable period.  She  had  taken  many  things  for  which  she  had 
no  use  and  merely  kept  them  locked  up.  It  was  unquestionably  an 
exaggerated  case  of  pathological  stealing.  The  list  of  articles 
recovered,  as  an  attorney  said,  sounded  like  a  stock  list.  There 
was  a  great  deal  of  mental  conflict  in  this  case  as  the  result  of 
several  unfortunate  experiences.  There  was  also  defective  hered- 
ity, and  some  years  earlier  this  girl  had  herself  shown  signs 
of  major  hysteria.  At  present  she  is  extremely  strong  and  of 
good  carriage.  Dresses  well.  Bites  finger  naUs  much.  Has  dem- 
onstrated in  various  ways,  besides  on  our  tests,  the  possession 
of  good  mental  ability. 

With  us  she  is  absolutely  frank  and  tells  at  length  of  her  es- 
capades and  troubles.  Her  family  corroborate  much  that  she 
told  us.  In  spite  of  the  usual  school  training  she  never  reads  at 
all.  "  I  never  could  get  interested  in  reading."  In  the  last  couple  of 
years  she  has  been  going  excessively  to  picture  shows.  During  one 
winter,  living  in  contiguity  to  one  of  them,  she  went  every  night. 
She  has  seen  so  many  that  no  particular  one  has  taken  any  hold 
upon  her.  But  when  she  has  been  at  work  pictures  have  come 
up  in  her  mind.  "  When  I  was  at  work  lots  of  times  I  would 
forget  what  I  was  doing  when  these  things  would  come  up  in  my 
mind.  I  would  think  about  what  I  was  going  to  be  and  dress 
pretty."  "I  saw  lots  of  pictures  about  stealing  —  men  would 
take  things  and  get  away  to  different  cities,  but  I  can't  tell  any- 
thing special.  Saw  lots  of  pictures  about  lovers  and  about  people 
being  dressed  nice.  I  would  think  that  when  I  was  older  I  would 
like  to  be  the  same.  At  other  times  used  to  think  about  these 
things.  I  would  dream  a  good  deal  about  boys  and  about  their 
doing  bad  things.  Sometimes  it  would  worry  me  for  a  couple  of 
days.  I  would  think  of  that  dream  when  there  were  boys  around. 
I  did  not  want  to  run  around  with  the  boys.    Yes,  I  think  it  is 



worse  than  stealing.  Pictures  about  the  west  would  make  me 
think  I  wanted  to  go  out  there.  Pictures  about  lovers  I  thought 
I  ought  to  forget,  but  it  would  sometimes  come  up  in  my  head. 
It  has  lots  of  times.  I  'd  sort  of  dream  when  I  was  at  work  about 
getting  married  and  about  having  a  home  and  being  dressed 
pretty,  and  then  about  these  affairs  with  boys.  Lots  of  times 
in  the  da^'time  these  things  would  come  up  right  before  me, 
mostly  about  lovers,  I  guess." 

This  girl  seemed  to  be  rather  a  stolid  type  and  not  at  all  given 
to  introspection.  However,  she  made  much  of  her  mental  con- 
tent. Without  going  into  details  it  may  be  said  that  her  imagery 
was  almost  obsessional.  The  family  had  noted  that  frequently 
she  would  stand  as  if  she  did  not  know  what  was  going  on  about 
her.  She  told  us  that  at  these  times  her  mental  representations 
had  possession  of  her.  The  component  parts  of  the  imagina- 
tive scenes  and  actions  were  made  up  of  what  she  had  seen  in 
moving  pictures,  what  had  been  suggested  to  her  by  companions, 
and  what  she  had  actually  dreamed.  She  was  quite  sure  this 
was  the  main  cause  of  her  bad  conduct. 

Case  58.  —  John  H.  This  was  a  particularly  interesting  boy 
of  13  years  who  lived  in  a  suburban  town.  He  had  been  truant, 
had  run  away  from  home,  often  stolen  in  petty  ways,  and  had 
even  broken  into  a  store.  These  things  had  been  going  on  for  a 
couple  of  years.  One  police  official  was  convinced  that  the  boy 
was  not  right  mentally  because  long  ago  the  little  fellow  had  told 
him  there  was  something  inside  himself  that  said,  "  Go,  go,  go," 
and  he  had  no  power  to  control  himself.  The  school  people  said 
that  he  was  mischievous  and  restless,  but  felt  that  there  was 
nothing  the  matter  with  him  mentally.  His  father,  a  rather  in- 
telligent laborer,  tells  us  that  the  boy  is  a  tremendous  problem. 
There  had  been  a  normal  developmental  history.  Important 
defects  in  the  family  line  were  all  denied.  The  boy  had  been 
going  with  bad  companions  for  longer  than  he  had  been  a  delin- 
quent himself.  His  depredations  and  excursions  had  been  ex- 
tensive. At  one  time  he  was  found  out  in  the  country  hunting, 
another  time  he  had  rented  a  room  in  a  hotel  in  the  city  and  was 
living  there.  Officers  who  know  the  boy  say  that  he  is  quick  and 

Our  study  revealed  a  boy  without  any  noticeable  physical 
defect.  Tests  show  him  to  have  fair  ability,  as  the  school  people 
said.     Except  for  his  excitability  and  easily  aroused  temper  no 


§  233]  MENTAL    IMAGERY  —  MENTAL    HABIT  [Chap.  IX 

peculiarities  were  found.  Our  tests  revealed  no  extraordinary 
powers  of  visual  imagery.  According  to  the  boy's  story  he  began 
to  go  with  bad  companions  soon  after  the  arrival  of  the  family 
in  this  country,  four  years  previously.  He  thinks  his  family  are 
good  to  him,  even  though  he  does  get  whipped.  "  You  see  I  do 
lots  of  times  bad  things.  I  think  about  stealing.  Sometimes  I 
dream  about  it.  It 's  nickel  shows  —  that 's  what  made  me  — 
seeing  about  robbers.  Nearly  every  show  when  I  used  to  go  with 
them  fellows  was  about  robbers.  The  funny  part  of  the  news- 
papers was  about  robbers.  Some  pictures  come  up  in  my  mind 
about  them.  I  can't  remember  them  good  though.  One  I  re- 
member was  where  three  guys  held  together."  The  boy  then 
went  on  and  told  a  long  story  about  a  burglar  who  saw  a  little 
girl  in  bed  when  he  had  broken  into  the  house,  and  the  sight  of 
her  reformed  him.  That  picture  did  not  make  him  feel  like  steal- 
ing, but  others  do.  "  One  was  in  a  funny  paper.  I  was  just  think- 
ing about  it  that  time  when  I  was  going  in  that  store  myself." 

This  boy  in  his  broken  English  then  told  very  dramatically 
a  long  rigmarole  of  the  details  in  a  series  of  pictures  seen  in  the 
newspaper.     Under  observation  he  proved  to  be  a  great  reader. 

Case  59.  —  In  this  instance  we  had  to  do  with  a  little  boy  of 
12  who  suffered  from  various  pathological  conditions.  Poorly 
nourished.  Mouth  breather  on  account  of  some  nasal  obstruc- 
tion. Defect  in  skull  from  a  severe  head  injury  —  pulse  visible 
where  bone  absent.  In  spite  of  his  disadvantages  we  found  him 
to  be  a  decidedly  bright  boy  who  tells  a  charmingly  naive  story 
of  his  own  troubles.  His  delinquencies  consist  in  stealing  con- 
siderable sums,  principally  from  relatives,  and  in  running  away 
from  home.  One  would  hardly  believe  such  a  small  boy  to  be 
so  planful  and  venturesome.  Asking  him  why  he  did  ail  this, 
we  obtained  a  long  story,  many  points  in  which  were  easily 

"  When  I  wake  up  at  night  something  bothers  me.  Something 
won't  let  me  sleep.  When  I  wake  up  this  stops  beating  in  my 
head  and  something  starts  back  here  (the  boy  points  to  the 
opposite  pole  of  the  cranium)  that  tells  me  to  do  something." 
The  little  lad  says  he  has  never  stolen  with  other  boys  and  never 
knew  one  that  stole,  and  no  one  told  him  about  these  things.  He 
has  seen  about  cowboys  and  robberies  in  shows,  and  in  the  news- 
papers he  has  read  about  boys  who  run  away  and  steal,  and  he 
has  bought  and  read  some  cheap  literature  on  that  order.    "  The 



trouble  is  something  works  in  my  head.  Sometimes  it  is  Uke 
somebody  right  in  front  of  me  making  me  take  things.  It  makes 
me  get  up  at  night  and  take  things."  It  is  true  that  this  boy 
used  to  wake  up  in  the  middle  of  the  night,  dress  himself,  steal, 
and  run  away.  "  The  other  night  I  could  see  pictures  of  shows, 
wicked  pictures  —  fellows  upsetting  trains  and  like  that.  And 
then  one  dream  comes  nearly  every  night.  Somebody  falls  out 
of  a  balloon  and  I  always  rescue  them.  They  fall  way  out  in  the 
water.  Sometimes  I  get  money  from  them  and  maybe  I  run 
away  with  it  and  don't  come  back.  When  it  is  all  spent  I  dream 
I  come  around  the  house  again.  I  heard  about  robbing  when  my 
pa  would  come  home  and  tell  about  robbers  and  thieves.  He 
had  seen  it  in  the  newspaper.  I  would  listen  to  that  and  some- 
times I  would  do  the  same  thing." 

Notwithstanding  the  obsessions,  we  did  not  obtain  by  our  sim- 
ple methods  any  evidence  of  the  existence  of  clear  and  definite 
mental  imagery.  The  boy  maintained  that  he  remembered  some 
robber  scenes  which  he  had  witnessed  years  before,  but  of  course 
we  could  not  corroborate.  In  testing  later  his  memory  of  a  pic- 
tm-e  reported  on  dm'ing  our  regular  tests,  he  showed  himself  volu- 
ble, but  quite  inaccurate,  and  he  accepted  many  suggestions. 

Case  60.  —  A  little  boy  of  8  years,  physically  quite  normal 
and  mentally  precocious,  a  wistful  and  dramatic  little  chap, 
w^as  discovered  with  a  rope  about  his  neck,  just  as  he  was  going 
to  jump  off  a  porch.  He  had  only  been  a  year  in  this  country. 
He  was  tired  of  living.  He  said  that  a  little  while  before  with 
another  boy  he  had  once  planned  to  kill  himself.  The  mother 
was  dead,  and  the  father  having  a  hard  time  making  a  living 
for  the  children.  The  immediate  cause  of  his  present  suicidal 
impulse  was  that  he  was  lying  on  the  floor  when  another  boy 
jumped  over  him  back  and  forth.  In  the  old  country  there  is  a 
superstition  that  if  this  is  done  the  person  jmnped  over  will 
never  grow  any  more. 

"  I  was  tired  for  my  life.  That  boy  he  did  not  think.  I  said 
myself  what  have  I  done.  God,  He  don't  like  me.  I  never  grow 
any  more."  "  I  started  to  hang  myself.  I  saw  it  in  moving 
pictures,  in  a  show,  in  New  York  a  year  ago." 

It  seems  that  at  this  impressionable  period,  just  after  landing, 
this  boy  was  taken  to  moving  picture  shows  in  New  York.  We 
asked  for  a  description  of  just  what  he  had  seen  there  and  in 
response  obtained  a  most  dramatic  story  of  a  suicide  by  hanging. 


§  233]  MENTAL    IMAGERY  —  MENTAL   HABIT  [Chap.  IX 

Accompanied  by  gestures,  this  little  lad,  who  used  good  English 
considering  his  age  and  his  short  time  in  this  country,  gave  an 
extraordinarily  vivid  account  of  those  pictures  seen  long  ago. 
They  had  been  in  his  mind  frequently  ever  since.  He  remembered 
them  (he  says  he  saw  them)  every  night.  The  story  was  that 
of  a  poor  fellow  who  killed  a  rich  man  for  his  money,  and  who 
then  felt  remorse,  which  grew  upon  him  from  day  to  day,  until 
finally  as  he  was  walking  along  he  saw  a  rope  dangling  from  a 
tree.  In  this  he  made  a  noose  and  hanged  himself.  The  appre- 
ciation of  the  feeling  of  remorse  and  of  disgust  with  life  on  the 
part  of  our  little  boy  was  extraordinary.  The  climax  was  reached 
when  he  walked  out  on  the  porch  of  his  house  in  a  depressed 
mood,  and  saw  a  rope,  which  was  used  to  haul  up  things  with, 
swinging  just  as  it  had  swung  in  the  moving  pictures. 

Mental  Imagery  obsessive. 

Case  60. 

Pernicious  Moving  Pictures. 

Boy,  age  8. 

Family  conditions 

:  Mother  dead. 
Recent  immigration. 


folk  lore. 


Mental  ability: 

Another  boy  who  is  much  of  a  thief  tells  us  that  when  he  wants 
anything  he  has  seen  he  keeps  thinking  about  it,  and  "  lays  for 
it  "  until  he  gets  a  chance  to  steal  it.  This  is  also  a  boy  with 
very  defective  vision.  To  what  extent  such  mental  content  par- 
takes of  ideation  rather  than  imagery  we  are  unable  to  say. 

The  mental  imagery  developed  during  the  mental  idlenesses  of 
prison  life  we  may  barely  mention.  An  expert  professional  main- 
tains that  a  great  deal  of  the  criminal's  time  is  taken  up  with 
such  mental  processes.  In  numerous  cases  we  have  had  intima- 
tion that  one  of  the  chief  results  of  incarceration  was  the  de- 
velopment of  this  side  of  mental  life.  One  bright  young  man 
who  came  from  an  atrocious  environment,  and  who  had  been 
already  as  a  boy  committed  several  times,  maintains,  "  When- 
ever you  have  a  chance  to  talk  with  the  fellows  in  such  places, 
it  is  always  about  what  you  '11  do  when  you  get  a  chance  on  the 
outside."     Evidently  the    reaction  is  that  many  a  fellow  feels 


Chap.  IX]  MENTAL   HABIT  [§  234 

himself  delinquent  among  delinquents,  and  so  proceeds  to  boast 
about  his  misdeeds,  and  build  up  more  imagery  and  imagination 
centered  on  the  same  subject.  We  have  little  doubt  but  that  psy- 
chologists might  discover  in  this  field  facts  which  would  prove 
of  the  greatest  value  for  the  development  of  a  real  science  of 
penal  treatment. 

The  necessities  and  possibilities  of  treatment  of  cases  where 
mental  imagery  is  obsessional  or  perniciously  active  we  have 
attempted  to  connote  all  through  this  discussion.  The  need  for 
understanding  the  facts  and  individualizing  the  treatment  should 
be  manifest. 

§  234,    Criminalistic  Mental   Habit. 

Quite  in  contradistinction  to  the  many  psychologists  who  have 
written  on  the  ethical  import  of  habit,  students  of  criminalistic 
etiology  strangely  have  paid  little  attention  to  mental  habit  as 
a  drixdng  force.  Rarely  one  sees  hints,  as  in  Tarde's  work  (l22, 
p.  266),  that  criminals  may  remain  such  because  of  habit  forma- 
tion, but  we  have  found  no  elaboration  of  the  subject.  In  police 
circles  nothing  is  better  recognized  than  the  force  of  criminalistic 
habit,  because  of  its  intensely  practical  bearings.  The  well-known 
return  of  the  offender  to  the  old  scene,  to  the  old  type  of  mis- 
deed, to  renewal  of  life  with  former  companions;  the  engaging 
in  prior  occupations,  the  succumbing  to  temptations  which 
previously  won  the  day,  are  all  evidences  of  deep-seated  psy- 
chological laws. 

Possibly  the  usual  conception  of  the  etiology  of  delinquency 
takes  the  fact  of  habit  for  granted  and  sees  no  need  for  specific- 
ally discussing  it.  If  so,  this  suggests  the  old  saying  about 
not  being  able  to  see  the  forest  for  the  trees.  In  reality  criminal- 
istic habit  is  so  important  that  it  should  form  a  subject  for  prime 
consideration.  In  rendering  a  prognosis,  logically  based,  as  it 
should  be,  upon  etiology,  the  possession  and  the  susceptibility 
to  anti-social  mental  and  physical  habits  should  be,  whenever 
possible,  taken  into  account.  In  our  own  case  studies  we,  too, 
have  often  committed  the  sin  of  omission,  and  probably  have 
undervalued  estimation  of  habit  by  not  enumerating  it  as  a  main 
causative  factor.  However,  the  subtle  difficulties  of  getting  at 
the  mental  insides  of  an  individual,  and  knowing  what  part  men- 
tal habit  plays,  preclude  the  matter  from  being  proportionately 
or  statistically  treated.    Of  course,  back  of  habit  formation  stand 


§  234]  MENTAL    IMAGERY  —  MENTAL    HABIT  [Chap    IX 

prior  experiences;  it  is  directly  these,  as  well  as  personal  pecul- 
iarities which  may  render  formation  of  habits  easy,  that  we  have 
specially  studied.  In  the  result  known  as  bad  conduct,  what 
proportion  is  the  effect  of  the  causative  factors  we  enumerate, 
and  what  part  is  the  effect  of  habit,  it  would  always  be  difficult 
to  say. 

Other  practical  workers  besides  the  police  have  a  clear  under- 
standpg  of  the  power  of  habit  in  offenders.  Perception  of  this 
psychological  law  is  one  of  the  foundations  of  real  reformatory 
treatment.  No  one  has  seen  this  any  better  than  Brockway 
(333,  p.  27),  who  laid  great  stress  on  the  effect  of  habit  in  pro- 
ducing crime  and  on  the  value  of  the  formation  of  new  habits 
for  altering  behavior  tendencies. 

Every  one  active  in  the  field  of  criminalistics  should  be  famil- 
iar with  James'  (334)  famous  chapter  on  habit.  The  bearings 
upon  conduct  are  also  forcefully  elaborated  by  Angell  (335): 
"  The  man  who  has  been  vicious  all  his  life  is  hardly  free  to  be- 
come virtuous,  and  the  virtuous  man  is  in  a  kind  of  bondage  to 
righteousness.  .  .  .  No  one  can  overestimate  the  ethical  im- 
portance of  habit."  When  it  comes  to  evaluating  the  part  which 
habit  plays  in  conduct,  as  we  have  said,  it  depends  on  many  per- 
sonal and  environmental  conditions.  Thorndyke  (336,  p.  205) 
says,  "  The  likelihood  that  any  mental  state  or  act  will  occur 
in  response  to  any  situation  is  in  proportion  to  the  closeness  of 
its  inborn  (instinct)  connection  therewith,  to  the  frequency 
of  the  connection  therewith,  and  to  the  amount  of  satisfaction 
resulting."  In  a  broad  generalization,  for  the  sake  of  empha- 
sizing the  importance  of  habit  formation,  Yerkes  (284,  p.  401) 
states,  "  Something  like  one-third  of  olir  lives  is  instinct,  as 
much  is  habit,  and  the  remainder  is  in  process  of  becoming  the 
one  or  the  other."  All  summed  up,  we  may  be  sure  that  what 
James  calls  the  habit-worn  paths  of  association  forms  a  very 
deep  consideration  for  students  of  criminalistics.^ 

The  phases  of  our  investigation  which  seem  to  show  most 
clearly  the  preponderating  effect  of  mental  habit,  have  been 

1  Knowledge  of  the  fact  and  laws  of  habit-formation  rests  partly  upon 
discoveries  of  the  mechanisms  of  the  nervous  system,  as  weU  as  on  evidence 
drawn  directly  from  the  content  and  result  of  mental  life.  One  can  with 
correctness  speak  literally  of  paths  worn  in  the  nervous  system  so  that  the 
travel  of  impulses  is  easier  than  via  other  routes.  The  interesting  attempt  of 
Max  Meyer  (337)  to  formulate  the  principles  of  social  science  upon  the  laws 
of  the  functioning  of  the  central  nervous  system  brings  in  at  many  turns 
the  result  of  groove-wearing  or  habit  formation. 


Chap.  IX]  MENTAL    HABIT  [§  234 

those  concerned  with  the  following  phenomena,  all  of  which  are 
discussed  elsewhere  in  this  volume:  INIental  imagery;  associa- 
tion with  bad  companions;  the  use  of  stimulants;  the  cultivated 
craving  for  exciting  literature,  for  shows  and  adventure;  the 
indulgence  in  sex  habits;  the  development  of  certain  definite 
attitudes  of  mind,  such  as  that  of  grudge  formation.  But  every- 
where vre  see  danger  in  generalization.  Unquestionably  certain 
types  of  individuals  are  much  more  prone  to  develop  automa- 
tisms of  conduct  than  are  othei-s.  How  to  evaluate  this  fact 
for  purposes  of  treatment  is  almost  beyond  us  at  present.  One 
could  conceive  of  vitally  important  studies  along  this  line  being 
carried  out  in  reformatories  for  young  individuals.  All  psychol- 
ogists insist  on  the  great  advantages  of  dealing  early  with  the 
habit  formations.  The  general  point  for  us  to  remember  is  that 
acts  once  done  are,  other  things  being  equal,  prone  to  be  re- 

If  we  were  writing  a  work  on  treatment,  all  the  considerations 
which  center  about  habit  formation  perhaps  would  form  one  of 
our  main  theses.  A  vital  question  in  handling  offendei-s  is  how 
to  induce  such  a  new  set  of  habitual  reactions  towards  environ- 
mental conditions  that  the  tendency  shall  not  be  towards  mis- 
behavior. Any  one  who  is  undertaking  this  should  be  acquainted 
with  what  psychological  students  of  the  subject  have  had  to  say 
about  the  most  effective  methods  of  procedure. 

There  is  hardly  necessity  at  this  point  for  presenting  from  the 
case  histories  the  isolated  facts  which  have  to  do  with  mental 
habit.  Certainly  nearly  all  show  the  phenomenon  in  some 
way.  The  objective  evidences  of  the  influence  of  habit  are 
multitudinous.  The  offender  is  sailing  along  smoothly  until 
he  meets  a  former  companion  in  offense,  and  instantly  both  re- 
vert to  contemplation  of  misdeeds  —  by  force  of  quick  renewal 
of  old  associations,  mental  habits.  Another  says,  "  I  can't  keep 
out  of  that  place.  Whenever  I  go  down  the  street  I  just  have 
to  go  in."  One  young  man  tells  us,  "  All  this  is  just  a  crazy  habit 
of  mine."  A  girl  states  that  she  simply  can't  keep  away  from 
such  and  such  thoughts.  And  so  it  goes.  Many  illustrations  of 
the  effects  of  habit  formation  are  either  stated  or  intimated  in 
our  case  histories. 


§  235]  MENTAL    CONFLICTS    AND    REPRESSIONS  [Chap.  X 

Mental  Conflicts  and  Repressions 

§  235.  General  Statement.  §  236.  Nature  of  Mental  Conflicts.  §  237.  Types 
of  Delinquency  which  Ensue.  §  238.  Success  or  Failure  in  Treatment. 
§  239.  Our  Material.  §  240.  Causes  of  Mental  Conflicts.  §  241.  Illus- 
trative Cases. 

§  235.  General  Statement.  —  The  greatest  interest  and  im- 
portance are  to  be  attached  to  certain  sharply  out-standing  facts 
in  the  realm  of  criminalistic  genetics  which  are  best  discussed 
under  the  head  of  mental  conflicts  and  repressions.  That  con- 
siderable subtlety  of  mental  processes  is  uncovered  by  the 
concrete  findings  should  not  deter  either  students  or  practical 
workers;  it  is  to  be  always  remembered  that  when  we  deal  with 
conduct  we  have  in  hand  direct  expression  of  mental  life,  and  the 
recesses  and  mechanics  of  mental  activity  are  more  complex,  subtle 
and  profound  than  has  ever  been  measured.  In  this  chapter 
we  are  not  indicating  the  necessity  for  examination  of  any- 
thing like  the  mental  depths  which  professionally  have  been  drawn 
upon  for  the  relief  of  mental  and  nervous  symptoms.  Our  sub- 
tleties are,  after  all,  comparatively  shallow,  but  the  tremendous 
force  and  effect  upon  conduct  of  some  of  even  these  less  deeply 
hidden  mental  states  have  only  once  to  be  witnessed  to  be  un- 
forgettably appreciated.  We  have  gone  very  slowly,  and  waited 
for  much  demonstration  in  our  own  work,  despite  some  ap- 
parently extraordinary  assertions  from  European  sources,  be- 
fore definitely  reaching  conclusions  for  ourselves,  and  as  yet 
are  only  willing  to  state  what  concrete  facts  and  practical  out- 
comes have  taught  us.  But  this  is  enough  to  show  that  under 
the  shadow  of  conflict  in  hidden  mental  life  many  a  criminalistic 
tendency  is  born. 

To  assert  that  the  sole  cause  of  development  of  delinquent 
tendencies  in  the  cases  under  the  present  category  has  always 
been  the  mental  conflict,  is  beyond  our  intention.  Undoubtedly 
the  hypersensitive  temperament,  or  the  slight  tendency  to  mental 
instability  —  adolescent  or  constitutional  —  or  the  minor  defect  in 
the  realm  of  will  or  apperception,  or  a  weakness  in  heredity,  all 


Chap.  X]  NATURE    OF   MENTAL    CONFLICTS  [§  236 

of  which  factors  we  have  discovered  in  various  cases,  may  be  a 
predisposing  cause.  And  yet  most  of  the  cases  have  shown  an 
effect  and  a  reaction  which  might  well,  "  but  for  the  grace  of 
God,"  have  been  duplicated  in  many  a  one  of  us.  Certain  it  is 
that  some  of  the  delinquents  whom  we  have  observed  to  be  vic- 
tims of  this  type  of  cause,  have  been  those  who  in  other  ways 
have  shown  high  characteristics,  and  that  they  have  often  strug- 
gled against  what,  to  their  inner  view,  was  a  worse  form  of  delin- 
quency than  the  one  to  which  they  gave  way. 

§  236.  Nature  of  Mental  Conflicts.  —  A  mental  conflict 
presupposes,  of  course,  some  emotional  disturbance,  or  else 
there  would  be  no  opposition  between  different  elements  of 
mental  content  or  activity.  Since  nothing,  by  the  innermost 
nature  of  animate  beings,  so  stirs  emotion  as  the  affairs  of  sex 
life,  taking  this  term  in  its  broadest  sense,  it  is  to  be  presup- 
posed that  we  should  find  most  cases  of  mental  conflict  to  be 
about  hidden  sex  thoughts  or  imageries,  and  inner  or  environ- 
mental sex  experiences.  And  so  we  have  found  it,  but  by  no 
means  all  of  our  cases  have  had  sex  experiences  themselves  as 
an  immediate  basis  of  conflict.  For  the  specialist  I  may  say 
that  the  sufficiency  of  going  only  as  far  as  this  immediate  basis, 
at  least  in  many  cases,  is  witnessed  by  successful  outcomes. 
Our  conscious  limitations,  as  well  as  other  important  considera- 
tions for  study  of  this  type  of  case,  we  have  discussed  under 
Psychoanalysis,  §  85,  in  our  chapter  on  methods. 

It  is  true  that  nearly  all  of  the  mental  conflicts  which  have 
been  brought  to  our  attention  in  girls  and  young  women  have 
centered  on  unfortunate  aspects  of  the  sex  problem,  sometimes, 
to  be  sure,  existing  only  as  matters  of  conceptual  mental  activ- 
ity. Considering  the  usual  suppressed  attitude  in  these  mat- 
ters, following  what  society,  and  perhaps  nature,  would  seem  to 
regard  as  the  part  of  womankind,  this  is  not  to  be  wondered  at. 
In  the  opposite  sex,  it  may  be  oftenest  this  theme,  but  there  are, 
nevertheless,  many  other  immediate  causes  of  mental  conflict. 
There  are  questionings  of  parentage,  and  of  position  in  the  world, 
and  experiences  of  treatment  by  those  who  are  bound  by  family 
ties  —  all  of  which  may  cause  unfortunate  shock,  and  uncon- 
scious inner  strife  and  reaction. 

The  obsessional  mental  imageries  that  sometimes  overpower 
the  will  to  do  right,  often  cause  much  mental  perturbation  and 
conflict,  as  do  certain  other  objective  forms  of  human  experi- 


§  236]  MENTAL    CONFLICTS    AND    REPRESSIONS  [Chap.  X 

ence,  but  on  account  of  their  peculiar  social  bearings  these  causes 
are  dwelt  on  elsewhere.  Of  course  many  of  thfe  points  brought 
out  in  this  section  have  social  significance,  for  instance,  the  wide- 
spread and  often  morally  fatal  neglect  of  precautionary  mental 
sanitation  on  the  part  of  parents,  who  often  leave  children  to 
struggle  alone  or  amid  bad  companionship  with  vilest  intro- 
ductions to  the  most  wonderful,  vital,  and  emotion-producing 
phenomena  of  life.  The  concealment  of  family  relationship, 
such  as  the  child's  actual  parentage,  and  the  temporary  mis- 
representative  withholding  of  deep-striking  facts  from  young  in- 
dividuals who  eventually  will  learn  the  truth,  we  perceive  also 
to  be  matters  of  great  concern. 

§  237.  Types  of  Delinquency  which  Ensue.  —  Many  types 
of  delinquencies,  it  will  be  noted,  are  committed  by  sufferers  from 
these  conflicts  under  consideration.  The  conflict  about  sex 
does  not  always  lead  to  sex  transgressions;  indeed,  one  of  our 
main  theses  concerning  this  w^hole  subject  is  that  there  are  sub- 
stitution delinquencies.  The  individual  gets  relief,  as  it  were, 
perhaps  quite  subconsciously,  by  entering  into  misdeeds  which 
may  seem  altogether  less  reprehensible  than  gaining  experience 
in  the  manner  dwelt  on  inwardly.  This  fact  comes  out  again 
and  again  in  our  case  studies.  A  directly  meaningful  relation- 
ship has  been  suggested  between  the  kind  of  delinquency,  even 
of  the  given  objects  figuring  in  the  delinquent  act,  and  the 
content  of  the  mental  conflict,  but  we  have  found  little  in  this 
for  us  scientifically,  and  for  practical  treatment  of  the  cases 
nothing  at  all.  Mental  conflict  as  seen  in  our  numerous  cases 
may  find  expression  in  truancy,  all  sorts  of  stealing — 'the  most 
exaggerated  cases  we  have  ever  seen,  sleeping  out  nights,  run- 
ning away  from  home  entirely,  display  of  great  temper  and 
insubordination,  setting  fires,  and  so  on.  To  note  the  wide 
range  of  substitution  or  relief  possibilities  is  of  practical  impor- 
tance for  interpretation  and  understanding.  A  curious  feature 
of  much  of  this  conduct  is  the  readiness  with  which  trouble 
from  it  may  be  expected  —  actual  suffering  encountered  by  the 
offender  is  sometimes  great,  and  yet  delinquencies  are  repeated. 
Every  case  of  delinquency  showing  repetition  of  such  readily 
foreseeable  suffering  should  be  regarded  as  a  proper  subject 
for  the  most  careful  study. 

The  importance  of  mental  conflict  as  a  factor,  often  effective 
in  individuals  and  careers  otherwise  normal,  is  easily  seen  from 


Chap.  X]  OUR   MATERIAL  [§  239 

our  case  histories.  This  importance  is  simply  that  of  any  factor 
which  gradiialh'  creates  a  criminahstic  habit  of  mind;  in  the 
train  of  continued  misdeeds  come  all  the  usual  evils  of  per- 
nicious habit  formation,  and  also  many  of  the  social  disadvan- 
tages which  accrue  through  disapprobation  expressed  by  other 
people.  We  can  easily  picture  the  steady  growth  from  these 
beginnings  of  a  whole  long  career  of  criminalism.  The  growth 
of  a  criminalistic  tendency  from  mental  conflict  as  a  first  nucleus 
seems  especially  prone  to  carry  with  it  development  of  that 
peculiarly  stubborn  obstruction  to  reform  which  we  have  else- 
where mentioned,  an  anti-social,  grudge-like  attitude. 

§  238.  Success  or  Failure  in  Treatment.  —  The  success  or 
failure  of  treatment  in  any  one  of  these  cases  depends  on  several 
important  considerations.  No  doubt  the  exploration,  or  bring- 
ing clearly  to  the  offender's  mind  the  innermost  cause  of  his 
mistendencies,  is  the  greatest  single  step  towards  a  cure,  but  most 
often  that  is  not  enough.  We  know  of  failures  —  thoroughly 
predictable,  however  —  after  this  exploration,  as  well  as  successes. 
Conditions  must  be  right  for  the  reconstruction  of  mental  habits, 
and  the  path  must  be  cleared  as  much  as  possible  of  material 
which  awakens  old  associations.  In  young  people,  who  cannot 
command  their  own  environment,  a  vast  deal  depends  on  the 
intelligent  cooperation  of  relatives.  Unfortunately  the  matter 
is  sometimes  too  deep  for  their  poor  understanding,  and  even 
after  they  learn  the  facts,  little  can  be  accomplished  in  the  old 
environment.  The  joy  of  success,  however,  has  resulted  from 
sincere  efforts  of  relatives  in  other  cases. 

§  239.  Our  Material.  —  Out  of  the  wealth  of  material  from 
which  we  have  learned  our  facts  it  is  necessary  to  give  space  only 
to  a  few  tx^pical  cases,  but  these  are  chosen  as  representative  of 
the  relationship  of  mental  conflict  to  criminalism.  There  are 
many  details  in  some  of  the  cases  which  we  are  glad  to  spare  as 
properly  belonging  only  to  technical  medico-psychological  dis- 
cussion—  the  omissions  will  not  dim  the  significance  of  the  main 
facts.  Some  of  our  conflict  cases  have  shown  distinct  hysterical 
phenomena  —  these  types  are  treated  under  another  head. 
The  relationship  of  the  childhood  experience  to  the  possible 
adult  career  may  be  readily  appreciated  in  our  case  studies;  some 
of  our  instances  are,  indeed,  young  adults,  but  the  freshness  and 
comparative  ease  of  the  findings  in  younger  individuals  leads 
us  to  dwell  mostly  on  the  latter. 



§  240;  Causes  of  Mental  Conflicts.  —  Hidden  mental  con- 
flicts may  rise,  obviously,  from  any  strong  emotion-producing 
experience  or  thought  which  is  repressed.  We  have  previously 
dwelt,  under  the  head  of  Psychoanalysis  (§  85),  on  the  cardinal 
features  of  mental  conflicts.  Leaving  out  of  account,  as  we  have 
attempted  everywhere  to  do,  mere  theoretical  considerations, 
we  find  certain  types  of  experience  and  of  mental  content  to  be 
of  vast  importance  in  the  development  of  mental  conflicts  which 
lead  to  anti-social  acts  and  attitudes.^  Without  in  any  way 
believing  ourselves  to  exhaust  the  field  by  so  doing,  we  may 
name  the  following  main  causes  of  mental  conflict  and  repres- 
sion as  we  have  found  them  in  the  background  of  certain  cases 
of  criminality.  Most  of  these  causes  are  sufficiently  illustrated 
by  the  cases  we  cite. 

(a)  Uncertainty,  on  the  part  of  the  child,  concerning  parentage, 
is  a  prolific  source  of  deep-seated  emotional  disturbance,  and, 
as  we  find  the  facts,  the  reaction  maj^  be  towards  a  career  of  mis- 
doing. The  various  forms  of  jealousy  centered  about  a  step- 
parent may  also  lead  in  the  same  direction. 

(6)  Deceit  iand  lies  on  the  part  of  those  presumably  most 
to  be  trusted,  is  another  cause  of  deep  emotional  and  moral 

(c)  The  various  features  of  sex  life,  themselves  the  most  emo- 
tion-provoking of  all  human  experiences  or  aspects  of  mental 
life,  naturally  prove  to  be  the  most  frequent  cause  of  conflict. 
It  is  most  important  to  note  that  very  often  it  is  not  at  all  the 
early  awakening  of  sex  instincts  themselves,  or  any  physical 
sensation  or  activity  that  causes  the  trouble  in  childhood.  It 
may  be,  rather,  merely  the  mental  representation  of  subjects 
shrouded  in  mystery,  revelations  of  which  have  been  gained 
from  things  seen  or  things  heard.  There  may  be  a  strong  strug- 
gle against  invitation  from  within  or  from  without  to  express 
one's  self  in  language  or  action  as  others  do  in  these  affairs.  In 
such  cases  it  is  a  universal  rule  that  there  has  not  been  wholesome 
freedom  of  speech  with  those  who  ought  to  be  confided  in  about 
these  matters.  The  young  individual  has  been  left  to  gain  its 
understanding  and  fight  its  battles  alone,  amid  the  silence  of 
the  world  of  authority  on  this  most  vital  topic,  which  involves 

1  The  rapidly  growing  literature  on  the  subject  of  mental  conflicts  shows 
many  indications  of  the  relationship  of  the  phenomena  to  criminalistic  con- 
duct. We  have  already  noted,  §  85,  the  main  contributions;  very  little  that 
has  been  written  so  far  is  specifically  devoted  to  the  origins  of  criminalism. 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  241 

even  the   beginnings   of  life   itself.    The   mysterious   has  great 
power  to  create  strong  impressions  and  strong  reactions. 

It  seems  from  our  findings  as  if  normal  curiosity  on  these  vital 
topics  once  aroused  is  not  to  be  thwarted  except  by  unfortunate 
mental  repressions  that  may  loom  large  as  causes  of  misbehavior. 
The  peculiar  attitude  of  modern  civilization  in  covering  up  these 
things,  on  the  one  hand,  and,  through  many  aspects  of  our  grega- 
rious life,  on  the  other  hand,  stimulating  the  curiosity  as  well  as 
the  instincts,  constantly  tends  to  incite  this  cause  of  conflict. 
Full  appreciation  of  the  varieties  of  these  causes,  and  the  mani- 
fold effects  of  such  mental  conflict,  can  only  be  obtained  by 
careful  study  of  pertinent  case  histories. 

(d)  Sensitive  and  fine  natures  may  be  thrown  into  much  mental 
and  moral  perturbation  by  harsh  treatment  and  false  accusations 
on  the  part  of  those  from  whom  affection  and  protection  and 
guardianship  is  naturally  expected.  We  have  seen  several  cases 
of  this  kind. 

(e)  Deeply  hidden  emotions  may  be  stirred  to  the  point  of 
unconsciously  seeking  reaction  in  misconduct  through  still  other 
and  less  common  causes.  As  instances  we  might  give  homesick- 
ness; ^  teasing  on  account  of  speech  defect  or  lack  of  control  of 
the  bladder,  with  the  consequent  shame  of  being  in  company, 
whether  at  school  or  elsewhere;  and  so  on.  Sometimes  the  re- 
sults are  very  serious,  inasmuch  as  an  extremely  vindictive  social 
attitude  may  be  assumed. 

§  241.  Illustrative  Cases.  —  Case  61.  — The  beginnings  of  de- 
linquency are  most  plainly  laid  bare  in  the  instance  of  a  10-year- 
old  boy,  coming  from  unusually  fine  parents,  both  of  them  strong 
people  both  mentally  and  physically.  This  boy  was  brought 
up  in  an  Eastern  college  town,  and  already,  at  his  tender  age, 
displayed  most  remarkable  delinquent  tendencies  in  the  face  of 
excellent  opportunities  for  wholesome  mental  occupation  and 
recreation  at  home  and  elsewhere. 

Physically  we  found  a  strong  healthy  lad  with  no  defect,  and 
free  from  any  observed  abnormalities,  including  over-develop- 
ment.   He  was  considered  a  strong  and  fearless  leader  in  out-door 

^  For  some  reason,  homesickness,  with  its  vaguely  defined,  but  upsetting 
symptomatology,  appears  to  be  a  much  more  frequent  cause  of  mental  con- 
flict in  Europe  than  with  us.  An  important  contribution  in  German  is  by 
Jasper  (169)  on  Homesickness  and  Criminahty.  Articles  on  the  setting  of 
fires,  Martin  (170)  and  Reichel  (171),  and  on  a  case  of  poisoning,  Feisen- 
berger  (172),  as  the  result  of  homesickness,  bring  out  special  points.  Wil- 
manns  (173)  has  a  paper  on  the  relation  of  homesickness  to  impulsive  insanity. 



sports.  He  had  a  firm  type  of  face,  large  under  jaw,  an  unusual 
compression  at  times  of  lips  that  normally  tended  to  protrude. 

On  the  mental  side  he  gave  the  good  account  of  himself  in  our 
tests  that  we  expected  from  his  school  record  —  readily  doing 
with  us  what  might  be  expected  of  a  bright  boy  of  his  age,  but 
hardly  showing  good  scholarship  for  the  5th  grade,  in  which  he 
was.  His  achievements  were  not  very  rapid,  but  he  did  go 
smoothly  through  the  tests,  and  by  responses  to  our  information 
questionnaire  he  gave  evidence  of  a  full  range  of  healthy  interests. 

His  development  has  been  absolutely  normal,  indeed,  un- 
usually healthy.  His  ancestry  is  excellent,  with  one  great-grand- 
father who  showed  a  great  love  for  frontier  life,  and  one  uncle  much 
inclined  to  roving.  The  siblings  of  the  boy  himself  were  all  most 
normal,  physically  and  mentally,  and  there  has  been  not  the 
slightest  moral  difficulty  with  them. 

The  intelligent  parents  gave  a  detailed  account  of  the  delin- 
quencies of  their  son,  whom  they  felt  to  have  the  best  kind  of 
stuff  in  him,  but  whom  they  could  not  understand.  There  had 
been  more  or  less  trouble  with  him  for  a  couple  of  years  on  ac- 
count of  various  misdeeds,  but  for  6  months  prior  to  our  seeing 
him  the  difficulties  had  greatly  increased.  It  was  known  that 
he  steadily  went  with  companions  much  older  than  himself. 
This  was  largely  attributed  to  his  physical  prowess  and  mental 
advancement.  He  is  a  restless,  active  type;  always  affectionate 
and  obedient  when  with  his  father  or  mother,  but  a  few  minutes 
after  being  scolded  he  would  get  into  trouble  again.  Recently 
there  had  been  a  moderate  amount  of  truancy.  There  was  some 
lying  about  this  and  about  other  delinquencies,  but  the  parents 
felt  they  generally  were  told  the  truth.  They  knew  he  occasion- 
ally indulged  in  profanity,  that  he  engaged  in  quite  a  bit  of  steal- 
ing at  home,  where  he  took  money  out  of  pockets  and  purses 
and  stole  other  things,  and  that  he  had  also  purloined  various 
articles  from  stores.  Worse  than  all  to  these  affectionate  parents 
was  his  running  away.  On  one  occasion  he  was  out  for  two  days 
and  nights,  sleeping  in  a  railroad  yard  with  other  boys.  It  seemed 
very  strange  their  boy  should  desire  to  undergo  the  hardships 
of  tramp  life,  when  his  own  home  surroundings  offered  him  many 
advantages  for  boyish  pleasure  and  even  for  adventure. 

As  seen  by  us  the  boy  proved  to  be  quite  cheerful,  polite,  and 
soon  responsive,  showing  definite  desire  to  cooperate  with  us 
in  getting  at  the  sources  of  his  own  troubles.    This  was  notable 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE  CASES  [§.  241 

in  his  quickly  expressed  desire  that  he  might  get  out  of  his  home 
town,  even  though  in  so  doing  he  would  have  to  break  with  his 
boon  companions.  We  struck  in  at  this  point,-  and,  after  a  little, 
elicited  information  altogether  beyond  his  parents'  ken.  It  seems 
the  badness  which  they  knew  as  characteristic  of  his  companions 
was  not  the  badness  which  he  dwelled  on.  It  was  not  at  all  the 
comradeship  in  adventure  which  drew  him  like  a  magnet,  but 
was  altogether  a  much  deeper  affair.  A  couple  of  years  before 
this,  these  older  boys  had  introduced  him  to  the  secrets  of  sex 
life,  teaching  him  to  do  things  to  himself,  which  he  has  largely 
resisted,  and  engaging  in  bad  sex  affairs  with  him.  Then,  too, 
a  number  of  older  ghls  —  the  parents  had  spoken  of  there  being 
a  remarkably  dissolute  crowd  of  both  sexes  in  the  town  —  he 
had  seen  go  with  older  boys  into  the  woods,  and  he  had  followed 
and  watched  them.  After  very  quietly  unfolding  the  facts  with 
us,  he,  evidently  with  a  burst  of  bottled-up  apperception,  said 
this  was  the  real  trouble,  and  he  had  never  told  anybody.  The 
secret  affairs  he  had  with  these  young  toughs  had  led  him  to 
stealing  money,  tobacco,  and  supplies  from  stores  for  the  com- 
pany life  they  had  maintained.  He  had  played  truant  to  join 
them.    When  he  ran  away  he  lived  in  a  box  car  with  them. 

This  boy's  intelligent  attitude  led  to  the  setting  forth  of 
mental  conflict  as  a  cause  more  quickly  than  in  any  other  case 
we  have  seen.  He  explained  to  us  how  he  dwelt  on  these  affairs, 
how  he  revolved  over  in  his  mind  by  day  or  by  night  what  the 
fellows  had  told  him  and  what  he  had  seen  going  on.  He  blushed 
and  even  cried  a  little  in  telling  what  inroads  it  had  made  upon 
the  activities  of  his  mind.  The  importance,  the  wonder,  the 
culpable  secrecy  of  it  all  had  deeply  impressed  him. 

It  seemed  easy  enough  for  us  to  set  down  the  prognosis  and 
treatment.  We  stated  that  if  this  very  convincing  exploration  of 
the  trouble  was  completely  followed  up  by  these  vigorous  and 
intelligent  parents  there  might  well  be  success,  and  the  definite 
psychic  trauma  which  this  boy  had  experienced  might  largely 
be  obliterated.  The  parents  should  get  completely  into  the  con- 
fidence of  the  boy  to  a  much  fuller  extent  than  I  had  attempted. 
They  should  remove  him  from  the  neighborhood  and  make  every 
effort  to  fill  his  mind  with  the  healthiest  occupations  and  thoughts. 
This  was  what  we  set  down. 

The  outcome,  now  after  some  years,  can  be  told  in  a  word. 
The  advised  measures  were  carried   out,  and   the  well-marked 



criminal  tendencies  were  so  completely  checked  that  the  state- 
ment, made  to  us  by  the  original  complainants,  was  that  the 
boy  had  never  again  been  delinquent. 

One  can  feel  pretty  sure  what  would  have  been  the  outcome 
of  a  case  like  the  above  without  the  discovery  of  the  underlying 
facts.  With  the  growth  of  years,  the  sex  practices,  even  with  the 
fight  against  them,  and  the  tendency  to  repress  the  facts  might 
have  grown  much  stronger,  definite  mental  and  physical  habits 
being  formed  about  the  old  nucleus,  and  on  top  of  all  this  a 
criminal  career  might  easily  have  been  established. 

Mental  Conflict. 

Case  61. 

Early  sex  experiences. 

Boy,  10  years. 

Bad  companions. 




Good  ability. 

In  our  citation  of  case  histories  we  have  largely  refrained  from 
dealing  with  careers  of  long  standing  because  we  have  desired  to 
keep  close  to  beginnings,  and  to  show  what  may  be  done  by  the 
discovery  of  beginnings.  The  result  of  treatment  of  causes  is 
only  fairly  to  be  evaluated  when  the  auxiliary  results  of  habit 
formation  and  social  discouragement  do  not  block  the  way. 
The  following  summary  of  a  very  long  case  history  may  be  of- 
fered, if  there  be  any  doubt  that  just  such  beginnings  as  are  related 
in  the  foregoing  case  often  form  the  background  of  confirmed 
criminal  careers. 

Case  62.  —  This  story,  much  too  long  to  detail  here,  concerns 
a  young  man  now  serving  a  long  term,  whom  we  have  known  for 
years,  and  in  whose  case  we  succeeded  after  long  effort  in  analyzing 
beginnings  and  causes  of  repetition  of  offenses.  From  our  full 
records  we  see  that,  except  for  defective  vision,  he  could  always 
have  been  regarded  as  normal  physically.  We  note,  however, 
that  at  the  end  of  a  previous  two-year  sentence  he  was  in  rather 
poor  condition,  being  anemic  and  flabby.  At  times  his  vision  has 
been  corrected  by  glasses.  In  attitude  and  expression  he  has 
become   most   unfortunately   institutionalized. 

Mentally,  from  our  studies  of  him  at  various  times,  we  have 
never  seen  any  reason  to  change  our  first  opinion  of  him,  namely, 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  241 

that  he  was  up  to  the  ordinary  for  his  social  grade  in  abiHty  and 
information,  and  showed  no  aberrational  tendencies. 

We  have  what  is  probably  fairly  accurate  information  about 
heredity.  The  father,  a  bright  man  mentally,  w^as  a  hard  drinker 
and  sexually  immoral.  He  caused  the  mother  much  sorrow. 
The  paternal  grandfather  w^as  alcoholic,  as  was  also  a  paternal 
uncle.  One  maternal  uncle  drank  rather  hard.  Other  facts  of 
heredity  are  apparently  negative.  Sisters  and  a  brother  of  the 
offender  are  stable,  hard-working  people.  The  mother  was  much 
worried  during  this  pregnancy  on  account  of  the  father's  drink- 
ing and  immoral  habits. 

As  an  infant  this  boy  had  many  childish  diseases,  and  once 
was  very  low  with  cholera  infantum.  He  had  a  fall  and  burn  at 
6  months  which  deeply  affected  the  scalp,  but  there  was  never 
the  slightest  evidence  there  was  concussion  or  other  brain  in- 
jury. After  infancy  his  development  was  normal.  At  the  pres- 
ent time  he  is  a  fairly  w^ell-developed  man. 

As  a  child  of  seven  he  was  sent  to  a  half-orphan  asylum.  He 
was  taken  home  at  nine  years  and  then  soon  became  delinquent. 
Since  then  he  has  been  sent  to  reformatory  institutions  eight 
times.  The  trouble  began  with  truancy  and  petty  stealing.  He 
has  never  been  known  to  harm  anybody,  and  the  largest  amount 
he  ever  obtained  by  stealing  was  probably  $35.  He  has  stolen 
money  and  many  other  articles.  Sometimes  the  articles  taken 
were  of  little  or  no  use  to  him,  and  recently  on  parole  he  jeopard- 
ized his  career  by  purloining  the  merest  trifles.  An  account  of  all 
these  thefts  would  be  in  itself  a  long  story. 

On  analysis,  we  find  his  whole  delinquent  career  began  at  the 
time  he,  green  from  the  orphanage,  was  taken  in  hand  by  boys 
Avho  proceeded  to  enlighten  him  in  vicious  sex  matters,  and 
teach  him  about  stealing.  Most  remarkable  it  is  that  the  life 
of  this  fellow  gives  every  evidence  that  he  has  preserved  a  large 
share  of  his  native  modesty,  and  has  never  turned  to  sex  immor- 
alities. As,  of  course,  most  common  in  institutional  life,  he  has 
fallen  into  self-abuse,  which  he  so  early  learned  about,  but  it  is 
very  remarkable  that  he  has  rejected  opportunities  for  sex 
affairs  w^ith  girls  or  women  because,  he  says,  he  thought  that 
doing  such  things  was  not  right.  He  feels  a  strong  respect  for 

The  analysis  of  his  frequent  attacks,  as  it  were,  of  stealing  forms 
a  most  interesting  study.     Taking  it,  event  by  event,  one  finds 



there  has  always  been  at  the  center  of  each  delinquent  period 
or  series  of  acts  a  subconscious  mental  conflict  involving  the 
young  man's  attitude  towards  sex  questions.  There  has  been, 
as  he  expresses  it,  a  certain  mental  mix-up  or  confusion,  and  the 
facts  show  that  some  sort  of  rehef  or  off-set  has  been  uncon- 
sciously sought  in  the  recourse  to  these  minor  delinquencies. 

This  marked  reaction  embodies  as  features:  a  feeUng  of  reck- 
lessness, perhaps  suddenly  aroused;  general  bodily  discomfort; 
on  some  occasions,  local  sex  excitement;  vague,  but  inhibitory 
perceptions  of  wrongfulness  of  illicit  sex  relationship;  and  a 
desire  to  rush  out  of  the  ordinary  rules  and  conditions  of  life. 
The  transferrence  of  feeling  into  impulse  has  never  been  thought 
of,  as  such.  Thinking  back  into  each  eventful  period,  the  young 
man  digs  out  of  memory  his  mental  associations  most  clearly 
for  us.  The  relationship  of  the  two  forms  of  delinquency  emerges 
very  sharply,  and  dates  back  to  his  earliest  experiences  with 
both,  involving  a  well-forged  set  of  mental  mechanisms. 

One  illustration  must  suffice  of  how  with  him  delinquency 
typically  develops  from  a  specific  situation.  One  day  as  a  wagon 
boy  he  is  delivering  goods.  He  drives  past  a  restaurant  where 
he  sees  in  the  window  a  young  woman  he  knows.  Ideas  of  her 
flood  his  mind,  he  grows  terrifically  restless  and  uncomfortable. 
He  remembers  that  he  thought  he  ought  not  to  be  thinking  of 
her  in  this  way.  Confusion  grows  with  him,  and  after  a  little  he 
drives  his  horse  into  a  byway,  jumps  down,  ties  it,  and  makes 
off  down  town.  He  spends  that  day  and  the  next  most  of  the 
$35  which  he  had  collected  for  his  employer.  He  goes  to  restau- 
rants and  theatres  and  a  cheap  hotel,  but  does  not  consort  with 
women.  Indeed,  he  assures  us  he  has  never  done  the  latter  in  all 
his  life.  After  a  couple  of  days  he  returns  to  his  mother  very  much 
ashamed.  They  together  go  to  the  employer  who  forgives  him, 
and  the  fellow  works  faithfully  for  3  months,  paying  back  all 
but  a  couple  of  dollars,  when  another  stealing  affair,  developing 
from  the  same  sort  of  episode,  lands  him  in  jail. 

Psychological  interest  centers  around  the  girl  in  the  affair. 
This  young  man,  whom  we  can  vouch  for  as  being  rather  attrac- 
tive, modest,  clean,  quiet  and  not  dissipated,  had  known  her  for 
only  a  short  time.  She  had  evidently  taken  a  fancy  to  him,  and 
the  night  before  when  he  had  taken  her  home,  had  made  up  to 
him  with  kisses  in  the  hall  way.  The  sight  of  her  set  him  all  in 
conflict  and  confusion. 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE   CASES  [§  241 

It  does  not  take  any  deep  discernment  to  realize  the  inade- 
quacies of  court  and  penal  treatment  in  such  a  case.  Their  fail- 
ure speaks  for  itself.  The  punishment  doled  out  is  most  curi- 
ously out  of  all  proportion  to  any  harm  done  by  the  man,  who 
lives  a  life  oTF  decency  quite  above  the  average  of  city  toughs 
who  do  not  get  into  jails.  It  is  curious,  too,  to  realize  that  if  he 
followed  his  instincts,  as  many  do,  he  might  do  a  thousand  times 
more  harm  to  society  than  he  has  done,  and  yet  probably  little 
or  no  cognizance  would  be  taken  of  his  deeds.  Scientifically, 
the  origins  of  his  whole  career,  and  of  the  impulse  to  each  dis- 
crete delinquency  are  of  the  utmost  interest.  They  bespeak  the 
possibility  of  practical  treatment,  at  this  late  date,  however, 
made  more  difficult  by  habit  formation  and  the  several  unto- 
w^ard  results  of  his  being  mishandled  by  society. 

Mental  Conflict.  Case  62. 

Developmental  Conditions:  Male,  age  21. 

Many  illnesses. 

Heredity:  Father,  alcoholic,  immoral. 

Paternal  grandfather,  alcoholic. 
Paternal  uncle,  alcoholic. 
Maternal  uncle,  alcoholic. 

Injury:  Head  burn  at  6  months. 

Physical :  Very  defective  vision. 

Stealing  -f .  Mental: 

Earlier  runaway.  Ability  fair. 

Case  63.  —  This  is  a  case  of  most  extravagant  stealing  on  the 
part  of  a  girl  of  14,  indulged  in  for  three  or  four  years.  The 
stealing  seemed  to  be  almost  a  passion  with  her.  We  have  ob- 
served this  case  over  a  number  of  years,  and  would  at  once  freely 
confess  it  took  us  a  year  and  a  half  to  find  out  the  nature  of  the 
trouble,  in  spite  of  much  study  in  a  considerable  number  of  inter- 
views. The  girl  lived  in  a  suburban  town,  and  was  repeatedly 
brought  to  us  by  her  parents  before  it  was  thought  desirable  to 
remove  her  from  her  environment.  Her  people  were  fairly  well 
educated  French  Canadians,  and  kept  a  small  shop.  They  were 
moderately  prosperous,  so  that  the  girl  was  always  well  enough 
dressed,  had  ordinary  educational  advantages,  and  had  no  real 
need  for  the  things  which  she  purloined.     Some  significant  inci- 



dent  in  her  family  life  led  to  her  experiencing  a  distinct  mental 
shock,  as  will  be  related  below. 

Physically  we  found  a  normally  developed,  well-nourished 
girl  with  pleasant  features  and  good  color.  We  noted  her  frank 
smile.  Good  strength.  Some  little  complaint  of  headaches. 
Dental  conditions:  enamel  defective  on  all  incisors  and  cuspids, 
extending  from  a  transverse  line  midway  on  the  tooth  to  near 
the  cutting  edge.  But  the  enamel  for  the  most  part  is  preserved 
on  the  cutting  edge  and  no  crescentic  erosion  is  present.  No 
evidence  of  nervousness,  except  excessive  biting  of  the  finger 
nails.    No  sensory  defect  detected. 

On  the  mental  side  we  soon  found  we  had  to  deal  with  a  normal 
child.  She  did  some  of  the  more  difficult  tests  quickly  and  with 
slight  errors.  Not  at  all  suggestible.  Information  on  school 
topics  quite  normal.  The  record  on  tests  seems  unnecessary  to 
give,  because  of  the  uniformly  good  performance.  She  was  ac- 
customed to  playing  children's  games  and  seemed  to  have  plenty 
of  healthy  mental  interests.  (In  the  succeeding  years  she  has 
made  her  way  through  school  in  quite  the  usual  manner  and  has 
developed  very  well  physically.) 

We  have  never  learned  of  defective  heredity  in  this  case.  The 
family  are  neat  and  clean,  and  of  a  good  French  type.  Our  infor- 
mation comes  partly  from  the  father  and  partly  from  the  step- 
mother, who  knew  the  own  mother's  family  when  they  all  lived  in 
Montreal.  There  were  two  children  by  the  first  wife.  The  father 
is  rather  an  easy-going  type,  somewhat  complained  of  by  the 
step-mother  because  he  does  not  back  her  up  in  discipline  and 
does  not  always  stick  to  the  hard  facts  in  the  case.  The  own 
mother  died  shortly  after  this  child  was  born,  suffering  from  a 
chronic  illness,  perhaps  cancer.  In  fact,  at  the  time  of  the  birth 
the  mother  was  in  Paris  undergoing  treatment.  The  other  child, 
a  brother,  is  about  three  years  older  and  has  been  the  source  of 
considerable  trouble  himself,  and  had  to  be  sent  away  to  an  in- 
stitution on  account  of  delinquency.  He  later  did  better,  and 
during  the  time  we  have  known  the  family  has  shown  himself 
to  be  an  entirely  reformed  character. 

Home  conditions  have  been  good,  except  for  little  bickerings 
about  this  girl's  conduct,  and  except  for  certain  unfortunate 
hidden  influences  which  the  brother  and  step-mother  have  had 
upon  the  girl.  When  first  seen  by  us,  the  step-mother  was  still 
keeping  up  the  farce  of  pretending  to  be  the  girl's  own  mother. 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  241 

She  had  never  told  her  anything  to  the  contrary,  and  did  not 
know  whether  the  girl  knew  or  not.  Another  fact  that  had 
complicated  the  situation,  was  that  the  brother  had  been  left 
in  Montreal  with  the  grandparents,  and  this  girl  had  never  even 
been  told  she  had  a  brother,  until  he  suddenly  appeared  on  the 
scene  when  she  was  about  seven  years  of  age.  All  this  was  done 
purposely  so  the  girl  might  grow  up  in  full  affection  for  her 
supposed  mother. 

To  give  a  catalog  of  the  things  stolen  by  this  girl  in  these 
several  years  between  ten  and  fourteen,  would  require  consider- 
able space.  She  had  taken  many  things  from  home  and  from 
other  relatives.  She  had  taken  books  from  the  school  and  tried 
to  sell  them.  She  had  stolen  money  and  bought  presents  for  other 
girls  with  it.  She  had  stolen  money  from  playmates,  as  well  as 
skates,  ribbons  and  many  small  things.  She  took  from  a  store 
expensive  jewelry  which  was  later  found  on  her  person.  On  a 
number  of  occasions  she  spent  money  freely  on  her  playmates, 
and  nobody  could  find  out  whence  it  came.  Her  predilection 
in  this  direction  can  be  well  illustrated  by  something  that  took 
place  when  she  was  indirectly  under  our  observation.  She  was 
placed  in  a  certain  home  for  trial,  and  purloined  articles  from 
here  to  take  to  her  own  home  when  she  made  a  visit,  and  then 
took  articles  from  her  own  home  back  to  the  other  place.  For 
a  man  of  moderate  means,  her  father  had  had  to  spend  a  consid- 
erable sum  in  making  good  the  articles  she  had  stolen,  but  often 
she  had  been  so  clever  that  no  one  knew  from  whom  she  had 
gotten  her  money. 

At  times  with  us  the  girl  would  say  she  was  extremely  sorry 
she  had  taken  various  things  and  would  freely  acknowledge  the 
fact,  and  again,  although  all  were  just  as  certain  of  other  things 
taken,  she  would  indignantly  deny  the  accusation,  looking  one 
straight  in  the  face  with  tears  in  her  eyes.  At  other  interviews 
these  perhaps  earlier  denied  delinquencies  would  be  acknowl- 
edged. Suspecting  from  the  first  that  there  was  something 
peculiar  in  the  case,  we  tried  over  and  over  again  to  get  at  the 
facts.  Since  the  brother  had  been  in  the  habit  of  stealing,  it 
seemed  to  be  clear  to  the  step-mother's  mind  that  it  was  a  case 
of  heredity,  and  it  was  alleged  that  the  girl's  own  mother  had 
been  accused  of  taking  things,  but  we  found  the  step-mother 
really  knew  very  little  about  this  and  the  father  nothing  at  all. 
Therefore  we  were  never  willing  to  put  this  down  as  a  causative 



factor.  We  readily  found  there  had  been  considerable  mental 
repression  on  the  part  of  the  girl  because  she  had  years  ago  heard 
from  a  cousin  that  her  own  mother  was  deaH.  The  step-mother 
when  approached  on  the  subject  foolishly  denied  it  to  her  over 
and  over.  Then  the  brother  substantiated  the  girl's  belief,  and 
she  grew  up  to  believe  it  as  a  sort  of  harmless  lie,  acknowledging 
the  step-mother,  on  the  whole,  to  be  very  good  to  her. 

The  girl  always  indignantly  refused  to  admit  to  anybody  that 
she  had  ever  had  anything  more  than  the  barest  inkling  of  sex 
affairs,  and  so  one  never  felt  justified  in  attempting  to  get  any- 
thing more  than  this  information.  The  case  from  a  scientific 
standpoint  quite  lapsed  until  the  girl  was  placed  in  a  certain  un- 
usually good  environment  and  stopped  her  stealing.  Then  she 
was  asked  by  us  why  she  had  stopped  stealing,  and  to  our  aston- 
ishment she  at  once  began  to  explore  for  us  the  true  causative 
factors  in  her  case. 

Her  naive  and  unexpected  first  statement  on  this  occasion  was 
that  she  had  stopped  stealing  because  she  did  not  hear  any  of 
the  bad  words  in  her  new  place  that  she  did  in  her  home  neigh- 
borhood among  the  children.  Then  it  gradually  came  out  that 
she  had  never  had  an  honest  interview  before  with  us.  She  de- 
finitely stated  this,  saying,  "  I  did  not  know  you  wanted  to  know 
about  these  things."  Just  before  this  when  asked  if  she  yet  un- 
derstood what  made  her  steal  so  excessively  she  reiterated  the 
statement  made  to  us  many  times  previously,  namely,  she  sup- 
posed she  stole  because  her  own  mother  stole.  (Of  course  this 
was  what  she  had  heard  by  way  of  explanation  from  her  step- 
mother.) As  this  girl's  story  unfolded  we  learned  that  her  first 
knowledge  of  stealing  came  with  a  shock.  One  day  her  father 
said  he  was  going  to  take  her  to  the  station  to  meet  her  brother, 
and  she  did  not  even  know  she  had  one.  She  wondered  a  great 
deal  about  him,  and  in  some  sort  of  way  it  made  her  feel  very 
queer.  They  apparently  became  companions  at  once  and  she 
was  with  him  one  day  when  he  stole  doughnuts  in  a  bakery, 
also  when  he  stole  other  things,  and  was  also  with  him  one  day 
when  a  policeman  took  him.  She  remembers  he  was  very  sneak- 
ing in  these  ways,  that  he  used  to  run  away  from  home,  and  she 
used  to  feel  she  could  shame  him,  but  now  "  it 's  strange  that  he 
is  the  good  one  and  can  shame  me." 

She  remarks  that  she  is  a  girl  who  thinks  before  she  speaks, 
that  she  has  always  "been  to  herself,"  and  has  never  liked  to 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  241 

talk  about  her  own  feelings  and  thoughts.  It  was  about  the  time 
the  brother  was  stealing  that  she  first  began  to  hear  about  sex 
things,  and  she  says  she  was  very  inquisitive  about  these  things, 
and  asked  many  questions,  and  these  ideas  came  up  in  her  mind 
a  great  deal.  But  she  repressed  them,  only  once  going  to  her 
mother  about  them.  She  heard  more  of  these  things  day  by 
day  until  she  went  to  her  present  surroundings.  She  has  heard 
so  much  about  it  that  a  great  many  "  thoughts  about  boys  and 
like  that  "  came  up  in  her  mind.  She  has  tried  very  hard  not 
to  think  of  these  things,  but  the}'  have  come  up  quite  often,  per- 
haps not  every  day,  and  she  always  had  to  contend  against  it. 
It  grew  on  her  until  she  became  quite  nervous  about  it. 

There  can  be  but  little  doubt  from  her  physical  condition, 
her  demeanor  and  her  general  reputation  in  the  various  homes 
in  which  we  have  known  her,  that  she  has  kept  her  sex  inclina- 
tions to  herself,  and  that  in  all  probability  she  has  not  engaged 
in  bad  habits  to  any  extent,  if  at  all.  She  explicitly  denies  it. 
The  great  interest  in  the  case  lies  in  the  fact  that  she  had  her 
introduction  to  two  delinquencies  at  the  same  time  in  her  life. 
She  has  always  felt  herself  to  be  at  heart  a  nice  girl,  and  says 
she  has  fought  so  hard  against  the  one  delinquency.  She  extrava- 
gantly gave  way  to  the  other,  but  now  has  been  able  to  conquer 
her  tendency  to  stealing  in  an  environment  which  decreased 
unwholesome  sex  suggestions.  It  is  of  the  utmost  interest  to 
know  that  in  spite  of  our  long  failure  to  learn  causes  this  girl 
finally  did  introspect  for  us,  showing  an  example  of  self -explora- 
tion and  self-understanding.  The  result  of  breaking  up  old 
mental  association  processes  has  been  a  complete  cessation,  now 
for  two  years,  of  her  most  extraordinary  indulgence  in  stealing. 

Mental  conflict. 

Case  63. 

Parental  mismanagement. 

Girl,  14  years. 

Developmental  conditions: 

During  antenatal  period  mother 
chronic  mortal  illness. 

Steahng  ^-  +. 

Fair  abihty. 

Case  64.  —  This  case  in  its  naive  expression  of  substitution 
phenomena  is  highly  instructive.    It  concerns  a  boy  13  years  old. 


§  241]  MENTAL    CONFLICTS    AND    REPRESSIONS  [Chap.  X 

On  the  physical  side  we  find  him  to  be  rather  poorly  developed 
and  nourished.  Weight  90  lbs.  Height,  4  ft.  11  in.  Nice-look- 
ing boy  with  regular  pleasant  features  and  responsive  normal  ex- 
pression. Has  decidedly  defective  vision  in  one  eye,  but  in  the 
other  vision  is  normal.    No  other  findings  of  importance. 

On  the  mental  side  it  was  easy  to  find  he  was  well  up  to  the 
ordinary  in  ability,  and  that  his  talents  were  considerably  ahead 
of  his  social  advantages.  From  the  tests  and  his  own  account  it 
was  plain  there  had  been  little  adaption  of  his  school  work  to 
the  needs  of  a  bright  boy.  On  account  of  changing  from  country 
to  city  schools,  he  was  still  only  in  5th  grade.  No  aberrant 
tendencies  were  noted  in  any  way.  The  tests  were  done  uniformly 
well,  although  not  with  great  brilliancy.  His  conversation  was 
thoroughly  coherent. 

Both  father  and  mother  are  dead.  The  history  obtained  from 
relatives  is,  that  there  was  a  very  alcoholic  father,  a  man  who 
never  seemed  to  realize  the  seriousness  of  his  own  actions.  These 
intelligent  people  are  sure  there  has  been  no  insanity,  epilepsj^ 
or  feeblemindedness  on  either  side.  During  pregnancy  the 
mother  is  said  to  have  been  much  worried  because  of  the  drink- 
ing of  the  husband,  and  is  said  to  have  been  actually  in  want. 
The  relatives  make  a  good  deal  of  the  fact  that  at  different 
times  she  used  to  take  little  thing's  for  herself  from  their  house  — 
a  very  natural  proceeding,  it  would  seem,  after  all,  considering 
her  straits.  The  developmental  history,  as  far  as  known,  is 
absolutely  negative.  These  people,  who  have  always  been  in 
more  or  less  intimate  connection  with  the  family,  have  never 
heard  of  any  severe  illness,  injury  or  convulsions.  There  is  a 
normal  sister  who  has  given  no  trouble. 

The  delinquencies  have  been  centered  about  excessive  stealing, 
most  of  which  has  been  done  in  his  own  home.  There  was  some 
complaint  in  school,  but  only  on  account  of  mischief  and  poor 
attention.  Lying  has  only  been  in  regard  to  stealing.  At  times 
he  is  very  penitent  for  what  he  has  done. 

We  found  a  very  frank  and  pleasant  boy,  who  seemed  in  a 
normal  boyish  fashion  not  to  be  given  at  all  to  introspection, 
and  not  at  all  conscious  of  the  connecting  links  of  his  career.  On 
inquiry  it  seems  that  practically  all  his  stealing  is  connected 
with  the  idea  of  bartering  and  trading.  (His  relatives  told  of 
his  taking  articles  of  jewelry  and  all  sorts  of  things  which  he 
gives  away  or  sells  for  small  sums  of  money,  sometimes  receiving 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  241 

only  a  small  amount  of  candy  for  them.  He  has  never  taken  money 
except  in  small  sums.)  He  at  once  says,  "  It 's  that  crazy  idea  of 
trading  that  I  've  got." 

Attempting  to  trace  back  this  idea  of  trading  leads  us  to  im- 
portant discoveries.  It  appears  that  some  3  or  4  years  ago  when 
they  lived  in  a  rural  community,  and  he  was  of  course  a  very 
young  boy,  the  older  fellows  engaged  very  extensively  in  barter- 
ing and  selling  among  themselves,  but  he  was  too  young  to  en- 
gage much  in  this.  On  one  occasion  he  had  an  old  watch  which 
he  bartered,  but  that  was  practically  the  only  thing.  However, 
these  boys  out  there  were  accustomed  to  engage  in  pernicious 
practices  and  initiated  the  little  boys,  as  they  called  it.  "  No- 
body ever  told  me  bad  things  before,  and  there  everybody  did. 
They  were  big  boys.  INIost  every  other  word  they  said  was  bad. 
They  did  it  once  to  me.  Sure,  I  wondered,  and  I  said  bad  words, 
too,  when  I  got  mad.  They  would  tell  stories  about  bad  things. 
It  comes  up  in  my  mind.  I  never  saw  any  bad  pictures,  and 
never  read  anything  bad,  and  there  were  no  bad  girls.  When  I 
first  came  here  to  Chicago,  I  was  thinking  about  the  boys  out 
there.  Yes,  they  got  me  to  do  bad  things,  but  I  quit  when  I 
came  to  Chicago.  I  did  not  take  things  at  the  farm  —  no  money 
or  jewelry  —  nothing  except  the  old  watch." 

"  Now  it 's  temptation  or  something.  I  just  think  about  it. 
Afterguards  I  feel  sorry.  If  I  see  it,  and  it  looks  as  if  I  could  get 
hold  of  it,  I  just  take  it.  Give  it  to  the  other  boys  sometimes. 
Took  money,  the  most  at  one  time  was  25  cents.  Took  jewelry 
and  gave  it  to  a  boy.  Would  ask  him  what  he  would  give  for  it. 
Maybe  he  would  give  a  dime  or  so.  Would  spend  it  on  candy. 
Went  to  nickel  shows  hardly  at  all." 

"  I  hardly  ever  think  about  these  bad  things  any  more.  Never 
think  about  them  when  I  take  things.  I  guess  it  has  got  to  be  a 
habit.  Took  little  things  at  first.  Thought  it  was  no  harm  — 
took  apples  maybe.  Felt  as  if  I  wanted  to  steal,  and  when  I 
got  the  opportunity  would  take  things  if  I  could.  I  've  most 
stopped  doing  these  things  the  kids  showed  me  out  in  the  country. 
I  think  I  just  about  have  stopped." 

"  I  think  it 's  all  because  I  got  that  trading  idea  out  there.  The 
kids  would  bring  things  and  say,  '  What  '11  you  give  me  for  it?  ' 
They  would  bring  a  watch  chain  and  a  few  other  things.  It  was 
the  same  kids  that  taught  me  other  things.  I  think  that 's  what 's 
the  trouble.     It 's  like  trading.     The  kids  here  talk  bad  stories 



like  the  pther  kids  did.  I  never  did  anything  bad  with  them. 
Have  no  temptation  to  do  it  except  when  one  crazy  boy  comes 
jumping  around." 

When  seen  again  the  boy  gave  still  clearer  evidence  of  the 
strange  connection  of  this  stealing  with  trading  and  sex  prac- 
tices. The  boys  who  first  taught  him  bad  sex  things  and  prac- 
ticed bad  sex  things  with  him  were  the  boys  who  had  the  trading 
habit,  and  bartered  or  sold  small  articles.  Now  he  takes  things 
from  home  and,  in  the  same  manner  as  these  older  boys  used  to 
do,  trades  with  the  fellows  in  the  neighborhood  who  do  talk  about 
bad  sex  things,  but  have  not  done  them  with  him.  In  the  mean- 
time he  is  conquering  these  bad  habits.  The  situation  used  to 
be;  sex  affairs  with  boys  who  bartered  and  traded;  now  it  in- 
volves his  bartering  and  trading  with  boys  who  merely  suggest 
sex  affairs. 

It  was  later  learned  that  no  interest  had  ever  been  taken  by 
these  distant  relatives  in  the  inner  thoughts  of  this  boy,  and  that 
they  were  not  in  the  least  aware  of  his  sex  troubles  —  they  merely 
saw  the  obvious  thing,  namely,  the  stealing.  Even  now,  with  a 
better  outlook  predictable,  they  refused  to  keep  him  longer. 
For  about  a  year  the  boy  has  been  getting  along  all  right  in  a  new 

Mental  conflict. 

Case  64. 

Early  sex  teaching. 

Boy,  13  years. 



Educational  disadvantages. 

Physical  conditions : 

Defective  vision  in  one 



Antenatal  conditions  bad. 

Incorrigible  in  school. 
Stealing  -f. 

Fair  ability. 

Case  65.  —  A  girl  of  German  parentage,  who  when  first  seen 
was  a  little  over  10,  for  two  years  had  been  engaged  in  much 
petty  stealing.  She  had  taken  money  and  other  things,  not  only 
from  her  parents  on  repeated  occasions,  but  also  money  and  jewelry 
from  neighbors,  and  various  things  from  school.    She  had  already 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE  CASES  [§  241 

stolen  ill  two  schools,  and  been  expelled.  In  spite  of  much  threat- 
ening of  police,  and  reform  school,  and  some  whipping,  and  hav- 
ing been  given  money  regularly  to  spend,  there  had  been  no 
improvement.  She  was  said  to  be  strong-willed,  but  not  quick- 
tempered, and  to  lie  only  in  the  matter  of  stealing.  Her  parents, 
who  are  tj'pical,  honest  Germans  of  the  artizan  class,  were  at 
their  wit's  end. 

On  the  physical  side  we  find  her  to  be  in  good  general  con- 
dition. There  is  nothing  special  to  be  noted  except  slight  asym- 
metry of  chest. 

On  the  mental  side  the  girl  is  well  up  to  the  ordinary  in  ability 
and  information.  The  tests  were  all  well  done  for  her  age,  and  her 
information  was  much  more  extended  than  we  expected,  until 
we  learned  it  was  a  family  accustomed  to  good  reading  and  good 
conversation.  The  result  on  school  work  was  normal,  indeed 
her  reputation  for  scholarship  was  good. 

There  was  nothing  significant  about  the  ancestry.  The  father 
is  a  quiet,  religious  man,  and  the  mother  is  somewhat  high- 
tempered,  but  there  was  nothing  else  of  significance  learned. 
During  her  infancy  this  child  w^as  very  sickly,  and  long  in  a  hospital 
with  pneumonia,  measles,  w^hooping  cough  and  other  children's 
diseases.  On  account  of  these  she  was  two  years  old  before  she 
walked,  but  she  began  to  talk  well  before  that  time.  No  enuresis 
or  evidence  of  any  other  physical  trouble  when  we  saw  her. 

Nothing  in  any  way  explanatory  of  this  girl's  persistent  steal- 
ing at  first  could  be  obtained.  She  is  cleanly  and  extremely 
modest,  avoids  vulgarity  most  carefully,  is  not  quick-tempered, 
likes  picture  shows  in  a  normal  way.  She  has  a  good  voice, 
and  enjoys  singing.  She  is  very  affectionate  to  parents.  She 
learns  games  quickly  and  enjoys  them  —  in  all  ways  seems  to  be  a 
normal,  and  very  bright  little  girl. 

In  an  attempt,  after  a  couple  of  first  interviews  which  brought 
forth  nothing,  to  get  at  the  genesis  of  her  stealing,  very  interest- 
ing situations  came  to  light.  It  seems  that  where  the  family 
lived  two  years  previously  she  had  for  a  playmate  a  little  boy. 
She  spoke  of  him  with  some  vehemence,  and  after  considerable 
inquiry  said  that  this  boy  long  ago  told  her  a  lot  of  sex  things 
which  she  has  never  well  understood,  but  which  have  been  exces- 
sively in  her  mind  ever  since.  "  That  was  a  boy  across  the  street 
in  X,  who  was  not  a  good  boy,  but  when  a  fellow  comes  over  you 
have  to  treat  him  nice.    He  swore  before  me  and  said  awful  ugly 



words.  Papa  threw  a  stick  at  him  once.  He  started  me  on  the 
road  to  saying  bad  words."  (The  latter  statement  was  especially 
interesting  since  the  parents  had  previously  asserted  she  was 
very  modest  and  would  never  say  even  such  words  of  slang  as 
were  commonly  indulged  in  by  little  girls.) 

"  He  never  did  anything  bad  to  me.  He  's  awM  vulgar  and 
says  bad  things.  I  've  never  said  bad  words  to  other  people,  but 
I  can't  help  thinking  the  words  he  said.  He  got  me  all  mixed  up. 
I  told  mama  about  it  once,  that  he  was  not  a  nice  boy,  but  that 's 
about  all  I  ever  said.  His  father  did  not  support  the  family,  and 
used  to  just  lie  around.  He  told  me  bad  things,  or  hinted  them 
to  me,  and  mama  told  me  never  to  listen  to  bad  things." 

Wlien  asked  whom  she  first  knew  that  stole  things  she  says, 
"  He  's  taken  many  things  of  mine.  I  think  that 's  what  started 
me.  And  then  up  here  I  know  a  girl,  and  a  boy  goes  with  her, 
and  he  told  her  a  lot  of  bad  things  and  she  came  and  told  me 
about  them  right  along.  Oh,  they  are  things  I  would  not  say. 
These  things  come  up  in  my  mind  often.  Well,  when  I  'm  in 
school  and  have  that  headache  I  told  you  about,  and  sometimes 
at  night,  and  then  I  get  all  mixed  up.  They  told  me  many  bad 
things  like  that,  but  when  I  think  of  them  I  just  start  away  and 
go  away  and  that 's  the  only  way  I  can  get  away  from  them. 
When  these  things  come  up  I  forget  all  I  'm  doing  and  get  upset 
and  then  sometimes  I  take  things." 

She  assures  us  her  papa  and  mama  are  good  to  her,  and  then 
tells  us  how  she  would  like  a  chain  for  her  neck,  even  if  it  were 
not  a  silver  one,  but  would  like  one  that  looked  like  silver.  She 
then  goes  on  with  her  story,  and  says  nobody  ever  actually  taught 
her  to  do  really  bad  sex  things,  and  she  does  not  do  them,  but  it  is 
just  the  idea  of  these  things  that  worries  her.  She  repeats  a 
little  piece  of  obscene  poetry  that  she  says  comes  up  in  her  mind. 
The  rest  of  the  story  all  hinges  on  the  same  point.  "  These 
things  come  up  to  me  when  I  am  in  school,  and  I  can't  study  well. 
I  got  all  mixed  up  at  P.  school,  too."  (This  was  the  school  where 
she  stole.) 

Corroboration  was  readily  obtained  from  the  parents  in  regard 
to  her  boy  friend  and  the  character  of  his  family,  and  also  that 
it  was  just  when  they  came  away  from  there  that  she  began  to 
steal.  It  was  very  hard  for  these  intelligent  parents  to  believe 
their  little  girl  could  be  thinking  of  sex  things  when  her  demeanor 
was  so  exceptionally  calculated  to  make  them  believe  she  was 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  241 

entirely  innocent,  as  they  thought.  They  knew  she  was  modest 
even  to  the  extent  of  her  not  wishing  any  one  to  see  her  take  her 
bath.  However,  they  fell  quite  in  line  and  agreed  to  explore  the 
whole  situation  still  farther. 

The  outcome  of  this  case  has  proved  the  point,  for  from  the 
time  of  this  first  exploration  of  the  trouble  there  has  been  in  the 
following  three  years  a  complete  cessation  of  her  old  stealing. 
The  good  mother  took  up  the  question  of  sex  ^teaching  with  her 
child,  and  found  all  the  story  to  be  true.  Then  with  exploration 
and  much  reconstructive  work,  keeping  the  girl's  mind  active 
in  school  and  at  home,  there  has  been  full  measure  of  success. 
The  child  has  developed  well  mentally,  morally  and  physically. 

No  better  example  of  mental  conflict  causing  delinquency  could 
be  found.  There  was  the  substitution  of  one  form  of  misconduct 
for  another;  the  repressed  type  being  the  one  really  dwelled 
on  and  obsessional,  but  considered  as  altogether  too  bad  to  be 
engaged  in. 

Mental  conflict. 

Case  65. 

Bad  companions. 

Girl,  10  years. 

Steahng  -\ — 1-. 

Good  ability. 

Case  66.  —  In  another  case,  strikingly  similar  to  the  above, 
with  the  exception  that  the  girl  was  brought  up  by  misguided 
relatives  who  denied  her  help  when  she  asked  for  it,  remarkable 
evidence  of  the  association  of  ideas  was  obtained.  The  dynamic 
quality  of  the  associations  centering  about  the  companion  who 
taught  both  stealing  and  the  strange,  new  facts  of  sex  life,  is 
obvious  in  the  following  excerpt  from  the  offender's  statement 
given  when  an  analysis  was  attempted  of  what  led  up  to  the  most 
recent  occasion  of  stealing. 

"  I  was  thinking  about  those  words  when  I  took  the  money 
from  my  teacher.  My  teacher  was  putting  on  her  hat,  school  was 
over.  There  was  just  three  girls  with  me.  I  had  been  thinking 
those  words.  Sometimes  when  I  'm  eating  I  think  about  Sam 
and  I  think  I  hear  him  saying  those  words.  It  was  in  the  after- 
noon —  we  was  having  reading  at  3  o'clock  —  we  was  reading 
about  a  little  boy  and  it  said  Sam,  and  it  came  up  in  my  mind 
about  Sam  S.  and  the  words  he  said." 



Mental  conflict.  Case  66. 

Bad  companions.  ^^^^'  ^^  years. 

Lack  parental  understanding. 

Mother  dead,  ignorant  grandmother. 

SteaUng  +  +.  Good  abihty. 

These  histories  should  conclusively  demonstrate  a  certain  type 
of  beginnings.  If  desirable  we  could  add  many  data  about 
longer  careers  of  pathological  stealing,  so-called  kleptomania;^  per- 
haps one  short  summary,  however,  of  a  study  of  an  older  person 
will  be  sufficient  here. 

Case  67.  —  A  young  woman  discovered  in  a  series  of  thefts 
was  considered  to  be  a  case  fit  for  study,  rather  than  for  handling 
through  the  courts.  After  consulting  with  the  family  physician, 
a  considerable  analysis  was  made  of  her  career.  On  account  of 
her  brilliant  mental  attainments,  her  present  frank  regard  of 
herself  as  a  problem  to  be  solved,  and  a  curious  autobiographical 
caprice,  which  had  long  possessed  her,  the  case  was  most  satis- 
factory and  interesting  to  study.  It  turned  out  that  the  thieving 
just  then  under  consideration  was  a  mere  incident  in  a  long  career 
of  stealing.  Perhaps  hundreds  of  articles  and  many  small  sums 
of  money  had  been  taken  from  home,  shops,  school  and  other 
places.  Some  of  the  things  were  desired  and  were  used,  other 
things  were  taken  without  thought  of  any  possible  value. 

On  one  occasion  she  had  taken,  she  told  us,  a  mathematical 
text  book  for  which  she  had  no  conceivable  use,  and  after  walking 
around  the  block  she  replaced  it  in  the  large  book  store  from 
whence  it  came.  At  times  perfect  orgies  of  stealing  were  engaged 
in,  and  the  articles  taken  were  recorded  carefully.  It  is  a  tribute  to 
this  woman's  powers  that  she  always  managed  to  evade  detection. 

The  long-kept  diaries,  partly  in  cryptogram,  we  were  fortu- 
nate enough  to  be  allowed  to  read.  They  were  replete  with  self- 
denunciation  and  vows  for  the  future.  Stolen  articles  were  some- 
times enumerated  with  the  idea  of  paying  back  the  values,  and  in- 
deed we  learned  that  this  young  woman  had  on  occasions  worked 

1  The  form  of  excessive  stealing  which  is  loosely  termed  kleptomania  is 
discussed  properly  in  another  place,  §  366.  Many,  but  by  no  means  all, 
among  those  who  have  a  passion  or  special  impulse  to  steal  are  the  subjects 
of  hidden  mental  confhct,  as  dealt  with  in  the  present  chapter. 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE  CASES  [§  241 

hard  for  months  at  a  time  to  get  funds,  which  she  sent  anony- 
mously to  various  business  firms  as  conscience  money.  We 
learned  that  after  a  quiescent  period  of  months  there  might  occur 
outbursts  of  stealing.  These  were  accompanied  at  least  once  or 
twice  with  a  short  running  away  from  home  —  under  pretense 
of  going  to  friends,  she  would  sleep  somewhere  out  of  doors.  All 
of  this  was  evidently,  at  least  sometimes,  followed  by  a  keen 
sense  of  relief  or  even  of  peace,  and  later  by  attempts  to  repair  the 
damage  done. 

There  had  been  markedly  good  health  all  through  her  life, 
with  considerable  over-development  earlier  in  adolescence. 
Much  was  made  of  the  relation  of  the  impetuous  outbreaks  to 
menstrual  or  pre-menstrual  periods,  but  on  closer  observation 
it  was  found  that  the  two  were  not  always  synchronous.  De- 
velopment dm-ing  infancy  and  childhood  was  probably  quite 
normal.  The  only  fault  we  know  of  in  heredity  is  the  father's 
sex  immorality,  a  fact  our  patient  has  been  acquainted  with 
from  early  years.  Her  brothers  and  sisters  have  turned  out 
well,  both  mentally  and  physically. 

There  were  many  indications  in  this  case  of  deep-rooted  mental 
conflict,  strongest  proof  of  all  being  in  the  year-long  records 
kept  by  herself  of  her  owm  struggles.  An  early  awakening  of 
sex  impulses  was  accompanied  by  early  experiences  with  stealing 
as  a  hazardous  and  not  unpleasant  adventure.  Later  there  was 
sublimation  of  sex  feelings  into  Platonic  friendships,  with  only 
occasional  thie\dng.  Still  later  there  had  been  a  reawakening  of 
vigorous  sex  instincts,  a  definite  straightforward  fight  against 
them,  and  the  extraordinary  outbreaks  of  stealing  which  we  have 
mentioned.  Such  is  the  shortest  possible  summary  of  this  case. 
With  the  establishment  of  the  marriage  relationship  the  impulse 
to  steal  has  been  quite  overcome  now  for  a  considerable  period. 

Mental  coniiict. 

Case  67. 

Physical  conditions: 

early  over-development, 
early  awakening  sex  impulses. 

Woman,  age  20. 

Poor  home  control :  an  orphan. 

Heredity:  Father  immoral. 

Stealing  excessive. 

High  abilities. 


§  241]  MENTAL    CONFLICTS    AND    REPRESSIONS  [Chap.  X 

Possibility  of  the  development  of  an  extreme  anti-social  atti- 
tude and  a  most  peculiar  frame  of  mind  as  the  result  of  a  hidden 
mental  conflict  is  remarkably  witnessed  to  by  the  following  two 

Case  68.  —  Some  three  years  ago  I  was  asked  to  study  a  case 
by  the  judge  of  one  of  the  smaller  juvenile  courts,  a  case  which 
had  proved  remarkably  recalcitrant,  and  baffling  to  understand. 
Coming  and  going  through  their  city  I  had  ample  opportunity 
to  see  this  boy  of  12  years  many  times  and  to  get  well  acquainted 
with  his  unusually  pleasant  mother,  who  regarded  her  boy  as 
a  desperate  problem.  That  the  case  so  far  has  been  a  failure  has 
its  lesson  for  us,  equally  with  those  in  which  there  has  been  more 
success.  As  an  example  of  extensive  grudge  formation  and 
development  of  anti-social  feeling  at  an  early  age,  the  study  of 
this  case  is  most  illuminating.  We  have  studied  the  same  phe- 
nomena in  older  individuals,  but  nowhere  have  we  found  such 
direct  proof  of  the  peculiar  and  largely  preventable  beginnings 
which  there  may  be  in  the  background. 

We  saw  at  once  that  the  opinion  of  the  judge  was  correct— here 
was  a  most  peculiar  lad,  so  far  as  his  attitude  towards  the  world 
was  concerned.  According  to  his  notion,  nobody  was  his  friend, 
and  the  very  kindliest  advances  were  repulsed  by  him.  This  judge 
is  a  man  who  can  reach  a  boy  if  anybody  can,  and  his  court  ad- 
mits of  much  personal  touch  with  offenders,  but  he  acknowl- 
edged himself  an  utter  failure.  We,  too,  had  the  same  opinion 
of  our  efforts  even  after  several  interviews,  and  no  real  under- 
standing of  the  case  was  had,  in  spite  of  voluminous  records  of 
facts,  until  several  months  afterwards  when  we  visited  him  in  a 
certain  reformatory  institution,  and  we  were  able  for  the  first 
time  to  get  at  the  foundations  of  his  attitude. 

This  boy  was  born  in  Germany  and  we  found  him  to  be  a 
typical  blond  Teuton.  Complete  examination  showed  only  the 
following  peculiarities.  Poorly  developed  for  his  age.  Weight 
75  lbs.  Height  4  ft.  7  in.  One  tonsil  much  enlarged.  No  sensory 
defect.  Slight  phimosis  which  was  soon  afterward  relieved  by 
circumcision.  W^ell-shaped  head.  Teeth  crowded,  with  little 
room  for  those  yet  to  be  erupted.  Eyes  bright.  Moderate  biting 
of  finger  nails.  Strength  fair  and  good  expansion  of  chest.  His 
expression  was  remarkable;  not  exactly  stubborn  and  defiant, 
with  the  attitude  of  the  bad  boy  of  the  street,  but  rather 
blase,  and  altogether  firm.     With  his  small  features,  pug  nose, 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  241 

and  firmly  compressed  straight  mouth,  he  made  a  marked 

Our  study  of  the  character  of  this  boy  has  continued  at  in- 
tervals over  a  long  period.  At  the  time  when  first  asked  to  give 
an  opinion  we  had  not  succeeded  in  getting  him  to  do  the  tests 
—  his  being  the  only  case  in  which  they  have  not  invoked  interest. 
He  assumed  a  listless  attitude,  indifferently  worked  at  this  or 
that,  and  finally  said  he  could  not  do  it.  ^Vhen  later  he  was  asked 
why  he  failed,  he  said  he  had  not  tried  hard  enough.  This  atti- 
tude w^as  characteristic.  He  had  only  advanced  to  the  4th  grade, 
and  yet  the  feeling  of  his  teachere  was  that  this  was  due  to  per- 
vereity  rather  than  lack  of  ability. 

From  his  mother  and  teachers  we  heard  accounts  of  his  school 
life  which,  as  his  mother  suggested,  made  one  very  sorry  for  his 
teachers.  He  had  been  unwilling  to  make  effort  to  learn,  and 
had  interfered  much  with  the  teaching  of  others.  He  had  even 
struck  some  of  his  teachers.  There  had  been  much  changing 
about  from  school  to  school.  A  teacher  experienced  in  the  treat- 
ment of  offenders,  who  had  him  in  charge  when  we  first  saw  him, 
gave  me  an  enlightening  account  of  his  attitude.  She  gave  him 
a  simple  problem  in  arithmetic  and  he  said  he  could  not  do  it. 
She  told  him  to  try.  He  did  it  wrong  and  she  told  him  so,  and 
then  he  went  over  it  some  four  times,  showing  it  to  her  each  time. 
On  each  occasion  he  purposely  copied  it  wrong,  so  as  never  to  do 
correctly  her  original  example.  At  the  same  time  when  I  asked 
him  his  age  he  said  he  was  13,  then  later  said  he  was  born  in  1900. 
When  I  called  his  attention  to  the  discrepancy,  he  shrugged  his 
shoulders  and  showed  sullenness.  When  I  again  kindly  inquired 
he  said,  "  I  'm  12.  I  'm  11.  I  'm  6."  It  was  at  this  time  that 
two  other  experienced  observers  of  boys  informed  me  that  they 
felt  very  certain  the  boy  was  not  right  in  his  mind.  They  gave 
as  reasons  his  persistent  anti-social  attitude,  his  lying,  bad  be- 
havior, and  particularly  the  amount  of  trouble  he  got  himself 
into  as  the  result  of  his  assumed  point  of  view. 

The  woman  officer  of  the  court,  a  most  kindly  personage,  told 
us  this  was  the  only  case  in  which  she,  as  well  as  the  judge,  had 
utterly  failed,  and  that  the  boy's  whole  attitude  and  behavior  were 
the  most  remarkable  thing  she  had  ever  heard  of.  My  impres- 
sion from  the  start  was  that  his  frame  of  mind  with  its  stubborn 
recalcitrancy,  instead  of  boyish  defiance,  was  a  very  similar  atti- 
tude to  what  one  has  frequently  observed  in  adult  confirmed 


§   241]  MENTAL    CONFLICTS    AND    REPRESSIONS  [Chap.  X 

offenders.  Although  the  general  opinion  was  that  the  boy  was 
insane,  we  could  not  find  any  typical  symptoms  of  psychosis. 

In  the  endeavor  to  break  through  his  marked  attitude  in  the 
several  interviews  which  we  had  in  this  first  period,  we  noted  it 
was  almost  impossible  to  get  him  to  drop  for  even  a  few  minutes 
his  pose  of  perversity.  The  teacher  at  our  request  talked  to 
him  about  his  very  sweet  little  mother,  and  how  she  felt  he  was 
almost  sending  her  crazy  by  his  actions.  He  merely  tossed  his 
head  with  indifference.  Never  were  we  able  to  get  out  of  him 
the  slightest  show  of  sorrow.  He  grew  neither  angry  nor  sad. 
Let  alone  in  the  school-room  directly  after  a  demonstration  of 
bad  behavior,  he  took  to  reading  a  book  and  became  thoroughly 
absorbed,  and  later  in  industrial  work  he  made  a  very  pretty 
cardboard  house. 

Before  we  stopped  our  first  efforts  we  had  ascertained  from 
him  that  he  conceived  the  whole  world  to  be  doing  him  an  injus- 
tice. He  was  being  railroaded  through  court,  his  mother  did 
not  treat  him  right,  the  judge  was  a  good  enough  man,  but  never- 
theless the  court  simply  sent  boys  away  without  caring  for  them  in 
the  least.  It  was  true  he  had  stolen  on  numerous  occasions  and 
run  away  and  so  on,  but  he  had  good  reason  to  —  he  was  so  badly 
treated.  His  mother  wants  to  put  hun  away  for  his  life-time.  He 
wants  to  live  with  his  grandmother.  We  knew  that  he  had  pre- 
viously told  a  lot  of  lies  to  the  authorities,  some  of  which  had 
given  considerable  trouble,  particularly  when  he  said  he  had 
just  come  from  relatives  v/here  they  had  scarlet  fever,  and  that 
he  himself  felt  sick  with  sore  throat  and  so  on.  He  insisted  on 
the  truth  of  this  to  me,  although  it  had  been  found  to  be  abso- 
lutely untrue.  He  said  there  was  no  use  talking  to  him,  because 
the  court  had  made  up  its  mind  to  put  him  away,  and  had  done 
so  from  the  start  —  the  only  thing  anybody  could  do  for  him 
was  to  let  him  go  free,  that 's  all  he  wanted.  He  willingly  ac- 
knowledged he  had  stolen  from  these  very  relatives  to  whom  he 
said  he  wanted  to  go.  He  seemed  to  think  no  one  should  have 
any  idea  of  disciplining  or  chiding  him  for  anything  he  had  ever 

At  this  time  and  later  he  wrote  elaborate  letters,  telling  of 
many  delinquencies  which  were  not  known  to  the  authorities, 
although  most  of  them  his  mother  said  were  true  enough,  and 
endeavoring  evidently  to  make  himself  out  as  bad  a  boy  as  he 
really  was.    Sometimes  in  his  letters  he  said  he  hoped  to  go  home 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  241 

and  have  a  chance  to  be  a  better  boy,  but  in  general  there  was 
very  shght  indication  of  any  intention  or  promise  to  change  in  any 
way  his  career. 

The  story  of  the  very  inteUigent  mother  was  told  at  great  length 
at  this  time.  She  had  conjectured  all  sorts  of  possibilities  in 
explanation  of  his  remarkable  behavior,  which  had  grieved  her 
so  terribly.  She  is  a  fairly  well-educated,  self-supporting,  Ger- 
man woman.  Her  husband  died  two  years  previously,  leaving 
her  with  three  children.  She  knew  her  husband's  family  well. 
She  is  absolutely  positive  there  is  no  insanity,  feebleminded- 
ness, or  epilepsy  on  either  side.  Her  husband  was  a  perfectly 
healthy  man.  He  was  a  moderate  user  of  beer,  but  he  was  never 
intoxicated.  He  was  employed  for  nine  years  in  a  responsible 
position  as  an  engineer  up  to  the  time  of  his  death,  they  having 
just  previously  immigrated.  He  died  of  pneumonia.  The  two 
eldest  childen  alive  were  born  in  the  old  country.  The  mother 
is  40  years  of  age,  and  had  eight  children  and  one  miscarriage. 
The  eldest  is  alive  —  a  very  bright  boy  who  graduated  from 
grammar  school  before  he  was  12  years  of  age.  Later  he  went 
to  high  school,  and  always  did  well.  He  is  a  stable  character. 
Tlien  came  a  still-birth,  then  a  premature  child,  then  our  boy, 
Victor,  then  three  children  who  lived  only  a  few  minutes,  then  a 
miscarriage,  and  then  the  third  living  child,  now  four  years  of 
age,  who  is  healthy.  All  the  seven  children  born  at  full  term 
were  taken  with  instruments.  The  eldest  boy  had  convulsions 
when  teething,  the  youngest  when  he  had  bowel  trouble,  but 
Victor  never  had  any.  During  the  pregnancy  with  Victor  the 
mother  was  healthy,  but  much  worried  because  the  paternal 
grandfather  had  been  involved  in  some  trouble  in  the  old  country, 
having  done  something  dishonest,  and  had  come  over  to  them. 
He  was  not  in  the  least  a  regular  criminal,  but  she  was  much 
worried  and  has  often  wondered  if  this  did  not  affect  her  boy. 
The  birth  was  particularly  severe.  The  head  was  badly  marked 
from  pressure  but  soon  got  over  it.  He  walked  at  nine  months. 
He  began  baby  talk  at  that  time,  but  did  not  speak  so  that  people 
outside  the  family  could  understand  him  until  he  was  six  years 
old.  When  first  started  at  school  he  was  sent  home  on  this  ac- 
count, but  by  seven  he  had  become  a  fluent  talker.  He  has  never 
had  any  illness  at  all  except  through  accidents.  He  once  fell  off 
a  wagon  and  broke  his  arm  in  a  couple  of  places,  and  hurt  his 
foot.     He  recovered  without  trouble.     At  another  time  he  fell 


§  241]  MENTAL    CONFLICTS    AND    REPRESSIONS  [Chap.  X 

off  the  porch  and  remained  practically  unconscious  all  day  long 
from  concussion  —  there  were  no  bruises  or  cuts  or  any  sign  of 
permanent  injury. 

They  never  had  much  trouble  with  Victor  until  he  was  about 
10  years  old,  about  the  time  his  father  died.  Since  then  he  is  like 
a  wild  and  reckless  animal.  Previously  he  had  made  one  grade 
a  year.  The  family  have  shown  the  utmost  patience  with  him, 
but  his  misdeeds  have  been  a  terrible  list.  He  has  stolen  the 
prized  belongings  of  his  dead  father  and  sold  them.  He  has  been 
a  great  truant  in  spite  of  much  effort  to  prevent  this.  He  goes 
away  some  distance  on  the  street  cars,  and  sometimes  is  gone 
as  many  as  three  nights  at  a  time.  Many  times  he  has  gotten  money 
in  small  amounts  by  misrepresentation.  He  has  gone  to  the 
neighbors  and  borrowed  money  to  get  medicine  for  an  alleged 
sick  baby.  There  is  no  end  of  the  stories  he  has  told — they  often 
contain  terrible  details  and  have  injured  the  mother's  reputation. 
He  has  recently  taken  to  smoking.  He  is  perfectly  wild  for  coffee 
—  wants  three  or  four  cups  for  breakfast.  He  sits  and  sips  it,  and 
when  his  mother  is  away  he  will  make  it  for  himself.  He  has  a 
most  peculiar  appetite.  For  instance,  he  will  buy  a  quantity 
of  biscuits  or  cake,  and  sit  out  of  doors,  eat  what  he  wants 
and  throw  the  rest  away.  The  mother  has  been  at  much  expense 
for  goods  he  has  obtained  at  stores  by  misrepresentation.  She 
had  him  at  one  institution,  but  they  did  not  want  to  keep  him 
and  would  not  do  so  unless  she  would  pay  more  than  she  could 
afford.  The  boy  is  rather  boastful  about  wrong  things  he  has 
done.  The  mother  has  never  observed  any  bad  sex  habits  al- 
though she  has  had  these  in  mind.  As  far  as  known,  there  are 
no  bad  girls  in  the  neighborhood,  but  there  is  one  family  of  bad 
boys  with  whom  Victor  has  associated  in  the  past.  Mother  ob- 
serves that  pitying  him,  the  thing  she  is  inclined  to  do,  is  the 
worst  thing  for  him,  yet  she  has  not  succeeded  by  disciplining 
him,  nor  has  the  eldest  brother.  Victor  has  done  the  most 
heartless  things.  For  instance,  he  has  stolen  the  dearest  belong- 
ings of  an  orphan  girl,  relics  of  her  parents,  and  buried  them  in 
a  pile  of  sand.  Some  of  his  stealing  shows  tremendous  reckless- 
ness. He  took  a  valuable  bicycle  and  in  a  short  time  sold  it  for 
thirty-five  cents. 

He  does  not  seem,  whether  at  home  or  in  the  school-room,  at 
all  like  other  children.  All  he  seems  to  care  for  is  a  place  to  eat 
and  sleep.    He  never  plays  a  game  at  home,  although  there  are 


Chap.  X]  ILLrSTHATIVE   CASES  [§  241 

many.  He  never  touches  any  of  the  family  books.  Never  looks 
at  pictures.  ^Mien  other  boys  and  girls  sing  he  never  joins  in 
with  them.  Does  not  even  read  the  funny  pictures  in  the  news- 
papers. No  one  ever  succeeded  in  making  a  friend  or  confidant 
of  him.  They  have  a  very  kindly  family  physician  who  has  taken 
the  boy  on  rides,  given  him  money,  and  tried  to  win  him,  but 
when  his  back  is  turned  Victor  scornfully  laughs  at  the  overtures. 
In  one  of  his  lettei-s  he  boasted  of  having  kicked  a  teacher  in  the 
stomach  and  made  her  faint.  He  never  wants  to  go  to  a  matinee 
or  a  picnic  w^hen  invited  with  other  children.  Has  rejected  many 
offers  for  normal  fun. 

After  going  as  far  as  this  we  said  we  could  not  give  a  fair 
diagnosis  nor  prognosis.  Although  the  biological  and  possible 
causative  factors  seem  to  stand  out  so  clearly,  we  felt  there 
might  be  much  else  that  could  account  for  his  mental  bias,  and 
w^e  still  felt  we  did  not  thoroughly  understand  the  case  and  could 
give  no  opinion  either  in  regard  to  native  ability  or  aberrational 

In  the  succeeding  months  other  opportunities  came  for  gaining 
further  information.  He  was  placed  in  a  reformatory  institution 
wdiere  we  later  saw  him.  After  he  had  been  there  several  months 
a  special  trip  was  made  to  study  this  important  case.  We  im- 
pressed this  fact  on  the  boy  and  it  rather  seemed  to  be  an  opening 
wedge  into  his  good  will.  His  behavior  there  had  been  quite 
indifferent  and  he  had  had  many  demerits  for  various  sorts  of 
recalcitrancy.  He  was  now  more  or  less  willing  to  cooperate 
with  us  on  tests,  although  we  felt  at  times  that  curious  inhibitions 
were  at  work  preventing  him  from  doing  his  best.  The  findings 
were  as  follows: 

Our  own  series: 

On  the  Binet  12-year-old  test  the  only  failure  is  that  he  cannot  give 
a  definition  of  the  word  charity  nor  of  justice,  although  he  has  some 
inkling  of  what  they  mean. 

III.  Done  in  30"  with  9  moves. 

IV.  Done  in  35"  with  11  moves  —  the  minimum  number  of  moves. 

V.  Worked  entirely  by  trial  and  error  method,  pulling  a  little  at 
this  and  a  little  at  that,  and  not  following  up  any  step  even  when  he 
had  done  it.  He  made  no  study  of  the  problem,  although  he  was  told 
to  do  so,  but  even  by  his  blundering  method  he  succeeded  in  3' . 

VI.  10  items  on  free  recital  with  a  moderately  good  record  on  cross- 
examination.  Only  one,  unimportant,  suggestion  out  of  6  was  accepted. 

VII.  Correct. 


§  241]  MENTAL    CONFLICTS    AND    REPRESSIONS  [Chap.  X 

VIII.  Only  one  error  on  reproduction  and  this  he  recognized  as  an 
error,  but  strangely  enough  did  not  work  by  the  process  of  elimina- 
tion to  get  the  only  left  over  number  in  its  place. 

IX.  Correct  at  first  trial.  (It  is  instructive  to  note  that  this  simple 
test  was  entirely  failed  on  at  a  previous  seance,  the  boy  maintained 
he  could  not  understand  it.) 

X.  Correct  at  first  trial. 

XI.  This  rather  difficult  test  he  did  as  far  as  writing  the  first  word 
in  symbols,  with  only  one  error,  and  then  insisted  on  giving  up  because 
it  was  too  hard  —  a  strange  performance,  showing  still  some  disincli- 
nation to  fall  in  with  what  was  requested  of  him. 

XII.  The  standard  test  in  this  case  was  not  used  on  account  of 
his  poor  reading  ability.  A  test  with  simpler  words  was  done  very 
well  with  a  correct  sequence  of  ideas  remembered. 

XIII.  Only  6  items  out  of  the  12  given  correctly  and  with  some  little 
variation  in  the  meaning.  One  felt  very  distinctly  by  the  result  the 
boy  was  not  trying. 

XIV.  Done  correctly  only  at  the  f  oiu-th  trial.  Very  poor  performance 
and  even  then,  on  account  of  the  difficulties  with  the  fine  work,  he 
required  much  encouragement. 

XVII.  Writes  a  very  immature  hand  even  for  his  age.  Spells 
most  words  correctly.  He  has  been  a  good  deal  of  a  letter  writer, 
and  his  composition,  while  childlike,  is  not  altogether  bad. 

XVIII.  Never  even  learned  the  multiplication  tables.  Is  very  care- 
less in  his  addition. 

XIX.  Reads  simple  passages  all  right,  but  his  knowledge  of  the 
longer  words  is  very  poor. 

XXII.  Reads  neither  books  nor  newspapers.  Knows  almost  noth- 
ing in  history.  Knows  the  ordinary  sporting  events  of  the  day. 
Knows  the  simplest  of  ideas  about  scientific  things,  but  not  much  else. 

The  boy  seemed  much  pleased  when  he  did  tests  quickly  and 
correctly,  but  showed  himself  to  have  little  continuity  of  purpose. 
When  he  was  seen  this  time,  he  was  showing  much  more  cheerfulness 
than  he  had  manifested  before,  and  was  even  willing  to  smile  a  little. 
We  diagnosed  his  ability  as  fair,  although  even  then  he  was  not  doing 
well  at  the  school  in  the  institution.  We  felt,  however,  there  was  an 
element  of  mental  dullness  from  possibly  other  causes  than  his  exces- 
sive coffee  drinking  and  recent  smoking,  and  his  story  later  showed  this 
to  be  the  fact. 

When  we  saw  him  at  the  institution  he  was  willing  for  the 
first  time  to  give  us  some  account  of  his  own  feelings  towards 
the  world  and  how  he  happened  to  have  them.  He  told  of  his  own 
bad  behavior  and  demerits  in  the  institution.  He  spoke  in  a  very 
low  voice,  but  showed  willing  and  pleasant  responsiveness.  Was 
biting  his  finger  nails  a  great  deal.  Asked  about  the  beginnings 
of  his  stealing,  he  gave  us  a  story  about  neighbor  boys  whom  he 
used  to  know  when  he  was  seven  or  eight  years  old.    They  told 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  241 

him  much  about  thieving,  and  got  him  definitely  .into  the  way 
of  stealing.  I  said  to  him  that  although  he  had  proved  such  a 
difficult  problem  people  really  were  interested  in  him  and  in  evi- 
dence of  this  I  had  come  a  long  distance  to  see  him.  He  at  once 
plunged  into  the  sex  question.  He  said  the  boys  who  first  taught 
him  stealing  were  the  ones  who  told  him  the  other  things  that  had 
been  coming  up  in  his  mind  ever  since.  He  gave  a  very  vivid 
account  of  how  by  night  and  day  their  teachings  had  been  with 
him,  and  how  he  had  never  given  way  to  doing  the  worst  things 
they  had  taught  him,  but  had  been  engaged  in  sex  habits  by  him- 
self. He  insists  his  sex  troubles  bothered  him  every  night  before 
he  went  to  sleep  or  when  he  waked  up.  He  was  particularly 
bitter  about  the  case  of  a  little  girl,  which  he  told  to  us.  She  had 
never  said  am-thing  bad  to  him,  nor  had  he  ever  seen  her  do  any- 
thing bad,  and  he  always  supposed  she  was  a  nice  girl.  Later 
he  came  to  know  she  did  bad  things  with  other  boys.  He  has 
thought  a  good  deal  about  this  ever  since.  Sometimes  he  wakes 
up  and  thinks  about  it,  sometimes  he  dreams  about  it,  and  dreams 
he  was  the  one  doing  bad  with  her.  States  that  in  school  hours 
it  frequently  came  to  his  mind  what  these  boys  told  him.  Finally 
got  around  to  telling  us  he  had  really  been  indulging  in  sex  prac- 
tices frequently  for  a  long  time  and  doing  it  sometimes  quite 
excessively.  His  mother  never  said  anything  to  him  about  it. 
He  seemed  to  think  very  definitely  that  this  is  the  entire  trouble 
with  him,  and  when  seen  at  a  second  interview,  he  again  reit- 
erated the  whole  point. 

It  is  interesting  to  note  the  boy's  appearance  did  not  partic- 
ularly suggest  his  habits,  and  that  no  one  had  suspected  them 
heretofore.  The  boy  gave  some  account  of  how  secretive  he  had 
been  in  the  matter.  As  seen  at  the  institution  for  the  first  time 
tears  came  to  his  eyes  and  as  I  left  he  gave  me  a  good  clasp  of 
the  hand,  the  first  bit  of  friendly  feeling  I  had  ever  heard  of  his 
exhibiting  toward  any  one.  At  this  time  it  seemed  the  boy 
really  wanted  to  change,  and  felt  he  had  expressed  the  real 
nature  of  his  trouble.  It  seemed  without  any  question  to  be  a 
case  of  mental  conflict  in  which  the  temptation  to  the  worst 
type  of  delinquency,  namely,  sex  perversion  and  indulgence  with 
girls,  had  been  steadily  resisted,  and  that  lesser  misdeeds  learned 
at  the  same  time,  namely,  self  abuse  and  stealing  had  been  freely 
indulged  in.  He  emphasized  the  point  of  how  the  boys  had  tried 
to  lead  him  into  sex  perversion,  but  he  always  fought  them  off. 



We  have  every  reason  to  believe  this  is  true  because  his  record 
at  the  institution,  both  at  this  time  and  later,  does  not  contain 
the  slightest  evidence  of  any  tendency  in  this  direction. 

There  is  little  more  that  needs  to  be  said  in  this  case.  As  else- 
where stated,  reconstructive  measures  in  such  an  instance  is 
necessary.  The  mother  has  never  taken  hold  of  the  matter  in 
spite  of  our  request  for  her  to  do  so  —  she  has  never  been  willing 
to  take  the  trip  to  find  out  in  detail  what  is  necessary  for  under- 
standing and  treatment  of  such  a  case.  In  the  interval  since 
we  first  saw  him  the  boy  has  been  in  and  out  of  institutions. 
Since  then  he  has  had  an  admirable  record  in  them.  He  is  well 
liked  by  others  and  works  up  to  positions  of  responsibility.  But 
when  tried  at  home  the  effect  of  old  associations  has  been  alto- 
gether too  much  for  him,  especially  since  no  parental  aid  to  self- 
restraint  has  been  given.  At  each  trial  he  has  resumed  stealing 
and  other  delinquencies,  then  has  been  sent  back  to  institutional 
life,  and  at  present  is  in  an  industrial  school  for  boys. 

Mental  conflict.  Case  68. 

Early  sex  experiences.  ^^y'  ^se  12. 

Bad  companions. 

Bad  sex  habits  and  fight  against  them. 

Developmental : 

Antenatal?     Mother  much  worrying. 
Natal:  difficult  birth. 

Physical:  Impacted  teeth?    Phimosis. 
Poor  development. 

Runaway.  Stimulants  +  Cofl"ee.    Tobacco. 

Stealing  -|-.  Mental: 

Misrepresentations.  Fair  ability. 

Case  69.  —  This  is  the  case  of  a  little  girl  of  10  who  repeatedly 
both  stole  and  set  fires.  She  was  regarded  by  even  her  poor  and 
extremely  ignorant  parents  as  nothing  short  of  a  mystery  and  a 
terrific  problem.  Poverty  and  delinquency  have  accompanied 
her  family  life,  her  brothers  have  been  delinquent,  but  the 
viciousness  of  this  little  girl's  behavior  seemed  to  mark  her  as 
well  beyond  the  bounds  of  what  the  family  was  acquainted  with. 

We  found  a  poorly-dressed,  heavy-featured  little  Slavic  girl. 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  241 

Except  for  rather  poor  color  and  being  tired  looking,  she  was  in 
decidedly  good  general  physical  condition.  No  sensory  defect. 
We  note  she  readily  takes  on  a  very  worried  look  for  such  a  little 
gu'l,  and  in  presence  of  her  family  her  demeanor  was  seen  to 
be  most  stubborn.  An  elder  sister  who  brought  her  exercised 
the  most  motherly  authority  and  seemed  to  be  far  the  brightest 
of  the  family.  The  parents  are  densely  ignorant  and  do  the  most 
menial  work. 

The  mental  examination  of  this  girl  proved  to  be  altogether 
interesting  and  important.  She  was  only  in  the  2d  grade,  but 
on  account  of  frequent  absence  this  perhaps  meant  little. 

Mental  tests:  our  own  series: 

I.  1'  45".  At  this  first  trial  it  was  evident  the  girl  was  under  the 
spell  of  some  inhibitions,  for  she  persistently  attempted  impossible 
placing  of  pieces. 

III.  5'  38".  34  total  moves.  12  impossibilities  attempted  and  12 
repetitions  of  impossibilities.  We  gave  this  same  test  again  after  a 
few  minutes  and  she  did  it  with  no  errors  in  12". 

IV.  5'  57".    67  moves. 

V.  Although  naturally  we  should  expect  this  test  to  be  beyond  the 
child,  she  was  given  it  in  order  to  study  her  method.  She  made  a 
complete  failure,  and  did  not  work  on  anything  but  the  lock,  except 
when  urged,  and  then  returned  immediately  to  it. 

VII.  Done  with  almost  complete  accuracy. 

VIII.  Done  promptly  and  correctly. 

IX.  Correct  at  1st  trial. 

X.  Correct  at  3d  trial. 

XI.  Although  this  test  was  far  beyond  her  it  was  given  to  see  what 
she  would  do.  Had  great  difficulty  in  getting  the  idea,  but  could  an- 
alyze out  a  few  of  the  sjmibols.  Finally  placed  a  good  many  more 
sjTiibols  than  there  were  in  the  code  passage. 

XVII.  Writes  a  fair  hand  for  her  age  and  was  able  to  spell  correctly, 
"The  cat  ran  away." 

XVIII.  Makes  most  of  the  simple  number  combinations  correctly. 
Often  counted  on  her  fingers. 

XIX.  In  reading  a  2d  grade  passage  gets  a  number  of  the  smaller 
words  incorrectly. 

Results  on  Binet:  all  of  8-year  tests  correct.  9  years  —  1,  failure; 
2  and  3,  correct;  4,  failure;  5,  failure.  10  years  —  2,  correct; 
3,  failure;  4,  failure;   5,  correct. 

The  record  of  tests  on  this  case  must  not  be  taken  at  face 
value,  for  all  the  way  through,  many  curious  mental  inhibitions 
were  evidently  at  work  interfering  with  results.  The  girl  would 
stop  during  the  progress  of  some  test,  and  sit  and  run  her  thumb 


§  241]  MENTAL    CONFLICTS    AND    REPRESSIONS  [Chap.  X 

in  and  out  of  her  mouth,  a  habit  she  was  much  addicted  to.  In 
some  of  the  Binet  questions  her  answers  would  be  simply  nothing, 
or  "  I  don't  know."  Study  of  her  ability  showed  she  was  not 
far  subnormal,  but  there  was  evidence  of  aberrant  conditions, 
and  until  we  heard  more  of  the  story  finally  from  her  own  lips, 
we  had  to  regard  her  as  a  border-line  mental  case,  showing  possi- 
ble symptoms  of  a  psychosis.  Our  own  judgment,  rendered  after 
considerable  study,  that  there  was  no  proof  of  mental  defect, 
was  apparently  correct,  for  in  the  next  year  under  better  condi- 
tions she  advanced  to  4th  grade,  now  being  11  years  old. 

Account  of  ancestry,  as  far  as  obtainable,  seems  to  show  that 
the  girl  comes  of  peculiarly  long-lived  families.  There  is  said 
to  be  no  insanity  or  feeblemindedness  or  epilepsy  on  either  side. 
This  girl  was  born  when  the  father  was  decrepit,  and  about  65 
years  old.  The  mother  is  a  hard-working  woman.  They  are 
not  alcoholic,  but  are  intensely  ignorant.  They  have  lived  in  a 
crowded  and  vicious  neighborhood,  under  poor  housing  condi- 
tions. Perhaps  this  has  accounted  for  the  older  delinquents  in 
the  family,  and  perhaps  for  some  school  retardation  in  the  others. 
No  evidence  that  any  of  the  others  are  insane  or  feebleminded. 
The  developmental  history  of  this  girl  seems  to  have  been  very 
normal.  She  talked  early  and  walked  at  1  1-2  years.  Went  to 
school  first  at  6,  but  has  been  out  of  school  in  intervals.  No 
injury.  Said  to  have  had  convulsions  once  when  she  was  a 

The  delinquencies  of  this  child,  even  as  judged  by  her  surround- 
ings, are  great.  They  have  had  trouble  with  her  at  home  for 
about  3  years.  She  has  stolen  repeatedly  from  home,  from  the 
school-room,  from  the  teacher  and  others.  Stayed  out  late  in 
the  evenings,  often  not  coming  home  from  school.  The  family 
have  to  search  for  her.  Recently  there  has  been  much  trouble 
with  her  on  account  of  setting  fires.  At  least  three  times  she  has 
set  fire  to  things  in  the  house.  Once  she  gathered  up  papers  in 
the  middle  of  the  floor  and  set  fire  to  them;  at  another  time  she 
burned  in  a  baby  buggy  in  the  house  a  lot  of  clothes  her  mother 
had  washed.  She  has  gone  to  neighbors  and  borrowed  money, 
ostensibly  for  her  mother.  Told  various  people  her  mother  was 

Her  family  believed  in  severe  punishment,  and  whipped  her 
and  tied  her  hands.  On  one  occasion  she  ran  out  of  doors  unclad, 
at  another  time  with  her  hands  tied.    When  she  is  punished  she 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  241 

merely  stands  and  stares,  the  family  say  you  might  think  she  is 
a  statue.  Will  not  speak  at  all  then  to  her  family.  If  whipped 
will  not  utter  a  word,  except,  perhaps,  "  You  hurt  me."  The 
older  sister  feels  sure  she  goes  with  bad  girls,  but  does  not  know 
who  they  are.  The  family  are  very  much  concerned  about  the 

It  was  some  time  before  we  broke  down  this  girl's  inhibitions 
and  could  gain  her  friendship.  We  found  her  to  be  no  prevari- 
cator. If  she  did  not  want  to  say  things  she  would  not  say  them, 
and  her  imagination  was  not  called  into  play.  When  we  first 
knew  her  she  would  only  speak  in  monosyllables,  but  later  talked 
with  us  most  fluently.  It  really  seemed  then  as  if  she  wanted  to 
relieve  her  mind  of  all  troubles  and  as  if  nobody  had  ever  spoken 
to  her  about  them.  She  told  about  a  little  boy  who  taught  her 
to  steal,  and  continually  asked  her  to  do  bad  things  with  him. 
"  Lots  of  times  I  think  about  them  —  sometimes  at  night,  and 
sometimes  I  have  dreams,  dream  about  when  mother  is  scolding 
my  brother,  and  Alex  is  right  near  my  brother,  and  she  is  telling 
him  not  to  play  with  him  any  more.  That  was  because  Alex 
was  saying  bad  things.  He  said  all  sorts  of  bad  things.  He  called 
me  those  words.  They  come  up  in  my  mind  at  school,  and  when 
I  am  at  the  board,  and  when  I  am  thinking  about  the  words  I 
think  all  the  time  about  him.  It 's  when  I  'm  writing  a  word, 
when  I  miss  the  word,  and  I  don't  know  the  word,  and  the  teacher 
has  us  go  to  the  board  and  write,  and  so  I  think  about  them  words 
he  said.  There  is  a  wooden  gate  near  the  school,  and  they  take 
chalk,  and  write  bad  words  on  there  —  the  same  words  he  told 
me.  It  makes  me  feel  as  if  somebody  was  talking  about  me,  and 
I  all  the  time  feel  as  if  they  done  these  things  to  me.  He  all  the 
times  comes  in  our  yard,  even  now  —  the  boys  upstairs  call  him 
in.  Sometimes  when  I  'm  eating,  and  my  brother  talks  about 
him,  I  begin  to  think  what  he  tries  to  do.  I  feel  sorry  about 
things  then  —  about  what  he  does  to  me,  and  when  he  does  bad 
to   me." 

Apropos  of  her  setting  fire,  she  acknowledged  it  and  said  she 
wanted  to  see  the  things  burn.  She  did  know  the  little  sister  and 
the  baby  were  in  the  house  when  she  made  the  fire  in  the  baby 
buggy.  A  barn  near  their  house  had  a  fire  —  some  boys  lighted 
a  lot  of  paper  and  burned  the  barn  up.  She  would  like  to  see 
the  engines  come. 

"  Alex  sometimes  comes  in  the  yard  and  steals  out  things. 


§  241]  MENTAL    CONFLICTS    AND    REPRESSIONS  [Chap.  X 

Long  ago  he  used  to  come  in  the  yard  and  steal.  I  had  a  httle  bank 
of  money  and  he  stole  it  off  of  us."  There  is  much  more  to  this 
little  girl's  story  as  told  on  successive  days  when  her  family 
brought  her  in.  The  child  had  continually  in  her  mind  the 
thoughts  of  this  boy.  It  seems  probable  that  she  rejected  all  of 
his  advances.  Later  she  said  another  little  girl  had  told  her  bad 
habits  which  she  had  practiced  occasionally.  The  sister  con- 
firmed the  story  of  this  other  girl  being  bad.  It  was  very  plain 
our  offender  needed  a  great  deal  of  individual  attention,  but  how 
to  get  it  was  altogether  a  difficult  matter.  Some  people  raised 
money  and  placed  her  in  a  home  where  a  very  good  woman  looked 
after  her,  and  she  made  much  improvement,  but  later  when  she 
returned  home  the  parents  were  too  ignorant  to  understand  the 
needs  of  the  case,  and  the  girl  fell  into  her  old  ways  of  stealing 
and  staying  out  late  at  night.  It  Vas  reported  previously  that 
she  had  made  a  vast  improvement  morally,  and  we  felt  sure  of 
this  from  her  physical  appearance  and  her  advancement  in  school. 
A  slight  operation  was  done,  but  there  was  no  evidence  to  show 
that  the  effect  of  being  placed  in  better  surroundings  was  not  the 
main  cause  of  her  improvement. 

Seen  after  going  home,  and  again  becoming  delinquent,  she 
gave  a  very  vivid  account  of  her  own  mental  struggles.  "  I  say 
to  myself,  '  I  took  my  communion,  and  I  won't  say  these.'  I 
want  to  say  them  when  the  boys  say  them  to  me,  but  I  don't 
say  them.  If  anybody  hits  me,  I  hit  them.  I  try  to  say  these 
words  sometimes  and  it  comes  in  my  mind  —  it  says,  don't  you 
say  them  words."  She  tells  a  story  of  much  temptation,  and  bad 
home  conditions,  and  being  whipped  for  staying  out  late  to  go 
to  shows.  She  is  a  strong  child,  and  apparently  has  developed 
into  a  good  deal  of  a  fighter.  On  account  of  such  deplorable  en- 
vironmental conditions,  she  had  again  to  be  removed  from  home. 

Mental  conflict.  Case  69. 

Sex  repressions.  Girl,  10  years. 

Lack  of  parental  supervision  and  understanding. 

Bad  companions. 

Poverty?  doubtful  as  a  cause. 

Stealing.  Mental : 

Setting  fires.  Fair  ability. 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE  CASES  [§  241 

We  have  had  reason  to  study  with  care  a  number  of  cases  in 
which  mental  conflict,  leading  to  delinquencies,  arose  through  the 
discovery  from  outside  sources  that  a  previously  supposed  parent 
was  not  really  such.  The  following  three  instances  illustrate  this 

Case  70.  —  There  are  many  points  of  interest  about  this  case 
which  can  be  perceived  from  the  following  synopsis  of  it.  Partic- 
ularly should  it  be  noted  that  we  can  find  no  record  of  delin- 
quency against  this  boy  until  he  was  14  years  of  age.  There  was 
not  even  truancy  charged  against  him.  It  may  be  he  was  showing 
bad  temper  previously,  but  no  complaint  was  made  of  it.  We 
obtained  a  striking  story,  first  from  the  mother,  later  corrobo- 
rated by  the  boy.  When  seen  by  us  he  was  16  years  of  age.  We 
were  able  to  keep  track  of  him  about  a  year.  The  family  were 
German  immigrants,  the  boy's  mother  having  been  brought  to 
this  country  when  she  was  a  child.  She  grew  up  amid  sur- 
roundings of  comparative  poverty,  but  neither  on  her  side  nor 
the  father's  was  there  any  showing  of  criminality  or  notable 

On  the  physical  side  we  found  a  particularly  manly  boy  — 
broad-shouldered  and  well-shaped  chest.  Weighs  131  lbs.  Height 
5  ft.  3  1-2  in.  His  expression  is  responsive.  Boyishly  frank. 
Strong,  broad  face.  Bright  eyes.  Speech  very  husky.  Chronic 
atrophic  rhinitis  very  severe,  with  pharyngitis.  (Diagnosis  was 
given  by  a  specialist.)  Many  teeth  badly  carious.  Tongue 
coated  and  offensive  breath.  Suffers  from  headaches.  Poor 
sleep  at  night  and  dull  feeling  in  the  morning  because  of  obstruc- 
tion to  breathing.  These  chronic  catarrhal  conditions  exces- 
sive for  years,  and  have  been  a  great  drawback  to  his  school  life 
on  account  of  feeling  dull,  and  because  his  presence  was  offensive 
to  other  children  in  the  room.  He  never  previously  had  treat- 
ment by  a  specialist.  Well-shaped,  large  head.  No  sensory 
defect.  Slight  nystagmoid  movements  of  eyes.  Fine  constant 
tremor  of  outstretched  hands.  Pubertal  signs  just  beginning. 
Color  good.    Other  examination  all  negative. 

The  findings  on  the  mental  side  are  very  instructive  because 
we  found  quite  fair  ability  to  set  over  against  marked  school 
retardation.  Although  never  a  truant,  he  only  reached  4th  grade 
at  14  years  of  age.  His  mother  attributes  this  to  his  undesira- 
bility  in  the  school-room.  She  maintains  he  was  held  back  on 
account  of  this  as  well  as  being  much  complained  of. 


§  241]  MENTAL    CONFLICTS    AND    REPRESSIONS  [Chap.  X 

Mental  tests:  our  own  series: 

I.  1'  35".    Trial  and  error  method  in  working  with  triangles. 

II.  1'  17".    Only  2  errors. 

III.  5'.  44  total  moves,  but  only  7  trials  of  impossibilities  and  4 
repetitions  of  impossibilities. 

IV.  2'  39".    36  moves. 

V.  2'  9".  Step  number  1  done  almost  immediately  and  then  5 
errors  before  step  number  2  is  perceived.  At  this  point  he  suddenly 
said,  "  Now  I  've  got  it,"  and  rapidly  proceeded  to  complete  the  test. 

VI.  19  items  given  on  free  recital.  15  items  on  cross-examination 
and  no  suggestions  received.    A  very  good  result. 

VII.  Done  rapidly  and  very  well. 

VIII.  Done  very  rapidly  and  all  correctly. 

IX.  Correct  at  1st  trial. 

X.  Correct  at  1st  trial. 

XII.  11  out  of  the  12  items  given  correctly  and  in  correct 

XIII.  13  out  of  the  20  items  given  correctly  in  proper  sequence. 

XIV.  Done  rapidly  at  the  2d  trial.  At  1st  trial  did  not  understand 
method  of  opening  the  dial. 

XV.  3  errors.    Average  time  1.8". 

XVI.  69  squares  tapped  at  1st  trial  with  no  errors.  78  squares 
tapped  at  2d  trial  with  one  error. 

XVII.  Writes  a  mature  hand  rapidly.    Spells  correctly  all  words. 
XIX.   Reads  a  4th  grade  passage  correctly  and  fluently. 

XXII.  Very  poor  range  of  information.  Reads  hardly  any  books, 
but  does  read  the  newspapers.  Knows  contemporary  items  of  in- 
formation fairly  well. 

At  the  time  we  saw  him  the  boy  had  been  guilty  of  extremely 
violent  behavior  at  home.  He  had  indulged  in  a  lot  of  quarrel- 
ing, had  threatened  to  "  fix "  the  family,  had  attempted  to 
attack  a  boarder  with  a  knife  after  some  previous  quarreling,  and 
had  been  showing  much  evidence  of  a  very  bad  temper  for  a 
long  time  now.  Five  months  previously  he  had  stolen  a  motor- 
cycle, had  spent  some  family  money  on  little  things  for  himself, 
and  had  run  up  a  considerable  bill  against  them  in  the  same 
way.  Other  minor  delinquencies  were  also  charged  against  him. 
Altogether  it  seemed  that  the  boy  was  making  straight  for  a 
criminal   career. 

In  this  case  we  got  an  excellent  account  of  heredity,  for  al- 
though the  boy  was  illegitimate  his  mother  knew  the  father's 
family  well.  Except  that  the  boy's  paternal  grandmother  was 
a  quick-tempered  person  we  could  learn  of  no  peculiarities  what- 
ever. There  were  but  few  children  in  either  family,  and  the 
grandparents  on  both  sides  were  long-lived.    Despite  the  father's 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE  CASES  [§  241 

rejection  of  parental  responsibility,  he  was  said  not  to  be  a 
bad  man.  The  mother  suffered  exceedingly  from  chorea  in 

The  boy's  developmental  conditions  have  been  normal,  ex- 
cept possibly  during  antenatal  life,  at  which  time  his  mother 
was  naturally  much  worried,  she  being  only  16  and  unmarried. 
The  boy  was  never  much  of  a  smoker,  nor,  as  far  as  known,  en- 
gaged in  other  detrimental  habits.  It  was  evident  that  although 
there  was  so  much  school  retardation,  we  had  to  do  with  a  boy 
of  good  native  ability,  showing  no  distinct  aberrational  tenden- 
cies. His  success  at  a  place  of  employment  also  proved  his  fair 
mental  endowment. 

Our  notes  state  that  a  woman  came  in  to  see  us  who  announced 
herself  as  this  boy's  mother,  although  not  being  so  according 
to  records  previously  given.  She  seemed  to  be  a  pleasant,  well- 
meaning  woman;  not  dull,  although  poorly  educated.  She 
seemed  to  care  a  good  deal  for  this  boy,  but  on  the  whole  took 
the  attitude  of  an  outsider.  She  was  altogether  reasonable, 
both  at  this  and  future  interviews.  She  told  us  of  his  delinquen- 
cies as  well  as  good  qualities,  and  wound  up  by  explaining  to  us 
her  remarkable  relationship  to  him.  It  seems  that  when  the 
boy  was  just  about  14  years  of  age,  and  before  he  had  turned 
delinquent,  she  told  him,  on  the  occasion  of  some  little  house- 
hold turmoil,  that  she,  whom  he  supposed  was  his  married  sister, 
was  really  his  mother.  He  did  not  believe  it  and  she  later,  in  an 
endeavor  to  exercise  authority,  insisted  on  the  point. 

This  child  was  born  when  she  was  very  young;  the  father 
was  a  fairly  good  man.  He  was  persuaded  by  his  family  for  finan- 
cial reasons  not  to  marry  his  sweetheart.  They  gave  her  a  small 
sum  of  money  for  the  boy.  He  was  then  brought  up  by  his  mater- 
nal grandparents,  and  taught  to  consider  them  as  his  parents. 
His  mother  later  married,  and  now  has  a  number  of  other  chil- 
dren. The  boy  laughed  at  her  first  statement  about  his  parentage, 
and  continued  to  say  he  did  not  believe  it. 

His  mother  says  the  main  trouble  is  temper,  which  has  grown 
worse  of  late,  and  the  boy  does  not  stop  to  consider  what  he  is 
doing  or  saying.  His  grandparents  are  getting  old,  and  he  knows 
he  can  pull  the  wool  over  their  eyes.  The  grandmother  wants 
him  to  pay  back  what  he  has  cost  her,  especially  in  the  way  of 
having  goods  charged.  In  a  vague  way  the  mother  feels  the 
family  situation  may  have  much  to  do  with  the  trouble,  and  asks 


§  241]  MENTAL    CONFLICTS    AND    REPRESSIONS  [Chap.  X 

US  to  see  the  boy  and  explain  it  to  him.  She  states  she  does  not 
know  where  the  father  is. 

We  had  previously  seen  the  boy,  and  gotten  a  naive  statement 
of  his  bad  temper,  in  addition  to  some  small  falsifications  about 
delinquencies.  Later  when  asked  about  home  conditions  he 
said,  "  That  sister  of  mine  has  been  causing  more  trouble  than 
any  one.  She*  comes  over  to  our  house  and  says,  '  There  's  the 
loafer  and  bum.'  If  there  's  any  one  tries  to  work  more  than  I 
do,  I  'd  like  to  know  who  it  is.  There  's  no  one  stayed  at  home 
more  to  help  out  when  she  was  sick  than  I  did.  She  tells  me 
she  's  my  mother.  I  think  she  's  a  liar  when  she  says  that.  She 
ain't  been  married  13  years  yet.  She  tells  me  about  it  every  time 
she  comes  over.  I  ain't  been  in  her  house  for  2  months.  She 
says  I  ain't  been  working  enough  to  pay  for  my  board.  My 
father  says  about  that  way,  too.  That  all  has  been  bothering  me 
some.  The  fact  is  I  don't  know  which  is  my  mother.  I  always 
thought  the  mother  I  'm  living  with  now  was  my  real  mother. 
No  neighbors  or  anybody  ever  told  me  any  different.  I  some- 
times think  about  it  at  nights."  (Tears  well  up  in  his  eyes.)  "  I 
certainly  do  feel  sore  about  that  business  about  my  mother.  I 
heard  them  talk  together  about  adopting  me.  There  ain't  no 
property,"  etc.,  etc. 

I  had  a  more  extended  talk  with  the  boy,  as  the  mother  re- 
quested, and  this  manly  lad  burst  into  tears  and  explained  how 
he  had  been  feeling  that  on  all  sides  he  had  not  been  treated 
squarely  —  how  not  only  his  physical  ailments  made  him  feel 
badly,  but  also  this  other  worry,  which  he  had  now  had  for  a 
couple  of  years,  had  been  a  big  influence  leading  him  towards 
delinquency.  The  boy  gave  a  very  graphic  account  of  his  own 
feeling  that  developed  in  response  to  this  astonishing  statement 
by  his  sister,  and  how  upset  he  was  by  it,  and  how  it  led  to  his 
misconduct.  It  was  clear  there  were  also  nagging  influences  at 
home,  over  and  beyond  what  was  caused  by  this  queer  mix-up 
in  relationship.  His  boyish  activities  were  too  much  for  the  old 
grandparents,  and  the  natural  sympathy  he  looked  for  from 
them  was  not  forthcoming. 

We  put  it  down  that  this  boy's  manly  attitude,  his  neatness  in 
dress,  and  rational  reaction  to  the  whole  situation  spoke  much 
in  his  favor.  It  was  clear  that  his  miserable  nose  and  throat  con- 
ditions should  be  cured  if  possible,  and  his  bad  teeth  removed. 
There  should  be  a  straightening  out  of  the  whole  family  relation- 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  241 

ship.  The  boy  had  been  going  through  a  stormy  adolescent  period 
with  much  stress  on  account  of  the  above  conflict,  and  had  met 
the  situation,  it  seemed  to  us,  fairly  normally. 

The  boy  was  in  court  a  little  later  on  account  of  stealing 
packages  from  a  place  where  he  was  employed.  At  that  time, 
through  neglect,  the  constructive  measures  had  not  been  carried 
out.  The  judge  then  took  it  in  hand  and  insisted  it  be  part  of 
his  conditions  of  parole  that  he  go  regularly  for  nose  and  throat 
treatment.  The  reports  then  varied  from  time  to  time,  but  his 
employers  were  satisfied  with  his  work.  Still  later  he  was  very 
evidently  endeavoring  to  straighten  himself  up,  and  when  last 
heard  from  he  had  been  released  from  parole  with  a  satisfactory 

Mental  conflict  —  about  parentage.  Case  70. 

Home  control  irrational.  ^«y'  ^^  ^^^^S' 

Physical  conditions:   Severe  chronic  catarrh, 

nose  and  throat. 


Lying.  Mental: 

Stealing.  Fair  in  ability. 

Case  71. — We  studied  the  case  of  a  12-year-old  boy  who 
quite  deliberately  set  out  on  a  criminal  career  after  a  number 
of  months  of  secretly  harboring  the  knowledge,  given  to  him 
by  a  meddlesome  neighbor,  that  his  own  mother  was  long  since 
dead,  and  not  at  all  the  person  he  supposed  she  was.  Being  a 
normal  and  sensitive  boy,  this  hurt  him  to  the  quick,  and  he  im- 
mediately saw  many  reasons  for  believing  himself  discriminated 
against,  and  for  believing  this  was  a  world  of  lies.  We  had  reason 
to  think  it  probable  that  the  reading  he  did  at  this  time,  about 
robbers  and  the  like,  was  deliberately  undertaken.  After  steal- 
ing a  considerable  sum  and  running  away  from  home,  he  defi- 
nitely made  the  statement  he  was  going  to  become  a  criminal. 
This  case  when  explored  immediately  took  on  new  aspects,  and 
while  there  have  been  backslidings,  up  to  the  present  the  out- 
come is  very  satisfactory. 

Case  72.  —  A  cause  similar  to  the  above  occurred  in  the  case 
of  a  young  boy,  light  octoroon  type,  who  lived  with  his  supposed 
mulatto  parents.     He  is  a  bright  and  sensitive  child,  who  when 



a  neighbor  told  him  that  he  surely  could  not  be  the  son  of  these 
people,  dwelt  on  the  problem  of  his  parentage  at  great  length. 
The  embitterment  which  the  secret  of  his  birth  has  engendered 
in  the  boy's  breast  easily  accounts  for  his  recalcitrancy,  even 
in  face  of  great  kindness  by  his  foster-father.  He  runs  away  and 
steals  and  associates  with  bad  boys  and  bad  men,  and  has  devel- 
oped a  very  marked  anti-social  attitude,  in  spite  of  good  oppor- 
tunities at  his  home,  which  is  unusually  well  kept  in  comparison 
with  the  homes  of  most  colored  people.  The  boy  has  mental 
abilities  far  above  those  of  his  foster-parents,  inheriting  these, 
as  well  as  his  white  skin,  from  a  southern  man  of  good  family. 
The  foster-parents  took  the  boy  as  an  infant,  and  have  bestowed 
much  affection  on  him,  but  all  to  little  purpose  when  the  boy 
began  to  suspect  the  irregularities  of  his  own  parentage.  The 
case  proved  too  difficult  for  solution  in  the  old  environment,  and 
the  best  treatment  appeared  to  be  placing  the  boy  for  a  long 
period  in  an  institution. 

The  origin  of  mental  conflict  in  a  hypersensitive  person  from 
what  would  offhand  seem  to  be  slight  grounds,  and  the  delinquen- 
cies that  may  thereby  be  engendered  are  illustrated  in  the  fol- 
lowing case. 

Case  73.  —  This  boy  of  16  we  had  occasion  to  become  ac- 
quainted with  on  account  of  his  running  away  from  Pittsburg, 
and  the  father  coming  on  and  wishing  to  go  thoroughly  into  the 
case  with  us.  The  father  is  a  good  type  of  Irish  American, 
a  clerk  in  public  service,  and  a  man  of  highly  sensitive  tempera- 

Physically  we  found  a  very  tall,  slim  lad,  height  5  ft.  9  in.  and 
weighing  119  lbs.  (The  father  said  of  himself  that  he  grew  in 
exactly  the  same  way.)  The  boy  has  pleasant  irregular  features 
and  good  color.  No  sensory  defects.  Very  pleasant,  sensitive, 
responsive  boy. 

On  the  mental  side  there  is  nothing  much  to  record  because 
he  showed  himself  well  up  to  the  ordinary  in  ability.  On  account,, 
probably,  of  nervousness  when  first  seen,  he  did  hardly  as  well 
as  we  expected  on  a  few  of  the  tests,  but  he  had  graduated  from 
the  grammar  school  before  he  was  14  years  of  age,  and,  be- 
ing a  great  reader,  gave  us  indication  of  a  very  good  range  of  in- 
formation. He  is  slow  and  deliberate  in  his  work,  but  works, 
steadily  and  understandingly.    He  was  as  successful  in  business 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE   CASES  [§  241 

for  one  year  as  he  was  in  school,  and  everybody  gave  him  credit 
for  being  a  very  bright  boy. 

In  heredity  we  can  learn  of  no  defect.  But  it  stands  out  sharply 
that  father  and  son  are  of  the  same  temperament.  All  through, 
the  boy  comes  from  an  unusually  healthy  family,  and  on  the  men- 
tal and  moral  sides  there  has  been  no  trouble.  Developmentally 
the  boy  progressed  without  a  set-back.  He  never  had  a  serious 
illness.  The  pregnancy  and  birth  were  quite  all  right.  Unfor- 
tmiately,  the  mother  died  two  years  ago,  leaving  the  father  with 
six  boys  to  take  care  of,  this  one  being  the  oldest.  He  has  never 
succeeded  in  getting  the  right  kind  of  housekeeper  since  the 
mother's  death,  and  he  is  finding  it  very  difficult  to  keep 
up  the  house  on  his  salary.  This  father  occasionally  has  felt 
terribly  discouraged,  taken  a  drink  or  two  of  whiskey,  and  come 
home  in  a  cross  and  scolding  mood.  He  acknowledges  as  much; 
the  world  is  a  hard  struggle. 

Up  to  one  year  ago  this  boy  was  a  model  lad.  This  stands 
out  very  definitely.  He  worked  steadily  after  his  graduation 
and  gave  all  his  earnings  to  the  family.  Since  that  time  there 
has  been*  a  succession  of  troubles  with  him.  He  has  run  away 
from  home  three  times,  on  one  occasion  staying  in  the  neighbor- 
hood of  Pittsburg  four  months,  sometimes  working  on  farms, 
and  occasionally  visiting  the  home  when  his  father  was  absent. 
Although  he  had  a  perfect  record  for  a  year  in  an  office  where 
he  worked,  he  has  never  since  held  a  job  for  longer  than  two  or 
three  weeks.  His  character  seems  to  be  utterly  changed.  On 
one  occasion  he  attempted  to  get  money  by  forging  his  father's 
name,  and  at  another  time  when  away  from  home  obtained 
supplies  on  his  father's  credit.  However,  he  has  never  really 
stolen.  The  father  feels  utterly  discouraged  about  the  situation 
and  blames  it  to  cigarettes,  believing  his  son  to  be  a  nervous 
wreck  from  smoking  them.  The  boy  also  suffers  from  frequent 
enuresis,  and  this  the  father  also  cites  as  proving  the  nervous 

We  had  ample  opportunity  to  study  this  case  while  the  father 
waited  to  take  his  boy  home,  and  fortunately  we  were  able  to 
bring  the  two  closer  together  in  understanding.  Our  first  in- 
formation from  the  father  showed  that  there  was  a  very  definite 
period  when  the  boy  started  to  go  wrong.  We  undertook  then  to 
search  for  beginnings.  The  history  obtained  received  satisfactory 
corroboration  on  both  sides.    In  regard  to  the  cigarettes  it  turned 



out  that  the  father  merely  judged  the  boy  was  smoking  exces- 
sively; as  a  matter  of  fact  he  probably  never  did  smoke  more 
than  three  or  four  in  one  day.  Concerning  the  enuresis;  as 
observed  in  Chicago  our  lad  did  not  suffer  from  it,  and  he 
stated  that  out  in  the  country  he  had  no  trouble  from  it.  On 
inquiry,  we  found  his  habit  at  home  was  to  drink  strong  coffee 
at  supper  and  also  just  before  he  went  to  bed,  making  it  him- 
self, while  at  these  other  places  he  had  none  after  breakfast 

In  regard  to  beginnings;  it  seems  this  father  came  home  in  a 
petulant  humor  one  night,  and  found  the  boy  had  missed  a  couple 
of  days  at  work.  The  father  always  left  early  in  the  morning, 
and  had  not  heard  of  any  complaint  of  sickness.  Although  this 
was  the  only  occasion  on  which  time  was  missed,  he  said  to  a 
younger  son,  who  reported  the  staying  at  home,  "  It 's  a  lie,  he  's 
no  sicker  than  I  am."  This  speech  was  repeated  to  our  young 
friend,  and  as  he  said  to  us,  "  Since  then  things  seems  to  be  going 
backward  with  me  all  the  time." 

In  every  way  we  saw  we  had  to  deal  with  a  hypersensitive  lad 
who,  in  this  very  trait,  was  strangely  like  his  father,  as  the  latter 
acknowledged.  The  boy  told  us  that  up  to  the  time  of  the  un- 
deserved reproach,  so  far  as  he  can  remember,  he  had  never  told 
a  lie  in  his  whole  life.  He  had  resolved,  especially  after  his  mother 
died,  to  merit  the  very  best  that  could  be  said  of  him.  "  I  always 
had  lots  of  friends  and  everybody  spoke  well  of  me."  He  worked 
hard  and  gave  his  father  all  his  earnings.  To  have  his  father 
say  what  he  did  discouraged  him  terribly.  "  It  seems  to  me 
now  that  was  what  was  hurting  me."  He  never  even  smoked 
before  that  time,  but  after  that  it  seemed  as  if  nothing  mattered. 
He  would  just  let  things  take  their  own  way.  He  would  even 
just  as  soon  get  arrested  and  sent  away. 

After  two  or  three  weeks  of  nursing  his  injured  feelings  he 
deliberately  left  his  good  position.  During  the  next  year  the 
boy's  record  is  a  constant  succession  of  delinquencies,  especially 
in  the  light  of  the  family  needing  his  help.  He  worked  only 
for  a  week  or  two  at  the  time,  and  at  irregular  intervals.  Some- 
times when  he  pretended  to  be  at  work  he  really  spent  all  day  at 
the  Carnegie  Institute,  or  the  library.  He  never  did  go  with  bad 
companions,  and  never  cared  in  the  least  for  them  —  the  father 
made  this  point  clear.  He  avoided  his  father,  who  continually 
scolded  him,  often  sleeping  away  from  home.    He  tried  evening 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE  CASES  [§  241 

school  and  learning  shorthand,  but  soon  gave  it  up.  He  con- 
tinually lied  and  got  into  money  difficulties  and  ran  away 
three  times,  as  mentioned  above.  After  his  forging,  his  father 
twice  took  the  hd  to  the  police  station  and  left  him  there  over 

The  boy's  story  fitted  in  with  the  father's,  and  he  said,  "  It 
seems  to  me  now  as  if  I  don't  care  who  calls  me  a  liar  —  I  am 
one."  Speaking  of  his  experience  with  the  police,  who  urged 
him  to  behave  himself,  he  stated,  "  AVlien  I  said  anj'thing,  they 
said,  '  It  is  n't  that  way  at  all,  you  know  you  are  lying,'  and  so 
I  kept  still.  There  was  no  use  saying  anything."  This  was  very 
interesting,  because  the  father  had  reported  that  the  boy  at  times 
was  absolutely  silent,  refusing  to  say  a  word  about  himself,  to 
either  his  father  or  the  police,  of  whom  assistance  had  been  asked. 
Several  other  striking  points  also  came  out.  It  seems,  as  in  many 
another  case  of  youthful  delinquency,  the  offender  suffered  from 
discomforts  all  out  of  proportion  to  the  realization  of  pleasures. 
^Vlien  he  was  away  from  home  he  slept  in  a  haystack  part  of  the 
time,  and  meals  were  altogether  uncertain.  The  boy  says  he  had 
no  good  times  then. 

For  purposes  of  scientific  elimination  other  possible  causes 
were  inquired  into  with  negative  results.  Asked  where  light 
for  the  future  seemed  to  shine,  the  lad  tells  us  he  could  get  straight- 
ened out  if  he  did  not  brood  over  what  people  said  to  him  or  said 
behind  his  back.  "  I  simply  can*t  stand  to  have  my  father  say 
harsh  things."  "  You  bet  I  like  him."  (Later  this  father  told 
me  that  he  himself  felt  this  way,  and  when  unpleasant  things 
were  said  in  the  office,  worried  about  them  all  day  long.) 

In  this  case  a  definite  tendency  to  delinquency  was  under  con- 
sideration, a  tendency  that  had  not  been  modified  by  admoni- 
tions or  threats.  The  outlook  now,  with  understanding  of  begin- 
nings, was  altogether  different.  The  coffee  and  smoking  should 
be  stopped,  the  evening  reading,  which  had  been  somewhat  op- 
posed, should  be  allowed  at  home,  but  above  all  there  must  be 
modification  of  parental  behavior.  The  scolding,  even  though 
justified,  and  especially  the  speaking  of  the  boy  behind  his  back, 
should  be  abandoned.  The  mediation  which  our  discoveries 
led  us  to  offer,  was  well  received,  and  the  father's  negotiations 
for  placing  the  boy  in  a  reformatory  institution  were  broken  off. 
For  the  six  months  elapsed  since  we  saw  this  case,  the  report 
is  that  there  has  been  an  entire  change  of  conduct. 



Mental  conflict. 

Case  73. 

Mental  peculiarity:  hypersensitiveness. 

Boy,  16  years. 

Heredity:  father  same  temperament. 

Home  conditions:  mother  dead. 

Runaway  +. 
Not  working. 
False  representations. 

Good  ability. 

People  who  handle  children  out  of  the  natural  family  environ- 
ment should  be  acquainted  with  the  type  of  fact  which  the  fol- 
lowing case  exliibits,  although,  as  we  said  above,  homesickness 
seems  to  figure  much  less  as  a  cause  of  delinquency  in  this  country 
than  abroad. 

Case  74.  —  This  was  a  little  girl  of  12  who  had  been  given  a 
very  black  name  by  certain  institutional  people  and  others  on 
account  of  alleged  exceedingly  bad  behavior;  in  fact,  reformatory 
treatment  was  demanded  for  her.  Not  only  was  it  said  that  she 
was  a  delinquent,  but  that  she  was  also  a  mental  defective,  on 
account  of  apparently  proved  inability  to  grasp  school  work. 

We  found  a  rather  poorly  nourished  little  girl  who  was  suffer- 
ing frequently  of  late  from  headaches.  These,  she  told  us,  some- 
times lasted  for  hours  and  were  accompanied  by  curious  sensa- 
tions of  lights  in  her  eyes.  Different  colors  appear,  and  the 
lights  seem  like  snakes  coming  from  all  directions,  while  perhaps 
she  cannot  see  anything  at  all  for  a  time.  She  bites  her  nails 
much.  Both  vision  and  hearing  were  slightly  defective,  the 
latter  on  account  of  a  previous  middle-ear  infection.  On  the 
mental  side  it  was  a  matter  of  only  a  few  minutes  to  prove  that 
she  was  anything  but  a  mental  defective,  indeed  we  graded  her 
as  being  well  up  to  the  ordinary  in  ability  and  information. 

We  could  learn  from  the  father  nothing  of  significance  in  the 
family  or  developmental  history.  None  in  the  family  of  either 
parent  is  known  to  be  epileptic  or  insane,  nor  can  we  hear  of  any 
migraine.  The  mother  died  of  cancer  four  years  previously,  and 
the  father  was  previously  alcoholic,  although  for  some  time  now 
he  has  not  been  drinking  hard.  The  whole  story  centers  about 
the  fact  that  this  child's  older  sisters,  after  the  mother's  death, 
considered  the  father  as  unworthy,  and  some  six  months  prior 
to  the  time  we  saw  her,  practically  kidnapped  the  girl  from  home. 


Chap.  X]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  241 

There  was  no  statement  that  he  had  ever  mistreated  the  child  in 
any  way.  She  was  not  said  to  be  delinquent  before  then,  and 
she  had  been  doing  well  in  the  5th  grade  at  school.  Up  to  that 
time  she  says  she  had  suffered  from  headache  perhaps  only  a 
couple  of  times. 

The  little  girl  readily  acknowledged  her  misbehavior,  which 
consisted,  according  to  the  institutional  people  with  whom  she 
was  placed,  in  running  away  (it  seems  she  once  got  as  far  as  the 
railroad  station  in  an  endeavor  to  get  back  to  her  father),  in 
clandestine  correspondence,  lying,  and  refractoriness  in  the  school- 
room. Besides  this  she  was  found  "  mentally  queer,  dazed  and 
stupid-looking  at  times.     She  once  threatened  to  kill  herself." 

From  the  girl  herself  we  get  an  account  of  terrific  loneliness, 
with  whole  days  of  distress,  although  she  has  been  away  months 
from  her  father.  "  I  'm  not  happy.  He  was  always  good  to  me. 
I  've  written  for  him  to  come,  but  they  got  the  letters  first.  I  '11 
sit  there  and  not  know  what  I  'm  doing,  I  '11  be  biting  my  finger 
nails  and  ever}i:hing.  My  sisters  think  my  father  is  mean,  but 
he  treats  me  nice.  I  never  ran  away  except  from  this  here  Home. 
They  treat  me  all  right.  My  heart  hurts  me.  Only  one  thing, 
I  didn't  want  to  go  to  a  Home." 

The  father's  sympathy  and  love  were  really  proved  in  this  case 
by  his  quick  response  when  he  knew  that  the  child  wanted  him. 

Here  was  an  aspect  of  child  life  totally  overlooked  and  mis- 
understood by  people  dealing  constantly  with  children,  as  well 
as  by  some  court  authorities.  For  us  the  point  is  not  only  this, 
but  also  the  details  of  the  physical  and  mental  conditions  and  the 
delinquent  reactions  which  h^ve  arisen  psychogenetically,  namely, 
from  the  repression  and  ferment  in  the  mind.  Even  the  first 
analysis  of  the  case  brought  out  the  fact  that. she  thought  home- 
sickness was  all  that  was  the  matter,  although  she  had  never  in- 
timated to  others  any  explanation  of  her  conduct.  How  much 
of  the  emotion  and  connecting  links  of  reaction  were  subcon- 
scious it  would  be  difficult  to  say.  With  return  to  her  home, 
defective  though  it  was,  came  cessation  of  headaches,  and  of  her 
delinquencies,  and  gain  of  weight. 


242]  ABNORMAL    SEXUALISM  [Chap.  XI 


Abnormal  Sexualism 

§  242.  General  Considerations.  §  243.  Hypersexualism.  §  244.  Sexualistic 
Obsessions  and  Impulsions.  §  245.  Masturbation.  §  246.  Early  Sex 
Experiences.  §  247.  Sex  Perversions.  §  248.  Psychoses  Accompanied  by 
Abnormal  Sexualism. 

§  242.    General   Considerations. 

The  words  sexualism  and  sexualistic  represent  needed  addi- 
tions to  our  vocabulary  and  have  the  same  right  to  existence 
as  the  analogous  terms  criminalism  and  criminalistic.  One 
may  speak  of  sexualistic  crimes,  and  of  abnormal  sexualism  as  a 
cause  of  crime.^  These  terms  cover  a  larger  field  than  that  dis- 
cussed in  works  on  pathological  sexuality.  The  latter  has  been 
well  studied  in  its  legal  aspects,  but  there  are  several  important 
phases  of  the  relationship  of  abnormal  sexual  life  to  criminalism 
which  are  not  at  all  considered  by  writers  on  the  forensic  bearings 
of  pathological  sexuality.  As  students  of  causes  we  must  include 
all  of  these  facts.  The  criterion  of  abnormality  here,  we  confess, 
is  hard  to  define  when  it  involves  only  slight  divergence  from  the 
normal.  It  is  often  necessary  to  invoke  consideration  of  both 
social  and  physiological  standards. 

In  discussing  this  subject  we  again  follow  very  practical  issues 
in  developing  our  several  headings.  Students  of  the  individual 
offender  are  concerned  with  causes,  personalities,  and  types  of 
misdeeds.  Each  of  these  has  its  place  in  the  study  of  abnormal 
sexualism.  In  considering  misdeeds  in  this  connection  it  must 
be  remembered  that  we  have  to  deal  with  offenses  which  are  not 
only  directly  sexual  in  nature,  but  also  with  those  which  are  in- 
stigated by  sexualism. 

We  are  not  warranted  in  placing  the  discussion  of  abnormal 
sexualism  under  the  caption  of  either  mental  or  physiological 
peculiarities.  In  some  instances  the  conduct  quite  clearly  is 
instigated  as  the  result  of  sheer  mental  processes.    In  other  cases 

^  We  avoid  the  term  erotomania  as  we  do  other  words  of  the  same  class. 
It  has  some  value  in  its  practical  significance,  but  it  impUes  a  mental  lack 
of  balance,  which  may  not  be  correlated  with  the  hypersexualism. 



the  physiological  basis  seems  the  strongest.  Often  there  is  a 
great  admixture  of  the  two  elements.  It  is  well  recognized  that 
there  are  several  centers  in  the  nervous  system  from  which  sex- 
feelings  may  be  generated.  As  represented  in  consciousness, 
the  sources  of  stimulation  range  all  the  way  from  peripheral 
irritation  to  mental  imagery.  Physiological  psychology  has  here 
a  good  field  for  investigation. 

We  are  frequently  at  a  loss  to  decide  what  mainly  underlies 
any  appearance  of  abnormal  sexualism  in  the  individual,  or  at 
least  to  decide  in  what  proportion  various  possible  causes  may 
have  been  effective.  The  mental  and  the  physiological  elements 
are  much  mixed.  Who  can  tell  whether  the  person  who  exhibits 
anti-social  sexualistic  tendencies  is  the  victim  of  an  excessive 
output  from  certain  internally  secreting  glands,  or  of  obsessive 
mental  imagery,  or  of  predisposing  anatomical  conditions,  or 
of  various  environmental  and  physical  experiences?  Frequently 
still  more  difficult  is  it  to  decide  between  innate  tendencies  as  a 
whole,  some  of  which  may  be  derived  from  heredity,  and  the 
effect  of  environment.  Under  the  head  of  heredity,  §  144,  and 
in  our  discussion  of  the  influence  of  pictures,  §  225,  and  mental 
imagery,  §  233,  as  well  as  under  abnormalities  of  development, 
§  189,  §  190,  we  have  shown  clearly  some  of  the  possible  bases 
of  abnormal  sexualism.  Occasionally  one  finds  a  case  where 
some  one  condition  in  the  physiological  or  hereditary  background, 
or  some  one  experience  seems  to  account  for  the  whole  unfor- 
tunate tendency.  In  many  places  throughout  our  work  state- 
ments of  fact  will  be  found  which  bear  upon  this  matter. 

Judges  and  other  court  officials,  and  all  those  who  are  concerned 
in  understandmg  the  causes  of  criminalism,  should  have  a  clear 
conception  of  not  only  the  technical  legal  aspects  of  sex  offenses, 
but  also  of  the  physiological  relationship  which  exists  between 
sexualism  and  crimes  which  are  not  overtly  sexual.  We  do  not 
purpose  here  to  go  into  pathological  case  histories,  nor  shall  we 
do  more  than  barely  touch  on  actual  abnormal  sexualistic  prac- 
tices, or  on  the  explicit  content  of  sexualistic  mental  imagery. 
These  matters  are  largely  elaborated  in  other  special  profes- 
sional literature  {vide  §247).  It  is  our  business,  however,  to 
enumerate  specifically  the  general  types  of  abnormal  sexualism, 
whether  as  leading  to  recognized  sex  crimes  or  as  being  the  basis 
of  other  offenses. 

No  attempt  at  discussion  of  the  various  sex  crimes,  as  such, 


§  242]  ABNORMAL    SEXUALISM  [Chap.  XI 

is  necessary.  Rape,  incest,  various  sex  perversions,  may  all  be 
the  result  of  disordered  mentality,  of  environmental  conditions, 
or  of  hypersexualism  in  an  otherwise  normal  individual,  and 
so  on.  To  name  the  crime  does  not  characterize  the  offender, 
does  not  elucidate  the  prognosis,  nor  suggest  the  best  treatment. 
In  this  field,  to  be  sure,  we  find  some  close  correlations  between 
types  of  deeds  and  types  of  persons,  as  in  exhibitionism,  vide 
§  163,  and  in  certain  kinds  of  sexual  violation,  vide  §  244.  These 
cases,  however,  must  be  understood  as  largely  standing  alone  in 
their  peculiar  significance. 

§  243.    Hypersexualism. 

The  fact  that  there  are  individuals  whose  sex  characteristics 
show  development  far  beyond  the  social  or  physiological  norm 
is  patent  to  every  one  who  studies  offenders  for  courts  where 
they  appear  on  account  of  their  sex  delinquencies.  We  have  dis- 
cussed this  from  the  standpoint  of  adolescent  over-development, 
§  189,  of  heredity,  §  144,  etc.  The  phenomenon  seems  some- 
times to  be  a  feature  of  mental  life  apart  from  any  known  phys- 
iological factors.  It  may  be  that  biochemists,  who  are  so  indus- 
triously nowadays  studying  the  internal  secretions  of  various 
glands,  will  sometime  be  able  to  throw  a  great  light  on  this  sub- 
ject. But  there  is  no  reason  to  doubt  that  early  experiences  and 
habits  of  mental  imagery  may  alone  account  for  many  of  the 

In  regard  to  eroticism  being  considered  primarily  a  mental 
peculiarity,  we  may  say  that  we  have  had  reason  to  study  many 
cases  of  extreme  show  of  sexualism  in  older  adolescents  with 
parents  who  could  give  us  much  information.  We  have  yet  to  see 
a  single  case  in  which  the  hypersexualism  has  arisen  without  the 
presence  either  of  various  physical  conditions,  such  as  might 
readily  be  responsible,  or  of  unfortunately  early  sex  experiences. 
To  be  sure,  in  males  as  well  as  females,  at  all  ages,  the  part  which 
mental  imagery  plays  in  these  matters  is  often  great.  And  that 
there  exist  mental  peculiarities  of  susceptibility  to  the  obsession 
of  various  imageries  is  a  fact  as  easily  perceived  by  us  as  that 
there  are  individuals  who  are  eye-minded  and  those  who  are 
ear-minded.  Only  so  far  as  this  do  we  have  any  right  to  go  in 
considering  eroticism  at  all  as  a  mental  trait. 

The  correlation  between  over-development   and  sex  offenses 


Chap.  XI]  HYPEESEXUALISM  [§  243 

is  clearly  shown  in  the  delinquencies  of  girls,  which  are  so  fre- 
quently along  sex  lines  and  so  often  involve  those  of  good  phy- 
sique. (J^ide  §  105  and  §  190.)  It  will  be  noted  in  our  case 
histories  that  sex  offenses  very  frequently  are  combined  in  these 
young  people  with  other  incidental  delinquencies,  such  as  run- 
ning away  from  home  and  stealing.  Hj'persexualism  in  males 
does  not  often  show  itself  so  early.  There  is  no  such  coloring  of 
life's  activities  by  one  dominating  impulse  as  there  is  among 

The  following  represents  a  type  of  case  of  which  we  have  seen 
scores : 

Case  75.  —  The  mother  stated  that  this  girl  of  15  was  crazy 
about  sex  matters.  Mentally  she  proved  well  up  to  the  ordinary 
in  ability  and  information.  Physically  she  was  splendidly  devel- 
oped, possessed  a  finely-shaped  head  with  broad,  high  forehead, 
and  intelligent,  strong  face.  She  had  been  long  seeking  illicit 
sex  relations.  She  dwelt  on  the  facts  without  shame.  She  was 
now  both  diseased  and  pregnant.  She  rather  boasted  of  having 
been  known  as  "  The  Main  Street  Bum."  This  attitude  she  had 
been  assuming  for  long.  In  explanation  of  the  genesis  of  her  own 
career  she  offered  a  story  of  rape,  which  according  to  her  family 
had  no  foundation  in  fact,  but  even  had  it  occurred  it  would  not 
have  explained  the  intense  inclinations  which  she  had  shown 
over  a  long  period.  In  this  case,  even  if  we  acknowledge  the  effect 
of  bad  environment,  we  have  also  to  include  very  definite  innate 
hypersexualistic  tendencies. 

The  overwhelming  attraction  which  negro  men  occasionally 
have  for  white  girls  and  women,  directly  leading  in  our  social 
life  to  delinquency,  is  to  be  explained  by  the  hypersexualism  of 
the  female  attracted.  One  has  seen -instances  in  which  the  argu- 
ments of  social  ostracism,  race  antipathy,  and  religious  faith  have 
availed  nothing  against  this  extraordinary  impulse. 

Undoubtedly  hypersexualism  is  a  vastly  greater  cause  in  early 
life  of  other  than  sex  offenses  than  it  is  later.  The  morally 
disturbing  influence  would  naturally  be  much  more  during  the 
years  when  there  is  less  than  normal  adult  self-control.  The 
older  hypersexualistic  individual  who  is  mentally  normal  per- 
ceives the  necessity  of  steady  behavior  and  self-control  in  many 
ways  in  order  that  craving  shall  be  satisfied.  For  example,  if 
offenses  were  committed  which  ended  by  incarceration,  oppor- 


§  243]  ABNORMAL    SEXUALISM  [Chap.  XI 

tunities  for  satisfaction  would  be  cut  off.  We  may  say,  then,  that 
hjq3ersexuansm  in  the  otherwise  normal  adult  merely  leads  when 
uncontrolled  to  excessive  practices.  These  may  be  anti-social 
if  they  are  illicit.  The  upshot  of  this  whole  question  is  that  there 
are  certain  individuals  of  both  sexes  who  by  virtue  of  their  own 
native  characteristics,  or  of  desires  aroused  by  experiences,  are 
impelled  to  seek  sexual  enjoyment  beyond  the  social  norm. 

What  treatment  to  recommend  depends  upon  what  anti-social 
habits  have  been  already  formed,  and  what  innate  characteristics, 
if  any,  are  at  the  basis  of  hypersexualism,  upon  what  powers  of 
self-control  are  to  be  relied  on,  and  what  reeducation  can  be 
carried  out.  The  surgical  operations  that  are  often  suggested, 
even  by  parents,  afford  little  hope,  unless  they  are  more  thorough 
than  is  allowable  at  the  present  stage  of  public  opinion  on  this 
subject.  Minor  severings  and  excisions  do  not  alter  predisposed 
paths  of  nervous  conduction.  Of  course,  actual  cases  of  "  saty- 
riasis "  and  "  nymphomania,"  either  one  of  which  may  lead  to 
grievous  misconduct,  are  plainl}'^  subjects  for  medical  attention. 
There  is  very  little  use  in  considering  moral  treatment  for  such 
cases  as  these,  which  sometimes  are  based  upon  definite  conditions 
of  the  central  nervous  system  or  of  other  organs.  The  growth 
of  opinion,  we  feel  sure,  will  be  towards  greater  use  of  thorough 
surgery  in  many  of  these  cases. 

Mere  repression,  such  as  is  undertaken  in  all  sorts  of  penal 
institutions,  frequently  turns  the  individual  from  seeking  one 
kind  of  gratification  to  another  that  may  be  more  disastrous 
mentally.  Punishment  does  not  destroy  in  these  sexualistic 
individuals  such  deep-set  mental  and  physical  inclinations. 

