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CITY  Cr-  VA^MOljVi:.::^ 





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I  IT  F  0   R  ].I  A  T   I   0  n     and      0  P   I  H   I   0  il   S 

VANCOUVER,    3.    C. 


Letter  of  transinissal  dated  22nd  Octooer ,1926. 


I,  llap   of  Greatar  Vancouvor   shov/ing  proposed  Civic 

p^^j-.,^  Q-j--„    It'll     "Ts"     "(^" 

o  e  nx  i  e  '-'  1  x  e  b  ,  -^1-  >   ^    >        -•  • 

II.  Ivlap  of  City  of  Vancouver  shoviinc   a  number  of 
proposed  sites  for  Civic  Centre. 

111. Report  of  lyl^  on  Civic  Centre. 

IV.  Press  Report  of  3th  i''eliruary,  1925. 

V.  Circulars  giving  opinions  on   Civic  Centre  Site 
to  lie  voted  on  1th   ITovemlDer,  1925. 

VI.  Result  of  vote  on  7tli  November,  1925- 

Vll.Ooinions  of  Mr.  Y/.  S.  Bland,  member  of  Citizens' 
Committee  on  Civic  Centre  and  member  of  Tovai 
Planning-  Commission. 

o^^^  °-  T""°--*^ 



309     LONDON      BUILDING 

Vancouver,  B.C. 

22nd  October,   I526, 

liarland  Bartholomew  &  Associates, 
317  I^'orth  :i;i9venth  Street,  ^ 
Saint  Louis,   I.lisso'ari. 

Dear  l.Ir.   Ivlill: 

Sites  for  Civic  Centre, 

Pursuant  to  your  instructions  I  am 
transmitting  herev/itli  maps  and  other  material  that 
nay  be  of  value  to  you  in  deciding  on  a  desirable 
site  for  the  Civic  Centre,   i'here  is  a  desire  on 
the  part  of  soue  of  the  City  Council  to  have  a  3y- 
Lar/  put  before  the  people  at  the  next  election, 
which  I  understand,  v;ill  be  on  Decenber  5th,  1^26. 
A  copy  of  the  proposed  3y-La\v  must  be  published  a 
month  before  the  election.   As  I  understand  it,  a 
I.-oney  Sy-Lav;  will  be  put  before  the  rate  payers  for 
the  piu^pose  of  authorizing  the  City  to  spend  One 
I.-illion  Dollars  in  the  purchase  of  the  Civic  Centre 
Site,  referred  to  in  this  report  as  Site  "A",  and 
Qoirjnonly  known  as  "Central  School  Site." 


If,  after  consideration,  you  dec-ide  that  Site  "A" 
is  a  desirable  one,  a  v/ire  to  that  effect,  v/iil  be 
sufficient  to  allov;  tlie  Council  to  proceed  v/ith  the 
printing  and  publishing-  of  the  proposed  3y-Lav;.  Any 
report  can  follov;  at  a  later  da,te. 

The  material  has  been  collected  all 
under  one  cover,  both  for  convenience  and  because  of 
sor.e  of  the  material,  there  is  only  one  copy  and  I"* 
would  request  that  tlie  booklet  be  sent  back  here,  at 
yoiu"  conveniencej  to  be  filed  for  futixre  reference. 

As  you  no  doubt  have  observed  on  yoiir 
visit  here,  the  presen.t  City  Hall  is  both  inadet^uate 
and  unprepossessint"'  i-i  appearance.   Healizin^-  this, 
on  8th  January,  1^14 ,  the  following  By-Law  was  sub- 
mitted to  the  electors;  "V/hich  one  of  the  following 
properties  do  you  favour  as  a  site  for  the  erection 
thereon  of  a  City  Mall?"  Cl)?;ies.ent  City  Hall  site  on 
I^airi_Stlia£L£  ^;0cu3rth  half  of  Central  School  ^-rn-i-^-i  r^ 
fa^n,':  on  Pender  Street,  betv/een  Cambie  Street  and 
Hamilton  Street  (referred  to,  .in  this  report,  as 
Site  "A=')-   The  vote  was  p644  for  the  present  City 
Hall  site,  and  4^33  for  Site  "A",  a  ir,a3ority  of 
889  for  the  latter.   Apparently,  as  a  result  of  this 
vote  the  matter  of  grouping  buildings  around  the 
proposed  City  Hall  was  broug]it  to  the  attention  of 
the  public.   A  Vancouver  Civic  Centre  Committee  was 
formed  and  the  resiat  of  their  work  v/ill  be  found  in 
a  report  marked  Exhibit  3  herev/ith. 

