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Full text of "Institutes of Hindu law, or, The ordinances of Menu, according to the gloss of Cullúca : comprising the Indian system of duties, religious and civil : verbally translated from the original Sanscrit : with a preface, by Sir William Jones"

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Theological  Semi  nary, 




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With  a  PREFACE, 






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IT  is  a  maxim  in  the  fcience  of  legiflatioii 
aid  government,  that  Laws  are  of  no  avail 
wit  bait  manners ,  or,  to  explain  the  fentence 
more  fully,  that  the  beft  intended  legiflative 
provifions  would  have  no  beneficial  effedf  even 
at  firft,  and  none  at  all  in  a  fhort  courfe  of 
time,  unlefs  they  were  congenial  to  the  difpo- 
fition  and  habits,  to  the  religious  prejudices, 
and  approved  immemorial  ufages  of  the  peo¬ 
ple  for  whom  they  were  enabled  ;  efpecially 
if  that  people  univerfally  and  fincerely  believed, 
that  ill  their  ancient  ufages  and  eflablifhed  rules 
of  ccndudt  had  the  fandtion  of  an  adtual  revela¬ 
tion  from  heaven  :  the  legiflature  of  Britain 
having  fliown,  in  compliance  with  this  maxim, 
an  intention  to  leave  the  natives  cf  thefc  Indian 
provinces  in  poffeffion  of  their  own  Laws,  at 
leaft  on  the  titles  of  contrails  and  inheritances , 
we  may  humbly  prefume,  that  all  future  pro¬ 
vifions,  for  the  adminiflration  of  juftice  and 
government  in  India ,  will  be  conformable,  as 
far  as  the  natives  are  aftedled  by  them,  to  the 
manners  and  opinions  of  the  natives  themfelves ; 
an  objeft  which  cannot  poflibly  be  attained, 
until  thofe  manners  and  opinions  can  be  fully 
and  accurately  known.  Thefe  confiderations, 
Ui\d  a  few  others  more  immediately  within  my 

A  2  prb- 



province,  were  my  principal  motives  for  wip¬ 
ing  to  know,  and  have  induced  me  at  length 
to  publifh,  that  fyftem  of  duties,  religious  and 
civil,  and  of  law  in  all  its  branches,  which  the 
Hindus  firmly  believe  to  have  been  promulged 
in  the  beginning  of  time  by  Menu,  fo(i  or 
grandfon  of  Brahma',  or,  in  plain  language, 
the  firft  of  created  beings,  and  not  the  oldeft 
only,  but  the  holieft  of  legiflators  ;  a  fyftem 
fo  comprehenfive  and  fo  minutely  exaCt,  that 
it  may  be  confidered  as  the  Inftitufes  of  Hindu 
Law,  preparatory  to  the  copious  Dige/i ,  which 
has  lately  been  compiled  by  Pandits  of  eminent 
learning,  and  introductory  perhaps  to  a  Code 
which  may  fupply  the  many  natural  defeCts 
in  the  old  jurilprudence  of  this  country,  and, 
without  any  deviation  from  its  principles,  ac¬ 
commodate  it  juftly  to  the  improvementslof  a 
commercial  age. 

We  are  loft  in  an  inextricable  labyrinth  of 
imaginary  aftronomical  cycles,  Tugas ,  Ma- 
hdj  ugas^  Calpas ,  and  Menwantaras ,  in  attempt¬ 
ing  to  calculate  the  time,  when  the  firft  Menu, 
according  to  the  Brahmens ,  governed  this 
world,  and  became  the  progenitor  of  mankind, 
who  from  him  are  called  Manavdh  ;  nor  can 
we,  fo  clouded  are  the  old  hiftory  and  chrono¬ 
logy  of  India  with  fables  and  allegories,  after- 
tain  the  precife  age,  when  the  work,  now  pre- 
fented  to  the  Publick,  was  actually  compofed  ; 
but  we  are  in  pofleffion  of  fome  evidence, 
partly  extrinfick  and  partly  internal,  that  it  is 



really  one  of  the  oldeft  compofitions  exifting. 
From  a  text  of  Parasara  difcovered  by  Mr. 
Davis,  it  appears,  that  the  vernal  equinox  had 
gone  back  from  the  tenth  degree  of  Bharani 
to  the  firjl  of  Afwinl ,  or  twenty-three  degrees 
and  twenty  minutes ,  between  the  days  of  that 
Indian  phiiofopher,  and  the  year  of  our  Lord 
499,  when  it  coincided  with  the  origin  of  the 
Hindu  ecliptick;  fo  that  Par  a's  ar  a  probably 
flourifhed  near  the  clofe  of  the  twelfth  century 
before  Christ;  now  Parasara  was  the 
graudfon  of  another  fage,  named  Va'sisht’ha, 
who  is  often  mentioned  in  the  laws  of  Menu, 
and  once  as  contemporary  with  the  divine 
Bhrigu  himfelf;  but  the  charader  of  Bhrigu, 
and  the  whole  dramatical  arrangement  of  the 
book  before  us,  are  clearly  fiditious  and  orna¬ 
mental,  with  a  defign,  too  common  among 
ancient  lawgivers,  of  ftamping  authority  oil 
the  work  by  the  introdudion  of  fupernatural 
perfonages,  though  Va'sisht’ha  may  have 
lived  many  generations  before  the  adual  writer 
of  it,  who  names  higa,  indeed,  in  one  or  two 
places  as  a  phiiofopher  in  an  earlier  period. 
The  flyle,  however,  and  metre  of  this  work 
(which  there  is  not  the  fmallefl  reafon  to  think 
affededly  obfolete)  are  widely  different  from 
the  language  and  metrical  rules  of  Ca  lida's, 
who  unqueftionably  wrote  before  the  begin¬ 
ning  of  our  era;  and  thedialedot Menu  is  even 
oblerved,in  many  paffages,  to  refemble  that  of 
the  Veda,  particularly  in  a  departure  from  the 

A  3  more 



more  modern  grammatical  forms ;  whence  it 
mufl,  at  firft  view,  feem  very  probable,  that  the 
laws,  now  brought  to  light,  were  conliderably 
older  than  thole  of  Solon  or  even  of  Lycur- 
gus,  although  the  promulgation  of  them,  be¬ 
fore  they  were  reduced  to  writing,  might  have 
been  coeval  with  thefirft  monarchies  eftablifh- 
ed  in  Egypt  or  AJia:  but,  having  had  the 
lingular  good  fortune  to  procure  ancient  copies 
of  eleven  JJpaniJhads ,  with  a  very  perfpicuous 
comment,  1  am  enabled  to  fix,  with  more  ex- 
aftntfs,  the  probable  age  of  the  work  before  us, 
and  even  to  limit  its  highefl  poffible  age  by  a 
mode  of  reafoning,  which  may  be  thought 
new,  but  will  be  found,  I  perfuade  mylelf, 
f  tisfadtory  ;  if  the  Publick  fhall,  on  this  oc- 
calion,  give  me  credit  for  a  few  very  curious 
facls,  which,  though  capable  of  ftrict  proof, 
can  at  prefent  be  only  afferted.  The  Sanfcrit 
of  the  three  firft  Vedas ,  (I  need  not  here  ipeak 
of  the  fourth)  that  of  the  Manava  Dherma 
Saftra ,  and  that  of  the  Par  anas,  differ  from  each 
other  in  pretty  exadt  proportion  to  the  Latin  of 
Numa,  from  whofe  laws  entire  fentences  are 
preferved,  that  of  Appius,  which  we  fee  in  the 
fragments  of  the  Twelve  Tables,  and  that  of 
Cickro,  or  of  Lucretius,  where  he  has  not 
affedted  an  obfolete  ftyle :  if  the  feveral  changes, 
therefore,  of  Sanfcrit  and  Latin  took  place,  as 
we  may  fairly  aflbme,  in  times  very  nearly 
proportional,  the  Vedas  muft  have  been  written 
about  300  years  before  thefe  Inftitutes,  aqd 


the  preface.  yii 

about  600  before  the  Puranas  and  Itihifas , 
which,  I  am  fully  convinced,  were  not  the 
produdions  of  Vya'sa  ;  fc>  that,  if  the  foil  of 
Para'sara  committed  the  traditional  Vedas 
to  writing  in  the  Sanfcrit  of  his  father’s  time, 
the  original  of  this  book  muft  have  received  its 
prefent  form  about  880  years  before  Christ’s 
birth.  If  the  texts,  indeed,  which  Vya'sa 
collected,  had  been  adually  written  in  a  much, 
older  dialed,  by  the  fages  preceding  him,  we 
muft  inquire  into  the  greateft  poflible  age  of 
the  Vedas  themfelves  :  now  one  of  the  longed: 
and  fineft  TJpanifhads  in  the  fecond  Veda  con¬ 
tains  three  lifts,  in  a  regular  feries  upward?, 
of  at  moft  forty-two  pupils  and  preceptors, 
who  fucceflively  received  and  tranfmitted  (pro¬ 
bably  by  oral  tradition)  the  doctrines  contained 
in  that  Upamfhad\  and  as  the  old  Indian  priefts 
were  ftudents  at  fifteen ,  and  inftrudors  at  twen~ 
ty-fve ,  we  cannot  allow  more  than  ten  years, 
on  an  average,  for  each  interval  between  the 
refpedive  traditions;  whence,  as  there  are  forty 
iuch  intervals,  in  two  of  the  lifts  between 
Vya'sa,  who  arranged  the  whole  work,  and 
Aya'sya,  who  is  extolled  at  the  beginning  of 
it,  and  juft  as  many,  in  the  third  lift,  between 
the  compiler  and  Ya'jnyawalcya,  who 
makes  the  principal  figure  in  it,  we  find  the 
higheft  age  of  the  Tfur  Veda  to  be  1580 
years  before  the  birth  of  our  Saviour,  (which 
would  make  it  older  than  the  five  books  of 
Moses)  and  that  of  our  Indian  law  trad  about 

1 280 



1280  years  before  the  fame  epoch.  The  for- 
rner  date,  however,  feems  the  more  probable 
of  the  two,  becaufe  the  Hindu  fages  are  faid 
to  have  delivered  their  knowledge  orally,  and 
the  very  word  Sruta ,  which  we  often  fee  ufed 
for  the  Veda  itfelf,  means  what  was  heard ; 
not  to  infill  that  Cullu'ca  exprefsly  declares 
the  fenfe  of  the  Veda  to  be  conveyed  in  the 
language  of  Vya'sa.  Whether  Menu  or 
Menus  in  the  nominative  and  Meno  s  in  an 
oblique  cafe,  was  the  fame  perfonage  with  Mi¬ 
nos,  let  others  determine  ;  but  he  muft  in¬ 
dubitably  have  been  far  older  than  the  work, 
which  contains  his  laws,  and  though  perhaps 
he  was  never  in  Crete ,  yet  fome  of  his  infti- 
tutions  may  well  have  been  adopted  in  that 
illand,  whence  Lycurgus,  a  century  or  two 
afterwards,  may  have  imported  them  to  Sparta . 

There  is  certainly  a  ftrong  refemblance, 
though  obfcured  and  faded  by  time,  between 
our  Menu  with  his  divine  Bull,  whom  he 
names  as  Dherma  himfelf,  or  the  genius  of 
abflrafl:  juflice,  and  the  Mneues  of  Egypt  with 
his  companion  or  fymbol  Apis  ;  and,  though 
we  fhould  be  conftantly  on  our  guard  againft 
the  delufion  of  etymological  conjedlure,  yet  we 
cannot  but  admit  that  Minos  and  Mneues, 
or  Mneuis,  have  only  Greek  terminations,  but 
that  the  crude  noun  is  compofed  of  the  fame 
radical  letters  both  in  Greek  and  in  Sanjcrito 
*  That  Apis  and  Mneuis/  fays  the  Analyft 
pf  ancient  Mythology,  ‘  were  both  reprefen- 

6  tations 



4  tations  of  fome  perfonnge,  appears  fmm  the 
4  teftimony  of  Lycophron  and  his  fcholiaft; 
4  and  that  perionage  was  the  fame,  who  in 
4  Crete  was  ft  vied  Minos,  and  who  was  alfo 
‘  reprefented  under  the  emblem  of  the  Mini- 
4  taur;  Diodorus,  who  confines  him  to  Egypt  ^ 
4  fpeaksof  him  by  thetitle  of  the  bull  Mneuis% 
4  as  thefirft  lawgiver,  and  fays,  41  That  he  lived 
44  after  the  age  ot  the  gods  and  heroes,  when 
44  a  change  was  made  in  the  manner  of  life 
44  among  men;  that  he  was  a  man  of  a  mod 
44  exalted  foul,  and  a  great  promoter  of  civil 
4t  fociety,  which  he  benefited  by  his  laws ; 
“  that  thofe  laws  were  unwritten,  and  receiv- 
44  ed  by  him  from  the  chief  Egyptian  deity 
44  Hermes,  who  conferred  them  on  the  world 
44  as  a  gift  of  the  higheft  importance.”  He 
4  was  the  fame,  adds  my  learned  friend,  with 
*  Menes,  whom  the  Egyptians  reprefented  as 
4  their  firft  king  and  principal  benefadtor,  who 
4  firft  facrificed  to  the  gods,  and  brought  about 
4  a  great  change  in  diet.’  If  Minos,  the  fon 
of  Jupiter,  whom  the  Cretans ,  from  national 
vanity,  might  have  made  a  native  of  their  own 
ifland,  was  really  the  fameperfon  with  Menu, 
the  fon  of  Brahma',  we  have  the  good  fortune 
to  reftore,  by  means  of  Indian  literature,  the 
molt  celebrated  fyftem  of  heathen  jurifpru- 
dence,  and  this  work  might  have  been  entitled 
The  Laws  of  Minos  ;  but  the  paradox  is  too 
fingular  to  be  confidently  afterted,  and  the 
geographical  part  of  the  book,  with  moft  of 



the  allufions  to  natural  hiftory,  muft  indubi¬ 
tably  have  been  written  after  the  Hindu  race 
had  fettled  to  the  louth  of  Himalaya .  We  can¬ 
not  but  remark  that  the  word  Menu  has  no 
relation  whatever  to  the  Moon  ;  and  that  it 
was  the  feventh ,  not  the  firjl  of  that  name* 
whom  the  Brahmens  believe  to  have  been  pre- 
ferved  in  an  ark  from  the  general  deluge  : 
him  they  call  the  Child  of  the  Sun ,  to  diftin- 
guifh  him  from  our  legiflator  ;  but  they  affign 
to  his  brother  Yama  the  office  (which  the 
Greeks  were  pleafed  to  confer  on  Minos)  of 
yudge  in  the  Jhades  below . 

The  name  of  Menu  is  clearly  derived  (like 
menes ,  mens ,  and  mind )  from  the  root  men  to 
under ft  and ;  and  it  lignifies,  as  all  the  Pandits 
agree,  intelligent ,  particularly  in  the  doctrines 
of  the  Veda,  which  the  compofer  of  our  D her¬ 
nia  Sajira  mu  ft  have  ftudi  ed  very  diligently ; 
fince  great  numbers  of  its  texts,  changed  only  in 
a  few  iyllables  for  the  fake  of  the  meafure,  are 
interfperfed  through  the  work,  and  cited  at 
length  in  the  commentaries:  the  Publick  may, 
therefore,  allure  themfelves,  that  they  now  pof- 
fefs  a  conliderable  part  of  the  Hindu  fcripture, 
without  the  dullnefs  of  its  profane  ritual  or 
much  of  its  myftical  jargon.  Dara  Shucu  h 
was  perfuaded,  and  not  without  found  reafon, 
that  the  firft  Menu  of  the  Brahmens  could  be 
no  other  perfon  than  the  progenitor  of  man¬ 
kind,  to  whom  yews ,  Chrijiians ,  and  MuJ el- 
mans,  unite  in  giving  the  name  of  Adam  ;  but, 




whoever  he  might  have  been  he  is  highly  ho¬ 
noured  by  name  in  the  Veda  itfelf,  where  it  is 
declared,  that  4  whatever  Menu  pronounced, 

4  was  a  medicine  for  the  foul,’  and  the  fiage 
Vr  nr  asp  ati,  now  fiuppofed  to  prefide  over 
the  planet  Jupiter ,  fays  in  his  own  law  tradf, 
that  4  Menu  held  the  firit  rank  among  legifla- 
4  tors,  becaufe  he  had  ex  prefled  in  his  code  the 
4  whole  fenfe  of  the  Veda  ;  that  no  code  was 
4  approved,  which  contradicted  Menu  ;  that 
4  other  SaflraSy  and  treatiles  on  grammar  or  lo- 
4  gick,  retained  fplendour  fo  long  only,  as 
4  Menu,  who  taught  the  way  tojuft  wealth,  to 
4  virtue  and  to  final  happinefs,  was  not  leen  in 
4  competition  with  them  Vya'sa  too,  the 
foil  of  Para'sara  before  mentioned,  has  de¬ 
cided,  that  4  the  Veda  with  its  Angas ,  or  the 
4  fix  compofitions  deduced  from  it,  the  reveal- 
4  ed  fyftem  of  medicine,  the  Puranas ,  or  fa- 
4  cred  hiftories,  and  the  code  of  Menu  were 
4  four  works  of  lupreme  authority,  which 
4  ought  never  to  be  lhaken  by  arguments 
4  merely  human.’ 

It  is  the  general  opinion  of  Pandits ,  that 
Brahma'  taught  his  Jaws  to  Menu  in  a  hun¬ 
dred  thoufand  ver/es,  which  Menu  explained 
to  the  primitive  world,  in  the  very  words  of 
the  book  now  tranflated,  where  lie  names  him- 
felf,  after  the  manner  of  ancient  fage^,  in  the 
third  perfon,  but  in  a  fhort  preface  to  the  law 
tradt  of  Na'red,  it  is  aflerted,  that  4  Menu, 
*  having  written  the  laws  of  Brahma7  in  a 

4  hundred 


4  hundred  thoufand Jlocas  or  couplet?,  arrange 

*  ed  under  twenty-four  heads  in  a  thoufand 
4  chapters,  delivered  the  work  to  Na'red, 

*  the  fage  among  gods,  who  abridged  it,  for 
4  the  ufe  of  mankind,  in  twelve  thoufand  verfes, 
4  and  gave  them  to  a  fon  of  Bhrigu,  named 
4  Sum ati,  who,  for  greater  eafe  to  the  hu- 
4  man  race,  reduced  them  to  four  thoufand ; 
4  that  mortals  read  only  the  fecond  abridge- 
4  ment  by  Sumati,  while  the  gods  of  the 
4  lower  heaven,  and  the  band  of  celeftial  mufi- 
4  cians,  are  engaged  in  ftudying  the  primary 
4  code,  beginning  with  the  fifth  verfe,  a  little 
4  varied,  of  the  work  now  extant  on  earth  ; 
4  but  that  nothing  remains  ofNARED’s  abridge- 
4  ment,  except  an  elegant  epitome  of  the  ninth 
4  original  title  on  the  adminijlration  of  jufiicef 
Now,  fince  thefe  inftitutes  confift  only  of 
two  thoufand  fix  hundred  and  eighty  five  verfes, 
they  cannot  be  the  whole  work  afcribed  to 
Sumati,  which  is  probably  diftinguiftied  by 
the  name  of  the  Vrtddha ,  or  ancient  Mdnava9 
and  cannot  be  found  entire ;  though  leveral 
pafiages  from  it,  which  have  been  preferved  by 
tradition,  are  occafionally  cited  in  the  new 

A  number  of  gloffesor  comments  on  Menu 
were  compofed  by  the  Munis ,  or  old  phi- 
lofophers,  whofe  treatifes,  together  with  that 
before  us,  conftitute  the  Dherm  ) djira ,  in  a  cob- 
led  ive  lenie,  or  Body  of  Law  ;  among  the 
more  modern  commentaries,  that  called  Med- 

hat  if  hi 9 

THE  PREFACE.  xiii 

hatit'hi,  that  by  Go'vindara/ja,  and  that  by 
Dharani'-Dher a,  were  once  in  the  greatetfc 
repute;  but  the  firft  was  reckoned  prolix  and 
unequal ;  the  iecond  concife  but  oblcure  ;  and 
the  third  often  erroneous.  At  length  appeared 
Cullu'caBh  att  a;  who, after  a  painful  courfe 
of  ftudy  and  the  collation  of  numerous  manu- 
fcripts,  produced  a  work,  of  which  it  may, 
perhaps,  be  faid  very  truly,  that  it  is  the  (hort- 
eft,  yet  the  rnoft  luminous,  the  leaft  oftenta- 
tious,  yet  the  moft  learned,  the  deepeft,  yet 
the  moft  agreeable,  commentary  ever  compoled 
on  any  author  ancient  or  modern,  European  or 
AJiatick .  The  Pandits  care  fo  little  for  genu¬ 
ine  chronology,  that  none  of  them  can  tell  me 
the  age  of  Cullu'ca,  whom  they  always 
name  with.applaufe  ;  but  he  informs  us  him- 
ielf,  that  he  was  a  Brahmen  of  the  Fdrendra 
tribe,  whofe  family  had  been  long  fettled 
in  Gaur  or  Bengal ,  but  that  he  had  chofen  his 
refidence  among  the  learned,  on  the  banks  of 
the  holy  river  at  Cd/i.  His  text  and  interpreta¬ 
tion  I  have  almoft  implicitly  followed,  though 
I  had  myfclf  collated  many  copies  of  Menu, 
and  among  them  a  manufcript  of  a  very  ancient 
date  :  his  glofs  is  here  printed  in  Italicks  ;  and 
any  reader,  who  may  choofe  to  pafs  it  over  as 
if  unprinted,  will  have  in  Reman  letters  an  exadl 
verfioti  of  the  original,  and  may  form  fome  idea 
of  its  charafter  and  ftrufture,  as  well  as  of  the 
Sanfcrit  idiom  which  mud  neceftarily  be  pre- 
ferved  in  a  verbal  tranilation;  and  a  tranfla- 




tion,  not  fcrupuloufly  verbal,  would  have  been 
highly  improper  in  a  work  on  fo  delicate  and 
momentous  a  fubjed  as  private  and  criminal 

Should  a  feries  of  Brahmens  omit,  for  three 
generations,  the  reading  of  Menu,  their  facer- 
dotal  clafs,  as  all  the  Pandits  allure  me,  would 
in  flridnefs  be  forfeited  ;  but  they  muft  ex¬ 
plain  it  only  to  their  pupils  of  the  three  higheft 
clafles ;  and  the  Brahmen ,  who  read  it  with 
me,  requeued  moft  earnestly,  that  his  name 
might  be  concealed ;  nor  would  he  have  read  it 
for  any  conlideration  on  a  forbidden  day  of  the 
moon,  or  without  the  ceremonies  prelcribed  in 
the  fecond  and  fourth  chapters  for  a  ledure  on 
the  Veda  :  fo  great,  indeed,  is  the  idea  of 
fandity  annexed  to  this  book,  that,  when  the 
chief  native  magiftrate  at  Banares  endeavoured, 
at  my  requeft,  to  procure  a  Perfian  tranflation 
of  it,  before  I  had  a  hope  of  being  at  any  time 
able  to  underftand  the  original,  the  Pandits  of 
his  court  unanimoufly  and  pofitively  refufedto 
aflift  in  the  work  ;  nor  Ihould  I  have  procured 
it  at  all,  if  a  wealthy  Hindu  at  Gaya  had  not 
caufed  the  verlion  to  be  made  by  lome  of  his  de¬ 
pendants,  at  the  delire  of  my  friend  Mr.  Law. 
The  Perfian  tranflation  of  Menu,  like  all 
others  from  the  Sanfcrit  into  that  language, 
is  a  rude  intermixture  of  the  text,  loofely  ren¬ 
dered,  with  fome  old  or  new  comment,  an-d 
often  with  the  crude  notions  of  the  tranflator  ; 
and  though  it  expreflts  the  general  fenie  of  the 
original,  yet  it  fwarms  with  errours,  imputable 




partly  to  hafte,  and  partly  to  ignorance:  thus 
where  Menu  fays,  that  emijfaries  are  the  eyes 
of  a  prince ,  the  Perjian  phrafe  makes  him 
aferibe  four  eyes  to  the  perfon  of  a  king  ;  for 
the  word  char ,  which  means  an  emiffary  in 
Sanfcrit ,  fignifies  Jour  in  the  popular  dialed. 

The  work,  now  prelented  to  the  European 
world,  contains  abundance  of  curious  matter 
extremely  interefting  both  to  fpeculative  law¬ 
yers  and  antiquaries,  with  many  beauties 
which  need  not  be  pointed  out,  and  with  many 
blemifhes  which  cannot  be juftified  or  palliat¬ 
ed.  It  is  a  fyftem  of  delpotifm  and  prieftcraft, 
both  indeed  limited  by  law,  but  artfully  con- 
fpiring  to  give  mutual  fupport,  though  with 
mutual  checks;  it  is  filled  with  ftrange  con¬ 
ceits  in  metaphyficks  and  natural  philofophy, 
with  idle  fuperflitions,  and  with  a  fcheme  of 
theology  moll  obfeurely  figurative,  and  con- 
fequently  liable  to  dangerous  milconception ; 
it  abounds  with  minute  and  childifh  formali¬ 
ties,  with  ceremonies  generally  abfurd  and  of¬ 
ten  riuiculous ;  the  punilhments  are  partial  and 
fanciful;  for  fome  crimes,  dreadfully  cruel,  for 
others,  reprehenfibly  flight ;  and  the  very  mo¬ 
rals,  though  rigid  enough  on  the  whole,  are 
in  one  or  two  intlances  (as  in  the  cafe  of  light 
oaths  and  of  pious  perjury)  unaccountably  re¬ 
laxed  :  neverthelefs,  a  fpirit  of  fublime  devo¬ 
tion,  of  benevolence  to  mankind,  and  of  amia¬ 
ble  tendernefs  to  all  fentient  creatures,  pervades 
the  whole  work;  the  ftyle  of  it  has  a  certain 

*  aufterc 



auftere  majefty,  that  founds  like  the  language 
of  kgiflation,  and  extorts  a  refpedful  awe  ;  the 
fentiments  of  independence  on  all  beings  but 
God,  and  the  harfh  admonitions,  even  to  kings, 
are  truly  noble;  and  the  many  panegyricks  on 
the  Gayatt'i,  the  Mother  as  it  is  called,  of  the 
Veda,  prove  the  author  to  have  adored  (not  the 
vifible  material  fun ,  but)  that  divine  and  in - 
comparably  greater  light ,  to  ule  the  words  of 
the  mofl  venerable  text  in  the  Indian  fcripture, 
'which  illumines  all ,  delights  all,  from  which  all 
proceed.,  to  which  all  mufl  return,  and  which 
alone  can  irradiate  (not  our  vifual  organs 
merely,  but  our  fouls  and)  our  intellects.  What¬ 
ever  opinion  in  fhort  may  be  formed  of  Menu 
and  his  laws,  in  a  country  happily  enlightened 
by  found  philofophv  and  the  only  true  reve¬ 
lation,  it  muft  be  remembered,  that  thofe 
laws  are  actually  revered,  as  the  word  of  the 
Moft  High,  by  nations  of  great  importance 
to  the  political  and  commercial  interefts  of 
Europe ,  and  particularly  by  many  millions  of 
Hindu  fubjeds,  whofe  well  direded  induftry 
would  add  largely  to  the  wealth  of  Britain , 
and  who  -afk  no  more  in  return  than  protec¬ 
tion  for  their  perfons  and  places  of  abode,  juf- 
tice  in  their  temporal  concerns,  indulgence  to 
the  prejudices  of  their  old  religion,  and  the 
benefit  of  thofe  laws,  which  they  have  been 
taught  to  believe  facred,  and  which  alone  they 
can  poflibly  comprehend. 






On  the  Creation ;  with  a  Summary  of  the  Contents  * 

i.  Ji  yJENU  fat  reclined,  with  his  attention 

J^Vx  fixed  on  one  objedb,  the  Supreme  God 
when  the  divine  Sages  approached  him ,  and ,  after 
mutual  falutations  in  due  form,  delivered  the  fol¬ 
lowing  addrefs : 

2.  4  Deign,  fovereign  ruler,  to  apprize  us  of 
4  the  facred  laws  in  their  order,  as  they  muft  be 
4  followed  by.  all  the  four  clafies,  and  by  each  of 
c  them,  in  their  feveral  degrees,  together  with 
4  the  duties  of  every  mixed  clafs ; 

3.  4  For  thou,  Lord,  and  thou  only  among  mor - 
4  tals,  knoweft  the  true  fenfe,  the  firft  principle, 
4  and  the  preferibed  ceremonies,  of  this  univerfal, 
4  fupernatural  Veda,  unlimited  in  extent  and  un- 
4  equalled  in  authority/ 

4.  He,  whofe  powers  were  meafureleL,  being 
thus  requefted  by  the  great  Sages,  whofe  t  houghts 
were  profound,  faluted  them  all  with  reverence, 
and  gave  them  a  comprehenfive  an fwer,  faying . 

4  Be  it  heard  ! 

5.  4  This  univerfc  exifted  only  in  the  frjf  divine 
4  idea  yet  unexpanded ,  as  if  involved  in  darknefs, 
\  imperceptible,  undefinable,  undifcoverable  by 

B  *  reaf}  > 


c  reafon,  and  undifcovered  by  revelation ,  as  if  is 
4  were  wholly  immerfed  in  fleep  : 

6.  4  Then  the  foie  felf-exifting  power,  himfelf 
4  undifcerned,  but  making  this  world  difcernible, 

4  with  five  elements  and  other  principles  of  nature, 
4  appeared  with  undiminifhed  glory,  expanding 
4  his  idea ,  or  difpelling  the  gloom. 

7.  4  He,  whom  the  mind  alone  can  perceive, 

*  whofe  eflence  eludes  the  external  organs,  who 
4  has  no  vifible  parts,  who  exifts  from  eternity, 
4  even  he,  the  foul  of  all  beings,  whom  no  being 
4  can  comprehend,  fhone  forth  in  perfon. 

8.  4  He,  having  willed  to  produce  various 

*  beings  from  his  own  divine  fubftance,  firft  with 
4  a  thought  created  the  waters,  and  placed  in 
4  them  a  productive  feed  : 

9.  4  The  feed  became  an  egg  bright  as  gold, 
4  blazing  like  the  luminary  with  a  thoufand 
€  beams ;  and  in  that  egg  he  was  born  himfelf 
c  in  the  form  of  Brahma',  the  great  forefather  of 
4  all  fpirits. 

10.  4  The  waters  are  called  nara ,  becaufe  they 
4  were  the  production  of  Nara,  or  the  fpirit  of 
4  God  ;  and,  fince  they  were  his  firft  ay  ana ,  or 
4  place  of  motion,  he  thence  is  named  Nara  Van  a, 

4  or  moving  on  the  waters. 

11.  4  From  that  which  is,  the  firft  caufe, 

4  not  the  object  of  fenfe,  exifting  every  where  in 
4  fubftance,  not  exifting  to  our  perception,  without 
4  beginning  or  end,  was  produced  the  divine  male, 

4  famed  in  all  worlds  under  the  appellation  of 
4  Brahma'. 

12.  4  In  that  egg  the  great  power  fat  inactive  a 
4  whole  year  of  the  Creator,  at  the  clofe  of  .which, 

4  by  his  thought  alone,  he  caufed  the  egg  to  divide 
4  itfelf i 

13.  4  And 

SUMMARY  of  the  contents. 


13.  c  And  from  its  two  divifions  he  framed  the 
heaven  above  and  the  earth  be.eatk:  in  the  mid  ft 
he  placed  the  fubtil  ether,  the  eight  regions*  and 
the  permanent  receptacle  of  waters. 

14.  ‘  From  the  fupfeme  foul  he  drew  forth 
Mind,  exifting  fubftuntially  though  unperceived 
by  fenfe,  immaterial ;  and  before  mind ,  or  the 
reafoning  power ,  he  produced  confcioufnefs,  the 
internal  monitor,  the  ruler ; 

15.  ‘And,  before  them  both,  he  produced  the 
great  principle  of  the  foul ,  or  firjl  expdnjion  of  the 
divine  idea;  and  all  vital  forms  endued  with  the 
three  qualities  of  goodnefs ,  pafiion ,  and  darknefs; 
and  the  five  perceptions  of  fenfe,  and  the  live 
organs  of  fenfation. 

16.  ‘  Thus ,  having  at  once  pervaded,  with  ema¬ 
nations  from  the  Supreme  Spirit,  the  minuteft 
portions  of  fix  principles  immenfely  operative, 
confcioufnefs  and  the  five  perceptions ,  tic  framed  all 
creatures  ; 

17.  c  And  fince  the  minuteft  particles  of  vifiblc 
nature  have  a  dependence  on  thofe  fix  emanations 
from  God,  the  wife  have  accordingly  given  the 
name  of  s' dr  If  a  or  depending  On  fix ,  that  is,  the  ten 
organs  on  confcioufnefs ,  and  the  five  elements  on  as 
many  perceptions ,  to  His  image  or  appearance  in 
vifible  nature : 

18.  ‘  Thence  proceed  the  great  elements,  en¬ 
dued  with  peculiar  powers,  and  Mind  with 
operations  infinitely  fubtil,  the  unperifiiable 
caufe  of  all  apparent  forms. 

19.  ‘  This  univerfe,  therefore,  is  compacted 
from  the  minute  portions  of  thofe  feven  divine 
and  active  principles,  the  great  Soul,  or  firfi  ema¬ 
nation,  confcioufnefs,  and  five  perceptions ;  a  mutable 
univerfe  from  immutable  ideas . 

B  2  20.  ‘  Among 


20.  4  Among  them  each  fucceeding  element 
acquires  the  quality  ot  the  preceding;  and,  in 
as  many  degrees  as  each  of  them  is  advanced, 
with  fo  many  properties  is  it  faid  to  be  endued. 

21.  4  He  too  firft  affigned  to  all  creatures  dif- 
tincft  names,  diflin£l  a£ts,  and  diftinft  occupa¬ 
tions  ;  as  they  had  been  revealed  in  the  pre- 
exifting  Veda. 

22.  4  He,  the  fupreme  Ruler,  created  an  affem- 
blage  of  inferior  Deities,  with  divine  attributes 
and  pure  fouls  ;  and  a  number  of  Genii  cxqui- 
fitely  delicate ;  and  he  frejeribed  the  facrifice 
ordained  from  the  beginning. 

23.  4  From  fire,  from  air,  and  from  the  fun 
he  milked  out,  as  it  wore ,  the  three  primordial 
Vedas ,  named  Rich,  T'ajufby  zn&Saman,  for  the 
due  performance  of  the  facrifice. 

24.  4  He  gave  being  to  time  and  the  divifions 
of  time,  to  the  liars  alfo,  and  to  the  planets,  to 
rivers,  oceans,  and  mountains,  to  level  plains, 
and  uneven  valleys. 

25.  4  To  devotion,  fpeech,  complacency,  de¬ 
fire,  and  wrath,  and  to  the  creation,  which  (hall 
prefently  be  mentioned;  for  He  willed  the  exis¬ 
tence  of  all  thofe  created  things. 

26.  4  For  the  fake  of  difiinguifhing  actions. 
He  made  a  total  difference  between  right  and 
wrong,  and  enured  thefe  fentient  creatures  to 
pleafure  and  pain,  cold andheat>  and  other  oppo¬ 
site  pairs. 

27.  4  With  very  minute  transformable  portions, 
called  mitrctSy  of  the  five  elements,  all  this 
perceptible  world  was  compofed  in  fit  order; 

28.  4  And  in  whatever  occupation  the  fupreme 
Lord  firft  employed  any  vital  foul,  to  that  occu- 

4  pation 


pation  the  fame  foul  attaches  itfclf  fpontaneoufly, 
when  it  receives  a  new  body  again  and  again: 

29.  4  Whatever  quality,  noxious  or  innocent, 
harfh  or  mild,  unjuft,  or  juft,  falfe  or  true,  He 
conferred  on  any  being  at  its  creation,  the  fame 
quality  enters  it  of  courfe  on  its  future  births ; 

30.  4  As  the  fix  feafons  of  the  year  attain 
refpe<5lively  their  peculiar  marks  in  due  time 
and  of  their  own  accord,  even  fo  the  feveral 
a<5ts  of  each  embodied  fpiric  alien!  it  m:u - 

31.  4  That  the  human  race  might  be  multi¬ 
plied,  He  caufed  the  Brahmen,  the  Cjhatnya , 
the  Vaifya,  and  the  Sudra  (fo  named  from  the 
feripture ,  protection,  wealth ,  and  labour)  to  pro¬ 
ceed  from  his  mouth,  his  arm,  his  thigh  and  his 

32.  c  Having  divided  his  own  fubftance,  the 
mighty  Power  became  half  male,  half  female, 
or  nature  arrive  and  p affine  \  and  from  that  fe¬ 
male  he  produced  Viraj: 

33.  4  Know  Me,  O  moft  excellent  of  Brahmens, 
to  be  that  perfon,  whom  the  male  power  Vira'j, 
having  performed  auftere  devotion,  produced 
by  himfelf;  Me,  the  fecondary  framer  of  all  this 
vifible  world. 

34.  4  It  was  I,  who,  defirous  of  giving  birrh 
to  a  race  of  men,  performed  very  difficult  reli¬ 
gious  duties,  and  firft  produced  ten  Lords  of 
created  beings,  eminent  in  holinefs, 

35.  4  Mari'chi,  A tri,  Angeras,  Pulastva, 
Pulaha,  Cratu,  Prache'tas,  or  Dacsha, 
Vasisht’ha,  Bhricu,  and  Na  rada  : 

36.  4  They,  abundant  in  glory,  produced 
feven  other  Menus,  together  with  deities,  and 

H  3  *  the 

6  ON  THE  creation;  with  a 

c  the  manfions  of  deities,  and  Alaharjhis ,  or  great 
c  Sages,  unlimited  in  power  ; 

37.  c  Benevolent  genii,  and  fierce  giants,  blood- 
c  thirfly  lavages,  heavenly  quirifters,  nymphs  and 
c  demons,  huge  ferpents  and  fnakes  of  fmaller 
4  fize,  birds  of  mighty  wing,  and  feparate  com- 
c  panies  of  Pitris,  or  progenitors  of  mankind  ; 

38.  c  Lightnings  and  chunder-bolts,  clouds  2nd 
4  coloured  bows  of  Indra ,  falling  meteors,  earth- 

*  rending  vapours,  comets,  and  luminarits  of  va- 
c  rious  degrees ; 

39.  c  Horfe-faced  fylvans,  apes,  fifh3  and  a 
c  variety  of  birds,  tame  cattle,  deer,  men,  and 
4  ravenous  beads  with  two  rows  of  teeth; 

40.  c  Small  and  large  reptiles,  moths,  lice, 
1  fleas,  and  common  flies,  with  every  biting  gnat, 
c  and  immoveable  fubftances  of  diflindt  forts. 

41.  c  Thus  was  this  whole  aflemblage  of  fla- 
c  tionary  and  moveable  bodies  framed  by  thofe 

*  high-minded  beings,  through  the  force  of  their 
c  own  devotion,  and  at  my  command,  with  fepa- 
<  rate  adtions  allotted  to  each. 

42.  ‘  Whatever  adf  is  ordained  for  each  of 
c  thofe  creatures  here  below,  that  1  will  now  de- 

*  clare  to  you,  together  with  their  order  in  refpecfc 
‘  to  birth. 

43.  c  Cattle  and  deer,  and  wild  beads  with  two 
c  rows  of  teeth,  giants,  and  blood-thirdy  favages, 

*  and  the  race  of  men,  are  born  from  afecundine: 

44.  1  Birds  are  hatched  from  eggs,  fo  are 
c  fnakes,  crocodiles,  fifli  without  Jhells>  and  tor- 
f  toifes,  with  other  animal  kinds,  terredrial,  as 
‘  chamelionSy  and  aquatick,  as  Jhell-fiJh : 

45.  4  From  hot  moidure  are  born  biting  gnats, 
f  lice,  fleas,  and  common  flies;  thefe,  and  what- 
c  ever  is  of  the  fame  clafs,  are  produced  by  heat. 

46,  <  All 



a6.  4  All  vegetables,  propagated  by  feed  or  by 
4  flips  grow  from  fhoots :  fome  herbs,  abounding 
4  in  flowers  and  fruits,  perifh  when  the  fruit  is 
*  mature  ; 

47.  ‘  Or  her  plants,  called  lords  of  the  foreff, 
4  have  no  flowers,  but  produce  fruit;  and,  whe- 
4  ther  they  have  flowers  alfo,  or  fruit  only,  large 
4  woody  plants  of  both  forts  are  named  trees. 

4S.  4  There  are  ihrubs  with  many  flalks  from 
4  the  root  upwards,  and  reeds  with  Angle  roots 
4  but  united  flems,  all  of  different  kinds,  and 
4  grades,  and  vines  or  climbers,  and  creepers, 
4  which  fpring  from  a  feed  or  from  a  flip. 

49.  4  Thele  animals  and  vegetables,  encircled 
‘  with  multiform  darknefs,  by  reafon  of  part  ac- 
‘  tions,  have  internal  confcience,  and  are  fenfible 
4  of  pleafure  and  pain. 

50.  4  All  tranlmigrations,  recorded  in  j 'acred 
4  books ,  from  the  ftate  of  Brahma,  to  that  of 
4  plants,  happen  continually  in  this  tremendous 
c  world  of  beings ;  a  world  always  tending  to 
4  decay. 

51.  4  He,  whofe  powers  are  incomprehenflble, 
c  having  thus  created  both  me  and  this  univerfe, 
4  was  again  abforbed  in  the  fupreme  Spirit,  chang- 
4  ing  the  time  of  energy  for  the  time  of  repofe. 

52.  4  When  that  Bower  awakes,  (for,  though 
4  f umber  he  not  pre  die  able  of  the  foie  eternal  Mind , 

4  infinitely  wife  and  infinitely  benevolent,  yet  it  is  pre - 
4  dicated  of  Brahma  '  .figuratively ,  as  a  general  pro - 
4  perty  of  life)  then  has  this  world  its  full  expansion; 

4  but,  when  he  flumbers  with  a  tranquil  fpirit, 

4  then  the  whole  fyffem  fades  away; 

53.  4  For,  while  he  repofes,  as  it  were,  in  calm 
4  fleep,  embodied  fpirits,  endued  with  principles 

B  4  4  of 


*  of  action,  depart  from  their  feveral  adts,  and  the 
€  mind  itfelf  becomes  inert; 

54.  4  And  when  they  once  are  abforbed  in  that 

*  fupreme  e Hence,  then  the  divine  foul  of  all 
f  beings  withdraws  his  energy,  and  placidly  Hum- 

*  bers  ; 

55.  c  Then  too  this  vital  foul  of  created  bodies , 
€  with  all  the  organs  of  fenfe  and  of  adtion,  re^ 

*  mains  long  immerfed  in  the  firft  idea  or  in  dark- 
c  nefs,  and  performs  not  its  natural  fundtions,  but 
4  migrates  from  its  corporeal  frame  : 

56.  *  When,  being  again  compofed  of  minute 
€  elementary  principles,  it  enters  at  once  into 

*  vegetable  or  animal  feed,  it  then  a  flumes  a 
6  new  form. 

57.  c  Thus  that  immutable  Power,  by  waking 
c  and  repofing  alternately,  revivifies  and  deftroys 
c  in  eternal  fucceflion,  this  whole  aflemblage  of 

*  locomotive  and  immoveable  creatures. 

58.  c  He,  having  enadted  this  code  of  laws, 
x  himfeif  taught  it  fully  to  me  in  the  beginning: 

*  afterwards  I  taught  it  Marichi  and  the  nine 

*  other  holy  fages. 

59.  4  This  my  Jon  Bhr'icu  will  repeat  the  divine 

*  code  to  you  without  omifTion;  for  that  fage 
‘  learned  from  me  to  recite  the  whole  of  it/ 

60.  Bhrigu,  great  and  wife,  having  thus  been 
appointed  by  Menu  to  promulge  his  laws,  ad- 
d  re  fifed  all  the  Rajhis  with  an  afFedtionate  mind, 
faying  :  ‘  Hear ! 

61.  4  From  this  Menu  named  Swa'yambhuva*. 
4  or  Sprung  from  the  felf-exijlingy  came  fix  def- 

*  cendants,  other  Menus,  or  perfectly  underftanding 

*  the  Jcripiurey  each  giving  birth  to  a  race  of  his 
own,  all  exalted  in  dignity,  eminent  in  power; 

62.  4  SWA  RO,  CHISHA,  AUTTAMT,  Ta'MASA, 



4  Raivata  likewife  and  Chacshusha,  beaming 
4  with  glory,  and  Vaivaswata,  child  of  the  fun. 

63.  *  The  feven  Menus,  for  tbofe  fir  ft  created , 

4  who  are  to  be  followed  by  J even  more )  of  whom 
4  Swa  yambhuva  is  the  chief,  have  produced  and 
4  fupported  this  world  of  moving  and  ftationary 
4  beings,  each  in  his  own  antara ,  or  the  period  of 
4  his  reign. 

64.  4  Eighteen  nimejhas ,  or  twinklings  of  an  eye , 

4  are  one  cafht'hd\  thirty  cdjht'has ,  one  ; 

4  thirty  calds,  one  tnubtrta:  and  juft  fo  many 
4  muh'.rtas  let  mankind  confider.  as  the  duration 
4  of  their  day  and  night. 

65.  4  The  fun  caufes  the  diftributicn  of  day  and 
4  night,  both  divine  and  human ;  night  being 
4  intended  for  the  repofe  of  various  beings,  and  day 
4  for  their  exertion. 

66.  4  A  month  of  mortals  is  a  day  and  a  night 
4  of  the  Pitris  or  patriarchs  inhabiting  the  moon ; 

4  and  the  divifion  of  a  month  being  into  equal 
4  halves,  the  half  beginning  from  the  full  moon  is 
4  their  day  for  abtions  ;  and  that  beginning  from 
4  the  new  moon  is  their  night  for  dumber : 

67.  4  A  year  of  mortals  is  a  day  and  a  night  of 
4  the  Gods,  or  regents  of  the  univerfe  Jeated  round 
4  the  north  pole ;  and  again  their  divifion  is  this, 
4  their  day  is  the  northern,  and  their  night  the 
4  fouthern  courfe  of  the  fun. 

68.  4  Learn  now  the  duration  of  a  day  and  a 
4  night  of  Brahma.,  and  of  the  feveral  ages 
4  which  fhall  be  mentioned  in  order  fuccin&ly. 

69.  4  Sages  have  given  the  name  of  Crita  to  an 
4  age  containing  four  thoufand  years  ol  the  Gods; 
4  the  twilight  preceding  it  confifts  of  as  many 
4  hundreds,  and  the  twilight  following  it,  of  the 
*  fame  number; 

70.  4  In 



70.  c  In  the  other  three  ages,  with  their  twilights 
c  preceding  and  following,  are  thoufands  and 
«  hundreds  diminifhed  by  one. 

71.  ‘  The  divine  years,  in  the  four  human  ages 

*  juft  enumerated,  being  added  together,  their 
1  fum,  or  twelve  thoufand,  is  called  the  age  of  the 
6  Gods : 

72.  c  And,  by  reckoning  a  thoufand  fuch  divine 
c  ages,  a  day  of  Brahma  may  be  known  :  his 
c  night  alfo  has  an  equal  duration  : 

73.  ‘  Thofe  perfons  bcft  know  the  divifions  of 

*  the  days  and  nights,  who  underhand  that  the 

<  day  of  Brahma  ,  which  endures  to  the  end  of  a 

<  thoufand  fuch  ages,  gives  rife  to  virtuous  ex- 
€  ertions;  and  that  his  night  endures  as -long  as 
c  his  day. 

74.  c  At  the  clofe  of  his  night,  having  long 
L  repofed,  he  awakes,  and  awaking,  exerts  in- 
c  teileel,  or  reproduces  the  great  principle  of  anma - 
c  tion,  whofe  property  it  is  to  exift  unperceived  by 

*  fenfe  : 

75.  c  Intellect,  called  into  a&ion  by  his  will 
c  to  create  worlds,  performs  again  the  work  of 

*  creation;  and  thence  firft  emerges  the  fubtil 
«  ether,  to  which  philofophers  afcribe  the  quality 
c  of  conveying  found  ; 

76.  ‘  From  ether,  effecting  a  tranfmutation 

*  in  form,  fpiings  the  pure  and  potent  air,  a  ve- 
4  hide  of  all  fcencs  ;  and  air  is  held  endued  with 
c  the  quality  of  touch  : 

77.  ‘  Then  from  air,  operating  a  change,  rifes 
c  light  cr  fire ,  making  obje&s  vifible,  difpelling 

<  gloom,  lpreading  bright  rays ;  and  it  is  declared 
«  to  have  the  quality  of  figure  ; 

78.  c  But  from  light,  a  change  being  effected, 

€  comes  water  with  the  quality  of  tafte  ;  and  from 

4  water 


water  is  depcfited  earth  with  the  quality  of  fmell  r 
fuch  were  they  created  in  the  beginning. 

79.  ‘  The  before- mentioned  age  of  the  Gods, 
or  twelve  thoufand  of  their  years,  being  mul¬ 
tiplied  by  feventy-one,  conftitutes  what  is  here 
named  a  Menwantara,  or  the  reign  of  a  Menu. 

80.  c  There  are  numberlefs  Menwantaras ; 
creations  alfo  and  dcftrudtions  of  worlds,  /;> 
numerable :  the  Being  fupremely  exalred  per¬ 
forms  all  this,  with  a>  much  eaje  as  if  in  fport  ; 
again  and  again,  for  the  Jake  of  conferring  hap - 

81.  ‘In  the  Crita  age  the  Genius  of  truth  and 
right,  in  the  form  of  a  Bull ,  (lands  firm  on  his 
four  feet;  nor  does  any  advantage  accrue  to 
men  from  iniquity  ; 

82.  f  But  in  the  following  ages,  by  reafon  of 
unjuft  gains,  he  is  deprived  fuecefiively  of  one 
foot ;  and  even  juft  emoluments,  through  the 
prevalence  of  theft,  fallehood,  and  fraud,  are 
gradually  diminilhed  by  a  fourth  parr. 

83.  ‘  Men,  free  irom  difeafe,  attain  all  forts  of 
profperity,  and  live  four  hundred  years  in  the 
Crita  age  ;  but,  in  the  Tret  a  and  the  l'ucceeaing 
ages,  their  life  is  lellened  gradually  by  one 

84.  ‘  The  life  of  mortals,  which  is  mentioned 
in  the  Veda,  the  rewards  of  good  works,  and  the 
powers  of  embodied  fpirits,  are  fruits  propor¬ 
tioned  among  men  to  the  order  of  the  four 

85.  c  Some  duties  are  performed  by  good  men 
in  the  Crita  age;  others,  in  the  Trctd ;  fome, 
in  the  Dwapara  ;  others,  in  the  Cali ;  in  pro¬ 
portion  as  thofe  ages  decreafc  in  length. 

86.  ‘  In  the  Crita  the  prevailing  virtue  is  de- 

*  dared 

ON  TIIE  creation;  with  a 

3  2 

*  dared  to  be  in  devotion ;  in  the  Trela,  divine 
€  knowledge  ;  in  the  Dzvapara ,  holy  lages  call 
£  facrifice  the  duty  chiefly  performed;  in  the 

*  Cali,  liberality  alone. 

87.  £  For  the  fake  of  preferving  this  univerfe, 
c  the  Being,  fupremely  glorious,  allotted  feparate 
£  duties  to  thofe  who  fprang  relpedlively  from  his 

%  1  mouth,  his  arm,  his  thigh,  and  his  foot. 

88.  £  To  Brahmens  he  afligned  the  duties  of 
£  reading  the  Veda,  of  teaching  it,  of  facrificing, 

£  of  afiifting  others  to  facrifice,  of  giving  alms, 

£  if  they  be  rich,  and,  if  indigent ,  of  r  eceiving 

*  gifts : 

c  To  defend  the  people,  to  give  alms,  to 
£  facriflce,  to  read  the  Veda,  to  fhun  the  allure- 
c  ments  of  fenfual  gratification,  are,  in  a  few 
‘  words,  the  duties  of  a  Chatriya: 

90.  £  To  keep  herds  of  cattle,  to  bellow  lar- 
£  gelfes,  to  facrifice,  to  read  the  feripture,  to  carry 

*  on  trade,  to  lend  at  interell,  and  to  cultivate 
£  land  are  preferihed  or  permitted  to  a  Vaifya  : 

91.  £  One  principal  duty  the  fupreme  Ruler 
‘  alflgns  to  a  Sudra ;  namely,  to  ferve  the  be- 
1  fore- mentioned  clafles,  without  depreciating 
c  their  worth. 

92.  £  Man  is  declared  purer  above  the  navel; 
c  but  the  felf-creating  Power  declared  the  purelt 
£  part  of  him  to  be  his  mouth. 

93.  c  Since  the  Brahmen  fprang  from  the  molt 
£  excellent  part,  fince  he  was  the  fir  ft  born,  and 
c  fince  he  pofle fifes  the  Veda,  he  is  by  right  the 
£  chief  of  this  whole  creation. 

94.  £  Him,  the  Being,  who  exifts  of  himfelf, 
c  produced  in  the  beginning  from  his  own  mouth, 
£  that,  having  performed  holy  rites,  he  might 
£  prefent  clarified  butter  to  the  Gods,  and  cakes 



r  of  rice  to  the  progenitors  of  mankind,  for  the 
c  prefervation  of  this  world  : 

95.  c  What  created  being  then  can  furpafs 
c  Him,  with  whole  mouth  the  Gods  of  the  fir— 
c  mament  continually  feall:  on  clarified  butter,  and 
<  the  manes  of  anceftors,  on  hallowed  cakes  ? 

96.  4  Of  created  things,  the  molt  excellent  are 

*  thofe  which  are  animated  ;  of  the  animated, 
c  thole  which  fubfifi:  by  intelligence  ;  of  the  in- 
1  telligent,  tnankind  ;  and  of  men,  the  facerdotal 
4  clafs; 

97.  4  Of  priefts,  thofe  eminent  in  learning; 

4  of  the  learned,  thofe  vn  ho  know  their  duty  ;  of 
4  thofe  who  know  it,  fuch  as  perform  it  virtuoufly; 

*  and  of  the  virtuous,  thofe  who  feek  beatitude 
4  from  a  perfe<5l  acquaintance  with  fcriptural  doc- 
‘  trine. 

98.  4  The  very  birth  of  Brahmens  is  a  conftant 
1  incarnation  of  Dherma,  God  of  JuJiice ;  for  the 
4  Brahmen  is  born  to  promote  jufticc,  and  to  pro- 
c  cure  ukimate  happinefs. 

09.  c  When  a  Brahmen  fprings  to  light,  he  is 
4  born  above  the  world,  the  chief  of  all  creature-, 

4  afilgned  to  guard  the  trealury  of  duties,  religious 
4  and  civil. 

100.  f  Whatever  exifts  in  the  univerfe,  is  all 

4  in  effedl,  though  not  in  form>  the  wealth  or* 
4  the  Brahmen ;  fince  the  Brahmen  is  entitled 
4  to  it  all  by  his  primogeniture  and  eminence 
4  of  birth  : 

10 1.  4  The  Brahmen  eats  but  his  own  food; 

4  wears  but  his  own  apparel;  and  bellows  but  his 
4  own  in  alms  :  through  the  benevolence  of  die 
4  Brahmen ,  indeed,  other  mortals  enjoy  life. 

102.  4  l  o  declare  the  facerdotal  duties,  and 
€  thofe  of  the  other  clafles  in  due  order,  the  luge 

6  Menu, 


Menu,  fprung  from  the  felf-exifting,  promulged 
this  code  of  Jaws: 

103.  4  A  code  which  muft  be  ftudied  with  ex¬ 
treme  eafe  by  every  learned.  Brahmen ,  and  fully 
explained  to  his  difciples,  but  muft  be  taught  by 
no  other  man  of  an  inferior  clajs . 

104.  4  The  Brahmen  who  ftudies  this  book, 
having  performed  facred  rites,  is  perpetually 
free  from  offence  in  thought,  in  word,  and  in 
deed  ; 

105.  c  He  confers  purity  on  his  living  family, 
on  his  anceftors,  and  on  his  delcendants,  as  far 
as  the  feventh  perfon  ;  and  He  alone  deferves 
to  poffefs  this  whole  earth. 

106.  c  This  moil  excellent  code  produces  every 
thing  aufpicious ;  this  code  increafes  under- 
ftanding;  this  code  procures  fame  and  long  life; 
this  code  leads  to  fupreme  blils. 

107.  4  In  this  book  appears  the  fyftem  of  law’ 
in  its  full  extent,  with  the  good  and  bad  pro¬ 
perties  of  human  actions,  and  the  immemorial 
cuftoms  of  the  four  claffes, 

108.  4  Immemorial  cuftom  is  tranfcendent  law, 
approved  in  the  facred  fcripture,  and  in  the 
codes  of  divine  legiflators:  let  every  man,  there¬ 
fore,  of  the  three  principal  claffes,  who  has  a  due 
reverence  for  the  fupreme  fpirrt  which  dwells  in 
him ,  diligently  and  conftantly  obferve  imme¬ 
morial  cuftom  ; 

109.  4  A  man  of  the  prieftly,  military,  or 
commercial  elafs,  who  deviates  from  imme¬ 
morial  ufage,  taftes  not  the  fruit  of  the  Veda ; 
but,  by  an  exact  obfervance  of  it,  he  gathers 
that  fruit  in  perfection. 

no.  4  Thus  have  holy  fages,  well  knowing 
that  law  is  grounded  on  immemoiial  cuftom, 



embraced,  as  the  root  of  all  piety,  good  ufages 
long  eftablifhed. 

111.  ‘The  creation  of  this  univerfe,  the  forms 
of  inftitution  and  education,  with  the  obfervances 
and  behaviour  of  a  Undent  in  theology;  the  beft 
rules  for  the  ceremony  on  his  return  from  the 
manfion  of  his  preceptor; 

1 12.  ‘The  law  of  marriage  in  general,  and 
of  nuptials  in  different  forms;  the  regulations 
for  the  great  facraments,  and  the  manner, 
primevally  fettled,  of  performing  obfequies; 

1 13.  ‘  The  modes  of  gaining  fubfiftence,  and 
the  rules  to  be  obferved  by  the  matter  of  a 
family ;  the  allowance  and  prohibition  of  diet, 
with  rhe  purification  of  men  and  utenfils ; 

1 14.  ‘  Laws  concerning  women,  the  devotion 
of  hermits,  and  of  anchorets  wholly  intent  on 
final  beatitude,  the  whole  duty  of  a  king,  and 
the  judicial  decifion  of  controverfies, 

1 15.  ‘  With  the  law  of  evidence  and  examina¬ 
tion;  laws  concerning  hufband  and  wife,  canons 
of  inheritance  ;  the  prohibition  of  gaming,  and 
the  punifhments  of  criminals  ; 

116.  ‘Rules  ordained  for  the  mercantile  and 
fervile  claffes,  with  the  origin  of  thofe  that  are 
mixed  ;  the  duties  and  rights  of  all  the  claffes  in 
time  of  diftrels  for  fubfiftence  ;  and  the  penances 
for  expiating  fins ; 

117.  ‘  The  iVveral  tranfmigrations  in  this  uni¬ 
verfe,  caufed  by  offences  of  three  kinds,  with 
the  ultimate  blits  attending  good  adfions,  on  the 
full  trial  of  vice  and  virtue  ; 

1 1 8.  c  All  thefe  titles  of  law,  promulgated 
by  Menu,  and  occafionally  the  cuftoms  of  dif¬ 
ferent  countries,  different  tribes*  and  different 

7  ‘  families. 


families,  with  rules  concerning  hereticks  and 
companies  of  traders,  are  difcuffed  in  this 

1 19.  *  Even  as  Menu,  at  my  requeft,  formerly 
revealed  this  divine  Saftra,  hear  it  now  from 
me  without  any  diminution  or  addition. 

C  17  ) 


On  'Education  ;  or  on  the  Sacerdotal  Clafs ,  and 
The  Flrjl  Order . 

1.  i  Know  that  fyftem  of  duties,  which  is  re- 
1  vered  bv  fuch  as  are  learned  in  the  Eedas,  and 
1  imprefled,  as  the  means  of  attaining  beatitude ,  on 
1  the  hearts  of  the  juft,  who  are  ever  exempt 
‘  from  hatred  and  inordinate  affedtion. 

2.  c  Self-love  is  no  laudable  motive,  yet  an 

*  exemption  from  felf-love  is  not  to  be  found  in 

*  this  world  :  on  felf-love  is  grounded  the  ftudy 
‘  of  fcripture,  and  the  practice  of  adtions  re- 
€  commended  in  it. 

3.  ‘  Eager  defire  to  aft  has  its  root  in  expedla- 

*  tion  of  fome  advantage  ;  and  with  fuch  expec- 

*  tation  are  facrifices  performed  ;  the  rules  of 
€  religious  aufterity  and  abftinence  from  fins  are 
1  all  known  to  arife  from  hope  of  remuneration, 

4.  *  Not  a  fingle  adt  here  below  appears  ever 
4  to  be  done  by  a  man  free  from  felf-love  ;  what- 

*  ever  he  performed,  ft  is  wrought  from  his  defire 

*  of  a  reward. 

5.  ‘  He,  indeed,  who  fhould  perfift  in  difeharg - 

*  ing  thefe  duties  without  any  view  to  their  fruit, 
4  would  attain  hereafter  the  ftatcof  the  immortals, 
4  and  even  in  this  life,  would  enjoy  all  the  vir- 
4  tuous  gratifications,  that  his  fancy  could  fuggeft. 

C  6.  ‘  The 



6.  4  The  roots  of  law  are  the  whole  Veda , 

4  the  ordinances  and  moral  practices  of  fuch  as 
4  perfectly  underftand  it,  the  immemorial  cuftoms 
4  of  good  men,  and,  in  cafes  quite  indifferent ,  felf- 
4  fatisfadion. 

7.  4  Whatever  law  has  been  ordained  for  any 
4  perfon  by  Menu,  that  law  is  fully  declared  in 
4  the  Veda :  for  He  was  perfed  in  divine  know- 
4  ledge  : 

8.  4  A  man  of  true  learning,  who  has  viewed 
4  this  complete  fyftetn  with  the  eye  of  facred 
4  wifdom,  cannot  fail  to  perform  all  thofe  duties, 

4  which  are  ordained  on  the  authority  of  the  Veda* 

9.  4  No  doubt,  that  man  who  fhali  follow  the 
4  rules  prefcribed  in  the  Sruti  and  in  the  Smriti , 

4  will  acquire  fame  in  this  life,  and,  in  the  next, 

4  inexpreffible  happinefs : 

10.  4  By  Sruti,  or  what  was  heard  from  ah'ove , 

4  is  meant  the  Veda ;  and  by  SmrTti,  or  what  was 
4  remembered  from  the  beginnings  the  body  oi  law7  : 

4  thofe  two  muft  not  be  oppugned  by  heterodox 
4  arguments ;  fince  from  thofe  two,  proceeds  the 
4  whole  fyftem  of  duties. 

1 1.  4  W hatever  man  of  the  three  higheft  clafTes, 

4  having  addided  himfelf  to  heretical  books,  final l 
4  treat  with  contempt  thofe  two  roots  or  aw,  he 
4  mull,  be  driven,  as  an  Atheift  and  a  fcorner  of 
4  revelation,  from  the  company  of  the  virtuous. 

12.  4  The  Scripture,  the  codes  of  law,  ap- 
4  proved  ufage,  and,  in  all  indifferent  cafes ,  felf- 
4  fatibfadion,  the  wife  have  openly  declared  to 
4  be  tke  quadruple  description  of  the  juridical 
4  fyftem. 

13  4  A  knowledge  of  right  is  a  Sufficient  in- 
4  centive  for  men  unattached  to  wealth  or  to  feri- 
4  fuality  ;  and  to  thofe  who  feek  a  knowledge  of 

4  right. 

ON  THE  FIRST  OR  DEft .  19 

€  right,  the  fupreme  authority  is  divine  reVela- 
4  tion  ; 

14.  4  But,  when  there  are  two  facred  texts,  ap* 

4  pavently  inccnfillent>  both  are  held  to  be  la.v  ;  for 
4  both  are  pronounced  by  the  wife  to  be  valid 
*  and  reconcileable  ; 

15.  4  Thus  in  the  Vida  are  thefe  texts  :  44  let 
4  the  facrifice  be  when  the  fun  has  arifen,”  and, 
44  before  it  has  rifen,”  and,  44  when  neither  fun 
4  nor  ftars  can  be  fccn  the  facrifice,  therefore, 
4  may  be  performed  at  any  or  all  of  tbofe  times. 

16.  4  He,  whofe  life  is  regulated  by  holy  texts, 

4  from  his  conception  even  ro  his  funeral  pile, 

4  has  a  decided  right  to  (ludy  this  code  ;  but  no 
4  other  man  whatfoever. 

17.  4  Between  the  two  divine  fivers  Sj-afw'ati 
4  and  Drtjbadwati ,  lies  the  tradt  of  land,  which 
4  the  fages  have  named  Brahmiivertay  becaufe  it 
4  was  frequented  by  Gods : 

18.  4  The  cuftom  preferved  by  immemorial 
4  tradition  in  that  count;'  among  the  four  pun 
4  claflcs,  and  among  thole  which  are  mixed,  is 
4  called  approved  ulage. 

19.  4  C.urucjhitra\  Matfya ,  Ranch  ida,  or  Cir'.n- 
4  cubja,  and  Suro/inat  or'kurd,  form  tire  re- 
4  gion  called  Brahmarjhi ,  diltinguifhed  from  Bfdb* 
4  m  vert  a  : 

20.  4  From  a  Briibrncn  who  was  born  in  th  it 
4  country,  let  all  men  on  earth  learn  their  ieVeral 
4  ufages. 

lip  4  That  country  which  lies  between  Him  a- 
4  zvat  and  Vindhya ,  to  the  enft  of  Vbtas'ah'a,  and  to 
4  the  w'eft  of  Pray d^ a ,  is  celebrated  by  the  title  of 
4  Medbya-d ]a,  or  the  central  rfpton. 

22.  4  As  far  as  theeaflern,  anil  as  far  as  the 
c  weflern  oceans,  between  the  two  mounuins  }ul 

C  2  4  oicn- 


c  mentioned,  lies  the  tradl  which  the  wife  have 
c  named  Anaverta ,  or  inhabited  by  refpeBable  men . 

23.  6  That  land,  on  which  the  black  antelope 
c  naturally  grazes,  is  held  fit  for  the  performance 
i  of  facrifices  ;  but  the  land  of  Mlech’has ,  or  thofe 

*  who  [peak  barbaroujly ,  differs  widely  from  it. 

24.  ‘  Let  the  three  firft  claffes  invariably  dwell 
c  in  thofe  before-mentioned  countries ;  but  a  Su- 
c  dra,  difireffed  for  fubfifience,  may  fojourn 
£  wherever  he  chufes. 

25.  c  Thus  has  the  origin  of  law  been  fuccintt- 
c  ly  declared  to  you,  together  with  the  formation 

of  this  univerfe  :  now  learn  the  laws  of  the 
c  feveral  claffes. 

26.  c  With  aufpicious  adts  prefcribed  by  the 
‘  Feda,  muft  ceremonies  on  conception,  and  fo 
c  forth,  be  duly  performed,  which  purify  the 
c  bodies  of  the  three  claffes  in  this  life,  and  qualify 
6  them  for  the  next. 

27.  6  By  oblations  to  fire  during  the  mother’s 
c  pregnancy,  by  holy  rites  on  the  birth  of  the 

*  child,  by  the  tonfure  of  his  head  with  a  lock  of 

*  hair  left  on  it,  by  the  ligation  of  the  facrificial 
cord,  are  the  feminal  and  uterine  taints  of  the 

c  three  claffes  wholly  removed  : 

28.  c  By  ftudying  the  Feda>  by  religious  ob- 
c  fervances,  by  oblations  to  fire,  by  the  ceremony 
6  of  'Fraividia ,  by  offering  to  the  Gods  and  Manes, 
6  by  the  procreation  of  children,  by  the  five  great 

*  facraments,  and  by  folemn  facrifices,  this  human 
6  body  is  rendered  fit  for  a  divine  ftate. 

29.  6  Before  the  fe&ion  of  the  navel  firing,  a 
«  ceremony  is  ordained  on  the  birth  of  a  male  ; 
c  he  mufi  be  made,  while  facred  texts  are  pro- 
i  nounced,  to  tafte  a  little  honey  and  clarified 
4  butter  from  a  golden  fpoon. 

30.  c  Let 



30.  ‘  Let  the  father  perform  or,  if  abfent ,  caufe 
to  be  performed,  on  the  tenth  or  twelfth  clay 
after  the  birth,  the  ceremony  of  giving  a  name  ; 
or  on  fome  fortunate  day  of  the  moon,  at  a 
lucky  hour,  and  under  the  influence  of  a  flar 
with  good  qualities. 

31.  '  The  firit  part  of  a  Brahmen's  compound 
name  fhould  indicate  holinefs  ;  of  a  CJhatriya  s, 
power ;  of  a  V aifya's,  wealth  ;  and  of  a  Sudra  s 
contempt  : 

32.  ‘  Let  the  Second  part  of  the  priefVs  name 
imply  profperitv  ;  of  the  Soldier’s,  preservation ; 
of  the  merchant’s,  nourishment ;  of  the  iervant  sf 
humble  attendance. 

33.  ‘  The  names  of  women  fhould  be  agreeable, 
loft,  clear,  captivating  the  fancy,  aulpicious, 
ending  in  long  vowels,  refembling  words  of 

34.  *  In  the  fourth  month  the  child  fhould  be 
carried  out  of  the  houle  to  fee  the  fun:  in  the 
fixth  month,  he  fhould  be  fed  with  rice;  or 
that  may  be  done,  which,  by  the  cultom  of  the 
family,  is  thought  molt  propitious. 

33.  ‘  Bv  the  command  of  the  V :da ,  the  cere¬ 
mony  of  tonfure  Should  be  legally  performed 
by  the  three  firft  clafTes  in  the  firft  or  third 
year  after  birth.  #  . 

36.  ‘  In  the  eighth  year  from  the  conception 
of  a  Brahmen ,  in  the  eleventh  from  that  of  a 
CJhatriya,  and  in  the  twelfth  from  that  of  a 
Vaifya,  let  the  father  inveft  the  child  with  the 
mark  of  his  clafs  : 

37.  ‘  Should  a  Brahmen ,  or  his  father  for  him , 
be  defirous  of  his  advancement  in  facred  know¬ 
ledge  ;  a  Cfhatriya ,  of  extending  his  power  ;  or  a 
Vaifya  of  engaging  in  mercantile  bufuiefs ;  the 

C  3  i  in- 



c  inveftiture  may  be  made  in  the  fifth,  fixth,  or 
‘  eighth  years  refpedtively. 

38.  *  The  ceremony  of  inveftiture  hallowed  bf 
c  .the  gayatri  mud  not  be  delayed,  in  the  cafe  of  a 
‘  prieft,  beyond  the  fifteenth  year;  nor  in  that 
6  of  a  foldier,  beyond  the  twenty-fecond  ;  nor  in 
€  that  of  a  merchant,  beyond  the  twenty-fourth. 

39.  c  After  that  all  youths  of  thefe  three  daffies, 
€  who  have  not  been  invefted  at  the  proper  time, 
4  become  vratyas ,  or  outcafts,  degraded  from  the 
‘  gayatri ,  and  contemned  by  the  virtuous : 

40.  c  With  fuch  impure  men,  let  no  Brahmen, 
6  eyen  in  diftrefs  for  fubfiftence,  ever  form  a  con- 

*  nexion  in  law,  either  by  the  fludy  of  the  Veda, 

*  or  by  affinity. 

41.  ‘  Let  ftndents  in  theology  wear  for  their 
c  mantles ,  the  hides  of  black  antelopes,  of  common 
4  deer,  or  of  goats,  with  lower  vejls  of  woven  s' ana, 
6  of  cjhuma,  and  of  wool,  in  the  direcSt  order  of  their 
4  daffies. 

42.  6  The  girdle  of  a  prieft  muft  be  made  of 

*  mu/ja ,  in  a  triple  cord,  fmooth  and  foft ;  that 
e  of  a  warrior  muft  be  a  bow  firing  of  murva; 
f  that  of  a  merchant,  a  triple  thread  of  Yana* 

43  ‘  If  the  mtinja  be  not  procurable,  their  zones 
c  muft  bp  formed  refpetlively  of  the  graffes  cufa 
^  afmantacd ,  valvaja ,  in  triple  firings  with  one,  three, 
6  or  n  knots,  qc cor  ding  to  the  family  cufiom. 

44.  c  The  facrificial  thread  of  a  Brahmen  muft 
(  be  made  of  cotton,  fb  as  to  be  put  on  over  bis 
‘  head,  in  three  .firings  >  tj)ftt  pf  a  Cfhatriya ,  oi 
f  sana  thread  only;  that  of  4  Vais ya  of  woollen 
f  thread. 

43.  6  A  prieft  ought  by  law  to  carry  a  ftaffiof 
1  Bilv.a  or  Pa  id  fa  ;  a  fojdier,  of  Bata  or  Chadira  ; 

4  a  pier  chant  of  Venu  of  Udumhara  : 

46.  *  T  \q 



46  c  The  ft  .ff  of  a  pried  mud  be  of  fuch  length 
c  as  to  reach  his  hair  ;  that  of  a  foldier,  to  reach 

*  his  forebead  ;  and  that  of  a  merchant,  to  reach 
4  his  nofe. 

47.  ‘  L~t  all  the  {laves  be  draight,  without 
4  fracture,  of  a  hind  fome  appearance,  not  likely 

*  to  terrify  men,  with  their  bark  perfedt,  unhurt 
4  by  fire. 

4S.  “  Having  taken  a  legal  fiaff  to  his  liking, 

4  and  (landing  oppofire  to  the  fun,  let  the  {Indent 
4  thrice  walk  round  the  fire  from  left  to  right,  and 
4  perform,  according  to  law,  the  ceremony  of  afk- 
4  ing  food  : 

49.  4  The  mod  excellent  of  the  three  clafies, 

4  being  girt  with  the  facrificial  thread,  mud  afk 
4  food  with  the  refpedtful  word  bhavati ,  at  the 
4  beginning  of  the  phrafe  ;  thofe  of  the  fecond 
4  clafs,  with  that  word  in  the  middle  ;  and  thofe 
4  of  the  third,  with  that  word  at  the  end, 

50.  4  Let  him  firft  beg  food  of  his  mother,  or 
4  ot  his  filler,  or  of  his  mother’s  whole  fider ;  then 
4  of  fome  other  female  who  will  not  difgrace  him. 

51.  4  Having  collected  as  much  of  the  defired 
4  food  as  he  has  occafion  for,  and  having  prefented 
c  it  without  guile  to  his  preceptor,  let  him  eat 
4  fome  of  it,  being  duly  purified,  with  his  face  to 
4  the  ead : 

52.  4  Jf  he  feck  long  life,  he  fbould  eat  with  his 
4  face  to  the  ead,  if  exalted  fame  to  the  fouth  ;  if 
4  profperity  to  the  weft ;  if  truth  and  its  rnvjrd  to 
4  the  north. 

53.  4  Let  the  dudent,  having  performed  his, 
4  ablution,  always  cat  his  food  without  diltradtion 
4  of  mind  ;  and,  having  eaten,  let  him  thrice  wafh 
4  his  mouth  completely,  fprinkling  with  water  the, 

C  4  *  Jx 



c  fix  hollow  parts  of  his  head,  or  his  eyes ,  ears,  and 

*  nofrils . 

54.  6  Let  him  honour  all  his  food,  and  eat  it 
(  without  contempt ;  when  he  fees  it,  let  him 
€  rejoice  and  be  calm,  and  pray,  that  he  may 
c  always  obtain  it. 

55.  ‘  Food,  eaten  conftantly  with  refpedl,  gives 
*  mufcular  force  and  generative  power  ;  but,  eaten 

4  irreverently,  deftroys  them  both. 

56.  6  He  mud  beware  of  giving  any  man  what 
€  he  leaves ;  and  of  eating  any  thing  between 

*  mo  min?  and  evening :  be  mud  alfo  beware  of 

.  o  # 

*  eating  too  much,  and  of  going  any  whither  with 

*  a  remnant  of  his  food  unfwallowed. 

57.  ‘  Excedive  eating  is  prejudicial  to  health, 

*  to  fame,  and  to  future  blifs  in  Heaven  ;  it  is 
‘  injurious  to  virtue,  and  odious  among  men  2 

*  he  mud,  for  thefe  reafons,  by  all  means  avoid  it. 

58.  ‘  Let  a  Brahmen  at  all  times  perform  the 

*  ablution  with  the  pure  part  of  his  hand  denomi- 
f  nated  from  the  Veda,  or  with  the  part  facred  to 
1  the  Lord  of  creatures,  or  with  that  dedicated  to 
c  the  Gods ;  but  never  with  the  part  named  from 

*  the  Pitr\s : 

59.  ‘  The  pure  part  under  the  root  of  the 
c  thumb  is  called  Brahma,  that  at  the  root  of  the 
c  little  finger,  Qaya ;  that  at  the  tips  of  the  fingers, 

*  Daiva  ;  and  the  part  between  th®.,  thumb  and 
‘  index  Pitrya . 

60.  c  Let  him  fird  fip  water  thrice  ;  then  twice 

*  wipe  his  mouth  ;  and  ladly  touch  with  water 
‘  the  fix  before  mentioned  cavities,  his  bread* 

*  and  his  head. 

61.  6  He  who  knows  the  law  and  feeks  purity 

*  will  ever  perform  his  ablution  with  the  pure  part 

*  pf  his  h^nd,  and  with  water  neither  hot  nor 

c  frothy 


<  frothy,  Handing  in  a  lonely  place,  and  turning 
f  to  the  eait  or  the  north. 

62.  ‘  A  Brahmen  is  purified  by  water  that 

*  reaches  his  bofom  ;  a  CJjatriya,  by  water  defcend- 
«  ing  to  his  throat  ;  a  Vaifya ,  by  water  barely 

<  taken  into  his  mouth  ;  a  Sudra  by  water  touched 
‘  with  the  extremity  of  his  lips. 

63.  ‘  A  youth  of  the  three  higheft  clafies  is 
c  named  upaitii,  when  his  right  hand  is  extended 

*  for  the  cord  to  pafs  ever  his  head  and  be  fixed  on  his 
«  left  fhoulder  ;  when  his  left  hand  is  extended, 

‘  that  the  thread  may  be  placed  on  Jus  right  Jhouider, 

4  he  is  called  trdebindvili ;  and  niviti ,  when  it  is 
4  fattened  on  his  neck. 

64.  ‘  His  girdle,  his  leathern  mantle,  his  (laff, 

<  his  facrificial  cord,  and  his  ewer,  he  muft  throw 
4  into  the  water,  when  they  are  worn  out  or 

*  broken,  and  receive  others  hallowed  by  myfticai 
f  texts. 

65.  6  The  ceremony  of  cefanta,  or  cutting  off  the 
1  hairy  is  ordained  for  a  prieftin  thefixteenth  year 

*  from  conception  ;  for  a  foldier,  in  the  twenty- 
4  fecond  ;  for  a  merchant,  two  years  later  than 
i  that. 

66.  ‘  The  fame  ceremonies,  except  that  of  the 

*  facrificial  thread ,  mull  be  duly  performed  for 
4  women  at  the  fame  age  and  in  the  fame  order, 
4  that  the  body  may  be  made  perfedt ;  but  with- 
4  out  any  text  from  the  Veda  : 

67.  ‘  The  nuptial  ceremony  is  confidered  as 

<  the  complete  inftitution  of  women,  ordained  for 
4  them  in  the  Veda,  together  with  reverence  to 
4  their  hufbands,  dwelling  firft  in  their  fathers 
4  family,  the  bufinefs  of  the  houfe,  and  attention 
«  to  facrcd  fire. 


68.  ‘  Such 


t n  education;  or 

68.  4  Such  is  the  real  law  of  inftiturion  for  die 
4  twice  born  ;  an  inftitution  in  which  their  fecond 
4  birth  clearly  confifts,  and  which  caules  their  ad- 
4  vancement  in  holinefs :  now  learn  to  what  du- 
4  ties  they  muft  afterwards  apply  themfelves. 

69.  4  The  venerable  preceptor,  having  girt  his 
4  pupil  with  the  thread,  muft  firft  inftrudt  him 
4  in  purification,  in  good  cuftoms,  in  the  manage- 
*  ment  of  the  confecpated  fire,  and  in  the  holy 
4  rites  of  morning,  noon,  and  evening. 

70.  4  When  the  ftudent  is  going  to  read  rhe 
4  Veda ,  he  muft  perform  an  ablution,  as  the  aw 
4  ordains,  with  his  face  to  the  north  and,  bavi  p 
4  paid  fcnptural  homage,  he  muft  receive  inftruc- 
4  tion,  wearing  a  dean  veft,  his  members  being 
4  duly  com  poled  : 

71.  c  At  the  beginning  and  end  of  the  ledture, 
4  he  muft  always  clai p  both  the  feet  of  his  pre'cep- 
4  tor  ;  and  he  muft  read  with  both  his  hands 
4  clofed  :  (this  is  called  feripture  homage.) 

72.  4  With  crofted  r,.  nds  let  him  clafp  the  feet 
4  of  his  tutor,  touching  the  left  foot  with  his  1  ft, 
4  and  the  right,  with  his  right  hand. 

73.  4  When  he  is  prepared  for  the  ledture,  the 
4  preceptor,  conftantly  attentive,  muft  fay  :  44  boa  ! 
4  read  and  at  the  clofe,  of  the  iefton  he  muft 
4  fay  :  44  take  reft.” 

74.  4  A  Brahmen ,  beginning  and  ending  a 
4  ledture  on  the  Veda,  muft  always  pronounce  to 
4  himfelf  the  fy liable  om  ;  for,  unlefs  the  fy  liable 
4  om  precede,  his  learning  will  flip  away  from  him  ; 
4  and,  unlefs  it  follow,  nothing  will  be  long 
6  retained. 

75.  4  if  he  have  fttten  on  culms  of  cus  a  with 
4  their  points  toward  the  eaft,  and  be  purified 
4  by  nibbing  that  holy  grafs  on  both  his  hands, 

4  and 



and  be  further  prepared  by  three  fuppreflions  of 
breath  each  equal  in  time  to  free  Jhort  vowels ,  he 
then  may  fitly  pronounce  om. 

76.  ‘  Brahma'  milked  out,  as  it  were ,  from  the 
three  Vedas ,  the  letter  A,  the  letter  U,  and 
the  letter  M,  which  form  by  their  coalition  the  trilite¬ 
ral  mono fy  liable,  together  with  three  myflerious 
words,  bhur,  bhuvah,fwer ,  or  earth,  fry,  heaven  : 

77.  ‘  From  the  three  Vedas ,  alfo,  the  Lord  of 
creatures,  incomprehenfiblv  exalted,  fucceflively 
milked  out  the  three  meafures  of  that  ineffable 
text,  beginning  with  the  word  tad ,  and  entitled 
fdvitri  or  gayatri. 

78.  ‘  A  p ricih  who  fhall  know  the  Vida,  and  fhall 
pronounce  to  himielf,  both  morning  and  even¬ 
ing,  that  fy liable,  and  that  holy  text  preceded 
bv°  the  three  words,  (hall  attain  the  fan&ity 
which  the  Veda  confers  ; 

79.  ‘  And  a  twice  born  man,  who  fhall  a  thou- 
fand  times  repeat  thofe  three  (or  om,  the  vyahntis, 
and  the  gayatri,)  apart  from  the  multitude,  fhall  be 
releafed  in  a  month  even  from  a  great  offence, 
as  a  fnake  from  his  flough. 

80.  *  The  pried,  the  foldier,  and  the  merchant, 
who  fhall  negledt  this  myderious  text,  and  fail 
to  perform  in  due  feafon  his  peculiar  ads  of 
piety,  fhall  meet  with  contempt  among  the 

81.  ‘  The  three  great  immutable  words,  pre¬ 
ceded  by  the  triliteral  fyllable,  and  followed  by 
the  gayatri  which  confids  of  three  meafures,  mud 
be  confidered  as  the  mouth,  or  principal  part 
of  the  Veda  : 

82.  ‘  Whoever  fhall  repeat,  day  by  day,  for 
three  years,  without  negligence,  that  facred 
text,  fhall  hereafter  approach  the  divine  cffence, 

‘  move 




c  move  as  freely  as  air,  and  afTume  an  ethereal 
4  form. 

83.  4  The  triliteral  monofyllable  is  an  emblem  of 
4  the  fupreme,  the  fuppreflions  of  breath  with  a 
4  mind  fixed  on  God  are  the  higheft  devotion  ;  but 
4  nothing  is  more  exalted  than  th e  gayatri :  a  de- 
4  clarat ion  of  truth  is  more  excellent  than  filence. 

84.  4  Ail  rites  ordained  in  the  Veda,  oblations  to 
4  fire,  and  folemn  facrifices  pafs  away  ;  but  that 
4  which  pafies  not  away,  is  declared  to  be  the 
4  fyllable  om,  thence  called  acjhara  mx  fince  it  is  a 
4  jymbol  cfG od,  the  Lord  of  created  beings. 

85.  4  The  adt  of  repeating  his  Holy  Name  is 
4  ten  times  better  than  the  appointed  facrifice  ; 

4  an  hundred  times  better  when  it  is  heard  by  no 
4  >man  ;  and  a  thoufand  times  better  when  it  is 
4  purely  mental  : 

86.  4  The  four  domedic  facraments  which  are 
4  accompanied  with  the  appointed  facrifice,  are  not 
4  equal,  though  all  be  united,  to  a  fixteenth  part 
4  of  the  facrifice  performed  by  a  repetition  of  the 
4  gay  air  t : 

87.  4  By  the  foie  repetition  of  the  gayatri ,  a 
4  pried  may  indubitably  attain  beatitude,  let  him 
4  perform,  or  not  perform,  any  other  religious 
4  adt ;  if  he  be  Maitra ,  or  a  friend  to  all  creatures, 

4  he  is  jnfily  named  Brahmena,  or  united  to  the  Great 
4  One. 

88.  4  In  redraining  the  organs  which  run  wild 
4  among  ravifhing  lenfualities,  a  wife  man  will 
4  apply  diligent  care,  like  a  charioteer  in  ma* 

4  naging  redive  horfes. 

S9.  4  Thofe  eleven  organs,  to  which  the  firffc 
4  fages  gave  names,  I  will  comprehenfively  enu 
4  merate  as  the  law  confiders  them  in  due  order. 

90.  *  The 



90.  c  The  nofe  is  the  fifth  after  the  ears,  the 
fkin,  the  eyes,  and  the  tongue  ;  and  the  organs 
of  fpeech  are  reckoned  the  tenth,  after  thofe 
of  excretion  and  generation,  and  the  hands  and 
feet : 

91.  ‘  Five  of  them,  the  ear  and  the  reft  in  fuc- 
ceffion,  learned  men  have  called  organs  of  fenfe; 
and  the  others,  organs  of  adion  : 

92.  ‘  The  heart  muft  be  confidered  as  the 
eleventh  ;  which,  by  its  natural  property,  com- 
prifes  both  lenfe  and  adion  ;  and  which  being 
fubdued,  the  two  other  fets,  with  five  in  each, 
are  alfo  controled. 

93.  ‘  A  man,  by  the  attachment  of  his  organs 
to  fenlual  pleafure  incurs  certain  guilt ;  bur, 
having  wholly  fubdued  them,  he  thence  attains 
heavenly  blifs. 

94.  £  Defire  is  never  fatisfied  with  the  enjoyment 
ot  defired  objeds ;  as  the  fire  is  not  appeafed 
with  clarified  butter  ;  it  only  blazes  more  ve¬ 

95.  ‘  Whatever  man  may  obtain  all  thofe  gra¬ 
tifications,  or  whatever  man  may  refign  them 
completely,  the  refignation  of  all  pleafures  is  far 
better  than  the  attainment  of  them. 

96.  *  The  organs  being  (trongly  attached  to 
fenfual  delights  cannot  fo  effedually  be  reftrained 
by  avoiding  incentives  to  pleafure,  as  by  a  con- 
ftant  purluitof  divine  knowledge. 

97.  ‘  To  a  man  contaminated  by  fenfuality 
neither  the  Kilns,  nor  liberality,  nor  facrifices, 
nor  ftrid  obfervances,  nor  pious  aullerities,  ever 
procure  felicity. 

98.  ‘  L-Ic  muft  be  confidered  as  really  triumph¬ 
ant  over  his  organs,  who,  on  hearing  and  touch¬ 
ing,  on  feeing  and  tailing  and  fmelling,  what 

‘  may 


on  education;  or 

6  may  plea fe  cr  offend  the  fenfes ,  neither  greatly  re* 
6  joices  nor  greatly  repines  : 

99.  6  But,  when  one  among  all  his  organs  fails, 
‘  by  that  fingle  failure  his  knowledge  of  God 

*  paffes  away,  as  water  flows  through  one  hole  in 
c  a  leathern  bottle. 

100.  c  Having  kept  all  his  members  of  fenfe 

*  and  afiion  under  control,  and  obtained  alfo  com- 
c  mand  over  his  heart,  he  will  enjoy  every  ad- 
c  vantage,  even  though  he  reduce  not  his  body 
s  bv  religious  auflerities. 

101.  ‘  At  the  morning  twilight  let  him  Hand 

*  repeating  the  gayatrt  until  he  fee  the  fun  ;  and 
‘  at  evening  twilight,  let  him  repeat  it  fitting, 

*  until  the  liars  diftindlly  appear : 

IC2.  c  He  who  Hands  repeating  it  at  the  morn- 
6  ing  twilight,  removes  all  unknown  no&urnal  fin  ; 

*  and  he  who  repeats  it  fitting  at  evening  twilight, 

*  difperfes  the  taint,  that  has  unknowingly  been 
6  contracted  in  the  day  ; 

103.  4  But  he  who  Hands  not  repeating  it  in 
6  the  morning,  and  fits  not  repeating  it  in  the 

*  evening,  mull  be  precluded,  like  a  Sudra ,  from 

*  every  facred  obfervance  of  the  twice  born 
‘  clafTes. 

104.  6  Near  pure  water,  with  his  organs  holden 
c  under  control,  and  retiring  from  circumfpection 
‘  to  fome  unfrequented  place,  let  him  pronounce 

*  the  gayatri,  performing  daily  ceremonies. 

105.  c  In  reading  the  Ved  ngas,  or  grammar, 

*  profody ,  mathematics,  and  Jo  forth ,  or  even  Inch 
‘  parts  of  the  Veda  as  ought  conlfantly  to  be  read, 

*  there  is  no  prohibition  on  particular  days ;  nor 
‘  in  pronouncing  the  texts  appointed  for  oblations 
‘  to  fire  : 

106.  c  Of 

ON  THE  FIRST  ORDER.  *  31 

iofi.  c  Of  that,  which  mud  conftantly  be  read, 

*-  and  is  therefore  called  Brahmafatra,  there  can 
4  be  no  fuch  prohibition  ;  and  the  oblation  to 
4  fire,  according  to  the  V  da,  produces  good  fruit, 

4  though  accompanied  with  the  text  vafhat' ,  which 

*  on  other  occafions  muft  be  intermitted  on  cer- 
4  tain  days. 

107.  4  For  him,  who  fhall  perfift  a  whole  year 
4  in  reading  the  Veda,  his  organs  being  kept  in 
4  fuhjeCtion,  and  his  bod  v  pure,  there  vvill  always 
4  rile  good  fruit  from  his  offerings  of  milk  and 
4  curds,  of  clarified  butter  and  honey. 

lo3.  4  Let  the  twice  born  youth,  who  has 

*  been  girt  with  the  facrificial  cord,  collect  wood 
4  for  the  holy  hi  e,  beg  food  of  his  relations,  llcep 
c  on  a  low  bed,  and  perform  fuch  offices  as  may 
4  pleafe  his  preceptor,  until  his  return  to  the 
4  houfe  of  his  natural  father. 

109.  4  Ten  perfons  may  legally  be  infiructed 
4  in  the  Veda ;  the  fon  of  a  fpiritual  teacher; 

4  a  boy  who  is  afliduous  ;  one  who  can  impart 
4  other  knowledge;  one  uho  is  juft;  one  who 
4  is  pure;  one  who  is  friendly;  one  who  is 
4  powerful  ;  one  vvho  can  beftow  wealth  ;  one 
4  who  is  honeft ;  and  one  who  is  related  by 
4  blood. 

1 10.  4  Let  not  a  fenfiblc  teacher  tell  any  other 
4  what  he  is  not  afked,  nor  what  he  is  alketl  im- 
4  properly  ;  but  let  him  however  intelligent,  act 
4  in  the  multitude  as  if  he  were  dumb  : 

hi.  4  Of  the  two  perfons,  him,  who  illegally 
4  afks,  and  him,  who  illegally  anfvvers,  one  will 
4  die,  or  incur  odium. 

1 1 2.  4  Where  virtue,  and  wealth  fujficient  to  ft - 
4  cure  it ,  are  not  found,  or  diligent  attenrion,  at 
4  leaf  proportioned  to  the  holme js  of  the  fibjeFi ,  in 

4  that 

on  education  ;  oit 


4  that  foil  divine  inRrudlion  mud  not  be  Town  i  it 
4  would  perifh  like  fine  feed  in  barren  land. 

1 13.  4  A  teacher  of  the  Veda  fhonld  rather  die 
4  with  his  learning,  than  fow  it  in  Rerile  foil,  even 
4  though  he  be  in  grevious  diflrefs  for  fubfiRence. 

1 14.  6  Sacred  Learning,  having  approached  a 
4  Brahmen ,  faid  to  him  :  44  I  am  thy  precious 
4  gem;  preferve  me  with  care;  deliver  me  not  to 
4  a  fcorner;  (fo  preferved I  (hail  become  fupremely 
4  Rrong.) 

1 1 5.  4  But  communicate  me,  as  to  a  vigilent  de- 
4  pofitory  of  thy  gem,  to  that  ftudent,  whom  thou 
4  lhalt  know  to  be  pure,  to  have  fubdued  his 
4  paflions,  to  perform  the  duties  of  his  order.” 

1 16.  4  He  who  lball  acquire  knowledge  of  the 
4  Veda  without  the  affent  of  his  preceptor,  incurs 
4  the  guilt  of  Realing  the  fcripture,  and  fhall  fink 
4  to  the  region  of  torment* 

1 1 7.  4  From  whatever  teacher  a  Rudeiit  has 
4  received  inRru&ion,  either  popular,  ceremonial* 
4  or  facred,  let  him  RrR  falute  his  inRru&or,  when 
4  they  meer. 

1 1 8*  4  A  Brahmen,  who  completely  governs  his 
4  paflions,  though  he  know  the  gafairt  only,  is 
4  more  honourable  than  he,  who  governs  not  his 
4  paRions,  who  eats  all  forts  of  food ,  and  fells  all 
4  forts  of  commodities *  even  though  he  know  the 
4  three  Vedas . 

1 1 9.  4  When  a  fuperidr  Rts  on  a  couch  or 
4  bench,  let  not  an  inferior  fit  on  it  with  him  } 
4  and,  if  an  inferior  befitting  on  a  couch*  let  him 
4  rife  to  falute  a  fuperior. 

120.  4  The  vital  fpirits  of  a  young  man  mount 
4  upwards  to  depart  from  him ,  w'hen  an  elder  ap- 
4  proaches  ;  but  by  rifing  and  falutation  he  reco- 
4  vers  them. 

121.  *  A 



1 21.  4  A  youth  who  habitually  greets  and  con- 
*  ftantly  reveres  the  aged,  obtains  an  inercafe  of 
‘  four  things;  life,  knowledge,  fame,  ftrength. 

122.  4  After  the  word  of  falutation,  3  Brahmen 
4  mud  addrefs  an  elder;  faying,  44  I  am  fuch  aa 
4  one/*  pronouncing  his  own  name. 

12  }.  4  If  any  perfons,  through  ignorance  of  the 
4  Sanfcrit  language,  underhand  not  the  import  of 
4  his  name,  to  them  fbould  a  learned  man  fay, 
44  It  is  I  and  in  that  manner  he  fbould  addrefs 
4  all  claffes  of  women. 

124.  ‘  In  the  falutation  he  fbould  pronounce, 
4  after  his  own  name,  the  vocative  particle  hh'os  ; 
4  for  the  particle  hh'os  is  held  by  the  wife  to  have 
4  the  fame  propercy  with  names/zz//y  expreffed. 

125.  4  A  Brahmen  fhould  thus  be  faiuted  in  re- 
4  turn  :  44  May’ft  thou  live  long,  excellent  man  !” 
4  and  at  the  end  of  his  name,  the  vowel  and  pre- 
4  ceding  confonant  fhould  be  lengthened,  with  an 
4  acute  accent ,  to  three  fyllabick  moments  or  Jhort 
c  vowels. 

126.  4  That  Brahmen,  who  knows  not  the  form 
4  of  returning  a  falutation,  mud  not  be  laluted  by 
4  a  man  of  learning:  as  a  Sudra ,  even  fo  is  he. 

127.  4  Let  a  learned  man  alk  a  prieft,  when  he 
4  meets  him,  if  his  devotion  profpers  ;  a  warriour, 
4  if  he  is  unhurt;  a  merchant,  if  his  wealth  is 
4  fecure  ;  and  one  of  the  fervile  clafs,  if  he  enjoys 
4  good  health ;  ufing  refpeftively  the  words ,  cus'alam  .. 
4  anamayam,  cfhemam,  and  arogyam. 

128.  4  He,  who  has  juft  performed  a  folemn 
4  facrifke  and  ablution,  muft  not  be  addrefTed  by 
4  his  name,  even  though  he  be  a  younger  man  ; 
4  but  he,  who  knows  the  law,  fbould  accoft  him 
4  with  the  vocative  particle,  or  with  lhavat ,  the 
4  the  pronoun  of  rcfpetft. 

129.  4  To 



129.  4  To  the  wife  of  another,  and  to  any  wo- 
4  man  not  related  by  blood,  he  mud  fay,  “  bhavati , 
4  and  amiable  fider.” 

130.  ‘  To  his  uncles  paternal  and  maternal,  to 
*  his  wife’s  father,  to  performers  of  the  facrifice, 
‘  and  to  fpiritual  teachers ;  he  mud  fay,  44  I  am 
4  luch  an  one” — rifing  up  to  falute  them,  even 
4  though  younger  than  himfelf. 

1 3 1 .  4  The  fider  of  his  mother,  the  wife  of  his 
4  maternal  uncle,  his  own  wife’s  mother,  and  the 
4  fider  of  his  father,  mud  be  faluted  like  the  wife 
4  of  his  father  or  preceptor  :  they  are  equal  to  his 
4  father’s  or  his  preceptor’s  wife. 

132.  6  The  wife  of  his  brother,  if  Hie  be  of  the 
4  fame  clafs,  mud  be  faluted  every  day ;  but  his 
4  paternal  and  maternal  kinfwomen  need  only  be 
4  greeted  on  his  return  from  a  journey. 

133.  4  With  the  fider  of  his  father  and  of  his 
4  mother,  and  with  his  own  elder  fider,  let  him 
4  demean  himfelf  as  with  his  mother ;  though  his 
4  mother  be  more  venerable  than  they. 

1 34.  4  Fellow  citizens  are  equal  for  ten  years  ; 
4  dancers  and  lingers,  for  five ;  learned  theolo- 
4  gians,  for  lefs  than  three;  but  perfons  related  by 
4  blood,  for  alhort  time:  that  is ,  a  greater  difference 
4  of  age  dejlroys  their  equality . 

135.  4  The  dudent  mud  confider  a  Brahmen , 
4  though  but  ten  years  old,  and  a  CJhatriyay  though 
4  aged  a  hundred  years,  as  father  and  fon  ;  as 
4  between  thofe  two,  the  young  Brahmen  is  to  be 
4  rejpefled  as  the  father. 

136.  4  Wealth,  kindred,  age,  moral  conduft, 
e  and,  fifthly,  divine  knowledge,  entitle  men  to 
4  refpedl ;  but  that  which  is  lad  mentioned  in 
4  order,  is  the  mod  refpeftable. 

1 37.  4  Whatever 



137.  c  Whatever  man  of  the  three  bigbefl  clafles 
c  pofieflfcs  the  mod  of  thofe  five,  both  in  number 
c  and  degree,  that  man  is  entitled  to  mod  refpcdt ; 
c  even  a  Sudra ,  if  he  have  entered  the  tenth  dccad 

*  of  his  age. 

138.  ‘  Way  mufl  be  made  for  a  man  in  a 
c  wheeled  carriage,  or  above  ninety  years  old,  or 
‘  afflicted  with  dileafe,  or  carrying  a  burthen  for 

*  a  woman  ;  for  a  pried  jud  returned  from  the 
c  manfion  of  his  preceptor ;  for  a  prince,  and  for 

*  a  bridegroom  : 

139.  4  Among  all  thofe,  if  they  be  met  at  one 
4  time,  the  pried  jud  returned  home  and  the 

*  prince  are  mod  to  be  honoured  ;  and  of  thofe 
4  two,  the  pried  jud  returned,  fhould  be  treated 
c  with  more  refpedt  than  the  prince. 

140  4  That  pried  who  girds  his  pupil  with  the 

*  facrificial  cord,  and  afterwards  indru&s  him  in 

*  the  whole  Veday  with  the  law  of  lacrifice  and 
4  the  facred  Upanijhads ,  holy  fages  call  an  acb'rya  : 

14 1.  4  But,  he,  who  for  his  livelihood,  gives 
4  indruction  in  a  part  only  of  the  Veda,  or  in  gram- 
4  mar,  and  in  other  Vcdungasy  is  called  an  upddbydya , 
4  or  fublcCturer. 

142.  *  The  father,  who  performs  the  ceremo- 
4  nies  on  conception  and  the  like,  according  to 
4  law,  and  who  nourifhes  the  child  with  his  firit 
4  rice,  has  the  epithet  o  $  guru,  or  venerable. 

143.  *  He,  who  receives  a  dipend  for  preparing 
4  the  holy  fire,  for  conducting  the  pica  and 
4  ognifljtdma,  and  for  performing  other  facrifices, 
‘  is  called  in  this  code  the  ntwij  of  his  employer. 

144.  4  He,  who  truly  and  faithfully  fills  both 
4  ears  with  the  Veda ,  mud  be  confidercd  as  equal 

*  to  a  mother  ;  he  mud  be  revered  as  a  lather 
4  him  the  pupil  mud  never  grieve. 