It  is  unfortunate  that  society  must  be  protected  from  indi- 
viduals with  h>'persexualistic  tendencies  by  methods  which  do 
not  cure  the  trouble.  In  institutions  there  is  frequently  an  ex- 
cess of  both  thought  and  conversation  about  sex  subjects.  When 
this  last  fact  is  faced  the  greatest  effort  should  be,  not  to  directly 
combat  the  inclinations  by  drawing  attention  to  them,  but  to 
supplant  them  with  new  interests  and  new  types  of  mental 
imagery  and  new  activities  of  many  kinds.  What  may  be  suc- 
cessful in  one  case  may  not  be  effective  in  another.  The  main 
hope  is  to  be  found  in  the  well-known  psychological  principle  of 
substitutional  mental  activities.  Forceful  new  interests  some- 
times do  win  the  day.  Education  and  religion  have  their  place 
in  this  treatment. 



§  244.    Sexualistic   Obsessions  and  Impulsions. 

It  is  probable  that  in  all  cases  where  mental  imagery  and 
ideation  become  obsessional  and  lead  to  uncontrolled  impulses, 
that  a  neuropathic  constitution  is  in  the  background.  No  doubt, 
however,  elements  of  environmental  or  physical  experience  enter 
into  the  total  result.  Very  peculiar  personal  actions  and  traits 
may  be  developed  as  the  result  of  such  impulsions.  It  is  the  busi- 
ness of  the  medico-psychologist  to  be  acquainted  with  these  pecul- 
iarities of  conduct,  many  of  which  do  not  come  within  the  cate- 
gory of  offenses.  When  the  impulsions  lead  to  offenses  we  have 
some  strange  developments;  the  association  between  the  delin- 
quency and  sexualism  may  not  be  at  all  apparent.  In  the  case 
of  exhibitionism,  which,  however,  has  psychological  aspects  not 
easy  to  understand,  the  relation  seems  obvious.  When  it  comes 
to  certain  forms  of  stealing,  which  are  indulged  in  under  sexual- 
istic impulses,  the  meaning  of  the  conduct  is  not  at  all  to  be  read 
on  the  surface.  Abnormal  sex  impulses  may  be  found  active  in 
those  who  are  certainly  not  to  be  considered  in  any  way  insane, 
but  nevertheless  in  the  actually  insane  sexualistic  impulsions 
frequently  are  dominant. 

The  theft  of  articles  for  fetishism,  that  is  for  their  sexually  sym- 
bolic purposes,  is  well  known.  The  whole  subject  has  been  satis- 
factorily dealt  with  by  Binet  (341),  Krafft-Ebing  (188),  Have- 
lock  Ellis  (37),  and  others.  Probably  the  most  common  objects 
stolen  are  women's  handkerchiefs  and  women's  shoes.  Gloves 
and  other  articles  of  wear  are  sometimes  found  desirable.  The 
theft  and  cutting  of  the  female  hair  is  undoubtedly  an  offense  done 
under  sexual  impulse.  The  psychological  basis  of  these  curious 
actions  has  been  made  the  matter  of  much  discussion  which  we 
cannot  go  into  here. 

The  remarkable  self-abnegating  impulse  which  leads  women  to 
become  the  abject  slaves  of  men,  even  to  the  extent  of  turning 
over  earnings  gained  from  sex  immorality,  is  of  sexualistic  origin. 
The  power  of  the  "  cadet  "  over  women  cannot  be  understood 
unless  this  psychological  phase  of  their  relationship  is  taken  into 
account.  Some  women  find  satisfaction  in  actually  suffering 
at  the  hands  of  their  masters.  This  subjection  directly  gives 
opportunity  for  development  of  sexual  vice.  Analogous  cases 
of  men  whose  masochistic  impulses  lead  them  to  desire  to  be 


§  244]  ABNORMAL    SEXUALISM  [Chap.  XL 

beaten,  for  instance,  by  their  mistresses,  do  not  so  lead  to  social 

An  impulse,  the  reverse  of  this  last,  in  which  the  individual 
desires  to  inflict  cruelty,  perhaps  to  whip  another  person,  or  at 
least  to  see  the  whipping,  has  been  proved  to  have  direct  relation 
to  sexualism. 

Cases  of  men  who  have  an  impulse  to  cut  or  stab  women  and 
girls  have  been  exploited  in  the  newspapers  and  discussed  in 
scientific  literature.  The  offender  usually  has  a  preference  for 
some,  perhaps  non-sexual,  part  of  the  body  about  which  imagery 
has  centered.  No  doubt  all  of  these  men  are  determinably  in- 
sane. The  so-called  lust  murders  are  probably  always  committed 
by  victims  of  brain  disease.  The  nature  of  the  crime  and  of  the 
criminal  is  witnessed  to  by  the  strange  mutilations  and  other 
performances  carried  out  in  connection  with  the  deed. 

The  impulse  to  insult  women  in  public  places  is  only  to  be 
explained  upon  the  basis  of  abnormal  sexualism.  Since  there 
is  no  obvious  satisfaction  gained,  the  meaning  of  the  offense  has. 
to  be  sought  by  psychological  analysis.  The  same  type  of  ob- 
sessional impulse  may  lead  to  the  defilement  of  woman  in  various 
ways,  or  the  cutting  of  their  clothes.  Cases  of  all  these  types  are 
described  in  the  special  literature. 

The  spying  upon  persons  of  the  opposite  sex,  which  occasion- 
ally is  accounted  a  social  offense,  is  the  result  of  an  impulse 
that  is  more  generally  understood  and  so  seems  less  peculiar. 
However,  it  would  not  be  easy  for  most  individuals  who  engage 
in  this  to  analyze  the  nature  of  their  own  impulses,  or  to  give 
clear  account  of  satisfaction  received. 

The  impulse  to  peculiarly  violate  little  girls,  often  without 
rape,  is  one  which  unfortunately  is  not  infrequently  met  with 
in  court  work.  At  the  risk  of  discovery  and  imprisonment  the 
offense  may  be  repeated  over  and  over,  and  in  this  shows  the  force 
of  an  obsessional  impulse.  We  have  often  used  the  following 
example  as  a  text  illustrating  the  inadequacy  of  ordinary  puni- 
tive treatment  of  these  cases.  We  had  occasion  to  know  of  the 
career  of  a  man  who  had  served  about  five  years  in  the  peniten- 
tiary for  immoral  conduct  with  little  girls.  Within  a  couple  of 
months  after  his  release  he  had  again  repeated  his  offenses  with 
several  children,  was  reconvicted  and  sentenced  to  a  longer  term. 
There  was  no  understanding  of  the  nature  of  this  man,  or  of  his 
impulses,  which  led  to  any  treatment  at  the  time  of  his  original 


Chap.  XI]  MASTURBATION  [§  245 

conviction,  or  at  his  release.  The  result  has  been  the  mental  de- 
filement of  several  other  young  persons. 

We  know  only  too  well  the  effects  of  such  practices  by  older 
people  —  the  effects  upon  the  mental  content  and  consequent 
impulses  of  those  who  have  been  so  early  taught  vicious  sex 
practices.  We  could  have  safely  predicted,  even  if  we  had  not 
come  to  actually  know,  the  miserable  results  upon  the  young 
girls  mentioned  in  the  previous  paragraph. 

The  impulse  in  males  to  exhibit  themselves  sexually  we  have 
partly  dealt  with  elsewhere,  §  163.  While  most  often  a  phe- 
nomenon of  old  age,  younger  males  with  this  impulse  are  occa- 
sionally found.  Exhibitionism  by  females,  although  I  have  never 
heard  of  a  case  being  brought  to  court,  is  not  at  all  uncommon, 
and  is  certainly  an  anti-social  offense.  In  girls  or  women,  not 
prostitutes,  the  impulse  has  its  roots  either  in  physiological 
hj^ersexualism,  perhaps  only  temporary,  or  in  obsessional  men- 
tal states. 

§  245.    Masturbation. 

We  heartily  agree  with  the  judges,  police  and  probation  officers, 
and  parents  whom  we  have  heard,  many  of  them,  insist  on  the 
effect  of  masturbation  in  causing  other  delinquencies.  We  de- 
cry exaggeration  of  this  subject  because  in  some  ways  the  habit, 
like  other  single  factors,  is  not  nearly  so  important  as  has  been 
made  out.  Then,  too,  our  experience  in  the  neurological  clinic 
shows  us  the  truth  of  what  has  frequently  been  observed,  namely, 
that  worry  about  masturbation  frequently  does  more  harm  than 
the  habit  itself.  But  in  our  study  of  young  offenders  who  are 
well  started  in  careers  of  delinquency,  we  have  been  profoundly 
impressed  with  the  break-down  of  will,  of  physical  condition,  and 
of  general  moral  fibre  that  is  correlated  with  the  excessive  prac- 
tice of  masturbation.  We  have  found  it  of  the  utmost  impor- 
tance as  a  causative  factor  in  girls  as  well  as  in  boys.  The  extent 
to  which  it  stands  out  clearly  may  be  seen  by  our  statistics,  §  95; 
in  over  10  per  cent,  the  habit  was  practiced  to  such  a  degree 
that  it  was  to  be  fairly  considered  a  definite  cause.  In  many 
other  instances  the  practice  may  have  been  a  habit,  but  we 
did  not  learn  that  it  was  anything  of  a  factor  in  producing 

In  comparatively  few  was  the  practice  carried  on  to  the  extent 
that  there  appeared  to  be  actual  mental  dulling  from  it,  vide 


§  245]  ^         ABNORMAL   SEXUALISM  [Chap.  XT 

§  286.  It  might  properly  be  asked  why  any  weakening  influence 
should  cause  a  tendency  to  delinquency.  We  do  not  think  that 
all  weakening  influences  do,  only  when  together  with  the  dulling 
of  mental  activity  there  comes  moral  lethargy  and  consequent 
establishment  of  anti-social  habits.  We  have  particularly  noted 
in  connection  with  masturbation,  such  delinquencies  as  sleeping 
away  from  home,  unwillingness  to  go  to  school  or  to  work,  re- 
course to  excess  of  stimulants,  petty  stealing,  vagrancy,  constant 
giving  way  to  desire  for  exciting  amusement,  particularly  as 
afforded  by  moving  picture  shows.  The  cases  which  go  on  to 
develop  mental  disturbances  belong  under  the  category  of  men- 
tal aberrations,  §  313. 

The  connection  between  masturbation  and  anti-social  offenses 
seems  to  be  established  along  the  following  lines  —  the  effect 
varying  greatly,  of  course,  with  environmental  circumstances 
and  innate  tendencies  of  the  individual.  The  act  in  itself  is  anti- 
social. The  individual  feels  this,  and  realizes  the  stigma  which 
indulgence  places  upon  him.  His  constant  efforts  at  secrecy  in 
this  regard  may  lead  to  moral  break-down.  The  sequence  is  not 
difficult  to  understand.  First  there  is  weak  self-indulgence,  then 
secretiveness  and  lies,  then  avoidance  of  duties  and  search  for 
stimulation  and  artificial  energy.  The  effect  of  masturbation  in 
directly  promoting  several  forms  of  anti-social  behavior  among 
young  people  is  one  of  the  most  marked  phenomena  to  be  ob- 
served in  court  work. 

On  account  of  desire  to  conceal  a  habit  which  is  looked  down 
upon,  there  is  great  readiness  on  the  part  of  the  offender  to  ascribe 
any  lassitude  or  weakness  of  will  to  causes  other  than  the  habit 
itself.  Boys  often  allege  that  their  trouble  is  due  to  smoking, 
when  the  smoking  itself  is  indulged  in  really  to  stimulate  after 
the  depression  caused  by  this  habit.  Numerous  times  we  have 
also  found  the  over-use  of  tea  and  coffee  to  rest  on  this  basis. 
Superficial  judgment  about  causes  thus  may  readily  overlook 
the  more  serious  factor. 

Consideration  of  the  question  of  treatment  involves  at  once 
the  statement  of  a  very  important  fact,  namely,  that  with  suc- 
cessful treatment  of  the  habit  we  have  seen  in  some  cases  a  very 
marked  transformation  of  the  individuality,  sufficient  to  prove 
the  point  we  have  been  making  concerning  the  effect  of  this  prac- 
tice in  developing  criminalistic  tendencies.  It  is  true  that  much 
the  most  hopeful  time  is  before  puberty.    We  have  seen  extrava- 


Chap.  XI]  MASTUHBATTON  [§  245 

gant  cases  of  bad  sex  habits  in  botk  boys  and  girls  cured  when 
they  have  been  treated  prior  to  this  age.  Later  the  matter  is 
much  more  difficult,  as  might  be  expected  from  the  fact  that 
nature  has  already  begun  to  awaken  sex  instinct.  But  even 
then  we  have  seen  alterations  achieved  which  are  quite  remark- 
able —  always  in  cases,  however,  of  normal  mental  ability,  §  286. 
It  is  needless  to  give  long  histories. 

One  girl  {vide  Case  108)  of  16,  who  frequently  slept  in  hall- 
ways, ran  away  from  home,  engaged  in  petty  stealing,  and  who 
was  the  picture  of  mental  dullness,  a  year  later  became  a  capable 
and  self-supporting  girl.  Her  unrecognized  trouble  had  been 
extensive  indulgence  in  masturbation.  The  mother  undertook 
the  treatment  in  most  vigorous  fashion  and  succeeded. 

Case  76.  —  A  boy  of  14,  normal  in  mental  ability,  poorly 
nourished,  with  tired  look  about  the  eyes,  had  long  been  giving 
much  trouble.  He  lived  with  a  poverty-stricken  mother,  who 
together  with  her  children  had  suffered  much  from  the  abuse  of 
her  alcoholic  husband.  When  we  saw  the  boy  he  had  run  away 
from  home  several  times,  he  had  stolen  repeatedly,  had  lied 
much,  and  once  had  tied  himself  in  a  chair  to  make  his  mother 
believe  that  burglars  had  been  in  the  house.  This  last  was  done 
because  he  had  secreted  the  little  money  which  she  possessed. 
We  found  that  this  boy  had  been  practicing  masturbation  for  three 
or  four  years,  sometimes  excessively.  His  physical  appearance  and 
general  manner  were  very  different  from  that  of  a  younger  brother 
with  whom  we  could  compare  him.  He  did  not  succeed  on  pro- 
bation in  his  old  environment,  even  after  his  father  deserted  the 
family,  but  when  placed  in  a  home  in  the  country  where  his  sex 
tendencies  were  watched,  he  made  in  a  year  a  wonderful  improve- 
ment. Our  last  report  of  him  is  that  he  is  strong,  healthy,  and 
as  steady  as  a  clock. 

It  is  unnecessary  to  burden  the  reader  with  many  other  cases 
that  we  could  give  in  which  this  habit  has  proved  a  large  factor 
in  starting  delinquent  careers.  One  might  go  farther  and  include 
the  various  psychological  steps  of  mental  habit  and  mental 
imagery  and  formation  of  grudge-like  attitudes  which  are  super- 
imposed on  indulgence  in  masturbation,  but  the  general  trend 
of  these  points  should  be  obvious.^ 

^  The  comparative  results  of  excessive  intercourse  and  excessive  mastur- 
bation are  often  discussed.  The  review  of  the  subject  by  G.  Stanley  Hall  (31, 
Vol.  I,  p.  440)  brings  out  the  essential  points. 


§  245]  ABNORMAL    SEXUALISM  [Chap.  XI 

The  treatment  of  mastuiibation  is  very  largely  an  affair  of 
building  up  new  methods  of  living.  The  temptation  frequently 
centers  about  some  association;  it  occurs  at  the  same  hour,  or 
in  the  same  place.  The  old  associations  should  be  broken  up  as 
much  as  possible.  There  is  no  doubt  in  my  mind  but  that  through 
the  constant  supervision  of  some  good  person  of  the  same  sex, 
perhaps  a  member  of  the  family,  if  the  right  person  can  be  found, 
is  the  best  possible  means  of  getting  the  desired  results.  The 
desperate  case  we  spoke  of  above  was  handled  by  the  mother 
remaining  with  the  girl  all  the  time  and  always  sleeping  with  her. 
General  hygiene  should  be  attended  to  as  well  as  any  local  irrita- 
tive conditions.  Treatment  is  best  begun  only  after  a  careful 
medical  survey  of  the  individual  problem. 

§  246.    Early  Sex  Experiences. 

It  will  be  noted  in  our  statistical  analysis,  §  95,  that  at  least 
13  per  cent,  of  our  cases  had  encountered  some  early  sex  experi- 
ence sufficiently  serious  to  be  accounted  by  the  student  a  causative 
factor  of  delinquency.  In  these  cases  the  trouble  arose  from  the 
teachings  of  other  children  and  adults  of  both  sexes,  as  much  as 
from  actual  bad  sex  practices  with  others.  In  children  the  un- 
fortunate introduction  into  sex  life  came  often  from  persons  of 
the  same  sex.  The  effect  of  immorality  on  the  part  of  parents, 
as  a  causative  factor  which  undermines  the  whole  of  moral  life, 
need  mentioned.  The  incidents  of  sex  life  witnessed 
as  the  result  of  crowded  housing  conditions,  and  the  untoward 
ideas  gained  from  obscene  language  heard  at  home  cannot  fail 
to  bring  about  anti-social  reactions.  When  it  comes  to  the  actual 
immoral  practices  which  occasionally  spring  up  in  the  household 
the  situation  is  desperate.  Incest  and  other  evil  practices  leave 
ineradicable  stains.  It  may  be  contended  that  early  teaching 
of  this  kind  must  fall  on  fertile  ground  to  produce  long  enduring 
vicious  results,  but  there  is  little  doubt  that  susceptibility  exists 
more  or  less  in  all  persons.  Very  many  times  in  our  studies  of 
the  genetics  of  a  delinquent  career  we  have  ascertained  that 
the  earliest  beginnings  were  connected  with  illicit  sex  practices. 
There  seems  to  be  little  reason  for  the  individual  pursuing  any 
paths  of  rectitude  when  the  most  intimate  relations  of  life  are 
morally  awry. 


Chap.  XI]  SEX   PERVERSIONS  [§  247 

§  247.    Sex  Perversions. 

Despite  the  importance  of  the  subject  of  sex  perversions  for  all 
who  have  to  do  with  offenders,  whether  in  police  or  court  work, 
or  in  institutional  life,  there  is  no  sufficient  reason  for  our  discuss- 
ing it  in  detail  in  such  a  work  as  this.  We  grant  there  has  been 
altogether  too  much  neglect  of  the  subject  and  too  little  under- 
standing of  the  facts  by  many  who  should  know  at  least  the  gen- 
eral phases  of  unnatiu-al  sex  conduct,  but  sources  of  detailed 
information  are  now  available  in  English,  and  to  these  we  will 
refer  those  readers  whose  business  it  should  be  to  understand  such 
things.  All  others  should  leave  the  unpleasant  subject  alone. 
We  are  consciously  thus  producing  an  incomplete  work  on  the 
individual  offender,  feeling  that  there  is  no  sufficient  reason  for 
reiteration  of  even  the  general  outlines  of  the  subject,  nor  for 
recounting  any  of  the  many  instances  which  we  have  studied. 
Judges  and  others  deeply  concerned  with  this  whole  problem, 
which  is  not  easy  to  understand,  should  gain  a  learned  outlook 
upon  it.  I  would  counsel  study  of  authors  only  who  deal  with 
the  subject  thoroughly.  The  foreign  literature  is  immense;  we 
need  not  concern  ourselves  with  it  here  because  the  masterly 
works  of  Krafft-Ebing  (188),  Havelock  Ellis  (186),  Freud  (88),  and 
Moll  (339)  are  now  all  available  in  English.  These  authors  cover 
different  parts  of  the  field  and  take  different  points  of  view,  no 
one  of  which  the  fair-minded  student  of  the  subject  can  afford 
to  neglect.  There  is  much  strife  about  certain  theoretical  points, 
but  the  facts  are  all  clear.  For  those  who  are  compelled  to  deal 
with  the  legal  aspects  of  sex  perversion  the  recent  translation  of 
Thoinot  (338)  is  a  boon. 

Nothing,  naturally,  is  of  any  more  interest  in  the  matter  of  sex 
perversions  than  its  psychological  aspects.  It  does  not  do  at  all, 
as  Naecke  (340)  points  out,  to  wave  aside  even  the  commonest 
of  perversions  and  say  that  they  simply  arise  upon  a  basis  of 
degeneracy.  We  see  clearly  from  the  study  of  our  cases  that  many 
types  of  personalities  are  involved,  and  that  bad  companion- 
ship and  bad  environmental  conditions  may  be  the  chief,  perhaps 
the  sole  cause  for  these  socially  abnormal  practices.  While  in 
court  work  a  large  number  of  sex  perverts  are  found  to  be  mentally 
abnormal,  individuals  who  do  not  get  into  court,  and  those  who 
in  institutions  and  other  places  where  the  sexes  are  segregated 


§  247]  ABNORMAL    SEXUALISM  [Chap.  XI 

practice  these  vices  are  frequently  entirely  sound  mentally. 
The  mere  practice  of  sex  perversions  is  a  rare  cause  for  the  indi- 
vidual being  brought  into  court  —  that  is,  rare  as  compared  with 
the  large  number  of  persons  who  engage  in  such  practices.  This 
fact  must  not  be  forgotten  when  there  is  attempt  to  urge  reforma- 
tion upon  the  individual.  Others  of  his  ilk  are  generally  known 
to  him  who  hold  themselves  as  quite  beyond  the  pale  of  criminal- 
ism. Perhaps  the  most  difficult  feature  of  the  situation  to  com- 
bat is  the  fact,  known  to  many  perverts,  that  people  of  great 
ability  and  of  both  sexes  practice  these  habits  which,  because 
they  are  anti-social,  are  called  perversions. 

Treatment  of  the  tendency  to  sex  perversion  is  a  very  difficult 
matter.  Forced  repressive  discipline  in  such  matters  is  frequently 
a  farce.  We  can  well  understand  this  in  the  light  of  the  powers  of 
mental  imagery.  Study  of  the  authors  we  have  mentioned  will 
show  that  a  great  many  sex-pervert  offenses  are  instigated  by 
obsessive  mental  representations,  such  as  are  not  in  the  least 
bettered  by  ordinary  penal  treatment.  Indeed,  life  in  penal 
institutions  is  notorious  for  inciting  to  sex  practices  of  many 
kinds  even  those  who  are  otherwise  not  inclined  to  them.  There 
is  much  literature  bearing  on  this  point. 

The  importance  of  sex  perversions  for  criminalistics  does  not 
end  with  consideration  of  the  practices  themselves.  We  have 
been  deeply  impressed  with  the  power  which  the  knowledge, 
to  say  nothing  of  the  practice,  by  young  people  of  perversions 
has  for  disturbing  the  general  moral  equilibrium.  In  a  number 
of  cases  we  have  witnessed  secondary  effects,  stealing,  running 
away,  false  accusations,  etc.,  arise  principally  from  the  morally 
overwhelming  effects  of  experience  with  sex-pervert  practices. 
In  our  chapter  on  mental  conflicts,  §  237,  and  on  pathological 
lying,  §  346,  may  be  seen  some  indications  of  the  facts. 

§  248.    Psychoses   Accompanied  by  Abnormal   Sexualism. 

We  have  elsewhere  dwelled  upon  the  excessive  sexualism  not 
infrequently  displayed  by  epileptics,  sometimes  upon  the  basis  of 
the  early  sex  development  which  may  accompany  the  disease. 
In  other  conditions  where  the  mind  is  affected,  eroticism  may 
be  displayed  as  one  of  the  chief  symptoms,  and  in  such  cases 
the  entire  social  significance  of  the  mental  disease  may  hinge 
upon  this  fact.  In  our  chapters  on  the  psychoses  will  be  found 
some  hint  of  this.  ,, 


Chap.  XI]  SEXUALISM   IN    PSYCHOSES  [§  248 

We  have  seen  a  number  of  cases  where  arrest  has  been  made 
for  sex  offenses  when  the  offense  itself  was  merely  a  sjonptom 
of  the  mental  aberration.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that  the  vast 
majority  of  those  cases  have  been  females.  Males  with  mental 
aberrations  do  occasionally  become  sex  offenders,  sometimes  of 
the  most  violent  sort,  rapists  and  perverts,  but  in  much  greater 
measure  the  conduct  of  the  psychotic  girl  or  woman  is  imbued 
with  general  sex  tendencies.  A  previously  moral  girl,  now  the 
victim  of  chorea,  may  begin  to  show  erotic  tendencies,  and  after 
parental  repression,  may  run  away  in  the  full  excitement  of  her 
disease,  and  seek  experiences  with  the  opposite  sex.  Many  in- 
stances of  psychoses  in  adolescents  we  have  witnessed  which  have 
been  accompanied  by  signs  of  eroticism,  indeed  eroticism  itself 
in  some  has  seemed  to  be  the  chief  sign  of  a  mild  maniacal 
condition.  The  possibility  of  an  aberrational  mental  state  being 
the  foundation  for  such  behavior  should  be  kept  ever  in  mind 
by  probation  officers  and  others  who  come  in  contact  with  these 
markedly  sexualistic  individuals. 


§  249]  EPILEPSY  [Chap.  XII 


§  249.  General  Statement.  §  250.  Varieties  of  Epilepsy.  §  251.  Criminalism 
and  Epilepsy.  §  252.  Our  Findings.  §  253.  Mental  Peculiarities  of  Epi- 
leptics. §  254.  Physical  Peculiarities  of  Epileptics.  §  255.  Causes  of  Epi- 
leptic Being  an  Offender.  §  256.  Illustrative  Cases.  §  257.  Legal  and 
Other  Social  Treatment  of  Epileptic  Offenders.    §  258.  Epileptic  Psychoses. 

§  249.  General  Statement.  —  The  amount  of  space  which 
we  shall  devote  to  epilepsy  as  a  genetic  factor  of  criminalism 
will  not  be  proportionate  to  the  great  importance  of  the  subject. 
The  general  facts,  since  the  earliest  studies  of  Lombroso  pub- 
lished a  generation  ago,  have  been  well  to  the  foreground  in  crim- 
inology. What  is  necessary  for  us  to  do  is  to  say  something  of  the 
nature  of  the  epileptic  attacks,  to  refer  to  our  statistical  findings 
while  considering  certain  exaggerations  of  the  subject,  to  speci- 
fically dwell  on  the  mental  peculiarities  of  epileptics  which  lead 
them  to  play  so  large  a  part  in  criminalism,  to  give  two  or  three 
typical  cases,  and  to  offer  some  comments  on  legal  aspects.  The 
epileptic  psychoses,  although  difficult  at  times  to  distinguish 
from  mere  changes  in  character  peculiar  to  epileptics,  are  treated 
below,  §  258.  (The  best  professional  usage  of  today  is  to  speak 
of  "  the  epilepsies,"  rather  than  of  epilepsy  as  a  single  disease. 
There  are  several  kinds  of  epilepsy,  and  probably  many  etiologi- 
cal factors.)  The  main  facts  about  the  varieties  of  attacks  and 
the  psychical  characteristics  of  epileptics,  as  set  forth  below, 
should  be  well  known  to  all  who  deal  with  offenders.^ 

§  250.  Varieties  of  Epilepsy.  —  The  essential  nature  of  epilepsy 
as  a  disease  is  that  its  principal  manifestations  occur  in  the  form 
of  attacks  of  varying  kinds  and  lengths.  Quite  apart  from  the 
mental  states  of  the  epileptic  at  times  other  than  in  the  attack,  is 
consideration  of  the  disease  itself  as  expressed  in  attacks.  All 
students  of  offenders  should  be  acquainted  with  the  several  forms 
of  epilepsy.  It  is  true  that  the  classic  division  of  epilepsy  into 
four  principal  manifestations  is  not  ultimately  satisfactory  to 

1  The  best  reference  work  in  English  on  epilepsy  for  students  of  criminaMs- 
tics  is  that  by  SpratUng  (26).  This  was  written  from  the  author's  immense 
experience  at  the  Craig  Colony  in  New  York. 


Chap.  XII]  VARIETIES    OF   EPILEPSY  [§  250 

professional  students  of  the  subject,  but  for  the  practical  pur- 
poses of  description  this  division  holds  good.  It  is  in  general 
use  even  in  special  institutions  for  epileptics.  Before  giving  the 
divisions  we  desire  the  reader  to  distinctly  understand  that  the 
lines  between  them  are  not  always  clear,  and  that  the  same  person 
may  suffer  from  more  than  one  manifestation  of  the  disease. 
Often  both  major  and  minor  attacks  are  experienced.  The  main 
forms  of  epilepsy  are : 

(a)  ]\Iajor  epilepsy.  Grand  mal.  Attacks  in  which  motor  co- 
ordination is  lost,  the  patient  falls,  and  there  is  always  uncon- 
sciousness. The  convulsive  seizure  is  the  best  known  manifes- 
tation of  major  epilepsy. 

(6)  Minor  epilepsy.  Petit  mal.  In  attacks  of  this  nature  con- 
sciousness may  not  be  entirely  lost,  and  while  there  is  some 
muscular  involvement  it  may  not  amount  to  jerking  or  falling. 
There  may  be  merely  sudden  inability  to  move,  with  clouding  of 
consciousness  for  a  few  seconds. 

(c)  Psjxhic  epilepsy.  This  is  a  mental  attack  leaving  the  motor 
functions  undisturbed.  There  is  sudden,  temporary  loss  of  the 
higher  consciousness,  of  complete  apperception,  with  a  patho- 
logical loss  of  memory.  These  seizures  may  last  for  a  few  seconds 
or  for  hours,  and  even  days.  The  individual  in  these  states  auto- 
matically reacts  to  various  perceptions  and  impulses. 

{d)  Jacksonian  or  partial  epilepsy  consists  in  spasms  of  one 
set  of  muscles,  or  of  one  part  of  the  body.  Often  with  this  there 
is  no  disturbance  of  the  consciousness.  It  is  usually  the  result 
of  localized  disease  of  the  brain.  It  has  less  to  do  with  criminalis- 
tics than  the  other  forms  of  epilepsy. 

In  addition  to  the  above  should  be  mentioned  epileptic  equiva- 
lents. These  are  curious  psycho-physical  phenomena  due  to 
paroxysmal  disturbances  of  various  nerve  centers.  They  have 
been  described  by  Gowers  and  others.  There  may  be  sudden  feel- 
ing of  distress  in  some  organ,  or  the  trouble  may  take  the  form 
of  sensory  disturbance,  which  occasionally  amounts  to  an  hallu- 
cination, as  of  smell.  Rarely,  attacks  of  this  sort  may  be  the  only 
indication  of  the  epileptic  tendency,  except  that  usually  there  is 
a  little  concomitant  disturbance  of  consciousness.  One  remark- 
able case  seen  by  us  was  that  of  a  boy,  repeatedly  delinquent, 
who  showed  the  characteristic  mental  deterioration  of  the  epi- 
leptic, but  who  suffered  from  no  seizures  other  than  peculiar 
attacks  of  sweating,  accompanied  by  slight  dimming  of  conscious- 


§  250]  EPILEPSY  [Chap.  XII 

ness.  Attacks  of  iriolent  temper  may  be  epileptic  equivalents  ac- 
cording to  the  opinion  of  prominent  students  of  the  subject. 
Certainly  known  epileptics  are  prone  to  such  emotional  disturb- 
ances which  may  seem  to  take  the  place  of  typical  seizures.  At- 
tacks of  bad  temper  seem  also  to  run  in  epileptic  families,  among 
those  who  show  no  regular  manifestations  of  the  disease.  Further 
light  on  this  subject  may  be  forthcoming. 

The  diagnosis,  especially  the  differential  diagnosis,  of  epilepsy, 
should  be  left  to  well-trained  specialists.  Attacks  of  other  nervous 
diseases  may  be  wrongly  interpreted  as  epilepsy. 

§  251.  Criminalism  and  Epilepsy.  —  The  comprehensive  asser- 
tion of  Lombroso  that  the  criminal  is  essentially  an  epileptic, 
even  though  he  shows  none  of  the  ordinary  diagnostic  signs  of 
the  disease,  and  that  epUepsy  represents  the  genus  of  which  crim- 
inalism and  moral  insanity  are  the  species,  is  not  to  be  taken 
too  seriously.  Of  course,  as  Tarde  says  (5,  p.  238,  ff.),  this  theory 
of  Lombroso  is  not  without  deep  significance,  even  though  it  be 
literally  untrue.  The  peculiar  ugl}^  temper  and  outbreaks  without 
provocation,  the  variable  temperament,  and  the  episodic  behavior 
to  be  observed  in  some  criminals  who  are  not  known  to  be  epi- 
leptics, form  a  suspicious  chain  of  resemblances.  So  far  as  we 
ourselves  are  concerned,  with  our  viewpoint  of  the  practical 
value  of  digging  deeply  into  causation  in  each  case  by  itself,  we 
have  not  the  slightest  need  for  the  application  of  any  such  general 
theory.  The  extent  of  the  relationship  between  epilepsy  and 
criminality  must  stand  upon  its  own  feet  as  an  ascertainable  fact. 
Many  observers  working  in  Germany,  France,  England,  and 
America  have  been  unable  to  corroborate  Lombroso's  theories. 
Notwithstanding  the  frequency  with  which  we  ourselves  have 
discovered  this  disease  among  offenders,  we  perceive  altogether 
too  many  sides  to  the  problem  of  criminalism  to  have  them  met 
in  any  such  one-pointed  fashion. 

§  252.  Our  Findings.  —  Our  findings  on  the  appearance  of 
epilepsy  as  a  factor  in  offenders'  careers  are  that  in  a  straight 
series  of  1000  cases  of  young  repeated  offenders  7  per  cent,  are 
known  to  be  definitely  epileptic  and  there  is  a  question  of  doubt 
in  a  number  of  other  cases.  Our  figures  are  set  forth  elsewhere, 
§  107.  Our  data  would  seem  to  be  much  more  complete  than  could 
be  obtained  from  observation  in  penal  and  other  institutions, 
because  of  our  unusual  opportunities  for  getting  in  touch  with 
relatives,  and  hence  for  learning  the  story  of  developmental  con- 


Chap.  XII]        MENTAL    PECULIARITIES    OF    EPILEPTICS  [§  253 

ditions.  Had  we  not  had  these  antecedent  facts  many  cases  of 
epilepsy  could  not  have  been  recognized  as  such.  Thus  so  far 
as  the  substantiation  of  any  such  theory  as  Lombroso's  is  con- 
cerned we  have  had  an  exceptionally  good  chance. 

In  making  the  diagnosis  of  epilepsy  we  have  not  entered  at  all 
info  the  well-founded  modern  contentions  as  to  what  really  con- 
stitutes the  disease.  Medical  science  is  unable  yet  to  declare 
itself  on  this  question.  We  may  say,  in  general,  that  Ave  have 
called  those  indi\'iduals  epileptic  who  have  had  convulsive  attacks 
beyond  the  period  of  infantile  convulsions,  or  when  there  has 
been  first-rate  CAddence  of  occurrence  of  attacks  of  minor  epilepsy. 
We  have  also  included  cases  where  spasms  or  convulsions  were 
exceedingly  frequent  during  infancy  or  early  childhood,  even  if 
they  disappeared  later.  Convulsions  occurring  during  the  course 
of  infectious  diseases,  etc.  are,  of  course,  not  included. 

The  points  in  our  discussion  of  this  subject  for  which  I  should 
ask  most  consideration  are  those  concerned  with  the  mental 
peculiarities  of  epileptics.  Those  peculiarities  merge  into  the 
psychoses,  the  insanities,  but  yet  in  the  great  majority  of  epilep- 
tic offenders  the  question  of  insanity,  as  ordinarily  conceived, 
can  hardly  be  brought  up.  The  reader  should,  hovx^ever,  become 
acquainted  with  the  facts  concerning  the  epileptic  insanities, 
§  258,  as  well  as  the  points  under  consideration. 

§  253.  Mental  Peculiarities  of  Epileptics.  —  The  mental  pecu- 
liarities which  have  special  interest  for  the  student  of  offenders 
are  (a)  the  strange  variabilities,  easily  discerned  by  examination 
or  observation;  (6)  the  remarkable  general  characteristics  (the 
so-called  character)  typical  of  the  epileptic;  (c)  the  gradual  men- 
tal deterioration,  which  is  so  peculiar  to  the  disease  in  its  well- 
marked  forms  that  some  specialists  say  it  is  one  of  the  principal 
points  of  diagnosis. 

In  any  consideration  of  the  mental  life  of  epileptics  as  a  class 
it  should  be  distinctly  remembered  that  very  able  and  wise  men 
have  been  sufferers  from  this  disease  in  mild  form.  We  who  see 
especially  epileptics  who  are  offenders,  get  a  view  of  correlated 
mental  peculiarities  which  does  not  correspond  exactly  to  the 
facts  as  they  exist  among  non-offenders.  Yet  we,  when  grading 
according  to  mental  abilities,  find  variations  ranging  from  fair 
or  ordinary  in  ability  to  feeblemindedness. 

(a)  First  of  note  among  the  peculiarities  displayed  by  epilep- 
tics is  the  great  variability  in  their  mental  functionings.     To 


§  253]  EPILEPSY  [Chap.  XII 

know  the  mental  capacities  of  an  epileptic  today  is  not  to  know 
them  tomorrow.  We  have  many  times  observed  that  our  find- 
ings on  tests  are  not  duplicated  at  a  second  sitting.  This  is  to 
be  quite  expected  in  the  light  of  the  wonderful  changes  which 
take  place  in  the  epileptic's  psyche.  Not  only  this,  but  there  is 
also  often  great  unevenness  shown  in  different  mental  abilities  at 
one  testing.  This  irregularity  in  performance  has  led  to  the 
common  saying  at  our  clinic  that  great  irregularity  in  itself  sug- 
gests the  possibility  that  epilepsy  is  the  correct  diagnosis,  al- 
though those  who  are  mentally  dull  from  depleted  physical 
conditions  sometimes  show  the  same  phenomena.  These  varia- 
bilities in  capacity  are  less  well  known  than  the  changeableness 
of  mood  and  entire  disposition.  Aschaffenburg  (364)  has  devoted 
an  essay  to  the  important  psychological  and  legal  points  of  fluct- 
uation of  disposition.  It  is  especially  well  shown  in  one  of  the 
cases  cited  below. 

(6)  The  development  of  the  so-called  "  epileptic  character  " 
is  one  of  the  well-recognized  psychological  peculiarities  of  this 
disease.  In  enumerating  rapidly  the  points  to  which  others  have 
devoted  many  pages  of  consideration  we  have  the  following: 
Epileptics  are  prone  to  emotionalism,  but  much  inconsistency  is 
shown  in  their  feelings.  Some  may  be  subject  to  constant  irrita- 
bility, but  more  often  there  is  a  sudden  showing  of  anger  and 
vicious  conduct  entirely  without  cause.  On  the  other  hand, 
there  may  be  the  assumption  of  an  ultra  virtuous  attitude,  with 
perhaps  moralizing  and  preaching.  One  of  the  most  cruel  epi- 
leptic adolescents  we  have  ever  studied  was  a  religious  enthusiast 
at  times.  Periods  of  sullenness  or  bad  temper  may  be  prodro- 
mata  of  actual  attacks,  and  in  some  cases  it  seems  certain  that 
ill  feelings  and  their  reflection  in  the  mental  disposition  vicari- 
ously replace  the  attack.  Impulsiveness  is  a  very  general  char- 

Another  class  of  epileptic  traits,  as  many  observers  have  noted, 
centers  about  their  egocentric  tendencies.  There  is  a  morbid 
self-love  and  egocentrism.  This  leads  to  self-assertion  of  all  kinds, 
and  to  defective  appreciation  of  the  rights  of  others.  Excessive 
obstinacy  is  frequently  seen.  In  general,  the  ethical  perceptions 
necessarily  play  a  small  part  when  these  other  tendencies  are 
active.  (The  ordinary  saying  that  in  epileptics  the  moral  sense 
is  blunted,  means  merely  that  they  show  mental  deterioration 
and   overwhelming  impulsions.)     When  there  is   over-develop- 


Chap.  XII]      CAUSES    OF    EPILEPTIC    BEING    AN    OFFENDER       [§  255 

ment  of  the  sexual  life,  as  unfortunately  there  so  frequently  is, 
the  combination  of  all  these  t^'pical  characteristics  tends  to  make 
the  epileptic  a  great  offender.  The  character  changes  play  so  large 
a  part  in  the  mentality  of  the  epileptic  that  it  is  sometimes  said 
that  unprovoked  naughtiness  is  one  of  the  earliest  signs  of  epilep- 
tic tendencies  in  children,  but  one  would  have  to  be  careful  in 
drawing  such  a  conclusion.  All  told,  we  may  not  only  say  that 
epileptics  show  many  traits  which  lead  in  the  direction  of  anti- 
social behavior,  but  that  they  are  notoriously  incalculable  in 
their  moods  and  impulses. 

(c)  The  remaining  class  of  epileptic  mental  peculiarities  is 
concerned  with  general  deterioration.  Some  of  the  best  students 
go  so  far  as  to  use  this  phenomenon  as  a  diagnostic  point,  and 
state  that  without  signs  of  gradual  mental  deterioration  diagnosis 
of  true  epilepsy  is  doubtful.  Observers  of  cases  outside  of  insti- 
tutions would  hardly  care  to  go  as  far  as  this.  But  the  fact  is 
that  in  very  many  cases  there  is  a  slowly  progressive  tendency 
towards  the  loss  of  mental  power.  Perceptions  and  will  are 
affected;  the  finer  ethical  discriminations  are  lost,  and  the  moral 
inhibitors'^  powers  are  lowered.  On  account  of  just  these  facts 
we  find  the  epileptic  so  frequently  becoming  an  offender.  There 
is  much  more  study  to  be  made  of  these  points,  particularly  of 
the  fields  of  mental  activity  which  are  involved  in  the  deteriorat- 
ing process.  Thorough  psychological  study  of  the  mental  states 
of  epileptics  has  yet  to  be  made,  but  there  have  been  definite 
starts  in  this  direction.^ 

§  254.  Physical  Peculiarities  of  Epileptics.  —  No  considera- 
tion of  the  epileptic's  characteristics  is  complete  without  taking 
account  of  the  peculiar  fact  that  this  disease  is  frequently  corre- 
lated with  premature  development  and  over-development,  both 
of  the  general  physique  and  of  sex  attributes.  In  our  study  of 
offenders  we  have  seen  some  astonishing  cases  of  this.  We  have 
mentioned  it  elsewhere,  Case  22,  and  it  was  one  of  the  main 
features  of  Case  79,  cited  below.  I  am  not  aware  that  any  one 
has  offered  an  explanation  of  this  unexpected  correlation. 

§  255.  Causes  of  Epileptic  Being  an  Offender.  —  I  would 
not  have  it  understood  that  I  believe  that  the  innate  character- 
istics of  the  epileptic  are  solely  responsible  for  his  frequent  growth 

1  For  the  student  we  may  refer  to  Jung's  studies  on  association  processes 
(365),  to  the  paper  of  Rittershaus  (366)  on  the  Differential  Diagnosis  of  the 
Forms  of  Epilepsy  by  Psychological  Studies,  and  also  to  the  article  on  the  use 
of  tests  by  WaUin  (28). 


§  255]  EPILEPSY  [Chap.  XII 

into  an  offender.  The  making  of  the  confirmed  criminal  out 
of  the  epileptic  is  the  result  partly  of  his  own  innate  mental  and 
physical  tendencies,  partly  of  the  formation  of  mental  habits 
according  to  the  laws  of  mental  life,  and  is  partly  due  to  social 
conditions.  (No  small  factor  in  this  is  the  epileptic's  continual 
regarding  of  himself  as  an  anti-social  being,  a  possible  breaker 
of  the  laws.)  Continuation  studies  of  many  an  epileptic  show 
clearly  the  sequence  of  events.  It  was,  indeed,  just  this  which 
drew  my  attention  first  to  the  criminological  field.  As  I  have 
elsewhere  pointed  out  (27),  the  path  of  the  epileptic  from  the 
clinic  to  the  bridewell  and  the  penitentiary  is  astonishingly  well 
worn.  Vagrancy  and  crime  are  the  natural  results  of  social 
failure,  especially  when  impulses  from  within  surge  higher  than 
the  powers  of  inliibition.  The  young  man  expressed  the  point  most 
clearly  who  came  to  our  court  and  asked  to  be  sent  to  a  reforma- 
tory before  he  had  actually  committed  the  offenses  which  he 
felt  he  was  bound  ultimately  to  commit. 

§  256.  Illustrative  Cases.  —  The  following  cases  have  been 
selected  as  illustrating  a  considerable  number  of  the  points  which 
typify  the  antecedents,  the  individual  make-up,  and  the  careers 
of  epileptic  offenders. 

Case  77.  — A  young  man,  now  18  years  of  age,  we  have  had  under 
frequent  observation  for  three  years.  The  first  time  we  saw  him 
he  showed  mental  hebetude  to  the  extent  that  he  hardly  knew  his 
own  name  and  could  give  very  little  of  his  history.  In  this  condition 
he  remained  for  a  number  of  hours.  WHien  seen  at  another  time 
he  proved  to  be  ambitious  and  a  fairly  good  student,  who  enlisted 
sympathy  by  virtue  of  his  desire  to  get  along  well  in  the  world. 

This  boy  is  the  fourth  of  eight  children,  three  of  whom  are  dead, 
two  older  brothers  are  steady  workers,  and  one  brother  is  very 
irregular  in  his  habits  and  somewhat  of  a  runaway.  We  hear 
that  this  brother,  a  graduate  of  the  grammar  school,  has  been 
held  in  jail  in  other  parts  of  the  country.  The  father  holds  a  very 
responsible  position,  and  has  been  with  the  same  company  for  25 
years.  The  mother  is  a  fairly  intelligent  woman,  much  worried, 
neurasthenic  and  broken  down  as  the  result  of  her  troubles. 
Both  father  and  mother  come  from  large  families;  they  insist 
that  there  has  been  no  insanity,  feeblemindedness  or  epilepsy  on 
either  side.     This  is  probably  a  reliable  account. 

The  subject  of  our  study  was  the  result  of  a  normal  pregnancy 
and  birth.    He  was  healthy  as  an  infant,  but  at  2  years  began  to 


Chap.  XII]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  250 

hold  his  breath  when  crying  and  appear  to  faint.  After  that  he 
had  occasional  attacks  of  unconsciousness.  These  have  varied 
in  nature  from  time  to  time.  In  the  year  prior  to  when  we  first 
saw  him  he  had  six  attacks  in  which  he  fell  and  bit  his  tongue. 
He  walked  and  talked  early  and  had  no  diseases  of  importance 
for  us.  Sometimes  he  has  had  attacks  in  which  everything  be- 
comes black  in  front  of  his  eyes,  and  he  would  have  to  sit  down 
imtil  it  passed  away. 

We  found  him  at  15  years  to  be  a  well-developed  and  well- 
nourished  boy.  Weight  128  lbs.,  height  5  ft.,  4  1-2  in.  Strength 
good  for  age.  No  tremor.  Coordination  normal.  The  only 
stigma  was  a  deep  indentation  of  the  lobules  of  ears.  No  sensory 
defect  noted.  Well-shaped  head.  We  hear  from  the  parents 
that  he  has  had  adult  type  of  sex  development  for  some  time. 
During  our  acquaintance  with  this  boy  he  developed  still  more, 
and  at  18  he  is  a  tall,  strong  young  man  with  a  very  deep  voice. 

His  mentality  was  extremely  variable.  For  hours  he  might  be 
extremely  dull,  on  other  occasions  he  would  talk  bravely  about  the 
possibility  of  his  becoming  a  lawyer.  Indeed,  he  had  bought  books 
that  were  recommended  as  adapted  to  his  beginning  such  studies 
and  had  worked  with  them.  The  following  is  a  sample  of  the  re- 
sult on  tests  at  one  sitting.    They  show  remarkable  irregularity. 

I.  1'  10".    No  trial  and  error. 

II.  1'  35".    4  errors. 

III.  Construction  Test  A.  18". 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.  54".  Very  little  trial  and  error.  De- 
cidedly good  perception  of  the  relationships  of  form. 

V.  Puzzle  Box,  6'  57".  Good  perception  of  the  logical  relationships 
of  the  different  steps,  but  slow  procedure. 

VII.  Reproduction  of  Geometrical  Figures.  Very  poor  result  on 
this  simple  test.  More  parts  than  are  necessary  in  one  figure,  and 
entire  leaving  out  of  the  central  part  of  the  second  figure. 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.    Correct  at  1st  trial. 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.  Correct  at  2d  trial,  but  only  in  accordance 
with  his  own  idea  of  the  numbering  of  spaces,  in  spite  of  his  having  been 
shown  carefully  that  his  OAvn  conception  of  the  numbering  was  wrong. 

XII.  Memory  from  Visual  Verbal  Presentation.  18  of  the  20  items 
given  with  much  verbal  accuracy  and  in  correct  logical  sequence. 
A  very  good  result. 

XVI.  Motor  Coordination  Test.  85  squares  at  1st  trial.  87  squares 
at  2d  trial.    One  error  only  at  the  1st  trial. 

XVII.  Writes  a  fairly  good  hand.  Is  curiously  erratic  in  his  spell- 
ing at  times.  For  instance,  "printer"  he  makes  "pritner,"  but  such 
errors  are  only  occasional. 


§  256]  EPILEPSY  [Chap.  XII 

XVIII.  Arithmetic.  He  tries  to  do  examples  in  long  division  and 
then  makes  a  proof  that  comes  out  ridiculously  wrong.  Shows  a 
strange  variability  in  his  mental  processes  even  on  such  work  as 
attempting  to  prove  an  example,  which  was  correctly  done  at  first. 
At  one  time  he  multiplied  the  divisor  by  the  remainder,  and  at  another 
time  multiplied  the  quotient  by  the  remainder,  and  so  on. 

XXII.  In  a  fragmentary  way  he  knows  many  facts  of  history  and 
geography.  He  has  been  a  great  reader.  They  have  a  good  library  of 
books  at  home,  and  he  tells  us  he  has  been  particularly  fond  of  his- 
tory, yet  he  says  Abraham  Lincoln  was  the  first  president  of  the  United 
States,  and  makes  other  similar  errors.  The  ordinary  items  of  common 
scientific  interest  he  knows  fairly  well,  perhaps  because  his  father  is 
an  expert  mechanic.  It  is  curious  to  note  that  his  show  of  informa- 
tion on  another  occasion  was  entirely  different.  He  can  then  tell  us 
who  the  first  president  was,  but  now  says  the  five  great  lakes  are  St. 
Louis,  Michigan,  Erie,  and  others  which  he  does  not  know.  Previously 
he  had  named  them  correctly,  with  the  exception  of  Huron. 

This  boy  had  reached  7th  grade  by  the  time  he  was  15  years 
old,  and  had  on  various  occasions  impressed  people  with  his  de- 
sire for  learning,  with  his  studies  in  history,  and  probable  ability 
to  become  a  lawyer.  On  one  of  his  earliest  appearances  in  court 
the  judge  heard  that  he  had  an  ambition  to  enter  the  legal  profes- 
sion, and  refused  to  put  any  record  against  him  in  the  hopes  that 
he  might  change  in  character.  It  was  said  at  the  time  that  he  was 
the  victim  of  others  who  led  him  on.  The  first  time  we  saw  him 
he  had  suffered  the  previous  night  a  miserable  sex-pervert  assault. 
But  his  delinquencies  also  involved  very  different  types  of  behavior. 
He  has  stolen  from  other  people  as  well  as  from  home.  At  times 
he  quarreled  much  with  his  brothers  and  even  threatened  their 
lives.  On  one  occasion  he  took  a  check  from  the  family  mail 
box  and  attempted  to  get  it  cashed.  Once  he  was  persuaded 
by  a  man  to  go  to  a  house  of  prostitution,  and  there  acquired  a 
venereal  disease. 

The  worst  of  his  delinquencies,  except  for  a  happy  circumstance, 
might  well  have  been  train  wrecking.  One  afternoon  he  was 
walking  in  a  suburb,  but  for  what  purpose  he  was  never  able  to 
tell.  Indeed,  he  could  never  remember  how  he  reached  there. 
Coming  to  railroad  tracks,  he  inquired  when  a  certain  fast  train 
would  be  coming  by.  Walking  out  farther  he  very  cunningly 
placed  some  angle  irons  in  such  fashion  on  the  track  that  the  train 
would  surely  be  derailed.  Meeting  some  boys  in  the  vicinity  he 
told  them  to  come  on  down  to  the  tracks  in  half  an  hour,  and  they 
would  see  a  good  wreck  of  the  Fast  Express.    Most  fortunately, 


Chap.  XII]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  256 

one  of  the  railroad  people  walking  by  saw  the  obstruction  and 
removed  it.  Inquiry  elicited  the  fact  that  our  boy  had  given 
money  to  some  lads  to  tell  him  at  what  time  this  particular  train 
was  due  there.  The  abnormal  character  of  the  deed  was  thoroughly 
demonstrated  by  this.    The  offender  was  easily  apprehended. 

I  have  repeatedly  seen  this  boy  in  his  better  moments,  when 
he  was  always  contrite  and  frank  about  this  railroad  affair.  He 
apparently  remembers  his  actions,  but  cannot  give  the  slightest 
motive.  He  saw  the  track,  and  thought  it  would  be  nice  to  make 
a  wreck,  and  then  set  about  his  purpose.  He  had  not  the  slightest 
cause  of  grudge  against  the  railroad  company  or  any  one  in  the 
train.  Although  he  must  have  been  several  hours  on  his  way  to 
the  suburb,  he  does  not  remember  any  part  of  that  time.  He 
feels  that  his  act  was  the  result  of  a  sudden  impulse,  and  he  has 
no  idea  why  he  should  have  had  that. 

At  other  times  we  have  seen  him  surly,  grudgeful,  and  threat- 
ening vengeance  on  his  dearest  relatives.  Once  he  told  us,  "  I 
am  better  dead  than  the  way  I  am.  Sometimes  I  feel  like  killing 
myself.  One  day  I  came  near  doing  it  in  the  bath  room,  and  I 
had  the  means  there.  I  am  not  only  making  misery  for  myself." 
On  another  occasion,  "  I  '11  never  feel  on  friendly  terms  with  him 
again.  I '11  kill  him,  if  he  is  my  brother.  I '11  do  it  yet."  "These 
things  come  in  my  mind,  doctor,  that 's  all  there  is  to  it,  and  I 
go  right  away  and  do  them.  There  ain't  no  stopping  to  think. 
When  a  thing  comes  in  my  mind,  I  just  go  right  ahead  and  do  it, 
and  I  don't  know  why  I  do." 

As  a  boy  of  14  this  lad  had  a  scheme  for  studying  oratory.  He 
read  the  newspaper  account  of  lawyers'  speeches,  and  made  the 
attempt  to  commit  them  to  memory.  He  both  wrote  and  recited 
them  in  his  efforts  at  learning.  After  he  left  school  he  never  held 
but  one  job  for  any  length  of  time,  and,  curiously  enough,  that 
was  for  six  months  as  a  switch  tender  on  a  railroad.  The  danger 
of  having  him  in  this  occupation  can  well  be  imagined.  At  times 
he  has  seemed  delusional  and  has  told  strange  stories  about  hidden 
treasures  and  about  his  acquaintance  with  girls.  The  last  we 
heard  of  this  young  man  was  that  he  had  run  away  to  an  eastern 
state  and  had  succeeded  in  enlisting  in  the  navy. 

(Since  writing  the  above  we  have  an  inquiry  about  this  young 
fellow,  and  learn  that  after  serving  with  a  good  record  for  about 
a  year  he,  without  known  cause,  deserted.  He  was  then  to  be 
tried  by  court-martial.) 


§  256]  EPILEPSY  [Chap.  XII 

Mentality:  Epileptic,  great  variability.  Case  77. 

Delinquencies:  '^'    ^ 
Runaway  -\ — |-- 

Stealing.  Mental  ability: 

Attempt  to  wreck  train,  etc.  Fair,  but  variable. 

Many  a  gruesome  tale  could  be  told  of  murder  and  rape  and 
other  offenses  of  epileptics.  We  can  well  afford  to  leave  such 
studies  untold,  since  many  have  been  recounted  by  others,  par- 
ticularly by  Lombroso,  but  so  many  important  social  and  psy- 
chological features  appear  in  the  following  case  of  a  murderer, 
who  was  finally  hanged,  that  his  history  justifies  a  short  recital. 

Case  78.  —  Male  33  years  old.  I  was  asked  to  study  as  an  im- 
partial observer  this  man  who  was  accused  of  murder  in  a  small 
western  city.  At  my  disposal  were  placed  the  facts  known  to  the 
lawyers  of  both  sides,  those  that  the  police  had  ascertained,  and 
I  also  had  opportunity  to  meet  the  accused  at  length,  and  become 
acquainted  with  a  number  of  members  of  his  family.  There  was 
no  question  about  the  murder;  the  accused  acknowledged  it. 
The  facts  as  to  his  previous  history  were  in  many  details  corrob- 
orated by  information  from  different  sources.  The  murder  was 
peculiarly  unprovoked.  An  old  woman,  who  lived  in  a  house  by 
herself,  was  called  up  in  the  middle  of  the  night  by  this  man,  who 
had  spent  the  earlier  hours  at  a  party  where  some  drinking  had 
been  going  on.  The  woman  knew  this  man  slightly,  and  let  him 
in  when  he  rapped.  What  occurred  afterwards  is  not  altogether 
known  except  that  the  victim  was  choked,  her  throat  was  cut, 
and  her  chest  and  abdomen  gashed  open.  There  was  some  evi- 
dence of  the  viscera  having  been  handled.  Then  there  was  search 
for  her  possessions.  A  bag  was  taken  from  which  on  the  way 
home  the  murderer  threw  out  various  letters  and  some  from  his 
own  pocket,  which  gave  complete  clue  to  his  identity.  He  went 
home,  prepared  breakfast  for  his  children  because  his  wife  was 
still  at  the  party,  slept  for  a  time  and  then  went  about  the  town 
looking  for  work.  On  that  evening  he  was  calmly  sleeping  when 
the  police  arrived,  and  quickly  went  to  sleep  again  after  having 
been  placed  in  the  police  station.  He  made  no  attempt  at  denial. 
The  bag  belonging  to  the  woman  was  found  in  his  home  with 
no  attempt  at  concealment. 

On  the  physical  side  we  found  a  very  well  nourished  and  heavily 


Chap.  XII]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  256 

built  man.  Large  neck;  rather  deep  set  eyes;  overhanging  eye- 
brows; superciUary  ridges  very  large.  Forehead  rather  retreat- 
ing, but  head  fairly  well  shaped;  circumference  57  cm.  Regular 
profile.  Small  mouth.  Thin  lips.  Quiet  and  dull  in  expression. 
General  appearance  hea\y,  dull,  and  rather  brutal.  No  stigma 
of  importance.  Constant  fine  tremor  of  outstretched  hands. 
Coordination  tests  all  done  fairly  well.  No  sensory  defect  noted. 
Complains  much  of  hands  sweating  at  intervals.  Occasionally 
frontal  headaches  with  a  feeling  of  sickness  at  the  times.  His  trem- 
bling and  sweating  as  observed  by  us  could  not  be  counted  as  evi- 
dence of  emotion,  because  he  showed  none  in  any  other  way.  At 
no  time  did  we  see  the  slightest  evidence  of  excitement  or  con- 
trition. Always  slow  pulse.  The  quiet  attitude  was  said  to  be 
usual  with  him,  even  to  his  being  generalh^  downcast.  However, 
even  in  jail  he  could  easily  be  aroused  to  show  humor,  emphati- 
cally demonstrated  by  contraction  of  the  orbiculares  of  the  eyes. 
Another  evidence  of  the  man's  general  make-up  was  shown  by 
the  fact  that  he  complained  of  much  sex  desire  while  in  jail,  in 
tliis  respect  being  as  usual. 

On  the  mental  side  we  had  before  us  the  question  of  either  aber- 
ration or  defect.  The  only  signs  of  aberration  were  to  be  found 
in  a  strange  emotional  lethargy.  We  could  pretty  well  rule  out 
postincriminatory  disturbance,  because  his  present  attitude, 
according  to  his  wife  and  others,  was  quite  usual.  The  abnormali- 
ties which  he  displayed  were  all  those  of  a  typical  defective.  He 
responded  readily  to  questions,  and  even  had  an  apparent  de- 
sire to  go  into  various  points  of  his  career,  but  there  was  always 
much  evidence  of  incomplete  memory.  He  could  read  only  the 
shortest  words.  He  had  never  been  able  to  read  an  ordinary 
passage  in  a  newspaper.  He  could  write  his  own  name,  but  very 
little  else,  not  even  a  simple  letter.  In  arithmetic  he  was  able 
to  do  only  the  simplest  processes  in  addition  and  multiplication. 
To  tell  how  much  change  he  should  receive  from  ^o  if  he  bought 
7  articles  at  5  cents  each,  was  far  beyond  him.  On  our  Test  VlH, 
learning  symbol  associations,  although  he  filled  out  the  practice 
part  of  the  work,  he  utterly  failed  to  remember  the  associations. 
Our  easy  tests,  IX  and  X,  for  the  powers  of  mental  represen- 
tation, were  also  too  much  for  him.  Reaction  times  on  associ- 
ation of  verbal  opposites  was  extremely  slow.  He  only  gave  five 
correctly,  and  the  average  time  on  these  was  5".  His  orienta- 
tion as  to  time  was  mainly  correct,  but  he  did  not  know  the  day 


§  256]  EPILEPSY  [Chap.  XII 

of  the  month.  He  knows  the  president  of  the  United  States,  and 
his  own  pohtics,  but  does  not  know  who  is  the  governor  of  the 
state.  He  does  not  vote.  He  does  not  know  the  names  of  the 
Great  Lakes  nor  the  lake  on  which  Chicago  is,  although  he  has 
once  been  there.  He  knows  nothing  about  the  civil  war  nor  the  im- 
portant part  played  by  his  native  state  at  that  time.  All  this, 
other  tests  given,  and  his  history,  showed  that  we  had  to  do  with 
a  feebleminded  man,  who  could  converse  well  in  simple  fashion, 
and  who  had  demonstrated  the  power  of  earning  his  living  under 

He  was  one  of  eight  children  born  to  honest  and  temperate  par- 
ents in  a  southeastern  state.  His  mother  was  subject  to  epilepsy. 
All  the  other  children  have  gotten  along  fairly  well,  they  all 
gained  a  moderate  education,  and  none  of  them  developed  epi- 
lepsy. However,  sick  headaches,  apparently  migraine,  is  a 
characteristic  complaint  among  them  and  there  has  been  much 
severe  suffering  on  this  account  by  several  of  them. 

This  boy  had  epileptic  seizures  when  he  was  a  child.  He  used 
to  run  away  from  home  and  stay  for  two  or  three  days  at  a  time, 
and  act  as  if  he  did  not  know  what  he  was  doing,  even  at  times 
when  he  did  not  have  a  convulsion.  In  spite  of  going  to  school  for 
eight  years,  and  being  helped  much  at  home,  he  never  succeeded 
in  learning  to  read  or  write.  During  early  adolescence  he  became 
a  thief.  He  stole  on  several  occasions,  and  was  finally  sent  to  a 
reformatory  in  his  home  state,  but  was  pardoned  soon  because  he 
behaved  well  and  because  he  was  an  epileptic. 

This  young  fellow,  shortly  after  his  pardon  married  the  woman 
who  has  always  been  loyal  to  him.  She  is  neat  and  trim,  and  in 
intelligence  far  above  him.  They  have  two  children,  8  and  10  years, 
of  age,  who  are  up  to  their  grade  in  school,  and  apparently  normal 
in  every  way.  There  have  been  three  or  four  miscarriages  arti- 
ficially produced.  The  wife  has  had  to  work  out  often,  but  since 
she  is  a  very  capable  woman,  there  has  been  no  particular  finan- 
cial stress. 

His  wife  tells  us  that  throughout  his  married  life  he  seemed  to. 
be  in  his  right  mind  as  a  rule,  but  he  always  appeared  somewhat 
queer,  inasmuch  as  he  never  would  care  to  enter  into  conversation; 
he  would  only  speak  when  urged  to  talk.  Sometimes  he  would 
hold  his  head  and  say  things  were  black  in  front  of  his  eyes.  At 
times  he  would  shake  and  tremble  all  over  in  his  sleep,  but  he 
has  never  had  any  definite  convulsions  since  she  has  known  him. 


Chap.  XII]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  256 

She  knew  he  had  them  earHer.  Of  late  years  he  would  walk  out 
of  the  house  and  wander  off  somewhere,  perhaps  to  the  next 
town,  and  stay  away  all  night.  He  has  always  treated  her  well 
when  he  has  been  sober.  Although  they  live  in  a  prohibition  com- 
munity, he  has  found  it  easy  enough  to  get  alcoholic  beverages. 
Three  or  four  years  previously  he  was  very  curiously  paralyzed 
on  one  side  for  about  a  week,  but,  to  the  surprise  of  everybody, 
he  rapidly  recovered.  She  corroborates  his  statement  that  he  is 
extremely  passionate  sexually,  and  has  been  so  all  the  time  she 
has  known  him.  Recently  he  has  been  even  more  so.  Some- 
times he  is  rough,  but  never  cruel.  (Without  going  into  details, 
I  may  say  that  this  is  one  of  the  most  extreme  cases  of  sexual 
passion  that  I  have  known  of  in  medical  work.)  His  memory 
always  seemed  to  be  somewhat  poor,  but  previously  he  was  some- 
what brighter  than  he  has  been  lately.  On  one  occasion  he  at- 
tacked his  family,  and  threw  things  about  the  house,  and  they 
had  to  run  away  until  he  got  quieted  down,  but,  in  general,  his 
w^ife  has  regarded  him  as  a  satisfactory  husband. 

This  man  himself  frankly  tells  us  all  he  knows  of  the  murder  and 
of  his  past  history.  He  remembers  the  attacks  his  mother  had,  and 
how  people  told  him  that  he  was  subject  to  fits.  He  tells  us  of  his 
incarceration  at  16  or  17,  but  cannot  remember  just  how  long  he 
was  in  the  reformatory,  nor  just  how  old  he  was.  He  was  married 
at  .18.  He  lays  much  stress  on  his  strong  sex  desires,  on  his  mas- 
turbation before  marriage,  and  excessive  cohabitation  since  then. 
For  the  last  year  or  two  says  he  has  been  almost  crazy  in  this  way. 
He  has  had  gonorrhea  twice,  once  before  his  marriage.  Says  he 
was  never  good  at  games,  and  never  could  shoot  anything  the 
w^ay  the  other  boys  did.  He  used  to  wander  off  in  the  woods 
away  from  school.  Since  his  marriage  he  wanders  occasionally, 
and  has  been  on  sprees.  He  has  lived  steadily  with  his  wife,  but 
has  been  untrue  to  her  on  various  occasions.  Nearly  all  his  work 
has  been  as  a  farm  laborer,  but  recently  he  has  been  a  hod  car- 
rier's assistant. 

This  man  tells  us  that  he  is  very  changeable  in  his  feelings.  He 
thinks  people  treat  him  squarely,  but  he  has  not  always  done 
what  is  right.  He  says  he  has  sometimes  spent  his  wages,  and  then 
his  wife  had  to  go  out  to  work.  He  does  not  think  he  has  had  any 
fits  for  many  years,  but  something  affects  his  brain  at  times. 
Everything  gets  dark  in  front  of  him.  He  gets  weak  and  has  to 
sit  down.     Occasionally  this  comes  over  him  two  or  three  times 


§  256]  EPILEPSY  [Chap.  XII 

a  day.  He  has  been  doing  the  kind  of  work  where  this  did  not 
make  any  difference.  He  can't  recall  just  the  day  on  which  this 
murder  occurred.  He  had  been  out  of  work  for  three  or  four  days, 
and  the  evening  before  had  been  drinking  a  little  beer  and  whiskey. 
He  went  to  the  party  that  night  with  his  wife,  but  came  away 
without  her.  He  does  not  know  exactly  why  he  did  this,  nor 
does  he  at  all  know  why  he  went  into  the  house  of  the  old  woman. 
It  was  just  an  impulse  that  came  over  him.  He  thinks  he  must 
have  cut  her  after  he  choked  her  because  other  people  say  so,  but 
he  really  does  not  remember  doing  it.  He  knows  he  felt  very 
strange  at  the  time.  He  thinks  perhaps  he  was  angry  because 
she  had  ordered  him  out  of  the  house.  He  denies  that  he  had  sex 
feelings  at  the  time,  or  that  he  had  sex  experiences  with  her.  He 
was  not  then  particularly  hard  up  for  money,  and  from  her  bag 
of  belongings,  which  he  discovered,  he  did  not  even  take  the 
money  when  he  placed  it  on  the  shelf  at  home.  He  did  not  change 
his  clothes,  on  which  there  were  some  blood  stains,  nor  did  he 
feel  afraid  about  the  affair.  He  thought  perhaps  it  would  not  be 
found  out;  sometimes  such  things  were  not  found  out.  When 
asked  if  he  had  any  particular  case  in  mind,  he  at  first  said  no. 
(When  I  heard  of  the  nature  of  this  murder  I  inquired  of  the 
authorities  if  there  had  been  any  similar  murders  of  women  in  the 
neighborhood,  and  I  was  told  of  one  in  a  near-by  town,  and  also 
that  this  man  had  been  in  the  company  of  a  dissolute  woman  at 
about  the  time  when  she  was  killed,  although  it  was  never  known 
that  she  was  murdered.)  When  I  later  asked  in  a  general  way 
about  this,  he  said  there  was  a  woman  who  had  been  murdered 
under  the  same  circamstances  in  a  nearby  country  town,  and  that 
was  never  found  out.  Then  I  asked  him  about  the  other  woman 
who  was  killed.  He  said  he  got  to  drinking  with  her  down  near 
the  railroad  tracks  and  he  does  not  remember  what  happened. 
Her  body  was  found  much  mutilated  on  account  of  having  been 
run  over  by  a  train.  He  was  found  asleep  near  there.  That  was 
a  couple  of  years  previously.  He  says  he  thinks  he  would  not 
have  committed  this  murder  of  the  old  woman  in  the  cottage 
had  he  not  previously  been  drinking,  although  he  certainly  did 
not  get  drunk.  (There  is  no  evidence  from  the  people  at  the  party 
that  he  became  intoxicated.) 

In  regard  to  his  connection  with  the  death  of  the  woman  on 
the  tracks,  his  wife  verifies  the  fact  that  he  was  found  asleep 
there,  but  nobodj^  ever  ascertained  that  he  knew  anything  of 


Chap.  XII]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  256 

what  had  occurred.  Concerning  the  murder  of  the  woman  in 
the  neighboring  town,  she  says  she  beheves  her  husband  was 
away  from  home  on  that  particular  night.  Later  I  asked  the 
man  if  he  thought  he  had  committed  that  other  murder,  and  the 
only  answer  vouchsafed  was  that  he  did  not  know  that  he  had. 
He  very  strangely  never  once  denied  it.  The  account  of  other 
minor  delinquencies,  showing  his  loose  way  of  living,  is  of  no 
particular  importance.  He  was  hanged,  as  he  said  he  guessed 
he  would  be. 

In  summary:  Here  was  a  big,  strong  man;  feebleminded  and 
epileptic;  of  epileptic  heredity;  of  fair  ability  in  conversation; 
a  satisfactory  husband  to  a  woman  who  was  willing  to  work  and 
help  him  and  his  children.  He  showed  very  peculiar  and  aber- 
rational tendencies,  but  was  able  in  a  prohibition  community 
to  get  plenty  of  alcoholic  stimulants.  He  perpetrated  at  least 
one  murder  under  pathological  impulses.  His  life  history,  in- 
cluding his  early  pardon,  is  a  good  commentary  upon  social  ad- 
justments which  do  not  take  into  account  psychopathological 
elements.  At  no  time  was  there  the  slightest  foresight  displayed 
in  the  handling  of  this  case. 

Mentality:  Feebleminded,  variable  Case  78. 

epileptic.  Man,  32  years. 

Abnormal  sexualism. 

Heredity:  Mother  epileptic. 

Much  migraine  in  the  family. 


Delinquencies : 

Earlier  running  away. 



Sex  abnormality. 


An  instance  where  a  number  of  the  typical  features  of  the 
development  and  career  of  an  epileptic  offender  are  shown  in 
exaggerated  form  is  the  following: 

Case  79.  —  A  boy  of  16  has  a  long  record  of  delinquency.  He 
has  been  a  frequent  runaway  from  home,  and  is  a  thief.  He  has 
served  one  term  in  a  prison  for  adults.  He  was  in  court  the  first 
time  when  he  was  11  years  old  for  running  away. 


§  256]  EPILEPSY  [Chap.  XII 

Examination  showed  a  young  fellow  of  great  size  and  strength 
for  his  years.  Weight  155  lbs.,  height  5  ft.  6  in.  Responsive  and 
pleasant  expression.  No  sensory  defect.  Hutchinsonian  teeth 
suggest  congenital  syphilis.  Very  large  head;  circumference  59, 
length  21,  breadth  15  cm.  Sex  development  very  great  for  his 
age,  already  completely  adult. 

On  mental  tests  we  found  him  irregular,  but  his  abilities  in 
some  directions  were  good. 

Heredity  was  extremely  bad  on  both  sides.  The  father  was  an 
excessively  immoral  man.  The  maternal  grandfather  was  insane. 
The  mother  had  miscarriages  before  this  boy  was  born.  The  boy 
himself  had  scarlet  fever  and  partial  paralysis  at  2  years  of  age. 
He  had  epileptic  attacks  until  he  was  10,  and  then  they  entirely 
ceased.  We  could  not  ascertain  that  he  had  been  having  attacks 
of  any  kind  for  several  years  before  we  saw  him.  His  general 
and  sex  development  was  extremely  precocious.  His  voice  began 
to  change  and  he  developed  a  slight  mustache  at  10  years  of  age. 
Prior  to  that  time  he  seemed  very  dull  mentally,  but  about  then 
began  to  improve.  His  school  career  was  made  very  obnoxious 
for  him  on  account  of  his  over-development.  Even  in  Sunday 
School  the  boys  called  him  grandpa.  In  the  last  few  years  he  had 
been  greatly  addicted  to  stimulants  —  tea,  coffee  and  tobacco. 

In  this  case  we  found  a  great  mixture  of  elements,  as  shown  by 
his  causative  factor  card  below.  It  is  very  interesting  to  note  that 
this  young  man  has  gradually  grown  more  stable;  our  last  re- 
port is  that  he  has  been  working  steadily  and  behaving  himself 
properly  for  a  long  time.  Of  course  the  ultimate  prognosis  de- 
pends upon  the  outcome  of  his  disease. 

I     Mentality:  Variable  epileptic.  Case  79.    • 

Heredity:     Father  extremely  immoral.  ^^y'  ^^  y^^^^' 

Maternal  grandfather  insane. 

Congenital  syphilis  probable. 

Developmental:    Partial  paralysis. 
Epileptic  attacks. 

Premature  puberty  extreme. 

Stimulants  -f-. 

Delinquencies : 
Runaway  -| — h- 


Chap.  XII]         TREATMENT    OF    EPILEPTIC    OFFENDERS  [§  257 

§  257.  Legal  and  Other  Social  Treatment  of  Epileptic  Offenders. 
—  Until  the  nature  of  the  disease  or  diseases  which  show  them- 
selves in  epileptic  seizures  are  known,  discussion  of  the  treat- 
ment is  largely  concerned  with  social  measures.  On  account  of 
its  peculiarities,  epilepsy  is  a  disease  of  great  social  importance, 
and  segregation  is  a  measure  of  precaution  and  protection  that 
must  be  carried  out  in  a  large  number  of  cases.  The  danger  of 
perpetuating  this  disease  in  succeeding  generations,  since,  as 
Davenport  and  Weeks  (367)  and  others  have  shown,  it  is  so 
largely  hereditary,  can  only  be  prevented  by  segregation  or  sur- 
gical measures.  Wliether  the  latter  can  be  carried  as  far  as  a 
number  of  parents  desire  who  have  been  to  me  with  their  hearts 
full  of  the  horrors  which  may  ensue  from  their  offspring's  ab- 
normal sexual  tendencies,  is  a  matter  to  be  determined  by  the 
growth  of  public  opinion. 

The  handling  of  epileptics  under  the  law  presents  many 
difficulties  as  laws  are  now  framed.  Although  it  is  so  well  rec- 
ognized that  epilepsy  frequently  implies  mental  deterioration 
and  changes  of  character,  which  are  part  of  the  manifestations 
of  the  disease,  the  epileptic,  as  such,  is  not  recognized  as  being 
an  individual  who  needs  peculiar  consideration  under  the  law. 
A  well-considered  and  forceful  opinion  rendered  not  long  since 
by  the  Supreme  Court  of  Pennsylvania  (30)  gives  the  legal 
point  of  view.  In  a  certain  case  of  homicide  there  were  offers  of 
evidence  to  show  that  the  defendant,  a  young  man  who  had  passed 
his  majority,  in  the  early  years  of  his  life  was  subject  to  frequent 
attacks  of  convulsions  or  spasms  which  for  the  time  being  rend- 
ered him  unconscious,  that  after  his  12th  year  the  attacks  became 
less  frequent,  much  milder  in  form,  never  attended  with  uncon- 
sciousness, that  he  was  still  subject  to  these  attacks  in  a  modified 
form,  and  that  he  suffered  one  as  recently  as  the  day  before  the 
crime  was  committed  with  which  he  was  charged.  It  also  ap- 
peared he  had  been  drinking  the  afternoon  and  evening  of  the 
occurrence.  The  court  held  that  the  matter  of  the  intoxication 
was  irrelevant,  inasmuch  as  no  evidence  was  offered  on  the  point 
of  the  degree  of  intoxication,  if  any.  Then  the  court  went  on  and 
asserted  the  following  general  theories.  The  unsoundness  of 
mind  that  excuses  the  criminal  act  must  be  so  great  as  to  control 
the  will  of  the  subject  and  deprive  him  of  free  moral  action.  It 
may  be  a  physiological  fact  that  one  effect  of  epilepsy  is  to  pro- 
duce a  state  of  mind  easily  excited  by  provocation,  but  except 


§  257]  EPILEPSY  [Chap.  XII 

as  the  epilepsy  can  be  shown  to  have  resulted  in  an  unsoundness, 
which  by  itself  would  excuse  an  act,  it  cannot  become  a  factor 
in  determining  the  question  of  guilt  or  innocence.  The  law  does 
not  divide  men  into  classes  according  to  temperament  or  intellect, 
judging  some  more  favorably  than  others,  but  it  judges  all  alike. 

If  one  ponders  over  the  above  dictum  and  the  point  of  view 
which  it  represents  and  compares  that  with  the  social  signifi- 
cance of  the  data  which  we  have  presented,  it  will  be  clearly  seen 
that  here  the  law  does  not  at  all  strike  a  fundamental  note  for 
bringing  about  the  protection  of  society  which  is  its  own  raison 
d'etre.  As  a  practical  measure  there  must  be  legal  recognition 
of  the  fact  that  the  various  deteriorations  and  impulsive  tenden- 
cies and  emotional  disturbances  which  are  so  peculiarly  a  part 
of  the  epileptic  psyche,  quite  apart  from  definitive  insanity,  are 
themselves  of  vast  social  import.  The  criminalistic  actions  of  the 
intelligent  young  man  mentioned  above,  taken  together  with  his 
own  efforts  at  introspection,  give  us  a  good  illustration  of  this 
point.  While  even  in  his  best  mental  moments  he  is  quite  unable 
to  describe  his  own  motives,  he  himself  is  very  loath  to  acknowl- 
edge his  own  irresponsibility.  His  own  state  of  mind  at  the  time 
of  the  attempted  train  wrecking  appears  to  him  as  if  it  were  under 
his  control.  He  sometimes  thinks  that  he  might  have  done 
otherwise  had  he  willed  it.  But  I  have  heard  exactly  the  same 
statement  from  violently  insane  persons  who  made  a  sudden  re- 
covery, and,  when  quite  well,  insisted  that  their  wUdest  behavior 
they  can  distinctly  remember  as  being  definitely  willed  by  them- 

The  basic  point  for  consideration  of  epilepsy  is  the  fact  that 
this  disease  presents  very  peculiar  social  phenomena,  which  arise 
from  certain  mental  and  physical  characteristics  of  the  epileptic, 
and  from  the  social  dilemma  in  which  he  is  placed.  The  limited 
opportunities  offered  to  an  epileptic  accentuate  his  dissatisfac- 
tion with  the  world,  times  of  idleness  lead  almost  inevitably  to 
the  habits  and  the  companionship  which  increase  his  moral, 
and  perhaps  his  mental  deterioration.  Out  of  this  unfortunate 
combination  of  circumstances  one  comes  to  witness  in  the  life 
of  epileptics  almost  unparalleled  depths  of  depravity.  Not  only 
for  what  they  are  in  themselves  then,  but  also  on  account  of  their 
social  disadvantages,  the  treatment  of  epileptics  should  not  be 
a  matter  of  merely  court  decision  on  a  single  offense,  but  must, 
to  be  effective,  include  more  permanent  measures. 


Chap.  XII]  EPILEPTIC   PSYCHOSES  [§  258 

§  258.    Epileptic  Psychoses. 

Quite  apart  from  the  epileptic  deteriorations  of  mind  and  char- 
acter, which  we  have  elsewhere  noted  in  their  correlation  to  delin- 
quency, §  253,  one  must  consider  the  mental  states  connected 
with  epilepsy  which  amount  to  actual  insanity.  Much  has  been 
written  on  this  subject  and  it  is  hardly  necessary  to  do  more  than 
barely  mention  the  phenomena.  It  must  be  at  once  acknowl- 
edged, however,  that  it  is  frequently  difficult  to  draw  a  line  be- 
tween the  t^'pical  mental  and  moral  alterations  of  epilepsy,  and 
the  development  of  real  insanity,  such  as  is  demanded  for  diag- 
nosis before  the  plea  of  irresponsibility  is  legally  allowed. 

The  aberrational  mental  states  connected  with  epilepsy  we 
may  enumerate  as  follows:  According  to  Spratling  (26)  there 
are  four  paroxysmal  epileptic  mental  conditions; 

"  (1)  Psychic  epilepsy.  A  complete  morbid  entity  in  itself  and 
wholly  destructive  of  responsibility  so  long  as  it  is  present." 
Vide  §  250  (c). 

"  (2)  Epileptic  automatism.  A  condition  of  mental  vacuity 
coexisting  with  natural  bodily  activity.  This  usually  follows 
severe  attacks;  though  it  may  be  induced  by  those  of  milder 

"  (3)  Pre-  and  post-paroxysmal  mental  disturbances.  These  are 
usually  in  the  form  of  the  most  violent  and  destructive  mania, 
lasting  anjnvhere  from  a  few  minutes  up  to  days  or  weeks,  and  in 
rare  cases  even  longer." 

"  (4)  Paroxysmal  or  epileptic  mania.  This  is  always  destructive 
and  dangerous  in  character,  and  in  which  the  mental  disturbance 
coincides  with  the  fit.  In  cases  in  which  it  appears  to  be  a  sub- 
stitute for  the  fit,  it  is  known  as  the  psychic  epileptic  equivalent." 

(5)  Then  to  these  we  must  add,  the  slight  epileptic  dullness  of 
intellect  may  become  much  more  pronounced  just  before  the 
seizure,  so  that  it  amounts  to  a  thoroughly  insane  condition  in 
which  the  individual  may  perform  anti-social  deeds. 

(6)  The  well-known  epileptic  dementia,  which  may  be  of  all 
grades,  is  sometimes  disturbed  by  an  excited  condition  which  is 
possibly  the  result  of  an  abnormal  brain  cell  discharge.  Under 
these  conditions  an  ordinary  sluggish  and  apathetic  individual 
may  be  changed  into  an  impulsive  madman. 

(7)  Acute  forms  of  insanity,  to  be  diagnosed  along  classic  lines, 


§  258]  EPILEPSY  [Chap.  XII 

are  also  found  in  epileptics.  There  may  be  occasional  confusional 
states  with  delusions  and  hallucinations;  there  may  be  melan- 
cholias; and  manic  depressive  conditions  are  met  with.  Some 
authors  speak  in  somewhat  different  terms  of  the  same  condi- 
tions. Befogged  states,  conscious  deliria,  stupor,  and  epileptic 
furor  are  some  of  the  terms  used.  There  is  also  much  mention 
of  the  paranoid  states  which  we  ourselves  have  frequently  noted 
among  epileptic  offenders.  Dipsomania  is  considered  by  some 
as  a  possible  manifestation  of  epilepsy. 

With  the  idea  particularly  expressed  by  Spratling  (26,  p.  476) 
that  "  unquestionably  the  gravest  criminalistic  result  of  epilepsy 
is  the  commission  of  assaults  and  inhuman  crimes  during  the  fit, 
or  during  the  automatic  state  that  immediately  follows  it,"  we 
do  not  at  all  agree.  His  is  the  standpoint  of  the  institutional 
authority,  while  our  experience  has  been  with  offenders  as  such, 
who  have  been  secondarily  discovered  to  be  epileptics.  Our 
findings  are  conclusive  that  most  of  the  delinquencies  of  epilep- 
tics are  committed  quite  apart  from  any  mental  states  which 
could  be  properly  denominated  complete  insanity.  However, 
there  can  be  no  cavilling  with  the  oft-quoted  dictum  of  Clouston 
that  "  murder  by  an  epileptic  should  be  looked  upon  as  being 
as  much  a  symptom  of  his  disease  as  larceny  by  a  general  paretic." 

We  need  not  burden  our  pages  with  cases  showing  the  different 
forms  of  insanity  connected  with  epilepsy.  Text  books  on  psy- 
chiatry give  many  such,  but  one  or  two  instances  showing  the 
peculiar  social  significance  of  such  aberrational  states  are  worth 

We  have  seen  a  number  of  instances  in  which  a  child,  even  as 
young  as  6  or  7  years,  was  designated  by  relatives  and  teachers 
as  absolutely  incorrigible,  cruel,  and  dangerous,  when  upon  study 
the  case  proved  to  be  one  of  epileptic  psychosis.  There  was 
hj^er-excitability,  and  lack  of  self-control,  and  extreme  irrita- 
bility, connected  with  other  epileptic  manifestations,  when  there 
was  no  sign  of  mental  defect  or  deterioration.  Indeed,  in  some 
instances  superficial  brightness  was  shown  by  readiness  of  response 
and  actual  reaction  to  test.  The  following  case  remarkably  illus- 
trates the  psychotic  disturbance  connected  early  in  life  with  epi- 
lepsy and  the  growth  of  definite  criminalistic  behavior  from  both 
inner  tendency  (the  development  of  the  epileptic  temperament), 
and  such  bad  environmental  influences  as  peculiarly  beset  the 


Chap.  XII]  EPILEPTIC   PSYCHOSES  [§  258 

Case  80. — Boy  7  years  old.  Born  in  Germany.  In  the  United 
States  four  years.  Was  brought  in  from  a  German  orphanage. 
The^,'  have  tried  him  for  a  couple  of  months  and  cannot  tolerate 
him  longer.  The  uncle,  who  supports  the  boy,  states  that  already 
he  has  been  tried  in  dozens  of  places.  He  has  found  nobody 
who  will  keep  him.  The  complaint  is  extravagant  incorrigi- 
bility everywhere.  He  has  already  been  expelled  from  schools  for 
kicking  the  teachers  and  interfering  with  the  scholars.  He  is 
extremely  restless  and  insubordinate,  and  particularly  incalcu- 
lable —  one  moment  is  affectionate  and  caressing,  and  the  next 
minute  shows  violently  bad  behavior.  Extremely  talkative  and 
forward.  Has  not  the  slightest  sense  of  modesty.  One  care- 
taker insists  that  he  is  of  the  born  criminal  type.  He  has  thrown 
a  knife  at  some  one.    Others  tell  us  he  will  steal  anything. 

A  number  of  people  have  commented  on  his  mental  pecul- 
iarities. On  numerous  occasions  he  seemed  to  imagine  he  saw 
things.  For  instance,  asserted  that  a  rat  ran  past  him.  Then 
apparently  feels  some  one  touch  him  at  the  back,  and  looks 
round,  he  says,  to  see  who  it  is.  Is  reported  as  being  utterly  self- 
willed.  All  united  in  saying  that  the  boy  is  mentally  bright  and 
perhaps  precocious  in  his  abilities.  Most  notable  about  him  are 
the  variabilities  of  his  emotional  and  other  mental  states.  In 
several  places  he  has  been  observed  to  have  some  peculiar  attacks. 
In  the  orphanage  he  has  been  three  times  unconscious  in  attacks 
of  convulsions.  At  other  places  where  he  has  been  observed  for 
only  a  short  time  they  have  seen  nothing  but  his  mental  pecul- 
iarities. Whenever  he  gets  a  chance  he  fairly  gorges  himself 
with  food.  On  one  occasion  he  ate  a  dozen  bananas.  In  one 
place  he  developed  a  very  peculiar  habit  of  spitting.  There 
seemed  to  be  the  most  excessive  flow  of  saliva  for  a  time;  the 
boy  would  fairly  form  a  little  pool  on  the  floor  by  his  continued 

Physically  we  found  a  boy  in  fairly  good  general  condition. 
Weight  47  lbs.;  height  4  ft.  No  sensory  defects.  Very  lively 
attitude  and  vivacious  expression.  Bites  finger  nails.  Rather 
prominent  forehead  and  sharp  and  prominent  occiput.  Head; 
circumference  53.3;  length  19.5;  breadth  14  cm.  He  has  been 
circumcised.     All  other  examination  negative. 

Our  psychological  examination  was  readily  conducted.  The 
boy  was  most  vivacious  and  anxious  to  do  anything  in  the  way 
of  tests. 


§  258]  EPILEPSY  [Chap.  XII 

Binet:  1911  series. 

4  years,  all  correct. 

5  years,  failed  only  on  number  3. 

6  years,  failed  only  on  number  1. 

7  years,  1,2,  failure;  3,  4,  5,  correct. 

8  years,  1,  2,  3,  5,  correct;  4,  failure. 

9  years,  1,  2,  3,  failure;  4,  nearly  correct;  5,  correct. 

Of  course  most  of  the  tests  of  our  series  were  too  difficult  for  him. 

I.  All  but  the  triangles  done  in  3'.  Failed  on  the  triangles.  Then 
he  was  shown  how.  He  did  the  whole  test  later  in  1'  28".  The  next 
day  did  it  without  trial  and  error  in  2'  32". 

II.  2'  13".     8  errors. 

IV.  Failure  in  8'.  Was  given  some  help.  The  next  day  did  it 

The  general  apperceptions  of  this  boy  were  decidedly  good. 
He  talked  very  well  indeed.  His  capacity  for  attention  at  this 
time  was  good,  but  as  observed  in  the  school-room  later  it  seemed 
to  be  decidedly  poor.  No  doubt  whatever  about  this  being  a  boy 
of  good  ability  when  he  is  at  his  best,  but  he  suffers  greatly  from 
epileptic  mental  variability. 

From  the  uncle  we  get  an  intelligent  family  history.  The 
father  is  dead.  The  boy  is  one  of  two  children.  The  older 
brother  seems  to  be  normal  and  is  doing  well  in  school.  The 
mother's  family  not  known.  In  the  father's  family  no  insanity, 
epilepsy  or  feeblemindedness  known.  For  some  time  before  this 
boy  was  born  the  mother  was  notoriously  alcoholic  and  sexually 
immoral.  This  went  on  during  his  pregnancy.  Many  attempts 
at  abortion  were  made.  However,  he  was  born  at  full  term  and 
was  a  very  large  baby.  The  mother  deserted  the  family  when 
the  boy  was  less  than  3  years  old.  Whereabouts  unknown.  Out- 
side of  the  attacks  mentioned  above,  he  is  not  known  to  have 
ever  been  seriously  ill.    Never  injured. 

Since  no  epileptic  colony  was  open  to  this  boy  he  had  to  be 
taken  care  of  as  best  he  might  by  private  people  who  were  paid 
by  this  uncle,  who  himself  had  no  home  to  give  him. 

Two  years  later  we  again  saw  the  boy  after  more  complaint  of 
his  delinquencies.  He  had  been  living  in  a  city  environment,  being 
in  a  home  where  there  were  no  other  children.  He  had  recently 
been  expelled  from  school,  even  from  a  special  room  for  defec- 
tives. Complaints  about  him  had  come  in  from  several  sources. 
Had  been  reported  several  times  at  the  police  station.  He  had 
been  engaged  in  obscene  behavior  and  throwing  stones  at  win- 
dows.   One  curious  trick  of  his  was  to  go  into  some  shop  or  place 


Chap.  XII]  EPILEPTIC    PSYCHOSES  [§  258 

of  business  and  refuse  to  go  out,  in  the  meantime  swearing  at 
the  people  who  interfered  with  him.  He  is  known  as  a  great 

On  examination  this  time  we  found  him  in  exceedingly  good 
physical  condition.  Vivacious  and  forceful  manner.  Has  much 
language  ability.  Repeats  long  pieces  of  poetry  for  us  and  bears 
out  his  general  reputation  of  being  a  very  bright  boy.  Even  a 
short  conversation  brings  out  his  erratic  tendencies.  He  weaves 
fanciful  tales,  and  deals  in  the  most  absurd  exaggerations.  j\Iost 
unfortunately  we  hear  even  from  himself  that  he  has  been  engaged 
in  miserable  sex  perversions.  He  has  been  consorting  with  a 
degenerate  negro.  Nowadays  has  only  occasional  attacks,  has 
had  no  major  ones  for  three  months.  Very  difficult  to  say  whether 
or  not  his  attacks  of  temper  represent  epileptic  equivalents. 

The  outlook  for  this  case  is  obviously  very  bad.  We  may  see 
here  the  usual  interaction  between  the  evil  in  an  ordinary  envi- 
ronment and  the  epileptic  type  of  character.  The  boy  properly 
needs  complete  segregation  in  a  colony.  Already  he  has  proved 
expensive  as  well  as  troublesome,  and  is  likely  to  harass  society 
to  a  much  greater  extent. 

Mentality:  Epileptic  variability  and 

Case  80. 
Boy,  9  years. 

Heredity:  Mother  bad  character. 

Ante-natal  conditions 

Mother  alcoholic 
and  immoral. 

Home  conditions: 


changing  about. 

Delinquencies : 

Incorrigibility  -\ — \-. 


Tendency  to  sex  offenses. 

Psychosis  as  above. 

The  violent  and  even  homicidal  assaults  occasionally  perpe- 
trated by  epileptics  during  periods  of  actual  insanity  are  not 
necessary  for  us  to  dwell  on.  They  are  well  known  as  being  par- 
ticularly brutal.  The  possibilities  of  criminalism  and  vice,  cor- 
related with  aberrational  epileptic  tendencies  are  well  illustrated 
by  the  following  typical  case: 

Case  81.  —  A  young  woman,  now  20  years  old,  we  have  had 
under  observation  several  years.    She  is  slight  in  build,  of  decid- 


§  258]  EPILEPSY  [Chap.  XII 

edly  refined  expression,  has  rather  delicate  features,  speaks  in 
low  tones,  and  is  pleasantly  responsive.  Her  good  forehead  and 
refined  physiognomy  entirely  belie  her  record  of  misdemeanor. 

Beginning  at  15  years  this  girl  has  been  the  source  of  much 
trouble  to  her  family  and  to  the  community.  She  started  by  run- 
ning away  from  home,  and  was  discovered  on  several  occasions 
in  other  households  working  under  an  assumed  name.  She  always 
told  a  fictitious  story  in  great  detail  to  the  people  for  whom  she 
worked.  On  one  occasion  she  was  found  through  her  family 
advertising  for  her.  Since  she  would  not  stay  at  home,  oppor- 
tunities were  found  for  her  to  work  elsewhere,  but  she  would 
hold  places  for  only  a  few  days,  and  then  steal  and  either  leave 
or  be  discharged.  All  along  she  has  caused  much  trouble  at  times 
by  telling,  even  to  the  probation  officers  who  have  attempted 
to  befriend  her,  lies  which  have  sounded  very  plausible.  She 
always  has  a  very  great  deal  of  complaint  about  the  conditions 
at  home  or  elsewhere.  Some  serious  false  accusations  were  made 
by  her.  At  times  she  is  in  a  quite  irresponsible  condition,  wan- 
ders about  and  makes  chance  acquaintances.  During  one  whole 
summer  she  was  away  from  home,  and  was  finally  arrested  in 
another  county,  where  she  was  living  on  the  outskirts  of  a  small 
town  in  a  shack  with  a  foreign  laborer.  As  a  result  of  that  expe- 
rience she  became  badly  diseased  and  was  treated  for  long  in  a 
hospital.  Later  she  was  in  court  again  for  forging  checks.  On 
another  occasion  she  stole  money  from  her  family,  again  was 
lost  for  a  couple  of  weeks  and  was  found  in  a  neighboring  town. 
Once  she  was  placed  for  some  months  in  an  institution  for  delin- 
quents. She  has  recently  been  married  (eugenists  take  notice!) 
and  lives  in  another'  state. 

On  the  physical  side  we  never  found  anything  of  note,  except 
poor  development,  poor  nutrition  and  anemia.  At  our  insti- 
gation she  was  treated  for  a  time  with  much  success  in  a  clinic; 
while  under  treatment  her  aberrational  conditions  and  mis- 
conduct showed  great  diminution.  It  is  only  fair  to  say  that  at 
one  time  when  she  was  behaving  the  worst  she  had  no  major 
epileptic  attacks  of  which  we  could  get  any  history.  We  were 
not  sure  of  minor  attacks  then  because  she  had  grown  so  unre- 
liable in  her  statements. 

During  infancy  she  had  a  few  convulsions.  They  have  never 
been  very  frequent  at  any  period  of  her  life.  At  one  time  when 
we  first  knew  her  she  had  about  half  a  dozen  convulsive  seizures- 


Chap.  XII]  EPILEPTIC   PSYCHOSES  [§  258 

during  the  previous  year.  However,  minor  manifestations  were 
much  more  frequent.  After  a  feeling  of  dizziness  she  would  sleep 
for  hours,  even  in  the  daytime,  without  having  any  other  evi- 
dence of  an  attack.  At  times  she  was  said  to  stand  and  stare 
for  a  minute  or  so  without  knowing  what  was  said  to  her.  Enu- 
resis continued  until  she  was  16. 

The  girl  is  the  second  of  ele^^en  children,  two  of  whom  died 
in  infancy.  None  of  the  children  is  thoroughl}^  strong,  but  we 
never  could  get  proof  that  any  of  them  was  epileptic.  A  couple 
of  sisters  had  rebelled  at  environmental  conditions  on  account 
of  the  peculiarities  of  the  mother,  and  left  home.  Before  this 
chUd  was  born  the  father  had  deserted  and  the  mother  was  left 
almost  destitute.  The  child  was  born  prematurely.  Both  mother 
and  child  were  in  poor  condition.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that 
since  then  the  father,  who  is  not  a  bad  sort  of  man  in  general, 
has  lived  with  the  mother  and  supported  her  properly.  This 
chUd  was  slow  in  walking  and  talking  and  had  various  infectious 
diseases,  always,  however,  in  mild  form.  Did  not  menstruate 
until  she  was  17  years  old. 

The  family  history  is  most  significant.  The  father  is  a  healthy 
and  steady  man.  One  of  his  brothers  was  subject  to  very  severe 
attacks  of  epUepsy,  and  was  totally  incapacitated  thereby.  His 
sister  was  a  severe  sufferer  from  migraine.  The  mother  is  unques- 
tionably mildly  insane.  At  times  she  has  been  very  neglectful 
of  her  family,  has  been  violent,  and  irresponsibly  wanders  about 
the  street.  Her  mental  condition  evidently  varies  greatly.  No 
knowledge  of  her  having  epilepsy.  No  more  information  has  been 
forthcoming  about  her  side  of  the  family. 

We  had  satisfactory  evidence  from  the  start  that  this  girl  was 
not  feebleminded.  She  reached  7th  grade  in  school,  reads  well, 
does  arithmetic  through  simple  fractions,  and  does  well  on  various 
tests.  These  were  the  results  when  she  was  at  her  best,  before  she 
had  gone  far  in  the  career  which  we  have  described  above.  As 
time  has  gone  on  she  has  shown  more  and  more  unreliability 
and  great  mental  variation.  However,  at  no  time  when  we  have 
seen  her  could  we  actually  at  that  moment  denominate  her  as 
clearly  insane,  although  every  evidence  from  other  observers 
is  that  at  times  she  is  quite  irresponsible  mentally. 

The  social  difficulties  of  dealing  with  such  a  case  have  been 
illustrated  time  and  again  by  this  girl's  career.  Her  irrespon- 
sible behavior  might  not  be  shown  at  all  if  she  came  up  for  exam- 


§  258]  EPILEPSY  [Chap.  XII 

ination  regarding  sanity,  and  no  hope  was  entertained  of  her 
being  found  insane  by  the  jury  methods  in  vogue  in  our  state. 
On  the  other  hand,  she  steadily  refused  to  go  to  a  state  hospital 
voluntarily,  and  her  family,  approached  at  the  periods  when  she 
was  rational  and  well  behaved,  were  never  willing  to  send  her. 
Her  present  married  state,  with  its  possibilities  of  defective  and 
poorly  cared  for  offspring  we  need  not  dilate  on. 

The  psychic  conditions  of  this  young  woman  have  shown  vari- 
ations all  the  way  from  the  twilight  states  in  which  she  told 
foolish  and  unnecessary  lies,  and  stole  money,  to  quite  irrespon- 
sible conditions  in  which  she  was  quite  another  personality  from 
her  refined  self,  and  went  on  her  miserable  wanderings,  suffer- 
ing all  sorts  of  vicissitudes. 

Mentality:  Epileptic  psychosis  at  times.  Case  81. 

Heredity:  Insanity,  epilepsy,  migraine.  ^^^^'  ^^  ^^^^^• 

Mother  mildly  insane. 

Developmental:  Antenatal  conditions  bad. 
Premature  birth. 

Home  conditions :  very  poor  oversight. 

Delinquencies : 
Running  away. 

Forging.  Mentality: 

False  accusations.  Epileptic  variability 

Sex.  and  psychosis. 


»  Chap.  XIII]         MENTAL   ABNORMALITY    IN    GENERAL  [§  259 

Mental  Abnormality  in  General 

§  259.  General  Considerations.     §  260.  Classifications.     §  261.  Definitions. 

§  259.  General  Considerations.  —  Appreciation  of  the  part 
which  abnormaUty  plays  in  the  production  of  criminaHsm  is 
immensely  aided  by  clear  conceptions  of  what  constitutes  abnor- 
mality in  its  varieties.  It  would  be  well  if  the  outlines  of  the 
subject  were  definitely  understood  by  all  who  have  to  deal  with 
delinquents.  The  grow^th  of  better  social  adjustments  of  offenders 
is  dependent  on  such  understanding. 

So  far  as  definition  is  concerned,  specific  names  are  desirable 
"when  they  may  safely  be  applied  to  characteristics  of  an  individual, 
and  not  otherwise.  A  point  of  great  interest  in  this  whole  matter 
is  that,  while  the  general  fact  of  abnormality  may  be  certain, 
the  irregularities  of  function  of  that  most  complex  of  all  phenom- 
ena, the  human  mind,  may  prevent  the  abnormality  from  fall- 
ing into  any  of  the  well-defined  specific  categories  of  mental  defect 
or  disease.  The  inability  to  apply  the  name  of  any  definite  dis- 
ease or  of  any  grade  of  defect  to  a  case  should  not,  however,  befog 
the  practical  issue.  In  court  work  one  sees  individuals  with  mental 
abnormality  most  potent  for  the  production  of  criminalism,  who 
cannot  be  said  to  be  suffering  from  any  of  the  definitively  classi- 
fied ailments  of  the  text-books.  Notwithstanding  this  there  are 
plenty  of  proofs  of  their  abnormality. 

It  is  true  that,  even  in  hospitals  for  the  insane,  some  patients 
with  major  manifestations  of  psychoses  are  held  to  be  suffering 
from  unclassifiable  forms  of  mental  disease.  A  campaign  against 
too  ready  naming  of  mental  abnormalities,  and  indeed,  against 
the  necessity  for  naming  at  all  except  when  well-known  disease 
processes  or  sjnnptomatic  pictures  are  found,  has  been  carried  on 
by  some  of  the  foremost  psychiatrists,  particularly  Meyer.  The 
remarkable  case  we  cite  in  §  306  shows  tne  impossibility  of  desig- 
nating according  to  standard  classifications,  even  after  years  of 
observation.  The  naming  difficulty,  so  far  as  the  assignment 
of  a  specific  mental  disease  is  concerned,  is  met  with  even  more 


§  259]  MENTAL    ABNORMALITY    IN    GENERAL         [Chap.  XIII 

when  the  minor  psychoses  are  under  consideration.  Yet  the 
latter  are  specially  important  as  actuating  criminalism.  This 
stands  out  clearly  in  our  respective  case  studies. 

In  this  matter  we  should  not  be  stampeded  in  the  least  by  what 
we  are  asked  for  on  the  witness  stand.  In  regard  to  mental 
abnormality  the  law  has  its  own  artificial  standard,  one  that  is 
neither  based  upon  the  best  that  is  known  in  the  field  of  abnormal 
psychology,  nor  —  which  is  much  more  to  the  point  —  on  studies 
of  the  interactive  causative  factors  of  delinquency  as  found  in  the 
career  of  the  individual  offender. 

The  main  point,  for  us  at  least,  is  whether  or  not  the  individual 
is  influenced  towards  delinquency  by  any  abnormal  mental  con- 
dition, and  what  is  the  likelihood  for  the  future.  Society  has 
the  greatest  need  of  protecting  the  individual  and  itself  in  the 
light  of  the  prognosis.  The  idea  that  the  individual  should  not 
be  held  under  the  law  because  his  act  was  determinably  the  result 
of  mental  abnormality  is  unsound  from  the  above  standpoint. 
When  it  comes  to  actual  prognosis  it  should  be  remembered  that 
recurrence  of  misdeeds  is  perhaps  even  more  frequent  among 
offenders  who  cannot  be  said  to  be  suffering  from  any  named  men- 
tal disease,  although  the  fact  of  their  abnormality  may  be  patent. 
Concerning  diagnosis  of  the  general  fact,  steady  advance  in  the 
ability  to  scientifically  determine  mental  abnormality  is  being 
made  by  the  use  of  the  newer  methods  of  psychological  examina- 
tion, and  it  is  to  be  hoped  the  discovery  of  many  corresponding 
organic  conditions  w^ill  take  place. 

Under  the  term  of  mental  abnormality  are  to  be  included  all 
t;^'pes  of  deviation  from  the  social  and  racial  norms  as  recognized 
by  common  observation  of  the  individual's  reactions,  or  as  estab- 
lished by  scientific  investigation.  Abnormality  may  include  un- 
usual activities  of  normal  traits  as  well  as  unusual  disabilities.  In 
the  study  of  delinquency  we  are  much  more  concerned  with  the 
weakness  of  mental  powers,  than  we  are  with  the  heightening 
of  any  abilities,  and  yet,  as  may  be  seen  later  in  our  sections  on 
mental  peculiarities,  the  accentuation  of  some  normal  traits  may 
be  regarded  as  a  direct  causative  factor  of  delinquency. 

§  260.  Classifications.  —  The  -main  types  of  mental  abnor- 
mality are  in  general  terms  to  be  classified  either  as  mental 
defect,  or  mental  aberration,  or  mental  peculiarity.  It  is  per- 
fectly true  that  sometimes  we  cannot  sharply  divide  the  lines. 
The  mental  defective  may  have  aberrational  states  superadded; 


Ch.u'.  XIII] 


§  2fiO 

between  mere  mental  peculiarities  and  real  aberration  differen- 
tiation at  times  is  often  impossible.  The  main  tjq^es  stand 
out  with  great  clearness,  but  indefiniteness  for  classification 
besets  the  border  lines.  From  the  less  clearly  defined  regions 
of  mental  abnormality  arises,  however,  a  full  quota  of  delin- 

We  would  also  insist  that  all-inclusiveness  is  beyond  the  possi- 
bility of  definition  or  the  sharp  discriminations  of  a  single  phrase. 
The  functions  of  the  human  mind  are  too  intricate  to  allow  of 
all  their  abnormal  conditions  being  characterized  in  short.  Many 
a  psychiatrist  has  met  his  Waterloo  in  attempting  a  definition 
merely  of  insanity.  It  is  partly  on  account  of  these  inherent 
difiiculties,  and  partly  through  the  nascence  of  applied  psychol- 
ogy and  of  the  application  of  its  facts  to  the  field  of  the  law,  that 
there  are  such  tremendously  loose  conceptions  of  what  might 
be  a  much  more  specific  terminology.  Elsewhere  (50)  I  have 
given  illustrations  of  the  extraordinary  contradictions  in  the  use 
of  the  terms  concerning  mental  defect,  as  found  in  the  dictiona- 
ries and  in  legal  and  medical  text  books.  With  the  nomenclature 
adopted  now  by  the  American  Association  for  the  Study  of  the 
Feebleminded  there  is  no  further  excuse  for  this. 

To  make  clear  the  subclasses  of  mental  abnorrnality  is  the 
purpose  of  the  following  schedule  and  related  statements: 



Mental  Dullness  from 

Physical  Conditions. 

Psychic  Constitutional  Inferiority. 

Major  types. 





Mental  Peculiarity. 

[  Idiot. 
Feebleminded.  I  Imbecile. 

[  Moron. 

Defective  only  in  some 
special  ability. 

(  permanent. 

Minor  types. 

( temporary. 

f  chronic. 
X  transitory. 

(  chronic. 
( transitory. 

§  261]  MENTAL    ABNORMALITY    IN    GENERAL  [Chap.  XIII 

§  261.  Definitions.  —  Under  the  head  of  mental  defect  we  have 
to  deal  with  just  what  the  name  imphes,  a  definite  lack  of  general 
mental  ability  as  an  irrevocable  characteristic.  From  some  cause 
existing  in  the  germ  plasm,  or  occurring  early  in  the  growth  of 
the  individual,  mental  potential  never  became  normal.  Full 
developmental  capacity  was  never  present  and  never  can  be 
gained.  Mental  defect  is  incurable.  The  term  feeblemindedness 
(amentia)  is  improperly  used  as  covering  the  same  ground  as 
mental  defect.  As  we  shall  see  in  our  case  studies,  there  are 
minor  defects  of  general  mental  development,  or  special  mental 
disabilities,  in  individuals  who  are  nowise  fairly  to  be  denomi- 
nated feebleminded.  For  further  details  on  all  varieties  of  mental 
defect  our  chapter  on  that  subject  is  to  be  consulted. 

The  recognition  of  certain  other  groups  of  cases  most  impor- 
tant for  studies  of  the  problems  of  childhood  and  adolescence, 
but  hardly  mentioned  in  the  text  books  on  mental  abnormality, 
depends  upon  continued  observations  of  the  individual.  In  the 
examination,  especially  during  the  period  of  development,  it  is 
sometimes  most  difficult  to  discriminate  between  those  who 
are  innately  defective  and  those  who  are  mentally  dull  from  poor 
physical  conditions,  or  from  the  indulgence  in  various  debilitating 
habits.  Tijne,  and  the  betterment  of  the  physical  conditions 
may  be  necessary  for  the  final  classification.  But  even  when  the 
bodily  conditions  are  unalterable,  the  diagnosis  of  mental  dull- 
ness from  physical  states  may  often  fairly  stand.  The  tentative  use 
of  this  class  offers  the  chance  to  group  not  a  few  cases  which  at 
first  it  is  unsafe  to  define.  We  refer  the  reader  to  our  case  studies 
of  this  type  for  more  explicit  characterization  of  the  group. 

Then  comes  psychic  constitutional  inferiority,  which  has  been 
particularly  designated  as  standing  between  feeblemindedness 
and  insanity,  perhaps  partly  invading  the  territory  of  each. 
Largely  incapable  of  social  self-control  under  ordinary  environ- 
mental conditions,  individuals  of  this  class  are  so  on  the  border- 
line that  they  often  prove  unacceptable  to  either  institutions  for 
the  feebleminded  or  the  insane.  This  is  an  important  group  for 
the  student  of  criminalistics  to  became  acquainted  with.  For 
further  statements  anent  this  class  our  specific  chapter  should 
be  consulted. 

Mental  aberrations  are  to  be  distinguished  from  mental  defects 
by  the  fact  that  they  may  occur  in  individuals  who  are  not  prima- 
rily mental  defectives.     (Aberrations  do  also  occur  in  mental 


Chap.  XIII]  DEFINITIONS  [§  261 

defectives.  Indeed,  it  is  strange  they  do  not  more  frequently 
show  them.)  The  idea  of  there  being  such  a  thing  as  mental  dis- 
ease comes  into  play  here  —  given  a  fairly  normal  mind,  and 
as  the  result  of  various  internal  or  external  stresses,  or  malad- 
justments, or  physical  diseases,  there  may  develop  a  diseased 
mentality.  Then  many  cases  of  mental  aberration  are  curable 
as  bodily  diseases  are  curable.  The  word  disease  in  this  connec- 
tion is  only  used  in  its  widest  interpretation,  namely,  a  wander- 
ing from  the  normal  or  healthy  state.  In  carrying  further  the 
analogy  to  what  we  understand  as  physical  disease  we  meet  with 
much  difficulty.  The  mind  cannot  be  pictured  in  any  way  as 
an  object  subject  to  such  pathological  changes  as  we  recognize 
in  the  brain  or  elsewhere  in  the  body.  Then  it  is  altogether 
a  moot  question  if  there  be  not  aberrations  caused  by  internal 
faults  of  adjustment,  quite  apart  from  any  discoverable  corre- 
lations of  physical  malfunctionings,  or  lesions  of  the  brain.  The 
idea  that  all  mental  aberrations  are  due  to  actual  pathological 
conditions  of  the  brain  is  only  a  supposition,  perhaps  a  true  one, 
but  which  will  probably  always  remain  such.  Altogether  it  is 
better  not  to  use  the  term  mental  disease  —  certainly  for  our 
purposes  I  prefer  to  speak  of  mental  aberrations. 

When  we  come  to  the  subdivisions  of  aberrational  mental 
conditions  we  are  at  once  confronted  by  the  fact  that  there  are 
numerous  temporary,  or  even  permanent,  evidences  of  mental 
aberration  in  cases  where  it  is  not  desirable  to  apply  the  term 
insanity.  The  whole  subject  is  complex  and  difficult  from  the 
standpoint  of  hard  and  fast  classification  or  definition.  Various 
minor  mental  impairments,  which  any  one  would  hesitate  to  de- 
nominate insanity,  are  practically  discernible  as  most  important 
for  the  student  of  delinquent  causation.  By  insanity  most  of 
us  mean  mental  incapacity  which  demands  segregation  and 
hospital  treatment.  It  is  true  that  some  of  these  minor  impair- 
ments, such  as  are  associated  with  nervous  disorders  like  chorea, 
should  have  careful  treatment,  but,  while  recognizing  the  tem- 
porary irresponsibility  of  the  individual,  one  would  still  hesitate 
to  give  a  certificate  of  mental  unsoundness,  such  as  might 
redound  later  to  the  disadvantage  of  the  individual.  This, 
however,  merely  serves  to  show  our  false  social  attitude  towards 
the  whole  question  of  mental  aberration. 

For  the  lay  reader  we  should  here  emphasize  parenthetically 
that  dementia  is  a  totally  different  thing  from  primary  mental 


§  261]  MENTAL    ABNORMALITY    IN    GENERAL  [Chap.  XIII 

defect  or  amentia.  Dementia  implies  the  previous  integrity  of 
a  mind  which  has  lost  its  power,  often  through  preceding  mental 
disease.  Dementia  may  also  result  from  bodily  ailments  or  injur- 
ies, including  the  effect  of  poisons,  such  as  alcohol. 

Our  final  group  under  mental  abnormality  is  mental  peculiarity. 
It  is  very  clear  to  all  close  students  of  delinquents  that  repeated 
offenses  may  result  from  some  special  mental  twist,  impulse,  or 
even  from  the  over-development  of  some  special  capability  which 
is  not  adequately  taken  care  of  by  environmental  conditions. 
Such  individuals  cannot  be  called  aberrational,  and  yet  the 
peculiarity  determines  their  socially  abnormal  behavior  in  their 
given  social  settings.  Very  interesting  groups  of  cases  may  be 
subsumed  under  this  heading,  as  is  to  be  seen  in  our  chapters  on 
the  subject. 

Once  more  for  the  sake  of  emphasis  we  must  state  that  there 
is  great  overlapping  of  groups  throughout  any  classification  of 
mental  abnormality,  and  that  the  border  lines  between  them, 
even  for  definition,  are  not  clear.  This  individual,  determinable 
as  showing  some  mental  peculiarity,  may  later  turn  out  to  be 
an  epileptic;  this  case  that  shows  aberrations  after  head  injury 
is  often  one  who  was  primarily  a  psychopath;  this  adolescent 
psychosis  may  be  developed  upon  an  original  basis  of  slight  defect; 
and  so  on.  But  it  is  only  when  scientific  discriminations,  which 
it  may  be  impossible  to  render,  are  called  for,  that  there  is  great 
difficulty  in  adjudication  of  the  case  according  to  the  best  interests 
of  society. 


Chap.  XIV]  MENTAL    DEFECT  [§  262 

Mental  Defect 

§  262.  General   Considerations.      §  263.  Nomenclature.      §  264.  Definitive 

Classifications.   Feeblemindedness.      §  265.    Idiots.      §  266.  Imbeciles. 

§  267.  Morons.     §  268.  Treatment  of  Feeblemindedness.  §   269.    Treat- 
ment of  Feebleminded  Offenders. 

§  262.  General  Considerations.  —  The  subject  of  mental 
defect  is  of  great  import  in  the  study  of  dehnquency  and  its 
causation.  Just  what  percentage  of  dehnquents  are  feebleminded 
appears  to  be  a  matter  of  perennial  interest,  but  well-founded 
statistics,  even  if  obtained  in  particular  places,  may  not  be  appli- 
cable to  different  situations.  There  can  be  no  doubt  that  sepa- 
rate reformatory  or  prison  populations  if  tested  would  show 
from  10  to  30  per  cent,  or  even  more,  to  be  feebleminded.  The 
numbers  which  we  have  found  in  several  years  of  court  work 
among  our  somewhat  selected  group  of  offenders  have  been 
already  given,  §  103.  No  essential  purpose  is  subserved  by 
exaggerated  statements  concerning  the  proportions  which  might 
be  found  in  court  work,  or  in  various  penal  institutions.  We 
might  discuss  at  great  length  the  numbers  of  mental  defectives 
among  offenders  from  our  many  notes  on  the  subject;  there  has 
been  much  advance  since  1910,  when  the  author  was  rapporteur 
for  this  subject  at  the  International  Prison  Congress  and  received 
astonishingly  variant  statements  from  different  institution  people, 
ranging  from  the  opinion  that  in  certain  reformatories  none  were 
feebleminded,  to  the  assertion  that  40  per  cent,  or  more  were 
defective.  But  the  gist  of  the  situation  is  that  mental  defect 
forms  the  largest  single  cause  of  delinquency  to  be  found  by 
correlating  tendency  to  offend  with  characteristics  of  the  offender. 

Lest  there  be  misapprehension  we  should  here  state  that  even 
with  this  clear-cut  cause  for  delinquency,  one  rarely  finds  personal 
characteristics  as  a  sole  causative  factor  of  criminalism.  Defec- 
tive offenders,  in  most  cases,  upon  study  prove  to  be  individuals 
who  easily  succumb  to  social  temptations,  easily  learn  from  vicious 
examples,  easily  are  stimulated  to  develop  criminalistic  trends 
of  thought.  In  morals  they  prove  themselves  wanting  in  resist- 
ance when  neglected  by  their  families  or  by  society,  so  that  they 
have  to  meet  undue  temptation  and  suggestion  to  immorality. 


§  262]  MENTAL    DEFECT  [Chap.  XIV 

In  other  words,  in  these  highly  representative  members  of  the 
so-called  criminal  type  one  must  conclude  that  the  development 
of  criminalism  is  partially  the  result  of  environment  as  well  as 
of  innate  tendencies.  If  one  does  not  believe  this,  let  him  study 
similar  defective  individuals  in  the  conditions  of  a  good  training 
school  for  the  feebleminded,  and  see,  under  appropriate  environ- 
ment, how  small  an  amount  of  criminalistic  tendency  is  evolved. 

Working  outside  of  institutions  and  with  individuals  who  are 
not  primarily  selected  according  to  mental  traits,  we  discover  a 
much  greater  complexity  in  the  question  of  mental  defect  than  is 
set  forth  in  text  books  on  the  subject.  Authors  have  developed 
their  conceptions  from  observation  in  institutions,  and  have  little 
or  nothing  to  say  about  the  border-line  cases  and  those  in  which 
there  are  special  and  peculiar  arrangements  of  mental  capabili- 
ties and  disabilities.  Yet  these  are  of  the  greatest  interest  for 
the  student  of  delinquency,  because  they  frequently  are  most 
troublesome  socially,  and  because  they  offer  far  more  hope  in 
the  way  of  adjustment  by  educational  or  vocational  means  than 
do  typical  forms  of  general  feeblemindedness. 

In  our  case  studies  we  deal  at  greater  length  with  the  less  well 
known  types  of  mental  defect,  not  because  they  are  numerically 
more  important,  but  because  less  has  been  written  about  them 
and  because  they  are  not  so  easily  recognized  and  understood. 

§  263.  Nomenclature.  —  The  nomenclature  to  be  most  recom- 
mended is  that  adopted  by  the  American  Association  for  the  Study 
of  the  Feebleminded  in  1910.  This  body  of  experienced  scientific 
workers  agreed  to  use  the  word  feebleminded  as  a  generic  term 
under  which  there  should  be  the  subclasses  idiots,  imbeciles,  and 
morons  (Mcopos,  stupid).  Heretofore  the  terms  applied  to  mental 
defectives  have  been  very  loosely  used  and  the  definitions  of 
the  law  are  often  at  variance  with  medical  and  psychological 
usage.  It  is  to  be  regretted  that  this  whole  matter  is  not  clearly 
set  forth  in  dictionaries  and  legal  text  books.  Henceforth  there 
can  be  little  excuse  for  this  indefiniteness. 

§  264.  Definitive  Classifications.  —  There  have  been  many 
attempts  at  definitive  classification  of  the  feebleminded.  Practi- 
cally all  of  these  until  recently  have  been  upon  a  medical  basis: 
the  individual  belongs  to  this  or  that  group  because  of  the  etiology 
of  his  trouble,  or  because  of  the  anomalous  size  of  his  head,  and 
so  on.  Sollier  began  with  an  attempt  at  rough  psychological  clas- 
sification.    For  the  reason  that  the  old  classifications  gave  little 



clue  to  the  practical  treatment  of  the  case,  they  have  found  no 
place  in  the  scheme  of  definition  adopted  by  our  American  Asso- 
ciation, or  by  the  British  Royal  Commission  for  the  Study  of  the 
Feebleminded.  The  report  of  the  British  Royal  Commission  in 
1908  made  a  distinct  step  in  advance.  Their  well-founded  insis- 
tence on  the  social  aspects  of  the  feebleminded  can  never  fairly 
be  lost  sight  of.  They  define  mental  defectives,  the  genus  for 
which  we  in  America  have  adopted  the  term  feebleminded,  as 
those  suffering  from  a  "  state  of  mental  defect  from  birth  or  from 
an  early  age,  due  to  incomplete  cerebral  development,  in  conse- 
quence of  which  the  person  affected  is  unable  to  perform  his  duties 
as  a  member  of  society  in  the  position  of  life  to  which  he  was  born." 

Under  this  head  the  lowest  grade,  or  idiot,  is  defined  as  "  a 
person  so  deeply  defective  in  mind  from  birth,  or  from  an  early 
age,  that  he  is  unable  to  guard  himself  against  common  physical 
dangers."  The  middle  grade,  or  imbecile,  is  "  one  who,  by 
reason  of  mental  defect  existing  from  birth,  or  from  an  early  age, 
is  unable  to  earn  his  own  living,  but  is  capable  of  guarding  him- 
self against  common  physical  dangers."  The  highest  grade, 
called  the  feebleminded,  but  better  categorized  by  the  newer  term, 
moron,  is  defined  as  ''  one  who  is  capable  of  earning  a  living  under 
favorable  circumstances,  but  is  incapable  from  mental  defect, 
existing  from  birth,  or  from  an  early  age,  (a)  of  competing  on 
equal  terms  with  his  normal  fellows;  or  (6)  of  managing  himself 
and  his  affairs  with  ordinary  prudence." 

Nowadays  by  the  application  of  newer  psychological  methods 
we  have  other  helps  to  both  diagnosis  and  classification.  The 
general  scheme  of  Binet  has  done  much  to  place  our  classification 
upon  a  rational  basis.  Binet's  method  is  developed  on  the  idea 
that  the  feebleminded  individual  is  one  who  is  best  represented 
as  the  victim  of  arrested  mental  development.  This  arrest  may 
be  measured  in  terms  of  psychological  norms  obtained  by  the 
study  of  young  children  according  to  ages.  Most  of  his  norms 
hold  good,  and  we  have  now  at  least  the  skeleton  of  a  measuring 
scale  of  defective  intelligence. 

According  to  the  work  of  Goddard  and  others,  defectives  who 
are  able  to  get  through  the  Binet  test  for  12  years  are  practically 
never  to  be  found  in  institutional  life.  That  is  to  say,  individuals 
of  mental  ages  above  12  are  at  least  in  some  degree  regarded  as 
socially  acceptable.  Upon  the  basis  of  this  finding,  the  limits 
for  distinguishing  defectives  by  mental  tests  have  been  scheduled. 


§  264]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XIV 

The  American  Association  has  set  forth  the  following  practical 
scheme  of  diagnosis :  Idiots  are  those  who  are  able  to  do  the  mental 
tests  up  to  the  level  of  the  normal  child  of  2  years:  Imbeciles 
are  able  to  do  the  tests  performed  by  a  normal  child  between  the 
ages  of  2  and  7  years:  Morons  are  those  who  equal  the  mental 
performance  of  a  child  between  the  age  of  7  and  12  years.  This 
makes  a  very  clear-cut  formula  for  diagnosis  and  definition,  and 
if  it  were  not  for  the  inequalities  of  mental  development  which 
have  to  do  especially  with  social  success,  and  which  will  be  dis- 
cussed later,  the  whole  matter  of  diagnosis  might  be  safely  left 
to  the  findings  of  these  tests.  As  it  stands,  however,  there  can 
be  no  doubt  that  the  safest  and  most  practical  definitions  for 
feeblemindedness  and  its  subclasses  are  to  be  made  by  combin- 
ing the  statement  of  known  social  disabilities,  or  special  capa- 
bilities, with  the  findings  by  accredited  age  tests. 

We  see  difficulties  in  taking  either  definition  alone  because 
(a)  there  are  some  who  cannot  pass  the  12-year  tests,  partly  on 
account  of  poor  native  ability  and  partly  because  of  lack  of  school- 
ing, who  yet  get  along  normally  in  some  humble  sphere,  and  (6) 
because  there  are  individuals  with  various  defects  who  are  able 
to  pass  the  12-year  tests,  but  who  on  account  of  their  defects  are 
unable  to  compete  fairly  with  their  fellows. 

Our  experiences  lead  us  to  feel  certain  that  we  have  the  most 
practical  reasons  for  extending  and  subdividing  the  classification 
of  mental  defectives  according  to  the  possession  of  certain  mental 
qualifications  which  have  special  social  bearing,  as  well  as  accord- 
ing to  the  findings  by  intelligence  tests,  including  the  Binet 
system.  A  suggestion  of  this  opinion  is  frequently  heard  in  court 
work  when  it  is  said  by  the  practical  onlooker  that  some  given 
offender  cannot  be  mentally  defective  because  of  cunning  dis- 
played. The  laity  particularly  emphasize  the  value  of  such  mental 
traits  as  enable  the  efficient  commission  of  acts  —  burglary,  for 
instance  —  and  consider  the  given  deed  without  regard  to  the 
tenor  of  the  offender's  whole  life.  Later  on  we  shall  give  examples 
where  special  abilities,  such  as  may  be  the  chief  stock-in-trade  of 
a  skillful  burglar,  have  been  preserved  or  developed  upon  a  back- 
ground of  general  mental  disability.  We  are  glad  to  note  that 
such  an  experienced  penologist  as  Pollitz  (8,  p.  132)  sees  this  point 
clearly.  It  is  such  facts  as  these  which  enforce  upon  us  the  value 
of  more  thorough  studies  of  individuals  and  more  classification 
of  them  according  to  their  social  possibilities  or  social  dangers. 



The  prognosis,  which  of  course  is  so  vitally  important  from 
many  points  of  view  and  includes  even  the  social  outcome,  is 
not  afforded  by  the  psychological  study  or  classification  taken 
by  itself.  There  are  many  medical  features  which  must  necessa- 
rily enter  in,  particularly  those  which  have  to  do  with  the  patho- 
logical basis  of  the  mental  defect  itself,  either  as  found  in  hered- 
ity or  in  development  of  the  defective  himself.  Then  for  our 
ultimate  word  on  the  individual  we  must  depend  on  a  combina- 
tion of  the  findings  by  psychological  tests,  medical  examination, 
family  and  developmental  histories,  and  our  knowledge  of  social 
qualifications  of  the  given  defective. 

From  our  own  careful  studies  we  have  been  forced  to  develop 
the  classification  of  mental  defectives  scheduled  below.  We 
concur  in  the  sound  ideas  of  the  British  Commission  that  defec- 
tives are  those  who  suffer  from  incomplete  cerebral  development 
existing  from  birth  or  from  early  age.  Thus  those  who  are  merely 
aberrational  in  type,  suffering  from  what  is  ordinarily  termed  a 
psychosis  or  mental  disease,  and  those  who  have  become  weak  in 
mind  secondarily  to  injury  after  the  first  years  of  life,  or  to  mental 
disease,  or  to  debilitating  physical  conditions,  are  ruled  out.  We 
agree  also  with  the  general  idea  of  the  Binet  tests  as  offering  the 
best  method  of  standardization  by  psychological  classification. 

As  we  suggested  above,  and  have  elaborated  in  the  schedule  and 
text  below,  the  classification  of  defectives,  for  very  practical 
purposes,  has  to  be  extended.  We  are  obliged  to  deal  with  a 
group  which  ranges  above  the  designated  Binet  limit  of  feeble- 
mindedness and  who  unquestionably  yet  show  subnormality  of 
social  importance.  These  we  describe  below  and  term  subnor- 
mals. Then  we  have  been  long  interested  in  a  group  that  one 
hesitates  much  to  place  under  the  general  caption  of  mental  defec- 
tives. They  are  those  who  are  defective  in  special  and  limited 
faculties  only,  having  otherwise  normal  ability.  Individuals 
belonging  to  this  class  frequently  are  of  great  significance  for  the 
student  of  criminalistics.  We  shall  deal  with  them  later.  Finally 
we  should  here  make  first  mention  of  the  group  of  those  who  are 
mentally  dull  from  acquired  physical  causes,  including  debilitat- 
ing habits.  These  individuals  are  not  always  to  be  differentiated 
by  psychological  tests.  They  are  not,  properly  speaking,  mental 
defectives.      Discussion  of  these  also  will  be  taken  up  in  detail. 

A  practical  classification  of  those  who  are  defective  in  general 
or  in  special  mental  abilities  diagrammatically  represented  ap- 
pears thus: 




[Chap.  XIV 



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Chap.  XIV] 


§  264 

The  mentality  of  important  types  with  greatly  varying  abili- 
ties may,  in  their  divergence,  be  graphically  represented  as  below; 
many  other  combinations  of  abilities,  of  course,  being  possible. 
(A)  is  an  individual  with  special  abilities  rising  high  from  his 
general  level  of  mentality,  which  otherwise  approximates  the 
average  or  normal  for  his  age  and  race  or  nationality;  (B)  an  indi- 
vidual with  special  disabilities,  but  who  has  otherwise  mentality 
which  approximates  the  average  level;  (C)  a  typical  idiot  savant 
with  a  special  ability  rising  up  to  normal  or  even  beyond,  from 
a  general  background  of  mental  defect. 

The  line  drawn  in  the  diagram  as  representing  normal  ability  is, 
of  course,  absolutely  arbitrary  and  may  be  taken  as  indicating 
rather  an  average  for  each  ability  than  designating  the  relative 
capabilities  of  any  given  normal  individual.  Every  one  varies  in 
different  capacities  from  any  such  average.  The  line  indicating 
those  feebleminded  who  have  mental  defects  ranging  nearly 
on  the  same  level,  on  the  other  hand,  represents  a  well-defined, 
typical  relationship  to  average  abilities. 


Percep-    Motor     Lan-  Arith-     Judg- 

tions      Ability    guage      Music      metic      ment 


Average  ability 

A.  Special  Genius 

Typical  FeeblemiBded 

Average  ability 


B.  Special  Defect 

Typical  Feebleminrled 

Average  ability 

C.  Feebleminded 
WITH  Special 

Typical  Feebleminded 


265]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XIV 


§  265.  Idiots.  —  The  group  of  individuals  properly  designated 
under  modern  nomenclature  as  idiots  rarely,  if  ever,  are  criminals. 
In  practically  all  cases  they  are  found  so  intolerable  socially 
on  account  of  their  mental  defect  that  they  are  early  segregated 
and  protected. 

§  266.  Imbeciles.  —  The  middle  grade  of  feebleminded,  namely 
imbeciles,  are  more  frequently  encountered  in  connection  with 
court  work,  but  are  not  at  all  numerous.  We  ourselves  have  seen 
less  than  a  dozen  cases  among  1000  young  repeated  offenders, 
but  readily  concede  that  in  certain  institutions  where  older  chronic 
misdemeanants  are  sent  a  larger  proportion  might  be  found.  It 
certainly  is  rare  that  imbeciles  become  major  offenders.  This  is 
because  they  are  very  often  readily  perceived  to  be  socially  unde- 
sirable, and  while  young  are  sent  to  institutions  for  the  feeble- 
minded. Typical  social  offenses  of  this  group  may  be  illustrated 
by  the  following : 

Case  82.  —  A  boy  of  13  is  a  great  runaway  from  home.  He 
has  been  picked  up  by  the  police  on  several  occasions.  He  some- 
times has  been  away  for  a  night  or  two.  He  is  destructive  and 
in  general  unreliable;  for  example,  breaks  up  tools  and  tears 
his  clothes.  Is  characterized  by  his  parents  as  willing  to  do  any- 
thing he  is  told  to  do  by  the  other  boys.  The  last  time  he  was 
taken  up  by  the  police  because  he  was  wandering  about  without 
proper  clothing,  making  indecent  exposure  of  himself. 

He  is  found  to  be  rather  a  pleasant-appearing  boy,  well  nourished 
and  fairly  developed  for  his  age.  No  defects  of  vision  or  hearing 
noted,  but  he  has  a  lisping  speech  which  renders  it  difficult  for 
him  to  be  understood.  He  has  a  tremor  of  the  hands  and  poor 
coordinations  and  poor  general  control  of  his  movements.  The 
family  says  the  boy  talks  of  queer  things  frequently;  for  instance, 
about  his  father  coming  home  dead.  He  is  said  to  have  been  very 
ill  with  spinal  meningitis  at  2  1-2  years,  but  before  that  time  was 
not  up  to  grade  mentally  because  he  only  began  to  stand  and  walk 
at  2  years  and  had  only  said  a  few  words  before  he  was  taken  ill. 
Enuresis  has  persisted  until  the  present.  He  had  convulsions 
at  the  time  of  his  illness,  and  at  rare  intervals  since  has  had  some 
sort  of  nervous  spells  which  suggest  the  approach  of  convulsions. 

The  boy's  whole  bearing  and  general  mental  reactions  are  indic- 


Chap.  XIV]  MORONS  [§  267 

ative  of  his  low  mentality.  ^Vlien  he  was  given  our  simple  intro- 
ductory picture  form  board,  Test  I,  he  laid  the  pieces  about 
indiscriminately,  and  even  after  explanation  made  no  attempt 
to  put  them  correctly  in  place.  By  the  Binet  system  he  is  able  to 
pass  none  of  the  8-year  tests,  only  one  of  the  7-year,  and  three 
of  the  6-year;  so  clearly  the  boy  belongs  to  that  middle  group  of 
the  feebleminded  designated  imbeciles. 

No  doubt  early  illness  was  a  factor  in  his  case,  but  there  is 
much  evidence  of  familial  degeneracy.  Out  of  nine  children  no  less 
than  five  are  known  to  be  defective  in  some  degree,  this  boy  being 
the  worst,  and  there  is  much  tendency  towards  convulsions  in 
the  family  without,  however,  there  being  any  proof  of  real  epilepsy. 
Such  family  history  would  seem  to  indicate  defective  heredity, 
but  no  traces  of  this  are  ascertainable.  It  is  the  family  men- 
tioned in  §  146. 

The  outlook  for  such  a  case  is,  of  course,  extremely  bad  from 
a  social  standpoint.  The  boy  might  readily  acquire  a  venereal 
disease  and  be  led  into  criminal  offenses  by  those  who  wished 
to  use  him.  He  has  never  got  beyond  the  1st  grade  in  school. 
His  parents  regret  they  did  not  long  ago  send  him  to  an  institu- 
tion, which  they  are  willing  enough  to  do  at  present. 

Mentality:     Imbecile. 

Case  82. 

Developmental  conditions: 

at  2  years. 

Boy,  13. 

Familial  degeneracy. 

Home  conditions: 

Large  family, 



Delinquencies : 

Runaway  -|-,  etc. 

All  that  is  necessary  to  say  about  girls  of  this  mental  grade  is 
that  unless  they  are  exceedingly  well  guarded  at  home  or  taken 
care  of  in  institutions  they  are  almost  bound  to  fall  morally  by 
the  wayside. 

§  267.  Morons.  —  Of  much  more  importance,  so  far  as  crim- 
inality is  concerned,  is  the  upper  grade  of  the  feebleminded,  the 
class  of  morons.  As  we  go  up  in  the  scale  of  mentality  we  natu- 
rally find  more  ability  to  be  an  active  delinquent.  The  general 
conception  of  the  role  which  the  feebleminded  play  in  criminality 
is  that  they  are  passive,  the  tool  of  others.    Most  unfortunately 


§  267]  MENTAL  DEFECT  [Chap.  XIV 

this  is  quite  untrue,  for  we  know  only  too  well  that  they  may 
be  persuaders  and  teachers  of  delinquency,  especially  in  the  case 
where  a  defective  young  man  or  woman  influences  a  younger 
group.  The  relation  which  these  upper-grade  feebleminded  have 
to  delinquency  presents  no  special  problem,  particularly  if  the 
mental  arrest  of  development  is  spread  more  or  less  evenly  over 
all  faculties.  Out  of  our  scores  of  cases  one  or  two  examples  will 
be  sufficient  to  show  the  general  trend  of  feeblemindedness  in 
producing  delinquency. 

A  common  type  of  mental  defective  with  rather  unusual  motor 
ability  is  represented  in  the  following  case.  Here  we  have  an 
individual  learning  delinquent  ways  through  lack  of  proper 
supervision,  and  from  direct  suggestion  of  others.  The  lack  of 
satisfactory  occupation  along  other  lines  is  undoubtedly  largely 
responsible  in  this  case  for  a  long  record  of  criminalistic  acts. 

Case  83.  —  Mark  S.  Age  15  years  when  first  seen.  Already 
this  boy  had  been  repeatedly  in  the  hands  of  the  police.  He  had 
been  away  from  home  as  many  as  six  days  at  a  time.  He  had 
been  found  in  company  with  vicious  people.  He  often  lived 
by  picking  up  bottles  and  selling  them,  and  by  petty  stealing. 
In  the  meantime  he  was  staying  at  cheap  hotels.  At  times  he 
has  been  engaged  in  burglaries  with  other  boys,  and  has  been 
regarded  as  something  of  a  leader.  On  at  least  one  occasion  he 
was  known  to  have  engaged  in  wanton  destruction  when  a  store 
was  burglarized.  He  was  always  troublesome  in  school  and  a 
great  truant.  The  highest  grade  he  ever  obtained  was  the  3d. 
Towards  the  last  of  his  school  career  he  was  in  a  room  for  sub- 
normals. After  being  in  court  numerous  times  before  he  was  16, 
his  case  always  being  temporized  with  on  account  of  his  mentality, 
it  was  finally  necessary  to  definitely  sentence  him.  The  police 
reported  that  he  was  an  unusually  skillful  young  burglar. 

Mark  is  the  only  child  of  his  widowed  mother.  This  unfortu- 
nate woman  has  to  work  out  every  day  and  consequently  has 
been  able  to  give  him  but  slight  supervision.  When  first  seen 
this  woman  gave  a  very  straightforward  account  of  family  and 
developmental  history.  As  time  has  gone  on,  perhaps  on  account 
of  her  hard  work  and  many  troubles,  she  has  become  rather 
unbalanced,  but  has  always  preserved  a  vast  amount  of  affection 
for  the  boy. 

We  found  him  to  be  well  developed  and  nourished,  with  no 
special  sense  defects.    Weight  111  lbs.;   height  5  ft.  1  in.    Good 


Chap.  XIV]  MORONS  [§  267 

strength.  Heavy,  slouchy  gait.  Rather  monotonous  voice. 
Dull  expression.  Very  irregular  dentition,  pointing  to  early 
impaction  of  teeth  in  the  upper  jaw;  many  now  carious.  Large, 
peculiarly  shaped  head;  circumference  57  1-2,  length  20,  breadth 
15  cm.  Very  prominent  occipital  protuberance,  flat  above  this 
to  the  vertex.    All  else  negative. 

On  mental   tests  we  found   the  following: 

Binet  (1911  series):  8  years,  failure  on  2  and  4,  others  correct; 
9  years,  failure  on  1,  2,  and  4,  others  correct;  10  years,  failure  on  all; 
12  years,  failure  on  all  but  the  first. 

On  our  own  series  of  tests: 

I.  1'  33"  —  trial  and  error  on  triangles  —  no  repetitions  of  impos- 

II.  1'40"  — 4  errors. 

III.  47"  —  12   total   moves  —  5   impossibilities. 

IV.  Failure  in  10'. 

V.  3'  16"  —  steps  interspersed  with  4  errors. 

VI.  Full  functional  account  — 4  out  of  7  suggestions  accepted. 

VII.  (a)  Correct  only  at  4th  exposure.  (6)  Correct  only  at  4th 

VIII.  4  errors  in  reproduction. 

IX.  Correct  at  4th  trial. 

X.  Correct  at  2d  trial. 

XI.  Not  given  —  does  not  know  all  the  alphabet. 
XIII.    11  items  —  no  attempt  at  verbal  accuracy. 

XV.  7  errors,  4  failures,  average  time  3.9". 

XVI.  1st  trial  54  squares  tapped  in  30";  2d  trial  58  squares,  no 

XVII.  Penmanship  fair.    Jumbles  the  sentences  given. 

XVIII.  Makes  simple  combinations  by  counting. 

XIX.  Cannot  read. 

The  result  of  this  boy's  school  education  is  extremely  poor  in  propor- 
tion. He  does  not  spell  his  own  name  correctly.  Adds  simple  combi- 
nations only  by  counting  them,  and  even  then  says  that  7  plus  5  are 
10,  and  2  from  4  leaves  the  same  as  2  from  5.  In  reading  knows  only 
a  few  words  of  a  1st  grade  passage. 

Thus  we  found  uneven  distribution  of  abilities.  By  the  Binet 
system  he  only  graded  through  the  8-year  tests.  But  he  shows 
considerable  power  of  mental  representation  and  analysis,  and 
also  some  manipulative  skill. 

Unfortunately  it  is  impossible  to  follow  up  the  heredity  of  this 
boy  on  account  of  immigration;  the  question  of  inheritance 
involves  an  interesting  point.  The  mother's  statement  is  that 
both  she  and  the  father  came  from  families  who  were  of  good 
ability.    No  insanity,  feeblemindedness  or  epilepsy  on  either  side. 


§  267]  MENTAL  DEFECT  [Chap.  XIV 

Four  weeks  before  this  boy  was  born  the  mother  came  home  one 
day  to  find  her  husband  and  her  four  other  children  burned  to  death 
in  a  gasohne  explosion.  She  was  in  a  terrible  frame  of  mind  after 
this,  and  naturally  attributes  his  deficiency  to  antenatal  condi- 
tions. The  boy  walked  and  talked  early.  Said  never  to  have  had 
any  convulsions.  Started  to  school  at  6  years.  Never  had  a 
severe  illness.  The  mother  has  all  along  known  his  mental  incom- 
petency, but  feels  quite  unable  to  bear  the  prolonged  separation 
from  him  that  would  be  necessary  if  he  went  to  an  institution 
for  the  feebleminded.  In  the  meantime  she  is  willing  to  work  her 
finger  ends  off  to  support  him,  or  get  him  out  of  trouble.  To  her 
he  is  a  child  of  fate. 

From  the  first  it  was  clear  that  the  outlook  for  Mark  was  poor 
in  his  old  environment.  He  evidently  had  much  satisfaction  in 
his  adept  criminalistic  offenses.  We  counselled  his  segregation 
as  a  defective,  but  it  was  impossible  to  carry  this  out.  It  was 
plain  to  be  seen  that  the  boy  had  ability  to  be  largely  self-sup- 
porting if  he  could  work  under  complete  direction.  The  chance 
of  his  acquiring  vicious  practices  in  cheap  city  lodging  houses 
seemed  very  great. 

It  is  of  vast  interest  to  us  to  note  the  report  on  this  case  which 
we  have  just  obtained.  It  is  that  this  boy  after  having  been  in  an 
institution  for  delinquents  was  placed  out  on  a  farm.  There 
for  about  a  year  he  has  been  entirely  satisfied,  and  has  become  a 
good  and  willing  worker,  with  no  desire  to  reenter  city  life.  The 
success  of  his  recent  treatment  is  all  the  more  striking  in  the  light 
of  the  fact  that  he  had  been  in  court  about  ten  times,  and,  among 
other  misdeeds,  is  said  to  have  committed  dozens  of  burglaries. 

Mentality:  Moron.  Case  83. 

Antenatal  conditions:  Mother  terrible  ^^' 


Poor  home  control :  Mother  works  out. 

Bad  companions. 

Heredity?  Said  to  be  negative. 

Delinquencies : 
Stealing  -f-. 
Burglary  -(-. 


Chap.  XIV]  MORONS  [§  267 

As  an  example  of  other  types  of  delinquency  arising  on  a  base 
of  feeblemindedness  when  the  individual  is  uncared  for,  the  fol- 
lowing will  serve  as  illustration. 

Case  84.  —  A  girl  of  16,  very  early  in  life  learned  sex  delinquency 
which  she  has  practiced  most  extensively  for  years.  Her  family 
say  she  was  found  incorrigible  already  at  8  years,  and  even  at  that 
age  she  had  been  once  expelled  from  school.  At  times  she  has 
been  violent,  once  attacked  others  with  a  knife.  She  will  take 
up  with  any  man  or  boy.  Her  mother  in  insisting  on  the  necessity 
of  putting  her  in  an  institution,  says  that  the  girl  has  been  bad 
with  scores  of  men  and  boys  in  the  small  country  town  in  which 
they  live.  She  has  remained  away  from  home  all  night.  Under 
detention  her  language  was  found  atrociously  bad,  and  she  was 
a  menace  even  among  other  girls  of  the  reformatory  type  because 
of  her  sex  practices. 

Physically  she  was  a  strong,  but  slouchy  type.  No  exceptional 
development  or  lack  of  development  of  any  kind  was  noted. 
Puberty  remarkably  retarded  beyond  the  family  average.  No 
gross  sensory  or  physical  defect  of  any  kind.  Her  childish  expres- 
sion and  silly  manners  are  indicative  of  her  character. 

On  mental  tests  we  found  the  following  results. 

Binet  (1908  series) : 
Lacks  one  of  grading  through  the  8-year  tests  even  when  credit  is 
given  for  2  or  3  of  the  older  tests  which  she  gets  right. 

On  our  series: 

I.    1'40". 

IV.  4'  18"  —  24  moves. 

V.  Failure. 
Vn.   Failure. 

VIII.    6  errors  in  reproduction. 

X.  Complete  failure. 

XI.  A  ridiculous  and  imaginative  result  centered  about  the  correct 
idea  of  a  fire. 

XII.  The  same  type  of  result. 
XIV.    Complete  failure. 

XVII.  Writes  a  fair  hand  but  misspells  many  of  the  simplest  words. 

XVIII.  Adds  simple  combinations. 

XIX.  Reads  3d-grade  passage  with  good  expression  and  pronounces 
correctly  most  of  the  words. 

Thus  we  found  this  girl  to  grade  evenly  on  her  abilities  and 
to  belong  in  the  lower  group  of  morons. 

The  family  of  this  young  woman  are  not  at  all  well  educated, 
but  the  rest  of  them  seem  to  be  fairly  normal,  and  are  people  of 


§  267]  MENTAL  DEFECT  [Chap.  XIV 

good  reputation.  She  is  the  last  of  10  children;  her  mother  being 
45  years  of  age  when  she  was  born.  Taking  it  for  what  it  is  worth, 
we  hear  from  this  immigrant  family  that  there  has  been  no  epi- 
lepsy, insanity  or  feeblemindedness  on  either  side.  She  was 
backward  in  walking  and  talking.  Is  said  never  to  have  been 
very  ill,  but  did  have  a  few  convulsions  in  infancy.  It  is  reported 
that  there  has  been  no  trouble  with  the  other  children. 

This  girl  came  from  an  outlying  town  where  there  was  no 
juvenile  court,  no  probation  officers,  or  social  service  work  of 
any  kind.  The  family  circumstances  precluded  active  control 
when  she  was  much  younger  and  needed  it  badly,  as  well  as  more 
recently.  The  family  make  much  of  her  excessive  bad  sex  prac- 
tices, and  it  is  possible  that  a  certain  amount  of  her  present  dull- 
ness is  due  to  this.  In  one  particular  the  case  is  hardly  repre- 
sentative, inasmuch  as  many  of  the  girls  who  are  both  mentally 
deficient  and  sexually  vicious  are  the  victims  of  physical  over- 
development and  early  puberty. 

The  only  chance  to  protect  this  girl  and  protect  society  against 
her  extraordinary  bad  influences  appeared  to  be  segregation, 
which  was  carried  out. 

Mentality:  Moron.  Case  84. 

Antenatal  conditions(?) :  Mother  old.  ^^^^'  ^^e  16. 

Home  conditions:  Large  family, 

mother  old,  very  poor  control, 

(Heredity  not  satisfactorily  ruled  out.) 
Delinquencies : 

Sex  -F  +  +. 

§  268.  Treatment  of  Feeblemindedness.  —  By  the  very  defi- 
nition of  feeblemindedness  curative  treatment  is  nil.  However, 
various  remediable  physical  conditions  and  ailments  may  increase 
both  physical  and  mental  disabilities,  so  that  there  is  often  much 
reason  for  professional  care.  Educational  training  is  a  technical 
matter  which  is  not  our  province  here  to  discuss.  Some  general 
social  considerations  concerning  the  treatment  of  this  class,  how^- 
ever,  we  should  in  short  deal  with. 

It  stands  out  very  clearly  in  our  experience  that  the  whole 
social  and  educational  prognosis  for  a  feebleminded  individual 
of  the  upper  moron  grade,  at  least,  varies  greatly  with  the  partic- 



ular  capacities  of  that  given  individual.  It  may  be  it  is  because 
we  see  cases  outside  of  institutions,  those  who  often  show  much 
variation  from  the  usual  feebleminded  t;y^es,  that  we  are  impressed 
with  varying  possibilities.  It  is  plain  to  us  that  one  cannot  at  all 
proceed  to  give  an  educational  or  industrial  prognosis  according 
to  a  mental  age  classification.  General  pbysical  capacities,  as 
well  as  unusual  combinations  of  mental  traits,  have  to  be  taken 
into  account.  Goddard  gives  a  most  interesting  industrial  clas- 
sification of  institutional  cases  according  to  Binet  age.  From 
this  we  learn  that  the  feebleminded  individual  who  grades  6  years, 
for  instance,  does  tasks  of  short  duration,  and  washes  dishes; 
the  mental  defective  of  8  years  runs  errands,  does  light  work, 
makes  beds;  the  one  who  grades  10  years  is  a  good  institutional 
helper,  does  good  routine  work;  the  one  who  accomplishes  the 
12-year  test  can  use  machinery,  care  for  animals,  can  work  without 
supervision,  but  cannot  plan.  Exceedingly  interesting  though  this 
scheme  is,  we  should  feel  it  entirely  unsafe  to  give  either  a  prognosis 
or  to  suggest  treatment  by  means  of  it.  Any  one  who  studies  the 
cases  which  we  offer  in  the  next  chapter  must  come  to  the 
same  conclusion,  and  if  we  had  this  point  especially  to  discuss 
many  more  in  evidence  could  be  cited.  The  fact  is  that  much 
individualization  is  necessary  in  looking  forward  to  the  social  and 
educational  possibilities  of  many  defectives. 

With  the  small  proportion  of  defectives  which  is  now  taken 
care  of  in  institutions,  and  even  with  what  may  be  done  in  the 
future,  there  is  always  bound  to  be  a  considerable  number  of  them 
among  us  in  ordinary  life.  A  generally  unsuspected  number 
are  taking  care  of  themselves  fairly  well,  and  are  no  special  moral 
menace.  With  betterment  of  the  earlier  treatment  of  these  indi- 
viduals they  could  be  still  more  successful  —  at  least  those  of 
some  industrial  capacity. 

§  269.  Treatment  of  Feebleminded  Offenders.  —  There  are 
great  variations  in  the  tendencies  to  immorality  among  the  feeble- 
minded. If  we  considered  the  sex  impulse  alone  and  its  basis  in 
physical  make-up,  or  as  derived  from  environmental  experiences 
we  can  realize  how  great  the  differences  may  be.  Other  anti-social 
tendencies  may  have  like  conditions  in  the  background.  Treat- 
ment in  these  respects  must  also  be  individualized.  One  fre- 
quently learns  of  a  steady-going  defective  without  vicious  im- 
pulses who  has  created  no  trouble  in  a  given  community  over  a 
whole  lifetime.     Indeed,  when   considering   the  possibilities   of 


§  269]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XIV 

criminalistic  impulses  in  these  cases  one  must  fairly  compare 
them  with  other  offenders  who  are  not  mentally  defective;  and 
this  comparison  is  not  always  to  the  credit  of  the  latter. 

One  is  very  frequently  asked,  even  by  parents,  about  surgical 
treatment  of  defectives  to  prevent  vicious  sex  impulses.  I  feel 
that  in  appropriate  cases  of  boys,  a  thorough-going  surgical  opera- 
tion which  shall  protect  them  from  the  habits  which  so  frequently 
carry  them  much  farther  in  mental  disability,  and  protect  them 
and  society  against  violent  impulses,  which  sometimes  give  rise 
to  hideous  crimes,  is  unhesitatingly  to  be  recommended.  The 
smaller  operation  of  vasectomy,  which  prevents  procreation, 
but  not  sexual  impulse,  does  the  individual  himself  no  good. 
Parents  who  have  had  a  defective  child  operated  on  in  the  more 
thorough  way  are  loud  in  their  praises  of  its  effect  upon  traits  of 
mind  and  character.  Of  course  in  the  case  of  girls  the  only  pro- 
tection is  through  entire  segregation  or  else  through  complete 
family  espionage.  One  has  known  the  latter  to  be  very  success- 
fully given  among  careful  people  of  slender  means. 

We  must  reiterate  here  a  point  we  have  made  in  our  chapter  on 
alcoholism,  namely,  that  mental  defectives  should  receive  the 
greatest  protection  from  the  influence  of  alcohol.  It  is  now 
everywhere  acknowledged  that  a  considerable  share  of  our  worst 
topers  are  defectives,  and  very  frequently  one  comes  to  know  of 
the  disastrous  influence  which  a  small  amount  of  alcohol  may 
have  upon  the  life  of  a  feebleminded  person,  vide  §  196. 

Colonization  of  the  feebleminded  with  industrial  education 
and  employment  under  supervision  is  unquestionably  the  proper 
solution  of  the  problem  of  the  social  treatment  of  most  feeble- 
minded individuals.  Properly  managed,  and  with  a  large  per- 
centage of  morons,  such  as  is  likely  under  bettered  social  under- 
standing to  be  placed  in  such  institutions,  the  population  may 
be  largely  self-supporting.  But  with  the  features  of  social  and 
personal  treatment  mentioned  above  carried  out,  it  will  be  found 
that  not  a  few  feebleminded  will  be  safe  and  useful  members  of 
general  society. 



INIental  Defect  —  Continued 

Feeblemindedness  with  Special  Abilities.  §  270.  Special  Abilities  Not  Socially 
Significant.  §  271.  Special  Abilities  Socially  Significant.  §  272.  (a)  and 
(b)  Mental  Defectives  with  Normal  Insight  plus  Motor  Ability.  §  273.  (c) 
Verbalist  Type  of  Defective. 

Feeblemindedness  icith  Special  Abilities 

§  270.  Special  Abilities  Not  Socially  Significant.  —  One  does 
not  go  very  far  in  the  study  of  feeblemindedness  without  observ- 
ing most  marked  and  interesting  variations  displayed  in  different 
mental  functions.  Many  of  these  should  have  much  significance 
for  psychologists,  but  since  the  interests  of  this  work  are  not 
primarily  psychological,  we  deal  with  such  variations  as  are  of 
special  importance  for  criminalistics.  We  have  already  intimated 
that  we  see  every  reason  to  include  social  qualifications  as  a 
necessary  part  of  the  diagnosis  of  feeblemindedness,  and  our  ob- 
servations on  the  irregularity  of  mental  abilities  will  make  the 
whole  question  of  social  significance  clearer  than  ever. 

As  before  noted,  it  is  a  common  expression  by  the  laity,  heard 
frequently  in  court  work,  that  those  individuals  who  show  cun- 
ning and  adeptness  cannot  be  so  very  subnormal  after  all.  Such 
was  the  remark  made  by  a  judge  when  a  watch  was  displayed 
in  the  court  room,  which  I  had  missed  a  couple  of  weeks  before, 
and  which  had  been  abstracted  from  me  by  one  of  my  young 
subnormal  friends.  This  type  of  argument,  however,  is  essen- 
tially weak  because  the  very  qualifications  which  make  for  suc- 
cess under  the  social  regime  of  modern  civilization  includes  as  a 
necessity  the  several  higher  mental  abilities,  such  as  powers  of 
analysis,  reasoning  and  foresight.  Cunning  and  adeptness  might 
well  have  been  the  foremost  mental  possessions  of  even  our 
arboreal  ancestors. 

Some  curious  examples  of  the  disproportionate  growth  of  cer- 
tain mental  abilities  in  the  feebleminded  could  be  cited  from  lit- 
erature or  from  our  own  experience.  There  is  the  instance  of  the 
great  mechanical  and  constructive  genius  whom  Tredgold  (307, 
p.  275)  describes  at  length.    This  man  produced  the  most  ingenious 


§  270]  MENTAL    DEFECT  [Chap.  XV 

and  complicated  mechanical  devices.  Others  have  described 
mentally  defective  arithmetical  geniuses.  One  of  the  commonest 
abilities  to  be  exaggerated  above  the  general  level  is  that  of  musi- 
cal talent.  A  fine  instance  of  this  sort  was  Blind  Tom,  whose 
accomplishments  on  the  pianoforte  were  like  a  mountain  height 
arising  from  the  plain  of  his  general  mental  disability.  We  have 
ourselves  described  (Healy,  369)  an  individual  with  fairly  mar- 
velous powers  of  recall  by  methods  of  visualization,  who  can 
perform  mental  feats  quite  beyond  the  abilities  of  his  normal 
fellows.  Through  prolonged  self -training  in  the  use  of  his  spec- 
ial memory  faculties,  this  low  grade  moron  tells  days  and  dates 
so  rapidly  that  he  has  been  regarded  as  a  calculating  genius.  His 
total  ability,  however,  appears  to  rest  upon  his  power  of  recalling 
occurrences  in  connection  with  their  dates  as  observed  for  many 
years  by  the  calendar,  and  recalling  them  largely  by  means  of 
mental  pictures.  Since  motor  ability  has  been  held  by  some  experi- 
enced observers  of  the  feebleminded  to  be  one  of  the  safest  criteria 
for  their  diagnosis,  one  might  mention  the  case  of  a  champion 
right  weight  prize  fighter  of  a  few  years  back.  He  was  said  to  be 
the  very  surest  and  swiftest  hitter,  his  motor  reactions  were  always 
a  little  quicker  than  those  of  his  opponent  —  hence  his  prowess, 
although  in  general  mental  ability  he  was  well  within  the  limits 
of  feeblemindedness. 

Except  when  exploited  under  management,  none  of  these 
special  abilities  make  for  social  success,  and  they  do  not  cover 
up  at  all  the  evidences  of  the  general  low  level  of  mental  ability. 
For  our  purposes  they  require  no  further  consideration. 

§271.  Special  Abilities  Socially  Significant.  —  Arising  from 
a  general  low  level  of  intelligence  there  may  be  special  mental 
abilities  which  on  account  of  their  relationship  to  social  condi- 
tions, are  of  great  import.  The  social  demand  for  mental  powers 
is  often  satisfied  with  very  limited  exertion  of  certain  faculties. 
However,  the  types  of  mental  ability  which,  being  present 
among  general  mental  disability,  leave  the  individual  apparently 
or  actually  socially  acceptable  are  limited  in  number.  We  shall 
deal  with  those  which  have  appeared  of  foremost  importance  in 
our  observations  of  criminalistic  tendencies.  There  is  (a)  the 
defective  individual  who  has  good  insight  into  his  own  mental 
limitations,  and  who  on  account  of  the  possession  of  some  ele- 
ments of  good  judgment,  proceeds  to  avoid  as  much  as  possible 
sources  of  discouragement  or  danger,  and  who  limits  his  occupa- 


Chap.  XV]       MENTAL  DEFECTIVES  WITH   NORMAL   INSIGHT       [§  272 

tions  to  lowly  fields  where  he  is  successful  and  comparatively 
free  from  temptation,  (b)  Then  there  is  the  individual  who  per- 
force of  good  physical  control,  so-called  motor  ability,  is  able  to 
do  good  work  and  perhaps  earn  well,  and  who  has  some  powers 
of  judgment,  enough  at  least  to  keep  out  of  social  conflicts,  or  out 
of  trouble  severe  enough  to  prevent  his  being  considered  thoroughly 
undesirable  socially.  Since  insight  without  industrial  ability  is 
not  at  all  likely  to  help  one  to  hold  much  of  a  place  in  the  world, 
the  two  t^'pes  (a)  and  (b)  will  best  be  discussed  together,  (c) 
Then  there  is  that  most  important  type  of  the  feebleminded  with 
special  abilities,  the  defective  with  marked  verbal  powers.  The 
social,  as  well  as  the  psychopathological,  importance  of  this  type 
can  hardly  be  over-estimated,  and  acquaintance  with  this  sub- 
species should  be  had  by  every  jurist  and  criminal  lawyer,  and 
by  every  social  worker.  We  have  seen  many  egregious  examples 
of  the  troublesomeness  of  members  of  this  class,  who  have  long 
passed  unrecognized  as  defectives. 

§  272.  (a  and  b)  Mental  Defectives  with  Normal  Insight  plus 
Motor  Ability.  —  Examples  of  individuals  who  by  virtue  of  pos- 
session of  some  insight  into  their  own  condition  of  feebleminded- 
ness and  by  reason  of  their  having  fair  motor  ability,  are  able  to 
make  their  way  in  the  world  without  being  relegated  to  institu- 
tional care,  are  not  very  frequently  seen  by  workers  such  as  our- 
selves who  have  to  deal  primarily  with  social  failures.  I  have 
little  doubt,  however,  that  many  such  cases  exist;  many  more 
than  institutional  people  suspect.  I  should  much  like  to  see 
psychological  tests,  the  Binet  system  and  other  tests,  tried  on 
large  numbers  of  the  most  lowly  grades  of  industrial  workers, 
such  as  railroad  section  hands  and  other  laborers  who  work  with 
pick  and  shovel.  One  would  be  inclined  to  doubt  the  ability  of 
many  of  these  to  pass  even  the  12-year  tests  of  Binet.  Many 
of  them  would  undoubtedly  classify  as  feebleminded,  if  we  were 
to  go  by  these  tests  alone. 

Of  course  I  do  not  mean  to  say  that  all  these  individuals  hold 
their  social  freedom  merely  by  reason  of  having  good  insight  into 
their  own  mental  disabilities.  They  have  ability  to  perform 
their  assigned  motor  tasks.  In  spite  of  not  being  definitely  on 
the  search  for  such  facts,  we  have  seen  numerous  examples  of 
individuals  feebleminded  by  tests,  who  are  quite  able  to  maintain 
their  place  in  the  outside  world,  and  indeed  to  be  worthy  enough 
social  servants.     The  fair  success  of  a  mental  defective  who  is 


§  272]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XV 

doing  work  that  is  above  the  lowhest  grades  is  illustrated  in  the 
following  case,  and  in  this  instance,  if  the  home  environment 
were  more  rational  there  would  have  been  even  less  tendency  to 
moral  failure. 

Case  85.  — A  boy,  now  17  years  old,  lives  in  a  certain  railroad 
center  of  Indiana  where  there  is  much  transfer  service  by  wagon 
and  cab  from  one  station  to  another.  We  have  had  occasion  to  see 
him  several  times,  partly  on  account  of  his  failure  to  advance  in 
school,  and  partly  because  there  seemed  to  be  some  danger  of 
his  becoming  thoroughly  delinquent.  Through  a  rarely  met 
disinclination  on  the  part  of  the  mother,  no  reliable  data  on 
heredity  was  obtained,  except  the  following  facts  which  are  most 
significant.  The  father  is  a  worthless  drunkard.  The  mother 
for  years  has  vigorously  conducted  a  livery  business,  on  all  occa- 
sions rounding  up  her  family  to  work  under  her  auspices.  She 
is  a  woman  with  a  shrewish  tongue,  a  bad  temper,  and  she  defends 
her  family  at  all  hazards.  There  are  five  children,  the  last  of  whom 
is  this  boy.  The  three  eldest  graduated  from  the  grammar  school 
at  about  13.  The  first-born  has  turned  out  to  be  a  drunkard, 
but  works  under  his  mother  fairly  well,  except  occasionally  when 
under  the  influence  of  alcohol.  The  next  to  the  last  child  reached 
6th  grade  only,  at  the  age  of  16  years.  There  was  much  trouble 
with  him  on  account  of  truancy,  but  he  is  said  to  have  turned 
out  to  be  a  nice  boy.  In  regard  to  our  own  boy,  we  have  prob- 
ably a  very  good  developmental  history,  and  we  learn  that  ante- 
natal and  natal  conditions  were  normal.  He  has  never  been 
severely  ill.  No  injuries.  He  walked  and  talked  moderately 
early,  the  same  as  the  others,  and  there  is  no  evidence  of  causa- 
tive factors  of  any  kind  in  the  developmental  history.  Mother 
and  father  were  each  about  35  when  he  was  born. 

When  seen  first  at  14  we  found  this  boy  to  weigh  only  77  lbs. 
Height  4  ft.,  10  in.  He  was  fairly  nourished  and  showed  no 
deformity.  No  defects  of  special  senses.  Attitude  normal  and 
expression  typically  boyish.  Reflexes  normal.  Strength  good 
for  size.  No  developmental  anomalies.  Head  good  size  and  well 
shaped.  Teeth  in  fairly  good  condition.  Normal  speech.  Very 
moderate  tea  and  coffee.     No  evidence  of  bad  sex  habits. 

At  this  age  he  was  only  in  the  4th  grade,  and  was  not  successful 
there.  His  mother  says  he  takes  no  interest  in  school  work,  but 
is  smart  in  other  things.  He  started  to  school  at  6  or  7.  Arith- 
metic always  kept  him  back.     Always  been  to  public  school. 


Chap.  XV]       MENTAL   DEFECTIVES  WITH   NORMAL   INSIGHT       [§  272 

He  went  through  the  first  three  grades  without  being  set  back. 
The  teachers  say  he  lacks  concentration;  he  sits  idle.  Mother 
says  that  in  the  last  couple  of  years  he  will  stay  away  from  school 
at  every  chance. 

Mental  tests:  Binet,  (1908  series).  Nine  years  —  1,  2,  3  correct  and 
very  prompt.  4,  failure.  (5  and  6  inadvertently  not  given.)  Ten 
years  —  1,  failure.  2,  correct.  3,  complete  failure.  4,  failure.  In 
the  latter  he  says  if  one  has  missed  a  train  he  should  get  mad,  and  if 
struck  by  a  plajnnate,  who  did  not  mean  to  do  it,  he  should  get  angry, 
and  so  on.  Eleven  years  —  1,  correct.  2,  failure.  3,  correct,  with 
a  good  range  of  abstract  words  as  well  as  substantives.  4,  failure.  For 
instance,  absurd  misunderstanding  of  what  the  word  charity,  etc., 
means.  5,  failure.  Twelve  years  —  all  failures,  but  his  memory  span 
for  numbers  is  five  digits. 

On  our  own  tests  he  shows  the  following  results: 

I.  Introduction  puzzle  done  in  2'  39",  wdth  some  repetition  of 
errors  on  the  triangles. 

II.  School  puzzle  1'  40",  5  errors. 

III.  Construction  puzzle  A  done  in  58",  with  9  total  moves,  and 
only  one  retrial  of  an  impossibility. 

IV.  Construction  puzzle  B  was  a  remarkable  failure  in  10'  after 
56  moves. 

V.  The  work  on  our  puzzle  box  was  practically  a  failure,  since  it 
was  only  accomplished  in  9'  21",  after  interspersing  many  errors  be- 
tween step  one  and  step  two.  In  fact  the  latter  was  done  as  if  by 

VII.  Reproduction  of  two  geometric  figures  a  failure.  The  second 
of  the  two  figures  was  absurdly  inaccurate. 

VIIL   Rote  learning  test  correctly  and  promptly  done. 

IX.  Cross  line  test  A  failure  even  at  the  4th  trial. 

X.  Cross  line  test  B  similarly  a  failure. 

XIV.  Done  correctly  at  second  trial  in  27". 

XV.  AntonjTtns.  No  less  than  6  failures  and  2  errors,  the  latter 
afterwards  corrected.    Average  time  of  remainder  3". 

XVII.  Writing.  He  writes  a  boyish  hand,  but  is  able  to  write  from 
dictation  without  error,  "  The  printer  made  some  cards." 

XIX.  Reading.  4th-grade  passage  shghtly  halting  and  a  few  mis- 
pronounced words  which  he  corrected  himself.  Correct  regard  for 

XVIII.  Arithmetic.  The  results  were  remarkably  poor.  Adds  a 
simple  column  of  4  figures  correctly,  but  makes  an  error  when  he  has 
to  carry.  Knows  the  tables  very  incompletely  and  is  unable  to  multi- 
ply by  76.  Says  7  times  8  are  64;  9  times  8  are  54,  etc.  Much 
difficulty  in  doing  an  oral  sum.  Says  8  plus  6  plus  8  minus  3  is  3. 
On  concrete  work  the  boy  is  very  much  better.  One  inquired  what 
the  transfer  rates  on  his  line  were  and  found  they  were  25  cents.  He 
then  told  us  very  promptly  what  13  times  25  cents  were  and,  a  little 
more  slowh%  how  much  28  times  25  cents  were. 


§  272]  MENTAL    DEFECT  [Chap.  XV 

The  boy's  range  of  information  was  incredibly  inaccurate.  Says  he 
does  not  know  who  the  president  of  the  United  States  is,  and  that  the 
first  president  was  Rockefeller.  Asked  who  Abraham  Lincoln  was, 
he  says  he  is  the  president  now.  Knew  all  the  time  it  was  Lincoln, 
but  could  not  remember  his  first  name.  He  knows  very  well  the 
component  parts  of  mortar.  Cannot  give  the  names  of  the  Great 
Lakes.    Used  to  play  football,  but  would  much  rather  work  than  play. 

This  boy  was  tried  on  a  number  of  tests  at  intervals  of  a  day  or  two 
after  the  first  testing,  and  corroborative  results  were  obtained.  At 
first  it  was  thought  there  might  be  emotional  disturbance,  but  this 
was  ruled  out  by  these  later  findings. 