As  mentioned  in  a  press  report,  "V/ith  f 
the  outbreak  of  war  all  thought  of  a  Civic~ Centre  in  i 
keeping  with  the  City  development  was  put  away  until  I 
a  more  opportune  time." 

Early  in  1>>23  the  project  was  revived 
and  a  Citizens'  Committee  was  appointed,  I  understand, 
by  the  Council,  and  comprised  of  all  the  well  known 
city  organizations.   V/hile  not  unanimous,  this  Citizens' 
Committee  has  reported  in  favour  of  Site  "A". 

.  UX-1 

As   shovm  in  Exhibit   6  Ii3r8v/i1 
Three   sites  v;ere   yoted  on  l^Tovsmber  7'th, 192.5,   v;ith 
rssxilts  as   shown  thereon,    Site   "A"    having  the   majority 
over  the   otlier  two   combined. 

3XIII3IT      1. 

There  is  shown  on  a  map  of  Greater  Vancouver 
the  sites  "A",  "E"  ancl  "C"  which  were  voted  on  ITovamber 
7th, 1923.   This  r.;ap  illustrates  the  relation  of  such 
proposed  Civic  Centres  to  the  \7h0le  area  that  is  to  be 
planned.   A^ftJ^r  the  coning  elections  the  matter  of 
amalgar.ation  of  both  Point  Grey  and  South  Vancouver, 
I  understand,  is  to  be  voted  on.    The  opinion  has-  losan 
exoressed,  and  I  give  it  to  you  for  v/hat  it  is  worth, 
that  aiv  By-Law  in  regard  to  funds  for  the  Civic  Centre 
should  be  voted  on  only  after  the  matter  of  amalgamation 
is  settled  one  way  or  th3  other.  This  opinion  is  based 
on  the  consideration,  that  even  though  the  amalgamation, 
of  these  other  municipalities  v/ith  Vancouver  will  not 
change  the  location  of  the  Civic  Centre,  the  rate- 
payers in  these  areas  should  have  an  opportunity/,  if 
they  are  to  become  part  of  Vancouver,  of  voting  on  such 
an  important  matter.    On  the  other  hand  the  opinion 
is  extji-essed  that  every  little  delay  in  deciding  the 
matter  is  costing  money,  as  property  values  are  expected 
to  q.uic]cly  increase.   Street  Hailway  lines  are  shovrn. 

SmiBIT  2. 

On  the  map  of  the  City  of  Vancouver  there  is 
shown  the  location  of  business  and  corxiercial  buildings 
as  compiled  by  Liajor  llacKenzie.   Several  proposed  sites 
are  shovra.  Those  which  were  voted  on  recently  are  marJzed 
"A",  "B"  and  "C"  and  are  the  only  ones,  I  believe  v/'iich 
need  to  be  particularly  considered.    The  site  marZ-ced 
"::umber  2',  while  at  present  on  one  edge  of  the  business 
centre,  is  located  very  close  to  the  pea-k  of  land  values 
and  will,  as  hr.ICills  points  out,  undoubtedly  be  surrounded 
by  business  in  the  futvG?e .   The  site'mar:^8d  ''C",  which 
"belorL-ed  to  the  City,  is  not  now  avaixable  ,  as  some 


industries  are  now  located  there.   ilov;ever,  there 
has  'been  a  proposal  that  in  this  vicinity,  "out  v/est 
of  Main' Street'!  a  desirable  site  is  available  facing 
the  Canadian  National  Railv/ay  Depot.   I  understand 
that  Mr.  V.'alkor  tool:  up  the  details  of  t:ais  site 
with  you.  i'ho  site  is  city  property,  but  would  re- 
q,ulre  considerable  filling. -s;-^ 

•^Site  "C"  reo-oived  in  the  recent  plebiscite 
of  7th  iVovevnber,li^25>,  a  izs=:ij£=£::xi:±i  vote  of ':s^,  and 
I  believe,  an  adjoining  site  west  of  :.-ain  Street  would 
get  about  the  same  support,  although  it  has  the  added 
advantage  of  giving  a  chance  for  better  treatment  for 
a  site  which  faces  railway  stations. 

