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Homöopathisches Jahrbuch 

Annales homoeopathieae 


Dr. Alexander Villers. 

Volumen II. 

Dresden 1894. 

Verlag: Expedition des Homöopathischen Archives, 
Dr. Alexander Villers. 

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Der zweite Band des „Internationalen homöopathischen 
Jahrbuches" tritt in anständigerem Gewände vor das homöo- 
pathische Publikum als der erste. Der Besserung in seiner 
äusseren Erscheinung entsprechend ist auch der Inhalt, den 
wir bieten, ein wesentlich besserer, verglichen mit dem, was 
der erste Band bringen konnte. Alle die Schwierigkeiten, welche 
der Zusammenstellung eines genauen internationalen Adress- 
buches entgegenstehen, haben sich auch bei der Zusammen- 
stellung des vorliegenden Textes wieder gezeigt. Die Lässigkeit 
der Correspondenten und die mangelhafte Genauigkeit der ge- 
gebenen Auskünfte machten es unmöglich, mehr als etwa zwei 
Drittel der wirklich vorhandenen homöopathischen Adressen 

Ich weiss sehr wohl, dass es eine Menge Käufer dieses 
Buches geben wird, welche nur die Fehler sehen werden und 
die gethane Arbeit unterschätzen; aber ich kann mit Bestimmt- 
heit versichern, dass das hier gebotene Adressenmaterial das 
grösste und genaueste ist, was augenblicklich vorliegt. Für 
die späteren Bände sind noch umfassendere Vorbereitungen 
getroffen, aber für jezt muss sich der Leser mit dem begnügen, 
was unter den obwaltenden Umständen möglich war. 

Die bibliographische Uebersicht, die ich im zweiten Theile 
dieses Bandes liefere, ist die letzte, welche ich herausgebe, 
da Dr. Cartier in Paris in seinem „Universal Homoeopathic 
Annual" die bibliographische Uebersicht der homöopathischen 
Literatur von jetzt ab geben wird. Um aber alle Verwechs- 

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langen mit diesem Werke unseres verdienstvollen Kollegen 
zu vermeiden, habe ich für mein Werk den deutschen Titel 
„Internationales homöopathisches Jahrbuch" für alle 
Ausgaben beibehalten, obwohl der Text mit Hilfe der latei- 
nischen Sprache zu einem international verständlichen gestaltet 
worden ist. 

Ich bitte jeden Käufer meines Buches um seine Kritik 
und um seinen Rath, wie das vorliegende Werk — unsere 
erste internationale Veröffentlichung — so gestaltet werden 
könnte, dass es wirklich zu Ehren der Homöopathie und zur 
Förderung derselben diene. 

Dr. Alexander Villers. 


Ihe second volume of the * International Homoeopathic 
Annuar makes its appearance before the homoeopathic public 
in a more becoming vestment than the flrst. To correspond 
with this amelioration in its exterior appearance, the Contents 
are also essentially superior to those which the first volume 
could offer. All the difficulties which oppose the compilation 
of an exact international address -book have made themselves 
manifest in the compilation of the text in question. The laziness 
of the correspondents and the questionable accuracy of the 
information given made it impossible to collect more than 
two-thirds of the homoeopathic addresses extant. 

I am well aware that there will be a large number of 
purchasers of this book, Avho will ouly notice the mistakes 
and undervalue the work accomplished; but I am able with 
confidence to assert that the address-material here presented is 
the most complete and exact that is at present to be obtained. 
Por later volumes still more extensive preparations have been 
made, but, for the present, the reader can but be satisfled 
with what was possible of accomplishment under the prevailing 

The bibliographical summary which I supply in this volume 
is the last which I shall publish, as Dr. Cartier in Paris will 

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henceforth furnish the bibliographical review of homoeopathic 
literaliire in bis * Universal Homoeopathic AnnuaP. In order 
to avoid all confusion with this work of our praiseworthy 
coUeague, I have retained the German title * Internationales 
homöopathisches Jahrbuch' for all editions, although the text 
with the aid of the Latin language is internationally com- 

I beg every purchaser of my book for bis criticism and 
advice as to how the present work — our flrst international 
homoeopathic publication— can be so arranged that it may 
really serve as an honour to homoeopathy and towards the 
promotion thereof. 

Dr. Alexander Villers. 


Le second volume de l'Ännuaire hom6opathique inter- 
national se präsente sous un exterieur plus convenable ä son 
public et offre outre cela un contenu essentiellement plus va- 
lable. Chaque coUection d'adresses internationales produit une 
Serie de difflcultes, dont j'ai senti tout le poids, en m'adressant 
aux adh6rents de notre parti. L'indolence des correspondants 
et rinexactitude des renseignements donnös, m'empechent de 
publier plus de ^^3 des adresses reellement existantes. 

Je sais tres-bien, qu'il y aura foule d'acquereurs qui ne 
verront que les defauts de cette oeuvre et qui ne s'entendront 
pas ä en appr6cier le travail. Je puis affirmer que ce que 
nous offrous en adresses au public en est la collection la plus 
grande et la plus soignee. Pour les prochains volumes j'ai 
dejä commenc6 ä preparer les mat^riaux sur un terrain plus 
etendu, mais momentan^ment je suis oblige de demander au 
lecteur, qu'il se contente de ce que je puis lui soumettre. 

La bibliographie publice dans la seconde partie de ce 
volume, cessera de paraitre, Mr. le Dr. Cartier ä Paris publiant 
ä Pavenir une bibliographie homeopathique, intitulee : Universal 
homoeopathic annual. Pour eviter toute erreur je garde pour 
mon livre le titre allemand: „Internationales homöopathisches 

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Jahrbuch". Le livre restera international, malgre son titre 
allemand, ä Taide du latin, vraie langue cosmopolite du monde 
des lettres. 

Que chaque lecteur veuille me faire connaitre son avis, 
pour que mon oeuvre — la premiere publication hom6opathique 
internationale — serve 4 Thonneur et ä le propagation de notre 

Dr. Alexander Villers. 

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Index homoeopathicus 


Roberti a Seckendorff 


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Allemagne. — Deutschland. — Germany. 

Aachen. Dr. Hengstebeck, Th., Wundarzt. Büchel 48. 

Dr. Nöthlichs, Gottfr. Erkelen '28. Berlin '62. Seilgraben 24. — 
8-10 V., 2-4 N. 
Altona. Dr. Jacobs (siehe Iserlohn). 

Dr. Lütje. 
Alzey. Dr. Schier (siehe Mainz) Dienstag. 
Annaberg i. S. Homöop. Verein '54. — 74 M. — Ed. Illing. 
Arnsberg. Dr. Amberg, Albert. Arnsberg '31. Berlin '56. Königstr 341. 

8-10 V. 
Arnstadt. *Fürstl. Hofapotheke; Inh. Dr. Georg Stock. 
Aschersleben. Dr. Sybel, Heinr. Soest '22. Berlin '48. Am Markt 25. 

7_9 V., 1-3 N. 
Assen dorn. Dr. Luke (siehe Finnentrop) zweimal wöchentlich. 
Augsburg. Dr. Fuchs, Ant. München '31. München *53. Metzplatz 242/2. 
7—8 V*, 12V2~3 N. Hausarzt der Marienanstalt. 
Dr. Moeser, Herrn. Oppeln '61. München '89. Maximilianstr. B 4. — 
11— Va^ N. F. 10—12 V. — Spec : Kinderkrankheiten. Sommer: 
Arzt der Kinderheilanstalt Stamberg. 
Dr. von Wächter, Ferd. Memmingen '24. München '49. Lit. A. 

Nr. 27. — 2— 3V2 N. August bis Mitte September abwesend. 
*** Homöop. Centralapotheke zu St. Afra; Inh. J. N. Bergen. 
*** Homöop. Centralapotheke Gustav Lodter; Inh. Gust. Lodter. 
** Marienapotheke; Inh. Dr. Eud. Reiss. 
Aulendorf b. Waldsee. Dr. Zengerle, Max. Ant. Waldsee '63. Würz- 
burg '88. Assistenzarzt I. Gl. d. Res. Schlossplatz. 7—8 V., 1—2 N. 
Baden-Baden. Dr. Katsch, Jul. Ferd. Potsdam '28. Berlin '67. Villa 
Maria, Leopoldstr. 11: — 4—6 N. Spec: Brustuntersuchungen. 
Dr. Schmidt, Johannes. Nehlingen '48. Heidelberg '92. Zahnarzt. 

9-12 V., 2-5 N. F. 9-10 V. Sophienstr. 29. 
Dr. Schwarz, Friedr. Zweibrücken '50. Erlangen '71. Lichtenthaler 

Str. 15. 8—9 V., 2-4 N. 
**Grossherzogl. Bad. und Königl. Preuss., Grossherzogl. Mecklenb.- 
Schwerinsche Hofapotheke; Inh. Dr. Oscar Rössler. 
Barby i. Preussen. Homöop. Verein für Barby und Umgegend '84. — 

50 M. — E. Böttcher. 
Barmen. Dr. Groos, Ernst. Laasphe '46. Bonn '69. Kleine Flurstr. 3a. 
8—10 V., 2—4 N. F. 8—10 V. 
Dr. Reinbach, Friedr. Dortmund '43. Bonn '67. Heidbachstr. 8. — 
8— 9V2 V, 3— 4V2 N. F. 8— 9V2 V. Täglich Sprechstunden in 

Homöopathisches Jahrbuch. Band II. 

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2 Allemagne. — Deutschland. — Germany. 

Barmen. * Hirsch -Apotheke, AUeestr. 112; Jnh. Dr. Georg Burkkardt. 
Homöop. Verein für Unterbarmen '79. — 65 M. — R. Eichholz. 
Homöop. Verein Mittelbarmen '75. — 143 M. — H. Eichler. 
Verband der homöop. Vereine des berg. Landes '80. — 500 M. — 

Beckum. Dr. Heyne, Ferd. Ant. Sassenberg 18. San.-K. Kreisphys. 

Kriegsdenkmünze '49. Dienstag in Stromberg. 
Berlin. Dr. Borchmann, Bemh. Berlin '58. — '82. Thurmstr. la. — 

8_9V2 V., 4—5 N. F. 8— 9V, N. 
Dr. Burkhardt, Albert Kud. Berlin '48. — '74. Alte Jacobstr. 172. — 

8—10 V., 4-5 N. F. 8—10 V. 
Dr. Dahlke. Zionskirchstr. 12 N. 
Dr. Gisevius, Bruno. Roessel i. Ostpr. '39. Halle '64. Köthener 

Str. 41, IL — 10—11 V., 4—5 N. F. 10—11 V. 
Dr. von Guerard, Wilh. Elberfeld '37. Giessen-Darmstadt '77. Grossh. 

Meckl. - Schwer. Hofrath. Hofzahnarzt I. K. H. der Frau Gross- 
herzogin Mutter von Mecklenburg- Schwerin. Leipziger Str. 133. — 

9—5 N. F. 10—2 N. Spec. : Zahn- und Mundkrankheiten. 
Dr. Griese, Otto Rud. Berlin 'ö8. — '82. Friedenstr. 32. — 8—9 V., 

4—5 N. F. 8—9 V. 
Dr. Hiltebrandt. Dresdner Str. 34. 
Dr. Hoesch, Jul. Mors '53. Berlin '82. Linienstr. 149. — 8—10 V., 

5—7 N. F. 8—10 V. Homöop. Poliklinik Liesenstr. 17. 
Dr. Jahn, Ernst. JMeuselbach '45. Jena '70. Elisabethufer 39 SO. — 

8-10 V., 4—5 N. F. 8—10. V. Arzt in der homöop. Poliklinik 

Charlottenstr. 77. 
Dr. Kleinachmidt, Gust. Berlin '52. Bonn '77. Friedrichstr. 221. — 

8-10 V., 4-5 N. F. 9-10 V. 
Dr. Krappe. Dessauer Str. 33 SW. 
Dr. Losse, G. Leipziger Str. 112. 
Dr. Löwenstein, Isidor. Danzig '45. Berlin '93, Neue Königstr. 32. — 

9— 12 V., 3—6 N. F. 9-12 V. Spec: Chronische Leiden. 
Dr..Lutze, Ernst Arth. Cöthen '48. Leipzig '74. Belle -Alliance- 

platz 6a, L — 10-11 V., 5—6 N. F. 11—12 V. 15. Juli bis 

15. August abwesend. 
Dr. Mayländer. Trebbiner Str. 2 SW. 
Dr. Mitan, Nathanael. Berlin '66. — '82. Charlottenstr. 54. — 10-12 V., 

2-4 N. • _ 

Dr. Neumann, Göbenstr. 4 W. ^ 

Dr. Schüler, Th. Küstrin '48. Berlin '72. Schönhauser Allee 187 W. 

Snec * Zuckerkrankheit 
Dr. Sorge, Wilh. Schiida '25. Preussen '49. Steglitzer Str, 81. — 

8-11 V. 
Dr. Sperling. Linkstr. 9. 
Dr. med. et chirurg. Sulzer, Franz Ludw. Lippsborg '46. Halle '70. 

Lützowstr. 88 W. 8— Va V., 4-5 N., Mittwochs nur 8— V^IO V, 

Redacteur der Zeitschr. des Berl. Ver. homöop. Aerzte. 
Dr. Taube. 
Dr. Weil, Carl Rud. Berlin '39. - '65. Lindenstr. 116. — 9—1 N. 

F. 9—11 V. Spec: Augenkrankheiten. 
Dr. Windelband, Rud. Frankfurt a. d. 0. 39. Berlin '65. Köng;l. Preuss. 

Prinzl. Hofarzt. (IKR). 9-10 V., 4-5 N. F. 9-10 V. Spec: 

Frauenkrankheiten. Redacteur der Zeitschr. des Berl. Ver. homöop. 

Aerzte. Vorstand des homöop. Centralver. Deutschlands (Leipzig). 
Dr. Zwingenberg, Friedr. Wilh. Sigism. Berlin '31. — '57. Königl. 

Preuss. San.-R., Prinzl. Leibarzt. (PK*), (MWKR), (IKC). König- 

grätzer Str. 85. Practicirt nicht mehr. 
*0. Adler Hohe - Apotlieke, Dresdner Str. 31; Inh. 0. Adler. 
** Homöop. Ofticin von Dr. Bernard, C. Kurst 34/35; Inh. Dr. Alfred 

Bemard; Verw. Apotheker Dörrien. 
* Augusta Victoria- Apotheke, Königjgrätzer Str. 62; Inh. Heinr. Dietrich. 
** Simon'sche Apotheke ; Inh. Dr. Louis Friedländer ; Verw. Gust. Hoffmann. 

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Allemagne. — Deutschland. — Gerttiany. 3 

Berlin. **Stroschein, Homöop. Centralapotheke , Skalitzer Str. 46; Inh. 

Fritz Geilung. 
**Königl. 1739 priv. Engelapotheke, Kannonierstr. 14; Inh. Kichard 

**Königl. priv. Apotheke „zum weissen Adler", Friedrichstr. 206; 

Inh. Alfred von Gusnar. 
** Fürst Bismarck- Apotheke; Inh. 0. Güttier. 
♦Göhen- Apotheke, Göbenstr. 12.; Inh. R. Härtung. 
** Homöop. Centralapotheke „zum König Salomo", W. Charlottenstr. 54; 

Inh. Gustav Henke. 
*St. Thomas -Apotheke, Köpenicker Brücke; Inh. M. Kessler. 
** Belle- Alliance- Apotheke, Belle- Alliancestr. 12; Inh. C. F. Kohlmeyer. 
♦Wrangel- Apotheke, Wrangelstr. 113; Inh. Krugemann. 
*** Homöop. Centralapotheke von Dr. J. Lewinsohn, Jerusalemer Str. 30; 

Inh. Dr. J. Lewinsohn. 
**Neander- Apotheke. Neanderstr. 29; Inh. H. Peitte; Verw. Perrin. 
** Homöop. Apotheke von G. Thieme, Genthiner Str. 20; Inh. G. 

Erster homöop. Verein zu Berlin '81. — 200 M. — L. Gericke; Secret. 

H. Seckt. 
Zweiter homöop. Verein zu Berlin '88. — ? M. — IL J. Striese. 
Centralverband homöop. Vereine in Deutschland '87. — ca. 8000 M. — 

von Guerard, Hofrath. 
Homöop. Poliklinik Liesenstr. 17, Dr. Jul. Hoesch. — Gegr. 1886. — • 

Krankenhew. 15 800. — Consultationen 60000. 
Zeitschrift des Berliner Vereins homöop. Aerzte, Dr. Windelhand uiid 

Dr. Sulzer (6 mal jährlich einem Band) 500 Exempl. 10 Mk. pro Band, 

Heft 2 Mk. 
Bernburg. Dr. Faulwasser, Ed. Bemhurg '27. Berlin '50. San.-R. 

(AABR*). Leipziger Str. 9. — 8—11 V. Von Juni bis 15. Sep- 
tember abwesend. 
Biberach. Dr. Gloz (siehe Neu-Ulm) Mittwochs.* 

** Homöop. Officin der Marktapotheke; Inh. Hofrath Dr. C. Finkler. 
Bielefeld i. Westph. Dr. Schmidt, Johannes. Kirchmunden '50. Würz- 
burg '76. Kesselbrück 2. 8-12 V., 2-4 N. F. 8-12. 
Bittingen i. Württ. Homöop. Verein '93. — 20 M. — Wil. ühland. 
Boddenstedt i. Hannover. Homöop. Verein '76. — ca. 11000 M. — 

H. Drogenmüller. 
Bork i. Westph. . Dr. Sanders, Karl Wilh. Beruh. Bork '63. Würz- 
burg '90. — 7V2-9V8 V. Dienstag u. Freitag 4—6 N. 
Bothnang i. Württ. Homöop. Verein '91. — ca. 800 M. — Hentschel. 
Braunschweig. Dr. Goldmann, Leuthold. Hameln 18. Braunschweig '43. 

Augustthorpromenade 1. Bis 9 V., 3—4 N. 
Dr. Hoifmann. 
Dr. Meyer, Heinrich. Bünde '63. Kiel '87. Friedrich Wilhelmplatz 1. 

8— 10 V., V23-4 N. 
*** Homöop.^ Centralapotheke von Wilh. Antze; Inh. Wilh. Antze. 
Bremen. Dr.' Cramer. Sedanstr. 4. 

Plate, Reinhard. Pract. Zahnarzt. Philosophenweg 9. — 9—12 V., 

3-5 N. 
Homöop. Verein '77., — 20 M. — A. Jutemann. 
Breslau. Dr. Grossmann, Heinr. Jauer '26. Berlin '51. Inhaber der 

Prenss. Denkmünze '48/49 Friedrich Wilhelm IV. Ohlauer Stadt- 
graben 29, part. 9-12 V. F. 9—12 V. 
Dr. Kabiersky sen. 
Dr. Sauer, Hugo. Neumarkt '31. Breslau '62. San.-R. Verlängerte 

Baumstrasse. 8—9 V., 3—4 N. 
Dr Schweikert, Johannes. Grimma '16. Berlin '40. Königl. Preuss. 

8an.-R. (PrßA*.) Dr. med. et chirurg. WaUstrasse 1 a. Bis 9 V., 

4-5 N., F. bis 9 V. 
Dr. Veith, Franz. Fraustadt '66. Breslau 91. Heilige Geiststr. 14 a, I. 

8-9 V., 3-4 N. F. 8-9 V. 


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4 AUeraagne. — Deutschland. — Gennany. 

Breslau. Dr. Weidner, Max Carl Friedr. Wolfg. Breslau '69, — '84. 
Ohlauer Stadtgraben 27, I. — 8-9 V., 3-4 N. F. 8-9. Spec: 
Chirurgie und Gynaecologie. 
**Königl. Universitätsapotheke; Inh. J. Adam. 
* Naschmarkt -Apotheke, Ring an der Schmiedebrticke; Inh. Dr. Max 

**Homöop. Centralapotheke von Job. Müller; Inh. Job. Müller. 
**Hohenzollern- Apotheke, Alexanderstr. 21; Inh. Fr. Schaeifer. 
Bromberg. Homöop. Verein '61. — 90 M. — Reisser. 
Bünde. Dr. Meyer (siehe Osnabrück). 

Cannstatt. Dr. Schulte, Wilh. Werne '46. Giessen '73. Badstr. 22, 
part. 11—2 V. Spec: Ohren- und Kehlkopf krankheiten. 
*** Homöop. Centralapotheke von Hofrath von Mayer (gegr. 1857); 
Inh. Fr. Kath. Mayer; Verw. Apotheker Herrn. Mayer. 
Charlottenburg. Dr. Bree, Johannes Gottfr, Jul. Rhinow '58. Berlin 
'84. Berliner Str. 90. — 8-11 V., 4— 6V2 N. 
Dr. med. et phil. Fischer, Herrn. Alex. Neu-Ruppin '23. Berlin *53. 
Ahorn-Allee 34. — 10—11 V. 
Chemnitz. Dr. Meyner, Ernst Albr. Altenburg '42. Jena '68. Fürstl. 
Reuss. San.-R. Erinnerungsmedaille 1870/71, (LDA^). Leiter der 
eigenen Privatanstalt. Dresdner Str. 1 und Clarastr. 5. %9 V. u. 
7 N. Spec: Unterleibskrankheiten der Frauen. 
Verein für Homöopathie '76. — 45 M — J. Häselbarth. 
Coblenz. Dr. Verflassen, Georg Theod. Weilburg '54 Marburg '70. 

Clemensstr. 70. — 9—11 V., 2-4 N. 
Colberg i. Pr. **Königl. Hofapotheke. Inh. Dr. R. FoUenius; Verw. 

Dr. E. Knorr. 
Cöthen i. Anh. Dr. Lutze, Paul. Cöthen '53. Leipzig '81. Sperling- 
stein 28. Leiter der Lutzeschen Heilanstalt. 8—11 V., 2—3 N. 
F. 10-11 V. 
Dr. Schwenke, Herm. Domburg '16. Halle '44. Inhaber der Ver- 
dienstmedaille 1870/71. Buttermarkt 13, — 8-IOV2 ^-i 2-3»/« N. 
F. 8— IOV2 V. 
** Löwenapotheke; Inh. A. Berg. 
**Alte Apotheke-, Inh. H. Corell. 

Lutzesche Heilanstalt. Inh. u. dirigir. Arzt Dr. Paul Lutze. Kranken- 
bew. 30. Pensionspreis I. Cl. 7 Mk., IL Cl. 5 Mk. tägl. (siehe 
Dannenberg i. Hannover. Dr. Czemy, Heinr. Altmoletein '48. Olmütz 
i. Mähren '48. — '70. K. K. Oesterr. Mil.-Arzt a. D. Bahnhofstr. 1. 
8—12 V., 3—5 N. (Jeden Montag in Hitzacker von 3 — 5 N. und 
jeden zweiten Sonnabend im Monate in Lüchow von 10 — 2 N.) 
Homöop. Verein '73. — 680 Familien. — J. H. Grüter. 
Dan zig. Dr. Findeisen. 

Dessau. Dr. Berenbruch, Carl. Volmarstein '61. Tübingen '89. Kaiser- 
str. 26. — 8— VolO V., 3—4 N. S. 8V2— 10 V. 
**Herzogl. priv. Adler- Apotheke; Inh. Herm. Fischer. 
*** Homöop. Centralapotheke von Fr. Schubert; Inh. Fr.' Schubert. 
Diersdorf b. Gnadenfrei (Oberschlesien). Dr. Peter. 
Dittelsdorf b. Hirschfelde i. S. Homöop. Verein '80. — 60 M. — 

August Seifert. 
Ditzingen (P.-A. Leonberg) i. Württemberg. Dr. Ehebald. 
Döbeln i. S. Dr. Schmidt, Ad. Ernst. Schönau '37. Dresden '62. 

Inhaber der grossen silbernen Verdienstmedaille. 
Dortmund. Dr. Colemau, Frederik Sherard. London '55. Würzburg '80. 
'■^■' ,;eri»Äö»sti»ss^ 10. — 9—11 V., 3—5 N. F. 9-11 V. Arzt der 
Dresden. Dr. Atzerodt, Ulrich. Elberfeld '66. Bonn '91. Schnorrstr. 54c. 
2—6 N. F. 11—12. Arzt der Ortskrankenkasse und des Verbandes 
deutscher Handlungsgehilfen. 
Dr. Elb, Herm. Dresden '46. Leipzig '68. (DDC«.) Mosczinskystr. 23. 
12-1 N. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Allemagne. — Deutschland. — Germany. 5 

Dresden. Dr. Lewi, Edm. Dresden '43. Leipzig '68. Inhaber d. sächsischen 
und deutschen Civildenkmünze 1870/71. Holbeinstr. 79, I. 4—5 N. 

Dr. Villers, Alex. Petersburg '57. Jena '81. Lüttichaustr. 7, 1. Mont., 
Dienst., Freit, Sonnab. 2—4 N. Herausgeber des „Archivs für 
Homöopathie" und des „Internat, homöop. Jahrbuches". 

** Albert -Apotheke, Moltkeplatz; Inh. Georg Berg. 

***Carl Gruners homöop. Officin, Schlossstr. A.; Inh. Dr. E. Giesecke 
und Fr. verw. Dr. Caro; Verw. Apotheker Kittel. 

* Apotheke zum Storch, Pillnitzer Str.; Inh. Georg Hoffmann. 

**♦ Homöop. Centralapotheke (Löwenapotheke), Wilsdruffer Str.; Inh. 

Otto Schneider j Verw. Ed. Chudek. Magister der Pharmacie. 
** Johannes- Apotheke, Dippoldiswald. Platz 2; Inh. Dr. 0. Schweissinger. 

* Marien -Apotheke; Inh. 0. Zielke. 

Archiv für Homöopathie Dr. Alex. Villers. 12 mal, Preis 10 Mk. — 

Verl. Expedition des homöop. Archives. 
Internationales homöop. Jahrbuch Dr. Alex. Villers. I. Band '91, 
1 II. Band 94. Verl. Expedition des homöop. Archives. . 

L-'ILMitei-frnd. B r. Albort s — Thomasstr .23. '^ Z^^-e^\ ,/\t.i '\r' 
Duisburg. Dr. Atzerodt, Ludwig. Elberfeld '68. Bonn '93. — Feldstr. 6. 
9-11 V., 3-4 N. 
Dr. Weber (siehe Köln) Mittwochs. 8—5 N. 
Dur lach i. Baden. Jundts Einhomapotheke ; Inh, E. M. Jundt. 

Homöop. Verein '91. — 50 M. — J. Aberle, H. Seiter. 
Düsseldorf. Dr. Stens, Wilh. Bonn '46. Berlin '67. Kreuzstr. 39. — 
9V9— 11 V., 3-4 K, ausser Mittwoch Nachm. F. 9V2— 11. 
**Rathhausapotheke, Marktplatz 7; Inh. Josef Viander. 
Ebersbach i. S. Homöop. Verein '77. — 100 M. — C. Röthig. 
Eisenach. Dr. Wislicenus, Oscar. Eisenach '27. Jena '51. Alexander- 

str. 27. — 8—10 V,, 2—4 N. • 

Elberfeld. Dr. Hammerschmidt, Johannes Beruh. Max. Altona '28. 
• . Berlin '54. Stabsarzt a. D. Baustrasse 38. — 8-IOV2 V., 2--5 N. 
Spec: Innere Krankheiten. Im Sommer 4—5 Wochen abwesend. 
Dr. Nagel, Herm. Halberstadt '60. Berlin '84. Zimmerstr. 9. — 

8-10 V., IV2— 3V2 N. F. 8-10. 
Dr. Reinbach (Barmen). 
Dr. Schröder, Carl. Schwelm '65. Marburg '90. Gesundheitsstr. 7. — 

8—10 V., 2V2— 4. F. 9-11. 
** Sternapotheke ; Inh. H. Zumloh. 
Homöop. Verein '78. — 220 M. — Aug. Keck. 

Verein zur Errichtung eines homöop. Krankenhauses im Wupperthale. — 
Gegr. '90. — 400 M. — W. Blosen. 
Elbing. Dr. Kroening, Paul Otto. Stargard '51. Greifswald '79. Alter 

Markt 39. — 8-10 V., 3—5 N. F. 8—9, 11—12 V. 
Emmendingen. * Apotheke von Carl Bonisson; Inh. Carl Bonisson. 
Eppendorfb. Hamburg. Homöop. Verein für Hamburg und Umgegend. 
Essen. Dr. Alberts, Rudolf. Rattenberg 08. München '84. Limbookor - 
^2lBi^ #— la V., 3—5 N: 
Dr. Orth, Franz Alex. Essen '36. Berlin '62. Alfredstr. 9. — 8—10 V., 
2—3 N. F. 8 — 10 V. Arzt der Krankenkasse der Kruppschen Guss- 
** Einhorn -Apotheke; Inh. Carl Körte. 
♦Adler -Apotheke; Dr. E. Lauenstein. 
Esslingen. Dr. Lorenz, Ad. Neustadt '52. Freiburg '78. — 2V2— 4 N. 
Feuerbach i. Württemberg. Homöop. Verein '87. — 88 M. — C. Schwarz. 
Finnentrop i. Westph. Dr. Luke, Johannes. Eichen '61. Erlangen '89. 

Vormittags. Im Winter zweimal wöchentlich in Assendom. 
Flensburg. Dr. Bourzutschky, Johannes Mich. Potsdam '58. Halle '83. 

Rathhausstr. 16. — 9-11 V., 3-4 N. F. 9-11 V. 
Frankfurt a. M. Dr. Delosea, Imanuel Roh. Frankfurt '28. Frank- 
furt '52. Westendstr. 19. — 2—4 N. 
Dr. Delosea, Friedr. Frankfurt '66. Freiberg i B. '91. Westendstr. 19. 
2-5 N. 

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ß Allemagne. — Deutschland. — Germany. 

Frankfurt a. M. Dr. Grünewald, Ludw. Heinr. Emil Aug. Domholz- 
hausen '67. Würzburg '84. Schillerstr. 14. — 12—1 V., 3—5 N., 
P. 8-9 V. 
Dr. Neuschäfer, Andr. Fritzlar '15. Kassel '39. (PK*rKr.) 
Dr. Saegert. Eschenheimer Landstr. 41. 
Dr. Simrock, Caspar. Bonn '42. Berlin '67. (Eis. Kreuz^.) Weser- 

str. 16. — 3-5 N. 
** Einhorn -Apotheke; Inh. Felix Alfermann. 
♦♦Rosen -Apotheke; Inh. Carl Engelhard. 
** Westend -Apotheke; Inh. C. Klemm. 
Frankfurt a. d. 0. Dr. Titmer, Assistent hei Dr. Walz. 

Dr. Wälz, Carl Friedr. Karlsruhe '20. Berlin '43. Kaiserl. Russ. Staatsrath. 
♦Königl. priv. Löweuapotheke ; Inh. S. Brasch. 
Freiherg i. S. ♦♦Reichsapotheke; Inh. E. Focke. 
Freiburg i. B. Dr. Focke, Eberh. Bremen '41.— *66. ^ Dreisaarstr. 1. 
8—9 V., 2-4 N. 
-^/? . Freienwalde a. d. 0. Dr. Aegidi. 

/ Freudenstadt. Dr. Buob (siehe Stuttgart), im Sommer Tumhallenstr. 
Fürstenberg a. d. 0. ♦♦Kronenapotheke; Inh. A. Konradi. 
Gebweiler. Weber, Thierarzt. 
Gera. Dr. von Gerhardt, Ad. Ostpreussen '38. Maryland. Universität 

N. A. Schleizer Str. 2, part. 11—4 N. 
Geyersdorf i. S. Homöop. Verein '89. — 30 M. — G. Brückner. 
Gmünd. Dr. Hugger, Herm. Seekirch '62. Würzburg '91. Leder- 
gasse 483. — 1-3 N. F. 1-3 N. 
Göppingen. Dr. Endriss, Gust. Göppingen '65. Heidelberg '92. Post- 
str. 7. — 8-9 V., 11-12 V., 2-3 N. F. 11—12 V. 
Dr. Göhrum (siehe Stuttgart) Freitags. 
Dr. SchwarzenhöÄzer, Wilh. Aug. Lomersheim ? Tübingen '80. — 

iVs— 2 N. F. lVa-2 N. 
♦♦♦Homöop. Centralofficin von Prof. Dr. F. Manch; Inh. Prof. Dr. F. 
Manch; Verw. Apotheker Bau. 
Görlitz. Dr. Förster, Carl Gust. Lichtenberg '26. Berlin 52. Ober- 
markt 8. — 8—9 V., 1—2 N. 
Dr. Mischner, Ernst Ferd. Grossradisch '35. Greifswald '62. Stabs- 
arzt a. D. (PK%), (Eis.Kreuz^w). Demianiplatz 8, I. — 
8-9V2 V., 1—2 N. 
♦♦Homöop. Officin der Mohrenapotheke; Inh. L. Fricke. 
♦♦Humboldt -Apotheke, Demianiplatz 56; Inh. B. Jungmann; Verw. 
Apotheker E. Büttner. 
Grimmen i. Pr. Homöop. Verein '87. — 39 M. — F. Bentzion. 
Grossröhrsdorf i. S. Dr. Atzerodt (siehe Dresden) Mittwoch. 

Homöop. Verein '81. — 230 M. — E. A. Meissner. 
Grossschönau i. S. Homöop. Verein '90. — 225 M. — E. Dressler. 
Grüna i. S. Homöop. Verein '78. — 413 M. — H. Müller. 
Guben. Dr. Hessen. 

Verein „Samuel Hahnemann" '74. — 350 M. — W. Osterwitz. 
Gülzow i. Pommern. Dr. Enderling, Gust. Ad. Louis. Beuthen '21. 

Berlin '52. Wundarzt, Geburtshelfer, Kreis wundarzt. 
Hafen b. A. i. Württemberg. Homöop. Verein. 
Halberstadt. Dr. Niedieck, Wilh. Paderborn '62. Greifswald '78. 

♦Kronenapotheke; Inh. Gindler. 
Halle a. d. S. Dr. Danckert, Pet. Wilh. Bremervörde '48. Würzburg '75. 
Gr. ülrichstr. 54. — 8—10 V., 2-^3 N. F. 8-10 V. Im Sommer 
einmal wöchentlich Consultationen in Merseburg. 
Dr. Henze, Friedr. Reinhold. Zöbritz '52. Halle '79. Henriettenstr. 17. 
9-12 V. F. 9—10 V. Spec: Chronische Verdauungsstörungen. 
Juli und August mehrere Wochen abwesend. 
Dr. Oehmisch, Roh. Reinhard. Diemitz '68. Halle '92. Leipziger 
Str. 105. — 8—10 V., 2—4 N. F. 8—10 V. 
Hagen i. Westph. Dr. Meyer, Heinr. Wilh. Münden '60. Kiel '85. 
Bahnhofstr. 9. — 9—11 V., 3—5 N. F. 9—12. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

AUemagne. — Deutschland. — Germany. 7 

Hamburg. Dr. Hesse, Lud w. Hamburg '52. Würzburg 75. Hochallee 62. 

Sprechstunde in der .Fischmarktapotheke 8 — 11 V., Mittw. und 

Sonnab. 6—8 N. 
Dr. Kaluschke, Jos. Hamburg '36. Breslau '61. Anscharplatz 1, I. 

8— 11 V., 6—8 N. F. 8—11 V. Spec: Frauen- u. Kinderkrankheiten. 
** Engel -Apotheke, Steindamm 33; Inh. L. W. Marxen. 
***Homöop. Centralapotheke von Carl Otte (Fischmarktapotheke); Inh. 

Carl Otte. • 
**E.athhausapotheke, Homöop. General - Officin, Rathhausmarkt 6; Inh. 

Bruno 8chmidt. 
♦•Mohrenapotheke, Spalchingstr. 28; Inh. G. G. A. Sebald. 
**Eilbecker Apotheke, Wandsbecker Chaussee 112; Inh. Carl Siess. 
Homöop. Kinderhospital. 
Hannover. Dr. Donitzky, Alois Clem. Ludw. Schiaden i. Hannover '56. 

Würzburg '84. Osterstr. 63. 8—9 V., 12-3 N. 
Dr. Metz, Carl Georg Aug. Const. Dassel '37. Göttingen '59. \tn/.^ 

Landschaftstr. 4. — 11—1 N., 4—5 N. Einmal wöchentlich in T'^7^ 

** Marienapotheke; Inh. A. Homann. 
** Schlossapotheke; Inh. Ad. Richter. 
Harthau i. S. Homöop. Verein '86. — 70 M. — ß. Döhner. 
Heckinghausen i. Pr. Ober barmer homöop. Verein '79. — 28 M. — 

E. Weskott. 
Heide i. Holstein. Dr. Junge, Job. Wilh. Henne '62. Leipzig '89. — 

8 — 9 V., 2—3 N. Chirurgie und Hautkrankheiten. Arzt der Orts- 

Dr. Kleffher, Franz Ant. Tb. Suttrop '61. Berlin '91. Bahnhofshotel. 
8—1 V., Sonnab. 7—1 V. Mittw. Consultationen in Wesselburen, 
Tönning und Meldorf. 
Dithmarscher homöop. Verein '88. — 600 M. — J. A. Ebel. 
Heidelberg. Schwanen -Apotheke; Inh. Fr. Jenke. 
Heidenheim. Dr. Göhrum (siehe Stuttgart) Mittwochs. 
Heilbronn. Dr. Donner. 

** Engelapotheke-, Inh. Gust. Baumann. 
Herford. Dr. Weihe, Friedr. Aug. Just. Sjömb b. Malmö '40. Halle '66. 

Steinthormauer 752. 
Herrnhut. Dr. Hafa, Johannes Friedr. Benj. Königsfeld '30. Halle '63. 

Gerichtsassistenzarzt. Neue Gasse. 8—10 V., 2—3 N. 
Hilbersdorfb. Chemnitz. Dr. Meyner, San.-R. (siehe Chemnitz). 
Hildesheim i. Hannover. Dr. Hochecker, Johann Jos. Th. Hildes- ■ 

heim '49. Göttingen '74. Inhaber der Kriegsdenkmünze '70. Kaiser- L^ / ^ 
Str. 27. — 8— 10 V., 2—4 N. Spec: Weibliche und männliche ^ ' "^ 
Dr. Metz (siehe Hannover). 
Hitzacker. Dr. Czerny (Dannenberg) Montags 3—5 N. 
Jena. Dr. Hergt. Spec: Frauenkrankheiten 

*Grossh. Sachs. Hofapotheke; Inh. Dr. E. Stütze. 
Iserlohn. Dr. Jacobs, Otto. Unna '64. München '90. Wemingser Str. 27. 

10—12 V., 2—4 N. Consultationen jeden Donnerstag in Altona. 
Kaiserslautern. Dr. Hafen (siehe Neustadt a. H.) Sonnabends. 

♦Glockenapotheke; Inh. R. Zapff. 
Karlsruhe. Wiedersberg, Zahnarzt. 

**Grossherzogl. Hofapotheke; Inh. Friedr. Stroebe. 
Homöop. Verein '86. — 83 M. — P. Wiedersberg. 
Kiel. Dr. Kroemer, Rudolf, Emanuel, Paul. Budzick '55. Würzburg '89. 
Kehdenstr. 26. — 9-12 V., 2-4 N., F. 10—12 V. Spec; Hautleiden, 
insbesondere bösartige Bartflechten. Kassenarzt an der kaiserl. Werft. 
Dr. Kunkel, Carl. Angeln '19. Kiel '47. Kuhdammstr. 6. — 9— 12 V. 
Im Juni abwesend. 
Kolberg. Dr. Storm, Johannes. Zarben '58. Berlin '92. Baustr. 16. — 

8— lOV., 3-4 N. 
Köln a. Rh. Dr. Hendecker. 

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8 Allemagne. — Deutschland. — Germany. 

Köln a. Rh. Dr. Hendrichs, Max. Köln '51. Halle 73. Lungengasse 36, 
9—10 V., B-6 K, F. 8-12 V., B-6 N. 
Dr. Weber, Ernst. Duisburg '38. Berlin '62. ßheingasse 16. — 8—11 V., 
2—4 N., F. 8—11 V. Vorstand des Homöop. Centralvereins Deutsch- 
lands (Leipzig) Mittw. in Duisburg 8—5 N. Spec: Gehörkrank- 
heiten. Im August 8—14 Tage abwesend. 
Königsberg i. Pr. Dr. von Petzinger, Johann Friedr. Gurren '65. 
Greifswald '91. Vorderossgarten 19. — 9 - 10 V., 4—5 N. 
Dr. Wugk, Emil. Konitz '42. Berlin '65. Münzplatz 2. — 10—1 N. 
Königswalde i. S. Homöop. Verein '73. — 90 M. — G.Mann. 
Kühlberg i. S. Homöop. Verein '71. — 84 M. — J. Kohl. 
Landshut i. ß. Dr. ünsin, Josef. Oberthingau '29, München '55. 

Maximilianstr. 8. — 1—2 N. 
Langensalza. ** Apotheke von Dr. F. A. Günther; Inh. Dr. phil. Albert 

Leipzig. Dr. Billig, Hugo, Heinrich. Leisnig '19. Leipzig '44. Prome- 
nadenstr. 43, 1. — 8— 10 V., 3-4 N., F. 8— 10 V. 
Dr. Bloos. 
Dr. Freytag, Hermann. Olauen i. V. *34. Leipzig '57. Pfaffendorfer 

Str. 18. — 8-9 V., 2-3 N. 
Dr. Haedicke, Max. Schmiedeberg '60. Jena '86. Burgstr. 2. — 

9— 11 V., 2-4 N., F. 8— lOV. Im Monate Juli abwesend. 
Dr. Lorbacher, Friedr., Heinr., Arnold. Grosssömmerda '18. Preussen '45. 
Flossplatz '32. — 8-V«ll V., 3-4 N., F. 11-12 V. Vorstand der 
homöop. Poliklinik. Vorstand des homöop. Centralvereins Deutsch- 
Dr. Rohowsky, Johannes. Hochkretscham '27. Greifswald '54. Ober- 
stabsarzt a. D. (PRA*), (BZHROj (DAK). Poststr. 3, IL — Früh 
bis 11 V. 
Dr. Stifft, Heinrich, Carl. BadWeilbach '56. Strassburg '79/81. Assistenz- 
arzt I. Cl. d. Landw: Flossplatz 30 I. — 2V2— ^V«. Director des 
homöop. Krankenhauses. 
*** Homöop. Centralapotheke von Dr.Willmar Schwabe; Inh. Dr. Willmar 

*** Homöop. Centralapotheke von Taeschner & Co.; Inh. W. Steinmetz. 
*** Marggrafs homöop. Officin; Inh. W. Steinmetz. 
Homöop. Centralverein Deutschlands .... — 162 M. — Dr. Lorbacher, 

Leipzig; Dr. E.Weber, Köln a. Rh ; Dr. Windelband, Berlin. 
Homöop. Krankenhaus. Sidonienstr. 44. — Director Dr. Stiflft. 
Homöop. Poliklinik des Centralvereins. Sidonienstr. 44. — Director 

Dr. Lorbacher. 
Poliklinik der homöop. Centralapotheke Dr. Willmar Schwabe. — Vor- 
stand Dr. Rohowsky. 
Allgemeine homöop. Zeitung. — Redacteur Dr. Mossa, Stuttgart. Verlag 

W. Steinmetz. 
Leipziger populäre Zeitschrift für Homöopathie Dr. Willmar Schwabe. 
Lenkersdorf i. S. Homöop. Verein '83. — 90 M. — J.W. Aurich. 
Lennep i. Westph. Homöop. Verein '92. — 125 M. — C. Mühlingshaus. 
Liegnitz. Dr. Berlin, Wilhelm, August, Franz. Berlinchen b. Witt- 
stock '62. Kiel '91. Goldberger Str. 16. — 9-11 V.. 2-3 N., 
F. 9-11 V. 
♦*Königl. priv. Hof- imd Stadtapotheke. Ring- und Frauenstr.-Ecke; 

Inh. K. Jerchel; Verw. Apotheker Dewald. 
* Kronenapotheke; Inh. W. Trautmann. 
Lindau. Dr. Gmeiner (siehe Bregenz) Mittwochs. 
Lippspringe. Dr. Dierkes (siehe Paderborn) Mittw. 4— 7 N. 
Lipp Stadt i. Westph. Dr. Butten, Franz. Neuenbecken '47. Greifs- 
wald '73; Inh. der Kriegsdenkmünze 1870/71 für Nichtcombattanten 
am Combattantenbande. Langestr. — 8— 10 V. — 1—2 N. 
Lössnitz i. S. Homöop. Verein '85. — 50 M. — Aug. Pfaif. 
Ludwigsburg. Dr. Förg, Gotthilf. Ludwigsburg '66. Heidelberg '90. 
Wilhelmstr. 34. — 8-9 V., 1-3 N., F. 1-2 N. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Allemagne." — Deutschland. — Germany. 9 

Ludwigsburg. * Königl. Hofapotheke ; Inh. Alfred Brand. 

Homöop. Verein „Hahnemannia** '93 — 36 M. — C. Langensteiu. 
Lübeck. * Löwenapotheke Th. Schorer; Inh. Th. Schorer. 
Lüchow. Dr. Czemy (Dannenberg) jed. zweiten Sonnab. 10 — 2 N. 
Lüneburg. Homöop. Verein für Lüneburg und Umgegend '87. — 600 M. 

F. Hanke. 
Lüttinghausen i. Pr. Homöop. Verein '78. — 150 M. — J. Mälzer. 
Magdeburg. Dr. Groos, Oscar. Laasphe '35. Berlin '58. Anhalter 
Str. 4. — 7-9 V., 3—5 N., F. 7-10 V. 
Dr. Knüppel, Emil, Leopold. Magdeburg '33. Berlin '56. (Eis.Kreuz'w.) 

Breiter Weg 198. — 7—9 V., 2-4 N. 
Dr. Nissen, Carl. Dassow '52. Erlangen '78. Regierungsstr. 78. — 

7-10 V., 3-5 N., E.7-11 V. 
♦Hirschapotheke; Inh. Dr. H. Focke. 
** Homöop. Officin der Schwanenapotheke ; Inh. 0. Grape. 
Homöop. Verein für Magdeburg und Umgegend '85. — 105 M. — 
F. Brink. 
Mainz. Dr. Doerr, Karl, Ludw., Emil. Reinheim '48. Würzburg '73. 
(GHMSK.) Fuasstr. 4. — 8-10 V., %2-\'^6 N., F. 8-9 V., 1-3 N. 
Dr. Erwein, Franz. Mainz '43. The Hahnemann Medical College of 
Philadelphia *81. Fischthorplatz 13. — 10-12 V., 2V2— 4 N., 
F. 10-1 N. 
Dr. Roth, Friedr. Appenheim '65. Würzburg '91. Gr. Emmeransstr. 32b. 

12-1 N., 2-3 N., F. 8-10 V. 
Dr. Schier, Josef. Zill '65 Würzburg '89. Flachsmarkt 3. — 9—11 V., 
1 Vj- 3 N. — Dienst. Nachm. in Alzey, Mittw. u. Sonnab. Nachm. in 
Dr. Stumpf, Georg. Mainz '66. Giessen '90. Tritonplatz. — 8—10 V., 
1-4 M., F. 8—9 V., 1—3 N. 
Mannheim. Dr. Fischer, Friedr. Mannheim '39. Stuttgart '72. Ober- 
amtsarzt. — 8—10 V. 
Verein für Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde '91. — 300 M. — 
L. Hemmersbach. 
Marburg a. d. L. Dr. Thilenius, Moritz. Wallau '39. Wiesbaden '65. 
Ketzerbach Str. 
*Universitäts- Apotheke; Inh. Dr. C. Siebert. 
Marienberg. i. S. Verein für Homöopathie '70. — 136 M. — C. Brauer. 
Meldorf i. Holstein. Dr. Kleffner (siehe Heide i. Holstein). 
Meltungen. Homöop. Verein „Hahnemannia" ?.' — 60 M. 
Memel i. Pr. **Th. Frönings Nachf. Apotheke; Inh. Oscar Friedländer. 
Memmingen. ** Mohrenapotheke ; Inh. Lud. von Ammon. 
Merseburg. Dr. Dankert (siehe Halle a. d. S.) im Sommer einmal 

Metz. ** Adlerapotheke; Inh. Dr. A. Duve. 
Mildenau LS. Homöop. Verein '75. — 54 M. — E. Schreiber. 
Minden. Dr. Sauer, Franz, Josef. Bärge 40. Berlin '65. Domstr. 8. 

9V2--I N. 
Mühlhausen i. Th. Dr. Spiethoff, Heinr., Friedr., Leo, Matthias. Arns- 
berg 54. Berlin '85. Lindenbühe 11. - 8-9 V., 2-3 N., F. 8—10 V. 
M ti h 1 h e i m. Dr. Schmidt. 

München. Dr. Aub, Emanuel. Beyersdorf '11. München '37. Maximilian- / / , 
Str. 25. — 2—3 N. Spec. : Magen- und geheime Krankheiten. ' 

Dr. Fuchs, Jul. München '53. — '75. Max Josephstr. 4. 2—3 N. 
Spec: Frauenkrankheiten ohne operative Eingriffe. Im Monat 
August abwesend. 
Dr. Köck, Carl. Landshut '47. München '72. Löwengrube L — 2—4 N.; 

ausgenommen Donnerst. Abwesend im August. 
Dr. de Massarellos, Fr., L. Gabe Oporto '13. München '43. Maximilian- 
str. 351. — 7—8 V., 3—5 N. Spec: Frauen- und Kinderkrankheiten. 
Dr. Quaglio, Max. München '29. — '53. Neuhausergasse 11. — 2—3 N. 
*** Homöop. Centralapotheke von A. Kaufmann; Inh Ant. Kaufmann. 
Homöop. Spital; Dirig. Arzt Dr. Köck. 

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10 Allemagne. — Deutschland. — Germany. 

M.- Gladbach. Dr. Feldmann, Th. Niedermelbecke '48. Giessen 79. 

Königstr. 27. — 9—11 V., 2-4 N., F. 9—11 V. 
Münster i. Westph. Dr. Schnütgen, Herrn. Freckenhorst '46. Bonn '72. 
Inhaber der Krieffsdenkmtinze 1870/71. Engelstr. 19. — 8-llVa V., 
2-4, N. Spec, : Frauen- und Nervenleiden. 
Homöop. Verein „Hahnemania'^ '91. — 21 M. — Weisse. 
Na ms lau. Dr. Larisch, Carl. Breslau 16. Berlin '40. San.'R. (PRA*.) 

9-11 V. 
Neustadt a. d. Haardt. Dr. Hafen, Carl. Wieweler '51. Würzbur^ '75. 
Fischerstr. 13. — 8—9 V., 1—3 N. Jeden Sonnab. Consultationen 
in Kaiserslautern. 
Nierstein. Dr. Schier, (siehe Mainz) Mittw. u. Sonnab. Nachmittag. 
Nordhausen. * Mohrenapotheke; Inh. Ernst Schulze. 
Nürnberg. Dr. Gross, Wilh. Oberstdorf '46 München '70. Königstr. 2. 
1— 3N. mit Ausnahme von Dienst u. Freit. Im Monat August auf 
3—4 Wochen abwesend. 
Dr. Kiefer, Carl Emil Kaiserslautern '62. München '88. Karlstr. 6. 

2-3 N., 7—9 N. 
Dr. Marr, Ludw. Schwarzach '28. Erlangen '57. Winklerstr. 16. — 
7— 8 V., 1—3 N. F. 7—8 V. Gemeinde- und Krankenkassenarzt. 
♦** Homöop. Central apotheke von Ferd. Hess, Josefsplatz 26; Inh. 
Auguste Hess; Verw. Ad. Kinkelin. 
Oberndorf a. Neckar. * Apotheke bei der Post; Inh. Fr. Bader. 
Osnabrück i. Hannover. Dr. Meyer, Carl Herrn. Bünde '23. Berlin '47. 
Münsterstr. 1. Mont., Mittw. u. Freit. 4—6 N., sonst Früh und 
Nachm. Sprechstunde. Mont., Mittw. u. Freit in Bünde Consultationen. 
Paderborn. Dr. med. et chir. Dierkes, Jos. Wewesburg '57. München '82. 
Wilhemstr. 201 a. — 10—3 N. Spec : Lungen- und Brustkrankheiten. 
Im Sommer täglich von 4—7 N. in Bad Lippspringe. 
Dr. Rörig, Ant. Leiberg '52. Bonn '81. Kampfstr. 154 a. Sprech- 
stunden den ganzen Tag. 
Passau. Dr. Paye, Jos. Titting '22. München '48. Mittgasse 272. — 

1— 3 N. Im Sommer 3 Wochen im August abwesend. 
Paunsdorf. Homöop. Verein '89. — 8 M. — Friedr. Tenpel. 
Pforzheim i. Baden. Dr. Kini, Immanuel. Haslach '61. Würzburg '85. 
Assistenzarzt II. Cl. d. Res. Zerrenerstr. 9. — 8-9 V. F. 8—10 V. 
♦Adler -Apotheke; Inh. Berthold Sutter. 

Homöop. Verein „Hahnemannia" *76. — 300 M. — Wilh. List. 
Plauen i. V. ** Schwanenapotheke , homöop. Dispensatorium; Inh. Otto 

Posen. Dr. Wintersohle, Rieh. Ernst. Niederhelden '57. Greifswald '83. 

Lindenstr. 4. — V,29-10 V., 3-5 N. 
Potsdam. Dr. phil. et med. Kröner, Carl Eugen. Birkenfeld '61. Berlin '90. 
Blücherplatz 7. — 8-10 V., 4—5 N. F. 8—10. V. 
•C. Bechs Hofapothecke, Hohenwegstr. 11; Inh. C. Bech. 
Braust b. Danzig. Dr. Crüwell, Carl Ulrich. Borkendorf '48. Greifs- 
wald '70. Wohnung Nr. 7 u. 8. Sprechstunde unbestimmt. 
Brenz lau. * Apotheke R. Karlstein; Inh. R. Karlstein. 
Radevormwald. Homöop. Verein. 

Ravensburg. Dr. Hagel, Jos. Altheim '54. München '82. Am Platz 10. 
V28-9 V., V2I-3 N. 
Dr. Mattes, Johann Mart. Böttingen '54. Würzburg '80. Ehren- 
mitglied der homöop. pharmac. Ges. in England. Postplatz 31. — 
V28-9 V., 12-1 N., 2-3 N. Fr. yS-9 V., 12—1 N. 
*J. N. Gossnersche Marienapotheke; Inh. Staeffen u. Schmerbach; Verw. 

♦Löwenapotheke; Inh. Fr. Liebesdörfer. 
Homöop. Verein '87. — 50 M. — T. Strobel. 
Regens bürg. Dr. Raimund ' 

Dr. Scheerelmann , Carl. Geiselhöring '29. München '54. F. 121. — 

1—2 N. Arzt des homöop. Privatspitals (St. Josef;. 
** Apotheke zum Mohren; Inh. J. Werr. 

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AUemagne. — Deutschland. — Germaiiy. H 

Regens bürg. Horaöop. Privatspital St. Josef; Dr. Schegelmann. 
Remscheid. Dr. Thöm, £[ans Aug. Rieh. Schlesien o9. Greifswald '89. 
Mittelstr. 4. — 8-10 V., 3-4 N. P. 8-10 V. 
Homöop. Verein. 
Rengersdorf (Kr. Glatz). Dr. Oebrich, Jos Rengersdorf '67. Breslau '92. 

8-9 V., 6—7 N. Kassenarzt der Fabrik Eisersdorf. 
Rheydt (M.-Gladbach). Dr. Hirkens. 

Verein für Gesundheitspflege '81. — 70 M. — Lehrer Breuer. 
Reutlingen. Dr. Hähnle, Karl. Stabsarzt d. Landw. Kaiserstr. — 
1-3 N. F. 1-3 N. 
Dr. Heuer, Georg. Ballendorf '43. Tübingen '66. Grabenstr. 1—3 N. 
Rohnau i. S. Homöop. Verein '87. — 20 M. — Herm. Kroschwald. 
Ronsdorf. Homöop. Verein '79. — 700 M. 

Rosenthal i. S. Homöop. Verein '79. — 45 M. — Gust. Morche. 
Rostock. ** Hofapotheke zum gold. Löwen; Inh. A. von Flemming. 

Bodemanns homöop. Institut. 
Scheibenberg i. S. Homöop. Verein '67. — 100 M. — A. Hunger. 
Schorndorf i. Württemberg. Dr. Layer, Immanuel Friedr. Engstlatt 
b. A. '61. Tübingen '93. Schlichter Str. 8-9 V., ll'/g— 12Va N. 
Schwab. Gmünd. Dr. Göhrum (siehe Stuttgart) Montags. 

Dr. med. et chir. Weiss, Carl Phil. Friedr. Welzheim '48. Tübingen '72. 
Hofstatt. 1-4 N. F. nur in dringenden Fällen. Spec: Augen- 
** Obere Apotheke; Inh. Eugen Müller. 
** Johannesapotheke ; Inh. Rathgelb. 
Schwab. Hall i. Württemberg. Dr. Jaeger, Max Julius. Wien '61. 
München '88. Marktplatz. 8— 9V.2 V., 2-4V2 N. F. 8-9V2 V. 
Spec: Augenkrankheiten. 
**Christmannsche Apotheke; Inh. E. Benzinger. 
Schwedt a. d. 0. Dr. Quehl,. Otto Jul. Ameburg '12. Berlin '40. 

.Paradeplatz. Früh bis 11. 
Sehma i. S. Homöop. Verein '79. — 50 M. — C. Leonhardt. 
Solingen. * Hirschapotheke; Inh. J. Engelbert. 
Soltau i. Hannover. Dr. Mau, Heinrich. Burg '59. Würzburg '89 — 
9-10 V. 
Dr. Schönebeck, Friedr. Otto. Ebers walde '60. Berlin '88. — 8-10 V. 
Spec: Hautkrankheiten. 
Sommereschenburg. Dr. Teichmann, Mor. Schulpforta '17. Berlin '42. 
Sonnborn b. Elberfeld Homöop. Verein '89. — 110 M. — Ph. Putz. 
Sorau. * Niedere Apotheke; Inh. Naeke. 
Spaichingen. Dr. Sigmundt, Carl Ludw . Heinr. Tübingen '41. Zerbst '64, 

Oberamtsarzt. Hauptstr. 244. — 7—10 V., 1—2 N. 
Speyer. * Sonnen-Apotheke ; Inh. Dr. Carl Diernfellner. 
S t a r n b e r g. Dr. Moeser (Augsburg), Arzt der Kinderheilanstalt Stamberg. 
Steinbach i. S. Homöop. Verein '77. — 46 M. — - C. W. Beyer. 
Stettin. Dr. Baltzer, Mart. Suckow '66. Rostock '92. Bismarckstr. 3, 1. 
V28-9 V., 3-5 N. F. V28— 9 V. 
Dr. Ide, Justus. Penkun '39. Berlin '63. Louisenstr. 4. — 8—12 V. 
Revisionsarzt der Lebensversicherungs-Gesellschaft „Germania". Im 
Juli und August 5—6 Wochen abwesend. 
Dr Kant, Arth. Immanuel. Stettin '64. Würzburg '92. Greifenstr. 5, 1. 

8—10 V., 3-4 N. F. 8—10 V. 
Dr. Kukulus, Rieh. Karl Jos. Stettin '57. Berlin '85. Bismarckstr. 5, 1. 

8— 10 V., 3-5 N. F. 8-10 V. 
Dr. Loeck, Eugen. Hammerstein '25. Berlin '52 Johannisstr. 2. — 

8—10 V. 
Dr. Schäfer, Johann Th. Ad. Meseritz '55. Halle '91. Gr. WoU- 

weberstr. 30. — 8-9 V., 3-5 N. F. 8-9 V. 
**Königl. Hof- u. Garnison- Apotheke ; Inh. Dr. H. Nadelmann. 
Homöop. Verein '74. — 109 M. — Otto Bootz. 
Stralsund. Dr. Peltzer. Alex. Rheydt '41. Amerika '69. Wasserstr. 79. j 
2 — 4 N. Spec: Chronische Leiden. Geschlechtskrankheiten. *7 

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12 Allemagne. — Deutschland. — Germany. 

Stralsund. Homöop. Verein „Hahnemannia" '80. — 21 M. — Gr. 

Strasshurg i. E. Dr. Renjery, Jacob. Hermeskiel (Reg.-Bez. Trier) '50. 
ßtrassburg '91. Krämerg. 5. — 2—4 N. 
Hirschapotheke, Münsterplatz 10; Inh. Gust. Buob. 
Pharmacie Lissette, 10 Place de la Cath6drale. 
Stroraberg. Dr. Heyne (Beckum) Dienstags. 

Stuttgart. Dr. Bilfinger, Eugen. San.-R. Wetzstein '46. Tübingen '69. 
Schlossstr. 14. — ' 2—4 N. Spec: Frauenkrankheiten. 
Dr. Buob, Otto. Freudenstadt '55. Tübingen '84. Colwerstr. 21. — 

8 — 9 V. Im Sommer in Freudenstadt. 
Dr. Göhrum, Herm. Stuttgart '61. Göttingen ?. Canzleistr. 22, H. 
8—10 V. Dienst., Donnerst., Sonnab. 1- 3 N. Spec: Ohrenkrank- 
heiten. Consultationen jeden Mont. in Schwab. Gmünd, Mittw. in 
Heidenheim, Freit, in Göppingen. 
Dr. Kammerer, Carl Hob. Gmünd '29. Tübingen '54. Wilhelmplatz 10. 

9—10 V., 2V2— 4 N. F. 8—9 V. 
Dr. Mossa, Nath. Immanuel. Friedland '33. Berlin '59. Stabsarzt a. D. 
(Eis.Kreuz«.) Seidenstr. 2. — 8—10 V., 2-5 N Spec: Kinder- 
krankheiten. Redakteur der Allg. homöop. Zeitung. 
Dr. Sick, Paul. Stuttgart '36. Tübingen '59. Obermedizinalrath. 
(WKR2), (PK*), (WO). Dienst, Donnerst., Sonnab. 2—4 N. Spec : 
Dr. Stemmer, Eugen. Schremberg '62. Tübingen '87. Paulinenstr. 32. 

2-8 N. 
Dr. Stiegele, Carl. Ravensburg '50. Strasshurg '75. Geh. Hofrath, 
Stabsarzt d. Landw. Alleenplatz 3. — 12—3 N. Im Monat August 
**ühlands homöop. Apotheke, Wilhelmplatz 14; Inh. Alb. Hauff; Verw. 

Ernst Graessle. 
** Homöop. Apotheke von Dr. Seckel, Schlossstr. 59: Inh. C. Luidhardt. 
***-Homöop. Centralapotheke ; Inh. Zahn & Seeger. 
Verein homöop. Aerzte Württembergs. 

„Hahnemannia", Landesverein für Homöopathie in Württemberg 68. — 
2040 M. — I. Commerzienrath Reiniger, II. Prof. Janss, Secret. 
A. Zöppritz. 
Homöop. Monatsblätter, Zöppritz. — Verlag der Hahnemannia. 12 mal. 
Preis 2 Mk. 20 Pf. • 
Sulz a. Neckar i. Württemberg. Guhl, Wundarzt. 
Tönning. Dr. Kleffner (siehe Heide i. Holstein). 
Trier. Dr. Reis, Mathias. Lauffeld '36. Greifswald '61. (Eis.Kreuz«.) 

Weberbachstr. 9. Voi mittags. 
Tübingen. Schlegel, Emil. Karlsruhe '52. Tübingen '78. Neckarhalde. 
Sprechstunden jeden Vormittag mit Ausnahme Mittw. und Sonnab. 
Nachmittags. Spec: Augenheilkunde. 
** Homöop. Dispensatorium der Keller'schen Apotheke, Marktplatz 5; 

Inh. W. Keller. 
**Gmelinsche Apotheke; Inh. W. Mayer. 
Uelzen. Homöop. Verein '90. — 630 M. — A. Schlepegrell. 
Ulm. Dr. Gloz, Alexander, Ernst. Neresheim '37. Tübingen '65. Augs- 
burger Str. 25. — 12—3 N. ausser Mittw. Jeden Mittw. Consultation 
in Biberach. 
** Kronenapotheke; Inh. Dr. G. Leube. 
Wa c h a u. Homöop. Verein für Wachau und Umgegend '77. — 90 M. — 

Aug. Haubold 
Wachau b. Radeb. Homöop. Verein für Wachau und Umgegend '78. — 

144 M. — F. W. König. 
War bürg i. Westph. Dr. Ernst, Carl, Josef. Helmem '43. Greifswald '70. 

Altstadt 83. -^ 7-11 V, 1— 3V2 N. 
Wegrowitz. Müller, Kreisthierarzt. 

Weimar. Dr.. Götze. Franz. Weimar '27. — '93. Marienstr. 4. — 8— 9 V., 
2—3 N. Von Mitte Juli bis Mitte August abwesend. 

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Aiigleterre. — England. — Great-Britain. 13 

Weimar. Dr. Gonllon, Carl, Heinr. Berka a. d. Um '36. Weimar '63. Aker- 

wand 9, II. — Früh bis 10 V., Nachm. bis 4. Spec: Augen- und 

We i n g a r t e n i. Württemberg. Dr. Hezel, Anton. Winzeln '44. . Tübingen '67. 

Wundarzt und Geburtshelfer. (Eis.Kreuz«.) Schlossstr. — 7—8 V., 

1—3 N. 
Dr. Remler, Sebastian. Hausen '64. München '93. Districts-, Stadt- 

und Spitalarzt. — 8—9 V., 11—12 V. 
Werdau i. S. ** Löwen- und Floraapotheke; Inh. Zieger & Zschoche. 
Werl. Dr. Neuenzeit, Friedr. Werl '48. Berlin '73. — 7—11 V., 1—2 N., 

Mittw. von 3—7 Sprechstunde in Wickede a. d. Ruhr. 
Wermelskirchen. Homöop. Verein '90. — 530 M. — F. Lappe. 
We rnigerode. Dr. Hannes. Homöop. Verein '82. — 300 M. — G. Eichler. 
Wesselburen. Dr. Kleffner (siehe Heide i. Holstein). 
Wickede a. d. Ruhr. Dr. Neuenzeit (siehe Werl). 
Wiesbaden. Dr. med. et phil. Kranz-Busch, Melchior, Fremont. St. Louis '58. 

Strassburg '92. Adolfstr. 1. -- 8— 9V., 3— 4 N. Arzt am Magda- 

** Victoria- Apotheke; Inh. Chr. Belli, Rheinstr. 41. 
Wilf erdingen. Homöop. Verein '88. — 60 M. — Th. Schaller. 
Wi Ister. „Hahnemannia", Centralverein für Homöopathie '88. — 1300' M. 

W. Schmalfeldt. 
Provinzialverband der homöop. Vereine Schleswig-Holsteins '88. — 500 M. 

Winzeln b. Obemdorf i. Württemberg. AVnndarzt Rossech. 
Wülfrath. Homöop. Verein '88. — 180 M. — Heinr. Klipp. 

Würzburg. Dr. Fröhling. y (T) , *V /^^ 

Zell a.d. Mosel. Dr. Mayntzer, Peter, Anton. Zell '47. Berlin '73. 7^^ r'V^*-) >« /''' "^ 
Zittau i. S. Dr. Tschörtner, Arth. Berbisdorf '42. Berlin '69. Bautzner 

Str. 4. — 9—11 V., 2-3 N., F. 10—11 V. Kassenarzt der Orts- 
krankenkasse Zittau, Bertsdorf und Hirschfelde. 
** Löwenapotheke; Inh. Balduin Michael. 
Zu 11 ich au i. Pr. Homöop. Verein '92. — 440 M. — I. A. Müller, 

II. Gabriel, Secret. M» Schulz. 
Zwickau. * Löwenapotheke, Hauptmarkt 17; Inh. F. AVilhelm. 

Angleterre. — England. — Great-Britain. 

Aberdeen. Reith, Archibald, M. D. Aberdeen '59. 46 Ünion-Place. 2—3. 

Aldershot. Deane, Herbert Edward. M. R. C. S. England L. S. A. 

Surgeon to the Hospital for Soldier's Wives and Children. South- 

camp. Army Medical Staff. 

Ashton-under-Lyne. Thompson, Charles. M. R. C. S. England, L.S.A.'47. 

9—10, 6—8. 
Baenq (Lancashire). Hall, Fred. L. R. C. P. L. R. C. S. L L. M. 

Barrhill (Ayrshire). Milwraith, Thomas. L. F. P. S. G. 9-10. 
Bath. Mackechnie, John Hamilton, M. D. London '28. St. Andrews. 
15 Catharine-Place. 2-3. Phys. to the Hahnemann Dispensary. 
Newman, George. L. R. C. '59. M. R. C. S. '35. L. S. A. 17 Queens- 
Square. 9—11, 1—3. 
Norman, George. M. R. C. S. England L. S. A. Brock-Street. Phys. 

Hahn, free dispensary. 
Wilde, Percy Roberts, M. D. C. M. Aberd. 23 Circus - Street. Phys. 

to the Bath homoeop. hospital. 2— 3V2- 
Wilmot, Phil., M. D. Aberdeen '49. 21 Camden crescent. 

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14 Ahgleterre. — England. — Great-Britain. 

Bath. The Hahnemann dispensary. 
The Hahnemann free dispensary. 
Bayswater (London.) Wright, Dudley, d'Auvergne, M. R. C. S. L. 

K. S. P. Colomhe-Ceylon. London '88. 4 Leine tre- Square, office 32. 

Wimpole -Street, Cavendish - Square , W. London. IIV2— 2. Spec: 

Throat and ear diseases. Surgeon of the throat to London homoeop. 

Beckenham (Kent). Philipps, Rob. Ed., M. D. Edin. '76. Bailway 

Bridge, Burlington house. Before 10. 2—3. 
Bedford. Oraig, W. Simpson, M. D. St. And. '50. Bishopstone house, 

Ashbumham Road. 
Belfast. Brotchie, Theodore Rainy, M. D. 102 Great Victoria - Street. 
Luther, H. Woldemar, M. D. St. And. '47. Chlorine house, Malone 

Road. 10-12. 
Birke nhead. Green, Conrad Theod., M. R. C. S. Eng. L. R. C. P. 

London. 33 Grange Mount. Honorary officer to the Wirral homoeop. 

disi) ensar Y. 
Hayward, John Will., M. D. St. And. M. R. C. S. Eng. L. S. A. 61 ßhews- 

bury-Road. Cons. phys. to the Hahnemann hospital. 
Jones, Thomas Reginald, L. R. C. P. J. L. M. M. R. C. S. Eng. 

2H Lome Road Clanghton. Phys. to the Wirral homoeop. dispensary. 
Proetor, Peter, L. R. C. P. Edinb. M. K. C. S. London. L. S. A. 

London. 17 Hanülton-Square. 9—11. 2—3. 
Marples, J., homoeop. Chemist. 232 Grange-Road. 
Thomson and Capper, homoeop. Chemists. 24 Argyle Street. 
The Wirral homoeop. dispensary. 
Birmingham. Blake, James Gibbs, M. D. Highfield Gate, Harbome 

Road. Kdgbaston. 12—2 except Saturd. 
Craig, G. Alex., M. B. C. M. Aberd. 63 Soho Road. Phys. to the 

Birm. homoeop. hospital. 
Craig, John, M. B. 0. M. Aberdeen '74. To old Square and 174 Soho- 

hill. 9V2— IOV2, 7-8. 
Craig, John Smith, M. B. C. M. Aberd. 137 Steelhouse Lane. 
Huxley, John Ch., M. D. C. M. Aberd. 91 Harbome Road, Edgbaston. 
Lawrence, Joseph, M. R. C. S. Eng. '32. L. 8. A. Lond. '32. 137 Steel- 

house-lane. 9—1 Tuesd., Wed., Thursd. and Fridays. 
Thomas, Edw. Wynne, M. D. Lond. M. R. C. S. Eng. L. S. A. 8 Har- 
bome Road, Edgbaston. Surgeon to the Birmingham homoeop. 

Wingfield, John, L. R. C. P. L. R. C. S. Edin. L. F. P. S. Glasg. 

Aubyn House, Meester Road, Moseley. Chloroformist to the Dental 

Corfield&Corfield, homoeop.Chemists. 26 Benett's Hill and 166 Broad-Street. 
Radford, J. A., homoeop. Chemist. 14 Union- Street. 
Morris, G. J., homoeop. Chemist. 50 Cherry-Street. 
The Birmingham homoeop. hospital. 
Blackheath (London). Mc. Killiam, Robert, M. D. CM. Aberdeen '37. 

— '57. 1 Bennett-Park S. E. 9—11, 3—4. Spec. : Heart diseases. 

Phys. to Blackh. dispensary. 
B Ol ton. Thomley, Joseph, M. D. Glasg. M. B. C. M. '84. L. R. C. P. 

Edin. L. M. '80. 246 Halliwel-Road. L.F.P.S. 8V2— 9*4, 2-3, 6— 8. 
Bolton-le-Moors. Wilkinson, Clement John, M. R. C. S. Eng. L. S. A. 

112 a Chorley New-Road. 
Bournemouth. Dryry, Will. V., M. D. Edin. '42. Lingmoor Dean Park. 
Frost, George, L. R. C. P. Lond. M. R. C. S. Eng. Clovelly, Suffolk- 

Road. Ass. phys. to Hahnem. convalesc. home. Surgeon to the 

Boumem. homoeop. dispensary. 
Nankivell, Herbert, M. D, Edin. M. R. C. S. Eng. Phys. to the Halmem. 

convalescent home. 
. Walter, Wüliam, M. D. St. And. '47. M. R. C. S. Eng. '41. 94 Christ 

Church-Road. 2—3. 
Gilbert, W., homoeop. Chemist. 15 Commercial-Road. 

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Angleterre. — England. — Great-Britain. 15 

Bournemouth (cont'd.). The Bournemoutli homoeop. dispensary. 

The Hahnemann convalescent home. 
Bradford. Blake, Samuel Hahnemann, M. R. C. S. Eng. '73. 164 Lumb- 
lane. Untü 10, 4—5, 6—7.- 
Waddington, 0. E. Homoeop. chemist. 31 Darley-Street. 
Brighton. Haie. R.Douglas, M. D. St.And.ol. 13Cävendish-Place. 12Vo-~2. 
Silbers, Herrn. Gerh., B. A. Gantab. '79. L. R. C. S. E. '86. 49 Mont- 

pelier-Road. 2 — 3. 
Hughes, Rieh., M. D. L. R. C. P. M. R. C. S. London '36. Edin- 
burgh '60. 36 Sillwood Road. I2V2— 2. Phys. to the Brighton 
homoeop. dispensary. 
Ockenden, Arth., John, M. R. C. 8. Eng. 25 Regency-Square. 
Rean, Will. Henry, M. R. C. S. Eng. L. S. A. 36 Vernon-Terrace. 
Hadland & Co., homoeop. Chemists. 90 Western-Road. 
Walder, R., homoeop. Chemist. 6 Prince Albert-Street. 
. Williams Co., homoeop. Chemists. 40 Cid Steine and 121 Westem-Road. 

The Brighton homoeop. dispensary. 
Bristol. Barrow, Roger William, M. R. C. S. L. R. C. P. M. D. Liver- 
pool '59. London '80. Edinburgh '82. Brüssel '92. 3 White Ladies 
Road. 8—10, 3—4. Phys. to homoeop. dispensary Bristol. 
Fallen, Roh. Hume, M. B. C. M. Aberd. '81. — 59 Alma-Road. 3-4. 
Wheeler, E., homoeop. Chemist. 31 Triangle and 7 Wine-Street. * 
Bromley (Kent). Madden, Edw. Mouson, M. B. Edin. M. R. C. S. 
Eng. Burlington house Phys. to the Phillips memorial hospital. 
Thomas, Harold Wynne, M. R. C. S. Eng. L. R. C. P. London. 55 Park- 

Road. Resid. med. officer to the Phillips memorial hospital. 
SMnner, R., homoeop. Chemist. 138 High-Street. 
Cambridge. Bryant, F. R. Homoeop. ehem. 12 Market-Street. 
Cardiff. Morgan, Will, M. D.Kings Call. M. R. C. S. Aberdeen '56. 
England '46. Hahnemann-House, Edward'» terrace. 9—10, 1—2, 7—8. 
Cheltenham. Ker, Claudius Buchanan, M. D. Greenrock '21» Edin- 
burgh '44. Hadley-House. 1—3. Cons. Physician to the Cheltenham 
homoeop. dispensary. 
James, J. Homoeop. Chemist. 1 Promenade-Place. 
ehester. Thomas, David J., L. R. C. S. L. R. C. P. L. J. P. S. 
Edinburgh-Glasgow '91. 
Thomas, Edward John Haynes, L. R. C. P. L. R. C. S. Chester '60. 
Edinburgh '85. 18 Pepper-Street. 9—10, 2 -3. Phys. to the Chester 
homoeop. dispensary. 
Thomas, E., homoeop. Chemist. 16 Pepper-Street. 
The Chester free homoeop. dispensary. 
Clifton. Bodman, Francis Henry, M. D. Aberd. Linden-House. Oak- 
land-Road. Phys. to the Bristol homoep. dispensary. — 2—8, 3V2— 4. 
Morgan, Samuel, M. D. St. And. M. R. C. S. England. L. 8. A. 
15 Oakfield-Road. Cons. phys. to the Bath homoep. hospital. Phys. 
to the Brist, homoeop. dispensary. 
Nicholson, Thomas Dickenson, M. D. C. M. M. R. C. S. Liverpool '42. 
Edinb. '70. 2 White Ladies Road. Phys. to the Clifton homoeop. 
Prowse, Will, M. R. C. S. Eng. '49. Ph. D. '50. üntil lOV«, 3—5. 
WilUams, Eubus Willitsou, M. D. M. R. C. S. L. M. L. A. G. Somer- 
set '31. London '54. St. Andrews '55. 2 Beaufort-Road. 3—4 
except. Saturday. Phys. to the homoeop. dispensary Bristol. 
Wheeler, E., homoeop. Chemist. 10 Kings Road. 
The Bristol homoeop. dispensary. 
The Clifton homoeop. hospital.' 
Colchester. Hill, Will. Reed, M. B. C. M. Edin. 10 Crouch -Street. 
Combe Hay (near Bath). Smart, John Cass., M. D. Heid. Ext. L. R. C. P. 

Lond. M. R. C. S. Eng. L. S. A. 
Croydon. Delphine, J., M. B. CM Edinb. Holmrook Oakfield-Road. 
Purdom, Thom. Eadie, M. D. C. M. Edin. L. R. C. P. L. R. C. S. 
Edin. 25 Park Hill Road. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

16 Angleterre. — England. -— Great- Britain. 

Croydan. Giel, W. H., homoeop. Chemist. 87 George-Street. 

Siebert Co., homoeop. Chemists. 16 London-Road. 
Dublin. Beater^ Orlando, Palmer, M. D. Dublin '85. 20 Stephens Green 
North. 9-10, 1-3. 
Blyth, John, M. D. L. R. C. S. Edinburgh '33. 8t. Andrews 88. 

33 Fitzwilliam Square. 2—4 
Roberts, William Henry, L. R. C. P. L. R. C. S. Edin., L. M. 63Lower 

Mount Street. — Phys.- to the Dublin homoeop. dispensary. 
Scriven, George, M. D. B. Ch. Dub. L. M. 33 St. Stephens Green. 
Scriven, Will., Barclay, Browne. A. B. M. B. Dub. M. R. C. S. Engr- 

land L. M. 33 St. Stephens Green. 
The Dublin homoeop. dispensary. 
Goodworth, J., homoeop. Chemist. 1 Castle Market. 
Ray, J. A., homoeop. Cnemist. 15 Nassau Street. 
Derby. Clifton, F. 84 Com Market. 
Devizes. (^fton, Cyrus, Arthur, L. F. P. S. Glasgow '76. L. S. A. 

London '77. 19 Northgate Street, üntil 10. — 2-3, 6—7. 
Doncaster. Wadsworth, Alfred, M. R. C. S. England. The Elms Balby 

and 27 Cleveland Street Until 8. - 9—11, 3-5, 7-8. 
Dorking. White Co.. homoeop. Chemists. 63 AV est- Street. 
Ealing. Burwood, Thomas, L. R. C. P. L. M. J. L. R. C. P. L. M. 
• Wesley Walsham '38. Dublin and Edinburgh '70. Strathmore 
Florence-Road W. Tuesd., Thursd., Saturd. until 11. Spec: Diseases 
of Women and Children. 
Eastbourne. Bell, William, M. D. Erlangen. 

Croucher, Alexander, Henry, M. D. M. B. C. M. London '63. Edin- 
burgh '84. 3 Iden villas, South-Street. 9—10, 2V2— ^. 
Smith, Harmar, L. R. C. P. Edin. M. R. C. S. Eng. L. S. A. 

6 Ocklynge Avenue. 
Walther, John, M. D. M. B. C. M. Edin. '83. — '85. West House. — 

Gibbs, J., homoeop. Chemist. Terminus-Road. 
The Eastbourne homoeop. convalescent hospital. 
The Eastbourne homoeop. dispensary. 
The Leaf homoeop. cottage hospital. 
Edinburgh. Bowie, John. L. R. C.P. Edin. '66. L. R. C. S. Edin. '66. 
43 Lauriston-Place. 
Bryse, William, M. D. 31 Charlotte-Square. 2—3. 
Wolston, Walter J. P., M. D. M. R. C. S. Brixham '40. London '65. 
46 Charlotte -Square. 2—3. Diseases of the Nose, Throat and 
Ears. Phys. to the Edinb. homoeop. dispensary. 
Pottage, J. C, homoeop.. Chemist. 117 Princes- Street. 
Exet er. Woodgates, S., Henry, M. D. Glas. '63. Mona Lodge, Lyndhurst- 
Road. 12-2. 
Rendali, J., M., homoeop. Chemist. 28 Queen-Street. 
Folkestone. Churchill Samuel, M.D.Aberd. '49. 1 Cheriton-Terrace. 9—11. 
Giles, Fred. William, M. B. Durham '82. M. R. C. S. England '79. 

15 Trinity-Gardens. 9—10, 2—3. 
Murray, John, L. R. C P. L. R. C. S. L. M. Edin. 15 Trinity-Gardens. 
Glamorganshire. Bird, Ashley, M. R. C. S. England. Stanwell-Road. 
Glasgow. Calder A. Barclay, M. R. C. S. England '77. C. M. Edin. '77. 
21 Woodside-Place. Charing Gross. Until 10, 2-3. 
Cockburn, J., L. R. C. S. Edin. '55. 3 Margare t-Street. 
Cockbum, Samuel, M. D. L. R. C. S. E. Duns '23. Edinburgh '48. 

195 Bath-Street. 9—12. 
Hlirdy, James, E., M. D. 13 Albauy-Place. Charing Gross. 2—3. 
Lade, Georg, M. D. Glasgow '50. 353 Bath-Street. 
Miller, Robert, Gibson, M. B. C. M. Glasgow '62 — '84. 10 Newton- 

Place. 9—11, 1—3, 7-8. 
Huggins & Co. W. H., homeop. Chemists. 289 Sanchichall-Street. 
J. C. Pottage, homeop. Chemist. 47 St. Vincent-Street. 
John Spencer, homeop. Chemist. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Angleterre. — England. — Great-Britain, 17 

aranthani. Pope, Alfred, Crosby, M. D. Phil. M, D. (Hon.) New- York. 

M. ß. C. S. Watergate-Honse. 
Great Mal vern. , Drummond, John, M. R. C. S. Eng. L. R. C. P. Edin. 
Shenstone. . 
Johnson, Walter, M. B. Lond. '47. Hydrop. Etablishement. 
Guernsey. Webster, Normann, M. D. The Grange. 8V2— H- 
Arnold, homeop. Chemist.. Comjnercial Arcade. 
Webster, M. D. Homoeop. Chemist. 
Halifax. Ainlez, Daniel. M. R. G. S. L. M. Eng. '68. Edinb. '74. 
40 North-Parade. 9-10,3—4. 
Anderton, J., homoeop. Chemist. 31 Crown-Street. 
. Holden, J., homoeop. Chemist. Gibbet- Street. 
HampBtead. Day, John Roberson, M. D. M. R. C. S. L. R. C. P. 
London '56. — '81. —31 Netherhall- Gardens. 9— 9V2, 1-2. Spec: 
Anaethetist and children's diseases. Phys. to London homoeop. 
Hamslacle, Margate. Bums, Alfr. Hugh. L. S. A. Irel. L. R. C. Hyder- 

abäd '54. London '85. Sweyn-Road. 9—11, 5—7. 
Hanley. Tirrell, J., homoeop. Chemist. Market-Square. 
Harrogate. Roberts, Arthur, M. D. St. And. M. R. C. S. Eng. L. S. A. 

D. P. H, Kingswood-House, Princess- Square. 
Hastings. Longh, George John. L. R. C. P. J. L. M. 35 Wellington- 
Square. Assist, surgeon to the Buchanan cottage hospital and Assist. 
Ophthalmie surgeon to the Hastings and St. Leonh. homoeop. dispensary. 
Marriot Co., E., homoeop. Chemist. Havelock-Road. 
Snowden, R., homoeop. Chemist. 37 White-Rock. 
Huddersfield. Scott, Will., M. D. Edin. L. R. C. S. '60. Melbourne- 
House. 2-3, 6-8. 
Waite, B., homoeop. Chemist. John William- Street. 
Hüll. Fräser, Evan, L. R C. S. Edin. '57. — 3 Brunswick-Terrace. 
Pybum, James, M. D. St. And. '61. L. R. C. P. London '61. M. R. C. S. 
Eng. '60. — 73 Wright- Street, Prospect-Street. 9—11, 2-3, 6—7. 
Wilson, Thomas, M. D. St. And. Laurel villa, Withernsea. Mond., 

Wed. and Sat. 10-11. 
Dixoh, J., homoeop. Chemist. 3 Whitefriar Gate. 
Ipswich. Roche, WiUiam, L. R. C. P. J. L. M. M. R. C. S. Eng. 
38 Bemer-Street. üntil 9, 1 Va— 3 except. Wednesday. 
E. Clifton, Cornhill. 
Kent. The Philipps memorial hospital. 
Landport. Morris, J. R., hom. Chemist. 
Lancashire. Pinlay, John Thomas, L. R. C. P. L. R. C. S. L. M. Edin. 

It. A. H. L. M. Dublin. Greystone-House, Rawtenstall. 
Leamington. Cay, Charles Vidier, M. D. St. And. '65. 37 Lansdowne 
eres Cent 
Collins, Charl. Phü., M. D. Clev. M. R. C. S. Eng. L. R. C. P. London. 

Norham Lodge. 
Leath, Woolcott, homoeop. Chemist. 44 Upper Parade. 
Leeds. Burnett, F. W. L. K. Q. C. P. J. '86. — 47 Wordhouse lane. 
IOV2-I2V21 5-8. 
Cläre, William. M. R. C. S. Eng. '56. LR. C. P. Edin '69. L L D. 

28 Park-Square. Until 9, 3-7. 
Green, Albert Smith, L. R. C. P. L. M. L. R. C. S. L. M. Edin. '76. 

133 North-Street. 9-10, 6-7. 
Ramsbotham, S. H., M. D. 16 Park-Place. üntil 9 and 3 p. m. Tuesd. 

and Sat. 
Stacey, Herbert Gleeson, M. D. 28 Park-Square. Until 9, 3—7. 
Burnett, F., homoeop. Chemist. 45 Woodhouse Lane. 
Hayes, F., homoeop. Chemist. 13 Woodhouse Lane. 
Leicester. Bremner, Alex. Tratman. L. R. C. P. Edin. '76. L. R. C. S. 
Edin. '76. Titchbome-Street. Market Harboro every Tuesd. at 3 - 7. 
. Bowling Green-Street 9—10, 6—7. 

Homöopathisches Jahrbuch. Band II. 2 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

18 Angleterre. — England. — Great-Britain. 

Leicester. Clifton, George. L. R. C. P. Edin. and L. M. 70. L. F. 

P. 8. 48 London-Road. Before 9 and after 6 p. m. 
Maton, Henry, M. D. C. M. Glasg. M. R. C. S. Eng, 73 Welford-Road. 
Burford, G., horaoeop. Chemist 41 V9 Granby-Street. 
Burford & Son, homoeop. Chemists. Haiford- Street. 
Lewisham (Kent). Rowan, Andrew, M. D. Erlangen. L. R. C.P. Edin. '64. 

L. F. P. 8. Glasg. '64. L. 8. A. Lond. '64. 35 High-Street. 9— lO. 

Liverpool. Capper, Edmund, M. D. C. M. Edinb. 90 Queens -Road, 

Everton. Senior Stipendiary medical officer to the North homoeop. 

Diysdale, John, M. D. Edin. '38. 36a Rodney- Street. 9-11, 2—3. 
Elfis, John William, M. B. M. B. Vict. L. R. 0. P. L. R. C. Ö. Don- 

caster '57. Edinburgh '81. 18 Rodney-Street. 9—11,2-3. Spec. : 

Diseases of nervous System. 
Gordon, John Newsland, M. B. C. M. Aberd. 70 Upper Parliament- 

8treet. Ophthalmie snrgeon to the Hahnemann hospital. 
Hawkes, Alfred Edward, M. D. L. R. C. P. L. M. L. R. C. 8. Guils- 

borough '49. Edinb. '72, Bruxelles '86. 22 Abercromby - Square. 

9—11, 2—3. Spec. Gynaecology phys. to Lond. homoeop. hospital. 
Hayward, Ch. WiU., M. D. C. M. Edin. 117 Grove - Street. 9-11, 

2—3, 6— 7V2. Assist surgeon to the throat nose and ear Department 

Hahnemann hospital. 
Hayward, John Davey, M. D. London '83. 16 Prince's Aven. Sur- 

feon to the Hahnemann hospital. 
son, Edm. Lord, M. R. C. S. Eng. '50. 19 Falkner-Square. 9—12 

and after 6. 
Manhony, Edw., M. R. C. S. Eng. L. S. A. 30 Huskisson - Street. 

Hon. med. officer to the Hahnemann hospital Liverpool. 
Moore, John Murray, M. D. C. M. L. M. Edinb. M. R. C. S. England. 

Liverpool '43. London '65. 51 Canning-Street. 9—11, 2—3, after 7. 

jSund. 9—11. Mondays in New-Brighton 95 Victoria -Road. 4—6. 

Officer to the Hahnemann hospital of Liverpool. 
Rowbotham, Arthur Joseph, M. R. C. S. Newille-Road off South-Road, 

Waterloo. 2—3, 7-8. 
Simpson, Thomas, M. D. St. And. M. R. C. S. En^. 10 Crosby-Road, 

Waterloo. Phys. to the Hahnemann hospital Liverpool and to the 

Bootle homoeop. dispensary. 
Smith, Robert Gordon, M. B. C. M. Aberd. 164 Upper Parliament-Street. 

Phys. to the Hahnemann hospital Liverpool. 
Stuart, Peter, L. R. C. P. L. R. C. S. Edin. L. M. 36a Rodney- 
Street. Assistant phys. to the Hahnemann hospital Liverpool. 
Thomas, Bemard, M. B. C. M. Edinb. '91. 40 Oxford- Street. 1—2, 

Wilde, Rowland Stanley, M. B. CM. Edin. Hope-Street. Resident 

Med. officer to the Hahnemann hospital Liverpool. 
Williams, Lemnel Edward. Liverpool. London '76. 62 Spellow liane, 

58 Roscommon-Street. 9—11, 2—3. Spec. : Skin. 
Davies, R., homoeop. Chemist. 64 Pembroke-Place. 
Marples, J., homoeop. Chemist. 23 Leece-Street. 
Thompson & Capper, homoeop. Chemists. 55 Bold-Street, 4 Lord-Street 

and 21 Rodney-Street. 
The Bootle homoeop. dispensary. 
Hahnemann. hospital. 
The North homoeop. dispensary. 
Llandudno. Thomas, Henry, M. D. Chesbr. '32. Philad. 12 Nevill 

Crescent. 10—11. Resid. phys. to the Leandudno hydrop. dispensary. 
London. AUshorn, Ad. H , L. R. C. P. Edin. '65. L. R. C. S. Edin. '65. 

L M. Edin. '66. 90 Dalston-Cane N. 9—11, except. Wednesd. 

and 5—7. 
Ayerst, William E., M. R. C. S. 4 Mandeville-Place, Portmann-Square W. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Angleterre. — England. — Great-Britain. 19 

London. Bellis, Edward, L. R. C. P. L. R. C. S. L. M. J. L. A. 

H. Dub. 4 Addison -Terrace, Nothing -Hill. Phys. to the home 

for invalids. 
Bennett» Henry, L. R. S. P. L. R. C. S. L. A. A. Dublin '83. 

Edinburgh '84. Lowine-Place 323. HoUoway-Road W. 9 - lOVa M., 

W. and Fr. 6—8. 
Berridge, Edw. Will., M. D. England '44. London '67. — 48 Sussex- 

G^ardens, Hyde-Park. 10—3. 
Blackley, John Galley, M. B. London. M. R. 0. S. 2 Gordon-Street, 

Gordon -Square W. 0. At home 12—2. Senior -Phys. for dis. of 

the skin to the London homoeop. hosp. 
Blake, Edward Thomas, M. D. M. R. 0. S. Tannton '42. Aber- 

deen '72. Berkely Mansions, 64 Seymour St. Hyde-Park. Spec: 

Blyth, WüHam Francis, L. R. C. P. L. R. 0. S. L. M. Edin. 97 Ap- 

proach-Road, Victoria-Park N. E. 
Bradshaw, Wüliam, M. D. Aberd. '54. — 122 Holland -Road W. 

üntil 2 p. m. 
Brown, David Dyee, M. A. M. D. C. M. Banffshire '40. Aber- 

deen '63. — 29 Seymour - Street W., Portmann -Square. 11—2. 

Cons. phys. to the Lond. homoeop. hosp. 
Buchanan, John, M. D. 0. M. Glasg. M. R. C. S. Eng. 49 Stan- 

hope-Gardens, Queens-Gale. 
Bück, Alfred H., M. D. Brux '87. — 77 Camden-Road N. W. At 

home 9—11. Tuesd., Thursd. and Saturd. 7-9 p. m. 
Burford, George, M. B. C. M. Aberd. 20 Queen- Anne-Street, Cavendish- 

Square. Phys. to the gynaecological depart. Lond. homoeop. hosp. 
Bumett, James, Comp ton Finsbury Circus E. C. Mond., Wednesd. 

and Frid. 11—2. 
Burwood, Thomas Wesley, Strathmore, Florence - Road, EalingW. At 

home until 11 on Tuesd., Thursd. and Saturday. 
Cameron, George, Feuton, M. D. Edin. '45. 1 Wyndham-Place, Bryans- 

ton- Square W. 
Cameron, Hugh., ret. from practice. 62 Redcliffe- Square €.W. 
Carfrae, George, Mann, M. D. Edinb. 4 Hertford-Street, Mayfair W. 

Con. phys. to the Lond. homoeop. hosp. 12 — IVa- 
Clarke, John Henry, M. D. Edinb. '77. 30 Clarges- Street. Phys. to 

the London homoeop. hosp. üntil 10, 12Va— 2. 
Cox, Will, Spencer j M. R. C. S. Eng. L. R. C. P. Lond. 5 Campden- 

HiU-Road. Kensington W. Assist. London homoeop. hosp. 
Cronin, Eng. Francis., M. D. St. And. Old Manor-House. Clapham 

ComnonS. W. 9-1. 
Crowther, Will. Hard., L. F. P. 8. Glas, and L. M. '80. 148 South- 

ampton-Row. Russel-Square S. W. 12—2. 
Cooper, Gobert Thomas, M. D. 30 George-Street W. Hononer-Square. 

11—2. Spec: Ear diseases. Phys. dis. of the ear Lond. homoeop. hosp. 
Cutmore. Charl. Rieh., M. R. C. S. and L. M. '58. 52 Warwich- Gardens. 

Kensington W. Until 11, 1—2 and after 8. 
Day, John Climenson, M. D. 121 Camden-Road N. W. 6—9. 
Day, J. Robertson, M. D. 31 Netherhall -Gardens, Hamp-Stead N.W. 

Assist, phys. to Lond. homoeop. hospital. Until 11. 
Dixon, J. Browne, M. D. Pens. '59. — 51 Lauriston-Road, South- 

Hackney E. 9-12. 
Dixon, Jacob, L. R. C. P. Edin. '42. L. S. A. Lond. '27. 49 Chetwynd- 

Road, Dartmonth-Park. 
Dudgeon, Robert Ellis, M. D. L. R. C. S. Edinb. '20. — '41. — 

53 Montagn-Square W. Until 10, 12 V^— 2. Cons. phys. to the Lond. 

homoeop. hospital. 
Epps., Washington, L. R. C. P. L. M. Edin. M. R. C. S. Eng. 

89 Great Rusell-Street Bloomsbury. Assist, phys. to London homoeop. 

Fermie, Will. Thomas, M. D. Durham. 51 Seymour- Street W. 


Digitized by LjOOQIC 

20 Ängleterre. — England. — Great-firitaiü. 

London. Foster, Joseph, M. D. 129 Backingham-Palftce, Road Victoria. 
Goldsbrough, Giles Ed., M. D. C. M. 60 Coldharbour Lane. S. E. 

Aberd. before 10, l-^% 
Gonld, Edw. Gardiner, L. R. C. P. J. 76. Woodlawn Leigham Coart- 

Road Streatham S. W. Before 10, 1—27«. 
Green, Vincent, M. D. London 70. Edinburgh '92. 10 The Common 

Ealing W. 11—2. Spec: Surgery. 
Gutteridge, Richard Sandon, M. D. 58 Brook-Street, Grosvenor Sg. AV. 

Hall, Edgar Atheling, M. B. C. M. Edinb. Laurel -Villa , Victoria- 

Road, Surbiton. fhys. to snrbiton, kingston and norbiton homoeop. 

Hamilton, Edw., M. D. St. And. 16 Cromwell-Place S. W. 
Hanner, R., M. D. Glasgow '53. Court Lodge, Richmond. Surrey and 

43 Bemers- Street, Oxford- Street W. At home until 11 and at 

London 12—2. 
Harper, James Peddie, M. D. Edin. 43 Hertford-Street, Mayfair W. 

Harris, Henry, M. D. M. R. C. of S. 111 Denmark-Hill. 44 Dispensary. 

üntil 10 and at 2. 
Heath, Edward Alfred, M. D. Devonshire '39. Philadelphia '90. — 

114 Ebury-Street S. W. 9—10, 2-4. 
Henderson, Thomas Mowbray, M. D. Glasg. 425 Miie Endroad. Bow. E, 

üntil 12 Va. 
Herring, Georg, L. S. A. Lond. L. F. P. S. Glasg. 193 Junction- 

Road N. 10-12, 6-8. 
Jagielski, A. Victor, M. D. 54 Jork-Terrace, Regent's - Park W. Phys. 

to the infirmary for consumption, Margaret-Street. 
Jronside, Rob. Adrian, M. B. C. M. 8 Highbury New- Park N. üntil 10, 

I-2V2, 6-8. 
Kennedy, Samuel, F. R. C. S. L. R. C. P. Edin. '77. — 16 Montpelier- 

Row, Blackheath. 9— 10V2- 
Kennedy, Samuel Arthur Stoddard, L. R. C. P. L. R. C. S. L. M. 

Edin. 77. — 16 Montpelier-Row, Blackheath S. E. 9-IOV2. 
Lang, Henry Charles, M. D. Brax '77. — 41 Bemers-Street. IOV2— 2. 
Lyschinski, Adam, M. D. Edin. '37. — 28 ßloomfield-Road, Shepherd's 

Bush W. 
Mc. Killiam, Robert, M. D. C. M. Aberd. 1 Bennett-Park S. E. 
Marsdeu, James, Loftus, M. D. L. R. C. P. Edin. '84. — '37.— 

29 Grosvenor-Street, Groso-Square W. 
Marsh, Th. Ch., L. R. C. P. Eiiin. M. R. C. S. Eng. L. M. 56 Fitz- 
roy -Street, Fitzroy - Square. Assist, phys. to the London homoeop. 

hospital and visiting phys. to the Margaret-Street infirmary for 

diseases of the ehest and throat. 
Matheson, Duncan, L. R. C. P. Edin. '64. L. F. P. S. Glas. '59. — 

4 Gran ville- Place, Portman-Square Until 10, 12—2. 
Moir, Byres, M. D. C. M. Edin 16 Upper Wimpole-Street. Phys. to 

the Lond. homoeop. hospital. 
Moore, Georg, M. D. St. And. '61. — 3 Hertford-Street, Mayfair W. 

Morrish, Will, M. B. 0. M. Aberd. 87 Denmark-HiU-Camberwell. 
Morrison, Stammens, M. D. Phü. M. R. C. S. Eng. L. R. C. P. Lond. 

L. M. Grafton House, Clapham Common S. W. 
NankiveU, Frank, M. D. C. M. Edin. M. R. C. S. Eng. 60 Kirkdale, 

Sydenham S. E. 
Neatby, Edw. Awdas, M. D. Brux. L. R. C. P. Lond. M. R. 0. 8. Eng. 

161 Haverstock-Hill N. W. Assist, phys. to the London homoeop. 

' Neatby, Thomas, M. D. St. And. M. R. C. S. '61. — 29 Thurlow-Road, 

Newbery, W. Fred. Hoyle, M. D. C. M. Edin. M. R. C. S. Eng. 

X09 Cazenove-Road, Stoke Newington N. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

ADgleterre. — England. — Great-Britain, 21 

London. Noble, James Black, M. R. C. S. Eng. L. R. C. P. L. M. 

Edin. 167 Kennington-Park, Road S. E. 
Powell, Alfr. John, M. R. C. S. M. D. London ? — '59, Erlangen '60. 

Sewardstone Lees, Anerley-Road S. E. 
PuUar, Alfr., M. D. Pesth '43. Edinb. '66. Resid.: 78 Benlah-Hill. 

Office: 25 Sommerset-Street, Portmann- Square W. 12—4. Spec: 

C/lil*onic diseases 
Renner, Charles, M. D. Würzburg. L. R. C. P. Lond. M. R. C. S. 

Eng. 186 Marylebone Road N. W. 
. Reynolds , Edw. Rob. Bradley, M. R. C. S. Eng. '63. 8 Highbury 

New-Park, Islington N. UV«— 1. 
Roberts, Arth., M. D. D. P. H. L. S. A. R. C. S. Rochdall '48. 

Andrews '89.' Kingswood - Home, Princess - Square. II — 1. Spec: 

Cancer diseases. Phys. to the child. san. homoeop. 
Roth, Mathias, M. D. Pavia. 48 Wimpole-Street W. 
Rowse, Edward Leop., L. R. C. P. Lond. M. R. C. S. Eng. London 

homoeop. hospital, Great Ormond - Street W. S. Senior - Resident 

medical officer to the London homoeop. hospital. 
Sandberg, Arth. Gregory, M. D. Verm. L. R. C. P. L. R. C. S. 

L. M. Edin. 151 Brixton-ffiU S. W. 
Shackleton, Henry, M. D. '84. M. R. C. S. Eng. L. M. K. Q. C. P. 

J. '84. L. M. Dub. '84. 12 West-Hill, Sydenham S. E. 2-3. 
Shaw, Charl. Thomas, L. R. 0. P. Lond., M. R. C. S. Eng. Snrg. 

and ophth. snrg. to the Lond. homoeop. hosp. St. Leonards. Ophth. 

surgeon to the Hastings and St. Leonards homoeop. disp. Cons. surgeon 

to the Tunbridge Wells homoeop. hosp. 19 Upper Wimpole-Street. W. 
Shuedmann, Ed., M. B. Dub. M. R, C. S. M. A. Oxon. Elmstead, 

Carlton-Road, Pytney. 12—3. 
Skimer, Thomas, M. D. Edinburgh "25. St. Andrews '57. Office: 

25 Somerset -Street W. Mond., Wednesd., Frid. 11—4. Spec: 

Diseases of women and chronic diseases. 
Smith, Gerard, M. R. C. S. Eng. Craigholm, Upper Clapton N. E. 
Smith, WiU. Rob., L. F. P. S. Ont M. C. P. S. Ont '83. L. S. A. 

Lond. 407 Mile End-Road E. 10—12. 
Smith, Stephens Francis, L. R. C. P. L. M. Edin. "81. L. S. A. 

Lond. '75. M: 0. P. S. Ont. 309 HoUoway-Road N. 10—12. 
Sttss-Hahnemann, Friedr. Leop. Rob., M. D. Germany '26. Leipzig '51 

14 Highbury-Crescent N Spec: Diseases of children and ladies. 
Tuckey, Charl. Lloyd, M. B. C. M. Aber. M. D. Aberd.'84. 14 Green- 

Street, Grosvenor-Square W. Before 10, 12—2. 
üssher, Henry. B. A. Dub. '54. M. B. Dub. '57. L. R. C. S. Edin. 

and L. M. 57. Lome- Villa Geraldine-Road, East-Hill, Waridsworth 

8. W. Before 11, 2—3. 
Wallace, Rieh., L. R. 0. P. Edin. L. M. Eng. 35 High -Street, 

Clapham S. W. Before 10 and at 3 p. m. except Mond, and Frid. 

and from 7—8 Wednesd. 
de Noe- Walker, Arth., M. D. M. R. C. S. Florence '20. London '57. 

24 Carlyle-Square. 11-2. 
Watson, Charl. George, L. R. C. S. Irel. L. K. Q. C. P. Irel. and L. 

M. '59. 2 Arlin^n-Park-Lodge, Gunnersbury W. 9—11, after 

7 p. m. 
Watts, Charl. Fred., M. R. C. S. Eng. Thames Ditton S. W. 9—10. 
Williams, Alb , M. D. Aberd. '72. — 60 Kirkdale, Sydenham, Rose- 

Lawn S. E. Until 11. 
Withinshaw, Charl. Wesley, L. R. C. P. L. R. C S. Edin. L. M. 

61 Upper Tooting-Road S. W. 
Wood, H. Thobold, M. R. C. S. Eng. 86 Seymour- Street W. 2—4. 
Yeldham, Stephan, M. R. 0. S. Eng. L. R. C. P. Edin. Highfield- 

House, St. Nicholas-Road, Upper Tooting S. W. Cons. surgeon to 

the Lond. homoeop. hospital. 
Allen and Hanburys, homoeop. Chemist. Plough- Court-Lombard- Str. E. C. 
AUshom Co., homoeop. Chemist. Dalston 7, Dalston Laue E. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

22 Angleterre. — England. — Great-Britain. 

London. Allshom, Fred., hoinoeop. Chenüst. 51 Edgenware-Road IV. 
Ashton & Parsons, homoeop. Chemists. 1 9 Wormwood- Street and 30 Bishop- 
gate St. Whitout. 
Annbrecht, Nelson Co. 23 Duke-Street, Grosvenor-Sqnare IV. 
Baily, John, homoeop. Chemist. Harapstead, Hill-Gardens N. W. 
Brückmann, Otto, homoeop. Chemist. Fenchurch-Street 84. 
Butcher, W., homoeop. Chemist. 315 Regent-Street 
Butcher & Co., W., homoeop. Chemists. 9 Spencer-Place, Blackheath. 
Carmen & Co. 278 Clapham-Road S. W. 
Caceley, T., homoeop. Chemist. 46 Cainden-Road N. W. 
Charity, W., homoeop. Chemist. 101 Leadenhall- Street. 
Clayton, Georg, 315 Regent-Street W. 
Davison, E., homoeop. Chemist. 33 Bnjshfield- Street E. C. 
Dixon, J ., homoeop. Chemist. Burdett Road, Mil End. E. 
Epps & Co , homoeop. Chemists. 170 Picadilly W. 
Epps & Co., James, homoeop. Chemists. 48 Threadneedle-Street E. C. 
Epps, F., homoeop. Chemist. 112 Great-Russel- Street. 
Field, A. W., homoeop. Chemist. 3 Victoria-Building. 
Grimwade, Ridley & Co., homoeop. Chemists, 
Grosscnrth & Luboldt, homoeop. Chemists. 21 Mincing-Lane E. C. 
E. Gould & Son, homoeop. Chemists. 59 Moorgate-Street E. C. 
Hart, A., homoeop. Chemist. 5 a Sloaw-Street and 66 High St. Putney. 
Heath, N., homoeop, Chemist. 114 Ebury-Street. Pimlico S. W. 
Keene & Ashwell, homoeop. Chemists. 74 New- Bond- Street W. 
Keene & AshweU, homoeop. Chemists. 68 Fulham-Road, South-Kensing- 

ton S. W. 
Learle, F. W., homoeop. Chemist. 44 Hampstead Hill Gardens N. W. 
Leath and Ross, homoeop. Chemists. 9 Veve-Street W. 
Leath and Ross, homoeop. Chemists. 5 St. Paul's Churchyard E. C. 
Lennon & Co., B. G., homoeop. Chemists. 54 Holborn- Viadiict E. C. 
Lewis, S., homoeop. Chemist. Newington. 122 Caussenway S. E. 
Martin, W. L., homoeop. Chemist. 381 Mare Street, St. Hackney. 
eckenden, J., homoeop. Chemist. 155 High-Street, Notting Hill. 
Poud, B., homoeop. Chemist. The paviment brixton Rix and 6 the 

paviment Clapham. 
Robert & Co , homoeop. Chemists. 76 Bond-Street. 
Sunmann, J. T., homoeop. Chemist. 37 Wellington- Street. 
Steward, homoeop. Chemist. 100 Kirkdale, Sydenham S. E. 
Walker & Märten, homoeop. Chemists. 55 Maddox- Street. 
White & Co., homoeop. Chemists. 20 Bishops-Road. 
Zimmermann, A. & M.. homoeop. Chemists. 21 Mincing-Lane E. C. 
The British homoeop. society. Blackheath S. E., 9 Spencer-Place. 
The homoeop. League, Mr. M. Laurie. 16 Blandford-Square N. W. 
The home for Invalids. 
The London homoeop. hospital. 

The monthly homoeop. review, Dr. Dyce Brown. 12. — 12 sh. 
The homoeop. World, Dr. Clarke. 12. 8 sh. 
The homoeop. Publishing Company. Warwick-Square. 
Maidstone. Johnston, John, M. R. C. S. Eng. *71. 17 Ashford-Road. 

9_10, 3-4. . 
Malvern. Hill, James, homoeop. Chemist. Beauchamp-Terrace. 
Manchester. Arnold, Frangois Sorell, B. A. M. B. B. M. M. R. C. S. 

L. S. A. DubUn '60. London '86. Oxford '87. 332 Oxford -Road. 

Blackley, Charles Harnson, M.D. Bruxelles. Amside-House, Old Trafford 

Stretford-Road. 3— -4 at home and at 9 King- Street. 1— 2V2- 
Coghlam, W. B., M. D. Doublin '68. — 325 Oxford-Street. üntil 9V2, 

Cox, Rieh. Percy, M. D. C. M. Edin. 2 Lime Grove, Oxford -Road. 
Mathews, Thomas, Lowther, M. D. Glas. 92 Oxford-Street. 
Meek, Will. Ambler, M. B. C. M. Edin. 256 Oxford-Road. 
Moir, Douglas, M. D. Aberd. 333 Oxford-Road. 2—4. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Angleterre. — England. — Great-Britain. 23 

Manchester. Per^ins, Edw., L. R. C. P. L. M. Edin. '68, M. R. C. 

S. '69. — 194 Oxford-Road. 9-10, 3—4, 7—8. 
Rayner, Thomas, M. D. St. And. 256 Oxford-Road and 116 Portiand- 

Street. 9-10, 2—3. 
Williams, Arthur Llewellen, L. R. C. P. Edin. L. M. 127 Moss-Lane. 
Bury, John, homoeop. Chemist. 9 King-Street. 
Darling, W., homoeop. Chemist. 126 Oxford-Street. 
Pollard, J., homoeop. Chemist. Exchange- Arcade. 
Thompson & Capper, homoeop. Chemists. 51 Picadill. 39 Deansgate. 
Wild, F., homoeop. Chemist. 299 Oxford-Street. 
The Manchester society of homoeop. Phys. 
Margate. Burns, Alfred Hugh , L. R. C. P. J. J. S. A. London. Hams- 

lade, Sweyn-Road. 
Baily, T., homoeop. Chemist. 26 Ethelbert-Road. 
Newcastle on Tyne. Eaton, H. Arnold, M. B. C. M. '62. Edinb. '88. 

2 Eldon-Square. 9—10, 2—3. Lateral ciirvature. 
Hamilton, John, L. R. C. P. Edin. L F. P. S. Olasg. 16 Eldon - Square. 

9-10, 3-4. 
Kennedy, Will. Adam, M. B. Durk. L. R. C. P. Lond. M. R. C. S. Engl. 

2 Eldon-Square. 9—10, 5-6. 
Ritson & Glover, homoeop. Chemists. 30 and 32 Blackett-Street. 
Norfolk. Reed, Roh. Rhoder, M. D. Clev. M. R. 0. S. Eng. Market- 

Square, Lynn Regis. 
JSTorthhampton. CJifton, Arthur Crowen, M. D. N. S. '77. M. R. C. S. 

65 Abington-Street. Phys. to the Northhamp. homoeop. dispensary. 

12—2 except Friday. 
Wükinson, Alfred George, M. R. C. S. Eng. L. S. A. 28 Newland. 
Berry, homoeop. Chemist. 
Gowdery, homoeop. Chemist. 
The Northhamp ton homoep. dispensary. 
Nor wich. Roche, Eleazer Birch, L. R. C. P. Lond. M. R. C. S. Eng. 

L. M. Surrey-Street. Until 10,^2—3, 672-7. 
Roche, John, M. D. '37. — 78 St. Stephens-Road. 9—10, IV2— 3. 
Füller & Co., homoeop. Chemists. Rampant Horse- Street. 
Nottingham. Brooks, Samuel Bre wer, L. R. C. P. Edin. '68. L.F.P.S. 

Glasg. '68. M. R. C. S. '69. — 25 Peachey-Terrace , Mansfield-Road. 

Abbot, J., homoeop. Chemist. Triar-Lane, Market-Place. 
Stevenson, John J., homoeop. Chemist. 29 Pelham- Street. 
Wallis, W., homoeop. Chemist. 1 Goosegate. 
Oxford. Guinness, Arthur, M. D. Acacia-Lodge. 9— lOVa? 2Va— 3Va- 

Phys. to the Oxford homoeop. dispensary. 
Mc Lachlan, John, M. D. C. M. B. L. 8. A. F. R. C. S. Aberdeen '55. 

London '89. — 38 Beaumont-Street. 10—11, 2—3. 
Jessop, J. H., homoeop. Chemist. 140 High- Street. 
The Oxford homoeop. dispensary. 
Plymouth. Alexander, Archibald Spiers, M. D. C. M. Glasgow. 6 Sussex- 

Terrace. Before 10, 2—3. Phys. to the Devon and Coinw. homoeop. 

Reed, Will. Cash., M. D. Edin. '80. — 8 Queen Anne-Terrace. 3-4. Phys. 

to the Devon and Cornwall homoeop. dispensary and cottage hospital. 
Vawdrey, Theophilus Glascott, L. R. C. P. M. R. 0. S. Comwell '50. 

London '74. 4 Buckland-Terrace. 2—3, 6—8. S. 9—10. Spec. : 

Orificial Surgery. Surgeon to the cottage hospital. 
Foster, F. H., homoeop. Chemist. 2 Bank of England-Place. 
Devon and Cornwall homoeop. dispensary and cottage hospital. 
Portsmouth. Denham, William Hempson, M. K. C. S. '29. L. S. A. '28. 

Southsea. . 
Ramsgate. Hawkes, Edw., John. L. R. C. P. L. R. C. S. L. M. Edin. 

4 West Cliff-Road. Until 10, IVa-SV^. 
Rawtenstall (near Manch.) Finlay, John, Thomas. L. R. C. P. L. R. C. S. 

L. M. Edin. '82. Greystone-House. 9-972,2—3. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

24 Angleterre. — Englnnd. — Great-Britain. 

Reading. Jones, James, M D. Edin. Holybrook - House , Castle - Street. 
Phys. to the Eead. and Berkshire homoeop. hospital. 
Graft, J. 24 London-Street. 
Graft, J., homoeop. ('hemist. 
The Reading and Berkshire homoeop. hospital. 
Reigate. Gilbert, Sydney, L. R. C. P. L. A. H. L. M. England 'ö3. 
Edinburgh '79. Roseneath. Before 10. 
Markham, J., homoeop. Ohemist. Market-Place. 
Roch dal e. Hayle, Thomas, Hahnemann. M. B. Newcastle on Tyne '55. 
London '79. — 154 Drake-Street 4-5, 8-9. 
Steinthal, Walter, Oliver. L. R. C. P. Lond. M. R. C. S. Eng. L. S. JL. 

128 Tweedale-Street. 
Sudgen, S., homoeop. Chemist 19 Drake-Street. 
Ryde (Isle of Wight). Hastings, Hugh, M. D. Jena. Lansdown-House. 
. 9-10, .2-3. 
Gould, X, homoeop. Chemist. 130 High-Street. 
Salop. Wellington, W. Smith, homoeop. Chemist. 

Scarborongh (Yorks). Flint,Fred., M.D. 8 Ramshill-Road. 9-10,3—4. 
. Middleton, James Gowing, M. B. 0. M. Aberd. The Elms, Vemon- 
Place. 9—10, 3—4. 
Roos, Alfred, L. R. C. S. L. K. 0. C. P. L. M. Dublin ^61. Dublin '84. 
The Elnis Vernor-Place. 9—10, 2-4. Med. officer Scarb. homoeop. 
Foster, F., homoeop. Chemist. 29 E. S. Nicholas-Street. 
S h e f f ie Id. . Blake, Joseph Nicholson, M. R. C. S. '61. 6 St. George-Square. 

Until 9V2, IV2-2V2, 6-8. 
. Chalmers, A. C, M. D. Edinb. '48. — 305 Glossop-Road. 3—5. 
Clifton, Fred. W., M. R. C. S. Eng. '81. L. R. C. P. and L. M. 

Edin. '82 — 348 Glossop-Road. 3-5. 
Brown, homoeop. Chemist. Church- Street. 
Dufty, J., homoeop. Chemist. West- Street. 
Thompson & Capper, homoeop. ,Chemists. 
Somerset Vemon, Edward, M. R. C. S. Eng. '53. M. D. U. S. 70. 

L. K. Q. C. P. J. '82. Kingston Jewil. Before 10, 2—3. 
Southampton. Staucomb, Ernest Henry Murly, M. B. C. M. Edin. 
2 Lower Moira-Place. 
Rendall, C, homoeop. Chemist. 52 Above Bar. 
Southport. Blumberg, Henry, M. D. Prag '55. L. R. C. P. Lond. 
Warley-House, Duke-Street. Phys. to the North of Engl. Children's 
Harvey, Charl. Tysoe, M. R. C. S. Eng. '48. L. K. Q. C. P. Irel. '60. 

42 Hoghton-Street. 2-4. 
Stopford, Robert, L. R. C. P. J. L. M. 75 Hoghton-Street. Phys. to 

the North of England Child Sanatorium. 
Storrar, Will. Morrison, L. R. C. P. L. R. C. S. Edin. L. M. Surgeon 

to the North of England Child. Sanatorium. Hoghton-Street 37. 
Gillett, Joseph, homoeop. Chemist. 10 Neville-Street. 
The North of England Children's Sanatorium. 
Southsea. Alexander, Samuel Phü., M. B. M.D. Glas. '85. M. R. C. S. 

London '85. Tecmuseh-House, Kent-Road. 
Stafford. Marson, James, homoeop. Chemist. Greengate. 
St. Leonhards-on-Sea. Croucher, Alex. Richard, M. D M. R. C. S. E. 
L. S. A. L. M. London '36. London and St. Andrews '57/58. — 
26 Grand Parade. 9—11, 2—3. Phys. to the Hast, homoeop. hospital. 
Shaw, Frank Herbert , M. R. C. S. Eng. 33 Warrior-Square. Surgeon 
to the Buchanan Cottage hospital and to the Hastings and St. Leon- 
hards homoeop. dispensary. 
Marriott Co., E., homoeop. Chemist. 67 London-Road. 
The Hastings and St. Leonards dispensary. 
Stockport. Orton, homoeop. Chemist. 

Ätoke upon Trent. Craig, John, L. R. C. P. Edin. '67. Shelton-House. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Angleterre. — England. — Great-Britain. 36 

Stoke upon Trent. Mitchell, John James, L. R. 0. P. Lond. M. R. C. 

S. Eng. 1 Howard -Place. 
Sunderland. Potts, Jolin, M. R. C. S. Eng. and L. S. A. '36: Park- 
Terrace. 10-11, 6—7. 
Hill, F., homoeop. Ohemist. 45 Villiers- Street. 
Surbiton. The Surbiton homoeop. dispensary. 

Surrey. Cook, Ed. AUeyne, Ph. D. Warbnrg L. R. C. P. L. R C. S, 
Edin. L. F. P. S. Glasg. Horkesley, Sheen-Park Richmond. Assist. 
Lond. homoeop. hospital. 
Cook, Henry W., M. B. B. S. Durham. Horkesley, Sheen-Park, 
Taunton. Wallis, Rieh. Stephen. Chesnut-House, Mount-Street. 9— IOV2, 
Field, W. C, homoeop. Chemist. 43 North-Street. 
Torquay. Cash, Alfr. Midgley, M. D. Edin. 76. Limefield, Falkland- 
Road. Phys. to Torq. homoeop. -dispensary. Surgeon to the in- 
i curable hospital for children. 

' . EdgeloW, Wül. Ferd., M. D. 4 The Birklands Babbicombe-Road. 1-3. 
GilTow, WilUam, M. R. C. S. '48. Stapleton. 10—11. 
Mackintosh, Charles Hills, M. D. ßt. And. Ext. L. R. C. P. London 

M. R. C. S. Eng. L. S. A. Morden-HaU. 
Rendall, J. M., homoeop. Chemist. 70 Fleet-Street. 
The Torquay homoeop. dispensary. 
Tunbridge Wells. Capper Percy, M. B. CM. Edinb. 18 Mouson-Road. 
Neild, Fred., M. D. C. M. Edin. L R. C. P. Edin. Belvedere-5ouse. 

Phys. to the Tunbridge Wells homoeop. hospital and dispensary. 
Pincott, James Cole, M. R. C. S. E. L. R. C. P. L. M. Edin. Cal- 
verley-Parade. Surgeon to the Tunbridge Wells homoeop. hospital 
Äud dispensary. 
Cheverton, George. The Broadway. 
The Tunbridge Wells homoeop. hospital and dispensary. 
Yentnor. Stonham, Thomas, George., M. D. Lond. M. R. C. S. Eng. 

Claremont, Belgrave-Road. 
Wakefield. Greig, William. M. B. C. M. Edin. 4 St. Johns terrace. 
9—10, 3-4. 
de Trosier, J., homoeop. Chemist. Southgate. 
West Brighton. Belcher, Henry, M. D. Erlangen. 28 Cromwell-Road. 
Phys. to the Sussex county homoeop dispensary. 
Sussex county homoeop. dispensary. 
Weston-super-Mare. Wilde, John. L. R. C. P. Edin. M. R. C. S. 
Eng. L. S. A. Park-House. 
John, James, homoeop. Chemist. 36 A. High-Street. 
Watson, J. W., homoeop. Chemist. 
Wigan. Abott, George. M. A. M. D. (hon. causa). L. R. C. P. L. M. J. 
L. A. H. Dub. L. R. C.P. L. R. C. S. L. M. Edin. IIa Standish- 
Abott, Georg, homoeop. Chemist. 
Wimbledon. Molson, John, Cavendish. L. R. C. P. Lond. 13 Lingfield- 
Road. Assist, phys. to the Lond. homoeop. hospital.. 
Wyld, George, M. D. Edin. Fieldhead Wimbledon Park. 
Windsor. Butcher, William, Deane. M. R. C. S. Eng. '68. Clydesdale- 

Villa, Osbome-Road. 2—4. 
Winchester. Murell, G., homoeop. Chemist. 36 High-Street. 
Wo ol wich. Linn, J. E., homoeop. Chemist. Wellington-Street. 
Worcester. Cavenagh, John Paul, M. D. Dublin '54. — '86. — 57 The 
Tything. 9-10, 2-3, 7—8. 
Willin, Edw. Henry. M. R. C. S. Eng. '59. .L. S. A. Lond. '44. — 
57 Tything. Before 10, 2—3 and after 6. 
York. Boss, William. L. R. C. P. L. R. C. S. J. L. M. 53 Bootham. 
Preston, Will. M. B. C. M. Edin. '73. — 38 Bootham. 
Oakley, R. H., homoeop. Chemist. 54 Concy-Street. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

26 Autriche. — Oesterreich - Ungarn. — Austria. 

Airtriche. — Oesterreich -Ungarn. — Austria. 

Andelsbuch. Dr. König, Job., Michael. Fnssbach '29. Prag '56. Hotel 

König 320. — A^orraittags. Gemeindearzt. 
Baran i. Böhmen. Dr. Wagner, Johann, E. Barau '19, Gratz '49. Districts- 

und Bezirksarzt. 
Bregenz. Dr. Gmeiner, Franz, Josef. AUensch wende '47. Innsbruck '77. 
Denringgasse 99. — 7—9 V., 1—3 N., Mittw. in Lindau 4—6. N. 
Dr. Seiz. 