Altogether  we  find  by  testing  that  this  boy  comes  w^ell  within 
the  feebleminded  group  according  to  the  Binet  tests  and  that  he 
also  fails  on  many  of  the  tests  for  the  higher  abilities  of  mental 
analysis  and  powers  of  mental  representation,  but  he  is  able  to 
follow  instructions,  learn  by  rote,  and  deals  very  much  better 
with  concrete  material,  including  arithmetic,  than  with  abstrac- 
tions. Other  than  this  we  found  him  to  be  normally  affectionate, 
and  appreciative  of  his  situation  as  a  defective.  His  attitude 
is  typically  boyish  and  responsive.  Not  the  slightest  indication 
of  vicious  disposition.  He  is  reported  to  be  absolutely  honest, 
and  quite  able  to  carry  on  his  work  as  a  driver,  which  he  has  done 
for  a  couple  of  years  after  school  and  in  his  vacations.  It  is  his 
enjoyment  of  occupation  in  the  open  air,  as  well  as  school-room 
irritations,  which  leads  him,  he  says,  to  prefer  his  work  to  school. 

His  delinquencies  consist  in  very  much  the  type  of  misdeed 
that  the  ordinary  truckman  gets  into  —  much  use  of  bad  lan- 
guage, exhibition  of  bad  temper.  He  once  hit  a  man  with  a  whip. 
Formerly  he  was  a  great  truant,  but  his  irritation  at  school  re- 
tardation might  account  for  this.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  he  was 
willing  later  on  to  receive  special  tutoring  in  arithmetic. 

This  boy  has  turned  out  to  be  a  typical  cab  and  wagon  driver, 
and  w^e  hear  that  he  is  earning  well  for  his  family,  that  he  is  quite 
able  to  take  care  of  his  team  and  to  hold  his  own  in  the  w^orld. 
As  far  as  delinquency  is  concerned  it  is  doubtful  if  he  is  as  bad 
as  many  of  his  class  who  are  mentally  normal. 

By  the  formulae  of  age  tests  he  is  to  be  regarded  as  feebleminded, 
but  has  other  qualifications  for  getting  along  fairly  well  in  the 
world  —  certainly  as  well  as  one  could  expect  when  one  considers 
the  home  conditions  with  a  drunken  father  and  an  irascible 
mother,  and  in  an  occupation  where  men  notoriously  develop 
vindictive  dispositions  and  violent  ways.     Surely  no  one  w^ould 


Chap.  XV]       MENTAL   DEFECTIVES  WITH   NORMAL   INSIGHT       [§  272 

allege  that  the  findings  on  tests  in  this  case  formed  sufficient 
grounds  for  sending  this  boy  to  an  institution  for  the  feebleminded. 
Despite  the  findings  on  tests  we  could  never  make  up  our  minds 
to  call  this  boy  socially  feebleminded,  and  we  finally  classed 
him  under  our  caption  of  subnormality,  which,  however,  is  made 
up  almost  entirely  of  those  who  do  vastly  better  than  he  on  the 
Binet  schedule. 

Mentality:  Subnormal. 

(By  Binet,  moron.) 

Case  85. 
Boy,  14. 

Heredity:  Father  alcoholic. 

Home  conditions: 

Father  and  brother  alcoholic. 

Dehnquencies : 
Truancy  -\ — h- 

Case  86.  —  Of  quite  another  type  is  the  following  case  of  a 
boy  of  16  who  was  brought  into  court  from  a  certain  country 
district  where  he  had  been  engaged  in  a  number  of  sex  affairs. 
With  the  exception  of  the  last  occurrence  these  things  were  done 
under  much  the  same  circumstances  as  one  might  find  in  many 
a  school  community  where  sex  delinquencies  are  not  prevented 
b}^  careful  oversight.  The  boy  had  early  been  taught  these 
things  by  a  certain  dissolute  girl  of  the  neighborhood,  and  then 
he  and  other  boys  had  sometimes  been  in  bad  practices  together, 
and  just  now  he  and  his  brother  had  tampered  with  a  girl,  but 
had  made  no  real  assault.  The  neighbors  testified  against  him 
and  his  brother,  but  of  much  longer  standing  was  the  court 
record  of  the  girl  who  had  taught  them. 

The  mother  of  this  boy  was  found  to  be  an  unbalanced  woman, 
aberrational  in  type,  but  the  diagnosis  of  her  mentality  one 
would  hesitate  to  make  upon  short  acquaintance.  The  father  is 
a  queer-looking  man  with  a  battered-up  face  and  a  depressed 
bridge  of  nose.  He  is  a  farm  laborer  and  very  poor.  Has  been 
in  this  country  about  20  years.  They  were  very  affectionate 
and  very  much  concerned  about  all  the  ailments  of  their  family. 
The  mother  is  temperate.  The  father  is  occasionally  intoxicated. 
No  reliable  hereditary  facts  were  obtained,  but  we  see  plainly 
that  the  father  is  a  very  poor  specimen  from  the  physical  side 
and  has  little  mental  ability,  and  that  the  mother  is  distinctly 


§  272]  MENTAL    DEFECT  [Chap.  XV 

aberrational  in  her  mentality.  She  may  have  been  congenitally 
defective.  Another  fact  that  bears  on  heredity  is  our  finding  by 
examination  that  the  brother  is  defective  mentally.  At  12  years 
he  is  only  in  the  2d  grade.  Facts  of  immediate  family  history 
were,  as  is  natural,  much  more  readily  obtained  and  they  were 
given  in  voluble  account.  There  have  been  ten  children  and  two 
miscarriages.  Only  five  are  now  living.  The  eldest  is  19  and  said 
to  be  the  most  promising  one  of  the  family.  He  is  a  section  hand. 
Then  comes  our  boy  and  then  the  lad  of  12  who  is  subnormal, 
and  then  a  very  sickly  little  girl  of  6.  (Our  examination  shows 
that  she  has  a  very  severe  heart  lesion.)  Then  comes  a  boy  of  5. 
The  subnormal  lad  of  12  is  said  to  have  been  always  sickly,  and 
did  not  walk  until  he  was  4  years  old. 

The  developmental  history  of  our  lad  was  readily  obtained. 
The  mother  gives  a  long  story.  Before  he  was  born  the 
mother  was  sickly  for  several  months;  the  diagnosis  uncertain. 
Birth  was  normal.  As  an  infant  he  had  "  summer  complaint 
for  three  summers  and  was  awfully  sick.  He  had  tj^hoid  and 
brain  fever  when  he  was  a  baby,  too.  He  v/alked  at  about  2 
years.  I  did  not  nurse  him  because  I  only  had  a  half  a  breast. 
He  can't  learn  good.  He  never  could."  It  also  appears  that 
this  boy  has  been  very  poorly  in  recent  years  with  tonsilitis  and 
various  fevers.  Does  not  have  convulsions  or  other  attacks. 
No  convulsions  in  the  family. 

Our  examination  showed  a  jerky,  nervous,  rat-featured  boy 
who  responded  quite  nicely  when  talked  to  kindly,  and  was  will- 
ing to  talk  freely  about  his  transgressions.  He  is  16  years  old. 
Weighs  103  lbs.  Height,  5  ft.  1  1-4  in.  His  frame  is  compara- 
tively large  for  his  otjier  development.  No  sensory  defects  noted. 
Strength  good  for  size.  Constant  tremor  of  outstretched  hands. 
Lively  knee  jerks.  Good  color.  No  anomalies  of  sex  develop- 
ment. Moves  in  notably  quick,  jerky  fashion.  Head  circum- 
ference 54;  diameters,  anteroposterior  18,  biparietal  16  cm. 
Shows  the  following  stigmata.  Remarkably  small  chin  and 
mouth  in  comparison  to  cranial  size.  Wizened  type  of  face. 
Head  markedly  flat  at  the  back  with  distinct  asymmetry.  Almost 
no  occipital  protuberance.  Very  broad  proportionately  in  the 
parietal  region  just  above  and  a  little  behind  the  ears.  Cranium 
then  comes  sharply  to  a  narrow  forehead.  Broad  uvula.  Marked 
asymmetry  of  ears  —  right  upper  helix  is  flattened  with  a  crimp 
in  it.    Nostrils  slightly  notched  near  the  point  of  the  nose. 


Chap.  XV]       MENTAL   DEFECTIVES  WITH    NOKVIAL   INSIGHT       [§  272 

Tests  showed  as  follows : 

Binet  (1911  series).  Eight  years  —  1,  2,  3,  correct.  4,  failure.  5, 
correct.  Nine  years  —  1,  correct.  2,  failure.  Said  a  fork  is  for  hay; 
a  horse  is  to  pull,  etc.  3,  correct.  4,  failure.  5,  correct.  Ten  years 
—  1,  2,  correct.  3,  4,  5,  failures.  Twelve  years  —  1,  correct.  2,  3, 
4,  5,  failures.    Does  not  know  the  meaning  of  charity  or  justice. 

On  our  own  set  of  tests  were  the  following  results : 

I.  Introductory  picture  2'  24".  Considerable  repetition  of  error 
on  the  triangles. 

II.  School  puzzle  2'  6",  only  2  errors. 

III.  Construction  puzzle  A  fairly  well  done  in  1'  41".  16  total 
moves  and  3  repetitions  of  impossibilities. 

IV.  Construction  puzzle  B,  2'  12",  and  only  20  moves  —  the  only 
repetition  being  on  the  placing  of  pieces  one  and  two.  Distinct 
ability  to  plan  was  shown  in  this. 

V.  Puzzle  box  in  3'  13".  Two  errors  between  steps  one  and  two. 
Otherwise  the  process  was  logical. 

VI.  Aussage  test.  Scant  enumerative  account  of  the  details  and 
a  good  deal  of  suggestibility  shown.  No  less  than  5  out  of  7  sugges- 
tions accepted.  Said  he  saw  the  meat  in  the  ice  box,  bananas  on  the 
wall,  a  cash  register  and  even  a  cat  on  the  floor. 

VII.  First  one  of  the  two  figures  correct,  but  was  not  able  to  get 
the  2d  symmetrically  drawn  until  after  4  exposures.  Controls  his 
pencil  fairly  well. 

VIII.  Arbitrary  learning  test  done  slowly  with  only  one  final  error. 

IX.  Cross  line  A  correct  at  1st  trial. 

X.  Cross  line  B  complete  failure  at  4th  trial. 

XII.  Visual  verbal  memory  test  not  given  because  does  not  read 
w^ell  enough. 

XIII.  Auditory  verbal  memory  test  only  5  out  of  12  items  given 
correctly.  Others  much  jumbled  and  a  totally  non-comprehending 

XV.  AntonjTns,  remarkably  poor  result.  Only  6  correct.  Average 
time  5.7".     10  errors,  4  failures. 

XVI.  Motor  coordination  fair  result.  61  and  60  squares  at  1st  and 
2d  trials  respectively.    No  errors, 

XVII.  Can  write  name,  but  very  little  else. 

XVIII.  Makes  simple  number  combinations  by  counting  fingers. 

XIX.  Reads  only  a  few  of  the  shortest  words.  Does  not  know  all 
the  alphabet. 

XXIII.  Pictorial  Completion  test  3'  45".  Four  final  errors. 
Studied  the  test  very  carefully  and  finally  concludes  that  everything 
is  in  right  place.    Three  of  the  errors  are  of  the  irrational  type. 

By  tests  we  found  that  here  was  a  boy  who  in  spite  of  having 
been  to  school  more  or  less  regularly  for  a  good  many  years  had 
not  even  the  elements  of  the  three  R's.  By  the  Binet  tests  he 
would  be  ranged  about  midway  in  the  group  of  morons.     He 


§  272]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XV 

showed  distinct  defects  in  the  higher  powers  of  mental  representa- 
tion and  analysis  and  proved  himself  extremely  suggestible.  Yet 
he  had  power  to  learn  by  rote,  had  moderately  good  motor  con- 
trol and  demonstrated  quite  fair  ability  in  constructive  work. 
He  did  as  well  as  many  normal  persons  with  the  analysis  of  the 
mechancial  puzzle  box.  It  is  quite  evident  that  he  works  much 
better  with  concrete  material  than  with  abstract.  Beyond  this 
we  observed  that  the  boy  was  very  nervous  and  depressed  about 
his  delinquency.  Was  in  great  fear  of  punishment.  He  met 
our  friendly  approach  in  good  spirit,  and  became  quite  frank 
about  his  various  troubles  and  how  they  began.  This  was  after 
a  first  period  of  evasion  and  lying.  His  own  frankness  regarding 
details  would  seem  to  indicate  his  mental  calibre,  but  he  showed 
some  feeling  of  shame.  He  told  of  various  degenerate  sex  prac- 
tices that  he  had  gotten  into,  probably  following  the  teaching 
by  the  dissolute  girl. 

This  boy  was  reported  to  be  a  good  worker.  He  had  been 
employed  on  a  farm  at  one  time.  Recently  was  acting  as  a  janitor 
in  a  school  building.  As  observed  by  one  teacher  he  was  found 
very  considerate  and  responsive  in  many  ways.  For  instance, 
he  told  another  boy  he  must  not  put  the  chair  against  the  table 
because  it  would  make  a  mark.  He  makes  change  correctly. 
No  doubt  was  expressed  by  the  local  officer  or  by  his  family  of 
the  boy's  ability  to  make  his  own  way  in  the  world. 

However  undesirable  as  a  member  of  any  community  this  boy 
may  be  considered  on  account  of  his  bad  sex  tendencies,  and 
however  dangerous  he  may  be  socially  on  account  of  his  heredi- 
tary defects  as  a  possible  progenitor  of  his  kind,  still  that  is  not 
the  point  for  the  moment  with  us.  One  could  think  of  surgical 
measures  which  would  prevent  him  from  becoming  the  rapist  or 
pervert  that  he  shows  signs  of  becoming.  The  point  that  we 
have  here  to  make  is  that  although  the  lad  by  school  and  Binet 
tests  clearly  grades  as  feebleminded,  yet  if  one  undertakes  a 
wider  range  of  observation,  one  finds  him  to  have  certain  motor, 
constructive  and  industrial  capabilities  which  throw  considerable 
doubt  upon  his  being  socially  feebleminded,  that  is  being  unable 
to  compete  on  equal  terms  with  his  fellows.  Indeed,  were  it  not 
for  his  immoral  proclivities,  which  may  just  as  fairly  be  consid- 
ered acquired  as  denominated  innate,  he  might  well  serve  as  a 
very  useful  member  of  society  in  doing  some  of  the  necessary 
lowly  work  of  the  world. 


Chap.  XV]  VERBALIST    TYPE    OF    DEFECTIVE  [§  273 

As  a  matter  of  fact,  a  year  or  so  later  the  report  came  that 
this  lad  had  been  doing  very  well  at  work  on  a  farm. 

Mentality:  Moron.  Case  86. 

Bad  companions:  Dissolute  girl.  ^°^'  ^^  years. 

Heredity:  Father  and  mother  both 

defective  types.     Marked  stigmata. 
Developmental  conditions: 

Much  illness. 
Home  conditions:  Poverty,  poor  control. 

Delinquencies : 

Sex  +,  also  perversions. 

In  considering  the  question  of  the  insight  of  mental  defectives 
into  their  own  condition  there  seems  no  particular  reason  why 
this  power  should  not  be  found  preserved  or  developed  in  some 
cases,  just  as  other  faculties  may  be  preserved  or  developed. 
The  defective  who  has  insight  is  fortunate.  Sources  of  discour- 
agement and  temptation  are  thereby  avoided.  More  than  a  few 
times  one  has  heard  from  subnormal  individuals  who  make  their 
way  in  the  world  without  trouble  that  they  realize  their  own 
limitations.  As  we  stated  before,  we  have  made  no  special  effort 
to  get  data  on  individuals  who  grade  as  feebleminded  by  tests, 
but  who  are  not  to  be  considered  social  failures.  Our  work  has 
brought  us  directly  in  contact  with  the  failures.  Yet  many  times 
we  have  had  indication  of  the  part  which  insight  plays  in  making 
these  individuals,  defective  by  tests,  successful.  The  outcome 
in  the  cases  given  just  previously,  as  well  as  in  some  cited  on  the 
following  pages,  proves  well  the  point. 

§  273.  (c)  Verbalist  Type  of  Defective.  —  I  know  of  no  class 
of  defective  or  abnormal  individuals  that  is  so  little  understood, 
or  who  can  give  so  much  social  trouble  on  account  of  their  not 
being  understood,  as  the  mental  defectives  who  have  language 
ability  sufficient  to  make  an  appearance  which  deceives  the  world 
in  general  as  to  their  true  mental  status.  It  is  a  type  which  on 
account  of  the  legal  problems  often  centering  about  them  should 
be  understood  thoroughly  by  all  those  who  have  to  deal  with 
human  individuals  under  the  law. 

On  account  of  their  ability  to  handle  language  well  the  members 
of  this  group  are  not  properly  placed  by  the  ordinary  tests  of 


§  273]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XV 

social  intercourse.  The  common  method  for  passing  judgment  on 
people  is,  of  course,  through  conversation.  One  asks  questions 
and  if  one  gets  answers  that  follow  properly,  that  are  consequen- 
tial and  coherent,  why  then  without  more  ado  one  infers  the 
answerer  to  be  practically  normal.  The  give-and-take  conver- 
sational method  of  the  court  room  may  be  offered  in  illustration. 
Under  such  conditions  this  definite  class  of  those  who,  although 
mentally  deficient,  have  considerable  language  ability  can  slide 
along  undetected  among  normal  people.  It  seems  to  be  a  matter 
of  common-sense  observation  that  those  who  can  talk  well  must 
therefore  be  mentally  normal.  We  ourselves  have  to  confess  to 
being  utterly  surprised  at  finding  the  low  mental  grade  of  some 
members  of  this  class,  so  ingrained  in  human  judgment  is  the 
idea  that  if  an  individual  can  talk  well  he  is,  ipso  facto,  of  mental 
normality.  It  is  more  generally  appreciated  that  brilliant  con- 
versational powers  are  not  incompatible  with  mental  aberrations, 
including  well-defined  insanity.  Here  we  may  set  forth  that 
there  is  a  like  combination  of  affairs  to  be  met  with  in  mental 

If  the  human  mind  is  thought  of  in  terms  of  partially  separated 
faculties  and  abilities,  then  why  should  we  not  recognize  the 
possibility  of  a  language  ability  overtopping  the  other  mental 
powers,  even  when  the  general  level  of  ability  is  far  below  the 
social  par.  Other  instances  of  mental  unevenness,  such  as  the 
musical,  mechanical  and  calculating  geniuses,  we  have  spoken 
of  above. 

A  point  in  connection  with  these  individuals  is  of  much  practi- 
cal interest;  it  causes  many  complications.  The  fact  that  these 
people  find  themselves  socially  tolerated,  and  apparently  able 
to  meet  the  world  upon  its  own  terms,  leads  them  into  a  great 
deal  of  self-deception.  As  we  have  found  them,  they  are  markedly 
lacking  in  insight  into  their  own  disabilities.  In  this  matter 
they  are  quite  in  contrast  to  the  type  of  case  which  just  previously 
has  been  cited.  This  lack  of  judgment  and  apperceptive  ability 
may  directly  lead  to  the  development  of  a  grudge-like  attitude 
towards  the  world  or  towards  the  individuals  under  whom  they 
have  unsuccessfully  served,  or  with  whom  they  have  been  in 
competition  and  failed.  They  do  not  understand  the  cause  of 
their  own  failure. 

On  the  other  hand,  one  has  also  noted  a  great  deal  of  buoy- 
ancy, assertiveness  and  even  ambition  among  this  class.     Their 


Chap.  XY]  VERBALIST    TYPE    OF    DEFECTIVE  [§  273 

very  lack  of  insight  prevents  them  from  being  depressed  by  their 
own  faikn-es,  while  their  conversational  abiUty  and  frequent 
vivacity  lead  them  to  form  new  associations  and  acquaintances 
most  readily,  and  to  gain  therefrom  continually  new^  feelings  of 
power  and  renewal  of  sense  of  importance.  They  have  an  abnor- 
mally small  amount  of  social  modesty  or  reserve.  They  are  able 
to  ingratiate  themselves  in  public  places,  and  to  get  new  jobs 
with  the  greatest  facility.  Their  very  vivacity  may  be  a  factor 
in  their  presenting  a  prepossessing  appearance.  They  also  have 
other  qualities,  perhaps  not  so  typical,  several  of  which  may  be 
seen  in  the  cases  cited  below. 

Cases  of  mentally  defective  verbalists  may  be  of  such  great 
legal  importance  that  there  is  value  in  citing  some  instances  in 
detail.  I  strongly  advise  all  my  legal  readers  to  acquaint  them- 
selves with  this  t>"pe,  and  to  note  upon  what  common-sense 
grounds  a  differential  diagnosis  can  be  made.  Possible  legal  com- 
plications are  only  necessary  to  hint  at.  To  work  up  the  entire 
gamut  of  cases  of  this  type  we  have  observed  would  require  a 
special  monograph.  We  have  seen  numbers  of  defectives  who 
were  glib  talkers  even  on  the  witness  stand.  Since  some  defec- 
tive verbalists  are  great  liars  it  might  be  supposed  they  would 
come  under  the  head  of  pathological  liars,  but  we  have  expressed 
ourselves  clearly  on  this  point  in  our  chapter  on  that  subject. 
The  individual  who  is  a  liar  and  defective  must  be  classed  prima- 
rily as  a  defective. 

The  ability  of  morons  who  are  verbalists  to  remain  at  large  in 
society,  sometimes  regarded  simply  as  immoral  or  criminal  types, 
is  an  interesting  fact.  It  is  to  be  noted  that  in  our  classification 
for  the  moment  we  are  not  including  cases  which  get  through 
the  Binet  12-year  tests.  Under  the  head  of  mental  subnormality, 
§  276,  we  have  more  to  say  on  this  point,  for  the  subnormal 
verbalist  is  perhaps  even  a  more  interesting  tj^pe.  There  is, 
however,  only  a  technical  reason  for  distinguishing  between  the 
two;  generically  both  classes  are  defective.  One  of  the  weak 
points  of  the  Binet  system  is  that  it  so  greatly  calls  for  language 
responses;  those  who  have  good  language  ability  easily  grade 
proportionately  higher.  We  offer  somewhat  in  detail  the  general 
findings  and  some  specimens  of  conversational  ability  in  several 
cases,  the  criminalistic  trend  of  which  may  be  clearly  seen. 

Case  87.  —  Clara  Y.,  a  young  Jewish  woman,  about  a  year 
from  Russia,  was  brought  to  us  by  a  protective  agency.     We 


§  273]  MENTAL    DEFECT  [Chap.  XV 

were  never  quite  sure  of  her  age,  but  she  evidently  was  about  21. 
She  had  been  getting  into  difficulties  in  one  way  and  another, 
and  it  was  now  conceived  that  perhaps  she  was  not  able  to  take 
care  of  herself.  She  had  voluntarily  sought  the  aid  of  various 
people  at  times.  The  protective  agency  had  attempted  to  get 
her  properly  placed,  and  had  put  in  a  very  great  deal  of  time 
on  the  case,  but  somehow,  although  she  seemed  to  have  the  best 
of  intentions,  she  never  was  able  to  retain  a  position;  either 
being  discharged  or  leaving  the  place  herself.  It  is  probable 
that  she  did  hold  one  position  for  three  months,  but  she  has  had 
many  other  places  where  she  has  not  done  well.  It  is  known  that 
she  tells  many  lies,  has  been  morally  careless  in  general,  and  that 
she  has  been  sexually  delinquent.  Her  recent  action  in  deliberately 
asking  a  man  to  come  and  live  with  her  for  awhile,  which,  by 
the  way,  he  accommodatingly  did,  seemed  altogether  too  much 
of  a  good  thing,  and  there  developed  the  suspicion  that  the  girl 
was  not  just  right  mentally. 

Her  family  is  known  of  through  old  neighbors;  they  are  said 
to  be  intelligent  and  well-to-do.  The  results  of  inquiries  make 
it  probable  that  her  people  have  had  much  trouble  with  her, 
and  are  glad  to  be  rid  of  her.  She  is  said  to  have  run  away  from 
home  with  a  troupe  of  actors  before  she  emigrated.  Other  than 
this,  the  family  and  developmental  history  is  unknown.  The 
girl's  own  statements  in  the  matter  are  probably  unreliable. 
She  has  no  relatives  in  the  United  States. 

We  know  something  of  her  school  history  from  certificates 
which  she  shows  from  a  gymnasium  in  a  small  Russian  town. 
The  purport  of  these  is  that  she  was  the  fifth  highest  pupil  when 
she  was  in  the  4th  grade,  and  had  some  fair  marks  at  that  time 
in  geography,  natural  history  and  even  arithmetic.  She  was 
good  in  deportment  and  excellent  in  penmanship.  We  do  not 
know  the  v/ork  of  the  grades,  and  it  may  be  that  geography  and 
natural  history  were  mostly  memorizing  of  language.  Clara 
volunteered  the  information,  whatever  it  may  be  worth,  that 
she  was  not  allowed  to  pass  into  the  6th  grade,  and  was  two  years 
in  the  5th.  She  later  told  about  being  in  higher  grades,  but  was 
contradictory  on  these  points,  and  it  is  not  at  all  likely. 

Clara's  delinquencies  consist  in  much  lying  and  misrepresen- 
tation, earlier  running  away  from  home,  and,  as  time  has  gone  on, 
gross  sex  immorality. 

Physically  we  find  her  to  be  a  vivacious,  coquettish  type, 


Chap.  XV]  VERBALIST   TYPE    OF    DEFECTIVE  [§  273 

small  in  size,  but  well  developed  and  nourished  and  with  good 
color.  She  has  regular  features,  and  with  her  vivacity  might  be 
called  rather  attractive.  Her  expression  is  silly.  She  laughs  and 
giggles  much  of  the  time.  It  is  significant  that  she  is  very  care- 
less about  her  personal  appearance,  a  fact  most  contradictory 
to  her  coquettish  behavior.  No  sensory  or  physical  defects  of 
any  kind  noted. 

"  Been  here  a  year  and  four  months.  Came  in  July.  Worked 
lots  of  places,  sometimes  a  month,  sometimes  a  day  and  sometimes 
a  week.  I  know  that  man  a  couple  of  weeks,  that 's  all.  I  met 
him  at  the  music  hall.  Had  passes  to  go  there.  Oh,  God,  he  's 
a  fine  man.  He  said  he  was  married.  I  told  the  boarding  house 
keeper  about  it.  He  never  did  anything  wrong.  Had  him  because 
I  was  starving.  Oh,  that  money  I  had  in  the  bank?  I  saved 
that  five  months  ago.  I  told  lies  because  people  did  not  believe 
me  anyway.  I  used  to  get  S8  or  $9  a  week.  Got  $16  saved  up. 
Oh,  I  just  told  that  man  I  had  lots  of  money.  I  went  eight  years 
to  school  in  the  old  country  —  in  the  gymnasium.  I  went  to 
the  7th  grade.  Just  in  one  class  two  years.  God,  what  funny 
puzzles  you  've  got  here.  Believe  me,  I  know  French  when  I 
want  to  know  it.  Sure,  I  can  speak  Russian  and  German  and 
French.  All  my  family  are  smart.  My  mother  has  migraine. 
She  's  been  to  big  doctors  in  St.  Petersburg.  Sure,  they  can  all 
read  and  write.    They  know  lots." 

A  year  later  when  the  girl  was  in  poor  condition  and  she  was 
advised  to  go  to  a  dispensary,  she  rattled  on  as  follows:  "  Were 
you  ever  in  one  of  those  dispensaries?  All  the  poor  dirty  people 
go  there  and  you  have  to  stand  in  line  and  take  your  turn.  I 
would  n't  do  that.  I  am  clean  and  proud.  I  don't  want  you  to 
tell  any  of  those  society  women  where  I  am  —  I  don't  want  them 
giving  me  anything  at  all  —  I  am  able  to  earn  my  own  living. 
You  ought  to  see  me  on  the  street.  I  have  a  pretty  dress  and  a 
long  black  plume,  and  if  those  women  would  see  me  they  would 
ask  me  how  much  it  cost  and  where  I  got  it  and  everything. 
They  did  make  trouble  for  me  at  one  place,  and  when  I  got  home 
my  landlady  said,  '  You  little  liar.'  They  told  her  I  was  a 
Russian  Jew.  You  know  they  are  dirty  and  ignorant,  and  I  am 
not  a  Russian  Jew  at  all.  My  right  father  and  mother  were 
French,  and  when  they  died  it  was  my  misfortune  that  I  should 
have  been  given  to  them.  I'm  proud  and  I  want  to  be  something." 
"  My  mother  has  a  fine  education.     My  mother  was  through 


§  273]  MENTAL    DEFECT  [ChaP.  XV 

school  higher  than  me.  I  faint  lots  of  times  when  I  do  hard  work 
like  scrubbing.  I  never  did  hurt  myself  then.  I  would  always 
faint  when  I  did  not  have  right  meals." 

"  I  just  love  music  and  the  theatre.  I  heard  Caruso  last  week. 
God,  he  sings  beautiful.  I  was  to  grand  opera  a  lot  of  times  this 
winter.  I  go  to  the  theatre  two  or  three  times  a  week.  Oh,  I 
get  passes  all  right.  Maybe  some  man  will  take  me  in.  I  '11  go 
and  stand  in  the  entrance  and  look  as  if  I  wanted  to  go  in,  and 
maybe  some  lady  would  come  along  and  ask  me,  and  I  'd  say,  '  I 
just  love  music,'  and  she  would  get  me  a  ticket,  and  sometimes  a 
man  would  take  me.    No,  I  'd  never  know  him  before." 

The  girl  at  this  time  had  been  living  with  different  men  for  a 
month  or  two  at  a  time,  sometimes  having  traveled  with  them. 
There  were  the  typical  results  in  infections  now.  She  had  earned 
money  as  a  model  for  artists,  and  we  heard  she  had  been  a  "  living 
statue  "  in  a  cheap  theatre. 

The  above  excerpts  from  her  story  at  different  times  give 
some  indication  of  her  facility  with  language,  especially  when  it 
is  remembered  she  has  only  been  in  America  a  little  over  a  year. 
On  the  other  hand,  they  give  no  idea  of  her  glibness  and  the 
rapidity  of  the  flow  of  her  ideas.  The  latter  we  considered  in  the 
light  of  an  aberrational  phenomenon,  but  after  all  it  was  no 
more  than  one  might  hear  from  many  another  girl  of  her  stagey 
tendencies.  In  our  long  acquaintance  with  her  this  never  seemed 
to  vary,  nor  did  she  ever  grow  any  more  aberrational. 

The  girl  speaks  good  Russian,  the  language  in  which  she  was 
educated,  speaks,  reads  and  writes  fair  German,  and  has  picked 
up  enough  French  to  be  able  to  read  short  sentences  and  to  have 
a  conversational  smattering.  This,  as  well  as  her  admiration 
for  the  French  and  desire  to  be  called  French,  probably  came 
from  her  early  association  with  French  actors  in  Russia. 

Results  of  mental  tests  are  as  follows: 

Binet  tests  (1908  series). 

Seven  years.  —  4,  failure,  namely,  copying  a  diamond.  All  the 
other  seven  tests  correct. 

Eight  years.  —  All  correct.  The  two  tests,  which  involve  reading 
and  writing,  were  too  difficult  for  her  at  first,  but  later  she  became 
able  to  read  and  write  English  quite  well. 

Nine  years.  —  1  and  2,  correct.  3,  the  making  of  change,  done  with 
much  uncertainty  and  is  a  failure.    4,  correct.    5  and  6,  not  given. 

Ten  years.  —  All  done  correctly,  even  at  first  testing  when  she  knew 
less  English  than  later. 


Chap.  XV]  VERBALIST   TYPE    OF    DEFECTIVE  [§  273 

Eleven  years.  —  1  and  2,  correct.  3,  failure.  This  was  a  character- 
istic result  because  the  girl  insisted  on  giving  words  in  the  form  of 
sentences,  talking  rapidly.  We  succeeded  in  getting  29  separate 
words,  but  the  usual  reaction  was,  "  We  have  breakfast  every  morn- 
ing," "  We  have  supper  every  night."  At  times  she  would  say,  "  Don't 
I  talk  fast?  I  can  talk  much  faster  than  that  in  Russian.  I  can  make 
great  speeches  in  Russian."  4,  failure  on  account  of  lack  of  knowl- 
edge.   5,  not  given  on  account  of  foreign  language  difficulty. 

Twelve  years.  —  1,  failure.  Cannot  repeat  seven  numerals.  2, 
rh\TTiing  words  correct.  3,  repetition  of  26  syllables  failure.  4,  un- 
derstanding a  situation  from  diverse  facts  a  failure. 

Much  more  significant  than  even  these  findings  are  the  results  on 
our  own  set  of  tests. 

I.  6'.  Ridiculous  amount  of  trial  and  error  all  the  way  through. 
Tried  to  put  in  pieces  upside  down. 

II.  2' 40".     Terrors. 

III.  Construction  Test  A.  Failure  in  10'.  Kept  at  the  job  most 
persistently,  but  most  stupidly.  Very  many  moves  tried.  After  being 
sho\\Ti,  was  able  to  do  it  however,  extremely  rapidly.  "Oh,  that's 
easy  now." 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.  For  sake  of  thorough  trial  was  allowed 
15'  and  even  then  failed  after  having  made  over  100  moves.  Entire 
lack  of  planfulness  and  foresight.    Trial  and  error. 

VI.  "Aussage."  Gave  a  scanty  functional  account  of  the  picture 
used.  Gave  a  number  of  items  on  cross  examination.  She  showed 
herself  entirely  non-suggestible. 

VII.  Reproduction  of  Geometric  Figures.  Entire  failure.  Striking 
result  for  her  age. 

VIII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Symbol  Associations.  Worked  with  ap- 
parently good  attention.  Made  three  errors,  including  repetition  of 
the  number  2.    Seemed  to  have  no  idea  of  working  by  elimination. 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.    Failure  to  comprehend  the  problem. 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.  Entire  failure.  Only  learned  to  draw  the 
model  from  memory  at  5th  attempt. 

XII.  Memory  from  Visual  Verbal  presentation.  Not  given  on  ac- 
count of  language  difficulty. 

XIII.  Memory  from  Auditory  Verbal  presentation.  Gave  a 
shorter  and  simpler  passage  of  25  words  which  was  repeated  with 
verbal  accuracy. 

XV.  Antonyms.  Astonishingly  good  result  considering  foreign 
language  factor.  No  failures.  Only  one  error.  Average  time  2.2". 
Some  of  the  opposites  were  quickly  given  in  German,  and  of  course 
counted  as  correct. 

XVI.  On  this  test  got  remarkable  and  typical  result  as  verifying 
the  lack  of  self-control  exhibited  in  other  conduct.  In  tapping  the 
squares  Clara  would  do  all  right  for  20  spaces  or  so,  but  then  seemed  to 
be  unable  to  keep  the  task  in  mind,  although  she  could  tell  afterwards 
w^hat  was  wanted  of  her.  She  would  even  run  off  the  spaces  into  the 
margin.    At  another  trial  she  did  64  squares  in  30"  with  12  errors. 


§  273]  MENTAL    DEFECT  [Chap.  XV 

XVII.  Writing  is  good  in  German  script.  Later  on  she  was  able 
to  write  a  very  creditable  note  in  English. 

XVIII.  Failure  for  3d  grade  multiplication  and  incorrect  even  in 
simple  addition.  Orally  fails  to  subtract  39  cents  from  a  dollar. 
Speaks  fluently  of  geometry  and  algebra,  but  when  given  even  the 
simplest  formula  shows  not  the  slightest  comprehension  of  it. 

XIX.  Even  when  seen  the  first  time  was  able  to  read  slowly  a  sim- 
ple passage  and  to  translate  it  into  German. 

XXI.  The  girl's  reactions  to  Sharp's  moral  questions  are  quite  in- 
structive. Asked  about  the  man  who  stole  bread  to  give  to  starving 
children  she  responded  —  "  You  bet  he  do  right.  He  did  not  steal 
money.  He  steal  bread.  If  he  steal  money  to  get  clothes  or  anything 
like  that  it's  different.  You  bet  I  do  the  same.  That  girl  in  tne  Mis- 
sion Home  she  steal  $2  from  me.    I  did  not  tell  no  one." 

On  the  2d  of  the  moral  questions  about  the  captain  of  the  besieg- 
ing village  giving  up  the  man  to  the  Indians,  "  Sure,  I  see  lots  of  In- 
dians on  the  stage.  They  rob  people  and  take  all  the  money.  Indians 
don't  shoot.  They  fight  just  with  knives.  I  'd  give  up  the  man.  One 
man  is  not  so  many."  When  cross-questioned  she  said,  "Well,  better 
kill  lots  of  people  for  the  truth.  They've  got  lots  of  fight  in  Russia 
for  the  truth.  If  give  up  one  man  the  Indians  would  call  for  others. 
The  Indians  are  not  educated.    They  could  not  understand." 

XXII.  Has  exceedingly  small  range  of  information.  Does  not 
know  who  is  president,  or  the  largest  city.  Says  she  landed  at  Castle 
Garden,  but  is  not  sure  of  the  name  of  the  city.  Remembers  the  Rus- 
sian port  she  came  from,  and  of  stopping  at  Liverpool.  She  has 
plenty  of  information  about  theatres  and  grand  opera.  Last  week 
was  five  times  in  the  theatre. 

This  girl  was  seen  several  times  later  and  some  of  the  tests  retried, 
with  always  practically  the  same  results  except  on  language.  She 
speedily  instructed  herself  and  became,  as  mentioned  above,  able  to 
write  a  good  hand  in  English  and  to  express  herself  well.  As  a  voca- 
tional test  she  was  given  the  puzzle  box,  Test  V,  with  full  instructions 
instead  of  as  a  problem.  She  finally  accomplished  the  task  in  5',  but 
only  with  many  variations  from  what  she  was  told  to  do.  This  was 
significant  in  the  light  of  the  fact  of  her  failure  at  various  occupations. 

The  significance  of  this  whole  case  is  plain  enough  from  the 
foregoing.  Here  is  a  girl  with  language  ability  ipamensely 
above  her  standard  of  performance  in  other  ways.  Her  record 
on  the  Binet  tests  is  not  an  indication  of  the  extent  of  her  mental 
defectiveness  because  they  call  for  an  undue  amount  of  language 
performance.  Much  more  consonant  with  her  social  failure  are 
oiu"  findings  on  other  tests.  She  is  clearly  feebleminded.  On 
account  of  her  facility  with  language  she  has  been  passed  along 
by  all  sorts  of  kind-hearted  people  and  even  by  social  workers 
as  a  normal  individual,  and  of  course  had  she  appeared  in  any 


Chap.  XV]  VERBALIST    TYPE    OF    DEFECTIVE  [§  273 

court  on  account  of  her  delinquency  there  would  not  have  been 
a  doubt  but  that  she  was  well  equipped  mentally.  As  a  matter 
of  fact,  the  outlook  has  all  along  been  outrageously  bad,  and  the 
welfare  of  society  would  demand  that  she  be  permanently  segre- 
gated. On  all  occasions  her  tendency  to  eroticism  was  most 
noticeable.  She  was  silly  and  simpering  in  her  behavior  and  talked 
a  great  deal  about  the  opposite  sex.  The  possibilities  of  her 
career  as  a  carrier  of  disease  are  not  easily  measured.  The  easy 
way  in  which  she  can  ingratiate  herself  into  the  good  will  of 
people  is  exhibited  by  her  ability  to  attend  grand  opera,  even 
when  she  had  no  money. 

From  the  first  we  considered  the  possibility  of  this  girl  being 
a  case  of  psychosis,  but  as  time  has  gone  on  we  have  seen  no 
mental  changes.  At  any  rate  if  evidence  of  psychosis  should 
clearly  appear  it  would  be  on  the  basis  of  underlying  mental 
defect,  and  this  diagnosis  is  the  only  fair  classification  for  the 
girl  at  present.  Three  years  from  the  time  we  first  saw  her,  re- 
ports would  indicate  no  mental  change,  but  she  is  said  to  earn  a 
large  share  of  her  living  as  a  vuella  publica. 

Mentality:  Moron  with  special 
language  ability. 

Case  87. 
Girl,  21  years. 

Heredity?  very  little  known. 

Developmental  factors?   unknown. 

Delinquencies : 
Lying  +. 
Sex  +  +. 

Case  88.  —  Otto  B.  A  boy  now  17  years  old  came  to  this  coun- 
try with  his  family  about  five  years  ago.  They  settled  first  in  an 
eastern  city.  Within  a  year  from  the  time  they  landed  Otto 
began  causing  trouble  through  running  away  from  home  and 
misrepresentation.  We  saw  him  first  when  he  was  about  14.  He 
had  then  been  in  the  hands  of  the  police  several  times  in  several 
cities.  Then,  as  now,  he  appeared  to  be  an  aggressive,  forceful, 
healthy  boy  and  he  readily  made  friends  everywhere.  His  family 
and  more  than  one  agency  of  social  service  had  endeavored  to 
get  him  sent  to  some  educational  institution,  but  on  account  of 
his  ability  to  make  a  strong  appeal  before  judges,  and  because 
of  his  running  away  to  other  places  nothing  was  ever  done. 


§  273]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XV 

Physically  we  found  him  active  and  alert;  a  nervous,  bright- 
eyed  type.  He  weighed  then  only  82  lbs.,  but  has  since  that  time 
been  growing.  He  has  always  been  well  nourished  and  of  a  healthy 
appearance.  No  marked  sensory  defect.  When  first  seen  he 
was  under  a  good  deal  of  a  strain  on  account  of  attempting  to 
conceal  his  true  family  relationships  and  was  highly  nervous. 
We  then  noted  very  active  pupillary  reactions  with  marked  hippus. 
As  we  have  seen  him  since  from  time  to  time,  we  have  noted  less 
appearance  of  nervousness.  No  other  points  of  significance  have 
ever  been  revealed  by  our  thorough  physical  examinations. 

Mental  tests:  On  numerous  occasions  tests  have  been  tried  and 
retried  with  the  idea  of  discovering  variations  typical  of  a  psychosis, 
if  there  were  any.  Results  have  been  fairly  uniform,  except  when  he 
had  learned  how  to  do  the  test  previously. 

Binet  tests  (1911  series). 

Eight  years  —  1,  failure;  2,  correct  and  done  promptly;  3,  correct, 
not  prompt;  4,  correct;  5,  correct,  but  5  digits  was  upper  limit.  Nine 
years  —  1,  correct;  2,  failure;  3,  correct.  Counts  money  rapidly; 
4,  failure;  5,  correct  (2  out  of  3  answers  right  at  latest  trial).  Ten 
years  —  1,  failure,  always  one  error;  2,  failure;  3,  half  correct;  4, 
failure.  Twelve  years  —  1,  not  given,  but  proved  himself  non-sug- 
gestible on  other  tests;  2,  failure;  3,  correct.  On  this  a  remarkable 
result  was  obtained,  for  over  one  hundred  words  were  given  in  three 
minutes  with  a  wide  range  of  subjects;   4,  ?;   5,  ?. 

Results  on  our  own  series: 

I.  5'  15".  Repetition  of  errors  on  the  small  triangles,  which  alone 
took  3'. 

II.  3'  42",  and  5  errors. 

III.  Construction  puzzle  A,  2'  6".  Only  15  moves  made,  conse- 
quently this  was  done  very  deliberately. 

IV.  Construction  puzzle  B,  9'  55",  and  67  moves.  This  is,  of 
course,  practically  a  failure. 

V.  Puzzle  box  a  failure.  Tried  this  repeatedly  on  different  occa- 
sions. Was  found  at  last  visit  that  could  do  it  in  1'  40",  but  even  then 
failed  to  put  it  together  again. 

VI.  "  Aussage."  It  is  notable  that  in  this  test  he  gives  in  his  free 
recital  eight  items,  four  of  which  were  wrong,  a  most  remarkable 
result.  When  reminded  of  items,  however,  he  got  most  of  them  and 
accepted  no  suggestions  whatever.  Said  the  smooth-faced  butcher 
was  old  and  had  a  white  beard,  and  that  he  had  ducks  in  one  hand, 
and  so  on,  but  all  these  imaginative  affairs  were  his  voluntary 

VII.  Reproduction  of  geometric  figures;  the  rectangles  correctly, 
the  other  a  poor  failure. 

VIII.  Learning  of  arbitrary  associations  very  poor  result  —  five 
errors  out  of  ten  possibilities. 


Chap.  XV]  VERBALIST    TYPE    OF   DEFECTIVE  [§  273 

IX.  Cross  line  A,  failure  even  at  the  fourth  trial. 

X.  Cross  line  B,  similar  failure.  Does  not  seem  to  be  able  to  con- 
trol his  mental  representation  or  analysis  of  these  figures.  Been  tried 
many  times  on  these. 

XI.  Memory  from  \asual  verbal  presentation.  Although  he  was 
able  to  read  this  passage  containing  twenty  items  fairly  correctly, 
most  of  which  are  readily  comprehended  by  children  ten  or  twelve 
years  of  age,  he  gave  the  following  incoherent  story.  "  If  a  man  finds  a 
house  he  has  to  find  a  large  house  and  if  there  is  sick  people  and  there 
has  to  be  a  fire  and  then  he  takes  out  the  stuff  and  that's  the  poor 
people  and  the  poor  girls  have  the  large  house." 

XIII.  Memory  from  auditory  verbal  presentation.  This  was  done 
very  much  better  although  still  shows  incoherency.  He  gets  9  out  of 
12  items  fairly  correct,  but  intersperses  them  with  three  other  imagina- 
tive or  perverted  items. 

XIV.  Recently  tried -on  instruction  box.  Failed  on  first  two  at- 
tempts only  because  his  handling  of  dial  was  not  steady  enough. 
Showed  keen  effort.    Correct  third  trial  in  40". 

XV.  Antonyms.  Results  on  this  were  most  cm-ious.  Notwith- 
standing his  extensive  vocabulary  the  difficulty  seems  to  be  that  he 
lost  the  idea.  The  results  the  first  time  he  was  examined  were  thought 
to  be  vitiated  by  his  recent  acquirement  of  English  and  so  they  prob- 
ably were.  He  was  tried  later  on  different  sets  of  words  and  it  was 
found  he  could  control  his  associations  for  a  few  times  and  give  us 
correct  responses  in  one  or  two  seconds,  but  then  he  would  fly  off  at  a 
tangent.  For  instance,  when  asked  to  give  the  opposite  of  the  word 
friend  said,  "  I  know  my  friend  is  bad  to  me,"  and  so  on. 

XVII.  Writing.  The  boy  has  learned  to  write  a  readable  hand, 
but  his  spelling  is  atrociously  bad,  hence  his  letters  are  diflScult  to 

XVIII.  Arithmetic.  Has  advanced  so  that  he  can  add  up  a  col- 
mnn  of  several  figures  generally  correctly,  but  cannot  do  much  of  any- 
thing else.  Division  is  an  entire  failure.  It  is  specially  significant 
that  he  cannot  reason  out  simple  problems  concerned  with  money. 
For  instance  tells  us  that  if  4  pencils  cost  24  cents,  3  will  cost  16  cents. 
Also  fails  on  other  similar  tests. 

XIX.  Reads  3d-grade  passage  with  a  number  of  mispronuncia- 

XXII.  On  the  questions  of  information  he  says  that  Lincoln  was 
a  great  man,  he  does  not  know  the  largest  city  in  America,  and  so  on. 
He  attempts  to  give  an  erratic  account  of  electricity. 

XXIII.  The  pictorial  completion  test  showed  most  irrational 
apperception  processes.  He  made  five  final  errors  out  of  ten  possi- 
bilities. He  gave  a  voluble  explanation  of  why  he  left  certain  pieces 
in  certain  places.  He  shows  much  weakness  in  the  perception  of  the 
relationship.  For  instance,  where  there  is  a  window  to  be  placed  in 
the  house,  he  put  in  the  baby,  and  says  the  girl  has  left  the  baby  in- 
doors and  it  is  crying. 

During  a  year  this  boy  has  been  seen  a  number  of  times  and  some 


§  273]  MENTAL    DEFECT  [Chap.  XV 

of  the  tests  have  been  given  over  again.  He  has  learned  to  do  the  puz- 
zle box  and  the  2d  construction  test,  but  in  spite  of  money  offered, 
which  he  most  desires,  he  never  was  able  to  do  the  cross  line  test. 

From  all  this  there  can  be  no  doubt  that  we  have  to  do  with  a 
feebleminded  boy,  and  not  of  the  highest  grade.  His  range  of 
mental  defect  is  so  great  that  one  giving  him  common-sense  tests 
in  almost  any  way  could  prove  his  true  mental  calibre.  But  it 
has  seemed  to  those  he  met  that  his  forcefulness  and  volubility 
indicated  anything  but  the  possibility  of  his  being  defective. 
We  have  thought  of  this  being  a  case  of  psychosis,  but  the  boy 
has  grown  rather  better  than  worse,  and  if  an  aberrant  condition 
develops  it  will  be  on  top  of  a  primary  mental  defect.  There  is 
at  present  no  indication  of  any  psychosis. 

The  first  time  this  boy  was  under  observation  it  was  about  a 
week  before  any  track  of  his  family  was  gained.  His  stories  were 
so  well  told  they  completely  covered  up  his  real  connections.  He 
was  found  very  talkative  and  excitable.  The  diagnosis  of  his  rela- 
tive abilities  and  disabilities  was  readily  made.  A  few  excerpts 
from  his  rapid-fire  conversation  will  give  some  indication  of  his 
conversational  style.  At  this  time  he  spoke  with  a  typical  accent, 
neither  better  nor  worse  than  would  be  expected  from  the  short 
time  he  had  been  in  this  country. 

"  I  tell  you,  before  my  father  died,  about  a  month  before,  I 
was  with  my  brother.  I  got  a  brother  as  big  as  I  —  he  's  bigger 
than  I.  My  mother  had  a  fall.  She  was  carrying  a  baby  one 
month  around  the  street.  People  took  her  up.  I  seen  them  bring 
her  in.  They  made  an  operation  right  away.  The  big  doctors 
come  and  did,  and  they  took  out  the  baby.  She  kissed  me  and 
she  could  not  talk.  She  liked  her  so  much.  Four  months  a  baby 
and  she  kissed  her  goodbye.  And  we  come  by  her  and  we  catched 
her  dead,  and  my  father  had  an  operation  too  at  the  Vanderbilt 
Hospital.  I  had  an  operation.  Long  time  I  was  sick  —  great 
long  time  — ■  could  not  tell  you  how  long  time  it  was  —  long 
nine  years  ago.  Don't  know  what  I  had  —  I  was  so  sick.  We 
had  our  own  house  in  Brooklyn.  I  know  we  have  a  house,  that 's 
what  I  know.  I  don't  know  why  I  am  arrested.  I  am  going  from 
work.  I  was  in  the  show.  I  am  singing  and  dancing  and  running 
errands  a  little.  The  lady  who  sings  likes  black  candy  to  chew. 
I  was  going  home  at  half-past  twelve.  Never  saw  in  my  life  such 
policemans  as  here.     Never  saw  such  boys  as  here,"  etc. 

After  his  parents  were  discovered  we  learned  of  the  complete 


Chap.  XV]  VERBALIST   TYPE    OF    DEFECTIVE  [§  273 

unreliability  of  this  boy.  Even  those  stories  about  operations 
were  untrue.  They  say  that  Otto  is  a  bad  boy  in  general.  He 
is  disobedient  at  home  and  does  not  want  to  go  to  school.  Is 
impudent  to  parents  and  looks  angrily  at  them.  His  talk  is  more 
like  that  of  an  old  man  than  that  of  a  young  boy.  When  he 
makes  money  he  spends  it  on  shows,  he  soon  began  staying  away 
nights  and  has  been  found  sleeping  in  five-cent  shows.  He  got 
his  money  by  peddling  papers.  His  father  does  not  regard  him 
as  being  mentally  incapable,  but  rather  as  being  a  forward  type, 
too  "  smart  and  fresh."  The  boy  has  long  wanted  to  go  to  work 
and  before  he  was  14  had  misrepresented  his  age  to  get  a  working 
certificate.  At  times  he  is  said  to  talk  incessantly  and  to  be  very 

The  family  history  is  not  known  altogether  satisfactorily  from 
a  scientific  standpoint,  but  we  have  the  following  main  points. 
The  father  is  a  rational  man,  not  well  educated,  but  able  to  run 
a  small  shop  successfully.  We  do  not  find  him  entirely  reliable 
about  the  details  concerning  the  family.  The  mother  seems  more 
intelligent.  Otto  was  the  5th  of  8  children,  3  of  whom  died  in 
their  infancy,  2  with  tuberculosis  and  "  brain  fever."  One  older 
brother  of  20  went  to  school  in  the  old  country  and  got  to  the 
4th  class,  but  has  turned  out  to  be  a  loafer  here.  The  next  brother 
is  a  steady  worker  and  did  much  better  in  school.  The  others 
seem  to  be  quite  normal.  There  is  no  history  of  anything  pecul- 
iar about  the  early  development  of  Otto.  The  birth  was  normal. 
At  9  months  he  had  some  illness,  but  it  was  not  very  severe. 
At  8  years  he  was  very  sick  with  typhoid  fever  and  not  expected 
to  live.  He  walked  and  talked  early,  as  did  the  others.  His 
schooling  in  Europe  amounted  to  very  little.  Both  the  father 
and  mother  were  earning  their  own  living  and  they  acknowledged 
he  was  neither  closely  watched  nor  properly  educated.  They 
maintain  they  did  not  notice  any  bad  conduct  on  his  part  before 
he  came  to  this  country.  Now  they  are  much  concerned  about 
him.  We  have  never  been  able  to  get  any  history  of  defective 
heredity  that  bears  on  the  boy's  abnormalities. 

The  main  trouble  with  Otto  has  been  his  constant  tendency 
to  run  away  from  home,  and  he  shows  unreliability  in  other 
ways.  He  does  not  suffer  much  from  his  vagrant  habits,  for  his 
ability  to  make  friends  and  to  concoct  plausible  stories  gain  him 
entrance  into  places  of  work  and  lodging  where  he  can  enjoy  for 
a  few  days  good  surroundings.    His  father  has  a  decent  home 


§  273]  MENTAL  DEFECT  [Chap.  XV 

for  his  class  and  could  give  him  occupation  in  the  shop.  At  times 
he  has  been  successful  for  a  few  weeks  in  helping  his  father  and 
then  has  seemed  proud  of  the  fact.  He  has  run  away  so  many 
times  that  his  parents  have  long  since  ceased  to  notify  the 

As  the  parents  say,  Otto  is  a  tremendous  liar,  and  yet  at  times 
he  has  been  able  to  restrain  this  tendency  for  quite  a  period. 
His  lying  itself  really  amounts  to  an  important  delinquency 
because  of  the  trouble  it  has  given  his  parents  and  the  authori- 
ties. In  various  places  the  police  and  others  have  spent  long  and 
valuable  time  in  endeavoring  to  place  him  and  trace  his  family. 
Otto  has  at  various  times  obtained  money  under  false  pretences. 
He  is  not  a  great  thief,  but  has  been  willing  to  help  himself  some- 
times to  things  not  his  own,  always  with  the  purpose  of  gain. 
He  once  took  candy  and  toys  from  a  shop  where  he  was  employed 
and  sold  them  for  a  couple  of  dollars.  He  has  taken  things  from 
his  father's  place.  On  two  occasions  he  has  been  known  to  have 
a  ten-dollar  bill  in  his  possession  and  where  he  obtained  the  money 
has  never  been  discovered. 

Otto  at  one  time  attempted  to  start  a  theatrical  career  with 
cheap  actors,  doing  a  dance  and  singing  turn,  for  which,  however, 
he  had  no  ability.  He  has  written  many  letters  calculated  to 
aid  and  abet  his  cause  in  various  ways.  These  have  been  addressed 
to  teachers  and  other  individuals,  but  the  ones  we  saw  earlier 
were  always  too  incoherent  to  be  effective.  The  boy's  reaction 
when  confronted  with  the  truth  has  always  been  that  of  showing 
no  penitence  whatever,  and  he  has  proceeded  in  a  voluble  and 
excited  way  to  make  other  explanatory  statements.  When  con- 
fronted with  his  parents  after  denying  their  existence  he  behaved 
in  just  the  fashion  he  has  done  on  other  occasions  —  telling  more 

As  time  has  gone  on,  this  boy's  facility  to  handle  language 
has  increased  wonderfully.  (Note  the  excellent  results  on  the 
Binet  tests  which  called  for  sixty  words  to  be  given  in  three 
minutes.)  Specimens  of  his  conversation  at  later  times  are  as 
follows : 

"  Say,  doctor,  I  found  $20.  I  run  up  to  a  man  who  was  walk- 
ing by  and  he  gave  me  ten  of  it.  It  was  near  46th  Street.  Say, 
doctor,  don't  that  show  I  never  stole  a  penny.  I  gave  that  $10 
to  my  father.  What  do  you  think.  I  spend  it !  Any  pennies  I 
have  I  always  give  to  my  father." 


Chap.  XV]  VERBALIST   TYPE    OF   DEFECTIVE  [§  273 

"  Oh,  today  I  don't  go  to  school  because  I  told  my  father  I 
go  down  to  see  the  doctor.  I  'm  in  the  high  sixth  grade  now.  My 
brother  and  me  are  gomg  to  make  a  big  party  when  I  graduate 
—  have  chocolate  cake  and  lots  of  things." 

After  he  had  been  working  for  awhile  the  following  was  his 
style  in  response  to  a  question  as  to  whether  he  drove  a  wagon 
or  not.  "  Say,  doctor,  you  know  what  a  wagon  boy  is?  Of 
course  we  don't  drive.  There  is  a  driver  and  he  drives  and  we 
collect  the  money.  We  give  it  to  him  and  he  turns  it  into  the 
store.  We  always  carry  a  gun.  The  other  day  we  had  $28. 
\\Tien  I  was  in  Germany  my  family  had  a  big  store  and  we  had 
to  deposit  money  at  the  bank.  Sometimes  I  went  with  my 
mother  to  the  bank  and  she  would  give  me  $1000  to  carry.  She 
did  not  like  to  carry  it  herself."  Asked  why  he  had  lost  a  certain 
job  he  said,  "  A  young  fellow  came  along  and  hit  me  over  the 
head  just  to  show  people  he  belonged  there.  Do  you  suppose  I 
was  going  to  stay  there  after  that.  Giood  night!  My  mother 
did  not  want  me  to  be  a  wagon  boy  because  it  was  so  cold  in 
winter,  but  I  showed  her  I  could  not  get  another  job.  She  would 
not  believe  it  before  when  I  tried  it  and  wanted  me  to  quit  after 
two  days.  This  time  I  showed  her  it  was  the  only  job  I  could  get. 
You  call  $6  good.  Well,  not  for  me.  Say,  what  you  think  I  am 
anyway?    Why,  I  'm  most  17." 

He  recently  turned  up  after  having  been  away  three  weeks 
and  says  he  has  a  court  case  on.  Tells  in  the  most  voluble  and 
circumstantial  way  the  details  of  the  accident.  He  was  wagon 
boy  for  a  department  store.  Another  wagon  ran  over  a  boy  when 
they  were  standing  near,  and  the  boy's  mother  is  suing  the  depart- 
ment store.  Otto  is  going  to  give  testimony.  "  See,  this  is  how 
it  is.  How  can  a  wagon  run  over  a  boy  when  it  is  standing  still? 
See,  that 's  what  I  '11  say  in  court.  How  can  you  tell  me  how 
that  is?  I  called  up  the  mother  of  that  boy  that  was  run  over  and 
I  says  to  her,  see  here,  we  get  $1000  from  you  because  how  could 
we  run  over  a  boy  when  we  was  standing  still.  Now  you  see  I 
get  double  back  pay  for  time  lost,  and  the  driver  he  was  fined 
too  —  he  's  going  to  get  $150  and  a  lot  of  other  things  are  going 
to  come  from  the  woman  who  is  suing." 

It  is  not  only  the  rapid,  but  also  the  firm  and  convincing  con- 
versational tone  that  Otto  uses  that  has  often  proved  persuasive 
to  judges,  officers  and  employers  that  he  is  mentally  normal, 
and  that  he  is  a  typical  money  maker.    As  a  matter  of  fact^  since 


§  273]  MENTAL  DEFECT  [Chap.  XV 

he  left  school  he  has  had  many  jobs,  but  has  lost  them  all.  It 
seemed  most  encouraging  when  he  worked  for  his  father,  but 
home  living  soon  proved  tiresome  and  he  began  to  run  away 

We  note  with  a  great  deal  of  interest  that  as  time  went  on  this 
boy  tended  to  first  accuse  the  officers  of  misconduct  in  various 
ways,  such  as  interfering  with  his  welfare,  and  then  later  started 
for  himself  in  legal  proceedings.  He  was  going  to  testify  in  one 
case,  and  took  it  upon  himself  to  be  most  officious  in  the  matter. 
We  especially  note  this,  because  we  have  seen  exactly  this  type 
of  conduct  develop  in  several  other  individuals,  who  are  of  similar 
mental  make-up.  Some  of  these,  by  virtue  of  their  litigious 
tendencies  and  power  to  carry  conviction  on  first  acquaintance 
have  caused  a  great  deal  of  trouble. 

The  outlook  for  this  boy  developing  into  a  stable  member  of 
society  was  felt  by  us  to  be  anything  but  good.  Had  he  had 
years  of  training  possibly  more  might  have  been  expected.  The 
handling  of  such  a  case  without  scientific  and  legal  recognition  of 
his  special  type  is  clearly  most  unsatisfactory.  It  always  seemed 
highly  probable  that  he  would  continue  in  his  erratic  career  and 
finally  receive  a  prison  sentence.  One  point,  however,  has  stood 
out  in  his  favor;  he  never  did  associate  much  with  other  delin- 
quents and  on  account  of  his  arrogance  he  has  never  been  known 
to  be  easily  led.  Perhaps  these  qualities  have  prevented  him 
from  getting  into  serious  trouble  while  he  has  been  fioundering 
about.  The  last  we  have  heard  of  him  is  that  he  has  probably 
been  making  his  way  about  from  city  to  city;  he  has  been  away 
from  home  for  a  number  of  months.  His  earning  capacity  has 
not  increased  with  his  years. 

Mentality:  Moron  with  special  abifities. 

Case  88. 

School  dissatisfaction:  Because  un- 

Boy, 17  years. 


Home  conditions:  Poor  control. 


Running  away  -|-  -\-. 
Lying  +. 
Petty  stealing. 


Chap.  XV]  VERBALIST   TYPE    OF    DEFECTIVE  [§  273 

Case  89.  —  We  were  asked  to  see  a  woman  of  about  40  years 
of  age  who  had  been  taken  up  for  vagrancy.  \'arious  investi- 
gators gave  us  a  good  report  on  her  case.  The  pohce  thought 
she  was  mentally  defective. 

We  found  a  rather  good-looking  woman,  very  well  nourished, 
good  color,  large  head  and  face,  and  rather  good  features.  No 
sensory  defect  noted.  She  was  a  woman  of  quite  normal  ap- 

On  the  mental  side  we  soon  found  we  had  to  do  with  a  low- 
grade  mental  defective.  She  strenuously  objected  to  doing 
tests,  stating  in  fairly  good  language  it  was  foolish  to  ask  a  woman 
like  her  to  do  them.  By  much  persuasion,  however,  we  got  the 
following  significant  results.  She  could  not  add  even  simple 
numbers.  Could  barely  write  her  own  name  and  read  only  the 
simplest  words  in  a  newspaper.  She  did  not  know  the  name  of 
the  street  on  which  was  the  institution  where  she  was  staying. 
However,  she  stated  nobody  could  fool  her  on  money.  We  then 
gave  her  $1.95  which  she  said  was  $1.75.  A  few  of  the  7-  and  8- 
year-old  Binet  tests  which  she  was  willing  to  try,  she  failed  on. 
Our  simple  Cross  line  Test,  IX,  she  could  not  do. 

By  even  common-sense  tests,  then,  this  woman  was  shown  to  be 
highly  defective  mentally,  but  her  ability  at  language  was  alto- 
gether out  of  proportion  and  had  undoubtedly  kept  her  going 
in  the  world  when  her  other  failures  would  have  counted  against 
her.  We  found  her  able  to  string  together  fairly  well  her  ideas 
in  conversation.  She  told  us  she  did  not  know  how  old  she  was 
when  she  came  to  this  country  and  acknowledged  she  has  always 
been  "  hard  in  learning,"  that  she  has  had  a  couple  of  husbands, 
and  so  on. 

"  I  have  not  had  a  home  for  over  a  year.  My  husband  is  dead. 
]\Iy  baby  is  17  months,  a  little  over  a  year  old.  I  am  willing  to 
work.  I  have  been  out  in  the  country  with  the  baby  doing  house- 
work. My  folks  is  all  in  Michigan.  I  never  left  home  before. 
yiy  home  is  everywhere.  I  was  one  winter  in  the  English  school. 
]My  husband  has  been  buried  over  a  year.  I  had  a  chance  to  be 
married  again.  I  want  to  get  housework.  I  stayed  in  the  police 
station  because  I  had  no  other  place  to  go."  Speaking  of  another 
man,  says,  "  When  we  separated  we  lived  on,  I  can't  just  tell 
what  street  it  was  on." 

Investigators  found  out  that  all  her  adult  life  this  woman 
Lad  been  wandering  about,  now  here  and  now  there,  first  with 


§  273]  MENTAL    DEFECT  [Chap.  XV 

one  man  and  then  another.  Has  had  several  illegitimate  children. 
At  the  time  she  was  taken  up  by  the  police  she  was  living  under 
miserable  circumstances  in  a  basement.  At  times  she  has  been 
able  to  get  menial  work.  It  seems  she  has  always  been  able  to 
tell  a  story  that  has  passed  well  enough  and  so  has  never  received 
the  social  protection  that  her  mental  disability  would  warrant. 
In  spite  of  her  vagrancy,  immorality,  and  the  fact  that  she  has 
been  suspected  of  infanticide,  her  normal  appearance  and  language 
ability  have  given  her  the  opportunity  of  going  on  in  her  miser- 
able life  of  vice  and  misery.  Many  defectives  who  range  years 
ahead  of  her  in  general  intelligence  and  ability  to  take  care  of 
themselves  have  not  a  tithe  of  her  power  to  make  a  good  presen- 
tation of  herself. 


Chap.  XVI]  MENTAL   SUBNORMALITY  [§  274 


Mental  Defect  —  Continued 

Mental    Subnonnality.  §  274.  Definition  of  Subnormality.     §  275.  Illus- 
trative Cases.     §  276.  The  Subnormal  Verbalist. 


§  274.  Definition  of  Subnormality.  —  In  study  of  individuals 
who  are  not  brought  for  examination  because  they  are  obviously 
feebleminded  one  can,not  escape  the  conclusion  that  there  is  a 
clearly  distinguishable  group  of  defectives  which  stands  between 
feeblemindedness,  as  defined  above,  and  normality.  For  lack 
of  a  better  word  we  have  designated  the  members  of  this  group  as 
subnormal.  Of  course  all  defectives  are  subnormal,  and  one  hesi- 
tates to  use  this  generic  term,  but  unless  a  new  word,  such  as 
moron,  is  invented,  the  class  cannot  be  better  designated.  Leav- 
ing aside  individuals  w^ho  have  specialized  mental  defects,  we 
have  found  it  advisable  to  include  under  the  head  of  subnormals 
the  following: 

(a)  Those  who  in  spite  of  passing  the  Binet  tests  as  required, 
still  may  be  shown  to  have  such  lack  of  mental  ability  as  may 
prevent  their  normal  success.  By  tests  one  may  discover  very 
grave  incapacities,  such  as  faulty  powers  of  mental  representa- 
tion and  analysis,  constructive  planning,  apperception,  and  so  on. 
These  important  higher  mental  powers  are  not  evaluated  to  any 
extent  by  the  Binet  tests.  (One  may  find  a  child  doing  moderately 
well  in  his  school  work  and  grading  about  normal  by  Binet,  and 
yet  already  showmg  inability  to  think  out  situations  and  to  do 
constructive  planning  and  the  like,  which  failure  is  really  indica- 
tive of  some  degree  of  mental  defect.) 

(b)  We  find  some  who,  notwithstanding  they  are  unable  to  pass 
the  Binet  tests,  are  socially  able  to  take  care  of  themselves  because 
of  certain  other  abilities  not  determinable  by  these  tests.  For 
instance,  we  have  found  some  Binet  failures  able  to  do  our  con- 
struction and  mechanical  tests  right  well. 

(c)  There  is  a  class  which,  during  school  age  at  least,  does  not 
develop  normally,  but  still  does  not  show  the  three  or  four  years 


§  274]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XVI 

of  retardation  which  in  that  period  is  the  authoritative  quaHfi- 
cation  for  being  considered  feebleminded.  Not  all  of  these  are 
found  ultimately  to  be  cases  of  arrested  development. 

(d)  Then  there  is  need  for  a  class  in  which  to  put  cases  when 
we  are  temporarily  not  sure  of  anything  except  the  fact  that  they 
are  not  up  to  normal  in  mental  powers  as  shown  by  tests.  There 
is  often  considerable  cause  for  doubt  in  the  case  of  a  young 
person  as  to  whether  the  ultimate  diagnosis  will  be  feebleminded 
ness  or  not.  Sensory  disabihties  or  general  physical  conditions 
may  perhaps  be  partly  responsible  for  the  poor  showing. 

Another  situation  involving  the  problem  of  mental  subnormality 
we  should  parenthetically  mention  here.  It  has  been  a  matter 
of  great  interest  for  us  to  note  from  time  to  time  that  offenders 
belonging  to  well-educated  circles  who  have  been  brought  to  us 
with  the  statement  that  they  were  subnormal  or  even  feeble- 
minded have  not  proved  so  by  our  usual  range  of  tests.  Yet  it 
was  a  fundamental  social  and  psychological  fact  which  these 
parents  or  friends  had  in  mind.  The  delinquent  was  subnormal 
for  his  own  social  sphere.  Let  a  boy  with  barely  an  ordinary 
mental  equipment  be  born  into  a  family  where  all  are  extraordi- 
narily successful  in  the  use  of  their  mental  capacities,  and  it  is 
obvious  that  this  individual  as  he  grows  up  will  be  considered 
below  par.  We  have  studied,  for  instance,  a  young  man  who 
went  through  grammar  school  in  the  ordinary  way,  but  found 
a  great  deal  of  difficulty  in  mastering  the  more  advanced  studies 
of  a  high  school  course.  His  relatives  were  college  people,  authors, 
and  so  on.  Their  verdict  about  him  was  that  he  was  subnormal. 
The  irritation  which  he  experienced  in  his  social  sphere  was  much 
the  same  as  that  which  a  moron  with  insight  feels  in  competi- 
tion with  scholars  in  the  grammar  grades.  The  reaction  was  a 
usual  one;  there  was  development  of  an  anti-social  attitude, 
exhibited,  among  other  ways,  in  definite  delinquency. 

§  275.  Illustrative  Cases.  —  We  may  offer  in  illustration  of 
mental  subnormality  a  few  cases  from  the  many  which  we  have 
seen  which  seem  to  fall  in  this  category.  Particularly^  we  must 
offer  examples  of  individuals  who  grade  about  normal  by  Binet, 
but  who  are  nevertheless  defective  mentally. 

Case  90.  —  An  adopted  colored  child  of  10  years  of  age,  parent- 
age entirely  unknown,  is  reported  to  be  quite  possessed  by  the 
idea  of  stealing.  It  is  said  that  ever  since  she  was  old  enough 
she  would  take  pennies.    She  steals  from  stores,  boarders,  school, 


Chap.  XVI]  ILLUSTRATIVE   CASES  [§  275 

anyTA'liere.  She  is  quick  and  cunning.  For  years  she  has  been 
taken  about  the  country  by  her  foster  mother  who  is  an  itinerant 
character;  so  the  girl  has  never  had  a  good  chance  at  school. 
Has  only  reached  2d  grade. 

On  the  physical  side  we  found  her  fairly  developed  and  nour- 
ished with  no  sensory  defects  of  note.  She  has  an  umbilical 
hernia.     Ears  imperfectly  formed. 

Mental  tests.    Binet  (series  1911): 

Seven  years  —  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  correct.  Eight  years  —  1,  correct; 
2,  failure;  3,  correct;  4,  failure;  5,  correct.  Nine  years,  —  1,  failure; 
2,  3,  correct;   4,  failure;   5,  correct.     Ten  years  —  2,  3,  4,  5,  correct. 

Our  own  series : 

I.   4'  30".    Spent  3'  on  triangles,  much  repetition  of  errors. 

III.  Construction  test  A,  4'  31".  Twenty  repetitions  of  impossi- 

IV.  Construction  test  B,  1'  52".  The  first  result  was  thought  to 
be  due  largely  to  chance,  and  so  immediately  afterwards  she  was 
given  the  test  upside  down.  She  then  took  5'  3"  and  made  57  moves. 
This  was  most  significant  for  the  estimation  of  her  mentality. 

V.  Puzzle  box  a  failure. 

VI.  "Aussage."  She  did  very  well  on  this  and  saw  many  details. 
Gave  them  correctly  and  was  not  suggestible. 

VII.  Reproduction  of  geometric  figures.  Failure  at  1st  trial,  but 
correct  in  each  case  at  2d  trial. 

VIII.  Learning  of  arbitrary  association  symbols.    Four  errors. 

IX.  Cross  line  test  A.    Complete  failure  after  4th  trial. 

X.  Cross  line  test  B.    Similar  failure. 

XIII.  Memory  from  auditory  verbal  presentation;  gives,  with  only 
a  little  variation,  ten  out  of  twelve  items. 

XV.  Antonvms.  Only  one  error  and  two  failures.  Average  time 

XVI.  Motor  coordination  test  done  very  rapidly  but  inaccurate. 
Best  she  did  was  92  squares  with  7  errors. 

XVII.  Writing  poor  for  age,  about  equal  to  2d-grade  work. 
Writes  from  dictation  so  that  one  can  read  it,  "The  cat  ran  away." 

XVIII.  Arithmetic.  Does  correctly  a  few  number  combinations, 
but  says  3  and  4  are  8. 

XIX.  Reading.  In  2d-grade  passage  does  not  pronounce  correctly 
heat,  iron,  small,  etc. 

We  studied  this  girl  on  more  than  one  occasion  and  found  her 
able  to  use  good  sentences  and  to  have  a  clear  understanding 
of  social  situations.  She  had  been  talked  to  a  great  deal  by 
moralizing  people,  and  her  apparent  insight  was  perhaps  due  to 
parrotlike  repetition  of  words.  We  found  her  failing  in  some 
very  significant  tests,  although  she  ranged  only  about  a  year 


§  275]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XVI 

behind  her  age  on  Binet  tests.  Her  failure  at  the  second  trial 
on  Construction  Test  B,  Test  IV,  and  on  the  Cross  line  tests 
and  other  things  was  most  significant.  It  was  not  her  failure 
on  the  first  trial  in  any  of  these  things  which  seemed  so  signifi- 
cant as  her  lack  of  ability  to  profit  by  experience  and  to  learn 
from  trial  and  error.  In  estimating  the  girl's  capacities  for  reform, 
or  in  considering  the  best  to  be  done  for  her  one  finds  very  little 
answer  in  the  Binet  tests  alone.  Then,  too,  her  conversational 
powers  would  not  lead  one  to  suspect  her  mental  disability.  One 
saw  clearly  that  she  was  defective  mentally,  and  yet  one  could 
not  classify  her  as  feebleminded. 

Mentality:  Subnormal. 




Unknown  e> 
the  child 

[cept  that 
was  deserted. 

Girl,  age 



Home  conditions 

Wandering  life. 

Stealing  +  +. 

Case  91. — A  boy  of  14  from  a  neighboring  western  state, 
after  having  been  arrested  in  Chicago,  was  seen  at  length  by  us. 
His  fairly  intelligent  father  and  mother  had  come  on  to  get  him 
and  went  into  all  phases  of  the  case  at  length. 

The  boy  has  been  a  great  truant  and  mischief  maker  in  school. 
He  has  been  maliciously  destructive,  and  quarrelsome  at  home. 
Is  very  untruthful  at  times.  Has  been  in  trouble  on  account  of 
stealing  with  boys,  and  has  taken  money  from  home.  His 
people  live  in  a  good  community,  and  the  boy  goes  to  private 
school  where  he,  evidently  by  courtesy,  is  in  the  6th  grade. 

The  family  history  is  terrifically  bad.  Paternal  grandmother 
and  aunt  and  granduncle  insane.  Paternal  aunt  subnormal. 
Paternal  uncle  epileptic.  The  grandfather  on  this  side  and  his 
sons  had  a  very,  bad  name  for  sex  immorality,  and  the  whole 
family  were  reputed  to  be  alcoholic.  The  father  of  the  boy  was 
himself  at  one  time  a  deserter  of  his  family,  but  of  late  years  has 
been  doing  well.  In  the  mother's  family  there  is  much  admin- 
istrative genius  and  wealth. 

The  boy  is  5th  of  six  children,  five  of  them  alive.  One  still- 
born. Two  older  boys  somewhat  subnormal.  They  have  been 
sickly  and  are  still  at  school  —  about  the  5th  or  6th  grade.    The 


Chap.  XVI]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  275 

oldest  and  youngest  children  apparently  mentally  normal.  None 
had  convulsions.  This  boy's  birth  and  development  negative. 
Never  severely  sick.     Good  general  habits  so  far  as  known. 

Physically  this  boy  was  fairly  developed.  Weight,  99  pounds; 
height  5  ft.  Head;  circumference  55.8,  length  19.3,  breadth 
15  cm.  No  sensory  defect  noted.  Strength  fair  for  age.  Slightly 
enlarged  thjToid.  Eyes  bright,  but  expression  rather  dull.  Ton- 
sils large.  Typical  Hutchinsonian  teeth.  No  other  defects  or 
anomalies  found. 

Mental  tests.  Binet  (1908  series).  Went  rapidly  up  through  the 
12-year  tests. 

Results  in  our  own  series: 

I.  1'  20".    Moderate  amount  of  trial  and  error  on  the  triangles. 

II.  2'.    11  errors.    Most  carelessly  done  in  spite  of  warnings. 

III.  Construction  test  A.  Extremely  poorly  done.  6'  30".  60 
total  moves.  25  repetitions  of  impossibilities.  Had  to  be  urged  to 
finish  test.  Wanted  to  give  up  this  simple  job,  saying,  "  That 's  the 
best  I  can  do." 

IV.  Construction  test  B.  1'  10".  Very  likely  much  luck  in  this 
through  picking  up  the  right  pieces  first.  Compare  with  result  of 
previous  test. 

V.  Puzzle  box.  7'.  Made  many  ludicrous  errors  in  spite  of  warn- 
ing to  study  out  the  whole  situation.  Only  at  6'  was  step  one  done, 
and  the  others  followed  rapidly  without  errors.  Showed  in  this  great 
lack  of  planfulness  and  judgment. 

VI.  Many  details  given  correctly,  but  showed  himself  quite  sug- 
gestible.   Accepted  4  out  of  7  suggestions. 

VIII.  Learning  arbitrary  s;^Tnbol  associations.  Correct  and  prompt. 

IX.  Cross  line  test  A.    Rapidly  correct. 

X.  Cross  line  test  B.  Correct  at  first  trial,  after  making  alterations. 
He  repeatedly  represented  to  himself  the  figure  by  making  motions  in 
the  air. 

XL  Code  test.  In  spite  of  the  above  success  with  the  component 
parts  of  this  test,  failed  to  get  the  idea  of  the  code,  and  utterly  failed 
in  correctness  of  procedure.  This  made  9  failures  out  of  1 1  possibilities 
and  proceeded  in  the  most  painful  and  slow  way.  Very  difficult  for 
him  to  concentrate  attention. 

P  XII.  Memory  from  visual  verbal  presentation.  Result  quite  good. 
17  out  of  20  items  were  recalled  with  a  good  deal  of  verbal  accuracy. 

XIV.  Instruction  box.  Failed  on  the  dial  on  the  first  two  attempts. 
Did  it  correctly  at  the  3d  trial  —  a  poor  result  for  a  boy  of  his  age. 

XVI.  Motor  coordination  test.  Showed  himself  most  careless  in 
this  work.  Much  difficulty  in  self-control.  First  trial  82  squares 
tapped  with  20  errors.  After  much  warning,  next  trial  83  squares  with 
5  errors. 

XVII.  Writes  an  irregular  hand.    Is  able  to  spell  simple  words. 

495       • 

§  275]  MENTAL    DEFECT  [Chap.  XVI 

XVIII.  Slowly  but  correctly  adds  several  columns  of  figures  cor- 
rectly. Can  do  simple  multiplication,  but  fails  on  division.  Does 
not  know  the  process  in  simple  fractions,  and  in  other  simple  reason- 
ing arithmetical  processes. 

XIX.  6th-grade  passage  read  well,  fluently  and  with  good  expres- 

XX.  Says  he  has  played  checkers  a  good  deal,  but  when  tested 
showed  merely  a  boyish  game  with  no  foresight  and  the  neglect  of 
many  chances. 

XXII.  Information  extremely  poor  considering  his  age  and  oppor- 
tunities at  school.  Knows  little  about  such  boyish  interests  as  elec- 
tricity and  mechanics.  Cannot  name  the  five  Great  Lakes.  Thinks 
Chicago  is  the  largest  city  in  America.  Says  the  Fourth  of  July  is 
Washington's  birthday. 

XXIII.  Pictorial  completion  test.  The  boy's  apperceptive  powers 
seemed  to  be  weak.  He  made  7  final  errors,  most  of  them  of  the 
irrational  type.  At  another  time  was  given  another  chance,  with 
the  same  type  of  striking  results. 

We  found  by  our  tests  that  this  boy,  in  spite  of  rapidly  passing 
the  Binet  requirements,  was  distinctly  subnormal.  He  has  poor 
powers  of  attention,  mental  analysis  and  apperception.  His 
results  on  formal  education  are  decidedly  defective,  especially 
in  arithmetic.  On  the  other  hand  his  memory  processes  are 
good  and  he  can  learn  well  by  rote. 

The  boy  has  long  been  dissatisfied  with  school,  but  on  account 
of  his  aptness  in  reading  has  not  been  regarded  as  subnormal; 
rather  it  has  been  considered  that  he  would  not  urge  himself 
enough.  A  curious  fact  is  that  he  was  being  specially  educated 
with  the  idea  that  he  could  earn  his  living  in  office  employment,  a 
style  of  work  for  which  it  is  readily  seen  he  was  most  incompetent. 
The  boy's  lack  of  foresight  and  planfulness  can  be  observed  in 
his  social  career  as  well  as  in  his  tests.  His  conflict  with  the 
authorities  has  induced  no  attempt  at  better  behavior.  The 
outlook,  unless  he  is  placed  at  an  occupation  for  which  he  is  more 
suited,  is  not  good. 

A  very  recent  report  from  the  parents  is  that  they  were  not 
able  to  make  a  satisfactory  adjustment  of  this  boy's  case.  A 
year  or  so  after  we  first  knew  him  he  went  around  with  a  gang 
of  young  thieves  who  traveled  from  town  to  town.  He  was 
apprehended  again,  but  it  was  recognized  that  he  had  been  led 
on  by  the  crowd.  His  parents  then  tried  him  at  farm  work 
where  he  has  been  more  of  a  success  than  at  anything  else  he  has 


Chap.  XVI]  ILLUSTRATIVE   CASES  [§  275 

Mentality:  Subnormal.  Case  91. 

Heredity:  Insanity,  alcoholism,  ^^y>  ^S^  ^^^ 


School  irritation :  No  educational  adaptation 
to  abilities. 

Developmental:  Congenital  disease  (?) 


Stealing  +. 

It  will  only  be  necessary  to  give  a  single  case  in  illustration  of 
the  easily  understandable  fact  mentioned  under  (6)  that  not  all 
who  fail  on  Binet  tests  should  be  graded  as  feebleminded.  In 
the  following  instance  it  is  doubtful  whether  we  should  ultimately 
grade  the  individual  as  even  subnormal. 

Case  92.  —  A  boy  of  nearly  15  has  been  only  2  years  in  this 
country.  He  has  been  getting  into  trouble  because  he  has  neither 
been  attending  school  regularly  nor  working.  Besides  that  he 
has  been  engaged  in  petty  stealing,  and  is  said  to  be  more  or  less 
incorrigible  at  home.  However,  home  conditions  have  been 
bad  on  account  of  poverty,  and  at  times  he  has  had  to  work  at 
nights.  An  older  sister  has  been  a  disturbing  influence  on  account 
of  her  immoral  tendencies. 

Physically,  we  find  a  very  small  boy  for  his  age.  Weight  81 
lbs.;  height  4  ft.  8  in.  Poorly-developed  chest  and  strength 
not  up  to  normal.  In  contrast  to  that  is  his  sex  development, 
which  is  almost  adult  in  type. 

Mental  tests: 

Binet  (1911  series) ;  9  years,  all  correct  except  the  second;  10  years, 
1,  3,  4,  correct;  2,  half  correct,  and  5,  failure;  12  years,  all  failures 
except  the  third. 

Results  on  our  series: 

I.  1'  39".    Almost  no  trial  and  error  on  the  triangles. 

III.  2'  18".    2  repetitions  of  impossibilities. 

IV.  2'  28".    16  moves.    Very  good  record. 

IX.  Correct  at  1st  trial. 

X.  Correct  at  3d  trial. 

XVII.  Writes  his  own  name,  but  almost  nothing  else. 

XVIII.  Adds  up  fairly  promptly  simple  number  combinations. 
Knows  how  to  carry  correctly.  Can  do  simple  multiplication  and 
reason  out  small  number  relationships. 

XIX.  Reads  only  the  simpler  words. 


§  27*5]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XVI 

XXIII.  Pictorial  Completion  Test  done  with  only  two  errors, 
one  of  these  illogical. 

Memory  span  of  seven  digits. 

This  short  cross-section  study  illustrates  the  necessity  of  add- 
ing to  the  Binet  system  other  inquiries  and  other  testing.  It  is 
stated  that  this  boy  never  went  to  school  in  the  old  country.  He 
shows  ability  in  our  performance  tests  that  is  on  the  whole  above 
the  grade  of  subnormality,  but  temporarily  we  can  include  him 
in  this  class.  As  his  teachers  say,  it  seems  as  if  he  would  have 
done  better  by  this  time  were  he  of  quite  normal  mentality. 

The  other  children  in  the  family  are  all  said  to  be  bright. 
They  were  brought  earlier  to  the  United  States  and  he  was  left  in 
Europe.  He  is  not  known  to  have  had  any  severe  illness.  The 
story  of  heredity  is  not  forthcoming  with  accuracy.  Part  of  the 
boy's  lack  of  success  in  school  has  been  undoubtedly  due  to  the 
fact  that  he  was  working  at  night.  We  recommended  he  be  placed 
in  a  certain  educational  institute  and  be  given  special  instruction. 

Another  feature  back  of  this  boy's  present  delinquent  tendency 
lies  in  the  fact  that  he  has  grown  to  dwell  much  on  sex  affairs 
and  has  become  hypochondrical  concerning  them.  A  definite 
mental  conflict  has  arisen  as  the  result  of  suggestions  given  directly 
to  him  by  his  older  sister.  He  has  behaved  himself  well  in  these 
matters,  but  tells  us  he  has  been  thrashing  them  over  in  his  mind. 

The  boy's  whole  frank  attitude  in  regard  to  his  trouble,  and 
the  finding  out  of  what  he  was  going  through  mentally,  as  well 
as  getting  the  history  of  his  previous  lack  of  educational  train- 
ing, leads  us  to  give  a  favorable  educational  and  social  prognosis. 

Lack  of  educational  opportunity  (in  old  Case  92. 

country).  Boy,  age  14. 

Family  conditions:   (Emigration,  poverty, 
influence  of  immoral 
sister,  etc.) 

Adolescent  instability,  with  dispropor- 
tionate physical 

Mental  conflict,  over  sex  affairs. 

Truancy.  Mentality: 

Incorrigibility.  Temporarily  classed 

Petty  stealing.  as  subnormal. 


Chap.  XVI]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  275 

But  obviously  it  would  be  necessary  to  have  a  number  of  family 
and  school  conditions  changed. 

Case  93.  —  Interesting,  especially  from  the  standpoint  of 
placing  in  institutions,  is  the  case  of  a  boy  of  13  who  has  for  years 
been  engaged  in  a  wide  range  of  delinquencies.  He  was  accused 
of  running  away  from  home,  of  petty  stealing  on  many  occasions, 
malicious  mischief,  destructiveness  and  of  some  bad  treatment 
of  small  children.  Recently  his  delinquencies  have  been  carried  on 
in  company  with  two  other  subnormal  children  from  the  same 
subnormal  room,  an  example  of  gregariousness  which  is  fre- 
quently to  be  met. 

The  father  entered  into  the  case  as  fully  as  he  could  with  us. 
He  is  poorly  educated,  perhaps  subnormal,  but  a  very  well  inten- 
tioned  man,  who  is  fond  of  his  children  and  maintains  a  fairly 
good  home  as  a  laboring  man.  The  parents  were  first  cousins. 
The  mother  is  dead.  She  had  attacks  which  probably  were 
epileptic.  We  could  get  no  other  evidence  of  defective  heredity. 
There  were  only  two  children,  and  these  were  twins.  The  sister 
of  this  boy  is  evidently  bright  and  healthy,  sharply  distinguished 
from  him  in  both  mental  and  physical  ways.  The  mother  used 
alcohol  during  pregnancy.     Birth  was  normal. 

We  get  an  indefinite  history  of  the  boy  being  very  ill  and  nearly 
dying  when  he  was  a  baby.  From  him  we  learn  of  certain  dizzy 
spells  and  queer  appearances  in  front  of  his  eyes  which  suggest 
attacks  of  minor  epilepsy.  Says  he  sometimes  sees  white  and 
sometimes  red  which  lasts  for  a  couple  of  minutes  before  his 
eyes,  and  he  then  gets  dizzy  and  cannot  see  at  all.  No  evidence 
of  other  attacks.  His  father  knew  nothing  of  these.  However, 
the  boy  as  a  half-orphan  has  been  in  institutions  much,  and  the 
father  really  knows  little  enough  about  him. 

He  is  rather  small  for  his  age,  height  only  4  ft.  9  in. ;  weight  86  lbs. 
Pleasant,  but  rather  dull  face.  No  sensory  defects  noted.  Tonsils 
enlarged,  possibly  small  adenoids.  Although  the  boy  by  habit  is 
a  mouth  breather,  he  can  breathe  very  readily  through  his  nose. 

Mental  tests:  Binet,  1911  series: 
All  the  6-year  tests  done  correctly. 
Seven-year  tests,  fails  on  2  and  4,  others  correct. 
Eight  years  —  fails  only  on  half  of  test  4. 
Nine  years  —  fails  only  on  test  2. 
Ten  years  —  1,  2,  5,  failure,  others  correct. 

Twelve  years  —  1,  correct;  2,  failure;  3,  correct;  4,  failure; 
5,  failure. 


§  275]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XVI 

On  our  own  tests: 

I.  1'  8".    Only  13"  of  trial  and  error  on  the  small  triangles. 

II.  2'  12".    S'errors. 

III.  Construction  test  A,  2'  17".  23  total  moves,  but  only  one 
repetition  of  impossibility. 

IV.  Construction  test  B,  5'  19".    61  moves. 

V.  Puzzle  box.  4'  21".  Many  errors  interspersed  between  steps 
one  and  two.    Other  steps  followed  out  logically. 

VI.  "Aussage."  Most  items  gotten  correct  either  on  free  recital 
or  on  cross-questioning  and  no  sign  of  suggestibility. 

VII.  Reproduction  of  Geometric  Figures.  Done  extremely  poorly. 

VIII.  Learning  arbitrary  symbol  associations.  Promptly  and 

IX.  Cross  line  test  A.    Correct  at  the  1st  trial. 

X.  Cross  line  test  B.    Correct  only  at  3d  trial. 

XI.  Code  test.  Could  not  comprehend  the  idea,  utterly  failed 
on  the  performance. 

XIII.  Memory  from  auditory  verbal  presentation.  Very  poorly 
done.    Only  6  out  of  12  items  recalled. 

XV.   Antonyms.    4  errors  and  one  failure.     Average  time  2.7". 

XVII.  Writing  atrocious  and  does  not  spell  anything  except  mono- 

XVIII.  Knows  simple  combinations  of  small  numbers  and  the  table 
of  2's  as  a  series.    Nothing  beyond  this. 

XIX.  Reading.  Fails  on  a  3d-grade  passage  and  on  all  the  long 
words  such  as  could,  found,  etc. 

XXIII.  Pictorial  completion  test.  Five  final  errors  of  the  irra- 
tional variety. 

We  found  that  though  he  only  grades  according  to  Binet  a 
little  over  8  years  he  does  comparatively  well  on  tests  of  per- 
formance with  material  directly  given  to  him.  We  note  a  cer- 
tain amount  of  variability  from  day  to  day,  but  not  sufficient 
to  alter  his  general  standing  by  tests.  It  is  quite  possible  that 
this  variability  was  a  phenomenon  often  observed  in  epileptics. 
The  immediate  problem  was  concerned  with  the  placing  of  this 
boy  in  an  institution.  On  account  of  his  general  ability  with 
concrete  material  it  was  decided  to  try  him,  under  agreement, 
in  an  industrial  institution  where  they  are  very  keen  to  rule  out 
mental  defectives. 

He  was  retained  the  full  time,  about  18  months,  as  acceptable 
in  their  routine  of  education,  although  papers  were  on  file  for 
him  to  go  to  the  colony  for  the  feebleminded  if  it  seemed  desirable. 
The  boy  made  good  educational  and  moral  progress.  At  present 
he  is  giving  no  trouble  in  a  city  environment. 


Chap.  XVI]  THE    SUBNORMAL    VERBALIST  [§  276 

Mentality:   Subnormal;  unequal  abilities; 
possibly  epileptic  variability. 

Case  93. 
Boy,  age  13. 


IMother  probably  epileptic, 

father  subnormal,  consanguinity 
of  parents. 

Developmental :  Severe  illness  in  infancy 

Running  away 



§  276.  The  Subnormal  Verbalist.  —  The  verbalist  type  of 
defective  is  so  important  in  many  ways  that  emphasis  should 
again  be  placed  on  this  subject  by  the  citation  of  a  case  or  two. 
Even  though  the  grade  of  mental  defect  may  not  be  that  of  feeble- 
mindedness, yet  the  disproportion  between  verbal  and  other  abil- 
ities can  be  so  great  that  anomalous  social  situations  are  produced. 
It  is  remarkable  to  what  extent  these  unbalanced  people  get 
themselves  and  others  entangled  in  troublesome  matters.  The 
comparative  ease  with  which  they  use  language  leads  readily 
to  their  becoming  liars  and  swindlers. 

The  strangest  feature  of  this  class  is  the  aptitude  which  verbal- 
ists show^  for  using  the  law.  The  only  explanation  I  see  for  this 
is  that,  since  a  large  share  of  the  business  of  the  law  is  carried 
on  merely  by  the  use  of  language,  even  superficial  acquaintance 
with  legal  phraseology  goes  a  considerable  distance  towards 
making  others  believe  in  the  qualifications  of  the  verbalist.  A 
person  who  has  a  special  ability  to  use  words  well  is  of  course 
likely  to  get  ahead  in  all  those  branches  of  social  effort  where 
the  usual  evidence  of  good  ability  is  displayed  by  language. 

Case  94.  —  Sara  S.  I  had  the  opportunity  through  a  municipal 
court  in  a  New  England  town  to  study  this  vivacious  and  fairly 
good-looking  girl  of  19.  Her  delinquencies  had  consisted  in  very 
repeated  stealing  for  a  year  or  more  from  down-town  shops.  For 
some  months  she  had  been  using  a  system  which  she  had  herself 
evolved.  Off  and  on  she  had  w^orked  at  these  stores,  and  was 
regarded  as  a  capable  young  saleswoman.  There  was  no  need 
of  her  working  or  of  her  stealing,  because  she  came  from  a  home 
where  there  w^as  plenty  of  comfort  and  good  cheer. 

Sara  had  never  been  aware,  so  far  as  known,  that  her  supposed 
parents  were  really  only  her  foster  parents.    She  was  taken  into 


§  276]  MENTAL    DEFECT  [Chap.  XVI 

their  home  from  a  New  York  child-placing  agency  when  she  was 
only  a  year  or  so  old.  Her  real  parentage  is  quite  unknown.  The 
foster  parents  are  very  stable  people,  and  except  for  traveling 
for  a  year  or  two,  when  the  girl  had  a  good  deal  of  healthy  experi- 
ence in  the  world,  they  have  always  lived  in  this  New  England 

As  an  example  of  Sara's  language  facility  and  her  own  philo- 
sophic sizing  up  of  the  world,  the  following  excerpts  from  her 
story  are  well  worth  reading  closely. 

"  Well,  I  don't  care  for  house  work,  and  I  like  to  have  a  little 
money  for  myself.  Father  did  not  want  me  to  work,  but  I  'm 
just  the  same  as  other  girls,  and  like  to  have  money  of  my  own. 
I  began  stealing  last  year,  but  they  did  not  catch  me.  I  spent 
it  for  gloves  and  candy.  The  first  time  I  ever  took  anything? 
Well,  I  was  about  8.  It  was  out  of  my  uncle's  pants.  We 
all  lived  in  X  at  the  same  time.  Oh,  playmates?  Oh,  yes,  there 
were  a  couple  of  girls  around  the  house  then  and  I  knew  them 
best.  Yes,  they  took  things,  both  of  them.  They  were  both 
about  the  same  age.  They  took  money  from  their  family  and  spent 
it  for  candy.  I  used  to  share  things  with  them  that  they  bought 
in  this  way.  They  both  came  from  good  families  and  I  knew 
them  for  many  years.  When  they  were  little  they  never  went 
with  boys.  They  began  it  about  12  years.  I  am  pretty  sure 
it  was  about  that  age.  They  never  talked  of  stealing  with  me. 
Probably  they  did  not  think  I  knew  about  it.  One  of  them  turned 
out  awful  bad.    She  went  with  boys  all  the  time." 

"  I  have  known  a  good  many  bad  girls  down  town.  The  worst 
of  all  were  at  M's.  Lots  of  them  down  there  get  money  that 
way.  Yes,  at  times  I  get  to  thinking  about  it.  Well,  I  suppose 
I  am  sort  of  dreaming  then.  I  think  about  all  sorts  of  things. 
I  love  to  read  if  I  can  get  good  books.  My  favorite  author  is 
Mary  J.  Holmes,  and  I  like  Dickens,  too." 

"  People  would  come  in  and  say,  '  Can't  I  take  this  thing  out 
the  way  it  is?  '  and  then  I  would  not  hand  it  in  to  the  inspector 
and  would  keep  the  money.  The  other  day  the  detective  took 
me  into  a  room,  and  found  $1.80  on  me.  They  saw  me  take  it. 
I  got  it  from  different  customers.  They  scared  me  terribly.  I 
don't  know  half  of  what  I  said,  but  50  cents  was  the  largest  sum 
I  ever  took.  I  am  always  well,  but  subject  to  colds.  I  tell  you 
what  I  believe.  If  anything  is  the  matter  with  you  you  want 
to  get  your  mind  off  that  and  forget  it.    I  get  in  the  crowd  down 



town  and  if  my  back  does  ache  I  don't  tliink  any  more  about  it. 
You  can  forget  things  if  you  get  busy.  I  saw  a  detective  take  a 
girl  up  last  summer.  She  was  the  only  one  I  knew  who  took 
things  that  way.  Then  I  was  so  scared  I  didn't  take  anything 
for  a  long  time.  I  saw  the  other  girls  there  getting  money  pretty 
easy.  They  would  say  they  made  money  the  night  before  or 
something  like  that." 

"  I  always  got  along  all  right  with  my  teachers.  Music  was 
easy  for  me.  I  can  play  well.  Have  had  music  lessons  four  years. 
What  I  want  to  do  is  to  go  on  the  stage,  but  they  don't  care  to 
have  me.  I  did  not  tell  my  mother  about  these  girls  because  I 
knew  she  would  not  let  me  have  gone  with  them.  I  am  quite 
sure  I  was  about  12  when  they  began  to  talk  so  much  about 
those  things  and  they  used  to  tell  me  all  about  it  and  say,  '  Why 
don't  you  do  it?  '  I  w^as  14  before  I  knew  what  it  meant.  It 
was  not  mother  then  that  told  me.  It  was  my  Sunday  School 
teacher.     I  don't  know  exactly  why  I  did  not  go  with  them." 

"  I  think  it  is  just  terrible  the  way  a  girl  is  treated  in  all  these 
matters.  Just  think  how  she  gets  the  worst  of  it.  If  a  boy  is 
under  age  he  can't  be  arrested,  and  nothing  is  done  to  him  for 
this.  A  girl  is  likely  to  get  into  trouble.  Now,  I  don't  think 
there  is  much  blame  about  it  and  I  don't  think  it  is  so  bad.  I  am 
not  sure  it  is  as  bad  as  I  have  done.  It  is  just  nature  that 's  all. 
If  I  had  done  that  and  got  money  by  it  they  could  not  have  arrested 
me  and  I  think  it  might  have  been  better  if  I  had  instead  of  steal- 
ing. If  this  gets  in  the  papers  I  'm  a  ruined  girl  and  that  's  all 
there  is  to  it.  The  best  thing  I  can  do  is  to  get  married  to  some 
nice  fellow,  and  a  lot  of  chance  I  will  get  if  this  gets  in  the  papers. 
A  fellow  will  say,  '  That 's  Sara  S.  whose  name  was  in  the  paper, 
isn't  it?  '  I  don't  want  any  of  my  girl  friends  to  know  it.  I  go 
with  girls  right  now  who  are  fine." 

Physically,  we  found  this  girl  to  be  in  fair  general  condition, 
rather  poorly  developed;  not  particularly  good  looking;  notable 
is  her  slouchy  attitude  (in  spite  of  much  training  on  the  part  of 
her  parents);  no  sensory  defects;  dental  findings  very  significant 
—  distinct  crescentic  erosion  of  the  incisors ;  expression  not 
particularly  bright,  but  uses  her  eyes  in  affected  and  stagey 

Results  on  our  own  tests: 

I.  1'  50".  Rapid  but  no  planning.  Occasionally  tries  a  piece  in 
the  wrong  place. 


§  276]  MENTAL  DEFECT  [Chap.  XVI 

III.  Construction  test  A.  5'  15".  43  total  moves.  10  repetitions 
of  impossibilities.  Talked  in  very  childish  fashion  about  this  and 
wanted  to  give  up. 

IV.  Construction  test  B.  5'  30".  Good  application  but  very  little 
planning.     46  total  moves. 

V.  Puzzle  box.  Failure  in  10'.  Apparently  studies  it  carefully 
but  task  is  too  difficult. 

VI.  "Aussage."  Fair  number  of  details  given.  Very  positive 
about  things  not  seen  and  not  the  slightest  evidence  of  suggestibility. 

VII.  Reproduction  of  geometric  figures.  Very  poorly  done. 

VIII.  Learning  arbitrary  symbol  associations.  Very  slow  per- 
formance and  three  errors. 

IX.  Cross  line  test  A.  In  spite  of  many  explanations  failed  to  get 
the  idea  at  all. 

X.  Cross  line  test  B.  Failed  at  4th  trial.  "I  can't  think  of  it  or 
remember  it.     It's  so  hard." 

XII.  Memory  from  visual  verbal  presentation.  Entire  twenty 
items  recalled  with  the  sense  correct  although  many  verbal  changes. 

XIII.  Memory  from  auditory  verbal  presentation.  All  items  ex- 
cept one  small  detail  recalled  and  much  verbal  accuracy  included. 

XV.  Antonyms.  No  errors.  No  failures.  Average  time  1.8".  A 
remarkable  performance  in  comparison  to  some  of  the  other  work. 

XVI.  Motor  coordination  very  well  done.  75  squares  with  one 
error  and  then  she  speeded  up  to  90  squares  with  no  errors. 

XVII.  Writes  a  very  matm-e  hand  and  spells  all  simple  words 

XVIII.  Long  division  correctly  and  has  some  idea  of  work  with 
fractions,  but  fails  to  carry  out  the  process  correctly. 

XIX.  Reads  very  fluently  with  good  expression.  Has  had  special 
training  in  this. 

XXII.  Has  been  a  good  deal  of  a  reader  and  knows  ordinary 
items  of  information  to  be  gathered  from  newspapers.  Simple  items 
correct  in  geography  and  history.  Quite  ignorant  of  simple  scientific 

Although  the  Binet  tests  were  not  done  it  is  quite  clear  that 
Sara's  language  facility  would  have  carried  her  well  up  in  the 
12-year  or  even  15-year  tests.  Her  power  of  mental  analysis  and 
her  ability  to  reason  out  a  situation  which  is  presented  to  her 
in  concrete  form  is  exceedingly  poor.  In  fact  she  does  badly  on 
all  of  our  tests  for  higher  mental  power,  such  as  are  involved  in 
planning  and  foresight.  Her  powers  of  visual  recall  of  form  were 
also  remarkably  poor  in  comparison  to  her  memory  for  words. 
She  has  great  conversational  ability,  and  has  developed  a  well- 
defined  and  even  philosophic  attitude  towards  the  world.  She 
carries   an   air   of   sophistication   and   dramatic   ability.      This, 


Chap.  XVI]  THE    SUBNORMAL    VERBALIST  [§  276 

however,  may  be  largely  a  matter  of  imitation  of  the  stage,  and 
of  the  philosophy  of  her  immoral  girl  friends.  We  note  with 
the  parents  that  she  has  a  remarkable  lack  of  emotional  reac- 
tion in  regard  to  her  own  delinquency,  and  we  also  corroborate 
their  opinion  that  she  has  very  little  ability  to  do  anything  but 
talk.  There  can  be -no  doubt  that,  though  this  girl  comports 
herself  with  such  superficial  evidence  of  ability,  and  was  able 
by  virtue  of  good  instruction  to  do  6th-grade  work,  and  although 
she  proved  a  very  satisfactory  saleswoman,  still  she  is  mentally 
subnormal.  She  did  not  learn  wisdom  from  family  reprimands 
for  stealing,  nor  through  the  experience  of  her  thieving  shop 
companion,  and  in  general  she  shows  lack  of  foresight. 

The  developmental  history  as  known  since  one  year  of  age  is 
almost  negative.  No  serious  illness.  No  convulsions.  No  com- 
plaint of  headaches.  As  a  little  child  she  seemed  bright.  Walked 
and  talked  at  normal  age,  but  after  going  to  school  never  learned 
rapidly.  Reached  the  6th  grade  without  much  difficulty,  but 
never  went  beyond  that.  Had  lack  of  control  of  bladder  and 
occasionally  of  the  bowels  up  to  the  time  she  was  6  or  7  years 
old.  Her  first  teeth  were  said  to  have  been  deficient  in  enamel. 
The  foster  parents  speak  much  about  her  lack  of  physical  control. 
They  would  have  been  very  proud  to  have  had  her  acquire  a 
fine  carriage.  In  school  her  deportment  was  always  considered 
good,  but  she  was  thought  to  have  a  stubborn  will. 

It  was  felt  that  the  exceedingly  good  home  environment  of 
this  young  woman  could  be  relied  on  to  prevent  her  from  further 
misconduct.  The  family  suggested  that  her  salvation  very  likely 
lay  in  early  marriage.     No  more  delinquencies  were  reported. 

Early  sex  knowledge  with  mental  conflict 
about  it. 

Case  94. 
Girl,  age  19. 

Bad  companions. 

Mentality:   Subnormal,  verbalist  type. 

Antenatal  conditions:   Probably  con- 
genital syphilis. 

Stealing  -|-. 

The  following  case  should  be  of  the  greatest  interest  to  all 
students  of  human  nature  and  particularly  to  people  of  the  law. 
Here  we  have  a  young  man  probably  subnormal  in  various  impor- 


§  276]  ■     MENTAL    DEFECT  [Chap.  XVI 

tant  mental  abilities,  who  has  a  facility  in  language  which  vastly 
overtops  his  other  faculties.  He  is  a  chronic  falsifier  and  as  such 
belongs  in  our  class  of  pathological  liars  except  perhaps  for  the 
fact  that  he  also  is  a  mental  defective.  To  tell  what  we  know  of 
his  career  would  require  many  more  pages  than  we  can  give  here, 
but  significant  points  are  offered.  * 

Case  95.  —  This  young  man  of  20  came  to  this  country  with  his 
intelligent  and  industrious  parents  from  Hamburg  when  he  was 
15  years  old.  I  saw  him  in  New  York  about  a  year  after  they  had 
landed,  at  the  request  of  his  father  and  other  interested  people. 
He  had  recently  been  in  the  Tombs,  having  stated  to  the  authori- 
ties that  he  was  over  juvenile  court  age.  It  was  charged  that 
he  had  been  engaged  in  several  swindling  operations  previously, 
however,  having  made  such  good  presentation  of  his  own  case 
that  he  had  not  been  prosecuted  by  the  parties  involved.  In 
the  old  country  his  principal  delinquency  had  been  truancy. 
Now  the  people  who  wanted  the  case  of  this  boy  studied  were 
interested  in  him  because  they  conceived  a  great  injustice  had 
all  along  been  done.  He  appeared  to  be  such  an  ambitious  fellow, 
he  was  studying  at  night  to  be  a  lawyer.  They  thought  possibly 
he  was  persecuted  by  the  police  and  not  sympathized  with  by  his 
parents.  I  studied  him  then  and  have  seen  him  at  intervals  since, 
and  have  full  reports  on  his  career. 

At  our  first  interview  we  v\^ere  much  inclined  to  take  the  view 
of  this  boy's  recently  made  friends,  and  to  feel  he  had  been  unjustly 
incarcerated.  It  appeared  that  his  arrest  was  immediately  due 
to  the  fact  that  he  got  into  a  fight  in  his  own  family  circle  and 
struck  his  mother  and  their  landlady  with  a  broom  stick.  The 
fight  came  about  because  his  family  did  not  further  his  interests 
in  giving  him  clothes  satisfactory  to  himself  in  which  to  appear 
in  a  court  room  where  there  was  a  case  going  on  in  which  he  was 

Part  of  his  first  statement  runs  as  follows:  "  I  took  a  few  les- 
sons over  in  the  Y.  M.  C.  A.  class  and  in  a  law  office  and  I  have 
books  at  home  of  every  court  in  New  York.  I  know  I  got  a 
good  chance  to  work  up  because  I  got  a  good  head  for  the  law. 
My  father  he  won't  believe  it,  that 's  the  trouble.  I  know  I  could 
stand  my  own  expenses.  I  said,  '  Officer,  you  wait  here  a  minute. 
I  will  explain  how  this  is.'  He  began  stepping  on  me.  He  threw 
me  on  the  floor.  I  wanted  him  to  go  out  the  back  way  so  nobody 
would  see  me,  there  was  a  big  crowd  there,  but  he  kicked  me  down 


Chap.  XVl]  THE   SUBNORMAL   VERBALIST  [§  276 

the  front  way.  Another  rough  officer  pinched  my  arm.  I  was 
in  the  other  court  because  my  father  thought  I  would  not  work. 
I  was  trying  to  find  a  position.  I  was  in  court  by  myself  in  a 
divorce  case.  I  was  interpreter  there.  The  woman  paid  me  three 
dollars  for  it.  I  want  to  make  something  out  of  myself.  Labor 
is  all  right,  but  I  like  office  or  law  work  better." 

A  curiously  long  record  about  this  boy  was  obtained  from  a 
social  service  society  to  which  he  had  applied  for  assistance  some 
months  previously.  It  seems  he  has  been  known  all  along  as  a 
tremendous  liar.  He  persuaded  the  juvenile  court  judge  to  give 
nearly  an  hour  to  his  case  because  the  judge  hesitated  to  put 
on  record  anything  against  a  boy  who  desired  to  be  a  lawyer. 

In  the  previous  year  the  lad  had  worked  in  about  20  different 
places,  getting  a  job  very  readily  on  account  of  his  good  powers 
of  self-representation.  He  had  forged  various  letters  and  tele- 
grams about  himself.  He  represented  himself  as  an  orphan  in 
a  certain  newspaper  office  where  they  thereupon  raised  a  fund 
and  outfitted  him.  One  or  two  people  w^ho  have  known  him  the 
longest  are  inclined  to  think  the  boy  cannot  be  just  right.  He  has 
been  able  to  pick  up  some  small  law  suits,  particularly  damage 
cases,  and  has  turned  them  over  to  other  lawyers  after  first  mak- 
ing the  attempt  to  handle  them  himself.  Every  one  reports  him 
as  a  most  ambitious  and  aggressive  type. 

Physically  we  found  him  to  be  well  developed  and  nourished, 
but  of  a  very  flabby  type  of  musculature.  Regular  and  rather 
pleasant  features.  Expression  rather  duller  than  one  would 
expect  from  the  vivacity  of  his  speech.  General  attitude  slouchy; 
clothes  nearly  always  untidy.  Head  well  shaped;  circumfer- 
ence 54.5;  length  18;  breadth  15  cm.  No  sensory  defect  noted. 
No  complaints  of  headaches  or  other  physical  troubles.  Narrow 
and  rather  high  palate.  Low,  well-controlled  voice.  Reflexes 
normal.  Coloration  of  the  irides  asymmetrical.  Enlargement 
of  the  mammae,  a  marked  anomaly.  Examination  otherwise 

Mental  tests;   our  own  series: 

I.  Introductory  Form  Board  Puzzle.  1'  10".  Very  little  trial  and 

II.  Not  so  well  done.    55".    4  errors. 

III.  Construction  Test  A.    1'  3".    No  repetition  of  impossibilities. 
At  a  second  trial  shortly  afterwards  he  did  it  in  9". 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.    4'  25".    Done  not  at  all  intelligently  or 


§  276]  MENTAL  DEFECT  [Chap.  XVI 

planfuUy,  but  comparatively  few  repetitions  of  impossibilities.     A 
poor  showing  for  his  age. 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  Failure.  Began  working  with  his  usual  self-con- 
fidence, but  proceeded  without  planfulness  or  evident  ability  to 
understand  the  relation  of  the  different  mechanical  steps  one  to 

VI.  "Aussage."  Gives  a  very  wordy  account  of  what  he  sees  in 
the  picture,  but  really  recalls  very  few  items.  Some  of  these  are  imag- 
inative, such  as  putting  words  in  the  mouth  of  the  woman  who  is 
buying  the  sausages,  and  placing  things  incorrectly.  The  total  result 
was  poor.  Only  two  suggestions  accepted.  His  main  failure  was 
through  inability  to  correctly  recall  the  items,  and  through  his  un- 
warranted use  of  imaginative  details.  The  general  results  show  a 
most  unusual  amount  of  unreliability. 

VII.  Reproduction  of  Geometrical  Figures.  Failure.  Self-con- 
fidence shown  by  his  desire  to  proceed  with  the  reproduction  before 
all  of  the  allotted  time  was  up  for  observation. 

VIII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Symbol  Associations.  Done  promptly 
with  one  error,  but  this  was  significant  inasmuch  as  it  involved  placing 
the  same  digit  in  relation  to  two  different  symbols  and  omission  of 
another  digit.     A  thoroughly  irrational  result. 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.  Done  correctly  but  with  considerable 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.  Failure.  This  simple  test  has  been  re- 
peatedly tried  with  this  young  man  during  the  ensuing  years  and  he 
has  never  been  able  to  correctly  perform  it. 

XL  Code  Test.  This  was  a  failure  both  on  account  of  his  inability 
to  perform  the  easier  task.  Cross  Line  Test  B,  and  because  he  could 
not  correctly  repeat  the  alphabet  either  in  German  or  in  English. 

XII.  Memor}^  from  Visual  Verbal  Presentation.  An  almost  per- 
fect result  both  in  regard  to  sequence  and  verbal  accuracy.  An  unu- 
sually good  performance. 

XIII.  Memory  from  Auditory  Verbal  presentation.  Similar  re- 
sult.   Almost  perfect.    Only  one  minor  detail  missing. 

XV.  Antonyms.  No  error,  but  fails  on  three,  probably  because  of 
lack  of  knowledge  of  English  terms.    Average  time  2.3". 

XVI.  Motor  Coordination  Test.  75  squares  tapped  the  first  trial. 
2  errors.  74  squares  tapped  the  second  time.  3  errors.  This  showed 
poor  motor  control  for  his  age. 

XVII.  Writing.  Fairly  mature  and  regular  hand.  Has  consider- 
able trouble  with  spelling,  but  yet  considering  that  he  has  only  been 
in  this  country  one  year  a  letter  written  by  him  in  English  is  fairly 

XVIII.  Arithmetic.  Makes  several  mistakes  in  an  addition  ex- 
ample of  several  columns.  Knows  his  tables  fairly  well.  Cannot  do 
anything  at  long  division.  An  interesting  observation  was  made  when 
he  was  heard  to  say  as  he  was  multiplying,  "8  times  4  is  16,"  and  then 
a  minute  later,  "4  times  8  is  32."  A  couple  of  years  afterwards  he 
was  still  unable  to  do  long  division  in  spite  of  his  assertion  that  he 


Chap.  XVl]  THE    SUBNORMAL   VERBALIST  [§  276 

had  learned,   and  would   show   us.      He  did   not   at   all   know   the 

XIX.  Reading.  The  boy  all  along  made  a  specialty  of  his  reading. 
He  is  very  proud  of  it  and  of  his  conquest  of  the  English  language.  He 
reads  fluently  simple  passages  and  did  so  when  we  first  saw  him.  How- 
ever, after  a  couple  of  years,  in  spite  of  his  boasted  ability,  we  found  he 
could  not  read  a  difficult  passage,  and  could  not  pronounce  and  did 
not  know  the  meaning  of  such  words  as  significance,  efficiency,  physics. 
But  he  has  picked  up  various  terms  such  as  jurisprudence,  civil  engi- 
neer and  knows  in  a  vague  way  what  these  mean.  Many  legal  terms 
he  has  conmiitted  to  memory  and  knows  the  exact  meaning  of  them. 

XX.  Told  us  his  favorite  game  was  checkers,  that  he  played  a 
good  deal  and  played  a  good  game.  On  trial  it  was  found  that  he 
played  extremely  poorly,  and  without  any  foresight.  At  one  time 
moved   backwards. 

XXI.  Sharp's  questions  would  seem  to  give  him  an  opportunity  to 
display  any  casuistic  ability  which  he  might  seem  to  have.  About  the 
first  question  of  stealing  to  help  a  starving  woman,  he  said  it  would 
be  right  in  one  way  and  in  another  wrong.  It  was  never  right  to  steal, 
because  if  the  man  was  caught  he  would  be  sent  to  the  penitentiary, 
and  have  to  pay  more  than  the  things  were  worth.  Asked  if  it  was  not 
■UTong  otherwnse  he  said  yes,  because  a  thief  would  never  get  along 
in  the  world.  On  the  second  question  about  giving  up  the  man  to  the 
Indians,  he  said  that  the  white  men  should  battle  with  the  Indians  if 
the  man  had  done  no  WTong,  but,  "  I  really  would  rather  give  up  one 
man  than  many.  If  the  chief  gets  killed  himself  I  rather  give  this  man 
up  before  he  put  his  own  life  in  it."    Altogether  an  incoherent  reply. 

XXII.  Information.  Very  wordy  answers  were  given  to  questions, 
and  whenever  he  did  not  know  a  point  he  tried  to  bluff  it  through. 
He  knows  a  good  deal  about  local  politics,  about  the  cost  of  getting 
into  law  schools,  he  knows  some  of  the  ordinary  facts  of  geography, 
knows  a  number  of  sporting  items;  knows  how  the  electricity  comes 
from  the  power  house  and  makes  a  motor  go  in  a  trolley  car,  but  fails 
on  other  scientific  items.  Shows  much  familiarity  with  newspaper 
accounts  of  notorious  law  suits,  makes  much  talk  about  being  inter- 
ested in  athletics  and  about  himself  being  a  champion.  (He  is  really 
very  poor  in  such  things.)  His  knowledge  of  German  geography,  which 
he  should  know  well  by  reason  of  his  long  schooling  in  Hamburg,  was 
exceedingly  faulty.  He  was  unable  to  spell  correctly  the  name  of  the 
city  district  in  which  he  used  to  live.    Insisted  Paris  was  a  country,  etc. 

His  failure  on  the  above  simple  tests  showed  this  young  man 
to  be  unquestionably  subnormal  mentally,  despite  his  aptitude 
for  language.  At  the  end  of  one  year  in  this  country  he  spoke 
English  with  only  a  slight  accent.  His  grammar  has  never  been 
perfect,  but  it  has  gradually  improved.  However,  he  makes 
up  for  it  by  vigor  of  speech.  On  numerous  occasions  he  represented 
himself  as  an  oflBcial  interpreter  and  tried  to  get  a  position  of  this 


§  276]  MENTAL   DEFECT  '  [Chap.  XVI 

kind,  having  cards  printed  announcing  himself  as  such.  There 
is  no  doubt  but  that  he  can  perform  such  work  fairly  well  when 
only  simple  ideas  are  involved.  He  had  announced  to  others 
and  told  us  that  he  was  a  graduate  of  the  intermediate  school 
abroad,  and  had  spent  some  time  in  a  high  school.  This  was 
quite  untrue,  but  he  cited  it  and  his  language  ability  as  evidence 
of  his  qualifications  for  becoming  a  lawyer. 

But  it  was  just  his  record  at  school  which  has  all  along  made 
his  father  so  scornful  of  the  boy's  legal  pretensions.  The  fact  is 
that  he  never  got  beyond  the  3d  class  of  the  elementary  school, 
about  equivalent  to  the  3d  grade  in  our  grammar  school.  He 
went  to  school  for  several  months  when  he  first  came  to  the 
United  States,  but  succeeded  in  advancing  only  in  subjects  where 
language  was  the  chief  requisite. 

The  intelligent  parents,  in  their  endeavor  to  solve  the  problem 
of  this  boy's  peculiarities,  gave  a  good  family  and  developmental 
history.  He  is  the  youngest  of  three  children,  two  of  whom  are 
alive.  The  others  were  quite  bright.  The  surviving  sister  is 
industrious,  quiet,  and  has  a  good  school  record.  Many  in  the 
family  have  been  nervous  and  excitable,  but  in  general  the  stock 
on  both  sides  is  said  to  be  quite  healthy.  A  cousin  on  one  side 
was  insane,  and  a  cousin  on  the  other  side  was  probably  feeble- 
minded, but  nobody  nearer  than  this  was  the  victim  of  abnormal 
mental  conditions.  Some  members  of  the  family  have  achieved 
distinct  success. 

There  were  two  miscarriages  just  before  this  boy  was  born, 
but  his  pregnancy  and  birth  were  all  right.  At  3  years  he  had 
diphtheria  exceedingly  severely.  He  was  delirious  for  a  couple 
of  weeks,  and  following  the  attack  had  palatal  paralysis  for 
three  months.  The  boy  has  never  seemed  normal  to  his  parents 
since  then.  Before  that  he  had  walked  and  talked  at  an  early 
age.  His  parents  remember  him  as  a  destructive  young  child, 
but  outside  of  that  give  us  no  history  of  peculiarities.  He  was 
subject  to  occasional  fevers,  and  was  very  sick  again  at  9  years 
with  scarlet  fever.  As  a  young  child  he  was  always  much  inclined 
to  play  by  himself.  Was  never  known  to  have  bad  habits  of  any 
kind.  A  very  important  point  is  that  up  to  14  years  this  boy 
suffered  from  nightly  enuresis,  with  occasional  lack  of  control 
of  bladder  and  bowels  during  the  daytime. 

As  time  has  gone  on  this  young  man  has  sought  harder  and 
harder  to  get  himself  into  legal  practice,  and  has  connected  him- 


Chap.  XVI]  THE    SUBNORMAL    VERBALIST  [§  276 

self  with  various  questionable  legal  affairs,  mainly  acting  in 
some  capacity  as  an  assistant.  Soon  after  I  fii-st  saw  him  he 
was  sent  for  a  time  to  a  disciplinary  institution.  Since  then 
he  has  received  one  definite  fine  and  sentence  for  attempting  to 
dispose  of  property  not  his  own,  and  another  for  forging  a  legal 
document.  Even  at  his  first  appearance  before  a  judge  he  showed 
his  tjT)ical  characteristics  in  cross-examination  of  his  family  and 
others  in  his  own  defense.  Later  he  had  badges  made  for  him- 
self wliich  have  represented  him  to  be  an  officer  comiected  with 
a  certain  official  organization.  He  made  complaints  to  various 
authorities  about  his  treatment  when  in  the  institutions  to  which 
lie  has  been  sent,  accused  certain  individuals  of  maltreating  him 
■while  there,  and  succeeded  on  more  than  one  occasion  in  getting 
others  mterested  in  the  matter.  He  has  shown  extremely  poor 
judgment  in  much  of  this,  for  he  brought  his  own  career  to  notice. 

In  regard  to  his  use  of  language  we  find  that  he  has  not  pro- 
portionately improved  as  time  has  gone  on.  If  a  subject  is  devel- 
oped so  that  rather  complex  ideas  are  dealt  with,  a  certain  amount 
of  incoherency  has  always  been  noticeable.  But  he  has  accumu- 
lated more  and  more  legal  terms,  with  gradual  increase  of  real 
understanding  of  them.  His  ambitiousness  and  push  still  carry 
him  along  so  that,  in  a  large  city,  new  business  possibilities  con- 
stantly present  themselves,  even  if  many  mistakes  have  earlier 
been  made.  Some  excerpts  from  his  conversational  reactions 
may  be  instructive. 

"  You  know  that  Johnny  R.  and  then  that  K.  boy?  Judge  R. 
is  going  to  try  them.  They  are  down  at  the  Blank  Street  Station 
and  they  are  going  to  sign  a  jury  waiver  and  they  can't  do  that. 
They  are  only  15  years  old.  I  got  their  ages.  It  cost  me  a  dollar 
to  get  their  ages,  and  I  'm  going  to  be  there  when  they  're  tried. 
You  ought  to  see  'em.  They  look  pale.  They  don't  give  them 
anything  but  black  coffee  down  there.     Who  is  this  attorney?" 

"  You  know  I  'm  working  in  three  places  now.  I  'm  holding 
three  jobs.  Two  days  in  the  week  I  work  for  A.  and  two  days 
for  Mr.  B.  and  then  for  myself.  I  make  $7  or  $8  a  week  by  inter- 
preting. I  am  saving  it  up  to  go  to  law  school.  In  three  years 
I  graduate.  I  want  to  see  the  judge  to  get  these  boys  down  here 
right  away  before  their  trial.  They  are  going  to  hold  it  up  against 
them  their  record,  and  I  'm  going  to  deny  it.  It  ain't  right.  I 
was  talking  to  the  detective  that  arrested  Johnny  R.  I  'm  going 
round  to  see  the  attorney.    I  want  to  represent  the  case  myself." 


§  276]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XVI 

In  the  cases  referred  to,  our  young  man  was  attempting  to  get 
a  wrong  statement  of  ages  before  the  judge  who  was  to  try  them 
in  the  adult  court  and,  as  usual,  was  trying  to  put  it  on  the  grounds 
of  seeing  that  justice  was  done.  He  really  made  quite  an  investi- 
gation in  connection  with  an  alleged  burglary,  and  had  a  speech 
written  up  which  he  wanted  to  declaim  before  the  judge.  On 
several  occasions  with  unscrupulous  lawyers  he  has  attempted 
to  ferret  out  the  situation  in  various  court  cases.  He  has  made 
very  little  out  of  it,  because  even  the}''  felt  he  was  not  reliable 
enough  to  be  used  for  long.  He  has  started  damage  suits  on 
behalf  of  members  of  his  family  against  the  neighbors,  and  has 
endeavored  to  get  other  fellows  who  have  been  in  jail  to  commence 
some  cases  in  the  hope  of  getting  some  financial  returns.  In  spite 
of  his  having  been  sentenced  himself  he  insists  on  continuing  his 
legal  aspirations.  He  ingenuously  reveals  to  me  the  character 
of  some  of  his  business  affairs. 

"  I  have  a  job  in  the  legal  department  at  J's.  I  get  $10  a  week. 
Because  my  name  was  so  ruined  I  gave  the  name  of  Charles  R, 
and  if  you  would  come  in  and  ask  for  me  by  my  right  name  there 
would  be  no  such  person  there.  I  'm  determined  to  be  a  lawyer. 
Ever  since  I  was  a  little  fellow  I  have  wanted  to  be.  Ever  since 
I  have  had  understanding  of  what  law  means.  I  used  to  play 
court  with  the  little  ones  and  talk  about  law." 

At  a  later  time  this  fellow  gave  a  summary  of  his  recent  career 
which  is  most  significant.  "  I  am  general  manager  for  a  picture 
portrait  business  —  you  know,  enlargements.  We  have  an  artist 
who  gets  six  or  seven  pictures  made  in  a  day.  There's  money 
in  that,  isn't  there?  I  was  down  in  court  today.  I  tell  you  there 
was  a  fellow  who  got  what  was  coming  to  him.  It  was  a  case 
before  Judge  B  —  assault  and  battery.  He  got  $10  and  costs, 
in  all  about  $30.  Well,  it  is  like  this.  Well,  I  had  a  little  dog, 
and  I  tell  you  I  have  a  heart  for  animals  just  the  same  as  persons. 
He  kicked  the  dog,  and  I  told  him  not  to  do  it  and  he  says,  'You  're 
a  liar,'  and  then  he  ran  downstairs  and  pushed  me  along  on  stones 
down  there.  I  called  the  policemen  and  they  did  not  come  for 
about  three  quarters  of  an  hour.  I  put  on  my  clothes  and  went 
with  them  and  got  out  a  warrant.  Now  I  'm  going  to  get  a  com- 
plaint out  about  the  boy  who  lives  out  there.  He  lives  over  my 
house.  Something  bad  will  happen  there.  He  calls  my  mother 
all  sorts  of  names  and  uses  bad  language.  Maybe  I  was  not 
much   of   a  fellow    to    praise    her,   but   I   could   not   stand   to 


Chap.  XVI]  THE    SUBNORMAL    VERBALIST  [§  276 

hear  her  called   those   bad   names,  and  if  that  goes  on  it  will 
be  bad." 

'*  I  am  studying  law.  Take  the  correspondence  course.  They 
give  you  an  LL.B.  It  is  a  two-years  course,  and  you  get  all  the 
volumes  separately.  When  I  started  out  I  did  not  know  any 
Latin,  but  now  I  tell  you  I  know"  all  the  names  in  it.  I  studied 
the  first  volume,  and  they  send  you  questions  you  are  to  fill  out 
without  looking  in  the  books.  I  would  be  willing  to  bet  anything 
I  get  credits  on  that." 

"  Then  w'e  have  a  slander  suit.  That  woman  upstairs  she  called 
my  mother  all  sorts  of  dirty  names.  I  'm  going  to  file  a  $3000 
slander  suit.  I  would  not  let  her  call  names  like  that.  And  then 
she  has  about  $3000  worth  of  property." 

"  I  have  been  getting  along  pretty  fine  in  most  ways.  Some 
of  the  people  are  dow^n  on  me.  I  'm  a  Scout  master.  I  started 
with  10  boys,  and  now  I  have  about  117.  We  won  the  cham- 
pionship. We  have  a  great  big  blue  pennant  about  it.  We  won 
in  baseball.  The  boys  did  everything  There  was  an  exam- 
ination on  leaves.  I  had  9  boys  up  and  there  were  117  leaves 
and  ever}'  boy  knew  every  leaf.  Of  course  I  told  them  or  they 
would  not  have  known." 

"  Some  people  are  down  on  the  Boy  Scouts  of  America,  but  I 
tell  them  it  does  them  good.  I  Ve  been  through  the  courts  you 
know,  and  I  made  up  my  mind  I  '11  help  other  kids.  Don't  you 
think  that  is  right?  I  tell  them  that  judges  and  officers  ain't 
necessary.  'Sometimes  youse  kids  can  be  helped  by  talking  to.' 
They  used  to  smoke  and  chew  and  things  like  that,  but  they 
don't  any  more." 

"  Then  there  's  me.  I  won  the  wrestling  championship  this 
year."  (At  this  point  I  mildly  suggest  the  discrepancies  between 
his  statements  and  the  neighborhood  fights.  He  blushed  a  little 
and  said  he  was  no  good  at  real  fighting.)  "  I  'm  this  kind  of  a 
fellow.  If  you  let  me  alone  I  'm  all  right,  but  if  you  start  mon- 
keying with  me  then  something  's  going  to  happen.  When  you 
start  things  don't  start  it  until  you  are  able  to  carry  it  through. 
They  w^ere  not  able  to  do  that." 

"  I  don't  know  whether  I  '11  file  that  complaint.  I  '11  give  it  to 
the  police  officer.  My  time  is  too  valuable.  Three  times  $8  are 
$24  and  that 's  gone  for  a  week.  The  boy  is  dangerous  to  me  as 
well  as  my  mother.  I  've  got  the  right  of  a  citizen  to  protect 


§  276]  MENTAL  DEFECT  [Chap.  XVI 

"  A  fellow  met  me  and  says  how  long  have  you  been  in  this 
country,  and  when  I  says  four  years  he  says,  'You  're  a  liar.'  He 
says  there  never  was  a  fellow  I  ever  heard  of  who  got  hold  of  the 
language  and  was  doing  so  well  in  only  four  years.  I  go  out  with 
my  sample  case  and  it 's  $8.  That 's  get-rich-quick-Wallingford 
for  you!  " 

It  was  on  the  occasion  of  this  interview  that  the  boy  had  to  have 
his  car  fare  paid,  and  related  an  unlikely  story  about  having  lost 
a  quarter.  Then  he  also  told  several  other  small  unnecessary  lies 
besides  those  which  were  involved  in  his  boasting.  His  weak 
lying  has  grown  to  be  such  a  usual  phenomenon  that  it  belongs 
in  our  pathological  class.  Our  earliest  reports  from  his  father 
and  his  friends  were  that  he  was  a  tremendous  falsifier. 

All  told,  this  irregularly  subnormal  young  man  with  his  con- 
siderable defect  in  judgment  and  his  inability  to  reason  or  plan 
well,  or  to  mentally  handle  abstract  material  has  created  a  vast 
deal  of  trouble  and  is  likely  to  create  still  more.  By  his  aggres- 
siveness and  fondness  for  legal  situations  he  has  already  involved 
himself  in  over  a  dozen  court  procedures  of  which  we  know.  He 
has  been  a  defendant  as  enumerated  above,  also  he  has  been  a 
plaintiff  in  other  cases,  or  instrumental  in  filing  complaints,  and 
these  all  outside  of  his  experience  as  office  or  messenger  boy  with 
various  law  concerns. 

(In  the  last  year  this  young  man  has  been  sentenced  3  more 
times  for  petty  swindling,  etc.) 

Mentality:   Subnormal,  verbalist  type. 

Case  95. 

Developmental:  Infantile  illness  with 
involvement  of  ner- 
vous system. 

Man,  age  20. 

Lying  _+  +  +• 




Chap.  XVII]       DEFECTS   IN    SPECIAL   MENTAL   ABILITIES  [§  277 

Mental  Defect  —  Concluded 

Defects  in  Special  Mental  Abilities.  §  277.  General  Statement.  §  278. 
Language  Defect.  §  279.  Defect  in  Arithmetical  Ability.  §  280.  Defect 
in  Judgment  and  Foresight.    §  281.  Defect  in  Self-control. 


§  277.  General  Statement.  —  We  now  enter  upon  the  dis- 
cussion of  special  mental  capacities  which  in  an  individual  of 
general  normal  ability  fall  considerably  below  the  average.  It 
is  hardly  fair  to  call  persons  with  defects  in  a  limited  sphere  mental 
defectives,  although  it  is  proper  to  include  discussion  of  such 
phenomena  under  the  head  of  mental  defect.  As  we  have  long 
maintained,  we  should  denominate  these  individuals  as  persons 
with  a  special  defect. 

I  suppose  that  practically  all  people  could  be  discovered  to 
have  some  portion  of  their  mental  abilities  below  par.  We  all 
have  localized  spots  of  weakness.  But  such  defects  become 
significant,  at  least  for  our  present  purposes,  only  when  the  given 
comparative  disability  is  of  social  importance.  The  vast  majority 
of  such  defects  do  not  much  hinder  one's  social  success,  and 
therefore  are  not  taken  much  account  of.  This  fact  is  easily 
recognized  when  we  remember  that  many  have,  for  instance, 
defects  in  the  musical  sense  which  preclude  average  appreciation 
or  reproduction  of  music.  Now  if  we  were  all  graded  on  the  basis 
of  musical  ability  it  is  obvious  that  many  who  now  pass  for  normal 
would  be  regarded  as  defective.  But  as  it  is,  let  an  individual 
have  a  language  or  an  arithmetical  defect  and  we  can  see  at 
once  that  he  is  likely  to  be  a  great  social  sufferer.  We  have 
observed  a  number  of  most  interesting  cases  in  which  a  limited 
mental  defect  has  had  a  well-marked  relation  to  the  causation 
of  delinquency.  The  irritations  which  may  arise  in  school  life, 
in  emplojTnent,  or  in  the  individual  social  circle,  as  the  result  of 
faulty  adaptations  of  ability  to  environment  may  be  very  dis- 
tressing. The  delinquency  appears  to  be  a  natural  reaction. 
That  this  latter  is  not  merely  a  theoretical  conjecture  on  our  part 


§  277]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XVII 

is  proven  by  the  fact  that  an  alteration  of  environment  and 
employment  has  sometimes  brought  about  an  entire  change 
of  behavior.  Indeed  the  possibility  of  constructive  work  with 
young  offenders  is  emphasized  in  this  field  as  almost  nowhere 

We  have  no  reason  in  our  present  work  to  deal  with  all  the 
different  varieties  of  specialized  mental  defect.  We  are  partic- 
ularly^ interested  in  those  defects  which  have  special  social  impor- 
tance, and  give  illustrative  cases  merely  of  these. 

§  278.  Language  Defect.  —  We  cannot  begin  in  this  place 
to  treat  all  kinds  of  language  defect.  We  may,  however,  give 
some  intimation  of  the  social  and  educational  importance  of 
certain  forms  of  language  disability,  and  the  grave  need  for  special 
adjustment  which  exists  in  such  cases.  (The  speech  troubles, 
especially  stuttering,  which  so  notoriously  are  correlated  with 
weakness  of  character,  are  discussed  in  their  proper  place,  §  169.) 
We  have  seen  several  psychological  varieties  of  language  defect 
among  delinquents  when  the  defect  itself  was  clearly  a  causative 
factor  of  the  delinquency.  The  variation  in  the  disabilities  exhib- 
ited is  what  one  might  expect  from  researches  on  aphasia  which 
demonstrate  the  great  complexity  of  neural  mechanisms  that 
control  the  powers  of  perception  and  reproduction  of  language. 

Case  96.  —  A  boy  of  15  was  brought  to  us  as  presenting  both 
a  problem  in  conduct  and  education.  His  parents  rather  consid- 
ered his  school  retardation  due  to  his  general  delinquent  tend- 
encies. We  were  told  that  for  years  he  had  engaged  in  a  moderate 
amount  of  truancy,  had  occasionally  stolen  from  home,  and  had 
been  very  disobedient.     Just  now  he  had  run  away  from  home. 

From  the  industrious  and  well-meaning  parents  we  ascertain 
that  pregnancy  and  birth  were  normal,  and  that  the  boy  was 
never  severely  ill.  When  younger  he  had  headaches  with  sickness 
at  his  stomach  and  attacks  of  nausea,  but  for  the  last  couple  of 
years  rarely  had  anything  of  the  sort.  No  injuries  of  any  import- 
ance. The  family  have  considered  him  rather  hysterical  because 
of  his  cowardly  behavior  when  punished.  No  significant  infor- 
mation on  heredity  was  obtainable.  The  mother  was  only  about 
17  years  old  when  he  was  born. 

Through  early  childhood  this  boy  was  considered  bright.  Even 
in  school  his  teachers  gave  him  this  reputation,  but  said  he  would 
not  learn.  At  least  one  of  them  worked  very  hard  with  him. 
At  14,  in  spite  of  much  urging,  he  had  reached  only  the  5th  grade. 


Chap.  XVII]  LANGUAGE    DEFECT  [§  278 

His  parents  are  much  concerned  about  him  because  he  cannot 
read  and  cannot  write  a  letter.  They  feel  he  is  going  to  the  dogs 
on  account  of  his  backwardness. 

Physically,  we  find  him  in  rather  poor  general  condition. 
Round  shoulders  and  narrow  chest;  weight  100  lbs.;  height  5  ft. 
3  in.;  no  sensory  defect  found;  tonsils  moderately  enlarged.  A 
pleasant  and  responsive  expression.  Gives  the  impression  of 
physical  weakness  on  account  of  his  general  attitude  and  small, 
narrow  face. 

Mental  tests ;  our  own  series : 

I.   Very  rapidly  done  in  1'  without  any  trial  and  error. 

IV.  Construction  test  B.  1'  1".  29  moves.  Rational  and  fairly 
rapid  performance.  Given  to  him  immediately  afterward  upside 
down,  he  did  it  in  18"  with  the  minimum  possible  number  of  moves. 

V.  Puzzle  box.  2'  10".  One  error  interspersed  between  steps  one 
and  two.  Put  the  apparatus  together  again  without  error.  This  latter 
is  a  test  rarely  given  because  of  its  difficulties. 

VII.  Had  some  difficulty  in  the  reproduction  of  these  geometrical 
figures.  The  first  time  he  failed  on  each,  and  when  he  succeeded  at 
the  second  exposure  he  stated  in  response  to  om-  inquiry  that  he  said 
over  to  himself  a  sort  of  verbal  description  of  the  figure. 

IX.  Cross  line  test  A.    Correct  at  first  trial. 

X.  Cross  line  test  B.    Correct  at  first  trial. 

XL  Code  test.  Got  the  idea  by  himself,  but  had  much  difficulty 
Mdth  the  reproduction.  Made  seven  errors  out  of  eleven  possibilities. 
Evidently  was  unable  to  keep  the  original  represented  to  himself 

XII.  Memory  from  visual  verbal  presentation.  Got  the  idea  much 
jumbled,  although  18  of  the  20  items  were  fairly  well  recalled.  He 
stated  that  he  accomplished  this  feat  by  reading  each  line  and  then 
sai^dng  it  over  to  himself. 

XIII.  Memory  from  auditory  verbal  presentation.  Recalled  nine 
items,  including  all  the  important  ones,  out  of  the  twelve.  Gave  them 
in  logical  sequence. 

XV.  Antonyms.  One  failure  and  three  errors.  Average  time  1.4". 
Many  of  these  opposites  were  given  in  remarkably  quick  time. 

XVI.  Motor  coordination  test.  Fairly  well  done.  At  the  first  trial 
he  tapped  88  squares  with  one  error,  and  the  second  trial  tapped  89 
squares  with  4  errors. 

XVII.  Writes  a  fair  boyish  hand  and  spells  simple  words  correctly. 

XVIII.  Does  correctly  a  problem  in  long  division. 

XIX.  His  reading  is  a  most  curious  performance.  Words  visually 
presented,  unless  they  are  short  and  most  familiar,  seem  to  have  the 
most  haphazard  meanings  for  him.  Crib  is  cah,  tunnel  is  turned,  cylin- 
ders is  candles,  60  is  16  and  so  on.  When  words  are  given  orally  to 
him  to  spell  he  does  unexpectedly  much  better,  although  with  a  num- 




[Chap.  XVII 

ber  of  errors  on  small  words.    The  trouble  seems  to  be  in  \dsual  recog- 
nition of  the  words. 

XXII.  Knows  most  of  the  common  facts  of  history  and  geography. 
Names  four  of  the  five  Great  Lakes  correctly.  Said  that  he  never 
read  a  book  —  that  he  never  wanted  to  read,  but  that  his  mother  used 
to  read  to  him,  and  he  told  the  titles  of  many  books  she  read.  He  has 
picked  up  quite  a  number  of  items  of  scientific  information.  He  knows 
something  of  electricity  which  he  has  learned  by  observing  the  work 
of  a  neighbor  who  is  an  electrician. 

This  boy  thus  proved  to  have  exceedingly  good  ability  in  many 
ways,  and  did  most  of  the  work  of  his  school  grade,  but  he  has  a 
pronounced  language  defect  which  has  been  holding  him  back. 
In  the  short  time  at  our  disposal  for  the  study  of  this  boy  we 
were  unable  to  completely  cover  the  field  for  educational  diag- 
nosis and  recommendations.  However,  the  case  is  clear-cut,  the 
relationship  between  the  boy's  delinquent  tendency  and  his 
school  dissatisfactions  being  well  marked.  This  is  accentuated 
by  the  fact  that  the  boy  comes  from  a  moral  and  sympathetic 
home.  His  defect  is  highly  specialized,  even  within  the  sphere 
of  language  ability.  Our  recommendations  were  special  tutoring 
in  a  school  where  the  boy's  moral  and  educational  welfare  could 
be  looked  after  in  a  constructive  and  not  in  a  repressive  way. 

Mentality :   Special  language  defect.  Case  96. 

Social  adaptation  faulty :  Irritations  •^'  ^^® 

both    at 
school  and  home. 

Physical  conditions :  Early  sick  headaches. 

Now  poor  general  conditions. 

Running  away. 

The  following  case  in  its  proved  constructive  possibilities  has 
much  teaching  value. 

Case  97.  —  A  boy  of  15  was  reported  to  the  police  as  a  great 
menace  in  his  neighborhood.  It  was  stated  that  he  showed  many 
immoral  tendencies.  The  specific  complaints  were  extremely 
bad  language,  much  fighting,  molesting  of  little  girls.  It  was 
suggested  by  various  friends  and  observers  that  he  could  only  be 
managed  by  being  sent  to  a  reformatory,  or  perhaps  to  an  insti- 


Chap.  XVII]  LANGUAGE   DEFECT  [§  278 

tut  ion  for  defectives.  He  was  in  the  subnormal  room  of  a  city 

We  found  the  mother  to  be  a  pleasant  and  well-meaning  woman 
who  worked  out  every  day.  She  is  much  interested  in  the  boy 
and  has  no  complaint  to  make  about  his  home  behavior.  He  is 
obedient  and  trustworthy.  She  says  he  has  long  been  most 
anxious  to  go  to  work.  After  the  father  died  many  years  ago, 
the  boy  for  some  time  was  in  an  orphanage.  The  mother  speaks 
very  little  English.  Her  son  first  learned  his  parents'  native 
language,  and  they  always  speak  this  at  home. 

This  boy  was  one  of  twins,  each  of  whom  weighed  about  4  lbs. 
at  birth.  The  other  died  during  infancy.  There  is  an  older  sister 
who  did  well  at  school  and  is  self-supporting.  This  boy  walked 
and  talked  early.  He  was  very  ill  with  some  disease  of  the  lungs 
at  4  years  of  age.  Later  he  had  scarlet  fever  mildly.  Had  slight 
injury  to  his  head  at  about  9  years.  All  other  points  about 
developmental  history  seem  to  be  negative.  Mother  knows 
nothing  of  her  husband's  family.  On  her  side  there  was  no  mental 
abnormality  or  epilepsy.  Her  people  were  generally  regarded  as 
being  quite  bright.  The  boy's  father  was  alcoholic  and  died  early 
from  hard  drinking,  the  doctor  said. 

Physical  examination  showed  this  boy  to  be  in  very  good  gen- 
eral condition,  although  rather  small  for  his  age.  Exceptionally 
well  muscled  and  strong;  maintains  he  can  lift  one  hundred 
pounds.  Height  4  ft.  10  in.;  weight  100  lbs.  Nutrition  and 
color  good.  Strong,  straight  profile,  good  chin,  and  large,  well- 
shaped  head.  His  general  attitude  was  of  much  interest.  He 
seemed  quiet  and  strong,  but  appeared  quite  sullen  except  after 
much  encouragement.  When  we  first  knew  him  he  used  to  speak 
in  a  curious  whisper,  showing  great  repression  in  so  strong  a  lad. 
Development  in  all  ways  normal  except  for  the  fact  that  upper 
lateral  incisors  absent,  said  never  to  have  been  removed.  No 
sensory  defect  of  importance  noted. 

Mental  tests;   our  own  series: 

I.  3'  5'^    No  repetition  of  trial  and  error  on  the  triangles. 

II.  3'  20".  13  errors.  (The  slowness  on  these  early  tests  is  to  be 
accounted  for  by  his  sullen  attitude  at  first.) 

III.  Construction  Test  A.  3'.  His  slowness  of  procedure  in  this, 
as  well  as  in  the  previous  one,  is  shown  by  the  fact  that  he  did  only 
26  moves  in  3'. 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.  40",  11  moves.  Remarkably  rapid  and 
accurate  performance. 


§  278]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XVII 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  Again  a  remarkably  good  result.  2'  30".  Very- 
well  planned.  Proceeded  logically  through  the  performance,  except 
trial  of  one  error  between  steps  one  and  three. 

VI.  "Aussage."  Full  functional  account.  Practically  no  evidence 
of  suggestibility. 

VIII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Symbol  Associations.  Done  promptly 
and  without  error. 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.    Correct  at  first  trial. 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.    Correct  at  third  trial. 

XIII.  Memory  Test  from  Auditory  Verbal  Presentation.  Entire 
12  items  recalled  and  logical  sequence  good,  but  no  attempt  at  verbal 
accuracy.  The  result  was  given  in  curious,  disjointed  manner  of 

XV.  Antonyms.     Three  failures.     Average  time  2.7". 

XVI.  Motor  Coordination  Test.  First  trial  70  squares  and  no 
errors.    Second  trial  77  squares  and  no  errors. 

XVII.  Normal  penmanship,  but  fails  utterly  to  write  the  simplest 
sentence  from  dictation.  Can  spell  "the,"  "made,"  but  not  "cards," 
or  "printer"  or  "some."  (Although  German  is  largely  spoken  at 
home  he  cannot  do  any  better  in  that  language.) 

XVIII.  Adds  and  multiplies  correctly  simple  sums.  This  work 
entirely  out  of  proportion  to  his  language  defect. 

It  is  hardly  necessary  to  go  into  the  details  of  this  boy's  story 
or  his  own  feelings  about  his  relations  to  the  school  and  to  the 
world  generally.  It  is  enough  to  say  that  on  the  several  occa- 
sions when  we  have  met  him  he  has  always  felt  certain  he  did 
not  want  to  go  to  school.  For  years  he  had  wanted  to  go  to  work, 
and  after  he  got  to  work  he  was  quite  satisfied.  At  our  first 
interview  he  spoke  bitterly  of  a  girl  who  could  do  reading,  but 
could  not  do  numbers,  "  and  she  got  shoved  ahead."  He  said 
that,  on  the  other  hand,  he  knew  his  numbers  and  everything 
else  except  reading,  but  on  account  of  the  latter  was  kept  down 
with  the  "  dippy  "  ones.  He  made  much  of  school  irritations 
and  how  he  reacted  by  fights  and  bad  language,  and  of  how  bad 
the  subnormal  girls  were. 

This  whole  case  stands  out  clearly  enough  in  its  various  aspects. 
There  was  a  special  mental  defect  for  language.  The  boy  was 
for  a  time  given  a  change  of  environment  with  plenty  of  encour- 
agement. With  amateur  instruction  at  night  he  plodded  along 
with  his  reading  and  writing.  In  a  few  months  he  was  able  to 
read  passages  containing  simple  words,  and  from  dictation  was 
able  to  write,  "  I  see  the  dog  on  the  street,"  etc.  He  also  wrote 
a  simple  letter.  But  what  was  of  much  greater  interest  is  the 
fact  that  his  conduct  seems  to  be  entirely  changed.     He  has 


Chap.  XVII  ]         DEFECT    IN    ARITHMETICAL   ABILITY  [§  279 

done  well  in  his  places  of  employment  from  the  first.  He  tried 
several  places,  and  changed  on  his  own  volition  until  he  obtained 
employment  that  paid  well.  As  a  young  man  he  is  doing  much 
to  support  his  mother  now.  He  has  also  made  a  big  gain  in  weight 
and  height.  The  discouragements  that  came  as  the  result  of 
his  school  life  ha^'e  been  swept  away  and  his  capacity  to  earn 
well  has  given  him  a  sense  of  manliness. 

In  interpretation  of  this  case  it  is  to  be  remembered  that  no 
definite  cause  for  his  special  disability  was  found.  It  was  unfor- 
tunate that  early  he  had  to  strive  with  two  languages,  when  he 
had  not  ability  enough  for  one.  But  the  cause  for  his  bad  con- 
duct was  successfully  diagnosed;  after  bettered  social  treatment 
w^as  offered  him,  there  has  been  not  a  single  further  complaint  of 

Mentality:   Special  defect  for  language. 

Case  97. 

School  irritations:  Misfit  in  educational 

Boy,  age  15. 


Poverty :  No  private  tutoring  possible. 

Foreign  language  at  home. 

General  incorrigibility. 

Bad  sex  tendencies. 

§  279.  Defect  in  Arithmetical  Ability.  —  We  need  hardly  say 
that  just  as  certain  persons  may  have  special  talents  for  arith- 
metical tasks,  so  others  may  have  special  disabilities  in  this  direc- 
tion. The  following  case  is  especially  illustrative  of  the  social 
significance  of  such  disability. 

Case  98.  —  This  is  a  young  man  now  20  years  old  whom  we 
have  known  for  3  years.  He  comes  of  a  family  of  English-speak- 
ing immigrants  that  has  done  remarkably  well,  being  on  the  up- 
grade in  every  way.  He  is  the  youngest  of  four  children,  all  of 
whom  are  alive.  The  three  others  have  been  through  school  and 
to  business  college  and  have  turned  out  very  well  indeed.  All  of 
them  have  taken  to  ofiice  work  and  have  marked  ability  as  book- 
keepers and  the  like.  The  father  and  mother,  as  well  as  the  chil- 
dren, are  healthy  and  strong.  An  undoubtedly  good  family 
history  has  been  given,  and  one  hears  of  no  insanity,  feeblemind- 
edness or  epilepsy  on  either  side.    There  were  aberrant  tenden- 


§  279]  MENTAL  DEFECT  [Chap.  XVII 

cies  only  in  the  case  of  one  paternal  aunt  who  was  said  to  be 
"  soft-hearted  and  lazy,"  and  a  paternal  great-aunt  who  used 
to  get  despondent  spells  and  leave  home  for  awhile  and  stay  with 

The  subject  of  our  study  has  had  a  developmental  history 
without  a  point  of  significance  in  it  as  far  as  we  can  learn.  His 
pregnancy  and  birth  were  normal.  Always  healthy  and  strong; 
no  attacks  of  any  kind;  his  only  disease  was  a  slight  attack  of 
measles.  He  learned  bad  sex  habits  early,  but  never  practiced 
them  sufficiently  to  interfere  with  his  physical  well-being.  Recently 
has  been  a  moderate  user  of  tea  and  coffee,  and  occasionally 
lately  has  taken  a  few  glasses  of  beer  when  away  from  home,  as 
he  frankly  tells  us.  He  began  to  smoke  as  a  young  boy,  and  has 
intermittently  done  so  ever  since.  He  was  in  the  juvenile  court 
two  or  three  times,  twice  for  running  away  from  home.  The 
only  stealing  known  of  was  when  he  took  a  revolver.  His  truancy 
began  as  a  habit  when  he  was  12  years  old,  at  which  time  his 
mother  went  back  to  Europe  for  a  visit.  He  was  once  away 
from  home  a  whole  month,  and  altogether  has  run  away  a  number 
of  times.  At  home  he  is  obedient  and  good-hearted,  and  rather 
a  quiet  fellow.  His  school  record  for  deportment  was  good.  He 
has  been  disciplined  in  various  ways  for  his  faults,  but  without 
ultimate  favorable  result.  At  one  time  he  worked  under  his 
father  steadily  for  half  a  year. 

He  went  to  public  school  until  he  was  14,  attained  6th  grade, 
then  he  attended  a  good  business  college  for  8  months.  Following 
that,  while  he  was  working,  he  went  for  some  months  to  evening 
classes  in  the  same  school.  His  family  have  been  doing  their 
best  to  push  him  forward  in  the  line  in  which  they  have  been 
successful,  namely,  in  office  work. 

Physical  examination  at  17  years  old  showed  him  to  be  a  big, 
tall,  strong  lad,  slouchy  tj'pe.  Very  pleasant  and  much  smiling. 
Well-shaped  head.  Vision;  right  20-25,  left  20-40.  Nystagmoid 
movements  on  lateral  deviation.  No  anomalies  of  development. 
High  Gothic  palate;  right  side  of  nose  totally  occluded  from  a 
deflected  septum;  tonsils  much  enlarged;  hearing  about  normal. 
Good  color,  much  biting  of  finger  nails.  Constant  fine  tremor 
of  outstretched  hands. 

Mental  tests;   our  own  series: 

I.  2'  35".    No  repetition  of  errors. 

II.  1'  29".    Only  one  error. 


Chap.  XVII]         DEFECT    IN    ARITHMETICAL    ABILITY  [§  279 

III.  Construction  Test  A.  13".  Only  6  moves.  Remarkably  good 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.  50"  and  11  moves,  the  smallest  possible 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  1'  20".  Veiy  rapid  perception  of  the  steps  to  be 
<ione  and  quick  folloA^dng  them  up  one  after  another. 

VI.  "Aussage."  Good  account  given  with  a  fair  number  of  de- 
tails.   No  suggestibility  shown. 

VII.  Reproduction  of  Geometric  Figures.    Fairly  good  result. 

VIII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Symbol  Associations.  Done  poorly. 
Four  final  errors. 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.    Correct  at  3d  trial. 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.    Done  correctly  at  the  first  attempt. 

XII.  Memory  from  Visual  Verbal  Presentation.  Only  three  out 
of  twenty  items  omitted  and  the  rest  given  in  correct  logical  sequence. 

XIII.  Memory  from  Auditory  Verbal  Presentation.  Compara- 
tively poor  result.  Four  out  of  twelve  items  omitted,  the  logical 
sequence  inaccurate,  and  several  alterations  of  minor  details. 

XIV.  Instruction  Box.    Done  correctly  only  at  the  third  trial. 

XV.  Antonvm  Test.  Two  failures,  two  errors  and  average  time 
slow  — 3.3". 

XVI.  Motor  Coordination  Test.  74  and  75  squares  tapped  re- 
spectively at  1st  and  2d  trials.    No  errors. 

XVII.  Writes  a  childish  hand.     Uses  capitals  promiscuously. 

XVIII.  Arithmetic.  Very  painfully  and  slowly  adds  up  a  short 
sum  of  three  columns  with  one  error.  Has  not  the  slightest  concep- 
tion of  how  to  go  about  the  multiplication  part  of  a  simple  example 
in  percentage,  although  he  has  had  many  months  of  training  in  the 
business  college. 

XIX.  Makes  such  mispronunciations  as  "man"  for  "men,"  and 
''part"  for  "party." 

XXII.  Information  is  particularly  poor.  He  does  not  read  at  all 
except  some  of  the  head-lines  of  the  newspaper,  and  although  he  was 
born  in  this  country  he  does  not  know  what  the  Fourth  of  July  cele- 
brates. He  cannot  name  the  five  Great  Lakes.  His  information  on 
scientific  items  is  very  poor.  He  does  not  care  much  for  theatres  or 
nickel  show^s,  does  not  know  much  about  sports.  He  has  worked  with 
tools  at  home  and  made  various  things. 

There  is  much  more  to  be  learned  about  this  boy  psychologic- 
ally than  is  show^n  by  tests.  As  his  parents  state,  he  is  a  lazy 
type  and  has  not  done  nearly  so  well  in  school  as  he  might  have 
done,  even  considering  his  specialized  disability.  When  under 
detention  he  wrote  letters  to  his  mother  that  were  full  of  talk 
about  kisses  and  caresses,  and  in  court  he  wept  on  his  mother's 
shoulder  like  a  little  boy,  crying  so  hard  that  he  could  not  talk. 
He  has  had  much  desire  for  roving,  and  has  been  away  on  trips 


§  279]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XVII 

out  of  town.  Recently  his  family  attempted  to  get  him  into  the 
navy,  but  he  was  rejected  on  account  of  defective  vision.  He 
was  very  frank  with  us,  altogether  pleasant  and  respectful.  He 
seems  like  a  rather  childish,  soft  and  easily  led,  overgrown  boy. 
He  talks  about  his  mother  and  about  girls  in  the  softest  kind  of 
way.    He  feels  himself  to  be  a  great  deal  of  a  failure. 

"  The  first  time  I  ever  ran  away  from  home  was  when  I  was 
going  to  business  college.  Some  other  boys  were  going  and  I 
thought  I  would  go  with  them.  We  beat  it  out  in  a  freight  to 
Dwight.  Was  only  there  two  days  and  then  beat  it  right  home. 
The  second  time  I  was  away  a  month  and  a  week.  I  was  work- 
ing at  a  livery  stable.  I  had  a  thought  and  I  walked  off  and  did 
not  tell  any  one  where  I  was  going.  Last  time  a  couple  of  boys 
were  going  and  I  thought  would  go  with  them.  We  was  going 
to  Washington,  D.  C,  but  we  did  not  get  there.  We  just  got 
to  the  gate  and  that 's  as  far  as  we  got.  It  was  on  the  North- 
western Railroad.  I  guess  Washington  is  on  the  Northwestern 
—  I  don't  know.  These  kids  work.  They  were  once  arrested 
for  a  hold-up.  They  are  the  kids  I  mostly  go  with.  That  was 
three  years  ago.  I  was  here  once  before  for  having  a  gun  on  me. 
I  stole  it  from  a  fellow.  It  was  on  top  of  the  desk.  I  never  stole 
anything  before.  Once  in  awhile  went  with  some  fellows  and 
some  tough  girls.  First  time  it  was  about  two  years  ago.  Think 
that 's  about  the  worst  of  it.  I  get  along  in  school  all  right  —  not 
so  good  in  business  college.  I  studied  book-keeping.  I  don't 
think  I  could  get  a  job  of  book-keeping  —  I  could  not  remember 
it.  I  like  riding  on  a  wagon.  I  've  liked  horses  ever  since  I  was  a 
kid.  Would  have  liked  to  go  out  on  a  farm.  I  would  be  satisfied 
to  get  a  job  out  there." 

After  his  second  appearance  in  court  this  boy  was  taken  home 
by  his  parents  with  the  idea  of  having  his  physical  defects  attended 
to.  Their  physician  began  treatment,  but  the  boy  ran  away  from 
home  again.  Then  he  appeared  in  court  once  more.  At  last, 
with  the  full  understanding  of  his  vocational  needs  he  was  placed 
out  on  a  farm.  There  he  has  succeeded  admirably  ever  since. 
He  has  done  so  well  that  his  family  go  out  and  spend  their  vaca- 
tions at  the  place  where  he  works. 

In  summary  of  this  case  one  sees  very  clearly  that  here  was  a 
case  of  very  special  mental  defect.  In  spite  of  many  years  of 
schooling  he  was  an  utter  failure  at  arithmetic.  His  family,  not 
realizing  this,  were  attempting  to  force  him  into  an  occupation 


Chap.  XVIl]  DEFECT    IX    AKlTliiMKTICAL    ABILITY  [§  279 

where  arithmetic  was  an  indispensable  condition  of  success. 
They  attributed  his  faihn-e  to  his  general  laziness. 

There  can  be  no  doubt  that  there  were  other  contributory 
factors  to  his  delinquent  career.  There  was  bad  companionship 
and  lack  of  good  parental  control  at  a  critical  time.  There  were 
irritating  physical  conditions,  possibly  bad  sex  habits  as  a  cause 
of  deterioration,  and  there  was  adolescent  instability  and  a  gen- 
eral tendency  to  laziness.  But  it  seemed  clear  that  the  boy's 
discouragements  in  education  and  occupation  were  very  great, 
and  probably  formed  the  greatest  cause  of  his  moral  failure.  The 
first  step  towards  success  was  obviously  to  try  to  fit  him  into  his 
place  in  the  world,  and  not  to  keep  him  in  the  paths  prescribed 
by  his  family. 

The  very  good  performance  which  this  boy  gave  on  even  some 
of  the  more  difficult  of  our  tests  showed  him  to  have  considerable 
ability  along  certain  lines  where  concrete  material  might  be  han- 
dled. Some  conclusions  coidd  also  be  drawn  from  the  fact  that 
he  had  never  run  away  when  he  was  working  at  suitable  occu- 
pations, and  that  the  last  time  he  was  away  he  had  been  earning 
well  by  working  in  a  livery  stable. 

If  one  had  been  making  an  educational  diagnosis  in  this  in- 
stance many  features  of  the  case  would  have  to  be  considered  and 
many  studies  made.  It  does  not  appear  that  the  boy  was  defective 
solely  in  arithmetical  ability.  His  records  even  in  our  tests  show 
tendency  to  other  defects,  but  in  nothing  like  the  same  pro- 
portion, because  on  arithmetic  he  had  received  so  many  years 
of  special  drill.  Of  course  there  must  have  been  some  general 
ability,  or  the  boy  would  not  have  been  carried  to  6th  grade  in 
spite  of  his  arithmetical  failure,  and  he  would  not  have  been 
able  to  retain  his  place  in  the  business  college.  Intensive  study 
of  all  his  mental  aptitudes  would  have  been  of  great  practical  value 
during  his  school  life.  Our  own  work,  while  so  productive  of 
good  moral  results,  was  anything  but  intensive  from  the  stand- 
point of  educational  psychology.  In  other  cases,  much  more 
thoroughly  gone  into  from  the  standpoint  of  the  comparative 
study  of  mental  ability,  when  arithmetic  seemed  practically  to 
be  the  sole  source  of  trouble,  we  have  so  far  never  found  an 
individual  defective  in  arithmetical  ability  alone,  even  though  it 
has  stood  in  great  contrast  to  such  other  capacities  as  language 

The  whole  case  demonstrates  by  first  diagnosis  and  in  its  prac- 


§  279]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XVII 

tical  outcome  the  grievous  error  there  may  be  in  trying  to  fit  a 
square  peg  in  a  round  hole. 

Educational  and  occupational  dissatisfaction.  Case  98. 

Mentality:  Specialized  defect.  ^o^'  ^S^  1^- 

Adolescent  instability. 

Physical  conditions:  defective  vision, 

nasal  occlusion,  etc. 
Truancy.  Mentality : 

Runaway  +.  Good  in  some  abilities. 

Stealing.  Specialized  defect. 

§  280.  Defect  in  Judgment  and  Foresight.  —  Nobody  who 
does  even  moderately  intensive  psychological  work  with  delin- 
quents can  doubt  that  there  are  individuals  whose  main,  if  not 
sole  mental  defect,  is  in  the  realm  of  certain  higher  mental  capa- 
bilities. Perhaps  these  might  be  called  the  higher  apperceptions. 
We  would  specifically  mention  the  powers  of  judgment,  or  rea- 
soning, or  foresight,  and  the  ability  to  make  a  mental  representa- 
tion and  analysis  of  a  given  situation.  It  is  easy  to  see  that  such 
defects  may  have  much  to  do  with  behavior.  A  weakness  in  these 
qualities  is  a  thing  apart  from  defect  in  the  sphere  of  the  voli- 
tions, which  we  deal  with  later,  §  281. 

Many  striking  cases  of  the  above  type  of  defect  are  to  be  found 
among  the  criminalistic.  The  diagnosis  is  often  suggested  by 
conduct  itself,  but  of  course,  can  never  be  fairly  rendered  without 
the  use  of  tests.  The  following  cases,  although  involving,  as  most 
cases  do,  a  number  of  factors  in  the  production  of  delinquency, 
illustrate  very  well  by  conduct  and  by  tests  the  type  of  defect 
in  the  higher  mental  qualities  we  have  mentioned  above. 

Case  99.  —  A  boy  with  a  very  long  record  of  stealing,  truancy, 
running  away,  loafing,  associating  with  bad  companions  and 
general  incorrigibility,  in  spite  of  some  good  opportunities,  was 
studied  by  us.  He  was  16  years  of  age.  On  account  of  his  orphan- 
age a  complete  developmental  and  family  history  was  not  obtained, 
but  undoubtedly  the  major  points  were  correctly  given  by  a 
sister,  who  was  both  intelligent  and  interested.  There  is  said 
to  have  been  no  trouble  in  any  way  with  other  members  of  the 
family,  except  one  brother  who  drinks.  No  epilepsy,  insanity 
or  feeblemindedness  known  in  the  family.     Father  and  mother 


Chap.  XVI I]       DEFECT    IN    JUDGMENT    AND    FORESIGHT  [§  280 

been  dead  for  years.  The  boy  is  the  youngest  of  seven  children. 
All  are  alive  and  grown  up.  The  mother  was  about  30  when  he 
was  born.  Not  known  to  have  had  any  trouble  at  time  of  birth. 
Walked  and  talked  early.  He  had  spinal  meningitis  at  2  years 
of  age,  which  left  him  partially  paralyzed,  and  he  is  still  somewhat 
lame  from  this.  A  slight  attack  of  pneumonia  at  5  years.  Had 
an  operation  on  his  throat  not  long  ago.  Had  enuresis  until  he 
was  10  or  11,  when  he  was  circumcised.  Never  any  convulsions 
or  any  kind  of  attacks. 

He  has  lived  in  a  number  of  different  homes  and  in  several 
boarding  schools.  Was  once  sent  away  as  a  semi-delinquent  and 
has  been  twice  in  disciplinary  institutions.  Reached  5th  grade 
and  left  school  at  14.  In  spite  of  his  lameness  he  has  been  very 
vigorous  about  running  away  from  schools  and  institutions. 
Not  known  by  his  family  to  have  any  bad  habits  except  that  he 
chews  tobacco  a  little.  He  has  stolen  a  number  of  times  from  his 
people,  and  has  even  tried  to  sell  the  family  silver.  His  truancy 
began  as  early  as  ten  years.  The  boy  himself  says  he  began  to 
steal  with  other  boys  when  he  was  12. 

From  the  physical  side  we  found  him  to  be  well  developed 
and  nourished.  Partial  atrophy  of  right  leg.  Strength  only 
fair  for  his  size.  Knee  jerks  on  the  right  side  not  obtained.  Con- 
stant fine  tremor  of  outstreched  hands.  Fair  color.  No  deveK 
opmental  anomalies.  Head  fairly  large  and  well  shaped.  Teeth 
in  good  condition.  Peculiar,  long  face.  Thick  lips.  Slouchy 
and  weak  attitude.  Rather  dull  expression,  mouth  breather 
much  of  the  time.    Vision,  right  10-40;   left,  10-25. 

Mental  tests;    our  own  series: 

I.  1'  15".    Very  small  amount  of  trial  and  error  on  triangles. 

II.  2'  30".    6  errors. 

III.  Construction  Test  A.    Only  6  total  moves.     15". 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.  1'  15".  Only  13  moves.  On  both  of 
these  construction  tests  the  result  was  extremely  good. 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  2'  45".  Trial  and  error  moderate  until  first  step 
was  done.  After  that  the  steps  were  done  rapidly  and  without  break. 
No  foresight  or  planning  shown  in  the  method  of  attacking  the 

VI.  "Aussage."  Short  functional  account  given  at  first,  but  an 
exceptionally  good  result  given  on  the  cross-examination.  Many 
items  given.    Two  suggestions  received,  but  three  rejected. 

VII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Symbol  Associations.  Done  rapidly  and 
entirely  correctly. 

IX.    Cross  Line  Test  A.    Astonishing  amount  of  difficulty  with  this, 


§  280]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XVII 

considering  age  and  other  mental  capabilities.  Correct  only  at  the 
4th  trial  after  he  had  drawn  the  figure  from  memory  three  times. 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.  Likewise  poor  result.  Correct  only  at  3d 
trial.    No  difficulty  whatever  in  remembering  these  figures  as  a  whole. 