1)  2  145.  4  A 



145.  *  A  mere  acharya ,  or  a  teacher  of  the  ga- 
c  yatri  only,  furpaffes  ten  upadhyayas  ;  a  father,  a 
4  hundred  fuch  achdryas;  and  a  mother,  a  thoufand 
4  natural  fathers. 

146.  4  Of  him,  who  gives  natural  birth,  and 
'  him,  who  gives  knowledge  of  the  whole  Veda , 

*  the  giver  of  lacred  knowledge  is  the  more  ve- 
4  nerable  father ;  fince  the  Jecond  or  divine  birth 
4  enfures  life  to  the  twice  born  both  in  this  world 
4  and  hereafter  eternally. 

147.  4  Let  a  man  confider  that  as  a  mere 
4  human  birth,  which  his  parents  gave  him  for 
4  their  mutual  gratification,  and  which  he  receives 
4  after  lying  in  the  womb ; 

148.  4  But  that  birth,  which  his  principal 
4  acharya ,  who  knows  the  whole  Veda,  procures  for 

*  him  by  his  divine  mother  the  gayatri,  is  a  true 
4  birth  :  that  birth  is  exempt  from  age  and  from 
4  death. 

140.  4  Him,  who  confers  on  a  man  the  benefit 
4  of  lacred  learning,  whether  it  be  little  or  much, 

*  let  him  know  to  be  here  named  guru,  or  ve~ 
4  nerable  father ,  in  confequence  of  that  heavenly 

*  benefit. 

i  <50.  c  A  Brahmen ,  who  is  the  giver  of  fpiritual 
4  birth,  the  teacher  of  preferibed  duty,  is  by  right 
4  called  the  father  of  an  old  man,  though  himfelf 
4  be  a  child. 

1 5 1 .  4  Cavi,  or  the  learned,  child  of  Angiras, 
4  taught  his  paternal  uncles  and  coufins  to  read  the 
4  Veda,  and,  excelling  them  in  divine  knowledge, 
4  Laid  to  them,  44  little  Tons 

152.  4  They,  moved  with  refentment,  afked  the 
4  Gods  the  meaning  of  that  exprejfon  ;  and  the 
4  Gods,  being  afiembled,  anfwered  them  :  44  The 
4  child  has  addrelfed  you  properly , 

153.  4  For 



152.  4  For  an  unlearned  man  is  in  truth  a 
*  child  ;  and  he  who  teaches  him  the  Vida ,  is  his 
«  father :  holy  fages  have  always  faid  child  to  an 
4  ignorant  man,  and  father  to  a  teacher  of  fcrip- 
4  ture.” 

154.  4  Greatnefs  is  not  conferred  by  years,  not 
c  by  gray  hairs,  not  by  wealth,  not  by  powerful 
4  kindred  :  the  divine  fages  have  eltabliihed  this 
4  rule  ;  f‘  Whoever  has  read  the  Vidas  and  their 
4  Angas ,  he  among  us  is  great/' 

155.  4  The  feniority  of  priefts  is  from  facred 
4  learning;  of  warriours  from  valour;  of  mer- 
4  chants  from  abundance  of  grain  ;  of  the  fervile 
4  clafs  only  from  priority  of  birrh. 

1  r6.  4  A  man  is  not  therefore  aged,  becaufe  his 
4  head  is  gray  :  him,  furely,  the  Gods  confidered 
4  as  aged,  who,  though  young  in  years,  has  read 
4  and  underftands  the  Vida. 

157.  4  As  an  elephant  made  of  wood,  as  an 
4  antelope  made  of  leather,  fuch  is  an  unlearned 
4  Brahmen  :  thole  three  have  nothing  but  names. 

158.  4  As  an  eunuch  is  unproductive  with  wo- 
4  men,  as  cow  with  a  cow  is  unprolifick,  as  libe- 
4  rality  to  a  fool  is  fruitlefs,  fo  is  a  Brcibtneyi  ufelefs, 
4  if  he  read  not  the  holy  texts. 

159.  4  Good  inftruCtion  mud  be  given  without 
4  pain  to  the  inftruCted  ;  and  fweet  gentle  fpeech 
4  muft  be  uled  by  a  preceptor,  who  cherilhes  virtue. 

160.  4  He,  whofe  difcourle  and  heart  are  pure, 
4  and  ever  perfectly  guarded,  attains  all  the  fruit 
4  arifing  from  his  complete  courfe  of  ftudying  the 
4  Veda. 

1 6 1.  4  Let  not  a  man  be  querulous  even 
4  though  in  pain  ;  let  him  not  injure  another  in 
4  deed  or  in  thought;  let  him  not  even  utter  a  word, 
4  by  which  his  fellow  creature  may  fuffer  uneafi- 

^  4  nefs ; 

D  3 

on  education;  or 


‘  nefs ;  fince  that  will  obftrudl  his  own  progreis  to 

*  future  beatitude, 

162.  ‘A  Brahmen  ftiould  conftandy  fhun  wordly 
c  honour,  as  he  ftiould  fnun  poifon  ;  and  rather 
c  conftandy  feekdifrefpedt,  as  he  would  feek  nectar ; 

163.  c  For  though  fcorned,  he  may  deep  with 

*  plealure ;  with  plealure  may  he  awake ;  with 
c  plealure  may  he  pals  through  this  life  :  but  the 

*  lcorner  utterly  perifhes. 

164.  c  Let  the  twice  born  youth,  ,whofe  foul 

*  has  been  formed  by  this  regular  fuccefiion  of 
c  prefcribed  adts,  colledt  by  degrees,  while  he 
4  dwells  with  his  preceptor,  the  devout  habits 

*  proceeding  from  the  ftudy  of  fcripture. 

165.  ‘  With  various  modes  of  devotion,  and 
<  with  aufterities  ordained  by  the  law,  muft  the 

*  whole  Veda  be  read,  and  above  all  the  facred 
€  Upanifhads ,  by  him,  who  has  received  a  new  birth. 

166.  c  Let  the  beft  of  the  twice  born  clafles, 

*  intending  to  pradtife  devotion,  continually  repeat 
€  the  reading  of  fcripture;  fince  a  repetition  of 

*  reading  the  fcripture  is  here  ftyled  the  higheft 
€  devotion  of  a  Brahmen. 

1 67.  Yes  verily  ;  that  Undent  in  theology  per- 
c  forms  the  higheft  adt  of  devotion  with  his  whole 

*  body,  to  the  extremities  of  his  nails,  even  though 

*  he  be  fofar  JenJual  as  to  wear  a  chaplet  of  fweet 
1  flowers,  who  to  the  utmoft  of  his  ability  daily 

*  reads  the  Veda. 

168.  ‘  A  twice  born  man,  who  not  having  ftu- 
c  died  the  Veda,  applies  diligent  attention  to  a  dif- 
1  fe  ent  and  worldly  ftudy,  foon  falls,  even  when 

*  living,  to  the  condition  of  a  Sudra  ;  and  his  def- 
e  cendants  after  him. 

169.  c  The  firft  birth  is  from  a  natural  mother  5 
‘  the  fecond,  from  the  ligation  of  the  zone  ;  the 

*  third 



4  third  from  the  due  performance  ot  the  facrifice  5 
*  fuch  are  the  births  of  him  who  is  ufually  called 
4  twice  born,  according  to  a  Text  of  the  Ft  da  : 

170.  4  Among  them  his  divine  birth  is  that, 

4  which  is  didinguifhed  by  the  ligation  of  the 
4  zone,  and  facrificial  cord  \  and  in  that  birth  the 
4  Gdyatr:  is  his  mother,  and  the  Acharya ,  his  father. 

171.  c  Sages  call  the  Achdrya  father,  from  his 
4  giving  inftrudtion  in  the  Fcda  :  nor  can  any  holy 
4  rite  be  performed  by  a  young  man,  before  his 
4  inveffiture. 

172.  4  Till  he  be  invejled  with  the  figns  of  bis  clafs% 

4  he  mud  not  pronounce  any  facrcd  text,  except 
4  w  hat  ought  to  be  ufed  in  obfequies  to  an  ancedor; 

4  fince  he  is  on  a  level  with  a  Sudra  before  his  new 
4  birth  from  the  revealed  feripture  : 

173.  4  From  him,  who  has  been  duly  inveded, 

4  are  required  both  the  performance  ot  devout  a<5t$ 

4  and  the  ftudv  of  the  Veda  in  order,  preceded  by 
4  dated  ceremonies. 

<74.  4  Whatever  fort  of  leathern  mantle,  facri- 
4  facial  thread,  and  zone,  whatever  ftaff,  and  what- 
4  ever  under-apparel  are  ordained,  as  before  men - 
4  tionedy  for  a  youth  of  each  clafs,  the  like  mud 
4  alio  be  ufed  in  his  religious  a£ts. 

175.  4  Thefe  following  rules  mud  a  Brahmacbdri 
4  or  Jludent  in  theology ,  oblerve,  while  he  dwells 
4  with  his  preceptor ;  .  keeping  all  his  members 
4  under  control,  for  the  lake  ot  increafing  his  ha- 
4  bitual  devotion. 

176.  4  Day  by  day,  having  bathed  and  being 
4  purified,  let  him  offer  frelh  water  to  the  Gods, 
4  the  Sages,  and  the  Manes;  let  him  fhow  refpedt 
4  to  the  images  of  the  deities,  and  bring  wood  for 
4  the  oblation  to  fire. 


1 77.  4  Let 



177.  4  Let  him  abltain  from  honey,  from  fiefh 
c  meat,  from  perfumes,  from  chaplets  of  flowers, 
4  from  fweet  vegetable  juices,  from  women,  from 
c  all  fweet  fubdances  turned  acid,  and  from  in- 
4  jury  to  animated  beings; 

178.  4  From  unguents  for  his  limbs,  and  from 
4  black  powder  for  his  eyes,  from  wearing  fan- 

*  dais,  and  carrying  an  umbrella,  from  fenfual 
4  defires,  from  wrath,  from  covetoufnefs,  from 
4  dancing,  and  from  vocal  and  infbumental  mufick; 

179  4  From  gaming,  from  difputes,  from  de- 

*  tradtion,  and  from  falfehood,  from  embracing 
4  or  wantonly  looking  at  women,  and  from  dif- 
4  fervice  to  other  men. 

180.  4  Let  him  conftantly  ileep  alone  :  let  him 
4  never  wade  his  own  manhood  ;  for  he,  who  vo- 
4  luntarily  wades  his  manhood,  violates  the  rule  of 
4  his  order,  and  becomes  an  avacirni  : 

181.  4  A  twice  born  youth,  who  has  involun- 
4  tarily  waded  his  manly  flrength  during  deep, 
4  mud  repeat  with  reverence,  having  bathed  and 
c  paid  homage  to  the  fun,  this  text  of  lcripture  : 
44  Again  let  my  ftrcngth  return  to  me” 

182.  4  Let  him  carry  water  pots,  flowers,  cow- 

*  dung,  frefh  earth,  and  cusa- grafs,  as  much  as 
4  may  be  ufeful  to  his  preceptor;  and  let  him  per- 
4  form  every  day  the  duty  of  a  religious  mendicant, 

183.  4  Each  day  mud  a  Brahmen  dudent  receive 
4  his  food  by  begging,  with  due  care,  from  the 
4  houfes  ofperfons  renowned  for  difcharging  their 
4  duties,  and  not  deficient  in  performing  the  facri- 
4  fices  which  the  Veda  ordains. 

1  8j.  4  Let  him  not  beg  from  the  coufins  of  his 
4  preceptor  ;  nor  from  his  own  coufins  ;  nor  from 
4  other  kinfmen  by  the  father's  fide,  or  by  the 
4  mother's  ;  but,  if  other  houfes  be  not  accedible, 

4  let 


1  let  him  begin  with  the  lad  of  thofe  in  order, 

4  avoiding  the  fird  ; 

185.  4  Or,  if  none  ofthofe  boufes  jud  mentioned 
4  can  be  found,  let  him  go  begging  through  the 
4  whole  didridt,  round  the  village,  keeping  his 
4  organs  in  fubjeftion,  and  remaining  filentj  but 
4  let  him  turn  away  from  fuch  as  have  committed 
4  any  deadly  fin. 

186.  4  Having  brought  logs  of  wood  from  a 
4  didance,  let  him  place  them  in  the  open  air  ;  and 
4  with  them  let  him  make  an  oblation  to  fire  with- 
4  out  remifiTnefs,  both  evening  and  morning. 

187.  4  He,  who  for  feven  fucceflive  days  omits 
4  the  ceremony  of  begging  food,  and  offers  not  wood 
4  to  the  facred  fire,  mud  perform  the  penance  of 
4  an  avacirni ,  unlefs  he  be  affh&ed  with  illnefs. 

188.  4  Let  the  dudent  perfid  condantly  in  fuch 
4  begging,  but  let  him  not  eat  the  food  of  one 
4  perfon  only  :  the  fubfiffence  of  a  dudent  by  beg- 
4  ging  is  held  equal  to  fading  in  religious  merit . 

1  89.  4  Yet,  when  he  is  afked  in  a  folemn  act  in 
4  honour  of  the  Gods  or  the  Manes,  he  may  eat 
4  at  his  pleafure  the  food  of  a  fingle  perfon  s  ob- 
4  ferving,  however,  the  laws  of  abltinence  and  the 
4  auderitv  of  an  anchoret :  thus  the  rule  of  his 
4  order  is  kept  inviolate. 

1  90.  4  This  duty  of  a  mendicant  is  ordained  by 
4  the  wife  for  a  Brahmen  only  ;  but  no  fuch  a<d  is 
4  appointed  for  a  warriour,  or  for  a  merchant. 

191.  4  Let  the  fcholar,  when  commanded  by  his 
4  preceptor,  and  even  when  he  has  received  no 
4  command,  always  exert  himl'elf  in  leading, 
4  and  in  all  adls  ufeful  to  his  teacher. 

192.  4  Keeping  in  due  fubje&ion  his  body,  his 
4  fpecch,  his  organs  of  fenfe,  and  his  heart,  let  him 

4  dand 


4  (land,  with  the  palms  of  his  hands  joined,  looking 

*  at  the  face  of  his  preceptor. 

193.  4  Let  him  always  keep  his  right  arm  un- 
4  covered,  be  always  decently  apparelled,  and  pro- 

*  perly  compofed  ;  and  when  his  inftrudor  fays, 
“  be  feated,”  let  him  fit  oppofite  to  his  venerable 
4  guide. 

194.  £  In  the  prefence  of  his  preceptor  let  him 
c  always  eat  lefs,  and  wear  a  coarfer  mantle  with 
1  worfe  appendages ;  let  him  rife  before,  and  go 
4  to  reft  after  his  tutor. 

195.  4  Let  him  not  anfwer  his  teacher’s  orders, 
4  or  converfe  with  him,  reclining  on  a  bed  ;  nor 
4  fitting,  nor  eating,  nor  handing,  nor  with  an 
4  averted  face  : 

196.  c  But  let  him  both  anfwer  and  converfe>  if 
4  his  preceptor  fit,  handing  up  ;  if  he  hand,  ad- 
4  vancing  toward  him  ;  if  he  advance,  meeting 
4  him  ;  if  he  run,  haftening  after  him  ; 

197.  c  If  his  face  be  averted,  going  round  to 
4  front  him,  from  left  to  right ;  if  he  be  at  a  little 
c  diftance,  approaching  him  ;  if  reclined,  bending 
4  to  him  ;  and,  if  he  ftand  ever  fo  far  off,  running 
4  toward  him. 

198.  4  When  his  teacher  is  nigh,  let  his  couch 
4  or  his  bench  be  always  placed  low  :  when  his 
4  preceptor’s  eye  can  oblerve  him,  let  him  not  iit 
4  carelefsly  at  eafe. 

199.  4  Letiiim  never  pronounce  the  mere  name 
4  of  his  tutor,  even  in  his  ablence ;  nor  ever  mimick 
4  his  gait,  his  fpeech,  or  his  manner. 

200.  4  In  whatever  place,  either  true  but  cenfo- 
4  rious,  or  falfe  and  defamatory,  difcourfe  is  held 
4  concerning  his  teacher,  let  him  there  cover  his 
4  ears  or  remove  to  another  place  : 

<201.  4  By  cenfuring  his  preceptor,  though juftly, 
4  he  will  be  born  an  afs ;  by  fallely  defaming  him, 

4  a  dog; 


«  a  dog  ;  by  ufing  his  goods  without  leave,  a  fmall 
4  worm;  by  envying  his  merit,  a  larger  iniedt 
c  or  reptile. 

202  4  He  mud  not  ferve  his  tutor  by  the  in- 

*  terventi  >n  of  another,  while  himfelf  dands  aloof; 

*  nor  mud  he  attend  h:m  in  a  pafifion,  nor  when  a 
c  woman  is  near  ;  from  a  carriage  or  raffed  feat 

*  he  mud  defeend  to  falute  his  heavenly  director. 

203.  c  Let  him  not  fit  with  his  preceptor  to  the 
4  leeward,  or  to  the  windward  of  him  ;  nor  let 
4  him  fay  any  thing  which  the  venerable  man  can- 

*  not  hear. 

204.  4  He  may  fit  with  his  teacher  in  a  carriage 
4  drawn  by  bulls,  horfes,  or  camels  5  on  a  terrace, 

4  on  a  pavement  of  dones,  or  on  a  mat  of  woven 
4  grafs  ;  on  a  rock,  on  a  wooden  bench,  or  in 
4  a  boat. 

205.  4  When  his  tutor’s  tutor  is  near,  let  him 

*  demean  himfelf  as  if  his  own  were  prefent ;  nor 
4  let  him,  unlefs  ordered  by  his  fpritual  father, 

4  prodrate  himfelf  in  his  prefence  before  his  natural 
4  father,  or  paternal  uncle. 

206.  4  This  is  likewife  ordained  as  h  s  condant 
4  behaviour  toward  his  other  indrudtors  in  fc’ence  ; 

4  toward  his  elder  paternal  kinfmen  ;  toward  all 
4  who  may  redrain  him  from  fin,  and  all  who 
4  give  him  falutary  advice. 

207.  4  Toward  men  alfo,  who  are  truly  vir- 
4  tuous,  let  him  always  behave  as  toward  his  pre¬ 
ceptor  ;  and,  in  like  manner,  toward  the  fons  of 

4  his  teacher,  who  are  entitled  to  rtfped  as  older 
4  men ,  and  are  not  ftudents  ;  and  toward  the  paternal 
4  kinfmen  of  his  venerable  tutor. 

208.  4  The  fon  of  his  preceptor,  whether 
4  younger  or  of  equal  age,  or  a  dudent,  if  he  be 
4  capable  of  teaching  the  Veda,  deferves  the  lame 

,  *  honour 



4  honour  with  the  preceptor  himfelf,  when  he  is 
4  frejent  at  any  iacrificial  a6t : 

209.  c  But  he  mud  not  perform  for  the  fon  of 
*  his  teacher,  the  duty  of  rubbing  his  limbs,  or  of 
4  bathing  him,  or  of  eating  what  he  leaves,  or  of 
4  waffling  his  feet. 

210.  4  The  wives  of  his  preceptor,  if  they  be 
4  of  the  fame  clafs,  muft  receive  equal  honour 
4  with  their  venerable  hufband  ;  but  if  they  be  of  a 
4  different  clafs,  they  muft  be  honoured  only  by 
c  rifing  and  falutation. 

21 1.  4  For  no  wife  of  his  teacher  muft  he  per- 
4  form  the  offices  of  pouring  fcented  oil  on  them, 
4  of  attending  them  w  hile  they  bathe,  of  rubbing 
4  their  legs  and  arms,  or  of  decking  their  hair  ; 

212.  Nor  muft  a  young  wife  of  his  preceptor 
4  be  greeted  even  by  the  ceremony  of  touching  her 
4  feet,  if  he  have  completed  his  tw  entieth  year,  or 
4  can  diftinguifh  virtue  from  vice. 

213.  4  It  is  the  nature  of  women  in  this  world 
4  to  caufe  the  fedudlion  of  men  ;  for  wTich  reafon 
4  the  wife  are  never  unguarded  in  the  company  of 
4  females  : 

214.  4  A  female  indeed,  is  able  to  draw  from 
4  the  right  path  in  this  life  not  a  fool  only,  but 
4  even  a  fage,  and  can  lead  him  in  lubjedtion  to 
4  defire  or  to  wrath. 

215.  4  Let  not  a  man,  therefore,  fit  in  a  fequef- 
4  tered  place  w  ith  his  neareft  female  relations : 
4  the  aflemblage  of  corporeal  organs  is  pow  erful 
4  enough  to  (natch  wifdom  from  the  w  ife. 

216.  4  A  young  fludent  may,  as  the  law  diretfts, 
4  make  proftration  at  his  pleafure  on  the  ground 
4  before  a  young  wife  of  his  tutor,  faying,  44 1  am 
4  fuch  an  one 

217.  4  And 



217.  4  And  on  his  return  from  a  journey,  he 

*  mud  once  touch  the  ieet  of  his  preceptor’s  aged 
4  wife,  and  falute  her  each  day  by  prodration, 
4  calling  to  mind  the  practice  of  virtuous  men. 

218.  4  As  he  who  digs  deep  with  a  fpade 
c  comes  to  a  fpring  ot  water,  fo  the  ftudent,  who 
c  humbly  lerves  his  teacher,  attains  the  knowledge 
4  which  lies  deep  in  his  teacher’s  mind. 

219.  4  Whether  his  head  be  fhorn,  or  his  hair 
4  long,  or  one  lock  be  bound  above  in  a  knot,  let 
4  not  the  fun  ever  let  or  rife  while  he  lies  afleep 
4  in  the  village. 

220.  4  If  the  fun  fhould  rife  or  fet,  while  he 

*  (leeps  through  fenfual  indulgence,  and  knows  it 
4  not,  he  mult  fad  a  whole  day,  repeating  the 
4  gayatr'i : 

221.  4  He,  who  has  been  furprifed  adeep  by  the 
4  fetting  or  by  the  rifing  fun,  and  performs  not 
c  that  penance,  incurs  great  guilt. 

222.  4  Let  him  adore  God  both  at  funrife 
4  and  at  funfet,  as  the  law  ordains,  having  made 
4  his  ablution  and  keeping  his  organs  controled  ; 
4  and,  with  fixed  attention,  let  him  repeat  the 
4  text,  which  he  ought  to  repeat,  in  a  place  free 
4  from  impurity. 

223.  4  If  a  woman  or  a  Si',  dr  a  perform  any  aft 
4  leading  to  the  chief  temporal  good,  let  the  du- 
4  dent  be  carerul  to  emulate  it ;  and  he  may  do 
4  whatever  gratifies  his  heart,  unlefs  it  be  for- 
4  bidden  by  law  : 

224.  4  The  chief  temporal  good  is  by  fome 
4  declared  to  confid  in  virtue  and  wealth  ;  by 
4  fome,  in  wealth  and  lawful  pleafure-  bv  fome, 
4  in  virtue  alone;  by  others,  in  wealth  alone; 
4  but  the  chief  good  here  below  is  an  adlmblagc 
4  of  all  three  :  this  is  a  furc  decifion. 

2:5.  4  A 


on  education  ;  or 

225.  4  A  teacher  of  the  Veda  is  the  image  of 
4  God,  a  natural  father,  the  image  of  Brahma'; 

4  a  mo.h  r,  the  image  of  the  earth;  an  cider 
4  whole  brother,  *he  image  of  the  foul: 

2  .6.  ‘  1  heretore  a  fpiriiual  and  a  natural  fa- 
4  ther,  a  mother,  and  an  elder  brother,  are  not  to 
4  be  treated  with  difrefped,  efpecially  by  a  Brah- 
4  men,  though  the  ffudent  be  grievoufly  pro- 
4  yoked. 

2  27.  4  That  pain  and  care  which  a  mother  and 
c  father  undergo  in  producing  and  rearing  chil- 
4  dren,  cannot  be  compeniated  in  an  hundred 
4  -years. 

22 a.  4  Let  every  man  conftandy  do  what  may 
4  pleafe  his  parents  ;  and,  on  all  occafions,  what 
4  may  pleafe  his  preceptor :  when  thofe  three  are 
4  facisfied,  his  whole  courfe  of  devotion  is  accom- 
4  plifhed. 

229.  4  Due  reverence  to  thofe  three  is  con- 
4  fidered  as  the  highefl  devotion;  and  without  their 
4  approbation  he  muft  perform  no  other  duty. 

230.  4  Since  they  alone  are  held  equal  to  the 
4  three  worlds;  they  alone,  to  the  three  principal 
4  orders ;  they  alone,  to  the  three  Vedas ;  they 
4  alone,  to  the  three  fires  : 

231.  4  The  natural  father  is  confidered  as  the 
4  gdrbapatya ,  or  nuptial  fire  ;  the  mother  as  the 
4  daejhina ,  or  ceremonial ;  the  fpiritual  guide,  as 
4  the  dhavaniya  or  facrificial :  this  triad  of  fires  is 
4  moft  venerable. 

232.  4  He,  who  negledts  not  thofe  three,  when 
4  he  becomes  a  houfe-keeper,  will  ultimately  ob- 
4  tain  dominion  over  the  three  worlds ;  and  his 
4  body  being  irradiated  like  a  God,  he  will  enjoy 
4  fupreme  blifs  in  heaven. 

233.  ‘  By 



2^3.  4  By  honouring  his  mother  he  gains  this 
«  te'rrejlrial  world  ;  by  honouring  his  father,  the 
«  intermediate,  o t  etberial ;  and,  by  afiiduous  at- 
«  tention  to  his  preceptor,  even  the  celeftial  world 
4  of  Brahma: 

234.  ‘  All  duties  are  completely  performed  by 
C  that  man,  by  whom  thofe  three  are  completely 
‘  honoured ;  but  to  him  by  whom  they  are  dif- 

<  honoured,  all  other  ads  of  duty  are  fruitlefs. 

235.  4  As  long  as  thofe  three  live,  fo  long  he 

<  muft  perform  no  other  duty  for  his  own  Jake ; 

4  but  delighting  in  what  may  conciliate  their  af- 
4  fe&ions  and  gratify  their  wilhes,  he  muft  from 
4  day  to  day  afTiduoufly  wait  on  them  : 

236.  c  Whatever  duty  he  may  perform  in 
4  thought,  word,  or  deed,  with  a  view  to  the 
4  next  world,  without  derogation  from  his  refpect 
4  to  them  y  he  muft  declare  to  them  his  entire 
4  performance  of  it. 

237.  4  By  honouring  thofe  three,  without  more, 
4  a  man  effedhially  does  whatever  ought  to  be 
4  done  :  this  is  the  higheft  duty,  appearing  before 
4  us  like  Dherma  himfelf,  and  every  other  ad  is 
4  an  upadhermciy  or  fubordinate  duty. 

238.  4  A  believer  in  feripture  may  receive  pure 
4  knowledge  even  from  a  Sudra  ;  a  lefibn  of  the 
4  higheft  virtue,  even  from  a  Chandala ;  and  a 
4  woman,  bright  as  a  gem,  even  from  the  bafeft 

4  family :  _  .  . 

239.  4  Even  from  poifon  may  nedar  be  taken; 

4  even  from  a  child,  gentlenefs  of  fpeech ;  even 
4  from  a  foe,  prudent  condud  ;  and  even  from 

4  an  impure  fubftance,  gold. 

240.  4  From  every  quarter,  therefore,  mult  be 
4  felcded  women  bright  as  gems,  knowledge, 

4  virtue. 


4  virtue,  purity,  gentle  fpeech,  and  various  liberal 

*  arts. 

241.  4  In  cafe  of  neceffity,  a  dudent  is  required 

*  to  learn  the  Veda  from  one  who  is  not  a  Brcib - 
4  men ,  and,  as  long  as  that  indruflion  continues,  to 
4  honour  his  inftrudlor  with  obfequious  affiduity  ; 

242.  4  But  a  pupil  who  leeks  the  incomparable 
c  path  to  heaven,  fhou  d  not  live  to  the  end  of 
4  his  days  in  the  dwelling  of  a  preceptor  who  is 
4  no  Brahmen ,  or  who  has  not  read  all  the  Vedas 
4  with  their  Angas. 

243.  4  If  he  anxioufly  defire  to  pafs  his  whole 
4  life  in  the  houfe  of  a  lacerdotal  teacher,  he  mud 
4  ferve  him  with  affiduous  care,  till  he  be  releafed 
4  from  his  mortal  frame: 

244.  4  That  Brahmen ,  who  has  dutifully  at- 

*  tended  his  preceptor,  till  the  diflolution  of  his 
4  body,  paffes  direCtly  to  the  eternal  manfion  of 

*  God. 

245.  c  Let  not  a  dudent,  who  knows  his  duty, 
f  prefent  any  gift  to  his  preceptor  before  his  return 
4  home ,  but  when,  by  his  tutor’s  permifiion,  he 
4  is  going  to  perform  the  ceremony  on  his  return, 

4  let  him  give  the  venerable  man  fome  valuable 
4  thing  to  the  bed  of  his  power ; 

246.  4  A  field,  or  gold,  a  jewel,  a  cow,  or  an 
4  horfe,  an  umbrella,  a  pair  of  landals,  a  dool, 

4  corn,  cloths,  or  even  any  very  excellent  vege- 
4  table  :  thus  will  he  gain  the  affectionate  re- 
4  membrance  of  his  inftrudtor. 

247.  4  The  dudent  for  life  mud,  if  his  teacher 
4  die,  attend  on  his  virtuous  fon,  or  his  widow, 

4  or  on  one  of  his  paternal  kinfmen,  with  the  fame 
4  refpeCb  which  he  fliowed  to  the  living  : 

248.  4  Should  none  of  thofe  be  alive,  he  mud 




*  occupy  the  ftation  of  his  preceptor,  the  feat, 
1  and  the  place  of  religious  exercifes ;  mud  con- 
‘  tinually  pay  due  attention  ro  the  fires,  which  he 

*  had  confecrated  ;  and  mud  prepare  his  own 
4  foul  for  heaven. 

249.  c  The  twice  born  man,  who  fhall  thus 
1  without  intermifiion  have  patted  the  time  of  his 
c  ftudentfhip,  fhall  alcend,  after  death,  to  the  mod 
‘  exalted  of  regions,  and  no  more  again  fpring  to 
4  birth  in  this  lower  world. 





C  si  ) 


On  Marriage  ;  or  on  the  Second  Order . 

1.  c  The  difcipline  of  a  frudent  in  the  three 

*  Vedas  may  be  continued  for  thirty- fix  years,  in 
4  the  houfe  of  his  preceptor  ;  or  for  half  that  time, 
c  or  for  a  quarter  of  it,  or  until  he  perfectly  com- 

*  prehend  them  : 

2.  6  A  ftudenr,  whofe  rules  have  not  been  vio- 
c  lated,  may  aflume  the  order  of  a  married  man, 

*  after  he  has  read  in  fucceflion  a  sac  ha ,  or  branch 

*  from  each  of  the  three,  or  from  two,  or  from 
4  any  one  of  them. 

3.  c  Being  jufrly  applauded  for  the  drift  per- 
<  formance  of  his  duty,  and  having  received  from 
c  his  natural  or  fpiritual  father  the  facred  gift  of  the 

*  Veda ,  let  him  fit  on  an  elegant  bed,  decked  with 
1  a  garland  of  flowers,  and  let  his  father  honour 
4  him  before  his  nuptials,  with  a  prelent  of  a  cow. 

4.  ‘  Let  the  twice  born  man,  having  obtained 
4  the  confent  of  his  venerable  guide,  and  having 
4  performed  his  ablution  with  dated  ceremonies, 
4  on  his  return  home,  as  the  law  directs,  efpoufe  a 
c  wife  of  the  fame  clafs  with  himfelf  and  endued 
4  with  the  marks  of  excellence. 

5.  ‘  She,  who  is  not  defcended  from  his  pater- 
c  nal  or  maternal  anceftors,  within  the  fixth  degree, 

*  and  who  is  not  known  by  her  family  name  to  be  of 
4  the  fame  primitive  frock  with  his  father  or  mother , 

E  2  4  is 



c  is  eligible  by  a  twice  born  man  for  nuptials  and 
€  holy  union  : 

6.  c  In  connecting  himfelf  with  a  wife,  let  him 
1  ftudioufly  avoid  the  ten  following  families,  be 
c  they  ever  fo  great,  or  ever  fo  rich  in  kine,  goats, 
c  fheep,  gold  and  grain  : 

7.  *  The  family  which  has  omitted  pre- 
c  fcribed  acts  of  religion  ;  that,  which  has  pro- 

*  duced  no  male  children;  that,  in  which  the  Veda 
c  has  not  been  read  ;  that,  which  has  thick  hair 
<  on  the  body  ;  and  thofe,  which  have  been  fub- 
6  jedt  to  hemorrhoids,  to  phthifis,  to  difpepfia,  to 

*  epilepfy,  to  leprofy,  and  to  elephantiafis. 

8.  ‘  Let  him  not  marry  a  girl  with  reddifhhair, 
‘  nor  with  any  deformed  limb  ;  nor  one  troubled 
‘  with  habitual  ficknefs  5  nor  one  either  with  no 
c  hair  or  with  too  much  ;  nor  one  immoderately 
‘  talkative  ;  nor  one  with  inflamed  eyes; 

9.  ‘  Nor  one  with  the  name  of  a  conflellation, 
€  of  a  tree  or  of  a  river,  of  a  barbarous  nation,  or 
c  of  a  mountain,  of  a*  winged  creature,  a  fnake,  or 
‘  a  flave  ;  nor  with  any  name  railing  an  image  of 
6  terrour. 

10.  4'  Let  him  chufe  for  his  wife  a  girl,  whofe 
c  form  has  no  defedt ;  who  has  an  agreeable  name  ; 
‘  who  walks  gracefully  like  a  phenicopteros,  or  like 

*  a  young  elephant  ;  whofe  hair  and  teeth  are 
f  moderate  refpedtively  in  quantity  and  in  fize ; 
c  whofe  body  has  exquifite  foftnefs. 

11.  6  Her,  who  has  no  brother,  or  whofe  father 
‘  is  not  well  known,  let  no  fenfible  man  efpoufe, 
‘  through  fear  left,  in  the  former  cafe ,  her  father 
‘  fhould  take  her  firft  fon  as  his  own  to  perform  his 
e  obfequies  ;  or,  in  the  jecond  cafe ,  left  an  illicit  mar- 
€  riage  fhould  be  contracted. 

12.  c  For 



12.  ‘  For  the  firft  marriage  of  the  twice  bora 

<  clafles,  a  woman  of  the  fame  clafs  is  recom- 
‘  mended  ;  but  for  fuch  as  are  impelled  by  in- 

*  clination  to  marry  again,  women  in  the  diredt 
‘  order  of  the  clafles  are  to  be  preferred  : 

13.  c  A  Sudra  woman  only  mu  ft  be  the  wife  of 
‘  a  Sudra  ;  (he  and  a  Vaifyd ,  of  a  Vaifya  ;  they  two 
‘  and  a  CJhatriya ,  of  a  CJhatriya  ;  thofe  two  and  a 
6  BrahmaCi  of  a  Brahmen . 

14.  ‘  A  woman  of  the  fervile  clafs  is  not  menti- 

<  oned,  even  in  the  recital  of  any  ancient  ftory,  as 
4  the  firft  wife  of  a  Brahmen  or  of  a  CJhatriya .  though 
e  in  the  greateft  difficulty  to  find  a  fuitable  match. 

1 5.  ‘  Men  of  the  twice  born  clafles,  who  through 
«  weaknefs  of  intellect,  irregularly  marry  women 
‘  of  the  loweft  clafs,  very  loon  degrade  their  fa- 
‘  milies  and  progeny  to  the  ftate  of  Sudras  : 

16.  ‘  According  to  Atri  and  to  (Go'tama) 

‘  the  fon  of  Utat’hya,  he  who  thus  marries  a  wo- 

*  man  of  the  fervile  clafs,  if  he  be  a  frieji ,  is  de- 

*  graded  inftantly  ;  according  to  Saunaca,  on 
c  the  birth  of  a  fon,  if  he  be  a  warriour ;  and,  if  he 

*  be  a  merchant ,  on  the  bith  of  a  fon’s  fon,  accord- 
‘  ing  to  (me)  Bhrigu. 

17.  4  A  Brahmen ,  if  he  take  a  Sudra  to  his  bed, 

‘  as  his  firft  wife,  links  to  the  regions  of  torment ; 
c  if  he  beget  a  child  by  her,  he  lofes  even  his 
6  prieftly  rank : 

18.  6  His  facrifices  to  the  Gods,  his  oblations 

*  to  the  Manes,  and  his  hofpitable  attentions  to 

*  ftrangers,  muft  be  fupplied  principally  by  her  ; 
6  but  the  Gods  and  Manes  will  not  eat  fuch  offer- 

*  ings ;  nor  can  heaven  be  attained  by  fuch  hol- 
‘  pitality. 

19.  ‘  For  the  crime  of  him,  who  thus  illegally 

*  drinks  the  moifture  of  a  Sudra' s  lips,  who  is 

E  3  *  tainted 



‘  tainted  by  her  breath,  and  who  even  beget?  a 
c  child  on  her  body,  the  law  declares  no  ex- 
‘  piation. 

20.  6  Now  learn  compendioufly  the  eight  forms 

*  of  the  nuptial  ceremony,  ufed  by  the  four  dalles, 
‘  fome  good  and  fome  bad  in  this  world,  and  in 
c  the  next : 

21.  6  Theceremony  of  Brahma',  of  the  Devas 
6  of  the  Rifhis ,  of  the  Prajapalis ,  of  the  Afurasy 
€  of  the  Gandharvas ,  and  of  the  Racjhafas  j  the 

*  eighth  and  bafeft  is  that  of  the  Pifachas . 

22.  ‘  Which  of  them  is  permitted  by  law  to 

*  each  clafs  and  what  are  the  good  and  bad  pro- 

*  perties  of  each  ceremony,  all  this  I  will  fully 
c  declare  to  you,  together  with  the  qualities,  good 

*  and  bad,  of  the  offspring. 

23.  6  Let  mankind  know,  that  the  fix  Jirfi  in 

*  diredt  order  are  by  fome  held  valid  in  the  cafe  of 

<  a  prieft  ;  the  four  iaff,  in  that  of  a  warriour  ;  and 
c  the  fame  four,  except  the  Racfhafa  marriage,  in 
i  the  cafes  of  a  merchant  and  a  man  of  the  fervil'e 
(  clafs  : 

24.  Some  confider  the  four  firft  only  as  ap- 
c  proved  in  the  cafe  of  a  prieft ;  one,  that  of  Racjhafas , 
c  as  peculiar  to  a  foldier;  and  that  of  Afuras ,  to 
‘  a  mercantile  and  a  fervile  man  : 

23.  6  But  in  this  code,  three  of  the  five  loft  are 
c  held  legal,  and  two  illegal  :  the  ceremonies  of 

<  Pifachas  and  Afuras  muft  never  be  performed. 

26.  6  For  a  military  man  the  before  mentioned 
c  marriages  of  Gandharvas  and  Racjhafas ,  whether 
‘  feparate  or  mixed,  as  when  a  girl  is  made  captive 
‘  by  her  lover ,  after  a  victory  over  her  kinjrnen ,  are 

*  permitted  by  law. 

27.  *  The  gift  of  a  daughter,  clothed  only  with 
‘  a  lingle  robe,  to  a  man  learned  in  the  Veda, 

6  whom 



‘  whom  her  father  voluntarily  invites,  and  re- 
‘  fpeCtfully  receives,  is  the  nuptial  right  called 

*  Brahma . 

£8.  ‘  The  rite  which  fages  call  Daiva ,  is  the 
€  gift  of  a  daughter,  whom  her  father  has  decked 

*  in  gay  attire,  when  thefacrifice  is  already  begun, 

1  to  the  officiating  prieft,  who  performs  that  aCt 

*  of  religion. 

29.  (  When  the  father  gives  his  daughter  away, 

*  after  having  received  from  the  bridegroom  one 
4  pair  of  kine,  or  two  pairs,  for  ufcs  prefcribed 
4  by  law,  that  marriage  is  termed  ArJJia. 

30.  The  nuptial  rite  called  Priijapatya ,  is  when 
4  the  father  gives  away  his  daughter  with  due  ho- 
4  nour,  faying  diftinCtly,  44  May  both  of  you 
4  perforin  together  your  civil  and  religious 
4  duties !” 

31.  4  When  the  bridegroom,  having  given  as 
4  much  wealth  as  he  can  afford  to  the  father  and 
‘  paternal  kinfmen,  and  to  the  damfel  herfelf, 

*  takes  her  voluntarily  as  his  bride,  that  marriage 
€  is  named  Ajura . 

32.  ‘  The  reciprocal  connection  of  a  youth  and 
1  a  damfel,  with  mutual  defire,  is  the  marriage 
c  denominated  Gandbarva ,  contracted  for  the 
€  purpofe  of  amorous  embraces,  and  proceeding 
c  from  fenfual  inclination. 

33.  6  The  feizure  of  a  maiden  by  force  from 
€  her  houfe,  while  {he  weeps  and  calls  for  affifl- 
c  ance,  after  her  kinfmen  and  friends  have  been 

*  {lain  in  battle,  or  wounded,  and  their  houfes 

*  broken  open,  is  the  marriage  Ityled  RacJhaJ'a . 

34.  c  When  the  lover  fccretly  embraces  the 
4  damfel,  either  fleeping  or  flufhcd  with  flrong 
f  liquor,  or  difordered  in  her  intellect,  that  finful 

E  4  4  marriage, 

5 6  ON  MARRIAGE  ;  C£t 

c  marriage,  called  Tifacha ,  is  the  eighth  and  the 

*  bafeft. 

35.  ‘  The  gift  of  daughters  in  marriage  by  the 

*  facerdotal  clafs,  is  moft  approved,  when  they 
<  previoufly  have  poured  water  into  the  hands  of 
1  the  bridegroom  ;  but  the  ceremonies  of  the  other 

*  elaffes  may  be  performed  according  to  their  fe- 

*  veral  fancies. 

36.  6  Among  thefe  nuptial  rites,  what  quality  is 

*  afcribed  by  Menu  to  each,  hear  now  ye 
€  Brahmens ,  hear  it  all  from  me,,  who  fully  de- 
4  clare  it  1 

37.  6  The  fon  of  a  Bra/imt,  or  wife  by  the  firif 
‘  ceremony,  redeems  from  fin,  if  he  perform  vir- 

*  tuous  adts,  ten  anceftors,  ten  defcendants,  and 

*  himfelf  the  twenty-firft  perfon. 

38.  6  A  fon,  born  of  a  wife  by  the  Daiva  nuptials, 
c  redeems  feven  and  feven  in  higher  and  lower  de- 

*  grees  ;  of  a  wife  by  the  A'rjha  three  and  three  ; 

*  of  a  wife  by  the  Trdjdpatya  fix  and  fix. 

39-  ‘  By  four  marriages,  the  Brahma  and  fo 
4  forth,  in  dire&  order,  are  bom  fons  illumi- 

*  ned  by  the  Veda,  learned  men,  beloved  by  the 
4  learned, 

40.  fc'  Adorned  with  beauty,  and  with  the  qua- 

*  lity  of  goodnefs,  wealthy,  famed,  amply  gra- 

*  tified  with  lawful  enjoyments,  performing  all 
‘  duties,  and  living  an  hundred  years  : 

41.  6  But  in  the  other  four  bafe  marriages,  which 
6  remain,  are  produced  Ions  a&ing  cruelly,  fpeak* 

ing  falfely,  abhorring  the  Veda,  and  the  duties 
c  preferibed  in  it. 

42.  4  From  the  biamelefs  nuptial  rites  of  men 

*  fprings  a  biamelefs  progeny  ;  from  the  reprehen- 
4  iible,  a  reprehenfible  offspring  :  let  mankind, 

‘  therefore, 


4  therefore,  ftudioufly  avoid  the  culpable  forms 
4  of  marriage. 

43.  4  The  ceremony  of  joining  hands  is  ap- 
4  pointed  for  thole,  who  marry  women  of  their 
4  own  clafs;  but,  with  women  of  a  different  clafs, 

4  the  following  nuptial  ceremonies  are  to  be  ob- 
4  ferved  : 

44.  4  By  a  Cjhatriya  on  her  marriage  with  a 
4  Brahmen ,  an  arrow  muft  be  held  in  her  hand  ; 

*  by  a  Vafyd  woman,  with  a  bridegroom  of  the 
4  facerdotal  or  military  clafs ,  a  whip  ;  and  by  a  Sudra 
4  bride,  marrying  a  prie If  a  foldier ,  or  a  merchant, 

4  mud  be  held  the  fkirtofa  mantle. 

45.  4  Let  the  hufband  approach  his  wife  in 
4  due  feafon,  that  is ,  at  the  time  fit  for  pregnancy  ; 

4  let  him  be  constantly  fatisfied  with  her  alone  ; 

4  but,  except  on  the  forbidden  days  of  the  moon, 

4  he  may  approach  her,  being  affe&ionately  dif- 
4  pofed,  even  out  of  due  feafon ,  with  a  defire  of  con- 
4  jugal  intercourfe. 

46.  4  Sixteen  days  and  nights  in  each  month, 
4  with  four  diftindt  days  negle&ed  by  the  vir- 
4  tuous,  are  called  the  natural  feafon  of  women  : 

47.  4  Of  thofe  fixteen,  the  four  firft,  the  ele- 
4  venth,  and  the  thirteenth,  are  reprehended  :  the 
4  ten  remaining  nights  are  approved. 

48.  4  Some  fay,  that  on  the  even  nights  are 
4  conceived  fons  ;  on  the  odd  nights  daughters; 
4  therefore  let  the  man,  who  wifhes  for  a  fon, 
4  approach  his  wife  in  due  feafon  on  the  even 
4  nights; 

49.  4  But  a  boy  is  in  truth  produced  by  the 
4  greater  quantity  of  the  male  Strength  ;  and  a 
4  girl  by  a  greater  quantity  of  the  female ;  by 
4  equalitv,  an  hermaphrodite,  or  a  boy  and  a  girl; 

4  by 


on  marriage;  or 

by  weaknefs  or  deficiency,  is  occafioned  a 
failure  of  conception. 

50.  6  He,  who  avoids  conjugal  embraces  on 
the  fix  reprehended  nights  and  on  eight  others, 
is  equal  in  chafiity  to  a  Brahmachan ,  in  which¬ 
ever  of  the  two  next  orders  he  may  live. 

$1:  ‘  Let  no  father,  who  knows  the  law,  re¬ 
ceive  a  gratuity,  however  fmall,  for  giving  his 
daughter  in  marriage;  fince  the  man,  who, 
through  avarice,  takes  a  gratuity  for  that  pur poje, 
is  a  feller  of  his  offspring. 

52.  6  Whatever  male  relations,  through  delu- 
fion  of  mind,  take  pofTeflion  of  a  woman’s 
property,  be  it  only  her  carriages  or  her  clothes, 
fucli  offenders  will  fink  to  a  region  of  torment. 

53.  c  Some  fay  that  the  bull  and  cow  given  in 
the  nuptial  ceremony  of  the  Rijhis ,  are  a  bribe 
to  the  father;  but  this  is  untrue:  a  bribe  in¬ 
deed,  whether  large  or  fmall,  is  an  adlual  fale  of 
the  daughter . 

54.  8  When  money  or  goods  are  given  to 
damfels,  whofe  kinfmen  receive  them  not  for 
their  own  ufe,  it  is  no  fale  :  it  is  merely  a  token 
of  courtefy  and  affedtion  to  the  brides. 

55.  c  Married  women  muff;  be  honoured  and 
adorned  by  their  fathers  and  brethren,  by  their 
hufbands,  and  by  the  brethren  of  their  hufbands, 
if  they  feek  abundant  profperity  : 

56.  ‘  Where  females  are  honoured,  there  the 
deities  are  pleafed  ;  but  where  they  are  difho- 
noured,  there  all  religious  adts  become  fruitlefs. 

57.  6  Where  female  relations  are  made  mifera- 
ble,  the  family  of  him  who  makes  them  fo, 
very  foon  wholly  perifhes  ;  but,  where  they  are 
not  unhappy,  the  family  always  increafes. 

58.  ‘  On 



58.  c  On  whatever  houfes  the  women  of  a 
family,  not  being  duly  honoured,  pronounce  an 
imprecation,  thofe  houfes,  with  all  that  belong 
to  them,  utterly  perifh,  as  if  deftroyed  by  a 
facrifice  for  the  death  of  an  enemy. 

59.  *  Let  thofe  women,  therefore,  be  con¬ 
tinually  fupplied  with  ornaments,  apparel  and 
food,  at  feftivals  and  at  jubilees,  by  men  de- 
firous  of  wealth. 

60.  ‘  In  whatever  family  the  hufband  is  con¬ 
tented  with  his  wife,  and  the  wife  with  her 
hufband,  in  that  houfe  will  fortune  be  affuredly 

61.  c  Certainly,  if  the  wife  be  not  elegantly 
attired,  fhe  will  not  exhilirate  her  hufband  ;  and 
if  her  lord  want  hilarity,  offspring  will  not  be 

62.  €  A  wife  being  gaily  adorned,  her  whole 
houfe  is  embellifhed  ;  but,  if  fhe  be  deftitute  of 
ornament,  all  will  be  deprived  of  decoration. 

63.  ‘  Bv  culpable  marriages,  by  omiffion  of 
prefcribed  ceremonies,  by  negledt  of  reading  the 
Fe'da,  and  by  irreverence  toward  a  Brahmen , 
great  families  are  funk  to  a  low  ffate. 

"64.  ‘  So  they  are  by  pradtifing  manual  arts,  by 
lending  at  interejl  and  other  pecuniary  tranfadtions, 
by  begetting  children  on  Sudras  only,  by  traffick 
in  kinc,  horfes,  and  carriages,  by  agriculture 
and  by  attendance  on  a  king. 

65.  ‘  By  facrificing  for  fuch  as  have  no  right 
to  facrifice,  and  by  denying  a  future  compenfa- 
tion  for  good  works,  great  families,  being  de¬ 
prived  of  facred  knowledge,  are  quickly  de¬ 
ft  royed  ; 

66.  «  But  families,  enriched  by  a  knowledge  of 

‘  the 



€  the  Veda,  though  poffeffing  little  temporal 
c  wealth,  are  numbered  among  the  great,  and  ac- 
c  quire  exalted  fame. 

67.  6  Let  the  houfe-keeper  perform  domeftic 
c  religious  rites,  with  the  nuptial  fire,  according 
6  to  law,  and  the  ceremonies  of  the  five  great 
‘  facraments,  and  the  feveral  ads  which  mutt  day 

*  bv  day  be  performed. 

68  6  A  houfe-keeper  has  five  places  of  daughter, 
€  or  where  fmall  living  creatures  may  be  jlain ;  his 
c  kitchen  hearth,  his  grindftone,  his  broom,  his 
c  peftle  and  mortar,  his  water  pot ;  by  ufing 
€  which,  he  becomes  in  bondage  to  fin  : 

69.  ‘  For  the  fake  of  expiating  offences  committed 
Q  ignorantly  in  thofe  places  mentioned  in  order,  the 
1  five  great  facraments  were  appointed  by  eminent 
c  fage»  to  be  performed  each  day  by  fuch  as  keep 

*  houfe. 

70.  c  Teaching  and  ftudying  the  fcripture  is 
c  the  facrament  of  the  Veda ;  offering  cakes  and 
c  water,  the  facrament  of  the  Manes ;  an  oblation 
c  to  fire,  the  facrament  of  the  Deities ;  giving 
c  rice  or  other  food  to  living  creatures,  the  facra- 
c  ment  of  fpirits ;  receiving  guefts  with  honour, 
c  the  facrament  of  men  ; 

71.  6  Whoever  omits  not  thofe  five  great  ce- 
c  remonies,  if  he  have  ability  to  perform  them ,  is 
6  untainted  by  the  fins  of  the  five  fiaughtering 
(  places,  even  though  he  conftantly  refide  at 
c  home; 

72.  6  But  whoever  chcrilhes  not  five  orders  of 

*  beings,  namely ,  the  deities ;  thofe,  who  demand 

*  hofpitality  ;  thofe,  whom  he  ought  by  law  to 
c  maintain ;  his  departed  forefathers ;  and  him- 
i  felf ;  that  man  lives  not  even  though  he 
f  breathe. 

73.  ‘  Some 


73.  ‘  Some  call  the  five  facraments  abut  a  and 
but  a,  prabuta,  brahmya-huta  and  prafita  : 

74.  4  Abuta ,  or  unoffered,  is  divine  ftudv;  buta , 
or  offered,  is  the  oblation  to  fire  ;  p-abuta ,  or 
well  offered,  is  the  food  given  to  fpirits ;  brah - 
mya-buta ,  is  refpedt  fhewn  to  twice  born  guefts ; 
and  prafita ,  or  well  eaten,  is  the  offering  of  rice 
or  water  to  the  manes  of  anceftors. 

75.  4  Let  every  man  in  this  lecond  order  em¬ 
ploy  himfelf  daily  in  reading  the  feripture,  and 
in  performing  the  facrament  of  the  Gods  ;  for, 
being  employed  in  the  facrament  of  deities,  he 
fupports  this  whole  animal  and  vegetable  world; 

76.  4  Since  his  oblation  of  clarified  butter,  duly 
calf  into  the  flame,  afeends  in  fmoke  to  the  fun  ; 
from  the  fun  ir  falls  in  rain  ;  from  rain  comes 
vegetable  food  ;  and  from  fuch  food  animals 
derive  their  fubfiftence. 

77.  4  As  all  creatures  fubfift  by  receiving  fup- 
port  from  air,  thus  all  orders  of  men  exifl  by 
receiving  fupport  from  houfe-keepers  ; 

78.  4  And  fince  men  of  the  three  other  orders 
are  each  day  nourifhed  by  them  with  divine 
learning  and  with  food,  a  houfe-keeper  is  for 
this  reafon  of  the  mofl  eminent  order  : 

79.  4  That  order,  therefore,  muft  be  conftantly 
fuftained  with  great  care  by  the  man  who  feeks 
unperifhable  bbfs  in  heaven,  and  in  this  world 
pleafurable  fenlations  ;  an  order  which  cannot 
be  fuftained  by  men  with  uncontroled  organs. 

80.  4  The  divine  fages,  the  manes,  the  gods, 
the  fpirits,  and  guefts,  pray  for  benefits  to 
mafters  of  families  ;  let  thefe  honours,  there¬ 
fore,  be  done  to  them  by  the  houfe-keeper  who 
knows  his  duty  ; 

81.  4  Let 

6t  on  marriage;  or 

Si.  c  Let  him  honour  the  Sages  by  ftudying 
4  the  Veda  :  the  Gods,  by  oblations  to  fire  or- 
4  dained  by  law  ;  the  Manes,  by  pious  obfequies  ; 
4  men  by  fupplying  them  with  food  ;  and  fpirits, 
4  by  gifts  to  all  animated  creatures. 

82.  4  Each  day  let  him  perform  a  fraddha 
4  with  boiled  rice  and  the  like,  or  with  water,  or 
4  with  milk,  roots,  and  fruit ;  for  thus  he  obtains 
4  favour  from  departed  progenitors. 

83.  4  He  may  entertain  one  Brahmen  in  that  fa- 
4  crement  among  the  five,  which  is  performed  for 
4  the  Bitris  ;  but,  at  the  oblation  to  all  the  Gods, 

*  let  him  not  invite  even  a  fingle  prieft. 

84.  4  In  his  domeftic  fire  for  dreffing  the  food 
4  of  all  the  Gods,  after  the  prefcribed  ceremony, 
4  let  a  Brahmen  make  an  oblation  each  day  to  thefe 
4  following  divinities  ; 

85.  ‘  Firft  to  Agni,  god  of  fire,  and  to  the 

*  Lunar  God,  feverally ;  then,  to  both  of  them 
4  at  once  ;  next  to  the  affembled  gods  ;  and  after- 
4  wards,  to  Dhanwantari,  god  of  medicine; 

86.  6  To  Cuhu',  goddefs  of  the  day,  when  the 
4  new  moon  is  difcernible  ;  to  Anumati,  goddefs 
‘  of  the  day,  after  the  oppofition  ;  to  Praja'pati, 
c  or  the  Lord  of  Creatures  ;  to  DYA'vA^nd  Prit- 
‘  Hivif,  goddeffes  of  fky  and  earth  ;  and  laftly, 
c  to  the  hre  of  the  good  facrifice. 

87.  ‘  Having  thus,  with  fixed  attention,  offered 

*  clarified  butter  in  all  quarters,  proceeding  from 
4  the  e aft  in  a  fouthern  direction  to  Indra,  Yama, 
i  Varuna,  and  the  god  Soma,  let  him  offer  his 
4  gift  to  animated  creatures  : 

88.  4  Saying ,  “  I  falute  the  Marutsf  or  Winds , 
4  let  him  throw  dreffed  rice  near  the  door  ;  faying , 
44  I  falute  the  water  gods,”  in  water ;  and  on  his 

4  pefile 


1  peftle  and  mortar,  faying , f‘  I  falute  the  gods  of 

*  Jarge  trees.,, 

S9.  ‘  Let  him  do  the  like  in  the  nor  h  ea/l,  or 
1  near  his  pillow,  to  Sri',  the  goddefs  /of  abun- 
1  dance  ,*  in  the  fouth  weft ,  or  at  the  foot  of  his  bed, 

1  to  the  propitious  goddefs  Bii adracali'  ;  in 

*  the  centre  of  his  manfion,  to  Brahma'  and  his 

*  houfehold  God  ; 

90.  ‘  To  all  the  Gods  aflemblcd,  let  him  throw 
c  up  his  oblation  in  the  open  air  ;  by  day,  to  the 
‘  fpirits  who  walk  in  light ;  and  by  night,  to  thofe 

*  who  walk  in  darknefs  : 

91.  In  the  building  on  his  houfe  top,  or  behind 
6  his  back ,  let  him  cad  his  oblation  for  the  welfare 
‘  of  all  creatures  ;  and  what  remains  let  him  give 
c  to  the  Pitris  with  his  face  toward  the  fouth  : 

92.  6  The  (hare  of  dogs,  of  outcafts,  of  dog- 
1  feeders,  of  (inful  men,  punifhed  with  elephan- 
‘  tiafis  or  confumption,  of  crows,  and  of  reptiles, 
1  let  him  drop  on  the  ground  by  little  and  little. 

93.  ‘  A  Brahmen ,  who  thus  each  day  (hall  ho- 

*  nour  all  beings,  will  go  to  the  higheft  region  in 

*  a  ftraight  path,  in  an  irradiated  form. 

94.  4  When  he  has  performed  his  duty  of  mak- 
‘  ing  oblations,  let  him  caufe  his  gueft  to  take 
1  food  before  himfelf ;  and  let  him  give  a  portion 
1  of  rice,  as  the  law  ordains,  to  the  mendicant 

*  who  ftudies  the  Veda: 

4  95-  ‘  Whatever  fruit  (hall  be  obtained  by  that 

*  ftudent,  as  the  reward  of  his  virtue,  when  he  (hall 

*  have  given  a  cow  to  his  preceptor,  according  to 
‘  law,  the  like  reward  to  virtue  (hall  be  obtained 
1  by  the  twice  born  houfe-keeper,  when  he  has 

*  given  a  mouthful  of  rice  to  the  religious  men- 
i  dicant. 

96.  *  To 


on  marriage;  or 

9 6.  4  To  a  Brahmen  who  knows  the  true  prirr- 
4  ciple  of  the  V eda ,  let  him  prefent  a  portion  of 
4  rice,  or  a  pot  of  water,  garnifhed  with  fruit  and 
4  flowers,  due  ceremonies  having  preceded  : 

97.  4  Shares  of  oblations  to  the  Gods,  or  to  the 
4  Manes,  utterly  perifh,  when  prefented,  through 
4  delufion  of  mind,  by  men  regardlefs  of  duty,  to 
4  fuch  ignorant  Brahmens  as  are  mere  afhes  ; 

98.  4  But  an  offering  in  the  fire  of  a  facerdotal 
4  mouth,  which  richly  blazes  with  true  know- 
4  ledge  and  piety,  will  releafe  the  giver  from  dif- 
4  trefs,  and  even  from  deadly  fin. 

99.  4  To  the  gueft  who  comes  of  his  own 
4  accord,  let  him  offer  a  feat  and  water,  with  fuch 
4  foo.d  as  he  is  able  to  prepare,  after  the  due  rites 
4  of  courtefy. 

100.  4  A  Brahmen  coming  as  a  gueft,  and  not 
4  received  with  juft  honour,  takes  to  himfelf  all  the 
4  reward  of  the  houfe-keeper’s  former  virtue, 
4  even  though  he  had  been  fo  temporate  as  to  live 
4  on  the  gleanings  of  harvefts,  and  fo  pious  as  to 
4  make  oblations  in  five  diftindt  fires. 

10 1.  4  Grals  and  earth  to  fit  on,  water  to  wafh 
4  the  feet,  and,  fourthly  affectionate  fpeech  are  at 
4  no  time  deficient  in  the  manfions  of  the  good, 
4  although  they  may  be  indigent . 

102.  4  A  Brahmen ,  flaying  but  one  night  as  a 
4  gueft,  is  called  an  atifh't  ;  fince  continuing  fo 
4  fhort  a  time,  he  is  not  even  a  fojourner  for  a 
4  whole  til' hi,  or  day  of  the  moon . 

103.  4  The  houfe-keeper  muft  not  confider  as 
4  an  a  tit' hi  a  mere  vifitor  of  the  fame  town,  or  a 
4  Brahmen ,  who  attends  him  on  bufinefs,  even 
4  though  he  come  to  the  houfe  where  his  wife 
4  dwells,  and  where  his  fires  are  kindled, 

104.  4  Should 


104.  4  Should  any  houfe-kcepers  be  fo  fenfelefs, 

*  as  to  leek,  on  pretence  of  being  gueds,  the  food 

*  of  others,  they  would  fall  after  death,  by  reafon 

*  of  that  bafenefs,  to  the  condition  of  cattle  be- 

*  longing  to  the  giver  of  fuch  food. 

105.  4  No  gued  mud  be  difmiffed  in  the  even- 
(  ing  by  a  houfe  keeper  ;  he  is  fcnt  by  the  retir- 
c  ing  fun  ;  and,  whether  he  come  in  fit  feafon  or 
‘  unfeafonably,  he  mud  not  fojourn  in  the  houfe 
4  without  entertainment. 

106.  *  Let  not  himfelf  eat  any  delicate  food, 

*  without  afking  his  gued  to  partake  of  it :  the 
€  fatisfadlion  of  a  gued  will  affuredly  bring  the 
'  houfe-keeper  wealth,  reputation,  long  life,  and  a 

*  place  in  heaven. 

107.  £  To  the  highed  gueds  in  the  bed  form, 

1  to  the  lowed  in  the  word,  to  the  equal,  equally, 
c  let  him  offer  feats,  reding  places,  couches;  giv- 

*  ing  them  proportionable  attendance,  when  they 

*  depart  ;  and  honour  as  long  as  they  day. 

108.  4  Should  another  gued  arrive,  when  the 

*  oblation  to  all  the  Gods  is  concluded,  for  him 
1  alio  let  the  houfe-keeper  prepare  food,  accord- 
4  ing  to  his  ability  ;  but  let  him  not  repeat  his 

*  offerings  to  animated  beings. 

109.  ‘  Let  no  Brahmen  gued  proclaim  his  fa- 
f  mily  and  ancedry  for  the  fake  of  an  entertain- 

*  ment ;  fince  he,  who  thus  proclaims  them,  i3 
4  called  by  the  wife  a  vantafi ,  or  foul- feeding 
4  demon. 

no.  *A  military  man  is  not  denominated  a 
4  gued  in  the  houfe  of  a  Brahmen  •  nor  a  man  of 
4  the  commercial  or  fervile  clafs  ;  nor  his  fa- 
c  miliar  friend  ;  nor  his  paternal  kinfman  ;  nor 

*  his  preceptor : 


iii.c  But 


on  marriage;  or 

iii.  c  But  if  a  warriour  come  to  his  houfe  id 
c  the  form  of  a  gueft,  let  food  be  prepared  for 
€  him,  according  to  his  defire,  after  the  beiore- 
€  mentioned  Brahmens  have  eaten. 

it 2.  f  Even  to  a  merchant  or  a  labourer,  ap- 
c  proaching  his  houfe  in  the  manner  of  guefts, 
f  let  him  give  food,  fhowing  marks  of  benevo* 
€  lence  at  the  fame  time  with  his  domtfticks  : 

113.  f  Toothers,  as  familiar  friends,  and  the 
c  reft  before-named,  who  come  with  affe6tion 

*  to  his  place  of  abode,  let  him  ferve  a  repaft  at 
c  the  fame  time  with  his  wife  and  him/ elf. \  having 

*  amply  provided  it  according  to  his  bed  means. 

1 14.  c  To  a  bride,  and  to  a  damfel,  to  the  fick, 

*  and  to  pregnant  women,  let  him  give  food,  even 
c  before  his  guefts,  without  hefitation. 

it 5.  c  The  idiot,  who  firft  eats  his  own  mefs, 
without  having  prefented  food  to  the  perfons 
c  juft  enumerated,  knows  not,  while  he  crams,  that 
f  he  will  himfelf  be  food  after  death  for  bandogs 
c  and  vultures. 

1 1 6.  f  After  the  repaft  of  the  Brahmen  gueft, 
€  of  his  kinfmen,  and  his  domefticks,  the  married 
c  couple  may  eat  what  remains  untouched. 

1 17.  f  The  houfe-keeper,  having  honoured 

*  fpirits,  holy  fages,  men,  progenitors,  and  houfe  - 
hold  gods,  may  feed  on  what  remains  after  thole 

s  oblations. 

118.  c  He,  who  eats  what  has  been  drefled  for 

*  himfelf  only,  eats  nothing  but  fin :  a  repaft  on 

*  what  remains  after  the  facrament  is  called  the 

*  banquet  of  the  good. 

it 9.  ‘  After  a  year  from  the  reception  of  a 

*  vifitor,  let  the  houfe-keeper  again  honour  a 
c  king,  a  facrificer,  a  ftudent  returned  from  his 



preceptor,  a  fon-in-law,  a  father-in-law,  arid 
a  maternal  uncle,  with  a  madbuperca ,  or  prefenc 
of  honey,  curds,  and  fruit, 
i  2o.  ‘  A  king  or  a  Brahmen  arriving  at  the 
celebration  of  the  facrament,  are  to  be  honoured 
with  a  madhuperca  ;  but  not,  if  the  facrament 
be  over  :  this  is  a  fettled  rule. 

121.  ‘In  the  evening  let  the  wife  make  an 
offering  of  the  drelfed  food,  but  without  pro¬ 
nouncing  any  text  of  the  Veda  :  one  oblation  to 
the  affembled  gods,  thence  named  Vaifwadcva , 
is  ordained  both  for  evening  and  morning. 

122.  ‘  From  month  to  month,  on  the  dark  day 
of  the  moon,  let  a  twice  born  man,  having 
finifhed  the  daily  facrament  of  the  Pitris,  and 
his  fire  being  dill  blazing,  perform  the  folemn 

Jraddbai  called  pinddn wd hd rya  : 

123.  ‘  Sages  have  diftinguifhed  the  monthly 
Jrdddba  by  the  title  of  anwdhdrya ,  or  after  eaten , 

that  is,  eaten  after  the  pinda  or  ball  of  rice  ;  and 
it  mud  be  performed  with  extreme  care,  and 
with  flefn  meat  in  the  bed  condition. 

124.  ‘  What  Brahmens  mud  be  entertained  at 
that  ceremony,  and  who  mud  be  accepted,  how 
many  are  to  be  fed,  and  with  what  forts  of  food, 
on  all  thofe  articles,  without  omilTion,  I  will  lully 

125.  ‘At  the  Jrdddba  of  the  gods  he  may  en¬ 
tertain  two  Brahmens  \  at  that  of  his  father, 
paternal  grandfather,  and  paternal  great-grand¬ 
father,  three  ;  or  one  only  at  that  of  the  god>, 
and  one  at  that  for  his  three  paternal  ancedors  : 
though  he  abound  in  wealth,  let  him  not  be  fo- 
licitous  to  encertain  a  large  company. 

126.  ‘A  large  company  dedroys  thefe  five  ad¬ 
vantages  ;  reverence  to  prieds,  propriety  of  time 

F  2  and 

6$  ON  MARRIAGE  ;  OR 

c  and  place,  purity,  and  the  acquifition  of  virtuous 
(  Brahmens:  let  him  not  therefore,  endeavour  to 

*  feed  a  fuperfluous  number. 

127.  *  This  a<5t  of  due  honour  to  departed  fouls, 

'  on  the  dark  day  of  the  moon,  is  famed  by  the 
€  appellation  of  pitrya ,  or  anceftral:  the  legal  ce- 
c  remony,  in  honour  of  departed  fpirits,  rewards 

*  with  continual  fruit,  a  man  engaged  in  fuch  ob~ 

*  fequies. 

128.  *  Oblations  to  the  gods  and  to  anceftors 
c  fhould  be  given  to  a  moil  reverend  Brahmen^ 

*  perfe&ly  converfant  with  the  Veda  ;  fince  what  is 

*  given  to  him  produces  the  greateft  reward. 

129.  (  By  entertaining  one  learned  man  at  the 

*  oblation  to  the  gods  and  at  that  to  anceftors,  he 

*  gains  more  exalted  fruit  than  by  feeding  a  mul- 

*  titude,  who  know  not  the  holy  texts. 

130.  c  Let  him  inquire  into  the  anceftry,  even 
1  in  a  remote  degree,  of  a  Brahmen ,  who  has  ad- 

*  vanced  to  the  end  of  the  Veda:  fuch  a  man,  if 

*  fprung  from  good  men,  is  a  fit  partaker  of  ob- 

*  lations  to  gods  and  to  anceftors  ;  fuch  a  man 

*  may  juftly  be  called  an  atit’hi,  or  gueft. 

13 1.  f  Surely,  though  a  million  of  men,  un- 

*  learned  in  holy  texts,  were  to  receive  food,  yet 

*  a  finglc  man,  learned  in  fcripture,  and  fully  fa- 

*  tisfied  with  his  entertainment,  would  be  of  more 
'  value  than  all  of  them  together. 

132.  c  Food,  confecrated  to  the  gods  and  the 

*  manes,  mull  be  prefented  to  a  theologian  of 
1  eminent  learning  ;  for  certainly,  when  hands 
4  are  fmeared  with  blood,  they  cannot  be  cleaned 
f  with  blood  only,  nor  can  Jin  he  removed  by  the 
€  company  of f inner s, 

133.  ‘  As  many  mouthfuls  as  an  unlearned  man 

ill  all 



(hall  (wallow  at  an  oblation  to  the  gods  and  to 
anceflors,  fo  many  red  iiot  iron  balls  mud  the 
giver  of  the Jraddba  (wallow  in  the  next  world. 

134.  1  Some  Brahmens  are  intent  on  fcriptural 
knowledge ;  others,  on  auflere  devotion  ;  fome 
are  intent  both  on  religious  auRerity  and  on  the 
(ludy  of  the  Veda-,  others  on  the  performance 
of  (acred  rites : 

135.  ‘  Oblations  to  the  manes  of  anceRors 
ought  to  be  placed  with  care  before  fuch  as  are 
intent  on  facred  learning:  but  offerings  to  the 
gods  may  be  prefented,  with  due  ceremonies,  to 
Brahmens  of  all  the  four  defcriptions. 

136.  c  There  may  be  a  Brahmen ,  whofe  father 
had  not  Rudied  the  fcripture,  though  the  fon 
has  advanced  to  the  end  of  the  Veda ;  or  there 
may  be  one,  whofe  fon  has  not  read  the  Veda , 
though  the  father  had  travelled  to  the  end  of  it : 

1 37.  ‘  Of  thofe  two  let  mankind  confider  him 
as  the  fuperiour,  whofe  father  had  Rudied  the 
fcripture,  yet  for  the  fake  of  performing  rites 
with  holy  texts,  the  other  is  worthy  of  honour. 

1 38.  ‘  Let  no  man,  at  the  prefcribed  obfequies, 
give  food  to  an  intimate  friend  ;  fince  advantage 
to  a  friend  muR  be  procured  by  gifts  of  different 
property  :  to  that  Brahmen  let  the  performer  of 
a  Jraddba  give  food,  whom  he  considers  neither 
as  a  friend  nor  as  a  foe. 

139.  ‘  For  him,  whofe  obfequies  and  offerings 
of  clarified  butter  are  provided  chiefly  through 
friendfhip,  no  fruit  is  referved  in  the  next  life, 
on  account  either  of  his  obfequies  or  of  his 

140.  ‘  The  man,  who,  through  delufion  of  in¬ 
tellect,  forms  temporal  connexions  by  obfequies, 

F  3  ‘is 



*  is  excluded  from  heavenly  manfions,  as  a  giver 
«  of  the  frdddha  for  the  fake  of  friendfhip,  and  the 
c  meaneft  of  twice  born  men  : 

141.  c  Such  a  convivial  prefent,  by  men  of  the 
c  three  higheft  claffes,  is  called  the  gift  of  Pisdchas , 
c  and  remains  fixed  here  below,  like  a  blind  cow 
€  in  one  ftall, 

142.  c  As  a  hufbandman,  having  Town  feed  in 
c  a  barren  foil,  reaps  no  grain,  thus  a  performer 
c  of  holy  rites,  having  given  clarified  butter  co 
‘  an  unlearned  Brahmen ,  attains  no  reward  in 
c  heaven  ; 

143.  c  But  a  prefent  made,  as  the  law  ordains, 
€  to  a  learned  theologian,  renders  both  the  giver 
4  and  the  receiver  partakers  of  good  fruits  in  this 
c  world  and  in  the  next. 

144.  c  If  no  learned  Brahmen  be  at  hand,  he 
<  may  at  his  pleafure  invite  a  friend  to  the  frdddha , 
4  but  not  a  foe,  be  he  ever  fo  learned  ;  fince  the 
1  oblation,  being  eaten  by  a  foe,  lofes  all  fruit  in 
‘  the  life  to  come. 

145.  c  With  great  care  let  him  give  food  at 

*  the  frdddha  to  a  prieft,  who  has  gone  through 
4  the  fcripture,  but  has  chiefly  ftudied  the  Rigveda ; 
s  to  one,  who  has  read  all  the  branches,  buc  prin- 
'  cipally  thofe  of  the  Tajujh ;  or  to  one  who  has 

*  finifhed  the  whole,  with  particular  attention  to 

*  the  Scrnan : 

146.  f  Of  that  man  whofe  oblation  has  been 

*  eaten,  after  due  honours,  by  any  one  of  thofe 
c  three  Brahmens ,  the  anceftors  are  conftantly 

*  fatisfied  as  high  as  the  feventh  perfon,  or  to  the 
6  fixth  degree . 

147.  c  This  is  the  chief  rule  in  offering  the 
£  frdddha  to  the  gods  and  to  anceftors :  but  the  fci- 

‘  lowing 


€  lowin'*  may  be  confidered  as  a  fubfidiary  rule, 

<  where  no  fuch  learned  friefts  can  he  found ,  and  is 

*  ever  oblervtd  by  good  men  : 

148.  c  Let  him  entertain  his  maternal  grand- 

*  father,  his  maternal  uncle,  the  fon  of  his  fitter, 
«  the  father  of  his  wife,  his  fpiritual  guide,  the 
«  fon  of  his  daughter,  or  her  hufband,  his  mater- 

<  nal  coufin,  his  officiary  pried,  or  the  performer 

c  of  his  facrifice. 

140.  ‘  For  an  oblation  to  the  gods,  let  not  the 
«  man*  who  knows  what  is  law,  fcrupuloufly  in- 

<  quire  into  the  parentage  of  a  Brahmen ;  but  for 

<  a  prepared  oblation  to  ancedors  let  him  examine 
«  it  with  drift  care. 

1  "o.  «  Thofe  Brahmens ,  who  have  committed 
«  any  inferiour  theft  or  any  of  the  higher  crimes, 

«  who  are  deprived  of  virility,  or  who  profefs  a 

<  difbelief  in  a  future  date,  Menu  has  pronounced 
i  unworthy  of  honour  at  a  Jrdddha  to  the  gods  or 

•  to  anceftors. 

1 51.  ‘  To  a  ftudent  in  theology,  who  has  not 
«  read  the  Veda,  to  a  man  punijhed  for  pa  ft  crimes 

•  fry  being  born  without  a  prepuce,  to  a  gamefter, 
«  ancj  to  fuch  as  perform  many  facrifices  for  other 
«  men,  let  him  never  give  food  at  the  facred 

•  obfequies, 

lea.  ‘  Phyficians,  image  worfhippers  for  gain, 
«  fellers  of  meat,  and  fuch  as  live  by  low  traffick, 
«  mud  be  fhunned  in  oblations  both  to  the  deities 

and  to  progenitors. 

I  rn  <  A  public  fervant  of  the  whole  town,  or 
of  the  prince,  a  man  with  whitlows  on  his  nails, 
or  with  black  yellow  teeth,  an  oppofer  of  his 
preceptor,  a  deicrter  of  the  facred  fire,  and  an 

F  4  »S4-  A 



154.  c  A  phthifical  man,  a  feeder  of  cattle,  one 
4  omitting  the  five  great  facraments,  a  contemner 
c  of  Brahmens,  a  younger  brother  married  before 

*  the  elder,  an  elder  brother  not  married  before 

*  the  younger,  an  a  man  who  fubfifts  by  the 

*  wealth  of  many  relations, 

155.  6  A  dancer,  one  who  has  violated  the 
c  rule  of  chaftity  in  the  firft  or  fourth  order,  the 
6  hufband  of  a  Sudra ,  the  fon  of  a  twice  married 
c  woman,  a  man  who  has  loft  one  eye,  and  a  huf- 
c  band  in  whofe  houfe  an  adulterer  dwells, 

1 56.  *  One  who  teaches  the  Veda  for  wages,  and 
c  one  who  gives  wages  to  fuch  a  teacher,  the 
c  pupil  of  a  Sudra,  and  the  Sudra  preceptor,  a  rude 
f  fpeaker,  and  the  fon  of  an  adulterefs,  born  either 
c  before  or  after  the  death  of  the  hufband, 

157.  c  A  forfaiter,  without  juft  caufe,  of  hifi 
c  mother,  father  or  preceptor,  and  a  man  who 
f  forms  a  connexion,  either  by  fcriptural  or 
e  connubial  affinity,  with  great  Tinners, 

158.  c  A  houfe-burner,  a  giver  of  poifon,  an 
f  eater  of  food  offered  by  the  fon  of  an  adulterefs, 
e  a  feller  of  the  moon  plant,  a  fpecies  of  mountain 
c  rue ,  a  navigator  of  the  ocean,  a  poetical  enco- 
c  miaft,  an  oilman,  and  a  fuborner  of  perjury, 

1^9.  c  A  wrangler  with  his  father,  an  employer 
c  of  gamefters  for  his  own  benefit,  a  drinker  of 
c  intoxicating  fpirits,  a  man  punifhed  for  fin  with 
‘  elephantiafis,  one  of  evil  repute,  a  cheat,  and  a 
‘  feller  of  liquids, 

160.  c  A  maker  of  bows  and  arrows,  the  huf- 
c  band  of  a  younger  filler  married  before  the  elder 
c  of  the  whole  blood ,  an  injurer  of  his  friend,  the 
c  keeper  of  a  gaming-houfe,  and  a  father  inftruded 
c  in  the  Veda  by  his  o^vn  fon, 


161.  c  An 



1 6 1 .  4  An  epileptick  perfon,  one  who  has  the 
4  eryfipelas  or  the  leproly,  a  common  informer, 
4  a  lunatick,  a  blind  man,  and  a  defpifer  of  fcrip- 
4  ture,  muft  all  be  fhunned. 

162.  c  A  tamer  of  elephants,  bulls,  horfes,  or 
4  camels,  a  man  who  fubfifts  by  aftrology,  a 
4  keeper  of  birds,  and  one  who  teaches  the  ufe 

*  of  arms, 

163.  4  He,  who  diverts  watercourfes,  and  he, 
4  who  is  gratified  by  obftnnfting  them,  he,  who 
4  builds  houfes  for  gain,  a  meffenger,  and  a  plan- 
4  ter  of  trees  for  pay , 

164.  4  A  breeder  of  fporting  dogs,  a  falconer, 
4  a  feducer  of  damfels,  a  man  delighting  in  mif- 
Q  chief,  a  Brahmen  living  as  a  S&dra,  a  lacrificer 
c  to  the  inferiour  gods  only, 

165.  4  He,  who  obferves  not  approved  cultoms, 
4  and  he,  who  regards  not  prefcribed  duties,  acon- 
1  ftant  importunate  afker  of  favours,  he,  who  fup- 

*  ports  himfelf  by  tillage,  a  clubfooted  man,  and 
4  one  defpifed  by  the  virtuous, 

166.  ‘  A  fhepherd,  a  keeper  of  buffalos,  the 
1  hufband  of  a  twice  married  woman,  and  the  re- 

*  mover  of  dead  bodies  for  pay ,  are  to  be  avoided 
4  with  great  care. 

167.  4  Thofe  lowed  of  Brahmens ,  whofe  man- 
4  ners  are  contemptible,  who  are  not  admiffible 
c  into  company  at  a  repaft,  an  exalted  and  learned 
4  prieft  muft  avoid  at  both Jraddhas. 

168.  4  A  Brahmen  unlearned  in  holy  writ,  is 
4  extinguifhed  in  an  inftant  like  a  fire  of  dry  grafs  : 

4  to  him  tne  oblation  muft  not  be  given  ;  for  the 
4  clarified  butter  muft  not  be  poured  on  afhes. 

169.  4  What  retribution  is  prepared  in  the  next 
4  life  for  the  giver  of  food  to  men  inadmifTible  into 




€  company,  at  the  fraddha  to  the  gods  and  to  an* 
‘  ceftors,  1  will  now  declare  without  omiftion. 

170.  £  On  that  food,  which  has  been  given  to 

*  Brahmens  who  have  violated  the  rules  of  their 
€  order,  to  the  younger  brother  married  before  the 

*  elder,  and  to  the  reft  who  are  not  admifiible 
‘  into  ccmpany,  the  Racfhafes  eagerly  feaft. 

1 7 1.  c  He,  who  makes  a  marriage  contract 
1  with  the  connubial  fire,  while  his  elder  brother 
4  cot  inues  unmarried,  is  called  a  perivettri  $  and 

*  the  elder  brother  a  perivitti: 

1 72.  ‘  The  perivettri ,  the  perivitti^  the  dam- 
«  fel  thus  wedded,  the  giver  of  her  in  wedlock, 
4  and,  fifthly,  the  performer  of  the  nuptial  facri- 
c  fice,  all  fink  to  a  region  of  torment. 

173.  ‘  He,  who  lafcivioufly  dallies  with  the 
1  widow  of  his  deceafed  brother,  though  jfhe  be  le- 
«  gaily  married  to  him,  is  denominated  the  huf- 

*  band  of  a  didhifhii, 

174.  *  Two  ions,  named  a  cunda  and  a  golaca, 
€  are  born  in  adultery ;  the  cunda ,  while  the  hufband 

*  is  alive,  and  the  goiaca ,  w  hen  the  hufband  is  dead  : 

175.  ‘  Thofe  animals  begotten  by  adulterers, 

*  deftroy,  both  in  this  world  and  in  the  next,  the 
€  food  prefented  to  them  by  fuch  as  make  obla- 
c  tions  to  the  gods  or  to  the  manes. 

176.  5  The  foolifh  giver  of  a  fraddha  lofes,  in 
€  a  future  life,  the  fruit  of  as  many  admifiible 
1  guefts,  as  a  thief  or  the  like  perfon,  inadmiftible 
«  into  company,  might  be  able  to  fee. 

177.  1  A  blind  man  placed  where  one  with  eyes 
«  might  have  feen,  deftroys  the  reward  of  ninety ; 
«  he,  who  has  loft  one  eye,  of  fixty  ;  a  leper,  of 
c  an  hundred  ;  one  punifhed  with  elephantiafis,  of 

*  a  thoufand. 

178.  4  Of 



1 7 8.  4  Of  the  gift  at  a  Jraddha ,  to  as  many 
f  Brahmens ,  as  a  facrificer  for  a  S' dr  a  might  be 

*  able  to  touch  on  the  body,  the  fruit  is  loll  to  the 
4  giver,  if  he  invite Juch  a  wretch  ; 

179.  4  And  if  a  Brahmen  who  knows  the  Veda, 

1  receive  through  covctoufnefs  a  prefent  from  fuch 
4  a  facrificer,  he  fpeedily  finks  to  perdition,  like  a 
4  figure  of  unburnt  clay  in  water. 

1 80.  4  Food  given  to  a  feller  of  the  moon  plant, 

1  becomes  ordure  in  another  world  ;  to  a  phvfician 
«  purulent  blood  ;  and  the  giver  will  be  a  reptile 
4  bred  in  them  :  if  offered  to  an  image  worfhipper, 

4  it  is  thrown  away  i  if  to  an  ufurer,  infamous. 

181.  4  That  which  is  given  to  a  trader,  endures 
4  neither  in  this  life  nor  in  the  next,  and  that  be- 
4  flowed  on  a  Brahmen ,  who  has  married  a  widow, 

*  refembles  clarified  butter  poured  on  allies  as  an 
4  oblation  to  fire. 

182.  4  That  food,  which  is  given  to  other  bafe 
<  and  inadmifiible  men,  before  mentioned,  the 
4  wife  have  pronounced  to  be  no  more  than 
4  animal  oil,  blrtod,  flefh,  fkin,  and  bones. 

18;.  4  Now  learn  comprehenfively,  by  what 

*  Brahmens  a  company  may  be  purified,  when  it  has 
4  been  defiled  by  inadmiffable  perfons  >  Brahmens , 
4  the  chief  of  their  clafs,  the  purifiers  of  every  af- 
4  fembly. 

184.  4  Thofe  priefts  muft  be  confidered  as  the 
4  purifiers  of  a  company  who  are  molt  learned  in 
4  all  the  Vedas  and  all  their  /Ingas,  together  with 
4  their  defendants  who  have  read  the  whole 
4  feripture  ; 

185  ‘  A  pried  learned  in  a  principal  part  of 
4  the  Tajurveda ;  one  who  keeps  the  five  fires 
4  conftaritly  burning  ;  one  (killed  in  a  principal 
4  part  of  the  Rigvcda  ;  one  w'ho  explains  the  fix 

4  Vcdangas  ; 



€  V'eddngas ;  the  Ton  of  a  Brahmi ,  or  woman  mar- 
€  ried  by  the  Brahma  ceremony  ;  and  one  who 
c  chants  the  principal  Saman ; 

186.  *  One  who  propounds  the  fenfe  of  the 
c  Vedas,  which  he  learnt  from  his  preceptor,  a  ftu- 

*  dent  who  has  given  a  thoufand  cows  for  pious 

*  ufes,  and  a  Brahmen  a  hundred  years  old,  muft 
c  all  be  confidered  as  the  purifiers  of  a  party  at  a 

*  Jraddha. 

187.  c  On  the  day  before  the  facred  obfequies, 
c  or  on  the  very  day  when  they  are  prepared,  let 
c  the  performer  of  them  invite,  with  due  honour, 
c  fuch  Brahmens  as  have  been  mentioned ;  ufually 

*  one  fuperiour,  who  has  three  inferiour  to  him. 

188.  c  The  Brahmen ,  who  has  been  invited  to  a 
c  fraddha  for  departed  anceftors,  muff  be  continu- 

*  ally  abftemious  ;  he  muft  not  even  read  the 
c  Vedas  \  and  he  who  performs  the  ceremony, 
c  muft  a£t  in  the  fame  manner. 

189.  c  Departed  anceftors,  no  doubt,  are  at- 
c  tendant  on  fuch  invited  Brahmens ;  hovering 

*  around  them  like  pure  fpirits,  and  fitting  by  them, 
c  when  they  are  feated. 

190.  c  The  prieft  who  having  been  duly  invited 

*  to  a fraddha,  breaks  the  appointment,  commits 
c  a  grievous  offence,  and  in  his  next  birth  becomes 
€  a  hog. 

1 91.  ‘  He,  who  careffes  a  Sudra  woman,  after 

*  he  has  been  invited  to  facred  obfequies,  takes  on 
‘  himfelf  all  the  fin  that  has  been  committed  by 
‘  the  giver  of  the  repaft. 

192.  c  The  Pit  ns  or  great  progenitors,  are  free 
c  from  u'rath,  intent  on  purity,  ever  exempt  from 
c  fenfual  paffions,  endued  with  exalted  qualities  : 

*  they  are  primeval  divinities,  who  have  laid 
c  arms  afide. 

193,  ‘  Hear 


193.  1  Hear  now  completely,  from  whom  they 
«  lprang;  who  they  are;  by  whom  and  by  what 

*  ceremonies  they  are  to  be  honoured. 

1 94.  4  The  Tons  of  Mari'chi  and  of  all  the  other 

*  Rlfhis ,  who  were  the  offspring  of  Menu,  fon  of 
4  Brahma,  are  called  the  companies  of  Pitrls , 

4  or  forefathers. 

195.  4  The  Somafads,  who  fprang  from  Vira'j, 
c  are  declared  to  be  the  anceflors  of  the  Sddhyhas ; 

4  and  the  Agnipwdttas ,  who  are  famed  among 
c  created  beings  as  the  children  of  Mari'chi,  to 
4  be  the  progenitors  of  the  Devas. 

T96.  f  Ofth c  Daityas,  the  Danavas,  the  Yac- 
4  pas,  the  Gandharvas ,  the  Uragas,  or  Serpents, 
4  the  Racjhafhes,  the  Garudas,  and  the  Cinnaras , 
c  the  anceflors  are  Barhijhads  defcended  from 
4  Atri  ; 

197.  4  Of  Brahmens ,  thofe  named  Somapas ;  of 
4  Cpatriyas ,  the  Havipmats ;  of  Vaifyas ,  thofe 

*  called  Abjyapas  ;  of  Sudras ,  the  Sucdlins  : 

198.  4  The  Somapas  defcended  from  Me,  Bhri- 
4  cu;  the  Havipmats,  from  Anciras  ;  the  Ajya- 
4  pas,  from  Pulastya  ;  the  Sucdlins,  from  Va- 
4  sisht’ha. 

199.  4  Thofe  who  are,  and  thofe  who  are  not, 
4  confumable  by  fire,  called  Agnidagdhas,  and 
1  Anagnidagdhas ,  the  Cdvyas,  the  Bar  hip  ads,  the 
4  Agnipwdttas ,  and  the  Saumyas,  let  mankind 
4  confider  as  the  chief  progenitors  of  Brahmens. 

200.  4  Of  thofe  juft  enumerated,  who  are  ge- 
1  nerally  reputed  the  principal  tribes  of  Pitris, 
4  the  Ions  and  grandfons  indefinitely,  are  alio  in 
4  this  world  confidered  as  great  progenitors. 

201.  4  From  the  Rlpis  come  the  Pitris,  or 
4  patriarchs ;  from  the  Pitris ,  both  Devas  and  Da- 

n  anas’*. 



navas ;  from  the  De'vas,  this  whole  world  of 
animals  and  vegetables,  in  due  order. 

202.  c  Mere  water,  offered  with  faith  to  the 
progenitors  of  men,  in  veffels  of  filver,  or 
adorned  with  filver,  proves  the  fource  of  in* 

203.  ‘  An  oblation  by  Brahmens  to  their  an* 
ceftors  tranfcends  an  oblation  to  the  deities; 
becaufe  that  to  the  deities  is  confidered  as  the 
opening  and  completion  of  that  to  anceftors  : 

204.  4  As  a  prefervative  of  the  oblation  to  the 
patriarchs,  let  the  houfe-keepcr  begin  with  an 
offering  to  the  gods ;  for  the  Racjhafes  rend 
in  pieces  an  oblation  which  has  no  luch  pre¬ 

205.  Let  an  offering  to  the  gods  be  made  at  the 
beginning  and  end  of  the  Jraddha  :  it  muft  not 
begin  and  end  with  an  offering  to  anceftors  ;  for 
he  who  begins  and  ends  it  with  an  oblation  to  the 
Pitris,  quickly  perifhes  with  his  progeny. 

206.  c  Let  the  Brahmen  fmear  with  cow  dung 
a  purified  and  fequeftered  piece  of  ground  ;  and 
let  him,  with  great  care,  feledl  a  place  with  a 
declivity  toward  the  fouth : 

207.  c  The  divine  manes  are  always  pleafed 
with  an  oblation  in  empty  glades,  naturally 
clean,  on  the  banks  of  rivers,  and  in  folitary 

208.  c  Having  duly  made  an  ablution  with 
water,  let  him  place  the  invited  Brahmens ,  who 
have  alfo  performed  their  ablutions,  one  by 
one,  on  allotted  feats  purified  with  cus  a- grafs. 

209.  c  When  he  has  placed  them  with  re¬ 
verence  on  their  feats,  let  him  honour  them, 
(having  firft  honoured  the  Gods)  with  fragrant 
garlands  and  fweet  odours. 

210.  f  Having 



2  ro.  ‘  Having  brought  water  for  them  with 
ctf/tf-grafs  and  tila,  let  the  Brahmen ,  with  the 
Brahmens,  pour  the  oblation,  as  the  law  diredts, 
on  the  holy  fire. 

211.  €  Firft,  as  it  is  ordained,  having  fatisfied 
Acni,  Soma  and  Yam  a,  with  clairficd  butter, 
let  him  proceed  to  fatisfy  the  manes  of  his  pro¬ 

212.  ‘  If  he  have  no  confecrated  fire,  as  if  he  be 
yet  unmarried ,  or  bis  wife  be  juft  deceafed ,  let  him 
drop  the  oblation  into  the  hand  of  a  Brahmen  ; 
fince,  what  fire  is,  even  fuch  is  a  Brahmen  ;  as 
priefts  who  know  the  Veda  declare  : 

213.  c  Holy  fages  call  the  chief  of  the  twice 
born  the  gods  of  obfcquies,  tree  from  wrath,  with 
placid  afpedts,  of  a  primeval  race,  employed  in 
the  advancement  of  human  creatures. 

2i.*.  f  Having  walked  in  order  from  eafl  to 
fouth,  and  thrown  into  the  fire  all  the  ingredients 
of  his  oblation,  let  him  fprinkle  water  on  the 
ground  with  his  right  hand. 

215.  *  From  the  remainder  of  the  clarified 
butter  having  formed  three  balls  of  rice,  let  him 
offer  them,  with  fixed  attention,  in  the  lame 
manner  as  the  water,  his  face  being  turned  to 
the  fouth: 

216.  c  Then,  having  offered  thofe  balls,  after 
due  ceremonies  and  with  an  attentive  mind,  to  the 
manes  of  his  father ,  his  paternal  grandfather ,  and 
great  grandfather ,  let  him  wipe  the  fame  hand 
with  the  roots  of  cits' a,  which  he  had  before  ufed, 
for  the  fake  of  his  paternal  anceftors  in  the  fourth > 
fifth ,  and fixth  degrees ,  who  are  the  partakers  of 
the  rice  and  clarified  butter  thus  wiped  off. 

217.  c  Having  made  an  ablution,  returning  to¬ 
ward  the  north,  and  thrice  fuppreffing  his  breath 




4  flowly,  let  him  falute  the  Gods  of  the  fix  feafons* 
4  and  the  Pitris  alfo,  being  well  acquainted  with 
4  proper  texts  of  the  Veda. 

21$.  4  Whatever  water  remains  in  his  ewer,  let 
4  him  carry  back  deliberately  near  the  cakes  of 

*  rice ;  and  with  fixed  attention,  let  him  ffinell 
1  thofe  cakes,  in  order  as  they  were  offered  : 

219.  4  Then,  taking  a  fmall  portion  of  the  cakes 
4  in  order,  let  him  firft,  as  the  law  dire&s,  caufe 
4  the  Brahmens  to  eat  of  them,  while  they  are 
e  feated. 

220.  *  If  his  father  be  alive,  let  him  offer  the 
4  frdddha  to  his  anceftors  in  three  higher  degrees ; 

*  or  let  him  caufe  his  own  father  to  eat,  as  a 
4  Brahmen  at  the  obfequies  : 

221.  c  Should  his  father  be  dead,  andhisgrand- 
4  father  living,  let  him,  in  celebrating  the  name 
4  of  his  father,  that  is,  in  fe? forming  objequies  to 

*  him ,  celebrate  alfo  his  paternal  great  grand- 
4  father; 

222.  4  Either  the  paternal  grandfather  may  par-* 
4  take  of  the  frdddha  (fo  has  Menu  declared;  or 
4  the  grandfon,  authorized  by  him,  may  perform 
4  the  ceremony  at  his  difcretion. 

223.  4  Elaving  poured  water,  with  cus a- grafs 
4  and  tila ,  into  the  hands  of  the  Brahmens ,  let  him 
4  give  them  the  upper  part  of  the  cakes,  faying, 
44  Swadhd  to  the  manes  !5> 

224.  4  Next,  having  himfelf  brought  with  both 
4  hands,  a  veffel  full  of  rice,  let  him,  ftill  medi- 
4  tating  on  the  Pitrh,  place  it  before  the  Brahmens 
4  without  precipitation. 

225.  4  Rice  taken  up,  but  not  fupported  with 
4  both  hands,  the  malevolent  Afuras  quickly  rend 
4  in  pieces. 

226*  4  Broths, 


226.  *  Broths,  potherbs,  and  other  eatables  ac¬ 
companying  the  rice,  together  with  milk  and 
curds,  clarified  butter  and  honey,  let  him  firft 
place  on  the  ground,  after  lie  has  made  an  ablu¬ 
tion  ;  and  let  his  mind  be  intent  on  no  other 
objed  : 

227.  4  Let  him  add  fpiced  puddings,  and  milky 
mefles  of  various  forts,  roots  of  herbs  and  ripe 
fruits,  favoury  meats  and  fweet  fmelling  drinks. 
22S.  (  Then  being  duly  purified,  and  with  per¬ 
fect  prefence  of  mind,  let  him  take  up  all  the 
difhes,  one  by  one,  and  prefent  them  in  order  to 
the  Brahmens ,  proclaiming  their  qualities. 

229.  c  Let  him  at  no  time  drop  a  tear  ;  let  him 
on  no  account  be  angry;  let  him  fay  nothing 
faife  ;  let  him  not  touch  the  eatables  with  his 
foot  ;  let  him  not  even  fiiake  the  difiies: 

2  20.  *  A  tear  fends  the  mefles  to  reftlefs  ghofts ; 
anger,  to  foes  ;  falfehood,  to  dogs  ;  contad  with 
his  foot,  to  demons  ;  agitation,  to  Tinners. 

231.  c  Whatever  is  agreeable  to  the  Brahmens , 
let  him  give  without  envy  ;  and  let  him  dilcourle 
on  the  attributes  of  God  :  fuch  difeourfe  is  ex¬ 
pected  by  the  manes. 

232.  ‘  At  the  obfequies  to  anceftors,  he  mud 
let  the  Brahmens  hear  paflages  from  the  Ve'da , 
from  the  codes  of  law,  from  moral  tales,  from 
heroick  poems,  from  the  Purdnas ,  and  frorft 
theological  texts. 

233.  ‘  Himfelf  being  delighted,  let  him  give 
delight  to  the  Brahmens ,  and  invite  them  to  eat 
of  the  provifions  by  little  and  little  ;  attrading 
them  often  with  the  dreflfed  rice  and  other  eata¬ 
bles,  and  mentioning  their  good  properties. 

234.  1  To  the  fon  of  his  daughter,  though  a 
ftudent  in  theology,  let  him  carefully  give  food 

G  «  at 



f  at  the  Jraddha  ;  offering  him  a  blanket  from 
€  Nepal  as  his  feat,  and  lprinkling  the  ground  with 

*  til  a. 

235.  f  Three  things  are  held  pure  at  fuch  obfe- 
c  quies,  the  daughter,  fon,  the  Nepal  blanket, 
g  and  the  til  a  ;  and  three  things  are  praifed  in  it 
c  by  the  wife,  cleanlinefs,  freedom  from  wrath, 
%  and  want  of  precipitate  hafte. 

236.  c  Let  all  the  dreffed  food  be  very  hot  ^ 
c  and  let  the  Brahmens  eat  it  in  filence  ;  nor  let 
f  them  declare  the  qualities  of  the  food,  even 

*  though  afked  by  the  giver. 

237.  c  As  long  as  the  meffes  continue  warm, 

*  as  long  as  they  eat  in  filence,  as  long  as  the  qua- 
?  lities  of  the  food  are  not  declared  by  them,  fo 
c  long  the  manes  fealf  on  it. 

c  238.  c  What  a  Brahmen  eats  with  his  head 

*  covered,  what  he  eats  with  his  face  to  the  fouth, 

*  what  he  eats  with  fandals  on  his  feet,  the  demons 
‘  afluredlv  devour. 

239.  1  Let  not  a  Chandala ,  a  town  boar,  a  cock, 

-  a  dog,  a  woman  in  her  courfes,  or  an  eunuch, 
c  fee  the  Brahmens  eating  : 

240.  f  That  which  any  one  of  them  fees  at  the 
K  oblation  to  fire,  at  a  folemn  donation  of  cows 

*  and  gold,  at  a  repafl  given  to  Brahmens ,  at  holy 

*  rites  to  the  gods,  and  at  the  obfequies  to  ancef- 

*  tors,  produces  not  the  intended  fruit  : 

241.  ‘  The  boar  deflroys  it  by  his  fmell ;  the 

*  cock,  by  the  air  of  his  wings;  the  dog,  by  the 
c  cafl:  of  a  look  ;  the  man  of  the  lowed  clafs,  by 
9  the  touch. 

242.  *  If  a  lame  man,  or  a  man  with  one  eye, 
c  or  a  man  with  a  limb  defeflive  or  redundant, 

1  be  even  a  fervant  of  the  giver,  him  alfo  let  his 
9  mafier  remove  from  the  place. 

243.  f  Should 



244.  c  Should  another  Brahmen,  or  a  mendicant, 
come  to  his  houfe  for  food,  let  him,  hiving  ob¬ 
tained  permiffion  from  the  invited  Brahmens,  en¬ 
tertain  the  flranger  to  the  bed  of  his  power. 

244.  c  Having  brought  together  all  the  forts  of 
food,  as  dreffed  rice  and  the  J ike,  and  Sprinkling 
them  with  water,  let  him  place  diem  before  the 
Brahmens ,  who  have  eaten  ;  dropping  fome  on 
the  blades  of  cmn-grafs,  which  have  been  fpread 
on  the  ground. 

245.  c  What  remains  in  the  difhes,  and  what 
has  been  dropped  on  the  blades  of  cus  a,  mud 
be  confidered  as  the  portion  of  deceafed  Brah¬ 
mens,  not  girt  with  the  facrificial  thread,  and  of 
fuch  as  have  deferted  unreasonably  the  women  of 
their  own  tribe. 