♦Löwen -Apotheke; Inh. E. Lutteri. 
Brunn. Dr. Sirsch, Gustav. Cunnersdorf '51. Wien '75. Jodokostr. 2. — 

10-12 V., 2-4 N. 
Budapest. Dr. von Bakody, Theodor. Eaab '25. Wien '55. Oesz utcza 22. 
2-4 N. (PK*.) Professor an der k. k. Universität für homöop. 
Pathologie und interne Therapie. 
Dr. von Balogh, Tihamer. Budapest '38. — '63. V. Wurmgasse l. 
(Thonethof.) 3-4 N. Spec: Diphtheritis. Honorar - Oberphysicus 
der Stadt Arad, Directionsrath des ärztlichen Clubs, Professor der 
Hygiene in der Staatsschule. 
Dr. Mandello, Wilhelm. Budapest '48. Servitenplatz, Palais Teleki. 
Dr. Peczely, I^. Wien '68 IV. Grünbaumgasse 3. — 10-2 N. 

Spec: Chronische Krankheiten. 
Dr. Sulkowski, Joseph. Budapest '78. IV. Keczkem^si utcza 14. — 

2—3 N. Chefarzt des Elisabethinums. 
Dr. von Szontagh, Ab. Sanitätsrath. Wien '30. — '56. Hatvaner- 

gasse 14. — Mont., Mittw. u. Freit. 3—4 N. 
Dr. Teichner, Leop. II. Secundarius am Hauptstädtischen Spital. 
Dr. Viläghy, Carl. I. Secundarius am Hauptstädtischen Spitel. 
*Rothe Kreuz - Apotheke •, VI. Andrassy utcza 84. 
♦Apotheke zum Löwen, IV. Grilnbaumgasse 16; Inh. Dr. Jul. 

Hauptstädtische Spitalsapotheke; Inh. Apotheker- Consortium. Uellöer 

Str. Verw. Paul Pinter, Magister der Pharmacie. 
Verein homöop. Aerzte von Ungarn, Präsident Dr. von Bakody. 
ßochus Spital (homöop. Abtheilung) Dr. von Bakody. 
Eperies i. Ungarn. Dr. Krayzell, Aurel. Ebeyes, Budapest '58. Haupt- 
gasse 68. — 8— 9 V., 2 — 3 N. (OeFJR.) Oberphys. des S&röser 
♦Apotheke zum goldenen Adler; Inh. Wilh. Korn. 
Er lau. Dr. Kösztler, Jos. Alsft-Abrany '48. Wien '71. Sz6chenyi- 
gasse 58. — %S—9 V., 2—4 N. Spec: Kinderkrankheiten. Comitats 
Feldkirch i. Vorarlberg. Dr. Grenssing, Jul. Aug., Bregenz '21. Wien '44. 

Marktgasse. Früh bis 2 N. Kreis-Gerichtsarzt. 
Gast ein. Dr. Proeil , Gust. Alex. Gross-Pöchlarn '17. Wien '41. Villa 
Hollandia (zugl. Pension) Obergastein Böcksteinstr. (OeEK^), 
(BrsRO). Spec: Nervenkrankheiten und Geschlechtsabnormalitäten. 
Gmünd en. *K. K. Salzkammerguts- Apotheke; Inh. L. und E. Ebersthaler. 
Graz. Dr. med. et phil. Streintz, Oscar. Wien '50. Graz '74. Schubert- 
str. 9. Mont., Mittw. u. Freit. 3-4. (PPO), Ritter des Ordens pro 
ecclesia et pontifice. Spec. Intermist. 
Dr. Proeil (s. Gastein) Winters. 
Grottau. Dr. von Huttem, Gust. Grottau '06. Marktplatz. 8—12 V. 
Innsbruck. Dr. Schönach, Ant. Hirsch '09. Padua '39. Wien '40. 
üniversitätsstr. 3. — 7 — 9 V., 1—3 K Magister der Zahn- und 
Karlsbad. Dr. Kafka (siehe Prag). Markt C 385. Haus Annaberg. 

7-9 V., 3-4 N. 
K aschau. Dr. Parcher, Felix. Rohitsch '44. Wien '71. Czatoma 
utcza 1. — 2-4 N. 

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Autriche. — Oesterreich-Ungfarn. — Austria. 27 

K as c h au. * Apotheke zum Auge Gottes, Hanptstr. 61 ; Inb. Gezä von Gallik. 

Komotau. * Adler- Apotheke, Unter den Lauben; Inh. Wilh. Wolff. 

Lemberg. * Apotheke zum goldenen Adler; Inh. J. Wewiorski. 

Linz. Dr. Fischer, Carl. Linz '40. Wien 68. Marienstr. 13. — 2—3 V. 
F. ^«8— 8 V- örd. Arzt des Krankenhauses der barmherz. Schwestern 
und "des Hauses der Barmherzigkeit. 

Mähr. Schönberg. Dr. Roehrig, Johann. Schönberg '26. Olmütz '48. 
Eichelbrennerplatz. SVg-lO V., IV^-S N. S. S'/a— 10 V. Haus- 
arzt der Zwangsarbeiteranstalt in Mähr. Schönberg. 

Marienbad i. Böhmen. Dr. Kisch, Heinr. Prag '41. — '62. Villa Kisch. 
Medizinalrath. Spec. : Frauenkrankheiten. 

Miskoltz. Dr. Stern. Päpa-Budapest '66. Hauptgasse. Wund und Ge- 

Nagy Karoly. Dr. Starke, Ant. Budapest '40. Erlangen '69. Sprech- 
stunde jeder Zeit. 

Olmütz. Dr. med. et chir. Sirsch, Herm., Josef. Deutschhause '45. 
Wien '69. Oberring 22. — 2-3 N., F. 11-12 V. 

Prag. Dr. Kafka, Theod. Prag '46 — '70. Elisenstr. 17. — 7—9 V., 
3—4 N. Im Sommer in Karlsbad. 
♦Engel- Apotheke Jos. Fürst; Inh. J. Fürst. 

♦Apotheke zum weissen Einhorn, Grosser Ring; Inh. Max Fanta, 
Mg. Ph. 

Pressburg. Dr. Bügel, Edmund. Nagy K6r '44. Graz '74. K. K. Linien- 
schiffsarzt. Inh. der Kriegsmedaille. Donaugasse 18. — 3 — 4 N. 
Dr. Ritter von Koch, Alois. Graz '14. — '38. (VBB») Kisfaludy- 
gasse 9. 

Protiwin i. Böhmen. Dr. Heyberger, Wenzel. Silten '18. Graz '42. 
Districtsarzt. Fürstl. Schwarzenb. Domänenarzt. 

Raab i. Ungarn. Dr. von Tury, Alex. Szoborslo '49. Budapest '82. Donau- 
gasse 32. Bahnarzt. 

Reichenberg i. Böhmen. Dr. Porsche, Ed. Neustadt '28. Prag '54. 
Laufergasse 2. — 8-9 V., 1—2 N. 

Rimaszombal. Palm, J., Thierarzt. Staats-Bezirksarzt. 

Roveredo. Dr. Zamboni, Paola, Professor. 
•Pharmacia Loreto. Giulio Morghen. 

Salzburg, Dr. Mayer, Christian. Pfarrkirchen '31. Salzburg '55. Aren- 
bergstr. 29. Leibarzt der Prinzess Arenberg. 
♦Apotheke zum weissen Engel; Inh. Carl Hinterhuber. 

Schwarzau i. Niederösterreich. Dr. Grenssing, Jul. Aug. Feldkirch '50. 
Innsbruck '79. Schloss Schwarzau. Im Winter meist in Italien. 
Leibarzt Sr. K. H. des Herzogs von Parma. Inhaber des Bulgar. 
Alex - Ordens. 

Szent-Gotthard i. Ungarn. Dr. Schlesinger, Hermann. Telhibänya '49. 
Wien '81. — 11 — 12 V. .Comitats-Bezirksarzt. 
♦♦Homöop. Apotheke des Szabados Imre; Inh. Szabados Imre. 

Teplitz. Dr. Stein, Joachim. Prag '22. — '45. Bahnhofstr. 73. — 8—9 V., 
3-5 N. 

Thüringen, Voralberg. Dr. Geiger, Josef. Feldkirch '12. Padua' 38. 

Trschitz. Dr. Hradil, Franz. Dub '48. Olmütz. '71. — 6-8 V. Di- 

Waitzen. Dr. Argenti. Waitzen '09. — '35. Königl. Rath. (OeFJR.) 

Warnsdorf i. Böhmen. Dr. Graeser, Rud. Mediasch '53. Graz '78. — 
8-12 V. S. 8-1 N. 

Wien. Dr. Klauber, Ignaz Wilh. Böhmen '49. Wien '73. I. Dorotheen- 
gasse 2. Mont., Mittw. u. Sonnab. 2—3 N. Arzt im Spital der 
barmherz. Schwestern in Grossgumperdorf. Primararzt des Leben s- 
warth'schen Kinderspitals. 
Dr. Hiemesch, Arth. Christof. Mailand '38. Wien '62. I. Weihburg- 
gasse 14, IL Mont., Mittw. u. Freit. 5 — 6 N. Ende des Sommers 
2—3 Wochen abwesend. 
Dr. med. et phil. Edler von Marenzeller, Adolf. Prag '20. Wien '44. 
Donnergasse 1. — 3—4 N. 

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28 ßelgiqae. — Belgien. — Belgium. 

Wien. Dr. Pohoray, Wilh. Horic '36. Wien '60. I. Wipplinger Str. 10. 

2 — 4 N. Im Sommer dreimal wöchentlich: Mont., Mittw. u. Freit. 
Dr. Seide, Edm. Zoekieno '41. .Graz '72. III. Heumarkt 7. — 5 — 6 N. 
Dr. Spitzer, Franz. Wien '58. — '82. Im Himmel I. Stock. — 8—9 V., 

2 — 4 N. Spec. : Nasen-, Rachen- und Kehlkopfkrankheiten. 
Dr. Wtirstl, Carl Schwatz '27. Wien '56. I. Freiung 6. Ordinirender 

Arzt im Spital der barmherz. Schwestern. 
♦Apotheke zum heiligen Geist von Dr. Baeber. 

♦* Krebsapotheke. I. Hoher Markt 8, Palais Sina; Inh. Sigm. Mittelbach. 
Lebenswarth'sches homöop. Kinderspital. VI. Liniengasse 19. 
Homöop. Spital der barmherz. Schwestern. VI. Gumperdorfer Str. 108 

und II. Karmelitzer Gasse 9. 
Verein homöop. Aerzte Oesterreichs. 
Wodolka b. Prag. Dr. Lissau, Simon. Smichov '15. Prag '39. Im 

eigenen Hause 26. — 2—5 N. Domänen- und Gemeindearzt. 
Würbenthai i. Oesterr.- Schlesien. Dr. Adam, Franz. Heinzendorf '30, 

Olmütz '52. Haus 91. — 7-8 V., 1—2 N. Wundarzt u. Geburts- 

Belgique. — Belgien. — Belgium. 

Alost. Dr. Moor, Charles. Alost '14. — '36. Place imperiale. Chev. de 
l'ordre Leopold, Croix civique 1. Ol. 8—9, 2—4. Le mercredi ä 
2 h. cons. 64 rue de Lacken. 
**Pharmacie T. Callebaut. 5 rue March6 au beurre. 
***Pharmacie hom6op, Emile Meganck. Rue Leopold. 
♦Pharmacie Vict. Meirschaut. 
Anseghem. Dr. Isebaert. 
Anvers. Dr. Gits. 

Dr. Lambreghts fils, Anatole. Waterloo '68. Louvain '81. 1 rue 

Stoop. 11-2. 
Dr. Lambreghts pere. Brecht '26 Louvain '62. 1 nie Stoop. — 

8-10, 1—3. 
Dr. Schmitz, Boniface. Bruxelles '50. Louvain '73. 134 Longue rue neuve. 
Medecin de l'adm. des chemins de fer de l'etat. M6d, du dispensaire 
hom6op. ä Anvers. Med. du dispensaire hom6op. du Bureau de 
bienfaisance d' Anvers. 11 ^/g — 2. 
Dr. Schmitz, Desire. Ixelles '54. Bruxelles '78. 16 rue G6rard. Chi- 
rurgie et accouchements. 11 — 12 except6 jours de fete. Jeudi, 
mercredi et vendredi aussi de 3-4 h. apres-midi. 
***Pharmacie homeop. Omer de Beul. 57 Longue rue neuve. 
Dispensaire homeop. libre rue du Roi. 

Dispensaire homeop. du Bureau de bienfaisance. Rue des Aveugles. 
Blankenbergh. Dr. van MuUem. 

B rüg es. Dr. deCoojnan, Jos. Oosterzeele '52. Gand '78. 16 rue du vieux 
Bourg. Membre du Conseil provincial de la Flandre Orientale. 
Croix civique. Maladies des yeux. ä 11 h. du matin. 
Cercle homöopathique des Flandres. 
V! ***Pharmacie hom6op. de Mr. Honor6 Standaert. 13 rue des Pierres. 
• *** Pharmacie homeop. de Mr. Desire Ancot. 9 rue Flamande. 
Bruxelles. Dr. van Blaeren. 136 rue Royale. 

Dr. Gaillard, Delphin Louis Ernst. Bruges '39. Bruxelles '63. 36 rue 
Joseph II. Chevalier de l'ordre de Leopold, Officier de la legion 
d'honneur et de l'Instruction publique de France. Comm. de l'ordre 
Isabella cath. 8-9, 2^-4. D. 8-9. 
Dr. Gaudy, Jules. Bruxelles '35 — '61. 118 chauss6 d'Ixelles. Affection 
de poitrine et maladies d'enfants. Chaque jour 1— 2Vj excepte jours 
de fete. 

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ßelgique. — ßelgien. — Belgiuöl. äd 

Bruxelles. Dr. Huyvenaar, J. Bois le Duc '24. Bruxelles '52. Avenue 
de r Astronomie. Chevalier de Tordre de Leopold, de la Courönne de 
Ch6ne, d'Isabella la Catholique, de Tordre milit. du Christ, de la 
Oouronne Royale de Prasse, de St. Gregoire le Grand et de Charles III. 
D6cor6 de la Croix rouge et de la m^aille civique de Belgique. 1—3. 
Le leudi ä, 3 h. Consultation gratuite au dispensaire Hahnemann. 
Dr. m6d. v6ter. Mans, Joseph 23 rae de la limite. 
Dr. m6d. v6ter. Maus, FranQois. 55 chauss6 d'Hecht. 
Dr. Martiny, Louis. Habay la neuve '39. Liege '61. 61 rae Belliard. 
Chevalier de l'ordre L6opold, döcore de la croix civique de premi^re 
classe. merc. jeudi, vend., samedi de 12 - 2 h. 
Dr. Mersch. 94 rue du Tröne. 
M6d. v6ter. Mersch. Rue de la montagne. 
Dr. Planquart. 
Dr. Putzeys. 

Dr. Seutin. Rue du M6ridien. 

Dr. de Wee, Jean. Bruxelles '62. — '88.-4 rue des Grandes Carmes. 2—4. 
***Pharmacie hom6op. speciale. Ancienne maison J. ß. van Berckelaer. 

64 rae de Lacken. Prop. Ch. Berard et L. Bodson, Pharmaciens. 
***Pharmacie hom6op. Emile Seutin. 50 rue de la Madeleine. 
\ t Association centrale des Hom6opathes Beiges. 35 Memb. 4 R6unions. 
-V*' Fondee '83. 

Dispensaire Hahnemann. Rue du Grande Hospice. Cons. gratuites; 
tous les jours ä, 3 h., Meycredi ä 2 h. et Dimanche ä, 10 h. 
. Jouraal „Revue hom6op. beige" du Dr. Martiny. 500 Exempl. Prix 
8 fr. pour la Belgique. 10 fr. pour l'toanger. 
Journal ,Belge d'Bom6opathie". Rue du Grand Hospice. Prix 4 fr. 
^Charleroi. Dr. Chevalier. • 
Enghien. Dr. van Cutsem. 

Gand. Dr. van den Berghe, Gustave. Sweveffhen '37 Bruxelles '63 
22 rue de la Station. President du cercle homeop. des Flandres. ■— 
8—10 et ä 1 h. du matin. Les mois juin, juillet et septembre h 
Ostende, villa Ferdinand 66 dique de mer. 
Dr. de Keghel Eugene. Gand '37. — '61. 12 rae de la monnaie. Conseiller 
provincial de la Flandre Orientale. Secr6taire du cercle m6dical 
homeop. des Flandres. 8—9, 1—3. 
Dr. van !Peene. Rue h la Coupure. 

Dr. Schepens, Prosper. Flandre '36. Gand '62. 36 rue des baguettes. 
Cons. de 12 ä, 2 h. exceptö dimanche et lundi. President de l'Asso- 
cation centrale des hom6opathes beiges. 
***Pharmacie hom6op. J. Dubois. 16 rae de la monnaie. 
***Pharmacie homeop. centrale Arth. Dwelshauvers. 25 rae de la Station. 
***Pharmacie homeop. Aug. Picard. 42 rae de Champs. 
Cercle homeop. des Flandres. 
Association centrale des homeop. beiges. 
Hai. Dr. Eenens, Telesphore. Saintes '39. Bruxelles '64. Chevalier de la 
16gion d'honneur^ de la croix rouge de France et de Belgique. — 
8— llVe chaque jour except6 lundi. 
Dr. 'vöter. Vandermees. 
Harlebeke. Dr. van den Neucker, Pierre. Voorde '26. Gand '55. — 

7—10 chaque jour, lundi tout le jour. 
Jemappe b. Lüttich. **Pharmacie homeop. de Lambotte. 

**Pharmacie homeop. G6nicot. 2 quai des carmes. 
Lenze, Long^champs. Dr. Defays, Camille. Ambresien '40. Lifege 68. 

Chirargie et accouchement. 
Lierre, Prov.d'Anvers. Dr. Seh wartz, Dominique. Arlon '48. Bruxelles '73. 

46 rae de Lisp. 12—2 N. 
Jjihge. Dr. Dera. Rue Rouveroy. 
Dr. van Goidtenhoven. 
Dispensaire de Mr. Dera. Rue Rouvery. 
***Pharmacie hom6op. L. Bodson. 14 rae de Guillemins. 
Mal ine s. Dr. Wuillot 

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30 Balgarie. Bolgrarien. Bolgaria. — Banemarck. Dänemark. Denmark. 

Mons. Dr. Criquelion, Charles, Auguste. Chi^Tres '37. Belgiqne '62. 
12 Saint Rampe. MMaille d'or de lordre civiqne ponr Services 
pendant l'öpid^mie chol6rique de '66. — de 9*/« ä midi, except6 
les Dimanches et Jeudis. 
♦♦Pharmacie Seutin. 

***Phannacie hom6op. speciale C. Garez. 98 me d'havre. 
Namur. Dr. Godefroid, Jules Emile. Bruxelles '61. Boulevard Fröre 
Orban 14. 12—2 h. 
♦Pharmacie Winand. 
Ostende. Dr. van den Berghe (v. Gand). Villa Ferdinand 66 digue de 

mer. Juin — septembre. 
Sp aa. *** Pharmacie hom6op. de Mr. Leboutte-Slezaak, vis k vis de FEglise. 
Thielt. Dr. Loosveldt, Henri. Thielt 'a5. Bruxelles 59. Rue d'Ipres. 

Oons. tous les jours. 
Thildonk. Dr. de Behault du Carmois. 
Uccle. Dr. van Leeuw. 

Bulgarie. — Bulgarien. — Bulgaria. 

Sofia. Kolau & Co., A. ; Inh. Johann Zednieck. Bern.: Ist der Einzige 
der homöop. Mittel führt und in Bulgarien vertreibt. 

Danemarck. — Dänemark. — Denmark. 

Aarhus. Dr. Gaum, Paul Peter. Aner '46. Kopenhagen '72. Mejl- 

gade '52. 11—2 N. F. 8-10 V. 
Hornsyld (Jtitland). Larsen, med. vetr. 

Sander, med. vetr. 
Kopenhagen. Dr. Bergmann, Albert Cosmus Urban. Kopenhagen '53. — 

'83. Nansensgade 51. — 10—12 V. F. 8—10 V. Hautkrankheiten. 
Dr. Feveile, Lud. Hakon. Mariager '50. Kopenhagen '78. Nytoro 17. 

9-11 V., 2—3 N. Magenkrankheiten. 
Dr. Hansen, Hans Frederik Oscar. Mezzanin „Helmerhuus". Kopen- 
hagen '45. — '76. Corresp. Mitglied der Calcutta homoeop. society. 

Vester Boulevard 5. 11—1 N. Dienst., Donnerst, u. Sonnab. von 

7—8 N. Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten. 
Dr. Siemsen, Willib. Hugo. Bomholm '39. Kopenhagen '65. Inhaber 

der Kriegsmedaille von '64. Holmens Kanal 16. — 9—3. 
Strigler, Christian, N. A. L. med. vetr. Hillerod '41. Kopenhagen '62. 

Früh bis 3 Uhr. Johannevei 9. 
Dr. Wegge, Hans Christian. Mantzhö '48. Kopenhagen '74. Inhaber 

des Kuss. Stanislausordens 3. Cl. Gasnei 10, A. 9—3. 
Grace, G., Apotheke. Pile A116 9, Frederiksberg. 
Svane Benzon, Alf., homöop. Apotheke. 
Yerein der homöop. Aerzte in Dänemark. 
Homöop. Verein. 
Maanedsskrift for Homöopathie, 20. Jahrgang: Redact.: Dr. Oscar 

Hansen. Verlag: Homöop. Verein. 3 Mk. 
Veile. Homöop. Forening for Veile or Omegn. 
Klinik für Magenkrankheiten von Dr. Feveile. 

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Espagne. — Spanien. — Spain. 31 

Espagne. — Spanien. — Spain. 

Almeria. Dr. ßocafuU de Montes, Josö. Cadiz '59. — 77. Alvarez de 
Castro 21. — 12—2 Prof. de fisica y quimica de la escuela de artes 
y oficios en Almeria. M6dico cons. del ayntamiento. 
Barcelona. Dr. Alfonso, Raimundo. Diputation 341. — 1—2. 

Dr. Almato, Salvio. Sobradiel 2. 

Dr. Badia, Salvador. Barcelona '47. — 62. Ronda de San Pedro 18. — 

Dr. de Benavent, Francisco y de Camon. Barcelona '60, Madrid '72. 
Dormitorio de San Francisco 1. Enferm. de mugeres y niaos. 

Dr. Benavent, Xavier. Gobemador 8. — 1. 

Dr. Boiy. 

Dr. Cahis, Manuel. Raurich 17. — 11—12, 6-7. 

Dr. Campmany, Juan. Comep de Oiento 325. — 3—5. 

Dr Oarradas, Jaime. Hospital 46. 

Dr. Castris, Manuel. Abahicador 11. 

Dr Civil, Josö. Santa Ana 18. — 1. 

Dr. Coderch, Thomas. Bruch 33. 

Dr. Comet, Raimundo. Union 4. — 1. 

Dr. Cordech, Teodoro. Santa Ana 27. 

Dr. Costa, Joaquin. Bonaire 5. — 12—1, 6—7. 

Dr. Derch y Marsal. Plaza de la Lana. 

Dr. Domenech, Francisco. Union 16. 

Dr. Draper, Jaime. Doce 6. 

Dr. Ferrades, Jaime. Universidad. 

Dr. Figueras, Francisco. Mayor Gracia. 

Dr. Figueras, Juan. Gracia. 

Dr. Foirent, Jaime. Hospital 83. 

Dr. Giro, Jos6. CucuruHa 5. — 11—1, 6—7. 

Dr. Grau Beranguer, Paine. Alta Sn. Pedro 55. 1—2. 

Dr. Grau, Jaime, Treiteuras 17. 

Dr. Grifols, Jos6. Puerta Ferrisa 8. 

Dr. Just, Xammar Juan. Hospital 24. 2. 

Dr. Laplana, Enrique. Rambla (lanaletas 2. 

Dr. Mallofre, Eduarde. Ancha 52. 1. 

Dr. Manant, Ignacio Balmes 10. Entre 2. 

Dr. Marti, Vincente. Dagueria 18. 

Dr. Montagut, Pedro. Rosellon 155. 1. 

Dr. Moragas, Valentin. Carretera Real Badalona. 

Dr. No^e, Josö. Union 13. 3—5. 

Dr. Petit y Pont, MigueL Paseo de Gracia 47. — 1. 

Dr. Pinart, Pedro. Condal 24. 11—12, 6—7. 

Dr. Richard, Jos6. Junqueras 6. 2. 

Dr. Rinz, Manuel. Valencia 809. 

Dr. Roig, Ramon. Pelayo 44. 11-12, 6—7. 

Dr. Sabater, Jos6. Union bajos 8. 3-5. 

Dr. Sanllehy, Juan. Barcelona '21. — '43. Cons. tous les jours. Prof. 
et President del Acad. hom6op. Bare. Com. Tordre Charles III. 
Grand croix de Santa Rosa. Plaza Santa Ana 2. — 1. 

Dr. Soler y Pia, Joaquin. Vidrio 7. 

Dr. Torrent, Jos6. Hospital 103. 

Dr. Vives, Manuel. Avino 18. 

Farmacia homeop. Dr. Grau Ala. Union 8. 

Farmacia homeop. Dr. Francisco Domenech. Union S. 6 bajos. 

Academia medico-homeop. de Barcelona. Calle San Pablo 28. 

Dispensario homeop. En el mismo local de la academia medico homeop. 
^0m^ Revista homeop. Organo especial de la academia medico homeop. 
Bilbao. Dr. Mateos, Antonio. Bilbao '35. Madrid '61. V2I— 2- 
Caldas (Malavella). Dr. Riera, Juan. 

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32 Espagfne. — Spanien. — Spain. 

Castello de Ampurias. Dr. Passelas, Jo86. 

Gero na. Dr. Fürest, Modesto. San Fre de Mar '52. Barcelona '73. Al- 

bareda 12. 11—4. Maladies chroniches et des enfantes. 
Dr. Vallis, Benito. 
Madrid. DDr.: Alcala, Alvarez. Alfonso, Raymundo. Asnar. Alvarez, 

Paz. Alvarez Anastasio. Barco, Patricio. 
Dr. Barrantes, e Izquierdo Rafael. Madrid '61. — '83. (Con nna 

Sncursal en la calle de la Princessa 22 bajo. 11—12. Ex-Ayudante 

por oposicion de la Beneficencia Municipal de Madrid. M6dico Jn- 

spector de las £scaelas Municipales del distrito de la Inclusa. 
DDr.: Blanco, Eduardo. Conde y Garrote, Felix. Cubero, . Luis. Diaz 

Sal, Ricardo. 
Dr. Flores, Manuel. Siguenza '52. Madrid '73. Prof. del instituto 

homeop. Fuencarral 98. — 12—2. Enfermedades de la infancia. 
DDr.: Garcia, Adrian. Garcia Diaz, Anastasio. Garcia Lopez, Anas- 
tasio. Garcia Sifierii, Jos6. Gonzalez Merino, Victor. Goröstizaga, 

Jos6. Hemandez - Galicia, Fernando. 
Dr. de Hysem, Luis. Paris '40. Madrid '62. Com. de l'ordre Royal 

de Charles III. Plaza de la Independencia 8. 3—5. Prof. del inst. 

homeop. de San Joseph. 
DDr.: Jordan y Oliviet, Jos6. Castellon '52. Madrid '79/80. Galle de 

Fuencarral 138 1-3, 6- 8. 
DDr.: Juarez, Nicolas. Lapuente, Alfredo. Manglano, Alfredo. Maiiza- 

neqne. Marin, Ceferino. Millera, Feniando. Nufiez Granes, Jos6, 

Prof. del instituto hom6op. Ortega, Fernando. Ortega, Fermin. Osuua 

Gonzalez. Palacin Romualdo. Pascual, Joaquin. 
Dr. Pellicer, Joaquin. Madrid '47. — '71. Libertad 232. — 3-5. 
Dr. Pellicer Frntos, Tomas. Valencia 16. — '37. Calle de Sauco 15. 

Com. Isabel Catolica. 
Dr. Pinilla, Hipolito Rodriguez. Salamanca *60. Madrid '81. Jar- 

dines 40. — 1—3 Enfermedados de la infancia. Parti (June a Octobre). 
DDr.: Prado, Alberto.. Rozabal, Francisco. Sacristan, Bernardo. 

Sacristan, Vicente. Saiyote, Ricardo. San Jose. Sierra y Carbo. 

8illero y Pia, Jose. Tejero. Torres. Trivino, Antonio. Urdapilleta. 

Utrüla, Hemandez. Farelo, Jos6. Vaquero. Vignau, Vicente. 

Villamor y Turpin, Ricardo. Zavala y Zavala. 
Farmacia homeop. del Dr. Casinjjiro Garcia Cenarro. Calle de la 

Abada 4. — 6. 
Farmacia, Perez. Calle de Gravina 11. 
Farmacia Viuda de Somolinos. Infanta 26. 
Instituto homeop. Paseo de la Habaua 5. 
Sociedad Hahnemannia Matritense. 

Clinica hom6op. de enfermedades de los nifios. Plaza de la Cebado 11. 
Hospital hom6op. de San Jos6. Paseo de la flabana 5. 
„El criterio medico", Journal homeop. Dr. de Hysem. 12. 6 fr. 
Malaga. Dr. Rubio, Garcia Flaviano. Madrid '55. — '76. Plaza de 

Teatro 43. 10—12, 2—4. 
Mataro. Dr. VinardeU, Manuel Guafiabens. Mataro '53. Barcelona '74. 

Moret. Dr. Nadal, Josef. 
Palamiös. Dr. Biera, Juan. 

Dr. Padal, J. 
Palma de Mallorca. Dr. Giralt, Nicolas, Guafiabens. Saragossa '26. 

— '61. Calle Brossa 33/35. — 9-1. 
Segorbe. Dr. Jimeno, Fernando Jover. Segorbe '48. Madrid '84. Calle 

de Sant Cristobal 7. 
Dr. Firmat y Gironette, Francisco. Sevilla '10. Valencia '36. Calle 

Alvareda 54. — 2 — 4. 
.Sevilla. Dr. med. Ibarra y Miro, Luis. 

Dr. Santos de Castro, Femando. 
Valladolid. Berzosa, Manuel Pascual. Calle del Regulado 3. — 


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France. — Frankreich. — France. 33 

Valladolid. Dr. Eloy, Gkircia Alfonso. Medice militar. 
Yigo. Dr. de flaz y Pon, Francisco. CorcuDion '47. Santiago 73. Duque 
de la Victoria 9. Todos los dias de 3—5 de la tarde. 
Dr. Pereira, Marcial. 
Dr. de Reguenza, E. Isidoro. Pontevedra '59. Santiago '79/80. Circo 8. 

Comendador Isabel la catolica. 3—5 tarde. 
Farmacia homeop. Joaquin Acufla Seoage. Plaza Principal. 
Academia de medicina de Vigo. 
Zarogoza. Dr. Escartin, Eugenio. Zarogoza '24. Madrid '48. Este- 
banes 14. — 2—4 tarde. 
Dr. Moya, Pedro. 
Dr. Pinella, Jos6. 

France. — Frankreich. — France. 

Alger. Dr. Pellerin. 

Angers Dr. Nimier, Gust. Noel L^on. Brienne '61. Paris '86. — 11 rue 
de la pröfecture. 1—4, except6 dimanche. 
Hradille Pharmacie. 6 rue Voltaire. 
Ardres (Pas de Calais). Dr. de Cr6gny. 

Avignon. Dr. Bechet, Louis Michel. Avignon '56. Montpellier. '84. — 
11 rue Dorr6e. IVo— 3Va Maladies nerveuses et syph. 
Dr. Denis, Edouard. Le Cehr '42 Paris '68. — 12 rue de la Croise. 
1 — 2Va- Membre de la soci6t6 de mMecine de Vaucluse. Pr6sid. 
du Conseil d'arrondissement 
Dr. Michel. Öradu6 '84. 
Brun, Pharmacie hom6op. 
Carbonel, Pharmacie, fond6 *67. 
Carre, Pharmacie hom6op. 
Granon. '84. Pharmacie hom6op. speciale. 
Bordeaux. Dr. Badiole, Gustave. H*«» Pyr6n6es '55. Bordeaux '84. — 
162 rue St. Catherine. 2-4. Tous les mardis consultations ä 
Liboume, 30 rue Goudeau. 
Dr. Baud^au. Bordeaux '72. — 34 rue Porte-Dijeaux. 
Dr. Chapiel, Jean. Passage d'Ayen '35. Paris '60. -^ 43 Cours de 

Toumy. 1—5. Consult. grat. le vendredi 5—8. 
Dr. de Perry. Bordeaux '60. — 24 rue Vital Carles. 
de Bachonö, L., Pharmacie hom6op. speciale. 34 Cours Toumy. 
Caen (Calvados). Dr. Hamon, p6re. Caen '50. 

Dr. Hamon, fils. Caen '87. 
Cannes (Alpes maritimes). Dr. Clark, FrauQois Auguste. L' H6 Maurice '27. 
Montpellier '54. — 5 rue Hermann. 2—4. Chirurgien de la marine. 
Spec: Maladies des enfants. 
Dr. Gruzn. Gradu6 '72. 
Carlevan '75, Pharmacie hom6op. 
Carpentras (Vaucluse). Augier, Em. Monieux '22. Montpellier '46. 
9 place öt. Jean. — 12—4. Insp. des enf. assistös; m6d. vaccinateur. 
Ranchier '83, Pharmacie hom6op. 
Coumand, Pharmacie homeop. 
Cette. Dr. Bouffier. 

Clermont-Ferrand (Puy de Dome). Dr. Frichet, Victor Jean Marie. 
18 rae Andr6 Moinier Place St. Herem. 1-3. Dimanche 11—12. 
Dr. Imbeyre-Goubeyre. Clermont-Ferrand '44. 
D61e (Dep du Jura). Dr. Prost-Lacuzon, Jules Joseph. Dole '17. Strass- 

Dourg '56. — 8 rae Bernard. Jeudi et dimanche 9—12, 4—6. 
Douai. Dr. Martin-Duthoit. 
Havre. Dr. Sourice. 5 rae Mexico. 
H y g r e s. Dr. Balmoussi^res. 

Homöopathisches Jahrbuch. Band 11. 3 

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34 France. — Frankreich. — France. 

Labastide St. George. Dr. George, Alphonse. Dom-gnes *44. Paris '72. 
Libourne. Dr. Badiole (voir Bordeaux). 30 rue Goudeau. Mercredi. 
Lille. Dr. Malapert de Dense, Gustav. Lille '90. — 58 rue Jacquimier &ielie. 
Dr. Malapert de Dense, Jeau ülysse. Livray '22. Paris '53. — 5 rue 

Paton. 2-4. 
Lyon. Dr. Bemay, Pierre. Graduö 79. — 3 rue St. Dominique. 
Dr. Bemay, M. Gradu^ '79. 7 rue de la R6publique. 
Dr. Broallier, Louis. Lyon *23. Lyon ?. — 69 grande rue de Mont- 

plaisir. 12—3. 
Dr. Gallavardin. Triest '25. Paris '54. — 6 rue des Maronniers. 1 — 3. 
Dr. Imbert de la Touche, Paul. Lyon '53. Paris '78. — 23 Place 

Bellecour. 1—3. 
Dr. Noack, R., fils. Lyon '62. — 4 rue des deux Maisons. 
Jean Bemay 69, Pharinacie hom^op. 86 rae Hotel de Ville. 
Borelly Pharmacie hom6op. 

Chambellan, H., '86, Pharmacie hom^op. speciale. 7 rue des Archers. 
Dispensaire du Dr. Gallavardin pour traitement des passions, vices, 

d6fauts de caract^re et d'intelligence. 
^ Hopital hom^op. Quai Claude Bemard. 
Marseille. Dr. Daniel, Henri. La Seyne '50. Montpellier '76. — 20 rue 

Diendi. Lundi, mercredi et vendredi 2—4. 
Dr. Fayol. 11 rae Estelle. 
Dr. Soyard, Joseph. Saöne '32. Montpellier '68. — 4 rue Fortun6. 

Consultation tous les jours, except6 mercredi; lundi et jeudi au 

dispensaire des indigents. 
Eichard, M., Pharmacien. 1 rae de la Daru. 
Testaniöre '74, Pharmacie hom6op. 11 place Castellane. 
Miribel (Ain). Dr. Pelez. 
Mortague (Ome). Dr. Jouis. 
Nantes. Dr. Bourdais, Eug6ne. Vannes .'26. Paris 70. — 20 rue contre 

Escarpe. 1—3. 
Dr. Thibault, Th6od. 30 Boulevard Delörme. 
Tassain, Mr., Pharmacie hom6op. 4 rae Lafayette. 
Tassain '75, Pharmacie hom6op. 4 rae Lafayette. 
Nice. Dr. Araulphy, p^re. 16 avenue de la Gare. 

Dr. Araulphy, Victor. Nice '54. Marseille '84. — 16 avenue de la Gare. 1—3. 

Electroth6rapie, Hypodermie möthode Brown S^quard et Jules Chiron. 
Dr. d'Espiney Pierre. Aise '69. Lyon '93. — 52 rae Gioffredo. 1—3. 

Ancien externe de l'hopital ä. Lyon. 
L6oncini, Mr., '61, Pharmacie. 
Su6, Mr., Pharmacien, '60, Avenue de la Gare. 
Serra, Mr., Pharmacie hom6op. speciale. 1 rae St. Etienne. 
Tribaudini, '80, Pharmacien. 40 rae Gioffredo. 
Vignon '85, Pharmacie homöop. Rue Gioffredo. 
Nimes. Dr. Fabreguettes , Jules. Montpellier '21. — '48. — 13 rae 

Eaussy. 1—3. Diplom^ des ambulances sedentaires. 
Dr. Krüger, Henri Gustav. Cette '47. Montpellier '75. — 6 rae porte 

d'alais. IV2— 4. Ex-interne des hopitaux de Lyon. Redacteur de la 

biblioth^que hom6op. 
Dispensaire hom6op. du Dr. Krüger. 
Montegut 52, Pharmacie hom6op. 
Paris. Dr. Bas, William. Paris '79.-88 nie Blanche. Lundi, mercredi, 

vendredi de 2 ä. 4 h. 
Dr. Blondel, R. Paris '89. — 16 rae de l'Arcade. Lundi, mercredi et 

vendredi 1—3. Expr^parat^ur ä la facult6 de m^decine, laur6at de 

la facult6. 
Dr. Bon. 

Dr. Boyer, Mm. Pr. Paris '92. — 86 rae de l'üniversit^. Lundi, mer- 
credi et vendredi 2-4. Gyn^cologie et maladies des enfants. 
Dr. Cartier,- Frangois. Paris '64. — '91. — 18 rue Vignon. 3—4. Laureat 

de la facult6 de mödecine de Paris. Ancien interne des hopitaux 

de Paris. Post-Graduate Hahnemann College de Philadelphia. 

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France. — Frankreich. — France. 35 

Paris. Dr. Chabaud. 

Dr. Chancerei, Victor. Pontgouin '31. Paris 08. — 50 nie la Bruyere. 

1 ä 3, exceptö jeudi et dimanche. Presid. du comit6 m6dical de 
rhöpital Hahnemann. Pr6sid pour l'ann^e '94 de la societö frangaise 

Dr. Chancerei, Yictor Frangois. Pontgouin '31. Paris '58. — 45 nie 

Blanche. 1—3. Dispensaire le jeudi, 8 rue Pigalle. 
Dr. Charroppin. Paris '79. — 71 Boulevard Barb6s. Lundi , mercredi, 

jeudi et samedi 4—6 h. 
Dr. Clement. Paris '64. — 25 rue St. Quentin. 8—12. 
Dr. de Coma. Espagne '49. Montpellier '80.— 176 rue St. Honor6. 

2—5. Maladies nerveuses. 
Dr. Combes. 45 Boulevard de Belleville. 
Dr. Compagnon, Lucien. Paris '52. — '79. — 21 rue de Clichy. 3—5, sauf 

le jeudi et le dimanche. Dispensaire le dimanche, 8 nie Pigalle. 
Dr. Conan, Meriadec. Paris '69. — 42 rue de la Tour. Lundi, mercredi 

et samedi 2—5. 
Dr. Dacher. 
Dr. Darses. Paris '75. — 334 rue St. Honor6. 1—3 except6 jeudi et 

. dimanche. 
Dr. Espanet. Paris '75. — 27 rue Chateauredon. 
Dr. Flasschoen, Charles Isidore. Ixelles '52. Paris '83. — 3 rue Lafayette. 

8-9Vfc. Maladies chroniques 2— 4, jeudi et dimanche exceptes. Clinique 

17 rue du Helder. Docteur de la facult6 de medecine de Paris. 
Dr. Gabalda. Paris '79. — 6 rue du Kegard. 2-4. 
Dr. Gachet. Paris '57. — 78 rue du Faubourg St. Denis. 
Dr. Gounard. Paris '63. — 33 rue de Berry. Lundi , mercredi et ven- 

dredi 2—5. 
Dr. Hammelrath. Paris '53. — 73 rue de Rivoli. IV2— 3- 
H61ot, M., Chirurgien dentiste. 
Dr. Hermel, iBdmond M. Rouen 09 Paris '37.— 27 rue de Berlin. 

2 —4. MMaille du cholöra du '32. Medaille du service des am- 
bulances 1870.71. 

Dr. Jousset, Pierre. Nantes '18. Paris '46. — 97 Boulevard Hausmann. 
2—4. Med. de l'hopital St. Jacques. Ancien interne des hopitaux 
de Paris. Commandeur de la m6daille militaire. 

Dr. Jousset, Pierre Dominique. Charroux '52. Paris '83. — 241 Boulevard 
St. Germain. Med. de l'hopital St. Jacques. Ancien interne des hopitaux 
de Paris. Maladies des enfants et des femmes. 

Dr. Largand. 8 rue de la Yictoire. 

Dr. Lemoine , Ernest. Nismes '45. Paris '83. — 43 rue de la Yictoire. 
2—4, dimanche 8—9. A la clinique homeop., 31 rue St. Lazare, 
mai-di, jeudi, samedi 8—9, mercredi 4—6, vendredi 10 — 11. 

Dr. Lempert. Paris '87. — 123 Faubourg St. Honore. Dentiste ä l'ecole 
Braille. Chef-adjoint ä la clinique dentaire des Quinze -Yingts. 

Dr. Love. Paris '80. — 23 rue Ballu. 1—3. Au dispensaire Love, 
48 rue Ordener. V/i—9% 

Dr. Marcel-Durand. 

Dr. Mennessier. Alfortville (Seine) '92. — 6 rue des Acacias. 

Dr. Mourier. 

Dr. Parenteau , Daniel. Charroux '52. Paris '78. — 73 rue du Rocher. 
4—6. Clinique, Faubourg St. Honor6 104, lundi, mercredi et ven- 
dredi 1 — 2. Docteur de la facult6 de Paris. Med. oculiste de Ihopital 
St. Jacques et du dispensaire Love. Officier de l'Acadömie. 

Dr. Partenay, Pierre Adolphe. Paris '39. — '64. — 7 rue St. P6ters- 
bourg. 2—4. Chevalier de la 16gion d'honneur. 

Dr. Pawlidös. 

Dr. Perr6e, Rose, Mme. Paris '81. —16 rue Halevy. Mardi, jeudi, 
samedi 2-4. Clinique, 96 rue de Bondy, limdi, mercredi et ven- 
dredi 1-3. 

Dr. Piedvache, Henri. Dinan '39. Paris '65. — 4 rue Bastiat. Ancien 
interne des hopitaux de Paris. Med. ä Ihopital homeop. St. Jacques 

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36 France. — Frankreich. — France. 

Paris. Dr. Planton, Lucien. Ch&teau Gontier '64. Paris '92. 174 me de 

Vangirard. 2—4 tous les jours except^s les jeudis et jours f6ri6s. 

Ancien interne de l'höpital hom^op. St. Jaqnes de Paris. 
Dr. Robillard. Paris '80. — 73 rue de Turbigo. 1—3, except^ le 

mardi et dimanche, de 8—10. 
Dr. Röchet. 100 ßonleyard Beaumarchais. 2—4 Itindi, mercredi et 

vendredi; jeudi soir 6—8. 
Dr. Serrand, Daniel. Paris '72. — 281 rue Saint Honor6. Excepte 

dimanche et mercredi de 4 — 6 h. 
Dr. Serrand, Ren6. Chalon '44. Paris '76. — 7 Place de la Madeleine. 

3—5. Clinique des maladies des voies respiratoires. Chevalier de la 

16gion d'honneur. Officier de l'Acadömie. Commandeur de l'ordre 

Isabelle la catholique. Maladies de la gorge, du nez, du larynx 

et de la poitrine. 
Dr. Silva, Emest. France '66. Paris '93. Accoucheur. 1 me de la 

Planche. 3—5. Ancien interne de Thopital St. Jaques. M6d. de 

bronze de l'assistance publique. 
Dr. Simon, L^on. Paris 47. — 6 rue de la Tour des Dames. 4—6. 
Dr. Bimon, Vincent L6on. Paris '46. — '71. — 5 rue de la Tour des 

Dames. 2 — 4. Jeudi consultations k Thopital Hahnemann. Com- 
mandeur de la m^daille militaire. 
Dr. Sylvestare. 

Dr. Tardieu, Emile. Paris '85. — 12 rue Malher. 2—4. 
Dr. Tessier, Jean Paul. Paris '48. — '72. — 240 Boulevard Saint 

Germain. Ancien pr6sident de la soci^t6 m6d. homöop. de France. 

Chevalier de St. Gr6goire le grand. M6decin de Thöpital St. Jaques. 
Dr. Teste, Joseph Alphonse. Gray '14. Paris '37. — 7 rue Bourda- 

loue. 2—4. 
Dr. Vallois. Paris '48. — 50 rue Saint Andr6-des-Arts. 2—4. 
Dr. Vautier, Andr6. M6dicin dentiste. 13 rue Montmartre. 10—4. 
Dr. Yautier p6re. Dentiste. 13 rue Montmartre. 
Delpech, L., '81, Pharmacie homöop. spöciale. CateUan freres. 59 nie 

de Rivoli. 
Derode, '58, Pharmacie hom6op. 43 rue de Chäteaudun. 
Ecalle, '81, succ. de CateUan fröres, Pharmacie hom6op. speciale. 38 rue 

du Bac. 
Girardeau, '86, 1. classe Pharmacie hom6op. speciale. ßO rue Lafayette. 
Kim, L6on, '72, Pharmacie centrale hom6op. CateJlan fröres. 17 Boule- 
vard Haussmann et 17 rue du Helder. 
Penvrier. '81, Pharmacie. 25 Boulevard Saint Martin. 
Piotmszynski (Ladislas), Pharmacie hom6op. sp6ciale. 104 rae du Faub. 

St. Honor6. 
Trichou, E., '71, Pharmacie hom6op. speciale. 82 rue de la Victoire. 
Weber, Ch., '56 (Guillemin '88 succ), Pharmacie hom6op. 352 me 

St. Houor6. 
Weber, Georges, '77, Pharmacie hom^op. speciale, fond6e en '35. 8 me 

des Capucines. 
Institut hom6op. de France. 

Soci6t6 „Hahnemaunia" föderative. 5 me de la Tour des Dames. 
Soci6t6 m6dicale homeop. de France. 
Soci6t6 pour la propogation de l'homöop. Pr6sid. Dr. Jousset p6re; 

M. Ecalle, secrötaire g6n6raL 38 me du Bac. 
Clinique homöop. 25 me de Four St. Germain. Le matin 8V« h. 

(dimanches compris). Le soir ä 7V2 h. Maladies des femmes. Lundi 

matin k 8Va h. Consult. gratuites. 
Clinique hom6op. 41 rue de Verneuil, Faubourg St. Germain. Consult. 

gratuites. Le matin ä IOV2 ^- L'apr^s-midi ä 5V2 h. Le soir ä 8 h. 
Clinique homeop. 50 me de Sövres. Le matin 8V2 h. (dimanches 

compris^. Le soir 7*79 h. Consult. gratuites. 
^. L'höpital Hahnemann. 20 rue Laugier, 18. lits. Dr. L6on Simon. 
^. L'höpital St. Jacques. 227 rue deYaugirard, 60 lits. Dr. Jousset pere. 
' Bibliotheque homeop. 24. — 12 fr. 

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Italic. — Italien. — Italy. 37 

P>i"is. Journal „Part m6dical" Tessier. 12. — 15 fr. 

Journal „La Propaganda homöopathique". Dr. Flasschoen. 
j— St. Etienne (Loire). Dr. Frestier, L6on. fluriel '29. Paris '56. — 
^ / 15 place de l'hötel de Ville. Commandeur de Tordre de St. Sylvestre 

O^ et de l'öperoy d'or. Les öpilepsies et les bronchites chroniques. 

Dr. Frestier. Gradu6 '56. 
Toulon. Dr. Brieu, Alphonse. Castres '42. Montpellier '72. — Boulevard 
de Strassbourg. 1—3. 
Dr. Pascal, Theophile. Villeroze '60. Lyon '84. — 12 nie Picol. 2—4. 
Lundi les consult. sont. gratuites pour les indigents. M6decin de la 
Reserve active. 
Baussier, Mr., Pharmacien, '59. — 22 rue du Canon. 
Colombeau, Mr., '37, Pharmapie. Place Puget. 
Roustan, Mr., '73, Pharmacie. Place Puget. 
Toulouse. Dr. Orth. 

^ Journal populaire de m6decine hom6op. Prof. Dr. Orth. 12. — 4 Fr. 
Tours. Dr. Chauviet, Louis Fernand. Bourgneil '41. Paris '69. — 14 rue 
Balzen. 10—3. Dimanclie 10—1. 
Martin, M., Pharmacie. 58 rue Royale. 
Valence (Drome). Dr. Ferlin, Jean Aug. Henri. Valence '53. Mont- 
pellier '84. — 28 rue de la Gare. 2—4. 
Andr6, '86, Pharmacie hom6op. 2 rue des Alpes. 
Versailles. Dr. Conqueret^ Jean Joseph Th6 venin. Laurent '31. Paris '58. 
56 rue Äie la Paroisse. 1 — 3. Membre de la soci6t6 frangaise 
d'hom6op. et de la soci6t6 de Th6rapeutique experimentale de France. 
Louis, Paul Aug., '59, Pharmacie homlop. centrale. 47 rue de la Pompe. 
Orbinot, Mr., Pharmacien, fondö '74. — 5 rue de la Paroisse. 

Halle. — Italien. — Italy. 

Ascoli Piceno. Dr. Massimi, Vincenzo. Ascoli Piceno '20. Napoli '45. 
Malattie epidemiche. 
Dr. Posquali, Filippo, 
Bevagna. Dr. Mattoli, Attilio. 
Bolo§:na. Dr. Monti, Alfonso. 
Cagliori. Dr. Musio, Giuseppe Juaho. Isili '41. Cagliqri '64. Via 

Genovesi 28. 
Casale Monferrato. Dr. Vanni, Antonio. 
Catania. Dr. Capellani, Paola. 

Dr. Mighelo, Gaetano. 
Firenze. Dr. Belluomini, Francesco. 

Farmacia omiop speciale Marchese Flori. Vigna Nuova 20 B. Dir. 
Raffaello Vami. 
Florence. Dr. BaldQlli, Torquato. Pesaro '57. Roma '82. Via Vigna 
Nuova 20 B. ,1—8. (Via Tomabrioni 15.) 11-1^ Consultations 
k la Pharmacie homoeop. pour les pauvres. 
Genova. Dr Fagiani, Vincenzo. Turin '48 — '73. M6decin et Chirurgien 
de l'Association de bienfaisance. Place Ferrari 36. 
Dr. Gaiter, Giulio (pere). 
Dr. Gaiter, Giulio (fils). 
Dr. Gaiter, Silvio. 
Dr. de Marini, Samuele. 
Dr. Peirano, Giacomo. 

Dr. üsaj, Frederice. Cogliari '32. — '53. Via Serra 3. - 3—4. 
Dr. Zenoglio, Leone. 
Farmacia omiop. Fagiani. -Piazza Ferrari 30. Dir. Agostino Desalvo. 

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38 Italie. — Italien. — Italy. 

Genova. Farmacia „Vincenzo Graffigna". Piazza Ferrari 36. 
Messina. Dr. Sergi, Paul. Messina '25. — 70. Plaza St. Paul des 

Disciplinantes 80. Maladies genito-urinaires. Cons. matin. 
M i 1 a n 0. Dr. Martnrano, Emilio. 

Dr. Pagliano, Cesare. 

Dr. Pessarini, Bemardino. 

Farmacia, Giuseppe Omioti. 

Dispensario del mstituto omiop. 
Militello Rosmarino (Sicilia). Dr. Catalano, Salvatore. 
Montedoro. Dr. Pappolardo, Michele. 
N a p 1 i. Dr. Angrisani. 

Dr. de Bonis. 

Dr. Cigliano, Tommaso. Forio d' Ischia '42. Napoli '66. Via Bisignano 31. 

Dr. Pace. 

Dr. Palumbo. 

Dr. Panelli. 

Dr. Pelillo, Henri. Massafra '29. Napoli '56. Place Carolina 5. — 

Dr. Righetti. 

Dr. de Rinaldis. 

Dr. Rubini. 

Dr. Spasiano, Janvier Joseph. Napoli '27. — '49. Calata S. Tommaso 
d' Aquino. 7—8, 2—3. 

Dr. de Tommasi. • 

Farmacia omiop. centrale Guiseppe d' Alema, Via Chiaia 153. 

Farmacia Hartenstein, Strada Roma giä. Toledo 388. 

Farmacia omiop. speciale domenico sica. Fondata '52. Via Ohiaia 188. 

Dispensario del instituto omiop. 
Niscemi. Dr. Margani. 
Noto. Dr. Labisi, AUessandro. Noto '32. Palermo '58. — 10 — 12. 

Membre de 1! Accademie de Palermo et de Torino. 
Padova. Dr. Cogo, Pietro. 
Palermo. Academia omiop. 
Perugia. Dr. Ruata, Carlo. Prof. 
Pionone. Dr. Grenssing, August. Innsbruck '79. Im Sommer Schloss 

Martegg (Schweiz). Leibarzt S. H. des Herzogs von Parma. 
Roma. Dr. ßertoldi. Via Monterone 20. 

Dr. Bevilacqua, Flaminio. 

Dr. Bevilacqua, Lazise. Via Lucchesi 26. 

Dr. Centamori, G. Colonna Trajana. 

Dr. Fagiani, Vincenzo. 

Dr. Held, Rudolphe. Bern '27. Phil. '78. Via Frattina 99. — 2—3. 
Maladies de la poitrine. 

Dr. Ladelei, Carlo. Segretario del instituto omiop. Italiano. 

Dr. Liberali, Vincenzo. Via Frezza '69. Dottore dell dispens. omiop. 
di Roma. 

Dr. Pompili, Giovacchino. Roma '10. Roma et Bologna '34— '36. — 
2-3. Via delle chiavi d' oro. Sp. : K. III. 0. R. 

Dr. Secondari. 

Associazione „Hahnemannia". 

Farmacia omiop. speciale, Giuseppe Alleori. Via 8. Claudio 59. 

Dispensaria del instituto onliop. 

„Rivista omiopatica" fondata e diretta dal dottore G. Pompili. Organo 
officiale della societä Hahnemanniana Italiana. 
Spoleto. Dr. Pompili, Giovacchino (siehe Roma). 
St. Omero (Sicilia). Dr. Massimi, Vincenzo. 

Torino. Dr. med. et Chirurg. Bonino, Joseph Pinasea. Torino '57. Via 
ospedale 14. — 1—3. Chevalier de la couronne d' Italie. Pr^sid. del 
instituto omiop. Italiano. 

Dr. Bonino, Fulvia fils. Geneve et Bologne '90. Via ospidale 14. 

Dr. Bonino, Pierantonio. 

Dr. Bottino, Crisanto. Rue mercanto 30.« 

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Pays-Bas. — Niederlande. — Netherlands. 39 

Torino. Dr. Dematteio, Silvio. 16 rue orto Botanico. Chirurgien del' hopital 

Dr. Denino, Pietro. 
Dr. Lombroso, Cesare, Prof. 
Dr. Losana. Ottario. Turin '52. — '75. Rue Dalmazzo 7. -— 1—3. 

(9—10 ä rinstitut homöop. Italien, en Dimanche.) Electrotherapie. 
Dr. Milauetto, Luigi. 
Farmacia demente Schiaparelli. Via Venti Settembre 50 Dir. Olivero 

Institut© omiop. Italiano '86. Memb. 252. Pr^sid. Dr. Giuseppe Bonino. 
Dispensario del instituto omiop. 

„L'omiopatia in Italia", organo del instituto omiop. Italiano. 
Vittoria. Dr. Maltese, Feiice. Vittoria '39. Catane '59. Maison propre. 

Chevalier de Tordre de la couronne d'Italie. Membre ä vie de la 

soci^t^ de moralitö publique de Belgique. 9 k midi. 
Voltri. Dr. Podesta, Giuseppe. 

Pays-Bas. — Niederlande. — Netherlands. 

Axel. Bauwens, J., med. veter. 

den Haag. Dr. Voorhoeve, N. A. J. Rotterdam '54. Leiden '80. Prince- 
gracht 71. 1— 2V9; ausser Mittwoch. Vorsitzender des Vereins 
„Vereeniging tot bevordering der Homoeopathie in Nederland". 
Apotheker F. D. Vrydag Zynen. 22 Gedempte Burgwal. 
Vereeniging tot bevordering de Homoeopathie in Nederland. 
Homoeopathisch Maandblad. Dr. N. A. J. Vorhoeve et H. C. Vorhoeve. 
Herausgeber La Riviere et Vorhoeve. 12 fois. Prix 1 fr. et pour 
l'ötranger 1 fr. 80. 
Rotterdam. Dr. Kallenbach, Oswald. Berlin '29. — '56. Eendrachts- 

weg 62. I2V2— 2Va; ausser Freitags. 
Utrecht. Dr. Gruber, A. J. 
Dr. de Rooy, D. 

Dr. van Royen, Stephanus Jacobus. Groningen '28. Leiden '58. Amster- 
dam '83. Chirurg und Doctor medicinae. Schalkwykstraat 2. 1—2. 
Apotheker C. Bahnsen (Viel & Co.). 

Rüssie. — Russland. — Russia. 

Achtirka (Gouv. Chark^. Dr. Wojutzky, Alexandre Semeno witsch. 
Bielozerkowa (Gouv. Polt.). Dr. Dukow, E. 
Charkow. Pharmacie Koch. Moskowskaja uliza. 

Soci6t6 des adhörents de l'homöopathie , fond6 '91. Prösid. Alexis 
Goroditsche (Gouv. Kiew). Dr. Neumann, Carl. 
Kamenetz-Podolsk. Dr. Saltarski, Kusma Feodoro witsch. 
Kasan. Pharmacie W. P. Bening. Pokowskaja uliza, maison Danilowa. 

Pharmacie F. Ch. Grache. Maloprolomnaja uüza. 

Pharmacie 0. K. Gnerich. Woskresenskaja uliza^ maison Saposchnikow. 

Pharmacie de l'universitö G. W. Devnen. Liadskaja uliza, maison 

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40 Knssie. — Russland. — Russia. 

Kelmi (Gouv. Kowno). Pharmacie M. Seh. Lipschütz. 
Kieff. Dr. Hohenber^, Wasili Semenowitsch. Proresnaja 20. 11—1 du 
midi, 5—7 du soir. 
Dr. Muravieif, Victor Nicolaewitsch. Pissa '78. Rue Fondocliefskaja 43. 

Consultation chaqae Iout, except6 le vendredi. 
Dr. Nadjeschdin, Iwan Afanasiewitsch. Ribalskaja 3. 10 — 12 du midi. 
Pharmacie hom^op. centrale Ladislas Lepkowski, fond6 '88. Proresnaja 15. 
Soci6t6 des adh^rents de Thomöopathie, fond6 '89. Pr6sid. Nicolay 
Feodorowsky. Proresnaja uliza 20. 
^ Höpital hom6op. de la 8oci6t6 des adh6rents de l'homöopath. Proresnaja 

^^ uliza 20. 

^^ Kowno. Pharmacie P. J. Iwenski. Bolschaja uliza, maison Katscha. 

Pharmacie M. M. Klimoritsch, fond6 '83. Garnisonnaja uliza, maison 
Kutais. Pharmacie J. W. Gerdsiewski. Sadowaja uliza. 
Lodz (Pologne). Dr. Sieff, Abram. Kowno '68. Moscou '82. Petro- 

kowskaja 61. — 7«? — 1^ du matin, 3—6 du soir. 
Moscou. Dr. Bojanus , Mcolas. Kasan '63. Dorpat '81. Powarskaja, 
Trubnikow pereulok, maison Dimkow. Lundi, mercredi, vendredi 8—1 
du* matin, dimanche 8—10 du matin. Cavalier de Fordre du St. 
Stanislaus 3. Cl. Signe de Croix rouge. Medaille de la guerre 
1877/78. Maladies internes des femmes et des enfants. 
Dr. Dumoulin, Ippolit. Niemetzkaja uliza, Aptekarski pereulok 14. 

6—6 du soir, dimanche 10—11 du matin. 
Dr. Jegorow, Jacob Andriewitsch. Nowaja Boschedomka, maison 

Schempeukowa. 9—11 du matin. 
Dr. Lantzky, Johann Friedr. Jul. Malaja Liubenka, maison Kononow. 
Mercredi et Samedi 12—2 du matm, dimanche 12—2 du matin.- 
Maladies indeterminables. 
Dr. Mischin, Ivan Kirilowitsch. Orel '63. Moscou '78. Malo Snamensky 
pereulok, maison Mischin. 9 — 11 du matin et 7—9 du soir. Membre 
d'honneur du comitö de la soci6t6 de l'imperatrice Marie pour enfants 
Dr. Schtrupp, Wladimir Juliewitsch. Petrovka, Krapiwinsky pereulok, 
maison Pentzki 1. Dimanche, mardi, jeudi et samedi de 10 ä 1 h. 
du matin. 
Dr. Trifanowsky^ Dmitri Semenowitsch. 1. Mieschanskaja, maison Ke- 

drowa. Jeudi et samedi 10—12 ä midi. 
Dr. Trischatny, Nicolay Petro witsch. Prezistenka, Denieschny pereulok, 

maison Awdiewa. Mercredi et vendredi 6 h. du soir. 
Pharmacie homöop. centrale 8. A. Forbriger, fond6 '33. Petrowka 19. 
Pharmacie „Staraja Pokrowskaja Apteka", Minder. Prokowskaja uliza. 
Pharmacie F. L. Wagner, fondö '87. Morosenka, maison Keysarow. 
Novgorod. Pharmacie A. 0. Hintowta. Petersburgskaja uliza. 
Odessa. Dr. Bojanus, Carl Carlo witsch jr. Gretscheskaja et Kanatnaja, 
maison Pr. Urusow. 10—1 du matm, excepte mardi et vendredi. 
Dr. Rzaniteyn, Michael. * Wologda '68. Charkow '86. Njemetzkaja 

uliza 43. 10—11 du matin. 
Pharmacie homeop. centrale JuliusLoevy, fond6 '87. Puschkinskajauliza6/9. 
. ^" Soci6t6 des adh6rents de l'hom^opathie, fond6 '91. Prösid. Nicolay Teplow, 
y Pawlowsk (Gouv. St. P6tersb.). Dr. Prosin, Mcolay Vasilievitsch. 
Pharmacie J. E. Wegner, fond6 '92. Pod Lipkamn 138. 
Poltava. Soci6t6 des adh6rents de l'homfeopathie, fond6 '93. Pr6sid. H 
W. Reck. 
* Riga. Dr. med. et chir. von Erdberg, Eduard. Dünaburg '62. St. Peters- 
bourg '78. Gr. Schlossstr. 16. — 9-11, 6—7. 
Dr. Rolsseun, Theod. Riga '62. Dorpat '90. Gr. Sandstr. 29. — 9—11 , 

4—5. S. 12—1. Chirurgie und Frauenkrankheiten. 
Pharmacie de la soci6t6 homeop., Wallstr. 28. Arrendator A. Junge. 
Samara. Dr. Bojanus, Charles. St. P6tersbourg '18. Moscou '46. Con- 
seiller de la Cour. Chevalier de l'ordre St. Stanislaus et St. Anne 
3. Cl. Mödaille de la guerre de la Crim6e. (Ne pratique plus.) 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Russie. — Russland. — Russia. 41 

Saratow. Dr. Shibajeif, Venseslav Aleksiewitsch. Conseiller d'etat. 

Moscou '31. — '59. Tschosoveunoi uliza, maison Charitono w 61. 

Lundi, jeudi et samedi deux fois par jour. Pour les pauvres mercredi 

et vendredi nne fois. Dimanche pour les pauvres. 
Pharmacie homöop. Fridoline. 
Schawli (Gouv. Kowno). Pharmacie Salomon Slavit, fond6 '84. 
Serpuchow ^ouv. Moscou) . Pharmacie . Beyer succ. Mosko wskaj a uliza. 

Pharmacie E. F. Saikowski. Dworjanskaia uliza, maison Berdotowa. 
Shitomir (Gouv. Volhynie). Dr. IJlanicki, Andr6. Kieff '32. — '50. 

Rue du thöätre, propre maison. 9—12 du midi, 5 — 6 du soir. Con- 
seiller de la cour. Chevalier de la croix pour le m6rite et de la m^daille 

de la guerre de Crim6e. 
Pharmacie J. Sakevitsch. Michailovskaja uliza. 
Staro-Konstantinovka. Dr. Uschapovski, L^o Michaelovitsch. 
St. P6tersbourg. Dr. Brandt, Sebastian Jegorowitsch. Ofizerskaja 13, 

Log. 15. Mercredi et vendredi 10—11, mardi et jeudi 6V2— "^Vg 

du soir. 
Dr. de Brasol, L^on. Pavlof k«i '54. St. P6tersbourg 77. Nicolaewskaja 8. 

Conseiller de la Cour. Lundi et mercredi 7—9 du soir, mardi et 

vendredi 10—12 du matin. Maladies internes. Prösid. de la soci^te 

des m6decins hom6opathes ä St Petersbourg. 
Dr. von Dittmann, Woldemar. Dorpat '43. St. P6tersbourg '67. Ser- 

jiewskaja 17. Mercredi et samedi 6—8 du soir. Cavalier de l'ordre 

du St. ötanislaus. Docteur de la clinique de la sociötö des mödecins 

hom^opathes ä St. P6tersbourg. 
Dr. Flemming, Anatole Feodorovitsch. Gorochowaja 15, Log. 3. Mardi, 

mercredi, vendredi et samedi 4-5 h. apres -midi, lundi et jeudi de 

6Va— 8 du soir. 
Dr. Gawrilowitsch, E. 0. Foütanka • 38. Lundi et mercredi 7— -9 du 

soir, jeudi et samedi 10—12 du matin. 
Dr. Gu^nik, Demetrius Adamowitsch. Caucase '60, St. Petersbourg '87. 

Nevsky 80. Lundi et jeudi 10—12 du matin et 6—8 du soir. 

Docteur de la clinique de la sociöte des docteurs homöopathes a 

St. Petersbourg. Mercredi et samedi de 12—2 h. 
Dr. von Hubbenet, Anton Matwiewitsch, Kirstschnaja 8, Log. 12. — 

9— IIV2 du matin. 
Dr. Klingelhöfer, Otto. Berlin '56. St. P6tersbourg '81. Nevsky 18. 

9—5 h. Cavalier de l'ordre du St. Stanislaus 3. Cl. Dentiste 

de la clinique hom^op. ä St. Petersbourg. 
Dr. Krutulewski, Iwan Iwannowitsch. Grande rue de Moscou, maison 

Remeslenaja üprawa 47. Jusqua 11 h. du matin et 6—8 du soir. 
Dr. Lenski, Üsip Pawlo witsch. Wladimir skaja 7, Log. 9. 9— 11 du 

matin et 7—8 du soir. 
Dr. Ripke, Wladimir Albertowitsch. Troitzkaja 3, Log. 34. Lundi, 

mercredi et samedi 6— 8 du soir. 
Dr. Schütz, Jean. Jekaterinowsky- Prospect 6. — 10—6 h. Dentiste. 
Dr. Seel, Edouard. Kasanskaja 8, Log. 86. — 6— 7 du soir. Dentiste. 
Dr. Solowijew, Pawel Wasiliewitsch. Sadowaja 18. Mardi, jeudi et 

samedi de 6—8 h. du soir. 
Dr. Solowijew, Wasili Wasiliewitsch. Sadowaja 18. Lundi, mercredi 

et vendredi de 6—8 h. du soir. 
Dr. Stetkewitsch , Stephan Iwano witsch. Snamenskaja 20. — 9 — 11 

du matin. 
Dr. Tomson, Iwan Petrowitsch. Grande Morskaja 44. — 1—3. Dentiste. 
Pharmacie de la sociöte des adh6rents de l'homöopathie de St. Peters- 
bourg, fondö '82. Sadowaja 18. 
Pharmacie hom6op. centrale (Feodor Karlo witsch Flemming), fond6 '34. 

Gorochowaja 15. 
Pharmacie de la societd des m^decins hom^opathes, fondd '92. Nevsky- 

Prospect 82. 
Society des adh^rents de l'homeopathie , fond6 '81. Presid. Alexandre 

Basilewsky. Sadowaja uliza 18. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

42 Suede et Norvege. — Schweden und Norwegen. — Sweden and Norway. 

St. P^tersbourg. Socidte des mMecins homöopathes, fond^'68, Nevsky- 
Prospect '82. Pr^sid. Dr. Leon Brasol. 
L höpital hom^op. de St. P6tersbourg. Gorochowaja uliza 15. Consult. 
chaque jour (exceptd mercredi) 2-4 et 6V^— 8 du soir. Dimanche 
10—12 midi. 30 et 60 Kop. par Consultation. 
_ II. höpital hom^op. de la soci^te des m^decins hom^öpathes de St. P^ters- 
-^ bourg. Nevsky-Prospect 82. Consult. chaque jour 11 — 2 h. — 
30 Kop. par Consultation. 
III. höpital hom^op. de la soci^t^ des adh^rents de l'homdopathie de 
St. P^tersbourg. Sadowaja uliza 18. 
^ Annuaire hom^op. de la Pharmacie hom^op. centrale. Gorochowaja 15. 
Chaque ann^e 40 Kop. 
Journal homeop. Le m^decin homeopathe (Wratsch homeopath). Dr. A. 

Flemming. 12 fois. 1000 Exempl. 3 floubles. 
Journal „Homeopatizeski Westnik". La Nouvelle hom^opathique. 12 fois. 

5 flouble. 
\Journal „Homeopatizeski Lezenie". La Cure hom^opathique. 
Journal de la socidte des m^decins homeopathes. Dr. Leon de Brasol. 
Schwekschny (Gouv. Kowno). Dr. Dlugoborsky, Ferdin. Matwievitsch. 
Tambow. Pharmacie Mag. Pharm. A. A. Wagner. 
Tschernigow. Soci^te des adh^rents de l'homeopathie, f onde '91 . Pr esid. 

Andre Wischkewsky. 
Tiflis (Kaukase). Dr. Reichenbach, Ludwig. Dresde '20. Leipzig '45. 
Rue Elisabeth 52—56. 7—9 du matin, 7—10 du soir. 
Pharmacie Mag. Pharm. F. K. Otten. 
Tula. Pharmacie F. G. Beljawski. 
Vilna. Dr. Aschourkoff. 

Dr. Pawlowitsch, Kavier. Mohilef '57. Moscou '85. Rue Grande. 

maison de Rodkiewicz. 10^11 du" matin, 6—7 du soir. 
Dr. Schvezkovsky, Constantin Franzovitsch. A l'hötel Pischkowski. 
Pharmacie L. J. Seidler, fonde '57. Blagoweschenskaja uliza, maison 
Dr. Raduschkewitsch. 
Warsaw. Dr. Bartkowsky, Clemence. Korolewskaja uliza 3. — 9—10 
du matin, 4—6 du soir. 
Dr. Drzewiecki, Joseph. Smykow '60. Warsaw '85. Nowy-Swiat 54. 
9 -10 du matin, 4V2— 6 du soir. Dimanche 9—11 du matin. Maladies 
nerveuses et internes. Docteur k la clinique de l'üniversite de 
Dr. Lie, Adalb. Franz. Galicien '23. Vienne '53. Kieff '55. Chmielna 20. 

10—12 du midi, 4—6 du soir. 
Dr. m^d. et chir. Rymarkiewicz, Antone. Fraustadt '24. Berlin '51. 

Warsaw '52. Bracka 20. 8—12 du midi. 
Pharmacie homeop. centrale Alfons Francki, fonde '68. Zistaja uliza 6. 

Suade et Norväge. — Schweden und Norwegen. — 
Sweden and Norway. 

Christiania. Apotheke W. F. W. Eckell. 

Stockholm. Dr. Gründal, Adolf. Stockholm '41. — '69. Lille Vattu- 

gatan 19. Im Sommer 11—2, im Winter 2—4. Inhaber des Med. 

Ordens III. Cl. Innere Krankheiten. Spec. : Gicht und Rheumatismus. 

• In den Sommermonaten auch Consultationen in Saltzjöbaden bei 


Apotheke M. Morian, 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Suisse. — Schweiz. — Switzerland. 43 

Suisse. — Schweiz. — Switzerland. 

Basel. Dr. Brückner, Theophil. Binningen '21. Basel '45. Leonhard- 

str. 59. IV 3. 

Dr. Günther. Nadelberg 20. 

Dr. Meschlin, Jos. Bellwyl '24. Basel '68. Chir. u. Geburtsthelfer. 

Holbeinstr. 57. — IVg— 3'/«- Jeden Monat Consultation in Zofingen. 

Dr. Siegrist, Alb. Basel '34' — '56. Leimenstr. 18. — V22— 4. Im 

Sonuner 5 bis 7 Wochen abwesend. 
Homöop. Apotheke von Theod. Engelmaun. 
Bern, Dr. Anker, Bob. Bern '47. — '72. Waisenhausplatz 27. 11— IV2. 
Dr. Pfander, Alb. Ringgenberg '51. Bern '74. Menengasse 23. — 

IQ\/ j_2V . 

Dr. Schädler, Emil. Solothum '22. Bern '46. Neuengasse 23. 11—1. 
Pütersche Apotheke „zum Rebhuhn"; Inh. A. .Pohlj Verw. W. Volz. 
Mtillersche Apotheke beim Rathhaus; Inh. C. Müller. 
Traunersche Apotheke. 
Berneck (St. Gallen). Dr. Schelling, Felix. Bemeck '53. Zürich '69. 
II. Adjunct des Bezirksphysikat. Consultationen täglich mit Aus- 
nahme^ Donnerst ags. 
Biel. Dr. Simon, Ad. Bern '21. — '45. Centralplatz 51. — 8—9, 1—2. 
St. Gallen. Dr. Grubenmann. Teufen '40. Bern' 65. Alter National- 
rath. 3—6. Von Mitte Juli bis Mitte August abwesend. 
C. Fr. Hausmanns Hecht- Apotheke ; Inh, 0. Fr. Hausmann. 
Löwenapotheke; Inh. C. F. Ludin, A. Wartenweilers Nachf. 
Genf. Dr. Batault, Emile. Paris '59. Gen^ve '84. 20 rue de Candolle. 2-4. 
Dr. Dupeine, Edouard. Mesne '18. Paris '46. 3 rue des Granges. — 
^ Commandeur de l'ordre de St. Gregoire le Grand. Cons. touts les 

jours ; jeudi et dimanche 11 ä 1. 
Homöop. Centralapotheke u. elektro -homöop. Institute; Inh. Actien- 

gesellschaft; Adm. A. Sauter; Dir. Gh. Keinen. 
Pharmacie „Gmelin", 56 rue du marche; Inh. Jules Gmelin. 
Mart egg (Schloss St. Gallen). Dr. Grensing, August. Innsbruck '51. 
— '79. Leibarzt S. H. des Herzogs von Parma. Im Sommer auf 
Schloss Martegg, im Winter in Pionone in Toscana. 
Monthey. Dr. Beck, Alphonse. Monthey '22. Naples '45. Depute au 
grand Conseil du Valois. Cons. le matin de pref6rence ; le mercredi 
tout le jour. 
Pharmacie Mr. Carraux. 
Apotheke „zum Affen". 

Schweizerischer Verein für Homöopathie u. Gesundheitspflege '68. — 
100. M. 
Saignelegien. Dr. Heche, Jos. Suisse '43. Bern '65. Cons. la matinee. 
M6d. vaccinateur et des prisons. M6d. de l'hopital de Saignelegien. 
Worb (Kanton Bern). Dr. Weibel. 

Wyl. Dr. Germann, Jos. Maria. Wyl '27. St. Gallen '53. Kirchgasse 74. 
Consultationen den ganzen Tag. Sonnt. 8 Uhr früh. 
Löwenapotheke von Xaver. 
Zofingen. Dr. Meschlin (siehe Basel). 

Zürich. Dr. Fries, E. S. Sissach '45. Zürich '68. Waldmannstr. 8. — 
Chronische und Hautkrankheiten. Täglich vom April bis September 
von 9—4; October bis März von 10—4. 
Dr. Mende, Rud. Theophil. Borfz '53. Zürich '75. Thalacker 34. — 

2-4. Frauenkrankheiten. 
Dr. Oberholzer, Jacob. Wald '59. Bern '83. Hirschengraben 59. — 

1—3. Meist Juli und August abwesend. 
Verein homöop. Aerzte der Schweiz. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

44 Afrique. — Les Indes. — Oc^anie. 

Afrique. — Afrika. — Africa. 

Capetown. Kitching, Charles Watton, M. B. London. M. R. C. S. Eng:. 
L. S. A. 6 Church-Street. 
Pharmacie C. H. Bösenberg. 
Juritsch & Co., importers of homoeop. remedies. 
Kimberley (Öiegnaland, Cape Colony). Dr. med. et chirur^. van den Heuyel, 
Theod. Theoph. Molenbeck (Belgique) '46. Louvam (Belgique) '70. 
Cuney- Street. 8— 9V2. 2—3 and 6. Dispensary for children and 
chronical diseases. 

Les Indes. — Ost-Indien. — East Indies. 

Calcutta. Bauerjee, DwarkaNath, M. D. Calcutta '43. — 74. Consult. 

8 — 10, 1 —9 ; Charity 6-8. Chorebagan. Commandeur Legion d'honnenr. 

Phys. of the Calcutta and Nalikul Arrat homoeop. dispeusaries. 
Banerjee, G. D. M. D. Member of the Calcutta homoeop. charity 

Sey, S., M. D. Member of the Calcutta homoeop. charity dispensary. 
The Calcutta homoeop. dispensary and Nalikul Arrat homoeop. dispensary. 
Berigny & Co., importers of homoeop. remedies. 

Oceanie. — Australien. — Australia. 

Adelaide. Bollen, M. D. 
Campbell, H., M. D. 
Wigg, E., M. D. 
Wigg, H., M. D. 
Ashfield (Sydney). Deck, John Field, M. D. St. And. M. ß. C. S. 

Eng. L. R. C. P. London. 
Brisbane. Wangh, M. D. 

Hobart. Watson, Ch. George, L. K. C. S. L. R. C. P. S. L. M. 
Melbourne. Bonton, W. K., M. D. 

Jeagne, James Pascal, M. D. Comevell '37. Philadelphia '59. Toronto '60. 
89 CoUins - Street. Phys. of the homoeop. hospital Melbourne. 
10 until 2. Wednesdey 9 until 12 at the hospital. 
Mynay, M. D. 
Wheeler, Henry, L. R. C. P. London. M. R. C. S. Eng. 147 ColHns- 

Homoeopathie hospital. 
Sydney. Deck, John Field, M. D. L. R. C. P. M. R. C. S. 
Kyngdon, Bronghton, L. S. A. London. 

Mafiey John, R. C. S. R. C. P. L. M. England '45. Edinburgh '69. 
26 Wyngold-Square. 10—12, 2-4, after 7. Saturday 10—12. Dis. of 
children and ehest. Secr. of Syd. homoeop. Fustitution and form. 
Senior- Surgeon of Melbourne homoeop. hospital. 
Mathias William Lloyd. M. R. C. S. Eng. L. R. C. P. London. 
Payne-Scott, P. 209 Maeynare- Street. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Alabama. — United States of America. — Arkansas. 45 

Roch, E., M. D. 

Scott, Hubert Payne. L. S. A. London. 
Simmons, Ben., M. D. M. R. C. S. L. S. A. 

Dr. Watson, WilUam George. Sydney '45. M. B. '65. M. A. '73. M. B. '68. 
M.R.C.S.'71. L. S.A. 71. 150 Elizabeth-Street. 9-11, 2-3, «-8. 
Arnold & Co., Geor^. Chemists. 
Fisher & Co., Chemists, 337 George-Street. 
Osmond, J. S., Chemist. 798 George-Street. 
Homoeopathic dispensary. (Founded 1. July '92.) 

United States of America. 


Birmingham. Ballard, Asa N., M. D. 

Clapp, Wm. W., M. D. '68. 

DearÜi, James K., M. D. 
Blocton. Meadow, Albert E., M. D. '83. 

Meadow, John M., M. D. '90. 
Florence. Bellamy, Alfred D., M. D. '76. 
Huntsville. Duftield, Alfred M., M. D. 

Duffield, A M., M. D. Boston '85. 

Homoeopathic state medical society of Alabama. Presid. P. S. Boyd, 
Mobile, de Derkey, F. F., M. D. 

Lyon jr., George G., M. D. '88. 
Montgomery. Henry, John H., M. D. '50. 


Phoenix (Maricopa). Beiden, Charles D., M. D. '68. 
T u c 1 n. Pilling, H. H., M. D. 


Big Fiat (Baxter). Adams, Erasmus E., M. D. '87. 
Black Springs. Wasson, H. L., M. D. 
Bluff City. Hesterly, Simeon J., M. D. 
Chula (Yell). Perce, C. C, M. D. 
Devalls Bluff. Henry, Samuel D., M. D. 
Elmore (Hot Spring). Williams, M. J., M. D. 

Eureka Springs (Carroll). Ellis, C. F., M. D. N. Y. homoeop. M. C. '79. 
Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. Memb. of the South -Institution of 
homoeop. and Missouri-Institution. 
Regan, Milton R., M. D. Chigaco '89. Memb. of the Hahnemann med. society. 
Fort Smith (Sebastian). Daily, John C, M. D. '83. 

Harrison, Edward M., M. D. '75. 
Haie (Crawford). Dill, W. F., M. D. '71. 
Harlow (Calhoun). Glidden, WiUis C, M. D. '79. 
Hot Springs (Garland). Brooks, John B., M. D. '64. 
Cressey, Jomi, M. D. '57. 
Dake, (Charles, M. D. Tennesee '81. 23 and 25 Park -Avenue. Memb. 

of the Americ. Institute of Homoeop. 
Le Fevre Wells, M. D. Chicago '87. Office over Arkansas Nat. Bank. 
Phys. in Charge Hot Sp. Sanatorium. Chronic dis. Dis. of women. 
Hallmann, Victor H., M. D. Chicago '86. Office over Arkansas Nat. 
Bank. Phys. to the Hot Springs Sanatorium. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

46 Arkansas. — United States of America. — California. 

Hot Springs (Garland). Hot Springs Sanatorium. Corner Church and 

Little Rock. Ayres, E. Darwin, M. D. '62. 

Bull, John, M. D. '69. 

Brooks, Jda J., M. D. '91. 

Hughes, Wm. B., M. D. Arkansas Ind. Univ. '86 Chicago '87. 
52IV2 Main-Street. 

Neal, Dwight B., M. D. '87. 

Pulasky Co., homoeop. med. society. 2d and Center. 

Pulasky county hospital, etahl. *85. Capacity 60; 30 th and Jones. 
Mammoth Spring. Pease, Wm. A., M. D. '86. 
New Decatur. Smith, Dean T., M. D. '89. 

Smith, John E., M. D. '66. 
Oak öroye. Gwaltney, James A., M. D. '78. 
Ozark. Bridges, Joshua C, M. D. *81. 
Parkdale. Myres, G., M. D. 
Pine Bluff. Bums, Jean W., M. D. '82. 
Rogers (Benton). Bacon, Ch. W., M. D. 
Texarkana. Williams, Perry C, M. D. '91. 
Van Buren. Cass, James, M. D. 


Alameda. Brouson, Caleb. W., M. D. '84. — 1235 Park -Avenue. 

sVa-iov«, 3-4V2. 

Bowen, Horace, M. D. '52. 

Hess, Alexandre, M. D. 

Loomis, Wm. H., M. D. '76. 

Tisdale, Ch. L., M. D. Anbum '58. Chic. '78. Bov. 2300 Central- 
Avenue. 10—11. Rectal dis. 

Tisdale, T. P., M. D. '58. 
Alhambra. Eddy, Olive L., M. D. '82. 

Jones, W. Roseve, M. D. '70. 

Lane, D. E., M. D. '78. 
Alta. Hood, Frank C, M. D. '84. 
Anbum. CaUen, John A., M. D. '75. 

Callen, J. H, M. D. '90. 
Berkeley. Jenks, George H., M. D. '75. 

Wall, Benjamin P., M. D. '80. 

Whitworth, George F., M. D. '84. 
Brentwood (contra Costa). Cutler, Helen. M. T., M. D. 
Carpenteria. Canch, Robert, M. D. London Eng. '32. Chicago. Dis. 
of women. Consult. at all hours. 

Shepard, J. Henry, M. D. 
Chi CO (Butte). Oliver, Cassius A., M. D. '80. 
Chinese Camp. Stratton, Daniel E., M. D. '86. 
Comp ton (Los Angeles). Downs, James M., M. D. '84. 
Decoto (Alameda). Badger, Alice, M. D. '89. 
Delano (Kern). Mitchell, J. S., M. D. '89. 
Dixon (Solano). Evans, George H., M. D. '69. 
Elk Grove (Sacramento). Powers, Charles H., M. D. '83. 
Eureka (Humboldt). IngersoU, A. E., M. D. '71. 

Smith, Arthur M., M. D. '83. 

Wells, E. W., M. D. '76. 
Fairfield (Solano). Ostrander, Jasper A., M. D. 88. 
Fresno. Burdick, Arthur W., M. D. '91. 

Green, 0. W., M. D. '86. 

Long, Georg L., M. D. '86. 
Garden Grove (Los Angeles). Chaffee, John D., M. D. '87. 
Gilvoy (Santa Clara). Chesbro, H. R., M. D. '81. 
Grass Valley (Nevada). Woodmansee, C. S., M. D. '64. 
Harold (Los Angeles). Peckham, John J., M. D. '74. 
Haywards (Alameda). Kimball, Edwin, M. D. '76. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

-~ i 

California. — United States of America. — California. 47 

Healdsburg (Sonoma). Caldwell, J. E., M. D. '81. 

Grove, M. F., M. D. '86. 
Lakeport. Swayze, C. W., M. D. '89. 
Lathrop (Joaquin). Knapp, Henry, M. D. '51. 
Lanrel (Santa Cruz). Spranger, F. X., M. D. '64. 
Livermore (Alameda). Savage, S. L., M. D. '74. 
Loekeford (San Joaquin). Barbour, Nathan R., M. D. '81. 
Los Angeles. Avery, Moses N., M. D. '81. 

Barn well, James H., M. D. '68. 

Beaeh, George H., M. D. '63. 

Bishop, Herbert M., M. D. Cor. Broadway and Third-Street. 11—4. 

Boal, J. Müls, M. D. '84. — 108 North-Spring- Street. 11—12, 2—5. 

Boynton-Sumner, H., M. D. '66. 

Brown, James F., M. D. '75. 

Buell, Edwin C, M. D. '76. — 314 South-Broadway. 1—4. 

de Cailhoe, E. A., M. D. 

Campbell, Eugene. Cor. Spring and Second-Str. 10—12, 2—5. 

Carüsle, Ch. H, M. D. '65 

Clarke, Älmir A., M. D. '78. 

Cook, Alonzo G., M. D. '81. 

Dickson, C. B., M. D. '83. 

Dorsey, Rebecca, M. D. '83. 

Fellows, Isaac, M. D. '76. 

Fernandez, Manuel V., M. D. Madrid (Spain) '62. 

Lawrence, J. M., M. D. 107 North-Spnng-Street. 10-4 

Lummis, Dorothea, M. D. Chillicothe '59. Boston '84. ~ 62/63 Potomac- 
Block. 10—1. . Dis. of women. 

Lummis, Mary D., M. D. '84. 

Dr. Hays, A. Pierson, Dentist U5 West-First-Street. 

Hoy, F. Pierce, M. D. '79. — 139 North-Spring- Street. 10-4. 

Kiger, Thomas C, M. D. '57. 

Kirkpatrick, John C, M. D. '77. 

Manning, Edward C, M. D. '83. — 14/17 Potomac- Block, Broadway. 
11—12, 2-4, 7—8. S. 3-4. 

Miller, Eliza M., M. D. '86. — 532 Main-Street. 8-10, 4—6; 

Mitchell, Eugene P., M. D. '86. 

Munson, Mrs. Mary F., M. D. 86. 
. Owens, James Ps., M. D. '66. 

Owens, James S., M. D. '78. 

Parry, H. E., M. D. 

Pritchard, Wm. E., M. D. '86. 

Reynolds, John W., M. D. '75. 

Richardson, George H., M. D. '91. 

Royer, H. C, M. D. '76. 

Salisbury^ S. S., M. D. '73. Young men's Christian association-building, 
Broadway. 11—12, 1-4. 

Shorb, Andrew S., M. D. '79. 

Smith, Charles B., M. D. '74. 

Stevens, H. F., M. D. 

Walker, G. S., M. D. '52. 

Weymouth, Albert B., M. D. '63. 

Wheeler, Amsden E., M. D. '80. — 262 South-Broadway. 1—4. 

Wheeler, F. W., M. D. '87. 

Wilcox, H. T., M. D. 

Wittlesky, D. A., M. D. 

Los Angeles homoeop. med. society. 139 West-Spring. Secr. F. P. Hoy. 
Los Berros (San Luis Obispo). Daily, J. S., M. D. 
Los Gatos. Plower, C. B., M. D. '88. 

Freemann, Roscoe E., M. D. '86. 
Loyal ton. Graut, William H., M. D. 

Schubert, Theodore, M. D. 
Lusardi (San Diego). Gamber, Benjamin F., M. D. '77. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

48 California. — United States of America. — California 

Menlo-Park. Charles. Edward W., M. D. '65. 

Scott, Catharine V. C, M. D. '78. 
Merced. Bradley, Lawrence HulL, M. D. Ohio '68. Chic. '80. — 7-9, 

12 — IV«, 6—7. County-Phys. and surgeon. 
Man ton (Tehama). Caldwell, John D., M. 1). 
Marysville (Yuha) Russell, Wümer W., M. D. '76. 
Mode st (Stanislaus) Fnller, J. P., M. D. '61/62. '72. 

Griswold, Charles H., M. D. '87. 
Monrovia. Chamberlin, M. H., M. D. Phys. and surgeon. 
Monterey. Smith, S. H., M. D. '86. 
Murrietta (San Diego). Lashlee, H. B., M. D. '73. 
Napa. Taylor, Robert F., M. D. '77. 

Wightmann, Anna B., M. D. '85. 
National City (San Diego). Longshore, Rebecca H. R., M. D. *61. 

Potto, Anna M. L., M. D. '51. 
Oakland(Alameda). Adams, Mrs. J. A. D., M. D. 71. — 568, 17 th Street. 

Arnold, Rawdon, M. D. Kansas '83. — 1678 Taylor- Street. 

Bradley, Emest W., M. D. '79. — 681 E., 14 th Street. 

Bradley, Henry, L., M. D. '68. — 204 E., 16 th Street. • 

Burdick, S. Powell, M. D. '60. — 1409 Grove-Street. 

Burritt, Alice. Alice. '79. — 1055 Washington-Street. 

Bush, Alice, M. D. 1148 Chester-Street. 10-12, 6-7. 

Button, Julia F., M. D. '86. — 1055 Washington-Street. 

Capps, Wm., M. D. '83. - 316, 14 th Street. 

Coxhead, Thomas C, M. D. '55. — 674, 16 th Street. 

Cunningham, Arthur L., M. D. '90. — lOlOVa Washington- Avenue. 

Curtis, Elliot D., M. D. '83. — 1029 Broadway. 

Fenton, Susan J., M. D. '89. Fabiola-Hospital. 

Fluno, F. G., M. D* '85. 

Gaylord, Edw. P., M. D. '54. — 1162 Washington-Street. 

Guild, Caroline L., M. D. San Franc. '88. — 1055 Washington-Street. 

Haight, N. H., M. D. '90. — 1419 Grove-Street. 

Hill, Roh. L., M. D. '64. 

Hinkle, H. C, M. D. '86. 

Kellar, Francis, M. D. '84. 

Kelly, Lewis E., M. D. '76. ~ 1169 Clay. 

Lane-Kellogg, L. J., M. D. '77. — 554, 14 th Street. 

Larkey, Alonzo S., M. D. '89 IOIOV2 Washington-Street. 

Millej-, Anne L. A., M. D. '69. 

Nichpteoii, Isaac E., M. D. '52. — 1210 Broadway 

Pelton, Harrison S., M. D. '88. — 1210 San Pablo-Avenue. 

Raymond, Jonas C, M. D. '51. 626, 13 th Street. 

Ridson, Caroline A., M. D. '84. — 582 E., 12 th. 

Rudolph, Samuel F., M. D. Wtirzburg-Bav. '48. — 906 Clay-Street. 

Selfridge, C. M., M. D. Surgeon. 

Selfridge, James M., M. D. '56. Surgeon. 1068 Broadway. 

SmaU jr., Alvin E., M. D. '66. — 804, 10 th Street. 

Stockham, G. Henry, M. D. '55. — 765, 13 th Street. 

Tucker, S. G., M. D. '65. — 564, 14 th Street. 

Wilson, Marilla D., M. D. '68. — 765, 13 th Street. 

Youug, James M, M. D. '84. — 1115 Broadway. 

Alameda C. homoeop. medical society. 966 Clay-Street. Secr. S. F. 

Fabiola-Hospital, establ. '77. Capacity 56. Cor. Broadway and Moss- 

Homoeop. dispensary, establ.'92. — 756, 7th Street. 
Oleander (Fresno). Dart, George, M. D. '75. 
Ontario (San Bernardino). Green, S. Ward., M. D. '88. 

Holyoke, Wm. P., M. D. '82. 
Orange (Los Angeles). Adams, Reuben A. '68. 
Pacific Grove (Monterey). Snell, Ebenezer, M. D. '77. 
Paradise (Drew). Lowe, Samuel P., M. D. '89. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

California. — United States of America. — California. 49 

Pasadena (Los Angeles). Beach, Eliza J., M. D. ' '87. 

Black, Stephen S., M. D. '76. 

Blecker jr., J. J., M. D. '86. 

Hodge, Josephine F. N., M. D. '82. 

Hodge, J. S., M. D. '82. — 36 East-Colorado-Street. 10—12, 3—4. 

Hulbert, M. L., M. D. '72. 

Macomber, Henry K., M. D* '67. 

Philbrook, Edgar B., M. D. W. 

Stevens, Harry F., M. D. '85. 
Petaluma (Sonoma). Beckwith, Ed., M. D. '64. 

Davis, George, M. D. '85. 

Shepherd, J. 8., M. D. '66. 
Pinckney. Schultz, Rieh., M. D. '70. 
Placerville (El Dorado). Wrenn, Elizabeth K., M. D. '71. 
Porno na. de Crank, F. W., M. D. '83. 

Davis, Sheldon F., M. D. '79. 

Johnson, Thadens L., M. D. 

Sonthworth, A., M. D. '69. 
Potomac Block (Los Angeles). Wilson, M. T., M. D. 824 EUis-Street. 
Redding (Shasta). King, J. E., M. D. '67. 

Sanbom, Frank C, M. D. '81. 
Redlands (San Bemardino). Hill, Merrill W., M. D. '71. 

Hopkins, Elisha B., M. D. '62. 

Spotes, F. C, M. D. 
Redwood City (San Mateo). Freemann, Frank C, M. D. '89. 
Riverside (San Bemardo). Nichols, Sophronia, M. D. '74. 

Ruby, W. S., M. D.« '78. 

Stiles, Vemon W., M. D. '88. 

Way, EUsworth H., M. D. '74. 
Sacramento. CronemiUer, Mary M., M. D. '90. 

Dixon, George M., M. D. '71- 

Hugson, Wm. A., M. D. '68. 

Kirk & Co., Henry C, M. D. 

Pinkham, Ch. E., M. D. '68. 

Pybum, George, M. D. Newcastle '31. Clevel. ?. — 1011 H. Street 
9—10, 1—3, 7-8. 
San Bemardino. Clark, Mrs. Nannie C, M. D. '89. 

Hall, Mary A., M. D. '66. 

Johnson, A. Keyes, M. D. '78. 

Stiles, W. H., M. D. '78. 
San Diego. Arndt, Georg D., M. D. Ann Arbor '88. — 943, 6th Street. 

Arndt, Hngo R, M. D. 1041 Sixth-Street. 

Arndt, R., M. D. Cleveland '69. 

Averill, Maria B., M. D. San Francisco '89. Office 946, 6th Street. 
Residence 1934 F. 10—11. 

Bailey, S. Eveline, M. D. '83. 

Coason, Augustus H., M. D. '74. 

Docking, Thomas, M. D. 643, 6th Street. St. Andrews Scotland '68. 
Dis. of women and children. 

Fouchy, Alphonse D., M. D. '87. 

Gamber, B. F., M. D. '77. 

Mc Conkey, Thomas G., M. D. Penns. Phil. '90. 1071, 6th Street. 

Mertzmann, Bemh. F., M. D. '85. 

Morgan, Addison, M. D. '81. 

Polhemus, W. P., M. D. 81. 

Rodes, Joseph, M.. D. Phil. '87. D. s. w. cor. 6th. Chief of Hahne- 
mann dispensary. ' . 

Skewes, Thomas J. D., M. D. '82. 

Telson, Mariak, M. D. '91. 

van Norman, Edgar V., M. D. Clev. '70. Office 1071, 6 th. Chronic dis. 

Homoeop. med. society of the country of San Diego. 643, 6th Street. 
Secr. T. Docking. 

Homöopathisches Jahrbuch. Band II. 4 

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50 California. — United States of America. — California. 

San Diego. Southern Califomia's med. society. Baker Block. Secr. Gr. 
L. Cole. 

Good samaritan hospital. 
San Francisco. Albertson, Joseph A., M. D. '62. — 119 Powell-Street. 

Baldwin, 8. C, M. D. '68. — 860 Market. 

Ballard, Ed. R., M. D. '86. — 114 Geary-Street. 

Ballard, J. Stow., Ph. B. and M. D. Wisconsin '63. Philadelphia '89. 

Ballard, Laura, M. D. 206 Powell-Street 
610 Hyde-Street. 8—9, 1—8, 6-6. 

Batteile, Emest L., M. D. '86. — 2037 Mission. 

Bennett, Wm., M. D. '76. — 1324 Howard. 

Berry, John L., M. D. '76. 

Boericke, Wm., M. D. Washington '80. — 330 Sutter-Streetj. 

Bowen, Amy G., M. D. '86. — 820 Sutter- Street. 

Breyfogle, Ed. S , M. D. Phü. '75. — 209 Geary-Street. 1-4. S. 1—3. 

Bryant, E. R., M. D. 522 Sutter-Street. 2—4, 7— 7V4. S. 1—2. 

Cole, Alfred L., M. D. '74. 

Cosack, Tryphinnie B., M. D. San Franc. '90. — 905 Geary-Street. 

Ourrier, Chnstoph Bodwell, M. D. '35. Philadelphia '50. — 921 Geary- 
Street. 11—12, 7—8. Spec: Diseases of throat. Doctor of the 
Hahnemann hospital-college of San Francisco. 

Curtis, Robert H., M. D. Chic. '80. — 922 Sutter. 

Damkroeger, Henry, M. D. '88. — 1016 Sutter. 

Davis, George E., M. D. '73. — 520 Sutter. 

de Derky, Francis F., M. D. '60. 

de La Matyr, EUas B., M. D. '66. — 1170 Market. 

Dewey, Weltha, M. D. '84. — 134 Mc Allistef. 

Dewey, Willis A., M. D. '80. - 824 Sutter. 

Eckel, John N., M. D. '71. - 324 Geary. 

Edmonds, Mary E., M. D. '85. ^ 330, 6th Street. 

Fichtner, C. G., M. D. '87. — 101 Grantav. 

Finch, Lemuel E., M. D. '79. 

Floto, John H., M. D. '42. — 402 Keamy. 

Fräser, Ed. J., M. D. '64. — 112 Keamy. 

French, Hayes C, M. D. '65. — 114 Geary. 

Gaylord, Courlandt H., M. D. '85. 

Goss, Alice M., M. D. '90. — 2029 Mission. 

Griswold, Wolcott N., M. D. '59. — 106 Eddy. 

Hall, Walter S., M. D. '86. — 1170 Market. 

Heidrich, Reinhold, M. D. '89. — 943 Valencia. 

Hiller, D. Albert, M. D. 1011 Sutter-Street. 8-9, 4—5, 7-8. 

HiUer jr., Fred., M. D. '73. — 106 Eddy. 

Holmgren, Ch. J., M. D. '89. — 2096 Market 

Janes, T. J., M. D. '88. — 643 Mc Allister. 

Jenks, George H., M. D. '75. — 321 Geary. 

Ledyard, Wm. E., M. D. '70. — 223 Post. 

Lilienthal, James E., M. D. '80. — 1306 Van Ness-Avenue. 11—1, 4-5. 
. Losey, Mahlon F., M. D. '84. — 838 Market 

Lynch, Elizabeth S., M. D. '89. 

Martin, George H., M. D. Boston '81. — 921 Polk. 8—9, 2-3, 7—8. 
Prof. of mental and nervous dis. at the Hahnemann hospital- coUege of 
San Franscisco. 

Manning, Guy E., M. D. '90. — . 333 Geary. 

Mc Neil, Alex., M. D. '71. — 784 Van Ness-Avenue. 

Meliere, James W., M. D. '74. Phelan buildg. 

Morgan, P. Brett, M. D.. 725 Geary-Street. 

Nevins, H., M. D. '91. — 1513 Mission. 

Palm, Mary A., M. D. '91. — 743 Howard. 

Palmer, George H., M. D. '65. — 217 Geary-Street. 

Petersen, Alfred C, M. D. '77. — 319 Geary-Street. 

Poulson, P. Wilh., M. D. '66. — 526 Kearny. 

Preston, Walth. H., M. D. '81. 2Z\ Powell. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

California. — United States of America. — California. 51 

San Francisco. Saltonstall, Florence, M. D. '87. — 741 Sutter. 11—2. 
Scott, Mrs. Catharine V. C, M. D. 727 Geary-Street. lOVa-3, 7—7V9. 

S. 7—9. 
Scott, Catharine (Cochran), M. D. Oroomiale (Persia) '49. New York '78. 

Physician. 727 Geary- Street. Dis. of women. lOV«— 3, 7— 7V8 

except sundays. 
Selfridge, Clarence M., M. D. Phil. '87. — 4OOV2 Haight. 
Selfridge, Grant, M. D. Phil. '89. — 630 Sutter. 
Smith, Ed. D., M. D. '76. 
. Terry, Parshall A., M. D. '79. — 4th and Harrison. 
Tolman, Mrs. Marion, M. D. '67. 
Townsend, John, M. D. 1001 Valencia, cor. 21 st. 
Ward, James W., M. D. 924 Geary-Street. 10—12, 7— 778- 
Waterhonse, Amelia A., M. D. '90. — 2213 Howard. 
Wehb, E. Cook, M. D. '62. — 113 Powell. 
Werder, Max J., M. D. '86. 217 Geary. 

Wheeler, Albert, M. D. '84. Surgeon. 518 Sutter-Street. 8—9, 1—3, 7—8. 
Wüson, Mathew T., M. D. '69. — 824 EUis. 
Worth, Sidney, M. D. 426 Sntter-Street. 8—9, 1-3, e%-V/o. 
Wri^ht, Henry B., M. D. 67. — 332, 0. Farrell. 
Boericke & Schreck. 
Creene & Brigham. 
Thomas, M. Edwards. 
Chr. Lanffley & Co. 
Langley & Michaels. 
Eedington & Co. 
C. F. Richards & Co. 
Wakelee & Co. 
Wenzell, W. T. 

Hahnemann hospital-college of San Francisco '81. — 520 Sutter-Street. 
California State homoeop. med. society. 921 Polk. 
The „California Homoeopath". Pub. by Boericke & Runyon. 239 Sutter- 
Street. Edited by W. Boericke, W. A. Dewey and C. L. Tisdale. 
San Jacinto (San Diego). Gregory, L., M. D. '87. 

Sapp, John, M. D. '69. 
San Jose (Santa Clara). Bangs, F. H., M. D. '80. 
Bishop, Andrew B., M. D. '83. 
Breyfogle, C. W., M. D. '68. 
Bryant, Berryman, M. D. '48. 
Capps, Wm., M. D. '83. 
Denninger, Paul G., M. D. '78. 
Goss, Carrie A., M. D. '78. 
Hummer, John H., M. D. 76. 
Keith, Wm. E., M. D. '75. 
Lambert, Layinia B., M. D '81. 
Miller, John J., M. D. '80. 
Pierce, Robert E., M. D. '79. ■ 
Pratt, Leonard, M. D. 52. 
Simpson, Wm., M. D. Quebec '46. Brooklyn '78. 253 South 2 nd. Street. 

lOVo— 12, 2V0--4V2. S. 10—11. Dis. of eye, ear and throat. 
Ulrich, Edward, M. D. '71. 
ünderwood, Helen J., M. D. '72. 
San Luis Obispo. Krill, Fred. A., M. D. '82. 

Sinclair, James, M. D. '84. 
San Raf ael. Gove, M. F., M. D. Phys. and surgeon. Near Corner of 4 and 

E. Street. 1—3. 
Santa Barbara. Orooks, Ed. W., M. D. '74. 
Guild, Phineas K., M. D. '63. 
Hatch, M. D., M. D. '79. 
Jessen, H. C, M. D. '78. 
Stambach, Henry Laing, M. D. Phil. '57. — '79. - 15 West-Victoria- 

Street. 9—10, 2—4. S. 2—3. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

52 California. — United States of America. — Colorado. 

Santa Barbara. Stambach, Ida Y., M. D. '88. 
Santa Clara, Carpenter, H. F., M. D. 76. 

Magee, Franklin J., M D. '81. 
Santa Crnz. Gamble, Wm. W., M. D. '82. 

Morgan, Jennie M., M. D. '84. 

Vetterlin^, Herm. C, M. D. '83. 
Santa Moni ca. Place, Josepb J., M. D. '87. 
Santa Rosa CLonoma). Savage, C. W., M. D. '76. 

Thompson, Ch. H., M. D. W. 

Wright, Ang. S., M. D. '50. 
Sebastopol. Button, Julia F., M. D. Salem '43. San Francisco '86. 9-10, 2-4. 

flurlbut, E. T. M., M. D. '67. 
Selma. Mc CleUand, J. L., M. D. '84. 

Mc CleUand, Mrs. S. J. B., M. D. '85. 
Sonora (Tuolunme). Stipp, H. P., M. D. '76. 
South Pasadena. Lord, J. S. P., M. D. '62. 
South Riverside. Gleason, Flora S., M. D. '82. 

Gleason, J. Colby, M. D. '83. 
Stockton (San Joaquin). Bulson, Ch. H., M. D. '89. 

Cross, Lester E., M. D. '73. 

Gross, Samuel N., M. D. '77. 

Hudson, A. S., M. D. '46. 

Sargent, Ch. S., M. D. '81. 

West, R. W., M. D. '89. 
Summerland. Balch, Ed. T., M. D. Phil. '65. — 7—9, 1—2, 6-8. 
Tres Pinos. Mathers, Thomas, M. D. "83. 
Tulare. Heimick, Egbert W., M. D. '70. 

Thomson, N. L., M. D. '76. 
University. RusseU, Edwin H., M. D. '80. 
Vacaville. Alumbaugh, W. E., M. D. '89. 
Ventura. Hoppins, Henry J., M. D. '73. '83. 
Vernondale (Los Angeles). Ertl, Mary S., M. D. 87. 
Visalia (Tulare). Guy, Samuel S., M. D. '46. 
Watsonville (Santa-Cruz). Chapman, Samuel E., M. D. '74. 
Williams (Colusa). CaUen, John H., M. D. '90. 


Arvada (Jefferson). Greene, Edward P., M. D. '88. 
Aspen (Pitkin). Bennett, W. S.,.M. D. 

Judkins, Charles W., M. D. '81. 
Boulder. Bartiett, Reuel, M. D. '79. 

Brace, Charles C, M. D. '75. 
Byiena Vista. Wright, A. E., M. D. 
Canon City (Fremont). Allen, Asa, M. D. '76. 

Jones, A. Cuvier, M. D. 
Colorado Springs. Allen, W. Carey, M. D. Phil. '83. — 122 E Kiowa. 
See. El Paso homoeqp. med. soc. 

Clarabel, Robe. A., M. D. '71. 

Cooper, Horace T., M. D. '67. 

English, V. P., M. D. '92. 

Haie, Frank. A., M. D. Boston '76. N. Y. '76—78. — 220 N. Tejon. 

Holmes, Esther B., M. D. '72. 

Lawrence, Geo. W., M. D. N. Y. '73. 5 N. Tejon. Presid. El Paso Co. 
homoeop. med. soc. 

Myers, Helen T., M. D. '83. 

Goldsmith, Robinson, P., M. D. '77. 
Del Norte (Rio Grande). Goff, Sarah A., M. D. '86. 
Delta. Braisted, H. K., M. D. '80. 

Dorsey, George M., M. D. '62. 
Denver. Bateman, Thomas, M. D. '73. — 3 Evans blk. 

Battey, Henry F., M. D. '84. — 334 Gallup- Avenue. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Colorado. — United States of America. — Colorado. 53 

Denver. Beckwith, Bruce S., M. D. Cincinnati '84. — 1517 Welton. 
Barry, Thaddeus C, M. D. ^69. — 667 Street 12th. 
Bradley, Harvev, M. D. '57. — 1715 Caüfomia-Street. 
Brown, Rieh. J., M. D. Montreal '71. Albany '80. — 72 Tabor Opera 

House Blk. Oculist und Aurist. 
Burg, Wm. F., M. D. California bldg. '81. 

Bumham, Nonnann G., M. D. Cincinnati '61. Clevel. '64. — 708 14 th. 
Burr, Wm. A. M., M. D. Chicago '69. — 2010 Welton. Vis. Phys. 

Deaconess home and hospital Denver. 
Calvert, Wm. J., M. D. '65. — 30 Opera house blk. 
Clarke, SteUa M., M. D. '88. — 16 Barth blk. 
Cooke, Persifore Marsden, M. D. Gettysburg '60. Phü. '86. — 1290 Race- 

Street. Obstetrics. Before 9; 12—1, after 5. 
DameU, Homer L., M. D. Chicago '81. — - 81 Kisteredge Bedy 16 th and 

Dodge, Horace T., M. D. '87. — 72 Tabor blk. 
Dunklee, Harley K., M. D. '87. — 1609 Larimer. 
Enos, Charles W., M. D. St. Louis '74. N. Y. '81. Chicago '83. Cass 

and Graham Bld. , . 16th and Curtis. Eye and ear Surg. , Denver 

homoeop. Pree-:Disp. Woman's relief home. Denver Orphans' home. 

Deaconess home and hospital. 
Everett, Ambrose S., M. D. 1646 Tremont-Street. 
Freymouth, Emil G., M. D. Chicago '80. — 1623 Curtis. 
Harris, John W., M. D. '88. — 1737 Welton. 
Hart, Charles N., M. D. '76. — 17 Barth Blk. 
Hoag, Sanford, M. D. '71. — 808 17 th. 
King, Edward H., M. D. Chicago '68, '79. — 906, 15. Street. Mem. Staff. 

Denver Orphans' home and deaconess home and hospital. 
Kinley, Joseph B., M. D. Stuttgart '64. Chicago '86. — 1406 Champn- 

Street. 8 — 10, 1 — 3, 6—8. Cancer and skin dis. Prof. of Microscopy 

Univ. Denver. 
Morris, Norman K., M. D. '76. — 1430 St^ut. 
Morrow, John H., M. D. '89. — 7 Pioneer bldg. 
Ordway, Leonard, M. D. '64. — 16 th cor. Curtis. 
Powers, Merritt. L., M. D. '77. — 736 Street 11 th. 
Shannon, Samuel F., M. D. Phil. '79. — 3—4 Barth Blk. 16 th and Stont. 
Smythe, Frank D., M. D. '68. — 602, 24 th Avenue. 
Smythe, Samuel S., M. D. '67. California cor. 17 th. 
Storke, Eugen F., M. D. N. Y. '46. Chic. '74. Office 207 Mack Block. 

10—12, 3—6, 7—8. S. 12-1. 
Van Denburg, W. H., M. D. '87. — 1638 Tremont-Street. 
Walker, James M., M. D. Virginia '47. St. Louis '71. — 1264 Broad- 
way. Until 10. 3—4. Orif. surgery. 
Wall, Mrs. Eliza J., M. D. '85. — 241 Lincoln-Avenue. 
Webb, John W., M. D. 3311 Larimer. 
Wheeler, Byron. A., M. D. '67. — 1447 Stout. 
Whiting, Floyd. A., M. D. '91. — 2616 Lincoln-Avenue. 
Willard, James, M. D. '68. — 9 Masonic Temple. 
M. R. Durbin Co. 
J. Riethmann Co. 

Homoeopathie medical society of Colorado. President N. G. Burham. 
Denver homoeojpathic club. 207 Mack bldg. 
Denver sanitanum. 
Denver homoeop. Free-Dispensary. 
Orphans home. 

Deaconess home and hospital. 
Durango (La Plata). Rader, W. H., M. D. '71. 
Fort Collins (Larimer). Miller, C. P., M. D. '77. 
Golden (Jefferson). Storke, Albert F., M. D. '90. 
Greeley (Weld). Marsh, A. Eastman, M. D. '79. 
Marsh, Lebbens E., M. D. '48. 
Mulford, Clarence H., M. D. '83. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

54 Colorado. — United States of America. — Columbia. 

Gnnnison. Grasmnck, Lonis^ M. D. '66. 
Hotchkiss (Delta). Todd, L. W., M. D. 79. 
Lamar (Prowers). Perham, Sophie, M, D. 
Longmont (Boulder). Clark, Edwin J., M. D. '86. 
Loveland (Larimer). Clark, Andrew J., M. D. '66. 
Maniton Springs (El Paso). Leonhard, Harriet A., M. D. 
Monte Vista (Rio Grande). Fulton, Frank, M. D. 74. 
Pueblo. Coffmann, George W., M. D. W. 

Gray, Geo. E., M. D. Ann Arbor '80. — 219 Street Union -Avenue. 
County Physician. 

Nash, Edgar 0., M. D. Cincinnati '81. — 115 E. 5th. 

Nash, Horace W., M. D. New York '84. — 232 Street Union- Avenue. 

Roper, F. Eugene, M. D. '88. 

Tucker, Genevieve, M. D. Wanpaca '58. Mich. '80. — 215 Union-Street. 
10-12, 3—5, 7—8. 

Walder, Z. D., M. D. '66. 
Rico (Dolores). Yokom, Guilford D., M. D. '79. 
Telluride (San Miguel). Bird, Wm. W., M. D. '78. 


Washington. Allen, Charles. M. D. '61. — 1320 G.-Street. 
Babbitt, Zeno, M. D. '90. — 810, 11 th Street. N. W. 
Backer, Leigh Y., M. D. '90. — 12th and G. N. W. 
Baldwin, Aaron, M. D. 219 E. Capitol-Street. 
Bennit, Wm. W., M. D. 71. — 1423 Street N. W. 
Burghardt, Caroline A., M. D. '78. — 457 Mo.-Avenue N. W. 
Bumett, Wm. W., M. D. '70. — 1331 Q. N. W. 
Cameron, Malcolm, M. D. '81. — 1027, 22 d N. W. 
Choate, Rufus, M. D. '67. — 8267, 6 Street N. W. 
Connell, Benjamin F., M. D. '69. — 3230 N.-Street. 
Corey, Watermann F., M. D. 1305 R.-Street N. W. 
Cudlipp, Malcolm A., M. D. '91. — 635 M.-Street N. W. 
Custis, George W. N., M, D. '88. — 110 E. Capitol-Street. 
Custis, J. B. Gregg, M. D. '90. — 110 E. Capitol-Street. 
Custis, MarvinA.,M,D. Philad. '90. — 631 E. Capitol-Street. 8-97«, 1-2, 5-7. 
Davis, Charles A., M. D. '83. — 1013, 16th N. W. 
Dennison, Ira W., M. D. '90. — 1114 N. Y. -Avenue. 
Eaton, Parley H., M. D. '81. — 1318 T.-Street N. W. 
Edson, Susan A., M. D. '54. — 1308 J.-Street N. W. 
Ford, Simon S., M. D. 1620, 11 th Street N. W. 
Freer, James A., M. D. Gilbertsville '60. N. Y. 85. — 1623 I Street 

N. W. 8V2-IOV21 3-5. 
Gardner, Frank A., M. D. '82. — 1016, 14th Street N. W. 
Gibbs, B. Frank, M. D. '85. — 1608, 17 th Street N. W. 
Gilbert, B. Charles, M. D. State of Maine, Philadelphia. 1403 H.-Street 

North Arst. 12—1, 4-6. H. 12Vo— IVa- 
Groot, Simon J., M. D. '46. — 924 N. Y. -Avenue N. W. 
Heron, George H., M. D. '77. — 1214, 6th N. W. 
Heron, Wm. H., M. D. '88. — 1214 6th N. W. 
Hislop, Margaret, M. D. Ontario '53. Chic. '80. — 313 M.- Street, 

8—10, 1 — 2, 5—6. Dis. of women and children. Phys. christ. 

homoeop. 1719, 13 Street. 
Janney, Edgar, M. D. 82. — 12 Jowa Circle N. W. 
Jenkins, Ralph,, M. D. '87. — 1732 Mass- Avenue N. W. 
' King, Wilüam R., M. D. Philadelphia '59. — '81. — 1422 K.- Street 

9—12, 4—6. S. 10-12. Spec: Diseases of eys, ear and throat. 

Oculist to the nat. homoeop. hospital. 
Kingsmann, Rieh., M. D. Louisville '55. Washington '86. 701 East 

Capitol-Street. 8-97^^, 1^1%—^Vp 6—7. S. 8-9V2, 2-3. Med. stafi. 

of nät. homoeop. hospital Washington. 
Krogstad, Henry, M. D. '88. 1406 L. N. W. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Columbia. — United States of America. — Connecticut. 55 

Washington. Latimer, George, M. D. '49. — 1326 N. Y.-Avenue N. W. 
Lee, George, M. D. 76. — 1333, Vt.- Avenue N. W. 
Macdonald, L. Thomas, M. D. Massach '58. Philadelphia '88. — 1106 

New York -Avenue. 8—10, 4V2— 6. S. tili 10. Spec. surgery 

general and gynaecol. Absent August. Surgeon to'fnat. homoeop. 

hospital of Washington D. C. Professor of surgery in the south. 

homoeop. med. coli, of Baltimore. 
Mattingly Wm. H., M. D. '91. — 907 H. N. E. 
Moffat, Samuel B., M. D. '78. — 719, llth Street. 
Moffit, Melvin M., M. D. '82. — 127 B. S. E. 
Munson, Eeginald, M. D. '83. — 608, 12th N. W. 
Pope, Gustavus W., M. D. '51. — 1109, 14 th. 
Rauterberg, Charles, M. D. Göttingen '30. — 215, 3d N. W. 
Rauterberg, Lewis E., M. D. '67. — 510, 5th N. W. 
Riggs, Daniel H., M. D. '82. 1410, llth Street N. W. 
Roberts, C. Wesley, M. D. '89. — 900 K. N. W. 
Roberts, Grace, M. D. '77. — 420 0-Street S. E. 
Shoulters, Georg H., M. D. '83. — 1700, 14th N. W. 
Sonnenschmidt, Charles W., M. D. '67. — 1307 H. N. W. 
Stearns, Salomon S., M. D. '68. — 1425 R. J.- Avenue K W. 
Stratton, Wallace C, M. D. '78. — 1422 K. N. W. 
Swormstedt, Lyman B., M. D. '77. — 1455, 14th N. W. 
Thompson, Alvah H., M. D. '88. — 106, 7th S. B. 
Verdi, Tullio de S., M. D. '56. — 815, 14th. 
Wilson, D. Lewes, M. B. Washington '65. Philadelphia '91. — 316 B. 

Street S.E. .8—9, 12—1, 5—7. Spec: Obstetrics. Absent August. 
Washington homoeop. medical society. 810, llth Street N. W. 
Homoeop. clinical society of Maryland and Distr. of Columbia Washington 

Washington med. and surg. club. 
Lenman homoeopathic. 

Disjensary and emergency hospital. 625 Mass -Avenue 622 K. N. W. 
National homoeop. hospital and dispensary. Capaoity 52, cor. Kirby and 

N.- Street N. W. 
Homoeop. Free-Dispensary. 


Ansonia (New HavenJ. Pulford, W. H., M. D. 
Birmingham (New Bfaven). Philipps, Albert, M. D. '61 . 
Bridgeport (Fairfleld). Beebe, Wm. B., M.D. '77.— 239 Noble- Avenue. 

Bronson, B. F., M. D. '73. — 303 State- Street. 

Cole, Harlan P., M. D. '71. - 359 State-Street. 

Collard, George W. A., M. D. '80. — 153 Fairfield-Avenue. 

Hoag, Alva A., M. D. '88. — 821 Lafayette. 

Hoag, Clitus S , M. D. '77. — 321 Lafayette. 

Payne, Clarence N., M. D. '85. — 147 West -Avenue. 

Sanford, Charles E., M. D. '53. — 188 Fairfield-Avenue. 

Smith, Edward S., M. D. '88. — 309 State-Street. 
Bristol (Hartford). HuU, George S., M. D. '76. 

Thorpe, Walter E., M. D. '86. 
Brooklyn (Windham). Cobum, Jesse M., M. D. '74. 
Canaan (Litchfield). Church, Herbert A., M. D. '89. 
Danbury (Fairfield). Mac Donald, Allan P., M. D. '74. 

Oley, S. Wülard, M. D. '86.. 

Penfield, Sophia, M. D. '69. 
Danielsonville (Windham). Humphrey, Frank M., M D. 

Todd, Frank P., M. D. "89. 
East Killingly (Windham). Chase Samuel C, M. D. 
Falls Village (Litchfield). Carter Hariy E., M. D. '84. 
Greenwich (Fairfield). Jones, Leander F., M. D. '74. 
Hartford. Angell, Augustus, M. D. '81. — 253 Main-Street. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

56 Connecticut. — United Status of America. — Connecticut. 

Hartford. Beach, Charles L., M. D. Southington '48. K J. 72. Office: 
253 Main-Street 8Vs— 10, 2—4. S. 1—2. Residence: 21 Capitol- 
Street. 1-lV«, ßVj— T'Va- 

Brewer, aarissa 1., M. D. '84. — 29 Pratt-Street. 

Brigham, L. Louise, M. D. '83. — 52 Church. 

Case, Erastus E., M. D. '74. — 109 Ann. 

Hooker, Edward Beecher , M. D. Hartford '55. Boston '77. Office : 
253 Main-Street. 9—11, 2—4; H. 12—1. Residence: 70 Parming:- 
ton -Avenue. Spec: Ears, Nose and Throat. Two or three weeks 
in August absent. 

Jones, Charles E., M. D. '82. — 7 Florence. 

Peltier, Pierre, M. D. N, Y. Buffalo '60- — 382 Main-Street. 

PUling, Simeon 0., M. D. '91. — 361 Main-Street. 

Richardson, Leonard E., M. D. '79. — 99 Park. 

Russegne, H. Elmore, M. D. '78. — 361 Main. 
Manchester Green (Hartford), Taylor, Oliver B., M. D. '42. 
Marlborongh (Hartford). Bell, Mrs. Julia E. S., M. D. '72. 
Meriden (New Haven). Munroe, Francis H., M. D. '86. 

Wüson, Edgar A., M. D. '81. 

Wilson, C. Herrick, M. D. '49. 
Middletown (Middlese^. Griffin, Louise A. *89. 

Mc Dongall, Joseph H., M. D. '77. 

Sage, Fred. H., M. D. '84. 

Sage, WüUam H., M. D. 
Milf ord. Putney, Willis Simpson, M. D. N. Y. '59. — '82. — 8-9, 6— 7V2. 
Mystic Bridge. Barber, Oscar M., M. D. 
Naugatuck (New Haven). Bingham, Russell, M. D. '90. 

Hinkly, Walter F., M. D. '77. 

Schnelke, Hennann L., M. D. Postoffice Bek. Attend Lect. at Univ. N. Y. 
New Br itain (Hartford). Cooley, George P., M. D. '62. 

Styles, Eimer L., M. D. '81. 
New Canaan (Fairfield). Keeler, Charles B., M. D. '88. 

Roberts, Theodore, M. D. '49. 
New Haven. Adams, Clifford B., M. D. '72. — 175 Grand Avenue. 

Adams, Marshall, J., M. D. '87. — 175 Grand Avenue. 