XL  Code  Test.  An  utter  failure.  Did  not  succeed  in  getting  the 
idea  and  failed  in  making  the  necessary  mental  representations  and 

XII.  Memory  from  Visual  Verbal  Presentation.  Logical  sequence 
correct  and  only  three  minor  details  omitted.  No  attempt  at  verbal 

XIII.  Memory  from  Auditory  Verbal  Presentation.  Two  out  of 
the  twelve  items  omitted.  The  others  given  with  correct  logical 

XIV.  Instruction  Box.  The  only  trouble  with  this  was  on  the  close 
work  of  the  dial.    It  was  finally  done  rapidly  on  the  4th  trial. 

XV.  Antonym  Test.    Two  failures,  no  errors.    Average  time,  L3". 

XVI.  Motor  Coordination  Test.  81  squares  first  trial.  No 
errors.    85  squares  second  trial.    One  error. 

XVII.  Writes  a  fairly  mature  hand.  Has  considerable  difficulty 
with  spelling  the  longer  words. 

XVIII.  Arithmetic.  The  results  very  poor  for  age  and  school 
grade.  Does  not  know  the  process  of  adding  simple  fractions.  Knows 
process  of  long  division  but  makes  many  errors  in  subtraction  and 
multiplication.    Most  trouble  seems  to  be  in  carrjdng. 

XIX.  Reads  5th-grade  passage  with  only  one  word  unknown, 
namely,  cylinders. 

XXII.  Much  jumbled  on  geography,  history  and  scientific  items. 
Says  Abraham  Lincoln  was  the  first  president;  London  is  the  largest 
city  in  America;  says  the  moon  goes  down  to  the  other  world  in  the 

From  the  results  of  tests  we  see  that  this  boy  has  considerable 
ability  along  certain  lines,  e.g.,  perceptions  and  memories.  These 
can  carry  him  quite  far  in  school  work  and  employment.  On 
the  other  hand  he  is  distinctly  defective  in  the  ability  to  make  a 
mental  representation  of  a  situation  and  analyze  it.  He  han- 
dles very  poorly  anything  that  savors  of  abstractions.  His 
judgment  seems  to  be  fair  only  when  he  is  dealing  with  concrete 
material.  We  have  evidence  proving  his  poor  ability  to  foresee 
and  plan.  He  is  decidedly  pleasant  and  responsive,  but  has  not 
the  least  idea  of  sizing  himself  up  in  his  relations  to  the  world. 
He  says  his  people  are  good  to  him,  but  yet  he  gives  them  a 
tremendous  amount  of  trouble.  He  is  in  constant  fear  of  being 
sent  away  again  to  an  institution.  He  dislikes  institutions  so  much 
that  he  has  more  than  once  run  away  from  them,  still  he  acts 
in  such  a  way  as  to  make  it  impossible  for  him  to  be  kept  at 


Chap.  XVII]       DEFECT    IN    JITDGMENT    AND    FORESIGHT  [§  280 

home.  He  does  not  even  know  that  he  has  bad  eyesight.  He 
has  never  thought  about  it,  and  when  asked  about  an  occupation 
says  he  would  hke  to  be  a  printer. 

"  I  stole  some  silver  on  my  sister  and  tried  to  sell  it  and  could 
not  do  it.  I  was  not  working  for  two  or  three  weeks  —  I  wanted 
some  money  —  wanted  to  go  to  the  theatre.  I  am  the  youngest. 
None  of  the  others  ever  in  trouble.  I  stole  first  when  I  was  about 
10  years  old.  I  was  with  a  bunch  of  boys.  Was  not  with  any 
crowd  this  time.  Would  like  to  brace  up  now  and  go  home.  I 
ncA'er  worked  at  anything  except  running  errands.  I  never  tried 
to  learn  a  trade.  Never  knew  about  my  bad  eyesight  —  nobody 
told  me.  I  can't  tell  you  what 's  the  matter  with  me  —  stealing 
I  guess." 

As  possible  factors  in  bringing  about  the  boy's  delinquency 
we  have  his  poor  physical  conditions,  the  death  of  his  parents, 
his  associating  with  bad  companions;  and  the  mild  indulgence 
in  bad  sex  habits  which  he  tells  us  about  may  have  been  some- 
what a  source  of  weakness.  But  his  most  extensive  and  irra- 
tional delinquencies,  through  which  he  continually  gets  into  situ- 
ations which  he  wishes  above  all  things  to  avoid,  and  our  findings 
on  tests,  show  the  main  trouble  undoubtedly  to  be  due  to  defect 
in  the  important  mental  capacities  of  judgment  and  foresight. 

Mentality:  Special  defects.  Case  99. 

Home  conditions :  Parents  dead.      ^^^^  ^^^  ^^  y^^-  ^  "^^s- 
Much  chang- 
ing about. 

Bad  companions. 

Physical  conditions:  Defective  vision. 

Sequelae  of  nervous  disease. 
Bad  sex  habits. 


Truancy  +.  Mentality: 

Stealing  -|-.  Many  normal  abilities, 
Loafing  and  incorrigibility.  special  defect. 

A  still  more  convincing  case  showing  special  defect  in  higher 
mental  powers  as  demonstrated  clearly  by  tests,  and  as  suggested 
by  behavior,  is  the  following : 

Case  100.  —  Amelia  R.,  now  19  years  old.  This  case  has  been 
very  well  studied  over  a  period  of  about  4  years,  and  much  has 


§  280]  MENTAL    DEFECT  [Chap.  XVII 

been  done  for  her,  but  in  spite  of  this  she  has  caused  a  very  great 
deal  of  trouble  to  many  friends  who  have  tried  to  help  her,  and 
she  has  frequently  appeared  in  court.  The  details  of  her  troubles 
would  require  long  to  relate,  and  we  can  only  give  them  in  part. 
For  our  purposes  it  is  enough  to  show  the  mental  background 
which  overshadows  all  the  other  factors  as  being  the  main  source 
of  her  difficulties.  Other  causes  have  partly  entered  into  her  social 
failure,  but  they  in  their  minor  relations  may  be  disposed  of  in 
a  few  words. 

For  some  time  before  we  knew  her  she  had  been  given  to  times 
of  incorrigible  behavior  in  her  family  circle.  Her  parents  half 
maintained  she  was  crazy.  With  the  improvement  of  her  physical 
conditions  these  periods  of  bad  behavior  have  passed  away. 
Later  her  delinquencies  developed  the  form  of  persistently  going 
with  bad  companions,  not  doing  anything  to  support  herself, 
in  disobeying  everybody,  including  the  family,  probation  officers 
and  even  the  orders  of  the  court.  Only  by  the  greatest  efforts 
was  she  saved  from  becoming  utterly  immoral.  At  one  period 
she  repeatedly  stayed  out  very  late  at  night,  and  at  another  time 
engaged  in  a  slight  amount  of  stealing.  Her  main  tendencies  to 
delinquency  were  centered  about  the  sex  impulse.  On  account 
of  her  attractive  personality  she  always  had  many  friends  and 
much  was  done  for  her.  It  has  been  the  wonder  of  everybody 
who  did  not  know  her  innate  mental  qualities  as  revealed  by  tests, 
that  she  could  not  morally  and  socially  succeed. 

Amelia  is  a  member  of  a  large  family  born  in  this  country  of 
immigrant  parents.  The  other  children  are  all  more  stable  and 
have  done  better  in  school  than  she,  but  none  of  them  are  perhaps 
as  attractive.  The  one  salient  fact  about  heredity  is  that  the 
father,  although  well  educated  for  his  class,  is  a  most  peculiar  and 
erratic  individual  who  shows  an  insane  temper  at  times  and  has 
himself  been  in  conflict  with  the  authorities.  He  is  also  said  to 
have  been  alcoholic  at  different  periods  in  his  life.  The  girl  was 
born  after  a  very  prolonged  and  hard  labor,  but  without  known 
injury.  In  infancy  she  had  some  severe  illness  about  which  we 
cannot  obtain  any  complete  account.  She  entered  puberty  very 
early,  but  had  been  a  sufferer  from  general  physical  weakness  for 
a  number  of  years  before  we  saw  her.  Largely  on  account  of  the 
latter  her  school  career  was  intermittent.  At  14  she  had  only 
reached  the  4th  grade.  The  family  conditions  have  never  been 
satisfactory  on  account  of  the  erratic  behavior  of  the  father. 


Chap.  XVII]       DEFECT    IX    JUDGMENT    AND    FORESIGHT  [§  280 

On  the  physical  side  she  was  iintler  close  observation  for  a 
long  period.  At  15  years,  weight  126  lbs.,  height  5  ft.  3  in.  Vision 
and  hearing  about  normal.  Color  fair.  Markedly  bifurcated 
u\'ula.  Over-development  of  sex  characteristics  for  her  age. 
Flabby  musculature.  Tendency  to  scoliosis.  Occasional  frontal 

She  was  giA-en  a  course  of  corrective  g;vTiinastics  by  an  expert 
teacher  with  the  most  beneficial  results  to  her  carriage  and  whole 
general  physical  condition.  Since  then  her  health  has  been  very 
good  and  she  became  exceptionally  good  looking. 

Mental  tests.  There  has  been  much  opportunity  for  supervision 
of  this  girl's  mental  performance,  and  she  has  been  tried  again  and 
again  on  many  types  of  tests  during  three  years  of  observation.  The 
results,  unless  other^^ase  stated,  were  what  was  obtained  at  first.  They 
may  be  shortly  summarized  as  follows : 

I.  2'  8".    Much  trial  and  error  on  triangles. 

II.  50".    Three  errors. 

III.  Construction  Test  A.     1'  27".    No  repetition  of  errors. 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.  45".  Only  17  moves.  This  result  seemed 
suspicious  and  was  thought  to  be  largely  a  matter  of  chance.  For  the 
purpose  of  checking  up  the  test  it  was  repeated  immediately,  as  we 
frequently  do,  wdth  the  board  upside  down.  She  then  most  curi- 
ously made  a  complete  failme  in  10'.  Had  made  82  moves  and  still 
did  not  have  the  pieces  inserted  correctly. 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  6'  29".  Proceeded  by  an  industrious  trial  and 
error  method.  She  tried  very  many  things  before  she  succeeded  in 
getting  step  one  done,  but  after  that  went  through  the  different  steps 
wath  only  interspersing  one  error. 

VIII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Symbol  Associations.  Done  promptly 
and  correctly. 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.  Done  correctly  on  first  trial  on  several 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.  Never  succeeded  in  doing  this.  Many 
errors  at  the  4th  trial  after  three  times  drawing  the  original  figure 
herself  from  memory.    The  same  result  on  several  occasions. 

XL    Code  Test.    Complete  failure.    Did  not  get  the  idea. 

XII.  Memory  from  Visual  Verbal  presentation.  Very  good  mem- 
ory for  details.  Can  recite  long  and  accurate  descriptions  of  stories 
which  she  has  read. 

XIII.  Memory  from  Auditory  Verbal  presentation.  Variable 
records  according  to  the  amount  of  interest  she  has  in  the  subject. 
Can  recite  comedian's  jokes  for  a  whole  evening.  Two  years  after 
ha\ang  been  given  our  standard  Test  XIII  she  remembered  it  well 
and  recalled  it  correctly  with  the  exceptions  that  she  introduced 
two  or  three  dramatic  imaginative  items,  and  slightly  mixed  the 
logical  sequence.    Her  verbal  memory,  then,  both  visual  and  auditory, 


§  280]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XVII 

is  extremely  good  when  her  interest  is   aroused,  and  her  retentive 
powers  are  unusual. 

XV.  Antonym  Test.  One  failure  and  one  error.  Average  time 

XVI.  Motor  Coordination  Test.  On  this  always  showed  deliberate- 
ness  but  accuracy.    The  best  was  68  squares  without  an  error. 

XVII.  Writes  a  fairly  good  letter,  well  expressed  and  with  few 
errors  in  spelling. 

XVIII.  Arithmetic.  At  15  she  knew  as  far  as  the  smaller  multi- 
plications. Adds  up  correctly  small  sums.  (It  was  partly  on  account 
of  her  disabilities  in  this  line,  and  partly  on  account  of  much  absence 
from  school  that  she  had  only  reached  the  4th  grade  at  14.) 

XXI.  On  account  of  her  good  conversational  ability  her  reactions 
to  Sharp's  moral  questions  are  interesting.  Her  answers  were  given 
with  much  moralizing  of  a  pedantic  kind,  (a)  He  did  right.  He  did 
not  steal  for  himself,  he  stole  for  some  one  who  needed  it  more  than 
himself.  It  is  not  right  to  steal,  but  he  could  not  help  them  in  any 
other  way.  He  did  not  do  it  for  himself.  It  would  not  have  been  right 
for  himself,  (b)  The  right  thing  for  the  captain  to  do  was  to  give  up 
the  innocent  man  to  save  the  others. 

XXII.  Information.  She  has  been  a  great  reader  of  all  sorts  of 
books  and  remembers  the  plots  and  details.  She  has  picked  up  many 
items  of  information,  but  they  are  most  erratically  disposed.  She  tells 
that  the  light  of  the  moon  is  caused  by  the  reflection  of  the  sun,  but 
does  not  understand  at  all  what  reflection  means.  Of  electricity  she 
says  Edison  got  it  first.    She  is  very  fond  of  the  theatre. 

Binet  Tests  (1911  series): 

15  years,  1,  correct;  2,  failure  (?);  3,  failure;  4,  correct;  5,  one-half 
correct.  Adult,  1  and  2,  failures;  3,  correct.  Done  very  well  indeed; 
4,  correct  and  well  done;  5,  correct  as  evidenced  by  ability  to  give 
resume  of  thought  in  books  read,  or  of  Sharp's  moral  questions.  (The 
difficulty  in  the  Binet  passage  is  in  the  use  of  two  words,  as  the  center 
of  the  thought,  which  are  unknown  to  even  so  good  a  reader  as  this 

From  these  interesting  results  on  tests,  we  are  forced  to  the 
conclusion  that  this  girl  who  did  right  well  for  her  age  on  the 
Binet,  and  on  many  other  tests,  has  very  special  defects  in  her 
powers  of  mental  representation  and  analysis.  Just  the  per- 
formances which  she  failed  on  are  accomplished  by  normal  indi- 
viduals with  the  greatest  ease.  Inasmuch  as  they  probably  under- 
lie the  capacity  for  foresight  they  are  particularly  indispensable 
for  social  success  under  living  conditions  where  good  judgment 
is  especially  needed.  This  girl  by  reason  of  her  early  develop- 
ment and  physical  and  even  mental  attractiveness,  was  subject 
to  many  temptations.  The  very  fact  that  nobody  thought  her 
to  be  anything  but  normal  mentally  led  to  her  being  expected 


Chap.  XVII]  DEFECT    IN    SELF-CONTROL  [§  281 

to  show  strong  moral  characteristics  in  difficuh  situations.  But 
a  well-rounded  psychological  study  would  have  revealed  at  any 
time  that  she  was  not  innately  equipped  for  what  was  asked  of 
her.  It  is  notable  in  this  case  that  at  no  time  did  Amelia  show 
such  rash  actions  as  are  characteristic  of  those  who  are  lacking 
in  self-control.  (Our  studies  on  the  latter  subject  should  be 
compared.)  Simply  stated,  it  seems  as  if  Amelia  never  could  see 
ahead  the  troubles  which  she  was  bound  to  get  into  by  her  con- 
duct. She  was  not  particularly  self-willed.  She  cooperated 
partly  with  those  who  tried  to  help  her,  but  she  could  never  be 
relied  upon  to  exercise  anything  like  sound  judgment  at  critical 
moments.  A  vast  deal  of  social  effort  at  considerable  expense 
was  placed  on  this  case,  which  at  the  last  was  so  much  of  a  failure 
that  the  girl  had  to  be  placed  in  an  institution  for  her  self-pro- 

Mentality:   Defective  in  certain  higher  abilities.         Case  100. 

Heredity:  Father  peculiar.  ^"■^'  ^^^  ^^■ 

Home  conditions :  Family  reactions  very  erratic. 

Adolescent  instability.    Early  puberty. 

Developmental:  Natal  conditions  bad. 
Early  severe  illness. 

Physical  conditions:  Early     weakness, 
but  overdevelop- 
ment of  sex  char- 
acteristics.   Very 
attractive  type. 

Incorrigibility.  Mentality : 

Petty  stealing.  Good  in  many  abilities. 

Sex?  Specialized  defective. 

§281.  Defect  in  Self-control. — A  class  of  individuals  very 
important  for  the  student  of  criminalistics  is  designated  by  nam- 
ing their  most  important  characteristic,  deficiency  in  the  power 
of  self-control.  It  has  been  very  hard  for  us  to  decide  whether 
this  characteristic  properly  belongs  under  the  head  of  mental 
defect.  After  long  consideration  of  this  problem  and  observa- 
tion of  the  outcome  in  a  number  of  cases  it  seems  clear  to  us  that 
a  certain  number  of  individuals  have  a  special,  definite,  innate 
defect  in  the  powers  of  self-control.     We  would  insist  that  many 


§  281]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XVII 

times  the  diagnosis  cannot  with  surety  be  made  without  pro- 
longed observation.  We  have  seen  remarkable  cases  in  which 
the  lack  of  the  power  of  self-control  has  proved  to  be  merely  an 
adolescent  phenomenon.  We  have  given  a  number  of  examples 
under  the  head  of  Adolescence,  §  339.  It  should  also  be  kept 
clearly  in  mind  that  we  are  not  discussing  here  those  who  show 
defective  self-control  secondary  to,  or  correlated  with  feeble- 
mindedness, insanity,  or  even  with  constitutional  inferiority. 
All  these  are  elsewhere  discussed.  We  have  seen  more  than  one 
instance  where  for  a  long  period  the  only  diagnosis  that  could 
be  made  was  that  the  individual  was  defective  in  self-control, 
and  then  later  a  definite  psychosis  developed.  But  we  can  alsO' 
give  a  number  of  cases  in  which  such  a  first  diagnosis,  with  years 
of  observation,  has  not  been  added  to  in  any  way.  By  reason  of 
these  findings  it  seems  to  us  that  deficiency  in  self-control  must 
be  reckoned  with  sometimes  as  a  definite  entity,  and  innate 
specialized  mental  defect.^ 

In  considering  this  group  we  must  not  lose  sight  of  the  follow- 
ing interesting  point.  It  may  well  be  that  some  of  those  whom 
we  call  defective  in  self-control  do  have  far  more  to  contend  with, 
far  more  to  control  in  their  own  natures,  than  many  others  who 
have  no  greater  powers  of  self-discipline.  For  instance,  the 
phlegmatic  type  of  person  may  not  be  called  upon  to  execute  as 
much  control  over  his  own  characteristics  as  a  nervous  individual. 
The  opposition  which  it  is  necessary  for  some  persons  to  make 
against  their  own  impulses  of  anger,  jealousy,  love  etc.,  that  they 
may  remain  normal  in  their  social  behavior,  is  unquestionably 
much  greater  than  some  other  individuals  may  be  called  upon  to 
exercise.  Of  course  in  our  own  account  of  this  subject  we  have 
attempted  to  avoid  including  in  this  category  individuals  with 
such  abnormal  characteristics  that  it  would  require  an  abnormal 
amount  of  will  power  to  overcome  them.  Some  of  our  studies 
of  particular  traits  which  are  given  under  the  head  of  mental 
peculiarities,  abnormal  sexualism,  and  so  on,  might  be  related 
in  this  way  to  questions  of  self-control. 

^  I  was  much  interested  during  a  visit  to  Elmira  Reformatory  to  have  Dr. 
Christian  from  his  large  experience  call  my  attention  to  the  class  which  they  de- 
nominate there  as  Control  Defectives.  This  group  seems  to  correspond  entirely 
to  the  class  which  we  have  long  recognized  and  designated  by  a  somewhat 
similar  term.  On  account  of  the  findings  in  these  cases  I  am  inclined  to  dislike 
the  term  applied  to  them  in  Elmira.  As  stated  in  the  text  above  they  are  not 
defectives  in  general,  and  one  must  not  use  a  term  which  seems  to  imply  this. 
It  is  only  fair  to  say  that  Dr.  Christian  is  inclined  to  agree  with  me  on  this  point. 


Chap.  XVII]  DEFECT    IN    SELF-CONTROL  [§  281 

The  following  case  illustrates  well  the  type  of  those  who  are 
defective  in  self-control.  We  acknowledge,  however,  that  it 
introduces  as  possibilities  the  factors  of  adolescent  instability 
and  also  of  environmental  influences.  The  latter  are  very  diffi- 
cult to  rule  out  in  any  case.  Frequently  one  wonders  what  might 
have  been  accomplished  with  this  or  that  individual  if  he  had 
received  a  more  adequate  and  rational  discipline  during  his 
childhood.  In  such  a  case  as  the  following  the  immediate  diag- 
nosis is  not  in  the  least  in  question.  But  since  the  individual  is 
not  yet  an  adult  every  effort  should  be  made  to  build  up  both 
moral  and  physical  stability  in  the  hope  that  there  may  be  better- 
ment of  behavior. 

Case  101.  —  A  boy  of  17  whom  we  have  known  very  well  for 
2  years.  He  has  a  court  record  of  5  years.  His  delinquencies 
began  with  truancy  and  incorrigibility  in  school.  Since  then  he 
has  been  repeatedly  arrested  for  stealing,  carrying  a  loaded 
revolver,  running  away  from  home,  breaking  into  a  freight  car 
and  attempting  to  burn  a  barn.  All  his  delinquencies  have  been 
committed  with  other  boys,  and  perhaps  much  that  he  has  been 
blamed  for  has  been  done  by  others,  or  at  least  at  the  instigation 
of  others.  Altogether  he  has  been  committed  by  the  courts  4 
times,  and  is  at  present  in  a  reformatory  to  stay  for  a  long 

We  have  a  probably  accurate  history  given  by  an  intelligent 
and  deeply  interested  mother,  whom  we  have  often  seen.  The 
father's  family  is  not  at  all  known.  He  did  not  marry  until  he 
was  60  years  old.  This  would  seem  to  be  an  important  point  for 
us,  but  the  fact  that  the  younger  child  is  healthy  and  normal  in 
every  way  shows  that  probably  the  father's  old  age  is  not  the 
source  of  the  boy's  defect.  The  father  was  a  steady,  but  never 
very  strong  man.  He  is  said  to  have  had  angina  pectoris,  but 
lived  to  be  over  70.  There  were  4  pregnancies;  the  third  resulted 
in  a  still-birth  and  the  fourth  in  a  miscarriage.  On  the  mother's 
side  all  family  history  is  negative  except  for  the  fact  that  one  of 
her  brothers  became  insane  in  late  life. 

This  boy  was  born  normally  after  a  healthy  pregnancy.  He 
was  strong  and  well  during  infancy.  Walked  and  talked  early. 
Then  he  had  several  children's  diseases  slightly  and  a  severe 
attack  of  mumps.  At  9  he  had  scarlet  fever  severely.  Just  be- 
fore this  he  had  had  an  attack  of  chorea,  and  he  had  a  prolonged 
attack    later.     No    enuresis.     No  convulsions  or  any  signs  of 


§  281]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XVII 

epileptic  attacks.  He  began  to  have  spasmodic  twitchings  of 
the  face  when  he  was  about  13  years  old. 

Many  people  with  whom  this  boy  has  been  in  contact  are  fond 
of  him.  He  has  many  good  qualities;  is  very  fond  of  his  family, 
shows  sorrow  and  repentance  and  even  genuine  homesickness. 
There  is  no  doubt  but  that  he  suffers  miserably  for  his  bad  con- 
duct. When  we  first  knew  him  he  would  weep  bitterly  over  his 
misdemeanors  and  assert  his  desire  to  do  better,  but  never  seemed 
sure  of  his  ability  to  carry  out  his  desires.  We  noted  him  as 
being  pleasant,  responsive  and  affectionate.  His  school  record 
was  from  the  standpoint  of  scholarship  very  satisfactory. 

Physically  we  found  him  in  poor  general  condition  at  first,  and 
in  these  respects  he  has  not  materially  altered  in  the  two  years. 
His  conduct  has  not  given  him  much  of  a  chance  to  improve  phys- 
ically. He  is  decidedly  poorly  developed  for  his  age,  but  fairly 
well  nourished.  At  15  years  his  height  was  5  ft,  1  3-4  in.,  and 
weight  100  lbs.  Constant  fine  tremor  of  hands,  good  strength 
for  his  size,  chest  poorly  developed,  no  sensory  defect  of  impor- 
tance noted.  Mild  chronic  conjunctivitis  for  which  he  has  been 
treated.  No  developmental  anomalies  or  stigmata  found.  Fre- 
quently recurring  habit  spasms  of  orbicularis  of  both  eyes.  He 
ordinarily  has  a  tired,  worried  expression. 

Mental  tests;   our  own  series: 

I.   2'  5".    Only  slight  trial  and  error  on  the  triangles. 

n.    1'  50".    5  errors. 

HI.    Construction  Test  A.     19".    Only  7  moves. 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.    55".    Only  19  moves. 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  Very  rapid  understanding  of  this  problem.  1'  25". 
No  errors. 

VIII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Symbol  Associations.  Done  correctly 
and  promptly. 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.    Correctly  and  rapidly  at  1st  trial. 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.    Same  good  result. 

XL  Code  Test.  Quickly  got  the  idea  and  showed  good  powers  of 
attention.     Only  one  error. 

XII.  Memory  from  Visual  Verbal  Presentation.  Reads  the  pas- 
sage very  rapidly  to  himself.  Every  item  of  importance  given  cor- 
rectly and  in  logical  sequence. 

XIII.  Memory  from  Auditory  Verbal  Presentation.  Same  type 
of  good  result. 

XIV.  Instruction  Box.  Done  with  great  rapidity  and  every  step 
carefully  and  accurately.     45". 

XVI.  Motor  Coordination  Test.  86  and  92  squares  tapped  on 
successive  trials  with  no  errors. 


Chap.  XVII]  DEFECT    IN    SELF-CONTROL  [§  281 

XVII.  Writes  a  good  regular  hand  with  no  misspelled  words  in  a 
letter  of  considerable  length. 

XVIII.  Arithmetic.  Handles  decimals  correctly,  but  does  not 
know  how  to  work  with  fractions.  Prompt  and  accurate  results  as 
far  as  he  goes. 

XIX.  Reads  difficult  passage  of  poetry  correctly  and  with  some 
expression . 

XX.  Said  he  had  played  checkers  much  with  his  brother,  but  does 
not  play  at  all  a  foresighted  game.  Misses  more  than  three  obvious 

XXI.  In  answer  to  Sharp's  second  moral  problem  says,  "No,  I 
would  have  fought  as  long  as  the  man  had  not  done  any  wi-ong.  If 
many  had  been  killed  and  the  village  had  been  burned  it  would  have 
been  better  than  to  have  given  up  an  innocent  man."  Persists  in  this 

XXII.  Knows  the  ordinary  school  items  of  geography  and  history 
correctly,  but  his  knowledge  of  scientific  and  other  things  is  almost 

From  the  above  record  of  tests  it  is  plain  that  we  had  here  a 
boy  considerably  above  our  average  in  general  ability.  He  would 
have  been  put  in  our  A  class,  those  who  are  distinctly  above 
the  ordinary  in  information  and  ability,  had  it  not  been  for  the 
paucity  of  his  knowledge.  He  had  read  but  little  and,  consider- 
ing his  superior  abilities,  has  had  a  very  narrow  range  of  mental 
interests.  If  it  were  not  for  his  distinctly  good  mental  powers, 
and  his  otherwise  obvious  mental  normality,  one  might  think  of 
him  in  terms  of  constitutional  inferiority,  but  as  it  stands,  there 
is  no  justification  in  the  diagnosis  of  any  fundamental  cause 
back  of  his  delinquency  other  than  marked  defect  in  the  power 
of  self-control.  There  is  not  the  slightest  evidence  of  deficiency 
of  judgment,  or  of  powers  of  mental  representation  or  analysis. 

This  boy's  family  are  much  inclined  to  blame  his  behavior 
entirely  to  prolonged  association  with  bad  companions  and  to 
his  cigarette  smoking.  There  is  no  doubt  but  that  both  are  heavily 
contributing  factors.  However  the  bare  fact  that  they  continue 
to  be  such  factors  is  proof  of  his  lack  of  self-control.  He  began 
his  smoking  at  10  or  11  years,  but  has  been  kept  away  from  it 
for  long  periods  when  he  was  in  institutions.  His  people  moved 
away  from  their  old  neighborhood  in  order  that  this  boy  might 
avoid  his  former  associates,  but,  as  they  express  it,  he  simply  could 
not  keep  away  from  them.  A  tj^Dical  example  of  his  weakness 
in  this  respect  is  shown  by  his  own  corroborated  story  of  how 
he  repeatedly  left  home  with  the  best  of  intentions  of  going  to 


§  281]  MENTAL    DEFECT  [Chap.  XVII 

work  and  then  while  on  the  street  car  he  would  pass  his  old 
haunts  and  would  jump  off  and  seek  out  his  old  companions. 

"  In  trouble  with  these  other  kids.  They  are  all  kids  that  I 
used  to  go  with  near  our  old  home.  Had  worked  three  days  with 
a  telegraph  company  and  had  pay  coming  and  was  walking  down 
town  when  got  into  trouble.  Was  in  court  last  November  and 
the  judge  told  me  to  go  to  school.  I  did  not  go.  I  did  not  like  to 
go.  I  got  around  with  the  bunch  and  have  been  with  them. 
Thought  I  would  like  to  work,  but  have  not  been  to  work.  Don't 
know  why  I  go  with  them.  Have  been  running  with  the  same 
kids  about  five  years.  I  began  to  smoke  at  10  years.  All  the 
kids  in  the  gang  smoked.  My  brother  does  not.  Did  not  smoke 
at  all  in  the  country.  These  kids  do  not  run  around  with  girls 
at  all.  After  the  judge  told  me  I  did  stay  away  from  them  for 
a  time.  Then  went  back.  Was  homesick  in  the  country  before. 
I  belong  to  the  boys'  club  at  the  settlement.  Have  belonged 
one  year.  Am  not  much  good  with  athletic  sports.  Sure,  it 's 
going  with  bad  kids  that 's  the  matter  with  me,  but  they  was  n't 
no  worse  than  I  was.     Don't  know  why  I  go  with  them." 

It  may  be  in  this  case  that  some  fundamental  bases  for  the 
lack  of  self-control  were  never  discovered.  This  is  a  bit  of  self- 
criticism  that  one  can  offer  in  nearly  all  such  instances.  But  at 
least  the  social  fact  was  that  the  boy  could  not  resist  the  ordinary 
temptations  of  an  ordinary  environment,  and  he  frequently  ac- 
knowledged the  fact.  There  seemed  to  be  nothing  else  to  do  than 
to  try  the  disciplinary  measures  of  a  reformatory  institution, 
even  though  he  was  at  heart  anything  but  a  vicious  character. 

Defective  in  self-control.    Moral  instability  Case  101. 

excessive.  Boy,  age  17. 

Developmental :  Severe  chorea.    Use 
of  tobacco. 

Physical  conditions :  Poor  development,  minor 
nervous  disorder. 

Bad  companions. 

Delinquencies : 

Running  away.  Mentality: 

Stealing.  General  ability  very  good. 


Chap.  XVII]  DEFECT    IN    SELF-CONTKOL  [§  281 

The  phenomenon  of  the  lack  of  self-control  may  be  correlated 
with  other  findings  than  those  of  any  kind  of  weakness.  Of 
course  it  is  the  commonest  finding  in  insanity,  and  also  may  be 
shown  in  comiection  with  A'arious  neuropathic  troubles  where 
the  individual  cannot  at  all  be  fairly  denominated  insane.  Crim- 
inal procedure  based  on  the  question  of  responsibilit}'  finds  here 
a  very  delicate  problem  for  solution. 

An  entirely  different  t^^e  from  the  first  is  the  following: 

Case  102.  —  We  have  long  had  under  observation  a  young 
man  who  is  now  over  20  j^ears  old.  We  have  had  several  con- 
ferences with  relatives  who  first  drew  our  attention  to  him  because 
of  their  opinion  that  he  was  not  sound  mentally.  They  simply 
judged  by  certain  forms  of  his  behavior.  The  fact  that  the  famil}^ 
is  much  broken  up  made  it  impossible  to  get  the  full  family  history. 
The  boy  is  of  German  descent. 

Father  and  mother  both  dead.  The  father  was  a  steady  worker 
and  died  soon  after  this  boy  was  born.  The  mother  then  went 
out  to  work  and  survived  the  father  ten  years.  This  boy  is  the 
youngest  of  nine  children,  seven  of  whom  are  living.  Two  died 
in  infancy.  They  had  ordinary  children's  diseases  in  the  family, 
but  it  was  a  matter  of  pride  with  the  mother  that  there  had  never 
been  any  serious  illness  among  them.  No  convulsions  or  other 
attacks.  The  other  children  have  done  pretty  well.  One  boj^  was 
wild  and  stole  once  from  his  sister,  who  had  him  sent  to  a  dis- 
ciplinary institution.  He  has  turned  out  well  and  now  thanks 
his  sister  for  heading  off  his  bad  tendencies. 

Several  uncles  and  aunts  on  both  sides  live  in  this  country  and 
their  families  are  known.  It  is  stated  by  several  persons  that 
in  all  the  family  the  only  individuals  who  have  given  trouble  are 
this  fellow  and  his  brother. 

The  subject  of  our  study  has  throughout  his  developmental 
period  been  normal,  so  far  as  known.  He  has  never  been  very  ill. 
The  disciplinary  features  of  his  home  life  have  always  been  most 
difficult,  but  principally  on  account  of  his  own  disposition.  He 
started  to  school  at  the  regular  age,  and  continued  with  much 
irregularity  on  account  of  truancy  and  having  to  be  changed 
around  in  schools  and  sent  to  institutions.  He  has  been  in  court 
many  times,  was  sent  to  one  educational  institution  for  depen- 
dents and  twice  to  a  disciplinary  institution,  has  been  put  on 
probation  on  several  occasions,  placed  on  a  farm,  and  so  on. 
Altogether  the  boy  has  had  many  wholesome  chances  in  life,  in 


§  281]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XVII 

spite  of  his  earliest  home  surroundings  being  defective  on  account 
of  poverty. 

Delinquencies  have  consisted  in  early  exhibitions  of  bad  temper, 
much  truancy,  running  away  from  home,  threatening  to  kill, 
fighting,  associating  with  bad  companions,  gambling  etc.  Not- 
withstanding this  long  record  of  misconduct  it  must  be  made  plain 
that  this  young  man  is  considered  by  most  who  know  him  as  no 
desperate  villain.    He  has  many  lovable  qualities. 

On  the  physical  side  we  have  found  him  to  be  in  good  general 
condition  at  all  times.  At  16  years,  height  5  ft.  6  in.;  weight 
135  lbs.  Strength  good.  Chest  well  shaped.  Vision  slightly 
defective  in  right  eye.  Tendency  to  nervousness  shown  by 
slight  facial  habit  spasm,  and  by  fine  tremor  of  the  outstretched 
hands.  Teeth  in  good  condition.  Head  —  circumference  52.8; 
length  18  1-2;  breadth  14  cm.  Color  good.  No  other  defect 
noted  except  a  slight  hernia.  No  developmental  anomalies. 
Strong  attitude  and  pleasant  humorous  expression.  His  narrow 
forehead,  narrow  chin,  large  although  regularly-shaped  ears,  his 
broad  nose,  and  deep-set  eyes,  far  apart,  give  him  a  decidedly 
peculiar,  but  not  at  all  unpleasant  appearance. 

Mental  Tests ;  our  own  series : 
I.   45".     Extremely  good  performance. 

n.  1'  15".  Eight  errors.  Has  a  rapid  and  nervous  way  of  going 
about  things,  hence  these  unnecessary  errors. 

III.  Construction'  Test  A.  1'  10".  Very  intelligent  method  of 
proceeding  by  trial  and  error.    No  repetitions  of  impossibilities. 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.  5'  25".  Although  fairly  intelligent 
method  piu-sued,  was  long  in  seeing  the  relative  form  relationships. 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  6'  25".  Studied  out  carefully  and  slowly,  but 
done  with  intelHgent  procedure. 

VI.  "Aussage."  Gave  a  bare  enumeration  of  all  the  principal 
points  to  be  seen  in  the  picture.  While  he  used  considerable  imagina- 
tion, for  instance,  in  placing  a  handkerchief  in  the  hand  of  the  woman 
at  the  counter,  he  showed  no  suggestibility. 

VII.  Reproduced  Binet's  geometrical  figures  with  fidefity. 

VIII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Symbol  Associations.  At  first  trial  re- 
produced fom-  incorrectly,  but  wanted  to  repeat  and  with  a  little 
more  learning  time  reproduced  all  without  error. 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.    Correct  at  first  trial. 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.    Correct  and  prompt  at  first  trial. 

XII.  Memory  from  Visual  Verbal  presentation.  Good  result  with 
all  details  given  promptly.    Sequence  not  preserved. 

XIII.  Memory  from  Auditory  Verbal  presentation.  Out  of  the  12 
details  four  of  the  minor  ones  omitted.    Sequence  correct. 


Chap.  XVII]  DEFECT   IN   SELF-CONTROL  [§  281 

XVI.  Motor  Coordination  Test.  Well  done.  Tapped  84  and  87 
squares  at  first  and  second  trials,  respectively,  without  error. 

XVII.  Writes  a  fairly  good  hand  and  is  able  to  compose  a  simple 
letter  about  his  own  interests  with  few  errors  in  grammar  and  rare 
ones  in  spelling. 

XVIII.  Does  long  division  fairly  rapidly  and  accurately. 

XX.  Interesting  to  note  that  he  plays  a  careful  and  fairly  fore- 
sighted  game  of  checkers.    As  a  rule  sees  a  couple  of  moves  ahead. 

XXI.  On  Sharp's  ethical  question  (B)  said  at  first  would  give  up 
the  man  to  the  Indians,  but  when  cross-questioned  said  no  —  he  would 
put  up  a  fight  even  though  he  knew  some  of  the  men  would  get  killed. 
If  there  was  a  fight  some  of  the  white  people  might  get  free,  and  any- 
how if  you  gave  up  a  man  the  Indians  might  take  it  into  their  heads 
to  burn  the  village.  If  a  man  was  given  up  they  would  see  that  the 
captain  was  cowardly  and  they  might  demand  another  man. 

XXII.  Information  on  geography  items  almost  nil,  also  on  most  of 
the  facts  of  history.  Does  not  care  to  read  books  and  newspapers  and 
his  general  line  of  information  and  interests  is  decidedly  narrow. 
Only  accurate  responses  obtained  were  on  sporting  items. 

It  was  plain  to  see  that  this  boy  was  fair  in  ability  and  had  fair 
educational  advantages.  He  had  been  to  6th  or  7th  grade,  but 
nowhere  had  been  stimulated  to  the  better  type  of  mental  inter- 
ests. We  find  not  the  slightest  evidence  of  any  aberrational 
tendencies.  He  had  insight  into  the  cause  of  his  own  troubles  in 
life,  and  had  full  realization  of  his  own  inability  to  handle  himself, 
as  may  be  seen  in  the  following  paragraphs.  His  lack  of  self-control 
was  seen  repeatedly  by  us,  when,  on  a  sudden  impulse,  perhaps 
he  would  destroy  in  a  moment  the  result  of  much  past  endeavor 
to  do  better.  Even  in  the  court  room  he  could  not  restrain  him- 
self. In  anger  he  became  extremely  pale  and  oblivious  to  ail 
other  considerations.  His  emotional  quality  was  shown  when 
a  big,  strong  boy  of  16,  by  his  occasional  bursting  into  tears  as 
he  considered  his  career.  After  observation  of  this  uncontrolled 
creature,  when  he  was  in  the  throes  of  one  of  his  upheavals, 
one  could  only  feel  wonder  that  he  had  not  done  more  than  he  had 
done  in  the  way  of  delinquency.  An  instance  will  show  this  boy's 
innate  difficulties.  When  under  detention  he  was  working  hard 
at  some  problem  given  him,  when  a  schoolmate  brushed  past, 
and  struck  his  arm,  probably  accidentally.  The  boy  at  once 
became  pale  with  rage,  and  although  his  conduct  was  at  that 
moment  a  vital  point  for  his  escaping  sentence,  a  fight  was  only 
narrowly  averted  by  quick  action  on  the  part  of  the  teacher. 

"  Well,  when  he  started  to  say  that  in  the  court  room  I  got  mad. 


§  281]  MENTAL   DEFECT  [Chap.  XVII 

He  just  told  a  lie,  he  did.  He  did  not  say  that  he  hit  me  first, 
and  then  he  said  kids  put  me  up  to  do  things.  They  never  did 
put  me  up  to  do  things.  If  they  ever  told  me  to  do  things,  I 
never  did  'em,  and  the  things  I  did,  I  did  because  I  wanted  to. 
That  got  me  mad.  I  was  bit  by  a  dog  when  I  was  a  kid,  and  I 
guess  that 's  what 's  the  matter  with  me.  My  folks  and  the  neigh- 
bors say  I  have  a  bad  temper,  and  I  guess  it  must  be  true.  They 
said  I  was  a  regular  devil  when  I  was  small.  They  said  I  used 
to  hit  kids  with  a  hammer  or  anything." 

"  When  I  was  here  before,  I  had  been  helping  a  man  in  his  barn, 
and  a  kid  came  along,  and  told  me  the  boss  did  not  hire  me,  and 
he  called  me  a  liar,  and  I  went  and  hit  him  with  a  broom.  Then 
I  had  a  fight  in  a  shop  with  a  carpenter.  He  took  me  by  the  neck, 
and  I  jerked  away  and  hit  him.  That 's  the  only  fight  I  've  had 
lately.  About  a  couple  of  years  ago  a  big  feller  was  going  to  hit 
me,  and  I  was  going  to  stab  him,  but  I  did  n't.  I  don't  get  in 
many  fights,  but  I  get  in  lots  of  trouble.  My  sister  says  the 
neighbors  are  sore  at  me.  Some  of  them  are  sore  because  I  stole 
some  money  off  my  sister."  (Although  the  boy  did  not  tell  us, 
it  seems  this  was  his  own  money  which  his  sister  had  saved  for 
him  out  of  his  earnings.  He  had  a  sudden  impulse  to  get  hold 
of  it  and  spend  it.)  "I  never  stole  anything  in  my  life  before  I 
stole  the  money  from  my  sister.  I  never  go  out  with  girls,  only 
talk  to  them.    The  only  trouble  with  me  is  my  temper." 

In  respect  to  the  inquiry  whether  he  would  like  to  go  to  the 
navy  he  said,  "  I  was  always  afraid  of  the  water,  I  would  n't  like 
to  go  out  on  the  lake  in  them  boats.  Maybe  they  would  get  in 
a  war." 

"  Out  on  the  farm  they  worked  you  too  hard,  from  early  in  the 
morning  until  late  at  night,  and  then  I  was  always  afraid  to  go 
out  there  —  so  far  away  from  your  folks  —  they  might  kill  you 
or  anything.  If  they  did  not  like  anything  you  did  they  could 
hit  you  or  kill  you  so  far  away  from  your  own  folks.  I  was  always 
afraid  of  that." 

At  another  time,  "  The  only  trouble  I  got  into  since  I  was  here 
last  is  what  I'm  in  here  for  now.  One  night  in  front  of  a  nickel 
show  me  and  a  couple  of  other  fellers  was  making  a  noise,  and  the 
man  came  out  and  hit  me  and  threw  me  around,  and  then  I  hit 
him  and  threw  a  brick  at  him." 

We  looked  frequently  for  any  irritating  conditions  in  this  boy's 
physical  make-up  which  could  account  for  his  exacerbations  of 


Chap.  XVII]  DEFECT    IN   SELF-CONTKOL  [§  281 

temper,  but  found  nothing.  The  reason  assigned  by  his  family, 
namely,  that  early  in  life  there  had  been  no  chance  for  home  con- 
trol, always  seemed  quite  inadequate  to  explain  his  marked 
defect.  On  one  occasion  when  he  grew  turbulent  in  the  court 
room  from  hearing  the  testimony  of  witnesses,  he  told  the  judge 
that  he  did  not  care  where  he  was  put  or  where  he  was  sent;  he 
would  be  likely  to  kill  somebody  some  day  anyhow.  This  was 
in  the  face  of  the  judge's  proposal  to  put  him  on  probation  and 
find  farm  work  for  him. 

In  making  a  diagnosis  in  this  case  it  must  be  remembered  that 
the  misconduct  and  exhibitions  of  lack  of  self-control  were  always 
in  the  nature  of  reaction  to  irritating  circumstances.  There 
were  no  episodes  and  attacks  of  bad  behavior  such  as  are  often 
witnessed  in  constitutional  inferiors. 

Defect  in  self-control,  marked  case.  Case  102. 

Home  conditions :  Parents  long  dead.         ^o^'  ^^e  20  yrs. 
Irregular  control. 
Physical  conditions:  Nervous  type. 

Delinquencies : 

GambKng.  Mentality: 

Threats  to  kill.  Fair  ability. 

We  could  give  many  more  cases  in  illustration  of  our  thesis 
that  the  fundamental  cause  of  delinquency  in  some  cases  is  a 
real  defect  in  self-control.  There  are  great  variations  to  be  found 
in  the  traits  correlated  with  this  defect.  A  few  words  about 
some  more  cases  will  show  this  clearly. 

Case  103.  —  This  was  a  remarkably  w^ell-endowed  young  man 
•of  19  years,  who  had  had  every  advantage  in  life  except  contact 
with  well-balanced  parents.  Physically  he  was  a  splendid  speci- 
men. His  delinquencies  and  traits  are  shown  well  enough  for 
our  purposes  in  the  following  causative  factor  card,  but  we  should 
add,  in  considering  adolescence  as  a  possible  factor  in  this  case, 
that  the  young  man  is  pretty  well  along  in  that  period,  and 
should  be  showing  stability  by  now.  However,  even  at  that, 
it  may  be  that  later  on  he  will  develop  better  powers  of  self-con- 
trol as  the  mere  result  of  increased  years.     In  this  instance  we 




[Chap.  XVII 

also  noted  a  functional  defect  which  in  numerous  cases  we  have 
found  correlated  with  general  defect  in  control.  This  is  enuresis. 
It  was  striking  to  find  that  so  strong  and  mentally  well-equipped 
an  individual  had  persisted  in  enuresis  until  he  was  18. 

Defect  in  self-control. 

Case  103. 

Heredity :  Maternal  grandmother  insane. 
Father  erratic,  brilliant, 

Boy,  age  19. 

Mother  neuropathic. 

Home  conditions:  Parents  separated. 
Poor  control. 

Adolescence  (?) 

Running  away. 

Good  ability. 

Case  104.  —  This  is  the  instance  of  a  young  man,  last  seen 
when  he  was  18,  who  was  of  supernormal  mental  ability  and  of 
good  physique  except  for  slightly  defective  vision.  He  had  un- 
usual mental  powers  and  came  from  a  very  intelligent  family 
and  had  many  opportunities,  but  up  to  the  time  we  last  knew 
him,  his  career  had  for  6  or  7  years  centered  about  a  succession  of 
delinquencies.  There  seemed  to  be  nothing  to  blame  but  his 
own  innate  characteristics. 

Defect  in  self-control. 

Heredity:  Mother  insane  and  later 
Brother  criminalistic  during 

Adolescent  instability  (?) 

Delinquencies : 
Running  away  +. 
Stealing  +. 


Case  104. 
Male,  age  18  yrs. 

Extraordinary  ability. 

Chap.  XVIl]  DEFECT    IN    SELF-CONTROL  [§  281 

The  prognosis  and  treatment  in  cases  of  defect  in  self-control 
are  naturally  matters  of  great  interest.  There  can  be  no  doubt 
that  a  congenital  and  innate  defect  in  this  direction  will  show 
itself  more  during  the  period  of  adolescent  instability  than  it 
will  do  later.  So,  other  things  being  equal,  the  tendency  towards 
the  individual  gaining  more  self-control,  or  at  least  being  more 
successful  in  handling  himself  because  he  has  less  to  contend  with 
in  his  own  nature,  is  better  as  adult  years  are  reached.  But  the 
prognosis  undoubtedly  depends  upon  elements  in  social  and 
other  treatment.  If  the  individual,  as  is  sometimes  the  case, 
lives  with  parents  or  a  family  who  show  the  same  characteristics, 
then  the  external  irritation  is  going  to  tend  to  increase  the  innate 
difficulty.  The  most  stable  environment  possible  is  advisable. 
Then  the  prognosis  also  depends  very  largely  upon  the  individual 
keeping  away  from  stimulants  (alcohol,  excessive  coffee,  tobacco, 
etc.)  which  will  tend  to  increase  his  own  nervous  or  explosive 
tendencies.  Defect  in  self-control  thus  ought  to  be  scientifically 
diagnosed  and  met  by  appropriate  treatment.  The  training  and 
stead}^  disciplme  which  is  to  be  found  in  a  few  of  the  best  mili- 
tary and  industrial  schools  may  unquestionably  help  the  indi- 
vidual to  make  himself  more  sociably  tolerable.  Some  individ- 
uals with  a  remarkably  good  insight  have  successfully  sought 
to  circumvent  their  own  inadequacies  of  self-control  by  measures 
that  are  personally  suited,  but  this  procedure  is  one  that  requires 
high  intelligence. 



Mental  Dullness  from  Physical  Conditions 

§  282.  General  Statement.  §  283.  Case  Showing  Possibilities  of  Diagnosis 
and  Treatment.  §  284.  Dullness  from  General  Physical  Conditions. 
§  285.  Mental  Dullness  from  Narcotics  and  Stimulants.  §  286.  Mental 
Dullness  from  Debilitating  Sex  Habits.  §  287.  Mental  Dullness  from 
Head  Injury.     §  288.  Epileptic  Dullness.     §  289.  Doubtful  Cases. 

§  282.  General  Statement.  —  In  cases  where  defective  mental 
capacity  is  found  in  the  same  individual  with  acquired  physical 
conditions  which  may  be  rationally  considered  as  a  possible 
cause  for  the  mental  failure,  any  correlation  of  the  two  should 
be  intimately  studied.  There  can  be  no  more  doubt  about  the 
possibility  of  mental  dullness  arising  from  physiological  causes 
within  the  individual  than  there  is  of  the  fact  that  any  of  us  may 
suffer  from  temporary  mental  hebetude  as  the  result  of  anemia, 
weakness  or  auto-intoxication.  Examples  of  the  inability  of  the 
mind  to  work  well  as  the  result  of  such  conditions  will  occur  to 
all.  Everybody  knows  the  weakened  mental  states  of  exhaus- 
tion, of  serious  illness  and  of  convalescence.  Even  the  mental 
dullness  which  supervenes  during  an  attack  of  jaundice  is  well 
recognized.  In  physiological  terms,  it  is  a  question  of  the  quality 
and  the  quantity  of  the  blood  supply  to  the  brain  cells  which  are 
on  duty,  and  of  their  present  integrity  or  exhaustion.  To  be  sure, 
often  one  finds  a  combination  of  congenital  mental  defects  with 
poor  physical  conditions,  and  it  is  difficult  to  say  whether  or  not 
the  latter  is  even  a  contributory  cause  of  the  amentia.  This 
can  only  be  answered  by  giving  the  individual  the  benefits  of 
appropriate  treatment  and  perhaps  bettered  environment.  We 
frequently  find  cases  where  there  is  to  be  obtained  no  history  of 
early  lack  of  mental  development,  in  which  at  the  time  of  exam- 
ination mental  dullness  is  present,  together  with  very  poor  phy- 
sical conditions.  The  question  at  once  fairly  arises  whether  the 
mental  dullness,  arrest,  retardation,  or  whatever  it  may  be  called, 
is  due  to  the  physical  trouble.  I  have  no  doubt  that  the  majority 
of  cases  presenting  this  dual  problem  of  mental  incapacity  with 
defective  physical  findings  ultimately  turn  out  to  belong  to 
the  category  of  mental  defectives.     But  such  is  not  always  the 



case,  and  in  the  light  of  that  fact  it  is  most  unsafe  to  overlook 
any  instance  where  therapeutics  may  be  of  vahie.  The  differen- 
tial diagnosis  of  feeblemindedness  may  be  dependent  on  physical 

Coming  to  the  question  of  the  use  of  tests  for  making  the 
differential  diagnosis  between  feeblemindedness  and  dullness 
from  immediate  physical  causes,  w^e  may  say  that  common  sense 
dictates  an  answer.  We  know  perfectly  well  that  mental  capac- 
ities are  interfered  with  by  poor  physical  conditions.  All  of  us 
who  use  tests  carefully  try  to  be  on  the  lookout  for  even  ephem- 
eral physical  disabilities.  We  get  very  different  results  on  tests 
calling  for  exercise  of  the  powers  of  attention,  will,  and  even 
perception,  on  the  person's  good  days  than  we  do  when  they  are 
are  not  feeling  well.  Even  the  stimulation  of  a  good  meal  in  a 
lethargic  subject  has  been  known  with  us  to  raise  the  Binet  find- 
ings over  2  years.  We  feel  very  keenly  after  our  years  of  daily 
experience,  that  to  judge  ultimately  of  mentality  either  by  what 
is  done  on  tests,  or  by  what  has  been  learned  in  school,  is  a  scien- 
tifically dangerous  procedure  if  one  does  not  take  into  account 
physical  conditions.  Judgment  must  occasionally  be  held  long 
in  abeyance. 

There  are  various  difficulties,  it  must  be  acknowledged,  in  the 
solution  of  this  problem,  even  if  one  be  given  time  and  oppor- 
tunity for  a  fair  trial  of  various  therapeutic  measures.  The 
question,  for  instance,  has  not  yet  been  answered  as  to  whether 
a  mind  largely  unused,  by  reason  of  physical  or  sensory  diffi- 
culties, may  not  really  lose  its  capacity  for  later  development. 
This  point  has  come  up  in  not  a  few  instances.  Then  again  we 
have  frequently  seen  some  of  these  dull  ones  who  have  developed 
such  vicious  trends  of  thought  and  behavior  that  it  has  been  found 
impossible,  even  when  introducing  better  physical  conditions, 
to  get  them  out  of  these  habits  which  militate  against  their 
mental  development.  And  when  this  does  occur  the  question 
may  never  be  answered  whether  or  not  the  individual's  sensory 
defects  or  physical  conditions  were  responsible  for  the  lack  of 
mental  development.  The  last  case  given  in  this  chapter  will 
illustrate   the   fact. 

§  283.  Case  Showing  Possibilities  of  Diagnosis  and  Treat- 
ment. —  The  following  case  splendidly  illustrates  the  important 
possibilities  of  treatment  of  mental  retardation  and  dullness 
which  is  based  upon  physical  causes. 



Case  105.  —  We  first  saw  this  bo}^  when  he  was  less  than  13 
years  old  and  he  was  then  brought  to  us  bj''  a  detective  as  being 
one  of  the  sharpest  and  cleverest  department  store  thieves  in  the 
city.  The  social  importance  of  this  case  must  not  be  minimized ; 
it  may  perhaps  be  best  appreciated  by  hearing  his  own  words 
as  they  were  given  at  the  time  when  we  first  became  his  friends. 

"  I  got  caught.  The  man  seen  him  coming  out  of  the  counter. 
I  told  him  to  go  and  open  it  —  the  money  drawer.  He  took  the 
money.  He  had  small  change,  dollars  too,  and  if  we  had  got  out 
we  would  divide  it.  He  got  caught.  The  man  seen  him  coming 
out  of  the  counter.  I  was  w^atching  to  see  if  the  man  was  coming. 
I  was  making  a  fuss,  making  off  as  if  I  was  n't  with  him.  I  was 
helping  search  him.  We  were  going  to  steal  knives  instead  of  to 
buy  them,  as  we  were  making  off.  He  says,  '  Oh,  there  's  money 
there.'  I  sajd,  *Go  on,  take  some,  we'll  have  a  good  time.' 
Believe  me,  I  '11  never  play  with  him  again.  I  '11  stay  with  my 
father  and  get  a  job  by  him.  I  always  used  to  call  for  that  boy. 
When  he  came  around  our  house  my  mother  would  hit  him  and 
send  him  away.  First  time  I  was  here  for  kipping."  (This  is  a 
term  used  in  the  youthful  underworld  for  sleeping  out  at  night.) 
"We  slept  in  a  milk  wagon.  Sometimes  used  to  call  for  him  at 
night.  Three  boys  slept  there  about  three  nights,  in  a  milk  wagon, 
an  old  wagon.  In  the  day  we  used  to  go  out  and  steal.  I  go  in  a 
store  and  ask  for  something,  a  bluff,  maybe  cream  puffs  that  they 
have  n't  got,  and  we  take  something  and  put  it  in  our  pockets, 
so."  (Shows  me  how.)  "We  used  to  steal  something  and  sell  — 
balls,  fishing  things  that  you  turn  around.  I  used  to  tell  the 
jiggers,  give  a  little  whistle,  and  Mike  would  go  there  and  steal. 
We  used  to  sell  the  things  to  boys  and  mens.  We  sold  them  some 
knives  in  the  store  where  we  stole  the  money.  He 's  got  the  knives 
now,  he  can't  sell  them.  This  was  long  ago,  before  I  was  in  the 
first  time.  When  I  went  around  to  G.  Street,  ]\Iike  heard  the 
boys  call  me  'dollar  booster,'  because  I  stole  a  dollar  once. 
But  he  was  a  booster  himself,  he  had  already  stolen.  He  says, 
^You  come  on,  I  know  a  place  where  we  can  boost.'  We  went 
to  S.'s  and  he  got  a  quarter  league  'King  of  the  Field.'  And  I 
says,  'Let's  go  lots  of  times/  and  we  shook  hands  on  it.  We 
went  all  over,  to  P.'s  and  everywhere,  and  stole  all  sorts  of  things, 
scissors,  finger-nail  cutter,  knives,  balls,  toys,  tennis  balls,  — 
there  is  n't  any  kind  of  thing  we  did  n't  get.  Anything  we  needed 
we  always  got  by  stealing  it.    We  were  always  talking  about  all 



sorts  of  things.  We  always  said  that  we  wished  that  all  schools  and 
policemans  would  n't  be.  We  slept  three  nights  on  a  boy's  roof. 
We  used  to  go  to  sleep  about  1  o'clock  and  get  up  about  noon. 
We  stole  dese  (shows  me  tennis  shoes) .  We  wanted  dese  because 
dey  did  n't  make  no  noise.  INIy  mother  was  always  wondering 
why  I  wanted  dese  kind.    We  stole  about  three  pairs  of  dese. 

"  I  was  to  all  kind  of  doctors  and  they  could  n't  help  me  and 
by  nurses  and  everybody.  I  had  lots  of  sickness  when  I  was 
little.  I  was  in  school  three  years  and  could  n't  do  nothing.  I 
went  over  to  the  doctor's  about  five  times  and  lots  of  them  says  I 
can't  be  cured.  I  get  up  in  the  middle  of  the  night  and  always 
get  scared.  I  used  to  smoke  sometimes,  but  a  boy  told  me  I 
would  get  consumption  and  now  I  am  afraid  to  let  it  touch  my 
mouth.  A  boy  grabbed  a  cigarette  out  of  my  mouth.  He  does  n't 
like  to  see  any  kid  steal  or  smoke.  He  has  sharp  shoes  and  he 
gives  an  aw^ul  kick.  He  used  to  steal  himself.  He  said  if  I 
wanted  to  boost  don't  come  around  here  or  I  will  break  it  for  you, 
my  back.  First  he  used  to  be  bad  himself,  but  now  he  is  all  right. 
He  says  he  read  in  the  Bible  and  sees  what  bad  boys  get  when  they 
die.  When  I  get  out  of  here  I  am  going  to  be  the  same  as  that  boy. 
If  I  catch  any  boys  stealing,  I  will  hurt  them.  These  shoes  are 
worn  and  I  won't  get  any  more  boosting  shoes.  When  I  die  I 
will  be  going  to  hell,  and  I  know  what  I  will  be  getting. 

"  I  can't  sit  still.  Whenever  I  go  to  school  I  've  got  to  do  the 
things  they  do.  Whenever  I  see  other  kids  do  things  (shows  me 
a  facial  spasm)  I  do  it.  Once  I  did  this  for  about  a  month.  Been 
to  about  300  nickel  shows  since  I  've  been  in  this  city,  used  to 
sneak  in  the  back.  Saw  cowboys,  and  cities,  and  mountains,  and 
kings,  and  robbers,  and  soldiers.  I  'd  always  do  the  same  motions. 
My  mother  does  n't  let  me  go  to  shows  now.  At  the  Bijou  I 
always  used  to  see  the  villains  and  at  home  I  was  always  play- 
ing the  villain.  What  I  dream  about  I  think  is  true.  Maybe  I 
dream  there  is  about  $2  in  my  pocket  and  I  look  in  the  morning 
to  see  if  the  money  is  there.  I  did  n't  tell  no  lie  all  the  morning." 
(Meaning  his  account  to  me.) 

We  soon  obtained  full  information  about  environmental  con- 
ditions, and  became  on  friendly  terms  with  the  family.  The 
boy  came  from  a  poverty-stricken  home.  The  family  were  immi- 
grants 7  years  previously,  and  the  father  had  never  succeeded 
in  getting  along  well.  The  parents  were  healthy,  non-alcoholic, 
but  almost  without  education  on  account  of  poverty  in  the  old 



country.  We  obtained  a  clear  denial  of  insanity,  feebleminded- 
ness or  epilepsy  on  either  side.  The  living  conditions  were  miser- 
able so  far  as  hygiene  was  concerned,  and  the  children  had  very 
poor  food.  The  boy  drank  much  coffee,  and  occasionally  smoked 
cigarettes.  To  bed  very  late  at  night.  There  were  four  children. 
A  younger  sister  later  became  slightly  delinquent,  but  soon 
mended  her  ways. 

Most  important  is  the  history  of  this  boy's  developmental 
conditions.  The  pregnancy  and  birth  said  to  be  normal.  Among 
other  diseases  he  had  scarlet  fever  when  a  young  baby.  Later 
on  he  had  typhoid  fever  and  was  delirious  for  days  with  it.  He 
also  had  diphtheria  badly.  At  7  years  he  fell  from  a  second-story 
window  and  was  unconscious  for  half  an  hour.  He  is  said  to  have 
talked  first  at  2  years,  and  walked  at  3  years,  but  his  prior  ill- 
nesses were  so  severe  that  they  may  have  entirely  accounted  for 
this  backwardness.  Never  any  convulsions.  During  all  of  his 
childhood  he  had  been  subject  to  much  general  nervousness,  and 
at  8  years  had  a  definite  attack  of  "spasms  "  of  the  face.  Twitch- 
ing of  his  facial  muscles  has  been  more  or  less  of  a  habit  with 
him  ever  since.  When  we  first  knew  him  he  was  in  a  subnormal 
room  of  a  city  school.  He  had  been  tried  in  the  regular  grades, 
but  had  not  succeeded. 

On  the  physical  side  there  were  important  findings.  When 
first  seen  at  12  years  of  age  this  active  little  boy  weighed  only  62 
lbs.  and  was  4  ft.  6  in.  in  height.  His  color  was  poor.  Teeth 
good  condition.  No  sensory  defect  noted.  Constant,  restless, 
nervous  movements,  but  not  of  a  choreic  variety.  Tonsils  mod- 
erately large.  Complains  much  of  headaches.  Expression  lively. 
Occasionally  cries  and  sobs  terrifically.  Shows  much  nervous 
energy  and  astonishing  strength  for  his  size.  Well-shaped  head; 
circumference  52.2 ;  length  17.3 ;  breadth  15  cm.  After  two  months 
in  the  country  we  saw  him  again.  Headaches  had  disappeared. 
Had  now  a  good  color  and  bright  eyes,  but  not  gained  in  weight. 

At  15  years,  after  having  had  one  year  during  this  time  in  the 
country,  and  living  conditions  being  improved  in  other  ways,  he  is 
now  found  to  be  5  ft.  2  in.  in  height  and  to  weigh  102  lbs.  No 
abnormal  movements,  and  all  signs  of  old  nervousness  disappeared. 
He  now  feels  very  well.    The  boy  had  been  steadily  gaining. 

Mental  tests:  The  tests  were  done  the  first  time  before  we  had  de- 
veloped some  of  our  apparatus  and  present  methods  of  scoring.  At 
this  time  the  boy  was  12  years  and  8  months  old. 



I.  3'  4".    Much  trial  and  error  all  the  way  through. 

II.  2'  15".  14  errors.  Persists  in  effort  to  get  pieces  in  wrong 

III.  Construction  Test  A.  Failure  at  the  end  of  7'.  Made  very- 
many  repetitions  of  impossibilities. 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.  65".  Almost  no  trial  and  error.  Quickly 
said,  "Oh,  I've  got  it,"  when  he  saw  how  a  couple  of  the  pieces  went 
together,  then  fitted  them  in  very  quickly.  We  noted  at  the  time 
that  this  was  largely  a  matter  of  chance. 

V.  Puzzle  Box.    Shows  great  eagerness  and  interest.    3'  15". 

VI.  "Aussage."  Gives  a  full  functional  account  and  no  suggesti- 
bility.   A  distinctly  good  result.    Much  better  than  expected. 

VII.  Reproduction  of  Geometric  Figures.  Failures  on  both  at  first 
exposure.  He  showed  gTeat  nervous  hurry  and  he  was  allowed  to  try 
again  when  he  correctly  represented  one  figure. 

VIII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Symbol  Associations.  Two  errors  in  the 
learning  process  and  5  in  the  reproduction.  (In  the  next  few  days  he 
was  tried  twice  more  on  this  same  work  and  did  not  succeed  in  doing 
the  task.) 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.  Correct  at  2d  trial  after  drawing  it  him- 
self once. 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.    Correct  and  fairly  prompt  at  1st  trial. 
XIII.    Memory  from   Auditory  Verbal   Presentation.     Nine   out 

of  the  twelve  items  given,  but  not  with  accuracy,  and  in  the  form  of  an 
inconsequential  recital.  The  same  result  was  obtained  on  other  tests 
of  the  kind. 

XV.    Antonyms.    Three  failures.    Average  time  2.9". 

XVII.  Perunanship  about  normal,  but  does  not  know  how  to  spell 
any  but  the  shortest  monosyllables. 

XVIII.  Does  about  2d  grade  work  in  arithmetic.  Can  do  small 
oral  sums,  such  as  12  plus  9  plus  10.    Knows  the  tables  up  to  6's. 

XIX.  Reading.    Recognizes  only  a  few  of  the  shortest  words. 
XXII.    Information  extends  to  a  few  contemporary  items,  but  on 

other  subject  is  almost  nil. 

He  was  seen  a  couple  of  months  later,  after  he  had  been  out  in  the 
country,  and  one  then  found  a  distinct  improvement  as  gauged  by  the 
tests  which  he  had  not  succeeded  in  before. 

IL   2' 4". 

III.  Construction  Test  A.  Now  done  rapidly  in  35".  (He  had 
been  shown  how  to  do  it  at  the  end  of  the  previous  sitting.) 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.  5'  37".  It  was  as  we  suspected  —  the 
previous  result  was  largely  a  matter  of  chance. 

VII.  Reproduction  of  Geometric  Figures.  Correct  for  both  fig- 
ures, except  for  some  lack  of  symmetry. 

VIII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Symbol  Associations.  Done  without 

XIII.  Memory  from  Auditory  Verbal  Presentation.  Much  better 
result  than  formerly.  He  omitted  only  one  whole  item  and  part  of 
another  out  of  the  12. 

551    . 


XV.  Antonyms.  One  failure  and  one  error.  Average  time 

XVI.  Motor  Coordination  Test.    64  squares  with  one  error. 

No  other  changes  were  noted.  The  boy  had  not  been  to  school  in 
this  time. 

Six  months  later  when  he  came  in  from  the  country  to  report  he 
had  advanced  to  the  3d  grade.  He  now  promptly  did  ordinary  addi- 
tion.   Showed  improvement  in  both  writing  and  spelling. 

Another  record  is  after  the  boy  had  been  under  our  observation 
2  1-2  years.  He  was  now  a  little  over  15  years  old.  At  the  end  of  a 
year  he  had  come  back  to  the  city  and  done  4th  grade  work  for  some 
months.  Then  he  stopped  school.  He  had  been  steadily  at  work  for 
the  last  six  months. 

Unfortunately  we  did  not  have  any  first  record  of  Binet  tests  that 
could  be  fairly  offered  in  comparison  with  these  now  obtained,  but 
the  general  progress  of  the  boy  as  shown  by  our  other  tests,  by  his 
school  record  and  his  present  earning  capacity  and  moral  behavior 
is  most  significant  for  our  main  point. 

It  must  be  remembered  for  the  interpretation  of  the  following 
results  that  it  was  about  two  years  since  any  of  the  tests  were  given 
to  him.  As  to  his  possibly  remembering  any  of  them,  one  must  take 
into  account  the  varying  facility  with  which  these  different  tests 
may  be  remembered.  For  instance,  the  steps  of  the  Puzzle  Box, 
Test  V,  may  be  remembered  with  ease,  while  the  Arbitrary  Asso- 
ciations, Test  VIII,  would  be  promptly  forgotten. 

III.  Construction  Test  A.  Done  entirely  by  trial  and  error  method. 
4'.    45  moves.    15  repetitions  of  impossibilities. 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.  3'  20".  24  moves.  Done  immediately 
afterward  upside  down  in  25".     11  moves. 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  1'  47".  Steps  done  consecutively  with  the  intro- 
duction of  one  slight  error. 

VII.  Reproduction  of  Geometric  Figures.  Done  promptly  and 

VIII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Symbol  Associations.  Promptly  and  all 

IX.  Correct  as  previously. 

X.  Correct  as  previously. 

XL  Code  Test.  Fails  on  this.  With  difficulty  got  the  idea  him- 
self, but  could  not  control  his  mental  processes  well  enough  to  get 
more  than  two  symbols  correct. 

XII.  Memory  from  Visual  Verbal  Presentation.  He  has  now 
learned  to  read  well  enough  so  that  this  test  can  be  given.  Sixteen 
out  of  the  twenty  items  given  correctly  in  logical  sequence  with  verbal 
changes,  but  with  full  appreciation  of  the  sense. 

XVII.  Writes  an  immature  hand.  Spells  some  simple  words  poorly, 
and  does  not  use  capitals  correctly. 

XVIII.  Adds  promptly  and  correctly.  Fails  on  the  tables  above 
6's.  On  this  point  it  is  to  be  remembered  that  he  has  had  very  little 
drill  on  account  of  his  early  backwardness  in  school  life. 



XIX.  Now  reads  ordinary  newspaper  passages  understandingly. 
Mispronounces  the  difficult  words  as  would  naturally  be  supposed. 

XXIII.  Pictorial  Completion  Test.  Done  fairly  rapidly.  3'  25", 
Tvith  very  few  changes  and  only  one  final  error. 

Binet  (1911)  series: 

Ten  years  —  all  correct. 

Twelve  years  —  1,  2,  3,  correct;  4,  failure;  5,  correct. 

Fifteen  years  —  1,  correct;  2,  3,  failures;  4,  correct;  5,  failure. 

This  case  represents  a  tremendously  satisfactory  outcome  in 
its  mental,  moral  and  physical  aspects.  It  is  well  worth  earnest 
attention  as  being  a  representative  type.  The  boy  was  given  a 
moderate  amount  of  individual  instruction  while  in  the  country 
and  progressed  three  grades  in  a  year.  He  came  back  and  held 
his  place  in  the  4th  grade.  He  soon  had  to  go  to  work,  how- 
ever, to  help  support  his  family.  He  has  become  a  completely 
steady  w^orker  and  moderate  earner,  a  good  support  to  his 
family,  and  an  entirely  changed  boy.  He  may  still  be  regarded 
as  an  underling;  he  is  physically  not  what  he  should  be  for  his 
age,  and  he  needs  much  more  instruction  in  the  subjects  in  which 
he  is  deficient.  That  his  mental  dullness  and  retardation  was 
dependent  on  his  physical  conditions  there  can  be  no  doubt 
from  the  result  which  was  obtained  from  building  him  up  on  the 
physical  side.  The  complete  moral  change  has  been  one  of  the 
most  gratifying  in  our  experience. 

Mentality:   Dull  from  physical  conditions.  Case  105. 

Physical  conditions:  Poor  develop-  ^°^'  ^^^  ^'^• 

ment  and  nutrition. 
Nervousness  +-     Anemia. 

Stimulants:  Coffee. 

Developmental  conditions:  Many  serious 


Home  conditions:  Poverty.    Lack  of 

hygiene.     Poor  control. 

School  irritations:  Being  in  sub- 
normal room. 


Stealing  +  -|-  -I-.  Mentality: 

Running  away.  As  above. 



§  284.  Dullness  from  General  Physical  Conditions.  —  The 
following  case  represents  a  type  occasionally  seen  in  juvenile 
court  work  of  mental  dullness  from  general  physical  causes.  Unfor- 
tunately it  also  illustrates  the  fact  that  parents  sometimes  cannot 
be  in  the  least  awakened  to  the  fundamental  needs  of  their  chil- 

Case  106.  —  Boy,  14  years  old.  Brought  in  the  last  time  for 
vagrancy.  He  had  been  away  from  home  a  week  and  had  been 
sleeping  in  alleys  down  town.  Before  this  on  several  occasions 
he  had  run  away  from  home  and  had  consorted  much  with  bad 
companions.  With  them  he  has  been  destructive  in  buildings 
and  has  engaged  in  petty  stealing  and  other  misdemeanors.  The 
police  have  an  acquaintance  with  him  on  account  of  his  miscour 
duct  for  over  two  years.  He  has  been  taken  up  by  them  time 
and  again. 

The  father,  coming  in  to  see  us,  tells  us  the  mother  is  dead.  He 
said  she  was  a  drinking  woman  and  probabl}'"  immoral.  Before 
the  boy  was  born  she  was  healthy  and  the  birth  was  normal.  At 
about  one  year  of  age  the  child  was  very  ill  with  summer  com- 
plaint. He  walked  early,  but  was  reckoned  slow  in  talking  because 
he  used  baby  language  until  he  was  4  years  old.  There  are  only 
2  surviving  out  of  6  children,  4  of  whom  died  early  of  infectious 
diseases.  The  elder  is  a  sickly  girl  who  went  to  school  but  little. 
However,  she  is  bright  mentally  and  doing  well  now  in  business 
life.  The  mother  never  had  any  bad  influence  over  this  boy. 
She  has  been  dead  for  years  and  before  his  birth  was  never  grossly 
alcoholic.  The  father  has  not  paid  any  attention  to  the  physical 
ailments  of  his  boy  as  he  had  not  reckoned  them  of  much  import- 
ance. He  always  regarded  association  with  bad  companions  as 
the  cause  of  all  the  trouble,  and  thought  his  boy  did  not  learn 
well  in  school  because  he  did  not  want  to.  The  highest  grade 
reached  was  the  4th.  For  years  he  has  been  an  excessive  drinker 
of  tea.    No  other  bad  habits  are  known. 

On  examination  we  found  the  boy  in  very  poor  general  condi- 
tion. Weight  100  lbs.  Height  5  ft.  Very  slouchy  attitude.  Dull, 
stupid  expression,  but  is  responsive  to  kindly  appreciation. 
Decidedly  anemic.  Tonsils  large  and  diseased.  Cervical  glands 
enlarged.  Extreme  phimosis.  Vision  very  defective.  Marked 
case  of  myopia.  Strabismus.  Pigeon  breast.  Upper  teeth 
crowded.  Some  of  the  second  teeth  from  lower  jaw  already  lost. 
Complains  of  occasional  dizziness.    Is  a  restless  and  fairly  active 



type.    Notwithstanding  poor  nutrition,  strength  is  good  for  his 

Mental  Tests,  Binet  (1911  series): 
12  years,  1,  2,  3,  4,  correct;  5,  failure. 

15  years,  1,  correct  and  very  prompt;   2,  3,  correct;    4,  half  cor- 
rect; 5,  half  correct. 
Our  own  series: 

I.  2'  39".    Slow  work.    No  trial  and  error  on  the  triangles. 

II.  3'  8".    6  errors. 

III.  Construction  Test  A.  32".  8  moves.  Only  one  repetition  of 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.    3'  4".    27  moves. 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  Failure.  (Was  tried  again  in  about  a  year  later 
and  this  time  in  a  rapid  and  ridiculous  manner  by  trial  and  error 
method  succeeded  finally  in  getting  the  box  open  in  6'  30".  Not  any 
planfulness;    a  very  irrational  procedure.) 

VI.  "  Aussage."  Very  small  amount  of  free  recital.  Fair  number  of 
items  given  on  cross-examination.    No  suggestibility. 

VIII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Symbol  Associations.  Ver}^  slow  work 
and  poor  results.  Four  total  errors,  including  duplication  of  the 
same  number  in  different  places. 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.    Correct  at  1st  trial. 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.  Correct  at  2d  trial  after  drawing  the  figure 
once  himself. 

XL  Code  Test.  Failed  entirely.  Showed  much  inattentive  nerv- 
ousness. Tried  a  year  later,  much  the  same  type  of  results.  Many 
errors  made.    Did  not  seem  to  be  able  to  keep  his  mind  on  the  problem. 

XII.  Memory  from  Visual  Verbal  Presentation.  Only  ten  out  of 
the  twenty  items  given  and  these  incomplete. 

XIII.  Memory  from  Auditory  Verbal  Presentation.  Ten  out  of  the 
twelve  items  given  with  verbal  changes,  but  logical  sequence  correct. 

XVII.  Cannot  add  up  simple  columns  correctly.  Does  not  know 
the  tables  of  3's  or  4's.  Tried  a  year  later,  he  knew  most  of  the  tables 
up  to  8's,  and  could  do  little  examples  in  oral  arithmetic  where  four 
simple  processes,  one  after  another,  were  given.  Fails  on  simple  arith- 
metical reasoning  processes. 

XIX.  Reads  fairly  well  a  4th-grade  passage.  All  words  in  it  were 

XXII.    Information  of  all  kinds  most  scanty. 

At  first  examination  we  several  times  had  to  stop  the  tests 
on  account  of  the  boy's  general  nervousness  and  inattentiveness. 
He  needed  constant  encouragement,  and  at  all  times  seemed  to 
have  trouble  in  getting  his  mind  to  work.  It  was  clear  that  his 
difficulty  was  in  lack  of  mental  energy  and  ability  to  pay  atten- 
tion. It  was  shown  in  our  own  work  and  also  in  his  school  career. 
It  is  noticeable  that  he  ranks  a  trifle  above  his  age  on  Binet, 



and  by  his  performance  on  some  of  our  own  tests  he  shows  posses- 
sion of  good  ability.  One  cannot  deny  that  the  boy  may  have 
some  special  defect  for  arithmetic,  but  until  he  has  had  a  fair 
chance,  no  decision  on  this  point  can  be  made.  He  never  had 
instruction  above  the  4th  grade. 

There  can  be  little  doubt  from  a  study  of  this  case  that  the 
boy's  backwardness  in  school  is  due  to  his  physical  ailments 
and  defects,  and  perhaps  somewhat  to  his  excessive  use  of  tea. 
Despite  our  first  recommendation  to  the  family,  we  found,  a 
year  afterwards,  when  the  boy  was  in  more  trouble,  that  he  had 
not  been  helped  in  any  way  from  the  physical  standpoint,  except 
that  his  eyes  had  been  examined  and  he  had  received  glasses, 
which  he  was  allowed  to  go  without  wearing  whenever  he  wished. 

With  such  a  background  of  poor  nutrition,  anemia,  diseased 
tonsils,  enlarged  glands,  extremely  myopic  vision,  strabismus, 
the  irritation  of  defective  teeth  and  extreme  phimosis,  and  the 
positive  findings  on  mental  tests,  there  can  be  but  little  doubt 
that  the  boy's  mental  retardation  and  dullness,  and  probably  his 
delinquent  career,  are  dependent  upon  physical  conditions. 
The  amount  of  neglect  in  this  case  had  been  atrocious  and  already 
proven  highly  expensive  to  society;  through  the  formation  of 
criminal  inclinations  it  is  likely  to  prove  even  more  costly. 

Mentality :  Dull  from  physical  conditions. 

Physical  conditions:  Defective  vision. 

Phimosis.    Anemia, 

Case  106. 
Boy,  age  14  yrs. 


Developmental  conditions : 

Early  severe  illness. 
Stimulants,  tea  +  +. 
Parental  neglect  and 

bad  companions. 

Running  away. 
Stealing,  etc. 

Mentality : 
As  above. 

§285.  Mental  Dullness  from  Narcotics  and  Stimulants. — 
The  usual  result  of  the  overuse  of  narcotics  or  stimulants  is 
the  development  of  a  neurotic  or  psychotic  disorder.  That  is, 
so  far  as  mentahty  is  concerned,  the  effect  is  more  towards  pro- 
ducing aberration  than  dullness  as  such.  The  various  dementias 
secondary  to  these  aberrations  we  have  mentioned  elsewhere, 



§  193  ff.  We  have  long  been  on  the  lookout  for  the  proof  that 
narcotics  and  stimulants  cause  actual  mental  dullness.  Such 
proof  would  be  most  obtainable  during  youth.  The  evidence 
has  not  been  easy  to  obtain.  Excessive  use  of  tea  and  coffee 
brings  about  lack  of  self-control,  not  mental  lethargy.  We  have 
found  very  few  cases  of  alcoholism  among  young  people,  and  then 
the  resultant  effects  w^ere  always  as  mentioned  above.  On  the 
other  hand,  a  great  many  children  smoke.  One  can  have  no 
doubt  that  smoking  is  a  harmful  habit  in  many  ways,  but  the 
proof  of  any  enfeeblement  caused  directly  by  it  has  also  been 
hard  to  get.  Practically  all  children  who  smoke  excessively  also 
indulge  in  other  bad  habits,  or  are  victims  of  bad  methods  of 
living  which  can  rationally  be  considered  as  more  important  in 
breaking  them  down  mentally  and  morally  than  the  smoking 
itself.  We  have  observed  this  to  be  the  case  in  many  instances 
which  we  have  studied,  but  in  the  following  very  unusual  case 
we  do  seem  to  have  some  definite  evidence  that  mental  debility 
may  be  caused  by  tobacco  alone. 

Case  107.  —  This  was  a  girl  of  16  who  had  been  much  com- 
plained of  by  her  own  people  and  the  neighbors.  She  is  utterly 
disobedient.  She  was  formerly  a  great  truant  from  school. 
Recently  she  will  not  work,  stays  out  late  at  night,  and  has 
repeatedly  been  a  sex  delinquent.  She  comes  from  a  poor  and 
ignorant  family.  The  father  is  not  a  drunkard.  The  mother, 
now  dead,  is  said  to  have  been  a  good  woman.  The  general  his- 
tory is  very  incomplete,  but  probably  correct  as  far  as  it  goes. 
The  girl  walked  and  talked  early.  Never  been  sick.  Never  any 
convulsions.  She  did  not  do  as  well  in  school  as  her  older  brothers 
and  sisters  who  are  all  said  to  have  been  smart.  Moreover  she 
is  not  willing  to  work  regularly  as  they  have  all  done  since  they 
left  school.  She  began  to  smoke  cigarettes  when  she  was  8  years 
old,  and  has  continued  this  habit  more  or  less  ever  since.  Her 
sisters  are  said  not  to  have  smoked. 

Physically  we  find  this  girl  very  small  for  her  age.  Height 
4  ft.  10  in.,  but  she  is  strong  and  well  built.  In  development  of 
sex  characteristics  she  is  retarded.  Has  a  slight  thyroid.  Rather 
defective  vision,  but  since  she  is  accustomed  only  to  coarse  work 
and  outdoor  life,  this  probably  has  been  no  cause  of  trouble.  She 
has  regular  features  and  very  bright  eyes.  Quiet  attitude  and 
rather  dull  expression.  Everything  else  on  the  physical  side  was 
found  negative. 



Mental  tests;    our  own  series: 

I.  2'  51".    Much  trial  and  error  on  the  triangles. 

II.  1'7".    3  errors. 

III.  Construction  Test  A.  2'  41".  45  total  moves  with  only  7  re- 
trials of  impossibilities. 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.    5'  32".    37  moves. 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  Failure  in  10'.  (Succeeded,  however,  in  12'  after 
a  very  slow  study  and  a  little  trial  and  error.) 

VI.  "Aussage."  Short  enmnerative  account.  Fair  result  with  three 
suggestions   accepted. 

VII.  Reproduction  of  Geometric  Figures.  Done  well  at  the  first 

VIII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Symbol  Associations.  Done  slowly  and 
with  three  final  errors. 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.  Failed  at  the  4th  reproduction  even  after 
drawing  the  figure  three  times  herself. 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.    Not  given. 

XII.  Memory  from  Visual  Verbal  Presentation.  Not  given  be- 
cause does  not  read  well  enough. 

XIII.  Memory  from  Auditory  Verbal  Presentation.  Did  not  com- 
prehend the  subject  matter.  She  tried  to  learn  the  first  phrase  without 
thought  of  the  meaning,  reproduced  a  sentence  or  two,  then  stopped 
and  stared  vacantly,  and  no  further  effort  would  she  make.  (It  is  to 
be  remembered  in  all  these  language  tests  that  English  is  not  spoken  at 

XVI.  Motor  Coordination  Test.  Good  result.  72  squares  at  1st 
trial  and  one  error.    84  squares  at  2d  trial  and  no  errors. 

XVII.  Writes  a  legible  hand,  but  misspells  all  but  the  simplest 

XVIII.  Does  not  know  the  tables.  Only  addition  of  simple  figures 
done  correctly. 

XIX.  Reading.  Hesitates  on  simple  passage.  Only  one  word  at  a 

XXII.  Information  is  practically  nil  on  all  sorts  of  geographical 
and  historical  items. 

In  estimation  of  the  result  of  formal  education  it  is  to  be  remem- 
bered that  this  girl  has  not  only  been  a  great  truant,  but  has  been  to 
a  school  where  a  foreign  language  is  spoken.  She  has  lived  in  an 
out-of-the-way  place  where  her  school  career  has  not  been  checked 

The  following  is  the  result  of  tests  done  6  months  later,  after  bet- 
terment of  her  habits: 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.    Correct  at  1st  trial. 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.    Correct  at  1st  trial. 

XL  Code  Test.  Fails  on  this  as  a  whole,  but  succeeds  in  getting  a 
few  of  the  letters  done  correctly. 

XVIII.  Arithmetic.  Now  does  simple  multiplication  sum  with 
only  one  error. 


Chap.  XVlIl]       DULLNESS  FROM  DEBILITATING  SEX  HABITS      [§  280 

This  girl  tells  us  that  she  smokes  cigarettes  four  times  a  day 
or  so  and  that  she  began  yeare  ago  when  a  little  boy  taught  her 
in  school.  She  tells  of  various  sex  experiences.  She  has  recently 
been  riding  round  a  good  deal  with  a  vegetable  peddler.  Her 
teacher  at  the  time  we  first  saw  her  stated  that  the  girl  did  not 
seem  to  be  able  to  learn,  although  she  attempted  to  apply  her- 
self. She  was  one  whole  morning  trying  to  learn  to  say  four  lines. 
She  was  proportionately  better  in  industrial  work. 

This  delinquent  girl  was  tried  in  another  private  home;  her 
people  felt  that  under  probation  they  could  not  succeed  with  her. 
She  stopped  her  smoking,  but  continued  in  other  bad  behavior, 
keeping  company  with  dissolute  men  and  staying  away  for 
several  nights.  She  was  then  placed  in  an  institution.  After  6 
months  we  saw  her  again.  She  now  seemed  much  brighter  men- 
tally. We  obtained,  among  other  evidences  of  her  improvement, 
the  results  on  tests  given  last.  Some  which  she  failed  on  before 
she  now  did  with  ease.  She  had  also  gained  10  lbs.  in  weight. 
We  would  not  have  it  understood  that  institutional  life  offered 
her  better  hygienic  conditions  than  she  had  before,  because  while 
living  at  home  she  had  good  nourishment  and  was  out  in  the  open 
a  good  deal.  The  main  change  in  her  general  trend  of  living  was 
the  cessation  of  smoking  and  regular  attendance  at  school  during 
these  months.  She  herself  said  she  guessed  she  had  grown  smarter 
and  that  in  the  old  days  she  used  to  feel  not  quite  well.  Her  head 
ached  much  then,  and  now  she  thinks  it  is  because  she  was  smok- 
ing so  much. 

Home  conditions:  Utter  lack  of  control. 

Case  107. 

Mentality:  Dull  from  excessive  smoking. 

Girl,  age  16. 

Smoking  +. 

Delinquencies : 
Out  nights. 
Sex  -I-. 

As  above. 

§286.  Mental  Dullness  from  Debilitating  Sex  Habits. — 
Probably  no  doubt  will  be  expressed  about  the  existence  of  mental 
dullness  or  inefficiency  from  the  effects  of  excessive  indulgence  in 
bad  sex  habits.  The  effect  is  sometimes  so  marked  that  the  indi- 
vidual  in  appearance   and   behavior  seems  to   be   genuinely   a 



mental  defective.  Unfortunately  one  who  works  with  delin- 
quents sees  numerous  cases  of  this  type.  They  are  important 
to  understand  and  discriminate  because  of  the  possibility  of 
doing  remedial  work  with  them. 

In  an  attempt  to  do  accurate  justice  to  this  subject  of  mental 
dullness  which  may  arise  from  bad  sex  habits  one  must  carefully 
bring  to  focus  on  the  observed  conditions  all  other  likely  causes 
of  physical  disability.  In  doing  this  we  find  in  many  cases  other 
notable  factors  also  in  the  background.  We  are  face  to  face  with 
the  old  argument  of  thoughtful  psychiatrists,  that  those  indi- 
viduals who  give  way  inordinately  to  self-weakening  habits 
must  in  the  jfirst  place  have  been  defective.  We  may  at  once 
acknowledge  that,  as  we  see  them,  it  is  often  very  hard  to  deter- 
mine where  cause  leaves  off  and  effect  begins.  In  those  instances 
where  one  has  observed  the  extremely  dragged-out,  typical  appear- 
ance popularly  attributed  to  this  trouble,  bad  sex  habits  have 
almost  never  been  discovered  to  stand  alone  as  a  cause.  From 
such  findings,  however,  we  must  not  underestimate  the  impor- 
tance of  these  habits,  as  at  least  contributory  producers  of  mental 

But  again  in  this  matter  it  is  the  practical  measures  we  are 
most  interested  in,  namely,  what  treatment  ought  to  be  invoked, 
and  what  are  the  predictabilities  of  the  case.  The  only  reason 
why  we  are  so  particular  about  attributing  something  like  the 
correct  proportion  of  mental  dullness  to  these  habits  is  that  we 
have  in  mind  the  predictabilities  of  given  cases  in  practical 
work  with  delinquents.  If  these  individuals  are  already  weak- 
lings through  inheritance,  or  developmental  conditions,  or  any- 
thing else,  then  the  outlook  is  to  be  stated  guardedly,  even 
though  it  is  possible  for  them  to  overcome  their  habits.  This 
point,  however,  must  be  treated  with  good  judgment,  because 
it  is  unquestionably  a  fact  that  such  habits  by  themselves  may 
be  a  considerable  factor  in  producing  delinquency.  The  latter 
fact  is  treated  elsewhere,  §  245. 

In  considering  the  effect  of  bad  sex  habits  upon  mentality  as 
evidenced  by  the  results  on  tests,  the  type  of  disability  is  mainly 
to  be  noted.  The  common  observation  of  teachers  and  others 
is  that  the  individual  shows  lack  of  power  to  concentrate  and  to 
hold  attention.  There  is  easy  mental  fatigue  and  quick  desire 
to  change.  On  tasks  of  all  kinds  which  are  done  readily  through 
bare  perceptions  and   quick   associations  the  response  may  be 



good.  Now  this  is  as  we  find  it  by  the  use  of  tests.  The 
individual  does  not  prove  uniformly  poor  in  visualizing  ability, 
or  in  the  exercise  of  any  other  given  function,  but  does  show  the 
defect  by  fluctuating  attention  and  easy  fatigue. 

It  has  been  a  matter  of  great  interest  to  us  to  find  empiric- 
ally that  frequently  the  trouble  at  the  background  of  a  given 
career  was  first  suggested  by  the  performance  on  tests.  The 
results  showed  mental  disability,  but  this  did  not  conform  to 
any  regular  type,  such  as  the  examination  of  a  feebleminded 
individual  usually  shows.  The  general  record  may  be  of  the 
same  irregular  kind  as  some  epileptics  show.  This  has  come  to  be 
so  well  recognized  with  us  that  successive  workers  in  our  institute 
have  come  to  feel  that  they  could  diagnose  a  case  of  this  kind,  or 
at  least  derive  valuable  suggestions  as  to  the  underlying  trouble, 
from  tests  alone,  providing  one  ruled  out  epilepsy. 

It  is  a  fact  that  in  a  study  of  this  kind  one  finds  difficulty  in 
getting  definite  proof  of  the  cause.  Very  rarely,  in  not  more  than 
perhaps  a  half  dozen  cases  in  our  experience,  could  we  find  satis- 
factory proof  of  mental  dullness  produced  completely  by  bad 
habits.  But  if  shown  to  exist  at  all,  then  it  is  a  factor  to  be  reck- 
oned with,  not  only  w^here  it  may  be  a  sole  cause,  but  as  a  contrib- 
utory factor.  Even  in  the  cases  which  we  have  watched  develop 
into  definite  psychoses,  thereby  showing  other  factors  at  work, 
one  cannot  help  recognizing  the  certain  amount  of  deterioration 
caused  by  the  bad  habits.    Of  this,  more  in  another  place,  §  313. 

We  have  seen  a  number  of  cases  in  which  the  delinquency, 
and  perhaps  the  mental  dullness,  was  caused  in  part  at  least 
by  bad  sex  habits,  and  in  which  a  most  successful  mental  and 
moral  outcome  was  obtained  through  good  treatment.  In  most 
cases  the  success  was  where  the  individual  was  below  the  age  of 
puberty.  We  have  seen  very  striking  results  in  children  of  from 
6  to  10  years  who  had  become  terrifically  run  down  physically, 
mentally  and  morally  as  the  result  of  such  habits.  In  these 
cases,  however,  we  have  not  obtained  the  range  of  performance 
on  tests  which  would  show  the  distinctive  characteristics  of  men- 
tality of  those  who  have  suffered  from  these  habits.  But  the  good 
results  of  treatment  would  be  noted  by  improved  general  reactions, 
school  work,  appearance,  and  ordinary  behavior. 

We  have  had  to  see  many  instances  of  older  individuals,  both 
adolescents  and  young  adults,  where  there  can  be  no  reasonable 
doubt  that  at  least  a  large  share  of  dullness  displayed  was  due 



to  the  lethargy  and  lack  of  general  mental  strength  caused  in  turn 
by  the  habits  under  discussion.  Illustrative  cases  are  the  following : 

Case  108.  —  A  girl  of  16  was  brought  in  by  her  mother.  There 
had  been  much  complaint  of  her  conduct  by  others,  but  not 
nearly  so  much  as  the  mother  herself  offered.  The  girl  had  a 
number  of  times  run  away  from  her  home,  she  then  would  sleep 
in  hallways.  She  had  been  much  of  a  truant,  had  obtained 
money  by  misrepresentation,  was  an  excessive  liar,  and  recently 
would  not  hold  positions  which  were  obtained  for  her.  Her 
mother  said  her  actions  were  so  queer  that  something  must  be 
the  matter  with  her  head,  although  she  had  seemed  bright  enough 
in  some  ways,  and  in  spite  of  truancy  had  reached  7th  grade  at 
14  years. 

We  learned  that  the  girl  had  never  been  very  sick.  She  was 
the  twin  of  a  child  who  never  developed  normally,  either  physic- 
ally or  mentally,  and  who  died  in  early  childhood.  No  convul- 
sions. Walked  and  talked  at  the  normal  age,  and  everything 
else  about  her  developmental  history  is  quite  negative.  Her 
father  was  a  healthy  and  bright  man  and  non-alcoholic,  but 
thoroughly  immoral,  even  to  the  point  of  committing  sex  crimes. 
The  mother  was  married  to  him  when  she  was  very  young  and 
these  twins  were  soon  born.  A  younger  child  is  normal  in  every 
way.  Other  facts  in  heredity  said  to  be  entirely  negative  on 
the  matters  we  are  particularly  interested  in :  no  insanity,  feeble- 
mindedness or  epilepsy. 

Physically  we  found  this  girl  to  be  just  fairly  developed  and 
nourished.  Weight  115  lbs.,  height  5  ft.  4  in.  Rather  dull,  sad 
expression.  Quiet  attitude.  Compressed  lips.  Color  poor. 
Vision  good  in  one  eye,  but  very  defective  in  the  other,  which, 
however,  is  not  used  to  any  extent.     Strabismus. 

Mental  tests;   our  own  series: 

I.  1'  33".  Small  repetition  of  error  on  triangles.  Pleased  in  a 
childish  way  at  opportunity  to  do  these  tests. 

II.  2'  25".     Two  errors. 

III.  Construction  Test  A.  2'  38".  35  total  moves  and  14  repeti- 
tions of  impossibilities. 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.  Failure  after  having  made  over  100  moves. 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  4'  16".  Rapid  trial  and  error  method  first.  Then 
steps  interspersed  with  errors. 

VI.  "Aussage."  Recital  of  small  amount  of  details  followed  by  mod- 
erately good  result  on  cross-examination  and  finally  2  out  of  5  sugges- 
tions accepted. 


Chap.  XVIIl]       DULLNESS  FKOM  DEBILITATING  SEX  IL\BITS      [§  286 

VII.  Reproduction  of  Geometric  Figures.  One  of  the  figures  done 
correctly  at  the  Lst  trial,  but  in  the  other  the  symmetry  was  only 
reproduced  after  the  3d  trial. 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.  Remarkable  failure  to  do  this,  even  after 
the  4th  reproduction,  and  after  ha\'ing  drawn  it  from  memory  three 
times.  (It  is  only  fair  to  say  that  later  in  the  test  the  girl  asked  for 
the  opportunity  to  retry  this  one  and  succeeded  at  once  without 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.    Correct  at  1st  trial. 

XL  Code  Test.  Got  the  idea  easily  and  WTote  the  phrase  correctly 
with  only  one  error. 

XII.  Memory  from  Visual  Verbal  Presentation.  17  items  out  of  20 
given  correctly  and  in  logical  sequence. 

XIII.  Memory  from  Auditory  Verbal  Presentation.  11  out  of 
the  12  items  given  wdth  some  verbal  changes,  but  with  logical  sequence. 

-  XIV.  Instruction  Box.  Correct  only  at  3d  trial.  Previously  forgot 
part  of  it  or  w^as  inaccurate. 

XV.    Antonyms.    Tw^o  errors.    One  failure.    Average  time  1.4". 

XVII.    Writes  a  fairly  good  hand. 

XVIIL  Does  long  di\dsion  of  decimals  correctly.  Fails  on  very 
simple  reasoning  process. 

XIX.   Reads  6th-grade  passage  fluently  and  with  correct  expression. 

With  a  stupid  manner  and  a  drawling  voice  she  tells  us  she 
runs  away  because  her  mother  complains,  and  she  sometimes 
stays  out  late  at  night  because  she  is  fooling  with  the  girls,  and 
so  on.  "Was  in  the  7th  grade.  Had  a  hundred  jobs  since  then. 
Can't  keep  them  because  I  'm  so  draggy.  They  want  their  money's 
worth.  They  want  a  livelier  girl.  I  don't  do  the  work  fast  enough 
for  them.  My  step-father  is  a  good  man.  Sometimes  I  dream 
of  things  in  the  da}i:ime.  I  think  I  am  doing  them.  Sometimes 
I  stop  working  to  dream.  Sometimes  dream  of  things  I  do,  and 
if  I  read  a  good  play  will  dream  of  that.  I  feel  lonesome  and  get 
mad.  Don't  know  why.  I  feel  tired.  I  just  know  my  mother 
don't  like  me.  If  she  did  I  could  please  her.  I  used  to  go  with 
some  bad  girls  when  about  12  years  old.  They  taught  me  bad 
things.     These  girls  told  me  to  stay  away  from  school." 

The  matter  was  gone  into  with  her  mother,  and  it  came  out 
that  it  was  known  to  the  family  that  the  girl  was  indulging  in 
bad  habits  w^hen  she  was  7  years  old,  but  the  mother  thought 
that  after  she  had  been  warned  she  had  stopped  it.  Much  to  her 
surprise  it  now  came  out  that  the  girl  had  been  excessively  indulg- 
ing in  these  ways  for  years.  Recently  one  of  the  main  sources 
of  her  erotic  stunulus  has  been  love-making  scenes  in  picture 



It  is  plain  to  see  why  this  girl  seems  so  dull  in  her  ordinary 
reactions.  Her  performance  on  tests  is  peculiarly  irregular. 
Some  of  the  simpler  things  she  did  extremely  poorly,  but  varied, 
as  we  see  by  the  later  result  on  Test  IX.  It  is  fair  to  say  that  the 
girl  was  stimulated  to  do  her  best  while  with  us,  and  undoubtedly 
felt  the  necessity  of  doing  so.  In  this  case  it  was  her  irregularity 
on  tests  that  gave  us  the  first  suggestion  of  what  was  the  matter 
with  her.  At  an  earlier  interview  with  her  mother  the  girl  denied 
bad  habits,  and  there  was  not  enough  in  her  appearance  alone 
to  make  one  feel  sure  that  this  was  the  trouble. 

As  in  all  cases  of  this  kind,  the  parent  was  urged  to  appreciate 
the  nature  of  the  case  and  to  help.  Nothing  is  so  efficient  as  close 
friendly  companionship  and  oversight  for  such  cases.  Interest- 
ing occupations,  healthy  outdoor  life  and  innocent  recreation 
are  all  much  more  valuable  than  anything  in  the  way  of  medi- 
cines or  surgical  treatment,  unless  there  be,  as  there  only  very 
rarely  is,  some  definite  physical  ailments  or  anomalies.  In  this 
case  the  mother  was  a  vigorous  woman.  She  met  firmly  the  girl's 
needs.  She  slept  with  her  and  watched  over  her  continually  in 
the  most  careful  way.  In  a  year  she  had  built  up  her  daughter 
very  successfully  from  the  physical,  moral  and  mental  stand- 
points. We  did  not  get  a  chance  to  give  the  tests  again,  but  no 
better  evidence  of  her  improved  condition  could  be  had  than  the 
fact  that  she  for  a  period  now  of  over  two  years  has  been  working 
steadily  in  a  responsible  position  where  she  earns  well.  Unfor- 
tunately it  is  rare  to  find  a  parent  who  has  courage  and  persist- 
ence to  so  thoroughly  essay  the  treatment  of  bad  habits. 

Mentality:  Dull  from  bad  habits.  Case  108. 

Physical  conditions:  Anemic.    De-  ^^^'  ^^^  ^^  ^''^• 

fective  vision. 


Masturbation  +  +. 

Heredity:  Father  sex  offender  and  criminalistic. 

Parental  neglect  previously. 

Delinquencies : 

Ljdng  +  +.  Mentality: 

Teaching  bad  habits.  As  above. 


Chap.  XVIIl]       DULLNESS  FROM  DEBILITATING  SEX  IL\BITS      [§  286 

Case  109.  — A  boy  almost  16  was  the  source  of  much  trouble 
to  his  family  on  account  of  running  away  from  home,  sleeping 
in  barns,  indulging  with  others  in  petty  stealing,  not  holding 
his  jobs,  and  general  indifference  to  the  exhortations  of  his  parents 
and  othere. 

He  is  the  eldest  of  seven  children,  all  the  others  said  to  be 
normal.  We  are  assured  from  a  rather  intelligent  parent  that 
there  has  never  been  any  insanity,  feeblemindedness  or  epilepsy 
in  either  family,  but  two  maternal  aunts  suffered  from  chorea. 
His  birth  and  pregnancy  said  to  have  been  normal.  He  walked 
and  talked  early  and  was  always  regarded  as  bright.  Never 
enuresis.  Never  very  ill  or  injured  severely.  Not  known  to  smoke 
to  any  extent;  does  not  drink.  Was  never  a  truant,  but  was 
mischievous  in  school.  Had  a  good  record  for  scholarship. 
Obtained  a  w^orking  certificate  at  14,  when  nearly  through  8th 
grade,  and  then  went  to  work.  He  has  had  a  number  of  jobs 
since  then,  but  would  sometimes  quit  after  working  a  couple  of 
days.  He  first  stayed  away  over  night  once  when  he  was  13, 
but  most  of  the  trouble  has  been  more  recent  w^ith  him.  At  one 
time  he  stayed  away  for  two  weeks.  His  usual  trick  is  to  sleep 
in  a  barn  or  even  out  on  the  prairie  with  a  crowd  of  boys.  They 
obtain  provisions  from  their  friends  or  by  petty  stealing.  The 
father  knows  nothing  of  any  bad  habits. 

Physically  we  found  him  to  be  well  developed  and  nourished. 
Weight  115  lbs.,  height  5  ft.  4  in.  Quiet  and  strong  type.  Dull 
expression  and  low^  voice.  Fine  constant  tremor  of  the  out- 
stretched hands.  Good  color.  Teeth  in  good  condition,  but  very 
crowded.  High  Gothic  palate.  Adherent  lobule  of  ears.  Most 
notable  w^as  the  fact  that  at  less  than  16  he  had  full  adult  type 
of  sex  development. 

Mental  tests;  our  own  series: 

III.  Construction  Test  A.    33".    Only  7  moves. 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.    1'  4".    11  moves. 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  5'  25".  Done  entirely  by  trial  and  error.  Steps 
all  interspersed  with  errors. 

VI.  "Aussage."  Small  amount  of  free  recital  and  fair  result  on 
cross-examination.     No  suggestibility. 

VII.  Reproduction  of  Geometric  Figures.  Done  fairly  well,  but 
not  with  complete  accuracy  in  regard  to  symmetry. 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.    Correct  at  the  2d  trial. 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.  Correct  only  at  4th  trial  after  having 
drawn  the  figure  three  times  for  himself. 



XI.  Code  Test.  Got  the  idea  by  himself  rapidly,  but  could  not 
hold  his  attention  long  enough  to  work  out  the  task.  Seven  out  of  the 
eleven  items  incorrect. 

XII.  Memory  from  Visual  Verbal  Presentation.  Fourteen  items 
out  of  the  twenty  given  correctly  and  in  proper  sequence. 

XIII.  Memory  from  Auditory  Verbal  Presentation.  Nine  of  the 
twelve  items  given  with  one  error  and  in  logical  sequence. 

XIV.  Instruction  Box.    Done  correctly  at  the  1st  trial.    36". 

XV.  Antonyms.    One  error.    Average  time  2.2". 

XVII.  Writes  a  very  irregular  and  boyish  hand  with  occasional 
misspelled  words.  Can  write  a  long  letter  in  fairly  good  diction,  but 
is  utterly  careless  about  punctuation  and  general  appearance  of  the 

XVIII.  Arithmetic.  Knows  the  process  of  calculating  interest  and 
the  reasoning  on  other  tests,  but  the  accuracy  is  distinctly  poor. 

XIX.  Reads  fluently  with  correct  expression  any  ordinary  passage. 

XXI.  In  reaction  to  the  second  moral  situation  about  the  white 
villagers  giving  up  a  man  to  the  Indians  he  is  quite  sure  all  through 
that  it  is  better  to  take  the  easier  path  and  give  up  the  man,  rather 
than  take  chances  of  having  others  captured  and  the  village  burned. 

XXII.  Information.  Ordinary  items  of  geography  correct,  but  on 
history  much  mixed  up.  Has  a  pitiably  small  amount  of  scientific 
information  in  which  normal  boys  are  interested. 

It  is  easy  to  see  from  the  foregoing  record  that  the  result  from 
an  8th-grade  boy,  who  had  the  reputation  of  being  quite  bright 
in  school,  is  distinctly  poor  on  several  points,  and  that  all  of 
these  are  simply  such  as  involve  prolonged  effort  and  applica- 
tion. His  perceptions  are  quite  good,  but  where  he  has  to  make 
a  careful  mental  representation  of  a  test,  or  reason  out  anything 
he  is  utterly  at  fault. 

Of  himself  he  says,  "Got  in  with  a  bad  crowd  when  about  10 
years  old.  There  was  one  boy  who  had  lots  of  money  and  I 
don't  know  where  he  got  it  from.  He  went  in  stores  and  stole 
pencils  and  gave  them  to  me  and  that's  how  I  got  in  with  him. 
I  was  sleeping  in  a  barn  a  couple  of  nights  ago  with  a  bo}'.  The 
longest  I  was  ever  aw^ay  from  home  was  a  week  and  a  half  and 
then  was  outside  staying  around  and  sleeping  on  the  prairie." 

"Once  in  awhile  it  gets  black  in  front  of  my  eyes,  not  every 
day,  and  then  I  walk  along  and  feel  kind  of  light.  Don't  know 
what  it  is.  Never  smoke  much.  I  like  best  to  be  out  of  doors." 
Then  the  boy  went  on  and  told  me  how  he  had  been  indulging 
in  bad  sex  habits  for  a  number  of  years,  and  how  he  felt  weak  and 
not  like  doing  anything  after  those  occasions,  felt  as  if  he  wanted 
to  travel  about  and  not  stay  long  at  a  job.    (It  is  to  be  noted  that 


Chap.  XVIIl]       DULLNESS  FROM  DEBILITATING  SEX  HABITS       [§  286 

the  father  explained  carefully  to  us  what  a  downhearted  boy  this 
was.  He  is  said  to  feel  things  keenly.  If  his  mother  scolds  him 
he  may  stay  away  for  several  days.)  In  his  dull  way  the  boy  said 
that  what  he  had  told  us  was  at  the  root  of  his  trouble,  and  that 
he  would  try  to  do  better. 

The  father  and  a  very  competent  officer  were  at  once  shown 
the  necessities  of  the  case  and  from  that  time  there  was  coopera- 
tion in  the  problem.  It  was  necessary  to  remove  the  boy  from 
his  old  neighborhood.  He  had  the  inclination  to  do  better,  and 
with  the  stimulus  obtained  from  these  two  men  has  succeeded  most 
admirably.  Now,  a  couple  of  years  afterwards,  the  boy  is  doing 
well  in  every  way.  He  works  regularly  and  has  improved  in 
general  appearance. 

The  behavior  and  erratic  performance  on  tests  by  this  boy 
gave  rise  naturally  to  a  suspicion  of  psychosis.  We  have  seen 
other  cases  in  which  there  was  no  more  primary  evidence  of  men- 
tal aberration,  that  developed  later  into  full-fledged  insanity. 

Mentality:  Dull  from  sex  habits. 

Case  109. 

Masturbation  +. 

Boy,  age  16  yrs. 

Bad  companions. 

Over-development,  sex. 

Delinquencies : 
Running  away  -|-. 
Petty  stealing. 

As  above. 

The  above  two  cases  are  selected  instances  where  observed 
betterment  proved  our  point  of  the  bad  sex  habits  being  a  causa- 
tive factor  of  dull  mentality.  In  cases  where  there  is  no  better- 
ment it  is  very  hard  to  say  how  much  of  a  factor  in  the  total 
result  conditions  were  which  antedate  the  bad  habits.  I  mean 
already  existing  mental  and  physical  defects  from  any  prior 
cause  whatsoever.  One  has  seen  in  the  neurological  clinic,  and 
even  in  our  court  work,  many  older  individuals  who  have  not 
succeeded  in  overcoming  these  habits  and  who  have  developed 
extreme  neurasthenic  tendencies.  This  is  a  well-recognized 
after-result  of  years  of  masturbation.  The  question  of  the  rela- 
tion of  this  deteriorating  influence  to  the  development  of  a  psy- 
chosis we  have  a  word  on  elsewhere,  §  313. 



§  287.  Mental  Dullness  from  Head  Injury.  Traumatic 
Dementia.  —  If  from  accident  or  disease  the  brain  is  so  injured 
that  mental  abnormality  follows,  there  may  result,  aside  from 
any  temporary  troubles,  either  an  aberrational  state,  an  arrest 
of  development,  or  a  dementia.  Since  an  arrest  of  development 
means  a  loss  of  potential,  it,  too,  in  one  sense  can  be  classed  as 
a  dementia  or  loss  of  power.  (Traumatic  aberrational  states 
we  have  discussed  elsewhere,  §  309.)  If  violence  is  done  by  acci- 
dent or  disease  to  the  cerebral  mechanism  at  birth  or  near  the 
time  of  birth,  then  the  resultant  mental  defect  comes  properly 
within  the  meaning  of  the  term  feeblemindedness,  as  previously 
defined.  Any  lesion  occurring  later  than  infancy  and  resulting 
in  mental  defect  is  more  properly  to  be  classified  as  traumatic 
dementia,  or  arrested  development  from  injury. 

Of  course  there  are  various  grades  of  arrest  of  development. 
Also,  according  to  the  localization  of  injury  to  the  brain,  different 
functions  may  be  separately  involved. 

We  have  seen  a  considerable  number  of  delinquents  who  have 
suffered  from  head  injury,  and  we  deal  with  the  subject  in  its 
several  relationships  elsewhere.  But  on  account  of  the  findings 
which  show  mental  defect  by  tests  in  some  cases,  this  part  of 
the  subject  is  properly  discussed  here.  We  shall  give  only  a 
single  case  in  point,  but  that  is  a  very  straightforward  one  with 
most  interesting  findings  tending  to  show  the  validity  of  the  Binet 
tests  through  their  determining  arrest  of  development  at  the  age 
level  of  the  injury. 

Case  110.  —  This  boy,  12  years  old  at  the  time  of  the  exam- 
ination, was  seen  for  a  physician  in  Boston.  We  again  studied 
his  case  about  a  year  later. 

He  comes  of  an  immigrant  family  in  which  we  are  assured 
there  has  been  no  evidence  of  insanity,  feeblemindedness  or 
epilepsy.  He  is  one  of  five  children.  The  others  were  not  exam- 
ined by  us,  but  judging  from  their  school  records  they  are  normal 
in  ability.  They  are  said  to  be  bright  and  healthy.  This  boy 
walked  and  talked  early.  Never  had  any  serious  illness.  Preg- 
nancy and  birth  were  normal.  At  9  years  of  age  he  had  reached 
the  3rd  grade  and  was  accounted  an  average  scholar.  At  that 
time  he  was  run  over  and  terribly  injured.  One  leg  was  badly 
broken.  He  was  ruptured  and  his  head  was  severely  hurt.  He 
was  unconscious  for  three  days.  A  little  later  various  operations 
had  to  be  performed  on  him,  and  he  was  in  a  hospital  for  a  long 


Chap.  XVlll]       MENTAL  DULLNESS    FROM    HEAD    INJURY  [§  287 

time.  Since  this  time  the  boy  has  made  no  ad\'ance  in  school. 
Indeed,  he  has  had  to  be  put  back  in  his  grade  work,  and  has 
become  exceedingly  troublesome.  He  is  untruthful,  ill-tempered, 
and  a  truant  much  of  the  time.  The  family  is  poor  and  there 
has  been  little  home  control  and  the  boy  has  grown  steadily 
worse.  Of  late  he  has  been  in  trouble  with  the  authorities  on 
numerous  occasions.  He  was  expelled  from  school.  He  does 
not  profit  at  all  by  warnings  given  to  him. 

On  the  physical  side  we  find  a  poorly-developed  boy.  Weight 
70  lbs.;  height  4  ft.  4  1-2  in.  He  is  slightly  lame  on  account  of 
his  injury.  Has  two  immense  scars,  one  on  either  side  of  his 
head,  with  evidence  of  much  bone  involvement  at  the  time  of  the 
injury.  Vision  normal  and  pupils  react  normally.  Eye  move- 
ments not  defective.  No  other  physical  findings  of  significance 
except  evidences  of  the  accident  to  his  leg  and  abdomen. 

Binet  tests  (1911  series): 

6  years;  all  correct. 

7  years;    all  correct. 

8  years;  1,  2,  failures;  3,  correct;  4,  failure;  5,  correct. 

9  years;   1,  2,  failures;  3,  correct;  4,  failure;  5,  correct. 

10  years;    1,  correct;  all  others  failures. 

It  is  extremely  interesting  to  note  that  by  the  Binet  tests  this 
boy  gets  just  through  the  8-year  series,  which  corresponds  to  his 
age  at  the  time  of  injury.  By  tests  he  classified  as  a  moron  and 
was  sent  to  an  institution  for  the  feebleminded.  The  delinquent 
tendencies  which  he  had  developed  made  him  much  of  a  menace 
in  his  environment. 

A  year  later; 

Binet  tests  (1911  series): 

7  years,  all  correct. 

8  years,  1,  2,  3,  5,  correct;  4,  failure. 

9  years,  3,  5,  correct;   1,  2,  4,  failure. 

10  years,  all  failure. 
Notable  results  in  our  series: 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.  Done  entirely  by  planning.  Pieces 
put  together  outside  the  spaces.      No  trial  and  error.    11  moves. 

IX.  Cross-line  Test  A.    Correct  at  1st  trial. 

X.  Cross-line  Test  B.  Failure  at  4th  trial  after  drawing  as  a 
whole  correctly  from  memory  three  times. 

XIII.   Pictorial  Completion  Test.     8'.     1  logical  error  only. 
Can  not  read  or  write  more  than  the  simplest  words.    Adds  only 
simplest  combinations. 

]\Iemory  span,  5  numerals. 



The  student  of  tests  will  find  much  that  is  interesting  in  the 
above  results.  The  boy  is  evidently  no  low-grade  moron.  His 
abilities  are  unequal  in  ways  that  the  Binet  series  does  not  show. 

Mentality:  Traumatic  dementia. 
Moron  by  tests. 

Case  110. 
Boy,  age  12  yrs. 

Head  injury,  severe. 

Home  conditions: 

Delinquencies : 

Large  family. 
Lack  of  control 


As  above. 

Concerning  the  prognosis  in  cases  of  arrested  development, 
it  is  not  to  be  thought  that  from  diagnosing  any  given  mental 
level  of  the  individual  at  any  given  time  that  we  know  what  the 
outcome  will  be.  I  should  be  far  from  asserting  that  the  above 
case  may  not  develop  further  mentally  and  be  more  educable 
than  he  at  present  seems.  Of  course  as  he  gets  past  the  normal 
educable  age  for  the  feebleminded,  say  16  or  17  years,  the  likeli- 
hood of  his  advancing  gets  less  and  less. 

§  288.  Epileptic  Dullness.  —  Mental  deterioration  or  dullness 
from  epilepsy,  of  which  we  have  seen  many  cases,  should  be 
mentioned  here  because  of  the  necessity  for  ruling  out  epilepsy 
in  every  case  where  mental  abnormality  exists.  Epilepsy  in 
its  various  mental  manifestations  and  correlated  psychical  con- 
ditions is  treated  elsewhere,  §  249. 

§  289.  Doubtful  Cases.  —  The  following  final  case  is  given 
in  illustration  of  the  fact  that  it  is  frequently  very  difficult  in 
the  cases  of  older  delinquents,  who  show  mental  dullness  and 
physical  ailments,  to  get  such  physical  treatment  and  educational 
measures  carried  out  as  will  prove  the  point  whether  or  not 
the  dullness  was  dependent  upon  the  physical  conditions. 

Case  111.  —  This  girl  of  16  has  been  a  great  trial  to  her  mother 
and  family  on  account  of  extreme  incorrigibility.  She  has  per- 
sistently stayed  out  late  at  night,  occasionally  even  all  night. 
When  taken  into  court  she  gave  no  attention  to  the  injunctions  of 
the  judge  and  of  her  probation  officer.  She  works  irregularly.  She 
has  had  a  number  of  illicit  sex  experiences  during  the  last  few  years. 

Her  mother  had  to  work  out  during  the  period  when  the  chil- 


Chap.  XVIII]  DOUBTFUL    CASES  [§  289 

dren  were  younger,  and  on  that  account  oversight  and  control 
were  defective.  However,  this  girl  is  the  third  of  five  children, 
and  none  of  the  others  has  become  delinquent.  The  father  was 
a  periodical  drinker,  but  a  steady  worker.  Before  this  child  was 
born  he  was  not  heavily  alcoholic.  No  other  facts  of  significance 
in  hereditary  history  were  obtained.  The  pregnancy  was  normal. 
The  birth  with  all  the  children  was  instrumental,  but  there  was 
no  knowledge  of  any  damage  to  this  child.  She  was  a  large  fat 
baby.  No  convulsions.  Healthy  infancy.  She  was  slightly 
backward  in  walking  and  talking  as  compared  with  the  others, 
but  even  at  that  she  walked  at  18  months  and  talked  at  2  years. 
She  started  to  school  at  6  and  at  once  learned  to  read.  She  enjoyed 
reading  little  pieces  to  her  mother  and  was  regarded  as  being 
bright.  Then  when  she  was  about  7  she  suffered  from  a  severe 
attack  of  scarlet  fever  which  left  her  with  defective  hearing  for 
a  couple  of  years  and  with  strabismus.  After  her  recovery  from 
the  scarlet  fever  her  school  progress  was  slow.  She  reached  only 
the  4th  grade.  Since  she  was  14  she  has  been  working  in  several 
places,  but  has  been  most  of  the  time  in  her  neat  and  decent 
home.     Her  conduct  is  by  general  repute  incalculable. 

Physically  we  find  fairly  good  general  conditions.  No  head- 
aches; no  evidence  obtained  of  attacks  of  any  kind.  Good  color 
and  fairly  good  nutrition;  well  developed.  Weight  108  lbs., 
height  5  ft.  3  in.  She  is  a  mouth  breather,  has  adenoids  and  large 
tonsils.  Distinctly  weak  type  of  face  and  dull  expression.  She  also 
has  a  very  high  degree  of  hyperopia  and  astigmatism,  and  does  not 
wear  glasses.    General  strength  is  good.    Hearing  about  normal. 

Mental  tests;   our  own  series: 

I.  6'  18".  Used  up  about  4'  in  working  on  the  small  triangles. 
Put  in  one  piece  correctly  and  then  removed  it  three  times.  There  is 
a  question,  of  course,  as  to  whether  she  saw  the  picture  well  enough, 
but  note  the  findings  on  the  next  test. 

II.  1'  54"  with  12  errors.    Much  better  in  proportion  than  on  test  I. 

III.  Construction  test  A.  4'  19"  with  39  total  moves  and  16  repe- 
titions of  impossibilities. 

IV.  Construction  test  B.    Failure  in  9'. 

V.  Puzzle  box.    Failure  in  5'. 

VI.  "Aussage."  Gave  fair  enumeration  of  details  and  accepted 
no  suggestions. 

VII.  Reproduced  one  of  these  heavily  lined  geometric  figures,  but 
failed  on  the  Roman  key  design. 

VIII.  Learning  arbitrary  symbol  association.    Two  errors. 

IX.  Cross  line  A.    Correct  at  the  3d  trial. 



X.    Cross  line  test  B.    Complete  failure. 

XII.  Memory  from  visual  verbal  presentation.  A  surprisingly 
good  result;   18  out  of  20  items  given  correctly  in  logical  sequence. 

XIII.  Memory  from  auditory  verbal  presentation.  10  out  of  12 
items  given,  but  not  in  exact  sequence. 

XV.    Antonyms.     Two  failures.     No  errors.     Average  time  2.2". 

XVII.  Writes  irregular  childish  hand. 

XVIII.  Knows  the  process  of  multiplication  and  long  division,  but 
makes  a  number  of  errors,  some  of  which  are  evidently  due  to  poor 
vision,  such  as  keeping  numbers  under  one  another.  Outside  of 
this  a  fair  amount  of  accuracy. 

XIX.  Reads  fluently  and  with  correct  expression  a  4th-grade 

XXII.  Information  is  erratic,  and  on  some  things  incorrect.  Can 
name  the  five  Great  Lakes,  but  thinks  Boston  is  the  largest  city,  and 
that  the  first  president  was  Abraham  Lincoln.  She  has  read  a  few  books. 

The  girl  gave  a  very  lucid  account  of  her  life,  showing  good 
orientation  as  to  her  own  behavior.  "I  have  been  staying  out 
late  about  a  year  or  a  year  and  a  half.  Mother  would  not  let 
me  go  anywhere.  Wanted  me  to  sit  in  the  house  and  sew  every 
night.  I  went  out  nearly  every  night.  I  have  sisters  and  brothers. 
They  all  don't  like  me  for  just  that  one  reason.  They  go  out 
themselves,  but  not  every  evening.  You  can  most  generally  find 
them  at  home.  The  first  time  my  mother  reported  to  the  officer 
we  talked  it  over  with  the  officer  and  I  promised  to  stay  in  at 
night  and  be  a  good  girl.  Then  every  time  they  got  mad  at  me 
they  threw  it  up  to  me  that  I  was  going  to  be  pinched.  When 
they  threw  it  up  to  me  all  the  time,  I  said  I  did  not  care,  I  would 
do  just  as  I  pleased,  and  I  started  going  out  again.  I  thought 
I  would  just  dare  them  to  have  me  arrested." 

"The  first  time  I  met  a  couple  of  fellows  on  the  street  and 
flirted  with  them  and  walked  along  with  them  a  piece,  and  then 
I  guess  he  thought  he  could  get  the  best  of  me  because  I  was  curs- 
ing and  swearing.  I  never  knew  the  fellows  I  went  with  —  would 
just  get  to  flirting  on  the  street.  I  have  quit  though  and  don't 
want  to  do  that  any  more.  I  got  hep  to  myself.  I  got  wise.  I 
did  not  want  to  get  into  trouble.  I  did  not  want  to  get  any  dis- 
ease. I  knew  some  girls  who  suffered  so  and  wished  they  had 
not  done  it." 

The  foregoing  extracts  from  a  lengthy  elaboration  of  her  own 
life,  given  at  different  times,  are  sufficient  to  show  the  clearness 
of  her  own  understanding  about  her  social  relationships.  She 
calmly  told  the  great  lengths  she  had  gone  with  her  boy  friends. 


Chap.  XVIU]  DOUBTFUL    CASES  [§  289 

From  the  above  findings  in  the  way  of  tests,  and  the  good  social 
apperceptions  of  the  girl  it  was  evident  she  was  not  necessarily 
to  be  considered  feebleminded,  but  yet  was  mentally  dull.  Remem- 
bering her  great  physical  defects,  the  latter  might  be  rationally 
thought  of  as  sufficient  cause  for  her  retardation.  It  seemed 
certain  that  one  could  not  satisfactorily  determine  whether  or 
not  there  was  any  arrest  of  mental  development  with  the  illness 
at  7  years.  Relief  of  the  physical  conditions,  with  attempts  at 
education,  could  be  the  only  rational  way  of  solving  the  problem, 
if  it  should  prove  soluble. 

i\Iuch  good  work  was  done  by  a  nurse,  by  a  specialist  who 
became  interested  in  the  girl,  by  a  probation  officer  —  all  in  coop- 
eration with  the  girl's  good  mother.  Despite  all  this  construc- 
tive work  and  despite  the  girl's  desire  to  do  better,  the  old  ideas 
of  a  good  time  and  the  old  associations  proved  too  much  for  her 
mentality,  weak  in  will  and  in  foresight,  and  after  a  few  months 
of  trial  and  failure  she  had  to  be  sent  to  an  institution  for  delin- 

We  were  never  able  to  answer  the  question  of  how  deep-seated 
the  mental  disability  was  in  this  case.  The  girl's  behavior  stood 
always  in  the  way  of  her  mental  and  moral  development.  Her 
vicious  tendencies  were  so  strongly  implanted  that  she  persisted 
in  them  even  after  her  physical  obstacles  to  advancement  had 
been  largely  removed. 

Mentality:  Dull  perhaps  from  physical  Case  111. 

causes.  Girl,  age  16  yrs. 

Perhaps  subnormal. 

Physical  conditions:  Extremely  defective  vision. 
Large  adenoids  and  tonsils. 

Developmental :  Severe  illness  with  defective 
hearing,  etc.,  as  sequelae. 

Home  conditions:  Poverty.    Mother  worked 

out,  necessitating  neglect. 

Early  sex  experiences. 

Heredity:  Father  alcoholic. 

Delinquencies : 

Out  nights.  Mentality: 

Sex  +.  As  above. 



We  have  unfortunately  seen  a  number  of  such  insoluble  cases. 
Our  chief  feeling  of  concern  in  the  matter  is  in  regard  to  the 
necessity  for  such  early  recognition  and  correction  of  physical 
conditions  that  mental  growth  may  not  be  impeded  by  tendencies 
to  misconduct  which  have  the  force  of  long-continued  habit  be- 
hind them. 



Psychic  Constitutional  Inferiority 

§  290.  Definition.  §  291.  Characteristics.  §  292.  Illustrative  Cases. 
§  293.  Varieties  of  the  Type.  §  294.  Causations.  §  295.  Degeneracy. 
§  296.  Treatment. 

§  290.  Definition.  —  Psychic  constitutional  inferiority  may  be 
recognized  by  chronic  abnormal  social  and  mental  reactions  to 
the  ordinary  conditions  of  life,  on  the  part  of  one  who  cannot 
be  classified  in  any  of  the  groups  of  the  insanities,  neuroses,  or 
mental  defectives.  The  individual  generally  shows  physical 
anomalies,  either  structural  or  functional.^ 

The  terminology  of  this  class  of  inferiors  has  been  a  matter  of 
considerable  discussion.  The  signs  and  s;^Tiiptoms  of  their  inade- 
quacy are  so  varied,  and  socially  are  so  important,  that  a  sharp, 

^  For  those  who  wish  to  go  farther  in  understanding  psychic  constitutional 
inferiority,  bibhographical  references  may  prove  of  much  worth.  One  of  the 
first  to  draw  attention  to  this  gi'oup  was  Koch  (177),  whose  original  contribu- 
tion gave  a  definition  that  is  still  much  depended  on,  namely,  that  these  con- 
stitutional inferiors  are  primarily  those  who  stand  between  normality  and 
insanity.  Ziehen  (175)  (178)  has  contributed  definite  statements  about  various 
types  of  the  psychopathic  constitution.  He  distinguishes  degenerative, 
hysterical,  neurasthenic,  traumatic  and  other  t5^es.  The  most  complete 
recent  work  is  by  Stelzner  (179),  a  pupil  of  Ziehen.  Under  the  term.  Psycho- 
pathic Constitution,  she  includes  Koch's  psychopathische  Minderwertig- 
keiten,  Kahlbaum's  Heboidoplu-enie,  Demoor's  moralische  Entarte,  Wey- 
gandt's  leicht  abnorme  Kinder,  and  the  Degeneres  superieurs  of  the  French 
school.  She  has  much  to  say  about  the  criminality  of  these  psychopaths.  Scholz 
(180),  in  his  work  on  Abnormal  Children,  gives  a  hundred  pages  to  the  dis- 
cussion of  these  characters  and  careers  which  stand  on  the  boundary  between 
sanity  and  psychosis.  Out  of  their  numerous  characteristics  he  distinguishes 
a  dozen  types :  the  indolent,  the  depressed,  the  excited,  the  periodically  vary- 
ing, the  emotional,  the  impulsive,  the  unstable,  the  eccentric  or  perverse,  the 
fabricators  and  liars,  the  obsessional,  the  morally  inferior,  the  sexually  ab- 
normal. In  English  only  fragmentary  studies  are  to  be  found.  To  Meyer 
(356)  (357)  we  owe  the  fu'st  clear-cut  definition  of  the  whole  group  by  exclu- 
sion. Of  practical  import  are  articles  by  Wright  (174),  Oberndorf  (181)  (358), 
and  Karpas  (182).  The  latter  emphasizes  as  a  cardinal  point  the  lack  of  func- 
tional mental  balance  in  cases  of  constitutional  inferiority.  Variation  in  the 
balance  between  emotion,  wUl,  and  intelligence  produces  the  special  type  of 
personaUty.  The  variety  of  unbalance  leading  to  criminalism,  he  thinks,  is 
where  the  voUtional  powers  are  not  on  a  par  with  other  mental  functions. 
There  are  studies  devoted  to  the  relationship  of  psychic  constitutional  infe- 
riority with  criminalism  by  Trliper  (183),  Staiger  (184),  and  Rupprecht  (185), 
the  state's  attorney  for  juvenile  offenders  at  Munich.  This  last  represents  a 
commendable  effort  on  the  part  of  a  lawyer  to  understand  such  cases.  He 
sees  difficulty  of  definition,  but  insists  on  the  easy  recognition  of  the  peculiari- 
ties, and  sure  differentiation  of  this  class  by  negative  criteria.  Patient  edu- 
cation, with  understanding  of  the  trouble,  he  believes  has  its  possibihties. 



but  yet  inclusive  characterization  of  the  whole  class  is  impera- 
tive. We  follow  the  lead  of  Adolf  Meyer  (356)  in  adopting  the 
term  'constitutional  inferior,'  rather  than  'psychopathic  inferior; 
the  favored  phrase  of  the  German  writers.  The  latter  term  hardly 
tells  the  whole  story,  and,  then,  psychopathy  with  us  is  largely 
a  synonym  for  insanity.  It  must  at  once  definitely  be  understood 
that  in  this  class  under  discussion  a  great  deal  must  be  included 
that  has  been  designated  as  psychopathic  inferiority,  psycho- 
pathic constitution,  psychopathic  personality,  degeneracy,  and 
morbid  personality. 

The  facts  which  we  have  encountered  in  the  field,  showing 
the  social  importance  of  constitutional  inferiority,  and  partic- 
ularly its  relation  to  criminalism,  are  amply  corroborated  by 
numerous  statements  of  other  authors.  For  our  purposes  we 
are  not  concerned  much  with  the  niembers  of  this  class  as  seen 
after  they  get  into  insane  asylums.  Of  course  some  of  them 
do  eventually  become  completely  unbalanced  and  many  show 
episodic  mental  upsets,  but  we  are  particularly  interested  in  the 
viewing  of  them  as  individuals,  not  insane,  who  are  unfitted  by 
reason  of  inborn  mental  peculiarities,  to  lead  a  law-abiding  life.^ 

§  291.  Characteristics.  The  general  characteristic  of  the  con- 
stitutional inferior  is  abnormal  reaction  to  some  of  the  ordinary 
stimuli  of  life.  Unusual  emotional  reactions  are  almost  universal 
in  the  members  of  this  class.    They  are  often  egocentric,  selfish, 

'  It  is  obvious  to  any  specialist  in  abnormal  psychology  that  careful  dif- 
ferentiation should  be  made  of  those  individuals  who  have  weakened  mental 
functions  from  acquired  debihty,  such  as  may  be  caused  by  poor  physical 
conditions  or  excess  of  bad  habits.  Also  psychic  constitutional  inferiority 
should  be  distinguished  from  cases  of  dementia  precox.  With  the  develop- 
ment of  Abderhalden's  methods  of  diagnosis  of  certain  diseases  of  the  central 
nervous  system  we  may  look  forward  to  much  simpler  and  surer  methods  of 
differentiating  dementia  precox  and  several  other  psychoses  from  constitu- 
tional iiiferiority.  Wright's  (174)  helpful  distinguishing  points  are  decidedly 
worth  citing  here:  (a)  The  symptoms  of  constitutional  inferiority,  perhaps  sud- 
den and  episodic,  are  related  to  external  causes.  The  reactions  to  environ- 
ment are  such  as  do  not  occur  in  the  normal  individual,  but,  however,  are  not 
due  to  autopsychic  disintegration.  In  dementia  precox  episodes  often  occur 
in  spite  of  good  environment.  (6)  There  is  frequent  recurrence  of  upsets,  which 
subside  with  removal  of  the  cause  and  leave  no  deterioration,  (c)  The  history 
of  abnormahties  in  these  cases  reaches  back  to  an  early  age,  as  a  rule,  con- 
trary to  the  usual  findings  in  dementia  precox,  (d)  There  is  no  loss  or  impair- 
ment of  memory,  orientation,  or  apphcation  of  previously  acquired  knowledge, 
(e)  There  is  no  marked  affection  in  the  sensorium.  (/)  There  is  no  incoherency 
or  blocking  of  thought,  or  dream-like  states,  etc. 

Wright  calls  attention  to  the  fact  that  psychoses  may,  of  course,  develop 
upon  a  basis  of  constitutional  inferiority  as  well  as  upon  a  basis  of  mental  de- 
fect. He  also,  with  others,  insists  on  these  individuals  requiring  special  insti- 
tutional treatment  —  for  they  otherwise  readily  become  criminals. 


Chap.  XIX]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  292 

irritable,  very  suggestible,  easily  fatigued  mentally.  Sometimes 
they  are  possessed  by  an  abnormal  feeling  of  impotence.  They 
may  be  slightly  defective  in  intelligence  or  have  light,  specialized 
defects  of  ability,  but  very  often  tests  reveal  neither  defect  nor 
peculiarity.  Indeed  some  members  of  this  class  may  be  regarded 
as  distinctly  bright,  even  geniuses,  although  weak  in  power  to 
meet  the  steady  demands  of  the  world.  Description  of  such 
anomalous  personages  has  often  found  its  place  in  literature. 

Not  the  least  feature  of  the  symptomatology  of  this  class  of 
individuals  is  the  ease  with  which  they  fall  into  anti-social  con- 
duct. The  attraction  towards  misdeeds  is  too  much  for  their 
weak  inhibitory  powers  in  many  a  case,  or  their  very  feeling  of 
social  impotence  leads  to  their  taking  the  easiest  path.  The 
ranks  of  vagabondage,  tramp  life,  as  may  well  be  imagined,  are 
recruited  in  considerable  part  from  this  class. 

From  our  studies  of  individuals,  we  entirely  agree  with  Ziehen 
(175),  that  in  by  far  the  greater  number  of  cases  of  psychic  con- 
stitutional inferiority,  distinct  bodily  abnormalities  are  to  be 
found.  Indeed,  I  have  felt  inclined,  as  I  have  elsewhere  stated, 
(176),  to  limit  the  diagnosis  to  cases  showing  signs  of  both  physical 
and  mental  inferiority.  On  the  structural  side  we  have  discovered 
poor  general  development,  even  dwarfish  growth,  delayed  period 
of  puberty,  infantile  torso,  flabby  musculature,  irregular  and 
disproportionate  growth  of  parts,  and  the  various  so-called 
stigmata  of  degeneracy.  On  the  functional  side  these  individuals 
are  notoriously  subject  to  '  general  nervousness.'  Specifically, 
we  may  find  tremors,  facial  or  other  tics  (habit  spasms),  nystag- 
moid movements  of  the  eyes,  headaches,  little  attacks  of  dizzi- 
ness, enuresis  prolonged  throughout  childhood,  and  so  on.  The 
organs  of  the  special  senses  are  particularly  apt  to  show  signs  of 
inferiority;   defective  vision  is  very  common. 

The  characteristics  that  we  as  students  of  conduct  are  spe- 
cially interested  in,  the  weakness  of  will,  inability  to  cope  with  the 
social  demand  for  self-restraint,  the  peculiar  feeling  of  impotence, 
the  pathway  plentifully  sprinkled  with  good  intentions  —  all 
these  and  many  more  points  are  included  in  our  case  histories. 

§  292.  niustrative  Cases.  Case  112.  —  Boy,  German  parent- 
age, 16  years  old.  His  delinquencies  consist  in  truancy,  running 
away  from  home  a  number  of  times,  not  holding  jobs,  stealing 
money  from  home,  and  petty  thieving  elsewhere.  These  delin- 
quencies have  continued  over  a  number  of  years. 



Physically:  very  poor  development  and  nutrition.  101  lbs., 
5  ft.  3.  No  sensory  defects  noted.  Ears  roundish  in  form,  out- 
standing, parts  not  well  differentiated,  and  small  lobules.  Badly 
deflected  nasal  septum,  with  partial  occlusion  on  both  sides. 
Largely  a  mouth  breather.  Nose  deformity  is  said  to  have  been 
caused  by  an  accident.  Very  narrow,  high  palate,  asymmetrical. 
Two  upper  lateral  incisors  erupted  behind  middle  incisors,  and 
were  removed  earlier.  Voice  high  and  weak  for  his  age.  Stam- 
mers a  little.  Backward  in  signs  of  puberty.  Large  and  well- 
shaped  head;  circumference  53.5;  length  19;  breadth  15  cm. 
Good  color.  Strength  poor  for  age,  but  good  for  size.  With  his 
thin  face,  drawn-in  lips,  and  rather  prominent  eyes,  he  has  a 
very  weak  physiognomy. 

Mentally:  our  tests  were  almost  uniformly  well  done.  The 
boy  has  quick  perceptions,  is  rapid  and  dexterous,  and  of  good 
intelligence.  On  Construction  Test  III,  he  made  one  of  our 
best  records,  doing  it  correctly  in  10">  and  the  next  Construc- 
tion Test  IV,  he  likewise  did  extremely  well  —  in  29",  and  11 
moves.  Definite  suggestibility  was  shown.  His  range  of  infor- 
mation is  decidedly  good.  He  has  been  a  reader  of  wholesome 
books.  There  are  no  signs  whatever  of  any  aberrational  quali- 
ties that  could  be  designated  as  a  psychosis.  Yet  he  shows  the 
following  peculiarities.  In  a  childish,  high  voice  he  tells  us  his 
story  while  frequently  crying.  In  spite  of  apparent  frankness 
he  does  not  tell  us  all  the  truth  at  first.  In  subsequent  inter- 
views he  adds  much  more.  He  has  a  very  childish  attitude  of 
mind.  Says  that  when  he  steals  he  spends  the  money  on  candy 
and  things  to  eat  and  going  to  shows.  He  evidently  has  very  little 
will  power.  He  is  led  by  others  easily,  and  is  altogether  decidedly 
suggestible  socially.  He  tells  of  many  things  he  would  like  to  do 
—  would  like  to  learn  a  trade,  and  so  on,  but  has  never  done  more 
than  make  a  first  start  at  them.  Says  again  and  again,  he  is 
going  to  turn  over  a  new  leaf  now.  He  speaks  much  of  being 
homesick  while  mider  detention,  although  he  is  so  accustomed 
to  running  away.  In  the  school-room  he  is  very  helpful;  and 
likes  to  attend  to  small  duties.  In  general  we  see  that  he  has 
very  few  manly  traits,  and  that  he  shows  no  evidence  of  aggres- 
sive viciousness. 

The  only  significant  points  about  heredity  and  developmental 
history  are  as  follows.  The  father  is  now  rather  a  decrepit  old 
man;    46  when  this  child  was  born,  while  the  mother  was  only 


Chap.  XIX]  ILLUSTRATIVE   CASES  [§  292 

28.  She  has  been  dead  6  years.  With  the  exception  of  one  pater- 
nal second  cousin  being  insane,  no  defects  in  the  ancestral  stock 
are  known.  The  father  himself  seems  slow-witted,  but  has  been 
able  to  build  up  a  business  of  his  own.  He  thinks  his  boy  is  unbal- 
anced, and  that  the  cause  of  it  was  the  mother's  constant  desire 
for  money  during  the  pregnancy.  The  birth  was  normal.  The 
child  had  no  convulsions  or  any  other  severe  illness.  A  number 
of  years  ago  he  was  struck  on  the  nose  and  later  an  operation 
was  performed  for  this  trouble.  He  has  been  only  to  the  6th 
grade.  (This  is  very  striking  in  the  light  of  the  boy's  good  abil- 
ity, but  it  may  be  accounted  for  by  his  truancy  and  his  running 
away.)  The  father  said  he  always  seemed  to  be  a  smart  boy 
when  he  desired  to  study.  There  is  a  brother  two  years  older 
who  turned  out  well. 

This  boy's  delinquency  began  when  he  was  very  young.  Even 
before  his  mother  died  he  was  showing  marked  signs  of  instability. 
He  was  only  7  years  old  when  he  began  to  stay  out  all  night.  For 
a  time  after  the  mother  died  there  was  a  housekeeper,  but  soon 
the  father  married  and  there  is  a  stepmother  of  whom  the  boy 
is  very  fond.  He  began  stealing  before  he  was  10  years  of  age. 
On  a  couple  of  occasions  he  took  his  mother's  savings  and  took  a 
railroad  trip,  and  on  several  occasions  he  has  been  to  distant 
cities.  He  is  much  more  prone  to  run  away  in  the  summer, 
and  in  fact  is  never  willing  to  work  at  that  time.  He  once  man- 
aged to  hold  a  place  in  the  winter  time  as  long  as  3  months. 
He  is  not  regarded  at  home  as  vicious,  but  weak  and  easily  led 
by  bad  companions. 

The  boy  himself  tells  of  his  troubles.  He  says  he  does  not  know 
why  he  runs  away  from  home.  At  first  he  only  stayed  around 
his  home  and  he  used  to  sleep  in  barns.  He  has  no  complaint 
against  his  family.  They  have  a  nice  place  with  a  yard  and  they 
have  pets.  Once  he  rode  off  with  another  boy  with  a  horse  and 
buggy  and  was  arrested  for  that.  He  used  to  go  with  a  boy  who 
stole.  He  remembers  how  frightened  he  once  was  when  his 
brother,  with  whom  there  never  was  any  trouble,  told  his  father 
about  some  delinquency;  that  night  he  slept  in  a  barn.  At  one 
time  he  says  he  would  like  to  work  on  a  farm,  at  another,  he  would 
like  a  trade,  and  so  on.  Says  he  thinks  the  matter  with  him  is 
that  he  got  into  bad  sex  habits  when  he  was  10  or  12  years  old. 
His  stepmother  has  warned  him  of  the  danger  of  going  insane 
through  these  things.     Says  when  he  has  been  in  the  country 



in  the  summer,  tramps  have  approached  him  for  these  purposes. 
Whenever  we  talk  with  him  he  cannot  get  along  without  crying. 
The  worker  who  had  charge  of  this  boy  states  that  when  he 
was  stimulated  to  do  better  after  his  misbehavior  he  was  willing 
to  go  back  to  school  as  his  father  desired,  and  to  the  astonish- 
ment of  the  school  authorities  did  admirably,  until  the  warm 
days  came.  Then  began  his  truancy,  staying  out  four  days  at 
a  time,  and  later  again  running  away  from  his  nice  home.  The 
father  seems  too  old  to  manage  the  boy,  but  that  is  not  all  the 
trouble.  In  a  certain  interval  of  four  or  five  days  between  the 
time  when  this  boy  had  made  particular  promises  of  better 
behavior,  and  his  coming  to  a  specialist  to  report  about  his  nose 
condition,  we  were  interested  to  note  that  he  had  broken  his 
promises  and  already  gone  away  from  home  once  over  night  in 
company  with  a  boy  who  had  persuaded  him  to  take  a  ride  on 
a  railroad  engine.  Of  course  they  went  farther  than  they  ex- 
pected. In  spite  of  this,  the  appointment  a  week  old  was  kept, 
but,  strangely  enough,  another  appointment  made  for  the  next 
morning  for  the  very  same  purposes  this  boy  did  not  keep. 

Constitutional  Inferiority:  Many  physical 

and  mental  signs. 

Case  112. 
Boy,  age  16. 

(?)  Heredity:  Father  poor  physically; 
old  when  boy  born. 

Bad  sex  habits. 



Good  ability. 
Peculiar  type. 

Case  113.  —  Boy  14  years  old.  When  he  was  under  detention 
we  were  implored  to  see  him  by  the  father,  who  had  taken  the 
trouble  to  come  a  long  distance  from  his  home  town.  The  father 
felt  that  his  boy  was  on  the  way  to  becoming  a  full-fledged  criminal. 

Physically  we  find  a  poorly-developed  lad.  85  lbs.  4  ft.  10  in. 
No  sensory  defect.  Strength  is  good  for  age.  Well-shaped  head. 
Thin,  sharp  face  with  a  peculiar,  old  expression.  Formerly  some 
nasal  obstruction,  which  long  since  was  removed  by  an  operation. 
Fairly  good  color.  No  headaches  complained  of.  Reflexes 
were  not  abnormal,  nor  were  other  signs  obtained  of  abnormal 
nervous  conditions.    Teeth  very  irregular  in  alignment,  irregular 


Chap.  XIX]  ILLUSTRATIVE   CASES  [§  292 

imperfections  of  the  enamel  of  all  incisors,  distal  to  a  transverse 
median  rid2:e,  but  not  involving  the  cutting  edge.  Nothing 
significant  about  pubertal  signs.  Has  a  high-pitched,  nasal  voice. 
There  was  much  difficulty  in  diagnosing  him  mentally  on 
account  of  extreme  emotionalism  —  it  was  one  of  the  most  re- 
markable exhibitions  of  fear,  or  simulated  fear,  and  recalcitrancy 
we  have  ever  seen.  Sometimes  he  did  fairly  well,  then,  again, 
even  on  simple  tests  he  failed  entirely.  The  negative  findings 
were  entirely  vitiated  by  his  emotional  attitude.  We  found  his 
information  on  geography,  history  and  current  events  to  be 
normal,  and  he  had  some  little  knowledge  of  scientific  events. 
There  were  no  signs  of  suggestibility.  He  showed  good  powers  of 
comprehension  and  reasoning  in  our  moral  questions.  Test  XXI. 
One  of  the  most  curious  results  was  in  his  making  no  less  than  8 
errors  in  the  antonyms,  Test  XV,  with  a  retardation  of  reaction 
each  time,  as  if  he  was  considering  how  to  give  a  somewhat  incor- 
rect answer  to  even  the  simple  words.  Altogether,  his  perform- 
ance as  seen  on  two  or  three  occasions  was  most  peculiar,  and 
it  is  quite  evident  that  very  often  he  is  not  trying  to  do  the  work. 
The  following  letter,  given  in  his  actual  spelling  and  punctuation, 
gives  considerable  indication  of  the  mental  processes  of  this  pe- 
culiar 14-year-old  boy.    It  is  written  very  legibly,  in  a  regular  hand. 

"  Dear  Miss  X. 

Please  forgive  me  for  biting  and  screaming  and 
yelling  because  I  always  get  thoughs  spell.  I  am  not  a  robber  I 
am  a  honest  boy.  I  would  not  been  here  today  only  my  father 
did  not  raise  me  right.  If  I  was  raise  right  I  would  not  been  here. 
If  you  learn  a  habit  you  cannot  get  out  of  it  very  well.  It  take 
a  long  time  to  get  rid  a  habit.  You  know  how  you  used  to  be 
when  you  was  small.  Its  a  hard  life  when  you  come  to  think 
how  your  father  beats  you  and  does  not  know  what  have  he  is 
doing,  I  will  be  willing  to  repay  you  back  if  I  did  anything  or  did 
any  harm  to  you.  I  think  that  I  am  to  much  in  this  wide  world 
I  dont  belong  in  this  world  so  please  Forgive  me  Your  turly" 

The  difficulty  of  diagnosing  this  case  may  be  seen.  Of  course 
he  is  not  feebleminded,  his  work  under  favorable  conditions 
shows  he  has  some  ability  in  various  directions.  He  has  not 
gone  above  4th  grade  in  school,  but  there  has  been  excessive 
changing  about.  He  seems  to  be  on  a  border  line  between 
psychosis  and  normality. 



The  father,  prematurely  grey,  bent  over,  and  depressed  by 
his  woes,  gives  us  a  long  story  of  his  family  life,  which  is  cor- 
roborated by  his  intelligent  second  wife,  and  to  a  certain  extent 
by  the  boy.  The  paternal  grandfather  was  erratic,  a  drunkard 
and  insane,  this  last  said  to  have  been  brought  about  by  a  blow 
on  the  head.  He  later  recovered  and  now  is  living  in  old  age. 
The  father  is  one  of  a  fraternity  of  four,  all  the  others  having 
turned  out  well.  He  himself  was  a  talented  man,  of  artistic  tem- 
perament.  He  led  a  dissipated  life  and  is  now  utterly  broken  down. 

The  mother  of  this  boy  was  a  thoroughly  bad  woman.  Her 
parents  are  good  people  and  are  alive  in  old  age.  She  drank, 
left  home  on  numerous  occasions,  was  unfaithful,  had  abor- 
tions produced,  and  so  on.  Her  whole  family  were  undisciplined. 
One  of  her  brothers  is  a  severe  alcoholic.  During  her  preg- 
nancies this  woman  was  a  comparatively  moderate,  but  steady 
drinker.  It  is  not  known  whether  abortion  was  attempted  dur- 
ing this  pregnancy,  but  the  mother  tried  with  others,  some- 
times succeeding  and  sometimes  not.  It  is  strange  that  the  later 
developmental  conditions  seem  to  have  been  quite  good,  with 
the  exception  of  the  nasal  obstruction  which  long  ago  was  removed. 
The  boy  walked  and  talked  early.  He  never  suffered  from  con- 
vulsions, and  never  was  very  ill. 

Family  affairs  have  been  complicated  a  good  deal  by  the  fact 
that  two  older  brothers  have  turned  out  very  badly,  thoroughly 
criminalistic.  (Data  on  their  physical  and  mental  conditions 
are  not  readily  obtainable.  They  are  in  other  parts  of  the  coun- 
try. The  one  most  like  our  boy  in  temperament  is  said  to  be 
doing  well  at  present  under  the  discipline  of  an  eastern  industrial 
school.)  Our  boy  for  a  considerable  period  was  brought  up  in  a 
very  lax  way  on  account  of  the  mother's  behavior,  but  of  recent 
years  there  has  been  a  very  good  home.  He  has  well  nigh  ruined 
it  however.  In  the  last  two  years  the  family  has  moved 
twelve  times  on  account  of  trouble  which  he  has  caused  in  the 
neighborhood.  The  boy  is  an  arrant  coward,  and  gets  out  of 
any  disciplinary  treatment  by  lying  down  wherever  he  may  be 
and  screaming,  "  She  is  murdering  me."  "  I  am  ruptured," 
and  so  on.  His  behavior  is  the  same  at  school  as  at  home,  and 
on  account  of  troublesomeness  he  has  been  changed  from  one 
school  to  another,  and  been  refused  admittance  into  some  good 
institutions.  During  an  ordinary  physical  examination  of  this 
boy  when  with  us  he  suddenly  said,  "  I  don't  feel  right,"  set 


Chap.  XIX]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  292 

up  a  tremendous  shouting  and  wanted  to  fight.  He  said  he 
would  throw  himself  from  the  window  and  kill  himself.  Pie  per- 
sisted in  a  loud  disturbance  for  a  long  time,  in  spite  of  nothing 
having  been  done  to  him.  The  father,  who  was  present,  said  he 
was  very  glad  to  have  had  this  corroboration  of  his  statements, 
for  now  we  could  see  why  he  was  a  broken-down  man.  On 
another  occasion  when  the  boy  was  asked  to  come  and  do  some 
tests  he  suddenly  began  screaming  in  the  same  way. 

Later  the  boy  became  quite  different  in  his  behavior  towards 
us,  and  volunteered  information  about  many  things.  As  he  talked 
he  showed  various  nervous  signs,  picking  away  at  something 
and  looking  about  the  room.  He  talked  rapidly,  and  with  normal 
emotions.  In  jerky  fashion  he  told  us  much  about  himself. 
We  had  indication  that  at  least  one  of  his  brothers  was  of  the 
same  type.  He  said  this  brother  once  fought  for  an  hour  and  a 
half  on  account  of  him  and  that  he  used  to  steal  a  good  deal. 
Says  his  mother  dances  all  around  with  him  at  home,  and  they 
have  all  sorts  of  fun,  and  he  wants  to  go  back  there.  Says  his 
brother  got  him  into  thinking  of  things  the  way  he  does.  He 
definitely  ascribes  all  of  his  vicious  spells  to  fear,  and  readily 
makes  himself  out  to  be  a  complete  coward.  He  makes  a  few 
complaints  against  his  father  which  easily  flatten  out. 

After  prolonged  observation  of  this  boy  we  felt  we  could  not 
call  him  either  normal,  insane,  feebleminded  or  even  hysterical. 
We  also  felt  that  perhaps  much  could  be  done  for  the  building 
up  of  both  his  mental  and  moral  qualities  by  prolonged,  patient 
understanding  and  consistent  disciplinary  treatment. 

Constitutional  Inferiority : 

Many  mental  and 
physical  signs. 

Case  113. 
Boy,  age  14. 


Grandfather  insane. 
Father  erratic. 
Mother  alcoholic. 
2  brothers  criminalistic. 

Developmental :  Antenatal,  mother  alcoholic. 

Lack  parental  control: 



Poor  ability. 




The  next  case,  inasmuch  as  it  involves  the  question  of  innate 
tendencies  towards  sex  perversion,  must  be  preceded  by  a  word 
of  explanation,  lest  unwarranted  conclusions  be  drawn  from  it. 
In  our  work  we  rule  out  discussion  of  the  details  of  sex  perver- 
sion, vide  §  247.  The  present  case  is  cited  to  show  how  clearly 
certain  physical  and  mental  peculiarities  may  make  directly 
for  criminalism.  Of  course,  sex  perverts  are  not  all  of  the  con- 
stitutional inferior  type,  some  of  them  may  even  be  supernormal 
individuals.  A  word  on  degeneracy  in  relation  to  inferiority 
comes  properly  after  this  case  history. 

Case  114. — This  case,  very  curiously,  was  brought  to  our 
attention  first  in  another  city,  and  then  later  the  mother  came 
to  us  in  Chicago.  She  is  an  intelligent  woman  who  immigrated 
from  Germany  to  marry.  During  all  of  her  wedded  life  she 
has  had  the  hardest  of  lots,  and  now  at  56  is  worn  out  physically, 
but  most  anxious  to  do  something  for  this  wayward  17-year-old 
boy,  her  youngest.  She  has  walked  the  streets  day  and  night 
looking  for  him  and  has  begged  assistance  in  her  task  of  attempted 
reform  from  many  different  officials  in  two  cities.  The  boy 
seems  fond  of  her,  but  is  continually  drawn  away  by  bad  influ- 
ences.   We  saw  him  on  a  number  of  occasions. 

Physically  we  found  a  tall,  thin,  poorly-nourished  fellow  with 
a  curiously  high  voice.  Strength  decidedly  poor  for  his  age. 
Unusually  long,  delicate  hands.  Vision  very  defective  in  one  eye, 
has  glasses.  Long,  poorly-developed  chest;  hips  appear  promi- 
nent, largely  through  his  unusual  posture.  Sex  development 
adult.  Pale  skin.  Thick  lips.  Decidedly  weak  facial  expression. 
Many  teeth  carious.  Slight  nystagmoid  movements  of  the  eyes. 
As  seen  during  the  course  of  ordinary  examination,  with  no  spe- 
cial emotional  tension,  pulse  at  times  was  149  and  varied  nervously. 
Head  measurements;  circumference  55.3;  length  20;  breadth 
14.5  cm.  Occipital  protuberance  excessive.  Complains  of  occa- 
sional marked  swelling  in  one  breast.  Has  supernumerary  nip- 
ples. Uses  his  eyes  in  most  peculiar  way;  drops  the  lids  and 
snaps  them  in  girlish  fashion. 

We  found  a  clear  and  cogent  talker.  His  performance  on 
mental  tests  showed  him  to  be  well  up  to  the  ordinary  in  ability 
and  information.  His  curious  interests  and  reactions  to  life 
must  be  given  in  detail.  Our  knowledge  of  these  comes  partly 
from  observation  and  partly  from  the  story  of  the  mother  and 
son,  who  on  most  points  strongly  corroborate  each  other. 


Chap.  XIX]  ILLUSTRATIVE    CASES  [§  292 

It  seems  that  much  of  this  boy's  earliest  remembrances  are 
about  his  being  regarded  as  a  "sissy."  He  used  to  cut  out  paper 
dolls  and  play  with  them.  He  learned  sewing  and  fancy  needle- 
work. He  did  not  go  to  school  until  he  was  8  years  old,  having 
alwaj's  stayed  close  beside  his  mother.  So  girlish  was  he,  that  he 
slept  with  her  until  he  was  14.  He  had  a  high  soprano  voice, 
and  was  made  much  of  on  account  of  his  singing,  his  gentleness 
and  good  behavior.  When  other  little  school  boys  talked  about 
the  girls  he  never  would,  and  they  hit  him  and  called  him  a  "  sissy 
girl."  From  his  earliest  years  he  has  been  crazy  to  go  on  the  stage. 
In  the  later  days  of  childhood  he  associated  much  with  women, 
engaging  in  their  occupations,  such  as  ironing.  No  bad  habits. 
Never  cared  in  the  least  for  exercise  or  athletics. 

As  the  boy  left  childhood  he  was  derided  still  more  for  his 
effeminacy,  but  with  no  result  on  his  behavior.  After  doing 
pretty  well  earlier  in  school,  he  became  truant  towards  the  last. 
Then  he  went  to  work,  seeking  out  positions  on  the  border  line 
of  stage  life.  The  men  he  worked  with  quickly  sized  him  up, 
and  he  quite  generally  passed  by  the  name  of  Hattie.  He  thought 
much  then  of  impersonating  females,  and  had  a  dress  made  by 
some  women  friends.  He  began  wearing  effeminate  types  of  men's 
garments,  and  was  once  arrested  by  a  policeman  who  was  sure 
that  he  was  a  woman  in  disguise.  About  this  time  he  was  made 
acquainted  with  the  most  effeminate  type  of  sex  perversions, 
and  fell  at  once  in  with  them.  \^T^ien  we  first  saw  him  he  had 
been  in  an  eastern  cit}",  making  his  living  by  female  impersona- 
tions. Before  that,  while  at  home,  he  had  grown  to  be  much  of 
a  liar,  and  had  obtained  money  a  number  of  times  by  misrepre- 
sentation. His  running  away  had  been  several  times  repeated, 
and  even  when  about  home  he  had  often  slept  in  a  barn  or  hall- 
way, instead  of  in  his  own  bed. 

This  enduring  of  discomfort  and  suffering  seemed  very  con- 
tradictory to  his  delicate  type  of  physique  and  to  his  desire  for 
soft  occupations,  as  did  also  our  finding  his  person  and  under- 
wear in  a  remarkably  dirty  condition.  Drinking  or  smoking 
has  been  all  along  quite  foreign  to  his  tastes.  In  order  to  prove 
that  he  really  had  kept  much  to  himself  while  living  in  a  cheap 
hotel,  and  so  to  prove  to  his  mother  that  he  was  not  altogether 
bad,  he  asked  us  to  go  to  the  proprietor  and  see  the  embroidered 
pillow-cases  he  had  made  for  his  bed. 

When  seen  he  weakly  lied  at  first,  but  later  cried  and  sobbed 



with  his  head  on  the  table  as  he  told  about  his  earlier  life.  There 
was  little  emotion  about  his  present  mode  of  living,  but  he  did 
offer  many  promises  of  change.  Later  he  fell  on  his  mother's 
shoulder  and  sobbed  as  she  scolded  him.  He  had  told  many  tales 
of  ill  treatment,  mostly  whipping,  at  home  and  school,  to  us, 
and  in  earlier  years  to  sympathetic  women,  who  had  offered  to 
befriend  him  from  his  family.  With  this  excuse  he  would  some- 
times spend  days  at  their  houses.  There  has  never  been  any 
suspicion  of  his  being  immoral  with  women,  and  he  denies  it  very 
convincingly,  since  he  frankly  admits  so  much  else.  The  ill 
treatment  turned  out  to  be  exaggeration  of  the  scoldings  he  had 
received  for  his  extreme  effeminacy.  This  fellow  knew  the  mis- 
erable dangers  of  the  life  in  which  he  was  partially  submerged, 
and,  indeed,  expatiated  on  them  to  us,  but  we  have  later  heard 
that  after  serving  a  short  sentence  he  went  to  another  city,  and 
was  arrested  for  the  most  flagrant  female  impersonations.  He 
was  then  found  to  be  frightfully  diseased. 

The  incongruous  combination  of  poor  general  physical  condi- 
tions, stigmata  of  degeneracy,  delicate  bodily  organization, 
effeminacy  of  mind,  dishonesty,  show  of  natural  affection,  en- 
gaging in  female  occupations  by  choice,  female  impersonations, 
putting  up  with  hardships,  lack  of  care  for  his  own  person,  plen- 
tiful use  of  good  intentions,  and  absolute  weakness  of  purpose, 
show  him  to  be  a  marked  type  of  constitutional  inferior. 

The  only  important  part  of  the  family  history  centers  about  the 
father.  We  are  told  there  is  no  case  of  epilepsy,  feebleminded- 
ness or  insanity  in  either  family  nearer  than  a  maternal  great- 
great-aunt.  Four  older  children,  two  daughters  and  two  sons, 
have  turned  out  well,  except  that  one  of  the  latter  drinks  occa- 
sionally. They  despise  and  scold  this  lad.  The  father  was 
accustomed  to  his  "schnapps"  in  the  old  country,  but  was  never 
known  then  to  be  intoxicated.  He  was  a  man  who  turned  his 
hand  to  many  occupations.  Over  20  years  ago  he  began  drink- 
ing desperately.  For  a  period  of  five  years  between  the  birth 
of  the  older  children  and  this  one  he  frequently  deserted  home 
on  drinking  bouts.  His  wife  refused  to  live  with  him,  but  then 
he  later  took  the  pledge,  "religion  interfered"  and  she  again 
took  him  in.  She  says  of  her  son,  "  This  is  the  kind  of  children 
a  drunkard  has.  When  he  came,  I  was  the  result  of  worry,  sick- 
ness and  starvation."  This  father,  before  they  moved  to  Chicago 
several  years  ago,   became  the   lowest   type  of   drunkard  and 


Chap.  XIX]  VARIETIES    OF    THE    TYPE  [§  293 

vagrant,  sleeping  in  alleys,  being  several  times  sentenced,  and 
finally  died  a  pauper  in  a  New  Orleans  hospital. 

This  child  was  born  at  full  term,  and  there  was  nothing  abnor- 
mal in  his  birth  or  early  development  known  to  the  mother. 
No  convulsions  and  never  seriously  ilL  He  walked  and  talked 
early.  No  severe  accident.  He  was  always  regarded  as  of  deli- 
cate make-up  and  was  without  difficulty  closely  guarded  until 
he  was  13  or  14.  He  was  almost  certainly  not  addicted  to  bad 
habits  of  any  kind  before  this.  He  had  a  great  amount  of  religious 
instruction,  and  did  well  in  school  work  up  to  that  time. 

Constitutional  Inferiority:  Case  114. 

Many  physical  and  Boy,  age  17. 

mental  signs. 

Heredity:  Father  excessively  alcoholic, 
weak  will. 

Developmental :  Antenatal  conditions  bad. 


Runaway.  Mental : 

Dishonesty.  Good  ability, 

Sex  perversions.  peculiar  type. 

§  293.  Varieties  of  the  Type.  —  We  might  cite  many  other 
cases  in  illustration  of  the  variations  of  characteristics  of  these 
constitutional  inferiors.  On  the  mental  side  they  may  range  in 
ability  from  very  high  to  subnormal.  Thc}^  may  have  special 
abilities  or  special  disabilities.  They  should,  if  possible,  be 
differentiated  from  the  group  of  specialized  defectives  we  have 
elsewhere  dealt  with.  But  when  a  specialized  defect  in  self- 
control  is  shown  it  may  be  a  hard  matter  to  distinguish  the  two, 
because  the  inability  of  the  constitutional  inferior  to  cope  with 
the  world  seems  often  to  be  merely  the  result  of  deficient  will 
power.    However,  other  marks  of  defect  are  present. 

The  mental  and  character  instabilities  of  adolescence  must 
also  be  kept  in  mind  when  rendering  either  diagnosis  or  prog- 
nosis. Various  observers  have  noted  that  constitutional  inferiors 
may  show  increased  aberrational  tendencies  at  the  time  of  puberty, 
however  not  all  pubertal  erraticisms  are  found  in  cases  of  in- 

The  mental  characteristics  that  have  to  do  with  balance  and 



evenness  of  behavior  show  also  much  variation  among  these 
individuals,  which  is  illustrated  in  only  several  main  features 
by  the  cases  given.  The  tendency  to  unevenness  and  impulsions, 
and  bad  conduct  alternating  with  remorse  and  good  intentions 
is  not  the  extent  of  the  episodes.  Short  attacks  of  actual  depres- 
sion, even  during  childhood,  with  suicidal  impulsions,  we  have 
also  noted.  Some  cases  we  have  seen  have  attacks  of  blurring 
of  eyesight,  or  of  semi-unconsciousness,  which  may  possibly  be 
mild  seizures  of  hysteria  or  may  even  partially  resemble  epilepsy. 

The  physical  signs  may  include  other  points  than  we  have 
mentioned.  We  have  seen  premature,  as  well  as  backward 
puberty,  enlarged  thyroid,  signs  of  congenital  sj-philis  and  other 
antenatal  developmental  defect,   and  even  deafmutism. 

§  294.  Causations.  —  Very  interesting  is  the  variation  in 
the  possible  causation  as  obtained  from  family  histories.  We 
can  see  the  part  that  heredity  plays ;  sometimes  the  child  is  the 
counterpart  of  a  constitutionally  inferior  parent,  sometimes  it 
is  the  product  of  two  lines  of  partial  defectives.  Then,  diseases 
of  the  pregnant  mother,  syphilis,  and  alcoholism  of  the  parents, 
and  even  morphinism  of  the  pregnant  mother  figure  also  as 
causes.  Diseases  in  early  life,  such  as  meningitis,  may  so  leave 
traces  in  the  growing  organism  that  the  individual  fitly  belongs 
later  to  our  present  category. 

§  295.  Degeneracy.  —  The  relationship  of  so-called  degeneracy 
to  this  class  is  important.  The  loose  term  "degeneracy"  seems 
to  cover  a  good  many  types  of  personalities.  Even  professional 
people  are  not  very  discriminating  in  the  use  of  the  word.  It  is 
undoubtedly  true  that  most  of  these  constitutional  inferiors  may 
be  regarded  as  degenerates,  but  many  of  the  so-called  degener- 
ates belong  to  other  classes.  We  ourselves  are  highly  in  favor 
of  dropping  the  term  degenerate,  and  classifying  individuals  by 
much  more  definitive  terms. ^ 

The  notable  comparatively  small  number  of  female  constitu- 
tional inferiors  found  in  court  work  may  be  best  explained,  I 
think,  by  the  greater  freedom  and  restlessness  of  the  male  sex. 

1  I  am  often  asked  for  the  best  available  literature  on  degeneracy,  especially 
on  the  stigmata  of  degeneracy,  and  can  offer  the  following  quite  satisfactory 
and  easily  obtainable  list.  Talbot's  (197)  work  is  perhaps  the  best  for  the  gen- 
eral reader.  Good  enumerations  of  the  stigmata  are  given  by  Meyer  (219), 
by  Peterson  (198),  and  in  the  government  document  by  Macdonald  (199). 
A  recent  richly  illustrated  article  by  A.  Marie  (200)  on  the  stigmata,  has  ap- 
peared in  the  French  international  treatise  on  pathological  psychology. 


Chap.  XIX]  TREATMENT  [§  296 

The  females  of  this  class  become  more  of  the  drudge  type  than 
offenders.  To  be  sure  some  yield  to  temptation  and  later  become, 
in  spite,  perhaps,  of  unattractiveness,  members  of  the  low  pros- 
titute class.  Almost  worse  for  society  is  the  fact  that  they  live 
in  various  relationships  with  a  low  class  of  men  in  camps  or 
shanties,  and  frequently  produce  offspring,  who,  in  turn,  become 
problems  to  society. 

§  296.  Treatment.  —  The  treatment  of  the  constitutional 
inferior  resolves  itself  down  to  very  careful  oversight  and  patient 
education,  particularly  during  the  years  of  adolescence.  Per- 
manent colonization  is  needed  for  many  of  them.  We  have  seen 
very  few,  indeed,  do  well  ultimately  under  merely  family  care, 
although  in  very  favorable  environmental  circumstances,  such 
as  good  country  life,  this  regimen  has  succeeded.  One  trouble, 
as  we  have  seen  it,  is  that  these  individuals  who  are  brought  up 
amid  the  stimuli  of  city  life,  cannot  be  satisfied  for  long  with 
"  country  dullness."  We  have  noted  their  return  over  and  over 
to  the  dissipations  of  city  sights  and  sounds.  Along  the  same 
line  is  the  need  which  this  class  feels  for  the  ingestion  of  stimu- 
lants. Early  they  crave  much  coffee,  tea  and  tobacco,  later  many 
of  them  take  to  alcohol.  Of  course,  any  stimulants  taken  in 
excess  markedly  increase  instability. 