246.  c  The  refidue,  that  has  fallen  on  the  ground 
at  the Jraddha  to  the  manes,  the  wife  have  de¬ 
cided  to  be  the  (hare  of  all  the  Servants,  who  are 
not  crooked  in  their  ways,  nor  lazy  and  ill 

247.  ‘  Before  the  obfequies  to  anceftors  as  far 
as  the  fixth  degree,  they  mud  be  performed  to  a 
Brahmen  recently  deceafed  ;  but  the  performer  of 
them  mud,  in  that  cafe,  give  the  Jraddha  without 
the  ceremony  to  the  gods,  and  offer  only  one 
round  cake  ;  and  theje  obfequies  for  a  Jingle  anccftor 
Jhould  be  annually  performed  on  the  day  of  his  death: 

248.  ‘  When,  afterwards ,  the  obfequies  to  an- 
cedors  as  far  as  the  fixth  degree,  inclufively  of 
him,  are  performed  according  to  law,  then  mud 
the  offering  of  cakes  be  made  by  the  defen¬ 
dants  in  the  manner  before  ordained  for  the 
monthly  ceremonies . 

249.  *  That  fool,  who,  having  eaten  of  the 
Jraddha ,  gives  the  refidue  of  it  to  a  man  of  the 

G  2  <  fervile 



f  fervile  clafs,  falls  headlong  down  to  the  hell 
4  named  Cdlafutra . 

250.  ‘  Should  the  eater  of  a  Jrdddha  enter,  on 

*  the  fame  day,  the  bed  of  a  fcducing  woman,  his 

<  anceftors  would  fleep  for  that  month  on  her  ex-* 

*  cremenr. 

251.  *  Having,  by  the  word  Jwaditam ,  afked 
4  the  Brahmens  if  they  have  eaten  well,  let  him 

<  give  them,  being  fatisfied,  water  for  an  ablut ior, 

*  and  courteoufly  fay  to  them,  fc  Reft  cither  at 

*  home  or  here.” 

252.  f  Then  let  the  Brahmens addrefs  him,  faying 
4  jwadhd ;  for  in  all  ceremonies  relating  to  decealed 

*  anc  (tors,  the  worb  Jwadhd  is  the  higheft  benifon. 

2  ^3.  ‘  After  that,  let  him  inform  thofe,  who 
4  have  eaten  of  the  lood  that  lemains  ;  and  being 
4  ,nftru<fted  bv  the  Brahmens ,  let  him  difpofe  of  ft 

*  as  thev  may  dired. 

254.  e  At  the  dole  of  the  Jr&ddba  to  his  nncef- 
4  tors,  he  muff  afk  if  the  Brahmens  are  fatisned, 

*  by  the  word  fwadita  after  that  for  his  family 
4  by  the  word  Jufruta  \  alter  that  for  his  own  ad- 
4  vancement,  by  the  w  ord  Jampanna,  after  that 
4  which  has  been  offered  to  the  gods,  by  the  word 
1  rnchita. 

2^5.  ‘  The  afternoon,  the  ex/a-grafs,  the  clean- 
4  fing  of  the  gro  nd,  the  tilas>  the  liberal  gifts  of 
4  food,  the  due  preparation  for  the  repaft  and  the 

*  company  of  mod  exalced  Brahmens  y  are  true  riches 
4  in  theobfequie'  to  anceflors. 

256.  4  The  blades  of  cusa>  the  holy  texts,  the 
4  forenoon,  all  the  oblations,  which  will  prejently 
4  he  enumerated ,  and  the  purification  before  men- 
4  tioned,  are  to  be  confidered  as  wealth  ip  the 
4  Jrdddha  to  he  gods  : 

2  s7*  ‘  Such  wild  grains  as  are  eaten  by  hermits, 
®  milk,  the  juice  ol  the  moonplant,  meat  untainted, 

4  and 



«  a  d  fait  unprepared  by  art,  are  held  things  fit,  in 

*  their  own  nature,  for  the  iafl  mentioned  offering. 

258.  ‘  Having  difmiffed  the  i  vited  brahmens , 

‘  Keeping  his  mihd  attentive,  and  his  fpecch  fup- 

*  preffed,  let  him,  after  an  ablution,  look  toward 
4  tHe  fouth,  and  afk  thefe  bleffings  of  the  PitriS  : 

259.  <f  May  generous  give  s  abo  nd  in  our 
c  houfe  !  mav  the  icriptures  be  (ludied,  and  pro- 
4  geny  ncreafe  in  it  !  may  faith  never  depart  from 

*  us !  and  may  we  have  much  to  bellow  on  the 
4  needy  l*1 

260.  c  Thus  having  ended  th tfraddha,  let  him 

*  caufe  a  cow,  a  pnell,  a  kid,  or  the  fire,  to  de- 
«  vour  what  remains  of  the  cakes  ,*  or  let  him  caff 

*  them  into  the  waters. 

261.  ‘  Some  make  the  offering  of  the  round 

<  cakes  after  the  repaft  of  the  Brahmens ;  fome 

<  caufe  thi  birds  to  eat  what  remains,  or  caff  it 

*  into  watfcr  or  fire. 

262.  ‘  Let  a  lawful  wife,  ever  dutiful  to  her 

*  lord,  and  con  'antly  honouring  his  anceflors,  eat 

<  the  middlemofl  of  the  three  cakes,  a  that  offered 

<  to  bis  paternal  grandfather ,  with  due  ceremonies, 

4  praying  for  offspring  : 

26  >  4  So  may  fhe  bring  forth  a  fon,  who  will 
'  be  long  lived,  famed,  and_  llrong  minded, 

<  wealchy^having  numerous  defeendants,  endued 

*  with  the  bed  of  qualities*  and  performing  a  l 

*  duties  religiou  and  civil. 

26  l.  *  Then,  having  wafhed  both  his  hands  and 

<  fi pped  water,  let  him  prepare  fome  rice  for  his 
1  paternal  kinfmen  ;  2nd,  having  given  it  them 
4  with  due  reverence,  let  him  prepare  fo  >d  a  fo 

*  for  his  maternal  relations. 

265.  *  Let  the  refidue  continue  in  its  place, 

*  until  the  Brahmens  have  been  dilmiffed  ;  and 

G  3  4  then 



*  then  let  him  perform  the  remaining  domeftiGk 
4  facraments. 

266.  4  What  fort  of  oblations,  given  duly  to 
c  the  manes,  are  capable  of  fatisfying  them,  fora 
c  long  time  or  for  eternity,  I  will  now  declare 
c  without  omiffion. 

267.  c  The  anceftors  of  men  are  fatisfied  a 
4  whole  month  with  tila,  rice,  barley,  black 
‘  lentils  or  vetches,  water,  roots,  and  fruit,  given 

*  with  prefcribed  ceremonies  ; 

268.  c  Two  months,  with  fifh  ;  three  months, 
4  with  venifon  ;  four,  with  mutton;  five,  with  the 
4  flefh  of  Juch  birds,  as  the  twice  bom  may  eat  : 

269.  c  Six  months,  with  the  flefh  of  kids  ;  fe- 
4  ven,  with  that  of  fpotted  deer ;  eight,  with  that 
4  of  the  deer,  or  antelope,  called  ena  -7  nine,  with 
4  that  of  the  rum  : 

270.  c  Ten  months  are  they  fatisfied  with  the 

*  flefh  of  wild  boars  and  wild  buffalos  ;  eleven, 
4  with  that  of  rabbits  or  hares,  and  of  tortoifes  ; 

271.  c  A  whole  year  with  the  milk  of  cows, 
4  and  food  made  of  that  milk  ;  from  the  flefh  of 
r  the  long  eared  white  goat,  their  fatisfadlion  en~ 
c  dures  twelve  years. 

272.  4  The  potherb  calajaca ,  the  fifh  mahcfalca, 
4  or  the  diodGn,  the  flefh  of  a  rhinoceros,  or  of  an 
4  iron-coloured  kid,  honey,  and  all  fuch  forefl 
4  grains  as  are  eaten  by  hermits,  are  formed  far 
4  their  fatisfadlion  without  end. 

273.  4  Whatever  pure  food,  mixed  with  honey, 
c  a  man  offers  on  the  thirteenth  day  of  the  moon, 
c  in  the  fcafon  of  rain,  and  under  the  lunar  afte- 
4  rifm  Maghd,  has  likewife  a  ceafelefs  duration. 

274.  44  Oh  !  may  that  man,  fay  the  manes,  be 
4  born  in  our  line,  who  may  give  us  milky  food, 
c  with  honey  and  pure  butter,  both  on  the  thir— 

4  teemh 


teenth  of  the  moon,  and  when  the  fhadow  of  an 
elephant  falls  to  the  ead  V9 

27 5.  4  Whatever  a  man,  endued  with  ftrong 
faith,  pioufly  offers,  as  the  law  has  diretted, 
becomes  a  perpetual  unperifhable  gratification 
to  his  ancedors  in  the  other  world  : 

276.  4  The  tenth  and  fo  forth,  except  the 
fourteenth,  in  the  dark  half  of  the  month,  are 
the  lunar  days  mod  approved  for  facred  obfe- 
quies :  as  they  are>  fo  are  not  the  others. 

277.  4  He,  who  does  honour  to  the  manes,  on 
even  lunar  days,  and  under  even  lunar  dations, 
enjoys  all  his  defircs  ;  on  odd  lunar  days,  and 
under  odd  lunar  aderifms,  he  procures  an  illuf- 
trious  race. 

278.  4  As  the  latter  or  dark  half  of  the  month 
furpaffes,  for  the  celebration  of  obfcquies,  the 
former,  or  bright  halfj  fo  the  latter  half  of  the 
day  furpaffes,  for  the  fame  p urpofe>  the  former 
half  of  it. 

279;  4  The  oblation  to  anceflors  mud  be  duly 
made,  even  to  the  conclufion  of  it  with  the  di/iri~ 
bution  to  the  fervants,  (or  even  to  the  clofe  of 
life,)  in  the  form  prefcribed,  by  a  Brahmen  wear¬ 
ing  his  thread  on  his  right  fhoulder,  proceeding 
from  left  to  right,  without  remiffnefs,  and  with 
cus  d-grafs  in  his  hand. 

280.  4  Obfcquies  mud  not  be  performed  by 
night ;  fince  the  night  is  called  racfbas)  or  infejled 
by  demons ;  nor  while  the  fun  is  riling  or  fetting, 
nor  when  it  has  jud  rifen. 

281.  4  A  houfe-keeper,  unable  to  give  a  monthly 
repajl ,  may  perform  obfequies  here  below,  ac¬ 
cording  to  the  facred  ordinance,  only  thrice  a 
year,  in  the  feafons  of  hemanta,  grifhma ,  and 

G  4  4  verfiZ ; 

88  •  ON  MARRIAGF, 

4  verjhh ;  but  the  five  facraments  he  muft  perform 
4  daily. 

282.  4  The  facrificial  oblation  at  obfequies  to 
4  anceftors,  is  ordained  to  be  made  in  no  vulgar 
4  fire;  nor  fhou’d  the  monthly  fraddha  of  that 

*  Brahmen,  who  keeps  a  perpetual  fire,  be  made  on 
4  any  day,  except  on  that  of  the  conjun&ion. 

283.  4  When  a  twice  born  man,  having  per- 
4  formed  his  ablution,  offers  a  fatrsfa&ion  to  the 
r  mams  with  water  only,  being  unable  to  give  a 
4  repaft,  he  gains  by  that  offering  all  the  fruit  of  a 
4  Jraddha . 

284.  <  The  wife  call  our  fathers,  Va/us ;  our 

*  paternal  grandfathers,  Rudras  ;  our  paternal  great 
4  grandfathers,  Adityas ;  (that  is-  all  are  to  be  re- 
4  vered as  deities,)  and  to  this  effed:  there  is  a  pri— 
4  meval  text  in  the  Veda. 

285.  4  Let  a  man,  who  is  able,  continually  feed 

*  on  vigha[a3  and  continually  feed  on  amrita ;  by 

*  vighafa  is  meant  the  refidue  of  a  repaft  at  obfe- 
‘  quies  ;  and  by  amrita ,  the  refidue  of  a  faerifice 
4  to  the  gods. 

286.  4  This  complete  fyftem  of  rules,  for  the 
4  five  facraments  and  the  like,  has  been  declared  to 
4  you  :  no\v  hear  the  law  for  thofe  means  of  fub- 
4  fiftence,  which  the  chief  of  the  twice  born  may 
6  feek. 

(  *0  ) 


Oh  Ecommtchs ;  and  Private  Morals* 

1.  4  Let  a  Brahmen,  having  dwelt  with  a  pre  • 
4  ceptor  during  the  fird  quarter  of  a  man’s  life, 
‘  pais  the  feCcjnd  quarter  of  human  life  in  his  own 
4  houfe,  when  he  has  contracted  a  legal  marriage. 

2.  ‘  He  mult  live,  with  no  inury,  or  with  the 

*  lead  pollible  injury,  to  animated  beings,  by 

*  purfuing  thofe  means  of  gaining  fubfidericc, 
4  w’hich  are  ftriCtly  prefcribed  by  law,  except  in 
4  times  of  didrefs  : 

3.  4  For  the  foie  purpofe  of  fupporting  life, 
4  let  him  acquire  property  by  thofe  irreproach- 
4  able  occupations,  which  are  peculiar  to  his  rlafs, 
4  and  unattended  with  bodily  pain. 

4.  c  He  may  live  by  r.ta  and  amnta,  or,  if  tie* 
4  cejfary ,  by  mrita  or  pramritd ,  or  even  by  fat- 
i  yanrita  ;  but  never  let  him  fubfifl  by  Jwavr  tti : 

*  By  rita ,  mud  be  underdood  lawful  glcan- 
4  ing  and  gathering ;  by  amrlta ,  what  is  given 
4  unafked ;  by  mrita,  what  is  afked  as  alms ,  til- 
4  lage  ‘s  called  pr amnia  , 

6.  4  Trafhck  and  money  lending  are  Jatyannta ; 
4  even  by  them,  when  he  is  deeply  d  if  re /fed,  may 
4  he  fupport  life  ;  but  fervice  for  hire  is  named 
4  JwavrUti ,  or  dog  living,  and  of  courfc  he  mud  by 
4  all  means  avoid  it. 

7.  4  He 



7.  c  He  may  either  (lore  up  grain  for  three 
4  years  ;  or  garner  up  enough  for  one  year ;  or 
4  collcdt  what  may  laft  three  days,  or  make  no 
4  provifion  for  the  morrow. 

8.  c  Of  the  four  Brahmens  keeping  houfe,  who 
4  follow  thofe  four  different  modes y  a  preference  is 
4  given  to  the  laft  in  order  fucceffively ;  &s  to 
4  him,  who  moft  completely  by  virtue  has  van- 
4  quifhed  the  world  : 

9.  4  One  of  them  fubfifts  by  all  the  fix  means 
*  of  livelihood  ;  another  by  three  of  them  ;  a 
4  third  by  two  only  ;  and  a  fourth  lives  barely  on 
4  continually  teaching  the  Veda, 

jo.  4  He,  who  fuftains  himfclf  by  picking  up 
4  grains  and  ears,  muft  attach  himielf  to  lome 
4  altar  of  confecrated  fire,  but  conftantlv  perform 
4  thofe  rites  only,  which  end  with  the  dark  and 
4  bright  fortnights  and  with  the  folftices. 

11.  4  Let  him  never,  for  the  fake  of  a  fub- 
4  fiftence,  have  recourfe  to  popular  converfation  • 
4  let  him  live  by  the  conduct  of  a  prieft,  neither 
4  crooked,  nor  artful,  nor  blended  with  the  manners 
4  of  the  mercantile  clefs. 

12.  4  Let  him,  if  he  feek  happinefs,  be  firm  in 
4  perfect  content,  and  check  all  defire  of  acquiring 
4  more  than  he  pcffeffes ;  for  happinefs  has  its  root 
4  in  content,  and  difeontent  is  the  root  of  mifery. 

13.  4  A  Brahmen  keeping  houfe,  and  fupport- 
4  ing  himfelf,  by  any  of  the  legal  means  before- 
4  mentioned,  muft  difeharge  thefe  following  duties, 
4  which  conduce  to  fame,  length  of  life,  and  bea^ 
f  titude. 

14.  4  Let  him  daily,  without  flotli,  perform  his 
4  peculiar  duty,  which  the  Veda  preferibes  ;  lor 
4  he  who  performs  that  duty ,  as  well  as  he  is  able* 
4  attains  the  higheft  path  to  fupreme  blifs. 



1$.  4  He  muft  not  gain  wealth  by  mnfick  or 
4  dancings  or  by  any  art  that  pleafes  the  fenfe  ;  nor 
«  by  any  prohibited  art ;  nor,  whether  he  be  rich 
<  or  poor,  muft  he  receive  gifts  indifcriminately. 

1 6.  4  Let  him  not,  from  a  felfifh  appetite,  be 
4  drongly  addi&ed  to  any  fenfual  gratification ; 

4  let  him,  by  improving  his  intellect,  ftudioufly 
4  preclude  an  exceffive  attachment  to  fuch  plea- 
4  fures,  even  though  lawful . 

17.  ‘  All  kinds  of  wealth,  that  may  impede 
4  his  reading  the  Veda,  let  him  wholly  abandon, 

4  perfifting  by  all  means  in  the  dudy  of  fcripture  ; 

4  for  that  will  be  found  his  mod  beneficial  at- 
4  tainment. 

18.  4  Let  him  pafs  through  this  life,  bringing 
4  his  apparel,  his  difcourfe,  and  his  frame  of  mind, 

4  to  conformity  with  his  age,  his  occupations,  his 
4  property,  his  divine  knowledge,  and  his  family. 

19.  4  Each  day  let  him  examine  thofe  holy 
4  books,  which  foon  give  increafe  of  wifdom  ;  and 
4  thofe,  which  teach  the  means  of  acquiring  wealth  ; 

4  thole,  which  are  falutary  to  life ;  and  thofe 
4  nigamas ,  which  are  explanatory  of  the  Veda  ; 

20.  4  Since,  as  far  as  a  man  dudies  completely 
4  the  fyflem  of  facred  literature,  fo  far  only  can  he 
4  become  eminently  learned,  and  fo  far  may  hrs 
4  learning  fhine  brightly. 

21.  4  The  facrament3l  oblations  to  fages,  to 
4  the  gods,  to  fpirits,  to  men,  and  to  his  ancedors, 

4  let  him  condantly  perform  to  the  bed  of  hrs 
4  power. 

22.  4  Some,  who  well  know  the  ordinances 
4  for  thofe  oblations,  perform  not  always  exter- 
4  nally  the  five  great  facraments,  but  continually 
4  make  offerings  in  their  own  organs  of  Jenfaticn 
4  and  intellect : 

23.  4  Some 



23.  4  Some  conftantly  facrifice  their  breath  in I 
4  their  fpeech,  when  they  injliruft  others,  or  praife 
4  God  aloud ,  and  their  fpeech  in  their  breath,  when 
4  they  711  edi date  infilence ;  perceiving  in  their  fpeech 
4  and  breath,  employed,  the  unperifhable  frtfit 
4  of  a  facrificial  offering: 

24.  4  Other  Brahmens  inceiTantly  perform  thofe 
4  facrifices  with  fcriptural  knowledge  only;  feeing 
4  with  the  eye  of  divine  learning,  that  fcriptural 
4  knowledge  is  the  root  of  every  ceremonial  ob- 
4  fervance. 

25.  4  L  et  a  Brahmen  perpetually  make  obla- 
4  tions  to  confecrated  fire  at  the  beginning  and 
4  end  of  day  and  night,  and  at  the  clofe  of  each 
4  fortnight,  or  at  the'  conjunction  and  oppofition: 

26.  4  At  the  feafon,  when  old  gram  is  ufu&lly 
4  cohfumed,  let  him  offer  new  grain  for  a  plenti- 
4  ful  harveft  5  and  at  the  clofe  of  the  feafon,  let 
4  him  perform  the  rites  called  aahvara  ;  at  the 
4  folftices,  let  him  facrifice  cattle  ;  at  the  end  of 
4  the  year,  let  his  oblations  be  made  with  the 
4  juice  of  the  moon  plant: 

27.  4  Not  having  offered  grain  for  the  harveft, 
4  nor  cattle  at  thejime  cf  ihe  folflice ,  let  no  Brah - 
4  men,  who  keeps  hallowed  fire,  and  wifhes  for 
4  long  life,  tafte  rice  or  fiefia ; 

28.  4  Since  the  holy  fires,  not  being  honoured 
4  with  new  grain  and  with  a  facrifice  of  cattle,- 
4  are  greedy  for  rice  and  flefh,  and  fcek  to  devour 
4  his  vital  fpirits. 

29.  4  Let  him  take  care,  to  the  utrnoft  of  hrs 
4  power,  that  no  gueft  fojourn  in  his  houfe  un- 
4  honoured  with  a  feat,  with  food,  with  a  bed,  with 
4  water,-  with  elculent  roots,  and  with  fruit : 

30.  4  But  let  him  not  honour  with  his  conver- 
4  fation  fuch  as  do  forbidden  adts  ;  fuch  as  fubfift, 

4  like 





t  like  cats,  by  interejled  craft ;  fuch  as  believe 
t  not  the  feripture ;  fuch  as  oppugn  it  by  fo- 
phifms ;  or  fuch  as  live  like  rapacious  water 

31.  9  With  oblations  to  the  gods  and  to  an- 

*  ceftors,  let  him  do  reverence  to  Brahmens  of  the 
€  fecond  order,  who  are  learned  in  theology,  who 

*  have  returned  home  from  their  preceptors,  after 
1  having  performed  their  religious  duties  and  fully 
1  fludied  the  Veda  $  but  men  of  an  oppofite  de- 
9  feription  let  him  avoid. 

32.  4  Gifts  muft  be  made  by  each  houfekeeper, 
4  as  far  as  he  has  ability,  to  religious  mendicants, 

*  though  heteroviox  ;  and  a  juft  portion  muft  be 
€  referved,  without  inconvenience  to  his  family, 
9  for  all  fencienc  beings,  animal  and  vegetable. 

33.  4  A  prieft,  who  is  mafter  of  a  family,  and 

*  pines  with  hunger,  may  leek  wealth  from  a 
9  king  of  the  military  clajs ,  from  a  facrificer,  or 

*  his  own  pupil,  but  from  no  perfon  elfe,  unlejs 
9  all  other  helps  fail:  thus  will  he  Jhew  his  refpe& 
9  for  the  law. 

34.  4  Let  no  prieft,  who  keeps  houfe,  and  is 
9  able  to  procure  food>  ever  walte  himfelf  with 

*  hunger  •,  nor,  when  he  has  any  fubftance,  let 
1  him  wear  old  or  fordid  clothes. 

3^.  9  His  hair,  nails,  and  beard  being  clipped  , 
9  his  pajfions ,  lubdued  ;  his  mantle,  white;  his 

*  body,  pure;  let  him  diligently  occupy  himfelf 

*  in  reading  the  Veda,  and  be  conftantly  intent  on 
9  fuch  afts,  as  may  be  falurary  to  him. 

30.  4  Let  him  carry  a  ftafF  of  Venn,  an  ewer 
c  with  water  in  it,  a  handful  of  cits  a- grafs,  or  a 
9  copy  of  the  Veda  ;  with  a  pair  of  bright  golden 

*  rings  in  his  eais. 

37,  4  He  muft  not  gaze  on  the  lun  whether 




<  rifing  or  fetting,  or  eclipfed,  or  refledted  in 
■  water,  or  advanced  to  the  middle  of  the  fky. 

38.  f  Over  a  firing,  to  which  a  calf  is  tied,  let 
c  him  not  ftep;  nor  let  him  run  while  it  rains; 
4  nor  let  him  look  on  his  own  image  in  water; 
f  this  is  a  fettled  rule. 

39.  4  By  a  mound  of  earth,  by  a  cow,  by  an 
c  idol,  by  a  Brahmen,  by  a  pot  of  clarified  butter, 
*  or  of  honey,  by  a  place  where  four  ways  meet, 
f  and  by  large  trees  well  known  in  the  aiftridt, 
4  let  him  pals  with  his  right  hand  toward  them. 

4c.  c  Let  him  not,  though  mad  with  defire, 
4  approach  hi^  wife,  when  her  courfes  appear; 
c  nor  let  him  then  deep  with  her  in  the  fame  bed  ; 

41.  4  Since  the  knowdedge,  the  manhood,  the 
4  (Length,  the  eve- fight,  even  the  vital  fpirit  of 
c  him,  who  approaches  his  wife  jthus  defiled,  ut- 
4  terly  perifh  ; 

42.  4  But  the  knowledge,  the  manhood,  the 
4  (Length,  the  fight,  and  the  life  of  him,  who 
4  avoids  her  in  that  date  of  defilement,  are  greatly 
4  incrcafed. 

43.  4  Let  him  neither  eat  with  his  wife,  nor 
4  look  at  her  eating,  or  fneezing,  or  yawning,  or 
4  fitting  carelefsly  at  her  eafe  ; 

44.  4  Nor  let  a  Brahmen ,  who  defires  manly 
4  (Length,  behold  her  fetting  off  her  eyes  with 
c  black  powder,  or  fcenting  herfelf  with  effences, 
4  or  baring  her  bofom,  or  bringing  fqrth  a  child. 

45.  4  Let  him  not  eat  his  food,  wearing  only 
4  a  fingle  cloth  ;  nor  let  him  bathe  quite  naked  ; 
4  nor  let  him  ejedt  urine  or  feces  in  the  highway, 
4  nor  on  afhes,  nor  where  kine  are  grazing. 

46.  4  Nor  on  tilled  ground,  nor  in  water,  nor 
f  on  wood  raifed  for  burning,  nqr,  i^nlejs  he  be  in 




c  great  need ,  on  a  mountain,  nor  on  the  ruins  of  3. 

*  temple,  nor  at  any  time  on  a  ncft  of  white  ants, 

47.  4  Nor  in  ditches  with  living  creatures  in 
5  them,  nor  walking,  nor  (landing,  nor  on  the 
5  bank  of  a  river,  nor  on  the  fumipit  of  a  moun- 

*  tain  : 

48.  4  Nor  let  him  ever  ejeift  them,  looking  at 

*  things  moved  by  the  wind,  or  at  fire,  or  at  a  prieft, 
f  or  at  the  fun,  or  at  water,  or  at  cattle  ; 

49.  *  But  let  him  void  his  excrements,  having 
4  covered  the  earth  with  wood,  potherbs,  dry  leaver 
4  and  grafs,  or  the  like,  carefully  fupprefting  hi$ 

*  utterance,  wrapping  up  his  bread  and  his  head  : 

50.  4  By  day  let  him  void  them  with  his  face  to 
4  the  north  ;  by  night,  with  his  face  to  the  fouth  $ 

4  at  fun  rife  and  at  fun  fet,  in  the  fame  manner  as 
4  by  day ; 

51.  4  In  the  fhade  or  in  darknefs,  whether  by 
4  day  or  by  night,  let  a  Brahmen  eafe  nature  with 
4  his  face  turned  as  he  pleafes  ;  and  in  places  where 
4  he  fears  injury  to  life,  from  wild  beafls  or  from 
4  reptiles. 

52.  4  Of  him,  who  fhould  urine  againft  fire, 

4  againft  the  fun,  or  the  moon,  againft  a  twice 
4  born  man,  a  cow,  or  the  wind,  all  the  facrcd 
4  knowledge  would  perifh. 

53.  4  Let  him  not  blow  the  fire  with  his  mouth; 

4  let  him  not  fee  his  wife  naked  ;  let  him  nop 
4  throw  any  foul  thing  into  fire;  nor  let  him 
c  warm  his  feet  in  it ; 

54.  4  Nor  let  him  place  it  in  a  chafing  dijh  un- 
4  der  bis  bed ;  nor  let  him  ftride  over  it  ;  nor  let 
4  him  keep  it,  while  he  flecpsy  at  his  feet  :  let  him 

4  do  nothing  that  may  be  injurious  to  life. 

55.  4  At  the  time  of  funrile  or  funfet,  let 

5  him  not  eat,  nor  travel,  nor  lie  down  to  reft  ;  let 

6  ?  him 



4  him  not  idly  draw  lines  on  the  ground  ;  nor  let 
c  him  take  offhis  own  chaplet  of  flowers. 

56.  4  Let  him  not  cafl  into  the  water  either 
c  urine  or  ordure,  nor  faliva,  nor  cloth,  or  any 
-c  other  thing  foiled  with  impurity,  nor  blood,  nor 

*  any  kinds  of  poifon. 

57.  4  Let  him  not  fleep  alone  in  an  empty 
4  houfe;  nor  let  him  wake  a  ileeping  man  1 juperiour 
4  to  himfelf  in  wealth  and  iri  learning ;  nor  let  him 
4  fpeak  to  a  woman  at  the  time  of  her  courfes  ; 
4  nor  let  him  go  to  perform  a  facrifice,  unattended 
4  by  an  officiating  prieft . 

58.  4  In  a  temple  of  conjecr at ed  fre,  in  the  paf- 
c  ture  of  kine,  in  the  prefence  of  Brahmens,  in 
4  reading  the  Veda,  and  in  earing  his  food,  let  him 
4  hold  out  his  right  arm  uncovered. 

59.  4  Let  him  not  interrupt  a  cow  while  foe  is 
4  drinking,  nor  give  notice  to  any,  whofe  milk  or 
4  water  foe  drinks  ;  nor  let  him  who  knows  right 
4  from  wrong ,  and  fees  in  the  fky  the  bow  of  Indra, 

*  ihow  it  to  any  man. 

60.  4  Let  him  not  inhabit  a  town,  in  which 
4  civil  and  religious  duties  are  negle&ed  ;  nor  for 
4  a  long  time,  one  in  which  difeafcs  are  frequent  ; 
4  let  him  not  begin  a  journey  alone;  let  him  not 
4  refide  long  on  a  mountain. 

61.  4  Let  him  not  dwell  in  a  city  governed  by 
4  a  S'dra  king,  nor  in  o  e  furrounded  with  men 
4  unobfcrvant  of  their  duties,  nor  in  one  abounding 
4  with  profelTed  hereticks,  nor  in  one  fwarming 
‘-with  low  born  outcafts. 

62.  4  Let  him  eat  no  vegetable,  from  which  the 
4  oil  has  been  extradled  ;  nor  indulge  his  appetite 
:  to  fatiety ;  nor  eat  either  tc  )  early  or  too  late  ; 
f  nor  take  any  feed  in  the  evening,  if  he  have  eaten 
f  to  fullnefs  in  the  morning. 

63.  Let 



63.  ‘  Let  him  make  no  vain  corporeal  exer- 

*  tion  :  let  him  not  (ip  water  taken  up  with  his 
4  clopd  fingers  :  let  him  eat  nothing  placed  in  his 

*  lap  :  let  him  never  take  pleafure  in  alking  idle 

*  questions. 

64.  4  Let  him  neither  dance,  nor  ling,  nor 
4  play  on  mufical  inftruments,  except  it  rei'g:ous 
4  rites ;  nor  let  him  (Like  his  arm,  or  gnafli  his 
‘  teeth,  or  make  a  braying  noife,  though  agitated 
4  by  paflion. 

65.  4  Let  him  not  wafh  his  feet  in  a  pan  of 
4  mixed  yellow  metal ;  nor  let  him  eat  from  a 
4  broken  difh,  nor  where  his  mind  is  dillurbed 
4  with  anxious  apprehenfions. 

66.  ‘  Let  him  not  ufe  either  flippers  or  clothes, 

4  or  a  facerdotal  ftring,  or  an  ornament,  or  a  gar- 
‘  land,  or  a  water  pot,  which  before  have  been 
4  11  fed  by  another. 

67.  4  With  untrained  beads  of  burden  let  him 
4  not  travel ;  nor  with  fuch  as  are  opprefled  by 
4  hunger  or  by  difeafe  ;  nor  with  fuch  as  have  im- 
‘  perfect  horns,  eyes,  or  hoofs ;  nor  with  fuch  as 

*  have  ragged  tails  : 

68.  ‘  But  let  him  conftantly  travel  with  beads 
4  well  trained,  whofe  pace  is  quick,  w'ho  bear  all 
4  the  marks  of  a  good  breed,  who  have  an  agree- 

*  able  colour,  and  a  beautiful  form ;  giving  them 
4  very  little  pain  with  his  wnip. 

69.  4  The  fun  in  the  fign  of  Canyd,  the  fmoke 
‘  ot  a  burning  corle,  and  a  broken  leat,  mult  be 
4  fhunned  :  he  mud  never  cut  his  own  hair  and 
4  nails,  nor  ever  tear  his  nails  with  his  teeth. 

70.  4  Let  him  not  break  mould  or  clav  u'  thoiit 
4  caufe :  let  him  not  cut  grals  with  his  nails:  let 

*  him  neither  indulge  any  vain  fancy,  nor  do  any 
4  a&  that  can  bring  no  future  advantage  : 

H  71.  *  He 



*7  r .  *  He,  who  thus  idly  breaks  clay,  or  cuts 
4  grafs,  or  bites  his  nails,  will  fpeedily  (ink  to 
4  ruin  ;  and  fo  Jkall  a  detra&cr,  and  an  unclean 

*  perfon. 

72.  4  Let  him  ufe  no  contumelious  phrafe; 
€  let  him  wear  no  garland  except  on  his  hair  :  to 
f  ride  on  the  back  of  a  bull  or  cow,  is  in  ail 
€  modes  culpable. 

73.  6  Let  him  not  pafs,  othcrwife  than  by  the 
4  gate,  into  a  walled  town  or  an  enclofed  houfe  ; 
4  and  by  night  let  him  keep  aloof  from  the  roots 

*  of  trees. 

74.  1  Never  let  him  play  with  dice  :  let  him 
4  not  put  off  his  fandals  with  his  hand  :  let  him 
4  not  ear,  while  he  reclines  on  a  bed,  nor  what  is 
4  placed  in  his  hand,  or  on  a  bench  ; 

75.  4  Nor,  when  the  fun  is  fet,  let  him  eat  any 
4  thing  mixed  with  tila ;  nor  let  him  ever,  in  this 
4  world,  deep  quite  naked;  nor  let  him  go  any 

*  whither  with  a  remnant  of  food  in  his  gaourh. 

76.  4  Let  him  take  his  food,  having  fprinkled 
4  his  feet  with  water  5  but  never  let  him  fleep 
4  with  his  feet  wet :  he,  who  takes  his  food  with 
4  his  feet  fo  fprinkled,  will  attain  long  life. 

77.  *  Let  him  never  advance  into  a  place  un- 
€  diftinguiftiable  by  his  eye,  or  not  eafily  paffable  2 

*  never  let  him  look  at  urine  or  ordure;  nor  let 
4  him  pafs  a  river  fwimming  with  his  arms. 

78.  4  Let  not  a  man,  who  deiires  to  enjoy  long 
4  life,  (land  upon  hair,  nor  upon  allies,  bones,  or 
4  potfherds,  nor  upon  fqeds  of  cotton,  nor  upon 

*  hulks  of  grain. 

79.  4  Nor  let  him  tarry  even  under  the  Jhade  of 
€  the  fame  tree  with  outcafls  for  great  crimes,  nor 
4  with  Chandalas ,  nor  with  Puccafas ,  nor  with 
4  idiots,  nor  with  men  proud  of  wealth,  nor  with 

7  4  wajher - 


zvafhermcn  and  other  vile  perfons,  nor  with  An- 


So.  *  Let  him  not  give  even  temporal  advice  to 
a  Sudra  ;  nor,  except  to  his  own  fervant ,  what  re¬ 
mains  from  his  table  ;  nor  clarified  butter,  of 
which  part  has  been  offered  to  the  grds ;  nor  let 
him  in  perfon  give  fpiritual  counfel  to  ’fuch  a 
man,  nor  perfonally  inform  him  of  the  legal  ex¬ 
piation  for  his  fin  : 

81.  ‘  Surely  he,  who  declares  the  law  to  a 
fervile  man,  and  he,  who  inftru&s  him  in  the 
mode  of  expiating  fin,  except  by  the  intervention 
of  a  pried ,  finks  with  that  very  man  into  the 
hell  named  Afamvrita . 

82.  ‘  Let  him  not  ftroke  his  head  with  both 
hands ;  nor  let  him  even  touch  it,  while  food 
remains  in  his  mouth ;  not  without  bathing  it3 
let  him  bathe  his  body. 

83.  ‘  Let  him  not  in  anger  lay  hold  of  hair,  or 
fmite  any  one  on  the  head ;  nor  let  him,  after 
his  head  has  been  rubbed  with  oil,  touch  with 
oil  any  of  his  limbs. 

84.  ‘  From  a  king,  not  born  in  the  military 
clafs,  let  him  accept  no  gift,  nor  from  fuch  as 
keep  a  flaughter-houfe  or  an  oil  prefs,  or  put  out 
a  vintner’s  flag,  or  fubfift  by  the  gain  of  pro- 
flitutes : 

85.  *  One  oil  prefs  is  as  bad  as  ten  flaughter- 
houfes ;  one  vintner’s  flag,  as  ten  oil  preffes ; 
one  proftitute,  as  ten  vintner’s  flags ;  one  fuch 
king,  as  ten  proftitutes  ; 

86.  ‘  With  a  flaughtcrer,  therefcrey  who  em¬ 
ploys  ten  thoufand  flaughter-houfes,  a  king,  not 
a  fcld;cr  by  birth ,  is  declared  to  be  on  a  level ; 
andy  a  gift -from  him  is  tremendous. 

87.  ‘  He,  who  receives  a  prefent  from  an  ava- 

H  2  4  ricioui 



*  ricious  king  and  a  tranfgrelfor  of  the  facred 
«  ordinances,  goes  in  fucceffion  to  the  following 

*  twenty-one  hells : 

88.  6  T ami  fra ,  Andhatamifra ,  Mahbraurava,  Ran- 
(  ravci ,  Naraca ,  Cilasutra ,  and  Mahanaraca ; 

89.  ‘  Savjivana ,  Mahavichi ,  Tap  ana.  Samp - 
‘  ratapana ,  Sanhdta ,  Sacaccla ,  Cudmala ,  Putim- 
s  rittica  ; 

90.  c  Lohafancu ,  or  /ro«  fpiked,  and  RijtJI:a , 

*  Pant’bana ,  the  river  Sdlmati,  AJipatravana ,  or 

«  y word-leaved,  for  eft,  and  LoKangaraca,  or  the  pit 
6  of  red  hot  charcoal. 

91.  ‘  Brahmens ,  who  know  this  /dze/,  who  fpeak 

<  the  words  of  the  and  who  feek  blifs  after 

*  death,  accept  no  gifts  from  a  king. 

92.  ‘  Let  the  houfe-keeper  wake  in  the  time 
4  facred  to  Bra'hmi',  the  goddejs  of  fpeech ,  that  is 

<  in  the  laft  watch  of  the  night :  let  him  then  refledt 

*  on  virtue  and  virtuous  emoluments,  on  the  bo- 

<  dily  labour  which  they  require,  and  on  the 
‘  whole  meaning  and  very  elfence  of  the  Veda . 

'  93.  (  Having  rifen,  having  done  what  nature 
«  makes  necefifary,  having  then  purified  himfelf 

<  and  fixed  his  attention,  let  him  ftand  a  long 

<  time  repeating  the  gayatu  for  the  firft  or  morning 

<  twilight ;  as^  he  muft  for  the  laid  or  evening 

<  twilight  in  its  proper  time. 

94.  4  B/  continued  repetition  of  the  gdyatr),  at 
«  the  twilights,  the  holy  fages  acquire  length  of 
‘  days,  periedt  knowledge,  reputation  during  life, 
‘  fame  after  death,  and  celeftial  glory. 

93.  c  Having  duly  performed  the  upacarma ,  or 
c  dcmejlick  ceremony  with  facred  fire,  at  the  full  moon 
f  of  Srdvana,  or  of  Bhddra ,  let  the  Brahmen ,  fully 

<  exerting  his  intellectual  powers,  read  the  Vedas 
during  four  months  and  one  fortnight : 

96.  i  Under 



96.  c  Under  the  lunar  adcrifm  Pujhya,  or  on 
*  the  fird  day  of  the  bright  half  of  Mdgba ,  and  in 
4  the  firft  part  of  the  day,  let  him  perform  out  of 
4  the  town,  the  ceremony  called  the  utferga  of  the 
4  Vedas. 

97.  *  Having  performed  that  ceremony  out  of 
4  town,  as  the  law  diredts,  let  him  defid  from 
4  reading  for  one  intermediate  night  winged  with 
4  two  days ,  or  for  that  day  and  that  following  night 
4  only  ; 

98.  4  But  after  that  intermijfion ,  let  him  atten- 
4  tively  read  the  Vedas  in  the  bright  fortnights 
4  and  in  the  dark  fortnights  let  him  condantly 
4  read  all  the  Veddngas . 

99.  4  He  muft  never  read  the  Veda  without 
4  accents  and  letters  well  pronounced  ;  nor  ever  in 
4  the  prefence  of  Sudras  ;  nor  having  begun  to  read 
4  it  in  the  lad  watch  of  the  night,  mud  he,  though 
4  fatigued,  deep  again. 

100.  4  By  the  rule  jud  mentioned  let  him  con- 
4  tinually,  with  his  faculties  exerted,  read  the 
4  Mantras ,  or  holy  texts,  compofed  in  regular 
4  ineafures  ;  and,  when  he  is  under  no  redraint, 

4  let  him  read  both  the  Mantras  and  the  Brdhmanas, 

4  or  chapters  on  the  attributes  of  God. 

101.  4  Let  a  reader  of  the  Veda,  and  a  teacher 
4  of  it  to  his  pupils,  in  the  form  preferibed,  al- 
4  ways  avoid  reading  on  the  following  prohibited 
4  days. 

102.  4  By  night,  when  the  wind  meets  his  ear, 

4  and  by  day  when  the  dud  is  collected,  be  muft 
4  not  read  in  the  feafon  of  rain  ;  fince  both  thofe 
4  times  are  declared  unfit  for  reading,  by  fuch  as 
4  know  when  the  Veda  ought  to  be  read. 

103.  4  In  lightning,  thunder,  and  rain,  or  dur- 
4  ing  the  fall  of  tage  fireballs  on  all  fides,  at  fuch 

H  3  4  times 



6  times  Menu  has  ordained  the  reading  of  fcrip- 
«  ture  to  be  deferred  till  the  fame  time  next  day. 

104.  4  When  the  pried  perceives  thofe  accidents 

*  occurring  at  once,  while  his  fires  are  kindled  for 
6  morning  and  evening  facr  fices,  then  let  him 
f  know,  that  the  Veda  muft  not  be  read  ;  and 

*  when  clouds  are  feen  gathered  out  of  feafon. 

105.  ‘  On  the  occafion  of  a  preternatural  found 
c  from  the  fky,  of  an  earthquake,  or  an  obfcura- 

*  tion  of  the  heavenly  bodies,  even  in  due  feafon, 
c  let  him  know,  that  his  reading  mud  be  poftponed 
4  till  the  proper  time  : 

106.  4  But  if,  while  his  fires  are  blazing,  the 
6  found  of  lightning  and  thunder  is  heard  without 
i  rain ,  his  reading  mud  be  difcontinued,  only 
4  while  the  phenomenon  lads ;  the  remaining 
4  event,  or  rain  alfo ,  happening,  it  mud  ceafe  for  a 
c  night  and  a  day. 

107.  4  The  reading  of  fuch,  as  wifh  to  attain 
€  the  excellent  reward  of  virtue,  mud  continually 
4  be  fufpended  in  towns  and  in  cities,  and  always 
c  where  an  offenfive  fmell  prevails. 

108.  4  In  a  didricd,  through  which  a  corpfe  is 
4  carried,  and  in  the  prefence  of  an  unjuft  perfon, 
4  the  reading  of  fcripture  mud  ceafe  ;  and  while 
4  the  found  of  weeping  is  heard  ;  and  in  a  pro- 
4  mifcuous  affembly  of  men. 

109.  4  In  water,  near  midnight,  and  while  the 
4  two  natural  excretions  are  made,  or  with  a  rem- 
4  nant  of  food  in  the  mouth,  or  when  the  frdddha 
4  has  recently  been  eaten,  let  no  man  even  medi- 
4  tate  in  his  heart  pn  the  holy  texts. . 

110.  4  A  learned  Brahmen ,  having  received  an 
4  invitation  to  the  obfequies  of  a  fingle  ancedor, 
4  muft  not  read  the  Veda  for  three  days ;  nor 

4  when 


when  the  king  has  a  fon  born  ;  nor  when  the 
dragon’s  head  caufes  nneclipfe. 
hi.  4  As  long  as  the  (cent  and  unfruofiry  of 
perfumes  remain  on  the  body  of  a  learned  pried, 
who  has  partaken  of  an  entertainment,  fo  long 
he  mud  abftain  from  pronouncing  the  texts  of 
the  Veda. 

1 1 2.  4  Let  him  not  read  lolling  on  a  couch, 
nor  with  his  feet  raifed  on  a  bench,  nor  with  his 
thighs  crofled,  nor  having  lately  fvvallowcd 
meat,  or  the  rice  and  other  food  given  on  the 
birth  or  death  of  a  relation  ; 

1 13.  *  Nor  in  a  cloud  of  dud,  nor  while  arrows 
whiz,  or  a  lute  founds ,  nor  in  either  of  the  twi¬ 
lights,  nor  at  conjunction,  nor  on  the  fourteenth 
day,  nor  at  the  oppofition,  nor  on  the  eighth 
day  of  the  moon  : 

1 14.  4  The  dark  lunar  day  deflroys  the  fpiritual 
teacher;  the  fourteenth  deftroys  the  learner  ;  the 
eighrh  and  the  day  of  the  full  moon  deftroy  all 
renumlrance  of  feripture  ;  for  which  reafons  he 
mult  avoid  reading  on  thofe  lunar  days. 

1 1 5.  4  Let  no  Brahmen  read,  w'hile  dud  falls 
like  a  fhower,  nor  while  the  quarters  of  the  fir¬ 
mament  are  inflamed,  nor  while  fhakals  yell, 
nor  vvh.le  dogs  bark  or  yelp,  nor  while  afles  or 
camels  bray,  nor  while  men  in  company  chatter. 

1 16.  4  He  mud  not  read  near  a  cemetery,  near 
a  town,  or  in  a  padure  for  kme ;  nor  in  a  man¬ 
tle  worn  before  a  time  of  dalliance;  nor  having 
jud  received  the  prelent  ufual  at  obfequies  : 

1 1 7.  4  Be  it  an  animal,  or  a  thing  inanimate,  or 
whatever  be  the  gift  at  a  frdddba ,  let  him  not, 
having  lately  accepted  it,  read  the  Vida ;  for 
fuch  a  Brahmen  is  faid  to  have  his  mouth  in  his 

II  4 

118.  c  When 



1 1 8.  ‘  When  the  town  is  befet  by  robbers,  or 
‘  an  alarm  has  been  raifed  by  fire,  and  in  all  ter- 
€  rors  from  Grange  phenomena,  let  him  know, 

*  that  his  leCture  muft  be  fufpended  till  the  due 
‘  time  ofler  the  caufe  of  terror  has  cea/ed . 

1 1 9.  ‘  The  fufpenfion  of  reading  feripture,  af- 
c  ter  a  performance  of  the  upacarma  and  utferga , 
c  mull  be  for  three  whole  nights,  by  the  man  who 

*  leeks  virtue  more  than  knowledge  ;  alfo  for  one  day 
c  and  night,  on  the  eighth  lunar  days  which  follow 

*  thofe  ceremonies,  and  on  the  nights  at  the  clofe 
c  of  the  feafons. 

120.  €  Never  let  him  read  on  horfeback,  nor 

*  on  a  tree,  nor  on  an  elephant,  nor  in  a  boat,  nor 
€  on  an  afs,  nor  on  a  camel,  nor  {landing  on  bar- 
c  ren  ground,  nor  borne  in  a  carriage  ; 

121.  ‘  Nor  during  a  verbal  altercation,  nor 

*  during  a  mutual  aflault,  nor  with  an  army,  nor 

*  in  battle,  nor  after  food,  while  his  hand  is  moift 
‘  from  walking ,  nor  with  an  indigeftion,  nor  after 

*  vomiting,  nor  with  four  eructations; 

122.  ‘  Nor  without  notice  to  a  gueft  juft  arrived, 

*  nor  while  the  wind  vehemently  blows,  nor  when 
c  blood  gufhes  from  his  body,  nor  when  it  is 
‘  wounded  by  a  weapon. 

123.  6  While  the  (train  of  the  Soman  meets  his 
c  ear,  he  {hall  not  read  the  Rich ,  or  the  Yajnflo ; 

*  nor  any  part  of  the  Veda,  when  he  has  juft  con- 

*  eluded  the  whole  ;  nor  any  other  pert,  when  he 

*  has  juft  finifhed  the  book  entitled  Aranyaca  : 

124.  ‘  The  Rigvcda  is  held  facred  to  the  gods ; 

*  the  Yajuiveda  relates  to  mankind ;  the  Samaveda 
s  concerns  the  manes  of  anceftors,  and  the  found 
1  of  it,  when  chanted,  raifes  therefore  a  notion  of 
6  fomething  impure, 

125.  ‘  Know- 


12  c.  c  Knowing  this  collection  of  rules,  let  the 
learned  read  the  Veda  on  every  lawful  day,  having 
firft  repeated,  in  order,  the  pure  elTence  of  the 
three  Vedas,  namely,  the  pranava ,  the  vyulxritiSj 

and  the  gayalr).  ...  r 

126.  4  if  a  bead  ufed  in  agriculture,  a  frog,  a 
cat,  ’a  dog,  a  Inake,  an  ichneumon,  or  a  rat, 
pafs  between  the  letiurer  and  his  pupil,  let  him 
know,  that  the  le&ure  mult  be  intermitted  for  a 
day  and  a  night. 


d  ijiguk* 

127.  -  Two  occafions,  when  the  Veda  mult  not 
be  read,  let  a  Brahmen  conftantly  obferve  with 
arcat  care  ;  namely,  when  the  place  for  reading 
it  is  impure,  and  when  he  is  himfelf  unpurified. 



128.  ‘  On  the  dark  night  of  the  moon,  and 
the  eighth,  on  the  night  of  the  full  moon,  and 
on  the  fourteenth,  let  a  Brahmen,  who  keeps 
houfe  be  continually  chafte  as  a  ftudent  in  theo¬ 
logy,  even  in  the  feafon  of  nuptial-embraces. 
i?q.’  ‘  Let  him  not  bathe,  haying  juft  eaten  ; 
nor  while  he  is  afflitled  wirh  ddeafe  ;  nor  in  tha 
middle  of  the  night ;  nor  with  many  clothes ; 



in  a  pool  of  water  imperfe&ly  known. 

!,0  <  L-t  hi  n  not  intentionally  pafs  over  the 
(Widow  of  facred  images,  of  a  natural  or  fpiritual 
father,  of  a  king,  of  a  Brahmen,  who  keeps  houfe, 
or  of  any  reverend  perfonage  ;  nor  of  a  red-haired 
cr  copper-coloured  man,  nor  of  one  who  has  juft 
performed  a  facrifice. 

j  /■>  1  ^  At  noon  or  at  midnight,  or  having  eaten 

fldh  at  a  frdddha,  or  in  either  of  the  twilights, 
let  him  not  long  tarry  where  four  ways  meet. 
132.  ‘  He  mull  not  ftand  knowingly  near  oil 
and  other  things,  with  which  a  man  has  rubbed 
his  body,  or  water  in  which  he  has  walhed 

‘  himlclr. 


c  himfelf,  or  feces  and  urine,  or  blood,  or  mucus, 
‘  or  any  thing  chewed  and  fpitten  out,  or  any 

*  thing  vomited 

133.  6  I  et  him  diew  no  particular  attention  to 
c  his  enemy  or  his  enemy’s  friend,  to  an  unjuft 
c  perfon,  to  a  thief,  or  to  the  wife  of  another 
‘  man  ; 

134.  ‘  Since  nothing  is  known  in  this  world  fo 
4  obftrudtive  to  length  of  days,  as  the  culpable 
4  attention  of  a  man  to  the  wife  of  another. 

135.  ‘  Never  let  him,  who  defires  an  increafe  of 
‘  wealth,  defpife  a  warriour,  a  ferpent,  ora  prieft 
4  verfed  in  feripture,  how  mean  foever  they  may 
1  appear  ; 

136.  6  Since  thofe  three,  when  contemned,  may 
4  deftroy  a  man  ;  let  a  wife  man  therefore,  always 

*  beware  of  treating  thofe  three  with  contempt  : 

1 37.  6  Nor  fhould  he  defpife  even  himfelf  on 
€  account  of  previous  mifearriages  ;  let  hiovpur- 
4  fue  fortune  till  death,  nor  ever  think  her  hard 
£  to  be  attained. 

138.  ‘  Let  him  fay  what  is  true,  but  let  him 
4  fay  what  is  pleafing  ;  let  him  fpeak  no  difagree- 
4  able  truth,  nor  let  him  fpeak  agreeable  falfehood : 

*  this  is  a  primeval  rule. 

139.  ‘  Let  him  fay  C(  well  and  good,”  or  let 
4  him  fay  “  well”  only  ;  but  let  him  not  maintain 
4  fruitless  enmity  and  altercation  with  any  man. 

140.  ‘  Let  him  not  journey  too  early  in  the 
4  morning  or  too  late  in  the  evening,  nor  too  near 
4  the  mid-day,  nor  with  an  unknown  companion, 

*  nor  alone,  nor  with  men  of  the  fervile  clafs. 

141.  Let  him  not  infult  thofe  who  want  a  limb, 

*  or  have  a  limb  redundant,  who  are  unlearned, 
‘  who  are  advanced  in  age,  who  have  no  beauty, 

4  who 


4  who  have  no  wealth,  or  who  are  of  an  ignoble 

*  race. 

142.  4  Let  no  pried,  unwafhcd  after  food,  touch 

*  with  his  hand  a  cow,  a  Brahmen ,  or  fire;  nor 
4  being  in  good  health  and  unpurified,  let  him  even 
4  look  at  the  luminaries  in  the  firmament : 

143.  4  But,  having  accidentally  touched  them 
4  before  his  purification,  let  him  ever  fprinkle, 

4  with  water  in  the  palm  of  his  hand,  his  organs  of 
4  fenfation,  all  his  limbs,  and  his  navel. 

144.  4  Not  being  in  pain  from  difeafe,  let  him 
4  never  without  caufe  touch  the  cavities  of  his 
4  body  ;  and  carefully  let  him  avoid  his  concealed 

*  hair. 

143.  4  Let  him  be  intent  on  thofe  propitious  ob» 
4  fervances  which  lead  to  good  fortune,  and  on  the 
4  dilcharge  of  his  cudomary  duties,  his  body 
4  and  mind  being  pure,  and  his  members  kept 
4  in  fubjeCtion  ;  let  him  conflantly  without  re- 
4  rmfinefs  repeat  the  gavatri,  and  prefent  his  obla- 
4  tion  to  fire  : 

146.  4  To  thofe  who  are  intent  on  good  fortune 
4  and  on  rhe  di  {'charge  of  their  duties,  who  are 
4  always  pure,  who  repeat  the  holy  text,  and 
4  make  oblations  to  fire,  no  calamity  happens. 

147.  4  In  due  feafon,  let  him  ever  ftudy  the 
4  feripture  without  negligence  ;  for  the  fages  call 
4  that  his  principal  duty  :  every  other  duty  is  de- 
4  dared  to  be  fubordinate. 

148.  4  By  reading  the  Veda  continually,  by 
4  purity  of  body  and  mind,  by  rigorous  devotion, 
4  and  by  doing  no  injury  to  animated  creatures, 
4  he  brings  to  remembrance  his  former  birth  : 

149.  4  A  Brahmen ,  remembering  his  former 
4  birth,  again  reads  the  Veda ,  and  by  reading  it 
4  conflantly,  attains  blifs  without  end. 

150.  4  On 



150.  4  On  the  days  of  the  conjunction  and  op- 
4  pofition,  let  him  conftantly  make  thofe  oblations, 
4  which  are  hallowed  by  the  gayatri ,  and  thofe 
4  which  avert  misfortune  ;  but  on  the  eighth  and 
4  ninth  lunar  days  of  the  three  dark  fortnights,  after 
4  the  end  of  Agrahayan ,  let  him  always  do  reverence 
4  to  the  manes  of  anceftors. 

151.  4  Far  from  the  manfion  of  holy  fire,  let  him 
4  remove  all  ordure;  far  let  him  remove  water,  in 
4  which  feet  have  been  w  a  filed  ;  far  let  him  re- 
4  move  all  remnants  of  food,  and  all  feminal  im- 
4  purity. 

152.  4  At  the  beginning  of  each  day  let  him 
4  dilcharge  his  feces,  bathe,  rub  his  teeth,  apply 
*  a  collirium  to  his  eyes,  adjuft  his  drefs,  and 
4  adore  the  gods. 

153.  6  On  the  dark  lunar  day,  and  on  the 
4  other  monthly  parvans,  let  him  vifit  the  images 
4  of  deities  and  brahmens  eminent  in  virtue,  and 
4  the  ruler  of  the  land,  for  the  fake  of  protection, 
4  and  thofe  whom  he  is  bound  to  revere. 

154.  4  Let  him  humbly  greet  venerable  men, 
4  who  vifit  him ,  and  give  them  his  own  feat ;  let 
4  him  fit  near  them,  clofing  the  palms  of  his 
4  hands ;  and  when  they  depart,  let  him  walk 
4  fome  way  behind  them. 

155.  4  Let  him  pradtife,  without  intermiflion, 
4  that  fyfiem  of  approved  ufages,  which  is  the  root 
4  of  all  duty  religious  and  civil,  declared  at  large 
4  in  the  fcriptural  and  facred  law  traCts,  together 
4  with  the  ceremonies  peculiar  to  each  adt  : 

156.  4  Since  by  fuch  pra&ice  long  life  is  at- 
4  tained  ;  by  fuch  practice  is  gained  wealth  un- 
4  perifhable ;  fuch  practice  baffles  every  mark  of 
4  ill  fortune : 

157.  4  But 



157.  4  But  by  an  oppofite  practice,  a  man  furcly 

*  finks  to  contempt  in  this  world,  has  always  a 

*  large  portion  of  mifery,  is  afflided  with  difeafe 

*  and  (hort-lived; 

15S.  4  While  the  man  who  is  obfervant  of  ap- 

*  proved  ufages,  endued  with  faith  in  icripture, 
4  and  free  from  a  fpirit  of  detr.idion,  lives  a 
4  hundred  years,  even  though  he  bear  no  bodily 

*  mark  of  a  profperous  life. 

159.  ‘  Whatever  ad  depends  on  another  man, 
4  that  ad  let  him  carefully  (hun  ;  but  whatever 

*  depends  on  himfelf,  to  that  let  him  ftudioufly 
4  attend : 

ifio.  4  All  that  depends  on  another, 

*  gives  pain  ;  and  all  that  depends  on 
4  himself,  gives  pleasure;  let  him  know  this 
4  to  be  in  few  words  the  definition  of  pleafure 

*  and  pain. 

1 61.  4  When  an  ad,  neither  prejerihed  ncr  pro - 
4  hibited ,  gratifies  the  mind  of  him  who  performs 
4  it,  let  him  perform  it  with  diligence,  but  let 
4  him  avoid  its  oppofite. 

162.  4  Him,  by  whom  he  was  inverted  with 
4  the  facrificial  thread,  him,  who  explained  the 
4  Veda,  or  even  a  part  of  it,  his  mother,  and  his 
4  father,  natural  or  fpiritual,  let  him  never  op- 
4  pofe,  nor  prielts,  nor  cows,  nor  perfons  truly 
4  devout. 

163.  4  Denial  of  a  future  rtate,  negled  of  the 
4  feripture,  and  contempt  of  the  deities,  envy  and 
4  hatred,  vanity  and  pride,  wrath  and  fe  verity, 
4  let  him  at  all  times  avoid. 

164.  4  Let  him  not,  when  angry,  throw  a 
4  flick  at  another  man,  nor  lmite  him  with  any 
4  thing;  unlefs  he  be  a  foil  or  a  pupil;  thofc 

4  two 


two  he  may  chaftife  for  their  improvement  in 
‘  learning. 

165.  6  A  twice  born  man,  who  barely  aflaults 
€  a  Br  'hmen  with  intention  to  hurt  him,  fhall  be 

*  whirled  about  for  a  century  in  the  hell  named 

c  7  ami  fra  ; 

166.  ‘  But,  having  fmitten  him  in  anger  and 
e  by  deftgn,  even  with  a  blade  of  grafs,  he  lliall 

*  be  born,  in  one  and  twenty  tranlfnigrations, 
c  from  the  wombs  of  impure  quadrupeds. 

167.  c  He,  who,  through  ignorance  of  the  law, 
c  flieds  blood  from  the  body  of  a  Brahmen ,  not 
c  engaged  in  battle,  fhall  feel  exceflive  pain  in 
1  his  future  life  : 

168.  £  As  many  particles  of  dud  as  the  blood 
c  (ball  roll  up  from  the  ground,  for  lb  many  years 

*  fhall  the  fhedder  of  that  blood  be  mangled  by 

*  other  animals  in  his  next  birth, 

169.  c  Let  not  him  then,  who  knows  this  law, 
‘  even  affault  a  Brahmen  at  any  time,  nor  ftrike 

*  him  even  with  grafs,  nor  caufe  blood  to  gufh 
c  from  his  body. 

170.  £  Even  here  below  an  unjuft  man  attains 
<  no  felicity  ;  nor  he,  whcfe  wealth  proceeds  from 
c  giving  evidence  ;  nor  he,  who  conftantly 

*  takes  delight  in  mifehief. 

1 71.  £  Though  opprefied  by  penury,  in  con- 

*  fequence  of  his  righteous  dealings,  let  him 
c  never  give  his  mind  to  unrighteoufnefs  ;  for  he 

*  may  obferve  the  fpeedy  overthrow  of  iniquitous 

*  and  finful  men. 

172.  6  Iniquity,  committed  in  this  world,  pro- 
c  duces  not  fruit  immediately,  but ,  like  the 
c  earth,  in  due  feafon  ;  and,  advancing  by  little 
e  and  little,  it  eradicates  the  man  who  commit- 
£  ted  it. 

173.  *  Yes; 



173.  c  Yes;  iniquity,  once  committed,  fails 
‘  not  of  producing  fruit  to  him,  who  wrought  it; 
c  if  not  in  his  own  perfon,  yet  in  his  fons  ;  or,  if 

*  not  in  his  fons,  yet  in  his  grandfons  : 

174.  *  He  grows  rich  for  awhile  through  un* 
c  righteoufnefs ;  then  he  beholds  good  things; 

*  then  it  is,  that  he  vanquifhes  h is  foes ;  but  he 
€  perilhes  at  length  from  his  whole  root  up- 
c  wards. 

173.  ‘  Let  a  man  continually  take  pleafure  in 
6  truth,  in  juflice,  in  laudable  practices,  and  in 

*  purity;  let  him  chaltife  thofe  whom  he  may 

*  chaftife  in  a  legal  mode  ;  let  him  keep  in 
c  fubjedtion  his  fpeech,  his  arm,  and  his  ap- 

*  petite  : 

176.  *  Wealth  and  pleafures,  repugnant  ro  law, 
c  let  him  lhun  ;  and  even  lawful  adts,  which  may 
‘  caufe  future  pain,  or  be  offenfive  to  mankind. 

177.  *  Let  him  not  have  nimble  hands,  refllefs 
f  feet,  or  voluble  eyes  ;  let  him  not  be  crooked  in 

<  his  ways  ;  let  him  not  be  flippant  in  his  fpeech, 

<  nor  intelligent  in  doing  mifchief. 

178.  e  Let  him  walk  in  the  path  of  good  men; 
c  the  path  in  which  his  parents  and  forefathers 

*  walked  :  while  he  moves  in  that  path  he  can 
'  give  no  offence. 

179.  ‘  With  an  attendant  on  confecrated  fire, 
1  a  performer  of  holy  rites,  and  a  teacher  of  the 
c  Vcda\  with  his  maternal  uncle,  with  his  guefl 
c  or  a  dependent,  with  a  child,  with  a  man  either 

<  aged  or  Tick,  with  a  phyfician,  with  his  pa- 
‘  ternal  kindred,  with  his  relations  by  marriage, 
‘  and  with  coufins  on  the  fide  of  his  mother, 

180. - 4  With  his  mother  herfelf,  or  with  his 
€  father,  with  his  kinfwomen,  with  his  brother, 

*  with 



*  with  his  fon,  his  wife,  or  his  daughter,  and 
4  with  his  whole  fet  of  fervants  let  him  have  no 
4  ftrife. 

1 8 1 .  4  A  houfe-keeper,  who  fhnns  altercation 

*  with  thofe  juft  mentioned ,  is  releafed  from  all 
6  fecret  faults ;  and,  by  fuppreffing  all  fuch  dif- 
4  putes,  he  obtains  a  victory  over  the  following 
4  worlds : 

182.  4  The  teacher  of  the  Veda  fecures  him 
4  the  world  of  Brahma';  his  father,  the  world  of 
4  the  Sun,  or  of  the  Prajapeiis ;  his  gueft,  the 
4  world  of  Indra;  his  attendants  on  holy  fire, 

4  the  world  of  Dev  as ; 

783.  4  His  female  relations,  the  world  of  ce- 
4  leftial  nymphs ;  his  maternal  coufins,  the  world 
4  of  the  Vifvadevas ;  his  relations  by  affinity,  the 
4  world  of  waters  ;  his  mother  and  maternal  uncle 
4  give  him  power  on  earth  ; 

184.  4  Children,  old  men,  poor  dependents* 

4  and  lick  perfons,  mull  be  confidered  as  rulers 
4  of  the  pure  ether ;  bis  elder  brother,  as  equal 
4  to  his  father  ;  his  wife  and  fon,  as  his  own 
4  body  ; 

185.  4  His  affemblage  of  fervants,  as  his  own 
4  fhadow  ;  his  daughter,  as  the  higheft  object 
4  of  tendernefs :  let  him  therefore,  when  of- 
4  fended  by  any  of  thofe,  bear  the  offence  without 
4  indignation. 

186.  4  Though  permitted  to  receive  prefents, 
4  let  him  avoid  a  habit  of  taking  them  ;  iince,  by 
4  taking  many  gifts,  his  divine  light  foon  fades. 

187.  4  Let  no  man  of  fenfe,  who  has  not  fully 
4  informed  himfelf  of  the  law  concerning  gifts  of 
4  particular  things,  accept  a  prefent,  even  though 
4  he  pine  with  hunger. 

188.  4  The  man  who  knpws  not  that  law,  yet 

4  accepts 


4  accepts  gold  or  gems,  land,  a  horfe,  a  cow, 
«  food,  raiment,  oils,  or  clarified  butter,  becomes 

*  mere  afhes,  like  wood  confumed  by  fire  : 

189.  4  Gold  and  gems  bum  up  his  nourifii- 
4  ment  and  life;  land  and  a  cow,  his  body;  a 
4  horfe,  his  eyes ;  raiment,  his  (kin ;  clarified 

*  butter,  his  manly  drenglh  ;  oils,  his  progeny. 

190.  4  A  twice  born  man,  void  of  true  dcvo- 
4  tion,  and  not  having  read  the  Veda,  yet  eager 
4  to  take  a  gift,  finks  down,  together  with  it,  as 
4  with  a  boat  of  done  in  deep  water. 

191.  4  Let  him  then,  who  knows  not  the  law', 
4  be  fearful  of  prefents  from  this  or  that  giver  ; 

*  fince  an  ignorant  man,  even  by  a  fmall  gift, 
4  may  become  helplefs  as  a  cow  in  a  bog. 

192.  4  Let  no  man,  apprized  of  this  law,  pre- 
4  fent  even  water  to  a  pried,  who  adts  like  a  cat, 
4  nor  to  him,  who  adls  like  a  bittern,  nor  to  him, 

4  who  is  unlearned  in  the  Veda ; 

193.  4  Since  property,  though  legally  gained, 

*  if  it  be  given  to  either  of  thofe  three,  becomes 
4  prejudicial  in  the  next  world,  both  to  the  givpr 
4  and  receiver : 

194.  4  As  he,  who  tries  to  pafs  over  deep 
1  water  in  a  boat  of  done,  finks  to  the  bottom, 

4  fo  thofe  two  ignorant  men,  the  receiver  and  the 
4  giver,  fink  to  a  region  of  torment. 

195.  4  A  covetous  wretch,  who  continually 
4  difplays  the  flag  of  virtue,  a  pretender,  a  de- 
4  luder  of  the  people,  is  declared  to  be  the 
4  man  who  adts  like  a  cat ;  he  is  an  injurious 
4  hypocrite,  a  detradlor  from  the  merits  of  all 
4  men. 

196.  4  A  twice  born  man,  with  his  eyes  de- 
4  jedted,  moroie,  intent  on  his  own  advantage, 

I  fly. 



4  fly,  and  falfely  demure,  is  he  who  acts  like  a 
4  bittern. 

197.  4  Such  priefts,  as  live  like  bitterns,  and 

■  fuch  as  demean  themfelves  like  cats,  fall  by 
4  that  finful  conduct  into  the  hell  called  Andhata - 
4  mijra. 

198.  c  Let  no  man,  having  committed  fin, 

*  perform  a  penance  under  the  pretext  of  auflere 
4  devotion,  difguifing  his  crime  under  fi&itious 
4  religion,  and  deceiving  both  women  and  low 
4  men : 

199.  c  Such  impoftors,  though  Brahmens ,  are 
4  defpifed  in  the  next  life,  and  in  this,  by  all  who 
4  pronounce  holy  texts  ;  and  every  religious  ad 
4  fraudulently  performed  gees  to  evil  beings. 

200.  4  He,  who  has  no  right  to  diftinguifhing 
4  marks,  yet  gains  a  fubfiflence  by  wearing  falfe 
-  marks  of  diftinftion,  takes  to  himfelf  the  fin 
4  committed  by  thofe  who  are  entitled  to  fuch 
4  marks,  and  fhall  again  be  born  from  the  womb 
4  of  a  brute  animal. 

201.  4  Never  let  him  bathe  in  the  pool  of 
4  another  man  ;  for  he  who  bathes  in  it  without 
c  licence ,  takes  to  himfelf  a  fmall  portion  of  the 
4  iins,  which  the  maker  of  the  pool  has  com- 
4  mitted. 

202.  4  He,  who  appropriates  to  his  own  ufe 
?  the  carriage,  the  bed,  the  feat,  the  well,  the 

■  garden,  or  the  houfe  of  another  man,  who  has 
4  not  delivered  them  to  him,  aflumes  a  fourth 
4  part  of  the  guilt  of  their  owner. 

203.  4  In  rivers,  in  ponds  dug  by  holy  perfons^ 

■  and  in  lakes,  let  him  always  bathe  ;  in  rivulets 
‘4  alfo,  and  in  torrents. 

204.  4  A  wise  man  Ihould  conflantly  difeharge 

*  all 


all  the  moral  duties,  though  he  perform  not 
conftancly  the  ceremonies  of  religion  ;  fince  he 
falls  low,  if,  while  he  performs  ceremonial  afts 
only,  he  difcharge  not  his  moral  duties. 

205.  c  Never  lec  a  prieft  eat  pare  of  a  facrifice 
not  begun  with  texts  of  the  Veda,  nor  of  one 
performed  by  a  common  facrificer,  by  a  woman 
or  by  an  eunuch : 

206.  c  When  thofe  perfons  offer  the  clarified 
butter,  it  brings  misfortune  to  good  men,  and 
raifes  averfion  in  the  deities ;  fuch  oblations, 
therefore,  he  muff  carefully  fhun. 

207.  *  Let  him  never  eat  the  food  of  the  in¬ 
fane,  the  wrathful,  or  the  fick  ;  nor  that,  on 
which  lice  have  fallen ;  nor  that,  which  has 
defignedly  been  touched  by  a  foot ; 

2c8.  4  Nor  that,  which  has  been  looked  at  by 
the  flayer  of  a  prieft,  or  by  any  other  deadly  /inner , 
or  has  even  been  touched  by  a  woman  in  her 
courfes,  or  pecked  by  a  bird,  or  approached  by 
a  dog; 

209.  c  Nor  food  which  has  been  fmelled  by  a 
cow  ;  nor  particularly  that  which  has  been  pro¬ 
claimed  for  all  comers ;  nor  the  food  of  aflbeiated 
knaves,  or  of  harlots  ;  nor  that  which  is  con¬ 
temned  by  the  learned  in  feripture  j 

210.  (  Nor  that  of  a  thief  or  a  publick  finger, 
of  a  carpenter,  of  an  ufurer,  ol  one  who  has 
recently  come  from  a  facrifice,  of  a  niggardly 
churl,  or  of  one  bound  with  fetters  ; 

211.  *  Of  one  publickly  defamed,  of  an  eunuch, 
of  an  unchafte  woman,  or  of  a  hypocrite  ;  nor 
any  l’weet  thing  turned  acid,  nor  what  has  been 
kept  a  whole  night ;  nor  the  food  of  a  fervile 
man,  nor  the  orts  of  another  $ 

I  2 

212.  4  Nor 


i  16 

212.  4  Nor  the  food  of  a  phyfician,  or  of  a 

*  hunter,  or  of  a  difhoneft  man,  or  of  an  eater 
f  of  orts  ;  nor  that  of  any  cruel  perfon  ;  nor  of 
4  a  woman  in  childbed  ;  nor  of  him,  who  riles 
(  prematurely  from  table  to  make  an  ablution  ; 
<  nor  of  her  whofe  ten  days  of  purification  have 
'  not  elapfed  $ 

213.  ‘  Nor  that,  which  is  given  without  due 
4  honour  to  honourable  men ;  nor  any  flefh 
4  which  has  not  been  facrificed  ;  nor  the  food  of 
4  a  woman,  who  has  neither-a  hufband  nor  a  fon  5 
4  nor  that  of  a  foe,  *nor  that  of  the  whole  town, 

4  nor  that  of  an  outcaft,  nor  that  on  which  any 
4  perfon  has  fneezed  ; 

214.  4  Nor  that  of  a  backbiter,  or  of  a  falfe 
c  witnefs  j  nor  of  one  who  fells  the  reward  of  his 
‘  facrifice  ;  nor  of  a  publick  dancer,  or  a  tailor ; 

‘  nor  of  him  who  has  returned  evil  for  good ; 

215.  c  Nor  that  of  a  blackfmith,  or  a  man  of 
€  the  tribe  called  Nijhada ,  nor  of  a  ftage-plaver, 

‘  nor  of  a  worker  in  gold  or  in  cane,  nor  of  him 
4  who  fells  weapons ; 

216.  4  Nor  of  thofe  who  train  hunting  dogs, 

*  or  fell  fermented  liquor ;  nor  of  him  who 
4  wafhes  clothes,  or  who  dyes  them ;  nor  of 
c  any  malevolent  perfon  ;  nor  of  one  who  ig- 
1  norantly  fuffers  an  adulterer  to  dwell  under  his 

*  roof  $ 

217.  c  Nor  of  thofe  who  knowingly  bear 
c  with  the  paramours  of  their  own  wives,  or  are 
c  conflantlv  in  fubje&ion  to  \vorqen ;  nor  food 
c  given  for  the  dead  before  ten  days  of  purification 
4  have  pafied  ;  nor  any  food  whatever,  but  that 
?  which  fatisfies  him. 

218.  4  Food  given  by  a  king,  impairs  his 

4  manly 


manly  vigour  ;  by  one  of  the  fervile  clafs,  his 
divine  light ;  by  goldfmichs,  his  life;  by  leather- 
cutters,  his  good  name: 

219.  ‘  Given  by  cooks  and  the  like  mean  arti- 
zans,  it  deftroys  his  offspring;  by  a  wafher- 
man,  his  mufcular  drength ;  but  the  food 
of  knavifh  affociates  and  harlots  excludes  him 
from  heaven  : 

220.  c  The  food  of  a  phyfician  is  purulent; 
that  of  a  libidinous  woman,  feminal  ;  that  of 
an  ufurer,  feculent;  that  of  a  weapon-feller, 
filthy : 

221.  ‘  That  of  all  others,  mentioned  in  order, 
whofe  food  mud  never  be  tailed,  is  held  equal 
by  the  wife  to  the  fkin,  bones,  and  hair  of  the 

222.  f  Having  unknowingly  fwallowed  the 
food  of  any  fuch  perfons,  he  mud  fad  during 
three  days ;  but,  having  eaten  it  knowingly,  he 
mud  perform  the  fame  harfh  penance,  as  if  he 
had  taded  any  feminal  impurity,  ordure,  or 

223.  €  Let  no  learned  pried  eat  the  dreffed 
grain  of  a  fervile  man,  who  performs  no  pa¬ 
rental  obfequies  ;  but  having  no  other  means  to 
live,  he  may  take  from  him  raw  grain  enough 
for  a  fingle  night. 

224.  ‘  The  deities,  having  well  confidered  the 
food  of  a  niggard,  who  has  read  the  fcriprure, 
and  that  of  ati  ufurer,  who  bedows  gifts  li¬ 
berally,  declared  the  food  of  both  to  be  equal 
in  quality  ; 

225.  ‘  But  Brahma,  advancing  towards  the 
gods,  thus  addreffed  them:  "  Make  not  that 
equal,  which  in  truth  is  unequal ;  fince  the 
food  of  a  liberal  man  is  purified  by  faith,  while 

I  3  that 


1 1 8 

4  that  of  a  learned  mifer  is  defiled  by  his  want  of 
4  faith  in  what  he  has  read.” 

22 6.  4  Let  each  wealthy  man  continually  and 

*  feduloufly  perform  facred  rites,  and  conlecrate 
4  pools  or  gardens  with  faith  ;  fince  thole  two 

*  ads,  accomplifhed  with  faith  and  with  riches 
4  honeflly  gained,  procure  an  unperifhable  re- 
1  ward  : 

227.  f  If  he  meet  with  fit  objeds  of  bene- 
4  volence,  let  him  conflantly  bellow  gifts  on 
4  them,  both  at  facrifices  and  confecrations,  to 
4  the  beft  of  his  power  and  with  a  chearful  heart; 

228.  *  Such  a  gift,  how  frnall  foever,  bellowed 
4  on  requefl  without  grudging,  paffes  to  a  worthy 
4  objed,  who  will  fecure  the  giver  from  all  evil. 

229.  4  A  giver  of  water  obtains  content ;  a 

*  giver  of  food,  extreme  blifs  ;  a  giver  of  tila , 

4  defired  offspring;  a  giver  of  a  lamp,  unble- 
4  miihed  eyefight ; 

230.  4  A  giver  of  land  obtains  landed  pro- 
4  perty ;  a  giver  of  gems  or  gold,  long  life ;  a 
c  giver  of  a  houfe,  the  mod  exalted  manfion  ;  a 
4  giver  of filver,  exquifite  beauty; 

231.  ‘A  giver  of  clothes,  the  fame  flation 
4  with  Chandra  ;  a  giver  of  a  horfe,  the  fame 
4  flation  with  Aswi ;  a  giver  of  a  bull,  eminent 
4  fortune ;  a  giver  of  a  cow,  the  manfion  of 
4  Su'rya  ; 

232.  4  A  giver  of  a  carriage  or  a  bed,  an  ex- 
4  cellent  confort ;  a  giver  of  fafety,  fupreme  do- 
4  minion ;  a  giver  of  grain,  perpetual  delight ; 
c  a  giver  of  fcriptural  knowledge,  union  with 
4  God  : 

233.  4  Among  all  thofe  gifts,  of  water,  food, 

‘  kine,  land,  clothes,  tilay  gold,  clarified  butter, 

*  and 


1  *9 


and  the  reft,  a  gift  of  fpiritual  knowledge  is 

*  confcquently  the  moft  important ; 

234.  ‘  And  for  whatever  pnrpofe  a  man  be- 

*  (lows  any  gift,  for  a  fimilar  purpofe  he  fliall 

*  receive,  with  due  honour,  a  fimilar  reward, 

234.  *  Both  he,  who  rel'peftfully  beftows  a 
<  prefent,  and  he  who  refpeftfully  accepts  ir,  (hall 
«  go  to  a  feat  of  blils;  but,  if  they  adl  otherwife, 

*  to  a  region  of  horror. 

236.  ‘  Let  not  a  man  be  proud  of  his  rigorous 
«  devotion  ;  let  him  not,  having  facrificed,  utter 

*  a  faifehood  ;  let  him  not,  though  injured,  infult 
«  a  prieft ;  having  made  a  donation,  let  him  never 
c  proclaim  it: 

2^7.  *  By  faifehood,  the  facrifice  becomes 

*  vain  ;  by  pride,  the  merit  of  devotion  is  loft  ; 

«  by  infulting  priefts,  life  is  diminifhed  ;  and  by 

*  proclaiming  a  largefs,  its  fruit  is  deftroyed. 

238.  ‘  Giving  no  pain  to  any  creature,  let 
«  him  collect  virtue  by  degrees,  for  the  fake  of 

*  acquiring  a  companion  to  the  next  world,  as  the 
«  white  ant  by  degrees  builds  his  neft  ; 

239.  *  For,  in  his  paftage  to  the  r>ext  world, 

€  neither  his  father,  nor  his  mother,  nor  his  wife, 

«  nor  his  fon,  nor  his  kinfmen,  will  remain  in 
c  his  company :  his  virtue  alone  will  adhere 

*  to  him. 

240.  ‘  Single  is  each  man  born ;  fingle  he 
<  dies  ;  Angle  he  receives  the  reward  of  hrs  good, 

«  and  fingle  the  punifhment  of  his  evil  deeds : 

241.  ‘  When  he  leaves  his  corfe,  like  a  log 

*  or  a  lump  of  clay,  on  the  ground,  his  kindred 

*  retire  with  averted  faces ;  but  his  virtue  ac- 
c  companies  his  foul. 

242.  *  Continually,  therefore,  by  degrees,  let 

I  4  him 

1  20 


*  him  colleft  virtue,  for  the  fake  of  fecuring  an 
c  infeparable  companion  ;  fince  with  virtue  for 

*  his  guide,  he  will  traverle  a  gloom,  how  hard  to 
€  be  traverfed  ! 

243.  c  A  man,  habitually  virtuous,  whofe  of- 
1  fences  have  been  expiated  by  devotion,  is  in- 
€  ftantly  conveyed  after  death  to  the  higher  world, 
c  with  a  radiant  form  and  a  body  of  ethereal 

*  fubflance. 

244.  f  He,  who  feeks  to  preferve  an  exalted 
c  rank,  muft  conftantly  form  connexions  with  the 
r  higheft:  and  bed  families,  but  avoid  the  worft 

*  and  the  meaneft  ; 

245.  1  Since  a  prieft,  who  connects  himfelf 
c  with  the  bed  and  higheft  of  men,  avoiding  the 

*  lowed  and  worft,  attains  eminence  ;  but  finks, 
1  by  an  oppofite  conduft,  to  the  clafs  of  the  fer- 
c  vile. 

246.  1  He,  who  perfeveres  in  good  a&ions,  in 
'  fubduing  his  paflions,  in  beftowing  largeffes,  in 

*  gentlenefs  of  manners,  who  bears  hardfhips  pa- 

*  tiently,  who  aftfcciates  not  with  the  malignant, 

*  who  gives  pain  to  no  fentient  being,  obtains 
4  final  beatitude. 

247.  c  Wood,  water,  roots,  fruit,  and  food 

*  placed  before  him  without  his  requeft,  he  may 
c  accept  from  all  men ;  honey  alfo,  and  protec- 

*  tion  from  danger. 

248.  ‘  Gold,  or  other  alms,  voluntary  brought 
«  and  prefented,  but  unafked  and  unpromifed, 

*  Brahma'  confidered  as  receivable  even  from  a 
<  finner  : 

249.  e  Of  him,  who  fhall  difdain  to  accept 
€  fuch  alms,  neither  will  the  manes  eat  the  foneral 
1  oblations  for  fifteen  years,  nor  will  the  fire  convey 
‘  the  burnt  facrifice  to  the  gods. 

25*  *  A 



250.  *  A.  bed,  houfes,  blades  of  cus  a,  perfumes, 

1  water,  flowers,  jewels,  butter-milk,  ground  rice, 

«  fifh,  new  milk,  fl'  ih  meat,  and  green  vegetables, 

*  let  him  not  proudly  re]e£t. 

251.  4  When  he  wifhes  to  relieve  h»s  natural 
«  parents  or  fpiritual  father,  his  wife  or  others, 

«  whom  he  is  bound  to  maintain,  or  when  he  is 
4  preparing  to  honour  deities  or  guefts,  he  may 
4  receive  gifts  from  any  perfon,  but  muft  not 
4  gratify  himfelf  with  fuch  preients : 

2^2.  4  It  his  parents,  however,  be  dead,  or  it 
4  he  live  without  them  in  his  own  houfe,  let  him, 

4  when  he  feeks  nourifhmer.t  :or  himfelf,  receive 
4  prefents  invariably  (  m  good  men  alone. 

253.  4  A  labourer  in  tillage,  a  family  friend,  a 
4  herdfman,  a  Have,  a  barber,  a  poor  ftranger  of- 

•  fering  his  humble  duty,  are  men  of  the  fervile 
4  clafs,  who  may  eat  the  food  of  their  fuperiours  : 

254.  *  As  the  nature  of  the  poor  ftranger  is, 

•  as  ihe  work  is,  which  he  deflres  to  perform,  and 
4  as  he  may  fhow  moll  refpedt  to  the  mafier  of  the 

•  heufe ,  even  thus  let  him  offer  his  fervice  ; 

255.  4  For  he,  who  deferibes  himfelf  to  wor- 
‘  thv  men,  in  a  manner  contrary  to  truth,  is  rhe 
4  moft  finful  wretch  in  this  world  :  he  is  the  worft 
4  of  thieves,  a  dealer  of  minds. 

256.  4  All  things  have  their  fenfe  afcertained 
4  by  fpeech  ;  in  fpeech  they  have  their  bafts ;  and 
4  from  fpeech  they  proceed:  confequcntly,  a  fain- 
4  fier  of  fpeech  falfifies  every  thing. 

257.  4  When  he  has  paid,  as  the  law  diretd:?, 
4  his  debts  to  the  fages,  to  the  manes,  and  to  the 
4  gods,  by  reading  tb*  Jcrifture ,  begetting  a  Jen, 
4  and  performing  regular  Jacrifices,  he  rftay  refign 
4  all  to  his  fon  of  mature  age ,  and  reflde  in  his 

f  family. 


family  houfe,  with  no  employment,  but  that  ofan 

258.  c  Alone,  in  fome  folitary  place,  let  him 
conltantly  meditate  on  the  divine  nature  of  the 
foul,  for  by  fuch  meditation  he  will  attain 

259.  ‘  Thus  has  been  declared  the  mode,  by 
which  a  Brahmen ,  who  keeps  houfe,  muft  con¬ 
tinually  fubfift,  together  with  the  rule  of  de¬ 
votion  ordained  for  a  pupil  returned  from  his 
preceptor  ;  a  laudable  rule,  which  increafes  the 
belt  of  the  three  equalities. 

260.  c  A  prieft,  who  lives  always  by  thefe 
rules,  who  knows  the  ordinances  of  the  Veda>, 
who  is  freed  from  the  bondage  of  fin,  lhafl  be 
abforbed  in  the  divine  efience. 

(  *23  ) 


On  Diet ,  Purification ,  and  Women . 

1.  The  fages,  having  heard  thofe  laws  deli¬ 
vered  for  the  condo fi  of  h  u)fe-keq:>ers,  thus 
addrefi'  i  the  1  &h-mindcd  B hr  r,  who  pro¬ 
ceeded,  in  a  former  birth ,  from  the  genius  of  fire. 

2.  c  How,  Lord,  can  death  prevail  over  Brah - 

c  who  know  the  fcriptural  ordinances,  and 

‘  pei  form  their  duties  as  ihey  have  been  declared  V 

3.  Then  he,  whofe  difpofuion  was  perfe<5t 
virtue,  even  Bhrigu,  the  fon  of  Menu,  thus 
anfwered  the  great  Rfbis,  €  Hear  from  what 
«  fin  proceeds  the  inclination  of  death,  to  defiroy 
‘  the  chief  of  the  twice  born  : 

4.  c  Through  a  neglect  of  reading  the  Veda, 
1  through  a  dcfertion  of  approved  ufages,  through 
‘  lupine-  remi Briefs  in  “performing  holy  rites ,  aad 
‘  through  various  offences  in  diet,  the  genius  op 
1  death  becomes  eager  to  defiroy  them. 

5.  ‘  Garlick,  onions,  leeks,  and  mufhrQom$> 
‘  (which  no  twice  born  man  mult  eat)  and  all  vc- 
c  getables  railed  in  dung. 

6.  *  Red  gums  or  refins,  exuding  from  trees, 

*  and  juices  from  wounded  fiems,  the  fruit  felu, 

*  and  the  thickened  milk  of  a  cow  within  ten  days 
c  after  her  calving,  a  priefi  mufi  avoid  with  great 
‘  care. 

7.  €  Rice 


7.  ‘  Rice  pudding  boiled  with  tila>  frumenty, 
c  rice-milk,  and  baked  bread,  which  have  not 
c  been  firft  offered  to  fome  deity,  flefh  meat  alfo, 
c  the  food  of  gods,  and  clarified  butter,  which 
‘  have  not  firft  been  touched,  while  holy  texts 

*  were  recited, 

8.  c  PYefh  miik  from  a  cow,  whofe  ten  days  are 

*  not  paffed,  the  mijk  of  a  camel,  or  any  qua- 
c  druped  with  a  hoof  not  cloven,  that  of  an  ewe, 
c  and  that  of  a  cow  in  heat,  or  whofe  calf  is  dead 
c  or  abfent  from  her, 

9.  c  That  of  any  foreft  bead:,  except  the  buffalo, 
c  the  milk  of  a  woman,  and  any  thing  naturally 

*  fweet  but  acidulated,  muft  all  be  carefully 
‘  fhunned  : 

10.  c  But  among  fuch  acids,  butter-milk  may 

*  be  fwallowed,  and  every  preparation  of  butter- 
c  milk,  and  all  acids  extracted  from  pure  flowers, 

*  roots,  or  fruit  not  cut  with  iron • 

n.  *  Let  every  twice  born  man  avoid  carnivo- 
c  rous  birds,  and  fuch  as  live  in  tov/ns,  and  qua- 
4  drupeds  with  uncloven  hoofs,  except  thofe  al- 
c  lowed  by  the  Veda,  and  the  bird  called  tittihha ; 

11.  f  The  fparrow,  the  water  bird  plava ,  the 
f  phenicopteros,  the  cbacravdca,  the  breed  of  the 
c  towrn  cock,  the  JdraJa ,  the  rajjuvdla ,  the  wood- 
c  pecker,  and  the  parot  male  and  female  ; 

13.  c  Birds,  that  ftrike  with  their  beaks,  web- 
<  footed  birds,  the  coyajhti ,  thofe  who  wound 
f  with  ftrong  talons,  and  thofe  who  dive  to  devour 
c  fi(h  ;  let  him  avoid  meat  kept  at  a  flaughter- 
c  houfe,  and  dried  meat, 

14.  ‘  The  heron,  the  raven,  the  c'hanjana>  all 

*  amphibious  fifh  eaters,  tame  hogs,  and  fifh  of 
c  every  fort,  hut  thofe  exprefsly  permitted . 

1$.  e  He, 



15.  4  He,  who  eats  the  flefh  of  any  animal, 
4  is  called  the  eater  of  that  animal  itfelf  ;  and  a 
4  fifh  eater  is  an  eater  of  all  flefh  ;  from  fifh, 
4  therefore,  he  muft  diligently  abftain  : 

16.  4  Yet  the  two  fifh  called  pdt'b'ina  and  rohitay 
4  may  be  eaten  by  the  gu  efts  y  w  hen  offered  at  a  re- 
4  part  in  honour  of  the  gods  or  the  manes  ;  and  fo 

*  may  the  rujtva ,  the  Jitibatioiday  and  the  JaJalha 
4  of  every  fpecies. 

17.  f  J^et  him  noteat  the  flefh  of  any  folitary 
4  animals,  nor  of  unknown  beafts  or  birds,  though 

*  by  general  words  declared  eatable,  nor  of  any 
4  creature  with  five  claws  ; 

18.  4  The  hedgehog  and  porcupine,  the  lizard 
4  godbdy  the  gandaca ,  the  tortoife,  and  the  rabbit 
4  or  hare ,  wife  legiflators  declare  lawful  food 
4  among  five  toed  animals ;  and  all  quadrupeds, 
4  camels  excepted,  which  have  but  one  row  of 

*  teeth. 

19.  4  The  twice  born  man,  who  has  intention- 

*  ally  eaten  a  mufhroom,  the  flefh  of  a  tame  hog, 
4  or  a  town  cock,  a  leek,  or  an  onion,  or  garlick, 
4  is  degraded  immediately; 

20.  4  But  having  undefignedly  tailed  either  of 

*  thofe  fix  things,  he  muft  perform  the  penance 
1  Jantapana,  or  the  chdndr'iyana ,  which  anchorets, 

4  praftife  ;  for  other  things  he  mud  fall  a  whole 

*  day. 

21.  4  One  of  thofe  harfh  penances,  called prd- 
4  jdpatya>  the  twice  born  man  mull  perform  an- 
4  nually,  to  purify  him  from  the  unknown  taint  of 
4  illicit  food  ;  but  he  muft  do  particular  penance 

4  for  fuch  food  intentionally  eaten. 

22.  4  Beasts  and  birds  of  excellent  forts  may 

5  be  flain  by  Brahmens  for  facrifice,  or  for  the 

4  fuflenanco 


c  fuflenance  of  thofe,  whom  they  are  bound  to 

*  fupport  ;  fince  Agastya  did  this  of  old. 

23.  ‘  No  doubt  in  the  primeval  facrifices  by 
c  holy  men,  and  in  oblations  by  thofc  of  the 

*  priefily  and  military  tribes,  the  flefh  of  fuch 
c  beafts  and  birds,  as  may  be  legally  eaten,  was 
€  prcfented  to  the  deities. 

24.  <  That  which  may  be  eaten  or  drunk  when 

*  frejh ,  without  blame,  may  be  fwallowed*  if 

*  touched  with  oil,  though  it  has  been  kept  a 
c  whole  night ;  and  fo  may  the  remains  of  clari- 
<  fied  butter  : 

25.  *  And  every  mefs  prepared  with  barley  or 
c  w  heat,  or  with  drefied  milk,  may  be  eaten  by 
c  the  twice  born,  although  not  fprinkkd  with  oil* 

26.  c  Thus  has  the  food,  allowed  or  forbidden 

*  to  a  twice  born  man,  been  comprehenfively  men- 

*  tioned  :  I  will  now  propound  the  fpecial  rules 
€  for  eating  and  for  avoiding  flefh  meat. 

27.  *  He  ftiould  tafte  meat,  which  has  been 
c  hallowed  for  a  facrifice  with  appropriated  texts, 
c  and  once  only>  when  a  prieft  fhall  defire  him,  and 
c  when  he  is  performing  a  legal  a£t,  or  in  danger 

*  oflofing  life. 

28.  *  For  the  fuftenance  of  the  vital  fpirit, 

*  Brahma7  created  all  this  animal  and  vegetable 
€  Jyftem  ;  and  all  that  is  moveable  or  immoveable, 
c  that  fpirit  devours. 

29.  ‘  Things  fixed  are  eaten  by  creatures  with 

*  locomotion  ;  toothlefs  animals,  by  animals  with 
c  teeth  ;  thofe  w  ithout  hands,  by  thofe  to  whom 
i  hands  were  given  ;  and  the  timid  by  the  bold. 

30.  f  He,  who  eats  according  to  law ,  commits 

*  no  fin,  even  though  every  day  he  tafies  the  flefh 

*  of  fuch  animals,  as  may  lawfully  be  tafted  ; 
s  fince  both  animals,  who  may  be  eaten,  and  thofe 

*  who  eat  them,  were  equally  created  by  Brahma'. 

31.  ‘  It 



31.  4  It  is  delivered  as  a  rule  of  the  gods,  that 
4  meat  muft  be  fwallowed  only  for  the  putpofe 
4  of  facrifice  ;  but  it  is  a  rule  of  gigantxk  dc- 
4  mons,  that  it  may  be  fwallowed  tor  any  other 
4  purpofe. 

32.  4  No  fin  is  committed  by  him,  who  having 
4  honoured  the  deities  and  the  manes,  eats  flefh 
4  meat,  which  he  has  bought,  or  which  he  has 
4  himfelf  acquired,  or  which  has  been  given  him 
4  by  another  : 

33.  4  Let  no  twice  born  man,  who  knows  the 
4  law,  and  is  not  in  urgent  diftrefs,  eat  flefh  with- 
4  out  obferving  this  rule  ;  for  he,  unable  to  fave 
4  himfelf,  will  be  devoured  in  the  next  world  by 
4  thofe  animals,  whofe  flefh  he  has  thus  illegally 
4  fwallowed. 

34.  4  The  fin  of  him,  who  kills  deer  for  gain, 

4  is  not  fo  heinous,  with  refpedt  to  the  punijhment 
4  in  another  life,  as  that  of  him,  who  eats  flefh 
4  meat  in  vain,  or  not  previoujly  offered  as  a  fa - 
4  crijice : 

35.  4  But  the  man,  who,  engaged  in  holy  rites 
4  according  to  law,  refufes  to  eat  it,  (hall  fink  in 
4  another  world,  for  twenty-one  births,  to  the 
4  ftate  of  a  beaft. 

36.  4  Never  let- a  prieft  eat  the  flefh  of  cattle 
4  unhallowed  with  mantras ,  but  let  him  eat  it, 
4  obferving  the  primeval  rule,  when  it  has  been 
4  hallowed  with  thofe  texts  of  the  Veda. 

37.  4  Should  he  have  an  earneft  defire  to  tafte 
4  flelh  meat,  he  may  gratify  his  fancy  by  forming 
4  the  image  of  fome  beaft  with  clarified  butter 
4  thickened,  or  he  may  form  it  with  dough,  but 
4  never  let  him  indulge  a  wifh  to  kill  any  beaft 
4  in  vain : 

38.  ‘  As  many  hairs  3S  grow  on  the  beaft,  fo 

1  4  many 


4  many  fimllar  deaths  fhall  the  flayer  of  it,  for 

*  his  own  fatisfadlion  in  this  world,  endure  in  die 

*  next  from  birth  to  birth. 

39.  c  By  the  felf-exirting  in  perfon  were  hearts 

*  created  for  facrifice  ;  and  the  facrifice  was  or- 
€  dained  for  the  increafe  oi  this  univerfe :  the 
c  flaughterer  therefore  of  hearts  for  facrifice  is  in 
c  truth  no  flaughterer. 

4c.  *  Gramineous  plants,  cattle,  timber-trees, 
c  amphibious  animals,  and  birds,  which  have  been 

*  deftroyed  for  the  purpofe  of  facrifice,  attain  in 
€  the  next  world  exalted  births. 

41.  *  On  a  folemn  offering  to  a  guert,  at  a 

*  facrifice  and  in  hoiy  rites  to  the  manes  or  to  the 

*  gods,  but  on  thofe  occafions  only,  may  cattle  be 
c  fiain  :  this  law  Menu  enacted. 

42.  c  The  twice  born  man,  who  knowing  the 

*  meaning  and  principles  of  the  Fc'da>  flays  cattle 
€  on  the  occafions  mentioned,  conveys  both  him- 
€  felf  and  thofe  cattle  to  the  fummit  of  beatitude. 

43.  f  Let  no  twice  born  man,  whofe  mind  is 
€  improved  by  learning,  hurt  animals  without  the 

*  fan&ion  of  fcripture,  even  though  in  preffing 
c  diftrefs,  whether  he  live  in  his  own  houfe,  or  in 
‘  that  of  his  preceptor,  or  in  a  foreft. 

44.  c  That  hurt,  which  the  fcripture  ordains, 
c  and  which  is  done  in  this  world  of  moveable  and 
x  immoveable  creatures,  he  inuft  confider  as  no 

*  hurt  at  all  $  fince  law  (hone  forth  from  the  light 

*  of  the  fcripture. 

45.  f  He,  who  injures  animals,  that  are  not 
c  injurious,  from  a  wifh  to  give  himfelf  pleafure, 
c  adds  nothing  to  his  own  happinefs,  living  or 

*  dead ; 

46.  *  While  he,  who  gives  no  creature  willingly 

*  the  pain  of  confinement  or  death,  but  feeks 


A>JD  WOMEfc. 


*  the  good  of  all  Jentient  beings  enjoys  blifs  without 

*  end. 

47.  ‘  He,  who  injures  no  animated  creature, 

‘  fli all  attain  without  hardfhip  whatever  he  thinks 
«  of,  whatever  he  ftrives  for,  whatever  he  fixes 
€  his  mind  on. 

48.  ‘  Flefh  meat  cannot  be  procured  without 
c  injury  to  animals,  and  the  daughter  of  animals 

*  obflru&s  the  path  to  beatitude;  from  flefh  mear, 
c  therefore,  let  man  abflain  : 

49.  c  Attentively  confidering  the  formation  of 
«  bodies,  and  the  death  or  confinement  of  im- 
c  bodied  fpirits,  let  him  abflain  from  eating  flefh 

*  meat  of  any  kind. 

50.  '  The  man  who  forfakes  not  the  law,  and 
‘  eats  not  flefh  meat,  like  a  blood  thirfly  demon, 
c  fhall  attain  good  will  in  this  world,  and  fhall  not 

*  be  affli<5led  with  maladies. 

51.  c  He,  who  confents  to  the  death  of  an 
c  animal;  he,  who  kills  it;  he,  who  difleds  it; 
f  he,  who  buys  it;  he,  who  fells  it;  he,  who 

*  drefles  it ;  he,  who  ferves  it  up  ;  and  he,  who 
c  makes  it  his  food  ;  thele  are  eight  principals  in 

*  the  (laughter. 

52.  4  Not  a  mortal  exifls  more  finful  than  he, 
c  who  without  an  oblation  to  the  manes  or  the 

*  gods,  defires  to  enlarge  his  own  flefh  with  the 
4  flefh  of  another  creature. 

53.  ‘  The  man,  who  performs  annually,  for  a 
(  hundred  years,  an  afwamedha ,  or  jacrifice  of  a 
«  horfe ,  and  the  man  who  abflains  from  flefh  meat, 
4  enjoy  for  their  virtue  an  equal  reward. 

54.  c  By  fubfifling  on  pure  fruit  and  on  roots, 

*  and  by  eating  fuch  grains  as  are  eaten  by  her- 
c  mits,  a  man  reaps  not  fo  high  a  reward,  as  by 
4  carefully  abflaining  from  animal  food. 