Anderson, Wm. D., M. D. '65. — 150 Temple. 

Cheney, Benjamin Hicks, M. D. Vicksburg Miss '38, New Orleans '61. 
45 Elm-Street. 9—10, 2-4, 7—8. 

Goodrich, Mrs. La Ren Dell, M. D. 

Hall, Edwin C. M., M. D. '82. Grand Avenue. 

Hutchinson, John A., M. D. '78. — 90 Park-Street 

Jewett, Joseph Wald., M. D. '81. — 215 Crown. 

Lambert, Adelaide, M. D. '84 — 175 John. 

MiUfer, Isaac S., M. D. N. Y. '66 — 818 Chapel. 

Mowbray, J. Lincoln, M. D. '88. Grace hospital. 

Peckham, Lucy Creemer, M. D. '85. — 14 Court. 

Rawling, Charles, M. D. 346 Howard. 

Rodmann, WiUiam W., M. D. '44. - 165 York. 

Sage, Wm. H., M. D. '49. - 42 College. 

Skiff, Paul C, M. D. '53. — 664 Chapel. 

Skiff, Walter C, M. D. '83. - 192 York-Street. 

Talmage, Alonzo L., M. D. '84. — 8 Park-Street. 

Vishno, Charles, M. D. '66. 9 Olive. 
• Vishno, Ch. W., M. D. '85. — 209 Orange. 

Walker, Emory J., M. D. '68. — 1136 Chapel. 

Connecticut State homoeop. soc. 

New Haven homoeop. medical society. 8 Park-Street. 

Connecticut homoeop. medical society. Presid. C. B. Adams. 
New London. Allen, Albion H., M. D. '75. 

Morgan, George S., M. D. '79. 

Shipmann, Leander K., M. D. New London '53. N. Y. '83. — 5 Main- 
Street. 8-10, 2-4, 7—9. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Connecticut. — United States of America. — Delaware. 57 

Norfolk (Litchfield). Gidmann, Eramwell C, M. D. '81. 
Norwalk (Fairfield). Baldwin, Arthur H., M. D. '81. 

Hitchcock, Dexter, M. D. '73. 

Huntington, Samuel H,, M. D. '76. 

Mc Gonegal, George R., M. D. '82. 
Nor wich (New London). Bishop, Herbert M., M. D. '65. 

Harriman, Patrick, M. D. '84. 

Linnell, Edward H., M. D. East Douglas '53 New York '76. Office : 
47 Broadway. Residence : Washington-Street. 10—12,4—5. Spec. : 
Ophthalmology and Otology. 

Linnell, Jonathan E., M. D. '45. 

Rockwell, Joh. A., M. D. '77. 

Stark, Clinton E., M. D. '78. 
Plainville (Hartford). Moody, Charles W., M. D. 84. 
Putmann (Windham). Russell, J. J., M. D. '87. 

Rockville. Lilloston, Willi Clinton, M. D. Vermont '56. Chic. '82. 
Office Rooms 4-5 Bank building. 8—10, 1—3, 7—9. Hol. 12—1. 
Rockville (ToUand). Allen Jonathan, H., M. D. '88. 
Salem (New London). Congdon, Charles F., M. D. '83. 
Seymour (New Haven). Pulford, Charles H., M. D. '88. 
Southington (Hartford). Osbome, James H., M. D. '67. 
South Norwalk (Fairfield). Hitchcock, Coborn Baldwin, M. D. 

Pardee, Emily, M. D. Madison Conn. '41. New York '75. — 35 North 
Main-Street. 9 a. m. 3 p. m. 
South Woodstock. Springsteed David, M. D. 
Stafford Springs (ToUand). Watts, Pliny R., M. D. New York '87. 

Ist Vice-Presid. homoeop. med. soc. of W. Mass. 
Stamford (Fairfield). Ayres, Chauncey, M. D. 

Givens, Amos J., M. D. Cortland '64. Cincinnati '66. Residence : 
Stamford Hall Sanatorium of mental and nervous Diseases. Spec. : 
Mental and nervous Diseases. Private asylum. 

Müls, W. S., M. D. '89. 

RoweU, Charles, M. D. '75. 

RoweU, E. E., M D. '77. 

Stamford Hall (Hospital). '92. 
Thomaston (Litchfield). St. John, Theodore, M. D. '81. 

Smith, Charles F, M. D. '94. 
Thompsonville (Hartford). Darling, J. H., M. D. '59. 

Vau, Edwin S., M. D. '82. 
Torrington. Pulver, Hudson J., M. D. '83. 
Unionville (Hartford). King, Emmet C, M. D. '80. 
Wallingford (New Haven). Quill, John D., M. D. '76. 
Waterbury (New Haven). Gregory, Edward P., M. D. '73. 

Luscomb, Arthur, M. D. '83. 

Minard, W. J., M. D. Hinnesburgh '66. Philad. '87. üntil 9, 1-2, 
6—8. Secr. of homoeop. med. soc. 
West Winsted(Litchfield). Brown, George W., M. D. '41. 
Willimantic (Windham). Colgrove, Charles, M. D. '73. 

Wücox, Frederik E., M. D. Pomfort '60. N. Y. '84. — 68 Maple- 
Avenue and Office: United -Bank Building 781 Main-Street, Office- 
hours. 8—9, 1—3, 7—9. 
Woodstock (Windham). Bowen, Georg A., M. D. '62. 


Delaware City (New Castle). Jacobs, Wm. H., M. D. '89. 
Dover (Kent). Anderson, Edwin S., M. D. '66. 

Clemens, Thomas 0., M. D. '80. 
Frederica (Kent). Hoey, Wilh. Ferguson, M. D. '87. 
Milford (Kent). Pleasanton, G. W., M. D. '87. 
New Castle. Kuntz, Wm. H., M. D. '88. 
Newport (New Castle). Flinn, IJrvine M., M. D. '87. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

58 Delaware. — United States of America. — Florida. 

Newport (New Castle). Irons, Alexander, M. D. '66. 
Smyrna (Kent). Moore, Thomas C, M. D. '84. 

Swinney, Curtis 0., M. D. 78. 
Wilmington (New Castle). Barlow-Drusilla, G., M. D. '89. — 811 Wa- 


Cooper Peter Kent, Co., M. D. '68. Philadelphia '81. Office: Macket- 
Street. 8-1. 

Crumbaugh, John W., M. D. '78. — 701 West. 

Doane, Greorge M., M. D. '90. — 506 Washington. 

Flinn, Louis W., k. D. '87. — 510 9th. 

Frantz, Abraham E., M. D. Phil. '82. — 604 Delaware- Avenue. Presid. 
homoeop. med. soc. of Delaware and Peninsola. 

Frantz, Jacob F., M. D. '76. — 919 Washington. 

Kittinger, Leonard, M, D. 724 King-Street. 

Kittinger, Leonard Armour, M. D. 

Lawton, Charles H. , M. D. '72. Washington cor. Delaware -Avenue. 

Lukens, J. Paul, M. D. '78. — 813 Washington. 

Mullin, J. Wesley, M. D. '86. — 918 West. 

Negendank, August, M. D. '54. — 901 Washington- Avenue. 

Negendank, Egmont T., M. D. '87. — 901 Washington- Avenue. 

Pierson, Frank F., M. D. '91. 506 Washington- Avenue, 4th. 

ßile, J. Harmer, M. D. '79. — 718 Kii^-Street. 

Ritchie, Fred. G., M. D. '82. •— 617 Delaware- Avenue. 

Sherwood, Wm. E., M. D. '91. — 813 Washington. 

Slaughter, Louis N., M. D. Chicago *88. — 301 Delaware- Avenue. 

Homoeop. med. society of Delaware and Peninsula. Presid. A. E. Frantz. 

Homoeop. hospital of Delaware. 43 Capacity. 

Homoeop. Free-Dispensary of Wilmington. 


Altoona (Lake). Webster, J. K, M. D. 

Auburndale (Polk). Ball Jay, M. D. 

Daytona (Volusia). Brush, Mrs. Jennie, M. D. '82. 

De Funiak Springs (Walton). WilHne, Wheeler H. M., M. D. 

De Land (Volusia). Bacon, Charles A., M. D. '63. 

Knapp, Wm. T., M. D. '72. 

Newton, Samuel E., M. D. '72. 
Gainesville (Alachna). Sibley, Mrs. Mary V., M. D. '73. 

Sibley, Wm. H., M. D. '69. • 
Jacksonville (Duval). Johnson, Perry J., M. D. 

Stout, Henry R. M. D. Westfield *43. Chicago '68. Cor. Oceau and 
Monroe-Street. Until 9V2» 2—4, 7—8. 

State homoeop. medical society. Presid. C. W. Johnson. 

St. Lukes hospital homoeop. dep. 

Orphanage and home for the Friendless. 
Kissimmee (Osceola). Brown, Edward F., M. D. '72. 

Waldron, Daniel, M. D. '58. 
M e 1 r s e. Bingham, Russell, M. D. 
Montclair. Downing, J. C. C, M. D. '59. 
Orlando (Orange). Lanphear, Charles H.. M. D. '80. 
Palatka (Tutnam). Eaton, Llewellyn D.,' M. D. '71. 
Palm er (Alachua). Blanding, Abram 0., M. D. '48. 
Pensacola (Escambia). Fordham, Wm. F., M. D. '75. 

Rowe, Wm. C, M. D. '83. 
St Andrews Bay (Washington). Kester, J. J., M. D. 
St. Augustine (St. John). Marsh, Franklin F., M. D. '80. 
St. Clond (Osceola). Wheeler, Mrs. H. W., M. D. '84. 
Tampa. Bruce, Hiram M., M. D. Ohio '38. N. Y. '75. — 1400 Florida- 
Avenue. Phys. to City Emergency hospital. 

Bruce, Ida Norris, M. D. Plymouth \58. N. Y. '86. — 1400 Florida- 
Avenue. 10— 2. Diseases of women. Phys. to City Emergency hospital. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Georgia. — United States of America. — Illinois. 59 

Titnsville. Graham, Walter S., M. D. 
Winter- Haven. (Polk). Peacock, Robert H., M. D. '81. 
Winter Park (Orange). Tantum, Percy, M. D. 
Zellwood (Orange). Lamphear, C. H., M. D. 


Atlant a(Fnlton). Bishop, Mrs.IdaE.,M.D. Chic.'83. Atlanta 91. 23lE.Kair. 

Flagg, Alpheus D., M. D. '81. — 39V3 N. Broad. 

Gardner, Grafton W., M. D. '61. — 394 Marietta-Street. 

Greene, E. Hadley, M. D. '79. — 116 Peachtree. 

Hicks, Mrs. Susan M., M. D. '83. - 102 N. Pryor-Street 

Hinmann, Rieh. E., M. D. '88. Grant bldg. 

Jekes, Mrs. F. M., M. D. '57. — 283 E. Fair. 

Lawshe, John Z., M. D. '83. — 1167^ Peachtree. 

Manahan, Manning W., M. D. '82. — 46 N. Broad. 

Morse, Lucius D., M. D. '72. — 100 S. Pryor. 

Orme, H. Francis, M. D. Dauphin '34. New York '54. North Forsyth- 
Street 70. 8—10, 3—5. 

Paine, Clarence M., M. D. W. — 99V2 Peachtree. 

Atlanta homoeop. medical club. 
Augusta (Richmond). Cleckley, Marsden A., M. D. '56. 

Curtis, Lebbeus, M. D. '78. 

Hunt, Samuel P., M. D. '46. 
Camilla (Mitchell). Wood, John A., M. D. '81. 
Columbus (Muscogee). Schley, Edward B., M. D. '61. 

Smith, Mrs. Mary, M. D. 
Dalton (Whitfield). Lukens, M. B., M. D. '71. 
Demorest (Habersham). Fitch, H. Parker, M. D. '79. 
Ellijay (Gilmer). Watkins, Ed. W., M. D. '67. 
Macon (Bibb.). Cleckley, F. V., M. D. '81. 

O'Daniel, Mark H., M. D. '85. 
Rome (Floyd). Waltersdorf, Edmond C, M. D. '81. 
Roswell (Cobb.). Geiger, Ch. A., M. D. '87. 
Savannah (Chatham). Corson, Eugene R., M. D. '77. 

Falligant, L. A., M. D. '58. 

Groth, H. Henry, M. D. '79. 

Rieh, Fred. W., M. D. '89. 


Boise City (Ada). Collister, George, M. D. '80. 
Caldwell (Ada). Rogers, Rebecca W., M. D. '91. 
Moscow (Latah). Hughes, J. Edwin, M. D. '91. 
Mountain Home (Elmose). Bearby, M. Jennie, M. D. '72. 
Salmon City (Lemhi). Kenney G. A., M. D. 
Wallace (Shoshone). Campbell, ü. G., M. D. 


Abingdon (Knox). Miller, J. Harris, M. D. '68. 
Aledo (Mercer). Wright, Lewis W., M. D. '84. 
Alton (Madison). Enos, Joseph W., M. D. '81. 

Enos, Laurens, M. D. '91. 

Enos, S. Cordelia, M. D. '91. 

Enos, Wm. H., M. D. *80. 

Fiegenbaum, Julius H.. M. D. '85. 

Schussler, Louis Franklin, M. D. '84. 
Antioch. Ames, Edward, M. D. '74. 
Areola (Douglas). Beardsley, Edmond J., M. D. '86. 
Atlanta (Logan). Hough, Charles F., M. D. '84. 
Aurora (Kane). Bartlett, F. L., M. D. '.68. 

Colwell, Charles E., M. D. '65. 

Morse, J. N., M. D. '86. 

Digitized by VjOOQiC 

60 Illinois. — United States of America. ~ Illinois. 

Aurora. Myers, G, Priscilla, M. D. Chicago *86. — 171 S. Lincoln -Avenue. 
Dis. of women. 9— IIV9, 1 Vs— 4. 

Rice, Marvin S., M. D. 7(5. 

Seymour, Harvey S., M. D. '83. 

Stettier, Cornelia S., M. D. '91. 

Triplett, Thomas N.. M. D. '7a 
Austin (Cook). Campoell, James A., M. D. '69. 

Newell, Robert C, M. D. 79. 

Smith, Eamest H., M. D. Chicago '91. — 214 N. Park-Avenue. 

WiUiams, Thomas H., M. D. »87. 
Avon (Fulton). Pearson, Charles H., M. D. 

Walker, J. G., M. D. 

Wood, HaskeÜ R., M. D. '72. 
B ata via (Kane). Bothwell, Roy 8., M. D. '90/91. 

Cook, Joseph T., M. D. 78. 

Gamsey, Charles A., M. D. 
Beardstown. Dowler, Moses M., M. D. '86. 
Belleville (St. Clair). Loelkes, "George, M. D. '68. 

Neubert, Charles, M. D. Leipzig (Sax.). '53. 

Waugh, Wm. H., M. D. '70. 
Belvidere. Meitmann, Frank S., M. D. Belvidere '49. Chic. '72. Office 
171 State-Street. 

Seymour, C. H., M. D. '77. 

Seymour, Mary A., M. D. '82. 

Stowe, Daniel J., M. D. '78 

Swift, Arthur W., M. D. '85. 

Whitmann, Frank S., M. D. '72. 
Bloomington (Mc Lean). Bishop, Samuel, M. D. '70. 

Hallet, Joseph, M. D. '78. 

Kelley, L. Stone, M. D. '91. 

Kelso, Annie E., M. D. '86. 

Kelso, George B., M. D. '86. 

Neiberger, Wm E., M. D. Chic. '82. — 306 N. Madison-Street. 
Blue Island (Cook). Read, Edw. C, M. D. '90. 

Rinkenberg, A. C, M. D. '88. 
Bradford (Stark). Bower, Emest C, M. D. '89. 
Braidwood (Will.). Arnold, Romus, M. D. '88 
Broadwell (Logan). Foster, Wm. A., M. D. '76. 
Buda (Bureau). Trekell, John E., M. D. '85. 
Burnt Prairie. Funkhauser, R. M., M. D. 
Bushneil (Mc. Donough). Westfall, E. K., M. D. 
Cabery (Ford). Gilbome, Henry, M. D. '72. 
Cambridge (Henry). Paul, Frank D., M. D. '86. 
C an ton (Fulton). Streng, Ozias G., M. D. '69. 
Carlinville (Macoupin). Head, Martin H., M. D. '51. 

Smith, Jesse H., M. D. 
Carrollton (Greene). Squire, James, M. D. '89. 
Carthage (Hancock). Pease, Francis. W., M. D. '83. 
Centralia (Marion). Dünn, Charles N., M. D. '78. 

Dünn, Mrs. Helen S., M. D. 79. 

Wakemann, Joh. A., M. D. '38. 
Cerro Gordo (Piatt). Howard, Mordecai L., M. D. '91. 
Champaign. Hakes, Charles W., M. D. 

Haley, Henry A., M. D. '82. 

Redmon, George W., M. D. *90. 

Replogle, Peter S., M. D. '74. 

Shane, Wm. H., M. D. '90. 
Charleston (Coles). Leitch, Franklin M., M. D. '89. 

Starr, Nathan, M. D. '89. 
Cherry -Valley. Wayland, J. P., M. D. '78. 
ehester (Randolph). Aszman, Max., M. D. '90. 

Zilüklin, Nicholas, M. D. '78. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Illinois. — United States of America. — Illinois. 61 

Chicago. Abell, N. W., M. D. '77. -- 1753 Milwaukee-Avenue. 
Adams, Charles, M. D. '72. — 206, 28th. 
Adams, C. F., M. D. '81. — 1247 Wrightwood- Avenue. 
Adams, Mrs. J. A. D., M. D. '71. — 1533 Masonic-Temple. 
Allen, Henry C, M. D. Canada '37. Clev. and Toronto '61, '62. -^ 

5142 Washington-Avenue. 8—10, 1—2, 6—7. Chronic dia. 
Amerson, W. H., M. D. '90. — 185 S. Sacramento- Avenue. 
Anderson, G. Hamhlin, M. D. '86. — 6701 State-Street. 
Andrews, Sarah W., M. D. '82. — 325 Bowen-Avenue. 
Amulphy, Bemard S., M. D. Paris (France) '76. — 5223 Jefferson- Avenue. 
Atkins, Lloyd R, M. D. '87. — 70 Dearbom- Avenue. 
Atwood, Harry A., M. D. '90. — 558, 79th Street. 
Bacon, Earl Z., M. D. '86. — 5545 Wentworth- Avenue. 
Bacon, Sarah E, M. D. '86. — 171, 22 th. 
Baüey, Annie E., M. D. '75. — 271 Wasbath-Avenue. 
Bailey, E. Stilmann, M. D. Chicago '78. — 3034 Michigan -Avenue. 

Prof. Hahn. Med. C. 
Bain, R. Chisholm, M. D. '87. — 10 Central Music Hall. 
Baker, Charles W., M. D. '75. — 104 State-Street. 
Barker, Milton R., M. D. '91. — Cook Co. Hosp. 
Barnum, Arthur T., M. D. '91. — 6400 Wright-Btreet. 
Barrows, Ransom M., M. D. '84 — 6413 Sheridan-Avenue. 
Barstow-Pike, Mrs. Rhoda, M. D. '84. St. Charles- Avenue n. Douglas. 
Bass, George E., M. D. Vermont '82. — 9901 Ewing 8. C. 
Bassett, Charles F., M. D. '79. — 20 Aldine-Square. 
Bassett, Susan A., M. D. '79. — 871 Sawyer- Avenue. 
Beach, G. L., M. D. '83. — 71 Washington-Street. 
Becker, A., M. D. '89. — 640 Müwaukee- Avenue. 
Bedelle, Leila G., M. D. '78. — 181 Dearbom-Avenue. 
Bedford, Lymann, M. D. '65. — 219, 42 d. 
Beebe, Albert G., M. D. '69. — 582 W. Adams. 
Beebe, Curtis M., M. D. '83. — 742 W. Adams. 
Beebe, Ellen 0., M. D. '79. 2910 Calumet-Avenue. 
Benham, Emma L., M. D. '77. — 70 State. 
Bemard, Charles C, M. D. Chicago '82. Office 954 N. Halsted. Prof. 

homoeop. med. c. etc. 
Black wood, Alex. L., M. D. '88. — Commercial- Avenue cor 92 d. 
Block, Robert C, M. D. 69 State-Street. 
Blouke, Milton B., M. D, '85. — 139 Campbell-Avenue. 
Boettcher, H. R, M..D. '90 — 305, 63 d. 
BoU, Theodore, M. D. '82. — 720 Belmont- Avenue. 
Booth, Adoniram J., M. D. '87. — 243 Humboldt boul. 
Boulter, Henry H., M. D. 70 State-Street. 
Bowermann, Mrs. Martha A., M. D. Chicago '82. — 3948 Cottage 

Boynton, John R., M. D. Phil. '80. — 285 la Salle- Avenue. 
Brady, George P., M. D. '90. — 554, 55 th. 
Branden, John D., M. D. '83. — 130 Dearborn-Avenue. 
Brauen, Frank, M. D. '91. — 1307 W. Madison. 
Bray, N., M. D. 515 Cleveland- Avenue. 
Brown, Thomas H., M. D. '84. — 839, 47 th. 
Bruce, Edward M., M. D. '91. — 131, 63 d. 
Bruce, Susan. E., M. D. Chic. 80. — 265 N. May-Street. 1—3. 
Buchanan, Helen. M., M. D. 82. — 454, 63 d. 
Bück, Wm. H., M. D. '70. — 138, 53 d 
Buffum, Frank E., M. D. '91. — 36 Washington- Avenue. 
Buffum Joseph H., M. D. '73. — 34 and 36 Venetian Bldg. 
Bumett,, Mary W., M. D. 7 Central Music Hall. 
Bumside, A. W., M. D. '53. - 833 Washington boul. 
Burt, Wm. H., M. D. '58. — 714 W. Monroe. 
Bushee, Grant B., M. D. '87. — 507, 63 d. 
Butler, Alwin S., M. D. '84. — 816 Walnut- Street. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

62 Ulinoiß. — United States of America. — Illinois. 

Chicago. Butler, Thomas O., M. D. '81. — 72 Throop. 
CaldweU, T. A., M. D. W. — 620, 63d. 
Camphell, Alice T. E., M. D. '85. — 5704 Madison- Avenue. 
Canfield, Corresta T., M. D. Geanga Co. '33. Cleveland '71. — 244 

Lincoln-Avenue. Women and children dis. 8—9, 1—4, 8—9. 
Carder, George H., M. D. '82. — 7748 Sherman. 
Carlstein, John A., M. D. Chic. '82. Kavenswood. President Germ. 

homoeop. med. coli. Prof. in the same. 
Carr, J. W., M. D. Women hospital. 
Case, Henry W., M. D. '91. — 2337 Cott. Grove-Avenue. 
Cass, Louis H., M. D. '79. — 152 Irving- Avenue. 
Ohancy, Edw. N., M. D. '91. — 1884, 38th. 
Cheeseman, Wm. 0., M. D. '84. — 163 State-Street. 
Childester, Elizabeth M., M. D. '91. — 701. W. Congress. 
Chislett, Howard R., M. D. '88. — 3034 Michigan-Avenue. 
Cohb, Joseph P., M. D. Abington '57. Chicago '83. — 3156 Indiana- 
Avenue. 8—9, 1—2, eVa— 7Vo. Spec: Paediatrics. Professor of 

Physiology and Paediatrics Hannemann coUege and hospital. 
Collier, Mrs. Amy W., M. D. '88. — 3249 La Salle-Avenue. 
Collins. Clinton D., M. D. '89. — 380 W. Harrison. 
Colwell, B. L., M. D. 3014 Calumet-Avenue. 
Comhs, Thomas W., M. D. '85. — 4338 Langley-Avenue. 
Conant, Robert W., M. D. '79. — 4743 Kenwood-Avenue. 
Coon, George S., M. D. '91. Cook Co. hosp. 
Corey, Horace M., M. D. '78. — 4200 Cottage Grove-Avenue. 
Costain, J. Edward, M. D. Isle of Man '62. Chicago '91. — 56 Central 

Music Hall Lincoln Park Sanatorium. 9—12. Spec: Orificial Surgery. 
Courtright, Chauncey W., M. D. Clev. '77. Chicago '88. — 340 E, 63 d. 
Cowperthwaite, Allen 0., M. D. Ph. D. Phil. '69. — 14 Warren- Avenue. 

Prof. Chic, homoeop. med. coli. 
Cracken, M. Elizabeth A. M., M. D. M. Le. Ancora '53. Chicago '87. 

4327 Greenwood-Avenue 9V^ — 12. Spec. Gynaecology. 
Crawford, Alex. K., M. D. '80. — 70 State-Street. 
Creighton, Miss Martha J., M. D. '84. — 4217 EUis- Avenue. 
Crutcher, Howard, M. D. '85. — 78 State-Street. 
Cushman, Bessie V., M. D. '81. The Temple. 
Dal, Jacob, M. D. '72. — 142 Evergreen- Avenue. 
Davison, Wm. M. W., M. D. '78. — 1333 W. Lake. 
Day, Charles W., M. D. '92. — 3227 Prairie-Avenue. 
Day, Leonidas A. L., M. D. '85. — 70 State. 
Delamater, Mcholas B., M. D. '73. — 125 State. 
De Souchet, A. L., M. D. Chic. 86. — 33, 34 and 35 Mc Vickers 

Theatre bldg. 10—5. 
Dewey, Charles A., M. D. '81. — 202, 31 th Street. 
Dewey, James R., M. D. '88. — 742 W. Adams. 
Dickson, Guy. B., M. D. '86. — 314 S. Hoyne-Avenue. 
; Dodge, ehester C. '87. — 10 S. Sacramento- Avenue. 
Douglas, Charles J., M. D. '91. — 805 Monroe. 
Dow, Marianna C, M. D. '87. — 400, 43 d. 
Drais, Lawson, M. D. '69. — 313, 63 d. 
Drake, C, St. Clair. '91. — 165 S. Ashland boul. 
Duncan, David. '87. — 81 Clark. 
Duncan, Thomas C, M. D. Scotland '40. Philadelphia ? — 590 Adams- 

Street. üntil 9, 6-8. — 100 State-Street. 11—3. Dis. of children 

and ehest. Presid. nat. homoeop. med. coli. 
Dünn, W. A., M. D. Marison 58. Chic. '81. Hotel Metropole 1-4. 

Surg. Dis. of mouth, throat, nose. Prof. of Laryngology and Rhi- 

Ebersole, Solomon D., M. D. '91. — 79V2, 22 d. 
Eberth, Rebecca L. A., M. D. '84. — 2918 Cottage Grove-Avenue. 
Edmonds, Enos A., M. D. '86. — 245, 37th. 
Ehrlich, Henry, M. D. '87. 642 Lincoln- Avenue. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Illinois. — United States of America. — Illinois. 63 

Chicago. Eldridge, Cornelius S., M. D. '68. — 70 State-Street. 

Ely, Charles F., M. D. 77. — 241 Elm. 

Emery, Sarah, M. D. '86. — 2924 Cottage Grove-Avenue. 

Eskridge^ Belle. C, M. D. '91. — 4300 Emerald-Avenne. 

Evans, Ch. Horace, M. D. Phil '46. Phil. '69. — 1309 Milwaukee- 
Avenue. 8—9, 1—2, 7—8. Prof. of Halm med. coli 

Everett, Ambrose S., M. D. '70. — 1106 Masonic-Temple. 

Everett, Fred., M. D. Utah '60. Chicago '88. — 402 Centre- Street. 
Untü 9, 1—2, 6-7. 

Ewing, Alice, M. D. '87. — 53d cor. Lake. 

Fairbanks, Ch. D., M. D. '67. — 6342 Yale. 

Fellows, C. Gumee, M. D. Milwankee '63. Chicago '86. — 70 State- 
Street. 9-1,4—5. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 

Fellows, Henry B., M. D. '61. — 70 State-Street. 

Fisher, Ch. Emanuel, M. D. 31 Washington-Street. 2—4. Gynaecolog3\ 
— North Benton. — Prof. obstet, and gynaecology to med. coli 

Flaws, Emily 8., M. D. '91. — 5741 Wentworth-Avenue. 

Forbes, James M., M. D. '89. — 2216 Wabash-Avenue. 

Ford, Francis C, M. D. 1775 Wabash-Avenue 22 d, 

Fosterj Fred. H., M. D. '72. — 34 Washington. 

Fester, John M., M. D. '82. — 6301 Yale. 

Fester, Bichard N., M. D. Chicago '69. — 553 Jackson bonl. 8—10, 
6— 77«- Prof. Chic, homoeop. med. coli of obstetrics. 

Fowler, Ada. A., M. D. '89. — 8208 Prairie -Avenue. • 

Fowler, S. Mills., M. D. '72. — 79 Va, 22 d. 

Fox, Harriet M., M. D. '71. — 3339 Rhodes -Avenue. 

French, Amelia J., M. D. '80. — 7540 EUis -Avenue. 

French, Malachi R., M, D. '80. — 328 Hoyne -Avenue. 

French, Samuel M., M. D. '82. — 64, 23 d. 

Frink, Mrs. Charlotte E., M. D. '86. — 271 Wabash-Avenue. 

Frischkom, Carl, M. D. '91. N. W. cor. Müwaukee-Avenue and division. 

Fritts^ Lewis, M. D. '88. — 106 Park -Avenue. 

Frothmgham, Herbert H., M. D. '85. — 4304 Lake -Avenue. 

Fruit, Walter E., M. D. '90. — 3204 Cottage Grove -Avenue. 

Füller, Ch. G., M. D. '81. — 38 Central Music-Hall. 

Füller, Edward M., M. D. '90. — 10046 S. Desplaines. 

Gardiner, Frank H., M. D. '82. — 126 State. 

Garrity, Joseph P. H.. M. D. '91. — 409 Dearbom -Avenue. 

Geisse, Emma C, M. D. '85. — 5 Central Music-Hall. 

Gentry, Wm. D., M. D. St. Louis '80. — 100 Washington. 

George, Edgar J., M. D. '91. — 125 State. 

Gilman, John E., M. D. Chic. '71. — 2419 Indian -Avenue. Prof. mat. 
medica Col. med. Hahn^ 

Glass, Adaline Rowe, M. D. '84. — 6057 la Salle- Avenue. 

Glover, H. Gray, M. D. '82. — 4425 Ellis -Avenue. 

Goodrich, A. Amelia, M. D. '84. — 7142 Emeralda -Avenue. 

Gordon, JEorace A., M. D. '87. — 207 E. Chicago -Avenue. 

Goss, Jane G., M. D. '86. — 1088 Seminary-Avenue. 

Graves, Kate J., M. D. '85. — 5730 Madison -Avenue. 

Green, Isadore L., M. D. Chicago '86. — 315 Lincoln -Avenue. Presid. 
Womens homoeop. society. 

Greenleaf, George T., M. D. '81. — 6557 Wentworth-Avenue. 

Gregg, Mary E., M. D. '91. — 503 Fullerton -Avenue. 

Gross, James E., M. D. '50. — 48 Madison. 

Gross, Maria M., M. D. '59. — 235 Michigan -Avenue. 

Grosvenor, Lemuel C, M. D. Parton '33. Cleveland '64. — 185 Lin- 
coln-Avenue. 8—10, 3—5. Professor of sanitary and Clinical-Pro- 
fessor of obstrics in Chicago homoeop. coUege. 

Grosvenor, Lorenzo N., M. ß. Galesburg '68. Chicago '89. Argyle- 
Park. 8—10. 8pec.: Diseases of the digestive tract. Pro vis. secre- 
tary to Illinois homoep. med. association. 

Grunewald, Ch. F., M. D. '92. — 345 Roscoe. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

64 Illinois. -— United States of America. — Illinois. 

Chicago. Guülaume, Frank, M. D. Chicago '90. — B59 27 th. 8—10, 1—4, 

after 7. 
Gwynne, E. Edmiston, M. D. '79. — 417 Center. 
Hagedorn, Peter, M. t>, '91. — 2841 Wentworth -Avenue. 
Haibert Homer V., M. D. '87. -- 70 State. 
Haie, Edwin M., M. D. Newport '29. Cleveland '59. — 65 Twenty 

second Street. 8 — 9, 1—3. S. 2 — 3. Diseases of the heart. Emeritus 

Professor of materia medica in tiie Chicago homoeop. College. 
Haley, Wm. F., M. D. '89. — 1260 Wilcox -Avenue. 
Hall, Amos C. jr., M. D. 75 cor Ellis -Avenue. Grand Crossing. 
Hall, Charles ß., M. D. '86. — 6616 Jefferson -Avenue. 
Hall, George A., M. D. '66. — 2400 Prairie -Avenue. 
Hallowell, Clement H., M. D. '85. — 185 Dearhom. 
Hanna, Wm. B., M. D. Chic. '89. — 455 Washington houl. Prof. dis. 

of Women nat. homoeop. med. coli. 
Hannah, Helen M., M. D. '81. — 3030 Prairie -Avenue. 
Hardy, Anna C, M. D. '88. — 4206 Berkeley-Avenue. 
Harmon, Henry, M. D. '89. — 273 N. May. 
Harris, Andrew F., M. D. '84. — 541, 61 th. 
Harvey, Wm. S., M. D. '83. — 580 W. Madison. 
Hawkes, Wm. J , M. D. '67. — 24 Central Music-Hall. 
Hawley, Edw. H., M. D. '91. — 1307 Wücox -Avenue. 
Hayes, Edwin H., M. D. '84. — 245 State. 
Haynes, Celia M., M. D. Ohio '44. Cleveland '78. K. 3838 Dearhom- 

Street. Office Masonic-Temple. Off. 2-4, R. 6—8, S. 6-8. Electro 

Heath, Helen A., M. D. '77. — 4016 Ellis -Avenue. 
Hedges, Albert P., M. D. '90. — 1383 N. Clarke. 
Hedges, Leroy C, M. D. '91. ■— E. Ravenswood-Park. 
Hedges, Samuel P., M. D. Sinclairville '41. Chic. '67. Office -Cent. 

Music-Hall rooms 38/39. 1—4. Cons. phys. of Bapt. hosp., national 

homoeop. hosp. and orph. asylum. 
Heegaard, B. Louise, M. D. '80. — 174 Eugenie-Avenue. 
Heffron, Helen M., M. D. '83. Prospect- Avenue nr. 107 th. 
Hemsteger, John A., M. D. '90. — 3836 Vincennes-Avenue. 
Henn, Ch. M., M. D. '90. — 1103 Milwaukee -Avenue. 
Henn, Mary, M. D. '81. — 1103 Milwaukee-Avenue. 
Hieks jr., Rob. A., M. D. '92. Hahnemann hospital. 
Hinkle, Abbie A., M. D. '87. — 1171 Millard-Avenue. 
Hoag, Ch. A., M. D. '91. -r- 452 Hermitage-Avenue. 
Hobart, Henry M., M. D. '76. — 402 Centre-Street. 
Hobart, Wm. F., M. D. 630 Melrose-Street. 
Hogan, Cornelius, M. D. '82. -- 161 W. Madison. 
Holmann, Ed. E., M. D. '78. — 6314 Harvard- Avenue. 
Honberger, Frank H., M. D. '90. — 3903 Michigan-Avenue. 
Hotchkin, Beiyam L., M. D. '89. Winthrop -Avenue nr. Winona. 
Hoyne, Temple S., A. M. B. S., M. D. N. Y. '65. — 1833 Indiana- Avenue. 

Prof. skin and venereal dis. Hahn. med. coU. 
Huffaker, Thomas S., M. D. '84. — 77 E., 39th. 
Hughes, G. L., M. D. '91. — 9128 Superior-Avenue S. C. 
Hutchins, Asa V., M. D. '83. — 964 W. Monroe. 
Ingram, Lucius S., M. D. '68. — 101 Oak-Park-Avenue. 
Irwin, Harlan M., M. D. '75. — 344 Warren -Avenue. 
Jackson, Frances M. W., M. D. '82. -- 1517 School (L. V.). 
Jackson, Henry H., M. D. '65. — 334 Dearhom -Avenue. 
Jacobi, Stella E., M. D. Ann Arbor '85. — 815 W. Madison -Avenue. 

Vice-Presid. womens hospital. 
Jensen, Anna C, M. D. '83. — 288 N. State. 
Johnson, Joseph H. S., M. D. '84. — 797 N. Washtenaw- Avenue. 
Johnson, Wm. M., M. D. '68. — 5332 Washington -Avenue. 
Jones, Ch. S., M. D. '90. — 168 Oakland boul. 
Kaier, Wm. A., M. D. '85. — 203 Waite Blk. 

Digitized by VnOO^lC 

Illinois. — United States of America. — Illinois. 65 

Chicago. Kales, John D., M. D. W. — 65 Randolph. 

Karst, Fred. A., M. D. Chic. '87. — 636 Sedgwick. Prof. Chic. coli. 

of Midwifery. 
Keeler, Horatio, M. D. '72. — 3543 Prairie -Avenue. 
Kehr, Samuel S., M. D. 10 E. Third-Street. 
Keith, Einest W., M. D. Boston 85. — 5315 Wahash -Avenue. 
Kemp, Nereus C, M. D. '86. — 3904 Indiana -Avenue. 
Kenning, Rieh. H., M. D. 19 San Francisco -Avenue. 
Kerch, Harry E., M. D. '92. Cook Co. hospitaL 
King, John B. S., M. D. '88. — 240 Wahash -Avenue. 
Kippax, John R., M. D. L. L. B. M. C. P. V. S. Brantford '49. 

Chicago '72. — 3154 Indiana -Avenue. 7Va— 9, 1— 2Va- Secretary 

and Professor of principles practice of medicine and medic. juris- 

prudence in the Chicago homoeop. med. College. 
KnoU, Walter J., M. D. Illinois 51. Chicago '79. Residence: 718 

Washington-Boulevard. Office: 720 Wash.-Boulevard and 103 State- 

Street. Spec: Surgery - Professor to Chicago med. coli. Surgeon 

Cook Co. hospital. rresid. Columhian homoeop. hospital. N 
Knowlton, E. Jrene, M. D. '91. — 422 Wahash- Avenue. 
Koier, Ch. M., M. D. '88. — 136 W. Blackhawk. 
Krueger, Julius H., M. D. '87. — 9134 Brie -Avenue. 
Lager, Benedicta, M. D. '85. — 3112 Wentworth -Avenue. 
Landauer, Syme, M. D. '88. — 36 Washington. 
. Landreth, Mary H., M. D. Chic. '84. — 2208 Wahash -Avenue. Phys. 

of honor. J. 0. K. & L. 
Laning, Ch. E., M. D. '78. - 843 W. Division. 
Lawrence, Maurice B., M. D. '89. — 144 W. Madison. 
Leavitt, Sheldon, M. D. Chicago '77. — 148, 37 the. Prof. ohstetrics 

Hahn. med. coU. 97,-10 Va, 2—4, 6V2— 7 7^. 
Lennard, Arnos L, M. D. '62. — 3870 Cottage Uro ve -Avenue. 
Le Roy, Elmore W., M. D. '83. — 207 Clark-Street. 
Liljeroth, Anna, M. D. '85. — 11020 Curtis -Avenue. 
Linderhorg, Augusta S., M. D. '92. — 3438 Indiana -Avenue. 
Lockwood, Fred. H., M. D. '91. — 357 N. Clark. 
Low, Joseph H., M. D. '88. — 2340 Indiana -Avenue. 
Lowenthal, Louis, M. D. '79. Trace-Ayenue c. of Vincennes -Avenue. 
Lowry, Lucretia R., M. D. 1301 Milwaukee-Avenue. 
Ludlam, Ed., P. M. M. D. '61. — 70 State-Street. ' 
Ludlam, Reuhen, M. D. '86. — 1823 Michigan -Avenue. 
Ludwig, Charles H., M. D. '75. — 600 Lincoln -Avenue. 
Lundgren, Sven A., M. D. '83. — 544, 59 the. 
Lyon, Howard N., M. D. '88. — 34 Washington- Avenue. 
Mac Cracken, Elizabeth, M. D. '87. — 4327 Greenwood -Avenue. 
Mac Cracken, Wm. P., M. D. '87. — 4327 Greenwood -Avenue. 
Mac Lachlan, John W., M. D. '86. — 57 cor. Lake-Avenue. 
Maguy, Frank A., M. D. '90. — 11500 Michigan-Avenue. 
Malok, John, M. D. Chic. '89. — 512 Noble* Presid. Germ. med. coli. 
Maloy, Alfred J., M. D. '89. Venetian bldg. 
May, John A., M. D. '91. — 407 San Francisco. 
Mc Cormick, Francis, M. D. '84. — 516 S. Wood. 
Mc Gill, James P., M. D. '84. — 4310 Cottage Grove-Avenue. 
Mc Gill, John A., M. D. '74. — 2 Hubbard court. 
Mc Kinney, Samuel P., M. D. '89. — 720 Washington boul. 
Mc Michael, Fayette D., M. D. Phil. '68. Office: 180 Wahash- Avenue. 

Residence: 3400 Prairie- Avenue. 
Mc Michael, Orville W., M. D. Chic. '90. Private hospital: 3971, 3973, 

3975 Vemon- Avenue. Office: 180 Wahash -Avenue. 
Merz, Henry G., M. D. '92. — 1097 Sheffield -Avenue. 
Miessler, Emest, M. D. '73. — 737 S. Halsted. 
Mikesell, Arthur L., M. D. '92. Cook Connty hospital. 
Miller. Adam, M. D. '47. — 172 S. Ashland- Avenue. 
MiUer, Ed. P., M. D. '71. — 113 Adams. 

Homöopathisches Jahrbuch. Band II. . 5 

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66 Illinois. — United States of America. ~ Illinois. 

Chicago. Mills, James P., M. D. '74. — B18 W. Adams-Street. 

Mitchell, Chifford, A.B. M. D. Nantucket '64. Chic 78. Office: 
70 State-Street. 10—12, 2—5. Dis. of kidneys. 

Moth, Morris J., M. D. '90. — 3430 Indiana-Avenue. 

Newell, Kob. C, M. D. '79. — 70 State-Street. 

Nielson, Theodore, M. D. '86. — 395 W. Chicago- Avenue. 

Ogden, Müton D., M. D. '62. — 163 State-Street. 

Oüver, Thomas J., M. D. Scotland '30. Toronto '68. — 2306 Indiana- 
Avenue. 1—2, 7—9. Chronic diseases. 

Orr, JuUa M.,M. D. '87. — 40, 31the st. 

Ousley, Linnie M., M. D. '90. — 1619 Diversey- Avenue. 

Parker, Anna M., M. D. '78. — 41 Park-Avenue. 

Parker, Helen M , M. D. '89. — 41 Park- Avenue. 

Parker, L. Victorine, M. D. '79. — 569 W. Madison. 

Parsons, Harry, M. D. '80. — 1248 E. Ravenswood park. 

Patterson, Jennie M., M. D. Chic. '81. — 4256 Cottage Grove -Avenue. 

Paul, Phiüp D., M. D. 343 N. Clark. 

Pettet, Jonathan, M. D. Clev. 70. — 666, 63 d. 

Phillips, Helen P., M. D. '87. — 9 Jackson. 

Poppe, Otto B., M. D. '70. — 2727 Portland-Avenue. 

Powell, Lefferts M., M. D. '85. 

Pratt, Edwin H., M. D. Chic. '73. — 56 Central Music Hall. Professor. 

Prince, Isaac, M. D. '78. — 91 Heine-Street. 

Printy, James A., M. D. Jowa '82. — 598 Lincoln- Avenue. Prof. surg-. 
wom. homoeop. med. coli. 

Pusheck, Charies Adolf, M. D. Chicago '56. — '80. — 330 La Salle- 
Avenue. 1—5. Chronic dis. private hospital. 

Randall, John H., M. D. 269 S. California- Avenue. 

Ranger, John N., M. D. '90. — 348 W. Adams. 

Rasmussen, Aloys C, M. D. '89. — 289 W. Division. 

Reininger, Edward E., M. D. '88. — 1093 W. Taylor. 

Reise, John A., M. D. '89. — 314 N. Wood. 

Rieh, Ch. D., M. D. '87. — 2979 Calumet- Avenue. 

Rieh, Fred. W., M. D. '89. — 7012 Webster -Avenue. 

Richards, George E., M. D. '79. — 24 Central Music Hall. 

Richardsbn, George H., M. D. '91. — 2742 N. Paulina- Avenue. 

Robertson, Jessie E., M. D'. '86. — 2334 Prairie- Avenue. 

RockweU, C. B:, M. D. '83. Hyde Park Hotel. 

Roesch, Fred., M. D. Heidelberg (Germany) '53. — 113 Adams. 

Rogers , L. D., M. D. A. M. Ohio. Chicago '84. Professor of surgery. 
441 Dearbom- Avenue. Until 9, 1—3, 6—8. In the physicians 
directory of Chicago. 

Rogers. Jda Wright, M. D. Chicago '84. — 441 Deabom - Avenue. 
Prot, dietetics and pers. hygiene in national homoep. coli. Chicago. 

Sachtleben, Emest S. A., M. D. '89. — 2833 Archer- Avenue. 

Saunders, Vida A., M. D. '84. — 3024 Indiana -Avenue. 

Sawyer, Alvin P., M. D. '80. — 875 Warren -Avenue. 

Sawyer, Eugene W., M. D. '82. Venetian bldg. 

Schaefer, Conrad, M. D. '87. — 574 Floumoy. 

Schmidt, John A., M. D. '87. — 2654 S. Halsted. 

Schneider, Samuel Newton, M. D. Chic. '81. — 238 Dearborn -Avenue. 
Dir. Evang. Aid.-Soc. 

Schoch, Leonard E., M. D. '90. — 1268 W. Madison. 

Scholer, Emest C, M. D. '88. — 886 Lincoln -Avenue. 

Schrader, Wm. H., M. D. '91. — 3872 Cottage Grove -Avenue. 

Schwuchow, Herman, M. D. 23 Bauwans. 

Shaw, Carrie, M. D. '91. — 2700 S. Park- Avenue. 

Shears, George F., M. D. Aurora '56. Chic. '80. — 3130 Indiana- 
Avenue. 8—9, 1—2, 6Va— 7V2- Prof of surgeon in Hahn. med. 
hosp. of Chicago. 

Sherry, Henry, M. D. '80. — 4018 Drexel boul. 

Shibley, Mary C, M, D. '90. — 144 Oakland boul. 

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Illinois. — United States of America. — Illinois. 67 

Chicago. Shultz, Louis A., M. D. '92. — 3130 Indiana -Avenue» 
Siegmund, Emily K., M. D. Chicago '81. — 39 Menominee. 
Skiles, Hugh P., A. M. M. D. Pennsylvania '50. Chicago '80. ~ 963 W. 

Monroe -'Street. 1—3, 6—7. Spec: Nervous diseases. Presid. of 

Dr. H. P. Skiles Orificial-Sanitorium. 
Slanght, A. W., M. D. '87. — 273 Chestnut. 
Smafl, Henry N., M. D. '66. — 525 W. Van Buren. 
Smith, Emmet L., M. D. '88. Lincoln Park Sanatorium. 
Smith, Epsy L., M. D. ,'83. — 974 W. Polk. 
Smith, Jennie E., M. D. '79. — 665 Sedgwick. 
Smith, Julia H., M. D. '77. 5 Central Music Hall. 
Smith, JuHa M., M. D. '84. — 278 41 st. 
Smith, Orrin L., M. D. '91. — 436 47 th. 
Snow, Koh. L., M. D. '92. — 5860 State. 
Snyder, Omer C, M. D. '84. — 42 Scott. 
Spach, Amuel B., M. D. 312, 63d. 
Sparling, ElHs H., M. D. '84. - 6737 Yale. 
Stansburry, Harnet E., M. D. '79. — 343 W. Monroe. 
Stearns, William M., M. D. N. Y. 56. Chicago '80. — 31 Washington- 

Street. 9—12, 3—5. .Dis. of the ear, nose and throat. 
Steinhaus, Henry, M. D. '78. — 478 Noble. 
Stockdale, Laura E., M. D. '81. - 6306 Yale (E.). 
Stockham, Alice B., M. D. '82. — 277 Madison. 
Streeter, John W., M. D. Chic. '68. Residence: 2001 Prairie -Avenue. 

Prof. of gynaecology Chic, homoeop. med. coli. 
Strehz, Theodore A. E., M. D. Austro (Hungary) '59. 27 Central 

Music HalL 
Swan, C. Joseph, M. D. '90. — 36 Washington -Avenue. 
Sweet, E. C, M. D. Ann Arbor '84. - 577 W. Madison. 8-9, 6y^—V/^. 
Taft, M. Florence, M. D. '86. — 5401 Jeffersou- Avenue. 
Taylor, Cora E., M. D. '84. — 6356 Stewart -Avenue. 
Taylor, J. Mitchell, M. D. '69. — 33 Auditorium bldg. 
Taylor, Lucy A. R, M. D. '75. — 833, 61 th (L.). 
Thacher, Chester J., M. D. '80. — 6 Central Music Hall. 
Theobald, George, M. D. '83. — 750 S. Halsted. 
Thome, Arthur G., M. D. Chic. '83. — 239 Lincoln -Avenue. Until 9, 

1—2, 6—8. Prof. obstetrics N. homoeop. coli. 
Thompson, Jay J. Chic. '88. Professor gynaecology. Office: 70 State. 

Residence: 681 FuUerton -Avenue. 
Titzel, Walter R., M. D. '88. — 6303 Wentworth -Avenue. 
Tolson, H. Franklin, M. D. '72. — 271 Wabash -Avenue. 
Tooker, Roh. K, M. D. N. Y. '65. — 263 Dearbom -Avenue. Prof. 

cüs. of children Chic, homoeop. med. coli. 
Tremaine, J. Eugene, M. D. '91. — 131, 53 d. 
Trine, Thomas H., M. D. '74. — 45 Randolph. 
Tripp, Robinson, M. D. 3746 Forest -Avenue. 
Troutman, George D., M. D. '91. — 3033 Michigan -Avenue. 
Turbin, Louis M., M. D. '91. — 125 State. 
Ulrich, Julius, M. D. Vienna (Austria) '47. — 202 Centre. 
Valentine, James C, M. D. '87. — 2340 Prairie -Avenue 
Valentine, Sarah L., M. D. '87. — 2340 Prairie -Avenue. 
Vary, Wüliam H., M. D. '88. — 32 Wells. 
Vaughan, Eimer E., M. D. Chic. '89. — 156 Center. Prof. anat. N. 

homoeop. med. coU. 
Venu, Charles H., M. D. '76. — 547 Milwaukee -Avenue. 
Yüas, Charies H., M. D. A. M. Wisconsin '65. Chic. '73. — 69 State- 

Street. Central Music Hall. 9—12. Spec: Eye and ear. Senior- 

Prof. of Hahn. med. College. 
Von Hörn, Mary L., M. D. '88. — 467 Milwaukee -Avenue. 
Waddell, Wm. E., M. D. '87. — 1921 Deming court. 
Walte, Lucy, M. D. Chic. '83. — 70 State and 131, 53 d. 
Wales, Albert H., M. D. '88. — 62 E., 43 d. 

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68 Ulinois. — United States of America. — Illinois. 

Chicago. Washburne, George F., M. D. '85. — 551 Jackson boul. 
Waters, Frank R., M. D. '88. — 1735 State. 
Watry, Joseph, M. D. '83. — 32 Central Music Hall. 
Weeks, George H. P., M. D. '88. — 7 Central Mnsic Hall. 
Weilhart, Catherine E., M. D. '82. — 3709 EUis -Avenue. 
Welch, Wm. R. M. D. '89. — 71 st Cor. Cottage Grove -Avenue. 
Wellington, Gertnide G., M. D. '87. •— 5 Central Music Hall. 
Whaling, Julia C, M. D. 4100 Lake -Avenue. 
White, Wm. S., M. D. '88. — 788 Monroe. 

Whiting, Thomas H., M. D. '83. — 31 Mc Vickers Theatre bldg. 
Wilbur, Charles A., M. D. '52. — 355 N. Clark. 
Willard, Wm. G., M. D. '87. - 567 W. Madison. 
Williams, Charles A., M. D. '61. Marshall Field bldg. 
Williams, Edwin C, M. D. '86. — 4405 EUis -Avenue. 
WiUing, Wm. C, M. D. '92. — 280, 91 st. 
Wisner, Sarah E., M. D. 76. — 4558 Evans -Avenue. 
Woodbury, Wm. H., M. D. '66. — 22 Central Music Hall. 
Woodward, Alfred W., M. D. '62. - 130 Ashland boul. 
Woodworth, Emily T., M. D. '80. — 4322 Evans -Avenue. 
Yeomans, Clara, M. D. 3206 Rhodes-Avenue. 
Young, Annie M., M. ü. '70. — 351 Cleveland-Avenue. 
Young, Julius, M. D. '88. -—351 Cleveland-Avenue. 
Zara, Mary, M. D. '90. — 497 W. Monroe. 
Chicago academy of homoeop. physicians and surgeons, Lincoln Park 

Clinical soc. of Hahnemann hospital of Chicago. 
Hahnemann medical College and hospital. 3034 Michigan -Avenue. 
Hering coUege of homoeop. 78 State-Street. 
Illinois homoeop. association. 

National homoeop. medical College. 239 Lincoln -Avenue. 
Women's homoeop. med. society of Chicago. 5217 Washington -Avenue. 
Bück & Rayner. 

C. S. & G. E. Halsey. 88 State-Street. 
FuUer & FuUer. 
Gale & Blocki. 

Gross & Delbridge. 48 Madison-Street. 
Halsey Brothers. 
John H. Heyk & Co. 
Lord, Stoutenburgh & Co. 
de Schlieben. 17 Monroe-Street. 
Morrison Plummer & Co. 
Tolmann & King. 
Will F. Henes. 

van Schaack, Stevenson & Co. 
Baptist hospital. 

Chicago nursery and Half Orphan asylum. 
Central homoeop. free hospital and dispensary. Capacity 25. — 362 S. 

Cook Co. hospital homoeop. dept. 
Foundling home. 

Hahnemann College dispensary. 2813 Groveland- Avenue. 
Hahnemann hospital, estab. '70. — 2815 Groveland -Avenue. 
Lincoln Park Sanitarium. 
'The Clinique.' Pub. by E. S. Bailey. 3034 Michigan -Avenue. Edited 

by R. Ludlam, M. D. 
'The Journal of Orificial Surgery \ Pub. and edit by E. H. Pratt, M. L. 

56 Central Music Hall. 
' The Medical Advance \ '72. Pub. by John Rice Minor. 79 Dearbom- 

Street. Eddt. by Henry C. Allen, M. D. 
'The Med. Current\ '85. Pub. by W. A. Chatterton. 182 Clark-Street 
'The Medical Visitor'. '85. Pub. and edit. by T. J. Hoyne, M. D. 

1833 Indiana -Avenue. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Illinois. — United States of- America. — Illinois. 69 

Chicago. 'The New Eemedies'. '89. Puh. hy Gross and Delbridge. 

'The Peoples Health Journal'. '85. Pub. by Peoples Health Journal Co. 

'The United States Medical Investigator'. '83. Pub. by W. A. Chatterton. 
182 Olark-Street. 
Chicago (Evanston). Bennett, John Chase, M. D. M. S. Riceville 
Howard '57. Chicago '84. 326 Wesley air, Evanston. 9—10, 2—4, 
7—8. Physician and surgeon to the Chicago academy of tomoeop. 
Clinton (De Witt). Downey, E. Edgar, M. D. 79. 
Cobden (Union). Farrell, C. F. M. D. 
CollinsviUe (Madison). MerviU, Stüwell G., M. D. '67. 
Crete (Will). Meissler, C. F. 0., M. D. '80. 

Sax, Isadore, M. D. '77. 
Danville (Vennilion). Barnes, Addie M., M. D. '81. 

Edens, George, M. D. '79. 

Hawley, 0. L., M. D. '84. 

Pollock, Alex., M. D. '60» 
Decatur (Macon). Minick, John M., M. D. '79. 

Minick, Wm. W., M. D. '91. 

Sibley, Benjamin F., M. D. '68. 
Dixon (Lee). Blackman, Orville B., M. D. '73. 

Brown, George W. J., M. D. Phü. '67/69. Presid. Rock River inst, of 
Du Quoin (Perry). Breed, S. R., M. D. 
Durand (Winnebago). Jaynes W. Cullen, M. D. '82. 
Dwight (Livingston). Oakshett, James C, M. D. Chic. '90. — 8 — 9, 

1 O »V Q 

Earlville (La SaUe). Goble, Ezra T., M. D. '74. 

Hill, Mark A., M. D. '89. 
East St. Louis (St. Clair). Kirsch, Frank, M. D. '90. 

Roberts, Charles, M. D. 
Edge water (Cook). Grosvenor, Lorenzo N., M. D. Chic. '89. — 756 Ken- 
more -Avenue. 

Hotchkin, Benjamin L., M. D. '89. 
Edwardsville (Madison). Hutchison, Roh. K, M. D. '91. 
Elgin (Kane). Bridge, Wm. C, M. D. Chic. '86. 

Lovell, C. G. W., M. D. '83. 

Mc Ceney, Ed. M.., M. D. '89. 

Shepard, Wm. A., M. D. '77. 

Stone, Ch. A., M. D. '77. 
Ellis Grove (Randolph). Fritze, Albert E., M. D. '85. 
Elmwood (Peoria). Washbum, Silas H., M. D. '47. 
El wo od (Will). Cowell, George E., M. D. '71. 
Evanston (Cook). Bragdon, Merritt C, M. D. '73. 

Clapp, Eben P., M. D. '82. 

Mc CriDis, Mary F., M. D. '82. 

Mann, 0. H., M. D. 

Palmer, Henry P., M. D. 

Wilkins, Francis B., M. D. '76. 
Fairbury (Livingston). Brewer, Daniel, M. D. '77. 
Farina (Fayette). Davis, Arnold C, M. D. '81. 
Farmer City (De Witt). Mc Intire, MarshaU C, M. D. '79. 
Farmington (Pulton). Lobaugh, John J., M. D. '57. 
Freeport (Stephenson). Currier, Lester M., M. D. '73. 

Hayes, Rob. F., M. D. '58. 

Smith, Alden. E., M. D. '84. 

Soul6, Adeline Goodrich, M. D. Ann Arbor '84. — 111 Stephenson. 
9-11, 1-5, 7-8. 
Fullersburgh (Du Page). Rudorf, Paul, M. D. '85. 
Fulton (Whiteside). Ward, David W., M. D. '88. 
Galena. Cleary, Michael H., M. D. '77. 
Galesburffh (Knox). Carr, Marvin S., M. D. '48. 

Foote, George W., M. D. '54. 

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70 Illinoifl. — United States of America. — Illinois. 

Galesburgh (Knox). Harvey, John Brewer, M. D. Chic. W. — 145 E. 

Irwin, Harlan M., M. D. 75, 

Mc Cleary„ R. B., M. B. '78 

Simmons, Downer B., M. B. 78. 

Vivion, John B., M. B. '68. 
Öalva. Bickinson, Jesse B., M. B. 74. 
Gardner ^Grundy). ünderhill, Joel, M. B. '54. 
Gene SCO (Henry). Emery, Cora L., M. B. '84. 

Spencer, Wilbur F., M. B. '88. 
Genoa. Mordoff, Ch. H., M. B. Boom County '56. Chicago '81. 1—3, 

Glencoe (Cook). Flanders, Alicia A., K B. '86. 
Glen EUyn (Bu Page). Higley, Bd. S., M. B. '86. 
Greenville (Bond). Bohn, Ernst A., M. B. '90. 
Griggsville (Pike). Watson, Thomas M., M. B. 74. 
Hammond (Piatt). Noe, Oscar B., M. B. 78. 
Harrisburgh (Saline). Smith, George C, M. B. 
Harvard (Sc Henry). Bingham, A. C, M. B. 
Harvey (Cook). FrankHn, Wm. A., M. B. 78. 

Keifer, Ed. G., M. B. '69. 

Starkey, Baniel T., M. B. '63. 
Hebron (Mc Henry). Herrick, Ed. L., M. B. '85. 
Hig" bland Park fLake). Baker, Almena J., M. B. '75. 

Baker, Milton H , M. B. '68. 

Conger, Theodore H., M. B. '90. 

Lynch, Helen M., M. B. '90. 
Hillsboro (Montgomery). Fields, Sharp, M. B. '60. 
Hinesboro (Bouglas). Vint, Wm., M. B. '84. 
Hinsdale (Bu Page). Lawton, Thomas, M. B. '90. 
Holcomb (Ogle). Murray, John H., M. B. 
Hoopeston(Vermilion). Adsit, Joseph S., M. B. '91. 

Wilson, Walter R., M. B. '76. 
Hyde Park. Ewing, Alice A., M. B. '90. 
Jacksonville (Morgan). Goodrich, Morris H., M. B. '81. 

Halsted, Milton A., M. B. '61. 

Skinner, Bradford H., M. B. '70. 
Jerseyville (Jersey). Enos, Ch. R., M. B. '74. 

Enos, Clinton, M. B. '91. 
Joliet (Will). AbeU, Edmond J., M. B. '81. 

Bavis, Oliver C, M. B. '82. 

George, Edgar J., M. B. '91. 

HockiDg, Wm. F., M. B. '63. 

Houston, Maurice, M. B. Clinton '47. Chicago '84. 10-12, 2-4. 
S. until 12. 

Ogden, Edwy C, M. B. '79. 

Rüden, Charles F., M. B. Berlin (Germany) '54. 
Kankakee. Rice, Eimer C, M. B. '91. 

Spencer, Orson B., M. B. '68. 
Kewanee (Henry). Stilson, Edward H., M. B. '71. 
La Orange (Cook). Carey, 'V^arren, M. B. '83. 

Higgins, Arthur E., M. B. '86. 

Mfiloy, Sarah, M. B. '90. 

Rivers, Therese K., M. B. '89. 
La Harpe (Hancock). Martin, Isaac M., M. B. '81. 
Lake Forest (Lake). Hursh, George W., M. B. '90. 
Lamoille (Bureau). Buncan, James C, M. B. '87. 
Lanark (CarroU). Wales, Henry W., M. B. '63. 
La Salle. Contant, George F., M. B. '72. 
Lebanon. Griffith, Arnos S., M. B. '73. 

Waggoner, Eugene L., M. B. '89. 
Lemont (Cook). Roberts, Susan A., M. B. '78. 

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Illinois. — United States of America. — Illinois. 71 

Lewistown (Fulton). Pepoon, Herrn. S., M. D. '83. 
Lexington. Eshbaugh, Aaron S., M. D. '86. 

Eue, George H., M. D. 
Libertyville (Lake). Wheeler, Edson D., M. D. '80. 
Lincoln. Armstrong, Wiber P., M. D. 209 N. Broadway. 
Lincoln (Logau). Fusch, Charles, M. D. '58. 

Miller, Seiina H., M. D. '86. 
Litchfield (Montgome^. Linck, Christ. , M. D. Tübingen (Germany) '48., 
Lyndon (Whiteside). Webster, Indson T., M. D. '89. 
Mackinaw (TazeweU). Miller, Cynthia A., M. D. '84. 
Macomb (Mc Donough). Blaisdell, Warren 0., M. D. 

Harris, Ralph., M. D. '69. 
Marengo (Mc Henry). Eshbangh, Lida S., M. D. 

Eshbaugh, Walter S., M. D. '81. 

Messick, W. H., M. D. 

Peck, Daniel E., M. D. 

Peck, MiUia A., M. D. '82. 

Renie, Phineas A., M. D. '91. 

Seward, Belle, M. D. '82. 
Marissa (St. Clair). Tweed, James R., M. D. '86. 
Marseilles (La Salle). Weirick, Clemens A., M. D. '76. 
Marshall (Clark). Athon, Wm. L., M. D. '82. 
Mascontah (St. Clair). Leibrock, George, M. D. '78. 
Mason City (Mason). Morris, Arthur. J., M. D. '91. 
Mattoon (Coles). Boaz, Charles, M. D. Chic. '91. — 117 Westem- 

Avenue. Office 18 E. Broadway. 
Maywood (Cook). Ruggles, Wm. L. M. D. '91. 
Mc Leansborough (Hamilton). Pemberton, Fannie, M. D. 
Mendota (La Salle). English, Frank N., M. D. '86. 
Metropolis City (Massac). Bronson, Joseph E., M. D. '78. 
Milledgeville (Carroll). Aurand, Oliver J., M. D. '90. 
Minonk (Woodford). Miliard, Homer A., M. D. '90. 
Moline (Rock Island). Arp, Augustus H., M. D. '82. 

Müler, Jane H., M. D. ^80. 

Wheelock, Annette H., M. D. '89. 

Wheelock, Jerome B., M. D. '80. 
Momence (Kankakee). Fouser, Hiram, M. D. '63. 
Monmouth (Warren). Breed, George A., M. D. '73. 

Ebersole, Joseph R., M. D. '88. 

Taylor, Warren E., M. D. '77. 
Monticello (Piatt). Knott, Ananias B., M. D. '84. 

Knott, Jephta D., M. D. '83. 

Webster, Edwin C, M. D. '86. 
Morgan Park (Cook). Smith, Wilson A., M. D. '80. 
Morris (Grundy). Sturtevant, M. C, M. D. '66. 
Morrison (Whiteside). Gray, J. Hamilton, M. D. '83. 

Hazelton, Ch. N., M. D. '75. 

Pearson, Ch. J., M, D. '82. 
Mount Carroll. Baker, Reuben H., M. D. '91. 

Noyes, Henry A., M. D. '91. 

Wales, Royal P., M. D. '61. 
Mount Sterling (Brown). Connolly, George P., M. D. '87. 
Mount Vernon (Jefferson). Warden, C. D., M. D. '78. 
Murphysborough (Jackson). Lott, Harry L., M. D. '91. 
Naperville (Du Page). BeU, J. A., M. D. '79. 
Nashville (Washington). Bahrenberg, John P., M. D. '79. 

Krumsiek, W. E., M. D. . '91. . 

Schmidt, Henry D., M. D. '65. 
New Haven (Gallatin). Asbury, Isaac M., M. D. '73. 
New man (Douglas). Hockett, Oliver 0., M. D. '89. 
Newton (Jasper). Booker, Carroll, M. D. '84. 
Normal (Mc Lean). Woolsey, Gilbert R., M. D. '68. 

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72 Illinois. — United States of America. — Illinois. 

Nun da (Mc Henry). Ballon, Emery, M. D. 

Oak Park (Cook). Bassett, Howard W., M. D. '89. 

Frischkom, Carl., M. D. Chic. '91. — 91 Lake River Forest. Prof. 
anatomy German homoeop. med. coli., Chic. III, 

Jngman, Lucius S., M. B. '68. 

Roberts, Th. E., M. D. Boston '65. Chic. 88. Office 707 Marshall 
Field & Co. 2—4. Nose, throat, heart and lungs-dis. Phys. to 
Cook hospital Chicago. 

Wood, Elias W., M. D. Geneva '50. Vacine Stahles. 
Oregon (Ogle). Chappell, Wm. H, M. D. '74. 
Ottawa (La Salle). Bascoin. Henry M., M. D. '73. 
Palatine (Cook). Hulett, S. Eugene, M. D. '76. 
Pana (Christian). Eberle, Jacob K., M. D. '54. 
Paris (Edgar). Hunt, George H., M. D. '82. 

Smith, Normann P., M. D. '81. 

Wüson, Wm. W., M. D. '81. 
Park Ridge. Bennett, Annette, M. D. '91. 
Paxton (Ford.). Farrar, Laura E., M. D. 

Farrar, L. B., M. D. '48. 
Pekin (Tazewell). Cattron, Wm. O., M. D. '76. 
Peoria. Baldwin, Henry N., M. D. '77. 

Carter, Levi W., M. D, '71. 

Coyner, Joseph W., M. D. '78. 

Johnson, Irving W., M. D. '66. 

Kerr, Harlan T., M. D. '86. 

Neitmann, Louis F., M. D. '88. 

Timken, John H., M. D. '77. 
Peotone (WiU). Henry, Rolando H, M. D. '84. 
Perry (Pike). Gamer, John Q., M. D. '90. 
Piano (Kendali). Lord, Frank, M. D. '74. 

Nichols, F. E., M. D. '90. 
Plattville (Kendall). Schott, Jra J., M. D. '87. 
Polo (Ogle). Chapmann, George L., M. D. '69. 
Pontiac (Livingston). Long, Charles H., M. D. '78. 

Townsend, H. H., M. D.. '90. 
Princeton (Bureau). Schenk, E. J., M. D. 
Pulaski. Poppele, Ch. F., M. D. '90. 
Quincy (Adams). Crandall, Orson H., M. D. '57. 

Koch, Charles L., M. D. '78. 

Schmidt, John H., M. D. '69. 

Whipple, Alfred A., M. D. Chic. '80. — 639 Maine. 
Red Bud (Randolph). Zilliken, Paul N., M. D. '92. 
Ridge Farm (Yermilion). Ransom, Charlie C, M. D. '90. 
Riverside (Cook). Hotchkiss, Isabella 8., M. D. '80. 
Rochelle. Gould, Wüliam W., M. D. '90. 

Fouser, Albert R., M. D. '83. 
Rockford (Winnebago). Boyd, Mary A., M. D. '86. 

Boyd, Wm. A., M. D. '80 

Brown, Lorinda G., M. D. '83. 

Clemens, Henry C, M. D. '78. 

Culhane, Thomas H., M. D. '90. 

Davis, Henry G., M. D. '83. 

Franklin, W. Riley, M. D. '83. 

Mc Affee, Wm. D., M. D. '61. 

Mc Dowell, G. W., M. D. '79. 

Thomas, John W., M. D. '91. 
Rock Island. Kinyon, Claudius B., M. D. Chic. 78. 

Paul, Daniel B., M. D. '86. 

Paul, WiUard A., M. D. '81. 

Trimmer, Essington T., M. D. '92. 

Rock Island institute of homoeopathy. 
Rogers Park (Cook). Craig, James D., M. D. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

lUinois. — United States of America. — Illinois. 73 

Roscoe (Winnebago). Hobart, Wm. F., M. D. '86. 
Kosiclare (Hardin). Clark, John K, M. D. '69. 
Rushville (Schuyler). Ayers, Mortimer, M. D. '68. . 
St. Charles (Kane). Constant, Wm. E., M. D. '83. 
Sandwich (De Kalb). Missick, Charles L., M. D. '69. 

Stanard, Ora B., M. D. '85. 
Sa van na (CarroU). Maloney, Luther H., M. D. '84. 
Saybrook (Mc Lean). WooUey, Elnah, M. D. '80. 
Sc ho Ol (White). Taylor, Reynolds C., M. D. 
Shelbyville (Shelby). Westervelt, J. C, M. D. '77. 
Smithborough (Bond). Rosat, Lina M., M. D. '91. 
South Evanston (Cook). Shutterly, Eugene E., M. D. '88. 
Sparta (Randolph). Campbell, H. D., M. D. '87. 
Springfield (Sangamon). Condell, Wilbur R., M. D. '71. 

Dunlap, James A., M. D. '78. ^ 

Dunlap, Sarah E., M. D. '85. 

Frazee, Calvin A., M. D. '87. 

Gaf&iey, Emory C, M. D. '76. 

James, Addison C, M. D. '80. 

Kuechler, C. F., M. D. Berlin (Germany) '46. 

Morgan, George W., M. D. '63. 

Vincent, Ed. E., M. D. '87. 

Vincent, John A., M. D. '68. 
Steeleville (Randolph). Armbruester, Henry J., M. D. '81. 
Sterling (Whiteside). Allen, Lemuel E., M. D. '8a 

Carolus, Wm. B., M. i). '88. 

Gordon, Frank. W., M. D. Chic. '66. Wild. Office 3 Soenst- Street. 

Hill, Marvin Jasper, M. D. Lidiana'41. Chic. '78. Surgery. 507Soenst- 
Street. 8—12, 1—5, 7—9. See. of Rock inst, of homoeop. 

Kehr, Samuel S., M. D. '80. 
Steward (Lee). Durin, James M., M. D. '89. 
Stillman Valley (Ogle). Dilliard, Edmund, M. D. '87. 
Strawn (Livington). Salisbury, Wm. W., M. D. '78. 
Streator (La Salle). Stewart, Charles E., M. D. '78. 
Sugar Grove (Kane). Pierce, 0. Frank, M. D. '91. 
S Ulli van (Moultrie). Dunlap, James A., M. D. '78. 

Dunlap, Sarah E., M. D. '83. 

Johnson, Stonewall, M. D. '87. 
Sycamore (De Kalb). Wayland, Joseph P., M. D. '78. 
Taylorville (Christian). Hammer, Andrew F., M. D. '78. 
Toledo (Cumberland). Leitch, Robert ü., M. D. 
Troy (Madison). Schott, Ch. H., M. D. '78. 
Troy Grove (La Salle). English, Martin, M. D. '89. 
Tuscola (Douglas). Mc Culloch, John K, M. D. '66. 
ürbana (Champaign). Morrison, James E., M. D. '66. 
Vir den (Macoupin). . Boyer, John H., M. D. 

Clark, S. H., M. D. 
War reu (Jo Daviess). Hilliard, Sumner H., M. D. '91. 
Warsaw (Hancock). Bennett, Sophie E., M. D. '90. 

Parker, Donna M. T., M. D. '87. 

Parker, James W. , M. D. Hanrod '67. Jona City '88. — 485 Main- 
Street. 8—10, 2 — 4, 7—8. Spec. : Surgery and materia medica. 

Parker, Roland M., M. D. 

Winnard, W. L., M. D. '90. 
Washington. Welker, J. Wesley, Ph. D. M. D. Hecla '53 Chicago 

'87. — 2-4. 
Washington (Heights). Hefiron, Helene M., M. D. Otsego Co. '46. 
Chic. '86. Fracy-Avenue. üntil 8, 12-2, 6-8. 

Lowenthal, Louis, M. D. '85. 
Watseka (Iroquois). Near, Jefferson S., M. D. '76. 
Waukegan (Lake). Coggswell, George E., M. D. '73. 

Roemer, J. F., M. D. '91. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

74 Indiana. — United States of America. — Indiana. 

Wenona. Dunham, James B., M. D. '81. 

Wh ea ton (Du Page). Meinhardt, Emma T., M. D. '85. 

Owen, C. S., M. D. »83. 
White Hall (Greene). Shirley, Edwin K., M. D. '83. 
Wilmette (Cook). Chüds, A. S., M. D. 78. 
Winnebago. Copeland, Philander, M. D. '72. 
Winnetka (Cook). Morrison, George H., M. D. '81. 
Woodhull (Henry). Lowry, N. H., M. D. '72. 

Willis, J. W., M. D. '75. 
Woodstock (Mc Henry). Primm, John W., if. D. '78. 
Wyoming (Stark). Morse, Navton B., M. D. 
Yellow Creek (Stephenson). Ashby, Sherman F., M. D. '85. 


Albion (Noble). Reiff, Nathan G., M. D. '83. 
Alexandria (Madison). Runyan, James F., M. D. '67. 
Alfordsville (Daviess). Hedrick, J. T., M. D. 

Hedrick, Wm., M. D. 
Anderson (Madison). Atherton, Romeo M., M. D. '81. 

Hammond, John H., M. D. 

Huston, Anthony S., M. D. '76. 

Sears, Albert H, M, D. '90. 

Taylor, H. W., M. D. 
Angola (Steuben). Leos, Emanuel R., M. D. 

Sanbom, Percey P., M. D. '85. • 
Anburn (De Kalb). Buchtel, J. 0., M. D. '90. 
Aurora (Dearbom). Smith, Edwin, M. D. '77. 

Sutton, Harley H., M. D. '77. 
Berne (Adams). Bergman, Noah, M. D. '92. 

Franz, Ernest, M. D. 

Newenschwander, D., M. D. 

Springer, Peter, A., M. D. 
Bloomington (Monroe). Wier, Robert M., M. D. '66. 
Blufft on (Wells). Springstead, A. E., M. D. '84. 
Bristol (Elkhardt). Barbour, Julius E., M. D. '78. 
Butler (De Kalb). Lilly, Harrison, M. D. '78. 
Cambridge City (Wayne). Wright, Jacob E., M. D. '89. 
Clifty (Decatur). Butler, Wm. G., M. D. '86. 
Columbus (Bartholomew). Rice, Alfred, M. D. '80. 

Shane, Thomas A., M. D. '81. 
Connersville (Fayette). Logee, Horace M., M. D. '64. 
Crawfordsville (Montgomery). Chambers, Wm. B., M. D. 81. 

Wilhite F., M. D. 
Crown Point (Lake). Gibbs, James C, M. D. '86. 
Danville (Hendricks). Huron, Frank H., M. D. '66. 
Delphi (CarroU). Robinson, Frank H., M. D. '81. 
Elkhart. Benham, Francis A., M. D. '62. 

Fisher, Albert L., M. D. New York '45. Phil. '71. — 315/317 Pigeon- 
Street. 7-9, 1—3, 7—9. 

Funk, Sophia M , M. D. '80. 

Huntsinger, J. C, M. D. '89. 

Mumaw, Henry A., M. D. Chic. '86. 

Thomas, Warren H., M. D. '77. 

Turner, Porter, M. D. '86. 

Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan homoeopathic med. association. 
El wo od (Madison). Little, Benjamin F , M. D. '77. 
Eureka (Spencer). Lamar, Henry L., M. D. '66. 
Evansville (Vanderburgh). Davis, Fielding, L., M. D. '70. 

Herr, Levi S., M. D. '55. 

Hayward, Levi T., M. D. '74. 

Taylor, Theodore H., M. D. '82. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Indiana. — United States of America. — Indiana. 75 

Evansville (Vanderburgh). Turner, Theodore H., M. D. 

Viehe, Caspar H., M. D. '76. 

Whistler, Lee. M., M. D. Cincin. 79. — 7th cor Locust. 

Keller & White. 

Leich & Carlstedt. 

Leich & Lemcke. 
Fontanet (Vigo). Stark, Wm. J., M. D. '81. 

Fort Wayne (Allen). Bowen, G. W., M. D. '69. — 23^ E. Washingtou- 

Green, Mrs. M. Frances, M. D. '71. 

Harris, Miss Ella F., M. D. '81. 

Harris, Lyman P., M. D. '81. 

Lehmann, Anthony, M. D. '91. 

Martz, Christian, M. D. '82 

Philipps, Seley P., M. D. '89. — 362 Oalhoun- Street. 

Ross, George, M. D. '79. 

Seif, Ralph D., M. D. Clev. '87. — 236 W. Dewald-Street. 

Stutz, John A., M. D. '86. 
Frankfort (Clinton). Bergen, Everett D., M. D. '91. 

Davis, Newton C, M. D. '84. 

Huntsinger, EU, M. D. '77. 

Wise, James B., M. D. '80. 
Franklin (Johnson). George, Wm. E., M. D. '77. 
Garrett (De Kalb). Gamble, Emest F., M. D. '92. 
Uilbertville (Porter). Washbum, Albert T., M. D. '91. 
Goodland (Newton). Westcott, Joseph B., M. D. '90. 
Goshen (Elkhart). Kreider, M. K., M. D. '78. 

Kreider, Wm. B., M. D. '79. 

Whippy, George A., M. D. '91. 
Greencastle (Putnam). Hill, W. D., M. D. 

Taylor, George W., M. D. 

Taylor, Mary J., M. D. '81. 
Greensburgh (Decatur). Gullefer, Thomas B., M. D. 
Hagerstown (Wayne). Canaday, N. F., M. D. 70. 
Hammond (Lake). Johnson, J. E., M. D. 
Hartford (City). Alexander, J. T., M. D. 

Wheeler, Wm. H , M. D. 
Holland (Dubois). Beardsley, H. C, M. D. '89. 
Huntington. Cory, Harvey W., M. D. '90. 

Indianopolis (Marion). Anderson, James E., M. D. '77. — 2 Grand 
Opera House blk. 

Bacon, Edgar H., M. D. '50. — 389 Virginia-Avenue. 

Boyd, James T., M. D. '49. — 40 E- Ohio-Street. 

Bula, RoUa W., M. D. 33 W. Ohio-Street. 

Clarke, Wm. B., M. D. '84. — 156% E. Washington- Avenue. 

Compton, Joshua, M. D. '66. — 75 E. Ohio-Street. 

French, B. F., M. D. '80. — 297 N. Penn. 

George, J. De Witt., M. D. '80. — 1 Baldwin blk. 

Haynes, J. R., M. D. '65. — 120 N. Meridian-Street. 

Howard, Lewis N., M. D. '72. — 62V2 S. Illinois- Street. 

Pink, Hermann, M. D. Königsberg (Germany) '74. — 103 N. Meridian- 

Rowley, Wm., M. D. '57. — 119 Comell- Avenue. 

Runnels, Orange Scott, M. D. Licking '47. Cleveland '71. — 600 South 
Meridian-Street. Office 50 Circle-Street. 8-9, 2—4. 

Runnels, Sollis, M. D. '87. — 50 Circle-Street. 

Wehrmann, Ernst A., M. D. '72. — Marion blk. 

Indiana Institute of homoeopathy. 

Browning & Sloan. 

Eli, Lilly. 

J. F. Johnston. 

Wm. A. & J. N. Pattison. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

76 Indiana. — United States of America. — Indiana. 

Jeffersonville (Clark). Lampton, George W., M. D. 

Secoy, Solomon Henry, M. D. Cincinnati '88. — 95 Spring - Street. 
Dis. of women and children. 
Kendallville (Noble). Kester, Richard S., M. D. '83. 
Kentland (Newton). Chaffee, J. C. M., M. D. 
Knightstown (Henry). Hastings, A. H., M. D. '87. 
Kokomo (Howard). Baker, Frank W., M. D. '88. 

Hastings, Aaron, M. D. 

Sawyer, Eugene W., M. D. '82. 
Ladoga (Montgomery). Mahoney, John C, M. D. 
La Fayette (Typpeeanoe). Ackermann, August C, M. D. '83. 

Nivison, Miss Alice C, M. D. '87. 

Smith, John M., M. D. '69. 

Tilson, Washbum, M. D. '91. 
Lagrange. Benham Frank A., M. D. '74. 
Lake ^pencer). Lang, Jacob R., M. D. '87. 

Mc Coy, Leonidas, M. D. '81. 
La Porte. Fahnestock, Augustus A., M. D. '65. 

Whiting, Samuel C^ M. D. '65. 
Lawrenceburg h. Hayward, M. P., M. D. Acworth '33. Phil. '57. 

8—9, 1--4, 7-9. 
Lebanon. Coons, Henry N., M. D. '83. 
Liberty (Union). Thompson, E. C, M. D. '70. 
Ligonier (Noble). ElHs, Jay B., M. D. '92. 

Newton, Warren E., M. D. Cleveland '82. 
Logansport (Cass). Allen, J. H., M. D. '84. 

Hatch, Eimer M., M. D. '88. 
Lynnville (Warrick). Dubois, George M., M. D. '89. 
Marion (Grant). WaU, M. M., M. D. '81. 
Michigan City. Cole, E. Zina, M. D. '79. 
Middletown (Henry). Rodecap, George W., M. D. 
Millgrove (Blackford). Mc Farland, John E., M. D. 
Mishawaka (St. Joseph). Brough, John, M. D. '74. 
Mooreland. Clapper, David, M. D. '76. 
Morristown (Shelby). Bentley, Wm. R., M. D. '86. 
Mt Vernon. Dixon, R. S., M. D. 
Muncie (Delaware). Gleason, WiDis W., M. D. '77. 

Hastings, Seth G., M. D. '77. 

Jones, Aubum C , M. D. 

Martin, John S., M. D. '83. 

Phinney, Arthur J., M. D. '77. 
Nappanee (Elkhart). Shoemaker, George L., M. D. '91. 
New Albany (Floyd). Breyfogle, Wm. L., M. D. '68. 

Needham, Hugh. J., M. D. '81. 

Severinghaus, Edwin A., M. D. '90/91. 
Newburgh (Warrick). Musgrave, S. D., M. D. '89. 
New Castle (Henry). Moore, N. Lorella, M. D. '90. 

Thompson, John F., M. D. 
Noblesville (Hamilton). Kitchell, Jathon S., M. D. 
Peru (Miami). Kalbfleisch, A. H., M. D. '71. 

Rutherford, C. E., M. D. '66. 

Stewart, Frank C, M. D. '86. 

Stewerd, Willis B., M. D. '88. 
Pierceton (Kosciusko). Johnson, A. R., M. D. 
Plymouth (Marshall). Brown, Charles A., M. D '90. 

Martin, John S., M. D. '78. 

Viets, Mrs. E. W., M. D. '67. 
Portland (Jay). Mincks, F. W., M. D. 
Princeton (Gibson). Hudson, Oliver L., M. D. 
Reusselaer (Jasper). Loughridge, James H., M. D. 
Richmond (Wayne). Davis, T. Henry, M. D. '69. 

Emmons, Joshua, M. D. '50. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Indiana. — United States of America. — Jpwa. 77 

Richmond (Wayne). Grosvenor, E. B., M. D. '82. 

Reynolds, Margaret J., M. D. '84. 

Teague, Isaac C, M. D. 

Zimmermann, W. W., M. D. '88. 
Roann (Wabash). Dederick, Wm., M. D. 

Haas, Homer C, M. D. '90. 
Rochester (Fulton). Brown, Angus, M. D. 
Rockville (Parke). Thomas, Wm. D., M. D. '60. 
Rose Lawn (Newton). Robbins, Ira B., M. D. 
Rushville. Dean, D. H., M. D. '89. 

Gübert, C. H., M. D. '79. 

Linn, Henry G., M. D '73. 
Shelbyville. Winter, Gustave G., M. D. 
South Bend (St. Joseph). Chaffee, Walter D., M. D. '87. 

Godfrey, Julia D., M. D. Chic. '90. — 216 Colfax-Avenue. 

Hanford, Wm. H., M. D. '53. 

Myers, Cornelius H., M.D. '77. 

Partridge, Joel M., M. D. '68. 

Spaulding, Ch. W., M. D. '85. 

Stine, Reuben L., M. D. Chic. '91. — 104 N. Michigan-Avenue. 
Spiee land (Henry). Holloway, Lizzie E., M. D. 
S Ulli van. Higbee, George W., M. D. '70. 

Higbee, John L., M. D. '70. 
Terre Haute (Vigo). Austin, Mrs. Hannah, M. D. 

Eider, Wm. R., M. D. '47. 

Moore, Wümot, M. D. '57. 

Peachey, Mrs. L. C, M. D. 

Thompson, Horace H., M. D. '89. 

Waters, M. H., M. D. '73. — 613 Mulberry-Street. 

Gulick & Berry. 
Tip ton. Huron, Willis B., M. D. '86. 
Union City (Randolph). Gustin, Francis M., M. D. '81. 
Valparaiso (Porter). EUiott, L. W., M. D. '75. 

Palmer, Lyman R., M. D. '80. 

Sayler, Marshall F., M. D. 
Vincennes (Knox). Bruce, Wm. E., W. D. '90. 

Medcalf, Wm. M., M. D. '78. 
Wabash. Stewart, John W. G., M. D. '89. 
Wakarusa (Elkhart). Lockwood, R. L., M. D. '88. 
Warsaw (Kosciusko). Byler, Joseph M., M. D. '76. 
Washington (Daviess). Bonham, Alfred N., M. D. '87. 

Strouse, W. H. H., M. D. 
Westport (Decatur). Miller, T. E.F., M. D. '86. 
Winchester (Randolph). Huddieston, Albert F., M. D. '81. 
Wolcottville (Lagrange). Kester, Alonso A., M. D. 


Ackley (Hardin^. HUL MerriU W., M. D. '71. 

Vroom, Ch. W., M. D. '87. 
Afton (Union). Whisler, Hiram, M. D. 
Akron (Plymouth). Seeman, Fred. T., M. D. '91. 
Albia (Monroe). King, Sylvester M., M. D. '78. 

Phillips, Elizabeth A., M. D. '81. 
Allerton (Wayne). Duden, Wm. H., M. D. '70. 
Atlantic (Cass). Macomber, Addison P., M. D. '53 

MacomberjFidele G., M. D. '79. 

Weidner, Wm. F., M. D. '85. 

Wüder, Carlton V., M. D. '82.' 
Baldwin (Jackson). Wilcox, Angelia, M. D. 
B ata via (Jefferson). Du Boise, John W., M. D. '82. 
Baxter (Jasper). Preston, Abi. L., M. D. '85. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

78 Jowa. — United States of America. — Jowa. 

Battle Creek (Ida). Graeser, Bemh. H., M. D. 78. 

Spauldinff, Llewellyn Q., M. D. '86. 
Belle Pia ine (Benton). Murch, Albert J., M. D. '63. 
Beimond (Wright). Horton, Warren H., M. D. '91. 
Bluffton (Winneshiek). Potter, Frank J., M. D. 
Bonaparte (Van Buren). Steinmeyer, Fred. A., M. D. '70. 
Boone. Martin, Albert L., M. D. '87. 

Swinbume, Arthur H., M. D. '91. 
Boy den (Sioux). Greattrax, J. H., M. D. 
Bremer. Bryant, Zebina Z., M. D. '81. 
Britt (Hancock). Turner, Alfred F., M. D. '76. 
Brush Creek (Fayette). Goldsworthy Wm., M. D. '91. 

Martin, Albert L., M. D. '87. 
Burlington. Griffith, Horace G., M. D. '76. 

Nixon, Samuel E., M. D. '74. 

Paisley, Oh. L., K D. '81. 

Patchen, Uriah K., M. D. '57. 

Pilling, Abraham H., M. D. 

Charles P. Squires & Co. 

Raynolds & Churchill. 

Wells, Richardson & Co. 
Calamus (Clinton). Staggs, Wm. A., M. D. '89. 
Cambridge (Story). Aplin, Wm. H., M. D. '83. 
Carroll. Steele, Charles H., M. D. '88. 
Cedar Falls (Black Hawk). Pettit, Wm. H., M. D. '74. 
Cedar Rapids (Linn). Cogswell, Charles H., M. D. '66. 

Cogswell, George E., M. D. '73. 

Cogswell, Marie W., M. D. '74. 

Cook, Joseph T., M. D. '78. 

Hickox, Cornelia, M. D. '73. 

Hubbardj Wm. A., M. D. Chic. '85. — 32 Kimball Bldg. 2—5. 
Chromc dis. 

Schwartz, Ch. M., M. D. '80. 

Walters, Ch. E., M. D. '80. 
Centerville (Appanoose). Mc Farland John, M. D. . 

Centre Point (Linn). Newland, Mark A., M. D. '92. 

Tiffany, John W., M. D. '83. 
Chariten (Lucas). Boynton, Frank H., M. D. '88. 

Swan, Clara J., M. D. '87. 
Charles City (Floyd). Finger, Ch. F., M. D. Berlin (Germany) '70. 

Knickerbocker, C. W., M. D. '82. 

Palmer, Wm. M., M. D. 

Yeomans, Stephen P., M. D. '71. 
Cherokee. Pritchard, M. F., M. D. 
Clarence. Williams, Lavina L., M. D. '55. 
Clermont. Becker, Friedrich, M. D. Gudensberg '38. St. Louis '65. 

Presid. of Jowa State board. of med. exam. 
Clifton. Blunt, Arthur W., M. D. Dalton '54. Chic. '78. — 323 Fifth- 

Avenue. 8V2— 10, IV2— 3i '^'-8. 
Clinton. Blunt, Arthur W., M. D. '78. 

Burbank, James, M. D. Phil. '56. Staff of Agatha hosp. 

Depew, Henry, M. D. 

Finley, David M., M. D. '85. 

Gruber, Carl, M. D. '86. 

Lowell, James S., M. D. '78. 

Mc Affee. Edwin, M. D. '55. 
Coggon (Linn). Howe, Melvin F., M. D. '88. 
Colesburgh (Delaware). Hilgendorf, Paul J., M. D. '89. 
Colfax (Jasper). Lowrey, Joseph H.^ M. D. 
Columbus (Junction). Neal, Benjamin G., M. D. '56. 

Summers, Mathew H., M. D. 
Corning (Adams). Hillweg, Charles A., M. D. '78. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Jowa. — United States of America. — Jowa. 79 

Council Bluffs (Pottawattamie). Bower, Charles H., M. D. '85. 

Ohamberlain, Myron H., M. D. '78. 

Edmond, Wm. G., M. D. '79. 

Hanchett, Alfred P., M. D. Chic. '78. — 40—42 Baldwin Block. 

Montgomery, Phineas J., M. D. '80. 

Pramer, Mrs. H. D., M. D. 

Reller, Wm. E., M. D. '86. 

Smith, Sarah, M. D. Chic. '87. — 40—42 Baldwin Block. 

Snyder, Susan Mc. G., M. D. '87. 

Stevens, Henry M., M. D. '85. 
Cr es CO (Howard). Glasier, J. J., M. D. '88. 

Wright, Wm. E., M. D. '90. 
Creston. Kitchen, Warren A., M. D. '90. 

Myers, A. J., M. D., '78. 
Davenport (Scott). Boyle, Lealia V. P., M. D. '79. 

Heimick, Daniel, M. D. '84. 

Hoefle, Henry C, M. D. '87. 

Kunze, August, M. D. 

Miller, Wm., M. D. '81. 

Rindler. August G. L., M. D. 

Rowland, Mary H., M. D. '86. 

Scherer, Anton, M. D. 

Taylor, Ellen A., M. D. '83. 

Thompson, James H., M. D. '79. 

Watzek, John W., M. D. '81. 

Wessel jr., Henry, M. D. '72. 

E. 8. Ballard & Co. 

Steventon & Camahan. 
Decorah (Winneshiek). Anderson, Niels, M. D. 

Cartvnright, Edmund, M. D. London (Eng.) '40. 

MiUs, George W., M. D. '89. 
Delhi (Delaware). StreveU, Delwin E., M. D. 
Denison (Crawford). BoUes, Cassins H., M. D. '88. 
Des Meines. Abrahams, J. A., M D. 391 Peltons- Avenue. 

Carter, Edwin H., M. D. Cincin. '65. — 407 Walnut. Residence 
Woodland- Avenue and 14 th. Prof. and dean of Drake union. 

Clark, John C, M. D. 510 E. Locust. 

Drake, Joseph H., M. D. St. Louis '74. Drake sanitarium near Fair 

Dryborough, John W., M. D. '87. 

Duncan, Frank, M. D. '75. — 311, 15 th. 

Eaton, Charles W., M. D. Laucaster '55. N. Y. '78. Residence 714 W.- 
Street. Office 420 Walnut-Street. Med. director of 'Des Moines' life 

Goodrich, Alice A., M. D. '89. — 719 E. 5th. 

Harris, Nellie R, M. D. '85. — 519, 7th. 

Hunter, Andrew 0., M. D. '65. — 523 E. Locust. 

Kirkpatrick, Rob. S., M. D. '86. — 709V9 E. Locust. 

Linn, Alex. M., M. D. Brownsville '54. Chic. '83. Office 603 Walnut- 
Street. 10—12, 3—5. 

Olmstead, James B., M. D. '83. Euclid- Avenue s. w. cor. 6th. 

Royal, George H., M. D. '82. — 505 W. Walnut. 

Winsett, Benjamin F., M. D. '86. — 413 Walnut. 
De Witt (Clinton). Risley, John S., M. D. 

Waggoner, M. R., M. D. '71. 
Dubuque. Bray, Nicholas, M. D. Jowa '85. — 1140 Main-Street. 

Bray, Wm., M. D. '86. 

Coulter, Elva M., M. D. Jowa '87. Cor. 8th and Locust. 

Davis, John W., M. D. '60. 

Guilbert, Samuel H., M. D. '57. 

Jackson, Ed. R., M. D. Cincin. '74. — 855 Locust. 

Junckermann & Haas. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

80 Jowa. — United States of America. — Jowa. 

Duncombe. Hefner, Samuel, M. D. 

Dunkerton (Black Hawk). Speicher, D. J., M. D. 

Dunlap nBLarrison). Livermore, David L., M. D. '79. 

Dysart (Tama). ■ Loizeaux, Ch. J., M. D. '89. 

Eagle Grove (Wright). Goldsmith, Albert A., M. D. '84. 

Myers, C. H., M. D. 
Earlham (Shelby). Irvin, Hiram C, M. D. '90. 
Earlville (Delaware). Dittmer, Martin E., M. D. '86. 
Eddy ville (Wapello). Sheffield, George E., M. D. 
Elkader (Clayton). Bass, Selvy A., M. D. '82. 

Patterson, Henry S., M. D. '88. 
Elma (Howard). Jerald, Daniel C, M. D. Chic. '79. 
Emmetsburg (Palo Alto). Walker, John L., M. D. '81. 
Epworth (Dubuque). Hill, Orimal F., M. D. '88. 

Jackson, E., M. D. 
Es sex (Page). Stearns, A. M., M. D. '80. 
Estherville (Emmet). Salisbury, E. Wallace, M. D. '86. 
Fairfield (Jefferson). Campbell, Eugene, M. D. '78. 

Gantz, Byron K, M. D. '85. 

Perry, Maria G., M. D. '89. 
Farley (Dubuque). Goodale, Leon H., M. D. '87. 
Farmington (Van Buren). Derx, Jacob, M. D. '87. 

Paisley, Charles L., M. D. '91. 
Fayette. Baker, Marcus J., M. D. '79. 
Forest City. Perkins, Edgar, M. D. '68. 
Ft Dodge (Webster). Nelson, John S., M. D. '88. 

Olney, Floyd. B., M. D. '81. 
Ft Madison (Lee). Baker, Charles 0., M. D. '78. 

Searles, Orrin. J., M. D. '86. 
Fredericksburgh. Taylor, L. M., M. D. '84. 
Garne r (Hancock). Gilbert, Wm. L., M. D. '85. 

Schneider, H. T., M. D. 
Garwin (Tama). Winslow, Robert, M. D. 
Gilman (MarshaU). Ward, W. J., M. D. '76. 
Gladbrook (Tama). Crow, John S., M. D. '84. 
Glenwood (Mills). Bebout, Stephen K., M. D. '80. 
Grand Rapids. Cogswell, C. H., M. D. '66. — 65 Second-Avenue. 
Greene (Butler). Boyce, Laurin S., M. D. 

De War Hugh, M., M. D. '91. 
Grinnell (Poweshiek). Harris, Ephraim H., M. D. '56. 

Harris, Rachel H., M. D. '71. 

Hill, Frank R., M. D. '84. 

Simpson, Wm. 8., M. D. '76. 

Wiley, Edward B., M. D. '82. 
Grundy Centre. Barker, Milton R., M. D. '91. 

Burns, Judson D., M. D. '70. 
Hampton (Franklin). Coming, George A., M. D. '74. 
Harlan (Shelby). Phelps, Myron, M. D. '91. 
Hawarden (Sioux). Doolittle, M. E., M. D. '81. 
Hudson (Black Hawk). Speicher, John G., M. D. '83. 
Hüll (Sioux). Shepard, Wm. T., M. D. '88. 
Ida Grove (Ida). Tremaine, Orlando G., M. D. '80. 
Independence (Buchanan). Brooks, Caroline F., M. D. '84. 

Hamilton, Jonathan R., M. D. '59. 

Shattuck, David P., M. D. '83. 
Indianola (Warren). Erwin, Wm., M. D. '82. 
Jowa City. Gilchrist, James G., M. D. '63. 

Hazard, Theodore L., M. D. '83. 

Newberry, Frank J., M. D. '88. . 

Whiting, Mary, M. D. '91. 

Central homoeop. assoc. of Jowa '79. 

Hahnemann med. assoc. of Jowa '70. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Jowa. — United States of America. — Jowa. 81 

Jowa City. Homoeop. med. department State university of Jowa. 

Northeastem Jowa homoeop. medical assoc. '88. 

Homoeop. hospital state university of Jowa. 14 Clinton-Street. 

'The Northwestern Journal of homoeopathy '88. Journal Publishing Co. 
Jowa Falls (Hardin). Morton, Wm M., M. D. Jowa '81. 
Jefferson (Greene). Sheldon, E. H., M. D. 
Kalo (Webster). Hart, George D., M. D. 
Keokuk (Lee). Bailey, Benjamin F., M. D. '60. 

Bancroft, Walton., M. D. '60. 

Ehinger, George E., M. D. '85. 

Seidlitz, George N., M. D. '84. 
Keosanqua (van Buren). Harris, Wm. T., M. D. '88. 
Keota (Keokuk). Home, FrankUn B., M. D. '72. 

Tiffany, Douglas S., M. D. '88. 
Knoxville (Marion). Bebout, S. R., M. D. '80. 

Thomton, John M., M. D. '73. 
Lake City. Mackey, James L., M. D. '87. 
Lamont (Buchanau). Brown, Charles A., M. D. '91. 
Lamoni (Decatur). Brenizer, Theophilus, M. D. 
Laporte City (Black Hawk). Fisher, George W., M. D. '77. 
Le Ciaire (Scott). Kattenbracker, Alvina, M. D. 
Le Mars (Plymouth). Gray, Wm. R., M. D. '90. 
Lenox (Taylor). Fees, Arthur W., M. D. '87. 
Lime Spring (Howard). Jevald, Daniel C, M. D. '79. 
Liscomb (Marshall). Robilliard. Walter H., M. D. '84. 
Lyons (Clinton). Hottelmann, Otto H., M. D. '86. 
Mc Gregor (Clayton). Miles Isaac H., M. D. '88. 
Magnolia (Harrison). Cutler, Charles E., M. D. '78. 
Malvern (Mills). Carley, D. H. W., M. D. '61. 

Scott, James R^ M. D. '85. 
Manchester (Delaware). Dittmer, Henry A., M. D. '84. 
Maquoketa (Jackson). Carson, James A., M. D. '81. 

Smith, Ch. W., M. D. '83. 
Marion (Linn). Busenbark, Lucy M., M. D. '89. 

Hindman, David R., M. D. '57. 

Hubbard, Wm. A., M. D. '85. 

Muirhead, George S., M. D. '91. 

White, G. W. D., M. D. 
Marne (Cass.). Cass, Lewis H., M. D. 
Marshalltown. Cummings, Wm., M. D. '51. 

Holt, L. E. B., M. D. 

Speers, M. Elizabeth, M. D. '89. 
Mason City. Mc Ewen,Earle, M. D. '81. 

Mc Ewen, Neil T^M. D. '47. 

Smith, Chauncey H., M. D. '71. ^ 
Menlo (Guthrie). Vanghu, August W., M. D. 
Metz (Jasper). Beck, Peter S., M. D. '87. 
Monona (Clayton). Hicks, Joshua H., M. D. 
Monticello (Jones). Mirick, Willis A., M. D '78. 
Mt. Pleasant (Henry). Gray, Wm. R., M. D. '90. 

Linn, Ellis G., M. D. '89. 

Pitcher, Alfred 0., M. D. '67. 

Smith, George E., M. D. '80. 

Spaulding, Martha B., M. D. '83. 
Muscatine. Austin, PhiKp A., M. D. '56* 

Cummins, Frank N., M. D. '88. 

Cummins, J. Seely, M. D. '91. 

Lanning, Charles, M. D. '85. 

Mc Allster, Henry C, M. D. '56. 

Mc Allster, Lucius, M. D. '80. 
Mystic (Appanoose). Griffith, W. C, M. D. 
Nashua. Aldrich, Henry C, M. D. '81. 

Hom5opathischc8 Jahrbuch. Band 11. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

82 Jowa. — United States of America. — .Iowa. 

Nashua. Goodale, Leon H., M. D. '87. 

Goodwin, Benjamin J., M. D. 
Neola (Pottawattamie). Dassler, Paul H., M. D. '89. 

Robbins, Fred., M. D. '83. 
Nevada (Story). Winsett, Jay L., M. D. Chicago '91, 
New Hampton (Chickasaw). Bouldin, Ira W., M. D. '86. 

Byers, David S., M. D. 
New Providence (Hardin). Cutler, Henry P., M. D. '82. 
Newton (Jasper). Blackman, George E., M. D. '86. 

Harding, Miss Mary R., M. D. 

Rogers, Lee 0., M. D. 

Wnght, J. S., .M. D. 
Northwood (Worth). More, D. S., M. D. 75. 
Ode holt (Sac). Gromann, August, M. D. '78. 
Osage (Mitchell). Barrett, James W., M. D. '79. 
Oskaloosa (Mahaska). Hunter, Andrew J., M. D. '83. 

Moore, Samuel A., M. D. '62. 
Ottumwa (Wapello). Bonham, John C, M. D. Chic. '83. — 212 Green. 

De Marsh, Clark C, M. D. '91. 

Elms, Julius K., M. D. '79. 

Roberts, H. W., M. D. '74. 

Seemann. Fred. A., M. D. Chic. '91. 
Perlee (Jefferson). De Marsh, Clark C, M. D. '91. 
Perry (Dallas). Johnson, T. F., M. D. '76. 

Paul, Lrwin N., M. D. '85. 
Polk. Matter, Henry, M. D. 
Pomeroy (Calhoun). Fischer, Herman, M. D. '80. 
Postville (Jowa). Becker, Fred. J., M. D. Jowa '65. Phil. '87. Hours 
of cons. 'every time'. 
uasqueton (Buchanau). Beuthall, Elizabeth, D. W., M. D. '84. 
_ adcliffe (Hardin). Livingood, J. T., M. D. 
Raymond (Black Hawk). Hallman, Victor H., M. D. '86. 
Red Oak (Montgomery). Hallett, D. Frank, M. D. '78. 

Kreidler, Samuel R., M. D. '73. 
Riceville (Mitchell). Bennett, Theodocia, M. D. 88. 

Lee Frank, W., M. D. '87. 
Rockford (Floyd). Bumett, E. H., M. D. 

Mc Ewen, Earle, M. D. '81. 
Rock Rapids (Lyon). Gleason, George W., M. D. '88. 
Rock Valley (Sioux). Bell, James S., M. D. '66. 
Rockwell (Cerro Gordo). Bryant, Z. A., M. D. 
Rockwell City (Calhoun). Souder, Mrs. Ellen A., M. D. '82. 
Rolfe (Pocahontas). Workman, Wm. M., M. D. '83. 
Rowley. Fitch,H.L , M.D. Bradfort '48. Cincinnati '82. Before 8, 2— 4 
Sanborn (O'Brien). Peck, N. L. F., M. D. 
Sergeant Bluff (Woodbury). Bates, Gideon, M. D. 
Sheffield (Franklin). Dailey, Ada S., M. D. '85. 
Shelby. Kegel, August H., M. D. 
Shenandoah. Marr, Hervey E., M. D. '82. 
Sibley (Osceola). Wilder, Belia A., M. D.. 
Sidney (Fremont). Phelps, Myron, M. D. '91. 
Sigourney (Keckuk). Strawbridge, F. A., M. D. '86. 
Sioux City. Bailey, John, M. D. 

Bartiett, Thomas W., M. D. '78. 

Bowman, A. Perry, M. D, Sunderland '56. Chicago *78. Suite 310 
Security Bank ßldg. 10 — 12, 2—4, 7—9. Pelvic, rectal and ab- 
dominal surgery. 

Donnelly, George K., M. D. Chic. '75/79. — 411—413 United Bank Bldg. 

Farrington, C, M. D. '85. 

Hanchett, John L., M. D. '89. 

Hermann, John, M. D. Chic. '89. — 26/27 Metropolitan Blk. 

Morev, Edwin H., M. D. '86. 


Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Jowa. — United States of America. — Kansas. 83 

Sioux City. Remington, Fred. A., M. D. '84. 

Spreng, Theodore F. H., M. D. '79. Jowa Savings Bank Bldg 

Homoeop. med. assoc. of Sioax City. '88. 
Sioux Rapids (Buena Vista). Pond, Channcey C, M. D. 
Spencer (Clay). BenthalL Mrs. Elizabeth D. W., M. D. '84. 

Brown, Ch. A., M. D. ^91. 

Collester, Joseph C, M. D. '91. 

Frain, Adnah K., M. D. '72. 

Frain, Mary J., M. D. '72. 

Woodbum, Wm., M. D. '88. 
State Centre (Marshall). Center, Henry H., M. D. 
Strawherry Point. Howard, F. Henry, M. D. '85. 
Stuart (Guthrie). Knox, John A., M. D. '71. 
Sumner (Bremer). Bryant, Zebina Z., M. D. '81. 

Dunham, Henry E., M. D. '89. 
Sutherland (O'Brien). Seerley, W. A., M. D. 
Tabor (Fremont). Lyman, M. E., M. D. 

Pinkerton, Mervin, M. D. 
Toddville (Linn). Newland, Mark A., M. D. '92. 
Toledo (Tama). Cleckner, J. J., M. D. 

Morford, Cornelius M., M. D. '90. 

Souster, Wm. W., M. D. 
Traer (Tama). Ashton, C. W., M. D. 

Coon, George S., M. D. '92. 

Parsons^ Eoscoe M., M. D. '82. 
Union (Hardin). Pearson, Alfred W., M. D. '88. 

Pearson, A. H., M. D. 
Villisca (Montgomery). Hough, Edgar C, M. D. '83. 
Vinton (Benton). Golden, Hannah C, M. D. '82. 
Volga (Clayton). Glazier, Johnson, M. D. '83. 
Wall Lake (Sac). Petersen, Theodore J., M. D. '88. 
Walnut City (Appanoose). Griffith, Wm. C, M. D. 
Washington. Mc Clean, Samuel N., M. D. '85. 

Roberts, Thomas G., M. D. '77. 
Waterloo (Black Hawk). Allen, Harriet M., M. D. Chic. '84. 

Banton, Benson, M. D. '76. 

Bennett, Ch. F., M. D. '84. 

Bickley, Gab. G,, M. D. '60 

Bickley, John G., M. D. '77/80. 

Grippen, John H., M. D. '72. 
Waverly (Bremer). Clark, Wesley 0., M. D. Chic. '82. 
West Mitchell. Zeilinger, J. L., M. D. 
West Union (Fayette). Zoller, A., M. D. '83. 
Williamsburgh. Jones, Wm. G., M. D. '66. 
Winterset (Madison). Hillis, Eben. L., M. D. '73. 

Ruby, WUber. 0., M; D. '84. 
Winthrop (Buchanan). White, Alvin, M. D. Chic. '87. 
Wirt (Ringgold). Locke, Frank 8. M. D. 


Abilene (Dickinson). Boutin, Francis J., M. D. '83. 

Kirsch, Martin, M. D. '80. 
Almena (Norton). Rumsey, Fred. B., M. D. '83. 
Arkansas City (Cowley). Holmes, E. B., M. D. '48. 

Porter, Frank A., M. JD. '87. . 
Atchison. Copp, (Jharles H, M. D. '82. 

Johnson, George H. T., M. D. '69. 
Augusta (Butler). Brown, John W., M. D. '68. 
Belleville (Republic). Freebom, Grant, M. D. Office Meeks Bldg. s. 

e. cor. Square. Dis. of children. 
Beloit (Republic). Home, F. B., M. D. '73. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

84 Kansas. — United States of America. — Kansas. 

Ben ton (Butler). Diu, John W., M. D. 79. 

Diu, Mary T., M. D. 79. 
Bird City (Chevenne). Van Deren, Henry W., M. D. '88. 
Blue Rapids (Marshall). Howard, G. Parker, M. D. '88. 
Barlington (Coffey). Hanson, Judson W., M.. D. 72. 
Cahola (Chase). Hedinger, Charles, M. D. Göttingen (Germany) '84. 
Caldwell (Sumner). Bear, Hiram C, M. D. '83. 
C an ton (Mc Pherson). Edington, L. L., M. D. 78. 
Chanute (Neosho). FoUet, Paris, M. D. '66. 

Hickey, Eliza S., M. D. '90. 

Light, Josef H., M. D. '87. 
Cherry Vale (Montgomery). Füller, Wm., M. D. '64. 

Huschinton. C, M. D. '78. 
Chetopa (Laoette). Dersham, Moses H., M. D. '53. 

Kniherg, Anna M., M. D. '90. 
Cheyenne (Osbome). Van Meer, Wm., M. D. '90. 
Clay Centre. Cook, Daniel P., M. D. '81. 
Clifton (Washington). Potter, Horace E., M. D. '85. 
Clyde rOloud.). Potter, A. C, M. D. '80. 
Coffeyville (Montg.). Powers, C. L., M. D. 
Colby (Thomas). Eddy, Victor C, M. D. '84. 
Coldwater (Comanche). HaUiday, J. S., M. D. '74. 
Concordia (Cloud.). Grigsby, A. Colby, M. D. 

Raines, Taylor E., M. D. '91. 
Council Grove (Morris). Hudson, John, M. D. 

Knowles, H. S., M. D. '75. 
Douglas (Butler). Füller, Ira H., M. D. Chic. '84. 
El Dorado (Butler). Co wies, Edwin, M. D. '66. 
Emporia (Lyon). Higgins, Arthur, F., M. D. '84. 

Jackson, Francis N. W., M. D. 

King, Roh., M. D. '63. 

Short, James L., M. D. '85. 
Erie (Neosho). Fletcher, Cyrus G., M. D. '81. 
Eudora (Douglas). Weed, Everitt D., M. D. 75. 
Ft Scott (Bourbon). Corey, Jay, M. D. Chic. '82. - 16 N. Main-Street. 

Griffin, D. Boardmann, M. D. '84. 
Galen a (Cherokee). Evans, Almus F., M. D. '87. 

Hart, Willard R., M. D. 
Gar nett (Anderson). Schoonover, George, M. D. 
Glen Eider (Mitchell). Battey, GaUen 8., M. D. '80. 
Greensburgh (Kiowa). Bennett, Mary M., M. D. '84. 
Herington. Bozarth, CharL A., M. D. West Liberty '54. Chicago '86. 

Consultations every time. 
Hiawatha (Brown). Hof&neier, Frank C, M. D. '67. 

Pratt, S. M., M. D. '61. 
Hol ton (Jackson). Cookinham, D. A., M. D. '91. 

Sherbume, Frank B., M. D. '70. 

Spencer, Emily E., M. D. '86. 
Horton (Brown). Phillips, W. B., M. D. 
Humboldt cAUen). Fife, Daniel D., M. D. 
Hutchinson (Reno.). Hutchinson, Atilla M., M. D. '83. 

Malcolm, John G., M, D. New York '86. 
Independence (Montgomery). Kelly, Wallace B., M. D. '81. 
Jola (Allen). Tozer, Luke,. M. D. 
Isabel (Barber). Todd, George W., M. D. '86. 
Kansas City. Baker, Francis A., M. D. '85. 

Baker, Mrs. Loo, M. D. 

Billings, Roh. A., M. D. '93. — 525 Minnesota-Avenue. 

De Wolf, Frank L., M. D. '92. 

Diederich, Peter, M. D. '77. 

Elliott, J. Frank, M. D. 523 Minnesota- Avenue. Prof. Kans. City ho- 

nioeop. coli. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Kansas. — United States of America. — Kansas. 85 

Kansas City. Elliot, L. W-, M. D. '67. 

EUiott, Schuyler C, M. C. '86. 

Gammeil, Samuel, M. D. 

Heath, Edwin R., M. D. '63. 

Howard, G. P., M. D. '88. 

Mc Intosh, J. W., M. D. 

Miller, John P., M. D. Jowa '88. — 643 Minnesota- Avenue. 

Waggoner, Mrs. A. H., M. D. '82. 

WUson, Mrs. J. C, M. D. '76. 

Kansas City homoeop. med. College '88. — 1006 Main-Street. 

Samaritan mission and free dispensary. 
Kingman. Hoag, James H., M. D. '83. 

Light, Jacob W., M. D. '84. 
Lafayette (Stevens). Furnas, Rob. F., M. D. '77. 

Hockett, T. E., M. D. 
La med (Pawnee). Spaulding, Mrs. J. E., M. D. '65. 

Waggoner, G. J., M. D. '55. 
Lawrence (Douglas). Anderson, A. J., M. D. '87. — 717 Vermont. 

Anderson, Samuel B, M. D. '54. — 717 Vermont. 

Feil, Mrs. Antonia, M. D. 
Leavenworth. Hunter, Llewellyn K., M. D. '80. 

Johnson, Adelbert L., M. J). 

Morgan, Eliza K., M. D. '63. 

Morgan, Walter F., M. D. '62. 
Lyons (Rice). Bozarth, Ch. A., M. D. '86. 
Madison (Greenwood). Focht, Adam E., M. D. '85. 
Manhattan (Riley). Ross, Solon D., M. D. Grundy Co. '54. Chicago '79. 

10—12, 4—6. Eye, ear, nose and throat. 
Marion. Barrows, George Si, M. D. 

Spence, Frank H., M. D. '79. 
Marysville (Marshall). Von Wald, George, M. D. 
Medicine Lodge. Kociell, Sylvester, M. D. 
Minneapolis (Ottawa). Clark, C. D., M. D. '67. 

Miller, John, M. D. 
Moundridge. Knott, Abraham R., M. D. Marion County '31. Leven- 

worth '78. County Physician. 
Ness City. Hankins, Timothy, M. D. 
Newton. Newhall, Samuel E., M. D. New Iswich '32. St. Louis '77. — 

501 Va Main-Street. Dis. of women and children. 10—12, 2—4. 
Noncholanta (Ness). Yingling, Wm. A., M. D. '90. 
Norton vi Ue (Jefferson). Maxson, Henry R., M. D. '80. 
Olathe (Johnson). Hudson, John F., M. D. '85. 

Lemon, Wm. E. H., M. D. '74. 
Osage (Mission). Perine, M. T., M. D. 
Ottawa (Franklin). Allen jr.. Albert A., M. D. 

GiUey, H. W., M. D. 
Paola (Miami). Mc Mahan, Thaddens C. S., M. D. '71. 

Worthen, Louis J., M. D. '88. 
Peabody (Marion). Morgan, Wm. M., M. D. 

Smith, Welcome W., M. D. 
Pittsburgh (Crawford). Nichols, George B., M. D. 

Snyder, Kathleen J., M. D. '79. 
Pratt. Dix, Jsaac H., M. D. '69. 
Rosedale (Wyandotte). Boland, John T., M. D. 
Sähet ha. Lyon, Oliver James, M. D. Butter County '42. Cincinati '73/74. 

Main-Street. 9-12, 1—5, 7—9. Dis. of women and children. 
Sali na. Brown, Manuel Say, M. D. Bryan'58. Chicago '82. Residence309 
Santa Fe- Avenue. Office 707 Santa Fe- Avenue. 9-12, 2—5, 7—8. 
S. 9—10, 4—5. Respiratory organs. 

Jenney, J. Wing, M. D. '68. 

Tuttle, Edwin R., M. D. '88. 
Scandia (Republic). Rockhold, J. M., M. D. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

ß6 Kansas. — United States of America. — Kentucky. 

Seneca (Nemaha). Anderson, Alice, M. D. 

Anderson, G. Hamlin, M. D. '86. 
Soldier (Jackson). Henry, R. J., M. D. '91. 
Stark (Neosho). Rooker, H. W., M. D. 75. 
Streng (Chase). Streng, Charles, M. D. Göttingen (Gern^any) '44. 
Topeka (Shawnee). Blakeslee, Miriam A., M. D. '91. 

Branstrup, Wm. T., M. D. Chic. '77. — 222, 6th Avenue W. 

Dick, George, M. D. '61. 

Haviland, j. Agnes, M. D. 

Isermann, Joseph C, M. D. '72. 

Klemp, Hermann F., M. D. '67. 

Mc Intyre, Ed. R., M. D. '63. 

Menninger, Charles F., M. D. Chic. '89. — 727 Kansas- Avenue. 

Neff, Margaretha, M. D. '80. 

Roby, Henry W., M. D. '77. 

Rupin, Adam, M. D. '78. 

Ryder, Louis A., M. D. '83. 

Stewart, Mary E., M. D. '86. 

Sturgis, Phineas M., M. D. '38. 

Swift, Stiles P., M. D. '61. 

Homoeopathic medical society of Kansas. 

Shawnee Co., homoeop. medical society. 

Topeka City homoeop. medical society. 

Kansas surgical hospital. 
Valley Falls (Jefferson). Cowan, M. Wilson, M. D. '82. . 

Swallow, Frank, M. D. '84. 
Verb eck (Barton). Childs, C. H., M. D. 
Wamego (Pottawatomie). Mc Mahon, W. T., M. D. 
Washington. Cox, George. H., M. D. '64. 
Welda. Blair, Samuel L., M. A. '91. 
Wellington (Sumner). Freeman, Brooks B., M. D. 
Wichita (Sedgwick). Bass, Selvy A., M. D. Chic. '82. 1022 W. 

Longsdorf, Adam J., M. D. 

Minick, Wm. A. Chic. '84. — 301 N. Main-Street. 

Pardee, James K. 

Pratt, Morton A. '76. 

Taylor, Oliver J., M. D. '90. — 254 N. Main-Street. 

Whitlock, Ed. A., M. D. '75. 

Whitlock, Fred. W., M. D. St. Louis '68. 235V2 S. Main-Street. 

Homoeop. medical society of Wichita. 

City hospital (homoeop.). 1105 N., 4th Avenue. 
Winfield (Cowley). Brown, Hannah M., M. D. '87. 

Graham, Wm. G., M. D. '66. 

Wiles, Ch. K., M. D. 78. 


Ashland. Fitch, N. Realsten, M. D. '87. 

George, J. Dudley, M. D. '92. 
Augusta (Bracken). Norris, James C, M. D. '84. 
Bowling Green. Blakeley, Wm. H., M. D. '66. 

Millsop, Sarah J., M. D. '66. 
Bryantsville (Garrard). Askenstedt, Fritz C, M. D. '89. 
Burnside (Pulaski). Kirchbaum, James W., M. D. '91. 
Carlisle (Nicholas). Dills, Malcomb, M. D. '71. 

Keller, Hervey S., M. D. '92. 

Munger, Harry, M. D. '92. 
Cobb (Caldwell). Amoss, Ed. N., M. D. '60. 
Covington (Kenton). Hunt, Edwin M., M. D. '76. 

Hunt, Wm. H., M. D. '56. 

Simcox, Job. S., M. D. '89. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Kentucky. — United States of America. — Louisiana. 87 

Cynthiana (Harrison). Righter, J. H., M. D. 
Danville (Boyle). Marsh, Henry M., M. D. '84. 

Kentucky homoeopathic med. society. 
Dayton (Campbell). Taylor, Mrs. M. G., M. D. '86. 
Dover (Mason). Bagby, George F., M. D. '92. 
Elizabeth town (Hardin). Simmons, George W., M. D. '88. 
Eminence (Henry). Meredith, C. P., M. D. '81. 
Flemmingsburgh. Skinner, R. M., M. D. '86. 
Erankfort (Franklin). Lucy, J. A., M. D. '82. • 
Georgetown (Scott). Brown, George 0:, M. D. '86. 

Thomasson, John C, M. D. '86. 
Glasgow (Barren). Purcell, S. T., M. D. '66. 
Gracey (Christian). Backus, James J., M. D. '86. 
Gray (Knox). Barton, W. R., M. D. '81. 
Harrisonville (Shelby). Hawkins, F. M., M. D. '78. 
Harrodsburgh (Mercer). Fester, Jeremiah C, M. D. '92. 
Henderson. Mullins, Will. S., M. D. '76. 
Hopkinsville (Christian). Gish, Daniel J., M. D. '53. 
Lexington (Fayette). Edgar, John F., M. D. '77. 

Johns, Emory B., M. D. '86. 

Kehoe, Henry C, M. D. '85. 

Washbum, Julia, M. D. '91. 

F. M. Frazier & Co. 
Louis ville (Jefferson). Cady, Helena M., M. D. '82. - 233 W. Chestnut. 

Clockey, Alison A., M. D. '89. — 200 W. Chestnut. 

Conrad, Rufus, M. D. '92. — 1112 W. Walnut. 

Elliot, Sydney Barrington, M. D. '88. — 901, 3d Avenue. 

Fleckenstine, Mary E., M. D. 1974 Portland-Avenue. 

Given, Adam, M. D. '64. 1403 W. Jefferson. 

Marsh, Henry M., M. D. '84. 

Mayer, ehester A., M. D. '81. — 739, 4th Avenue. 

Monroe, And. L., M. D. 

Pearce, Robert W., M. D. '87. — 210 W. Chestnut. 

Pirtle, John R., M. D. '52. — 1128 W. Walnut-Street. 

Ray, J. Morrison, M. D. '82. — 414 W. Chestnut-Street. 

Smith, Albert (Joodin, M. D. Bryantsburg '36. Cincinnati '79. - 
621 and 23 Third-Stareet. 8—9, 10-11, 2—3, 6—8. 

Taylor, Charles W., M. D. '80. — 606 W. Walnut. 

Pharm, homoeop. 'Alford Newhouse & Co.' 

Arthur Peter & Co. 

K. A. Robinson & Co. 
Maysville (Mason). Smoot, Peter, G., M. D. '86. 

Strode, John T., M. D. '79. 
Midway. Kasselman. Harry C, M. D. Ann Arbor '83. Prof. univ. of 

Newport (CampbeU). Fischback, F. W., M. D. '89. 

Keeney, Eben W., M. D. '70. 
Paris (Bourbon). Bück, Orland H., M. D. '76. Pleasant-Street. 

Van Sant, John T., M. D. '79. 
Richmond (Madison). Ashbaugh, John J., M. D. '73. 

Holton, Charles S., M. D. '85. 
Shelbyville. Bryan, Joseph T., M. D. '83. 

Taylor, C. W., M. D. 
Warsaw. Robinson, John T., M. D. '61. 

Robinson, Samuel B., M. D. '81. 
Woodsonville (Hart). Smith, George W., M. D. 