One  great  difficulty  which  we  and  others  have  noted  in  the 
disposal  of  these  cases  is  that  their  reactions  may  be  satisfactory 
enough  in  institutional  life,  but  quite  inadequate  to  meeting  the 
world  where  they  have  to  assume  at  least  some  responsibility. 
A  penal  institution  may,  according  to  its  record  of  good  conduct, 
find  them  fit  for  parole,  a  hospital  for  the  insane  may  declare 
them  not  out-and-out  insane,  and  so  discharge  them.  Then  they 
return  often  straight  to  criminalism. 


§  297]  MENTAL   ABERRATION  [Chap.  XX 

Mental  Aberration 

§  297.  General  Statement.  Major  Psychoses.  §  298.  Dementia  Precox. 
§  299.  Paresis.  §  300.  Juvenile  Paresis.  §  301.  Melancholia.  §  302. 
Manic-depressive  Insanity.  §  303.  Epileptic  Psychoses.  §  304.  De- 
mentia.   §  305.  Paranoia.  .  §  306.  Unclassified  Major  Mental  Aberrations. 

§  297.  General  Statement.  —  At  the  outset  of  our  discussion 
of  the  relation  between  mental  aberration  and  criminalism  it 
should  be  understood  that  we  do  not  consider  it  necessary  to 
equal  a  text-book  account  of  mental  types.  Works  on  psychiatry 
are  readily  accessible.  The  sjnnptoms  of  some  insanities  largely 
involve  anti-social  conduct,  but  the  significance  of  this  is  so  obvious 
that  they  need  hardly  any  attention  at  our  hands.  If  a  person 
easily  perceived  to  be  insane  runs  about  naked,  or  invades  the 
home  of  another,  or  assaults  somebody,  the  offense  is  so  readily 
recognized  as  the  outcome  of  mental  disease  that  no  further  words 
are  needed  about  it  from  the  side  of  criminalism.  On  this  account 
we  shall  deal  scantily  with  the  major  psychoses;  merely  giving 
some  facts  by  way  of  illustration  of  the  more  usual  connection 
of  these  mental  conditions  w^ith  criminalism.  But  under  the 
head  of  minor  aberrational  conditions  we  shall  introduce  much 
more  consideration  of  certain  less  clearly  distinguished  abnormal 
psychical  conditions  in  their  relation  to  criminalistics  than  will 
be  found  in  any  of  the  text  books. 

In  this  matter,  as  ever,  we  are  interested  in  ascertaining  the 
cause  of  a  delinquent  career  as  near  its  beginning  as  possible. 
Now,  early  in  life  mental  ailments  often  have  less  pronounced 
signs  than  later  on.  We  have  had  reason  to  see  many  instances 
where  actual  insanity  on  an  organic  basis  was  incipient  to  the 
extent  that  it  was  not  clear  to  the  onlooker,  and  the  individual 
was  merely  accounted  criminalistic.  In  other  cases  the  symp- 
toms were  so  indefinite  that  the  diagnosis  of  a  particular  type 
of  insanity  was  impossible.  Some  of  these  later  have  recovered, 
others  have  remained  unchanged,  and  still  others  have  gone  on  to 
develop  typical  forms  of  psychoses.  In  working  with  delinquents 
there  is  no  need  of  considering  the  exact  classification  of  the  mental 
trouble  when  it  exists,  except  that  it  may  give  more  positive  clue 


Chap.  XX]  GENERAL    STATEMENT  [§  297 

to  treatment.  The  mental  findings  and  the  conduct  determine 
the  fact  of  aberration,  and  that  is  all  that  should  be  necessary 
for  immediate  court  purposes.  Further  business  of  diagnosis 
should  be  left  to  a  psychopathic  hospital. 

Our  material,  through  dealing,  as  we  have  done,  mostly  with 
adolescents,  is  peculiarly  rich  in  the  history  of  cases  where  the 
mental  upset  passed  oif  with  readjustment  of  the  individual  to 
environmental  conditions.  In  some  of  these  there  were  recur- 
rences, and  in  others  direct  recovery.  The  discussion  of  this 
material  is  of  great  importance  because  these  cases  are  very  rarely 
seen  by  institutional  authorities,  and  receive  altogether  inade- 
quate treatment  in  professional  works  which  emanate  from  those 
sources.  The  favorable  mental  and  moral  outcome  sometimes 
observed  under  treatment  proves  little  of  what  the  evolution 
of  the  case  might  have  been  without  such  treatment,  yet  is  highly 
suggestive  of  the  possibilities  of  early  deahng  with  mental  cases. 

I  see  no  better  way  for  our  purposes  than  to  classify  aberrational 
mental  conditions  under  major  and  minor  —  realizing,  however, 
the  impossibility  of  deciding  between  the  two,  even  in  some  impor- 
tant tj-pes.  The  major  aberrational  conditions  are  naturally 
made  up  of  the  well-defined  insanities,  and  of  other  cases  which 
show  virulent  sjTnptoms  although  as  a  whole  they  may  be 
imclassifiable  in  any  group.  Major,  as  well  as  minor,  aberrations 
may  be  either  temporary  or  chronic.  The  fact  that  they  are 
either  major  or  minor  means  very  little  for  criminalistics,  inas- 
much as  many  of  the  most  dangerous  of  our  recidivists  show 
aberrational  tendencies  which  cannot  be  placed  under  the  head 
of  one  of  the  major  insanities.  Arbitrariness  of  the  division  be- 
tween the  two  is  shown  also  by  the  fact  that  some  individuals 
who  are  now  recognized  as  being  afilicted  with  some  minor  mental 
aberration  will  later  enter  the  category  of  major  psychoses.  The 
newer  methods  of  diagnosis  of  dementia  precox  we  look  forward 
to  for  help  in  one  place  where  discrimination  is  important. 

The  student  of  offenders  is  glad  to  show  the  arbitrariness  of 
all  divisions  because  of  his  frequent  encounter  with  the  attitude 
which  demands  the  diagnosis  of  "some  form  of  insanity"  before 
incompetency  is  allowed.  This  point  of  view  is  met  in  institu- 
tions for  the  insane  as  well  as  in  court.  It  is  particularly  im- 
pressive to  note  the  repeated  crimes  committed  by  markedly 
aberrational  individuals  who  have  not  normal  powers  of  social 
control  and  who  show  other  signs  of  mental  disturbance,  but  who 


§  297]  MENTAL   ABERRATION  [Chap.  XX 

are  declared  "  not  insane  "  because  they  do  not  show  the  symp- 
toms of  paranoia,  paresis,  or  other  of  the  main  categories  of  the 
psychoses.  The  public  suffers  tremendously  from  this  narrow 
conception  of  the  mental  aberrations  from  which  it  should  be 
protected.  The  medical  man  as  well  as  the  lawyer  should  be 
well  apprized  of  these  facts. 

Under  the  caption  of  minor  psychoses  we  place  the  aberrant 
states  which  are  not  so  commanding  in  their  general  picture.  If 
this  were  a  text  book  on  psychiatry  very  many  states  could  be 
enumerated  which  belong  under  this  heading,  but  we  are  only 
interested  in  certain  forms  of  minor  aberration  which  have  par- 
ticularly to  do  with  delinquency,  and  those  we  shall  specify  with 
illustrations  in  the  proper  place.  Some  individuals  with  only 
minor  psychoses  are  easily  recognizable  as  being  insane,  especially 
those  cases  in  which  there  are  marked  transitory  symptoms.  In 
other  minor,  but  chronic  aberrations  we  have  to  deal  with  the 
typical  psychopaths,  or  semi-responsibles,  who  are  dealt  with 
to  some  extent  in  various  modern  works  on  psychiatry. 

For  dealing  with  these  last  groups  of  cases  it  has  been  repre- 
sented that  they  should  be  legally  categorized  as  having  attenu- 
ated responsibility.  At  least  for  understanding  the  practical 
social  situation  involved,  this  partial  responsibility  must  be  taken 
into  account.  On  these  points  our  related  case  histories  are 

The  heading  under  which  to  place  many  cases  has  been  deter- 
mined along  practical  lines;  there  is  much  overlapping  of  types 
and  symptoms.  Minor  mental  aberrations  are  frequently  most 
difficult  to  classify.  Whether  some  of  them  are  abortive  cases 
of  the  well-distinguished  types  of  mental  trouble  it  is  impossible 
in  the  present  state  of  our  knowledge  to  say.  On  many  accounts 
we  recommend  the  student  to  make  a  survey  of  the  entire  field 
of  mental  aberration  in  its  relation  to  criminalism,  in  order  to 
avoid  the  dangers  of  centering  interest  on  only  a  few  of  the  types. 

Major  Psychoses. 

§  298.    Dementia  Precox. 

No  technical  discussion  of  dementia  precox  is  desirable  for  this 
work.  At  present  biochemical  tests  are  promised  which  will 
immensely  simplify  our  diagnostic  conceptions  of  this  disease. 
Here  it  is  sufficient  to  say  that  a  group  of  mental  symptoms 


Chap.  XX]  DEMENTIA   PRECOX  [§  298 

arising  generally  during  adolescence  portends  the  onset  of  this 
primary  dementia.  The  individual  is  readily  recognized  as  being 
mentally  weak,  but  yet  is  not  to  be  classed  as  feebleminded, 
both  on  account  of  the  prominence  of  aberrations  rather  than 
defects,  and  the  fact  that  at  one  time  he  was  considered  more  or 
less  normal.  The  progress  of  the  disease  varies  greatly,  and 
there  may  be  remission  of  s^'mptoms,  and  even  apparent  recoveries, 
but  in  the  majority  of  the  well-recognized  cases  the  sjonptoms 
persist.  In  a  small  proportion  of  the  instances  there  is  rapid 
fulmination  of  the  disease,  with  complete  disablement  or  death. 

The  disease  takes  on  various  forms,  and  the  evidences  of  actual 
dementia  may  not  be  plain  at  first.  The  early  signs  of  this  dis- 
order which  bring  individuals  suffering  from  it  so  frequently  to 
the  notice  of  police  officials,  visiting  nurses,  social  workers,  etc., 
are  often  those  of  extreme  shyness  and  fear.  Sufferers  are  almost 
always  males.  The  young  man  will  not  go  out  of  doors  or  meet 
company.  He  will  not  seek  a  job.  He  cannot  face  a  prospec- 
tive employer.  He  seems  utterly  ashamed  of  himself  and  his  own 
shortcomings,  and  may  hide  even  from  his  own  family.  Many 
times  we  have  heard  the  account  of  just  such  actions  implicating 
individuals  who  are  serious  offenders,  perhaps  offering  violence 
to  their  own  families  or  to  others,  perhaps  being  thieves  and 
young  embezzlers.  Variations  in  the  way  of  excitement,  utter 
dullness,  and  paranoidal  s}Tnptoms  are  seen  during  the  course 
of  this  disease.  The  case  of  the  young  boy  cited  under  paranoia 
(§  305)  may  turn  out  to  be  dementia  precox. 

One  feature  of  importance  in  the  evolution  of  this  disease  is 
the  practice  of  masturbation.  With  astonishing  frequency  cases 
of  dementia  precox  indulge  excessively  in  bad  sex  habits.  This 
is  so  noticeable  that  it  is  often  difficult  to  convince  parents  that 
the  disease  itself  is  not  caused  by  this  practice.  There  can  be 
httle  doubt  that  the  debilitating  effects  of  these  habits  increase 
the  do"uniw^ard  tendency,  but  the  excessive  indulgence  itself  is 
only  to  be  regarded  as  evidence  of  lack  of  balance  and  self-control. 
However  it  is  plain  that  a  vicious  circle  is  set  up  by  the  combina- 
tion of  disease  and  bad  practices. 

The  idea  of  suicide  is  frequently  entertained  in  cases  of  de- 
mentia precox.  Some  indication  of  this  may  be  seen  in  the  single 
case  study  we  give  as  a  paradigm.  In  one  instance  where  we  could 
readily  determine  there  was  some  degree  of  dementia  together 
with  the  most  excessive  amount  of  masturbation,  the  boy  com- 


§  298]  MENTAL   ABERRATION  [Chap.  XX 

mitted  suicide  before  the  family  could  make  up  their  minds  to 
send  him  to  a  state  hospital  for  treatment.  This  lad  was  only 
15  years  old  when  he  took  his  own  life  after  indulging  in  perfect 
orgies  of  violence  and  general  misbehavior.  He  had  already 
been  sent  twice  to  institutions  on  account  of  delinquency.  For- 
merly he  had  been  truant,  but  had  reached  5th  grade  before  he 
stopped  school.  He  early  began  excessive  use  of  coffee  and  occa- 
sional indulgence  in  smoking,  while  masturbation  with  him  was, 
according  to  his  own  account,  a  daily  matter  for  years.  With 
bad  company  he  engaged  in  a  long  list  of  petty  delinquencies 
before  entering  upon  the  final  stages  of  his  career. 

In  some  quarters  it  has  been  the  tendency  to  over-estimate  the 
percentage  of  cases  belonging  in  the  dementia  precox  group 
which  one  meets  with  among  young  offenders.  In  going  over 
our  own  records  we  find  it  impossible  to  be  exact  in  this  matter 
on  account  of  the  slow  evolution  of  the  disease.  Indeed  in  the 
cases  which  we  have  sent  to  hospitals  for  the  insane  we  frequently 
cannot  get  exact  diagnosis.  In  the  future  we  hope  this  may  be 
bettered  by  new  diagnostic  methods.  But  certainlj^  in  not  more 
than  25  cases  in  our  1000  young  repeated  offenders  have  the 
symptoms  been  interpretable  as  belonging  in  any  way  to  dementia 
precox,  and  very  likely  a  number  of  these  will  prove  to  be  cases 
of  other  diseases.  The  work  of  Wilmanns  (314)  (315),  and  of 
Nitsche  and  Wilmanns  (48),  has  been  much  quoted  in  this  con- 
nection, but  it  must  be  remarked  that  their  findings  are  based 
only  on  the  study  of  offenders  who  are  already  recognized  as 
having  some  form  of  mental  aberration.  Among  them  the  ma- 
jority was  found  to  be  suffering  from  dementia  precox. 

A  large  number  of  the  characteristic  symptoms  of  this  disease 
is  to  be  found  in  the  single  case  study  which  we  shall  offer.  The 
relationship  of  this  primary  dementia  to  criminalism  is  there 
made  clear,  as  is  also  the  unfortunate  lack  of  recognition  of  this 
disease  in  ordinary  court  work. 

Case  115.  — A  young  man,  almost  19,  is  brought  to  us  with  a 
long  record  of  delinquency.  He  has  run  away  from  home  on 
numerous  occasions.  When  younger  used  to  go  with  companions 
who  stole  chickens,  and  coal,  and  candy.  Is  said  to  have  had 
about  a  hundred  different  jobs  since  he  left  school.  Usually 
holds  them  only  for  a  day  or  so.  He  loafs  most  of  the  time, 
hanging  about  his  own  home  or  getting  other  people  to  take 
him  in  whenever  he  can.    Often  has  taken  money  he  has  earned 


Chap.  XX]  DEMENTIA   PRECOX  [§  298 

and  spent  it  on  prostitutes.  Has  been  in  court  on  several  occa- 
sions. Was  once  arrested  for  making  a  disturbance  in  the  red 
light  district.  Has  already  served  two  terms  in  the  House  of 
Correction  under  a  charge  of  disorderly  conduct  and  vagrancy. 
Recently  the  father  was  about  to  have  him  again  taken  in  charge 
by  the  police,  but  thought  he  had  better  see  a  doctor  on  account 
of  the  boy's  strange  behavior. 

Physically  we  found  a  well-developed  and  nourished  young 
man.  AVeight  134  lbs.,  height  5  ft.  7  in.  Very  large  head  —  cir- 
cumference 57,  length  19  1-3,  breadth  16  cm.  Teeth  good  condi- 
tion. Vision  practically  normal.  Reaction  of  pupils  very  lively. 
Other  examination  of  eyes  negative.  Physiognomy  peculiar. 
Poorly  balanced  profile  on  account  of  the  large  head  and  small 
though  not  receding  chin.  Expression  rather  dull,  but  pleasant 
enough.  Considerable  asymmetry  of  action  of  facial  muscles, 
with  great  overuse  of  the  frontalis.  Muddy  complexion,  and 
many  scars  from  old  acne.  Gait  very  slouchy.  Strength  of  upper 
extremities  very  poor  for  his  size.  Coordinations  good.  Knee 
jerks  lively;  abdominal  reflexes  extremely  lively.  Complains 
of  much  headache,  and  much  pain  in  hands  and  feet.  Voice 
deep  and  rather  monotonous.  Color  poor.  Breath  offensive. 
Sex  development  plus.  Excessive  enuresis  and  some  incontinence 
of  the  bladder  by  day.  Has  had  gonorrhea,  and  been  treated 
for  it  at  the  House  of  Correction.  In  posture  the  boy  is  notably 
peculiar.  Sits  or  stands  in  a  very  stiff  fashion.  Holds  one  shoulder 
elevated,  much  higher  than  the  other.  Distinctly  awkward  in 
handling  the  tests.  Shows  many  traces  of  negativism.  It  is 
with  difficulty  that  one  can  get  him  to  relax  his  facial  muscles 
to  look  into  his  mouth.  Obeys  commands  of  all  kinds  very  poorly 
and  with  much  hesitation. 

The  mental  tests  soon  showed  his  aberrations,  and  it  was 
impossible  to  carry  them  far.  He  fails  to  add  short  columns  of 
three  figures.  Does  not  know  the  process  of  long  division.  Says 
6x8  =  54;  4x3  =  12;  8x8  =  64;  9x7  =  62;  4  +  4 
-f-  4  +  8  =  34.  Fails  to  do  even  our  simple  introductory  puzzle. 
Argues  about  the  impossibility  of  filling  up  the  triangular  space, 
insists  there  is  one  piece  short,  and  finally  gives  it  up.  Fails  to 
do  our  Construction  Test  HI.  Works  at  it  with  one  hand  for 
a  long  time,  jostling  the  pieces  around.  Says,  "  I  could  not  do 
this  in  a  hundred  years.  I  can't  do  it.  Try  as  hard  as  I  can,  I 
can't  do  it.    In  a  hundred  years  I  could  n't  do  it."    In  the  Antonym 


§  298]  MENTAL   ABERRATION  [Chap.  XX 

Test  XV,  makes  4  failures  and  1  error;  average  times  3.3",  a 
very  slow  record.  Writes  a  fairly  good  hand.  Knows  correctly 
the  date.     Is  distinctly  talkative. 

His  moderately  intelligent  father  in  describing  his  mental 
symptoms  tells  us  he  always  was  a  funny  kind  of  a  boy.  Would 
not  do  what  the  teachers  told  him.  At  one  time  was  so  severely 
punished  by  one  of  the  sisters  in  his  school  that  the  family  raised 
trouble  about  it.  Is  a  great  liar.  Says  he  will  drown  himself 
when  it  has  been  suggested  they  put  him  in  the  navy.  He  likes 
to  read  joke  books.  Is  crazy  for  "  naked  pictures  and  picture 
shows,  and  whenever  he  gets  a  half  a  dollar  goes  to  a  theatre." 
When  he  would  get  his  wages  he  would  proceed  to  spend  them. 
He  frequently  wanders  about  all  day  when  he  is  not  working, 
sometimes  wet  and  cold.  Often  does  not  get  much  to  eat  when 
away,  and  comes  home  tired  out.  Says  to  his  family,  "If  nobody 
cares  for  me,  I  don't  give  a  damn  for  nobody."  Is  offensive  at 
home  on  account  of  various  dirty  habits,  and  incontinence  of  the 
bladder.  At  times  sits  long  in  a  chair,  bent  over  and  not  doing 
anything.    Sometimes  rubs  his  wrist  for  long. 

From  the  family  we  get  very  little  in  the  way  of  hereditary  or 
developmental  history  that  throws  much  light  on  the  problem. 
The  people  are  ignorant  immigrants.  Father  says  they  came  to 
this  country  when  the  boy  was  an  infant.  In  the  old  country 
there  was  not  any  education,  and  the  mother  in  particular  does 
not  care  much  about  it  here.  Her  idea  is  that  "  when  children 
get  to  be  21  they  are  getting  their  senses.','  There  are  seven  others 
in  the  family,  but  there  has  been  no  such  trouble  with  any  of 
them.  The  father  is  clearly  the  more  intelligent.  He  tells  us 
that  his  own  father  was  extremely  alcoholic  and  died  of  tuber- 
culosis, but  outside  of  that,  the  family  history  is  practically 
negative.  No  one  known  to  be  insane,  feebleminded  or  epileptic. 
In  regard  to  this  boy's  developmental  history,  it  has  been  nega- 
tive. He  was  born  after  a  healthy  pregnancy  with  a  normal 
delivery.  He  walked  and  talked  early.  Had  a  healthy  infancy 
and  indeed  has  never  been  very  ill.  Five  years  ago  he  was  injured 
in  the  genital  region  by  sliding  on  a  fence,  but  even  for  that  no 
physician  was  called. 

The  boy's  own  story  is  of  great  significance  for  us,  and  one 
could  fairly  make  the  diagnosis  from  that  alone.  He  tells  it 
readily  and  talks  rapidly.  The  following  is  a  verbatim  sample 
of  his  conversation. 


Chap.  XX]  DEMENTIA    PRECOX  [§  298 

"  For  three  years  I  've  been  sick  —  not  in  my  right  health 
—  I  've  been  in  the  Bridewell.  I  told  my  father  I  refused  to  work 
for  his  family  and  everything  like  that.  First  time  I  was  arrested 
I  was  wdth  a  boy.  He  was  throwing  potatoes  in  the  windows  of 
the  \dce  district.  Then  I  was  given  $25  and  costs.  My  father 
paid  one-half  of  it.  Then  I  was  in  the  Bridewell  January  and 
February  this  year  because  I  would  n't  work.  My  father  starts 
an  argument,  he  starts  calling  me  a  monkey.  I  can't  help  it  if 
I  was  born  that  way.  So  far  I  feel  rotten.  I  irritate  every  minute. 
I  don't  feel  like  other  men  do  that  come  in  this  world.  I  'm  weak 
and  sick  and  I  ain't  fit  for  work.  One  man  says  because  I  can't 
do  his  work  I  was  better  to  drown  myself.  He  says  that.  Of 
course  I  could  n't  do  that,  because  I  would  n't  want  to  suffer. 
I  suffer  enough  in  my  house  already.  Well,  my  father  starts  an 
argmnent,  and  hits  me,  and  wishes  I  'd  die  and  everything.  He  's 
got  one  right  way,  and  I  've  got  my  right  way.  You  see  I  eat  in 
his  house  and  eat  his  meals.  He  says  lightning  should  come  and 
strike  everybody  there.  He  hit  me  with  a  chair  this  morning 
and  knocked  me  out  of  wind.  He  punches  over  my  eyes  and  over 
my  face  and  all  over.  The  doctor  said  at  the  Polisinic,  '  You 
are  one  of  those  unfortunate  fellows  that  don't  seem  fit  for  any- 
thing.' " 

(When  quit  school?)  "  I  was  about  14  —  14  I  was  —  5th 
grade.  I  was  pretty  fair.  All  the  rest  seem  all  right,  but  I  'm 
no  good  —  that 's  what  my  father  tells.  Me?  I  was  working  in 
machine  shops.  Worked  there  one  week  and  quit.  For  two  years 
I  feel  rotten.  Almost  worser  every  day.  People  make  complaint 
of  me.  People  all  stick  their  finger  out  at  me.  I  ain't  none  of 
these  people  that  can  show  themselves  good,  that  get  along  in 
the  world.  He  was  going  to  send  me  out  there  now,  but  I  was 
crying  like  ever}i:hing.  Me?  I  was  working  in  a  box  factory. 
Did  n't  pay  much  for  me  and  that 's  why  I  quit.  I  could  n't 
get  raised  up  with  that  job  —  it  was  no  good  for  me.  The  doctor 
over  at  the  Polisinic  he  examined  my  head  to  see  if  I  was  insane. 
My  head  is  all  right,  but  I  've  got  some  sickness  and  I  don't  seem 
fit  to  work.  Read?  Why,  I  read  Catholic  books  and  everything. 
Sure,  we  've  got  lots  of  miscellaneous  books  at  home  and  every- 
thing. Well  I  don't  remember  their  names,  I  'd  have  to  think 
it  over.  I  tell  you,  doctor,  I  don't  read  them  five-cent  history 
novels  like  some  boys  do.  Well,  newspapers  —  I  read  the  News, 
Journal  and  every  other  sort.    Well,  yesterday  I  read  about  the 


§  298]  MENTAL   ABERRATION  [Chap.  XX 

Mexicans  lost  in  the  battle.  The  United  States  is  going  to  inter- 
vene because  they  are  fighting  against  the  border.  No,  I  never 
read  any  books  like  that."  (Viz.  Robinson  Crusoe.)  "I  tell  you, 
doctor,  I  can  tell  you  about  things  —  Washington  was  the  first, 
president  and  things  like  that." 

"  Doctor,  I  tell  you  about  myself.  I  often  have  to  lay  down 
and  sleep.  When  people  come  to  the  house,  instead  of  going  and 
talking  to  them  about  life  and  things  like  that  I  have  to  lay  down. 
That  's  no  way  to  make  a  man  out  of  me." 

"  I  think  about  good,  and  bad,  and  such  things.  Every  man: 
has  his  own  troubles.  Doctor,  it  is  a  shame  and  disgrace  to  tell 
those  things,  for  any  fellow  to  tell  them  and  so  I  'm  going  to  say 
I  never  did  —  I  never  did  any  of  those  things  and  never  went 
with  a  woman  and  I  never  did  those  other  things.  Doctor,  I 
want  to  tell  you  that  I  thank  you  from  the  bottom  of  my  heart 
because  I  want  to  make  a  man  out  of  myself." 

"I  'm  one  of  those  fellows  who  never  had  any  luck  in  the  world. 
Doctor,  I  '11  explain  you  my  trouble  from  A  to  Z.  All  my  brothers 
and  sisters  are  all  right,  and  they  get  up  in  the  world  —  people 
say  they  are  all  right  —  they  are  satisfied.  My  people  were  going 
to  get  out  a  warrant  at  the  station  and  have  me  sent  out  to  the 
Bridewell,  but  I  tell  you  out  there  they  work  you  like  a  horse, 
and  you  get  beatings  with  sticks  and  things,  and  the  blood  runs, 
it  runs  high  up  on  the  wall  from  the  beatings.  What  do  you 
think  about  my  life?  Me?  Why,  I  was  going  to  school  and  every- 
thing. I  did  n't  get  plenty  of  education  to  get  along  in  the  world. 
If  I  'd  got  through  the  8th  grade  they  would  call  me  a  grammar 
school  graduate,  and  I  can't  get  good  positions  in  offices  because 
I  ain't  worth  it.  My  father  has  argument  every  day  about  it. 
If  I  get  a  job  I  would  n't  go  by  my  father  for  a  hundred  years, 
but  the  trouble  is  I  'm  sick  and  weak  and  not  fit  for  anything. 
Me,  I  was  bad  —  no,  pretty  good  in  school.  I  could  pass  8th 
grade  if  I  wanted  to.  I  got  in  bad  company  —  it  spoiled  me. 
Last  year  I  went  with  a  couple  of  partners,  but  they  don't  come 
around  me  now.  I  was  arrested,  and  the  boy  was  arrested,  but 
he  's  afraid  now.  He  got  scared  now.  He  's  afraid  to  show  his 
face.  I  was  bad  in  school.  I  did  n't  read.  Oh,  I  was  n't  good 
in  arithmetic,  and  other  miscellaneous  things- — that 's  the  reason. 
I  did  n't  get  put  down  in  grades. 

"  My  father  's  an  old  man.  He  works  every  night  and  day.. 
He  's  down  on  me  —  he  don't  see  why  he  should  give  me  meals 


Chap.  XX]  DEMENTIA    PRECOX  [§  298 

for  nothing.  I  did  n't  get  in  bad  company  in  school.  I  was  too 
quick  in  school.  I  did  n't  grow  up  in  the  right  way  —  I  did  n't 
grow  up  to  be  a  man.  I  got  in  bad  company  afterwards.  I  mean 
I  did  n't  pass  the  school  in  the  right  way.  Yes,  it  was  hard  to 
learn.  ISly  father  was  going  to  send  me  out  to  the  Navy  to  make 
me  a  manly  man,  to  make  a  man  out  of  me.  They  told  me  I  'm 
sick  and  weak,  and  better  go  to  the  doctor  to  get  cured.  He  says 
'  We  've  got  thousands  of  healthy  men  waiting  to  get  in,  the  right 
kind,  too.'  I  want  to  be  a  manly  man.  I  don't  want  to  be  a 
devil.     Educational  people  tell  me  I  ain't  right." 

At  another  interview  he  said,  "  I  've  been  feeling  no  good  for 
half  a  year  straight.  Well,  now  some  more  confessions.  I  never 
smoked  or  chewed  in  my  whole  life.  Smell  my  breath.  I  ain't 
the  right  kind.  Lots  of  fellows  on  the  outside  smoke  and  chew. 
I  can  tell  a  fellow  that  does  by  his  breath.  I  don't  drink  any 
beer.  There  's  a  lot  of  fellows  that  drink  beer,  but  I  don't.  I  can 
get  good  and  plenty  without  it.  I  mean  I  eat  only  health  food, 
but  I  ain't  strong  the  way  I  should  be.  I  tell  you  what  a  man 
I  'm  trjdng  to  make  out  of  myself,  if  I  grow  up  to  be  50  or  60 
years  old  what  kind  of  a  man  will  I  be?  Lots  of  these  old  men 
used  to  be  boys  once,  and  they  are  lawyers  and  doctors  and  so 
on.  I  ain't  got  the  chance  because  I  ain't  fit.  A  boy  told  me 
once  about  them  bad  houses.  I  asked  him  where  was  the  houses. 
He  took  me.  We  did  n't  go  in.  We  got  caught  ■ —  he  was  throw- 
ing potatoes  —  just  possibly  for  fun.  They  asked  us  if  this  was 
the  place  where  you  get  work,  and  good  health,  and  make  a  man 
of  yourself.  My  partner  that  time  he  was  going  to  pay  50  cents 
for  me  to  go  and  stay  with  a  woman  and  I  said  no.  I  don't  go  to 
no  shows.  LTsed  to.  My  father  refuses  now  to  give  me  money. 
He  says  there  must  be  some  reason  I  stick  to  the  rotten  bunch 
—  I  must  get  out  in  the  country,  in  the  fresh  air.  They  always 
come  over  and  ask  me  to  go  there  and  there  with  them." 

"  I  have  to  jump  up  in  that  bed  and  I  can't  lie  quiet  because 
I  have  irritations"  (He  meant  urinations).  "Any  man's  life, 
he  's  sorry  he  don't  kill  himself.  My  father  says  he  would  take 
me  out  on  the  prairie  and  shoot  five  bullets  through  me  —  He 
says  you  're  good  for  nothing  —  I  'm  sorry  you  're  living  on  this 
earth.  I  always  had  trouble  in  that  way.  I  always  got  the  bed 
wet.  I  get  something  comes  in  my  eyes  and  head  like  that  and 
I  feel  like  killing  myself,  but  I  don't  make  no  attempts.  I  was 
arrested  once  and  the  judge  says  don't  jump  in  the  lake,  it 's  too 


§  298]  MENTAL   ABERRATION  [Chap.  XX 

cold  —  and  I  have  n't.  But  if  I  had  any  cause  I  would.  Often 
have  headaches.  I  have  to  spit  all  my  food  out  sometimes. 
Some  people  say  you  eat  too  quick.  My  head  feels  bad,  rotten. 
I  was  n't  injured  as  long  as  I  live  I  was  n't  injured.  I  was  sick 
a  lot  of  times  and  everything."  (Note  denials  of  father's  story. 
Urged  to  tell  the  truth.)  "  Oh,  yes,  a  long  time  ago.  Of  course 
it  was  bad.  I  thought  I  was  going  to  be  dead  one  time  when  I 
fell  off  the  fence.  I  was  about  11  years  old.  I  ain't  got  no  trouble 
from  it.  It  comes  from  the  stomach,  that  irritations.  We  was 
going  in  that  house  in  the  vice  district  and  we  got  caught. 
Because  that 's  the  law  of  the  United  States,  boys  of  such  age  not 
allowed  to  go  in  such  places  —  he  can't  do  as  he  pleases.  The 
law  says  his  father  can  feed  him  until  he  is  15  years  old,  or  some- 
thing like  that,  but  the  father  he  can't,  he  's  got  to  go  and  work 
for  his  own  living.  I  like  to  see  women  in  those  shows.  Pictures, 
no.  He  can't  feed  rne  all  my  life.  I  've  got  to  go  out  and  work 
for  myself.  Let  them  teach  'em  to  be  correct.  That 's  what  the 
House  of  Correction  is  for,  that 's  to  make  people  correct  and  make 
'em  be  good.  Naw,  you  ain't  allowed  to  talk.  They  watch  over 
you  at  night.  They  hit  you.  If  you  holler  out,  gees!  they  club 
you  to  death.  They  never  said  a  bad  word  to  me.  Two  times 
I  was  there.  I  don't  know  for  what  I  am  sick,  I  am  weak, 
worse  every  day.  Jesus  Christ,  I  'd  like  to  know  for  what  I  am 

At  times  this  fellow  talked  much  of  sex  affairs,  and,  despite 
negative  assertions,  showed  plainly  by  his  behavior  that  he 
indulged  in  bad  habits. 

§  299.    Paresis.      Dementia  Paralytica. 

The  symptoms  of  paresis,  which  in  the  light  of  modern  knowl- 
edge is  to  be  regarded  as  one  of  the  manifestations  of  sj'philis 
of  the  brain,  can  easily  be  seen  to  be  conducive  to  criminality. 
There  are  profound  disturbances  of  emotional  life,  varying  from 
complete  satisfaction  with  all  things,  to  the  manifestation  of 
great  passion  at  the  most  trifling  and  even  imaginary  annoy- 
ances. There  is  formation  of  delusions,  which,  however,  quickly 
change  their  character,  and  the  patient  is  sometimes  subject  to 
hallucinations.  Now  it  so  happens  that  the  deterioration  of 
mentality  which  accompanies  this  disease,  fortunately  generally 
interferes  with  the  carrying  out  in  conduct  of  prolonged  vicious 
impulses.     It  is  generally  considered  that  paresis  leads  only  to 


Chap.  XX]  JUVENILE   PARESIS  [§  300 

minor  offenses,  but  this  is  not  always  true.  I  know  of  one  case 
in  which  a  murderous  assault  upon  a  wife  was  the  first  indication 
to  the  family  of  the  existence  of  any  real  mental  disease.  The 
effect  of  sudden  passions  and  delusions  does  sometimes  lead  to 
violence  in  paresis,  but,  as  a  rule,  the  delinquencies  are  of  a  less 
startling  nature.  Petty  thieving,  even  by  rich  men,  the  public 
use  of  shameful  language,  indecencies  of  conduct,  engaging  in 
orgies  of  dissipation  are  more  usual  forms  of  offense.  The  well- 
known  tendency  early  in  the  disease  to  splurge  in  business, 
and  engage  in  speculation,  using  for  the  purpose  all  the  money 
possible  to  lay  hands  on,  becomes  under  some  circumstances  a 
very  grave  delinquency.  The  fact  that  impulses  are  very  readily 
acted  on,  and  suggestions  quickly  taken,  may  account  for  a  good 
deal  of  the  anti-social  conduct. 

The  disease  has  well-marked  physical  as  well  as  mental  signs, 
and  has  nothing  of  the  subtlety  for  the  criminologist  that  marks 
a  border-line  case  of  paranoia, for  instance.  It  is  quite  unnecessary 
to  take  space  for  the  citation  of  examples.  The  diagnosis  ought 
to  be  readily  made,  but  as  Bowers  (49)  has  recently  shown,  cases 
are  sometimes  unrecognized  and  sent  to  the  penitentiary. 

§  300.    Juvenile  Paresis. 

Paresis  is  usually  described  as  a  disease  of  the  prime  of  life. 
It  rarely  occurs  in  a  juvenile  form,  but  when  it  does  may  have 
many  moral  complications. 

Case  116.  —  I  was  asked  to  see  a  boy  in  whom  I  should  find 
the  epitome  of  criminalistic  tendencies.  If  there  ever  was  a 
young  fellow  headed  for  the  penitentiary,  and  perhaps  for  the 
gallows,  this  was  one.  Under  the  kindest  influences  he  had  proved 
utterly  incorrigible.  He  stole,  lied,  ran  away,  and  was  violent 
and  abusive  to  his  mother  and  others  —  doing  most  of  these 
things  in  outbursts,  with  intervals  of  fairly  decent  conduct. 
This  behavior,  noted  for  a  couple  of  years,  had  made  him  regarded 
as  an  atrociously  anti-social  individual.  Five  minutes  of  exam- 
ination, when  the  complete  loss  of  knee  jerks,  and  the  unequal 
pupils  which  failed  to  react  to  light  were  observed,  made  the 
case  clear  as  one  of  juvenile  paresis.  Report  later  from  the 
hospital  on  the  blood  and  spinal  fluid  findings  made  the  case 
plain  as  one  of  congenital  syphilis.  The  criminal,  as  such,  van- 
ished, and  we  had  left  the  victim  of  parental  syphilis. 


§  301]  MENTAL   ABERRATION  [Chap.  XX 

§  301.    Melancholia. 

The  criminalistic  acts  committed  by  sufferers  from  melan- 
cholia are  induced  not  only  by  their  emotional  depression,  but 
also  by  the  nature  of  the  delusions  and  hallucinations  from  which 
they  may  be  suffering.  The  tendency  to  suicide  is  very  much 
more  common  in  this  mental  disease  than  in  any  other  form.  In 
the  endeavor  to  carry  out  the  suicidal  impulses  the  most  extra- 
ordinary persistency  may  be  shown,  and  strange  methods  may 
be  undertaken.  The  relationship  between  the  feeling  of  extreme 
ill-being,  and  a  desire  to  die  is  obvious,  but  it  must  be  remembered 
that  the  attempt  at  suicide  is  often  carried  out,  even  in  melan- 
cholia, under  an  impulse  received  directly  from  hallucinatory  or 
delusional  sources.  There  may  be  a  belief  that  one  ought  to  die 
because  of  extreme  sinfulness,  or  voices  may  be  heard  command- 
ing that  suicide  be  undertaken.  Crimes  of  violence  may  rarely 
be  committed  by  a  melancholiac  under  the  same  delusional 
impulses.  Murder  of  near  relatives,  followed  by  suicide^  is  a 
usual  form,  and  the  general  impulse  to  put  an  end  to  things  con- 
nected with  one's  personality  may  lead  to  setting  fire  to  the  home. 
The  offenses  are  thoroughly  tj^^ical  and  understandable  through 
the  nature  of  the  disease,  and  need  not  be  gone  into  further. 
The  disease  is  very  rarely  seen  before  late  adolescence. 

§  302.    Manic -Depressive  Insanity. 

Sufferers  from  the  excessive  psychomotor  exhilaration,  always 
sooner  or  later  followed  by  abnormal  depression,  which  character- 
izes the  manic  phase  of  manic-depressive  insanity,  are  sometimes 
criminalistic.  Usually  their  disease  is  so  manifest  that  they  are 
taken  care  of  comparatively  early  in  institutions,  and  conse- 
quently figure  but  little  in  the  courts.  Quarreling,  fighting,  run- 
ning away,  unprovoked  assault,  and  attempts  to  misrepresent, 
are  the  types  of  misdeed  ordinarily  seen  in  connection  with  this 
disease.  Anti-social  conduct  is  so  readily  seen  to  be  a  part  of 
the  mental  disorder  that  diagnosis  of  the  cause  rarely  presents 

Case  117.  — A  girl  of  12,  with  the  most  rapid  alternations  of 
exhilaration  and  mute  depression  that  I  have  ever  seen,  running 
in  periods  of  about  twenty  days  for  the  former  and  ten  days  for 
the  latter,  came  first  under  observation  on  account  of  collectmg 


Chap.  XX]  DEMENTIA  [§  304 

money  under  false  jjretenses.  In  her  period  of  excitement  she 
obtained  subscriptions  ostensibly  to  help  certain  sufferers. 
Prior  to  this  she  had  been  quarrelsome  and  untruthful.  At  a 
later  period  she  ran  away  from  home  at  night,  and  on  one  occa- 
sion was  caught  telephoning  to  a  strange  man. 

When  first  seen,  the  results  on  test  work  were  most  interest- 
ing. She  could  with  difficulty  hold  her  mind  on  even  the  shortest 
tasks.  Our  notes  state  that  she  would  continually  interrupt  her 
work  to  talk  about  some  unrelated  topic.  The  next  time  she 
absolutely  refused  to  speak  or  approach  us,  and  had  not  uttered 
a  word  for  several  days.  Still  later  she  came  running  in  one  day 
and  begged  to  be  allowed  to  do  our  interesting  tests,  saying  that 
she  remembered  them  well,  but  had  not  felt  like  doing  anything 
at  all  at  the  previous  visit.  After  several  years  this  girl  remains 
in  much  the  same  fluctuating  condition,  sometimes  in  the  hospital 
for  the  insane  and  sometimes  on  parole  from  it. 

§  303.     Epileptic  Psychoses. 

Epileptic  manifestations  may  take  the  form  of  major  psy- 
choses which,  so  far  as  the  observer  is  concerned,  may  develop 
apparently  out  of  a  clear  sky.  I  once  saw  a  case  in  which  two 
weeks  of  excitement,  confusion,  and  disorientation  supervened 
before  the  fact  of  earlier  epileptic  seizures  was  obtained.  No 
previous  psychosis  had  been  observed,  and  the  patient  showed 
only  slight  mental  deterioration.  Generally  there  is  a  background 
of  dementia  on  which  the  psychosis  supervenes.  The  common 
aggressiveness  of  the  epileptic  may  lead  to  dangerous  assaults 
and  other  offenses  during  the  attack,  but,  on  the  whole,  on  account 
of  the  better  recognition  of  the  mental  state,  epileptics  who  are 
obviously  insane,  are  to  be  regarded  as  less  dangerous  than  those 
who  are  not.  This  whole  subject,  since  both  major  and  minor 
forms  of  psychosis  are  involved,  is  treated  of  under  the  special 
head  of  epilepsy. 

§  304.    Dementia. 

The  dementia  secondary  to  psychosis,  or  brain  disease  as  such, 
including  the  involutional  conditions  of  old  age,  have  no  large 
correlation  with  criminalism.  Usually  these  individuals  are 
taken  care  of  in  institutional  life  and  they  are  not  particularly 
tempted  to  anti-social  conduct.  The  minor  mental  peculiarities 
of  old  age  are  treated  of  by  us  under  the  head  of  senility,  §  163. 



§  305.  —  Paranoia. 

This  psychosis  may  be  defined  best  as  a  chronic,  systematized  ^ 
delusional  insanity.  The  delusions  are  always  egocentric,  and 
center  around  ideas  of  personal  persecution  and  of  personal 
grandeur.  They  are  held  with  great  persistency  and  expand 
usually  into  a  coherent  system  of  false  ideas.  The  disease  occurs 
as  a  rule  without  marked  evidences  of  mental  deterioration  or 
disorders  of  mental  activity  in  other  spheres.  This  latter  aston- 
ishing peculiarity  has  led  to  the  psychosis  sometimes  being  called 
monomania  —  aberration  in  only  one  phase  of  mental  life. 

Getting  the  main  characteristics  of  this  psychosis  clearly  before 
us  serves  at  once  to  show  the  possibilities  of  aberrant  social  con- 
duct. Most  frequently  the  individual  shows  various  minor  forms 
of  erratic  behavior  and  much  complaint  of  the  way  he  is  treated 
—  both  being  in  consonance  with  the  delusions.  When  the  indi- 
vidual believes  himself  about  to  be  injured  in  some  way,  it  may 
seem  that  something  aggressive  must  be  done  about  it.  Or  when 
he  believes  that  the  country  is  being  sacrificed  by  someone  whose 
actions  he  has  been  dwelling  on,  he,  seeing  the  facts  so  clearly, 
must  be  the  avenger.  Thus  it  comes  about  that  assaults  and 
homicidal  attacks  are  indulged  in  with  ideas  which  center  about 
the  person  of  the  paranoiac  himself,  and  that  occasional  impor- 
tant political  crimes  are  committed  upon  the  basis  of  systematic 

Another  type  of  action  characteristic  of  paranoiacs,  not  ordi- 
narily classed  as  delinquency,  but  sometimes  associated  with  it, 
and  always  having  great  legal  importance,  is  carried  out  as  the 
result  of  their  well-known  tendency  to  find  fault  and  make  formal 
complaint.  I  speak  of  paranoiac  litigation,  which  sometimes 
assumes  large  proportions.  The  same  tendencies,  based  on 
delusions  that  others  are  continually  doing  wrong  to  them,  which 
led  to  the  designation  by  Hitzig  of  some  cases  as  querulant  insanity, 
bring  about  litigious  monomania.  Legal  action,  on  new  and  old 
claims,  is  continually  sought  with  great  expenditure  of  time  and 
money  and  endeavor.  Dr.  Glueck,  of  the  Government  Hospital 
for  the  Insane,  tells  me  that  in  his  department  are  some  indi- 
viduals who  in  the  course  of  years  had  lumbered  the  courts  with 
hundreds  of  actions  at  law  before  they  were  officially  declared 
non  compos  mentis. 


Chap.  XX]  PAEANOIA  [§  305 

Any  common-sense  consideration  of  the  conditions  of  prison 
life  would  lead  to  belief  that  delusions  of  persecution  might 
readily  arise  in  predisposed  persons  during  long  incarceration. 
\Mien  retaliation  which  society  has  insisted  on  is  the  prisoner's 
main  subject  of  thought  it  is  little  wonder  if  this  be  conceived 
in  terms  of  persecution.  Whether  mental  disease  ever  arises 
entirely  as  the  result  of  imprisonment  it  may  be  hard  to  decide, 
but  the  fact  is  that  in  prisoners  not  already  mentally  strong, 
psychoses  do  spring  up,  and  one  of  the  best  recognized  forms  of 
mental  trouble  arising  under  those  circumstances  is  paranoia. 
Nitsche  and  Wilmanns  (48)  discuss  this  condition,  and  cite  the 
many  observations  by  prison  physicians  of  delusion  formation 
during  prison  life.  It  occurs  in  various  psychoses  and  has  char- 
acteristically to  do  with  ideas  of  innocence,  of  pardon,  etc.  These 
delusions  may  disappear,  and  return,  or  become  fixed,  as  in  the 
cases  of  paranoia.  In  some  of  the  latter  there  is  also  to  be 
observed  the  development  of  a  litigious  tendency,  which  would 
seem  to  be  a  natural  outcome  of  the  legal  restraint. 

It  is  true  that  delusions  of  persecution  arise  sometimes  on  a 
basis  of  other  mental  diseases,  so  this  feature  alone  is  not  suffi- 
cient for  diagnosis.  Paranoia  itself  develops  most  notably  on  a 
background  of  hereditary  mental  abnormality  of  some  sort.  Pre- 
ceding the  characteristic  symptoms  there  may  have  been  noted 
distinct  mental  defect.  No  doubt  the  stress  of  poverty,  emotional 
strain,  business  reverses,  or  of  a  severe  illness  may  be  a  deter- 
mining cause  in  development  of  the  disease. 

The  whole  subject  is  of  great  importance,  one  reason  being  that 
the  paranoiac  often  preserves  intact  many  capabilities  of  a  good 
mind,  and  another  that  his  delusions  may  be  entirely  unsus- 
pected. There  are  different  grades  of  development  of  the  para- 
noiac tendency  —  some  may  present  incompletely  developed 
forms  of  the  disease,  and  may  belong  to  the  more  or  less  harmless 
class  of  "  cranks."  From  the  clear-cut,  classical  types  of  the 
psychosis,  as  might  be  expected  in  view  of  the  complexities  of 
mental  life,  there  are  many  variants.  A  case  showing  both 
criminal  and  litigious  tendencies  may  be  shortly  summarized  as 

Case  118.  —  A  strong,  healthy -looking  German,  who  emigrated 
to  this  country  some  fifteen  years  ago,  has  been  appearing  in 
court  either  as  defendant  or  complainant  a  large  number  of  times. 
By  his  attitude  as  he  sits  with  his  chest  thrown  out,  and  his 


§  305]  MENTAL   ABERRATION  [Chap.  XX 

voluble  self-assertion  one  sees  at  once  the  egocentric  personality. 
He  informs  us  of  his  abilities  and,  notwithstanding  these,  his 
failures  in  business,  and  tells  us  at  great  length  of  assaults  made 
upon  his  person,  and  insults  offered,  and  attempts  to  destroy  his 
character.  All  these  have  emanated  from  his  family.  They,  all 
of  them,  have  a  grudge  against  him,  and  sneer  at  him,  and  call 
him  bad  names,  and  incite  or  even  hire  others  to  insult  him,  and 
offer  him  bodily  violence.  This  has  been  going  on  for  years,  with 
gradual  involvement  of  various  members  of  the  family.  At  times 
he  has  perceived,  he  tells  us,  impending  danger  to  himself,  and 
has  assaulted  others,  and  been  arrested  for  it.  On  one  occasion 
he  did  not  dare  to  do  anything  when  his  wife  called  him  dirty 
names,  and  pounded  him  with  a  stick,  because  his  step-son  sat 
in  the  next  room  with  a  shotgun.  They  have  broken  him  up  in 
business  five  or  six  times,  and  his  store  has  been  robbed  dozens 
of  times  at  their  instigation. 

This  man  talks  well  and  makes  clear  statements.  He  does 
not  always  stick  to  his  points,  but  then  he  has  a  tremendous 
number  of  them  to  make;  he  sometimes  counts  them  off  as  he 
proceeds  in  conversation.  He  is  sure  that  his  wife  is  unfaithful, 
that  he  has  been  unfairly  treated  by  all,  and  he  discusses  in  detail 
the  injustices  done  him  by  those  who  have  had  to  do  through 
the  courts  with  his  family  affairs.  He  has  brought  numerous 
complaints  into  the  courts,  and  instigated  several  law  suits. 
He  has  followed  up  old  records,  he  says,  and  done  detective  work 
to  verify  the  points  which  he  suspected.  He  has  written  very 
numerous  letters,  some  of  them  extending  over  fourteen  pages, 
to  various  officials  and  presents  affidavits  of  the  truth  of  his 
allegations.  He  continually  threatens  his  present  wife,  as  he  did 
his  two  previous  ones.  A  characteristic  action  was  shown  by 
his  buying  a  shotgun,  and  shooting  it  off  early  in  the  morning  to 
let  others  know  that  he  possessed  arms.  The  neighbors  by 
taking  sides  with  the  family  have  become  implicated  in  his  delu- 
sions of  persecution. 

This  man  has  been  under  observation  by  court  authorities  for 
years  and  has  not  shown  notable  deterioration.  His  delusions 
still  center  about  his  family,  from  which  he  is  now  parted.  He 
does  well  at  times  in  a  business  way,  being  able  to  make  a  good 
presentation  of  himself  and  his  wares.  The  difiiculties  and  danger- 
ous possibilities  of  such  a  case  are  to  be  readily  perceived  and 
need  not  be  enlarged  on  here. 


Chap.  XX]       rXCLASSIFIED    MAJOR   MENTAL    ABERRATIONS      [§  306 

Case  119.  — Occasionally,  as  in  the  case  of  a  boy  of  fourteen 
years  we  have  studied,  paranoidal  s\Tnptoms  may  appear  in 
the  young.  In  this  instance  the  individual  was  subnormal  by 
tests  given  on  numerous  occasions,  but  showed  a  vast  amount 
of  ability  and  ambition  to  push  himself  forward.  His  forceful- 
ness,  as  in  many  a  full-fledged  paranoiac,  made  him  convincing 
to  many,  and  his  charges  of  ill  treatment  against  institutions 
and  persons  gained  much  credence.  Everybody  was  unfair  to  him 
and  to  his  father,  the  latter  being  a  man  who  felt  keenly  that  the 
world  owed  him  a  living,  and  that  he  ought  not  to  be  put  to  the 
trouble  of  even  collecting  what  was  owed.  Charges  of  ill  treat- 
ment were  so  continually  made  by  the  boy,  who  gave  every  indi- 
cation of  being  sincere,  and  who  indeed  put  himself  to  much 
physical  discomfort  in  pursuance  of  his  delusions,  that  their  very 
frequency  aroused  the  suspicion  of  most  of  those  with  whom  he 
had  to  deal.  Nevertheless  this  t;y"pe  of  aggressive  character 
can  continually  make  new  friends  who  will  for  a  time  be  per- 
suaded of  the  fairness  of  the  contentions,  and  who  will  sjonpathet- 
ically  enlist  themselves  in  righting  the  wrongs.  Paranoia  is  a 
psychosis  of  slow  evolution,  and  a  mental  break-down  that  defi- 
nitely forces  institutional  care  may  come  late  or  never.  The 
final  diagnosis  in  such  an  instance  as  our  last  cited  case  must  be 
held  in  abeyance,  but  for  court  purposes  the  fact  was  clearly 
registerable  that  important  aberrational  tendencies  existed  on  a 
basis  of  mental  subnormality. 

§  306.    Unclassified   Major   Mental  Aberrations. 

For  many  reasons  we  are  interested  to  note  the  cases  of  un- 
doubted insanity  which  are  held  in  institutions  for  the  insane  as 
unclassified  or  unclassifiable.  It  is  clearly  acknowledged  that 
individuals  with  even  major  manifestations  of  insanity  may  not 
fill  the  outlines  of  any  set  classification.  The  relation  of  one  such 
case  to  criminalism  is  shown  below: 

Case  120.  —  We  have  long  been  interested  in  the  career  of  a 
woman  who  was  one  time  under  our  observation,  because  of  the 
fact  that  her  mental  aberrations  have  proved  so  refractory  to 
classification,  and  because  of  its  several  interests  for  students 
of  criminalistics.  At  20  she  was  a  fine-appearing  and  w^ell-devel- 
oped  young  married  woman  of  ordinary  grammar  school  educa- 
tion.   Her  mental  symptoms  were  first  manifested  about  a  year 


§  306]  MENTAL   ABERRATION  [Chap.  XX 

prior  to  that  time,  and  the  cause  was  attributed  to  the  excite- 
ment of  religion.  She  then  made  a  homicidal  attack  upon  her 
husband  under  the  stimulus  of  hallucinations,  but  it  was  readily 
thwarted.  Later,  at  a  menstrual  period,  she  procured  his  revolver 
and  shot  him  so  that  he  permanently  carries  the  bullet  at  the 
base  of  his  brain.  Then  she  was  treated  in  a  private  sanitarium, 
where  she  showed  no  signs  of  insanity.  After  this  she  became 
pregnant,  and  during  this  period  was  said  to  be  normal.  Two 
or  three  months  after  the  child  was  born  menstrual  signs  reap- 
peared, and  with  them  her  excitement.  This  time  she  danger- 
ously injured  her  baby.  Under  observation  for  some  months 
immediately  after  this  last  attack,  she  was  found  to  be  consid- 
erably disturbed  over  religion,  but  soon  became  cheerful  and 
talkative  and  showed  marked  improvement  which  continued. 
Then  her  husband  insisted  on  taking  her  home  again,  and  within 
a  year  she  had  taken  the  life  of  her  second  child  by  burning  it  in 
a  stove.  She  then  remained  under  observation  in  a  hospital  for 
over  6  years,  and  during  all  this  time  she  only  had  two  or  three 
attacks  of  excitement  during  which  she  was  violent  and  destruc- 
tive. These  were  always  of  short  duration.  At  other  times  she 
was  very  ladylike,  agreeable  and  rational  in  conversation.  It 
is  reported  that  she  showed  no  mental  deterioration.  Judgment, 
reasoning  and  memory  remained  about  as  normal.  There  was 
some  lack  of  emotional  feeling  toward  her  situation  at  all  times, 
but  perhaps  no  more  than  might  be  seen  in  many  religious  people 
who  are  living  under  adversity.  Her  actions,  she  explained  to  us 
at  first,  were  done  under  the  full  feeling  that  she  was  carrying 
out  the  will  of  God,  and  that,  indeed,  she  heard  His  voice  com- 
manding her  to  do  these  things.  After  all  these  years  of  obser- 
vation she  remains  an  unclassified  case,  though  clearly  insane 
at  times,  and  a  case  of  immense  importance  in  the  field  of 


Chap.  XXl]       H YPOALA.NI A  —  CONSTITUTIONAL   EXCITEMENT       [§  307 

MiNOE  Mental  Aberrations 

§  307.  Hypomania.  Constitutional  Excitement.  §  308.  Psychosis  of  Chorea. 
§  309.  Traumatic  Psychoses.  §  310.  Menstrual  Mental  Aberrations. 
I  311.  Mental  Aberrations  of  Pregnancy.  §  312.  Amnesic  Fugues.  Other 
Amnesias.  §313.  Mental  Aberration  from  Bad  Sex  Habits.  §314.  Hys- 
terical Mental  Aberrations.     §  315.  Transitory  Mental  Aberrations. 

§  307.    Hypomania.      Constitutional  Excitement. 

As  representative  of  a  psychiatric  group  in  which  there  is  abnor- 
mal excitement  and  lack  of  control  leading  to  many  delinquencies, 
the  following  cases  are  thoroughly  representative.  In  these 
instances  the  mental  sjTnptoms  were  never  severe  enough  for 
the  individual  to  be  committed  as  insane,  and  yet  the  psychotic 
condition  quite  precluded  normal  social  behavior. 

Case  121. — A  girl  of  15  has  been  a  repeated  sex  offender, 
uses  the  vilest  language,  and  is  altogether  incorrigible.  She  comes 
of  a  most  ignorant  immigrant  family.  The  father  was  known 
to  the  police  as  an  intensely  excitable  and  rough  man.  He  drank 
much  at  times,  and  was  a  wife  beater.  He  was  notorious  on 
account  of  his  great  excitability,  perhaps  he  was  insane.  He  had 
been  dead  for  some  years  when  we  saw  this  girl.  The  mother  was 
ignorant  and  dull.  She  could  hardly  name  her  own  children.  She 
herself  lived  in  improper  relationship  with  a  low-grade  foreigner. 
Of  11  children  5  are  dead.  One  of  the  remainder  is  a  young 
man  who  is  a  typical  loafer  and  has  been  under  probation  from 
a  court.  The  other  children  are  said  to  be  fairly  good.  The 
mother  is  a  scrub  woman.  The  girl's  development  was  quite 
normal,  according  to  the  ignorant  mother.  Facts  about  hered- 
ity are  probably  unreliable,  but,  for  what  it  is  worth,  the 
mother's  story  is  that  there  is  no  insanity  or  epilepsy  in  the 

On  the  physical  side  we  found  the  girl  in  good  general  condi- 
tion. Very  strong  and  active.  Much  use  of  the  facial  muscles. 
Constant  fine  tremor  of  outstretched  hands.  Pleasant,  vivacious 
and  merry  expression.  Great  strength  of  arm  muscles.  Good 
color.     Menstruation  at  13. 



Mental  tests:   our  own  series: 

I.  1'.    Very  little  trial  and  error. 

II.  1'  25".    3  errors. 

III.  Construction  Test  A.    41".    No  repetition  of  impossibilities. 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.    45".    Twelve  moves. 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  Done  by  trial  and  error  method  clumsily  in  just 

VI.  "Aussage."  Short  enumerative  account  followed  by  very  poor 
result  on  cross-examination.  Five  suggestions  taken,  and  many  items 
incorrectly  given. 

VII.  Reproduction  of  Geometric  Figures.  Neither  one  given 

VIII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Symbol  Associations.    Done  correctly. 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.    Correct  at  1st  trial. 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.  Only  correct  at  3d  reproduction,  after  two 
times  drawing  the  figure  herself. 

XI.  Memory  from  Visual  Verbal  Presentation.  Only  eight  of  the 
twenty  items  given  correctly.  In  logical  sequence  as  far  as  they 

XII.  Memory  from  Auditory  Verbal  Presentation.  Seven  of  the 
twelve  items  given  in  order,  but  without  full  appreciation  of  the  sig- 

XIV.  Puzzle  Box.    Failure  even  after  three  trials. 

XV.  Antonyms.  Average  time  2.4".  Four  errors  and  one  failure. 
Reactions  on  words  she  really  knows  were  very  rapid.  In  other  in- 
stances she  took  full  10"  before  answering. 

XVI.  Motor  Coordination  Test.  76  and  67  squares  tapped  re- 
spectively at  1st  and  2d  trials  without  errors. 

XVIII.  Knows  as  far  as  the  process  of  long  division.  Inaccurate, 
however,  on  work. 

XIX.  Reads  ordinary  passages  correctly. 

XXI.  Answers  to  moral  questions  much  mixed  up.  First  says  he 
did  right  and  then  he  did  wrong.  Fails  to  understand  the  story  in  the 
second  question. 

XXII.  Has  a  complete  jumble  of  information  on  many  subjects. 
Taft  is  the  president,  but  Bryan  was  the  president  before  him.  Abra- 
ham Lincoln  was  a  bad  boy  who  cut  down  a  cherry  tree.  Largest  city 
in  America  is  Bohemia,  or  Chicago,  or  Illinois  or  Michigan.  Flour 
is  made  out  of  seeds  on  farms,  etc. 

Her  own  story  was  accompanied  by  excitable,  restless,  quick, 
nervous  actions.  She  spoke  very  rapidly  in  a  deep,  thick,  low 
monotone.  "  I  feel  all  right  but  I  'm  lonesome.  Everybody  is 
lonesome  for  their  parents  ain't  they?  I  've  got  three  brothers,  and 
I  can't  think  how  they  look.  It  is  hard  to  see  just  how  anybody 
looks."  Slams  fist  down  on  table  and  then  rubs  hands  on  table. 
"  Where  's  that  woman?    She  said  she  would  give  me  a  book. 


Chap.  XXI]      HYP0MANL\  —  CONSTITUTIONAL   EXCITEMENT      [§  307 

See  these  scratches?  Pins  and  nails  on  the  floor  where  we  have 
to  scrub.  We  got  three  girls  sick  upstairs.  Got  twenty  girls 
and  three  of  them  sick.  ]Mother  she  works  in  the  hospital  and 
we  got  trouble  with  her.  She  's  sick  lots.  I  hope  Wednesday 
comes  soon.  ^Vhat  day  is  today?  Today  is  Friday  the  tenth. 
Five  days  more  will  be  the  15th,  Wednesday.  I  bet  you  I  go. 
There  's  girls  run  away  from  home  upstairs.  How  's  Mr.  Y?  I 
hope  he  's  well.  I  used  to  go  to  his  church.  I  love  that  man. 
Is  Miss  M.  here?  I  know  her.  She  had  a  son.  (Who?)  Mrs.  M. 
He  plays  that  long  thing  that  goes  across  your  mouth.  In  my 
ear  it  goes  like  steam.     Sometimes  it  goes  like  that,"  etc.  etc. 

Conversing  with  the  examiner  she  said,  "  I  can't  do  that  box. 
There  was  a  lady  here  yesterday.  I  could  do  that  box  of  hers 
good."  (She  alluded  to  the  puzzle  box.)  "  Did  you  ever  do  that 
box.  She  aint  come  yet."  (How  far  did  you  get  in  school?) 
"  Low  sixth.  Do  you  know  the  principal  of  that  school?  "  (What 
school?)  "  T.  school.  Do  you  know  any  of  the  teachers  there? 
She  was  mean.  I  hated  her.  She  would  not  give  you  any  book. 
I  did  not  care  if  I  did  not  have  no  book.  I  would  have  given  it 
away.  It  ain't  right  not  to  give  a  book  to  poor  people.  It  ain't 
her  book  anyhow.  It  don't  belong  to  her.  It  belongs  to  the  school. 
It  belongs  to  the  Board  of  Education.  And  when  you  wanted 
to  stop  school  she  would  not  let  you.  Did  you  graduate  from 
school?  You  get  paid  down  here,  don't  you?  Have  you  got 
parents?    Have  you  got  a  sister?    Does  she  go  to  school?  " 

A  reliable  policeman  who  has  known  the  family  for  years 
states  that  this  girl  has  long  been  most  excitable.  She  differs 
in  this  from  the  other  children,  who  are  normally  quiet.  She 
seems  to  take  after  the  excitable  father.  A  social  worker  con- 
firmed this  statement  and  says  the  girl  talks  a  great  deal  and 
screams  sometimes  when  excited.  She  seems  to  show  no  regret 
or  shame.  As  observed  in  school  she  proved  very  noisy  and 
excitable  and  lacking  in  self-control.  Often  bursts  out  into  coarse 
laughter  while  she  is  at  work.  No  evidence  could  be  obtained 
of  periods  of  depression. 

Many  lay  observers  had  decided  that  this  girl  was  not  right 
mentally.  At  the  trial  of  a  man  who  had  been  sexually  delin- 
quent with  her,  her  mental  conduct  was  peculiar  and  an  exam- 
ination was  recommended.  However,  at  no  time  had  there  been 
any  complaint  of  her  lack  of  industry.  She  was  steadily  earn- 
ing her  own  living  by  factory  work.     To  call  her  out-and-out 



insane  seemed  unfair.  On  the  other  hand,  her  mental  character- 
istics were  certainly  largely  responsible  for  her  unrestricted  sex 
delinquencies.  There  had  been  many  efforts  to  help  her  in  the 
family  environment,  but  she  lacked  self-control  sufficient  to  take 
advantage  of  these.  She  was  sent  to  an  institution  for  delin- 
quent girls. 

After  about  a  year,  during  part  of  which  time  she  had  proved 
herself  very  troublesome,  she  was  released.  In  the  2  years  which 
have  elapsed  since  then  this  girl  has  worked  steadily  and  behaved 
herself  so  well  that,  considering  her  environment,  her  conduct 
may  be  said  to  be  quite  normal.  All  this  is  good  proof  of  her 
mental  improvement.  We  have  had  no  chance  recently  actually 
to  observe  her  ourselves. 

Mentality;  Constitutional  excitement.  Case  121. 

Home  conditions:  Poverty.    Incom-  ^^^'  ^^^  ^^• 


Heredity:  Father  very  excitable.     Alcoholic. 

Wife  deserter.    Mother  mentally  dull. 

Adolescence  ? 

Delinquencies :  Mentality : 

Sex  +  +.  Psychosis  as  above. 

Case  122.  —  This  girl  of  14  showed  abnormal  psychomotor 
activity,  marked  enough  to  be  classed  as  hypomania.  She  was 
a  poorly-developed,  thoroughly  nervous  child.  Weight  76  lbs; 
height  4  ft.,  8  in.  Teeth  excessively  crowded  in  the  upper  jaw. 
Tonsils  very  large. 

Mentally;  abilities  distinctly  above  average.  Advantages, 
through  poverty,  very  poor.  She  left  school  by  falsification  of 
age  when  in  7th  grade.  A  pert,  talkative,  quickly  responsive 
girl.  An  extreme  fabricator.  Talks  incessantly  in  an  airy,  but 
sure  way.  No  hesitation  at  all  while  making  up  her  inventions, 
which  are  clear,  connected  and  plausible.  Does  the  tests  bril- 
liantly in  regard  to  rapidity,  but  is  less  accurate  in  proportion. 
Much  facial  expression. 

We  hear  from  a  parent  that  the  girl  comes  from  a  neurotic 
family,  but  no  insanity,  feeblemindedness  or  epilepsy  is  said  to 
exist  in  near  relatives.  Her  mother  during  pregnancy  was  in 
poor  condition  on  account  of  poverty,  sickness  and  worry.     At 


Chap.  XXl]  PSYCHOSIS   OF   CHOREA  [§  308 

birth  she  weighed  only  about  5  lbs.  and  showed  poor  vitality  then. 
Walked  and  talked  very  early.  Only  one  illness  of  any  im- 
portance. There  is  a  bad  family  reaction  through  displays  of 
nervous  ill  temper. 

For  a  year  or  so  she  has  been  giving  much  trouble  by  her  very 
active  delinquencies.  She  has  repeatedly  stolen  and  engaged  in 
misrepresentation.  An  example  of  her  brazenness  was  when  she 
stole  some  goods  from  a  shop,  returned  them  as  an  undesired 
purchase,  and  persuaded  the  people  to  refund  her  the  cost  price. 
She  has  run  away  from  home  on  several  occasions.  Once  she 
"  beat  her  way"  on  the  train  to  a  distant  city  and  there,  after  being 
in  jail,  got  a  place  in  a  nice  family  through  her  powers  of  falsi- 
fication. She  has  been  written  up  several  times  in  the  news- 
papers of  different  places  on  account  of  the  bright,  but  untrue, 
stories  she  has  told,  and  the  activity  of  her  peregrinations. 
Repeatedly  when  thoroughly  tired  she  has  been  known  to  lie 
down  to  sleep  under  a  tree,  under  a  department  store  counter, 
or  am'where  she  happens  to  be.  She  has  made  several  trips  to 
a  neighboring  town,  and  there  has  stolen  from  stores  three  or 
four  times.  When  the  police  get  hold  of  her  she  quickly  invents 
stories  that  are  not  deeply  clever,  but  serve  the  purpose  of  the 
moment.  She  tells  us  with  much  vivacious  merriment  that  she 
wants  to  go  to  other  cities;  she  is  tired  of  the  slowness  and 
drudgery  of  home  life.  "  I  am  proud  of  being  quick — nothing  is 
too  hard  for  me."  Over  a  period  of  several  months  this  girl  in 
extraordinarily  industrious  fashion  got  into  one  escapade  after 
another;  then  we  lost  sight  of  her  through  the  family  moving 
to  a  different  state. 

The  display  of  activity  in  this  case  was,  of  course,  quite  abnor- 
mal for  any  girl,  and  was  tremendously  out  of  proportion  to  her 
defective  physiological  conditions.  No  evidences  of  mental 
aberration  other  than  those  given  above  were  ever  discovered 
by  us. 

§  308.    Psychosis  of  Chorea. 

The  confusional  mental  state  which  frequently  accompanies 
chorea  is  often  mentioned ;  indeed  some  authors  have  gone  so  far 
as  to  say  that  in  all  cases  there  is  more  or  less  mental  disturbance. 
The  connection  between  this  mental  condition  and  delinquency 
has  been  repeatedly  forced  upon  our  notice.  Truancy,  running 
away   from   home,    extensive   lying  —  sometimes   including   the 



very  serious  delinquency  of  false  accusations  —  petty  stealing, 
and,  above  all,  the  development  of  immoral  sex  tendencies  in 
girls,  are  the  types  of  bad  behavior  which  are  to  be  seen  devel- 
oped as  the  result  of  this  disease.  The  sequence  may  be  illus- 
trated by  the  following  cases. 

Case  123.  —  A  girl  of  14  1-2  years  had  been  creating  a  great 
deal  of  trouble  for  her  family  by  her  excessive  lying  and  general 
unreliable  behavior.  On  one  occasion  she  stayed  out  all  night. 
She  went  to  shows  and  later  out  on  the  street.  The  next  day 
she  related  a  story  of  kidnapping  to  the  police  which  led  to  a 
lot  of  fruitless  effort.  After  that,  and  still  more  serious,  came 
the  girl's  false  accusations  of  rape  against  a  distant  member  of 
the  family. 

We  found  her  poorly  developed  and  nourished.  Weight  93 
lbs.,  height  4  ft.,  9  in.  Defective  vision  for  which  she  has  glasses. 
Exaggerated  knee  jerks.  Palatal-pharyngeal  reflexes  almost  ab- 
sent. Marked  tremor  of  the  hands  and  very  distinct  choreic 
movements  in  both  arms  and  legs,  even  when  attention  dis- 
tracted.    Heart  sounds  negative. 

Reached  7th  grade,  and  has  had  a  good  school  record.  We 
did  very  few  tests  on  account  of  her  excited  condition;  these 
tended  to  show  her  possessed  of  good  mental  ability.  On  the 
other  hand  the  evidences  of  her  aberrational  mental  conditions 
were  conclusive,  as  shown  in  her  own  story  of  her  behavior.  This 
was  corroborated  from  several  sources. 

The  account  of  the  girl's  heredity  and  developmental  history 
has  many  points  of  significance.  Mother  has  long  been  dead. 
The  father  is  excessively  alcoholic  and  a  tremendous  brute. 
When  a  little  girl  she  lived  with  him.  They  were  at  a  sort  of 
road  house  where  there  were  terrific  drunken  fights  in  which 
other  members  of  his  family  were  more  or  less  implicated.  On 
the  mother's  side  the  family  is  quite  reputable.  The  mother  was 
terribly  abused  by  her  husband.  No  evidence  of  any  family 
disease  was  obtained.  The  girl  herself  has  had  a  number  of 
severe  illnesses.  Was  in  a  comatose  condition  when  only  six 
weeks  old,  from  scarlet  fever  and  diphtheria.  Had  measles,  whoop- 
ing cough,  etc.  For  a  time  she  suffered  badly  from  extreme 
constipation.  Walked  and  talked  early.  No  convulsions.  Some- 
times severe  headache.  First  menstruated  recently.  One  observer 
reported  that  the  girl  had  been  subject  to  slight  melancholy  in 
the  last  year  or  so.    The  choreic  movements  have  been  present 


Chap.  XXI]  PSYCHOSIS   OF   CHOREA  [§  308 

for  about  a  year,  but  have  not  been  diagnosed  as  such  until 
recently.  During  all  this  time,  however,  she  has  been  unreliable. 
In  regard  to  the  charge  of  rape  which  she  made  at  one  time  to 
the  police,  it  was  found  on  examination  by  the  official  physician 
that  this  had  not  taken  place,  nor  was  there  the  slightest  evi- 
dence of  an  attack  of  any  kind. 

The  statement  which  she  made  to  the  police  and  then  signed, 
contained  a  detailed  account  of  association  with  bad  girls  and 
with  men  with  whom  she  said  she  had  repeated  sexual  inter- 
course. As  stated  above,  she  also  accused  a  certain  member 
of  her  family. 

When  seen  by  us  the  girl  was  very  pleasant  and  responsive  and 
her  story  was  told  directly  and  coherently.  She  seemed  to  have 
entire  memory  of  her  past  actions  and,  in  general,  of  what  she  said, 
but  the  unreliability  of  her  statements  is  shqwn  in  her  story, 
from  which  the  following  are  excerpts. 

"  I  went  away  from  home  by  myself.  I  met  a  man  who  looked 
like  a  man  who  had  given  some  money  once  to  another  girl  and 
myself  on  the  car  when  we  said  we  had  lost  our  money.  He  said, 
don't  you  remember  when  I  gave  you  thirty-five  cents  to  go 
in  the  ice  cream  parlor.  He  took  me  to  the  F  theatre.  Was 
there  until  the  show  was  out.  He  wanted  to  bring  me  home  but 
I  would  not  let  him  and  he  gave  me  a  quarter.  I  went  to  a  nickel 
show  and  went  to  sleep  in  there  and  a  man  told  me  to  get  out.  A 
lady  saw  me  and  asked  me  where  I  was  going.  It  was  4  o'clock 
in  the  morning." 

"  Well,  I  was  telling  the  first  lie,  and  then  I  was  going  to  tell 
the  policeman  I  knew  I  was  telling  wrong,  but  he  was  so  cranky 
and  he  said  such  things  to  me.  He  said  he  knew  somebody  had 
done  bad  things  to  me  and  I  thought  I  had  to  give  names  and  so 
I  gave  these  names." 

This  case  was  readily  straightened  up  when  it  was  explained 
to  the  family  and  to  the  police  that  the  girl  was  in  a  thoroughly 
unreliable  mental  condition.  It  was  clear  that  her  misbehavior 
had  only  begun  within  the  last  year  or  so.  Treatment  for  her 
chorea  was  recommended  and  carried  out,  and  further  delin- 
quency has  not  been  heard  of. 

Case  124.  —  A  boy  of  12,  very  small  for  his  age,  has  for  long 
been  engaged  in  various  delinquencies.  He  is  a  great  truant 
with  boys  who  have  been  suspended  from  school.  Then  he  also 
stays  out  very  late  at  night.    On  several  occasions  did  not  come 


§  308]  MINOR   MENTAL    ABEEEATIONS  [Chap.  XXI 

home  until  2  o'clock  in  the  morning.  Has  also  run  away  from 
home.  Has  stolen  sometimes,  but  on  the  whole  is  not  considered 
to  be  much  of  a  thief.  Already  he  has  been  tried  in  one  institu- 
tion and  in  several  private  homes,  but  in  the  latter  places  the 
people  would  not  keep  him  because  of  his  general  disobedience. 
Shows  a  good  deal  of  irritability  at  times,  and  strikes  his  brother 
and  sister.  He  has  been  taught  bad  sex  habits,  but  it  is  doubtful 
if  he  is  indulging  to  any  extent. 

On  the  physical  side  we  found  a  very  poorly  developed  and 
nourished  lad.  Weight  65  lbs.,  height  4  ft.  5  1-2  in.  No  sensory 
defects  noted.  Fair  color.  Small,  boyish  features.  Frank  expres- 
sion. Traces  of  choreic  movements.  Pigeon  breast.  Consider- 
ably increased  area  of  cardiac  dullness  with  a  roughened  systolic 
sound  at  the  apex  and  a  slight  thrill  palpable  over  cardiac  region. 
Diffuse  impulse  at  apex.  Complains  of  getting  out  of  breath 
easily.     Other  examination  negative. 

On  the  mental  side  we  were  particular  to  do  thorough  tests 
because  of  the  fact  that  the  boy  is  so  retarded  in  school,  being 
only  in  2d  grade.  However,  we  could  account  partly  for  this 
backwardness  by  his  illnesses,  truancy  and  frequent  changes 
of  abode. 

Mental  tests:  our  own  series: 

I.  2'  13".    Considerable  trial  and  error  on  triangles. 

II.  1'  18".    Three  errors. 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.  7'.  33  moves,  with  much  manipulation 
of  pieces,  not  registered  as  actual  moves.  Did  this  immediately  over 
again,  upside  down  in  32". 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  4'.  Steps  interspersed  with  errors  and  much  use 
of  fingers  instead  of  hook. 

VI.  "Aussage."  Fairly  good  enumerative  account  with  poor  result 
on  cross-examination.    Three  out  of  six  suggestions  accepted. 

VII.  Reproduction  of  Geometrical  Figures.  Extremely  poorly 
done  —  not  recognizable  as  copies. 

VIII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Symbol  Associations.  Three  errors,  but 
these  were  merely  of  transposition  of  the  semi-circles. 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.  Correct  at  2d  reproduction  after  drawing 
it  himself. 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.  Correct  at  3d  reproduction  after  drawing  it 
twice  himself. 

XII.  Does  not  read  well  enough  to  do  this  test. 

XIII.  Memory  from  Auditory  Verbal  Presentation.  11  out  of  12 
items  given  in  logical  sequence. 

XIV.  Instruction  Box.    Done  correctly  only  at  3d  trial. 

XV.  Antonyms.    0  failures  and  1  error.     Average  time  2.5". 


Chap.  XXI]  PSYCHOSIS   OF   CHOREA  [§  30.8 

XVI.  ]\Iotor  Coordination  Test.  37  squares  tapped  in  30"  with 
2  errors.  At  another  trial  did  about  the  same.  Always  proceeded 
very  carefully  and  deliberately'  in  an  attempt  to  overcome  his  motor 

XVII.  Writes  his  name  slowly  and  painfully,  but  almost  no  other 

XVIII.  Arithmetic  about  equivalent  to  2d  grade.  When  asked 
the  half  of  24  he  slowly  evolves  12  as  an  answer.  Said  he  did  it  by 
getting  half  of  20  as  10  and  then  half  of  the  remainder  as  2  and  adding 
them  together. 

XIX.  Reads  only  the  simplest  monosyllables. 
Binet  Tests  (1908  series); 

6  years  —  all  done  correctly. 

7  years  —  5,  failure;  all  others  correct. 

8  years. —  1,  5,  failiires;  others  correct. 

9  years  —  1,2,  correct;  3,  4,  5,  failures;  6,  not  given. 

10  years  —  all  four  done  correctly. 

11  years  —  1,  two-fifths  correct;  2,  correct;  3,  failure,  but  names 
53  words  which  was  almost  up  to  passing  mark;  4,  5,  failures. 

12  years  —  1,  failure;  2,  correct;  3,  failure;  4,  correct. 

This  boy  was  brought  to  us  as  being  probably  feebleminded, 
but  from  the  results  of  the  above  it  is  clear  he  was  not  at  all  so. 
There  are  many  irregularities  in  his  work,  especially  as  shown 
in  the  Binet  tests,  but  a  number  of  failures  in  the  latter  were  due 
to  a  lack  of  formal  education.  For  instance,  he  could  not  read, 
and  therefore  could  not  do  those  tests  which  called  for  reading 
ability.  In  using  the  Binet  1908  series  just  this  allowance  will 
always  have  to  be  made.  The  other  irregularities  are  signifi- 
cant of  his  psychotic  condition,  which  is  also  very  well  displayed 
in  his  own  story. 

"  My  step-mother  has  been  boarding  me  out.  Have  been  in 
about  four  homes  because  I  'd  be  a  bad  boy.  My  mother  did 
not  want  to  put  me  in  a  Home  and  she  would  board  me  at  a  lady's 
house.  I  used  to  hit  my  little  sister,  and  would  not  do  my  work 
right,  and  besides  I  'd  sass  my  mother  back.  My  uncle  did  not 
like  that.  And  besides  I  'd  stay  out  all  day,  and  would  not  see 
my  mother  and  she  'd  be  looking  for  me  all  day.  I  wanted  to 
go  out.  I  went  with  bad  boys  and  uncle  did  not  like  it  and  would 
give  me  a  box  on  the  ear.  They  were  stealing  and  smoking  and 
swearing  and  all  those  bad  things.  My  uncle  knew  they  did  that, 
and  he  did  not  let  me  go  with  them.  The  boys  I  used  to  play 
with  taught  me  how  to  do  them  bad  things.  I  run  away  from 
the  reform  school.    Then  I  was  out  at  the  institution.    I  stayed 



there  one  time  for  a  year  and  at  another  time  for  5  or  6  months 
and  then  went  back  for  about  3  months.  When  I  went  first 
time  I  was  8  years  old.  I  was  home  for  about  4  or  5  years  when  I 
walked  away  last  time.  I  was  9  or  10  then.  It 's  been  about  2 
years."  (There  was  no  indication  that  he  saw  any  incongruity 
in  this  or  in  his  other  curious  statements.)  "  I  was  lots  about 
the  city.  You  could  not  tell  me  any  place  to  go  that  I  could  not 
find  it."  (Gave  me  correctly  the  description  of  the  way  to  get 
to  various  places.)  "  I  go  down  town  and  buy  my  own  clothes. 
I  buy  clothes  for  my  mother  when  she  is  too  sick  to  go.  She 
tells  me  what  color  to  get  and  I  buy  it." 

"  Sometimes  I  have  hard  things  to  do  in  school  and  I  get 
nervous  about  it,  and  don't  like  to  go  to  school  that  afternoon. 
There  was  a  boy  he  was  expended  (suspended)  from  school, 
and  me  and  him  we  'd  play  around.  My  step-mother  treats  me 
right,  but  I  don't  treat  her  right.  I  sass  her,  and  this  is  the  first 
or  second  time  I  run  away.  One  night  I  come  in  late.  I  was  up 
joining  the  Salvation  Army.  I  heard  the  singing  on  the  car  and 
I  followed  it.  I  joined  it.  I  never  was  sore  at  my  step-mother. 
There  was  a  cousin.  She  was  telling  me  I  was  not  my  mother's 
kid  at  all.  I  used  to  think  my  mother  was  dead,  and  who  was 
my  mother  right.  It  was  long  before  I  asked  her.  There  was  a 
boy,  he  taught  me  all  them  bad  things,  and  there  was  a  girl,  etc." 

"I  get  sometimes  —  in  school  —  I  'd  be  out  at  recess  and  I 
get  excited  and  I  get  so  I  forget  everything.  Then  when  I  get 
ready  I  study  good.  I  had  the  first  attack  about  5  years  ago. 
My  mother  sent  me  to  the  doctor.  I  was  in  the  hospital  once. 
Went  about  4  months  altogether  to  school  last  year." 

Very  little  is  known  of  his  heredity,  both  the  father  and  mother 
being  dead.  Father  died  from  an  accident.  Said  to  come  from 
a  family  of  big  strong  people.  Mother's  family  totally  unknown. 
She  is  said  to  have  died  during  confinement.  The  step-mother 
brought  him  up  since  he  was  3  years  old,  at  which  time  he  appeared 
to  have  developed  normally.  Never  had  any  severe  illness  except 
his  numerous  attacks  of  chorea,  the  first  of  which  occurred  when 
he  was  only  7  years  old.  Once  was  2  months  in  a  hospital  with 
it.  At  one  time  his  gait  was  extremely  awkward.  He  would 
trip  and  even  fall.  Often  is  irrationally  irritable.  When  a  little 
child  was  once  run  over,  but  not  badly  hurt. 

He  went  to  kindergarten  first  at  5  years.  The  kind  of  moral 
treatment  he  has  had  is  suggested  by  the  step-mother's  story,  who 


Chap.  XXI] 



tells  us  that  on  one  occasion  she  took  him  to  a  police  station  and 
down  to  the  cells  and  showed  him  the  rats  and  everything.  (We 
hear  that  she  is  addicted  to  alcohol.)  For  about  two  months  he 
was  good,  and  then  started  his  misdemeanors  all  over  again. 
Accounts  from  other  sources  as  well,  made  it  quite  evident  that 
this  boy  has  long  been  abnormal  in  his  mental,  moral  and  physical 

Rather  than  in  an  institution,  at  least  at  first,  it  was  recom- 
mended that  he  be  placed  in  the  country  at  a  good  home.  After 
a  couple  of  months  of  rest  he  showed  a  slight  gain  in  weight  and 
in  other  ways  improved.     His  heart  conditions  grew  better. 

Fundamental  features  underlying  criminalistic  behavior  were 
most  instructively  illustrated  by  the  findings  in  this  case. 
This  treatment  of  chorea  with  mental  complications  by  a  poor 
and  ignorant  family  was  t\^ically  neglectful  of  causes.  On 
account  of  his  nervous  troubles  he  was  not  fit  for  school  life. 
Practically  nothing  was  done  to  cultivate  any  other  mental  inter- 
ests. He  had  only  the  worst  of  companions  with  whom  to  asso- 
ciate, and,  of  course,  most  readily  learned  bad  things  from  them 
because  his  mind  was  not  occupied  at  all  with  better  things. 

Mentality :  Minor  aberrations  of  chorea.  Case  124. 

Physical  conditions:  Chorea,  several         ^^y'  ^^e  12  yrs. 
Organic  heart  disease. 
Poor  development. 

School  irritations,  on  account  of  nervous  trouble. 

Home  conditions:  Parents  dead.    Irrational 

treatment  by  step-mother. 

Lack  of  healthy  mental  interests. 

Delinquencies : 


As  above. 

Fair  ability. 

§  309.    Traumatic  Psychoses. 

The  fact,  well  known  to  students  of  cerebral  injuries,  that 
the  after  effects  of  a  severe  injury  to  the  head  are  frequently 
shown  in  change  of  character,  bespeaks  the  importance  which 



a  cranial  trauma  may  have  for  the  production  of  criminalistic 
behavior.^  It  has  been  clearly  recognized  that  the  alteration 
in  disposition  may  take  place  even  without  evidences  of  severe 
mental  damage  at  the  time  of  the  accident,  such  as  unconscious- 
ness or  confusion  with  loss  of  memory.  The  so-called  post- 
traumatic disposition  or  constitution  of  Meyer  (47)  forms  a 
clearly  recognizable  entity.  There  is  instability  and  irrascibility, 
there  may  be  feelings  of  pressure  or  pain  in  the  head,  forgetful- 
ness,  etc.  For  our  purposes  it  is  most  important  to  note  that 
the  mental  changes  typically  lead  to  passionate  outbreaks  and 
great  decrease  in  the  power  of  self-control  and  that  an  easy 
mental  fatiguability  creates  lack  of  continuity  of  purpose. 
Another  point,  often  observed  and  of  great  social  importance, 
is  the  development  of  an  intolerance  for  alcohol.  A  small 
quantity  now  upsets  the  moral  poise  and  induces  violence  and 

Many  of  the  signs  of  mental  disease  pass  over  by  easy  degrees 
to  mere  character  peculiarities.  In  our  present  subject,  as  in 
other  instances  where  erratic  conduct  is  found  to  have  a  basis 
in  pathological  mental  conditions,  it  may  be  very  difficult  to 
draw  the  line  and  make  a  diagnosis  between  a  real  traumatic 
psychosis  and  a  character  change  seen  reflected  in  social  con- 
duct. The  intermittency  of  many  of  the  mental  phenomena  in 
post-traumatic  cases,  and  variations  in  environmental  stress, 
such  as  work  in  overheated  places,  and  in  physiological  condi- 
tions, such  as  those  created  by  imbibition  of  alcohol,  all  lead  to 
great  variation  in  conduct.  The  individual  seen  now  as  a  rational 
and  well-behaved  human  being  is  at  another  time  an  active 
criminal.  There  is  much  hypersusceptibility  to  minor  stresses 
which  do  not  produce  extravagant  misconduct  in  the  normal 

The  outstanding  fact  in  our  own  findings  which  bear  on  this 
subject,  is  that  among  our  series  of  repeated  offenders  we  have 
found  an  amount  of  preceding  head  injury  far  greater  than  that 
which  would  be  discovered  among  an  average  group  of  individuals. 
No  less  than  21  cases  out  of  our  1000  are  known  to  have  suffered 
from  some  severe  head  injury.  We  have  not  reckoned  at  all  the 
little  accidents  which  have  been  so  often  related  by  parents,  even 

^  Many  points  of  importance  for  students  of  criminalistics  are  to  be  found 
in  AdoK  Meyer's  study  (47)  of  "The  Anatomical  Facts  and  Clinical  Varieties 
of  Traumatic  Insanity." 


Chap.  XXI]  TRAUMATIC    PSYCHOSES  [§  309 

when  we  have  heard  that  the  individual  was  stunned  for  a  short 
time.  In  classification  of  these  cases  we  have  rarely  had  to  resort 
to  calling  them  psychoses,  because  frequently  only  an  abnormal 
irritability  was  ascertained  to  exist  as  a  possible  after-effect. 
Where  there  was  an  actual  arrest  of  development  as  the  result 
of  cerebral  traumatism  the  case  belongs  under  an  appropriate 
heading,  §  287. 

Here  again  in  the  matter  of  assigning  the  role  of  a  major  cause 
for  the  delinquent  tendencies  we  are  frequently  confronted 
with  difficulties.  Other  possible  causes  are  also  nearly  always 
in  the  background.  Often  we  have  gained  evidence  of  a  prior 
neuropathic  constitution,  or  of  some  grave  defect  in  heredity. 
Except  in  a  case  of  arrested  development,  we  can  fairly  say  we 
have  never  been  able  to  discern  traumatism  as  the  sole  assign- 
able factor.  We  are  thus  forced  to  agree  with  other  authors  in 
asserting  that  injuries  to  the  head  are  most  apt  to  produce 
untoward  results  in  already  neuropathically  predisposed  in- 

Case  125.  —  A  man,  age  25  years.  In  this  case  we  were  able 
to  study  the  individual  for  only  a  very  short  time  prior  to  trial. 
He  was  then  taken  out  of  our  sphere  of  observation,  but  we  had 
then  and  later  the  opportunity  for  gaining  a  most  excellent  his- 
tory of  him  and  of  his  family  and  developmental  background 
from  several  reliable  people  who  thoroughly  corroborated  each 

This  man  has  been  very  frequently  under  arrest.  Just  now  he 
was  in  jail  for  having  stolen  and  pawned  some  clothes.  It  is 
most  interesting  that  he  could  at  the  time  have  taken  jewelry 
and  money  even  more  readily.  He  has  stolen  in  this  foolish 
way  previously  and  engaged  in  many  other  erratic  misdemean- 
ors, particularly  violence. 

His  personal  history,  in  short,  runs  as  follows.  He  was  a 
large  baby  at  birth.  Walked  and  talked  early.  He  had  no  con- 
vulsions as  a  child  and  did  not  suffer  from  enuresis.  He  went 
to  school  at  the  normal  age  and  seemed  to  his  intelligent  family 
to  be  quite  all  right  until  he  was  9  years  old.  Then  he  was  in 
the  3rd  grade.  At  this  age  he  had  an  injury  to  his  head  which 
resulted  in  a  large  scalp  wound  and  a  rather  short  period  of 
unconsciousness.  The  skull  was  not  known  to  have  been  frac- 
tured. All  say  that  following  this  his  character  and  mental  ca- 
pacity changed.     He  complained  of  not  being  able  to  study  and 



became  a  frequent  truant.  At  14  he  had  only  reached  5th 
grade.  Beginning  with  his  truancy  there  was  frequent  associa- 
tion with  bad  companions.  By  the  time  he  was  14  he  occasion- 
ally drank  and  used  much  tobacco.  During  these  years  he  also 
ran  away,  even  for  a  week  or  two  at  a  time,  and  stole  in  petty 
ways.  No  desperate  characteristics  were  developed  until  later. 
Physically  he  was  strong,  but  not  athletic.  He  always  displayed 
very  acute  affections;  was  extremely  kind  to  stray  animals, 
and  often  sought  to  help  boys  poorer  than  himself. 

By  17  he  began  to  have  times  of  believing  that  his  family  were 
conspiring  against  him,  and  was  sometimes  violent  at  home. 
He  started  regular  drinking  bouts  now,  made  off  from  home  and 
returned  after  a  week  or  two  in  rags  and  even  bare  feet.  Enlisted 
in  the  navy  at  18.  He  had  a  bad  record  for  erratic  behavior, 
drinking,  and  attempted  desertion.  On  one  occasion  when  not 
drinking  he  attempted  to  jump  overboard.  At  19  he  received  a 
second  head  injury  followed  by  a  considerable  period  of  uncon- 
sciousness. Again  the  skull  was  not  known  to  be  fractured. 
Received  a  medical  discharge. 

Since  that  time  he  has  had  long  periods  of  good  behavior 
interspersed  with  extraordinarily  erratic  conduct.  Marriage 
brought  great  jealousy  and  worry  about  his  wife.  His  child  he 
hardly  looks  at  and  speaks  of  the  fact  that  he  has  not  normal 
parental  affection.  Sometimes  talks  nearly  all  night.  Once  he 
jumped  out  of  window,  and  followed  an  imaginary  person.  Such 
actions  develop  when  he  is  not  drinking.  He  has  been  in  jail  at 
least  a  dozen  times.  He  was  working  on  a  machine  recently 
when  he  lost  control  of  himself,  and  his  hands  were  badly 

He  occasionally  drinks  for  a  short  time.  These  periods  are 
preceded  by  very  erratic  behavior  when  he  breaks  things  at  home 
and  rushes  out  suddenly.  He  carries  prayers  about  with  him. 
He  says  that  God  ought  to  help  him.  He  gets  up  in  the  middle 
of  the  night  to  pray  that  he  may  be  good.  Has  threatened  suicide 
if  he  is  not  relieved  of  his  erratic  tendencies.  He  has  fits  of  cry- 
ing. Complains  of  headaches.  For  years  has  been  a  great  reader 
and  occasionally  will  become  so  absorbed  in  a  book  that  he  reads 
all  night. 

Physically  we  found  him  poorly  nourished.  Our  rather  incom- 
plete examination  revealed  nothing  of  special  interest.  He  com- 
plains of  severe  headache  every  two  or  three  weeks  in  the  frontal 


Chap.  XXI]  TRAUM.\TIC   PSYCHOSES  [§  309 

region.  He  says  that  if  he  is  tapped  on  the  head  there  it  does 
not  feel  solid.  We  can  find  no  evidence  of  fracture  of  the 

On  the  mental  side  the  man  seems  well  oriented.  Is  rather  a 
talkative  tj'pe.  Is  quite  sure  that  at  times  he  is  beside  himself. 
Says  that  he  is  not  and  never  has  been  a  heavy  drinker.  Some- 
thing queer  comes  over  him  when  he  takes  even  a  single  glass. 
He  does  not  allege  that  he  is  insane,  and  does  not  ask  to  have 
his  punishment  mitigated,  he  only  desires  relief. 

This  whole  case  is  considerably  complicated  for  diagnosis 
and  prognosis  by  the  family  history.  The  paternal  grandfather 
and  an  uncle  w^ere  excessively  alcoholic.  Another  paternal  uncle 
was  more  mildly  addicted.  The  father  himself  was  a  periodic 
drunkard,  sexually  immoral  and  finally  a  deserter  of  his  family. 
He  had  attacks,  preceded  by  his  crying  out,  in  which  his  heart 
beat  very  fast,  and  he  had  to  lie  down.  The  grandfather  on  the 
other  side  committed  suicide.  Out  of  a  large  family  of  children 
the  subject  of  our  study  is  the  only  one  who  has  shown  aberrant 
traits.  The  others  are  all  grown  up  and  are  steady  and  normal. 
One  brother,  a  successful  clerk,  has  rare  attacks,  always  at  night, 
in  which  he  shakes  all  over,  falls  as  if  dead  and  acts  as  if  some- 
thing was  choking  him.  Afterwards  he  goes  right  to  sleep.  No 
other  family  history  of  mental  or  nervous  trouble  was  known. 
The  antenatal  period  of  our  subject's  development  was  much 
perturbed  on  account  of  worry  about  his  father's  behavior;  abor- 
tion was  attempted. 


Post-traumatic  minor                              Case  125. 

psychosis.                                      Man,  age  25  yrs. 
Perhaps  innate  neuropath. 

Injuries  to  head  at  9  and  18  years. 

Heredity :  Very  defective.    See  details. 

Antenatal  conditions  defective. 

Alcohol,  intermittent. 



As  above. 


§  309]  MINOR    MENTAL    ABERRATIONS  [Chap.  XXI 

Case  126.  —  Boy  17  years  of  age.  This  lad  has  a  very  exten- 
sive delinquent  record.  He  has  run  away  from  home  many  times, 
associated  with  bad  companions  and  with  them  engaged  in  steal- 
ing and  burglary.  The  family  and  others  have  regarded  him  as 
thoroughly  incorrigible. 

Physically,  at  15  years  we  find  a  large  tall  boy.  Weight  129 
lbs.;  height  5  ft.  1  in.  Decidedly  premature  sex  development. 
No  special  sensory  defect.  He  is  a  slouchy  chap  with  a  dull 
expression,  considering  his  social  advantages.  Strong  and  well 
muscled.    Headaches  frequently. 

On  mental  examination  we  find  an  extremely  pleasant  fellow, 
many  of  whose  social  reactions  are  of  the  best. 

Mental  tests :  our  own  series : 
I.    1'  1".     No  trial  and  error. 

III.  2'  13".  7  impossibilities  tried  and  2  repetitions  of  impossi- 

IV.  4'  19".    61  moves. 

V.  4'  58".  No  errors,  but  was  a  long  time  in  manipulating  with 
his  fingers  instead  of  using  the  tool.  Put  the  box  together  with  no 

VI.  Fairly  good  free  recital,  many  items  given  on  questioning. 
No  suggestions  accepted. 

VII.  Both  correct. 

IX.  Correct  on  the  3d  trial. 

X.  Correct  on  the  2d  trial. 

XI.  Got  the  idea  himself  and  accomplished  the  task  with  only  3 

XII.  Gave  13  out  of  the  20  items  with  fair  accuracy  and  correct 

XIII.  Gave  11  out  of  the  12  items  also  with  fair  accuracy. 

XIV.  Correct  at  2d  trial. 

XV.  All  given  correctly.    Average  time  1.9". 

XVII.  Writes  a  very  good  hand. 

XVIII.  Does  arithmetic  tlirough  interest  correctly. 

XX.  Reads  fluently  an  ordinary  passage. 

XXI.  On  both  of  the  ethical  questions  he  gave  a  rational  and 
moral  interpretation  of  the  problems  involved. 

XXII.  Has  a  good  range  of  information  and  reads  many  books. 
Shows  interest  in  healthy  subjects. 

This  boy  had  reached  7th  grade  in  spite  of  his  severe  illness. 
We  classified  him  as  having  fair  ability.  His  tests  show  that  he 
does  not  have  thoroughly  good  powers  of  mental  representation 
and  analysis.  We  note  also  that  in  his  own  story  of  himself 
and  his  family  there  is  a  lack  of  cogency  and  consistent  self- 


Chap.  XXl]  TRAUMATIC   PSYCHOSES  [§  309 

realization.  All  tlirough,  both  in  our  tests  and  in  his  own  account 
of  himself,  there  is  a  marked  attitude  of  not  having  thorough 
self-control.  The  question  was  long  before  us  as  to  whether  the 
boy  had  a  mild  psychosis,  but  observation  of  him  under  quiet 
conditions  gave  us  no  positive  evidence  of  this.  However,  there 
was  his  own  story  of  himself  and  the  account  given  by  others. 

The  early  developmental  history  of  this  boy  is  said  to  have 
been  entirely  negative.  He  comes  of  an  intelligent  German  family. 
There  are  several  other  children,  some  younger,  all  of  whom  are 
doing  well.  We  can  get  no  evidence  of  defective  heredity  except 
that  the  father,  now  about  55,  has  in  the  last  few  years  developed 
epilepsy  and  dementia.  No  other  cases  of  convulsions  or  epi- 
lepsy are  known  to  exist  in  the  family,  and  none  of  the  children 
has  suffered  from  this  trouble. 

This  boy  began  going  with  a  crowd  of  bad  companions  before 
he  was  12  years  old.  He  showed  even  then  a  distinct  tendency 
towards  unmanageability.  His  scholarship  record  was  not  bad, 
but  he  did  not  apply  himself  well.  When  he  was  almost  13  years 
old  he  was  struck  by  a  moving  train  and  had  a  terrific  injury  to 
the  head.  He  was  unconscious  for  three  days  and  in  bed  for  sev- 
eral months.  No  paralysis  ensued.  The  skull  was  fractured. 
Since  that  time  the  boy  has  been  growing  steadily  more  difficult 
to  manage.  He  shows  great  irritability,  quarrels  much  with 
other  members  of  the  household,  and  seems  to  the  family  to  be 
irresponsible,  although  not  actually  insane.  Since  then  he  at 
times  stays  out  half  the  night,  and  on  two  occasions  has  run 
away  to  a  distant  city.  He  has  stolen  from  members  of  his 
family  as  well  as  from  others. 

The  boy  tells  us  that  the  discomfort  in  his  head  prevents  him 
from  holding  any  steady  job.  He  has  had  many  good  chances,  but 
cannot  do  inside  work.  He  never  had  this  feeling  prior  to  being 
injured.  He  says  himself  that  he  has  a  bad  temper,  that  he  is 
nervous,  and  that  he  cannot  control  himself  well.  He  thinks 
that  his  family  are  unfair  to  him,  and  complains  that  the  police 
get  after  him  for  nothing.  He  spends  much  of  the  time  in  loafing 
about  the  streets.  At  one  time  he  smoked  much,  but  soon 

This  boy  continued  to  do  very  poorly  under  probation  in  spite 
of  every  effort  being  made  by  his  family.  We  advised  from  the 
first  that  he  be  placed  in  a  quiet  environment  away  entirely 
from  city  temptations, 



Head  injury  severe. 

Case  126. 

Bad  companions. 

Boy,  age  15. 

Home  control  defective. 

Adolescent  instability  (?) 

Premature  sex  development  (?)                        ! 

Heredity  (?) 

Delinquencies : 
Running  away. 

Fair  ability,  but  trau- 
matic instability. 

The  treatment  of  the  mental  after-effects  of  cerebral  trauma- 
tism is  a  matter  of  perennial  interest  because  of  the  frequent 
claim  made  by  surgeons  that  through  operation  there  will  be 
relief.  Now,  as  a  matter  of  fact,  one  can  find  almost  no  satis- 
factorily recorded  cases  of  character  changes  or  other  mental 
cures  which  have  followed  operation.  It  ought  to  be  obvious 
that  brain  substance,  notoriously  incapable  of  self -restoration, 
is  not  going  to  be  regenerated  by  removing  a  body  which  has 
been  for  a  long  time  acting  unfavorably  on  it.  Not  only  this, 
but  the  most  significant  damage  may  have  been  done  in  parts 
of  the  brain  which  are  not  in  immediate  contiguity  with  any 
substance  which  might  be  removed.  Then  at  the  time  of  the 
injury  there  may  have  been  damage  from  that  vague  process 
known  as  concussion,  or  more  likely  from  swelling  of  the 

Of  course,  if  there  is  any  intracranial  pressure  which  can  be 
diagnosed  by  ordinary  neurological  methods,  operative  relief  of 
this  may  be  considered.  But  it  is  too  much  to  ask  that  there 
should  be  surgical  cure  of  the  more  indirect  and  subtle  effects 
of  a  severe  injury. 

Other  phases  of  the  treatment  of  the  psychoses  and  mental  pe- 
culiarities which  follow  upon  head  injury  are  clearly  indicated. 
There  should  be  absolute  avoidance  of  stimulants,  particularly 
of  alcohol,  of  excessive  tea  and  coffee,  and  of  excessive  smoking. 
Overheating  and  overwork,  too,  may  prove  disastrous.  A  quiet 
rural  life  is  most  to  be  desired.  We  have  seen  one  case  where 
city  noises  proved  extremely  irritative,  causing  a  reaction  that 
showed  itself  largely  in  anti-social  conduct. 



§  310.    Menstrual   Mental   Aberrations. 

We  discuss  here  mental  disturbances  at  the  menstrual  period 
in  women  who  at  other  times  are  accounted  normal.  Very  rarely, 
as  in  a  case  cited,  §  306,  will  there  be  difficulty  in  discriminating 
these  cases  from  the  chronic  insanities  which  may  show  their 
main  manifestations  at  the  menstrual  period.  As  students  of 
criminalistics  may  see  them,  the  women  who  have  enough  mental 
disturbance  at  menstrual  times  to  cause  anti-social  conduct  are 
nearly  all  victims  of  a  neuropathic  tendency.  The  stress  of  the 
periodic  auto-intoxication  is  just  enough  to  carry  such  individuals 
a  little  beyond  the  bounds  where  impulses  are  readily  controlled. 
In  connection  with  the  often  insoluble  problem  of  responsibility, 
or  in  regard  to  the  application  of  the  term  insanity  to  these  cases 
a  fine  point  comes  up.  To  take  the  typical  case  of  menstrual 
aberration  as  seen  in  the  courts,  the  woman  who  engages  in  shop- 
lifting at  her  periods  (vide  §  366),  we  may  readil}'^  find  that  the 
individual  knows  very  well  the  difference  between  right  and  wrong 
and  could  even  have  so  discriminated  at  her  menstrual  time  had 
she  been  asked.  But  she  had  not  the  powers  of  self-control 
which  were  hers  during  the  other  days  of  the  month.  Impulses 
commanded  her  which  under  other  conditions  would  have  been 
resisted.  Thus,  so  far  as  responsibility  is  concerned,  this  person 
from  a  standpoint  of  moral  self-control  was  below  normal. 

There  can  be  no  doubt  of  the  several  mental  changes  which 
take  place  in  some  individuals  at  menstruation,  any  more  than 
that  many  other  physical  conditions  affect  the  output  of  mental 
hfe.^  Marx  (305)  in  an  article  on  the  forensic  bearings  of  men- 
struation summarizes  the  facts  which  several  investigators  have 
brought  out.  Most  important  is  the  work  done  by  means  of 
mental  tests,  giving  the  unequivocal  findings  that  there  is  ordi- 
narily mental  change  at  this  period.  Gaupp  (289)  shows  the  same 
statistically  by  the  relation  of  the  menstrual  period  to  suicide. 
In  general,  the  alterations  seem  to  be  that  there  is  an  increase 
of  impulsivity  and  irritability,  and  that  there  is  less  inhibitory 

^  A  remarkably  lucid  chapter  on  this  subject  is  to  be  found  in  Krafft- 
Ebing's  text  book  (331).  There  he  says,  "If  an  individual  be  neuropathic, 
tainted  and  bordering  upon  instabiUty,  then  the  normal  process  of  menstrua- 
tion may  be  sufficient  in  itself  to  induce  disturbance  of  the  central  nervous 
organs,  which,  depending  upon  the  severity  of  the  taint,  expresses  itself  in  all 
degrees.  Actual  periodic  insanity  may  result."  Also  his  special  work  on 
Menstrual  Psychoses  (332)  may  be  consulted. 



control  at  this  time.  Aberrational  tendencies,  as  we  said  before, 
are  shown  much  more  in  women  who  are  of  the  neuropathic  or 
psychopathic  type.  Gudden  (294)  states  that  in  all  such  indi- 
viduals there  are  changes  in  intellectual  powers,  will,  and  emotion 
at  this  period.  Anxiety  states,  unrest,  wandering  impulses, 
dizziness,  and  temporary  stupefaction  develop  then.  All  this  is 
well  corroborated  by  observations  of  other  authorities.  We  par- 
ticularly introduce  these  citations  in  order  to  show  the  non-excep- 
tional character  of  our  own  cases.  Under  the  head  of  pathological 
stealing  (§  366)  still  other  bearings  of  this  subject  may  be  found. 

Very  well  recognized,  especially  by  women  themselves  who 
are  sufferers  from  it,  is  the  premenstrual  excitement  which  occurs 
for  two  or  three  days  before  the  monthly  period.  During  this 
time  the  tendency  towards  restlessness  and  perhaps  miscon- 
duct, may  be  just  as  great  or  greater,  than  in  the  succeeding 
days.  The  inclination  towards  sex  misdemeanors  is  certainly 
more  at  this  particular  time  of  stress.^ 

A  question  of  practical  responsibility  would  be  whether  a  woman 
who  knew  of  her  own  tendency  at  this  period  should  not  be  held 
responsible  for  going  to  shops  at  such  times.  It  is  perfectly 
evident  that  it  takes  a  combination  of  three  things  to  arrive  at 
the  misdeed  itself.  There  must  be  the  prior  tendency,  the  men- 
strual period,  and  the  environmental  opportunity.  We  have 
been  peculiarly  in  position  to  discover  cases  of  menstrual  aber- 
ration among  adolescents.  It  might  be  supposed  that  the  fre- 
quently found  instabilities  of  adolescence  would  in  girls  be  in 
conjunction  with  menstrual  upsets  and  add  to  the  latter.  On 
the  whole  we  are  surprised  at  the  comparatively  small  number 
of  cases  of  this  kind  we  have  seen.  In  the  great  majority  of 
instances  the  instabilities  of  adolescence  are  not  at  all  centered 
about  the  menstrual  period. 

The  following  unusually  well-observed  cases  will  be  quite  suffi- 
cient to  show  the  type  of  behavior  sometimes  developing  as  a 
periodic  phenomenon. 

Case  127.  —  A  girl,  age  17,  of  splendid  development  and 
nutrition,  a  distinctly  good-looking  girl  with  a  rather  sensuous 
type  of  face  indulges  in  such  bad  conduct  that  her  mother  insists 

1  In  order  to  favor  scientific  accuracy,  the  more  recent  German  literature 
has  spoken  of  ovulation  rather  than  menstruation,  in  its  relations  to  mis- 
conduct. The  ripening  of  the  ovum  and  the  menstrual  flow  are  not  necessarily 
quite  synchronous.  Krafft-Ebing  (331)  asserts  that  the  mental  aberration 
may  occur  at  a  regular  period,  in  absence  of  menstrual  flow. 



she  must  be  crazy  to  do  as  she  does.  Others  say  that  she  certainly 
is  not  mentally  normal  at  times. 

As  observed  by  a  number  of  good  women,  who  have  tried  to 
help  her,  as  well  as  according  to  the  testimony  of  her  mother, 
the  girl  is  restless,  independent,  obstinate,  and  utterly  willful 
at  times.  She  leaves  home  and  seeks  shelter  elsewhere.  Even 
to  the  women  who  are  her  friends  she  then  uses  extremely  bad 
language  and  shows  the  most  violent  temper.  On  several  occa- 
sions has  gone  directly  to  them  in  a  miserable  state  of  intoxi- 
cation. She  has  had  sex  affairs  with  a  number  of  men  or  boys, 
beginning  at  15  years,  when  she  ran  away  from  home. 

Of  her  family  we  know  little  except  that  the  mother  is  unques- 
tionably somewhat  erratic.  Other  relatives  seem  to  be  quite 
normal.  The  story  of  the  girl's  developmental  history  is  quite 
negative.  It  is  only  during  her  adolescence  that  she  has  shown 
bad  traits,  and  it  has  always  been  at  her  monthly  periods  that 
she  has  been  so  extremely  cross  and  mean. 

On  the  physical  side  as  stated,  we  find  in  every  way  a  splendid 
specimen.  Lately  there  has  been  an  operation  for  some  pelvic 

On  the  mental  side  the  girl  proves  to  have  extraordinary  abili- 
ties in  many  ways.  She  did  well  in  school  life  and  on  our  tests 
gives  some  strikingly  good  results. 

Mental  tests :  our  own  series : 

I.  45".    No  trial  and  error. 

II.  1'  22".     No  errors. 

III.  Construction  Test  A.     11".    Minimum  moves,  namely,  5. 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.    52".    Minimum  moves,  namely,  11. 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  3'  28".  No  errors.  Steps  worked  out  with  keenest 
perception  of  logical  sequence. 

VI.  "Aussage."   Full  functional  account.    No  suggestions  accepted. 

VII.  Reproduction  of  Geometrical  Figures.    Correct  the  first  time. 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.    Correct  at  1st  trial. 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.    Correct  at  1st  trial. 

XL  Code  Test.  Got  the  idea  herself  and  did  the  test  with  only  one 

XII.  Memory  from  Visual  Verbal  Presentation.  Nineteen  of  the 
twenty  items  given  correctly  in  logical  sequence. 

Xlil.  Memory  from  Auditory  Verbal  Presentation.  Eleven  out 
of  the  twelve  items  given  correctly  in  logical  sequence. 

XV.   Antonyms.    Average  time  1".    Only  one  error. 

XVII.  Penmanship  normal. 

XVIII.  6th-grade  arithmetic  done  with  accuracy  minus. 

XIX.  Reads  fluently. 



According  to  tests  we  should  have  to  classify  this  girl  as  some- 
what above  the  ordinary  in  general  ability,  although  backward  in 
school  work.  This  diagnosis  was  confirmed  by  her  record  at 
various  places  where  she  was  employed.  Everyone  stated  she 
had  most  extraordinary  capabilities. 

Concerning  herself,  the  girl  says  she  sometimes  gets  disgusted 
at  home  and  feels  very  cross.  Does  not  know  what  is  the  matter. 
She  knows  she  is  particularly  cross  and  obstinate  at  her  monthly 
periods  and  perhaps  does  not  do  what  is  right.  At  these  times 
she  does  not  feel  any  too  well  and  sometimes  does  not  care  what 
anybody  tells  her  or  what  becomes  of  her. 

We  have  attempted  to  analyze  the  possible  correlation  in  this 
case  between  menstrual  periods  and  bad  behavior.  It  has  been 
noted  by  several  who  have  known  this  girl  that  she  was  at  times 
ungovernable,  obstinate,  and  that  she  talked  as  if  she  were  insane. 
She  herself  comes  to  her  friends  and  reports  when  doing  well. 
At  other  times  she  is  as  if  she  were  possessed  of  the  worst  impulses 
and  quite  uncontrolled.  She  has  deliberately  sought  intoxica- 
tion several  times,  and  has  run  away  four  or  five  times.  She  seems 
then  full  of  hatred  towards  evers'body,  including  her  own  mother. 
Periodicity  has  been  noted  by  several  competent  observers.  It 
seems  clear  that  the  account  of  her  disturbances  occurring  at 
menstrual  times  is  accurate.  On  a  couple  of  occasions  she  was 
so  angry  that  she  walked  the  streets  all  night,  once  being  arrested 
then.  Once  as  the  reaction  to  her  own  bad  conduct  she  made 
an  attempt  to  commit  suicide.  She  brooded  for  a  time  upon  the 
death  of  a  child  in  the  family.  We  could  get  no  evidence  that 
the  pelvic  trouble  had  anything  to  do  with  her  behavior  —  there 
was  as  much  trouble  after  as  before  the  operative  relief.  No 
dysmenorrhea  complained  of.  At  times  she  controlled  herself 
for  months,  even  when  under  adverse  circumstances.  It  is 
notable  that  she  did  not  do  her  best  when  apparently  most  pro- 
tected from  bad  environmental  influences  and  apparently  when 
most  was  done  for  her  in  the  way  of  giving  her  healthy  interests. 
At  this  time  her  periodic  disturbances  happened  to  be  very 
severe.  In  this  case  it  is  certainly  true  that  bad  behavior  has 
occurred  at  other  times  besides  menstrual  periods,  but  never  to 
anything  like  the  same  extent.  As  she  has  grown  older  her 
tendency  has  been  to  do  better.  For  a  year  or  so  now  there 
have  been  no  outbreaks  of  bad  behavior.    She  is  now  over  19. 

This  case  shows  the  uncertainty  of  reckoning  on  the  menstrual 



factor  as  the  sole  cause.  However  one  can  but  feel  that  the  com- 
mon-sense observation  of  parents  and  other  close  observers  that 
there  is  excessive  tendency  towards  misconduct  and  irrational 
behavior  at  menstrual  periods  is  true.  The  stress  of  this  period 
belongs  in  the  category  of  causes  sufficient  to  send  over  into  the 
border  of  mental  aberration  such  an  individual  as  the  above, 
who  is  predisposed  by  general  nature  or  adolescence  towards 

A  year  later  we  have  another  report.  An  experienced  ob- 
server, not  knowing  our  study  of  the  case,  tells  us  that  the 
young  woman  has  had  great  difficulty  all  along  in  controlling 
her  impulses  at  menstrual  periods.  She  did  finely  for  nearly  a 
year  in  a  clerical  position.  Recently  she  has  shown  violent 
outbreaks  of  temper,  precipitated  largely  by  home  mismanage- 
ment. These  were  followed  by  depression  and  recourse  to  drink- 
ing. This  conduct  has  led  to  arrest  and  probation  again.  Her 
pelvic  conditions  are  serious  and  demand  another  operation. 

Mentality:  Minor,  menstrual  aberration.  Case  127. 

Adolescent  instability.  ^^^^'  ^^e  17. 

Physical  conditions:  Over-development. 

Perhaps  pelvic  conditions. 

Bad  companions. 

Heredity :  Mother  erratic  and  not 

Delinquencies : 

IncorrigibiHty.  Mentality : 

Intoxication.  As  above,  but 

Sex  +  +.  very  good  ability. 

Case  128.  —  A  girl  tremendously  well  endowed  physically  we 
have  seen  from  time  to  time  over  a  period  of  two  years,  between 
the  ages  of  15  and  17.  We  know  her  story  before  that  time.  She 
is  a  strong  personality;  has  a  remarkably  strong  face.  Obstinate 
and  rather  fiery  disposition.  Not  in  the  least  subjective  or  intro- 
spective. On  the  mental  side  she  is  quite  up  to  the  ordinary  in 
ability;  shows  no  deficiencies  or  peculiarities  by  tests.  Does 
advanced  school  work  and  has  held  a  position  that  pays  well. 
She  comes  of  an  intelligent  family.    Several  brothers  and  sisters 



have  all  turned  out  well.  The  family  history  is  all  negative  with 
the  exception  that  one  maternal  great-uncle  of  the  girl  was  insane, 
and  that  the  mother  herself  is  more  or  less  a  nervous  invalid  and 
has  attacks  of  major  hysteria,  following  a  period  of  rapid  child- 

Our  long  account  of  this  girl  need  not  be  given  in  detail.  It 
is  sufficient  to  say  that  at  13  years  she  began  showing  signs  of 
temper,  obstinacy,  restlessness,  and  that  since  that  time  she  very 
frequently  has  stolen.  Her  family  insist  that  these  appearances 
are  more  or  less  periodic.  On  account  of  the  mother's  invalidism 
there  has  not  been  careful  watch  kept  upon  this  daughter  in  any 
way.  Her  delinquencies  continued  over  several  years,  including 
the  times  she  was  tried  in  boarding  schools.  When  first  seen  by 
us  we  were  unsuccessful  in  getting  at  the  correct  facts  about  the 
beginnings  of  her  delinquency.  All  that  we  could  then  obtain 
was  that  she  had  strong  impulses  to  theft,  and  would  steal  things 
she  did  not  want,  and  suffered  much  from  the  consequences. 
She  freely  acknowledged  bad  temper  and  restlessness,  which 
were  inconstant  phenomena.  She  herself  thought  they  had 
nothing  to  do  with  her  menstrual  periods,  and  there  is  no  doubt 
that  part  of  the  time  her  misdemeanors  were  shown  during  other 
periods.  She  absolutely  denied  to  all  any  undue  knowledge  of 
sex  affairs.  But  when  she  was  17  years  old  and  had  been  demon- 
strating for  long  an  exceeding  amount  of  interest  in  the  opposite 
sex,  and  had  been  flagrantly  immoral  on  a  number  of  occasions, 
it  came  out  that  she  had  really  been  first  tempted  and  had  suc- 
cumbed when  she  was  13  years  old.  All  along  she  has  had  much 
hidden  mental  life,  and  many  covert  experiences. 

Now  for  the  purposes  of  our  present  discussion  it  is  interesting 
to  note  that  at  times,  principally  when  she  was  about  15,  this 
girl  was  under  the  observation  of  a  very  intelligent  woman,  who 
had  much  influence  over  her.  This  older  friend  found  the  girl 
perfectly  trustworthy  at  all  times  except  during  her  monthly 
periods.  Then  she  was  not  herself.  Just  prior  to  her  period  she 
"  seemed  to  be  miles  away."  Then  and  only  then,  at  this  age, 
did  she  steal.  Her  thieving  consisted  merely  of  trinkets  and  per- 
haps a  little  money. 

In  the  next  two  years  the  girl  became  quite  notorious  for  steal- 
ing and  had  some  sex  affairs.  Her  family  still  regard  her  as  not 
being  thoroughly  vicious  and  bad,  although  they  have  had  so 
much  trouble  with  her.    She  displays  at  times  most  terrible  tem- 


Chap.  XXI]       MENTAL    ABERRATIONS    OF    PREGNANCY  [§  311 

per.  She  is  said  to  be  fairly  crazy  about  men.  She  now  states 
frankly  to  us  that  the  trouble  with  her  all  along  has  been  her 
excessive  sex  temptation  to  which  she  has  rarely  succumbed. 
She  has  repeatedly  stolen  small  sums  from  places  where  she  has 

This  case  illustrates  a  point  that  is  well  worth  considering, 
namely,  whether  moral  aberrations  shown  at  menstrual  periods 
are  not  merely  temporary  excess  of  a  tendency  which  is  present 
at  other  times.  The  lid  of  inliibitions,  which  at  other  times  is 
closed  tight  over  the  tendencies,  is  loosened.  The  observations 
of  the  good  friend  who,  while  not  knowing  the  cause  of  this  girl's 
bad  tendencies,  was  able  to  control  her  except  at  menstrual 
periods,  is  of  much  interest  to  us.  Perhaps  the  girl  on  account 
of  inheritance  of  neuropathic  disposition,  or  on  account  of  poor 
development  of  self-control  through  lack  of  active  parental 
oversight  was  not  quite  up  to  the  normal  in  inhibitory  powers 
in  general,  but  one  may  be  doubtful  on  such  a  point  since  she 
seems  so  strong  physically  and  mentally.  The  fact  is  that  there 
was  general  stress  through  repressed  sex  tendencies,  and  either 
this  stress  became  excessive,  or  inhibitions  became  much  lowered 
at  the  menstrual  period.  Reaction  in  aberrational  behavior  was 
sometimes  confined  to  that  period. 

Early  sex  experiences.  Case  128. 

Physical:  Early  development.  Girl,  age  17. 

Mental  conflict  and  repressions. 

Mentality:  Menstrual,  minor  aberrations. 

Heredity:  Mother,  major  hysteria. 

Home  conditions:  Very  poor  control. 

Delinquencies : 

Stealing  +.  Mentality: 

Sex.  Good  ability. 

§  311.    Mental   Aberrations  of  Pregnancy. 

The  relation  of  pregnancy  to  mental  aberrations  which  in  turn 
may  lead  to  criminalism  is  well  recognized.  The  physical  condi- 
tion is  evident  and  sympathy  is  at  once  aroused  on  account  of 
it,  so  that  there  has  been  much  more  recognition  of  the  fact  and 


§  311]  MINOR    MENTAL    ABERRATIONS  [Chap.  XXI 

less  trouble  in  getting  the  case  adjusted  than  when  similar  aber- 
rations are  caused  by  less  evident  conditions.  There  is  no  doubt 
that  in  some  individuals  pregnancy  has  a  marked  influence  upon 
mental  processes.  As  in  menstrual  conditions,  the  psychopaths 
are  prone  to  suffer  worst.  There  is  a  great  increase  of  impulsivity, 
and  inhibitory  powers  are  diminished.  Many  references  could 
be  given  to  literature  bearing  in  some  way  on  this  subject,  but 
no  satisfactory  monograph  has  yet  appeared  on  it.  In  many  crim- 
inal cases  it  has  not  been  the  physical  condition  alone  which  has 
induced  the  mental  aberration,  but  there  have  been  excessive 
worries  at  this  period.  The  most  important  worries,  naturally, 
are  those  incident  to  the  bearing  of  an  illegitimate  child. 

What  constitutes  sanity  or  insanity,  responsibility  or  irrespon- 
sibility, will  here  again  frequently  be  a  very  difficult  matter  to 
decide.  As  Gross  (64,  p.  318)  says  regarding  legal  trials,  "  who- 
ever has  before  him  a  pregnant  woman  with  her  impressions 
altered  in  a  thousand  different  ways,  may  therefore  well  be  '  up 
in  the  air.'  "  The  difficulties  surrounding  cases  can  undoubtedly 
best  be  solved  in  accordance  with  humanitarian  ideals  after  the 
facts  are  ascertained.  Women  during  pregnancy  are  not  going 
to  be  either  incited  or  deterred  to  any  appreciable  extent  in  crim- 
inalistic ways  by  what  has  happened  under  the  law  to  some  other 

Some  of  the  examples  from  our  own  experience  show  many 
of  the  questions  involved. 

Case  129.  —  A  woman  of  35  years  whom  we  had  reason  to 
study,  lived  for  many  years  in  such  connections  that  we  were 
able  to  get  the  most  reliable  information  concerning  her  charac- 
ter. While  not  an  educated  woman,  she  had  been  in  a  position 
of  considerable  trust  and  had  proved  herself  always  extremely 
reliable.  She  had  recently  been  married  and  now  was  pregnant. 
Her  health  now  and  previously  had  been  fairly  good.  Her  hus- 
band, a  very  intelligent  man,  tells  us  that  early  in  pregnancy 
she  showed  irrational  desires  which  have  been  causing  quite  a 
little  trouble  on  account  of  the  impossibility  of  his  acceding  to 
them.  To  the  great  astonishment  of  her  friends  and  husband 
she  has  recently  been  arrested  for  shoplifting.  With  another 
woman  known  to  have  a  bad  reputation,  and  who  probably  had 
suggested  the  stealing,  she  had  taken  a  good  many  things.  A 
number  of  these  were  articles  for  which  she  had  no  use. 

The  case  was  very  clear  in  court  and  this  woman  was  soon 


Chap.  XXl]       MENTAL    ABERRATIONS    OF    PREGNANCY  [§  311 

released.  As  we  studied  her  immediately  after  the  court  pro- 
ceedings it  was  very  clear  that  she  was  in  a  dazed  condition  con- 
cerning the  whole  affair.  She  has  no  idea,  why  she  stole,  and  in 
fact  is  in  a  confusional  state  about  many  things.  It  seems  she 
has  thought  she  is  going  to  suffer  greatly  at  the  time  of  her  con- 
finement and  that  worries  her  much,  but  worse  than  all  is  a  feel- 
ing of  being  mixed  up,  as  if  she  does  not  know  whether  all  sorts 
of  things  are  exactly  right  or  not.  Her  friends  have  realized 
something  of  her  mental  condition,  but  there  was  no  intimation 
that  it  would  lead  to  bad  conduct. 

Case  130.  —  The  effect  of  pregnancy  was  well  marked  in  another 
instance  where  members  of  a  family  were  much  mixed  up  in  de- 
linquency. A  woman  of  past  40  who  had  not  had  a  child  for  over 
ten  years,  was  pregnant.  Her  daughter  of  18,  under  arrest,  was 
studied  by  us  at  this  time.  She  was  found  to  be  a  case  of  patho- 
logical stealing.  Scores  of  articles  had  been  taken  home  by  this 
girl  and  placed  under  lock  and  key.  Their  value  was  consider- 
able. The  mother  had  been  showing  an  immense  amount  of 
bad  temper  and  irritability,  so  that  the  home  for  months  had 
been  intolerable  to  the  family.  Although  this  had  nothing  to  do 
with  the  stealing,  the  father  had  taken  to  drinking  on  account 
of  home  conditions.  Previously  both  he  and  his  wife  were  of 
distinctly  good  habits.  Both  came  from  neuropathic  families. 
This  woman  discovered  the  daughter's  hidden  stolen  property,  and 
took  many  of  the  articles  and  disposed  of  them  without  saying 
anything  about  it.  Without  doubt  her  moral  attitude  was  not 
at  all  during  this  pregnancy  what  it  had  been  previously  or  what 
it  would  have  been  at  other  times. 

Case  131. — A  young  woman,  20  years  old,  very  well  devel- 
oped and  strong;  defective  vision  corrected  by  glasses;  physi- 
ognomy suggestive  of  sensuality;  passive,  weak  type;  small 
chin  and  rather  flat  features. 

Mentally:  after  tests  we  classify  her  as  having  fair  mental 
ability,  but  exceedingly  poor  educational  advantages.  She  has 
not  been  to  school  since  she  was  11  years  old.  We  note  her 
peculiar  mental  characteristic  of  great  passivity.  She  shows  no 
self  assertion,  does  not  even  inquire  as  to  what  is  going  to  be 
done  with  her  in  any  way.  Reports  about  her  show  that  she  is 
thoroughly  a  passive  type  and  is  easily  led  or  taken  care  of  by 
others.  There  is  no  evidence  whatever  of  a  psychosis  at  the  time 
of  the  examination. 



This  woman  has  been  a  great  sex  delinquent.  She  has  had 
illicit  relations  with  a  number  of  men  and  already  has  had  two 
illegitimate  children.  One  of  these  she  has  industriously  sup- 
ported. When  the  last  one  was  born  she  attempted  infanticide; 
indeed,  she  thought  she  had  accomplished  this  criminal  act.  At 
the  time  of  its  birth  she  was  doing  housework  for  a  family.  Her 
pregnancy  was  not  suspected.  When  she  felt  labor  pains  well 
established  she  went  out  in  a  rainy  night  to  an  old  cemetery 
where  she  delivered  herself.  She  then  wrapped  the  child  up  and 
threw  it  under  an  outbuilding.  The  girl  then  returned  to  her 
room,  slept  during  all  the  latter  part  of  the  night,  and  next  morn- 
ing prepared  breakfast  for  the  family  as  usual.  Early  that  day 
some  one  heard  a  cry  coming  from  the  place  where  the  child  was 
and  pulled  it  out. 

There  was  a  great  deal  of  stress  upon  this  girl  on  account  of 
the  coming  of  this  second  illegitimate  child.  She  had  taken  care 
of  the  first  one  until  recently,  when  she  had  succeeded  in  having 
it  adopted  by  a  good  family.  It  is  notable  that  this  girl  had 
paved  the  way  for  explanation,  should  her  absence  be  noted  that 
night,  by  saying  that  she  sometimes  walked  in  her  sleep.  When 
her  absence  was  noted  the  family  were  alarmed,  but  when  she 
returned  they  supposed  she  had  been  in  a  somnambulic  con- 

We  have  in  this  case  a  girl  who  is  morally  colorless  about  sex 
affairs,  having  been  brought  up  amidst  surroundings  in  which 
illicit  relationships  and  illegitimacy  were  very  common.  She 
always  had  to  work  hard,  and  socially  was  a  menial.  Her  sex 
delinquencies  could  well  be  accounted  for  by  her  sex  feelings 
being  all  out  of  proportion  to  any  environmental  development 
of  social  inhibitions.  Her  attempted  child  murder  was  the  result 
of  the  mental  and  social  stress  of  the  moment.  To  cover  her 
shame  and  disadvantage  she  was  living  under  the  most  unfortu- 
nate conditions.  She  was  concealing  her  pregnancy  in  ways 
calculated  to  bring  about  very  abnormal  states.  It  is  true  she 
showed  premeditation,  but  the  terrible  circumstances  under  which 
the  child  was  born  were  enough  to  account  for  almost  any  imme- 
diate mental  upset.  She  says  she  attempted  the  child-murder 
because  she  did  not  want  the  people  in  the  house  to  know  she 
had  a  baby.  She  felt  later,  she  said,  that  it  was  wrong  to  do  as 
she  did. 


Chap.  XXI]        AMNESIC    FUGUES  —  OTHER   AMNESIAS  [§312 

Puerperal  conditions  —  mental  aberration?  Case  131. 

Home  conditions :  In  early  life  great  Woman,  20  yrs. 

immorality,  etc. 

Heredity:  Mother  mentally  subnormal. 

Mother  had  illegitimate  children. 

Lack  of  education  and  other  advantages. 

Sex  +  +.  Fair  abihty.     Poor 

Attempted  infanticide.  advantages. 

The  above  case  illustrates  the  point  made  by  Marx  (305)  and 
others,  namely,  that  in  studies  of  criminal  abortion  or  infanticide 
it  is  very  difficult  to  evaluate  as  a  factor  the  mental  states  pecul- 
iar to  pregnancy  and  confinement.^ 

§  312.    Amnesic   Fugues.    Other  Amnesias. 

A  subject  of  great  interest  to  scientific  students  of  abnormal 
psychology  is  that  of  transitory  amnesia,  with  or  without  wan- 
dering. In  cases  where  there  is  a  wandering  with  loss  of  memory, 
the  phenomenon  is  called  an  amnesic  fugue.  (Fugue  means 
flight  or  wandering.)  In  this  country,  the  whole  subject  seems 
to  have  less  practical  importance  —  we  observed  only  one  case 
among  1000  young  repeated  offenders  —  than  it  has  in  Europe 
where,  judging  by  the  literature,  not  a  few  vagrants  are  sufferers 
from  this  condition.^  In  our  study  we  naturally  should  have  come 
across  more  cases  had  they  been  common,  because  wandering  or 
vagrancy  in  young  people  is  particularly  regarded  as  an  offense. 

Irrational  journeyings  occur  as  episodes  in  several  patho- 
logical mental  conditions,  particularly  in  epilepsy,  dementia 
precox  and  hysteria,  and  no  doubt  most  cases  of  pathological 
wandering  are  to  be  properly  subsumed  under  these  headings. 
Indeed,  it  has  been  conceived  by  some  authorities,  such  as  Benon 
and  Froissart  (72),  that  all  cases  belong  to  some  one  of  these 

1  For  the  special  student  of  this  subject  some  very  keen  observations  con- 
cerning the  bearing  of  social  and  mental  conditions  upon  infanticide  will  be 
found  in  a  short  article  by  Audiffrent  (373). 

2  French  hteratiue  pertaining  to  the  legal  aspects  of  abnormal  psychology 
contain  many  references  to  the  subject  of  fugues.  Joffroy  and  Dupouy  (313) 
give  a  thorough  survey  of  the  hterature.  A  more  recent  contribution  by  Mairet 
T317)  covers  part  of  the  same  ground.  More  on  this  same  point  will  be  found 
in  our  section  on  vagabondage.  Patrick's  (130)  contribution  on  ambulatory 
automatism  offers  for  readers  of  English  practical  points  of  much  value. 


§  312]  MINOR    MENTAL    ABERRATIONS  [Chap.  XXI 

diseases.  But  it  certainly  is  a  fact  that  one  sees  instances  in 
which  there  are  no  other  signs  of  disease  beyond  these  aberra- 
tional tendencies  to  wander,  and  so  rightly  one  cannot  classify 
them  except  by  this  symptom.  This  is  true  both  of  children  and 
of  adults.  In  the  first  case  that  we  shall  mention,  no  diagnosis 
other  than  that  of  amnesic  fugues  seemed  in  the  least  justifiable, 
although  one  might  easily  speculate  about  its  ultimate  nature. 
When  a  more  complete  diagnosis  is  possible,  such  as  that  of 
dementia  precox,  or  epilepsy,  or  hysteria,  it  is  highly  important 
for  treatment  that  it  be  made. 

The  existence  of  other  forms  of  amnesia  plays  its  part  in  the 
study  of  offenders.  Every  now  and  again  one  meets  some  patho- 
logical type  or  some  individual  who  has  reacted  in  pathological 
fashion  to  some  upsetting  experience,  who  shows  apparent  forget- 
fulness  for  some  period  in  the  past.  (We  are  not  here  speaking 
at  all  of  the  medico-legal  question  involved  in  amnesia  arising 
from  traumatism  of  the  head,  etc.)  When  these  cases  are  boiled 
down  they  will  be  mostly  found  to  be  instances  of  hysteria  or 
one  of  the  epilepsies.  The  application  of  modern  methods  of 
psychological  analysis  will  also  clear  up  the  nature  of  many  of 
these  amnesias  and  of  the  experiences  which  have  caused  them. 
All  who  work  with  this  subject  should  be  acquainted  with  the 
nature  of  Ganser's  syndrome,  in  which  the  patient's  desire  not 
to  know  brings  about  a  state  of  mind  in  which  he  does  not  know. 
Cases  are  recorded  in  which  the  forgotten  events  are  recalled 
under  hypnotic  and  other  suggestion,  and  one  has  seen  cases  in 
which  sudden  disciplinary  shock  has  brought  about  the  same 
results.  But  this  type  of  amnesia  is  probably  quite  different 
from  the  automatisms  with  which  one  deals  in  rare  cases  of 
double  personality  and  in  such  phenomena  as  amnesic  fugues. 

Case  132.  —  This  was  the  case  of  a  remarkably  bright  child 
of  7  years  from  whose  intelligent  parents  we  obtained  much 
detailed  information.  His  physical  and  mental  status  can  be 
summarized  in  a  word.  He  was  well  developed  and  apparently 
entirely  normal  in  all  ways.  Mentally  he  was  decidedly  super- 
normal, having  especially  good  ability  in  language.  We  charac- 
terized him  as  rather  a  nervous  type,  but  frank,  open  and 

This  little  boy  began  running  away  from  home  when  he  was 
3  years  old.  At  that  time  he  wandered  on  to  a  suburban  train 
and  went  out  of  town  before  he  was  discovered.     Since  then  he 



has  been  away  frequently,  the  longest  time  without  discovery  has 
been  ten  hours.  Of  late  his  attacks  of  wandering  have  been  less 
frequent,  only  once  in  four  or  five  weeks.  He  is  usually  fond  of 
being  neat,  but  during  these  spells  is  said  to  change  in  this  and 
in  other  ways.  His  family  think  they  can  tell  when  his  attacks 
are  coming  on  by  the  change  of  expression.  He  is  very  fond  of 
thoughtful  occupations  and  has  never  been  with  bad  companions. 
He  never  has  run  away  with  others.  Sometimes  he  starts  early 
in  the  morning  before  his  family  is  up.  He  wanders  without 
food  and  thinly  clad,  even  in  inclement  weather.  He  does  not 
remember  where  he  has  been.  His  family  find  him  by  getting 
the  police  to  look  for  him  or  seeking  him  themselves.  A  remark- 
able feature  about  the  case  is  the  hardship  which  the  boy  under- 
goes in  the  course  of  these  wanderings. 

The  antecedents  of  this  boy  are  remarkable.  He  is  the  elder 
of  two  children,  the  other  still  being  very  young.  The  mother 
is  an  excitable,  neurotic  individual  who  herself  has  had  occasional 
blank  periods  with  wandering.  Also  has  had  several  attacks  of 
nervous  prostration,  etc.  She  comes  from  a  family  in  which 
wandering  with  amnesia  was  common.  Her  father  was  a  very 
erratic  individual.  Two  of  her  brothers  and  one  sister  were  also 
peculiar.  One  of  the  brothers  used  to  journey  off  during  peculiar 
lapses.  Once  when  he  was  already  a  married  man  with  a  family, 
a  train  stopped  near  a  place  where  he  was  resting  and  he  suddenly 
jumped  on  and  stayed  away  for  a  month.  Another  brother  was 
always  a  wanderer,  and  served  a  term  in  some  penitentiary. 
Epilepsy  in  the  family  is  not  known,  neither  is  alcoholism.  The 
family  has  been  so  broken  up  that  about  certain  of  the  fraternity  of 
the  boy's  mother  there  is  no  record  available.  On  the  father's 
side  there  is  also  mental  peculiarity.  His  father  was  nervous 
and  eccentric  and  exceedingly  superstitious.  He  also  had  a 
brother  who  was  somewhat  peculiar. 

Whence  this  boy  derived  his  aberrational  tendencies  it  was 
easy  to  see,  although  no  ultimate  diagnosis  could  be  made,  even 
with  the  help  of  his  intelligent  family.  One  might  well  think 
of  psychic  epilepsy  and  hysteria,  or  the  wandering  as  a  peculiar 
trait  of  a  psychopathic  personality.  However  the  only  out- 
standing fact  was  that  he  very  definitely  suffered  from  a  ten- 
dency to  wander  during  periods  for  which  his  memory  was 
lost,  and  that  this  began  at  an  age  when  anything  in  the  way  of 
simulation  was  hardly  to  be  thought  of. 


§  312]  MINOR   MENTAL    ABERRATIONS  [Chap.  XXI 

Case  133.  —  Girl  14  years  old.  She  has  been  repeatedly  taken 
in  by  the  police  or  found  by  her  family  wandering  about  the 
streets  away  from  home.  On  one  occasion  she  gave  herself  up 
to  the  authorities.  Her  running  away  began  when  she  was  8 
years  old.  On  the  first  occasion  she  was  found  one  morning 
sleeping  on  a  neighbor's  porch.  There  was  no  reason  known  for 
her  going  away,  nor  could  she  ever  give  any.  Since  that  time  she 
has  been  away  dozens  of  times.  She  has  never  stolen  except 
perhaps  some  little  things  to  eat  when  she  was  away  from  home, 
but  she  has  begged  her  food  and  slept  in  hallways  even  during 
inclement  weather. 

Phj'sically  we  never  found  anything  significant  except  some- 
what defective  vision.  She  bites  her  finger  nails  much.  She  has 
a  perplexed  expression  and  rather  tired  look  about  the  eyes, 
especially  after  a  period  of  wandering.  She  complains  of  little 
attacks  in  which  things  get  dark  in  front  of  her  eyes,  especially 
in  connection  with  headaches.  Says  first  it  gets  all  light  and  then 
it  gets  all  dark  in  her  eyes,  and  then  goes  away  in  a  little  while. 
Maintains  these  attacks  come  two  or  three  times  a  week.  The 
mother  corroborates  to  the  extent  of  noticing  that  occasionally 
the  girl's  eyes  do  look  staring  and  queer  for  a  little  while,  and 
she  does  not  seem  to  be  herself.  Her  expression  changes  in  these 
moments.  The  girl  has  fainted  a  couple  of  times,  but  no  other 
attacks  are  known. 

On  the  mental  side  we  have  had  very  good  chance  to  observe 
her,  and  classify  her  as  having  fair  ability  and  normal  advan- 
tages. The  results  on  tests  it  is  not  necessary  to  recapitulate; 
there  is  nothing  especially  significant  about  them.  The  girl 
reached  5th  grade  in  spite  of  being  away  from  school  much,  and 
thinks  she  would  like  to  be  a  teacher.  We  note  that  she  is  a 
sweet,  quiet  and  shy  child  with  a  certain  amount  of  repression, 
but  still  rather  frank.  No  aberrational  tendencies  whatever 
were  found  at  any  time  by  examination,  nor  have  we  observed 
her  in  any  kind  of  attack.  We  have  many  times  talked  with 
her  about  her  running  away.  She  is  very  sad  about  her  behavior, 
and  maintains  always  that  she  does  not  know  why  she  wanders. 
Insists  she  does  not  understand  what  impulse  carries  her  away, 
and  that  she  does  not  remember  the  first  part  of  the  time  she  is 
away.  Says  she  sometimes  suddenly  comes  to  herself.  Says 
that  once  it  was  on  the  street  2  a.  m.  when  she  recovered 
herself,  and  she  was  terribly  frightened  and  sought  out  a  friend's 


Chap.  XXI]  AMNESIC    FUGUES  —  OTHER   AMNESIAS  [§  312 

house  at  once.  On  other  occasions  she  says  she  is  sort  of  con- 
fused and  hardly  knows  what  she  is  about.  She  sleeps  anywhere 
she  can  and  sometimes  is  very  cold.  Once  she  was  away  from 
home  about  a  week  and  says  she  stayed  away  so  long  because 
in  the  latter  part  of  the  time  she  was  so  ashamed  of  herself. 
Insists  there  was  no  cause  for  her  first  running  away  nor  for  her 
later  doing  so.  She  does  not  understand  what  is  the  trouble, 
and  wishes  she  could  be  cured  of  it. 

From  the  mother,  who  has  been  repeatedly  seen,  we  merely 
get  the  following  facts,  but  these  are  most  interesting.  She  has 
complained  of  headaches  often.  Mother  is  convinced  that  some 
sickness  does  seize  her  and  make  her  wander  away,  because  there 
is  absolutely  no  reason  otherwise  for  her  going;  she  is  a  good 
girl.  Ever}i;hing  at  home  is  all  right.  Heredity  is  negative  except 
for  the  very  significant  fact  that  the  father  himself,  who  lived 
in  a  small  town  in  Europe,  and  came  from  fairly  well-to-do 
parents,  used  himself  to  run  away  without  any  cause  whatever 
until  the  time  when  he  was  about  20  years  old.  They  have  dis- 
cussed this  matter  often,  and  he  is  much  ashamed  of  what  the 
girl  does.  He  thinks  it  is  just  the  sort  of  thing  he  used  to  do. 
He  would  make  off  from  home  and  sleep  anywhere.  He  says 
he  does  not  know  what  made  him  do  it,  nor  did  he  know  at  that 
time.  He  would  even  wander  for  two  or  three  weeks  until  his 
father  found  him  and  brought  him  home.  No  epilepsy,  insanity 
or  feeblemindedness  on  either  side  of  the  family,  but  most  of  their 
relatives  are  in  the  old  country  and  not  well  known.  The  mother 
herself  is  rather  a  nervous  type,  but  she  says  it  was  largely  brought 
on  by  worry  over  this  girl.  Developmental  history  is  entirely 
negative;  early  the  girl  w^as  normal  and  bright.  When  first 
seen,  the  mother  maintained  the  girl  always  ran  away  from  home 
at  the  same  time  every  month,  but  our  later  observations  did 
not  corroborate  this.  The  possible  epileptic  features  of  the  case 
are  only  known  as  given  above. 

Mentality :  Transitory  aberrations, 
probably  epileptic. 
Amnesic  fugues. 

Case  133. 
Girl,  age  12. 

Heredity :  Father  earlier  fugues. 

Delinquencies : 
Running  away. 

Mentality : 
Fair  abihty. 



The  outcome  of  this  case  forms  a  social  lesson.  Of  course  the 
girl  could  not  be  out  this  way  often  without  falling  in  with  bad 
companions.  The  bad  reputation  which  she  had  gained  in  her 
neighborhood  would  tend  to  bring  this  about.  In  spite  of  her 
family  doing  what  they  could  in  their  way,  the  girl  has  continued 
at  intervals  to  wander.  Now  at  last  she  has  been  mixed  up  in 
an  illicit  sex  affair.  This,  so  far  as  we  know,  has  not  occurred 
while  she  has  been  away  on  her  wanderings.  Her  character  has 
changed  a  good  deal  with  these  experiences,  and  it  is  interesting 
to  note  that  the  last  time  she  ran  away  she  did  so  quite  volition- 
ally  as  a  reaction  against  proposed  discipline.  She  said  herself 
that  this  was  a  definite  transgression.  Institutional  life  became 
imperative  for  her. 

§  313.    Mental  Aberration  from   Bad   Sex  Habits. 

We  have  elsewhere,  §  286,  attempted  to  make  it  very  clear 
that  over-indulgence  in  depleting  sex  habits  causes  mental  dull- 
ness, that  is,  disinclination  for  effort  and  inability  to  use  full 
mental  powers.  To  what  extent  these  bad  habits  may  cause 
aberrational  conditions  is  not  so  sure.  Earlier  writers  spoke  of 
an  insanity  of  masturbation,  and  even  Marro  (273,  p.  764) 
recently  maintains  the  same  point.  One  is  very  certain,  however, 
that  if  masturbation  ever  does  cause  insanity  it  must  be  extremely 
rarely.  With  the  development  of  better  diagnostic  methods 
of  insanity  we  shall  later  learn  more  on  this  point,  and  especially 
since  the  symptoms  resemble  those  of  dementia  precox.  We 
have  dealt  with  some  phases  of  this  subject  in  our  chapter  on 
abnormal  sexualism. 

It  is  a  common  supposition  among  the  laity,  including  police 
and  court  officials,  that  masturbation  is  the  cause  of  many  mental 
symptoms  which  lead  to  social  offense.  Judges  rightly  concede 
much  importance  to  bad  sex  habits  in  the  causation  of  delin- 
quency, but  how  far  to  ascribe  mental  symptoms  to  this  cause 
is  not  clear.  However  we  have  seen  now  not  a  few  cases  in  which 
dullness,  and  aberration  as  well,  probably  rightly  were  to  be 
ascribed  to  depleting  sex  habits  since  they  proved  thoroughly 
amenable  to  treatment  for  the  latter.  The  results  have  been 
so  striking  in  some  cases  that  I  should  strongly  urge  the  devel- 
opment of  the  very  best  methods  of  care  in  these  cases,  even 
though  this  entailed  considerable  expense.     Of  course  we  would 


Chap.  XXI]       IMENTAL  ABERRATION  FROM  BAD  SEX  IL\BITS        [§  313 

not  allege  that  all  cases  turn  out  well;  we  have  seen  poor  physical 
conditions,  mental  dullness,  erratic  behavior,  and  even  suicide 
follow  upon  continuance  of  the  habit.  The  general  aspects  and 
behavior  of  the  offender  who  is  given  to  excessive  sex  practices 
are  so  w^ell  known  that  w^e  need  not  dwell  on  the  obvious  points. 
A  single  case  and  its  outcome  will  show  characteristic  features 
and  possibilities. 

Case  134. — Boy,  16  years  old.  Physically;  tall,  well  nour- 
ished, strong  for  his  age,  but  pale  and  unhealthy-looking;  124  lbs.; 
5  ft.  5  in.;  large,  well-shaped  head;  no  sensory  defect;  sex  de- 
velopment already  of  complete  adult  type;  physiognomy  very 
peculiar,  weak  profile,  small  chin,  watery,  puffy  eyes;  very  eva- 
sive expression,  stiff  and  unresponsive.  Remarkably  untidy  for 
his  age,  in  spite  of  coming  from  a  very  decent  family;  appears 
in  knickerbockers. 

Mental  tests :  our  own  series : 

I.  1'  55".    No  trial  and  error  on  triangles. 

II.  1'  23".    4  errors. 

III.  2'  34".  22  total  moves.  6  impossibilities  tried,  and  5  repe- 
titions of  impossibilities. 

IV.  Failm-e  in  10'.  For  8'  had  been  tr^dng  interchange  of  4  pieces 
in  all  sorts  of  impossible  situations. 

V.  5'  30".  Errors  occupied  4'  40"  and  then  the  steps  were  done 
consecutively  with  one  error  between. 

VI.  Gave  a  very  slight  account  of  picture  at  free  recital,  but  added 
20  items  upon  cross-examination. 

VII.  One  of  these  figures  was  reproduced  in  absurd  forms  and  only 
correct  at  3d  trial.    The  other  correct  at  1st  trial. 

VIII.  All  correct. 

IX.  Correct  at  1st  trial. 

X.  Correct  only  at  3d  trial. 

XI.  Got  the  idea  by  himself  and  accomplished  the  task  with  only 
two  errors  — -  strange  contradiction  to  the  preceding  test. 

XII.  Very  poor  result.    Only  8  items  out  of  20  given  correctly. 

XIII.  Also  very  poor  result.  Only  6  items  out  of  12  given  cor- 

XIV.  Correct  at  2d  trial  in  34". 

XV.  Only  1  error.    Average  time  2.9". 

XVI.  73  and  78  squares  tapped  respectively  at  1st  and  2d  trials, 
with  3  errors  made  at  last  trial. 

XVII.  Writes  a  fairly  matm-e  hand  and  composes  rather  well  a 
long  letter,  but  makes  errors  in  grammar  and  spelling.  (Writes 
entirely  about  himself  and  his  own  sensations  under  various  con- 

XVIII.  Does  long  division  correctly  with  some  effort. 



XIX.  Reads  a  5th-grade  passage  correctly  except  for  some  long 
words.    Monotonous  voice. 

XXII.  Knows  the  ordinary  items  of  history  and  current  events. 
Knows  practically  nothing  about  scientific  items.  Seems  to  have 
A^ery  little  interest  in  recreations.     Has  not  played  ball  for  2  years. 

During  this  interview  with  him  we  noted  the  following  important 
features  of  his  behavior.  He  sits  abnormally  quiet,  except  for  move- 
ments of  his  face.  For  instance,  for  about  three-quarters  of  an  hour 
he  sat  quite  still  in  a  remarkably  uncomfortable  position  —  one  leg 
and  foot  were  held  inwards  and  sideways.  Facial  muscles  unusually 
active,  considerable  twitching  of  them.  He  shows  jerky  movements 
of  the  eyes,  and  moves  his  nose  somewhat,  and  even  his  mouth.  Draws 
the  latter  down  in  various  peculiar  positions.  Gaze  always  averted; 
never  smiles;  hair  is  long  and  is  blown  over  his  eyes.  He  never  pushes 
it  back,  but  attempts  to  get  it  out  of  the  way  by  tossing  his  head. 
In  his  deep  voice  he  drawls  his  words  in  sleepy  fashion.  He  never 
vouchsafes  any  information,  although  he  may  add  a  little  to  what 
is  asked.  Although  such  a  big  fellow  he  cries  a  little,  but  for  the  most 
part  is  apathetic.  As  observed  under  detention  in  the  school-room 
one  morning  he  refused  to  do  any  work  at  all,  but  sat  quietly.  In  the 
afternoon  when  he  was  threatened  with  no  dinner  he  did  get  to  work. 

"  I  don't  want  to  work.  There  ain't  no  reason  why  I  should  n't. 
I  'm  not  sick.  There  's  nothing  the  matter  with  me.  I  just  don't 
w^ant  to.  Don't  feel  like  it.  It's  too  hard.  No,  I  never  tried  it. 
I  tried  chopping  wood  at  the  house.  That  was  too  hard.  My 
father's  mouth  is  too  large.  He  scolds.  No,  I  don't  play  no 
games.  I  don't  get  to  go  out.  I  have  n't  been  out  for  about  a 
year.  Used  to  like  ball  all  right,  but  not  any  more.  No,  can't 
swdm.  I  don't  want  to,  I  tell  you.  That 's  all.  I  don't  like  to 
play.  Sure,  I  want  to  go  home.  I  don't  know  that  I  would  w-ork. 
You  can't  do  nothing  for  me.  Don't  want  nothing  done.  At 
home  I  just  sit  around  —  sit  quiet  —  I  don't  do  anything.  No, 
I  don't  read.  I  feel  all  right.  I  lay  awake  sometimes.  I  'm  not 
happy — I  'm  not  sad — I  'm  not  nothing.  I  get  sore  at  my  father. 
He  scolds.  I  had  a  fight  with  my  sisters.  I  never  speak  to  them. 
Have  not  spoken  to  them  for  about  2  years.  Oh,  it  was  about 
something  —  I  forget.  I  don't  know  what 's  going  to  happen. 
Sure,  I  was  arrested  before.  Quit  school  at  14.  Have  not  worked 
at  all.  No,  no  friends.  Coffee  about  12  cups  a  day,  I  guess.  I 
don't  feel  like  working.  My  sisters  work.  I  don't  talk  to  them. 
Never  go  to  the  parks.  No  headaches.  There  's  nothing  the 
matter  with  me." 

This  very  curious  fellow  earlier  was  sent  to  an  institution  on 
account  of  truancy.    Since  he  left  school  at  14  he  has  done  no 



work.  Has  occasionally  been  quarrelsome  at  home,  but  for 
the  most  part  simply  wants  his  own  way  and  to  be  quiet.  His 
father  has  not  even  been  able  to  get  him  down  town  within  the 
last  year  to  buy  a  suit  of  clothes.  He  is  now  brought  in  by  his 
parents  on  account  of  his  general  recalcitrant  behavior.  His 
mother  maintains  he  is  not  right  in  his  head,  and  wants  him  sent 
to  an  insane  asylum.  Parents  deny  any  insanity,  feebleminded- 
ness or  epilepsy  in  either  family.  The  mother  is  a  nervous  and 
irrational  woman,  but  both  she  and  her  husband  are  well  inten- 
tioned.  This  boy  is  the  youngest  of  four  children.  Two  others 
are  alive  and  doing  well.  There  has  been  no  trouble  whatever 
at  any  point  of  this  boy's  developmental  period.  He  walked 
and  talked  early.  Never  been  very  sick  in  his  entire  life.  It  is 
true,  as  he  says,  that  he  drinks  at  least  10  or  more  cups  of  coffee 
a  day.  He  sits  quietly  about  the  house  and  sometimes  does  not 
speak  for  a  long  time.  After  a  time,  the  boy  went  fully  into  the 
question  of  his  habits  with  us.  He  shows  no  signs  of  worrying 
particularly  about  them,  nor  did  he  seem  to  have  much  concep- 
tion that  he  was  suffering  from  indulgence  in  them.  No  sensi- 
tiveness in  this  matter.  He  told  us  he  had  learned  masturbation 
when  he  was  about  9  or  10,  and  had  practiced  it  very  frequently 
since  —  at  times  more  than  once  a  day.  It  came  out  that  the 
father  knew  something  of  this,  but  not  that  the  case  was  so 

The  tentative  diagnosis  was  made  that  perhaps  the  aberrational 
tendency  might  be  due  to  these  excessive  habits,  and  the  boy 
was  sent  to  a  certain  institution  for  delinquents  where  he  could 
have  very  close  watching  in  this  regard.  He  showed  steadily 
great  improvement,  and  was  released  after  a  few  months.  Since 
then  he  has  been  completely  changed  in  behavior.  For  more 
than  2  years  he  has  had  a  completely  good  record,  has  been  work- 
ing steadily,  and  turning  in  his  money  properly  at  home. 

§  314.   Hysterical  Mental  Aberrations. 

The  term  hysteria  represents  an  abnormal  condition  of  the 
nervous  system  which  is  evidenced  by  the  most  numerous  and 
variable  signs  and  symptoms  of  mind  and  body  that  are  to  be 
found  in  any  disease.  It  would  be  hopeless  here  to  attempt  even 
a  review  of  the  findings  in  their  various  "  complexes."  For- 
tunately, since  the  individuals  suffering  from  it  are  particularly 



hard  to  handle  and  difficult  for  the  laity  to  understand,  this 
ailment  has  little  connection  with  the  major  forms  of  delin- 
quency. The  bodily  signs  of  this  psycho-neurosis  run  all  the 
way  from  epileptoid  convulsions  and  periods  of  actual  blindness 
to  perhaps  a  loss  of  feeling  in  hand  or  arm.  The  mental  sjTnp- 
toms  run  through  a  long  category.^  The  etiology  of  this  con- 
dition we  also  cannot  enter  into  for  this  involves  many  phases 
of  technical  discussion. 

Certain  manifestations  of  hysteria  are  very  well  known  and 
easily  recognized.  It  is  not  generally  realized  that  hysteria  exists 
in  forms  where  the  individual  does  not  have  attacks  of  excitement. 
The  general  impression  that  it  exists  only  in  females  is  incorrect, 
although  it  is  much  rarer  among  males.  The  hysterical  indi- 
vidual is  correctly  conceived  as  being  an  individual  who  is  often 
more  or  less  of  a  simulator,  and  who  does  not  carry  through  delin- 
quent actions  which  demand  considerable  exercise  of  will  power. 
It  is  a  fact  that  such  persons  are  threateners  rather  than  doers, 
but  yet  occasionally  their  mental  condition  does  lead  them  much 
farther  than  mere  intentions.  Going  over  the  cases  of  our  hyster- 
ical offenders  we  note  that  they  are  guilty  of  the  following  offenses : 
false  accusations  and  other  excessive  lying,  threatening  suicide, 
running  away,  vagrancy,  begging  and  obtaining  money  by  other 
false  pretensions,  petty  stealing,  notorious  obscenity  and  the 
more  passive  sex  offenses.  As  our  statistics  show,  §  92,  numeric- 
ally hysteria  does  not  play  a  very  large  part  in  producing  delin- 
quency. Fully  realizing  the  impossibility  of  covering  the  varie- 
ties of  hysteria,  about  which  many  volumes  have  been  written, 
nevertheless  giving  a  short  summary  of  a  typical  case  that 
has  been  amply  studied,  socially  and  psychologically,  seems 

Case  135.  —  Girl  of  18.  This  girl  and  her  family  have  given 
a  great  deal  of  trouble  to  a  number  of  worthy  people  who  have 
attempted  to  help  them  out  of  their  unfortunate  circumstances. 
They  have  always  been  most  solicitous  about  receiving  aid  in  many 
ways,  but  no  one  has  even  been  able  to  get  them  upon  a  stable 
footing.  Several  factors  enter  into  the  family  condition,  not  the 
least  of  which  is  defective  heredity.  They  are  immigrants  and  a 
thorough  knowledge  of  their  antecedents  is  not  to  be  had,  but 

1  The  student  of  the  mental  signs  of  hysteria  can  best  be  referred  to  the 
volume  by  Janet  (197)  on  the  subject.  There  the  multitudinous  forms  of  the 
mental  manifestations  are  clearly  set  forth. 



some  facts  are  very  well  known.  The  father  was  a  steady  worker. 
The  mother  was  a  mental  border-Hne  case,  a  semi-responsible 
individual  of  mental  capacity  in  some  ways,  but  said  by  some 
specialists  to  be  really  insane.  Other  competent  observers  have 
maintained  she  was  merely  an  excessive  case  of  hysteria.  After 
the  father  died  the  family  suffered  much  from  poverty  although 
there  were  certain  funds  always  at  their  disposal  and  they  had  a 
little  property.  The  family  environment  was  defective,  so  far 
as  our  patient  was  concerned,  through  poverty,  the  mother's 
erratic  control  and  irrational  bickering  and  complaining,  early 
illicit  sex  knowledge  acquired  in  the  home,  and  the  existence 
of  an  hysterical  and  quarrelsome  sister.  Her  delinquencies  have 
consisted  in  excessive  lying,  obtaining  help  by  misrepresentations, 
failure  to  hold  good  positions  which  have  been  given  her,  begging, 
and  petty  stealing. 

Physically  we  first  found  this  girl  in  poor  general  condition. 
She  was  undernourished  and  anemic.  Weak  type  of  face,  small 
mouth  held  in  a  queer  compressed  fashion.  She  laughed  often  in 
a  foolish  fashion,  and  did  not  directly  answer  a  question.  (All 
these  conditions,  as  treatment  has  been  carried  out,  have  vastly 
improved.)  No  special  sense  defect  noted.  Menstruation 
appeared  normally  and  is  regular.  All  other  examination  nega- 
tive except  palatal  reflex  minus,  sensation  of  pain  in  the  arms 
distinctly  diminished.  Complaint  of  numbness  in  the  fingers, 
and  of  peculiar  headaches  when  it  hurts  her  to  comb  her  hair. 
Distinct  dermographism. 

On  the  mental  side  it  was  easy  to  grade  her.  She  was  ordinary 
in  ability,  considering  her  advantages.  Except  for  her  showing 
poor  psychomotor  control  on  our  tapping  test,  all  of  her  perform- 
ances were  intelligent  and  quite  satisfactory.  The  results  were 
so  uniform  there  is  no  need  of  giving  them  in  detail.  (Often 
hystericals  give  very  irregular  results.)  She  had  passed  6th 
grade  in  school. 

Much  more  important  than  the  results  of  tests  was  the  dis- 
covery of  her  peculiar  mental  attitude.  She  displayed  much  indig- 
nation against  the  world,  and  tried  to  explain  away  her  delin- 
quencies. Later  she  was  somewhat  affected  by  recounting  her 
offenses,  but  showed  no  particular  concern  for  what  she  had 
done.  She  became  very  friendly,  but  from  time  to  time  showed 
herself  extremely  unreliable,  even  under  the  better  circumstances 
to  which  she  was  introduced.    Her  main  source  of  worry  and  men- 



tal  conflict  proved  to  be  about  sex  affairs,  and  she  said  she  desired 
to  be  cured  of  bad  sex  habits  which  had  been  somewhat  indulged 
in  since  she  was  a  child  of  4  or  5  years.  At  times  she  was  obsessed 
by  day-dreams  about  these  affairs,  and  at  night  her  dreams 
were  fairly  saturated  with  representations  of  sex  matters  which 
were  vivid  almost  to  the  point  of  hallucination. 

This  girl  has  been  most  intelligently  handled,  and  her  progress 
during  a  couple  of  years  has  been  steadily  upward.  Whereas 
she  used  to  give  way  to  attacks  of  excitement  with  crying  and 
perhaps  wringing  of  hands,  and  to  times  of  religious  fervor,  periods 
of  total  moral  unreliability,  times  of  muteness  and  strange  fits 
of  giggling  and  laughing,  she  now  is  a  fair  worker,  is  much  more 
content  and  her  facial  expression  is  greatly  changed  for  the  better. 
Her  friends  have  helped  her  to  overcome  her  sex  habit  and  she 
has  stopped  excessive  drinking  of  tea  to  which  she  was  prone 

Mentality:  Aberrational.    Hysteria.  Case  135. 

Mental  conflict  —  about  sex,  with  repres-         ^^^^'  ^^^  ^^' 
sions.      Obsessional 
thought  and  dreams. 


Heredity:  Mother  semi-responsible. 

Home  conditions:  Neglect,  poverty, 

Physical  conditions:  Poor  nourish- 
ment, etc. 

Lying  +.     ' 

Unreh  ability.  Mental: 

Begging.  Ordinary  in  ability. 
Petty  stealing.  Hysterical. 

The  treatment  of  hysterical  offenders  is  only  properly  to  be 
carried  out  under  the  auspices  of  a  neurologist  who  will  attempt 
to  get  at  what  there  may  be  in  the  physical  and  mental  background 
of  the  case.  It  is  undoubtedly  a  fact  that  many  cases  of  hysteria 
in  girls  are  straightened  out  under  conditions  of  regular  living, 
but  the  exaggerated  cases  need  thorough  investigation  and  treat- 
ment of  the  kind  which  is  undertaken  in  special  private  practice. 



§  315.    Transitory  Mental  Aberrations. 

Of  the  existence  of  transitory  mental  aberrations  there  is  no 
more  doubt  than  there  is  of  the  fact  that  the  mind  of  any  normal 
person  is  not  consciously  controlled  at  some  moments.  Indeed, 
many  of  the  most  stable  people  can  recall  short  periods  when  they 
themselves  behaved  in  some  fashion  quite  out  of  accord  with  their 
general  character.  Of  course,  the  transitory  aberrations  which 
are  of  importance  as  producing  delinquency  occur  in  individuals 
whom  by  temperament  we  should  expect  to  be  upset  by  stress. 
There  is  no  need  here  illustrating  the  general  fact,  for  under  our 
headings  of  epilepsy,  hysteria,  amnesia,  menstrual  aberration, 
adolescent  conditions,  etc.,  etc.,  there  are  numerous  instances 
given  of  these  transitory  phenomena.  The  bearing  which  the 
adventitious  circumstances  of  worry,  poverty,  sorrow,  and  hard- 
ship may  have  in  producing  the  aberration  in  predisposed  indi- 
viduals stands  out  clearly.  Zingerle  (40)  in  his  study  of  the  sub- 
ject brings  this  out  clearly.  He  shows,  for  instance,  (p.  4)  in  a 
case  that  we  could  hardly  parallel  in  this  country,  how  hunger 
and  sorrow  unbalanced  a  father  to  the  extent  of  rendering  him  a 
murderer  of  his  beloved  children. 

The  student  of  a  case  of  transitory  aberration  will  do  well 
never  to  omit  thorough  consideration  of  the  influence  of  alcohol 
or  habit-forming  drugs.  In  habitues  transitory  pathological 
mental  states  are  often  observed  quite  apart  from  the  moment 
of  actual  intoxication.  Of  course  such  effects  are  seen  more  often 
in  the  psychopathically  predisposed.  Everybody  sees  the  dan- 
ger which  exists,  under  our  present  methods  of  deciding  cases 
according  to  the  theory  of  responsibility,  in  giving  too  much 
chance  for  the  plea  of  transitory  aberration.  But  that  does  not 
militate  against  the  fact  of  its  existence,  one  of  the  best  proofs  of 
which  is  that  deeds  are  enacted  which  are  totally  at  variance  with 
the  desires  and  impulses  of  the  individual  in  his  normal  state. 
There  may  be  other  criteria,  but  this  is  a  feature  of  the  miscon- 
duct which  frequently  obtains. 

Those  who  examine  offenders  shortly  after  arrest  must  not 
forget  the  possibility  of  the  existence  of  a  mental  condition 
dependent  upon  the  incrimination  and  arrest  itself.  We  have 
seen  cases  in  which  we  felt  it  unsafe  to  pass  judgment  upon  the 
mental  condition  for  the  time  being,  because  of  the  possibility 



of  the  above  factor.  Generally,  the  mental  states  which  super- 
vene partake  of  the  nature  of  depression,  dullness,  apathy,  immo- 
bility, and  even  negativism.  Sommer  (163)  in  his  work  on  crim- 
inal psychology  devotes  a  chapter  to  the  subject.  Risch  (374) 
gives  a  clear  presentation  of  this  group  of  cases,  and  calls  atten- 
tion to  the  fact  that  the  psychogenetic  states  which  may  occur  as 
the  result  of  arrest  are  often  regarded  as  simulation  by  the  laity 
and  as  dementia  precox  by  the  specialist.  Of  course  with  the 
passage  of  time  the  diagnosis  is  cleared  up,  but  the  existence  of 
such  conditions  shows  the  danger  of  rapidly  passing  judgment 
for  court  purposes. 



Minor  Mental  Aberrations  —  Concluded 

Adolescent  Mental  Aberrations.  §  316.  Diagnostic  Considerations.  §  317. 
Illustrative  Cases.  §  318.  Varieties  of  the  Tjqae.  §  319.  Treatment. 
Psychoses  from  Alcohol.  §  320.  Nature  of  Alcoholic  Psychoses.  §321. 
Alcoholism  and  Criminality.  §  322.  Treatment  under  the  Law.  §  323. 
Psychoses  of  Chronic  Alcoholism.  §  324.  Acute  Alcoholic  Psychoses. 
§  325.  Alcoholic  Psychoses  in  Adolescents.  Psychoses  from.  Drugs. 
§  326.  Psychoses  from  Morphine.  §  327.  Psychoses  from  Cocaine.  §  328. 
Psychoses  from  Other  Drugs.   §  329.  Other  Minor  Mental  Aberrations. 


§  316.  Diagnostic  Considerations.  —  In  treating  the  subject 
of  minor  mental  aberrations  which  arise  during  adolescence 
as  distinguished,  on  the  one  hand,  from  the  actual  insanities, 
and,  on  the  other  hand,  from  the  normal  impulsions  and  pecul- 
iarities of  this  period,  we  may  be  at  times  on  ground  difficult 
to  maintain.  But  in  some  cases  the  point  stands  out  very  clearly 
that  there  is  at  this  period  an  abnormal  lack  of  balance  which 
does  not  develop  into  any  typical  psychosis.  We  have  seen 
numerous  cases  that  prove  this  point,  and  which  confirm  what 
we  say  in  discussion  of  adolescence  in  general  (§  336),  namely, 
that  mental  traits  during  their  awakening  at  this  epoch  may  very 
readily  pass  over  into  abnormality. 