K  jj.  "  Me 


55.  <c  Me  he  (mm  fa)  will  devour  in  the  next 
4  world,  whofe  flefh  I  eat  in  this  life  thus  Jhoitld 
4  a  flejh  eater  fpeak ,  and  thus  the  learned  pro- 

*  nounce  the  true  derivation  of  the  word  manfa , 
4  or  flefh. 

56.  c  In  lawfully  tafting  meat,  in  drinking 
4  fermented  liquor,  in  carefling  women,  there  is 

*  no  turpitude  ;  for  to  fuch  enjoyments  men  are 
4  naturally  prone  $  but  a  virtuous  abftinence  from 
4  them  produces  a  fignal  compenfation. 

57.  c  Now  will  I  promulgate  the  rules  of 
4  purification  for  the  dead,  and  the  modes  of  puri- 
4  fying  inanimate  things,  as  the  law  prefcribes 
4  them  for  the  four  clafles  in  due  order. 

58.  c  When  a  child  has  teethed,  and  when, 
4  after  teething,  his  head  has  been  fhorn,  and 
4  when  he  has  been  girt  with  his  thread,  and 
4  when,  being  full  grown,  he  dies,  all  his  kindred 
c  are  impure  :  on  the  birth  of  a  child  the  law  is 
4  the  fame. 

59.  4  By  a  dead  body,  the  fapindas  are  rendered 
4  impure  in  law  for  ten  days,  or  until  the  fourth 
4  day ,  when  the  bones  have  been  gathered  up,  or 
4  for  three  days,  or  for  one  day  only,  according  to 
4  the  qualities  of  the  deceafed: 

60.  4  Now  the  relation  of  the  fapindas ,  or  men 
4  connected  by  the  funeral  cake,  ceafes  with  the 
4  feventh  perfon,  or  in  the  fixth  degree  of  afcent  or 
4  defcenty  and  that  of  famdnodacas>  or  thole  con- 
4  netted  by  an  equal  oblation  of  water,  ends  only, 
4  when  their  births  and  family  names  are  no  longer 
4  known. 

6 1.  4  As  this  impurity,  by  reafon  of  a  dead 
9  kinfman,  is  ordained  for  fapindas ,  even  thus  it  is 
4  ordained  on  a  child-birth,  for  thofe  who  feek 
c  abfolut£  purity. 

62.  4  Un- 



62.  (  UncleanneO,  on  account  of  the  dead,  is 
ordained  for  all ;  but  on  the  birth  of  a  child, 
for  the  mother  and  father:  impurity,  for  ten 
days  after  the  child-birth,  afteCts  the  mother 
only;  but  the  father,  having  bathed,  becomes 

63.  c  A  man,  having  wafted  his  manhood,  is 
purified  by  bathing;  but  after  begetting  a  child 
on  a  parapurva ,  he  mult  meditate  for  three  days 
on  his  impure  ftate. 

64.  c  In  one  day  and  night,  added  to  nights 
three  times  three,  the  Japindas  are  purified  after 
touching  the  corpfe  ;  but  the  famanodacas  in  three 

65.  f  A  pupil  in  theology,  having  performed 
the  ceremony  of  burning  his  deceafed  preceptor, 
becomes  pure  in  ten  nights  :  he  is  equal,  in  that 
cafe,  to  the  Japindas ,  who  carry  out  the  dead. 

66.  c  In  a  number  of  nights,  equal  to  the 
number  of  months  from  conception,  a  woman 
is  purified  on  a  mifcarriage  ;  and  a  woman  in 
her  courfes  is  rendered  pure  by  bathing,  when 
her  effufioft  of  blood  has  quite  (topped. 

67.  c  For  deccaled  male  children,  whofe  heads 
have  not  been  (horn,  purity  is  legally  obtained 
in  one  night;  but  for  thofe,  on  whom  that  ce¬ 
remony  has  been  performed,  a  purification  of 
three  nights  is  required. 

68.  *  A  dead  child  under  the  age  of  two  years, 
let  his  kinfmen  carry  out,  having  decked  him 
with  flowers ,  and  bury  him  in  pure  ground,  with¬ 
out  collecting  his  bones  at  a  future  time : 

69.  c  Let  no  ceremony  with  fire  be  performed 
for  him,  nor  that  of  fprinkling  water;  but  his 
kindred,  having  left  him  like  a  piece  of  wood 
in  the  foreft,  (hall  be  unclean  for  three  days. 

K  2  70.  *  For 


70.  ‘  For  a  child  under  the  age  of  three  years, 

*  the  ceremony  with  water  fhall  not  be  performed 
c  by  his  kindred  ;  but  if  his  teeth  be  completely 

<  grown,  or  a  name  have  been  given  him,  they 
f  may  perform  it,  or  not,  at  their  option . 

71.  f  A  fellow  ftudent  in  theology  being  dead, 
«  three  days  of  impurity  are  ordained  ;  arid  on 

<  the  birth  of  a  famanodaca ,  purification  is  required 
«  for  three  nights. 

72.  c  The  relations  of  betrothed  but  unmarried 
c  damfels,  are  in  three  days  made  pure ;  and,  in 
c  as  many,  are  their  paternal  kinfmen  purified 
c  after  their  marriage  : 

73.  <  Let  them  eat  vegetable  food  without 
‘  factitious,  that  is,  only  with  native  fait  let  them 

*  bathe  for  three  days  at  intervals ;  let  them  tafle 
‘  no  flefh  meat-,  and  let  them  fleep  apart  on  the 
c  ground. 

74.  c  This  rule,  which  ordains  impurity  by  rea- 
c  fon  of  the  dead,  relates  to  the  cafe  of  one  dying 

*  near  his  kinfmen  ;  but,  in  the  cafe  of  one  dying 
c  at  a  diftance,  the  following  rule  muft  be  ob- 
‘  ferved  by  thofe  who  fhare  the  fame  cake,  and 
‘  by  thofe  who  fhare  only  the  fame  water : 

75.  ‘  The  man,  who  hears  that  a  kinfman  is 
c  dead  in  a  diflant  country,  becomes  unclean,  if 

*  ten  days  after  the  death  have  not  palled,  for  the 
‘  remainder  of  thofe  ten  days  only  ; 

76.  ‘  But  if  the  ten  days  have  elapfed,  he  is 
c  impure  for  thre^  nights,  and,  if  a  year  have 

*  expired,  he  is  purified  merely  by  touching  water. 

77.  c  If,  after  the  lapfe  of  ten  days,  he  know 

*  the  death  of  a  kinfman,  or  the  birth  of  a  male 

*  child,  he  muff  purify  himfelf  by  bathing  together 

*  with  his  clothes. 

78.  *  Should  a  child,  whole  teeth  are  not 




4  grown,  or  fhould  a  [amanodaca  die  in  a  diftant 
4  region,  the  kinfman,  having  bathed  with  his 
4  apparel,  becomes  immediately  pure. 

79.  4  If,  during  the  ten  days,  another  death  or 
4  another  birth  intervene,  a  Brahmen  remains  im- 
4  pure  only  till  thole  ten  days  have  elapfed. 

80.  c  A  fpiritual  teacher  being  dead,  the  fages 
4  dec’are  his  pupil  impure  for  three  days ;  but  for 
4  a  day  and  a  night,,  if  the  fon  or  wife  of  the 
4  teacher  be  decealed  ;  fuch  is  the  facred  ordi- 
*  nance. 

81.  4  For  a  reader  of  the  whole  Veday  who 
4  dwells  in  the  fame  houfe,  a  man  is  unclean  three 
4  nights;  but  for  a  maternal  uncle,  a  pupil,  an 
4  officiating  prieft,  and  a  diftant  kinfman,  only 
4  one  night  winged  with  two  days. 

82.  4  On  the  death  of  a  military  king,  in  whofe 
4  dominion  he  lives,  his  impurity  lafis  while  the 

'  ‘  fun  or  the  ftars  give  light  ;  but  it  lajls  a  whole 
4  day,  on  the  death  of  a  prieft  who  has  not  read 
4  the  whole  Veday  or  of  a  fpiritual  guide,  who  has 
4  read  only  part  of  it,  with  its  Angas. 

83.  4  A  man  of  the  facerdotal  clafs  becomes 
4  pure  in  ten  days  ;  of  the  warlike,  in  twelve  ; 
4  of  the  commercial,  in  five  ;  of  the  fervile,  in 
4  a  month. 

84.  4  Let  no  man  prolong  the  days  of  impurity ; 
4  let  him  not  intermit  the  ceremonies  to  be  per- 
4  formed  with  holy  fires  ;  while  he  performs  thofe 
4  rites,  even  though  he  be  a  Japinda ,  he  is  not 
4  impure 

85.  4  He,  who  has  touched  a  Cbandala ,  a  wo- 
4  man  in  her  courfes,  an  ouccaft  for  deadly  fin,  a 
4  new  born  child,  a  corpfe,  or  one  who  has  touch- 
4  ed  a  corpfe,  is  made  pure  bv  bathing. 

K  Z 

86.  ‘  If, 


86.  c  If,  having  fprinkled  his  mouth  with 
f  water,  and  been  long  intent  on  his  devotion,  he 
c  fee  an  unclean  perfon,  let  him  repeat,  as  well  as 
€  he  is  able,  the  folar  texts  of  the  Veda,  and  thofe 

*  which  confer  purity. 

87.  r  Should  a  Brahmen  touch  a  human  bone 
1  moift  with  oil,  he  is  purified  by  bathing;  if  it 
<  be  not  oily,  by  rtroking  a  cow,  or  by  looking  at 
‘  the  fun,  having  fprinkled  his  mouth  duly  with 
r  water. 

88.  c  A  rtudent  in  theology  (hall  not  perform 
r  the  ceremony  of  pouring  water  at  obfequies,  un- 
c  til  he  have  completed  his  courfe  of  religious  a<5ts ; 
‘  but  if,  after  the  completion  of  them,  he  thus 
€  make  an  offering  of  water,  he  becomes  pure  in 
c  three  nights. 

89.  c  For  thofe,  who  difcharge  not  their  pre- 
c  fcribed  duties  ;  for  thofe,  whofe  fathers  were  of 
1  a  lower  clafs  than  their  mothers  ;  for  thofe, 

*  who  wear  a  drefs  of  religion  unauthorized  by  the 
c  Veda-,  and  for  thofe,  who  illegally  kill  themfelves, 
* , the  ceremony  of  giving  funeral  water  is  forbid- 
?  den  by  law  ; 

90.  c  And  for  women  imitating  fuch  hereticks, 

*  as  wear  an  unlawful  drefs,  and  for  fuch  women 

*  as  live  at  their  own  pleafure,  or  have  caufed  an 

*  abortion,  or  have  rtricken  their  hufbands,  or 
c  have  drunk  any  fpirituous  liquor. 

91.  c  A  ftudent  violates  not  the  rules  of  his  or- 
c  der,  by  carrying  out,  when  dead,  his  own  in  * 
4  ftrufror  in  the  Vedas ,  who  inverted  him  with  his 

*  holy  cord,  or  his  teacher  of  particular  chapters, 
€  or  his  reverend  expounder  of  their  meaning,  or 
c  his  father,  or  his  mother. 

92.  c  Let  men  carry  out  a  dead  Sudra  by  the 
c  fouthern  gate  of  the  town  ;  but  the  twice  born, 

*  in 


1 35 

c  in  due  order,  by  the  wedern,  northern,  and 
4  eaftern  gates. 

93.  4  No  taint  of  impurity  can  light  on  kings 

*  or  dudents  in  theology,  while  employed  in  dij- 

*  charging  their  fever al  duties ,  nor  on  thofe  who 
‘  have  a&ually  begun  a  facrifice  ;  for  the  fird  are 
1  then  placed  on  the  feat  of  Indra,  and  the  others 
<  are  always  equally  pure  with  the  celtftial  fpirit. 

94..  4  To  a  king,  on  the  throne  of  magnanimity, 
c  the  law  afcribes  inftant  purification,  becaufe  his 
€  throne  was  raifed  for  the  protedtion  of  his  peo- 
€  pie  and  the  fupply  of  their  nourifhment : 

95.  4  It  is  the  fame  with  the  kinjmen  of  thofe 
c  who  die  in  battle,  after  the  king  has  been  fiain, 
4  or  have  been  killed  by  lightning,  or  legally  by 
4  the  king  himfelf,  or  in  defence  of  a  cow,  or  of  a 
9  pried  ;  and  with  all  thofe  whom  the  king 
4  wifhes  to  be  pure. 

96.  4  The  corporeal  frame  of  a  king  is  ccm- 
c  pofed  of  particles  from  S6ma>  Acni,  Surya, 
4  Pavana,  Indra,  Cuve'ra,  Varuna,  and 
4  Y  \ma,  the  eight  guardian  deities  of  the  world  : 

97.  4  By  thofe  guardians  of  men  in  fubdance  is 
4  the  king  pervaded,  and  he  cannot  by  law  be 
4  impure  ;  fince  by  thofe  tutelar  gods  are  the 
4  purity  and  impurity  of  mortals  both  caufed  and 
4  removed. 

98.  4  By  a  foldier  difcharging  the  duties  of  his 
4  clafs,  and  flain  in  the  field  with  brandifhed  wea- 
4  pons,  the  highed  facrifice  is,  in  that  indant, 
4  complete  ;  and  fo  is  his  purification  :  this  law 
4  is  fixed. 

99.  4  A  pried  having  performed  funeral  rites, 
4  is  purified  by  touching  water;  a  foldier,  by 
4  touching  his  horfe  or  elephant,  or  his  arms ; 
4  a  hufbandman,  by  touching  his  goad,  or  the  hal- 

K  4  ‘  ter 


c  ter  of  his  cattle ;  a  fervant,  by  touching  his 

4  ftaff. 

ico.  c  This  mode  of  purifying  Japindas,  O  chief 
4  of  the  twice  born,  has  been  fully  declared  to 
4  you  !  learn  now  the  purification  required  on  the 
4  death  of  kinfmen  lefs  intimately  connedted. 

101.  4  A  Brahmen ,  having  caried  out  a  dead 
4  Brahmen ,  though  not  a Japinda,  with  the  affedtion 
4  of  a  kinfman,  or  any  of  thofe  nearly  related  to 
4  him  by  his  mother,  becomes  pure  in  three 
4  days  ; 

102.  £  But,  if  he  tafle  the  food  offered  by  their 
4  fapindas ,  he  is  purified  in  ten  days ;  and  in  one 
4  day,  if  jfe  neither  partake  of  their  food,  nor  dwell 
4  in  the  fame  houfe. 

103.  4  If  he  voluntarily  follow  a  corpfe,  whe- 
4  ther  of  a  paternal  kinfman  or  of  another,  and 
4  afterwards  bathe  with  his  apparel,  he  is  made 
4  pure  by  touching  fire  and  tafting  clarified 
4  butter. 

104.  4  Let  no  kinfman,  whilfl  any  of  his  own 
c  clafs  are  at  hand,  caufe  a  deceafed  Brahmen  to  be 
4  carried  out  by  a  Si  dra  j  fmce  the  funeral  rite, 
4  polluted  by  the  touch  of  a  feryile  man,  obfirudls 
4  his  paflage  to  heaven. 

105.  4  Sacred  learning*  auftere  devotion,  fire, 
4  holy  aliment,  earth,  the  mind,  water,  fmearing 
4  with  cow-duog,  air,  prefcribed  adts  of  religion, 
4  the  fun,  and  time,  are  purifiers  of  imbodied 
4  fpirits  \ 

106.  4  But  of  all  pure  things,  purity  in  acquir- 
4  hig  wealth  is  pronounced  the  mod  excellent: 
4  fince  he,  who  gains  wealth  with  clean  hands,  is 
4  truly  pure  ;  not  he,  who  is  purified  merely  with 
4  earth  and  water. 

107.  c  By 



1 07.  4  By  forgivenefs  of  injuries,  rhe  learned 
c  are  purified  ;  by  liberality,  thofe  who  have  neg- 
4  lecled  their  duty  ;  by  pious  meditation,  thole 

*  who  have  fecret  faults  ;  by  devout  aufterity, 

*  thole  who  bed  know  the  Veda. 

108.  4  By  water  and  earth  is  purified  what 
4  ought  to  be  made  pure  ;  a  river,  bv  its  current ; 

4  a  woman,  whofe  thoughts  have  been  impure,  by 
4  her  monthly  difcharge,  and  the  chief  of  twice 
4  born  men,  by  fixing  his  mind  wholly  on  God. 

109.  4  Bodies  are  cleanfed  by  water  ;  the  mind 
4  is  purified  by  truth;  the  vital  fpirit,  by  theology 
4  and  devotion  ;  the  undei  (landing,  by  clear 
4  knowledge. 

110.  4  Thus  have  you  heard  me  declare  the 
4  precife  rules  for  purifying  animal  bodies:  hear 
4  now  the  modes  of  reftoring  purity  to  various 
4  inanimate  things. 

111.  4  Of  brilliant  metals,  of  gems,  and  of  every 
4  thing  made  with  Hone,  the  purification,  ordained 
4  by  the  wife,  is  with  afhes,  water,  and  earth. 

1 1 2.  4  A  golden  vefiel,  not  fmeared,  is  cleanfed 
9  with  water  only  ;  and  every  thing  produced  in 
4  water,  as  coral ,  Jhells  or  pearls,  and  every  (tony 
4  fubftance,  and  a  filver  vefifel  not  enchafed. 

1 1  3.  4  From  a  jundlion  of  water  and  fire  arofe 
4  gold  and  filver;  and  they  two,  therefore,  are  bed 
4  purified  by  the  elements  whence  they  fprang. 

114.  4  VefiTels  of  copper,  iron,  brafs,  pewter, 
4  tin  and  lead,  may  be  fitly  cleanfed  with  allies, 
4  with  acids,  or  with  water. 

115.  4  The  purification  ordained  for  all  forts  of 
4  liquids,  is  by  llirring  them  with  rtf/tf-grafs  ;  for 
4  cloths  folded  by  fprinkling  them  with  hallowed 
4  water  ;  for  wooden  utenfils,  by  planeing  them. 

116,  k  ter 


u6.  f  For  the  facrificial  pots  to  hold  clarified 
butter  and  juice  of  the  moon  plant,  by  rubbing 
them  with  the  hand,  and  wafhing  them,  at 
the  time  of  the  facrifice  : 

117.  c  Implements  to  wafh  the  rice,  to  contain 
the  oblations,  to  cad  them  into  the  fire,  to  col¬ 
led,  winnow,  and  prepare  the  grain,  mud  be 
purified  with  water  made  hot. 

118.  *  The  purification  by  fprinkling  is  or¬ 
dained  for  grain  and  cloths  in  large  quantities  ; 
but  to  purify  them  in  fmall  parcels,  which  a 
man  may  eafily  carry ,  they  mud  be  wafhed. 

1 1 9.  ‘  Leathern  utenfils,  and  fuch  as  are  made 
with  cane,  mud  generally  be  purified  in  the  fame 
manner  with  cloths;  green  vegetables,  roots, 
and  fruit,  in  the  fame  manner  with  grain  ; 

120.  c  Silk  and  woollen  duff,  with  fa;  ine  earths  ; 
blankets  from  Nepala  with  pounded  arijhtas>  or 
nimha  fruit ;  vefts  and  long  drawers,  with  the 
fruit  of  the  Bilva  ;  mantles  r'cjhuma ,  with  white 
mudard  feeds. 

12 1.  6  Utenfils  made  of fhells  or  horn,  of  bones 
or  of  ivory,  mud  be  cleanfed  by  him  who- 
knows  the  law,  as  mantles  of  cjhumd  are  puri¬ 
fied,  with  the  addition  of  cows  urine  or  of  water. 

122.  c  Grafs,  firewood,  and  draw,  are  purified 
by  fprnkling  them  with  water ;  a  houfe,  by 
rubbing,  brulhing,  and  fmearing  with  cow-dung; 
an  earthen  pot,  by  a  fecond  burning: 

123.  4  But  an  earthen  pot,  which  has  been 
touched  with  any  fpirituous  liquor,  with  urine, 
with  ordure,  with  fpittle,  with  pus,  or  with 
blood,  cannot,  even  by  another  burning,  be  ren¬ 
dered  pure. 

124.  *  Land  is  cleanfed  by  five  modes;  by 

*  fvveeping 

and  w  min. 


c  (weeping,  by  fmearing  with  cow-dung,  by  (brink - 
<  ling  with  cow's  urine,  bv  fc raping,  or  by  letting 
«  a  cow  pafs  a  day  and  a  night  on  it. 

4  A  thing  nibbled  by  a  bird,  fmelt  at  bv 
*  a  cow,  fhaken  with  a  foot,  fneeaed  on,  or  defiled 
4  by  lice,  is. purified  by  earth  lcattered  over  it. 

126.  4  As  long  as  the  fcent  or  moifture,  caufed 
f  by  any  impurity,  remain  on  the  thing  foiled,  io 
4  long  muft  earth  and  water  be  repeatedly  uicd  in 
4  all  purifications  of  things  inanimate. 

127  4  The  gods  declared  three  pure  things 
4  peculiar  ro  Brahmens  5  what  has  been  defiled 
4  without  their  knowledge,  what,  in  cafes  ofdoubr, 
c  they  fprinkle  with  water;  and  what  they  com- 

4  mend  with  their  fpeech. 

1 ->8.  c  Waters  are  pure,  as  far  as  a  cow  goes  to 
4  quench  her  third  in  them,  if  they  flow  over 
4  clean  earth,  and  are  fullied  by  no  impurity,  but 
4  have  a  good  fcent,  colour,  and  tafie. 

12().  f  The  hand  of  an  artift,  employed  in  his  art , 

4  is  always  pure;  fo  is  every  vendible  commodity, 

4  when  expofed  to  fale  ;  and  that  food  is  always 
4  clean,  which  a  ftudent  in  theology  has  begged 
4  and  received :  fuch  is  the  facred  rule. 

130.  4  The  mouth  of  a  woman  is  conftantly 
4  pure  ;  a  bird  is  pure  on  the  fall  of  fruit,  which 
4  he  has  pecked;  a  fucking  animal,  on  the  flowing 
4  of  the  milk ;  a  dog,  on  his  catching  the  deer : 

1  31.  4  The  flefh  of  a  wild  beaft  (lain  by  dogs, 
c  Menu  pronounces  pure  ;  and  that  of  an  animal 
4  flain  by  other  carnivorous  creatures,  or  by  men 
4  of  the  mixed  clals,  who  fubfift  by  hunting. 

132.  4  All  the  cavities  above  the  navel  are  pure, 

4  and  all  below  it,  unclean  ;  fo  are  all  excretions 
4  that  fall  from  the  body. 

*  133*  *  Gnats 




133.  (  Gnats,  clear  drops  from  the  mouth  of  a 
fpeaker,  a  fhadow,  a  cow,  a  horl'e,  fun  beams, 
dull:,  earth,  air  and  fire,  muft  all  be  confidered 
as  clean,  even  when  they  touch  an  unclean 

134.  c  For  the  cleanfing  of  veflels,  which  have 
held  ordure  or  urine,  earth  and  water  muft  be 
ufed,  as  long  as  they  are  needful ;  and  the  fame 
for  cleanfing  the  twelve  corporeal  impurities : 

135.  c  Oily  exudations,  feminal  fluids,  blood, 
dandruff,  urine,  feces,  ear-wax,  nail-parings, 
phlegm,  tears,  concretions  on  the  eyes,  and 
iweat,  are  the  twelve  impurities  of  the  human 

136.  c  By  the  man  who  defires  purity,  one  piece 
of  earth,  together  with  water ,  muft  be  ufed  for  the 
conduit  of  urine,  three  for  that  of  the  feces ;  fo, 
ten  for  one  hand,  that  is>  the  left ;  then  feven  for 
both  :  hut  if  necefjary,  more  muft  he  ufed . 

137.  c  Such  is  the  purification  of  married  men  ; 
that  of  ftudents  muft  be  double  ;  that  of  hermits, 
triple;  that  of  men  wholly  reclufe,  quadruple. 

138.  c  Let  each  man  fprinkle  the  cavities  of  his 
body,  and  tafte  water  in  due  form,  when  he  has 
difcharged  urine  or  feces ;  when  he  is  going  to 
read  the  Vida  ;  and,  invariably,  before  he  takes 
his  food : 

139.  f  Firft,  let  him  thrice  tafte  water ;  then, 
twice  let  him  wipe  his  mouth,  if  he  he  of  a 
twice  horn  clafs ,  and  defire  corporeal  purity  ;  but 
a  woman  or  fervile  man  may  once  refpedively 
make  that  ablution. 

140.  *  SudraSy  engaged  in  religious  duties, 
muft  perform  each  month  the  ceremony  of 
{having  their  heads  3  their  food  muft  be  the 

4  orts 



‘  orts  of  Brahmens  ;  and  their  mode  of  purifica- 
«  tion,  the  fame  wich  that  of  a  Vaifya. 

141.  ‘  Such  drops  of  water,  as  tall  from  the 
«  mouth  or  any  part  of  the  body,  render  it  not 
«  unclean  ;  nor  hairs  of  the  bta  d  that  enter  the 

<  mouth  i  nor  what  adheres  awhile  to  the  teeth. 

142.  c  Drops,  which  trickle  on  the  feet  of  a 

<  1Tlan  holding  water  for  others,  are  held  equal  to 

•  waters  flowing  over  pure  earth  t  by  them  oe  is 
‘  not  defiled. 

143.  ‘  He,  who  carries  in  any  manner  an  m- 
«  animate  burden,  and  is  touched  by  any  thing 
‘  impure,  is  cleanfed  by  making  an  ablution, 

«  without  laving  his  burden  down. 

144.  *  Having  vomited,  or  been  purged,  let 
«  him  bathe  and  tafle  clarified  butter,  but,  it  lie 

<  have  eaten  already,  let  him  only  perform  an  ab- 

*  lution  :  for  him,  who  has  been  connected  wit.i 
c  a  woman,  bathing  is  ordained  by  law. 

14-.  «  Having  (lumbered,  having  fneezed,  hav- 
«  ing  eaten,  having  fpitten,  having  told  untruths, 
‘  having  drunk  water,  and  going  to  read  facred 
«  books,  let  him,  thoueh  pure,  walh  his  mouth. 

146.  4  This  perfect  fyftem  of  rules  for  purify- 
4  ing  men  of  all  clafies,  and  for  cleanfing  inani- 
4  mate  things,  has  been  declared  to  you  :  hear 
4  now  the  laws  concerning  women. 

147.  4  Bv  a  girl,  or  by  a  young  woman,  or 
by  a  woman  advanced  in  years,  nothing  mull 
be  done,  even  in  her  own  dwelling  place,  ac¬ 
cording  to  her  mere  pleafure : 

148.  ‘  In  childhood  mud  a  female  be  depen¬ 
dent  on  her  father ;  in  youth,  on  her  hufband  ; 
her  lord  being  dead,  on  her  Tons  j  if  Jhe  have  no 
Jon on  the  near  kinfmen  of  her  bu'hand  j  ij  he 

4  left 


left  no  kinfmen ,  on  thofs  of  her  father  ;  if  Jhe  have 
no  faternal  kinfmen ,  on  the  fovereign  :  a  woman 
mud  never  feek  independence. 

149.  f  Never  let  her  wifh  to  feparate  herfelf 
from  her  father,  her  hufband,  or  her  Tons  ;  for, 
by  a  feparation  from  them,  the  cxpofes  both 
families  to  contempt. 

150.  ‘  She  muff  always  live  with  a  cheerful 
temper,  with  good  management  in  the  affairs 
of  the  houfe,  with  great  care  of  the  houfehold 
furniture,  and  with  a  frugal  hand  in  all  her 

15 1.  c  Him,  to  whom  her  father  has  given 
her,  or  her  brother  with  the  paternal  afient,  let 
her  obfequioufly  honour,  while  he  lives  j  and, 
when  he  dies,  let  her  never  negledt  him. 

152.  f  The  recitation  of  holy  texts,  and  the 
facrifice  ordained  by  the  lord  of  creatures,  are 
ufed  in  marriages  for  the  fake  of  procuring 
good  fortune  to  brides  ;  but  the  fir  ft  gift,  or 
troth  flighted  by  the  hufband,  is  the  primary 
caufe  and  origin  of  marital  dominion. 

153.  c  When  the  hufband  has  performed  the 
nuptial  rites  with  texts  from  the  Peda,  he  gives 
blils  continually  to  his  wife  here  below,  both  in 
feafon  and  out  of  feafon ;  and  he  will  give  her 
happinefs  in  the  next  world. 

154.  *  Though  inobfervant  of  approved  ufages, 
or  enamoured  of  another  woman,  or  devoid  of 
good  qualities,  yet  a  hufband  muff  conffamly 
be  revered  as  a  god  by  a  virtuous  wife. 

1 55.  ‘  No  facrifice  is  allowed  to  women  apart 
from  their  hufbands,  no  religious  rite,  no  faff¬ 
ing  :  as  far  only  as  a  wife  honours  her  lord,  fo 
far  fhe  is  exalted  in  heaven. 

1  ^6.  c  A 



i  ;6.  4  A  faithful  wife,  who  wifhes  to  attain 
c  in  heaven  the  manfion  of  her  hufband,  ■  1  do 
«  nothing  unkind  to  him,  be  lie  living  or  dc 

1^7.  4  Lecher  cmaciare  her  body,  by  nvmg 
«  voluntarily  on  pure  flowers,  roots,  and  f  it; 
g  but  let  her  not,  when  her  lord  is  deceafed,  even 

*  pronounce  the  name  of  another  man. 

158.  4  Let  her  concinue  till  death  forgiving  all 

*  injuries,  performing hnrfh  duties,  avoiding  very 
4  fenfual  pleaftire,  and  cheerfully  praftifing  the 
1  incomparable  rules  of  virtue,  v  iieh  \  t 
«  followed  by  fuch  women,  as  were  devoted  to 
4  one  only  hufband. 

159  ‘  Many  thoufands  of  Brahmens ,  having 

<  avoided  fcnfuality  from  their  early  youth,  and 
4  having  left  no  ifTue  in  their  families,  have  af» 

4  cended,  never  the! ejs ,  to  heaven ; 

160.  4  And,  like  thofe  abftemious  men,  a  vir- 
4  tuous  wife  afeends  to  heaven,  though  (lie  have 
4  no  child,  if,  after  the  deceafe  of  her  lord,  fhe 
c  devote  herfelf  to  pious  aufterity  : 

161.  4  But  a  widow,  who,  from  a  wifli  to  bear 
4  children,  flights  her  decealed  hufband  by  marry - 
c  ing  again ,  brings  difgrace  on  herfelf  here  below, 
4  and  (hall  be  excluded  from  the  feat  of  her  lord. 

162.  4  IfTue,  begotten  on  a  woman  by  any 
4  other  than  her  hufband>  is  here  declared  to  be 
4  no  progeny  of  hers  ;  no  more  than  a  child, 
4  begotten  on  the  wife  of  another  man,  belongs  to 
4  the  begetter  :  nor  is  a  fecond  hufband  allowed, 
4  in  any  part  of  this  code,  to  a  virtuous  woman. 

163.  4  She,  who  negleds  her  former  (purva) 
4  lord,  though  of  a  lower  clafs,  and  takes  another 
4  {para)  of  a  higher,  becomes  defpicablc  in  this 
4  world,  and  is  called  parapurvd ,  or  one  who  had 
4  a  different  hujband  before . 

164.  4  A 


-  164.  c  A  married  woman,  who  violates  the 

4  duty  which  the  owes  to  her  lord,  brings  infamy 

*  on  herfelf  in  this  life,  and,  in  the  next,  (hall  enter 
‘  the  womb  of  a  fhakal,  or  be  affiidted  with  ele- 
c  phantiafis ,and  other  difeafes,  which  punifh  crimes; 

165.  ‘  While  Hie,  who  flights  not  her  .lord, 

*  but  keeps  her  mind,  fpeecn,  and  body,  devoted 
c  to  him,  attains  his  heavenly  manfion,  and  by 
(  good  men  is  called  Jadhv /,  or  virtuous . 

166.  c  Yes;  by  this  courfe  of  life  it  is,  that  a 
c  woman,  whofe  mind,  fpeech,  and  body  are 
‘  kept  in  fubje&ion,  acquires  high  renown  in  this 
c  world,  and,  in  the  next,  the  fame  abode  with 
‘  her  hufband. 

167.  f  A  twice  born  man,  verfed  in  facred 

*  ordinances,  mull  burn  with  hallowed  fire  and  fit 

*  implements  of  faerifice,  his  wife  dying  before 
c  him,  if  fhe  was  of  his  own  clafs,  and  lived  by 
c  thefe  rules : 

168.  c  Having  thus  kindled  facred  fires  and 
c  performed  funeral  rites  to  his  wife,  who  died 
c  before  him,  he  may  again  marry,  and  again 

*  lighc  the  nuptial  fire. 

169.  c  Let  him  not  ceafe  to  perform  day  by 

*  day,  according  to  the  preceding  rules,  the  five 
c  great  lacraments ;  and  having  taken  a  lawful 
c  confort,  let  him  dwell  in  his  houfe  during  the 

*  fecond  period  of  his  life. 

(  45  ) 


On  Devotion  ;  or  on  the  Third  and  Fourth 
Orders . 

1.  c  Having  thus  remained  in  the  order  of  a 
i  houfe-keeper,  as  the  law  ordains,  let  the  twice 
c  born  man,  who  had  before  completed  his  ftu- 
1  dentfhip,  dwell  in  a  foreft,  his  faith  being  firm 
1  and  his  organs  wholly  fubdued. 

2.  c  When  the  father  of  a  family,  perceive?  his 
c  mufcles  become  flaccid  and  his  hair  gray,  and 
c  fees  the  child  of  his  child,  let  him  then  feck 
c  refuge  in  a  foreft  : 

3.  *  Abandoning  all  food  eaten  m  towns,  and  all 
c  his  houfehold  utenfils,  let  him  to  the 
€  lonely  wood,  committing  the  care  of  his  wife  to 

*  her  fons,  or  accompanied  by  her,  if Jhe  chufe  to 
€  attend  him . 

4.  *  Let  him  take  up  his  confecrated  fire,  and 
c  all  his  domeftick  implements  of  making  oblations 
‘  to  it,  and,  departing  from  the  town  to  the  foreft, 
€  let  him  dwell  in  it  with  complete  power  over  his 

*  organs  of  fenje  and  of  afiion. 

5.  1  With  many  forts  of  pure  food,  fuch  as  holy 

*  fages  ufed  to  eat,  with  green  herbs,  roots,  and 

L  ‘  fruit, 

146  ON  devotion;  or  on  the 

*  fruit,  let  him  perform  the  five  great  facraments 
1  before  mentioned,  introducing  them  with  due 
‘  ceremonies. 

6.  c  Let  him  wear  a  black  antelopes’s  hide,  or 

*  a  vefture  of  bark;  let  him  bathe  evening  and 
€  morning;  let  him  fuffer  the  hairs  of  his  head, 

*  his  beard,  and  his  nails  to  grow  continually.  , 

7.  •  From  fuch  food,  as  himfelf  may  eat,  let 

*  him,  to  the  utmoft  of  his  power,  make  offerings 

*  and  give  alms ;  and  with  prefents  of  water,  roots, 

‘  and  fruit,  let  him  honour  thole  who  vifit  his 

*  hermitage. 

8.  1  Let  him  be  conftantly  engaged  in  reading  the 

*  Veda ;  patient  of  all  extremities,  univerfaily  be- 
1  nevolent,  with  a  mind  intent  on  the  Supreme 
c  Being  ;  a  perpetual  giver,  but  no  receiver  of 
6  gifts  ;  with  tender  affedion  for  all  animated 

*  bodies. 

9.  1  Let  him,  as  the  law  direds,  make  oblations 

*  on  the  hearth  with  three  facred  fires  ;  not  omit- 
f  ting,  in  due  time,  the  ceremonies  to  be  performed 
£  at  the  conjundion  and  oppofition  of  the  moon. 

10.  c  Let  him  alfo  perform  the  facrifice ordained 

*  in  honour  of  the  lunar  conftellations,  make  the 

*  prefcribed  offering  of  new  grain,  and  folemnize 
1  holy  rites  every  four  months,  and  at  the  winter 
1  and  fummer  folftices. 

11.  c  With  pure  grains,  the  food  of  ancient 

*  fage  s,  growing  in  the  vernal  and  autumnal  fea- 

*  fons,  and  brought  home  by  himfelf,  let  him  feve- 
‘  rally  make,  as  the  law  ordains,  the  oblations  of 
4  cakes  and  boiled  grain  ; 

12.  6  And,  having  prefented  to  the  gods,  that 

*  pureft  oblation  which  the  wild  woods  produced, 

*  let  him  eat  what  remains,  together  with  fome 
.nati v  e  fait,  which  himfelf  colleded. 

13.  ‘  Let 


13.  4  Let  him  eat  green  herbs,  flowers,  roots, 
and  fruit,  that  grow  on  earth  or  in  water, 
and  the  productions  of  pure  trees,  and  oils 
formed  in  fruits. 

14.  ‘  Honey  and  flefli  meat  he  rnuft  avoid,  and 
all  forts  of  mufhroorns,  the  plant  bkufirina ,  that 
named  fighruca,  and  the  fruit  of  the  JleJhmataca. 

15.  4  In  the  month  djwina  let  him  caft  away  the 
food  of  fages,  which  he  before  had  laid  up,  and 
his  vefture,  then  become  old,  and  his  herbs, 
roots,  and  fruit. 

16.  4  Let  him  not  eat  the  produce  of  plowed 
land,  though  abandoned  by  any  man  who 
owns  it,  nor  fruits  and  roots  produced  in  a 
town,  even  though  hunger  opprefs  him. 

17.  4  He  may  eat  what  is  mellowed  by  fire,  and 
he  may  eat  what  is  ripened  by  time  ;  and  either 
let  him  break  hard  fruits  with  a  ftone,  or  let  his 
teeth  ferve  as  a  peftle. 

18.  4  Either  let  him  pluck  enough  for  a  day, 
or  let  him  gather  enough  for  a  month  ;  or  let 
him  collect  enough  for  fix  months,  or  lay  up 
enough  for  a  year. 

19.  4  Having  procured  food,  as  he  is  able,  lie 
may  eat  it  at  eve  or  in  the  morning;  or  he 
may  take  only  every  fourth,  or  every  eighth, 
fuch  regular  meal  ; 

20.  4  Or,  by  the  rules  of  the  lunar  penance,  he 
may  eat  a  mouthful  more  each  day  of  the  bright, 
and  a  mouthful  lefs  each  day  ot  the  dark  fort¬ 
night  ;  or  he  may  eat  only  once,  at  the  clofe  of 
each  fortnight,  a  mefsof  boiled  grains  : 

21.  4  Or  he  may  conftantly  live  on  flowers  and 
roots,  and  on  fruit  matured  by  time,  which  has 
fallen  fpontaneoufly,  ftri&ly  obferving  the  laws 
ordained  for  hermits. 


22 .  *  Let 

4§  *  ON  DEVOTION  :  OR  ON  THE 

22.  c  Let  him  Hide  backwards  and  forwards  en¬ 
tile  ground  ;  or  let  him  Hand  a  whole  day  on 
tiptoe  ;  or  let  him  continue  in  motion  rifing  and 
fitting  alternately  ;  but  at  funrife,  at  noon,  and 
at  funfet,  let  him  go  to  the  waters  and  bathe. 

23.  ‘  In  the  hot  feafon,  let  him  fit  expofed  to 
five  fires,  four  blazing  around  him  with  the  fun 
above  ;  in  the  rains,  let  -him  Hand  uncovered, 
without  even  a  mantle ,  where  the  clouds  pour  the 
heavieft  fhowers  ;  and  in  the  cold  feafon,  let  him 
wear  humid  vefture ;  and  let  him  increafe  by 
degrees  the  aufterity  of  his  devotion  : 

24.  c  Performing  his  ablution  at  the  three  Sava - 
nas ,  let  him  give  fatisfa&ion  to  the  manes  and 
to  the  gods  ;  and,  enduring  harfher  and 
harfher  mortifications,  let  him  dry  up  his  bodily 

25.  ‘  Then  having  repofited  his  holy  fires,  as  the 
law  directs,  in  his  mind,  let  him  live  without 
external  fife,  without  a  manfion,  wholly  filent, 
feeding  on  roots  and  fruit; 

26.  c  Not  folicitous  for  the  means  of  gratifica¬ 
tion,  chafle  as  a  fiudent,  Deeping  on  the  bare 
earth,  in  the  hants  of  pious  hermits,  without 
one  felfifh  affe&ion,  dwelling  at  the  roots  of 

27.  c  From  devout  Brahmens  let  him  receive 
alms  to  fupport  life,  or  from  other  houfe-keep- 
ers  of  twice  born  clafifes,  who  dwell  in  the 
foreft  : 

28.  c  Or  the  hermit  may  bring  food  from  a 
town,  having  received  it  in  a  bafket  of  leaves, 
in  his  naked  hand,  or  in  a  potfherd  ;  and  then 
let  him  fwallovv  eight  mouthfuls. 

29.  c  Thefe  and  other  rules  mud  a  Brahmen , 
who  retires  to  the  woods,  diligently  pra&ife  ; 

c  and. 



*  and,  for  the  purpofe  of  uniting  his  foul  with  the 

*  Divine  Spirit,  let  him  ltudy  the  various  Upa - 
4  yiifhads  of  fcripture,  or  chapters  on  the  e (fence  ami 
4  attributes  of  God, 

30.  4  Which  have  been  ftudied  with  reverence 
4  by  anchorites  verfed  in  theology,  and  bv  houfe- 
4  keepers,  who  dwelt  afterwards  in  forefts,  for  the 
4  fake  of  increafing  their  fublime  knowledge  and 
4  devotion,  and  for  the  purification  of  their  bodies. 

31.  4  Or,  if  he  has  any  incurable  difeafe,  let  him 
4  advance  in  a  flraight  path,  towards  the  invinci- 
4  ble  north  enjlern  point,  feeding  on  water  and  air, 
4  till  his  mortal  frame  totally  decay,  and  his  foul 
4  become  united  with  the  Supreme. 

32.  4  A  Brahmen ,  having  fhuffled  off  his  body 
4  by  any  of  thofe  modes,  which  great  fages  prac- 
4  tifed,  and  becoming  void  of  forrow  and  fear, 
4  rifes  to  exaltation  in  the  divine  eflencc. 

33.  4  Having  thus  performed  religious  ads  in 
4  a  fore  ft  during  the  third  portion  of  his  life,  let 
4  him  become  a  Sannyafi  for  the  fourth  portion  of 
4  it,  abandoning  all  fenfual  affedions,  and  wholly 
4  repoftng  in  the  Supreme  Spirit  : 

34.  4  The  man  who  has  patted  from  order  to 
4  order,  has  made  oblations  to  fire  on  his  refpeftive 
4  changes  of  fate ,  and  has  kept  his  members  in 
4  fubjedion,  but,  tired  with  fo  long  a  courfe  of  giving 
4  alms  and  making  offerings,  thus  repoles  himfelf 
4  entirely  on  God,  (hall  be  raifed,  after  death,  to 
4  glory. 

35.  4  When  he  has  paid  his  three  debts  to  the 
4  fages ,  the  manes ,  and  the  gods,  let  him  apply  his 
4  mind  to  final  beatitude  ;  but  low  (hall  He  fall 
4  who  prefumes  to  feek  beatitude  without  hav- 
4  ing  difeharged  thofe  debts ; 


36.  4  Aftci 

jjo  ON  DEVOTION  ;  OR  ON  THE 

36.  4  After  be  has  read  the  Vedas  in  the  form 
prefcribed  by  law,  has  legally  begotten  a  fon, 
and  has  performed  facrifices  to  the  beft  of  his 
power,  he  has  paid  his  three  debts ,  and  may  then 
apply  his  heart  to  eternal  blifs  ; 

37.  4  But  if  a  Brahmen  have  not  read  the  Veda , 
if  he  have  not  begotten  afon,  and  if  he  have  not 
performed  facrifices,  yet  fhall  aim  at  final  bea¬ 
titude,  he  fhall  fink  to  a  place  of  degradation. 

38.  6  Having  performed  the  facrifice  of  Pra 
ja'peti,  accompanied  with  a  gift  of  all  his 
wealth,  and  having  repofited  in  his  mind  the  faerie 
ficial  fires,  a  Brahmen  may  proceed  from  his 
houfe,  that  is ,  from  the  [econd  order ,  or  he  may  pro- 
ceed  even  from  the  firjt ,  to  the  condition  of  a 
Sannyajt . 

39.  4  Higher  worlds  are  illuminated  with  the 
glory  of  that  man,  who  pafifes  from  his  houfe 
into  the  fourth  order,  giving  exemption  from 
fear  to  all  animated  beings,  and  pronouncing 
the  myflick  words  of  the  Veda  : 

40.  4  To  the  Brahmen ,  by  whom  not  even  the 
fmallefl  dread  has  been  occafioned  by  fentient 
creatures,  there  can  be  no  dread  from  any  quar¬ 
ter  whatever,  when  he  obtains  a  releafe  from 
his  mortal  body. 

41.  4  Departing  from  his  houfe,  taking  with  him 
pure  implements,  his  water-pot  and  faff,  keeping 
filence,  unallured  by  delire  of  the  objects  near 
him,  let  him  enter  into  the  fourth  order. 

42.  4  Alone  let  him  conftantly  dwell,  for  the 
fake  of  his  own  felicity;  obfervingthe  happinefs 
of  a  folitary  man,  who  neither  forfakes  nor  i$ 
forfaken,  let  him  live  without  a  companion. 

^3.  c  Let  him  have  no  culinary  fire,  no  domi- 
,  ‘  cil  4 


cil ;  let  him,  when  very  hungry,  go  to  the  town 
for  food  ;  let  him  patiently  bear  difeafe ;  let  his 
mind  be  firm  ;  let  him  ftudy  to  know  God,  and 
fix  his  attention  on  God  alone. 

44.  4  An  earthen  water-pot,  the  roots  of  large 
trees,  coarfe  vefture,  total  folitude,  equanimity 
toward  all  creatures,  thefe  are  the  charadte- 
ri flicks  of  a  BritJmen  fet  free. 

45.  *  Let  him  not  with  for  death  ;  let  him  not 
vvilh  for  life  ;  let  him  expedt  his  appointed  time, 
as  a  hired  fervant  expedts  his  wages. 

46.  4  Let  him  advance  his  foot  purified  by 
looking  down,  left  he  touch  any  thing  impure  ;  let 
him  drink  water  purified  by  {training  with 
a  cloth,  left  he  hurt  fome  infeft ;  let  him,  if  he 
chufe  to  /peak,  utter  words  purified  by  truth  ;  let 
him  by  all  means  keep  his  heart  purified. 

47.  4  Let  him  bare  a  reproachful  fpeech  with 
patience;  let  him  fpeak  reproachfully  to  no 
man  ;  let  him  not,  on  account  of  this  frail  and 
fever  jh  body,  engage  in  hoftility  with  any  one 

48.  4  With  an  angrv  man,  let  him  not  in  his  turn 
be  angry  ;  abuled,  let  him  fpeak  mildly  ;  nor 
let  him  utter  a  word  relating  to  vain  illufory 
things  and  confined  within  feven  gates,  the  five 
organs  of  fenfe,  the  heart  and  the  intellect ;  or  this 
world,  with  three  above  and  three  below  it . 

49.  4  Delighted  with  meditating  on  the  Su¬ 
preme  Spirit,  fitting  fixed  in  fuch  meditation, 
without  needing  any  thing  earthly,  without  one 
fenfual  defire,  without  any  companion  but  his 
own  foul,  let  him  live  in  this  world  leeking  the 
bills  of  the  next. 

50.  4  Neither  by  explaining  omeas  and  prodi- 

L  4  ?  gies. 

1$1  ON  devotion;  or  on  the 

4  gies,  nor  byfkill  in  aftrologyand  palmiftry,  nor 

*  by  cafuiftry  and  expofitions  of  holy  texts,  let 
€  him  at  any  time  gain  his  daily  fupport. 

51.  4  Let  him  not  go  near  a  houfe  frequented 

*  by  hermits,  or  priefts,  or  birds,  or  dogs,  or  other 

*  beggars. 

52.  6  His  hair,  nails,  and  beard  being  clipped, 
1  bearing  with  himadiffi,  a  ftafF,  and  a  water-pot, 
4  his  whole  mind  being  fixed  on  God,  let  him 
<  wander  about  continually,  without  giving  pain 
4  to  animal  ar  vegetable  beings. 

53.  4  His  dilhes  muft  have  no  fradlure,  nor 
4  mufi  they  be  made  of  bright  metals  :  the  puri- 
4  fication  ordained  for  them  muft  be  with  water 
4  alone,  like  that  of  the  veflels  for  a  facrifice. 

54.  ‘  A  gourd,  a  wooden  bowl,  an  earthen  difti, 
4  or  a  bafket  made  of  reeds,  has  Menu,  fon  of 
?  the  Self-exifting,  declared  fit  vefiels  to  receive 
4  the  food  of  Brahmens  devoted  to  God. 

55.  4  Only  once  a  day  let  him  demand  food  ; 
f  let  him  not  habituate  him  to  eat  much  at  a  time  ; 
4  for  an  anchorite,  habituated  to  eat  much,  be- 
f  comes  inclined  to  fenfual  gratifications. 

56. 4  At  the  time  when  the  fmoke  of  kitchen  fires 
c  has  ceafed,  when  the  peftle  lies  motionlefs,  when 
4  the  burning  charcoal  is  exinguiffied,  when 
4  people  have  eaten,  and  when  dilhes  are  removed, 
4  that  is ,  late  in  the  day ,  let  the  Sannydji  always 

4  beg  food. 

57.  4  For  milling  it,  let  him  not  beforrowful ; 
‘  nor  for  gaining  it,  let  him  be  glad  ;  let  him  care 

*  only  for  a  Efficiency  to  fupport  life,  but  let  him 

5  not  be  anxious  about  his  utenfils. 

58.  4  Let  him  conltantly  difdain  to  receive 

*  food  after  humble  reverence  ;  iince,  by  rec^iv- 


(  ing  it  in  confequence  of  an  humble  falutation,  a 
1  Sannynjt ,  though  free,  becomes  a  captive. 

59.  ‘  By  eating  little  and  by  fitting  in  folitary 
f  places,  let  him  reftrain  thofe  organs  which  arc 
(  naturally  hurried  away  by  fenfual  defires. 

60.  €  By  the  coercion  of  his  members,  by  the 
€  abfence  of  hate  and  affe&ion,  and  by  giving  no 

*  pain  to  fentient  creatures,  he  becomes  fit  for 
i  immortality. 

61.  ‘  Let  him  reflect  on  the  tranfmigrations 
c  of  men  caufed  by  their  finful  deeds,  on  their 
c  downfal  into  a  region  of  darknefs,  and  their 

*  torments  in  the  manfion  of  Yama  ; 

62.  ‘  On  their  feparation  from  thofe  whom 
c  they  love,  and  their  union  with  thofe  whom 
‘  they  hate,  on  their  ftrength  overpowered  by  old 
c  age,  and  their  bodies  racked  with  difeafe ; 

63.  6  On  their  agonizing  departure  from  this 
c  corporeal  frame,  their  formation  again  in  the 
f  womb,  and  the  glidings  of  this  vital  fpirit 
c  through  ten  thoufand  millions  of  uterine  paf- 

9  %es; 

64.  ‘  On  the  mifery  attached  to  embodied  fpi- 
c  rits  from  a  violation  of  their  duties,  and  the  un- 
€  perifhable  blifs  attached  to  them  from  their 
‘  abundant  performance  of  all  duties,  religious 
1  and  civil. 

65.  ‘  Let  him  refledf  alfo,  with  exclufive  appli- 
4  cation  of  mind,  on  the  fubtil  indivifable  efifence 
‘  of  the  Supreme  Spirit,  and  its  complete  exiftence 
c  in  all  beings,  whether  extremely  high  or  ex- 
i  tremely  low. 

66.  *  Equahminded  towards  all  creatures,  in 
e  what  order  foever  he  may  have  been  placed,  let  him 
*  fully  difeharge  his  duty  though  he  bear  not  the 

e  1  vifiblc 

54  ort  devotion;  or  on  the 

vifible  marks  of  his  order  :  the  vifible  mark, 
or  mere  name  of  his  order,  is  by  no  means  an  ef¬ 
fective  difcharge  of  his  duty  ; 

67.  c  As,  although  the  fruit  of  the  tree  cataca 
purify  water,  yet  a  man  cannot  purify  water  by 
merely  pronouncing  the  name  of  that  fruit :  he 
mufi  throw  it,  when  pounded ,  into  the  jar. 

68.  6  For  the  fake  of  ps  elerving  minute  animals 
by  night  and  by  day,  let  him  walk,  though  with 
pain  to  his  own  body,  perpetually  looking  on 
the  ground. 

69.  4  Let  a  Sannyafi ,  by  way  of  expiation  for 
the  death  of  thofe  creatures,  which  he  may  have 
deflroyed  unknowingly  by  day  or  by  night, 
make  fix  fupprefiions  of  his  breath,  having  duly 
bathed  : 

70.  6  Even  three  fupprefiions  of  breath,  made 
according  to  the  divine  rule,  accompanied  with 
the  triverbal  phr'afe  ( bhurbhuvah  fwah)  and  the 
trileteral  fy liable  (om)  may  be  confidered  as  the 
highcft  devotion  of  a  Brahmen  ; 

71.  6  For  as  the  drofs  and  impurities  of  metal- 
lick  ores  are  confumed  by  fire,  thus  are  the  finfui 
ads  of  the  human  organ  confumed  by  fuppref- 
fions  of  the  breath,  while  the  myjlick  words,  and  the 
mea fare’s  of  the  gayatri  are  revolved  in  the  mind - 

72.  ‘  Let  him  thus,  by  fuch  fupprefiions  of 
breath,  burn  away  his  offences ;  by  reflecting 
intenfely  on  the  fleps  of  afcent  to  beatitude,  let 
him  dejlroy  Jin  ;  by  coercing  his  members,  let 
him  reltrain  all  fenfual  attachments ;  by  meditat¬ 
ing  on  the  intimate  union  of  his  own  foul  and  the 
divine  eifence,  let  him  extinguifh  all  qualities 
repugnant  to  the  nature  of  God. 

7 3.  4  Let  him  obferve,  with  extreme  applica- 

‘  tion 


f  tion  of  mind,  the  progrefs  of  this  internal  fpirit 
1  through  various  bodies,  high  and  low  ;  a  progrefs 
4  hard  to  be  difeerned  by  men  with  unimproved 

74.  ‘  He,  who  fully  underflands  the  perpetual 
€  omniprefence  of  God,  can  be  led  no  more  cap- 
4  tive  by  criminal  a<5Vs ;  but  he,  who  poffefles  not 

*  that  fublime  knowledge,  fhall  wander  again 
4  through  the  world. 

75.  4  By  injuring  nothing  animated,  by  fub- 
4  duing  all  fenfual  appetites,  by  devout  rites 
4  ordained  in  the  Veda ,  and  by  rigorous  mortifi- 
4  cations,  men  obtain,  even  in  this  life,  the 
4  date  of  beatitude. 

76.  4  A  manfion  with  bones  for  its  rafters  and 
4  beams ;  with  nerves  and  tendons,  for  cords ; 

*  with  mufcles  and  blood,  for  mortar;  with  fkin, 
4  for  its  outward  covering  ;  filled  with  no  fweet 
4  perfume,  but  loaded  with  feces  and  urine  ; 

77.  4  A  manfion  infefted  by  age  and  by  for- 
c  row,  the  feat  of  malady,  harralfed  with  pains, 
4  haunted  with  the  quality  of  darknefs,  and  inca- 
4  pable  of  (landing  long  ;  fuch  a  manfion  of  the 

*  vital  foul  let  its  occupier  always  cheerfully 
4  quit : 

78.  4  As  a  tree  leaves  the  bank  of  a  river, 
4  when  it  falls  in,  or  as  a  bird  leaves  the  branch  of 
4  a  tree  at  his  pleajure ,  thus  he,  who  leaves  his 
4  body  by  necejjity  or  by  legal  choice,  is  delivered 
4  from  the  ravening  (hark,  or  crocodile  of  the 

*  world. 

79.  4  Letting  his  good  a£ts  defeend  (by  the 
4  law  of  the  Veda,)  to  thofe  who  love  him, 

*  and  his  evil  deeds,  to  thofe  who  hate  him, 
4  he  may  attain,  through  devout  meditation,  the 
4  eternal  fpirit. 

80.  *  When, 

156  GN  devotion;  or  on  the 

So,  c  When,  having  well  confidered  the  nature 
c  and  confequence  of  fin,  he  becomes  averie 

*  from  all  fenfual  delights,  he  then  attains  blifs 

*  in  this  world  ;  blifs  which  (hall  endure  after 

*  death. 

81.  6  Thus  having  gradually  abandoned  all 
€  earthly  attachments,  and  indifferent  to  all  pairs 
€  of  oppofite  things,  as  honour  and  dijhonour ,  and  the 
‘  like ,  he  remains  abforbed  in  the  divine  effence. 

82.  ‘  All  that  has  now  been  declared,  is  ob- 
€  tained  by  pious  meditation  ;  but  no  man  who  is 
‘  ignorant  of  the  Supreme  Spirit,  can  gather  the 

*  fruit  of  mere  ceremonial  adfs. 

83.  4  Let  him  conftantly  ftudy  that  part  of  the 
c  Veda ,  which  relates  to  facrifice ;  that  which 

*  treats  of  fubordinate  deities ;  that  which  reveals 

*  the  nature  of  the  fupreme  God  ;  and  whatever  is 

*  declared  in  the  Upani/hads . 

84.  6  This  holy  fcripture  is  a  fure  refuge,  even 
c  for  thofe  who  underhand  not  its  meaning,  and 

of  courfe,  for  thofe  who  underhand  it  ;  this  Veda 
f  is  a  fure  refource  for  thole  who  feek  blifs  above  ; 
‘  this  is  a  fure  refource  for  thofe  who  feek  blifs 
6  eternal. 

85.  ‘  That  Brahmen ,  who  becomes  a  Sannyaji 
c  by  this  difcipline,  announced  in  due  order,  fhakes 
‘  off  (in  here  below,  and  reaches  the  moh 
‘  high. 

80.  *  This  general  law  has  been  revealed  to 
c  you  for  anchorites  with  fubdued  minds  :  now 
‘  learn  the  particular  difcipline  of  thofe  who  be- 
c  come  reclufes  according  to  the  Veda,  that  is,  of 
‘  anchorites  in  the  fir  ft  of  the  four  degrees. 

87.  6  The  hudent,  the  married  man,  the  her- 

*  mit,  and  the  anchorite,  are  the  offspring,  though 
‘  in  four  orders,  of  married  men  keeping  houfe ; 

88.  ‘  And 



88.  '  And  all,  or  even  any  of  thofe  orders, 
4  affiimed  in  their  turn,  according  to  the  facred 

*  ordinances,  lead  the  Brahmen,  who  adts  by  the 
4  preceding  rules,  to  the  higheft  manfion  * 

89.  ‘  But  of  all  thofe,  the  houfe-keeper  obferv- 
4  ing  the  regulations  of  the  Sruti  and  Smrtti , 
4  may  be  called  the  chief ;  fince  he  fupports  the 
‘  three  other  orders. 

90.  *  As  ail  rivers,  female  and  male,  run  to 
1  their  determined  place  in  the  fea,  thus  men  of  all 
4  other  orders,  repair  to  their  fixed  place  in  the 

*  manfion  of  the  houfe-keeper. 

91.  ‘  By  Brahmens ,  placed  in  thefe  four  orders, 
4  a  tenfold  fvftem  of  duties  mud  ever  be  fedu- 
4  loufiy  pradtifed  : 

92.  4  Content,  returning  good  for  evil,  refift- 
4  ance  to  fenfual  appetites,  abftinence  from  illicit 
4  gain,  purification,  coercion  of  the  organs, 
4  knowledge  of  feripture,  knowledge  of  the 
4  Supreme  Spirit,  veracity,  and  freedom  from 
4  wrath,  form  their  tenfold  fyftem  of  duties. 

93.  4  Such  Brahmens ,  as  attentively  read  the 
4  ten  precepts  of  duty,  and  after  reading,  care- 
4  fully  pradtife  them,  attain  the  moll  exalted 
4  condition. 

94.  4  A  Brahmen  having  pradtifed  with  organs 
4  under  command,  this  tenfold  lyftem  of  duty, 

4  having  heard  the  Upanijhads  explained,  as  the 

*  law  diredts,  and  who  has  difeharged  his  three 
4  debts,  may  become  an  anchorite,  in  the  houfe  of 
4  his  Jon,  according  to  the  Veda; 

95.  4  And,  having  abandoned  all  ceremonial 
4  adts,  having  expiated  all  his  offences,  having  ob- 
4  tained  a  command  over  his  organs,  and  having 
4  perfedtly  underftood  the  feripture,  he  may  live 

4  at 

1^8  ON  DEVOTION,  &C, 

*  at  his  eafe,  while  the  houfehold  affairs  are 

*  conducted  by  his  fon. 

96.  c  When  he  thus  has  relinquiftied  all  forms* 

*  is  intent  on  his  own  occupation,  and  free  from 
c  every  other  defire,  when,  by  devoting  himfelf  to 

*  God,  he  has  effaced  fin,  he  then  attains  the  fu- 

*  preme  path  of  glory, 

9 7.  ‘  This  fourfold  regulation  for  the  facer- 
1  dotal  clafs,  has  thus  been  made  known  to  you ; 

*  a  juft  regulation,  producing  endlefs  fruit  after 
6  death  :  next,  learn  the  duty  of  kings,  or  the 

*  military  clafs.* 

(  *59  ) 


On  Government,  and  Publick  Law  ;  or  on  the 
Military  Clafs. 

1.  4  I  will  fully  declare  the  duty  of  kings  £ 

4  and  (bow  how  a  ruler  of  men  fhould  condudt 
4  himlelf,  in  what  manner  he  was  framed,  and 
4  how  his  ultimate  reward  may  be  attained  by  him . 

2.  4  By  a  man  of  the  military  clafs,  who  has 
4  received  in  due  form  the  inveftiture  which  the 
4  Veda  preferibes,  great  care  mu  ft  be  ufed  to 
4  maintain  this  whole  ajfembhige  cf  Saws. 

3.  4  Since,  if  the  world  had  no  king,  it  would 
4  quake  on  all  fides  through  fear,  the  ruler  of 
4  this  univerfe,  therefore,  created  a  king,  for  the 
4  maintenance  of  this  fyftem,  both  religious  and 
4  civil, 

4.  4  Forming  him  of  eternal  particles  drawn 
4  from  the  fubitance  of  In  dr  a.  Pay  an  a,  Y  ama, 
4  Su'rya,  of  Agni  and  Varuna,  of  Chandra 
4  and  Cuve'ra  : 

5.  4  And  fince  a  king  was  compofed  of  parti* 
4  cles  drawn  from  thofe  chief  guardian  deities,  he 
4  confequently  furpaftes  all  mortals  in  glorv- 

6.  4  Like  the  fun,  he  burns  eyes  and  hearts  ; 
4  nor  can  any  human  creature  on  earth  even  gaze 
4  on  him. 

7.  4  He 



7.  c  He  is  fire  and  air ;  he,  both  fun  and 

*  moon;  he,  the  god  of  criminal  juftice;  he,s 

*  the  genius  of  wealth  ;  he,  the  regent  of  waters  ; 
c  he,  the  lord  of  the  firmament. 

8.  ‘  A  king,  even  though  a  child,  muft  not 
€  be  treated  lightly,  from  an  idea  that  he  is  a 
€  mere  mortal :  no ;  he  is  a  powerful  divinity* 
€  who  appears  in  a  human  fhape. 

9.  i  Fire  burns  only  one  perfon,  who  carelefsly 
c  goes  too  near  it ;  but  the  fire  of  a  king  in  wrath 
6  burns  a  whole  family,  with  all  their  cattle  and 

*  goods. 

10.  6  Fully  confidering  the  bufinefs  before 
c  him,  his  own  force,  and  the  place,  and  the  time, 
‘  he  aftumes  in  fucceflion  all  lorts  of  forms,  fo t 
‘  the  fake  of  advancing  juflice. 

11.  ‘  He,  fure,  muft  be  the  perfetft  effence  of 

*  majefty,  by  whofe  favour  Abundance  rifes  on 
€  her  lotos,  in  whofe  valour  dwells  conqueft  ;  in 

*  whofe  anger,  death. 

12.  ‘  He,  who  fhews  hatred  of  the  king, 
‘  through  delufion  of  mind,  will  certainly  perifh  ; 
€  for  fpeedily  will  the  king  apply  his  heart  to  that 
c  man’s  perdition. 

13.  c  Let  the  king  prepare  a  juft  compenfa- 
€  tion  for  the  good,  and  a  juft  punifhment  for  the 

*  bad:  the  rule  of  ftrid  juftice  let  him  never 
1  tranfgrefs. 

14.  *  For  his  ufe  Brahma7  formed,  in  the  be- 
i  ginning  of  time,  the  genius  of  punifhment,  with 
c  a  body  of  pure  light,  his  own  fon,  even  ab- 
c  ftracft  criminal  juftice,  the  protestor  of  all  created 

*  things : 

15.  6  Through  fear  of  that  genius,  all  fentient 
(  beings,  whether  fixed  or  locomotive,  are  fitted 
‘  for  natural  enjoyments  and  fvverve  not  from  duty. 

16.  *  When 



1 6.  *  When  the  king,  therefore,  has  fully  con- 
fidered  place  and  time,  and  his  own  ftrengrh, 
and  the  divine  ordinance,  let  him  juftly  inflict 
punifhment  on  all  thofe  who  adt  unjuftly. 

17.  4  Punifhment  is  an  adtive  ruler  ;  he  is  the 
true  manager  of  publ  ck  affairs;  he  is  the  dif- 
penfer  of  laws  ;  and  wife  men  call  him  the 
fponfor  of  all  the  four  orders  for  the  dilcharge 
of  their  feveral  duties. 

18.  4  Punifhment  governs  all  mankind  ;  punifh- 
ment  alone  preferves  them;  punifhment  wakes, 
while  their  guards  are  afbep;  the  wife  confider 
punifhment  as  the  perfection  of  juftice. 

19.  4  When  rightly  and  confidcrarely  inffidled, 
it  makes  all  the  people  happy  ;  but,  inflidted 
without  full  confideration,  it  wholly  deftroys 
them  all. 

20.  4  If  the  king  were  not,  without  indolence, 
to  punifh  the  guilty,  the  Wronger  would  roaft 
the  weaker,  like  fifh,  on  a  fpit ;  ( or  according  to 
one  reading ,  the  ftionger  would  opprefs  the 
weaker,  like  fifh  in  their  element;) 

21.  4  The  crow  would  peck  the  confecrated 
offering  of  rice  ;  the  dog  would  lick  the  clari¬ 
fied  butter;  ownerfhip  would  remain  with  none ; 
the  lowed  would  overfet  the  higheft. 

22.  4  The  whole  race  of  men  is  kept  in  order 
by  punifhment ;  for  a  guiltlefs  man  is  hard  to 
be  found ;  through  fear  of  punifhment,  indeed, 
this  univerfe  is  enabled  to  enjoy  its  bleffings; 

23.  4  Deities  and  demons,  heavenly  fonglters 
and  cruel  giants,  birds  and  ferpents,  are  made 
capable,  by  juft  correction,  of  their  feveral  en¬ 

24.  4  All  daffies  would  become  corrupt ;  all 

M  *  barriers 

j6z  on  government;  or  on 

c  barriers  would  be  deftroyed,  there  would  be 
c  total  confufion  among  men,  if  punifhnnent  either 
(  were  not  inflicted,  or  were  inflided  unduly  : 

25.  c  But  where  punifhnnent,  with  a  black  hue 
'  and  a  red  eye,  advances  to  dcftroy  fin,  there,  if 

*  the  judge  difcern  well,  the  people  are  undif- 
c  turbed. 

26.  c  Holy  fages  confider  as  a  fit  difpenfer  of 
e  criminal  juftice,  that  king,  who  invariably  fpeaks 
<  truth,  who  duly  confiders  all  cafes,  who  under- 
'  flands  the  facred  books,  who  knows  the  diftinc- 

*  tions  of  virtue,  pleafure,  and  riches  ; 

27.  £  Such  a  king,  if  he  juftly  inftid  legal 
c  punifhments,  greatly  increafes  thofe  three  means 
€  of  happinefs ,  but  punifhment  itfeif  fhall  deftroy 
f  a  king,  who  is  crafty,  voluptuous,  and  wrathful: 

28.  f  Criminal  juftice,  the  bright  efifence  of 

*  majeftv,  and  hard  to  be  fupported  by  men  with 
c  unimproved  minds,  eradicates  a  king,  who 
€  fwerves  from  his  duty,  together  with  all  his 

*  race  : 

29.  *  Punifhnnent  fhall  overtake  his  caflles, 

*  his  territories,  his  peopled  hand  with  all  fixed 

*  and  moveable  things  that  exift  on  it :  even  the 
1  gods  and  the  fages,  who  lofe  their  oblations ,  will 
c  be  afflicted  and  afcend  to  the  fky. 

30.  c  Juft  punifhment  cannot  be  inflided  by 

*  an  ignorant  and  covetous  king,  who  has  no  wife 

*  and  virtuous  affiftant,  whofe  underftanding  has 

*  not  been  improved,  and  whofe  heart  is  addided 

*  to  fenfuality  : 

31.  c  By  a  king  wholly  pure,  faithful  to  his 

4  promife,  obfervant  of  the  fcriptures,  with  good  # 

*  afliftants  and  found  underftanding  may  punifh- 
r  ment  be  juftly  infiidcd. 

32.  c  Let 


qi.  4  Let  him  in  his  own  domains  aCt  with 
c  juftice,  chadile  foreign  foes  with  rigour,  .behave 

*  without  duplicity  to  his  adcCtionate  friends,  and 
«  with  lenity  tp  Brahmens . 

33.  «  Of  a  king  thus  difpofed,  even  though 

*  he  (ubfid  bv  gleaning,  or,  be  bis  treafure  ever  Jo 
‘  (maUt  the  fame  is  far  fpread  in  the  world,  like 
«  a  di  op  of  oil  in  water ; 

3  .  c  But  of  a  king  with  a  contrary  difpofition, 

<  with  pafiions  unfubdued,  be  bis  riches  ever  Jo 
c  great ,  the  fame  is  contracted  in  the  world,  like 
«  clarified  butter  in  the  fame  element. 

35.  f  A  king  was  created  as  the  protestor  of 
c  all  thofe  clafies  and  orders,  who  from  the  firll 
«  to  the  lad,  difeharge  their  feveral  duties  ; 

3b.  4  And  all  that  mud  be  done  by  him,  for 
1  the  protection  ot  his  people,  with  the  adidance 

<  of  good  minifters,  I  will  declare  to  you,  as  the 
c  law  diredts,  indue  order. 

37.  4  Let  the  king,  having  rifen  at  early  dawn, 
c  rdpeCtfully  attend  to  Br'bmens ,  learned  in  the 

<  three  Vedas ,  and  in  the  fcience  of  ethicks ;  and 
«  by  their  decifion  let  him  abide. 

38.  ‘  Condantly  mud  he  fhow  refpeCt  to 
1  Brahmens ,  who  have  grown  old,  both  in  years 
(  and  in  piety ,  who  know  the  feriptures,  who  in 
«  body  and  mind  are  pure;  for  he,  who  honours 
f  the"  aged,  will  perpetually  be  honoured  even  by 
f  cruel  demons : 

39.  4  From  them,  though  he  may  have  ac- 
c  quired  moded  behaviour  by  bis  own  good  JenJe 
«  and  by  Judy,  let  him  continually  learn  habics 
4  of  modedy  and  compofure  ;  fince  a  king,  whole 
4  demeanour  is  humble  and  compoled,  never 
4  perifhes. 

M2  40.  €  While, 


ok  government;  or  on 

40.  c  While,  through  want  of  fuch  humble 

*  virtue,  many  kings  have  perifhed  with  all  their 
€  poffeflions,  and,  through  virtue  united  with 

*  modefty,  even  hermits  have  obtained  kingdoms. 

41.  c  Through  want  of  that  virtuous  humility 
c  Ve  na  was  utterly  ruined,  and  fo  was  the  great 
c  king  Nahusha,  and  Suda'sa,  and  Yavana, 
c  ( or  by  a  different  reading ,  and  Suda  man,  the  fon 
e  of  Piyavana)  and  Sumuc’ha,  and  Nimi  ; 

42.  c  But  by  virtues  with  humble  behaviour, 
Prit’ku  and  Menu  acquired  fovereignty ; 

c  Cuve'ra,  wealth  inexhauftible ;  and  Viswa'- 
c  mitra,  fon  of  Ga'dhi,  the  rank  of  a  pried, 
4  though  born  in  the  military  clajs . 

43.  c  From  thofe  who  know  the  three  Vedas , 

*  let  him  learn  the  triple  dodrine  compriftd  in 

*  them,  together  with  the  primeval  fcience  of 

*  criminal  judice  and  found  policy,  the  fyftems 

*  of  logick  and  metaphyficks,  and  lublime  theo- 
logical  truth  :  from  the  people  he  mud  learn 

c  the  theory  of  agriculture ,  commerce ,  and  ether 

*  practical  arts. 

44.  c  Day  and  night  mud  he  drenuoufly  ex- 
c  ert  himfelt  to  gain  complete  vidory  over  his 

*  own  organs  ;  fince  that  king  alone,  whofe  organs 

*  are  completely  fubdued,  can  keep  his  people 
*■  fir m  to  their  duty. 

45.  c  Writh  extreme  care  let  him  fhun  eighteen 

*  vices,  ten  proceeding  from  love  of  pieafure, 

*  eight  fpringing  from  wrath,  and  all  ending  in 

*  mifery ; 

46.  ‘  Since  a  king,  addicted  to  vices  arifing 

*  from  love  of  pieafure,  mud  lofe  both  his  wealth 

*  and  his  virtue,  and,  addided  to  vices  arifing 

*  from  anger,  he  may  lofe  even  his  life  from  the 

*  pub  lick  rejentrnent. 

47.  *  Plunt- 



47.  ‘  Hunting,  gaming,  fleeing  by  day,  cen- 
Turing  rivals,  excefs  with  women,  intoxication, 
Tinging,  inftrumental  muTick,  dancing,  and  ufe- 
lels  travel,  are  the  ten-fold  Tct  of  vices  produced 
by  love  of  pleafure: 

j8.  c  Talebearing,  violence,  inTidious  wound¬ 
ing,  envy,  detraction,  unjuft:  Teizure  of  property, 
reviling,  and  open  aflaulr,  are,  in  like  manner, 
the  eightfold  Tct  of  vices  to  which  anger  gives 

49.  '  A  felfifh  inclination,  which  all  wife  men 
know  to  be  the  root  of  thofe  two  lets,  let  him 
Tupprefs  with  diligence :  both  fets  of  vices  are 
conftantly  produced  by  it. 

50.  '  Drinking,  dice,  women,  and  hunting, 
let  him  confider  as  the  four  mud  pernicious 
in  the  fet,  which  love  of  pleafure  occafiops: 

51.  f  Battery,  defamation,  and  injury  to  pro¬ 
perty,  let  him  always  confider  as  the  three  moft 
heinous  in  the  fet,  which  arifcs  from  wrath; 

52.  *  And  in  this  feven-fold  afiemblage  of  vices, 
too  frequently  prevailing  in  all  kingdoms,  let 
an  enlightened  prince  confider  the  firft,  and  fo 
forth  in  order,  as  the  moft  abominable  in 
each  fer. 

53.  '  On  a  comparifon  between  death  and 
vice,  the  learned  pronounce  vice  the  more 
dread: ul  ;  fince,  after  death,  a  vicious  man  finks 
to  regions  lower  and  lower,  while  a  man,  free 
from  vice,  reaches  heaven. 

54.  '  The  king  muft  appoint  Teven  or  eight 
minifters,  who  muft  be  lworn  by  touching  a 
Jacred  image  and  the  like  ;  men,  whofe  anceltors 
were  fervants  of  kings;  who  are  verfed  in  the 
holy  books ;  who  are  pcrfonally  brave ;  who 

M3  'arc 



*  are  fkilled  in  the  ufe  of  weapons ;  and  whofe 
lineage  is  noble. 

5;.  f  Even  an  aft  eafy  in  itfelf  is  hard  forne- 

e  times  to  b°  performed  by  a  Tingle  man,  efpe- 

e  cially  if  he  has  no  affidant  near:  how  much 

*  harder  muft  it  be  to  perform  clone  the  bufmefs  of  a 

*  kingdom  wich  great  revenues! 

56.  f  Let  him  perpetually  confult  with  thofe 
c  minifters  on  peace  and  war,  on  his  forces,  on 

*  his  revenues,  on  the  protection  of  his  people, 
<  and  on  the  means  of  bellowing  aptly  the  wealth 
c  which  he  has  acquired: 

57.  c  H.  v  ng  afeertained  the  feveral  opinions 
‘  of  his  counleilors,  firft  apart  and  then  collectively, 

*  let  him  do  what  is  mod  beneficial  for  him'  in 

*  pubiick  affa’rs. 

58  c  To  one  l/arned  Brahmen)  didinguilhecf 
f  among  them  all,  let  the  king  impart  his  momen- 

*  tous  counfel,  relating  to  fix  principal  articles. 

eg.  c  To  him,  with  full  confidence,  let  him 

*  intrufl  all  franfaCl ions ;  and  with  him,  having 
e  taken  his  final  refolution,  let  him  begin  all  his 
€  meafures. 

60.  c  He.  mu  (IT  ike  wife  appoint  other  officers  j 
1  men  of  integrity,  well  informed,  (leadv,  ha- 
c  biruated  to  gain  wealth,  by  honourable  means, 

*  and  tried  by  experience. 

6:.  f  As  many  officers  as  the  due  performance 
(  of  his  bufiriefs  requires,  not  fiothful  men,  but 
‘  aftive ,  able,  and  well  indrudted,  lb  many,  and  no 

*  more,  let  him  appoint. 

6 2.  c  Among  thofe  let  him  employ  the  brave, 
e  the  fk-lful,  the  well  born,  and  the  honed,  in  his 
c  mine?  of  geld  or  gems ,  and  n  other  fimilar  works 
c  for  am affir.g  wealth  \  but  the  pufillanimous,  in 
?  the  recedes  of  his  palace/ 

65.  f  Lee 



6j.  4  Let  him  likewife  appoint  an  ambadador, 

*  verfed  in  all  rhe  Siftras>  who  underftands  hints, 
4  external  figns  and  a&ions,  wbofe  hand  and  heart 
4  are  pure,  whole  abilities  are  grear,  and  whofe 
4  birth  was  illuflrious  : 

64.  *  ThaUroyal  ambadador  is  applauded  mod, 

*  who  is  generally  beloved,  pure  within  and  with- 

*  out,  dextrous  in  bufinefs,  and  endued  with  an 
4  excellent  memory  ;  who  knows  countries  and 
4  times,  is  handfome,  intrepid  and  eloquent. 

6  c.  4  The  forces  of  tflb  realm  mud  be  im- 
4  mediately  regulated  bv  the  commander  in  chief; 
4  the  aflual  inflidlion  of  punifhment,  by  the  of- 
4  fleers  of  criminal  judice  ;  the  treafury  and  the 
4  country,  bv  rhe  king  himfelf;  peace  and  War, 
4  by  the  ambadador; 

66.  4  For  it  is  the  ambadador  alone  who  unites, 
4  who  alone  disjoints  the  united  j  that  is,  he  tranf- 
4  a<ds  the  bufinefs,  by  Which  kingdoms  are  at 
4  variance  or  in  amitv. 

67.  4  In  the  tranfadtion  of  affairs  let  the  ambaf- 
4  fador  comprehend  the  vifible  figns  and  hints,  and 
4  difcover  the  a<5ls,  of  the  foreign  king,  by  the 
4  figns,  hints,  and  a<5ts  of  his  confidential  fervants, 
4  and  the  meafures,  which  that  king  wifhes  to 
4  take  by  the  character  and  conduct  cf  his  miniders. 

68.  4  Thus,  having  learned  completely  from 
4  his  ambadador  all  the  defigns  ot  the  foreign 
4  prince,  let  the  king  fo  apply  his  vigilant  care, 

4  that  he  bring  no  evil  on  himfelf. 

69.  4  Let  h'm  fix  his  abode  in  a  didridt  contain- 
4  ing  open  champaigns  ;  abounding  with  grain  j 
4  inhabited  chiefly  by  the  virtuous  ;  not  infected 
4  with  maladies  ;  beautiful  to  the  fight ;  furround- 
4  ed  by  fubmidive  mountaineers ,  forcJlcrsy  or  other 

M  4  4  neigh* 

j63  on  government;  or  on 

neighbours ;  a  country  in  which  the  fubjc&s 
may  live  at  eafe. 

7c.  c  There  let  him  refide  in  a  capital,  having, 

‘  by  way  of  a  fortrefs,  a  dcfert  rather  more  than 

*  twenty  miles  round  it,  or  a  fortrefs  of  earth,  a 
4  fortrefs  of  water,  or  of  trees,  a  fortrefs  of  armed 
‘  men,  or  a  fortrefs  of  mountains. 

71.  c  With  all  poftible  care  let  him  fecure  a 

*  fortrefs  of  mountains ;  for,  among  thofe  juft 

*  mentioned,  a  fortrefs  of  mountains  has  many 

*  tranfcendent  properties, 

72.  ‘  In  the  three  firft  of  them  live  wild  beafts, 

*  virrdn,  and  aquatick  animals;  in  the  three  laft, 
€  apes,  men,  and  gods,  in  order  as  they  are  narned: 

73.  c  As  enemies  hurt  them  not  in  the  fhtiter 
c  of  their  feveral  abodes,  thus  foes  hurt  not  a 
c  king  who  has  taken  refuge  in  his  durga ,  or  place- 
‘  of  difficult  accefs, 

74.  c  One  bowman,  placed  on  a  wall,  is  a 
c  match  in  war  for  a  hundred  enemies;  and  a 
c  hundred,  for  ten  thoufand  ;  therefore  is  a  fort 
c  recommended. 

7  c.  ‘  Let  that  fort  be  fupplied  with  weapons, 

*  with  m-ney,  with  grain,  with  beafts,  with  Brah - 
c  mens,  with  artificers,  with  engines,  with  grafs, 

*  and  with  water. 

76.  f  In  the  centre  of  it  let  him  raife  his  own 

*  palace,  well  finifhed  in  all  its  parts,  completely 
c  defended,  habitable  in  every  feafon,  brilliant  with 
f  white  fucco,  furrounded  with  water  and  trees : 

77.  c  Having  prepared  it  for  his  manfion,  let 

*  him  chufe  a  corifort  of  the  fame  clafs  with  him- 

*  felf,  endued  with  all  the  bodily  marks  of  excel- 
1  lence,  born  of  an  exalted  race,  captivating  his 

*  heart,  adorned  with  beauty  and  the  heft  qualities. 

78.  c  He  muft  appoint  alfo  a  domeltick  prieft, 

*  and 

the  military  class. 

1 6.9 

9  and  retain  a  performer  of  facrifices,  who  may 
«  folemnize  the  religious  rites  of  Irs  family,  and 
c  thofe  periormed  with  three  facred  fires. 

79.  *  Let  the  king  make  facrifices,  accom- 
f  panied  with  gifts  of  many  different  kinds;  and 
'  for  the  full  difeharge  of  "hi;  duty,  let  him  give 

*  the  Brahmens  both  legal  enjoyments  and  mo- 

*  derate  wealth. 

80.  4  His  annual  revenue  he  may  receive  from 
«  his  whole  dom.nion  hrough  his  collectors  ;  but 

*  let  him  in  this  world  oblerve  the  divine  ordi- 
«  nances;  let  him  a&  as  a  father  to  his  people. 

8  .  ‘  Here  and  there  he  mud  appoint  many 

*  forts  of  intelligent  fupervifors,  who  mav  infpeCb 
4  all  the  ads  of  the  officers  engaged  in  his  bufi- 

*  nefs. 

82.  c  To  Brahmens  returned  from  the  manfions 
4  of  their  preceptors,  let  him  ffiow  due  refped  ; 

4  for  that  is  called  a  precious  unperiffiable  gem, 

1  depofited  by  kings  with  the  facerdotal  clafs  : 

83.  4  It  is  a  gem,  which  neither  thieves  or  foes 
4  takeaway;  which  never  periffies :  kings  muft, 
c  therefore,  dep<ffit  with  Brahmens  that  indeflruc- 
4  tible  jewel  of  refpeftfnl  frefents. 

8  .  4  An  oblation  *n  the  mouth,  or  band ,  of  a 
f  Brhhmen ,  is  far  better  than  offerings  to  holy  fire  ; 
4  it  never  drops:  it  never  dries:  it  is  never 
4  confumed. 

£  A  gift  to  one  not  a  Brahmen  produces 
4  fruit  of  a  middle  ftandard  j  to  one  who  calls 
4  himfelt  a  Brahmen ,  double ;  ro  a  well  read 
4  Brahmen ,  a  hundred  thou  fa  nd  fold  ;  to  one  who 

*  has  read  all  the  Vedas ,  infinite. 

86.  4  Of  a  gift  made  with  faith  in  the  Sdftra* 

♦  to  a  perl'on  highly  deferving  it,  the  giver  Ihall 

4  indubitably 


on  government;  or  cn 

indubitably  gain  the  fruit  after  death,  be  the 
prefent  fmall  or  great. 

87.  e  A  kinc,  while  he  protects  his  people, 
being  defied  by  an  enemy  of  equal,  greater,  or 
lefs  iorce,  mutt  by  no  means  turn  his  face  from 
battle,  but  mult  remember  the  duty  of  his  mi¬ 
litary  clafs : 

88.  f  Never  to  recede  from  combat,  to  protect 
the  people,  and  to  honour  the  priefts,  is  the 
higheit  duty  of  kings  and  enfures  their  felicity. 

89.  ‘  Thofe  lulers  of  the  earth,  who,  defirous 
of  defeating  each  other,  exert  their  utmoil 
ftrength  in  battle,  without  ever  averting  their 
faces,  afcend  after  death  dire&ly  to  heaven. 

90.  ‘  Let  no  man,  engaged  in  combat,  fmite 
his  foe  with  /harp  weapons  concealed  in  wood, 
nor  with  arrows  mifchievoufly  barbed,  nor  with 
poifoned  arrows,  nor  with  darts  blazing  with  fire; 

91.  c  Nor  let  him  in  a  car  or  on  horjeback  (trike 
his  enemy  alighted  on  the  ground ;  nor  an  ef¬ 
feminate  man  ;  nor  one  who  fues  for  life  with 
clofed  palms ;  nor  one  whofe  hair  is  loofe  and 
obftrutAS  his  fighty  nor  one,  who  fits  down  fa * 
tigiied^  nor  one,  who  fays,  “  I  am  thy  captive 

92.  c  Nor  one,  who  (leeps  ;  nor  one,  who  has 
loft  his  coat  of  mail  ;  nor  one,  who  is  naked ; 
nor  one,  who  is  difarmed  ;  nor  one,  who  is  a 
fpe&ator,  but  not  a  combatant ;  nor  one,  who 
i&  fighting  with  another  man  : 

93.  4  Calling  to  mind  the  duty  of  honourable 
men,  let  him  never  (lay  one,  who  has  broken 
his  weapon  ;  nor  pne,  who  is  afflicted  with  pru 
vate  fcrrow ;  nor  one,  who  has  been  grievoufly 
wounded  ;  nor  one,  who  is  terrified ;  nor  one, 
who  turns  his  back. 

94*  €  The 

THT  MlLffAKY  CLA$3. 


94.  *  The  foldier,  indeed,  who  fearing  and 
turning  his  back,  h  ppens  to  be  (lain  by  his 
foes  in  an  engagement,  (hall  take  upon  himfcif 
all  tlifc  fin  of  his  commander,  whatever  it  he  ; 

9'.  *  And  the  commander  (hall  take  to  himftlf 
the  fruit  cf  all  the  good  condtift,  which  the  fol¬ 
dier,  who  turns  his  back  and  is  killed,  had  pre- 
vioufly  IK  red  up  for  a  future  life. 
g'\  ‘  Cars,  horftfs,  elephinrs,  umbrellas,  habi¬ 
liment^,  except  the  ,eWe!s  which  may  adorn  them , 
grain,  cattle,  women,  all  forts  of  liquids  and 
metals,  except  gold  and  filver,  are  the  lawful 
prizes  of  the  man  who  takes  them  in  war; 

97.  *  But  of  thofe  prizes,  rhe  captors  mult 
lay  the  mod  valuable  bciore  the  king  ;  fuch  is 
the  rule  in  the  Veda,  concerning  rhem  ;  and  the 
king  fhould  diftribute  among  the  whole  army 
what  has  not  been  feparately  taken. 

98.  f  Thus  has  been  declared  the  blamelefs 
primeval  law  for  military  men;  from  this  law  a 
king  muft  never  depart,  when  he  aracks  his  foes 
in  battle. 

99.  *  What  he  has  not  gained  from  his  fee ,  let 
him  drive  to  gain ;  What  he  has  acquired,  let 
him  preferve  with  care  ;  what  he  preferves,  let 
him  augment  ;  and  what  he  has  augmented,  let 
him  bellow  on  the*  deferving. 

100.  c  This  is  the  four-fold  rule,  which  he  rrlufl 
confider  as  the  fure  mean9  of  attaining  the  great 
object  of  man,  bdppirlejs ;  and  !er  him  pradife 
it  fully  without  intcrmilfion,  without  indolence  : 

I61.  c  what  he  has  not  gained,  let  him  drive 
to  gain  by  military  ftrenglh;  wlut  he  has  ac¬ 
quired,  W  him  preferve  by  careful  infpe&ion  ; 
v/hat  he  has  prefervtd,  let  him  augment  by 


*  legal  modes  of  jncreafe  ;  and  what  he  has  aug- 

*  mented,  let  him  difpenfe  with  juft  liberality. 

102.  4  Let  his  troops  be  conftantly  exercifed  ; 
c  his  prowefs  conftantly  difplayed  ;  what  he 

*  ought  to  fecure,  conftantly  fecured  ;  and  the 
c  weaknefs  of  his  foe,  conftantly  inveftigaced. 

103.  ‘  By  a  king,  whole  forces  are  always  ready 
c  for  action,  the  whole  world  may  be  kept  in  awe  ; 
c  let  him  then,  by  a  force  always  ready,  make  all 
c  creatures  living  his  own. 

104.  c  Let  him  adt  on  all  occafions  without 

*  guile,  and  never  with  infincerity  ;  but,  keeping 
c  himfelf  ever  on  his  guard,  let  him  difcover  the 
f  fraud  intended  by  his  foe. 

105.  c  Let  not  his  enemy  difcern  his  vulne- 
€  rable  part,  but  the  volunerable  part  of  his  enemy 
c  let  him  well  difcern:  like  a  tortoife,  let  him 
€  draw  in  his  members  under  the  Jhell  of  conceal- 
c  ment,  and  diligently  let  him  repair  any  breach 

*  that  may  be  made  in  it. 

106.  c  Like  a  heron,  let  him  mufe  on  gaining 
c  advantages  ;  like  a  lion,  let  him  put  forth  his 
c  ftrength  ;  like  a  wolf,  let  him  creep  towards  his 
c  prey  ;  like  a  hare,  let  him  double  to  fecure  his 

*  retreat. 

107.  c  When  he  thus  has  prepared  himfelf  for 

*  conqueft,  let  him  reduce  all  oppofers  to  fubmif- 
c  fion  by  negotiation  and  three  other  expedients, 
c  namely,  frefents,  divifon ,  and  force  of  arms  : 

108.  *  If  they  cannot  be  reitrained  by  the  three 
c  firft  methods,  then  let  him  firmly,  but  gradu- 
1  ally,  bring  them  to  fubjedtion  by  military  force. 

109.  *  Among  thofe  four  modes  of  obtain- 
<  jng  fuccefs,  the  wife  prefer  negotiation  and  war 
4  for  the  exaltation  of  kingdoms. 

1  iq.  *  As 



i  to.  *  As  a  hufbandman  plucks  up  weeds  and 
preferves  his  corn,  thus  let  a  king  deftroy  his 
opponents  and  fecure  his  people. 
hi.  '  That  king,  who,  through  weaknefs  of 
intelledf,  rafhly  opprefles  his  people,  will,  to¬ 
gether  with  his  family,  be  deprived  both  of 
kingdom  and  life  : 

1 1 2.  ‘  As  by  the  lofs  of  bodily  fuftenance,  the 
lives  of  animated  beings  are  deftroyed,  thus, 
by  the  diftrefs  of  kingdoms,  are  deftroyed  even 
the  lives  of  kings. 

1 1 3.  1  For  the  fake  of  protedting  his  domini¬ 
ons,  let  the  king  perpetually  obferve  the  follow¬ 
ing  rules  ;  for,  by  protedting  his  dominions,  he 
will  increafe  his  own  happinefs. 

114.  f  Let  him  place,  as  the  protedlors  of  his 
realm,  a  company  of  guards,  commanded  by  an 
approved  officer,  over  two,  three,  five,  or  a 
hundred  diftridts,  according  to  their  extent. 

115.  '  Let  him  appoint  a  lord  of  one  town  with 
its  diftridf,  a  lord  of  ten  towns,  a  lord  of  twenty, 
a  lord  of  a  hundred,  and  a  lord  of  a  thoufand. 

1  16.  *  Let  the  lord  of  one  town  certify  of  his 
own  accord  to  the  lord  of  ten  towns  any  robberies , 
tumults ,  or  other  evils,  which  arile  in  his  dif- 
tridt,  and  which  he  cannot  JuppreJs  ;  and  the  lord 
of  ten,  to  the  lord  of  twenty  : 

I  1 7.  *  Then  let  the  lord  of  twenty  towns  no¬ 
tify  them  to  the  lord  of  a  hundred  ;  and  let  the 
lord  of  a  hundred  tranfmit  the  information  him- 
felf  to  the  lord  of  a  thoufand  townfhips. 

I I  8.  *  Such  food,  drink,  wood,  and  other  ar¬ 
ticles,  as  by  law  fhould  be  given  each  dav  to  the 
king  by  the  inhabitants  of  the  townfhip,  let  the 
lord  ot  one  town  receive  as  his  perquijiie  : 

1 19.  c  Let 



no,  4  Let  the  lord  of  ren  towns  enjoy  the 
4  produce  of  two  plough  lands,  or  as  math  ground 
4  as  can  be  tilled  with  two  ploughs ,  each  drawn  by 
4  fix  bulls  ;  the  lord  of  twenty,  that  of  five  plough- 
‘  lands ;  the  lord  of  a  hundred,  that  of  a  village 

*  or  fmall  town  3  the  lord  of  a  thoufand,  that  of  a 
4  large  town. 

120.  4  The  affairs  of  thofe  townjhips ,  either 
4  jointly  or  feparately  tranfaeled,  let  another  mi- 
4  nider  of  rhe  king,  infpeft  ,  who  fhould  be  well 
4  affie&ed,  and  bv  no  means  remifs. 

121.  f  In  every  laige  town  or  city,  let  him  ap- 
4  point  one  fuperintendent  of  all  affairs,  elevated  in 
4  rank,  formidable  in  power,  difiinguifhcd  as  a 
‘  planet  among  ftars  : 

122.  c  Let  that  governor  from  time  to  time 
4  furvey  ail  the  reff  in  perfon,  and  by  means  of  his 
4  emifiaries,  let  him  perft&ly  know  their  conau<5t 
4  in  their  feveral  aid:  icls. 

123.  f  Since  thefervants  of  the  king,  whom  he 
4  has  appointed  guardians  of  diftri&s,  are  generally 
4  knaves,  who  feize  what  belongs  to  other  men, 

*  from  luch  knaves  let  him  defend  his  people  : 

1-24.  f  Of  fuch  evil  minded  fervants,  as  wring 

4  wealth  from  fubje&s  attending  them  on  bufinefs, 
4  let  the  king  confilcate  all  the  pofleflions,  and 
4  banifh  them  from  his  realm. 

125.  c  For  women,  employed  in  the  fervice  of 
4  the  king,  and  for  his  whole  fet  of  menial  fer- 
x  vants,  let  him  daily  provide  a  maintenance, 

4  in  proportion  to  their  dation  and  to  their 
4  work  : 

1  2b.  4  One  pana  of  copper  mud  be  given  each 
4  day  as  w-ages  to  the  lowed  fervant,  with  two 
4  cloths  for  apparel  every  half  year,  and  a  drona  of 

4  grain 

the  military  class. 


c  grain  every  month  ;  to  the  higheft  mttft  be  given 
4  wages  in  the  ratio  of  fix  to  one. 

nj.  4  Having  afcertained  the  rates  of pur- 
c  chafe  andfale,  the  length  of  the  way,  the  txpcn- 
c  ces  of  food  and  of  condiments,  the  charges  of 
*  fecuring  the  goods  carried,  and  the  neat  profits 
4  of  trade,  let  the  king  oblige  traders  to  pay  taxes 
1  on  their  Jaleable  commodities : 

i  a3.  4  After  full  confideration,  let  a  king  fo 
4  levy  thofe  taxes  continually  in  his  dominions, 

4  that  both  he  and  the  merchant  may  receive  a 
4  juft  compenfation  for  their  feveral  a£ls. 

129.  4  As  the  leech,  the  fuckling  calf,  and 
4  the  bee,  take  their  natural  food  by  little  and 
4  little,  thus  mull  a  king  draw  from  his  domi- 
4  nions  an  annual  revenue. 

130.  4  Of  cattle,  of  gems,  of  gold  and  filver, 

4  added  each  year  to  the  capital  flock,  a  fiftieth  part 
4  may  be  taken  by  the  king  ;  of  grain  an  eighth 
4  part,  a  fixth,  or  a  twelfth,  according  to  the  dif - 
K  ference  of  the  foil,  and  the  labour  necejj'ary  to  cul- 
4  tivate  it. 

131.  4  He  may  alfo  take  a  fixth  part  of  the 
•  clear  annual  increafe  of  trees,  flefii  meat,  honey, 

4  clarified  butler,  perfumes,  medical  fubftances, 

4  liquids,  flowers,  roots,  and  fruit, 

132.  4  Of  gathered  leaves,  potherbs,  graft, 

4  utenfils  made  with  leather  or  cane,  earthen  pots, 

4  and  all  things  made  of  ftone. 

133.  4  A  king,  even  though  dying  with  want , 

4  mull  not  receive  any  tax  from  a  Brahmen  learned 
4  in  the  Vedas ,  nor  fuffer  inch  a  Brahmen,  refiding 
4  in  his  territories,  to  be  afiMtd  with  hunger  : 

1  34.  4  Ot  that  king,  in  whofe  dominion  a  learned 
4  Brahmen  is  ’  affli&cd  wich  hunger,  the  whole 

4  kingdom. 



kingdom  will  in  a  fhort  time  be  afflicted  with 

i  3 ‘  The  king,  having  afcertained  his  know¬ 
ledge  of  fcriprure  and  good  morals,  muff  allot 
him  a  fuirable  maintenance,  and  protedf  him  on 
all  fides,  as  a  father  protects  his  own  fon  : 
i  36.  f  By  that  religious  duty,  which  fuch  a  Brah¬ 
men  pern  1  iris  rach  day,  under  the  full  protection 
of  the  f >ve  rign,  ;he  life,  wealth,  and  dominions 
of  his  protedtor  fh all  be  greatly  increafed. 

137.  ‘  Let  the  king  o«der  a  mere  trifle  to  be 
paid,  in  the  name  of  the  annual  tax,  by  the 
meaner  inhabitants  of  his  realm,  who  fubfifls 
by  petty  trafflck  : 

138.  ‘  By  low  handicrafts  men,  artificers,  and 
fervile  men,  who  fupport  themfelves  by  labour, 
the  king  may  caufe  woik  to  be  done  for  a  day 
in  each  monrh. 

1 .9.  *  Let  him  not  cut  up  his  own  root  by  tak¬ 
ing  no  revenue ,  nor  the  root  of  other  men  by 
excels  of  covetoufncfs ;  for  by  cutting  up  his 
own  root  and  theirsy  he  makes  both  himfelf  and 
them  wrerched. 

14-0  5  1  .et  him,  confidering  the  diverjity  of  cafes, 
be  Qccafionally  fharp,  and  occaficnally  mild,  fince 
a  king,  duly  fharp  and  mild,  becomes  univer- 
fally  appiovech 

141.  ‘  When  tired  of  overlooking  the  affairs 
ol  men,  let  him  aflign  the  ftation  of  fuch  an  in - 

fpeffor  to  a  principal  minifter,  who  well  knows 
his  duty,  who  is  eminently  learned,  whofe  paf- 
flons  are  fubdued,  and  whofe  birth  is  exalted. 

142.  ‘  Thus  muft  he  proteCt  his  people,  dif- 
charging,  with  great  e^rtion,  and  without 
languor,  all  thofe  duties,  which  the  law  requires 
him  to  perform, 

143.  c  That 



143.  f  That  monarch,  whofe  fubje&s  are  car¬ 
ried  from  his  kingdom  by  ruffians,  while  they 
call  aloud  for  protection,  and  he  barely  looks 
on  them  with  his  minifters,  is  a  dead,  and  not 
a  living  king. 

144.  ‘  The  higheft  duty  of  a  military  man  is 
the  defence  of  his  people,  and  the  king  who 
receives  the  confideration  juft  mentioned,  is 
bound  to  difcharge  that  duty. 

145.  ‘  Having  rifen  in  the  laft  watch  of  the 
night*  his  body  being  pure,  and  his  mind  at¬ 
tentive,  having  made  oblations  to  fire,  and  fhown 
due  refpefl  to  the  priefts,  let  him  enter  his  hall 
decently  fplendid  i 

14 6.  ‘  Standing  there,  let  him  gratify  his  fub- 
jects,  before  he  difmifs  them,  with  kind  looks  and 
words ;  and,  having  difmififed  them  all,  let  him 
take  fecret  council  with  his  principal  minifters: 

147.  c  Afcending  up  the  back  of  a  mountain, 
or  going  privately  to  a  terrace,  a  bower,  a  foreft, 
or  a  lonely  place,  without  lifteners,  let  him  con- 
fult  with  them  unobferved. 

148.  ‘  That  prince,  of  whofe  weighty  fecrets  all 
afiemblies  of  men  are  ignorant,  fhall  attain  do¬ 
minion  over  the  whole  earth,  though  at  firfi  he 
pofiefs  no  trealure. 