Site  "3"  is  probably  the  nost  desirable 
other  than  those  in  the  dov/n  town  area,  it  is  rather 
strongly  urged  by  one  or  tv/o  of  the  Alf^,  but  as 
Mr.  Mills  has  observed  it  is  considerable  distance 
from  the  business  centre. 


In  the  opinion  of  the  1914-1^  Vancouver 
Civic  Centre  Committee,  apparently  only  '-^ite  "A"  was 
considered.   On  Page  6  of  this  report,  Mr.  Thomas  Adams 
in  his  assessment  on  various  plans  submitted  approved 
of  the  suggestion  to  reserve  the  old  Court  House  site 
as  open  space.   x'his  has  been  done  and  is  now  l:nown  as 
Victory  Square  and  at  the  northern  end  thereof,  there 
has  been  erected  a  Cenotaph.    On  page  o  of  the  report 
i.-r.  Adams  also  states  and  gives  some  reasons  for  his 
statement  that  "VAiile  it  is  no  part  of  my  duty  to_^express 
approval  or  otherwise  of  the  site  chosen  for  the  Civic 
Centre,  I  should  lilce  to  say  that  it  seems  to  me  to  be 
a  satisfactory  selection." 

EXHIBIT  4.   i^'Ote  that  newspaper  offices  adjoin  Site  "A". 

EXHIBIT  3.-    It  mig'it  be  noted  that  those  expressing  ■ 
■opinions  in  regard  to  site  "A"  include  several  members 
of  the  To^m  Planning  Commissions,  ..r.  llev/ton  ^.   Kerr, 

a  merulDer  of  the  Point  Grey  Tovrn  Planning  Coniinission, 
Ilescrs.  'V.  3.  Bland,  W.  A.  Clark  and  G.  L.  Thornton 
Sharo  who  are  meiTibers  of  the  Vancoxwer  i'own  Planning 
Goffimission,  Kr.  W.  C.  Shelly,  ex-officio  member  of 
the  'Town  Planning  Goironission  v/ho  is  generally 
represented  at  the  meetings  of  the  Coramission  by  L'.r. 
Johothan  Rogers,  who  with  i..r.  Shelly  is  a  member  of 
the  Park  Board. 


Probably  no  partictilar  corrjiient  is 
needed  on  this  Exhibit,  except  as  already  noted 
that  site  "3"  received  by  a  srr.F-11  \^ote  and  that  site 
"C"  is  not  now  available. 

3XHI3I?  7. 

I  feel  that  i:r.  Bland  has  gone  to  consider- 
able trouble  to  present  his  views  in  this  regard  and 
they  represent,  I  believe,  the  views  of  a  great  major- 
ity v.-ho'have  taken  any  interest  in  this  matter. 

Mr.  Kills  will  no  doubt  recall  that  x.r.. 
Sharo  of  the  i'ovm  Planning  Comraission  favours  the 
accuiring  of  two  block  to  the  south  of  the  proposed 
site  "A"  and  having  buildings  on  both  sides  of  Georgia 
Street,  i'his  would  probably  be  a  more  expensive  scheme 
and  is  not  contemplated.   l..r.  "walker  our  Secretary, 
suggested  another  modification  that  the  front  of  all 
blocks  facing  the  proposed  site  should  be  ac-iuired 

—  o- 

and  sul)sec|.uently  be  sola,   vhe  olDject  being  that  the 
city  would  get  the  benefit  of  the  rise  in  value;?  and 
would  have  greater  control  over  the  type  of  buildings 
to  be  erected. 

'i'rusting  that  the  information 
gathered  in  the  short  time  at  my  disposal  v/ill  be 
sufficient  for  your  purpose  at  this  t  iir.e . 

incurs  very  truly, 
HLS:C  Horace  L.  3ey:..jur 


iv .  ^*-'^-M<Y'M>^^ 

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