The  very  nature  of  many  of  these  nascent  characteristics, 
egotism,  self-assertion,  jealousy,  psychic  hypersesthesia,  feelings 
of  physical  exaltation,  and  so  on,  directly  suggests  lack  of  balance. 
The  quite  normal  development  of  this  period  includes  increase 
in  the  power  of  self-control,  reasoning,  and  development  of  ideals, 
but  these  latter  inhibitory  forces  may  come  late  for  the  purposes 
of  good  mental  balance  and  morality.  Marro  (273)  classifies 
mental  troubles  of  adolescence  as  those  (a)  to  which  the  individ- 
ual has  a  predisposition,  and  which  merely  find  in  pubertal 
stress  a  directly  inciting  cause;  (6)  mental  troubles  which  are  by 
their  nature  allied  with  the  evolutionary  conditions  of  puberty; 
(c)  mental  troubles  which  are  due  to  imperfect  evolution  at 
puberty.  Whether  his  divisions  hold  or  not,  at  least  these  the- 
ories place  the  causations  of  abnormal  conditions  at  this  period 
clearly  before  us. 



Many  authors  unite  in  the  statement  that  it  is  at  puberty 
when  the  instinctive  and  moral  traits  give  most  trouble  in 
individuals  of  the  degenerate  or  inferior  type.  Their  powers 
of  self-control  are  innately  too  weak  to  stand  the  new 
demands  made  upon  them.  It  is  often  also  said  that  at 
puberty  the  individual  first  shows  marked  evidence  of  being 
mentally  the  offspring  of  his  ancestors.  That  is,  certain  hered- 
itary mental  traits  first  tend  to  show  themselves  at  that 

There  are  very  few  cases  of  insanity  among  young  children. 
Even  by  pubescence  cases  of  psychoses  are  numerically  unim- 
portant. When  they  do  occur  then,  as  Clouston  (280)  well  says, 
there  is  an  accompanying  preponderance  of  nervous  troubles, 
showing  lack  of  psychomotor  control.  The  duration  of  the  trouble 
is  short,  although  there  may  be  remissions.  But  farther  along 
in  adolescence  the  mental  ailment  stands  more  by  itself,  and  more 
often  shows  typical  sjonptoms  belonging  to  the  psychoses.  Even 
when  there  is  not  the  development  of  an  actual  insanity  there 
may  be  a  tendency  to  maniacal  s^Tuptoms  —  this  is  seen  much 
more  often  than  melancholia  —  and  there  may  be  religious  or 
erotic  preoccupation. 

As  we  have  noted  our  cases  we  should  say.  that  the  most  char- 
acteristic s^Tuptom  of  those  who  showed  temporary  aberrational 
troubles  in  adolescence  was  that  of  extreme  incalculability,  general 
mental  incoherence.  The  individual  frequently  seems  to  be  so 
played  upon  by  varying  internal  impulses  and  environmental 
influences  that  conduct  becomes  utterly  irrational.  It  would  be 
impossible  to  say  that  the  behavior  reactions  fall  at  all  within 
the  broad  lines  of  any  typical  psychosis.  Any  one  of  the  new 
characteristics,  or  visionary  scheming,  or  irregularity  of  temper, 
peculiar  aversions,  the  general  unsettled  feelings,  the  reckless- 
ness, may  be  expressed  with  enough  force  to  be  reckoned  a  defi- 
nite mental  aberration. 

A  large  number  of  the  cases  gradually  develop  the  ability  to 
normally  adjust  themselves.  Rarely  under  some  great  stimulus 
there  may  be  a  sudden  growth  of  will  power  that  overcomes  the 
tendency  to  erraticism.  Altogether,  the  psychiatrist  would  find 
much  difficulty  in  placing  these  cases  anywhere  in  his  categories, 
as  named  by  types  of  behavior.  That  so  little  attention  is  paid 
in  works  on  mental  troubles  to  this  class  can  only  be  due  to  the 
fact  that  nearly  all  books  have  been  written  by  men  who  have 


Chap.  XXII]         CASES    OF   ADOLESCENT    ABERRATION  [§  317 

relied  mostly  on  institutional  experience.^  To  be  sure  these 
individuals  give  considerable  trouble,  but  frequently  they  are 
regarded  simply  as  social  offenders,  and  do  not  receive  profes- 
sional attention.  We  venture  to  say  that  some  new  chapters 
in  text  books  would  be  written  if  the  authors  sought  extensive 
experience  in  juvenile  court  work,  or  in  institutions  for  young 

A  strong,  complicating  feature  of  many  adolescent  mental 
aberrations  is  found  in  the  debilitating  mental  and  physical 
effects  of  bad  sex  habits,  particularly  masturbation.  Such  over- 
stimulation of  the  nervous  system  at  this  period  of  hyperirrita- 
bility,  greatly  predisposes  to  general  erratic  conduct.  As  seen 
among  young  offenders  there  is  no  other  cause  of  these  tempo- 
rary mental  aberrations  at  all  equal  to  this.  The  common-sense 
observations  on  the  subject  by  many  judges  and  other  court 
oflBcials  are  true  to  the  facts.  We  discuss  this  more  properly 
elsewhere,  §  245,  §  313. 

The  difficulty  in  differential  diagnosis  of  the  minor  mental 
troubles  of  adolescence  is  often  very  great.  It  is  often  impossible 
to  give  any  specific  name  to  the  type  of  trouble.  When  it  comes 
to  the  question  of  prognosis,  the  matter  tends  to  be  a  little  clearer. 
If  the  disturbances  are  grafted  upon  a  basis  of  mental  subnormal- 
it}'  or  markedly  defective  hereditary  traits,  then,  of  course,  the 
outlook  is  comparatively  poor.  One  need  not  be  nearly  so  pessi- 
mistic about  the  outlook  as  in  general  psychiatric  practice,  for 
the  unexpected  often  happens  in  the  way  of  cures.  Our  case 
histories  well  illustrate  many  of  the  above  points.  In  reading 
them  it  should  be  remembered  that  these  are  not  the  histories  of 
adolescents  who  could  definitely  be  considered  insane  to  the 
extent  that  they  need  to  be  sent  to  a  hospital  for  the  insane,  or 
that  they  need  be  taken  before  a  court  to  have  the  fact  of  their 
irresponsibility  determined.  They  belong  between  the  insane 
and  those  who  are  showing  only  normal  adolescent  phenomena. 
So  far  as  their  acts  are  concerned,  these  are  not  under  the  sway 
of  normal  powers  of  self-control,  and  that  is  the  fact  of  vital 
importance  for  us  here. 

§  317.    Illustrative    Cases.     Case    136.  —  A  young  man  of   19 

we  have  had  under  observation  for  about  4  years.     Earlier  he 

^  Statistical  data,  even  on  insanity  among  adolescent  criminals  as  given  by 
North  (281),  is  worth  little  for  us  because  they  represent  the  findings  on  cases 
that  have  been  actually  found  insane  by  courts,  or  deal  with  the  well-known 
forms  of  chronic  insanity  which  happen  largely  to  begin  during  adolescence. 



was  repeatedly  in  trouble  with  the  court,  and  it  was  on  account 
of  his  extensive  offenses  that  he  was  first  called  to  our  attention. 
He  had  often  stolen,  associated  with  thieving  companions,  and 
run  away  from  home.  At  times  he  led  the  life  of  a  typical  thief, 
running  down  alleys,  sleeping  out  anywhere.  So  far  as  known 
he  never  stole  alone,  it  was  always  with  other  boys.  At  school 
he  was  somewhat  of  a  truant,  lazy  and  inattentive.  Although 
he  was  given  good  chances  at  boys'  clubs  and  the  like,  he  was 
always  extremely  changeable,  first  into  one  trouble  and  then 
another.  He  broke  open  a  cash  register,  stole  a  handbag  from  a 
woman,  was  arrested  with  other  boys  in  the  middle  of  the  night 
while  looting  a  shop,'  and  twice  was  committed  to  semi-penal 

The  boy  was  born  in  this  country  from  immigrant  parents 
who  are  on  the  upgrade  financially  and  socially.  The  mother  is 
a  very  intelligent  woman  for  her  class  and  much  concerned  about 
the  boy.  From  her  and  others  we  probably  get  very  reliable  infor- 
mation. He  is  the  fifth  of  8  children.  None  dead  and  no  mis- 
carriages. The  other  children  have  done  very  well  indeed  in 
school  and  in  business  life.  We  hear  that  there  is  no  insanity, 
feeblemindedness  or  epilepsy  in  either  family.  Developmental 
history  was  practically  negative.  Pregnancy  said  to  have  been 
normal,  and  birth  all  right.  Walked  and  talked  early,  and  never 
been  severely  ill.  Has  received  intelligent  care.  Tonsils  out  at 
12  years.  It  is  of  much  interest  to  learn  that  up  to  within  a  few 
months  of  the  time  we  first  saw  him  at  15  this  boy  had  not  grown 
at  all  for  years. 

He  only  reached  the  6th  grade  at  the  time  he  was  14,  but  this 
was  on  account  of  shifting  about  in  schools,  and  less  perhaps 
because  of  his  truancy.  He  began  work  at  14  and  held  a  number 
of  jobs  for  very  short  times.  The  longest  period  was  2  1-2  months 
as  a  telegraph  messenger,  until  he  grew  mentally  steadier  at  17 

On  the  physical  side  we  found  him  when  first  seen  to  be  a  very 
well  developed  and  nourished  lad.  He  was  then  15  1-2  years. 
Weight  108  lbs.;  height  5  ft.  1  3-4 in.  No  sensory  defects  noted. 
Signs  of  premature  sex  development.  Voice  already  changed, 
mustache  appearing.  Fairly  large  head  —  54.7  cm.  circumfer- 
ence; 19  cm.  length;  15  cm.  width.  Physiognomy  somewhat 
peculiar,  more  on  account  of  habitual  expression  than  any  abnor- 
mality of  features.     Restless  facial  movements.     Lips  twisted 


Chap.  XXII]         CASES    OF   ADOLESCENT    ABERRATION  [§317 

about  much.  ]Most  definite,  perhaps,  is  a  peculiar  quizzical  look, 
which  many  observers  have  noted. 

In  the  mental  examination  it  soon  became  evident  that  he 
was  up  to  the  ordinary  in  ability  and  information,  and  that 
his  peculiarities  did  not  show  in  the  tests.  But  in  the  accounts 
and  our  observations  of  his  conduct,  and  in  his  own  stories  about 
himself,  complete  proof  of  aberrational  tendencies  was  obtained. 

Results  on  mental  tests  are  as  follows: 

Our  own  series: 

I.  1'  20".    Very  little  trial  and  error,  even  on  the  triangles. 

II.  56".    No  errors. 

III.  Construction  Test  A.    1'  15".    No  repetition  of  impossibilities. 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.  3'  14".  Done  by  method  of  reasonable 
trial  and  error.    (This  was  done  before  our  present  method  of  scoring.) 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  2'  50".  Steps  followed  out  in  logical  order,  with 
good  perceptions. 

VI.  "Aussage."  Enumerative  account,  very  good  in  detail.  No 
suggestions  accepted. 

VII.  Reproduction  of  Geometrical  Figures.    Correct  at  1st  trial. 

VIII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Symbol  Associations.    All  correctly  done. 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.    Correct  at  1st  trial. 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.    Correct  at  1st  trial. 

XI.  Code  Test.    Done  promptly  and  without  error. 

XV.  Antonyms.  All  words  given  correctly  and  rapidly.  (Time 
not  scored  as  later.) 

XVI.  Motor  Coordination  Test.  Exceedingly  good  result.  112 
and  113  squares  tapped  respectively  at  1st  and  2d  trials,  with  only 
one  error  on  1st  trial. 

XVII.  Writes  a  rapid  and  fairly  mature  hand. 

XVIII.  Does  long  division  correctly,  but  not  fractions. 

XIX.  Reads  difficult  pieces  of  poetry  fairly  fluently. 

XX.  Plays  a  foresighted  game  of  checkers. 

XXII.  Used  to  read  the  usual  boys'  books  as  taken  from  the 
library.  Knows  the  ordinary  items  of  history  and  geography,  but 
very  httle  about  scientific  things.  Goes  to  nickel  shows  practically 
every  night. 

From  a  number  of  people  who  have  been  interested  in  this  boy 
we  hear  of  his  peculiar  actions.  Various  observations  run  as 
follows.  The  report  from  school  was  that  he  was  very  clownish, 
lazy  and  inattentive.  With  one  teacher  whom  he  especially 
liked  he  did  well  for  about  6  months,  otherwise  was  troublesome. 
Many  measures  have  been  tried  by  his  mother  and  others,  but 
he  did  not  respond.  Cannot  be  interested  in  lectures,  or  in  other 
subjects  of  boyish  interest.    One  person  said  he  was  not  able  to 



hold  a  job  for  longer  than  a  week  because  he  could  not  concen- 
trate his  mind.  One  observer  who  had  long  known  him,  said  he 
was  a  most  peculiar  boy.  Had  visions  about  what  he  was  going 
to  do,  and  was  always  changing  from  one  thing  to  the  other. 
Notwithstanding  his  delinquent  tendencies,  he  really  was  a  timid 
fellow,  easily  frightened.  We  note  that  he  is  very  silly  in  his 
talk  and  actions.    At  15  he  appears  as  a  large  child,  not  manly. 

Among  the  boys  he  was  regarded  as  peculiar,  and  spoken  of  as 
"  Crazy  Jim."  A  relative,  who  could  give  him  a  place  to  work, 
will  not  have  him  on  account  of  his  foolishness.  He  answers 
quickly  and  pertly.  Tries  to  be  smart  in  a  shallow  way  in  what- 
ever is  said  or  done  by  him.  Laughs  foolishly  in  one's  face.  One 
teacher,  who  had  had  much  experience  with  boys,  said  she  could 
do  nothing  with  him  because  he  answered  so  foolishly.  On  one 
occasion  when  under  detention  he  told  an  attendant  he  wanted 
to  go  to  an  insane  hospital,  and  suddenly  drew  from  his  pocket 
a  clipping  from  a  newspaper  which  in  large  letters  had  the  name 
of  the  hospital  on  it.  Altogether  a  number  of  lay  observers  were 
in  accord  that  this  boy  was  irrational  and  probably  insane. 

We  have  seen  him  very  repeatedly  over  a  number  of  years, 
and  intimately  known  his  development,  and  his  own  account  of 
himself  at  intervals  has  been  of  great  interest.  He  has  always 
been  on  friendly  terms  with  us  and  told  his  story  directly  and 
cogently.  Perhaps  at  first  when  he  was  heavily  involved  in 
delinquency,  he  lied  somewhat,  but  never  very  much.  We  have 
watched  his  evolution  into  a  completely  self-controlled  individ- 
ual.    His  story,  as  told  at  first,  ran  as  follows: 

"  I  'm  all  right,  except  my  nose  which  sometimes  gets  stopped 
up.  Was  sent  out  for  3  1-2  months  this  last  year.  Had  been 
stealing.  The  trouble  was  I  ran  around  with  so  much  bad  com- 
pany. Ran  around  with  them  so  much  it  was  hard  to  keep  away 
from  them.  This  last  trouble  happened  on  a  Sunday.  Me  and 
that  other  little  kid  was  down  on  the  lake  front.  We  went  past 
a  fruit  stand  where  there  was  a  cash  register.  We  began  looking 
at  it,  and  talking  about  opening  it.  He  went  over,  and  I  heard  a 
ring,  and  I  got  scared,  and  ran  up  an  alley.  The  man  caught 
the  little  kid,  and  found  65  cents  on  him.  That  was  my  own 
money.  Father  gave  it  to  me.  I  had  on  my  old  clothes  and  the 
pockets  were  full  of  holes,  and  I  gave  it  to  him  to  keep.  I  went 
home  and  the  detective  followed  me,  I  seen  him  and  ran  out 
in  the  alley.    I  went  down  to  the  boy's  house  to  see  what  was 


Chap.  XXII]         CASES    OF   ADOLESCENT   ABERRATION  [§  317 

the  matter,  and  a  kid  told  me  he  was  arrested.  I  told  hhn  I  had 
run  away  from  home,  and  had  no  place  to  sleep.  He  gave  me 
some  carpet  to  sleep  on  in  his  back  yard.  The  man  said  there  was 
$8  missing.  My  mother  went  and  paid  $4  to  him.  She  did  not 
want  to  have  any  trouble.  The  judge  said  I  ran  away,  and  left 
the  little  boy  to  his  fate.  Before  that  I  used  to  go  around  with 
another  fellow  that  stole.  When  I  was  about  8  years  old  a  kid 
learned  me  to  go  down  town  and  steal.  He  used  to  take  me 
around.  I  never  stole  alone,  always  with  kids.  I  get  frightened 
if  alone." 

"  Down  there  at  S.  where  I  was  for  a  week  it  is  mostly  iron 
works.  No  good  kids  down  there.  About  the  only  thing  they  do 
is  to  play  cards  out  in  a  lot  and  drink.  I  was  out  with  them  and 
they  kept  saying,  '  Now  you  drink,'  and  passed  around  a  pail.  I 
am  not  used  to  it  and  so  I  got  drunk.  That 's  the  first  time  I  was 
ever  that  way.  My  father  gave  me  some  spending  money  down 
there,  and  I  took  it  and  bought  a  rifle,  and  a  kid  took  it  and  kept 
it.  I  did  not  want  my  father  to  know  I  had  it.  The  next  morn- 
ing the  kid  would  not  give  it  back  to  me." 

"  The  trouble  with  me  is  I  do  too  much  thinking.  Maybe  I 
begin  work  and  then  I  get  to  thinking,  and  I  start  to  work  again, 
and  don't  seem  to  know  what  I  am  doing.  Maybe  I  'm  reading 
about  something,  and  then  I  get  to  thinking,  and  put  the  book 
aside,  and  then  start  reading  again.  Sometimes  I  think  about  boys 
and  sometimes  about  girls,  and  sometimes  about  other  things. 
Sometimes  it  comes  like  a  picture  in  my  mind.  No,  I  don't  remem- 
ber my  dreams.  In  the  daytime  I  'm  thinking  I  'm  doing  things, 
or  maybe  taking  things,  and  getting  caught,  or  maybe  not  getting 
caught,  or  maybe  I  'm  fighting  and  all  like  that.  Then  comes 
the  capture  and  a  lot  of  robbers  and  all  strange  things  like  that. 
It  comes  many  a  time  like  that  in  my  mind.  I  get  to  reading, 
and  get  to  thinking,  and  I  don't  know  what  I  'm  reading  about, 
and  have  to  read  it  all  over." 

At  a  later  time  he  gave  the  following  account  of  himself :  "  Been 
many  places  to  work  lately.  I  quit  or  was  fired.  Was  arrested 
for  disorderly  conduct.  Was  out  on.  the  street  throwing  matches 
lighted  into  the  air.  I  thought  it  was  fun  to  throw  them  up,  and 
the  copper  arrested  me  for  nothing.  I  took  the  matches  out  of 
a  saloon,  and  the  copper  took  me  in,  and  the  fellow  said  I  was 
trying  to  steal  cigars.  Well,  I  don't  know  what  is  the  matter. 
I  think  myself  it  is  something  like  that  I  am  not  right.    Guess  I 



am  kind  of  luny.  I  would  not  like  a  farm.  It  is  too  quiet.  I 
throw  money  away  foolish,  out  to  the  Park  on  shooting  gallery 
or  anything.  That  teacher  was  down  on  me  because  I  could 
not  do  numbers  without  talking  to  myself." 

After  his  second  incarceration  he  looked  well,  and  said  he 
was  not  going  to  be  so  foolish  in  the  future.  He  constantly 
regarded  himself  in  the  light  of  a  boy  who  was  foolish,  or  even 
distinctly  queer  mentally.  Again  his  good  intentions  only  lasted 
for  a  little  while,  and  he  was  arrested  for  burglary.  At  this  time 
in  appearance  he  w^as  queerer  than  ever.  His  face  had  grown 
thin,  his  long  hair  was  brushed  back  in  eccentric  fashion,  his  eyes 
wavered  in  nystagmoid  movements.  He  looked  most  strenuous 
and  peculiar.  This  time  constructive  measures  were  urged 
instead  of  more  incarceration,  and  when  he  was  placed  on  pro- 
bation he  asserted,  "  Now,  I  will  make  good." 

His  behavior  from  then  on,  namely,  the  time  when  he  was 
16  1-2  years,  has  been  steady  and  reliable.  He  reported  regu- 
larly to  his  probation  officer,  who  did  much  to  encourage  him, 
and  after  a  month  of  good  behavior  announced  that  he  really 
did  not  understand  himself,  he  was  doing  so  well.  After  that 
he  repeatedly  said  he  wondered  why  he  was  doing  so  well,  and 
what  was  keeping  him  straight.  It  is  notable  that,  following 
on  his  own  success,  he  has  taken  up  the  idea  of  helping  others 
straighten  out,  and  has  done  wonders  with  a  crowd  that  had 
become  very  troublesome  about  a  certain  school.  He  went  in 
for  athletics,  and,  recently  seen,  he  is  found  to  be  in  very  good 
physical  condition,  with  a  much  changed  expression.  The  former 
curious  facial  movements  and  quizzical  expressions  have  entirely 
disappeared.  He  has  worked  in  one  place  for  a  year  and  devel- 
oped reliability  in  every  way.  He  saves  up  money  in  business- 
like fashion,  and  is  anxious  to  be  employed  every  minute.  In 
looking  back  upon  his  old  career  he  still  regards  himself  as  having 
been  somewhat  crazy  over  a  period  of  years.  Says  he  was  queer 
then  and  a  little  off.  Distinctly  feels  he  is  an  entirely  different 
person  now.  "  I  guess  I  did  n't  know  what  I  was  doing  then. 
I  have  changed  so  that  I  am  another  fellow  now." 

The  prognosis  in  this  case  was  long  held  in  abeyance,  but  in 
the  light  of  our  later  experience  with  cases  of  this  type  it  should 
have  been  more  favorable  from  the  start.  The  boy  could  con- 
trol himself  quite  well  at  times,  as  evidenced  by  tests,  and  had 
good  ability  to  size  himself  up,  even  when  we  first  saw  him.    His 


Chap.  XXII]         CASES    OF    ADOLESCENT   ABERRATION  [§  317 

misbehavior  was  evidently  the  result  of  erratic  impulses  which 
were  irregularly  manifested,  and  at  no  time  really  connoted  an 
essential  lack  of  self-control.  The  trouble  was  one  of  temporary 
internal  maladjustment. 

Mentality:  Aberrational,  probably  temporary,  Case  136. 

adolescent.  Boy,  age  17. 

Physical.     Features  of  adolescent  abnormality. 
Very  rapid  growth  late. 

Steahng  +  +.  Mental: 

Burglary.  Good  ability, 

Running  away.  but  aberrational. 

Case  137.  —  Ver}'  different  manifestations  were  found  in  the 
case  of  a  sweet-appearing  little  girl  of  13  1-2  years  who  was  show- 
ing most  dangerous  delinquent  tendencies.  The  main  complaint 
was  that  recently  at  home  she  had  indulged  in  such  threatening 
and  vicious  behavior  that  her  family  were  really  terrified.  Our 
information  came  from  different  members  of  the  family,  so  that 
there  could  be  no  question  about  the  truth  of  what  the  girl  at 
first  denied.  While  her  mother  was  ill  in  bed  this  child  threat- 
ened to  kill  her,  and  made  such  attempts  that  she  had  to  be  con- 
stantly watched.  On  one  occasion  she  turned  on  the  gas.  At 
another  time  went  with  a  lighted  match  to  the  edge  of  the  bed 
and  said,  "  No,  I  won't  burn  you  up  —  no,  not  at  all."  She  has 
thrown  milk  bottles  at  the  other  children,  actually  pinched  pieces 
of  skin  off  her  sister's  arm,  pinched  other  children  so  they  were 
black  and  blue,  and  stared  and  grinned  at  them  in  a  curious  way. 
Her  language  has  been  vile  at  times,  and  she  would  spit  at  her 
father  and  mother.  She  threw  a  glass  on  the  floor,  and  threatened 
to  throw  a  knife  at  her  mother  in  bed. 

While  the  above  offenses  are  prominent,  still  other  phases  of 
her  conduct  give  an  idea  of  her  mental  condition.  Her  teacher 
reports  that  other  children  tell  of  the  strange  things  she  says 
to  them.  She  appears  melancholy  at  times  in  the  school-room. 
At  home  she  locked  herself  in  the  clothes  closet  when  other  mem- 
bers of  her  family  came.  Told  her  mother  that  she  wanted  her 
to  die  so  she  could  get  a  step-mother.  Bites  her  finger  nails, 
pulls  her  hair,  and  sometimes  lies  on  the  bed  and  screams.  It  is 
notable   that   she   always   controls   herself  when   strangers  are 



present,  although  even  then  she  shows  some  nervousness.  For 
a  time  she  was  sent  to  a  relative's  home,  and  there  behaved  very 
well.  Her  father  says  she  was  never  anything  but  the  best  of 
girls  until  a  couple  of  months  ago.  Since  then  she  swears  terribly 
and  uses  words  that  were  never  known  in  his  house.  Even  in 
the  presence  of  other  relatives  she  may  whisper  bad  things  to  her 

The  fairly  intelligent  parents  say  there  is  no  epilepsy,  insanity 
or  feeblemindedness  on  either  side.  We  have  seen  several  other 
members  of  the  family,  and  from  them  hear  the  same.  This  girl 
is  the  third  of  nine  children,  the  rest  of  whom  are  doing  well,  with 
the  exception  of  a  brother  who  has  recently  gotten  into  the  court 
on  account  of  disobedience  and  getting  into  bad  company.  The 
pregnancy  was  healthy.  Birth  was  normal,  and  she  never  has 
been  very  ill.  Has  had  several  children's  diseases  mildly.  Passed 
for  6th  grade  at  13.  Recently  on  account  of  mother's  illness 
has  had  to  stay  out  of  school  frequently.  It  may  be  this  girl's 
mental  upset  was  caused  by  a  fright  which  she  had  some  time  ago. 
An  officer  called  to  arrest  her  brother  for  being  a  member  of  some 
crowd  that  had  committed  a  depredation,  and,  as  the  officer 
came  in  the  front  door,  the  boy  ran  out  the  back,  and  there  was 
much  turmoil.  It  was  within  a  few  days  of  this  that  she  devel- 
oped her  present  strange  tendencies.  She  has  not  yet  men- 

Physically  we  found  a  fairly  well  developed  and  nourished 
girl.  Weighed  96  lbs.;  5  ft.  in  height.  A  very  pleasant  expres- 
sion, innocent-looking  and  rather  pretty  child.  Complains  of 
headaches,  but  on  account  of  her  unreliability,  one  is  not  sure  to 
what  extent  she  has  suffered.  She  has  not  complained  much  to 
her  family.  Nothing  of  importance  was  noted  in  the  entire 
physical  examination  except  asymmetrical  ears,  the  helix  on  one 
side  being  almost  flat. 

On  the  mental  side  our  findings  were  full  of  significance.  It 
was  quite  evident  she  had  a  defective  remembrance  of  many  of 
her  actions,  and  that  she  was  not  quite  well  oriented.  On  tests 
we  found  a  good  deal  of  irregularity  as  follows. 


Our  own  series: 

I.  2'  32".    No  trial  and  error  on  triangles. 

II.  1'  22".     No  errors. 

III.  Construction  Test  A.     20'.     5  moves. 

IV.  Construction  Test  B.    1'  10".    1 1  moves. 


Chap.  XXII]         CASES    OF    ADOLESCENT    ABERRATION  [§  317 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  Failure  in  10'.  Says  quite  sure  she  can't  do  this; 
works  quite  aimlessly  in  a  half-hearted  way. 

VI.  "Aussage."  Very  short  functional  account  given.  Maintains 
she  did  not  notice  a  great  many  of  the  details  that  were  asked.  No 
suggestions  accepted. 

VII.  Reproduction  of  Geometrical  Figures.  A,  correct  at  first  ex- 
posure.   B,  incorrect. 

VIII.  Learning  Arbitrary  Symbol  Associations.     No  errors. 

IX.  Cross  Line  Test  A.  Correct  only  at  4th  trial  after  drawing  it 
three  times  herself. 

X.  Cross  Line  Test  B.  Failure  at  4th  trial  after  drawing  it  three 
times  herself. 

These  last  two  results  are  very  remarkable  in  comparison  to  most 
of  her  other  work. 

XII.  Memory  from  Visual  Verbal  Presentation.  Eleven  out  of 
the  twenty  items  given  in  correct  logical  sequence. 

XIII.  Memory  from  Auditory  Verbal  Presentation.  Nine  out  of 
the  twelve  items  given  in  correct  logical  sequence. 

XIV.  Instruction  Box.    Done  correctly  only  at  the  3rd  trial. 

XV.  Antonj^ms.    Five  errors.    Average  time,  3.4". 

XVI.  Motor  Coordination  Test.  66  and  71  squares  tapped  re- 
spectively at  1st  and  2d  trials  with  3  errors  in  1st  trial  and  one  in 
2nd  trial. 

XVII.  Penmanship  normal.  Wrote  a  coherent  composition  about 
a  farm. 

XIX.   Reads  5th-grade  passage  fairly  well. 

XXII.  Information.  Is  quite  inaccurate  about  the  items  of 
geography  and  history  which  have  been  presented  to  her  in  school. 
Some  of  them  given  correctly,  however.  Is  very  little  of  a  reader. 
Does  not  play  games  and  says  she  likes  best  to  play  with  a  baby. 

We  feel  assured  this  girl  does  not  talk  freely  to  us  although 
quite  pleasantly.  Mind  does  not  seem  to  be  altogether  on  what 
she  is  talking  about.  Seems  just  a  little  dazed,  then  comes  to 
herself,  and  turns  quickly.  Answers  shortly  and  in  rather  an 
off-hand  way,  but  always  pleasantly.  Does  not  express  herself 
at  length  about  anything.  Under  the  circumstances  is  notably 
lacking  in  emotional  reaction  towards  the  whole  situation,  either 
as  being  brought  to  the  court,  or  on  account  of  her  bad  actions 
at  home.  Although  she  says  she  wants  to  go  home  she  does  not 
show  any  feeling  over  it.  She  says  she  thinks  she  could  control 
herself  now,  but  steadily  maintains  she  does  not  remember  what 
she  has  done.  Says  she  does  know  that  one  day  her  head  felt 
very  queer  and  dizzy.  In  the  presence  of  one  aunt,  who  corrob- 
orates the  story  of  other  members  of  the  family,  she  absolutely 
denies  to  us  that  she  has  behaved  so  badly.     Later  in  friendly 



fashion  she  gives  us  her  own  account  of  the  troubles  in  the  fol- 
lowing peculiar  way. 

"  I  have  pains  in  my  head  and  sometimes  go  to  bed."  (On 
account  of  pain?)  "  No,  sir,  cause  felt  kind  of  tired.  My  mother 
says  I  talk  so  much,  but  I  don't  know  anything  about  it.  I  don't 
remember.  Mama  and  papa  says  I  speak  foolish.  I  used  to 
keep  on  talking,  she  says.  Three  weeks  about  I  've  been  that  way. 
Was  n't  in  school  for  three  weeks,  about  two  weeks.  Was  in 
5th  grade,  supposed  to  pass  for  6th,  but  I  did  n't  have  exam- 
inations. Started  at  around  6  years.  Born  in  Chicago.  Think 
I  was  in  3rd  grade  for  a  year  and  a  half  and  in  5th  grade  —  think 
two  years  in  5th  grade  on  account  of  arithmetic.  I  use  n't  to 
understand,  now  I  understand.  Went  over  to  grandmother's 
two  weeks  —  stayed  there  two  or  three  days.  Went  to  other 
grandmother's  about  a  week,  stayed  about  the  same  days,  too. 
I  don't  know  what  was  the  matter.  Mother  said  I  used  to  bother 
her  and  she  wanted  me  to  go.  Mother  is  sick  with  rheumatism. 
I  have  n't  done  things,  my  mother  did  n't  say  I  done  things.  I 
just  spoke  all  the  time.  Oh,  I  've  slapped  them  —  sisters,  when 
they  done  wrong,  that 's  all.  I  have  n't  pinched  her."  (Urged 
to  tell  the  truth.)  "  I  remember  long  time  ago  I  pinched  her, 
and  she  slapped  me  back.  Think  it  was  about  three  weeks  ago. 
She  tried  to  fight  with  me  —  sassed  me  back.  Don't  think  I 
remember  that  I  did  anything  to  mama.  Said  I  would  n't  hit 
her  with  something  I  had  in  my  hand  —  spoon  or  something. 
Never  took  no  knife  to  her.  Just  happened  to  say  it.  Never 
meant  to  say  it.  I  remember  it  was  a  spoon.  Never  threw  it  at 
her."  (More  than  once?)  "  Don't  know,  just  once."  (The 
glass?)  "  Accidentally  I  threw  it  down  when  I  was  washing  dishes, 
did  n't  do  it  on  purpose.  I  was  n't  mad.  My  aunt  said  I  'd  shake 
the  bed.  If  I  'd  ask  something,  maybe  she  'd  not  hear  and  be 
asleep,  and  I  'd  just  touch  it  like  that." 

This  little  girl  says  often  aside  to  herself,  as  if  she  were  trying 
to  persuade  herself  of  something  "  I  don't  remember,  I  don't 

"  I  think  what  I  did  do  I  never  meant  to.  They  say  I  threw 
a  spoon  at  my  mama.  Don't  remember  saying  any  bad  words. 
Even  my  mother  says  I  don't  remember  so  well.  I  don't  remember 
if  I  used  any  bad  expressions.  I  feel  kind  of  excited  when  I  talk. 
I  always  used  to  be  nervous.  If  I  'd  say  one  thing  I  'd  always 
keep  on  talking  it  —  saying  if  I  would  hit  my  mother  with 


Chap.  XXII]         CASES    OF   ADOLESCENT   ABERRATION  [§  317 

this  or  that  —  I  'd  keep  on  saying  something  —  if  I  'd  say  I  'd  hit 
my  mother  with  this.  Then  I  might  say  something  else  with 
different  things.  My  mother  told  me  I  would  say  she  was 
crazy,  and  I  would  forget  all  about  it.  Forget  that  I  had 
said  it.  Once  I  lit  the  gas  is  true,  and  threw  the  match  down, 
and  I  told  my  sister  she  would  burn  her  skirt,  but  I  never 
told  anybody  I  would  throw  the  matches.  She  told  my  father 
I  said  I  would  burn  her,  but  she  must  not  have  understood. 
I  don't  remember  taking  any  matches  to  my  mama.  Don't 

"Been  scared  many  times  when  anything  would  happen.  If 
any  one  would  cut  themselves,  like  my  little  sister,  I  used  to  feel 
afraid  of  it.  It  was  many  years  ago  that  I  used  to  feel  afraid. 
Once  my  father  fell  off  a  wagon  and  I  was  frightened  about  it. 
When  my  mother  was  sick  I  was  afraid  about  that,  too.  Because 
she  got  up  and  could  n't  move  her  arms.  Used  to  feel  scared 
and  nervous  about  it.  x^fraid  she  should  n't  get  worse.  Once 
there  was  a  man  hurt,  and  the  ambulance  came  past  and  I  was 
scared.  There  was  man  across  the  street,  and  he  shot  himself 
and  his  wife.  That  was  about  three  months  ago.  When  my 
aunt's  baby  died  and  the}^  came  and  told  my  mother  and  I  felt 
sorry.  Sometimes  at  night  I  would  be  afraid  to  go  to  sleep.  I 
would  hear  some  noise."  (Urged  to  tell  what  frightened  her 
most.  She  has  not  told  about  her  brother.)  "  One  day  a  man 
came  in  to  see  if  my  brother  was  working,  and  I  was  just  coming 
out  of  my  bedroom,  and  my  brother  ran  and  the  man  ran  just 
as  fast  as  he  did,  and  I  did  n't  know  who  he  was.  He  caught 
him  down  in  our  basement.  That  's  the  time  he  was  arrested. 
I  was  scared  for  that,  was  pretty  scared.  It  was  soon  after  that 
I  began  acting  that  way.  I  would  be  scared  the  way  he  always 
acted.  He  would  n't  work  at  all.  He  never  used  to  behave 
himself.  Would  get  up  any  time  he  wanted  to.  I  was  always 
afraid  he  was  going  to  hit  my  mother.  My  mother  fell  over  the 
chair  as  he  was  going  past,  I  guess  he  gave  the  chair  a  push, 
she  happened  to  hit  him.  Never  heard  him  say  bad  words. 
Sometimes  he  would  slap  me." 

"  I  remember  telling  my  mother  I  would  spit  at  her,  that 's 
all  I  remember.  Don't  remember  ever  spitting  at  father  or  mother. 
Must  have  been  when  my  mother  was  coming  past  I  spit  at  her. 
I  did  n't  scream,  but  I  cried  because  I  acted  that  way.  I  could  n't 
help  mj^self  and  I  was  ashamed  of  it.     I  have  never  been  any 



place  on  a  vacation.  Would  like  to  have  some  one  with  me, 
any  one  of  my  relations." 

After  her  first  change  of  environment  she  stated,  "  It 's  very 
nice.  It 's  very  nice  out  there  at  the  new  place  —  I  would  like 
to  stay.  Mother  is  better  now.  She  has  been  once  to  see  me  and 
father  twice." 

"  About  that  woman  in  the  country  —  I  used  to  help  her  with 
the  work.  She  said  things  about  me  that  were  not  true.  She 
said  I  threw  a  knife  at  her.  Why  she  happened  to  say  that  was 
because  I  left  the  bread  knife  on  the  table.  She  was  reading  a 
book  that  evening.  She  said  I  pinched  her  too.  She  told  these 
things  behind  my  back  and  never  gave  any  proof.  I  never  thought 
of  doing  such  a  thing.  I  never  touched  her  —  it  certainly  never 
could  be  true.  Well,  my  aunt  came  out  and  told  her  little  things 
like  that  about  me,  and  she  wanted  some  excuse  for  things.  She 
would  not  take  me  places.  She  tried  in  the  best  way  to  get  rid 
of  me.  I  was  afraid  to  go  out  in  the  dark  and  she  would  hit  me 
for  that."  Later  she  said  she  did  remember  having  the  knife 
in  her  hands  on  that  occasion,  but  could  not  recollect  throwing  it. 

With  the  feeling  that  this  girl  when  first  seen  was  suffering 
from  what  proved  to  be  a  temporary  mental  upset  it  was  recom- 
mended that  she  be  placed  in  some  private  home  in  the  country. 
At  the  first  place  there  was  much  trouble,  and  the  kindly  woman 
who  took  her  became  so  frightened  that  the  child  was  soon 
returned.  Things  would  go  well  for  a  week  or  so,  and  then  she 
would  sneak  up  behind  her  hostess  and  pinch  her  until  she  was 
black  and  blue,  or  tensely  clinch  her  own  hands  and  seem  des- 
perate. Then  she  would  go  out  of  doors  and  throw  things  about 
and  stamp  her  feet.  This  was  put  up  with  in  all  kindness  until 
on  one  occasion  w^hen  the  good  woman's  back  was  turned  a  butcher 
knife  came  whizzing  past  her  head.  During  all  this  period  the 
girl  was  in  good  physical  condition  and  gaining  in  weight. 

Then  another  place  was  tried,  this  time  a  training  school  for 
girls,  and  there  for  several  months  her  behavior  was  quite  good. 
Outside  of  a  little  forgetfulness,  and  the  desire  to  play  with 
younger  children,  rather  than  with  those  of  her  own  age,  nothing  in 
particular  was  noticed  about  her  there.  Apparently  she  became 
quite  normal  mentally,  and  w^ent  back  to  her  home  where  she 
continued  to  do  well. 

About  a  year  afterward  this  girl  again  began  using  bad  lan- 
guage and  was  disobedient.     The  family,  remembering  the  pre- 


Chap.  XXII]         CASES   OF   ADOLESCENT   ABERRATION  [§  317 

vious  success,  asked  that  she  be  placed  away  again  for  a  time. 
Nothing  serious  had  happened,  but  prevention  was  desired. 
When  sent  away  she  began  at  once  to  do  better. 

This  case  is  instructive  as  showing  the  possible  temporary 
nature  of  a  mental  upset  which  may  take  on  very  serious  aspects. 
It  w^as  only  by  the  narrowest  good  fortune  that  a  tragedy  did 
not  occur  from  this  girl's  violence.  She  represents  a  type  of  which 
"we  have  seen  numerous  examples,  usually  with  less  marked  in- 
clination to  violence,  but  yet  showing  many  aberrations  which 
lead  directly  to  delinquency.  The  recklessness  and  lack  of  self- 
control  of  girls  at  this  period  is  more  frequently  expressed  in 
sexual  offenses  than  in  other  ways,  but  in  this  case  the  aberra- 
tional tendency  is  so  clearly  set  apart  from  any  indulgence  in 
natural  desire  for  pleasure,  that  it  stands  out  with  great  signifi- 

Mentality:  Aberrational,  adolescent.  Case  137. 

perhaps  temporary.  Girl,  age  13. 

Threatened  Aaolence.  Mental: 

Bad  language,  etc.  Ability  fair.     Aberrational. 

Case  138.  —  Albert  S.    Age  nearly  17. 

The  general  behavior  and  the  delinquent  record  of  this  young 
fellow  convinced  a  number  of  people  that  his  mental  condition 
should  be  investigated.  He  had  already  been  twice  in  institu- 
tions for  delinquents,  and  was  still  getting  along  very  poorly. 
His  father  is  a  hard-working,  poor  man.  This  boy  runs  away 
and  sometimes  refuses  to  go  home  when  found.  He  is  not  con- 
sidered exactly  vicious  by  anybody,  but  he  steals  and  tells  a  good 
many  lies.  He  has  applied  for  lodging  at  a  relief  organization. 
In  late  school  life  he  Was  a  persistent  truant.  Since  leaving  school 
he  has  been  most  of  the  time  unwilling  to  work.  He  has  stolen 
money  from  his  father  and  from  boarders  in  the  house,  once  getting 
away  with  about  S30.  Once  he  burglarized  a  house,  and  was 
later  caught  in  the  act  of  trying  to  get  into  the  same  place.  After 
he  has  stolen  he  runs  away,  even  to  other  states,  where  he  stays 
for  weeks  at  a  time.  Some  people  who  became  interested  in  the 
case  found  him  tractable,  and  he  has  proved  honest  with  them. 

On  the  physical  side  we  found  rather  a  curious  mixture  of 
conditions.    Weight  130  lbs. ;  height  5  ft.  8  in.    Large  bones  and 



frame,  but  poorly-developed  chest.  Very  slouchy  carriage.  Ex- 
pression peculiar  in  its  evasiveness.  He  cries  upon  the  slightest 
provocation,  and  at  times  seems  silly  and  even  simpering.  Except 
for  an  unusually  small  mouth,  his  features  are  good.  Broad  fore- 
head. Slight  facial  asymmetry  and  slight  cranial  asymmetry 
in  the  parietal  region.  Notably  flat  occiput.  Head;  length  17.3; 
breadth  15.5  cm.  Vision  about  20/60  R.  and  L.  (Later  report 
from  a  specialist  is  that  the  boy  has  been  constantlj^  undergoing 
a  great  deal  of  eye  strain.)  He  suffers  from  occasional  head- 
aches. All  other  examination  negative.  It  is  interesting  that  it 
was  the  weak  and  silly  expression  of  this  boy  in  the  court  room, 
in  spite  of  his  fairly  good  features,  that  led  directly  to  his  case 
being  further  investigated. 

On  the  mental  side  we  also  found  contradictions.  After  con- 
siderable study  we  classified  him  as  having  fair  ability  with  poor 
educational  advantages,  and  as  suffering  from  distinct  aberrational 
tendencies.  Our  diagnosis  was  based  on  the  following.  The  boy 
had  attended  school  from  5  to  14  years  but  had  reached  only 
the  4th  grade.  The  uneducated  father  could  not  explain  what  the 
trouble  was,  except  that  there  was  considerable  complaint  from 
the  teachers  and  the  boy  was  often  truant.  He  has  only  been 
to  Polish  school,  and  never  has  learned  English  well.  In  the  family 
it  was  considered  that  he  could  not  learn  well.  By  tests  we  found 
this  contradicted  as  follows; 

Our  own  series: 

I.  1'  26".    Some  trial  and  error  on  the  triangles. 

II.  1'  28".    Only  one  error. 

III.  1'  23".     16  moves,  but  only  one  repetition  of  an  impossibility. 

IV.  2' 33".    30  moves. 

V.  2'  51".  Proceeded  by  trial  and  error  method  for  a  short  time 
only,  and  then  the  steps  were  done  consecutively  with  only  one 
wrong   attempt. 

VI.  Gave  only  10  items  on  free  recital,  but  followed  these  up  with 
18  items  given  correctly  on  cross-questioning.  Accepted  7  out  of  8 

VII.  Both  drawn  correctly  at  2d  trial.  At  the  first  effort  did  not 
get  correct  conception  of  geometric  figures. 

VIII.  All  correctly  and  promptly. 

IX.  Correct  at  1st  trial. 

X.  Correct  at  1st  trial. 

XL    Could  not  do  because  did  not  know  the  alphabet  in  order. 
XII.    11  out  of  the  20  items  given  with  proper  sequence  for  the  ideas 
presented.    It  is  doubtful  if  he  understood  all  the  words. 


Chap.  XXII]         CASES    OF   ADOLESCENT   ABERRATION  [§  317 

XIII.  10  out  of  the  12  items  given  correctly  in  logical  sequence. 
The  general  sense  of  the  passage  well  comprehended,  but  does  not 
understand  all  the  longer  words. 

XV.  2  failures  and  5  errors  —  all  of  these  very  largely  on  account  of 
trouble  \\'ith  the  language.  13  given  correctly  in  average  time  of 
1.2",  a  decidedly  good  performance. 

XVII.  Writes  unexpectedly  well.  Spells  short  words  correctly, 
but  again  there  is  e\ndence  of  trouble  with  the  language. 

XVIII.  Does  long  multiplication  quite  correctly,  but  stops  short 
there.    Does  not  know  the  process  of  long  division. 

XIX.  Reads  a  4tli-grade  passage  in  a  halting  way  with  no  mispro- 

XXII.  Knows  correctly  the  simple  facts  of  geography,  of  current 
liistory,  and  has  a  fund  of  information  gained  from  the  newspapers. 
Thinks  he  would  like  to  go  to  Texas  and  learn  to  ride  a  horse.  Has 
enjoyed  manual  training  in  the  institution  for  delinquents.  Goes 
much  to  moving  picture  shows.  Shows  great  dearth  of  healthy  men- 
tal interests. 

During  our  earlier  acquaintance  with  him  we  repeatedly  noted 
the  boy  w^as  frank  after  his  confidence  was  gained,  but  that  he 
was  somewhat  hj^pochondriacal  and  extremely  suggestible.  In 
the  school-room  of  an  institution  he  showed  much  mental  hebe- 
tude unless  he  was  definitely  stimulated.  He  will  copy  the  work 
of  others  and  get  any  one  to  do  a  mental  task  for  him  if  he  pos- 
sibly can.     He  has  many  emotional  changes  and  cries  easily. 

In  the  course  of  his  own  story  of  himself  he  says,  "  Every  time 
I  work  in  a  shop  I  can't  stand  it;  I  can't  stay  any  longer  than 
a  couple  of  days  at  a  time.  I  get  nervous.  One  day  seems  like 
a  week.  I  can't  stand  it  in  a  factory.  I  worked  two  weeks  in 
a  box  factory,  and  every  evening  when  I  went  out  of  there  I  was 
deaf.  My  father  w^as  going  to  send  me  to  college,  but  I  have  n't 
no  mind  for  it.  I  can't  see  good.  It  would  be  a  long  time  before 
I  would  get  through,  and  then  it  would  not  amount  to  anything. 
I  used  to  bum  from  school  once  or  twice  a  week.  The  rest  of 
the  kids  told  me  to.  WTiatever  they  told  me  to  do  I  would 
do  it." 

"  This  is  the  third  time  I  was  arrested.  It  was  for  stealing 
money.  I  have  not  a  good  mind.  My  mind  is  weak.  I  can't 
remember  nothing.  Cigarettes  spoiled  me,  too.  I  swear  to  quit 
and  then  I  can't.  I  quit  only  when  I  'm  locked  up.  I  was  locked 
up  in  that  last  place  for  6  months.  When  I  got  out  of  there  I  was 
looking  for  a  job,  and  then  I  looked  for  three  weeks,  and  I  could 
not  find  anything,  and  I  got  sore  and  went  up  into  Minnesota 



and  worked  in  a  camp  on  the  railroad.  Then  I  went  to  St.  Paul 
and  did  not  have  a  cent.  I  would  go  around  to  the  houses  and 
ask  ladies  for  something  to  eat.  I  slept  in  a  lodging  house.  I 
came  back  here  and  I  thought  I  was  in  a  different  country. 
I  was  all  mixed  up.  I  went  to  a  corner  down  town  where  I 
always  used  to  go  to  nickel  shows  and  I  did  not  know  where 
I  was." 

"  My  step-mother  she  bosses  me.  Once  I  hit  her  on  the  head 
and  I  said,  '  You  have  no  business  to  boss  me.'  I  have  headaches 
every  day  from  ice  cream  and  moving  picture  shows.  I  'm  nerv- 
ous when  I  write.  Things  get  green  before  my  eyes  when  I 
read  for  an  hour  or  so." 

"  I  tell  my  story  and  I  don't  remember  half  of  it.  When  I  get 
a  job  I  can't  keep  it  long  —  something  tells  me  in  my  mind  I 
can't  keep  a  job.  At  home  I  can  do  work  of  all  kinds.  Something 
in  my  mind  tells  me  I  should  quit  —  I  should  go  stealing,  and  like 
that.  One  thing  tells  me  good,  and  the  other  bad.  I  had  it  already 
a  year  and  a  half  ago.  Sometimes  I  think  of  my  mother  and 
I  start  to  cry.  Sometimes  I  feel  happy,  and  don't  care  about 
anything.  My  father  sent  me  lots  of  times  to  the  hospital  to 
see  whether  I  'm  well  or  not.  He  thought  I  'm  crazy  and  like 

"  In  my  mind  things  come  up,  nickel  shows  and  like  that,  and 
I  think  of  my  mother.  She  was  in  the  hospital  when  I  got  out  of 
that  place.  I  was  sorry.  She  felt  bad  about  me.  I  play  base- 
ball, but  not  much.  I  ain't  got  muscle  for  doing  much.  I'd 
always  go  by  myself  —  never  hang  around  with  kids.  I  've  got 
just  one  partner.  He  was  never  arrested.  I  never  went  with 
any  gang." 

"  I  can't  hold  a  job  —  something  makes  me  quit.  Sometimes 
it  is  all  right,  and  then  after  ten  or  fifteen  minutes  it  is  different 
and  I  quit.  Sometunes  I  feel  so  happy  I  jump  around  and  sing, 
and  then  in  about  two  minutes  I  feel  as  if  I  was  going  to  be  hanged. 
I  feel  rotten.  The  only  job  I  think  I  like  best  is  on  a  farm.  When 
I  see  pictures  of  farms  I  get  crazy.  I  wish  my  father  would  leave 
me  go.  I  asked  him  lots  of  times.  I  would  like  to  wash  cows 
and  stuff  like  that  in  a  barn  and  drive  horses." 

"  Well,  it  is  in  my  mind  to  steal.  Maybe  I  would  get  to  doing 
some  work  and  I  would  feel  like  stealing.  Something  made  me 
take  that  money  on  my  father.  When  something  gets  in  my  mind 
I  got  to  do  it." 


Chap.  XXII]         CASES    OF   ADOLESCENT   ABERRATION  [§317 

"  When  I  go  out  in  the  yard  or  down  in  the  basement  I  see 
things  sometimes.  I  see  ghosts.  About  four  weeks  ago  I  had  a 
fight  with  a  ghost  and  I  told  my  step-mother  about  it.  You  bet 
I  was  scared.  When  I  went  down  in  the  basement  with  a  lamp 
there  was  two  devils  standing  there  and  a  ghost,  but  when  I 
came  up  near  they  run  off,  and  gee,  that  scared  me.  The  first 
time  it  happened  I  was  in  the  toilet  room.  Something  knocked 
three  times  on  the  door.  I  looked  out  suddenly  and  nobody  was 
there.  I  was  afraid  to  go  out  in  the  yard  lately.  When  I  look 
down  in  the  basement  I  think  I  can  see  people  standing  in  the 
corner.  I  heard  a  funny  noise  down  there.  It  was  like  a  bell 
going  slowly,  ding  —  d-o-n-g." 

"  When  I  am  at  home  I  can  sit  in  the  rocker  and  rock  all  day 
long.  My  mother  says  she  washes  she  could  murder  the  rocker. 
I  don't  read  any  at  home." 

Further  inquiry  about  his  habits  brought  out  that  he  takes 
about  three  or  four  cups  of  coffee  a  day,  and  rarely  a  glass  of  beer 
away  from  home.  Three  or  four  years  ago  he  began  masturba- 
tion, which  was  taught  him  by  other  boys.  He  has  indulged 
altogether  too  much  in  this  at  times.  He  began  smoking  cigarettes 
at  about  the  same  period  and  occasionally  would  smoke  a  package 
in  a  day.  He  is  quite  convinced  that  both  these  habits  are  partly 
what  is  the  trouble  with  him,  and  dwells  on  them  a  good  deal.  He 
tells  us  that  he  has  heard  that  people  go  crazy  from  them.  (It 
is  to  be  remembered  that  during  the  last  4  years  he  has  twice 
been  for  long  periods  under  detention  where  at  least  one  of  these 
habits  could  not  have  been  indulged  in.) 

Gathering  up  more  of  his  history  from  available  sources, 
namely,  members  of  the  family  who  are  not  especially  bright, 
we  obtain  the  following.  The  mother  has  been  dead  a  few  years. 
She  was  healthy  formerly.  This  pregnancy  and  birth  were  normal. 
The  other  children  are  mediocre  in  ability,  but  certainly  not 
defective.  One  dead.  Albert  is  the  second  child.  He  has  never 
been  very  sick;  measles  followed  by  scarlet  fever  at  10  years.  No 
enuresis.     The  father  is  only  a  moderate  drinker. 

No  satisfactory  family  history  obtainable,  but  all  main  points 
bearing  on  this  case  were  declared  negative.  No  other  member 
of  the  family  was  regarded  as  queer.  Neither  Albert  nor  any 
other  member  of  the  family  had  convulsions. 

The  family  thoroughly  believe  this  boy  is  not  right  in  his  head 
because  he  acts  so  strangely.    He  says  queer  things  to  his  step- 



mother  about  seeing  people  in  the  yard  when  they  are  not  there, 
and  tells  stories  of  ghosts.  He  also  acts  in  a  very  silly  way.  At 
times  he  cries  a  good  deal.  He  does  not  sit  by  himself,  but  mixes 
with  the  others  at  home.  He  will  always  pick  up  money  when 
it  is  lying  around,  no  matter  to  whom  it  belongs.  Just  recently 
he  has  been  smoking  excessively.  They  think  he  is  too  indolent 
to  work.    His  conduct  at  home  is  good. 

It  is  plain  to  see  from  all'  this  that,  indefinite  though  the 
type  of  trouble  was,  there  is  evidence  enough  of  aberrations. 
Extremely  defective  vision  very  likely  caused  school  dissatis- 
faction and  truancy.  Later  came  the  two  bad  habits  we  have 
mentioned.  It  was  clear  the  boy  needed  an  environment  where 
he  could  be  kept  away  from  these  habits,  and  that  he  was  really 
quite  strong  enough  to  work.  It  seemed  likely  that  his  mental 
symptoms  might  pass  away. 

After  his  last  transgressions  the  boy  entirely  refused  to  go  home, 
saying  he  was  ashamed  to  do  so.  He  was  temporarily  placed  in 
another  home,  but  soon  ran  away.  After  a  little  he  again  turned 
up,  and  begged  to  be  placed  for  a  long  time  in  some  institution. 
This  was  done.  Glasses  were  procured  for  him,  but  difficulty 
was  experienced  in  getting  him  to  wear  them. 

Mentality:  Aberrational,  probably  Case  138. 

temporary,  adolescent.  Boy,  age  17  yrs. 


Debilitating  habits:  At  times  masturbation 
and  smoking  plus. 
Defective  vision. 

Poor  family  control  and  understanding. 

Former  truancy.  Mental: 

Runaway.  Fair  ability,  poor 

Not  working.  advantages. 

Stealing.     Burglary.  "  Aberration. 

Case  139.  — William  R.    Age  12  years,  9  months. 

We  saw  this  boy  after  getting  an  admirable  account  of  him 
and  his  antecedents  from  the  intelligent  mother.  He  had  recently 
been  causing  the  police  much  trouble.  He  was  found  in  a  lodging 
house,  and  while  he  was  taken  for  much  older  than  he  was,  still 
he  was  recognized  as  of  juvenile  age.    He  claimed  to  be  a  runa- 


Chap.  XXIl]         CASES    OF    ADOLESCENT   ABERRATION  [§  317 

way  from  a  far  western  city,  but  telegraphic  communication  failed 
to  establish  his  connections  there.  After  some  days  he  gave  a 
city  address  and  his  mother  was  finally  found.  He  had  run  away 
from  home  about  two  weeks  before,  taking  a  considerable  sum 
of  money  which  his  mother  had  saved,  and  made  his  way  to 
the  part  of  the  country  which  he  later  maintained  was  his 

The  gist  of  the  story  as  told  by  the  well-mannered,  self-sup- 
porting and  good  mother  is  as  follows:  Mother  and  father  both 
American.  The  father  has  long  been  thoroughly  immoral,  but 
not  alcoholic.  He  is  a  big  and  prosperous-looking  individual, 
common  school  education.  They  have  long  been  separated. 
William  is  the  only  child.  The  mother  induced  miscarriages 
prior  to  his  birth.  The  father's  family  is  not  well  known,  but 
there  is  nothing  suspicious  ever  heard  about  them.  So  far  as 
known,  no  one  on  either  side  was  feebleminded,  insane  or  epileptic. 
On  the  mother's  side  the  men  were  extremely  hard  drinkers. 
Their  mentality  was  normal,  but  their  passion  for  liquor  was 
beyond  their  control.  Some  of  them  died  early,  directly  from 

During  pregnancy  with  this  child  there  was  much  misery.  The 
father  at  that  time  would  stay  away  sometimes  all  night,  and  the 
mother  would  walk  the  floor.  Her  husband  was  absolutely  without 
conscience  in  money  matters,  but  never  did  anything  to  be  actually 
arrested.  During  all  the  pregnancy  the  mother  was  on  a  strain. 
Then  at  this  time  she  had' a  very  severe  attack  of  bronchitis. 
The  birth  was  normal.  At  6  weeks  baby  had  severe  bronchitis 
with  complications,  and  it  was  thought  he  would  die.  No  con- 
vulsions. He  was  a  very  fretful  baby.  Bottle  fed.  At  7  years 
he  had  an  operation  for  tonsils  and  adenoids.  Walked  and  talked 
at  normal  age;  to  school  at  6.  Had  been  more  or  less  nervous 
since  he  was  3  or  4  years  of  age.  There  has  been  careful  watch- 
ing for  bad  habits,  but  none  known  to  have  developed.  He 
grew  rapidly  and  now  he  is  a  very  large  boy  for  his  age.  The  last 
year  or  so  he  jerks  his  shoulders  and  face  frequently,  and  gnaws 
at  his  fingers. 

He  is  a  bright  boy  in  many  ways,  but  in  others  a  baby.  Now 
in  7th  grade.  Has  always  seemed  fond  of  his  mother,  and  could 
not  bear  to  see  her  suffer.  He  appeared  a  very  innocent  boy 
until  lately.  Reads  a  good  deal;  likes  to  play  childish  games. 
The  mother's  occupation  demands  that  she  live  in  a  crowded 



portion  of  the  town  and  he  has  little  chance  to  be  in  the  open. 
Some  6  months  ago  he  ran  away,  but  came  home  the  same  night. 
Recently  he  has  been  staying  out  at  night,  once  or  twice  coming 
in  very  late.  He  has  been  taking  little  sums  of  money  from  his 
mother.  He  talks  about  Indians  and  revolvers  a  good  deal.  On 
this  last  occasion  he  wrote  from  out  west  and  his  mother  for- 
warded money  to  him,  but  when  he  finally  reached  his  home  city 
he  did  not  go  to  her.  The  father  has  probably  had  no  bad  influ- 
ence over  him  whatever;  he  has  left  the  boy  very  much  alone. 
Naturally,  the  mother  has  been  terrifically  worried  about  her 

We  found  a  lad  who  could  easily  pass  for  16.  Weight  116  Ibs.; 
height  5  ft.  3  in.  In  the  first  stages  of  pubescence.  General  de- 
velopment and  nutrition  decidedly  good.  Regular  and  extremely 
mobile  features;  variable  expression  —  pouts  nervously  at  times. 
Well-shaped  head.  Vision  about  normal.  Slightly  defective 
hearing  in  one  ear.  Bites  finger  nails  excessively.  Color  good. 
Heart  sounds  normal.  Knee  jerks  rather  lively.  Constant  jerk- 
ings  and  twitchings  of  face  and  neck,  entirely  of  the  purposive 
type;  during  examination  demonstrates  that  these  are  largely 
controllable.  Staccato  speech.  Good  strength.  Other  exami- 
nation all  negative. 

On  the  mental  side  many  interesting  features  came  out  by 
examination.  Comparatively  few  tests  were  given  on  account 
of  the  boy's  nervousness. 

Mental  tests :  our  own  series : 

IV.  1'  12".     16  moves. 

V.  3'  9".  3  errors  and  then  the  steps  done  consecutively  with  only 
one  error. 

IX.  Correct  at  1st  trial. 

X.  Correct  at  1st  trial. 

XI.  Got  the  idea  promptly.    Made  5  errors  out  of  11  possibilities. 

XII.  Gave  12  out  of  the  20  items,  leaving  out  a  whole  series  of 

XIII.  Gave  the  entire  12  items  in  logical  sequence  with  various 
verbal  changes. 

XV.  Only  one  failure.    Average  time  2". 

XVI.  1st  trial  75  squares  tapped  with  12  errors.  2d  trial  85 
squares  tapped  with  8  errors.    Remarkably  bad  performance. 

XVII.  Writes  a  fair  hand. 

XVIII.  Arithmetic  for  grade  quite  accurate. 

XIX.  Reads  well. 

XXIII.   Pictorial  Completion  Test.    2'  28".    2  logical  errors. 


Chap.  XXII]         CASES    OF   ADOLESCENT    ABERRATION  [§  317 

During  the  work  William  behaved  very  flightily.  It  was  diffi- 
cult to  get  him  to  concentrate  at  times,  and  often  he  would 
interrupt  his  work  by  suddenly  talking  on  wholly  irrelevant 
subjects.  He  has  a  very  jerky  way  of  talking,  and  shows  many 
signs  of  lack  of  self-control.  In  conversation  it  is  difficult  to  hold 
him  down  to  anything.  He  constantly  breaks  in  with  a  question 
or  remark  about  some  object  in  the  room.  He  acts  like  a  nervous 
child  of  4  or  5  years.    Face  is  in  constant  motion. 

"  I  '11  be  13  in  September.  Gee,  that  teacher  gets  me  mad 
when  she  calls  me  Willie.  Anybody  ought  to  be  ashamed  to  lie 
the  way  i  did.  Gee,  I  got  a  habit  of  twisting  my  neck.  Gee, 
do  you  see  how  bad  it  is?  Miss  D.  was  making  a  fool  of  me  —  no, 
I  mean  she  w^as  joshing  me  about  the  pupils  of  my  eyes — they  're 
so  big.     Gee,  but  they  say  I  'm  nervous." 

"  Some  kids  told  me  to  go  on  a  bum  and  then  my  mother  told 
me  the  principal  wanted  to  see  me.  Gee,  I  was  afraid.  I  thought 
she  was  going  to  send  me  to  prison  for  bumming.  Are  you  going 
to  give  me  medicine?  I  heard  my  mother  tell  the  teacher  to  put 
me  under  observation.  Gee,  I  got  87  questions  to  answer  in 
history.  I  got  so  far  ahead  of  the  others  I  guess  that  is  the  reason 
she  gave  me  that." 

"  I  did  not  take  any  pocket  book.  Sure,  I  never  took  any  pocket 
book."  (At  this  time  we  asked  the  boy  not  to  lie  to  us.)  "  Well, 
I  did  take  it.  I  bought  a  ticket  to  Denver  because  it  was  a  capital. 
I  thought  it  must  be  a  big  place.  I  did  not  know  anything  about 
it.  When  I  was  there  I  lost  $7  someway.  I  got  to  Boulder  and 
these  other  places  and  lived  in  Boulder  three  days.  I  just  read 
about  them  places  on  the  map  and  went  there.  Never  heard 
of  them  before.  Gee,  I  got  such  funny  habits.  I  can  run  3  miles. 
No,  I  don't  smoke.  I  never  did.  Don't  take  no  tea  or  coffee. 
Is  that  bad  for  me  you  think?  " 

To  put  down  even  as  connected  a  story  as  the  above,  it  was 
necessary  to  overlook  his  laughing  at  inappropriate  times  and 
the  efforts  to  get  him  to  withdraw  his  attention  from  some  object 
in  the  room. 

It  was  easy  to  make  the  diagnosis  that  here  we  had  a  boy  of 
good  native  ability  who  was  showing  very  poor  control  of  his 
association  and  psychomotor  processes.  There  was  aberrational 
trouble  on  both  the  physical  and  mental  sides.  We  recommended 
he  be  placed  at  once  under  favorable  circumstances  in  the  coun- 
try, and  have  his  complete  fill  of  outdoor  life. 



Mentality:  Case  139. 

Aberration,  psychoneurosis.  Boy,  age  123^. 

Adolescence :  Premature  puberty. 

Developmental :  Antenatal,  mother  much 
worried,  illness.    Sickly 
infancy.    Early  nervousness. 

Heredity:  F.  moral  instability. 

Several  maternal  male 
relatives  inebriates. 

Stealing.  Mental : 

Misrepresentation.  Normal  ability. 

§  318.  Varieties  of  the  Type.  —  Many  other  cases  could  be 
cited  in  detail  if  it  were  necessary  to  show  variations  on  the  gen- 
eral theme. 

Case  140.  —  One  boy  from  being  implicated  at  about  the  time 
of  puberty  in  the  accidental  killing  of  another  lad,  developed 
an  anxiety  psychosis  and  neurosis.  A  potent  cause  of  the  ensuing 
psychopathic  condition  was  his  repression  of  knowledge  of  the 
affair.  In  the  midst  of  extreme  sensitiveness  aroused  by  all  this, 
he,  after  forced  association  with  delinquent  boys,  became  defi- 
nitely a  delinquent,  mingling  with  a  new  type  of  comrades 
and  engaging  in  stealing.  Then  later  he  showed  mild  symptoms 
of  exophthalmic  goiter.  Under  good  auspices  he  has  become  some- 
what more  stable,  but  is  still  a  difficult  problem. 

Case  141.  —  Another  adolescent  became  so  obsessed  by  reli- 
gious impulses  that  he  despised  his  family,  who,  as  a  matter  of 
fact,  were  very  good  people.  His  excessive  feeling  in  the  matter 
led  to  his  attacking  his  mother,  breaking  furniture,  and  even  to 
prevarication.  It  took  a  long  time,  and  much  patience  on  the 
part  of  the  family,  with  periods  of  living  away  from  home,  to 
get  this  young  man's  mental  attitude  tuned  to  family  living 
conditions,  but  with  common-sense  management  it  has  been 
accomplished.  The  boy,  at  one  time,  could  easily  have  been 
adjudged  insane,  if  the  incongruity  of  his  violent  behavior  and 
expressed  beliefs  had  been  emphasized. 

Case  142.  —  In  illustration  of  the  fact  that  the  stress  at  puberty 
upon  an  individual  who  is  nervously  inferior  may  be  mentally 
overwhelming  is  the  following.    A  boy  of  15  for  three  years  has 



been  playing  truant  and  staying  away  from  home  sometimes  a 
week  at  a  time.  He  has  also  been  stealing  in  petty  ways.  At  9 
months  he  had  some  nervous  trouble  which  left  him  partially 
paralyzed.  He  was  never  regarded  as  backward  mentally;  he 
reached  7th  grade.  In  spite  of  only  partial  use  of  one  side,  he 
gets  around  well,  and  occasionally  earns  his  own  living  by  odd 
jobs.  He  began  masturbation  at  11  or  12.  It  was  evidently 
not  long  after  that  when  he  began  to  have  times  of  looking  very 
pitiful,  so  his  mother  says,  and  would  laugh  in  a  silly  way  without 
answering  questions  asked  him.  Periods  of  depression  set  in 
which  would  last  for  several  days,  following  some  of  which  he 
would  run  away.  He  threatened  to  commit  suicide.  His  work 
on  tests  shows  no  indication  of  defect  or  abnormality,  but  his 
emotional  behavior  and  his  tendencies  to  misconduct,  through 
which  he  himself  suffers  a  great  deal,  are  highly  significant.  He 
is  backward  in  puberty  and  very  poorly  developed  and  nourished. 
Weight  only  68  lbs.;  height  4  ft.,  10  in.  In  such  a  case  personal 
attention  in  a  sympathetic  country  home  would  usually  be  best. 
If  this  is  not  procurable,  as  it  was  not  in  this  case,  then  the  proper 
kind  of  a  boy's  industrial  school  is  to  be  recommended.  This 
particular  lad  has  been  mentally  steadied  in  a  very  remarkable 
way  under  the  latter  treatment,  so  that  now  at  16  1-2  he  is  re- 
garded as  quite  normal.  This  is  a  great  success,  considering  the 
desperate  nature  of  the  s}Tiiptoms  manifested  earlier. 

No  account  of  the  mental  aberrations  of  adolescence  could 
pretend  to  outline  the  field  without  doing  some  justice  to  the 
curious,  reckless,  vicious,  and  violent  behavior,  entirely  irrational, 
that  is  frequently  observed  in  adolescent  girls.  Most  striking 
in  this  is  the  utter  neglect  often  of  the  first  elements  of  self- 
preservation.  The  demand  for  self -activity  and  self-assertion 
is  quite  beyond  the  mark  of  ordinary  prudence  and  foresight.  Of 
course  there  are  as  many  variations  in  the  cases  as  there  are  differ- 
ences in  the  physical,  mental,  and  environmental  substrata  of 
the  individuals,  but  the  following  short  summary  of  a  very 
long  case  will  serve  to  show  the  marked  aberrational  behavior 
of  girls  who  are  not,  however,  to  be  considered  insane. 

Case  143.  —  Jennie  S.  This  girl  of  just  17  is  extraordinarily 
well  developed.  Weight  164  lbs.  Height  5  ft.  5  in.  Large  frame 
and  very  large  bones.  In  age  of  onset  of  puberty  and  in  develop- 
ment of  sex  characteristics  she  has  been  rather  backward  in  com- 



parison.    Extremely  defective  vision  for  which  she  has  not  been 
willing  to  wear  glasses  of  late. 

On  the  mental  side  there  was  no  difficulty  in  diagnosing  her 
as  having  fair  ability.  On  some  tests  she  should  have  done  better, 
but  then  her  eyesight  without  glasses  is  atrociously  bad.  We 
note  that  she  is  a  dull,  heavy  type.  When  stimulated  she  always 
succeeded  in  doing  better  at  her  work;  lack  of  initiative  was 
always  present.  She  is  firm  and  decided  in  her  manner  of  talking, 
and  has  positive  opinions  about  many  things.  She  shows  much 
sense  of  humor,  and  quite  a  little  ability  in  introspection;  has 
developed  a  definite  attitude  toward  life.  Her  grudge  against  her 
family  is  largely  justified. 

After  several  months  of  observation  and  knowledge  of  her 
career,  to  the  diagnosis  we  added  that  Jennie  at  times  showed 
a  peculiar,  unstable  mental  condition  in  which  she  was  not  at  all 
equal  to  controlling  herself.  She  made  frequent  voluntary  appeals 
for  moral  help,  showing  herself  generally  desirous  of  behaving 
well,  but  when  much  was  done  for  her  without  committing  her 
to  an  institution,  she  did  not  play  fair,  or  keep  her  promises.  Her 
delinquencies  were  of  a  nature  so  obviously  harmful  to  herself 
that  their  commission  seemed  highly  indicative  of  mental  aber- 

Jennie  began  at  about  14  with  recalcitrant  behavior  at  home. 
Prior  to  that  time  she  had  always  been  a  good  girl,  and  had  had 
a  healthy  developmental  history.  One  great  defect  in  the  envi- 
ronment was  the  alcoholism  of  the  father;  he  was  a  great  dis- 
turbing influence  at  home.  He  comes  of  a  quarrelsome  family. 
Jennie  wore  glasses  during  her  school  period,  and  got  along  well 
to  the  7th  grade  by  the  time  she  was  14.  At  about  the  period 
she  entered  adolescence  there  were  several  very  upsetting  factors, 
which  led  to  mental  conflict  spreading  out  over  2  or  3  years.  The 
abusiveness  of  her  father  in  the  home  was  one  point.  Then  she 
worked  for  a  man  whom  the  family  respected,  but  who  at  a 
time  when  he  was  drunk,  attempted  to  persuade  her  into  bad 
sex  affairs.  Then,  thirdly,  the  mother,  after  enduring  some  months 
of  Jennie's  bad  behavior,  deceitfully  placed  her  under  duress. 
It  was  after  this  that  the  feeling  of  grudge,  and  desire  for  revenge, 
and  general  moral  confusion  partially  unbalanced  her.  She 
indulged  in  much  bad  language,  quarreling,  lies  and  obstinacy. 
She  repeatedly  ran  away,  and  failed  to  do  well  in  a  number  of 
places  where  sympathetic  people  tried  her.    Still  later  she  became 


Chap.  XXII]      TREATMENT    OF   ADOLESCENT   ABERRATION         [§  319 

involved  in  sex  affairs,  but  never  was  extensively  bad  in  this 
direction.  She  grew  steadily  more  unreliable.  She  disappeared 
from  all  her  friends.  In  numerous  places  where  she  was  traced 
she  was  said  to  act  as  if  she  were  insane.  Her  final  arrest  was 
brought  about  through  vagrancy.  Being  taken  to  a  certain  jail 
she  created  a  great  sensation  by  working  up  a  desperate  plot  to 
kill  the  matron.  At  this  time  she  had  a  very  furtive  and  pecul- 
iar appearance.  Later  in  court  she  was  perfectly  uncontrolled, 
used  extremely  bad  language,  and  even  made  an  attempt  to 
strike  the  judge. 

The  significant  feature  of  this  case  is  the  development  of  aber- 
rational tendencies  under  conditions  which  gave  her  good  chances. 
Her  frequent  appeals  for  moral  aid  were  met  by  unusual  oppor- 
tunities for  reform.  In  her  case  there  were  no  adventitious 
influences  such  as  the  use  of  stimulants,  or  excessive  sex  temp- 
tations, either  personal  or  environmental.  The  unfortunate 
family  irritations  were  greatly  diminished  by  her  being  placed 
out.  We  noted  that  her  aberrational  behavior  did  not  center 
about  the  menstrual  period. 

Under  restriction  in  an  institution  this  young  woman  has 
finally  developed  completely  stable  behavior.  From  this  fact  we 
can  offer  a  further  good  prognosis  if  later  environmental  condi- 
tions are  reasonably  satisfactory.  (We  are  able  to  add  another 
word:  A  year  has  elapsed;  the  girl  is  now  nearly  19;  she  has 
been  living  quietly  at  home  for  several  months  and  is  a  changed 
character.  She  says  she  has  learned  to  put  up  with  things  that 
used  to  annoy  her  bitterly.  She  is  a  happy  and  attractive  young 

§  319.  Treatment.  —  The  possibility  of  the  successful  treat- 
ment in  an  institution  for  delinquents  of  a  case  showing  minor 
mental  aberrations  of  adolescence  is  of  vital  importance.  That 
some  instances  of  recovery  under  the  regime  of  an  industrial 
school  do  take  place  we  have  proof,  as  illustrated  above.  The 
change  that  has  come  over  the  individual  with  good  manage- 
ment and  correct  hygiene  is  sometimes  most  rapid  and  remark- 
able. Not  every  case  can  be  tolerated  in  these  schools,  on 
account  of  the  needs  of  the  other  young  people,  but  under  the 
classification  possible  by  the  cottage  system  it  is  evident,  from 
our  experience,  that  most  cases  can  be  taken  care  of  in  such  an 
institution.  In  these  adolescent  troubles,  as  so  frequently  in 
considering  mental  disease,  environmental  stress  has  to  be  taken 



into  account.  Proper  institutional  life,  affording  hygienic  mental 
and  physical  conditions,  reduces  this  to  a  minimal  irritation 
in  our  type  of  cases,  and  so  at  once  eliminates  a  large  element  of 

A  very  short  summary  of  a  typical  case,  such  as  we  have  seen 
a  number  of,  is  the  following: 

Case  144,  —  Boy  of  14,  who  earlier  had  been  a  truant,  and  re- 
cently had  been  engaged  in  stealing  and  burglary.  In  the  back- 
ground there  was  a  prolonged  serious  illness  during  infancy,  pre- 
mature puberty,  and  perhaps  sex  habits.  Physically  he  was  poor 
in  development.  Weight  only  83  lbs.;  height  4  ft.  8  in.  Not- 
withstanding this  backwardness  sex  development  was  almost 
adult.  About  his  mentality  it  was  very  difficult  to  decide  on 
account  of  having  to  work  with  an  interpreter.  Tests  were  done 
with  much  irregularity.  The  parents  were  sure  the  boy  was  not 
right  mentally. 

To  the  judge:  "Undoubtedly  this  boy  is  mentally  peculiar 
as  his  mother  says,  but  we  can  find  no  reason  strong  enough 
for  recommending  him  to  any  institution  for  the  mentally  ab- 
normal. He  may  be  temporarily  upset,  but  is  very  likely  to 
straighten  out  under  regular  conditions  of  living  and  education, 
such  as  at  X." 

The  report  on  this  boy  after  a  year  is  that  he  is  getting  along 
famously  in  the  institution  and  showing  great  improvement  both 
mentally  and  physically.  He  is  regarded  there  as  a  suitable  case 
for  them. 


§  320.  Nature  of  Alcoholic  Psychoses.  —  For  a  complete  chap- 
ter on  the  intoxication  psychoses  we  must  refer  to  special  works 
on  psychiatry.  We  could  not  undertake  to  recount  here  all  the 
many  mental  symptoms  of  acute  and  chronic  alcoholism;  the 
diagnosis  frequently  demands  expert  and  perhaps  prolonged 

Some  idea  of  the  astonishing  variety  of  psychoses  caused  by 
alcohol  can  be  gained  from  the  enumeration  of  Cramer  (221), 
one  of  the  foremost  authorities.  He  distinguishes:  (1)  the  gradual 
progressive  dementia  of  chronic  alcoholism,  (2)  delirium  tremens, 
(3)  alcoholic  delusions  of  jealousy,  (4)  acute  alcoholic  paranoid 
psychosis  —  the  hallucinosis  of  Bonhoeffer  and  Wernicke,  (5) 
chronic  paranoidal  insanity,  (6)  alcoholic  anxiety  psychosis,  (7) 



alcoholic  paralysis  —  pseudoparesis,  (8)  alcoholic  epilepsy,  (9) 
the  psychosis  of  intolerance  to  alcohol,  (10)  pathological  drunk- 
enness, (11)  dipsomania,  (12)  Korssakow's  psychosis  —  a  dis- 
order characterized  by  a  peculiar  loss  of  memory  and  power  of 

§321.  Alcoholism  and  Criminality,  —  When  considering  the 
close  connection  between  alcoholic  intoxication  in  general  and 
criminality  ^  we  are  constrained  to  exactly  agree  with  Mercier 
when  he  insists  that  acute  alcoholic  intoxication  should  be  classed 
as  a  toxic  insanity,  usually  brief  in  duration,  and  having  many 
direct  and  indirect  relationships  to  criminality.  Everybody  is 
acquainted  with  the  crimes  against  person  and  property,  the 
acts  of  cruelty,  the  ugly  deeds  of  neglect  and  meanness  which  are 
perpetrated  in  a  condition  of  temporary  insanity  from  alcohol. 
It  seems  quite  unnecessary  to  even  designate  the  types  of  mis- 
conduct which  are  here  involved  —  the  subject  is  so  very  well 

However,  it  is  important  to  note  that  there  is  the  greatest 
difference  in  the  predisposition  of  individuals,  and  even  of  cer- 
tain races  or  nationalities,  to  be  mentally  upset  by  alcoholic 
poisons.  The  whiskey  which  a  Southern  gentleman  innocently 
partakes  of  before  breakfast,  may  in  another  physiological  type 
incite  to  murder.  All  physicians  with  experience  in  these  mat- 
ters have  known  those  to  whom  a  glass  or  two  of  beer  is  sufficient 
to  create  a  topsy-turvy  world  of  moral  conditions.  In  court  we 
see,  unfortunately,  how  the  ugliest  passions  and  the  most  das- 
tardly impulses,  ranging  from  neglect  of  children  to  stealing  and 
murder,  have  been  aroused  by  the  imbibition  of  only  a  small 
amount  of  liquor.  Delinquencies  are  repeated  over  and  over  in 
subsequent  attacks  of  this  temporary  insanity,  and  the  same  type 
of  unlawful  behavior  may  lead  the  individual  to  be  committed 
scores  of  times.  The  astounding  record  of  Jane  Cakebread  {vide 
Holmes,  66),  the  notorious  recidivist  in  the  London  courts,  with 
her  280  commitments  for  "  drunk  and  disorderly,"  is  approached 

1  The  1910  Judicial  Statistics  for  England  and  Wales  (40,  p.  15)  show  that 
of  a  total  168,260  convictions  54,305  involved  drunkenness.  The  report  of  the 
French  Minister  of  Justice  in  1909  (Journal  officiel,  41)  concerned  itself  largely 
with  the  relations  between  alcohohsm  and  criminality.  The  statistical  re- 
sults were  based  upon  a  system  of  individual  records  which  were  filled  out  by 
magistrates,  and  showed  that  22  per  cent,  of  the  murders  were  committed  under 
the  influence  of  alcohol,  33  per  cent,  of  the  cases  of  rape  or  offenses  against  de- 
cency, and  24  per  cent,  of  the  cases  of  manslaughter.  Yvernis  (42)  states  that 
in  1909,  31  per  cent,  of  all  those  condemned  were  alcoholics  or  were  intoxi- 
cated at  the  time  of  the  offense. 



in  the  careers  of  other  alcoholic  delinquents,  wife  beaters,  street 
brawlers,  saloon  fighters.  Some  of  these  are  normal  enough 
socially  and  mentally  when  they  refrain  from  drink;  they  must 
be  sharply  distinguished  from  such  as  suffer  chronically  from  a 
psychosis,  whether  this  has  resulted  directly  from  the  abuse  of 
alcohol,  or  is  merely  correlated  with  it  in  other  than  a  causal 
relationship.  In  passing  judgment  on  this  latter  point  we  must 
ever  remember  that  very  many  alcoholics  are  such  because  of 
already  existing  defects  or  aberrations  of  mentality. 

§  322,  Treatment  under  the  Law.  —  For  the  practical  deter- 
mination of  the  actual  bearing  which  alcoholism  has  in  the  pro- 
duction of  criminality  an  estimation  must  be  made  of  the  offend- 
er's mental  status.  In  undertaking  any  prediction  for  court 
purposes  it  must  never  be  forgotten  that  the  feebleminded  and 
epileptic  have  not  only  less  powers  of  resistance  to  temptation  to 
drink,  but  also  very  frequently  are  more  easily  inflamed  by  alcohol 
than  their  better  balanced  brothers.  Although  it  may  not  yet 
be,  as  stated  by  the  court  decision  we  have  cited  under  the  head 
of  epilepsy  (§  257),  that  the  law  can  safely  regard  one  person  as 
being  more  readily  turned  towards  crime  by  liquor  than  another, 
nevertheless  no  fact  is  better  known  to  even  casual  observers. 
This  should  have  much  bearing  upon  the  disposition  and  treat- 
ment of  those  who  are  thus  hypersusceptible. 

Taking  the  general  question  of  alcohol  and  the  criminality 
it  causes  through  inducing  different  kinds  of  mental  disturb- 
ance, it  seems  clear  that  the  treatment  of  the  individual  case 
should  always  be  calculated  to  serve  as  a  warning  against  fur- 
ther indulgence,  and  at  the  same  time  should  look  out  for  the  exist- 
ence of  such  physical  and  mental  conditions  in  the  offender 
which  make  abstinence  reasonably  possible.  Otherwise  social 
treatment  becomes  totally  absurd.  Incarceration  under  will- 
weakening  conditions  offers  worse  chances  for  improved  conduct 
in  the  future.  Our  knowledge  of  delinquent  drunkards  leads  us 
to  coincide  with  the  opinion  of  Mercier  (45) :  "  The  usual  course 
of  letting  him  (the  drunkard)  off  with  a  trifling  flne,  or  a  few  days 
imprisonment,  has  been  shown,  by  the  experience  of  several 
generations,  and  of  hundreds  of  thousands  of  instances,  to  be 
utterly  futile  and  ineffective.  It  has  not,  apparently,  the  slightest 
deterrent  effect;  and  the  same  offender  receives  these  sentences, 
hundreds  of  times  repeated,  without  amending  his  condition  in 
the  least.  ...  If  every  person  charged  with  willful  drunkenness, 


Chap.  XXIl]       PSYCHOSES   OF   CHRONIC   ALCOHOLISM  [§  323 

or  with  offenses  committed  in  a  state  of  willful  drunkenness, 
were  to  be  punished  on  the  first  offense  with  6  months',  or  even 
3  months',  imprisonment,  without  the  option  of  a  fine,  charges  of 
drunkenness  would  be  enormously  diminished.  .  .  .  The  drunk- 
ard is  as  much  a  danger  to  society  as  a  lunatic  at  large,  which  he  is; 
and  when  he  comes  to  commit  an  offense  in  consequence  of  his 
drunkenness,  he  should,  in  my  opinion,  be  punished,  not  so  much 
in  proportion  to  the  gravity  of  the  offense  committed  when  drunk, 
as  in  proportion  to  the  deliberateness  of  the  intentions  with  which 
he  brought  himself  into  this  dangerous  state." 

§  323.  Psychoses  of  Chronic  Alcoholism.  —  To  the  student  of 
mental  conditions  chronic  alcoholism  presents  very  definite 
abnormal  psychical  features  which  are  as  yet  little  recognized 
by  the  law.  Cooper  (245)  in  his  conservative  study  maintains 
that  all  inebriates  show  in  greater  or  less  degree  the  following 
peculiarities:  (a)  incapacity  to  bear  physical  or  mental  pain; 
(b)  defective  moral  sense;  (c)  defective  sense  of  responsibility; 
(d)  intolerance  or  tolerance  of  alcohol  beyond  the  normal;  (e) 
defective  realization  of  abnormalities  even  when  the  individual 
is  sober;  (/)  defective  inhibitions  for  meeting  desires  and  impulses; 
(g)  defective  mental  equilibrium,  shown  in  deficient  powers  of 
concentration  and  attention,  in  abnormal  emotionalism,  etc. 
]Many  authors  draw  attention  to  the  same  kind  of  fact.  Crothers 
(251),  acutely  reviewing  the  forensic  bearings  of  alcoholism, 
strongly  favors  the  idea  of  chronic  alcoholics  as  such  being  con- 
sidered not  normal  mentally.  He  well  calls  attention  to  the  fact 
that  testifying  physicians  get  much  mixed  on  the  point  when  they 
pass  judgment  according  to  the  theoretical  legal  conceptions  of 
insanity  and  responsibility.  He  rightly  insists,  moreover,  on  the 
fact  that  there  has  been  altogether  too  little  careful  investiga- 
tion of  the  actual  effects  of  alcoholism  upon  various  mental 
powers.  The  interest  in  the  subject  is  ahead  of  our  exact  knowl- 
edge. As  Heilbronner  (252)  says  in  his  scholarly  review  of  the 
subject,  the  only  w^ay  to  clear  the  ground  is  for  psychiatrists  to 
stick  to  their  own  findings  and  professional  facts,  and  let  legal, 
theoretical  dicta  alone.^ 

^  The  literature  on  the  various  phases  of  the  relationship  between  alco- 
hoHsm,  criminahty  and  the  law  is  very  rich,  and  any  one  who  would  pass  judg- 
ment on  the  individual  case,  or  who  would  plan  for  measures  of  amehoration 
or  prevention  should  have  acquaintance  with  the  best  authorities.  For  such 
students  we  offer  a  selection  of  some  of  the  best  works:  A  tremendous  bibli- 
ography covering  the  whole  question  of  alcohol  came  out  by  Abderhalden 
(253)  in  1904.    A  shorter  list  of  the  principal  books  was  published  in  the  Jour- 



The  definite  mental  disturbances  of  chronic  alcoholism  which 
are  particularly  related  to  criminalistic  conduct  are  as  follows: 
there  is  the  progressive  dementia  of  chronic  alcoholism,  which 
may  be  accompanied  by  delusions,  hallucinations  and  uninhibited 
impulses  that  incite  to  misconduct.  Sufferers  from  this  weak- 
ened mental  condition  readily  find  their  way  into  the  ranks  of 
criminalism.  Their  earning  capacity  is  lowered,  their  social 
status  is  poor,  their  moral  inhibitions  are  largely  lost;  it  is  an 
easy  step  to  vagrancy,  petty  stealing,  and  offenses  against  decency 
and  sex  morality.  Then  there  is  the  so-called  acute  alcoholic 
hallucinosis  (vide  Bonhoeffer,  9,  and  Mitchell,  46)  in  which 
states  some  of  the  worst  tragedies  have  been  enacted.  The  con- 
dition is  mainly  characterized  by  insomnia  and  irritability  accom- 
panied by  hallucinations  of  hearing  and  vision  and  depressive 
delusions.  (Delirium  tremens  is  only  rarely  connected  with  the 
commission  of  crime.)  Another  important  chronic  mental  state 
associated  with  alcoholism  is  alcoholic  paranoia.  In  this  there 
is  developed  a  delusional  state  marked  principally  by  ideas  of 
persecution  and  jealousy.  A  word  about  a  case  cited  elsewhere. 
Case  30,  will  make  this  point  clear,  and  also  demonstrate  the 
importance  of  the  practical  recognition  of  this  group.  The  mother 
of  a  family  has  been  sentenced  to  short  terms  some  scores  of  times. 
The  reason  of  her  recurrent  arrest  is  that  when  she  gets  out  she 
starts  housekeeping  with  her  family,  very  often  in  a  new  locahty^ 
and  then  rapidly  develops  delusions  concerning  her  neighbors. 
Either  with  or  without  drunkenness,  she  has  exacerbations 
accompanied  by  violence.  She  breaks  windows  and  doors, 
destroys  other  property,  becomes  very  noisy,  and  indulges  in 
personal  assaults.    The  cost  to  the  community  of  this  woman's 

nal  of  Inebriety  (254),  in  1903.  A  comprehensive  work  by  Helenius  (255) 
appeared  in  same  year.  A  much  quoted  study  by  Baer  and  Laquer  (256), 
which  includes  the  subject  of  criminaUty,  was  pubhshed  in  second  edition,  in 
1907.  Perhaps  the  most  valuable  general  reference  work,  with  citation  of  nu- 
merous authorities,  is  that  by  Hoppe  (257),  the  eminent  German  authority,  4th 
edition  in  1912.  The  same  author  (242)  has  a  special  work  covering  the  rela- 
tionship of  alcohol  to  criminality,  and  devotes  stiU  a  third  considerable  essay 
(258)  to  the  more  theoretical  legal  aspects.  Professional  people,  both  legal  and 
medical,  will  find  much  of  interest  and  importance  in  the  chapters  on  the 
medico-legal  connections  of  alcohoUsm  in  Crothers'  book  (251).  "The  Relation 
of  Alcohol  to  the  Feebleminded  "  is  the  title  of  a  work  by  Potts  and  others  (259). 
Juvenile  alcoholism  as  correlated  to  criminahty  is  treated  at  length  by  Hoppe 
(242),  and  in  its  relation  to  general  social  pathology  by  the  same  author  (257). 
For  those  contemplating  the  possibilities  of  institutional  work,  the  various  re- 
ports of  institutions  should  be  consulted;  in  this  country  particularly  those 
from  Massachusetts,  vide  Neff  (246). 


Chap.  XXII]       ALCOHOLIC    PSYCHOSES    IN    .UJOLESCENTS  [§  325 

never  having  been  efficiently  treated  may  be  judged  by  contem- 
plating the  history  of  the  family. 

§  32-1.  Acute  Alcoholic  Psychoses.  —  Leaving  aside  the  brief 
insanity  named  intoxication  or  drunkenness,  there  are  acute  alco- 
holic psychoses  especially  productive  of  criminality.  Few  text 
books  on  psychiatry  give  them.  These  mental  states  are  seen 
mostly  by  those  who  study  offenders  as  such.^  Pathological 
reaction  or  psychic  intolerance  to  alcohol  is  seen  particularly  in 
neuropathic  individuals,  in  those  who  have  suffered  head  injuries, 
and  in  adolescents.  A  complete  disturbance  of  the  personality 
may  ensue  with  release  of  inhibitions  of  sex  impulses,  of  tenden- 
cies to  violence  and  other  criminality.  In  the  so-called  pathologi- 
cal intoxication  there  may  be  the  most  sudden  change  of  emotions, 
with  impulses  to  violence,  or  there  may  be  other  characteristic 
signs  of  insanity  such  as  stereotyped  movements.  The  condi- 
tion may  last  from  a  few  minutes  to  an  hour  or  so.  Bonhoeffer 
divides  the  forms  of  this  psychosis  into  delirious  and  epilepti- 
form, but  there  is  no  real  line  of  demarcation.  In  criminal  annals 
individuals  experiencing  this  psychosis  figure  as  those  who  sud- 
denly respond  to  some  perception  or  self-initiated  impulse,  which 
is  entirely  at  variance  with  the  individual  of  the  moment  before. 
There  is  usually  an  utterly  uncalled-for  attack  upon  person  or 
property.  German  observers  have  laid  much  stress  for  diagnosis 
upon  the  fact  that  the  period  of  pathological  intoxication  is  fol- 
lowed by  a  terminal  sleep,  after  which  the  individual  usually 
has  no  recollection  of  immediately  preceding  events. 

§  325.  Alcoholic  Psychoses  in  Adolescents,  —  Our  special  con- 
tribution to  this  subject  comes  from  our  observation  of  still 
another  group  of  cases  in  which  a  pathological  reaction  to  alcohol 
has  extended  for  days  and  even  over  a  week  or  two.  Significant 
bodily  signs,  such  as  enlargement  of  the  pupils  {vide  Stapel,  362), 
which  occurs  in  pathological  intoxication  are  not  found,  but  the 
mental  aberrations  are  characteristic  and  important.  There  is 
complete  impulsivity  which  throws  all  prudence  to  the  winds. 

^  Several  German  authors  have  written  at  length  on  the  topic  of  patholog- 
ical intoxication  (der  pathologische  Rausch)  and  intolerance  to  alcohol.  We 
would  refer  particularly  to  the  chapter  by  Cramer  (221)  on  alcohohc  psychoses, 
and  to  the  discussion  (15)  of  the  same  author  of  the  medico-legal  bearings  of 
the  subject.  Bonhoeffer  (9)  stUl  earlier  contributed  a  study  on  this  topic,  and 
Richter  (11)  has  a  special  dissertation  on  it.  Others  have  given  details  of 
cases,  one  of  the  best  studied  in  its  legal  relations  being  that  by  Weber  (361). 
The  type  of  prolonged  pathological  reaction  to  alcohol  which  we  have  observed 
and  illustrated  above  we  have  found  no  satisfactory  account  of  in  the  literature. 


§  325]  .  MINOR   MENTAL   ABERRATIONS  [Chap.  XXII 

There  is  rapid  alteration  of  the  emotions.  There  is  mental  rest- 
lessness, and  frequently  mild  incoherency,  inability  to  pay  atten- 
tion, and  perhaps  decidedly  imperfect  memory  for  recent  events. 
In  other  words  there  is  a  mild  clouding  of  consciousness,  confu- 
sion, excitement  and  irritability.  The  effect  upon  conduct  of 
these  psychotic  states  may  well  be  imagined.  In  young  males 
we  have  had  particular  reason  to  note  a  tendency  to  extravagant 
violence,  entirely  prejudicial  to  their  own  interests,  and  in  girls 
reckless  abandon  to  sexual  practices  w^hich  were  certainly  not 
called  out  by  any  usual  desires.  The  lack  of  mental  control, 
impulsivity  and  mild  confusion  are  illustrated  in  the  following 
cases,  where  the  symptoms  in  these  adolescents  have  lasted  for 
days,  or  even  a  week  or  two  after  cessation  of  drinking. 

Case  145.  —  A  boy  of  16,  very  small  for  his  age,  when  under 
detention,  acted  for  days  in  the  most  violent  fashion,  directly 
against  his  own  interests.  Even  when  before  the  judge  he  at- 
tempted viciously  to  assault  first  a  witness,  and  then  a  court 
attache.  Everybody,  including  his  own  parents,  thought  that  he 
certainly  must  be  mentally  disturbed.  As  observed  by  us,  a 
few  minutes  after  the  court  scene,  he  was  an  extraordinarily 
dissipated  looking  youngster,  with  swollen  eyes  and  bluish  skin. 
Now,  instead  of  the  desperate  tough,  we  had  a  highly  nervous, 
excitably-talking,  friendly  boy,  who  soon  began  to  weep  and  sob. 
His  only  talk  was  of  drinking  and  smoking,  which  he  said  he 
had  been  indulging  in  excessively  for  some  days  prior  to  his 
arrest,  which  was  about  a  week  previously.  Nothing  in  the  way  of 
testing  could  be  done  on  account  of  his  nervousness,  but  he  was 
obviously  unbalanced.  He  had  been  ordered  to  an  institution 
for  delinquents. 

The  interested  parents  gave  a  clear  account  of  a  curiously 
mixed  career.  This  boy  is  considered  the  only  dull  member  of 
a  large  family  of  children.  His  development  was  normal  and  he 
was  never  seriously  ill  until  he  was  8  years  old.  Then  he  began 
having  periods  of  severe  headache  and  vomiting,  which  would 
come  after  a  couple  of  days  of  queer  actions.  He  had  these  then 
for  years.  He  also  had  typhoid  badly  at  8  years.  He  was  some- 
what of  a  somnambulist,  and  a  great  coward  always  at  night.  He 
did  very  poorly  in  school,  and  was  at  last  sent  to  an  institution 
on  account  of  truancy.  Previous  to  his  truancy  he  had  worked 
hard  for  over  a  year,  getting  up  early  in  the  morning  to  deliver 
milk  before  school  time.     At  14  he  was  only  in  the  4th  grade. 



Then  he  found  a  phice  to  work  with  a  big  financial  concern, 
braced  up  and  did  splendidly  for  nearly  a  year,  when  a  craving  for 
country  life  came  over  him  and  he  left  his  good  position,  where 
he  was  well  liked,  to  go  on  a  farm.  After  he  came  back  from  the 
country  he  commenced  going  with  one  of  the  toughest  gangs 
in  the  city.  Then  followed  strange  behavior,  singing  ribald  songs 
at  home,  jumping  out  of  the  window  when  reproved,  staying 
under  the  table  and  looking  like  a  hunted  animal  when  afraid 
of  his  father.  He  even  slept  on  the  floor  under  furniture  rather 
than  in  his  own  bed,  and  at  last  stayed  away  from  home  for  days 
together.  His  parents  say  that  at  times  his  eyes  were  glassy 
and  wild,  and  altogether  he  appeared  most  abnormal. 

This  boy  when  an  infant  had  one  convulsion,  none  of  the  other 
children  had  any.  Nor  do  they  suffer  with  sick  headaches.  The 
father  was  earlier  subject  to  migraine,  later  became  a  hard  drinker, 
but  for  years  had  entirely  reformed,  and  was  now  reliable  and 
respectable.  A  maternal  aunt  of  the  boy  was  subject  to  severe 
headaches,  and  then  later  developed  epilepsy  followed  by  insanity. 

The  boy  was  seen  a  month  later.  We  found  an  entirely  changed 
individual,  of  normal  appearance  and  rather  strong  type  of  face. 
Except  for  his  small  size  and  large  adenoids  and  tonsils  we  found 
his  physical  conditions  normal.  Mentally,  to  our  great  surprise, 
we  found  by  many  tests  that  his  ability  was  well  up  to  the  ordi- 
nary. He  says  he  detested  school  life,  deliberately  learned  as 
little  as  possible,  and  always  wanted  to  live  in  the  open  country, 
which  he  was  never  allowed  to  do.  From  the  story  of  this  now 
manly  appearing  boy  we  hear  that  for  6  months  or  so  prior  to 
the  time  we  saw  him  in  court,  he  had  been  drinking,  at  least  a 
little  beer  every  day.  This  is  what  made  him  so  strange  at 
home,  he  saj^s.  Then  what  led  to  his  final  period  of  crazy  behavior, 
with  burglary,  a  street  robbery,  extraordinary  defiance  of  the 
police,  as  well  as  the  irrational  actions  mentioned  above,  play- 
ing a  part,  was  whiskey-drinking  with  the  gang.  "  I  did  n't 
know  where  I  was  at  in  those  days." 

We  never  obtained  any  account  of  actual  intoxication  of  this 
boy  from  any  one;  the  effect  of  the  liquor  was  simply  to  create 
exceedingly  erratic  and  dangerous  behavior.  The  background 
of  neurotic  tendency  is  to  be  remembered.  The  best  proof  of 
the  cause  of  the  trouble  was  in  the  total  change  of  his  character 
and  condition  after  a  month  of  abstinence,  with  no  more  charges 
of  criminalistic  behavior  for  now  several  years. 



Mentality:  Psychosis,  temporary.  Case  145. 

Stimulants:  Whiskey  and  beer.  ^^^'  ^^  ^^^• 

Tobacco  +  +. 

Neuropathic  constitution. 

EarHer  attacks  resembKng  migraine. 

Heredity:  Father  earlier  migraine,  alcoholic. 
Maternal  aunt  epileptic  and  insane. 

Earlier  truancy.  Mental : 

Recently  fighting.  Fair  ability. 

Stealing,  etc.  Temporarily  aberrational. 

One  might  cite  other  cases  in  which  an  aberrational  mental 
condition  persisted,  with  dangerous  social  behavior,  for  a  week 
or  two  after  the  cessation  of  a  drinking  bout.  One  could  instance 
the  effects  of  saturnalia  engaged  in  for  several  days  by  young 
toughs,  when  they  shut  themselves  up  in  a  barn,  eat  and  sleep 
but  little  while  drinking  and  smoking  excessively.  This  may 
bring  about  a  half-dazed  condition  in  which  the  most  vicious 
impulses  have  full  sway.  Offenses,  even  murder,  may  be  then 
readily  committed.  The  individual  is  then  quite  incapable  of 
listening  to  reason  or  appreciating  proposals  for  his  own  advan- 
tage. Neuropathic,  defective  and  adolescent  individuals  undoubt- 
edly succumb  easiest,  and  are  therefore  the  most  dangerous. 
Perhaps  the  most  vicious  young  tough  we  have  ever  known  is 
a  moron  in  mental  grade,  a  pleasant-faced,  dull-minded  chap, 
who  with  a  little  liquor  becomes  utterly  irrational  and  reckless, 
a  wild  beast  loose  in  society.  A  pathological  reaction  to  alcohol 
is  also  seen  in  females,  such  as  the  following: 

Case  146.  —  Girl  of  17.  In  this  instance  a  girl,  who  was  held 
as  a  witness  against  some  men  with  whom  she  had  engaged  in 
excessively  immoral  practices,  showed  signs  of  mental  disturb- 
ance. She  was  found  very  difficult  to  take  care  of  because  of 
her  extremely  erratic,  restless,  and  reckless  behavior,  her  con- 
stant use  of  the  vilest  language,  and  her  continual  dwelling  on 
sex  affairs.  In  a  short  time  she  had  managed  to  pour  into  the 
ears  of  a  number  of  other  detained  young  women  the  most  abject 
details  of  low  sex  practices. 

The  mother  told  us  that  earlier  this  girl  showed  unusually 
good  traits.    She  had  a  splendid  record  in  school  for  both  scholar- 


Chap.  XXII]       ALCOHOLIC    PSYCHOSES    IN    ADOLESCENTS  [§  325 

ship  and  deportment,  and  later  worked  steadily  and  gave  every 
cent  to  her  mother.  The  mother  had  not  considered  it  necessary 
for  the  girl  to  be  carefully  watched  in  any  way.  A  couple  of 
months  prior  she  began  to  stay  out  late  at  night  and  two  weeks 
ago  had  run  away  from  home  entirely.  She  had  now  been  in 
custody  about  a  week. 

We  found  on  the  physical  side  a  very  strongly  built  young 
woman.  No  sensory  defect.  Well-shaped  head.  Her  expres- 
sion and  attitude  were  remarkable.  She  was  silly,  laughing, 
simpering,  slouchy,  and  nervous. 

We  soon  found  that  mentally  we  had  to  do  with  a  rather  bright 
tjpe  of  individual  who  did  most  of  our  tests  in  a  nervous  way 
\\athout  trouble,  but  who  showed  certain  peculiarities  in  the 

Mental  tests :  our  own  series : 

I.   3'  10".    Very  nervous  performance  on  the  triangles. 

III.  2'.  20  moves.  11  impossibilities,  4  repetitions  of  impossi- 

IV.  2'  13".    13  moves. 

VIII.  1  error,  but  this  was  inexcusable  for  it  was  a  repetition  of 
the  same  number. 

IX.  Correct  at  1st  trial. 

X.  Correct  at  2d  trial. 

XV.  1  failure  and  1  error.    Average  time  1.3". 

XVI.  88  and  89  with  2  and  4  errors  respectively  in  1st  and  2d  trials. 

XVII.  Writes  an  ordinary  hand.    Spells  correctly. 
XIX.    Reads  fluently  an  ordinary  passage. 
XXIII.   Pictorial  Completion  Test  all  correct. 

Kraepelin  subtraction  test  with  simple  numbers,  as  taking  4's  from 
50,  she  finds  it  quite  impossible  to  accomplish  correctly. 

Nothing  further  was  done  at  this  time  on  account  of  the  girl's  be- 
ha\'ior.  She  would  make  a  diligent  effort  for  a  minute  or  so,  and  then 
become  nervous,  would  sigh,  and  frequently  exclaim  she  wished  she 
had  a  drink  or  a  smoke  to  brace  her  up. 

On  the  next  day  she  still  failed  to  do  the  subtraction  test. 

Six  days  later  when  this  girl  was  mentally  changed,  as  we  state  below, 
she  did  test  I  in  36",  test  II  in  the  exceedingly  swift  time  of  4",  test  IV 
in  19".  Test  XI,  the  code  test,  was  done  with  only  3  errors,  and  the 
Kraepelin  subtraction  test  on  more  difficult  numbers  was  done  cor- 
rectly. At  this  time  her  behavior  was  totally  different  and  she  said 
that  she  felt  mentally  like  a  new  person. 

In  the  family  it  is  said  there  has  been  no  insanity,  feeblemind- 
edness or  epilepsy  on  either  side.  The  girl's  father  was  a  thor- 
oughly bad  man,  alcoholic  and  immoral.     Earliest  development 



normal,  but  at  4  years  she  had  ''  brain  fever  "  severely  and  was 
taken  to  a  hospital.  Had  many  other  children's  diseases  lightly. 
Progress  good  in  school,  7th  grade.    Never  convulsions. 

It  came  out  by  the  girl's  story  that  she  had  been  living  a  life 
that  the  mother  knew  nothing  of.  For  a  year  or  so,  even  when 
a  good  earner,  she  had  been  frequenting  wine  rooms  on  the  way 
home  in  company  with  young  men,  and  had  cultivated  a  definite 
taste  for  alcghol.  In  the  couple  of  weeks  before  incarceration 
she  had  been  drinking  hard.  She  showed  some  apperception  of 
her  own  mental  condition,  even  at  our  first  interview. 

"  I  was  drinking  all  last  winter,  wine  and  stuff  in  the  saloon. 
The  fellows  would  buy  it  for  me  and  then  I  would  duck  out. 
I  was  wise  then.  Now,  I  'm  a  dummy  and  they  can  fool  me  in 
everything.  I  'd  believe  anything  they  say.  A  fellow  had  a 
ring  and  he  said  it  was  a  diamond  ring,  and  he  took  my  dollar 
and  my  gloves  for  it,  and  it  was  only  a  10-cent  ring.  That  was 
the  dollar  I  had  from  work.  If  it 's  a  lie  or  the  truth  I  believe  it 
just  the  same.  I  can't  subtract  them  sixes  for  you,  I  don't  know 
how  to  do  it.    I  forget." 

All  the  time  at  this  first  interview  the  narrator  was  laughing, 
leering  and  nervously  moving  about.  When  we  attempted  to  get 
some  details  of  her  recent  history,  especially  concerning  time, 
she  became  confused  and  incoherent  (Korssakow's  symptom). 
Suddenly  she  jumped  up  and  went  to  the  window.  "  I  want  to  get 
out  of  here,  I  want  to  go  back  to  the  saloon  so  I  can  drink.  I  like 
wine.  I  want  a  drink  now,  I  'm  crazy  for  it.  I  used  to  go  with 
a  nice  crowd,  but  they  was  not  wild  enough  for  me  after  I  got 

Three  days  later  she  appeared  most  unkempt.  Says  she  feels 
like  singing  and  laughing.  When  asked  to  do  a  simple  test  insists 
over  and  over,  "  It 's  too  hard  for  a  young  girl  like  me.  I  can't 
think  the  way  I  used  to,  it  takes  me  an  hour  to  get  anything 
through  my  head  now.  If  I  could  get  out  now  I  would  start  to 
drink.     I  love  wine,  port  is  the  best;    gin  fizz,  that 's  good." 

We  note  now  that  her  behavior  in  its  negativism  suggests 
some  features  of  dementia  precox.  She  would  not  allow  the 
physician  to  see  her  mouth  and  throat.  Laughs  in  a  silly  way. 
Takes  no  care  of  her  person. 

Four  days  after  this  a  remarkable  change  came  over  her.  She 
wanted  to  see  us  and  wanted  to  say  that  she  thanked  God  an 
officer  had  found  her  before  it  was  too  late.     She  thinks  now 


Chap.  XXll]  PSYCHOSES   FROM   MORPHINE  [§  326 

that  her  head  was  not  all  right  the  other  day,  and  asked  if  she 
said  any  queer  things.  She  feels  much  better,  but  not  quite 
right  yet  in  her  mind.  Thinks  it  would  be  hardly  safe  for  her 
now  to  go  out,  is  not  sure  that  she  would  stay  away  from  saloons. 
Is  sure  that  previous  to  drinking  hard  she  used  to  be  much 
smarter.  We  note  that  this  girl  today  looks  much  cleaner  and 
brighter  in  expression.  Asked  if  she  would  do  tests,  she  willingly 
responds  with  the  good  performance  we  noted  above. 

Nothing  that  we  observed  was  any  more  indicative  of  mental 
aberration  than  the  extremely  low  and  reckless  behavior  which 
this  erstwhile  modest  girl  indulged  in  after  she  started  her  drink- 
ing bout  away  from  home.  The  details  that  came  out  in  the 
court  were  nauseating  in  the  extreme.  It  seemed  incredible  that 
a  girl  of  such  previously  good  reputation  could,  when  in  no 
obviously  intoxicated  condition,  seek  out  such  situations. 

She  made  later  still  more  progress  to  complete  mental  nor- 
mality. It  should  be  remarked  that  at  the  time  we  found  this 
girl  showing  her  marked  aberrational  symptoms,  she  had  been 
without  alcohol  for  a  week,  and  that  it  was  after  two  weeks  of 
custody  when  her  behavior  and  mental  powers  became  normal, 


§  326.  Psychoses  from  Morphine.  —  On  this,  as  on  the  fol- 
lowmg  subjects,  suitable  text  books  on  psychiatry  must  be  con- 
sulted for  full  information  about  the  different  psychoses  which 
arise  from  morphine.  We  are  concerned  only  with  such  forms 
of  uisanity  as  are  productive  of  criminality.  The  general  mental 
and  character  changes  produced  by  different  drugs  are  discussed 
elsewhere,  §  198  ff. 

The  long  use  of  morphine  brings  about  dementia,  in  which 
moral  decrepitude  stands  out  strongly.  Thus  it  comes  about 
that  some  miserable,  demented  hag,  an  old  drug  habitue,  becomes 
a  procurer  for  houses  of  prostitution,  or  engages  in  ilHcit  distribu- 
tion of  habit -forming  drugs.  Well  known  to  hospital  people  are 
the  hallucinatory  and  delusional  states  produced  by  morphine. 
These  latter  mental  conditions  lead  to  the  commission  of  crimes, 
but  probably  no  more  when  they  have  been  produced  by  mor- 
phine than  when  they  arise  from  other  causes.  Some  of  the 
insane  mental  states  resulting  from  morphine  are  only  tempo- 
rary —  there  may  be  a  sharp  recovery  from  them. 



§  327.  Psychoses  from  Cocaine.  —  We  have  considered  else- 
where, §  199,  the  general  mental  changes  produced  by  cocaine. 
Definite  insanities  are  also  the  result  of  the  use  of  this  drug. 
Whether  because  cocaine  is  particularly  selected  by  neuro- 
pathic individuals,  or  because  of  its  own  peculiar  effects,  mental 
aberrations  and  deterioration  much  more  rapidly  ensue  than 
in  the  case  of  the  overuse  of  morphine.  The  chronic  excitement 
of  cocainists  readily  passes  off  into  delirious  states.  Indeed, 
there  is  an  acute  cocaine  hallucinosis  which  is  described  in  the 
text  books.  Individuals  suffering  from  the  insanities  produced 
by  cocaine  are  particularly  dangerous  on  account  of  their 
maniacal  condition.  The  partially  depressed  and  partially  ex- 
cited state  seen  after  withdrawal  of  the  drug  may,  too,  be 
provocative  of  desperate  conduct.  Both  mentally  and  morally, 
one  of  the  most  unreliable  of  human  beings  is  the  habitual 
cocaine  user. 

§  328.  Psychoses  from  Other  Drugs.  —  Insanities  produced 
by  chloral,  cannabis  indica,  and  other  drugs  play  comparatively 
little  part  in  criminalism.  We  confine  our  remarks  to  this  country, 
for  in  the  Orient  it  is  a  fact  that  the  mental  effects  of  cannabis 
indica,  hasheesh,  have  long  been  celebrated  as  provoking  extreme 
tendencies  to  violence. 

In  connection  wdth  this  subject  and,  indeed,  all  the  way  through 
our  discussion  of  the  effect  of  stimulants  and  narcotics  upon  the 
mind  and  character,  we  should  emphasize  the  relatively  powerful 
effect  which  drugs  have  on  an  individual  who  is  in  the  more 
unstable  periods  of  life,  such  as  adolescence.  Added  to  this  we 
should  insist  on  their  greater  effects  also  on  those  of  neuro- 
pathic heredity  and  constitution.  The  following  case  of  mental 
upset  caused  by  excessive  use  of  tobacco  as  snuff,  in  an  adoles- 
cent neuropath,  is  a  most  exaggerated  instance  of  the  effects  of 
tobacco,  but  is  thoroughly  typical  of  drugs. 

Case  147.  —  A  young  man  of  16  was  seen  by  us  after  he  had 
been  twice  in  the  hands  of  police  authorities.  The  charges  against 
him  were  loafing  on  the  streets,  not  staying  at  work,  getting  into 
street  rows  brought  on  by  himself,  and,  worst  of  all,  viciously  at- 
tacking his  good  mother.  On  the  last  occasion  when  he  was  taken 
in  charge  he  was  discovered  just  about  to  cut  off  the  tail  of  a  cat. 
He  was  seated  at  home  in  the  midst  of  furniture  and  dishes  which 
had  been  broken  and  strewn  about.  Even  the  stove  had  been 
taken  to  pieces.    On  previous  occasions,  it  had  been  noted  that 


Chap.  XXIl]  PSYCHOSES    FROM    OTHER    DRUGS  [§  :)28 

the  boy's  mind  was  much  on  eriminahstic  affairs.  One  could 
hardly  get  him  to  talk  of  anything  but  criminals  and  life  at 
Sing  Sing. 

We  found  a  pleasant-faced,  tall  boy,  with  greatly  variable 
response  both  as  shown  by  facial  expression  and  mental  reaction. 
Regular  features  and  well-shaped  head  gave  him  a  thoroughly 
prepossessing  appearance.  No  sensor}^  defect  noted.  Knee 
jerks  very  lively.  Constant  fine  tremor  of  the  hands.  Strength 
poor  for  his  size.  Weight  112  lbs.  Height  5  ft.  5  in.  Excessive 
biting  of  the  finger  nails  and  finger  tips.  Slouchy  attitude. 
Very  restless,  with  peculiar,  quick,  jerky  voluntary  motions. 
Is  said  to  have  shown  signs  of  excessive  nervousness  for 

His  erratic  general  behavior  and  great  variability  made  the 
givmg  of  ordinary  tests  valueless,  except  as  showing  negative 
results.  It  was  found,  however,  that  in  moments  of  better  con- 
trol he  could  do  our  Completion  Test,  XXIII,  correctly.  In 
3'  50"  he  said  he  had  finished,  although  there  were  two  errors. 
WTien  urged  to  do  better  he  finally  put  all  the  pieces  in  their 
right  places.  One  found  him  to  be  an  excessive  liar,  to  have 
very  deficient  memory  for  certain  recent  events,  and  to  show 
in  general  a  tremendous  amount  of  lack  of  mental  control.  In 
conversation  every  few  minutes  he  would  assert,  "  I  can  prove 
it."  Although  some  vague  account  of  his  own  bad  habits  was 
forthcoming,  yet  in  general  his  own  account  of  himself  was  quite 

From  the  very  intelligent  father  we  learn  that  this  is  the  only 
living  child,  that  a  step-brother  by  the  same  mother  had  epi- 
leptic attacks  and  finally  committed  suicide  while  insane.  The 
mother  herself  had  suffered  from  an  attack  of  melancholia  prior 
to  the  birth  of  this  child.  She  later  recovered.  She  was  an 
unusually  good  woman.  Other  members  of  the  family  are  well 
educated  and  successful.  The  pregnancy  with  this  boy  was 
normal.  He  was  very  large  at  birth  and  instruments  were  used, 
but  no  damage  was  known  to  be  done.  Several  convulsions  dur- 
ing infancy.  Walked  and  talked  early.  Had  a  severe  opera- 
tion for  appendicitis  at  7  years  of  age.  When  in  Europe  at  10 
years  learned  the  use  of  snuff.  The  last  two  years  has  been  tak- 
ing it  regularly.  Recently  has  made  an  extremely  rapid  pubertal 
growth.  The  family  have  noted  this  as  being  very  peculiar. 
The  boy  was  regarded  as  bright,  but  on  account  of  changing 



residences  never  advanced  well  in  school.  Later  he  had  a  good 
position,  and  was  thought  well  of  by  competent  business  men. 
He  held  this  position  for  about  a  year.  His  bad  conduct  began 
only  recently,  although  before  adolescence  he  was  regarded  as 
being  nervous. 

The  connection  between  the  use  of  snuff  and  this  boy's  previous 
mental  condition  and  bad  conduct  can  only  be  conjectured.  But 
the  last  outbreak  was  so  closely  under  observation  that  the  rela- 
tionship became  clear.  After  once  previously  being  taken  charge  of 
by  the  authorities  he  became  ill  with  pneumonia  and  was  placed  in 
a  hospital.  There  he  was  observed  as  being  nervous  and  erratic, 
and  when  he  found  that  one  of  the  other  inmates  of  the  ward  had 
snuff,  he  gave  a  great  deal  of  trouble  because  of  his  endeavor 
to  get  hold  of  it.  Immediately  following  his  illness,  and  while 
still  in  a  depleted  condition,  he  went  home,  and  at  once  indulged 
in  an  orgy  of  snuff  using.  He  used  a  whole  box  of  it  within  24 
hours,  and  as  an  immediate  result  began  the  erratic  conduct 
which  again  made  him  complained  of.  Before  becoming  violent, 
his  family  say  he  sat  and  rubbed  his  hands  through  his  hair,  or 
crawled  on  his  knees  over  the  floor.  When  we  saw  him  the  boy 
had  partially  recovered  his  mental  equilibrium.  He  was  frank 
enough  to  state  that  he  did  not  believe  he  wanted  to  give  up 
the  habit,  and  that  he  thought  in  most  public  institutions  he  could 
use  his  ingenuity  successfully  to  get  hold  of  snuff. 

This  is  an  unusual  case,  inasmuch  as  it  is  rare  to  see  such  marked 
psychic  disturbances  and  misbehavior  arising  from  the  use  of 
tobacco  in  any  form  —  it  is  to  be  presumed  that  the  snuff  which 
this  boy  used,  being  the  usual  commercial  article,  was  not  any 
one  of  the  doctored  snuffs  sometimes  obtainable.  One  would 
expect  to  find  just  such  disturbances  from  cocaine  and  chloral 
and  hasheesh,  but  the  significant  points  are  all  the  more  valuable 
when  the  immediate  source  of  trouble  is  a  less  noxious  drug. 
The  behavior  in  this  case  is  almost  exactly  similar  to  that  of 
some  cocaine  users  we  have  seen,  and  the  case  will  serve  with  its 
several  factors  as  a  paradigm  for  the  whole  group  of  adoles- 
cent drug  users.  It  appears  clear  from  our  experience  that  one  may 
expect  the  appearance  of  temporary  psychoses  with  criminal- 
istic behavior  in  neuropathic  individuals,  in  depleted  physical 
conditions,  and  particularly  during  adolescence,  when  there  is 
indulgence  in  habit-forming  drugs. 


Chaf.  XXIl]        OTHER    MINOR    INIENTAL    ABERRATIONS  [§  329 

§  329.    Other   Minor   Mental   Aberrations. 

For  the  sake  of  completeness  we  must  refer  under  this  caption 
to  the  various  types  of  minor  mental  aberrations,  either  transi- 
tory or  permanent,  which  are  discussed  by  us  under  the  headings 
of  epilepsy,  §  258,  senility,  §  163,  pathological  liars,  §  344,  abnor- 
mal sexualism,  §  242,  and  criminalistic  mental  imagery,  §  233. 
Under  constitutional  inferiority,  §  290,  we  mention  the  char- 
acteristic episodes  of  mental  upset  which  are  frequent  among 
persons  of  this  type.  The  aberrations  of  this  last  group  may  be 
fleeting,  but  severe  while  they  last.  They  may  arise  on  a  sheer 
emotional  basis,  or  from  stresses  of  which  alcoholic  poisoning 
may  be  reckoned  as  one.  Our  idea  of  the  problem  of  "  moral  in- 
sanity," which  may  through  misconception  be  regarded  as  an 
aberration,  is  to  be  found  in  a  special  discussion  of  the  subject, 

About  the  existence  of  criminalistic  impulsions  or  obsessions 
which  cannot  be  further  analyzed  and  which  in  some  text  books 
of  psychiatry  are  regarded  as  minor  mental  aberrations,  we  are 
not  at  all  sure.  After  the  case  is  studied  for  mental  defect,  mental 
aberration,  mental  conflict,  social  suggestion,  etc.,  there  is  appar- 
ently extremely  rarely  anything  which  is  fair  to  denominate  in 
any  final  sense  as  impulsion.  Of  course  there  is  an  immediate 
impulsion,  but  the  explanation  of  it  is  to  be  found  in  some  con- 
dition or  force  back  of  it.  Some  idea  of  the  concrete  value  of 
going  farther  than  the  mere  study  of  the  impulsive  tendency  is 
shown  in  what  we  have  to  say  about  pathological  stealing, 
etc.,  §366ff. 



Mental  Peculiarities 

§  330.  General  Considerations.  Abnormal  Social  Suggestibility.  §  331. 
(a)  Abnormal  Social  Suggestibility  of  the  Individual  as  a  Mental  Peculi- 
arity. §  332.  (b)  Abnormal  Social  Suggestibility  of  the  Members  of  a 
Crowd.  §  333.  (c)  Abnormal  Social  Suggestibility  to  the  Influence  of 
One  Individual.  §  334.  Hypnotism.  §  335.  (d)  Dual  Social  Suggesti- 

§  330.  General  Considerations.  —  Study  of  the  causation  of 
criminalistic  tendencies  shows  in  some  instances  a  special  mental 
trait  or  peculiarity  that  is  to  be  regarded  as  the  major  factor. 
By  peculiarity  I  mean  some  characteristic  which  cannot  be 
subsumed  under  the  head  of  either  mental  defect  or  aberration. 
In  a  considerable  proportion  of  such  cases  the  peculiarity  cannot 
be  correlated  with  any  known  physical  condition,  structural 
or  functional,  but  perhaps  extension  of  oiir  knowledge  will  some 
day  trace  further  relationships.  Whenever  a  physical  basis  for 
conduct  is  known  I  have  made  it  the  main  consideration  for 
classification.  For  instance,  we  do  not  include  here  the  mental 
instability  of  the  neuropath,  nor  the  vigorous  restlessness  of 
over-development.  But  there  are  traits  for  which  no  physical 
correlate  or  basis  is  known,  and  some  of  these  are  of  high  impor- 
tance in  our  type  of  study.  Although  the  comparative  number 
of  cases  in  which  mental  peculiarity  stands  out  as  a  major  causal 
factor  is  not  great,  each  demands  skillful  attention  in  order  that 
the  individual  may  be  efficiently  handled.^ 

We  present  here  findings  merely,  not  theories.  We  presume 
that  there  are  mental  peculiarities  other  than  the  ones  we  enum- 
erate, tending  to  produce  criminalism,  but  we  must  confine  our- 
selves to  observed  facts.  To  be  sure,  part  of  what  we  might 
place  in  this  category  has  been  swallowed  up  by   discussions 

^  One  might  go  far  in  criminalistics  with  the  discussion  of  mental  peculiari- 
ties, as  expressed  in  temperament  and  character,  but  profitably  we  can  only 
here  deal  with  certain  of  the  most  important  peculiarities  recognizable  as  driv- 
ing forces.  Those  wishing  to  pursue  this  subject  farther  can  refer  to  the  work 
of  the  physician,  Krauss  (355),  who  a  generation  ago  attempted  to  build  up 
a  psychology  of  the  criminal,  largely  on  studies  of  temperament.  Recently 
Wulffen  (2,  vol.  II)  has  dealt,  mostly  in  enumerative  fashion,  with  tempera- 
mental peculiarities,  in  a  chapter  on  characterology  as  appHed  to  offenders. 


Chap.  XXlIl]        ABNORMAL   SOCIAL    SUGGESTIBILITY  [§  331 

under  other  headings.  Those,  for  instance,  who  show  peculiar 
partial  mental  defects,  even  of  self-control,  have  been  treated  in 
our  chapter  on  mental  defect  (§281);  those  obsessed  by  anti- 
social grudge  are  dealt  with  under  mental  conflict  (§237);  some 
temporary  mental  peculiarities  are  handled  as  adolescent  phe- 
nomena (§316);  and  so  on.  Transitory  adolescent  peculiarities, 
such  as  the  instabihties  of  this  period,  offer  proof  that,  just  as 
conservatism  is  a  trait  of  advanced  years,  some  other  peculiari- 
ties are  largely  those  of  special  ages. 

Our  method  of  presentation  of  most  types  of  mental  peculiari- 
ties concerned  in  the  production  of  criminalism  is,  under  appro- 
priate heading,  simply  to  call  attention  to  the  significance  of 
their  bearings.  But  the  cases  of  abnormal  social  suggestibility, 
and  extreme  love  of  adventure,  have  proved  of  such  great  impor- 
tance for  the  adoption  of  constructive  measures  in  treatment  that 
they  are  discussed  in  much  more  detail.  We  know  full  well, 
however,  that  both  in  enumeration  of  facts  and  cases,  we  have 
not  nearly  covered  all  the  points.  This  part  of  our  study  is 
intended  to  be  practically  suggestive,  rather  than  a  complete 
survey  of  all  the  manifold  variations  of  human  temperament 
and  character. 


Social  suggestibility  lies  at  the  very  core  of  social  life,  and  the 
mere  evidences  of  its  existence  are  to  be  regarded  in  nowise 
as  proof  of  abnormality.  The  data  on  abnormal  suggestibility 
which  is  a  factor  in  criminalism,  we  may  treat  by  use  of  the 
following  divisions,  (a)  Abnormal  social  suggestibility  of  the 
individual  as  a  mental  peculiarity.  (6)  Abnormal  social  sug- 
gestibility of  the  members  of  a  crowd,  (c)  Abnormal  sug- 
gestibility to  the  influence  of  one  individual,  (d)  Dual  social 

§  331.    (a)  Abnormal  Social  Suggestibility  of  the  Individual  as  a 
Mental  Peculiarity. 

The  immense  variation '  between  individuals  in  their  innate 
liability  to  social  suggestion  we  have  had  ample  proof  of  in  our 
case  studies.  It  is  a  common  observation  of  jurists,  especially 
those  who  have  to  deal  with  offenders  in  their  formative  period, 
that  this  trait  of  suggestibility  is  of  high  significance  for  the 



establishment  of  a  criminal  career.  The  differences  in  suggesti- 
bility at  different  periods  of  life  are  easy  to  recognize;  we  note 
the  gradual  development  of  self-assertion  as  the  individual  ma- 
tures. But  also  at  the  same  period  of  life  there  may  be  dis- 
cerned essential  differences  between  the  characteristics  of  different 
persons  in  this  respect.  Knowledge  of  any  tendency  to  abnormal 
suggestibility  is  essential  for  correct  estimation  of  the  pos- 
sibilities of  moral  development  under  various  environmental 

Although  a  word  on  this  subject  is  found  here  and  there  in  the 
literature,  we  are  struck  by  the  inadequacy  of  its  treatment  by 
writers  on  criminalistics.  We  are  not  surprised  that  such  a  funda- 
mental psychological  characteristic  as  suggestibility  was  not 
treated  by  the  fathers  of  criminology  when  they  were  so  busy 
with  their  physical  data,  but  the  neglect  by  later  writers  merely 
shows  that  they  have  been  more  occupied  with  generalities  than 
detailed  study  of  cases. 

Tarde  (5),  who  so  brilliantly  lays  stress  upon  the  preponder- 
ance of  social  causes  and  points  out  the  influence  of  individuals 
on  each  other,  fails  entirely  to  note  the  practical  point  of  differ- 
ences in  the  social  suggestibility  of  individuals.  Mercier  (l6) 
in  his  discussion  of  customs,  fashions,  conformity,  reciprocal 
conduct,  and  so  on,  verges  towards  our  essential  point,  but  never 
clearly  sees  it.  Partridge  (18),  who  specifically  writes  on  individ- 
ual differences  in  traits,  does  not  at  all  go  into  the  question  of 
social  suggestibility.  Stern  (79),  whose  efforts  to  develop  a 
science  of  differential  psychology  are  second  to  none,  finds  no 
room,  even  in  the  latest  edition  of  his  main  work,  for  discussion  of 
types  of  individuals  showing  varying  social  suggestibility,  Sidis 
(17),  who  has  given  us  one  of  the  most  original  of  contribu- 
tions in  his  study,  of  social  suggestibility,  who  emphasizes  the 
fact  that  man  has  social  suggestibility  as  an  essential  character- 
istic, and  who  deals  with  the  laws  of  suggestion,  offers  no  gauge 
for  estimation  of  the  effect  of  social  suggestion  upon  anj^  given 
type  of  individual. 

Gross  (64,  p.  492)  in  a  short  summary  acknowledges  the  impor- 
tance of  the  whole  subject  of  suggestion  in  criminalism,  and  makes 
a  final  statement  with  which  we  are  in  thorough  accord,  namely, 
that  "  we  still  have  too  little  material,  too  few  observations,  and 
no  scientifically  certain  inferences."  More  observational  study 
and  collection  of  material   is  needed.     We   cite  the   omissions 



and  weaknesses  of  the  literature  in  order  to  show  the  discrepancy 
between  the  previous  development  of  the  psychology  of  criminal- 
istics, and  such  practical  issues  as  are  embodied  in  the  common- 
sense  observations  of  the  many  judges  who  note  the  significance 
of  suggestibility. 

Many  relatives  also  have  remarked  to  us  upon  the  undue 
suggestibility  of  some  members  of  their  own  families.  They 
say,  "  He  can  be  very  easily  led,"  or,  "  She  is  altogether  too 
pliable,"  or,  "  That 's  just  the  way  she  is.  She  can  be  persuaded 
by  am'^body  to  take  their  views,"  or,  "  He  will  do  anything 
anybody  tells  him  to.  If  anybody  told  him  to  jump  into  the 
lake  on  a  cold  day  I  believe  he  would  do  it." 

The  following  are  t;\T3ical  quotations  from  offenders'  state- 
ments: "He  told  me  to,"  "Somehow  I  always  do  what  they 
say,"  "  Like  a  fool  I  went  back  when  they  called  me.  They 
wanted  me  to  go  down  there  and  I  certainly  was  a  fool,"  "  If  I 
would  not  go  with  these  boys  it  would  be  all  right.  My  mother 
always  told  me  I  would  get  to  this,"  "  If  I  could  go  into  a  convent 
and  keep  away  from  those  girls  I  know  I  could  build  up  my 

Should  there  be  the  slightest  doubt  that  there  is  a  vast  differ- 
ence in  individuals  in  regard  to  their  susceptibility  to  suggestion, 
either  as  socially  observable  or  as  evidenced  by  tests,  one  could 
offer  much  proof  by  recounting  reactions  of  diverse  types.  Any  one 
who  will  make  a  study  of  these  qualities  can  speedil}^  distinguish, 
not  only  among  children,  but  also  among  adults,  some  individuals 
who  are  self-possessed  and  self-assertive  when  suggestion  is 
offered,  and  others  who  show  passive  acquiescence.  These  differ- 
ences can  be  observed  among  normal  individuals  and  defectives 
as  well.  I  should  be  far  from  asserting  that  extreme  social  sugges- 
tibility is  found  oftener  among  delinquents  than  among  others. 
(We  have  no  norms  to  compare  the  two.)  But  when  this  trait 
is  observed  in  offenders  it  is  highly  important  to  recognize  it, 
and  adjust  conditions  with  it  in  mind. 

In  observing  the  reactions  to  suggestion  brought  out  in  our 
"  Aussage  "  test,  §  60,  §  73,  we  have  found  immense  differences. 
Traits  of  self-assertion,  independent  judgment,  and  non-ac- 
quiescence to  suggestion  are  found  in  individuals  even  prior  to 
adolescence,  while  the  opposite  characteristics  may  be  observed 
in  any  period  of  life.  However,  it  must  be  clearly  understood 
that  when  distinct  traits  of  suggestibility  are  shown  in  social 



life,  sometimes  the  individual  during  examination  will  brace 
himself  up  to  react  with  great  firmness.  The  citation  of  actual 
cases  will  serve  to  make  some  of  these  points  clearer. 

Case  148.  —  A  boy  of  honest  Swedish  parents  was  seen  by  us 
at  intervals  during  a  couple  of  years,  until  at  18  he  was  shot 
dead  by  a  policeman.  He  was  attempting  escape  after  having 
been  caught  with  a  companion  in  a  burglary. 

We  had  frequently  been  consulted  by  the  sympathetic  and 
intelligent  mother,  and  had  probably  very  reliable  information 
about  antecedents.  The  family  had  immigrated  twenty  years 
before.  The  father  was  a  very  steady  man,  long  in  the  govern- 
ment service.  He  died  when  the  boy  was  8  years  old.  A  good 
home,  however,  had  always  been  maintained  by  the  mother. 
There  had  been  six  children,  but  only  two  survived,  the  others 
having  died  of  various  children's  diseases.  The  older  sister  has 
grown  up  to  be  an  unusually  nice  young  woman.  We  are  told 
there  has  been  no  insanity,  feeblemindedness,  or  epilepsy  in  the 
near  relatives  of  either  family.  The  pregnancy  and  birth  of  this 
boy  were  normal.  During  the  nursing  period  the  mother  was 
much  worried  about  the  illness  of  the  father,  and  this  child  was 
badly  nourished.  During  his  infancy  he  had  whooping  cough 
and  several  intestinal  attacks,  once  with  dropsy.  At  15  he  had  a 
slight  attack  of  appendicitis,  but  no  operation.  Otherwise  he  has 
always  been  well.  No  convulsions.  He  has  not  been  accustomed 
to  stimulants.  At  one  time  he  smoked  a  little,  but  later  entirely 
stopped.  Walked  and  talked  at  normal  age,  and  his  develop- 
ment in  every  way  was  regular.  He  was  only  in  the  5th  grade 
at  14,  but  this  was  due  to  much  changing  about  in  school  life, 
and  especially  to  interruption  on  account  of  delinquency. 

Physical:  rather  well  developed;  strong  and  active;  107  lbs., 
5  ft.  1  in.,  no  sensory  defect  noted;  good  color;  well-shaped  head; 
circumference  52.5,  length  17,  and  width  15  cm.;  small  ears  with 
lobules  almost  absent  give  the  only  suggestion  of  stigmata. 

Mental  tests:  our  own  series: 

I.  1'  2".    Small  amount  of  trial  and  error  on  triangles. 

II.  59".    2  errors. 

III.  3'  12".  Moderate  repetition  of  errors.  (Later  method  of 
scoring  not  then  used.) 

V.  2'  15".    Very  slight  amount  of  trial  and  error. 

VI.  "  Aussage."  Full  functional  account  given  and  no  suggestions 



VII.  Both  correct  at  1st  trial. 

VIII.  Done  promptly  and  all  coirectly. 
X.    Correct  at  2d  trial. 

XIII.  The  twelve  items  produced  absolutely  accurately  with  the 
exception  of  one  short  phrase  omitted. 

XV.  One  error.    One  failure.    Average  time  1.4". 

XVI.  68  and  60  squares  respectively  tapped  in  30"  with  only  one 
error  in  the  first  series. 

XVII.  Writes  a  very  good  hand.  Produces  a  fluent  letter,  but 
defective  in  punctuation.    Spells  all  ordinary  words  correctly. 

XVIII.  Does  arithmetic  up  to  his  grade  work.  Succeeds  with  the 
simple  process  of  fractions. 

XIX.  Reads  rapidly  and  fluently. 

XX.  Plays  a  rather  good  game  of  checkers  for  his  age. 

XXI.  Response  to  moral  questions  was  (1)  The  man  did  wrong. 
One  should  not  take  anything  that  does  not  belong  to  one.  Whatever 
happened  the  man  ought  not  to  have  stolen.  (2)  The  white  man 
should  not  have  been  given  up  to  the  Indians  unless  he  himself  was 
willing  to  go.  He  ought  not  to  have  been  given  up  because  he  was 

XXII.  He  is  fond  of  reading  and  has  many  books  at  home.  Says 
he  does  not  like  to  read  about  murders  and  burglaries  in  the  paper  be- 
cause always  dreams  of  them.  Ordinary  iteiris  of  geography  and  his- 
tory he  gives  correctly.  Knows  very  little  about  scientific  items.  Has 
pet  animals  at  home.  Is  fond  of  baseball  and  football.  Plays  games 
at  home  a  good  deal  with  his  step-father.    Would  like  to  be  a  lawyer. 

The  diagnosis  in  this  case  was  easy  to  make.  The  boy  was 
in  good  physical  condition,  and  showed  himself  to  be  well  up  to 
the  ordinary  in  mental  ability.  At  one  time  to  our  knowledge 
he  was  doing  well  at  work  for  a  manufacturing  firm.  Altogether 
he  showed  many  good  mental  qualities.  In  our  tests  no  signs 
of  suggestibility  whatever  were  found. 

This  unfortuuate  boy  was  a  great  friend  of  ours,  and  a  favorite 
with  many  people.  When  first  seen  by  us  he  told  us  he  had  been 
going  at  times  with  bad  company  —  a  crowd  of  boys  who  were 
nearly  all  delinquents.  His  own  delinquencies  consisted  in  earlier 
truancy,  for  which  he  was  sent  to  an  institution,  and  later  stealing 
in  various  ways.  He,  with  others,  had  stolen  bicycles,  a  horse 
and  buggy,  and  goods  from  shops.  One  of  the  first  times  he  was 
caught  he  was  with  another  lad  trying  to  sell  some  coal  they  had 

The  boy  stated,  and  it  was  thoroughly  corroborated,  that  all 
of  his  delinquencies  occurred  while  he  was  with  his  companions. 
Sometimes  he  stayed  away  from  these  fellows  for  months  at  a 



time.  He  says  himself  that  he  has  a  very  good  home,  and  some- 
times he  stays  there  all  of  his  spare  hours  reading.  He  has  read 
18  books  in  the  last  6  months.  He  does  not  smoke.  He  says 
the  trouble  with  him  is  that  he  has  a  weak  will.  When  others 
suggest  escapades  he  forgets  that  he  might  get  arrested,  although 
he  has  been  in  trouble  before.  When  asked  about  a  special  delin- 
quency, he  tells  us  that  he  was  one  day  with  a  boy  some  distance 
from  home  and  they  had  no  car  fare.  The  other  boy  said,  "  I  '11 
show  you  what  we  can  do,"  and  they  went  over  to  where  a  bicycle 
was  standing  and  appropriated  it. 

On  one  occasion  when  a  trial  of  himself  and  companions  was 
pending  they  were  allowed  to  go  home.  One  of  the  boys  ob- 
tained some  money  and  persuaded  our  friend  to  go  with  him 
to  another  state  —  a  most  foolish  trick  in  the  face  of  his  record. 
They  got  away  a  little  distance,  but  soon  returned  home  in 
much  fear. 

This  boy  proved  an  honest  worker,  and  for  18  months  succeeded 
in  getting  along  without  being  delinquent  by  completely  stay- 
ing away  from  his  companions.  At  home  he  was  always  the 
best  of  fellows.  Frequently  he  would  not  go  out  at  all  in  the 
evening  in  order  to  avoid  trouble,  for  it  was  well  recognized  in  the 
family  circle  that  he  had  neither  power  nor  inclination  to  resist 
when  any  proposal  was  made  to  him  by  his  old  comrades. 
Repeatedly  at  home  and  with  us  he  showed  much  contrition  and 
wept  bitterly  over  his  own  record.  After  his  long  period  of  doing 
finely  with  the  manufacturing  concern,  he  did  not  feel  well  one 
morning  and  stayed  at  home.  Later  in  the  day  he  went  out,  met 
one  of  his  old  friends  who  proposed  some  escapade,  and  instantly 
the  long  good  record  and  unusually  good  prospects  were  thrown 

We  urgently  advised  a  new  and  more  sequestered  environment, 
perhaps  on  a  farm,  but  to  our  regret  this  was  never  acted  upon. 
As  is  so  frequently  the  case,  both  the  family  and  the  boy  felt 
that  in  the  old  environment  he  somehow  would  do  better.  Thus 
we  never  were  satisfied  with  the  family  attempt  at  constructive 
work.  There  was  genuine,  but  not  thoroughly  intelligent  effort  to 
serve  him.  Our  earliest  diagnosis  was  that  the  boy  was  abnor- 
mally suggestible  socially,  and  he  should  have  been  treated  as 
such.  It  was  not  long  after  he  had  served  a  short  sentence 
that  again  with  a  companion  he  attempted  robbery  and  was 



Mental  peculiarity:  Social  suggestibility  +,  Case  148.         ' 

very  marked  case.  Boy,  age  18. 

Bad  companions. 

Early  truancy.  Mentality: 

Stealing  +.  Ordinary  in  ability. 

To  give  in  detail  the  stories  of  other  cases  of  this  same  sort  we 
have  known  would  hardly  add  much.  The  general  point  is  that 
there  are  individuals,  mentally  normal,  who  succumb  with  great 
ease  to  the  suggestions  of  bad  companions.  To  give  the  results  on 
tests,  even  on  the  "  Aussage"  test  (§  73),  would  prove  no  standard 
correlation  between  them  and  social  suggestibility,  although  it 
must  be  confessed  that  in  a  few  instances  our  first  indication  of 
extreme  personal  suggestibility  was  found  by  the  performance  on 
tests.  Some  variation  on  the  antecedent  and  environmental 
conditions  are  shown  in  the  following  cards: 

Mental  peculiarity:  Social  suggestibility  +. 

Case  149. 

Home  control  —  defective  in  interests. 
Father  away  much. 

Boy,  age  15. 

Bad  companions  +. 

Adolescent  instability. 

Early  truancy. 
Running  away. 
Steahng  +  +.                                                    Ore 

inary  in  ability. 

Mental  peculiarity:  Social  suggestibility  +.  Case  150. 

Childish  type.  Girl,  age  17. 

Family  conditions.     Quarreling  at  home  +. 

Adolescent  instability. 

Sex  +.  Ordinary  in  ability. 

It  is  almost  needless  to  state  that  social  suggestibility  may  also 
be  found  in  abnormal  degree  among  those  who  are  subnormal 
physically  or  mentally,  but  even  among  such  individuals  sugges- 
tibility is  not  a  standard  trait  any  more  than  it  is  among  the  insane. 



Some  of  the  latter  are  practically  impervious  to  suggestion.  The 
constitutional  inferiors,  who  as  a  class  might  offhand  be  considered 
weak  in  will  power,  show  no  uniformity  in  this  matter.  The 
following  case,  however,  does  show  these  traits. 

Constitutional  inferiority:  Case  151. 

Mental  peculiarity:  Social  suggestibility  +.    Boy,  age  15. 

Developmental  conditions : 

Convulsions  very  frequent  in  infancy. 

Backward  in  development. 

Nose  and  throat  obstruction  earlier. 

Heredity.     Paternal  uncle  subnormal 
and  criminalistic. 
Father  alcoholic   and   later 

Stimulants:  Smoking  excessive. 

Masturbation  -|-. 

Bad  companions. 

Stealing  +.  Dull,  perhaps 

Violence.  from  physical 

Attempted  arson.  causes. 

The  treatment  of  abnormal  suggestibility  should  be  obvious 
when  once  the  characteristic  is  diagnosed  and  the  environmental 
circumstances  are  known.  The  main  point  to  be  remembered 
is  that  individuals  who  are  abnormally  suggestible  are  suggestible 
to  good  as  well  as  bad  influences.  We  have  had  prolonged  experi- 
ence with  a  number  of  cases,  and  we  should  earnestly  counsel 
that  there  be  environmental  protection  as  complete  as  possible, 
away  from  bad  influences,  until  the  unstable  years  of  adoles- 
cence are  past.  There  is  no  doubt  that  in  general  there  is  a 
distinct  decrease  in  these  weak  tendencies  as  age  increases.  The 
phenomenon  of  extreme  suggestibility  belongs  essentially  to  the 
category  of  childish  traits,  although  there  is  the  greatest  varia- 
tion at  corresponding  ages.  One  feels  very  keenly,  after  wit- 
nessing a  series  including  both  failures  and  successes,  that  while 
relapses  may  occur,  treatment  which  takes  the  nature  of  the  case 
thoroughly  into  account  will  be  successful  if  there  is  normal 



§  332.    (b)  Abnormal   Social  Suggestibility  of  the  Members  of   a 


The  several  remarkable  studies  of  crowd  psychology,  partic- 
ularly those  of  LeBon  (349),  Sidis  (17),  von  Bechterew  (14),  and 
Sighele  (351),  which  have  appeared  in  the  last  decade  or  two 
throw  much  light  upon  certain  strange  phases  of  human  conduct, 
sometimes  involving  criminality.  Crimes  of  a  crowd,  as  many 
criminologists  have  acknowledged,  partake  of  very  different 
characteristics  from  offenses  which  involve  only  one  person. 
The  psychic  contagion  of  a  crowd  is  an  unmatched  phenomenon, 
and,  as  Bechterew  says,  "  stands  as  an  analogous  world  fact  to 
be  compared  with  pathological  contagion."  The  crowd  crimes 
of  a  St.  Bartholomew's  night,  or  of  a  modern  American  lynching, 
illustrate  the  fact.  Under  such  circumstances  suggestibility  is 
exhibited  in  its  fullest  force.  The  normal  moral  sense  of  the 
individual  is  for  the  time  uprooted  and  overthrown.  Exactly 
the  same  t^^pe  of  social  force  is  at  work  in  lesser  degree  in  the 
activities  of  mischievous  crowds  or  gangs  which  frequently 
become  criminalistic  in  our  crowded  centers  of  civilization.^ 

It  is  quite  beyond  the  mark  to  offer  any  case  studies  in  illus- 
tration of  the  reciprocal  influence  of  members  of  crowds  towards 
one  another  in  criminalism.  The  reckoning  with  companionship 
as  an  influence  when  the  individual  was  a  member  of  a  crowd  or  a 
gang  at  the  time  of  commission  of  a  crime  is  absolutely  necessary 
in  any  rational  consideration  of  a  penalty.  Something  is  said  of 
this  in  another  section  of  our  work.  The  matter  is  so  patent 
psychologically  that  it  needs  no  further  elaboration.  A  very 
nice  point  for  those  who  would  base  the  penal  system  on  the  fact 
of  responsibility  is  found  in  discussion  of  whether  or  not  the 
individual  as  the  member  of  an  excited  crowd  does  not  by 
virtue  of  the  fact  lose  normal  self-control.  He  may  have  un- 
wittingly joined  with  the  crowd,  and  later  become  criminalisti- 
cally  inflamed. 

1  We  must  pass  by  the  many  references  which  could  be  given  to  the  Utera- 
ture  of  criminaUstic  crowds,  and  which  demonstrate  the  social  suggesti- 
bility that  is  the  keynote  of  their  activities.  Tarde  (5)  summarizes  the  situa- 
tion perhaps  better  than  any  other.  Riis  (350)  has  given  us  the  best  account 
of  predatory  gangs  in  American  cities.  From  magazines  and  newspapers  we 
get  fairly  good  accounts  of  the  Camorrists  of  Italy  and  the  Apaches  of  Paris. 
One  author,  Sighele,  has  made  a  specialty  of  collective  criminality.  His  work 
on  the  criminalistic  crowd  (351)  is  worthy  of  much  attention. 



§  333.    (c)  Abnormal    Suggestibility   to    the    Influence    of    One 


The  person  abnormally  suggestible  is  often  so  well  protected 
that  little  of  social  significance  comes  from  the  fact,  unless 
influence  is  brought  to  bear  by  some  single  person  so  that  trouble 
ensues.  In  such  a  combination  it  is  often  a  balance  between  the 
relative  strength  of  the  person  who  imposes  his  own  ideas,  and 
the  weakness  of  the  person  who  succumbs.  One  can  see  this  just 
as  well  at  a  shop  counter,  as  in  criminal  affairs.  But  in  still 
other  instances  an  individual  who  does  not  appear  in  general 
socially  suggestible,  may  very  curiously  be  swayed  by  some  single 
other  person  who  apparently  is  the  sole  individual  who  has 
power  over  him.  Very  strange  examples  of  this  may  be  seen. 
The  following  is  an  instance. 

Case  152.  —  A  young  woman  of  17,  rather  backward  in  develop- 
ment, but  otherwise  normal  physically,  and  of  good  mentality, 
was  under  arrest  for  repeated  stealing.  She  came  from  an  exceed- 
ingly good  home,  and  was  attending  preparatory  school.  She 
had  met  a  very  commonplace  woman,  apparently  unprepossess- 
ing, and  quite  outside  of  the  girl's  own  social  sphere.  This  woman 
had  shown  her  the  art  of  shoplifting  and  stealing  in  other  ways. 
On  numerous  occasions  she  prevailed  upon  the  girl  to  get  things 
for  her.  The  source  of  her  influence  was  inexplicable,  even  by 
the  girl  herself  after  she  had  been  arrested  and  was  most  anxious 
to  break  away  from  the  liaison  and  fathom  it.  The  only  other 
causative  factor  which  could  be  brought  out  in  the  case  was 
that  the  girl  was  rather  a  spoiled  child  and  so  had  not  developed 
a  normal  measure  of  independence;  she  had  retained  in  mid- 
adolescence  a  rather  childish  type  of  mind.  Very  careful  atten- 
tion to  the  causative  factors  in  this  case  gave  no  other  insight. 

There  can  be  no  doubt  that  in  many  instances  the  influence 
of  one  person  on  another  rests  on  a  basis  of  overt  or  perhaps 
even  unconscious  sex  relationship.  This  is  true  between  persons 
of  the  same  sex  as  well  as  the  opposite.  The  strange  hold  that  a 
bad  man  or  a  bad  boy  occasionally  is  found  to  exercise  over 
another  individual  of  the  same  sex  is  frequently  discovered  to  be 
due  to  secret  sex  knowledge  which  is  mutually  held,  or  to  sex 
practices  between  them.  The  same  is  true  for  women  or  girls. 
This,  we  have  found,  is  a  highly  important  fact  to  remember. 


Chap.  XXIII]  HYPNOTISM  [§  334 

In  rarer  cases  the  influence  may  be  the  result  of  a  sort  of  hero 
worship,  in  which  one  of  the  persons  feels  himself  to  be  the  weaker 
of  the  twain,  and  desires  to  follow  directly  in  the  shadow  of  the 
activities  of  the  more  aggressive  one.  In  our  section  on  profes- 
sional criminalism  we  have  mentioned  the  well-known  suggestive 
influence  of  a  shrewd  old-timer  upon  a  neophyte.  Occasionally 
we  have  found  the  younger  to  be  the  more  influential,  but  always 
because  of  superior  mental  or  physical  activity. 

All  this  about  suggestibility  should  be  kept  in  mind  for  the 
social  treatment  of  the  offender.  Abnormal  suggestibility,  even 
as  a  reaction  to  one  individual,  is  an  important  point  to  consider, 
whether  the  individual  is  in  the  penitentiary,  is  under  parole,  or  is 
on  probation  in  the  environment  where  a  court  officer  has  him  in 
charge.  One  of  the  great  values  of  the  personal  attention  to  the 
offender  that  is  planned  in  the  Big  Brother  movement,  has  its 
source  in  social  suggestibility,  the  influence  of  one  person  upon 
another.  This  social  reaction,  so  potent  for  evil,  is  just  as  power- 
ful for  good.  The  weakness  of  institutional  treatment  is  largely 
due  to  the  impossibility  of  applying  this  principle  in  an  ordinary 

An  interesting  point  noted  by  us  on  a  number  of  occasions  is 
that  the  individual  accused  before  a  judge,  or  elsewhere,  of 
being  readily  influenced  by  others,  often  strongly  resents  the 
statement.  The  essential  weakness  implied  in  the  accusation  is 
realized,  and  the  offender  insists  that  he  did  the  deed  only  because 
he  himself  wanted  to.  We  have  known  this  to  take  place  when 
there  was  every  e\'idence  from  parents  and  officers  that  the 
gist  of  the  situation  really  did  lie  in  the  individual's  suscepti- 
bility to  the  influence  of  another  offender,  or  of  the  gang.  The 
phraseology  of  such  an  occasion  is,  curiously  enough,  the  same 
as  that  used  by  the  subjects  of  post-hj^pnotic  suggestion.  The 
individual  who  has  been  definitely  influenced  to  do  a  certain 
act,  at  a  later  time  says  he  only  did  it  because  he  desired  to. 

§  334.  Hypnotism.  —  Discussion  of  abnormal  suggestibility  to 
the  influence  of  one  person  leads  directly  to  the  subject  of  hypno- 
tism. The  performance  of  crime  under  hypnotic  influence  has 
never  played  anything  like  the  part  which  was  predicted  for  it 
a  generation  ago.  The  question  whether  a  person  could  be 
induced  under  hypnosis  to  commit  a  crime  that  he  was  other- 
wise disinclined  to  perpetrate,  has  never  been  satisfactorily 
answered.    We  have  never  gone  beyond  the  dictum  of  Delbceuf 



(363)  and  James  (21,  Vol.  II,  p.  605)  concerning  the  probabili- 
ties of  this  matter.  If  one  attempts  to  work  out  the  question 
by  experiment,  "the  subject  surrenders  himself  good-naturedly 
to  the  performance,  stabs  with  the  pasteboard  dagger  you  give 
him  because  he  knows  what  it  is,  and  fires  off  the  pistol  because 
he  knows  it  has  no  ball,  but  for  a  real  murder  he  would  not  be 
your  man."  Garofalo  (328,  p.  289)  the  jurist,  more  recently 
writing  on  this  subject,  is  unable  to  find  any  authentic  proof 
that  hypnotism  has  been  employed  in  the  commission  of  crime. 
Babinski  (359),  and  after  him  Meige  (360),  deny  to  the  hypnotic 
state  all  medico-legal  importance.  We  ourselves  have  never 
seen,  nor  have  we  found  in  the  literature  a  single  instance  where 
the  subject  has  been  hypnotized  into  an  offense  which  was  against 
his  nature  to  perform. 

There  is  no  doubt  that  occasionally  impressionable  individuals 
may  under  the  influence  of  an  hypnotic  state  accede  to  sex  advances 
which  they  otherwise  might  reject.  Several  authors  have  main- 
tained this  point.  (The  influence  occasionally  seen  in  ordinarily 
considered  repugnant  sex  relationships  and  attributed  to  hypno- 
tism, may  be  based  on  sensualism.  In  such  way  is  the  dominat- 
ing influence  occasionally  seen  of  colored  men  over  white  women 
and  girls  to  be  partly  interpreted  —  vide  §  243.)  Either  in 
nature  or  effect,  hypnotism  exerted  over  a  woman  differs  so 
little  from  the  persuasion  of  other  methods  that  it  is  not  to  be 
separated  from  them  as  anything  unique.  Hypnotism  used  to 
produce  passivity  when  rape  is  committed,  if  it  ever  takes  place, 
hardly  belongs  to  our  present  field  of  discussion.  The  influence 
of  a  man  over  a  weak-willed  girl  may  be  semi-hypnotic  in  the 
sense  that  one  person  may  have  the  power  to  entirely  over-per- 
suade another  into  vice  by  bringing  about  a  certain  paralysis  of 
volitional  powers.  But  in  such  cases  the  susceptibility  of  the 
person  controlled  is  just  as  important  a  factor  as  the  strong  will 
of  the  controller.  Most  authors  concede  this  same  point  for  all 
the  phenomena  of  hypnotism.  It  is  indeed  doubtful  whether 
any  person  of  normally  strong  will  power  could  be  hypnotised 
against  his  will. 

The  border  line  of  hypnotic  phenomena  may  be  seen  in  the 
following  case. 

Case  153.  —  A  young  woman  of  19,  in  poor  general  physical 
condition,  poorly  developed  and  anemic,  was  brought  by  her 
mother  after  misconduct  which  led  to  her  arrest.     She  was  a 


Chap.  XXIII]  HYPNOTISM  [§  334 

graduate  of  the  common  schools  and  had  worked  at  times.  She 
came  of  a  family  which  plainly  showed  distinct  physical  and 
mental  retrogression  through  two  generations  from  a  previousl}' 
high  standard.  Her  father  is  somewhat  peculiar  and  erratic, 
and  her  mother  a  thoroughly  weak-willed  woman.  They  are  both 
proud  of  their  family  connections,  and  boast  much  of  the  intensely 
religious  upbringing  of  their  children.  The  girl  has  long  been  a 
religious  enthusiast  and  church  worker,  but  is  a  colorless  character. 
There  was  no  difficulty  in  diagnosing  her  as  having  ordinary 
ability  and  normal  emotions. 

This  young  woman  had  been  brought  up  in  the  most  narrow 
way,  without  knowledge  or  experience  in  many  of  the  most 
vital  affairs  of  life.  A  year  or  so  previously  she  had  met  a  cer- 
tain unattractive  and  coarse-appearing  man  on  a  train,  and  from 
that  time  seemed  to  be  entirely  under  his  influence.  On  this 
first  occasion  she  went  far  beyond  her  destination  to  travel  with 
him,  and  clandestinely  met  him  many  times  afterward.  Speak- 
ing of  her  experiences  she  sax's,  "  It  seems  so  funny  I  can't  explain 
it."  She  never  thought  he  was  particularly  good-looking  or  nice, 
and  yet  she  -felt  attracted  to  him.  Of  his  numerous  illicit  rela- 
tions with  her,  which  began  almost  at  once,  she  says  he  did  not 
actually  force  her,  but  she  was  always  weak-willed  in  the  matter, 
and  always  felt  him  to  be  her  master.  She  cannot  explain  it  in 
any  way.  She  never  before  had  any  experience  with  boys  or  men. 
He  looked  at  her  always  in  a  very  strange  way,  she  says,  and  then 
she  was  under  his  influence. 

The  first  word  of  the  parents  was  in  regard  to  hypnotism. 
The  man's  record  was  looked  up,  and  it  was  found  he  did  have 
some  reputation  as  an  amateur  h^q^notist,  but  there  was  not  the 
slightest  evidence  that  he  really  induced  anything  more  than  a 
passive  condition  in  this  girl,  which  was  an  ordinary  phase  of 
her  character.  He  had  used  her  passivity  to  bad  ends;  others 
had  used  it  for  good  purposes.  It  is  doubtful  from  what  we 
learned  whether  she  had  been  any  more  influenced  by  another  per- 
son on  these  occasions  than  she  had  been  hundreds  of  times  before 
in  her  life.  She  was  a  constitutional  inferior,  a  thoroughly  weak 
character,  with  defective  heredity,  who  had  been  brought  up 
amid  conditions  which  had  not  developed  her  knowledge  or  will 
power.  The  bad,  but  strong  man,  came  along  and  found  her 
easy  prey. 



§  335.     (d)  Dual   Social   Suggestibility. 

Just  as  the  members  of  a  gang  will  enter  into  criminalism  of 
which  they  would  have  been  afraid  and  would  have  avoided  had 
they  been  alone,  so  two  persons  may  perpetrate  an  offense  which 
either  of  them  alone  would  be  far  from  undertaking  or  even 
conceiving.  This  subject  has  received  scholarly  treatment  at 
the  hands  of  Sighele  (352),  who  gives  the  history  of  illustrative 
crimes.  This  author  founds  his  conception  of  dual  influence  upon 
the  facts  of  social  suggestion.  He  insists  that  the  mental  union 
of  individuals  makes  a  strong  force  for  either  good  or  evil,  and 
that  such  a  dangerous  combination  as  is  represented  by  two 
persons  who  develop  criminalistic  tendencies  should  be  met  by 
much  stronger  measures  than  are  meted  out  to  single  individuals. 

There  is  no  doubt  that  neuropathic  personalities  are  ordinarily 
in  company  more  led  by  suggestion  than  are  normal  individuals. 
Two  of  them,  who  may  be  arrant  cowards  by  themselves,  as 
Meyer  and  Puppe  (353)  suggest  in  their  article  on  the  subject, 
melt  together  to  act  as  one  in  a  misdeed.  From  our  extensive  list 
of  individuals  who  have  bad  companions  as  a  causative  factor, 
we  might  select  many  cases  which  demonstrate  the  fact  that 
two  persons  acting  together  would  perform  acts  which  might 
better  be  regarded  as  equal  to  the  product  rather  than  the  sum 
■of  their  separate  activities.  The  following  two  cases  given  in  a 
few  words  illustrate  the  rather  obvious  point. 

Case  154.  —  Boy  twins,  5  years  of  age,  we  were  once  asked  to 
study  because  they  had  together  evolved  some  strangely  crimi- 
nalistic plans  to  do  away  with  their  mother.  They  were  over- 
heard talking  about  it  in  their  cribs  at  night.  There  was  no 
known  cause  for  their  disaffection  towards  her,  but  the  idea 
grew  and  grew  with  them,  largely  no  doubt,  as  the  result  of  their 
communications  together  in  the  matter. 

Case  155.  —  Sisters,  17  and  15  years  old,  living  with  their 
father,  made  criminalistic  plans  which  bore  fruit  in  the  course  of 
a  few  months  by  their  running  away  from  home,  forging  checks 
and  very  deliberately  engaging  in  sex  affairs.  Neither  of  them 
was  known  to  be  delinquent  before  then.  The  mother  was  an 
alcoholic,  and  the  family  on  account  of  this  had  long  been  broken 
up.  They  worked  up  their  scheme  for  a  new  kind  of  life  by 
revolving  it  over  with  each  other. 


Chap.  XXIV]  ADOLESCENCE  [§  336 


INIental  Peculiarities  —  Continued 

Adolescence.  §  336.  General  Statement.  §  337.  Characteristics  of  Puberty. 
§  338.  Adolescence  and  Misconduct.  §  339.  Mental  Characteristics  of 
Adolescence  Causing  Delinquency.  §  340.  Illustrative  Cases.  §  341. 
Treatment.  §  342.  Treatment  under  the  Law.  §  343.  Preventive  Treat- 


§  336.  General  Statement.  —  The  phenomena  of  puberty 
and  adolescence  in  their  general  significance,  and  also  in  their 
psychiatric  import,  have  been  made  objects  of  extended  study 
within  the  last  generation.  Special  data  have  been  acquired 
on  many  points,  and  the  entire  field  has  been  philosophically 
approached  and  summarized,  particularly  by  Marro  (32)  and 
Stanley  Hall  (31).  It  is  undoubtedly  true  that  there  has  been  a 
distinct  exaggeration  of  the  erratic  possibilities  of  this  period 
and  an  overdrawing  of  the  facts,  which  cannot  be  understood  by 
those  whose  own  adolescent  years  have  been  tranquil.  But 
adolescence  brings  very  real  peculiarities  in  many  individuals 
and  must  be  thoroughly  reckoned  with  for  the  interpretation  of 
some  of  the  careers  in  which  we  as  students  of  criminality  are 

In  this  particular  place  it  is  our  business  to  deal  with  the  anti- 
social conduct  of  puberty  and  adolescence  as  met  with  in  those 
cases  where  there  is  neither  actual  abnormality  of  physical  develop- 
ment nor  actual  mental  aberration.  Elsewhere  (§189,  §  190, 
§  316)  we  have  discussed  the  more  untoward  physical  and  mental 
conditions  which  complicate  this  period.  Even  in  the  ordinary  case 
there  is  an  amount  of  storm  and  stress  accompanying  the  remark- 
able new  growth  and  new  experiences  of  puberty  which  may  have 
strikingly  definite  connection  with  the  production  of  moral  twists. 
In  a  general  way  the  importance  of  the  rapid  change  from  childish 
to  beginning  adult  type  of  characteristics  has  for  thousands  of 
years    been   recognized.      The    history   of   religious    ceremonies 

1  The  student  will  find  in  recent  digests  of  the  Uterature  by  B.  T.  Baldwin 
(319)  an  invaluable  source  of  information  on  the  progress  of  the  study  of 



proves  this  point.  But  studious  observations  of  the  phases  of 
adolescence  have  only  begun  in  the  last  few  years.  Something  of 
what  is  now  actually  known  we  can  offer  in  a  bare  sketch. 

§  337.  Characteristics  of  Puberty.  —  The  age  of  puberty 
simply  means  the  age  of  pubescence,  that  is  the  appearance  of 
bodily  hair.  The  best  observers  now  agree  that  only  by  physical 
signs  can  puberty  be  known.  To  give  average  ages,  as  Crampton 
(229)  says,  is  likely  to  be  misleading.  Diagnosing  it  in  an  indi- 
vidual by  an  age  basis  is  quite  unsafe.  We  have  elsewhere  (§  184) 
in  connection  with  abnormalities  of  development  discussed  this 
point.  Speaking  of  the  length  of  the  adolescent  period  according 
to  average  time  is  open  to  less  objection.  We  might  follow  Marro 
(273),  who  says  that  the  period  of  puberty  and  adolescence  covers 
5  to  6  years  in  girls  and  8  to  10  years  in  boys. 

The  general  features  of  this  period  it  may  not  be  amiss  to  men- 
tion. Marro  rather  artificially  divides  the  time  into  three  stages; 
period  of  preparation,  a  period  of  marked  acceleration,  and  a 
period  of  perfection.  As  a  whole  we  may  say  that  there  rather 
suddenly  begins  an  activity  of  the  essential  sex  organs  at  the 
beginning  of  the  pubertal  period,  with  the  actual  maturing  of  germ 
cells.  Whether  this  in  turn  does  not  depend  upon  the  internal 
secretions  of  certain  other  glands  is  not  yet  satisfactorily  deter- 
mined, but  certain  pathological  conditions  of  development  would 
indicate  a  close  relation.  At  the  beginning  of  puberty  there  is 
normally  a  rapid  growth  of  the  external  sexual  parts  and  of  the 
whole  body.  The  skeletal  and  muscular  structures  grow  quickly, 
and  the  heart  shows  a  peculiar  hypertrophy  at  this  time.  This 
acceleration  of  growth  rate  means  that  all  of  the  organs  are  put 
under  new  conditions,  which  involve  an  upheaval  of  the  whole 
being.  These  physiological  features  might  certainly  be  consid- 
ered as  cause  sufficient  for  many  of  the  character  changes  and 
peculiarities  which  develop  at  this  time.  Stanley  Hall  says, 
"  Puberty  is  like  a  new  birth."  How  to  control  the  new  impulses, 
and  to  what  use  to  put  the  new  functions  and  this  new  strength 
is  the  problem  that  every  young  individual  has  to  solve.  The 
growth  in  strength,  which  frequently  amounts  to  large  propor- 
tions within  a  year  or  so,  is  alone  enough  to  temporarily  inter- 
fere with  complete  balance.  The  whole  time  is  one  of  vastly 
important  new  adjustments. 

On  the  mental  side  the  changes  are  no  less  great.  Even  nor- 
mally there  is  a  rapid  growth  of  individuality,  of  constructive 



imagination,  of  the  powers  of  self-control,  and  of  abstract  reason- 
ing. At  this  time,  resultantly,  conceptions  of  higher  morals 
are  evolved.  For  us,  most  important  is  the  fact  that  during 
these  months  or  years  of  passage  through  new-found  activi- 
ties to  complete  adaptation  to  social  requirements  there  may  be 
many  stormy  places.  It  is  as  if  the  excitation  of  the  physical 
organism  was  carried  into  the  mental  sphere.  As  Marro  puts 
it,  this  is  not  only  the  period  of  development  of  new  desires, 
aspirations,  self-love,  jealousy,  and  so  on,  but  it  may  also  be 
characterized  as  the  time  of  psychic  hypersesthesia.  It  is  vastly 
significant  that,  since  it  is  only  in  later  adolescence  that  the 
higher  mental  qualities  develop,  the  individual  for  a  long  time  is 
receiving  impulses  which  he  has  not  yet  the  judgment  to  con- 
trol. Thus  rebellion  against  authority  and  the  desire  for  many 
new  experiences  arise,  which  previously  have  not  been  even 
dreamed  of.  We  can  easily  conceive  how  various  exaltations 
and  depressions  and  morbid  imaginations  come  about,  and  the 
peculiar  fault-findings  and  dissatisfactions  with  home  surround- 
ings that  we  sometimes  find  among  adolescent  Qffenders.  Fortu- 
nately many  of  these  peculiarities  are  temporary. 

Looking  at  the  subject  in  another  way,  we  see  from  the  above 
considerations  that  during  the  pubertal  and  adolescent  period 
many  characteristics  develop  which  may  easily,  under  faulty 
en\dronmentaI  or  poor  disciplinary  circumstances,  make  for 
delinquency.  And  these  are,  so  far  as  the  practical  treatment 
of  behavior  is  concerned,  to  be  regarded  as  entirely  separated 
from  the  affairs  of  the  sexual  life  which  is  the  mainspring  of  this 
developmental  epoch.  It  is  true  that  in  the  adolescent  period 
there  is  enough  trouble  directly  on  account  of  actual  sex  impulses 
—  early,  we  find,  much  more  commonly  among  girls  than  among 
boys  —  but  taken  altogether,  the  main  difficulties  arise  as  the 
result  of  what  may  be  termed  the  secondary  characteristics  of 
puberty  and  adolescence. 