149.  ‘  At  the  time  of  confutation,  let  him  re¬ 
move  the  ltupid,  the  dumb,  the  blind  and  the 
deaf,  talking  birds,  decripit  old  men,  women, 
and  infidels,  the  difeafed  and  the  maimed ; 

150.  ‘  Since  thole,  who  are  difgraced  in  this 
life ,  by  reajon  of fins  formerly  committed ,  are  apt  to 
betray  fecret  council;  fo  are  talking  birds  ;  and 
fo  above  all  are  women  :  them  he  mult  for  that 
reafon  diligently  remove. 


151.  '  At 


151.  *  At  noon  or  at  midnight,  when  his  fa¬ 
tigues  have  ceafed,  and  his  cares  are  difperfed, 
let  him  deliberate,  with  thole  minifters  or  alone, 
on  virtue,  lawful  pleafure,  and  wealth  ; 

1 52.  ‘  On  the  means  of  reconciling  the  acqui- 
fition  of  them,  when  they  oppofe  each  other  ; 
on  bellowing  his  daughters  in  marriage,  and  on 
preferving  his  Ion sfrom  evil  by  the  bejt  education  ; 

153.  s  On  fending  am bafladors  and  mefiengers  ; 
on  the  probable  events  of  his  meafures  ;  on  the 
behaviour  of  his  women  in  the  private  apart¬ 
ments  5  and  on  the  ads  even  of  his  own  emif- 

154.  *  On  the  whole  eightfold  bufinefs  of 
kings,  relating  to  the  revenue ,  to  their  exfences, 
to  the  good  or  bad  conduct  of  their  minifters ,  to 
legiftation  in  dubious  cafes ,  to  civil  and  criminal 
jitftice ,  and  to  expiations  for  crimes ,  let  him  refled: 
with  the  greatell  attention  5  on  his  five  forts  of 
fpies,  or  aftive  and  artful  youths,  degraded  ancho¬ 
rets ,  diftrefed  hujbandmen,  decayed  merchants,  and 
fictitious  penitents,  whom  he  muft  pay  and  fee  pri¬ 
vately  on  the  good  will  or  enmity  of  his  neigh¬ 
bours,  and  on  the  fiate  of  the  circumjacent 

155.  c  On  the  condud  of  that  foreign  prince, 
who  has  moderate  ftrength  equal  to  one  ordinary 
foe,  but  no  match  for  two  ;  on  the  defigns  of 
him,  who  is  willing  and  able  to  be  a  conqueror ; 
on  the  condition  of  him,  who  is  pacifick,  but  a 
match  even  for  the  former  unallied ;  and  on  that 
of  his  natural  enemy  let  him  feduloufly  me¬ 
dicate  ; 

156.  c  Thofe  four  powers,  who,  in  one  word, 
are  the  root  or  principal  ftrength  of  the  countries 

7  *  round 



1  round  him,  added  to  eight  others,  who  are  called 
4  /£<?  branches,  and  are  as  many  degrees  of  allies 

*  and  opponents  varioufly  diftinguifhed ,  are  declared 
4  to  be  twelve  chief'  objects  of  the  royal  con - 

*  fideration  \ 

157.  4  And  five  other  heads,  namely,  their 

*  minifters,  their  territories,  their  ftrong  holds, 

4  their  treafuries,  and  their  armies,  being  applied 
c  to  each  of  thofe  twelve ,  there  are  in  all,  together 
4  with  them ,  feventy-two  foreign  objeCts  to  be  care - 
4  fully  inveftigated . 

158.  c  Let  the  king  confider  as  hoftile  to  him* 

4  the  power  immediately  beyond  him,  and  the 
4  favourer  of  that  power  ;  as  amicable,  the  power 

*  next  beyond  his  natural  foe  ;  and  as  neutral, 

4  the  powers  beyond  that  circle : 

1 59.  4  All  thofe  powers  let  him  render  fubfer- 
4  vient  to  his  interests  by  mild  meafures  and  the 
4  other  three  expedients  before  mentioned,  either  fe- 
4  parate  or  united,  but  principally  by  valour  and 
4  policy  in  arms  and  negotiation. 

160.  f  Let  him  constantly  deliberate  on  the  fix 
c  meafures  of  a  military  prince,  namely ,  waging 

*  war,  and  making  peace  or  alliance,  marching  to 
c  battle,  and  fitting  encamped,  diltributing  his 
4  forces,  and  feeking  the  protection  of  a  more 
4  powerful  monarch  : 

1 6 1.  4  Having  confidered  the  pofture  of  affairs, 

4  let  him  occafionally  apply  to  it  the  meafure  of 
4  fitting  inactive,  or  of  marching  to  aCtion,  of 
4  peace,  or  of  war,  of  dividing  his  force,  or  of 
4  feeking  protection. 

162.  4  A  king  muft  know,  that  there  are  two 
4  forts  of  alliance  and  war  ;  two,  of  remaiqing  en- 
4  camped,  and  of  marching  ;  two  likewife,  of 

N  2  4  d:viding 


4  dividing  his  army,  and  of  obtaining  protection 
4  from  another  power. 

163.  4  The  two  forts  of  alliance,  attended  with 

*  prefent  and  future  advantages,  are  held  to  he 

*  thofe,  when  he  aCts  in  conjunction  with  his  ally, 

4  and  when  he  aCts  apart  from  him. 

164.  4  War  is  declared  to  be  of  two  forts  ; 

4  when  it  is  waged  for  an  injury  to  himfelf,  and 
4  when  it  is  waged  for  an  injury  to  his  ally,  with  a 
c  view  to  harafs  the  enemy  both  in  feafon  and  out 
4  of  feafon. 

165.  c  Marching  is  of  two  forts,  when  deflruc- 
4  live  aCts  are  done  at  his  own  pleafure  by  himfelf 
4  apart,  or  when  his  ally  attends  him. 

1 66.  4  The  two  forts  of  fitting  encamped  are* 

4  firft ,  when  he  has  been  gradually  weakened  by 
4  the  Divine  Power,  or  by  the  operation  of  paft 
4  fins,  and,  feccndly>  when,  to  favour  his  ally,  he 
4  remains  in  his  camp. 

167.  4  A  detachment  commanded  by  the  king 
4  in  perfon,  and  a  detachment  commanded  by  a 
4  general  officer,  for  the  purpofe  of  carrying  fome 
4  important  point,  are  declared  by  thofe,  who  wiil 
4  know  the  fix  meafures,  to  be  the  two  modes  of 
4  dividing  his  army. 

168.  4  The  two  modes  of  feeking  protection, 

4  that  his  powerful  fupport  may  be  proclaimed  in 
4  all  countries,  are,  when  he  wiffies  to  be 

*  fecure  from  apprehended  injury,,  and,  nexty  when 
4  his  enemies  actually  affail  him. 

1 69.  4  When  the  king  knows  with  certainty, 
4  that  at  fome  future  time  his  force  will  be  greatly 
4  augmented,  and  when,  at  the  time  prefent,  he 
4  fuftains  little  injury,  let  him  then  have  recourfe 
4  to  peaceful  meafures  ; 

170.  4  But,  when  he  fees  all  his  fubjeCts  confi- 
c  derably  firm  in  ftrength,  and  feels  himfelf  highly 

4  exalted 


*  exalted  in  power,  let  him  proted  his  dominions 
‘  by  war. 

17 1.  ‘  When  he  perfedly  knows  his  own 
c  troops  to  be  cheerful  and  well  fupplied,  and 

*  thofe  of  his  enemy  quite  the  reverie,  let  him 
4  eagerly  march  againft  his  foes; 

172.  4  But  when  he  finds  himfelf  weak  in 
'  beafts  of  burden  and  in  troops,  let  him  then  fit 

*  quiet  in  camp,  ufing  great  attention,  and  pad- 
c  fying  his  enemy  by  degrees. 

173.  «  When  a  king  lees  his  foe  flronger  in  all 
f  refpeds  than  himfelf,  let  him  detach  a  part  of 

*  his  army,  to  keep  the  enemy  amujed ,  and  fecure 
‘  his  own  fafety  in  an  inaccejfible  place  ; 

174.  ‘  But  when  he  is  in  all  places  aflailable 
f  by  the  hoflile  troops,  let  him  fpeedily  feek  the 
f  protection  of  a  juft  and  powerful  monarch. 

175.  1  Him,  who  can  keep  in  fubjedion  both 
‘  his  own  fubjeds  and  his  foes,  let  him  conftantly 
4  footh  by  all  forts  of  attentive  refped,  as  he 

*  would  honour  his  father,  natural  or  fpiritual : 

176.  *  But  if,  even  in  that  fituation,  he  find 
‘  fuch  protedion  a  caufe  of  evil,  let  him  alone, 

*  though  weak,  wage  vigorous  war  without  fear. 

177.  f  By  all  thefe  expedients  let  a  politick 
<  prince  ad  with  fuch  wifdom,  that  neither  allies, 
4  neutral  powers,  nor  foes,  may  gain  over  him 
4  any  great  advantage. 

178.  4  Perfedly  let  him  confider  the  ftate  of 

*  his  kingdom,  both  adually  prefent  and  probably 

*  future,  with  the  good  and  bad  parts  of  all  his 
4  adions : 

179.  4  That  king  (hall  never  be  overcome  by 
4  his  enemies,  who  forefees  the  good  and  evil,  to 

*  enfue  from  his  meafures  ;  who,  on  prefent  oc- 
f  cafions,  takes  his  refolution  wich  prudent  fpeed, 

N  3  4  and 


€  and  who  weighs  the  various  events  of  his  paft 
c  conduft. 

180.  *  Let  him  fo  arrange  all  his  affairs,  that 

*  no  ally,  neutral  prince,  or  enemy,  may  obtain 

*  any  advantage  over  him  :  this,  in  a  few  words, 

(  is  the  fum  of  political  wifdom. 

1 8 1.  f  When  the  king  begins  his  march  again# 
f  the  domains  of  his  foe,  let  him  gradually  aa- 
‘  vance,  in  the  following  manner,  againft  the 
c  hoftile  metropolis. 

182.  ■  Let  him  fet  out  on  his  expedition  in  the 

*  fine  month  Mar gas ir jh a ,  or  about  the  month  of 
c  Phdlguna  and  Chaitra ,  according  to  the  number 
€  of  his  forces,  that  he  may  find  autumnal  or  vernal 
c  crops  in  the  country  invaded  by  him  : 

183.  c  Even  in  other  feafons,  when  he  has  a 
c  clear  profpecft  of  vidlory,  and  when  any  difafier 

*  has  befallen  his  foe,  let  him  advance  with  the 
f  greater  part  of  his  army. 

184.  f  Having  made  a  due  arrangement  of 

*  affairs  in  his  own  dominions,  and  a  difpofition 
f  fit  for  his  enterprize,  having  provided  all  things 
c  neceffary  for  his  continuance  in  the  foreign 

*  realms,  and  having  feen  ail  his  fpies  difpatched 
c  with  propriety, 

185.  (  Having  fecured  the  three  forts  of  ways, 
‘  over  water ,  on  plains ,  and  through  forefisy  and 
e  placed  his  fix- fold  army,  elephant sy  cavalry ,  carsy 

*  infantry ,  officer sy  and  attendants ,  in  complete 
€  military  form,  let  him  proceed  by  fit  journeys 
1  toward  the  metropolis  of  his  enemy  : 

186.  f  Let  him  be  much  on  his  guard  againft 
c  every  fecret  friend  in  the  fervice  of  the  hoftile 
c  prince,  and  againft  emiflaries,  who  go  and  re- 

turn ;  for  in  fuch  friends  he  may  find  very 

*  dangerous  foes* 

187.  e  On 


1  37.  c  On  his  march  let  him  form  his  troops 
4  either  like  a  fiaff,  or  in  an  even  column  ;  like  a 
4  wain,  or  in  a  wedge  with  the  apex  foremoft ;  like 
4  a  boar,  or  in  a  rhomb  with  the  van  and  rear 
4  narrow  and  the  centre  broad ;  like  a  Macara  or 
4  Jea  monjler ,  that  is,  in  a  double  triangle  with  apices 
1 joined ;  like  a  needk  or  in  a  long  line ;  or  like 
4  the  bird  of  Vishnu,  that  is,  in  a  rhomboid  with 
4  the  wings  far  extended  : 

188.  ‘  From  whatever  fide  he  apprehends 
4  danger,  to  that  fide  let  him  extend  his  troops; 
4  and  let  him  always  conceal  himfclf  in  the  midft 
4  of  a  fquadron,  formed  like  a  lotos  flower. 

189.  4  Let  him  caufe  his  generals  and  the  chief 
4  commander  under  himfelf  to  a<5t  in  all  quarters; 
4  and  from  whatever  fide  he  perceives  a  defign  of 
4  attacking  him,  to  that  fide  let  him  turn  his  front. 

190.  4  On  all  fides  let  him  ftation  troops  of 
4  foldiers,  in  whom  he  confides,  diftinguifhed  by 
4  known  colours  and  other  marks;  who  are  ex- 
4  cellent  both  in  fuflaining  a  charge  and  in  charge 
4  ing,  who  are  fearlefs  and  incapable  of  defertion. 

1  9 1.  4  Let  him  at  his  pleafure  order  a  few  men 
4  to  engage  in  a  clofe  phalanx,  or  a  large  number 
4  of  warriours  in  loofe  ranks;  and,  having  formed 
f  them  in  a  long  line  like  a  needle,  or  in  three  di- 
4  vifions  like  a  thunderbolt,  let  him  give  orders 
4  for  battle. 

192.  ‘  On  a  plain,  let  him  fight  with  his  armed 
4  cars  and  horfes  ;  on  watery  places,  with  manned 
4  boats  and  elephants ;  on  ground  full  of  trees 
4  and  fhrubs,  with  bows  ;  on  cleared  ground,  with 
4  fwords  and  targets,  and  other  weapons. 

193.  4  Men  born  in  Curucfhetra ,  near  lndrap - 
4  reft' ha,  in  Matfya ,  or  Virata ,  in  Panchala,  or 
4  Canyacubjax  and  in  Surafena ,  in  the  dillridl  of 

N  4  4  Mat'hurct 

184  on  government;  or  on 

c  Mat'hurti ,  let  him  caufe  to  engage  in  the  van  ; 

*  and  men,  born  in  other  countries  >  who  are  tall 
c  and  light. 

194.  *  Let  him,  when  he  has  formed  his 
c  troops  in  array,  encourage  them  with  Jlocrt  am - 
1  mated fpeeches  ;  and  then  let  him  try  them  com- 
c  pletely  :  let  him  know  likewife  how  his  men  feve- 
€  rally  exert  themfelves,  while  they  charge  the  foe. 

195.  f  If  he  block  up  his  enemy,  let  him  fit 
€  encamped,  and  lay  wafte  the  hoftile  country  ; 
c  let  him  continually  fpoil  the  grais,  water,  and 

*  wood  of  the  adverfe  prince. 

196.  (  Pools,  wells,  and  trenches,  let  him  de- 

*  ftrov  :  let  him  harafs  the  foe  by  day,  and  alarm 

*  him  by  night. 

197.  4  Let  him  fecretlv  bring  over  to  his  party 

*  all  luch  leaders  as  he  can  fafely  bring  over;  let 
c  him  be  informed  of  all  that  his  enemies  are 
c  doing  ;  and,  when  a  fortunate  moment  is  of- 
€  fered  by  heaven,  let  him  give  battle,  pufhing 
‘  on  to  conqueft  and  abandoning  fear: 

198.  ?  Yet  he  fhould  be  more  fedulous  to  re- 
c  dnce  his  enemy  by  negotiation,  by  well  applied 
‘  gifts,  and  by  creating  divifions,  ufing  either  ail 
c  or  fome  of  thofe  methods,  than  by  hazarding  at 
€  any  time  a  aecifive  adlion, 

199.  ‘  Since  victory  or  defeat  are  not  furely 
c  forefeen  on  either  fide,  when  two  armies  engage 
€  in  ihe  field  :  let  the  king  then,  if  other  expedients 
1  prevail ,  avoid  a  pitched  battle: 

200.  f  But,  fhould  there  be  no  means  of  ap- 
f  plying  the  three  bef ore-mentioned  expedients,  let 

*  him,  after  due  preparation,  fight  fo  valiantly*, 

<  that  his  enemy  may  be  totally  routed. 

201.  4  Having  conquered  a  country,  let  him 
■  refpeft  the  deities  adored  in  if,  and  their  vir- 

1  tuous 



tuous  priefts;  let  him  alfo  diftribute  largeflcs 
to  the  people,  and  caufie  a  full  exemption  from 
terrour  to  be  loudly  proclaimed. 

202.  4  When  he  has  perfectly  afcertained  the 
conduct  and  intentions  of  all  the  vanquifhed,  let 
him  fix  in  that  country  a  prince  ol  the  royal 
race,  and  give  him  ptecile  inllrudions. 

203.  *  Let  him  eftablilh  the  laws  ot  the  con¬ 
quered  nation  as  declared  in  their  books  ;  and  let 
him  gratify  the  new  prince  with  gems,  and  Gther 
precious  gifts . 

204.  4  The  feizure  of  definable  property,  though 
it  caufie  hatred,  and  the  donation  of  it,  though 
it  caufe  love,  may  be  laudable  or  blameable  on 
different  occafions : 

205.  4  All  this  conduft  of  human  affairs  is  con- 
fidered  as  dependent  on  ads  afcribed  to  the 
deity,  and  on  ads  afcribed  to  men;  now  the 
operations  of  the  deity  cannot  be  known  by  any 
intenfenefs  of  thought,  but  thofe  of  men  may  be 
clearly  difcovered. 

206.  4  Or  the  vidor,  confidering  an  ally,  ter¬ 
ritory,  and  wealth  as  the  triple  fruit  of  conqueft, 
may  form  an  alliance  with  the  vanquifhed  prince, 
and  proceed  in  union  with  h;m,  ufiing  diligent 

207.  4  He  fhould  pay  due  attention  to  the 
prince  who  fupported  his  caufie,  and  to  any 
other  prince  of  the  circumjacent  region,  who 
checked  that  fupporter,  fo  that  both  from  a  well- 
wifher  and  from  an  opponent,  he  may  1‘ecure  the 
fruit  of  his  expedition. 

208.  4  By  gaining  wealth  and  territory  a  king 
acquires  not  fo  great  an  incrcale  of  flrength,  as 
by  obtaining  a  firm  ally,  \*ho,  though  weak, 
may  hereafter  be  powerful. 

209,  *  That 

186  on  government;  or  on 

209.  4  That  ally,  though  feeble,  is  highly  ef- 
4  timable,  who  knows  the  whole  extent  of  his 
4  duties,  who  gracefully  remembers  benefits* 

4  whofe  people  are  Satisfied,  or ,  who  has  a  gentle 
4  nature ,  who  loves  his  friend,  and  perfeveres  in 
4  his  good  resolutions. 

210.  f  Him  have  the  fages  declared  an  enemy 
4  hard  to  be  fubdued,  who  is  eminently  learned, 

4  of  a  noble  race,  perfonally  brave,  dextrous  in 
4  management,  liberal,  grateful,  and  firm. 

21 1.  Good  nature,  knowledge  of  mankind, 

4  valour,  benignity  of  heart,  and  incefiant  libe- 
4  rality,  are  the  aftemblage  of  virtues  which  adorn 
c  a  neutral  prince,  whoje  amity  mujl  be  courted . 

212.  4  Even  a  Salubrious  and  fertile  country, 
4  where  cattle  continually  increafe,  let  a  king 
c  abandon,  without  hefitation,  for  the  fake  of  pre- 
*  Serving  himfelf : 

213  ‘  Againft  misfortune  let  him  preferve  his 
4  wealth  :  at  the  expence  of  his  wealth  let  him 
4  preferve  his  wife  ;  but  let  him  at  all  events  pre- 
4  Serve  himfelf  even  at  the  hazard  of  his  wife  and 
4  his  riches. 

214.  4  A  wife  prince,  who  finds  every  fort  of 
4  calamity  rufhing  violently  upon  him,  fhould 
f  have  recourfe  to  ail  juft  expedients,  united  or 
4  Separate : 

21  v  4  Let  him  confider  the  bufinefs  to  be  ex- 
4  pedited,  the  expedients  collectively,  and  himfelf 
4  who  muft  apply  them  ;  and  taking  refuge  com- 
4  pletelv  in  thofe  three,  let  him  ftrenuoufly  labour 
4  for  his  own  profperity. 

216.  4  Having  confulted  with  his  minifters, 
4  in  the  manner  before  prefcribcd  on  all  this  mqfs 
4  of  publick  affairs ;  having  ufed  exercile  becoming 
4  a  warriour%  and  having  bathed  after  ity  let  the 

1  king 


€  king  enter  at  noon  his  private  apartments  for 
4  the  purpofe  of  taking  food. 

217.  ‘  There  let  him  eat  lawful  aliment,  pre- 
1  pared  by  fervants  attached  to  his  pcrlbn,  who 

*  know  the  difference  of  times  and  are  incapable 
4  of  perfidy,  after  it  has  been  proved  innocent  by 
4  certain  experiments ,  and  hallowed  by  texts  of  the 

*  Veda,  repulfiveof  poifon. 

2  8.  4  Together  with  all  his  food  let  him  fwal- 
f  low  fuch  medical  fubftances  as  refift  venom  ; 

*  and  let  him  conftantly  wear  with  attention  fuch 
4  gems  as  are  known  to  repel  it. 

219.  *  Let  his  females,  well  tried  and  attentive, 

*  their  drefs  and  ornaments  having  been  exa- 
4  mined,  left  Jome  weapon  Jhould  be  concealed  in  them , 

*  do  him  humble  fervice  with  fans,  water,  and 
4  perfumes  : 

220.  c  Thus  let  him  take  diligent  care,  when 
4  he  goes  out  in  a  carriage  or  on  horfeback,  when 
4  he  lies  down  to  reft,  when  he  fits,  when  he 
4  takes  food,  when  he  bathes,  anoints  his  body 
4  with  odorous  ejfences ,  and  puts  on  all  his  habili- 
4  ments. 

221.  4  After  eating,  let  him  divert  himfelf  with 
‘  his  women  in  the  receftes  of  his  palace  ;  and, 
4  having  idled  a  reafonable  time,  let  him  again 
€  think  of  publick  affairs  : 

222.  When  he  has  dreffed  himfelf  completely, 

*  let  him  once  more  review  his  armed  men,  with 

*  all  their  elephants,  horfes,  and  cars,  their  accou- 
4  trements  and  weapons. 

223.  4  At  funfet,  having  performed  his  religious 

*  duty,  let  him  privately,  but  well  armed,  in  his 
4  interior  apartment,  hear  what  has  been  done  by 

*  his  reporters  and  emiffaries  : 

224.  4  Then, 

l83  ON  GOVERNMENT,  &C. 

224.  *  Then,  having  difmiffed  thofe  informers, 
c  and  returning  to  another  fecret  chamber,  let  him 
c  go,  attended  by  women,  to  the  inmoft  recefs  of 
*  his  manfion  for  the  fake  of  his  evening  meal ; 

225.  c  There,  having  a  fecond  time  eaten  a  lit- 
c  tie,  and  having  been  recreated  with  mufical 
6  ftrains,  let  him  take  reft  early,  and  rife  refrefhed 
c  from  his  labour. 

226.  c  This  perfect  fyftem  of  rules  let  a  king, 
c  free  from  illnefs,  cbfcrve  5  but  when  really  af- 
4  Aided  with  difeafe,  he  may  incruft  all  thefe  affairs 
‘  to  his  officers/ 

(  ,89  ) 


On  ’'judicature ;  and  on  Law,  Private  and 

/.  4  A  king,  defirous  of  infpedting  judicial  pro- 
<  cccdings  mud  enter  his  court  of  juftice,  com- 
4  poled  and  fedate  in  his  demeanour,  together 
4  with  Brahmens  and  counfellors,  who  know  how 
1  to  give  him  advice : 

2.  4  There,  either  fitting  or  (landing,  holding 

*  forth  his  right  arm,  without  oftentation  in  hrs 

*  drefs  and  ornaments,  let  him  examine  the  affairs 

*  of  litigant  parties. 

3-  4  Each  day  let  him  decide  caufes  one  after 
1  another,  under  the  eighteen  principal  titles  of 

*  law,  by  arguments  and  rules  drawn  from  local 

*  uiages,  and  from  written  codes  : 

4.  4  Or  thofe  titles ,  the  firll  is  debt,  on  loans 

*  for  confumption  ;  the  fecond ,  depofits,  and  loans 

*  for  ufe ;  the  third,  fale  without  ownerfhip  ;  the 
'  fourth ,  concerns  among  partners  ;  the  fifth ,  futr- 

*  tradlion  of  what  has  been  given  ; 

5.  4  The  fixth ,  non-payment  of  wages  or  hire; 
c  the  feventby  non  performance  of  agreement  ; 
'  the  eighth ,  refciffion  of  fale  and  purchal'c  ;  the 

*  ninth ,  difputes  between  matter  and  lervant ; 

6.  4  The  tenth,  Cornells  on  boundaries ;  the 


190  on  judicature;  and  on  law, 

9  eleventh  and  twelfth ,  afiault  and  flander;  the 
4  thirteenth ,  larceny ;  the  fourteenth ,  robbery  and 

*  other  violence  ;  the  fifteenth,  adultery  ; 

7.  4  ‘The  fifteenth ,  altercation  between  man  and 
4  wife,  and  their  leveral  duties ;  the  feventeenth , 
9  the  law  of  inheritance;  the  eighteenth,  gaming  with 
4  dice  and  with  living  creatures :  thefe  eighteen 
c  titles  of  law  are  fettled  as  the  ground  work  of 
4  all  judicial  procedure  in  this  world. 

8.  4  Among  men,  who  contend  for  the  moft 
T  part  on  the  titles  juft  mentioned,  and  on  a  few 
1  mifcellaneous  heads  not  comprifed  under  them ,  let 
4  the  king  decide  caufes  juftly,  obferving  prime- 
4  val  law ; 

9.  4  But  when  he  cannot  infpedt  fuch  affairs  in 
4  perfon,  let  him  appoint,  for  the  infpe&ion  of 
4  them,  a  Brahmen  of  eminent  learning  ; 

to.  4  Let  that  chief  judge,  accompanied  by 
4  three  afteftors,  fully  confider  all  caufes  brought 
4  before  the  king;  and,  having  entered  the  court 
4  room,  let  him  fit  or  ftand,  but  not  move  back - 

*  wards  and  forwards. 

11.  c  In  whatever  country  three  Brahmens , 

4  particularly  fkilled  in  the  three  feveral  Vedas ,  lit 
4  together  with  the  very  learned  Brahmen  ap- 
4  pointed  by  the  king,  the  wife  call  that  ajfembly 
4  the  court  of  Brahma  1  with  four  faces. 

12.  4  WHENjuftice,  having  been  wounded  by 
4  iniquity,  approaches  the  court,  and  the  judges 
4  extradl  not  the  dart,  they  alfo  fhall  be  wounded 
4  by  it. 

13.  4  Either  the  court  muft  not  be  entered  by 
4  judges ,  parties ,  and  witneffes,  or  law  and  truth 
4  muft  be  openly  declared  :  that  man  is  criminal, 

4  who  either  fays  nothing,  or  fays  what  is  falfe 
4  or  unjuft* 

14.  4  Where 


14.  €  Where  juftice  is  deftroyed  by  iniquity, 
and  truth  by  falfe  evidence,  the  judges,  who 
bafely  look  on,  without  giving  redre/s ,  (hall  alfo 
be  deftroyed. 

15.  4  Juftice  being  deftroyed,  will  deftroy ; 
being  preferved,  will  preferve :  it  mult  never 
therefore  be  violated.  “  Beware,  O  judge,  left 
juftice  being  overturned,  overturn  both  us  and 

16.  c  The  divine  form  of  juftice  is  reprefented 
as  Vr',Jha ,  or  a  bull ,  and  the  gods  confider  him, 
who  violates  juftice,  as  a  Vnjhala ,  or  one  who 
(lays  a  bull  :  let  the  king,  therefore,  and  his 
judges  bew  are  of  violating  juftice. 

17.  *  The  only  firm  friend,  w  ho  follows  men 
even  after  death,  is  juftice;  all  others  are  ex- 
tindl  with  the  body. 

18.  c  Of  injuftice  in  decifions ,  one  quarter  falls 
on  the  party  in  the  caufe ;  one  quarter,  on  his 
witnefles  ;  one  quarter,  on  all  the  judges ;  and 
one  quarter  on  the  king  ; 

19.  ‘  But  where  he,  who  deferves  condemna¬ 
tion  fhall  be  condemned,  the  king  is  guiltlefs, 
and  the  judges  free  from  blame  :  an  evil  deed 
fhall  recoil  on  him  who  committed  it. 

20.  (  A  Brahmen  fupported  only  by  his  clafs, 
and  one  barely  reputed  a  Brahmen,  but  without 
performing  any  lacerdotal  a<fts,  may,  at  the  king's 
pleafure,  interpret  the  law'  to  him  :  Jo  may  the 
two  middle  clajfes ;  but  a  Siidra ,  in  no  cafe  w  hat¬ 

21.  1  Of  that  king,  who  ftupidly  looks  on, 
while  a  Siidra  decides  caufes,  die  kingdom  it- 
felf  fhali  be  embarrafted,  like  a  cow  in  deep 

22.  c  The 

92  CN  judicature;  and  on  law, 

22.  f  The  whole  territory,  which  is  inhabited 
by  a  number  of  Si'edras ,  overwhelmed  with 
atheifts,  and  deprived  of  Brahmens ,  muftfpeedily 
perifh,  affiidted  with  death  and  difeafe. 

2 3.  <  Let  the  king  or  his  judge ,  having  feated 
himfelfon  the  bench,  his  body  properly  clothed, 
and  his  mind  attentively  fixed,  begin  with  doing 
reverence  to  the  deities,  who  guard  the  world  ; 
and  then  let  him  enter  on  the  trial  of  caufes  : 

24.  c  Underftanding  what  is  expedient  or  in¬ 
expedient,  but  confidering  only  w  hat  is  law  or 
not  law,  let  him  examine  all  difputes  between 
panies,  in  the  order  of  their  feveral  clafifes. 

25.  c  By  external  figns  let  him  fee  through  the 
thoughts  of  men  ;  by  their  voice,  colour,  coun¬ 
tenance,  limbs,  eyes,  and  adlion  : 

26.  c  From  the  limbs,  the  look,  the  motion 
of  the  body,  the  gelticulation,  the  fpeech,  the 
changes  of  the  eye  3nd  the  face,  are  dilcovered 
the  internal  workings  of  the  mind. 

27.  1  The  property  of  aftudent  and  of  an  infant', 
whether  by  defcent  or  otherwife,  let  the  king 
hold  in  his  cuftody,  until  the  owner  (hall  have 
ended  his  ftudentfhip,  or  until  his  infancy  ftiall 
have  ceafed  in  his  Jixteenth  year, 

28.  c  Equal  care  mud  be  taken  of  barren 
women,  of  women  without  Tons,  whoje  hujhands 
have  married  other  wives ,  of  women  without 
kindred,  or  whofe  hufbands  are  in  diftant  places, 
of  widows  true  to  their  lords,  and  of  women 
afflidled  with  illnefs. 

29.  c  Such  kinfmen,  as  hy  any  pretence ,  ap¬ 
propriate  the  fortunes  of  women  during  their 
lives,  a  juft  king  muft  punilh  writh  the  feverity 
due  to  thieves. 

30.  c  Three 


30.  4  Three  years  let  the  king  detain  the  pro- 

*  pertv  of  which  no  owner  appears,  after  a  difttutt 
4  proclamation :  the  owner  appearing  within  the 
4  three  years,  may  take  it  ;  but,  after  that  term, 
4  the  king  may  confifcate  it. 

31.  *  He,  who  fays  44  This  is  mine,”  mud  be 
4  duly  examined  ;  and  if,  before  he  vifpeft  it,  he 
4  declare  its  form,  number,  and  other  circum- 
4  fiances,  the  owner  mud:  have  his  property; 

32.  4  But  if  he  (how  not  at  what  place  and 
4  time  it  was  loft,  and  fpecify  not  its  colour, 
4  fhape,  and  dimenfions,  he  ought  to  be  amerced  ; 

33.  4  The  king  may  take  a  fixth  part  of  the 
4  property  fo  detained  by  him,  or  a  tenth,  or  a 
4  twelfth,  remembering  the  duty  of  good  kings. 

34.  4  Property  loll  by  one  man ,  and  found  by 
1  another,  let  the  king  fecure,  by  committing  it 
4  to  the  care  of  truft-worthy  men  ;  and  thofe, 
4  whom  he  (hall  convidt  of  dealing  it,  let  him 
4  caufe  to  be  trampled  on  by  an  elephant. 

35.  4  From  the  man  who  (hall  fay  with  truth, 
44  This  property,  which  has  been  kept,  belongs 
44  to  me,”  the  king  may  take  a  fixth  or  twelfth 

*  part,  for  having  fecured  it ; 

36.  4  But  he  who  (hall  fay  fo  falfely,  may  be 
4  fined  either  an  eighth  part  of  his  own  property, 

4  or  elfe  in  fome  l'mall  proportion,  to  the  value 
4  of  the  goods  falfely  claimed,  a  juft  calculation 
4  having  been  made. 

37.  4  A  learned  Brahmen,  having  found  a 
4  treafure  formerly  hidden,  may  take  it  without 
4  any  deduction  ;  fince  he  is  the  lord  of  all ; 

38.  4  But  of  a  treafure  anciently  repofited  un- 
4  der  ground,  which  any  other  fubjeft  or  the  king 
4  has  difeovered,  the  king  may  lay  up  half  in  his 
4  treafury,  having  given  half  to  the  Brahmens. 

O  39*  4  Of 

194  on  judicature;  and  on  law, 

39.  c  Of  old  hoards,  and  precious  minerals  in 
€  the  earth,  the  king  is  entitled  to  half  by  reafon 
4  of  his  general  protection,  and  becaufe  he  is  the 
f  lord  paramount  of  the  foil. 

40.  ‘  To  men  of  all  claffes,  the  king  muft 
4  reftore  their  property,  which  robbers  have 
4  feized  ;  fince  a  king,  who  takes  it  for  himfelf, 
4  incurs  the  guilt  of  a  robber. 

41.  ‘  A  king  who  knows  the  revealed  law, 
4  muft  enquire  into  the  particular  laws  of  claffes, 
4  the  laws  or  ufages  of  diftridts,  the  cuftoms  of 
4  traders,  and  the  rules  of  certain  families,  and 
4  eftablifh  their  peculiar  laws,  if  they  be  not  re - 
4  pugnant  to  the  law  of  God  ; 

42.  ‘  Since  all  men,  who  mind  their  own 
«  cuftomary  ways  of  proceeding,  and  are  fixed  in 
4  the  difcharge  of  their  feveral  duties,  become 
4  united  by  affedtion  with  the  people  at  large, 

*  even  though  they  dwell  farafunder. 

43.  c  Neither  the  king  himfelf,  nor  his  officers 
4  muft  ever  promote  litigation  ;  nor  ever  negledl 
4  a  law  fuit  inftituted  by  others. 

44.  ‘  As  a  hunter  traces  the  lair  of  a  wounded 
4  beaft  by  the  drops  of  blood ;  thus  let  a  king 
4  inveftigate  the  true  point  of  juftice  by  deliberate 
4  arguments  : 

43.  *  Let  him  fully  confider  the  nature  of 
4  truth,  the  date  of  the  cafe,  and  his  own  perfon  ; 
4  and  next,  the  witneffes,  the  place,  the  mode, 

*  and  the  time  ;  firmly  adhering  to  all  the  rules 
<J  of  pradlice  : 

46.  ‘  What  has  been  pra&ifed  by  good  men  and 
4  by  virtuous  Brahmens,  if  it  be  not  inconfiflent 
4  with  the  legal  cuftoms  of  provinces  or  diftridts, 
4  of  claffes  and  families,  let  him  eftablifh. 

47.  4  When 


47.  *  When  a  creditor  fues  before  him  for  the 
recovery  of  his  right  from  a  debtor,  let  him 
caufe  the  debtor  to  pay  what  the  creditor  fhali 
prove  due. 

48.  ‘  By  whatever  lawful  means  a  creditor 
may  have  gotten  potfeffion  of  his  own  property, 
let  the  king  ratify  fuch  payment  by  the  debtor, 
though  obtained  even  by  compulfory  means  ; 

49.  c  By  the  mediation  of  friends,  by  fuit  in, 
court,  by  artful  management,  or  by  diftrefs,  a 
creditor  may  recover  the  property  lent;  and 
fifthly,  by  legal  force. 

50.  €  That  creditor,  who  recovers  his  right 
from  his  debtor,  muft  not  be  rebuked  by  the 
king  for  retaking  his  own  property. 

51.  f  In  a  fuit  for  a  debt,  which  the  defendant 
denies,  let  him  award  payment  to  the  creditor 
of  what,  by  good  evidence,  he  fhali  prove  due, 
and  exadt  a  fmall  fine,  according  to  ike  circum- 
Jlances  of  the  debtor . 

52.  ‘  On  the  denial  of  a  debt,  which  the  de¬ 
fendant  has  in  court  been  required  to  pay,  the 
plaintiff  mud  call  a  witnefs  who  was  prefent  at 
the  place  of  the  loan,  or  produce  other  evidence, 
as  a  note  and  the  like. 

53.  ‘  The  plaintiff,  who  calls  a  witnefs  not 
prefent  at  the  place  where  the  ccntradi  was  made , 
or,  having  knowingly  called  him,  difclaims  him 
as  his  witnefs  ;  or  who  perceives  not,  that  he 
afferts  confufed  and  contradictory  fadts  ; 

54.  *  Or  who,  having  ftated  what  he  defigns 
to  prove,  varies  afterwards  from  his  cafe  j  or 
who,  being  queftioned  on  a  fadt  which  he  had 
before  admitted,  refufes  to  acknowledge  that 
very  fadt ; 

O  2 

55-  ‘  Or 

196  ON  judicature;  and  on  law, 

55.  t  Or  who  has  converfed  with  the  witneffes 
c  in  a  place  unfit  for  fuch  converfation  ;  or  who 

*  declines  anfwering  a  queftion  properly  put;  or 
€  who  departs  from  the  court ; 

56.  6  Or  who,  being  ordered  to  fpeak,  (lands 

*  mute;  or  who  proves  not  what  he  has alledged; 

*  or  who  knows  not  w  hat  is  capable  or  incapa- 
c  ble  of  proof ;  fuch  a  plaintiff  lhall  fail  in  that 
c  fuit. 

57.  c  Him  who  has  faid  “  I  have  witneffes,” 

*  and  being  told  to  produce  them,  produces  them 

*  not,  the  judge  muft  on  this  account  declare 

*  nonfuited. 

58.  ‘  If  the  plaintiff  delay  to  put  in  his  plaint, 

*  he  may,  according  to  the  nature  of  the  cafe ,  be 
c  corporally  punifhed  or  juflly  amerced  ;  and  if 

*  the  defendant  plead  not  within  three  fortnights, 

<  he  is  by  law  condemned. 

59.  c  In  the  double  of  that  fum,  which  the 
c  defendant  falfely  denies,  or  on  which  the  com- 
c  plainant  falfely  declares,  (hall  thofe  two  men, 
c  wilfully  offending  againft  juftice,  be  fined  by 
c  the  king. 

60.  c  When  a  man  has  been  brought  into 
c  court  by  a  fuitor  for  property,  and,  being  called 

*  on  to  anfwer,  denies  the  debt,  the  caufe  fhould 

*  be  decided  by  the  Brahmen  who  reprefents  the 
c  king,  having  heard  three  witneffes  at  lead. 

61.  6  What  fort  of  witneffes  muft  be  pro- 
c  duced  by  creditors  and  others  on  the  trial 
c  of  caufes,  I  will  comprehenfively  declare  ;  and 
c  in  what  manner  thofe  witneffes  muft  give  true 
c  evidence. 

62.  c  Married  houfe-keepers,  men  with  male 
‘  iffue,  inhabitants  of  the  fame  diftrift,  either  of 

*  the 



the  military,  the  commercial,  or  thefervile  clafs, 
are  competent,  when  called  by  the  party,  to  give 
their  evidence  ;  not  any  perfons  indi.fcrimin.irdv, 
except  in  fuck  cafes  of  urgency  as  will  Joon  be 

63.  ‘  Juft  and  fenfible  men  of  all  the  four  clafles 
may  be  witnefTes  on  trials  ;  men,  who  know 
their  whole  duty, and  are  free  from  covetoufnefs ; 
but  men  of  an  oppofite  character  the  judge  muft 

64.  ‘  Thofe  muft  not  be  admitted  who  have  a 
pecuniary  intereft  ;  nor  familiar  friends  ;  nor 
menial  fervants ;  nor  enemies  ;  nor  men  for¬ 
merly  perjured ;  nor  perfons  grievoufly  dif- 
eafed ;  nor  thofe  who  have  committed  henious 
often  ces. 

65.  ‘  The  king  cannot  be  made  a  witnefs ;  nor 
cooks  and  the  like  mean  artificers  ;  nor  public 
dancers  nor  fingers  ;  nor  a  prieft  of  deep  learn¬ 
ing  in  fcripture  ;  nor  a  ftudent  in  theology  ;  nor 
an  anchoret  fecluded  from  all  worldly  con¬ 
nexions  ; 

66.  ‘  Nor  one  wholy  dependent  ;  nor  one  of 
bad  fame  ;  nor  one  who  follows  a  cruel  occu¬ 
pation  ;  nor  one  who  adts  openly  againft  the 
law  ;  nor  a  decripit  old  man  ;  nor  a  child  ;  nor 
one  man  only,  unlefs  he  be  dijlinguifhed  for  virtue  ; 
nor  a  wretch  of  the  loweft  mixed  clafs  ;  nor  one 
who  has  loft:  the  organs  of  fenfe  ; 

67.  *  Nor  one  extremely  grieved  ;  nor  one  in¬ 
toxicated  ;  nor  a  madman  ;  nor  one  tormented 
with  hunger  or  thirft ;  nor  one  opprefied  by 
fatigue  ;  nor  one  excited  by  luft  ;  nor  one  in¬ 
flamed  by  wrath  ;  nor  one  who  has  been  con¬ 
victed  of  theft. 

0  3 

63.  1  Women 


6£.  c  Women  fhould  regularly  be  witnedfes  for' 
c  women  ;  twice  born  mm.  for  men  alike  twice 

*  born  ;  good  fervants  and  mechanicks,  for  fer- 
c  vanrs  and  mechanicks;  and  thofe  of  the  lowed: 
€  race,  for  thofe  of  the  lowed: ; 

69.  *  But  any  perfon  whatever,  who  has  podtive 
c  knowledge  of  iranfattions  in  the  private  apart* 

*  ments  of  a  houfe,  or  in  a  foreft,  or  at  a  time 

*  of  death,  may  give  evidence  between  the 
parties  : 

70.  ‘  On  failure  of  witnejfes  duly  qualified,  evi- 
€  dence  may ,  in  fuch  cafes ,  be  given  by  a  woman,  by 

*  a  child,  or  by  an  aged  man,  by  a  pupil,  by  a 
(  kinfman,  by  a  flave,  or  by  a  hired  fervant; 

71.  c  Yet  of  children,  of  old  men,  and  of  the 
c  difeafed,  who  are  all  apt  to  fpeak  untruly,  the 

*  judge  muft  confider  the  teftimony  as  weak  ;  and 
‘  much  more,  that  of  men  with  difordered  minds  : 

72.  ‘  In  all  cafes  of  violence,  of  theft  and 

*  adultery,  of  defamation  and  adfault,  he  mud:  not 

*  examine  too  ftri&ly  the  competence  of  wit- 
c  nedTes. 

73.  f  If  there  be  contradi&ory  evidence,  let  the 
c  king  decide  by  the  plurality  of  credible  wit- 
€  nedTes  ;  if  equality  in  number,  by  fuperiority  in 
f  virtue  ;  if  parity  in  virtue,  by  the  tedimony  of 
c  fuch  twice  born  men  as  have  bed:  performed 
(  publick  duties. 

74.  ‘  Evidence  of  what  has  been  feen,  or  of  what 
c  has  been  heard,  as  Jlander  and  the  like ,  given  by 

*  thofe  who  faw  or  heard  it,  is  admidTable  ;  and  a 
€  witnefs  who  fpeaks  truth  in  thofe  cafes,  neither 

*  deviates  from  virtue  nor  lofes  his  wealth  ; 

75.  ‘  But  a  witnefs,  who  knowingly  fays  any 
f  thing,  before  an  adfembly  of  good  men,  differ- 
[  ent  from  what  he  had  feen  or  heard,  (hall  fall 

f  headlong 


*  headlong,  after  death,  into  a  region  of  horrour, 
‘  and  be  debarred  from  heaven. 

76.  ‘  When  a  man  fees  or  hears  any  thing, 
c  without  being  then  called  upon  to  atteft  it,  yet  if 
‘  he  be  afterwards  examined  as  a  witnefs,  he  muft 
1  declare  it,  exactly  as  it  was  feen,  and  as  it  was 

*  heard. 

77.  ‘  One  man,  untainted  with  covetoufnefs  and 
1  other  vices,  may  in  fome  cajes  be  the  foie  witnefs, 
‘  and  will  have  more  weight  than  many  women, 

*  bccaufe  female  underftandings  are  apt  to  waver; 

*  or  than  many  other  men  who  have  been  tar- 
c  nifhed  with  crimes. 

78.  c  What  witneffes  declare  naturallv  or  with • 
1  out  bias ,  muft  be  received  on  trials ;  but  what 
‘  they  improperly  fay,  from  fome  unnatural  bent, 
c  is  inapplicable  to  the  purpofes  of  juftice. 

79.  ‘  The  witneffes  being  affembled  in  the 
c  middle  of  the  court-room,  in  the  prefence  of 
‘  the  plaintiff  and  the  defendant,  let  the  judge 
c  examine  them,  after  having  addreffed  them  all 
1  together  in  the  following  manner  : 

80.  “  What  ye  know  to  have  been  tranfa&ed 
<c  in  the  matter  before  us,  between  the  parries  re- 
“  ciprocally,  declare  at  large  and  with  truth  ;  for 
“  your  evidence  in  this  caufe  is  required.” 

81.  *  A  witnefs,  who  gives  teftimony  with 
‘  truth,  (hall  attain  exalted  feats  of  beatitude 
‘  above,  and  the  higheft  fame  here  below  :  luch 

*  teftimony  is  revered  by  Brahma'  himfelf ; 

82.  ‘  The  witnefs  who  fpeaks  falfely,  lhall  be 
‘  faff  bound,  under  water ,  in  the  fnaky  cords  of 
1  Varltna,  and  be  wholly  deprived  of  power  to 

*  // cape  torment ,  during  a  hundred  tranfmigrations: 
1  let  mankind,  therefore,  give  nofalfe  teftimony. 

O  4  83.  4  By 

200  ON  judicature;  and  on  law, 

83.  e  Bv  truth  is  a  witnefs  cleared  of  fin  ;  by 
■  truth  is  juftice  advanced  :  truth  muft,  therefore*, 
6  be  fpoken  by  witnefifes  of  every  clafs. 

84.  ‘  The  foul  itfelf  is  its  own  witnefs  ;  the 

*  foul  itfelf  is  irs  own  refuge ;  offend  not  thy 
c  confcious  foul,  the  fupreme  internal  witnefs  of 
5  men  ! 

83.  c  The  finful  have  faid  in  their  hearts  1 
None  fees  us,”  Yes;  the  gods  diftin£Uy  fee 

*  them  ;  and  fo  does  the  fpirit  within  their  breafts. 

86.  6  The  guardian  deities  of  the  firmament,  of 

*  the  earth,  of  the  waters,  of  the  human  heart, 
1  of  the  moon,  of  the  fun,  and  of  fire,  of  pu- 
c  nifhment  after  death,  of  the  winds,  of  night,  of 
4  both  twilights,  and  of  juftice,  perfectly  know 

*  the  ftate  of  all  fpirits  clothed  with  bodies. 

87.  e  In  the  forenoon  let  the  the  judge,  being 
c  purified,  feverally  call  on  the  twice  born,  being 
e  purified  alfo,  to  declare  the  truth,  in  the  pre- 
c  fence  of  fome  image ,  a  fymbol  of  the  divinity,  and 
?  of  Brahmens ,  while  the  witneffes  turn  their  faces 

*  either  to  the  north  or  to  the  eaft. 

88.  4  To  a  Brahmen  he  muft  begin  with  faying, 
“  Declare  to  a  Cfhatriya ,  with  faying  “  De- 
“  clare  the  truth  to  a  Vaifya ,  with  comparing 
4  perjury  to  the  crime  of  ftealing  kine,  grain,  or 
4  gold  ;  to  a  Sadr  a,  with  comparing  it  in  fome  or  all 
‘  of  the  following  fentences,  to  every  crime  that  men 
f  can  commit. 

89.  “  Whatever  places  of  torture  have  been 
cc  prepared  for  the  flayer  of  a  prieft,  for  the  mur- 
cc  derer  of  a  woman  or  of  a  child,  for  the  injurer 

of  a  friend,  and  for  an  ungrateful  man,  thofe 
“  places  are  ordained  for  a  witnefs  who  gives  falfe 
£c  evidence. 

90.  Ci  The 


90.  <c  The  fruit  of  every  virtuous  aft,  which 
“  thou  hall  done,  O  good  man,  fince  thy  birth, 
t(  fhall  depart  from  thee  to  dogs,  if  thou  deviate 
i(  in  fpeech  from  the  truth. 

91.  “  O  friend  to  virtue,  that  Supreme  Spirit, 
“  which  thou  believed  one  and  the  fame  with 
“  tbyfelf,  refides  in  thy  bofom  perpetually,  and  is 
“  an  all  knowing  infpeftor  of  thy  goodnefs  or 
“  of  thy  wicked nefs. 

92.  “  If  thou  beed  not  at  variance,  by  [peaking 
“  falfely ,  with  Yama,  or  the  fubduer  of  all ;  with 
“  Vaivaswata,  or  the  punifher  ;  with  that  great 
“  divinity  who  dwells  in  thy  bread  ,  go  not  on  a 
<c  pilgrimage  to  the  river  Ganga,  nor  to  the  plans 
<(  of  Guru,  for  thou  ha ft  no  need  of  expiation . 

93.  “  Naked  and  fhorn,  tormented  with  hun- 
“  ger  and  third,  and  deprived  of  light,  Hull  the 
“  man  who  gives  falfe  evidence,  go  with  a 
“  potlherd  to  beg  food  at  the  door  of  his  enemy. 

94.  “  Headlong,  in  utter  darknefs,  lhall  the 
Ct  impious  wretch  tumble  into  hell,  who,  being 
•“  interrogated  m  a  judicial  inquiry,  anfwers  one 
i(  queftion  falfely. 

95.  “  He,  who  in  a  court  of  juftice  gives  an 
€C  imperfect  account  of  any  tranfadtion,  or  afierts 
<c  a  faft  of  which  he  was  no  eye-witnefs,  fhall  re- 
“  ccive  pain  inftead of  pleafure ,  and  referable  a  man, 
tc  who  eats  lilh  with  eager  nefs  and  fwallows  the 
“  fharp  bones. 

96.  “  The  gods  are  acquainted  with  no  better 
tc  mortal  in  this  world,  than  the  man,  of  whom 
<c  the  intelligent  lpirir,  which  pervades  his 
“  body,  has  no  diftrud,  when  he  prepares  to  give 
f(  evidence. 

97.  “  Hear,  honed  man,  from  a  jud  enumcra- 

iC  tion 

'20*.  on  judicature;  and  on  law, 

“  tion  in  order,  bow  many  kinfmen,  in  evidence 
cc  of  different  forts,  a  falfe  witnefs  kills  or  incurs 
“  the  guilt  ofhlling  : 

98.  44  He  kills  five  by  falfe  teftimony  concern- 
44  ing  cattle  in  general  ;  he  kills  ten  by  falfe  tef- 
44  timony  concerning  kine;  he  kills  a  hundred 
44  by  falfe  evidence  concerning  horfes  ;  and  a 
44  thoufand  by  falfe  evidence  concerning  the  hu- 
44  man  race  : 

99.  44  By  fpeaking  falfely  in  a  caufe  concerning 
44  gold,  be  kills  the  born  and  the  unborn  ;  by 
44  fpeaking  falfely  concerning  land,  be  kills 
44  every  thing  animated  :  beware  then  of  fpeaking 
44  falfely  in  a  caufe  concerning  land ! 

100.  44  Thefages  have  held  falfe  evidence  con- 
44  cerning  water,  and  the  poffefiion  or  enjoyment 
44  of  women,  equal  to  falfe  evidence  concerning 
44  land  ;  and  it  is  equally  criminal  in  caufes  con- 
44  cerning  pearls  and  other  precious  things  formed 
44  in  water,  and  concerning  all  things  made  of 
44  ftone. 

ic  1.  44  Marking  well  all  the  murders  which  are 
ct  comprehended  in  the  crime  of  perjury,  declare 
“  thou  the  whole  truth  with  precifion,  as  it  was 
iC  heard,  and  as  it  was  feen  by  thee.” 

102.  4  Brahmens  who  tend  herds  of  cattle,  who 
c  trade,  who  pradtife  mechanical  arts,  who  profefs 
4  dancing  and  finging,  who  are  hired  fervants  or 
‘  ufurers,  let  the  judge  exhort  and  examine  as  if 
c  they  were  Sudras . 

103.  c  In  fome  cafes,  a  giver  of  falfe  evidence 
4  from  a  pious  motive,  even  though  he  know  the 
4  truth,  fhall  not  lofe  a  feat  in  heaven  ;  fuch  evi- 
4  dence  wife  men  call  the  fpeech  of  the  gods. 

104.  *  Whenever  the  death  of  a  man,  who  had 

6  not 


*  not  been  a  grievous  offender ,  cither  of  the  fcrvilc, 

*  the  commercial,  the  military,  or  the  faccrdotal 
4  clafs,  would  he  occafioned  bv  true  evidence, 

*  from  the  known  rigour  of  the  king,  even  though 
<  the  fiult  arofe from  inadvertence  or  err  our,  tall'e- 

*  hood  may  be  fpoken  :  it  is  even  preferable  to 
1  truth. 

105.  4  Such  witneffes  mud  offer,  as  oblations  to 
4  Saraswati',  cakes  of  rice  and  milk  addreffed 
4  to  the  goddefs  of  fpeech  ;  and  thus  will  they 
‘  fully  expiate  that  venial  fin  of  benevolent  falfe- 
4  hood  : 

106.  4  Or  fuch  a  witnefs  may  pour  clarified 
4  butter  into  the  holy  fire,  according  to  the  facred 
4  rule,  hallowing  it  with  the  texts  called  cujbmanda, 

4  or  with  thole  which  relate  to  Varuna,  beg’.n- 
4  ing  with  ltd ;  or  with  the  three  texts  appropriated 
4  to  the  water  gods. 

107.  ‘  A  man  who  labours  not  under  illnefs, 
4  yet  comes  not  to^ive  evidence  in  cafes  of  loans 
4  and  the  like,  within  three  fortnights  aft  r  due 
4  fummons ,  (hall  take  upon  himfelf  the  whole  debt, 
4  and  pay  a  tenth  part  of  it  as  a  fine  to  the  king . 

108.  4  The  witnefs,  who  has  given  evidence, 
4  and  to  whom,  within  feven  days  after,  a  misfor- 
4  tune  happens  from  difeafe,  fire,  or  the  death  of 
4  a  kinfman,  lhall  be  condemned  to  pay  the  debt 
4  and  a  fine. 

109.  ‘  In  cafes,  where  no  witnefs  can  be 
4  had,  between  tw'o  parties  oppofing  each  other, 

*  the  judge  may  acquire  a  knowledge  of  the  truth, 

*  by  the  oath  of  the  parties  ;  or  if  he  cannot  other- 
i  wife  perfectly  afeertain  it. 

1 10.  4  By  the  feven  great  Rajhis,  and  by  the 

*  deities  themfelves,  have  oaths  been  taken,  for 

1  4  the 


the  purpofe  of  judicial  proof ;  and  even 
‘  Vasisht’ha,  being  accufed  by  Viswamitra  of 
£  murder ,  took  an  oath  before  the  king  Suda'man, 

*  fon  of  PlYAVANA. 

111.  ‘  Let  no  man  of  fenfe  take  an  oath  in 

*  vain,  that  is,  not  in  a  court  of  juftice ,  on  a  trifling 
i  occafion  ;  for  the  man,  who  takes  an  oath  in 

*  vain,  fhall  be  punifhed  in  this  life  and  in  the 

*  next : 

1 12.  ‘  To  women,  however,  at  a  time  of  dal- 
c  liance,  or  on  a  propofai  of  marriage,  in  the 

*  cafe  of  grafs  or  fruit  eaten  by  a  cow,  of  wood 
c  taken  for  a  facrifice,  or  of  a  promife  made  for 

*  the  prefervation  of  a  Brahmen ,  it  is  no  deadly  fin 

*  to  take  a  light  oath. 

1 13.  c  Let  the  judge  caufe  a  pried;  to  fwearby  his 

*  veracity ;  a  foldier  by  his  horfe  or  elephant, 
c  and  his  weapons  ,*  a  merchant  by  his  kine,  grain, 
<  and  gold  ;  a  mechanick,  or  fervile  man,  by  />/- 
e  precaiing  on  his  own  head ,  if  he  fpeak  falfely ,  all 
f  poflible  crimes ; 

1 14.  *  Or,  on  great  occajions ,  let  him  caufe  the 
c  party  to  hold  fire,  or  to  dive  under  water,  or 
‘  feverally  to  touch  the  heads  of  his  children 

*  and  wife  : 

1 1 5.  c  He,  whom  the  blazing  fire  burns  not, 
(  whom  the  water  foon  forces  not  up,  or  meets  with 
‘  no  fpeedy  misfortune,  mufl  be  held  veracious  in 
c  his  teftimony  on  oath. 

116.  ‘  Of  the  fage  Vasta,  whom  his  younger 

*  half  brother  formerly  attacked,  as  the  /on  of  a 
c  fertile  woman ,  the  fire,  which  pervades  the 
c  world,  burned  not  even  a  hair,  by  reafon  of  his 

*  perfect  veracity. 

117.  c  Whenever  falfe  evidence  has  been 

*  given  in  any  fuit,  the  king  muft  reverfe  the 

*  judgement* 



‘  judgement  ;  and  whatever  has  been  done,  mud 
‘  be  confidered  as  undone. 

1 1 8.  c  Evidence,  given  from  covetoufnefs, 
c  from  diftradtion  of  mind,  from  Jerrour,  from 
‘  friendfhip,from  luft,  from  wrath,  from  ignorance, 
c  and  from  inattention,  muft  Up  held  invalid. 

1 1 9.  ‘  The  didindtions  of  punifhment  for  a 

<  falfe  witnefs,  from  either  of  thofe  motives,  I  will 
c  propound  fully  and  in  order. 

120.  ‘  If  he  fpeak  falfely  through  covetoufnefs, 

‘  he  (hall  be  fined  a  thoufand  panas ;  if  through 

<  didr.-dtion  of  mind,  two  hundred  and  fifty,  or  the 
‘  lowed  amercements  ;  if  through  terrour,  two 
‘  mean  amercements  ;  if  through  friendfhip,  tour 

*  times  the  lowed  ;  .tin 

121.  c  If  through  lud,  ten  times  the  lowest 

<  amercement  ;  if  through  wrath,  three  times  the 
‘  next  or  middlemoR ;  it  through  ignorance,  two 
‘  hundred  complete  ;  if  through  inattention,  a 
€  hundred  only. 

122.  *  Learned  men  have  fpecineu  thefe  pu~ 

<  nidimen’-s,  which  zvere  ordained  by  fage  legifla- 
c  tors  for  perjured  witnedes,  with  a  view  to  prevent 
‘  a  failure  of  juftice  and  to  redrain  iniquity. 

12^.  *  Let  a  jud  prince  banifh  men  of  the  three 

*  lower  c lades,  if  they  give  falfe  evidence,  having 
c  fird  levied  the  fine  ;  but  a  Brahmen  let  him  only 

1 24.  f  Menu,  fon  of  the  Self-exidcnt,  has  named 

<  ten  places  of  punifhment,  which  are  appropriated 
«  to  the  three  lower  clafles  ;  but  a  Brahmen  mud 

*  depart  from  the  realm  unhurt  in  any  one  of 

*  t^em  :  ,  . 

! 2 5,  «  The  part  of  generation,  the  belly,  the 

<  tongue,  the  two  hands,  and  fifthly,  the  iwQhet, 

cy  yrr'icAir^H;  and  oy  law. 


*  the  erf.  the  nofe,  both  ears,  the  properry,  and,  h 
4  £  capt:al  uy  ?,  the  whole  bodv. 

icn.  4  Let  the  kmg,  having  confidered  and  af- 
4  c;  :m  ned  the  frequency  of  a  fimilar  oflence,  the 

*  :  .rd  time,  the  abilirvof  the  craminsl  twpay 

1  -  >,  and  the  crime  itfelf,  caafe  puniihment 

4  to  fa  1  on  rhofe  alone  who  deferve  it. 

127.  *  Ur; aft  purifhment  deflrcrs  reputation 

*  c  uring  life,  and  fame  after  death  ;  it  even  ob- 

*  dtruets,  in  the  next  life,  the  path  to  heaven  : 
‘  mruft  purifhment,  therefore,  let  the  king  by  all 

*  means  avoid. 

12S.  4  A  king  who  inflicts  purdlhmect  on  fuch 
•  a?  deferve  it  Dot,  and  inflict?  no  punilhment  on 
4  fuch  as  deferve  it,  brings  infamy  on  himfelf, 
4  vc  Je  he  lives,  and  thali  flnk,  when  he  dies,  to  a 
4  region  of  torment. 

1 19.  4  Find,  iet  him  punilh  bv  gentle  admoni- 
4  tioo  ;  sr'terwards,  by  harlh  reproof ;  thirdly,  by 
4  deprivation  of  property;  after  that,  by  corpo- 
4  ral  pain : 

130.  4  Bur,  when  even  bv  corporal  punifhment 
4  he  cannot  refhrain  fuch  offenders,  let  him  apply 
4  to  them  ail  the  four  modes  with  rigour. 

131.  4  Those  names  of  copper,  filrer,  and 
4  ~:dd  weights,  which  are  common! v  jfed  among: 

O  w  ^  ^  ^  ^  w 

4  men,  for  the  pnrpcfe  of  worldly  buflneiY,  I  will 
4  now  comprehen  lively  explain. 

1:2.  4  The  very  final  1  mote,  which  may  be  cif- 
4  cerred  in  2  fan-beam  pafrng  through  a  krtice, 
4  is  the  leafl  vitble  quantity,  and  men  cal;  it  a 
4  TruCjrim  : 



T  * 

kr  . 

Eight  of  thofe  tr^nrhats 

are  fuppofe 

equal  m 

we: gn:  to  one  minute  poppy-ieed  ;  tore 

of  th :  *e 

dec 5  are  ecual  to  creU-ck 

mu  it  ^rd-  feed 

and  tnree  of  thole  lead,  to  a  white  : 


134.  c  Sh 



134.  9  Six  white  muftard-feeds  are  equal  to  a 
9  middle  fized  barley-corn ;  three  fuch  barley- 

*  corns  to  one  raftica,  or  feed  of  the  Guyd;  five 
1  ra&icat  of  gold  are  one  mdjka,  and  fixteen  fuch 
9  mdjhas  one  fuverna  : 

135.  •  Four  juvernas  make  a  pals  ;  ten  pclas 

*  a  dharana  ;  but  two  raciicas  of  fiiver  weighed 

*  together,  are  confidered  as  one  mv  hoc  a ; 

136.  4  S.xteen  of  thofe  mjfhacas  are  a  fiiver 
1  dbmrana,  or  purjna ;  but  a  carfia ,  or  eighty 
c  rachcas  of  copper,  is  called  a  or  cjrjkepajuu 

'  137.  ‘  Ten  dharaMos  of  fiiver  are  known  oy  the 
9  name  of  a  fatem  ina  ;  and  the  weight  of  four 
9  Jtrjrmas  has  alfo  the  appellation  of  a  uifo  a. 

138.  4  Now'  two  hundred  and  fifty  pastas  are 
9  declared  to  be  the  firft  cr  Uwefi  amercement ; 
9  five  hundred  of  them  are  confidered  as  the 
4  mean  ;  and  a  thoufand  as  the  highefL 

139.  4  A  DE2T  being  admitted  by  the  de- 
1  fendant,  he  muft  pay  five  in  the  hundred,  as  a 
9  fine  to  the  king;  but,  if  it  be  denied  end 

9  twice  as  much  :  this  law  was  enacted  by  Menc. 

140.  4  A  lender  of  money  may  take,  in  ad- 

*  dition  to  his  capital,  the  interef:  allowed  by 
9  Vasisht'ha,  that  is ,  an  eightieth  part  of  a 
9  hundred,  or  one  and  a  charter  by  the  month,  if 
9  he  have  a  pledge  ; 

141.  1  Or,  if  be  have  no  pledge,  he  may  take 
9  two  in  the  hundred  by  the  month ,  remembering 

*  the  dutv  of  good  men  :  for,  by  thus  taking 

*  two  in  the  hundred,  he  becomes  not  a  (inner 

*  for  gain. 

142.  4  He  may  thus  take,  im  proportion  to  the 
9  rtfk ,  and  in  the  direct  order  of  the  dalles,  two 

*  in  the  hundred  from  a  prUft,  three  frim  a 

so8  on  judicature;  and  on  law, 

4  four  from  a  merchant ;  and  five  from  a  tnechamck 
4  cr  fervile  man ,  but  never  more,  as  interefl  by 

4  the-  month. 

143.  4  If  he  take  a  beneficial  pledge,  or  a  pledge 
4  to  be  ufed  for  his  profit ,  he  muft  have  no  other 
4  interelt  on  the  loan  ;  nor,  after  a  great  length 
4  of  time,  or  when  the  profits  have  amounted  to  the 
4  debt ,  can  he  give  or  fell  fuch  a  pledge,  though 
4  he  may  ofifign  it  in  pledge  to  another. 

144  4  A  pledge  to  be  kept  only  muft  not  be 
4  uled  by  force,  that  is,  againft  confent :  the  pawner 
4  fo  ufing  it  muft  give  up  his  whole  interefl,  or 
4  muft  fatisfy  the  pawner,  if  it  be  Jpoiled  or  worn 
4  out ,  by  paying  him  the  original  price  of  it ; 
4  otherwife,  he  commits  a  theft  of  the  pawn. 

145.  4  Neither  a  pledge  without  limit ,  nor  a 
4  dtpofit,  are  loft  to  the  owner  by  lapfe  of  time  : 
4  they  are  both  recoverable,  though  they  have 
4  long  remained  with  the  bailee.  , 

146.  4  A  milch  cow,  a  camel,  a  riding  horfe, 
4  a  bull ,  or  other  beafi  which  has  been  fent  to  be 
4  tamed  for  labour,  and  other  things  uled  with 
4  friendly  affent,  are  not  loft,  by  length  of  time ,  to 
4  the  owner. 

147.  4  In  general,  whatever  chattel  the  owner 
4  fees  enjoyed  by  others  for  ten  years,  while, 

4  though  prefent,  he  fays  nothing,  that  chattel  he 
4  fhall  not  recover: 

148.  4  If  he  be  neither  an  idiot,  nor  an  infant 
4  under  the  full  age  of  fifteen  years,  and  if  the 
4  chattel  be  adverfely  poireffed  in  a  place  where 
4  he  may  fee  it,  his  property  in  it  is  extindt  by 
4  law^,  and  the  adverfe  poffeffor  fhall  keep  it. 

149.  4  A  pledge,  a  boundary  of  land,  the 
4  property  of  an  infant,  a  depofit  either  open  or 


Private  and  criminal. 


in  a  cheft  fealed,  female  Haves,  the  wealth  of 
a  king,  and  of  a  learned  Brahmen ,  are  not  loft 
in  confequence  ot  adverfe  enjoyment. 

150.  ‘  The  fool,  who  fecretly  ufes  a  pledge 
without,  though  not  againft  the  affent  of  the 
owner,  fh all  give  up  half  of  hi$  intereft,  as  a 
compenfation  for  fuch  ufe. 

15 1.  *  Interest  on  money  received  at  once* 
not  month  by  month ,  or  day  by  day,  as  it  ought , 
muft  never  be  more  than  enough  to  double  the 
debt,  that  is,  more  than  the  amount  of  the  princi¬ 
pal  paid  at  the  fame  time:  on  grain,  on  fruit,  on 
wool  or  hair,  on  beafts  of  burden,  lent  to  be  paid 
in  the  fame  kind  of  equal  value ,  it  muft  not  be 
more  than  enough  to  make  the  debt  quintuple. 

152.  '  Stipulated  intereft  beyond  the  legal  rate, 
and  different  from  the  preceding  rule,  is  invalid  ; 
and  the  wife  call  it  an  ulurous  way  of  lending: 
the  lender  is  entitled,  at  moft>  to  five  in  the 

153.  c  Let  no  lender  for  a  month ,  or  for  two  or 
three  months  at  a  certain  intereft ,  receive  fuch 
intereft  beyond  the  year;  nor  any  intereft, 
which  is  unapproved  ;  nor  intereft  upon  intereft 
by  previous  agreement ;  nor  monthly  intereft  ex¬ 
ceeding  in  time  the  amount  of  the  principal  ; 
nor  intereft  exadted  from  a  debtor,  as  the  price 
of  the  rijk ,  when  there  is  no  publick  danger  or  dif- 
trefs  ;  nor  immoderate  profits  from  a  pledge  to 
be  ufed  by  way  of  intereft. 

154.  *  He,  who  cannot  pay  the  debt  at  the 
fixed  time ,  and  wifhes  to  renew  the  contract, 
may  renew  it  in  writing,  with  the  creditor's  af¬ 
fent,  if  he  pay  all  the  intereft  then  due ; 

f  5  5.  ‘  But  if  by  Jome  unavoidable  accident ,  he 
cannot  pay  the  whole  intereft,  he  may  infert,  as 
P  4  principal 


c  principal  in  the  renewed  contract,  fo  much  of  the 
c  intereft  accrued  as  he  ought  to  pay. 

156.  c  A  lender  at  intereft  on  the  rijk  of  fafe 
c  carriage,  who  has  agreed  on  the  place  and  time, 
c  fhall  not  receive  fuch  intereft,  if  by  accident  the 

*  goods  are  not  carried  to  the  place,  or  within 
f  the  time  : 

157.  c  Whatever  intereft  or  price  of  the  rtjk 
1  fhall  be  fettled  between  the  parties,  by  men  well 
c  acquainted  with  fea  voyages  or  journeys  by  land, 

*  with  times  and  with  places,  fuch  intereft  (hall 
1  have  legal  force. 

158.  c  The  man  who  becomes  furety  for  the 
c  appearance  of  a  debtor  in  this  world,  and  pro- 
c  duces  him  not,  fhall  pay  the  debt  out  of  his 
c  own  property  ; 

159.  c  But  money  due  by  a  furety,  or  idly 
c  promifed  to  mitficians  and  attreffes,  or  loft  at 

*  play,  or  due  for  fpirituous  liquors,  or  what  re- 
c  mains  unpaid  of  a  fine  or  toll,  the  fon  of  the  furety 
c  or  debtor  fhall  not  in  general  be  obliged  to  pay  : 

160.  f  Such  is  the  rule  in  cafes  of  a  furety  for 
c  appearance  or  good  behaviour  ;  but  if  a  furety 

*  for  payment  fhould  die,  the  judge  may  compel 
f  even  his  heirs  to  difcharge  the  debt. 

161.  c  On  what  account  then  is  it,  that  after. 

*  the  death  of  a  furety  other  than  for  payment, 
c  the  creditor  may  in  one  cafe  demand  the  debt 
c  of  the  heir ,  all  the  affairs  of  the  deceafed  being 
1  known  and  proved  ? 

162.  c  If  the  furety  had  received  money  from 
1  the  debtor,  and  had  enough  to  pay  the  debt, 
c  the  fon  of  him  who  fo  received  it,  fhall  dif- 
4  charge  the  debt  out  of  his  inherited  property : 
c  this  is  a  facred  ordinance. 

163.  £  A  contract  made  by  a  perfon  intoxicated 

‘  or 


r  or  infane,  or  grievoufly  difordered,  or  wholly 
r  dependent,  by  an  infant  or  a  decrepit  old  man, 

*  or  in  the  name  of  another ,  by  a  perfon  without 
1  authority,  is  utterly  null. 

161.  4  That  plaint  can  have  no  efFeft  though 
4  it  may  be  fupported  by  evidence,  which  con- 
4  tains  a  caule  of  action  inconfiftent  with  pofitive 
4  law  or  with  fettled  ufage. 

165.  f  When  the  judge  difcovers  a  fraudulent 
4  pledge  or  fale,  a  fraudulent  gift  and  acceptance, 

4  or  in  what  ever  other  cafe  he  deteds  fiaud,  let 
4  him  annul  the  whole  tianfadion. 

166.  4  If  the  debtor  be  dead,  and  if  the  money 
4  borrowed  was  expended  for  the  ufe  of  his  fa- 
4  milv,  it  muft  be  paid  by  that  family,  divided 
c  or  undivided,  out  of  their  own  eftate. 

167.  4  Should  even  a  (lave  make  a  contrad 
4  in  the  name  of  his  abjent  m after  for  the  behoof  of 
c  the  family,  that  mailer,  whether  in  his  own 
4  country  or  abroad,  fhall  not  refeind  it. 

168.  4  What  is  given  by  force  to  a  man  who 

*  cannot  accent  it  legally ,  what  is  by  force  enjoyed, 
c  by  force  caufed  to  be  written,  and  all  other 
4  things  done  by  force  or  againjl  free  confent>  Mi- 
4  nu  has  pronounced  void. 

169.  4  Three  are  troubled  by  means  of  others, 
€  namely ,  witnefles,  fureties,  and  infpe&ors  of 
c  caufes  ;  and  four  collett  wealth  flowly5  with 
4  benefit  to  others,  a  Brahmen,  a  money-lender, 
4  a  merchant,  and  a  king. 

170.  4  Let  no  king,  how  indigent  foever,  take 
4  any  thing  which  ought  not  to  be  taken;  nor 
4  let  him,  how  wealthy  foever,  decline  taking 
c  that  which  he  ought  to  take,  be  it  ever  fo  fmall  : 

171.  4  By  taking  what  ought  not  to  be  taken, 

P  2  4  and 

til  on  judicature;  and  on  law, 

f  and  by  refuting  whan  ought  to  be  received,  the 
(  king  betrays  his  own  weaknefs,  and  is  loft  both 

*  in  this  world  and  in  the  next ; 

172-  ‘  But  by  taking  his  due,  by  adminiftering 

*  juftice,  and  by  protefting  the  weak,  the  king 
(  augments  his  own  force,  and  is  exalted  in  the 
c  next  world  and  in  this. 

173.  *  Therefore,  let  the  king,  like  Yama, 
refigning  what  may  be  pleafing  or  unpleafing 

c  to  himfelf,  live  by  the  drift  rules  of  Yama, 
c  his  anger  being  repreffed,  and  his  organs  kept 

*  in  fubjeftion. 

174.  ‘  That  evil-minded  king,  who,  through 

*  infatuation,  decides  caufes  with  injuftice,  his 

*  enemies,  through  the  difaffeRicn  of  his  people, 

*  quickly  reduce  to  a  ftate  of  dependence; 

175.  ‘  But  him,  who  fubduing  both  lull  and 

*  wrath,  examines  caufes  with  juftice,  his  people 

*  naturally  feek,  as  rivers  the  ocean. 

176.  ‘  The  debtor  who  complains  before  the 

*  king,  that  his  creditor  has  recovered  the  debt 

*  by  his  own  legal  aft,  as  before -mentioned ,  fhall  be 
c  compelled  by  the  king  to  pay  a  quarter  of  the 
c  fum  as  a  fine ,  and  the  creditor  fhall  be  left  in 
4  poflefiion  of  his  own. 

177.  ‘  Even  by  perfonal  labour  fhall  the  debtor 

*  pay  what  is  adjudged,  if  he  be  of  the  fame  clafs 
c  with  the  creditor,  or  of  a  lower;  but  a  debtor 
c  of  a  higher  clafs  muft  pay  it  according  to  his  in - 

*  comey  by  little  and  little. 

178.  ‘By  this  fyftem  of  rules  let  the  king 
c  decide,  with  equal  juftice^  all  difputes  between 
‘  men  oppofing  each  other,  having  afcertained 
8  the  truth  by  evidence  or  the  oaths  of  the  parties. 

179.  4  A  sensible  man  fhould  make  a  dcpofit 

4  with 



<  with  fome  perfon  of  high  birth,  and  of  good 
f  morals,  well  acquainted  with  law,  habitually 
«  veracious,  having  a  large  family,  wealthy  and 
4  venerable. 

180.  Whatever  thing,  and  in  whatever  manner 
9  a  perfon  (hall  depofit  in  the  hands  of  another, 

*  the  fame  thing,  and  in  the  fame  manner,  ought 
«  to  be  received  back  by  the  owner;  as  the  de- 
4  livery  •was,  fo  mu  ft  be  the  receipt. 

1 8 1.  c  He,  who  reftores  not  to  the  depofitor,  on 

9  his  requeft,  what  has  been  depofited,  may  firft 
‘  be  tried  by  the  judge  in  the  f  owing  manner ,  the 
9  depofitor  himfelf  being  abfent. 

1&2.  c  On  failure  of  witnefies,  let  the  judge  ac- 
4  tuallv  depofit  gold,  or  precious  things ,  with  the 
4  defendant,  by  the  artful  contrivance  of  fpies,  who 
9  have  pafled  the  age  of  child-hood,  and  whole 
9  perfons  are  engaging'*. 

183.  4  Should  the  defendant  reftore  that  depo- 
4  fit  .in  the  manner  and  fhape  in  which  it  was 
4  bailed  by  the  fpies ,  there  is  nothing  in  his  hands, 

4  for  which  others  can  jufllv  accufe  him  ; 

184.  4  But  if  he  reftore  not  the  gold,  or 
4  precious  things ,  as  he  ought,  to  thofe  emifTaries, 

4  let  him  be  apprehended  and  compelled  to  pay 
4  the  value  of  both  depofits ;  this  is  a  fettled  rule. 

185.  4  A  depofit,  whether  lealed  up  or  not, 
4  fhould  never  be  redelivered,  while  the  depofitor 
4  is  alive,  to  his  heir  apparent  or  preemptive  : 
4  both  forts  of  depofits,  indeed,  are  extinct,  or  can - 
4  not  be  demanded  by  the  heir ,  if  the  depofitor  die, 
4  in  that  cafe  ;  but  nor,  unlefs  he  die,  for  fhould  the 
4  heir  'apparent  keep  them ,  the  depofitor  himfelf  may 
4  fue  the  bailee  : 

186.  4  But,  if  a  depofitary  by  his  own  free  a  & 
*  (hall  deliver  a  depofit  to  the  heir  of  a  deceafed 
J>  ^  *  bailor. 


c  bailor,  he  muff  not  be  harafTed  with  claims  of  a 
1  fimilar  kind ,  ei'her  by  the  king,  or  by  that  heir; 
187.  c  And,  if  fimilar  claims  be  madey  the  king 

*  muft  decide  the  queftions  after  friendly  admoni- 

*  tion,  without  having  recourfe  to  artifice  ;  for  the 

*  honeft  difpofition  ot  the  man  being  proved,  the 
4  judge  muft  proceed  with  mildnefs. 

18.  4  Such  is  the  mode  of  afcertaining  the  right 
4  in  all  rhele  cafes  of  a  depofit  :  in  the  cafe  of  a 
€  depofit  fealed  up,  the  bailee  fhall  incur  no  cen- 
4  fure  on  the  re  delivery,  unlcfshe  have  filtered  the 
'  Jeal  or  taken  put  fomething. 

189  *  If  a  depofit  be  feized  by  thieves  or  def- 
4  troyed  by  verm  me ,  or  walked  away  by  water,  or 
4  confumed  by  fire,  the  bailee  fhall  not  be  obliged 
4  to  make  it  good,  unlefs  he  took  part  of  it  for 
4  himfelf. 

190.  4  The  defendant,  who  denies  a  depofit,  and 
4  the  plaintiff'  who  afterts  it,  let  the  king  try  by  all 

*  forts  of  expedients,  and  by  the  modes  of  ordeal 
4  prefcribed  in  the  Veda. 

1 91.  4  He  who  reftores  not  a  thing  really  der 
4  pofited,  and  he,  who  demands  what  he  never 
4  bailed,  fhall  both,  for  a  fecond  offence ,  be  pur 
4  nifhed  as  thieves,  if  gold ,  pearls  y  or  the  like  be 
4  demanded ;  or,-  in  the  cafe  of  a  trifling  demand ,  fhall 

*  pay  a  fine  equal  to  the  value  of  the  thing  claimed  : 

192.  4  For  the  firft  offence,  the  king  fhould 
4  compel  a  fraudulent  depofttary,  without  any  dif~ 

4  tin&ion  betweeen  a  depofit  under  feal  or  open, 

*  to  pay  a  fine  equal  to  its  value. 

193.  4  That  man,  who,  by  falfe  pretences,  gets 
4  into  h  s  hands  the  goods  of  another,  fhall,  toge- 
4  ther  with  his  accomplices,  be  punifhed  by  vari- 
4  ous  degrees  of  whipping  or  mutilation,  or  even 
?  by  death. 

194.  4  Regular  fa) 


194.  €  Regularly,  a  depofit  fhould  be  produced, 
the  fame  in  kind  and  quantity  as  it  was  bailed, 
by  the  fame  and  to  the  fame  perfon,  by  whom 
and  from  whom  it  was  received,  and  before  the 
fame  company,  who  were  witnejfes  to  the  depofit : 
he  who  produces  it,  in  a  different  manner,  ought 
to  be  fined  ; 

195.  4  But  a  thing,  privately  depofited,  fhould 
be  privately  reflored  by  and  to  the  perfon,  by 
and  from  whom  it  was  received  :  as  the  bailment 
was ,  fo  Jhould  be  the  delivery,  according  to  a  rule 
in  the  Veda. 

196.  4  Thus  let  the  king  decide  caufes  concern¬ 
ing  a  depofit,  or  a  friendly  loan  for  ufe,  without 
fhowing  rigour  to  the  depofitarv. 

197.  4  Him,  who  fells  the  property  of  another 
man,  without  the  affent  of  the  owner,  the  judge 
fhall  not  admit  as  a  competent  witnefs,  but  fhall 
treat  as  a  thief,  who  pretends  that  he  has  com¬ 
mitted  no  theft : 

198.  4  If,  indeed  he  be  a  near  kinfman  of  the 
owner,  he  fhall  be  fined  fix  hundred  panas  ;  but, 
if  he  be  neither  his  kinfman  or  a  claimant  under 
him,  he  commits  an  offence  equal  to  larceny. 

199.  4  A  gift  or  fale,  thus  made  by  any  other 
than  the  true  owner,  muff,  by  a  fettled  rule,  be 
confidered,  injudicial  proceedings,  as  not  made. 

200.  4  Where  occupation  for  a  time  fhall  be 
proved,  but  no  fort  of  title  fhall  appear,  the  Jale 
cannot  be  Jupported :  title,  not  occupation,  is 
eflential  to  its  fupport ;  and  this  rule  alfo  is  fixed. 

201.  4  He  who  has  received  a  chattel,  by  pur- 
chale  in  open  market,  before  a  number  of  men, 
juftly  acquires  the  abfolute  property,  by  having 
paid  the  price  of  it,  if  he  can  produce  the  vendor  ; 

P  4  202.  4  But 


202.  4  But  if  the  vendor  be  not  producible,  and 
4  the  vendee  prove  the  publick  fale,  the  latter  muft 
*  be  difmiffed  by  the  king,  without  punifhment  ; 
4  and  the  former  owner,  who  loft  the  chattel,  may 
e  take  it  back,  on  paying  the  vendee  half  its  value . 

203.  4  One  commodity  mixed  with  another, 
4  fhail  never  be  fold  as  unmixed ;  nor  a  bad  com- 
4  modity  as  good  ;  nor  lefs  than  agreed  on  ;  nor 
4  any  thing  kept  at  a  diftance  or  concealed,  left 
4  Jome  defedl  in  it  fhould  he  difcovered. 

204. 4  If  after  one  damfel  has  been  fhown,  another 
4  be  offered  to  the  bridegroom,  who  had  furchajed 
4  leave  to  marry  her  from  her  next  kinfman ,  he  may 
4  become  the  hufband  of  both  for  the  fame  price  ; 
4  this  law  Menu  ordained. 

205.  c  The  kinfman,  who  gives  a  damfel  in 
4  marriage,  having  fir  ft  openly  told  her  blemifhes, 
4  whether  fhe  be  infane,  or  difordered  with  ele- 
4  phantiafis,  or  defiled  by  connexion  with  a  man, 
4  fhal]  fuffer  no  punifhment. 

206.  4  If  an  officiating  prieft,  a&ually  engaged 
c  in  a  facrifice,  abandon  his  work,  a  ffiare  only, 
4  in  proportion  to  his  work  done,  fhail  be  given  to 
?  him  by  his  partners  in  the  bufinefs,  out  of  their 
f  common  fay  t 

207.  ‘  But  if  he  difcontinue  his  work  without 
4  fraudy  after  the  time  of  giving  the  facrificial  fees, 
4  he  may  take  his  full  fhare,  and  caufe  what  re- 
4  mains  to  be  performed  by  another  prieft. 

208.  4  Where,  on  the  performance  of  folemn 
4  rites,  a  fpecifick  fee  is  ordained  for  each  part  of 
4  them,  fhail  he  alone,  who  performs  that  part, 
4  receive  the  fee,  or  ihall  all  the  priefts  take  the 
4  perquifites  jointly  ? 

209.  4  At  feme  holy  rites ,  let  the  reader  of  the 
f  Tajurveda  take  the  car,  and 


the  Brahmdy  or  fu- 
4  jperintending 



*  perintending  pried,  the  horfe  ;  or,  on  cnictber 

*  occafion,  lec  the  reader  of  the  R'gve'da  takr  rhe 
4  horfe,  and  the  chanter  of  the  Samaveda  receive 
1  the  carriage,  in  which  the  purchaied  materials 

*  of  the  facnfice  had  been  brought. 

210.  1  A  hundred  cows  being  difiribut able  among 
1  fixteen  priejls ,  the  four  chief  or  firfi  Jet,  are  en- 
?  titled  to  near  half,  or  forty  eight ;  the  next  four 
4  to  half  of  that  number  ;  the  third  fet,  to  a  third 
4  part  of  it ;  and  the  fourth  fet,  to  a  quarter  : 

211.  4  According  to  this  rule,  or  in  proportion 
4  to  the  work ,  mull  allotments  of  fhares  be  given 
4  to  men  here  below,  who,  though  in  conjunction, 

4  perform  their  leverai  parts  of  the  bufinefs. 

212.  4  Should  money  or  goods  be  given,  or 
4  promi/ed  as  <1  gift,  by  one  man  to  another  who 
4  afks  it  for  fome  religious  aft,  the  gift  (hall  be 
4  void,  if  that  aft  be  not  afterwards  performed  : 

213.  4  If  the  money  be  delivered,  and  the  re- 
4  ceiver,  through  pride  or  avarice,  rcfufe  in  that 
4  cafe  to  return  it,  he  fhall  be  fined  onefuvcrna  b'j 
4  the  king,  as  a  punifhment  for  his  thefr. 

214.  4  Such,  as  here  declared,  is  the  rule  or- 
4  dained  for  withdrawing  what  has  been  given  : 

*  1  will,  next,  propound  the  law  for  non-payment 
4  of  wages. 

21  5.  4  That  hired  fervant  or  workman,  who, 

*  not  from  any  diforder  but  from  infolehce,  fails 
4  to  perform  his  work  according  to  his  agreement, 

*  fhall  be  fined  eighc  ratticas,  and  his  wages  or 
f  hire  fhall  not  be  paid. 

216.  4  But.  if  he  be  really  ill,  and,  when  reftored 
4  to  health,  fhall  perform  his  work  according  to 

*  his  original  bargain,  he  fhall  receive  his  pay 
%  even  for  a  very  long  time  : 

217.  c  Yet, 


217.  c  Yet,  whether  he  be  Tick  or  well,  if  the 
4  work  ftipulated  be  not  performed  by  another  for 
4  him  or  by  himjelf \  his  whole  wages  are  forfeited, 

*  though  the  work  want  but  a  little  of  being 

*  complete. 

218.  *  This  is  the  general  rule  concerning  work 
€  undertaken  for  wages  or  hire :  next  1  will  fully 
4  declare  the  law  concerning  fuch  men  as  break 

*  their  promifes. 

219.  f  The  man,  among  the  traders  and  other 
4  inhabitants  of  a  town  or  diftrift,  who  breaks  a 
4  promife  through  avarice,  though  he  had  taken 
4  an  oath  to  perform  it,  let  the  king  banifh  from 
4  his  realm  $ 

220.  4  Or,  according  to  circumftances,  let  the 

*  judge,  having  arrefted  the  promife-breaker,  con- 

*  demn  him  to  pay  fix  nijbcas ,  or  four  fiivernas,  or 
4  one  fatamana  of  filver,  or  all  three  if  he  defervt 
€  Jucb  a  fine . 

221.  4  Among  all  citizens,  and  in  all  clafles,  let 
‘  a  juft  king  oblerve  this  rule  for  impofing  fines  on 

*  men  who  fhall  break  their  engagements. 

222.  4  A  man  who  has  bought  or  fold  any 
4  thing  in  this  world,  that  has  a  fixed  price,  and  is 
4  not  perijhable ,  as  land  or  metals ,  and  wifhes  to 
4  refcind  the  contract,  may  give  or  take  back  fuch 
4  a  thing  within  ten  days  ; 

223.  4  But,  after  ten  days,  he  fhall  neither  give 
4  nor  take  it  back  :  the  giver  or  the  taker,  except 
4  by  ccnfent ,  fhall  be  fined  by  the  king  fix  hundred 
4 pamis . 

224.  4  The  king  himfelf  fhall  take  a  fine  of 
4  ninety-fix  panas  from  him  who  gives  a  blemifhed 
4  girl  in  marriage ,  for  a  reward,  without  avowing 
4  her  blemifh  y 


225.  4  But 


225.  4  But  the  man,  who,  through  malignity, 
4  fays  of  a  damfel,  that  (he  is  no  virgin,  (hall  be 
4  fined  a  hundred  panas,  if  he  cannoc  prove  her 
4  defilement. 

226.  *  The  holy  nuptial  texts  are  applied  folely 
4  to  virgins,  and  no  where  on  earth  to  girls  who 
4  have  loft  their  virginity  ;  fince  thofe  women  are 
4  in  general  excluded  from  legal  ceremonies  : 

227.  4  The  nuptial  texts  are  a  certain  rule 
4  in  regard  to  wedlock,  and  the  bridal  contract  is 
4  known  by  the  learned  to  be  complete  and  irrevo - 
4  cable ,  on  the  leventh  ftep  cf  the  married  fair,  hand 
4  in  band ,  after  thofe  texts  have  been  pronounced. 

228.  4  By  this  law,  in  all  bufinels  whatever  here 
4  below,  muft  the  judge  confine,  within  the  path 
4  of  reditude,  a  perfon  inclined  to  refcind  his 
4  contra#  of  lale  and  purchafe. 

229.  4  I  now  will  decide  exadly,  according  to 
4  principles  of  law,  the  contefts  ufually  arifing  from 
4  the  fault  of  fuch  as  own  herds  of  cattle,  and  of 
4  fuch  as  are  hired  to  keep  them. 

230.  4  By  day  the  blame  falls  on  the  herdfman; 
4  by  night  on  the  owner,  if  the  cattle  be  fed  and 
4  kept  in  his  own  houfe  ;  but,  if  the  place  of  their 
4  food  and  cuftody  be  different,  the  keeper  incurs 
4  the  blame. 

231.  4  That  hired  fervant,  whofe  wages  arn 
4  paid  with  milk,  may,  with  the  afient  of  the 
4  own  r,  milk  the  beft  cow  out  of  ten  :  fuch  are 
4  the  wages  ofherdfmcn,  unlefs  they  be  paid  in  a 
4  different  mode. 

232.  4  The  herdfman  himfelf  (hall  make  good 
4  the  lofs  of  a  beaft,  which  through  his  want  of 
4  due  care,  has  ftrayed,  has  been  deftroyed  by 
4  reptiles,  or  killed  by  dogs,  or  has  died  by  falling 
4  into  a  pit  j 

233.  *  But 


233.  ‘  But  he  fhall  not  be  compelled  to  make 
€  it  good,  when  robbers  have  carried  it  away,  if, 
‘  after  frefh  proclamation  and  purfuit,  he  give 
c  notice  to  his  matter  in  a  proper  place  and  feafon. 

234.  i  When  cattle  die,  let  him  carry  to  his 
1  matter  their  ears,  their  hides,  their  tails,  the 

*  fkm  below  their  navels,  their  tendons,  and  the 

*  liquor  exuding  from  their  foreheads :  :  let  him 

*  alfo  point  out  their  limbs. 

235.  c  A  flock  of  goats  or  of  fheep  being  at- 

*  tacked  by  wolves,  and  the  keeper  not  going  to 

*  repel  the  attack ,  he  fhall  be  refponfible  for  every 
c  one  of  them,  which  a  wolf  fhall  violently  kill  ; 

236.  c  But,  if  any  one  of  them,  while  they 

*  graze  together  near  a  wood,  and  the  fhepherd 
c  keeps  them  in  order,  (hall  be  fuddenly  kdled 
‘  by  a  wolf  fpringing  on  it,  he  fhall  not  in  that  cafe 
c  be  refponfible. 

237.  c  On  all  fides  of  a  village  or  fmall  town 

*  let  a  fpace  be  left  for  pafture,  in  breadth  either 
‘  four  hundred  cubits,  or  three  cafts  of  a  large 
ff  flick  ;  and  thrice  that  fpace  round  a  city  or  con- 
c  fiderable  town : 

238.  c  Within  that  patture  ground,  if  cattle  do 
f  any  damage  to  grain  in  a  field  uninclofed  with 
c  a  hedge,  the  king  fhall  not  punifh  the  herdf- 
c  man. 

239.  c  Let  the  owner  of  the  field  inclofe  it  with 
c  a  hedge  of  thorny  plants3  over  which  a  camel 
(  could  not  look  ;  and  let  him  flop  every  gap, 

*  through  which  a  dog  or  a  boar  could  thiufl: 

*  his  head. 

240.  *  Should  cattle,  attended  by  a  herdfman, 

*  do  mifchief  near  a  highway,  in  an  inclofed  field 
4  of  near  the  village,  he  fhall  be  fined  a  hundred 

*  Yanas  $ 


‘  panas  ;  but  againft  cattle  which  have  no  keeper, 

*  let  the  owner  of  the  field  fecure  it. 

241.  €  In  other  fields,  the  owner  Seattle  doing 
‘  mifehief  fh all  be  fined  one  panel  and  a  quarter  ; 

*  but,  in  all  places,  the  value  of  the  damaged 
f  grain  mud  be  paid :  fuch  is  the  fixed  ruie  con- 

*  cerning  a  hufbandman. 

242.  *  For  damage  by  a  cow  before  ten  days 
1  have  pafied  fince  her  calving,  by  bulls  kept  for 
c  impregnation,  and  by  cattle  confecraicd  to  the 

*  deity,  whether  attended  or  unattended.  Menu 
€  has  ordained  no  fine. 

243.  c  If  land  be  injured,  by  the  fault  of  the 
'  farmer  himfelf,  as  if  he  fails  to  fow  it  in  due  time , 

*  he  fhall  be  fined  tt  n  times  as  much  as  the  king's 

*  fhare  of  the  crop,  that  might  otherwife  have  been 

*  raifed ;  but  only  five  times  as  much,  if  it  was 
€  the  fault  of  his  fervants  without  his  knowledge. 

244.  4  Thele  rules  let  a  juft  prince  obierve  in 

*  ali  cafes  of  tranfgreflion  by  matters,  their  cattle, 

*  and  their  herdlmen. 

245.  c  If  a  conteft  arife  between  two  villages, 

*  or  landholders ,  concerning  a  boundary,  let  the 

*  king,  or  his  judge,  afeertain  the  limits  in  the 

*  month  of  'JyaiJht'ba ,  when  the  land-marks  are 
1  feen  more  Uiftinctly. 

246.  c  When  boundaries  firfl  are  eftablifhed ,  let 

*  ftrong  trees  be  planted  on  them,  Vatas ,  Pippalas , 

*  Palajas ,  S almalts,  Salas  or  Talas ;  or  fuch  trees 
c  (like  the  Udumbara  or  Vajradru)  as  abound  in 
9  milk  ; 

247.  *  Or  cluflering  fhrubs,  or  Venus  of  differ - 
9  ent  forts,  or  Sami- trees,  and  creepers,  or  Saras , 
1  and  clumps  of  Cubjacas  :  and  mounds  of  earth 
c  fhould  be  raifed  on  them,  fo  that  the  land-mark 
c  may  not  eafily  periQi: 

24$.  *  Lakes 


248.  *  Lakes  and  wells,  pools  and  ftrearhs, 
4  ought  alfo  to  be  made  on  the  common  limits, 
4  and  temples  dedicated  to  the  gods. 

249.  c  The  perfons  concerned,  reflecting  on 
4  the  perpetual  trefpaffes  committed  by  men  here 

*  below  through  ignorance  of  boundaries,  jfhould 

*  caufe  other  land-marks  to  be  concealed  under 

*  ground: 

250.  4  Large  pieces  of  (tone,  bones,  tails  of 
4  cows,  bran,  afhes,  potfherds,  dried  cow-dung, 
4  bricks  and  tiles,  charcoal,  pebbles  and  fand, 

251.  *  And  fubftances  cf  all  forts,  which  the 
4  earth  corrodes  not  even  in  a  long  time,  fhould 

*  be  placed  in  jars  not  appearing  above  ground  on 

*  the  common  boundary. 

252.  4  By  fuch  marks,  or  by  the  courfe  of  a 
4  ftream,  and  long  continued  poflWTion,  the  judge 

*  may  afeertain  the  limit  between  the  lands  of  two 
4  parties  in  litigation  : 

253.  4  Should  there  be  a  doubt,  even  on  the 
c  inlpedtion  of  thofe  marks,  recourfe  muft  be  had, 

*  for  the  decifion  of  fuch  a  conteft,  to  the  declara- 
4  tions  ot  witneffes. 

254.  4  Thofe  witneffes  muft  be  examined  con- 

*  cerning  the  land-marks,  in  the  prefence  of  all 
4  the  townfmen  or  villagers,  or  of  both  the  con- 
4  tending  parties: 

255.  4  What  the  witneffes,  thus  affembled  and 
c  interrogated,  fhall  pofitively  declare  con  cerng 
4  the  limits,  muft  be  recorded  in  writing,  together 
4  with  all  their  names. 

256.  4  Let  them,  putting  earth  on  their  heads, 

4  wearing  chaplets  of  red  flowers  and  clad  in  red 
4  mantles,  be  fworn  by  the  reward  of  all  their 
4  feveral  good  adtions  to  give  corredt  evidence 
4  concerning  the  metes  and  bounds. 

257.  4  Veracious 


2 57.  4  Veracious  witnefies,  who  give  evidence 
4  as  the  law  requires,  are  abfolved  from  their  fins; 

*  but  fuch  as  give  it  unjudly,  fliall  each  be  fined 
4  two  hundred  panas. 

258.  4  If  there  be  no  witneffes,  let  four  men, 

4  who  dwell  on  all  the  four  Tides  of  the  two  vil- 
4  lages,  make  a  decifion  concerning  the  boundary, 

*  being  duly  prepared,  like  the  witnejjes ,  in  the 
4  prefence  of  the  king. 

259.  4  If  there  be  no  fuch  neighbours  on  all 
4  Tides,  nor  any  men,  nor  any  men  whofe  an- 
4  ceftors  had  lived  there  fince  the  villages  were 
4  built,  nor  other  inhabitants  of  towns,  who  can 

*  give  evidence  on  the  limits,  the  judge  mud  ex- 
4  amine  the  following  men,  who  inhabit  the  woods  ; 

260.  4  Hunters,  fowlers,  herdfmen,  fifhers, 
c  diggers  for  roots,  catchers  of  lnakes,  gleaners, 
4  and  other  foreders  : 

261.  4  According  to  their  declaration,  when 
4  they  are  duly  examined,  let  the  king  with  pre- 
4  cifion  order  land-marks  to  be  fixed  on  the  boun- 
4  dary  line  between  the  two  villages. 

262.  4  As  to  the  bounds  of  arable  fields,  wells 
4  or  pools,  gardens  and  houfes,  the  tedimony  of 
4  next  neighbours  on  every  fide  mud  be  confidered 
4  as  the  bed  means  of  decifion  : 

26^.  4  Should  the  neighbours  fay  any  thing 
4  untrue,  when  two  men  difpute  about  a  land- 
4  mark,  the  king  fliall  make  each  of  thofe  wit- 
4  nedes  pay  the  middlemod  of  the  three  ufual 
4  amercements. 

264.  4  He,  who  by  means  of  intimidation,  fhall 
4  polfefs  himfelf  of  a  houfe,  a  pool,  a  field,  or 
4  a  garden,  fhall  be  fined  five  hundred  panas  \  but 
4  only  two  hundred,  if  he  trefpalfed  through  ig- 
‘  norance  of  the  rivht . 

c6;  4  If 

224  on  judicature;  and  on  law, 

2  6r.  f  Tf  the  boundary  cannot  be  otherwife  af~ 

*  certained,  let  the  king,  knowing  what  is  >uft, 

1  that  is ,  without  partiality ,  confulting  the 

4  iucure  benefit  of  both  parties,  make  a  bound  line 
4  between  their  lands:  this  is  a  fettled  law. 

2 66.  4  Thus  has  the  rule  been  propounded  for 
4  decifions  concerning  land-maiks:  1  next  will 
4  declare  the  law  concerning  defamatory  words. 

26~.  4  A  soldier,  defaming  a  prieft,  fhall  be 
4  fined  a  hund<ed  panas ;  a  merchant,  thus  offend - 
c  /ȣ  an  hundred  and  fifty,  or  two  hundred 3  but, 
4  fcr  Jucb  an  offence^  a  mechanick  or  fervile  man 
4  fhall  be  Whipped. 

268.  4  A  pr  eft  fhall  be  fined  five  hundred,  if 
4  he  (lander  a  foldier ;  twentv-five  if  a  merchant ; 
4  and  twelve  if  he  (lander  a  man  of  the  fervile 

*  clafs. 

269.  f  For  abufing  one  of  the  fame  clafs,  a 
4  twice  born  man,  (hall  be  fined  only  twelve  ;  but 
4  for  ribaldry  not  to  be  uttered,  even  that  and 
4  every  fine  fhall  be  doubled. 