Jennings (Calcasien). Acers, Lewis F., M. D. '86. 
Lake Charles (Calcasien). Pierce, Almon N., M. D. '84. 
Monroe (Onachita). Walthall, James, M., M. D. '87. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

88 Louisiana. — United States of America. — Maine. 

New Orleans. Aiken, John G., M. D. '92. 

AngeU, Eich., M. D. '90. — 155 Juüa-Street. 

Angell, Samuel M., M. D. '57. — 109 Oanal-Street. 

Bailey, Walter H., M. D. '65. — 100 Camp-Street. 

Beiden, James G., M. D. '46. — 132 Canal-Street. 

De Villeneuve, Arthur B., M. D. '78. ~ 1686 Box-Street. 

Hincks, M. Edmond, M. D. '82. — 211 Dauphine-Street. 

Mayer, Charles ß., M. D. '85. — 268 St. Charles-Avenue. 

Murphy, Edmund • A., M. D. Duhlin '36. St. Louis '66. 238 Camp- 
Street. 9—10, 3-4. 

Thomas, Mrs. Annie T. L , M. D. '86. — 231 Jackson-Street. 

Alex. R. Finlay. 

C. R. Finlay. 

F. Frederickson. 

F. Frederickson & Hart. 

E. J. Hart & Co. 

B. Laplace. 

J. L. Lyons. 

E. A. Larrien. 

Hahnemann medical society of Louisiana. 268 Charles-Street. 

Homoeopathic hospital '92. 

Protestant orphan asylum '53. 

The Southern Journal of homoeopathy '83. — 150 Canal-Street. 
Shreveport (Caddo). Allen, Ethan G., M. D. '89. 

Graybill, Jacob D., M. D. '78. 


Appleton (Knox). Gushee, Frank A., M. D. '81. 
AuDurn (Androscoggin). Salls, Alfred, M. D. '79. 

Stevens, Mary B., M. D. 
Augusta (Kennebee). Brooks, Caroline F., M. D. '84. 

HiU, Winfield Scott, M. D. Greene '39. N. Y. '67. — 154 State-Street. 
7— 8V2» 1—4, 7—9. Homoeop. phys. from all state institutions. 

Thompson, Wm. L., M. D. '57. 

Thompson, Wm. S., M. D. '75. 

Wüüams, Mrs. N. T., M. D. '66. 

Maine homoeopathic medical society. 
Bangor. Fellows, WiU. Edwin, M. D. Athens '51. Phil. '76. — 
134 Hammond-Street. 2Va—5. 

Jefferds, George F., M. D. 

Prilay, John M., M. D. '85. 

Shepard, Wm. F., M. D. '71. 

Isaac L. Johnson & Co. 
Bar Harbor (Hancock). Morrison, Charles C, M. D. '83. 
Bath (Sagadahoc). Briry, Ed. E., M. D. '84. 

Briry, Milton S., M. D. '63. 

Roche, Ed. P., M. D. '63. 
Belfast (Waldo). Flanders, David P., M. D. '57. 

Parsons, Arthur L., M. D. 
Biddeford (York). Abbott, Solon, M. D. '82. 
Bridgton (Cumberland). Abbott, Edward S., M. D. '85. 
Bucksport fflancock). Stilson, Willard C, M. D. '80. 
Calais (Wasnington). Mason, Herbert B., M. D. '77. 

Seymour, D. E., M. D. 
Cape Elizabeth (Cumberland), Jewell, Leslie C, M. D. '76. 
Castine (Hancock). Philbrook, Ed. E., M. D. '81. 
Centre Montville (Waldo). Ramsey, Albert D., M. D. '84. 
Cumberland. Caldwell, Wm. , M. D. Boston '67. Presid. and supr. 

Cumb. Sanatorium and Sulphur Springs Co. 
Damariscotta (Lincoln). King, Joseph M., M. D. '80. 
Dover (Piscataquis). Merrill, E. Delmont, M. D. '86. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Maine. — United States of America. — Maine. 89 

East Corinth (Penobscot). Phübrick, Ch. S., M. D. '81. 
East Holden. Kelliher, Mayville S., M. D. '91. 
Eastport (Washington). Cleveland, Woodbury F., M. D. '81. 
Ellsworth (Hancock). Haines, Walter M., M. D. '77. 

Lord, George A-, M. D. '83. 
Farmington (Franklin). Lyford, Franklin 0., M. D. '77. 

Tnie, 0. W., M. D. 
Gardiner (Kennebec). Heath, Gertrude E., M. D. '83. 

Potter, Mrs. Hulda M., M. D. '77. 

Schumann, A. F., M. D. 
Gorham (Cumberland). Buzzell, Mrs. R. A., M. D. 
Gnilford (Piscataquis). Bntterfield, John 0., M. D. '82. 
Houlton. Esmond, H. B., M. D. F. S. S. Lond. 14 Market- Square.* 

Chaudler Hse. 9 a. m. 2—4 p. m. 
Kennebunk (York). Morton, Ed. W., M. D. '56. 
Lewiston (Androscoggin). Harvey, A. K. P., M. J). '88. 
Mechanic Falls (Androscoggin). Bowman, Arthur D., M. D. '92. 
Newport. Harvey, Austin J., M. D. 
Oakland (Kennebec). Holmes, Manuel 8., M. D. '79. 
Orono. Kqox, Joseph, H, M. D. 
Oxford. Stevens, Orin, M. D. '69. 
Paris (Oxford). Hammond, Charlotte F., M. D. '87. 
Patten (Penobscot). Woodbury, B. C, M. D. '66. 
Penobscot (Hancock). Sprague, Ed. A., M. D. 
Pittsfield (Somerset). Drake, Thomas N., M. D. '84. 
Portland. Brown, Samuel Albert, M. D. Wisconsin '52. Ann Arbor '80. 
ßesidence 390Va Monison-Street. OfBce 167, Ith Street. 8-10, 1-3, 7-8. 

Clark, George A., M. D. '70. — 695 Congress-Street. 

Dodge, Rodolph. L., M. D. '75. — 606 Congress-Street. 

Dow, Mrs. Moses G., M. D. 

MerriU, John C, M. D. '54. - 11 Gray-Street. 

Ohler, Anna G. C, M. D. '78. — 18 Locust-Street. 

Palmer, John T., M. D. '80. — 294 Congress-Street. 

Pingree, Malcolm C, M. D. '81. — 143 High-Street. 

Shackford, Rufus, M. D. '45. — 148 Park-Street. 

Sylvester, Silas E., M. I). '60. — 10 Brown-Street. 

Yose, Edwin F. '76. — 612 Congress-Street. 

Whidden, John W. '79. — 633 Congress-Street. 

W. P. Philipps & Co. 

E. L. Stannwood & Co. 

Wm. W. Whipple & Co. 

Maine homoeopathic hospital. 
Richmond (Sagadohoe). Richards, David S., M. D. '57. 
Rockland (Knox). Cole, Charles R., M. D. '83. 

Hanscom, Walter Y., M. D. '90. 

Perkins, Daniel C, M. D. '68. 
Rockport (Knox). Eaton, Hosea B., M. D. '45. 

Eaton jr., Hosea B., M. D. '76. 

Piper, Albert T., M. D. '75. 
Saco (York). Graves, Roscoe S., M. D. '83. 
Searsport (Waldo). Durgin, Ed. H., M. D. '89. 
Skowhegan (Somerset). Pulsifer, Wm. M., M. D. '86. 
So Ion (Somerset). Paul, Calmon, M. D. '89. 
Thomaston (Knox). Heald, Albert P., M. D. '84. 
Waterboro (York). Emery, J. T. G., M. D. 
Waterville (Kennebec). Knox, Joseph H., M. D. '77. 

Pulsifer, N. G. H., M. D. '49. 

Pulsifer, Ralph H., M. D. '90. 

Roberts, Francis A., M. D. '61. 
Wilton (Franklin). Blake, Isaac A. D., M. D. '61. 
Winthrop (Kennebel). Cochran, Charles A., M. D. '56. 
Yarmouth (Cumberland). Gannet, James C, M. D. '72. 

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90 Maryland. — United States of America. — Maryland. 


Baltimore. Amthor, Rob., M. D. Jena (Germany) *40. — 427 N. 

Bacon, James, M. D. '65. — 322 N. Charles-Street 
Bamard, James S., M. D. '82. — 2111 St. Paul. 
Bell, Alexander T., M. D. '58. — 9 E. Read-Street. 
Brewer, Marbury, M. D. '50. — 1106 Mc Culloh. 
Brewster, Cora Belle, M. D. New York '59. Boston '86. — 1027 Madison- 

Avenue. 9—11, 2—5. Spec. ; Gynaecology. American institute of 

Brewster, Flora A., M. D, M. A. Alfred Allegany Co. '52. Chicago '82. 

Sanatorium 1221 Madison -Avenue. 10—2, 4—5. Dis. of women. 

Presid. of homoeop. Sanatorium. 
Britton, Edgar B., M. D. '78. — 28 S. Broadway. 
Bück, Michael J., M. D. '76. — 805 N. Charles-Street. 
Burckhard, Melch. C, M. D. 109 W. Franklin-Street. 
Carter, James M., M. D. '64. — 411 N. Greene. 
Chandlee, Henry, M. D. Balt. '53. Phil. '83. — 1013 Linden- Avenue. 

8 — 10, 3—5. Dis. of nervous System. Prof. phys. and neurology. 

South homoeop. med. College. 
Condon, Ed. H., M. D. '86. — 1403 W. Fayette-Street. 
Conlyn, Ed. S., M. D. '80. — 935 Madison-Avenue. 
De Ford, Paul F., M. D. '89. — 1530 Harlem-Avenue. 
Dennis, Charles E., M. D. '92. — 422 N. Greene-Street. 
Dräne, Frank C, M. D. 1001 W. Lanvale. 
Fechtig, James N., M. D. '71. — 951 Madison Avenue. 
Fetterhof, Ira L., M. D. '85. — 905 N. Gilmor. 
Fox, Addison C, M. D. '61. — 1530 W. Fayette-Street. 
Gardner, George H., M. D. '85. — 2005 Fairmount-Avenue. 
Garey, Henry F., M. D. '76. — 411 N. Charles-Street. 
Hammond, Milton, M. D. '50. — 310 N. Paca. 
Hawkins, Wm. B., M. D. 401 N. Greene-Street. 
Heerman, V. Z., M. D. 1141 Park-Avenue. 

Henkel, Wm. C, M. D. Jena (Germany) '52. - 318 S. Wolfe -Street. 
Hill, Ambrose A , M. D. '66. Pen Lucy- Avenue. 
Holbrook, Ed. H., M. D. '68. — 714 N. Carey-Street. 
Hood, John H., M. D. '68. — 1312 Hartem- Avenue. 
Janney, O. Edw-, M. D. 837 N. -Eutaw- Street. 
Johnson, Wm. H., M. D. 1926 E. Pratt. 
Jump, Clarence K., M. D. .'85. — 917 Argyle-Avenue. 
Kneass, Nicholas W., M. D. '68. — 607 N. Charles. 
Kneass, Rob. W., M. D. '73. — 1205 W. Fayette. 
Lindley, Havard, M. D. '88. — 845 Park- Avenue. 
Mark, Nellie Y., M. D. '84. — 917 Madison-Avenue. 
Mifflin, Robert W., M. D. '76. — 321 N. Paca. 
Miller, Irving, M. D. 1207 E. Monument-Street. 
Morgan, Wm. L., M. D. 202 W. Franklin-Street. 
Nichols, Clarence, M. D. '92. — 323 N. Paca. 
Olds, Lymann C, M. D. 1723 W. Lanvale. 
Palmer, Lewis R., M. D. '92. — 1513 Madison-Avenue. 
Price, Eldridge C, M. D. '74. — 1013 Linden. 
Price, Elias C, M. D. '48. -^ 953 Madison-Avenue. 
Sears, Thomas E., M. D. '74. — 630 W. Franklin. 
Shearer, Thomas, M. D. '58. — 345 N. Charles-Street. 
Shearer, Thomas L., M. D. '82. — 345 N. Charles-Street. 
Shower, Ed. G., M. D. '78. — 2510 Penna-Ayenue. 
Shower, George T., M. D. '82. — 123, 3d Avenue. 
Smith, Allen R., M. D. '81. — 2119 Division. 
Thomas, Ch. H., M. D. '73. — 183 S. Broadway. 
Thomas, Wm. Dulany, M. D. '92. — 611 N. CarroUton -Avenue. 
Trew, Partus, M. D. '91. — 323 N. Paca. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Maryland. — United States of America. — Maryland. 91 

Baltimore. Volkmann, August F., M. D. Halle (Germany) '50. — 
620 Eutaw-Street. 

WanstaU, Alfred, M.D. Schnylkie Co. '52. New York '75. — 921 Cathedral- 
Street. 8-9, 3—5, 7—8. 

Webner, Henry W., M. D. '75. — 723 W. Lombard. 

Wiener, Morris, M. D. Berlin (Germany) '39. — 744 W. Fayette. 

Winter, Phil., M. D. 1722 W. Lanvale-Avenue. 

Wright, N. W., M. D. Baltimore '48. St. Louis '73. — 101 Carey- 
Street. Until 11 and 6V2 

Homoeop. Pharm. Andrews & Thompson. 

Richard J. Baken & Co. 

Bakers Brother & Co. 

Wm. Brown & Broth. 

Boykin, Carmer & Co. 

Canby, Giepin & Co. 

Coleman & Koyers. 

Dise & Wilkins. 

H. A. Eliott & Brothers. 

E. & S. Frey. 

N. H. Jennigs & Co. 

Salomon King. 

Maurice Laupheimer Brothers & Co. 

Alonzo Lilly jr. & Co. 

T. Metcalf & Co. 

Louis Senft & Co. 

Sharp & Dohme. 

Smith & Stackmann. 

Thomson & Muth. 

Vogler, Meyer & Co. 

A. Vogler Son & Co. 

Maryland State homoeop. medical society. 611 N. CarroUton- Avenue. 

Medlcal investigation club of Baltimore '81. 

Maryland academy of medicine '91. 

Homoeop. clinical society of Maryland and district of Columbia '91. 

Southern homoeop. medical coUege. 16 Saratoga-Street. 

Homoeop. Free-Dispensary of Baltimore City '75. 226 N. Green- 

Maryland homoeop. hospital. 

'The homoeop. Advocate and Health- Journal' '90. — 1013 Linden- 
Chesapeake City. Karsner, William C, M. D. 
Chestertown (Kent). Dodd, Harry L., M. D. '89. 
Cumberland (Allegany). Brace, Charles H., M. D. '77. 
Easton (Talbot). Barber, Isaac A., M. D. '72. 
Elkton (Cecil). Cooper, John W., M. D. '84. 
Emmitsburg (Fred.). Wrigley, J. Kay, M. D. '77. 
Forest Glen. Wright, George Herm., A. B. M. D. Cleveland '58. 

. Chicago '86. — 8—2. Phys. Carrals Springs sanat. 
Frederick. Goodell, Charles F., M. D. '82/83. 

Sharetts, Upton A., M. D. '83. 
Hagerstown (Washington). Gibson, C. H, M. D. 

Murray, George E., M. D. '82. 

Stauffer, Alwin P., M. D. GoodviUe '56. Cincinnati '85. Phys. to 
Orphan's homoeop. Wash. Co. 
Hampstead (Carroa). Wareheim, Wm. W., M. D. '78. 
Princess Anne (Somerset). Dashiell, R. Dennison, M. D. '75. 
Rockville. Andrews, William R., M. D. Thomapple '61. Philadelphia '92. 

Until 10, 6—7. S. 4—6. Cons. in Washington Grove 12—1. 
Sudlersville (Queen Anne's). Colley, Rob. K., M. D. '85. 
Tan6ytown (Carroll.). Weaver, Charles W., K D. '84. 
Union Bridge (Carroll.). Markel, Granville R., M. D. '89. 
Westminster (Carroll). Shipley, Daniel F., M. D. '82. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

92 Massachusetts. — United States of America. — Massachusetts. 


Ahington. Dickermann, Silas B., M. D. üntil 9, 2—3, 7—8. 
Adams., Bond, Aaron J., M. D. '83. 
Amesbury (Essex). Stanley, Charles S., M. D. 
Amherst (Hampshire). Hall, Charles W., M. D. '46. 
Arlington (Middlesex). Lihby, Charles A., M. D. '73. 
Ashland (Middlesex). Butterfield, George W., M. D. '83. 
Athol (Worcester). Forbes, Charles H., M. D. '83. 
Attleboro (Bristol). Haie, Edwin E., M. D. '89. 
Auburndale. Clark, Mortimer H., M. D. Until 9, 5-6. In Wellesley 
Hills 2'/a-3V2. 
Kent, Maud., M. D. '86. 
Ayer (Middlesex). Stephenson, Nellis W., M. D. '92. 
Bedford. Hedenburg, James, M. D. 14 Salem-Street. üntil 9, 1—3, 

Beverly (Essex). Bongartz, W. E., M. D. '83. 

Wardwell, P. G., M. D. '69. 
Boston. Ahlbom, H. C, M. D. 258 Marlboro-Street. 8— 9V«, 3—5. 
Allard, Frank E., M. D. '92. — 33 Hancock. 
Angell, H. C, M. D. 16 Beacon-Street. 11—2. 
Appleton, Lucy, M. D. 589 Tremont-Street. 8—9, 2-4, 7—8. 
Baker, Flint Almena, M. D. 102 Huntington-Avenue. 10—1. 
Batchelder, F. P., M. D. 295 W. ehester -Park. 2-4. Pathology 

and therapeutics. 
Baynum, Mary H., M. D. 14 Hancock -Street. 8—10, 1—3. Materia 

Beach, Henry H. A., M. D. '68. — 28 Commonwealth- Avenue. 
Bell, James B., M. D. 178 Commonwealth -Avenue. 2—5. Materia 

Belle WS, Howard P., M. D. Berkeley cor. Boylston- Street. 11—12. 

Tuesday 4—6. Ophtalmology and otology. 
Beninga, S. R. F. L., M. D. E. Concord. 
Bliss, Geo. D., M. D. Field's Corner Dor. Until 9, 3—4, 7. 
Bosworth, John W., M. D. '76. South opp. Brandon. 
Boothby, Alonzo, M. D. 1 Worcester-Square. 11—1. 
Boyd, Herbert D., M. D. 661 Tremont-Street. 7-9, 1—3, 6—7. 

Materia medica. 
Brackett, Humphrey F., M. D. '84. — 230 Washington. 
Briggs, J. Emmons, M. D. 295 W. Chester - Park. 2—4. Pathology 

and therapeutics. 
Browne, Perey G., M. D. '92. — 1 Saratoga-Pl. 
Bruce, Emily. A., M. D. '84. — 2 Hotel Dunbar. 
Bryant, Virginia F., M. D. 78 St. James-Avenue. 3—5. 
Cahill, Eliza B., M. D. N. E. Conservatory of Music. 9—10, 1—3. 

Materia medica. 
Calderwood, S. H., M. D. 2512 Washington- Street. 8-9, 1-3, 7—8. 
Champlin, Martha G., M. D. Boston Highlands '89. 
Chase, Herbert A., M. D. '76. — 43 Milk. 
Chüds, Helen S., M. D. '90. — 347 Centre. 
Chipmann, Anna M, M. D. '88. — 81 Roxbury-Street. 
Church, Adaline B., M. D. 102 Huntington- Avenue. 9V2— 1272? except 

Clapp, Herbert C, M. D. Boston '46. Camb. '67. Boston '70. — 
11 Columbus-Square. Until 9V2, 272-472. Prof. of dis. of the ehest. 
Phys. to Massachusetts homoeop. hospital and med. dis. 
Clapp, J. Wilkinson, M. D. 

Clarke, Fanny E., M. D. 4 Concord-Square. Until 9, 2-3. 
Clock, F. B., M. D. 192 Dartmouth-Street. 

Cock, James R, M. D. 24 Worcester -Street. 9-10, 12-272, 7—8. 
At Woodbury Building 372^572 onMond., Tuesd., Thursd. and Saturd. 
Coffin, John L., M. D. 229 Berkeley- Street. 12-3, except. Sund. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Massachusetts. — United States of America. — Massachusetts. 93 

Boston. Colby, Edward R, M. D. 229 Berkeley - Street. IV«— SVa- 

Nerv. dis. 
Colby, Sarah A., M. D. 204 Neponset-Avenue. 
Coy, J. Willard, M. D. '89. — 284 Meridian. 
Crabtree, Addison D., M. D. '58. — 4 Tremont-Temple. 
Gross, Grace E., M. D. 518 Broadway- Street. 8—9, 1—3, 6—7. 
Gross, Hiram B., M. D. New Hampshire '33. Gleveland '66. — 21 Seavems- 

Avenue, Jamaica-Plain. Until 9, 2—4. 
Galver, Jane K., M. D. 698 Tremont-Street. 8—9, 4-6. 
Cummings, M. Louise, M. D. 6 Somerset-Street. 10 — 4. 
Cushmann, Mary F., M. D. Massachusetts homoeop. hospitaL 
Dakin, E. A., M. D. 497 Beacon- Street. 1-3, 7—8. Dis. of ear, 

nose, throat. 
Dakin, Mary Dorgan, M. D. 497 Beacon -Street, üntil 9, 2-4, 7—8. 
Dämon, Newcomb L., M. D. '83. — 394 Washington- Avenue. 
Davis, Fred. A., M. D. 80 Huntington-Avenue. 9—10, 3—5, 7—8. 
De Normandie, Myra, M. D. 120 Marlboro. 
Drake, Mrs. Arathenan B., M. D. '88. — 35 G. 
Eastman, Gharles J., M. D. '72. — 301 Columbus- Avenue. 
Earl, George H., M. D. 64 Huntington - Avenue. 2—4. Hours at 

Woodbury Building 8V2— lOV«. 
Emerson, N. W., M. D. 118 Hancock - Street. 8-9, 1— 2V2. Hotel 

Cluny, Gopley-Square.' 3—4 for consid. of surgical cases only. 
Emery, W. NeweU, M. D. 274 Meridian- Street. 3-5, 7—8. 
Everett, Horace S., M. D. '70. — 29 Dwight. 
Fiek, Hermann A., M. D. 109 Warren- Avenue. 
Ford, Nehemiah B., M. D. '88. — 188 Chester-Park. 
Freemann, Fred. A., M. D. 99 Staniford-Street. Until 10, 8. 
French, Winslow B., M. D. '91. — 13 Sparhawk. 
Füller, Gharles, M., M. D. 119 Berkeley-Street. Until 9, 2—4, 6-8. 
Gale -Warren, Mary K., M. D. 124 Huntington -Avenue. 8—10, 2-4. 
Gannon, Annie M., M. D. 41 Sawyer-Street. 3—5. 
Gary, Glara E., M. D. 546 Golumbus-Avenue. 8-9, 2—4. Frid. 4—6. 
Gibbs, Howard A., M. D. '82. — 15 Wayland. 
Goldthwaite, Seth V., M. D. '80. Concord- Square. - 
Gooding, E. Jeannette, M. D. '77. — 223 W. Springfield. 
Halsey, Fred. W., M. D. 231 W. Newton- Street. Until 9, 1—3, ^^^—7% 
Hammond, Susan P., M. D. 90 W. Springfield-Street. 8—10, 2—4. 
Harris, John T., M. D. 

Harris, Georgianna W., M. D. 205 W. Chester-Park. 9—10, IV2— 5. 
Hastings, Caroline E., M. D. 160 Huntington- Avenue. Until8V2, IIV2— 1> 

2—3. Mond. 6-7. 
Higgins, Henry B., M. D. 386 Cambridge (Alls). 
Hines Isaac B., M. D. '90. — 1165 Tremont-Street. 
Hill, Noble H., M. D. Mass. homoeop. hospital. 
Horr, Albert W., M. D. 7 A. Beacon-Street. 10—12, 2-4. 
Houghton, Neidhard H., M. D. 544 Golumbus-Avenue. 8-9, 1—3, 

Howell, Ella V., M. D. 349 Golumbus-Avenue. 
Hunt, Lemuel J., M. D. '73. — 1460 Washington. 
Hunt, J. Judson, M. D. 1460 Washington -Street. 8—10, 2-4, 7-8. 
Jackson, William L., M. D. 86 Dudley- Street. 8—9^ V/^-S. 
Jameson, Robert E., M. D. 28 Eliot (J. P.). 
Jennes, Sarah A., M. D. 431 Shawmut-Avenue. Until 10, 1—3. 
Jompkins, Albert H., M. D. Little Comfeton '45. Boston ? — 

20 Seaverons- Avenue. 8—9, 2-^4. Absent 4 weeks in July and 

Kennedy, A. L, M. D. 260 Glarendon-Street. 8—10,3—5. Sund. 5-6. 
Kimball, Leonard M., M. D. 533 Golumbus-Avenue. 8—9, 1—3, 6—8. 
Kimball, Samuel A., M. D. '83. — 124 Commonwealth-Avenue. 
Klein, Aug A., M. D. 2 Rutland-Street. 2-4, 7-8. 
Krebs, Franz H., M. D. Hotel Belham. 9—11, 3-5. S. 3-6. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

94 Massachusetts. — Uiüted States of America. — Massachusetts. 

Boston. Leach, Clara Austin, M. D. 11 AUston-Street. 8—9, 2—4, 7—9. 

Leonard, Nellie M., M. D. 178 Tremont. 

Lewis, Andress V., M. D. 41 Frint. 

Lincoln, Guy A. T., M. D. '75. — 769 Tremont. 

Lyons, A. Isahelle, M. D. 23 Worcester-Öquare. 8—10, 6—7. 

Mann, Martha E., M. D. 2 Commonwealth- Avenue. 8—9, 2—5. 

Marshall, Foster L., M. D. '92. — 4 Pynchon. 

Marvin, Grace, M. D.' 84 Maple-Street. 9—10, 2—4. 

Mc Donald, Augustus, M. D. 124 Concord-Street. 8—10, 2—5. 

Moore, J. Herbert, M. D. '84. — 7 Harvard-Avenue. 

Morris, Fannie M., M. D. 138 MaJborough-Street. 9—10, 2—4. 

Mosher, Mary Edwa, M. D. Boston '56. — '87. — 53 Blue Hill- 
Avenue. 8—10, 1—3, 5—7. Childem-Dis. Phys. in med. clinic 
Boston homoeop. disp. 

NeweU, Charles M., M. D '59. — 1074 Washingrton. 

Norcross, E. F., M. D. 1774 Washington- Street, üntil 9, I2V3— 2, 

Osman, Frank C, M. D. 38 Dorchester-Street. 12—2, 6—8. 

Packard,.Horace, M. D. Westhridgewater '65. Boston '80. — 362 Common- 
wealth-Avenue. 2—4. Mass. homoeop. hospital. Boston university. 

Packard, Liberty D., M. D. 538 Broadway, üntil 9, 2—3. Usually 

Page, Charles E., M. D. 47 Rutland. 

Payne, Fred. W., M. D. '88. — 74 Boylston. 

Payne, James H., M. D. 344 Commonwealth- Avenue. 8—10, 2 — 4. 

Payne, John H., M. D. Pierce B'ldg. Copley- Square, 8V2— 10, 2—4. 

Pearson, Mary.Morey, M. D. 85 W. Springfield-Street 8-10, 2-4, 7—9. 

Phillips, Leslie A., M. D. 229 Berkeley- Street. 8— 9V2, 1—3. 

Plummer, Julia Morton, M. D. 160 Huntington - Avenue. 10—11, 
2-3, 6-7. 

Porter, Laura M., M. D. 54 Rutland-Square. 10—1. 

Powers, Ahner H., M. D. 756 Tremont-Street. üntil 9, 1—3, 67«— ^Va- 

Reeves, Harriet E., M. D. '92. — 53 Blue Hill- Avenue. 

Rice, George B., M. D. WoUaston-Berkeley cor. Boylston-Street. 

Richardson, Frank C, M. D. 1 Worchester-Square. 11-2. 

Roberts, Wm. P., M. D. '76. — 355 Boylston. 

Sanders, Orren, M. D. Bumham Epsom '55. — 370 Columbus-Avenue 
] — 3, 6 — 7- Phys. to Boston homoeop. dispensary. 

Sanders, Orren S., M. D. 511 Columbus-Avenue. 7 — 9, 2 — 4, 6—7. 

Shaw, J. S , M. D. 57.7 Tremont-Street. 2-4, 6—7. 

Shermann, J. H., M. D. 534 Broadway, üntil 9, 1—3, 7—8. 

Shermann, J. T., M. D. 748 Dudley-Street. 2-3, 6—7. Saturd. except. 

Short, Susan D., M. D. '81. — 71 Hancock 

Simpson, Ed. S., M. D. '83. — 74 Boylston. 

Small, Herbert E., M. D. '79. — 690 Shawmut-Avenue. 

Simmons, Clara Congdon, M. D. 114 Huntington- Avenue. 10—3. 

Smith, Asa D., M. D. 660 Broadway. 8—9, 1—3. 

Smith, J. Heber, M. D. Bucksport '42. Philadelphia '66. — 279 Dartmouth- 
Street. To 9 momings, 2V2 — 5- Prof- of the Boston university. 
Phys. to Massach. homoeop. hospital. 

Smith, Ella G., M. D. 548 Broadway, üntil 9, 4—6. 

Smith, W. S., M. D. 124 W. Newton-Street. 8-10, 1—3, 7-8. 

Sotithwick, G. R., M. D 460 W. Chester-Park. 8-9, IV2— 3. 

Spalding, H. E., M. D. Hotel Cluny, Boylston-Street. 8—9, 1— 2Va, 7. 

Speakmann, Rachel T., M. D. Wellesley coUege. 

Spears, George W., M. D. '76. — 200 Columbus-Avenue. 

Stackpole, Fred. D., M. D. '78. — 59 Dudley-Street. 

Storer, John, M. D. '89. — 333 Lamartine. 

Strong, Thomas M., A. M. M. D. New York State '48. New York '71. 
Homoeop. Hospital, East Concord-Street. Spec. : Diseases of throat. 
Presid. Massach. homoeop. hospital Boston. 

Styles, Myron F., M. D. '70. — 433 Columbus-Avenue. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Massachusetts. — United States of America. — Massachusetts. 95 

Boston. Suffa, G. A., M. D. 229 Berkeley-Street. 1—4. 

Sutherland, John Preston, M. D. Boston '64. — '79. — 295 Common- 
wealth-Avenue, üntil 9V2J 3—5. Med. stat. of Massach. homoeop. 
hospital. Prof. anatomy Boston university. Editor of New England 
med. gazette. 

Swain, Mary L., M. D. 2 Commonwealth -Avenue. 10—1. 

Talbot, J. T., M. D. 66 Marlboro- Street. Until 9, 3—5. 

Talbot, Winthrop Tisdale, A. B. M. D. Boston '66. — '90. London '9^. 
685 Boylston- Street. 12—1, 4—6. Pathologist Massach. homoeop. 
hospital. Instructor Boston university and med. school. 

Taylor, Esther W., M. D. 72. — 204 Neponset-Avenue. 

Thayer, David, M. D. '43. — 200 Columbus- Avenue. 

Thayer, Henry E., M. D. '55. — 190 W. Springfield. 

Thompson, John B., M. D. '82. — 231 Tremont. 

Tobey, Walter H., M. D. '74. — 361 Columbus- Avenue. 

Tompkins, Albert H., M. D. '75. — 20 Seaverns- Avenue. 

Urich, John H., M. D. 432 Columbus- Avenue. 8— 9V2, 2— :3. 

Warren, Wm. M., M. D. 2279 Washington. 

Webb, Mary E., M. D. 264 Boylston-Street. 9—10, 3—5. 

Wesselhoeft, Conrad, M. D. Weimar '34. Boston '66. — 661 Boylston- 
Street. 8—97«, 3—5. Prof. pathology and therapeutic Boston univ. 

Wesselhoeft, Wüliam F., M. D. 851 Boylston-Street. Until 9V2, 3—5. 

Wesselhoeft, William Palmer, M. D. Pennsylvania '35. Harward med. 
School, 176 Commonwealtii -Avenue. 8—1, 5—6. Absent six weeks 
in the summer. Visiting phys. Massach. homoeop. hospital. 

Wesselhoeft, Walter, M. D. 

Wheeler, Harry D., M. D. '89. — 6 Hotel Eaton. 

White, Walter H., M. D. 192 Dartmouth- Street. 9—12, 2—4. 
Saturd. 2-r4. 

Wilder, Sarah E., M. D. 505 Columbus Avenue. 11—1. 

Wildes, Adaline W., M. D. 599 Dudley- Street. 

Wims, Leriiuel M., M. D. '47. — 347 Main. 

Windsor, Sarah S., M. D. '85. — 138 Marlboro. 

Woodmann, Julia F., M. D. 205 W. Chester-Park. 9—10, IV?— 6. 

Woods, Wüliam, M. D. Hotel Byron. 

Woodvine, Denton G., M. D. 739 Tremont-Street. Until 9, 2—4. 

Wright, Helen L. F., M. D. 201 Clarendon- Street. 2—5. 

Alvah Littlefield & Co. 

Bayden & Son. 

Josef Bumess & Co. 

Carter, Harris & Hawley. 3 Beacon-Street. 

Francis T. Church & Co. 

Otis Clapp & Son. 10 Park-Square and 6 Beacon-Street; Prop. J. Will. 
Clapp, M. D.; Dir. Dr. J. Honsa. 

Cutler Broth's & Co. 

Seth W. Fowle & Sons. 

Gilman Brothers. 

Dr. Gray & Co. Eutland-Street. 

Thomas L. Jenks. 

Lindner & Meyer. 

Merrill Broth. 

T. Metcalf & Co. 

Euston Broth. & Bird. 

Smith, Dootittle & Smith. 

Thayer, Babton & Co. 

Weeks & Potter. 

Hughes medical club '78. 

Homoeop. medical society of Western Massachusetts. 

Boston university school of medicine. 

Dispensary association of Boston university sohool of medicine. 

Erie County homoeop. medical society. 

Massachusetts homoeop. medical society '93. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

96 Massachusetts. — United States of America. -- Massachusetts. 

Boston. Boston Hahnemannian association. 384 Boylston. 

Boston homoeop. raedical society. 184 W. Canton. 

Horaoeop. med. dispensary. Burrough's Place Brauch. 

Homoeop. med. dis. West End Brauch. 

Boothhy surgical hospital. 

Consumptives home. 

Temporary home of N. E. Moral reform society. 

Private homoeop. institution for mental diseases. 

Homoeop. medical dispensary '56. — 766 Harrison- Avenue. 

Massachusetts homoeop. hospital 71. E. Concord- Street. 

Newton cottage hospital. 

Baldwin place home for little Wanderers. 

Murdoch's free surgical hospital for women. 

House of the angel guardian. 

'The New England medical Gazette' '65. 
Bridge water (Plymouth). Hunt, George, M. D. '81. 
Brighton. French, W. B., M. D. 13 öparhawk- Street. Until 9, 2—4, 

Brockton (Plymouth). Blackwood, Ellen R., M. D. '78. 

Brown, Daniel E., M. D. '86. 

Carr, Lucy S., M. D. '80. 

Constans, F. Elmore, M. D. '89. 

Plymouth Co. homoeop. medical society. 
Brookline. Clapp, James Wilkinson, M. D. Boston '47. — '77. Not in 
activepractice. Corresponding secretary mass. homoeop. medical society. 
Homoeop. med. dispensary Boston. Lecturer on pharmacy Boston 
university school. 

Clements, Lydia R., M. D. 

Cushing, Ira B., M. D. 3 Harris- Street. 3—4. 

Defriez, W, P., M. D. 13 Cypress-Street. üntil 872, 2-4. 

Moore, J. Herbert, M. D. Harvard cor. Beacon- Street. 

Percy, Fred. B., M. D. Aspinwall-Avenue. üntil 9, 2—4. 

Turner, Maurice Worcester, M. D. 127 Harvard-Street. üntil 9, 1— 2V'o, 
Cambridge. Blodgett, Stephen H., M. D. 884 Main-Street. 11—12, 7. 
S. until 9. 

Carpenter, Edward A., M. D. 7 Linnean-Street. 8 — 9, 5 — 7. 

Famsworth, Chas H., M. D. 448 Cambridge-Street. Until 9, 1—3. 

Thomas, Charles Holt., M. D. New Bedford. Boston '88. — 427 Broad- 
way. 7—9,4 — 6. Spec: Dis. of children, laryngoscopy and rhinology. 
Assistent chemist Boston university. 

Wesselhoeft, Walter, M. D. 391 Harvard-Street. Until 8V2, 2-3. 
Cambridge (Middlesex). Chapin, Francis C, M. D. '88. 
Cambridgeport (Middlesex). Chase, Herbert A., M. D. '76. 

Chase, Hiram L., M. D. '46. 

Cobb, Harriet H., M. D. '78. 

Harvey, Walter E., M. D. '79. — 154 Green-Street. 8—9, 2-4, after 7. 

Partridge, Thomas J., M. D. '89. 

Winn, William J., M. D. 26 Inmann- Street. 8—9, 3—4. 
Canton (Norfolk). Porter, Charles J., M. D. '88. 
Charlestown. Houghton, Henry A., M. D. 12 Cordis - Street. 8—9, 

9 Q ri Q a f> Q 

Chelsea (^uifolk.). Blaisdell, James E., M. D. '79. 

Cutter, William C, M. D. 10 Everett- Avenue. 1—3, 7—9. 

Leeds, Charles H., M. D. '78. 
Chicopee (Hampden). Alvord, Samuel, M. D. 

Bennitt, Francis M., M. D. '83. 

Fletcher, Samuel E., M. D. '91. 
Cliftondale. Knight, J. S, M. D. 1-2, 7—8. 
Clinton (Worcester). Worcester, John F., M. D. '88. 
Concord (Middlesex). Braley, Henry H., M. D. '89. 
Danvers. Batchelder, Henry F., M. D. '83. 

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Massachusetts. — United States of America. — Massachusetts. 97 

Danvers. Batchelder, John O., M. D. '87. 

Whiting, Lewis, M. D. '65. 
Dedham (Norfolk). Babcock, Francis L., M. D. '79. 

Dike, Thomas W.. M. D. W. 
Dor ehester. Brackett, Elis. A., M. D. Grrace- Avenue. Until OVa» 5J— 4. 
Materia medica. 

Perkins, N. R., M. D. 1122 Adams-Street. 1—3. 

Ruggles, WiUard 0., M. D. 48 Walnut- Street. 2—3, 7—8. 
East Dennis (Barnstable). Crowell, Hannah H., M. D. '88. 

Eichardson, Ed. B., M. D. '91. 
East Cambridge (Middlesex). Stewart, Annie C, M. D. '87. 
East Weymouth. Chase, Joseph jr., M. D. üntil 9, 2V2--3V2, 6V2--7V2• 
Egremont Piain (Berkshire). MiUard, Louisa L., M. D. 
Enfield (Hampshire). Cansey, Levin P., M. D. '84. 

Sawtelle, Benj. A., M. D. '75. 
Everett. Hanson, W. G., M. D. 

Knowles, William K., M. D. Phil. '71. üntil 9, 1-3, 6-8. 

Richardson, Ed. B., M. D. 51 Chelsea-Street. 1—3, 7-8. 
Falmouth (Barnstable). Thayer, Charles N., M. D. 
Fall River. Capen, Thomas A., M. D. Wrenthom '45. Phil. '72. — 
246 Pleasant-Street. 9-10, 2-3, 7-8. Dum in August. 

Hill, Lucy Chaloner, M. D. Warwick '39. Boston '87. — 130 North 
Main-Street. 8—9, 2—4, 7—8. 

Lindsay, J. F., M. D. 27 High-Street. 
Fitchburg (Worcester). Bennett, Wm. H., M. D. '89. 

Luscombe, J. Everett, M. D. '85. 
Fox bor (Norfolk). Crane, George W., M. D. '90. 
Gardner (Worcester). Colby, Edwin A., M. D. '76. 
Glendale (Berkshire). Warner, T. J., M. D. 
Gloucester (Essex). Füller, Walter T., M. D. 

Morrow, Charles H., M. D. '85. 

Morse, Abbie S., M. D. '75. 

Morse, George, M. D. '75. 
Great Barrington (Berkshire). Lane, Orville W., M. D. '87. 
Harvard (Worcester). Gate, Shadrach M., M. D. '54. 
Haverhill (Essex). HubbeU, Adelbert M., M. D. '89. 

Jewett, Howard C, M. D. '88. 

Marshall, Juüa M., M. D. '77. 

Sherman, Ch. Fr., M. D. '77. 
Hingham. Spaulding, Samuel H., M. D. 12—1, 5—6. 
Holyoke (Hampden). Groppner, Max C, M. D. 

Smith, George H., M. D. '65. 

Woods, Janas N., M. D. '68. 
Hopkinton (Middlesex). Hanion, Daniel J., M. D. '91. 
Hudson (Middlesex). Glazier, Fred. P., M. D. '83. 

Jackson, Cornelius S., M. D. '65. 
Hyde Park (Norfolk). Hincks, Wm. S., M. D. '84. 

Sturtevant, Charles, M. D. Wrentham '39. Boston '62. Physician 
and surgeon. 27 East River- Street. 8—9, 4—6. Medical Examiner, 
district 2, Norfolk. 
Jamaica Piain. Childs, Helen S., M. D. 347 A Centre-Street. üntil 9, 
4—6. Mat. medica. 

Gross, Hiram B., M. D. 21 Seaverns- Avenue. 8—9, 2—3. 

Osgood, James H., M. D. Amory and Boylston-Street. 3—6. 

Tomkins, Albert H., M. D. 20 Seaverns- Avenue. 8—9, 2—3. 
Lawrence. French, A. J., M. D. 44 Lawrence-Street. 8 — 9, 1 — 3. 

Longee, Wül. H., M. D. 271 Essex- Street 2—4, 7—8. 

Mooers, Charles A., M. D. '76. 

Rutter, Clara H. R., M. D. '79. 

Scott, ehester W., M. D. Barre Vermont '32. Philadelphia '54. — 
1-3, 7-9. 

Sewall, Jotham, M. D. 

Homuopathisches Jahrbuch. Band II. 7 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

98 Massachusetts. — United States of America. — Massachusetts. 

Lawrence. Tabor, James A., M; D. '83. 
Leominster (Worcester). Miller, Ed.. E., M. D. W. 
Lexington (Middlesex). Saltmarsh, Seth, M. D. '37. 
Lowell (Middlesex). Bailey, Stephen G., M. D. Lowell '45. Boston '80. 
110, 6th Street. Cons. every time. 

Foss, Warren S., M. D. '82. 

Hül, Almond W., M. D. '87. 

Hüten, George W., M. D. '77. 

Holt, Ed. B., M. D. '68. 

Hunter, Horacio M., M. D. '57. 

Huntoon, J. W., M. D. '61. 

Leland, Clarence H., M. D. '73. — 128 Merrimack. 

Martin, G. Forrest, M. D. Mason '62. N. Y. '90. - 9 — lO'/«, 2—4, 
7—9. Surgery and Gynaecology. 

Nutting, Wül. W , M. D. '90. — 13 Kirk-Street. 

Packer, Edmund H., M. D. '67. 

Page, Gharl. E., M. D. '80. 

Lowell Hahnemann club. 
Lynn (Essex). AverilL Miss M. M., M. D. '64. 

Brown, Ch. K, M. D. '73. 

Cushing, Eugene B., M. D. '71. 

Flanders, Martha J., M. D. 

Hawks, Esther H., M. D. '57. 

Baywood, George W., M. D. '90. 

Haywood, Mrs. J. P., M. D. '74. 

Johnson, Henry W., M. D. '88. 

Hopkins, St. W., M. D. 177 Liberty- Street. 7—9, 1-2, 7-9. 

Perkins, Stella Manning, M. D. 20 South Gommon-Street. 1-4. 

Watters. W., M. D. Quebec '43. Phil. '69. — 26 South Common-Street. 
Until 9, 1-3, 7-8. 

Essex county homoeop. medical society. 
Maiden (Middlesex). Garfield, John, M. D. 

Gleason, W. W., M. D. '77. 

Kraus, James, M. D. 84 Pleasent- Street. 8—10, 1—3, 6—8. 

Nordstrom, Cynthia A., M. D. 47 Washington - Street. 8—9, IV« — 3, 
6 — 7. 

Perkins, Weslay B., M. D. 41 Salem-Street. 8Va— 9V2, 2—3, 7-8. 

Potter, La Forest, M. D. 59 Pleasant-Street. 8— 97«, 2—3, 7—8. 

Russell, Julia A. B., M. D. '80. 

Sampson, Lottie E., M. D. '90. 

Sawtelle, George B., M. D. 14 Florence-Street. 8—9, 2—3, 7—8. 

Whiting, Walter B., M. D. 9 Summer-Street. Until 9, 2—4, 7— 8V2. 
Marblehead. Devereux, Jane S., M. D. 8—9, 1—3, 6— 7V2. 
Marblehead (Essex). Morte, Martin V. B., M. D. '68. 
Marlboro (Middlesex). EUis, Edw. H, M. D. '79. 

Searle, G. J., M. D. '88. 

Therrien, Edw. J., M. D. '86. 
Medfield. Mitchell, Arthur, M. D. Until 9, 7—8. 
Melrose. Allen, Frank N., M. D. '87. 

Dike, John, M. D. 8-9, 1—3, 6— 7V2- 

Selee, Annie M, M. D. 25 Emerson - Street. Until 9, IV2— 3, 6— 7V2. 
Middleborough (Phymouth). Cummings, Ch. S., M. D. '89. 

Fryer, Windsor F., M. D." '86. 

Hodgson, Thomas S., M. D. '76. 
Milford (Worcester). Fletcher, Samuel E., M. D. '91. 

Osbome, Aaron S., M. D. '73. 

Stedman, James P., M. D. '82. 
Millbury (Worcester). Slocomb, George A., M. D. '80. 
Mi 1 ton (Norfolk). Leslie, Freeland D., M. D. '79. 
Monson. Rand, Nehemiah W., M. D. Francestown '53. New York '78. — 

8-9, 1—3, 7-9. Dis of ehest. 
Nantucket. Ooleman, Ellen wood B., M. D. '88. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Massachusetts. — [Jnited States of America. — Massachusetts. 99 

Natick (Middlesex). Dodge, Edgar S., M. D. '76. 

Weston, Isabel G., M. ß. W. 
Neponset. West, Benj. H., M. D. 
New Bedford. Olarke, Henry B., M. D. '52. 

Howland, Barker C, M. D. '73. 

Hunt, Charles Kichard, M. D. Easton '55. Boston '87. — 262 Union- 
Street. 8—9, 2—4. 7-8. Spec: Surgery. 

Seip, Charles. L., M. D. '82. 

Shaw, John C, M. D. '82. 
Newburyport (Essex). Foss, David, M. D. '61. 

Worcester, George W., M. D. '83. 
Newton. Eaton, Samuel L., M. D. 77. Lake- Avenue. 

Mc Intosh, F. L., M. D. Washington and Jewett-Street. Until 9, 4—7. 

Reed, Clara D. Whitmann, M. D. 437 Centre-Street. üntil 9, 1—3, 7. 

Scales, Edward Payson, M. D. Henniker '31. Cleveland '59. — 
475 Centre-Street. üntil -9, 1—3, 7—8. Cons. physician in the 
Newton cottage hospital. Lecturer on therapeutics and the nurses. 

Utley, Edw. R., M. D. '91. 

Utley, James, M. D. 20 Richardson-Street. Until 8, 1—3. 

Newton nervine, cfr. West Newton. 
Newton Centre. May, Geo. E., M. D. Until 9, 4—6. 

Sylvester, Stephen A., M. D. Beacon-Street. 8—9, 1—3. 
Newton Upper Falls. Thompson, Eben, M. D. North Donville '48. 

• Pulte Med. Col. '79. — 8—9, 1-2, 7-8. 
Newtonville. Talbot, George H., M. D. 3—5. 
North Adams (Berksh.). Bailey, Alfred G., M. D. '89. 
. Putnam, Thomas J., M. D. '77. 

Simpson, G. F., M. D. '73. 
North Attleboro (Bristol). Eddy, Richard H, M. D. '85. 
North Brookfield. Spooner, G. R., M. D. '70. 
North Cambridge. Hands, Herbert A., M. D. '82. 
Nort hampton (Hampshire). Parkhurst, Lyman B., M. D. '79. — 
92 King. 

Roberts, Osmore 0., M. D. '53. — 13 King. 
Norwell. Little, Harry J., M. D. 1-2. 
Nor wo od. Cragen, Frank M., M. D. '60. 
Orange. Hawks, Alfred J., M. D. '92. 
Palmer (Hampden). Wilkins, G. H., M. D. '83. 

Pannton. Dwinell, Byron L., M. D. East Calais Vermont '50. 
Boston '78. Cor. Weir and High-Street 2-3. Staif of city hospital. 
Pittsfield (Berkshire). Waite, Lorenzo, M. D. '54. 

Wentworth, Wm. P., M. D. '86. 

Wheeler, James A., M. D. '84. 

Wheeler, James H., M. D. '73. 
Plymouth. Pierce, Helen F., M. D. '87. 

Rogers, Ch. F., M. D. '79. 

Shaw, John J., M. D. '67. 
Quiney (Norfolk). Davis, Frank S., M. D. Chestnut-Street Until 9, 2-3, 


Garey, Ch. W., M. D. '89. 

HolloweU, H. C, M. D. '87. 

Lovering, Anna T., M. D. '89. 
Randolph (Norfolk). Lee, Luther M., M. D. '62. 
Reading (Middles.). Hanaford, J. H., M. D. 

Henderson, Ch. R., M. D. '89. 

Nason, Osmon C. B., M. D. '91. 
Revere (Suifolk). Holbrook, Lewi B., M. D. '84. 

Mc Dermott, C. M., M. D. 
Roxbury. Bruce, Emily A., M. D. Hotel Dunbar. 9—10, 3—5. Mond, 
excepted. Mat. medica. 

Champlm, Martha G., M. D. Hotel Dunbar. 9—11. 

Chipmann, Anna M., M. D. 81 Roxbury-Street. 2—4, 7—8. 

' / \ }4\[\2e6by^OOQlQ 

100 Massachusetts. — United States of America. — Massachusetts. 

Roxbury. EUiott, Fred. W., M. D. 107 Warren-Street. üntil 9, 2-3, 

Emerson, F. L., M. D. 383 Warren-Street. 8—9, 2—3. 

Harris, John T., M. D. '53. — 136 Warren-Street. 

Kimball, L. H., M. D. 533 Columbus- Avenue. 8—9, 1—3, 6-8. 

Lawrence, Rhoda A., M. D. 2 Dunreath-Street. 2—4, 10—1, at 2 Com- 
monwealth-Avenue Mond. 4 — 6. 

Marshall, ■ Fester L., M. D. 4 Pynchon-Street. 

Miller, 0. Edwin, M. D. '59. — 126 Warren. 

Mosher, Mary E., M. D. 53 Blue Hill- Avenue. 8-10, 1—2, 5-7. 

Paine, Joseph P., M. D. 69 Bartlett- Street. 8—9, VLS, 6Vo-7Vo. 

Sawyer, Willis H., M. D. '88. — 314 Warren. ^ 

Stackpole,' Fred. D., M. D. 86 Dudley-Street. 9—10, 4-5. 

Stockpole, Fred. D., M. D. Ohio '49. Harward '73. — 24 Kenilworth- 
Street. 8—10, IVa—S. Absent June to Octobre. 

Wheeler, Morris P., M. D. 74. — 741 Dudley. 

Roxbury homoeopathic dispensary '87. 4 Pynchon. 
Salem (Essex). Ferguson, A. B., M. D. *87. 

Gardner, Frank A., M. D. '83. 

Morse, Charles W., M. D. '89. 

Morse, Nathan R , M. D. '62. 

Mudge, Kate G., M. D. 309 Essex-Street. 1—3, 7—8. Wednesd. ex- 

Percy, George E., M. D. Portland '59. Boston '79. — 359 Essex-Street. 
2—4, 7—8'. 

Shermann, Sarah E., M. D. Frayston Vermont '45. Boston 76. — 11 
Barton-Square. 7—8,. 2—4, 7—8. 
Sandwich. White, G. E., M. D. 3-6. 

White's private asylum for fhe insane. 
Sharon. Rollins, Charlotte A., M. D. 
Shelburn Falls (Franklin). Robinson, Wilhelmus B., M. D. '88. 

Wilüs, E. A., M. D. 
Shrewbury. Pratt, Ch. S., M. D. '79. 
Somerville. Carvill, A. H, M. D. 18 Bow- Street. 8—9, IVa— ^V«, 7-8. 

Chapin, F. C, M. D. '88. 

EUis, Charles C, M. D. '67. 

Hetherington, Gilb. E., M. D. '77. 

Newton, Frank L., M. D. 20 Highland -Avenue. 

Peasly, Emma J., M. D. 92 HoUand-Street. 8-9, 2—4. 

Taylor, Anna B., M. D. 47 Pearl-Street. 8— 9V2, 1—2, 4—7. 
South Ashburnham. Perkins, Archie E., M. D. '89. 
South Framingham. Dennett, George W., M. D. '57. 

Patch, Frank W., M. D. 74 Concord- Street. 8—9, 1—3. 
South Hadley Falls. Hitchcock, G. G., M. D. '70. 
Spencer (Worcester). Murdock, Edward A., M. D. '78. 
Springfield (Hampden). Bates, Georg W., M. D. '87. 

Cole, Lorenzo W., M. D. '73. 

Corcoran, Luke H., M. D. '68. 

Hamilton, Henry W., M. D. '61. — 32 Temple. 

Harvey, Alvah, M. D. 45. 

Jenney, Arthur B., M. D. '88. 

Rice, Henry E., M. D. '83. 

Roberts, Oscar W., M. D. '79. 
Stoncham (Middlesex). Hipkiss, George, M. D. '86. 

Hodgdon, Mrs. M. C, M. D. 

Hodgdon, Richard, M. D. 

Jenney, Arthur B., M. D. '88. 
Swampscott (Essex). Capen, S. Ross, M. D. '89. 
Taunton. Dwinell, Byron L., M. D. '78. 

Hayward, Joseph W., M. D. '64. 

Jones, Elijah U., M. D. '54. 

Walker, Frank C, M. D. '84. 7 Hill-Street. 2— 3Vo, 67«- 7V«. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Massachusetts. — United States of America. — Massachusetts. 101 

Upham's Corner. Wlieeler, Morris P., M. D. 741 Dudley - Street. 

üntil 8V2, 1—3. 
Uxbridge (Worcester) Dunham, George P., M. D. '91. 
Vineyard flaven. Lane, Charles Franklin, M. D. Waterboro ? Phila- 
delphia 76. 7—8, 1—2, 7—8. 
Wakefield. Colby, Edward P., M. D. '61. 

Coles, David S., M. D. '87. 

O'Leary, Joseph A., M. D. '87. 
Waltham. Hadley, J. Franklin, M. D. 749 Main -Street. 2—4. 7-9. 

Hall, Irving S., M. D. 18 Harris- Street. 2-3, 7-8. 

Reed, Albert C, M. D. '87. 

Sears, Eloise A., M. D. 170 Moody-Street. Until 9, 1—3, 6—7. 

Worcester, Ed., M. D. '51 
Ware (Hampshire). • Spencer, George F. A., M. D. '81. 
Wareham. Earl, George H., M. D, '84. 
Watertown. Hall, Sarah A., M. D. '84. 
Wellesley (Norfolk) Barker, Emily J., M. D. 

Speakmann, Rachel P., M. D. '61. 
Westboro. Bothfeld, James Francis, M. D. N. Y. '65. Boston '88. In- 
sane hospital. Nervous and mental dis. 

Clarke, Edith L., M. D. 

Clarke, Edwin A., M. D. '85. 

Keith, EUen L., M. D. '88. 

Mann, Wm. 0., M. D. 92. 
Westborough. Adams, Geo. S., M. 1). 

Hines, A. D., M. D. 

Westborough insane hospital. 
West Brookfield. Forbes, George F., M. D. '74. 
Westfield (Hampden). Bürge, Wm. P., M. D. '66. 

Clarke, Henry L., M. D. '84. 

Harding, Wilbur F., M. D. '57. 
West Medway. Gale, James A., M. D. '61. 

West Newton. Bellow's, Howard P., M. D. Fall River '52. Boston '72. 
Cor. Boylston and Berkeley-Street. 10—12. Dis. of the ear. Prof. of 
otology in Bost. univ. and Mass. homoeop. hospit. and Newton col. hospit. 

Crockett, Fred. E., M. D. '67. 

Paine, N. Emmons, M. D. New Hartfort '53. Albany '75. The New- 
ton nervine. Until 10. Insanity and nerv. dis. Proprietor of private 
hospital for nerv, dis.: 'The Newton nervine'. 

Perkins, Henry P., M. D. '81. 

Private homoeopathic Institution for mental diseases. 
Westport. Parris, John B., M. D. 
Weymonth. Hathaway, Wm. F., M. D. '69. 
Winchendon. Rhoads, George, M. D. '89. 
Winchester. Canedy, F. S., M. D. 

Church, Benj. T., M. D. Until 8, IV2— 2V«, 6—7. 
Winthrop. Allen, Frank N., M. D. '87. 

Irwin, Frank, M. D. '84. 
Woburn. Chalmers, Robert, M. D. 49 Pleasant- Street. 1—3, 7-8. , 

Harmon, Byron R., M. D. '66. 
Worcester. Allen, Lamson, M. D. '83. — 20 Elm. 

Barton, J. Marcus, M. D. '70. — 8 High. 

Bray, Amanda C, M. D. '91. — 49 Pleasant. 

Brick, Francis, M. D. '61. — 45. Pleasant. 

Clarke, Emory W., M. D. 77 Park. 

Crisand, Carl, M. D. '84. — 4 Charlotte-Street. 

Dünn, Jennie S., M. D. '87. — 72 Pleasant-Street. 

Fisher, Edgar A., M. D. '87. 17 Elm. 

Fitch, Edward D., M. D. '87. 

Goodwin, C. Ottis, M. D. '77. — 59 Pleasant 

Nichols, Charles Lemuel, M. D., A. M. Worcester '51. Harward '75. 
Office 248 Main-Street. 8- 9, 2-4. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

102 Massachusetts. — United States of America. — Michigan. 

Worcester. Rand, John P., M. D. Francestown '37. New York '83. 
49 Pleasant-Street. 2—4, 7—8. Sonnd. 2—4. Spec: Microscopical 
examination of Sputa. 

Warren, John K., M. D. 70. — 68 Pleasant. 

Wood, Juüa B., M. D. 13 Pearl. 

Wood, Rosto 0., M. D. '80. — 13 Pearl. 

Worcester Co. homoeop. medical society. 

Worcester homoeop. dispensary '81. — 11 Trumhull. 
Wrentham (Norfolk). Bent, Gühert W. W., M. D. '92. 
Yarnwuth (Barnstah). Pulsifer, Thomas B., M. D. '72. 


Adrian (Lenawee). Backns, Annie A., M. D. Chic. '89. Glasgow Scot- 
land '90. — 20 S. Main-Street. 

Greene, Julia P., M. D. *86. 

Jewett, Wm. B., M. D. '67. 

Lards, Chas H., M. D. Stavenhagen '44. Chic. '78. — 33 Buttler- 
Street. 9—11, 3—5. S. 12—1. 
Akron (Tuscola). Black, Charles D., M. D. '90. 

Smith, S. J., M. D. '61. 
Albion (Calhoun). Palmer, Frank E., M. D. '77. 

Palmer, Mrs. F. E., M. D. 
Allegan. Hynes, F. K, M. D. 
Allen (Hülsdale). Legge, Frank G., M. D. '79. 
Alma (Gratiot). Bagley, Edgar A., M. D. '74. 
Alpe na. Cunmingham, Wm. C, M. D. '76. 

Mc Guire, J. F., M. D. '84. 

Secrist, Wm. A., M. D. '81. 
Ann Arbor (Washtenaw). Behm, Charles W., M. D. '92. 

Chamberlain, Nelson H., M. D. '92. 

Clark, Emest A., M. D. '90. 

Fitzgerald, Mrs. Charlotte E., M. D. '79. 

Garwood, Mrs. Vashti D., M. D. '83. 

Gatchell, Charles, M. D. Cinc. '74. — 23 S. Division. 

Jones, Samuel A., M. D. St. Louis '61. — 32 Huron. 

Mac Lachlan, A. Daniel, M. D. Aylmer '52. Michigan university 79. 
14 South State-Street, 28 South Main-Street. 1—5. Diseases of the 
eye, ear, nose and throat. Prof. of ophthalmology, otology and 
laryngology in the university Michigan &c. &c. 

Mack, Charles Samuel, M. D. Gincinnati '56. N. Y. '83. — 17 South 
State-Street. Prof. of Michigan university. 

Peek, Fred. J., M. D. '92. 

Thurston, Cyrus M., M. D. '92. 

Wood, James C, M. D. '79. 

Alumni association, university of Michigan. 

College of physicians and surgeons of Michigan. 

Barvy and Eaton Counties homoeop. med. coUege. 
, University of Michigan homoeop. med. College. 

Western Michigan instute of homoeopathy. 

Homoeop. hospital '79. E. Catherine-Street. 

University of Michigan free homoeop. dispensary. 
Applegate (Sanilac). Vincent, Clark H., M. D. '85. 
Athens. Wright, Francis M., M. D. '78. 
Auburn (Bay). Snyder, J. P., M. D. 
Au relins (Ingham). Cook, George W., M. D. 
Au Sable (Josco). Ruffe, Alphonso L., M. D. '87. 

Webster, Alfred N., M. D. '87. 
Bad Axe (Huron). Clemo, Wm. C, M. D. 72. 
Bancroft (Shiawassee). Wheelock, Joel S., M. D. '78. 
Battle Creek (Calhoun). Bathrick, F. W., M. D. '67. 

Crumrine, Charles G., M. D. '89. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Michigan. — Üiiited States of America. -^ Michigan. 103 

Battle Creek (Calhoun). Johnson, Austin S., M. D. '68. 

Landen, Charles C, M. P. 'S6. 

Rawson, Edward, M. D. '59. 

Reynolds, John C, M. D. '82. 

Robertson, G. A., M. D. '67. 

Rorabacher, G. A., M. D. '67. 

Homoeop. med. society of the state of Michigan. 
Bay City. Capland, R. S., M. D. Dexter '65. Michig. '89. Office 
303/2 Crapo Block. 9—12, 2—5. S. 27,-372- 

Cuningham, Walter, M. D. '76. 

Dickinson, Henry W., M. D. '81. 

Fowler, Walter N., M. D. '89. 

Garber, Harry J., M. D. 89. 

Garland, Mrs. Ann., M. D. 

Gilbert, Harvey, M. D. '74. 

Gilbert, Nelson R., M. D. '71. 

Hammond, Lewis C, M. D. '83. 

Loomis, Daniel D., M. D. '56. 

Nelles, Andrew B., M. D. '90. 

Nottingham, John C, M. D. Muncie '42. Chicago '73. — 213 Fifth- 
Avenue. 2—5, 7-8. S. 3-4. 

Saginaw vaUey homoeop. med. society. 
Belding (Jonia). Covül, Palmer, M. D. '57. 

Tuttle, Louis N., M. D. '84. 
Bellaire (Antrim). Bodle, Arthur T., M. D. '83. 

Hinman, Carlton V., M. D. '82. 
Bellevue (Eaton). HuU, Horace D., M. D. '80. 
Benton Harbor (Berrien). Bastar, W. Clay, M. D, '84. 

Freemyer, George Lintner, M. D. Lown of Fulton '41. Jowa '81. — 
113 West Main-Street. 9 to 9. Surgery. 
Big Prairie (Newaygo). Webster, John E., M. D. 
Big Rapid s (Mecosta). Whitney, W. A., M. D. '70. 
Brant (Saginaw). Declarenze, W., M. D. 
Breckenridge (Gratiot). Howe, Leslie A., M. D. '90. 
Brighton (Livingston). Osmun, Eimer D., M. D. '92. 
Bronson (Brauch). Mowry, Henry B., M. D. '77. 
Brooklyn (Jackson). Jones, Leonidas M., M. D. '58. 
Buch an an (Berrien). Bailey, George L., M. D. '87. 

Berrick, Francis H., M. D. '71. 

Brodrick, Henry M., M. D. '67. 

Knight, M. Monroe, M. D. '83. 
Burr Oak (St. Joseph). Rollmann, John C, M. D. '70. 
Byron. Ruggles, Fred. S., M. D. Vermont '56. Ann Arbor '91. 
Cannonsburgh (Kent). Crosby, Chauncey R., M. D. 
Caro (Tuscola). Chase, 8. F., M. D. '72. 

Meredith, Wm. C, M. D. '84. 
Carson City (Montcalm). Stringham, James A., M. D. '77. 
Cassopolis (Cass.). Stapleton, J. S., M. D. '90. 
Cedar Springs (Kent\ Gardner, H. Seth , M. D. '81. 
Centreville (St. Joseph). Gee, D. C, M. D. 
Charlevoix. Bartlett, Louis B., M. D. '76. 

Le Fevre, F. W., M. D. '85. 
Charlotte (Eaton). Allen, Sara J., M. D. '81. 

Rand, W. H., M. D. '77. 

SneU, Lewis A., M. D. '86. 
Chase. Field, G. J., M. D. Ontario '55. Cleveland '77. Phys. to the 

county house. 
Cheboygan. Boyce, Homer P., M. D. '89. 
Chesaning (Saginaw). Mudge, D. W., M. D. '81. 
Church Corners (Hillsdale). Sabin, E. B., M. D. '78. 
Cläre. Sanford, Fred. C, M. D. '90. 
Clinton (Lenawee). Blatchford, George, M. D. '84. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

104 Michigan. — United States of America. — Michigan. 

Ooldwater (Branch). Long, James M., M. D. '82. 
Colon (St Joseph). Chivers, Wm. H., M. D. '77. 

Godfrey, E. L., M. D. '76. 

Godfrey, L. M., M. D. '75. 
Concord (Jackson). Tuthill, Frank S., M. D. '91. 
Constantine (St. Joseph). Morris, Rob. N., M. D. Chicago '89. Pres. 

Southern Michigan and Northerind homoeop. med. soc. 
Cor Unna (Shiawassee). Bahington, John, M. D. '81. 

BaU, Alexandre R., M. D. '62. 
Deckerville (Sanilac). Alderton, Henry T., M. D. 

Yincent, G. C, M. D. '75. 
Delton (Wayne). Scribner, Charles A., M. D. '91. 
Detour (Chippewa). Church, J. Wells, M. D. 

House, Walter B., M. D. '85. 
Detroit (Wayne). Arnold, Lucy M., M. D. '67. — 22 Columbia W. 

Bailey, Will. M., M. D. Mich. '45. Clev. '68. — 29 Miami -Avenue. 
12—3, 6—7. S.: 1—2. Gynaecology. Gyn. to grace hospital disp. 

Bentley, Isaac, M. D. '87. — 1133 Russell. 

Bradt, George H., M. D. '92. — 569 Grand River- Avenue. 

Campbell, Wm. S., M. D. 29 Elizabeth W, 

Caron, George G., M. D. '86. — 30 Henry-Street. 

Cheney, Wm. W., M. D. '92. Grace hospital. 

Durkee, Esther M., M. D. '90. — 100 Miami-Avenue. 

Ellis, Erastus R., M. D. '57. — 80 Farrar. 

Gardner, Lewis ß., M. D. '92. — 1157V2 Jeiferson-Avenue. 

Graham, Alfred H., M. D. '85. -- 36 Bagley -Avenue. 

Griffin, Judson M., M. D. Monmouth '56. Cinc. '77. — 167 East Congres- 
Street. 1—3, 6—8. S. 1—2. Dermatology. Derms. grace hospital 
• and sec. of staff. 

Gue, Arthur E., M. D. '91. Grace hospital. 

Gustin, Ralph E., M. D. '81. — 81 Park-Street. 

Herbertz, Fred. W., M. D. 213 Antietam. 

Hicks, Thomas H., M. D. '82. — 263 Grand River-Avenue. 

Ide, Henry, G., M. D. '75. — 4 Cleveland Bldff. 

Kemberling, Isaac 0., M. D. '74. — 99 Mack-Avenue. 

Knapp, Myron E., M. D. '82. — 209 Woodward-Avenue. 

Knight, Stephen H., M. D. '86. — 14 Willis-Avenue. 

Lang, Otto, M. D. '80. — 33 Miami- Avenue. 

Le Seure, Oscar, M. D. Danville '51. New York '74. R. 93 Lectyaid- 
Street. 406 Avenue. 2—4, S. 12-1. Spec: Surgery. Surgeon and 
gynaecologist to Grace hospital Detroit. 

Lodge, Albert, M. D. '79. — 44 High-Street W. 

Lodge, Edwin, M. D. '76. — 76 Miami-Avenue. 

Long, Douglas, M. D. '74. — 743, 4th Avenue. 

Mc Laren, Wm. R., M. D. '71. — 11 Lafayette- Avenue. 

Marsh, Henry W., M. D. '79. — 9 Park -PL 

Mera, Harry P., M. D. '70. — 54 EHzabeth W. 

Moll, Theodore M., M. D. '91. — 938 Michigan- Avenue. 

Obetz, Henry L., M. D. Cleveland '74. Grace hospital 20 High-Street W. 
Prof. surg. univ. Ann Arbor. 

Oldfield, Homer V., M. D. '80. — 1 Merrill-Blk. 

Oliver, Thomas H., M. D. Chic. '89. — 519 Trumbull -Avenue. Phys. 
disp. Grace hospital. 

Orleman, E. Louise, M. D. '87. — 17 Madison- Avenue. 

Polglase, Wm. A., M. D. '78. — 198 Lafayette- Avenue. 

Porter, Phil., M. D. '75. — 14 Elizabeth. 

Rudy, Roh. C, M. D. '86. — 89 Miami-Avenue. 

Sage, Norman L., M. D. '88. — 382, 24 th. 

Smith, Virginia T., M. D. 315 Putnam- Avenue. 

Scans, Peter, M, D. '74. — 477, 17 th. 

Spinney, Andrew B., M. D. '59. — 308 Woodward-Avenue. 

Spinney, Harriet A., M. D. '90. — 308 Woodward-Avenue. 

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Michigan. — United States of America. — Michigan. 105 

Detroit (Wayne). Spranger, Michael J., M. D. Clev. '64. — 94 Miami- 

Steele, Jason, M. D. 75. — 279 Howard. 

Sterling, Charles F., M. D. Oincin. 77. — 99 Cass. 

Stevens, Mary T., M. D. Ann Arbor '88. — 57 High W. 

Stevens, Rollin H., M. D. Ann Arbor '89. — 57 High W. 

Sylvester, Wm. 0., M. D. '86. — 741 Monroe- Avenue. 

Willard, Mary A., M. D. '83. — 433, 4th Avenue. 

Willison, Clayton, M. D. '91. Grace hospital. 

Wilson, Harold, M. D. '96. — 96 Miami- Avenue. 

Younghusband, Lancelot, M. D. Phü. '66. — 79 Elizabeth -W. 

Theod. H. Eaton & Son. 

Farrand, Williams & Co. 

Glover & Nicol. »E. Lamed-Street. 

Theo. H. Hinchmann & Sons. 

J. H. Hinchmann & Son. 

Dr. Edm. A. Lodge. 166 Woodward-Avenue. 

Parke, Davis & Co. 

Fred. Stearns & Co. 

Swift & Dodds. 

Grace hospital '88. John Rand Willis- Avenue. 

Grace homoeop. dispensary. 
Grand Rapid s. Shepard & Hageltine. 
De Witt (Clinton), ßimmons, Richmond, M. D. '78. 
D ext er (Washtenaw). Chase, Edgar F., M. D. '79. 
Dorr (AUegan). Ehle, George E., M. D. '82. 
Dowagiac (Cass.). Herkimer, G. R., M. D. '90. 

Spaulding, Charles W., M. D. '85. 
Durand (Shiawasse). Love, Frank S., M. D. '90. 
East Jordan (Charlevoix). Bartlett, Lorenzo B., M. D. '52. 
Eaton Rapids (Eaton). Hyde, Ja^mes R., M. D. '61. 

Hyde, Rufus J., M. D. '84. 
Eau Ciaire (Berrien). Freemeyer, G. L., M. D. '82. 
Edwardsburg (Cass.). CrisweU, M. H., M. D. '91. 
Empire (Leelenaw). Shank, Laban H., M. D. '89. 
Escanaba (Delta). Cotton, Wm. A., M. D. '89. 

Reynolds, Hugh B., M. D. '86. 

Walker, Wm. W., M. D. Cleveland '73. 
Evart (Osceola). Sovereen, Frank S., M. D. '80. 
Farmington (Oakland). Turner, Thoraas H., M. D. '82. 
Fenton (Genesee). Knapp, Leonard E., M. D. '69. 
Fife Lake (Grand Traverse). Potter, T. 0., M. D. '81. 
Flint (Genesee). Adams, Anson J., M. D. '72. 

Davison, Rachel J., M. D. '82. 

Elbridge, Isaac N., M. D. '64. 

Putnam, Charles M., M. D. '66. 
Flushing (Genesee). Brooks, E. D., M. D. '85. 

Taylor, Lewis, M. D. 
Fowler (Clinton). Havens, George C, M. D. '81. 
Fowlerville (Livingston). Defendorf, Byron, M. D. '74. 
Frank fort (Benzie). Slyfield, Alonzo J., M. D. 

Voorheis, isaac, M. D. 
Freeland (Sagina w). Munger, James A., M. D. 
Gaylord (Otsego). Parmater, Nathan L., M. D. '67. 
Gobleville (Van Buren). Hall, E. V. N., M. D. '67. 
Grand Haven (Ottawa). Bates, James 0., M. D. '84. 

Reynolds, John N., M.. D. '67. 
Grand Ledge (Eaton). Covey, Alfred D., M. D. '90. 

Covey, Calvin J., M. D. 

Watson, Wm. W., M. D. '89. 
Grand Rapids (Kent). AUye Phoebe, A. F., M. D. '79. Terrace Walk 
1 n of North Park- Avenue. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

106 . Michigan. — United States of America. — Michigan. 

Grand Rapids (Kent). Botsford, Alban B., M. D. '74. — 5 VoN. Division. 

Brigham, Homer C, M. D. 72. — 18 The Gilbert. 

Butts, Louisa M., M. D. 232 Plainfield-Avenne. 

Cummings, Erastus H., M. D. 76. — 30 Monroe. 

Evans, Amanda J., M. D. '80. — 102 Monroe. 

Griswold, Wm. H., M. D. 71. — 756 S. Division. 

Hazen, Lavoisiar P., M. D. 2 Stewart- Avenue. 

Hillyer, Frances S., M. D. 43 New Honseman Bldg. 

Hoag, F. Lindley, M. D. '84. — 18 The Gilbert. 

Hunt de Forest, M. D. '64. — 1 V2 N. Division. 

Luton, Rob. M., M. D. 73. — 141 V« Monroe. 

Marvin, Aurelia D., M. D. 264 E Bridge. 

Marvin. La Dor, M. D. '79. — 22 The Gilbert. 

Matthews, Wallace B., M. D. '91. — 141 Monroe» 

Milner, Samuel G., M. D. Mich. '87. — 147 Monroe. 

Norris, Maria W., M. D. '92. — 21 Widdicomb. Bldg. 

Ruffe, Alfonso L., M. D. '87. — 132 V« Monroe. 

Sinclair, Daniel S., M. D. '87. — 26 Widdicomb. Bldg. 

Sinclair, Malcolm C, M. D. 73. — 26 Widdicomb. Bldg. 

Smith, Seddie P., M. D. 58 Lake. 

Stephenson, Henry C, M. D. 43 Clark. 

Stephenson, James R., M. D. 35 Monroe. 

Webster, Alfred M., M. D. '87. — 132 Va Monroe. 

Willett, George, M. D. 200 Scribner. 

Wolf, Wenceslas, M. D. Vienna (Austria) '53. — 168 W. Bridge. 
Graut Station (Newaygo). Jenkins, A. Wood, M. D. 
Grayling (Crawford). Thatcher, Fred. F., M. D. '84. 

Thatcher, Haines C, M. D. '89. 
Greenville (Montcalm). Benedict, Theodore M., M. D. '74. 

Fish, Elias, M. D. '48. 
Harbor Springs (Emmet). Cook, M. J. S., M. D. 

De Vries, J., M. D. 

Merrill. A. C, M. D. 
Hartford (Van Buren). MiUs, Wm. R., M. D. 
Hastings (Barry). Barber, Clarence H., M. D. '91. 

Barber, Hiram A., M. D. *81. 

Burton, Charles S., M. D. 

Lathrop, Clarence P., M. D. '91. 

Lathrop, Egbert H., M. D. '81. 

Timmerman, Franklin R., M. D. '80. 
Hesperia (Newaygo). Wells, Wm. C, M. D. 
Hillsdale. Sawyer, Walter H^ M. D. '84. 
Holland (Ottawa). Wetmore, Jerred D., M. D. '83. 
HoUy (Oakland). Bartholomew, Daniel D., M. D. '80. 
Holt (Ingham). Matthews, Wm., M. D. 
Homer (Calhoun). Colburn, Carl A., M. D. 
Hopkins Station (Allegan). Baker, George, M. D. '88. 
Horton (Jackson). Snyder, Walter C, M. D. '86. 
Howard City (Montcalm). Totten, James, M. D. 
Ho well (Livingston). MiUs, Wesley J., M. D. '74. 
Jonia. Allen, Thomas R., M. D. '91. 

Defendorf, John J., M. D. '73. 

Long, Oscar R., M. D. Detroit '73. 

Perrenoud, Paul A., M. D. '90. 

Michigan asylum for dangerous and criminal insane. 
Jackson. Anderson, Bradly B., M. D. '80. 

Baird, Abram H., M. D. '75. 

Ball, Belle H., M. D. '73. 

De May, John, M. D. '79. 

Gibson, Wm. A., M. D. '66. 

Hartson, Oscar S., M. D. Clev. '51. Un. Michig. '79. - 155 West 
Main-Street. 9-12, IV2-4, 7-8. S. 12-1 Va- 


Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Michigan. — United States of America. — Michigan. 107 

Jackson. Hogue, Isaac R., M. D. '92. 

Smith, Dean T., M. D. '89. 

Smith, John E., M. D. '56. 

Town^ Samuel P., M. D. '71. 
Jonesville (Hillsdale). Graham, Malcolm, M. D. '65. 
• Warren, Henry M., M. D. '65. 
Kalamazoo. Ayres, James K, M. D. '89. 

Ayres, James S., M. D. '42. 

Balyeat, Edmond A., M. D. '82. 

ComeU, Albert B., M. D. Chic. '69. — 130 W. Main. 

PengaUy, Richard, M. D. '64. 

Schaherg, Herman, M. D. '78. 

Sherman, Nancy B., M. D. '83. 

Sherman, Warren F., M. D. '66. 

Tyler, Frank H., M. D. '80. 
Kalamo (Eaton). Shank, John R., M. D. '84. 
Kalkaska. Johnson, 8. A., M. D. New York '48. Chicago '73. 

Kalkaska Co. 
Lakeview (Montcalm). Kirtland, John W., M. D. '86, 
L an sing (Ingham). Brucker, Charles H., M. D. '82. 

Connor, V&gü W., M. D. '90. 

Cooper, Wm. D., M. D. '83. 

Locke, Dana A., M. D. '86. 

Nottingham, David M., M. D. Chic. '81. — 423 Washington - Avenue. 

Phelps, Lucien E., M. D. '66. 

Snell, Franklin L., M. D. 

Watson, Charles M., M. D. '83. 

Central district homoeop. medical society. 
Lapeer. Fanning, Wm. H., M. D. '79. 

Gregory, G. B., M. D. • '74. 

Hathaway, George W., M. D. '86. 
Lee's Corner (Midland). Morris, Isaiah S., M. D. '86. 
Le Roy (Osceola). Andrews, George R, M. D. '84. 
Leslie (Ingham). Bartlett, Henry H., M. D. '69. 
Lewiston (Montmorency). Trawer, Newton H., M. D. '61. 
Litchfield (Hillsdale). Buckley, Eleazer P., M. D. 

Spinning, Jay 0., M. D. '76. 
Lowell (Kent). Brooks, Wm. F., M. D. "88. 
Ludington (Mason). Dean, Wm. F., M. D. '91. 

Gunnersen, Nicolai P., M. D. Leipzig '80. 

Hofiman, Harvey E., M. D. '90. 
Lyons (lonia). Jewett, John R., M. D. '53. 

Manistee. Barker, Clarence F., M. D. Montville '52. Chic. '80. — 
427 River-Street. 8—9, 1—2, 6-7. 

Barker, Mrs. C. F., M. D. '81. 

Knowles, Girard F., M. D. '82. 
Manistique (Schoolcraft). Carhaugh, Mrs. H. M.,.M. D. '88. 
Man ton (Wexford). Huntley, Victor F., M. D. 
Marquette. Ide, Henry G., M. D. '74. 

Markham, R. 0., M. D. Chic. '81. Opera House-Block. Presid. lake 
sup. hotel Sanatorium. 

Morley, Charles S., M. D. '76. 
Marshall (Calhoun). Gallm), Leonard E., M. D. '79. 

Roberts, Warren F., M. D. '84. 
Mason (Ingham). Green, George D., M. D. '85. 
Maybee (Monroe). Baldwin, Lawrence, M. D. '86. 
Mayville (Tuscola). Caulton, Wm. G., M. D. 
Menden (St. Joseph). Bennett, Samuel H., M. D. '65. 

Fisher, George W., M. D. '77. 

Long, Charles B., M. D. '89. 
Menominee. Taylor, Byron, M. D. '79. 
Middleville (Barry). Hanion, Amos, M. D. '76. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

108 Michigan. — United States of America. — Michigan. 

Midland. Pringle, George W.. M. D. '79. 
Milford (Oakland). Jackson, Thomas J., M. D. '80. 

Lodge jr., Edwin A., M. D. 79. 
Monroe. Dawe, Denias, M. D. '89. 
Morenci (Lenawee). Bailey, Norton H., M. D. 79. 
Morrice (Shiawassee). Brownell, Wm. C, M. D. '90. 
Moscow. Fowle, Orrin, M. D. '59. 
Mt Clemens (Macomb.). Folsom, Edward G., M.. D. '77. 

Hayward, Abner, M. D. '66. 

Hayward, Alice J., M. D. '72. 
MtPleasant (Isabella). Pullen, Ch. D., M. D. '92. 

Stoner, John J., M. D. '80. 
Muskegon. Danforth, Mary M., M. D. Chic. '89. — 79 W. Western- Avenue. 

King, Benjamin, M. D. '84. 

Le Fevre, George L., M. D. '91. 

Marvin, L. Ray, M. D. Buffalo '48. Chicago '70. — 221 Clay- Avenue. 
Office 41, 2d Street. 10-11, 2-4. S. I2-IV2. City physician. 

Reetz, August G., M. D. 

Thompson, Ch. L., M. D. '82. 
Newaygo. Massey, Newton M., M. D. 

Smith, Tyson, M. D. '81. 
Nil es (Berrien). Tyler, Wm. J., M. D. '89. 

ÜUery, Arthur, M. D. '86. 
North Newberg (Shiawassee). Härder, Joseph, M. D. '92. 
Northville (Wayne). Patterson, Myron A., M. D. '91. 

Walline, Malcolm T., M. D, '90. 
Oakland. Holmes, Manuel S., M. D. Waterville '52. Boston '79. Church- 

Street. Until 8, 1-2, 6-8. 
Oden (Emmet). Goodrich, P. P., M. D. 
Okemos (Ingham). Ferguson, A. F., M. D. '72. 

Ferguson, James W., M. D, '76. 
Onondaga (Ingham). Van Avery, Arza, M. D. '91. 
Ontonagon. Nitterauer, J. S., M. D. '80. 
Orion (Oakland). De Cou, Jacob, M. D. '76. 
Oshtemo (Kalamazoo). Buskirk, Thomas C, M. D. '88. 
Otsego (Allegan). French, Frank W., M. D. '92. 

Miller, Henry L., M. D. Ann Arbor '81. Vice -Presid. Mich, homoeop. 
med. Society. 
wo SSO (Shiawassee). Fisher, John S , M. D. '76. 

Gooding, Mrs. Annis S. H., M. D. '88. 

Leonardson, Abram V., M. D. 
Palmyra (Lenawee). Turbett, Samuel 0., M. D. '88. 
Parma (Jackson). Bumpus, Patrick H., M. D. '77. 

De Puy, Nelson J., M. D. '76. 
Paw Paw (Van Buren). Hendrick, Alex. W., M. D. '71. 

Odell, Charles M., M. D. '73. 
Pentwater (Oceana). Cramer, Cornelius W., M. D. Chic. '86. 
Perrinton (Gratiot). Coleman, Roh. W., M. D. '83. 
Pinckney (Livingston). Kirtland, Charles W., M. D. '91. 
Pinconning (Bay). Porter, Monroe, M. D. 
Plainw eil (Allegan). Campbell, Wm., M. D. 

Hawley, Charles W., M. D. '52. 
Plymouth (Wayne). Adams, Frank B., M. D. '84. 
Pontiac (Oakland). Losee, James W., M. D. '91. 
Port Austin. Cole, Sarah A., M. D. '89. 
PortHuron (St. Clair). Bennett, Daniel M., M. D. '81. 

Covey, Calwin E., M. D. Chic. '80. Huron- Avenue. 

Nunn, Josiah R., M. D. '74. 

Randall, A. F., % D. Bolton '48. Detroit '73. — 824 Seventh-Street. 
Eyes, ear, nose and throat. 

Vollmar, Jacob C, M. D. '89. 
Portland. Allen, George D., M. D. N. Y. '39. Cleveland '66. — 11-12, 4-5. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Michigan. — United States of America. — Minnesota. 109 

Qnincy (Brauch). Sears, Charles S., M. D. '79. 
Keed City (Osceola). Foster, Horatio L., M. D. '81. 
Kichmond (Macomb.) Keeler, E. Brucs, M. D. '91. 
Komeo (Macomb.). Brabb, Alice A., M. D. '90. 

Douglas, Jsaac, M. D. Oakland '30. Clev. '59. — 137 North Main- 
Street. Dentist. 
Sagina w. Cowell, Joseph H., A. B., M. D., K. D. Providence '47. Michi- 
gan '71. — 318 North Warren-Avenue. 2-4., 7r-8. 
Saginaw East Side. Famaworth, Arphax J., M. D. '59. 

Frankland, Susan M., M. D. 

Goddard, Seth T., M. D. '81. 

Knapp, Edgar E., M. D. '56. 

Rockwith, Frank A., M. D. '71. 

ßuckel, John F., M. D. '86. 

Slack, Walter L., M. D. '89. 
St. Johns (Clinton). Dodge, J. B., M. D. '80. 

Havens, Mary P., M. D. '73. 

Havens, Wm., M. D. '73. 
St. Louis (Gratiot). Harrington, Mrs. Kate B., M. D. 

Wheeler, Aaron R., M. D. '79. 
Salem (Washtenaw). Walker, Albert L., M. D. 

Walker, Jane A., M. D. '82. 
Sand Lake (Kent). Willett, George, M. D. 
Saranac (Jonia). Gesler, Albert E., M. D. '77. 
Sault de St. Marie (Chippewa). Tracy, Stephen P,, M. D. '86. 
Sebawaing (Huron). Auch, J. J. F., M. D. 
Shelby (Oceana). Sweet, Charles F., M. D. 
Sheridan (Montcalm). Gleason, Silas M., M. D. '80. 
Sparta (Kent). Hinman, Spencer D., M. D. '77. 
Sturgis (St. Joseph). Crandell, Willis A., M. D. '83. 

Hoskinson, W. N., M. D. '82. 

Van Vleck, Peter H., M. D. '85. 
Summit City (Grand Traverse). Tedman, Louis J., M. D. '88. 
Tawas City. Thatcher, Fred. F., M. D. N. Y. '58. Chicago ? 
Tecumseh (Lenawee). Frost, Wm. A., M. D. '80. 

Gamble, Emest F., M. D. '80. 

Jones, Oliver 0., M. D. '73. 
Three Rivers (St Joseph). Clark, Whitman E., M. D. '73. 
Traverse City. Chase, George M., M. D. '83. 
Union City (Brauch). Baker, Timothy, M. D. '72. 
Vassar (Tuscola). Avery, James C, M. D. '90. 
Vermontville (Eaton). Snell, C. S., M. D. 
Vicksburg (Kalamazoo). Gross, James A., M. D. '73. 
Wayland (Allegan). Ryno, Eber H., M. D. '80. 
Wayne. Foster, Herbert, E., M. D. '81. 

We s t B a y C i t y . Fowler, Walter N., M. D. Ann Arbor '89. — 514 E. Midland. 
West Brauch (Ogemaw). Booth, H. W., M. D. '68. 
White Pigeon (St. Joseph). Siegfried, J. P., M. D. '88. 
WiJliamston (Ingham). Dennis, J. Deville, M. D. '68. 
Wo Ödland (Barry). Carpenter, Henry C, M. D. '68. 
Worden (Washtenaw). Walker, A. H., M. D. 

Walker, Jane, M. D. 
Ypsilanti (Washtenaw). Barton, Wm. R., M. D. '45. 

Fräser, Archibald, M. D. '70. 

Mc Andrews, Helen, M. D. '53. 

Pattison, Wm., M. D. '65. 

Pratt, Oscar E., M. D. '76. 


Albert Lea (Freebom). Von Berg, John P., M. D. '84. 
Anoka. Brown, S. Francis, M. D. '85 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

110 Minnesota. — United States of America. — Minnesota. 

Austin (Mower). Wheat, John N., M. D. '52. 

Beaver Creek (Eoc^. Berry, W. T., M. D. 

Blue Barth City. Couper, Joseph E., M. D. '81. 

Brainerd (Crow Wing), Roherts, L. M.. M. D. 

Browns Valley (Traverse). Harcum, Theodore, M. D. '86. 

Chatfield (Fillmore). Cooper, Charles M., M. D. '92. 

Cloquet (Carlton). Brunelle, Adelarde M., M. D. '86. 

Crookston (Polk). Just, Adolf August, M. D. Wisconsin '51. Chicago '81. ' 

9—11, 1-3. 
Dakota (Winona). Wilson, Clarence E., M. D. 
Dodge Centre. Saunders, James M., M. D. 71. 
Duluth (St. Louis). Bangs, Edwin M., M. D. '78, Bay view heights. 

Bowman, Fred. C, M. D. '81. — 609 PaUadio Bldg. 

Chftse, Henry H., M. D. '81. — 303 PaUadio Bldg. 

Graham, David M., M. D. '83. — 310 PaUadio Bldg. 

Holden, Fannie E., M. D. 71. — 216 E. 4th. 

PiUshury, Charles B., M. D. '79. — 308 PaUadio Bldg. 

Routh, Walter W., M. D. '87. — 200 Woodhridge Bldg. 
Farihault (Rice). Wagner, Charles H., M. D. 73. 

Minnesota State deaf and dumh asylum. 
Fergus Falls (Otter Tail). Cole, Alvinza B., M. D. '79. 

Dolan, Stanley, M. D. Jonia '90. 
Fergus Falls. Welch, G. 0., M. D. Boston ?. — '87. AUenist. 
Good Thunder (Blue Forth), MeiUcke, Augustus C, M. D. '82. 
Hastings (Dakota). Hawes, George H., M. D. '76. 

Tucker, James M., M. D. 
Hinckley (Pine). Scott, Mary M., M. D. 
Houston. Rhines Da Costa, M. D. '87. 
Hutchinson (Mc Leod). Woodward, A. P., M. D. 
Lake City (Wabasha). Titzell, Frank C, M. D. '89. 
Le Sueur. Pisher, Anna M., M. D. 

Little Falls (Morrison). Roberts, Lemuel M., M. D. '83. 
Mankato (Blue Earth). Wait, Leonard E., M. D. 
Marshall (Lyon). Renninger, John S., M. D. Chicago '81. 
Minneapolis. Aldrich, Henry C, M. D. Phil. '81. — 312 and 314 Medical- 
Block. 11-12, 4—6. Diseases of women. CoU. of homoeop. med. 
univ. of Minnesota. Editor Minn. Homoeop. Magazine. 

Austin, Edward E., M. D. '84. — 611 NicoUet-Avenue. 

Austin, Marshall P., M. D. '81. — 1549 Frankün-Avenue E. 

Bausmanu, A. L., M. D. 242 NicoUet-Avenue. 

Beaumont, John F., M. D. '77. — 605 Masonic-Temple. 
. Beeba, H. L., M. D. Medical-Blk. 

Brazie, Henry W., M. D. 71. — 415 S., 10 th. Dean facul. univ. of 

Casseday, Frank F., M. D. Phüad. '79. — 828, Ist Avenue S. 

Cheney, Wm. W., M. D. '92. — 1776 S. Fremond-Avenue. 

Cole, Alfred L., M. D. '76. — 408 NicoUet-Avenue. 

Crawfort, Johannah, M. D. 3016 Bloomington. 

Dean, S. Eugene, M. D. '80. — 715 Wright Blk. 

Dennis, George E., M. D. '83. — 64 Syndicate Blk. 

Flatt, Wm. K., M. D. 226, 8th Avenue S. E. 

Fester, Lysander P., M D. '82. — 17 S. E., 4th. 

Fryberger, Wm. 0., M. D. '87. — 408 NicoUet-Avenue. 

Geonard, Wüliam H., M. D. Toron Mansfield '26. Yale '53. — 
11-12, 2-4. 

Goodwin, David M., M. D. '57. — 36 Syndicate Blk. 

Haie, Lucy Sturges, M. D. '89. — 1732 CUfton-Pl. 

Hall, Levi, M. D. '82. — 77 Highland- Avenue. 

HaU, Pearl M., M. D. '82. — 1300, 20th Avenue. 

Hayes, Louisa M., M. D. '84. — 410 Masonic-Temple. 
. Higbee, Albert E., M. D. '71. — 301 Masonic-Temple. 

Higbee, ehester G., M. D. '70. — 828, Ith Avenue S. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Minnesota. — United States of America. — Minnesota. m 

Minneapolis. Hill, Cora Y., M. 1). '89. Medical-Block. 

Horning, David W., M. D. '83. — 608 V, Nicollet- Avenue. 

Horton, Zervia E., M. D. 313 E., 15 th. 

Humphrey, Otis M., M. D. '62. — 100 E., Uth. 

Hutchison, Adele S., M. D. '77. - 318 E., 14 th. 

Krudöp, D. Tonjez, M. D. '88. — 429 Nicollet-Avenue. 

Lawrence, Wm. D., M. D. 79. — 828, Ith Avenue S. 

Leavitt, Henry H., M. D. '86. — 69 Syndicate Blk. 

Leonard, Henry C, M. D. '78. — 1527 N., 6th. 

Leonard, Wm. E., M. D., B. A. Minn. '55. Phil. '79. — 1809 Portiand- 
Street. 3—5. Prof. to the univ. of Minneapolis mat. medica. 

Leonard, Wm. H., M. D. '53. — 408 Nicollet-Avenue. 

Locke, David Alhert, B. S., M. D. Mediana '55. Chicago '84. — Office 
414 Lincoln- Avenue. 10 - 12, 3—5. 

Locke, Samuel A., M. D. '84. — 242 Nicollet-Avenue. 

Mc Cool Harriet, L., M. D. '80. — 2505 Stevens-Avenue. 

Matchan, Roh. D., M. D '79. — 303 Masonic-Temple. 

MitcheU, C. F., M. D. '81. Syndicate Blk. 

Mitchell, W. H., M. D. 62 S., 12 th. 

Neill, Charles H., M. D. '92. — Wehk. Blk. 

Nelson, Petrus, M. D. '72. — 53 Syndicate Blk. 

Putman, Charles W., M. D. '68. — 323 Nicollet-Avenue. 

flasmusen, Roh. R., M. D. '91. — 1812 Riverside- Avenue. 

Ricker, George Edwin, M. D. Phil. '78. Residence 3011, 1 th Avenue S 
Prof. univ. of Minnesota. 2^/2— 472- 

Ripley, Martha, M. D. Boston '83. — 24, 10 st S. 

Roberts, George F., M. D. Chic. '72. — 608 Va Nicollet-Avenue. 

Russell, William, M.. D. '75. Hennepin- Avenue. 

Smith, Clarence D., M. D. '80. — 16 Syndicate Blk. 

Spaulding, Salathiel M., M. D. '79. - 64 Syndicate Blk. 

Steele, John A., M. D. '56. — 2732 Nicollet-Avenue. 

Stone, J. Leslie, M. D. New York '79. - 111, 9th S. 

Thayer, Charles E. '86. Medical-Blk. 

Tohey, Charter Mc. V., M. D. '77. — 828, Ith Avenue S. 

Wilcox, Asa S., M. D. '85. — 36 Syndicate Blk. 

Williamson, Alonzo P., A. M., M. D. Phil. '64. — '76. Office 
602 Nicollet-Avenue. 10—1, 5—6. S. 12-1. Mental and nervous 
dis. Dean of coli, homoeop med. surg univ. of Minn. 

The College of homoeop. medicine and surgery of the university of 

Minneapolis homoeop. medical society. 53 Syndicate Block. 

Minnesota state homoeop. Institute. 

Homoeoj). hospital '81. — 2446, 4th Avenue S. 

University homoeop. dispensary. 

Church home for hahies. * 

Washbume orphan asylum. 

Newark orphan asylum. 

Stillwater homoeop. hospital '81. 

St. Paul homoeop. hospital. 

The Medical Argus, 8». monthly. Dr. F. F. Caselday. The Medical 
Ar^s Co., Publishers. 1123 First- Avenue South. 

The Minneapolis Homoeop. Magazine '92, 8®. monthly. . Henry C. Aldrich. 
Osakis (Douglas). Sanderson, Adelia E., M. D. 
Pine Island (Goodthue). Craddock, Wm. L., M. D. '79. 
Pipe Stone. Perrigo, E. SteUa, M. D. '86. 
Piain View (Wahasha). Roberts, Francis H., M. D. '61. 
Red Wing (Goodhue). Allen Galen, M. D. '75. 
Rochester (Olmsted). Allen, Wilson A. '79. 
Shakopee (Scott). Smith, Herbert 0., M. D. '81. 
Sherburne. Hamden, George R, M. D. Illinois Chic. '85. 
Slayton (Murray). Lowe, Thomas, M. D. '86. 
Spring Valley (Fillmore). Meredith, Simeon P., M. 1). '82. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

112 Mississippi. — United States of America. — Missouri. 

St Charles (Winona). Burt, Joseph A., M. D. '67. 
St. Cloud (Steanis). Stone, Wm. T., M. D. '82. 
Still wat er (Washingtoi^. Caine, Wm. H., M. D. 77. 

Clark, George E., M. D. '80. 

Watkins, Oscar A., M. D. '78. 
St. P.aul (Ramsey). Briggs, Warren S., M. D. '79. — 583 Endicott- 

Cobb, Sheridan G., M. D. '84. — 394 N. Prior-Avenue. 

Donald, Alex., M. D. '80. - 54 Germania Life Blk. 

Dorion, Charles N , M. D. '69. — 17 Germania Bank Bldg. 

Eastman, Arthur M., M. D. '79. — 186 Summit- Avenue. 

Glidden, Charles H., M. D. '76. — 17 Schutte Blk. 

Goodrich, Asa F., M. D. '89. — 493 Endicott- Arcade. 

Haines, Bessie P., M. D. '86. — 419 Wabasha. 

Higbee, ehester G., M. D. '70. — 115 E., 9th. 

Hubbell, Eugene, M. D. Wisconsin '55. Chic. '83. Office 138, 36th Street. 
10—12, 12—1. Orificial surgery. 

Hutchinson, Henry, M. D. '74. — 2 Mannheimer Blk. 

Keefer, Alice, M. D. '90. — 34 E., 7th. 

Lufkin, Harry M., M. D. '83/85. — 491 Endicott-Arcade. 

Maisch, George J , M. D. '85. — 942 Conway. 

Mann, Eugene L., M. D. 13 Germania Bank Bldg. 

Penny, Lincoln E. D., M. D. '85. — 15 Germania Bank Bldg. 

Routh, George E., M. D. '74. — 208 Merrill Bldg. 

Sawyer, John E., M. D. Maine '54. Chic. '82. Office 50/51 Germ. 
Life Building. 10—12, 3-5. S. 12—1. 

Schmidt, Edgar T., M. D. '76. — 265 E., 9th. 

Spates, Finley C, M. D. '83. — 304 Builders Exchange. 

Strickler, David A., M. D. Phil. '81. — 298 and 299 Endicott-Arcade. 
Prof. univ. of Minn. 

Tobey, Carter Mc V., M. D. '77. — 362 E., 10 th 

Voak, J. Emeory, M. D. '66, — 671 Smith-Avenue. 

Walther, Edward, M. D. '71. — 203, 8th. 

Whiting, Sandford B., M D. '92. — 583 Endicott-Arcade. 

St. Paul academy of homoeop. medicine. 
St. Peter (NicoUet). Bowers, James H., M. D. '85. 
Waconia (Carver). Diessner, Henry R., M. D. '83. 
Winona. Peirce, Thomas A., M. D. '50. 

Putsch, Augustus, M. D. '63. 

Timmons, Isaac W., M. D. '70. 

Wüberton, Lawrence G., M. D. '80. 
Zumbrota (Goodhue). Hall, Orrin J., M. D. '73. 

HaU, Oscar H., M. D. '68 

* Mississippi« 

Daleville (Landerdale). Harbour, G. L., M. D. 
Greenville (Washington). De Laurel, George, M. D. '91. 
Holly Springs (Marshall). Caldwell, Juliet, M. D. '77. 
Lee (Jefferson). Coleman, Henry J., M. D. '61. 
Natchez (Adams). Chase, Benjamin D., M. D. '55. 

Erench, James C., M. D. '75. 
Vicksburg (Wafren). Hardenstein, A. Otto, M. D. '81. 


Annapolis (Iron). Cloonan, Martin, M. D. '86. 
Boonville (Cooper). Burger, C. J., M. D. 

Miles, Daniel D., M. D. '82. 

Steele, Wm. L., M. D. 
Brookfield (Linn). Huifacker, James R., M. D. '78. 
Butler (Bates). Christy, J. M., M. D. '82. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Missouri. — United States of America. — Missouri» Hg 

Butler (Bates). Orear, Luther, M. D. '80. 

Winsett, B. F., M. D. '88. 
Cameron (Clinton). Shaw, Erwin E., M. D. '88. 
C au ton (Lewis). Van Syckel, D. V., M. D. *50. 
Cape Girardeau. Rolston, Wm. T., M. D. 76. 
Carthage (Jasper). Burch, Edward J., M. D. '87. 

Flower, Frank W., M. D. '76. 

Whitney, L. E., M. D. '79. 

Ozark homoeop. medical association. 
Chillicothe (Livingston). Cooper, Joel S., M. D. '67. 
Clarksville (Pike). Davis, James D., M. D. '61. 
Clinton (Henry). Land, James R. F., M. D. '78. 

Netherton, Fred. F., M. D. '91. 
De Soto (Jefferson). Keaney, Wm., M. D. '88. 
Des Peres (St. Louis). Dionysius, Henry J., M. D. *80. 
Excelsior Springs (Clay). Dowling, Lee H, M. D. '82/83. 
Fr oh na (Perry). Zilliken, Paul N., M. D. '92. 
Garden City (Cass.). Schoor, Edward, M. D. '91. 
Hamilton (Caldwell). Aplin, W. H., M. D. 

En^le, Arthur L., M. D. '89. 
Hannibal (Marion). Bishop, Frank A., M. D. '76. 

Primm, John Newton, M. D. '81. — 113 S., lOth. 
Hatton (CaUaway). EUis, Wm. B., M. D. '88. 
Helena (Andrew). Fair, Jesse F., M. D. '85. 
Higginsville (La Fayette). Hamisfar, C. W., M. D. 
Holden (Johnson). Jonas, A. Cuvier, M. D. '85. 
Holstein (Warren). Humfeld, Wm. A., M. D. '87. 
Hopkins (Nodaway). Adams, Marie E., M. D. '86. 
Independence (Jackson). Henry, James P., M. D. '43. 

Stafford, Isabel A., M. D. '83. 

Stafford, Miles A., M. D. '89. 
Jackson (Cape Girardeau). Brase, Ferdinand, M. D. '92. 
Jamestown (Moniteau). Lemke, Louis H., M. D. '90. 

Tineker, C. F., M. D. 
Joplin (Jasper). Evans, Oliver C, M. D. '78. 

Wolff, Gustav, M. D. '80. 
Kansas City (Jackson). Anderson, Samuel H., M. D. 76. — 101 W., 9th. 

Andrews, Clarence B., M. D. 2415 Mc Coy. 

Baker, Harry C, M. D. St. Louis '68. — 101 W., 9th. 

Brady, Edward F., M. D. '83. — 1315 Jefferson. 

Canfield, Pauline E., M. D. '84. — 429 Rialto Bldg. 

Cartlich, Jesse W., M. D. '83. — 1659 Madison-Avenue. 

Cline, Perinelia A., M. D. '88. — 1432 Madison-Avenue. 

Colt, Emily S., M. D. '81. — 2215 E., 12th. 

Croskey, Henry, M. D. Phil. '78. — 46 Commercial-Block, 1102 Main- 

Dean, George A., M. D. 78. — 1103 Main-Street. 

Delap, Silas C, M. D. Phil. '85. Booms 3 and 4 1102 Main-Street. 
Prof. ophthalm., otol. and laryng. 

De Wolf, Frank L., M. D. '89. — 413 N., 6th. 

Doane, Mrs. Helen C. '90. — 214 E., 10 th. 

Edgerton, Mark, M. D. '79. — 1106 Main. 

Elliott, Charles S., M. D. Clev. '86. N. Y. '92. — 1103 Main. 

Forster, Wm. A., M. D. '80. — 308 Rialto Bldg. 

Forster, Will. Davis, M. D. Birmingham '41. St. Louis '69. — 420 West, 
llth Street. 8—9, 2—4. Prof. of surg. in Kans. homoeop. med. coli. 

Gill, John T., M. D. '86. — 20 Barnaby Bldg. 

Goodhue, Walter S., M. D. '72. — 308 Rialto Bldg. 

Hudson, Thomas H., M. D. '77. — 1110 Locust. 

Jenney, Wm. H., M. D. '62. — 324 W., 12th. 

Kimmeil, Theodore, M. D. 70. — 610 E., 8th. 

Markham, John H., M. D. 820 Walnut. 

Homöopathisches Jahrbuch. Band JI. 8 

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114 Missouri. — United States of America. — Missouri. 

Kansas City (Jackson). Merwin, George, M. D. '87. - 212 W., 9th. 

Miles, Daniel D., M. D. 3231 Flora-Avenue. 

Miller, Henry W., M. D. '69. — 1531 Olive. 

Moss, Oscar B., M. D. '70. 217 W., 12tL. 

Neumeister, Anton E., M. D. Chic. '85. Rooms 13 and 14 Bayard Bldg., 
1214 Main. Prof. Kans. homoeop. coli. 

Northup, Emerson S., M. D. '79. — 414 Garfield- Avenue. 

Olmsted, Charles C, M. D. '60. — 1209 Broadway. 

Osbome, Etta M., M. D. '71. — 823 Independence-Avenue. 

Peet, Putnam F., M. D. '92. — 536 Main. 

Pitt, Jesse B., M. D. '70. — 414 Garfield- Avenue. 

Radley, James K., M. D. '92. — 214 E., lOth. 

Ray, Wm. L., M. D. '91. — 1214 Main. 

Runnels, Moses T., M. D. '74. — 8 E.. 9th. 

Seeger, Emil, M. D. '92. — 20 Barnabv Bldg. 

Sutfin, John H., M. D. '85. -- 2026 Vine. 

Thorne, Joshua, M. D. '66. — 212 W., 9th. 

Van Scoyoc, Lloyd G., M. D. Cleveland '76. — 1104 Main. 

Ford & Arnold. 

Kansas City medical College. 1106 Main. 

Missouri Institute of homoeqpathy. 
Kidder (Caldwell). Cannon, J. M. W., M. D. '7& 
Lamar (ßarton). Bozarth, Charles W., M. D. '84. 
Lehanon (Laclede). Achenhach, John G., M. D. '79. 
Lexington (La Fayette). Hamisfar, Florence N., M. D. '82. 

Payne, N. B., M. D. '76. 
Louisiana (Pike). Deyoe, D. L., M. D. '59. 
Marionville (Lawrence). Clevenger, N. T., M. D. 
Marshfield (Webster). Muzzy, Charles R., M. D. '87. 
Maryville (Nodaway).' Martin, Francis M., M. D. '77. 
Mexico (Andrain). Mc Fall, Henry C, M. D. '78. 
Moberly (Randolph). Kelly, Sidney T., M. D. '91. 
Nevada (Vemon). Stanhope, Leonard E., M. D. '87. 
Oregon (Holt). Thatcher, J. T., M. D. 
Pierce City (Lawrence). Kimball, J. Henry, M. D. '80. 
Puxico (Stoddard). Burris, Levi, M. D. '79. 
Rieh Hill (Bates). Pyle, Charles W., M. D. '84. 

Smalley, David E., M. D. '73. 
St. Charles. .Steinrauf, Wm., M. D. '79. 
St. Joseph (Buchanan). Dowling, Lee H., M. D. '83. Felix S.W., 9th. 

Fisk-Hickox Kate L., M. D. '87. — 616 Felix. 

Heintz, John F., M. D. '78. — 122 8., 4th. 

Keener, Henry Newton, M. D. Jacksonville '41. — '68. -^ 1507 South, 
18 Street. 8— 10, lVa-3,7— 9. Sund. 9V2— lOV^, 6V2— 7V4. Dis.of ehest. 

Ravold, Henry J., M. D. '86. — 518 Francis. 

Taylor, Joseph R., M. D. '69. — Edmond S. W., cor. 7th. 

Westover, Henry W., M. D. Ohio '51. N. Y. '72. Resid. 1313 Felix- 
Street. 8—10, 1-3. Lect. of Kans. City med. coli. 
St. Louis. Auf der Heide, Fred. H., M. D. '90. — 1518 E Grand- Avenue. 

Badger, Sophia F., M. D. '87. — 1433 E. Grand-Avenue. 

Becker, Mary L., M. D. 1218 Madison. 

Blanke, Theod. F., M. D. '89. — S. E. cor. Jefferson and St. Louis-Avenue. 

Boyce, Adolph L., M. D. '88. — 2606 Chouteau-Avenue. 

Burlejgh, Wm. J., M. D. '83 — 2306 Washington. 

Campbell, James A., M. D. Office 1729 Washington-Avenue. 

Canfield, Fred. D., M. D. '82. — 3725 Olive- Avenue. 

Carriere, Charles L., M. D. '71. — 2128 St. Louis- Avenue. 

Chapmann, Annie D., M. D. '83. ^ 2008 St. Louis-Avenue. 

Clarke, Franklin D., M. D. 816Va Chestnut. 

Comstock, Griswold T., A. M. M. D. Ph. D. N. Y. '30. Vienna '56. 
Phil. '54. -- 3401 Washington -Avenue, üntil 10, 3-4, 7— Q«/«. 
Cons. phys. to St. Louis children hospital. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Missouri. — United States of America. — Missouri. 115 

St. Louis. Condon, Eva G., M. D. '86. — 1516 Washington- Avenue. 

Cosby, Vemon B., M. D. '84. — 4818 N., 20 th. 

Cummings, John 0., M. D. *51. — 3514 Olive. 

Curran, Wm., M. D. '56. — 2653 Olive. 

Deinmler, Joh., M. D. '86 — 935 Park- Avenue. 

De Wees, Edward, M. D. '79. — 1303 Washington- Avenue. 

Dittlinger, Emil V., M. D. '85. — 2920 Washington-Avenue. 

Dryden, John L., M. D. '91. — 2444 Spring-Avenue. 

Eaton, Morton, M., M. D. '88. 

Edmonds, Wm. A., M. D. '46. — 2924 Washington-Avenue. 

Ehrmann, Louis P., M. D. '59. — 1221 Washington- Avenue. 

Eyermann, Christian H., M. D. '87. — 1722 Jefferson-Avenue. 

Pick, Otto, M. D. '71. — 7019 Michigan-Avenue. 

Pranz, Kurt A., M. D. '84. — 2812 N., 14th. 

Frohne, John P., M. D. '70. — 1504 Washington-Avenue. 

Galloway, Wm. L., M. D. '88. — 3021 Easton- Avenue. 

Gibson, David M., M. D. '90 — Children hospital. 

Goodbar, Alice C, M. D. '90. -^ 3061 Cass.-Avenue. 

Goodmann, Charles H., M. D. Rochester '44. Phil. '69. — 3329 Washing- 
ton-Avenue. Until 9, 1^9—3. Phys. to St. Louis children hospital. 

Gray, R. Pletcher, M. D. '82. — 2712 a Eads- Avenue. 

Greene, Thomas S., M. D. '82. — 3561 Olive. 

Gregory, Elisha H., M. D. '85. — 3525 Lucas-Avenue. 

Gundelach, Ch. H., M. D. '65. — 1510 Washington-Avenue. 

Gutherz, Mrs. Lizzie G., M. D. '88. 3600 Olive. 

Harris, William John, M. D. Shrewsbury (England) '52. St. Louis '75. 
3107 Morgan-Street. Until 10, 2—4. Spec. : Genito urinary surgery. 
Professor surgery genito urinary organs. Homoeop. med. coli, of 
Miss, and Consulting surgeon good samaritan hospital St. Louis. 

Hartwell, Harold W., M. D. '83. — 4312 W. Beile-Pl. 

Hutchinson, Roh. N., M. D. '91. — 4551 Easton- Avenue. 

Kershaw, J. Martine, D. M. St. Louis '46. — '67. — 3500 Laclede- Avenue. 
11—12, 4—5. Dis. of the nervous System. 

Knox, Franklin F., M. D. '71. — 1701 Lucas-Avenue. 

Luyties, Carl J., M. D. '85. — 414 Olive- Avenue. 

Mc Elwee, L. Claude, M. D. '87. — 215 S. Jefferson-Avenue. 

Mansifee, Wm. H., M. D. '89. — 1308 Morgan. 

Miles, Stephen E., M. D. '80. — 613 Pine. 

Moore, F. Reno, M. D. '53. — 718 N. Garrison-Avenue. 

Morgan, Willis, M. D. Mo. '78. — 4200 N. Grand- Avenue. Prof. homoeop. 
med. coli, of Mo. 

Morrill, George H., M. D. '61. — 2713 Washington-Avenue. 

Morrow de Lorma, B., M. D. '95. — 318 S. Jefferson-Avenue. 

Ottofy, Leopold M., M. D. '85. — 618 Manchester rd. 

Parsons, Scott B., M. D. '63. — 2246 Washington-Avenue. 

Peters, Charlotte, M. D. '83. — 1519 Warren. 

Read, James S., M. D. '69. — 1518 Chouteau- Avenue. 

Reed, Wm. L., M. D. '72. — 2812 Washington- Avenue. 

Richardson, Wm. C, M. D. '68. — 3913 N. 11 th. 

Robinson, M. T., M. D. '86. -^ 4066 Finney- Avenue. 

Sargent, Eveline E., M. D. '61. — 3007 Easton-Avenue. 

Sargent, Fenora W., M. D. '84. — 3007 Easton-Avenue. 

Sargent, Mary U., M. D. '87. — 3007 Easton-Avenue. 

Sauter, Clara, M. D. '80. — 1006 Grattan. 

Schiereck, Sophia L., M. D. '82. — 2020 N., 9th. 

Schuricht, Gustavus S., M. D. '72. — 1015 St., Auge-Avenue. 

Shay, Elbridge, M. D. '83. — 3703 S. Broadway. 

Temm, Francis A., M. D. 2601Vo Franklin-Avenue. 

Toumot, Louis, M. D. '84. — 28''24, 2d. Carondelet- Avenue. 

Ustick, Clarence M., M. D. '90. — 3001 Olive. 

Vastine, Charles, M. D. '59. — 3503 Lindell- Avenue. 

Wenzel, Emma C. F., M. D. '92. — 2100 Obear- Avenue. 

Digitized by LjOOQIC 

116 Montana. — United States of America. — Nebraska. 

St. Louis. White, Daniel, M. D. 2902 Olive. 

Wilcox, H. Tyler, M. D. '84. — 1422 Washington-Avenue. 

Wilcox, AVm. A., M. D. '58. — 3899 Delmar- Avenue. 

Collins Brothers. • 

Henry C. Gempp. 

Greenf, Broth & Laupheimer. 

Gr. K. Hophins & Co. 

H. C. G. Luyties & Co. 

G. Mallinckrodt & Co. 

A. A. Mellier. 

Meyer, Broth & Co. 

Munton & Co. 411 Locust- Street. 

Eichardson & Co. 

Hahnemann cluh of St. Louis. 1729 Washington- Avenue. 

Homoeop. medic. College of Missouri. 2246 Washington-Avenue. 

St. Louis homoeop. med. society. 215 S. Jefferson- Avenue. 

Good samaritan hospital and asylum of St. Louis. 

Homoeop. free dispensary '58. — 800 Lydia- Avenue. 

St. Louis children hospital. 

Women's homoeop. hospital of Missouri '91. 

'The Clinical Eeporter' '87. 
Sedalia (Pettis). Ahell, Daniel T., M. D. '60. 

Carr, R. Wilson; M. D. '52. 

Russell, George A., M. D. '88. 
Sikeston (Scott). Kendall, Luther, M. D. 
Smithton (Pettis). Page, Wm. B., M. D. '83. 
Springfield (Greene). Giiford, Wm. H, M. D. '91. 

Hensley, Joseph, M.. D. Chic. '71. 

King, Ch. L., M. D. '65. 

Mc Dowell, Wm. C, M. D. '78. 

Smythe, Milton B., M. D. '69. 

Valentine, Roswell D., M. D. '78. 

WiUiamson, A. C, M. D. '79. 
Trenton (Grundy). Hendrickson, P. J., M. D. '82. 
Viola (Stone). Roser, J. Harvey, M. D. '84. 
Warrenshurgh (Johnson). Gilkeson, Hugh P., M. D. '82. 

Hedges, Wm. L., M. D. '69. 
Washington (Frankün). Fowler, Joseph J., M. D. '86. 

Werth, Alexander, M. D. Berlin (Germ.) '60. 
Webb City (Jasper). Whitely, W. M., M. D. 


Butte City (Silver Bow). Blackbum, Gideon E., M. D. '79. 

Haviland, WiUis H, M. D. '88. 

Leonard, Edward J., M. D. '88. 

Norcross, Carlton V.. M. D. '87. — 34 N. Main. 

^archet, George B., M. D. '70. 
Deer Lodge City. Cranson, Cassius S., M. D. Chic. '85. 
Great Falls (Cascade). Frizzell, John W., M. D. '85. 

Hatch, Raymond W., M. D. '87. 
Helena (Lewis and Clarke). Dean, Maria M., M. D. '83. 

Kellogg, Edwin S., M. D. '78. 

Thompson, C. S. W., M. D. '80. 
Missoula. Hedgar, Frank S., M. D. '83. 

Ingersoll, C. S., M. D. 


Alliance (Box Butte). Knight, Frank M., M. D. '82. 
Ashland (Saunders). Miner, Herbert S., M. D. '88. 
Aurora (Hamilton). Hough, Joseph F., M. D. '87. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Nebraska. — United States of America. — Nebraska. 117 

Beatrice (Gage). Brumback, N. N., M. D. '83. 

Felch, Albert H., M. D. 76. 

Starr, Calvin, M. D. '51. 
BrokenBow (Custer). Langson, E. K., M. D. '83. 
Oolumbus (Platte). Voss, Lorenzo C, M. D. '88. 
Craig (Burt). Noe, A. T., M. D. '85. 
Crete (Saline). Foss, John B., M. D. '83. 
David Oity (Butler). Bell, David R., M. D. '85. 
Dixon. Cotton, Alonzo A., M. D. *86. 
Exet er (Fillmore). Hackett, James F., M. D. '89. 
Fairbury (Jefferson). Clarke, H. L., M. D. '82. 
Fairfield (Clay). Spatz, Joseph E., M. D. '85. 
Fairmont (Fillmore), Ashby, Sherman F., M. D. '85. 
Falls City (Richardson). Neal, George, H., M. D. '81. 
Franklin. Lenox, Robert, M. D. '83. 
Fremont (Dodge). Oolburn, Edgar L., M. D. '87. 
Grand Island (HaU). Davis, Summer, M. D. 

Hawk, J. B., M. D. '83. 
Greenwood fCass.). Norris, U. H., M. D. '82. 
Hastings (Adams). Howard, Mary A., M. D. '85. 
Holdrege (Phelps). Holmes, Louis C, M. D. '89. 

Whittier, George N., M. D. '88. 
Kearney (Buffalo). Bastin, C. V., M. D. '76. 

Haggard, J. A., M. D. '81. 
Lincoln. Bailey, Benjamin F., M. D. Littleton '60. Phil. '81. Bath 
1044 Street. Until 9, 12V2-3, 6— TVg. Gynaecology. 

Cooley, Samuel C , M. D. '75. 

Dorris, Alva H., M. D. '75. 

Faulkner, Albert 0., M. D. '83. 

HuUhorst, C. G. A., M. D. Yarenholz '47. Jowa City '82. Office 
1034 0. 

Kester, M. Addie, M. D. '82. 

Link, Oliver C, M. D. '80. 

Paine, Bartlett L., M. D. '75. 

Perky, Leonore, M. D. '90. 

Righter, Fred. B., M. D. '70. 

Riser, Fred. L., M. D. '84. 

Sabin, Margaret L., M. D. '79. 

Spahr, Charles E., M. D. Phil. '85. 

Tucker, F. W., M. D. '82. 

Nebraska state homoeop. med. society. 
Madison (Franklin). Mackay, J. H., M. D. '84. 
May wo od (Frontier). Hardesty, George W., M. D. '91. 
Mc Cook (Red Willow). Welles, Angelo P., M. D. '75. 
Minden (Kearney). Bück, Willis E., M. D. '85. 
Neligh (Antelope). Clapp, Charles R., M. D. '87. 

Whittemore, W. F., M. D. '80. 
Nemaha City. Boume, Joseph W., M. D. '89. 
Norfolk (Madison). Macomber, A. L., M. D. '72. 
North Loup (Valley). Shirley, Henry B., M. D. '67. 
North Platte (Lincoln). Hingston, James W., M. D. '82. 
Oakdale (Antelope). Mc Adam, Rob., M. D. '85. 
Omaha. Alexander, Emest, M. D. '59. Chicago '82. — 1022 North 
twenty fourth Street. 10—12, 2—4, 7—8. Dis. of children. 

Allen, Edw. T., M. D. Phil. '86. Ramge Bldg. 

Breckenridge, Mary J., M. D. '82. — 602 S., 28 th. 

Bruner, James F., M. D. '88. — 105 S., 16th. 

CampbeU, Samuel, M. D. '81. — 1235 S., 29 th. 

Connell, Ralph W., M. D. '82. — 30 Douglas Blk, 

Davies, Emma J., M. D. '85. — 306 N., 18th. 

Davies, Mrs. H. B., M. D. 306 N., 18th. 
• Foote, Dellizon A., M. D. Chic. '87. Ramge Blk. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

118 Nevada. — United States of America. — New Hampshire. 

Omaha. Hanchett, Wm. H., M. D. Chic: 79. — 323 S., 15th. 

Hayes, Oh. W., M. D. '71. — 2120 Lake. 

Holmes, Horace P., M. D. '81. 

Karten, Joseph W., M. D. '83. — 1418 Williams. 

Lankton, Freeda M., M. D. '88. — 1619 Dodge. 

Monroe, Byron F., M. D. '81. — 1416 Hamey. 

ParseU, George H., M. D. '66. Paxton Blk. 

Simons, Levi A., M. D. 1705 Leavenworth. 

SpragTie, Oh. G., M. D. '80. — 1701 Oapitol-Avenue. 

Swetland, Mrs. A. V., M. D. 1911 Famam. 

Wood, 0. S., M. D. ßinghampton '32. Phil. 60. Office Karh. Block. 
8—10, 2—4, 6—8. Nerv, and chron. dis. 

Worley, Howard A., M. D. '73. — 208 S., 15th. 

0. F. Goodmann. 

Omaha homoeop. medical society. 
Osceola (Polk). Mc Chesney, M. Josephine, M. D. '88. 
Plainview (Pierce). Kile, Wm. T., M. D. '85. 
Plattsmouth (Cass.). Schildeknecht, Wm. H., M, D. 
Eed Oloud (Wehster). Morauville, James W., M. D. 
Eiverton (Franklin). Julian, Isaac* B., M. D. '91. 
St. Paul (Howard). Worth, Rieh. F., M. D. '88. 
Scotia (Greeley). Hullhorst, Paul, M. D. '89. 
South Omaha (Douglas). Solomon, John J., M. D. Saxe Block. Med. 

director for the G. A. R. for the New Eng. States. 
Sutton (Clay). Vradenhurg, H. L., M. D. '86. 
Talmage (Otoe). Bingham, Oscar £., M. D. '67. 

Howard, George S., M. D. '81. 
Wahoo (Saunders). Way, Frank E., M. D. '90. 
Wayne. Steele, Ch. H., M. D. '88. 
Weeping Water (Cass.). Fate, Jesse C, M. D. '80. 
Wymore (Gage). Winter, Fred. W., M. D. '80. 
York. ForistaU, D. E., M. D. '78. 
Yntau (Saunders). HuUhorst, Fred., M. D, '82. 