The  line  of  demarcation  between  the  normal  and  the  aberra- 
tional during  the  adolescent  period  is  very  difficult  to  maintain. 
There  is  hardly  a  symptom  which  the  psychiatrist  names  as 
beginning  evidence  of  adolescent  insanities  but  is  to  be  met  with 
as  a  temporary  condition  in  many  adolescents  who  never  have 
a  psychosis.  For  instance,  Clouston  (274),  writing  on  the  sub- 
ject of  developmental  psychology,  notes  as  morbid  changes  of 
adolescence  stupidity,  lethargy,  causeless  aversions,  incompati- 



bility  of  temper,  visionary  schemes,  frothy  religionism,  immorah- 
ties,  general  unsettled  conditions,  and  craving  for  stimulants. 
This  author  also  calls  attention  to  the  fact  that  the  tendency 
towards  aberration  at  this  period  is  nearly  always  along  the 
lines  of  exaltation.     Hardly  ever  is  there  depression. 

§  338.  Adolescence  and  Misconduct.  —  It  would  seem  alto- 
gether understandable  that  with  these  revolutionary  physical 
and  mental  mutations  there  should  be  correlated  disorders  of 
conduct.  An  interesting  statistical  proof  of  this  is  given  by 
Marro  (273),  from  the  school  records  of  Italian  children.  He 
finds  that  at  11  years  six  per  cent,  of  the  scholars  are  registered 
for  bad  conduct,  and  at  12  years,  ten  per  cent.  There  is  no  par- 
ticular variation  until  16  years  is  reached,  when  the  number 
again  drops  to  7  per  cent,  and  continues  at  about  that  figure  for 
the  two  years  more  which  are  enumerated.  Thus  with  the  onset 
of  the  pubertal  epoch  there  is  a  distinct  change  in  average  con- 
duct tendencies.  Many  other  authors  have  commented  in  some 
way  or  other  on  this  point. 

In  our  own  study  of  the  causative  factors  of  delinquency  we 
have  time  and  again  seen  every  reason  to  put  down  adolescent 
instability  as  a  cause  of  misconduct.  By  such  instability  we 
mean  the  exhibition  of  many  of  the  physical,  mental  and,  partic- 
ularly, conduct  irregularities  easily  recognizable  as  belonging 
peculiarly  to  that  period.  In  so  doing  we  do  not  intimate  that 
the  individual  is  suffering  from  any  aberration  which  could  be 
denominated  a  psychosis,  although  as  stated  before,  sometimes 
it  would  be  very  hard  to  draw  the  line.  Of  one  thing  we  may  be 
sure,  namely,  that  these  individuals  are  not  up  to  full  powers  of 
self-control,  and  yet  have  thrown  in  upon  them  impulses  which 
even  a  strong  will  might  find  hard  to  combat.  Whether  such 
individuals  are  to  be  considered  as  persons  of  lessened  responsi- 
bility is  here  again  a  matter  for  those  who  deal  with  legal  principles 
to  decide.  For  the  psychologist  there  is  no  difficulty  in  the  ques- 
tion. Any  widely  experienced  student  of  juvenile  delinquency 
could  give  many  stories  of  suddenly  followed  impulses,  which 
were  later  but  vaguely  remembered,  and  for  which  no  satisfactory 
reason  could  be  adduced.  That  these  were  merely  momentary 
and  irrational  impulses,  followed  only  because  of  poor  inhibi- 
tory powers,  can  be  proved  by  their  variance  from  the  rest  of 
the  individual's  career  and  the  irrationality  of  the  result.  Such 
impulses  may  run  all  the  way  to  that  of  murder.     One  most 


Chai'.  XXIV]  ADOLESCENCE    AND    .MISCONDUCT  [§  338 

remarkable  case  of  homicide  by  an  adolescent  whom  I  studied 
had  apparently  as  its  chief  causation  the  following  of  a  sudden 
blind  impulse.  The  so-called  pubertal  ethical  defects,  as  Ziehen 
(275)  maintains,  are  not  due  to  a  lack  of  power  of  ethical  con- 
ception, or  of  emotional  feeling,  but  rather  come  from  a  transi- 
tory dropping-out  of  the  capacity  for  mental  resistance.  Duprat 
(33),  who  devotes  an  entire  work  (mostly  sociological)  to  the  impor- 
tant relationship  between  criminality  and  adolescence,  makes 
much  of  the  peculiar  impulses  and  obsessions  frequently  found 
at    this   period. 

The  greatest  interest  for  all  students  of  criminology  centers 
about  the  fact  that  most  frequently  the  career  of  the  confirmed 
criminal  begins  during  adolescence.  In  our  opening  chapters  we 
have  made  a  special  point  of  emphasizing  this.  The  cause,  in  turn, 
is  almost  altogether  to  be  found  in  the  formative  conditions  of 
this  epoch,  which  have  such  vital  significance  for  the  life  of  the 
individual  that  they  are  equally  important  for  establishing  the 
habits  of  delinquency  or  the  amenities  of  spiritual  life.  Indi- 
vidual growth  in  the  five  or  six  years  of  first  adolescence  is 
strongly  centered  around  new  social  relationships,  whether  con- 
sidered on  the  physical,  instinctive,  or  intellectual  sides.  Nothing 
like  it  takes  place  at  any  other  time  in  the  whole  of  life.  The 
new-growm  physical  or  mental  conditions  are  not  nearly  so  impor- 
tant in  themselves  for  the  individual  as  are  the  correlated  newly- 
felt  needs  of  social  adjustment.  The  outcome  of  this  adjustment 
colors  all  the  rest  of  life. 

There  have  been  studies,  such  as  those  of  Duprat  (33),  made 
in  the  endeavor  to  discover  the  peculiar  crimes  of  adolescents. 
Our  own  tabulation  of  the  types  of  delinquencies  engaged  in 
during  this  age  shows  as  characteristic  only  what  might  obviously 
be  expected.  It  is  perfectly  clear,  for  instance,  that  with  greater 
age  will  come  greater  skill  necessary  for  committing  such  crimes 
as  forging,  swindling,  and  so  on.  The  delinquencies  of  adolescence 
are,  in  general,  those  of  impulse.  Rough  violence  is  readily 
indulged  in,  and  there  is  a  recklessness  of  conduct  that  is  not 
found  later  on  in  life.  The  behavior  that  ranks  as  criminalism 
partakes  of  the  nature  of  the  other  behavior  of  the  period.  With 
the  advent  of  almost  full  adult  strength,  and  with  the  retention  of 
immature  mental  traits,  we  are  not  surprised  to  learn  that  the 
maximum  age  for  crimes  against  the  person  is  between  the  ages  of 
18  and  21  years. 



§  339.  Mental  Characteristics  of  Adolescence  Causing  Delin- 
quency. —  As  we  look  over  our  adolescent  cases,  those  in  which 
the  newly-developed  mental  characteristics  of  the  period  play 
a  considerable  part,  we  find  always  the  admixture  of  causes  which 
is  elsewhere  seen.  But  we  can  fairly  enumerate  the  main  features 
of  mental  life  which  make  for  delinquency  at  this  epoch:  (a) 
General  changeableness  or  instability  of  ideas  and  emotions,  and 
consequently  of  character.  (6)  Excessive  impulsions,  belonging 
both  to  the  physical  and  mental  spheres,  (c)  Excessive  lack  of 
self-control.  (d)  Mental  and  physical  lethargy  vor  laziness. 
(e)  The  general  feeling,  perhaps  only  occasional,  of  recklessness. 
(/)  Hypersensitiveness,  as  shown  in  romanticism,  dissatisfac- 
tions, hypochondria,  etc.  (g)  Lack  of  foresight,  which  is  per- 
haps nothing  more  than  a  feature  of  childish  mentality  carried 
over  to  the  time  when  signs  of  adult  development  are  showing 
themselves,  (h)  Egocentrism.  Ambitiousness.  These  with  im- 
pulsiveness and  lack  of  experience  may  lead  to  unfortunate 
behavior.    Running  away  to  go  on  the  stage  is  an  example. 

§  340.  Illustrative  Cases.  —  The  following  case  is  of  great 
interest  because  our  records  carry  us  through  the  period  of  ex- 
treme adolescent  impulsions  to  the  development  of  later  com- 
plete stability. 

Case  156.  —  Annie  L.  18  1-2  years.  Scotch  and  American 
parentage.  We  saw  this  girl  at  the  request  of  her  guardians. 
Her  mother,  a  widow,  had  been  long  ill  with  a  chronic  disease 
and  had  died  only  a  few  months  previously.  Over  a  consider- 
able period,  the  exact  time  being  unknown  on  account  of  the 
mother's  death,  there  had  been  much  trouble  with  Annie.  Some 
nine  months  previously  she  had  first  come  in  conflict  with  the 
authorities,  having  been  reported  by  a  good  woman  where  she 
had  sought  shelter.  At  about  this  time  it  was  discovered,  in 
spite  of  the  extreme  poverty  of  the  family,  that  the  girl  had  in 
her  possession  an  unusually  fine  lot  of  clothing.  When  this 
was  discovered  Annie  told  of  having  kept  company  with  a  man 
who  had  influenced  her  a  good  deal  and  who  wanted  to  run  away 
with  her.  At  another  time  she  accused  a  professional  man  of 
having  ruined  her.  She  maintained  that  he  had  given  her  much 
money  while  she  was  doing  office  work  for  him.  This  was  when 
her  mother  was  in  a  hospital.  When  the  advisability  of  pushing 
the  case  against  these  two  men  was  considered,  a  physical  exam- 
ination revealed  that  she  had  not  been  immoral  as  she  stated. 



It  finally  came  out  that  Annie  had  stolen  a  considerable  sum, 
about  $100,  from  a  woman  who  had  befriended  the  family.  She 
had  spent  part  of  it  on  clothes  and  loaned  30  or  40  dollars  to  the 
man  who,  she  said,  wanted  to  run  away  with  her.  This  latter 
statement  proved  to  be  correct.  The  man  was  of  the  swindler 
type;   he  was  already  married. 

Within  the  last  two  years  it  seems  that  Annie  has  been  repeat- 
edly away  from  her  home  over  night,  but  when  traced  she  is  always 
found  to  have  been  with  acquaintances,  or  to  have  stayed  in  a 
cheap  hotel  by  herself.  Her  word  has  long  been  considered 
unreliable.  On  one  occasion  within  the  last  year  she  reported 
herself  to  the  authorities,  stating  that  she  ought  to  be  sent  to  a 
reform  school.  When  placed  in  a  thoroughly  good  home  her 
conduct  was  most  irregular.  On  two  or  three  occasions  she  has 
been  out  all  night,  but  has  always  accounted  for  it  by  sajdng 
she  was  with  some  other  girl.  She  appears  very  tired  the  next 
day.  Notwithstanding  appearances  being  so  much  against  her, 
the  physician's  report  satisfies  every  one  that  she  has  not  been 

Ph^^sical:  Slight  t;\'pe.  Strength  good,  but  slouchy.  Pleasant 
expression.  Laughs  much,  and  seems  very  childish  for  her  age. 
110  lbs.  5  ft.,  2  in.  Broad  face  with  weak  type  of  chin.  No 
sensory  defect.    Well-shaped  head.     Good  color. 

Mentally,  we  find  a  girl  of  quite  good  ability.  She  had  gone 
through  7th  grade,  and  says  she  liked  her  school  work.  She 
writes  a  very  good  hand,  and  is  neat  and  accurate  in  her  work 
in  arithmetic.  She  does  all  of  our  performance  tests  well.  She 
is  quite  deft  with  her  fingers,  showing  in  general  good  psycho- 
motor control.  Perhaps  the  most  interesting  result  was  obtained 
in  the  reaction  which  she  gave  to  our  request  for  analysis  of 
moral  situations.  She  floundered  about,  and  could  not  get 
clearly  before  herself  the  varying  possibilities  of  the  situation. 
She  always  advocated  a  high  moral  action,  but  never  was  sure  as 
to  just  how  it  could  be  carried  out.  It  was  very  clear  that  she 
had  difficulty  with  comprehension  of  the  situation  as  a  whole 
—  much  more  difficulty  than  one  would  suspect  from  the  results 
on  other  tests.  She  has  a  very  narrow  range  of  mental  interests, 
but  the  information  gained  from  school  work  she  has  retained 
well.  She  thinks  she  would  like  to  be  a  dressmaker  because  she 
would  like  to  work  with  dainty  things. 

Her   family    and    developmental    history   was    only   partially 



obtained.  Her  father  is  said  to  have  been  a  bright  and  well- 
educated  artisan;  non-alcoholic.  The  mother  did  not  have 
much  education,  but  was  a  good  housekeeper.  She  had  been 
sickly  for  many  years,  had  many  operations,  and  been  unable 
to  look  after  her  two  children  properly.  Annie  has  one  brother 
who  is  a  bright  boy.  She  herself  had  only  had  one  severe  illness, 
and  that  in  her  infancy.  Menstruation  when  13  years  old.  This 
has  been  irregular  in  the  last  year  or  so,  with  considerable  back- 
ache. Annie  worked  for  a  short  time  in  several  places,  but  has 
mostly  stayed  at  home  looking  after  her  mother  until  within 
the  last  year,  when  she  was  placed  out  in  a  couple  of  unusually 
good  private  homes. 

Annie  tells  us  about  herself  with  much  frankness,  but  some 
of  the  details  of  her  story  are  questionable.  She  states  that  she 
has  worked  hard  to  pay  back  part  of  the  money  she  stole,  and 
that  we  know  is  the  truth.  But  while  living  in  the  home  where 
they  have  given  her  every  chance,  she  has  several  times  engaged 
in  almost  an  orgy  of  misbehavior.  She  says  she  has  told  many 
lies.  "  I  forget  half  of  what  I  'm  to  say."  When  she  has  come 
back  from  being  away  over  night  and  seemed  so  queer  she  says 
it  was  because  she  was  so  excessively  tired.  Sometimes  she  had 
been  up  all  night  walking  about  on  the  streets.  Says  everybody 
keeps  her  so  closely  tethered  nowadays  that  when  she  does  get 
out  she  is  worse  than  a  wild  calf.  Thinks  that  if  she  went  out 
oftener  she  would  not  be  so  bad. 

Annie  now  says  she  gave  that  man  the  money  because  he 
threatened  her.  She  used  to  go  out  walking  with  him  and  grew 
to  be  afraid  of  him.  He  used  to  say  he  would  fix  her  if  she  would 
not  marry  him.  She  also  denies  that  she  ever  accused  anybody 
of  immorality  with  her  and  says  she  never  reported  herself  as  a 
desirable  candidate  for  the  reformatory.  (It  seemed  really 
doubtful  whether  she  did  distinctly  remember  what  she  said 
formerly.)  Although  she  tells  us  of  the  money  she  has  stolen, 
she  blushes  a  great  deal  when  it  comes  to  the  question  of  a  watch 
which  she  also  purloined.  She  says  she  does  not  know  why  she 
took  it,  and  that  she  has  been  ashamed  about  all  of  these  things. 
Maintains  that  at  one  time  she  went  out  to  a  suburb  and  walked 
about  all  night  long.  Complains  of  being  lonesome.  Says  she 
has  been  around  with  young  men  whom  she  met  on  the  streets, 
but  a  nurse  told  her  the  dangers  of  disease  and  pregnancy,  and 
she  has  been  careful  of  herself. 



Later  we  had  a  very  good  report  from  the  intelHgent  people 
with  whom  she  now  lived.  They  have  tried  their  best  to  take 
care  of  her.  They  say  she  acts  like  a  young  girl;  she  likes  to 
play  with  children.  When  left  alone  she  stops  her  work  and 
seems  to  forget  herself.  She  does  fairly  well  when  people  are 
with  her.  Does  not  care  for  reading.  She  used  to  be  a  great 
prevaricator,  but  lately  hardly  lies  at  all.  But  they  cannot  depend 
on  her  because  she  varies  so  from  day  to  day.  Sometimes  she 
seems  shrewd  and  at  other  times  a  dunce.  She  is  peculiarly  sly 
at  times  in  little  things.  For  instance,  she  had  been  given  a  dime 
for  car  fare,  then  went  to  a  neighbor  several  blocks  away  saying 
that  her  people  had  given  her  a  penny  by  mistake  instead  of  a 
dime.  She  is  very  good-natured,  but  seems  irresponsible.  She 
went  down  town  wdth  them  to  buy  things  and  when  she  got 
there  she  claimed  to  have  lost  her  purse.  They  advanced  her 
money  and  searched  for  days  in  her  room  and  also  in  the  paths 
she  had  crossed.  Months  later  she  confessed  she  had  spent  the 
money.  She  gave  them  an  immense  amount  of  trouble  while  en- 
gaged in  the  search  with  them  on  account  of  this  loss  of  her  sav- 
ings. Another  curious  story  told  by  her  was  of  a  man  being  sent 
by  the  authorities  to  test  her  to  see  if  she  was  behaving  herself. 

From  these  and  other  facts  it  seems  very  clear  that  this  girl 
has,  in  the  main,  wanted  to  do  well.  Some  of  her  transgressions 
represent  a  silly  attempt  to  avoid  condemnation.  She  gave  one 
kindly  officer  a  great  deal  of  trouble  by  misrepresenting  certain 
facts  when  he  was  trying  to  help  her. 

We  early  offered  the  opinion,  based  upon  the  facts  given  above, 
that  Annie  was  in  need  of  light  amusement  and  close  companion- 
ship, as  well  as  of  repressive  control,  and  that  after  a  year  or 
two  she  was  likely  to  develop  much  more  stable  characteristics. 

Six  months  or  so  later  she  was  again  in  trouble  on  account  of  hav- 
ing stayed  away  from  her  guardian's  home  for  several  days  and 
nights.  Part  of  the  time  she  had  been  in  the  parks  with  girls 
and  boys.  She  had  been  flirting  a  good  deal,  but  had  not  been 
really  immoral.  She  complains  to  us  now  of  getting  very  tired 
of  being  good  for  so  long.  She  feels  as  if  she  simply  "  had  to  go 
out  on  a  bust."  She  tells  of  her  experiences  with  much  gusto. 
She  says  that  this  last  time  she  started  away  with  the  idea  of 
avoiding  the  work  of  the  annual  housecleaning.  We  still  see 
evidences  of  prevarication  and  note  curious  contradictions  as  if 
she  did  not  think  things  out  at  all  clearly  for  herself.    Still  some 



months  later  she  was  again  away  for  a  week.  She  tells  others 
she  has  the  feeling  as  if  she  must  go.  She  is  restless  and  satisfied 
with  nothing.  An  experienced  observer  reports  to  us  that  Annie 
speaks  as  if  she  were  under  definite  impulsion  to  do  what  she 
does.  There  is  some  question  as  to  whether  these  impulses  are 
not  much  stronger  just  before  her  menstrual  period,  but  the 
point  is  not  clearly  proved.  On  this  last  occasion  she  met  a 
young  man  she  used  to  know  and  stayed  with  him  for  several 
nights.     She  contracted  gonorrhea. 

After  this  the  record  for  two  years  more  is  that  Annie  has 
got  hold  of  herself  completely  and  has  become  a  thoroughly 
stable  person.  Prompt  medical  treatment  left  her  with  no  per- 
manent ill  efi^ects  from  her  infection.  She  has  been  much  liked 
by  those  with  whom  she  has  come  in  contact  and  has  long  been  a 
steady-going,  self-supporting  young  woman. 

Adolescent  instabilities  and  impulsions.  Case  156. 

Home  conditions:  Parents  recently  ^^^'  ^^^  ^^  ^^• 

Earlier  lack  of  control. 

Lack  of  healthy  mental  interests. 

Delinquencies : 
Lying  +. 

Stealing.  Mentahty: 

Sex.  Good  ability. 

Another  case  with  very  convincing  data  on  adolescent  impul- 
sions is  the  following. 

Case  157.  —  Harold.  16  1-2  yrs.  American  parentage.  The 
parents  asked  us  to  study  this  case;  something  strange  has  come 
over  the  boy  within  the  last  year.  He  graduated  before  he  was 
14  from  the  grammar  school  with  the  best  record  for  scholarship 
in  his  class.  After  that  he  worked  two  years  for  a  financial  firm 
and  was  particularly  well  thought  of.  But  the  mother's  hair 
is  said  to  have  turned  gray  in  the  last  6  months  over  worry  with 
this  boy.  He  has  become  lazy  and  listless,  but  the  family  are 
mostly  concerned  about  his  stealing.  He  has  been  bold  and 
strange  about  this.  Recently  he  has  taken  many  things  from 
home  and  he  has  repeatedly  stolen  from  stores.  On  one  occasion 
he  coolly  helped  himself  to  goods  in  a  shop.     Once  he  opened  a 



child's  bank  to  get  the  money  m  it.  Several  times  in  the  last 
year  he  has  left  home  and  shifted  for  himself  for  a  week  or  two 
at  a  time.  ]More  than  once  he  has  spent  his  whole  week's  wages 
in  a  few  hours. 

He  is  a  boy  well  liked  by  everybody.  People  in  places  where 
he  has  worked  are  very  fond  of  him.  On  leaving  home  in  the 
morning  he  promises  his  mother  to  behave  himself,  but  fails  to 
get  through  the  day  without  misconduct.  All  this  trouble  has 
been  since  he  left  his  previous  responsible  position.  The  family 
have  tried  to  influence  him  by  religion.  They  have  taken  him 
to  revival  meetings,  and  there,  he  would  pray,  but  the  next  day 
would  laugh  about  it. 

The  father  and  mother  both  come  of  good  stock;  we  can 
obtain  no  history  of  mental  defect,  insanity  or  epilepsy  on  either 
side.  Harold  is  one  of  a  large  family  of  children,  and  all  the 
others  have  turned  out  well.  Birth  was  normal.  Never  injured 
severely  and  never  been  seriously  ill. 

The  physical  examination  shows  a  big,  strong,  and  healthy 
boy.  Xo  sensory  defects  noted.  Altogether  a  satisfactory  and 
normal  condition. 

A  fair  opinion  of  his  mentality  could  not  be  given  from  the 
results  on  tests.  These  were  surprisingly  poor  when  one  con- 
sidered his  past  record.  But  the  boy  at  the  time  of  examina- 
tion was  apathetic,  careless  and  evidently  not  trying  to  do  himself 
justice.  He  said  later  he  did  not  know  what  the  examination  was 
for  and  so  did  not  do  well.  His  depression  was  undoubtedly  the 
result  of  being  brought  in  contact  with  the  authorities.  After 
the  tests  he  woke  up  and  presented  his  own  case  very  clearly, 
expressing  himself  in  decidedly  good  language,  and  it  was  evi- 
dent that  for  his  age  he  was  really  a  good  thinker.  Social  apper- 
ceptions were  surprisingly  good  and  he  showed  much  ability  to 
introspect  his  own  feelings  and  experiences.  One  could  not 
doubt  from  this  and  his  previous  remarkably  good  record  that 
he  was  quite  normal  in  mental  ability.  At  the  same  time  there 
w^as  no  evidence  of  any  actual  psychosis. 

He  tells  us  that  he  is  feeling  very  bad  because  he  is  in  his 
present  trouble.  He  worked  for  the  financial  house  a  couple 
of  years  and  had  very  responsible  work.  "  Then  I  got  so  I  did 
not  feel  well.  Felt  dopey  and  tired  most  of  the  time.  I  worked 
outside  for  awhile  getting  subscriptions,  and  I  seemed  to  get 
better  right  away,  but  that  work  is  uncertain.     It  depends  on 



the  kind  of  people  you  meet  and  the  impression  you  make.  I 
left  the  office,  I  was  not  fired.  I  wanted  more  than  they  were 
paying  me.     Then  they  got  a  big  man  to  do  the  work." 

"  The  last  6  months  I  have  not  worked  regularly,  but  have  not 
been  out  of  work  more  than  a  couple  of  days  at  a  time.  It  was 
nearly  always  office  work.  I  always  got  good  positions  because 
I  was  not  afraid  to  go  after  them.  I  could  make  a  good  impres- 
sion, but  the  work  did  not  last  long.  I  would  get  tired  and  stay 
home  a  day  or  so,  and  of  course  they  would  not  stand  for  that." 

"  The  trouble  at  home  was  that  it  stands  to  reason  that  when 
your  folks  see  you  work  a  week  and  then  quit  that  they  think 
you  are  not  much  good.  Once  when  I  was  away  I  worked  day 
and  night  —  office  work  in  the  daytime  and  helping  about 
automobiles  in  the  evening,  but  of  course  I  could  not  stand  that." 

"  When  I  was  not  at  home  I  would  steal  some.  When  I  took  a 
handful  of  candy  the  girls  did  not  say  anything.  Anyhow  I  was 
never  caught.  I  guess  I  'm  pretty  clever  at  it.  Perhaps  you 
would  not  call  it  exactly  clever,  but  I  was  quick.  People  could  be 
looking  at  me  and  never  see  me  do  it.  Anyhow  I  never  stole 
any  money  away  from  home." 

"  I  was  always  a  good  boy  in  school.  After  that  I  guess  I  did 
not  get  into  quite  the  right  kind  of  work.  I  Ve  got  a  talent  for 
making  things.  I  get  nervous  just  the  same  as  my  mother  does. 
It  seems  to  come  over  us  about  the  same  time  of  year.  I  get 
so  I  can't  go  out  and  enjoy  myself  with  my  friends.  There  's  a 
kind  of  constraint  comes  over  me  and  I  feel  I  don't  belong  there. 
Once  when  I  had  been  working  at  that  office  for  a  long  time,  and 
I  was  feeling  at  home  all  right,  I  somehow  seemed  to  be  a  stranger 
there.  I  did  not  belong  there.  The  place  seemed  strange  to  me, 
and  when  I  was  told  to  do  something  I  jumped  and  ran  to  do  it, 
and  then  forgot  what  I  had  been  told." 

The  parents  had  told  us  they  suspected  the  trouble  with  this 
boy  was  perhaps  bad  sex  habits.  He  quickly  showed  he  was 
desirous  of  talking  to  us  on  this  subject  which  had  been  worrying 
him.  It  was  a  typical  case,  inasmuch  as  there  was  very  little 
to  the  actual  practice  of  such  habits,  but  there  had  been  a  great 
deal  of  adolescent  worry  considering  the  whole  sex  subject.  He 
said  that  a  friend  had  taken  him  to  see  a  house  of  prostitution. 
He  entered  into  a  voluble  tirade  against  the  existence  of  such 
places.  "  I  did  not  know  these  places  were  so  public  before. 
They  are  bad.    They  are  a  great  detriment  to  the  city.    They 



ought  not  to  allow  them  to  run.  I  don't  see  anything  in  it.  It 
only  ruins  your  health."  Of  masturbation  this  boy  says  he  has 
engaged  in  it  sometimes  during  the  last  few  months.  "  I  have 
worried  about  it.  It 's  just  like  an  impulse  that  I  can't  control.  I 
am  like  a  man  that  likes  drink  too  well.  I  have  tried  to  stop  it, 
and  I  have  prayed  to  God  about  it.  I  was  afraid  to  have  it  get  a 
hold  on  me,  I  denied  it  to  my  father.  It 's  such  a  foolish  thing 
to  do.  I  feel  so  ashamed  because  I  can't  control  myself.  I  had 
another  habit  once  that  they  helped  me  to  overcome.  From  the 
time  I  was  a  baby  until  I  was  8  years  old  I  could  not  go  to  sleep 
without  my  thumb  in  my  mouth.  They  put  stuff  on  it  and  finally 
broke  up  the  habit." 

It  is  to  be  noted  that  this  was  quite  a  gentlemanly  young 
fellow  who  showed  neither  boastfulness  nor  undue  shyness.  He 
seemed  to  regard  himself  in  rather  an  impersonal  light.  He 
seemed  to  be  grateful  for  a  chance  to  have  a  frank  talk.  To  his 
parents  were  recommended  closer  supervision  and  more  under- 
standing, and  perhaps  a  trade  school  if  he  continued  to  feel  he 
had  special  ability. 

A  couple  of  years  have  passed  and  there  has  been  no  further 
complamt  about  him. 

Adolescent  instability  and  impulsions.  Case  157. 

Mental  conflict  about  sex.  ^oy,  age  16  yrs. 

Delinquencies : 

Stealing.  Mentality : 

Running  away.  Good  ability. 

We  could  cite  dozens  of  other  cases  illustrating  the  instabili- 
ties which  make  for  delinquency  during  adolescence  and  which 
pass  away  with  the  advance  of  years. 

Case  158.  —  This  was  a  boy  quite  normal  physically  and 
mentally,  who  tells  us  he  is  of  the  rough  and  ready  type.  He  is 
16  years  old.  His  people  state  that  they  have  been  having  a 
great  deal  of  trouble  with  him  in  the  last  couple  of  years.  He 
lies,  gambles,  and  will  not  work  steadily.  His  father  died  insane, 
developing  his  paresis,  however,  after  this  boy's  birth.  The 
paternal  grandfather  also  died  insane. 

This  lad  tells  us  he  does  not  like  to  work  at  the  job  his  mother 
wants  him  to  take.     He  quarrels  much  at  home  with  her  and  his 


§  340]  MENTAL    PECULIARITrES  [Chap.  XXIV 

older  sister.  He  is  playing  the  part  of  a  young  city  tough.  When 
we  discussed  his  future  he  burst  into  tears  and  said  he  would 
like  to  stop  all  his  bad  behavior  and  go  to  work.  He  says  it  is  the 
feeling  of  restraint  in  his  family  circle  which  has  made  him  so 
irritable.  There  is  a  complicating  feature  of  much  indulgence  in 

After  our  study  of  this  case  it  seemed  as  if  his  conduct  was  a 
phase  which  might  soon  pass  over.  This  opinion  was  set  forth 
and  the  boy  was  placed  in  the  country.  He  then  reacted  by  a 
complete  change  of  character.  He  remained  at  the  same  place 
of  employment  over  a  year  and  there  were  no  further  complaints 
against  him. 

Adolescent  instability. 

Case  158. 

Home  conditions : 

Lack  of  under- 
standing control. 

Boy,  age  16  yrs. 

Tobacco  +. 

Heredity  (?) :  Father  and  grandfather 


Delinquencies : 
"City  tough." 

Fair  ability. 

Worry  about  clandestine  love  affairs  may  be  very  upsetting 
during  adolescence,  to  the  point  of  causing  delinquency. 

Case  159.  —  This  was  a  particularly  fine,  clean-looking, 
athletic  fellow  of  16.  Previously  he  had  done  very  well  in  tech- 
nical school  work.  A  young  married  woman,  a  close  friend  of  the 
family,  had  become  enamored  of  this  boy.  She  urged  him  well 
to  further  his  professional  and  other  interests,  but  in  the  mean- 
time led  him  along  the  path  of  sexual  immorality.  His  reaction 
was  that  of  complete  moral  upset.  He  began  truancy,  ran  away 
from  home,  and  developed  a  scheme  for  obtaining  goods  by  mis- 
representation. This  was  entirely  an  anomalous  reaction,  for 
there  was  no  financial  need  in  the  family.  As  we  saw  him  this 
young  man  was  utterly  depressed.  His  own  behavior  seemed 
inexplicable  to  himself.  It  was  very  interesting  to  note  that  the 
affaire  d'aviour  might  easily  have  been  carried  along  as  a  secret, 
but  the  boy  was  not  accustomed  to  either  deceit  or  immorality. 



His  newly  awakened  impulses  he  reacted  to  by  behavior  which 
would  seem  to  be  no  logical  result  of  them. 

Adolescent  impulses.  Case  159. 

Illicit  love  affair.  ^^y,  age  16. 

Delinquencies : 

Running  away.  '                              Mentality: 

Stealing.  Good  ability. 

This  same  t^^pe  of  reaction  we  have  observed  when  a  bright 
and  capable  adolescent  has  met  with  sex  perversion.  One  strik- 
ing case  w^as  where  a  remarkably  bright  young  man  found  him- 
self introduced  into  these  practices  with  the  most  sumptuous  of 
accompaniments.  Instead  of  either  falling  into  line  or  expressing 
complete  opposition  and  aversion,  there  was  the  development  of 
anomalous  behavior.  It  was  only  after  the  individual  had  become 
delinquent  along  other  lines  that  the  underlying  cause  of  his 
strange  moral  break-down  was  discovered. 

Immigration  during  adolescence  may  be  provocative  of  delin- 

Case  160.  —  This  is  a  boy  of  15  who  is  normal  both  physically 
and  mentally.  He  was  sent  to  this  country  to  live  wdth  distant 
relatives  because  of  the  extreme  poverty  of  his  family  in  Europe. 
The  change  from  a  quiet  and  narrow^  country  life  in  Europe  to 
the  conditions  of  a  large  American  city,  especially  in  the  absence 
of  complete  family  control,  proved  altogether  too  much  for  him. 
Notwithstanding  this  boy's  proved  ability  and  his  expressed 
desire  to  lead  a  steady  life,  he  appears  utterly  unable  to  resist 
his  impulses.  His  relatives  tell  us  the  boy  seems  almost  h>"p- 
notized  at  times;  he  must  go  out  and  wander,  and  then  he  stays 
away  for  nights  at  a  time.  A  number  of  people  tried  to  help  in 
this  case,  and  the  boy  was  given  thoroughly  good  chances,  but 
everywhere  he  showed  dissatisfaction  with  his  circumstances. 
Under  close  observation  no  bad  habits  were  discovered.  His 
reputation  for  behavior  before  he  came  to  this  country  was 
good.  His  lack  of  self-control  is  perhaps  shown  by  the  fact  that 
he  has  occasionally  suffered  from  nocturnal  enuresis.  He  showed 
great  desire  for  education  and  was  placed  in  a  good  school.  From 
this  he  ran  away,  and  two  years  afterwards  his  whereabouts  were 
still  unknown. 



Adolescent  instability  and  impulsions. 

Case  160. 

Recent  immigration. 

Boy,  age  15  yrs. 

Family  conditions:  Parental  control 

Delinquencies : 

Running  away  +  +. 

Fair  ability. 

Adolescent  desire  for  self-assertion  and  gaining  notice  is  a  large 
factor  in  producing  delinquency  among  girls. 

Case  161.  —  It  came  out  sharply  in  one  case  where  a  girl  of  not- 
ably boyish  physical  contour  assumed  boy's  clothes  and  went 
out  to  work  as  a  young  man.  There  were  some  irritating  circum- 
stances at  home,  but  the  girl  made  no  effort  to  adjust  them  by  well- 
directed  means.  Her  reactions  were  typically  adolescent.  She 
made  of  her  running  away  a  sensational  matter,  and  kept  a  diary 
which  gave  every  detail  of  her  really  interesting  escapade.  Her 
account  is  largely  exaggerated,  showing  thereby  poor  judgment 
in  spite  of  her  assumed  mature  outlook  on  life.  When  she  was 
placed  under  detention  she  was  very  anxious  to  know  if  all  had 
seen  account  of  her  doings  in  the  newspapers.  This  girl  soon 
afterwards   settled   down  to   completely   quiet   behavior. 

Adolescent  impulsions. 

Case  161. 

Home  conditions:  Irritations. 

Girl,  age  17  yrs. 

Physical  characteristics. 

Delinquencies : 
Running  away. 
Assuming  male  disguise. 

Good  ability. 

Romanticism  may  also  play  a  large  part  in  the  production  of 
adolescent  delinquency. 

Case  162. — This  was  a  bright  and  physically  normal  young 
woman  of  17.  Germanic  physical  and  mental  characteristics; 
schwdrmerisch.  We  studied  this  girl  after  her  two  desperate 
attempts  to  commit  suicide.  Her  father  had  objected  to  a  young 
man  of  good  reputation  paying  attention  to  her.  Both  he  and  also 
her  most  intimate  girl  friend  were  of  the  romantic  type.  The  girl 
friend  had  suggested  it  would  be  nice  to  die  together.     When 



the  father  scolded  this  girl  about  her  lover  she  swallowed  poison 
which  she  had  kept  by  her  for  a  couple  of  yeare.  The  occasion  of 
her  getting  this  in  the  first  place  was  that  when  she  and  this  girl 
friend  were  looking  for  work  they  thought  if  they  were  not  success- 
ful they  would  be  scolded,  and  they  contemplated  suicide  as  a 
response.  This  girl's  emotional  life  was  highly  developed  in  many 
ways.  It  was  noticed  that  while  in  the  hospital  following  her 
attempt  at  self-destruction  she  was  frightfully  lonely.  An  older 
sister  is  insane  and  said  to  have  become  so  from  deep  grief  at  the 
mother's  death.  An  interesting  incident  in  this  case  followed 
when  the  lover,  impressed  deeply  by  her  loneliness  in  the  hospital, 
also  took  poison  and  himself  had  to  be  sent  there. 

Adolescent  impulsions.  Case  162. 

Peculiar  characteristics:  Romantic  '  ^^^       ^^' 


Companions:  Other  romantic  adolescents. 

Home  conditions:  Irritating  and  irrational. 

Delinquencies :  Mentality : 

Attempted  suicide.  Fair  ability. 

Adolescent  dissatisfaction  with  family  habits  or  family  beliefs 
has  been  frequently  seen  by  us  as  a  cause  for  delinquency. 

Case  163.  —  This  was  a  Jewish  girl  of  16  who  had  developed 
great  self-assertiveness  which  led  her  to  break  acutely  with  her 
family  on  the  score  of  their  ancient  religion  and  general  narrow- 
ness in  life.  Her  reaction,  however,  was  excessive,  for  she  took 
to  stage  life  and  sex  delinquency. 

Case  177.  —  A  Slavish  boy  found  himself  here  in  America 
so  much  above  the  traditions  of  his  people  that  he  could  not 
tolerate  the  way  in  which  his  peasant  grandmother  cut  the  bread. 
As  an  example  of  his  behavior  it  may  be  stated  that  after  fre- 
quent appeals  to  her  he  grew  so  enraged  one  day  that  he  threw 
the  bread  at  her,  seriously  hurting  her  face.  On  a  number  of 
occasions  he  has  grown  desperate,  as  well  as  exceedingly  wullful, 
in  his  misconduct.  But  it  is  notable  there  has  been  a  growing 
tendency  for  him  to  become  steadier  as  time  has  elapsed. 

We  have  come  to  know  many  other  delinquents  who  find  their 
own  home  surroundings  extremely  unsatisfactory  and  have 
shown  in  their  reactions  such  extremely  recalcitrant  behavior 



that  they  have  been  led  into  beginning  a  career  of  criminality. 
All  this  is  a  token  of  the  psychic  hypersesthesia  which  we  ha^'e 
previously  mentioned. 

§341.  Treatment.  —  In  considering  treatment  for  any  given 
unstable  adolescent  offender  full  justice  should  be  done  to  the 
peculiarities  of  the  case.  Wise  observers  readily  perceive  that 
slight  breaks  from  discipline  do  not  mean  total  depravity.  The 
impulsions,  and  lack  of  control,  and  other  special  phenomena 
of  this  period  may  last  over  a  considerable  time,  and  then  disap- 
pear. A  change  of  environment,  even  though  institutional  care  is 
not  invoked,  may  help.  The  adolescent  offender  may  be  quite 
ashamed  to  show  extravagant  impulses  to  strangers,  and  so  do 
altogether  better  away  from  his  own  family  in  the  deliberate 
cultivation  of  self-control. 

We  must  not  forget  that  the  adolescent  is  in  a  peculiar  situa- 
tion in  regard  to  control  of  his  own  environment.  The  adult  who 
feels  himself  good  for  this  or  that,  and  who  has  dissatisfactions, 
can  find  some  way  of  socially  adjusting  himself,  but  the  young 
adolescent  has  to  be  satisfied  with  the  environmental  circum- 
stances given  him.  Not  that  he  has  the  wisdom  to  choose  the 
proper  environment,  but  he  has  nevertheless  the  dissatisfactions 
of  not  commanding  his  own  surrounding  conditions. 

Lest  we  be  accused  of  rendering  over-optimistic  prognoses  in 
delinquents  whose  criminalism  begins  with  the  peculiarities  of 
adolescence,  let  us  say  that  the  above  cited  cases  were  selected  as 
offering  scientific  requirements.  In  these  the  frequent  favorable 
outcome,  as  well  as  the  beginning,  seemed  to  prove  that  adoles- 
cent instabilities  and  impulsions  were  really  the  causative  factor 
which  we  are  always  looking  for.  We  grant  at  once  that  many 
others  may  have  had  just  this  same  beginning  in  adolescence, 
and  then,  through  habit  formation  and  the  result  of  other  unfor- 
tunate conditions,  the  individual  has  gone  on  to  develop  a  career 
of  criminalism  that  has  extended  far  beyond  the  termination  of 
adolescent  years. 

§  342.  Treatment  Under  the  Law.  —  The  question  of  age 
limits  for  treating  offenders  as  if  they  still  were  in  the  formative 
stage  and  still  were  to  be  practically  influenced  either  for  good 
or  bad  by  inner  and  outer  conditions  is  pertinent  at  this  point. 
Upon  what  psychological  principles  or  practical  observations  a 
juvenile  court  law,  for  instance,  is  based  that  implies  a  sudden 
advent  of  responsibility  and  mental  stability  and  general  maturity 


Chap.  XXIV]       TREATMENT    OF    ADOLESCENT    TROUBLES  [§  343 

of  moral  realizations  and  control  is  not  at  all  clear.  A  purely 
arbitrary  discrimination  is  made  in  this  matter  which  is  not 
justified  in  the  least  by  the  facts.  It  is  true  that  occasionally 
by  17  or  18  years  in  some  cases  mental  maturity  has  been  par- 
tially reached.  The  same  might  be  said  of  occasional  cases  at  15 
or  16  years.  But  I  venture  to  say  from  long  observation  that  the 
vast  majority  of  offenders  at  17  or  18  years  of  age  are  still  in 
great  need  of  being  understood  and  treated  by  the  methods  in 
vogue  in  a  well-conducted  juvenile  court  where  past  records  with 
all  their  showing  of  factors  in  environment,  personality,  oppor- 
tunities, etc.,  can  be  taken  mto  account  for  further  disposi- 
tion of  the  case.  INIany  delinquents  at  the  age  limit  of  the 
juvenile  law  are  still  utter  children. 

It  is  a  matter  of  practical  observation  among  the  best  workers 
with  delinquents  we  have  known  that  the  changes  of  character 
which  apparently  result  from  good  influences  often  take  place 
after  they  were  17  or  18  years  old.  Adolescence  is  supposed  to 
extend  from  the  age  of  puberty  to  22  or  23  years.  The  adoles- 
cence, the  formative  period,  that  students  of  delinquents  are  so 
much  concerned  with,  may  be  reckoned  as  lasting  up  to  19  or  20 
years,  and  still  be  well  within  the  limits  that  physiologists  have 

§  343.  Preventive  Treatment.  —  The  best  treatment  for  ado- 
lescent troubles  is  preventive.  The  preemption  of  the  field  with 
healthy  interests  before  the  age  of  13  or  14  forms  the  best  possi- 
ble safeguard  against  the  development  of  dangerous  social  tend- 
encies. The  consideration  of  adolescence  as  a  causative  factor 
of  criminalism  is  no  longer  a  theoretical  matter,  it  is  of  vast 
practical  import.  There  is  a  great  social  need  for  carrying  the 
individual  safely  into  this  period  that  during  it  he  may  not  tend 
to  form  bad  associations,  mental  and  environmental,  which  stand 
in  the  way  of  desirable  social  development.  Preventive  treatment 
unquestionably  involves  the  training  of  proper  discipline  which 
gives  the  basis  for  self-control,  and  also  equipping  the  young 
individual  with  knowledge  which  shall  forfend  development  of 
considerable  amount  of  delinquency  which  is  entered  into  as  the 
result  of  ignorance  or  mental  \^acuity. 

There  is  little  doubt  in  my  mind,  as  I  have  elsewhere  insisted, 
that  much  of  the  success  of  institutional  work  with  young  delin- 
quents is  to  be  attributed,  not  so  much  to  the  specific  activities 
of  the  institution,  as  to  the  fact  that  the  individual  is  tided  in  a 



stable  environment  through  the  adolescent  period.  The  need  of 
just  this  thing  being  done  appears  so  assured  that  to  my  mind 
there  is  no  doubt  of  the  value  of  placing  all  adolescents  showing 
criminalistic  tendencies  in  some  environment  that  creates  healthy 
interests  and  is  free  from  stimulation  towards  misconduct  —  and 
this  for  a  considerable  share  of  the  formative  period  of  their  life. 
Struggling,  for  instance,  under  probation  in  a  bad  environment, 
with  adolescents  who  have  deep-set  tendencies  to  misconduct  is 
inviting  social  failure.  That  success  can  be  had  sometimes  by 
placing  the  offender  in  a  different  home  where  there  is  a  better 
range  of  interests,  or  where  there  is  less  friction,  or  in  country 
life  away  from  city  temptations,  as  well  as  by  placing  in  insti- 
tutions, goes  without  saying.  The  success  of  a  variety  of  thera- 
peutic means  may  be  read  from  our  cited  cases. 

All  through  our  own  studies  in  adolescent  behavior,  whether 
considering  what  might  be  called  normal  outbreaks  or  distinctly 
aberrational  phenomena,  we  are  impressed  by  the  fact  that 
individuals  with  defective  hereditary  background  are  most  prone 
to  suffer.  We  agree  entirely  with  the  many  authors  who  insist 
that  it  is  the  neuropathic  and  psychopathic  types  who  show  the 
greatest  moral,  as  well  as  mental  upset  at  puberty  and  during 
adolescence.  Individuals  of  this  type  require  for  a  prolonged 
period  the  stablest  possible  environment,  if  society  is  not  to 
suffer  later  by  the  development  in  them  of  anti-social  tendencies. 

In  attempting  moral  treatment  of  the  adolescent  offender, 
the  peculiar  mental  characteristics  of  adolescence  must  never  be 
forgotten.  For  instance,  the  steadiness  of  purpose  or  normal 
desire  for  self-preservation  found  in  an  older  person  cannot  be 
reckoned  on.  One  comes  to  have  little  faith  in  the  efficacy  of 
the  cry  of  danger  to  many  healthy  boys  and  girls  during  adoles- 
cence. At  this  feckless  age  the  appeal  to  self-interest  will  often 
bring  little  result.  We  have  noted  it  fail  time  and  again.  The 
irregularities,  impulsions  and  emotions  of  this  period  are  all  to  be 
considered  in  their  true  light  as  conditions  to  be  struggled  with, 
which  with  good  care  may  later  drop  entirely  away.  Only  too 
often  do  we  hear,  even  from  parents,  character  tendencies  of 
adolescents  interpreted  as  being  the  permanent  traits  of  the 


Chap.  XXV]        PATHOLOGICAL    LYINCi    AND    ACCUSATION  [§  345 

Mental  Peculiarities  —  Continued 

Pathological  Lying  and  Accusation.  §  344.  Definition.  §  345.  Charac- 
teristics. §  346.  Formative  Personal  Experiences.  §  347.  Prognosis. 
§  348.  Illustrative  Cases.  §  349.  Cases  of  Self-Accusation.  §  350. 
Some  Cases  Prove  to  be  Psychoses. 


§  344.  Definition:  —  Pathological  lying  is  falsification  entirely 
disproportionate  to  any  discernible  end  in  view,  engaged  in  by  a 
person  who,  at  the  time  of  observation,  cannot  definitely  be  de- 
clared insane,  feebleminded,  or  epileptic.  Such  lying,  rarely,  if 
ever,  centers  about  a  single  event;  it  manifests  itself  most  fre- 
quently over  a  considerable  period  of  years,  or  even  a  lifetime. 
Various  charges  against  others,  and  even  self-accusations,  are 
sometimes  indulged  in,  which  may  prove  troublesome  matters  in 
courts  of  law.^  Extensive,  very  complicated  fabrications  may 
be  evolved.  This  has  led  to  the  synonyms :  mythomania;  pseudo- 
logia  phantastica. 

§  345.  Characteristics.  —  For  people  concerned  with  court 
w^ork,  the  understanding  of  the  peculiar  behavior  and  peculiar 
personalities  discussed  under  this  heading  has  special  impor- 
tance. The  whole  subject  serves  well  to  illustrate  the  great 
A^^alue  of  acquaintance  with  psychological  aspects  of  legal  proce- 
dure. A  large  share  of  the  difficulty,  either  in  court  or  elsewhere, 
in  dealing  with  pathological  lying  arises  because  the  testimony, 
as  judged  by  ordinary  standards,  shows  little  or  no  antecedent 
probability  of  being  untruth.  Indeed,  in  some  cases,  as  where  a 
child  makes  serious  charges  against  a  parent  without  reason  for 
disaifection  (vide  Cases  165,  166),  the  presumption  seems  strongly 
in  favor  of  the  testimony  being  truth. 

So  far  as  motives  are  concerned,  it  is  clear  that  in  many  instances 
advantages  to  be  gained  by  the  lying  are  not  clearly  formulated 
in  the  individual's  mind ;  there  is  mere  following  of  an  impulse.    In 

*  The  relation  of  pathological  lying  to  development  of  a  tendency  to  swind- 
hng  is  easily  recognizable;  we  have  seen  marked  examples  of  it.  As  Wulffen 
(2,  Vol.  II,  p.  131)  says,  "Die  Gabe  zu  Schwindeln  ist  eine  'Lust  am  Fabu- 


§  345]  MENTAL    PECULIARITIES  [Chap.  XXV 

other  cases  the  motives  are  well  buried;  the  connection  between 
design  and  conduct  is  only  to  be  traced  along  hidden  and  round- 
about paths.  In  some,  to  be  sure,  the  relation  of  crude  lying  to  a 
desired  end  is  not  difficult  to  perceive,  but  the  utter  disregard  of 
the  obvious  social  disadvantage  accruing  to  a  known  liar  may 
cause,  in  the  observer's  mind,  doubt  whether  the  subject  knows 
that  he  is  lying.  One  great  reason  for  general  ignorance  of  even 
the  existence  of  this  variety  of  human  conduct  is  due  to  these 
incongruities.  Pathological  lying  does  not  follow  the  ordinarily 
conceived  standards  of  misconduct. 

For  20  years  there  has  been  a  slowly  accumulating  literature  ^ 
on  the  subject.  However,  almost  nothing  has  appeared  in  Eng- 
lish, and  the  legal  aspects  have  not  been  thoroughly  discussed. 
Here  we  can  only  deal  with  some  general  phases  of  pathological 
lying  and  a  few  concrete  cases;  from  our  numerous  observations 
a  special  monograph  will  be  devoted  to  the  subject  (202). 

The  group  of  pathological  liars  shows  some  signs  of  homo- 
geneity. In  other  traits  besides  the  peculiar  type  of  lying  we 
find  likenesses.  Pathological  lying  seems  nearly  always  to  be 
developed  on  a  mental  background  from  which  we  might  expect, 
in  the  light  of  defective  heredity  or  development,  peculiarities 
to  arise.  However,  there  are  exceptions,  and,  occasionally, 
merely  out  of  some  tremendously  upsetting  personal  experience 
this  strange  phenomenon  shows  itself.  In  addition  to  those  who 
exhibit  no  indication  of  mental  or  nervous  abnormality,  we  have 
found  pathological  lying  in  persons  who  are  the  subjects  of  rare 
epileptic  attacks,  chorea,  hysteria,  traumatic  neurosis,  consti- 
tutional inferiority,  constitutional  excitement,  mental  subnormal- 
ity.  According  to  our  practical  diagnosis  of  mental  ability,  we 
have  noted  individual  variations  all  the  way  from  supernormal 
ability  to  subnormality  and  border-line  psychoses.  (As  stated 
at  first,  we  have  included  under  our  definition  no  cases  of  insanity, 
feeblemindedness  or  recognizable  epilepsy.  In  these  categories, 
of  course,  many  egregious,  fantastic  and  even  notorious  cases 

1  The  pioneer  student  of  pathological  lying  was  Delbrueck  (203),  whose 
work  has  been  much  quoted  by  succeeding  authors.  We  may  also  select  for 
the  student  the  writings  of  Jorger  (205),  and  Koeppen  (204),  who  fm-ther  elab- 
orated the  subject  and  added  case  studies;  Stemmermann  (206),  who  collected 
more  cases  than  any  one  else.  Later  Risch  (207)  contributed  a  study  of  sev- 
eral instances  of  youthful  fantastic  hars,  Vogt  (208)  made  a  special  study  of 
types  of  female  pathological  hars,  and  Wendt  (209)  offered  the  most  philo- 
sophical discussion  of  the  subject.  A  long  discussion  of  a  single  case  of  much 
legal  importance  is  by  Belletrud  and  Mercier  (210) .  Rouma  (211)  gives  a  valu- 
able psychological  and  pedagogical  analysis  of  a  young  boy's  pathological  lying. 


Chap.  XXV]         PROGNOSIS    IN    PATHOLOGICAL    LYING  [§  347 

of  lying,  with  or  without  proved  dehisions,  are  to  be  observed. 
The  notorious  lying  of  drug  habitues,  which  may  include  even 
weird  self -accusations,  is  mentioned  in  another  place,  §  198  ff.) 
Pathological  lying,  then,  is  only  a  symptom  —  the  whole  diag- 
nosis and  the  etiology  are  farther  to  seek. 

§  346.  Formative  Personal  Experiences.  —  Taking  this  group 
in  general,  passing  over  the  physical  and  mental  differences  which 
may  be  in  the  background,  it  is  surprising  to  observe  in  how  many 
cases  there  has  been  extremely  upsetting  personal  experience,  most 
often  involving  sex  life.  The  psychic  trauma  which  underlies 
mental  conflict  (§  240)  is  here  frequently  met,  and  indeed  in  some 
instances  very  definite  indications  of  mental  conflict  itself  are 

As  practically  observed,  the  tj-pes  of  lying  belonging  properly 
to  this  category  are,  for  the  most  part,  as  follows :  There  may  be 
simple,  impulsive  making  up  of  stories  centered  about  the  relator's 
own  self  and  experiences.  These  are  often  to  be  easily  sized  up 
for  what  they  are  worth.  There  may  be  indulgence  in  elaborate 
fabrications  which  have  no  apparent  objective  end  in  view, 
although  perhaps  some  idea  of  a  temporary  advantage  is  con- 
ceivable as  the  aim.  It  may  be  that  these  complicated  stories 
represent  dreams  of  what  is  desired  as  experience.  We  have 
observed  t^•pes  of  lying  even  more  important  for  the  lawyer  to 
become  acquainted  with  —  lying  that  involves  false  accusations 
without  the  motive  of  grudge,  and  even  false  self -accusations. 
An  accusation  against  those  who  have  done  most  for  the  indi- 
^■idual,  against  the  nearest  members  of  the  family,  perhaps 
mother  or  father,  is  everj^^here  recognized  as  having  antecedent 
probability  of  truth,  yet  some  of  our  most  striking  cases  involve 
such  unnatural  accusations  falsely  made. 

Most  of  our  cases  have  been  definitely  delinquent  over  and 
and  beyond  the  peculiar  lying,  which,  with  a  few,  was  in  itself  as 
dastardly  a  delinquency  as  can  be  imagined.  Most  of  the  offenders 
have  at  times  run  away  from  home,  some  have  engaged  in  steal- 
ing, and  some  have  indulged  in  much  sex  delinquency.  In  all 
this  there  is  a  striking  resemblance  to  the  cases  reported  in  Euro- 
pean literature. 

§  347.  Prognosis.  —  The  outlook  for  the  individual  depends 
not  only  on  what  is  done  in  disciplinary  or  educational  ways 
—  due  emphasis  is  always  to  be  placed  on  these  during  the  forma- 
tive period  of  life  —  but  also  on  the  depth  of  the  neurotic  con- 


§  347]  MENTAL    PECULIARITIES  [Chap.  XXV 

stitution,  defective  inheritance,  or  whatever  else  may  be  a  factor. 
Many  of  the  cases  reported  abroad  have  later  become  clearly 
insane.  In  our  classification  we  have  attempted  to  steer  clear  of 
all  determinable  psychoses.  While  we  conceive  it  likely  that  a 
few  of  our  cases  will  eventually  inhabit  some  hospital  for  the 
insane,  we  have  observed  some  that  show  signs  of  recovery  by 
the  loss  of  most  of  their  tendency  to  prevarication,  and  we  note 
others  remaining  unchanged  in  their  main  characteristics. 

§  348.  Illustrative  Cases.  —  We  can  here  afford  space  only  for 
a  few  cases  illustrating  the  main  phases  of  pathological  lying. 
The  first  three  involve  the  phenomenon  of  false  accusations  in 
its  most  aggravated  form,  namely,  against  parents  and  other 
members  of  the  same  family  from  whom  there  has  been  good 

Case  164.  —  John  S.,  an  undersized  boy  of  17  years,  a  pitiable 
specimen,  when  under  arrest  for  vagrancy  told  such  a  heart- 
rending story  of  home  conditions  with  assertions  of  family  im- 
morality, that  the  judge  and  others  were  moved  to  indignation 
and  an  investigation  was  started. 

On  the  physical  side  we  found  a  poorly-developed,  but  fairly- 
nourished  young  fellow;  plainly  of  Scandinavian  parentage. 
Only  5  ft.  2  1-2  in.  in  height,  he  showed  good  strength  for  his  age. 
Stigmata:  slight  facial  asymmetry,  ears  very  long  and  narrow, 
dentition  very  irregular  —  one  upper  canine  having  erupted 
behind  the  central  incisors.  Tattooing  on  the  chest.  Vision 
defective,  but  how  much  so  was  impossible  to  estimate  at  present 
on  account  of  corneal  ulcer  and  general  gonorrheal  ophthalmia. 
Gait  and  attitude  very  slouchy.  In  contrast  to  general  poor 
development,  has  already  full  sex  development  with  much  hair 
over  body  for  his  age. 

On  the  mental  side  we  find  an  excitable  and  talkative  young 
fellow,  quite  coherent,  and  giving  in  no  way  indication  of  aberra- 
tion by  the  trend  of  his  conversation.  He  tells  us  that  he  reached 
6th  grade.  He  willingly  works  on  tests,  the  results  being  as 
follows : 

Mental  tests :  our  own  series : 

I.  I'll".    Triangles  put  in  by  trial  and  error  method. 

II.  1'  45".    3  errors. 

III.  24".    8  moves. 

IV.  1'  19".    13  moves. 

V.  Failed  in  15'.    Tried  a  number  of  errors  over  and  over. 



Chap.  XX\]       CASES    OF    PATHOLOGICAL   ACCUSATION  [§  348 

VI.  Moderately  good  free  recital.  Only  a  small  number  of  items 
with  errors  in  color  given  on  cross-examination.  Accepted  no  less 
than  7  proffered  suggestions. 

VII.  One-half  correct. 

VIII.  Entirely  correct. 

IX.  Correct  only  at  the  3d  reproduction. 

X.  Correct  at  2d  reproduction. 

XI.  Made  an  entire  failure  because  could  not  get  correctly  the 
order  of  the  alphabet. 

XII.  16  out  of  the  20  items  given  with  fair  verbal  accuracy,  all  in 
correct  sequence. 

XIII.  All  items  given,  but  •with,  much  incorrect  sequence. 

XV.  4  errors  and  2  failures.  On  the  14  opposites  given  correctly 
the  average  time  was  2.1". 

X^''II.   Writes  a  very  good  hand  and  spells  simple  words  correctly. 

XVIII.  Does  the  4th-grade  arithmetic  work  correctly,  but  fails  on 
fractions  as  given  in  the  5th  grade. 

XIX.  Information  on  current  events  is  good,  but  on  things  learned 
at  school  is  much  mixed  up.  Says  that  this  country  gained  its  inde- 
pendence from  France,  that  Lincoln  was  president  directly  after 
Washington,  that  Napoleon  Bonaparte  was  an  English  nobleman  who 
fought  against  France  and  Waterloo,  was  never  defeated,  and  got 
sick  in  England.  He  has  read  popular  magazines  and  books  from 
the  library.  Much  of  the  above  was  given  by  the  boy  following  sug- 
gestions offered  him.  For  instance,  when  he  spoke  of  not  remembering 
what  country  Bonaparte  came  from,  he  was  asked  if  it  was  England, 
and  he  immediately  seized  upon  this  point. 

From  all  this  it  will  be  seen  that  the  boy  was  extremely  poor 
in  school  work,  much  behind  what  might  be  expected  when  we 
consider  other  evidences  of  his  ability,  or  what  could  be  accounted 
for  by  defective  eyesight.  His  work  on  our  tests  was  decidedly 
irregular.  He  failed  entirely  where  he  was  called  on  for  a  pro- 
longed mental  task,  and  showed  himself  in  the  highest  degree 
suggestible.  On  account  of  his  present  very  defective  eyesight 
and  general  poor  condition,  a  tentative  diagnosis  of  mental 
dullness  from  physical  conditions  was  made,  with  the  addition  of 
calling  him  a  possible  case  of  developing  psychosis. 

Going  into  his  story,  as  requested,  we  hear  at  once  that  the 
father  has  been  dead  for  ten  years  and  that  there  is  a  very  cruel 
step-father  at  home.  This  man  was  accustomed  to  beat  the 
children,  and,  on  occasion,  has  put  the  elder  sister  out  of  the 
house.  He  now  has  left  his  wife.  Speaking  of  himself,  John  says 
he  does  n't  know  what  gets  into  him,  but  he  has  run  away  from 
home  eleven  times.  He  runs  away  with  his  wages  and  stays  at 
a  hotel.    He  has  been  arrested  several  times  on  this  account.    His 


§  348]  MENTAL    PECULIARITIES  [Chap.  XXV 

mother  always  telephones  to  the  police  about  him,  and  that  is 
why  he  is  here  now.    He  wishes  he  were  at  home. 

The  next  day  we  hear  the  full  horrors  which  were  sketched  to 
the  judge.  The  step-father  is  a  professional  thief,  and  the  stolen 
goods  he  takes  are  to  be  found  m  their  home.  John  lived  with 
another  relative  until  three  years  ago.  When  he  returned,  this 
step-father  began  practicing  horrible  sex  things  with  him,  and 
John  found  he  was  doing  these  things  with  the  elder  sister  and 
a  younger  brother.  This  man  often  leaves  home,  perhaps  taking 
the  mother's  wages  —  she  has  to  work  out  —  and  even  now  is 
living  at  a  hotel.    A  doctor  said  the  step-father  must  be  crazy. 

Seen  later  the  same  day  by  an  assistant,  the  boy  said  he  wanted 
to  tell  the  whole  story  of  his  family.  He  tells  of  the  stolen  things 
which  may  be  found  there.  The  step-father  blackens  the  eyes  of 
the  sister,  and  is  immoral  with  her.  The  latter  practices  began 
two  months  ago.  Also  perversions  began  with  John  two  months 
ago,  never  before  that.  The  mother  is  there,  and  knows  about 
and  permits  the  immoralities.  Cross-questioned,  after  a  time 
the  boy  says  these  practices  began  the  night  he  came  home, 
three  years  ago,  but  with  his  sister  it  went  on  before  that.  He 
knows,  because  his  mother  wrote  and  told  him  about  it.  An 
uncle  responded  and  told  her  to  put  a  stop  to  it,  but  the  step- 
father follows  his  mother  all  the  time,  and  has  a  revolver. 

Talking  about  Lincoln  led  to  the  following  story  told  by  John 
about  a  celebration  at  school.  "  They  had  it  on  Lincoln's  birth- 
day and  on  the  4th  of  July,  too.  The  teacher  did  not  believe 
that  Abraham  Lincoln  freed  the  slaves.  The  children  said,  oh 
yes,  he  did.  But  she  did  not  believe  it.  The  children  all  hollered 
and  said  yes,  he  did.  Then  they  all  run  up  on  the  platform  and 
got  to  fighting  about  it.  The  teachers  would  not  believe  that 
Abraham  Lincoln  freed  the  slaves  till  an  old  soldier  came  up 
there  and  told  them  yes,  he  did  do  it."  I  questioned  him  about 
this  matter,  whether  it  was  only  playing  or  were  they  in  earnest. 
"  Oh,  all  in  earnest  and  they  had  a  fight  about  it.  The  teachers 
would  not  believe  that  Abraham  Lincoln  freed  the  slaves,  and 
the  children  all  ran  up  on  the  platform  and  had  a  fight  about  it." 

Home  conditions  were  looked  up  by  a  court  investigator  and 
found  to  be  very  different  from  what  the  boy  stated.  The  mother 
is  an  honest  and  hard-working  woman  who  has  had  much  trouble 
with  this  boy  and  has  given  him  many  chances.  The  sister  is  a 
girl  of  thoroughly  good  reputation.     In  the  meantime  we  hear 


Chap.  XXV]       CASES    OF    PATHOLOGICAL   ACCUSATION  [§  348 

of  his  court  record.  He  has  been  under  arrest  several  times 
for  vagrancy  and  petty  steahng.  The  mother  and  sister,  coming 
to  us  in  much  distress,  appear  to  be  entirely  self-respecting  and 
credible  people;  quite  in  accord  with  their  neighborhood  reputa- 
tion.   They  give  us  the  following  story: 

Parents  Swedish.  Father  dead  10  years,  accident.  Both 
families  moderately  well  known.  Significant  points  in  heredity: 
Mother's  sister,  insane;  cause,  "change  of  life";  father  him- 
self a  very  moderate  drinker.  He  had  occasional  attacks  of 
epilepsy,  not  enough  to  hinder  him  from  working  as  an  artisan. 
Mother  previously  healthy,  now  thinks  she  has  cancer.  Has  three 
living  children.    A  number  of  miscarriages  after  John  was  born. 

Pregnancy  and  birth  of  John  normal.  Walked  and  talked 
very  early.  Never  any  convulsions.  At  about  2  years  of  age  was 
very  ill  with  a  great  complication  of  severe  diseases.  Was  sick 
for  3  months.  Later  was  operated  on  for  rupture.  The  eye 
trouble  is  recent.  When  he  was  about  10  years  old  a  teacher 
told  the  mother  she  did  not  think  the  boy  was  right  mentally. 

There  has  been  an  exceeding  amount  of  trouble  with  this  boy. 
He  was  a  great  truant  and  reached  only  the  4th  grade.  When  he 
was  living  with  the  uncle  there  was  trouble  and  he  warned  her 
carefully  about  John.  He  has  run  away  from  home  12  times, 
stays  away  perhaps  two  weeks  at  a  time,  and  comes  home  ragged 
and  filthy.  He  has  had  many  jobs,  but  stays  only  a  day  or  two 
at  work.  He  steals  in  petty  ways,  takes  money  from  home  when 
he  runs  away.  He  is  very  lazy,  but  a  great  reader,  especially  of 
cheap  novels. 

Among  the  troubles  with  this  boy  is  his  extremely  filthy  talk. 
He  has  even  been  discharged  on  account  of  this.  An  aunt  caught 
the  boy  in  bad  sex  practices  several  years  ago  and  told  the  mother. 
Neighbors,  and  earlier  the  school  people,  warned  her  that  they 
thought  this  was  what  was  the  matter  with  him.  About  a  year 
ago  John  was  found  in  a  room  with  other  boys  and  a  man  engaged 
in  bad  practices,  and  the  man  was  sentenced  to  a  long  term  in 
the  penitentiary  on  account  of  it. 

Worst  of  all,  the  mother  says  the  boy  is  the  most  malicious 
liar  she  has  ever  heard  of.  They  have  had  a  frightful  time  with 
him  on  account  of  this.  For  over  two  years  John  has  been  telling 
bad  stories  about  the  step-father  who  recently  could  not  stand 
it  any  longer  and  left  the  mother.  He  was  a  good  and  rather  strict 
man  who  took  much  interest  in  the  children.     He  tried  rewards 


§  348]  MENTAL    PECULIARITIES  [Chap.  XXV 

with  John  but  this  was  of  no  avail.  She  thought  it  her  duty  to 
try  further  with  her  own  flesh  and  blood.  The  boy  has  destroyed 
the  home.  The  sister  is  in  utter  despair  about  what  John  has 
said  concerning  her.  The  younger  brother  also  feels  terribly. 
The  boy  told  these  stories  all  about  the  neighborhood. 

John  was  sent  to  an  institution.  There  he  was  reported  to  be 
of  a  very  weak  type,  would  do  anything  that  was  suggested  to 
him.    No  evidences  of  insanity  noted. 

Constitutional  inferiority:  Case  164. 

Stigmata.     Mentality.  Boy,  age  17. 

Heredity:  Father  epileptic. 

Maternal  aunt  insane. 

Masturbation  +. 

Pervert  sex  experiences. 

Developmental:  Much  early  illness. 

False  accusations  +. 

Runaway  +.  Mentality: 

Stealing.  Pathological  liar. 

Sex  perversions.  Dull  from  physical  causes? 
Not  working.  Beginning  psychosis? 

Case  165.  — A  little  girl  of  9  1-2  years  was  studied  by  us  at 
the  request  of  a  judge  of  a  criminal  court  and  various  relatives 
and  friends  interested  in  the  case.  Her  father,  and  brother  of  18 
years  had  been  held  in  jail  some  weeks  on  the  charge  of  incest 
preferred  by  this  girl,  and  were  now  on  trial. 

We  found  a  bright,  pleasant,  affectionate  child,  in  fair  general 
physical  condition.  No  sensory  defect  noted.  High,  prominent 
narrow  forehead;  long  diameter  of  head,  19  cm.;  breadth,  13 
cm.  Slightly  asymmetrical  frontal  bosses.  Asymmetry  of  ears 
to  the  extent  of  .6  cm.   difference  in  length. 

The  mental  findings  were,  of  course,  of  great  importance. 
She  was  in  the  high  3d  grade,  notwithstanding  frequent  moving 
about.  She  showed  no  incoherency  in  her  conversation,  although 
from  day  to  day  changed  somewhat  her  various  stories. 

Mental  tests:  our  own  series; 

I.  1'  50".    Very  little  trial  and  error. 

II.  2'  4".    4  errors. 

III.  37".     7  moves. 


Chap.  XX V]       CASES   OF   PATHOLOGICAL  ACCUSATION  [§  348 

IV.  1'  37".     13  moves. 

V.  9'  15".  The  task  was  quickly  understood,  but  she  was  awk- 
ward with  hands. 

VI.  The  result  on  the  "Aussage,"  or  Testimony  Test,  was,  natu- 
rally, of  special  interest.  It  was  done  very  well.  17  items  were  given 
on  free  recital  and  9  added  on  questioning.  5  out  of  7  suggestions  were 
refused,  2  accepted.    Only  1  error  was  made  in  her  statement  of  details. 

VII.  All  correct. 

VIII.  2  errors  in  reproduction. 

IX.  Correct  at  1st  trial. 

X.  Correct  at  2d  trial. 

XI.  This  was,  as  expected,  too  difficult:  7  errors  were  made  out 
of  11  possibilities. 

XII.  17  out  of  20  items  on  this  memory  test  were  given  with 
partial  correctness  and  in  proper  sequence.  With  much  verbal 
alteration,  the  sense  was  correctly  given. 

XIII.  10  out  of  the  12  items  were  given  quite  correctly  and  all  in 
correct  sequence. 

XV.  17  items  given  correctly,  average  time  1.5".  The  3  failures 
were  from  lack  of  knowledge. 

XVI.  At  the  1st  trial  58  squares  were  tapped  in  30",  no  errors.  At 
the  2d  trial  60  squares  tapped  in  30",  2  errors. 

XVII.  Writes  a  remarkably  good  hand  for  age  and  spells  all 
simple  words  correctly. 

XVIII.  Reads  3d-grade  passage  in  a  halting  manner,  and  with  but 
one  slight  error. 

XXII.  General  information  is  very  slight,  as  one  would  naturally 
expect  from  her  social  siu"roundings,  but  she  knows  who  is  president, 
and  who  Lincoln  was. 

We  thus  found  this  girl  an  unusually  bright  child,  easily  belong- 
ing in  our  B  class,  showing  no  aberrational  tendencies,  and  no 
disability  for  testifying. 

It  is  not  necessary  here  to  recount  all  the  girl's  long  story, 
with  its  unpleasant  details.  She  showed  such  intimate  knowl- 
edge of  sex  affairs  that  her  story  about  her  father  and  brother 
might  seem  entirely  credible,  and  we  did  not  wonder  that  a  number 
of  good  people  were  stirred  to  indignation.  The  mother  had  long 
been  dead.  The  father  and  brother  were  working  people  who  had 
no  proper  home  for  her,  and  recently  had  placed  her  out  with  a 
kindly  woman.  Before  that  she  had  been  with  other  families 
away  from  Chicago.  The  father  often  visited  her  in  this  last 
place.  The  woman,  observing  signs  of  local  irritation,  took  her 
to  a  physician.  To  him  the  girl  made  some  statement  that 
caused  him  to  turn  the  affair  over  to  the  police.  They  and  a 
number  of  private  people  pushed  the  case;   the  girl  stated  the 


§  348]  MENTAL    PECULIARITIES  [Chap.  XXV 

charges,  and  the  father  and  brother  were  incarcerated.  No 
study  and  analysis  of  the  case  had  been  made.  The  judge,  in 
spite  of  the  direct  testimony  and  antecedent  probabihty  of  its 
being  the  truth,  since  there  had  been  no  cause  for  anything  but 
affection  in  the  family,  wisely  desired  more  investigation.  We 
readily  found  from  the  child  that  there  was  much  more  to  the 
case  than  had  yet  been  revealed. 

To  us  she  gave  an  account  of  her  life  that  seemed  entirely 
contradictory  to  her  appearance.  Her  pleasant,  bright  and  normal 
looks  and  behavior  were  all  in  contrast  to  the  experiences  she 
said  she  had  been  through.  By  the  time  we  had  had  several  inter- 
views we  heard  from  this  innocent-appearing  little  girl  one  of  the 
most  miserable  recitals  of  sex  practices,  including  perversions, 
to  which  we  have  ever  listened.  She  maintained  that  her  affairs 
began  before  she  was  5  years  old,  and  they  involved,  we  counted, 
at  least  six  girls  with  whom  she  had  practiced  a  wide  variety 
of  homosexual  relations,  sometimes  herself  even  soliciting  the 
worst  sorts;  at  least  3  younger  boys;  and  4  men  who  had  engaged 
with  her  in  various  practices  even  though,  in  one  case,  a  wife  was 
in  the  next  room.  Beside  this  she  told  of  a  variety  of  masturba- 
tory  habits.  Her  father  and  brother  have  been  very  kind  and 
good  to  her.  She  believes  now,  she  says,  as  she  thinks  it  over,  that 
perhaps  they  did  not  exactly  have  intercourse  with  her,  although 
previously  she  had  given  complete  details.  Her  story  of  exces- 
sive incest,  repeated  at  first  to  us,  dwindles  to  certain  practices, 
which  she  says  she  herself  began.  However,  she  insists  that  other 
men  long  before  this  did  have  complete  connection,  which  she 
describes,  and  with  them  she  has  also  engaged  in  perversions. 
All  this  to  us,  as  in  the  case  of  others  who  desired  prosecution  of  the 
father  and  brother,  was  entirely  convincing  of  the  most  exten- 
sive acquaintance  with  the  subject,  but  times  and  persons  varied 
in  successive  accounts. 

Later  it  came  out  that  a  couple  of  years  ago,  when  boarding 
with  other  people,  the  girl  made  complaint  of  local  trouble  and 
had  to  be  treated  for  it.  Then  after  being  in  another  home  she 
made  charges  to  her  father  about  the  man  there.  When  she 
came  back  to  her  father  he  obtained  salves  and  injections  for 
her,  and  used  to  treat  her  himself.  It  was  after  6  months  of 
boarding  at  her  last  home,  away  from  her  father,  that,  under 
the  conditions  mentioned  above,  she  started  up  charges  against 
both  him  and  her  brother. 


Chap.  XXV]       CASES   OF   PATHOLOGICAL   ACCUSATION  [§  348 

The  local  inflammation  was  found  to  be  of  long  standing. 
Whatever  the  conditions  for  examination  concerning  virginity 
were  previously,  we  cannot  say,  but  now  at  a  careful  consultation 
it  was  discovered  that  it  was  an  absolute  impossibility  that  inter- 
course had  ever  taken  place.  The  father  in  custody  had  earnestly 
requested  the  examination  for  his  own  defense.  The  evidence 
being  so  completely  positive,  the  father  and  brother  were,  of 
course,  released.  The  girl's  own  statement  of  prior  affairs  was 
never  made  in  court.  Her  lymg  was  so  extensive  that  there  was 
no  use  in  pushing  a  case  against  anybody.  Yet,  somewhere  she 
had  learned  more  than  most  women  know. 

The  extraordinary  fact  of  this  child  making  such  grave  charges 
against  those  of  whom  she  evidently  was  fond,  is  not  easily 
explained.  The  irritating  local  conditions,  which  she  gave  us 
reason  to  believe  might  have  been  induced  by  rough  masturba- 
tion, or  perhaps  by  earlier  local  disease  (no  proofs  of  gonorrhea 
were  found),  had  long  drawn  her  attention  to  herself.  She  prob- 
ably had  seen  sexual  affairs  going  on  in  the  houses  where  she  had 
been  placed,  and  had  practiced  them  with  other  children.  Then, 
when  rooming  with  her  father,  there  were  the  improper  sights 
that  are  the  inevitable  results  of  crowded  housing  conditions. 
Perhaps  the  father  treating  her  locally  was  a  factor.  We  never 
had  a  reliable  account  of  family  history  —  the  father  unmistakably 
was  a  poor  specimen.  The  son  appeared  much  above  the  paternal 
level,  as  also  did  the  girl. 

Reports  a  year  or  so  afterward  were  that  this  girl's  mind  was 
still  fairly  obsessed  by  sex  affairs. 

Early  sex  experiences  and  habits  atrocious.  Case  165. 

Physical  conditions:  local  irritation.  ^^^^'  ^^^  ^^' 

Home  conditions :  With  very  bad  people 
in    private  homes. 
Parental      neglect 
(through    poverty 
and  ignorance). 
Crowded  housing. 

Heredity? :  F.  low  type. 

False  accusations  against  family.  Mentality: 

Sex  -(-  +.  Good  ability. 


§  348]  MENTAL    PECULIARITIES  [Chap.  XXV 

For  one  more  example  of  the  trouble  in  courts  which  may  be 
caused  by  pathological  lying,  we  ask  attention  to  the  following 
summary  of  a  case  which  covers  many  pages  as  worked  up  by  us. 

Case  166.  —  A  girl  of  16,  moderately  well  developed  and 
nourished,  with  no  sensory  defect,  and  of  fair  mental  ability, 
was  under  arrest  for  prostitution.  It  was  found  that  within 
a  year  she  had  appeared  five  times  as  a  witness  against  her  mother 
and  step-father,  charging  them  with  having  murdered  a  younger 
child.  She  made  the  statement  at  the  time  of  the  child's  death 
and  followed  it  up  through  all  court  stages  until  the  parents  were 
finally  acquitted,  after  having  spent  four  months  in  jail.  The 
mother  was  a  quiet,  frail,  tired  little  woman  who  looked  anything 
but  a  murderess.  We  were  glad  to  be  able  to  solve  this  strange  case. 

The  dead  child  was  an  epileptic  and  had  bruises  from  falling; 
these  physical  signs,  as  well  as  the  girl's  testimony,  determined 
the  coroner's  jury  to  hold  the  parents  to  the  grand  jury.  But, 
of  course,  stronger  than  anything  else  was  the  antecedent  improb- 
ability of  a  girl  falsely  testifying  against  her  mother,  with  whom 
she  was  on  good  terms.  We  found  that  the  girl  had  been  a  noto- 
rious liar  for  years  and  had  more  recently  become  a  sex  delinquent. 
No  motive  for  her  false  accusations  was  found,  but  undoubtedly 
there  was  a  considerable  element  of  mental  conflict.  The  girl 
had  accumulated  a  great  deal  of  unfortunate  sex  knowledge, 
and  the  combination  of  this  with  the  finding  out  of  her  illegiti- 
macy seemed  to  have  been  overwhelming  to  her  mentally.  The 
heredity  was  terrifically  bad  on  the  father's  side.  He  was  alcoholic, 
a  deserter,  and  perhaps  insane.  His  treatment  of  this  girl's 
mother  was  brutal. 

During  her  detention  the  girl  was  moved  to  tell  the  truth 
about  the  whole  affair,  and  gave  an  account  of  her  own  extensive 
Iving  which  had  had  so  tragic  an  outcome  to  the  parents. 

Mental  Conflict  -|-.  Case  166. 

Bad  companions,  including  father.  ^^  '  ^^^  ^^' 

Home  conditions :  Very  bad  in  early  life. 

Heredity:  F.  alcohohc  brute. 

False  accusations  -|-.  MentaUty: 

Stealing  +.  Fan-  ability. 

Sex  -(-.  Pathological  liar. 


Chap.  XXV]  CASES    OF    PATHOLOGICAL    LYINC5  [§  348 

The  next  case  is  one  of  pathological  lying  hi  general,  with 
constant  verging  towards  the  type  of  behavior  of  the  adventurer 
whose  main  stock  in  trade  is  duplicity. 

Case  167.  —  A  girl  of  19,  Irish  and  Scotch  parentage,  was  seen 
by  us  in  New  York  at  the  request  of  her  parents  who  lived  in 
the  West.  She  had  been  in  that  city  only  a  month  or  so,  and 
had  become  involved  in  a  peculiar  situation  at  her  place  of  employ- 
ment. We  had  ample  opportunity  at  this  time  and  later,  when 
she  returned  home,  to  become  thoroughly  acquainted  with  her 
career  and  traits.  Getting  into  strange  sorts  of  troubles  was  an 
old  story  with  her  —  the  problem  for  us  was  to  get  at  the  nature 
of  the  cause,  and  decipher  the  outlook. 

On  the  physical  side  we  found  a  very  well  developed  and 
nourished  young  woman,  with  no  sensory  defect.  She  had  rather 
coarse  features,  broad,  deep  chest,  quiet  and  strong  attitude.  No 
signs  whatever  of  nervous  disease.  The  most  notable  thing  was 
her  varying  expression,  for  at  times,  when  confronted  by  some  of 
the  incongruities  of  her  behavior,  she  assumed  a  very  peculiar, 
open-eyed,  wondering,  dumb  expression.  On  occasions  when 
she  was  flatly  told  that  her  story  was  a  falsehood,  she  looked  one 
quite  straight  in  the  eye  and  said  in  a  wonderfully  demure  and 
half -sorrowful  manner,  "  I  am  sorry  you  think  so."  This  expres- 
sion was  well  calculated  to  make  even  experienced  observers  half 
think  they  themselves  must  be  wrong.  Complains  of  headaches 
and  "  quivering  "  attacks,  but  can  get  no  corroboration  of  this 
from  the  parents. 

On  the  mental  side  there  are  several  points  of  interest  to  note. 
After  graduating  from  the  grammar  school  she  had  been  able  to 
get  to  the  second  year  in  high  school,  and  then  had  stopped  because 
it  was  said  by  her  physician  that  she  was  too  nervous  to  continue 
successfully.  The  girl  insists  that  she  could  not  then  study  as 
well  as  she  did  earlier,  and  that  was  why  she  was  nervous.  Later 
she  took  a  commercial  course.    Her  record  on  tests  is  significant. 

Mental  tests:  our  own  series: 

III.  18".    9  moves. 

IV.  47".     12  moves. 

VI.  Gave  seventeen  items  in  free  recital  with  several  incorrect  ad- 
ditions. On  questioning  she  gave  12  more  items  correctly,  but  still 
more  freely  invented  details.  However,  she  took  only  one  out  of  7 
suggestions,  and  that  one  not  important.  When  asked  about  one  of 
the  persons  in  the  picture  she  supplied  details  as  her  fancy  dictated. 
For  instance,  she  stated  the  little  boy  (really  a  little  girl)  had  his  hands 


§  348]  MENTAL    PECULIARITIES  [Chap.  XXV 

in  his  pocket,  muffler  on  his  neck,  a  stocking-cap  on  his  head  and 
black  shoes  and  stockings  —  all  of  which  details  are  incorrect. 

X.  Correct  at  the  1st  trial. 

XI.  Nine  of  the  eleven  items  done  correctly. 

XVI.  75  squares  tapped  in  both  1st  and  2d  trials  with  2  errors  at 
the  1st,  and  none  on  the  2d  trial. 

XVII.  Writes  a  fair  hand  and  misspells  only  the  longer  words.  The 
composition  in  a  letter  is  quite  coherent. 

XVIII.  Does  ordinary  commercial  arithmetic. 

XXIII.    Time  on  Completion  Test  2'  and  2  final  logical  errors. 
The  Kraepelin  Test,  subtraction  of  7's  from  100,  done  correctly  in 

From  this  and  from  her  record  as  a  clerk,  where  we  find  she 
is  doing  fairly  satisfactory  work,  it  is  clear  that  she  is  quite  up  to 
the  ordinary  in  ability.  The  strange  discrepancy  between  the 
accuracy  of  her  work  on  other  things  and  in  giving  testimony  on 
the  picture  is  notable. 

In  the  heredity  and  personal  history,  as  given  by  the  intelli- 
gent parents,  there  is  much  of  interest.  It  seems  there  is  a  dis- 
tinct neuropathic  or  psychopathic  tendency  on  one  side  of  the 
house,  and  the  parent  on  the  other  side  has  been  addicted  to 
narcotics.  At  about  40  years  old  this  same  parent  had  a  definite 
attack  of  nervous  prostration.  A  grandmother  on  the  mother's 
side  was  an  incompetent  and  unsatisfactory  person  who  was 
prone  to  depart  from  the  truth,  and  she  lived  in  the  family  when 
our  young  woman  was  a  child.  However,  it  is  not  definitely  known 
that  she  had  any  bad  influence,  although  the  children  were  aware 
of  her  untruthfulness.  There  have  been  sturdy  qualities  exhib- 
ited among  the  relatives,  particularly  on  the  father's  side,  where 
some  have  been  successful  and  learned  people.  One  sister  and  one 
brother  are  university  graduates,  and  are  thoroughly  stable  people. 

The  early  developmental  history  is  peculiarly  negative.  She 
was  never  severely  ill,  and  while  she  once  fell  down  some  steps 
and  was  unconscious  for  a  few  minutes  there  were  no  after-results. 
The  young  woman  herself  complains  of  many  severe  headaches, 
but  there  was  never  any  evidence  at  home  of  these  being  at  all 
severe.  She  also  gave  us  some  startling  accounts  of  fainting 
many  times,  but  it  seems  she  only  complained  of  feeling  faint 
and  required  water  to  be  placed  on  her  forehead,  and  that  was 
all  there  was  to  it.  She  was  never  known  to  have  fallen  in  a  faint, 
as  she  maintained.  She  was  not  taken  out  of  school  for  any 
specific  nervous  trouble,  it  was  merely  a  matter  of  general  advice 


Chap.  XXV]  CASES   OF   PATHOLOGICAL   LYING  [§  348 

given  on  the  strength  of  her  not  seeming  able  to  keep  up  with  her 
studies,  and  so  becoming  harassed. 

The  account  of  this  girl's  fabrications  would  cover  many  pages. 
As  far  as  her  parents  could  recollect  she  began  to  show  this  trait 
at  about  12  years.  They  are  certain  that  as  a  young  child  she 
was  never  especially  imaginative.  They  then  never  thought 
her  in  any  way  as  different  from  the  rest  of  the  family.  Later 
she  has  been  regarded  as  the  most  robust,  but  has  certainly  done 
the  poorest  in  intellectual  work,  and  that  has  often  been  a  matter 
of  family  comment.  The  others  have  always  been  careful  truth- 
tellers.  At  first  she  told  simple  falsehoods,  but  soon  she  began 
to  make  up  little  stories,  and  for  the  last  two  or  three  years  has 
frequently  indulged  in  the  most  extensive  and  fantastic  lying. 
Her  mother  is  inclined  to  think  she  indulges  in  this  only  in  the 
few  days  preceding  menstruation,  and  maintains  she  has  noticed 
this  with  exactness.  But  as  observed  by  us  recently  there  is  no 
evidence  of  this  periodicity. 

Previously  she  was  wont  to  meet  people  and  give  them  extrava- 
gant accounts  of  the  wealth  and  importance  of  her  own  family. 
She  spread  the  report  that  her  sister  was  married  and  living  not 
far  away  in  a  fine  dwelling,  giving  many  elaborate  details.  The 
untruth  was  readily  disclosed  and  caused  much  family  discom- 
fiture. By  working  up  the  story  of  an  alleged  entertainment  or 
party  she  has  been  able  to  fool  her  own  family  into  getting  ready 
for  it.  At  one  time  she  developed  the  idea  of  a  young  man  want- 
ing to  marry  her  and  the  delicacy  of  the  situation  forbade  the 
parents  finding  out  what  there  really  was  to  it,  but  at  least  it  was 
vastly  exaggerated.  She  would  argue  with  her  family  over  many 
of  her  stories,  maintaining  for  long  that  they  were  really  true, 
even  after  they  had  discovered  the  contrary. 

The  following  story,  which  we  know  in  detail,  will  serve  as  a 
good  example  of  her  fabrications.  She  had  gotten  into  consider- 
able trouble  on  account  of  untruthfulness  and  entanglement  in 
money  matters,  and  she  finally  ran  away  from  her  home  to  New 
York.  There,  as  already  stated,  she  readily  obtained  employ- 
ment on  account  of  her  apparent  sincerity  and  capability.  One 
day  she  went  to  the  department  manager,  and  out  of  whole  cloth 
told  him  a  tale  totally  uncalled-for  by  anything  in  the  obvious 
situation,  since  she  was  doing  fairly  well.  She  said  her  father 
and  mother  had  died  in  the  last  year,  and  then  -came  a  long  story 
about  her  life.    When  she  was  about  4  years  of  age  she  had  been 


§  348]  MENTAL    PECULIARITIES  [Chap.  XXV 

in  an  accident,  and  a  man  had  saved  her  life.  Her  father,  naturally, 
had  always  thought  very  highly  of  him  and  pensioned  him.  This 
man  was  old  and  penniless,  and  now  that  her  parents  were  dead 
she  was  in  a  perfect  quandary  about  keeping  up  her  father's 
obligation.  Formerly  this  pensioner  had  lived  in  the  country, 
in  the  state  of  New  York,  but  now  his  family  was  broken  up  and 
he  had  come  to  the  city.  She  was  earning  $8  a  week  and  was 
able  to  get  along  by  paying  |3  for  her  own  board  and  $5  for  the 
man's  board.  She  had  to  take  care  of  him  in  every  way,  even  to 
washing  his  face  and  dressing  him,  he  was  so  helpless.  She 
made  no  demand  for  any  increase  of  salary,  and  the  story  was 
told   evidently  without   any  special  intent. 

The  services  of  a  social  worker  were  enlisted  by  the  firm,  and 
the  girl's  boarding  house  was  visited.  There  she  was  found  to 
be  living  with  distant  relatives  of  her  own  family,  whom  she 
had  searched  out  upon  her  arrival  in  New  York.  They  knew 
she  had  run  away  from  her  home  and,  indeed,  by  this  time  the 
mother  was  already  present,  having  been  sent  for  by  them.  It  is 
to  be  noted  the  story  told  to  the  firm  had  been  reiterated  to  this 
social  worker,  who  might  have  been  expected  to  look  up  the  facts. 

The  situation  then  became  still  more  involved  through  the 
girl  telling  more  explanatory  details  to  the  social  worker  and 
somewhat  accusing  her  own  family — altogether  making  a  mess 
of  lies  that  could  with  difficulty  be  unravelled.  The  story 
of  the  man  who  saved  her  life  was  purely  an  invention  from 
beginning  to  end.  Some  time  later  it  was  found  out  that  the 
girl  had  taken  a  fancy  to  a  young  man  whom  she  had  recently 
met,  and  who  had  unfortunately  paid  her  indiscreet  attention. 
She  had  already  begun  depositing  money  to  pay  for  a  gold  watch 
for  him  —  a  most  unwarranted  show  of  generosity. 

Later  when  I  saw  her  she  invented  a  wonderful  tale  about  a 
young  man  in  her  western  home  to  whom  she  had  been  engaged, 
but  who  turned  out  to  be  a  defaulter  (perhaps  this  was  in  defer- 
ence to  my  work),  and  who  later  died.  She  maintained  it  was 
the  shock  of  this  event  which  caused  her  to  leave  home.  This 
was  all  found  to  be  false.  The  immediate  cause  of  her  running 
away  was  her  pretending  to  have  a  position  which  she  did  not 
have.  When  pay-day  came  she  had  to  lie  to  get  out  of  the  situa- 
tion, and  when  things  were  getting  too  thick  to  be  explained,  she 
took  a  sufficient  sum  from  her  parents  and  made  off  to  New  York. 

Later  investigation  along  psychogenetic  lines  brought  out  most 


Chap.  XXV]  CASES    OF    PATHOLOGIC.\L    LYING  [§  348 

interesting  points.  The  girl  fount!  herself  able  to  dig  up  out  of 
her  memory  what  she  stated  was  her  first  experience  at  lying. 
Her  parents  always  had  high  moral  standards,  and  the  other 
members  of  the  family  always  lived  up  to  them.  She,  as  a  younger 
sister,  recognized  these  facts.  When  she  was  12  years  old  she  fell 
in  with  a  company  of  girls  who  used  to  lie  on  the  hillside  and 
discuss  sex  matters.  By  them  at  that  time  she  was  thoroughly 
instructed  in  the  methods  of  bringing  about  self-satisfaction. 
Her  parents  did  not  know  that  these  girls  were  in  the  leastwise 
bad,  but  the  dictates  of  her  own  conscience  led  her  to  tell  her 
parents  that  she  was  going  with  other  girls  whom  she  knew  were 
better.  She  kept  up  this  deception,  and  later  had  to  take  special 
methods  of  secret  indulgence  in  the  practice  she  had  been  taught. 
It  seems  clear  it  was  this  habit  and  the  secret  concern  about  it, 
which  led  to  her  nervousness  during  school  life.  However,  there 
is  no  sign  that  she  has  done  herself  physical  harm  by  her  sex  prac- 
tices, which  she  states,  have  not  been  liberally  indulged  in.  But 
she  has  had  to  do. a  great  deal  of  fighting  with  herself  on  account 
of  this,  and  gives  a  clear  story  of  much  mental  conflict.  The 
mother,  who,  in  spite  of  her  own  troubles  and  weak  tendencies, 
has  been  very  watchful  over  her  daughters,  assures  us  there 
has  never  been  the  least  suspicion  of  the  girl's  knowledge  of  sex 
things.  The  mother  has  attempted  to  meet  her  on  these  matters, 
but  has  never  grown  thoroughly  confidential,  and  the  first  word 
was  never  said  until  years  after  her  girl  companions  had  implanted 

Great  difficulty  has  been  found  by  the  family  in  handling  this 
case,  particularly  on  account  of  the  attentions  of  young  men, 
of  which  it  has  not  seemed  wise  to  deprive  the  girl.  She  fabri- 
cates extensively  to  her  male  companions. 

Mental  conflict. 

Case  167. 

Early  sex  experiences  and  habits. 

Girl,  age  19. 

Home  conditions:  defective 



Neuropathic  tendencies  on 
both  sides. 

Lying  +  +  +. 




Fair  ability. 

Pathological  liar. 


§  349]  MENTAL    PECULIARITIES  [Chap.  XXV 

§349.  Cases  of  Self- Accusation. — The  following  case  is 
offered  as  the  sole  example  of  self -accusation  which  we  shall  give. 
It  would  not  be  difficult  to  present  mental  border-lines  cases^ 
types  well  known  to  police  and  penal  authorities,  who,  being 
accused  of  one  crime,  proceed  to  allege  their  participation  in 
many  others,  even  to  implicating  themselves  in  murders.  But 
it  seems  more  striking  to  give  the  case  of  a  young  woman  falsely 
accusing  herself  of  immorality. 

Case  168.  —  On  the  physical  side,  at  16  years  this  girl  showed 
several  peculiarities.  Her  general  development  was  just  fair,  and 
she  was  rather  attractive-looking,  with  decidedly  pretty  eyes. 
She  suffered  badly  from  hypermetropia  and  astigmatism,  but  was 
never  willing  to  wear  glasses.  Her  pupils  differed  in  size,  but 
no  signs  of  organic  affection  of  the  nervous  system  were  ever 
found  connected  with  this.  She  complained  of  headaches,  and 
irregularity  in  menstrual  periods,  and  pains  about  the  heart.  The 
conjimctival  and  palatopharyngeal  reflexes  were  completely 
absent.  On  tests  for  strength,  in  characteristic  hysterical  way 
makes  apparently  great  effort,  but  with  little  result.  Distinct 
analgesia  of  the  arms  was  found  on  one  occasion.  Thyroid  slightly 
enlarged.  Eyes  bright.  Skin  clear  and  color  good.  She  com- 
plains much  of  cold  hands.  Severe  crowding  of  upper  teeth. 
Other  examination  negative. 

On  the  mental  side  we  find  peculiar  reactions,  so  contradictory 
at  different  times  that  it  is  not  worth  while  giving  the  record  for 
tests.  At  times  she  clearly  demonstrates  herself  not  to  be  sub- 
normal in  ability,  but  during  work  on  other  occasions  her  mind 
seems  to  be  wandering  and  she  may  need  much  urging.  Extreme 
variability,  then,  as  shown  on  different  tests  at  one  time,  or  as 
shown  from  time  to  time,  is  the  rule  in  her  case.  Beginning  school 
at  7  1-2  years,  and  being  absent  a  good  deal  on  account  of  sickness,, 
she  still  reached  6th  grade.  She  is  fond  of  such  authors  as  Lytton,, 
Scott,  Dickens,  and  is  a  great  reader  of  the  daily  newspapers,, 
dwelling  evidently  much  on  accidents  and  tragedies.  Her  asso- 
ciation and  memory  processes  seem.normal.  She  has  a  reputa- 
tion for  being  able  to  give  very  long  accounts  of  sermons  which 
she  has  heard,  but  the  accuracy  of  her  reports  we  have  not  heeiL 
able  to  verify.  Her  psychomotor  control  is  sometimes  decidedly 
defective,  for  in  spite  of  much  urging  and  several  trials  on  the 
tapping  test,  she  makes  an  excessive  number  of  errors.  She 
goes  along  quite  well  for  a  time,  and  then  suddenly  starts  making: 


Chap.  XX\']  CASES    OF   SELF-ACCUSATION  [§  349 

errors.  When  working  on  the  \'erbal  free  association  test,  she 
would  stop  for  20''  or  so  at  a  time  and  seemed  to  be  thinking  of 
other  things,  before  she  gave  another  word.  Our  notes  on  the 
case,  after  having  seen  her  several  times,  state  that  every  little 
while  some  inhibition  seems  to  seize  this  girl  and  prevent  her 
from  doing  her  best.  Arithmetic  for  her  grade  was  done  promptly 
and  correctly.  Besides  these  main  points  of  irregularity  and 
lack  of  self-control  on  other  tests,  we  gained  a  remarkable  record 
on  the  testimony  test  (Test  VI).  She  only  gave  6  details  in 
free  recital,  and  was  sure  that  was  all  she  saw.  Then  on  cross- 
questioning  she  told  9  more  items  correctly,  but  gave  8  other 
•details  extensively  modified  from  the  truth.  There  was  no 
main  item  added,  but  the  result  was  almost  illusional  in  its 
incorrectness.  She  accepted  two  of  the  least  important  of  the 
iive  suggestions  offered,  rejecting  the  others  completely. 

The  developmental  history  is  of  great  importance.  The  mother 
was  in  excessively  poor  condition  before  the  birth,  probably  hav- 
ing malaria.  She  had  convulsions  of  some  kind  both  before  and 
after  confinement.  As  an  infant  our  subject  is  said  to  have  been 
frail,  but  not  to  have  had  any  definite  sickness  or  any  convul- 
sions, but  beginning  at  about  her  5th  year  there  is  a  long  story 
of  illnesses.  She  was  severely  afflicted  with  scarlet  fever  and 
also  had  a  number  of  other  children's  diseases.  She  began  to  have 
attacks  of  jerking  at  8  years,  and  these  lasted  off  and  on  until 
she  was  14.  The  mother  called  this  chorea,  but  we  have  no  evi- 
dence that  it  was.  Correct  diagnosis  not  ascertainable.  The  child 
was  once  in  a  hospital  for  3  weeks  on  account  of  these  jerkings. 
She  was  always  regarded  as  a  very  nervous  child.  She  was  also 
a  somnambulist  until  she  was  about  12.  Menstruation  began  at 
15;  she  is  notably  nervous  for  several  days  before  onset,  but 
her  periods  are  regular.  Of  recent  years  she  has  been  an  exces- 
sive user  of  tea.     At  times  drinks  as  many  as  12  cups  in  a  day. 

Heredity  is  exceedingly  defective.  Of  the  maternal  family  we 
know  almost  nothing.  The  mother  has  long  since  died.  The 
father  has  been  twice  remarried,  the  second  wife  having  divorced 
him.  The  father  really  knows  very  little  about  his  first  wife's 
family,  but  gives  us  a  long  account  of  his  own  ancestors.  His 
grandmother,  one  of  his  cousins  on  the  same  side,  and  his  brother 
were  insane.  The  last  was  involved  in  a  desperate  tragedy. 
Two  of  his  aunts  are  peculiar,  nervous,  and  suffer  from  attacks  of 
aphonia.     He  himself  is  a  victim  of  poor  heredity,  and  could 


§  349]  MENTAL    PECULIARITIES  [Chap.  XXV 

best  be  denominated  a  constitutional  inferior.  He  has  had 
numerous  fainting  attacks  of  some  sort,  and  at  other  times  is 
subject  to  confusion.  He  has  been  a  Htigant,  causing  much 
trouble  in  the  courts,  and  is  a  notoriety  seeker  at  times.  The 
family  has  received  much  aid  from  charity  organizations.  The 
story  of  his  career  as  obtained  from  pastors  and  others  would,  even 
in  synopsis,  cover  many  pages.  Never  been  excessively  alcoholic. 
His  daughter  has  made  accusation  of  theft  against  him,  but, 
though  his  conversation  centers  much  about  sex  aifairs,  there 
was  never  the  slightest  suspicion  he  taught  his  daughter  im- 

Home  conditions,  as  might  well  be  imagined,  have  been  extremely 
defective.  At  times  there  has  been  the  use  of  much  bad  language, 
but  the  chief  difficulty  has  been  irregularity  of  discipline  and 
living  conditions. 

The  diagnosis  of  this  case  is  not  difficult.  By  reason  of  inherit- 
ance and  defective  development  the  girl  could  well  have  been 
expected  to  be  a  neuropath.  Her  symptoms  are  all  in  accord; 
she  evidently  belongs  in  the  category  of  hystericals.  By  no 
stretch  would  it  be  possible  to  call  her  insane,  and  she  has  proved 
herself  not  to  be  subnormal  in  ability.  On  account  of  the  pecul- 
iarity of  her  mental  make-up  she  might  well  be  denominated  a 
semi-responsible.  More  of  her  mental  characteristics  are  shown 
in  the  following  story  of  her  own  behavior. 

She  first  came  to  notice  after  much  newspaper  notoriety. 
During  the  course  of  revival  meetings,  at  one  session  of  which 
the  scarlet  woman  was  the  subject  of  discussion,  she  became 
much  excited.  A  few  days  later  she  went  to  her  Sunday-school 
teacher,  and  with  her  to  the  pastor,  and  gave  a  most  circum- 
stantial account  of  her  own  life  as  a  clandestine  prostitute.  She 
gave  times  and  places  with  apparent  accuracy.  On  the  strength 
of  all  this  detectives  set  about  making  a  raid  upon  the  secret 
centers  of  vice  which  she  named.  At  the  time  of  the  raid  she 
went  with  the  detectives  to  show  them  the  previously  described 
entrance  to  a  certain  house.  ^Mien  they  got  to  this  alleged 
place,  it  seems  to  have  suddenly  vanished,  and  the  girl  could 
not  substantiate  her  story  in  the  slightest  detail.  Of  course, 
she  had  thus  pronounced  herself  thoroughly  depraved. 

Up  to  this  time,  by  the  girl's  wishes,  the  information  had  been 
given  unknown  to  the  step-mother.  The  girl  was  detained  in 
the  station  as  the  result  of  her  self-accusation,  and  when  the 


Chap.  XXV]  CASES   OF   SELF-ACCUSATION  [§  349 

family  appeared  it  was  stated  that,  notwithstanding  her  story, 
she  had  never  been  away  from  home  a  single  evening  or  night. 
There  was  not  the  slightest  reason  to  believe  she  had  ever  been 
unchaste.  It  was  her  first  stories  as  told  to  the  police  which 
got  into  the  newspapers.  The  family  said  she  came  home  from 
the  evangelistic  meeting,  where  conditions  in  the  New  York  slums 
had  been  described,  in  a  very  hysterical  state,  and  it  appeared 
she  had  very  soon  afterward  gone  to  these  other  people  and  made 
astonishing  confessions  about  her  own  life.  Her  family  stated 
that  her  memory  was  very  peculiar.  At  one  time  she  might 
repeat  much  of  a  long  sermon  she  had  just  heard,  and  at  another 
time  would  seem  to  be  very  forgetful  of  recent  events. 

In  regard  to  the  extent  of  her  lying  in  the  past  it  was  very 
difficult  for  us  to  get  accurate  information  on  account  of  pecul- 
iarities of  the  father,  whom  we  had  reason  to  know  from  other 
sources  was  himself  a  tremendous  liar.  But  several  years  of 
observation  of  this  case  have  shown  us  that  this  young  woman  is 
often  prone  to  falsification,  and  has  been  able  to  put  up  such  a 
front  in  regard  to  her  lies  that  many  people  have  been  taken  in 
thereby.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that  the  step-mother  says 
the  same  thing  of  the  father,  and  particularly  that  she  herself 
has  been  utterly  deceived  by  them  both. 

The  girl  later  became  a  runaway  from  home,  and  on  one 
occasion  stayed  with  a  man  in  a  hotel.  She  also  created  a  good 
deal  of  trouble  by  lying  where  she  worked.  Most  of  her  stories 
centered  about  the  question  of  sex.  She  was  taken  care  of  at  one 
time  in  an  industrial  school  by  order  of  the  court,  but  developed 
such  nervous  tendencies  it  was  thought  best  for  her  to  leave  there. 
She  has  grown  more  stable  as  the  years  have  gone  by,  and  devel- 
oped into  a  distinctly  nice-looking  girl,  who  has  proved  very 
attractive  to  several  boys. 

Two  years  after  her  first  escapade  she  went  to  a  court  official 
and  announced  herself  to  be  pregnant,  charging  some  man  with 
the  responsibility.  In  the  meantime  it  was  found  she  was  corre- 
sponding very  affectionately  with  a  certain  boy,  and  after  a 
period  of  observation  it  was  discovered  she  was  not  pregnant 
and  her  whole  story  broke  down  again.  At  times  she  has  been 
able  to  hold  a  fairly  good  position,  and  to  behave  herself.  Her 
running  away  from  home,  considering  conditions  there,  could 
hardly  be  considered  a  major  delinquency.  Her  associations 
with  young  men,  though  perhaps  not  actually  immoral,  have 


§  349]  MENTAL    PECULIARITIES  [Chap.  XXV 

been  decidedly  discreditable.  It  was  noted  by  very  good  people 
who  had  given  her  a  home  that  she  was  an  extreme  flirt,  and  was 
deceitful  in  regard  to  these  matters,  but  that  she  did  not  lie  to 
any  extent  about  other  things.  So  far  as  known  she  had  never 
been  immoral  except  on  the  one  occasion,  three  years  after  her 
original  "  confession,"  when  after  a  dispute  at  home,  she  picked 
up  a  man  on  the  street,  in  despair,  as  she  said,  and  stayed  over 
night  with  him. 

The  outlook  in  this  case  always  was  and  still  is  obviously 
precarious.  The  young  woman  is  decidedly  attractive  and  is 
capable  of  earning  a  fair  living  —  holding  positions  well  enough 
until  her  behavior  creates  trouble.  As  she  has  passed  through 
the  earlier  years  of  adolescence  she  has  grown  a  trifle  more  stable 
both  mentally  and  physically.  But  with  her  constitutional  de- 
fects one  would  always  expect  that  from  any  stress,  such  as  social 
conditions,  pregnancy,  or  her  own  misconduct  might  throw  upon 
her,  she  would  become  still  more  erratic.  There  is  little  doubt 
but  that  she  will  soon  be  married,  and  that  if  she  has  children, 
they  will  in  turn  be  sufferers  both  from  what  they  inherit  and 
the  irrational  upbringing  they  will  receive. 

Mentality:  psychoneurosis,  hysteria.  Case  168. 

Early  sex  experiences.  ^^^'  ^S^  ^^■ 

Heredity:  much  insanity  and  semi- 
responsibility  in  family. 

Developmental:  antenatal  conditions  defective, 
later  chorea. 

•  Physical :  vision  very  defective. 

Stimulants:  tea  +  +. 

Home  conditions :  very  defective, 
account  of  irrationality. 

Lying  +  +.  Mentality: 

Stealing.  Fair  ability,'  but 

Runaway.  mildly  aberrational. 
Sex.  Pathological  liar. 

§  350.  Some  Cases  Prove  to  be  Psychoses.  —  The  following 
short  history  illustrates  the  fact  that  some  cases,  at  first  definable 
merely  as  pathological  liars,  may  turn  out  to  be  suffering  from 


Chap.  XXV]       PATHOLOGICAL    LYING    AND    PSYCHOSIS  [§  350 

a  mental  disease.  If  it  appeared  necessary,  we  could  give  other 
examples  of  excessive  lying  that  have  long  proved  bothersome 
in  courts  of  justice,  in  which  the  individual  has  finally  been  found 
to  be  suffering  from  a  psychosis. 

Case  169.  —  This  boy  of  16  or  17  years  showed  on  the  physical 
side  no  signs  of  abnormality;  he  was  strong  and  well  built.  On 
the  mental  side  we  found  the  following  by  tests  —  the  boy  having 
repeatedly  asserted  to  us  and  others  that  he  had  never  been  to 

Our  own  series : 

I.    1'  55".    Trial  and  error  on  the  triangles. 

III.  1'  4".  15  moves,  5  impossibilities  and  2  repetitions  of  impos- 

IV.  53".     11  moves. 

V.  3'  16".  Correct  steps  interspersed  with  2  errors.  Put  the  box 
together,  a  much  harder  task,  with  only  1  error. 

VI.  10  simple  items  on  free  recital,  16  details  correctly  on  ques- 
tioning, and  adds  3  incorrect  items.    Accepts  3  out  of  6  suggestions. 

VII.  Correct. 

VIII.  No  errors. 

IX.  Failm-e  at  4th  trial. 

X.  Correct  at  1st  trial. 

XL  Does  not  know  alphabet  in  order  —  did  n't  get  idea. 
XIII.  11  out  of  the  12  items  with  approximate  accuracy. 
XV.    18  correct.     Average  time  3.6". 

XVII.  Writes  a  fair  hand  and  spells  most  short  words  correctly. 

XVIII.  Subtraction  correct.  Multiplication  table  correct.  Says 
he  is  just  learning  this.  (A  curious  feature  observed  in  his  arithmetic 
is  the  cheating  he  indulges  in  while  doing  proofs  in  addition  or  sub- 
traction —  makes  the  proof  come  right  in  any  case.) 

XIX.  Reads  a  4th-grade  passage  fairly  well. 

XXII.  History  and  geography  items  partially  correct,  scientific 
information  nil. 

Originally  we  saw  this  fellow  as  a  vagrant,  and  otherwise  not 
delinquent.  His  story  was  so  remarkable  that  determination  of 
his  sanity  was  requested  by  the  association  that  was  looking 
after  him.  We  could  not  in  any  way  find  evidence  of  mental 
peculiarity,  but  we  did  question  his  story  because  of  its  intrinsic 
improbability.  The  same  story,  or  with  some  variation,  was 
told  to  many  people,  and  the  boy  proved  to  be  a  lengthy  letter 
writer,  always  dwelling  on  the  theme  of  his  many  troubles.  He 
told  a  history  of  insanity,  murder  and  other  tragedy  in  the  family 
—  all  happening  in  such  an  obscure  place  in  a  western  state 
that  no  trace  of  it  could  be  found  on  maps.    He  maintained  he 


§  350]  MENTAL    PECULIARITIES  [Chap.  XXV 

was  the  last  of  his  family,  had  earlier  lived  about  in  barns  with 
his  sister  and  brother,  had  wandered  about  in  half  a  dozen  states, 
never  had  a  chance  to  go  to  school,  but  had  picked  up  his  knowl- 
edge while  working  on  a  farm,  etc,  etc.  More  significant  for 
understanding  his  case  was  his  complaint  of  ill-treatment  every- 
where; one  man  had  defrauded  him  out  of  his  savings,  another 
had  whipped  him  severely,  another  waylaid,  frightened  and  beat 
him  at  night  in  a  field,  the  boys  at  another  place  had  been  terri- 
bly mean,  and  so  on.  Careful  questioning  elicited  the  denial 
of  illness,  convulsions,  fits  or  anything  of  the  sort. 

The  boy  was  found  a  place  in  the  country.  About  6  months 
afterward  he  turned  up  again,  having  been  arrested  in  the  city 
for  carrying  a  revolver  and  being  in  company  with  a  notoriously 
bad  fellow  who  was,  according  to  our  boy's  account,  planning  a 
street  robbery.  The  stories  began  again,  long  letters  were  written 
to  the  judge,  winding  up  with  the  most  gruesome  details  of  how 
his  father  became  insane,  and  how  he  jumped  into  his  mother's 
grave,  when  she  was  buried  in  the  field  after  being  murdered  by 
his  uncle.  This  uncle  when  she  had  typhoid  fever  held  her  in  the 
watering  trough  until  she  drowned,  because  he  said  she  set  the 
house  on  fire.  This  was  exactly  the  same  tale  the  boy  had  told 
before.  Now  there  were  additions  of  excessive  ill-treatment  at 
the  hands  of  the  last  farmer,  a  story  of  being  coaxed  away  from 
work  here  in  Chicago  by  another  fellow  who  persuaded  our  friend 
to  spend  all  his  money  on  him.  Finally  there  were  long  details 
about  just  how  he  was  persuaded  to  hold  this  robber's  gun  for 

This  time,  as  he  well  knew,  there  was  a  chance  to  trace  the 
facts.  The  tales  of  mistreatment  in  the  country  were  quite 
untrue.  After  returning  to  Chicago  he  was  given  a  home  by  a 
kind-hearted  woman.  \Vhile  there  he  had  fits  and  a  physician 
pronounced  them  epileptic  attacks.  The  boy  denied  these  alto- 
gether at  first,  but  later  told  us  he  had  had  them  for  years,  and 
he  also  described  other  attacks,  undoubtedly  of  petit  mal. 

After  serving  his  sentence  it  is  more  than  likely  this  boy  resumed 
his  vagrant  life.  There  is  no  chance  to  fairly  handle  such  a  case 
as  this  outside  a  colony.  It  is  more  than  likely  that  he  will 
commit  some  desperate  crime.  His  lying,  so  constant,  so  in- 
volved, and  largely  paranoidal  in  form,  is  to  be  regarded  as 
part  of  his  disease.  Until  that  could  be  diagnosed  he  was  only  to 
be  regarded  as  a  pathological  liar. 


Chap.  XXVI]       LOVE    OF   EXCITEMENT   AND    ADVENTURE  [§  351 


Mental  Peculiarities  —  Concluded 

Love  of  Excitement  and  Adventure.  §  351.  General  Statement.  §  352. 
Types.  §  353.  Illustrative  Cases.  §  354.  Desire  for  Travel.  §  355.  Ex- 
plosions of  Desire  for  Excitement.  §  356.  Desire  for  the  Stage.  §  357. 
Treatment.  Other  Peculiarities.  §358.  Racial  Characteristics.  §359. 
Contrarj^  Suggestibility.  §  360.  Revengefulness.  §  361.  Excessive  Irri- 
tability.    §  362.  Special  AbiUties.    §  363.  Restlessness.    §-364.  Stupidity. 


§351.  General  Statement. — The  love  of  adventure  is  a 
trait  not  to  be  considered  lightly  in  the  treatment  of  young 
offenders  under  the  law.  Perhaps  occasionally  the  causation 
of  adult  offenses  might  be  looked  at  from  this  standpoint,  cer- 
tainly some  of  those  that  belong  in  the  category  of  "  wild  west  " 
crimes.  The  tj^Dical  cases,  however,  of  those  who  show  this 
mental  peculiarity  in  full  measure  are  at  the  time  experiencing 
the  instabilities  of  the  adolescent  period.  Occasionally  the  trait 
is  strongly  shown  even  younger  than  this.  We  shall  properly 
discuss,  as  love  of  adventure,  the  desire  for  self-expression  and 
for  self-activity  under  unusually  stimulating  conditions,  or  apart 
from  the  common  paths  of  life.  This  is  to  be  thought  of  as  quite 
distinct  from  the  morbid  impulse  to  wander,  of  which  we  treat 
in  another  place,  §  312.  Of  course  here,  as  elsewhere,  there 
may  be  border-line  cases  which  are  difficult  to  classify  either  as 
normal  or  abnormal.  It  behooves  one,  according  to  our  experi- 
ence, to  rule  out  carefully  the  presence  of  various  psychoses, 
or  even  physically  abnormal  states.  We  have  seen  more  than 
one  instance  of  undue  desire  for  excitement  turn  out  to  be  a  case 
of  chorea,  or  of  definite  mental  disease. 

This  is  another  subject  that  has  received  surprisingly  little 
attention  in  the  literature,  even  from  Stanley  Hall  and  Duprat, 
who  have  made  a  speciality  of  the  adolescent  phenomena  of 
conduct.  It  may  be  that  in  this  country,  where  we  are  accused 
of  allowing  our  children  full  play  for  all  their  impulses,  we  should 
naturally  see  more  delinquency  arise  from  the  love  of  adventure 
and  excitement  than  in  Europe.    Apropos  of  this  we  have  been 



interested  to  note  some  slight  discussion  abroad  on  this  point. 
Abels  (354),  in  a  paper  on  rare  motives  for  crime,  centers  his 
idea  on  sport  as  a  motive.  He  thinks  that  it  is  very  rare,  but 
that  it  does  occur  in  the  United  States.  He  quotes  Naecke,  who 
naivelj'  says  that  he,  too,  has  heard  of  it  with  us.  They  are  quite 
right.     It  certainly  is  a  very  real  phenomenon  in  America. 

The  whole  subject  has  most  practical  import,  because  if  a 
certain  type  of  criminalism  is  direct  expression  of  a  desire  for 
activity,  normal  enough  to  this  given  individual,  and  which  well 
might  be  satisfied  vocationally,  or  by  a  different  environment,  then 
the  treatment  should  be  clear.  Besides  this,  the  economic  import 
of  the  waste  of  energy  and  effort,  of  both  the  offender  and  those 
who  try  to  stop  his  offenses,  should  be  considered.  Why  should 
the  state  expend  moneys  for  meeting  misdeeds  by  arrest  and 
trials,  and  for  prolonged  courses  of  treatment  in  reformatories, 
when  the  chance  for  activity  of  the  self  in  a  more  open  environ- 
ment, or  where  there  are  more  manly  interests,  is  all  that  is 
needed?  The  very  strength  of  such  impulses  should  be  looked 
upon  as  capital  not  to  be  wasted.  The  limitations  of  city  environ- 
ment in  some  instances  may  safely  be  regarded  as  sufficient 
cause  for  the  exhibition  of  criminalistic  deeds. 

We  could  not  hope  to  detail  in  this  chapter  all  the  various 
bearings  of  the  mental  phenomenon  which  we  denominate  the 
love  of  adventure.  In  every  case  it  must  be  a  matter  of  indi- 
vidual study  to  determine  whether  or  not  the  love  of  adventure 
or  excitement  belongs  in  the  category  of  normal  or  pathological 
mental  conditions,  whether  it  is  based  on  physical  conditions, 
such  as  over-development,  or  whether  it  is  the  result  of  environ- 
mental influences,  such  as  that  of  a  gang.  Only  upon  the  basis 
of  etiology  can  there  be  satisfactory  answer  regarding  whether 
or  not  the  characteristic  can  be  met  by  the  development  of  other 
mental  interests  in  the  present  environment,  or  by  opportunities 
afforded  under  freer  conditions  of  living,  or  whether  the  impul- 
sions are  so  powerful  that  they  must  be  met  by  repression  in  an 

§  352.  Types.  —  In  observing  offenders  predisposed  towards 
adventure  and  excitement  we  can  discriminate  several  distinct 
types.  Their  differentiation  becomes  important  as  we  consider 
the  particular  possibilities  of  treatment.  Without  presuming 
to  exhaust  the  field  we  might  enumerate  the  following: 

(a)  The  restless  boy  or  girl  whose  mental  peculiarities  arise 


Chap.  XX VI]  TYPES  OF    LOVE    OF    EXCITEMENT  [§  352 

largely  from  the  stress  of  prematurity  or  of  over-de^'elopment. 
Of  these  there  are  several  subclasses,  such  as  we  have  mentioned 
in  §§  188  to  192.  The  tremendous  urge,  even  in  a  quiet  way,  that 
may  overpower  individuals  who  are  not  otherwise  aberrational, 
may  be  seen  in  Case  25. 

(b)  Some  individuals,  not  over-developed  or  especially  strong, 
are  possessed  by  an  overpowering  call  to  action.  (It  may  be 
that  this  peculiarity  is  partially  built  up  from  growth  of  forceful 
t^-pes  of  mental  imagery  and  mental  habit.  This  would  be  an 
interesting  problem  for  psychological  study.)  Under  this  cate- 
gory might  be  found  such  diversified  cases  as  the  individual 
who  in  solitary  fashion  follows  his  cravings  for  activity,  the 
offender  who  loves  the  excitement  of  a  predatory  crowd,  or  he 
who  finds  his  greatest  joy  in  personal  combat.  Certain  rough, 
wild,  aggressive  natures  are  unquestionably  extremely  fond  of 
actual  fighting. 

(c)  The  sheer  love  of  wandering,  or  seeking  new  scenes  without 
the  exercise  of  any  special  self-activity,  is  often  found  among 
offenders  who  are  not  determinably  abnormal.  This,  as  is  well 
known,  may  be  a  passing  stage  of  developmental  life. 

(d)  Abnormal  craving  for  externally  furnished  excitement, 
such  as  that  obtained  from  moving  pictures,  watching  games, 
and  particularly  as  furnished  by  games  of  chance.  The  passion 
for  gambling  is  a  very  imperfectly  studied  and  understood  phe- 
nomenon; certainly  in  the  cases  we  have  seen  it  has  very  little 
to  do  with  any  fundamental  desire  for  acquisition. 

The  last  tliree  t;^^es  are  such  as  may  be  found  in  individuals 
not  discernibly  tainted  by  disease  or  influenced  by  known  physical 
conditions.  A  pregnant  suggestion  is  that  some  professional  crimi- 
nals have  the  love  of  adventure  as  a  cardinal  cause  of  their  mis- 
conduct. Both  sexes  may  show  cravings  of  this  order,  but  females 
are  much  limited  by  physical  conditions  and  social  usage.  It  is 
true  that  in  all  phases  of  this  subject  we  find  ourselves  verging 
towards  pathological  and  border-line  offenders.  We  have  the 
insistent  excitability  of  hypomania,  the  wanderings  of  psychic 
epilepsy  and  dementia  precox,  the  fugues  and  craze  for  excite- 
ment of  the  neuropath.  We  have  also  noted  many  instances  in 
which  wandering  and  excitement  are  sought  as  a  relief  phenomenon 
where  there  is  mental  conflict  and  repression,  §  237  ff .  We  should 
warn  all  students  of  offenders  to  attempt  to  rule  this  out  before 
assuming  that  the  offenses  of  adventure  are  caused  merely  by 



innate  tendencies.  We  have  sometimes  been  unable  to  decide 
between  the  two.  There  is  no  doubt  but  that  the  maximum 
age  of  developing  powerful  desire  for  exciting  adventure  is  just 
after  the  mid-period  of  adolescence.  Thus  these  manifestations 
may  frequently  be  regarded  as  age  phenomena,  and  fortunately  in 
most  cases  there  is  later  the  gaining  of  steadiness  and  self-control. 

§  353.  Illustrative  Cases.  —  Only  space  for  a  few  examples 
can  be  afforded,  and  these  are  given  with  the  statement  that 
they  represent  merely  some  individual  variations  of  the  craving 
for  adventure  and  exitement.  They  serve  well,  however,  to  show 
the  great  driving  force  which  this  craving  may  be  towards  social 
offense.  That  the  love  of  adventure  may  appear  as  mental  pecul- 
iarity apart  from  any  other  recognizable  abnormality  or  defect, 
and  that  it  may  show  itself  as  an  early  trait,  is  well  illustrated  in 
the  following  case. 

Case  170.  —  After  having  been  in  the  hands  of  the  police,  a 
boy  of  14  was  brought  to  us  because  his  parents  had  heard  that 
such  actions  as  his  were  sometimes  the  result  of  mental  abnor- 
mality. They  regarded  the  case  in  an  intelligent  light,  and  were 
most  anxious  to  get  our  opinion  of  it. 

The  father  is  a  temperate,  quiet  man,  rather  quick-tempered. 
He  has  held  a  responsible  position  for  many  years.  Information 
in  regard  to  heredity  is  not  complete  on  account  of  immigration. 
The  father  is  self-educated.  His  family  are  said  to  have  been 
rather  well  endowed  mentally,  and  both  they  and  the  mother's 
family  were  the  kind  who  "  settled  down  in  one  place  and  did 
pretty  well."  No  feeblemindedness,  insanity  or  epilepsy  known 
to  exist  on  either  side.  The  mother  is  quite  normal  and  intelli- 
gent. This  boy  is  the  eldest  of  5  children,  3  of  whom  are  living. 
So  far  there  has  not  been  the  slightest  trouble  with  the  others. 
x'Vbout  developmental  history  only  the  following  points  appear  of 
any  significance:  normal  growth  of  mind  and  body;  one  serious 
illness  in  early  childhood,  but  without  known  sequelae.  Preg- 
nancy healthy,  but  during  that  period  the  mother  was  in  a  western 
train  robbery,  and  was  much  frightened  because  her  husband 
was  in  another  coach.  No  violence  was  perpetrated  with  the 
robbery,  but  the  mother  attributes,  in  the  absence  of  other  known 
causes,  all  the  boy's  peculiar  tendencies  to  this  event.  Birth 
normal,  but  a  hard  labor.  He  walked  and  talked  early.  The 
boy  drinks  3  cups  of  coffee  a  day  and  smokes  a  little  at  times. 
Otherwise  his  habits  are  very  good. 


Chap.  XXV ij  CASES    OF    LOVE    OF    EXCITEMENT  [§  353 

On  examination  one  finds  an  unusually  well-developed  and 
nourished  boy,  with  no  sensory  defects  of  importance.  Very 
upright  in  posture  and  rather  more  than  ordinary  strength  for 
his  yeai-s.     Frank  expression,  boyish,  open  face. 

Mental  tests :  our  own  series : 

I.  1'  31".    Works  on  the  triangles  by  the  trial  and  error  method. 

II.  1'24".    3  errors. 

III.  Construction  Test  A.  8'  39".  Only  ten  repetitions  of  im- 
possibilities. 63  total  moves.  This  is  a  most  peculiar  score  and  not 
easy  to  explain,  especially  in  the  light  of  the  next  two  tests. 

iV.    Construction  Test  B.    1'  11".    15  moves. 

V.  Puzzle  Box.  2'  24".  Steps  done  without  introduction  of 
errors.    The  only  difficulty  was  with  the  manipulation. 

VI.  Fairly  good  enumerative  account  with  good  results  on  cross- 
examination,  and  no  suggestibility  whatever  shown. 

VII.  Verj^  well  done  at  1st  trial. 

VIII.  All  correct. 

IX.  Correct  at  1st  trial. 

X.  Correct  at  1st  trial. 

XII.  12  out  of  the  20  items  given  correctly  and  in  logical  sequence. 
Complete  omission  of  the  other  items. 

XIII.  11  out  of  the  12  items  given  correctly,  but  not  in  complete 
logical  sequence. 

XIV.  Done  correctly  at  the  3rd  trial.  Previous  errors  simply  on 
manipulation  of  the  dial. 

XV.  One  error.    Average  time  2". 

XVI.  69  and  74  squares  tapped  at  1st  and  2d  trials,  respectively, 
with  no  errors. 

XVII.  Writes  a  remarkably  graceful  and  flowing  hand  for  a  boy  of 
his  age. 

XVIII.  Does  work  of  fractions  rapidly  and  correctly  and  knows  the 
beginning  processes  of  square  root. 

XIX.  Plays  a  fairly  foresighted  game  of  checkers  for  a  boy.  Misses 
no  easily  seen  advantageous  chances. 

XXII.  Information  is  good  on  ordinary  items  of  geography  and 
history.     Knows  very  little  about  scientific  items. 

His  chief  interest  is  theatres  to  which  he  goes  by  himself.  He  has 
seen  a  great  many  plays,  both  good  and  bad.  Has  remarkably  mature 
tastes  in  this  direction.  Also  goes  regularly  to  the  gymnasium  and 
swims  well. 

This  boy  is  in  8th  grade,  and  has  a  good  report  for  scholar- 
ship. There  has  been  some  complaint  of  his  behavior  in  school, 
but  only  on  account  of  ordinary  mischief.  Except  on  one  occa- 
sion, he  has  been  truant  only  when  on  his  travels.  His  emotions 
are  normal.  Once  when  we  saw  him  he  was  highly  indignant 
for  having  been  arrested  when  away  from  home  because  he  was 



loafing  about,  something  that  had  never  happened  previously 
on  his  wanderings.  Most  noticeable  about  him  is  his  extreme 
independence,  self-reliance  and  feeling  of  ability  to  meet  the 
world  upon  its  own  terms.  When  he  was  held  by  the  police  a  few 
days  among  a  tough  crowd  of  boys,  he  remarked  it  did  not  matter 
because  he  was  quite  able  to  hold  his  own  anywhere.  He  has  a 
quick  temper  and  may  be  quite  mischievous  on  occasion.  Self- 
orientation  is  good,  he  has  his  own  philosophy  of  life  and  only 
shows  partial  boyish  naivete.  His  own  nature  and  inclinations 
seem  clearly  to  present  themselves  to  him  as  irrevocable,  and 
in  response  to  questions,  he  recounts  his  adventures  without 
concealment  and  without  boasting.  There  is  thus  every  reason 
to  diagnose  his  mental  ability  as  good. 

In  general  he  is  honest,  although  shortly  after  the  time  when 
we  first  knew  him  he  committed  a  little  theft.  He  does  not  even 
take  the  household  money,  and  is  otherwise  a  good  boy  at  home. 
His  principal  misdemeanor  is  causing  distress  to  his  family  by 
leaving  home  in  search  of  adventure.  This  began  before  he  was 
8  years  of  age,  when  they  lived  in  the  suburbs  of  a  large  city.  At 
that  time  he  would  start  off  by  himself  and  wander  about  the 
city  in  search  of  what  might  interest  him.  Particularly  he  liked 
to  go  to  shows.  Speaking  of  himself,  he  says  that  even  then  he 
liked  to  ride  —  "  ride  all  the  time  —  on  a  freight  —  on  ice  boxes  — 
anywhere."  Since  that  time,  in  spite  of  his  having  enjoyed  school 
work  pretty  well  and  kept  up  to  his  grade,  and  having  normal 
home  interests  —  such  as  playing  games  with  his  father  —  he 
has  on  many  occasions  run  away.  His  longest  stay  has  been  a 
month.  He  has  visited  numerous  towns  on  his  wanderings,  and 
made  his  own  way  everywhere  by  working  at  various  jobs. 

It  is  a  tribute  to  his  capacity  that  he  has  so  readily  found  work 
and  good  wages.  Of  course  he  often  has  to  suffer  hardship. 
Sometimes  he  runs  away  alone,  but  occasionally  he  persuades 
companions  to  accompany  him.  Frequently  when  he  makes 
an  excursion  to  the  large  city  from  the  outlying  suburb  where  he 
lives,  he  manages  to  get  back  for  the  night,  and  when  he  goes 
farther  he  returns,  as  a  rule,  on  Saturday.  For  such  a  young  boy 
his  travelings  have  been  extensive.  On  one  trip  he  went  to 
various  places  in  Ohio,  and  worked  for  awhile  in  a  glass  factory. 
Sometimes  he  has  secured  employment  with  farmers.  At  another 
time  he  went  to  Pittsburg,  Baltimore  and  Philadelphia.  He  has 
been  to  nearer  cities  many  times.    Most  of  his  traveling  is  done 


Chap.  XXV l]  CASES   OF   LOVE   OF  EXCITEMENT  [§  353 

on  freight  trains.  He  himself  says  he  does  not  exactly  know  why 
he  goes  away  —  "I  guess  it 's  just  for  the  fun  of  it."  Sometimes 
he  writes  home  when  he  is  away.  He  has  only  one  other  time 
been  taken  up  by  the  police,  and  that  was  for  looking  on  at  a 
game  of  dice,  he  says,  and  then  he  was  quickly  let  go.  He  thinks 
his  mother  does  not  worry  much  about  him  any  more,  because  he 
is  well  able  to  take  care  of  himself.  He  has  the  idea  that  he 
would  like  to  be  a  dentist  when  he  grows  up,  or  something  like 

Case  171. — Fred  R.  Age  18.  We  have  known  this  young 
fellow  for  5  years.  He  is  strong  and  active  both  physically  and 
mentally,  but  shows  no  over-developments  or  abnormalities  in  any 
direction.  Nor  were  mental  defects  found  by  tests.  He  is  well 
up  to  the  ordinary  in  mental  ability. 

The  reading  of  this  boy  has  been  significant.  As  a  little  fellow 
he  always  sought  out  such  works  as  "  Treasure  Island  "  and  the 
"  Life  of  Daniel  Boone."  He  has  been  known  to  sit  up  all  night 
to  read.  In  his  home  life  he  has  had  an  unusual  supply  of  healthy 
interests,  but  never  enough  to  satisfy  his  intense  desire  for  excit- 
ing experiences.  When  younger  he  was  even  taken  on  short 
hunting  trips  —  only  with  the  result  of  adding  fuel  to  the  fire  of 
his  cravings. 

Fred  comes  from  an  excellent  family  where  his  traits  are  frankly 
recognized  in  their  psychological  import,  although  they  have 
never  been  adequately  faced.  His  father  and  mother  are  very 
quiet  and  stable  people.  They  have  lately  moved  away  from  a 
large  city  in  Ohio,  where  I  first  saw  them,  on  account  of  the  unpleas- 
ant experiences  of  frequently  having  to  deal  with  the  police.  The 
latter,  however,  have  been  exceedingly  lenient  in  this  case.  There 
is  a  young  daughter  who  is  quite  normal  in  conduct.  There  is  said 
to  be  no  insanity,  feeblemindedness  or  epilepsy  in  any  of  the 
near  relatives.  Several  are  notably  intelligent  people.  One 
grandfather  was  a  very  active  man  physically;  adventuresome, 
and  a  great  roamer.  The  other  apparently  was  a  distinctly 
neuropathic  type,  at  one  time  dissipated  and  at  another  exceed- 
ingly religious.  Fred  himself  has  been  dealt  with  by  a  mixture 
of  about  one-third  attempt  at  repression  by  punishment,  one- 
third  occasional  supply  of  sufiicient  interests,  and  one-third 
laissez-faire.  There  has  been  much  financial  drain  in  settling  for 
his  misdeeds.  At  15  he  was  sent  to  a  private  school  where  he 
managed  to  hold  himself  within  bounds  for  a  couple  of  school 



years,  always  breaking  loose  again,  however,  during  vacation. 
Lately  he  has  escaped  from  a  reformatory  institution,  has  been 
through  an  extraordinary  series  of  wildly  exciting  escapades,  and 
has  landed  once  more  in  jail. 

We  have  had  reason  to  know  about  the  police  record  of  this 
boy  in  more  than  one  city.  It  has  been  authoritatively  stated 
that  as  a  boy  of  13  or  14  he  was  one  of  the  most  skillful  young 
burglars  on  record.  He  carried  on  his  adventures  in  the  even- 
ing, after  properly  attending  to  his  school  duties  during  the  day. 
When  he  was  only  10  years  old  he  ran  away  from  home  and 
camped  with  other  boys  on  a  river  bank  for  a  couple  of  weeks, 
his  family  not  knowing  where  he  was.  On  another  occasion,  at 
about  the  same  age,  he  traveled  to  a  point  some  hundreds  of 
miles  from  home,  and  then  went  himself  to  the  police  and  asked 
to  be  returned.  For  the  most  part,  however,  the  boy  remained 
at  his  home  in  the  city  until  he  was  15,  and  sought  his  pleasures 
in  the  excitement  of  skilled  burglary. 

His  own  attitude  towards  his  career  has  always  been  a  matter 
of  great  interest  to  us.  We  may  quote  a  few  of  his  own  words. 
"  I  don't  know  why  I  do  it.  I  'm  excited.  About  stealing  that 
gun — I  just  got  kind  of  excited  after  I  saw  it  first.  I  saw  a  man 
pointing  with  it  —  saw  it  through  the  window,  and  we  joked 
about  it  —  a  boy  was  with  me.  About  three  days  afterward  I 
went  back  by  myself,  crawled  in  and  took  the  shotgun.  Had 
not  thought  anything  about  it  until  I  was  walking  by,  and  I  was 
thinking  I  would  like  to  have  it.  I  used  to  have  a  rifle  and  a 
revolver.  I  bought  them.  Father  broke  up  the  rifle.  I  don't 
know  why  he  took  it  away." 

"  I  like  football  and  baseball  best.  I  can  hit  clay  pipes  at  the 
shooting  gallery  nearly  every  time.  I  would  like  to  live  out 
West.  Would  like  to  shoot  and  ride  good.  I  get  excited  when  I 
think  of  how  I  want  to  go  out  —  to  Texas  or  Wyoming.  I  like 
to  fish  better  than  I  do  to  hunt.  I  told  my  mother  when  I  ran 
away  and  camped,  but  did  not  tell  her  where  I  was  going  because 
my  father  would  come  out  after  me." 

"  Why  do  I  get  into  houses?  Well,  I  think  I  'm  a  darn  fool. 
Oh,  I  just  love  excitement.  When  I  see  fire  I  just  want  to  be 
right  up  there  on  top  of  the  house  with  an  axe  in  my  hand.  I 
don't  think  I  would  ever  rob  from  poor  people.  These  others 
could  afford  to  lose  it.  I  have  a  partner  mostly.  We  don't 
have  to  go  out  very  often  for  what  we  want.    We  get  it  easily. 


Chap.  XXVI]  CASES    OF    LOVE    OF    EXCITEMENT  [§  353 

We  never  carried  revolvere.  We  figured  the  fellow  in  the  house 
would  be  just  as  scared  as  we  would  be.  We  never  stayed  out 
late.  One  night  we  looked  in  an  open  window,  and  my  partner 
wanted  to  see  if  there  was  anybody  in  the  house.  I  boosted  him, 
and  then  he  called  me  in.  We  got  eight  watches  and  rings  and 
things.  It  is  not  so  much  fun  doing  it  —  all  the  time  you  are 
afraid  you  are  going  to  get  caught.  But,  gee,  it  's  exciting  when 
^'ou  know  people  are  in  the  next  room  —  you  just  ought  to  hear 
your  heart  going  pit-a-pat.  I  like  excitement  of  any  kind.  I 
never  was  discovered  in  a  house." 

If  we  went  over  the  whole  case  as  we  have  known  it  during 
these  years,  pages  would  reveal  nothing  more  to  the  point  than 
the  above  statements  oifer.  Fred  turned  from  burglary  when 
he  was  less  than  15,  but  later  has  sought  adventuresome  excite- 
ment in  other  directions,  much  to  the  discomfiture  of  numer- 
ous people  whose  automobiles  have  been  stolen  and  wrecked, 
and  much  to  the  depletion  of  his  father's  pocketbook.  He  still 
says,  "  It 's  just  that  crazy  habit  of  mine;  wanting  to  do  some- 
thing exciting."  There  has  been  desperate  speeding  of  stolen 
machines,  and  occasionally  a  street  robbery  has  varied  the  pro- 
gram. Thoroughly  characteristic  of  this  young  man's  whole 
career  is  his  most  recent  adventure.  We  have  the  details  from 
reliable  police  and  other  sources.  He  went  back  to  his  Ohio 
home  town.  There  he  picked  up  two  or  three  other  fellows  and 
started  in  a  stolen  automobile  on  an  excursion  of  adventure  to 
New^  York.  After  running  a  couple  of  hundred  miles  the  machine 
w^as  wrecked.  They  returned,  our  young  man  produced  another 
machine,  and  they  started  off  again.  This  time  they  got  as  far  as 
a  Pennsylvania  town  when  their  funds  gave  out.  Our  fellow, 
in  true  desperado  fashion,  proceeded  to  "hold  up"  by  threat- 
ening with  a  revolver,  the  cashier  in  a  shop.  He  was  caught  before 
they  left  the  towai. 

Concerning  the  treatment  of  this  case :  at  the  start  we  insisted 
that  the  boy's  aptitudes  and  desires  were  all  in  line  with  the 
life  that  he  might  lawfully  experience  on  the  mountains,  or  plains, 
or  sea.  The  fact  that  his  school  course  was  unfinished  militated 
against  anything  that  we  could  say,  and  at  no  time  has  he  ever 
been  placed  in  what  we  conceived  to  be  a  suitable  euAaronment. 
The  lesson  of  his  failure  is  just  as  convincing  as  in  cases  where 
success  has  been  established  by  environmental  modifications. 
The  fact  that  there  is  good  mental  ability  in  this  instance  has 



always  made  his  reform  seem  imminent  to  those  most  vitally 
concerned,  and  I  have  little  doubt  but  that  it  will  eventuate. 

Case  172.  —  The  following  card  gives  the  main  facts  in  a  case 
where  no  observable  physical  conditions  had  any  bearing.  The 
boy  was  only  moderately  well  developed  for  his  age.  His  tenden- 
cies showed  before  adolescence. 

Mental  peculiarity:  Immense  love  of  excitement       Case  172. 
and  adventure.  Boy,  age  15. 

Home  conditions :  Father  away  much  on  business. 

Lack  of  healthy  interests  for  his  needs. 

Bad  companions: 

Stealing.  Mentality : 

Rowdyism.  Ordinary  in  ability. 

Case  173.  This  is  an  instance  of  indomitable  aggressiveness 
long  displayed,  in  spite  of  his  having  been  sentenced  three 

Mental  peculiarity:  Wild,  aggressive,  undisci-  Case  173. 

plined  nature.  Boy,  16  yrs. 

Physically  strong 
(not  over-developed). 

Bad  companions :  Street  robbers  and  others. 

Heredity :  Mother  extremely  aggressive  type. 
Brother  subnormal. 

Home  conditions:  Father  dead. 
Mother  blind. 

Terrific  quarreling. 
No  discipline. 


Early  truancy.  Mentality: 

Stealing  +  +.  Ordinary  in  ability. 


The  above  cases  represent  a  few  of  those  which  seem  merely 
to  have  innate  love  of  adventure  and  excitement  as  the  main 
cause  for  their  offenses.  When  we  come  to  the  instances  of  girls 
showing  these  tendencies  we  nearly  always  have  marked  physical 


Chap.  XXVI] 



over-development.  In  both  sexes  there  may  be  a  distinct  neuro- 
pathic tendency  as  the  basis  for  the  love  of  exciting  adventure. 
An  example  of  a  border-line  case  is  the  following: 

Mental  peculiarity:  Extreme  love  of  excitement.     Case  174. 
Much  imagery  of  adventure.    Boy,  age  15. 

Neuropathic  type :  Nervous.    Unstable. 

Developmental  conditions:  Antenatal. 

Mother  in  poor  health 

and  old. 
Brain  fever  and  frequent 

spasms  in  infancy. 
Excess  of  opiates  given. 

Home  conditions :  Spoiled  child. 

Motion  pictures. 

Truancy  in  school. 

Stealing.  Mentality: 

Runaway  +  -f.  Ordinary  in  ability. 

We  have  seen  several  cases  where  the  desire  for  excitement  of 
some  definite  kind  was  overwhelming.  Particularly  in  young 
boys  and  girls  one  may  observe  the  craving  for  motion  pictures, 
which  latterly  have  taken  the  place  of  the  old  exciting  cheap 
novel.  In  older  adolescent  boys  we  may  note  the  love  of  gam- 
bling, particularly  of  throwing  dice.  The  passion  for  gambling 
as  met  with  in  men,  and  occasionally  in  w^omen,  is  well  recognized, 
and  we  need  not  give  space  for  it  here. 

§  354.  Desire  for  Travel.  —  The  desire  to  wander  or  to  travel, 
"  die  Wanderlust,"  is  only  one  phase  of  our  whole  subject.  It 
has  received  in  other  places  (§312,  §  369)  considerable  attention  at 
our  hands.  The  desire  may  be  shown  astonishingly  early  in  life, 
and  may  be  only  a  passing  trait,  or  it  may  be  preserved  for  a 
lifetime.  We  have  had  the  chance  to  study  many  cases  of  pecul- 
iar interest,  showing  in  various  combinations  the  t^y^pical  causa- 
tive factors  we  have  spoken  of.  It  is  not  easy  to  say  at  first 
sight  of  a  case  what  there  may  be  in  the  background. 

Case  175.  —  One  little  boy,  very  poorly  developed,  began 
running  away  from  home  within  a  few  days  after  landing  in 
America,  an  utter  stranger.  Over  years  he  kept  up  his  wan- 
derings at  intervals,  until  he  was  placed  in  the  reformatory  insti- 
tution where  he  now  is.    This  would  seem  to  be  a  marked  case  of 



the  outbreak  of  innate  tendencies,  but  we  were  never  able  to 
persuade  ourselves  of  this,  because  of  the  probability  of  there 
being  strong  mental  conflict  concerning  the  unfortunate  circum- 
stances of  his  illegitimate  birth  of  which  he  at  about  that  time 
first  became  aware. 

The  often  mentioned  relationship  in  vagrants  between  the 
wandering  impulse  and  laziness,  when  boiled  down,  as  we  have 
shown  under  the  heading  of  vagabondage,  §  369,  turns  out  largely 
to  be  the  relationship  between  wandering  and  physical  or  mental 
disease  and  defect. 

§  355.  Explosions  of  Desire  for  Excitement.  —  The  craving 
for  excitement  is  always  more  or  less  intermittent.  We  note 
that  some  criminalistic  individuals  are  able  to  maintain  them- 
selves on  a  normal  basis  for  long  periods,  and  then  the  urgent 
desire  for  explosion  becomes  overpowering.  In  one  most  intel- 
ligent young  woman  whom  we  knew  for  years  there  would  come 
periods  when  she  simply  would  have  to  "  break  loose."  The 
urgency  of  this  desire  is  to  be  fairly  compared  with  dipsomania. 
Indeed  the  whole  phenomenon,  with  its  periodic  lack  of  self- 
control  and  throwing  away  of  advantages,  which  amounts  to 
temporary  loss  of  the  sense  of  self-preservation,  savors  highly  of 
the  pathological.  Outbursts  of  temper,  of  flagrant  sex  indulgence, 
of  carousing,  of  rowdyism,  and  of  adventuresome  stealing  are 
characteristic.  The  strangeness  of  the  impulse  is  well  recognized 
by  some  offenders  themselves.  We  have  often  heard  them  com- 
ment on  it.  Ellis  (124,  p.  168  if.)  gives  interesting  illustrations 
on  this  point.  That  any  individual  under  the  monotonous  con- 
ditions of  prison  life  may  desire  occasionally  to  "  break  loose  " 
is  most  natural. 

The  phenomenon  of  intermittent  explosions  of  emotion  is  a 
common  feature  of  every-day  life.  But  the  individual  who 
feels  the  necessity  to  break  over  the  traces  to  the  extent  that 
he  jeopardizes  his  own  welfare  and  liberty  is  most  frequently  a 
distinct  neuropath.  It  has  been  well  suggested  that  further 
investigation  of  these  explosive  features  of  criminalistic  conduct 
should  be  carried  on  in  connection  with  studies  of  epileptic  varia- 
tions, as  found  in  the  families  of  the  offenders.  There  is  much 
room  for  research  in  this  line. 

§  356.  Desire  for  the  Stage.  —  An  intense  desire  to  enter 
theatrical  life,  the  impulse  of  the  "  stage-struck  "  girl,  which  may 
definitely  lead  to  delinquency,  upon  analysis  seems  to  be  little 



else  than  love  of  excitement  and  adventure.  The  glamour  of  the 
footlights  may  appear  to  arouse  dramatic  instinct  and  desire 
for  self-expression,  and  perhaps  it  does  to  a  certain  extent,  but 
the  arousal  of  such  desire  does  not  imply  any  special  dramatic 
talent.  It  must  be  rare  indeed,  judging  from  our  experience, 
that  the  "  stage-struck  "  impulse  is  based  on  any  especial  ability 
for  dramatics.  The  possession  of  real  talent,  then,  has  here 
little  or  nothing  to  do  with  development  of  waywardness. 

§  357.  Treatment.  —  The  treatment  of  the  abnormal  love  of 
excitement  and  adventure  is,  as  may  be  seen  from  the  above 
cases,  a  highly  individual  matter,  but  when  properly  undertaken 
frequently  yields  immensely  good  results.  It  cannot  be  supposed 
that  suppression  of  these  dominant  characteristics  is  going  to 
evoke  an;^i:hing  but  dissatisfaction  and  further  recalcitrancy. 
Some  sort  of  an  outlet  must  be  afforded.  In  our  civilization 
we  are  not  doing  as  well  in  this  matter  as  we  did  a  hundred  years 
ago,  when  pioneer  and  sea  life  offered  opportunities  for  the  satis- 
faction of  many  of  these  cravings.  As  it  is  now,  each  case  must 
be  sized  up  for  itself  in  relation  to  physical  background  and 
other  things,  and  families  must  be  convinced  of  the  practical 
necessities  of  the  situation. 


§  358.  Racial  Characteristics.  —  We  have  occasionally  said 
that  an  offender  represented  in  character  the  essence  or  proto- 
type  of  his  racial  characteristics.  For  instance,  a  negro  was  so 
lazy,  shiftless,  sensuous,  immoral,  and  talkative  that  it  seemed 
as  if  he  gathered  within  himself  all  the  unfortunate  and  perhaps 
aboriginal  traits  of  his  race.  Or  the  offender  with  Indian  blood 
was  so  taciturn,  cruel,  and  roving  that  he  represented  the  worst 
qualities  of  his  people.  In  the  same  way  we  observe  Southern 
Italians,  or  Sicilians,  who  are  easily  angered  and  prone  to  quick 
violence  with  weapons;  one  feels  that  they  show  strongly  a 
national  characteristic.  Thus  in  occasional  cases  one  does  feel 
justified  in  diagnosing  the  mental  characteristics  of  the  indi- 
vidual as  those  peculiar  to  his  race.  It  may  be  possible  to  analyze 
the  general  character  into  its  constituent  parts,  but  for  the  pur- 
poses of  direct  expression  and  understanding,  the  use  of  the  term 
racial  characteristics  is  often  valuable  in  explanation  of  the 
peculiarities  which  lead  to  social  offense. 



§  359.  Contrary  Suggestibility.  —  A  marked  and  easily  recog- 
nized human  trait  is  obstinacy.  In  some  this  is  so  dominant 
that  general  conduct  may  be  measured  in  its  terms.  The  obsti- 
nate person  is  supposed  to  represent  the  very  antithesis  of  social 
suggestibility,  and  yet  in  some  the  tendency  to  opposition  and 
perversity  is  as  clearly  set  along  definite  lines  by  way  of  reaction 
as  when  the  positive  forms  of  suggestibility  are  shown.  It  is 
the  old  story  of  the  individual  who  is  so  against  everything,  that 
he  is  .ready  to  do  the  opposite  of  whatever  he  is  told.  This  would 
hardly  seem  to  have  direct  connection  with  delinquency,  but 
yet  I  am  constrained  to  believe  upon  the  basis  of  several  experi- 
ences that  excessive,  contrary  self-assertion  may  be  a  real  driv- 
ing force  towards  social  offense.  One  must  agree  with  McDougall 
(20)  in  his  highly  original  essay  on  the  subject,  that  in  certain 
individuals  this  "  negative  reaction  to  suggestion  appears  as  a 
permanent  and  temperamental  attitude." 

The  high-spirited  action  of  adolescence  when  there  is  a  break- 
ing away  from  family  restriction  and  the  disobeying  of  parental 
admonitions  may  be  a  considerable  cause  of  delinquency  during 
that  period.  The  tendency  to  contrary  reaction  may  thus  appear 
as  a  phenomenon  belonging  to  the  mental  growth  of  a  particu- 
lar age. 

General  obstinacy  no  doubt  is  frequently  part  of  a  tempera- 
mental attitude,  but  often  there  is  a  chronically  aggravating 
cause,  such  as  results  from  some  untoward  experience.  A  case 
which  we  originally  wrote  up  for  this  section  of  our  work  was 
apparently  one  of  the  best  possible  illustrations  of  a  spiteful  and 
obstinate  reaction  on  the  part  of  a  young  woman  physically  and 
mentally  very  well  endowed.  Her  behavior  for  a  number  of 
years  had  been  the  most  glaring  example  of  reaction  by  con- 
traries. Exhortation  to  better  behavior  was  to  her  a  challenge  to 
do  the  opposite.  Further  study  of  this  remarkable  case  brought 
out,  however,  that  the  young  woman  had  been  undergoing  an 
experience  which  no  one  knew  about.  That  she  was  an  indi- 
vidual with  some  innate  tendency  to  react  obstinately  no  one 
could  doubt,  but  the  major  incitement  towards  such  reaction  was 
unquestionably  the  unfortunate  experience  which  she  had  been 
for  years  hiding. 

We  might  philosophically  assume  with  McDougall  that  the 
function  of  contrary  suggestibility  is  the  enrichment  and  organ- 
ization of  experience.    At  least  this  is  true  of  the  self-assertion 



and  contrary  suggestibility  shown  during  adolescence.  But 
when  it  comes  to  the  setting  of  one's  face  against  the  social  order, 
only  a  stage  of  development  is  represented  in  which  the  crude 
material  of  rational  action  has  not  been  successfully  coordinated. 
The  obstinate  temperament  thus  may  be  taken  partly  into  account 
in  considering  the  treatment  of  offenders,  but  as  nothing  final. 
The  next  step  for  the  student  of  the  individual  is  to  find  out 
why  obstmacy  is  the  dominant  activity. 

§  360.  Revengefulness.  —  A  stubbornly  persistent  form  of 
self-assertion  is  the  desire  for  revenge.  Within  limits  it  is  one 
of  the  most  naturally  expressed  emotional  reactions,  but  it  may 
follow  upon  anger  as  an  obsessional  phenomenon,  and  be  as 
much  a  sign  of  the  lack  of  self-control  as  anger  itself  is.  The  desire 
for  revenge  plays  a  considerable  part  in  the  production  of  criminal- 
istic deeds  of  violence.  As  such  it  must  be  reckoned  with  alone, 
although  in  the  cases  where  it  is  exhibited  to  the  degree  that  the 
individual  endangers  himself,  there  is  very  frequently  an  abnormal 
basis.  Many  of  these  individuals,  as' we  have  noted  them,  are 
deficient  in  self-control,  in  reasoning  power,  or  are  clearly  aber- 
rational. Further  study  of  them  after  the  recognition  that  they 
possessed  a  revengeful  disposition  has  always  elucidated  these 
other  facts.  So  it  comes  about  that  the  term  "  revengeful  dis- 
position," although  frequently  offered  in  superficial  judgment  of 
the  facts,  has  found  no  place  in  our  category  of  explanatory 

Of  course  one  might  discuss  this  topic  of  revenge  at  much 
greater  length,  but  to  little  more  purpose  as  far  as  diagnosis  is 
concerned  of  the  causative  factors  in  the  individual  case.  The 
spirit  of  revenge,  sometimes  a  thoroughly  dominating  cause, 
occasionally  is  to  be  considered  under  the  head  of  social  sugges- 
tion inasmuch  as  it  may  be  entirely  inculcated  by  the  species 
of  education  or  the  contagion  of  ideals  resulting  from  life  among 
certain  associations  and  in  certain  communities,  such  as  those 
of  Sicily  or  the  Kentucky  mountains. 

§361.  Excessive  Irritability. — Although  irritability  is  fre- 
quently spoken  of  as  a  mental  trait,  and  much  understanding 
of  the  individual  is  gained  through  use  of  the  term,  yet  we  have 
failed  to  find  excessive  irritability  without  some  physical  cause 
for  it.  It  would  be  well  if  all  workers  with  offenders  would  remem- 
ber this,  because  of  the  added  possibilities  of  treatment.  In 
cases  reported  as  having  excessive  irritability  we  have  discovered 



poor  general  development,  various  nervous  ailments  (such 
as  chorea  or  traumatic  neuroses),  under-feeding,  overuse  of 
stimulants,  alcoholism,  sex  over-indulgence,  incipient  tuber- 
culosis, signs  of  over-work,  and  other  physical  conditions  in  the 
background.  On  account  of  finding  these  conditions  so  frequently 
we  have  become  more  and  more  convinced  of  the  value  of  look- 
ing for  them  in  all  cases.  We  studied  one  very  irritable  boy  at 
intervals  for  a  long  time  without  understanding  him  until  he  was 
placed  under  careful  observation.  Then  it  was  found  that  he 
indulged  greatly  in  sex  practices,  which  he  had  always,  although 
apparently  frank,  denied  to  us. 

Mental  peculiarity:  Extremely  irritable.  Case  176. 

Fiery  disposition.  Boy,  15  yrs. 

Melancholy  at  times. 

Physical  conditions :  Poorly  nourished  for  long. 

Depletion  from  masturbation. 

Family  conditions :  Poverty  from  much  tuberculosis 
in  family;   lack  of  proper 
\  control. 

Violence.  Mentahty: 

Stabbing.  Dull  probably  from 

Threatening.  physical  conditions. 

§  362.  Special  Abilities.  —  In  a  few  instances  of  adolescent 
offenders  we  have  seen  much  proof  of  the  fact  that  the  possession 
of  unusual  general  ability,  or  of  some  special  ability,  which  would 
not  fit  in  with  the  environment  was  apparently  a  considerable 
factor  towards  developing  criminalism.  We  have  already  spoken 
under  the  head  of  professionalism,  §  227,  of  individuals  who  had 
motor  dexterity  which  readily  led  them,  in  a  defective  environ- 
ment, to  become  skilled  offenders.  We  noted  in  the  case  of  one 
vigorous,  independent  boy,  who  was  a  truant  and  a  thief,  that 
there  was  a  great  deal  of  school  dissatisfaction  based  on  the  fact, 
it  came  out,  that  he  was  not  in  the  least  a  book-minded  young 
person.  We  have  seen  instances  of  children  with  extraordinary 
ability  born  in  an  environment  where  their  capacities  were  not 
only  unappreciated,  but  held  down  by  poverty  and  non-under- 
standing. The  reaction  to  this  anomalous  situation  easily  tends 
towards  delinquency.    The  possession  of  strong  imaginative  and 


Chap.  XXVl]  STUPIDITY  [§  364 

dramatic  poAvers  has  also  started  children  in  social  offenses. 
In  one  particularly  difficult  case  of  a  boy  of  12,  who  was  a  great 
wanderer  from  home,  and  a  little  thief,  it  seemed  very  sure  that 
the  love  of  the  dramatic  held  full  sway  over  him.  The  poor  home 
gave  him  no  opportunities  whatever  for  satisfying  his  mnate 

§  363.  Restlessness.  —  Whether  or  not  restlessness  is  a  mental 
peculiarity  that  may  be  separated  from  physical  conditions  is  not 
quite  clear.  It  can  be  a  great  factor  making  for  delinquency. 
It  is  sometimes  observed  in  cases  where  there  is  decidedly  good 
physical  strength  and  good  mental  powers.  In  nearly  all  cases 
that  we  have  observed  the  characteristic  has  been  found  appar- 
ently to  rest  on  some  sort  of  a  physical  basis,  perhaps  inherited, 
as  in  Cases  1  and  2. 

§  364.  Stupidity.  —  We  deplore  the  use  of  this  term  as  em- 
ployed by  some  authors  to  denote  a  mental  peculiarity.  Of  course 
many  offenders  show  stupidity  as  a  secondary  characteristic,  but 
when  their  mental  assets  are  tabulated  very  definite  defects  are 
found,  and  they  may  be  more  fundamentally  diagnosed.  They  are 
either  high-grade  feebleminded,  or  individuals  with  special  defects, 
lacking  perhaps  foresight  and  powers  of  mental  representation, 
or  they  may  be  dull  from  physical  causes. 


§  365]     PATHOLOGICAL    STEALING —  "  KLEPTOMANIA  "    [Chap.  XXVII 


Pathological  Stealing  —  "  Kleptomania."  Pathological 
Arson  —  "Pyromania."  Suicide.  Vagabondage.  Simu- 
lation.    "Born  Criminals."    "Moral  Imbecility" 

§  365.  General  Considerations.  §  366.  Pathological  Stealing  — "  Klep- 
tomania." §  367.  Pathological  Arson  —  "  Pyromania."  §  368.  Suicide. 
§  369.  Vagabondage  —  Tramp  Life.  §  370.  Simulation.  §  371.  "  Born 
Criminals."     §  372.  "  Moral  Imbecility  "  —  "  Moral  Insanity." 

§  365.  General  Considerations.  —  A  number  of  remaining 
points  need  discussion  either  because  they  are  moot  questions 
in  the  field  of  criminology,  or  because  the  widespread  use  of 
some  term  has  determined  the  way  in  which  a  related  group 
of  facts  is  generally  viewed.  Nothing  is  so  catching  as  a 
name,  and  frequently,  as  shown  below,  appellation  counterfeits 
explanation.  While  these  names  represent  subjects  frequently 
considered  under  criminology,  they  do  not  properly  belong  under 
the  head  either  of  types  of  individuals  or  types  of  causes,  such  as 
make  up  the  divisions  in  Book  II. 

As  we  have  endeavored  previously  to  show  in  §  122,  the  classi- 
fication by  deeds  means  little  for  us.  Murders  may  be  com- 
mitted with  a  range  of  intent  varying  from  that  of  Charlotte 
Corday  to  that  of  a  Jack-the-ripper.  A  few  definite  types  of 
offense  tend  to  be  committed  by  certain  types  of  offenders,  then 
the  correlation  is  valuable.  Our  standpoint  in  slurring  these 
matters,  although  opposed  to  much  in  the  literature,  is  justified 
by  the  considerations  which  appear  in  many  places  throughout 
this  work.  Such  parts  of  the  following  discussion  as  center  about 
special  delinquencies  bring  out  interesting  facts  anent  this  ques- 
tion of  subdividing  criminalistics  according  to  crimes. 

§  366.    Pathological   Stealing  —  "  Kleptomania." 

In  common  with  many  authors  we  are  much  averse  to  using 
the  term  "  kleptomania."  ^    This  is  because  of  the  loose  way  in 

1  "La  kleptomanie  est  un  mot,  et  c'est  une  explication  qu'on  demande" 
(Dubuisson,  330,  p.  16).  Peculiarly  offensive  is  the  common  employment  of 
the  term,  kleptomaniac,  inasmuch  as  it  pretends  to  tell  something  of  the  per- 
sonal qualities  of  the  offender  and  yet  does  not. 


Chap.  XXVII]    PATHOLOGICAL   STEALING —  "  KLEPTO]VL\NIA  "     [§  366 

which  the  word  is  used  —  the  variety  of  connotations  leading 
away  from  anything  Hke  scientific  accuracy  and  clear  meaning. 
Like  "  pyromania,"  it  has  been  seized  upon  with  avidity  for 
journalistic  and  general  purposes.  Often  it  seems  to  mean  merely 
excessive  stealing,  and  hence  has  no  particular  significance  for  us. 
Then  on  the  other  hand,  as  used  by  some  psychiatrists,  it  betokens 
a  form  of  impulsive  insanity.  We  find  that  limitation  too  narrow, 
for  just  the  same  form  of  offense  is  indulged  in  by  individuals 
who  are  not  insane.  The  general  phenomenon  we  are  interested  in 
is  a  peculiar  kind  of  thieving,  which  can  best  be  designated  as 
pathological  stealing.  As  thus  used,  the  term  is  consonant  with 
pathological  lying  —  the  latter  being  a  designation  that  is  already 
clearly  defined  {vide  §  344),  and  widely  used. 

The  definition  of  pathological  stealing  is  similar  to  that  of 
pathological  lying.  The  criterion  of  both  is  the  fact  that  the 
misconduct  is  disproportionate  to  any  discernible  end  in  view. 
In  spite  of  risk,  the  stealing  is  indulged  in,  as  it  were,  for  its  own 
sake,  and  not  because  the  objects  in  themselves  are  needed  or 
intrinsically  desired.  It  is  important  to  apply  this  gauge,  because 
otherwise  cases  of  excessive  stealing  which  arise  from  cupidity 
or  development  of  a  habit  might  be  included.  Pathological 
stealing,  even  if  we  do  not  go  so  far  as  the  dictum  of  Kraepelin, 
and  accept  it  as  evidence  of  insanity  of  impulsion,  is  obviously 
to  be  regarded  as  abnormally  conditioned  action. 

The  tj-pes  of  causation  which  lead  to  pathological  stealing 
and  the  t}^es  of  individuals  who  engage  in  it  are  found  described 
under  other  headings.  For  these  reasons  it  is  not  necessarj^  to 
dwell  on  pathological  stealing  as  the  central  fact  in  case  studies. 
We  have  discussed  the  relationship  of  mental  conflicts,  and  of 
the  minor  psychical  aberrations  of  menstruation  (§310),  and 
of  pregnancy  (§311),  to  pathological  stealing.  It  is  clear  that 
mental  defectives  may  have  the  habit  of  stealing  for  the  sake  of 
stealing,  although  here  the  distinction  is  difficult.  One  case  of 
so-called  "  kleptomania,"  was  that  of  a  feebleminded  boy  who 
frequently  stole  watches,  even  when  he  had  some,  but  the  lad 
was  partly  following  out  a  sort  of  collecting  impulse,  and  partly 
wanted  the  watches  to  pull  them  to  pieces.  In  his  exaggeration 
of  a  normal  boyish  instinct  he  succeeded  in  stealing  many.  But 
it  was  hardly  a  case  of  pathological  stealing  any  more  than  lying 
indulged  in  by  a  feebleminded  person  is  pathological  lying.  The 
epileptic,  during  twilight  or  automatic  states,  may  steal  things 


§  366]     PATHOLOGICAL   STEALING —  "  KLEPTOMANL^. "    [Chap.  XXVII 

which  are  not  in  themselves  desired,  and  thus  engage  in  patho- 
logical stealing.  But  this  is  an  individual  with  a  brain  disease 
that  causes  temporary  insanity,  who  automatically  steals.  Such 
cases  are  rare  and  belong  in  their  special  categories.  The  vast 
majority  of  all  instances  of  pathological  stealing  are  those  in 
which  individuals,  not  determinably  insane,  give  way  to  an 
abnormally  conditioned  impulse  to  steal. 

The  interpretation  of  the  causes  of  this  impulse  to  steal  is  of 
great  interest.  We  have  shown  in  our  chapter  on  mental  con- 
flicts how  it  may  be  a  sort  of  relief  phenomenon  for  repressed 
elements  in  mental  life.  The  repression  is  found  often  to  center 
about  sex  affairs.  Such  basis  for  the  stealing  impulse  is  found 
by  analysing  the  underlying  subconscious  motives.  Janet  (306) 
has  very  cleverly  shown  this  relief  activity  in  a  case  of  recurrent 
melancholia  he  has  studied.  He  found  that  his  patient  overcame 
her  tendency  to  depression  by  extensive  purloining  of  small 
articles  from  shops.  He  avers  that  this  illustrates  a  general  fact. 
Such  an  impulse  gets  its  force  from  the  need  of  excitement,  occur- 
ring, in  his  case,  during  the  course  of  intense  depression  through 
the  feeling  of  incompleteness  which  the  depression  brings  about. 

The  correlation  of  the  stealing  impulse  to  the  menstrual  or 
premenstrual  period  in  woman  leads  us  to  much  the  same  con- 
clusion. Gudden  (294),  who  seems  to  have  made  the  most  care- 
ful of  studies  of  the  connection  between  the  two  phenomena, 
maintains  that  practically  all  cases  of  shoplifters  whom  he  has 
examined,  were,  at  the  time  of  their  offense,  in  or  near  their 
period  of  menstruation.  Most  of  them  were  properly  to  be 
regarded  as  hysterical  individuals.  They  gave  way  to  some 
strong  impulse  which  suddenly  came  to  them  while  they  were  in 
the  shops.  Their  actions  were  planless.  In  other  words,  a  tend- 
ency was  subconsciously  present  and  relief  was  sought  in  action.^ 

1  The  principal  conclusions  of  this  careful  student,  Gudden  (294),  are  worth 
citing  in  this  connection  on  account  of  his  considerable  experience  with  depart- 
ment store  thieving.  He  states  that  99  per  cent,  of  shoplifters  are  womeii; 
that  very  few  of  these  are  country  people;  that  practically  none  are  intoxi- 
cated; that  in  two-thirds  of  the  cases  no  special  motive  or  need  was  present; 
that  the  criterion  of  the  pathological  action  is  found  in  the  steaUng  of  unusable 
goods;  that  nearly  aU  cases  were  at  the  period  of  menstruation;  that  a  few 
were  pregnant;  that  the  deed  was  planless  and  reaUy  done  half  consciously; 
that  many  had  shown  a  tendency  to  aberrational  states  before  the  steahng. 
He  thinks  the  exhibition  of  goods  offers  the  opportunity  for  these  women  to 
give  vent  to  their  impulses  by  simply  stretching  out  theu*  hands.  The  fact 
that  goods  are  frequently  returned  anonymously  shows  the  lack  of  intent. 
He  saw  some  of  these  women  at  a  later  menstrual  period,  and  found  evidences 
of  excitation  then.    As  far  as  they  go  these  observations  fall  in  hne  with  the 


Chap.  XXVll]    PATHOLOGICAL   STEALING  — "  KLEPTOM AN  LV  "     [§  366 

From  such  observations  as  those  of  Guddeii  it  would  be  sup- 
posed that  practically  all  pathological  stealing  was  connected 
with  menstruation,  but  as  we  have  shown  in  our  chapter  on  mental 
conflict  (§  235),  some  of  the  most  extravagant  cases  of  patholog- 
ical stealing  occur  years  before  the  onset  of  menstruation,  or 
may  occur  in  boys  and  young  men.  Instances  of  such  stealing 
which  occurs  during  pregnancy  (§  311)  are  well  known.  We 
studied  the  case  of  a  woman  of  prior  unblemished  reputation, 
who  suddenly  during  pregnancy  gave  way  to  an  impulse  to 
steal  in  a  shop.  She  seemed  afterward  to  be  in  a  state  of  stupe- 
faction in  regard  to  the  event.  She  was  shocked  by  what  she 
had  done,  and  could  hardly  remember  doing  it.  This  woman 
had  been  for  many  years  in  a  position  of  great  trust,  and  preg- 
nancy, it  seems,  brought  about  an  impulse  that  was,  as  far  as 
ascertainable,  foreign  to  her  whole  previous  nature.  The  state- 
ment that  the  impulse  to  steal  may  come  on  first  at  the  meno- 
pause we  have  not  had  opportunity  to  corroborate.  Those,  e.  g. 
Stekel  (143),  who  are  wedded  to  the  view  that  "  kleptomania  " 
tj'pe  of  stealing  is  always  due  to  the  repression  of  the  elements  of 
sex  life  will,  of  course,  find  no  reason  to  be  less  convinced  by 
Gudden's  findings  that  so  many  of  these  cases  occur  about  the 
time  when  sex  excitement  is  often  increased.^ 

In  discriminating  cases  of  actual  pathological  stealing  one 
must  be  careful  to  rule  out  those  who  steal  for  the  sake  of  adven- 
ture, for  the  love  of  excitement  plus  possession.  Other  forms  of 
stealing,  for  example,  of  objects  of  fetichism,  may  in  a  sense  be 
termed  pathological  stealing,  but  yet  here  the  objects  taken  are^ 

experience  of  other  observers,  and  with  our  own,  but  by  no  means  all  the 
field  of  pathological  steahng  is  covered  by  a  study  of  its  correlation  with  the 
menstrual  period.  Some  of  our  most  marked  instances  of  excessive  impulse 
to  steal  have  been  in  young  children;  one  who  upon  analysis  was  found  to  have 
a  very  striking  conflict  about  sex  affairs  was  only  six  years  old. 