270.  6  A  once  born  man,  who  infults  the  twice 
4  born  with  grofs  invedtives,  ought  to  have  his 

*  tongue  (lit;  for  he  fprang  from  the  loweft  part 

*  of  BRAHMA  ; 

271.  4  If  he  mention  their  names  and  clafifes 
4  with  contumely,  as  if  he  fay ,  <c  Oh  Devadat- 
4  ta,  thou  refufe  of  Brahmens,”  an  iron  ftyle, 
4  ten  fingers  long,  fhall  be  thruft  red  hot  into  his 
4  mouth. 

272.  c  Should  he,  through  pride,  give  in- 
4  ftrudlion  to  priefts  concerning  their  duty,  let 
4  the  king  order  fome  hot  oil  to  be  dropped  into 
4  his  mouth  and  his  ear. 

273.  4  He,  who  falfely  denies  through  infolence, 

4  the 

private  and  criminal.  225 

f  the  (acred  knowledge,  the  country,  the  clafs,  or 
c  the  corporeal  invediture  of  a  man ,  equal  in  rank , 
c  (hall  be  compelled  to  pay  a  fine  of  two  hundred 
4  panas. 

274.  4  If  a  man  call  another  blind  with  one 
4  eye,  or  lame,  or  defective  in  any  fimilar  way, 
4  he  (hall  pay  the  fmall  fine  of  one  pana ,  even 
4  though  he  fpeak  truth. 

275.  4  He  iliall  be  fined  a  hundred,  who  de- 
4  fames  his  mother,  his  father,  his  wife,  his 
*  brother,  his  fon,  or  his  preceptor  ;  ahd  he  who 
4  gives  not  his  preceptor  the  way. 

276.  4  For  mutual  abufe  by  a  pried  and  a 
4  foldier,  this  fine  mud  be  impofed  by  a  learned 
4  king;  the  lowed  amercement  on  the  pried, 

4  and  the  middlemod  on  the  foldier. 

277.  4  Such  exadtly,  as  before-mentioned ,  mud 
4  be  the  punifhmenc  of  a  merchant  and  a  me- 
4  chanick  in  refpedt  of  their  feveral  dalles,  except 
4  the  flitting  of  the  tongue :  this  is  a  fixed  rule  of 
4  punilhment. 

78.  4  Thus  fully  has  the  law  been  declared 
4  for  the  punifhment  of  defamatory  fpeech :  I 
4  will  next  propound  the  edablifhed  law  concern- 
4  ing  aflfault  and  battery. 

279.  4  With  whatever  member  a  low  born 
4  man  fhall  afTault  or  hurt  a  fuperiour,  even  that 
4  member  of  his  mud  be  flit,  or  cut  more  or  lefs 
4  in  proportion  to  the  injury :  this  is  an  ordinance 
4  of  Menu. 

2 So.  4  He,  who  raifes  his  hand  or  a  daff  againd 
4  another,  fhall  have  his  hand  cut ;  and  he  who 
4  kicks  another  in  wrath,  iliall  have  an  incifion 
4  made  in  his  foot. 

281.  4  A  man  of  the  lowed  clafs,  who  fhall 
4  inlolently  place  himfclf  on  the  fame  feat  with 

4  one 

2 16 



4  one  cf  the  ifighefi,  {hall  either  be  banifbed  ith 
4  a  tr.irk  on  his  hinder  parrs,  or  the  king  ihali 
4  caufc  i  gafn  to  be  made  or  h  s  burrock : 

:k.  c  Should  he  fpit  on  him  through  pride, 

4  the  k  rg  (hi.:  order  both  of  his  lips  to  be  gaihed; 

*  fhould  he  urine  on  him,  his  penis;  should  he 
c  break  wind  agairdt  him,  his  anus. 

eS c  If  he  Seize  the  Brahmen  by  the  locks, 

*  or  by  the  feet,  or  by  the  beard,  or  by  the 
4  threat,  or  by  the  ferotum,  let  the  king  with- 
4  out  hefitadon  caufe  incifions  to  be  made  in  his 
4  hands. 

284.  4  If  any  man  fcratch  the  ikin  cf  bis  cc. 
4  in  clafSy  or  fetch  blood  frem  him,  he  lhail  be 

*  fined  2  hundred  rrs 33;  if  he  wound  a  mulcie, 
c  fix  nljbcas ;  bur,  if  he  break  2  bone,  iet  him  be 
4  inftantly  banHhed. 

cSf.  *  According  to  the  ufe  2nd  value  or  2  ' 
c  great  trees,  muff  a  fine  be  fei  for  injuring  idem  : 
4  this  is  an  eftablifhed  rule. 

2 So.  c  If  a  blow,  attended  wkh  muck  pain, 
1  be  given  either  to  human  creatures  or  cattle, 
c  the  king  fhali  indict  on  the  fir  ker  2  pundhmeiu 
4  as  heavy  as  the  prefumed  (offering. 

2S7.  *  In  all  cafes  of  hurting  a  limb,  wound - 
4  ing,  or  fetching  blood,  the  afikilant  [hall  pay 
c  the  expence  cf  a  perrect  cure  ;  or,  sn  bisfmhr ^ 
4  both  full  damages  and  a  fine  to  the  fame 

c  amount. 

28^.  *  Hz,  who  injures  the  eoods  of 


4  whether  acquainted  or  unacquainted  with  the 
4  owner  of  them,  (hall  give  iausfa&ion  to  the 
4  owner,  and  p2y  a  noe  to  the  king  equal  to  the 
4  damage. 

2$  9.  4  If  injury  be  done  to  leather  or  to 

4  leathern 


leathern  bags,  or  utenfils  made  of  wood  or  clay, 
the  fine  fnall  be  five  times  their  value. 

290.  (  The  wife  reckon  ten  occafions,  in  re¬ 
gard  to  a  carriage,  its  driver,  and  its  owner,  on 
which  the  fine  is  remitted ;  on  other  occa- 
Iions  a  fine  is  ordained  by  law  : 

291.  c  The  nofe-cord  or  bridle  being  cut,  ly 
feme  accident  without  negligence,  or  the  yoke  being 
fnapped,  on  a  fudden  overturn,  or  running  again  ft 
any  thing  without  fault ,  the  axle  being  broken, 
or  the  wheel  cracked  : 

292.  1  On  the  breaking  of  the  thongs,  of  the 
halter,  or  of  the  reins,  and  when  the  driver  has 
called  aloud  to  make  way,  on  thefe  occfions  has 
Menu  declared  that  no  fine  (hall  be  fet : 

293.  c  But,  where  a  carriage  has  been  over¬ 
turned  by  the  unfkilfuinefs  of  the  driver,  there, 
in  the  cafe  of  any  hurt,  the  mafter  (hall  be  fined 
two  hundred  panas. 

294.  ‘  If  the  driver  be  (kilful,  hut  negligent,  the 
driver  alone  (hall  be  fined  ;  and  thofe  in  the  car¬ 
riage  fhall  be  fined  each  a  hundred,  if  the  driver 
be  clearly  unfkilful. 

295.  ‘  Should  a  driver,  being  met  in  the  way 
by  another  carriage  or  by  cattle,  kill  any  animal 
by  his  negligence ,  a  fine  fhall,  without  doubt, 
be  im  poled  by  the  following  rule  : 

296.  (  For  killing  a  man,  a  fine,  equal  to  that 
for  theft,  (hall  be  inftantly  fet ;  half  t  hat  amount, 
for  large  brute  animals,  as  for  a  bull  or  cow, 
an  elephant,  a  camel,  or  a  horfe  ; 

297.  ‘  For  killing  very  young  cattle,  the  fine 
(hall  be  two  hundred  panas  ;  and  fifty,  for  ele¬ 
gant  quadrupeds  or  beautiful  birds,  as  antelopes , 
parrots ,  and  the  like ; 


2-98.  *  For 


298.  c  For  an  afs,  a  goat,  or  a  flieep,  the  fine 
‘  mu  ft  be  five  filver  mdfhas  ;  and  one  mcifha  for 

*  killing  a  dog  or  a  boar. 

299.  c  A  wife,  a  fon,  a  fervant,  a  pupil,  and 
c  a  younger  whole  brother,  may  be  co-rredted, 
<  when  they  commit  faults,  with  a  rope,  or  the 
‘  fmall  fhoot  of  a  cane  ; 

300.  c  But  on  the  back  part  only  of  their 
c  bodies,  and  not  on  a  noble  part  by  any  means  : 
c  he  who  ftrikes  them  otherwife  than  by  this  rule, 
c  incurs  the  guilt,  or  Jh  all  pay  the  fine  of  a  thief. 

301.  c  This  law  of  afiault  and  battery  has  been 
r  completely  declared  :  I  proceed  to  declare  the 
c  rule  for  the  fettled  punifhment  of  theft. 

.302.  ‘  In  reftraining  thieves  and  robbers,  let 
c  the  king  ufe  extreme  diligence ;  fi nee,  by 

*  reftraining  thieves  and  robbers,  his  fame  and 
c  his  domain  are  increafed. 

303.  *  Conftantly,  no  doubt,  is  that  king  to  be 

*  honoured,  who  beftows  exemption  from  fear  ; 
c  fince  he  performs,  aa  it  were ,  a  perpetual  facri- 
c  fice,  giving  exemption  from  fear,  as  a  conftant 
c  facrificial  prefent. 

304.  c  A  fixth  part  of  the  reward  for  virtuous 

*  deeds,  performed  by  the  whole  people,  belongs 
c  to  the  king,  who  protedts  them  ;  but,  if  he 
c  protect  them  not,  a  fixth  part  of  their  iniquity 
(  lights  on  him  : 

305.  c  Of  the  reward  for  what  every  fubjedl 
6  reads  in  the  Veda,  for  what  he  facrifices,  for 
‘  what  he  gives  in  charity,  for  what  he  performs 

*  in  worfhip,  the  king  juftly  takes  a  fixth  part  in 

*  confequence  of  protection. 

306.  f  A  king,  who  adts  with  juftice  in  defend- 

*  ing  all  creatures,  and  flays  only  thofe  who  ought 

‘  to 


*  to  be  (lain,  performs,  as  it  were,  each  day  a 

*  i'ucrifice  with  a  hundred  thoufand  gilts  ,* 

307  ‘  But  a  king,  who  gives  no  fuch  protec- 
c  tion,  yet  receives  taxes  in  kind  or  in  value,  mar- 
‘  ket  duties  and  tolls,  the  fmall  daily  prelents  for 

*  his  houfehold,  and  fines  for  offences,  falls  diredtly, 

*  on  his  death,  to  a  region  ofhorrour. 

308.  ‘  That  king,  who  gives  no  protedion, 
f  yet  takes  a  fixth  part  of  the  grain  as  his  revenue, 

*  wife  men  have  confidered  as  a  prince  who  draws 
1  to  him  the  foulnefs  of  all  his  people. 

309.  *  Be  it  known,  that  a  monarch  who  pays 
f  no  regard  to  the  fciiptures,  who  denies  a  future 

*  (late,  who  ads  with  rapacity,  who  proteds  noc 
‘  his  people,  yet  fwallows  up  their  pofTeffions, 
‘  will  fink  low  indeed  after  death. 

310.  ‘  With  great  care  and  by  three  methods 
c  let  him  rellrain  the  unjud;  by  imprifonment,  by 
f  confinement  in  letters,  and  by  various  kinds  of 
c  corporal  punifhment ; 

31 1.  ‘  Since,  by  retraining  the  bad,  and  by 
c  encouraging  the  good,  kings  are  perpetually 
c  made  pure,  as  the  twice  born  are  purified  by  fa- 

*  crificing. 

312.  ‘  A  king  who  feeks  benefit  to  his  own 
c  foul,  mud  always  forgive  parties  litigant,  chil- 
c  dren,  old  men,  and  lick  perlons,  who  inveigh 

*  againft  him. 

313.  *  He,  who  forgives  perfons  in  pain,  when 
c  they  abufe  him,  fhall,  on  that  account,  be  exalted 
c  in  heaven  ;  but  he,  who  excufes  them  not, 
‘  through  the  pride  of  dominion,  fhall  for  that 
‘  reafon  fink  into  hell. 

314.  *  The  dealer  of  gold  from  a  pried  mud  run 
c  hadily  to  the  king,  with  loofened  hair,  pro- 

Q^3  ‘  claiming 


f  claiming  the  theft  ;  and  adding  \  c<  Thus  have  I 
f  finned,  punifh  me/’ 

315.  ‘  He  mud  bear  on  his  fhoulder  a  pedle  of 
c  done,  or  a  club  of  c’hadira-viood,  or  a  javelin 
c  pointed  at  both  ends,  or  an  iron  mace  : 

3  6.  c  Whether  the  king  drike  him  with  it,  or 
c  difmifs  him  unhurt,  the  thief  is  then  ablbived 
c  from  the  crime ;  but  the  king,  if  he  punilh  him 
c  not,  (hail  incur  the  guilt  of  the  thief. 

317.  €  The  killer  of  a  pried,  or  d eft r oyer  of  an 
6  embryo ,  cads  his  guilt  on  the  willing  eater  of  his 
‘  provifions;  an  adulterous  wife,  on  her  negligent 
c  hufba.nd  ;  a  bad  fcholar  and  facrificer,  on  their 
e  ignorant  preceptor  ;  and  a  thief,  on  the  forgiving 

*  prince. 

318  ‘  But  men  who  have  committed  offences, 

c  and  have  received  from  kings  the  punifhment 
c  due  to  them,  go  pure  to  heaven,  and  become  as 

*  clear  as  thofe  who  have  done  well. 

319.  c  He,  who  deals  the  rope  or  the  water-pot 
c  from  a  well,  and  he,  who  breaks  down  a  cidern, 
c  fhall  be  fined  a  mafia  of  gold ;  and  that,  which 
c  he  has  taken  or  injured  he  mud  redore  to  its 
(  former  condition. 

320.  c  Corporal  punifhment  fhall  be  inflicted 

*  on  him  who  deals  more  than  ten  cumbhas  of 
c  grain,  (a  cumbha  is  twenty  dronas ,  and  a  dr'ona 
c  two  hundred  palas  :)  for  lefs  he  mud  be  fined 

*  eleven  times  as  much,  and  fhall  pay  to  the 
c  owner  the  amount  of  his  property. 

321.  ‘  So  fliall  corporal  punifhment  be  inflicted 
c  for  dealing  commodities  ufually  fold  by  weight, 
c  or  more  than  a  hundred  head  of  cattle,  or  gold, 
c  or  filver,  or  codly  apparel  ; 

322.  ‘  For  dealing  more  than  fifty  falas,  it  is 

*  enacted 



enabled  that  a  hand  fhall  be  amputated  ;  for  lefs, 
the  king  (hall  fee  a  fine  eleven  times  as  much  as 
the  value. 

323.  c  For  dealing  men  of  high  birth,  and  wo¬ 
men  above  all,  and  the  moll  precious  gems, 
as  diamonds  or  rubies ,  the  thief  deferves  capital 

324.  ‘  For  dealing  large  beads,  weapons,  or 
medicines,  let  the  king  infhdl  adequate  puniih- 
menr,  confidering  the  time  and  the  ad. 

325.  ‘  For  taking  kine  belonging  to  prieds,  and 
boring  their  nodriis,  or  for  dealing  their  other 
cattle,  the  offender  fliall  indantly  lofe  half  of 
one  foot. 

326.  1  For  dealing  thread,  raw-cotton,  mate¬ 
rials  to  make  fpirituous  liquor,  cow-dung,  mo- 
lades,  curds,  milk,  butter-milk,  water,  or  grafs, 

327.  c  Large  canes,  bafkets  of  canes,  fait  of 
every  kind,  earthen  pots,  clay  or  afhes, 

328.  c  Fifh,  birds,  oil,  or  clarified  butter, 
defli-meat,  honey,  or  any  thing,  as  leather ,  horn , 
or  ivory ,  that  came  from  a  bead, 

329.  *  Or  other  things  not  precious,  or  fpiri¬ 
tuous  liquors,  rice  drefled  with  clarified  but¬ 
ter,  or  other  mefles  of  boiled  rice,  the  fine 
mud  be  twice  the  value  of  the  commodity 

330.  ‘  For  dealing  as  much  as  a  man  can  carry 
of  flowers,  green  corn,  dirubs,  creepers,  fmali 
trees,  or  other  vegetables,  enclofrd  bv  a  hedge, 
the  fine  diall  be  five  rafticas  ol  gold  or  filver ; 

331.  f  Hut  for  corn,  pot-herbs,  roots,  and  fiuir, 
unenclofed  by  a  fence,  the  fine  is  an  hundred 
panast  if  there  be  no  fort  of  relation  between  the 
taker  and  the  owner  ;  or  half  a  hundred  if  there 
be  fuch  relation. 


*  S32-  '  If 

2$1  on  judicature;  and  on  law, 

332.  c  If  the  taking  be  violent,  and  in  the  fight 
c  of  the  owner,  it  is  robbery ;  if  privately  in  his 
€  abfence,  it  is  only  theft,  and  it  is  confidered  as 
1  theft ,  when  a  man,  having  received  any  thing, 
€  reiufes  to  give  it  back. 

333.  ‘  On  him  who  deals  the  before-mentioned 

*  things,  when  they  are  prepared  for  ufe,  let  the 

*  king  let  the  low  ed  amercement  of  the  three ; 
€  and  the  fame  on  him  who  deals  only  fire  from 

the  temple. 

334.  f  With  whatever  limb  a  thief  commits 

*  the  offence  by  any  means  in  this  world,  as  if 
c  he  break  a  wall  with  his  hand  cr  his  foGt>  even 

c  that  limb  fhall  the  king  amputate  for  the  pre- 
c  venrion  of  a  fimilar  crime. 

335.  c  Neither  a  father,  nor  a  preceptor,  nor 

*  a  friend,  nor  a  mother,  nor  a  wife,  nor  a  fon, 

*  nor  a  domedick  pried,  mud  be  left  unpunifhed 
c  by  the  king,  if  they  adhere  not  with  nrmnefs  to 

*  their  duty. 

336.  c  Where  another  man  of  lower  birth 
c  w'ould  be  fined  one  pana,  the  king  fhall  be  fined 
c  a  thoufand,  and  he  fhall  give  the  fine  to  the 
c  pr  lefts ,  or  caft  it  into  the  river  :  this  is  a  fac  re  cl 

*  rule. 

337.  c  But  the  fine  of  a  Sudra  for  theft  fhall 
€  be  eight-fold  ;  that  of  a  Vaifya ,  fixteen-fold  ; 

*  that  of  a  Cfhatriya ,  two  and  thirty-fold. 

338.  c  That  of  a  Brahmen ,  four  and  fixty-fold  ; 

*  or  a  hundredrfold  complete,  or  even  twice  four 
€  and  fixty-fold  ;  each  of  them  know  ing  the  na- 
c  ture  of  his  offence. 

339.  €  The  taking  of  roots  and  fruit  from  a 
‘  large  tree,  in  a  field  or  a  for  eft  unencloled,  or  of 
c  wood  for  a  facrihciai  fire,  or  of  grafs  to  be  eaten 

*  by  cows,  Menu  has  pronounced  no  theft. 

340.  f  A 



340.  4  A  priest  who  willingly  receives  any 
1  thing,  either  for  facrificing  or  for  inllrufting, 
c  from  the  hand  of  a  man  who  had  taken  what 
f  the  owner  had  not  given,  fliall  be  'punifoed,  even 

*  as  the  thief. 

341.  f  A  twice  born  man  who  is  travelling, 

*  and  whofe  provifions  are  feantv,  fliall  not  be 
4  fined  for  taking  only  two  fugar  canes,  or  two 
f  efculent  roots,  from  the  field  of  another  man. 

342.  4  He  who  ties  the  unbound,  or  loofes 

*  the  bound  cattle  of  another ,  and  he  who  takes  a 
4  flave,  a  horfe,  or  a  carriage  without  ^ermiffioni 
4  fliall  be  punifhed  as  for  theft. 

343.  4  A  king,  who  by  enforcing  thefe  laws 
4  reftrains  men  from  committing  theft,  acquires 
4  in  this  world  fame,  and  in  the  next  beatitude. 

344.  c  Let  not  the  king  who  ardently  de- 
4  fires  a  feat  with  In  dr  a,  and  wi  flies  for  glory, 
4  which  nothing  can  change  or  dimimfli,  endure 
4  for  a  moment  the  man  who  has  committed 
c  atrocious  violence,  as  by  robbery,  arfon,  or 
4  homicide. 

345.  4  He  who  commits  great  violence,  muft 
4  be  confidered  as  a  more  gi  ievous  offender  than 
4  a  defamer,  a  thief,  or  a  flriker  with  a  fiaft : 

346.  1  That  king  who  endures  a  man  conv’nft- 
4  ed  of  fuch  atrocity,  quickly  goes  to  perdition, 
4  and  incurs  publick  hate. 

347.  4  Neither  on  account  of  friendfhip,  nor 
4  for  the  fake  of  great  lucre,  fliall  the  king  difmifs 
4  the  perpetrators  of  violent  a<5ts,  who  fpread 
4  terrour  among  all  creatures. 

348.  4  The  twice  born  may  take  arms  when 
4  their  duty  is  obflrudled  by  force;  and  when  in 
4  feme  evil  time  a  difaftcr  has  befallen  the  twice- 
4  born  dalles ; 

349.  ‘  And 


349.  4  And  in  their  own  defence  ;  and  in  a 
4  war  for  juft  caufe  ;  and  in  defence  of  a  woman 
4  or  a  prieft  ;  he  who  kills  juftly,  commits  no 
4  crime. 

350.  4  Let  a  man  without  hefitation  flay  ano- 
4  ther,  if  he  cannot  otherwife  ejcafe>  who  aftails  him 
4  with  intent  to  murder,  whether  young  or  old, 
4  or  his  preceptor,  or  a  Brahmen  deeply  verfed  in 

*  the  fcripture. 

351.  4  By  killing  an  afiaflln,  who  attempts  to 
4  kill,  whether  in  public  or  in  private,  no  crime 
4  is  committed  by  the  flayer  :  fury  recoils  upon 

*  fury. 

352.  4  Men  who  commit  overt-a<51s  of  adul- 
4  terous  inclinations  for  the  wives  of  others,  let 
4  the  king  banifh  from  his  realm,  having  pu- 
4  nifhed  them  with  fuch  bodily  marks  as  excite 
4  averfion  ; 

353.  4  Since  adultery  caufes,  to  the  general 
4  ruin,  a  mixture  of  clafles  among  men  :  thence 
4  aiiles  violation  of  duties  ;  and  thence  is  the  root 
4  of  felicity  quite  deftroyed. 

334.  4  A  man  before  noted  for  fuch  an  offence, 
4  w  ho  ccnverfes  in  fecret  with  the  wife  of  ano- 
4  ther,  fhall  pay  the  fir  ft  of  the  three  ufual  amerce- 
4  ments  ; 

355.  4  But  a  man,  not  before  noted,  who  thus 
4  converfes  with  her  for  fome  reafonable  caufe, 
4  Avail  pay  no  fine  ;  fince  in  him  there  is  no 
4  tranfgreflion. 

3^6.  4  He,  who  talks  with  the  wife  of  another 
4  man  at  a  place  of  pilgrimage,  in  a  foieft  or  a 
4  grove,  or  at  the  confluence  of  rivers,  incurs  the 
4  guilt  of  an  adulterous  inclination  : 

357.  4  To  fend  her  flowers  or  perfumes,  to 
4  fport  and  jeft  with  her,  to  touch  her  apparel  and 

4  ornaments. 


ornaments,  to  fit  with  her  on  the  fame  couch, 
are  held  adulterous  atts  on  his  part  •, 

338.  4  To  touch  a  married  woman  on  her 
breafts  or  any  other  place,  which  ought  not  to  be 
touched,  or,  being  touched  unbecomingly  by 
her,  to  bear  it  complacently,  are  adulterous  adls 
with  mutual  affent. 

339.  c  A  man  of  the  fervile  clafs,  who  com¬ 
mits  a&ual  adultery  with  the  wife  of  a  prieft, 
ought  to  fuffer  death  :  the  wives,  indeed,  or  all 
the  four  clafles  mult  ever  be  molt  efpecially 

360.  4  Mendicants,  encomiatts,  mrn  prepared 
for  a  facrifice,  and  cooks  and  other  artilans,  are 
not  prohibited  from  fpeaking  to  married  women. 

361.  4  Le:  no  man  convcrfe,  after  he  has  been 
forbidden,  with  the  wives  of  others  :  he,  who 
thus  converfes.  after  a  hujhand  or  father  has  for¬ 
bidden  hiWy  fhall  pay  a  line  ofo nt fui'erna. 

362.  4  Thefc  laws  relate  not  to  the  wives  of 
publick  dancers  or  fingers,  or  of  fuch  bafe  men 
as  live  by  intrigues  ot  thtir  wives;  men,  who 
either  carry  women  to  others,  or,  lying  con¬ 
cealed  at  home,  permit  them  to  hold  a  culpable 
intercourfe  : 

36  3  4  Yet  he,  v/ho  has  a  private  connexion  with 
fuch  women,  or  with  fcrvant-girls  kept  by  one 
matter,  or  with  female  anchorets  of  an  heretical 
religion ,  fhall  be  compelled  to  pay  a  fmall  fine. 
364  4  He,  who  vitiates  a  damfel  without  her 
confent,  fhall  fuffer  corporal  punifhmcnt  in- 
ttantly  ;  but  he,  who  enjoys  a  willing  damfel, 
fhall  not  be  corporally  punilhed,  if  his  clafs  be 
the  lame  wiih  hers. 

365.  4  From  a  girl,  who  makes  advances  to 

*  a  man 


c  a  man  of  a  high  clafs,  let  not  the  king  take  the 
c  finallefi:  fine  ;  but  her,  who  firfi:  addrefies  a  low 
c  man,  let  him  confirain  to  live  in  her  houfe 
4  well  guarded. 

366.  c  A  low  man,  who  makes  love  to  a  dam- 
4  lei  of  high  birth,  ought  to  be  punifhed  corpo- 
c  rally  ;  but  he  who  addrefies  a  maid  of  equal 

<  rank,  fhall  give  the  nuptial  prelent  and  marry 
*  her ,  if  her  father  pleafe. 

367.  c  Of  the  man,  who  through  infolence 
‘  forcibly  contaminates  a  damfel,  let  the  king  in- 
c  ftandy  order  two  fingers  to  be  amputated,  and 
c  condemn  him  to  pay  a  fine  of  fix  hundred 
c  fanas  : 

368.  c  A  man  of  equal  rank,  who  defiles  a  con- 

<  fenting  damfel,  (hall  not  have  his  fingers  am- 

O  O  £ 

c  putated,  but  lhall  pay  a  fine  of  two  hundred 
'  fanaSy  to  reflrain  him  from  a  repetition  of  his 
c  offence. 

369.  c  A  damfel  polluting  another  damfel,  muff 

<  be  fined  two  hundred  'panas>  pay  the  double 
f  value  of  her  nuptial  prefect,  and  receive  ten 
c  lafhes  with  a  whip  ; 

370.  f  But  a  woman,  polluting  a  damfel,  fhall 
c  have  her  head  inftantly  fhaved,  and  two  of  her 
c  fingers  chopped  off ;  and  lhall  ride,  mounted  on 
‘  an  afs,  through  the  publick  Jlreet . 

371.  c  Should  a  wife,  proud  of  her  family 

<  and  the  great  qualities  of  her  kinfmen,  actually 

<  violate  the  duty  which  Ike  owes  to  her  lord, 
f  let  the  king  condemn  her  to  be  devoured  by 
c  dogs  in  a  place  much  frequented  ; 

372.  c  And  let  him  place  the  adulterer  on  an 
‘  iron  bed  well  heated,  under  which  the  execu- 
‘  tioners  fhall  throw  logs  continually,  till  the 
‘  finful  wretch  be  there  burned  to  death . 

373.  ‘  Or 


27 3.  4  Of  a  man  once  convi<5led,  and  a  year 
c  afrer  guilty  of  the  fame  crime>  the  fine  muff  be 

*  doubled  :  fo  it  muft  if  he  be  connefted  with 
f  the  daughter  of  an  outcall  or  with  a  Cbandali 
4  woman. 

374..  4  A  mec’nanick  or  fervile  man,  having  an 

*  adulterous  connexion  with  a  woman  of  a  twice 
4  born  clafs,  whether  guarded  at  home  or  un- 
4  guarded,  Jball  thus  he  punifhed ;  if  flic  was  un- 

*  guarded,  he  fiiall  lofe  the  part  offending ,  and  his 
4  whole  fubllance  ;  il  guarded,  and  a  priejlefs> 
4  every  thing,  even  his  life. 

375.  4  For  adultery  with  a  guarded  priejlcfs>  a 
4  merchant  fiiall  forfeit  all  his  wealth  after  impri- 
4  fonment  for  a  year  ;  a  foldier  fiiall  be  fined  a 

*  thoufmd  fanaS)  and  be  fiiaved  with  the  urine  of 
an  afs  : 

376.  4  But,  if  a  merchant  or  a  foldier  commit 

*  adultery  with  a  woman  of  the  facerdotal  clafs, 

*  whom  her  hufband  guards  not  at  home,  the  king 
4  fiiall  only  fine  the  merchant  five  hundred,  and 
4  the  foldier  a  thoufand  : 

377.  4  Both  of  them,  however,  if.  they  commit 
c  that  offence  with  aprieftefs  not  only  guarded,  but 
4  eminent  for  good  qualities ,  fiiall  be  punifiied  like 
4  men  of  the  fervile  clafs,  or  be  burned  in  a  fire 
4  of  dry  grafs  or  reeds. 

378.  4  A  Brahmen ,  who  carnally  knows  a 
4  guarded  woman  without  her  free  will,  mull  be. 
4  fined  a  thoufand  panas,  but  only  live  hundred  if 
4  he  knew  her  with  her  free  conlcnr. 

379.  4  Ignominious  tonfure  is  ordained,  in- 
4  (lead  of  capital  punifiiment,  for  an  adulterer  of 
4  the  prieftly  clafs,  where  the  punifiiment  of  other 
4  claftes  may  extend  to  lofs  of  life. 

38c.  4  Never 


3 So.  e  Never  fhail  the  king  flay  a  Brahmen 
though  convi&ed  of  all  poffible  crimes  :  let  him 
banifh  the  offender  from  his  realm,  but  with  all 
his  property  fecure,  and  his  body  unhurt  : 

381.  c  No  greater  crime  is  known  on  earth 
than  flaying  a  Brahmen  ;  and  the  king,  therefore, 
muff  not  even  form  in  his  mind  an  idea  of  kill¬ 
ing  a  pried. 

382.  c  If  a  merchant  converfe  criminally  with 
a  guarded  v/oman  of  the  military,  or  a  foldier 
with  one  of  the  mercantile  clafs,  they  both  de- 
ferve  the  fame  punifhment  as  in  the  cafe  of  a 
prieflefs  unguarded  : 

383.  (  But  a  Brahmen,  who  fhail  commit  adul¬ 
tery  writh  a  guarded  woman  of  thofe  two  claffes, 
mud  be  fined  a  thoufand  panas ;  and,  for  the 
like  offence  with  a  guarded  woman  of  the  fervile 
clafs,  the  fine  of  a  foldier  or  a  merchant  (hall 
alfo  be  one  thoufand. 

384.  f  For  adultery  writh  a  woman  of  the  mi¬ 
litary  clafs,  if  unguarded,  the  fine  of  a  merchant 
is  five  hundred  ;  but  a  foldier,  for  the  converfe  of 
that  offence ,  mud  be  fiiaved  with  urine,  or  pay 
the  fine  juft  mentioned. 

385.  c  A  pried  diall  pay  five  hundred  panas  if 
he  connect  himfelf  criminally  with  an  unguarded 
woman  of  the  military,  commercial,  or  fervile 
clafs;  and  a  thoufand  for  fuch  a  connexion  with  a 
woman  of  vile  mixed  breed. 

386.  c  That  king,  in  whofe  realm  lives  no 
thief,'  no  adulterer,  no  defamer,  no  man  guilty 
of  atrocious  violence,  and  no  committer  of  af- 
faults,  attains  the  manfion  of  Sacra. 

387.  c  By  fupprefling  thofe  five  in  his  dominion, 
he  gains  royalty  paramount  over  men  of  the 

c  fame 


fame  kingly  rank,  and  fpreads  his  fame  through 
the  world. 

3B8.  4  The  facrificer  who  forfakes  the  officiat¬ 
ing  priell,  and  the  officiating  pricit  who  aban¬ 
dons  the  facrificer,  each  being  able  to  do  his 
work,  and  guiltv  of  no  grievous  offence,  muft 
each  be  fined  a  hundred  farias. 

3S9.  4  A  mother,  a  father,  a  wife,  and  a  fon, 
fha.ll  not  be  forfaken  :  he,  who  forfakes  either  of 
them,  unlefs  guilty  of  a  deadly  fin,  (hall  pay 
fix  hundred  panas  as  a  fine  to  the  king. 

390.  4  Let  not  a  prince,  who  feeks  the  good 
of  his  own  foul,  ba/lily  and  alone  pronounce  the 
law,  on  a  dilpiite  concerning  any  legal  obser¬ 
vance,  among  twice  born  men  in  their  feveral 
orders  ; 

391.  f  But  let  him,  after  giving  them  due  ho¬ 
nour  according  to  their  merit,  and,  at  firtl,  hav¬ 
ing  lbothed  them  by  mildnefs,  apprife  them  of 
their  duty  with  the  aflifbance  of  Brahmens . 

392.  4  The  pried  who  gives  an  entertain  rent 
to  twenty  men  of  the  three  fii  ft  clafies,  without 
inviting  his  next  neighbour,  and  his  neighbour 
next  but  one,  if  both  be  worthy  of  an  invitation, 
ihall  be  fined  one  mdjha  of  filver. 

393.  4  A  Brahmen  ofdeep  learning  in  the  Veda 
who  invites  not  another  Brahmen ,  both  learned 
and  virtuous,  to  an  entertainment  given  on  fame 
occafion  relating  to  his  wealth,  as  the  marriage  of 
his  child,  and  the  like ,  Ihall  be  made  to  pay  him 
twice  the  value  of  the  repaft,  and  be  fined  a 
majba  of  gold. 

394.  4  Neither  a  blind  man,  nor  an  idiot,  nor 
a  cripple,  nor  a  man  full  levcnty  years  old,  nor 
one  who  confers  great  benefits  on  prielts  of  emi- 

3  4  nent 


c  nent  learning,  fhall  be  compelled  by  any  king  to 
‘  pay  taxes. 

395.  f  Let  the  king  always  do  honour  to  a 

*  learned  theologian,  to  a  man  either  Tick  or 

*  grieved,  to  a  little  child,  to  an  aged  or  indigent 
c  man,  to  a  man  of  exalted  birth,  and  to  a  man  of 
c  diflinguifhed  virtue. 

396.  c  Let  a  wafherman  wadi  the  clothes  of  his 
c  employers  by  little  and  little,  or  piece  by  piece,  and 
c  not  haftily,  on  a  fmooth  board  of  Salmali- wood  : 
c  let  him  never  mix  the  clothes  of  one  p  erf  on  with 
c  the  clothes  of  another,  nor  fuffer  any  but  the  owner 

*  to  wear  them. 

397.  c  Let  a  weaver  who  has  received  ten 
c  palas  of  cotton  thread,  give  them  back  increafed 
1  to  eleven  by  the  rice  water  and  the  like  ufed  in 
<  weaving:  he  who  does  other  wife,  fhall  pay  a 
c  fine  of  twelve  panas. 

398.  c  As  men  verfed  in  cafes  of  tolls,  and  ac- 
c  quainted  with  all  marketable  commodities,  fhall 

*  eflablifh  the  price  of  laleable  things,  let  the  king 

*  take  a  twentieth  part  of  the  profit  on  fales  at  that 
c  price. 

399.  c  Of  the  trader,  who,  through  avarice, 
f  exports  commodities,  of  which  the  king  juftly 

*  claims  the  pre-emption,  or  on  which  he  has 
c  laid  an  embargo,  let  the  fovereign  confifcate  the 
c  whole  property. 

400.  ‘  Any  feller  or  buyer,  who  fraudulently 

*  pafles  by  the  toll  office  at  night,  or  any  other  im- 
K  proper  time,  or  who  makes  a  falle  enumeration 
c  of  the  articles  bought,  fhall  be  fined  eight  times 
c  as  much  as  their  value. 

401.  ‘  Let  the  king  eflablifh  rules  for  the  fale 
1  and  purchafe  of  all  marketable  things,  having 
c  duly  confidered  whence  they  come,  if  imported  ; 

‘  and. 


*  and,  if  exported ,  whither  they  muft  be  fent  ; 
‘  how  long  they  have  been  kept;  what  may  be 
c  gained  by  them ;  and  what  has  been  expended 

*  on  them. 

402.  ‘  Once  in  five  flights,  or  at  the  clofe  of 
c  every  half  month,  according  to  the  nature  of  the 

*  commodities ,  let  the  king  make  a  regulation  for 
4  market  prices  in  the  prefence  of  thofe  experi- 
1  enced  men : 

403.  ‘  Let  all  weights  and  meafures  be  well 

*  ascertained  by  him  ;  and  once  in  fix  months  let 
■*  him  re-examine  them. 

404.  ‘  The  toll  at  a  ferry  is  one  pana  for  an 
1  empty  cart  ;  half  a  pana ,  for  a  man  with  a  load  ; 

*  a  quarter,  for  a  bealt  ufed  in  agriculture,  or  for 
‘  a  woman  ;  and  an  eighth,  for  an  unloaded  man. 

405.  ‘  Waggons  filled  with  goods  packed  up, 
€  fhall  pay  toll  in  proportion  to  their  value;  but 

*  for  empty  vefiels  and  bags,  and  for  poor  men  ill- 

*  apparelled,  a  very  fmall  toll  (hall  be  demanded. 

406.  6  For  a  long  pafiage,  the  freight  muft  be 
‘  proportioned  to  places  and  times  ;  but  this 
4  muft  be  underftood  of  paflages  up  and  down 

*  rivers  :  at  fea  there  can  be  no  fettled  freight. 

407.  ‘  A  woman,  who  has  been  two  months 

*  pregnant,  a  religious  beggar,  a  forefter  in  the 

*  third  order,  and  Brahmens ,  who  are  ftudents  iti 
‘  theology,  (hall  not  be  obliged  to  pay  toll  for 
€  their  pafiage. 

408.  ‘  Whatever  (hall  be  broken  in  a  boat,  by 
f  the  fault  of  the  boatmen,  (hall  be  made  good  by 
‘  thofe  men  collectively,  each  paying  his  portion. 

409.  ‘  This  rule)  ordained  for  fuch  as  pafs 
c  rivers  in  boats,  relates  to  the  culpable  negleCt  of 

*  boatmen  on  the  water  :  in  the  cafe  of  inevitable 

*  accident,  there  can  be  no  damages  recovered. 

R  410.  *  The 


410.  c  The  kipg  fliould  order  each  man  of  the' 
4  mercantile  clafs  to  pradife  trade,  or  money- 
4  lending,  or  agriculture  and  attendance  on  cattle; 

4  and  each  man  of  the  fervile  clafs  to  ad:  in  the 
4  fervice  of  the  twice  born. 

41 1.  4  Both  him  of  the  military,  and  him  of  the 
4  commercial  clafs,  if  dillrefled  for  a  livelihood, 

4  let  fome  wealthy  Brahmen  fupport,  obliging  them 

*  without  harfhnefs  to  discharge  their  feveral  duties. 

412.  4  A  Brahmen,  who,  by  his  power  and 
4  through  avarice,  (hall  caufe  twice  born  men, 

4  girt  with  the  fact ificial  thread,  to  perform  fer- 
4  vile  ads,  fuch  as  wafhing  his  feet ,  without  their 
4  confent,  (hall  be  fined  by  the  king  fix  hundred 
4  panas ; 

413.  4  But  a  man  of  the  fervile  clafs  whether 
6  bought  or  unbought,  he  may  compel  to  perform 
4  fervile  duty  ;  becaufe  fuch  a  man  was  created 
4  by  the  Self-exiftent  for  the  purpofe  of  ferving 
4  Brahmens  : 

414.  4  A  Stcdra,  though  emancipated  by  his 
4  matter,  is  not  releafed  from  a  (late  of  fervitude  ; 

*  for  of  a  (late  which  is  natural  to  him,  by  whom 
6  can  he  be  diverted  ? 

415.  4  There  are  fervants  of  feven  forts ;  one 
4  made  captive  under  a  ftandard  or  in  battle ,  one 
4  maintained  in  confideration  of  fervice,  one  born 
4  of  a  female  (lave  in  the  houfe,  one  fold,  or 
4  given,  or  inherited  from  anceftors,  and  one  en- 
4  (laved  by  way  of  punittiment  on  his  inability  to 
4  pay  a  large  fine . 

416.  4  Three  perfons,  a  wife,  a  fon,  and  a  (lave, 
4  are  declared  by  law  to  have  in  general  no  wealth 
4  excluftvely  their  own  :  the  wealth,  which  they 
4  may  earn,  is  regularly  acquired  for  the  man  to 
4  whom  they  belong. 

417.  4  A 



417.  *  A  Brahmen  may  feize  without  hefitation* 
if  be  be  difrefj'ed  for  a  fubf  (fence ,  the  goods  of  his 
Sudra  flave ;  for  as  that  flave  can  have  no  pro¬ 
perty,  his  matter  may  take  his  goods. 

418.  ‘  With  vigilant  care  fhould  the  king  ex¬ 
ert  himfelf  in  compelling  merchants  and  mecha- 
nicks  to  perform  their  refpeftive  duties;  for 
when  fuch  men  fwerve  from  their  duty,  they 
throw  this  world  into  confufion. 

419-  ‘  Day  by  day  muft  the  king,  though  en¬ 
gaged  in  frenftck  buji'iefs ,  confider  the  great  ob¬ 
jects  of  pubuck  meafurcs,  and  inquire  into  the 
ttate  of  his  carriages,  elephants ,  liorfes ,  and  cars,  his 
conftant  revenues  and  necettary  expences,  his 
mines  of  precious  metals  or  gems i  and  his  treafury  : 
420.  ‘  Thus,  bringing  to  a  conclufion  all  thefe 
weighty  affairs,  and  removing  from  his  realm  and 
from  himfelf  every  taint  of  fin,  a  king  reaches  the 
fupreme  path  of  beatitude.’ 



■  V 

(  245  ) 


On  the  fame ;  and  on  the  Commercial  and 
Servile  Clajj'es. 

1.  ‘  I  now  will  propound  the  immemorial 
‘  duties  of  man  and  woman,  who  muft  both  re- 
‘  main  firm  in  the  legal  path,  whether  united  or 

‘  feparated.  , 

2.  ‘  Day  and  night  muft  women  be  held  by 

<  rheir  protedfors  in  a  ftate  of  dependence ;  but 
«  in  lawful  and  innocent  recreations,  though  rather 

<  add  idled  to  them,  they  may  be  left  at  thetr  own 

difpofal.  .  , 

-  <  Their  fathers  proteSt  them  in  child-hood  ; 
their  h u (bands  proteSt  them  in  youth  ;  their 
fons  protedt  them  in  age  :  a  woman  is  never  fit 
for  independence. 

4.  ‘  Reprehenfible  is  the  father,  who  gives  not 
his  daughrer  in  marriage  at  the  proper  time  , 
and  the  hufband,  who  approaches  not  his  wife 
in  due  feafon  ;  reprehenfible  all'o  is  the  fon, 
who  protests  not  his  mother  after  the  death  ot 
her  lord. 

5.  ‘  Women  muft,  above  all,  be  reftrained  from 
the  fmalleft  illicit  gratification  ;  for,  not  being 

R  *  4  thus 

246  ON  THE  SAME;  AND  ON  THB 

c  thus  reftrained,  they  bring  forrovv  on  both  fa- 
‘  milies  : 

6.  *  Let  hufbands  confider  this  as  the  fupreme 
c  law,  ordained  for  all  daffes  ;  and  let  them, 
‘  how  weak  foever,  diligently  keep  their  wives 
‘  under  lawful  reftriCtions ; 

7.  ‘  For  he  who  preferves  his  wrife  from  vice , 
c  preferves  his  offspring  from  fufpicion  of  baftardy, 
‘his  ancient  ufages  from  negletl,  his  family  from 
c  dif grace,  himfel f from  anguifhy  and  his  duty  from 
‘  violation . 

8.  ‘  The  hufband,  after  conception  by  his  wife, 
‘  becomes  himfelf  an  embryo,  and  is  born  a 
‘  fecond  time  here  below ;  for  which  reafon  the 
€  wife  is  called  jaya ,  fince  by  her  (jayate)  he  is 
‘  born  again  : 

9.  6  Now  the  wife  brings  forth  a  fon  endued 
c  with  fimilar  qualities  to  thofe  of  the  father ; 
‘  fo  that  with  a  view  to  an  excellent  offspring, 
‘  he  muff  vigilantly  guard  his  wife. 

10.  ‘  No  man,  indeed,  can  wholly  reffrain 
‘  women  by  violent  meafures  ;  but,  by  thefe 
‘  expedients,  they  may  be  retrained  : 

11.  ‘  Let  the  hufband  keep  his  wife  employed  in 
c  the  collection  and  expenditure  of  wealth,  in  puri- 
c  fication  and  female  duty,  in  the  preparation  of 
f  daily  food,  and  the  fuper-intendence  of  houfe- 
f  hold  utenfils. 

12.  ‘By  confinement  at  heme,  even  under 
c  affectionate  and  obfervant  guardians,  they  are 

*  not  fecure ;  but  thofe  women  are  truly  fecure, 

1  who  are  guarded  by  their  own  good  inclina- 

*  tiqns. 

13.  ‘  Drinking  fpifitnons  liquor ,  affociating  with 
€  evil  perfons,  ablence  from  her  hufband,  ram- 

‘  bling 


4  bling  abroad,  unfeafonable  deep,  and  dwelling 
4  in  the  houfe  of  another,  are  fix  faults  which 
‘  bring  infamy  on  a  married  woman  : 

14.  4  Such  won.en  examine  not  beauty,  nor  pay 
4  attention  to  age;  whether  their  lover  be  hand- 
4  fome  or  ugly,  they  think  it  is  enough  that  lie  is 
4  a  man,  and  purfue  their  pleafures. 

1 4  Through  their  paffion  for  men,  their 
4  mutable  temper,  their  w'ant  of  fettled  affedtion^ 

4  and  their  perverfe  nature,  (let  them  be  guarded 
4  in  this  world  ever  fo  well)  they  foon  become 
‘  alienated  from  their  hufbands. 

16.  ‘  Yet  fhould  their  hulbands  be  diligently 
4  careful  in  guarding  them  ;  though  they  well 
4  know  the  d if podtion  with  which  the  lord  of 
*  creation  formed  them  : 

17.  4  Menu  allotted  to  fuch  women  a  love 
4  of  their  bed,  of  their  feat,  and  of  ornament, 

4  impure  appetites,  wrath,  weak  flexibility,  defire 
4  of  mifehiet,  and  bad  condud. 

18.  4  Women  have  no  bufinefs  with  the  texts 
4  of  the  Veda ;  thus  is  the  law  fully  fettled ; 

4  having  therefore  no  evidence  of  law ,  and  no 
4  knowledge  of  expiatory  texts,  finlul  women  mull 
4  be  as  foul  as  falsehood  itfelf ;  and  this  is  a  fixed 
4  rule. 

19.  4  To  this  efFcd,  many  texts,  which  may 
4  ihow  their  true  difpofition,  are  chanted  in  the 
4  Vedas  :  hear  now  their  expiation  for  fin. 

20.  “  That  pure  blood,  which  my  mother 
44  defileth  by  adulterous  defire,  frequenting  the 
44  houfes  of  other  men,  and  violating  her  duty 
44  to  her  lord,  that  blood  may  my  father  purify  [t% 
4  Such  is  the  tenour  of  the  holy  text,  which  her 
‘  Jon ,  who  knows  her  guilt,  muji  pronounce  for  her  ; 

R  4  21.  *  And 

248  ON  THE  same;  and  on  the 

21.  c  And  this  expiation  has  been  declared  for 
c  every  unbecoming  thought,  which  enters  her 

*  mind,  concerning  infidelity  to  her  hufband, 

4  fince  that  is  the  beginning  of  adultery. 

22.  *  Whatever  be  the  qualities  of  the  mail 

*  with  whom  a  woman  is  united  by  lawful  mar- 
€  riage,  fuch  qualities  even  Ihe  affumes ;  like  a 
c  river  united  with  the  fea. 

23.  ‘  Acshama'la7,  a  woman  of  the  lowed: 

*  birth,  being  thus  united  to  Vasisht’ha,  and 
<  Sa'rangi,  being  united  to  Mandapa'la,  were 

*  entitled  to  very  high  honour : 

24.  6  Thefe  and  other  females  of  low  birth, 
c  have  attained  eminence  in  this  world  by  the 

*  refpective  good  qualities  of  their  lords. 

25.  ‘  Thus  has  the  law,  ever  pure,  been  pro- 

*  pounded  for  the  civil  condudt  of  men  and  wo- 
‘  men  :  hear  next  the  laws  concerning  children, 
c  by  obedience  to  which  may  happinefs  be  at- 
c  tained  in  this  and  the  future  life. 

26.  (  When  good  women  united  with  hufbands 
‘  in  expedition  of  progeny,  eminently  fortunate 

*  and  worthy  of  reverence,  irradiate  the  houfes 
‘  of  their  lords,  between  them,  and  goddelfes  of 
c  abundance,  there  is  no  diverfity  whatever. 

27.  6  The  produdtion  of  children,  the  nurture 

*  of  them  when  produced,  and  the  daily  fuper- 

*  intendence  of  domeftick  affairs  are  peculiar  t-o 
€  the  wife  : 

28.  6  From  the  wife  alone  proceed  offspring, 
‘  good  houfehold  management,  felicitous  atten- 

*  tion,  moft  exquifite  careffes,  and  that  heavenly 

*  beatitude  which  fhe  obtains  for  the  manes  of 
1  anceftors,  and  for  the  hufband  himfelf. 

29.  4  She  who  deferts  not  her  lord^  but  keeps 

4  in 


c  in  fubjedtion  to  him  her  heart,  her  fpeech,  and 
4  her  body,  fhall  attain  his  manfion  in  heaven;  and, 

4  by  the  virtuous  in  this  world,  be  called  Sddhwi , 

€  or  good  and  faithful ; 

30.  ‘  But  a  wife,  by  difloyalty  to  her  huf- 
c  band,  (hall  incur  difgrace  in  this  life,  and  be 
‘  born  in  the  next  from  the  womb  of  a  fhakal,  or 
€  be  tormented  with  horrible  difeafes,  which  pu- 
€  nifh  vice 

31.  4  Learn  now  that  excellent  law,  univer- 
4  fally  falutary,  which  was  declared  concerning 
4  iffue,  bv  great  and  good  fages,  formerly  born. 

32.  ‘  They  confider  the  male  iffue  of  a  woman 
4  as  the  fon  of  the  lord  ;  but,  on  the  fubjedt  of 
f  that  lord,  a  difference  of  opinion  is  mentioned 
4  in  the  Veda  ;  fome  giving  that  name  to  the  real 
4  procreator  of  the  child,  and  others  applying  it 
4  to  the  married  poffeffor  of  the  woman. 

33.  4  The  woman  is  confidered  in  law  as  the 
4  field,  and  the  man  as  the  grain  :  now  vegetable 
4  bodies  are  formed  by  the  united  operation  of  the 
4  feed  and  the  field. 

34.  4  In  fomc  cafes  the  prolifick  power  of  the 
4  male  is  chiefly  diftinguifhed  ;  in  others,  the  re- 
4  ceptacle  of  the  female  ;  but,  when  both  are 
4  equal  in  dignity,  the  offspring  is  moil  highly 
4  efteemed  : 

35*  6  general,  as  between  the  male  and  fe- 
4  male  powers  of  procreation,  the  male  is  held 
4  fuperiour;  fince  the  offspring  of  all  procreant 
4  beings  is  diftinguifhed  by  marks  of  the  male 
4  power. 

36.  *  Whatever  be  the  quality  of  feed,  feattered 
4  in  a  field  prepared  in  due  feafon,  a  plant  of  the 
4  fame  quality  fprings  in  that  field,  with  peculiar 
4  yifible  properties. 

37.  f  Certainly 



37 .  4  Certainly  this  earth  is  called  the  primeval 
4  womb  of  many  beings  ;  but  the  feed  exhibits 
4  not  in  its  vegetation  any  properties  of  the  womb. 

38.  4  On  earth  here  below,  even  in  the  fame 
4  ploughed  field,  feeds  of  many  different  forms, 

4  having  been  Town  by  hufband’men  in  the  proper 

*  feafon,  vegetate  according  to  their  nature  : 

39.  4  Rice  plants,  mature  in  fixty  days,  and 
4  thofe  which  require  tranfplantaticn,  mudga ,  tila , 

4  mafia,  barley,  leaks,  and  fugar-canes,  all  ipring 
4  up  according  to  the  feeds. 

40.  4  That  one  plant  fhould  be  fown,  and  ano- 
4  ther  produced  cannot  happen  :  whatever  feed 
4  may  be  fown,  even  that  produces  its  proper  ffem. 

41.  4  Never  muff  it  be  fown  in  another  man's 
4  field  by  him,  who  has  natural  good  fenfe,  who 
4  has  been  well  inflrudtcd,  who  knows  the  Veda 
4  and  its  Angas,  who  defires  long  life  : 

42.  4  They  who  are  acquainted  with  paflimes, 

*  have  preferred,  on  this  fubjedf,  holy  drains 
4  chanted  by  every  breeze,  declaring ,  that  44  feed 
44  muff  not  be  fown  in  the  field  of  another  man.v* 

43.  4  As  the  arrow  of  that  hunter  is  vain,  who 
4  (Loots  it  into  the  wound  which  another  had  made 
4  juft  before  in  the  antelope,  thus  inifantly  pe- 

*  rifhes  the  feed  which  a  man  throws  into  the 
4  foil  of  another  : 

44.  4  Sages,  who  know  former  times,  confider 
4  thisearth  (Pndhivi)  as  the  wife  of  king  pRirfftT ; 
1  and  thus  they  pronounce  cultivated  land  to  be 
4  the  property  of  him  w'ho  cut  away  the  wood,  or 
4  who  cleared  and  tilled  it ;  and  the  antelope,  of  the 
4  firft  hunter,  who  mortally  wounded  it. 

45.  4  Then  only  is  a  man  perfect,  when  he 
4  con  fills  of  three  p erf ons  united,  his  wife,  himfelf, 
4  and  his  fon ;  and  thus  have  learned  Brahmens 

4  announced 



4  announced  this  maxim  :  44  The  hufband  is  even 
44  one  pcrfon  with  his  wife,”  for  all  dome  flick  and 
€  religious ,  not  fcr  all  civil  picrpofes. 

46.  ‘  Neither  by  fale  nor  defertion  can  a  wife  be 

*  releafed  from  her  hufband  :  thus  we  fully  ac- 

*  knowledge  the  law  enadted  of  old  by  the  Lord 
4  of  creatures. 

47.  4  Once  is  the  partition  of  an  inheritance 
c  made  ;  once  is  a  damfel  given  in  marriage;  and 

*  once  does  a  man  fay  44  I  give  thefe  three 
4  are,  by  good  men,  done  once  for  all  and  ir - 
4  revocable. 

48.  4  As  with  cows,  mares,  female  camels, 
4  ilave-girls,  milch  buffalos,  fhe  goats,  and 
4  ewes,  it  is  not  the  owner  of  the  bull,  or  other 
4  father,  who  owns  the  offspring,  even  thus  is  it 
4  with  the  wives  of  others. 

49.  4  They  who  have  no  property  in  the  field, 
4  but  having  grain  in  their  poffeflion,  fow  it  in  foil 
4  owned  by  another,  can  receive  no  advantage 
4  whatever  from  the  corn,  which  may  be  pro- 
4  duced  : 

50.  4  Should  a  bull  beget  a  hundred  calves  on 
4  cows  not  owned  by  his  mailer,  thofe  calves  be- 
4  longfolely  to  the  proprietors  of  the  cows;  and 
4  the  ftrength  of  the  bull  was  walled  : 

4  Thus  men,  who  have  no  marital 


c  perty  in  women,  but  fow  in  the  fields  owned 
4  by  others,  may  raife  up  fruit  to  the  hufbands  ; 
c  but  the  procreator  can  have  no  advantage 
4  from  it. 

52.  4  Unlefs  there  be  a  fpecial  agreement  be- 
•  tween  the  owners  of  the  land  and  of  the  feed, 
4  the  fruit  belongs  clearly  to  the  land-owner,  for 
4  the  receptacle  is  more  important  than  the  feed  : 



252  ON  THE  SAME  ;  AND  ON  THE 

53.  c  But  the  owners  of  the  feed  and  of  the  foil 
?  may  be  confidered  in  this  world  as  joint  owners 
c  of  the  crop,  which  they  agree,  by  fpecial  com- 
€  padt  in  confideration  of  the  feed,  to  divide 
‘  between  them. 

54.  e  Whatever  man  owns  afield,  if  feed,  con- 
‘  veyed  into  it  by  water  or  wind,  fhould  germinate, 
c  the  plant  belongs  to  the  land-owner  :  the  mere 

*  fower  rakes  not  the  fruit. 

55.  6  Such  is  the  law  concerning  the  offspring 

*  ot  cows,  and  mares,  of  female  camels,  goats, 

*  and  fheep.  of  flave  girls,  .liens,  and  milch  buf- 

*  faios,  un/efs  there  be  a  fpecial  agreement, 

56.  6  Thus  has  the  comparative  importance  of 

*  the  foil  and  the  feed  been  declared  to  you  :  1  will 
1  next  propound  the  law  concerning  women,  who 

*  have  no  ilfue  by  their  hujbands. 

57.  ‘  The  wife  of  an  elder  brother  is  confidered 

*  as  mother-in-law  to  the  younger  ;  and  the  wife 

*  of  the  younger  as  daughter-in-law  to  the  elder  : 

38.  c  The  elder  brother,  amoroufly  approach- 
c  ing  the  wife  of  the  younger,  and  the  younger, 
i  carefling  the  wife  of  the  elder,  are  both  degraded, 

*  even  though  authorized  by  the  hujband  or  fpiritual 

*  guide,  except  when  fuch  wife  has  no  ifTue. 

39.  ‘  On  failure  of  ifTue  by  the  hufoand,  if  he 

*  be  of  the  fervile  cLifs ,  the  defired  offspring  may  be 

*  procreated,  either  by  his  brother  or  forne  other 

*  fapinda9  on  the  wife,  who  has  been  duly  au- 
c  thorized  : 

60.  £  Sprinkled  with  clarified  butter,  filent  in 
c  the  night,  let  the  kinfman  thus  appointed  beget 
c  one  fon,  but  a  fecond  by  no  means,  on  the 

*  widow  or  child lefs  zvife  : 

6 1.  ‘  Some  fages,  learned  in  the  laws  concern- 


*  ing  women,  thinking  it  poffible,  that  the  great 
«  objedl  of  that  appointment  may  not  be  obtained 

*  by  the  birth  of  a  Jingle  fon ,  are  of  opinion,  that  the 
«  wife  and  appointed  kinfman  may  legally  pro- 

*  create  a  fecond. 

62.  ‘  The  firft  object  of  the  appointment  being 
‘  attained  according  to  law,  both  the  brother  and 

*  the  widow  mult  live  together  like  a  father  and  a 
‘  daughter  by  affinity. 

63 .  «  Either  brother,  appointed  for  this  pur- 

*  pole,  who  deviates  from  the  finct  rule,  and  adls 
‘  from  carnal  defire,  fhall  be  degraded,  as  having 
'  defiled  the  bed  of  his  daughter-in-law  or  of  his 
‘  father. 

64.  ‘  By  men  of  twice  born  daffies  no  widow, 

<  or  childlejs  wife ,  mull  be  authorized  to  conceive 
1  by  any  other  than  her  lord,  for  they,  who  au- 

<  thorize  her  to  conceive  by  any  other,  violate  the 

*  primeval  law. 

6;.  *  Such  a  commiffion  to  a  brother  or  other 
«  near  kinjman  is  nowhere  mentioned  in  the  nuptial 

<  texts  of  the  Veda  ;  nor  is  the  marriage  of  a 

<  widow  even  named  in  the  laws  concerning 
1  marriage. 

66.  4  This  practice,  fit  only  for  cattle,  is  repre- 

<  hended  by  learned  Brahmens  ;  yet  it  is  declared 

*  to  have  been  the  practice  even  of  men,  while 

*  Ve'na  had  fovereign  power: 

67.  i  He,  poffieffing  the  whole  earth,  an d  thence 

<  only  called  the  chief  of  fage  monarchs,  gave  rile 
‘  to  a  confufion  of  clafles,  when  his  intellect  be- 
«  came  weak  through  lull. 

68.  ‘  Since  his  time  the  virtuous  difapprove  of 
«  that  man,  who,  through  delufion  of  mind,  di- 
«  retts  a  widow  to  receive  the  carejfes  of  another  for 
«  the  fake  of  progeny. 

69.  The 

254  on  the  same  ;  and  on  the 

69.  4  The  damfel,  indeed ,  whofe  hufband  fhall 
4  die  after  troth  verbally  plighted,  but  before  con - 
4  fummation ,  his  brother  {hall  take  in  marriage  ac- 
4  cording  to  this  rule  : 

70.  4  Having  efpoufed  her  in  due  form  of  law, 
4  {he  being  clad  in  a  white  robe,  and  pure  in  her 

*  moral  condudt,  let  him  approach  her  once  in 

*  each  proper  feafon,  and  until  iffue  be  had. 

71.  ‘  Let  no  man  of  fenfe,  who  has  once 
4  given  his  daughter  to  a  fuitor,  give  her  again  to 

*  another  ;  for  he,  who  gives  away  his  daughter, 

*  whom  he  had  before  given,  incurs  the  guilt  and 
4  fine  of  ipeaking  falfely  in  a  caufe  concerning 
4  mankind. 

72.  *  Even  though  a  man  have  married  a 
4  young  woman  in  legal  form,  yet  be  may  aban- 
‘  don  her,  if  he  find  her  blemifhed,  afflidded  with 
4  difeafe,  or  previoufiy  deflowered,  and  given  to 
4  him  with  fraud  : 

73.  4  If  any  man  give  a  faulty  damfel  in 
4  marriage,  without  diiclofing  her  blemilh,  the 
4  hufband  may  annul  that  adt  of  her  ill-minded 
4  giver. 

74.  4  Should  a  man  have  bufinefs  abroad,  let 
4  him  aflure  a  fit  maintenance  to  his  wife,  and 
4  then  refide  for  a  time  in  a  foreign  country  ;  fince 
4  a  wife,  even  though  virtuous,  may  be  tempted 
4  to  a£h  amifs,  if  file  be  difirefied  by  want  of 
4  fubfiftence  : 

75.  4  While  her  hufband,  having  fettled  her 
4  maintenance,  refides  abroad,  let  her  continue 

*  firm  in  religious  auflerities  ;  but,  if  he  leave  her 
4  no  fupport,  let  her  fubfift  by  Jpinning  and  other 
‘  blamelefs  arts. 

76.  4  If  he  live  abroad  on  account  of  fome 

7  4  faered 


«  facred  doty,  let  her  wait  for  him  eight  years; 

«  if  on  account  of  knowledge  or  tame,  fix  ;  if  on 
«  account  of  pleafure,  three  :  after  thofe  terms  have 
«  expired  fh e  mufi  follow  him. 

77.  «  For  a  whole  year  let  a  hufband  bear  with 
«  his  wife,  who  treats  him  with  averfion  ;  bur, 

«  after  a  year,  let  him  deprive  her  of  her  ieparate 
*  property,  and  ceafe  to  cohabit  with  her. 

7S.  ‘  She,  who  negle&s  her  lord,  though 
«  addicted  to  gaming,  fond  of  fpirituous  liquors, 

«  or  difeafed,  mult  be  deferted  for  three  months, 

‘  and  deprived  of  her  ornaments  and  houfehold 
‘  furniture  : 

79.  ‘  But  fhe  who  is  averfe  from  a  mad  huf- 
<  band,  or  a  deadly  finner,  or  an  eunucll,  or  one 
‘  without  manly  ilrength,  or  one  afflicted  with 
«  fuch  maladies  as  punifii  crimes,  mult  neither 
‘  be  deferted  nor  dripped  of  her  property. 

80.  4  A  wife,  who  drinks  any  fpirituous  li- 
‘  quors,  who  a<ds  immorally,  who  lhows  hatred 
«  io  her  lordy  who  is  incurably  difeafed,  who  is  mif- 
4  chievous,  who  wades  his  property,  may  at  all 
«  times  be  fuperfeded  by  another  wife. 

81.  ‘  A  barren  wife  may  be  fuperfeded  by  ano- 
4  ther  in  the  eighth  year  :  file,  whofe  children  are 
*  all  dead,  in  the  tenth  ;  fhe,  who  brings  forth  only 
4  daughters,  in  the  eleventh ;  die,  who  fpeaks 
r  unkindly,  without  delay  ; 

82.  4  But  (he,  who,  though  afili&ed  with  ill- 
«  nefs,  is  beloved  and  virtuous,  mud  never  be 
4  difgraced,  though  file  may  be  fuperfeded  by 
4  another  wife  with  her  own  confent. 

83.  c  If  a  wife,  legally  fuperfeded,  {hall  depart 
4  in  wrath  from  the  houfe,  llie  mud  either  in- 
4  dantly  be  confined,  or  abandoned  in  the  pre- 
4  fence  of  the  whole  family  : 

84.  4  But 


84.  4  But  (lie,  who  having  been  forbidden* 
4  addi&s  herfelf  to  intoxicating  liquor  even  at 
4  jubilees,  or  mixes  in  crowds  ac  theatres,  mud:  be 
1  fined  fix  r attic  as  of  gold. 

85.  4  When  twice  born  men  take  wives,  both 
4  of  their  own  clafs  and  others,  the  precedence, 
4  honour  and  habitation  of  thofe  wives,  mufl  be 
4  fettled  according  to  the  order  of  their  claffes  : 

86.  6  To  all  fuch  married  men,  the  wives  of 
4  the  fame  clafs  only  (not  wives  of  a  different 
4  clafs  by  any  means)  mufl:  perform  the  duty  of 
4  perfonal  attendance,  and  the  daily  bufinefs  re- 
4  lating  to  acts  of  religion  ; 

87.  4  For  he  who  foolilhly  caufes  thofe  duties 
4  to  be* performed  by  any  other  than  his  wife  of 
4  the  fame  clafs,  when  file  is  near  at  hand,  has 
4  been  immemorially  confidered  as  a  mere  Chart-* 
4  da  la  begotten  on  a  Brahmem. 

88.  4  To  an  excellent  and  bandfome  youth  of 
4  the  fame  clafs,  let  every  man  give  his  daughter 
4  in  marriage,  according  to  law  ;  even  though 
4  ihe  have  not  attained  her  age  of  eight  years  : 

89.  4  But  it  is  better  that  the  damfel,  though 
4  marriageable,  fhould  flay  at  home  till  her  death, 
4  than  that  he  fhould  ever  give  her  in  marriage 
4  to  a  bridegroom  void  of  excellent  qualities. 

90.  4  Three  years  let  a  damfel  wait,  though 
4  Ihe  be  marriageable  ;  but,  after  that  term,  let 
4  her  chufe  for  herfelf  a  bridegroom  of  equal 
4  rank  : 

91.  4  If  not  being  given  in  marriage,  fhe  chufe 
4  her  bridegroom,  neither  fhe,  nor  the  youth 
4  chofen,  commits  any  offence; 

92.  4  But  a  damfel,  thus  electing  her  hufband, 

4  fhall  not  carry  with  her  the  ornaments  which 

4  flie 


fhe  received  from  her  father,  nor  thofe  given 
by  her  mother,  or  brethren :  if  fhe  carry 
them  away  file  commits  theft. 

93-  ‘  He  who  takes  to  wife  a  dimfel  of  full 
age,  fhall  not  give  a  nuptial  prefent  to  her  fa¬ 
ther  j  fince  the  father  loll  his  dominion  over 
her,  by  detaining  her  at  a  time  when  fhe  might 
have  been  a  parent. 

94.  c  A  man  aged  thirty  years,  may  marry  a 
girl  of  twelve,  if  be  find  one  dear  to  his  heart ; 
or  a  man  of  twenty-four  years  a  damfel  of 
eight:  but  if  he  finijh  bis  Jludentjhip  earlier  and 
the  duties  of  his  next  order  would  otherwife  be 
impeded,  let  him  marry  immediately. 

95.  4  A  wife  g;ven  by  the  gods  who  are  named 
in  the  bridal  texts ,  let  the  hufband  receive  and 
fupport  conflantly,  if  fhe  be  virtuous,  though  he 
married  her  not  from  inclination  :  fuch  conduffc 
will  pleafe  the  gods. 

96.  c  To  be  mothers  were  women  created  ; 
and  to  be  fathers,  men  ;  religious  rites  therefore 
are  ordained  in  the  Veda  to  be  perfoimed  by  the 
hujband  together  with  the  wife. 

97.  4  If  a  nuptial  gratuity  has  a&ually  been 
given  to  a  damfel,  and  he,  who  gave  it  fhould 
die  before  marriage ,  the  damfel  iliall  be  married 
to  his  brother  if  fhe  confent ; 

98.  4  But  even  a  man  of  the  fervile  clafs  ought 
not  to  receive  a  gratuity  when  he  gives  his 
daughter  in  marriage ;  fince  a  father  who 
takes  a  fee  on  that  occafion ,  tacitly  fells  his 

99.  4  Neither  ancients  nor  moderns  who  were 
good  men,  have  ever  g:wn  a  damfel  in  mar¬ 
riage  after  fhe  had  been  pioinilcd  to  another 
man  ; 


100.  *  Nor 

25$  GN  THE  SAME;  AND  ON  THE 

100.  c  Nor,  even  in  former  creations,  have  we 
‘  heard  the  virtuous  approve  the  tacit  fale  of  a 
4  daughter  for  a  price,  under  the  name  of  a  nuptial 

*  gratuity. 

101.  c(  Let  mutual  fidelity  continue  till  death:” 
€  this,  in  few  words,  may  be  confidered  as  the  fu- 

*  preme  lav/  between  hufband  and  wife. 

102.  ‘  Let  a  man  and  woman,  united  by  mar- 
'  riage,  conftantly  beware,  left  at  any  time  dif- 

*  united,  they  violate  their  mutual  fidelity. 

103.  *  Thus  has  been  declared  to  you  the  law, 
s  abounding  in  the  pureft  affe&ion,  for  the  con- 

*  dud  of  man  and  wife ;  together  with  the  prac* 

*  tice  of  raifing  up  offspring  to  a  hufhand  of  the 

*  Jervile  clajs  on  iailure  of  ijfue  by  him  begotten : 

*  learn  now  the  law  of  inheritance. 

104.  f  After  the  death  of  the  father  and  tht 
4  mother,  the  brothers  being  affembled,  may  du 
s  vide  among  themfelves  the  paternal  and  met- 
s  t ernal  eftate ;  but  they  have  no  power  over  it, 
‘  while  their  parents  live,  mlefs  the  father  chufg 
1  to  diftribute  it . 

105.  c  The  eldeft  brother  may  take  entire 

*  poffeftion  of  the  patrimony ;  and  the  others 
c  may  live  under  him  as  they  lived  under  their 

*  father,  mlefs  they  chufe  to  be  feparated. 

106.  s  By  the  eldeft,  at  the  moment  of  his 

*  birth,  the  father  having  begotten  a  fon,  dif- 
c  charges  his  debt  to  his  own  progenitors  ;  the 
4  eldeft  fon,  therefore,  ought  before  partition  to 

*  manage  the  whole  patrimony  : 

107.  4  That  fon  alone,  by  whofe  birth  he  dif- 

*  charges  his  debt,  and  through  whom  he  attains 

*  immortality,  was  begotten  from  a  fenfe  of  duty  1 

*  all-  the  reft  are  confidered  by  the  wife  as  begotten 
4  from  love  of  pleafure. 

108.  c  Let 


108.  4  Let  the  father  alone  fupport  his  Tons; 

*  and  the  fird-  born,  his  younger  brothers,  and  let 

*  them  behave  to  the  elded  according  to  law,  as 
4  children  Jhould  behave  to  their  father. 

109.  c  The  fird-born,  if  virtuous ,  exalts  the 

*  family,  or,  if  vitious ,  dedroys  it :  the  fird-born 

*  is  in  this  world  the  mod  refpe&able;  and  the 
4  good  never  treat  him  with  difdain. 

iio«  4  If  an  elder  brother  a<d  as  an  elder 
4  brother  ought,  he  is  to  be  revered  as  a  mother* 

4  as  a  father ;  and,  even  if  he  have  not  the  be- 
4  haviour  of  a  good  elder  brother,  he  fhould  be 
4  refpedled  as  a  maternal  uncle ,  or  other  kinfman. 

in.  c  Either  let  them  thus  live  together,  or* 
c  if  they  dcfire  feparately  to  perform  religious  rites* 

4  let  them  live  apart;  fince  religious  duties  are 
4  multiplied  in  feparate  houfes,  their  reparation  is, 

4  therefore,  legal  and  even  laudable. 

1 1 2.  4  The  portion  deducted  for  the  elded  is 
c  a  twentieth  part  of  the  heritage ,  with  the  bed  of 
4  all  the  chattels  ;  for  the  middlemod,  half  of  that, 

4  or  a  fortieth  ;  for  the  younged,  a  quarter  of  it,  or 
4  an  eightieth . 

1 13.  4  The  elded  and  younged  refpe<dively 
4  take  their  jud  mentioned  portions ;  and  if  there 
4  be  more  than  one  between  them,  each  of  the 
4  intermediate  Tons  has  the  mean  portion,  or  the 
4  fortieth. 

1 1 4.  4  Of  all  the  goods  collected  let  the  fird- 
4  born,  if  he  be  tranfcendently  learned  and  virtuous , 
4  take  the  bed  article,  whatever  is  mod  excellent 
4  in  its  kind,  and  the  bed  of  ten  cows  or  the  like : 

1 1 5.  4  But  among  brothers  equally  (killed  in 
4  performing  their  feveral  duties,  there  is  no  de- 
4  du&ion  of  the  bed  in  ten,  or  the  rioft  excellent 

S  2  chattel ; 

200  ON  THE  SAME  J  AND  ON  THE 

4  chattel ;  though  fome  trifle,  as  a  mark  of  greater" 

*  veneration,  fhould  be  given  to  the  Arft-born. 

1 1 6.  c  If  a  dedudtion  be  thus  made,  let  equal 
€  fhares  of  the  refldue  be  afcertained  and  received ; 
f  but,  if  there  be  no  dedu£lion,  the  fhares  muft 

*  be  diflributed  in  this  manner: 

1 1 7.  *  Let  the  eldeft  have  a  double  fhare,  and 

*  the  next  born,  a  fhare  and  a  half,  if  they  clearly 

*  Jury afs  the  reft  in  virtue  and  learning  \  the  younger 
c  fons  muft  have  each  a  fhare  :  if  all  he  equal  in 

*  good  qualities ,  they  muft  all  take  fhare  and  fhare 
<  alike. 

1 18.  f  To  the  unmarried  daughters  hy  the  fame 
c  mother ,  let  their  brothers  give  portions  out  of 

*  their  own  allotments  refpe&ively,  according  to 

*  the  clajfes  of  their  feveral  mothers  :  let  each  give 

*  a  fourth  part  of  his  own  diftinft  fhare  ;  and 
c  they  who  refufe  to  give  it  fhall  be  degraded. 

1 1 9.  c  Let  them  never  divide  the  value  of  a 
‘  Angle  goat  or  fheep,  or  a  Angle  beaft  with 
1  uncloven  hoofs  :  a  Angle  goat  or  fheep  remain - 

5  ing  after  an  equal  diftrihution ,  belongs  to  the  flrft- 
4  born. 

120.  c  Should  a  younger  brother,  in  the  manner 

*  before  mentioned ,  have  begotten  a  fon  on  the  wife 

*  of  his  deceafed  elder  brother,  the  divifton  muft 

*  then  be  made  equally  between  that  fon  who  re - 

*  prefents  the  deceafed ,  and  his  natural  father  :  thus 

*  is  the  law  fettled. 

12 1.  c  The  reprefentative  is  not  Jo  far  wholly 
1  fubftituted  by  law  in  the  place  of  the  deceafed 
e  principal,  as  to  have  the  portion  of  an  elder  fon  % 

*  and  the  principal  became  a  father  in  confequence 

*  of  the  procreation  by  his  younger  brother  j  the  fon, 
4  therefore,  is  entitled  by  Jaw  to  an  equal  fhare, 

*  but  not  to  a  double  portion. 

111 .  4  A 


122.  *  A  younger  foil  being  born  of  a  firft  mar- 
€  ried  wife,  after  an  elder  fon  had  been  born  of  a 
1  wife  laft  married,  but  of  a  lower  clafs ,  it  may  be 

*  a  doubt  in  that  cafe,  how  the  divifion  fhali  be 
1  made  : 

123.  c  Let  the  fon  born  of  the  elder  wife,  take 

*  one  moft  excellent  bull  deduced  from  the  in* 
€  heritance ;  the  next  excellent  bulls  are  for  thofe 

<  who  were  born  firft ,  but  are  inferior  on  account  of 

*  their  mothers  who  were  married  laft. 

124.  c  A  fon,  indeed,  who  was  firft  born,  and 
4  brought  forth  by  the  wife  firft  married,  may 
1  take,  if  learned  and  virtuousy  one  bull  and  fifteen 
4  cows  ;  and  the  other  fons  may  then  take,  each 
c  in  right  of  his  feverai  mother :  fuch  is  the  fixed 

*  rule. 

125.  ‘  As  between  fons,  bom  of  wives  equal  in 

*  their  clafs,  and  without  any  other  diftin&ion, 
'  there  can  be  no  feniority  in  right  of  the  mother  ; 
f  but  the  feniority  ordained  by  law  is  according  to 
4  the  birth. 

126.  c  The  right  of  invoking  Indra  by  the 
‘  texts,  called  fwabrabmanyay  depends  on  adtual 
4  priority  of  birth  ;  and  ot  tw'ins  alfo,  if  any  fucb 
4  be  conceived  among  different  wives,  the  eldeft  is 
4  he,  who  was  firft  actually  born. 

127.  4  He,  who  has  no  fon,  may  appoint  his 
f  daughter  in  this  manner  to  raife  up  a  fon  tor  him, 
‘  faying ,  "  the  male  child,  who  (hall  be  born 
41  from  her  in  wedlock,  fhali  be  mine  for  the  pur- 
*'  pofe  of  performing  my  obfequies.” 

128.  *  In  this  manner  Dacsha  himfelf,  lord 

*  of  created  beings,  anciently  appointed  all  his 

*  fifty  daughters  to  raife  up  fons  to  him,  for  the 

<  fake  of  multiplying  his  race  : 

S  3 

129.  '  He 

262  ON  THE  same;  and  on  the 

129.  c  He  gave  ten  to  Dherma,  thirteen  to 
c  Casyapa,  twenty-feven  to  Soma  king  of  Brah~ 

1  mens  and  medical  p^nts,  after  doing  honour  to 

*  them  -with  an  affedlionate  heart. 

130.  c  The  fon  of  a  man  is  even  as  himfelf  • 
f  and  as  the  fon,  fuch  is  the  daughter  thus  ap- 
c  pointed:  how  then,  if  behave  no  fon,  can  any  in- 
€  herit  his  property,  but  a  daughter  who  is  clofely 
€  united  with  his  own  foul  ? 

1 31.  c  Property,  given  to  the  mother  on  her 
c  marriage,  is  inherited  by  her unmaried  daughter; 
c  and  the  fon  of  a  daughter,  appointed  in  the  manner 
€  juft  mentioned ,  fhall  inherit  the  whole  eftate  of 
€  her  father,  who  leaves  no  fon  by  himfelf  begotten  : 

132.  c  The  fon,  however,  of  fuch  a  daughter, 

<  who  fucceeds  to  all  the  wealth  of  her.  father 
c  dying  without  a  fon,  muft  offer  two  funeral 
c  cakes,  one  to  his  own  father,  and  one  to  the 

*  father  of  his  mother. 

133.  e  Between  a  ion’s  fon  and  the  fon  of  fuch 

*  a  daughter,  there  is  no  difference  in  law  $  fince 
c  their  father  and  their  mother  both  fprang  from 
?  the  body  of  the  fame  man  : 

134.  ‘  But  a  daughter  having  been  oppointed 

*  to  produce  a  fon  forher  father,  and  a  fon,  begotten 
1  by  himfelf \  being  afterwards  born,  the  divifion  of 
c  the  heritage  muft  in  that  cafe  be  equal ;  fince 
c  there  is  no  right  of  primogeniture  fora  woman. 

135.  c  Should  a  daughter,  thus  appointed  to 
4  raife  up  a  fon  for  her  father,  die  by  any  accident 
€  without  a  Ion,  the  hufband  of  that  daughter 

<  may,  without  hefitation,  poffefs  himfelf  of  her 

*  property. 

136.  f  By  that  male  child,  whom  a  daughter 
f  thus  appointed,  either  by  an  implied  intention 

c  or 



*.  or  a  plain  declaration,  fhall  produce  from  an 
4  hufoand  of  an  equal  clafs,  the  maternal  grand- 
c  father  becomes  in  law  the  father  of  a  fun  :  let 

*  that  fon  give  the  luneral  cake  and  pofiefs  the 
‘  inheritance. 

137.  ‘  By  a  fon,  a  man  obtains  vidtory  over  all 

*  people  ;  by  a  fon’s  fon,  he  enjoys  immortality  ; 
c  and,  afterward,  by  the  fon  of  that  granfdon,  he 
c  reaches  the  folar  abode. 

138.  ‘  Since  the  fon  ( tray  ate)  delivers  his  father 
4  from  the  hell  named  put,  he  was,  therefore 

*  called  puttra  by  Brahma/  himfelf: 

139.  1  Now  between  the  fons  of  his  fon  and  of 
c  his  daughter  thus  appointed,  there  fubfifts  in  this 
c  world  no  difference,  for  even  the  fon  of  fucb  a 

*  daughter  delivers  him  in  the  next,  like  the  fon 
r  of  his  fon. 

140.  ‘  Let  the  fon  of  fuch  a  daughter  offer  the 
c  fir  ft  funeral  cake  to  his  mother  ;  the  fecond  to  her 
c  father;  the  third  to  her  paternal  grandfather. 

1 4 1 .  4  Of  the  man,  to  whom  a  fon  has  been 
'  given,  according  to  a  Jubfequent  law,  adorned 
4  with  every  virtue,  that  fon  fhall  take  a  fifth  or 
'  fixth  part  of  the  heritage,  though  brought  from 
‘  a  different  family. 

142.  1  A  given  fon  muft  never  claim  the  family 
‘  and  eftarc  of  his  natural  father  :  the  funeral  cake 
4  follows  the  family  and  ellate  ;  but  of  him  who 
4  has  given  away  his  fon,  the  funeral  oblation  is 
4  extindl. 

143.  4  The  fon  of  a  wife,  not  authorized  to 
4  have  iffue  by  another,  and  the  fon  begotten,  by 
4  the  brother  of  the  hufband,  on  a  wile  who  has 
4  a  fon  then  living,  are  both  unworthy  of  the  heri- 
9  tage ;  one  being  the  child  of  an  adulterer,  and 
4  the  other  produced  through  mereluft. 

S  4  144.  4  Even 




144.  4  Even  the  fon  of  a  -  ifedulv  authorized, 
4  not  brgotien  according  to  the  la  »v  already 
4  prcpsandtJ,  is  unworthy  of  the  paternal  eftate; 
4  for  he  was  procreated  by  an  outcaft  2 

1  ^  4  Bur  the  fon  lega  h  beg  orten  on  a  wife,  au- 

c  tnorizt  d  for  The  ptrp  fe  before  m entitled,  may 
4  inher.r  :n  all  refipedfs,  if  he  be  virtuous  and  learned , 
f  as  a  fon  begorren  by  the  hufbind ;  fince,  in  that 
4  ca  re,  the  feed  and  the  produce  belong  of  right  to 
4  the  owner  ot  the  field. 

146  ‘He,  who  keeps  the  fixed  and  moveable 
4  efiaie  of  his  aeceajed  brother,  maintains  the 
4  w  :dow,  and  raifes  up  a  fon  to  that  brother,  muft 
4  gve  that  fon,  at  the  age  efi fifteen,  the  whole  of 
4  his  brother’s  divided  property. 

1  -7.  *  Should  a  wile,  even  though  legally  au- 
4  thorized,  produce  a  fon  by  the  brother,  or  any 
4  other  fspimda^  of  her  hufband,  that  fon,  if  begot- 
4  ten  w;:h  amcrcus  embraces ,  and  tokens  efi impure 
4  defire,  the  fages  proclaim  bafe-born  and  incapa- 
4  ble  of  inheriting. 

148.  4  This  law,  vchicb  has  preceded,  muff  be 
4  underflood  of  a  distribution  amoDg  Tons  begotten 
4  on  women  of  the  fame  clafs :  hear  now  the 
4  law  concerning  Jens  by  feveral  women  of  differ- 
4  ent  dalles. 

1^9.  4  If  there  be  four  wives  of  a  Brahmen  in 
4  the  direct  order  of  the  clafies,  and  fons  are  pro- 
4  duced  by  them  all,  this  is  the  rule  of  partition 
*  among  them  : 

1^0.  4  The  chief  fervant  in  hufbandry,  the  bull 
4  kept  for  impregnating  cows,  the  riding  horfe  or 
4  carriage,  the  ring  and  other  ornaments,  and  the 
4  principal  me  llu  age,  fhall  be  deducted  from  the 
4  inheritance  and  given  to  the  Brahmen- (on, 

4  together 


#  * 

*  together  with  a  larger  fhare  by  way  of  pre- 

*  eminence. 

1 5 1.  *  Let  the  Brahmen  take  three  (hares  of  the 
‘  refidue;  the  fonof  a  CJhatrtyd  wife,  two  (hares ; 

*  the  fon  of  the  Vaijya  wife,  a  (hare  and  a  half ; 
‘  and  the  fon  of  the  Sidra  wife  mi  take  one  (hare. 

152.  c  Or ,  if  no  deduction  be  made,  let  feme  per- 
€  fon  learned  in  the  law  the  w  ole  collected 
9  eftate  into  ten  parts,  and  make  a  i^gal  diftribu- 

*  tion  by  this  following  rule : 

153.  *  Let  the  fon  of  rhe  Brahman.  take  four 

*  parts  ;  the  fon  of  the  CJhatriyd  tnree  ;  let  the 

*  fon  of  the  Vaijya  have  two  parts  ;  let  the  (on  of 

*  the  Sidra  take  a  (ingle  par:,  if  he  be  virtuous . 

154.  ‘  But  whether  the  Brahmen  have  Ions,  or 

*  have  no  fons,  by  wives  of  the  three  Jsrfi  cla(Jes>  no 

*  more  than  a  tenth  part  muft  be  given  to  the  fca 

*  of  a  Sidra . 

155.  *  The  fon  of  a  Brahmen ,  a  C/hatriya ,  or  a 

*  Vaijya  by  a  woman  of  the  ferviie  clafs,  (hall 

*  inherit  no  part  of  the  eftare,  unlefs  he  be  virtuous  ; 

9  nor  jointly  with  other  fons ,  uniefs  his  mother  was 
1  lawfully  married :  whatever  his  father  may  give 

*  him,  let  that  be  his  own* 

156.  •  All  the  fons  of  twice  bom  men,  pro- 

*  duced  by  wives  of  the  fame  clafs,  mull  divide 
€  the  r  eritage  equally,  after  the  younger  brothers 

*  have  given  the  firft-born  his  deduded  allot- 

*  menr. 

157.  c  For  a  Sidra  is  ordained  a  wife  of  his 
9  own  clals,  and  no  other :  all  produced  by  her 
r  (hall  have  equal  lhares,  though  (he  have  a  huc- 
c  dred  fons. 

158.  *  O?  the  twelve  fons  of  men,  whom 
x  Menu,  fprung  from  chcScii-cxiftenr,  has  named, 

•  fix 

2.66  '  ON  THE  SAME;  AND  ON  THE 

c  fix  are  kinfman  and  heirs;  fix  not  heirs,  except  ta u 
c  their  own  father s,  butkinfmen. 

159.  c  The  fon  begotten  by  a  man  himfel fin 
c  lawful  wedlock ,  the  fon  of  his  wife  begotten  in 
c  the  manner  before  defcribed ,  a  fon  given  to  him, 
c  a  fon  made  or  adopted ,  a  fon  of  concealed  birth, 

*  or  whcje  real  father  cannot  be  known ,  and  a  fon 
€  rejected  by  his  natural  parents ,  are  the  fix  kinf- 
c  men  and  heirs : 

160.  ‘  The  fon  of  a  young  woman  unmarried , 
c  and  the  fon  of  a  pregnant  bride,  a  fon  bought, 

‘  a  fon  by  a  twice  married  woman,  a  fon  felf- 

*  given,  and  a  fon  by  a  Sudra,  are  the  fix  kinfmen, 
c  but  not  heirs  to  collaterals. 

761.  c  Such  advantage,  as  a  man  would  gain, 

*  who  fhould  attempt  to  pafs  deep  water  in  a 

*  boat  made  of  woven  reeds,  the  father  obtains, 
c  who  pafies  the  gloom  of  death,  -leaving  only 

*  contemptible  fons,  who  are  the  eleven,  or  atleaft 

*  the  fix  laft  mentioned. 

162.  *  If  the  two  heirs  of  one  man  be  the  fon 
c  of  his  own  body  and  a  fon  of  his  wife  by  a  kinf- 

*  man,  the'  former  of  whom  was  begotten  after  his 

*  recovery  from  an  illnefs  thought  incurable ,  each  of 

*  the  fons,  exclufively  of  the  other,  fhall  fucceed 
6  to  the  whole  eftate  of  his  natural  father. 

163.  c  The  fon  of  his  own  body  is  the  foie  heir 

*  to  his  eftate,  but,  that  all  evil  may  be  removed* 

*  let  him  allow  a  maintenance  to  the  reft ; 

164.  c  And,  when  the  fon  of  the  body  has  taken 
f  an  account  of  the  paternal  inheritance,  let 
1  him  give  a  fixth  part  of  it  to  the  fon  of  the 
c  wife  begotten  by  a  kinfman,  before  his  father’s 
€  recovery  ;  or  a  fifth  part,  if  that  fon  be  eminently 

*  virtuous . 

165.  4  The  fpn  of  the  body,  and  the  fon  of  the 

4  wife^ 


*  wife,  may  fucced  immediately  to  the  paternal 
f  eftate  in  the  manner  juft  mentioned  j  but  the  ten 

*  other  funs  can  only  fucceed  in  order  to  the  fa- 
4  mily  duties,  and  to  their  fhare  of  the  inheritance, 

*  thofe  laft  named  being  excluded  by  any  one  of  the 
€  preceding. 

166.  ‘  Him*  whom  a  man  has  begotten  on  his 
4  own  wedded  wile,  let  him  know  to  be  the  fir  ft 
4  in  rank,  as  the  ion  of  his  body. 

167.  4  He  who  was  begotten,  according  to  law, 
f  on  the  wife  of  a  man  deceafed,  or  impotent,  or 
‘  difordered,  after  due  authority  given  to  her,  is 
‘  called  the  lawful  fon  of  the  wife. 

168.  ‘  He,  whom  his  father,  or  mother  with 
4  her  bu  lands  ajfent ,  gives  to  another  as  his  fon, 

*  provided  thac  the  donee  have  no  ifTue,  if  the  boy 
4  be  of  the  fame  clafs  and  affe£tionately  difpofed, 
c  is  confidered  as  a  fon  given,  the  gift  being  con - 
4  firmed  bv  pouring  water. 

169.  4  He  is  confidered  as  a  fori  made  or  adcpted, 

4  whom  a  man  takes  as  his  own  fon,  the  boy  being 
4  equal  in  clafs,  endued  with  filial  virtues,  ac- 
‘  quainted  with  the  merit  of  performing  obfequies 
4  to  his  adcp!er ,  and  with  the  fin  of  omitting  them . 

170.  *  In  whofe  manfion  foever  a  male  child 
4  (hall  be  brought  forth  by  a  married  woman,  whofe 
4  hujhar.d  has  long  been  abfent ,  if  the  real  father 
4  cannot  be  difcovered,  but  if  it  be  probable  that 
4  he  was  of  an  equal  clafs,  that  child  belongs  to  the 
4  lord  of  the  unfaithful  wife,  and  is  called  a  fon  of 
4  concealed  birth  in  his  manfion. 

1 7  1 .  ‘  A  boy,  whom  a  man  receives  as  his  own 

*  fon,  after  he  has  been  deferted  without  juft  caufc 
4  by  his  parents,  or  by  either  of  them,  if  one  be 

*  dead,  is  called  a  fon  reje&ed. 

172.  4  A 

i68  ON  THE  SAME ;  AND  ON  THE 

172.  €  A  fon,  whom  the  daughter  of  any  mar? 
€  privately  brings  forth  in  the  houfe  of  her  father, 

*  if  the  afterwards  marry  her  lover,  is  defcribed  as 
c  a  fon  begotten  on  an  unmarried  girl. 

173.  *  If  a  pregnant  young  woman  marry, 

*  whether  her  pregnancy  be  known  or  unknown, 
the  male  child  in  her  womb  belongs  to  the  bride- 

*  groom,  and  is  called  a  fon  received  with  his 
c  bride. 

174.  f  He  is  called  a  fon  bought,  whom  a  man, 
c  for  the  fake  of  having  a  fon  to  perform  his  obje - 
c  quiesy  purchafes  from  his  father  and  mother, 
c  whether  the  boy  be  equal  or  unequal  to  himfelf 
€  in  good  qualities ,  for  in  clafs  all  adopted  Jons  mujl 

*  be  equal . 

175.  5  He,  whom  a  woman,  either  forfaken  by 
c  her  lord  or  a  widow,  conceived  by  a  fecondi 
c  hufband,  whom  lhe  took  by  her  own  defire, 

*  though  againft  law3  is  called  the  fon  of  a  woman 
f  twice  married : 

176.  r  I on  her  fecond  marriage,  lhe  be  (till  a 
c  virgin,  or  if  lhe  left  her  hufband  under  the  age 

*  of  puberty  and  return  to  him  at  his  full  age,  fhe 
c  muft  again  perform  the  nuptial  ceremony  either 

*  with  her  fecond,  or  her  young  and  defer  ted^ 

*  hufbancL 

177.  c  He,  who  has  loft  his  parents,  or  been 
c  abandoned  by  them  without  juft  caufe,  and  offers 
<  himfelf  to  a  man  as  his  Jon  is  called  a  fon  felf- 
c  given. 

178.  c  A  fon,  begotten  through luft  on  a  Sudra 

*  by  a  man  of  the  prieftly  clafs,  is  even  as  a  corple, 
c  though  alive,  and  is  thence  called  in  law  a  living 
e  corpfe  : 

1 79.  f  But  a  fon  begotten  by  a  man  of  the  fer- 
c  vile  clafs  on  his  female  flave,  or  on  the  female 

5  *  flave 


Have  of  his  male  Have,  may  take  a  (hare  of  the 
heritage,  if  permitted  by  the  other  Jons:  thus  is* 
the  law  eftablifhed. 

180.  ‘  Thefe  eleven  Tons  (the  fon  of  the  wife 
and  the  reft,  as  enumerated)  are  allowed  by  wife 
legiflatcrs  to  be  lubftitutrs  in  order  for  fons  of 
the  body,  for  the  fake  of  preventing  a  failure  of 
oblequies ; 

181.  *  Though  fuch,  as  are  called  fons  for  that 
purpofe,  but  were  produced  from  the  manhood 
of  others,  belong  in  truth  to  the  father,  from 
whofe  manhood  they  feverally  fprang,  and  to  no 
other,  except  by  a  jufl  fiftion  of  law . 

182.  *  If  among  feveral  brothers  of  the  whole 
blood,  one  have  a  fon  born,  Menu  pronounces 
them  all  fathers  of  a  male  child  by  means  of 
that  fon  ;  fo  that  if  fuch  nephew  would  be  the 
heir ,  the  uncles  have  no  power  to  adopt  Jons : 

183.  c  Thus,  if,  among  all  the  wives  of  the  fame 
hufband,  one  bring  forth  a  male  child.  Menu 
has  declared  them  all,  by  means  of  that  fon, 
to  be  mothers  of  male  iflue. 

184.  ‘  On  failure  of  the  beft,  and  of  the  next 
beft,  among  thoje  twelve  Jons ,  let  the  inferiour 
in  order  take  the  heritage  ;  but  if  there  be 
many  of  equal  rank,  let  all  be  fharers  of  the 

185.  1  Not  brothers,  nor  parents,  but  fons,  if 
living ,  or  their  male  ijfue ,  are  heirs  to  the  de¬ 
ceased,  but  of  him,  who  leaves  no  fon,  nor  a 
wife ,  nor  a  daughter ,  the  father  (hall  take  the 
inheritance  ;  and  if  he  leave  neither  father  nor 
mother,  the  brothers. 

186.  '  To  three  ancejlors  mud  water  be  given 
at  their  obfequies;  for  three  (the  father,  his 
father ,  and  the  paternal  grandfather )  is  the  funeral 

*  cake 

27 O  ON  THE  SAME;  AND  ON  THE  y 

4  cake  ordained  :  the  fourth  in  defcent  is  the  giver* 
4  of  oblations  to  them  and  their  heir ,  if  they  die  with - 

*  out  nearer  defendants ;  but  the  fifth  has  no  con-* 

*  cern  with  the  gift  of  the  funeral  cake . 

187.  c  To  the  neareft  Japinda ,  male  or  female , 

4  after  him  in  the  third  degree,  the  inheritance 
4  next  belongs,  then  on  failure  of  fapindas  and  of 
4  their  iffue,  the  faman'odaca,  or  diftant  kinfman, 

*  fhall  be  the  heir  >  or  the  fpiritual  preceptor,  or 
4  the  pupil,  or  the  fellow  ftudent  of  the  deceafed : 

188.  4  On  failure  of  a31  thofe,  the  lawful  heirs 
4  are  fuch  Brahmens  as  have  read  the  three  Vedas , 

4  as  are  pure  in  body  and  mind ,  as  have  fubdued^ 
c  their  pafiions  ;  and  they  muft  confequently  offer  the 
4  cake  :  thus  the  rites  of  obfequies  cannot  fail. 

189.  4  The  property  of  a  Brahmen  fhall  neve? 
4  be  taken  as  an  efcheat  by  the  king ;  this  is  a 
4  fixed  law  :  but  the  wealth  of  the  other  c3afiesy 
4  on  failure  of  all  heirs,  the  king  may  take. 

190.  c  If  the  widow  of  a  man,  who  died  with- 
4  out  a  fon,  raife  up  a  fon  to  him  by  one  of  his 
4  kinfmen,  let  her  deliver  to  that  fon,  at  his  full 
4  age,  the  collected  eftate  of  the  deceafed,  whatever 
4  it  he. 

1 91.  c  If  two  fons,  begotten  by  two  fucceffivs 
4  hnfbands,  who  are  both  dead ,  contend  for  their 
4  property,  then  in  the  hands  of  their  mother, 
4  let  each  take,  exclufively  of  the  other,  his  own 
4  father's  eftate. 

192.  4  On  the  death  of  the  mother,  let  all  the 
4  uterine  brothers  and  the  uterine  filters,  if  un~ 
4  married ,  equally  divide  the  maternal  eftate:  each 
4  married  fifter  fhall  have  a  fourth  part  of  a  brother's 
4  allotment 

193.  c  Even  to  the  daughters  of  thofe  daugh- 
4  ters,  it  is  fit  that  fomething  Ihould  be  given* 

4  from 


from  the  affets  of  their  maternal  grandmother, 
on  the  fcore  of  natural  affedtion. 

191.  c  What  was  given  before  the  nuptial 
fire,  what  was  given  on  the  bridal  proceffion,. 
what  was  given  in  token  of  love,  and  what  was 
received  from  a  brother,  a  mother,  or  a  father* 
are  confidered  as  the  fix-fold  Jeparate  property 
of  a  married  woman  : 

195.  ‘  What  (he  received  after  marriage  from 
the  family  of  her  hufband,  and  what  her  affec¬ 
tionate  lord  may  have  given  her,  lhall  be  in-\ 
herited,  even  if  (he  die  in  his  life-time,  by  her 

196.  ‘  It  is  ordained,  that  the  property  of  a 
woman,  married  by  the  ceremonies  called  Brah¬ 
ma y  Daiva ,  ArJJja ,  Giindharva ,  or  Prdjdpatya, 
(hall  go  to  her  huff  and,  if  fhe  die  without  iffue  *, 

197.  4  But  her  wealth  given  on  the  marriage, 
called  Sljuray  or  on  either  of  the  two  others,  is 
ordained,  on  her  death  without  iffue,  to  become 
the  property  of  her  father  and  mother. 

iq 8.  4  If  a  widow,  whofe  hufband  had  other 
wives  of  different  claffes ,  lhall  have  received 
wealth  at  any  time,  as  a  gift  from  her  father, 
and  fall  die  without  iffue ,  it  lhall  go  to  the  daugh¬ 
ter  of  the  Brahman)  wife,  or  to  the  iffue  of  that 

199.  4  A  woman  fhould  never  make  a  hoard 
from  the  goods  of  her  kindred,  which  are  com¬ 
mon  to  her  and  many  ;  or  even  from  the  pro¬ 
perty  of  her  lord,  without  his  affent. 

200.  4  Such  ornamental  apparel,  as  women, 
wear  during  the  lives  of  their  huffands,  the. 
heirs  of  thole  huffands  lhall  not  divide  amoDg 
themfelves  :  they,  who  divide  it  among  them- 
fclves,  fall  deep  into  fin . 


2oi,  c  Eunuchs 

2J2  ON  THE  SAME  5  AND  ON  THE 

201.  c  Eunuchs,  and  outcafts,  perfons  born 
c  blind  or  deaf,  madmen,  idiots,  the  dumb,  and 
c  fuch  as  have  loft  the  ufe  of  a  limb,  are  excluded 
1  from  a  lhare  of  the  heritage  ; 

202.  c  But  it  is  juft,  that  the  heir,  who  knows 
c  his  duty,  Ihould  give  all  of  them  food  and  rai- 

*  men tfor  life  without  ftint,  according  to  the  beft 

*  of  his  power  :  he,  who  gives  them  nothing,  links 
c  afifu  redly  to  a  region  of  punifhment. 