Carson City (Ormshy). Herrick, L. A., M. D. '76. 

Wagner, Phillipina, M. D. '88. 
Reno (Washoe). Lewis, John A., M. D. '77. 

New Hampshire. 

Bristol (Grafton). Bishop, Channingj M. D. '89. 
Concord (Merrimack). Morrill, Ezekiel, M. D. '57. 

Summer, Arthur F., M. D. '88. 
Conway (CarrolL). Atkinson, Leonard W., M. D. '84. 
Ooos. Whitcomh, Moses, M. D. 
Dover. Smith, Georg, M. D. Vermont '59. Residence 183 Central- 

Avenue. Office Masonic-Temple. 2—4, 7—8. 
Dover (Strafford). Stevens, Charles N., M. D. '80. 
Exet er (Rockingham). Tuttle, Walter, M. D. '85. 
Francestow n. Fisher, Thomas E., M. D. 

Todd, James A., M. D. '84. 
Franklin Falls (Merrimack). Adams, Ch. W., M. D. '84. 
Great Falls (Stafford). Stevens, Charles N., M. D. '80. 
Hampton Falls (Rockingham). Sanhorn, Charles H., M. D. '84. 
Hillsboro Bridge. Piper, Fred. S., M. D. '90. 
Keene (Cheshire). Darling, Henry H, M. D. '61. 
Laconia (Belknap). Wells, H. C, M. D. '72. 

Wiley, Mrs Rebecca W., M. D. '82. 
Lakeport (Belknap). Rohy, George F., M. D. '81. 
Lancaster (Coos). Jones, Daniel L., M. D.. '69. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

New Hampshire. — United States of America. — New Jersey. 119 

Lancaster. Spooner, Frank, M. D. '77. 

Lebanon (Grafton). Knight, Edwin A.. M. D. '67. 

Lempster (Sullivan). Martin, George A., M. D. *86. 

Littleton (GrafFton). Banger, Thaddens E., M. D. '68. 

Manchester (Hilsboro). Campbell, George A., M. D. '81. — 7 Hanorer. 

Dodge, Ch. E., M. D. '86. — 913 Elm. 

Eobinson, Florence N., M. D. '89. — 43 Hannover-Street. 

Tme, Richard S., M. D. '78. — 913 Elm. 

New Hampshire homoeop. med. society. 
Milford (Hüsboro). Hinds, Wm. H. W., M. D. '61. 
Nashna (Hilsboro). Blaylock, Ella, M. D. '87. 

Oollins, Oh. S., M. D. '75. 
• JeweU, Henry H., M. D. '82. 

Eounsevell, Ch. S., M. D. Phil. "82. — 211 Main-Street. 
Newport (Sullivan). Kempton, Amanda H., M. D. '82. 
Penacook (Merrimack). Alexander, Anson C, M. D. '81. 
Portsmouth (Rockingh.). Benedict, Frank L., M. D. '79. 

Clark, Henry F., M. D. 
Richmond (Cheshire). Shove, George F., M. D. 
Rochester (Strafford). Briggs, Clifton D., M. D. '90. 

Sweet, Rob. V., M. D. '88. 
Sanbornton (Belknap). Ward, George C, M. D. '82. 
West Lebanon (Grafton). Bray, Ch. S., M. Ö. '83. 
Whitefield (Coos.). Morrison, George H., M. D. '81. 

New Jersey. 

Absecon (Atlantic). Lyon, Melvem S., M. D. '89. 
Andover (Sussex). Clark, Jeptha C, M. D. '85. 
Arlington (Hudson). Lightfoot, George F., M. D. '91. 

Lockwood, H. L., M. D. '79. 
Asbury Park (Monmouth). Ackermann, James F., M. D. '90. 

Hetick, J. A. W., M. D. '76. 

Keator, Bruce S., M. D. '81. 

Shotwell, John H., M. D. '77. 
Atlantic City. Armstrong, Leon H., M. D. '71. 

Baily, Alfred W., M. D. '86. 

Crosby, G. W., M. D. '78. 

Fleming, John R., M. D. '82. 

Garside, Wm. B., M. D. '68. 

Marvel, Phil., M. D. Phil. '84. — 1616 Pacific-Avenue. 

Miller, Mary, M. D. '78. 

Munson, Milton L., M. D. '90. 

Youngman, Maurice D., M. D. '80. 
Atlantic Highlands. Fay, George D., M. D. Eatontown '58. Phil. '81. 

Bay View-Avenue. 10—2, 6V2— 8. 
Bayonne (Hudson). Myers, Samuel L., M. D. '78. 

Poole, Louis E., M. D. '90. 
Belvidere. Lefferts, Franklin Pierce, M. D. Jeasterville '55. Phila- 
delphia '78. 7Va— 9, 1—3, 6V3-8. Phys. for Warrenlea. 
Beverly (Burlington). Currie, Joseph J., M. D. '66. 
Bordentown (Burlington). French, Ed. E., M. D. '87. 

Tebo, Levi D., M. D. '73. 
Boundbrook (Somerset). Davis, Ed. T., M. D. '82. 
Bridgeton (Cumberland). Streets, Jacob G., M. D. '66. 
Burlington. Rink, Eug. F., M. D. '77. 

Shreve, Joseph, M. D. 
Camden. Andrews, Pumell W., M. D. '66. — 327 Market. 

Artz, Jerome L., M. D. Phil. '81. Cor. Westfield-Avenue and Arling- 
ton, Cramer Hill. 

Blackwood, Thomas R., M. D. '70. — 919 S., 5th. 

Oooper, Clark J., M. D. '68. — 331 Market. 

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120 New Jersey. — United States of America. — New Jersey. 

Camden. Du Bois, Wm. G., M. D. '80. — 521 Broadway. 
Fortiner, George E., M. D. '79. — 517 Oooper. 
George, James A., M. D. '89. — 313 Broadway. 
Griffith, Anna E., M. D. N. Y. '74. — 501 North Fourth-Street. Until 9, 

1—3, 6—7. Phys. W. J. homoeop. hospital. 
Grumbrecht, Oscar L., M. D. '90. Cooper-Avenue. 
Howard, E. Melville, M. D. '77. — 401 Linden. 
Hngg, Isaac N., M. D. '69. — 437 Broadway. 
Hunt, Henry F., M. D. '64. — 511 Cooper. 
Hunt, Willis H., M. D. '77. - 315 Market. 
Ironside, Allan S., M. D. '89. — 510 Broadway. 
Leckner, John D., M. D. '73. — 260 Kaighn-Avenue. 
Middleton, Melbourne F., M. D. '68. — 423—425 Market. 
Moslander, Wm. S., M. D. '89. — 837 Penn. 
Quint, Silas H. , M. D. Phil. '49. — '73. -- 633 Market- Street. 7—9, 

Reed, Rufus, *M. D. '71. — 314 Benson. 

Smith, S. Bryan, M. D. '88. — 338 Stevens. 

Tullis, Eli R., M. D. '79. — 403 Stevens. 

Woodward, Georg D., M. D. Camden '61. Philadelphia '84. — 211 Broad- 
way. 7 — 9, 1 — 3, 6 — 8. Spec: Gynaecological surgery. Phys. of 
Camden homoeop. hospital (11—1). 

West Jersey homoeop. dispensary and hospital '87. 
Cape May. Phillips, E. H., M. D. '68. 

Phillips, Walter H., M. D. '92. 
Cramer's Hill (Camden). Artz, Jerome L., M. D. Phil. '81. 
Cranford (Union). Allen, Wilfred C, M. D. '88. 
Crosswicks (Burlington). Moke, Joseph A., M. D. '70. 

Whitehead, J. G. L., M. D. 
Del an CO (Burlington). Weiler, Harry K., M. D. '83. 
Dover (Morris). Bennett, R. A., M. D. '74. 

Hann, Peter S., M. D. '83. 
East Orange. Gile, Francis Alfred, M. D. Franklin Falls '45. New 

York '75. Until 9, 7—8 and in court house Essei Co. 12—1. 
Elizabeth (Union). Bailey, George W., M. D. '62. 

Banker, Pierre A., M. D. '79. 

Brown, Louis R., M. D. Phil. '64. — 23 W. Jersey. 

Crouthers, Anna J., M. D. '82. 

Leary, Joanna G., M. D. '87. 

Westiake, Waiyen C, M. D. '72. — 80, 1 Street. , 

Worrall, M. Ruth, M. D. '92. 

Younglove, John, M. D. St. Louis '61. — 407 Jefferson- Avenue. 8—9, 
2-3, 7-8. 

New Jersey medical club. 
Englewood (Bergen). Baldwin, David A., M. D. '49. 

Best, George B., M. D. '87. 
Flemington (Hunterdon). Burd, Thomas B. J., M. D. '71. 
Florence (Burlington). Zeitler, Augustus E., M. D. '67. 
Freehold (Monmouth). Bevin, Wm. A., M. D. '68. 
Glassbourough. Iszard, Howard, M. D. '86. 

Iszard, Jacob, M. D. '70. 
Glen Ridge (Essex). Geddes, Annie Lowe, M. D. '90. 
Gloucester City (Camden). Deläp, Wm. L., M. D. '86. 
Hackensack. Adams, Ch. F., M. D. N. Y. '57. — '84. - 8— 9, 1— 2V2, 6-8. 
S. 1—3. Phys. to Hackens, homoeop. hospital. 

Harris, Nelson A., M. D. '81. 
Hackettstown (Warren), Allen, Gertrude, M. D. '90. 

Martin, Alden E., M. D. '76. 
Haddonfield (Camden). Shivers, Bowman H., M. D. Phil. '58. 

Williams, Franklin E., M. D. '79. 
Hammonton (Atlantic). Beiling, T. G., M. D. 
High Bridge (Hunterdon). Allen, J. MelviUe, M. D. '91. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

New Jersey. — United States of America. — New Jersey. 121 

Hilton (Essex). Brown, Phoebe D., M. D. '85. 
Hightstown (Mercer). Johnson, Joseph P., M. D. '67. 
Hoboken Oludson). Arlitz, Wm. J., M. D. '90. 

AtweU, David R., M. D. '85. 

Brokhaus, Maria H., M. D. '89. 

Clausen, Bemard, M. D. '88. 

Nichols, Frank, M. D. '61. 

Nichols, Harry F., M. D. '87. 

Homoeop. dispensary. 
Jersey City (Hudson). Bance, M. Edith, M. D. '90. — 211 Monticello- 

Bowen, Eleazer, M. D. '89. — 260 Barrow. 

Bowen, Horace, M. D. '89. — 260 Barrow. 

Clark, S. Wellman, M. D. '81. — 100 Mercer. 
. Connell, John, M. D. '89. — 90 Bowers. 

De Hart, Madana, M. D. '68. — 8 Paulmier-Pl. 

Durrie jr., Wm. A., M. D. N. Y. '78. Grenwood -Avenue. Office 
661 Jersey- Avenue. 2 Vi— 3%, 7—8.. S. 7—8. 

Femald, Sarah E. de Hart, M. D. '70. — 451 Vs Jersey- Avenue. 

HofPman, James, M. D. Phil. '85. — 461 Jersey-Avenue. 

HoUister, Samuel A., M. D. '86. — 86 Danforth -Avenue. 

Jardine, M Aldridge, M. D. '87. — 84 Syp-Avenue. 

Lilliendahl, W., M. D. .'92. — 82 Danforth- Avenue. 

Lockwood, Hilliard L., M. D. '79. — 111 Wayne. 

Mo Neil, C. Holmes, M. D. '72. — 320 N. Y.-Avenue. 

Mac Millan, John Wales, M. D. '86. — 310 Webster- Avenue. 

Nevin, J. Lawrence, M. D. '78. — 168 Bowers. 

NeweU, Jennie W., M, D. '87. 

Opdyke, Charles P., M. D. '89. — 101 Ocean-Avenue. 

Opdyke, Levings A., M. D. N. Y. '85. — 55 Clinton -Avenue. 8—10, 
1—3, 7—8. 

Putnam, Ch. E., M. D. '86. — 534 Summit-Avenue. 

Pyle, Edw. W., M. D. '73. — 429 Bergen-Avenue. 

Pyle, Wm. L., M. D. '87. — 418 BergeurAvenue. 

Sherwood, Henry D., M. D. '82. — 585 Summit- Avenue. 

Simmons, Harris R., M. D. '77. — 557 Bramhall- Avenue. 

Snyder, Charles F., M. D. '87. — 539 Summit-Avenue. 

Homoeop. dispensary '84. — 47 Oakland-Avenue. 
Lakewood (Ocean). Cate, Hamilton J., M. D. '49. 

Cate, Henry H., AI. D. '88. 

KimbaU, W.S., M. D. '63. 
Manasquan. Herbert, Ralph W., M. D. '81. 
Mantua (Gloucester). Chew, Edward J., M. D. '76. 
Medford (Burlington). Zeitler, Augustus B., M. D. '67. 
Merchantville (Camden). Hinson, Jacob M., M. D. '86. 
Millville (Cumberland). Hubbard, Charles H., M. D. '83. 
Montclair. Butler, Clarence W., M. D. Ohio '48. N. Y. '72. -. 8-9, 1—5. 

Neiden, Andrew L., M. D. '87. 

Shelton, C. H., M. D. '80. 
Moorestown (Burlington) Clay, George B. L., M. D. '63. 

Mattson, Alfred Simons, M. D. Phil. '69. — '80. — 7-8. 1—2, 7—8. 
Absent 2—4 w. in August. 

Wilson, Pusey., M. D. '62. 
Morristown (Morris). Bradford, F. Standish, M. D. '58. 

Connett, George C, M. D. '91. 

Hof&nann, Joseph R., M. D. Mendham '57. New York '83. — 
46 Washington-Street. 8—10, 2—4. 

Snyder, Charles F., M. D. '86. 

Uebelacker, Armin, M- D. '71. 
Mount HoUy (Burlington). Branin, John W., M. D. '88. 

Van Derveer, George W., M. D. '73. 

Whitehead, Willett W., M. D. '81. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

122 New Jersey. — United States of America. — New Jersey. 

MuUica Hill (Gloucester). Carr, Henry H., M. D. '85. 
Newark (Essex). Anderson, Henry J., M. D. N. Y. 75. — 10 Central- 

Andrews, Wm. J., M. D. 16 E., Park N. 

Ayers, Joseph S., M. D. '83. — 21 Avon-Avenue. 

Bachmann, Gh., M. D. N. Y. '86. — 72 S. Orange-Avenue. 

Baker, Walter G., M. D. '63. — 250 Mulherry. 

Baldwin, Theodore H., M. D. '75. — 90, 4th Avenue. 

Bemis, Edward D., M. D. '86. — 57 Lafayette. 

Blum, ,Ch. W., M. D. Bonn (Germany). 70 S. Orange-Avenue. 

Conkling, Edward D. G., M. D. N. Y. '90. — 224 Belleville -Avenue. 

Dennis, Laban, M. D. England '40. New York '66. — 30 Central- 
Avenue. 8—10, 2—3, 7—8. Memhre N. Y. St. Board of health. 

Evarts, Lucy S., M. D. '86. — 6 Lomhardy. 

Everitt, Edward, M. D. '79. — 587 Warren. 

Friess, Fred., M. D. '77. — 317 Halsey. 

Gruber, Frank, M. D. Munich (Bav«ria) '8B. — 305 Bank. 

Harman, Georg^e W., M. D. '84. — 900 Broadway. 

Hof&nan, Lewis A., M. D. '80. — 54 Hamburg-Place. 

Howe, Edwin J., M. D. '73. — 542 Broadway. 

Xundsen, Harriet L., M. D. '86. — 95 Halsey. 

Mahr, Henry, M. D. München (Germany) '70. — 268 Springfield- Avenue. 

Mandeville, Fred. A., M. D. N. Y. '88. Vienna (Austria) '92. — 
945 Broad. 

Martin, Peter, M. D. 32 Mercer. 

Mulholland, John K., M. D. '78. — 912 Broad. 

Murphy, Jane Hammond, M. D. 124 Union. 

Pettet, Mrs. E. Burr, M. D. '81. — 207 Washington-Avenue. 

Sleght, B. H. B., M. D., A. M. Sleghtsburgh ?. Phil. '82. — 31 Clinton- 
Avenue. 8-9V2, 1—3, 6—8. S. 8 — 9V2, 12—2. Spec: Ear and 
eye. Phys. Orange homoeop. disp. 

Ward, Tsaac M., M. D. Waverley. 

Wenz, Christian L., M. D. 26 Academy. 

Woodruff, Franklin C, M. D. 464 Orange. 
New Brunswick. Barber, Adelia D., M. D. '83. 

Barber, Edmund H., M. D. '77. 

Long, Samuel, M. D. '73. 
New Market. Whitford, Myron J., M. D. '83. 
Ocean City (Cape May). Bartine, David W., M. D. '71. 

Thatcher, Jesse W., M. D. '71. 
Ocean Grove (Monmouth). Alday, John H., M. D. '56. 
Oradell (Bergen). Jones, Herbert 8., M. D. '88. 
Orange (Sussex). Beckwith, S. K., M. D. '53. 

Blakelock, G. Clinton, M. D. '78. 

Bunn, Frank Caulkins, M. D. New York '89. — 436 S. Main. 

Condict, Alice B., M. D. '83. 
. Cooke, Wm. H., M. D. '88. 

Ford, Mary C, M. D. '75. 

Groves, Charles A., M. D. '81. — 299 Main. E. 0. 

Moffat, Edgar V., M. D. '79. 

Morrison, Caldwell, M. D. '89. 

Richards, George W., M. D. N. Y. '85. — 424 Main. 

Richards, Herbert, G., M. D. Orange '63. New York '85. — 30 High- 
land-Avenue. 8—9, 2—3, 7—8. rresid. New Jersey State homoeop. 
medical society. 

Seward, John L., M. D. '67. 

Spottiswoode, Sarah C, M. D. '86. 

East Orange homoeop. dispensary. 
Palmyra (Burlington). Milien, Jesse C, M. D. '87. 

Sharp, Lewis L., M. D. '88. 
Passaic. Church, Charles A., M. D. '71. 

Church, C. Herbert, M. D. '91. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

New Jersey. — United States of America. — New Jersey. 123 

Passaic. De Bann, Edwin, M. D. '85. 

Ricardo, Norton C, M. D. '69. 
Paterson. Carr, Ada, M. D. '82. Park and Vreeland- Avenue. 

Crooks, James, M. D. '87. — 102 Washington. 

Decker, Wm. F., M. D. '76. — 60 Broadway. 

Kinne, Porter S., M. D. 72. — 9 Church. 

Kinne, Theodore Y., M. D. Syracuse '38. Albany '62. Office 9 Church- 
Street. 10-11, 2—5. 

Vreeland, Frank D., M. D. N. Y. '79. — 91 Bridge. 8-9, 1—3, 8-9. 
Sund. 8-9. 

Michael Moss. 
Paulsboro. Pounds, Will. H., M. D. Phil. '49. — '86. — 8-10, 6-9. 

Penns Grove (Salem). Barnart, Newton H., M. D. '88. 
Phillipsburgh (Warren). West, Heston K, M. D. '84. 
Plainfield (Union). Adams, Daniel C, M. D. '90. — 46 Grove. 

Cooley, Justus H., M. D. '84. 

Davis, Thomas S., M. D. '84. 

Griffen, John F., M. D. '73. 

Jenkins, Olin L., M. D. 76. 

Page, Rebecca P., M. D. '69. 

Rushmore, Edward, M. D. Westbury '45. Phil. '71. — 429 Parke- 
Avenue. 7V2-8V2, 1-3, 7-8. S. 7V2-9. Phys. to child. hom. 

Brookside retreat. 
Princeton (Mercer). Kline, Andrew K., M. D. '88. 
Rahway (Union). Holmes, Charles B., M. D. '74. 
Rancocas (Burlington). Haines, Franklin, M. D. '67. 
Red Bank (Monmouth). Marsden, George F., M. D. '66. 

Trafford, Alfred F., M. D. '77. 
Ridgewood (Bergen). Ockford, George M., M. D. '72. 
Riverton (Burlington). Hall, Harrison B., M. D. '69. 
Salem. Beckett, Albert T., M. D. '73. 
Sayreville. Beekman, Jesse H., M. D. '88. 
Sharptown (Salem). Newton, Charles, M. D. '67. 
Shiloh (Camberland). Swinney, John G., M. D. '72. 
So mm er vi Ue. Mc Conanghy, Francis, M. D. '90. 
South Orange (Essex). Dowlinff, George B., M. D. '86. 
Swedesborougn (Gloucester). Grimshaw, Oliver, M. D. '90. 
Tom 's River (Ocean). Webb, John W., M. D. '65. 
Trenton (Mercer). Boardman, Joseph C., M. D. '44. — 40 W. Front. 

Brown, Cecilia A., M. D. '82. — 211 Perry. 

Brown, Charles C, M. D. '87. — 425 Princeton-Avenue. 

Cooper, Isaac, M. D. New Jersey '44. Phil. '68. — 8—10, 2—4. 

Gerry, Ch. W., M. D. '78. — 232 E. Front. 

Griffith, Wm. H. G., M. D. '72. — 217 Hamilton- Avenue. 

Mc CuUough, John H., M. D. '92. — 213 Perry. 

Mc CuUough, Wm. G., M. D. '78. — 213 Perry. 

Satterthwaite, Joseph H., M. D. '83. — 139 S. Stockton. 

Williams, Frank H., M. D. Buckingham '52. Phil. '74. — 423 East 
State-Street. 8—10, 2—4, 7—8. S. 8—9. Phys. to Trenton homoeop. 

Woolsey, Wm. W., M. D. '91. — 558 Chestnut- Avenue. 

Worthington, Henry R., M. D. '86. — Hotel Windsor. 

Trenton society of homoeop. physicians. 213 Perry. 

Trenton homoeop. hospital. 
Upper Montclair. Wood, Frances, M. D. '92. 
Vineland (Cumberland). Beck, Judson L., M. D. '79. 

TiUotson, Willie C, M. D. '82. 
Washington (Warren). Mc Kinstry, Frank R, M. D. '78. 
Westfield (Union). Smith, Theodore V., M. D. '73. 
West Hoboken (Hudson). Mc Clellan, David, M. D. '80. 
Woodbury (Gloucester). Abbott, Clarence G., M. D. '79. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

124 New Mexico. — United States of America. — New York. 

Woodbury (Gloucester). Mc George, Wallace, M. D. '68. 

Parker, Thomas E., M. D. '80. 

WiUiams, Wm. C, M. J). 77. 

West Jersey homoeop. medical society. 
Woods town (Salem). Souder, Phil. G., M. D. '75. 

New Mexico* 

Albuquerque (Beroalillo). Shepard, Wm. T., M. D. '88. 

Stevens, M. B., M. D. 
Chloride (Sierra). Blinn, Eimer P., M. D. '74. 
Gallup. Wilms, Frederic, M. D. 
Las Vegas (San Miguel). Cunningham, J. M. '70. 
Mescalero (Dona Ana). Marden, A. E., M. D. '89. 
Santa Fe. Eggert, Wm., M. D. '63. 

Tierra Bianca. Beals, W, Guy, M. D. Chic. '83. Sanatorium for lung 

New York. 

Adams (Jefferson). Nickelson, Wm. H., M. D. '81. 
Alb'any. Blessing, Eimer A., M. D. '85. — 93 Hudson- Avenue. 
Booth, James P., M. D. 5 Clinton. 
Carroll, Stephen, M. D. '70. — 284 State. 
Cox, Fred. J., M. D. '92. — 109 State. 
Cox, George A., M. ü. '80. — 80 S. Swan. 
Cox, James William, M. D. Silbertville Otsago Co. '28. Albany '52. 

109 State- Street. Before 9 and at 3. Consulting physician at homoeop. 

Gorham, George E., M. D. Le Raysville '50. Chic. '74. — 160 Hamilton- 

Street. 8-9, 3—4, 7—8. Phys. to Alb. homoeop. hospital. 
Hunting, Nelson, M. D. GaUupville '37. N. Y. '69. — 155 Hamilton- 

Street. Until 10, 1—3, 6-8. 
Jones, Ch. E., M. D. '72. — 140 State. 
Jones, E. Darwin, M. D. '41. — 140 State. 
Mc Kown, James P., M. D. '66. — 335 Hamilton. 
Milbank, Wm. E., M. D. '72. — 111 State. 
Nead, Will. M., M. D. Clev. '84. — 210 State. 
Paine, Horace M., A. M., M. D. Paris '27. N. Y. '49. — 105 State- 

Street. 2—4. Spec. : Surgical dis. of women. See. of St. homoeop. 

med. soc. Com. etc. 
Pratt, Lester M., M. D. '54. — 123 N. Pearl. 
Schwartz, Charles W., M. D. '80. — 81 Clinton-Avenue. 
Albany homoeop. med. society. 
Albany city homoeop. hospital and dispensary '76. 
Albany house of shelter. 
Albion. De Forest, Cole D., M. D. Le Fargeville '54. Hahnem. coUege '81. 

Orleans Co. 8—10, 1—3. S. 12—2. Spec: Diseases of women and 

nose and throat. 
Norton, Frank ß., M. D. '72. 
Alexandria Bay. Campbell, E. E., M. D. '85. 

Cole, John D., M. D. '82. 
Alfred Centre. Coon, Henry Clarke, A. M., M. D., Ph. D. Otsego, 

New York '62. Professor of chemistry. 
Truman, Irving P., M. D. '70. 
Almond (Allegany). Famum, Llewellyn D., M. D. '52. 
Amsterdam. Frazier, Leonard A., M. D. '81. 
Hicks, Horace M., M. D. '86. 
White, Wm. M., M. D. '86. 
Children home. 
Homoeop. med. society. 
Arcade. Hulett, Gües S., M. D. '67. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

New York. — United States of America. — New York. 125 

Athens (Greene). Sanford, Wilbur F., M. D. 78. 
Attica (Wyoming). Gifford, Wm. B., M. D. 76. 

Warren, S. G., M. D. '65. 
Auburn (Oayuga). Baker, Allen* E., M. D. '88. 

Boyce, Captain W., M. D. '65. 

Gwynn, Ch. A., M. D. '88. 

Gwynn, Wm. M., M. D. '68. 

Heartwell, Wm. B., M. D. '76. 

Hyatt, Francis M., M. D. '73. 

Smith, Truman K., M. D. '72. 
Avon (Livingston). Allen, Cyrus, M. D. N. Y. '64 Phys. to the Sanitorium. 
Babylon (Suffolk). Woodruff, Alden J., M. D. '85. 
Baldwinsvill6 (Onondaga). Burch, G. H., M. D. 

Martin, Leslie, M. D. '64. 
Ballston (Saratoga). Doolittle, James F., M. D. '52. 

Royal, T. C, M. D. '83. 
Batavia (Genesee). Baker, John W., M. D. Cinc. '87. — 58 Main. 

Hutchins, Horace S., M. D. '61. 

Le Seur, John W., M. D. '86. 
Batchellerville. Anderson, J. K., M. D. 
Bay Shore (Suffolk). Foster, Wm. E , M. D. '91. 
Belfast (Allegany). Chamberlain, Joseph H., M. D. '78. 

Todd, Wm. S., M. D. '76. 
Belmont. Hardy, Wm. J., M. D. '89. 

Paul, Wm. K., M. D. '84. 
Binghamton (Broome). Blair, Lizzie C, M. D. '84. 

Corwin, Elizabeth, M. D. '86. 

Düdine, Ida L., M. D. '87. 

Hand, George F., M. D. '65. 

Jenkins, George H., M. D. '89. 

Mc Graw, de Witt, M. D. '88. 

MandeviUe, Fred, de L., M. D. '77. 

Martin, Lynn A., M. D. Harpersvüle '64. N. Y. '86. — 91 CoUier-Street. 
8-10, 2-4, 7-8. 

MiUs, Alice F., M. D. '80. 

Olmstead, Edw. M., M. D. '87. 

Proctor, WiUis H., M. D. '80. 

Sloan, Henry S., M. D. '62. 

Snyder, Edw. E., M. D. Phü. '72. — 27 Main. 

Ward, C. Austin, M. D. '87. 

Winters, Charles S., M. D. '90. 

W. S. Smith & Sons. 

Homoeop. med. society. 
Boonville (Oneida). Warren, Wood ward, M. D. 
Brewster (Putnam). Strunk, Ed. P., M. D. '74. 
Brighton (Monroe). Wheeler, Jared P., M. D. '5.5. 
Brockport (Monroe). Whiton, Alpha M., M. D. '81. 

Winne, Frank A., M. D. '78. 
Brookfield (Madison). Irons, Francena L., M. D. '88. 
Brooklyn. Aten, W. H., M. D. L. I. coli, hospital '83. — 143 St. Felix- 
Street. 8—10, 6-8. 

Atwood, Jos. Freem., M. D. N. Jersey '45. N. Y. '70. — 149 Green- 
Avenue. 8--9V2, 1V2~2, 6— 7V«. Throat and nose dis. Phys. in chief 
Brookl. mer. and inf. hospital. See. med. staff. Bf. homoeop. hospital. 

Avery, E. W., M. D. N. Y. '66. N. Y. homoeop. med. coli. '68. — 16 Han- 
cock-Street. Before 10, after 5. Phys. and surg. 

Baker, Jennie V. H., M. D. N. Y. '82. — 512 Bedford -Avenue. 8—9, 1—3. 

Barkeloo, Harriet, M. D. N. Y. '82. — 915 Third-Avenue. 8-10. 

Baylies, Baron Bradford L., M. D. N. Y. '29. 52. — 418 Putmann- 
Avenue. 8 — 10, 5 — 6V2. S. 3—6. Spec: Chronic, dis. Med. dir. of 
St. Marth. saii. Brookl. " Phys. Brookl. disp. Presid. of Kings country 
homoeop. med. soc. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

126 New York. — United States of America. — New York. 

Brooklyn. Bennet, G. H. R, M. D. N. Y. '60. - 21 St. Portland- 

Avenue. 8—10. 
Bennett, N. K, M. D. N. Y. '77. — 624 Macon-Street. 8—10, 7-9. 
Bierbauer, B. W., M. D. N. Y. '91/ — 109 Cumberland-Street. 
Bishop, Gertrude G., M. D. N. Y. '77. - 475 Madison-Street. 9—11, 6—7. 
Blackman, W. W., M. D. N. Y. '77. — 519 Clinton -Avenue. 8—10, 

3-5. S. 8-10. 
Bolan, L. W., M. D. N. Y. '85. — 679 Greene -Avenue. 8—10, 1—2, 

6-7 Va. 
Bond, Frank, M. D. A. B. N. Springfield '27. N. Y. '57. - 27 Schermer- 

hom-Street. 8—10, 2-3, 7-8. 
Bonneil, Charles P., M. D. A. M. Phil. '71. — 3 Hanson-Place. 8-10, 

Breck, W. B., M. D. N. Y. '90. — 64 Seventh -Avenue. 8-11, 5-7. 
Brinkerhoff, A S., A. M. M. D. N. Y. '92. — 544 Monroe - Street. 

8-10, 5-7. 
Bronson, C. H., M. D. N. Y. '70. — 438 Pacific - Street. 8-10, 3—4. 
Brown, Harriet E., M. D. '72. — 440 Franklin-Avenue. 
Bryant, Melville, M. D. '62. — 54 Greene- Avenue. 
Bulmer, G. W., M. D. N. Y. '84. — 1210 Bushwick- Avenue. 8—11, 6—7. 
Bumette, Katherine D., M. D. A. B. N. Y. '92. — 486 Bedford- Avenue. 

8-9, 1—2, 5-7. 
Burnham, Clarke, M. D. Phil. '81. — 182 Clinton-Street. 8—11, 2—4. 
Butier, W. M., M. D. N. Y. '73. — 507 Clinton-Avenue. 9—12, 6—7. 

S. 9-12. 
Caldwell, F. E., M. D. Phil. '80. — 151 Henry-Street. SV«— 12. 
Campbell, AUce B., M. D. N. Y. '36. '67. — 114 South Third-Street. 

9—11, 6— 7V2. Cons. staff. N. Y. med. coli and hospital for women 

and mem. hospital Brooklyn. 
Cardozo, J. L., M. D. Med. coli, of S. C. '78. - 287 Hoyd-Street. 8-10, 

12-1, 6-77«. 
Cargill, Frank A., M. D. '92. — 507 Mc Donough. 
Carr, H. L., M. D. N. Y. '87. — 876 Lafayette -Avenue. Until 10, 

I2V2-IV2, 5-7. 
Cassidy, Georgia A., M. D. N. Y. '80. — 703 Nostrand- Avenue. Until 9, 

Chapin, Edward, M. D. N. Y. '78. — 21 Schermerhom- Street. 8—10, 

2 3 5 71/ 

Chaplain, F. T.^ M. D. Phil. '82. — 324 Summer- Avenue. 8-10, 6—8. 
Clarke, M. Elizabeth, M. D. N. Y. '81. — 8 Lafayette-Avenue. 8—12, 

except Thurs. 
Close, Stuart, M. D. N. Y. 'a5. — 641 WiUoughby- Avenue. 8—10, 1—2, 

Coddington, Fannie ß., M. D. '67. — 16 Ormand-Pl. 
Cornell, G. B., M. D. N. Y. '64. — 192a Sixth- Avenue. 8-10, 1—2, 6—8. 
Cort, Lottie A., M. D. N. Y. '83. — 89 Division -Avenue. 8 — 9V2, 

1—2, 6—7. 
Delke, Gustav, M. D. 114 Bergen. 
Deniton, R. N., L. X M. D. N. Y. '78. — 170 Sixth-Avenue. 8—10, 

1-2, 6-7%. 
Dewey, George A , M. D. '49. — 239 Qumcy. 
D'ickie, Perry, M. D. '80. — 200 Schermerhorn. 
Diehl, W. Jr., M. D. N. Y. '91. — 36 Mekibben-Street. 8—10, 6%—7% 

S. 9—11. 
Doty, George H., M. D. N. Y. '84. — 129 Schermerhom-Street. 8—10, 

Doty, Stephen B., M. D. '52. — 130 Ryerson. 
Dunlevy, Suzette E., M. D. '78. — 65 Livingston. 
Eaton, J. Albro, M. D. Pulte, med. col. '76. — 94 Taylor- Street. Until 9, 

1—2, 7—8. 
Eden, Samuel, M. D. Phil. '76. — 1340 Bushwick -Avenue. Until 9, 


Digitized by VjOOQIC 

New York. — United States of America. — New York. 127 

Brooklyn. ElUot, A. H., M. D. N. Y. *88. — 482 Quincy-Street. 8-10, 

. Elliot, J. B., M. D. Haie med. coli. '53. — 493 Clinton- Avenue, üntil 9»/», 

Ensey, W. W-, M. D. N. Y. '92. — 109 Cumberland- Street. TJntü 9. 
Ermentraut, John P., M. D. '63. — 134 Hendrix. 
Fawdrey, John W., M. D. '92. — 46 Concord. 
Fincke, Bern., M. D. Treuen '21. N. Y. '54. — 122 Livingstone-Street. 

8-10, 2-4. 
Fiske, WiU. M. L., M. D. New York '41. — '90. — 484 Bradford- 

Avenue. 8—11. Oons. phvs. mem. hospital for wom. and Brookl. dis. 
Geran, Fr., M. D. Univ. of Marpurg '42. — 957 Willoughby -Avenue. 
Gerrie, James, M. D. '68. — • 357 Halsey. 
Gilbert, Henry S., M. D. '49. — 811 Cumberland. 
Gilleespie, Lezzie S , M. D. '85. *- 871 Bedford- Avenue. 
Given, J. B., M. D. Phil. '90. — 315 Eleventh- Street. 8—10, 1—3, 

7—8. S. 8-10, 1-3, 6-7. 
Gorton, D. A., M. D. N. Y. '58. — 137 Clinton- Street. 9—10, 3—4, 6—8. 
Grady, Mary E., M. D. 0. A. N. Y. '84. — 436 Monroe - Street. 

Untü 9, 4-5. 
Hadley, C. H., L. Y. Blytheboume ?. Boston '81. — 58th Street and 

13th Avenue. Until 9, 4—6. 
Hamilton, Clark T., M. D. '65. — 375 Degraw. 
Hanford, Maria U., M. D. '90. — 178 S., 5th. 
Hanford, S. Cullen, M. D. '46. — 178 S., 5th. 
Hanford, Wm. H., M. D. '53—84 Lee- Avenue. 
Harrington, James C, M. D. '65. — 151 Pierrepont. 
Hasbrouck, E., M. D. N. Y. '65. — 369 Ninth-Street. Until 3, 4—6. 
Hawley, H. ßeed., M. D. '^. — 30 Willow-Pl. 
Hopper, Magnus T., M. D. N. Y. '91. — 155 Hancock-Street. Until 

lOV«, 12—1, 5—7. 
Houghton, Burr L., M. D. '81. — 1395 Bedford- Avenue. 
Hudson, W. T., M. D. N. Y. '86. — 218 Livingston-Street. 8—10, 5^77«. 
Hunt, Ida B., M. D. N. Y. '80. — 214 Quincy-Street. 8-10, 6—8. 
Der, G. H., M. D. N. Y. '90. — 455 Halsey- Street. 9—11, 5— 7V«. 

S. 2-4. 
Jeffrey, Geo. G., M. D. Pulte med. coli. '75. — 343 Jefferson -Avenue. 

8—11, 6—8. 
Jenks, E. P., L. Y. Coli. Hosp '85. — 419 Ninth-Street. 8-10, 

4-6, 7-8. 
Johnston, C. L., M. J). Mich. '84. — 467 Yanderbilt -Avenue. 8—10, 

Kastendieck, J. T. W., M. D. N. Y. '88. — 461 Bedford -Avenue. 

8—10, 2—3, 7-8. 
Keep, J. Lester, M. D. N. Y. '66. — 460 Clinton- Avenue. 
Knapp, H. J., M. D. N. Y. '84. — 287 So Fifth-Street. 8-10, 6—8, 

O -j Q 

Lassen, Helene 8., M. D. N. Y. '71. — 152 Henry - Street. 10-2. 
Latimer, Wm. C, M. D. N. Y. '81. — 4IOV2 CKnton- Street. Untü 

12—2, 6—7. S. IOV2. 
Lauer, C. F., M. D. N. Y. '63. — 241 Schenck-Street. 8—10, 1—3, 7-8. 
Lawrence, Jerome B., M. D. N. Y. '85. — 289 Ninth-Street. 8—10, 

4—5, 7-8. 
Lewis, Elizabeth F. '91. — 370 Putnam- Avenue. 
Lewis, H. M., M. D. PMl. '70. — 171 ßemsen-Street. 8—10, 3-4. 
Lines, Amelia W., M. D. '59. — 344 Washington- Avenue. 
Lines, Mary L., M. D. Michigan '84. — 344 Washington- Avenue. 9—12. 
Lutze, F. H., M. D. N. Y. '82. — 232 Ross-Street. 8-97«, 1— 27^, 6—8. 
Macfarland, Ä. L., M. D. Woodhaven L. J. ?. N. Y. ?. Until 97«, 

1—3, 67o-8. 
Manaton, W. P., M. D. N. Y. '86. — 177 Stuyvesant -Avenue, üntil 

iov„ 4-57». 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

128 N'ew York. — United States of America. — New York. 

Brooklyn. Martin, Ella M., M. D. N. Y. '90. — 461 Halsey - Street. 

8—10, 5-7. 
Martineau, S. Cath., M.D. N. Y. '84. — 309 Clinton-Street. 10-1, 6—7. 
Martiuo, Richard R., M. D. *84. — 139 New Jersey-Avenue. 
Mead, Byron E., M. D. '78. — 371 State. 

Mc Cune, Olive F., M. D. N. Y. '59. — 53 Orange-Street. 1—6. 
Mc Kinney, Susan S., M. D. N. Y. '70. — 205 De Kalb- Avenue. 9—11, 

1—3, 7-10. 
Mc Lenathan, W. H., M. D. N. Y. '78 — 101 Division-Avenue. 8—9, 

2 2 6 7V • 

Metcalf,'jewett W., M. D. '75. — 609 Halsey. 

Miner, Edwin, M. D. N. Y. '70. — 410 Grand-Avenue. 8-10, 5-7. 

Minton, H. B., M. D. N. Y. '87. — 165 Joralemon-Street. 9—12. Tuesd. 

and Frid. 7—9 evenings. 
Minton, Henry, M. D. A. M. Penn. '53. — 165 Joralemon-Street. 8—10, 

3—4. Mond, and Thursd. 7—9 evenings. 
Moffat, John L., M. D., B. S. 0. et chir. N. Y. '77. - 17 Schermer- 

hom-Street. Before 10, 1— IV«? »— '^• 
Moffat, Reuben C, M. D. New York '18. '46. — 17 Schermerhom-Street. 

Untü 10, 2—3, 57«— "^Vß. 
Monmonier, Julius M., M. D. '71. — 128 Greene-Avenue. 
Moriarty, P. C, M. D., 0. et A. chir. N. Y. '88. — 461 Halsey- Street. 

Untü 10, 2—3, 5V2-'7V2. 
Muncie, E. H., M. D. N. Y. '78, — 363 Tompkins-Avenue. 8—10, 12-1, 

Nichols, George, M. D. Sturbridge '29. Philadelphia '61. — 306 Monroe- 

Street. 8—972, 4-6. Also consultations 236 Leonard-Street. 2—3. 
Nichols, Georg H., M. D. '86. — 236 Leonard. 
Nickerson, Fannie 0., M. D. '67. — 16 Ormond-Pl. 
Onderdonk, Emma, M. D. N. Y. '74. — 104 S. EUiot- Place. 8—9, 

12—2, 5—7. 
Palmer, A. J., M. D. N. Y. '54. — 90 Hancock - Street. Untü 9V2, 

Palmer, G. Howard, M. D. N. Y. '84. — 90 Hancock- Street. Until 10, 

Pardee, Ward. C, M. D. Phil. '60. — 86 Monroe - Street. Untü 9, 

1—2, 5—6. 
Parkhurst, G. H., M. D. N. Y. '61. 
Patton, James H., M. D. '70. — 26 Hannover-Place. 
Percy, Frederik Bosnorth, M. D. A. B. Bath '56. Boston 80. Aspin- 

waU- Avenue. 2—4. Assist. Professor mat. medica Boston university. 
Pierron, H. J., M. D. N. Y. '84. — 438 Greene- Avenue. 8—10, 1—2, 6—8. 
Pierson, W. H., M. D. N. Y. ?. 101 Mc Donough - Street. 8-10, 

1—2, 6—7. 
Preston, Henry G., M. D. B. A. BeUcone '69. — 98 Lafayette-Avenue. 

Mond., Wednesd. and Frid. Before 11, 7— 8. July, August, September 

Richardson, B. M., M. D. N. Y. '65. — 161 Halsey - Street. 8—9, 

2 3 g 9^ 

Richter,' H. W., M. D. N. Y. '62. — 240 Clmton - Street. Untü 9Vt, 

1__2, 5—6. 
Rink, W. S., M. D. Phil. "85. -^ 272 Halsey - Street. 8-10, 1—2, 

6— 7Va. S. untü 12. 
Risley, F. E., M. D. N. Y. '89. — 355 Jefferson-Avenue. 8—9, 1—2, 

Ritch, Arnos M., M. D. '86. — 260 Stuyvesant- Avenue. 
Ritch, 0. S., M. D. N. Y. '78. — 314 Macon-Street. 8—10, 1—3, 6—8. 
Robert, John C, M. D. New Utrecht ?. New York ?. 
Robinson, Nathaniel, M. D. N. Y. '85. The 'Rennaissance' cor. 

Nostrand- Avenue and Hancock- Street. 8—11, 6—7. S. 2—3. 
RockefeUer, H. 0., M.D. Chic. 87. — 152 Jerome-Street. 7—9, 1-2, 


Digitized by VjOOQIC 

New York. — (Jnited States of America. — New York. 129 

Brooklyn. Russell, J. E., M. D. N. Y. '80. — 1032 Bedford- Avenue. 

8—11, 2—4, 7-^8. 
Sage, H. R, M. D. N. Y. '91. 
Schenk, Herbert Dana, M. D. Union Springs '57. N. Y. 87/88. — 

241 Mc Donough- Street. 8—11, 5—7. Oculist and anrist. Oculist 

to Brookl. E. D. Homoeop. dispensary, Oculist to Brookl. nurses and 

infants hospital. 
Schlegel, Louise, M. D. N. Y. '89. — 129 Summer - Avenue. 8—10, 

1 Q ly Q 

SchUeck, Charles G., M. D. '78. — 68 Maujer. 

Searle, W. S., M. D. Penns. '59. — 132 Henry-Street. Until 10, 4-6. 
Shrewsbury, W. J., M. D. N. Y. '81. — 208 Marcy- Avenue. 8—10, 
2-3^ 6-8. 

Simmons, Daniel, M. D. N. Y. '73. — 97 Lee -Avenue. Until 9»/«, 
2 3 Q 71/ 

Slee, H.' C, M.^D. N. Y. '85. — 277 Hewes-Street. 10—12, 6—8. 
Smith, Alanson T., M. D. N. Y. '85. — 699 Greene -Avenue. 8—10, 

2-4, 6-8. 
Smith, Chas. W., M. D. N. Y. '88. — 255 Thirteenth-Street 8— 97«, 

1-3. 7-8. 
Smith, Clara L., M. D. N. Y. '90. — 26 Fourth-Place. 
Smith, George H., M. D. N. Y. '69. — 921 Greene-Avenue. 8—10, 7—8. 
Smith, Hugh M., M. D. N. Y. '76. — 78 Orange-Street. 8—10, 2-3, 

Smith, S. E.', M. D. N. Y. '92. — 77 Arlington-Street. Until 10, 6-7 Va- 
Spooner, E. H., M. D. B. A. N. Y. '69. — 590 Mc Donough - Street. 

Before 10, after 6. 
Stafford, Fred. E., M. D. '70. — 142 Putnam- Avenue. 
Sterling, John H., M. D. '69. — 227 Schermerhom. 
Stewart, J. A., M. D. N. Y. '85. — 1032 Bedford-Avenue. 8-10, 7—8, 

S. 1-2. 
Stolz, Rosalie H., M. D. N. Y. '85. - 490 Van Buren-Street. 8—10, 

1—2, 6—7. 
Straley, May W., M. D. '84. — 195 Hopkinson- Avenue. 
Street, Herm. E., M. D. N. Y. '92. — 98 Brooklyn -Avenue. 8-10, 

I2V9-2, 6-8. 
Streubel, Julius, M. D. '80. — 18 Wall. 
Stuart, Close, M. D. Wisconsin '60. N. Y. '85. — 641 Willoughby- 

Avenue. 8-10, 1—2, 6— 7V2. Chronic, dis. 
Sutton, J. J., M. D. N. Y. '78. — 164 Tompkins -Avenue. 8—10, 

12—2, 6— 7V2. 
Talmage, Samuel, M. D. N. Y. '70. — 22 Schermerhom- Avenue. 8—10, 

3-4, 7-8. 
Terhune, Walter S.; M. D. '77. — 21 Utica- Avenue. 
Thompson, J.M..M.D. Phil. '79. — 382 Clinton-Street. 8—10, 1—2, 7-8. 
Valentine, Richard K., M. D. N.. Y. '55. — '75. — 25, 8th Avenue. 

Until 11, 6— 7V2. Staff Brookl. homoeop. hospital. 
Van Mater, George G., M. D. '92. — 354 Macon. 
Von der Luhe, A. D. F., M. D. N. Y. '89. — 801 Driggs -Avenue. 

Until 10, 1—3, 7—8. 
Von der Luhe, A., M. D. N. Y. '72. — 245 Hooper - Street. 8—10. 

■t Q 7 Q g Q IQ 1 01/ 

Von der Luhe, Margaretiie B., Ü. D. N. Y. '82. — 85 Driggs - Street 

and 63 Montrose-Avenue. Until 10, 1—3, after 7. 
Walters, Charles A., M. D. '78. — 111 Milton. 
Ward, James H., M. D. '50. — 528 Bedford-Avenue. 
Warner, A. G., M. D., 0. et A. chir. N. Y. '83. — 194 Schermerhom- 

Street. 8-11, 5-7. 
Watson, J. L., M. D. N. Y. '81. Cor. Schermerhom-Street and Bond- 

Street 11—12, 4—6. 
Wemmel, A. A., M. D. N. Y. '75. — 2600 Atiantic -Avenue. 8—10, 

3—4, 6-8. 

Homöopathisches Jahrbuch. Band II. 9 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

130 New York. — United States of America. — New York. 

Brooklyn. Whitney, E. J., M. D. N. Y. '62. — 100 Lafayette -Avenue. 

üntü 11. Sund. 1-3. 
WiUiams, F. B., M. D. N. Y. '84. — 683 Bedford- Avenue. 8-10, 6—8. 
Willis, H., M. D. Cleveland '64. — 695 Lafayette -Avenue. 9—10, 

1—2, 6. 
Wüson, Chas. H., M. D. 97 Clymer- Street. 8—10, 2—3, TVa— 9. — 

177 Stuyvesant- Avenue. 7»/,,— SV^, 12-1 V2» öV^-eVa, after 9V2. 
Winchell, W. B., M. D. A. M.^ N. Y. '86. — 102 Sixth- Avenue. 8-10, 

1214-2, 6-7V2. 
Brooklyn E. D. hompeop. dispensary. 
Gales- Avenue homoeop. disp. 

Dispensary of the memorial hospital for women and children. 
Central homoeop. dispensary '75. — 39 Sumpter. 
Homoeop. dispensary '72. — 194 S., 3d. 
St. Marthas sanitanum. 

Brooklyn matemity and N. Y. State for training nurses. 
Memorial hospital for women and children. 
Home for consumptives. 
Brownville (Jefferson). Gates, R. F., M. D. '85. 
Buffalo. Babcock, Cyrus W., M. D. '66. — 151 Allen. 
Baething, Henry, M. D. '70. — 350 Penn. 
Beals, Herbert J., M. D. '78. — 160 Franklin. 
Boume, Phil. H., M. D. '91. - 74 Cottage. 
Bradbury, Emest A., M. D. 

Brayton, Samuel N., M. D. '61. — 202 Delaware- Avenue. 
Broardt, Peter, M. D. 394 Adams. 
Bück, Champlin F., M. D. '85. — 362 Main. 
BuU, Alex. T., M. D. '48. — 184 Franklin. 
Carter, P. Livingstone. '86. — 1122 West- Avenue. 
Colton, Henry E., M. D. '72 — 362 Pearl. 
Cook, Joseph T., M. D. Clev. '81. — 138 Delaware-Avenue. 
Dean, David A., M. D. '78. — 1233 Michigan. 
Eadie, Andrew B., M. D. '86. — 99 Plymouth- Avenue. 
Fisher, Edw. A., M. D. '81. — 1038 Fillmore-Avenue. 
Fester, Hubbard A., M. D. '71. — 3 St. Johns-Place. 
Forst, Henry C, M. D. '74. — 212 Delaware-Avenue. 
Hadley, Wm. A. M., M. D. '89. — 188 Franklin. 
Haibert, J. Sandford, M. D. Buöalo '72. — 389 Pearl. 
Heinemann, John D., M. D. '75. — 77 E. Eagle. 
Hinkley, Alonzo S., M. D. '50. - 78 W. Huron. 
Hussey, Elisha P., M. D. '76. — 493 Porter- Avenue. 
Jordan, Oscar J., M. D. '90. — 1662 Broadway. 
Kenyon, Wm. B., M. D. '73. - 86 W. Mohawk. 
Lewis, F. Park, M. D. '76. - 188 Franklin. 
Lewis, George W., M. D. '51. — 311 Delaware- Avenue. 
Linguist jr., Maurice F., M. D. — 206 Lexington- Avenue. 
Manges, Monroe, M. D. '92. — 568 Delaware-Avenue. 
Martin, Trumann J., M. D. AUentown '57. N. Y. '78. — 143 Bryant- 

Street. 2— 3V2 and 772- Njervousand child. dis. Phys. Buif. homoeop. 

Maycock, Burt J., M. D. '86. — 166 Franklin. 
Mc Crea, Phil. A., M. D. '75. — 362 Main. 
Mc Gül, Wm. D., M. D. '80. — 294 S. Division. 
Miller, John, M. D. '82. — 48 St. Johns-Place. 
Morris, Sarah Howe, M. D. '69. — 159 Franklin. 
Moseley, George T., M. D. '86. — 202 Delaware- Avenue. 
Parmenter, Wm. L., M. D. '73. — 931 Prospect-Avenue. 
Roberts, Burt B., M. D. '62. — 16 S. Division. 
Salter, Albert E., M. D. '91. — 470 Elm. 
Seymour, Abby J., M. D. '73. — 791 The Front. 
Stearns, George R^ M. D. '78. — 205 Linwood- Avenue. 
Streng, Chapman E., M. D. '92. — 1662 Broadway. 

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New York, — United States of America. — New York. 131 

Baffalo. Stumpf, Daniel B., M. D. '76. — 631 EUicott 

Sutherland, Joseph H., M. D. '67. — 13Va Swan. 

Wage, John F., M. D. Detroit '74. — 414 Seneca. 

Wilcox de Witt, G., M. D. Clev. '80. — 568 Delaware-Avenue. 

Wilder, RoseUa C, M. D. '84. — 75 Niagara. 

Wright, And. R., M. D. '58. — 166 Franklin. 

Buffalo homoeop. eye, ear and throat dispensary '82. — 74 Cottage. 

Buffalo homoeop. hospital '72. 

Ophthalmie hospital. 

Ingleside home and hospital '69. 

Homoeop. medical society. 138 Delaware-Avenue. 
Caledonia (Livingston). Borden, George T., M. D. '76. 
Cambridge. Clark, Lymann A. , M. D. Poultney Vermont '45. New York '69. 
7 Maine-Street. 7-8, 1—2, 7-8. 

Lewis, Frank E., M. D. '86! 

Niver, J. Fenimore, M. D. '64. 
Canandaigua (Ontario). Beahan, Albert L , M. D. N. Y. '79. Presid. of 
phys. of Canandaigua. 

Mitchel, Ch. T., M. D. Hamilton '36. Toronto '63. Clev. '75. — 2 Park- 
Place. 7—9, 1—4, 8—10. Cons. in summer outside Tuesd. 10—4. 

Voak, J. Benson, M. D. '66. 

Warner, Franklin P., M. D. '87. 
Canastota (Madison). Edgerton, Melvin G., M. D. '81. 
Canisteo (Steuben). Smith, Thad. B., M. D. '91. 

Sutton, F. L., M. D. 
Canogo (Seneca). Frantz, Alb. J., M. D. '71. 
C an ton (St. Lawrence). Russell, George A., M. D. '82. 

Williams, Frank F., M. D. '83. 
Cape Vincent. Bushneil, Hanley N., M. D. '48. 
Carthage. Simonds, E. A., M. D. '84. 
Castle ton (Rensselaer). Welch, Clark D., M. D. '77. 
Cato (Cayuga). Everts, Edgar S., M. D. '58. 
Catskill (Greene). Vincent, Stanley H., M. D. '79. 
Cazenovia (Madison). Bass, Edgar C, M. D. '58. 
Chatham (Columbia). Van Buren, Hattie C. W., M. D. '90. 
Chittenango. Deuel, W. Estus, M. D. Wayne Co. N. Y. '52. New 

York '76. Until 9, 1-3, 7-8. 
Clayville (Oneida). Dewing, Wm. H., M. D. '82. 
Clifton Springs (Ontario). Adams, Mrs. Mary D., M. D. '68. 

Fester, Henry, M. D. Clev. '48. Proper Clifton Springs sanitorium. 

Wilcox, Fred. P., M. D. '86. 
Clinton (Oneida). Dever, Isaiah, M. D. Phil. '66. 
Clintondale (Ulster). Birdsall, Wm. G., M. D. '88. 
Clyde (Wayne). Hartmann, Louis W., M. D. '87. 
Cohocton (8t«uben)^ White, E. M.,JI. D. 
^ ' ' Vlbany) *"* _ '" 

Campbell, Wm. M., M. D. '89.~ 

Co ho es (Albany). BiUings, George H., M. D. '57. 

Cold Spring (Putnam). Winslow, James M., M. D. '73. 
Ol ton (St. Lawrence). Botsford, L. T., M. D. '78. 

Marsh, James M., M. D. '90. 
Cooperstown. Babbitt, OtisH., M. D. Otsego '54. N. Y. '82. — 1—2, 
6—8. Phys. and Surg. Presid. of thank. hospital. 

Blodgett, T. S., M. D. 
Corning (Steuben). Bryan, Edw. W., M. D. '68. 

Campbell, Ch. E., M. D. '84. 
" Gamman, A. M., M. D. '76. 

Gorton, Wm. E. A., M. D. '78. 

Hawley, George T., M. D. '86. 

Purdy, Marks, M. D. Chic. '84. Prop. Highland pines sanitoriunu 
Cortland. Johnson, Howard P., M. D. '81. 

Nash, Eugene, M. D. '74. 

Santee, Ellis M., M. D. '90. 


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132 New York. — United States of America. — New York. 

Crown Point. Eaton, Erwin R., M. D. '82. 

Dansville (Livingston). Andrews, Benjamin P., M. D. '77. 

Delhi (Delaw. County). Schumann, Carl, M. D. Arolsen' 63. K Y. '67. 

11—12, 7—8. Dis. of nose and throat. 
Deposit (Broome). Leonard, Harvey K., M. D. '81. 
De ßuyter (Madison). Coon, Edwin K, M. D. 
Dohbs Ferry (Westchester). Hasbrouck, Joseph, M. D. '69. 
Dunkirk. Alling, David G., M. D. Norwalk '42. N. Y. '65. — 29 West, 
• 4th Street. 1—2, 7—9. 

Curtis, Charles C, M. D. '74. 

Pon, Isaac W., M. D. '70. 
East Aurora (Erie). Mitchell, Arthur L., M. D. '83.] 
East Berne (Albany). Gallup, Miner W., M. D. '75. 
East Bloomfield. Partridge, B. S., M. D. Canadice '51. Pulte med. 

coli. '83. — 2 Park-Street. 7-9, 12—2, 7-9. 
East Greenbush. Curran, Sylvanus C, M. D. '85. 
Easton. Mosher, . Eimer E., M. D. '85. 
Elbridge (Onondaga). Warren, Erastus B., M. D. '60. 
Elienville (Ulster). Smith, Henry C, M. D. '74. 
Elmira (Chemung). Adriance, Frank W., M. D. '77. 

Easton, James D., M. D. *76. 

Eddy, Ermina C, M. D. '80. 

Ingham, George W., M. D. '53. 

Jenks, Robert B., M. D. '68. 

MiUer, Wm. L., M. D. '81. — 102 W. Water. 

Noble, Elsworth H., M. D. '90. 

Noble, George Z., M. D. '55. 

Orton, George E., M. D. 

Parkhurst, Lewis D., M. D. N. Y. '68. — 332 E. Water. 

Southern tier homoeop. med. association. 532 Penn- Avenue. 
Essex. Chase, Edwin R., M. D. '54. 
Evergreen (Queens). Van Nostrand, E. P., M. D. '86. 
Exeter (Otsego). Chappell, Charles, M. D. 
Fairport (Monroe). Clapp, Wesley F., M. D.. '72. 
Fayetteville (Onondaga). Badgley, Coburn, M. D. '85. 
Fiatbush (Ejngs). Boocock, Robert, M. D. '91. 

Fiatbush homoeop. dispensary. 
Florida (Orange). Jayne, de Witt, M. D. '39. 
Flushing (Queens). Allen, Wm., A., M. D. '70. 

Fox, John J., M. D. '76. 

Leggett, Charles P., M. D. '47. 

Homoeop. medical society. 
Fort Ann (Washington). Mott, OrvUle H., M. D. '47. 
Fort Edward. Crandall C, M. D. 

Quackenbush, Edward M., M. D. '89. 

Vandenburg, M. W., A. M., M. D. N. Y. '79. 
Fort Pia in (Montgomery). Zoller, Wm., M. D. '78. 
Fredonia. Couch, Asa S., M. D. Westfield '33. Phil. •55. — 10—1. 
Presid. N. Y. State board of homoeop. med. examiners. 

Dods, A. Wilson, M. D. 78. 

Evans, Alb. J., M. D. Orleans '44. PhU. '71. Untü 9, 1—3, 7—8. 
Friendship (AUegany). Williamson, Bemsley, M. D. '76. 

Allegany Co. homoeop. medical society. 
Fulton (Oswego). Haviland, Norman H., M. D. '73. 

Woodburry, W. L., M. D. 
Genes eo. West, James A., M. D. '68. 
Geneva (Ontario). Covert, Nelson B., M. D. '62. 

Knapp, James C, M. D. '84. 

8tebbin;3, James H., M. D. '55. 
Ghent (Columbia). Green, James H., M. D. 

Mull, Phil. W., M. D. '52. 
Glen Cove (Queens). Watson, Henry B., M. D. '68. 

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New York. — United States of America. — New York. 133 

Glen Head (Queens). Freeman, George L., M. D. *52. 
Glens Falls (Warren). Birdsall, Stephen T., M. D. '68. 

Bullard, David H., M. D. 

Coffin, Henry W., M. D. '81. 

Little, George W., M. D. '58. 
Gloversville. Bissell, Daniel A., M. D. '83. 

Eisenbrey, Edward H., M. D. '70. 

Gamsey, Wm. S., M. D. '80. 

Ingalls, Gilbert, M. D. '72. 

Tuck, Arthur E., M. D. '72. 
Goshen (Orange). Hitchcock, E. Ward., M. D. '90. 

Ostrom, J. W., M. D. 
Gouverneur (St. Lawrence). Baldwin, J. B., M. D. 

Flint, Wm. J., M. D. '90. 
Gowanda. Zwetsch, J. D. '82. 
Granville (Washington). Mosher, Byron D., M. '79. 
Greene (Chenango). Hubbard, H. L., M. D. 
Green wich. Hülst, Peter H., M. D. '66. 
Groton (Tompkins). Baldwin, Alva M. '80. 
Hamilton (Madison). Flint, Charles B., M. D. '90. 

Gifford, Gilbert, L., M. D. '63. 
Hammondsport. Boericke, Francis Edmond, M. D. Glauchau '26. 
Phil. '63. Membre of the Hahnemann Publishing house * Boericke & 
Hartwick (Otsego). Luce, Daniel, M. D. '89. 
Hempstead (Queeire). Lount, Rob., M. D. '81. 

Ludlum, Charl. H., M. D. '65. 
Herkimer. Kern, Eimer G., M. D. '81. 
Heuvelton (St. Lawrence). Turner, Jason, M. D. '73.. 
Homer (Cortland). Goodell, Kollin A., M. D. '77. 

Potter, Leonard W*., M. D. 
Honcoye Falls (Monroe). Brown, D. G., M. D. 

Otis, Charles F., M. D. '82. 
Hoosick Falls. Hudson, Fred. R., M. D. '82. 

Lamb, George M., M. D. '79. 

Putnam, Wm. B., M. D. '79. 

Shaw, James C, M. D. '81. 
Horseheads (Ghemung). Groom, Orlando, M. D. 
Hudson. Cook, Charles P., M. D. '68. 

Doland, Thomas D., M. D. Ireland '50. Chic. '82. Office 207 Warren- 
Street. 8—10, 2-4, 7-9. 

Tracy, Aurelius M., M. D. '83. 
Ilion (Herkimer). Ward, H. A. '87. 
Ithaca (Tompkins). Besemer, Martin, M. D. 

Bishop, Alonson, M. D. '63. 

Griggs, Elma, M. D. '88. 

Kirkendall, John S., M. D. '80. 

Morgan, Ed. J., M. D. '49. 

Morgan jr., Edw. J., M. D. '78. 

Parker, Samuel J., M. D. '59. 

Van Cleef, Charl. E., M. D. '74. 
Jamaica (Queens). Beldin, Charles K., M. D. '78. 

Beldin, Clinton A., M. D. Phil. '54. 
James town. Albert, Cornelia C, M. D. '92. 

Nevüle, Henry, M. D. '72. 

Ormes, Frank D., M. D. '63. 

Scott, John W., M. D. '66. 

Ward, Alva F., M. D. '60. 
Johnstown (Fulton). Walrob, Caleb B., M. D. '71. 
Kinderhook (Columbia). Green, James, M. D. '40. 
Kingston (Ulster). Connelly, Wm H., M. D. '85. 

Decker, Wm. M., M. D. N. Y. '79/83. — 40 Main. 

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134 New York. — United States of America. — New York. 

Kingston (Ulster). Shaffer, Levi, M. D. '50. 
Lilly Dale. Hyde, Erastus C, M. D. '84. 
Lima. Grandall, A., M. D. 

Mc Kenzie, John A., M. D. '84 
Lindenhurst. Ermentraut, Augustus, M. D. N. Y. '92. 
Little Valley. Mo wer, John W., M. D. '64. 
Liverpool (Onondaga). Young, John R, M. D. '72. 
Livonia Station. Trimmer, W. S., M. D. '89. 
Lockport. Bishop, Roh. 8., M. D. '6L 

Hurds, Wright, M. D. Phil. '80. — 73 Main. 

Prish, Wm. B., M. D. '85. 

Rice, Wm. B.. M. D. '63. 
Long Island City. Platt, Clarence N., M. D. '88. 
Lowville (Lewis). Bronson, Miles H., M. D. Phil. 61. 
Ludlowville. Barr, D. T., M. D. '52, 

Barr, W. H., M. D. '76. 
Lyons (Wayue). Mc Pherson, John C, M. D. '73. 

Read, John S., M. D. '88. 

Homoeop. medical society of Western New York. 
Madison. Gifford, Barton R, M. D. '78. 
Maine (Broome). Guy, Clement N., M. D. '83. 

Pellette, Arthur H., M. D. '80. 
Malone (Franklin). Beiding, Dexter R., M. D. '69. 

Guyott, Ezra X, M. D. '82. 
Mamaroneck. Gerrard, Louise, M. D. '76. 

Hall, Mathew J., M. D. '85. 
Mannsville (Jefferson). Hihbard, G. C, M. D. '66. 
Marion (Wayne). Halsted, Albert R, M. D. '81. 
Matteawau (Dutchess). Dawson, J. G., M. D. '80. 
Mayville. Adams, Melvin L., M. D. '88. 
Mechaniesville. La Dow, J. Charles, M. D. '83. 
Mecklenburg!!. Stobbs, Alex V., M. D. 
Medina. Scott, Fremont W., M. D. '80. 

Swett Emily F., M. D. '85. 
Medway. CoUins, David E., M. D. Greenville '25. Columbia '73. 

Before 9. 
Memphis. Willer, Albert M., M. D. '85. 
Meridian (Cayuga). Bartlett, Oscar F., M. D. 
Mexico. Radway, Charles W., M. D. '76. 

Ston, Tim. Dwight, M. D. Elbridge '29. Clev. '61. — 2 Clinton- Street. 
8-10, 8-10. Surgery. 
Middletown. Arthur, D. H., M. D. '87. 

Ashley, Maurice C, M. D. '92. 

Bradner, Ira S., M. D. '43. 

Bradner, Julia A., M. D. '78. 

Fancher, Edwin, M. D. N. Y. '60. Boston '83. — 16 Orchard- Street. 
Until 9, 1—3, 7-8 Va. 

Talcott, Seiden H., M. D. Rome N. Y. '42. — '72. — 2-4. Phys. 
and surgeon. Mental and nervous dis. Med. sup. Middl. homoeop. 

Middletown state homoeop. hospital. 

Homoeopathic asylum for the insane. 
Millbrook. Jacobus, Samuel J., M. D. '87. 
Mineville. Sevferance, B. W., M. D. '82. 
Montgomery. Wallace, Wm. J., M. D. '84. 
Mont Moor. Jaeckel, Ch. E., M. D. '84. 
Moravia. Cooke, Wm. C, M. D. '72. 
Morris. Matteson, M., M. D. '61. 
Morrisville. Bresee, Charles H., M. D. '91. 
Mount Kisco. Miller, Carlos J., M. D. '74. 
Mount Vernon. Ferris, Isaac W., M. D. '67. 

HoUister, Quincy A., M. D. '68. 

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New York. — United States of America. — New York. 135 

Mount Vernon. Jones, Henry C, M. D. 
Naples (Ontario). Conley, David H., M. D. ^68. 
Newark (Wayne). Parsons, Orin C, M. D. 
Reed, Jared A., M. D. '84. 
Thatcher, E. P., M. D. '81. 
Newark Valley. Bishop, Francis M., M. D. Phil. '84. 
Newburgh. Brink, Wm,, M. D. '67. 
Jacobson, Frank A., M. D. '88. 
Manbey, Jerome, M. D. 
Winans, Howard E., M. D. '88. 
New Rochelle (Westchester). Jenkins, Charlotte, M. D. '79. 
Kellogg, Fannie H., M. D. '82. 
Roberts, Daniel J., M. D. '86. 
New Scotland (Albany). Fitch, John H, M. D. '68. 
New York (City). Ackerman, 0. Wüüs, M. D. '91. — 204 W., 133 d. 
Allen, Paul, M. D. '89. — 10 E., 36 Street. Phys. to the N. Y. 

Ophthal, med. coli, and Wilson mission dispensary. 
Allen, Timothy Field, M. D. Vermont '37. N. Y. '61. — 10 East, 

36 Street. 9—12, 5—7. Holy-day 9—11. Director of State homoeop. 

hosp. at Middletown. Prof. of mat. med. and therap. N. Y. homoeop. 

med. College. 
Andrew, Richard M., M. D. '91. — 767 E., 175 th. 
Argularius, Phiüp E., M. D. N. Y. '67. — 104 W., 44th. 
Arscha^ooni, John Ohannes, A. B. M. D. H. M. D. Constantinopel *53. 

Philadelphia '91. — 252 E. Broadway. 8-10, 1—2, 5—7. S. 9-11. 

Visiting phys. homoeop. med. coUege dispensary ; assistant of clinical 

medicine in same institution. 
Baker, Clarence M., M. D. '63. — 143 W., 4th. 
Baldwin, Jared G., M. D. Montrose '27. N. Y. '53. — 8 East, 41 th 

Street. 8—11. Censor of N. Y. homoeop. College. 
Ball, Halsey J., M. D. '90. — 126 W., 129 th. 
Bardwell, Fred. A., M. D. '92. Flower hospital. 
Bamett, Amelia, M. D. '65. — 261 W., 23 d. 
Baruch, Solomon, M. D. '76. — 1047 Lexing ton- Avenue. 
Bassett, John S., M. D. '50. — 11 W., 31 th. 
Beebe, Clarence Ed., M. D. N. Y. '49. — '74. Office 15 E., 38 Street. 

Dis. of nose, throat. Prof. to the N. Y. homoeop. coli, and hospital. 
Bennett, James A., M. D. N. Y. '42. — '70. — 88 Grovett, 4 Irving- 

Place. Not in regulär practice. 
Berghaus, Alex. A., M. D. Halle '37. N. Y. '70. — 138 E., 65 Street. 

8V2-I2, 6—7. S. SVa-lOVa- 
Beyea, James L., M. D. '80. — 217, 2d Avenue. 
Bigelow, Alfred J., M. D. 103 E., 106 th. 
Bigelow, Frank A., M. D. '87. — 124 E., 123 d. 
Bishop, Wm. H., M. D. '89. — 465 Lexington-Avenue. 
Bisseil, Sarah E., M. D. '81. — 51 E., 20th. 
Bonschur, Gustav A., M. D. '85. — 32 W., 27 th. 
Boynton, Frank H., M. D. N. Y. '74. — 34 W., 32 d. 8V2— 2. Prof. 

Brinck, Wm., M. D. W. — 41 W., 19 th. 
Brinkman, Mary A., M. D. N. Y. '74. — 219 W., 23d. 
Brown, GranviUe C, M. D. N. Y. '63. — 56 W.. 45th. 8—10, 4-6. 
Brown, M. Augusta, M. D. '83. — 17 W., 42 d.' 
Brown, M Belle, M. D. In State of Ohio. New York '79. — ia5 West, 

34 th Street. 10—1, 7—8. S. until 10. Diseases of women. Prof. 

in the New York med. coUege and hospital. 
Bryson, Louise F., M. D. '87. — 38 W., 38 th. 
Buchholz, Louise Z., M. D. '86. — 99, 7th. 
Burdick, Alice H., M. D. '72. — 347 W., 34th. 
. Calisch, Alex. C, M. D. '91. Wards Island. 
" Campbell, Annie S., M. D. '82. — 512 Manhattan- Avenue. 
Campbell, Charles E., M. D. '64. — 314 E., 18th. 

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136 New York. — United States of America. — New York. 

New York. Cannon, Mott D., M. D. '82 — 167 W., 128th. 
Carleton, Bukk. G., M. D. 76. — 130 W., 47th. 
Carleton, Edmund, M. D. N. Y. 71. — 53 W., 45th. 8-10, 5-7. 

Prof. N. Y. med. coli. 
Chapman, Arthur E., M. D. '81. — 234 W., 43 d. 
Chase, J. Oscoe, M. D. '87. — 214 E., 53 d. 
Chase, Sarah B., M. D. Clev. 70. — 261 W., 39 th. 11— 1. 
Clarke, G. Byron, M. D. Charlestown '47. New York '82. — 162 West, 

122 Street. 8—10, 5—7. Visiting phys. of Hahnemann hospital. 
Clock, Sarah A., M. D. '82. — 118 E., 31 st. 
Columbia, Thomas B., M. D. '81. — 351 W., 48th. 
Cooke, Harriet N. F., M. D. '68. — 250 W., 22 d. 
Comell, Clarence W., M. D. '77. — 354 W., 68 th. 
Cossaart, Arthur B., M. D. '69. — 1421 Lexington-Avenue. 
Crompton, Charles W., M. D. '91. — 321 E., ö9th. 
Danforth, Loomis L., M. D. N. Y. '74. — 35 W., 51 st. 10—12. 

Prof. fac. N. Y. homoeop. med. coli. 
Daniels, John L., M. D. '82. — 51 W., 127 th. 
Davis, John L., M. D. • State of New York '51. — '77. Residence 

4 East, 63 th Street. Office 34 East, 39 th Street. Residence 8—9, 

5—7. Office 9V4— 1174- I^r- med. et chirurg. Spec: Diseases of 

nose and throat. 
Davison, David H., M. D. '76. — 171 E., 78th. 
Deady, Charles H., M. D. N. Y. '76. — 59 W., 49 th. 9-1. 
Dearbom, Henry M., M. D. Brunswick '69. — 152 W., 57th. 10—12, 

6— 7V2. Prof. N. Y. med. coU. and hospital for women. 
Deschere, Martin, M. D. Hamburg '48. New York '75. — 334 West, 

58th Street. 9—12, 6— 6V2. Prof. of Paediatrics N. Y. homoeop. 

College. Spec : Diseases of children. Absent month of August. 

Phys. to the Laura Franklin free hospital for children. 
Deyo, Jonathan T., M. D. 70. — 130 E., 117 th. 
Dillow, George M., M. D. 75. — 102 W., 43 d. 
Doughty, Francis E., M. D. N. Y. '69. — 512 Madisou- Avenue. 8 Vg— 11 Vj. 

Prof. genito-urinary dis. N. Y. med. coli. 
Dowe, Frank L., M. D. '89. — 376 W., 125th. 
Dowell, Charles Mc, M. D. New York '57. — '78. — 116 West, 13th 

Street. 8—10, 5—6. Prof. physiology W. G. homoeop. medical 

College and hospital. 
Dowling, John W., M. D. N. Y. '86. — 41 E., 45 th. 9 V2-I2, 6-7 V^. 
Drescher, Louis, M. D. Riverdale '70. 
Dunlevy, Don C. B., M. D. '89. — 325 W., 23 d. 
Dunlevy, Rita, M D. '88. — 213 W., 54 th. 
Dunlevy, Susan, M. D. '78. — 116 W., 22 d. 
Durkee, Jeanette R., M. D. '70. — 133 W., 43 d. 
Durrie, Georg B., M. D. '65. — 37 W., 45th. 
Dyer, Charles L., M. D. '85. — 63 W., 52 d. 
Eden, John H., M. D. '73. Creston- Avenue m. Highbridge rd. 
Eife, Francis, M. D. '74. — 335 E., 18th. 
Elebash, C. P., M. D. '84. — 228 E., 19th. 
Elebash, Clarence S., M. D. '81. — 228 E.,19th. 
Elmendorf, Thomas C, M. D. '75. — 844 E., 42 d. 
Emery, Mary E., M. D. '82. — 21 E., 21 st. 
Eurich, Christian, M. D. '76. — 124 E., 85th. 
Ferrier, James, M. D. '81. — 1791 Lexington-Avenue. 
Franklin, Edward D., M. D. N. Collins '48. N. Y. '79. — 331 West, 

14th Street. 8-10, 5-7. 
Finch, Joseph, M. D. '66. — 106 W., 44th. 
Fleming, Wm. L., M. D. '73. — 251 W., 54 th. 
Fletcher, Adison C, M. D. '61. — 336 W., 31 st. 
Foster, Herbert W., M. D. '91. Hahnemann hospital. 
Gage, Mary E., M. D. '86. — 28 W., 45 th. 
Garriton, John B., M. D. '82. — 111 E., 70 th. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

New York. — United States of America. — New Ybrk. 137 

New York. Gilbert, Charles E., M. D. '70. — 343 W., 23 d. 
aoodrich, Stephen W., M. D. '71. — 458 W., 153 d. 
Gore, Jennie E., M. D. '85. — 163 E., 90th. 
Graves, Heniy S., M. D. '85. — 52d and Broadway. 
Grimm, Albert C. F., M. D. '86. — 1812 Lexington- Avenue. 
Guemsey, Egbert, M. D. '46 — 528, 5th Avenue. 
Hallett, George De W., M. D. '89. — 81 W., 87 th. 
Hamlin, Fred. W., M. D. '88. — 35 W., 51 st. 
Harrington, Gove S., M. D. '92. Hahnemann hospital. 
Harris, Richard, M. D. '76. — 2145, 7th Avenue. 
Harris, Sally A., M. D. '78. — 2145, 7th Avenue. 
Hart, Arthur H., M D. '84. — 201 E., 23 d. 
Hartley, Wm. G., M. D. '75. — 345 W., 34th. 
Hathawey, Henry S., M. D. '91. — 142, 94th. 
Helfrich, Charles H., M. D. '84. — 201 E., 23 d. 
Helmuth, Wm. Tod., M. D. Phil. '53. — 465 Lexington- Avenue. 

10— I2V2. Prof. N. Y. homoeop. med. coli. 
Helmuth jr., Wm. T., M. D. N. Y. '87. — 465 Lexington -Avenue. 

Hiller, James L., M. D, '86. — 116 W., 82 d. 
Hofmann, Ernst F., M. D. N. Y. '58. — 45 W., 25 th. 
Honan, Wm. F., M. D. '89. — 104 W., 64 th. 
Hopkins, Fred. E., M. D. '84. — 326 E., 4th. 
Howard, Clarence C, M. D. '84. — 49 E., 59th. 
Howe, J. Morgan, M. D. '79. — 58 W., 47 th. 
Hoyt, Eugene F., M. D. '70. — 36 W., 27 th. 
HuU, George A., M. D. '88. — 210 W.. llth. 
Humphreys, Fred., M. D. '50. — 22 W., 39 th. 
Hunt, Oren G,, M. D. '86. — 134 E., 19th. 
Jennings, Ella A., M. D. '78. — 93 Clinton-Place. 
Johnson, B. Rebekah, M. D. N. Y. '80. — 568, 5th Avenue. 
Jones, Walter» H., M. D. '86. — 202 W., 74 th. 
Junor, Kenneth F., M. D. '86. — 160 W., 29 th. 
Keatinge, Hariette C, M. D. N. Jersey '33. — 136 W., 48 Str. 10—2. 

Dis of women. Absent in August. 
Keatinge, H. D., M. D. '83. — 136 W., 48 th. 
Kelly, Charles W., M. D. '80. — 77 W., 12 th. 
Kennedey jr., Bob., M. D. '80. — 163 William. 
King, Wm. H., M. D. '82. — 23 W., 53 d. 
King, W. Nephew, M. D. '47. — 214 W., 44 th 
Krause, William H., M. D. Rheine '41. New York '73. — 329 East, 

14 Street. 8-9, 1-2, 5—7. S. 8-9. 
Laidlaw, Alex. H, M. D. Phil. 61. — 137 W., 41 st. 9-11. Prof. 

of anatomy N. Y. med. coli. 
Laidlaw, George F., M. D. N. Y. '90. — 137 W., 41 st. 9-11. 
Land, Joseph F., M. D. '77. — 130 W., 126th. 
Lannin, Louise, M. D. '86. — 240 W., 48 th. 
Laroche, Pierre, M. D. '89. — 202 W., 31 st. 
Leal, Malcolm, M. D. Norwich '56. N. Y. '79. — 144 West, 48 Street. 

10—12, 5V2— 7. Spec: Throat and nose. Prof. of hygiene N. Y. 

homoeop. coli. 
Leiwis, Norman H., M. D. '89. — 224 E., 23 d. 
Livor, John, M. D. '75. — 74, 5th Avenue. 
Lloyd, Alfred H., M. D. '79. — 91 E., 141 st. 
Lozier, Abraham W., M. D. '61. — 154 W., 78 th. 
Lozier, J. de la Montagne, M. D. '78. — 154 W., 78th. 
Mc Donald, Wm. , M. D. '55. — 117 W., 44 th. 
Mc Dowell, Charles, M. D. '78. — 116 W., 13th. 
Mc Dowell, George W., M. D. '86. — 151 W., 130 th. 
Mc Michael, Arkell R., M. D. '83. — 969 Madison- Avenue. 
Mc Michael, David A., M. D. '90. — ■ 67 W., 96th. 
Mc Murray, Robert, M. D. '40. — 234, 2 d Avenue. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

138 New York. — United States of America. — New York. 

New York. Mc Bride, Nathaniel L., M. D. Chic. '78. — 114 W., 47 th. 

Mac Ivor, James H., M. D. '92. — 2151, 7th Avenue. 
Maeder, John G., M. D. '65. — 304 E., 120th. 
Mann, Mary F., M. D. '42. — 359 Lexington -Avenue. 
Marey, Erastus E., M. D. '37. — 353, 5th Avenue. 
Martine, Jeannie W. Newell, M. D. W. — 16 W., 61 st. 
Merritt, Adelaide E., M. D. '78. — 247 W., 21 st. 
Miller, Chart. H., M. D. '76. — 39 Jane. 
Miller, John F., M. D. '65. — 324 W., 57st. 
MiUer, Martha F., M. D. '92. — 213 W., 54th. 
MUler, Nancy M., M. D. '67. — 41 W., 26 th. 
Mills, Walter S., M. D. '89. — 415 E., 116th. 
Morgan, George E., M. D. '71. — 4* E., 124th. 
Mossman, Nathan A., M. D. '61. — 350 Madison-Avenue. 
Mount, Margaret A. ßostwick, M. D. N. Y. '78. — 574 Lexington- 

Avenue. 10—2. 
Mueller, Charles W., M. D. '87. — 337 E., 50 th. 
Myers, Charles F., M. D. '82. — 216 W., 37th. 
Newcomh, Obediah^ M. D. '50. — 233 E., 12 th. 
Noble, Daniele, M. D. '92. Flower hospital. 
Norton, Arthur B., M. D. Great Borrington '56. New York '82. — 

16 West, 45 th Street. 8-1. Oculist, aurist and chirurgeon. Spec: 

Eye and ear diseases. Absent Julv and August. 
Nott, Frederick J., M. D. N. Y. '77. ~ 500 Madison-Avenue. 9—1172- 

Sund. 10—11. 
Noxon, Mary W., M. D. Bukmann '53. N. Y. '76. — 28 West, 

45 Street. 9—1. Cons. staff. Hahnemann hospital. 
Nutter, Mary E., M. D. '84. — 231 E., 26 th. 
Oakey, Fannie W., M. D. '89. — 665 Lexington-Avenue. 
O'Couner, Helen Cox,, M. D. '87. — 51 W., 47th. 
O'Couner, Joseph T., M. D. '67. — 51 W., 47 th. 
Oertel, George F., M. D. '76. — 404 W., 22 d. 
Ogden, Edwin G., M. D. N. Y. '91. — 451 West End- Avenue. 
Ostrom, Homer Ervin, M. D. Goshen '52. New York '53. — 42 West, 

48 th Street. 10—12. Spec: Abdominal surgery. Surgeon to 

Hahnemann and to Wards Island City hospital. 
Paige, H. Worthington, M. D. N. Y. '84. — 320 W., 28 th. 
Palmer, Arthur WorraU, M. D. N. Y. ? — 83. Hotel Endicott 81th 

Street and Columbus-Avenue. 8—10, 5—7. Dis. of throat, nose, ear. 
Palmer, John B., M. D. '92. Wards Island hospital. 
Pardee, Ensign B., M. D. '75. — 218 W., 34th. 
Pardee, Walter, M. D. '60. — 218 W., 34th. 
Patchen, G. H., M. D. Brover Dains '45. N. Y. '68. — 71 Fast, 59th 

Street. 9—12, 3—6. Chronic dis. Dir. of the improved movement 

eure Institute. 
Pearsall, Samuel J., M. D. '58; — 128 W., 78th. 
Pearsall, Wm. S., M. D. '85. - 128 W., 78th. 
Peterson, Wilson, M. D. '58. — 656 Madison-Avenue. 
Pettet, Isabella M., M. D. '81. — 308 E., 15th. 
Pierce, Willard Ide, M. D. N. Y. V - '91. — 64 Avenue, 126 th Street. 

8V2-I2, 5V2-7V.. S. 9-10. 
Piersons, A. Manley, M. D. '68. - 24 E., 127 th. 
Porter, Clifford W., M. D. '92. Wards Island homoeop. hospital. 
Porter, Eugene H., M. D. N. Y. '85. — 181 West, 71 th Street. 8-11, 

5-7. Dis. of throat. 
Pratt, Edwin J., M. D. '81. — 7 W., 39 th. 
Queen, Louis A., M. D. '88. — 492 W., 153 d. 
Rankin, Egbert G., M. D. A. B. A. M. Astoria '56. N. Y. '78. OfBce 

528, Fifth Avenue. 9— llVg. Mem. of med. board and Wards Island 

Rannefeld, Alex. H., M. D. '84. — 85, 7th. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

New York. — United States of America. — New York, 139 

New York. Raymond, Herman L., M. D. '92. Wards Island homoeop. 

Reisig, Richard, M. D. N. Y '65. 205 W., 56 th. 10—2, 6—8. Sund. 10—2. 
Reinolds, Warren U., M. D. N. Y. '42. — '86. — 224 Second Avenue. 

9—10, 1—2, 7—8. Phys. to Hahnem. dispensary. 
Richardson, Andrew J., M. D. '70. — 39 E., 38th. 
Richardson, George W., M. D. 73. — 138 E., 79 th. 
. Ring, Tobias S., M. D. '49. — 151 E., 82 d. 

Roberts, George W., M. D. Vermont '78. — 137 W., 34th. 9-11, 7-8. 

Robinson, Edwin J., M. D. '83. — 37 W., 42 d. 

Robinson, J. Blake, M. D. '69. — 720 Lexington-Avenue. 

Roder, Lizzie B., M. D. '88. — 229 E., 82 d. 

Rounds, Wm. E., M. D. N. Y. '74. — 28 W., 36 th. TUl 11. 

RuseU, H. E., M. D. Rover V N.Y. '86. Charlest Mad.-Avenue. 76 Street. 

9-11, 5—6. Dis. of chüd. 
St. John, Arthur H., M. D. '92. — 238 E., 69 th. 
Schley, James Montfort, M. D. Savannah '52. Yienna '72. — 1 East, 

42 th Street. 9—11,7—8. Phys. diagnosis. Absent July and August. 
Schley, Philip T., M. D. '66. — 364 W., 118th. 
Schonger, Adolph H., M. D. '88. — 231 E., 105 th. • 
Scott Wm. H., M. D. Pittsfield '62. — 104 W., 44 th. 8-9, 11—12, 6—6. 
Sewall, Samuel G., M. D. '80. — 1686 Madison-Avenue. 
Shelton, Georg Gregory, M. D. Birmingham '53. N. Y. '83. — 521 Ma- 
dison-Avenue. 9—11, 472—6. S. 9— lOVfi. Laryngoscopist to Laura 

Franklin hospital. 
Shepard, George A., M. D. '88. — 152, 34 th. 
Sherman, Le Roy B., M. D. '89. — 351 W., 14 th. 
Simonson, Rob, S., M. D. '84. — 129 E., 59th. 
Simonson, Jeremiah T., M. D. '91. — 61 E., 83th. 
Slay, J. Clark, M. D. '70. — 1218 Broadway. 
Smith, G. Buckingham, M. D. '63. — 35 E., 28 th. 
Smith, Henry M., M. D. N. Y. '60. — 21 W., 24th. 
Smith, Max M., M. D. '90. — 219 E., 81 st. 
Smith jr., Nelson, M. D. '81. — 161 W., 48 th. 
Smith, St. Clair, M. D. '69. — 8 W., 38th. 
Smith, Sarah N., M. D. '77. — 135 W., 34 th. Until 9, 2—4, 7—8. 

Prof. N. Y. City hospital for women. 
Smith, Thomas F., M. D. '60. — 264 Lenox-Avenue. 
Smyth, Samuel H., M. D. '80. — 114 E., lOth. 
Stanton, Kate S., M. D. '78. Hotel Bristol. 

Stevens, Anna C. R., M. D. N. Y. 75. — 247 W., 42d. 10-1, 5-6. 
Stevens, David D., M. D. N. Y. '56. — '78. — -170 West, 54th Street. 

10-1, 7—8. 
Stewart, George T., M. D. '82. Wards Island. 
Still, Emma R., M. D. '67. - 275 W., 22d. 
Storer, John H., M. D. '91. — 30 Edgecomb-Avenue. 
Sturtevant, Euphemia J. M., M. D. N. Y. '83. — 362 W., 19 th. 11—1, 

Swan, Samuel, M. D. Phü. '67. — 13 W., 38 th. Untü 10, 1-5. 
Talcott, S. Eliza, M. D. '90. — 223 W., 136th. 
Talcott, Wm. S., M. D. '90. — 223 W., 135 th. 
Teets, Charles E., M. D. '84. — 217 W., 23 d. 
Terry, J. Antonio, M. D. '71. — 234 W., 44th. 
Thompson, John C, M. D. •'81. — 38 Lorillard. 
Thompson, J. H., M. D. N. Y. '35. — '63. — 36 Eastgoth - Street. 

8-10, 2—3, and at 7. V. S. Hahn, hospital. Secr. of med. board 

H. H, V. S. Island homoeop. hospital N. Y. and Vice-Presid. L. 

prof. of surg. in No. .4 homoeop. med. College. 
Thompson, Virgü, M. D. N. Y. '62.-32 W., 19 th. 8—9, 1—2, 7—8. 
Thomson, James W., M. D. '75. — 136 W., 16 th. 
Tinker, Charles A., M. D. '79. — 159 W., 121 st. 
Townsend, Irving, M. D. N. Y. '87. — 66 W., 46th. 9-11, 6— 6»/«. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

140 New York. — United States of America. — New York. 

New York. Townsend, Kath. G., M. D. '91. — 354 W., 123 d. 
Townsend, Rieh. E., M. D. '82. — 800 Lexington-Avenue. 
Tnmer, John, M. D. '53. — 309 W., 13 th. 
Tuttle, Ed. a, M. D. A. M. Ware '62. N. Y. '89. — 66 West, 46 Street. 

II-I2V2, '7-8. S. I2V0-IV2. Surgery. 
Tytier, George E., M. D. ^73. - 113 W., 126th. 
Vehslage, Samuel H., M. D. 79. — 313 E., 18 th. 
Ver Nooy, Charles, M. D. N. Y. 88. — 148 W., 64 th. 9—11, 5-6V2. 

S. 9-10. 
Walt, Phoebe J. B., M. D. N. Y. '71. — 9th Avenue and W. 34 th. 

Until 11, 6-7V9 
Wakefield, Charles C, M. D. '80. — 237 W., 126 th. 
Weed, Robert M., M. D. '80. — 29 E., 46th 
Wendt, Edmund C, M. D. '80. - 712 Madison- Avenue. 
West, Edwin, M. D. '49. — 38 W., 12th. 

Wetmore, John Mc E., M. D. N. Y. '55. — 41 E., 29 th. 9— IIV9. 
White, J. Ralsey, M. D. '70. — 1944 Madisön- Avenue. 
White, M. Louise, M. D. '88. — 1024 Park- Avenue. 
White, W. Handford, M. D. Cinc. '54. - 64 W., 55 th. 9-10, 3-4. 
White, W. Storm, M. D. B. A. N. Y. '76. — 64 W., 55th. 11—1. 
Wiökes, C. M., M. D. Wards Island homoeop. hospital. 
Wilcox, Sidney F., M. D. Fort. Atkinson '55. N. Y. '80. — 256 West, 

57 Street. 9V2— 12, 6— 6V2. Surgery. Surgeon to Flower hospital. 

Surffeon to N. Y. hospital for women, to Laura Franklin hospital. 

Prof. to the N. Y. homoeop. med. coli, and hospital for women. 
Wilder, Louis de V., M. D. '55 — 55 W., 33 d. 
Williams, Thomas C, M. D. N. Y. '81. — 154 W., 47 th. 4V2-6. 
Winterbum, George Wm., Ph. D. M. D. N. Y. '75. — 230 W., 132 d. 
Wood, J. Robie, M. D. '67. — 62 W., 17th. 
Woodward, Alvin M., M. D '62. — 155 W., 12 th. 
Woodward, Ellen E., M. D. '92. - 213 W., 54th. 
WooUey, Charl. H., M. D. '87. — 159 th and 4th Avenue. 
Wright, Amelia, M. D. '74. — 150 W., 34th. 
Zabriskie, Gertrude L., M. D. '83. — 259 W., 52 d. 
Fr. Arnold & Co. 56 and 58 Murray-Street. 
Amton & Wilzinsky. 12 Cedor- Street. 
Banning, Bissei & Co. 22 Dry-Street. 
Fred. Bredt & Co. 178 Fulton Street. 
Bruen & Hobart. 214 Fulton- Street. 
John, Carle & Sons. 153 Water- Street. 
G. O. Cassebeer. 191 Bowery. 
Caswell, Hazard & Co. 1099 Broadway. 
Coffin, Reddington & Co. 72 John-Street. 
Dr. W. Cowe. 310 West, 45 Street. 
Charles N. Crittenton. 115 Fulton-Street. 
S. R. van Duzer. 35 Bareley- Street. 
H. Eimer. 3d Avenue. 
Eimer & Amend. 3d Avenue, 205, 207, 209. 
E. Fongera & Co. 30 North William-Street. 
Hall & Buckel. 218 Greenwich-Street. 
Hance Brothers & White. 58 Maiden-Lane. 
Humphrey's homoeop. med. Company. 109 Fulton-Street. 
C. T. Hurlburt & Co. *The American homoeop. Pharmaey', estab. '52. 

3 East, 19th Street. * (108 West,' 125 Street Brauch -Pharmaey.) 

Director Ch. T. Hurlburt. 
B. Keith & Co. 41 Liberty-Street. 
Lamnan & Kemp. 80 Maiden-Lane. 
Lazell, Marsh & Gardinor. 10 Gold-Street 
Lehn & Fink. William-Street. 
Mac Kesson & Robbins. 91/93 Fulton-Street. 
L. J. Michaelis. 14 Cedor-Street. 
Mulford Broth. & Co. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

New York. — United States of Amei^ica. — New York. 141 

New York. Peck & Velson. 19 Gold-Street. 

J. J. Quetting & Co. 86 William-Street. 

William ßadde & Bon. 550 Pearl-Street. 

Radway & Co. 32 Warren-Street. 

Charles, W. Rainey. 63 Maiden-Lane (Albany). 

F. Alfred ßeichhard & Co. 96 Liberty-Street. 

R. W. Robinson & Son. 82 Greenwich- Street. 

Sargent, Joyce & Holton. 34 Vesey- Street, 

Sargent, Studley & Co. 28 Park-Place. 

W. H. Schilffehn & Co. 170—172 WilUam-Street. 

Stallmann & Fnlton. 

The Standard homoeop. Glob. manof. 174 Worth-Street, 

Tarrant & Co. 278 Greenwich-Street. 

Tylor & Finch. 54 Cedor-Street. 

Walter, G. J. Wheeler. 25 and 27 Chambres-Street. 

Ch. Wenz. 769 Broad-Street. 

Whitall, Tatnm & Co. 46 and 48 Barceley- Street. 

Julius Zeller. 51 Division- Street. 

CarroU Dunham club '83. 

Chiron club '86. 

Jahr Club of N. Y. '91. 

Meissen club of N. Y. '90. 

New York clinical club. 6 E., 34 th. 

New York Co. homoeop. medical society. 320 W., 28 th. 

New York homoeop. materia medica society. 148 W., 64 th. 

New York homoeop. union. 181 W., 87 th. 

Caroll Dunham club. 130 W., 126 th. 

Central New York homoeop. med. society. 

Homoeop. med. society of Northern. 

Homoeop. med. society of the State of New York. 

New York paedological society. 111 E., 70 th. 

Flower hospital. 

Hahnemann hospital. 

Wards Island hospital. 

Laura Franklin hospital for children. . 

N. Y. homoeop. Sanatorium. 

Homoeop. dispensary for dis. of women and child. '83. — 34th and 9th 

Homoeop. med. dispensary. 2418, 2d Avenue. 

New York homoeop. med. College and hospital. Avenue A, 63d and 64 th. 

Private homoeop. dispensary '88. — 453 W., 53 d. 

West side homoeop. dispensary '89. — 355 W., 40 th. 

Yorkville homoeop. dispensary '83. — 301 E., 76 th. 

Tompkins Square homoeop. dispensary. '63. — 261 E., 4 th Avenue. 

Bayard homoeop. dispensary '84. — 345 E., 64th. 

Dr. Stevens homoeop. dispensary. 400 W., 41 st. 

Harlem homoeop. dispensary '86. 122 E., 108 th. 

Asylum for the reÜef of half orphan and destitute child. 

Baptist home for the aged. 

Chapin home for the aged. 

Helmuth house. 

Hospital of five points house of industry. 

The American Homoeopathist '76. 

The homoeop. Journal of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Paedology. 

The Journal of Electro Therapeutics '89. 

The Journal of Ophthalmology, Otology and Laryngology. 

The North American Journal of Homoeopathy '52. 
Niagara Falls. Hodge, Wm. H., M. D. Chicago '89. 

Hough, Walter D., M. D. '81/83. 

Noble, Wm. A., M. D. '88. 
Niverville. Messick, John C, M. D. '81. 
North Brauch (Sullivan). Schonger, George, M. D. 

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142 New York. — United States of America. — New York. 

Nortli Granville. Spoor, Fred. W., M. D. '84. 
Norwood (St. Lawrence). Austin, Edson C, M. D. '85. 
Nun da (Livingston). Ostrander, P. W., M. D. '83. 
Nyack (Rockland). Couch, Louis B., M. D. '74. 

Giles, J. Wm., M. D. '85. 
Ogdensburg (St. Lawrence). Child, Nelson N., M. D. '63. 

Southwick, David E., M. D. '57. 
Olean (Cattaraugus). Hibbard de Verl, M., M. D. '78. 

Watts, Francis E., M. D. '83. 
Oneida (Madison). Loomis, Edward, M. D. '30. 

WaUace, Adrian E., M. D. '62. 

Wallace, Jason T., M. D. '65. 
Oneonta (Otsego). Getman, A. D., M. D. '83. 
Onondaga Valley. Kaiser, Rudolf C, M. D. '88. 
Ontario (Wajne). Peer, Thomas J., M. D. '72. 
OsborneHoUow. Adams, Claude W., M. D. '90. 
Oswego. Hinman, Eimer L., M. D. '91. 

Keeney, J. Harvey, M. D. '83. 

Mac Manns, George D., M. D. '58. 

Richards, Llewellyn B., M. D. '81. 

Oswego Co., homoeop. med. society. 
Otsego. Cossaart, James H., M. D. '77. 

Homoeop. med. society. 
Ovid (Seneca). Horton, Alden, M. D. '80. 
Owego (Tioga). Greenleaf, John T., M. D. N. Y. '67. 

Purseil, James P., M. D. '88. 

Glenmary home for women. 
Oxford (Chenango). Miller, Robert E., M. D. '61. 
Palmyra (Wayne). Mc Pherson, Donald, M. D. '78. 
Panama. Williams, Olin A., M. D. '90. 
Patch ogue. Fester, E. Agate, M. D. '90. 

Pettit, Alonzo R., M. D. '74. 
Patterson (Putnam). Birdsall, Thomas P., M. D. '78. 
Peekskill. Mason, Perley H., M. D. '75. 

Putnam, Warren E., M. D. Clev. '81. 
Pekin (Niagara). Johnson, Philip T., M. D. '92. 
Penn Yan. Sampson, Allen W., M. D. '80. 

Tompkins, Frank, M. D. '64. 
Perry. Traver, Gilbert R., M. D. '69. 
Phelphs (Ontario). Pritchard, G. C, M. D. 
Phoenix. Young, Daniel F., M. D. '88. 
Pittsford. Doan, Wm. H., M. D. '89. 

Johnson, Walter W., M. D. '87. 
Plattsburgh (Clinton). Low, EUiott C, M. D. 
Pleasantville (Westchester). Swift, Edw. P., M. D. '81. 
Port ehester. Elmendorf, T. C, M. D. '75. 
Port Jervis. Lambert, B. Emerson, M. D. N. Y. '52. — '82. — 12 Ball- 

Street. Until 10, 2, 7. 
Potsdam (St. Lawrence). Brittan, Joseph E., M. D. '84. 

Brown, Hiram D., M. D. 

Marsh, James M., M. D. "90. 
Poughkeepsie. Baright, Julia S., M. D. '89. 

Bruyen, Rieh. G., M. D. '68. 

Faust, Fred. A., M. D. 86. 

Gidley, Wm. H., M. D. '75. 

Howland, Anna C, M. D. '68. 

Laue, Charles E., M. D. '74. 

Otis, John C, M. D. '68. 

Dutchess Co., homoeop. med. society. 
Pulaski. Adams, George F., M. D. '88. 

Box, Frank A., M. D. '90. 
Randolph. Babcock, Archibald H., M. D. '79. 

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New York. — United States öf America. — New York. 143 

Rexford Fiats. Rogers, Wm. E., M. D. 
Rhineback. Asher, Rutson E., M. D. '83. 

Goodell, James F., M. D. '79. 
Richfield Springs. Getman, Norman N., M. D. '54. 
Riverhead. Hartranft, John E., M. D. '72. 
Rochester. Adams, Reuben A., M. D. Marion '41. Philadelphia '68. 

46 North Fitzhugh - Street. 8—10, 1—3. Consulting physician to 

the Roch, homoeop. hospital. 
Bachman, George A., M. D. '92. 
Bamber, 0. Stewart, M. D. '89. — 75 Rowe. 
Bennett, D. Gates, M. D. Chic. '80. — 52 S. Clinton. 
Biegler, August Joseph Gustav, M. D. St. Wendel '37. Fensylvania '57. 

56 and 60 South Clinton -Street. 1—5, 1—3. Health commissioner 

Rochester N. Y. Consulting physician at Hargous memorial hospital. 
Brownell, Wm. G., M. D. '79. — 122 North-Avenue. 
BueU, Jesse W., M. D. N. Y. '77. - 41 S. Clinton. 
Carman, Wm. B., M. D. '84. — 302 University-Avenue. 
Carpenter, L. W., M. D. '78. — 11 Walter. 
Carr, AUen B., M. D. N. Y. '72. — 89 N. Clinton. 
Chaffee, David J., M. D. '67. — 8 S. Clinton. 
CoUins, Newton M., M. D. '83. — 43 East-Avenue. 
Cox, Joseph T., M. D. '88. — 19 Clinton-Flace. 
Dayfoot, Herbert M., M. D. Georgetown '46. Ontario '69. Residence 

118Troup-Street. Office 41 Sophia-Street. 9—10,3—5,7—8. S. 4— 5. 
Earle, Ezmon W., M. D. '77. — 55 Monroe-Avenue. 
Fowler, Wm. F., M. D. N. Y. '72. — 63 S. CHnton. 
Graham, Merritt E., M. D. '78. ~ 10 Jones- Avenue. 
Grant, RoUa C, M. D. 

Hawley, L. Bertram, M. D. Chic. '89. — 365 Jay. 
Haywood, George M., M. D. '81. — - 612 West- Avenue. 
Hermance, Alex. C, M. D. '87. — 611 N. St. Paul. 
Hermance, S. George, M. D. N. Y. '84. — 244 Jefferson -Avenue. 
Hoad, V. A., M. D. 
Hoffiuann, L., M. D. 

Hoyt, Herbert W., M. D. '91. — 421 Monroe-Avenue. 
Hoyt, Mary M. Moore, M. D. '91. — 421 Monroe-Avenue. 
Keegan, Wm. A., M. D. Chic. '88. — 52 S. Clinton. 
Leach, Albert E., M. D. '91. — 43 East-Avenue. 
Lee, John M., M. 1). Cameron '51. Michigan '78. Office 89 Flymouth- 

Avenue. 2—4. Ph. Roch, homoeop. hospital. Fresid. homoeop. med. 

soc. of State of N. Y. 
Lee, Sarah J., M. D. Savannah '57. Mich. '67. — 89 Flymouth- Avenue. 

2—4. Gynaecology. 
Lehman, Franklin F., M. D. '91. — - 233 Monroe-Avenue. 
Lott, Harry L., M. D. '91. Hargous hospital. 
Lyman, J. Grant, M. D. N. Y. '90. — 19 Portsmouth-Terrace. 10—12, 

Neefus, F. Wyekoff, M. D. '77. — 103 East-Avenue. 
Norman, Alfred J., M. D. St. Louis '89. — 243 Court. 
Perrine, C. Willard, M. D. '84. — 135 Jefferson. 
Froctor, John C, M. D. '82. — 89 Sophia. 
Rambo, Wm. S., M. D. '80. — 41 Sophia. 
Ross, Edwin V., M. D. '90. — 279 Jefferson -Avenue. 
Schmitt,. Julius G., M. D. Phil. '72. — 113 North-Avenue. 
Seeley, J. Edwin, M. D. '66. — 138 E. Main. 
Seitz, Frank B., M. D. '92. — 73 Herman. 
Sherman, Marcena E., M. D. Clev. '88. — 212 Lake-Avenue. 
Smith, Frank B., M. D. '74. — 19 N. Washington. 
Snow, Shirley R., M. D. '89. — 342 Monroe-Avenue. 
Steyner, Emma B., M. D. '84. — 16 State. 
Sumner, Charies R^ M. D. N. Y. '77. - 31 S. Clinton. 
Thurber, Thomas J., M. D. '83. — 183 Flymouth- Avenue. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

144 New York. — United States of America. — New York. 

Kochester. Van Allan, Kob. A., M. D. '85. — 150 S. Goodman. 

Wadsworth, Kob., M. D. 76. — 268 Caledonia-Avenue. 

White, Theodore C, M. D. '59. — 44 S. Clinton. 

Willis, Fred. L., M. D. '65. — 46 Vick Park-Avenue. 

Wolcott, Edwin H., M. D. '81. — 96 East-Avenue. 

Young, Willis B., M. D. '91. — 89 N. Clinton. 

Monroe & Co., homoeop. medical society. 212 Lake- Avenue. 

Homoeop. hospital '89. — 233 Monroe. 

Homoeop. hospital free dispensary '90. — 15*/ Monroe-Avenue. 

Hargous memorial Hahnemann hospital. 

Hahnemann Advocate. Mrs. G. A. Gilman. 58 South Clinton -Street. 
Monthly 62 cts. 
Rome. Gifford, Alden, M. D. Chic. '79. — 217 Washington- Avenue. 

Scudder, Nelson C, M. D. '79. 

Scudder, Samuel 0., M. D. '49. 
Rondout (Ulster). Chalker, Abram P., M. D. '70. 

Mc Entee, Sarah, M. D. 

Montanye, Wm. D. L., M. D. '67. 
Rosendale. Van Denmark, John, M. D. '83. 
Rushville. Smith, Henry W., M. D. '60. 
Salamanca. Martin, 0. S., M. D. '70. 
Salem. Russell, J. G., M. D. '79. 
Salt Point. AngeU, Milton H., M. D. '82. 
Sandy Hill. Infield, Clifton L., M. D. '83. 
Saranac Lake. Martin, Wm. F., M. D. 

Saratoga Springs. PearsaU, John A, M. D. N. Y. '76. - 76 Phüa- 

PearsaU, Samuel J., M. D. '58. 

Small, Charles B., M. D. '83. 

Travers, Osmond J., M. D. '77. 

Homoeop. med. society. 
Saugerties. Payne, Charles 0., M. D. '82. 

Savannah. Sweeting, Will. Hayden, M. D. Victory '51. Chic. '81. — 
8-9, 1—2, 7-9. 

Homoeop. med. society. 
Schenectady. Bates, George W., M. D. '87. 

Faust, Louis, M. D. N. Y. '77. 

Kastendieck, John, M. D. '78. 

Paust, Louis, M. D. N. Y. '55. — '77. — 19 Jay-Street. 1—4, 7—8. 
Q 2 3 

Spooi-, David E., M. D. '78. 
Seely Creek. Robbins, A. F., M. D. 
Seneca Falls. Covert, Rynear B., M. D. '68. 

Homoeop. med. society. 
Sherburne. Owen, Ira C, M. D. 
Sing-Sing. Lane, Irvin J., M. D. Clove Dutchess Co. '61. N. Y. '83. 

2 Church-Street. 7V2-9, 12-2, 6-8. 
Skaneateles. Martin, George F., M. D. '90. 
Sodus. Whittleton, E. J., M. D. '84. 
South Butler. Sweeting, Mortimer F., M. D. '62. 
S out hold. Hartranft, J. M., M. D. '79. 
Speedsville. Johnson, Ransom, M. D. 
Spencer. Tanner, J. H., M. D. '63. 
Spring wat er. Hunt, Artemus L., M. D, 

Whitfield, Henry A., M. D. '73. 
Sprout Brook. Van Densen, Harlow A., M. D. '45. 
Syracuse. Brewster, A. Judson, M. D. 

Brown, Ulysses H., M. D. '73. 

Candee, J. WiUis, M. D. N. Y. '79. - 402 Warren. 

Cooper, Charles S., M. D. '90. 

Du Bois, Willard C.,* M. D. Clev. '90. — 357 Warren. 

Emens, Harriet D., M. D. '68. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

New York. — United States of Amerika. — New York. 145 

Syracuse. Flint, Edw. H., M. D. '80. 

Greeley, George H., M. D. '64. 

Guild, Leggett S. L., M. D. St. Louis '88. — 329 James. 

Hailock, J. Henry, M. D. Dryden '58. New York '86. Residence 
423 Jefferson-Street. Office 414 S. Salina-Street. 1—3, 7—8. Spec. : 
Dis. of women, bladder and kidney diseases. 

Halsted, Thomas H., M. D. Toronto '87. — 452 S. Salina. 

Keeler, Eimer E., M. D. Dauby '61. N. Y. '83. — 414 South Salina- 
Street. 1—4. S. 2 — 3. Spec: Eye, ear, nose and throat. Surgeon 
Chief Syr. homoeop. disp. 

Kinne, Arthur B., M. D. M. S. De Witt. '50. New York '77. — 
413 Warren-Street. 9-10, 7-8. 

Lukens, Charles M., M. D. '79. 

Nottingham, John, M. D. '70. 

Putnam, Francis B., M. D. '79. 

Schumacher, Carl, M. D. '83. 

Sherwood, Bradford W., M. D. '90. 

Moore & Hubhard. 

Onondaga Co. homoeop. med. society. 1117 S. Salina. 
Tarrytown. Fanning, Thomas C, M. D. Albion '47. N. Y. '61. — 

8V2-9%, lV2-2%. 
Theresa. Dresser, E. Dell, M. D. '88. 
Throopsville. Gwynn, Wm. M., M. D. '68. 
Ticonderoga. Bond, George W., M. D. '83. 
Tonawanda. Allen, Wm. L., M. D. 

Simson, John R., M. D. '80. 
Tottenville. Coleman, David, M. D. '84. 
Trenton. Spencer, R. L., M. D. '76. 
Troy. Bailey, Charles L., M. D. '91. 

Beiding, Rufus E., M. D. '66. 

Bloss, Jabez P., M. D. N. Y. '53. - 108, 2d. 

Bloss, Rieh. D., M. D. '53. 

Cobum, Edw. S., M. D. '64. 

Grandall, Edw. L., M. D. Albany '81. — 1941, 5th Avenue. 

Green, Arba R., M. D. '80. 

Waldo, H. L., M. D. CenterviUe '52. N. Y. '74. — 1834 Fifth- Avenue. 
8-9, 1-3, 7—10. 

Robinson, Church & Co. 
Trumansburgh. Otis, Clark, M. D. '75. 
Union. Knapp, Theodore P., M. D. *54. 
Utica. Barrus, Clara, M. D. '88. 

Capron, C. Gray, M. D. '90. 

Chase, Charles E., M. D. '73. 

Laird, Frank F., M. D. Phil. '80. — 236 Genesee. 

Macmaster, Marian A., M. D. Office Winston Build. 10—12, 3—5. 
Chronic and nervous dis. Presid. of med. society Oneida, Connty. 

Moore, J. de Vello, M. D. '68. 

Terry, M. 0., M. D. Clev. '72. — 196 Genesee. 

Watson, Wm. H., M. D. '54. 

Wells, Lucien B., M. D. Pompey N. Y. '10. Favifield '32. — 
31 Sunomit-Place. 8— 97^, 2—4, 7—8. Chronic diseases. Phys. of 
Faxton hospital. 

W. Sawens & Co. 

Oneida Co., homoeop. med. society. 230 Genesee. 

Faxton hospital. 

St. Lucke's home and hospital. 

House of the good shepherd for destitute children. 
Waiden. Faulkner, Wm. H., M. D. '81. 
Warsaw. Pickette, Emeline E., M. D. '83. 

Slaught, James E., M. D. '78. 
War w ick. Cummins, Frank M., M. D. '88. 

Cummins, Mary, M. D. 

Homöopathisches Jahrbuch. Band II. 10 

Digitized by LjOOQIC 

146 North Dakota. — United States of America. — Ohio. 

Washingtonville. Reed, Wm. E., M. D. '84. 
Waterford. Peekham, Allen G., M. D 71. 
Watertown. Adams, Murray M., M. D. '85. 

Farmer, Grovenor S., M. D. '74. 

Gifford, Gustavus A., M. D. '67. 

Knickerhocker, H. D. L., M. D. '92. 

Laird, Wm. F., M. D. 72. 

Farrington medical cluh. 
Waterville. Dean, Louis W., M. D. '90. 

Risley, Frank E., M. D. '89. 
Watkins. Gulick, Wm., M. D. 

King, George H., M. D. '68. 
Waverly. Beach, R. Belle, M. D. '83. 

Hüton, Willard M., M. D. '77. 
Wayland. Platt, Alvah, M. D. '83. 
Weedsport. Barnes, Charles F., M. D. '80, 
West New Brighton. Rohinson, S. A., M. D. '58. 
West Winfield. Spencer, H. J., M. D. '70. 
Whitehall. Horton, Emest T., M. D. '81. 
White Plains. Birch, Ch. E., M. D. '91. 

Haight, A. M., M. D. '79. 

Haynor, Azro Chace, M. D. Austerlitz Columhia Co. New York '81. 
10—12, 6 — 8. Nervous diseases. 
Williamson. Austin, Alex G., M. D. '53. 
Wolcott Kellogg, A. D., M. D 
Yonkers. Benedict, Alb. C, M. D. '71. 

Flagg, Bob. N, M. D. '80. 

PhiHpps, Rieh. 0., M. D N. Y. '48. — 77. — 257 Warhurton- Avenue. 

Stilwell, B. W., M. D. '87. 

Hoinoeop. med. society. 

North Dakota. 

Bismarck. Kendrick, Fayette D., M. D. '81. 

Perkins, Kate L., M. D. '84. 
Eilendale. Long, David H., M, D. '70. 
Fargo. Folsom, Edwin, M. D. 

Green, Mrs. Dorcas, M. D. 

Yidal, James W., M. D. '82. 
Grand Forks. Rutledge, Samuel W., M. D. St. Louis '76. 

Smith, Cora E., M. D. '92. 
Jamestown. De Puy, Richard Gay, M. D. Ypsilanti '55. Michigan '81. 

10-11, 2—3. Sund. 10—11. 
M and an. Goeschel, Louis, M. D. '78. 
Mayville. Hovland, C. E , M. D. '87. 
Oakes. Matthews, Thomas H., M. D. '82. 


Ada (Hardin). Ames, Charles S., M. D. '84. 
Akron (Summit). Baughman, Isaac J., M. D. '83. 

Carter, Rollin B , M. D. 84. 

Chüds, 0. D., M. D. '67. 

Cory, Kate W., M. D. '80. 

Jacobs, Harold H., M. D. '91. — 603 8. High, 

Lyon, Orrin A., M. D. '81. 

Pierson, Herman W., M. D. '81. 

RockweU, James W , M. D. '77. 

Whitmore, Wm. H., M. D. '80. 

Summit Co., clinical society, 
Alliance, Ammerman, F, A,, M. D. '78, 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Ohio. — tJnited States of America. — Ohio. 147 

AUiance. Heaton, Susan R. C, M. D. 75. 

Mc Crary, J. G., M, D. 

Painter, Charles D., M. D. '82. 
Ashland. Kerr, John F., M. D. '81. 

Stober, John P., M. D. '89. 
Ashtabula. Gilchrist, Rosetta L., M. D. '90. 

Throop, EUen H., M. D. '84. 

WaUace, John M., M. D. '92. 
Athens. Hunt, John S., M. D. '91. 
Bedford. GoUing, Wm. F., M. D. '87. 
Bellaire. Muhleman, Roh. W., M. D. Cinc. '77. 
Belle fontaine. Reed, Roh. G., M. D. '89. 

Wüson, Joseph H., K D. '71. 
Bellevue (Huron). Hoyt, Hubbard M., M. D. '86. 

Miller, James F., M. D. '81. 
Belleville. Kelly, J. W-, M. D. '82. 

Lewis, J. B., M. D. '75. 
Berea. Pelton, Leverett F., M. D. Clev. '83. 

Wright, Norman E., M. D. '74. 
Berlin Heights. Gordon, Ira B., M. D. '91. 
Bloomville. Foster, Thomas J., M. D. '84. 
Bluffton. Steingraver, F. C, M. D. '75. 
Bowling Green. Rogers, Frank W., M. D. 

Thomas, Edmund F., M. D. '82. 

Whitehead, J. H., M. D. '74. 
Brooklyn Yillage. White, 0. A., M. D. '84. 
Brookville. Dove, Alpheus, M. D. Cinc. '54. 
Bryan. Mc Taggert, D. C, M. D. '87. 
Bucyrus. Dillman, Daniel, M. D. '90. 

Jackson, Wm. S., M. D. '90. 

Messner, Albert F., M. D. '90. 

Stiefel, John, M. D. '78. 
Burton. Reed, Francis A., M. D. '90. 
Butler. Hubbs, 0. A., M. D. '79. 
Cadiz. CampbeU, John S., M. D. '87. 

Lyons, Matilda J., M. D. '87. 
Cambridge. Wells, Levi C, M. D. '78. 
Canal Dover. Dickson, James, M. D. '75. 
Canton. Catlin, Milton M., M. D. '68. 

Runnals, Ada B., M. D. '90. 

Talmage, Eugene, M. D. '91. 
Car ding ton. Smith, Florence R., M. D. '85. 

Watson, Joseph, M. D. '53. 
Carey. Ferrel, James, M. D. '85. 
Ohagrin Falls. Curtiss, H. W., M. D. 

Walters, R. W., M. D. Clev. '73. 
Chardon. Allyn, Albin B., M. D. '79. 

Stewart, Fred. W., M. D. '91. 

Swan, Clara J., M. D. '87. 
Chesterville. Jackson, B. F., M. D. '66. 
Chicago (Huron). Lydy, A. R., M. D. '83. 
Chili. Phülips, W. 0., M. D. '83. 

Chillicothe. Hoyt, Charles, M. D. Magog '54. Cincinnati '79. — 39 South 
Paint-Street. üntil 8V2, 1—3, 7—8. 

Vogel, Christian, M. D. 
Cincinnati. Booth, Mary J., M. D. '85. — 1616 Eastem-Avenue. 

Bück, Edgar C, M. D. '64. — 124 W., 7th. 

Bück, Jirah D., M. D. '64. — 124 W., 7th. 

Bush, Ch. R., M. D. '77. — 256 Vine- Avenue. 

Cain, Kate P., M. D. — 342 W., 4th. 

Cooper, Ch. N., M. D. '85. — 117 W., 9th. 

Crank, Ch. D., M. D. '71. — 231 Auburn- Avenue. 


Digitized by LjOOQIC 

148 Ohio. — United States of America. — ÖMo. 

Cincinnati. Ehrmann, Albert H., M. D. '65. — 46 W., 7th. 
Ehrmann, George B., M. D. '83. — 46 W., 7th. 
Ford, Ch. E., M. D. '85. — 20 Clinton. 
GatcheU, Horatio P., M. D. 75. - 125 W., 9th. 
Geiser, Samuel R., M. D. '75. — 303 Baymüler. 
Geoghegan, Wm. A., M. D. '82. Hawthome- Avenue. 
Geppert, James Purcell, M. D. Ohio '50. Cincinnati '77. 94 North, 9th. 

8—10, 1—3. Phys. to Cinc. throat hospital. Secr. Cinc. homoeop. 

Haerr, Jacob A., M. D. '81. — 168 W., 9th. 
Hartshorn, Dana W., M. D. '54. — 102 W., 8th. 
Hatfield, Walter S., M. D. Phil. '82. — 278 W., 8th. 
Hawley, Henry W., M D. Cinc. '78. — 93 W., 8th. 
Hockert, Siegfried L., M. D. Lund (Sweden). 29 Lingo. 
Howard, Elmira Y., M. D. '70. S. E. cor. 4th. and Sycamore. 
Hunt, James G., M. D. Cin. '49. — 100 W., 9th. 
Hunt, Stella, M. D. '82. — 262 Kemper-Lane. 
Kendall, W. M., M. D. '92. N. W. cor. 8th and Mt. Hope-Avenue. 
Kirk, Ellen M., M. D. '77. — 169 W., 7th. 
Knight, Walter B., M. D. '88. — 326V2 Linn. 
Linkmyer, M. Belle, M. D. '85. — 753V2 Gilbert- Avenue. 
Linn, Timothy E., M. D. '88. - 166 W., 7th. 
Mc Cormick, A. Lee, M. D. '83. — 130 Woodbum-Avenue. 
Mc Dermott, G. C, M. D. London (CanO '48. Cleveland '70. — 118 W., 

7th Street. Eye and ear surgeon. Prof. Pulte med. coli. 
Mackintosh, Clara A., M. D. '84. — 436 Chase-Avenue. 
Meade, Ch. C, M. D. '90. — 440 Chase-Avenue. 
Meade, Stephen J. D., M. D. '85. — 45 Everett. 
Miller, George W., M. D. '91. — 225 Park- Avenue. 
Morrell, Ch. B., M. D. '82. — S. E. cor. 8th and John-Avenue. 
Mott, Irvine K., M. D. '83. — N. W. cor. 8th and Elm. 
Owens, Wm., M. D. Cinc. '49. — 270 W., 7th. Prof. Pulte med. coU. 
Pauley, Ch. A., M. D. '81. — 166 W., 7th. 
Schell, Francis H., M. D. '66. — • 128 W., 9th. 
Snow, Henry, M. D. '91. — Floral- Avenue, Norwood. 
Starbuck, S. H., M. D. '91. — 161 W., 7th. 
Stewart, Th. M., M. D. Cinc. *66. N. Y. '88. - 266 Elm-Street. 9-1, 

4—6. Eye, ear and throat. Prof. Pulte med. coli. 
Tenney, Wm. A. R., M. D. '82. — 261 W., 8th. 
Walton, Ch. E., M. D. Cinc. '74. — 270 W., 7th. 
Wiggers jr., Henry H , M. D. '94. — 95 Everett. 
Worthington, Amos F., M. D. Hamilton '32. Cleveland '70. Fem-Street. 

8-10, 2—4. Chronic dis. 
Allen & Co., homoeop. pharm. 
Samuel Burdsal. 
J. S. Burdsal & Co. 
T. L. A. Greve. 
Justis Hall & Co. 
R. Macready & Co. 
W. S. Merrell, chemical Comp. 
Merrell, Thorp & Luyd. 
C. A. Nulsen & Co. 
Otto Rauchfuss & Co. 
F. Vogler & Co. 
A. F. Wortington & Co. 

Cincinnati homoeop. medical society. 94 W., 9th. 
Lucas Co., homoeop. med. society. 
Homoeop. lyceum of Cincinnati. 119 W., 9th. 
Columbus clinical club. 
Pidte medical College. 7th and John. 
Cincinnati homoeop. free dispensary. 7th and Mound. 
Ohio hospital for women and children. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Ohio. — United States of America. — Ohio. 149 

Cincinnati. Free dispensary of Ohio hospital for women and children. 

'The Pulte Qarterly* '90. — 104 West, Eighth-Street. 
Circleville. Morden, Ralph, M. D. '75. 