1  The  thousand  and  one  other  references  which  could  be  given  to  items  in 
the  Uterature  on  this  topic  would  bring  forth  no  different  point  of  view,  nor 
reaUy  any  better  collection  of  facts.  Considering  the  frequent  use  of  the  word 
"kleptomania,"  there  is  astonishingly  httle  record  of  well  studied  cases. 
Some  authors,  e.  g.,  Wulifen  (2,  Vol.  I,  p.  120)  demonstrate  in  this  matter 
the  danger  of  malang  a  classification.  Once  more,  it  is  deep  analysis,  rather 
than  the  appUcation  of  a  terminology,  that  we  need  for  understanding  the 
subject.  Kaufmann  (81,  p.  154),  in  his  being  forced,  as  he  says,  to  confess  that 
in  "kleptomania"  there  is  evidence  of  pure  monomania,  because  of  a  case  he 
observed,  illustrates  clearly  our  point.  One  wonders  what  his  case  would  have 
revealed  had  it  been  analytically  studied  for  subconscious  motivation.  Dub- 
uisson  (330)  in  his  analysis  of  111  cases,  says  that  33  were  victims  of  some 
definite  brain  abnormahty,  26  belonged  to  the  neurasthenic  category,  37  were 
hysterical,  and  15  merely  suffered  from  sex  conditions,  menstruation,  preg- 
nancy and  the  menopause.    His  analysis  of  possible  stress  is  incomplete. 


§  366]  PATHOLOGICAL    AESON— "pYROMANIA"       [Chap.  XXVII 

desired  for  themselves.  Merely  symbols  of  curious  esoteric 
ideas  and  imageries,  they  are  desired  as  such.  A  word  more 
about  this  can  be  found  under  the  head  of  Abnormal  Sexual- 
ism  (§  244). 

§367.    Pathological   Arson — "  Pyromania," 

"  Pyromania "  has  often  proved  an  inviting  topic  for  lay 
writers,  but  in  professional  works  there  has  also  been  loose  usage 
of  this  term.  The  setting  of  fires,  arson,  even  when  indulged  in 
repeatedly,  may  or  may  not  be  due  to  the  impulse  of  an  insane  or 
otherwise  abnormal  person.  Thus  the  word  "  pyromania,"  ap- 
plied to  fire-setting,  as  such,  with  its  connotation  of  mental  aber- 
ration is  often  unwarrantably  employed.  This  affords  another 
good  example  of  the  impossibility  of  classifying  either  the  offender 
or  the  cause  by  the  character  of  the  deed.  For  the  abnormally 
motivated  fire-setting  we  offer,  again,  as  a  matter  of  consonant 
usage,  the  term,  pathological  arson. 

Under  the  conditions  of  modern  insurance  arson  may  be  engaged 
in  for  profit,  and  even,  through  conspiracy,  as  a  business.  It 
also  has  long  been  practiced  as  one  of  the  easiest  methods  of 
revenge.  On  occasion  it  offers  a  chance  of  enjoyable  excitement. 
A  number  of  cases  have  been  reported  abroad  where  homesick- 
ness or  desire  to  get  away  has  been  the  cause.  Among  our  offenders 
we  have  seen  some  who  show  this  last  background  for  the  offense. 
An  individual  unwillingly  kept  in  an  institution,  sets  fire  to  it, 
perhaps  with  the  idea  of  creating  a  commotion  during  which 
escape  will  be  possible,  or  perhaps  with  the  idea  of  getting  even 
with  society,  and  with  the  institution  in  particular.  In  mental 
conflict  cases  (§  240),  a  reactive  outlet  has  been  sought  in  the 
deed.  Also  feebleminded  individuals  have  delighted  themselves 
by  starting  fires  in  houses.  In  other  words,  there  are  manifold 
reasons  for  arson,  and  many  types  of  individuals  may  be  impli- 
cated. The  discussion  of  pyromania  as  given  under  the  head  of 
impulsive  insanity  in  works  on  psychiatry  is  extremely  unsatis- 
factory.   A  much  wider  view  of  the  subject  must  be  taken. 

Cases  showing  peculiar  causes  for  arson  have  been  frequently 
reported  in  the  literature.^    The  only  large  and  important  study 

1  If  the  student  wishes  reports  of  special  cases,  a  number  can  be  found  scat- 
tered through  Gross'  "Archiv  fiir  KriminaUstik "  during  the  last  ten  years. 
MonkemoeUer's  article  mentioned  in  the  text  cites  many  other  cases  and 


Chap.  XXVII]  sriCIDE  [§  368 

is  that  by  INIonkemoeller  (304).  This  author  thoroughly  sum- 
marizes the  Hterature  and  gathere  many  cases  for  analysis.  He 
finds,  as  every  experienced  investigator  must,  that  the  impulse 
to  burn  arises  from  many  normal  and  pathological  motives. 
Statistical  studies  of  the  tA"pe  of  offenders  show  nothing  of  great 
importance,,  except,  of  course,  that  the  defectives  and  epileptics 
are  proportionately  more  involved  in  this  transgression.  It  is 
true  that  puberty  shows  great  rise  in  the  tendency,  but  that  is 
only  in  accord  with  findings  on  other  delinquencies.  Immediately 
following  this  period  of  life,  girls  more  than  boys  show  increase  in 
tendency  towards  fire-setting.  The  total  significance  of  all  research 
on  the  subject  is  that  there  is  the  greatest  need  for  the  individual 
study  of  every  person  who  sets  fires.  Even  if  mental  aberration  is 
not  shown,  there  is  every  reason  for  unearthing  the  cause  of  the 
impulse.  Pathological  arson  is  fire-setting  under  an  abnormally 
conditioned  impulse  by  a  person  not  determinably  insane. 

§  368.    Suicide. 

Suicide,  or  attempt  at  suicide,  is  an  act  which  stands  at  the 
border-line  of  criminalism.  Certainly  it  is,  in  our  civilization,  to 
be  regarded  as  anti-social  conduct.  For  the  criminologist  it 
has  always  been  a  subject  of  considerable  interest  because  of  its 
frequent  relation  to  other  criminalistic  tendencies  and  deeds, 
and  because  of  the  possibility  of  correlating  it  with  various 
personal  peculiarities,  or  mental  diseases,  or  with  external  influ- 
ences. There  are  very  many  reasons  for  committing  suicide, 
and  very  many  types  of  individuals  who  attempt  the  act,  but, 
even  so,  much  more  scientific  generalization  on  these  points  is 
possible  than  in,  for  instance,  murder.  Correlation  of  one  form 
of  insanity,  melancholia,  with  suicide  demonstrates  this  point. 
For  our  purposes  we  need  not  dwell  long  on  this  topic.^      The 

1  For  the  student  who  would  go  further  in  getting  at  the  several  points  of 
general  interest  in  the  problem  of  suicide,  we  may  recommend  the  following 
important  studies.  Stelzner  (288)  analyzed  200  cases  and  studied  the  subject 
from  the  standpoint  of  the  prognosis  of  cases  in  which  there  are  mental  dis- 
turbances connected  with  suicidal  thoughts.  Perhaps  the  best  general  study 
of  the  subject  in  its  many  phases  is  that  of  Gaupp  (289).  A  very  interesting 
official  report  on  the  suicide  of  school  children  in  Prussia  appeared  by  the 
statistician,  Behla  (290).  Condensed  summaries  of  169  cases  are  given  by 
Wassermeyer  (291).  This  author  shows  that  of  the  men  who  were  not  insane, 
one-haK  were  clironic  alcohoUcs.  Among  the  women  who  were  not  insane, 
the  majority  were  hysterical.  But  these  are  studies  only  of  attempted  sui- 
cide. In  his  analysis  of  1000  consecutive  cases  of  attempt,  East  (292)  lays  the 
same  stress  on  alcohohc  impulse.    This  author  brings  forward  also  a  number  of 


§  368]  VAGABONDAGE  —  TRAMP    LIFE  [Chap.  XXVII 

bearings  of  definite  causations  on  the  suicidal  tendency  is  nearly 
always  clear,  and  special  case  studies  are  here  unnecessary. 

Statistical  investigations  of  the  subject  have  proved  fascinat- 
ing for  many  scientific  writers.  The  safest  of  their  conclusions 
are  as  follows:  Of  all  mental  troubles,  melancholia  stands  in 
much  the  closest  relationship  to  self-destruction.  As  East  (292) 
points  out,  the  suicidal  attempt  very  frequently  arises  as  an  alco- 
holic impulse.  In  children  under  15  it  is  rare,  but  shortly  after 
the  appearance  of  puberty  the  tendency  in  the  female  develops 
rapidly.  It  occurs  oftener  in  childless  marriages,  and  is  more 
frequent  in  the  widowed  and  separated.  The  notorious  extent 
of  suicide  among  school  children  in  Germanic  countries  has  been 
shown  to  be  largely  due  to  the  mental  disturbances,  major  and 
minor,  which  arise  about  the  time  of  puberty.  Pathological 
development  of  the  fear  impulse  at  this  period  is  shown  to  have 
important  bearing.  In  our  own  case  studies  (Cases  60,  162)  of 
various  types,  some  bases  of  the  tendency  to  suicidal  impulses 
are  clearly  shown.  We  thoroughly  agree  with  the  students  of  the 
subject,  such  as  Gaupp  (289),  who  have  remarked  that  statistics 
do  not  offer  causes  for  this  phenomenon,  but  only  stimulate 
further  seeking.  It  need  hardly  be  said  that  the  most  experi- 
enced authorities  do  not  allege  that  suicide  is  by  itself  any  sign 
of  insanity.  A  point  to  be  taken  some  account  of  as  possibly 
bearing  on  statistics,  is  that  the  causative  background  is,  naturally, 
easier  to  ascertain  in  cases  of  merely  attempted  suicide  than 
when  the  deed  is  carried  out. 

§  369.    Vagabondage  —  Tramp  Life. 

Considerable  interest  in  the  last  decade  or  two  has  been  cen- 
tered about  the  phenomenon  of  tramp  life.  The  anti-social 
conduct  exhibited  by  those  who  refuse  to  take  up  a  fixed  abode, 
and  who  prefer  the  many  hardships  which  they  endure  to  the 
greater  comforts  which  could  be  obtained  with  the  exercise  of 
only  a  moderate  amount  of  occupational  stability,  is  certainly 
most  curious.  Many  have  insisted  that  this  manner  of  life  is 
proof  in  itself  that  the  individual  is  not  normal.    However,  here 

other  important  conclusions.  The  viewpoint  of  deeper  analysis  of  the  suicidal 
impulse  is  to  be  found  in  a  symposium  (293)  by  Freud,  Adler  and  several  others. 
This  is  a  study,  that  should  not  be  neglected  by  those  who  desire  to  go  thor- 
oughly into  the  subject.  Terman  (371)  offers  a  short  study  of  "Recent 
Literature  on  Juvenile  Suicides." 


Chap.  XXVII]  VAGABONDAGE  —  TRAMP    LIFE  [§  3(39 

again  we  are  in  the  presence  of  conduct  which  may  have  several 
reasons  for  its  existence.  The  dehghts  of  "  the  open  road  "  are 
very  appeahng,  even  to  those  of  poetic  temperament.  A  period 
of  real  Wanderlust,  at  least  in  the  Wander jahre,  is  no  sign  of 
aberration.  We  have  seen  vagabondage  in  cases  of  feeblemind- 
edness, epilepsy,  dementia  precox,  but  we  have  also  seen  the 
same  behavior  in  normal  boys  who  had  conceived  a  grudge,  with 
or  without  good  reason,  against  home  conditions.  Again,  we 
have  observed  normal  lads  who  have  been  seeking  larger  experi- 
ences in  this  way.  Sometimes  other  causes  may  be  at  work, 
such  as  the  suggestion  and  influence  of  a  crowd,  or  of  another 
individual;  and  bad  behavior,  particularly  sex  perversions,  may 
give  the  start  towards  tramp  life. 

Wlien  vagabondage  is  continued  past  the  unstable  years  of 
adolescence,  generalizations  on  the  character  of  individuals 
concerned  are  more  likely  to  be  correct.  But  even  here  the  only 
chance  of  adequate  conception  of  the  relationship  between 
behavior  and  the  type  of  individual  who  engages  in  it  is  to  be 
found  in  personal  study  of  him.  What  is  found  true  in  one  country 
or  locality  might  be  quite  different  from  that  in  another.  Already 
there  is  a  considerable  literature  on  the  subject,  but  in  this 
country  the  field  has  seemed  more  fruitful  to  the  journalist  than 
to  the  scientific  investigator. 

Psychopathologists  abroad  have  undertaken  serious  research  on 
vagabondage.^  It  is  because  such  a  large  percentage  of  tramps 
are  abnormal  personalities  that  the  subject  has  proven  so  invit- 
ing to  students  of  abnormal  psychology.  In  our  discussion  of 
certain  minor  mental  aberrations,  viz.,  fugues,  we  are  upon  the 
same  ground  that  many  European  writers  have  taken  when 
discussing  vagabondage  in  general.  But  there  are  many  types 
of  individuals,  who  on  account  of  their  peculiarities,   become 

^  Here,  again,  for  the  student  we  may  offer  the  results  of  our  experience 
with  the  literature.  There  is  a  wealth  to  choose  from.  The  scholarly  volume 
by  Joffroy  and  Dupouy  (313),  while  devoted  mainly  to  the  fugue  impulse, 
surveys  other  parts  of  the  field.  The  work  by  Marie  and  Meunier  (309),  men- 
tioned above,  contains  the  conclusions  of  deep  students.  Wihnanns  (314,  316), 
a  much  quoted  investigator,  has  made  detailed  studies  of  tramps  with  definite 
psychoses.  He  especially  affirms  the  presence  of  much  dementia  precox  among 
them.  Pagnier  (316)  offers  some  notable  figures  on  the  social  importance  of 
vagabondage  in  France.  Mairet  (317),  in  a  well-considered  monograph,  with 
much  reference  to  the  hterature,  discussed  various  types  of  abnormal  impulse 
which  led  to  wandering.  Again  we  may  refer  to  the  works  of  Flynt  mentioned 
in  the  text.  There  is  every  reason  to  consider  this  whole  subject  in  connection 
with  fugues  proper  (§  312),  as  most  French  authors  have  done. 


§  369]  VAGABONDAGE  —  TRAMP    LIFE  [Chap.  XXVII 

wanderers.  The  main  pathological  types  who  form  the  vagrant 
class  are  constitutional  inferiors,  epileptics,  the  high-grade  feeble- 
minded (morons),  and  cases  of  dementia  precox.  Bonhoeffer 
(308)  found  from  his  study  of  four  hundred  vagrants  that  at 
least  70  per  cent,  would  have  been  declared  unfit  for  the  usual 
German  compulsory  military  service.  Not  all,  of  course,  were 
mentally  abnormal,  but  the  majority  presented  incontestable 
signs  of  psychical  defect  or  aberration.  From  the  immense 
French  literature  we  may  best  excerpt,  with  slight  changes,  the 
following  instructive  classification  of  modern  vagabondage  from 
Marie  and  Meunier  (309) : 

A.  Wanderers  from  economic  or  social  reasons. 

1.  Legitimate  wanderers. 

(a)  Laborers  without  work. 

(b)  Exiles. 

(c)  Workers  whose  occupation  is  ambulatory. 

2.  Delinquent  wanderers. 

(a)  Those  who  are  avoiding  the  scene  of  offenses,  and  recid- 


(b)  Simulators  of  mental   or   other  disease,  and   degenerate 


B.  Vagabondage  of  pathological  origin. 
L    Physical  troubles. 

(a)  Temporary,  such  as  convalescents  and  those  with  chronic 

ailments  who  can  only  work  at  times. 
(6)  Permanent  cases  of  weakness,  or  physical  defect. 
2.    Mental  troubles. 

(a)  Neurasthenic  types. 

(b)  Hysterical  types. 

(c)  Epileptics. 

(d)  Degenerates  (constitutional  inferiors),  with  eccentricities. 

(e)  Manic-depressive  types  with  remittent  symptoms. 

(/)  The  persecuted  and  mystical  types  —  apostles  and  proph- 
ets, (paranoiacs). 
(g)  Vagabondage  as  the  result  of  alcoholism,  etc. 
(h)  Demented  types,  including  dementia  precox,  senility,  etc. 

Further  space  in  the  text  can  hardly  be  afforded  for  more  refer- 
ence to  the  literature,  with  one  exception.  No  American  student 
of  this  subject  should  forego  acquaintance  with  the  works  (310, 
311)  of  our  countryman,  who  was  both  litterateur  and  tramp, 
Josiah  Flynt.  Flynt  has  much  to  teach  criminologists,  although 
occasionally  his  conclusions  are  found  distinctly  wanting  in 
knowledge  of  the  details  of  psychopathology.  He  himself,  bril- 
liant though  he  was,  offered  one  of  the  best  illustrations  of  the 


Chap.  XXVII]  SIMUL.\TI0N  [§  370 

career  of  a  constitutional  inferior  who  had  definite  impulsions 
to  wandering,  which  amounted  in  his  childhood  days  to  fugues. 
The  power  of  abnormal  impulsions  in  a  family  where  some  mem- 
bers had  ability  to  control  them,  and  others  not,  is  given  a  classic 
place  in  the  literature  of  human  experience  by  this  author. 

Running  away  and  truancy  in  childhood,  although  so  frequently 
made  light  of,  has  been  found  by  ourselves,  and  many  other 
investigators,  to  be  a  distinctly  serious  matter.  There  is  not 
only  the  worry  caused  by  it  to  any  careful  family,  but  there  is 
also  the  accompanying  secretiveness,  lying,  association  with  bad 
characters  of  all  sorts,  and  indulgence  in  bad  habits,  all  of  which 
tend  directly  to  an  anti-social  career.  Youthful  vagabondage, 
truancy,  is  well  called  the  kindergarten  of  crime. 

Not  least  among  the  evils  of  tramp  life  in  general  is  the  well- 
recognized  tendency  under  these  conditions  to  homosexual  per- 
versions. Flynt  (312)  from  his  social  standpoint  has  written  on 
this  matter  and  many  medical  men  have  commented  on  it. 

Prevention  of  vagabondage  demands  nothing  more  or  less 
than  individual  study  of  the  particular  person  with  a  tendency 
to  tramp  life,  and  social  adjustment  of  his  characteristic  needs. 
Any  colony  established  for  tramps,  as  such,  will  have  to  reckon 
definitely  with  the  difference  in  personalities,  just  the  same  as  a 
reform  school  or  asylum  for  inebriates  must,  in  order  to  be  suc- 
cessful. We  have  given  examples  in  several  chapters  of  various 
types  showing  a  tendency  towards  wandering. 

§  370.    Simulation. 

Since  simulation  of  either  mental  or  physical  disease,  as  a 
social  offense,  is  not  a  fact  of  any  great  moment  in  this  country, 
we  can  dispense  with  it  in  a  few  words.  With  the  development 
of  insurance  against  disabilities,  malingering  in  Germany  has 
become  an  important  delinquency.  There  fine  discriminations 
have  to  be  made  and  whole  volumes  on  different  forms  of  simu- 
lation have  already  been  written. 

With  us  there  is  occasional  simulation  of  injury  in  order  that 
damages  may  be  recovered.  This  t>^e  of  swindling  is  so  obvious 
that  it  need  hardly  be  mentioned.  A  more  subtle  form  of  pre- 
tense is  found  where  the  winning  of  sympathy  for  some  supposed 
trouble  opens  the  way  to  stealing  or  to  obtaining  money  by 
false  representation.     Frequently  the  simulators  are  physical  or 


§  370]  SIMULATION  [Chap.  XXVII 

mental  underlings  who  take  advantage  of  the  disabilities  which 
they  have  and  show  appearance  of  exaggerated  suffering.  One 
man  with  a  bad  heart  lesion  used  to  appear  overcome  in  the 
neighborhood  of  some  physician's  residence.  He  would,  of 
course,  be  taken  in  by  kindly  people  who  quickly  sent  for  the 
doctor.  The  latter  would  find  the  apparent  cause  of  the  trouble, 
and  all  would  join  in  helping  the  afflicted  one.  It  was  always  found 
that  assistance  was  needed  to  help  the  sufferer  get  to  his  home  in 
a  neighboring  state.  The  several  dollars  required  usually  were 
rapidly  subscribed.  The  performance  could  be  repeated  in 
different  localities  on  the  same  day. 

One  of  the  most  notorious  criminals  in  this  country  is  a  woman 
called  "  fainting  Bertha,"  who  comes  from  a  criminalistic 
family.  She  has  been  a  real  sufferer  from  attacks,  which  are 
either  epilepsy  or  hysteria.  She  also  simulates  her  attacks  to 
perfection,  falls  against  some  likely  person,  who  in  all  kindness 
helps  her  to  some  neighboring  house  or  shop.  Later  he  finds  his 
pockets  have  been  deftly  picked.  The  amusing  but  highly  prof- 
itable method  of  the  boy  who  simulated  distress  by  voluntarily 
weeping  as  he  sold  chewing  gum,  we  have  recounted  elsewhere, 
§  165.  Simulation  by  beggars  is  not  nearly  so  frequent  here  as 
it  is  in  Europe. 

He  who  deals  with  delinquents  after  indictment  meets  occa- 
sionally with  simulation  of  epilepsy  and  insanity.  Detection  of 
the  simulation  of  epilepsy  presents  very  little  difficulty  to  an 
experienced  person.  I  remember  one  case  in  a  detention  home 
where  a  boy,  who  had  a  friend  who  was  an  epileptic  offender,  pre- 
tended to  have  a  fit  so  that  he  might  not  have  to  appear  before 
the  judge.  Some  drops  of  water  allowed  to  fall  upon  his  eyelids 
and  upon  his  abdomen  quickly  produced  reflexes  which,  although 
the  individual  still  simulated  unconsciousness,  gave  sufficient 
proof  of  the  facts. 

The  successful  simulation  of  insanity,  as  has  well  been  said, 
is  almost  beyond  the  powers  of  any  one  who  is  not  already  a 
psychopathic  individual.  Very  few  cases  have  been  recorded 
which  have  given  any  trouble  over  long  periods  of  observation, 
although  an  opinion  based  upon  a  single  interview  may  be  quite 
unsafe  in  the  case  of  skillful  simulators.  The  almost  universal 
tendency,  as  we  have  many  times  observed,  is  for  both  offendere 
and  their  families  to  be  vastly  more  willing  to  acknowledge  delin- 
quency than  either  epilepsy  or  insanity.    We  have  never  studied 


Chap.  XXVIl]  "  BOKN    CRIMINALS"  [§371 

a  case  which  gave  us  any  ultimate  trouble  in  this  matter. 
(I  am  here  speaking  of  mental  abnormality,  and  not  of  "  legal 
insanity,"  an  opinion  upon  which  is  demanded  by  lawyers  accord- 
ing to  their  artificial  standards  of  responsibility.) 

White  (73),  who  has  had  an  immense  experience  in  the  legal 
phases  of  insanity  says,  "  In  all  my  experience  I  have  never 
known  of  but  one  case  in  which  a  sane  man  escaped  punishment 
on  a  plea  of  insanity.  In  this  case  it  was  evident  that  the  accused 
was  not  insane,  but  the  jury  wanted  to  free  him."  Sommer 
(163,  p.  223)  feels  so  sure  of  the  above  phase  of  simulation  of 
insanity,  as  well  as  of  the  fact  that  it  is  mostly  undertaken  by 
those  who  are  already  abnormal  individuals,  that  he  specifically 
insists  that  the  diagnosis  of  simulation  should  be  made  with 
the  greatest  care. 

In  considering  some  cases  of  possible  simulation,  transitory 
mental  aberrations  (vide  §  315)  should  be  taken  into  account. 

§  371.    "  Born  Criminals." 

The  subject  of  born  criminals,  which  found  a  main  place  in 
a  criminology  which  discussed  offenders  by  putting  them  in  large 
general  classes,  can  be  disposed  of  by  us  in  a  few  words.  When 
we  come  to  study  cases  more  fully,  we  see  no  reason  for 
maintaining  any  general  notion  that  there  is  a  class  properly 
designated  as  born  criminals.  Of  course,  mental  defectives  and 
epileptics  and  others,  especially  if  brought  up  in  bad  environments, 
may  be  regarded  as  having  secondarily  criminal  dispositions, 
but  placing  them  in  such  a  category  tells  us  nothing  of  worth 
concerning  them.  In  spite  of  the  denial  of  the  value  of  this 
terminolog;y  by  many  authors,  it  still  happens  that  the  pictur- 
esque is  sought,  and  cases  are  described  as  belonging  to  this  class. 
There  are  several  arguments  against  the  use  of  this  term  at  all: 
one  is  that  the  use  of  it  does  not  scientifically  place  individuals 
in  their  proper  primary  category.  Second,  it  would  be  a  matter 
difficult  to  demonstrate  that  these  criminalistic  individuals 
were  not  such  as  the  result  of  environmental  defects  added  to 
innate  mental  weaknesses.  We  have  much  reason  for  believing 
the  environment  to  be  a  big  factor,  because  of  the  observations 
on  non-criminaHstic  lives  of  the  same  types  of  individuals  brought 
up  under  better  environmental  conditions.  Third,  this  theory 
presupposes  that  it  is  possible  to  have  a  moral  defect  apart  from 


§  371]  "mokal  imbecility"— "moral  insanity"  [Chap.  XXVII 

all  other  evidences  of  intellectual  weakness.  This  has  not  'been 
proven,  and,  if  it  does  occur,  must  be  extremely  rare  (§  372).  A 
fourth  reason  for  discouraging  the  use  of  the  term  is  the  fact  that 
if  we  are  satisfied  with  such  a  general  characterization  of  the 
individual  we  have  really  gained  no  clue  to  the  practical  disposi- 
tion of  him.     This  is  one  of  the  greatest  objections. 

The  gist  of  the  whole  situation  concerning  "  born  criminals  " 
is  that  they  are  individuals  who  definitely  belong  in  the  scientific 
categories  of  mental  defect  and  mental  aberration.  They  show, 
by  reason  of  early  teaching,  of  environmental  opportunities,  of 
developed  habit  of  mind,  or  such  physical  conditions  as  ab- 
normal sexuality,  a  very  definite  tendency  to  criminalism.  They 
are  primarily  mentally  abnormal,  and  secondly,  criminalistic. 
Nothing  is  gained  by  loose  generalization  on  the  subject.  There 
is  much  food  for  thought  in  Devon's  keen  statement  that  "  the 
criminal  is  born  and  made  just  as  the  policeman  is  born  and  made." 
Certain  mental  and  physical  qualities  lead  in  certain  definite 
directions  of  behavior  if  society  allows  the  chance. 

§  372.    "  Moral  Imbecility  "  —  "  Moral  Insanity." 

The  equivalent  of  many  volumes  has  been  written  upon  the 
subject  of  moral  insanity  and  moral  imbecility  since  the  first 
use  of  the  former  term  by  Prichard  (298)  in  1835.  The  largest 
share  of  this  discussion  has  hinged  upon  the  fact  that  different 
authors  have  been  talking  about  different  things.  It  behooves 
us  at  once,  then,  to  define  our  terms.  We,  first  of  all,  desire  to 
make  it  absolutely  clear  that  we  can  see  no  reason  for  leaving 
the  definition  open  for  loose  construction.  Cases  of  insanity 
or  mental  defect  with  a  tendency  towards  anti-social  conduct, 
perhaps  as  the  result  of  innate  tendencies,  and  perhaps  more 
often  the  effect  of  environmental  experiences,  we  would  at  once 
rule  out.  In  this  procedure  we  are  at  one  with  many  students 
who  have  given  the  subject  careful  consideration.  ("  Moral 
insanity  "  sometimes  signifies  immoral  tendencies  developing  on 
a  basis  of  mental  disorders  —  in  that  sense  it  is  misleading. 
Oftener  it  covers  the  same  ground  as  the  other  term,  moral  imbe- 
cility. Our  discussion,  after  this  explanation,  will  gain  clarity 
by  its  avoidance.)  The  use  of  the  term,  moral  imbecile,  by  Barr 
(299),  Tredgold  (307),  and  others,  in  their  categories  of  feeble- 
mindedness, is  highly  confusing  for  the  issues  of  moral  conduct 


Chap.  XXVII]    "  MOEAL  IMBECILITY  "  —  "  MORAL  INSANITY"    [§  372 

which  confront  the  student  of  criminahstics.  If  an  indhi(hial  is 
mentally  defective  or  insane,  it  is  desirable  to  primarily  classify 
him  as  such.  It  is  often  desirable  to  state  that  here  is  such  and 
such  a  t^-pe  of  abnormal  pei-son  with  special  trend  towards  bad 
conduct,  but  the  larger  fact  should  first  of  all  be  made  clear/ 
The  field  is  then  open  for  consideration  of  our  real  problem, 
namely,  abnormality  of  such  mental  functions  as  have  to  do  with 
the  moral  life. 

This  brings  us  at  once  to  the  question  whether  there  is  any 
such  thing  as  a  separate  ethical  department  of  mental  life.  A 
"  moral  sense  "  seems  to  have  appeared  first  in  philosophical 
psychology  with  Locke,  Shaftesbury  and  Hutcheson  in  the  17th 
and  18th  centuries.  In  the  last  two  generations  of  philosophical 
thought  there  has  been  a  decided  falling  away  from  this  concep- 
tion. It  is  now  clearly  perceived  that  our  notions  of  right  and 
WTong  are  inextricably  mixed  up  with  social  judgments,  and  with 
the  evolution  of  social  relationships.  Not  only  does  learning 
and  experience  in  these  matters  come  into  play,  but  also  native 
intelligence  as  well.  One  could  almost  say  that  the  person  who 
failed  to  appreciate  his  moral  duties  was  the  person  who  had  not 
intelligence  enough  to  realize  what  was  best  for  even  himself 
as  a  social  being.  Indeed,  such  definitely  was  the  trend  of 
Aristotelian  thought.^ 

The  results  of  our  experience,  and  our  main  conclusion  m  this 
whole  matter  would  better  at  once  be  set  forth;  discussion  may 
then  follow.  When  we  began  our  work  there  was  no  point  on 
which  we  expected  more  positive  data  than  on  moral  imbecility. 
But  our  findings  have  turned  out  to  be  negative.  We  have  been 
constantly  on  the  look-out  for  a  moral  imbecile,  that  is,  a  person 
not  subnormal  and  otherwise  intact  in  mental  powers,  who 
shows  himself  devoid  of  moral  feeling.  We  have  not  found  one. 
Many  cases  have  been  brought  to  us  as  moral  imbeciles,  but 
they  have  always  turned  out  somehow  mentally  defective  or 
aberrational;  or  to  be  the  victims  of  environmental  conditions 
or  mental  conflict,  and  not  at  all  devoid  of  moral  feeling.  Super- 
ficially the  individual  frequently  has  seemed  to  be  mentally  normal, 
as  in  the  cases  where  there  was  great  development  of  language 

^  Some  writers  do  see  this  point.  For  instance,  W.  E.  Fernald  speaks, 
not  of  the  moral  imbecile,  but  of  the  imbecile  with  criminal  instincts  (344). 

^  For  a  clear-cut  discussion  of  the  problem  of  the  existence  of  a  "moral 
sense"  we  would  refer  the  reader  to  the  masterly  text  book  on  Ethics  by  Dewey 
and  Tufts  (372).      > 


§  372]    "  MORAL  IMBECILITY  "  — "  MORAL  INSANITY  "    [Chap.  XXVII 

ability  (§§  273,  276),  but  in  every  single  instance  a  well-rounded 
investigation  has  shown  distinct  abnormality  in  some  other 
field  than  the  moral  sense,  or,  in  a  few  cases  of  children,^  further 
growth  has  carried  the  individual  past  a  stage  of  anti-social 

In  the  light  of  our  practical  findings  we  have  considered  care- 
fully many  opinions  expressed  in  the  literature.  There  has  been 
so  much  thoughtful  attention  paid  to  the  subject  that  a  judicious 
attitude  towards  it  is  demanded.  We  may  neglect  the  many 
authors  who  uphold  our  point  of  view  (vide  Anton's  summary 
of  the  literature  mentioned  below).  We  find  at  once  that  the 
great  probable  source  of  difference  of  opinions  is  in  the  extensive 
theorizing,  and  the  lack  of  careful  statement  either  of  definition 
or  of  the  results  of  survey  of  all  investigatable  elements  of  mental 
life.  The  self-contradictions  which  are  to  be  found  in  some 
authors  would  hardly  be  possible  if  a  graphic  setting  forth  of 
mental  abilities  and  disabilities  was  undertaken  in  cases  of  so- 
called  moral  imbecility.  For  example,  Mercier's  statement 
(148,  p.  201)  regarding  the  absence  of  intellectual  defect  in  moral 
imbecility  could  hardly  have  been  made  and  there  been  a  pro- 
found view  of  the  case  which  he  himself  pictures  on  a  preceding 
page  by  way  of  illustration  —  the  case  of  the  Afghan  thief  who, 
even  after  his  hand  had  been  cut  off  and  he  had  been  threatened 
with  execution,  publicly  stole  an  article  useless  to  him.  If 
the  fact  that  this  man  took  no  pains  to  avoid  detection  when  he 
was  certain  of  his  fate  is  not  in  itself  a  sign  of  intellectual  defect 
or  aberration,  then  what  in  the  world  would  indicate  it?  Just 
so  with  another  case  this  same  author  gives.  The  point  is  lost 
by  the  very  statement  of  it. 

The    instances    of    moral    feeblemindedness     (fundamentally 

incorrigibles)  given  by  Kraepelin  (343,  p.  285  ff.)  as  types,  will 

not  stand  the  application  of  his  own  measuring  rod.    One  man 

with  insanity  in  his  heredity,  who  had  been  discharged  from  the 

army  as  mentally  defective,  who  had,  both  before  and  after  this 

time,  shown  many  criminalistic  tendencies,  and  who  had  already 

been  in  three  insane  asylums  is  given  as  an  example.     "  If  you 

only  look  at  the  knowledge,  memory,  and  natural  manner  of 

our  patient,"  says  Kraepelin,  "  and  the  continuity  of  his  course 

1  In  these  otherwise  unexplained  cases  of  children,  I  think  it  highly  prob- 
able that  had  we  done  better  work,  psychogenetic  or  experiential  elements 
back  of  the  morbid  behavior  would  have  been  discovered^  as  they  were  in  many 
other  instances. 


Chap.  XXVII]    "  MOILYL  IMBECILITY  "  — "  MORAL  INSANITY  "    [§  372 

of  thought  —  that  is,  at  those  features  which  first  and  most 
obviously  come  under  consideration,  you  will  hardly  suppose 
that  you  have  to  deal  with  a  morbid  personality  here."  Later 
it  is  acknowledged  that  this  patient  had  always  presented  insta- 
bility of  will  power,  was  irritable,  sometimes  had  fainting  fits,  etc. 
If  all  this  and  the  utter  lack  of  judgment,  foresight,  and  apper- 
ceptive ability  which  this  patient  displayed  is  not  convincing  of 
mental  abnormality  outside  the  sphere  of  ethical  perceptions 
then  it  is  hard  to  say  what  would  be  convincing.  The  fact  that 
the  man  while  in  an  asylum  had  learned  mathematics  and  other 
things  which  enabled  him  to  get  employment  for  which  he  had 
occasionally  been  well  paid  does  not  prove  his  normality.  As  a 
matter  of  fact,  Kraepelin  acknowledges  in  a  footnote  that  eighteen 
months  later  this  example  of  moral  imbecility  still  remained  in 
an  asylum,  and  showed  depression  at  intervals  resembling  the 
phenomena  seen  in  epileptics. 

In  a  recent  argument  for  recognition  of  the  moral  sense  as  an 
entity  based  even  on  cerebral  localization  (a  supposition  of  which 
physiological  psychology  knows  nothing),  Steen  (342)  mentions 
as  sole  evidence  of  the  fact,  a  case  under  observation  in  a  hospital 
which  was  said  to  show  nothing  but  moral  defect,  such  as  was 
expressed  in  the  actions  which  had  brought  him  there.  Here 
again  we  may  be  permitted  the  query,  based  both  on  common 
sense  and  psychology;  if  judgment  and  will  were  really  intact 
in  this  individual  how  can  one  account  for  his  getting  himself 
into  such  undesirable  circumstances?  Separation  of  the  moral 
from  other  elements  of  mental  life  certainly  is  not  satisfactorily 
demonstrated  here. 

One  writer,  Berze  (301),  who  attempts  to  clear  the  ground 
for  judicial  procedure  admirably  succeeds.  He  also  emphasizes 
the  correlation  of  uneducability  with  "  moral  insanity,"  but 
allows  for  the  bare  possibility  of  its  occurrence  without  dis- 
turbance of  intellection,  even  as  regards  perception  of  moral 
relationships.  He  says  that  even  if  it  is  impossible  to  deny  the 
existence  of  moral  defect  arising  from  degeneration  of  the  feel- 
ings alone,  at  least  in  such  cases  we  need  not  be  concerned  about 
the  question  of  lessened  responsibility.  The  latter  is  to  be  con- 
nected only  with  intellectual  defect.  Berze  insists  upon  the 
changing  intellectual  and  emotional  conditions  characteristic 
of  degenerates,  and  would  introduce  variability  of  moral  percep- 
tion into  the  main  question. 


§  372]    "  MORAL  IMBECILITY  "  —  "  MORAL  INSANITY  "    [Chap.  XXVII 

One  cannot  read  far  into  this  subject  without  perceiving  its 
importance,  not  only  for  the  student  of  criminalistics,  but  also 
for  philosophical  ethics,  psychology  and  psychopathology.  Its 
interesting  bearings  are  well  brought  out  in  a  recent  thoughtful 
article  by  Gudden  (300),  who  relegates  research  in  this  problem 
to  students  of  comparative  psychology.  Moral  imbecility,  he 
thinks,  is  ordinary  among  aborigines,  and  is  based  on  physio- 
logical conditions,  namely,  the  lack  of  brain  development.  Among 
civilized  nations  it  is  to  be  regarded  as  a  pathological  condition. 
The  very  best  way  to  gauge  the  presence  of  moral  imbecility  is 
by  evaluating  educability.  Let  the  various  character  accom- 
paniments of  moral  defect  be  what  they  may  —  boundless  self- 
seeking,  vanity,  superficiality  of  reasoning,  or  what  not  —  the 
crowning  and  absolute  sign  of  the  trouble  is  to  be  found  in  the 
individual's  uneducability  in  those  higher  powers  which  make 
for  practice  of  the  best  social  sanctions.  He  thinks  there  will  not 
be  much  difficulty  in  recognizing  the  mental  defects  of  the  so-called 
moral  imbecile  if  systematic  testing  of  the  learning  ability  is 
carried  out.  He  warns  that  the  responsibility  of  such  individuals 
cannot  be  considered  any  higher  than  their  ability  to  perceive  the 
differences  between  right  and  WTong,  but  this  latter  must  not 
be  measured  merely  by  verbal  responses. 

An  extensive  and  interesting  discussion  on  moral  imbecility 
is  oftered  in  a  forty-eight  page  chapter  on  "  Moral  Deviates  " 
by  Arthur  Holmes  (141).  This  author  reviews  many  opinions 
and  finds  them  contradictory;  compares  several  theories  of  ethics 
and  discovers  irreconcilable  differences  in  the  viewpoint;  inclines 
to  the  view  that  the  moral  sense  may  be  absent  without  other 
mental  defect;  and  then  proceeds  to  class  all  '•'  moral  deviates  " 
according  to  corrigibility  and  incorrigibility.  The  second  class 
alone  contains  the  moral  imbeciles.  These  latter  he  then  proceeds 
to  subclassify,  and  out  of  his  entire  argument  we  get  simply 
the  practical  findings  of  Barr  that  moral  imbeciles  are  mental 
defectives.  Even  the  highest  grade  has  not  reasoning  power 
enough  to  understand  that  his  actions  will  deprive  him  of  the 
privileges  he  covets.  The  single  case  of  "  true  moral  imbecility  " 
cited  by  Holmes  is  that  of  an  idiot  who,  insensible  himself  to  pain, 
frequently  slashes  others.  Thus  at  the  end  of  his  long  survey 
of  the  subject,  we  come  back  to  just  our  own  standpoint,  namely, 
that  probably  all  moral  imbeciles  are  primarily  mentally  abnormal. 

No  student  of  this  subject  can  afford  to  neglect  the  short  mono- 


Chap.  XX\'11]    "  MORAL  EVIBECILITY  "  — "  MORAL  INSANITY  "    [§  372 

graph  of  Anton  (302)  which  treats  the  Uterature  in  the  form  of 
a  symposiinn.  This  anthor  collects  the  opinions  of  80  years  and 
endeavoi-s  to  chirify  them.  He  shows  that  the  majority  of  authors 
maintain  that  "  moral  insanity "  is  always  accompanied  by 
some  degree  of  intellectual  weakness.  Others,  however,  take  the 
contrary  point  of  \iew.  Without  going  further  into  the  separate 
parts  of  his  summary  we  may  give  his  final  conclusions :  although 
the  term  "  moral  insanity  "  betokens  very  many  forms  of  trou- 
ble, yet  it  remains  as  the  signal  for  a  definite  clinical  fact,  namely, 
that  there  are  conditions  of  disease  and  abnormal  develop- 
ment which  disproportionately  affect  feelings  and  moods,  and 
consequently  influence  the  conduct  which  springs  from  these 
sources.  Anton,  in  verging  towards  the  notion  of  an  ethical 
department  of  mental  life  separate  from  other  mental  activities, 
ofters  not  a  single  case  w^hich  tends  to  establish  his  view. 

The  elaborate  work  of  Mairet  and  Euziere  (303)  on  "  moral 
invalids  "  touches  on  many  t\^es  of  individuals  who  are  patho- 
logically anti-social,  but  the  detailed  citation  of  them  shows  all 
to  be  mentally  abnormal,  either  having  congenital  defects  or 
acquired  pathological  states. 

Hermann  (345)  attacks  this  whole  matter  from  another  point 
of  view,  namely,  that  of  the  moral  comprehension  of  the  feeble- 
minded, and  the  degenerate  tyipes  of  criminals.  He  finds  that  in 
mental  defectives  the  development  of  moral  comprehension  does 
not  run  parallel  to  various  other  powers  of  mental  representation. 
(Of  course  we  should  not  expect  this,  any  more  than  we  should 
expect  the  parallel  development  of  language  ability.)  In  instances 
of  moral  imbecility  where  defect  of  intelligence  has  not  been 
shown,  this  author  asks  if  it  is  not  due  entirely  to  a  fault  of  method. 
Various  psychiatrists  have  suggested  this.  He  concludes  that 
the  problem  in  criminalistics  is  not  at  all  whether  there  exists 
separate  pathological  deficiency  alone  of  the  higher  moral  com- 
prehension. He  maintains  that,  on  the  contrary,  our  business 
is  to  so  size  up  the  individual  that  we  may  know  what  fairly 
to  expect  from  him  in  social  life;  that  is,  has  the  person  intellec- 
tual defect,  or  disturbance  of  the  affective  and  impulsive  life, 
which  causes  him  to  be  incapable  of  leading  an  average  social  ex- 
istence? He  specifically  condemns  the  phrases  "  moral  imbecility  " 
and  "moral  insanity"  as  positively  unserviceable  for  modern 
clinical  use. 

One  might  in  this  way  deal  long  with  expressed  opinions  of 


§  372]    "  MORAL  IMBECILITY  "  — "  MORAL  INSANITY  "    [Chap.  XXVII 

many  authors.  (Ellis  (124,  p.  141  and  284  ff.)  presents  a  particu- 
larly readable  survey  of  this  subject.)  However,  the  main  trends 
of  opinion  are  already  shown. 

Our  own  conclusion,  to  repeat,  is  simply,  that  if  the  "  moral 
imbecile  "  exists  who  is  free  from  all  other  forms  of  intellectual 
defect,  he  must  indeed  be  a  rara  avis.  We  see  clearly  the  differ- 
ences that  varying  innate  characteristics  and  varying  experi- 
ences may  create  in  inner  moral  reactions,  but  for  the  individual 
to  be  without  the  possibility  of  developing  such  moral  reactions 
is  another  thing.  As  some  suggest,  the  individual  who  is  imbecile 
on  the  moral  side  alone  would  be  educable  in  social  ways.  Steen 
says  he  might  learn  to  respect  what  others  respect,  just  as  a 
color-blind  person  learns  to  say  that  the  grass  is  green.  But  in 
the  meantime,  until  well-studied  cases  prove  the  main  point,  we 
need  not  concern  ourselves  with  side  topics.  The  fact  is  that 
approximately,  and  perhaps  entirely,  all  individuals  who  react 
to  moral  situations  as  imbeciles  belong  in  very  definite  pathological 
categories.  There  is  no  reason  for  using  terms,  then,  which 
lead  to  confusion  of  practical  issues. 




253.   Abderhalden,  E.,  "  Bibliographie :  Alkohol  und  Alkoholismus." 

Berlin,  Urban  &  Schwarzenberg,  1904,  pp.  504. 
354.    Abels,  A.,  "Seltene  Verbrech ens-Motive."    Gross'  Archiv  fur 

Kriminalistik.     1912,  49,  p.  218. 
231.    Addams,  Jane,  "The  Spirit  of  Youth  and  the  City  Streets." 

Maemillan,  New  York,  1909. 
158.   Allfeld,   Philipp,    "Der    Einfluss   der    Gesinnung    des  Ver- 

breehers  auf  die  Bestrafung."    Leipzig,  Engelmann,  1909. 

68.  American  Institute  of  Criminal  Law  and  Criminology:  Journal 

of,  July,  1910.  "A  System  for  Recording  Data  Concerning 
Criminals."  Report  by  William  Healy.  Also  published  as 
Bulletin  No.  2.     Dec,  1909,  pp.  15. 

69.  Bulletin  No.  12.  April,  1913.  "Further  Develop- 
ment of  a  System  for  Recording  Data  Concerning  Criminals." 
Report  by  William  Healy,  pp.  17. 

335.   Angell,  J.  R.,  "Psychology."    Holt,  New  York,  1908.    pp.  468. 
302.   Anton,  G.,  "Ueber  krankhafte  moralische  Abartung  im  Kin- 

desalter."    Halle  a.  S.,  Marhold,  1910,  pp.  30. 
1.   AscHAFFENBURG,   GusTAV,    "  Das  Verbrechcn    und   seine    Be- 

kampfung."      1st   edition,    Berlin,    1903,    2d   edition,    1906. 

English  edition,  "Crime  and  Its  Repression."    Boston,  Little, 

Brown  and  Co.,  1913,  pp.  331. 
263.   "Zur  Psychologie  der  Sittlichkeitsverbrecher."    Mon- 

atschrift  fiir  Kriminal-psychologie.    Bd.  II,  p.  404. 
364.   "  Ueber  die  Stimmungschwankungen  der  Epileptiker." 

Halle,  1906. 
373.   AuDiFFRENT,     "  Quclqucs     considerations     sur     I'infanticide." 

Archives  Anthropologic  criminelle.    1900,  pp.  1-9. 
359.   Babinski,  J.,  "Comment   concevoir  I'hypnotism,"  etc.     Paris, 

Semaine  Medicale,  1910.    July  7,  pp.  349-360. 
256.   Baer,  a.  and  Laquer,  B.,  "Trunksucht  und    ihre  x\bwehr." 

2d  ed.  1907.    Berlin.    Urban  &  Schwarzenberg,  pp.  242. 

62.  Bahnsen,  "Beitrage  zur  Charakterologie."    Leipzig,  1862. 
319.   Baldwin,   Bird    T.,   "Adolescence."     Psychological    Bulletin. 

Oct.  1911,  Oct.  1913. 
321.   Barnes,  Earl,  "Studies  in  Education."    Vol.  II,  p.  144. 
299.   Barr,    Martin     W.,    "Mental     Defectives."      Philadelphia. 

Blakiston's,  1904,  pp.  368. 

63.  von  Bechterew,  W.,  "  La  Psychologie  objective  appHquee  a 

I'etude  de  la  Criminalite."  Arch.  d'Anthrop.  Crimin.  Mch. 
15,  1910. 



14.   VON   Bechterew,   W.,     "Die  Bedeutung  der  Suggestion  im 
sozialen  Leben."     Wiesbaden,  Bergmann,  1905,  pp.  142. 

159.  Begbie,  Harold,  "Twice-Born  Men.  A  Clinic  in  Regenera- 
tion."   New  York,  F.  H.  Revell  Co.,  1909,  pp.  280. 

290.  Behla,  "Report  on  Suicide  among  School  Pupils  in  Prussia." 
Medizinische  Reform,  1909.  Abstract  in  Journal  Amer. 
Med.  Assoc'n.    Feb.  5,  1910. 

210.    Belletrud  and  Mercier,  "Un  cas  de  mythomanie."    L'En- 
cephale,  June,  1910,  p.  677. 
72.   Benon  and   Froissart,  Journal   de  Psychologic,  normale   et 
path.    July,  1909,  No.  4. 

301.  Berze,  Josef,  "Ueber  die  sogennante  'Moral  Insanity'  und 
ihre  forensische  Bedeutung."  Gross'  Archiv  fiir  Eo-iminal- 
istik,  1908,  Bd.  30,  pp.  123-151. 

276.  BiANCHi,  "Text  Book  of  Psychiatry."  Chapter  on  Delin- 
quency.   English  edition,  Balliere,  London,  1906. 

341.    BiNET,  A.,  "du  Fetischisme  dans    I'amour."     Revue   philoso- 
phique.     1887.     Also  volume  of  essays  by  same  title.     Paris, 
Doin,  1891. 
74.   "L'Annee  Psychologique."     1905,  1908,  1911,  etc. 

100.   "La  SuggestibiHte."    Paris,  Schleicher,  1900,  pp.  391. 

101. —     "La  Suggestibilite  au  point  de  vue  de  la  psychologic 

individuelle."    L'Annee  Psychologique,  V,  1899,  p.  82, 

85.    BiNET.  Alfred  and  Simon,  Th.,  "  L'Annee  Psvchologique." 

1905,  1908,  1911.     (The  last  article  was_  entitled  "Nouvelle 

Recherches  sur  la  Mesure  du  Niveau  intellectuel  chez  les 

Enfants  d'Ecole,"  in  the  above  publication  and  also  "La 

Mesure    du    Developpement    de    I'lntelligence    chez    jeunes 

Enfants,"  in  the  Bulletin  de  la  Societe  libre  pour  I'Etude 

psychologique  de  I'Enfant.)     Paris,  1911. 
115.   Binet  and  Henri,  "La  Psychologic  Individuelle."    L'Annee 

Psychologique,  1895-1896. 
129.    Boas,  Franz,  "Changes  in   Bodily  Form   of  Descendents  of 

Immigrants."     Washington.     Government  Printing   Office, 

237.   Boas,  Kurt,  W.  F.,  "  Alkohol  und  Verbrechen  nach   neueren 

Statistiken."    Gross'  Archiv  fiir  Kriminalistik.    1908,  Vol.  29, 

p.  66. 
286.   Boies,  H.  M.,  "The  Science  of  Penology."    p.  10.    New  York, 

Putnam,  1901,  pp.  459. 
308.   BoNHOEFFER,    "  Mcndicants    and    vagabonds    in   the   cities." 

AUg.  Zeitschrift  fiir  Psychiatric.    1900,  p.  570. 
9.    "Die  akute  Geisteskrankheiten  der  Gewohnheitstrin- 

ker."     Jena,  Fischer,  1901. 
49.    Bowers,  P.  E.,  "Paretic  Patients  Sent  to  Prison."     Journal 

Amer.  Medical  Assoc'n.    Mch.  16,  1912. 
318.    Breckinridge  and  AbbOtt,  "The  Delinquent  Child  and  the 

Home."    New  York,  Charities  Publication  Committee,  1912, 

pp.  355. 



266.  Bresler,  Joh.,  "  Greisenalter  und  Criminalitiit."  Juristisch- 
psychiatrische  Grenzt'ragen.  Bd.  V,  Heft  2,  3,  pp.  58.  Halle 
a.  S.,  Marhold. 

138.  Brill,  A.  A.,  "  Psychanalysis  —  Its  Theories  and  Practical 
Application."     Philadelphia,  Saunders,  1912,  pp.  337. 

333.  Brockway,  Z.  R.,  "The  Reformatory  System  in  the  United 
States."    1900. 

322.  BuRK,  Caroline  Frear,  "The  Collecting  Instinct."  Peda- 
gogical Seminar}'.    July,  1900,  pp.  179-207. 

189.    BuRK,  Frederic,  "Growth  of  Children  in  Height  and  Weight." 

Amer.  Jour,  of  Psychology.    April,  1898,  pp.  253-326. 
53.    Byrne,  "Professional  Criminals  of  America." 

128.  Channing,  W.  and  Wissler,  C,  "The  Hard  Palate  in  Normal 
and  Feebleminded  Individuals."  New  York,  Papers  Ameri- 
can Museum  of  Natural  History.    Aug.  1908. 

150.  Churchill  and  Brixton,  "Medical  Work  of  Juvenile  Court, 
Chicago."    Archives  of  Pediatrics,  Feby.,  1910. 

274.  Clouston,  T.  S.,  "Unsoundness  of  Mind,"  Chap.  XX,  Lon- 
don, Methuen,  1911,  pp.  360. 

280.   "  The  Neuroses  of  Development."    London,  1891,  also 

mde  (274). 

215.  CoNRADi,  Edward,  "Speech  Defects  and  Intellectual  Prog- 
ress." Journal  of  Educational  Psychology.  Jan.  1912, 
pp.  35-38. 

285.  CoNTi,  Ugo,  "Comments  on  the  American  Prison  System." 
Journal  of  Criminal  Law  and  Criminology.  July,  1911, 
p.  207. 

370.  CoNYNGTON,  Mary,  "Relation  Between  Occupation  and 
Criminality  of  Women."  Vol.  XV  of  Report  on  Woman  and 
child  wage  earners  in  the  United  States.  Washington,  Govern- 
ment Printing  Office. 

245.    Cooper,  J.  W.  Astley,    "Pathological   Inebriety;    its  causes 
and  treatment."    Balliere,  London,  1913,  pp.  151. 
15.    Cramer,  "  Gerichtliche  Psychiatric."    1908,  4th  ed.    Jena,  G. 

221.   "Chapter  on  alcoholic  psychoses,"  in  Lehrbuch  dei* 

Psychiatric  by  Cramer,  Hoche,  et  al.    Jena,  Fischer.    3d  ed. 
1911,  p.  412. 

229.  Crampton,  C.  Ward,  "Psychological  Age  —  A  Fundamental 
Principle."  Pamphlet,  pp.  56.  Reprinted  from  American 
Physical  Educational  Review.    Nos.  3  to  6  inclusive,  1908. 

232.   "The  Significance  of  Physiological  Age  in  Education." 

Proceedings  of  15th  International  Congress  on  Hygiene  and 

233.   "The  Influence  of  Physiological  Age  on  Scholarship." 

Psychological  Clinic.    Vol.  I,  p.  115. 

251.    Crothees,    T.    D.,    "Inebriety  —  A    clinical   treatise."      (In- 
cludes   medico-legal    relations.)      Cincinnati,    Harvey    Pub- 
lishing Co.     1911,  pp.  365. 


260.  Crothers,  T.  D.,    "Morphinism  and  Narcomanias  From  Other 

Drugs."      (Includes   medico-legal    relations.)      Philadelphia, 
Saunders  and  Co.,  1902,  pp.  351. 

261.   "Criminality    and    Morphinism."      N.    Y.    Medical 

Journal.    Jan.  27,  1912,  p.  163. 

262.   "Cocainism."    Journal  of  Inebriety.     1910,  p.  78. 

6.   Devon,  J.,   "The  Criminal  and  the  Community."     London, 

Lane.    1912,  pp.  348. 
277.    Davenport,  C.  B.,  "The  Trait  Book."    Bulletin  No.  6,  Eugen- 
ics Record  Office,  Cold  Spring  Harbor,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  1912. 
367.    Davenport   and   Weeks,  "Inheritance   of   Epilepsy."    Jour. 

Nervous  and  Mental  Diseases.    Nov.  1911,  pp.  641-670. 
363.   Delboeuf,  J.,  "On  Criminal  Suggestion,"  The  Monist,  Vol.  II, 

pp.  363-385. 
203.   Delbrueck,  A.,  "Die  pathologischen  Liige  und  die  psychisch 

abnormen  Schwindler."    Stuttgart,  1891,  pp.  131.    (Now  out 

of  print.) 
121.    De  Quiros,  C.  B.,  "Las  nuevas  teorias  de  la  criminalidad." 

Madrid,  1898.    Eng.  edition,  "  Modern  Theories  of  Criminal- 
ity," Boston,  Little,  Brown  and  Co.,  1911. 
372.   Dewey    and   Tufts,   "Text   Book   of   Ethics."     New   York, 

Holt,  1908,  pp.  618.     Section  on  the  Moral  Sense,  pp.  317- 

168.   VAN  Duck,  "  Bijdragen  tot  de  Psychologic  can  den  Misdadiger." 

Te  Groningen,  Van  der  Klei,  1906,  pp.  275. 
330.   DuBUissoN,    Paul,   "Les  Voleuses    des    Grands    Magazins." 

Archives  d' Anthropologic  Criminelle,  1901,  p.  1  and  p.  341. 
220.    Dudley,  E.  C,  "  Hypertrophy  of  Prepuce.    Adherent  Prepuce." 

Principles   and  Practice   of  Gynecology.     Philadelphia,  Lea 

Bros.    4th  ed.  p.  512. 

33.  Duprat,  G.  L.,  "La  Criminalite  dans  1' Adolescence."    Paris, 

Alcan,  1909,  pp.  260. 
292.   East,  E.  Norwood,  "Attempted  Suicide,  with  an  Analysis  of 

1000  Consecutive  Cases."     Jour,   of  Mental  Science,   1913, 

p.  428. 
105.   Ebbinghaus,  H.,    "Ueber   cine    neue    Methode  zur    Priifung 

geistiger  Fahigkeiten."     (Especially  "Erganzungsmethode.") 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Psychologic;    13,  1897. 
124.    Ellis,    Havelock,   "The    Criminal."     3d    edition.     London, 

Scott  Co.,  1907.     pp.  419. 
186.   "Studies  in  the  Psychology  of  Sex."     Six  volumes, 

1900,  and  later.    Philadelphia,  F.  A.  Davis  and  Co. 
226.    Engelen,  O.,  "Behandlung  der  sogenannten  vermindert  Zu- 

rechnungsfahigen."      Juristisch-psychiatrische    Grenzfragen. 

Bd.  IX,  Heft  1. 

34,  Englemann,  G.  J.,  New  York  Medical  Journal.    Feb.  8  and 

15,  1902. 
172.    Feisenberger,  "Vergiftung   aus   Rachsucht  und  Heimweh." 
Archiv  fiir  Kriminalanthropologie,  1905,  No.  21. 



295.  Fenton,  Frances,  "The  Influence  of  Newspaper  Presenta- 
tions upon  the  Growth  of  ('rime."  Thesis.  University  of 
Chicago  Press.     1911,  pp.  96. 

109.   Fernald,  Guy  C,  American  Journal  of  Insanity.     1912. 

104.  — "An  Achie^'ement  Capacity  Test:  a  prehminary  re- 
port."   Journal  of  Educational  Psychology.     June,  1912. 

344.  Fernald,  W.  E.,  "  Imbecile  with  Criminal  Instincts."  Amer. 
Jom-nal  of  Insanity.     April,  1909. 

312.  Flynt,  Joslui,  Chapter  on  sex  perversions  among  tramps  in 
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adelpliia,  Da\'is  and  Co.,  1900. 

311.   "My  Life."    New  York,  Outing  Publishing  Co.    1908, 

pp.  365. 

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60.   FoLSOM,  Chas.  F.,  "  Studies  of  Criminal  Responsibility."    The 
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84.   Franz,    Shepherd    I.,    "Handbook   of   Mental    Examination 
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Diseases,  Monograph,  No.  10.     1912,  pp.  165. 

293.  Freud,  Adler,  Friedjung  et  at.  "Ueber  den  Selbstmord, 
insbesondere  den  Schuler-Selbstmord."  Beitrage,  1910.  Wies- 
baden,  Bergmann. 

187.  Freud,  Sigmund,  "Drei  Abhandlungen  zur  Sexualtheorie," 
1909.  English  translation,  "Three  Contributions  to  the 
Sexual  Theory."  New  York,  Journal  of  Mental  and  Ner- 
vous Diseases.     1910,  Monograph,  pp.  91. 

135.   "Ueber    Psychoanalyse;     Deuticke"    Vienna,     1910. 

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analysis";  American  Journal  of  Psychology.    April,  1910. 

155.  Gant,  SajVIUEL  G.,  "Diseases  of  the  Rectum  and  Anus." 
2d  ed.  1903,  Philadelphia,  F.  A.  Da\ds  Co. 

328.  Garofalo,  R.,  "Criminology."  English  edition,  Boston, 
Little,  Brown  and  Co.,  1914,  pp.  478. 

10.   In  Lombroso's  "L'Homo  Delinquente."    Vol.  3.,  and 

in  Ferrero's  "  Lombroso's  Criminal  Man."  p.  210.   New  York, 
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289.  Gaupp,  Robert,  "Ueber  den  Selbstmord."  2d  ed.  1910. 
Miinchen,  Gmelin. 

326.  Gautier,  Emile,  "Le  monde  des  prisons."  Archives  de 
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283.    Glueck,    Bernard,   "The    Mentally    Defective    Immigrant." 
New  York  Medical  Journal.    Oct.  18,  1913. 
75.   GoDDARD,  H.  H.,  "  Measuring  Scale  of  Intelligence."    Vineland, 

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86.    GoDDARD,  H.  H.,    "The  Binet  and  Simon  Tests."    1905  Series. 

Vineland,  New  Jersey.     The  Training  School.     Dec.  1908. 

"A  Measuring  Scale  for  Intelligence."     (1908  Series.)    Same 

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88.   "Revision  of  the  Binet-Simon  Scale."    Vineland,  New 

Jersey.     The  Training  School.     1911. 

151.   "Responsibility  of  Children  in  the  Juvenile  Court." 

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160.   Goring,    Charles,      "The    English    Convict,    a    Statistical 
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375.  GoTTSCHALK,  Alfred,    "Materialen  zur   Lehre  von   der  ver- 

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sibles."     Trans,  by  Jelliffe.     New  York,  Funk  &  Wagnalls, 

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64.   Gross,  Hans,   "Criminal  Psychology."    English  Translation, 

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147.   Gruhle,    Hans   W.,   "Die   Ursachen    der  jugendlichen  Ver- 

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Heft  I.    Berlin,  Springer,  1912,  pp.  451. 
294.   Gudden,  Hans,    "Die  Zurechnungsfahigkeit   bei   Warenhaus- 

diebstahler."      Vierteljahrschrift    fiir    gerichtHche    Medizin, 

XXXIII.    1907,  Suppl.  Heft,  pp.  64. 
300.   "Das  Wesen  des  moralischen  Schwachsinns."    Archiv 

fiir  Psychiatric.    1908.    Bd.  44.  pp.  376-91. 
201.   GuLiCK  AND  Ayers,  "  Mcdical  Inspection  of  Schools."    Chap. 

XII.    Retardation  and  Physical  Defects.    New  York,  Chari- 
ties Publication  Committee.     1908. 
218.   GuTZMANN,  A.,  "Das  Stottern."    6th  ed.    Berlin,  1910. 

376.  GwYN,  M.  K.,  "Mental  Tests."    New  York,  Medical  Record, 

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31.   Hall,  Stanley,  "Adolescence."    Two  vols.,  pp.  589   and  784. 

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320.   Pedagogical  Seminary.    Vol.  I,  p.  234. 

112,   Hamilton,  G.  V.,  "A  study  of  trial  and  error  in  mammals." 

Journal  of  Animal  Behavior.    Jan.-Feb.,  1911. 
250.   Hannes,  W.,  "Zur  Frage  der  Beziehungen  zwischen  asphyxk- 

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nervosen    Storungen."      Zeitschrift    fiir    Geburtshilfe    und 

Gynakologie.     1911,  68,  p.  712. 
325.   Hayford,  Leslie,  "  Immigration  and  Crime."    Report  of  the 

Immigration   Commission.      Washington,   Government  Ptg. 

Office,   1911,  pp.  449. 
24.   Healy,  William,  Vide  American  Institute  of  Criminal  Law, 

etc.  (68). 



27.    Healy,  ^YILLIAM,     "Epilepsy  and  Crime."     Illinois  Medical 
Journal.     Feb.  1913. 

29.   Vide  American  Institute  of  Criminal  Law,  etc.  (69). 

50.   — "Mental    Defectives   and   the    Courts."     Journal   of 

Psycho-Asthenics.    Vol.  XV.    Oct.  1910. 

176.   Chapter   on   "Delinquency   and    Crime    in    Relation 

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Treatment  of  Mental  and  Nervous  Diseases,  edited  by 
Wliite  and  Jelliffe.    Philadelphia,  Lea  &  Febiger,  1913. 

202.    — — Pathological    Liars,    Accusers,    and    Swindlers.      To 

appear  later. 

369.   "A   Feebleminded    Genius,"  by  Geo.  Mogridge   and 

William  Healy.  Journal  of  Psychasthenics.  March,  1912, 
pp.  93-102. 

378.  A  Pictorial  Completion  Test.  The  Psychological  Re- 
view. May,  1914. 
70.  Healy,  William  and  Fernald,  Grace  M.,  "Tests  for  Prac- 
tical Mental  Classification."  Psychological  Monograph,  No. 
54,  March,  1911.  Princeton,  New  Jersey.  Psychological 
RcAaew  Publishing  Co.,  Princeton  University. 

252.  Heilbronner,  "  Trunkenheitsdelikte  und  Strafrecht."  Muen- 
chener  medizinische  Wochensclirift.     1908,  March  31. 

255.   Helenius,  Matti,  "  Die  Alkoholfrage."    Jena,  1903. 
12.   Heller,  E.,  Zeitschrift  fiir  die  gesamte  Strafrechtswissenschaft. 
Bd.  31.    Heft.  6.    Reviewed  by  William  Healy  in  Journal  of 
Criminal  Law  and  Criminology.     1911,  p.  282. 

296.  Hellwig,  Albert,  "Die  Beziehungen  zwischen  Schundliter- 
atur,  Schundfilms  und  Verbrechen."  Gross'  Archiv  fiir 
Kruninalistik,  1913.    Bd.  51,  pp.  1-32. 

345.  Hermann,  "  Das' moralische  Fiihlen  und  Begreifen  bei  Imbe- 
zillen  und  bei  Kriminellen  Degenerierten."  Halle  a.  S.,  Mar- 
hold,  1912,  pp.  90. 

137.  HiTSCHMANN,  E.,  "  Freud's  Theories  of  the  Neuroses."  Eng- 
lish translation  by  C.  R.  Payne.  New  York,  Journal  of 
Nervous  and  Mental  Diseases  Publishing  Co.  1913,  pp. 

265.  HocH,  August,  and  Amsden,  G.  S.,  "  A  Guide  to  the  Descrip- 
tive Study  of  Personality."  Review  of  Neurology  and  Psy- 
chiatry.   Nov.  1913,  pp.  577-587. 

270.  HocHSiNGER,  "After-history  of  children  with  congenital 
syphiHs."    Wiener  Klinische  Wochenschrift.    June  23,  1910. 

241.  HoEGEL,  Address  at  International  Statistical  Institute,  Vienna, 
1913.  Quoted  U.  S.  Brewers'  Association  Year  Book,  1913, 
pp.  278/. 

216.  HoEPFNER,  Th.,  "Ueberdie  Disposition  der  Stotterer-Psyche 
zu  asozialer  Entwicklung."  Gross'  Archiv  fiir  Kriminalistik. 
1912.     Vol.  49,  pp.  149-173. 

141.  Holmes,  Arthur,  "  Conservation  of  the  Child."  Philadelphia, 
Lippincott,  1912,  p.  342. 



214.    Holmes,  Arthur,    "  Can  Impacted  Teeth  Cause  Delinquency?  " 

Psychological  Clinic.    Mch.  1910,  p.  19. 
66.   Holmes,  Thomas,  "London  Police  Courts."    Nelson  &  Sons, 

1900,  pp.  384. 
242.   HoppE,    Hugo,    "Alkohol   und    Kriminalitat    in   alien    ihren 

Beziehungen."    Wiesbaden,  Bergmann,  1906,  pp.  208. 

257.   "  Die  Tatsachen  iiber  den  Alkohol."    Miinchen,  Rein- 

hardt,  4th  ed.    1912,  pp.  746. 

258.   "Der    Alkohol    im    gegenwartigen    und    zukiinftigen 

Strafrecht."      Juristisch-psychiatrische   Grenzfragen.      1907, 
Bd.  V,  Heft  4  and  5,  pp.  78. 

323.   Howe,  Elizabeth,  "  Can  the  Collecting  Instinct  be  Utilized  in 

Teaching?"     Elementary  School  Teacher.     Vol.  VI.     May, 

329.   Howard,  John,  "  The  State  of  Prisons  in  England  and  Wales 

with  Preliminary   Observations,    and   an   Account  of   some 

Foreign  Prisons."     1777. 
131.    Ingegnieros,  "Nuevos  rumbas  de  la  Antropologia  criminal," 

Archivos  de  Psiquiatria  y  Criminalogia.     1907.    For  readers 

of  English  this  classification  will  be  found  on  page  55  of 

"Modern  Theories  of  Criminology,"  by  De  Quiros  (121). 
346.    Internationale  Kriminalistische  Vereinigung.     Mitteilungen  der 

Inter.  Krim.  Ver.,  VI.    p.  582,  1897.    Or  vide  Aschaffenburg 

(1)  p.  206. 
21.   James,   William,    "Psychology."     2  vols.   New  York,    Holt, 

334.   "Habit."    Chap.  IV  in  Vol.  I.     "The  Principles  of 

Psychology."    New  York,  Holt,  1893,  also  Popular  Science 

Monthly,    Feb.    1887. 
197.   Janet,  Pierre,  "The  Mental  State  of  Hystericals,"  translated 

by  Corson.    New  York,  Putnams.     1901,  pp.  535. 
306.   Janet,  "Kleptomania  and  Mental   Depression."     Journal  die 

Psychologic  normale  et  pathologique.      No.  2,  March-April, 

169.   Jaspers,  K.,  "  Heimweh  und  Verbrechen."    Leipzig,  Vogel,  1909. 

See  also  Gross'  Archiv  fiir  Kriminalanthropologie.     1909.    No. 

313.   JoFFROY   AND    DuPOUY,    "  Fugucs   et   Vagabondage."     Paris, 

Alcan,  1909,  pp.  368. 
139.   Jones,  Ernest,  "Psychoanalysis  and  Education."    Journal  of 

Educational  Psychology.     May,  1912.     "  Rationahzation  in 

Every-day  Life."     Journal  of  Abnormal  Psychology.     Aug. 

1908,  etc. 
192.   Jones,  Robert,  "Dementia  in  Relation  to  Responsibihty "  (and 

discussion).    Journal  of  Mental  Science.    July,  1912. 
205.   JoRGER,  J.,  "Beitrag  zur  Kenntnis  der  Pseudologia  phantas- 

tica."     Vierteljahrschrift    fiir    gerichtliche    Medizin.     1904, 

XXVII,  3.  Folge,  Suppl.  Heft,  pp.  189-242. 
41.   Journal  officiel.     1909,  Report  of  Minister  of  Justice  in  regard 



to  crime  in  1907.  Summary  of  report.  Jovirnul  American 
Medical  Ass'n.    Paris  letter.    Nov.  30,  1909. 

254.   Journal  of  Inebriety,  Boston.     1903.     Reference  list  of  works 
on  alcoholism,  etc. 
40.    Judicial  Statistics,   England  and  Wales,  1910.     Published  by 
Home  Office.    1912.    pp.  185.    London,  Eyre  &  Spottiswoode. 

365.  Jung,  C.  G.,  "Analyse  der  Assoziationen  eines  Epileptikers." 
Jour,  fiir  Psychol,  und  Neurologic.    Bd.  V,  1905,  p.  73. 

142.  "  Diagnostischen  Associations-Studien."  Barth,  Leip- 
zig. 1906.  The  Association  Method.  Amer.  Jour,  of 
Psychology.     April,    1910. 

227.  Kahl,  Wilhelm,  "Der  Stand  der  europaischen  Gesetzgebung 
iiber  verminderte  Zurechnungsfahigkeit."  Juris  tisch-psy- 
chiatrische  Grenzfragen.    Bd.  IX,  Heft  1. 

182.   Karpas,   M.   J.,   "Psychic  Constitutional  Inferiority."     New 

York  Medical  Journal.      March  21,  1913,  p.  594. 
81.    Kauffmann,  Max,  "Die  Psychologic  des  Verbrechens."    Ber- 
lin, J.  Springer,  1912,  pp.  344. 

127.   Kellor,  Frances  A.,  "Experimental  Sociology;  Delinquents." 

New  York,  Macmillan,  1901,  pp.  316. 
52.    KiNBERG,    Olaf,    "LTeber   das    strafprozessuale   Verfahren   in 
Schweden."    Halle  a.  S.,  Marhold,  1913,  pp.  152. 

161.    "Obligatory    Psychiatric    Examination."      A    paper 

read  before  the  Seventh  International  Congress  for  Criminal 
Anthropology.  Translation,  Journal  of  American  Institute 
of  Criminal  Law  and  Criminology.    March,  1912. 

235.  King,  Irving,  "Physiological  Age  and  School  Standing."  Psy- 
chological Clinic.    Jan.  1914. 

164.  Knecht,  "Ueber  die  Verbreitung  physikalen  Degeneration  bei 
Verbrechern."  Allgemeine  Zeitschrift  fiir  Psychiatric.  Band 
55,  Heft  5. 

324.    Kneeland,   Geo.   J.,  "Commercialized  Prostitution  in  New 
York  City."    New  York,  Century  Co.,  1913. 

377.  Knox,  H.  A.,  "Scale  for  Estimating  Mental  Defect."  Journal 
Amer.  Medical  Assoc'n.  Mar.  7,  1914.  p.  741;  also  Journal 
of  Heredity,  Mar.  1914,  p.  122. 

177.  Koch,  J.  L.  A.,  "Die  psychopathischen  Minderwertigkeiten." 
Ravensburg,  Maier,  1891,  pp.  427. 

157.  KoEHLER,  Aug.,  "Der  Vergeltungsgedanke  und  seine  Prak- 
tische  Bedeutung."     Leipzig,  Engelmann,  1909,  pp.  285. 

204.  KoEPPEN,  "  Ueber  die  pathologische  Liigner."  Charite-Annalen. 
1898.    XXIII,  pp.  674-719. 

343.  Kraepelin,  E.,  "Lectures  on  Clinical  Psychiatry."  English 
translation.     New  York,  Wood,  1904. 

188.  von  Krafft-Ebing,  R.,  "  Psychopathia  Sexualis;  A  Medico- 
Legal  Study."  English  translation.  Philadelphia,  Davis  & 
Co.,  1901,  pp.  436. 

267.   "Lehrbuch  der  Gerichtlichen  psychopathologie."    3d 

ed.    1892,  p.  170. 



331.  VON  Krafft-Ebing,  R.,     "Text  Book  on  Insanity."    English 

edition  translated  by  Chaddoek.    Philadelphia,  Davis,  1905. 
pp.  638. 

332.   "Psychosis  Menstrualis."     Stuttgart,  1902. 

355.   Krauss,  a.,  "Psychologie  des  Verbrechens."    Tubingen,  1884. 

145.  Kritische  Beitrage  zur  Straf rechtsref orm ;  Herausgegeben  von 
Birkmeyer  und  Nayler.  Leipzig,  Engelmann,  1911.  (14 
volumes  have  appeared.) 
89.  KuHLMANN,  F.,  "A  Revision  of  the  Binet-Simon  System  for 
Measuring  the  Intelligence  of  Children."  Monograph  Sup- 
plement to  Journal  of  Psycho-Asthenics.  Faribault,  Minne- 
sota, Sept.  1912. 

91.   Journal  of  Psycho-Asthenics.     Vol.  XV.     Nos.  3,  4. 


244.  Ladame,  P.-L.,  "Alcohol  et  Exhibitionistes."  Archives  d'an- 
thropologie  criminelle.     x\pril,  1913,  pp.  266-272. 

349.  Le  Bon,  Gustav,  "Psychologie  des  foules,"  Paris,  Alcan. 
"  The  Crowd  —  A  Study  of  the  Popular  Mind."  London,  Un- 
win,  1897,  pp.  219. 

102.  LiPMANN,  O.,  "Die  Wirkung  von  Suggestionfragen."  Leipzig, 
Barth,  1909.  Also  in  Zeitschrift  fiir  angewandte  Psychologie, 
1,  2;  1908. 
23.  LoMBROSO,  Cesare,  "L'homme  criminel."  Vol.  XL  pp.  50- 
201.  "Criminal  Man  According  to  Lombroso,"  by  Madame 
Ferrero.  New  York,  Putnams,  1911,  pp.  58,  69,  72.  "Crime: 
Its  Causes  and  Remedies."  Little,  Brown  &  Co.,  Introduc- 
tion, p.  XXIII. 

230.   "La    Donna    DeHnquente,"    Turin,    1903.      English 

translation,  "The  Female  Offender."     New  York,  Appleton, 

239.   Enghsh  edition,  "Crime,  Its  Causes  and  Remedies." 

Boston,  Little,  Brown  &  Co.,  1911,  pp.  471. 

238.  Macdonald,  Arthur,  "Statistics  of  Alcohohsm  and  In- 
ebriety." Journal  of  Inebriety.  Boston.  Autumn,  1909, 
pp.  18. 

199.  "  Juvenile  Crime.  —  Stigmata  of  Degeneration."  Wash- 
ington, Government  Printing  Office,  1908,  pp.  339. 

20.   MacDougall,  Robert,  The  Journal  of  Abnormal  Psychology. 

Vol.  VI.    No.  5,  p.  368. 
303.   Mairet  and  Euziere,  "  Les  InvaHdes  Moraux.    Coulet,"  Mont- 

pellier,  1910.    pp.  282. 
317.   Mairet,   "Le  Vagabondage   constitutionnel    des    Degeneres." 

Annales  medicopsychologique.     Continued  article,  1911  and 

282.   Mantegazza,  P.,   "Physiognomy  and  Expression."     London, 

Scott,  1906.    pp.  327. 

200.  Marie,  A.,  "Psychiatrical  Anthropology,"  (Stigmata),  pp.  160; 

189  illustrations,     in  "Traite  International  de  Psychologie 
Pathol ogique."    Tome  I.    Paris,  F.  Alcan,  1910. 


309.   Marie  and  Meunier,  "Les  \ugah()nd,s."    Paris,  1908. 

273.   IVLarro,  "Evolution  Psychologique  Humaine  a  I'^cole  Puhere." 

Traite    International    de   Psychologie   Pathologique.     Tome 

I.    pp.  710-S14.    Paris,  Alcan,  1910. 

32.    "La  Puberte."     Paris,  Schleicher,  1901. 

170.    Martin,    E.,    "  Brandstit'tung    aus    Heimweh."      Ai-chiv    fiir 

Kriminalanthropologie  und  Kriminalistik.     1905.     No.  20. 
305.    Marx,  Hugo,  "0^'^llation  und  Schwangerschaft  in  ihrer  Be- 

deutung   fiir   die   forensische   Psychiatric."      Berliner   Klin. 

^Yochensclmft.    1908.    No.  39.    Sept.  28,  p.  1776. 
56.   Matz,    "Unsere  Jugendlichen."     Monatschrift  fiir  Kriininal- 

psychologie,   Vol.   V. 
191.    McCoNNELL,    R.    M.,    "Criminal    Responsibility    and    Social 

Constraint."    New  York,  Scribners,  1912,  pp.  337. 
360.   Meige,  H.,   "Comment  concevoir  I'hypnotisme,"  etc.     Revue 

Neurologique.    Jan.  15,  1911,  p.  12. 
3.   Mercier,  C.  a.,  "Conduct  and  Its  Disorders."    London,  Mac- 

millan,  1911,  pp.  377. 

45.   "Crime  and  Insanity."    New  York,  Holt,  pp.  254. 

148.   "Criminal  Responsibility."     Oxford,  Clarendon  Press, 

1905,  pp.  232. 
47.   Meyer,  Adolf,  "The  Anatomical  Facts  and  Clinical  Varieties 

of    Traumatic    Insanitv,"  American    Journal    of    Insanity. 

1904,  No.  3,  LX,  pp.  373-441. 
67.   "Scheme  for  Examination    of   Cases."     Printed   for 

New  York  State  Pathological  Institute. 
153.   "  A  Discussion  of  some  Fundamental  Issues  in  Freud's 

Psychoanalysis."  New  York  State  Hospitals  Bulletin.  March, 

1910,  pp.  22. 
219.   "A  re^dew  of  the  signs  of  degeneration  and  of  methods 

of  registration."    American  Journal  of  Insanity.     1895-1896. 

LII,  p.  344. 

356.   p.  20,  Report  of  New  York  State  Pathological  Insti- 
tute.    1904-1905. 

357.   p.  823,  State  Hospitals  Bulletin.    March,  1910.    New 

York  State  Commission  in  Lunacy. 

337.   Meyer,  Max,  "The  Fundamental  Laws  of  Human  Behavior." 

Boston,  Badger,  1911,  pp.  241. 
353.   Meyer    and    Puppe,    "Ueber    gegenseitige    Anziehung    und 

Beeinflussung   psychopathischer   Personlichkeiten "    Viertel- 

jahrschxift  fiir  gerichtliche  Medizin,  1912.     Bd.  43,  p.  84- 

228.   Mezger,  E.,  "Die  Klippe  des  Zurechnungsproblems."    Juris- 

tisch-psychiatrische  Grenzfragen.  Bd.  IX.,  Heft  1. 

46.  Mitchell,  "  Types  of  Alcoholic  Insanity."     American  Journal 

of  Insanity,  Oct.  1904,  and  Diefendorf,  "Clinical  Psychiatry." 
1907,  p.  189. 
339.   Moll,  Albert,  "The  Sexual  Life  of  the  Child."    Translated  by 
Paul.    New  York,  Macmillan,  1912,  pp.  339. 



304.    MoNKEMOELLER,    "  Zur   Psychopathologie   des   Brandstifters." 

Gross'   Archiv  fiir  Kriminalistik.     Bd.  48;    Heft  3  and  4, 

pp.  193-310. 
287.   Moore,  Frank,  Thirteenth  Annual  Report  of  New  Jersey  State 

Reformatory,  p.  15.     Rahway,  New  Jersey,  1913. 
347.   Moore,  Langdon  W.,  "His  Own  Story  of  His  Eventful  Life." 

Published  by  Himself.     1893,  pp.  700.     Many  illustrations. 

Gambler,  burglar,  safe-blower,  etc.    Many  Prison  Experiences. 
54.   Morrison,  W.  D.,  "Crime   and  Its  Causes."    Swan,  Sonnen- 

schein  &  Co.    1891. 
223.   "Juvenile   Offenders."     Appleton   &   Co.     1900,   pp. 

95.   MiJNSTERBURG,  HuGO,  "On  the  Witness  Stand."     New  York, 

1908,  pp.  309. 
111.   "Psychology    and    Industrial    Efficiency."     Boston, 

Houghton,  Mifflin  Co.,  1913,  p.  86. 
340.   Naecke,    p.,    "Homosexuality   and    Psychosis."      AUgemeine 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Psychiatric.    1911.    Heft  3. 

246.  Neff,  I.  H.,  Foxborough  State  Hospital  Report.     "Drunken- 

ness  in   Massachusetts,    conditions    and   remedies."      1910. 
pp.  70. 

368.   "Treatment  of  Inebriety,"  etc.    Boston  Medical  and 

Surg.  Journal.  June  16,  1910"!  p.  809,  and  Jan.  26,  1911, 
p.  112. 
48.  Nitsche  and  Wilmanns,  "History  of  the  Prison  Psychoses." 
Translated  by  Barnes  and  Glueck.  New  York,  Journal  of 
Nervous  and  Mental  Diseases  Publishing  Co.  1912.  pp.  84. 
99.-  NoRSWORTHY,  Naomi,  "The  Psychology  of  Mentally  Deficient 
Children."  New  York,  Columbia  University,  Nov.  1906. 
Monograph,  pp.  111. 

281.   North,    C.    ET.,    "Insanity    Among    Adolescent    Criminals." 
Amer.  Joiu".  Insanity.    Apr.  1911.    p.  677. 
51.   Ob  A,  Shigema,  "  Unverbesserliche  Verbrecher  and  ihre  Behand- 
lung."    Berlin,  Bahr,  1908.    pp.  83. 

181.  Oberndorf,  C.  p.,  "Constitutional  Inferiority  and  Its  Psy- 
chosis." Jour.  Amer.  Medical  Association.  Jan.  27,  1912. 
p.  249. 

358.   "Constitutional  Abnormality."    New  York  State  Hos- 
pitals Bulletin.    March,  1910,  p.  814. 
39.   Ottolenghi,  Archivio  di  Psichiatria.  Ease.  II-III.   Vol.  XVIII. 

316.  Pagnier,  a.,  "Le  vagabond."  Paris,  Vigot  freres,  1910,  pp. 

190.   Parson,  P.  A.,  "Responsibility  for  Crime."     Colimabia  Uni- 
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119.   "A  Range  of  Information  Test."     Psychological  Re- 

^^ew,  No.  16,  1909,  p.  347.    See  also  his  "Manual,"  p.  465. 

348.   White,  George  M.,  "From  Boniface  to  Bank  Burglar."    Bel- 
lows Falls,  Vermont,  Truax  Printing  Co.    1905,  pp.  495. 
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1913,  p.   109. 

134.  "Mental  Mechanisms."  New  York,  Journal  of  Nerv- 
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fur  Kriminalpsychologie,  1907,  No.  3,  136. 

142.  WiTMER,  Lightner,  See  many  places  in  his  journal.  The  Psy- 
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279.  Woods,  F.  A.,  "Mental  and  Moral  Heredity  in  Royalty."  A 
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284.  Yerkes,  Robert  M.,  "Introduction  to  Psychology."  New 
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114.   Ziehen,  Th.,  "Die  Prinzipien  und  Methoden  der  Intelligenz- 

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175.   "Zur  Lehre  von  dem  psychopathischen  Konstitution." 

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Kinder."    Berlin,  Karger,  1912,  pp.  34. 
275.   "Ethische  Defektszustande  in  der  Pubertat."     AUg. 

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40.   Zingerle,    H.,    "Ueber    transitorische    Geistesstorungen   und 

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pp.  52. 






The  Juvenile  Psychopathic  Institute  was  organized  in  March,  1909, 
A\'ith  an  endowment  for  five  years,  provided  through  the  pubUc- 
spirited  generosity  of  Mrs.  W.  F.  Dummer.  The  organization  rep- 
resented an  effort  in  practical  research  which,  as  the  result  of  several 
preliminary  observations,  had  been  for  some  time  deemed  highly 
promising.  The  plan  of  organization  is  due  to  Miss  Lathrop,  now 
Chief  of  the  Children's  Bureau,  Washington.  The  activities  were  at 
once  placed  entu-ely  in  the  hands  of  the  director,  who  at  all  times  has 
been  free  to  be  guided  only  by  professional  needs  and  professional 
counsel.  Those  of  the  advisory  council  whose  activities  have  led  them 
to  be  specially  interested  have  given  freely  of  their  advice.  We  must 
also  acknowledge  indebtedness  to  a  considerable  number  of  other 
persons  —  judges,  psychologists,  medical  specialists,  officers  of  in- 
stitutions —  who  have  felt  the  importance  of  the  work  enough  to 
give  counsel. 

The  Institute  was  incorporated  and  the  official  organization  made 
up  as  follows: 


Miss  JuKa  C.  Lathrop President 

Mrs.  George  R.  Dean Secretary 

Mrs.  W.  F.  Dummer      Treasurer 

WilHam  Healy,  M.D. 


Prof.  James  R.  Angell  Dr.  Adolf  Meyer 

Judge  E.  O.  Brown  Horace  K.  Tenney 

Dr.  H.  B.  FaviU  Henry  W.  Thurston 

Judge  JuHan  W.  Mack  John  H.  Wigmore 

Prof.  George  H.  Mead  Judge  M.  W.  Pinckney 

Judge  Harry  Olson 


Jane  Addams  Julia  C.  Lathrop 

Mrs.  W.  F.  Dummer  Dr.  Hugh  T.  Patrick 

Dr.  Frank  S.  Churchill  Mrs.  Geo.  R.  Dean 

Allen  T.  Burns  Dr.  Graham  Taylor 



The  office  of  Psychologist  has  been  successively  filled  by  Grace  M. 
Fernald,  Ph.D.,  Mary  H.  S.  Hayes,  Ph.D.,  Jean  Weidensell,  Ph.D., 
Clara  Schmitt,  Ph.D.,  Mary  W.  Chapin,  Augusta  F.  Bronner,  Ph.D. 

Special  researches  have  been  carried  out  by  Dr.  Anne  Burnet, 
Frances  Porter,  and  Dr.  Edith  R.  Spaulding. 

The  efficient  secretary  to  the  director  for  four  years  has  been  Emily 
Deane  Macmillan. 

In  April,  1914,  under  an  appropriation  from  the  Board  of  County 
Commissioners,  the  Juvenile  Court  of  Cook  County,  Merritt  W. 
Pinckney,  Judge,  established  the  Psychopathic  Institute  as  a  new 
department.  The  director  remains  the  same,  with  Dr.  Augusta  F. 
Bronner  as  assistant  director. 

Recently  Dr.  Frank  Perkins,  Miss  Josephine  T.  Thomas,  and 
Miss  Frances  Porter  have  been  actively  assisting  in  the  Institute. 




(References  are  to  pages] 

Aberrational  tj^pes,  analysis  of,  in  our 
group,  132. 

Abilities  as  distinguished  from  desii'es, 

Abilities,  classification  according  to, 
113;  special,  of  the  feebleminded, 
463;  tests  for,  100;  varieties  of,  101. 

Abnormal  developmental  conditions, 
discussion  of,  234. 

Abnormal  psychologj"  of  fugues,  liter- 
ature on,  637. 

Abnormal  sexuahsm  among  epileptics, 
424  ff. 

Aboriginal  moral  imbecihty,  786. 

Abortion,  attempted,  as  causing  defect 
in  offspring,  206. 

Accusation  of  self,  case  of,  746. 

Accusations,  false,  cases  of,  732  ff. ; 
pathological,  definition  of,  729. 

Achievement  capacity  test,  96. 

Action,  impulse  to,  excessive  in  certain 
individuals,  755. 

Adenoids  as  a  factor,  219. 

Adolescence  and  immigration  causing 
criminaUsm,  case  of,  723. 

Adolescence  as  related  to  defect  in 
self-control,  534. 

Adolescence,  general  considerations 
on,  709;  mental  growth  during,  710 
ff.;  related  to  premature  puberty, 
248;  stages  of,  710;  time  of  influence 
by  stories,  306. 

Adolescent  aberration  comphcated  by 
bad  sex  habits,  653. 

Adolescent  age  limits  as  related  to 
juvenile  court  law,  726. 

Adolescent  characteristics  leading  to 
criminaUty,  cases  of,  714  &. 

Adolescent  dissatisfaction  with  par- 
ents, 725. 

Adolescent  hypersensitiveness  related 
to  psychosis  and  criminahsm,  cases 
of,  674  ff. 

Adolescent  hj^Dersusceptibihty  in  the 
home,  290. 

Adolescent  impulses  and  love  of  excite- 
ment, 753. 

Adolescent  instability  as  a  cause  of 
misconduct,  712;  as  related  to  love 
of  adventure,  756;  in  relation  to  de- 
fective heredity,  728;  reaction  of  at 
home,  290. 

Adolescent  mental  aberrations  of 
gu-ls,  675  ff.;  treatment  of,  677. 

Adolescent  mental  pecuharities,  liter- 
ature on,  709  ff. 

Adolescent  misconduct,  treatment  of, 
necessity  for  individuahsm  in,  726. 

Adolescent  over-development,  243. 

Adolescent  pathological  lying,  cases  of, 
732,  740  ff. 

Adolescent  period,  tiding  through,  by 
institutional  treatment,  727. 

Adolescent  psychoses,  651;  leading  to 
criminahsm,  653  ff . ;  varieties  of, 

Adolescent  romanticism  leading  to 
suicidal  impulses,  724. 

Adolescent  self-assertion  and  obstin- 
acy, 766. 

Adolescent  tendencies  to  misconduct, 
treatment  of,  726. 

Adolescent  types  of  criminahty,  713. 

Adolescents,  alcoholic  psychoses  of, 
683;  characteristics  of,  leading  to 
aberration,  651;  effect  of  alcohol 
upon,  267. 

Adventure,  abnormal  love  of,  treat- 
ment of,  765;  and  excitement,  pre- 
disposition toward,  types  of,  754; 
love  of,  general  considerations  con- 
cerning, 753. 

Adventiuous  type  of  behavior  related 
to  pathological  lying,  741. 

Age  levels  discriminated  by  tests,  79  ff . 

Age  limits  of  juvenile  court  procedure, 
reform  necessary  in,  726. 

Age  norms,  developmental,  237. 

Age-weight  statistics,  144. 

Ailments,  physical,  emunerated  for 
om-  group,  135. 

Alcohol,  affecting  mental  defectives, 
269;  affecting  responsibihty  for 
crime,  273;  and  dehnquency,  262  ff.; 
and  individual  susceptibility,  679; 
and  mental  defectiveness,  462;  and 



[References  are  to  pages] 

procreation,  264;  as  a  factor  in  de- 
fective heredity,  263;  in  vice,  267; 
as  indulged  in  by  our  group  of  cases, 
138;  causing  exhibitionism,  271; 
creating  its  own  need,  269. 

Alcohol,  effect  of,  on  adolescent  girls, 
686  ff.;  on  adolescents,  267;  use  of, 
relationship  to  criminahsm,  262. 

Alcoholic  hallucinosis,  682. 

Alcoholic  paranoia,  cases  of,  682. 

Alcohohc  parents,  cases  of,  286. 

Alcoholic  psychoses,  varieties  of,  678. 

Alcoholics,  classification  of,  272. 

Alcoholism  and  crime,  23;  and  crim- 
inahsm, statistics  on,  262;  and 
criminality,  literature  on,  681;  and 
defective  environment,  264;  and  de- 
velopment of  children,  264;  and  sui- 
cide, 775  n.,  776;  chronic  psychoses 
of,  681;  compUcations  of,  case  of, 
273 ;  creating  defective  environment, 
details  of,  266;  in  homes,  cases  of, 
286;  Mterature  on,  262  n.,  681 ;  of  de- 
linquents, in  our  cases,  267;  of  par- 
ents of  offenders  in  our  group,  152; 
of  pregnant  mother  in  relation  to  de- 
linquency of  offspring,  204;  treat- 
ment of,  271;  typical  family  history 
of,  265. 

Algometer,  58. 

Ambitiousness  of  adolescence,  714. 

American  Institute  of  Criminal  Law, 
Committee  A  of,  52. 

American  love  of  adventure,  754. 

Amnesias,  637. 

Amnesic  fugues,  cases  of,  638. 

Analgesia  in  criminals,  17,  n. 

Analysis  of  visual  perceptions,  tests 
for,  91. 

Analysis,  psychological,  115. 

Antecedent  probabiUty  as  applied  in 
cases  of  pathological  lying,  729. 

Antenatal  conditions,  defective,  enum- 
erated for  om*  group,  137. 

Antenatal  history,  schedule  for,  55. 

Anthropometry,  Umitations  of,  57. 

Anthropometry,  schedule  for  data  of, 

Anti-social  attitude  as  the  result  of 
mental  conflict,  case  of,  376. 

Anti-social  conduct  arising  from  cus- 
todial experiences,  310;  developed 
from  newspaper  reading,  301. 

Anti-social  tendencies  caused  by 
school  irritations,  295. 

Antonym  test,  norms  on,  110. 

Apperceptive  powers,  tests  for,  96. 

Apphed  psychology,  newness  of,  104. 

Arithmetical  abiUty  defective,  as  re- 
lated to  criminahsm,  521;  import- 
ance of,  90. 

Arrest  of  mental  development  from 
injury,  568. 

Arson,  pathological,  774. 

Asphyxia  neonatorum,  as  cause  of  de- 
fect, 208. 

Association  processes,  mental,  tests 
for,  86. 

Association  reactions,  118. 

Attitude,  an  understanding,  necessary 
for  testing,  49;  necessary  in  exam- 
ination, 47;  of  examiner,  35;  of  rela- 
tives, 46;  towards  offender  influ- 
ences him,  171. 

Attention,  tests  for,  85. 

Attenuated  responsibihty  of  psycho- 
paths, 592. 

Auditory  memory,  tests  for,  83. 

"Aussage"  Picture  Test,  norms  on, 

"Aussage"  Test,  literature  on,  84;  on 
socially  suggestible  offenders,  95; 
picture  for,  84. 

Austrian  Imperial  Criminahstic  In- 
stitute, 173  n. 


Bad  companions  as  a  factor  in  our 

gi"oup   of    cases,  135;  teaching   of, 

leading  to  mental  conflict,  cases  of, 

357  ff. 
Bad  homes  and  recidivists,  285. 
Big  Brother  Movement,  necessity  of 

studying  individual  for  success  in, 

178;  value  of  social  suggestibihty 

for,  705. 
Binet  tests,  79;  critique  on,  79  ff.;  for 

classification  of  feebleminded,  449ff . ; 

literature  on,  79. 
Biographical  material  in  criminology, 

186  n. 
Biological  defect,  famihal,  case  of,  198. 
Birth  abnormal,  statistics  on  results 

of,  208. 
Birth,  data  concerning,  schedule  for, 

55;  difficult,  as  cause  of  defect,  208. 
Bladder,  lack  of  control  of,  as  a  factor 

in  delinquency,  227. 
Blood-and-thunder  hterature  causing 

criminahsm,  305. 
Blue  Book,  vide  Judicial  Statistics  of 

England  (40),  10. 
"Born  criminal,"  the  17,  781. 

"Cadet's"  power  over  women,  psy- 
chology of,  405. 

Capital  punishment,  not  evaluated  by 
us,  166  n. 

Card  system  of  record  of  causative 



[Relerences  arc  to  pages] 

factors,  62;  for  records  and  statistics, 

Case  studies,  complexities  of,  1S3. 

Case  summaries,  122. 

Cases,  plan  of  presentation  of,  185. 

Cases  studied,  groups  of  selected  for 
conclusions,  14;  how  brought  to  us, 
14;  showing  intricate  causations,  16; 
tj^pes  seen  bv  us,  14;  where  seen  by 
us,  14. 

Case-study  records,  extent  of,  49. 

Castration  for  mental  defectives,  462. 

Catamnestic  studies  necessary,  19. 

Causation  of  delinquency,  relation  of 
mental  life  to,  163. 

Causations,  danger  of  isolated  facts 
concerning,  15;  general  theories  of, 
weakness  of,  23;  intricacy  of,  164; 
not  obvious,  173;  statistics  on,  126. 

Causative  factors,  card  system  of  rec- 
ord of,  52,  62,  63;  related  to  heredi- 
tary factors,  table  of,  158;  statistical 
summary  of  in  our  cases,  130;  when 
best  discernible,  11. 

Causes  and  types,  overlapping  of,  185. 

Causes  of  delinquency,  our  main  study, 

Cephalometry,  amount  desirable,  58. 

Cerebral  localization  and  moral  sense, 

Cerebral  traumatism,  after-effects  of, 
treatment  of,  626. 

Character  changes  following  head  in- 
jury, 619. 

Character  of  adolescent,  pecuharities 
of,  711;  of  the  epileptic,  418. 

Characteristics  of  constitutional  in- 
feriors, 576;  racial,  leading  to  crim- 
inahsm,  765. 

Characterology,  21. 

Chart  of  heredity,  64. 

Chicago  House  of  Correction,  medical 
department  of,  174  n. 

Children,  number  of,  in  families  of  de- 
Hnquents,  148;  pathological  lying 
among,  cases  of,  736. 

Choice  of  conduct,  necessity  for,  338. 

Chorea,  psychosis  of,  613. 

Circumcision  for  delinquents,  225. 

City  environment  and  love  of  adven- 
ture, 754. 

Classification  by  delinquencies  unsat- 
isfactory, 770;  for  crimes,  16;  from 
tests,  112;  practical,  specifications 
for,  161;  psychological,  of  our  re- 
peated oifenders,  139. 

Classifications,  a  priori,  why  disregard, 
IS;  criminological,  not  based  on  es- 
sentials, 17;  properly  based  on 
mental  life,  17;  interfered  with 
through  intricacy  of  causations,  165. 

Clothes,  fine,  relation  of  to  delin- 
quency, 295. 

Cocaine,  creating  boldness  in  crimi- 
nals, 277;  mental  effects  of,  277; 
psychoses  from,  690; 

Code  Test,  norms  on,  109. 

ColTee,  excess  of,  creating  anti-social 
tendencies,  278. 

Collecting  objects  a  normal  interest, 

Colonies  for  the  feebleminded,  462. 

Combat,  love  of,  excessive  in  certain 
individuals,  755. 

Companionship,  schedule  for  data  con- 
cerning, 56,  57. 

Completion  test  of  Ebbinghaus,  96. 

Conduct  and  Psychoanalysis,  119. 

Conduct,  as  result  of  mental  life,  26; 
criminahstic,  analysis  of,  by  epilep- 
tic, 27  7i. ;  on  recovery  from  insanity, 
27  n.;  origins  of,  27;  proof  of  control 
of  through  consciousness,  26;  psy- 
chological viewpoint  of,  27. 

Confusional  mental  states  of  chorea, 

Congenital  syphilis,  relation  to  crim- 
inahsm,  229;  statistics  on,  after- 
results  of,  205. 

Constitutional  excitement,  609. 

Constitutional  inferiority  and  inheri- 
tance, 198;  as  a  class  of  mental 
abnormahty,  444;  as  related  to  de- 
generacy, 589;  definition  of,  575; 
differential  diagnosis  of,  576  n.;  Mt- 
erature  on,  575;  relation  to  deaf- 
mutism,  222;  treatment  of,  589. 

Constitutional  inferiors,  sex  perver- 
sions among,  case  of,  584;  varieties 
of  the  type,  587. 

Construction  Test  A,  norms  on,  107. 

Construction  Test  B,  norms  on,  107. 

Contrary  suggestibihty,  766. 

Contributing  agencies  to  deUnquen- 
cies,  extension  of  jurisdiction  over, 

Contributions  to  dehnquency,  control 
over,  necessary,  285. 

Control  defectives,  Dr.  Christian  on, 
534  n. 

Convictions,  cost  of,  42  n. 

Coordination,  motor,  tests  for,  86. 

Coiu-ts,  difficulties  of  decisions  in, 
caused  by  pathological  lying,  cases 
of,  736  ff. 

Court  organization  for  better  treat- 
ment, 173. 

Classification  of  dehnquents,  as  com- 
pared with  scientific  findings,  160. 

"Crime  a  disease,"  4;  and  criminahty, 
distinction  between,  161  n.;  use  of 
synonyms  of,  3,  22. 



[References  are  to  pages] 

Criminal  careers,  beginning  mostly 
dming  adolescence,  713. 

Criminal,  definition  of,  3. 

Criminal  law,  possibilities  of  recon- 
struction of,  7;  relation  of  scientific 
studies  to,  7;  study  of  offender 
under,  8. 

Criminal  technique  developed  in 
prison  life,  314. 

"Criminal,  the  born,"  781. 

Criminahsm,  age  of  beginnings  of,  10; 
and  adolescent  psychoses,  cases  of, 
653  ff . ;  and  dementia  precox,  illus- 
trative cases  of,  594;  and  hysteria, 
case  of,  645;  and  juvenile  paresis, 
601 ;  and  manic  depressive  insanity, 
602;  and  paralytica,  600;  and  social 
suggestibihty,  696;  arising  from  bad 
companions,  293;  defect  in  judg- 
ment and  foresight,  case  of,  526 ;  dis- 
satisfaction of  non-use  of  special 
abihties,  768;  housing  conditions, 
292;  irritabihty,  767;  mental  con- 
flicts, 352  ff.,  also  see  Mental  Con- 
flict; racial  characteristics,  765; 
special  mental  defects,  cases  of, 
516  ff.;  theatrical  plays,  294;  as 
caused  by  defect  in  self-control, 
cases  of,  535  ff . ;  excess  of  physical 
vigor,  231;  as  related  to  epilepsy, 
420  ff . ;  menstrual  mental  aberra- 
tions, 627;  associated  with  mental 
dullness  and  bad  sex  habits,  cases 
of,  562  ff . ;  from  physical  causes, 
cases  of,  548  ff . ;  beginnings  in 
youth,  4;  caused  by  adolescent  clan- 
destine love  affairs,  cases  of,  722; 
choreic  psychosis,  613  ff.;  explosions 
of  desire  for  excitement,  764 ;  mental 
aberrations  of  pregnancy,  633 ;  reac- 
tion against  sex  perversion  in  ado- 
lescents, case  of,  723 ;  social  suggesti- 
bihty,  cases  of,  698  ff . ;  confirmed, 
beginnings  of,  in  youth,  10;  con- 
nected with  simulation  of  epilepsy, 
780;  definition  of,  3;  deliberate 
choice  of,  331;  developed  by  custo- 
dial experiences,  310;  from  men- 
strual aberrations,  case  of,  628  ff . ; 
prison  experiences,  311;  dynamics 
of,  4;  following  upon  head  injury, 
cases  of ,  621  ff . ;  from  adolescent  al- 
coholic psychoses,  cases  of,  683; 
alcohol,  legal  treatment  of,  680; 
alcoholic  paranoia,  682;  cocaine 
psychoses,  690;  constitutional  ex- 
citement, cases  of,  609;  contrary  sug- 
gestibility, 766;  dual  social  sugges- 
tibihty,  cases  of,  708;  hasheesh,  690; 
love  of  adventure,  case  of,  756;  and 
excitement,    753;    mental    aberra- 

tions of  pregnancy,  cases  of,  634  ff.; 
morphine  psychoses,  689;  revenge- 
fulness,  767;  suggestion  of  one  in- 
dividual, case  of,  704;  transitory 
mental  aberration,  649;  inherited, 
foundations  of,  188  ff. ;  in  relation 
to  crowd  psychology,  703;  mental 
aberration  and  bad  sex  habits,  case 
of,  643;  of  chronic  alcoholism,  682; 
constitutional  inferiors,  cases  of, 
577  ff . ;  defective  verbahsts,  cases  of, 
475  ff . ;  insane,  unclassifiable,  cases 
of,  607;  melanchoHcs,  602;  paretics, 
600;  related  to  amnesic  fugues, 
cases  of,  637  ff . ;  related  to  patholog- 
ical lying,  732  ff . ;  relation  of  mas- 
turbation to,  407 ;  sex  perversions  to, 
412;  through  hypnotism,  literature 
on,  706;  through  influence  of  an- 
other criminal,  705;  youthful.  Clay 
on,  10;  EUiott  on,  10;  statistics  on, 

Criminahstic  characteristics  in  fiction, 
influence  of,  305. 

Criminahstic  conduct  as  an  explosive 
phenomenon,  764;  imagery  of,  339. 

Criminalistic  mental  imagery  devel- 
oped during  prison  Hfe,  314,  348. 

Criminalistic  morons,  cases  of,  455. 

Criminahstic  partnership,  developed 
in  prison  fife,  314. 

Criminahstic  relatives  causing  crim- 
inahsm, cases  of,  288. 

Criminahstic  subnormal  verbalist,  501. 

Criminahstic  tendencies  of  paranoia, 
case  of,  605;  inheritance  of,  htera- 
ture  on,  188. 

Criminahstics,  contrasted  to  other 
progress,  3;  definition  of,  3. 

Criminahty  arising  from  adolescent 
characteristics,  cases  of,  714  ff.; 
caused  by  morphine  addiction,  275; 
in  alcohohsm,  679;  in  heredity  of 
our  offenders,  156;  hterature  on, 
681;  pecuhar  to  adolescents,  713; 
s3monymous  with  deUnquency,  22; 
types  of,  indulged  in  by  morphin- 
ists, 276. 

Criminals,  alcohohsm  of,  267;  biogra- 
phies of,  9;  confirmed,  vide  Recidi- 
vists; proportion  of  professionals 
among,  318. 

Criminological  classification,  as  com- 
pared with  scientific  findings,  160. 

Criminologists  sometimes  obsessed  by 
theories,  23. 

Criminology,  anthropological  school 
of,  16;  earher,  15;  Itahan,  pos- 
itivist,  16;  theories  of,  15,  16. 

Crossline  Test  A,  norms  on,  109. 

Crossline  Test  B,  norms  on,  109. 



[References  are  to  paces] 

Crowd  companionship,  influonfe  of, 

Crowd  psychology,  hteraturc  on,  703. 

Custodial  experiences  creating  delin- 
quency, 310. 


Dance  halls,  relation  of,  to  criminal- 
ism, 295. 

Data  concerning  deUnquents,  sched- 
ule of,  53;  our,  availability  of,  184. 

Deafmutism  as  a  factor,  222. 

Deceit  in  treatment,  dangers  of,  172. 

Deceitfulness  and  mental  conflicts, 

Deception  in  tests,  105. 

Defect  in  arithmetical  ability  as  re- 
lated to  criminahsm,  521;  in  lan- 
guage abihty  as  related  to  criminal- 
ism, 516;  in  self-control,  as  related 
to  criminahsm,  533;  in  self-control 
leads  to  enm-esis,  226. 

Defective  envnonment  created  by  al- 
cohoUsm,  264  ff. 

Defective  mental  capacity,  caused  by 
physical  conditions,  546. 

Defective  special  mental  abiUties,  515. 

Defective  tj^jes,  enumeration  of  in  our 
group,  131. 

Defective  vision  as  a  factor,  217. 

Defectives,  mental,  as  distinguished 
from  aberrational  individuals,  444; 
verbahst  type  of,  473. 

Degeneracy,  hterature  on,  588  n. ;  sta- 
tistics of,  146. 

Degenerate  murderer,  epileptic,  case 
of,  424. 

Delayed  pubertj^,  case  of,  240. 

DeUberate  choice,  cases  of,  332;  defi- 
nition of,  331;  of  criminal  career 
from  mental  conflict,  cases  of,  393. 

Delinquencies  of  males  and  females 
compared,  144;  of  our  repeated  of- 
fenders, 140. 

DeUnquency  as  caused  by  excess  of 
physical  vigor,  231;  related  to  path- 
ological lying,  731;  related  to  rest- 
lessness, 769;  the  result  of  mental 
conflict,  cases  of,  357  ff . ;  caused  by 
adolescent  self-assertion,  724;  bad 
language  at  home,  284;  characteris- 
tics of  adolescents,  cases  of,  714  ff.; 
defect  in  self-control,  cases  of,  535  ff. ; 
desire  for  stage  life,  764;  amnesic 
fugues,  cases  of,  640;  incompetent 
parental  control,  289;  masturbation, 
case  of,  409;  unsatisfactory  voca- 
tion, 296;  excess  of  tobacco,  280;  in- 
directly caused  by  excess  of  tea  and 
coffee,  278;  by  hypersexuahsm,  403; 

by  masturbation,  407;  instigated  by 
sexualism,  400;  interpretation  of, 
effect  upon  the  offender  of,  172; 
record  of,  01;  relation  of  undernour- 
ishment to,  230;  special  bases  of 
enumerated,  32. 

Dehnquent  careers,  determinants  of 
in  youth,  11 ;  early  influences  on,  12. 

Dehnquent  girls  and  physical  over- 
development, 246. 

Dehnquents,  not  all  abnormal,  4;  num- 
bers in  families  of,  148;  understand- 
ing of,  6;  treatment  of,  in  youth,  12; 
study  of,  advantage  of  early,  38 ;  age 
for,  12;  best  opportunities  for,  40; 
each  case  different,  38;  equipment 
for,  44,  45;  foUow-up  work  necessary 
for,  19;  for  treatment,  8;  in  institu- 
tions, 41 ;  in  relation  to  the  trial,  41 ; 
laboratory  for,  40,  44,  45;  lack  of 
practical  hterature  on,  3;  length  of 
time  for,  42 ;  necessity  for  thorough, 
43 ;  to  whom  should  appeal,  6 ;  when 
ingenuous,  12. 

Dementia,  603;  as  distinguished  from 
mental  defect,  445. 

Dementia  paralytica,  600. 

Dementia  precox,  592;  and  masturba- 
tion, 642;  proportion  of  among  of- 
fenders, 594;  suicide,  case  of,  593. 

Desire  for  social  advancement 
thwarted  causing  dehnquency,  290. 

Detention  experiences  creating  bad 
results,  311. 

Deterioration  of  the  offender  caused 
by  incarceration,  311. 

Deterrency  of  idea  of  punishment,  166, 

Development,  abnormal,  general  dis- 
cussion of,  234;  mental  and  moral, 
schedule  for  data  concerning,  56. 

Developmental  anomahes  and  ado- 
lescence, 235;  our  statistical  find- 
ings on,  236. 

Developmental  anthropometry,  sched- 
ule for  data  of,  57. 

Developmental  conditions,  defective, 
enumerated  for  om'  group,  137;  as 
causative  factors  of  delinquency, 
critique  on,  201;  importance  of 
knowledge  of,  11. 

Diagnostic  summary,  61. 

Differential  psychology,  definition  of, 

Disciphne  of  children,  lack  of,  related 
to  impulses  of  excitement,  753. 

Discrimination,  mental,  Ziehen  test 
for,  92;  tests  for,  92. 

Disposition  in  relation  to  physical 
conditions,  228;  revengeful,  as  re- 
lated to  delinquency,  767. 



[References  are  to  pages] 

Dissatisfaction,  adolescent,  with  fam- 
ily causing  delinquency,  725. 

Disturbing  conditions  in  mental  tests 
to  be  recognized,  105. 

Drinking  among  children,  264. 

Drug  habitues,  lying  and  self -accusa- 
tion of,  731. 

Drugs,  psychoses  from,  689. 

Drunkards  often  feebleminded,  23. 

Drunkenness  and  procreation,  264; 
failure  of  treatment  of  in  England, 

Dual  social  suggestibiHty,  hterature 
on,  708. 

Dullness  from  physical  causes,  case 
showing  result  of  treatment  of,  547; 
in  classification,  114. 


Ear  ailments  as  a  factor,  218. 

Early  treatment,  advantage  of  be- 
ginning, 172. 

Education  among  om-  group  of  offend- 
ers, 151. 

Educational  neglect  causing  dehn- 
quency,  300. 

Educational  tests,  critique  on,  81;  in- 
terpretation of,  81. 

Effeminacy  in  males  leading  to  delin- 
quency, case  of,  241. 

Egocentrism  of  adolescence,  714. 

Emotional  condition  in  offenders  stud- 
ied, 69,  70. 

Emotional  life  of  offenders,  subject  for 
study,  70;  schedule  for  history  of, 

Energy,  cases  of  inheritance  of  excess 
of,  189. 

Enuresis  and  sex  habits,  227;  in  de- 
Unquents,  226. 

Environment  and  so-called  "born 
criminals,"  781;  as  a  cause  vs.  per- 
sonaHty,  283;  balanced  with  other 
factors  as  a  cause  of  delinquency, 
283 ;  effect  of'  upon  body  measure- 
ments, 17  n. ;  physical  differentiated 
from  psychical,  284;  schedule  for 
data  concerning,  56 ;  treatment  of  in 
cases  of  dehnquency,  176. 

Environmental  factors,  general  state- 
ment concerning,  282;  only  to  be 
interpreted  through  psychical  ef- 
fects, 284;  treatment  of,  285. 

Environmental  influences  smTOund- 
ing  the  epileptic,  cases  illustrating, 
434  ff. 

Epilepsy  among  young  repeated  of- 

,  fenders,  416  n. ;    and  criminaUsm, 

literature  on,  4:14:  n.;   pathological 

lying,  case  of,  751;  as  a  factor  in 

criminahsm,  414;  related  to  amnesia 
638;  in  criminalism,  Lombroso  on, 
416;  of  pregnant  mother  in  relation 
to  dehnquency  of  offspring,  203;  our 
criterion  of  the  disease,  417;  pre- 
maturity, and  sex  dehnquency,  case 
of,  250;  principal  manifestations  of, 
415;  simulation  of,  780;  statistics  of 
in  om-  group,  147;  unfortunate  en- 
vironmental tendencies  of,  cases  il- 
lustrating, 434  ff.;  varieties  of,  414. 

Epileptic  aberrational  mental  states, 

Epileptic  automatism,  433. 

Epileptic  career  of  girls,  typical  case 
of,  437. 

Epileptic  character,  the,  418. 

Epileptic  equivalents,  415. 

Epileptic  fugues,  cases  of,  640. 

Epileptic  mania,  433. 

Epileptic  murder,  typical  case  of,  424. 

Epileptic  psychoses,  603;  in  children, 
cases  of,  434  ff . ;  effect  of  alcohol 
on,  270,  271;  mental  deterioration 
caused  by,  419. 

Epileptics  as  offenders,  cases  of,  419, 
420  ff . ;  mental  conditions  of,  during 
criminahsm,  434;  mental  function- 
ings  of,  417;  mental  pecuharities 
of,  417;  psychological  studies  on, 
419  n. ;  physical  pecuharities  of,  419; 
violent  assaults  of,  437. 

Ergograph,  58. 

Eroticism,  bases  of,  402. 

Erotomania  an  undesirable  term, 
400  n. 

Ethical  defects  of  puberty,  713. 

Ethical  discrimination,  tests  for,  99; 
weakened  in  senihty,  212. 

Ethics,  philosophical  conceptions  of, 
and  the  "moral  sense,"  783. 

Examination,  length  of  continuation 
of,  48;  medical,  schedule  for,  58; 
persons  present  at,  48,  49  re. ;  proper 
attitude  for,  69;  stenographic  report 
of,  48. 

Examiner,  assistants  to,  46;  necessary 
previous  training  of,  36 ;  selection  of, 
34;  tactful  attitude  of,  47;  tempera- 
ment and  attitude  of,  34. 

Examiners,  women  as,  36. 

Excitement,  abnormal  love  of,  treat- 
ment of,  765;  desire  for,  explosions 
of,  764;  love  of,  general  considera- 
tions concerning,  753. 

Exciting  hteratiu-e,  habit  of  reading, 

Exhibitionism  compared  in  the  sexes, 
407;  relation  of  alcohol  to,  271;  sex- 
uaUstic  impulsion,  405. 

Experience,  abihty  to  profit  by,  tests 



[References  are  to  pages) 

for,  SS;  necessary  for  passing  judg- 
ment on  delinquents,  37. 

Explosive  desire  for  excitement,  764. 

Expression,  facial,  value  of  in  criminal- 
istics, 58. 

Ex-prisoners,  failm-es,  286. 

Evelids,  inflammation  of,  cm'ious  case 
'of,  218. 

Ej^e  strain  as  a  factor,  217. 

Fabrications  of  pathological  liars,  731. 

Facial  expression,  peculiar,  caused  by 
prison  experiences,  311. 

Facts,  extent  of  record  of,  50. 

False  accusations,  cases  of,  732  ff . ; 
causing  mental  conflict,  357. 

Falsification,  pathological,  729. 

FamiKal  biological  defect,  case  of,  198. 

FamiUes,  broken  up  causing  dehn- 
quencjr,  290;  in  om*  group,  149. 

Family  alcoholism  and  criminahty, 
case  of,  265. 

Family  attitude  causing  delinquency, 

Family  conditions  in  our  group  of  of- 
fenders, 149;  schedule  for  recording, 
54,  55,  56. 

Family  history,  schedule  for,  53. 

Family  sexual  life,  misconduct  in, 
causing  criminahsm,  410. 

Father  Matthew's  abstinence  cam- 
paigns, 262  71. 

Feebleminded  made  criminal  by  al- 
cohol, case  of,  270;  social  and  edu- 
cational prognosis  of,  460;  successful 
in  life,  cases  of,  465  ff . ;  treatment 
of,  460,  461;  varieties  of  abihties 
among,  450 ;  with  excessive  language 
abihty,  cases  of,  475  ff . ;  with  normal 
insight  and  motor  ability,  cases  of, 

Feeblemindedness  and  alcohol,  Htera- 
ture  on,  682;  and  arson,  774;  and 
epilepsy,  murderer  showing,  424; 
classification  of,  448;  nomencla- 
ture concerning,  448;  psychological 
methods  of  classification  of,  449. 

"Fence"  for  thieves,  case  of,  328. 

Fetishism,  sexual,  leading  to  thieving, 

Fetishistic  steahng,  773. 

Field  workers,  46. 

Follow-up,  necessity  in  treatment,  177. 

Forces  producing  dehnquency,  our 
studies  of,  183. 

Forensic  bearings  on  alcohohsm,  681. 

Foresight,  tests  for,  91. 

Form  and  color  perception,  tests  for, 

French  Ministry,  inquiry  into  alcohol 

and  crime,  262  n. 
Fugues,  amnesic,  637. 


Gambhng,  abnormal  craving  for,  755. 
Ganser  syndrome,  638. 
General  paralysis  of  the  insane,  600. 
Germ  cells  affected  by  alcohol,  263, 

German  criminal  code,  difficulties  in 

adjustment  of,  168  n. 
Giessen  tests,  78. 
Girls,  mental  aberrations  of,  leading  to 

misconduct,  675  ff. 
Grading  of  mentahty  by  units,  121  n. 
Gjmecological  ailments,   examination 

for,  65. 


Habit  formations  and  subconscious 
hfe,  120. 

Habit  of  reading  exciting  Hterature, 

Habit,  psychologists  on,  350. 

Habitual  offenders,  classification  of, 

Headaches  in  relation  to  delinquency, 

Head  injuries  among  offenders,  620; 
among  penitentiary  prisoners,  sta- 
tistics on,  232;  in  relation  to  dehn- 
quency, 232 ;  related  to  mental  dull- 
ness among  offenders,  568. 

Hearing,  defective,  as  a  factor,  218. 

Heart  disease,  leading  to  delinquency, 
case  of,  233. 

Hereditary  amnesic  fugues,  cases  of, 

Hereditary  factors  as  related  to  direct 
causative  factors,  158;  of  our  of- 
fenders, 153. 

Hereditary  family  charts,  danger  of 
for  study  of  criminahsm,  189. 

Hereditary  studies,  critical  methods 
needed  in,  188. 

Hereditary  traits,  schedule  for  record- 
ing, 54,  55. 

Heredity  and  alcohol,  263;  and  over- 
development, 243;  and  pathological 
lying,  730;  its  relationship  to  ado- 
lescent instability,  728;  of  om* 
offend ei's,  statistics  of,  153;  pre- 
maturity and  sex  dehnquency,  250. 

Heredity  charts,  64;  no  proof  of 
criminalistic  heredity,  24. 

History  of  offender,  importance  of 
psychological  study  of,  71. 

Home,  bad  companions  in,  causing  de- 



[References  are  to  pages] 

linquency,  293;  immoral,  288;  irri- 
tation in,  288;  want  of,  causing  de- 
linquency, 292. 

Home,  conditions  as  cause  of  delin- 
quency, critically  considered,  282; 
defective,  enumeration  of  in  our 
group,  134. 

Home  life,  lack  of  healthy  interests  in, 
causing  dehnquency,  298. 

Homesickness  and  criminahty,  356  n. 
causing  arson,  774;  mental  conflict, 
357;  mental  conflict  and  delin- 
quency, case  of,  398. 

Housing  conditions  causing  dehn- 
quency, 291;  misconduct,  410. 

Hungarian  Law  for  study  of  dehn- 
quents,  173,  331. 

Hutchinsonian  teeth,  statistics  of,  146. 

Hypersensitiveness  of  adolescents,  714. 

Hjrpersexual  tendencies,  cases  of  in- 
heritance of,  192. 

Hypersexuahsm  a  disturbing  influence 
diu-ing  adolescence,  403 ;  dominating 
influence,  case  of,  403 ;  discussion  of, 
231;  inadequacy  of  repressive  treat- 
ment, 404;  natiu"e  and  causes  of, 
402;  of  epileptics,  cases  of,  424  ff.; 
operations  for,  231;  treatment  of, 

Hypnotism,  705;  border  hne  of,  in  mis- 
conduct, case  of,  706. 

Hypomania,  609. 

Hysteria  and  criminaHsm,  645;  as  re- 
lated to  amnesia,  638. 

Idiots,  454. 

Idiot  savants,  cases  of,  463  ff.;  type, 

Illegitimacy,  in  our  group,  149;  and 
aberration  of  pregnancy,  case  of, 

Illness,  early,  effect  of,  209. 

Imagery  and  empty  minds,  develop- 
ment of,  341;  and  hallucinations, 
340;  motor  consequences  of,  340;  of 
criminahstic  conduct,  339;  produc- 
ing misconduct,  cases  of,  341 ;  types 
of  visual,  related  to  criminahsm,  307. 

Imbeciles,  454. 

Imbecilic  ofi^enders,  cases  of,  454. 

Immigration  during  adolescence  caus- 
ing criminahsm,  723. 

Immoral  f amihes  causing  delinquency, 
cases  of,  288. 

Immorahty,  self-accusation  of,  case  of, 

Impaction  of  teeth  as  a  factor,  220. 

Imprisonment,  the  physical  and  men- 
tal effects  of,  312. 

Improper  language  as  an  environ- 
mental factor,  284. 

Impulses,  abnormal,  leading  to  wan- 
dering, 779. 

Impulses,  adolescent,  leading  to  crim- 
■  inahsm,  cases  of,  714  ff . 

Impulsions,  sexuahstic,  405. 

Incrimination,  mental  aberration  from 

Individual,  abnormal,  proper  study  of, 
29;  as  center  of  criminahstic  prob- 
lem, 22 ;  practical  value  of  study  of, 
22;  study  of,  growth  of  idea  of,  24; 
to  include  all  factors,  24. 

Individual  study,  importance  of,  5;  re- 
cent development  of,  18. 

Industrial  classification  of  feeble- 
minded, 461. 

Infancy  and  childhood,  data  concern- 
ing, schedule  for,  55. 

Infanticide,  case  of,  635. 

Influence  of  older  criminals,  705. 

Information,  evaluation  of  sources  of, 
50;  from  relatives,  39;  general,  in- 
quiry into,  102;  skepticism  about, 
39;  sources  of,  40. 

Inheritance  of  physical  traits,  case  of, 

Injury,  criminahstic  simulation  of,  779. 

Insanities,  enumeration  of  in  our 
group,  132;  some  unclassifiable,  441. 

Insanity  as  distinguished  from  minor 
mental  aberrations,  445;  of  mastur- 
bation, 642 ;  of  pregnant  mother  in 
relation  to  dehnquency  of  offspring, 
203;  in  heredity  of  our  offenders, 
156;  simulation  of,  780. 

Instabihty,  adolescent,  general  consid- 
erations of,  712. 

Institutional  life  of  offenders  previ- 
ously, in  our  group,  151. 

Institutional  treatment  of  delinquents, 
individualization  in,  176;  of  offend- 
ers, general  ideas  about,  176. 

Instruction-box  Test,  norms  on,  110. 

Instructions,  100. 

Instrumental  dehvery,  as  cause  of  de- 
fect, 208. 

Intent  as  guide  to  penalty,  20. 

Intoxication  creating  irresponsibility, 
273;  of  adolescents  leading  to  crim- 
inalism, cases  of,  684  ff.;  patholog- 
ical, 683. 

Introduction  puzzle.  Test  I,  norms  on, 

Introspection,  the  method  of  psycho- 
analysis, 117. 

Investigation,  sympathetic,  necessity 
of,  34. 

Irritability  and  criminalism  arising 
from  bad  sex  habits,  768 ;  as  related 



[References  are  to  pages] 

to  some  physical  cause,  767 ;  exces- 
sive as  related  to  criminalism,  767. 

Irritation,  caused  b}'  thwarted  desii'c 
producing  delinquencj',  290;  in  the 
home  causing  dehnquency,  2SS,  290; 
causing  mental  tendencies,  228; 
physical,  as  cause  of  delinquency, 
22t,  228. 

Itinerancy  causing  delinquencj^,  292. 

Jails,  moral  contagion  in,  169. 
Judgment  and  foresight,  defect  in,  as 

related  to  criminalism,  526;  moral, 

tests  for,  98;  tests  for,  92. 
Junior  Republic,  necessity  of  studies 

of  deUnquents  in,  177. 
Juridical  criminals,  161  n. 
Juvenile  court  methods,  estimation  of, 

Juvenile  offenders,  estimation  of  age 

Umits  of,  173. 
Juvenile  paresis,  601. 
Juvenile  Protective  Association,  177  n. 
Juvenile  suicides,  literature  on,  776  n. 

"Kleptomania,"  770;  from  mental 
conflict,  cases  of,  360  ff.  374;  of  the 
feebleminded,  771. 

' '  Kleptomaniac ' '  an  unsatisfactory 
term,  770  n. 

Language  ability,  importance  of,  89; 
in  defectives,  473;  relation  of  tests 
to,  82;  tests  for,  89. 

Language  abiUty  unusual,  in  cases  of 
mental  subnormality,  501  ff.;  mo- 
rons with,  cases  of,  475  ff. 

Language  defect  as  related  to  crim- 
inaUsm,  516. 

Languages,  abihty  to  learn,  cases  of 
among  feebleminded,  475  ff . 

Learning  ability,  tests  for,  88. 

Learning  test,  associations,  norms  on, 

Legal  aspects  of  career  of  subnormal 
verbahst,  506. 

Legal  demarcation  between  juveniles 
and  adults  unscientific,  726. 

Legal  importance  of  defective  verbal- 
ists, 474;  pathological  lying,  729. 

Legal  procedm-e,  as  concerned  with 
moral  sense,  785. 

Legal  standards  of  insanity,  artificial 
nature  of,  442. 

Legal  treatment    of   adolescent   ten- 

dencies to  misconduct,  726;  of 
alcoholic  criminalism,  680;  of  epi- 
leptics, 431. 

Literature  on  suicide,  775  ».;  perni- 
cious, causing  delinquency,  304. 

Litigious  paranoia,  604. 

Love  of  adventure  fed  by  exciting  Ut- 
erature,  case  of,  759. 

Love  of  excitement  as  related  to  disci- 
phne  of  children,  753. 

Lust  murder  of  epileptic,  case  of,  424. 

Lust  murders,  406. 

Lues,  relation  to  criminaUsm,  229. 

Lying,  of  cocainists,  277 ;  of  morphin- 
ists, 277;  pathological,  definition  of, 
729;  case  of,  in  subnormal  verbaUst, 


Male  sex  characteristics  in  females 
leading  to  dehnquency,  case  of,  241. 

Malingering,  779;  in  deaf  mutes,  223. 

Manic  depressive  insanity,  602. 

Marriage  as  prevention  of  sex  delin- 
quency in  girls,  248;  of  old  men,  sta- 
tistics on,  211. 

Masochism,  405. 

Mastm-bation  and  adolescent  aberra- 
tion, 653 ;  and  dementia  precox,  593 ; 
and  mental  aberration,  642 ;  causing 
mental  dullness,  559;  circumcision 
for,  226;  effects  of,  407;  extent  of, 
among  offenders,  407;  in  relation  to 
anti-social  conduct,  psychology  of, 
408;  relation  of  to  other  dehnquen- 
cies,  407;  treatment  of,  408. 

Maternal  impressions  as  alleged  caus- 
ative factor,  207;  hterature  on, 
207  n. 

"Measuring  scale  of  intelligence," 
Binet's,  79. 

Medical  examiijation,  65. 

Medico-legal  aspects,  hterature  on, 

MelanchoUa,  602;  and  suicide,  776. 

Memory  powers,  tests  for,  82  ff. 

Memory  span,  test  for,  83. 

Memory  Test,  auditory  verbal,  norms 
on,  110;  visual  verbal,  norms  on, 

Memory,  visual  verbal,  test  for,  83. 

Menstrual  mental  aberration,  litera- 
ture on,  627. 

Menstrual  period  and  the  stealing  im- 
pulse, 772  ff. 

Menstruation,  average  age  of,  statis- 
tics on,  237;  early,  relation  of,  to  ex- 
cessive vitahty,  249. 

Mental  aberration,  adolescent,  651; 
and   hysteria,    645;    as   related    to 



[References  are  to  pages] 

criminalism  in  general,  590;  from 
sex  habits,  642;  general  considera- 
tions of,  590;  menstrual,  627;  transi- 
tory, 648. 

Mental  aberrations,  adolescent,  lead- 
ing to  criminalism,  653  ff . ;  as  dis- 
tinguished from  mental  defects,  444; 
minor,  609;  minor,  varieties  of,  693; 
unclassifiable,  607. 

Mental  abihties,  defects  in  special,  515. 

Mental  abnormality,  classifications  of, 
442;  definitions  of  classes  of,  444; 
general  considerations  concerning, 
441;  general  relationship  of  to  de- 
linquency, 29. 

Mental  abnormalities,  statistical  anal- 
ysis of  in  our  group,  141. 

Mental  analysis,  powers  of,  tests  for, 

Mental  association  processes,  tests  for, 

Mental  causes  of  dehnquency,  treat- 
ment of,  175. 

Mental  characteristics  of  adolescents, 
leading  to  aberration,  651;  of  ado- 
lescents leading  to  criminalism, 
cases  of,  714  ff.;  pecuHarities,  statis- 
tical analysis  of  in  our  group,  131. 

Mental  classification  of  our  repeated 
offenders,  139. 

Mental  conditions  vs.  bodily  findings 
in  wayward  girls,  66. 

Mental  conduct,  inquiry  into,  102. 

Mental  conflict  and  conduct,  120;  and 
pathological  lying,  731;  based  on 
pecuharities  of  temperament,  352; 
cases  of,  leading  to  criminalism,  357; 
caused  by  body  defect,  357;  causing 
criminalism  and  suffering,  354;  from 
concealed  parentage,  case  of,  389; 
in  criminahstic  genetics,  352;  in 
girls,  basis  of,  352;  leading  to  crim- 
inalism, cases  of,  356.;  nature  of,  353; 
treatment  of,  355;  type  of  delin- 
quency arising  from,  354. 

Mental  conflicts,  enumerated  for  our 
group,  134;  record  of,  61. 

Mental  content  during  prison  life,  314. 

Mental  defect  as  distinguished  from 
general  mental  defectiveness,  451  ff . ; 
definition  of,  444;  diagram  of  classi- 
fication of,  452;  general  considera- 
tions concerning,  447;  in  heredity  of 
offenders  of  our  gi'oup,  153  ff. ;  in  the 
moral  sphere,  discussion  of,  782  ff.; 
nomenclature  concerning,  448. 

Mental  defectives  become  alcoholics, 
263;  classification  of,  448;  definition 
of  classes  of,  449;  effect  of  alcohol 
on,  269;  Goddard's  industrial  classi- 
fication of,  461 ;  proportion  of  among 

offenders,  447;  social  and  psycholog- 
ical classifications  of,  449;  surgical 
treatment  of,  to  prevent  sex  mis- 
conduct, 462. 
Mental  defects,  special,  515. 
Mental  dullness  and  physical  ailments, 
doubtful  relationship  of,   cases  of, 
571;  caused  by  excess  of  tobacco, 
281;  by  physical  conditions,   546; 
from  bad  sex  habits,  559;  and  epi- 
lepsy, 570;  and  narcotics  and  stimu- 
lants,   556;    and    general    physical 
conditions,  cases  of,  554;  and  physi- 
cal conditions,  possibihties  of  treat- 
ment of,  547. 
Mental  episodes  of  constitutional  in- 
feriors, 576. 
Mental  examination,  just  after  arrest, 

Mental  factors  of  delinquency,  neglect 

of,  causes  false  judgments,  28. 
Mental  habit,  a  factor  in  criminahsm, 
349;  criminahstic,  349;  plus  physical 
conditions,     216;     in     reformatory 
treatment,  350. 
Mental,   imagery   during  prison  fife, 
345;    from    picture    shows    causing 
suicidal  impulse,  347;  relation  of,  to 
hypersexuahsm,  402. 
Mental     interests,     defective,     etc., 
enumerated  for  our  group,  136;  in- 
quiry into,  102;  lack  of,  causing  de- 
hnquency, 297;  supplying  of,  as  a 
phase  of  treatment,  300. 
Mental  life,  direct  relationship  of,  to 
dehnquency,   163;  during  custody, 
Mental  peculiarities  in  relation  to  con- 
■    duct,  general  considerations  of,  694. 
Mental   peculiarity   as   distinguished 

from  insanity,  etc.,  446. 
Mental  phenomena  are  observed  only 

through  cooperation,  70. 
Mental    representation,    powers    of, 

tests  for,  90. 
Mental  repressions  causing  patholog- 
ical stealing,  773. 
Mental  shock  and  conduct,  120;  in  our 

group,  138. 
Mental   subnormaUty,    definition   of, 

Mental  tests,  basis  of  our  selection 
of,  75;  display  of,  effect  of,  72;  dis- 
turbing conditions  during,  105;  fun- 
damental basis  of,  standardization 
of,  72;  interpretation  for,  104;  hmi- 
tations  of,  104;  method  of  giving, 
72 ;  order  of,  48 ;  relationship  of  ex- 
aminer and  examinee  in,  72;  result 
of  in  cases  of  dullness  from  physical 
conditions,  547. 



(References  are  to  pages] 

Mental  traits,  schedule  of  study  of, 
71,  also  note. 

Mental  tj^pes,  varieties  in,  diagram 
showing,  453. 

■Mental  vacuity  during  prison  hfe,  170, 

Mentally  subnormal  offenders,  cases 
of,  492. 

Method  of  presentation  of  cases,  185; 
of  psychological  inquiry,  critique  of, 

Methodology',  our  outlook  on,  18. 

INlethods  of  medical  examination,  65; 
of  study,  general  conclusions  about, 

MiU,  J.  Stuart,  on  the  aim  of  punish- 
ment, 8. 

IMisconduct  in  children  based  on  epi- 
lepsy, 434  ff.;  peculiar  to  adoles- 
cence, 712;  result  of  mental  hfe, 

Monomania,  604. 

Moral  comprehension  of  the  feeble- 
minded, 787. 

Moral  contagion  arising  from  bad 
companions,  293;  during  incarcera- 
tion, 169,  313. 

Moral  danger  during  custody,  168. 

"Moral  feeblemindedness,"  782. 

"Moral  imbecihty,"  782. 

"Moral  insanity,"  782;  literature  on, 
782  ff. 

"Moral  invalids,"  787. 

Moral  judgment,  tests  for,  98;  tests 
for,  critique  on,  99. 

Moral  Questions  Tests,  norms  on,  110. 

"Moral  sense,"  philosophical  concep- 
tions of,  783. 

Moral  traits  during  adolescence,  652. 

Morons  as  offenders,  cases  of,  455  ff.; 
definition  of,  450. 

Morphine  addiction  causing  criminal- 
ity, 275;  mental  results  of  addiction 
to,  275;  psychoses  from,  689. 

Morphinism  of  pregnant  mother  in  re- 
lation to  delinquency  of  offspring, 

Morphinist,  mental  states  of,  276;  re- 
sponsibihty  of,  275. 

Motor  coordination,  norms  on,  110; 
tests  for,  86. 

Motor  functioning,  desirable  data  con- 
cerning, 58. 

Moving  pictures  creating  a  craving, 
309;  environment  of,  creating  de- 
Hnquency,  308;  psychology  of,  re- 
lated to  criminahsm,  306;  stimulat- 
ing to  sex  instinct,  308. 

Moving  pictm'B  shows  and  mental 
imagery,  cases  showing  relation  of, 
341  fi^. 

Murders,  possible  range  of  intent  in, 
770.    . 

Mutes,  delinquent,  cases  of,  222. 

Mythomania,  see  Pathological  Ly- 
ing, 729. 


Narcotics  causing  mental  dullness, 
cases  of,  556. 

Natal  conditions  defective,  enumer- 
ated for  our  group,  137. 

Nationahty,  of  our  offenders  as  com- 
pared to  general  population,  149, 
150 ;  of  parents  of  our  offenders, 

Neglect  of  parents  causing  delin- 
quency, 292. 

Negro  men,  attraction  of,  caused  by 
hypersexuahsm,  403. 

Nervous  disorders,  cases  of  in  delin- 
quents, 224;  minor,  as  a  factor  in 
dehnquency,  223. 

Neuropathic  foundations  of  menstrual 
aberrations,  628;  mental  aberrations 
during  pregnancy,  634. 

Newspaper  influence  in  criminahsm, 
researches  on,  302. 

Newspaper  notoriety  desired  by  de- 
linquents, 304. 

Newspapers,  influence  of,  in  creating 
criminahsm,  301. 

Nomenclature  concerning  feeblemind- 
edness, 448. 

Norms  of  age-weight  records,  145;  on 
puberty  and  menstruation,  237. 

Nose  obstructions  as  a  factor,  219. 

Nymphomania,  treatment  for,  404. 


Obscenity  in  old  age,  212. 

Obsessions,  sexualistic,  405. 

Obstinacy  and  self-assertion  as  related 
to  prior  experiences,  766;  as  a  trait 
leading  to  misconduct,  766. 

Occasional  criminahsm,  316. 

Occupational  activities,  lack  of,  caus- 
ing dehnquency,  case  of,  298  ff. 

Offenders,  emotional  condition  of  un- 
der study,  70;  harmed  by  punish- 
ment, 168;  predisposed  toward  ad- 
venture, types  of,  754. 

Offenses,  as  compared  with  actual 
court  charges,  144;  of  old  age,  pecuh- 
arities  of,  statistics  on,  210;  of  our 
repeated  offenders,  140. 

Office  force,  46. 

Ohio  law  for  study  of  offenders,  173, 

Old  age,  offenses  of,  209 ;  of  parents  at 




conception,  as  a  factor  in  delin- 
quency of  offspring,  206. 

Opposites  Test,  norms  on,  110. 

Otitis  media  as  a  factor,  219. 

Outbursts  of  temper,  misconduct,  etc., 

Over-development,  general,  related  to 
sex  characteristics,  244;  of  boys,  re- 
lated to  delinquency,  255;  physical, 
case  of,  242. 

Pain,  diminished  sensation  of  in  crim- 
inals, 17  n. 

Paranoia,  604. 

Pardons  of  epileptic  offenders,  426. 

Parentage,  uncertainty  about  causing 
mental  conflicts,  356. 

Parental  control,  incompetent,  caus- 
ing dehnquency,  289. 

Parental  immorahty,  neglect,  etc., 
enumerated  for  our  group,  134. 

Parental  lack  of  comprehension  caus- 
ing dehnquency,  292. 

Parental  separation  causing  delin- 
quency, 290. 

Parental  severity  causing  dehnquency, 

Parents,  alcohohsm  of,  creating  defect- 
ive environment,  266. 

Parents,  alcohohsm  of,  diseases  of, 
etc.,  schedule  for  recording,  54. 

Parents,  immorality  of,  causing  mis- 
conduct, 291,  410. 

Parents  of  our  offenders,  alcohohsm  of, 
152,  286. 

Parents  separated,  in  our  group, 

Parents'  neglect  of  sex  teaching,  354. 

Paresis,  600;  caused  by  sj^jhilis,  229. 

Paris  institut  de  medicine  legale,  173  n. 

Pathological  arson,  774;  in  case  of  men- 
tal conflict,  384;  hterature  on,  774. 

Pathological  intoxication,  683. 

Pathological  lying,  cases  of,  732  ff , ; 
characteristics  of,  729  ff . ;  definition 
of,  771 ;  prognoses  in  cases  of,  731 ;  in 
its  relation  to  psychoses,  750;  Krae- 
pehn's  idea  of,  771;  Literature  on, 

Pathological  stealing,  770;  during  men- 
strual period,  772;  during  preg- 
nancy, 773;  from  mental  conflict, 
cases  of,  360  ff . ;  and  mental  con- 
flict, case  of,  374;  types  of,  causa- 
tion leading  to,  771;  typical  case  of, 

Pathological  wandering,  776. 

Peculiar  mental  types,  enumeration  of 
in  our  group,  132. 

are  to  pages] 

Peculiarities,  individual,  too  complex 
for  criminological  systems,  18. 

Penal  institutions,  sex  perversions  in, 

Penal  philosophy  in  relation  to  re- 
sponsibility, Tarde  on,  20. 

Perceptions,  analys's  of,  tests  for,  91. 

Perception  of  form  and  color  relation- 
ships, 87. 

Performance  tests,  development  of ,  78. 

Personality  made  up  of  past  and  pres- 
ent factors,  25. 

Persuasion  as  related  to  suggestibility, 

Phimosis,  as  a  factor,  225;  definition 
and  importance  of,  225;  in  girls,  226. 

Photography,  value  of,  58. 

Physical  anomalies,  chronological,  235. 

Physical  causes  of  delinquency,  treat- 
ment of,  174;  of  irritabihty,  767. 

Physical  characteristics,  cases  of,  in- 
heritance of  early  development  of, 

Physical  conditions,  abnormal  enu- 
merated for  our  group  of  cases,  135; 
creating  mental  dulhiess,  546;  lead- 
ing to  poor  social  opportimities,  case 
of,  238  ff. 

Physical  development,  cases  of  inher- 
itance of,  excess  of,  189. 

Physical  examination  of  wayward 
girls,  65. 

Physical  inferiority  of  offenders,  238. 

Physical  irritations,  causing  character 
tendencies,  228. 

Physical  maturity,  245. 

Physical  over-development  and  prema- 
turity of  epileptics,  cases  of,  420  ff . ; 
case  of,  242,  244;  related  to  prema- 
ture puberty,  248. 

Physical  sex  characteristics,  over-de- 
velopment of,  245. 

Physical  traits,  inheritance  of  as  caus- 
ative factor,  198. 

Physical  vigor,  excess  of,  as  cause  of 
delinquency,  231. 

Physician  as  examiner,  36  ff . ;  prison, 
qualifications  for,  36  n. 

Physiognomy,  changes  in,  resulting 
from  prison  experiences,  311;  crim- 
inal characteristics  in,  58. 

Physiological  age,  as  related  to  men- 
tahty,  250  n. 

Physique  of  adult  criminals,  215;  of 
boys  and  girls  compared  according 
to  age,  145;  of  female  offenders, 

Pictorial  Completion  Test,  97;  norms 
on,  111. 

Picture,  Testimony  Test,  norms  on, 



[References  are  to  pages) 

Pictures  and  criminalistic  imagery, 
cases  showing  relation  of,  346;  per- 
nicious influence  of,  307 ;  psychology 
of,  related  to  dehnquencj'^,  306. 

Plan  of  psj^chological  inquuy,  77. 

Planfuhiess,  tests  for,  91. 

Playground,  criticism  on,  2S4. 

Post-traumatic  constitution,  620. 

Povert,y  as  a  factor  in  our  cases, 
enumeration  of,  134;  creating  bad 
mental  effects,  284;  relation  of  to 
criminalism,  292. 

Precocity  as  distinguished  from  pre- 
matm-ity,  249. 

Predictabihty  of  the  given  case  ascer- 
tained by  study,  163. 

Pregnancy,  abuse  during,  as  causative 
factor  of  deUnquency,  202;  and  the 
stealing  impulse,  773;  excessive 
worry  dm'ing,  as  causative  factor  of 
dehnquency,  203;  mental  aberra- 
tions of,  633;  mental  impressions 
during,  as  alleged  causative  factor, 
207;  mental  shock,  during,  as  causa- 
tive factor  of  delinquency,  203; 
mental  trouble  during,  as  causative 
factor  of  delinquency,  203;  mother 
working  during,  effect  in  producing 
defective  offspring,  207;  physical 
conditions  during,  as  causative  fac- 
tor of  delinquency,  202. 

Premature  birth,  as  cause  of  defect, 

Prematm-e  puberty  related  to  delin- 
quency, case  of,  256,  258. 

Premature  puberty,  treatment  of, 

Prematm-ity,  epilepsy  and  sex  devel- 
opment, case  of,  250;  in  its  general 
relations,  249 ;  of  boys  related  to  de- 
linquency, 255;  with  later  normal- 
ity, case  of,  253. 

Prenatal  influences  as  alleged  causa- 
tive factor,  207. 

Presumption  of  truth  as  applied  to 
pathological  lying,  729. 

Prevention  of  adolescent  misconduct, 

Prison  buildings,  related  to  psycho- 
logical needs,  170. 

Prison  experience  developing  crimin- 
aUsm,  311. 

Prison  friendships,  effects  of,  313. 

Prison  hfe,  bases  of  reform  during,  315; 
creating  a  peculiar  individual,  312; 
explosions  of  misconduct  in,  764. 

Prison  look,  the,  312. 

Prison  psychoses,  605. 

Prisons,  mental  vacuities  in,  170; 
moral  contagion  in,  169. 

Privileged  communication,  35. 

Procreation  under  effects  of  alcohol, 

Professional  criminalism,  316;  aided 
by  sinister  protection,  320;  as  related 
to  love  of  adventure,  755. 

Professional  criminals,  American,  lit- 
erature on,  329;  prognosis  of,  318. 

"Professional"  tendencies,  treatment 
of,  330. 

Professionalism,  cases  of,  321;  relation 
of  juvenile  dehnquency  to,  317. 

"Professionals"  as  a  tj^pe,  320;  char- 
acteristics of,  318;  identification  of, 
323, 324;  moral  feehngin,  319;  pohce 
graft  among,  324;  teaching  among, 

Prognoses  in  wayward  gu'ls  from  men- 
tal vs.  physical  findings,  66. 

Prognoses,  relation  of  types  of  of- 
fenders to,  162. 

Prostate  gland,  enlarged,  relation  to 
offenses,  228;  senile  enlargement  of, 
relation  to  delinquency,  212. 

Prostitution,  arising  from  housing  con- 
ditions, 292;  dehberate  choice  of, 
case  of,  336;  related  to  early  devel- 
opment, case  of,  253. 

Pruritus,  relation  of  to  anti-social  con- 
duct, 228. 

Pseudologia  phantastica,  vide  Patho- 
logical Lying,  729. 

Psychiatric  investigation  of  offenders, 

Psychic  constitutional  inferiority,  de- 
finition of,  575. 

Psychic  contagion  in  prison  hfe,  312. 

Psychic  epilepsy,  415. 

Psychic  trauma,  and  conduct,  120;  and 
pathological  lying,  731;  leading  to 
mental  conflict  and  criminahsm, 
cases  of,  357  ff. 

Psychoanalysis,  115;  and  hereditary 
traits,  117;  hmitations  and  possibil- 
ities of,  118;  hterature  of,  116. 

Psychogenesis,  117;  of  delinquency, 
cases  of  mental  conflict  showing, 
357  ff. 

Psychogram,  the,  121 ;  of  the  offender, 
importance  of,  76. 

Psychological  analysis,  115;  record  of, 

Psychological  classification  of  om*  re- 
peated offenders,  139. 

Psychological  history  of  offender,  71. 

Psychological  impressions,  121. 

Psychological  inquiry,  plan  of,  77. 

Psychological  investigation,  coopera- 
tion of  offender  in,  70;  proper  tem- 
perament for,  69. 

Psychological  methods,  subtlety  of, 




Psychological  standpoint,  limitations 
of,  31. 

Psychological  view  of  conduct,  prac- 
tical value  of,  27. 

Psychologist  as  examiner,  36  flf . ;  prac- 
tical problem  of,  in  studying  of- 
fenders, 76. 

Psychology,  applied,  field  of,  31  ?i.;  of 
adolescent  aberrations,  651  ff.;  of 
"the  criminal"  literature  of,  30  n. 

Psychomotor  activity  of  constitutional 
excitement,  case  of,  612. 

Psychoneurotic  delinquent,  case  of  a, 

Psychopathic  constitution,  synonyms 
and  literature  of,  575. 

Psychopaths:  constitutional  inferiors, 
literature  on,  575. 

Psychoses  and  pathological  lying,  750; 
enumeration  of  in  our  group,  132; 
epileptic,  433;  from  alcohol,  678; 
from  cerebral  injuries,  619;  major 
and  minor,  distinction  between, 
591;  of  acute  alcohoKsm,  683;  of 
alcohol  among  adolescents,  683;  of 
chronic  alcohoUsm,  characteristics 
of,  681;  some  unclassifiable,  441. 

Psychosis  caused  by  excess  of  snuff, 
281,  690. 

Pubertal  characteristics,  710. 

Puberty  and  mental  aberrations,  vide 
adolescent  psychoses,  651;  average 
age  of,  statistics  on,  237;  delayed, 
case  of,  240;  prematm'e,  in  relation 
to  adolescent  aberration,  cases  of, 
653  ff . ;  premature,  without  over- 
development, 256;  premature,  with 
poor  development,  case  of,  258 ;  pre- 
mature, related  to  general  over-de- 
velopment, 248;  schedule  for  data 
concerning,  57. 

Punishment,  necessity  of,  166. 

Pim.itive  necessities,  166. 

Puzzle-box  Test,  norms  on,  108. 

"PjTomania,"  774. 


Quarreling  in  famihes  as  result  of  al- 
cohohsm,  264. 

Quarrelsome  parents,  as  causative  fac- 
tors, 288. 


Racial  characteristics,  765. 
Range  of  Information  Test,  102. 
Recidivism,  Oba's  method  of  deahng 

with,    25 ;    of    alcohohc    offenders, 

Recidivists  coming  from  bad  homes. 

are  to  pages] 

285;  importance  of,  10;  statistics  on,, 
10;  moral  feehng  of,  319. 

Records  as  made  during  examination, 
73;  character  of,  47;  extent  of,  49; 
form  of,  50,  51 ;  making  of,  43;  of  de- 
linquently  inclined,  61;  of  foUow-up 
work,  62;  of  psychological  tests,  60; 
subsidiary,  62. 

Recreation,  relation  of  to  prevention 
of  delinquency,  247. 

Recreational  centers  may  be  cause  of 
dehnquency,  284. 

Recreational  interests,  paucity  of,.  . 
causing  delinquency,  case  of,  298  ff. 

Reform  in  age  limits  of  juvenile  court 
procedure,  726 ;  of  prison  conditions 
dependent  upon  psychological  con- 
siderations, 315. 

Released  prisoners,  environment  of, 

Religion  among  our  group  of  offenders,^ 
151;  as  substitute  for  sex  impulses, 

ReHgious  treatment  of  delinquency, 

Repeated  offender,  definition  of,  14. 

Repeated  offenders,  our  group  of  one 
thousand,  127;  vide  also  Recidi- 

Research,  criminalistic,  motives  for, 

Responsibihty  for  crime  while  under 
hquor,  273;  of  epileptics,  431;  legal, 
19;  difficulty  of,  20;  insolubility  of, 
20;  problem  of,  not  necessary  to 
face,  20 ;  lessened,  of  abnormal  tjT^es 
30;  recent  hterature  on,  19  n. 

Restlessness  as  a  characteristic,  769; 
of  adolescence,  714. 

Retardation,  mental,  caused  by  physi- 
cal conditions,  547. 

Retentive  memory,  test  for,  84. 

Rewards  and  disciphnes,  the  value  of 
in  penology,  167. 

Revengefulness  as  leading  to  delin- 
quency, 767. 

Ringworm  causing  expulsion  from 
school,  case  of,  232. 

Romanticism,  adolescent  causing  sui- 
cidal impulses,  724. 


Sadistic  impulses,  406. 

Satyi'iasis,  treatment  for,  404. 

Scheme  of  classification  according  to 
abilities,  113. 

School  children,  physical  ailments 
among,  statistics  on,     219. 

School  companions  causing  delin- 
quency, 293. 



[References  are  to  pasesl 

School  history,  schcdiilo  for  data  con- 
cerning, 5(3. 

School  irritation  causing  anti-social 
tendencies,  295. 

School  work,  tests  for,  81. 

Scientific  studies  necessaiy  for  proper 
treatment,  178. 

Secondary  dementia,  603. 

Scolding  leading  to  mental  conflict, 
case  of,  394. 

Seasonal  crimes,  vaUdity  of  theory  of, 

Seduction  by  males  as  compared  to  se- 
duction by-females,  144. 

Self-accusation  of  drug  habitues,  731; 
of  morphinists,  277;  case  of,  746. 

Self-assertion,  adolescent,  causing  de- 
linquency in  girls;  724;  as  an  exces- 
sive phenomenon  leading  toward 
social  offense,  766. 

Self-control  defective,  causing  crim- 
inahsm,  533;  no  excuse  for  legal  fre- 
dom,  167. 

Self-control,  defects  in  during  adoles- 
cence, 714;  treatment  of,  545;  lack 
of,  periodic,  764. 

Semi-responsibles,  592. 

Senile  criminality  caused  by  alcohol, 

Senile  delinquents,  as  first  offenders, 
211;  mental  conditions  of,  211. 

Senile  dementia  and  deUnquency,  210. 

Senile  offenders,  local  physical  condi- 
tions in,  212. 

Senile  sex  offenses,  relation  of  enlarged 
prostate  to,  228. 

Senihty  in  relation  to  delinquency, 
209;  of  parents  at  conception,  as  a 
factor,  206. 

Sensitiveness,  lack  of,  caused  by  men- 
tal defect,  76. 

Sensory  illusion  tests,  93. 

Sensory  judgment,  tests  for,  92. 

Separation  of  parents  causing  deUn- 
quency, 290;  in  our  families, 

Setting  fii-es,  774. 

Severity  of  parents  causing  delin- 
quency, 289. 

Sex  characteristics  undeveloped  after 
puberty,  240. 

Sex  crimes  as  related  to  individual 
pecuharities,  402. 

Sex  dehnquency  of  feebleminded  girls, 
case  illustrating,  459;  in  girls,  as  pre- 
vented by  marriage,  248;  relation  of 
to  early  maturity,  253. 

Sex  experiences,  early,  causing  other 
misconduct,  410;  improper,  enumer- 
ated for  our  group,  134. 

Sex  habits  causing  mental  dullness. 

559;  excessive,  409  n.;  in  prison  life, 

Sex  impulses  excessive,  cases  of  inher- 
itance of,  192;  treatment  of  by  seg- 
regation, 247. 

Sex  life,  abnormal,  causing  mortal 
dullness,  559;  and  mental  conflicts, 

Sex  offenses,  relation  of  hypnotism  to, 
706;  and  over-development  in  girls, 

Sex  organs,  irritation  of,  227. 

Sex  over-development,  cases  of  inheri- 
tance of,  193  ff. 

Sex  perversions  among  vagrants,  779; 
as  related  to  pathological  lying, 
cases  of,  732  ff.;  experiences  with, 
causing  reaction  towards  criminal- 
ism in  adolescents,  723;  importance 
of,  411;  in  penal  institutions,  412; 
hterature  on,  411;  psychological  as- 
pects of,  411;  relationship  of  effemi- 
nacy to,  241;  treatment  of,  412. 

Sex  pervert  and  constitutional  inferior, 
case  of,  584. 

Sex  precocity  related  to  delinquency, 
cases  of,  244,  248,  256,  258. 

Sex  prematurity  of  epileptics,  cases  of, 
429  ff. 

Sex  relationship  causing  susceptibility 
to  influence  of  another,  704. 

Sex  teaching,  neglect  by  parents,  354. 

Sexual  abnormahty,  criterion  of,  400. 

Sexual  fetishism,  thieving  to  gratify, 

SexuaHsm,  abnormal,  400;  as  distin- 
guished from  sexual  criminalism, 
400;  related  to  epilepsy,  412;  re- 
lated to  psychoses,  412;  relation  of 
to  stabbing  women,  etc.,  406;  under- 
lying conditions  of,  401. 

Sexuality,  pathological,  field  of,  400. 

Sexual  offenses  of  old  age,  210  ff. 

Sexual  vice,  arising  from  housing  con- 
ditions, 291;  caused  by  self-abnega- 
tion of  women,  405;  of  epileptic 
women,  case  illustrating,  437;  of 
mental  defectives,  treatment  of,  462. 

Sex  vigor,  excessive,  case  of  in  epilepsy 

ShopUfting  during  menstruation,  634. 
during  pregnancy,  634  ff . ;  studies 
on,  772  ff. 

Short  term  punishments,  foUy  of,  171. 

Simulation  of  epilepsy,  780;  insanity, 
780;  mental  or  physical  disease,  779. 

Snuff,  [tobacco],  excess  of,  creating 
psychosis,  281;  psychosis  from  over- 
use of,  690. 

Social  basis  of  mental  classification, 




Social  importance  of  dementia  precox, 

Social  requirements  in  relation  to  men- 
tal subnormality,  492. 

Social  suggestibility,  abnormal,  695; 
cases  of,  698  ff . ;  dual,  708 ;  individ- 
ual variations  of,  697;  in  relation  to 
tests,  93  ff . ;  of  members  of  a  crowd, 
703;  resentment  of  idea  of  by  of- 
fenders, 705;  treatment  of,  702. 

Social  service  for  ex-prisoners,  286. 

Social  treatment  of  epileptics,  431. 

Socially  important  abilities  of  the 
feebleminded,  463  ff. 

Socially  suggestible  individuals,  re- 
sults of  tests  on,  94. 

Special  abilities  leading  to  adolescent 
dissatisfaction  and  criminalism,  768; 
tests  for,  100. 

Special  capacities,  tests  for,  82. 

Special  genius  of  feebleminded  individ- 
uals, 463  ff. 

Special  picture  puzzle,  norms  on,  107. 

Speech  defects  as  a  factor,  220. 

Sphincter,  lack  of  control  of,  in  de- 
hnquents,  227. 

Sphincter,  tight,  relationship  to  de- 
Hnquency,  228. 

Stage  hfe,  desire  for,  764;  relation  of  to 
criminalism,  295. 

Statistical  methods,  apphcation  of,  6; 
as  extremely  applied,  24  n. 

Statistical  summary  of  causative  fac- 
tors in  our  group,  130. 

Statistics,  critique  on  the  basis  of,  126; 
interpretation  of  our,  129;  of  chil- 
dren in  famihes  of  delinquents,  148; 
of  birthplaces,  of  our  offenders,  149; 
of  parents  of  our  offenders,  150;  on 
alcoholism  and  criminality,  679; 
criminalistics,  causative  factors 
necessary  for,  15;  suicide,  775  n.; 
our  group  of  cases  for,  127. 

Stealing  as  a  result  of  mental  imagery, 
cases  of,  341  H.;  result  of  picture 
shows,  cases  of ,  341  ff . ;  the  result  of 
mental  conflict,  cases  of,  357  ff . ;  at 
the  menstrual  period,  628;  during 
pregnancy,  634  ff . ;  for  fetishism, 
773;  for  the  sake  of  adventure,  773; 
pathological,  770. 

Steahng  impulse,  interpretation  of 
causes  of,  772;  relation  of  to  men- 
strual period,  772. 

Step-parents,  of  our  offenders,  149. 

Stigmata,  desirable  data  concerning, 
58;  of  degeneracy,  statistics  of,  146; 
of  degeneracy  in  normal  compared 
with  abnormal,  17  n.;  of  degeneracy 
in  feebleminded,  17. 

Stimulants  and  narcotics,  as  indulged 

are  to  pages! 

in  by  members  of  our  group,  138; 
causing  mental  dullness,  cases  of, 
556;  the  use  of,  with  relation  to 
masturbation,  408. 

Stories,  pernicious,  causing  criminal- 
ism, 304. 

Study,  of  case  causing  cure,  14  n.;  of 
delinquents,  economic  value  of, 

Stuttering,  as  a  factor,  221 . 

Stupidity,  as  a  trait,  769. 

St.  Vitus  dance,  mental  conditions  of, 
613  ff. 

Subconscious  mental  life,  1 16  ff . ;  con- 
trolling conduct,  26,  27. 

Subnormahty,  mental,  definition  of, 

Substitution,  after  psychoanalysis, 

Substitution  phenomena  in  mental 
conflict,  case  of,  367. 

Suggestibihty,  abnormal,  social,  695. 

Suggestibility  by  tests  as  compared  to 
lawyer's  examination,  94;  contrary, 
766;  social,  as  related  to  tests,  93  ff.; 
social,  paucity  of  literature  on,  696  ~ 
tests  for,  93,  697;  to  one  individual, 

Suggestible  individuals,  socially,  re- 
sults of  tests  on,  94. 

Suggestion,  hypnotic,  to  criminalism, 
literature  on,  706;  to  criminalism 
arising  from  newspaper  reading, 

Suicidal  impulses  from  adolescent  ro- 
manticism, 724;  from  imagery  of 
picture  shows,  case  of,  347. 

Suicide,  775;  and  dementia  precox,  593; 
and  insanity,  776;  and  melancholia, 
602;  and  psychoanalysis,  776  n.; 
as  an  adolescent  impulse,  776;  at 
the  menstrual  period,  627 ;  in  hered- 
ity of  our  offenders,  156;  hteratm-e 
and  statistics  on,  775. 

Summary,  diagnostic,  61,  122. 

Surgery  for  hypersexuahsm,  404. 

Surgical  operation  for  hj^ersexuaMsm, 

Swindhng,  pathological,  case  of  in 
subnormal  verbalist,  506. 

Syphihs,  blood  tests  for,  205;  congen- 
ital, 137,  138;  after-effect  of,  statis- 
tics on,  205  n.;  in  relation  to  later 
delinquency,  205;  mental  deficiency 
in  sufferers  from,  206;  moral  de- 
velopment in  sufferers  from,  206; 
statistics  of,  146;  relation  to  crim- 
inaUsm,  229. 

System,  card,  for  statistical  purposes, 
52;  for  recording  data,  53;  of  records 



Tea,  excess  of,  creating  anti-social 
tendencies,  27S ;  and  coffee,  over-use 
of,  relation  to  masturbation,  40S. 

Technic,  rational,  necessary  for  test- 
ing, 49  n. 

Teeth,  conditions  of,  as  a  factor,  220. 

Temper,  irritable,  cases  of  inheritance 
of,  191;  relation  of  epilepsy  to,  191; 
violent,  as  an  epileptic  equivalent, 

Temperament  and  the  psychology  of 
criminality,  694  n. 

Tenement  housing  conditions  causing 
dehnquencj',  291. 

Testimony  Test,  correlation  with,  85; 
hteratm'e  on,  84,  n. ;  picture  for,  84. 

Testing,  attitude  of  examinee  towards, 
49  n.;  records  made  during,  73. 

Tests  I,  II,  III,  etc.,  norms  on,  106  ff.; 
basis  of  our  selection  of,  75;  Binet, 
compared  with  our  own,  106 «.; 
classifications  from,  112. 

Tests,  conclusions  from,  dangers  of 
with  insufficient  data.  111;  for 
capacities,  general  nature  of,  74; 
memory,  82  ff . ;  for  special  capacities, 
82;  interpretation  of,  104;  of  gen- 
eral intelligence,  79 ;  order  of  giving, 
73;  our  o^ti,  norms  on,  106;  per- 
formance, development  of,  78; 
psychological,  new  departure  in 
criminology,  18;  scoring  of,  74; 
Sommer's  Giessen,  78;  standard 
procedure  of  presentation,  73;  time 
limits  in  scoring,  74. 

Theatres,  relation  of  to  criminahsm, 

Theft  for  sexual  fetishism,  405. 

Theories,  criminal,  final  values  of,  18. 

Therapeutics,  criminahstic,  to  be 
judged  by  results,  19;  studies  to  dis- 
cover bases  of,  39. 

Therapeutic  effect  of  psychoanalysis, 

Throat  troubles  as  a  factor,  219. 

Time  vs.  method  in  performing  tests, 

Tinnitus  am^ium  as  a  factor,  219. 

Tobacco,  excess  of  creating  delinquent 
tendencies,  280;  excess  of,  based 
upon  constitutional  inferiority,  281 ; 
as  indulged  in  by  members  of  our 
group,  138;  over-use  of,  causing  men- 
tal dullness,  281,  557;  use  of  in  rela- 
tion to  mastm'bation,  408. 

Traits,  mental,  schedule  of  study  of, 

Tramp  life,  776,  also  vide  Wandering. 

Transitory    mental    aberration    and 

are  to  pages] 

criminahsm,  649;  in  relation  to  sim- 
ulation of  insanity,  781. 

Traumatic  dementia,  568. 

Traumatic  psychoses,  619. 

Travel,  desire  for,  763. 

Treatment  of  over-development,  243; 
general  conclusions  about,  166  ft'. ; 
ideas  of  derived  from  om-  observa- 
tions, 166;  legal  and  social,  of  epi- 
leptics, 431;  of  after-eft'ects  of  cere- 
bral ti-aumatism,  626;  of  mental 
dullness  from  phj-'sical  conditions, 
case  illustrating  possibihties  of,  548; 
of  physical  abnormaUties  of  deHn- 
quents,  216;  under  the  law,  schedule 
for  data  concerning  effects  of,  57. 

Trial,  cost  of,  15. 

Truancy  in  relation  to  wandering  im- 
pulse, 779. 

Tuberculosis,  relation  to  deUnquency, 
case  of,  233. 

Twins,  delinquency  in,  206. 

TjTjes,  criminal,  theory  of,  17  n. ;  of  de- 
linquents especially  important  in  the 
law,  184;  differentiation  of  causal, 
162;  of  dehnquency  among  our  re- 
peated offenders,  140;  dehnquent 
most  valuable  to  study,  38. 


Uncongeniahty  at  home,  290. 

Under-development  as  cause  of  delin- 
quency, 237;  leading  to  delin- 
quency, case  of,  239. 

Under-nourishment  and  delinquency, 
case  of,  230;  relation  of  to  crimi- 
nahty,  229. 

Understanding  delinquents,  necessity 
of  for  treatment,  177;  of  children 
necessary  for  prevention  of  deUn- 
quency, 293. 

Vagabondage,  776,  also  vide  Wander- 
ing; sex  perversions  in,  779. 

Vagrant  type  of  feebleminded  verbal- 
ist, case  of,  489. 

Vagrants,  classifications  of,  778;  phys- 
ical and  mental  conditions  of,  778; 
sex  perversions  among,  779. 

Vasectomy  in  mental  defectives,  462. 

Venereal  diseases  leading  to  delin- 
quency, 233;  examination  for,  66. 

Verbahst  subnormal  offenders,  501. 

Violation  of  gu-ls,  impulse  for,  case  of, 

Virginity,  examination  for,  66. 

Vision,  defective,  as  a  factor,  217. 

Visual  imagery  in  criminahstic  tend- 




encies,  341;  related  to  criminalism, 

Visual  memory  for  form,  test  for,  84; 

norms  on,  108. 
Visual     verbal     memory,     test    for, 

Vocabulary,  test  for,  103. 
Vocational  dissatisfaction  causing  de- 

Knquency,  296. 
Vocational    diagnosis,    value   of    this 

approach,  47. 
Vocational  judgment  test,  92. 
Vocational  tests,  hints  on,  100. 
Vohtional  powers,  tests  of,  95. 
Volubility  of  cocainists,  278. 


Wanderers,  classification  of,  778;  ho- 
mosexual perversions  among,  779; 
physical  condition  of,  778. 

are  to  pages] 

Wandering,  as  aberrational  impulse, 
777;  related  to  desire  for  excite- 
ment, 755 ;  result  of  sex  perversions, 
777;  in  cases  of  feeblemindedness, 
777;  literature  on,  777  n.;  patholog- 
ical, 776;  tendency  to  from  consti- 
tutional excitement,  case  of,  612; 
with  loss  of  memory,  637  ff. 

Wanderlust,  Die,  763,  777;  and  mental 
conflict,  764. 

Weight  correlated  with  age,  144. 

Will,  tests  for,  95;  critique  on,  96. 

"Wild  West"  crimes,  753. 

Women,  self-abnegation  impulses  of 
leading  to  immorality,  405. 

Working  methods  and  statement  of, 

Ziehen's  judgment  tests,  92.