203.  c  If  the  eunuch  and  the  reft  Ihould  at  any 
c  time  defire  to  marry,  and  if  the  wife  of  the  eunuch 
‘  Jhould  rciife  up  a  fen  to  him  by  a  man  legally  ap- 
1  pointed ,  that  fon  and  the  ifiue  of  fuch,  as  have 

*  children,  fhall  be  capable  of  inheriting. 

204.  c  After  the  death  of  the  father,  if  the 
<  eldeft  brother  acquire  wealth  by  his  own  efforts 
€  before  partition ,  a  lhare  of  that  acquifition  fhall 

*  go  to  the  younger  brothers,  if  they  have  made 
c  a  due  progrefs  in  learning; 

205.  c  And  if  all  of  them,  being  unlearned, 
c  acquire  property  before  partition  by  their  own 
c  labour,  there  fhall  be  an  equal  divifion  of  that 
€  property  without  regard  to  the  firft  born  ;  for  it 

*  was  not  the  wealth  of  their  father :  this  rule  is 
c  clearly  fettled. 

206.  ‘  Wealth,  however,  acquired  by  learning, 
1  belongs  exclufively  to  any  one  of  them ,  who  ac- 
6  quired  it ;  fo  does  any  thing  given  by  a  friend, 

*  received  on  account  of  marriage,  or  prefented 
f  as  a  mark  of  refpedt  to  a  gueft. 

207.  ‘  If  any  one  of  the  brethren  has  a  com- 
c  petence  from  his  own  occupation,  and  wants  not 
c  the  property  of  his  father ,  he  may  debar  himfelf 
c  from  his  own  fhare,  fome  trifle  being  given  him 
f  as  a  confideration,  to  prevent  future  Jlrife. 

208.  c  What 


20S.  ‘  What  a  brother  has  acquired  by  labour 
or  (kill,  without  ufing  the  patrimony,  he  fhall 
not  give  up  without  his  afient ;  for  it  was  gained 
by  his  own  exertion  : 

209.  ‘  And  if  a  fon,  bv  his  own  efforts,  recover 
a  debt  or  property  unjuftly  detained ,  which  could 
not  be  recovered  before  by  bis  father ,  he  fhall 
not,  unlefs  by  his  free  will,  put  it  into  parcenary 
with  his  brethren,  fince  in  fad  it  was  acquired 
by  himfelf. 

210.  ‘  If  brethren,  once  divided  and  living 
again  together  as  parceners,  make  a  fecond  par¬ 
tition,  the  (hares  mufl  in  that  cafe  be  equal  $ 
and  the  firft  born  fhall  have  no  right  of  deduc¬ 

2 1 1.  c  Should  the  eldefl  or  youngeft  of  feveral 
brothers  be  deprived  of  his  (hare  by  a  civil  death 
on  bis  entrance  into  ibe  fourth  order ,  or  fhould  any 
one  of  them  die,  his  vejled  inter  eft  in  a  (hare  fhall 
not  wholly  be  loft  ; 

212.  c  But,  if  be  leave  neither  fon ,  nor  wife% 
nor  daughter ,  nor  father ,  nor  mother,  his  uterine 
brothers  and  fifters,  and  fuch  brothers  as  were 
re-united  after  a  reparation,  fhall  afiemble  and 
divide  his  fhare  equally. 

213.  4  Any  eldeft  brother,  who,  from  avarice, 
fhall  defraud  his  younger  brother,  fhall  forfeit 
the  honours  of  his  primogeniture,  be  deprived 
of  his  own  fhare,  and  pay  a  fin-  to  he  king. 

214.  4  All  thofe  brothers  who  are  addided  to 
any  vice,  lofe  their  title  to  he  inheritance:  the 
firft  born  fhall  not  appropriate  it  to  himfelf,  but 
fhall  give  (hares  to  the  youngeft,  if  they  be  not 

215.  4  If  among  undivided  brethren  living  with 
their  father,  there  be  a  common  exertion  for 

T  4  common 



c  common  gain,  the  father  (hall  never  make  an 

*  unequal  divifion  among  them,  when  they  divide 
€  their  families, 

216.  4  A  fon,  born  after  a  divifion  in  the  life - 

*  time  of  his  father ,  {hall  alone  inherit  the  pa- 

*  trimony,  or  (liall  have  a  fhare  of  it  with  the 

*  divided  brethren,  if  they  return  and  unite  them- 

*  felves  wi  h  him. 

217.  4  Cf  a  fon,  dying  childlefs  and  leaving  no 
c  widow ,  the  father  and  mother  (hall  take  the 
€  eftate  ;  and  the  mother  alfo  being  dead,  the  pa- 

*  ternal  grandfather  and  grandmother  fhall  take 
4  the  heritage,  on  failure  of  brothers  and  nephews . 

218.  4  When  all  the  debts  and  wealth  have 
4  been  juftly  diftributed  according  to  law,  any 
4  property,  that  m  .y  afterwards  be  difeovered, 
4  fhall  be  fubjeft  to  a  fimilar  diflribution. 

219.  4  Apparel,  carriages,  or  riding  horfes, 
1  and  orname  nts  of  ordinary  value ,  which  any  of 
4  the  heirs  had  ufed  by  confent  before  partition , 
4  drefTcd  rice,  water  in  a  well  or  ciftern ,  female 
4  (laves,  family  priefts,  or  fpiritual  counfellors, 
4  and  pafture  ground  for  cattle,  the  wife  have 

*  declared  indivifible,  and  Jhll  to  be  ufed  as  be- 
4  fore, 

220.  4  Thus  have  the  laws  of  inheritance,  and 
1  the  rule  for  the  condudt  of  fons  (whether 

*  the  fon  of  the  wife  or  others)  been  expounded 

*  to  you  in  order :  learn  at  preient  the  law  con- 
4  cerning  games  of  chance. 

221.  4  Gaming,  either  with  inanimate  or  with 
4  animated  things,  let  the  king  exclude  wholly 
4  from  his  realm  :  both  thofe  modes  of  play  caule 
4  deftrudlion  to  princes. 

222.  4  Such  play  with  dice  and  the  likey  or  by 

*  matches  between  rams  and  cocks ,  amounts  to  open 

4  theft; 


theft;  and  the  king  muff  ever  be  vigilant  iri 
fupprefTing  both  modes  of  fl ay  : 

223.  c  Gaming  with  lifeiefs  things  is  known 
among  men  by  the  name  of  dy'ta\  l  ut  fama- 
invaya  fignifies  a  match  between  living  creatures. 

224.  ‘  Let  the  k  ng  punifh  corporally  at  dif- 
cretion  bo  h  the  gamefter  and  the  keeper  of  a 
gaming-houfe,  whether  th-y  play  with  inanimate 
or  animated  things;  and  men  of  the  fervile  clafs, 
who  wear  the  firing  and  other  marks  of  the 
twice  born. 

225.  ‘  Gamefters,  publick  dancers,  and  fingers, 
revilers  of  lcripture,  open  hereticks,  men  who 
perform  not  the  duties  of  their  feveral  claffes, 
and  fellers  of  fpirituous  liquors,  let  him  inftandy 
banifh  from  the  town  : 

226.  c  Thofe  wretches,  lurking  like  unfeen 
thieves  in  the  dominion  of  a  prince,  continually 
harafs  his  good  fubjedts  with  their  vitious  condudh 

227.  i  Even  in  a  former  creation  was  this  vice 
of  gaming  found  a  great  provoker  of  enmity  : 
let  no  fenfible  man,  therefore,  addict  himfelf  to 
play  even  for  his  amufcment : 

228.  *  On  the  man  addidted  to  it,  either  pri¬ 
vately  or  openlv,  let  punifhment  be  inflidted  ac 
the  difcretion  of  the  king. 

229.  c  A  man  of  the  military,  commercial,  or 
fervile  clafs,  who  cannot  pay  a  fine,  fhall  dif- 
charge  the  debt  by  his  labour :  a  pried  fhall  dif- 
charge  it  by  little  and  little. 

230.  *  For  women,  children,  pcrfons  of  crazy 
mtelledt,  the  old,  the  poor,  and  the  infirm,  the 
king  fhall  order  punifhment  with  a  fmall  whip, 
a  twig,  or  a  rope. 

231.  c  Those  miniffers  who  are  employed  in 
publick  affairs,  and,  inflamed  by  the  blaze  of 

T  2  wealth. 

; ]0  ON  THE  SAME  ;  AND  O'N  THE 

wealth,  mar  the  bufinefs  of  any  perfon  con-* 
cerned,  let  the  king  (trip  of  all  their  property. 

232.  4  Such  as  forge  royal  edicts,  caufe  diflfen- 
fions  among  the  great  minifters,  or  kill  women, 
priefts,  or  children,  let  the  king  put  to  death ; 
and  fuch  as  adhere  to  his  enemies. 

233.  c  Whatever  bufinefs  has  at  any  time  been 
tranfaCled  conformably  to  law,  let  him  confider 
as  finally  fettled,  and  refufe  to  unravel ; 

234.  4  But  whatever  bufinefs  has  been  con¬ 
cluded  illegally  by  his  minifters  or  by  a  judge, 
let  the  king  himftlf  re-examine  j  and  let  him 
fine  them  each  a  thoufand  panas. 

235.  *  The  flayer  of  a  prieft,  a  foldier,  or 
merchant  drinking  arak,  or  a  prieft  drinking 
arak,  mead,  or  rum,  he  who  fteals  the  gold  of 
a  prieft,  and  he  who  violates  the  bed  of  his  na¬ 
tural  or  fpiritual  father,  are  all  to  be  confidered 
refpeCtively  as  offenders  in  the  higheft  degree, 
except  thofe  whoje  crimes  are  not  Jit  to  be  named : 
236. 4  On  fuch  of  thofe  four,  as  have  not  actual¬ 
ly  performed  an  expiation,  let  the  king  legally 
infliCt  corporal  punifhment,  together  with  a  fine. 

237.  4  For  violating  the  paternal  bed,  let  the 
mark  of  a  female  part  be  imprefled  on  the  fore¬ 
head  with  hot  iron ;  for  drinking  fpirits  a  vint¬ 
ner’s  flag  ;  for  ftealing  facred  gold,  a  dog’s  foot ; 
for  murdering  a  prieft,  the  figure  of  a  headlefs 
corpfe : 

238.  4  With  none  to  eat  with  them,  with  none 
to  facrifice  with  them,  with  none  to  read  with 
them,  with  none  to  be  allied  by  marriage  to 
them,  abjeCt  and  excluded  from  all  focial  duties, 
let  them  wander  over  this  earth  : 

239.  4  Branded  with  indelible  marks,  they  (hall 
be  deferted  by  their  paternal  and  maternal  re¬ 


lations,  treated  by  none  with  affe&ion,  received 
by  none  with  refpedt :  fuch  is  the  ordinance  of 

240.  *  Criminals  of  all  the  claffcs,  having  per¬ 
formed  an  expiation,  as  ordained  by  law,  fhall 
not  be  marked  on  the  forehead,  but  condemned 
to  pay  the  higheft  fine  : 

241.  *  For  crimes  by  a  pried,  who  had  a  good 
character  before  his  offence ,  the  middle  fine  (hall 
be  fet  on  him  ;  or,  if  his  crime  was  premeditated , 
he  fhall  be  banifhed  from  the  realm,  taking  with 
him  his  effe&s  and  his  family; 

242.  c  But  men  of  the  other  clafies,  who  have 
committed  thofe  crimes,  though  without  preme¬ 
ditation 3  fhall  be  dripped  of  all  their  pofleffions ; 
and,  if  their  offence  was  premeditated,  fhall  be 
corporally,  or  even  capitally  punifhed,  according 
to  circumftances. 

243.  *  Let  no  virtuous  prince  appropriate  the 
wealth  of  a  criminal  in  the  highed  degree,  for 
he  who  appropriates  it  through  covetoufnefs, 
is  contaminated  with  the  fame  guilt : 

244.  *  Having  thrown  fuch  a  fine  into  the 
waters,  let  him  offer  it  to  Varuna;  or  let  him 
bedow  it  on  fome  pried  of  eminent  learning  in 
the  feriptures : 

245.  ‘  Varuna  is  the  lord  of  punifhment;  he 
holds  a  rod  even  over  kings ;  and  a  pried  who 
has  gone  through  the  whole  Veda,  is  equal  to  a 
fovereign  of  all  the  world. 

246.  *  Where  the  king  abdains  from  receiving 
to  his  own  ufe  the  wealth  of  fuch  offenders,  there 
children  are  born  in  due  feafon  and  enjoy  long 
lives ; 

247.  c  There  the  grain  of  hufbandmen  rifes 
abundantly,  as  it  was  refpe&ively  fow;n  ;  there 

T  3  ‘no 

syS  ON  THE  same;  and  on  the 

<  no  younglings  die,  nor  is  one  deformed  animal 
9  born. 

248.  ‘  Should  a  man  of  the  bafeft  clafs,  with 
1  preconceived  malice,  give  pain  to  Brahmens ,  let 

*  the  prince  corporally  punifh  him  by  various 
9  modes,  that  may  raife  terrour. 

240.  ‘  A  king  is  pronounced  equally  unjuft  in 
1  releafing  the  man  who  deferves  punifhment,  and 
9  in  punifhing  the  man  who  deferves  it  not :  he 
‘  is  juft  who  always  infiids  the  punifhment  or- 
1  darned  by  law. 

25  .  c  Thefe  eftablifhed  rules  for  adminiftering 

*  j  u  ft  ice  between  two  litigant  parties,  have  been 
c  propounded  at  length  under  eighteen  heads. 

251.  9  Thus  fully  performing  all  duties  re- 
9  quired  by  law,  let  a  king  feek,  with  jujlicey  to 

*  pofTefs  regions  yet  unpoflefled,  and,  when  they  are 
c  in  his  pofTeffion,  let  him  govern  them  well. 

252.  9  His  realm  being  completely  arranged 
9  and  his  fortrefies  amply  provided,  let  him  ever 
c  apply  the  moft  diligent  care  to  eradicate  had meny 
9  rejembling  thornv  weeds,  as  the  law  direds. 

2^3.  c  By  proteding  fuch  as  live  virtuoufly, 
9  and  by  rooting  up  fuch  as  live  wickedly,  thofe 

*  kings,  whofe  hearts  are  intent  on  the  fecurity  of 
9  their  people,  fhall  rife  to  heaven. 

254.  f  Of  that  prince,  who  takes  a  revenue  with- 
9  out  retraining  rogues,  the  dominions  are  thrown 
9  into  diforder,  and  himfelf  fhall  be  precluded 
c  from  a  celeftial  abode  ; 

255.  f  But  of  him,  whofe  realm,  by  the  flrength 
9  of  his  arm,  is  defended  and  free  from  terrour, 

*  the  dominions  continually  flourifh,  like  trees 
9  duly  watered. 

256.  9  Let  the  king,  whofe  emiflaries  are  his 
c  eyes,  difeern  well  the  two  forts  of  rogues,  the 

j  *  open 


©pen  and  the  concealed,  who  deprive  other  men 
of  their  wealth  : 

2  7.  c  Open  rogues  are  thev  who  fubfirt  by 
cheating  in  various  marketable  commodities  ; 
and  concealed  rogues  arc  they  who  (leal  and 
rob  in  forefts  and  the  like  fecret  places. 

258.  ‘  Receivers  of  brbes,  extorters  of  money 
by  threats, .debaers  of  meals,  gamcfters  fortune¬ 
tellers,  importers,  and  profcftors  of  palmiftry  ; 
2,9.  f  Elephant  brokers,  and  uacks,  not  per¬ 
forming  what  they  engage  to  perform,  pretended 
artifts,  and  fubril  hailois  j 

260.  4  Thefc  and  the  like  thorny  weeds,  over- 
fpreading  the  world,  let  the  king  difeover  with  a 
quick  fight,  and  others  who  a£l  ill  in  fecret  ; 
worthlefs  men,  yet  beating  the  outward  figns  of 
the  w'orthy. 

26  .  1  Having  detedled  them  by  the  means  of 
trufty  perfons  difguifed,  who  pretend  to  have  the 
fame  occupation  with  them,  and  of  fpies  placed 
in  feveral  Rations,  let  him  bring  them  by  ar¬ 
tifice  into  his  power : 

262.  *  Then,  having  fully  proclaimed  their  re- 
fpedlive  criminal  adls,  let  the  king  inflidt  punifh- 
ment  legally,  according  to  the  crimes  proved  ; 
26}.  1  Since,  without  certain  punilhment,  it  is 
importable  to  reftrain  the  delinquency  of  fcoun- 
drels  with  depraved  fouls,  who  lecrctly  prowl 
over  this  earth. 

264.  ‘  Much  frequented  places,  cifterns  of 
water,  bake-houfes,  the  lodgings  of  harlots, 
taverns  and  victualling  (hops,  lquares  where  four 
ways  meet,  large  well  known  trees,  afiemblies, 
and  publick  fpcCtacles  ; 

265.  ‘  Old  couit  yards,  thickets,  the  houfes  of 
artilts,  empty  manfions,  gloves,  and  gardens  ; 

T  4  266.  ‘  Thcfe 

2 So  ON  THE  SAME  ;  AND  ON  THE 

266.  c  Thefe  and  the  Jike  places  let  the  king 
1  guard,  for  the  prevention  of  robberies,  with 

*  Soldiers  both  ftationary  and  patrolling,  as  well  as 
€  with  fecret  watchmen. 

267.  ‘  By  the  means  of  able  fpies,  once  thieves, 
c  but  reformed ,  who  well  knowing  the  various 
c  machinations  of  rogues,  affociate  with  them  and 
c  follow  them,  let  the  king  deted  and  draw  them 
€  forth  : 

268.  f  On  pretexts  of  dainty  food  and  gratifica- 

*  tions,  or  of  feeing  fome  wife  prieft,  who  could  en- 

*  Jure  their  Juccefs ,  or  on  pretence  of  mock  battles 
c  and  the  like  feats  of  (Length,  let  the  fpies  procure 

*  an  affembly  of  thofe  men. 

269.  *  Such  as  refufe  to  go  forth  on  thofe  occa- 
€  fions,  deterred  by  former  punifhments ,  which  the 
c  king  had  infixed,  let  him  feize  by  force,  and  put 

*  to  death,  on  proof  of  their  guilt,  with  their  friends 

*  and  kinfmen,  paternal  and  maternal,  if  proved  to 

*  be  their  confederates . 

270.  f  Let  not  a  juft  prince  kill  a  man  con- 

*  vidled  of  fimple  theft,  unlefs  taken  with  the 
f  mainer  or  with  implements  of  robbery;  but  any 
€  thief,  taken  with  the  mainer  or  with  fuch  im- 

*  plements,  let  him  deftroy  without  hefitation  ; 

27  1.  f  And  let  him  flay  all  thofe,  who  give  rob- 

*  bers  food  in  towns,  or  fupply  them  with  imple- 
4  ments,  or  afford  them  fhelter. 

272.  1  Should  thofe  men,  who  were  appointed 

*  to  guard  any  diftri&s,  or  thofe  of  the  vicinity, 

*  who  were  employed  for  that  purpofe,  be  neutral 
1  in  attacks  by  robbers  and  inahive  in  feizing  themt 

*  let  him  inftanlly  punifh  them  as  thieves. 

273.  '  Him,  who  lives  apparently  by  the  rules 

*  of  his  clafs,  but  really  departs  from  thofe  rules. 


let  the  king  feverely  punifh  by  fine,  as  a  wretch 
who  violates  his  duty. 

^74.  4  They  who  give  no  affiftance  on  the 
plundering  of  a  town,  on  the  forcible  breaking  of 
a  dike,  or  on  feeing  a  robbery  on  the  highway, 
fhall  bebanifhed  with  their  cattle  and  utenfils. 

275.  4  Men,  who  rob  the  king’s  treafure,  or  ob- 
ftinately  oppofe  his  commands,  let  him  deftroy 
by  various  modes  of  juft  punifhment ;  and  thofe 
who  encourage  his  enemies. 

276.  4  Of  robbers  who  break  a  wall  or  partition, 
and  commit  theft  in  the  night,  let  the  prince  or¬ 
der  the  hands  to  be  lopped  off,  and  themfelves 
to  be  fixed  on  a  fharp  ftake. 

277.  f  Two  fingers  of  a  cutpurfe,  the  thumb  and 
the  indexy  let  him  caufe  to  be  amputated  on  his 
firft  convidlion  ;  on  the  fecond,  one  hand  and 
one  foot;  on  the  third,  he  fhall  fuffer  death. 

278.  4  Such  as  give  thieves  fire,  fuch  as  give 
them  food,  fuch  as  give  them  arms  and  apart¬ 
ments,  and  fuch  as  knowingly  receis  e  a  thing 
ftolen,  let  the  king  punifh  as  he  would  punijh  a 

279.  4  The  breaker  of  a  dam  to  Jecure  a  pool, 
let  him  punifh  by  long  immerfion  under  water, 
or  by  keen  corporal  fuffering;  or  the  offender 
fhall  repair  it,  but  muft  pay  the  bigheft  muldt. 

280.  4  Thofe,  who  break  open  the  treafury,  or 
the  arfenal,  or  the  temple  of  a  deity,  and  thofe 
who  carry  off  royal  elephants,  horfes,  or  cars,  let 
him,  without  hefitation,  deftroy. 

281.  4  He,  who  fhall  take  away  the  water  of 
an  ancient  pool,  or  fhall  obftrutt  a  watercourfe, 
muft  be  condemned  to  pay  the  loweft  ulual 

282.  '  He, 


282.  1  He,  who  fhall  drop  his  ordure  on  the 
c  king’s  highway,  except  in  cafe  of  nectflirv,  fhall 
€  pay  two  panas  and  immediately  remove  (he  fi.h  5 
2^3.  c  But  a  perfon  in  urgent  neccff-ty,  a  very 

*  old  man,  a  pregnant  woman,  and  a  child,  only 
c  deferves  reproof,  and  fhall  clean  the  place  them- 
c  felves  :  this  is  a  fettled  rule. 

284.  <  Ael  phyficians  and  furgeons  aiding 
c  unfkilfully  in  their  feveral  profefiions,  mud 
«  pay  for  injury  to  brute  animals  the  low^ft,  but 

<  for  injury  to  human  creatures  the  middle  amerce- 
c  ment. 

285.  c  The  breaker  of  a  foot  bridge,  of  a  pub- 
c  lick  flag,  of  a  palilade,  and  of  idols  made  of  clay , 
c  fhall  repair  what  he  has  broken,  and  pay  a  muldt 
€  of  five  hundr  cd  panas. 

28 6.  c  For  nnixing  impure  with  pure  commo- 
c  dities,  for  piercing  fine  gems,  as  diamonds  or 

*  rubies ,  and  for  boring  pearls  or  infer  lour  gevns 

<  improperly,  the  fine  is  the  lowed  of  the  three  ; 
€  but  damages  mufi  always  be  paid. 

287.  1  The  man,  who  fhall  deal  unjudly 
€  with  purchafers  at  a  lair  price  by  delivering  goods 
€  of  lefs  value ,  or  fhall  fell,  at  a  high  price,  goods  of 
€  ordinary  value,  (hail  pay,  according  to  circumjlanceSy 
f  the  loweft  or  the  middle  amercement. 

2 88.  ‘  Let  the  king  place  all  prifons  near  a 

*  publick  road,  where  offenders  may  be  feen 
c  wretched  or  disfigured. 

289.  c  Him  who  breaks  down  a  publick  wall, 
«  him  who  fills  up  a  publick  ditch,  him  who 

*  throws  down  a  publick  gate,  the  king  (hall  fpeedily 

*  banifh. 

290..  f  For  all  facrifices  to  dedroy  innocent 
€  men,  the  punifhment  is  a  fine  of  two  hundred 
f  parias  >  and  for  machinations  with poijonous  roots, 

£  and 


*  and  for  the  various  charms  and  witcheries  iVr- 

*  tended  to  kill,  by  pcrfons  not  eftccling  their 

*  pur  pofe. 

2y'.  4  The  feller  of  bad  grain  for  good,  or  of 
4  good  feed  placed  at  the  top  of  the  bag ,  to  conceal 
4  the  bad  belowy  and  the  deftroyer  of  known  land- 

*  marks,  mult  fuff?r  fuch  corporal  punifhment  as 
4  will  disfigure  them  ; 

292.  4  But  the  moft  pernicious  of  all  deceivers 
4  is  a  goldfmith,  who  commits  frauds  :  the  king 
4  dull  order  him  to  be  cut  piecemeal  with  razors. 
29J.  *  For  dealing  implements  of  hufbandrv, 

*  weapons,  and  prepared  medicines,  let  the  king 
4  award  punifhment  according  to  the  time  and  ac- 

*  cording  to  their  ufe. 

294.  4  Th  king,  and  his  council,  his  metro- 
‘  polls,  his  realm,  his  treafure,  and  his  army, 

4  together  with  his  ally,  arc  the  feven  members 
4  ot  his  kingdom  ;  whence  it  is  called  Sept  an ga  : 

29  '.  4  Among  thofe  feven  members  of  a  king- 
4  dom,  let  him  confider  the  ruin  of  the  firft,  and 

*  fo  forth  in  order,  as  the  greateii  calamity ; 

296.  4  Yet,  in  a  feven  parted  kingdom  here 
4  below,  there  is  no  fupremaev  among  the  feveral 
4  parts,  from  any  pre  eminence  in  ufeful  qualities : 
4  bur  all  the  parts  mud  reciprocally  fuj  port  each 
c  other,  like  the  three  daves  of  a  holy  mendicant: 

297.  4  In  thefe  and  thide  ads,  indeed ,  this  and 
4  that  member  may  be  ddlrnguiflKd  ;  and  the 
4  member  by  which  any  aff'iir  is'  tranfaded,  has 
4  the  p  e-eminence  in  ihat  particular  affair. 

291.  (  Wh  n  the  king  employs  emidiries, 
4  when  he  exeits  power,  when  lie  regulates  pub- 
4  lie  bufinefs,  let  him  invariably  know  both  his 

*  own  drength  and  that  ol  his  enemy, 

299.  4  With 

284  ON  THE  same;  and  on  the 

299.  f  With  all  their  feveral  diftreffes  and  vices : 
€  let  him  then  begin  his  operations, having  maturely 

*  confidered  the  greater  and  lefs  importance  of 

‘  particular  afts : 

3C0.  6  Let  him,  though  frequently  difappointed, 

*  renew  his  operations,  how  fatigued  foever,  again 
c  and  again ;  fince  fortune  always  attends  the  man, 

*  who,  having  begun  well ,  ftrenuoufly  renews  his 
€  efforts. 

301.  ‘All  the  ages,  called  SatyafTreta,  Dwapara , 

€  and  Cali ,  depend  on  the  conduct  of  the  king; 
c  who  is  declared  in  turn  to  reprefent  each  of 
€  thofe  ages : 

302.  c  Sleeping,  he  is  the  Cali  age;  waking, 
e  the  Dwapara ;  exerting  himfelf  in  a&ion,  the 
‘  Tretd  ;  living  virtuoufly,  the  Satya. 

303.  ‘  Of  Indra,  of  Su'rya,  of  Pavana,  of 
€  Yama,  of  Varuna,  of  Chandra,  of  Agni, 

*  and  of  Prit’hivi,  let  the  king  emulate  the 
‘  power  and  attributes. 

304.  ‘  As  Indra  fheds  plentifulfhowers  during 
€  the  four  rainy  months,  thus  let  him,  a&inglike 
r  the  regent  of  clouds,  rain  juft  gratifications  over 
c  his  kingdom  : 

305.  ‘  As  Su'rya  with  ftrong  rays  draws  up 
c  the  water  during  eight  months,  thus  let  him, 
c  performing  the  function  of  the  fun,  gradually 

*  draw  from  his  realm  the  legal  revenu  : 

306.  ‘  A  Pavana,  when  he  moves,  pervades 
c  all  creatures,  thus  let  him,  imitating  the  regent 
c  of  wind,  pervade  all  places  by  his  concealed 

*  emiffaries : 

307.  ‘  As  Yama,  at  the  appointed  time,  pu- 
€  nifhes  friends  and  foes,  or  thofe  who  revere ,  and 
€  thofe  who  contemn  him}  thus  let  the  king,  refem- 

c  bling 


‘  bling  the  judge  of  departed  fpirits,  punifti  of- 
c  fending  fubjedts : 

308.  c  As  Varuna  mod  affuredly  binds  the 
c  guilty  in  fatal  cords,  thus  let  him,  reprefenting 
€  the  genius  ol  water,  keep  offenders  in  clofe 

*  confinement : 

309.  €  When  the  people  are  no  lefs  delighted 
c  on  feeing  the  king,  than  on  feeing  the  full  moon, 

*  he  appears  in  the  character  of  Chandra  : 

310.  ‘  Againft  criminals  let  him  ever  be  ardent 
c  in  wrath,  let  him  be  fplendid  in  glory,  let  him 
f  confume  wicked  miniffers,  thus  emulating  the 
c  fundtions  of  Agni,  regent  of  fire. 

3 1 1.  *  As  Prit’hivi  fupports  all  creatures 
c  equally,  thus  a  kii^g,  fuftaining  all  fubjedts,  re- 
c  fcmbles  in  his  office  the  goddels  of  earth. 

312.  ‘  Engaged  in  thele  duties  and  in  others, 
(  with  continual  adtivity,  let  the  king,  above  all 
f  things ,  reftrain  robbers,  both  in  his  own  territories 
€  and  in  thofe  of  other  princes,  from  which  they 
c  come ,  or  in  which  they  Jeek  refuge . 

313.  f  Let  him  not,  although  in  the  greateft 
€  diftrefs  for  money,  provoke  Brahmens  to  anger 
c  by  taking  their  property  ;  for  they,  once  enraged, 

1  could  immediately  by  facrifices  and  imprecations 
€  deftroy  him  with  his  troops,  elephants,  horfes 
c  and  cars. 

314.  c  Who  without  perifiiing  could  provoke 
'  thofe  holy  men,  by  whom,  that  is,  by  wbofe  an - 
€  ceftors,  under  Brahma',  the  all-devouring  fire 
c  was  created,  the  fea  with  waters  not  drinkable, 

(  and  the  moon  with  its  wane  and  increafe  ? 

315.  c  What  prince  could  gain  wealth  by  op- 
‘  preffing  thofe,  who,  if  angry,  could  frame  other 
‘  worlds  and  regents  of  worlds,  could  give  being 

*  to  new  gods  and  mortals  ? 

316.  c  What 

l86  ON  THE  SAME;  AND  ON  THE 

316.  f  What  man,defirous  of  life,  would  injure 

*  thofe,  by  tht*  aid  of  whom  that  is,  by  wkofe  ob- 
c  lations ,  worlds  and  gods  perpetually  futfilt ; 
c  thofe  who  are  rich  in  the  learning  of  the  Veda  ? 

317.  ‘A  Brahmen ,  whether  learned  or  ignoiant, 

*  is  a  powerful  divinity ;  even  as  fire  is  a  powerful 
‘  divinity,  whether  cond  crated  or  popular. 

3  8.  (  Even  in  places  for  burning  the  dead, 
c  the  bright  fiie  is  undtfiled  ;  and,  when  prefented 
€  with  clarified  butter  at  JubJequent  facrifices,  blazes 

*  again  with  ex'reme  fplendoui  : 

3 1  9. £  Thus  though  Brahmens  employ  themfelves 
€  in  all  forts  of  mean  occupation,  they  mud  in- 
c  variably  be  honoured  ;  for  they  are  fomething 
€  tranfcendcntly  divine. 

320.  c  Of  a  military  man,  who  raifes  his  arm 
c  violently  on  all  occafions  againd  the  priedly 
c  clafs,  the  pried  himfelf  fhall  be  the  chadifer  ; 

*  fince  the  foldier  originally  proceeded  from  the 
c  Brahmen . 

321.  ‘  From  the  waters  arofe  fire;  from  the 

*  pried,  the  foldier  ;  from  done,  iron  :  their  all- 

*  penetrating  force  is  ineffectual  in  the  places 
c  whence  they  refpeCtivelv  fprang. 

322.  f  The  military  clafs  cannot  profper  with- 
1  out  the  facerdotal,  nor  can  the  facerdotal  be 
c  raifed  without  the  military:  both  claffes  by 
c  cordial  union,  are  exalted  in  this  world  and  in 
€  the  next. 

323.  c  Should  the  king^  near  his  end  through 
1  jome  incurable  dtfeafe ,  he  mud  bedow  on  the 
c  priedsallhis  riches  accumulated  from  legal  fines; 
c  and,  having  duly  committed  his  kingdom  to  his 
c  fon,  let  him  feek  death  in  battle,  or,  if  there  be 

*  no  war,  by  abftaining  from  food . 

324.  *  Thus  conducting  himfelf,  and  ever  firm 

‘  in 


*  in  difchargi~g  his  royal  duties,  let  the  kingem- 
4  ploy  all  his  minifters  in  adts  beneficial  to  his 

*  people. 

325.  4  Thefe  rules  for  the  condudt  of  a  military 
4  man  having  been  propounded,  let  mankind  next 
4  hear  the  rules  for  the  commercial  and  fervilc 
4  clafTes  in  due  order. 

326.  *  Let  the  Vaifya ,  having  been  girt  with 
c  his  proper  lacrificial  thread,  and  having  married 
4  an  equal  wife,  be  always  attentive  to  his  bufinefs 

of  agriculture  and  trade ,  and  to  that  of  keeping 
4  cattle  ; 

327.  4  Since  the  Lord  of  created  beings,  having 
4  formed  nerds,  and  flocks,  intruded  them  to  the 

care  of  the  Vaifya ,  while  he  intruded  the  whole 
4  human  fpecies  to  the  Brahmen  and  the  CJhatriya  : 

3:8.  4  Never  mud  a  Vaifya  be  difpofed  to  fay, 
44  I  keep  no  cattle  nor,  he  being  willing  to  keep 
4  them,  mud  they  by  any  means  be  kept  by  men 
4  of  another  clafs. 

329.  4  Of  gems,  pearls,  and  coral,  of  iron, 
4  of  woven  cloth,  of  perfumes  and  of  liquids,  lec 
4  him  well  know  the  prices  both  high  and  low  : 

330.  4  Let  him  be  (killed  like  wife  in  the  time 
4  and  manner  of  fowing  feeds,  and  in  the  bad 
4  or  good  qualities  of  land  ;  let  him  alfo  perfe&ly 
4  know  the  corredt  modes  of  meafuring  and 
4  weighing, 

331.  4  The  excellence  or  defedls  of  commodi- 
4  ties,  the  advantages  and  difadvantages  of  differ- 
4  ent  regions,  the  probable  gain  or  lofs  on  vendi- 
4  ble  goods,  and  the  means  of  breeding  cattle 
4  with  large  augmentation  : 

332.  4  Let  hirn  know  the  juft  wages  of  fervants, 
4  the  various  dialedts  of  men,  the  bed  way  of 

*  keeping 

*88  ON  THE  SAME  ;  AND  ON  THE,  &C. 

c  keeping  goods,  and  whatever  elfe  belongs  to  pur* 
c  chafe  and  fale. 

333.  *  Let  him  apply  the  mod  vigilant  care  to 
c  augment  his  wealth  by  performing  his  duty  ;  and, 

*  with  great  folicitude,  let  him  give  nourifhmenc 

*  to  all  fentient  creatures. 

334.  *  Servile  attendance  on  Brahmens  learned 
c  in  the  Veda>  chiefly  on  fuch  as  keep  houfe  and 
c  are  famed  for  virtue,  is  of  itfelf  the  higheft  duty 
‘  of  a  Sudra ,  and  leads  him  to  future  beatitude  : 

335.  ‘  Pure  in  body  and  mind>  humbly  lerving 

*  the  three  higher  claffes,  mild  in  fpeech,  never 
c  arrogant,  ever  feeking  refuge  in  Brahmens  prin- 
€  cipally,  he  may  attain  the  mod  eminent  clafs  in 
c  another  tranfmigration. 

336.  *  This  clear  fydem  of  duties  has  been 
c  promulgated  for  the  four  claffes ;  when  they  are 

*  not  in  didrefs  for  fubfidence  ;  now  learn  in 

*  order  their  feveral  duties  in  times  ofneceffity/ 

C  289  ) 


On  the  mixed  Clafes ;  ahd  o?i  Times  of  Diftrefs. 

1.  c  Let  the  three  twice  born  clafles,  remaift- 
4  ing  firm  in  their  feveral  duties,  carefully  read 

*  the  Veda  ;  but  a  Brahmen  nriuft  explain  it  to 
4  them,  not  a  man  of  the  other  two  clajfes  :  this 
4  is  an  eftablifhed  rule. 

2.  4  The  Brahmen  mud  know  the  means  of 

*  fubfiftence  ordained  by  law  for  all  the  clafles* 
4  and  muft  declare  them  to  the  reft:  let  him 

*  likewife  aft  in  conformity  to  law . 

3.  4  From  priority  of  birth,  from  fuperiority  of 

*  origin,  from  a  more  exaft  knowledge  of  lcrip- 
4  ture,  and  from  a  diftinftion  in  the  facrificial 

*  thread,  the  Brahmen  is  the  lord  of  all  clafles. 

4.  4  The  three  twice  born  clafles  are  the  facer- 
4  dotal,  the  military,  and  the  commercial  ;  but 
4  the  fourth,  or  fervile,  is  once  born,  that  is ,  has 
4  no  Jecond  birth  from  the  gayatri,  and  wears  no 
4  thread  :  nor  is  there  a  fifth  pure  clafs. 

5.  4  In  all  clafles  they,  and  they  only,  who  are 

*  born,  in  a  direft  order,  of  wives  equal  in  clafs, 

U  4  and 


0  and  virgins  at  the  time  of  marriage,  are 
€  to  be  confidered  as  the  fame  in  clafs  with  their 
1  fathers : 

6.  €  Sons,  begotten  by  twice  born  men,  on  wo- 
€  men  of  the  clafs  next  immediately  below  themr 

*  wife  legiflators  call  fimilar,  not  the  Jamey  in  clafs 
€  with  their  parents ,  becaufe  they  are  degraded 
0  to  a  middle  rank  between  both ,  by  the  lownefs  of 

*  their  mothers :  they  are  named  in  order  Murdhab- 
c  hilhida,  Mahilhya,  and  Carana,  or  Cayaft’ha; 
c  and  their  feveral  employments  are  teaching  military 
€  exercifes  ;  muficky  aftronomy>  and  keeping  herds ;  and 
€  attendance  on  princes . 

7.  *  Such  is  the  primeval  rule  for  the  fons  of 

*  women  one  degree  lower  than  their  hufbands : 
c  for  the  fons  of  women  two  or  three  degrees 
‘  lower,  let  this  rule  of  law  be  known. 

8.  c  From  a  Brahmen ,  on  a  wife  of  the  Vaifya 
0  clafs,  is  born  a  fon  called  Ambajhfha,  or 
c  Vaidya ,  on  a 'Sudra  wife  a  Nijhada ,  named  alfo 
9  Parafava: 

9.  c  From  a  Cjhatriya ,  on  a  wife  of  the  Sudra 
€  clafs,  fprings  a  creature  called  Ugra ,  with  a  na- 

*  ture  partly  warlike  and  partly  fervile,  ferocious 
0  in  his  manners,  cruel  in  his  ads. 

10.  c  The  fons  of  a  Brahmen  by  women  of  three 
c  lower  dalles,  of  a  Cjhatriya  by  women  of  two, 

*  and  of  a  Vaifya  by  one  lower  clafs,  are  called 

*  Apafadahy  or  degraded  below  their  fathers . 

11.  ‘  From  a  Cfhatriyay  by  a  Brdhmem  wife, 

*  fprings  a  Sat  a  by  birth ;  from  a  Vaifya ,  by  a 

*  military  or  facerdota’l  wife,  fpring  a  Magadha  and 
1  a  Vaideha . 

12.  c  From  a  Sudray  on  women  of  the  com- 
4  mercial,  military,  and  prieftly  clafies,  are  born 

6  fons 

ts  TIMES  OF  DISTRESS.  *  *gt 

Tons  of  a  mixed  breed,  called  A'yogava ,  CJhattr 
and  Chandala,  the  lotfcft  of  mortals. 

13.  4  As  the  Ambajht'ha  and  Ugra ,  born  in  a 
direct  order,  with  one  clafs  between  theje  of  their 
parents ,  are  confidered  in  law,  fo  are  the  CJhattr) , 
and  the  Vaideha,  born  in  an  inverfe  order  •with  one 
intermediate  clafs ;  and  all  four  may  be  touched 
•without  impurity. 

14.  ‘  Thofe  Ions  of  the  twice  born,  who  are 
begotten  on  women  without  an  interval  (  An- 
tara)  between  the  clafles  mentioned  in  order, 
the  wife  call  Ananlaras ,  giving  them  a  dif- 
tinft  name  from  the  lower  degree  of  their 

15.  c  From  a  Brahmen ,  by  a  girl  of  the  Ugra 
tribe,  is  born  an  A'vrita  ;  by  one  of  the  Ambaft'ba 
tribe,  an  A'bhira  ;  by  one  of  the  A'yogava  tribe, 
a  Dhigvana. 

16.  c  The  A'yogava,  the  CJhattr),  and  the  Chan - 
dcila,  the  lowed  of  men,  fpring  from  a  Sudra  in 
an  inverfe  order  of  the  claffes,  and  are  therefore 
all  three  excluded  from  the  performance  of  cbfequies 
to  their  anceflors: 

17.  *  From  a  Vaifya  the  Magadha  and  Vatdtha , 
from  a  CJhatriya  the  SUta  only,  are  born  in  an 
inverfe  order ;  and  they  are  three  other  fons  ex¬ 
cluded  from  funeral  rites  to  their  fathers. 

18.  c  The  fon  of  a  Nijloada  by  a  woman  of  the 
Sudra  clafs,  is  by  tribe  a  Puccafa ;  but  rhe  fon 
of  a  Sudra  by  a  Nifhadi  woman,  is  named  Cue - 
cutaca . 

19.  4  One  born  of  a  CJhattr 7  by  an  Ugra,  is 
called  Swapaca ;  and  one  begotten  by  a  Vaideba 
on  an  Ambafhtb }  wife  is  called  Vena. 

20.  c  Thofe,  whom  the  twice  born  beget  on 
women  of  equal  clafles,  but  who  perform  not 

U  2  ‘  the 


<  the  proper  ceremonies  of  ajfuming  the  thread,  and 

*  the  like ,  people  denominate  Vratyas,  or  excluded 

*  from  the  gayatr). 

21.  4  From  fuch  an  outcaft  Brahmen  fprings  a 
c  fon  of  a  finful  nature,  who  in  different  countries 

*  is  named  a  Bhurjacantaca ,  an  A’vantya,  a  Vatad - 

*  hana ,  a  Puftopadha  and  a  Saicha  : 

22.  4  From  fuch  an  outcaft  CJhatriya  comes  a 
c  fon  called  a  J'halla ,  a  Malta,  a  Nich'hivi ,  a  Natay 
4  a  Car  ana,  a  Cyhafay  and  a  Dravira  : 

23.  4  From  fuch  an  outcaft  Vaifya  is  born  a  fon 
4  called  Sudhanwan y  Chary  a,  Carufha y  Vijanmany 
c  Maitra,  and  Satwata. 

24.  c  By  intermixtures  of  the  claftes,  by  their 
4  marriages  with  women  who  ought  not  to  be 

*  married,  and  by  their  omifUon  of  prefcribed 
‘  duties,  impure  claftes  have  been  formed. 

25.  c  Those  men  of  mingled  births,  who  were 
4  born  in  the  inverfe  order  of  claftes,  and  who 
1  intermarry  among  themfelves,  I  will  now  com- 

*  pendioully  defcribe. 

26.  c  The  Sut a,  the  Vaideha y  and  the  Chandala , 
4  that  loweft  of  mortals,  the  Mdgadha ,  the  Cfioattri 
c  by  tribe*  and  the  A'yogava. 

27.  4  Thefe  fix  beget  fimilar  fons  on  women  of 
4  their  own  claftes,  or  on  women  of  the  fame  clafs 
f  with  their  mothers  ;  and  they  produce  the  like 

*  from  women  of  the  two  higheft  claftes,  and  of 
4  the  loweft  : 

28.  4  Asa  twice  born  fon  may  fpring  from  a 
4  Brahmen ,  by  women  of  two  claftes  out  of 
4  three,  a  fimilar  Jony  when  there  is  no  interval, 
4  and  an  equal  Jon  trom  a  woman  of  his  own 
4  clafs,  it  is  thus  in  the  cafe  of  the  low  tribes  in 
4  order. 

29.  c  Thofe 



29.  c  Thofe  fix  beget,  on  women  of  their  own 
tribes,  reciprocally,  very  many  defpicable  and 
abjeft  races  even  more  foul  than  their  begetters. 

30.  '  Even  as  a  Sv.dra  begets,  on  a  Brhhmem 
woman,  a  lbn  more  vile  than  himfclf,  thus  any 
other  low  man  begets,  on  women  of  the  four 
clafies,  a  fon  yet  lower. 

31.  ‘  The  fix  low  clafies,  marrying  inverfely, 
beget  fifteen  yet  lower  tribes,  the  bafe  producing 
ftill  baler';  and  in  a  dir  eft  order  they  produce  fifteen 

32.  c  A  Dafyu ,  or  ourcaft  of  any  pure  clafs, 
begets,  on  an  A'yogav)  woman,  a  Sairindhra ,  who 
fhould  know  how  to  attend  and  to  drefs  his 
mailer;  though  not  a  Have,  he  muft  live  by 
flavifh  work,  and  may  alfo  gain  fubfiftence  by 
catching  wild  beafls  in  toils: 

33.  c  A  Vaidcha  begets  on  her  a  fweet-voiced 
Mai  trey  a  ca,  who,  ringing  a  bell  at  the  appear¬ 
ance  of  dawn,  continually  praifes  great  men: 

34.  c  A  Nifhada  begets  on  her  a  Mdrgava  or 
Dafa,  who  fubfifts  by  his  labour  in  boats,  and 
is  named  Calvert  a  by  thofe  who  dwell  in  A'ryd - 
verta ,  or  the  land  of  the  venerable. 

35.  c  Thofe  three  of  a  bafe  tribe  are  feverally 
begotten  on  A'yogav )  women,  who  wear  the 
clothes  of  the  deceafed  and  eat  reprehenlible  food. 

36.  *  From  a  Nifhada  fprings,  by  a  woman  of  the 
Vaidcha  tribe ,  a  Cardvara>  who  cuts  leather,  and 
from  a  Vaidcha  fpring,  by  women  the  Caravara 
and  Nifhada  cafts ,  an  Andhra  and  a  Me  da ,  who 
mud  live  without  the  town 

37.  ‘  From  a  Chan  dal  a,  by  a  V ’aid eh)  woman, 
comes  a  Pdndufopdca ,  who  works  with  cane  and 
reeds ;  and  from  a  Nifhada }  an  Ahindica ,  who 
a<fls  as  a  jailor. 

U  3 

38.  1  From 



3S.  €  From  a  Chandala,  by  a  Puccasi  woq^an, 
c  is  born  a  Sopaca ,  who  lives  by  punifhing  cri- 
4  rrfnals  condemned  by  the  king,  a  finful  wretch 
4  ever  defpifed  by  the  virtuous. 

39.  c  A  Nijhad }  woman,  by  a  Chan  data,  pro*. 
€  duces  a  Ton  called  Antyavajayin ,  employed  in 

4  places  for  burning  the  dead,  contemned  even 

5  by  the  contemptible. 

40.  c  Thefe,  among  various  mixed  clafles, 
4  have  been  defcribed  by  their  feveral  fathers  and 
4  mothers  ;  and,  whether  concealed  or  open,  they 

*  may  be  known  by  their  occupations. 

41.  c  Six  Tons,  three  begotten  on  women  of  the 

*  fame  clafs,  and  three  on  women  of  lower  clafles, 

*  muft  perform  the  duties  of  twice  born  mens 
4  but  thofe  who  are  lorn  in  an  inverje  order ,  and 

4  called  low  born,  are  equal,  in  refped  of  duty,  to 

5  mere  Sudras . 

42.  4  By  the  force  of  extreme  devotion  and  of 
4  exalted  fathers,  all  of  them  may  rife  in  time  to 

*  high  birth,  as,  ly  the  r ever/e ,  they  may  fink  to  a 
4  lower  flate,  in  every  age  among  mortals  in  this 

*  inferiour  world. 

43.  c  The  following  races  of  CJhatriyas ,  by 
4  their  o million  of  holy  rites,  and  by  feeing  no 
c  Brahmens ,  have  gradually  funk  among  men,  to 

*  the  lowefl  of  the  four  clafles  : 

44.  c  Paund'racas ,  Odras ,  and  Draviras ;  Cam- 

*  bojas ,  TavanaSy  and  Sacas  •,  Paradas ,  Pahlavas , 

*  Chinas ,  Ciratas ,  Deradas ,  and  Chafas . 

45.  c  All  thofe  tribes  of  men,  who  fprang  from 
4  the  mouth,  the  arm,  the  thigh,  and  the  foot  of 
c  Brahma',  but  who  became  outcafts  by  having 
4  neglefied  their  duties ,  are  called  Da/yus ,  or  />/#?/- 
«  dererSy  whether  they  fpeak  the  language  of 
l  Mlechch'has ,  or  that  of  A'ryas , 

46,  J  Those 



46.  *  Those  Tons  of  the  twice  born  who  are 

*  laid  to  be  degraded,  and  who  are  confidered  as 
4  low  born,  fhallfubfift  only  by  filch  employments, 

4  as  the  twice  born  defpife. 

47.  4  Sutas  mud  live  by  managing  horfes  and 
4  by  driving  cars  ;  AmbajhChasy  by  curing  dif- 
4  orders ;  Vaidchas ,  by  waiting  on  women ;  Ma - 

*  gadbas ,  by  travelling  with  merchandize; 

48.  4  Nijhadas ,  by  catching  fifh ;  an  A  yogav  a , 

€  by  the  work  of  a  carpenter  ;  a  Meda>  an  Andhra, 

4  and  (the  Tons  of  a  Brahmen  by  wives  of  the  Vat- 
4  de'ba  and  Ugra  clafles,  refpedively  called)  a  Chun - 
4  chu  and  a  Madgu ,  by  flaying  beads  of  the  foreft ; 

49.  4  A  CJhattri ,  an  Ugra ,  and  a  Puccafa,  by 

*  killing  or  confining  l'uch  animals  as  live  in  holes: 

*  Dbigvanas ,  by  felling  leather  ;  Venas,  by  flriking 

*  mufical  indruments  : 

50.  *  Near  large  publick  trees,  in  places  for 
4  burning  the  dead,  on  mountains,  and  in  groves, 

*  let  thole  tribes  dwell,  generally  known,  and  en- 
4  gaged  in  their  feverai  works. 

51.  4  The  abode  of  a  Chandala  and  a  Swapaca 
4  mud  be  out  of  the  town ;  they  mud  not  have 
4  the  ufe  of  entire  vefiels  ;  their  foie  wealth  mud 
4  be  dogs  and  afles  : 

£2.  c  Their  clothes  mud  be  the  mantles  of  the 
4  deceafed ;  their  difhes  for  food,  broken  pots  ; 
4  their  ornaments,  rudy  iron;  continually  mud 
4  they  roam  from  place  to  place  : 

53.  4  Let  no  man,  who  regards  his  duty  reli— 
4  gious  and  civil,  hold  any  intercourfe  with  them  ; 

*  let  their  tranfa&ions  be  confined  to  themfelves, 
4  and  their  marriages  only  between  equals  : 

54.  *  Let  food  be  given  to  them  in  potfherds, 
4  but  not  by  the  hands  of  the  giver  ;  and  let  them 
4  not  walk  by  night  in  cities  or  towns : 


55-  ‘  By 


55.  c  By  day  they  may  walk  about  for  the 
purpofe  of  work,  diftinguifhed  by  the  king's 
badges ;  and  they  fhall  carry  out  the  corpfe  of 
every  one  who  dies  without  kindred  :  fuch  is 
the  fixed  rule. 

56.  ‘  They  (hall  always  kill  thofe  who  are  to 
be  (lain  by  the  fentence  of  the  law,  and  by  the 
royal  warrant ;  and  let  them  take  the  clothes  of 
the  (lain,  their  beds,  and  their  ornaments. 

57.  c  Him,  who  was  born  of  a  finful  mother, 
and  confequently  in  a  low  clafs,  but  is  not  openly 
known,  who,  though  worthlefs  in  truth,  bears 
the  femblance  of  a  worthy  man,  let  people  dif- 
cover  by  his  ads : 

58.  ‘  Want  of  virtuous  dignity,  harfhnefs  of 
fpeech,  cruelty,  and  habitual  negled  of  pre- 
fcribed  duties,  betray,  in  this  world,  the  fon  of  a 
criminal  mother. 

59.  *  Whether  a  man  of  debafed  birth  afiiime 
the  character  of  his  father  or  of  his  mother,  he 
can  at  no  time  conceal  his  origin: 

60.  c  He,  whofe  family  had  been  exalted,  but 
whofe  parents  were  criminal  in  marrying,  has  a 
bafe  nature,  according  as  the  offence  of  his  mother 
was  great  or  fmall. 

61.  c  In  whatever  country  fuch  men  are  born, 
as  deflroy  the  purity  of  the  four  clafles,  that 
country  foon  perifhes,  together  with  the  natives 
of  it. 

62.  f  Delertion  of  life,  without  reward,  for  the 
fake  of  preferving  a  pried  or  a  cow,  a  woman 
or  a  child,  may  caufe  the  beatitude  of  thofe  bafe- 
born  tribes. 

63.  £  Avoiding  all  injury  to  animated  beings , 
veracity,  abdinence  from  theft,  and  from  unjuft 
feizure  of  property,  cleanline fs,  and  command 

<  over 


over  the  bodily  organs,  form  the  compendious 
fyflern  of  duty  which  Menu  has  ordained  for 
the  four  dalles. 

64.  Should  the  tribe  fprung  from  a  Brahmen 
by  a  Sudra  woman,  produce  a  Jucceffion  of  children 
by  the  marriages  of  its  women  with  other  Bra- 
menSy  the  low  tribe  fhall  be  raifed  to  the  higheft 
in  the  leventh  generation. 

65.  4  As  the  fon  of  a  Sudra  may  thus  attain  the 
rank  of  a  Brahmen,  and  as  the  fon  of  a  Brahmen 
may  fink  to  a  level  with  Shdras,  even  fo  muft  it 
be  with  him  who  fprings  from  a  Cfhatriya'y  even 
fo  with  him  who  was  born  of  a  Vaifya. 

66.  *  If  there  be  a  doubt,  as  to  the  preference 
between  him  who  was  begotten  by  a  Brahmen 
for  his  pleafure,  hut  not  in  wedlock ,  on  a  Shdra 
woman,  and  him  who  was  begotten  by  a  Sudra 
on  a  Brahmen) , 

67.  r  Thus  is  it  removed  :  he,  who  was  be- 
gotten  by  an  exalted  man  on  a  bafe  woman, 
may,  by  his  good  acls,  become  refpedable  ;  but 
he,  who  was  begotten  on  an  exalted  woman  by 
a  bafe  man,  mud  himfelf  continue  bafe  : 

68.  4  Neither  of  the  two  (as  the  law  is  fixed) 
fhall  be  girt  with  a  facred  firing;  not  the  former, 
becaufe  his  mother  was  low ;  nor  the  fecond, 
becaufe  the  order  of  the  dalles  was  inverted. 

69.  4  As  good  grain,  fpringing  from  good  foil, 
is  in  all  refpeds  excellent,  thus  a  man,  lpringing 
from  a  refpedable  facher  by  a  refpedable  mo¬ 
ther,  has  a  claim  to  the  whole  inflitution  of  the 
twice  born. 

70.  4  Some  fages  give  a  preference  to  the 
grain  ;  others  to  the  field  ;  and  others  confider 
both  field  and  grain  ;  on  this  point  the  decifion 

follows : 

71.  1  Grain, 


71.  c  Grain,  caft  into  bad  ground,  wholly 

*  periffies,  and  a  good  field,  with  no  grain  Town  in 

*  ir,  is  a  mere  heap  of  clods  ; 

72.  f  But  fince,  by  the  virtue  of  eminent  fa- 
4  thers,  even  the  fons  of  wild  animals,  as  RHh- 
€  yafringa,  and  others ,  have  been  transformed  into 

*  holy  men  revered  and  extolled,  the  paternal  fide, 
f  therefore,  prevails, 

73.  ‘  Brahma  himfelf,  having  compared  a 

*  Sudra ,  who  performs  the  duties  of  the  twice - 
4  born,  with  a  twice  born  man,  who  does  the  ads 
c  of  a  Sudra ,  faid  :  “  Thofe  two  are  neither  equal 
“  nor  unequal,”  that  is,  they  are  neither  equal  in 

rank ,  nor  unequal  in  had  conduct. 

74.  4  Let  fuch  Brahmens  as  are  intent  on  the 
c  means  of  attaining  the  fupreme  godhead,  and 
c  firm  in  their  own  duties,  completely  perform,  in 
‘  order,  the  fix  following  ads : 

75.  *  Reading  the  Vedas ,  and  teaching  others 
€  to  read  them,  facrificing,  and  affifting  others  to 
4  facrilice,  giving  to  the  poor ,  if  themjelves  have 
1  enough ,  and  accepting  gifts  from  the  virtuous ,  if 
4  themjelves  are  poor,  are  the  fix  prefcribed  ads  of 
f  the  fir  ft  born.clafs ; 

.  76.  4  But,  among  thofe  fix  ads  of  a  Brahmen , 

4  three  are  his  means  of  fubfiftence ;  affifting  to 
4  facrifice,  teaching  the  Vedas ,  and  receiving  gifts 
4  from  a  pure-handed  giver. 

77.  4  Three  ads  of  duty  ceafe  with  the  Brcth* 

*  men ,  and  belong  not  to  the  CJhatriya ;  teaching 
€  the  Vedas ,  officiating  at  a  facrifice,  and,  thirdly, 
4  receiving  prefents : 

78.  *  Thole  three  are  alfo,  by  the  fixed  rule  of 
4  law,  forbidden  to  the  Vaifya  ;  fince  Menu,  the 
4  lord  of  all  men,  prefcribed  not  thofe  ads  to  the 

*  two  cUtffes 3  military  and  commercial , 

79.  ‘  The 


79.  ‘  The  means  of  fubfiftence,  peculiar  to  the 

*  CJhatriya ,  are  bearing  arms,  either  held  for  ftrik- 
4  ing  or  mi  (file,  to  the  Vaifya,  merchandize,  at- 

*  tending  on  cattle,  and  agriculture  :  but,  with  a 
f  view  to  the  next  life ,  the  duties  of  both  are  alms- 
9  giving,  reading,  facrificing. 

80.  c  Among  the  feveral  occupations /or gaining 
«  a  livelihood  ;  the  mod  commendable  refpe&ively 
<  for  the  facerdotal,  military,  and  mercantile 
4  clafies,  are  teaching  the  Veda,  defending  the 
9  people,  and  commerce,  or  keeping  herds  and 
f  flocks. 

81.  4  Yet  a  Brahmen,  unable  to  fubfift  by  his 
c  duties  juft  mentioned,  may  live  by  the  duty  of 

*  a  foldier  ;  for  that  is  the  next  in  rank. 

82.  *  If  it  be  afked,  how  he  muft  live,  fhould 
9  he  be  unable  to  get  a  fubfiftence  by  either  of 
c  thofe  employments  ;  the  anfwer  is ,  he  may  fub- 
1  fift  as  a  mercantile  man,  applying  himfelf  in  per- 
9  Jon  to  tillage  and  attendance  on  cattle  : 

83.  c  But  a  Brahmen  and  a  CJhatriya ,  obliged 
4  to  fubfift  by  the  afts  of  a  Vaifya ,  muft  avoid  with 
c  care,  if  they  can  live  by  keeping  herds ,  the  bufinefs 

*  of  tillage,  which  gives  great  pain  to  fentient  crea - 
c  Cures ,  and  is  dependant  on  the  labour  of  others, 

*  as  bulls  and  Jo  forth . 

84.  9  Some  are  of  opinion,  that  agriculture  is 

*  excellent ;  but  it  is  a  mode  of  fubfiftence  which 
4  the  benevolent  greatly  blame  ;  for  the  iron- 
€  mouthed  pieces  of  wood  not  only  wound  the 
c  earth,  but  the  creatures  dwelling  in  it. 

85  4  If,  through  want  of  a  virtuous  livelihood, 
9  they  cannot  follow  laudable  occupations,  they 
9  may  then  gain  a  competence  of  wealth  by  felling 
9  commodities  ufually  fold  by  merchants,  avoiding 

c  what  ought  to  be  avoided. 

5  5  86,  (  They 


86.  c  They  muft  avoid  felling  liquids  of  all 
€  forts,  d  re  (Ted  grain,  feeds  of  tilay  ftones,  fait, 
€  cattle,  and  human  creatures ; 

87.  c  All  woven  cloth  dyed  red,  cloth  made  of 
‘  Jana ,  of  cjhumci  bark,  and  of  wool,  even  though 

*  not  red  ;  fruit,  roots,  and  medicinal  plants  ; 

83.  c  Water,  iron,  poifon,  flefh-meat,  the 

*  moon-plant,  and  perfumes  of  any  fort ;  milk, 

*  honey,  butter-milk,  clarified  butter,  oil  of  tila, 
4  wax,  fugar,  and  blades  of  cuja-gvafe ; 

$9.  ‘  All  beads  of  the  foreft,  as  deer  and  the 

*  like;  ravenous  beads,  birds,  and  fijh  ;  fpirituous 
<  liquors,  mli3  or  indigo,  and  lacjhay  or  lac  $  and 
c  all  beads  with  uncloven  hoofs. 

90.  ‘  But  the  Brahmen  hufbandman  may  at 
c  pleafure  fell  pure  //7^-feeds  for  the  purpole  of 
c  holy  rites,  if  he  keep  them  not  long  with  a  hope 
€  gJ  more  gain,  and  fhall  have  produced  them  by 
c  his  own  culture  : 

91.  ‘  If  he  apply  feeds  of  tila  to  any  purpofe 
€  but  food,  anointing,  and  facred  oblations,  he 

*  fhall  be  plunged,  in  the  fhape  of  a  worm,  to- 
0  gether  with  his  parents,  into  the  ordure  of 

*  dogs. 

92.  f  By  felling  flefh-meat,  lacjhd ,  or  fait, 
c  a  Brahmen  immediately  finks  low,  by  felling 
f  milk  three  days,  he  falls  to  a  level  with  a  Sfidra  ; 

93.  c  And  by  felling  the  other  forbidden  com- 

*  modifies  with  his  own  free  will,  he  affumes  in 

*  this  world,  after  feven  nights,  the  nature  of  a 

*  mere  Vaifya. 

94.  ‘  Fluid  things  may,  however,  be  bartered 
'  for  other  fluids,  but  not  fait  for  any  thing  liquid  ; 

1  fo  may  drefled  grain  for  grain  undrefled,  and  tila- 
(  feeds  for  grain  in  the  hulk,  equal  weights  or 
‘  meafures  being  given  and  taken. 

95-  *  A 



95.  4  A  military  man,  in  diflrefs,  may  fub« 
fill  by  all  thefe  means,  but  at  no  time  mufl 
he  have  recourfe  to  the  highefl,  or  Jacerdotal 

9 6.  4  A  man  of  the  lowed  clafs,  who,  through 
covetoufnefs,  lives  by  the  adls  of  the  highefl,  let 
the  king  flrip  of  all  his  wealth  and  inflantly 
banifh  : 

97.  4  His  own  office,  though  defe&ively  per¬ 
formed,  is  preferable  to  that  of  another,  though 
performed  completely  ;  for  he,  who  without  ne- 
ceffity  difeharyes  the  duties  of  another  clafs, 
immediately  forfeits  his  own. 

98.  4  A  mercantile  man,  unable  to  fubfift 
by  his  own  duties,  may  defeend  even  to  the 
fervile  a<5ls  of  a  Siidra ,  taking  care  never  to  do 
what  ought  never  to  be  done  :  but,  when  he  has 
gained  a  competence,  let  him  depart  from 

99.  4  A  man  of  the  fourth  clafs,  not  finding 
employment  by  waiting  on  the  twice  born,  while 
his  wife  and  fon  are  tormented  with  hunger, 
may  fubfifl  by  handicrafts  : 

100.  4  Let  him  principally  follow  thofe  mecha¬ 
nical  occupations,  as  joinery  and  mafonry ,  or  thofe 
various  practical  arts,  as  'painting  and  writing,  by 
following  of  which  he  may  ferve  the  twice  born. 

10 1.  4  Should  a  Brahmen,  afflidled  and  pining 
through  want  of  food,choofe  rather  to  remain  fix¬ 
ed  in  the  path  of  his  own  duty,  than  to  adopt  the 
pradlice  of  Vaijyas ,  let  him  adl  in  this  manner  : 

102.  4  The  Brahmen ,  having  fallen  into  diflrefj, 
may  receive  gifts  from  any  perfon  whatever, 
for  by  no  facred  rule  can  it  be  fhown,  that  ab- 
folute  purity  can  be  fullied. 

103.  4  From 


103.  c  From  interpreting  the  Veda,  from  offici- 
€  ating  at  facrifices,or  from  taking  prefents,  though 

*  in  modes  generally  difapproved,  no  fin  is  com- 
c  mitted  by  priefts  in  diftrejs  ;  for  they  are  as  pure 
f  as  fire  or  water. 

104.  c  He  who  receives  food,  when  his  life 
€  could  not  otherwife  be  fuftained,  from  any  man 

*  whatever,  is  no  more  tainted  by  fin  than  the 
1  fubtil  ether  by  mud  : 

105.  c  Aji  garta,  dying  with  hunger,  was 
c  going  to  deftroy  his  own  fon  (nameet  Sv( nah- 

*  s'e'p’ha)  by  Jelling  him  for  fome  cattle ,  yet  he  was 
c  guilty  of  no  crime,  fince  he  only  fought  a  re- 
c  medy  againft  familhing: 

106.  ‘  Va'made'va  who  well  knew  right  and 

*  wrrong,  was  by  no  means  rendered  impure, 
c  though  defirous,  when  opprefied  with  hunger , 
1  of  eating  the  flefh  of  dogs  for  the  prefervation 
4  of  his  life  : 

107.  c  Bharadwa'ja,  eminent  in  devotion, 
c  when  he  and  his  fon  were  almofl  ftarved  in  a 
4  dreary  foreft,  accepted  feveral  cows  from  the 
€  carpenter  Vridhtj  : 

108.  c  Viswa'mitra  too,  than  whom  none 
c  better  knew  the  diftiruftions  between  virtue  and 
c  vice,  refolved,  w  hen  he  was  periftiing  with  hun- 
c  ger,  to  eat  the  haunch  of  a  dog,  which  he  had 

*  received  from  a  Chanda'la. 

109.  *  Among  the  a£ts  generally  difapproved, 

*  namely ,  accepting  prefents from  low  men,  aftifting 
€  them  to  facrifice,  and  explaining  the  fcripture  to 

*  them,  the  receipt  of  prefents  is  the  meaneft  in 
c  this  world,  and  the  moft  blamed  in  a  Brahmen 
f  after  his  prefent  life  ; 

no.  *  Becaufe  afiifting  to  facrifice  and  explain- 


4  ing  the  fcripture,  are  two  a&s  always  performed 

*  for  thofe,  whole  minds  have  been  improved  by 
4  the  /acred  initiation  ;  but  gifts  are  alfo  received 

*  from  a  fervile  man  of  the  lowed  clafs. 

hi.  4  The  guilt  incurred  by  aftifting  low  men 
4  to  facrifice,  and  by  teaching  them  the  fcripture, 

€  is  removed  by  repetitions  of  the  gay  air  t  and  ob- 

*  lations  to  fire  ;  but  that,  incurred  by  accepting 
4  gifts  from  them ,  is  expiated  only  by  abandoning 
‘  the  gifts  and  by  rigorous  devotion. 

1 12.  4  It  were  better  for  a  Brahmen ,  who  could 
4  not  maintain  himfelf,  to  glean  ears  and  grains, 

4  alter  harved,  from  the  field  of  any  perfon  what- 
4  ever :  gleaning  whole  ears  would  be  better  than 
4  accepting  a  prcfent,  and  picking  up  fingle  grains 
4  would  be  dill  more  laudable. 

1 1 3.  4  Brahmens,  who  keep  houfe,  and  are  in 
4  want  of  any  metals,  except  gold  and  filver ,  or  of 
4  articles  for  good  ufes ,  may  alk  the  king  for  them, 
c  if  he  be  of  the  military  clafs  ;  but  a  king,  known 
4  to  be  avaricious  and  unwilling  to  give,  mud  not 

*  be  folicited. 

1 14.  4  The  foremod,  in  order ,  of  thcfe  things 
c  may  be  received  more  innocently  than  that  which 
<  follows  it  :  a  field  untilled,  a  tilled  field,  cows, 
4  goats,  (beep,  precious  metals  or  gems,  new  grain, 

*  drefled  grain. 

1 1 5.  *  There  are  feven  virtuous  means  of  ac- 
4  quiring  property  ;  fucceflion,  occupancy  ordona- 

*  tion,  and  purchafe  or  exchange,  which  are  al- 
4  lowed  to  all  claffes  ;  conqueds,  which  is  peculiar 

*  to  the  military  clafs ;  lending  at  intered,  hufban- 
4  dry  or  commerce,  which  belong  to  the  mercantile 
4  clafs  ;  and  acceptance  of  prefents,  by  the  facer - 
4  dotal  clafs ,  from  refpe<5lable  men. 

116.  4  Learning, 


ii  6.  c  Learning,  except  that  contained  in  thtf 
c  Jcriptures,  art,  as  mixing  perfumes  and  the  like, 
4  work  for  wages,  menial  fervice,  attendance  on 
4  cattle,  traffick,  agriculture,  content  with  little, 
4  alms,  and  receiving  high  intereft  on  money,  are 
4  ten  modes  of  fubfiftence  in  times  of  diftrefs, 

117.  4  Neither  a  prieft  nor  a  military  man, 
4  though  diftreffed,  muft  receive  intereft  on  loans, 
4  but  each  ot  them,  if  he  pleafe,  may  pay  /i^fmall 
c  intereft  permitted  by  law,  on  borrowing  for  fome 

*  pious  ufe,  to  the  finful  man  who  demands  it, 

1 1 8.  c  A  military  king,  who  takes  even  a 
4  fourth  part  of  the  crops  of  his  realm  at  a  time  of 

*  urgent  necefTiiy,  as  of  war  or  invafion ,  and  pro- 

*  teds  his  people  to  the  utmoft  of  his  power, 
4  commits  no  fin : 

1  iq.  *  His  peculiar  duty  is  conqueft,  and  he 

*  muft  not  recede  from  battle  ;  fo  that  while  he' 
4  defends  by  his  arms  the  merchant  and  hufband- 
4  man,  he  may  levy  the  legal  tax  as  the  price  of 
4  protection, 

120.  c  The  tax  on  the  mercantile  clafs,  which 
4  in  tunes  of  profperity  muft  be  only  a  twelfth  part  of 
4  their  crops ,  and  a  fiftieth  of  their  perfonal  profit s,- 
4  may  be  an  eighth  of  their  crops  in  a  time  of  diftrefs, 

4  or  a  fixth,  which  is  the  medium ,  or  even  a  fourth 
4  in  great  publick  adverfity  ;  but  a  twentieth  of 
4  their  gains  on.  money,  and  other  moveables,  is 
4  the  higheft  tax :  ferving  men,  artifans,  and  me- 
4  chanicks  muft  aftift  by  their  labour,  but  at  no 
4  time  pay  taxes . 

121.  4  If  a  Siidra  want  a  fubfiftence,  and  cannot 
4  attend  a  prieft,  he  may  ferve  a  Cfhatriya  ;  or,  if 
4  he  cannot  wait  on  a  foldier  by  birth ,  he  may  gain 
4  his  livelihood  by  ferving  an  opulent  Vaifya. 

122.  4  To 


122.  *  To  him,  who  ferves  Brahmens  with  a 
view  to  a  heavenly  reward,  or  even  with  a  view 
to  both  this  life  and  the  next,  the  union  of  the 
word  Brahmen  with  his  name  of  jervant  will  af- 
luredly  bring  fuccefs. 

123.  ‘  Attendance  on  Brahmens  is  pronounced 
the  beft  work  of  a  SbJra :  whatever  elfe 
he  may  perform  will  comparatively  avail  him 

124.  *  They  muft  allot  him  a  fit  maintenance 
according  to  their  own  circumftances,  after  con- 
fidering  his  ability,  his  exertions,  and  the 
number  of  thofe  whom  he  muft  provide  with 
nourifhmenr : 

125.  ‘  What  remains  of  their  drefled  rice  muft 
be  given  to  him  ;  and  apparel  which  they  have 
worn,  and  the  refufe  of  their  grain,  and  their 
old  houfehold  furniture. 

126.  ‘  There  is  no  guilt  in  a  man  of  the  fer* 
vile  cl  a  fs  ivbo  eats  leeks  and  other  forbidden  vege¬ 
tables  :  he  muft  not  have  the  facred  inveftiture  : 
he  lias  no  bufinefs  with  the  duty  of  making  obla - 
tions  to  fire  and  the  like ;  but  there  is  no  prohibi¬ 
tion  again  ft  his  offering  dreffed  grain  as  a  facrificey 
by  way  of  df charging  his  own  duty. 

127.  i  Even  Sudras ,  who  are  anxious  to  per¬ 
form  their  entire  duty,  and,  knowing  what  they 
fhould  perform,  imitate  the  practice  of  good 
men  in  the  houfehold facraments,  but  without  any 
holy  text,  except  tboje  containing  traije  and  faint  a* 
tion ,  are  fo  far  from  finning,  tnat  they  acquire 
juft  applaufe  : 

128.  ‘  As  a  Sudra ,  without  injuring  another 
man,  performs  the  lawful  ads  of  the  twicQ 
born,  even  thus,  without  being  cenfured,  he 
gains  exaltation  in  this  world  and  in  the  next. 

X  129.  4  No 


129.  c  No  fuperflucus  collection  of  wealth  muft 
be  made  by  a  Sudra ,  even  though  he  has  power 
to  make  it,  fince  a  fervile  man,  who  has  amaffed 
riches,  becomes  proud,  and ,  by  his  infolence  or  ne- 
gleft,  gives  pain  even  to  Brahmens . 

130.  ‘  Such,  as  have  been  fully  declared,  are 
the  feveral  duties  of  the  four  daffes  in  diftrefs 
for  fubfiftence  ;  and,  if  they  perform  them  ex¬ 
actly,  they  fhall  attain  the  higheft  beatitude. 

13 1.  c  Thus  has  been  propounded  the  fyftem 
of  duties,  religions  and  civil,  ordained  for  all 
daffes :  I  next  will  declare  the  pure  law  of  ex¬ 
piation  for  fin/ 

C  3°7  ) 


On  Penance  and  Expiation > 

t.  c  Him,  who  intends  to  marry  for  the  fake  of 

*  having  illue  ;  him,  who  wifhes  to  make  a  fa- 
c  crifice  ;  him,  who  travels ;  him,  who  has  given 

*  all  his  wealth  at  a  facred  rite  ;  him,  who  defires 
4  to  maintain  his  preceptor,  his  father,  or  his  mo* 
4  ther  ;  him,  who  needs  a  maintenance  for  him- 

*  felf,  when  he  firfb  reads  the  Veda ;  and  him, 
4  who  is  afflicted  with  illnefs ; 

2.  ‘  Thefe  nine  Brahmens  let  mankind  confider 
c  as  virtuous  mendicants,  called  fniitacas  ;  and, 
4  to  relieve  their  wants,  let  gifts  of  cattle  cr  gold 
4  be  prefented  to  them,  in  proportion  to  their 

*  learning  : 

3.  4  To  thefe  mofl  excellent  Brahmens  mud 
4  ricealfobe  given,  with  holy  prefents  at  \ oblations 
4  to  fire ,  and  within  the  confecratcd  circle ;  but  the 
4  drelfed  rice,  which  others  are  to  receive,  mud  be 
4  delivered  on  the  outfide  of  the  facred  hearth  : 

*  gold  and  the  like  may  be  given  any  where . 

44  4  On  fuch  Brahmen j  as  well  know  the  Vida% 
4  let  the  king  beftow,  as  it  becomes  him,  jewels 
4  of  all  forts,  and  the  folemn  reward  for  officiating 
‘  at  the  facrifice. 

X  2 

5.  ‘  He, 



5.  c  He,  who  has  a  wife,  and,  having  begged 
c  money  to  defray  bis  nuptial  expertces ,  marries  an- 
4  other  woman,  lhall  have  no  advantage  but  fen- 

*  fual  enjoyment :  the  offspring  belongs  to  the 

*  beftower  of  the  gift. 

6.  4  Let  every  man,  according  to  his  ability, 

*  give  wealth  to  Brahmens  detached  from  the 
1  world  and  learned  in  fcripture  ;  fuch  a  giver 
1  lhall  attain  heaven  after  this  life. 

7.  ‘  He  alone  is  worthy  to  drink  the  juice  of 
1  the  moon-plant,  who  keeps  a  provifion  of  grain 

*  fufficient  to  fupply  thofe,  whom  the  law  com- 
‘  mands  him  to  nourifh,  for  the  term  of  three 
4  years  or  more  ; 

8.  ‘  But  a  twice  born  man,  who  keeps  a  lefs 

*  provifion  of  grain,  yet  prefumes  to  tafte  the 

*  juice  of  the  moon-plant,  lhall  gather  no  fruit 
€  from  that  facrament,  even  though  he  tafie  it 

*  at  the  fir  ft,  or  folemn ,  much  lefs  at  any  occaftonal 

*  ceremony. 

9.  ‘  He,  who  bellows  gifts  on  ftrangers,  with  a 
4  ‘View  to  worldly  fame ,  while  he  fuffers  his  family 
4  to  live  in  diftrefs,  though  he  has  power  to  flip - 
1  port  them9  touches  his  lips  with  honey,  but 
4  fwallows  poifon  ;  fuch  virtue  is  counterfeit : 

10.  6  Even  what  he  does  for  the  fake  of  hi* 
4  future  fpiritual  body,  to  the  injury  of  thofe 
4  whom  he  is  bound  to  maintain,  lhall  bring  him 
4  ultimate  mifery  both  in  this  life  and  in  the  next. 

11.  6  Should  a  facrifice,  performed  by  any 
4  twice  born  facrificer,  .and  by  a  Brahmen  efpe- 
4  cially,  be  imperfedl  from  the  want  of  fome 
4  ingredient,  during  the  reign  of  a  prince  who 
x  knows  the  law, 

12.  6  Let  him  take  that  article,  foe  the  com- 

r  4  pletioa 



plction  of  the  facrifice,  from  the  houfe  of  any 
Vcdfya,  who  poflefies  confiderable  herds,  but 
neither  facrifices,  nor  drinks  the  juice  of  the 
moon-plant : 

13.  ‘  If  fuch  a  Vdifya  be  not  near,  he  may  take 
two  or  three  fuch  neceflary  articles,  at  pleafure, 
from  the  houfe  of  a  Sidra  ;  fince  a  Sidra  has 
no  bufinefs  with  folemn  rites. 

14.  ‘  Even  from  the  houfe  of  a  Brahmen  or  a 
Cjhatriya ,  who  pofi'efles  a  hundred  cows,  but  has 
no  confecrated  fire,  or  a  thoufand  cows,  but 
performs  no  facrifice  with  the  moon-plant,  let  a 
pried,  without  fcruple,  take  the  articles  wanted . 

15.  ‘  From  another  Brahmen ,  who  continually 
receives  prefents  but  never  gives,  let  him  take 
fuch  ingredients  of  the  facrifice,  if  not  bellowed 
on  requefi  :  fo  lhall  his  fame  be  fpread  abroad, 
and  his  habits  of  virtue  increafe. 

16.  ‘  Thus,  likewife,  may  a  Brahmen ,  who  has 
not  eaten  at  the  time  of  fix  meals,  or  has  fafted 
three  whole  days ,  take  at  the  time  of  the  feventfl 
meal,  or  on  the  fourth  morning,  from  the  man 
who  behaves  bafely  by  not  offering  him  food 
enough  to  fupply  him  till  the  morrow  : 

17.  4  He  may  take  it  from  the  floor,  where 
the  grath  is  trodden  out  of  the  hulk,  or  from 
the  field,  or  from  the  houfe,  or  from  any  place 
whatever  ;  but,  if  the  owner  alk  why  he  takes  it% 
the  caufe  of  the  taking  mud  be  declared. 

18.  *  The  wealth  of  a*  virtuous  Brahmen  mud 
at  no  time  be  lcized  by  a  Cjhatriya ;  but,  having 
no  other  means  to  complete  a  facrifice,  he  may 
take  the  goods  of  any  man  who  adts  wickedly, 
and  of  afty  who  performs  not  his  religious  duties: 

19.  4  He  who  takes  property  from  the  bad,  for 
the  purpoja  bfere»meniionrd,^nd  be  flows  it  on  the 

X  3  ‘  good. 



*  good,  transforms  himfelf  into  a  boat,  and  car- 
1  ries  both  the  good  and  the  bad  over  a  fea  of  ca~ 
9  families, 

£0.  ‘  Wealth,  pofieffed  by  men  for  the  per- 
c  formance  of  facrifices,  the  wife  call  the  property 

*  of  the  gods;  but  the  wealth  of  men,  who 

*  perform  no  facrifice,  they  conlider  as  the  pro- 
c  perty  of  demons. 

2i.  *  'Let  no  pious  king  fine  the  man  who 
9  takes  by  ftealth>  or  by  force9  what  he  wants  to  make 

*  a  facrifice  perfect ;  fince  it  is  the  king’s  folly, 
c  that  caufes  the  hunger  or  wants  of  a  Brahmen  : 

12,  9  Having  reckoned  up  the  perfons,  whom 

*  the  Brahmen  is  obliged  to  fupport,  having  af- 
€  certained  his  divine  knowledge  and  moral  con- 

*  dud:,  let  the  king  allow  him  a  fuitahle  main- 
<  tenance  from  his  own  houfehold  ; 

23.  (  And,  having  appointed  him  a  mainte- 
9  nance,  let  the  king  proted:  him  on  all  fides  ;  for 
9  he  gains  from  the  Brahmen  whom  he  proteds, 
9  a  fixth  part  of  the  reward  for  his  virtue. 

24.  9  Let  no  Brahmen  ever  beg  a  gift  from  a 
9  Sudra ;  for,  if  he  perform  a  facrifice  after  fuch 
9  begging,  he  fhall,  in  the  next  life,  be  born  a 
9  Chanda  fa. 

25.  9  The  Brahmen  who  begs  any  articles  for 
9  a  facrifice,  and  difpofes  not  of  them  all  for  that 
9  purpofe,  fhall  become  a  kite  or  a  crow  for  a 
9  hundred  years. 

26.  6  Any  evil-hearted  wretch,  who,  through 
9  covetoufnefs,  fhall  feize  the  property  of  the  gods 

*  or  of  Brahmens ,  fhall  feed  in  another  world  on 
9  the  orts  of  vultures. 

27.  9  The  facrifice  Vaifwanari  mufl  be  con- 
flantly  performed  on  the  firft  day  of  the  new 
year,  or  on  the  new  moon  of  Chaitra9  as  an' 

9  expiation 


31  1 

expiation  for  having  omitted,  through  nitre  for - 
getfulnejs,  the  appointed  Sacrifices  ot  cattle  and 
the  rites  of  the  moon-plant : 

28.  4  But  a  twice  born  man,  who,  without 
neceflity,  does  an  act  allowed  only  in  a  cafe  of 
necefiity,  reaps  no  fruit  from  it  hereafter  :  thus 
has  it  been  decided. 

29.  *  By  the  Vifwedevas,  by  the  Sadhyas ,  and 
by  eminent  Ri/bis  of  the  facerdotal  clafs,  the 
fubftitute  was  adopted  for  the  principal  adt, 
when  they  were  apprehenfive  of  dying  in  times 
of  imminent  peril ; 

30.  4  But  no  reward  is  prepared  in  a  future 
itate  for  that  ill-minded  man,  who,  when  able 
to  perform  the  principal  facrifice,  has  recourfe 
to  the  fubftitute. 

31.  4  A  Priest,  who  well  knows  the  law, 
needs  not  complain  to  the  king  of  any  grievous 
injury;  fince,  even  by  his  own  power,  he  may 
chaftife  thofe  who  injure  him  : 

32.  4  His  own  power,  which  depends  on  him  [elf 
alone ,  is  mightier  than  the  royal  power,  which 
depends  on  other  men:  by  his  own  might,  there¬ 
fore,  may  a  Brahmen  coerce  his  foes. 

33.  4  He  may  ufe,  without  hefitation,  the 
powerful  charms  revealed  to  At’harvan,  and 
by  him  to  Angiras  ;  for  fpeech  is  the  weapon 
of  a  Brahmen  :  with  that  he  may  deftroy  his 

34.  4  A  foldier  may  avert  danger  from  himfelf 
by  the  ftrength  of  his  arm  ;  a  merchant  and  a 
mechanick,  by  their  property  ;  but  the  chief  of 
the  twice  born,  by  holy  texts  and  oblations 
to  fire. 

35.  4  A  prieft,  who  performs  his  duties,  who 
juftly  corredfs  his  children  and  pupils,  who  advifes 

X  4  4  expiations 



4  expiations  for  fin,  and  who  loves  all  animated 

*  creatures,  is  truly  called  a  Brahmen ;  to  him  let 

*  no  man  fay  any  thing  unpropitious,  nor  ufe  any 

*  offenfive  language. 

36.  6  Let  not  a  girl,  nor  a  young  woman,  mar - 
4  vied  cr  unmarried ,  nor  a  man  with  little  learning, 

6  nor  a  dunce,  perform  an  oblation  to  fire  ;  nor  a 
‘  man  difeafed,  nor  one  uninvefted  yntb  the  facri- 
4  jicial  firing ; 

37.  6  Since  any  of  thofe  perfons,  who  make 

*  fuch  an  oblation,  fhali  fall  into  a  region  of  tor- 
4  ture,  together  with  him  who  fuffers  his  hearth 
€  to  be  ufed  :  he  alone,  who  perfectly  knows  the 
c  facred  ordinances,  and  has  read  all  the  Vedas , 
4  mu  ft  officiate  at  an  oblation  to  holy  fire. 

38.  4  A  Brahmen  with  abundant  wealth,  who 
‘  prefents  not  the  prieft  that  hallows  his  fire,  with 
s  a  horfe  confecrated  to  Praja'pati,  becomes 
c  equal  to  one  who  has  no  fire  hallowed, 

39.  ‘  Let  him,  who  believes  the  fcripture,  and 
1  keeps  his  organs  in  fubjedtion,  perform  all  other 

*  pious  adts;  but  never  in  this  world  let  him  offer 
4  a  facrifice  with  trifling  gifts  to  the  officiating 
4  prieft  : 

40.  4  The  organs  of  fenfe  and  a&ion,  reputa- 
4  tion  in  this  life ,  a  heavenly  manfion  in  the  next , 
4  life  it  fie  If y  a  great  name  after  death ,  children  and 
4  cattle,  are  all  deftroyed  by  a  facrifice  offered 
4  with  trifling  prefents:  let  no  man,  therefore-, 

*  facrifice  without  liberal  gifts. 

41.  4  The  prieft  who  keeps  a  facred  hearth, 

*  but  voluntarily  negledts  the  morning  and  evening 
4  oblations  to  his  fires,  muft  perform,  in  the  manner 
4  to  be  dejcribrd ,  the  penance  chdndrayana  for  one 
‘  month;  fmce  that  negkftis  equally  finful  w'ith 

*  the  flaughter  qf  a  fon. 

42.  «  They 



4 z,  f  They  who  receive  property  from  a  Sudra, 
c  for  the  performance  of  rites  to  confecrated  fire, 

*  are  contemned,  as  minitters  of  the  bafe,  by  all 
c  fuch  as  pronounce  texts  of  the  Vida  : 

43.  ‘  Of  thofe  ignorant  priefts,  who  ferve  the 
1  holy  fire  for  the  wealth  of  a  Sit  dr  a,  the  giver 
1  (hall  always  tread  on  the  foreheads,  and  thus 
1  pafs  over  miferie9  in  the  gloom  of  death* 

44.  c  Every  man,  who  doe9  not  an  a  ft  pre- 
‘  feribed,  or  does  an  adt  forbidden,  or  is  guilty 
‘  of  excefs,  even  in  legal  gratifications  of  the  fenfes, 

‘  muft  perform  an  expiatory  penance. 

43.  ‘  Some  of  the  learned  conlider  an  expiation 
1  as  confined  to  involuntary  fin;  but  others,  from 

*  the  evidence  of  the  Veda,  hold  it  effectual  even 
1  in  the  cafe  of  a  voluntary  offence  : 

46.  1  A  fin,  involuntarily  committed,  is  re- 
c  moved  by  repeating  certain  texts  of  the  ferip- 

*  ture;  but  a  fin  committed  intentionally,  through 

*  ftrange  infatuation,  by  harfli  penances  of  dif- 
‘  ferent  forts. 

47.  ‘  If  a  twice  born  man,  by  the  will  of  God 
<  in  this  world,  or  from  his  natural  birth,  have 

*  any  corporeal  mark  of  an  expiable  fin  committed 

*  in  this  or  a  former  (late,  he  muff  hold  no  in- 
€  tercourfe  with  the  virtuous,  while  his  penance 

*  remains  unperformed. 

48.  ‘  Some  evil  minded  perfons,  for  (ins  com- 

*  mitted  in  this  life,  and  fomc  for  bad  adtions  in 
‘  a  preceding  (late,  fuffer  a  morbid  change  in 
(  their  bodies  : 

49.  ‘  A  dealer  of  gold  from  a  Brhhmcn  has 
f  whitlows  on  his  nails;  a  drinker  of  fpirits,  black 
c  terh;  the  (layer  of  a  Brahmen,  a  marafmus;  the 

*  violator  of  his  gurus  bed,  a  deformity  in  the 

*  generative  organs ; 

50.  *  A 



50.  4  A  malignant  informer,  fetid  ulcers  in  his 
c  noftrils;  a  falfe  detractor,  {linking  breath  ;  a 
4  ilealer  of  grain,  the  defedl  of  fome  limb  ;  a 
4  mixer  of  bad  zvares  with  goody  fome  redundant 
4  member  ; 

51.  4  A  flealer  of  drefled  grain,  dyfpepfia  ;  a- 
4  healer  of  holy  words,  or  an  unauthorized  reader •> 
4  of  the  fcriptures ,  dumbnefs  ;  a  healer  of  clothes, 

4  leprofy  ;  a  horfe-dealer,  lamenefs  ; 

52.  4  The  dealer  of  a  lamp,  total  blindnefs  ; 

4  the  mifchievous  extinguifher  cf  it,  blindnefs  in 
4  one  eye  ;  a  delighter  in  hurting  fentient  crea- 
4  tures,  perpetual  illnefs ;  an  adulterer,  windy 
4  fwellings  in  his  limbs  : 

53.  4  Thus,  according  to  the  diverfity  of  ac- 
4  tions,  are  born  men  defpifed  by  the  good, 

4  dupid,  dumb,  blind,  deaf,  and  deformed. 

54.  4  Penance,  therefore,  mud  invariably  be 
4  performed  for  the  fake  of  expiation;  fince  they, 

4  who  have  not  expiated  their  fins,  will  again 
4  fpring  to  birth  with  difgraceful  marks. 

55.  4  Killing  a  Brahmen ,  drinking  forbidden 
4  liquor,1  dealing  gold  from  a  pried,  adultery 
4  with  the  wife  of  a  father,  natural  or  fpiritua], 

4  and  adociating  with  fuch  as  commit  thofe  of- 
4  fences,  wife  legihators  mud  declare  to  be  crimes 
4  in  the  highed  degree,  in  refpebi  of  thofe  after  men* 

4  tioned ,  but  lefs  than  incefi  in  a  direct  line,  and  fome 
4  others . 

56.  4  False  boafling  of  a  high  tribe,  malignant 
4  information,  before  the  king,  of  a  criminal  who 
4  mud  fufier  death ,  and  falfely  accufing  a  fpiritual 
4  preceptor,  are  crimes  in  the  fecond  degree , 

4  nearly  equal  to  killing  a  Brahmen . 

57.  4  Forgetting  the  texts  of  fcripture,  fhowing 

4  contempt  of  the  Veda ,  giving  falfe  evidence 




without  a  bad  motive,  kilfngafiiend  without  malice , 
eating  things  prohibited,  or,  from  their  manifefl 
impurity ,  unfit  to  be  tailed,  are  fix  crimes  nearly 
equal  to  drinking  fpirits ;  but  perjuty  and  homi¬ 
cide  require ,  in  atrocious  cafes ,  the  harjhe/l  expiation . 

58.  ‘  l'o  appropriate  a  thing  dcpolited  or  lent 
for  a  time ,  a  human  creature,  a  horfe,  precious 
metals,  a  field,  a  diamond,  or  any  other  gem, 
is  nearlv  equal  to  Healing  the  gold  of  a  Brahmen. 

59.  4  Carnal  commerce  with  fillers  by  the  fame 
mother,  with  little  girls,  with  women  of  the 
lowed  mixed  clafs,  or  with  the  wives  of  a  friend, 
or  of  a  fon,  the  wife  muft  confider  as  nearly 
equal  to  a  violation  of  the  paternal  bed. 

60.  *  Slaying  a  bull  or  cow,  facrificing  what 
ought  not  to  be  facrificed,  adultery,  felling 
onefelf,  deferting  a  preceptor,  a  mother,  a  fa¬ 
ther,  or  a  fon,  omitting  to  read  the  fcripture, 
and  negledl  of  the  fires  prefcribed  by  the  Dher- 
mafaftra  only, 

61.  ‘  The  marriage  of  a  younger  brother  be¬ 
fore  the  elder,  and  that  elder’s  omiffion  to  marry 
before  the  younger,  giving  a  daughter  to  either 
of  them,  and  officiating  at  their  nuptial  facrifice, 
62  4  Defiling  a  damfel,  ufury,  want  of  perfedt 
challity  in  a  lludent,  felling  a  holy  pool  or 
garden,  a  wife,  or  a  child, 

63.  *  Omitting  the  facred  inveftiture,  abandon¬ 
ing  a  kinfman,  teaching  the  Veda  for  hire,  learn¬ 
ing  it  from  a  hired  teacher,  felling  commodities 
that  ought  not  to  be  fold, 

64.  *  Working  in  mines  of  any  fort,  engaging 
in  dykes ,  bridges ,  or  other  great  mechanical  works, 
fpoiling  medicinal  plants  repeatedly,  fubfitling  by 
the  harlotry  of  a  wife,  offering  facrifices  and 
preparing  charms  to  deflroy  the  innocent , 

65.  *  Cutting 



65.  c  Cutting  down  green  trees  for  firewood, 
c'  performing  holy  rites  with  a  felfifii  view  merely, 
6  and  eating  prohibited  food  once  without  a  previous 

*  defign, 

66  6  Neglecting  to  keep  up  the  confecrated 
c  fire,  ftealing  any  valuable  thing  bejides  gold ,  non- 
6  payment  of  the  three  debts,  application  to  the 
c  books  of  a  falfe  religion,  and  exceffive  attention 

*  to  mufick  or  dancing, 

67.  ‘  Stealing  grain,  bafe  metals,  or  cattle, 
c  familiarity,  by  the  twice  born ,  with  women  who 
€  have  drunk  inebriating  liquor,  killing  without 
c  malice  a  woman,  a  Sudra,  a  Vaifya,  or  a  CJhatriya, 

*  and  denying  a  future  ftate  of  rewards  and  pu- 

*  nifhments,  are  all  crimes  in  the  third  degree, 
6  but  higher  or  lower  according  to  circumftances. 

68.  ‘  Giving  pain  to  a  Brahmen ,  fmelling  at 
c  any  fpirituous  liquor  or  any  thing  extremely  fetid 
«  and  unfit  to  be  fmelt,  cheating,  and  unnatural 

*  practices  with  a  male,  are  considered  as  caufing 
(  a  lofs  of  clafs. 

69.  ‘  To  kill  an  afs,  a  horfe,  a  camel,  a  deer, 

<  an  elephant,  a  goat,  a  fneep,  a  fifh,  a  fnake,  or 
1  a  buffalo,  is  declared  an  offence  which  degrades 

*  the  killer  to  a  mixed  tribe. 

70.  *  Accepting  prefents  from  defpicable 
1  men,  illegal  traffick,  attendance  on  a  Sudra 
Ci  mailer,  and  fpeaking  falfehood,  muff  be  con- 

<  iidered  as  caufes  of  exclufion  from  focial  repafts. 

71.  Killing  an  infedt,  fmall  or  large,  a  worm, 

«  or  a  bird,  eating  what  has  been  brought  in  the 
c  jame  bajket  with  fpirituous  liquor,  ftealing  fruit, 
c  wood,  or  flowers,  and  great  perturbation  of 

<  mind  on  trifling  occafions,  are  offences  which 
6  caufe  defilement. 

72.  c  You 



72.  ‘  You  (ball  now  be  completely  inftru&ed 
«  in  thofe  penances,  by  which  all  the  fins  juft 
i  mentioned  are  expiable. 

73.  ‘  If  a  Brahmen  have  killed  a  man  of  the 
«  facerdotal  clafs,  without  malice  prepenfe ,  the  flayer 
‘  being  far  fuperiour  to  the  Jlain  in  good  qualities ,  he 

*  mult  himlelf  make  a  hut  in  a  foreft  and  dwell  in 
<  it  twelve  whole  years,  fubfifting  on  alms  for  the 

*  purification  of  his  foul,  placing  near  him,  as  a 
c  token  of  his  crime ,  the  full  of  the  Jlain ,  if  he  can 
1  procure  it,  or,  if  not ,  any  human  full .  The  time 
1  of  penance  for  thethree  lower  clajfes  mifl  be  twenty - 
‘  Jour ,  thirty  fix,  and  forty -eight  years. 

74.  6  Ox,  if  the  flayer  be  of  the  military  clafs,  he 
f  may  voluntarily  expofe  himfelf  as  a  mark  to 

*  archers,  who  know  his  intention  ;  or,  according  to 
€  cir  cum  fiances,  may  call  himlelf  head- long  thrice, 
‘  or  even  till  he  die,  into  blazing  fire. 

73.  ‘  Or,  if  he  be  a  king ,  and  flew  a  priefi  with - 

*  out  malice  or  knowledge  of  his  clafs,  he  may  per- 

*  form,  with  prefents  of  great  wealth,  one  of  the 
c  following  facrifices ;  an  Afwamedba ,  or  a  Sweriity 
‘  or  a  Gofava,  or  an  Abhijit ,  or  a  Tifwajit ,  or  a 

*  Irivftt,  or  an  Agnifhiut. 

76.  ‘  Or,  to  expiate  the  guilt  of  killing  a  prieft 
s  without  knowing  him  and  without  dejign,  the  killer 

*  may  walk  on  a  pilgrimage  a  hundred  ybjanas ,  re- 
c  pealing  any  one  ot  the  Vedas,  eating  barely 
i  enough  to  fuftain  life,  and  keeping  his  organs  in 
f  perfect  fubjedtion ; 

77.  ‘  Or,  if  in  that  cafe  the  flayer  be  unlearned, 
(  but  rich,  he  may  give  alt  his  property  to  fome 
1  Brahmen  learned  in  the  Vida,  or  a  fufficiency  of 

*  wealth  for  his  life,  or  a  houfe  and  furniture  to 

*  bold  while  he  lives : 

78.  ‘  Or, 




78.  ‘  Or,  eating  only  fuch  wild  grains  2$  are 

*  offered  to  the  gods,  he  may  walk  to  the  head  of 
6  the  river  Sarafwat )  againd  the  courfe  of  the 
f  dream  ;  or,  fubfiding  on  very  little  food,  he 

*  may  thrice  repeat  the  whole  collection  of  Vedas^ 
6  or  the  Rich ,  7 ajufh ,  and  Saman. 

7 9.  ‘  Or,  his  hair  being  (horn,  he  may  dwell 

*  near  a  town,  or  cn  padure  ground  for  cows, 

*  or  in  fome  holy  place,  or  at  the  root  of  a  facred 
6  tree,  taking  pleafure  in  doing  good  to  cows  and 
6  to  Brahmens  : 

80.  ‘  There,  for  the  prefervation  of  a  cow  or 

*  a  Brahmen ,  let  him  inftantly  abandon  life ;  fince 
the  preferver  of  a  cow  or  a  Brahmen  atones  for 

‘  the  crime  of  killing  a  pried  : 

81.  4  Or,  by  attempting  at  lead  three  times 

*  forcibly  to  recover  from  robbers  the  property  of  a 
6  Brahmen ,  or  by  recovering  it  in  one  of  its  attacks, 

*  or  even  by  lofing  his  life  in  the  attempt,  he 
‘  atones  for  his  crime. 

S2.  6  Thus  continually  firm  in  religious  aude* 
Q  rity,  chade  as  a  dudent  in  the  fird  order,  with 
‘  his  mind  intent  on  virtue,  he  may  expiate  the 
6  guilt  of  undefgnedly  killing  a  Brahmen ,  after  the 

*  twelfth  year  has  expired. 

83.  *  Or,  if  a  virtuous  Brahmen  unintentionally  kill 
€  another ,  who  had  no  good  quality ,  he  may  atone  for 
4  his  guilt  by  proclaiming  it  in  an  affembly  of 
‘  prielfs  and  military  men,  at  the  facrifice  of  a 
c  horfe,  and  by  bathing  with  other  Brahmens  at  the 
€  clofe  of  the  facrifice : 

84.  6  Brahmens  are  declared  to  be  thebafis,  and 

*  CJhatiiyas  the  fummit  of  the  legal  fydem  :  he, 

*  therefore,  expiates  his  offence  by  fully  proclaim- 
‘  ing  it  in  fuch  an  affembly. 

83.  ‘  From 


3  l9 

85.  ‘  From  his  high  birch  alone,  a  Brahmen  is 
an  objedt  of  veneration  even  to  deities  ;  his  de¬ 
clarations  to  mankind  are  decifive  evidence ; 
and  the  Veda  itfelf  confers  on  him  that  character. 

86.  ‘  Three  at  lead,  who  are  learned  in  the 
Veda,  fhould  be  aflembled  to  declare  the  proper 
expiation  for  the  (in  of  a  priefi,  but,  for  the  three 
other  clafles,  the  number  midi  be  doubled ,  trifled ,  and 
quadrupled :  what  they  declare  (hall  be  an  atone¬ 
ment  for  Tinners,  Tince  the  words  of  the  learned 
give  purity. 