Naumann, Charles, M. D. '76. 
Ciarington. Zink, Henry F., M. D. '91. 
Cleveland. Arbuckle, George W., M. D. '81. — 417 Prospect. 

Baker, B. Wade, M. D. '82. — 433 Pearl. 
. Baker, de Forest, M. D. '78. — 433 Pearl. 

Barnes, Emily L., M. D. '89. — ■ 24 Streator-Avenue. 

Barr, Frank H., M. D. '71. — 13 Kinsman 

Baxter, Harris H., M. D. Clev. '68. — 271 Prospect. Prof. med. coli. 

Beckwith, David H., M. D. Ohio '25. Cinc. '43. — 528 Prospect-Street. 
10—11, 3-4. M. staff in Huron St. hospital. 

Biggar, Ham. F., M. D. B. A. M. A. L. L.D. Oackville '39. Clev. '66. 
Office 166 Euclid-Avenue. 1—4. Huron hospital 10—12. 

Bishop, G. E., M. D. 166 Euclid-Avenue. 

Bishop, Hudson D., M. D. 90. — 89 Euclid-Avenue. 

Bowen, Henry, M. D. '54. — 553 Erie-Street. 

Boynton, Silas A., M. 1). '62. — 154 Kensington. 

Buell, Albert C, M. D. '80. - 76 Euclid-Avenue. 

CarroU, Ch. W., M. D. '82. — 354^9 Ontario-Avenue. 

Carter, John T., M. D. '90. — 106 Euclid-Avenue. 

Charlton, Leonard M., M. D. '65. — 148 Merchant- Avenue. 

Cole, Perry A., M. D. '88. — 417 Superior. 

Disbro, Ira W., M. D. '76. — 1632 Superior. 

Disbro, Zelotes P., M. D. 173 Aaron. 

Eisenha^ier, John A., M. D. '72. — 325 Scovill- Avenue. 

EUis, Clifton D., M. D. '83. — 433 Pearl. 

English, V. P., M. D. '92. — 80 Euclid-Avenue. 

Evelyn, Roh. S., M. D. '91. — 526 Prospect. 

Foljambe, Theodore D , M. D. '91. — 39 Wade Park- Avenue. 

Frost, Herbert L., M. D. '86. — 89 Euclid-Avenue. 

GatcheU, Edwin A., M. D. '76. — 256 The Arcade. 

Gifford, Wm. H., M. D. '91. — 19 Brenton. 

Gilbert, George H., M. D. '74. — 1164 Pearl. 
. Gleason, Almon. M. D. '73. — 2700 Broadway. 

Gleason, John R., M. D. '89. — 693 '/g Hough- Avenue. 

Haggart, George B., M. D '92. Huron St. hospital. 

HaU, Stanton L., M. D. N. Y. '75. — 106 EucHd- Avenue. 

Henderson, Sarah A., M. D. '76. — 74 Courtland- Avenue. 

Hertzog, Lucy S., M. D. '91. — 171 Prospect. 

Heyn, Rud., M. D. '76. — 1150 Woodland- Avenue. 

Hinsdale, W. B., M. D. '87. — 1905 Euclid-Avenue. 

Horr, Wm. H, M. D. '80. — 1004 Woodland- Avenue. 

HorweU, Guy H., M. D. '90. — 1713 St. Clair. 

Hudson, Ward S., M! D. '77. — 2588 Broadway. 

Jewitt, Edw. H., M. D. '78. — 106 Euclid-Avenue. 

Jones, J. Gains, M. D. Remsen ?. Clev. '72. — 5 Rockwell -Street. 
1—4. S. 3— 4. Prof. in Clev. med. coli, and dean of the Clev. 
homoeop. hospital. 

Kraft, Frank, M. D. Cincinnati '51. St. Louis '86. — 57 Bell- Avenue. 
7—12, after 7 p. m. 

Lee, Frank C, M. D. '91. — 1440 Woodland Avenue. 

Melze, Louis A., M. D. '85. — 354 Erie-Avenue. 

Meredith, Eliza J., M. D, 466 Wilson-Avenue. 

Meredith, W. G., M. D. '86. — 1905 Eucüd- Avenue. 

Müler, Wm. T., M. D. '79. — 417 Superior. 

Morgan, John J., M. D. '79. — 20 Outhwaite-Avenue. 

Mulford, Hannah B., M. D. '92. — 171 Prospect 

Osbom, Homer W., M. D. '71. — 271 Prospect. 

Pardee, Wm. C, M. D. '83. — 481 Clarke-Avenue. 

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150 Ohio. — United States of America. — Ohio. 

Cleveland. Paterson, Wm., M. D. '91. — 160 Courtland. 

Peck, Edw. H., M. D. Woodbury '40. Cleveland '67. — 5 ßockwell- 

Street. 8—10, 2—4, 7—9. Nerv. dis. 
Petlet, Jonathan, M. D. Clev. '70. — 295 Erie-Avenue, 
Phillips, Wm. A., M. D. '66. — 29 Euclid-Avenue. 
Phinney, George W., M. D. '76. — 168 Crawford rd. 
Pomeroy, Harlan, M. D. Strongsville '58. Cleveland '79. Kesidence 

484 Russ- Avenue. Office 626 Prospec^St^eet. 8—6. Prof. to Clev. 

homoeop. hospital coli. 
Juay, George H., M. D. Clev. '83. — 106 Euclid-Avenue. 
iabon, Janet, M. D. '60. — 116 Quincy. 
Robertson, Ewing W., M. D. '64. — 50 Euclid-Avenue. 
Sanders, John C, M. D. '50. — 608 Prospect. 
Sanders, J. Kent, M. D. '81. — Euclid-Avenue. 
Sehneider, Jacob, M. D. '71. — 151 FrankUn-Avenue. 
Sexton, Harry L., M. D. '92. •— 673 W. Madison- Avenue. 
Smith, Edw. A., M. D. '88. — 6 Isham- Avenue. 
Smith, J. Edw.jM. D. '78. — 11 Paddock-Place. 
Somers, Frank W., M. D. '92. — 1545 Lorain. 
Spence, Hubert L., M. D. '85. — 946 Prospect. 
Spencer, George W., M. D. '78. — 106 Euclid-Avenue. 
Stedman, Charles A., M. D. '84. — 661 Pearl. 
Stephens, James A., M. D. '81. — 135 Euclid-Avenue. 
Sturgeon, George B., M. B. '92. — 238 Lake. 
Swayer, John W., M. D. 78. — • 1161 Lorain. 
Terry, David P., M. D. '84. — 5 Rockwell. 
Thomas, Charles B., M. D. '91. — 489 Quincy. 
Thomas, Willard ß., M. D. '80. — 1006 Woodland-Avenue. 
Thompson, Mary P., M. D. '80. — 508 Seovill-Avenue. 
Thompson, Wm. H., M. D. • 80. — 508 Seovill-Avenue. 
Thorpe, Lovina A., M. D. '83. — 880 Woodland-Avenue. 
Thorpe, Stanley L., M. D. '82. -- 106 Euclid-Avenue. 
Tims, Wilmer A., M. D. '88. — 417 Superior. 
Toles, Louise, M. D. '83. — 25 Fulton. 
True, Ch. C, M. D. Clev. '84. — 106 Euclid-Avenue. 
Turrill, George E., M. D. '79. — 89 Euclid-Avenae. 
Viets, Byron B., M. D. Ohio '49. Clev. '80. — 135 Euclid-Avenue. 

1 — 5. Oculist and aurist. Prof. Clev. med. coli. 
Walz, Fred. W., M. D. '78. — 121 Fulton. 
Wells, Wm. E., M. D. '85. — 451 Pearl. 
Wheeler, Alex. W., M. D. '63. — 455 Dunham- Avenue. 
White, Ch. A., M. D. '84. — 116 Newburgh. 
Wilson, Nelson B., M. D. '65. — 27 Fulton. 
Wilson, Thomas P., M. D. '57. — 106 Euclid-Avenue. 
Winship Annette T., M. D. '82. — 576 Superior. 
Wood, James C, A. M. M. D. Residence 47 Windsor- Avenue. Office 

122 Euclid-Avenue. 1—5. Gynaecology. Prof. in the Clev. coli. 

and university of Michigan. 
Wunderlich, Edmund J., M. D. '82. — 493 Seovill-Avenue. 
Beckwith & Co. 
L. H. Witte, homoeop. Pharm. 
Cleveland homoeop. med. coUege. 106 Euclid-Avenue. 
Homoeop. hospital College. 

Hahnemann society of Üie homoeop. hospital College. 12 La Grange. 
Homoeop. hospital coUege. 89 Euclid-Avenue. 
Cleveland homoeop. hospital '75. — 66 Huron-Avenue. 
Doreas invalids home. 
Cleveland matemity home. 
Dispensary of Clev. med. College. 
Free med. and surgical disp. for women and children. 
Good samaritan homoeop. dispensary. 
*The Argonaut' '92. — 106 Euclid-Avenue. 

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Ohio. — United States of America. — Ohio. 151 

Clyde. Griffin, Corwin, M. D. 76. 
College Hill. Kilgour, Peter T., M. D. '92. 
Columbus. ßarbee, B. J., M. D. ^80. — 818 N. High. 

BeaU, Sylvester W., M. D. Chic. '89. — 17 E. Spring. 

Bissen, George R., M. D. '77. — 835 Franklin-Avenue. 

Carpenter, Wülard B., M. D. '79. — 657 N. High. 

Carr, Ceylon S., M. D. '76. — 247 S., 4th. 

Castle, Asbury ß., M. D. '80. — 998 N. High. 

Clemmer, John W., M. D. '76. -- 84 E. Town. 

Connell, Rob. D., M. D. '79. — 427 E. Long. 

Coulter, Guy, M. D. '89. — 1033 N. High. 

Derby, Frances J., M. D. '77. — 93, 15 th Avenue. 

Evans, Ephraim S., M. D. '39. — Opera Blk. 

Flowers, Joab R., M. D. '61. — 246 E. Town. 

Freeman, Wm. W., M. D. '81. — 133 S. High. 

Hodges, W. C, M. D. ' Clev. '92. 

Howell, Conrade A., M. D. '88. — 873 N. High. 

Mehurin, Anna E., M. D. '88. — 34 Mc Millen-Avenue. 

Savage, Ch. M., M. D. '70. — 87 E. Town. 

Schräm, Leo, M. D. '92. — 3d and Livingston- Avenue. 

Vogel, Clarence R , M. D. '91. — 86 E. Town. 

White, Comeüus C, M. D. '54. — 35 E. Town. 

Ord, Brown & Co. 

Bann & Brück. 
Columbus Grove. Breckbül, H. F., M. D. '78. 
Conneaut. Sturtevant, L. P., M. D. '74. 

Wetmore, Walter W., M. D. 
Coshocton. Stacy, Summer A., M. D. '86. 
Cuyahoga Falls. Carter, Hiram W., M. D. '69. 
Dayton. Bittinger, Frank D., M. D. Chic. '88. — 23 W., 4th. 

Heberton, Wm. W., M. D. '85. — 107 S. Ludlow. 

Kiefer, Ch. A., M. D. '76. — 27 Miami. 

Krehbeil, Andrew J., M. D. '71. — 907 Wayne- Avenue. 

Lounsbury jr., Osmer W., M. D. '73. — 25 E., Ist. 

Lowes, Joseph E., M. D. '68. — 35 W., 5th. 

Mc Cann, Thomas A., M. D. '91. — 133 N. Perry. 

Nolan, Ch. N., M. D. '84. — 219 W., 3d. 

Webster, Frank, M. D. '82. — 127 S. Ludlow. 

Webster, Wm., M. D. '57. — 127 S. Ludlow. 

James Abbey, homoeop. pharmacy. 

Thomas Dower. 

Fritzell, Evans & Brothers. 

Montgomery Co., homoeop. med. society. 
Defiance. Chapman, Eldred E. K., M. D. '88. 

Holbrook, H. H., M. D. '83. 
De Graff. Hance, Wm. C, M. D. '82. 
Delaware. Hall, Edw. M., M. D. '71. 

. Hunt, Maurice P., M D. '79. 
Delphos. Egts, John B., M. D. '85. 
Denver. Round table club. 
Doylestown. Stepfield, A. E., M. D. '83. 
Duncans Falls. Crumbaker, O. B., M. D. '69. 
East Liverpool. ParkhiU, John W., M. D. '76. 

Sloan, W. J., M. D. '86. 
Eaton. Lovett, Alfred A., M. D. '76. 
Elyria. Cushing, Ch. F., M. D. '61. 

Lorain Co., homoeop. med. society. 
Fayette. Herrick, Cyrus B., M. D. '56. 
Findlay. Bamhill, Tobias G., M. D. '73. 

Beardsley, Herbert W., M. D. '83. 

Davis, Abner L., M. D. '77. 

Neibling, Wm. C., M. D. '89. 

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152 Ohio. — United States of America. — Ohio. 

Findlay. Ray, EUse J., M. D. '79. 

Tricht, John C, M. D. '77. 
Fort Wayne. ßowen, G. W., M. D. Office 12 W. Maine- Street 9-5. 

S. 9—12. 
Fostoria. Squires, Uriel H., M. D. '82. 

Watson, Alvin E., M. D. '73. 
Franklin. Boyer, Walter N., M. D. '81. 
Fredericks town. Blinn, John C, M. D. '84. 
Fremont. Bacon, Wm. H., M. D. '89. 

Truesdall, Clayton R., M. D. *91. 
Ful ton harn. Moore, Ch. B., M. D. '92. 
Galion. Brown, Thomas L., M. D. '78. 

Marsh, Guy C, M. D. '89. 
Garrettsville. Miller, James A., M. D. '86. 
Geueva. Biggar, G. G., M. D. '73. 

Hitchcock, Lena E., M. D. '86. 

Warner, Edwin D., M. D. '79. 
Glendale. Shepherd, Willard F., M. D. '82. 
Grafton. Park, Ch. F., M. D. '73. 
Granville. Smith, Henry L., M. D. '90. 
Greenfield. Merson, Uberto H., M. D. '86. 
Green Spring. Hinkley, H. L. S., M. D. '87. 
Greenville. Myers, J. C, M. D. '76. 
Hillsborough. Hoyt, Wm., M. D. '67. 
Harri son. Brickley, Laura C, M. D. '85. 
Hartwell. Howells, Martha M., M. D. '78. 
Hicksville. Lanning, Willet S., M. D. '88. 
Home City. Goldsmith, Alfred B., M. D. '92. 
Hudson. Coolman, H. C, M. D. '69. 
Huron. Graham, Arthur C, M. D. '91. 
Ironton. Graham, Hamilton, M. D. '92. 
Jamestown. Utter, Joseph A., M. D. '80. 
Jefferson. Loomis, F. R., M. D. '82. 
Jeffersonville. Davis, James H., M. D. '86. 

Ireland, George M., M. D. '76. 
Kent. Andrews, Wm. B., M. D. '90. 

Haines, Ch. W., M. D. '83. 
Kenton. Binckley, Joseph W., M. D. '67. 

Campbell, John C, M. D. '74. 

Crane, A. J., M. D. '78. 

Emery, Willard C, M. D. '79. 
Lakeside. Slack, George A., M. D. '71. 
Lakewood. Sook, Henry L., M. D. '63. 

Lancaster. Hershberger, Joseph P., M. D. Fairfield Co. '55. Phil. '81. 
351 East Main-Street. üntü 8, 12—2, 6-8. 

Parry, Martha A., M. D. '81. 
Larue. Sawyer, Ch. E^ M. D. '81. 

Lebanon. Brown, L. William, M. D. Near Lebanon '54. Cindnnati '82. 
8—9, 1-2, 6-9. 

Thompson, Edwin C, M D. '83. 
Lewisburgh. Stubbs, W. C, M. D. '88. 
Lexington. Stober, John P., M. D. '89. 
Lilly Chapel. Adair, John W., M. D. '87. 
Lima. Bowser, Mathias S., M. D. 

Johnson, T. M., M. D. '84. 

Jones, Frank G., M. D. '87. 

Metzger, Charles, M. D. '64. 
Lodi. Elliott, Albert E., M. D. '73. 
Logan. Blosser, N. H., M. D. '86. 
London. Swartz, John W., M. D. '80. 
Lorain. Barnes, Lewis, M. D. '52. 

Barnes, Louis A., M. D. '80. 

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Ohio — United States of America. — Ohio. 153 

Lower Salem. Hardy, M. V., M. D. '80. 
Mc Comb. Thompson, John A., M. D. '81. 
Mansfield. Anderson, Joseph C, M. D. Clev. '73. — 19 E., 3d. 

Ecki, Simon P., M. D. '81. 

Hall, James B., M. D. '71. 

Simmons, Nathan R., M. D. '84. 
Marietta. Curtis, Hariy N., M. D. '81. 

Curtis, Helen E., M. D. '81. 
Marion. Adams, Frank S., M. D. '75. 

Harding, George T., M. D. '73. 

Mc Murray, John W., M. D. '90. 

Seiter, John G., M. D. '81. 

Wiant, Carey J., M. D. '82. 
Martin's Ferry. Mc Clnre, Wm. B., M. D. 
Marysville. White, Wm. F., M. D. '77. 
Massillon. Garrigues, H. B., M. D. '83. 

Kirkland, Wm. H., M. D. '78. 

MiUer, Burton J., M. D. '87. 

Seaman, Frank E., M. D. 
Maumee. Rhonshouse, George W., M. D. '81. 
Mechaniesburgh. Harlan, Wm. H., M. D. '82. 
Medina. Bean, John L., M. D. '68. 

Croffc, Wm. B., M. D. '82. 

Domon, George J., M. D. '86. 
Miami sburgh. Ginn, Charles F., M. D. '81. 
Middleport. Hamlin, Wm. A., M. D. '81. 

Wilson, Alonzo, M. D. '72. 
Middletown. Faries, Frank M., M. D. '85. 

Reed, Thomas E , M. D. '72. 

Sutphen, John T., M. D. '71. 
Milan. Stuart, Frank W., M. D. '90. 
Millersport. Le Crone, Thomas W., M. D. '82. 
Millville. Marshall, Joseph M. '91. 
Monroe. Steddom, Charles, M- D. Lebanon '45. Phil. '71. 
Mt. Gilead. Case, Wm. L., M. D. '77. 

Wright, A. D., M. D. 
Mt. Vernon. Clark, T. E., M. D. '62. 

Conard, Ch. K., M. D. '90. 

Darby, Edw. A., M. D. '88. 

Darby, Margaret G., M. D. '92. 
Navarre. Steele, Wm., M. D. '83. 
Nebraska. Peters, Wilson L., M. D. N. Y. '90. 
Nelsonville. Junkermann, Ch. F., M. D. Chic. '89. 
Newark. Baldwin, Wm. M., M. D. '69. 

Gregory, David H., M. D. '59. 

Mc Clure, Samuel D., M. D. '91. 

MitcheU, John A., M. D. '80. 

Sook, Oliver P., M. D. '71. 
New Burlington. Estep, Charles S., M. D. '91. 
New Lisbon. Morrow, James 0., M. D. '81. 
New Philadelphia. Peck, George H., M. D. '73. 
North Baltimore. Stoner, John W., M. D. Clev. '88. 
North Fairfield. Smedley, Ephraim A., M. D. '83. 
North Lewisburg h. Gavwood, Joseph S., M. D. '73. 
Norwalk. Bebout, Sarah J., M. D. '82. 

Green, Sidney W., M. D. '49. 

Morrill, Edwin Chamberlain, M. D. Solon '42. Churland '66. — 

Pritchard, Frank H., M. D. '89. 

Simmons, Sherman B., M. D. '81. 
Oak Harbor. Allen Samuel D., M. D. 
Oberlin. Austin, John, M. D. '69. 

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154 Ohio. — United States of America. — Ohio. 

Oberlin. Jump, Julia Chapin, M. ü. Vermon '32. Cleveland '84. Office 
Over 7 West-College. 1—5. S. 2-4. Gynaecology and obstetrics. 
Ceusor of Clev. homoeop. hospital coUege. 

Wilder, David G., M. D. '73, 
Orrville. Brooks, Albert A., M. D. '82. 
Oxford. Muiins, Gh. 0., M. D. '84. 
Painesviile. Gage, J. L., M. D. 

Gardner, Albon L., M. D. '70. 

Tillotson, L. H., M. D. '85. 
Perrysburgh. Brainard, Jerry E., M. D. '89. 
Piqua. Coffeen, C. EoUin, M. D. '78. 

Fahenstock, James C., M. D. '82. 

Hunt, Francis M., M. D. '88. 
Pleasant Hill. Shoe, R. L., M. D. '7fi. 
Pleasant Eidge, Marvin, John J., M. D. '74. 
Port Clinton. Gillard, Clara H., M. D. '89. 

Gillard, David H., M. D. '78. 

Porter, Leander S., M. D. '80. 
Portsmouth. Elfeld, Edw. A., M. D. '69. 

Mc Clure, John E., M. D. '67. 

Van Tine, Cocbran, M. D. '90. 
Primrose. Wolff, Phüip, M. D. 
Prospect. Lunger, Justice S., M. D. '91. 
Eavenna. Johnson, E. B., M. D. '69. 

Mc Bride, Marion G., M. D. '83. 
Rock Creek. Morrison, Frank A., M. D. '90. 
St. Mary 's. Schoonover, W. E., M. D. '85. 

Sheets, C. A., M. D. '78. 
Salem. Blackbum, Wm. J., M. D. '91. 

Church, T. T., M. D. '92. 

Hayden, A. S., M. D. '81. 

Eush, E. B., M. D. 

Thompson, Homer W., M. D. '86. 

Eastern Ohio homoeop. medical society. 70 E. Main. 
Sandusky. Gaylord, Wm., M. D. '84. 

Gillard, Edwin, M. D. Venice ? Ohio '45. Clev. '72. — 423 Columbus- 
Avenue. 1—4. 

Massey, Isaiah B., M. D. '46. 

Morley, Frank W., M. D. '84. 

Stroud, C. Eugene, M. D. '72. 
Seville. Smith, Jennie E. C, M. D. '81. 
Shelby. Eyall, Thomas, M. D. '76. 

Summers, Daniel V., M. D. '88. 
Shiloh. Holtz, S. S., M. D. '77. 
Shreve. Isenberg, Lorain, M. D. '81. 
Sidney. Beebe, Henry E., M. D. Carey'49. Clev. '73. — 7— 9, 12-2, 6-8. 

Eeddish, Albert W., M. D. '83. 
Solon. Harrington, 8. A., M. D. '68. 
South Charleston. Grahn, Ch. A., M. D. '66. 
Springfield. Grant, George E., M. D. '78. 

House, Eob. B., M. D. '69. 

Miller, Harry T., M. D. '88. 

Miller, John M., M D. '69. 

Moore, George W., M. D. '70. 

Studebaker, J. Edgar, M. D, '79. 

Teegarden, Wm., M. D. '72. 

Underwood, Emma, M. D. '79. — '85. — 188 S. Factory. 

ünderwood, W., M. D. '75. — '83. — '85. — 188 S. Factory. 
Steubenville. Prentiss, Jennie B., M. D. '90. 

Shane, Smith C, M. D. '68. 

Sook, J. EolUn, M. D. '87. 
Tiffin. Dünn, George W., M. D. '70. 

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Ohio. — United States of America. — Ohio. I55 

Tiffin. Stover, Wm. H., M. B. '74. 

WeUs, Henry C, M. D. 72. 
Tippecanoe City. Williamson, W. P., M. D. 7». 
Tiro. Yamell, B. A., M. D. '90. 
Toledo. Bariow, Alb. C, M. D. '55. — 13 Huron. 

Boice, Emma L., M. D. '82. — 2236 Monroe. 

Olaypool, Albert, M. D. Westfield '46. N. Y. 76. — 337 Huron-Street. 
9-10, 1-3. 8. 9-IOV2. 

Hammer, A. J., M. D. '80. — 829 Broadway. 

Kester, E. Kate, M. D. '91. — 317 Huron. 

Kester, M. Addie, M. D. '82, — 317 Huron. 

Mantz, Cash C, M. D. '91. — 319 Cherry E. T. 

Mason, Pauline F., M. D. — 920 Adams. 

Maxwell, Lewis K., M. D. '83. — 2208 Monroe. 

Mingos, George W., M. D. '80. — 447 Summit cor. Oak. 

Monroe, Frank B., M. D. Clev. '80. — 448 Cuc. 

Parker, Sewall S., M. D. '70. — 314 Bherry. 

Parmelee, Myron H., M. D. '70. — 1717 Jefferson. 

Rees, Owen C, M. D. '87. — 314 Brie. 

Roll, Arthur C, M. D. '89. — 622 Lagrange. 

Scheble, Adolf, M. D. '70. — 718 Madison. 

Scheib, John P., M. D. '88. — 616 Jeflerson. 

Strong, Ch. H., M. D. '75. — 342 Superior. 

Taylor, Anna B., M. D. '92. — 306 Columbia. 

Tipple, Roh. D., M. D. '78. — 418 Adams. 

Wams, Anton, M. D. — 667 Nebraska- Avenue. 

Zbinden, Christian, M. D. Switzerland '46. Cleveland '82. — 431 Ne- 
braska-Avenue. 1—2, 7—8. Staff of phys. to the Toledo hospital. 

Homoeop. medical society of Ohio. 

Protestant hospital. 
Troy, KneisW, Daniel H., M. D. '91. 

Means, J. W., M. D. '80. 
Twinsburgh. Griste, Luman G. '74. 
ührichsville. Cash, Nathan, M. D. '66, '68 and '70. 
Uniopolis. Bayliff, J. E., M. D. '87. 

Hulburt, John W., M. D. '77. 
Upper Sandusky. Byron, Dennis, W., M. D. '65. 

Mc ConneU, Roh. N., M. D. '65. 
Urbana. Houston, Henry C, M. D. '77. 

Houston, Wm. M., M. D. '50. 

Tracy, Alice M., M. D. '82. 
ütica. Cole, Michael F., M. D. '84. 
Van Wert. Hastings, Wm. C, M. D. '80. 

Kirkpatrick, A. S., M. D. '88. 
Wadsworth. Cranz, Daniel E., M. D. '77. 

Hinsdale, W. B., M. D. '87. 
Wapakoneta. Freeman, Elisha R., M. D. '83. 

Warren. Palmer, Owen A., M. D. Ph. D. Bristol '47. Chic. '84. 
Office Ist Nat. Bank. 10-12, 1—3, 7—8. 

Sherwood, Herbert A., M. D. '76. 
Washington. Rogers, Wm. G., M. D. '91. 
Wauseon. Standish, Orin C, M. D. '92. 

Waddell, Flora A., M. D. '86. 

WaddeU, James H., M. D. '86. 
Waynesville. EUis. J. Tressler, M. D. '80. 
Wellington. Rust, Edwin G., M. D. '80. 
Wellsville. Smith, George H, M. D. '82. 
Westerville. Hunt, John B., M. D. '63. 
West Liberty. Haie, David B., M. D. '69. 
West ünity. Hart, Frank 0., M. D. '76. 
White House. Spicer, H., M. D. Cinc. '82. 
Willoughby. Wall, Wm. R., M. D. '87. 

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156 Oklahoma. — United States of America. — Oregon, 

Windhara. Crawfis, George A., M. D. *88. 
Woodstock. Hewitt, W. C. '81. 
Wooster. Gann, John A., M. D. 77. 

Warren, R. N., M. D. '68. 
Wyoming. Hart, Charles P., M. D. 78. 
Xenia. Finley, Eob. S., M. D. '50. 

Shappee, Wm. A., M. D. 75. 
Youngstown. Allen, George E., M. D. '87. 

Deetrick, John, M. D. Butter Co. Penn. '45. Cleveland ?. 220 North 
Phelps-Street. 7—9, 1—3, 7—9. Gynaecology. Surgeon to Youngstown 
City hospital. 

Hills, Howard B.. M. D. '88. 

Kelty, Arthur, M. D. 

Mc Granaghan, Wm. H , M. D. '76. 

Slosson, Ch. H., M. D. '88. 

Stewart, Consuelo C, M. D. '84. 
Ypsilanti. Walline, Malcolm Theod., M. D. Sweden '43. Clev. '49. 
Zanesfield. Outland, Warren H., M. D. '73. 
Zanesville. Atwell, Wm. E., M. D. '69. 

Bechtel, John W., M. D. '75. 

Edgar, Silas F., M. D. '74. 

Smith, Francis A., M. D. Cinc. '91. — 58 N., 4th. 

Sook, J. Rollin, M. D. '87. 

Wright, John T., M. D. '90. 


Britton. Light, George W., M. D. '69. 
El Reno. Harrington, John, M. D. 78. 
Hennesse y. Frasier, E. A., M. D. '85. 
Oklahoma. Dean, Charles A., M. D. 
Fisher, Jonas W., M. D. 79. 


Alb an y. Chamberlain, ehester U., M. D. '70. 

Amity. Taylor, Peter, M. D. Chic. '90. 

Ashland. Webster, Mrs. P. M.. M. D. '85. 

Astoria. Howard, Walter J., M. D. '82. 

Corvallis. Altman, Louis G., M. D. '82. 

Forest Grove. Geiger Wm., M. D. 

Mc Minnville. Baker, James D., M. D. '78. 

Marshfield. Dunham, Henry E., M. D. '89. 

Myrtle Point. Reader, James K., M. D. 

Pendieton. Garfield, Henry S., M. D. '90. 

Portland. Baldwin, Orpha D., M. D. '85. — 304 E. Oak. 

Bellows, Caleb S., M. D. '90. — 108, 11 th. 

Brown, Ellis C, M.D. '90. — 109, Ist. 

Brown, Samuel Albert, M. D. Wisconsin '52. Ann Arbor '80. — 
390 Va Monison-Street. 8-10, 1-3, 7—8. 

Charlton, Callie B., M. D. '86. — 5 Cambridge ßldg. 

Dale, James S., M. D. '79. — 352 Washington. 

Darr, Miss Clara, M. D. '88. — 181, 6th. 

Day, Charles H., M. ü. '88. - 167 V«, 3d. 

Dearbome, Ella K., M. D. '88. — 369 Catherine. 

Drake, Harlow B., M. D. Fremont '48. Phil. '73. — 484 Bumside- 
Street. 8—10, 6-7 V,. S. 1—3. 

Geiger, Ch. E., M. D. '79. — 264 Morrison. 

Jefferds, Henry C. A. M M. D. Kennebunkport '60. Phil. '85. Office 
67 The Dekum-Room. — 10—12, 2—4, 7—8 Phys. and surgeon to 
childrens homoeop. hospital. 

King, S. Lewis, M. D. '81. — 191 V«, Ist. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Oregon. — United States of America. — Pennsylvania. I57 

Portland. Mc Micken, Joseph J., M. D. *90. — 26OV2, Ist. 

Mackenzie, Peter L., M. D. '87. 

Macrum, Ch. A., M. D. '89. — 325 Marquam Bldg 

Miller, Byron E., M. D. Cleveland '83. New Dekum Bldg. Vice-Presid. 
homoeop. med. society of Oregon. 

Miller, Fred. D., M. D. 1 E., 5th. 

Nichols, Ammi S , M. D. '76. — New Dekum Bldg. 

Nichols, Clarence L., M. D. '85. New Dekum Bldg. 

Quigley, Margaret N., M. D. '89. — 181, 6th. 

Royal, Osmond, M. D. Illinois '56. Boston '85. Office Room 200 
Marquam Bldg. 10—12, 3—5, 7 — 8. Nervous diseases. Proprietor 
of the cottage sanitarium. 

Semler, Paul J. A., M. D. 78. — 171, 4th. 

Stevens, Harry F., M. D. '85. — 7 Abington Bldg. 

Ustick, H. P., M. D. '83. — 700 Marquam Bldg. 

Welty, Emma J., M. D. '80. — 321 Montgomery. 

Wigg, George, M. D. '63. — 49 E., 7th. 

Maton, Chapin & Co. 

Homoeop. med. society of the State of Orgeon. 

Children's home. 
Rockwood. Pfyffer, Charles, M. D. 
Roseburgh. Miller, K. Laue, M. D. '83. 

Oehme, Ferd. G., M. D. Leipzig (Germany) '52. 
Salem. Cartwright, Rieh. C, M. D. '82. 

Griffin, D. Boardman M. D. '84. 

Henderson, Lewi, M. D. Crawfordsville '40. St. Louis '78. Office 
Bush Breymann Block. 10—12, 2 — 3. Phys. of the masion county 

Mc Coy, Mrs. Mary E , M. D. 
The Dalles. Eshelman, G. Cloud, M. D. 'fl!0. 
Union. Pelham, Anna M., M. D. '82. 
Willard. Ryder, James M., M. D. 


Albion. Hubbard, W. S., M. D. '87. 

Allegheny. Cooper, John, M D. '79. N. Diamond. 

Cooper, John F., M. D. M. H. D. East Liverpool '22. Pennsylv. '53. 
105 Arch-Street 9—12, 4—6. 

Goff, Ella D., M. D. A. M. AUeg. '61. — '87. Boston '91. — 17 Taylor- 
Avenue. Until 9, 1—3. 

Homer, J. R. A. M. M. D. Farentown '61. Clev. '83. N. Y. '84. 
79 Arch-Street. 9V2, IVg— 3, 6—8. Secr. Pennsylv. med. society. 

Mellroy, Wm. P., M. D. '86. — 51 E. Diamond. 

Mc Nish, Thomas, M. D. '85. — 143 Sheffield. 

Miller, Henry C, M. D. 227 AUegheny-Avenue. 

Mueller, Gustave A., M. D. '85. — 75 Arch. 

Pitcaim, Ross V., M. D. '78. — 78 Arch-Avenue. 

Shannon, Orlando R , M. D. '74. — 207 Lacock. 

Smith, Manr E., M. D. '84. — 48 E. Diamond. 

Wallace, Thomas C, M. D. '68. — 11 Pennsylvania- Avenue. 

White jr., Rowland T., M. D. '86. — 53 Jackson. 

Willard, L. Henry, M. D. '66. — 236 Western- Avenue. 

Wilson, Charles A., M. D. '83. — 236 Western- Avenue. 

Wolfe, W. Wesley, M. D. '80. — 35 N. Diamond. 

Homoeop. med. society of the State of Pennsylvania. 

Boys boarding home. 

Christian home for women. 

Colored orphan asylum. 

Home for the aged poor. 

Protestant home for boys. 
Allen. Peters, M. Rutherford, M. D. '81. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

158 Pennsylvania. — United States of America. — Pennsylvania. 

AUentown. Hasslar, J. Wyllis, M. D. '92. 

Hassler, M. Jlargaret, M. D. '92. 

Hassler, Wm. A., M. D. '66. 

Helfrich, J. Henry, M. D. '61. 

Kistier, Abraham L., M. D. '83. 

Koons, Tilghman D., M. D. 78. 

Slough, Agnes M., M. D. 

Slough, Franklin J., M. D. '62. 

Homoeop. dispeusary. 34 N., 7th. 
Altoona. Allen, J. Wesley, M. D. Phil. '61. — 1017, 14 th. Vice- 
Presid. homoeop. med. society of Pennsylv. 

Books, Benjamin F., M. D. Phil. '83. — 117, lÄth Avenue. 

Evans, Ch. F., M D. '76. 

Evans, H. J., M. D. Rhymney '55. Phil. '81. Corner 12 th Avenue 
and 14 Street. 7—9, 1—3. 

Hall, Will. Dyr, M. D. Montour Co. '46. Pennsylv. '67. — 1423 Ele- 
venth-Avenue. 7—9, 1—3, 7—9. Dis. of women. 

Morrow, Emory H., M. D. '83. — 1425, 12th Avenue. 

Walter, John P., M. D. '83. 

Woodward, Ellen E., M. D. '92. 
Ambler. Widmayer, Wm. C, M. D. '89. 

Ardraore. Gramm, Gustave E., M. D. Wallwitz '23. Phil. '67. 7—10, 
6—9. Cons. phys. to the med. hospital of women's homoeop. assoc. 
of Pennsylv. in Phil. 
Ashbourne. Van Artsdalen, C, M. D. '74. 
Ashland. Snyder, Leon. A., M. D. Born '51. Schigh County (Phil.) '76. 

8—10, 1—3, 8—10. Presid. of San.-Committee. 
Athens. Corbin, J. L, M. D. 

Morey, E. B., M. D. '89. 

Towner, Harry L., M. D. '79. 
Beaver Falls. Boyd, George, S., M. D. '80. 

Bryan, Homer, M. D. '92. 

Bryan, John, M. D. '66. 

Liscomb, D. P., M. D. '67. 

Moon, Seymour B., M. D. '90. 

Raymer, Wm., M. D. '78. 

Beaver Co., homoeop. med. society. 
Bedford. Taylor, Amos 0., M. D. '83. 
Bellef onte. Dartt, Kob. L., M. D. '75. 

Hoy, Harvey K., M. D. '81. 
Bellevue. Davis, W., M. D. 

Starr, David L., M. D. 

Starr, Pearl, M. D. '83. 
Berwyn. Farley, Walter B., M. D. '91. 
Bethlehem. Andrews, P. Alfred, M. D. '86. 

Becker, John G., M. D. '82. 

Davis, SaUie M., M. D. '89. 

Detwiller, John W., M. D. '73. 

Garis, Frank A., M. D. '89. 

Jacobson, Edw. H., M. D. '64. 

Lieb, Andrew G., M. D. '88. 

Wiswell, Miranda P., M. D. '89. 
Blairsville. Hunter, George, M. D. '86. 

Himter, Wm., M. D. '64. 
Bloomsburgh. Garrison, Joseph S., M. D. '89. 

Butter, John C, M. D. '55. 
Braddock. Anderson, Edw. 0., M. D. '80. 

Shirk, Samuel M., M. D. '91. 

Teil, Gustave, M. D. '81. 

Watts, Anna E., M. D. '91. 
Bradford. Alling, C. P., M. D. '62. 

Todd, M. A., M. D. '76. . 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Pennsylvania. — United States of America. — Pennsylvania. I59 

Bradford. White, A. Grace, M. D. '87. 
Bristol. Abbott, Joseph de B., M. D. '87. 

Osman, Jos. Rud., M. D. Phü. '50. — '84. — 204 Cedar-Street. 7-9, 
1_2, 7—8. S. 6—7 p. m. 

Weaver, Willis P., M. D. '83. 
Bryn Mawr. Powell, Wm. C, M. D. 79. 
Burlington. Yetter, A. F., M. D. '87. 
Butler. Leake, Endeil N., M. D. '80. 

Mann, Jesse E., M. D. '84. 

Mann, Nettie H., M. D. '85. 
Cannonsburgh. Bradford, George M., M. D. '89. 
Carbondale. Day, John, D., M. D. '81. 
Carlisle. Bamum, Fred. L., M. D. '85. 

Bender, J. S., M. D. '62. 
Catasauqua. Becker, Alfred J., M. D. '85. 

Millson, C, M. D. 

Yoder, Daniel, M. D. Pennsylv. '33. Phil. '58. Lehigh '60. — 7-87«, 
I2-IV2, 6-7. 
Chambersburgh. Bowman, Benjamin, M. D. '65. 

Hill, Julia T., M. D. '84. 
ehester. Crowther, Isaac, M. D. '80. 

Maddux, Daniel P., M. D. '83. 

Mercer, Roh. P., M. D. '61. 

Perkins, Gh. W., M. D. '70. 

Powel, Franklin, M. D. '81. 

Starr, Samuel, M. D. '69. 

Urie, Wm. T., M. D. '67. 
Clearfield. Scheurer, E. M., M. D. '71. 
Coatesville. Pratt, John W., M. D. '73. 

WiUiams, Harry E., M. D. '66. 
Columbia. Armor, Smith, M. D. '51. 

Sierer, A. L., M. D. '88. 
Connellsville. Shute, A. Clement, M. D. '91. 
Corry. Waggoner, George W., M. D. '82. 
Crafton. Woods, Stephan, M. D. '75. 

Danville. Bierman, Henry, M. D. 
Harpel, Francis E., M. D. 71. 

Downingtown. Tindall, Ch. L., M. D. '88. 
Doylestown. Peters, Byron M. E., M. D. '86. 

Wright, George. M. D. Phil. '68. 
Du Bois. Balliet, Lorenzo D., M. D. '80. 
Duncannon. Mc Kenzie, Horace W., M. D. '89. 
Easton. Detwiller, John J., M. D. Hellertown '34. Phil. '54. — 8-9, 
1—2, 6-7. 

Roseberry, C. J., M. D. '61. 

Seibert, Will. A., A. M. M. D. Lowhill '59. Boston '85. — 43 North, 
4th Street. Until 9, 2-4, 7-8. 8. 3—4. 

West, Edwin J., M. D. '91. 

Lehigh Valley homoeop. med. society. 
East Smithfield. Cowell, Edw. M., M. D. '85. 
East Stroudsburgh. Clark, Frank R., M. D. '91. 
Edge Hill. Godshall, Sam. George, M. D. M. H. D. Montgomery '60. 
Phil. '88. Until 9, 1-2, 6-8. Orif. surgery. 

Homoeop. med. society of the 23 d Ward of Philadelphia. 
Emaus. Slough, Wm. C, M. D. '69. 
Ephrata. Garoer, Michael B., M. D. '71. 
Erie. Byron, Dennis W., M. D. 

Cranch, Edward, M. D. N. Y. '51. Col. '71. Georgtown '73. N. Y. '75. 
109 West, 9 Street. 8-9, 1—3 and 7-8. 

Drake, J. C. Merle, M. D. Chic. '80. — 201 W., 8th. 

FUnt, Harvey E., M. D. Ann Arbor '91. — 6 W., 11 th. 

Marks, Rieh. T., M. D. '80. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

160 Pennsylvania. — United States of America. — Pennsylvania. 

Erie. Philipps, Joseph K., M. D. Clev. '83. — 15 E., 8th. 

Seyraour, Nelson, M. D. 

Statzer, Henry C, M. D. '86. 

Wilson, Milton A., M. D. N. Y. '83. 

Woods, Mary, M. D. '64. 

Erie Co., homoeoj). med. society. 

Convent of benedictine sisters. 

Harnst hospital. 

St. Vincent hospital. 
Evans City. List, J. M., M. D.^ '75. 
Fair View. Weeks, Helen M., M. D. '80. 
Florin. Roth, Wm. F., M. D. '78. 
Fogelsville. Hellfrich, Calvin E., M. D. '81. 
Fort Washington. Conover, Theodore F., M. D. '79. 
Franklin. Dean, Hollis G., M. D. '91. 

Douds, J. M., M. D. '81. 

Irwin, Thomas A., M. D. '88. 
Franklin Corners. Wright, Johnson, M. D. '73. 
Freeland. Rutter, Everett W., M. D. '77. 
Freeport. Edgehill, James, M. D. '87. 

Germantown. Carmichael, Thomas Harrison, M. D. Phil. '58. N. Y. '86. 
4830 Main-Stoeet. 8--10, %'U-^^U, 6—8. 

Rosine asylum. 
Gettysburgh. Diehl, H. Luther, M. D. '76. 
Glen Rock. Seitz, W. Clinton, M. D. '88. 

Wareheim, Edw. A., M. D. '68. 
Glenville. KeUer, John D., M. D. '74. 
Greencastle. Nowell, J. Fletcher, M. D. '75. 
Greensburgh. Crawford, John S., M. D. '75. 
Greenville. Martin, John H., M. D. '85. 
Grove City. Wilson, Wm. L., M. D. '87. 
Grover. Comstock, Gates S., M. D. '74. 
Halls te ad. Merrell, Alfred F., M. D. '88. 

E verhart, Oliver J., A. M. M. D. Manchester '32. Baltimore '56. 
Eyes and skin. 
Hanover. Grove, David B., M. D. '83. 
Harrisburg. Brandt, Alfred F., M. D. '78. 

Bulick, Thomas M., M. D. '82. 

Caimony, C. J., M. D. '64. 

Clark, J. Nelson, M. D. '67. 

Cook, J. Eimer, M. D. '«7. 

Fager, Ch. B., M. D. '64. 

Fager, John H., M. D. '76. 

Harner, D. W., M. D. '78. 

Pitcairn, Hugh, M. D. '80. 

Swartz, J. Ross, M. D. '79. 
Hatborough. Reading, Thomas, M. D. '88. 
Hazleton. Dietz, Wm. G-, M. D. '75. 

Kauffman, John, M. D. '88. 

Leckie, John W., M. D. '83. 
Hollidaysburgh. Humes, James R., M. D. '74. 
Homestead. Sc Geary, George H., M. D. '88. 
Honesdale. Peterson, Pierson B., M. D. '91. 
Huntingdon. Chisholm, H. Clav, M. D. '88. 
Irwin. Jamison, M. R., M. D. 81. 
Jenkintown. Heritage, Alfred C, M. D. '84. 
Johnstown. Kistler, Horace B., M. D. '85. 

Steudel, Roh., M. D. 91. 
Kelly Cross Roads. Wykoff, Peter S., M. D. '83. 
Kennett Square. Gregg, Alpheus W., M. D. '89. 

Hughes, Morris, M. D. '84. 

Johnson, Isaac D., M. D. '59. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Pennsylvania. — United States of America. — Pennsylvania. 161 

Kutztown.. Peters, Isidore L., M. D. '88. 
Lancaster. BoUinger, Wm. D., M. D. '67. 

Frantz, Frank F., M. D. '75. 

Huebener, 0. T., M. D. '69. 

Metzger, Samuel H., M. D. '61. 

Yeagley, James M., M. D. '84. 
Lansford. Kistler, Grant M., M. D. '89. 
Latrobe. Burchfield, Samuel E., M. D. Tarentum '54. Ann Arbor '81. 

331 Main-Street. 7—9, 1-3, 6—8. 
Lebanon. Bruce, Wm. T., M. D. '76. 

Focht, George B. M., M. D. '85. 

Gates, Alfred, M. D. Phü. '90. — 728 Wülow. 

Gerberich, Daniel P., M. D. '81. 

Gerberich, Morris B., M. D. '87. 

Holsberg, Wm. H., M. D. '78. 

Petermann, J. Frank, M. D. '86. 

Kiegel, Adam J., M. D. '87. 
Lehighton. Dungan, George W., M. D. '76. 
Leib. Kiefer, James D., M. D. '90. 
Lewisburgh. Gerhart, Weber L., M. D. '87. 
Lewistown. Smith, D. Grawford, M. D. '69. 
Lock Haven. Bumley, George C., M. D. '90. 

Smith, Francis S., M. D. '82. 
Loretto. Murphy, John J., M. D. '78. 
Lykens.- Lefever, John R., M. D. '84. 
Mahanoy City. Harrison, J. Allen, M. D. '92. 

Klock, Henry A., M. D. '78. 
Manheim. Detwiler, Isaac, M. D. '61. 

Kriess, Peter L., M. D. '83. 
Mansfield. Barden, John M., M. D. '62. 
Mansfield Valley, ßamage, E. H. J., M. D. '72. 
Marietta. Reich, George W., M. D. '72. 
Manch Ghunk. Kirby, G. Stewart, M. D. '82. 
Mc Connells Mill. Hanna, Hugh, M. D. '70. 
Mc Donald. Woods, Stephen, M. D. '75. 
Mc Keesport. Kern, Wm. H. H., M. D. '74. 
Meadville. Co well, Ch. G., M. D. '69. 

Cowell, Mrs. Ettie R., M. D. '75. 

Parsons, Edgar C, M. D. '77. 

Pond, Ralph E., M. D. '92. 

Rose, Susan F., M. D. '65. 
Mechanicsburgh. Deardorff, Jacob H., M. D. 76. 

Hoover, George M., M. D. '89. 
Media. Beal, Samuel A., M. D. '90. 

Pratt, Trimble, M. D. '70. 

Webster, Samuel C, M. D. '90. 

Homoeop. medical society. of Chester, Delaware and Montgomery 
Meadville. Crawford Co., homoeop. med. society. 
Menallen. Smith, Ch. E., M. D. '73. 
Mercer. Heath le Roy, W., M. D. '82. 
Middletown. Lingle, John C, M. D. '81. 

Ulrich, Sylvester, M. D., M. D. '90. 
Mifflintown. Walley, Louis P., M. D. '83. 
Mi 1 ton. Follmer, W. H., M. D. '82. 

Osborn, James A., M. D. '75. 
Monongahela. Gamble, H. J., M. D. 
Montrose. Baldwin, Harry D., M. D. '75. 
Moores. Tonkin, Wm., M. D. '86. 
Mt. Joy. Harry, Francis M., M. D. '78. 
Nanticoke. Ayers, Ch. A., M. D. '88. 
Narberth. Rotzell, WiUet E., M. D. '92. 

Homöopathisches Jahrbuch. Band IL H 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

162 Pennsylvania. — United States of America. — ^^ Pennsylvania. 

Nazareth. Sbireman, Henry L., M. D. Nazareth '41. Phil. '86. — 7—9, 

12-1, 7-9. 
New Brighton. Boyd, J. S., M. D. 74. 

Nippert, G. M., M. D. '75. 

Thompson, James G., M. D. *83. 
New Castle. Bell, Rieh., M. D. *91. 

Covert, John W., M. D. '79. 

Harris, David R., M. D. '78. 

Lee, Gh. H., M. D. '64. 

Lee, Wm. T., M. D. '86. 

White, Newell, M. D. 
New Holland. Hamer, D. W., M. D. 78. 

Oberholser, Martin H., M. D. '91. 
NewMilford. Hakes, Charles Webster, M. D. Harpursville '58. Cinc. '88. 

Susqnehama Co. 
Newtown. Doan, Edw. H., M. D. '81. 
Newtown Square. Caley, Joseph M., M. D. '89. 
Newville. Reynolds, Wm. B., M. D. '70. 
Norristown. Bunting, Harry M., M. D. 79. 

Preston, Mahlon, M. D. '61. 

Still, Horace, M. D. '77. 

Wilson, Daniel A., M. D. '90. 
North East. Jackson, John 0., M. D. '82. 

Dil City. Curran, Edwin J., M. D. Sherbrook '63. N. Y. '89. Cor. Syca- 
more and Seneca-Street. 1—4, 7—9. 

Jackson, Wm. H. H., M. D. Anrora Portage Co. '40. Cleveland '68. 
114 Centre-Street. 11 — 12, 2 — 4. Private Sanatorium Wm. Jackson. 

Richey, W. J., M. D. '93. 

Seilen, Sylvester Wolcott, M. D. Crawford City '56. Cleveland '82. 
114 Centre-Street. 8-11, 5—6, 7—9. 
Orangeville. Stoddart, Alfred P., M. D. '80. 
Orwigsburgh. Stecket, Ellwood K., M. D. '81. 
Oxford. Rose, John F., M. D. '65- 
Philadelphia. Abbott, Francis L., M. D. '91. — 3039 N., 15th. 

Ackley, Wm. S., M. D. '91. — 2305 N., 29th. 

Adams, T. Louis, M. D. Phil. '90. — 1702 Arch-Street. 

AJdrich, Herbert E., M. D. '83. — 1645 8. Broad. 

Allan, Arthur G., M. D. '78. — 2047 N., 19th. 

Allcutt, David J., M. D. '88. — 1939 8., 12th. 

Allen, John V., M. D. '31. — 1541 Seilers Fkd. 

Allen, Joshua, M. D. '78. — 2136 E. Cumberland-Avenue. 

AUen, Rieh. C, M. D. '68. — 4419 Francfort-Avenue. 

Armbruster, George B., M. D. — 915 N., llth. 

Ashcraft, Leon T., M. D. '90. — 1634 Diamond. 

Baker, Ch. H., M. D. St. Louis '68. — 3727 Powelton- Avenue. 

Banks, James 0., M. D. '73. — 3925 Brown. 

Bardin, Dennison R., M. D. '48. — 331 N., 40 th. 

Barnes, Alonzo M., M. D. '58. — 3241 N., 12 th. 

Barnes, W^m. H., M. D. '81. — 2123 Venango. 

Barr, Benjamin, M. D. '55. — 2137 Arch-Street. 

Barrett, Albert R., M. D. '77. — 15 W., Coulter Gtn. 

Barrows, George A., M. D. '92. — 300 N., 10 th. 

Barthmaier, John M., M. D. '90. — 2917 N., 5th. 

Bartlett,Clarence,M.I). Brooklyn '58. — 1506 Arch Street. Spec: Nervous 
dis. Lecturer homoeop. med. coli, on neurology, electrology. 

Bauer, Rud. F., M. D. '85. — 1514 Fairmont-Avenue. 

Bayley, Weston D., M. D. Phil. '88. — 1643 South Broad- Street, 
üntil 10, 3-4, 7—8. Dis. of nervous System. 

Beebe, Ch. H., M. D. '81. — 173 W. Cumberland. 

Berens, Joseph, M. D. '41. — 1400 Green-Street. 

Betts, B. Franklin, M. D. Pennsylv. '43. Phil. '68. — 1609 Girard- Avenue. 
8—11, 5—7. Prof. of gynaecology and paediatrics homoeop. med. colL 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Pennsylvania. — United States of America. — Pennsylvania. 1 63 

Philadelphia. Beyer, J. Monroe, M. D. 83 Bustleton. 
Bieling, Theodore G., M. D. '86. — 3027 Kidge- Avenue. 
Bigler, Ch. A., M. D. W. - 1919 N., 13 th. 
Bigler, Will. H., A. M. M. D. Phil. *40. — '71. — 1624 Arch-Street. 

8-10, 3V,-5, 7-8. S. 87«— 11. Spec: Eye and ear. Prof. of 

physiology Hahnem. med. coli. 
Birch, John P., M. D. '70. — 3801 Powelton-Avenue. 
Biscoe, Ellis F., M. D. '88. — 2201 N., 18th. 
Boileau, John D., M. D. Phil. '53. — '87. — 804 W. Lehigh- Avenue. 

7—9, 1—3, 6—8. City physician. 
Bonnet, Gustave E., M. D. '86. — 626 N., 11 th. 
Bradford, Thomas L., M. D. Trancestown '47. Pennsylv. '69. — 

1862 Frankford-Road. 8—10, 6—8. Children dis. 
Bradley, Thomas B. '89. — 952 N., 6th. 

Branson, Mary, M. D. Phil. '73. — 1719 Arch-Street. 8-10, 2—4. 
Brooks, Ch. M., M. D. '78. — 1613 N., 10 th. 
Brown, Christ. H., M. D. Pennsylv. '57. Phil. '78. — 1824 Diamond- 

Street. 7-9, IVa-^Va, 6-8. 
Brown, S. Hastings, M. D. '69. — 1408 N., 12 th. 
Brunner, Edgar P., M. D. '69. — 1108 Spring Garden. 
Bryant, J. Kemper, M. D. '56. — 34 Seymour-Gtn. 
Buchman, Francis, M. D. '79. — 1609 S. Broad. 
Bunting, Thomas C, M. D. '55. — 249 Logan-Square. 
Caley, Joseph M., M. D. '89. — 1400 Green. 
Camphell, Howard 8., M. D. '67. — 828 N. Broad. 
Capen, John L., M. D. '75. — 907 Arch-Street. 
Carmichael, Thomas H., M. D. '86. — 4830 Main-Gtn. 
Castle, David M., M. D. '73. — 2007 Arch-Street. 
Chase, Theodore L., M. D. '91. — 5208 Lancaster- Avenue. 
Christine, G. Maxwell, M. D. '80. — 2043 N., 12 th. 
Clark, George H., M. D. '72. — 4 Walnutlane-Gtn. 
Claxton, Ch., M. D. '82. — 1310 Walnut. 
Clegg, Thomas D., M. D. '89. — 2940 Susquehaua- Avenue. 
Cleveland, Samuel M., M. D. '75. — 252 S., 21 st. 
Clift, Alva, M. D. Phü. '81. — 1077 Germantown-Avenue. 
Closson, James H., M. D. Phil. '86. — 70 W. Chelton-Avenue. 
Cobb, Arthur R., M. D. '91. — 635 N., 40th. 
Cochran, Mary J., M. D. '89. — 4056 Aspen-Street. 
Congosto, Jos6, M. D. '89. — 711 Pine. 
Conover, Ch. H., M. D. '80. — 520 N., 18 th. 
Cooke, Mary Ann, M. D. London '49. Michigan '88. — 2107 North, 

17th Street. 9—11, 4Vo— 5V9, 6V4-7V2. Dis. of women. 
Cornelius, Roh. M, B., M. D. '74. — 2512 N., 6th. 
Cowgill, Walter H., M. D. '82. — 2135 Master. 
Cresson, Ch. C, M. D. '55. — 5009 Green-Gtn. 
CuUen, James F., M. D. '90. — 3623 Hamilton. 
Davis, E. Everett, M. D. '81. — 4321 Aspen, 
de Normandie, Myra F., M. D. '85. — 33 Chelton-Avenue-Gtn. 
Dudley, George J. S., M. D. '90. — 4521 Francfort- Avenue. 
Dudley, Pemberton, M. D. Phil. '37. — '61. — 1405 North, I6th Street. 

8-9, 2—3, 6— 7Va- Prof. hygiene in Hahnemann med. coli. phü. 

General secretary americ. instit. of homoeopathy. 
Dudley, Perry Hall, M. D. Phü. '68. — '92. — 1405 North, 16 th Street. 

Ear, nose and throat. Cons. no exe. hours. 
Dumont, Anna E., M. D. '87. — 908 N., 17 th. 
Dunning, Thomas S., M. D. '70 — 1328 N., 15th. 
Ealer, Percy H., M. D. '90. — 2500 Poplar. 
Barhart. Wm. J., M. D. '64. — 1904 Arch-Street. 
Earle, Frank M., M. D. '76. — 1901 N., 8th. 
Egee, John, B. S.. M. D. '75. — 2045 N., 8th. 
Erwin, Wm., M. D. '77. — 3116 Delaware- Avenue. 
Femald, Samuel, M. D. — 4303 Fairmount-Avenue. 


Digitized by LjOOQIC 

164 Pennsylvania. — United States of America. — Pennsylvania. 

Philadelphia. Fitz, Wm. H. A., M. D. '85. — 819 N., 25th. 
Fomias, Edw., M. D. '80. — 711 Pine. 
Forrest, Moulton H., M. D. 72. — 4029 "Walnut-Avenue. 
Fox, Joseph M., M. D. 77. — 338 S., 15 th. 
French, Harriet S., M. D. '65. — 712 N., 8th. 
Frishmuth, Jacob, M. D. '61. — 651 N., 11 th. 
Fulmer, Ch. R., M. D. '89. — 2135 N., 7th. 
Fnrman, Horace C, M. D. '88. — 511 Franklin. 
Gardiner, George W., M. D. '76. — 1702 N., 16th. 
Gardiner, Wm. H., M. D. '79. - 1521 Oxford. 
Garvin, John J., M. D. '64. — 1546 N., llth. 
Gerhart, Joseph M., M. D. '68. — 1127 Mt Vemon. 
Gieser, Wm. R., M. D. 92. — 309 New. st. 
Gilbert, Franklin B., M. D. — 2420 Nicholas- Avenue. 
Gilbert, Samuel T., M. D. '79. — 2025 Vine. 
Gilbert, Irwin B., M. D. '82. — 2027 Columbia Avenue. 
Giles, Ch. H., M. D. '83. — 1009 Belmont-Avenue. 
Gilette, John R., M. D. '92. — 926 N., Broad. 
Gittens, Theodore P., M. D. '89. — 1716 Diamond. 
Gladwin, Fred. E., M. D. '90. — 2429 K, 16th. 
Goodno, Wm. C, M. D. '70. — 1724 Chestnut- Street. 
Gramm, Edw. M., M. D. Phil. '80. — 1433 Girard-Avenue. 
Gramm, Theodore J., M. D. '81. — 1409 Hanover. 
Griffith, Jethro J., M. D. '56. — 173 Greenelane Myk. 
Griffith, Lewis B., M. D. '80. — 2526 Ridge-Avenue. 
Griffith, Silas, M. D. '66. — 1431 Girard-Avenue. 
Griffith, Wm. M., M. D. '72. — 2035 Ridge-Avenue. 
Griggs, Wm. 0., M. D. '86. — 509 Franklin-Avenue. 
Gross, Francis 0., M. D. '80. — 1504 N., 7th. 
Grumbrecht, Oscar L., M. D. '90. — 2642 N., 4th. 
Guernsey, Joseph C, M. D. '72. — 1922 Chestnut-Street. 
Guemsey, W. J., M. D. Phil. '64. — '75. — 4340 Prancfort -Avenue. 

8—9, 1—3, 7—8. Skin dis. 
Gumpert, Benjamin B., M. D. '53. — 840 Franklin- Avenue. 
Haerer, Fred. J., M. D. '92. — 1134 N., 3d. 
Haines, Oliver Sloan, M. D. Phil. '60. — '82. — 137, 59 th Street. 

8—10, 3—4, 6V2 — 7V2. Clinical medicine. V. phys. Hahnem. hospital. 

In Charge med. s. Hahnm. disp. Lect. upon clin. med. Hahnm. coli. 
Hall, P. Sharpless, M. D. '91. — 1733 Chestnut. 
Hamer, J. James H., M. D. Phil. '75. — 113 S., 16 th. 
Hamilton, Wm. C, M. D. '61. — 1700 Franklin-Avenue. 
Hancock, Eimer E., M. D. Phil. '85. — 1443 N., 17. 
Harrington, Edw. S., M. D. '85. — 1444 S. Broadway. 
Hassler, J. Wyllis, M. D. '92. Hahnemann hospital. 
Heintze, Ch. A., M. D. '70. 473 N., 4th. 
Hey Singer, Isaac W., M. D. '67. — 1426 Girard-Avenue. 
Hickey, James S., M. D. '92. — 1831 N., llth. 
Higgins, Royal G., M. D. '92. — Hahnemann hospital. 
Holcombe, J. Randolph, M. D. '71. — 1509 Girard-Avenue. 
Hopkin, Wm. Milby, M. D. '92. — 1812 Jeiferson-Avenue. 
Horter, Lafayette H., M. D. '87. — 4161 Westminster-Avenue. 
Humphreys, Edward, M. D. '81. — Somerton (23 d Ward). 
Iliff, J. Pearson, M. D. '83. — 1333 Girard-Avenue. 
Imes, T. Creigh, M. D. '84. — 518 S., 15 th. 

Ivins, Horace F., M. D. Pennis Manor '56. Phil. '79. Office Chestnut- 
Street 1621. — 9— IIV21 2V2— 4. Eye, ear, nose and throat. Lect. 

laryngology Hahnem. med. coli. Phil. 
James, Bushrod W., M. D. Phil. '36. — '57. N. E. Cor. 18 th and 

Green-Street. 8—10, 4—6 (Eye and ear). Prof. phys. N. Y. med. 

coli. Bushrod James eye and ear Institute 1717 Green-Street. 
James, Horace E., M. D. '84. — 1411 S. Broadway. 
James, John E., M. D. Phil. 66. — 1521 Arch-Street. 8—10, 3-5. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Pennsylvania. — United States of America. — Pennsylvania. 165 

Philadelphia. Jerman, N. Theodore, M. D. 73. — 8006 Francfort- 

Jessup, Haiton J., M. D. '84. — 316 S., 15 th. 

Johnson, Maria N., M. D. '72. — 342 S., 18 th. 

Johnson, Mary A., M. D. '92. — 617 St. Mary. 

Johnston, D. Howard, M. D. '83. — Somerton 85 th Ward. 

Jones, Edward W., M. D. '90. — 2731 Columbia-Avenue. 

Jones, Edwin H., M. D. '89. — 1517 S., 13 th. 

Jones, John J., M. D. N. Y. '42. Phü. 71. — 1802 Mt. Vemon-Street. 
9-11, 5 -7. 

Kaercher, Wm. F., M. D. '85. — 1542 K, 11 th. 

Karsner, Ch. W., M. D. '74. — 316 S., 12th. 

Karsner, Daniel, M. D. '65. — Cor. Green and Tulpehocken Gtn. 

Käse, Edm. H., M. D. '88. — 1323 Girard- Avenue. 

Keim, Wm. H., M. D. 71. — 2015 Ridge-Avenue. 

Kennedy, Samuel, M. D. '70. — 1833 Camac. 

Kent, James T., M. D. St. Louis '89. — 1605 Wahiut. 

Kirk, George J. W., M. D. '71. — 1613 Girard- Avenue. 

Kirk, P. Hally, M. I), '91. — 2019 Green. 
. + Kitchen, James, M. D. '22. — 715 Spruce. 
' Knerr, Calvin B., M. D. '69. N. e. cor. 12th and Spruce. 

Kniffin, Jonathan B., M. D. '61. — 2015 N., 13 th. 

Kohler, Fred. W., M. D. '82. — 2640 N., 11 th. 

Krewson, Amos D., M. D. '89. — 4613 Paul-Street. 

Kuestner, John, M. D. '87. — 2640 K, 6th. 

Kuhry, George M., M. D. '87. — 538 N., 4th. 

Kurtz, Ch. G., M. D. '81. — 1421 E. Susquehanna- Avenue. 

Lacy, Henry A., M. D. '91. — Hahnemann hospital. 

Lane, N. F., M. D. Hartford '63. Phü. '91. - 1435 Poplar-Street. 
7-9, 3-4, 6-7. Gynaecolog. 

Lee Edmund J., M. D. '77. — 1213 Wahiut. 

Leedom, Wm. M., M. D. '92. — 1017 W. Camhria. 

Lewis, Clarence J., M. D. '91. — 8054 Francfort-Avenue. 

Lichtenwalner, Abbott B., M. D. '91. — 2435 N., 8th. 

Lit€hfield, Harry, M. D. '92. — 1409 N., 19th. 

Locke, Melvin J., M. D. '91. — 2321 Master. 

Long, F. Morton D. D. S., M. D. '83. — 2729 Columbia-Avenue. 

Long, Howard W., M. D. '77. — 941 N., 12th. 

Lucena, Francisco M., M. D. '90. — 2041 N., 20th. 

Lukens, Benjamin F., M. D. '69. — 25 W. Chelton-Avenue. 

Macdonald, John, M. D. '79. — 1824 Tioga. 

Mace, Howard S., M. D. '90. — 4046 Ogden. 

Macfarlan, Duncan, M. D. '75. — 3924 Chestnut. 

Macfarlan, Malcolm, M.D. Elderslie'41. NewHaven'65. — 1805Che8tnut- 
Street. 8—10, 3—5, 7—8. Con. surg. wom. homoeop. hospital. 

Mac Mahon, Walter G., M. D. '84. — 1514 N.^ 20th. 

Malin, Wm. H. , M. D. '58. Main and Union -Avenue. Chestnut- 

Mansfield, Harry K., M. D. '85. — 19 W. Chelton-Avenue. 

Manson, Ch. F., M. D. '76. — 2040 N., 7th. 

Marsden, Biddle R., M. D. '85. — Main bei Gravers lane. 

Marshall, Anna M., M. D. '79. — 1728 Chestnut. 

Marter, George W., M. D. '78. — 923 Spruce. 

Mays, George W., M. D. '92. — 1221 W., Somerset. 

Mc Clure, EUza L., M. D. '77. — 1919 Wallace. 

Mc Dowell, Ch. H., M. D. 87. — 1031 Shackamaxon. 

Mc Gill, Edw. K., M. D. '80. — 2035 Gratz. 

Mc Leod, George J., M. D. '57. — - 3905 Locust. 

Medley, Jennie, M. D. '87. — 1830 Diamond. 

Mercer, Edw. W., M. D. '84. — 157 N., 15 th. 

Merriam, Franklin E., M. D. '85. — 2102 N., 11 th. 

Messerve, Fred. W., M. D. '85. — 111 N., 15 th. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

166 Pennsylvania. — United States of America. — Pennsylvania. 

Philadelphia. Middleton, C. S., M. D. Trenton '39. Phil. '62. — 
1523 Girard - Avenue. 8—10, 5—7. Presid. homoeop. med. society 
Phil, and homoeop, med. society of Pennsylv. 

Middleton, Caleb S., jr., M. D. '92. — 1319 Arch-Street. 

Middleton, Willis H., M. D. '82. — 1704 Girard-Avenue. 

Miller, Niles M., M. D. '81. — 4101 Chestnut-Street. 

MitcheU, J. Nicholas, M. D. '73. - 1222 Wahiut-Street. 

Moat, James M., M. D. '83. — 1512 S., 19 th. 

Moat, Wm. 8., M. D. '76. — 1435 Arch-Street. 

Mohr, Charles, M. D. Phü. '44. — '75. — 1823 Green -Street. Cons.: 
May 1. until Octob. 31. 8—10, 7—8. Novbr. 1. until April 30. 8—10, 
2—3, 6-8. 

Monell, John F., M. D. '62. — 6413 Vine-Avenue. 

Moore, Harry W., M. D. Phil. '92. — 724 S., 22d. 8—10, 2—3, 6-8. 

Moore, Thomas H., M. D. '68. — 1315 Girard- Avenue. 

Morgan, John Coleman, M. D. Phil. '31. — 52. — 1015 Arch-Street. 
9—12, 6—7. ehest and kidney. Correct of Vision. Prof. of milit. 
Surgery. Nat. homoeop. med. College Chicago. 

Moses, Samuel L., M. D. '58. — 2815 Boudinot. 

Mosteller, Wm., M. D. '84. — 1119 Spring-Garden. 

Mount, Fred. D., M. D. '79. — 1207 Spruce. 

Mullin, Wm. P., M. D. '81. — 35 W. Chelton-Avenue. 

Myers, Ch. E., M. D. '89. — 4500 Baker. 

Neidhard, Ch. C, M. D. Jena (Germany) '53. — 1511 Arch-Street. 

Neville, Wm. H., M. D. '65. n. e. cor. 19th and Wallace. 

Nichols, Clarence, M. D. '92. — 1019 Arch-Street. 

Norris, Albert A., M. D. '87. — 4818 Chester-Avenue. 

Norton, Claude R., M. D. '72. — 700 N., 40 th. 

Nuss, Winfred W., M. D. '92. — 3614 Howell, Wissinoming. 

Oechsle, John J., M. D. '89. — 2208 N., lOth. 

Owen, Reuben, M. D. '75. - 2024 N., 20 th. 

Palen, G. E. Ph. B. M. D. Palenville '32. Albany '55. — 1529 Arch- 
Street. 9—5. Comp, oxygen treatment. 

Parke, George T., M. D. Phil. '76. — 1521 Spruce. 

Parker, George W., M. D. '70. — 1404 S., 6th. 

Paxson, Oliver H., M. D. '90. — 153 N., 15th. 

Peacock, Thomas H., M. D. '68. — 1950 N., 23 d. 

Peacock, Wm., M. D. '79. — 2217 N., 6th. 

Pettingill, Eliza F., M. D. '64. — 300 N., lOth. 

PhiDips, Walter H., M. D. '92. — Child. homoeop. hospital. 

Pierce, Wm. A. D., M. D. '69. — 2004 Mt. Vernon. 

Pines, J. Darwin, M. D. '92. — 1632 Susquehanna-Avenue. 

Porter, Lucy H., M. D. '88. — 2004 Susquehanna-Avenue. 

Posey, Louis P., M. D. '83. — 1435 Walnut-Avenue. 

Powel, Howard, M. D. '86. — 4804 Regent- Avenue. 

Price, S. Whitaker, M. D. '88. — 2506 N. Broadway. 

Pridham, George A,, M. D. — 3743 Brown-Street. 

Raucj J. Ferd., M. D. '90. — 121 N., lOth. 

Readmg, Ch. L., M. D. '91. — Hahnemann hospital. 

Reading, J. Herbert, M. D. '78. — 1811 Green. 

Reading, L. Willard, M. D. '80. — 1629 Green- Avenue. 

Reed, Rufus, M. D. '71. — 129 S., 13 th. 

Reed, WiU. A., M. D. A. M. Phü. '27. — '52. — 1522 Arch-Street. 
8-10, 3-5. S. 8—9. 

Reeves, Joseph M., M. D. '77. — 1609 Mt. Vernon. 

Reger, C. Albert, M. D. '86. — 1622 Chestnut. 

Rembaugh, Alonzo C, M. D. '69. — 1435 Popler. 

Ridge, Jonathan T., M. D. '82. — 1617 N., 7th. 

Robbins, Ch. W., M. D. '59. — 2710 Richmond. 

Rogers, Sarah T., M. D. '60. — 1015 Vine. 

Rothermel, Felix D., M. D. '91. — 502 N., lOth. 

Russell, Antoinette E.G., M.D. '70.— Women's homoeop. hospital association. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Pennsylvania. — United States of America. — Pennsylvania. 167 

Philadelphia. Sackett, E. Wayne, M. D. '82. — 1737 N., 19th. 
Sanderson, PhiUip G, M. D. '85. — 546 K, lOth. 
Sartain, Harriet J., M. D. '54. — 212 W. Logah-Square. 
Saylor, Norman A., M. D. '80. — 1143 S. Broadway. 
Schreiner, Emma T., M. D. Ann Arhor '80. — 123 W. Chelten- Avenue. 

9-10, 3-4. 
Schwenk, Clayton S., M. D. '82. — 1319 Jefferson. 
Senderling, Wm. H., M. D. '69. — 1934 N., 6th. 
Sharkey, Wm. P., M. D. '75. — 1938 Girard- Avenue. 
Sharp, Jacob G., M. D. '75. — 1906 Christian. 
Sharpless, Edw. S., M. D. '80. — 1329 N., 12 th. 
Shaw, Alex R., M. D. '57. — 902 Susquehanna-Avenue. 
Shellenberger, Charl. Neil , M. D. Pulte med. coli. '78. — 1831 WaUace- 

Street. 8-10, 2-3, 6-7. 
Sheppard, Henry C, M. D. '78. - 1617 N., 13 th. 
Shinn, Ch. T., M. D. '91. — 1031 Spring Garden. 
Shoemaker, Daniel W., M. D. '81. — 1738 Green. 
Shoemaker, James S., M. D. '88. — 3112 Francfort-Avenue. 
Shoemaker, Wm. L., M. D. '76. — 2248 Howard. 
Simmer, Edw., M. D. '72. — 612 N., 38th. 
Small, Edw. P., M. D. '66. — 1609 Summer. 
Smedley, Isaac G., M. D. '80. — 1705 Arch-Street. 
Smüey, Lewis F., M. D. '75. — 1106 Arch-Street. 
Smith, Ch. H., M. D. '76. — 3025 Francfort- Avenue. 
Smith, C. Carleton, M. D. N. Y. '62. -- 875 N., 20 th. 8 - 10, 2—4, 6 —7. 
Smith, George W., M. D. '76. — 1320 Walnut- Avenue. 
Smith, Linnaeus A., M. D. '76. — 3826 Baring. 
Smith, T. Hart., M. D. '66. — 1309 Girard- Avenue. 
Snader, Edw. R., M. D. Phü. '84. — 140 N., 20 th. 
Snyder, D. Lafayette, M. D. '78. — 1635 Girard- Avenue. 
Somerville, Wm. H., M. D. '81. — 1214 Hannover. 
Sonnebom, Wm., M. D. '90. — 2217 Amber. 
Speakman, Wm. W., M. D. '87. — 1702 Arch-Street. 
Spencer, Wm., M. D. '87. — 1523 Girard- Avenue. 
Stafford, Ch. S., M. D. '89. — 2015 N., 19th. 
Starrey, George R., M. D. Phil. '55. — 1518 Arch-Street. 
Stauffer, Annie W., M. D. '81. — 1518 Montgomerey- Avenue. 
Steele, Wm. G., M. D. '86. — 1431 Girard-Avenue. 
Stegmenn, Joseph A., M. D. '86. — 4634 Thompson Bridesburg. 
Stenger, Ch. F., M. D. '81. — 2413 N., 10 th. 
Stephens, Lemuel, M. D. — 1717 Master. 
Stewart, George W., M. D. '83. — 3 Asbury-Terrace-Oaklane. 
Stewart, H. Knox, M. D. '69. — 1512 Mt. Vemon. 
Stiles jr., Wm., M. D. '75. — 1939 Fairmont- Avenue. 
Stirk, James C, M. D. '91. — 4632 Chester Avenue. 
Stokes, H. Murray, M. D. *84. — 1613 N., 13 th. 
Straube, Rudolph, M. D. '78. — 2822 Girard-Avenue. 
Streng, J. Wilmer, M. D. '79. — 2049 N., 13 th. 
Streng, Walter, M. D. '90. — 2049 N., 13 th. 
Stubbs, George P., M. D. '90. — 4012 Haverford. 
Summers, Rob. S., M. D. — 2606 N., 12 th. 
Tait, Alex., M. D. '75. — 3019 Kensington- Avenue. 
Taylor, E. Wilson, M. D. '92. — 419 N., 41 st. 
Tegtmeier, August, M. D. Hannover (Germ.) '48. — 729 S., 16th. 

Veterinär coU. 
Tegtmeier, Ch. E., M. D. '92. — 1315 Marlbourough. 
Thacher, George H., M. D. '92. — 2251 N. Broadway. 
Thatcher, Jesse W., M. D. Phil. '71. — 3500 Hamilton. 
Thomas, Amos. R., M. ü. Walastown '26. Syracuse '54. — 113 South 

Sixteenth-Street. 8—10, 2—4, 7—8. Prof. of anatomy in Hahn. med. 

coli, and decan of faculty cons. 
Thomas, Ch. M., M. D. Phil. '71. — 1023 Arch-Street. 9-12. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

168 Pennsylvania. — United States of America. — Pennsylvania. 

Philadelphia. Thomas, Edw. C, M. D. '92. — 4321 Aspen. 
Thomas, J. Sperry, M. D. 79. — 2022 N., 22d. 
Thompson, Landreth W., M. D. Phil. '87. Surg. child. homoeop. 

hospital 8. e. cor 18 th and Mt. Vemon. 
Tindall, H. Brooks, M. D. '90. — 205 Catharine. 
Tindall, Van E. L., M. D. '64. — 206 Catharine. 
Titman, George W., M. D. '83. — 5659 Germantown-Avenue. 
TomHn, Rieh. E., M. D. *89. — 2005 N., 8th. 
Tomlinson, Wm. H., M. D. '75. — 5110 Germantown-Avenue. 
Tortat, Albin E^ M. D. '88. — 3727 Ridge- Avenue. 
Tousley, Lewis D., M. D. — 610 N., 11 th. 
Trinkle, Samuel M., M. D. '88. — 1641 N., 11 th. 
Tuttle, Ella M., M. D. '88. — Woman's homoeop. hospital of Pennsylv. 
Tyrrel, Urania, M. D. '90. — 342 S., 18 th. 

Umstead, David B., M. D. '78. Cor. Washington and tulip tacony. 
Van Baun, William W., M. D. Phil. '58. — '80. - 419 Paul -Street. 

8—10, 3—4, 7—8. Dis. heart, lungs and throat. V. Pr. Hahn, hospital 

Phil. Con. phys. Harp. hospital Phil. 
Van Buren, Hattic E. 0., M. D. '90. Cor 20 th and Susquehanna- 

Van Densen, Edw. Hicks, M. D. Troy '60. Pennsylv. '80. — 2101 Tioga- 

Street. 8—10, 2—4. S. 8—9, 2—3. Attend. phys. to rosine home. 
Van Densen, Isaac, M. D. '85. — 1621 Vine. 
Van Gunten, Fred., M. D. '89. — 2413 N., 17 th. 
Van Kleeck, John H., M. D. Buffalo '73. — 2117 N. 2, 9th. 
Van Lennep, William B., M. D. Constantinople '53. Phil. '80. — 

1421 Spuce-Street. 9—11. On tuesday and friday. Surg. to Hahnem. 

hospital. Oons. surgeon Oamden, Wümington, Trenton and Harper 

Vansant, Monroe L., M. D. '57. - 1122 Vine. 
Walker, Mahlon M., M. D. '63. — 14 W. Walnut lane. 
Wandeil, James, M. D. '73. — 917 N., 12th. 
Ward, John D., M. D. '87. — 806 S., 3d. 
Ward, John Mc E., M. D. '91. — 1915 W. Susquehanna- Avenue. 
Wasserman, Flora E,, M. D. '90. — 601 N., 18 th. 
Weaver, Chandler, M. D. Phil. '58. — '59. Office Fox Chase. 7—9, 

1—2, 7 — 8. Physic. and surgeon. 
Weaver, Henry S., M. D. '92. — Hahnemann hospital. 
Wells, Ch. H., M. D. '91. — 1493 K, 55 th. 
Wessels, Lewis C, M. D. '92. — 1902 N., 22 d. 
Whinna, E. G., M. D. Stewartown '69. Phil. 91. — 439 North, 41 th 

Street. Until 10, 3—4, 6—8. Ophthalmology phys. Hahn. disp. and 

Phil, hospital for infants. 
Widmayer, Wm. C, M. D. '89. — 534 Lehigh- Avenue. 
Wilbur, Bertrand K., M. D. Phil. '70. — '91. — 1128 Spruce - Street. 

8V2-10Va, 6-7 Va- Anaesth. to Hahn, hospital Phil. 
WiUiams, Thomas C, M. D. '53. - 567 N., 5th. 
Wilson, Alban J., M. D. '65. — 622 S., 16 th. 
Wiltbank, Rutledge T., M. D. *91. — 1410 S., 5th. 
Witzel, Joseph R., M. D. '90. — Cor. Vincent - Avenue and oxford 

Woodward, H. Wells, M. D. '91. — 926 N. Broadway. 
Wright, Albert S., M. D. '74. — 1621 Susquehanna- Avenue. 
Wright, C. Edwin, M. D. '83. — 1930 Diamond. 
Wright, James J., M. D. '52. — 1336 S., 4th. 
Wright, J. Edw., M. D. '79. — 424 Dichinson. 
Wurtz, Ch. B., M. D. '80. — 2431 N., 5th. 
Wurtz, John B., M. D. '76. — 2103 Howard. 
Yearsley, Wm., M. D. '81. — 1636 W. Susquehanna-Avenue. 
Young, John H., M. D. Aurora '47. Clev. '74. — 1630 Green-Street. 

8—6. Spec. : Electricity. 
Young, Wm. S. S., M. D. '88. — 2446 N., 10 th. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Pennsylvania. — United States of America. — Pennsylvania. 169 

Philadelphia. Ziegenfus, A. Frank, M. D. '79. — 1124 Wallace. 

Barker, Moore & Mein. 

Bean & Brothers. 

Beates & Miller. 

Boericke & Tafel. 1001 Arch-Street. 

Bullock & Grenshan. 

G. W. Carpentor Henszey & Co. 

J. W. Dallam & Co. 

Eisner & Mendelson. 

French, Richards & Co. 

Wm. Galager. 

Graff & Dannenbaum. 320 Race- Street. 

Macktown Bower, Ellis & Co. 

Powers and Wightmann. 

Rusell & Newbury. 

R. Shoemaker & Co. 

Wm. R Warner & Co. 

Rieh. H. Watson & Sons. 

G. D. Wethervill & Co. 

Wm. M. Wilson & Co. 

J. H. Zeilin & Co. 

Oxford med. club. 1820 Diamond. 

Boenninghausen med. club of Philadelphia. 1320 Walnut lane. 

Post graduate school of homoeop. 1605 Walnut lane. 

Homoeop. medical club of Germantown. 70 W. Cheltou- Avenue. 

Hahnemaun club. 1328 N., 15 th. 

Homoeop. med society of the State of Pennsylvania. 

Phila'd. clinical society. 1524 Arch-Street. 

Women'shom.hosp. of Penns. '82. — S.E. cor20th and Susquehanna- Avenue. 

Homoeop. dispensary '91. — 406 Fairmount- Avenue. 

Children's homoeop. hospital of Philadelphia '77. — - 936 N. Broadway. 

Hahnemann hospital and dispensary '69. — 15 th above Race. 

Homoeop. dispensaries : a) 1336 V'> N., 21 st. b) 1317 Ridge - Avenue, 
c) 1301 Palmer. d) 2318 Coral. e) 101 Vanhoni. 

Homoeop. dispensary '91. — 1125 N., 3d. 

Homoeop. free dispensary. 1832 N., 12 th. 

Bethesda children's Christian home. 

*The Hahnemann Monthly' '86. — 419 Pine-Street. Monthly. $ 3.00. 

'The Homoeop. Envoy' '90. P. 0. Box. 921 Phil. Monthly. 25 Cts. 

* The Homoeop. Physician' '81. WalterM.James. 1125Spruce-Street. $2.50. 

'The Homoeop. Recorder' '86. Boericke & Tafel. Monthly. $ 1.00. 
Philipsburg h. Bigelow, Wm. S., M. D. '84. 
Phoenixville. Farley, Roh., M. D. '86. 

Horning, Ch. S., M. D. '81. 

Wright, Joseph E., M. D. '84. 
Pine Grove. Bashore, Eimer E., M. D. '89. 
Pitts burgh. Bingaman, C. Francis, M. D. '71. — 922 Penn- Avenue. 

Blackshaw, Joseph E., M. D. '91. — 204 Times Bldg. 

Briggs, Eimer E., M. D. '83. — - 1 Washington- Avenue. 

Briggs, Herron G., M. D. '87. — 213 Grandview-Avenue. 

Burgher, John C, M. D. '54. — 960 Penn- Avenue. 

Chapman, Millie J., M. D. '74. — 916 Penn- Avenue. 

Cleeland, John S., M. D. '85. — 5936 Penn-Avenue. 

Cook, Wm. C, M. D. '90. - 12 Oueida. 

Cooper, John, M. D. '79. — 42 Westinghouse Bldg. 

Dake, Benjamin F., M. D. '62. — 116, 4th Avenue. 

Dean, Edw. W„ M D. Phil. '73. — 408 Penn-Avenue. 

Doyle, H. Harrison, M. D. '91. — 486, oth Avenue. 

Edmundson, Walter F., M. D. '71. — 375, 5th Avenue. 

Ferson, John L., M. D. '79. — 397 Wylie-Avenue. 

Fleming, Rieh. K., M. D. Phil. "82. — 6224 Station. 

Fulton, Henry W., M. D. '72. - 5949 Penn-Avenue. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

170 Pennsylvania. — United States of America. — Pennsylvania. 

Pittsburgh. Hart, Wm. H., M. D. Chic. '83. — 814 Penn-Avenue. 

Herron, Ch. D., M. D. '72. — 3505 Butler. 

Hofman, Ch. H., M. D. '79. — 808 Penn-Avenue. 

Hüft", Ch. C, M. D. '81. — Flavel and Station. 

Kennedy, James C, M. D. '71. — 3718 Butler. 

King, Wm. D., M. D. '84. — 326, 5th Avenue. 

Mc Clelland, James H., M. D. Pittsb. '45. Phü. '67. — 5n Wilkins- 
Avenue. 9—10, 2-4, 7—8. S. 3--4. President of the Amer. in- 
stitute df homoeopathy. Surgeon of homoeop. hospital Pittsburgh. 

Mc Clelland, John ß., M. D. '79. - 411 Penn-Avenue. 

Mc Clelland, Rob. W., M. D. Phil. '84. — 5th and Wilkins -Avenue. 

Martin, Wm. J., M. D. Phil. '77. — 1712 Carson. 

Miller, Zebedee T., M. D. '77. — 2013 Carson. 

PhiUips, Hibbard S., M. D. '84. — 326, 5th Avenue. 

Pond, Edw. H., M. D. '86. — 808 Penn-Avenue. 

Porter, J, V., M. D. '78. — 3604, 5th Avenue. 

Rankin, John S., M. D. '58. — 5801, 5th Avenue. 

Ransom, Wm. C, M. D. '82. — 189, 2d Avenue. 

Rousseau, L. Godefroi, M. D. St. Ferdinand '61. Cleveland? South 
Negley-Avenue. 8-10, 1—3, 6—8. 

Seip, C. P., M. D. '68. — 636 Penn-Avenue. 

Shafer, John F., M. D. '88. — 422 Penn-Avenue. 

Shirk, Samuel M., M. D. '91. - 146, 2d Avenue. 

Sykes, John W., M. D. '55. — 504 Penn-Avenue 

Thompson, James H., M. D. — '86. — 636 Penn-Avenue. 

Fahnstock, Irwin & Rott. 

B. L. Fahnestock & Co. 76 Wood-Street. 

L. H. Harris. 

Harris & Ewing. 

G. N. Kelly & Co. 

J. a. Packofen & Son. 

AUegheny C. homoeop. med. society. 808 Penn-Avenue. 

Home for the aged poor conducted by little sisters of the poor. 

Protestante home for incurables. 

Homoeop. med. and surgical hospital and dispensary '66. — 146, 2d Avenue. 
Pittston. Johnson, Theod. M., M. D. '78. 

Homoeop. med. society of Northern Pennsylvania. 
Platea. Wright, George, M. D. '71. 
Plymouth. Brown, Leander S., M. D. '79. 

Sandel, John H., M. D. '82. 
Potts town (Montgomery). Hatzfield, Joseph A., M. D. Naumburg '46. 
Phil. '81. 7—9, 12-3, 6—9. Dis. of women. 

Rossiter, Edwin B., M. D. '75. 

Yocom, Ch. A.. M. D. '85. 
Pottsville. Boyer, Francis Will., M. D. Pottsville '48. Phil. '69. — 219 Ma- 
hantongo-Street. 8—9, 1—3, 6—8. Dis. of children. 

Haeseler, Ch. H., M. D. '53. 
Punxsutawney. Walter, Jacob A., M. D. '87. 
Read in g. Brobst, Francis H., M. D. '88. — 41 N., 3d. 

Ege, John, M. D. '83. — 142 N., 8th. 

Fair, Benjamin, M. D. '86. 

Grosscup, Joseph G., M. D. '73. — 114 S., 5th. 

Haman, Ch. R., M. D. '91. — 430 N., 9th. 

Haman, Wm. A., M. D. '83. — 122 N., 8th. 

Keen, George J., M. D. '92. — 1213 Chestnut. 

Kline, David C, M. D. '83. — 201 S., 5th 

Klopp, Calvin L., M. D. '87. — 143 N, 8th. 

Knerr, Levi J., M. D. '80. — 712 Penn-Avenue. 

Marks, Wm. F., M. D. Phil. 69. — 48 N., 9th. 

Pachall, Theodore, M. D. Kiel (Germ.) '65. — 208 S., 9th. 

Schantz, Henry F., M. D. Allentown '88. — 613 Walnut lane. 9—12, 

1-5, 6—8. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Pennsylvania. — United States of America. — Pennsylvania. 171 

Reading. Schmucker, Elhanan Z., M. D. Phil. '70. — 117 S., 5th. 

Schollenherger, Lewis A., M. D. '85. — 637 Walnut lane. 

Stewart, A. C, M. D. N. Y. '87. — Ridgewood-Sanatorium. 

Waldman, Paul B., M.. D. '84. — 109 N., 9th. 

Hahnemann med. society of Reading. 137 S., 8th. 

Reading homoeop. dispensary '87. 6th and Phun. 

Homoeop. hospital. 

Ridgewood sanitorium. 
Ren ovo. Kirk, EUis J., M. D. '68. 
Riggs. Tracy, Polly S., M. D. '86. 
Rochester. Mc Cauley, John C, M. D. '90. 
Sandy Lake. Lamb, H. ö., M. D. '90. 
Sayre. Beach, Ch. A., M. D. '83. 

Scranton. Brewster, Frederic D., M. D. '79. — 204 Wyoming- 

Burr, Andrew E., M. D. '58. — 2 Burr Bldg. 

Clarke. Anna C, M. D. '90. — 434 Adam- Avenue. 

Coolidge, John W., M. D. '79. — 330 N. Washington-Avenue. 

Evans, Ch. F., M. D. '76. — 427 Spruce. 

Heilner, Herbert F., M. D. '87. - 3 Burr Bldg. 

Lange, Fred. W., M. D. '90. — 429 Lackawanna- Avenue. 

Lindabury, Albert A., M. D. '90. — 210 S. Main-Avenue. 

Neeld, Ch. M., M. D. '86. — Sanderson-Avenue. 

Roberts, C. Wesley, M. D. Phil. '89. — 312 Wyoming- Avenue. 

Tiffany, Thomas J., M. D. '79. — 705 Court. 

Van Bergen, Henry, M. D. '89. — 832 Green-Ridge. 

Ware, Horace B., M. D. Phil. '85. — Wyoming-Avenue. 
Sewickley. Baird, H. L., M. D. '89. 

Chantier, Israel B., M. D. Phil. '73. 
Sh amokin. Dreher, George W., M. D. '81. 

Harpel, M. Howard, M. D. '67. 
Shannonville. Homing, Ch. S., M. D. '81. 
Sharon. Hoyt, Ch. W., M. D. '70. 

Hoyt, Frank H., M. D. '87. 
Sharpsburgh. Dinsmore, S. W. S., M. D. '76. 
Sharpsville. Williams, Ch. L., M. D. '79. 
Shenandoah. Kistler, John S., M. D. '79. 

Straup, David W., M. D. '77. 

Schnyilkill Co., homoeop. med. society. 
Shippensburgh. Brown, Samuel G. A., M. D. '92. 
Sla tington. Holbein, Monroe, M. D. '75. 
South Bethlehem. Garvin, W. D., M. D. '85. 
Spartansburgh. Hakes, Ch. W., M. D. '88. 
Spring City. Benham, Ch. M., M. D. '91. 
Steelton. Miller, Ch. R., M. D. '87. 
Stroudsbur^h. Brownell, C. M., M. D. '83. 
Sunbury. Richtstine, Frank B., M. D. '78. 
Tamaqua. Dreher, Ch. B., M. D. '66. 
Taren tum. Getze, George M., M. D. '77. 
Titusville. Burchfield, S. Newton, M. D. '87. 

Dünn, Fred., M. D. 

Dünn, James A., M. D. '89. 

Dünn, James L., M. D. '50. 

Quinby, Edgar 0., M. D. '81. 
Towanda. Champlin, H. W., M. D. Orwell, Bradford Co. '57. Ann 
Arbor '81. — 111 Main-Street. 1-3, 7—9. 

Mingos, Leonard M., M. D. '78. 
Troy. Carrier, C. W., M. D. '77. 

Gregory, George W., M. D. '79. 
Tunkhannock. Hill, Elijah H., M. D. '88. 
Tyrone. Piper, Roh. L., M. D. '92. 

Wallace, Clarence J., M. D. '89. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

172 Pennsylvania. — United States of America. — Rhode Island. 

Uniontown. Bowie, Alonzo P., M. D. üniontown *47. Phil. '68. — 
8—9, 6 — 8. Chronic and chüdren dis. Absent July and August, 

Ely, John W., M. D. '82. 

Hickman, S. W., M. D. 75. 
Walters Park. Bull, W. H. H., M. D. Cinc. '85. Walters Park- 

Walter, E. C. L., M. D. N. Y. '65. 

Walter, Roh., M. D. N. Y. '72. 
Warren. Davies, John M., M. D. Phil. '54. 

Davies, J. Norman, M. D. Chic. '91. 

Partridge, Joel A., M. D. Clev. '70. — 223 Liberty. 

Preston, E. D., M. D. '70. 
Washington. Ely, Jonas, M. D. '77. 

Maurer, Joseph M., M. D. Phil. '75. — 59 W. Wheeüng. 
Watsontown. Hummel, H. Rieh., M. D. • '87. 
Wayne. Gardiner, Wm. G., M. D. '88. 

Smedley, Ch. D., M. D. '86. 
Waynesborough. Pearre, Walter, M. D. '85. 

Winget, Stephen E., M. D. '90. 
Weatherly. Dreihelbis, D. Frank, M. D. '90. 
Wellsborough. Shearer, John H., M. D. '52. 

Smith, Joseph N., M. D. '87. 
West ehester. Ehinger, Clyde E., M. D. '80. 

Hoopes, Levi, M. D. '71. 

Jones, Joseph E., M. D. '56. 

Wood, Henry C, M. D. '67. 
Wilkes Barre. BuUard, J. Arthur, M. D. '71. 

Coe, Sarah J., M. D. '78. 

ColUns, Daniel W., M. D. '88. 

Conner, D. Wilmot, M. D. Phil. '80. — 12 Osterhout Bldg. Public 
Square. 9—12, 1-3, 7—9. 

Hacker, Wm. H., M. D. '88. 

Miller, Fred. M., M. D. '91. 

Murdoch, Roh., M. D. '72. 

Sperling. John G., M. D. Breslau (Germ.) '52. 
Wilkinsburgh. Stephens, Wm. R., M. D. '87. 
Williamsport. Baker, Albra W., M. D. '87. 

Baker, Louis G., M. D. State of N. Y. '45. Jowa '83. — 140 West, 
3d Street. 7V3— 9V9, 2-4, 7-9. 

Cheyney, Howard, M. D. '75. 

Du Four, Wm. C, M. D. '80. 

Haag, John P., M. D. '88. 

König, Max J., M. D. '78. 

Reinhold, Max J., M. D. '79. 

Wix, George B., M. D. '90. 
York. Adreon, Harrison C, M. D. '86. 

Brickley, Edw. W., M. D. '83. 

Brickley, Jeremiah W., M. D. '63. 

Brickley, Obediah C, M. D. '55. 

Dehoff, John W., M. D. '76. 

Safford, Lillian R., M. D. '85. 

Yeagley, John H., M. D. '78. 

Rhode Island. 

Auburn. Bradbury, Fred. L., M. D. 

Bristol. Gooding, Gertrude, M. D. Bristol '55. Phil. '84. — 67 State- 

Street. 9—10, 2—3, 7—8. S. 2-3, 7-8. Phys. to child. orphan 

home and women's hospital. 
Central Falls. Gottschalk, Wm. V., jr., M. D. '76. 
Centredale. Bamard, Ch. A, M. D. '79. 
East Greenwich. Langmaid, George B., M» D. '77. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Rhode Island. — United States of America. — Rhode Island. 173 

East Providence. Alli«on, George F., M. D. '91. 

Finck, Ch. H., M. D. '80. 
Hope Yalley. Sisson, George B., M. D. 
Newport. Carry, Wm. Hammett, M. D. '88. 

Chace, Nathaniel R., M. D. '72. 

Squire, Abiram F., M. D. '67. 

Stanton, Kate S., M. D. '78. 
Niantic. ßailey, Ch. Lee, M. D. N. Y. '91. 
Olneyville. Lippitt, Louis D., M. D. '89. 
Pawtucket. Jenks, Frank R., M. D. '91. 

Philipps, Emma A., M. D. Medfield '44. Boston '81. — 18 Summer- 
Street. 8—10, 2—4, 7—8. Dis. of wom. and child. 

Wheaton, James L., M. D. '46. 
Providence. Allen, Thomas E., M. D. '67. — 262 Westminster. 

Ameshury, Walter R., M. D. '86. — 38 Camp. 

Arnold, Jeannie 0., M. D. '91. — 18 Cahot. 

Arnold. Oliver H., M. D. '67. — 29 Greene. 

Beckwith, Tiflft H., M. D. — 120 Broadway. 

Brown, Asa W., M. D. '53. — 27 Bumett. 

Brown, Lucy H. A., M. D. Killinghy '41. Cleveland '82. — - 624 Broad- 
Street. 8—9, 3-6. 

Budlong, John C., M. D. '63. — 142 High. 

Canfield, Hector, M. D. — 347 Butler-Exchange. 

Carpenter, Phanuel B., M. D. '72. — 12 Dartmouth- Avenue. 

Chace, Samuel C, J!|j[. D. — 564 Broadivay. 

Denham, Henry J., M. D. — 332 Westminster. 

Eaton, Reuhen F., M. D. '86. — 325 Gano. 

Gates, Edgar C, M. D. '82. — 144 Smith. 

Gauthier, Leon D., M. D. '89. — 360 Westminster. 

Green, Ch. L., M. D. '64. — 381 Weyhosset. 

Hall, Robert, M. D. '56. — 60 Cranston. 

Hasbrouck, Sayer, M. D. Middletown '60. Boston '82. — 369 Weybosset- 
Street. 10—3. Eyes, ears and throat. Phys. Rhode Island homoeop. 

Hayes, Ch., M. D. '65. — 3 Tobey. 

Howland, Ch. C, M. D. '82. — 64 Williams. 

Hunt Annie W., M. D. '84. — 77 Mathewson. 

Jackson, Henry A., M. D. '80. — 29 Oakland. 

Knight, Edw. B., M. D. '67. — 190 Broadway. 

Mathews, Mary-Deniton Moss., M. D. Slonington '40. Boston '75. 
231 Broadway. 8—10, 2-4, 7-8. S. 2—3. 

Mowry, Martha H., M. D. 148 Friendship. 

Palmer, Fred. H., M. D. 610 Cranston. 

Peck, George Pacheler., A. M., P. M., M. D. Providence '43. Brown 
Univ. '67. — 865 North Maine-Street. 8—9, 2V2-3V2, 7—8. Phys. 
to city disp. 

Sanger, Henry M., M. D. Phil. '92. 

Shipman, Thomas H., M. D. '76. — 234 Benefit. 

Stevens, Grenville S., M. D. '54. — 1 Major. 

Stone, Waldo H., M. D. '82. — 133 Orms. 

Thurber, Emily M., M. D. '78. — 518 Broadway. 

Tillinghast, James B., M. D. '72. — 129 Oxford. 

Walker, P. Francis, M. D. Boston '81. Office 382 Cranston. Residence 
81 Parade. 

Whitmarsh, Henry A., M. D. N. Y. '79. — 9 Jackson. 

Whitemore, Dwight S., M. D. '87. — 43 Ocean. 

Wilcox, George 5., M. D. '49. — 77 Mathewson. 

Wood, Arthur H., M. D. '89. — 34 Burnett. 

Chambers Calder & Co. 

Rhode Island homoeop. society. 

Rhode Island homoeop. hospital '85. — 151 Olney. 

Providence homoeop. dispensary '74. — 3 Walnut- Avenue. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

1 74 South Carolina. — United States of America. — South Dakota. 

River Point. Sprague, Alhert G., M. D. '5^. 
Slatersville. Jones, Elhert A., M. D. '92. 
Warren. Richards, Wm. H., M. D. '66. 
Washington. Baker, Daniel P., M. D. '64. 
Westerly. Rose, Henry W., M. D. 76. 
Wo on sock et. Kingshury, Ed. N., M. D. '80. 

Reed, Roh. G., M. D. 77. 
Wyoming. Macomh, Wm. S., M. D. '92. 

South Carolina. 

Aiken. Gause, Owen B., M. D. '81. 
Charleston. Cleckley, Francis V., M. D. '81. 

Cleckley, Hervey M., M. D. '48. 

Dowie & Mois6. 

Holmes Calder & Co. 
Frogmore. Peters, Wm. C, M. D. '81. 
Greenville. Addison, Wm. P., M. D. '83. — 101 Main. 
Greenwood. Hood, Wm. L., M. D. '89. 

South Dakota. 

Alexandria. King, EUsworth E., M. D. '91. 
Bridge water. Schopp, Mrs. Philip., M. D. 
Canastota. Gross, Ansei M.. M. D. '82. 
Ca n ton. Rosenhaum, Fred. W., M. D. '86. 
De ad w 00 d. Stanford, Flora H., M. D. '78. 
Ft. Pierre. Dickey, John W., M. D. '81. 

Kennedy, Henry M., M. D. '80. 
Groton. Smith, J. Howard, M. D. '68. 
Henry. Cawthome, Mrs. C. Emma, M. D. '86. 
Hermosa. Siddons, George A., M. D. '83. 
Hot Springs. Jennings, R. D., M. D. '89. 

Whitfield, AmeHa A., M. D. '83. 

Whitfield, Nathan C, M. D. '83. 
Huron. Feige, Friede, M. D. Coethen (Germ.) '62. 
Iroquois. Dickey, James B., M. D. '83. 
Madison. Daniels, Wm. E., M. D. '86. 
Miller. Burch, Herhert C, M. D. '90. 
Mitchell. Baker, J. Albert, M. D. '77. 
Pierre. Hoyt, Osmond Naton, M. D. Magog '43. Chic. '79. — 2—4. 

Pres. State homoeop. society of S. Dakota. 
Plankinton. Shouse, Hiram C, M. D. 72. 
Rapid City. Epps, Franklin, M. D. '83. 
Redfield. Munson, Henry O., M. D. '90. 
Ree Heights. Wood, E. Hamlin, M. D. '81. 
Sioux Falls. Brockway, Mrs. S. E., M. D. 

Dittmer, Martin E., M. D. '86. 

Fulford, George H., M. D. '80. 
Watertown. Adams, Edw. C, M. D. 

Finnerud, Hans M., M. D. '89. 
Yankton. Buchanan, James, M. D. 

Murray, Elmore W., M. D. '85. 


Big Sandy. Lindsay, Green, M. D. 
Braden. Cooper, B. H., M. D. '90. 
Bristol. Battin, D. W., M. D. '83. 
Chattanooga. Beaman, Ch. P., M. D. '82. 

Curtis, David G., M. D. '60. 

French, Walton W., M. D. '75. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Tennessee. — United States of America. — Texas. 175 

Chattanooga. Griffith, Mrs. M. E., M. D. 

Harrison, George E., M. D. '83. 

Price, Emmor H., M. D. '73. 

Raht, Wm. E., M. D. '82. 

Homoeop. medical society. 
Clarksburgh. Southgate, A. L., M. D. '90. 
Clarksville. Wilson, Chas. G., M. D. Stnrgia '60. Univ. Mich. '82. — 

203 Main-Street. "/— 9, 1—3. Eye and ear. 
Columbia. Biddle, Wm. M., M. D. '71. 
Conasauga. Park, James F., M. D. 
Eggville. Bray, John T., M. D. 
Gallatin. Smith, A. A., M. D. 
Gladdico. Boyd, W. M., M. D. 
Humboldt. Richman, W. Clinton, M. D. '88. 
Huntsville. Homoeop. medical society of Tennessee. 
Knoxville. BayJess, Herman G., M. D. '78. 

Caulkins, Douglas, M. D. '86. 

EUis, L. Helen, M. D. '87. 

Ellis, Sarah, M. D. '81. 

Harper, Edw., M. D. '88. 

Hicks, Thomas H., M. D. Phil. '82. W. Clinch. 

Mc Creary, Wm. L., M. D. Clev. '73. Vendome Hotel. 

Tydeman, W. W., M. D. 
Memphis. Buddeke, Ivo W., M. D. '75. — 87 Madison. 

Green, Frank F., M. D. Cinc. '81. — 286 Main. 

Hewitt, Wm., M. D. '58. - 243 Main. 

Landis, Henry Z., M. D. '77. — 286 Main. 

Lippincott, Eldridge, M. D. Phil. '73. — 12 Masonic Temple. 

Lovejoy, Mary E., M. D. '91. — 207 Hemando. 

Scobey, A. De Bow, M. D. '92. — 12 Masonic Temple. 

W. N. Wilkerson & Co. 
Nashville. Beckner, James F., M. D. '79. 

Dake, J. P., M. D. A. M. Johnstown '27. Phil. '51. — 218 Vine-Street. 
10-4. S. 10-12. Prof. Hahnem. med. coli. Phil. 

Dake, Walter M., M. D. Cinc. '75/76. 218 iN. Vine. 

Dake, Will. C, M. D. Pittsb. '52. Nashville '72. — 218 North Vine- 
Street. 9—10, 3—4. Dis. of women. 

Dicks, James T., M. D. '80. — 4 CarroU. 

Enloe, Benjamin H., M. D. '96. — 150 N. Cherry. 

Enloe, James H., M. D. '79. — 150 N. Cherry. 

Enloe, Thomas E., M. D. '74. — 150 N. Cherry. 

Fisher, Hugh F., M. D. 0. A. A. Laurence '63. N. Y. '90. — 800 Church- 
Street. 9—12, 2— 5V2, 7—8. Eye, ear, nose and throat. 

Grosthwait, Scott W., M. D. Nashv. '89. — 214 Hardee. 

Overmann, David R., M. D. '81. — 31 Cum Pres. Bldg. 

Plimpton, Clara C, M. D. '74. — 631'/« Church. 

Sheffield, Henry. M. D. '52. — 141 N. Vine. 

Hahnemann club. 

Homoeop. medical society of middle Tennessee. 218 N. Vine. 

Kinkade, Nandly & Co. 


Abilene. Evarts, Edgar S., M. D. Phil. '58. 
Austin. Barker, George W., M. D. '52. 

Bragg, Thomas H., M. D. '71. 

Edmondson, Rieh. H., M. D. Phil. '90. - 108 W., 7th. 

Gasser, Joseph J., M. D. Chic. '74. — 1401 Lavaca. 

Gorton, Wm. D., M. D. Texas '88. — 500 Congress-Avenue. 

Mussina, Edwin, M. D. '72. 

Wilmot, Edw. P., M. D. '82. 
Beaumont. Sutton, Fred. F., M. D. '89. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

176 Texas. — United States of America. — Utah. 

Bowie. Givins, N. P., M. D. 
Corsicana. Bück, Abijah 0., M. D. '89. 

Hines, Frank, M. D. 73. 
Dallas. Davis, Andrew R, M. D. '67. 

Davis, Edw. E., M. D. '83. 

Davis, Fergus S., M. D. '83. 

Dickey, Fines J., M. D. '79. 

West, Isaac C, M. D. '89. 
Denison. King, Frank, M. D. '87. 

Warren, Anna, M. D. 
Dublin. Rew, Oarlton H., M. D. '84. 
El Paso. Butler, Edw. A., M. D. '79. 

Higgins, George H., M. D. '81. 
Ennis. Mc Call, R., M. D. '83. 

May, Thomas G., M. D. '60. 
Fort Wort h. Fleming, John E., M. D. 

Keller, M. Ellen, M. D. '84. 

Purdy, Jared D., M. D. '79. 
Gainesville. Sackett, M. D. 
Galveston. Cluflf, Peter P., M. D. Phil. '45. — 22W/^ Market. 

Coers, John H., M. D. Göttingen (Germ.) '40. — 513, 20 th. 

Mercer, Wm. M., M. D. '59. 
Greenville. Yowell, James K., M. D. 
Houston. Blake, James H., M. D. '70. 

Stiles, Hunter B., M. D. '87. 
Mt Sylvan. Magee, J. D., M. D. 

Paris. Leach, Reginald Barkley, M. D. Dayton'61. Dartmouth '82. Main- 
Street. 12—1, 5—6. Physician to Eakin hospital. 

Smith, Obadiah, M. D. '83. 
Quanah. Smith, Wm. L., M. D. '91. 
San Antonio. Beaumont, Eckhart L., M. D. 

Bliem, Müton J., M. D. '84. 

Bowen, George R., M. D. '87. 

Braden, C. F., M. D N. Y. '91. — 402 E. Houston. 

Clifford, George Gay, M. D. Cinc. '88. Alamo Fire Ins. Bldg. 

Fisher, Gh. E., M. D. '75. 

Jones, Joseph, M. D. '66. 

Rickards, Jennie, M. D. 

Vosburgh, M. D. Kansas City '86. — 19 Alamo Plaza. 

Wilke, Wm. M., M. D. '78. 

Texas homoeop. medical asaociation. 

Protestant home for destitute children. 

Fabiola infirmary. 
Sherman. Meadow, James D., M. D. '91. 

Morrow, H. C, M. D. Cinc. '78. — 231 E. Mulberry. 
Sipe Springs. Marks, Yertus, M. D. London '69. 
Sonora. Jones, H. Guernsey, M. D. '83. 
Vernon. Blackman, George E., M. D. '86. 

Haughton, T. J., M. D. '90. 
Victoria. Stammer, P., M. D. '80. 
Waco. Cohen, Solomon W., M. D. '78. 

Hall, Wm. E., M. D. '83. 

Streeter, George D., M. D. '72. 
Weatherford. Mc Kenzie, John R., M. D. '62. 

Mc Kenzie, Wm. Y., M. D. '81. 
West. Snodgrass, 8. E., M. D. '79. 


Ogden. Graham, Elisha B., M. D. '66. 
Grout, Ch. F., M. D. '87. 
Mc Allster, Edw. A., M. D. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Utah. — United States of America. — Vermont. 177 

Ogden. Keid, David W., M. D. '89. 
Plateau. Mc Alister, Z., M. D. 

Schock, Wm. H., M. D. '81. 
Salt Lake City. Beatill, Jeremiah, M. D. Dommion '39. Cinc. '75. 
655 E., 2nd South Street. 7—9, 1—3, 6—8. 

CrandaU, Caspar L., M. D. '79. 

Crandall, Joseph B., M. D. '78. 

Dart, James M., M. D. '75. 

Douglas, Ch. J., M. D. Chic. '85. Commercial Blk. 

Dussenherg, Koles, M. D. 

Dassenherg, Mariam S., M. D. 

Green, Mary J., M. D. '90. 

Hanchett, James C, M. D. '88. 

Parmelee, George Y., M. D. '78. 

Shinnick, Ch. C, M. D. Chic. '78. 33/34 Mercantüe Blk. 

Sykes, David A., M. D. '76. 

White, Isaiah, M. D. '55. 

White, John T., M. D. '92. 

Woodruff, Eduard D., M. D. 50. Chicago '79. — 986 Third-Street. 

Utah homoeop. medical association. 


Barnet. Hazelton, Hiram J., M. D. Born '38, exam. '63. Cons. 

every time. 
Barre. Packer, Henry E., M. D. '81. 
Bar ton. Ruggles, Anson M., M. D. '59. 
Bellows Falls. Kirkland, Edw., M. D. '86. 
Bennington. Hollister, Wm. C, M. D. '83. 

Partridge, Mary E., M. D. '84. 

Putmann, Warren Ed., M. D. 122-124 South Street. SVq— 97«, 
1-lV^ 7-8. 
Bradford. Jones, Julian Henry, M. D. Rochester '38. Phil. '69. Orange Co. 

Until 9, 7—9. Dis. of women and Eectal dis. 
Brandon. Gee, Orrin A., M. D. '81. 
Brattlehoro. Bowen, Edw. S., M. D. '84. 

Severance, Ch. E., M. D. '58. 
Bristol. Hall, Edgar, M. D. '81. 

Sanhom, George R., M. D. '50. 
Burlington. Colvin, Harvey E., M. D. Chic. '80. — 150 Cherry. 

Wagar, Sanford, M. D. 
Castleton. Roberts, Glenn A., M. D. '83. 
East Hardwick. Martin, Stoddard S., M. D. '88. 
Fair Haven. Murray, Arthur S., M. D. '82. 
Gaysville. Steele, Fred. E., M. D. '82. 
Hancock. Hamblin, James R., M. D. 
Londonderry. Arnold, L. S., M. D. 
Ludlow. GiUette, W. S., M. D. '77. 

Kilmer, Adam, M. D. '91. 
Lyndonville. Davis, Fred. H., M. D. '90. 
Manchester Centre. Wyman, Edmond L., M. D. '75. 
Menden. Sargeant, Wm., M. D. 
Middlehury. Hamilton, Fremont, M. D. '82. 

Smith, Melvin D., M. D. '84. 
Montpelier. Boardman, H. S., M. D. '77. 

Lance, J. D., M. D. '77. 

Vermont State homoeop. medical society. 
Moretown. Haylett, James, M. D. '69. 
Newhury. Atwood, Mrs. L. B., M. D. '72. 
Newport. Whitaker, E. E., M. D. '81. 
Northfield. Mayo, Wm. B., M. D. '77. 
Pittsford. Flanders, Ch. A., M. D. 

HomÖopatblBches Jahrbucb. Band II. ]^2 

Digitized by LjOOQIC 

178 Virginia. — United States of America. — Washington. 

Poultney. Horton, Alonzo E., M. D. '58. 
Richmond. Whitaker, Elroy B., M. D. '68. 
Rutland. Boyce, Alvin, M. D. W. 

Gale, Charles Alson, M. D. Williamstown '53. Phil. '80. — 20 West- 
Street. 1—3, 7--^. Orif. surgery. 

Martin, M., M. D. 

Woodhouse, Gh., M. D. '65. 
Saint Alhans. Waugh, Theodore R., M. D. '72. 
Saint Johnshury. Hall, Ch. B., M. D. '78. 

Sparhawk, Samuel H., M. D. '64. 
Sheffield. Dow, Nelson L., M. D. '87. 
South Royalton. Leavitt, Forrest, M. D. '90. 
South Woodhuyy. Lance, Rob. W., M. D. '79. 
Springfield. Worcester, Frank D., M. D. '87. 
Waitsfield. Van Densen, James M., M. D. '49. 
Waterbury. Mipard, Wm. F., M. D. '87. 
West Burke. Davis, C. B., M. D. 
West Oornwell. Parker, Edwin K., M. D. '88. 
West Randolph. Mayo, John H., M. D. '82. 

Scott, Martin L., M. D. '56. 
White River Junction. Bray, C. S., M. D. '83. 
Windsor. Holden, Clarence P., M. D, '80. 
Woodstock. Logan, A. N., M. D. '81. 


Fair fax, C. H. Moncure, W. P., M. D. Stafford '42. Phil. '82. — 
7—10, 1—2, 5—7. Saturd. from 10—3 at Falls Church Fairfax Co. 
Falls Church. Moncure, W. Peyton, M. D. '82. 
Ga;^ton. Hobart, John W., M. D. '75. 
Grimes. Janney, Daniel, M. D. '60. 
Lynchburgh. Wathall, John B., M. D. '61. 

Young, Gh. B., M. D. '81. 
Norfolk. Allen, Millson R., M. D. '87. 

Webster, Frank P., M. D. '78. 
Petersburg. Jones, W. B., Pryor, M. D. '84. 

W. F. Spotswood. 
Richmond. Stone, George L., M. D. '84. — 302 E. Grace. 

Taber, George A., M. D. Ann Arbor '77. — 11 E. Grace. 

Williams, E. Cone, M. D. '89. — 805 E. Frankün. 
Suffolk. Bagby, George F., M. D. '92. 


Dayton. Bums, G. M., M. D. '65. 

Day, Wm. W., M. D. '47. 

Mc Lachlan, M. D. 
EUensburgh. Gray, P. P., M. D. '80. 
Fairhaven. Graham, George H., M. D. '91. 
Grays Harbor. Schatz, Wm. F., M. D. '65. 
Lake Park. Ross, Hugh, M. D. '86. 
Montesano. Story, Eugene C, M. D. '79. 
New Whatcom. Gillett, Eliza A., M. D. '57. 

Lawrance, Joseph M., M. D. '88. 
Ocosta. Caswell, Glenn G., M. D. '91. 

Corey, R. C, M. D. St. Louis '87. 
Port Angeles. Mc George, Wm. W., M. D. '87. 
Port Townsend. Baldwin, Ch. M., M. D. '81. 
Seattle. Bagley, Herm. B., M. D. '65. 

Carpenter, L. W., M. D. '65. 

Egbert, Wm. A., M. D. '75. 

Emonds, Wm. G., M. D. '80. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

West Virginia. — United States of America. — Wisconsin. 179 

Seattle. FaU, Edmund W., M. D. '88. 

Jordan, J. Eugene, M. D. '88. 

KendaU, Sarah A., M. D. '88. 

Kawson, G. A., M. D. '83. 

ßoot, Orlando G., M. D. 

Sturgus, John J., M. D. '83. 

YouDg, E. Weldon, M. D. Minnesota '69. Minneapolis '89.— 1513, 5th 
Street. Rooms 232 and 233 Pionier-Block. 10-12,3—6. S. 10— 11. 

Young, Thomas M., M. D. '84. 

Homoeop. State med. society of Washington. 
Spokane. Andrews, Hermione W., M. D. '82. 

Davis, W. Norton, M. D. '81. 

Gerlach, Peter J., M. D. '87. 

Gundlach, John G., M. D. '83. 

Hughes, Curtis A., M. D. '76. 

Hughes, Marietta E., M. D. '76. 

Karstrom, Axel H., M. D. üpsala (Sweden) '80. 

Olmsted, Eimer D., M. D. '78. 

Penfield, Ch. S., M. D. '80. 

Penfield, E. P., M. D. '59. 

Spokane homoeop. med. society. 
Tacoma. Hill, Frank R., M. D. Cinc. '84. — 4-5 Gross-Blk. 

Misner, Wm. W., M. D, '82. 

Munson, Clinton, M. D. '72. 

Southworth, Fred. W., M. D. Canada '60. Jowa '87. Office Theatre 
Bldg, rooms 1. — 2-3. 
Tekoa. Mosier, W. A., M. D. '89. 
Vance. Dow, George H., M. D. '85. 
Vancouver. Simons, Nancy J. A., M. D. '86. 

Wiley, David J. W., M. D. '62. 
Walla Walla. Baker, Barton L., M. D. '87. 

Buffum, Harry S., M. D. '86. 

Clowe, Wm. B., M. D. '83. 

Russell, Walter E., M. D '89. 

West Tirginia. 

Oharleston. Crawford, Daniel H., M. D. '90. 
Huntington. Parr, J. D., M. D. '90. 

Popper, R. H., M. D. '86. 
Laurel Point. Henry, E. M., M. D. '92. 
Martinshurgh. Day, George F., M. D. '83. 
Morgantown. Oasselberry, M. L., M. D. '53. 
Moundsville. States, David J., M. D. '84. 
Parkersburgh. Boger, Oyrus M., M. D. '88. 

Muhleman, Ch. L., M. D. '82. 
Point Pleasent. Jamison, Ch. W., M. D. '74. 
Salem. Kennedy, I. S., M. D. 
Wellsburg. Roberts, Hugh J., M. D. 
Wheeling. Belleville, Jacob E., M. D. '82. 

Hennig, Emil J., M. D. '51. 

Morris, John W., M. D. '76. 

Morrison, Benjamin, M. D. '88. 

Rhees, John Morgan, M. D. Phil. '24. — '46. — 56 Fourteenth- Street. 
8-9, 2—4, 7—9. 


Ahnapee. Perlewitz, H. C. F., M. D. '78. 
Antigo. Shaw, George R., M. D. '53. 
Appleton. Kanouse, A. W., M. D. '73. 
Keuyon, W. 0., M. D 


Digitized by VjOOQIC 

180 Wisconsin. — United States of America. — Wisconsin. 

Ashland. Andrus, Adellon R, M. D. *80. 

Perkins, Emest D., M. D. '85. 
Augusta. Pettibone, Arnos, M. D. 
Baraboo. Hazelton, Walter A., M. D. '92. 

Roberts, Adelbert A., M. D. '91. 

Sive, Lawton C, M. D. '40. 
Bayfield. Chappell, Jacob R., M. D.. 
Beaver Dam. Swan, George E., M. D. '66. 

Webb, Wm. B., M. D. '82. 
Beloit. Buckeridge, Isaac, M. D. '83. 

MeUen, Wülis A., M. JD. '73. 

Reed, Wm. A., M. D. '80. 

Spawn, Myron G., M. D. '90. 
Black River Falls. Churchill, Wesley R., M. D. '74. 

White, Arthur E., M. D. '90. 
Bloomington. Chambers, Thomas H., M. D. '55. 

Glasier, Mina, M. D. Bloomington '59. — '83. 

Glasier, W. H., M. D. ü. S. '54. — Chicago '82. 
Brandon. Root, Justin D., M. D. '84. 
Brodhead. WiUis, Robert, M. D. '83. 
Byron. WiUson, W. H., M. D. '79. 
Clinton. Blanchard, Charles W., M. D. '89. 
Columbus. Webster, J. T., M. D. 
Gross Plains. Kerl, Otto, M. D. 

Petersilie, Albin, M. D. 
Delavan. Martin, Thomas M., M. D. '74. 

Webster, John P., M. D. New Liston '52. Chicago '83. — 1—3, 7-9. 
Eye, ear, nose and throat. 
East Troy. Gates, George fl., M. D. '89. 
Eau Ciaire. Noble, James H., M. D. '71. * 

Parker, Edw. H., M. D. '79. 

Sime, Thomas M., M. D. '70. 
Elkhorn. Macdonald, J. A., M. D. '68. 
Ephraim. Hom, Christian P., M. D. '92. 
Fairchild. King, Edgar, M. D. '87. 
Fond du Lac. Ackerman, J. 0., M. D. '77. 

Bishop, L. A., M. JD. '70. 

Duncan, Wm. C, M. D. '84. 

Hooker, Laura L., M. D. '53. 

Patchen, Terah J., M. D. '52. 
Fort Atkinson. Gibson, Edgar J., M. D. '80. 
Fox Lake. French, S. C, M. D. '79. 
Friendship. Mc Gowan, Washington E., M. D. '84. 
Glenbeulah. Weaver, Ch. H., M. D. '64. 
Green Bay. Coffeen, Wellington B., M. D. '84. 

Olmsted, Austin F., M. D. '74. 
Highland. Mix, Homer P., M. D. '80. 
H ix ton. Lemke, Louis H., M. D. '90. 
Hudson. Silliman, Dwight, M. D. '66. 
Janesville. Chittenden, George G., M. D. '79. 

Chittenden, George W., M. D. '46. 

Cole, Wm., M. D. '91. 

Sutherland, Quincy Orlin, M. D. Madison '48. Chic. '73. Office 73 West 
Milwaukee-Street. 8— 8V2J 1—3, 7—8. Gynaecology. 
Kenosha. DeU, Lillian A., M. D. '90. 

Gillespie, Thomas, M. D. '80. 

Ripley, George H., M. D. '91. 
Knapp. Akers, Eugene S., M. D. '75. 
La Crosse. Shepard, Gilbert, M. D. '70. 

Wallace, Edwin P., M. D. 
Lake Geneva. Macdonald, Wm. H., M. D. A. M. Aylmer'66. Chicago '88. 
Metropolitan Blk. 10—11. S. 1—2. Health officer. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Wisconsin. — United States of America. — Wisconsin. 181 

Lancaster. Brown, W. T., M. D: 

Hassell, Samuel E., M. D. 72. 
Madison. Erisby, Almah J., M. D. '83. 

HaU, Oh. H., M. D. '76. 

Vance, James W., M. D. '81. 
Manitowoc. Paine, Rieh. K., M. D. 73. 
Marinette. Squire, Wm. W., M. D. 75. 
Marshfield. Lathrop, Henry A., M. D. '81. 
Mayville. Kaetel, 0. H., M. D. 77. 
Medford. Nystram, Conrad E., M. D. '92. 
Menasha. Burroughs, Frank S., M. D. '84. 
Menomonie. G-rannis, Edward H., M. D. 75. 

Kelsey, Miss Kate, M. D. '83. 
Merrill. Heath, J. De Witt, M. D. 79. 
Mifflin. Parmley, John P., M. D. '79. 
Milton. Crandall, Ellen J., M. D. '86. 
Milwaukee. Beebe, Eugene W., M. D. Chic. '66. — 173 Wisconsin. 

Block, Herm. 0., M. D. '85. — 1113, 3d. 

Bossard, Clemens, M. D. '85. — 891 Grant. 

Brooks, Floyd D., M. I>. '78. -- 524 Van Buren. 

Brown, Frank E., M. D. '91. — 287 Greenbush. 

Brown, Hannah M., M. D. '87. — 59 Loan and Trust Bldg. 

Carlson, Oscar W., M. D. '72. — 425 Milwaukee. 

Danforth, Harry W., M. D. '83. — 425 Milwaukee-Avenue. 

Daniels, Joseph N., M. D. '86. — 332 Harmon. 

Grob, Arthur R. F., M. D. 88. — 482 National- Avenue. 

Grob, Jean, M. D. '76. — 482 National-Avenue. 

Hand, Bimey, M. D. — 68 Loan and Tnist Bldg. 

Hinz, Ferd. M., M. D. '79. — 626, Ist. Avenue. 

Hoehne, Evelyn C, M. D. '87. — 416, 3d Avenue. 

John, Fred. C, M. D. '80. — 283, 9th. 

Langson, Rufus K., M. D. '83. — 1128 Kinnikinnic- Avenue. 

Leuthstrom, 0. A., M. D. '62. — 524 Van Buren. 

Lewis jr., Joseph, M. D. '75. — 330 Hanover. 

Martin, Rob^ M. D. '75. — 210 Greenbush. 

Martin, R. Edwin, M. D. '86. — 802, 3d. 

Nedden, Fred. Z., M. D. '83. — 1124 Walnut. 

Pauly, Lud. D., M. D. '79. — 915 Walnut. 

Randall, Samuel J., M. D. '80. 

Raynor, William C, M. D. Chic. '81. — 408 Grand-Avenue. 

Reynolds, Belle L., M. D. '80. — 258 Ogden-Avenue. 

Shermann, L., M. D. A. M. West Rupert '43. New York ?. 448Jackson- 
Street. 9-10, 1—2, 6—7. 

Wadsworth, Timothy D:, M. D. '66. — 270 Queen Anne-Place. 

Ward, Calvin H., M. D. '78. — 204 Grand- Avenue. 

Milwaukee academy of medicine. 

Homoeop. medical society of the State of Wisconsin. 

Milwaukee orphan Asylum. 

Milwaukee infants' home. 

St. John's old ladies' home. 
Minocqua. Sweet, A. B., M. D. '88. 
Monroe. Churchill, Ann E., M. D. '86. 

Whitcomb, Elizabeth, M. D. 
Montfort. Hitchcock, Jason B., M. D. '80. 
Neenah. Beach, Joseph F., M. D. '89. 

Gimn, Leverett W., M. D. '77. 
Neillsville. Marsh, Isaac H., M. D. 
NewRichmond. Wade, Frank 8., M. D. '83. 
Oconomowoc. Jones, Wm. A., M. D. 
Omro. Daniels, James S., M. D. '77. 
Oshkosh. Dale, Harvey B., M. D. '60. 

Dale jr., Harvey, M. D. '87. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

182 Wyoming (United States of America). — Canada. 

Oshkosh. Ozanne, J. T., M. D. '80. 

Titas, Wülard H., M. D. 74. 

Weed, Harry M., M. D. '89. 
Palmyra. Gibbs, George L., M. D. '90. 
Patterson. Sorenson, Mary, M. D. '77. 
Platteville. Nicklas, George L., M. D. '90. 
Portage. Gorton, Fred. T., M. D. '83. 

Schloemüch, Albert, M. D. '75. 
Racine. Davis, John J., M. D. '75. 

Martin, Samuel J., M. D. '63. — 735 Main^ 

Shoop, C. Irving, M. D. '83. 
Richland Centre. Mitchell, G. R, M. D. 
Ripon. Mitchell, Austin, M. D. '67. 
River Falls. Asfiley, Thomas W., M. D. '84. 
Sharon. Grover, One M., M. D. '83. 

Treat jr., Ch. K., M. D. '88. 
Sheboygan. Nause, Fred. W., M. D. '64. 

Squire, Henry D., M. D. '64. 
Sheboygan Falls. Nichols, Rob. M., M. D. '87. 
Shell Lake. Wolcott, Lester A., M. D. '88. 
Sparta. Long, George E., M. D. '70. 

Stiles, Fred. P., M. D. '80. 
Stevens Point. Goff, Warren W., M. D. 

Walters, Frank A., M. D. '90. 
Stoughton. Chipman, Herbert A., M. D. '90. 
Superior. Mc Kay, James A., M. D. 

PiUsbury, Cassins C, M. D. '79. 

Putman, Clarence S., M. D '83. 

Russell, Henry A., M. D. '81. 

Webster, Bemard N., M. D. '86. 
Theresa. Hinn, Lotiis P., M. D. '85. 
Tom ah. Moseley, John H., M. D. '74. 
Viroqua. SutÜe, Henry J., M. D. '83. 
Walworth. Campbell, Edw. E., M. D. '91. 
Water town. Hoerrmann, B. F^M. B. '78. 
Warrens. Seidel, John G., M. D. '89. 
Waukesha. Dargitz, John P., M. D. Chic. '89. 

Rowe, Wm. H., M. D. '85. 

Violet, Malcolm G., M. D. '86. 

Warner, Albert M., M. D. '42. 
Waupaca. Reed, Herbert L., M. D. '80. 
Waupun. Durand, George B., M, D. '74. 
Wausau. Kanouse, Ed. M., M. D. Mich. '43. Chic. '80. — 9-9. 

Wilson, Wm. W., M. D. Chic. '71. 
West Ben d. Cameron, J. Warren, M. D. '78. 
West Lima. Cole, Beder A., M. D. '83. 
West Superior. Russell, A. Henry, M. D. Lovell '55. Washington '81. 

1726, 12th Street. 1—3, 7-8. 
White Water. Müls, G. W., M. D. '89. 
Wo n e w c. Erd, Stephen, M. D. 

Cheyenne. Quinby, S. J., M. D. N. Y. '60. 
Evanston. Blackburn, Ch. H., M. D. '83. 

Howe, Wm. F., M. D. '90. 


New Brunswick. Hetherington, Indson E., M. D. Johnston '66. Chic. '89. 
159 Princess-Street, St John. 8—10, 7-9. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Argentinien. — Brasilien. — Chili. — Republic Columbia. 183 


Buenos Ayres. Dr. Pincke, Albert. 

Dr. de Tuati, Jorge. 

Demarche Parodi & Co., Cbemists. 

Wieke & Co., Drogaria. 
La Flata. Dr. Dominguez, Arturo. 

Sociedad Hahnemann. 


Bahia. Sociedad hom^opatica. 

Rio de Janeiro. Dr. Mlhs, Lacerdo, Sub-Direktor der zool. Abth. am 

Farmacia homöopatica, Alves & Co. Rua 7 de Setembro 54. 

Farmacia hom^opatica, Francisco Pinheiro Bastos. 

Farmacia hom^opatica, Antonio Gongalves de Aranjo. Penna-Rua de 
Ruitanda 47. 

Farmacia hom^opatica, loao de Sonza Martins. 

Farmacia hom^opatica, Jos^ Maria de Sonza. 
St. Paule. Dr. de Azevido, Arturo. 

Dr. Bastos, Cameiro. 

Dr. Greiner, Gustave. 

Dr. Ramos, Leopolde. 

Dr. Ribeiro dos Santos, Canelido. 


Antofagosta. Dr. Rosas, Juan Martinez. 
Santiago. Dr. Brunner, Johannes. 

Dr. Ikliller, Heinrich. 

Barrios, Hermanos, Boticario. 

Leybold, Frederico, Botica y Drogeria alemana. 

Hochstetter & Co., A., Drogeria. 
Valparaiso. Fabian & Co., Drogeria. 

Republic Columbia. 

Bogotd. Dr. Convers, Julio H. Graduado en la univ. nacional. Presid. 
del istituto bomeop. de Columbia. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

184 Mexico. — Uruguay. 

Istituto homeopatico de Columbia. — 300 M. — Presid. titular Dr. 
Nullez. — Presid. Dr. Convers. — Vice -Presid. Dr. Mufioz. — 
Secretario Dr. Gaitan. — 1er desinado Dr. Paez. — Redact. del 
period. Dr. R. Pombo. 

La homeopatia. — Dr. R. Pombo. 


Jal^pa (Veracruz). Dr. Garcia, Figu.eroa Agostin. Jalapa '47. Mexico '74. 
Galle de Gerospi 46. Enf. del aparato digestivo. 
Dispensario del Dr. Pedro Zuelme. 
Merida. Dr. Hebles, Elias. 

Merida. Dr. Pedrera, Frederico. Merida '37, universitas yneatt anensis '62. 
Rue 1 de Baqueiro 4. IOV2— 12. 
Dr. Villamil, Rafael. 
Font, Jos6, Farmacia. 
Mexico. Dr. Carranza, Panfilo. Mexico '38. Cincinnati '82. Corp. Christi 7. 
8-10, 2-4. 
Dr. CoKn, Calle de Fractor. 
Dr. Gonzalez, Joaquim. Mexico '62. Philadelphia '81. Avenida del 5 

de Mayo 17. Enferm. de niöos. 9—12, 2-5. 
Dr. Gonzalez, Julian. Mexico '21. — '60. Avenida del 5 de Mayo 17. 
Dr. de Lara, Femandez. Avenida del 5 de Mayo 17. 
Dr. Segura y Pesada, Joaquin. Mexico '54. — '77. Calle de Santa 

Teresa 18. 2-3. 
Botica hom^opatica, Dr. Gonzalez. 
Instituto homeopatico mexicano '69. — 60—70 M. 
Consuetario medico quirurgico publice et gratnito. 
Puebla. Dr. Diaz, Placido. Mexico '40. — '64. Cholule 19. Direct. et 
cateder. de patol. int. Pnebla. 
Dr. Polo, Emiho. 


Montevideo. Dr. Korth, J. Chr. Calle de los Treinte & Tres No. 213. 
Dr. Wonner, Stephen. Montevideo '48. Consul of Republic Colomba. 

1—3, 7—9. 
Dr. Raggaz. 
Dr. Corsi, Tormica. 
Demarche Parodi & Co., Chemists. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 


I. M^decins. — Aerzte. - 

— Physicians. 




AbeU. Daniel T. 


Adame, Marie E. 



, Ethan G. 


— Edmond J. 


— Marshall J. 



Frank N. 


— N. W. 


- Mrs. Mary D. 



Frank N., Winthrop 101 

Abbott, Clarence G. 


- Melvin L. 





— Solon 


— Murray M. 



George D. 


Abott, Edward S. 


— Reaben A. 



George B. 


— Francis L. 


— Reuben A., Rochester 143 




— George 


— T. Louis 



Harriet M. 


— Joseph de B. 


Addison, Wm. P. 



Henry C. 


Abrahams, J. A. 


Adreon, Harrison C: 



J. MelTille 


Acers, Lewis F. 


' Adriance, Frank W. 



J. H. 


Achenbach, John G. 


Adsit, Joseph 8. 



John V. 


Ackerman, C. WUlis 





J. Wesley 


— J. 0. 


Ahlbom, H. C. 



Jonathan H. 


Ackermann, August C. 


Aiken, John G. 





— James F. 


Alnley, Daniel 





Ackley, Wm. S. 


Akers, Eugene 8. 



Lemuel E. 


Adair, John W. 


Allan, Arthur G. 



Millson K. 


Adam, Franz 


Allard, Frank E. 




Adams, Anson J, 


Albert, Cornelia C. 



Rieh. Q. 


- C. F. 


Alberts, Rudolf 



Samuel D. 


-- Charles 


Alberts, Thomas 



Sara J. 


— Ch. F. 


Albertson, Joseph A. 



Thomas E. 


- Ch. W. 


Alcala, Alvare« 


Thomas R. 


— Claude W. 


Alday. John H. 



Timothy Field 


— Clifford B. 


Aldrich, Henry 0. 



W. Carey 


— Daniel C. 


— Henry C„ Nashua 



WUfred C. 


— Edw. C. 


— Herbert E. 



WUson A. 


— Erasmns R 


AUcutt, David J. 



Wm. A. 


— Frank B. 


Allen jun., Albert A. 



Wm. L. 


— Frank 8. 


— Albion H. 


Alexander, Anson C. 


— George F. 


— Asa 



Archibald Spiers 


— Geo. 8. 


— Charles 



Emest L. 


- Mm. J. 


— CyruB 



J. T. 


- Mn». J.. Oakhmd 


— Edw. T. 





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MMecins. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 




Alfooso, Raimundo 


Argenti, D. 


Austin, Marshall P. 


— Raymundo 


ArgnlariuB, PhiUp £. 


— Philip A. 


Alling, C. P. 


Arlitx, Wm. J. 


Ayerlll, Miss M. M. 


- David G. 


Armbruester, Henry J. 


— Maria B. 


AUison, George P. 


Armbruster, George B. 


Avery, E. W. 


Almato, Salvio 


Armor, Smith 


— James C. 


AUshorn, Ad. H. 


Armstrong, Leon H. 


— Moses, N. 


Altman, Louis G. 


- Wiber P. 


Ayers, Ch. A. 


Alumbaugh, W. E. 


Arndt, Georg D. 


— Joseph 8. 


Alvord, Samuel 


- Hugo R. 


— Moitimer 


AUye, Phoebe A. F. 


— R. 


Ayerst, William E. 


AUyo, Albin 


Arnold, Prancois Sorell 


Ayres, Chauncey 


Athon, Wm. L. 


— Jeannie 0. 


— E. Darwin 


Amberg, Albert 


— L. 8. 


- James N. 


Amerson, W. H. 


— Lucy M. 


— James S. 


Arnes, Charles 6. 


— Oliver H. 


— Edward 


— Rawdon 


Babbitt, Otis. H. 


Amesbury, Walter R. 


— Romns 


— Zeno 


Ammerman, P. A. 


Amulphy, Bernard 8. 


Babington, John 


Amoss, Ed. N. 


— pere 


Babcock, Archibald H. 


Amtbor, Rob. 


— Victor 


— Cyrus W. 


Anch, J. J. P. 


Arp, Augustas H. 


— Francis L. 


Anderson, A. J. 


Arscbagooni, John Ohan. 


Bacfamann, Ch. 


— AUce 


Arthur, D. H. 


Bachman, George A. 


— Bi»dly B. 


Ark, Jerome L. 


Bäcker. Leigh. J. 


— Edw. 0. 


Arts, Jerome L. 


Backus, Annie A. 


— Edwin 8. 


Asbaugh, John J. 


— James J. 


— G. Hamblin 


Asbury, Isaac M. 


Bacon, Ch. W. 


— G. Hamlin 


Ashby, Sherman P. 


— Charles A. 


— Henry J. 


— Sherm.P.,YellowCreek74 

- Edgar H. 


— J. K. 




— Earl Z. 


— James E. 


Ashcraft, Leon T. 


— James 


— Joseph C. 


Asher, Rutson £. 


— Sarah E. 


— Niels 


Ashley, Maurice C. 


- Wm. H. 


— Samuel H. 


— Thomas W. 


Badger, Alice 


— Samuel B. 


Askenstedt, Prita C. 


— Sophia F. 


- Wm. D. 


Asuar, Alvarei 


Badgley, Cobum 


Andrew, Richard M. 


Ashtoü, C. W. 


Badia, Salvador 


Andrews, P. Alfred 


Ascman, Max 


Badiole, Gustave 


— Benjamin P. 


Aten, W. H. 


Baething, Henry 


— Clarence B. 


Atherton, Romeo M. 


Bagley, Edgar A. 


— George R. 


Atkins, Lloyd R. 


Bagby, George F. 


— Hermione W. 


Atklnson, Leonard W. 


— George F., Suffolk 


— Purneil W. 


Atwell, David R. 


Bagley. Herrn. B. 


- Sarah W. 


— Wm. E. 


ßahrenberg, John P. 


— William R. 


Atwood, Harry A. 


Baily, Alfred W. 


— Wm. B. 


— Jos. Preem. 


Bailey, Alfred G. 


- Wm. J. 


- Mrs. L. B. 


— Annie E. 


Andrus, Addelon P. 


Atzerodt, Ludwig 


- Benjamin F. 


Angell, Angustus 


— Ulrich 


— Benj. F., Lincoln 


— H. C. 


Aub, Emmanuel 


- Ch. Lee 


- Milton H. 


Auch. J. J. F. 


— Charles L. 


~ Rieh. 


Auf der Heide, Pred. H. 


— £. StUmann 


~ Samuel M. 


Augier, Em. 


— 8. Eveline 


Angel y Angel, Bonino 




— George L. 


Anker, Robert 


Aurand, Oliver J. 


- George W. 


Anuson, Milton L. 


Austin, Alex. G. 


— John 


Appleton, Lucy 


— Edson C. 


— Norton H. 


Aplin, Wm. H. 


— Edward E. 


— Stepben G. 


— W. H. 


— Mrs. Hannah 


— Walter H. 


Arbnckle, George W. 


— John 


— WiU. M. 


Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Mädecins. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 





Bain, R. Chisholm 


Bamber, 0. Stewart 


Barrus, Clara 


Baird. Abrwn H. 


Bance, M. Edith 


Barstow^Pike, Mrs. Rhoda 61 

- H. L. 


Bancroft, Walton 


Barthmaier, John M. 


Baker. Albra W. 


Banerjee, Dwarka Nath 


Bartholomew, Daniel D. 


— Allen E. 


— G. D. 


Bartine, David W. 


— Almena J. 


Bango, Edwin M. 


Bartkowsky, Clemenco 


— B. Wade 


BangB, F. H. 


Bartlett, Clarenee 


— Barton L. 


Banks, James 0. 


— F. L. 


~ Charles W. 


Banker, Pierre A. 


— Henry H. 


- Charles 0. 


Banton, Benson 


— Lorenxo B. 


— Ch. H. 


Barbee, B. J. 


— Louis B. 


— Clareflce If. 


Barber, Adelia D. 


— Oscar F. 


— Daniel P. 


— Clarenoe H. 


— Reuel 


— De Forrest 


— Edmund H. 


— Thomas W. 


— Plint Almena 


— Hiram A. 


Barton, J. Marcus 


— Franees A. 


— Isaac A. 


— W. R. 


— Frank W. 


— Oscar M. 


— Wm. R. 


— George 


Barbour, Julius E. 


B«ruch, Solomon 


— Harry C. 


- Nathan R. 


Baseom, Henry M. 


— James D. 


Barden, John M. 


Bashove, Eimer £. 


— J. Albert 


Bardin, Dennison R. 


Bas, William 


— Jennie V. H. 


Bardwell, Fred. A. 


Bass. Edgar C. 


- John W. 


Barett, Albert R. 


— George E. 


— Mrs. Loo 


Baright. JulU 8. 


— Seivy A. 


— Louis G. 


Bario, Patricio 


— Selvy A., Wichita 


— Marcus J. 


Baris. Edward D. 


Bassett, Charles F. 


- Milton H. 


Barkeloo, Harriet 


— Howard W. 


— Reuben H. 


Barker, Mrs. C. F. 


— Solm 8. 


— Timothy 


— Clarenoe F. 


— Susan A. 


— Walter G. 


— Emily J. 


Bastar, W. Clay 


von Bakody, Theodor 


— George W. 


Bastin, C. V. 


Balch, Ed. T. 


— Milton R. 


Bastos, Carneiro 


Baldelü, Torquato 


— MUton R., Grundy 

Batault, Emile 


Bald Win, Aaron 




Batchelder, John 0. 


— Alva M. 


Barlow, Alb. C. 


— F. P. 


— Arthur H. 


— Drusilla G. 


— Henry F. 


— Ch. M. 


Barnard, Ch. A. 


Bateman, Thomas 


— David A. 


— James S. 


Bates, George W. 


— Harry D. 


Barnes, Addie M. 


— GeorgW.,8pringfield 100 

— Henry N. 


— Alonco M. 


— Gideon 


— J. B. 


— Charles F. 


— James 0. 


— Jared G. 


— Emily L. 


Bathrick, F. W. 


— Lawrence 


— Lewis 


BatteUe, Ernest L. 


— Orpha D. 


— Louis A. 


Battey, Gallen 8. 


— 8. C. 


— Wm. H. 


— Henry F. 


— Theodore H. 


Barnett, Amelia 


Battin, D. W 


- Wm. M. 


BarnhiU. TobUs ü. 




Bau, Alexandre R. 


Barnart, Newton H. 


Bauer, Rud. F. 


— Belle H. 


Barnum, Arthur J. 


Baughman, Is. J. 


— Halsey J. 


— Fred. L. 


Bausmann, A. L. 


- Jay 


Barnwell, James H. 


Banwens, J. 


Ballard, Ed. R. 


Barr, Benjamin 


Baxter, Harris H. 


- AsaN. 


- D. T. 


Bayiess, Herman G. 


— Laura 


— Frank H. 


Bayley, Weston D. 


— J. Stow 


— W. H. 


BayUes, Baron BradfordL. 125 

BaUiet, Lorenzo D. 


Barrantes, e lequierdo 


Bayliff, J. E. 


von Balogh, Tihamer 


Barrett, James W. 


Baynum, Mary H. 



Barrow, Roger 


Beach, Ch. A. 


Ballon, Emery 


Barrows, George 8. 


— Ch. L. 


Baltaer, Martin 


— George A. 


— Ell« J. 


Balyeat, Edmond A. 


— Ransom M. 


►- G. L. 


Digitized by VjOOQIC 


M^decins. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 




Beaoh, Qeorge H. 


Beiding, Rufus E. 


Bernay, If . 


— Henry H. A. 


BeU, Alexandre T. 


— Pierre 


— Joseph P. 


— David R. 


Berridge, Ed. WiU. 


— R. BeUe 


— J. A. 


Berrick, Francis H. 


Beahan, Albert L. 


— James B. 


Berry, John L. 


Beal, Samuel A. 


— James 8. 


- Thaddens C. 


BeaU, Sylvester W. 


— Ifrs. Julia E. 8. 


— W. T. 


Beals, Herbert J. 


— Rieh. 




— W. Guy 


— WUIiam 


de Benosa, Manuel Pascal 32 

Beamao, Ch. P. 


BelUmy, Alfred D. 


Besemer, Martin 


Beao, Jobn L. 


BelleviUe, Jacob E. 


Best, George B. 


Bear, Hiram C. 


Bellis, Edward 


Betts, B. Franklin 


Bearby. M. Jennie 


BeUows, Caleb S. 


Bevilacqua, Flaminio 


Beardsley, Edmond J. 


— Howard P. 



- H. C. 


— Howard P., West 

Bewin, Wm. A. 


— Herbert W. 




Beyea, James L. 


Beater, Orlando Palmer 


Belluomini, Francesco 


Beyer I Monroe 


BeatiU, Jeremiah 


de Benavent, Francisco y 

Biscoe, Ellis F. 


Beaumont, Eckhardt L. 


de Camon 


Bickley. Gab. Q. 


— John F. 


— Xavier 


— John G. 


Beboot, Sarah J. 


Bender, J. 8. 


Biddle, Wm. M. 


- Stephen R. 


Benedict, Alb. C. 


Biera, Juan 


BIcheU Louis liichel 


— Frank L. 


Bierbauer, B. W. 


BeehteU, Jobn W. 


— Theodore M. 


Biegier, Aug. Jos. Gust. 


Beck, Alphonse 


Benham, Ch. M. 


Bieling, Theodore G. 


— Judson L. 


— "Pmyi» L. 


Bierman, Henry 


— Peter 8. 


— Francis A. 


Bigelow. Alfred J. 


Becker, A. 


— Frank A. 


— Frank A. 


- Alfiped J. 


Beninga, S. R. F. L. 


— Wm. J. 


— Fred. J. 


Bennett, Annette 


Biggar, G. G. 


— Friedrich 


— C. F. 


— Ham. F. 


— John G. 


— D. Gates 


Bigler, Ch. A. 


— Mary L. 


— Daniel M. 


— Will. H. 


Beckett, Albert T. 


— G. H. R. 


Bllfinger, Eugen 


Beckner, James F. 


— Henry 


BUUg, Hugo Heinrich 


Beckwith, Bruce S. 


— James A. 


BiUings, George H. 


— Donet H. 


- Mary M. 


Billlnger, Rob. A. 


- Ed. 


— If. K. 

126 . 

Bingbam. A. C. 


- S. R. 


— R. A. 


— Oscar E. 


— Tifft H. 


— Samuel H. 


— RusseU 


Bedelle, Leila G. 


— Sophie E. 


— Russell. Naugatuck 


Bedford, Lymann 


— Theodocia 


Bingaman, C. Francis 


Beebe, Albert G. 


— W. 8. 


Binckley, Joseph W. 


— Ch. H. 


— Wm, H. 


Birch, Ch. E. 


— Clarenc« Ed. 


- Wm. 


- John P. 


— Curtis M. 


Bennitt, Francis M. 


Blrd, Achley 


- Ellen 0. 


— Wm. W. 


— Wm. W. 


— Eugene W. 


Beut, GUbert W. W. 


Birdsall. Stephen T. 


- H. 8. 


BentbaU, Elizabeth D. W. 


— Thomas P. 


— Henry E. 


— Mrs. EUzabeth D.W. 


— Wm- G. 


- Wm. B. 


Bentley, Isaac 


BIshop, Alonson 


Beekman. Jesse H. 


— Wm. R. 


— Andrew B. 


de Behanlt du Carmois 


Berenbruch, Carl 


— Channing 


Behm, Charles W. 


Berens, Joseph 


— Francis M. 


Beiling. T. G. 


Bergen, Everett D. 


- Frank A. 


Belcber, Henry 


Berghaus, Alex. A. 


— G. E. 


Beiden, Charles D. 


van den Berghe 


— Gertrude G. 


— James G. 


Bergmann, Alb. Cosm. Urb. 


— Herbert M. 


Beldin, Charles K. 


— Noah 


— Herb6rtM.,Norwicl] 


— Clinton A. 


Berlin, Wllh. Aug. Franz 


— Hudson D. 


Beiding, Dexter R. 


Bernard, Charles C. 


— Mrs. Ida E. 


Digitized by VjOOQIC 

M^ecing. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 



Bisbop, L. A. 


— Hob. 8. 


— Samuel 


— Wm. H. 


Bisseil. Daniel A. 


— George R. 


— SarahE. 


Bittioger, Frank D. 


Black. Charles D. 


— Steplien 6. 


Blaekbvm, Ch. H. 


— Gideon E. 


Blaekbnm, Wm. J. 


Blackelock, G. Clinton 


Blackman, George E. 


— George E., Yernon 176 

— OrvUle B. 69 

— W. W. 126 
Blaekshaw. Joseph E. 169 
Blaekwood, Alex. L. 61 

— EUen R. 96 

— Thomas K. 119 
Blair. Ucsie C. 125 

— Samuel L. 86 
BlaisdeU, James £. 96 

— Warren O. 71 
Blake, Edward Thomas 19 

— James Gibbs 14 

— James H. 176 

— Joseph Nicholson 24 

— Isaac A. D. 89 

— Samuel Hahnemann 15 
Blaekley. Charles Harrison 22 

— John Galley 19 
Blakeley. Wm, H. 86 
Blakester, Miriam A. 86 
Blanchard, Charles W. 180 
Blanco. Eduardo 32 
Blanke. Theod. F. 114 
Blatchford, Georg 103 
Blanding. Abram O. 58 
Blaylock, Ella 119 
Blecker, J. J. jr. 49 
Blessing, Eimer A. 124 
Bioser, N. H. 152 
Block, Herrn. O. 181 

— Robert C. 61 
Blodgett, T. 8. 131 

>- Stephen H. 96 

Blondel, R. 34 

Blonke, Milton B. 61 

Bloos 8 

Bloss. Jaber P. 145 

— Rieh. D. 145 
BUem, lülton J. 176 
Blinn, Ebner P. 124 

— John C. 152 
Bliss. Geo. D. 92 
Blum, Cb. W. . 122 
Blnmberg, Henry 24 
Blunt, Arthur W. 79 

Blunt» Arthur W., Clinton 78 

Blyth, John 16 

— William Francis 19 
Boal, J. UUls 47 
Boardman, H. S. 117 
Boardmaim, Joseph C. 123 
Boac, Charles 71 
Bodee, Arthur T. 103 
Bodman, Francis Henry 15 
Boericke, Francis Edmond 133 

— Wm. 50 
Boettcher, H. R. 61 
Boger, Cyras If. 179 
Bohn, Ernst A. 70 
Bojanus, Carl Carlov. jr. 40 

— Charles 40 

— Nicolas 40 
Boice, Emma L. 155 
BoUeao, John D. 162 
Boiy 31 
Bolan, L. W. 126 
Boland, John T. 85 
BoU, Theodore 61 
Bollen 44 
Bolles, Cassius H. 79 
Bollinger, Wm. D. 161 
Bon 34 
Bond, Aaron J. 92 

— George W. 145 

— Frank 126 
Bongarte, W. E. 92 
Bonbam, John C. 82 

— Alfred N. 77 
Bonino, Fulvia fils 38 

— Joseph Pinatea 38 

— Pierantonio 38 
de Bonis 38 
BonneU, Charles P. 126 
Bonnet, Gustave £. 163 
Bonscher, Gnstar A. 135 
Bontin, Francis J. 83 
Bonton, W. K. 44 
Booker, Carroll '11 
Bootby, Alonzo 92 
Boocock, Robert 132 
Books, Benjamin F. 158 
Booth, Adomiram J. 61 

— H. W. 109 

— James P. 124 

— Mary J. 147 
Borden, George T. 131 
Bordmann, Bernhard 2 
Bossard, Clemens 181 
Bosworth, John W. 92 
Bothfield, James Francis 101 
Bothwell, Roy S. 60 
Bottino, Crisanto 38 
Botsford, Alban B. 106 

— L. T. 131 
Bouffier 33 
Bouldin, Ira W. 82 


Bourdais, Bngfoe 34 

Boume, Joseph W. 117 

— Phil. H. 130 
Boulter, Henry H. 61 
Bonnntschy, Job. Michael 5 
Bowen, Amy G. 60 

— Edw. S. 177 

— Eleasar 121 

— 6. W. 152 

— George A. 57 

— George R. 176 

— Henry 149 

— Horace 46 

— Horace, Jersey City 121 

— Charles H. 79 

— Eroest C. 60 

— G. W. 75 
Bowermann, MrB.Marth.A. 61 
Bowers, James H. 112 
Bowie, Alonso P. 172 

— John 16 
Bowman, Arthur D. 89 

— Bei^amin 159 

— Fred. C. 110 
Bowmann, A. Perry 82 
Bowser, Mathias S. 162 
Box, Frank A. 142 
Boyce, Adolph L. 114 
Boyd, George 6. 158 

— Herbert D. 92 

— J. 8. 162 

— James T. 76 

— Mary A. 72 

— W. M. 115 

— Wm. A. 72 
Boyee, Alvln 178 

— Captain W. 126 

— Homer P. 103 

— Laurin & 88 
Boyer, Francis WUl. 170 

— John H. 73 

— Mme. P. 34 

— Walter N. 152 
Boyle, Lesalia Y. P. 79 
Boynton, Frank H. 78 

— Frank H., New York 136 

— John R. 61 

— SUas A. 149 

— Sumner H. 47 
Bocarth, Charl. A. 84 

— Charles W. 114 

— Ch. A. 86 
Brabb, Alice A. 109 
Braoe, Charles C. 62 

— Charles H. 91 
Brackett, Elia A. 97 

— Humphrey F. 92 
Bradbury, Emest A. 130 

— Fred. h. 172 
Braden, C. F. 176 

— John D. 61 

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Medecins. ^ Aerzte. — Physicians. 


Bradford, F. SUndJsh 121 

— George M. 159 

— Thomas L. 162 
Bradley, Erneat W. 48 

— Harvey 58 

— Henry L. 48 

— lAwrence Hüll 48 

— Thomas B. 162 
Bradner, Ira S. 134 

— Julia A. 134 
Bradshaw, William 19 
Bradt, George H. 104 
Brady Jr., E4ward 113 

— George P. 61 
Braydoo, Merritt C. 69 
Bragg, Thomas H. 175 
Bralnard. Jerry B. 154 
Braisted, H. K. 52 
Braley, Henry H. 96 
Brandt. Allred F. 160 

— 8ebastiao Jegorow. 41 
Branin, John W. 121 
Branen, Frank 61 
Branson, Mary 163 
Brase, Ferdinand 113 
Branstrap, Wm. T. 86 
Bray, Amanda C. 101 

— C. 8. 178 

— Ch. 8. 119 

— John T. 175 

— N. 61 

— Nicholas 79 
Bray, Wm. 79 
Brayton, Samuel N. 130 
Brasie, Henry W. 110 
de Brasol, L^on 41 
Breek, W. fi. 126 
BreckbiU, H. F. 151 
Breckenridge, Mary J. 117 
Bree, Joh; Gottfr. Jal. 4 
Breed, George A. 71 

— 6. R. 69 
Bremner, Alex. Tratman 17 
Breniaer, Theophilus 81 
Bresee. Charles H. 184 
Brewer, Clarissa A. 56 

— Daniel 69 

— Marbnry 90 
Brewster, A. Judson 144 

— Cor« Belle 90 

— Flora A. 90 

— Fred. D. 171 
Breyfogle, Ed. 8. 50 
Breyfolge, E. W. 51 

— Wm. C. 76 
Brien, Alphonee 37 
Brick, Francis 101 
Briekley, Bdw. W. 172 

— Jeremiah W. 172 
-- Lanra C. 153 

— Obediah C. 172 


Bridge, Wm. C. 69 

Bridgeg, Joshaa C. 46 

Brigham, Homer C. 106 

— L. Louise 56 
Briggs, Clifton D. 119 

— Blmer K 169 

— J. Emmons 92 

— Herm. G. 169 

— Warren 8. 112 
Brinek. Wm. 185 

— Wm., Newbnrgh 135 
Brinkerhoff, A. 8. 126 
Brinkman, Mary A. 135 
Briry, Milien S. 88 
Brittan, Joseph E. 142 
Britton. Edgar B. 90 
Brity, Ed. E. 88 
BroaUier, Louis 34 
Broardt, Peter ISO 
Brobst, Francis H. 110 
Brock, Edgar W. 147 
Brockbans, Maria H. 121 
Broekway, Mrs. 8. E. 174 
Brodriek, Henry M. 103 
Bronson, B. F. 53 

— C. H. 126 

— Caleb. W. 46 

— Joseph E. 71 

— Miles H. 134 
Brooks, Albert A. lU 

— E. D. 105 

— Caroline F. 88 

— Carol. F., Indepen- 
dence 80 

— Ch. M. 163 

— Floyd D. 181 

— Jda J. 46 

— John B. 45 

— Samuel Brewer 23 

— Wm. F. 107 
Brotchie, Theodore Sainy 14 
Brough, John 76 
Brown, Angus 77 

— Asa W. 173 

— Cecilla A. 123 

— Ch. R. 98 

— Charles A. 81 

— Charles A.. Plymouth 76 

— Charles C. 123 

— Christ. H. 162 

— D. G. 133 

— Daniel E. 96 

— David Dyce 19 

— Edward F. 58 

— Ch. A. 83 

— EUis C. 156 

— Frank E. 181 

— George W. J. 69 

— George O. 87 
-- George N. 57 

— Granville C. 135 


Brown, Hannah M. 181 

— Hannah M.,Winfield 86 

— Harriet B. 12« 

— S. Hastiogs 163 

— Hiram D. 142 

— James F. 47 

— John W. 83 

— Leander 8. 170 

— Lorinda G. 72 

— Loais R. 120 

— Lucy H. A. 173 

— M. Augnsta 135 

— M. BeUe 135 

— Manuel Say 85 

— Perey Q. 92 

— Phoebe D. 121 

— Rieh. J. 53 

— 8. Francis 109 

— Samuel Albert 156 

— Samuel G. A. 171 

— Thomas H. 61 

— Thomas L. 152 

— Ulysses H. 144 

— W. T. 181 

— L. WiUiam 152 
Brownell, C. M. 171 

— Wm. C. 108 

— Wm. G. 143 
Bruce, Edward M. 61 

— EmUy A. 92 

— Bmily A., Rozbury 99 

— Hiram M. 58 

— Ida Norris 58 

— Susan E. 61 

— Wm. T. 161 

— Wm. E. 77 
Brucker, Charles H. 107 
Brückner, Tfaeopil 43 
Brumbach. N. N. 117 
Brunelle, Adelarde M. 110 
Bruner, James P. 117 
Brnnner, Edgar B. lül 

— Johannes 183 
Brush, Mrs. Jennie 58 
Brnyen, Rieh. G. 143 
Bryan, Edw. W. 131 

— Homer 158 

— John 158 

— Joseph T. 87 
Bryant, Berryman 51 

— KR. 50 

— J. Kemper 163 

— Melville 126 

— Virginia F. 9« 

— Z. A. 82 

— Zebina Z. 78 

— Zebina Z., Sumner 83 
Bryce, William 16 
Bryson, Louise F. 196 
Buchanan, Helen M. 61 

— James 114 

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Medecins. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 



Bttchanan, John 19 

Bachhols, Louise Z. 1S5 

Bttchmao, Francis 163 

Buchtel, J. O. 74 

Buok, Alfred H. 19 

— Abyah O» 176 

— Champlin P. 130 

— Jirah D. 147 

— Michael J. 90 

— Oriand H. 87 

— Willis E. 117 

— Wm. H. 61 
Buckeridge, Isaac 180 
Buchley, Eleazar P. 107 
Buddeke, Ivo W. 175 
Budlong, John C. 173 
Bnell. Albert C. 149 

— Edwin C, 47 

— Jasse W. 143 
Buffum, Frank E. 61 

— Harry S. 179 

— Joseph H. 61 
Bügel, Edmund 27 
Bnla, Rolla W. 75 
Bulick, Thomas M. 160 
Bull, Alex. J. 130 

— John 46 

— W. H. H. 172 
Bullard, David H. 133 

— J. Arthur 172 
Bulmer, G. W. 126 
Bulson, Ch. H. 52 
Bumpus, Patrick H. 108 
Bunn, Frank Canikins 122 
Bunting, Harry U. 162 

— Thomas C. 163 
Buob, Otto 6. 12 
Bnrbank, James 78 
Burch, Edward J. 113 

— H. G. 126 

— Herbert C. 174 
Bnrohfield, S. Newton 171 

— Samueps. 161 


Bumette, Katherine D. 126 

Bumham, Clarke 126 

— Normann G. 58 
Burnley, George C. 161 
Burns, Alfred Hugh 17 

— Alfred H., Margate 23 

— G. M. 178 

— Jean W. 46 

— Judson D. 80 
Burr, Andrew £. 171 

— Wm. A. M. 58 
Burris, Levi 114 
Burritt, AUce 48 
Burronghs, Frank (>. 181 
Burnside, A. W. 61 
Burt, Joseph A. 112 

— Wm. H. 61 
Burton, Charles 8. 106 
Burwood, Thomas Wesley 16 

— Thoin.Wesl.,London 19 
Bush, Alice 48 

— Ch. R. 147 
Bushec, Grant B. 61 
Busenbark, Lucy If. 81 
Bttskirk, Thomas C. 108 
BushneU. Hanley N. 131 
Bntcher, William Deane 25 
Butler, Alwin S. 61 
Butler, Clarence W. 121 

— Edw. A. 176 

— Thomas O. 62 

— Wm. G. 74 

— W. M. 126 
Butten, Franz 8 
Butterfield, George W. 92 

— John C. 89 
Buttler Jr., Pierre N. 116 
Button, Julia F. 48 

— Julia F., Sebastopol 52 
Butts, Louisa M. 106 
Busaetl, Mrs. R. A. 89 
Byers, David 8. 82 
Byler, Joteph M. 77 

Burd, Thomas B. J. 


Byron. Dennis W. 


Burdick, Alice H. 


— Dennis W., 


— Arthur W. 




- 8. Powell 


Burford. George 


Cady, Helena M. 


Burg, Wm. F. 


CahiU, Eliaa B. 


Bürge, Wm. P. 


Cahis. Manuel 


Burger, C. J. 


de Cailhoe. R A. 


Burghard, Albert Rudolf 


Cain, Kate P. 


— Melch. C. 


Calne, Wm. H. 


Burghardt, Caroline A. 


Calder, A. Barclay 


Burgher, John C. 


Calderwood, 8. H. 


Burleigh, Wm. F. 


CaldweU, P. E 


Bumett, E. H. 


- J. E. 


- F. W. 


— John D. 


— James 


— JuUet 


- Mary W. 


— T. A. 


— Wm. W. 


- Wm. 



Caley. Joseph M. 162 

— Joseph M.,PhiUdel- 
phia 163 

Calien, J. H. 46 

— Jehn A. 46 

— John H. 52 
CalUeh. Alex. C. 135 
Caivert. Wm. J. 53 
Cameron, George Fenton 19 

— Hugh 19 

— J. Warren 182 

— Malcolm 54 
Campbell. Alice B. 126 

— AUce T. B. 62 

— Annie 8. 135 

— Ch. E. 131 

— Charles E. 135 

— E. E. . 124 

— Edw. E. 182 

— Eugene 80 

— Eugene, LosAngelos- 47 

— George A. 119 

— H. 44 

— H. D. 73 

— Howard 8. 163 

— James A. 60 

— James A., St. Louis 114 

— John C. 152 

— John 8. 147 

— Samuel M. 117 

— ü. G. 59 

— Wm. 108 

— Wm. M. 131 

— Wm. 8. 104 
Campmany, Juan 31 
Canaday, N. T. 75 
Caneh, Robert 46 
Candee, J. WiUis 144 
Canedy, F. 8. IUI 
Canfield, CorresU T. 62 

— Fred. D. 114 

— Heetor 173 

— Paullne G. 113 
Cannon, J. M. W. 114 

— Mott. D. 136 
Cansey, Levin P. 97 
Capen, C. Gray 145 

— John L. 163 

— 6. Rosa ' 100 

— Thomas A. 97 
Caplaod, R. 8. lOi 
CapeUaal, Paola 37 
Capper, Edmund 18 

— Percy 25 
Cappf, Wm. 48 

— Wm., San Jose 51 
Carbaugh, Mrs. H. M. 107 
Carder, Georg H. 62 
Cardoco, J. L. 126 
Carey, Wanren 70 
Carleton, Bukk. G. 136 

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MMecins. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 


Carleton, Edmund 136 

Carley, D. H. W. 81 

CarlBon, Oscar W. 181 

Carfrae, George Mann 19 

Cargill, Frank A. 126 

CarUBle, Cb. H. 47 

GarlBtein. John A. 62 

Garman, Wm. B. 143 
Carmiebae], Tbom. Harr. 160 

— Tbom. Harr., Pbila- 
delphia 163 

Carmony, C. J. 160 

Carolua. Wm. B. 73 

Caron, George G. 104 

Carpenter, Edvard A. 96 

— H. F. 52 

— Henry C. 109 

— L. W. 143 
-. L. W., Seattle 179 

— Pbanuel B. 173 

— WUlard B. 151 
Carr, Ada 123 

— Allen B. 143 

— Ceylon S. 151 

— H. L. 126 

— Henry H. 122 

— J. W. 62 

— Lucy 8. 96 

— R. WUson 116 
Carradaa, Jaime 31 
Carranza, Paofilo 184 
Carrler, C. W. 171 
Carriere, Charles L. 114 
Garroll, Gh. W. 149 

— Stephen 124 
Carry, Wm. Hammett 173 
Carson, James A. 81 
Carter Edvin H. 79 

— Harry E. 55 

— Hiram W. 151 

— James M. 90 

— John T. 149 

— Len W. 72 

— P. Liyidgstone 130 

— Rollin B. 146 
Cartier, Francois 34 
Cartrich, Jesse W. 113 
Garvill, A. H. 100 
Cartwright, Edmund 79 

— Rieh. G. 157 
Gase, Brastus E. 56 

— Henry W. 62 

— Wm. L. 153 
Gash, Alfred Midgley 25 

— Nathan 155 
Cass, Lewis H. 81 

— James 46 
^ Louis H. 62 

Gasseday. Frank F. 110 

Casselberry, M. L. 179 

Gassidy, Georgia A. 126 


Castle, Asbury B. 


— David IC. 


Castris, Manuel 


GasweU, Glenn G. 


Gatalano, Salvatore 


Gate, Hamilton J. 


— Henry H. 


— Shadraeb M. 


GatUn, Uilton M. 


Gattron, Wm. 0. 


Caulkins, Douglas 


Caulton, Wm. G. 


Gavenagb, John Paul 


Cawthome, Mrs. G.Emma 174 

Cay, Charles Vidier 17 
Centamori, G. C. Trajana 38 

Center, Henry H. 83 

Chabaud 35 

Ghace, Samuel G. 173 

Chaffee, David J. 143 

— J. G. M. 7« 

— John D. 46 

— Walter D. 77 
Gbalker, Abram P. 144 
Gbalmers, A. G. 24 

— Robert 101 
Ghamberlain, Chester W. 156 

— Joseph H. 125 

— Myron H. 79 

— Nelson H. 102 
Ghamberlin, M. H. 48 
Chambers, Thomas H. 180 

— Wm. B. 74 
Champün, H. W. 171 

— Martha G. 92 

— Martha G., Roxbury 99 
Chancerei« Victor Francois 35 

— Victor 35 
Ghandlee, Henry 90 
Chaney, Edw. N. 62 
Chapell, Charles 132 
Chapiel, Jean 33 
Ghapin, Edward 126 

— P. G. 100 

— Francis G. 96 
Chaplain, F. T. 126 
Ghapmann, Annie D. 114 

— George L. 72 
Ghapman, Arthur E. 136 

— Eldred E. K. 151 

— Millie J. 169 

— Samuel E. 52 
Chappell, Jacob R. 180 

— Wm. H. 72 
Charles, Edward W. 48 
Chariten, Callie B. 156 
Charlton, Leonard M. 149 
Charroppin 35 
Chase, Bei^amin D. 112 

^ Charles R 145 

— Edgar P. 105 


Chase, Edwin R. . 132 

— Georg M. 109 

— Herbert A., Boston 92 

— Herbert A. 96 

— Henry H. 110 

— Hiram L. 96 

— J. Oscoe 136 

— Joseph Jr. 97 

— Nathaniel R. 173 

— S. P. 103 

— Samuel G. 55 

— Sarah B. 136 

— Theodore L. 163 
Chautler, Israel B. 171 
Chauvet, Louis Fernand 37 
Cheeseman, Wm. O. 62 
Cheney, BenJ. Hicks 56 

— Wm. W. 104 

— Wm. W., Minnea- 
poüs 110 

Ghesbro, H. R. 46 

Chevalier 29 

Ghew, Edward J. 121 

Cheyney, Howard 172 

Ghild, Nelson N. 142 

Ghildester, Elisabeth M. 62 

Childs, A. S. 74 

— C. H. 86 

— Helen 8. 92 

— Helen 8., Jamaica 
Piain 97 

— O. D. 146 
Chipmann, Anna M. 92 

~ Anna M., Roxbury 99 

Chipman, Herbert A. 182 

Ghisbolm, H. Glay 160 

Ghislett, Howard R. 62 

Chittenden, George G. 180 

— George W. 180 
Ghivers, Wm. H. 104 
Choate, Rufus 54 
Christine, G. Maxwell 163 
Church, Adaline B. 92 

— BenJ. T. 101 

— C. Herbert 122 

— Charles A. 122 

— Herbert A. 65 

— J. Wells 104 

— Church, T. T. 154 
Charchill, Ann S. 181 

— Samuel 16 

— Wesley R. 180 
Glgliano, Tommaqo 38 
GivU, Jos« 81 
Glapp, Charles R. 117 

— Elen P. 69 

— J. Wilkinson 92 

— James Wilkinson 96 

— Herbert G. 92 

— Wesley F. 132 

— Wm. W. 45 

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MMecina. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 





Clapper. David 


CUft, AlTa 


Coleman, David 


Clftre, William 


Clifton, Arthur Crowen 


— Ellenwood B. 


Clark, Andrew J. 


- Cyrus Arthur 


— Frederik Sherard 


— C. D. 


- Fred. W. 


— Henry J. 


— Edwin J. 


— George 


— Robert W. 


— Emest A. 


Cline, Permelia A. 


Coles. David S. 


— Francois Aaguste 


Clock, F. B. 


Colley, Rob. K. 


- Frank R. 


— Sarah A. 


Colgrove, Charles 


— Üeorge H. 


Clockey, AUson A. 




— George A. 


Cioonan, Martin 


CoUard, George W. A. 


— George E. 


Cloee, Stuart 


CoUester, Joseph C. 


-- Henry F. 


Ciosson, James H. 


Collier, Mrs. Amy W. 


— J. Nelson 


Clowe, Wm. B. 


CoUins, Ch. S. 


— Jeptha C. 


Cluff, Peter P. 


— Charl. Phil. 


^ John C. 


Cobb, Arthur R. 


- Clinton D. 


— John N. 


— Harrlet H. 


— Daniel W. 


-- Lymann A. 


— Joseph P. 


— David E. 


— Mortimer H. 


— Sheridan G. 


— Newton M, 


— Ifrs. Nannie C. 


Coburn, Edw. 8. 


Collister, George 


— S. Wellman 


— Jesse M. 


Coloin, Harvey E. 


— 8. H. 


Coc, Sarah J. 


Colwell, B. L. 


— T. E. 


Cochran, Charles A. 


— Charles E. 


— Wesley 0. 


— Mary J. 


Colt, Emily S. 


— Whitman E. 


Cook, James R. 


Colton, Henry E. 


Clarke, Anna C. 


Cockburn, J. 


Columbia, Thomas B. 


— Edith L. 


— Samuel 


de Coma 


— Edwin A. 


Cocke, Wm. H. 




— Elmir A. 


Codereh, Thomas 


Combs, Thomas W. 


— Emory W. 


Coddington, Fannie R. 


Comet, Raimundo 


— Fanny E. 


Coers, John H. 


Compagnon, Luden 


— Franklin D. 


Coflfecn, C. Rollin 


Compton, Joshua A. 


— 6. Byron 


— Wellington B. 


Comstock, Gates 8. 


- H. L. 


Coffin, Henry W. 


Comstoek, Griswold T. 


— Henry B. 


— John L. 


Conan, Meriadec 


— Henry L. 


Coflfmann, George W. 


Coaant, Robert W. 


— John Henry 


Coghlan, W. B. 


Conard, Ch. K. 


— M. Elisabeth 


Cogo, Pietro 


Conch, Asa 8. 


— Stella M. 


Cogswell, C. H. 


— Louise B. 


- Wm. B. 


— Charles H. 


Conde y Garrote, Felix 


Clauaen, Bernhard 


— George E. 


Condell, Wilbur R. 


Ciay, George B. L. 


-- George E.,Waukegan 73 

Condict, Alice B. 


Claypool, Albert 


— Marie W. 


Condon, Bd. H. 


Claxton, Ch. 


Cohen, Solomon W. 


— Eva G. 


Cleary, Michael H. 


Colbnm, Carl A. 


Coneter, Elva M. 


Cleckley, F. V. 


— Edgar L. 


— Guy 


- Francis V. 


Colby, Edward P. 


Congdon, Charles F. 


- Hervey M. 


— Edw. P., Wakefield 101 

CoDger, Theodore H. 


— Marsden A. 


— Edwin A. 


Congosto, Jo86 


Cleckner, J. J. 


— Sarah A. 


Conkling. Edward D. G 


Cleeland, John 8. 


Cole, Alfred L. 


Conley, David H. 


Clegg, Thomas D. 


— Alfred L.,S.Franci8co 50 

Conlyn, Ed. S. 


Clemmer, John W. 


— Alvinza B. 


Connell, BeAJamin F. 


Clemens, Henry C. 


— Beder A. 


— John 


— Thomas C. 


— Charles R. 


— Ralph W. 




- B. Zina 


— Rob. D. 


— Lydia R. 


— Harlan P. 


Connelly, Wm. H. 


Clemo, Wm. C. 


— Lorenzo W. 


Conner, D. Wilmot 


Cleveland, Samuel M. 


— Michael F 


O'Conner, Helen Cox 


— Woodbury F. 


— Perry A. 


— Joseph T. 


Clevenger, N. T. 


— Sarrah A. 


Connett, Georg C. 


CMord. George 


— Wm. 


ConnoUy, George P. 


Homöopathisches Jahrbuch. II. Band. 


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Connor, Virgil W. 107 

Cooover, Ch. H. 163 

— Theodore F. 160 
GoDqueret, Jean Jos. Tbiv. 87 
Conrad, Rufus 87 
Conson, Augustas H. 49 
Constans, F. Elmore 96 
Constant, Wm. E. 73 
ConUnt, George F. 70 
Convers, Julia H. 183 
Cook, Alonzo G. 47 

— Charles P. 133 

— Daniel P. 84 

— Ed. AUeyne 25 

— George W. 102 

— Henry W. 25 

— J. Eimer 160 

— Joseph T. 180 

— Joseph T., Batavia 60 

— Joseph T., Cedar 
Rapids 78 

— M. J. S. 106 

— Wm. C. 169 
Cooke, Harriet N. F. 186 

— Mary Ann 163 

— Persifore Marsden 53 

— Wm. C: 134 
Cookinham, D. A. 84 
Cooley, George P. 56 

— Justus H. 123 

— Samuel C. 117 
Coolidge, John W. 171 
Coolman, H. C. 15« 
de Cooman, G. 30 

— Joseph 28 
Coon, Edwin N. 13« 

— George 8. 62 

— George 8., Traer 83 

— Henry 124 
Coons, Henry N. 76 
Cooper, B. H. 174 

— Ch. N. 147 

— Charles M. 110 

— Charles 8. 144 

— Clark J. 119 

— Gobert, Thomas 19 

— Horace T. 52 

— Joel 8. 113 

— John F. 157 

— John 157 

— John, Pittsburgh 169 

— John W. 91 

— Isaac 123 

— Peter 58 

— Wm. D. 107 
Copeland, Philander 74 
Copp, Charles H. 83 
Corbin> J. L. 158 
Corcoran, Luke H. 100 
Cordech, Feodoro 31 
Cornelius, Rob. U. B. 163 

Comell, Albert B. 

— Clorence W. 

— G. B. 
Corning, George A. 
Corsi, Tormica 
Corson. Eugene R. 
Cort, Lottie A. 
Cory, Harrey W. 

— Kak W. 
Corey, Horace M. 

— Jay 

— R. C. 

— Watermann F. 
Corwin, Elisabeth 
Cosack, Trypbinnie B. 
Cosby, Vemon B. 
Cossaart, Arthur B. 

— James H. 
Costa, Joaqnin 
Costain, J. Edward 
Cotton, Alonso A. 117 

— Wm. A. 105 
Couper, Joseph E. HO 
Courtright, Cbauncey W. 63 
Covert, John W. 162 

— Nelson B. 132 

— Rynear B. 144 
Covlll, Palmer 103 
Covey, Alfred D. 105 

— Calrin J. 105 

— Calwin E. 108 
Cowan, If. Wilson 86 
Cowell, Ch. G. 161 

— Edw. M. 159 

— Mrs. Etde R. 161 

— George E. 69 

— Joseph H. 109 
Cowgill, Walter H. 163 
Cowles, Edwin 84 
Co wperth walte. Allen O. 62 
Cox. Fred. J. 124 

— George A. 124 

— George H. 86 

— James William 124 

— Joseph T. 149 

— Rieh. Percy 2? 

— Will. Spencer 19 
Coxhead, Thomas C. 48 
Coy, J. Willard 93 
Coyner, Joseph W. 72 
Cracken, M. Elisabeth A. M. 62 
Crabtree, Addison D. 93 
Craddock, Wm. L. 111 
Cragen, Frank M. 99 
Cralg, G. Alex 14 

— James D. 72 

— John, Birmingham 14 

— John 24 

— John Smith 14 

— W. Simpson 14 
Cramer, Cornelius W. 108 







Cranch, Edward 



Crandall, A. 



— C. 



— Caspar L. 



— Ellen J. 



— Joseph B. 


75 • 

— Orson H. 



Crandell, WiUis A. 



Crane, A. J. 



— George W. 



Crank, Ch. D. 



de Crank, F. W. 



Cranson, Camins 8. 



Crans, Daniel E. 



Crawford, Alex. K. 



— Daniel H. 



— Johannah 



— John 8. 



Crawfis, George A, 


Creighton, Miss Martha J. 62 

de Cr^y 33 

Cressey, John 45 

Cresson, Ch. C. 163 

Grippen, John H. 83 
Criquelion, Charles Augaste 30 

Crisaod, Carl 101 

Christy, J. M. 112 

Criswell, M. H. 105 

Crockett, Fred. E. 101 

Croft, Wm. B. 153 

Crompton, Charles W. 136 

Croneher, Alex. Henry 16 

— Alex. Richard 24 
Cronemiller, Mary M. 49 
Cronin, Eag. Frands 19 
Cronthers, Anna J. 120 
Crooks, Ed. W. 51 

— James 123 
Crosby, Chauncey R. 103 

— G. W. . 119 
Croskey, Henry 113 
Gross, Ansei M. 174 

— Grace E. 93 

— Hiram B. 93 

— Hiram B., Jamaiea 
Piain 97 

— James A. 109 

— John 8. 80 

— bester E. 52 

— Samuel N. 52 
CroweU, Hannah H. 97 
Crowther, Isaae 159 

— wm. Hard 19 
Crumbaeker, O. B. 151 
Crumbaugh, John W. 58 
Crumrine, Charles G. 102 
Cnitcher, Howard 62 
Crawell, Carl Ulrich 10 
Cubera, Luis 32 
CudUpp, Malcolm A. 54 

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Culbaoe, Thomas H. 


Dämon, Newoomb L. 


Dawe, Denias 


Cull«ii> James F. 


Danekert, Pet. Wilh. 

6. 9 

Dawson, J. G. 


Calrer. Jane K. 


Danforth, Harry W. 


Day, Charles W. 


Cnmmiogs, Cb. 8. 



Loomis L. 


— Charles H. 


— Erastus H. 



Mary M. 


— George F. 


— John C. 


Daniel, Henry 


— J. Robertson 


— M. Louise 


O'Daniel, Mark H. 


— John D. 


— Wm. 


Daniels, James S. 


— John Roberson 


Cummins, Franlc N. 



John L. 


— John Climenson 


— Pranlt M., Warwielt 145 


Joseph N. 


— Leonidas A. L. 


— J. Seely 



Wm. B. 


— Wm. W. 


- Mary 


Darby, Edw. A. 


Dayfort, Herbert M. 


Cuningham, Walter 



Margaret G. 


De«dy, Charles H. 


Cunningham, Arthur L. 


Dargits. John P. 


Dean, Charles A. 


— J. M. 


Darling, Henry H. 


— D. H. 


— Wm. C. 



J. H. 


— David A. 


Curran, Edwin J. 


Damell, Homer. L. 


— Edw. H. 


— SylTanuB C. 



Miss Clara 


— Edw. W. 


— Wm. 


Dart, George 


— George A. 


Cnrrle, Joseph J. 




— HoUis G. 


Currier. Christ. Bodwell 


Dart. James M. 


— Louis W. 


- T^terM. 


Dartt, Rob. U 


— Mari» M. 


Curtis, Charles C. 


DashUl, R. Dennison 


— 8. Eugene 


— David G. 


Dassler, Paul H. 


— Wm. F. 


— ElUotD. 


Davies, Emma J. 


Deane, Herbert Edward 


— H. W. 



Mrs. H. B. 


Dearborne, Ella K. 


— Harry N. 



J. Norman 


— Henry M. 


- Helen E. 



John M. 


Deardorff, Jacob H. 


— Lebbens 



, Abner L. 


Dearth, James K. 


- Robert H. 



Andrew P. 


De Btma, Edwin 


Cusbing, Ch. F. 



, Arnold C. 


Deck, John Field 


^ Eugene B. 



C. B. 


Decker, Wm. F. 


— Ira B. 



Charles A. 


- Wm. M. 


Cushman, Bessie Y. 





Declarenze, W. 


— Mary F. 



George E. 


De Cou, Jacob 


Cnstis, Georg W. N. 



E. Everett 


Dederick, Wm. 


- J. B. Gregg 



Ed. T. 


De Derky, Francis F. 


— Marwin A. 



Edw. E. 


Deetrick, John 


Cuüer, Charles E. 



Fergus 8. 


Defendorf, Byron 


- Helen 



Fielding L. 


— JohnJ. 


— Henry P. 



Frank 8. 


Defays, Camille 


— Wmiam C. 



Fred. A. 


De Ford, Paul F. 


Cutmore, Charl. Richard 



Fred. H. 


De Forest, Cole D. 


Caerny, Heinrieh 7. 

9. 11 


Henry G. 


Defriez, W. P. 



James D. 


De Hart. Madana 


Dac, Jacob 



James H. 


Dehoff, John W. 





John W. 


De Laurel, George 





John L. 


Delap. Silas C. 


Dailey, Ada 8. 



John J. 


— Wm. L. 


DaUy. J. 8. 



Newton C. 


Delamater, Nocholas B. 


— John C. 



OUver C. 


Delepine, J. 


Dake, Benjamin F. 



SaUie M. 


Deike, Gustav 


— Charles 



Sheldön F. 


Dell, LiUian A. 


- J. P. 





Delosea, Friedrich 


— Walter M. 



F. Henry 


— Imanuel Robert 


— WUL C. 



Thomas S. 


Dematteis, SUvio 


Dakin. E. A. 





De Marsh. Clark C. 


— Mary Dorgan 



W. Norton 


— Clark C, Ottnmwa 82 

Dale, Harrey B. 


Davison, David H. 


De May. John 


— jr., Harrey 



Rachel S. 


Demmler, Joh. 


- James 8. 



Wm. M. W. 


Denel, W. Estus 



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Denham, Henry C. 173 

— William Hempson 23 
Denninger, Paul G. 61 
Denino, Pietro 39 
Denis. Eduard 33 
Dennett, George W. 100 
Dennis. Charles E. 90 

— George E. 110 

— J. Deville 109 

— Laban 122 
Deniton. R. N. 126 
Dennison, Ira W. 54 
De Normandie, Myra 93 

— Myra F. 163 
Depew, Henry 78 
De Puy, Nelson J. 108 

— Richard Gay 146 
Derby, Francis J. 151 
Deroh y Marsal 31 
Dem 30 
Derx, Jacob 80 
Dersham, Moses H. 84 
De Souchet, A. L. 62 
Descbere, Martin 136 
Dctwiller, John J. 159 

— John W. 158 
Detwiler, Isaac 161 
Dever, Isaiah 131 
Devereux, Jane 8. 98 
De Villeneuve, Arthur B. 88 
De Vries, J. 106 
De War, Hugh M. 88 
De Wecs, Edward 115 
Dewey. Charles A. 62 

— George A. 126 

— James R. 62 

— Welth» 50 

— WiUis A. 50 
Dewing, Wm. H. 131 
De Wolf, Frank L. 84 

- Frank L., Kansas City 118 

Deyo, Jonathan T. 136 

Deyoe, D. L. 114 

Dias, Placido 184 

Dick, George 86 

Dickermann, Silas B. 92 

Dickie, Perry 126 

Dickinson, Henry W. 108 

— Jasae D. 70 
Dickey, Flnes J. 176 

— James B. 174 

— John W. 174 
Dieks, James T. 175 
DickBon, C. B. 47 

— Guy B. 62 

— James 147 
Diedrich, Peter 84 
Diehl. H. Luther 160 

— W. Jr. 126 
Dierkes, Joseph 8. 10 
Diessner, Henry R. 112 


Diet2, Wm. G. 


Dike, John 


— Thomas W. 


DUdine, Ida L. 


DUl, John W. 


— Mary T. 


— W. F. 


Dilliard. Edmund 


Dillman, Daniel 


DiUow, George M. 


DUl», Malcomb 


Dinsmore, 8. W. S. 


Dionysius, Henry J. 


Disbro, Ira W. 


Disbro, Zelotes P. 


DittUnger, EmU V. 


Ton Ditttnumn, Woldemar 41 

Dittmer, Henry A. 81 

— Martin £. 80 

— Mart. E., Sioux Falls 174 
Dix. Isaac H. 85 
Dixon, George M. 49 

— J. Browne 19 

— Jacob 19 

— R- 8. 76 
Dlugoborsky, Ferd. Mat 42 
Doan, Wm. H. 142 
Doane, Georg M. 58 

~ Mrs. Helen C. 113 

Docking, Thomas 49 

Dodd, Harry L. 91 

Dodge, Ch. B. 119 

— ehester C. 62 

— Edgar 8. 99 

— Horace T. 53 

— J. B. 109 

— Rudolph L. 89 
Dods, A. Wilson 132 
Doerr, Karl Ludwig, Emil 9 
Dolan, Stanley 110 
Doland, Thomas D. 133 
Domenech, Francisco 31 
Dominguez, Arturo 183 
Domon, George F. 153 
Donald, Alex. 112 
Donitzky, Alois Cl. Lndw. 7 
Donnelly, George K. 82 
Donner 7 
DooUttle, James F. 125 

— M. E. 80 
Dorion, Charles N. 112 
Dorris, Alva H. 117 
Dorsey, George M. 62 

— Rebecca 47 
Doty, Georg H. 126 

— Stephen B. 126 
Douds, J. M. 160 
Doughty, Francis E. 136 
Douglas, Ch. J. J77 

— Charles J. 62 

— Isaac 109 


Dove, Alpheus 147 

Dow, George H. 179 

— Marianna C. 62 

— Mrs. Moses G. 89 

— Nelson L. 178 

— Frank L. 136 
Dovell, Charles Mc 136 
Dowler, Moses M. 60 
Dowing, George B. 123 
Dowling, John W. 136 

— Lee H. 113 

— Lee H., St. Joseph 114 
Downey, E. Edgar 69 
Downing, J. C. C. 58 
Downs, James M. 46 
Doyle, H. Harrison 169 
Drais, Lawson 62 
Drake, C. St. Clalr 62 

— J. C. Merle 159 

— Joseph H. 79 

— Harlon B. 156 

— Mrs. Arathenan B. 93 
^ Thomas N. 89 

Dräne, Frank C. 90 

Draper, Jaime 31 

Dreber, George W. 171 

Dreher, Ch. B. 171 

Dreibelbis, D. Frank 172 

Drescher, Louis 136 

Dresser, E. Dell 145 

Drummond, John 17 
Dryglorongh, John W. 79 

Dryden, John L. 115 

Dryry, WUl. V. 14 

Drysdale, John 18 

Dnsewiecki, Joseph 42 

Dnbois, George M. 76 

du Bois, Wm. G. 120 

— Willard C. 144 
du Boise, John W. 77 
Duden, Wm. H. 77 
Dudgeon, Robert Ellis 19 
Dudley, George J. S. 168 

— Pemberton 163 

— Perry Hall 163 
Duffield, A. M. 45 

— Alfred M. 45 
du Four, Wm. C. 172 
Dukow, E. 39 
Dumoulin, Ippolit 40 
Dumont, Anna E. 168 
Dunean, David €2 

— Frank 79 

— James C. 70 

— Thomas C. 62 

— Wm. C. 180 
Dungan, George W. 161 
Danham, George P. 101 

— Henry E. 156 

— Henry K, Sumner 83 

— James B. 74 

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DuDklee, Harley K. 5S 

Dunlap, James A. 73 

— James A., Sulllyao 73 

— Sarah E. 73 

— Sarah B., Sullivan 73 
Dunlevy, Don C. B. 136 

— Luxette E. 126 
-. Rita 136 

— Susan 136 
Dünn. Charles N. 60 

— Fred. 171 

— George W. 154 

— llrs. Helen 8. 60 

— James A. 171 

— James L. 171 

— Jennie S. 101 

— W. A. 62 
Dunnlng, Thomas 8. 163 
Dupeine, Edouard 43 
Dargin, Ed. H. 89 
Durrie, Qeorg B. 136 

— Wm. A. jr. 121 
Durin, James M. 73 
Durkee, Esther M. 104 

•— Jeanette R. 136 

Durrand, George B. 182 

Dussenberg, Koles 177 

— Mariam 8. 177 
Dwinell, Byron L. 99 

— Byron L., Taunton 100 
Dyer, Charles L. 136 

Eadie, Andrew B. 


Ealer, Percy H. 


Earhart, Wm. J. 


Earl, Georg H. 


— George H. 


Earle, Frank M. 


— Elzmon W. 


Eastman, Arthur M. 


— Charles J. 


Easton, Jame D. 


Eaton, Charles W. 


— Erwin R. 


— H. Arnold 


- HoseaB. 


— jr. Hosea B. 


— J. Albro 


— UeweUyn D. 


— Morton If. 


— Parley H. 


— Reaben F. 


- Samuel L. 


Eberle, Jacob K. 


Ebersole, Joseph R. 


— Solomon D. 


Überth, Rebecca L. A. 


Eckel. John N. 


Ecki, Simon P. 


Eddy, Ermina C. 


— OUre L. 



Eddy, Richard H. 99 

— Victor C. 84 
Eden, John H. 136 

— Samuel 126 
Edens, George 69 
Edgar, John P. 87 

— Silas P^ 156 
Edgehill, James 160 
Edgelow, Will. Ferd. 25 
Edgerton, Mark 113 

— Melvin G. 181 
Edington, L. L. 84 
Edmond, Wm. G. 79 
Edmonds, Enos A. 62 

— Mary E. 50 

— Wm. A. 115 
Edmondson, Rieh. H. 175 
Edmundson, Walter F. 169 
Edson, Susan A. 54 
Egbert, Wm. A. 179 
Ege, John 170 
Egee, John B. S. 163 
Eggert, Wm. 124 
Egts, John B. 151 
Ehebaid 4' 
Ehinger, Clyde E. 172 

— George E. 81 
Ehle, George K 105 
EhrUch, Henry 62 
Ehrmann, Albert H. 148 

— George 148 

— Louis P. 115 
Eile, Francis 136 
Eisenberg, Edward H. 133 
Eisenhauer, John A. 149 
Elb, Hermann 5 
Elbridge, Isaac N. 105 
Eider, Wm. R. 77 
Eldridge, Cornelius S. 63 
Elebash, Clarence 8. 136 

— C. P. 136 
Elfeld, Edw. A. 154 
ElUot, A. H. 127 

— J. B. 127 

— Sydney Barrington 87 
EUlott, Albert E. 152 

— Charles 8. 113 

— Fred. W. 100 

— J. Frank 84 

— L. W. 84 

— L. W., Valparaiso 77 

— Schuyler C. 84 
Ellis, C. F. 45 

— Charles C, 100 

— Clifton D. 149 

— Edw. H. 98 
~ Erastus R. 104 

— J. Tressler 155 

— Jay B. 76 

— John William 18 

— L. Helen 175 


ElUs. Sarah 175 

— Wm. B. 113 
Elmendorf, F. C. 142 

— Thomas C. 136 
Elms, Julius K. 82 
Eloy, Garcia Alfonso 33 
Ely, Charles F. 63 

— John W. 172 

— Jonas 172 
Emens, Harriet H. 144 
Emmons, Joshua 76 
Emerson, F. L. 100 

— N. W. 93 
Emery, Cora L. 70 

— J. T. G. 89 

— Mary E. 136 

— W. Newell 13 

— Sarah 63 

— WiUard C. 152 
Emonds, Wm. G. ' 178 
Enderling, Gust. Ad. L. 6 
Endriss, Gustav 6 
Engle, Arthur L. 113 
English, Frank N. 71 

— Martin 73 

— V. P. 149 

— V. P., Colorado Spr. 52 
Enloe, Beqjamin H. 175 

— James H. 175 

— Thomas E. 175 
Enos, Cb. R. 70 

— Charles W. 53 

— Clinton 70 

— Joseph W. 59 

— Laurens 59 

— S. Cordelia 59 

— Wm. H. 59 
Ensey, W. W. 127 
Epps, Franklin 174 

— Washington 19 
Erd, Stepben 182 
von Erdberg, Eduard 40 
Ermentraut, Augustus 134 

— John P. 127 
Ernst, Carl Josef 12 
ErÜ. Mary & 52 
Erwein, Franz 9 
Erwin, Wm. 80 

— Wm., PhUadelphia 163 
Escartin, Eugenio 33 
Esbbaugh, Aaron S. 71 

— Lida 8. 71 

— Walters. 71 
Eshelman, G. Cloud 157 
Eskridge, Bella C. 63 
Esmond, H. B. 89 
Espanet 35 
d'Espiney, Pierre 34 
Estep, Charles S. 153 
Eurlch, Christian 136 
Evans, Alb. J. 132 

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Etrans, Amanda J. 106 

— Almus P. 84 

— Ch. F. 158 

— Ch. F., Servanton 171 

— Ch. Horace 63 

— Ephraim 8. 151 

— George H. 46 

— H. J. 158 

— OUver C. 113 
Evarts, Edgar 8. 175 

— Lucy S. 122 
Evelyn, Rob. S. 149 
Everett, Ambrose S. 63 

— Ambrose 8., Denver 53 

— Fred. 63 

— Horace 8. 93 
Everhart, Oliver J. 160 
Everitt, Edward 122 
Everts, Edgar 8. 131 
Ewing, AUce 63 

— AUce A. 70 
Ey ermann, Christian H. 115 

Fabreguettes, Jules 34 

Fager, Ch. B. 160 

— John H. 160 
Fagiani. Vincenzo 37 

^ Yincenso, Roma 38 
Fahnestock, Angustu» A. 76 

Fahoenstock, James C. 154 

Fair, Benjamin 170 

Fairbanks, Ch. D. 63 

Fair, Jesi>e F. 113 

Fall, Edmund W. 179 

FaUigant. L. A. 59 

FalloD, Robert Hume 15 

Fancher, Edwin 134 

Panning, Wm. H. 107 

Faries, Frank M. 153 

Farley, Rob. 169 

— Walter B. 158 
Farmer, Grovenor S. 146 
Farnsworth, Arphax J. 109 

— Chas. H. 96 
Famum, liewellyn 124 
Farrar, L. B. 72 

— Laura E. 72 
Farrell, C. F. 69 
Farrington, C. 82 
Fatle, Jesse C. 118 
Faulkner, Albert O. 117 

— Wm. H. 145 
Faulwasser, Eduard 3 
Faust, Fred. A. 142 

— Louis 144 
Fawdrey, John W. 127 
Fay, Georg D. 119 
Fayol 34 
Fechtig, James N. 90 
Pees, Arthur W. 81 
Feil, Mrs. Antonia 85 


Füge, Friede 174 

Felch, Albert H. 117 

Feldmann, Theodor 10 

Fellows, C. Gurner 63 

— Henry B. 68 

— Isaac 47 

— WilL Edwin 88 
Ferlin, Jean Aug. Henri 37 
Femald, Samuel 163 

— Sarah E. de Hart 121 
Fenton, Susan J. 48 
Fernandez, Manuel V. 47 
Ferguson, A. F. 108 

— A. B. 100 

— James W. 108 
Ferrnie, WiU. Thomas 19 
Ferrades, Taime 31 
Ferrel, James 147 
Ferner, James 136 
Ferris, Isaac W. 134 
Ferson, John L. 169 
Fetterhof, Ira L. 90 
Feveile, Lud. Hakon 30 
Fichtner, G. G. 51 
Fick, Otto 115 
Fiegenbaum, Julius H. 59 
Fiek, Hermann A. 93 
Field, G. J. 108 
Fields, Sharp 70 
File, Daniel D. 84 
Figueras, Francisco 31 

— Juan 31 
Filhs, Laoerdo 183 
Finch, Joseph 136 

— Joseph, New- York 136 

— Lemuel F. 50 
Fincke, Albert 183 

— Bern 127 
Findeisen 4 
Finger, Charles F. 78 
Fink, Ch. H. 173 
Finlay, John Thomas 17 

— Joh.Tho., RawtenstaU 23 

— Rob. 8. 156 
Finley, David M. 78 
Finnerud. Hans M. 174 
Fisk, Hickox Kate L. 114 
Firmaty, Gir. Franc. 32 
Fischbach, F. W. 87 
Fischer, Carl 27 

— Friedrich 9 

— Hermann Alezander 4 

— Herman 82 

— Hugh, F. 175 
Fisher, Albert L. 74 

— Georg W. 81 

— Anna M. HO 

— Ch. Emanuel 63 

— Ch. C. 176 

— Edgar A. 101 

— Edw. A. 130 


Fisher, George W. 107 

— John S. 108 

— Jonas W. 156 

— Thomas E. 118 
Fish, Elias 106 
Flske, WUl. M. L. 127 
Fitcb. Edward D. 101 

— H. Parker 59 

— H. L. 82 

— John H. 135 

— N. Ralston 86 
Fitz, Wm. H. A. 164 
Pitzgerald, Mrs. Charlotte 102 
Flagg, Alpheus D. 59 

— Rob. N. 146 
Flanders, Alicia A. 70 

— Ch. A. 177 

— David P. 88 

— Martha F. 98 
Flasschoen, Charles Isidore 35 
Flatt, Wm. K. 110 
Flaws, Emily 8. 63 
Fleckenstine, Mary R 87 
Fleming, John R. 119 

— Rieh. K. 169 

— John E. 176 
Flemming. Anat. Feod. 41 
Fletcher, Adison C. 136 

— Cyrus G. 84 

— Samuel E. 96 

— Samuel E.. MUford 98 
Fiint, Charles B. 133 

— Edw. H. 145 

— Fred. 24 

— Harvey E.'C. W. 160 
FUnn. Irvine M. 57 

— Louis W. 58 
Fünt, Wm. J. 133 
Flores, Manuel 32 
Floto, John H. 50 
Flower, C. B. 47 
Flower, Frank W. 113 
Flowers, Joab R. 151 
Fluno, F. G. 48 
Focht, Adam E. 85 

— George, 6. M. 161 
Focke, Eberhard 6 
Foljambe, Theodore D. 149 
Follet, Paris 84 
Follmer, W. H. 161 
Folsom, Edward G. 108 

— Edwin 146 
Fonchy, Alphonse D. 49 
Fonser, Albert R. 78 

— Hiram 71 
Foote, Dellizon A. 117 

— George W. 69 
Forber, James M. 63 
Forbes, Charles H. 92 

— George F. 101 
Ford, Ch. E. 148 

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Ford, Francis C. 


Prasier, E. A. 


Polier, Walter T. 


— Mary C. 


Frasce, Calvin A. 


— Wm. 


— Nehemiah B. 


Prasier, Leonard A. 


Fulmer, Ch. R. 


— Simon S. 


Freebom, Grant 


Fulton, Frank 


Pordham, Wm. P. 


Freeman, Brooks B. 


— Henry W. 


Porg, Gotthill 


— EUsha K. 


Punk, Sophia M. 


PoristaU, D. £. 


— George L. 


Funkhauser, R. M. 


Pornias, Edw. 


— Roscoe E. 


Fürest, Modesto 


Forrent, Taime 


— Wm. W. 


Purman, Horace C. 


Porrest, Moulton H. 



Furnas, Rob. F. 


Forst, Henry C. 


— Fred. A. 


Fusch, Charles 


Förster, Carl Gustav 


Freemeyer, G. L. 


Forster, Will. Davis 


Freemyer, George Lintner 103 



— Wih. A. 


Preer, James A. 




Portiner, George R. 


French, A. J. 


Gaffney, Emory C. 


Pose, Harried M. 


— Amelia 


Gage, J. L. 


— John a 


— B. F. 


— Mary B. 


Foss, David 


— Ed. E. 


GaiUard, Delphin L. Ernst 


— John B. 


— Frank W. 


Gaiter, Giulio (pere) 


- Warren 8. 


— Harriet S. 


— Giulio (fils) 


Poster, E. Agate 


— Hayes C. 


— SUvio 


— Fred. H. 


— James C. 




— Henry 


- L. C. 




— Herbert W. 


— Malachi R. 


Gale, Charles Alson 


— Herbert K 


— Samuel M. 


— James A. 


— Horatio L. 


- W. ß. 


- Warren Mary K. 


— Hubbord A. 


— Walton W. 


Gales, Edgar C. 


— Jeremiah 


— Winstow B. 


GaUoway, Wm. L. 


- John M. 




Gallup, Leonard E. 


— Joseph 


- Leon 


— Miner W. 


— Lysander P. 


Freymouth, Emil G. 


Gamber, B. F. 


— Richard N. 


Preytag. Hermann 


— Benjam. F., Lusardi 


— Thomas J. 


Prichet, Viet. Jean Marie 33 

Gamble, Ernest F. 


- Wm. E. 


Pries, E. 8. 


— Ernest F., Tecumsh 109 

— Wm. A. 


Friess, Fred. 


— H. J. 


Fowle, Orrin 


Frimmer, Essington T. 


— Wm. W. 


Powler, Ada A. 


Prink, Mrs. Charlotte E. 


Gamman, A. M. 


— Joseph J. 


Frisby, Almah J. 


GammeU, Samuel 


— S. Mills 


Frischkorn, Carl 


Gann, John A. 


— Walter N. 


— Carl, Chicago 


Gannett, James C. 


— Walter N., West 

Frishmuth. Jacob 


Gannon, Annle M. 


Bay Oity 


Fritts, Lewis 


Gante, Byron N. 


- Wm. P. 


Fritze. Albert E. 


Garber, Harry J. 


Fox, Addison C. 


Frizzell, John W. 


Gardiner, Frank H. 


— Joseph M. 




— George W. 


Frain, Adnah K. 


Prohne, John P. 


- Wm. G. 


— Mary J. 


Prost, George 


— Wm. H. 


Frank, H. WUUams 


— Herbert L. 


Gardner, Albon L. 


Frankland, Susan M. 


— Wm. A. 


- Frank A. 


FrankUn, Edward D. 


Prothingham, Herbert H. 


— PrankA.,Washingto 

n 54 

- W. Rüey 


Fruit, Walter E. 


— George H. 


— Wm. A. 


Fryberger, Wm. 0. 


— Grafton W. 


Prantz, Alb. J. 


Fryer, Windsor F. 


— H. Seth. 


— Frank P. 


Fuchs, Anton 


— Lewis B. 


— Jacob F. 


— Juüus 


Garcia, Adrian 


Franz, Abraham E. 


Pulford, George H. 


Garcia Diaz, Anastasio 


— Ernest 


PuUer, Ch. G. 


Garcia Figueroa, Agostin 


— Kurt A. 


— Charles M. 


Qarcia Lopez, Anastasio 


Fräser, Archibald 


— Edward M. 


GarcU SiSeriJ, Josö 


— Ed. J. 


— J. P. 


Garey, Ch. W. 


— Evan 


— Ira H. 


- Henry F. 


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Gwrfield, Henry 8. 


Gerry, Ch. W. 


Giserius, Bruno 


— John 


Gerrie, James 


Gish, Daniel J. 


Garis, Frank A. 


Gesler, Albert E. 


Gittens, Theodore P. 


Garland, Mrs. Ann. 


Getman, A. D. 


Given, Adam 


Gamer, John Q. 


— Normann N. 


- J. B. 


Gamsey, Charles A. 


Getxe, George M. 


— Arnos. J. 


- Wm. S. 


Gibbs, B. Frank 


Givins, N. P. 


Garrard, Louise 


— George L. 


Gladwin, Fred. E. 


Garrigues, H. B. 


— Howard A. 


Glas, Adaline Rowe 


GarrisoOp John B. 


— James C. 


Glaaier, J. J. 


— Joseph 8. 




— Minna 


Garrity, Joseph P. H. 


Gibson, C. H. 


— W. H. 


Garside, Wm. B. 


— David M. 


Glarier, Fred. P. 


GarTer, Michael B. 


- Edgar J. 


— Johnson 


Garvin, John J. 


— Wm. A. 


Gleason, Almon 


— W. D. 


Gidley, Wm. H. 


— Flora 8. 


Garwood, Joseph S. 


Gidman, Bramwell C. 


- George W. 


— Mrs. Vashti D. 


Giewr. Wm. R 


- J. Colby 


Gary, Clara E. 


Gifford, Alden 


— John R. 


Gasser, Joseph P. 


— Barton R. 


— Silas M. 


Gatchell, Charles 


— Gilbert L. 


— W. W. 


— Edwin A. 


— GutavuB A. 


— Willis W. 


Gates, Alfred 


- Wm. B. 


GUdden, Charles H. 


— George H. 


— Wm. H. 


— Willis C. 


- R. P. 


— Wm«H.^8pringfiek 

l 116 

Glover, H. Gray 


Gatschell, Horatio P. 


Giffin, Leveriett W. 


Glos, Alexander Ernst 

3. 12 

Gaudy, Jules 


GUbert. B. Charles 


Gmeiner, Frans Josef 

8. 26 

Gause, Owen B. 


— C. H. 


Goble, Ezra T. 


Gauthier, Leon D. 


— Charles E. 


Godfrey, R L. 


Gawrilowitsch, E. 0. 


- Franklin B. 


— Julia D. 


Gaylord, Courlandt H. 


— George H. 


— L. M. 


— Edw. P. 


— Harvey 


Goddard, Seth T. 


- Wm. 


— Henry 8. 


Godefiroid, Jules Emile 


Gedder, Annle Lowe 


— Irwin B. 


Godshall, Sam. George 


Gee, D. C. 


— Nelson R. 


Goeschel, Louis 


— Orrin A. 


— Samuel T. 


Goff, EUa D. 


Gelger, Ch. E. 


— Sydney 


— Sarah A. 


— Ch. A. 


— Wm. L. 


- Warren W. 


— Josef 


Gilbome, Henry 


Göhrum, Hermann 4. 7. 


— Wm. 


Gilchrist, James G. 


von Goidtenhoven 


Geiser, Samuel B. 


— Rosetta L. 


Golden, Hannah C. 


Geisse, Emma C. 


GUe, Francis Alfred 


Goldmann, Leuthold 


Gentry, Wm, D. 


Gilleptie, Thomas 


GoUlsbrough, Giies Ed. 


Geonard, William H. 


Qiles, Ch. H. 


Goldsmith, Albert A. 


George, Alphonse 


- Fred. William 


— Alfred E. 


- Edgar J. 


— J. Wm. 


Goldsworthy, Wm. 


— Edgar J., Joliet 


Qilette, John R. 


Goldtwaite, Jeth V. 


- J. Dudley 


— W. 8. 


Golling, Wm. F. 


- J. de Witt 


Gilkeson, Hugh P. 




— James A. 


Gill, John T. 


Gonzalez, Julian 


- Wm.E. 


Gillard, Clara H. 


— Ivaquim 


Geoghegan, Wm. A. 


— David H. 


— Merino Victor 


Geppert, James Purcell 


— Edwin 1 


Goodale, Leon H. 


Geran, Pr. 


Gilleespic, Leszie 8. 


— Leon H., Nashua 


Gerberich, Daniel P. 


GUlet, Eliza A. 


Goodbar, Alise C. 


— Morris B. 


GUley, H. W. 


Goodell, Charles F. 


von Gerhardt, Adolf 


Gillow, WiUiam 


— James F. 


Gerhart, Joseph M. 


GUman, John E. 


— Rollin A. 


— Weber L. 


Ginn, Charles F. 


Goodhue, Walter 8. 


Gerlach, Peter J. 


Giralt, Nie. Guann. 


Gooding, Mrs. Annis 8. H. 108 

Germann, Joseph Maria 


Giro, Josö 


— R Jeanette 


MMecins. — Aerzte. — ] 




Gooding, Gertrude 


Gray, J. Hamüton 


Goodmann, Charles H. 


- P. P. 


Goodno, Wm. C. 


— R. Fletcher 


Goodrich, A. Amclia 


— Wm. R. 


— Alice A. 


— Wm. R., Le Mars 


— Asa P. 


Graybill, Jacob D. 


— David M. 


Greattrax, J. H. 


— Mrs. La Ren Dell 


Greely, George H. 


— Morris H. 


Green, Albert Smith 


— P. P. 


— Arba R. 


— Stephen W. 


- Ch. L. 


Goodwin, Benjamin J. 


— Conrad Theod. 


— C. Ottis 


— Mrs. Dorcas 


Gordon. Frank W. 


— Frank P. 


— Horace A. 


— George D. 


— John Newsland 


— James H. 


— Ira B. 


— James 


Gorham, George E. 


— Isadore L. 


Gorostixaga, Jos6 


— Mrs. M. Frances 


Gorton, D. A. 


— Mary J. 


— Fred. T. 


— 0. W. 


— Wm. D. 


— 8. Ward 


— Wm. E. A. 


- Sidney W. 


Goss, Alice M. 


— Vincent 


— Carrie A. 


Greene, B. Hadley 


— Jane G. 


— Edward P. 


Gottschalk, Wm. V. Jr. 


— Julia P. 


Götze, Frani 


— Thomas 8. 


Goutton, Carl Heinrich 


Greenlea^ George T. 


Gould, Edw. Gardiner 


— John T. 


— WilUam W. 


Gregg, Alpheus W. 


Gove, Jennie E. 


— Mary B. 


- M. F. 


Gregory, David H. 


Grady, Mary E. 


— Edward P. . 


Graeser, Bemh. H. 


— Elisha H. 


— Rud. 


- G. B. 


Graham, Alfred H. 


— George W. 


— Arthur C. 


— L. 


— David M. 


Grelg, WilUam 


— Elisha B. 


G reiner, Gustave 


- George H. 


Grenssing, August 38 

u. 43 

— Hamilton 


— Jul. Aug. 26 

u. 27 

— Malcolm 


Griese, Otto Rudolf 


— Merritt E. 


Griffen, John F. 


- Walter 8. 


Qrilfin, Corwin 


' — Wm. G. 


— D. 


Grahn. Ch. A. 


— D., Salem 


Gramm, Edw. M. 


- Judson M. 


— Gustave E. 


— Louise A. 


— Theodore J. 


Griffith, Arnos 8. 


Grandall, Edw. L. 


— Anna E. 


Grant, George D. 


— Horace G. 


— William H. 


— Jethro J. 


Grasmuck, Louis 


— Lewis B. 


Grau Beranguer, Paine 


— Mrs. M. E. 


Grau, Jaime 


— Silas 


Graonis, Edward H. 


— W. C. 


Graves, Henry 8. 


— Wm. M. 


— Kate J. 


- Wm. H. G. 


— Roscoe J. 


- Wm. C. 


Gray, Geo E. 


Grifols. Jot^ 


Ans. 201 


Griggs, Elma 133 

— Wm. O. 164 
Grigsby. A. Colby 84 
Grimm, Albert C. F. 137 
Grimshaw, Oliver 123 
Griste, Luman G. 155 
Griswold, Charles H. 48 

— Walcott N. 50 

— Wm. H. 106 
Groh, Arthur R. F. 181 

— Jean 181 
Gromann, August 82 
Qront, Ch. J. 177 
Groom, Orlando 133 
Groos, Ernst 1 

— Oscar 9 
Groot, Simon J. 54 
Groppner, Max C. 97 
Gross, Francis O. 164 

— James E. 63 

— Maria M. 63 

— WUhelm 10 
Grosseup, Joseph G. 171 
Grossmann, Heinrieh 3 
Grosthwait, Scott W. 175 
Grosvenor, E. B. 77 

— Lemuel C. 63 

— Ijorenso N. 63 

— LorenzoN.,Edgewater 69 
Groth, H. Henry 59 
Grove, David B. 160 

— M. P. 47 
Qrover, Orle M. 182 
Groves, Charles A. 122 
Gmbenmann 43 
Gruber, A. J. .39 

— Carl 78 

— Frank 122 
Gmmbrecht, Oscar L. 120 

— OBc.L.,PhUadelphia 164 
GrSnewald, Ch. F. 63 

— Lud. Helnr. Em. Aug. 6 
Grusn 33 
Gne, Arthur E. 104 
Gu^nik, Dem. Adamow. 41 
von Gu6rard, Wilhelm 2 
Guemsey, Egbert 137 

— Joseph C. 164 

— W. J. 164 
Guhl 12 
GuUbert, Samuel H. 79 
Gnild, Caroline L. 48 

— Leggett, 8. L. 145 

— Phineas K. 51 
Guillaume, Frank 64 
Guinness, Arthur 23 
Gnllefer, Thomas B. 75 
GulUck, Wm. 146 
Gumpert, Benjamin B. 164 
Gundelach, Ch. H. 115 
Gundlacb, John G. 179 

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Hall, George A. 


Hanchett, John L. 


Gashee, Frank A. 


— Harrison B. 


- Wm. H. 


QuBtln, Francis li. 


— Irving S. 


Hancock, Eimer E. 


— Ralph E. 


— James B. 


Hand, Bimey 


Gutteridge, Riehard 


— Levi 


— George F. 


Guther«, Mra. Lizale G. 


— Mary A. 


Hands. Herbert A. 


Guy, Clemena N. 


— Mathew J. 


Handerson, Sarah A. 


— Samuel S. 


- Orrin J. 


Handford, Wm. H. 


Quyott, Esra J. 


— Oscar H. 


Hanford. Maria U. 


Gwaltney, James A. 


— P. Sharpless 


— 8. Cullen 


Gwynn, Gh. A. 


— Pearl M. 


— Wm. H. 


- Wm. M. 


— Robert 


Hankins, Timothy 


— Wm.M.,Türoopflville 145 

— Sarah A. 


Hanion, Amos 


Gwynne, E. Edmiston 


— Stanton L. 


— Daniel J. 


- Walters. 


Hann, Peter H. 


Haag, John P. 


- Will. Dyr 


Hanna, Hugh 


Haas, Homer C. 

' 77 

— Wm. E. 


- Wm. B. 


Hacker. Wm. H. 


Hallett, D. Frank 


Hanscom, Walter V. 


Hackett, James F. 


— George De W. 


Hansen, Hans Fred. Oscar 30 

Hadley. C. H. 


— Joseph 


Hanson. Judson W. 


— J. PrankUn 


Haley. Wm. F. 


— W. G. 


- Wm. A. M. 


HaUiday, J. S. 


Harbour, G. L. 


Haedlcke, Max 


HaUmann, Victor H. 


Harcum. Theodore 


Haerer, Fred. J. 


— Victor H.. Raymond 82 

Hardenstein, A. Otto 


Haerr, Jacob A. 


HaUock, J. Henry 


Härder, Joseph 


Haeseler, Ob. H. 


HalloweU, Clement H. 


Hardesty. George W. 


Hafa, Joh. Friedr. BenJ. 


Halsey, Fred. W.' 


Harding. George T. 


Hafen. Carl 

10. 7 

Halst. Peter H. 


— Mrs. Mary R. 


Haggard. J. A. 


Halsted, Albert R. 


— Wübur F. 


Haggart, George B. 


— Milton A. 


Hardy, Anna C. 


Hagedom, Peter 


— Thomas H. 


— James E. 


Hagel, Joseph 


Haman, Ch. R. 


- M. V. 


H&hnle, Karl 


- Wm. A. 


- Wm. J. 


Halght, A. M. 


Hamblin. James R. 


Harlan. Wm. H. 


— N. H. 


HamUton, Clark T. 


Harman, Georg W. 


Haines, Bessie B. 


— Edw. 


Harmer. R. 


- Ch. W. 


— Fremont 


Harmon, Byron R. 


— FrankUn 


— Henry W. 


Hamden, George R. 


— OUver, Sloan 


— John 


Hamer, D. W. 


- Walter M. 


— Jonathan B. 


— D.W.. New Holland 162 

Hakes, Ch. W. 


— Wm. C. 


Harpcl, Francis E. 


— Charles W. 


Hamisfar. C. W. 


- M. Howard 


— Charles Webster 


— Fiorence N. 


Harper, Edw. 


Haibert, Homer V. 


Hamlin, Fred. W. 


— James Peddie 


Haie, David B. 


— Wm. A. 


Harmon, Henry 


~ Edwin E. 


Hamer, J. James H. 


Harrimann, Patrick 


— Edwin M. 




Harrington, Edw. S. 


— Frank A. 


Hammer. A. J. 


— Gove S. 


— Lucy Sturges 


— Andrew F. 


— James C. 


— R. Douglas 


Hammerschmidt, Joh. B. 


— John 


Hall, Amos C. Jr. 


Hamon fils 


— Mrs. Kate B. 


- Ch. B. 


Hamon pere 


— 8. A. 


— Ch. H. 


Hammond, Charlotte F. 


Harris, Andrew F. 


— Charles B. 


— John H. 


— David R. 


— Charles W. 


— Lewis C. 


— Miss EUa F. 


- Edgar 


— Milton 


— Ephraim H. 


— Edgar Atheling 


— Susan P. 


— Georgianna W. 


— Edw. M. 


Hanaford, J. H. 


— Henry 


— Edwin C. M. 


Hance, Wm. C. 


— John T. 


— E. V. N. 


Hanchett. Alfred P. 


— John T., Roxbury 


— Fred. 


— James C. 


— John W. 


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HarriB, Lymann P. 


Havens, Wm. 


Hedenburg, James 


— NeUie R. 


Haviland, J. Agnes 


Hedger, Frank 8. 


— Nelson A. 


— Normann H. 


Hedges, Albert P. 


- Rachel H. 


- WiUis H. 


— Levoy C. 


— Ralph 


Hawes, George H. 


— Samuel P. 


- Richard 


Hawk, J. B. 


— Wm. L. 


~ Sally A. 


Hawkes, Alfred Edward 


Hedinger, Charles 


— William John 


— Edw. John 


Hedrick. J. T. 


— Wm. T. 


— Wm. 8. 


- Wm. 


Harrison, Edward M. 


Hawkins, F. M. 


Heegaard, B. Louise 


— George E. 


— Wm. B. 


Heerman, V. Z. 


— J. Allen 


Hawks. Alfred J. 


Hefner. Samuel 


Harron, Ch. D. 


— Esther H. 


Heffron. Helene M. 


Harry, Francis M. 


Hawley, Ch. L. 


— Helen M., Chicago 


Hart, Arthur H. 


— Charles W. 


Heidrich, Reinhold 


— Charles N. 


— Edw. H. 


Heilner, Herbert F. 


— Charles P. 


— George T. 


Heinemann, John D. 


— Frank 0. 


— H. Reed 


Heintz, John F. 


— George D. 


— Henry W. 


Heintze, Ch. A. 


— WUlard R. 


— L. Bertram 


Held, Rudolphe 


— Wm. H. 


Hayden, A. 8. 


Helfrich. Calvin E. 


Hartley. Wm. G. 


Hayes, Ch. W. 


— Charles H. 


Hartmans, Lonis W. 


— Ch. 


— J. Henry 


Hartranft, J. M. 


- Edwin H. 


Helmgren, Ch. J. 


— John E. 


— Louiaa M. 


Helmick, Daniel 


Hartshorn, Dana W. 


— Rob. P. 


— Egbert W. 


Hartson, Oscar 8. 


Haylä, Thomas 


Helmuth. Wm. Tod 


HartweU, Harold W. 


Haylett, James 


— Wm. T. Jr. 


Harvey, A. K. P. 


Hayner, Azro Chace 




— Alvah 


Haynes, Celia M. 


Hemsteger, John A. 


-- Austin J. 


— J. R. 




— Charl. Tysoe 


Hayward, Abner 


Henderson, Ch. R. 


— John Brewer 


-. Alice J. 


- Lewi 


— Walter. B. 


— Ch. Will 


— Thomas Mowbray 


— Wm. 8. 


— John Will 


Hendrichs, Max 


Hasbrouck, E. 


— John Davey 


Hendrick, Alex. W. 


— Joseph 


— Joseph W. 


Hendrickson, P. J. 


— Sayer 


— Levi T. 


Hengstebeck, Th. 


Hassen, Samuel E. 


— M. P. 


Henkel. Wm. C. 


HassUr, J. WyUis 


Haywood. George W. 


Henn. Ch. M. 


Hassler, J. Wyllis 


— George M., Rochester 143 

- Mary 


- M. Magaret 


- Mrs. J. P. 


Hennig, Emil J. 


— Wm. A. 


de Haz y Pon, Francisco 


Henry, E. M. 


Hastings, A. H. 


Hazard, Theodore L. 


— Holando H. 


— Aaron 


Haaelton, Ch. V. 


— James P. 


— CaroUne E. 


~ Hiram J. 


— John H. 


— Hugh 


— Walter A. 


- R. J. 


- Seth G. 


Hasen, Lavoisiar P. 


— Samuel D. 


— Wm. C. 


Heald, Albert P. 


Hensley, Joseph 


Hatch, Eimer M. 


Heath, Edward Alfred 


Henze, Friedrich Reinhold 


— M. D. 


— Edwin R. 


Herbert, Ralph W. 


— Raymond W. 


— Gertrude E. 


Herbertl, Fred. W. 


Hatfield. Walter 8. 


— Helen A. 




Hathawey. Henry S. 


— J. De Witt 


Heritage, Alfred C. 


Hathaway, George W. 


— le Roy W. 


Herkiner, G. R. 


— Wm. T. 


Head, Martin H. 


Hermance, Alex. C. 


Hatzfield, Joseph A. 


Heaton, Susan R. C. 


— S. George 


Haunah. Helen M. 


Heartwell, Wm. B. 


Hermann, A. C. 


Haughton, F. J. 


Heberton, Wm. W. 


— John 


Harens, George C. 


Hehles, Elias 


Hermel, Edmond M. 


— Mary P. 


Hgche, Joseph 


Hemandez-Galicia, Fem. 


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Heron, George H 


— Wm. H. 


Herr, Levi S. 


Herrick, Cyrus B. 


— Ed. L. 


— L. A. 


Herring, Georg 


Hershberger, Joseph P. 


Hertzog, Lucy S. 


Hess, Alexandre 


Hesse, Ludw. 




Hesterly, Simeon J. 


Hetherington, Gilb. E. 


— Judson E. 


Hetrick, J. A. W. 


Heuer, Georg 


Hewitt, W. G. 


— Wm. 


Heyberger, Wenzel 




— Perd. Ant. 


— Rud. 


Heysinger, Isaac W. 


Hecel, Anton 


Hibbard, G. C. 


— de Verl M. 


Hickey, Jamei S. 


- ElizaS. 


Hickman, S. W. 


Hickock, Cornelia 


Hicks, Horace M. 


— Josbna H. 


— Thomas H. 


— Thom.H.,Knoxville 175 

— Hob. A. Jr. 


— Mrs. Susan M. 


Hiemesch, Arthur Christ. 


HIgbee, Albert E. 


— ehester G. 


— ehester a. St Paul 112 

— George W. 


— John L. 


Higgins. Arthur P. 


— Arthur E. 


— George H. 


— Henry B. 


— Boyal G. 


Higley. Bd. 8. 


Hilbers, Hermann Gerhard 15 

Hllgendorf, Paul J. 


Hill, Almond W. 


— Ambrose A. 


- Oora Y. 


— EUJah H. 


— Prank R. 


- Prank R., Tacoma 


— JuUa T. 


— Lucy Chaloner 


— Mark A. 


— Uarvin Jasper 



Hill, MerriU W. 77 

>- MerriU W., Redlands 49 

— Noble H. 93 

— Orimal P. 80 

— Rob. L. 48 

— W. D. 75 

— WilL Reed 15 
-> Winfield Scott 88 

HtUer, Albert 50 

— Pred. jr. 50 

— James L. 137 
HilUard, Sumner H. 73 
Hillis, Eben L. 83 
Hüls, Howard B. 156 
Hillweg. Charles A. 78 
Hiltebrandt 2 
HUton, George W. 98 

— Willard M. 146 
HlUyer, Prances S. 106 
Hineks, M. Edmond 88 

— Wm. 8. 97 
Hinde, Wm. H. W. 119 
Hindman, David R. 89 
Hines, A. D. 101 

— Prank 176 

— Isaac B. 93 
Hingston, Jamea W. 117 
Hinkena H 
Hinkle, H. C. 48 
Hinkley. Abbie A. 64 

— Alonw) S. 130 

— H. L. S. 152 
Hinckley, Walter P. 66 
Hinman, Carlton V. 103 

— Eimer L. 142 
_ Spencer D. 109 

Hinmann, Rieh. E. 59 

Hinn, Louis P. 182 

Hinsdale, W. B. 149 

— W. B., Wadswortb 155 
Hinson, Jacob M. 121 
Hinz, Perd. M. 181 
Hlpkisa. George 100 
Hislop, Margarete 54 
Hltchcock, Cobum Baldwin 57 

— E. Ward. 133 

— G. G. 100 

— Jaton B. 181 
_ Lena £. 152 

Hitchock, Dexter 57 

Hoad, V. A. 143 

Hoag, Alva A. 55 

— Ch. A. 64 

— CUtua 8. 55 

— P. Lindley 106 

— James H. 85 

— Sanford 53 
Hobart, Henry M. 64 

— JohnW. 178 

— Wm. P. 64 
~ Wm. F., Rosooe 73 

Hochecker, Joh. Jos. Theod. 7 

Hockert, SiegMed L. 148 

Hockett, Oliver O. 71 

— T. E. 85 
Hocking, Wm. P. 70 
Hodge, J. 8. 49 

— Josephine P. N. 49 

— Wm. H. 141 
Hodges. W. C. 151 
Hodgdon, Mrs. M. C. 100 

— Richard 100 
Hodgson, Thomas S. 98 
Hoefle, Henry (X 79 
Hoehne, Evelyn C. 181 
Hoerrmann, B. P. 182 
Hoesoh, Julius 2 
Hoey, Wilh. Perguson 57 
Hoffmann 3 

— Harvey E. 107 

— James 121 

— Joseph R. 121 
Holhnan, Lewis A. 122 
Hoff^meier, Prank C. 84 
Hofman, Ch. H. 170 
Hofinann, Ernst P. 137 
Hogan, Cornelius 64 
Hogue, Isaao R. 107 
Hohenb«rg,Was. Semenow. 40 
Holbein, Monroe 171 
Holbert, J. Sandford 130 
Holbrook, Ed. H. 90 

— H. H. 151 

— Lewi B. 99 
Holcombe, J. Ruidolph 164 
Holden, Clarence P. 178 

— Pannie E. 110 
HoUister. Quiney A. 134 

— Samuel A. 121 

— Wm. C. 177 
Holloway, Lisiie E. 77 
HoUowell, H. C. 99 
Holmann, Ed. E. 64 
Holmes, Charles B. 123 

— E. B. 83 

— Esther B. 52 

— Horaoe P. 118 

— Louis C. 117 
_ Manuel S. 89 

— Manuel 8., Oakland 108 
Holsberg, Wm. H. 161 
Holt, Ed. B. 98 

— L. E. B. 81 
Holton, Charles 8. 87 
Holts, S. 8. 154 
Holyoke, Wm. P. 48 
Home, P. 6. 83 
Home, PranUln B. 81 
Honberger, Frank H. 64 
Honan, Wna. J. 137 
Houston, Henry C. 155 

— Maurice 70 

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MMecins. — Aßtzte. — Physicians. 





Honston, Wm. M. 


Howland, Anna C. 


Humfeld, Wm. A. 


Hood, Frank C. 


— Barker C. 


Hammel, H. Rieh. 


— John H. 


- Ch. C. 


Hummer, John H. 


— Wm. L. 


Hoy, F. Pierce 


Humphrey, Otis M. 


Hooker, Edward Beechei 


— Harvey K. 


— Frank M. 


— Lanra L. 


Hoyh, Frank H. 


Humphreys, Edward 


Hoopes, Lewi 


Hoyland, C. B. 


- Fred. 


Hoover, George M. 


Hoyne, Temples 


Hunt, Annie W. 


Hopper, Magnus T. 


Hoyt, Ch. W. 


— Artemus L. 


Hoppins, Henry J. 


— Charles 


— Charles Richard 


Hopkin, Wm. Milby 


— Eugene F. 


— de Forest 


Hopkins, EUsba B. 


— Herbert W. 


— Edwin M. 


— Fred. E. 


- Hubbard M. 


— Francis M. 


— 8t. W. 


— Mary M. Moore 


— Qeocge 


Hom, Christian P. 


— Osmond Naton 


— George H. 


Homer, J. R. 


— Wm. 


— Henry F. 


Horning, Ch. S. 


HradU, Franz 


— J. Judson 


— Ch. 8., ShannonviUe 171 

Hubbard, Charles H. 


— James G. 


- David W. 


— H. L. 


— Ida B. 


Horr, Albert W. 


— W. 8. 


— John 8. 


— Wm. H. 


— Wm. A. 


— John B. 


Horter, Lafayetto H. 


— Wm. A., Marion 


— Lemuel J. 


Horton, Alden 


Hubbell, Adelbert M. 


— Maurice P. 


— Alonxo E. 


von Hnbbenet, Anton Mat 

— Oven G. 


— Ernest T. 




— Samuel P. 


— Warren H. 


Hubbs, 0. A. 


— Stella 


— Zertria E. 


Hubeil, Eugen 


— Willis H. 


Horvell, Guy H. 


Hübener, 0. T. 


- Wm. H. 


Hoskinson, W. N. 


Hulbust, John W. 


Hunter, Andrew 0. 


Hotchkin, Benjamin L. 


Huddieston, Albert F. 


— Andrew J. 


— BenJ. L., Edgewate 

r 69 

Hudson, A. G. 


-- George 


Hotchkiss, Isabella S. 


— Edm. Lord 


— Horacio M. 


Hottelmann, Otto H. 


— Fred. R. 


— LleweUyn K. 


Hongh, Charles F. 


— John 


— Wm. 


— Edgar C. 


— John F. 


Hunting, Nelson 


— Joseph P. 


— OUver L. 


Hantley, Victor F. 


- Walter D. 


— Thomas H. 


Huntoon, J. W. 


Houghton, Burr L. 


— W. T. 


Huntsinger, EU 


— Henry A. 


— Wara 8. 


- J. C. 


— Neidhard H. 


Huff, Ch. C. 


Hurds, Wrlght 


House, Rob. B. 


Huffacker, James R. 


Huributt, E. T. M. 


-. Walter B. . 


— Thomas 8. 


Huron, Frank H. 


Howard, Clarence C. 


Hugg, Isaac N. 


— WiUis B. 


- R Melville 


Hugger, Hermann 


Hursh. George W. 


— Elmira J. 


Hughes, Curtis A. 


Hussey, Elisha P. 


— F. Henry 


— G. L. 


Huston, Anthony 8. 


— G. Parker 


— J. Edwin 


Hutchins, Alsa V. 


— G. P. 


— Morris 


- Horace 8. 


— George S. 


— Richard 


Hutchinson, Atilla M. 


- Lewis N. 


- Wm. B. 


— C. 


— Mary A. 


Hugson, Wm. A. 


— Hency 


— Mordecai L. 


Hulbert, M. L. 


— John A. 


- Walter J. 


Hulett, Giles 8. 


— Rob. N.. 


Howe, Edwin J. 


— 8. Eugene 


Hutchison, Adele S. 


— • J. Morgans 


Hüll, George 8. 


- Rob. N. 


— LesUe A. 


— George A. 


Huttern, Gust. 

. 26 

— Melvin F. 


— Horace D, 


Hutington, Samuel H. 


— Wm. F. 


Hullhorrt, C. G. A. 


Huxley, John Ch. 


HoweU, Conrade A. 


— Fred. 


Huyvenaar, J. 


- EUa V. 


— Paul 


Hyatt, Francis M. 


Howells, Martha M. 


Humes, James R. 


Hyde, Erastus C. 


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MMecins. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 


Hyde, James R. 


— Ruiug J. 


Hynes, F. R. 


de Hyaern, Lonis 


Jackson, 6. F. 147 

— Cornelius S. 97 
^ K. 80 

— Bd. R. 79 

— Frances R. W. 84 

— Francis M. W. 64 

— Henry A. 173 

— Henry H. 64 

— John O. 162 

— Thomas J. 108 
-- WUUam L. 93 

— Wm. S. 147 

— Wm. H. H. 162 
Jacobi. Stella E. 64 
Jacobs, Harold H. 146 

— Otto 1. 7 

— Wm. H. 57 
Jacobson. £dw. H. 158 

— Frank A. 135 
Jacobus, Samuel J. 134 
Jacom, Ch. A. 170 
Jaeger, Max Julius 11 
Jaeokel, Ch: £. 134 
Jagielski, A. Victor 20 
Jahn, Ernst 2 
James, Addison C. 73 

— Bushrod W. 164 

— Horace E. 164 

— John E. 164 
Jameson, Robert E. 93 
Jamison, Ch. W. 179 

— M. R. 160 
Janes, T. J. 50 
Janney, Daniel 178 

— Edgar 54 

— O. Edw. 90 
Jardine, M. Aldridge 121 
Jayne, De Witt 132 
Jaynes, W. Cullen 69 
Ibassa y Miro, Louis 32 
Ide, Henry G. 104 

— Henry G.,Marquette 107 

— Justus 11 
Jeagley, James M. 161 
Jeagne, James Pascal 44 
Jeflferds, George P. 88 

— Henry C. 156 
JeflErey, Geo. Q. 127 
Jegorow, Jacob Andriew. 40 
Jekes, Mrs. F. M. 59 
Jenkins, A. Wood 106 

— Charlotte 135 

— George H. 125 

— Olin L. 123 

— Ralph 54 
Jenks, Frank R. 173 


Jenks, E. P. 127 

— George H. 46 

— QeorgeH.fS.Fransiseo 50 

— Robert B. 132 
Jennes, Sarah A. 93 
Jenney, Arthur B. 100 

— Arthur B.,Stoneham 100 

— J. Wing 85 

— Wm. H. 113 
Jennings, EUa A. 137 

— R. D. 174 
Jensen, Ann« C. 64 
Jeomans, Stephen P. 78 
Jerald, Daniel C. 80 
Jerman, N. Theodore 165 
Jessen, H. C. 51 
Jessup, Haiton J. 165 
Jetter, A. F. 159 
Jetald, Daniel C. 81 
Jewell, Henry H. 119 

— Leslie C. 88 
Jewett, Howard G. 97 

— John R 107 

— Joseph Waldo 56 

— Wm. B. 102 
Jewltt, Edw. H. 149 
Jimpson, Wm. 8. 80 
Her, G. H. 127 
lüff, J. Pearson 164 
Imbeyre 33 
Imbert de la Touche, Paul 34 
Imes. T. Creigh 164 
Infield, CUfton L. 144 
Ingalls, Gillert 133 
Ingersoll, A. E. 46 

— C. S. 116 
Ingram, Lucius S. 64 
John, Fred. C. 181 
Johns, Emory B. 87 
Johnson, A. R. 76 

— A. Keyes 49 
-> Adelbert L. 85 

— Austin 8. 103 

— B. Rebekah 137 

— George H. T. 83 

— Henry W. 98 

— Howard P. 131 

— J. R 75 
~ Joseph H. S. 64 

— Joseph P. 121 

— Irving W. 72 

— Isaac D. 160 

— Maria N. 165 

— Mary A. 165 

— Perry J. 58 

— Philip D. 142 

— R. B. 154 

— Ransom 144 

— S. A. 107 

— Stonewall 73 

— T. M. 152 


Johnson, T. F. 82 

— Thadeus L. 49 

— Theod. M. 170 

— W. W. 142 

— Walter 17 

— Wm. H. 90 

— Wm. L. 64 
Johnston, C. L. 127 

— D. Howard 165 
— John 22 

Jompkins, Albert H. 93 

Jones, A. Cuvier 52 

— A. Cuvier, Holden 118 

— Auburn C. 76 

— Ch. E. 124 

— Ch. S. 64 

— Charles R ö6 

— Daniel L. 118 

— B. Darwin 124 

— Edward W. 165 

— Edwin H. 165 

— Elbert A. 174 

— Elijah ü. 100 

— Frank Q. 152 

— H. Guernsey 176 

— Herbert S. 122 

— Henry C. 135 

— J. Gains 149 

— James 24 

— John J. 165 

— Joseph 176 

— Joseph E. 172 

— Julian Henry 177 

— Leander P. 55 

— Leonidas M. 103 

— Oliver O. 109 

— Thomas Reginald 14 

— Wm. A. 181 

— W. B. Pryor 178 

— Wm. G. 83 

— W. Roscoe 46 

— Samuel A. 102 

— Walter H. 137 
Jonis 34 
Jordan, J. Eugene 179 
Jordan y OUviet, Josö 32 
Jordan, Oscar J. 130 
Jonng, Ch. B. 178 

— Daniel F. 142 

— R Weldon 179 

— James M. 48 
.- John R 134 

— John H. 168 

— Thomas M. 179 

— Willis fi. 144 

— Wm. S. S. 168 
Joungman, Maurice D. 119 
Jousset, Pierre Dominique 35 

— Pierre 35 
Jowell, James K. 176 
Ireland, George M. 152 

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MMecins. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 





Irons, Alexandre 


Keegan, Wm. A. 


Kern, Eimer G. 


— Francena L. 


Keeler, Charles B. 


— Wm. H. H. 


Ironside, Allan 8. 


— E. Bnics 


Kernler. Sebastian 


— Rob. Adrian 


— Eimer E. 


Kerr, Harlan T. 


Irvin, Hiram C. 


— Horatio 


— John F. 


Irwin, Pranlc 


Keen, George J. 


Kershaw, J. Martine 


- Harlan M. 


Keener, Henry Newton 


Kesley, Miss Kate 


— Harl. M., Galesburgh 70 

Keeney, Eben W. 


Kester, Alonso A. 


— Thomas A. 


— J. Harvey 


— E. Kate 




Keep, J. Lester 


— J. J. 


Isenberg, Lorain 


de Keersmaecker, Albert 


— M. Addie 


I»erman, Joseph C. 


Kegel, August H. 


— M. Addie, Toledo 


Iszard, Howard 


de Keghel, Eugene 


— Richard S. 


— Jacob 


Kehoe, Henry C. 


Ketty, Arthur 


Iturralde, Hernando 


Kehr. Samuel 8. 


Kiefer, Carl EmU 


Juarez, Nicolas 


- Samuel 8., Sterling 73 

— Ch. A.- 


Judkins, Charles W. 


Keifer, Ed. G. 


— James D. 


Jugham, George W. 


Keim, Wm. H. 


Kiger, Thomas C. 


Jngman, Lucius 8. 


Keith, Ellen L. 


Küe, Wm. T. 


Julian, Isaac B. 


— Ernest W. 


Kilgour, Peter T. 


Jump, Clarence K. 


. - Wm. E. 


Kilmer, Adam 


— Julia Chapin 


Kellar, Francis 


KimbaU. Edwin 


Junge, Joh. WUh. 


Keller, Hervey S. 


— J. Henry 


Junkermann, Ch. F. 


— John D. 


— L. H. 


Junor, Kenneth F. 


— M. Ellen 


— Leonard M. 


Just, Adolf August 


KeUey, L. Stone 


— Samuel A. 


— Xamniar, Juan 


Kelliker, Mayville S. 


- W. S. 


Ivins, Horace F. 


Kellogg, A. D. 


King, Bei^amin 


— Edwin 8. 


- Ch. L. 


Kabiersky sen. 


— Fannie H. 


— Edgar A. 


Kaercher, Wm. F. 


Kelly, Charles W. 


- Edward H. 


Kaetel, C. H. 


— Lewis E. 


— EUsworth E. 


Kafka, Theodor 26. 27 

- J. W. 


— Emmet C. 


Kaiser. Rudolf C. 


— Sidney F. 


— Frank 


Kalbfleisch, A. H. 


— Wallace B. 


— George H. 


Kaier, Wm. A. 


Kelso, Annie E. 


- J. E. 


Kalos, John D. 


Kemberling, Isaac 0. 


— John B. 8. 


Kallenbach, Oswald 


Kemp, Nevens C. 


— Joseph M. 


Kaluschke, Jos. 


Kempton, Amanda H. 


— Rob. 


Kammerer, Carl Robert 


Kendall, Luther 


— 8. Lewis 


Kanonse, A. W. 


— Sarah A. 


— Sylvester M. 


- Ed. M. 


— W. M. 


- W. Nephew 


Kant, Arthur Immanuel 


Kendrlck, Fayette D. 


— William R. 


Karsner, Ch. W. 


Kennedy, A. L. 


— Wm. H. 


— Daniel 


— Henry M. 


— Wm. D. 


- WiUiam C. 


— J. 8. 


Kingsbury, Ed. N. 


Karst, Fred. A. 


— James C. 


Kingsmao n, Rieh. 


Karstrom, Axel H. 


— Rob. Jr. 


Kiniey, Joseph B. 


Karten, Joseph W. 


— Sam. Arth. Stoddard 20 

Kinne, Arthur B. 


Käse, Edm. H. 


— Samuel 


— Porter S. 


Kasselman, Harry C. 


— Sam., Philadelphia 


— Theodor J. 


Kastendieck, J. T. W. 


— WUL Adam 


Klmmell, Theodore 


- John 


Kenning, Rieh. H. 


Kinyon, Claudius B. 


Kattenbracker, Alvina 


Kenney, G. A. 


Kippax. John R. 


Katsch, Jul. Ferd. 


Kent, James T. 


Kirby, G. Stewart 


Kaufifman, John 


— Maud. 


Kirchbaum, James W. 


Keany, Wm. 


Kenyon, W. 0. 


Klrk, Ellen M. 


Keatinge, H. D. 


— Wm. B. 


— ElIiB J. 


— Hariette C. 


Ker, Claudius Buchanan 


— George J. W. 


Keator, Bruce 8. 


Kerch, Harry E. 


- P. Hally 


Keefer, Alice 


Kerl, Otto 


KirkendaU, John S. 


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Kirkland, Bdw. 


— Wm. H. 


Kirkpatriek, A. S. 


- Jobn C. 


- Rob. 8. 


Kirn. Immuiael 


Kirsch, Frank 


— Martin 


Kirtland, Charles W. 


— John W. 


Kisch, Heinrich 


Kistler, Abraham L. 


— Grant M. 


— Horaee B. 


— John 8. 


Kitchell. Jatbon 8. 


Kitchen. James 


— Warren A 


Kitcbing, Charles Watton 44 
Kittinger, Leonard Armoor 58 

— Leonard, Wilmington 58 
Klauber, Ignax Wilhelm 27 
Kleffner, Franz Anton 

Theodor 7. 9. 13. 13 

Klein, Aug. A. 93 

Kleinsohmidt, Gustav 2 

Klemp, Hermann F. 86 

Kline, Andrew K. 123 

— David C. 170 
Klingelhofer. Otto 41 
Klock, Henry A. 161 
Klopp, Calvin L. 170 
Knapp. Edgar R. 109 

— H. J. 127 
~ Henry 47 

— James C. 132 

— Leonard E. 105 

— Hyron K 104 

— Theodore P. 145 

— Wm. T. 58 
Kneass, Nicholas W. 90 

— Rob. W. 90 
Kneisly, Daniel H. 155 
Knerr, Calvin B. 165 

— Levi J. 170 
Kniberg, Anna M. 84 
Knickocker, C. W. 78 
Knickerborker, H. D. L. 146 
Knight, Edwin A. 119 

— Edw. B. 173 

— Frank II. 116 

— J. 8. 96 

— M. Monroe 103 

— Stephan H. 104 

— Walter B. 148 
Kniffin, Jonathan B. 165 
Knoll, Walter J. 65 
Knott, Abraham R. 85 

— Ananias 6. 71 

— Jephta D. 71 
Knowles. Girard F. 107 


Knowles, H. 8. 84 

— WiUiam K. 97 
Knowlton, B. Irene 65 
Knox. FrankUn F. 115 

— John A. 83 

— Joseph H. 89 

— Jos. H., WaterviUe 89 
Knüppel, Emil Leopold 9 
Ritter von Koch, Alois 27 
Kocbp Charles L. 72 
Kociell, Sylvester 85 
Köck, Carl 9 
Koenlg, Joh. Michael 26 
Kohler, Fred. W. 165 
Koier, Ch. M. 65 
König, Max J. 172 
Koons, Tilghman D. 158 
Kösztler, Josef 26 
Korth, J. Chr. 184 
Kraft, Frank 149 
Krans, James 98 
Kranz -Busch, Melchior 

Fremont 13 

Krappe 2 

Krause, William H. 137 

Krayzell, Aurel. Epeycs 26 

Krebs, Franz H. 93 

KrehbiU, Andrew J. 151 

Kreider, M. K. 75 

— Wm. B. 75 
Kreidler, Samuel R. 82 
Krewson, Amos D. 165 
Kriess, Peter L. 161 
Krill, Fred. A. 61 
Kroemer, Rudolf Emannel 7 
Kroner, Carl Eugen 10 
Kroening. Paul Otto 5 
Krogstad, Henry 54 
Krudop, O. Tonjez 111 
Krüger, Henri Gustav 34 

— Julius H. 65 
Krumsick, W. E. '71 
Krutulewski, Iwan Iwano- 

witsch 41 

Kuechler, C. F. 73 

Kuestner, John 165 

Knhry, George M. 165 

Kukulus, Richard Josef 11 

Kundsen, Harriot L. 122 

Kunkel, Carl 7 

Kuntz, Wm. H. 57 

Kunze, August 79 

Kurtz, Ch. G. 165 

Kyugdon, Bronghton 44 

Labin, Margaret L. 
Labisi, AUessandro 
Lacy, Henry A. 
Lade, Georg 
Ladelei, Carlo 
La Dow, J. Charles 





La Feore, George L. 108 

Lager, Benedicta 65 

Laidlaw, Alex. H. 137 

— George F. 137 
Laird, Frank F. 145 

— Wm. F. 146 
Lamar, Henry L. 75 
de La Matyr, Elias B. 50 
Lamb, George M. 133 

— H. G. 171 
Lambert, Adelaide 56 

— B. Emerson 142 

— Lavinia D. 51 
Lombreghts fiU, Anatole 28 
Lambreghts p^re 28 
Lamphear, C. H. 59 
Lampton. George W. 76 
Lance, J. D. 177 

— Rob. W. 178 
Land, James R. F. 113 

— Joseph F. 137 
Landauer, Syme 66 
Landis, Henry Z. 175 
Landen, Charles C. 103 
Landreth, Mary H. 65 
Lane, Charles E. 142 

— Charles Franklin 101 

— D. E. 46 

— Irvin J. 144 

— N. F. 165 

— Orvüle W. 97 
Lane- Kellogg, L. J. 48 
Lang, Henry Charles 20 

— Jacob R. 76 

— Otto 104 
Lange, Fred. W. 171 
Langmaid, George B. 172 
Langson, R. K. 117 

— Rufus K. 181 
Laning, Ch. E. 65 
Lankton, Froeda M. 118 
Lannin, Louise 137 

— WiUet S. 152 
Lanphear, Charles H. 58 
Lantsky, Johann Friedr. 