87.  ‘  Thus  a  Brahmen ,  who  has  performed  one 
of  the  preceding  expiations,  according  to  the  cir - 
cumftances  of  the  homicide  and  the  characters  cf  the 
per  Jons  killed  and  killing ,  with  his  whole  mind  fixed 
on  God,  purifies  his  foul,  and  removes  the  guilt 
of  (laying  a  man  of  his  own  clafs  : 

88.  ‘  He  mud  perform  the  fame  penance  for 
killing  an  embryo,  the  Jex  of  which  was  unknown, 
but  whofe  parents  were  [acerdoial,  or  a  military 
or  a  commercial  man  employed  in  a  facrifice,  or 
a  Brahmen )  woman,  who  has  bathed  after  tem¬ 
porary  uncleannefs ; 

89.  ‘  And  the  fame  for  giving  falfe  evidence  in 
a  caufe  concerning  land  or  gold ,  or  precious  commodi¬ 
ties ,  and  for  accufing  his  preceptor  unjudly,  and 
for  appropriating  a  depofit,  and  for  killing  the 
wife  of  a  pried,  who  keeps  a  confecrated fire ,  or 
for  Haying  a  friend. 

90.  ‘  Such  is  the  atonement  ordained  for  killing 
a  pried  without  malice  ;  but  for  killing  a  Brah¬ 
men  with  malice  prepenfe,  this  is  no  expia¬ 
tion  :  the  term  of  twehe  years  mu  ft  be  doubled ,  or, 
if  the  cafe  was  atrocious ,  the  murderer  mufi  actually 
die  in  flames  or  in  battle, 

3  91.  •  Any 



91.  *  Any  twice  born  man,  who  has  intention • 
c  ally  drunk  fpirit  of  rice,  through  perverfe  delu- 

*  lion  of  mind,  may  drink  more  fpirit  in  flame, 

4  and  atone  for  his  offence  by  feverely  burning 
4  his  body ; 

92.  4  Or  he  may  drink  boiling  hot,  until  he 
c  die,  the  urine  of  a  cow,  or  pure  water,  or  milk, 

*  or  clarified  butter,  or  juice  expreffed  frorrj 
‘  cow  dung : 

93.  4  Or,  if  he  tafied  it  unknowingly ,  he  may 
€  expiate  the  fin  of  drinking  fpirituous  liquor,  by 
€  eating  only  fome  broken  rice  or  grains  of  tila9 
4  from  which  oil  has  been  extracted,  once  every 

*  night  for  a  whole  year,  wrapped  in  coarfe  vef- 
4  ture  of  hairs  from  a  cow’s  tail,  or  fitting  un - 

*  clothed  in  his  houfe9  wearing  his  locks  and  beard 
4  uncut,  and  putting  out  the  flag  of  a  tavern- 

*  keeper. 

94.  4  Since  the  fpirit  of  rice  is  diftilled  from  the. 
4  Mala,  or  filthy  refufe  of  the  grain,  and  fince 
4  Mala  is  alfo  a  name  for  fin,  let  no  Brahmen , 
4  Cfisairiya  or  Vaifya  drink  that  fpirit. 

93.  6  Inebriating  liquor  may  be  confidered  as 
4  of  three  principal  forts :  that  extracted  from 
4  dregs  of  fugar,  that  extratfled  from  bruifed  rice, 
(  and  that  extracted  from  the  flowers  of  the  Mad - 
4  huca  :  as  one,  fo  are  all ;  they  (hall  not  be  tailed 

*  by  the  chief  of  the  twice  born. 

96.  4  Thofe  liquors,  and  eight  other  forts, 

*  with  the  flefh  of  animals,  and  slfava,  the  mod 
4  pernicious  beverage,  prepared  with  narcotick  drugs , 
4  are  fwal lowed  at  the  juncates  of  Jacfiias,  Rac- 
4  Jhajhas9  and  Fif  chas :  they  thall  not,  therefore, 
4  be  tailed  by  a  Brahmen  who  feeds  on  clarified 
6  butter  offered  to  gods. 

97.  *  A  Brdb - 


3  21 

98.  '  When  the  divine  fpirit,  or  the  light  of  holy 
(  knowledge ,  which  has  been  infufed  into  his  body, 
€  has  once  been  fprinkled  with  any  intoxicating 
f  liquor,  even  his  prieftly  character  leaves  him, 
‘  and  he  finks  to  the  low  degree  of  a  Sudra . 

99.  ‘  Thus  have  been  promulgated  the  various 
c  modes  of  expiation  for  drinking  fpirits  :  1  will 

*  next  propound  the  atonement  for  dealing  the 
c  gold  of  a  pried  to  the  amount  of  a  fuverna. 

100.  *  He,  who  has  purloined  the  gold  of  a 

*  Brahmen ,  mud  haden  to  the  king,  and  proclaim 

*  his  offence  ;  adding,  <c  Inflidt  on  me  the  punifh- 
“  ment  due  to  my  crime. ” 

101.  c  Then  fhall  the  king  himfelf,  taking 
c  from  him  an  iron  mace,  which  the  criminal  muft 

*  hear  on  his  fhouldery  drike  him  with  it  once  ; 

*  and  by  that  droke,  whether  he  die  or  be  only  left 
c  as  deady  the  thief  is  releafed  from  fin  :  a  Brah - 
'  meny  by  rigid  penance  alone,  can  expiate  that  of - 
c  fence  ;  another  twice  born  man  may  alfo  perform 
€  fucb  a  penance  at  his  election. 

102.  c  The  twice  born  man,  who  defires  to 
c  remove,  by  audere  devotion,  the  taint  caufed 

*  by  dealing  gold,  mud  perform  in  a  fored,  co- 
c  vered  with  a  mantle  of  rough  bark,  the  penance 
4  before  ordained  for  him,  who,  without  malice  per - 
f  penfe ,  has  killed  a  Brahmen . 

J03.  f  By  thefe  expiations  may  the  twice 

*  born  atone  for  the  guilt  of  dealing  gold  from 
‘  a  pried ;  but  the  fin  of  adultery  with  the  wife 

*  of  a  father,  natural  or  Jpiritualy  they  mud  expiate 
1  by  the  following  penances. 

104.  c  He,  who  knowingly  and  aft u ally  has 

*  defiled  the  wife  of  his  father,  floe  being  of  the 
€  fame  clafs>  mud  extend  himfelf  on  a  heated 

Y  4  iron 


£  iron  bed,  loudly  proclaiming  his  guilt;  and, 

*  there  embracing  the  red  hot  iron  image  of  a 

*  woman,  he  fhall  atone  lor  his  crime  by  death : 

105.  c  Or,  having  himfelf  amputated  his  penis 
1  and  fcrotum,  and  holding  them  in  his  fingers, 

€  he  may  walk  in  a  direft  path  toward  the  fouth- 
c  weft,  or  the  region  of  Nirriti,  until  he  fall 
(  dead  on  the  ground  : 

106.  ‘  Or,  if  he  had  mifiaken  her  for  another 
f  woman ,  he  may  perform,  lor  a  whole  year,  with 

*  intenfe  application  of  mind,  the  penance  prd- 
4  jtyatya,  with  part  of  a  bed,  or  a  human  hone , 
4  in  his  hand,  wrapped  in  vefture  of  ccarfe  bark, 
4  letting  his  hair  and  beard  grow,  and  living  in  a 
4  deferred  foreft : 

J07.  £  Or,  if  foe  was  of  a  lower  clafs  and  a 
4  corrupt  woman ,  he  may  expiate  the  fin  of  violat- 
4  ing  the  bed  of  his  father,  by  continuing  the 
£  penance  chdndrayana  for  three  months,  always 
4  mortifying  his  body  by  eating  only  foreft;  herbs, 
4  or  wild  grains  boiled  in  water. 

ic8.  f  By  the  preceding  penances,  may  finners 
c  of  the  two  higher  degrees  atone  for  their  guilt ; 

*  and  the  lefs  offenders  may  expiate  theirs  by  the 
4  following  aufterities. 

109.  c  He,  who  has  committed  the  fmaller 
4  offence  of  killing  a  cow,  without  malice ,  muft 
4  drink,  for  the  firft:  month,  barley  corns  boiled 
4  foft  in  water ;  his  head  muft  be  fhaved  en- 
1  tirely  ;  and,  covered  with  the  hide  of  the  flam 
f  cow,  he  muft:  fix  his  abode  on  her  late  pafture 
f  ground  : 

10.  £  He  may  eat  a  moderate  quantity  of 
€  wild  grains ,  but  without  any  factitious  fait,  for 

*  the  next  two  months  at  the  time  of  each  fourth 

4  repaft. 



4  re  pad,  on  the  evening  of  every  fee  end  day  ;  regu- 
4  larly  bathing  in  the  urine  of  cows,  and  keeping 
‘  his  members  under  controul: 

111.  4  All  day  he  mult  wait  on  the  herd,  and 
4  (land  quailing  the  dud  railed  by  their  hoofs  ; 
4  at  night,  having  fervilely  attended  and  droked 
4  and  i'aluted  them,  he  mud  furround  them  with 
*  a  fence,  and  fit  near  to  guard  them  : 

1 12.  4  Pure  and  free  from  paflion,  he  mud 
4  dand,  while  they  dand ;  follow  them,  when 
4  they  move  together ;  and  lie  down  by  them, 
4  when  they  lie  down  : 

113.  4  Should  a  cow  be  Tick  or  terrified  by 
4  tigers  or  thieves,  or  fall,  or  dick  in  mud,  he 
4  mud  relieve  her  by  all  pofiible  means  : 

114.  4  In  heat,  in  rain,  or  in  cold,  or  while 
4  the  blad  furioudy  rages,  let  him  not  leek  his 
4  own  dielter,  without  fird  flickering  the  cows  to 
4  the  utmod  of  his  power: 

1 15.  1  Neither  in  his  own  houfe,  or  field,  or 
4  floor  for  treading  out  grain,  nor  in  thofe  of  any 
4  other  perfon,  let  him  fay  a  word  of  a  cow,  who 
4  eats  corn  or  grafsy  or  of  a  calf  who  drinks  milk: 

116.  4  By  waiting  on  a  herd,  according  to  thefe 
1  rules,  for  three  months,  the  flayer  ot  a  cow 
4  atones  for  his  guilt  j 

117.  ‘  But ,  his  penance  being  performed,  he 
4  mud  give  ten  cows  and  a  bull,  or,  his  dock 
4  not  being  fo  large,  mud  deliver  all  he  poflefles, 
4  to  fuch  as  bed  know  the  Veda. 

1  18.  4  The  preceding  penances,  or  that  called 
4  chdndrdyana ,  mud  be  performed  fo f  the  abfo- 
4  lution  of  all  twice  born  men,  who  have  com- 
4  mitted  fins  of  the  lower  or  third  degree  ;  except 
4  thofe,  who  have  incurred  the  guile  of  an  ava- 
4  ctnta  i 

Y  2 

119.  4  But 



1 19.  4  But  he,  who  has  become  Avacirni ,  mult 
c  facrifice  a  black  or  a  one-eyed  afs,  by  way  of  a 
4  meat-offering  to  Nirriti,  patronefs  of  the  Jouth- 
4  weft>  by  night,  in  a  place  where  four  ways  meet: 

120.  4  Let  him  daily  offer  to  her,  in  fire,  the 
4  fat  of  that  afs,  and,  at  the  clofe  of  the  ceremony , 

*  let  him  offer  clarified  butter,  with  the  holy  text 
f  Sem  and  fo  forth,  to  Pavana,  to  Indr  a,  to 
4  Vrihaspati,  and  to  Agni,  regents  of  wind, 

4  clouds ,  a  planet ,  and  fire . 

121.  4  A  voluntary  effufion,  naturally  or  other - 
4  wife,  of  that  which  may  produce  a  man,  by  a 
4  twice  born  youth,  during  the  time  of  his  ftudent- 
4  fhip,  or  before  marriage ,  has  been  pronounced 
4  avac'rna ,  or  a  violation  of  the  rule  prefcribed 
4  ybr  the  firft  order ,  by  fages  who  knew  the  whole 
4  fyftem  of  duty,  and  uttered  the  words  of  the 
4  Veda. 

122.  4  To  the  four  deities  of  purification ,  Ma'- 
4  ruta,  Indra,  Vrihaspati,  Agni,  goes  all  the 
4  divine  light,  which  the  Veda  had  imparted,  from 
4  the  fludent,  who  commits  the  foul  fin  avac.rna  j 

123.  4  But,  this  crime  having  a&ually  been 
4  committed,  he  muft  go  begging  to  (even  houfes, 
4  clothed  only  with  the  hide  of  the  facrificed  afs, 
4  and  openly  proclaiming  his  a6t  : 

124.  4  Eating  a  fingle  meal  begged  from  them, 
4  at  the  regular  time  of  the  day,  that  is ,  in  the 
4  morning  or  evening ,  and  bathing  each  day  at  the 
4  three  Javanas ,  he  fhall  be  abfolved  from  his  guilt 
4  at  the  end  of  one  year. 

125.  4  He,  who  has  voluntarily  committed 
4  any  fin,  which  caufes  a  lofs  of  clais,  muft  per- 
4  form  the  tormenting  penance,  thence  called  Janta- 
4  pana\  or  the  prey  dp  aty  a,  if  he  offended  involun- 
4  carily. 


126.  4  For 



126.  *  For  fins,  which  degrade  to  a  mixed 
clals,  or  exclude  from  lbcicty,  the  Tinner  mud 
have  recourfe  to  the  lunar  expiation  cbandrdyana 
for  one  month:  to  atone  for  ads  which  occa- 
fion  defilement,  he  mud  fwallow  nothing  for 
three  days  but  hot  barley  cruel. 

1  27.  *  For  killing  intentionally  a  virtuous  man 
of  the  military  clafs,  the  penance  mud  be  a 
fourth  part  of  that  ordained  for  killing  a  pried  ; 
for  killing  a  Vaifya,  only  an  eighth ;  for  killing 
a  Sudra ,  who  had  been  condant  in  dif charging  his 
duties,  a  fixteenth  part : 

128.  c  But,  if  a  Brahmen  kill  a  CJhatriya  with- 
out  malice,  he  mud,  after  a  full  performance  of 
his  religious  rites,  give  the  prieds  one  bull  to¬ 
gether  with  a  thoufand  cows ; 

129.  f  Or  he  may  perform  for  three  years  the 
penance  for  (laying  a  Brahmen,  mortifying  his 
organs  of  fenfation  and  adion,  letting  his  hair 
grow  long,  and  living  remote  fi  om  the  town, 
with  the  root  of  a  tree  for  his  manfion. 

130.  ‘  If  he  kill  without  malice  a  Vaifya ,  who 
had  a  good  moral  charader,  he  mav  perforin 
the  fame  penance  for  one  year,  or  give  the 
prieds  a  hundred  cows  and  a  bull : 

1 3 1.  c  For  fix  months  mud  he  perform  this 
whole  penance,  if,  without  intention ,  he  kill  * 
Sudra,  or  he  may  give  ten  white  cows  and  a 
bull  to  the  prieds. 

132.  ‘  If  he  kill,  by  defign ,  a  car,  or  an  ichneu¬ 
mon,  the  bird  chdfha ,  or  a  frog ,  a  dog,  a  lizard, 
an  owl,  or  a  crow,  he  mud  perform  the  ordinary 
penance  required  for  the  death  of  a  Sudra ,  that 
is,  the  chandrayana : 

133.  *  Or,  if  be  kill  one  of  them  undeftgnedly ,  he 
may  drink  nothing  but  milk  for  three  days  and 

Y  3  ‘  nights. 




c  nights,  or  each  night  walk  a  ybgan,  or  thrice 
6  bathe  in  a  river,  or  filently  repeat  the  text  on 
c  the  divinity  of  water  j  that  is,  if  he  be  difabled  by 

*  real  infirmity  from  performing  the  firft  mentioned 
‘  penances ,  he  may  have  recourfe  to  the  next  in  order , 

1 34.  ‘  A  Brahmen,  if  he  kill  a  fhake,  mud  give 

*  to  fome  prieft  a  hoe,  or  iron-headed  flick-,  if  an 
1  eunuch,  a  load  of  rice  draw,  and  a  mafha  of 
c  lead  ; 

13:.  c  If  a  boar,  a  pot  of  clarified ,  butter  ;  if 

*  the  bird  tittiri ,  a  dr  on  a  of  //A?- feeds  if  a  parrot, 

*  a  deer  two  years  old  if  the  water-bird  craun - 
f  a  deer  aged  three  years : 

136.  c  If  he  kill  a  goof e,  or  a  phenicopteros,  a 
€  heron ,  cormorant,  a  bittern,  a  peacock,  an 
4  ape,  a  hawk,  or  a  kite,  he  mud  give  a  cow  to 
c  fome  Brahmen : 

137.  c  If  he  kill  a  horfe,  he  mud  give  a  man- 
<  tie;  if  an  elephant,  five  black  bulls ;  if  a  goat 
‘  or  a  fheep,  one  bull ;  if  an  afs,  a  calf  one  year 
«  old  : 

138.  c  If  he  kill  a  carnivorous  wild  bead,  he 
1  mud  give  a  cow  with  abundance  of  milk  5  if  a 
c  wild  bead  not  carnivorous,  a  fine  heifer  ;  and 
€  a  raftica  of  gold,  if  he  flay  a  camel  : 

139.  c  If  he  kill  a  woman  of  any  clafs  caught 
c  in  adultery,  he  mud  give,  as  an  expiation,  in  the 

*  diredt  order  of  the  four  clafles,  a  leathern  pouch, 

*  a  bow,  a  goat,  and  a  fheep. 

140.  f  Should  a  Brahmen  be  unable  to  expiate 

*  by  gifts  the  fin  of  killing  a  fnake  and  the  red, 
c  he  mud  atoqe  for  his  guilt  by  performing,  oq 
e  each  occafion,  the  penance  prdjapatya. 

1 41.  c  For  the  daughter  of  a  thouf^nd  fmali 
c  animals  which  have  bones,  or  for  that  of  bone- 
?  lefs  animals  enow  to  fill  a  cart^  he  mud  per- 

c  form 



form  the  cb’mdruyana ,  or  common  penance  for 
killing  a  S  '' dr  a  ; 

142.  ‘  Bur,  for  killing  boned  animals,  he  mud 
alfo  give  fome  trifle,  as  a  pana  of  copper ,  to  a 
Brahmen:  for  killing  thofc  without  bones,  he 
may  be  abfolved  by  holding  his  breath,  at  the 
clofe  of  his  penance ,  w  hile  he  thrice  repeats  the^/- 
yatfi  with  its  heady  the  pnanava,  and  the  vyabritis . 

143.  ‘  For  cutting  once  without  malice  frees 
yielding  fruit,  fhrubs  with  many  crowded  dems, 
creeping  or  climbing  plants,  or  fuch  as  grow 
again  when  cut,  if  they  were  in  bloflbm  when  he 
hurt  them ,  he  mud  repeat  a  hundred  texts  of  the 

144.  c  For  killing  infers  of  any  fort  bred  in 
rice  or  other  grains,  or  thole  bred  in  honey  cr 
other  fluids,  or  thole  bred  in  fruit  or  flowers, 
eating  clarified  butter  is  a  full  expiation. 

145.  If  a  man  cur,  wantonly  and  for  no  good 
purpole,  fuch  graffes  as  are  cultivated,  or  fuch 
as  rife  in  the  foreft  fpontaneoufly,  he  mud  wait 
on  a  cow  for  one  day,  nourifhed  by  milk  alone. 

146.  4  By  thefe  penances  may  mankind  atone 
for  the  fin  of  injuring  fentient  creatures,  whether 
committed  by  defign  or  through  inadvertence: 
hear  now  what  penances  are  ordained  for  eating 
or  drinking  what  ought  not  to  be  faded. 

147.  ‘  F1e,  who  drinks  undefignedly  any  fpirit 
but  that  of  rice ,  may  be  abfolved  by  a  new  in- 
veftiture  with  the  facrificial  dring:  even  for 
drinking  intentionally  the  weaker  forts  of  fpirit^ 
a  penance  extending  to  death  mud  not  (as  the 
law  is  now  fixed ;  be  prefcribed. 

148.  c  For  drinking  water  which  has  dood  in 
a  velTel,  where  fpirit  of  rice  or  any  other  fpi- 
rituous  liquor  had  been  kept,  he  mud  fwallow 

Y  4  ‘  nothing 



4  nothing  for  five  days  and  nights,  but  the  plant 
1  Jane' ha'pujh'p’i  boiled  in  milk: 

149.  4  If  he  touch  any  fpirituous  liquor,  or 
4  give  any  away,  or  accept  any  in  due  form,  or 
4  with  thanks ,  or  drink  water  left  by  a  Suaray  he 
4  mull  fwallow  nothing  for  three  days  and  nights, 
4  but  cuja- grafs  boiled  in  water, 

1 50.  f  Should  a  Brahmen ,  who  has  once  tailed 
4  the  holy  juice  of  the  moon-plant,  even  fmell 
4  the  breath  of  a  man  who  has  been  drinking 
4  fpirits,  he  mull  remove  the  taint  by  thrice 
4  repeating  the  gdyatri ,  while  he  fupprelTes  his 

*  breath  in  water,  and  by  eating  clarified  butter 
4  after  that  ceremony . 

151.  4  If  any  of  the  three  twice  born  dalles 
4  have  tailed  unknowingly  human  ordure  or  urine, 
4  or  any  thing  that  has  touched  fpirituous  liquor, 
4  they  mull,  after  a  fenance ,  be  girt  anew  with 
‘  the  facrificial  thread ; 

152.  4  But,  in  fuch  new  invelliture  of  the  twice 
4  born,  the  partial  tonfure,  the  zone,  the  Half,  the 
4  petition  of  alms,  and  the  Ilridl  rules  of  abfti- 
4  nence,  need  not  be  renewed. 

153.  4  Should  one  of  them  eat  the  food  of 
4  thofe  perfons,  with  whom  he  ought  never  to 
4  eat,  or  food  left  by  a  woman  or  a  Sudray  or  any 
4  prohibited  flefh,  he  mull  drink  barley  gruel  only 
4  for  fever,  days  and  nights. 

i 4.  f  If  a  Brahmen  drink  fweet  liquors  turned 
4  acid,  or  aflringent  juices  from  impure  fruits,  he 
4  becomes  unclean  as  long  as  thofe  fluids  remain 

*  undigefted. 

1 55.  4  Any  twice  born  man,  who  by  accident 

*  has  tailed  the  dung  or  urine  of  a  tame  boar,  an 
c  afs,  a  camel,  a  Ihakal,  an  ape,  or  a  crow,  mull 
f  perform  the  penance  ( hdndrdyana . 

156.  4  If 

and  expiation. 


ic6.  c  If  he  tafte  dried  flefh  meat,  or  mulh- 
«  rooms  rifing  from  the  ground,  or  any  tiling 
f  brought  from  a  (laughter  houfe,  though  he  knew 
«  not  whence  it  came,  he  mull  perform  the  fame 
f  penance. 

1 57.  c  For  knowingly  eating  the  flefh  oi  carni- 
<  vorous  hearts,  of  town  boars,  of  carrels,  of 
«  gallinaceous  birds,  of  human  creatures,  of  crows, 

«  or  of  afles,  the  penance  taftacrich’bra,  or  burning 
‘  and Jerere,  is  the  only  atonement. 

1  <;8.  ‘  A  Brahmen,  who,  before  he  has  com- 
«  plcted  his  theological  ftudies,  eats  food  at 

*  monthly  obfequies  to  one  ancejlor,  muft  fall  three 
4  days  mid  nights,  and  fit  in  water  a  day  : 

159.  ‘  But  a  rtudent  in  theology,  who  at  any 
‘  time  unknowingly  taftes  honey  or  flt(h,  muft  per- 
‘  form  the  lowed  penance,  or  the  pro ydpatya,  and 

*  proceed  to  finifh  his  rtudent Ih  ip. 

160.  4  Having  eaten  what  has  been  left  by  a 
«  cat,  a  crow,  a  moufe,  a  dog,  or  an  ichneumon, 

‘  or  what  has  even  been  touched  by  a  loufe,  he 
‘  muft. drink,  boiled  in  water,  the  plant  brabmafu- 

*  vcrcbal:. 

1 61.  '  By  the  man,  who  feeks  purity  of  foul, 
«  no  forbidden  food  muft  be  tailed:  what  he 

*  has  undefignedly  fwallowcd,  he  muft  inrtantly 
«  vomit  up,  or  muft  purify  himfclt  with  fpeed  by 

*  legal  expiations. 

ib2.  •  Such,  as  have  been  declared,  are  the 

*  various  penances  for  eating  prohibited  food  : 
«  hear  now  the  law  of  penance  for  an  expiation 
1  of  theft. 

163.  ‘  The  chief  of  the  twice  born,  having 
r  voluntarily  ftolen  fuch  property>  as  grain,  law 

*  or  di died,  from  the  houle  of  another  Br  >kment 

•  (hall 


*  fhall  he  abfolved  on  performing  the  penance 
4  prajcipatya  for  a  whole  year  ; 

164.  4  But  the  penance  chandrayana  mud  be 

*  performed  for  healing  a  man,  woman,  or  child, 
4  for  feizing  a  field,  or  a  houfe,  or  for  taking  the 
4  waters  o'  an  enclofed  pool  or  well. 

1 65.  4  Having  taken  goods  of  little  value  from 

*  the  Houle  of  another  man,  he  mud  procure 

4  abfoluiion  by  performing  the  penance  Jantapaha  ; 
(  having  hi  d  redo  red,  as  the  'penitent  thief  always 
4  th?  goods  that  he  dole. 

1 6  k  £  For  taking  what  may  be  eaten,  or  what 
4  may  be  Tipped,  a  carriage,  a  bed,  or  a  feat, 
4  roots,  flowers,  or  fruit,  an  atonement  may  be 
4  made  by  fwallowing  the  five  pure  things  pro- 
4  duced  by  a  cow,  or  milky  curds ,  butter ,  urine  9 
4  dung: 

167^  4  For  dealing  grafs,  wood,  or  trees,  rice 
1  in  the  hufk,  molaflfes,  doth  or  leather,  flfli,  or 

*  other  animal  food,  a  dried  fad  mud  be  kept 
c  three  days  and  three  nights. 

168.  4  For  dealing  gems,  pearls,  coral,  copper, 
c  diver,  iron,  brafs,  or  done,  nothing  but  broken 
1  rice  mud  be  fwallowed  for  twelve  days  ; 

169.  f  And  nothing  but  milk  for  three  days, 
4  if  cotton  or  filk,  or  wool  had  been  dolen,  or  a 
4  bead  either  with  cloven  or  uncloven  hoofs,  or 
4  a  bird,  or  perfumes,  or  medicinal  herbs,  or 
4  cordage. 

17  .  4  By  thefe  penances  may  a  twice  born 
1  man  atone  for  the  guilt  of  theft  j  but  the  fol- 
c  lowing  auderities  only  can  remove  the  fin  of 
4  rally  approaching  thofe,  who  mud  not  be 
4  cai  naiiy  approached. 

171.  4  He,  who  has  waded  his  manly  drength 
4  wiiu  by  tire  fame  womb,  with  the  wives 

‘  of 



‘  of  his  friend  or  of  his  fon,  with  girls  under  the 

*  age  of  puberty,  or  with  women  of  the  lowcft 
r  clades,  mult  perform  the  penance  ordained  for 
‘  defiling  the  bed  of  a  preceptor  : 

172.  c  He,  who  has  carnally  known  the  daugh- 

*  ter  of  his  paternal  aunt,  who  is  clmoft  equal  to  a 

*  filter,  or  the  daughter  of  his  maternal  aunt,  or 
<  the  daughter  of  his  maternal  uncle,  who  is  a  near 
‘  kinfman,  mult  perform  the  chan  dr  by  ana ^  or  lunar 

*  penance  ; 

173.  ‘  No  man  of  fenfe  would  take  one  of 
«  thole  three  as  his  wile :  they  Ihall  not  be  taken 
1  in  marriage  bv  reafon  of  their  confanguinity  ; 
c  and  he,  who  marries  any  one  of  them,  falls 
c  deep  into  Jin . 

174.  c  He,  who  has  wafted  what  might  have 
1  produced  a  mao,  with  female  brute  animals, 

‘  with  a  woman  during  her  courfes,  or  in  any 

*  but  the  natural  parr,  or  in  water,  mud  perform 
f  the  penance  f.mtapana :  for  a  beajlial  a£t  with  a 

*  cow  penance  muft  be  far  more  fey  ere. 

175.  6  A  twice  born  man,  dallying  lafcivioufiy 
5  with  a  male  in  any  place,  or  at  any  time ,  or  with 
«  a  female  in  a  carriage  drawn  by  bullocks,  or  in 
(  water,  or  by  day,  Jloall  be  degi aded >  and  muft 
€  bathe  himfclf publickly  with  his  apparel. 

176.  ‘  Should  a  Brahmen  carnally  know  a  wo- 
<  man  of  the  Chandda  or  Mlicb'ha  tribes,  or  tafte 
4  their  food,  or  accept  a  gift  from  them,  he  lofcs 
f  his  own  clafs  ;  if  he  afted  unknowingly ,  or,  if 
‘  knowingly*  finks  to  a  level  with  them . 

177.  ‘c  A  wife,  exceftively  corrupt,  let  her 
‘  hufband  confine  to  one  apartment,  and  compel 
*  her  to  perform  the  penance  ordained  for  a  man 
f  who  has  committed  adultery  : 

178.  c  If, 



178.  4  If,  having  been  folicited  by  a  man  of 
c  her  own  clafs,  fhe  again  be  defiled,  her  expiation 
4  muft  be  the  penance  prajapatya  added  to  the 

c  chandraydna . 

179.  c  The  guilt  of  a  Brahmen,  who  has  dallied 
4  a  whole  night  with  a  Chandali  woman,  he  may 
4  remove  in  three  years  by  fubfifting  on  alms, 

4  and  inceffantly  repeating  the  gayatri  with  other 
4  myfterious  texts. 

180.  f  Thefe  penances  have  been  declared  for 
4  Tinners  of  four  forts,  thofe  who  hurt  Jentient  crea- 
4  tures ,  thoje  who  eat  prohibited  food,  thofe  who 
4  commit  theft ,  and  thofe  who  are  guilty  of  lafcivi- 
4  cufnefs :  hear  now  the  prefcribed  expiation  for 
4  fuch  as  hold  any  intercourfe  with  degraded 
c  offenders. 

1 8  i.  *  He,  who  aflociates  himfelf  for  one  year 
c  with  a  fallen  finner,  falls  like  him  ;  not  by  fa- 
€  crificing,  reading  the  Veda,  or  contrafling  af- 
c  finity  with  him,  fince  by  thofe  afts  he  lofes  his 
c  clafs  immediately ,  but  even  by  ufing  the  lame 

*  carriage  or  feat,  or  by  taking  his  food  at  the 

*  fame  board  : 

182.  c  That  man  who  holds  an  intercourfe 
c  with  any  one  of  thofe  degraded  offenders,  muft 
c  perform,  as  an  atonement  for  fuch  intercourfe, 
c  the  penance  ordained  for  that  finner  himfelf. 

183.  c  The  fapindas  and  famanodacas  of  a  man 
4  degraded,  for  a  crime  in  the  firft  degree ,  muft 
c  offer  a  libation  of  water  to  his  manes,  hs  if 
€  he  were  naturally  dead ,  out  of  the  town,  in 
c  the  evening  of  fome  inaufpicious  day,  as  the 
c  ninth  of  the  moon ,  his  paternal  kinfman,  his 

*  officiating  prieft,  and  his  fpiritual  guide  being 
4  prefent. 

184.  *  A  female  Have  muft  kick  down  with 

4  her 


n  *y 

33  j 

«  her  foot  an  old  pot  filled  with  wate  r,  which  had 
«  for  that  purpofe  been  placed  toward  the  Jouth ,  as 

*  if  it  were  an  oblation  for  the  dead  ;  and  all  the 
4  kinfmen,  in  the  nearer  and  remoter  degrees, 

4  muft  remain  impure  for  a  day  and  a  night : 

18$.  4  They  muft  thenceforth  defift  from  fpeak- 

*  ing  to  him,  from  fitting  in  his  company,  from 

*  delivering  to  him  any  inherited  or  other  pro- 

*  perty,  and  from  every  civil  or  ufual  attention, 

4  as  inviting  him  on  the  firft  day  of  the  yeary  and  the 
4  like. 

1 86.  1  His  right  of  primogeniture,  if  be  was 

*  an  elder  brother ,  muft  be  with-holden  from  him, 
c  and  whatever  perquifites  arife  from  priority  of 
4  birth  :  a  younger  brother,  excelling  him  in  vir- 
4  tue,  muft  appropriate  the  ftiare  of  the  firft-born. 

187.  4  But,  when  he  has  performed  his  due 
4  penance,  his  kinfmen  and  he  muft  throw  down 
4  a  new  vefiel  full  of  water,  after  having  bathed 
4  together  in  a  pure  pool : 

188.  4  Then  muft  he  caft  that  vefiel  into  the 
4  water  ;  and,  having  entered  his  houfe,  he  may 
4  perform,  as  before,  all  the  afts  incident  to  his 
4  relation  by  blood. 

189.  4  The  fame  ceremony  muft  be  performed 
4  by  the  kindred  even  of  women  degraded,  for 
4  whom  clothes,  drefied  rice,  and  water  muft  be 
4  provided  ;  and  they  muft  dwell  in  huts  near  the 
4  tamily  houfe. 

190.  *  With  Tinners,  whofe  expiations  are  un- 
4  performed,  let  not  a  man  tranfadl  bufinefs  of 
4  any  kind;  but  thofe,  who  have  performed  their 
4  expiations,  let  him  at  no  time  reproach  : 

191.  4  Let  him  not,  however,  live  with  thofe 
4  who  have  (lain  children,  or  injured  their  bene- 
4  factors,  or  killed  fuppliants  lor  protection,  or 

4  put 


h  a 
O  Jt 

c  put  women  to  death,  even  though  fuch  offenders 
c  have  been  legally  purified. 

192.  c  Those  men  of  the  twice  born  claffes, 
‘  to  whom  the  gdyatri  has  not  been  repeated  and 

*  explained,  according  to  law,  the  affembly  muff 
c  caufe  to  perform  three  prajapatya  penances,  and 
(  afterwards  to  be  girt  with  the  facrificial  firing 

193.  c  And  the  fame  penance  they  muff  pre- 
c  feribe  to  fuch  twice  born  men,  as  are  anxious  to 
‘  atone  for  fome  illegal  a£t,  or  a  negledl  of  the  Veda . 

19P  c  If  priefts  have  accepted  any  property 
4  from  bafe  hands,  they  may  be  abfolved  by  re- 
c  linquiihing  the  prefents,  by  repeating  myfferious 
c  texts,  and  by  a&s  of  devotion  : 

195.  c  By  three  thoufand  repetitions  of  the 

*  gdyatri  with  intenfe  application  of  mind,  and  by 
r  l'ubf  fling  on  milk  only  for  a  whole  month  in 
f  the  paffure  of  cows,  a  Brahmen ,  who  has  reT 
c  ceived  any  gift  from  a* bad  man,  or  a  had  gift 
t  from  any  man ,  may  be  cleared  from  fin. 

196.  r  When  he  has  been  mortified  by  ab- 

*  flinence,  and  has  returned  from  the  paffurage, 
c  let  him  bend  low  to  the  other  Brahmens ,  who 

muff  thus  interrogate  him  :  f<  Art  thou  really 
<c  defirous,  good  man,  of  re-admiffion  to  an  equa- 
<c  lity  with  us 

197.  ‘  If  he  anfwer  in  the  affirmative,  let  him 
(  give  fome  grafs  to  the  cows,  and  in  the  place, 
f  made  pure  by  their  having  eaten  on  it,  let  the 
c  men  of  his  clafs  give  their  affent  to  his  re- 

*  admiffion. 

19  .  6  He,  who  has  officiated  at  a  facrfice  for 

*  ourcafts,  or  burned  the  corpfe  of  aftranger,  or 
(  pei  ormed  rites  to  deftroy  the  innocent,  or 
c  ma  .  the  impur ,  facrifice,  called  dklna,  may 
c  expiate  his  guilt  by  three  prajapatya  penances. 

199.  c  A  TWICE 


*  y  f 


199.  4  A  twice  born  man,  who  has  rejected 
c  a  l'uppliant  for  his  protection,  or  taught  the  Veda 
4  on  a  forbidden  day,  may  atone  for  his  offence  by 
4  fubfiffing  a  whole  year  on  barley  alone. 

200.  4  He,  who  has  been  bitten  by  a  dog,  a 
4  fhakal,  or  an  afs,  by  any  carnivorous  animal  fre- 
*  quenting  a  town,  by  a  man,  a  horfc,  a  camel,  or 
4  a  boar,  may  be  purified  by  (topping  his  breath 
4  during  one  repetition  of  the  gdyatri . 

201.  4  To  eat  only  at  the  time  of  the  fixth, 
4  meal,  or  on  the  evening  of  every  third  day ,  for  a 
4  month,  to  repeat  a  Sanhitd  of  the  Vedas ,  and  to 
4  make  eight  oblations  to  fire,  accompanied  with 
4  eight  holy  texts,  are  always  an  expiation  for 
4  thofe,  w'ho  are  excluded  from  focietv  at  repaffs. 

2C2.  4  Should  a  Brahmen  voluntarily  afcend  a 
4  carriage  borne  by  camels  or  drawn  by  afles,  or 
4  defignedly  bathe  quite  naked,  he  may  be  ab- 
4  folved  by  one  fupprefiion  of  breath,  while  he  re- 
4  peats,  in  his  mind,  the  mod  holy  text. 

203.  4  He,  who  has  made  any  excretion,  be- 
4  ing  greatly  prefled,  either  without  water  near 
4  him ,  or  in  water,  may  be  purified  by  bathing 
4  in  his  clothes  out  of  town,  and  by  touching  a 
4  cow. 

204.  4  For  an  omiffion  of  the  aCls,  which  the 
4  Veda  commands  to  be  conftantly  performed, 
4  and  for  a  violation  of  the  duties  preferibed  to  a 
4  houfekeeper,  the  atonement  is  faffing  one  day. 

205.  4  He,  who  fays  hufh  or  pi(h  to  a  Brahr 
4  men ,  or  thou  to  a  fuperiour ,  muff  immediately 
4  bathe,  eat  nothing  tor  the  relt  of  the  day,  and 
4  appeafe  him  by  clafping  his  feet  with  refpeClful 
4  falutation. 

206.  4  For  ftriking  a  Brahmen  even  with  a 
4  blade  of  grafs,  or  tying  him  by  the  neck  with  a 

4  cloth. 



c  cloth,  or  overpowering  him  in  argument,  and 
c  adding  contemptuous  words,  the  offender  mud 
c  foothe  him  by  falling  prodrate. 

207.  *  An  aflauiter  of  a  Brahmen ,  with  intent 
«  to  kill,  fnall  remain  in  hell  a  hundred  years; 
«  for  a 6lually  ftriking  him  with  the  like  intenti  a 

*  thou  fa  nd  : 

20-i.  c  As  many  fmall  pellets  of  duff  as  the 
c  blood  of  a  Brahmen  colle&s  on  the  ground,  for 

*  fo  many  thoufand  years  mud  the  (header  of  that 
c  blood  be  tormented  in  hell. 

20  ).  c  For  a  fimple  affaulr,  the  fir  ft  cr  common 
1  penance  mud  be  performed  ;  for  a  battery,  the 
«  third  cr  very  fevere  penance  ;  but  for  fhedding 

*  blood,  without  killing ,  both  of  thofe  penances. 

2  0.  c  To  remove  the  fins,  for  which  no  par- 
c  ticular  penance  has  been  Ordained,  the  aflembly 
c  mud  award  a  fit  expiation,  confidering  the  ability 
<  of  the  finner  to  perform  it>  and  the  nature  of 

*  the  fin. 

21 1.  f  Those  penances,  by  which  a  man  may 
f  atone  for  his  crimes,  I  now  will  deferibe  to  you; 

*  penances,  which  have  been  performed  by  deities, 

*  by  holy  fages,  and  by  forefathers  of  the  human 
f  race . 

212.  ‘  When  a  twice  born  man  performs  the 
‘  common  penance,  or  that  of  Praja  pati,  he  mud, 
‘  for  three  days,  eat  only  in  the  morning  ;  for 
c  three  days,  only  in  the  evening;  for  three  days, 
4  food  unafked  but  prefented  to  him  ;  and  for  three 
c  more  days,  nothing. 

213.  r  Eating  for  a  whole  day  the  dung  and 
c  urine  of  cows  mixed  with  curds,  milk,  clarified 
c  butter,  and  water  boiled  with  cufa- grafs,  and 

*  then  fading  entirely  for  a  day  and  a  night,  is  the 

*  penance 



9  penance  called  Sfaitapana%  either  from  the  de* 
9  vouc  man  Santapana,  or  from  tormenting. 

214.  9  A  twice  born  man  performing  the  pe* 
9  nance,  called  very  fevere,  in  refpcft  of  the  common , 
4  muff  eat,  as  before,  a  Angle  mouthful,  or  a  bail 
9  of  rice  as  large  as  a  hen's  egg  for  three  times 
9  three  days;  and  for  the  lad  three  days,  mud 

*  wholly  abftain  from  food. 

215.  *  A  Brahmen ,  performing  the  ardent  pe- 
9  nance,  mud  fwallow  nothing  but  hot  water,  hot 
9  milk,  hot  clarified  butter,  and  hot  deam,  each 
9  of  them  for  three  days  fucceflively,  performing 
9  an  ablution  and  mortifying  all  his  members. 

216.  *  A  total  fad  for  twelve  days  and  nights , 

*  by  a  penitent  with  his  oigans  controlled  and  his 
9  mind  attentive,  is  the  penance  named  paracat 
9  which  expiates  all  degrees  of  guilt. 

217.  9  If  he  diminidi  his  food  by  one  mouthful 
9  each  day ,  during  the  daik  fortnight,  eating  fifteen 
9  mouthfuls  on  the  day  of  the  oppofition ,  and  increafe 

*  it,  in  the  fame  proportion,  during  the  bright  fort- 
9  night yfnjling  entirely  on  the  day  of  the  conjunction^ 
9  and  perform  an  ablution  regularly  at  funrife, 
9  noon,  and  funfet,  this  is  the  cbundruyana ,  or  the 

*  lunar  penance : 

218.  *  Such  is  the  peti'ince  called  ant-fiiaped  or 
9  narrow  in  the  middle ;  bur,  if  he  perform  the 

*  barley-fhaped  or  broad  in  the  middle,  he  mud 
9  obferve  the  fame  rule,  beginning  with  the  bright 
9  half  month,  and  keeping  under  command  his 
9  organs  of  action  and  fenfe. 

219.  *  To  perform  the  lunar  penance  of  an 
9  anchoret,  he  mud  eat  only  eight  mouthfuls  of 
‘  fored  grains  at  noon,  for  a  whole  month ,  taking 
9  care  to  fubdue  his  mind. 

220.  9  If  a  Brahmen  eat  only  four  mouthfuls  at 

Z  9  funnfe 



4  funrife,  and  four  at  funfet,  for  a  months  keeping 

*  his  organs  controlled,  he  performs  the  lunar 
c  penance  of  children. 

221.  4  He,  who,  for  a  whole  month,  eats  no 
e  more  than  thrice  eighty  mouthfuls  of  wild 
c  grains,  as  he  happens  by  any  means  to  meet  with 
€  them ,  keeping  his  organs  in  fubje&ion,  fhall  at- 
c  tain  the  fame  abode  with  the  regent  of  the  moon  : 

222.  c  The  eleven  Rudras ,  the  twelve  A'dityas, 
4  the  eight  Vafus,  the  Maruts ,  or  genii  of  the 
c  winds,  and  the  feven  great  RIJhis,  have  per- 
4  formed  this  lunar  penance  as  a  fecurity  from 

*  all  evil. 

223.  c  The  oblation  of  clarified  hitter  to  fire 
c  muft  every  day  be  made  by  the  penitent  himfelf, 
4  accompanied  with  the  mighty  words,  earth,  fky , 
4  heaven ;  he  muft  perfectly  abftain  from  injury 

*  to  fentient  creatures,  from  falfehcod,from  wrath, 

*  and  from  all  crooked  ways. 

224.  4  Or,  thrice  each  day  and  thrice  each 
4  night  for  a  month,  the  penitent  may  plunge  into 
4  water,  clothed  in  his  mantle,  and  at  no  time  con- 
4  verfing  with  a  woman,  a  Sudra ,  or  an  outcaft. 

225.  4  Let  him  be  always  in  motion,  fitting 
4  and  rifing  alternately  ;  or,  if  unable  to  he  thus 
4  reftlejs ,  let  him  deep  low  on  the  hare  ground ; 
4  chafte  as  a  ftudent  of  the  Veda ,  bearing  the  fa- 
4  cred  zone  and  ftaff,  fhowing  reverence  to  his 
4  preceptor,  to  the  gods,  and  to  priefts  ; 

226.  ‘  Perpetually  muft  he  repeat  the  gayatr), 
1  and  other  pure  texts  to  the  belt  of  his  know- 
4  ledge :  thus  in  all  penances  for  abfolution  from 
4  fin,  muft  he  vigilantly  employ  himfelf. 

227.  4  By  thefe  expiations  are  twice  born  men 

*  abfolved,  whofe  offences  are  publickly  known, 
4  and  are  mifchievous  hy  their  example  ;  but  for 

a  4  fins 





















fins  not  publics,  the  aflembly  of  priefts  muft 
award  them  penances,  with  holy  texts  ana  ob¬ 
lations  to  fire. 

228.  ‘  By  open  conftffion,  by  repentance,  by 
devotion,  and  by  reading  the  lcripture,  a  Tinner 
may  be  releafed  from  his  guilt;  or  by  alms¬ 
giving,  in  cafe  of  his  inability  to  perform  the  other 
afls  of  religion . 

229.  4  In  proportion  as  a  man,  who  has  com¬ 
mitted  a  fin,  (hall  truly  and  voluntarily  confefs 
it.  To  far  he  is  dilengaged  from  that  offence,  like 
a  fnake  from  his  Hough  * 

2«o.  c  And,  in  proportion  as  his  heart  fi  nee  rely 
loathes  his  evil  deed,  To  far  Hull  his  vital  fpirit 
be  freed  from  the  taint  of  it. 

23  k  ‘  If  he  commit  fin,  and  adtually  repent, 
that  fin  (hall  be  removed  from  him ;  but  if  he 
merely  fay,  “  I  will  fin  thus  no  more,”  he  can 
only  be  releafed  by  an  adtual  abftinenee  from 

guilt.  .  . 

232.  *  Thus  revolving  in  his  mind  the  cer¬ 
tainty  of  retribution  in  a  future  ftate,  let  him 
be  conftantly  good  in  thoughts,  words,  and 

*  adtion. 

233.  c  If  he  defire  complete  remiffion  of  any 
C  foul  adt  which  he  has  committed,  either  ig- 
«  norantly  or  knowingly,  let  him  beware  of  com- 
«  mitting  it  again  :  for  the  fecond  fault  his  penance 

*  muft  be  doubled .  .  . 

234.  c  If,  having  performed  any  expiation,  he 

*  feel  not  a  perfedt  fatisfadlion  of  confcience,  let 
‘  him  repeat  the  fame  devout  adt,  until  his  con- 

*  lcience  be  perfedtly  (Satisfied. 

235.  *  All  the  blifs  of  deities  and  of  men  is 

*  declared  by  fages,  who  diiccrn  the  fenle  of  the 

Z  l  !  Vtda. 



c  Veda,  to  have  in  devotion  its  caufe,  in  devotion 
4  its  continuance,  in  devotion  its  fullnefs. 

236.  4  Devotion  is  equal  to  the  performance  of 
4  all  duties  ;  it  is  divine  knowledge  in  a  Brahmen ; 

4  it  is  defence  of  the  people  in  a  Cfhatriya  ;  de- 
4  votion  is  the  bufinefs  of  trade  and  agriculture  in 
4  a  Vaifya ;  devotion  is  dutiful  fervice  in  a  Sadr  a. 

237.  4  Holy  fages,  with  fubdued  paffions,  feed- 
4  ing  only  on  food,  roots,  and  air,  by  devotion 
*  alone  are  enabled  to  furvey  the  three  worlds, 
4  terreftrial ,  ethereal ,  and  celefial ,  peopled  with 
4  animal  creatures,  locomotive  and  fixed. 

2^8.  4  Perfeft  health,  or  unfailing  medicines, 
4  divine  learning,  and  the  various  manfions  of 
4  deities,  are  acquired  by  devotion  alone  :  their 
4  efficient  caufe  is  devotion. 

239.  4  Whatever  is  hard  to  be  traverfed,  what- 
4  ever  is  hard  to  be  acquired,  whatever  is  hard  to 
4  be  vifited,  whatever  is  hard  to  be  performed,  all 
4  this  may  be  acccmplifhed  by  true  devotion; 

4  for  the  difficulty  of  devotion  is  the  greateft 
4  of  all. 

240.  4  Even  finners  in  the  higheft  degree,  and 
4  of  courfe  the  other  offenders,  are  abfolved  from 
4  guilt  by  auftere  devotion  well  praclifed. 

241.  4  Souls,  that  animate  worms,  and  infers, 

4  ferpents,  moths,  beads,  birds,  and  vegetables, 

4  attain  heaven  by  the  power  of  devotion. 

242.  4  Whatever  fin  has  been  conceived  in  the 
4  hearts  of  men,  uttered  in  their  fpeech,  or  com- 
4  mitted  in  their  bodily  a£ts,  they  fpeedily  burn 
4  it  all  away  by  devotion,  if  they  preferve  devo- 
4  tion  as  their  bed  wealth. 

243.  4  Of  a  pried,  whom  devotion  has  purified, 

4  the  divine  fpirits  accept  the  facrifices,  and  grant 
4  the  defires  with  ample  increafe. 

244.  4  Even 



244.  1  Even  Brahma',  lord  of  creatures,  by 
€  devotion  enafted  this  code  of  laws;  and  the 

<  faees  by  devotion  acquiied  a  knowledge  of  the 

«  Vedas.  . 

24;.  ‘  Thus  the  gods  themfelves,  obfcrving 

€  in  this  univerle  the  incomparable  power  of  de- 
€  votion,  have  proclaimed  aloud  the  tranfcendent 
*  excellence  of  pious  auderity. 

246.  4  By  reading  each  day  as  much  as  poffible 

<  of  the  Veda,  by  performing  the  five  great  fa- 
c  craments,  and  by  forgiving  all  injuries,  even  fins 
«  of  the  highed  degree  (ball  be  foon  effaced  : 

247.  4  As  fire  confumes  in  an  inftant,  with  his 
c  bright  flame,  the  wood  that  has  been  placed  on 
«  ir,  &thus,  with  the  flame  of  knowledge,  a  Brab - 
«  men ,  who  underdands  the  Veda ,  confumes  all  fin. 

248.  4  Thus  has  been  declared,  according  to 
«  law,  the  mode  of  atoning  for  open  fins:  now 
4  learn  the  mode  ol  obtaining  abfolution  for  fecret 
4  offences. 

249.  4  Sixteen  fuppreflions  of  the  breath, 
f  while  the  holieft  of  texts  is  repeated  with  the  three 
<  mighty  words,  and  the  triliteral  fy liable,  con- 
c  tinued  each  day  for  a  month,  abfolve  even  the 
«  flayer  of  a  Brahmen  from  his  hidden  faults. 

2^0,  4  Even  a  drinker  of  fpirituous  liquor  is 
c  abfolved  by  repeating  each  day  the  text  apa  ufed 
‘  by  the  fage  Cautsa,  or  that  beginning  with 
•  preti  ufed  by  Vasisht’h  a,  or  that  called  ma- 
f  hilra ,  or  that,  of  which  the  firfl  word  is  J'uddba- 
4  vatyab. 

2  1 ,  4  By  repeating  each  day ,  for  a  month ,  the 
c  text  afyavamiya ,  or  the  hymn  Sivafancalpa ,  the 
4  dealer  of  gold  from  a  pried  becomes  indantly 

4  Pure-  .  - 

2^2.  4  He,  who  has  violated  the  bed  of  his 
Z  3  4  pre- 


A  -i 


c  preceptor,  is  cleared  from  fecret  faults  by  repeal 

<  ing  fixteen  times  a  day  the  text  havijhyantiya ,  or 
c  that  beginning  with  na  tamanhahy  or  by  revolv- 
1  ing  in  his  mind  the  fixteen  holy  verfes,  called 

1  Paurujha. 

253.  c  The  man,  who  defires  to  expiate  his 

*  hidden  fins,  great  and  fmall,  muft  repeat  once  a 

<  dayy  for  a  year,  the  text  avay  or  the  text  yat - 
c  cinchida. 

254.  c  He,  who  has  accepted  an  illegal  prefent, 
€  or  eaten  prohibited  food,  may  be  cleanfed  in 
5  three  days  by  repeating  the  text  taratfamand'ya . 

255.  1  Though  he  have  committed  many  fecret 
€  fins,  he  fhall  be  purified  by  repeating,  for  a 
4  month,  the  text  Jbmdraudra ,  or  the  three  text^ 

*  aryamna>  while  he  bathe*  in  a  facred  ftream. 

256.  c  A  grievous  offender  muft  repeat  the 

*  feven  verfes,  beginning  with  Indra,  for  half  a 
4  year ;  and  he,  who  has  defiled  water  with  any 
4  impurity,  muft  fit  a  whole  year  fubfifting  by 
*■  alms, 

257.  c  A  twice  born  man,  who  fhall  offet 
4  clarified  butter  for  a  year,  with  eight  texts  ap- 
4  propriated  to  eight  feveral  oblations,  or  with  the 
c  text  na  mey  fhall  efface  a  fin  even  of  a.n  extreme- 

*  ly  high  degree. 

258.  c  He,  who  had  committed  a  crime  of  the 
c  firft  degree,  fhall  be  abfolved,  if  he  attend  a 

*  herd  of  kine  for  a  year,  mortify  his  organs,  and 
c  continually  repeat  the  texts  beginning  with  pa- 

*  vamariiy  living  folely  on  food  given  in  charity : 

259.  f  Or,  if  he  thrice  repeat  a  Sanhita  of  the 
€  Vedas ,  or  a  large  portion  of  them  with  all  the 

*  mantras  and  brahmanas,  dwelling  in  a  foreft  with 
1  fubdued  organs,  and  purified  by  three  paracasy 



he  fhall  be  fet  free  from  all  fins  how  heinous 

260  c  Or  he  (hall  be  releafed  from  all  deadly 
fins,  if  he  fad  three  davs,  with  his  members 
mortified,  and  twice  a  day  plunge  into  water, 
thrice  repeating  the  text  aghamarjhana  : 

261.  c  As  the  facrifice  of  a  horfe,  the  king  of 
facrifices,  removes  all  fin,  thus  the  text  agha- 
tnarjhana  dedroys  ail  offences. 

262.  ‘  A  pried,  who  fhould  retain  in  his  me¬ 
mory  the  whole  Rigvida ,  would  be  abfolved 
from  guilt,  even  if  he  had  flain  the  inhabitants 
of  the  three  worlds,  and  had  eaten  food  from  the 
fouled  hands. 

263  c  By  thrice  repeating  the  mantras  and 
hrabmanas  of  the  Rich ,  or  thofe  of  the  Yajufhy 
or  thole  of  the  Saman,  with  the  ufanifhads,  he 
fhall  perfectly  be  cleanfcd  from  every  poffible 
taint : 

26a.  '  As  a  clod  of  earth,  cad  into  a  great  lake, 
finks  in  it,  thus  is  every  finful  adl  fubmerged  in 
the  triple  Veda . 

265.  *  The  divifions  of  the  Rich ,  the  feveral 
branches  of  the  Yaju/h,  and  the  manifold  drains 
of  the  Saman,  mud  be  confidered  as  forming  the 
triple  Vida :  he  knows  the  Vida,  who  knows 
them  collectively. 

2 66.  1  The  primary  triliteral  fyllable,  in  which 
the  three  Vidas  themfelves  are  comprifed,  mud 
be  kept  fecret,  as  another  triple  Veda :  he  knows 
the  Veda ,  who  dijiinftly  knows  the  myjlick  JenJe  of 
that  word/ 



(  345  ) 


On  Tran), migration  and  Final  Beatitude. 

1.  c  O  thou,  who  art  free  from  fin ?  fat d  the 
devout  fages ,  '  thou  haft  declared  the  whole  fyftcm 
1  of  dudes  ordained  tor  the  tour  clafles  of  men: 
f  explain  to  us  now,  from  the  firft  principles,  the 

*  ultimate  retribution  for  their  deeds.* 

2.  Bmvicu,  whole  heart  was  the  pure  eflence 
of  virtue,  who  proceeded  from  Menu  himfelf, 
thus  addreffed  the  great  lages  :  ‘  Hear  the  in- 
‘  fallible  rules  for  the  fruit  of  deeds  in  this  uni- 
«  verfe. 

3.  *  Action,  either  mental,  verbal,  or  cor- 

*  poreal,  bears  good  or  evil  fruit,  as  itfelf  is  good 
1  or  evil ;  and  from  the  a&ions  of  men  proceed 
‘  their  various  tranfmigrations  in  the  highcft,  the 

*  mean,  and  the  lowed  degree  : 

4.  1  Of  that  three-fold  a&ion,  connected  with 
c  bodily  funflions,  difpofed  in  three  claifcs,  and 

*  confiding  of  ten  orders,  be  it  known  in  this 

*  world,  that  the  heart  is  the  inftigator. 

5.  *  Dcvifing  means  to  appropriate  the  wealth 

*  of  other  men,  rcfolving  on  any  forbidden  deed, 

4  and 

346  on  transmigration 

*  and  conceiving  notions  of  atheifm  or  mate<* 
€  rialifm,  arc*  the  three  bad  ads  of  the  mind: 

6.  1  Scurrilous  language,  falfehood,  indifcri* 
c  minate  backbiiing,  and  ufelefs  tattle,  are  the 
4  four  bad  ads  of  the  tongue  : 

7.  c  Tak  ng  effeds  not  given,  hurting  fentient 
c  creatures  without  the  fandion  of  law,  and  crU 

*  minal  intercourfe  with  the  wife  of  another*  are 

*  the  three  bad  ads  of  the  body  -}  ana  all  the  ten 
4  have  their  cppofites,  which  are  good  in  an  equal 

*  degree . 

8.  c  A  rational  creature  has  a  reward  or  a 
4  punifhment  for  mental  ads,  in  his  mind  ;  for 
<  verbal  ads,  in  his  organs  of  fpeech  $  for  corpo- 

*  real  ads,  in  his  bodily  frame. 

9.  c  For  linful  ads  moftly  corporeal,  a  man 
€  iliall  alTume  after  death  a  vegetable  or  mineral 
4  form  ;  for  fuch  ads  moftly  verbal,  the  form  of 
4  a  bird  or  a  bead ;  for  ads  moftly  mental,  the 
4  loweft  of  human  conditions: 

10.  4  He,  whofe  firm  underftanding  obtains  a 

*  command  over  his  words,  a  command  over  his 
4  thoughts,  and  a  command  over  his  whole  body, 

*  may  juftly  be  called  a  tridand },  or  triple  com - 
4  mander ;  not  a  mere  anchoret ,  who  bears  three 
c  vifible  Jiavesm 

11.  4  The  man,  who  exerts  this  triple  felf- 

*  command  with  refped  to  all  animated  creatures, 
4  wholly  fubduing  both  lull  and  wrath,  fhall  by 

*  thole  means  attain  beatitude. 

12.  4  That  fubftance,  which  gives  a  power  of 

*  motion  to  the  body,  the  wife  call  cjhetrajnya>  or 
4  jivdtman,  the  vital  fpirit;  and  that  body,  which 
4  thence  derives  adive  fundions,  they  name  bhu- 
4  tatnian ,  or  compofed  of  elements  : 

1 3.  4  Another  internal  fpirit,  called  mahaty  or 

4  the 



the  great  foul,  attends  the  birth  of  all  creatures 
imbodied,  and  thence,  in  all  mortal  forms,  is 
conveyed  a  perception  e:ther  pleafing  or  painful, 

14.  4  Thofe  two,  the  vital  fpirit  and  reafonablc 
foul,  are  clofcly  united  with  Jive  elements,  but 
connected  with  the  fupreme  fpirit,  or  divine 
ellence,  which  pervades  all  beings  high  and  low: 

15.  *  From  the  ftibftance  of  that  fupreme  fpirit , 
are  diffufed,  like  fparks  from  fire ,  innumerable 
vital  fpirits,  which  perpetually  give  motion  to 
creatures  exalted  and  bafe. 

16.  ‘  By  the  vital  fouls  of  thofe  men,  who 
have  committed  fins  in  the  body  reduced  to  afhes9 
another  body,  coippofed  of  nerves  with  five 
fenfations,  in  order  to  be  fufceptible  of  torment, 
fhall  certainly  be  affumed  after  death  j 

17.  4  And,  being  intimately  united  with  thofe 
minute  nervous  particles,  according  to  their  dif- 
tribution,  they  fhall  feel,  in  that  new  body, 
the  pangs  infli&ed  in  each  cafe  by  the  fentence 
of  Yama. 

18.  4  When  the  vital  foul  has  gathered  the 
fruit  of  fins,  which  arife  from  a  love  of  fenfual 
pleafure,  but  muff  produce  mifery,  and,  when 
its  taint  has  thus  been  removed,  it  approaches 
again  thofe  two  mod  effulgent  effences,  the  in - 
telle  Huai  foul  and  the  divine  fpirit : 

19.  *  They  two,  clofely  conjoined,  examine 
without  remiffion  the  virtues  and  vices  of  that 
fenfitive  foul,  according  to  its  union  with  which 
it  acquires  pleafure  or  pain  in  the  prefent  and 
future  worlds. 

20.  '  If  the  vital  fpirit  had  pra&ifed  virtue 
for  the  mod  part,  and  vice  in  a  fmali  degree, 
it  enjoys  delight  in  celcftial  abodes,  cloched 

*  with 


‘  with  a  body  formed  of  pure  elementary  par- 

*  tides  ; 

21.  ‘  But,  if  it  had  generally  been  addidted  to 

*  vice,  and  feldom  attended  to  virtue,  then  (hall 

*  it  be  defertea  by  thofe  .pure  elements,  and,  hav~ 

€  ing  a  ccarjer  body  of  Jenfible  nerves,  it  feels  the 
c  pains  to  which  Yam  a  (hall  doom  it : 

22.  c  Having  endured  thofe  torments  according 
c  to  the  fentence  of  Yama,  and  its  taint  being 
c  almoft  removed,  it  again  reaches  thofe  five  pure 
€  elements  in  the  order  of  their  natural  diftribu- 

*  tion. 

23.  c  Let  each  man,  confidering  with  his  in- 
c  telledtual  powers  thefe  migrations  of  the  foul, 
c  according  to  its  virtue  or  vice,  into  a  region  of 
%  blifs  or  pain ,  continually  fix  his  heart  on  virtue. 

24  c  Be  it  known,  that  the  three  qualities  of 

*  the  rational  foul  are  a  tendency  to  goodnefs,  to 
€  paffion,  and  to  darknefs ;  and,  endued  with  one 
1  or  more  of  them,  it  remains  incefifantly  attached 

*  to  all  thefe  created  fubftances  : 

25.  c  When  any  one  of  the  three  qualities  pre- 
€  dominates  in  a  mortal  frame,  it  renders  the 
c  imbodied  fpirit  eminently  diftinguiftied  for  that 
c  quality. 

26.  *  Goodnefs  is  declared  to  be  true  know- 
c  ledge ;  darknefs,  grofs  ignorance  ;  pafiion,  an 
€  emotion  of  defire  or  averfion  :  fuch  is  the  com- 

*  pendious  defcription  of  thofe  qualities,  which 

*  attend  all  fouls. 

27.  c  When  a  man  perceives,  in  the  reafonable 
€  foul,  a  difpofition  tending  to  virtuous  love,  un- 
s  clouded  with  any  malignant  pafiion,  clear  as  the 

*  purefl  light,  let  him  recognife  it  as  the  quality 

*  of  goodnefs  : 

28.  ‘  A  temper  of  mind,  which  gives  uneafinefs 

<  and 



and  produces  difaffedion,  let  him  confider  as 
the  adverfe  quality  of  pallion,  ever  agitating 
imbodied  Ipirits  : 

29.  *  That  indiftind,  inconceivable,  unaccount¬ 
able  difpofition  ot  a  mind  naturally  fenfual,  and 
clouded  wich  infatuation,  let  him  know  to  be 
the  quality  of  darknefs. 

30.  c  Now  will  I  declare  at  large  the  various 
ads,  in  the  highcft,  middle,  and  lowed:  degrees, 
which  proceed  from  thofe  three  difpofitions  of 

31.  €  Study  of  feripture,  auftere  devotion,  fa- 
cred  knowledge,  corporeal  purity,  command 
over  the  organs,  performance  of  duties,  and 
meditation  on  the  divine  fpirit,  accompany  the 
good  quality  of  the  foul: 

32.  c  Interefted  motives  for  ads  cf  religion  cr 
morality ,  perturbation  of  mind  on  flight  occa- 
fions,  commiflion  of  ads  forbidden  by  law,  and 
habitual  indulgence  in  felfifh  gratifications,  are 
attendant  on  the  quality  of  pafTion  : 

33.  c  Covetoufnefs,  indolence,  avarice,  detrac¬ 
tion,  atheifm,  omiilion  of  preferibed  ads,  a 
habit  of  foliciting  favours,  and  inattention  to 
neceflary  bufinefs,  belong  to  the  dark  quality. 

34.  f  Of  thofe  three  qualities,  as  they  appear 
in  the  three  times,  pajl ,  prefenty  and future ,  the 
following  in  order  from  the  loweft  may  be  conr 
fidered  as  a  £hort  but  certain  criterion. 

35.  ‘  Let  the  wife  confider,  as  belonging  to 
the  quality  of  darknefs  every  ad,  which  a  man 
is  afhamed  of  having  done,  of  doing,  or  of 
going  to  do  : 

36.  ‘  Let  them  confider,  as  proceeding  from 
the  quality  of  pallion,  every  ad,  by  which  a 
man  leeks  exaltation  and  celebrity  in  this  world, 

*  though 

350  bN  transmigration 

4  though  he  may  not  be  much  affli&ed,  if  he  fail 
4  of  attaining  his  object : 

37.  4  To  the  quality  of  goodnefs  belongs  every 
c  aft,  by  which  he  hopes  to  acquire  divine  know- 
4  ledge,  which  he  is  never  afhamed  of  doing,  and 
*  which  brings  placid  joy  to  his  confidence. 

38.  4  Of  the  dark  quality,  as  defcribed,  the 
4  principal  objedt  is  plealure  ;  of  the  pafftonate, 
4  wotldly  profperity  ;  but  of  the  good  quality, 
4  the  chief  objedt  is  virtue :  the  lad  mentioned 
4  objefts  are  fuperiour  in  dignity. 

39.  c  Such  tranfmigrations,  as  the  foul  procures 
4  in  this  univerfe  by  each  of  thofe  qualities,  I  noW 
4  will  declare  in  order  fuccindtly. 

40.  4  Souls,  endued  with  goodnefs,  attain  al- 
4  ways  the  date  of  deities ;  thofe  filled  with  am- 
4  bitious  paffions,  the'  condition  of  meri ;  and 
4  thofe  immerfed  in  darknefs,  the  nature  of  beads: 
4  this  is  the  triple  order  of  tranfmigration. 

41.  4  Each  of  thofe  three  tranfmigrations,  caufed 
c  by  the  feveral  qualities,  mud  alfo  be  confidered 
4  as  three- fold,  the  lowed,  the  mean,  and  the 
4  highed,  according  to  as  many  didindtions  of 
4  adls  and  of  knowledge. 

42.  c  Vegetable  and  mineral  fubdances,  worms* 
4  infedls,  and  reptiles,  fome  very  minute,  fome 
4  rather  larger,  fifh,  fnakes,  tortoifes,  cattle* 

4  fhakals,  are  the  lowed  forms,  to  which  the  dark 
4  quality  leads  i 

43.  4  Elephants,  horfes,  rtlen  of  the  fervile  clafs, 

4  and  contemptible  Mlech’has,  or  barbarians,  lions* 

4  tigers,  and  boars,  are  the  mean  daces  procured 
4  by  the  quality  of  darknefs  : 

44.  4  Dancers  and  fingers,  birds,  and  deceitful 

4  men,  giants  and  blood-thirdy  favages,  are  the 
4  highed  conditions,  to  which  the  dark  quality  can 
4  afeend.  45*  4  J'hallas^ 

Attb  fInal  beatitude*  351 

45.  c  J’hallas,  or  cudgel  players,  Mallas ,  or 
boxers  and  wrefllers,  Nat  as  >  or  adtors,  thofe 
who  teach  the  ufe  of  weapons,  and  thofe  who  are 
addidled  to  gaming  or  drinking,  are  the  lowefl 
forms  occafioned  by  the  paffionate  quality  : 

46.  *  Kings,  men  of  the  fighting  clafs,  domeftick 
priefts  of  kings,  and  men  fkilled  in  the  war  of 
controverfy,  are  the  middle  ftates  caufed  by  the 
quality  of  paflion : 

47.  c  Gandharvas ,  or  aerial  muficians,  Guhyacas 
and  Tacjhas ,  or  fervants  and  companions  of 
Cuve'ra,  genii  attending  fuperiour  gods,  as  the 
Vidyadharas  and  others,  together  with  various 
companies  of  Apfarofes  or  nymphs,  are  the 
higheft  of  thofe  forms,  which  the  quality  of 
paflion  attains. 

48.  *  Hermits,  religious  mendicants,  other 
Brahmens ,  fuch  orders  of  demigods  as  are  wafted 
in  airy  cars,  genii  of  the  figns  and  lunar  man- 
fions,  and  Daityas ,  or  the  offspring  of  Dm, 
are  the  lowefl  of  ftates  procured  by  the  quality 
of  goodnefs  : 

49.  c  Sacrifices,  holy  fages,  deities  of  the 
lower  heaven,  genii  of  the  Vedas ,  regents  of  ftars 
not  in  the  paths  of  the  fun  and  moon ,  divinities  of 
years,  Pitris  or  progenitors  of  mankind,  and  the 
demigods  named  Sddhyasy  are  the  middle  forms, 
to  which  the  good  quality  conveys  all  fpirits 
moderately  endued  with  it : 

50.  *  Brahma'  with  four  faces,  creators  of 
worlds  under  him ,  as  Mar'ichi  and  others ,  the 
genius  of  virtue,  the  divinities  prcfiding  over  {two 
principles  of  nature  in  the  philofophy  of  Capila) 
mahaty  or  the  mighty ,  and  avyafta ,  or  unperceivedy 
are  the  higheft  conditions,  to  which,  by  the 
good  quality,  fouls  are  exalted. 

51.  f  This 



51.  c  This  triple  fyftem  of  tranfmigrations,  in 
which  each  clafs  has  three  orders,  according  to 
adions  of  three  kinds,  and  which  cornprifes  all 
animated  beings,  has  been  revealed  in  its  full 
extent : 

5  .  ‘  Thus,  by  indulging  the  fenfual  appetites, 
and  by  negleding  the  performance  of  duties, 
the  bafeft  of  men,  ignorant  of  facrcd  expiations, 
affume  the  bafeft  forms. 

53.  *  What  particular  bodies  the  vital  fpirit 
enters  in  this  world,  and  in  confequence  of  what 
fins  here  committed,  now  hear  at  large  and  in 

54.  c  Sinners,  in  the  firft  degree,  having  pafTed 
through  terrible  regions  of  torture  for  a  great 
number  of  years,  are  condemned  to  the  following 
births,  at  the  clofe  of  that  period,  to  efface  ail  re - 
mains  of  their  fin . 

55.  c  The  flayer  of  a  Brahmen  muft  enter  ac¬ 
cording  to  the  circumftances  of  his  crime  the  body 
of  a  dog,  a  boar,  an  afs,  a  camel,  a  bull,  a  goat, 
a  fheep,  a  ftag,  a  bird,  a  Chandala >  or  a  Puccofa. 
36.  f  A  prieft,  who  has  drunk  fpirituous  liquor, 
fhall  migrate  into  the  form  ot  a  fmaller  or  larger 
worm  or  infed,  of  a  moth,  of  a  fly  feeding  on 
ordure,  or  of  fome  ravenous  animal. 

57.  f  He,  who  fteals  the  gold  of  a  prieft,  fhall 
pafs  a  thoufand  times  into  the  bodies  of  fpiders, 
of  fnakes  and  camdeons,  of  crocodiles  and  other 
aquatick  monfters,  or  of  mifchievous  blood- 
fucking  demons. 

58.  c  He,  who  violates  the  bed  of  his  natural 
or  fpirit  ual  father,  migrates  a  hundred  times  into 
the  form  of  grades,  of  fhrubs  with  crowded 
ftems,  or  of  creeping  and  twining  plants,  of 
vultures  and  other  carnivorous  animals,  of  lions 

*  and 

And  final  beatitude.  333 

c  and  olbsr  beads  wirh  fharp  teeth,  or  of  tigers  and 
c  other  cruel  brutes. 

59.  c  They  who  hurt  any  fentient  beings,  are 
c  born  cats  and  other  eaters  of  raw  flefh  ;  they  who 
r  tade  what  ought  not  to  be  taded,  maggots  or 
c  fmall  flies  }  they  who  deal  ordinary  things ,  de- 
c  vourers  of  each  other :  theywho  embrace  very 
x  low  women,  become  redlefs  ghods. 

60.  c  He  who  has  held  intercourfe  with  de- 

*  graded  men,  or  been  criminally  connedted  with 
c  the  wife  of  another,  or  flolen  common  things  from 
c  a  pried,  fhall  be  changed  into  a  fpirit  called 
c  Brahmaracjhafa. 

61.  f  The  wretch,  who  through  covetoufnefs 
c  has  dolen  rubies  or  other  gems,  pearls,  or  coral, 

€  or  precious  things,  of  which  there  are  many  forts, 

€  fhall  be  born  in  the  tribe  of  goldfmiths ,  or  among 

*  birds  called  hemacaras,  or  gold  makers . 

62.  *  Ifa  man  deal  grain  in  the  hulk,  he  fhall 
c  be  born  a  rat ;  if  a  yellow  mixed  metal,  a  gan- 

*  der  ;  if  water,  a  plava ,  or  diver  ;  if  honey,  a 
c  great  dinging  gnat  3  if  milk,  a  crow  5  if  ex- 

*  prefled  juice,  a  dog;  if  clarified  butter,  an  ich- 
f  neumon  weafel  $ 

63.  *  If  he  deal  flefh  mear,  a  vulture;  if  any 
c  fort,of  fat,  the  water-bird  madgu ;  if  oil,  a  blarra, 
1  or  oil-drinking  beetle  ;  if  fait,  a  cicada  or  cricket  * 

*  if  curds,  the  bird  valued', 

6  *  If  filken  clothes,  the  bird  tittiri 3  if  wo- 

c  ven  flax,  a  frog  3  if  cotton  cloth,  the  water  bird 
c  crauncka  ;  if  a  cow,  the  lizard  gidhd  5  if  molafles, 
c  the  bird  v  igguda  3 

65.  If  exquifite  perfumes,  a  mufk-rat ;  if  pot- 

*  herbs,  a  peacock  ;  if  d  re  fled  gram  in  any  of  its 
c  various  forms,  a  porcupine  3  if  raw  grain,  a 
f  hedge-hog  ; 

A  a 

66.  ‘  If 

ON  transmigration 

35  4 

66.  c  If  he  fleal  fire,  the  bird  vaca  ;  if  a  houfe- 
hold  utenfil,  an  ichneumon  fly  ;  if  dyed  cloth, the 
bird  chacora ; 

67.  c  If  a  deer  or  an  elephant,  he  fhall  be  born 
a  wolf;  if  a  horfe,  a  tiger;  if  roots  or  fruit,  an  ape; 
if  a  woman,  a  bear  ;  if  water  from  ajar,  the  bird 
cbataca\  if  carriages,  a  camel  ;  if  fmall  cattle,  a 

68.  c  That  man,  who  defignediy  takes  away  the 
property  of  another,  or  eats  any  holy  cakes  not 
fir  ft  prefented  to  the  deity  at  a  folemn  rite,  fhall 
inevitably  fink  to  the  condition  of  a  brute. 

69.  c  Women,  who  have  committed  fimilar 
thefts,  incur  a  fimilar  taint,  and  fhall  be  paired 
with  thofe  male  beads  in  the  form  of  their 

70.  c  If  any  of  the  four  clafies  omit,  without 
urgent  neceftity,  the  performance  of  their  feveral 
duties,  they  fhall  migrate  into  finful  bodies,  and 
become  flaves  to  their  foes. 

71.  c  Should  a  Brahmen  omit  his  peculiar  duty, 
he  fhall  be  changed  into  a  demon  called  Ulca - 
mud  ha  or  with  a  mouth  like  a  firebrand ,  who  de¬ 
vours  what  has  been  vomited  ;  a  Cjhatriya  into 
a  demon  called  Cataputana ,  who  feeds  on  ordure 
and  carrion  ; 

72.  *  A  Vatfya ,  into  an  evil  being  called  Mai~ 
tracjhajyotica>  who  eats  purulent  carcafles  ;  and 
a  Sudra ,  who  negledts  his  occupations,  becomes 
a  foul  imbodied  fpirit  called  Cbailafacay  who 
feeds  on  lice. 

73.  c  As  far  as  vital  fouls,  addi&ed  to  fenfu- 
ality,  indulge  themfelves  in  forbidden  pleafures, 
even  to  the  lame  degree  fhall  the  acutenefs  of 
their  fenfes  be  railed  in  their  future  bodies ,  that 
they  may  endure  analogous  pains ; 

7  74.  c  And 


74.  c  And,  in  confequence  of  their  folly,  they 
{hall  be  doomed,  as  often  as  they  repeat  their  cri¬ 
minal  a6ts,  to  pains  more  and  more  intenle  in 
defpicable  forms  on  this  earth. 

75.  4  They  fhall  firfl  have  a  fenfation  of  agony 
in  Tam: fra  or  utter  darknefs>  and  in  other  feats 
of  horrour ;  in  Afipatravana ,  or  the Jword-leaved 
for  eft  >  and  in  different  places  of  binding  faff  and 

of  rending  : 

76.  e  Multifarious  tortures  await  them  :  they 
fhall  be  mangled  by  ravens  and  owls,  fhall  fwal- 
low  cakes  boiling  hot ;  fhall  walk  over  inflamed 
fands,  and  fhall  feel  the  pangs  of  being  baked 
like  the  veffels  of  a  potter  : 

77.  ‘  They  fhall  affume  the  forms  of  beafts  con¬ 
tinually  miferable,  and  fuffer  alternate  affiidtions 
from  extremities  of  cold  and  of  heat,  furrounded 
with  terrours  of  various  kinds  : 

78.  c  More  than  once  fhall  they  lie  in  different 
wombs  ;  and,  after  agonizing  births,  be  con¬ 
demned  to  fevere  captivity,  and  to  fervile  atten¬ 
dance  on  creatures  like  themfelves : 

79.  f  Then  fhall  follow  feparations  from  kindred 
and  friends,  forced  refidence  with  the  wicked, 
painful  gains  and  ruinous  Ioffes  of  wealth ; 
friendfhips  hardly  acquired,  and  at  length 
changed  into  enmities, 

80.  ‘  Old  age  without  refource,  difeares  at¬ 
tended  with  anguifh,  pangs  of  innumerable  forts, 
and,  laftly,  unconquerable  death. 

81.  *  With  whatever  difpofition  of  mind  a 
man  fhall  perform  in  this  life  any  a<5t  religious 
or  moral ,  in  a  future  body  endued  with  the  lame 
quality,  fhail  he  receive  his  retribution. 

82.  ‘  Thus  has  been  revealed  to  you  the  fyftem 

A  a  2  ‘of 

ON  transmigration 

c  of  puniffiments  for  evil  deeds :  next  learn  thofe 
f  ads  of  a  Brahmen  which  lead  to  eternal  blifs. 

83.  ‘  Studying  and  comprehending  the  Veda, 
c  pradifing  pious  aufterities,  acquiring  divine 
c  knowledge  of  law  and  philo fophy  3  command  over 
c  the  organs  of  fenfe  and  adion,  avoiding  all  injury 

*  to  fentient  creatures,  and  fhowing  reverence  to 
f  a  natural  and  fpiritual  father,  are  the  chief 
‘  branches  of  duty  which  enfure  final  happinefs/ 

84.  c  Among  all  thofe  good  ads  performed  in 
€  this  world,  Jaid  the  /ages,  is  no  fingle  ad  held 
f  more  powerful  than  the  reft  in  leading  men  to 
‘  beatitude  ?? 

85.  c  Of  all  thofe  duties,  anjwered  Bhrigu,  the 
c  principal  is  to  acquire  from  the  Upanifhads  a 

*  true  knowledge  of  one  fupreme  GOD  ;  that  is 
f  the  moft  exalted  of  all  fciences,  becaufe  it  en- 
‘  lures  immortality  : 

86.  c  In  this  life,  indeed,  as  well  as  the  next, 
e  the  ftudy  of  the  Veda,  to  acquire  a  knowledge  of 

GOD,  is  held  the  moft  efficacious  of  thofe  fix 
4  duties  in  procuring  felicity  to  man  ; 

87.  c  For  in  the  knowledge  and  adoration  of 
c  one  GOD,  which  the  Veda  teaches,  all  the  rules 
i  of  good  condud,  before- mentioned  in  order,  are 

*  fully  comprifed. 

88.  f  The  ceremonial  duty,  preferibed  by  the 
Veda3  is  of  two  kinds  ;  Gne  conneded  with  this 

c  world,  and  caufing  prolperity  on  earth;  the 
c  other  abftraded  from  it,  and  procuring  blifs  in 
c  heaven. 

89.  ‘  A  religious  ad,  proceeding  from  felfifli 
4  views  in  this  world,  as  a facrifce  for  rain ,  or  in 

*  the  next,  as  a  pious  oblation  in  hope  of  a  future 
6  reward ,  is  declared  to  be  concrete  and  interefted  5 

1  buc 



but  an  afl  performed  with  a  knowledge  of  God, 
and  without  felf-love,  is  called  abftraft  and  cl i  1 - 

90.  f  He,  who  frequently  performs  interefted 
rites,  attains  an  equal  Ration  with  the  regents  of 
the  lower  heaven  :  but  he,  who  frequently  per¬ 
forms  difinterefted  ads  of  religion,  becomes  for 
ever  exempt  from  a  body  compofed  of  the  five  ele¬ 
ments  : 

9U  ‘  Equally  perceiving  the  fupreme  foul  in 
all  beings,  and  all  beings  in  the  fupreme  foul,  he 
facrifices  his  own  fpirit  by  fixing  it  on  the  ipirit 
of  GOD,  and  approaches  the  nature  of  that  foie 
divinity  who  fhines  by  h;s  own  effulgence. 

92.  ‘  Thus  mult  the  chief  of  the  twice  born, 
though  he  neglecft  the  ceremonial  rites  mentioned 
in  the  SJlras,  be  diligent  alike  in  attaining 
a  knowledge  of  God,  and  in  repeating  the 
Vida  : 

93.  ‘  Such  is  the  advantageous  privilege  of 
thofe,  who  have  a  double  birth  from  their  natu¬ 
ral  mothers  and  from  the  gayatri  their  fpiritual 
mother ,  efpecially  of  a  Brahmen  ;  fince  the  twice 
born  man,  by  performing  this  duty,  but  not 
otherwife,  may  foon  acquire  endlcTs  felicity. 

94.  c  To  patriarchs,  to  deities,  and  to  man¬ 
kind,  the  fcripture  is  an  eye  giving  conftanc 
light;  nor  could  the  Vida  Si/fra  have  been  made 
by  human  faculties  ;  nor  can  it  be  meafured  by 
human  reafon  unafffted  by  revealed glojfes  and  com¬ 
ments  :  this  is  a  furc  propofition. 

95.  c  Such  codes  of  law  as  are  not  grounded 
on  the  Vida ,  and  the  various  heterodox  theories 
of  men,  produce  no  good  fruit  after  death  ; 
fo*r  they  all  are  declared  to  have  their  bafis  on 

A  a  3 

96.  ‘  AU 


o 6.  c  All  fyftems  which  are  repugnant  to  the 
«  muft  bave  been  compofed  by  mortals,  and 

*  fhall  loon  perifh  :  their  modern  date  proves 
€  them  vain  and  falfe. 

97.  c  The  three  worlds,  the  four  clafifes  cf  men, 

«  and  their  four  diftind  orders,  with  all  that  has 
«  been,  ail  that  is,  and  ail  that  will  be,  are  made 
1  known  by  the  Veda  : 

98.  c  The  nature  of  found,  of  tangible  and  vifi- 

<  ble  lhape,  of  tafte,  and  of  odour,  the  fifth  objed 
«■  of  fenfe,  is  clearly  explained  in  the  Veda  alone, 

<  together  with  the  three  qualities  of  mind,  the 
«  births  attended  with  them,  and  the  ads  which 
€  they  occafion. 

99 .  4  All  creatures  are  fufiiained  by  the  prime- 
«  val  Veda  Sdfira ,  which  the  wife  therefore  hold 
4  fupreme,  becaufe  it  is  the  fupreme  fource  of  prof- 
«  perity  to  this  creature,  man. 

ico.  4  Command  of  armies,  royal  authority, 
c  power  of  inflidting  puniihment,  and  fovereign 
«  dominion  over  all  nations,  he  only  well  deferves, 
c  who  perfediy  underftands  the  Veda  Saftra. 

101.  4  As  fire  with  augmented  force  burns  up 
f  even  humid  trees,  thus  he,  who  well  knows 
«  the  Veda,  burns  out  the  taint  of  fin,  which  has 

<  infeded  his  foul. 

102.  4  He  who  completely  knows  the  fenfe  of 
«  the  Veda  Saftra,  while  he  remains  in  any  one  of 

<  the  four  orders,  approaches  the  divine  nature, 
«  even  though  he  fojourn  in  this  low  world. 

103.  4  They  who  have  read  many  books,  are 
«  more  exalted  than  fuch  as  have  feldom  ftudied 
«  they  who  retain  what  they  have  read,  than  for- 
«  getful  readers;  they  who  fully  underftand, 
4  than  fuch  as  only  remember;  and  they  who 

4  perform 

and  final  beatitude. 


perform  their  known  duty,  thin  fuch  men  as 
barely  know  it. 

104.  c  Devotion  and  fac red  knowledge  are  the 
beft  means  by  which  a  Brahmen  can  arrive  at 
beatitude  :  by  devotion  he  may  deftroy  guilt  ; 
by  facred  knowledge  he  may  acquire  immortal 

105.  c  Three  modes  of  proof,  ocular  demon- 
ftration,  logical  inference,  and  the  authority  of 
thole  various  books,  which  are  deduced  from  the 
Vhlay  mu  ft  be  well  underftood  by  that  man  who 
feeks  a  diftintt  knowledge  of  all  his  duties. 

106.  ‘  He  alone  comprehends  the  fyftem  of 
duties,  religious  and  civil,  who  can  reafon,  by 
rules  of  logic  agreeable  to  the  Veda,  on  the 
general  heads  of  that  fyftem,  as  revealed  by  the 
holv  fages. 

107.  1  Thefe  rules  of  conduft,  which  lead  to 
fupreme  blifs,  have  been  exactly  and  compre- 
hen lively  declared  :  the  more  fecret  learning  of 
this  Manava  Sajira  {hall  now  be  difclofed. 

ic8.  ‘  If  ic  be  afkcd,  how  the  law  ihall  be  af- 
certained,  when  particular  cafes  are  not  com- 
pnled  under  fifty  of  the  general  rules ,  tree  an- 
fvjer  is  this:  “  That,  which  well  inftru&ed 
1  Brahmens  propound,  Ihall  be  held  inconteftable 
‘  law-” 

109.  ‘Well  inftrutted  Brahmens  are  they  who 
can  adduce  ocular  proof  from  the  feripture  it- 
l'elf,  having  thidied,  as  the  law  ordains,  the  Ve¬ 
das  and  their  extended  branches,  or  Vc'dangas , 
Mimdnfa,  Nyayo,  Dherma  fiftra,  Pur  anas : 
no  ‘  A  point  of  law,  before  not  exprefsly  re¬ 
vealed,  which  Ihall  be  decided  by  an  aflembly  of 
ten  fuch  virtuous  Brahmens  under  one  chief,  or, 
if  ten  be  not  procurable ,  of  three  luch,  under  one 
Dreftdent,  let  00  man  controvert. 

v  1  it.  ‘  The 


hi,  ‘  The  a  [Terribly  of  ten  under  a  chief, 

4  either  the  king  himfelf or  a  judge  appointed  by  bm3 
c  muft  confitf  of  three,  each  of  them  peculiarly 
4  converfant  with  one  of  the  three  Vedas ;  of  a 

*  fourth,  [killed  in  the  Nydya ,  and  a  fifth  in  the  Mi- 
c  mdnjd  philofophy  ;  of  a  fixth,  who  has  particularly 
4  ftudied  the  Niruffa ;  a  feventh,  who  has  applied 
c  himfelf  moft  affiducufiy  to  the  Dhermafcifira  ; 

4  and  of  three  univerfal  Jcholars ,  who  are  in  the 
c  three  firft  orders. 

1 1 a.  c  One,  who  has  chiefly  fiudied  the  Rjg - 
6  veda3  a  fecond  who  principally  knows  the  Ya- 

*  jujhy  and  a  third  befl:  acquainted  with  the  Saman, 

1  are  the  afiembly  of  three  under  a  head,  who  may 
1  remove  all  doubts,  both  in  law  and  cafuiftry. 

1 13.  cEven  the  decifion  of  one  prieft,  if  more  can- 
4  not  be  ajfembled ,  who  perfectly  knows  the  princi- 
c  pies  of  the  Vedas >  muff  be  confidered  as  law  of 
<  the  highefl:  authority  3  not  the  opinion  of  myri- 
c  ads,  who  have  no  facred  knowledge. 

114.  c  Many  thoufands  of  Brahmens  cannot 
‘  form  a  legal  afiembly  for  the  decifion  of  contefts, 
c  if  they  have  not  performed  the  duties  of  a  regu- 

*  lar  ftudentfhip,  are  unacquainted  with  fcriptural 
1  texts,  and  fubfift  only  by  the  yame  of  their  lacer- 
c  dotalclafs. 

1 15.  f  The  fin  of  that  man,  to  whom  dunces, 
€  pervaded  by  the  quality  of  darknefs,  propound 
4  the  law,  of  which  they  are  themfelves  ignorant, 
x  fhall  pafs,  increafed  a  hundred-fold,  to  the  wretches 
c  who  propound  it. 

1 16.  c  This  comprehenfive  fyftem  of  duties, 
*■  the  chief  caufe  of  ultimate  felicity,  has  been  de- 
1  dared  to  you  ;  and  the  Brahmen ,  who  never  de- 

*  parts  from  it,  fhall  attain  a  fuperiour  ftate  above. 

1 17.  (  Thus  did  the  all- wife  Menu,  who.  pof- 

l  *  fefifes 



ftfles  extenfive  dominion,  and  blazes  with  hea¬ 
venly  Iplendour,  dilclofe  to  me,  from  his  bene¬ 
volence  to  mankind,  this  tranfcendenc  fyftern  of 
law,  which  mult  be  k<"pt  devoutly  concealed 
from  per fons  unfit  to  receive  it. 

1  18.  ‘  Let  every  Brahmen  with  fixed  attention 
confider  all  nature,  both  vifible  and  invifible,  as 
exifting  in  the  divine  fpirit;  for,  when  he  con¬ 
templates  the  boundlels  univerfe  exifting  in  the 
divine  fpirit,he  cannot  give  his  heart  to  iniquity  : 

119.  ‘  The  divine  fpirit  alone  is  the  whole  a  fi¬ 
fe  mblage  of  gods  ;  all  worlds  are  feated  in  the 
divine  fpirit;  and  the  divine  fpirit,  no  doubt, 
produces,  hy  a  chain  of  c'ufes  and  effects  confiftent 
with  free-will ,  the  connected  feries  of  adh  per¬ 
formed  by  imbodied  fouls. 

120.  c  We  may  contemplate  the  fubtil  ether  in 
the  cavities  of  his  body  ;  the  air  in  his  mufcular 
motion  and  fenfitive  nerves;  the  fupreme  folar 
and  igneous  light,  in  his  digeftive  heat  and  his 
vifual  organs;  in  his  corporeal  fluids,  water;  in 
the  terrene  parts  of  his  fabric,  earth; 

121.  ‘  In  his  heart,  the  moon;  in  his  auditory 
nerves,  the  guardians  of  eight  regions ;  in  h;s  pro- 
greffive  motion,  V  shnuj  in  his  mufcular  force, 
Hara  ;  in  his  organs  of  fpeech,  Acni  ;  in  excre¬ 
tion,  Mitra;  in  procreation,  Brahma  : 

122.  ‘-But  he  muft  confider  the  fupreme  om- 
niprefenc  intelligence  as  the  fovereign  lord  of 
them  all,  by  zvhofe  energy  alone  they  exifi ;  a  fpirit, 
by  no  means  the  objett  of  any  fenfe,  which  can  only 
be  conceived  by  a  mind  wholly  abfirarted  from 
matter,  and  as  it  were  Hum  be  ring ;  but  which, 
for  the  purpofe  of  ajfifting  his  meditation ,  he  may 
imagine  more  fubtil  than  the  fineft  conceivable 
eftence,  and  more  bright  than  the  pureft  gold. 

123.  c  Him  fome  adore  as  tranfcendently  pre- 

f  fent 


c  fent  in  elementary  fire;  others,  in  Menu,  lord  of 

*  creatures,  or  an  immediate  agent  in  the  creation  ; 
c  fome,  as  more  diilinflly  preient  in  Indra,  regent 
<  of  the  clouds  and  the  atmcfphere ;  others,  in  pure 
c  air;  others,  as  the  moft  High  Eternal  Spirit. 

124.  c  It  is  He,  who,  pervading  all  beings  in 
c  five  elemental  forms,  caufes  them,  by  the  gra- 

*  dations  of  birth,  growth,  and  diilolution,  to  re- 
‘  volve  in  this  world  until  they  deferve  beatitude , 

*  like  the  wheels  of  a  car. 

12$.  f  Thus  the  man,  who  perceives  in  his 
c  own  foul  the  fupreme  foul  prcfent  in  all  creatures, 
1  acquires  equanimity  toward  them  all,  and  fhall 

*  be  abfolved  at  laft  in  the  higheft  efience,  even 
c  that  of  the  Almighty  himfelf.* 

126.  Here  ended  the  facred  inftru&or;  and 
every  twice  born  man,  who,  attentively  reading 
this  Manava  Saftra>  promulgated  bv  Bhrigu, 
ihall  become  habitually  virtuous,  will  attain  the 
beatitude  which  he  feeks. 

[  3*3  3 


The  ^earned  Hindus  are  unanimoufly  of  opi¬ 
nion,  that  many  laws  enadted  by  Menu,  their  old- 
eft  reputed  legiflator,  were  confined  to  the  three 
4  firft  ages  of  the  world,  and  have  no  force  in  the 
prefent  age,  in  which  a  few  of  them  are  certainly 
obfolete ;  and  they  ground  their  opinion  on  the 
following  texts,  which  are  collected  in  a  work  en¬ 
titled,  Med  ana  r  A  ta  a  pradipa. 

1.  Cratu  :  In  the  Cali  age  a  fon  muft  not  be 
begotten  on  a  widow  by  the  brother  of  the  deceajed, 
hujband ;  nor  muft  a  damfel,  once  given  away  in 
marriage,  be  given  a  fecond  time  ;  nor  muft  a  bull 
be  offered  in  a  facrifice  ;  nor  muft  a  water-pot  be 
carried  by  a  ft u dent  in  theology . 

II.  Vrihaspati  :  i.  Appointments  of  kin/men 
to  beget  children  on  widows ,  or  married  women , 
when  the  hufoands  are  deceajed  or  impotent,  are  men¬ 
tioned  by  the  fage  Menu,  but  forbidden  by  him- 
felt,  with  a  view  to  the  order  of  the  four  ages  j  no 
fuch  adt  can  be  legally  done  in  this  age  by  any 
others  than  the  hujband. 

2.  In  the  firft  and  fecond  ages  men  were  endued 
with  true  piety  and  found  knowledge ;  fo  they 
were  in  the  third  age;  but  in  the  fourth,  a  diminu¬ 
tion  of  their  moral  and  intellectual  powers  was  or¬ 
dained  by  their  Creator : 

3.  Thus 



3.  Thus  were  fons  of  many  different  forts 
made  by  ancient  fages ;  but  fuch  cannot  now  be 
adopted  by  men  deftitute  of  thofe  eminent  powers. 

III.  Para'sara:  i.  A  man,  who  has  held  in¬ 
ter  courjc  with  a  deadly  /inner  ,  mu  ft  abandon  his 
country  in  the  firft  age ;  he  muft  leave  his  town 
in  the  fecond ;  his  family  in  the  third  age ;  but  in 
the  fourth  he  needs  only  defert  the  offender. 

2.  In  the  firft  age,  he  is  degraded  by  mere  con- 
verfation  with  a  degraded  man  ;  in  the  fecond,  by 
touching  him;  in  the  third,  by  receiving  food 
from  him  ;  but  in  the  fourth*  the  finner  alone  bears 
his  guilt. 

IV.  Na  rada  :  The  procreation  of  a  fon  by  a 
brother  of  the  deceafed ,  the  daughter  of  cattle  in 
the  entertainment  of  a  gueft,  the  repaft  on  fiefti 
meat  at  funeral  obfequies,  and  the  order  of  a  her¬ 
mit,  are forbidden ,  or  ohfolete ,  in  the  fourth  age . 

V.  A'ditya  purcina:  1.  What  was  a  duty  in  the 
firft  age,  muft  not,  in  all  cafes>  be  done  in  a  fourth  ; 
fince,  in  the  Cali  yuga ,  both  men  and  women  are 
add ufted  to  fin  : 

2.  Such  are  a  ftudentfhip  continued  for  a  very 
long  time,  and  the  neceffity  of  carrying  a  water- 
pot,  marriage  with  a  paternal  kinfwoman,  or  with 
a  near  maternal  relation,  and  the  facrifice  of  a  bull, 

3.  Or  of  a  man,  or  of  a  horfe  :  and  all  fpirituous 
liquor  muft,  in  the  Cali  age,  be  avoided  by  twice 
born  men  ;  fo  muft  a  fecond  gift  of  a  married 
young  woman,  whofe  bufband  has  died  before  con¬ 
summation ,  and  the  larger  portion  of  an  deleft  bro¬ 
ther,  and  procreation  on  a  brother’s  widow  or 

VI.  Smrlti:  1.  The  appointment  of  a  man  to  be¬ 
get  a  fon  on  the  widow  of  his  brother  ;  the  gift  of 
a  young  married  woman  to  another  bridegroom,  if 
for  hujband Jhould  die  while  (he  remains  a  virgin  5 

2.  The 


2.  The  marriage  of  twice  born  men  with  dam- 
fels  not  of  the  fame  clafs  ;  the  (laughter,  in  a  re¬ 
ligious  war,  of  Brahmens,  who  are  affailants  with  in¬ 
tent  to  kill ; 

j.  Any  intercourfe  with  a  twice  born  man,  who 
has  paffed  the  fea  in  a  fhip,  even  though  he  have 
performed  an  expiation  ;  performances  of  facri- 
fices  for  all  forts  of  men  ;  and  the  neceffity  of  car¬ 
rying  a  water-pot ; 

4.  Walking  on  a  pilgrimage  till  the  pilgrim 
die;  and  the  (laughter  of  a  bull  at  a  facrifice;  the 
acceptance  of  fpirituous  liquors,  even  at  the  cere¬ 
mony  called  Sautrdmani ; 

5.  Receiving  what  has  been  licked  off,  at  an  ob¬ 
lation  to  fire,  from  the  pot  of  clarified  butter;  en¬ 
trance  into  the  third  order,  or  that  of  a  hermit, 
though  ordained  for  the  firft  ages  ; 

6.  The  diminution  of  crimes  in  proportion  to 
the  religious  a6ts  and  facred  knowledge  of  the  of¬ 
fenders  ;  the  rule  of  expiation  for  a  Brahmen  ex¬ 
tending  to  death  ; 

7.  The  fin  of  holding  any  intercourfe  with  Tin¬ 
ners  ;  the  fecret  expiation  of  any  great  crimes,  ex¬ 
cept  theft ;  the  (laughter  of  cattle  in  honour  of  emi¬ 
nent  guefts,  or  of  ancedors  ; 

8.  The  filiation  of  any  but  a  Ton  legally  begot¬ 
ten,  or  given  in  adoption  by  his  parents-,  the  defer- 
tion  of  a  lawful  wife  for  any  offence  lefs  than  ac¬ 
tual  adultery : 

9.  Thefe  farts  of  ancient  law  were  abrogated  by 
wife  legifiators,  as  the  cafes  arofe  at  the  beginning 
of  the  Cali  age,  with  an  intent  of  fecuring  man¬ 
kind  from  evil. 

On  the  preceding  texts  it  mud  be  remarked, 
that  none  of  them,  except  that  of  Vrihaspati, 
are  cited  by  Cullu'ca,  who  never  leems  to  have 
confidcrtd  any  other  laws  of  Menu  as  redrained 




to  the  three  firftages;  that  of  the  SmrHi>  or  facred 
code,  is  quoted  without  the  name  of  the  legifla- 
tor  ;  and  that  the  prohibition,  in  any  age,  of  felf - 
defence ,  even  againft  Brahmens ,  is  repugnant  to  a 
text  of  Sumantu,  to  the  precept  and  example  of 
Crishna  himfelf,  according  to  the  Mahdhhdrat% 
and  even  to  a  fentence  in  the  Veda>  by  which 
every  man  is  commanded  to  defend  his  own  life 
frm  all  violent  aggrefTors. 





On  the  Creation ;  with  a  Summary  of  the 
Contents  - 



On  Education  ;  or  on  the  Fir  ft  Order 



On  Marriage-,  oronth t  Second  Order 



On  Economicks ,  and  Private  Morale 



On  Diet ,  Purification ,  and 



On  Devotion ;  or  on  the  Third  and 
Fourth  Orders 



On  Government;  or  on  the  Military 
Clafs  "  ~ 



On  Judicature ;  and  on  Law,  Private 
and  Criminal 



On  the  Commercial  and  Servile  Clafifes 



On  the  Mixed Claffes,  and  on  Times 
of  Diftrejs  - 



On  Penance  and  Expiation 



On  T ran/migration  and  final  Beatitude 






Date  Due 

API 5  ’55 



ft  a 

-  '  -r*  -  —V 

— JP»* 



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Institutes  of  Hindu  law,  or,  The  \ 

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