JuL 40 

Laplana, Eurique 31 

Lapuente, Alfredo 32 

Laquente, Pietro 32 

de Lara, Fernandez 184 

Lards, Chas H. 182 

Largand 35 

Larisch, Carl 10 

Larkey, Alonso S. 48 

Laroche, Pierre 137 

Larsen, med. vetr. 30 

Lartiga 32 

Lashlee, H. B. 48 

Lassen, Helene S. 127 

Latimer, George 55 

— Wm. C. 127 

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HMedns. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 





Latbrop, Clarenee P. 


Leonard, Edward J. 


Lissau, Simon' 


— Bgbert H. 


— Harvey K. 


List, J. M. 


— Henry A. 


— Henry C. 


Litchfield, Harry 


Lauer, C. P. 


— Nellie M. 


Little, Benjamin F. 


Laoning' Charles 


— Wm. H. 


— George W. 


Lawrance, Joseph M. 


— Wm. E. 


— Harry J. 


Lawrence, Geo. W. 



Livermore, David L. 


— J. M. 


Leos, Emanuel R. 


Livingood, J. T. 


— Jerome B. 


Le Roy, Ebnere W. 


Livor, John 


— Joseph 


LesUe, Froelaod D. 


Lloyd, Alfred H. 


— Manrioe B. 


Le Seur, John W. 


Lobangh, John J. 


— Rhoda A. 


Le Seure, Oscar 


Locke, Dana A. 


— Wm. D. 


Leuthstrom, C. A. 


— David Albert 


Lawshe, John Z. 


Lewi, Edmund 


— Frank S. 


Lawton, Charles H. 


Lewis, Andress V. 


— Melvin J. 


— Thomas 


— Clarenee J. 


— Samuel A. 


Layer, Immanuel 


- EUsabeth P. 


Lockwood, Fred. H. 


Leach, Clara Austin 


- F. Park 


— H. L. 


— Reginald Barkley 


— Frank E. 


— HUlUrd L. 


Leake, Endell N. 


— George W. 


- R. L. 


Leal, Malcolm 


- H. M. 


Lodge, Albert 


Leary, Joanna G. 


- J. B. 


— Edwin 


Leavitt, Forrest 


— John A. 


— Jr.. Edwin A. 


— Henry H. 


— Jr., Joseph 


Loeck, Engen 


— Sheldon 


— Norman H. 


Loelkes, Georg 


Leckie, John W. 


Liberali, Yincenzo 


Logan, A. N. 


Leckner, John D. 


Libby, Charles A. 


Logee, Horace M. 


Le Crone, Thomas W. 


Lichtenwalner. Abbott B. 


Loizeaux, Ch. J. 


Ledyard, Wm. E. 


Lie, Adalbert Frans 


Lombroso, Cesare 


Lee, Ch. H. 


Lieb, Andrew G. 


Long, Charles B. 


— Edmund J. 


Lighfort, George F. 


- Charles H. 


- Frank W. 


Light, George W. 


— David H. 


— George 


— Jacob W. 


— Douglas 


- John M. 


- Josef H. 


— F. Morton D. D. 

S. 165 

— Sarah J. 


Lilienthal, James G. 


— Georg L. 


— Wm. T. 


Uljeroth, Anna 


— George E. 


- Frank C. 


LUUendahl, W. 


— Howard W. 


— Luther M. 


LiUoston. WUli CUnton 


— James M. 


Leeeh, Albert E. 


LUly, Harrison 


— Oscar R. 


Leeds, Charles H. 


Linck, Christ. 


— Samuel 


Le Fevre, F. W. 


Lincoln, Guy A. T. 


Longee, WUI. H. 


— Wells 


Undabury, Albert A. 


Longh, George John 


Lefever, John R. 


Lindenborg, Augusta S. 


Longhridge, James H. 


Lefferts, Franklin Plerce 


Lindley, Havard 


Longsdorf, Adam J. 


Legge, Frank G. 


Lindsay, Green 


Longshore, Rebecca H 

. R. 48 

Leggett, Charles F. 


— J. F. 


Loomis, Daniel D. 


Lehmum, Anthony 


Lines, Amelia W. 


— Edward 


- Franklin F. 


-. Mary L. 


- F. R. 


Leibrock, George 


Lingle, John C. 


— Wm. H. 


Leitch, Franklin M. 


Link, OUver C. 


Loosveldt, Henri 


— Robert ü. 


Linkmyer, M. BeUe 


Lorbacher, Fr. Heinr. i 

Ä.rn. 8 

Lelaod, Clarenee H. 


Linn, Alex 


Lorenz, Adolf 


Lemke, Louis H. 


— EUis G. 


Lord, Frank 


— Louis H.,Jame8town 113 

— Henry G. 


— George A. 


Lemoine, Emest 


— Timothy K 


— J. 8. P. 


Lemon, Wm. E. H. 


Linneli, Edward H. 


Lorsey, Mahlon F. 




— Jonathan E. 


Losana, Ottario 


Lennard, Arnos L. 


Linquist Jr., Maurice F. 


Losse, G. 


Lenox, Robert 


Lippineott, Eldridge 


Losee, James W. 


Lenski, Osip Pawlowitsch 41 

Lippitt, Louis D. 


Lott, Harry L. 


Leonhard, Harriet A. 


Llscomb, D. P. 


— Harry L., Rochester 143 

Homöopathisches Jahrbuch. II. Band. 


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Mßdeclns. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 

Leunsbury jr.. Osmer W. 151 

Lount, Rob. 133 

Love 35 

— Frank S. 105 
Lovejoyp Mary E. 175 
Lovell, C. G. W, 69 
Lovering, Anna T. 99 
Lovett, Alfred A. 151 
Low, EUlott C. 142 

— Joseph H. 65 
Lowell, James S. 78 
Lowe, Samuel P. 48 

— Thomas 111 
Löwenstein, Isidor 2 
Lowenthal. Louis 65 

— Louis, Washington 73 
Lowes, Joseph E. 151 
Lowrey, Joseph H. 78 
Lowry, Lucretia R. 65 

— N. H. 74 
Lozier, Abraham W. 137 

— J. de la Montagne 137 
Luce, Daniel 133 
Lucena, Francisco M. 165 
Lucy, J. A. 87 
Ludlam, Ed. 65 

— Renben 65 
Ludlum, Charl. H. 133 
Ludwig, Charles H. 65 
Lnndn, Harry M. 112 
Luke, Johannes 5 
Lukens, Benjamin F. 165 

— Charles M. 145 

— J. Paul 58 

— M. B. 59 
Lummis, Dorothea 47 

— Mary D. 47 
Lunger, Justice 8. 154 
Lnndgren, Even A. 65 
Luscomb, Arthur 57 
Luscombe, J. Everett 97 
Luther, H. Woldemar 14 
Luton, Rob. M. 106 
Lutze, Ernst Arthur 2 

-- F. H. 127 

— Paul 4 
Lütze 1 
Luyties, Carl J. 115 
Lydy, A. R. 147 
Lyford, Franklin O. 89 
Lyman, J. Grant 143 

— M. E. 83 
Lynch, Elizabeth 8. 50 

— Helen M. 70 
Lyon jr., George G. 45 

— Howard N. 65 

— Melvem 8. 119 

— Oliver James 85 

— Orrine A. 146 
Lyons, A. Isabelle 94 

— Matilda J. 147 

Lyschinski, Adam 


Mace, Howard S. 165 

Iffacomb, Wm. S. 174 

Macomber, A. L. 117 

— Addison P. 77 

— Fidele G. 77 

— Henry K. 49 
Mac Cracken, Elizabeth 65 
Mac Donald, Allan P. 55 
Macdonald, J. A. 180 

— John 165 

— L. Thomes 55 

— Wm. H. 180 
Macfarlan, Duncan 165 

— Malcolm 165 
Macfarland, R. L. 127 
Mac Ivor, James H. 138 
Mack, Charles Samuel 102 
Mackay, J. H. 117 
Mackechnie, John Hamilton 13 
Mackenzie, Peter L. 157 
Maeky. James L. 81 
Maekintosh, Charles Hills 25 

— Clara A. 148 
Mac Lachlan, A. Daniel 102 

— John W. 65 
Mac Magnus, George D. 142 
Mac Mahon, Walter G. 165 
Maemaster, Marlan H. 145 
Mac Millan, John Wales 121 
Madden, Edw. Monson 15 
Mäder, John G. 138 
Madduse, Daniel P. 159 
Maerum. Ch. A. 157 
Maffey, John 44 
Magee, Franklin J. 52 

— J. D. 176 
Magny, Frank A. 65 
Mahoney, John C. 76 
Mahr, Henry 122 
Malrhead, George S. 81 
Maisch, George J. 112 
Malcolm. John G. 84 
Malin, Wm. H. 165 
Malapert de Dense, J. U. 34 

~ Gustav 34 

Mallofre, Eduarde 31 

Malok, John 65 

Maloney, Luther H. 63 

Maloy, Sarah 70 

Maltese, Felix 39 

Manant, Ignacio 31 

Manaton, W. P. 127 

Manbey, Jerome 135 

Mandello, WUhelm 26 

Mandeville, Fred, de L. 125 

— Fred. A. 122 
Mangos, Monroe 130 
Manglano, Alfrede 32 
Manhony, Edw. 18 


Mann, Eugene L. 

— Jasse R 

— Martha E. 

— Mary F. 

— Neltie H. 

— O. H. 69 

— Wm. O. 101 
Mannahan, Manning W. 59 
Manning, Edward C. 47 

— Guy E. 50 
Maus, Francois 29 

— Joseph 29 
Mansfield, Harry K. 165 
Mansifee, Wm. H. 115 
Manson, Ch. F. 165 
Mantz, Cash. C. 155 
Manzaneque 32 
Marc^l-Durand 35 
Marden, A. E. 124 
Edler von Marenzeller, Ad. 27 
Marey, Erastus R 138 
Margani 38 
Marin. Ceferino 32 
de Marini, Samuele 37 
Mark. NeUie V. 90 
Marken, Granville R. 91 
Markham, John H. 113 

— R. C. 107 
Marks, Yortus 176 

— Rieh. T. 160 

— Wm. F. 170 
Marr, Hervey £. 82 

— Ludwig 10 
Marsden, Biddle P. R 165 

— George F. 123 

— James Loftus 20 
Marsh, A. Eastmaon 53 

— Franklin F. 58 

— Guy C. 152 

— Henry M. 87 

— Henry M., LoulsviUe 87 

— Henry W. 104 

— James M. 131 

— James M., Potsdam 
(St. Lawrence). 142 

— Isaac H. 181 

— Lebbus E. 53 

— Th. Ch. 20 
MarshaU, Anna M. 165 

— Foster L. 94 

— Foster L.. Roxbury 100 

— Joseph D. 153 

— JuUa M. 97 
Marstin, M. 178 
Marter, George W. 165 
Marti, Vincente 31 
Martin, Albert L. 78 

— Alb.L.,Bru8hCreek 78 

— Alden E. 120 

— EUa M. 128 

— Francis M. 114 

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Uartin, G. Fönest 


— George A. 


— George H. 


— George F. 


— John H. 


— John 8. 


— John 8., Plymouth 76 

— Isaac M . 70 

— LesUe 125 

— Lynn A. 125 

— O. 8. 144 

— Peter 122 

— R. Edwin 181 

— Rob. 181 

— Samnel J. 182 

— Stoddord 8. 177 

— Thomas H. 180 

— Trumann J. 130 

— Wm. J. 170 

— Wm. F. 144 
Ifarün-Duthoit 38 
Martine, JeanieW.NeweU 138 
Martineau, S. Cath. 128 
Martine. Riehard R. 128 
Martiny, Loois 29 
Marturano, Emiiio 38 
Martz, Christian 75 
Marvel. Phü. 119 
Marvin. Aurelia D. 106 

— Grace 94 

— John J. 154 

— L. Ray 108 

— La Dor 106 
de Massarellos, Fr. L. 9 
Massey, Isaiah B. 154 

— Newton M. 108 
Massimi, Vineenso 37 

— Yinoenco, 3t. Omero 38 
Mason, Henry 18 

— Herbert B. 88 

— Pauline F. 155 

— Perl^ H. 142 
Matchan, Rob. D. 111 
Mateos, Antonio 32 
Uathers, Thomas 52 
Matheson, Duncan 20 
Mathews, Mary 173 

— Thomas Lowther 22 
Matthews, Thomas H. 146 

— Wm. 106 

— Wallace B. 106 
Mathias, William Lloyd 44 
Matthias, William Lloyd 44 
Matienso, Marin 32 
Matter, Henry 82 
Matteson, M. 134 
Mattes, Johann Marttd 10 
Matüngly, Wm. H. 55 
MattoU, AttUio 37 
Mattson, Alfred Simons 121 
Mao, Heinrieb 11 


Maurer, Joseph M. 172 

Maxson, Henry R. 85 

Maxwell, Lewis K. 155 

May, Geo. £. 99 

— John A. 65 

— Thomas 6. 176 
Maycock, Burt J. 130 
Mayer, ehester A. 87 

— Christian 27 
Maylander 2 
Mayntxer, Peter Anton 13 
Mayo, John H. 178 

— Wm. B. 177 
Mays, George W. 165 
Mo Adam, Rob. 117 
Mo Affee, Edwin 78 

— Wm. D. 72 
Mo Allster, Edw. A. 177 

— Z. 177 
Mo Alllster, Henry C. 81 

— Lucius 81 
Mc Andrews, Helen 109 
Mo Bride, Marion G. 154 

— Nathaniel L. 138 
Mc CaU, R. 176 
Mc Canley, John C. 171 
Mo Cann, Thomas M. 151 
Mc Ceney, Ed. M. 69 
Mc Chesney, M. Josephine 118 
Mc Chure, John R 154 
Mc Clean, Samuel N. 83 
Mc Cleary, R. B. 70 
Mc Ciellan, David 123 
Mc Clelland, J. L. 52 

— James H. 170 

— John B. 170 

— Mrs. 8. J. B. 52 

— Rob. W. 170 
Mc Clure, Elisa L. 165 
Mc Clnse, Samuel D. 153 

— Wm. B. 153 
Mc Conanghy, Francis 123 
Mo Conkey, Thomas G. 49 
Mc Connell, R. N. 155 
Mc Cool, Harriet L. 111 
Me Cormick. A. Lee 148 

— Francis 65 
Mc Coy, Leonidas 76 

— Mrs. Mary E. 157 
Mc Cracken, Wm. P. 65 
Mo Crary, J. G. 147 
Mc Creary, Wm. L. 175 
Mc Crea, Phil. A. 130 
Me Crillis, Mary F. 69 
Mc Culloch, John N. 73 
Mc Cullongh, John H. 123 

— Wm. G. . 123 
Mo Cune, Olive F. 128 
Mc Dermott, C. M. 99 

— G. C. 148 
Mc Donald, Angus 94 


Mc Donald, Wm. O. 137 

Me Dongall, Joseph H. 56 

Mc DoweU, Ch. H. 165 

— Charles 137 

— G. W. 72 

— George W. 137 

— Wm. C. 116 
Mc Elwee, L. Claude 115 
Mo Entee. Sarah 144 
Me Bwen, Earle 81 

— Earle, Rockford 82 

— Neil 81 
Mc Fall, Henry C. 114 
Me Farland, John 78 

— John E. 76 
Mc Gteary, George H. 160 
Mc George, Wallace 124 

— Wm. W. 178 
Mc GUI, Edw. K. 165 

— James P. 65 

— John A. 65 

— Wm. D. 130 
Mc Gonegal, George R. 57 
Mc Qowan 180 
Mc Granaghan, Wm. H. 156 
Mc Graw, de Witt 125 
Mo Guire, J. F. 102 
Mc Intire, MarshaU C. 69 
Mo Intosh, F. L. 99 

— J. W. 85 
Me Intyre, Ed. R. 86 
Mc Kay, James A. 182 
Mo Kenaie, Horace W. 159 

— John A. 184 

— John R. 176 

— Wm. J. 176 
Me Killiam. Robert 14 

— Robert. London 20 
Mo Kinney, Samnel P. 65 

— Susan S. US 
Me Kinstry, Frank P. 123 
Mc Kown, James P. 124 
Mo Lachlan 178 

— John 23 
Mo Laren, Wm. R. 104 
Mc Lenathan, W. H. 128 
Mc Lood, George J. 165 
Mc Mahon, Thaddens C. S. 85 

— W. T. 86 
Mo Michael, ArkeU R. 137 

— David A. 137 
-> Miehael, FayetteD. 65 

— Orville W. 65 
Mc Micken, Joseph J 157 
Mo Murray, John W. 153 
Mc Murray, Robert 137 
Mc Neil, Alex. 50 
Mc Neil. C. Holmes 121 
Me Nish, Thomas 157 
Mc Pherson, Donald 142 

— John C. 134 


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Mo Taggert, D. C. 


Middleton, C. a 


MUes, Daniel D. 


Mead, Byron £. 



jr., Caleb S. 


— Daniel D„ Kansas 114 

MeAde, Cb. C. 


— - 

James Gowing 


— Isaae H. 


— Stephen J. D. 



Melbourne J. 


— Stephen E. 


Meadow. Albert E. 



WilUs H. 


MiUin, Edw. Henry 


— James D. 


Miessler, Ernest 


MilU. Alii F. 


— John M. 


Mifilin, Robert W. 


— G. W. 


Meaas, J. W. 


Mighelo, Gaetano 


— James P. 


Medcalf, Wm. M. 


Mikessell, Arthur L. 


- W. S. 


Medden, Fred. Z. 


Milanetio, Luigi 


— Wesley J. 


Medley, Jennie 


MUbank, Wm. E. 


— Wm. R. 


Meek, WilL Ambler 


MiUard, Homer A. 


— George W. 


Mehnrin, Anna B. 



Louisa L. 


- Walters. 


MeiUcke, Angustus C. 


MiUer, Adam 


Millson C. 


Meinhardt, Emma T. 



Anne L. A. 


MiUsop, Sarah J. 


MeisBler, C. P. 0. 



Burton J. 


Milner, Samuel G. 


Meitmann, Frank 8. 



Byron E. 


MUwraith, Thomas 


Melcalff, Jewett W. 



C. P. 


Minard, W. J. 


MeUen, WiUis A. 



C. Edwin 


- Wm. F. 


llellroy, Wm. P. 



Carlos J. 


Minoks. F. W. 


Heise, Louii A. 



CharL H. 


Miner, Edwin 


Mende, Rud. TheophU 



Ch. R. 


— Herbert S. 





Cynthia A. 


Mingos, George W. 


Menninger, Charlet F. 



Ed. P. 


— Leonard M. 


Mera, Harry P. 



Ed. R. 


Minick, John M. 


Mercer, Edw. W. 



Eliza M. 


- Wm. A. 


— Rob. P. 



F. R F. 


— Wm, W. 


— Wm. M. 



Fred. D. 


Minton, H. B. 


Meredith, C. P. 



Fred. M. 


— Henry 


— Simeon P. 



George W. 


Miriok, Wims A. 


— Wm. C. 



Harry T. 


Misohin, I^an KirUovitsch 40 

MerreU. Alfred F. 





Mischner, Ernst Ferdinand 6 

MerrUm, Franklin E. 



Henry C. 


Misner, Wm. W. 


MerriU, A. C. 



Henry W. 


Missick, Charles L. 


— E. Delmont 



Henry L. 


Mitan, Nathanael 


-^ John C. 



J. Harris 


Mitchel, Ch. T. 


— StilweU G. 



James F. 


Mitchell, Arthur L. 


Merritt, Adelaide K 



James A. 


— Arthur 





Jane H. 


— Austin 


Merson, Uberto H. 



Jesse C. 


- C. F. 


Mertzmann, Bernh. J. 





— ChiflFord 


Merwin, George 



John, Minneapolis 


— Eugene P. 


Merz, Henry G. 



John P. 


— G. R. 


Meschlin. Josef 



John F. 


- J. 8. 


Menerve, Fred. W. 



John J. 


— J. Nicholas 


Messick, John C. 



John M. 


— John A. 


Messick, W. H. 





— John James 


Messner, Albert F, 



Isaac S. 


— W. H. 


Mets, Carl Georg Aug.Con8t. 7. 7 | 


K. Lane 


Mix, Homer P. 


Metzger, Charles 



Martha F. 


Moat, James M. 


— Samuel H. 





— Wm. 8. 


Mevedith, Eliza J. 



Nancy M. 


Moeser, Hermann 

1. 11 

— W. G. 


' — 

Niles M. 


Moffat, Edgar Y. 


Meyer, Charles F. 



Robert Gibson 


— John L. 


— Carl Hermann 

4. 10 


Robert E. 


— Reuben C. 


- Charles R. 



Schina H. 


— Samuel S. 


— Heinrich 



Wm. T. 


Moffit, Melvin M. 


— Heinrich Wilhelm 





Mohr, Charles 


Meyers, A. J. 



Wm. L. 


Moir, Byres 


Meyner, Ernst Albrecht 

4. 7 


Zebedee T. 


— Douglas 




Millera, Fernando 


Moke, Joseph A. 


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MoUere, James W. 


Morgan, Wm. M. 


Mower, John W. 


MoU, Theodore M. 


Moriaty, P. C. 


Mowry, Henry B. 




Morley, Charles 8. 


— Martha H, 


Miloy, Alfred J. 


— Frank W. 


Moya, Pedro 


Molson, Jobn CavendUli 


Mörrell, Ch. B. 


Mudge, D. W. 


Moncnre, W. Peyton 


MorriU, Edw. Chamberlain 153 

- Kate G. 


- W. P. 


- Esekiel 


Mueller, Charles W. 


MoneU. Jobn F. 


— George H. 


— Gustave A. 


Monmonier, Jaliiui M. 


Morris, Arthur J. 




Monroe, And. L. 


— Fannie M. 


Muhleman, Ch. L. 


— Byron P. 


— John W. 


— Rob. W. 


— Frank B. 


— Isaiah 8. 


Mulford, Clarence H. 


Montag:nt, Pedro 


— Normann K. 


— Hannah B. 


Montanye, Wm. D. L. 


- Rob. N. 


Mulholland, John K. 


Montgomery, Pbineaa J. 


— Sarah Howe 


MuU, PhU. W. 


-— Phin. Jam., Council 

Morrison, Bei^amin 


MuUin, J. Wesley 




— Caldwell 


- Wm. P. 


Monti, Alfonso 


— Charles C. 


Mullins. WiU. 8. 


Moody, Charles W. 


— Frank A. 


Mumaw, Henry A. 


Mooers, Charles A. 


— George H. 


Muncie, K H. 


Moor. Charles 


— GeorgeH..Whitefield 119 

Munger, Harry 


— Seymour B. 


— James E. 


— James A. 


Moore, Ch. B. 


Morrish, WUl. 




— P. Reno 


Morriton, Stammens 


Munus, Ch. 0. 


— Georg 


Morrow, Charles H. 


Munroe, Francis H- 


— George W. 


— de Lorma B. 


Munson, Clinton 


— Harry W. 


— Emery H. 


— Henry 0. 


- J. Herbert 


— H. C. 


— Mrs. Mary F. 


— J. Herbert, Brookline 96 

— James 0. 


- Reginald 


— J. de VeUo 


— John H. J. 


Muravieff, Vict. NiooL 


— John Mnrray 


Morse Abbie 


Mnrch, Albert J. 


— N. LoreUa 


— Charles W. 


Mnrdock. Edward A. 


— Samuel A. 


— George 


Murphy, Edmund A. 


— Thomas H. 


- J. N. 


— Jane Hammond 


— Thomas C. 


— Lucius D. 


— John J. 


- Wilmot 


— Martin V. B. 


Murray, Arthur 8. 


Moragas, Valenün 


— Nathan R. 


— Blmore W. 


Moranrille, James W. 


— Newton B. 


— George E. 


Morden, Ralph 


Morton, Ed. W. 


— John 

. 16 

Mordoff, Ch. H. 


~ Wm. M. 


— John H. 


More. D. 8. 


Moseley, George T. 


Musgraye, 8. D. 




— John H. 


Mnsio, Giuseppe Jnano 


Morey, E. B. 


Moses, Samuel L. 


Mussina, Edwin 


- Edwin G. 


Mosher, Byron D, 


Muzzy, Charles R. 


Morford, ComeUus M. 


— Eimer E. 


Myers, Ch. E. 


Morgan, Addison 


— Mary Edw« 


— CaneUus H. 


- Bd. J. 


- MaryE. 


— G. Prisdlla 


- Jr., Edw. J. 


Mosier, W. A. 


— Helen T. 


— Elisa K. 


Mosländer, Wm. 8. 


- J, C. 


— George E. 


Moss, Oscar B. 


— Samuel L. 


— George 8. 


Mossa, Nathan Immanuel 




— George W. 


Mossman, Nathan A. 


Myrea, G. 


— Jennie M. 


MosteUer, Wm. 


- John J. 


Moth, Morris J. 


Nadal, Josef 


— John Coleman 


Mott, Irvine K. 


Nadjeschdin, Iwan Afanas. 40 

- P. Brett 


— OrviUe H. 


Nagel, Hermann 


— Samuel 


de Moneder 


Nankiveil, Frank 


- Walter J. 


Mount, Fred. D. 


— Herbert 


— WilL 


— Margarat A.Bostw. 


Nash, Edgar 0. 


— Willis 




— Eugene 


- Wm. L. 


Mowbray, J. Lincoln 


- Horace W. 


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Nason, Osmon C. B. 


Nichols, George 


Naumann, Charles 


— Georg B. 


Nause, Pred. W. 


— Harry P. 


Nead, WUl. M. 


— Rob. M. 


Neal, Benjamin G. 


— . Sophronia 


— Dwight B. 


Nicholson, Isaac E. 


— George JI. 


— Thomas Dickenson 15 

Near, Jefferson S. 


Nickelson, Wm. H. 


Neatby, Edw. Awdat 


Nicklas, George L. 


— Thomas 


Niedieck, Wilhelm 


Neiden, Andrew L. 


Niekeraon, Fannie 0., 


Nelles, Andrew B. 


Nielson, Theodore 


Nelson, John 8. 


Nimier, Gust. Noel 


— Petrus 


Nippert. G. M. 


Needbam, Hugh J. 


Nissen, Carl 


Neeld, Ch. M. 


Nitterauer, J. S. 


Neefus, P. Wyekoflf 


Niver, J. Fenimore 


Neflf, Margaretha 


Nivison, MisR Alixe C. 


Negendank, August 


Nixon, Samuel E. 


— Egmont T. 


Noack, R. 


Neiberger, Wm. E. 


Noble, Daniel C. 


Neibling, Wm. C. 


— Elsworth H. 


Neidhard, Ch. C. 


— Georg Z. 


Neild, Fred. 


— James H. 


Neill, Charles H. 


— James Black 


Neitmann, Louis P. 


— Wm. A. 


Netherton, Pred. P. 


Noe, A. T. 


Neubert, Charles 


— Oscar D. 


Neuenzelt, Priedrich 13. 13 

de Noe- Walker, Arthur 


Neumann, Carl 


Nolan, Ch. N. 


^ BerUn 


Noque, Jos6 



Norcross, Carlton V. 


Neuschäfer, Andreas 


— E. P. 


Neville, Henry 


Nordstrom, Cynthia A. 


— Wm. H. 


Norman, Alfred J. 


Nevin, J. Lawrence 


— George 


Nevins. H. 


Norris, Albert A. 


Newbery, W. Pred. Hoyle 20 

— James C. 


Newberry, Prank J. 


— Maria W. 


Newcomb, Obediah 


— ü. H. 


Newell, Charles M. 


Northrup, Emerson 8. 


— Jennle W. 


Norton, Arthur B. 


— Robert C. 


— Claude R. 


— Rob. C, Chicago 


— Frank R. 


Newenschwander D. 


NSthUchs, Gottfr. 


Newhall, Samuel E. 


Nott, Frederick J. 


Newland, Mark A. 


Nottingham, David M. 


— Mark A., Toddville 


— John C. 


Newman, George 


— John 


Newton, Charles 


NoweU, J. Fletcher 


— Prank L. 


Noxon, Mary W. 


— Samuel E. 


Noyes, Henry A. 


— Warren E. 


Nunes, Granis Jos6 


Nieholls, Ammi 8. 




— Charles Lemuel 


Nunn, Josiah R. 


— Clarence 


Nuss, Winfred W. 


— Clar., Philadelphia 


Nutter, Mary E. 


— ClarenceL., Portland 157 

Nutting, WiU. W. 


- P. B. 


Nystrum, Conrad E. 


— Prank 


Nichols, Georg H. 


Oakey, Fannie W. 



Oakshett, James C. 69 

Oberholser, Martin H. 162 

Oberholzer, Jacob 43 

Obetz, Henry L. 104 
Ookenden, Arthur John 15 

Ockford, George M. 123 

Odell, Charles M. 108 

Oebrich, Josef 11 

Oechsle, John J. 166 

Oehme, Ferd. G. 157 
Oehmisch, Robert Reinhard 6 

Oertel, George F. 138 

Ogden, Edwin G. 138 

— Edwy C. 70 

— Milton D. 66 
Ohler, Anna G. C. 89 
Oldfield, Homer V. 104 
Olds, Lyman C. 90 
0»Leary, Joseph A. 101 
Oley, 8. WiUard 55 
Oliver, Cassius A. 46 

— Thomas J. 66 

— Thomas H. 104 
Olmstead, Edw. M. 125 

— James B. 79 
Olmsted, Austin F. 180 

— Charles C. 114 

— Eimer D. 179 
Olney, Ployd B. 80 
Omigley, Margaret N. 157 
Onderdonk, Emma 128 
Onsley, Linnie M. 66 
Opdyke, Charles P. 121 

-— Levings A. 121 

Ordway, Leonard 53 

Orear, Luther 113 

Orleman, E. Louise 104 
Orme, H. Francis Dauphin 59 

Ormer, Frank D. 133 

Orr, Julia M. 66 

Ortega, Fernando 32 

— Femln 32 
Orth 37 

— Franz Alexander 5 
Orton, George £. 132 
Osbom, Homer W. 149 

— James A. 161 
Osborne, Aaron 8. 95 

— Ehla M. 114 

— James H. 57 
Osgood, James H. 97 
Osman, Prank C. 94 

— Jos. Rud. 159 
Osmun, Eimer D. 103 
Ostrander, Jasper A. 46 

— P. W. 142 
Ostrom, Homer Ervin 138 

— J. W. 133 
Osuna, Gonzalez 32 
Otis, Charles F. 133 

— Clark 145 

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Otis, John C. 


Pardee, Walter 


Paul, Frank D. 


Ottofy, Leopold M. 


— Ward C. 


— Irwin N. 


OuUand, Warren H. 


- Wm. C. 


— Philipp D. 


Overmann, David R. 


Parenteau, Daniel 


— Willard A. 


Owen, C. 8. 


Park, Ch. F. 


— Wm. K. 


— Ira C. 


— James F. 


Pauly, Lud. D. 


— Reuben 


Parke, Georg T, 


Paust, Louis 


Owens, James 8. 


Parker, Anna M. 




— James B. 


— Donna M. T. 


Pawlowitsch, Xarier 


— Wm. 


— Edw. H. 


Paxson, Olifer H. 


Ocanne, J. T. 


— Edwin K. 


Payne, Charles O, 


— George W. 


— Ciarence N. 




" Helen M. 


— Fred. W. 


Pachall, Theodore 


— James W. 


— James H. 


Paekard, Horace 


— L. Victorine 


— John H. 


— Uberty D. 


— Roland M. 


— N. B. 


— Edmund H. 


— Samuel J. 


Payne-Scott, H. 


— Henry E. 


— SewaU 8. 


Payr, Josef 


Padal, J. 


— Thomas E. 


Peachey, Mrs. L. C. 




Parkhurst, Lewis D. 


Peacock, Robert H. 


Page, Charles K 


Parmater, Nathan L, 


— Thomas H. 


— Charl. E.. LoweU 


Parmelee, George V. 


— Wm. 


Packer, Rebecca P. 


— Myron H. 


Pearce, Robert W. 


— Wm. B. 


Parmley, John P. 


Pearre, Walter 


Pagliano, Cesare 


Parmenteo, Wm. L. 


Pearsall, John A. 


Paige, H. Worthington 


Parkhill, John W. 


— Samuel J. 


Paine, Ciarence M. 


Parkhurst, G. H. 


— Samuel J., Saratoga 


— Horace M. 


— Lyman B. 


~ Wm. S. 


— Joseph P. 


Parr. J. D. 


Pearson, A. H. 


— N. Emmons 


Parris, John B. 


— Alfred W. 


— Rieh. K. 


Parry, H. E. 


— Ch. J. 


— Barüett L. 


- Martha A. 


- Charles H. 


Paisley, Ch. L. 


Parsons, Arthur L. 


— Mary Morey 


- Charles L. 


— Roscoe M. 


Pease, Francis W. 


Painter, Charles D. 


- Edgare. 


— Wm. A. 


Palacin, Romnaldo 


- Harry 


Peasley, Emma J. 


Palen, G. E. 


— Orin C. 


Peck, Edw. H. 


Palm, J. 


— Scott B. 


— George H. 


— Mary A. 


ParseU, George H. 


— George Pacheier 


Palmer, A. J. 


Partenay, Pierre Adolph 

3 35 

— N. L. F. 


— Arthur WorraU 


Parter, Monroe 


— Daniel E. 


- Mrs. F. E. 


Partridge, B. S. 


- Fred. J. 


— Frank E.. 


— Joel M. 


— MUlia A. 


— Fred. H. 


— Joel A. 


Peckham, AUen G. 


— G. Howard 


— Mary E. 


— John J. 


— George H. 


— Thomas J. 


— Lycy Creemer 


— Henry P. 


Pascal, Theophile 


Pedrera, Frederico 


— John B. 


Pascual, Joaquin 


Peer, Thomas J. 


— John T. 


Passelas, Jos6 


Peet, Pntman F. 


— Lewis R. 


Patch, Frank W. 


Peezely, Ig. 


— Lyman R. 


Patchen, G. H. 


Peirano, Giocomo 


— Owen A. 


— Terah J. 

. 180 

Pelrce, Thomas A. 


-^ Wm. M. 


— Uria R. 






Paterson, Wm. 


Pelette, Arthur H. 




Patterson, Henry J. 




Panley, Ch. A. 


— Jennle M. 


Pelham, Anna M. 


Pappolardo, Michele 


— Myron A. 


Pellicor, Joaquin 


Parcher, Felix 


Pattison, Wm. 


Pellicer y Bruto, Thomas 


Pardee, Emily . 


Patton, James H. 


Pernio, Henry 


— Ensign B. 


Paul, Calmon 


Peltier, Pierre 


— James K. 


- Daniel B. 


Pelton, Harrison S. 


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PeltoD, Leverett F. 147 

Peltzer, Alexander 11 

Pemberton, Fannie 71 

Pend, Isaac W. 132 

Penfieldt, Ch. S. 179 

— E. P. 179 

— Sophia 55 
Pengally, Riebard 107 
Penny, Lineoln E. D. 112 
Popper, R. H. 179 
Pepoon, Herrn. S. 71 
Perce, C. C. 45 
Pereira, Marcial 33 
Percy, Fred. B. 96 

— Frederik Boanorth 128 

— George K 100 
Peres y Gareia 32 
Perham, Sophie 54 
Perine, M. T. 85 
Perkins. Archie E. 100 

— Ch. W. 159 

— Daniel C. 89 

— Edgar 80 

— Ed«r. 23 
^ Emest D. 180 

— Henry P. 101 

— Kate L. 146 

— N. R. 97 

— Stella Manning 98 

— Weeley B. 98 
Perky, Leonore 117 
Perlewitz, H. C. F. 179 
Perree, Rose Mme. 35 
Perrenoud, Paul A. 106 
Perrlgo, E. Stella 111 
Perrine, C. Willard 143 
l^erry, Ifaria G. 80 
de Perry 33 
Peflsarini, Bemardino 38 
Peter 4 
Petermann, J. Frank 161 
Peters, M. Rutherford 157 

— Wilson L. 153 

— Wm. C. 174 

— Charlotte 115 

— Isidore L. 161 

— Byron M. E. 159 
Petersen, Theodore J. 83 
Petersilie, Albin 180 
Petersen, Alfred C. 50 

— Pierson B. 160 

— Wilson 138 
Petit y Pont, Miquel 31 
PeUet, Mrs. E. Barr 122 

— Jonathan 66 

— Jonathan, Cleveland 150 
~ laabella M. 138 

Pettibone, Arnos 180 

PettingiU, Elisa F. 166 

Pettit, Alonzo R. 142 

— Wm. H. 78 

von Petzinger, Job. Friedr. 8 

P&nder, Albert 43 

Pfyffer, Charles 157 

Phelps. Luden E. 107 

— Myron 80 

— Myron, Sidney 82 
PhUbriek, Ch. S. 89 
Philbrook, Ed. E. 88 

— Edgar B. 49 
PhiUpps, Albert 55 

— Emma A. 173 

— Helen P. 66 

— Joseph R. 160 

— Rieh. O. 146 

— Rob. Ed. 14 

— Leley P. 75 
PhiUips, E. H. 120 

— Elisabeth A. 77 

— Hibbard 8. 170 
~ Lesüe A. 94 

— W. O. 147 

— W. B. 84 

— Walter H. 120 

— WaltH.,Philadephial66 

— Wm. A. 150 
Phinney, Arthur J. 76 

— George W. 150 
Piekette, Emeline K 145 
Piedrache, Henri 35 
Pierce, Alinon N. 87 

— 0. Frank 73 

— Robert E. 51 

— WiUard Ide 138 

— Wm. A. D. 166 

— Helen F. 99 
Pierron, H. J. 128 
Pierson, Frank J. 58 

— Herman W. 146 

— W. H. 128 
Piersons, A. Manley 138 
Pilling, Abraham H. 78 

— H. H. 45 

— Simeon C. 56 
Pillsbory, Cassius C. 182 

— Charles B. 110 
Pinart, Pedro 31 
PIncott, James Cole 25 
PineUa, Josö 33 
Pines, J. Darwin 166 
Pingree, Malcohn C. 89 
Pinilla, Hipolito Rodrigues 32 
Pink. Hermann 75 
Pinkham, Ch. E. 49 
Pinkerton, Mervin 83 
Piper, Albert T. 89 

— Fred. 8. 118 

— Rob. L. 171 
Pirtle, John R. 87 
Pitearin, Hngh 160 

— Ross Y. 157 
Pitcher, Alfred O. 81 


Pitt, Jesse B. 


Place, Joseph J. 


Planton, Laeien 


Platt, AWah 


— Clarence N. 


Pleasanton, G. W. 


Plimpton, Clara C. 


Plummer, JoUa Morton 


Podesta. Giuseppe 


Pokorny, Wilh. 


Polglase, Wm. A. 


Polhemus, W. P. 


PoUock, Alex 


Polo, Emilio 


Pombo, R. 


Pomeroy, Harlan 


Pompili, Gioracchino 


— Giovacchino, Spoleto 38 

Pond, Chauncey C. 


- Edw. H. 


- Ralph B. 


Poole, Louis E. 


Pope, Alfred Crosby 


— Gustavus W. 


Poppe, Otto B. 


Poppele, Ch. F. 


Porter, Charles J. 


- CUflfert W. 


— Eugene H. 


— Frank A. 


— J. V. 


— TAura M. 


— Leander 8. 


— Lucy H. 


- Phil. 


Porsehe, Eduard 


Posey, Louis P. 


Poskin, Achille 


Posquali, FiUppo 


Potter, A. C. 


— Frank J. 


— Horace E. 


— Mrs. Halda M. 


— La Forest 


— Leonard W. 


— T. O. 


Potts, Anna M. L. 


— John 


Poulson, P. Wilh. 


Poonds, WUl. H. 


Powel, Franklin 


— Howard 


Powell, Alfred John 


- Lefferts M. 


— Wm. C. 


Powers, Abner H. 


— C. L. 


— Charles H. 


— MerittL. 


Prado, Alberto 


Pramer, Mrs. H. D. 


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Pratt, Ch. 8. 100 

— Edwin H. 66 

— Edwin J. 138 

— John W. 159 

— Leonard 51 

— Lester M. 124 

— Morton A. 86 

— Oscar E. 109 

— S. M. 84 

— Trimble 161 
PrentiBS, Jennie B. 154 
Preston, Abt L. 77 

— E. D. 172 

— Henry G. 128 

— Mahlon 162 

— Walth. H. 50 

— Will. 25 
Price, Eldridge C. 90 

— EUas C. 90 

— Bmmor H. 175 

— 8. Wlütaker 166 
Pridham, George A. 166 
Prilay, John M. 88 
Prince, Isaac 66 
Pringle. Georg W. 108 
Printy, James A. 66 
Primm, John Newton 113 

— John W. 74 
Prish, Wm. B. 134 
Pritehard, Frank H. 153 

— G. C. 142 

— M. F. 78 

— Wm- E. 47 
Pfoctor, John C. 143 

— Peter 14 

— WUlia H. 125 
Proell, Gttst. Alex 26. 26 
Prosin, Nicolay Vasilievltsch 40 
Pro8t-Lacuz<»i,JulesJoseph 33 
Prowse, Will. 15 
Pulford, Charles H. 57 

— W. H. 55 
PuUar, Alfred 21 
Pollen, Ch. D. 108 
Pulsifer, N. G. H. 89 

— Ralph H. 89 
^ Thomas B. 102 
~ Wm. M. 89 

Pulver, Hndson J. 57 

Purcell, S. T. 87 

Purdom, Thom. Eadie 15 

Purdy, Javed D. 176 

— Marks 131 
Pnrsell, James P. 142 
Pnshek, Charles Adolf 66 
Putman, Charles W. 111 

— Clarence 8. 182 
Pntmann, Warren Ed. 177 
Putnam, Ch. E. 121 

— Charles M. 105 

— Francis B. 145 


Putnam, Thomas J. 99 

— Warren E. 142 

— Wm. B. 133 
Putney, Willis Simpson 56 
Putsch, Augustus 112 
Pyburn. Georg 49 

— James 17 
Pyle, Charles W. 114 

— Edw. W. 121 

— Wm. L. 121 

Quackenbush, Edward M. 132 

Quaglio, Max 9 

Quay, George H. 150 

Queen, Louis A. 138 

Quehl, Otto JuUus 11 

Quill, John D. 57 

Quinby, Edgar C. 171 

— S. J. 182 
Qttint, SUas H. 120 

Rabon, Janet 150 

Rader, Wm. H. 53 

Radley, James K. 114 

Radway, Charles W. 134 

Raggaz 184 

Raht, Wm. E. 175 

Raimund 10 

Raines, Taylor E. 84 

Ramage, R. H. J. 161 

Rambo, Wm. S. 143 

Ramos, Leopoldo 183 

Ramsbotham, S. H. 17 

Ramsey, Albert D 88 

Rand, John P. 102 

— Nehemiah W. 98 

— W. H. 103 
Randall, A. F. 108 

— Samuel J. 181 

— John H. 66 
Ranger, John N. 66 
Rankin, Egbert 6. 138 

— John 8. 170 
Rannefeld, Alex H. 138 
Ransom, Charlie C. 72 

— W. C. 170 
Ranterberg, Charles 55 
Ranterburg, Lewis E. 55 
Rasmusen, Rob. R. 111 
Rasmussen, Aloys C. 66 
Raue, J. Ferd. 166 
Ravold, Henry J. 114 
Rawling, Charles 56 
Rawson, Edward 103 

— G. A. 179 
Ray, Elise J. 152 

— J. Morrison 87 

— Wm. L. 114 
Raymer, Wm. 158 
Raymond, Hermann L. 139 

— Jonas C. 48 


Ray ner, Thomas 23 

Raynor, WiUiam.C. 181 

Read. Edw. C. 60 

— James S. 115 

— John 8. 134 
Reader, James K. 156 
Reading, Ch. L. 166 

— J. Herbert 166 

— L. Willard 166 

— Thomas 160 
Rean, Will. Henry 15 
Rebont, S. R. 81 
Reddish, Albert W. 154 
Redmon, George W. 60 
Reed, Albert C. 101 

— Clara D. 99 

— Francis A. 147 

— Herbert L. 182 

— Javed A. 135 

— Rob. Q. 147 

— Rob.G.,Woon80cket 174 

— Rob. Rhoder 23 

— Rufus 120 
-- Rufus, PhiladelphU 166 

— Thomas G. 153 

— Will. A. 166 

— WiU. Caah. 23 

— Wm. A. 180 

— Wm. L. 115 

— Wm. E. 146 
Rees, Owen C. 155 
Reetx, August G. 108 
Reeves, Harrtet B. 94 

— Joseph M. 166 
Regan, MÜton R. ^ 
Reger, C. Albert 166 
Regnery, Jacob 12 
de Reguensa, E. Isidoro 83 
Reich, George W. 161 
Reichenbach, Ludwig 42 
Reid, David W. 177 
Reiff, Nathan G. 74 
Reinbach, Friedrich 1. 5 
Reininger, Edward E. 66 
Reinhold, Max J. 172 
Reinolds, Warren U. 139 
Reis, Mathias 12 
Reise, John A. 66 
Reisig, Richard 139 
Reith, Archibald 13 
Reller, Wm. E. 79 
Rembaugh, Alonzo C. 166 
Remington, Fred. A. 83 
Renie, Phincas A. 71 
Renjery, Jacob 12 
Renner, Charles 21 
Renninger, John S. 110 
Replogle, Peter 8. 60 
Rew, Carlton H. 176 
Reynold, John C. 103 
Reynolds. Belle L. 181 

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Beynolds, Edw. Robert 21 

— Hugh B. 105 

— John N. 105 

— John W. 47 

— Margaret J. 77 

— Wm. B. 162 
Rhees, John Morgan 179 
Rhines Da Costa 110 
Rhoads, George 101 
Rhoneshouse, George W. 153 
Ribeiro dos Santos^Canelido 183 
Ricardo, Norton C. 123 
Rieh, Ch. D. 66 

— Fred. W. 66 

— Fred. W., Savannah 59 
Richald 30 
Richard, Jos^ 31 
Richards, David 8. 89 

— Georg. E. 66 

— George W. 122 

— Herbert 122 

— Jennie 176 

— Llewellyn B. 142 

— Wm. H. 174 
Richardson, Andrew J. 139 

— B. M. 128 

— Ed. B. 97 

— Ed. B., Everelt 97 

— Frank C. 94 

— George H. 66 

— GeorgeH.,LosAngele8 47 

— George W. 139 

— Leonard E. 56 

— Wm. C. 115 
Richey, W. J. 162 
Richman, W. Clinton 175 
Richgtine, Frank B. 171 
Richter, H. W. 128 
Rice, Alfred 74 

— Eimer C. 70 

— George B. 94 

— Henry E. 100 

— Marvin 8. 60 

— Wm. B. 134 
Ricker, Georg Edwin 111 
Ridge, Jonathan T. 166 
Ridson, Caroline A. 48 
Riera, Juan 32 
Riegel, Adam J. 161 
Riggs, Daniel H. 55 
Righetti 38 
Righter, Fred. B. 117 

— J. H. 87 
Rlle, J. Harmer 58 
de Rinaldis 38 
Rindler, August L. G. 79 
Ring, Tobias 8. 139 
Rink, Eug. F, 119 

— W. S. 128 
Rinkenberg, A. C. 60 
Rinz, Manuel 31 


Ripley, George H. 180 

— Martha 111 
Ripke, Wlad. Alberto w. 41 
Riser, Fred. L. 117 
Risley, F. E. 128 

— Frank E. 146 

— John S. 79 
Ritch, Arnos M. 128 

— O. S. 128 
Ritchie, Fred. G. 58 
Rivers, Therese K. 70 
Robbins, A. F. 144 

— Ch. W. 166 

— Fred. 82 

— Ira B. 77 
Robe, Clarabel A. 52 
Robert, John C. 128 
Roberts, Adelbert A. 18) 

— Arthur 17 

— Arthur, London 21 

— Burt B. 130 

— C. Wesley 171 

— C.Wesl., Washington 55 

— Charles 69 

— Daniel J. 135 

— Francis H. 111 

— Francis A. 89 

— Georg F. 111 

— George W. 139 

— Glenn A. 177 

— Qrace 65 

— H. W. 82 

— Hugh J. 179 

— L. M. 110 

— Lemuel M. 110 

— Oscar W. 100 

— Osmore O. 99 

— Susan A. 70 

— Th. E. 72 

— Theodore 56 

— Thomas G. 83 

— Warren F. 107 

— William Henry 16 

— Wm. P. 94 
Robertson, Ewing W. 150 

— G. A. 103 

— Jessie E. 66 
RobiUard 36 
Robilliard, Walter H. 81 
Robinson, Edwin J. 139 

— Florence N. 119 
~ Frank H. 74 

— Goldsmith P. 52 

— J. Blake 139 

— John T. 87 

— M. T. 115 

— Nathanlel 128 

— S. A. 146 

— Samuel B. 87 

— Wilhelmus B. 100 
Roby, George F. 118 


Roby, Henry W. 86 
Rocafnll de Montes, Jos^ 81 

Roch, E. 75 

Roche, Ed. P. 88 

— Eleazer Bircb 23 

— John 23 

— William 17 
Röchet 36 
Rockefeller, H. O. 128 
Rockhold, J. M. 65 
Rockwell, C. B. 66 

— James W. 146 

— John A. 57 
Rockwith, Frank A. 109 
Rodecap, George W. 76 
Roder, Lizzie B. 139 
Rodes, Joseph ' 49 
Rodmann, William W. 56 
Roehrig, Johann 27 
Roesch, Fred. 66 
Rogers, Ch. F. 99 

— Frank W. 147 

— Ida Wright 66 

— L. D. 66 

— Lee 0. 82 

— Rebecca W. 59 

— Sarah T. 166 

— Wm. E. 143 

— Wm. G. 155 
Rohowsky, Johannes 8 
Roig, Ramon 31 
Roll, Arthur C. 155 
Rollins, Charlotte A. 100 
Rollmann, John C. 103 
Rolsseun, Theodor 40 
Rolston, Wm. T. 113 
Römer, J. F. 73 
Rooker, H. W. 86 
Roos, Alfred 24 
Root, Justin D. 180 

— Orlando G. 179 
de Rooy, D. 39 
Roper, F. Eugene 54 
Rorabacher, G. A. 103 
Rörig, Anton 10 
Rosas, Juan Martinez 183 
Rosat, Lina M. 73 
Rose, Henry W. 174 

— John F. 162 

— Susan F. 161 
Roseberry, C. J. 159 
Rosenbaum, Fred. W. 174 
Roser, J. Harvey 116 
Ross, Edwin Y. 143 

— Georg 75 

— Hugh 178 

— Solon D. 85 

— WilUam 25 
Rossech 18 
Rossiter, Edwin B. 170 
Roth, Friedrich 9 

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Roth. Mathias 21 

— Wm. P. 160 
Rotbermel, Felix D. 166 
Rotzen. Willet E. 161 
Rounds, Wm. £. 139 
Roonseyell, Ch. 8. 119 
Rousseau, L. Qodefroi 170 
Routh, George E. 112 

— Walter W. 110 
Rowan, Andrew 18 
Rowbotham, Arthur Joseph 18 
Rowe, Wm. C. 58 

— Wm. H. 182 
Rowell, Charles 57 

— K E. 57 
Rowland, Mary H. 79 
Rowley, Wm. 75 
Rowse, Edward Leopold 21 
Royal, George H. 79 

— Oamond 157 

— T. C. 125 
Royer, H. C. 47 
Rozabal, Francisco 32 
Ruata, Carlo 38 
Rubinl 38 
Rnbio, Garcia FJaviano 32 
Ruby, WUber O. 83 
Rnckel, John F. 109 
Rüden, Charles F. 70 
Rudolf, Paul 69 
Rudolph, Samuel F. 48 
Rudy, Rob. C. 104 
Rue, George H. 71 
Ruffe, Alphonso L. 102 

— AlfonsoL.,Gr.Rapid8 106 
Ruggles, Anton M. 177 

— Fied. S. 103 

— Willard O. 97 

— Wm. L. 71 
Ruly, W. S. 49 
Rumsey, Fred. B. 83 
Rundal, Adolf 42 
Runnals, Ada B. 147 
Runnels, Moses T. 114 

— Orange Scott 75 

— Solis 75 
Runyan, James F. 74 
Rupsin, Adam 86 
Rusell, George A. 131 

— H. E. 139 

— J. G. 144 
Rush. R. B. 154 
Rashmore, Edward 123 
Rnselt, George A. 116 
Russegne, H. Elmore 56 
Rüssel, A. Henry 182 
Russell, Antoinette K C. 166 

~ Edwin H. 52 

— Henry A. 182 

— J. E. 129 

— J. J. 57 


Russell. JuUa A. B. 


— Wilmer W. 


— Wm. 


Russelt, Walter E. 


Rust, Edwin G. 


Rutherford, C. K 


Rtttledge, Samuel W. 


Rutter, Clara H. R. 


— Everctt W. 


— John C. 


Ryall, Thomas 


Ryder, James M. 


— Lewis A. 


Rymarkiewica, Antone 


Ryno, Eber H. 


Rzaniteyn, Michael 


Sabater, Josö 


Sabin, E. B. 




— E. Wayne 


Saeristan. Bernardo 32 

— Vieente 32 
Sachtleben, Emest 8. A. 66 
Saegert 6 
Saflbrd, Lillian R. 172 
Sage, Fred. H. 56 

— H. P. 129 

— Norman L. 104 

— William H. 56 

— Wm. H. 56 
Saiyote Ritardo 32 
SaUsbury, R. Wallace 87 

— 8. 8: 47 

— Wm. W. 73 
Salls. Alfred 88 
Saltanstall, Florence 51 
Saltarski, Kusm. Feodorow. 39 
Salter. Albert E. 130 
Saltmarsh, Seth 98 
Sampson, Allen W. 142 

— Lottie E. 98 
Sanborn, Charles H. 118 

— Frank C. 49 

— George R. 177 

— Peroey P. 74 
Sandberg, Arthur Gregory 21 
Sandel, John H. 170 
Sander 30 
Sanders, J. Kent 150 

— John C. 150 

— Karl Wilh. Beruh. 3 

— Orren S. 94 

— Orren Bumham 94 
Sanderson, Adelia E. 111 

— Philipp C. 167 
Sanford. Charles E. 55 

— Fred. C. 103 

— WUbur F. 125 
Sanger, Henry M. 173 

— Thaddens E. 119 

Santos de Castro, Fernando 32 

Sapjore, Nicardo 32 

Sargeant, Wm. 177 

Sargent, Ch. J. 52 

— Eveline E. 115 

— Fenora W. 115 

— Mary U. 115 
Sarchet, George B. 116 
Sartain, Harriet J. 167 
Sase. Isadore 69 
Satterthwaite, Joseph H. 123 
Sauer, Frans Josef 9 

— Hugo 3 
Sauliehy, Juan 31 
Saunders, James M. 110 

— Vida A. 66 
Sautee, ElUs M. 131 

— Clara 115 
Savage, Ch. M. 151 

— C. W. 52 

— J. L. 47 
SawteUe, BenJ. A. 97 

— George B. 98 
Sawyer. Alvin P. 66 

— Ch. E. 152 

— Eugene W. - 66 

— EugeneW., Kokomo 76 

— John E. 112 

— Walter H. 106 

— Willis H. 100 
Sayles, Marshall F. 77 
Saylor, Norman A. 167 
Scales, Edward Payson 99 
Sehaberg, Herman 107 
Sehädler, Emil 43 
Schaefer, Conrad 66 
Schifer, Johann Theod. 11 
Schank, Henry F. 170 
Schatz, Wm. F. 178 
Scheble, Adolf 155 
Schegelmann, Carl 10 
Scheib, John P. 155 
Schell, Franeis H. 148 
Schelling. Felix 43 
Schenk. K J. 72 

— Herbert Dana 129 
Schepens, Prosper 29 
Scherer, Anton 79 
Seheurer, E. M. 159 
SchUdeknecht, Wm. H. 118 
Schier, Josef 1. 9. 10 
Schiereck, Sophia L. 115 
Schlegel, Emil 12 

-^ Louise 129 

Schlesinger. Hermann 27 

Schily, Edward B. 59 

— James Montfort 139 

— PhiUp T. 139 
Sehlicek, Charles G. 129 
SeUoemilch. Albert 182 
Schmid, Adolf Ernst 4 

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Medecins. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 




Schmidt, Mühlheim 


Scott, John W. 


Sey, S. 


— Edgar T. 


— Martin L. 


Seymour, Abby J. 


— Henry D. 


— Mary M. 


— C. H. 


— Johannes 


— Will. 


- D. E. 


— Johannes, Bielefeld 


— Wm. H. 


— Hanre S. 


- John A. 


Scndder, Samuel 0. 


— Mary A. 


- John H. 


— Nelson C. 


— Nelson 


Schmitt, Julius G. 


Seaman, Prank A. 


Shackford, Rufus 


Schmits. Boniface 


Searle, G. J. 


Shackleton, Henry 


- Dteir6 


- W. 8. 


Shafer, John P. 


Schmucker. Elhanan Z. 


Searless, Orrin J. 


Shaffer, Levi 


Schneider. H. T. 


Sears, Charles S. 


Shane, Smith C. 


- Jacob 


— Eloise A. 


— Thomas A. 


— Samuel Newton 


— - Thomas E. 


— Wm- H. 


SchnellEe, Herrmann L. 


Seavs, Albert H. 


Shank, John R. 


Schnfitgen, Hermann 




— Laban H. 


Schoch, Leonard £. 


Secoy, Solomon Henry 


Shannon, Orlando R. 


Schock, Wm. H. 


Secrist, Wm. A. 


— Samuel P. 


Scholer, Ernest C. 


Seedorn, Wm. M. 


Shappec, Wm. A. 


Schollenberger. Lewis A. 


Seeger, Emil 


Sharkey, Wm. P. 


Schönach, Anton 


Seel, Edouard 


Sharp, Jacob G. 


Schonebeck, Priedr. Otto 


Soeley, J. Edwin 


— Lewis L. 


Schonger, George 


Seeman, Pred. T. 


Sharpless, Edw. S. 


Schoonover, George 


Seemann, Pred. A. 


Shathnck, David P. 


- W. E. 


Seerley, W. A. 


Shavetts, Upton A. 


Schopp,-Mrs. Philip 


Segura y Pesada, Joaqnin 184 

Shaw, Alex. R. 


Schoor, Edward 


Seibert, WIU. A. 


— CharL Thomas 


Schott, Ch. H. 


Seide, Edmund 


— Carrie 


— Ira J. 


Seidel, John 6. 


— Erwin E. 


Schrader, Wm. H. 


SeidUk, George N. 


— Frank Herbert 


Schräm, Leo 


Selp, C. P. 


— George R. 


Schröder, Carl 


— Charles L. 


- J. 8. 


Schreiner. Emma T. 


Seiter, John G. 


— James C. 


Schtmpp, Wladim. Juliew. 


Seitz, Prank B. 


— John C. 


Schubert, Theodore 


— W. Clinton 


— John J. 


Schüler, Theodor 




Shay, Elbridge 


Schulte, Wilhelm 


Sele, Annie M. 


Shearer, John H. 


Schultz, Rieh. 


Seif, Ralph D. 


~ Thomas 


Schumacher, Carl 


Selfridge, C. M. 


— Thomas L. 


Schumann, A. P. 


— Clarence M. 


Shears, George F. 


— Carl 


— Grant 


Sheets, C. A. 


Schurich, Gustavus S. 


— James M. 


Sheffield, George B. 


Schussler, Louis Franklin 


SeUen, Sylrester Wolcott 


— Henry 


Schutz, Jean 


Selonger, Adolph H. 


Sbeldon, E. H. 


Schvezkovsky, Const. P. 


Semler, Paul J. A. 


Shellenberger, Charl. J 

5^ell 167 

Schwartz, Charles W. 


SenderUng, Wm. H. 


Shelton, C. H. 


— Ch. M. 




— Georg Gregory 


— Dominique 


Sergl, Paul 


Shepard, George A. 


Schwarz, Priedricb 


Scribner, Charles A. 


— Gilbert 


Schwarsenhölzer, W. Aug. 


Scriven, George 


— J. Henry 


Schweikert, Johannes 


— WiU. Barclay 


Shepard. Wm. F. 


Schwenk, Clayton J. 


Serrand, Daniel 


— Wm. A. 


Schwenke, Hermann 


— Ren^ 


— Wm- T. 


Schwuchow, Herman 


Severance, B. W. 


- Wm- T., HuU 


Scobey, A. de Bow 


— Ch. E. 


Shepherd. J. S. 


Scott, Catharine V. C. 



— WUlard F. 


— Catharine Cochran 


Sewall, Jotham 


Sheppard, Henry C. 


— ehester W. Barre 


Bewall, Samuel G. 


Sherbnme, Frank B. 


— Premont W. 


Seward, Belle 


Shermann, Ch. F. 


— Hubert Payne 


— John L. 


- J. H. 


~ James R. 


Sexton, Harry L. 


- J. T. 


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M6decins. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 





Sherman, L. 


Suva, Brnest 


Smedly, Ch. D. 


~ Sarah R 


Simcox, Job. 8. 


Smedley, Ephraim A. 


Sherman, Le Boy B. 


Sime. Thomas M. 



Isaac G. 


- Marcena E. 


Simmer, Edw. 


Smiley, Lewis F. 


— Nancy B. 


Simmons. Ben. 


Smith, A. A. 


— Warren F. 


— Clara Congdon 



Albert Goodin 


Sherry, Henry 


— Daniel 



Alanson T. 


Sherwood, Bradford W. 


— Downer D. 



Alden E. 


— Henry D. 


— George W. 



Allen R. 


— Herbert A. 


— Harris R. 



Arthur M. 


— Wm. E. 


-. Nathan R. 





Shlbi^eff,Ven8e8l.Aleksiew. 41 

— Richmond 



Canncay H. 


Shibley, Mary C. 


— Shermann E. 



C. Carleton 


Shiff, Paul C. 


Simon, Adolf 



Ch. E. 


Shinn, Ch. T. 


— L6on 



Ch. H. 


Shinnick, Ch. C. 


— Vincent Leon 



Ch. W. 


Shipley, Daniel F. 


Simonds, E. A. 



Charles E. 


Shipman, Thomas H. 


Simonis, Levi A. 



Charles F. 


Shipmann, Leander K. 


Simons, Nancy J. A. 



Chas. W. 


Shiremann, Henry L. 


Simonson, Jeremiah T. 



Clara L. 


Shirley, Edwin K. 


— Rob. 8. 



Clarence D. 


— Henry B. 


Simpson, Ed. S. 



Cora B. 


Shirk, Samuel M. 


- Q. F. 



D. Crawford 


— Samuel W. 


— Thomas 



Dean D. 


Shivers, Bowman H. 


— Wm. 



Dean T. 


Shoe, R. L. 


Simrock, Caspar 



Edward S. 


Shoemaker, Daniel W. 


Simson, John R. 



Edw. A. 


— George L. 


Sinclair, Daniel S. 



Ed. D. 


— James S. 


— James 





— Wm. L. 


— Malcolm C. 



Eeamest H. 


Shoop, C. Irving 


Sirsch, Gustav 



Ella G. 


Shorb, Andrew S. 


— Herrn. Josef 



Emmet L. 


Short, James L. 


Sisson, George B. 



Epsy L. 


— Susan D. 


Sive, Lawton C. 



Florence R. 


Shotwell. John H. 


Skewes, Thomas J. D. 



Francis A. 


Shoulters, Georg H. 


Skiff, Walter C. 



Francis S. 


Shouse, Hiram C. 


Skiles, Hugh P. 



Frank B. 


Sbove, George F. 


Skimer, Thomas 



G. Buckingham 


Shower, Ed. G. 


Skinner, Bradford H. 





— George 


— R. M. 



George C. 


Shrever, Joseph 


Slack, Walter L. 



George E. 


Shrewsbury, W. J. 


Slanght, A. W. 



George H. 


Shuldmann, Ed. 


— James E. 



George H., Holyoke 97 

Shultz, Louis A. 


Slaughter, Louis N. 



Georgen., Wells viUe 135 

Shute, A. Clement 


Slay, J. Clarke 



George W. 


Shntterly, Eugene E. 


Slee, H. C. 



George W., Wood 

Sibley, Bei^amin F. 


Sleght, B. H. B. 




— Mrs. Mary V. 


Sloan, Henry S. 





- Wm. H. 


Slocomb, George A. 





Sick, Paul 


Slosson, Ch. H. 



Henry C. 


Siddons, George A. 


Slough, Agnes M. 



Henry L. 


SieflF, Abram 


— Franklin J. 



Henry M. 


Siegfried, J. P. 


— Wm. C. 



Henry W. 


Siegmund, Emily K. 


Slyfield, Alonzo J. 



Herbert 0. 


Siegrist, Albert 


Small jr., Alvin E. 



Hugh M. 


Siemsen, Willib Hugo 


— Charles B. 



J. Edw. 


Sierer, A. L. 


— Edw. P. 



J. Heber 


Sierra y Carbo 


— Henry N. 



J. Howard 


Sigmundt,CarlLudw.Heinr. 11 

— Herbert E. 



Jennie E. 


Sillero y Pia, Jo86 


Smalley, David E. 



Jennie R. C. 


Silliman, Dwight 


Smart, John Cass. 



Jette H. 


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Mödecins. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 


Smith, John B. 107 

— JohnE.,NewDeeatiir46 

— John M. 76 

— Joseph N. 172 

— Julia H. 67 

— Juli» M. 67 

— Lionaens A. 167 

— Mary B. 157 

— Mis. Mary 59 

— Max M. 139 

— Melvin D. 177 

— Jr., Nelson 139 
_ Normann P. 72 

— Obadiah 176 

— Orrin L. 67 

— Robert Gordon 18 

— 8. J. 102 

— 8. B. 129 

— 8. Bryan 120 

— 8. H. 48 
■>- Sarah 79 

— Sarah N. 139 

— Seddie P. 106 
^ 8t. Clair 139 

— Stephens Francis 21 

— T. Hart 167 

— Thad B. 131 

— Theodore V. 123 

— Thomas F. 139 

— Truman K. 125 

— Tyson 108 

— Virginia T. 104 

— W. 8. 94 

— Weloome W. 85 

— Will. Bobert 21 

— Wilson A. 71 

— Wm. L. 176 
Smoot, Peter G. 87 
Smyth, Samuel H. 139 
Smythe, Frank D. 53 

— Mllton B. 116 

— Samuel & 53 
Snader, Edw. R. 167 
SneU. C. 8. 109 

— Ebeneser 48 

— FranJüin L. 107 

— Lewis A. 103 
Snodgrass, 8. E. 176 
Snow, Henry 148 

— Itob. L. 67 

— Shlrley R. 143 
Snyder, Charles F. 121 

— Charl.F.,Morristownl2] 

— D. Lafayette 167 

— Edw. E. 125 

— J. F. 102 

— Kathleen J. 85 

— Leon. A. 158 

— Omer C. 67 

— Susan M. G. 79 

— Walter C. 106 


Soans, Peter 104 

Book, Henry L. 152 

— J. RoIUn 156 

— J. Roll., SteubenvUle 154 

— OUver P. 153 
Soler y Pia, Joaquin 32 
Solowijew, Pawel Wasiliew. 41 

~ Wasili WasUiewitsch 41 

Solomon, John J. 118 

Somers, Frank W. 150 

SomervUle. Wm. H. 167 

Sonder, Mrs. Ellen A. 82 

— Phil. Q. 124 
Sonnebom, Wm. 167 
Sonnenschmidt, Charles W. 55 
Sorenson, Mary 182 
Sorge, Wilhelm 2 
Soulö, Adeline Goodrich 69 
Sourice 33 
Sonster. Wm. W. 83 
Southgate, A. L. 175 
Southwiek. David E. 142 

— G. R, 94 
Southworth, A. 49 

— Fred. W. 179 
Sovereen, Frank 8. 105 
Soyard, Joseph 84 
Spaoh, Amuel B. 67 
Spahr, Charles E. 117 
Spalding, H. E. 94 

— Samuel H. 97 
Sparling, Ellis H. 67 
Sparhawk, Samuel H. 178 
Sparen, Myron G. 180 
Spasiano, Janvier Joseph 38 
Spates, Finley C. 112 
Spats, Joseph E. 117 
Spauldlng, Charles W. 105 

— Ch. W. 77 

— Mrs. J. C. 85 

— LIeweU Q. 78 

— Martha B. 81 

— SalathielM. 111 
Speakmann, Rachel T. 94 

— Rachel P. 101 
Speakman, Wm. W. 167 
Spears, George W. 94 
Speers, M. Elisabeth 81 
Speicher, D. J. 80 

— John G. 80 
Spence, Frank H. 85 

— Hubert L. 150 
Spencer, Bmily E. 84 

— George F. A. 101 

— George W. 130 
~ H. J. 146 

— Orron B. 70 

— R. L. 145 

— Wilbuz F. 70 

— Wm. 167 
Sperling 8 


SperUng, John G. 172 

Spicer, John H. 155 
Spiethoff, Heinr. F. L. M. 9 

Spinney, Andrew B. 104 

— Harrtet A. 104 
Splnning, Jay O. 107 
Spitser, Frans 28 
Spooner, E. H. 129 

— Frank 119 

— G. R. 99 
Spoor, David E. 144 

— Fred. W. 142 
Spotes, F. C. 49 
Spottiswoode, Sarah C. 122 
Sprague, Albert G. 174 

— Ch. G. 118 

— Ed. A. 89 
Spranger, F. X. 47 

— Michael J. 105 
Spreng, Theodore F. H. 83 
Springer, Peter A. 74 
Springstead, A. E. 74 
Springsteed, David 57 
Squire, Abiram J. 173 

— Henry D. 182 

— James 60 

— Wm. W. 181 
Sqnires, Uriel H. 152 
Stacey, Herbert Gleeson 17 
Stack, George A. 152 
Stackpole, Fred. D. 94 

— Fred. D., Roxbury 100 
Stacy, Somner A. 151 
Stafford, Ch. 8. 167 

— Fred- B. 129 

— Jabel A. 113 

— Miles A. 113 
Staggs, Wm. A. 78 
Stambaoh, Henry Laing 52 

— Ida V. 51 
Stammer, F. 176 
Staoard, Ora B. 73 
Staneomb, Emest H. M. 24 
Standish, Orin C. 155 
Stanford, Flora H. 174 
Stanbope, Leonard E. 114 
Stanley, Charles 8. 92 
Stansburry, Harriet K 67 
Stanton, Kate 8. 173 

— Kate 8., New- York 139 
Stapleton, J. 8, 103 
Starbuek, 8. H. 148 
Stark, Clinton E. 57 

— Wm. J. 76 
Starke, Anton 27 
Starkey, Daniel T. 70 
Starr, Calvin 117 

— David L. 1.»» 

— Nathan 60 

— Pearl 158 

— Samuel 159 

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MMecins. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 



Starrey, George R. 
States, David J. 
Statser, Henry C. 
StanfiFer, Alwin P. 

— Annie W. 
Stearns, A. M. 80 

— George R. 130 

— Salomon S. 55 

— WUUam M. 67 
Stebbs, Alex V. 134 
Stebbins, James H. 132 
Steekel, Ellwood K. 162 
Steddom, Charles 153 
Stedman, Charles A. 150 

— James P. 98 
Steele, Charles H. 78 

— Ch. H., Wayne 118 

— Fred. E. 177 

— Jason 105 

— John A. 111 

— Wm. L. 112 

— Wm. 153 

— Wm. G. 167 
Stegmenn, Joseph A. 167 
Stein, Joachim 27 
Steingraver, F. C. 147 
Steinhaus, Henry 67 
Steinmeyer, Fred. A. 78 
Steinrauf, Wm. 114 
Steinthal, Walter Olirer 24 
Stemmer, Eugen 12 
Stendel, Hob. 160 
Stenger, Ch. F. 167 
Stens, Wilhelm 5 
Stepaeld, A. £. 151 
Stephens, James A. 150 

— Lemuel 167 

— Wm. R. 172 
Stephenson, Henry C. 106 

- James R. 106 

— Nellis W. 92 
Sterling, Charles F. 105 

— John H. 129 
Stern 27 
Stetkewitsch,Steph.Iwanow. 41 
Stetüer, Cornelia S. 60 
Stevens, Anna C. R. 139 

— Charles N. 118 

— Charle8N.,GreatFalls 118 

— David D. 139 

— Grenviile 8. 173 

— Harry F. 49 

— Harry F., Portland 157 

— Henry M. 79 

— H. F. 47 

— M. B. 124 

— Mary B. 88 

— Mary T. 105 

— Orin 89 

— Rollin H. 105 
Stewart, A. C. 171 


Stewart, Annie C. 97 

— Charles E. 73 

— Consuela C. 156 

— Frank C. 76 

— Fred. W. 147 

— Geo^e T. 139 

— George W. 167 

— H. Knox 167 

— J. A. 129 

— John W. G. 77 

— Mary £. 86 

— Th. M. 148 

— Willis B. 76 
Steyner, Emma B. 143 
Stiegele, Carl 12 
Stiefel, John 147 
Stifft, Heinrich Carl 8 
Stiles, Fred. P. 182 

— Hunter B. 176 

— Yemon W. 49 

— W. H. 49 

— jr., Wm. 167 
Still, Emma R. 139 

— Horaee 162 
Stilson, Edward H. 70 

— WUlard C. 88 
Stilwell, B. W. 146 
Stine, Reuben L. 77 
St. John, Arthur H. 139 

— Theodore 57 
Stipp, H. P. 52 
Stirk, James C. 167 
Stober, John P. 147 

— John P., Lexington 152 
Stockdaie, Laura E. 67 
Stockham, Alice B. 67 

— G. Henry 48 
Stockpole, Fred. D. 100 
Stoddart, Alfred P. 162 
Stokes, H. Murray 167 
Stolz, RosaUe H. 129 
Ston, Tim. Dwlght 134 
Stone, Ch. A. 69 

— Georg L. 170 

— J. Leslie 111 

— Waldo H. 173 

— Wm. T. 112 
Stoner, John J. 108 

— John W. 153 
Stonham, Thomas George 25 
Stent, Henry R. 58 
Stopford, Robert 24 
Storke, Albert P. 53 

— Eugen F. 53 
Storm, Johannes 7 
Storer, John 94 
Storrar, Will. Morrison 24 
Story, Eugene C. 178 
Stover, John H. 139 

— Wm. H. 155 
Stowe, Daniel J. 60 

Stndey, May W. 
Stratton, Daniel E. 

— Wallace C. 
Straube, Rudolph 
Straup, David W. 
Strawbridge, F. A. 
Street, Herrn. E. 
Streeter, John W. 

— George D. 
Streets, Jacob G. 






Strehs, Theodore A. E. 67 

Streintz, Oscar 26 

Streubel, Julius 129 

Strevell, Delwin E. 79 

Strickler, David A. 112 

Strigler, Christian 30 

Stringham, James A. 103 

Strode, John T. 87 

Strond, C. Eugene 154 

Streng, Ch. H. 155 

— Chapman E. 130 

— Charles 86 

— J. Wümer 167 

— Thomas M. 94 

— Walter 167 
Stronge, Ozias G. 60 
Strouse, W. H. H. 77 
Strunk, Ed. P. 125 
Stuart, Close 129 

— Frank W. 153 

— Peter 18 
Stubbs, George P. 167 

— W. C. 152 
Studebaker, J. Edgar 154 
Stumpf, Daniel B. 131 

— Georg 9 
Sturgeon, George B. 150 
Sturgis, Phineas M. 86 
Sturgus, John J. 179 
Stnrtevant, Charles 97 

— Euphemia J. M. 139 

— h. P. 151 

— M. C. 71 
Stutz, John A. 75 
Styles, Eimer L. 56 

— Myron F. 94 
Suffa, G. A. 95 
Sulkowski, Joseph 26 
Sulzer, Franz Ludger 2 
Sumner, Charles R. 143 
Summer, Arthur F. 118 
Summers, Daniel U. 154 

— Mathew H. 78 

— Rob. 8. 167 
SuBS-Hahnemann, F. L. R. 21 
Sutherland, John Preston 95 

— Joseph H. 131 

— Quincy, Orlin 180 
Sutfin, John H. 114 
Sutphen, John T. 153 
Suttle, Henry J. 182 

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M^decins. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 


Button, F. L. 


— Fred. F. 


— Hwlcy H. 


- J. J. 


Swallow, Frank 


Swalo, Mary L. 


Swan, C. Joseph 


— Clara J. 


— Clara J., Chardon 


— George E. 


— Samuel 


— W. J. 


Swart«, J. R088. 


- John W. 


Swayer, John W. 


Swayse, 0. W. 


Sweet, A. B. 


— Charles F. 


— E. C. 


- Rop.V. 


Sweeting, Mortimer F. 


— WUL Hayden 


Swetland, Urs. A. V. 


Swett. EmUy F. 


Swift, Arthur W. 


— Edw. P. 


— Stiles P. 


Swinbume, Arthur H. 


Swinney, Curtis 0. 


- John G. 


Swormstedt, Lyman B. 


Sybel. Heinrich 


Sykes, David A. 


- John W. 


Sylvester, Silas E. 


— Stephen A. 


— Wm.O. 




Saontagh, Ab. 


Taber, George A. 


Tabor, James A. 


Tait. Alex 


Talbot, George H. 


— J. T. 


— Winthrop Tisdale 


Talcott, S. Elisa 


— Seiden H. 


- Wm. S. 


Talmage, Alonzo L. 


— Eugene 


— Samuel 


Tanner, J. H. 


Tanning, Thomas C. 


Tantum, Percy 


Taft, M. Florence 


Tardien, Emile 




Tayer, David 


Taylor, Arnos 


— Anna B. 


Taylor, Anna B., Toledo 155 

— Byron 107 

— Charles W. 87 

— C. W. 87 

— Cora E. 67 

— Ellen A. 79 

— Esther W. 95 

— George W. 75 

— H. W. 74 

— J. Mitchell 67 

— Joseph R. 114 

— L. M. 80 

— Lewis 105 

— Lucy A. R. 67 

— Mrs. M. G. 87 

— Mary J. 75 

— Oüver ß. 56 

— Oliver J. 86 

— Peter 156 

— Reynolds C. 73 

— Robert F. 48 

— Theodore H. 74 

— Warren E. 71 

— Wilson 167 
Teague, Isaae C. 77 
Tebo, Levi D. 119 
Teegarden. Wm. 154 
Teiehmann, Moritz 11 
Teiehner. Leopold 26 
Tedman, Louis J. 109 
Teets, Charles E. 139 
Tegtmeler, August 167 

— Ch. B. 167 
Tejero 32 
TeU, Gustave 158 
Telson, Mariah 49 
Temm, Francis A. 115 
Tenens, Telesphore 29 
Tenney, Wm. A. R. 148 
Terhune, Walter S. 129 
Terry, David P. 150 

— J. Antonio 139 

— M. O. 145 

— PanhaU A. 51 
Tessier, Jean Paul 36 
Teste, Joseph Alphonse 36 
Thacher, ehester J. 67 

— George H. 167 
Thatcher, E. P. 135 

— Fred. F. 106 

— Fred.F.,Tawa8City 109 

— Haines C. 106 

— J. T. 114 

— Jesse W. 122 

— Jes.W., Philadelphia 167 
Thayer, Charles N. 97 

-. Charles E. 111 

— Henry R. 95 
Theobald, George 67 
Therrien, Edw. J. 98 
Thibault, Theod. 34 


Thilenius, Moriti 9 

Thom, Hans Aagnst 11 

Thomas, Arnos R. 167 

— Mrs. Annie 88 

— Bemard 18 

— Ch. H. 90 

— Ch. M. 168 

— Charles Holt 96 

— Charles B. 150 

— Edmund P. 147 

— Edw. Wynne 14 

— Ed ward John Haynes 15 

— Edw. C. 168 

— Harold Wynne 15 

— Henry 18 

— J. David 15 

— J. Sperry 168 

— John W. 72 

— Warren H. 74 

— Wülard B. 150 

— Wm. Dulany 90 

— Wm. D. 77 
Thomasson, Jotm C. 87 
Thome, Arthur G. 67 
Thompson, AJvah H. 55 

— C. 8. W. 116 

— Ch. L. 108 

— Ch. H. 52 

— Charles 13 

— E. C. 76 

— Edwin C. 


— Honor W. 


— Horaee H. 


— J. M. 


— J. H. 


— James G. 


— James H. 


— James H.,Pittsbargh 170 

— Jay J. 67 

— John A. 153 

— John B. 95 

— John C. 139 

— John F. 76 
_ Landreth W. 168 

— MaryP. 150 

— VirgU 139 

— Wm. ^. 150 
■— Wm. L. 88 

— Wm. S. 88 
Thomson, James W. 139 

— N. L. 52 
Thorne, Joshua 114 
Thornley, Joseph 14 
Thomton, John M. 81 
Thorpe, Stanley L. 150 

— Walter B. h5 
Throop, EUen H. 147 
Thurber. Thomas J. 143 
Thurler, EmUy M. 173 
Thurston, Cyrns M. 102 

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Tiflfiuiy, Douglas S 81 

— John W. 78 

— Thomas J. 171 
Tillinghast, James B. 173 
Tillotson, L. H. 154 

— WiUie C. 123 
Tilson, Washburn 76 
TImken, John H. 72 
Timmerman, Franklin R. 106 
Timmons, Isaac W. 112 
Tims, Wilmer A. 150 
Tincker, C. F. 113 
Tindall, Ch. L. 159 

— H. Brooks irs 

— Van R. L. 168 
Tinker, Charles A. 139 
Tipple, R. D. 155 
Tifldale, Ch. L. 46 

— T. P. 46 
Titmes 6 
Titman, George W. 168 
Titus, Willard H. 182 
Titzel, Walter R. 67 
Titzell, Frank C. 110 
Tobey, Charter Mc. V. 111 

— CarterMc.V.,St.Panl 112 

— Walter H. 95 
Todd, Frank P. 55 

— George W. 84 

— James A. 118 

— L. W. 54 

— M. A. 159 

— Wm. 8. 125 
Toles, Louise 150 
Tolman, Mrs. Marion 51 
Tolson, H. Franklin 67 
Tompkins, Albert H. 95 

— Frank 142 
Tomkins, Albert H. 97 
Tomlin, Rieh. E. 16$ 
Tomlinton, Wm. H. 168 
de Tommasi 38 
Tomson, Iwan Petrowitsch 41 
Tooker, Rob. N. 67 
Torpe, Lovina A. 150 
Torrent, Jose 32 
Torres 32 
Tortat, Albin E. 168 
Tottcn, James 106 
Tonkin, Wm. 161 
Tournot, Louis 115 
Tousley, Lewis D. 168 
Town, Samuel P. 107 
Towner, Harry L. 158 
Townsend, H. H. 72 

— John 51 

— Irving 139 

— Kath G. 140 

— Rieh. B. 140 
Tozer, Luke 84 
Tracy, Alix M. 155 

Homöopathisches Jahrbuch. 


Tracy, Aurelius M. 133 

— Polly S. 171 

— Stephen P. 109 
Traflford, Alfred F. 123 
Traver, Gilbert R. 142 
Travers, Osmond J. 144 
Trawer, Newton H. 107 
Treat jr., Ch. R. 182 
Tremaine, J. Eugene 67 

— Orlando G. 80 
Treskell, John E. 60 
Trew, Bartus 90 
Trischatny, Nicol. Petrow. 40 
Triebt, John C. 152 
Trifanowsky, Dmitri Sem. 40 
Trimmer, W. 8. 134 
Trine, Thomas H. 67 
Trinkle, Samuel M. 168 
Triplett, Thomas N. 60 
Tripp, Robinson 67 
Trivino, Antonio 32 
Trontman, (Jeorge D. 67 
True, Ch. C. 150 

— O. W. 89 

— Richard S. 119 
Truesdall, Cleyton R. 152 
Truman, Irving P. 124 
Tschoertner, Arthur 13 
Tuch, Arthur E. 133 
Tucker, Genevieve 54 

— J. W. 117 

— James M. 110 

— S. G. 48 
Tuckey, Charl. Lloyd 21 
Tullis, Eli R. 120 
Tarbett, Samuel O. 108 
Turbin, Louis M. 67 
Turner, Alfred F. 78 

— Jason 133 

— John 140 

— Maurice Worcester 96 

— Porter 74 

— Theodore H. 75 

— Thomas H. 105 
Tiurrill, George E. 150 
von Tury, Alexander 27 
Tathill, Frank S. 104 
Tuttle, Ed. G. 140 

— Edwin R. 85 

— Ella M. 1G8 

— Louis N. 103 

— Walter 118 
de Tuati, Jorge 183 
Tweed, James R. 71 
Tydeman, W. W. 175 
Tyler, Frank H. 107 

— Wm. J. 108 
Tyrrel, Urania 168 
Tytler, George E. 140 

Ueberlacker. Armin 
Band II. 


Ulanicki, AndrS 
Ulrich, Edward 

— Julius 

— Sylvester 
Ullery, Arthur 
Umstead, David B. 
Uüderhill, Joel 
Underwood, Helen J. 
Unsin, Josef 
Unterwoody Emma 

— W. 
Urich, John H. 
Urie, Wm. T. 
Usaj, Frederice 
Uschapovski, Leo Mich. 
Uslick, Clarence M. 

— H. P. 
üssher, Henry 
ütley, Edw. R. 

— James 
Utrilla, Hermandez 
ütter, Joseph A. 

























Vail, Edwin S. 57 

Valentine, James C. 67 

— Richard K. 129 

— Boswell D. 116 

— Sarah L. 67 
Vallis, Benito 32 
Vallois 36 
Van Allen, Rob. A. 144 
Van Artsdalen, C. 158 
Van Avery, Arza 108 
Van Baun, William W. 168 
Van Bergen, Henry 171 
Van den Berghe, Gustave 29 
Van Blacren 28 
Van Buren, Hattie U. W. 131 

— Hattie, E. C. 168 
Van Campenhoot 28 
Vance, James W. 18I 
Van Cleef, Charl. E. 133 
Van Cutsem 29 
Van Denmark, John 144 
Vandenburg, M. W. 132 
Van Denburg, W. H. 53 
Vandermies 29 
Van Derveer, George W. 121 
Van Densen, Edw. Hicks 168 

— Harlow A. 144 

— James M. 178 

— Isaac 168 
Van Deren, Henry W. 84 
Vanghu, August W. 81 
Van Gunten, Fred. 168 
Van den Heuvel, T. T. 44 
Van ICleeck, John 168 
Van Lennep, William B. 168 
Van Mater, George G. 129 
Van Mer, Wm. 84 


Digitized by LjOOQIC 


M6decins. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 

Van den Neucker, Pierre 29 

Yanni, Antonio 37 
Van Nonnann, Edgar V. 49 

Van Nostrand, E. P. 132 

Van Peene 29 
Van Royen, Steph. Jacob. 39 

Van Sant, John P. ^87 

Vansaot, Monroe L. 168 

Van Seoyce, Lloyd G. 114 

Van Syckel, D. V. 113 

Vantier, Andr* 86 

Vantiere, p^re 36 

Van Tine, Cochran 154 

Van Vleck, Peter H. 100 

Vaquero 32 

Varelo, Jo86 3? 

Vary, William H. 67 

Vastine, Charles 115 

Vaughan, Eimer Vj. 67 
Vawdrey.Theoph.CJlaacott 23 

Vehslage, Sumnel H. 140 

Veith, Franz 3 

Venn, Charle» H. 67 

Verdi, Tulllo de 8. 55 
Verfiassen, (Jeorg Thcod. 4 

Vernon, Edward 24 

Ver Novy, Charles 140 

Vetterling, Herrn. C. 52 

Vidal, James W. 146 

Viehe, Caspac H. 75 

Viets, Byron B. 150 

— Mrs. E. W. 76 
Vignan, Vicente 32 
Viläghy, Carl 26 
Vilas, Charles H. 67 
Villamor y Tnrpin, Nie. 32 
Villamil. Rafael 184 
Villers, Alezander 5 
Vinardell, Manuel (i. 32 
Vincent, Clark II. 102 

— Ed. E. 73 

— G. C. 104 

— John A. 73 

— Stanley H. 131 
Vint, Wm. D. 70 
Vi ölet, Malcolm G. 182 
Vishno, Ch. W. 56 

— Charles 56 
Vives, Manuel 32 
Vivion, John B. 70 
Voak, J. Benson 131 

— J. Bmery 112 
Vogel, Christian 147 

— Clarence R. 151 
Volkmann. August P. 91 
VoUmar, Jacob C. 108 
von Berg, John P. 109 
von der Luhe, A. 129 

— A. D. F. 129 

— Margarethe B. 129 
von Hörn, Mary L 67 


von Wald, Geoi^e 85 
von Wächter, Ferdinand 1 

Voorheis, Isaac 105 

Voorhoeve, N. A. J. 39 

Vosburgh 176 

Vose, Edwin P. 89 

Voss, Lorenzo C. 117 

Vradenburg, H. L. 118 

Vreeland. Frank D. 123 

Vroom, Ch. W. 77 

Wade, Frank S. 181 

Waddell. Flora A. 155 

— James H. 155 

— Wm. E. 67 
Wadsworth, Alfred 16 

— Rob. 144 

— Timothy D. 181 
Wagar, Sanford 177 
Wage, John F. 131 
Wagner, Charles H. 110 

— Johann E. 26 

— Phillipina 118 
Waggoner, Mr«. A. H. 85 

— Eugene L. 70 

— G. J. 85 

— George W. 159 

— M. R. 79 
Walt, Leonard E. 110 

— Phoebe J. Ps. 140 
Waite, Lorenzo 91 

— Lucy 67 
Wakefield, Charles C. 140 
Wakemann, John A. 00 
Walder, Z. D. 54 
Waldman, Paul B. 171 
Waldo, H. L. 145 
Waldron, Daniel 58 
Wales, Albert H. 67 

— Henry W. 70 

— Royal P. 71 
Walker, A. H. 109 

— Albert L. 109 

— Emory J. 56 

— Frank C. 100 

— G. J. 47 

— J. G. 60 

— James 53 

— Jane 109 

— Jane A. 109 

— John L. 80 

— Mahlon M. 168 

— P. Francis 173 

— Wm. W. 105 
Wall, Benjamin P. 46 

— Mrs. Elisa J. 53 

— M. M. 76 
Wallace, Adrian E. 142 

— Clarence F. 171 

— Edwin P. 180 

— Jason T, 142 


— John M. 147 

— Richard 21 

— Thomas C. 157 

— Wm. J. 134 
WaUey, Louis P. 161 
Walline, Malcolm T. 108 

— Malcolm Theod. 156 
Wallis, Richard Stephen 25 
Walrob, Caleb B. 133 
Walter. B. C. L. 172 

— Jacob A. 170 

— John, P. 158 

— Rob. 172 

— William 14 
Walters, Ch. E. 78 

— Charles A. 129 

— Frank A. 182 

— R. W. 147 
Waltersdorf, Edmond C. 59 
Walthall, James M. 87 
Walther, Edward 112 

— John 16 
Walton, Ch. E. 148 
WalsB, Carl Friedrich 6 

— Fred. W. 150 
Wanden, James 168 
WandsUll, Alfred 91 
Ward, Alva F. 133 

— C. Austin 125 

— Calvin, H. 181 

— David W. 69 

— George C. 119 

— H. A. 133 

— James H. 129 

— James W. 51 

— John D. 168 

— John Mc £. 168 

— Isaac M. 122 

— W. J. 80 
Warden, CD. 71 
Ward well. P. G. 92 
Wareheim, Edw. A. 160 

— Wm. W. 91 
Warner, A. G. 129 

— Albert M. 182 

— Edwin D. 152 

— Franklin P. 181 

— T. J. 97 
Wams, Anton 155 
Warren, Anna 172 

— Erastns B. 132 

— Henry M. 107 

— John K. 102 

— R. N. 156 

— 8. G. 125 

— Wm. M. 95 

— Woodward 125 
Washbum, Albert T. 75 

— Julia 87 

— Silas H. 69 
Washburne, George F. 68 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

M^decins. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 





WasBermaD, Flora E. 


Webster, Wm. 


Wetmore, Jerred D. 


Wasson, H. L. 


de Wee, Jean 



John M. E. 


Waterhouse, Amelia A. 


Weed, Everett D. 



Walter W. 


Wateps, Frank R. 


— Harry M. 


Weymontb, Albert B. 


— M. H. 


— Robert M. 


Whaling. Julia C. 


Wathall, John B. 


Weeks, George H. P. 


Wheat, John N. 


Watkins, Ed. W. 


— Helen M. 


Wheaton, James L 


— Oscar A. 


Wegge, Hans Christian 


Wheebock, Annette H. 


Watry, Joseph 


Wehrmann. Ernst A. 



Jerorae B. 


Watson. Alvin E. 




Wheeler, Aaron R. 


— Charl. George 


Weidner, Max 





— Ch. George 


— Wm. J. 



Alex. W. 


— Charles M. 


Weihe, Friedrich August 



Amsden E. 


— Henry B. 


Weil, Carl Rudolf 



Byron A. 


- J. L. 


Weiler, Harry K. 



Edson D. 


— Joseph 


Weilhart, Catherine E. 



F. W. 


— Thomas M. 


Welrlck, Clemens A. 



Mrs. H. W. 


— William George 


Weiss, Carl Philipp Friedr. 11 


Harry ü. 


- Wm. H. 


Welch, Clark D. 





— Wm. W. 


— ii. 0. 



James A. 


Watters, W. 


- Wm. R. 



James H. 


Watts, Anna E. 


Welker, J. Wesley 



Jared P. 


— Charl. Fred. 


Well, Wm. R. 



Morris P. 


— Francis B. 


Welles, Angelo P. 



Morris P., Upham's 

— PUny R. 


Wellington, Gertrude G. 




Watzeck, John W. 


Wells, Ch. H. 



Wm. H. 




— E. W. 


Wheelook, Joel 8. 


— Theodore R. 


- H. C. 


Whidden, John W. 


— Wm. H. 


— Henry C. 


Whinna, E. G. 


Wave, Horaoe B. 


— Levi C. 


Whippey, George A. 


Way, EUsworth H. 


— Lucien H. 


Whipple, Alfred A. 


- Frank E. 


— Wm. E. 


Whisler, Hiram 


Wayland, J P. 


— Wm. C. 


Whistler, Lee M. 


— Joseph P. 


Welty, Emma J. 


Whitacker, E. E. 


Weaver, Ch. H. 


Wemmel, A. A. 



Elroy B. 


— Chandler 


Wendt, Edmund C. 


Whitcomb, Elizabeth 


— Charles W. 


Wentworth, Wm. P. 


White, A. Grace 


— Henry J. 


Wen£, Christian L. 





— WÜlis P. 


Wenzel, Emma C. F. 



Arthur E. 


Webb, E. Cook 


Werder, Max J. 



C. A. 


— John W. 


Wcrth, Alexander 



Ch. A. 


— John W., Denver 


Wessel Jr., Henry 

. 79 


Cornelius C. 


— Mary E. 


Wesselhoeft, Conrad 





— Wm. B. 


— Walter 



E. M. 




— Walter, Cambridge 



G. M. D. 


— Ernst 

5. 8 

— William Palmer 



G. E. 


Webner, Henry W. 


— William F. 



J. lUsley 


Webster, Alfred M. 


Wessels, Lewis C. 



John T. 


— Alfred N. 


West, BenJ. H. 





— Bernhard N. 


— Edwin J. 



M. Louise 


— Edwin C. 


- Edwin 





— Frank 


— Heston R. 



jr„ Rowiand T. 


— Frank P. 


— James A. 



Theodore C. 


— J. R. 


— Isaac C. 



Waltor H. 


— J. T. 


— R. W. 



W. Handford 


— John R 


Westcott, Joseph B. 



Wm. F. 


— John P. 


Westerveldt, J. c: 



Wm. M. 


— Judson T. 


Westfall, B. K. 



Wm. 8. 


— Normann 


Westlake, Warren C. 



W. Strom B. A. 


— Mrs. P. M. 


Westen, Isabel G. 


Whitecomb, Moses 


— Samuel C. 


Westover, Henry W. 


Whitefield, Amelia A. 



Digitized by LjOOQIC 


M^decins. — Aerzte. — Physicians. 


Whletefield, Henry A. 144 

— Nathan C. 174 
Whiteford, Myron J. 122 
Whitehead, J. G. L. 120 

— J. H. 147 

— WiUett W. 121 
Whiting, Floyd A. 53 

— Lewis 97 

— Mary 80 
-- Samuel C. 76 

— Sandford B. 112 

— Thomas H. 68 

— Walter B. 98 
Whitley, W. M. 116 
Wbitlock, Ed. A. 86 

— Fred. W. 86 
Whitmann, Frank S. 60 
Whitmarsh, Henry A. 173 
Whitmore, Wm. H. 146 
Whitney, E. J. 130 

— L. E. 113 

— W. A. 103 
Whiton, Alpha M. 125 
Whiltemore, Dwight S. 173 

— W. F. 117 
Whittier, George N. 117 
Whittleton, E. J. 144 
Whitworth, George F. 46 
Whright, John J. 156 

— Norman E. 147 

— Wm. E. 79 
Wiant, Carrey J. 153 
Wickes, C, M. 140 
Widder, RoseUa C. 131 
Widmayer, Wm. C. 158 

— Wm.C.,Philadelphia 168 
Wiedersberg 7 
Wiener, Morris 91 
Wier, Robert M. 74 
Wigg, E. 44 

— George 157 

— H. 44 
Wiggers Jr.. Henry H. 148 
Wightmann, Anna B. 48 
Wilberton, Lawrence G. 112 
Wilbur, Bertrand K. 168 

— Charles A. 68 
Wilcox, Angelia 77 

— Asa S. 111 

— De Witt G. 131 

— Fred. P. 131 

— Frederik E. 57 

— George D. 173 

— H. T. 47 

— H. Tyler 116 

— Sidney F. 140 

— Wm. A. 116 
Wilde, John 25 

— Percy Roberts 13 

— Rowland Stanley 18 
Wilder, Belia A. 82 


Wilder, Carlton V. 

— David G. 

— Louis de V. 

— Sarah £. 
Wildes, Adaline W. 
Wiles, Ch. K. 86 
Wiley, David J. W. 179 

— Mrs. Rebecca W. 118 
Wilhite, F. 74 
Wilkes, Wm. M. 178 
Wilkins, Francis B. 69 

— G. H, 99 
Wilkinson, Alfred George 23 

^ Clement John 14 

Willard, James 53 

— L. Henry 157 

— Mary A. 105 

— Wm. G. 68 
WUler, Albert M. 134 
WiUett, George 106 

— George, Sand Lake 109 
Williams, Albert 21 

— Arthur LlewelUn 23 

— Ch. L. 171 

— Charles A. 68 

— Eubus Willitson 15 

— K Cone 178 

— Edwin C. 68 

— F. B. 130 

— Frank F. , 131 

— Frank H. ' 123 

— FrankHn E. 120 

— Harry E. 159 

— Lavina L. 78 

— Lemuel Edward 18 

— M. J. 45 

— Mrs. N. T. 88 

— Olin A. 142 

— Perry C. 46 

— Thomas H. 60 

— Thomas C. 168 

— Thom. C, New York 140 

— Wm. C. 124 
Williamson, A. C. 116 

— Alonzo P. 111 

— Bemsley 132 

— W. P. 155 
Willine, Wheeler H. M. 58 
Willing, Wm. C. 68 
Willis, E. A. 100 

— Fred. L. 144 

— H. 130 

— J. W. 74 

— Lemuel M. 95 

— Robert 180 
Willison, Clayton 105 
Willms, Frederich 124 
WiUson, W. H. 180 
Willy. Edward B. 80 
Wilmot, Edw. P. 175 

— Phil. 13 

Wilson, Alban J. 

— Alonzo 

— C. Herrick 

— Charles A. 

— Chas. H. 

— Chas. G. 

— Clarence E. 

— D. Lewes 

— Daniel A. 

— Edgar A. 

— Harold 

— Mrs. J. C. 

— Joseph H. 

— M. T. 

— Marina D. 

— Mathew 

— Milton A. 

— Nelson B. 

— Pusey 

— Thomas P. 

— Thomas 

— Walter R. 

— Wm. L. 

— Wm. W. 












— Wm. W., Wausau 182 
WUtbank, Rutledge T. 168 
Winn, Wilüam J. 96 
Witzel, Joseph R. 168 
Wix, George B. 172 
Winans, Howard R 135 
Winchell, W. B. 130 
Windelband, Rudolf 2 
Windsor, Sarah S. 95 
Winget, Stephen E. 172 
Wingfield, John 14 
Winnard, W. L. 73 
Winne, Frank A. 125 
Winsett, B. F. 113 

— Benjamin F. 79 

— Jay L. 82 
Winship, Annette T 150 
Winslow, James M. 131 

— Robert 80 
Winter, Fred. W. 118 

— Gustav G. 77 

— Phil. 91 
Winters, Charles C. 125 
Winterburn, George Wm. 140 
Wintersohle, Richard Ernst 10 
WisQ» James B. 75 
Wislicenns, Oscar 5 
Wisner, Sarah E. 68 
Wiswell, Miranda P. 158 
Withinshaw, Charl. Wesley 21 
Wittlesky, D. A. 47 
Wojutzky, Alex. Semenow. 39 
Wolcott, Edwin H. 144 

— Lester A. 182 
Wolf, Wenceslas 106 
Wolff, Gustav 113 

— Philipp 154 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Pharmacies. — Apotheken. — Chemists. 



Wolfe, W. Wesley 157 

Wolston, Walter J. P. 16 

Wonner, Stepben 184 

Wood, Arthur H. 173 

— E. Hamlin 174 

— Elias W. 72 

— Prances 123 

— H. Thobold 21 

— Haskell R. 60 

— Henry C. 172 

— J. Robie 140 

— James C. 102 

— James C, Cleveland 150 

— John A. 59 

— JnUa B. 102 

— RoBto O. 102 

— O. 8. 118 
Woodburn, Wm. 83 
Woodbury, B. C. 89 

— W. L. 132 

— Wm. H. 68 
Woodruff, Alden J. 125 

— Eduard D. 177 

— Franklin C. 122 
Woodgates, 8. Henry 16 
Woodhouse, Ch. 178 
Woodley, Charl. H. 140 
Woodmann, Julia F. 95 
Woodmansee, C. 8. 46 
Woods, Jarvis U. 97 

— Mary 160 

— Stephen 159 

— Stephen, McDonald 161 

— William 95 
Woodvine, Denton G. 95 
Woodward, A. P. 110 

— Alfred W. 68 

— Alvin M. 140 

— Ellen E. 140 

— Ellen E., Altona 158 

— George D. 120 

— H. Wells 168 


Woodworth, Emily T. 68 

Woolley, Elijah 73 

Woolsey, Wm. W. 123 

Woosley, Gilbert R, 71 

Worcester, Ed. 101 

— Frank D. 178 

— George W. 99 

— John F. 96 
Workman, Wm. M. 82 
Worley, Howard A, 118 
Worrall, M. Ruth 120 
Worth, Rieh. F. 118 

— Sidney 51 
Worthen, Louis S. 85 
Worthington, Amos F. 148 

— Henry R. 123 
Wrenn, Elisabeth K. 49 
Wrigley, J. Kay 91 
Wright, A. D. 153 

— A. E. 52 

— Albert 8. 168 

— Amelia 140 

— And. R. 131 

— Aug. 8. 52 

— C. Edwin 168 

— Dudley d'Auvergne 14 

— Francis M. 102 

— George 159 

— George, Platea 170 

— George Herrn. 91 

— Helen L. F. 95 

— Henry B. 51 

— Jacob E. 74 

— James J. 168 

— J. Edw. 168 

— Johnson 160 

— Joseph E. 169 

— J. 8. 82 

— Lewis W. 59 

— N. W. 91 
Würstl, Carl 28 
Wngk, Emil 8 


Wuillob 30 

van WuUcm 28 

Wunderlich, Edmund J. 150 

Wurte, Ch. B. 168 

— John B. 168 
Wykoff, Peter 8. 160 
Wyld, George 25 
Wyman, Edmond L. 177 

Yarnell, E. A. 155 

Yeagley, John H. 172 

Yearsley, Wm. 168 

Yeldbam, Stephen 21 

YingUng, Wm. A. 85 

Yoder, Daniel 159 

Yokom, Guilford D. 54 

Ycomans, Clara 68 

Young, Annie M. 68 

— Julius 68 
Younghusband, Sancelot 105 
Younglove, John 120 

Zabriske, Gertrude L. 140 

Zamboni, Paola 27 

Zara, Mary 68 

Zavala y Zavala 32 

Zbinden, Christian 155 

Zeilinger, J. L. 8:) 

Zeitler, Augustus E. 120 

— Augu8tusE.,Medford 121 
Zengerle, Max Anton 1 
Zenoglio, Leone 37 
Ziegenfus, A. Frank 169 
Zillikcn, Paul N. 113 

— Paul N., Red Bud 72 
Zilliklin, Nicholas 60 
Zimmermann, W, W. 77 
Zink, Henry F. 149 
Zoller, A. 83 
Zoller, Wm., Fort Piain 132 
Zwetsch, J. D. 133 
Zwingenberg, Fried. W. 8. 2 

n. Pharmacies. — Apotheken. — Chemists. 


Abbey, James 151 

Abbott, J. 23 

Abott, Georg 23 

Adam, J. 4 

Adherents de rhom6opa- 

thie, pharmacie des, de 

St. Petersbourg 41 

Adler, O. 2 

Adler- Apotheke, Dessau 4 

— Essen 5 


Adler- Apothe Komotau 27 

— Met« 9 

— Pforzheim 10 
Zum goldenen Adler, 

Eperies 26 

— Lemberg 27 
Zum weissen Adler 3 
Zum Affen 43 
St. Afra, homöop. Central- 

Apotheke 1 


Albert-Apotheke 5 

d^Alema, Guiseppc 30 

Alfermann, Felix 6 

Alford, Newhouse & Co. 87 

AUen & Co. 148 

— and Hanburys 21 
Alleori, (Uuseppe 38 
Allshorn, Fred. 23 

— & Co. 21 
Alte Apotheke, Cöthen 4 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 


Fharmacies. — Apotheken. — Chemists. 




Alves & Co. 


Bonisson, Carl 


Corfield & Corfield 


von AmmoD, Ludw. 


Boykin, Carmer & Co. 


Cowc, W. 


Ancot, Mr. Dosire 


Bosenberg. C. H. 


Graft, J. 




Brand, Alfred 


Creene & Brigham 


Anderton, J. 


Brasch, S. 


Crittenton, Charles N. 


Andrews & Thompson 


Bredt & Co., Fred. 


Cutler Broths & Co. 


Antse, Wilh. 




de Arapjo, Antonio 

Brown & Broth., Wm. 


Dallam & Co., J. W. 




Browning Sc Sloan 


Darling, W. 


Armbrecht, Nelson & Co 


Bruen & Hobart 


Davies, R. 






Davison, E. 


— & Co., Pr. 


Brückmann, Otto 


Delpoch, L. 


— & Co., Georg 


Bryant, F. R. 


Demarche Parodi & Co. 1 8.'!. 184 

Arnton & Wilzlnsky 


Bück & Rayncr 




Ashton & Parsons 




Desalvo, Agostino 


Zum Auge Gottes 


Bnllock & Grenshan 


Devrien, (i, W. 


Angusta Victoria- Apotheke 2 

Boob, Gust. 




Burckhardt, Georg 


Diernfellnor, Carl 


de Bachonö 


Bnrdsal, Samuel 


Dietrich, Heinr. 


Bader, Pr. 


- & Co., J. S. 


Diso & Wilkins 




Bnrford, G. 


Dixon, J. 


Bahnsen, C. (Viel & Co.) 


— & Son 


- J., London 




Burnett, F. 


Domenech, Francisco 


BaUy, John 


Bumess & Co., Josef 


Dower, Thomas 


Baily, T. 


Bury, John 


Dowic & Moisc 


Baken & Co., Richard J. 


Butcher, \V. 


Drobnig, Max 


Bakers Brother & Co. 


— & Co.. W. 


Dubois. J. 


Ballard & Co., E. S. 


Dufty, J. 


Baumann, Gustav 


Callebaut, T. 


Durbin & Co., M. K. 


Banning, Bissei & Co. 


Canby, Giepin & Co. 


Duve, A. 


Barker, Moore & Mein 


Carbonel, Mr. 


Tan Duzer, 8. R. 


Barrios, Hermanos 


Caceley, T. 


Dwelshauvers, Arthur 


Bastos, Franc. Pinheiro 


Garer, Ch. 


Bann & Brück 


Carle & Sons, John 


Eaton & Son, H. Theod. 


Baussier, Mr. 




Ebersthaler, L. 


Bayden & 8on • 


Carmen & Co. 




Beaii & Brothers 


Carpentor, Henszcy & Co., 

Eckeil, W. F. W. 


Beates & Miller 


G. W. 


Edwards, Thomas M. 


Bcckwith & Co. 






Beljawski, F. G. 


Carraux, Mr. 


Eimer, H. 




Carter, Harris & Hawlcy 


— & Amcnd 


Benlng, W. P. 


Cassebeer, G. 0. 


Einhorn-Apotheke, Durlach 5 

Benzingor, E. 


Caswcll, Hazard & Co. 


— Essen 


Svaoc Benzen, Alf. 


Cenarro, Casim. Carc. 


— Frankfurt a. M. 


Bcrard, Charles 


Chambellan, H. 


Zum weissen Einhorn 


van Berckclaor, J. B. 


Chambers, Calder & Co. 


Eisner & Mendelson 


Berg, A. 


Charlty, W. 


Eliott & Brothers. H. A. 


— Georg 


Cheverton, George 


Engel-Apotheke, Berlin 


Bergen, J. N. 


CJhristmann'sche Apotheke 11 

— Hamburg 


Berigny & Co. 


Chudek, Ed. 


— Heilbronn 




Church & Co., Francis T 


- Prag 


Bernay, Jean 


— & Co., Robinson 


Zum weissen Engel 




Clapp & Son, Otis 


Engelbert, J. 


Betli, Chr. 


Clayton, Geoi^ 


Engelhard, Carl 


de Beul, Omer 


Clifton, E. 


Engelmann, Theodor 


Beyer succ. 


— F. 


Epps, F. 


Bodson, L. 


Coffin, Reddington & Co. 


— & Co. 


— L., Lattich 


Coleman & Royers 


— & Co., James 


Boericke & Schreck 


Collins Brothers 


— & Tafel 


Colombeau, Mr. 


Fabian & Co. 




Corell, H. 




Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Pharmacies. — Apotheken. — Chemists. 



Pabnestock & Co., B. U 170 

Fahnstock, Irwin & Rott 170 

Parrand, Williams & Co. 105 

Fauta, Max 27 

Pield, A. W. 22 

— W. C. 26 
Finltler, C. 8 
Finlay, Alex. R. 88 

— CR. 88 
Fisclier, Hermann 4 
Fisliep & Co. 45 
V. Fleming, A. 11 
Flemming, Fedor Karlow. 41 
Foclie, B. & 

— H. 9 
Folknius» R. 4 
Fongera & Co., E, 140 
Font, Jose 184 
Forbriger, S. A. 40 
Ford & Arnold 114 
Poster, F. 24 

— F. H. 23 
Powle & Sons. Soth W. 95 
Praneki, Alfons 42 
Fraiier & Co., F. M. 87 
Froderickson, F. 88 

— & Hart, F.. 88 
French, Richards & Co. 169 
Frey, E. & 8. 91 
Fricke, L. 6 
Fridolino 41 
Friedlandcr, Ijouis 2 

— Oscar 9 
Fritsell, Evans & Brothers 151 
Froemings Nachf., Tli. 9 
Fürst, J. 27 
Fürst Bismarck Apotheke .3 
Futcrsche Apotheke 43 
Fniler & Co. 23 

— & Faller 68 

Oalager, Wm. 


Gale & Blocki 


V. Oallik, Geza 


(iciiung, Fritz 


Zum heiligen Geist 


Gcmpp, Henry C. 


Gerdsiewski, J. W. 


Gibbs, J. 


(Jiesecke, £. 


(iilbert, W. 


Giel, W. H. 


Gillett, Joseph 


Gilman Brothers 








Glover & Nicol 




Gmelinsche Apotheke 


Göben- Apotheke 



Gonzales 184 

Goodmann, C. F. 118 

Goodworth, J. 16 

Qoald Sc Son, E. 22 

— J. 24 
Gowdery 23 
Graff & Danncnbaum 169 
Graffigna, Vlncenzo 38 
Graft, J. 24 
Grache, F. Ch. 39 
Grau, Ala 32 
Granon 33 
Grape, O. 9 
Grace, G. 30 
(iray & Co. 95 
Greenf,Broth&Laupheimer 116 
Grelfel, Rieh. 3 
Grimwade, Ridley & Co. 22 
(Jrevc, T. L. A, 148 
Gross & Delbridge 68 
GroBSCurth & Luboldt 22 
Gruners homSop. Officin 5 
Guerich, O. K. 39 
Günther, F. A. 8 
Gfittler, O. 3 
(iulick & Berry 77 
V. Gusner, Alfred 3 

Hadland & Co. 15 

Haeffner & Schmer baeh 15 

Hartnng, R. 3 

Hall & Co., Justis 148 

— & Buckel 140 
Halsey Brothers 68 
Halsey, C. S. & G. F. 68 
Hauce Brothers & White 140 
Harris, L. H. 170 

— ft Ewing 170 
Hart, A. 22 

— & Co., E. J. 88 
Hartenstein 38 
Hauff, Alb. 12 
Hauptstädtische Spitals- 
Apotheke 26 

Hayes, F. 17 

Heath, N. 22 

Hecht- Apotheke 43 

Heiner, Ch. 43 

Henke, Gust. 3 
Hess , Ferd. (homöop. 

Central-Apotheke) 10 

Hencs, WiU. F. 68 

Heyk & Co., John H. 68 

Hill, F. 25 

— James 22 
Hinchmann & Son, J. H. 105 

— & Sons, Theo. H. 105 
Ilintcrhuber, Carl 27 
llintowta, A. O. 40 
Hirsch-Apotheke.MagdebuTg 9 

— Solingen 11 

Hirsch-Apotheke Strassburg 

i. E. 12 

— Unt.-Barmen 2 
Pharmacie Hissette 12 
Hobe-Apotheke 2 
Hocbstetter & Co., A. 183 
Hof- u. Stadt- Apoth., Liegnitz 8 
Hof-Apotheke, Arnstadt 1 

— Baden-Baden 1 

— Colberg i. Pr. 4 

— Jena 7 

— Karlsruhe 7 

— Lndwigsburg 8 

— Potsdam 10 
Hof- u. Garnison- Apotheke, 

Stettin 11 

Hoffmann, Georg 5 

HohenzoUern-Apothcke 4 

Holden, J. 17 

Calder & Co., Holmes 174 

Homann, A. 7 
Hom5op. Central-Apotheke 

A. G., Genf 43 

Hopkins & Co., G. K. 116 

HradUU) 33 

Huggins & Co., W. H. 16 

Humboldt-Apotheke 6 
Humphrey^s homoeop. med. 

Compagny 140 

Hwrlburt & Co., C. T. 140 

James, J. 15 

— John 25 
Jarmey, Jul. 26 
Pharm, homeop. Jenicot 20 
Jenke, Fr. 7 
Jenks, Thomas L. 95 
Jennings & Co., N. H. 91 
Jerchel. K. 8 
Jessop, J. H. 23 
Johannes- Apotheke, Dresden 5 

— Schw. Gmünd 11 
Johnston, J. F. 75 
Johnson & Co., Isaac L. 88 
Junckermann & Haas 70 
Jundt, E. M. 5 
Jungmann, B. 6 
Juritsch & Co. 94 
Iwenski, P. J. 40 

Karlstcin, R. 10 
Kaufmann, A. (humöup. 

Central-Apotheke) 9 
Keene & Ashwell 22. 22 

Keith & Co., B. 140 

Keller^sche Apotheke 12 

Keller & White 75 

Kelly & Co., G. N. 170 

Kessler, M. 3 

King, Salomon 91 

Kinkade, Naudly & Co, 175 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 


Pharmacies. r- Apotheken. — Chemists. 


Kinkelin, Ad. 10 

Kirk & Co., Henry C. 49 

Kirn, L^on 36 

Kittel 5 

Klemm, C. 6 

Klimovitsch, M. M. 40 

Knorr, E. 4 

Koch 39 

Zum König Salomo 3 

Kohlmeyer, C. F. 3 

Konradi, A. 6 

Korn, Wilh. 26 

Körte, Carl 5 

Krebs-Apotheke 28 
Kronen- Apotheke, Försten- 

berg a. O. 6 

— Halberstadt 6 

— Liegnltz 8 

— Ulm 12 
Krugemann 3 

de Lambotte 29 

Lamnan & Kcmp 140 

lAugley & Co., Chr. 51 

— & Michaels 51 
Laplace, B. b8 
Larrien, E. A. 88 
Lauenstein, E. 5 
Maurice Laupheimer 

Brothers & Co. 91 
Lazell, Marsh & Gardinor 140 

Uarle, F. W. 22 
Leath and Ross 22. 22 

Leath, Woolcott 17 

Leboutte-Sezaak, Mr. 30 

Lohn & Fink 140 

Leich & Carlstedt 75 

— & Lemcke 75 
Lennon & Co., B. G. 22 
L^oncini, Mr. 34 
Lconhard, Otto 10 
Lcphow'ski, Ladislas 40 
Leube, G. 12 
Lewinsohn, J. (homoop. 

Central-Apotheke) 3 

Lewis, 8. 22 

Leybold, Prederico 183 

Liebesdörfer, Fr. 10 

Lilly jr. & Co., Alonzo 91 

— Elli 75 
Lindhardt, C. 12 
Lindner & Meyer 95 
Linn, J. E. 25 
Lipschütz, M. 8ch. 40 
Littiefield & Co., Alvah 95 
Lodge, Edm. A. 105 
Lodter, Gustav (homoop. 

Central-Apotheke) 1 

Loevy, Julius 40 
Lord, Stoutenburgh & Co. 68 

Fharmacie Ijoreto 27 


Louis, Paul Aug. 37 

Löwen- Apotheke, Bregenz 26 

— Cothen i. Anh. 4 

— Dresden 5 

— Frankfurt a. O. 6 

— Lübeck 9 

— Ravensburg 10 

— St. Gallen 43 

— Wyl 43 

— Zittau 13 

— Zwickau 13 
Löwen- u. Flora-Apotheke 13 
Zum Löwen 26 
Hof- Apotheke zum goldenen 

Löwen 11 

Ludin, C. F. 43 

Lutterie, E. 26 

Luyties & Co., H. C. G. 116 

Lyons, J. L. 88 

Mac Kesson & Robbins 140 

Macktown,Bower,Elli8&Co. 169 

Macready & Co., R. 148 

Mallinckrodt & Co., G. 116 

Marchese Flori 37 

Marggrafs homoop. Officin 8 
Marien- Apotheke, Augsburg 1 

— Dresden 5 

— Hannover 7 
J. N. Gossner^sche Marien- 
Apotheke 10 

Markham, J. 24 

Markt-Apotheke 3 

Marples, J. 14 

— J., Liverpool 18 
Marriot & Co., E. 17. 24 
Marson, James 24 
Martin, W. L. 22 

— M. 37 
Martins, loceo de Sonza 183 
Marxen, L. W. 7 
Maton, Chapin & Co. 157 
Manch, F. 6 
Mayer, Hermann 4 
von Mayer 4 
Mayer, W 12 
MMicins hom^opathes 41 
M6ganck, Emile 28 
Mellier, A. A. 116 
Merrell, W. S. 148 

— Thorp & Luyd 148 

— Broth. 95 
Metcalf & Co., T. 91. 95 
Meyer Broth. & Co. 116 
Michael, Balduin 13 

— Moss. 123 
Michaelis, L. J. 140 
Mittelbach, Sigm. 25 
Mohren-Apotheke, Görlitz 6 

— Hamburg 7 

— Memmingen 6 

Mohren - Apotheke Nord- 
hausen 10 
Zum Mohren 10 
Montegut 34 
Moore and Hnbbard 145 
Morian, M. 42 
Morghen, Giulio 27 
Morris, G. J. 14 

— J. R. 17 
Morrison Plummer & Co. 68 
Mfiller, Eugen 11 

— Joh.(homoop.Central- 
Apotheke) 4 

Müller^sche Apotheke beim 

Rathhaus 43 

Mulford Broth. & Co. 140 

Munton & Co. 116 

Murell, G. 25 

Murschans, Yict. 28 

Nacke, E. 


Nadelmann. H. 






Niedere Apotheke 


Nulsen & Co., C A. 


Obere Apotheke 


Oekenden, J. 


Olivero, Giacomo 


Omioti, Giuseppe 


Orbinot, Mr. 


Ord, Brown & Co. 




Osmond, J. S. 


Otte, Carl (Fischmarkt- 



Otten, F. K. 


Parke, Davis & Co. 105 

Packofen & Son, J. G. 170 

Pattison, Wm. A. & J. N. 75 

Peck & Velson 141 

Peisse, H. 3 

Pens 32 

Peter & Co., Arthur 87 

Penvrier 36 

Philipps & Co., W. P. 89 

Picard, Aug. 29 

Pinter, Paul 26 

Piotruszynski (Ladislas) 36 

Pohl, A. 43 

Pollard, J. 23 

Pond, B. 22 

Apotheke bei der Post 10 
Pottage, J. C. 16. 16 

Powers and Wightmann 169 

Quettlng & Co., J. J. 

Radde & Son, William 
Radford, J. A. 



Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Phannacies. — Apotheken. — Chemists. 



Kadway & Co. 141 

Rainey, Charles W. 141 

Banchier 33 
Rathhaus-Apotheke,HaTnburg 7 

— Düsseldorf 5 
Bauchfuss & Co., Otto 148 
Kay, J. A. 16 
Raynolds & Churchill 78 
Zam Rebhuhn 43 
Redington & Co. 51 
Reichhard & Co., F. Alfred 141 
Reichs-Apotheke 6 
Reiss, Rad. 1 
Rendali, J. M. 16. 25 

— C. 24 
Richard, M. 34 
Richards & Co., C. F. 51 
Richardson & Co. 116 
Richter, Adolf 7 
Riethmann & Co., J. 53 
Ritson & Glover 23 
Robert & Co. 22 
Robinson & Co., K. A. 87 

— & Son, R. W. 141 
Rosen-Apotheke 6 
Rothe Kreuz-Apotheke 27 
Roustan, Mr. 37 
Rossler, Ose 1 
Rusell & Newbury 169 
Ruston Broth. & Bird 95 

Saikowski, E. F. 41 

Sakevitsch, J. 41 
Salzkammerguts-Apotheke 27 

ßargent, Joyce & Holton 141 

— Studley & Co. 141 
Sauter 43 
Sawens & Co., W. 145 
van Schaack, Stevenson & Co. 68 
Schaeffer, Fr. 4 
Schiaparelli, demente 39 
Schilffelln & Co., W. H. 141 
de Schlieben 68 
Sehloss-Apotheke 7 
Schmidt, Bruno 7 
Schneider, Otto 5 
Schorer, Th. 9 
Schubert, Fr. (homöop. 

Central-Apotheke) 4 

Schulze, Ernst 10 
Schwabe,WilImar (homoop. 

Central-Apotheke) 8 
Schwanen- Apotheke, Plauen 10 

— Heidelberg 7 

— Magdeburg 9 
Scckel 12 
Sebold, G. G. A. 7 
Seidler, L. J. 42 
Scnft & Co., Louis 91 
Serra, Mr. 34 
Seutln, Emile 29 


Seutin, Mons 30 

Sevage, Joaquin Acuna 33 

Sharp & Dohme 91 

Sbepard & Hageltine 105 

Shinner, R. 15 

Shoemaker & Co., R. 169 

Sica» Domenico 38 

Siebert, C. 9 

— & Co. 16 
Simon'sche Apotheke 2 
Slavit, Salomon 41 
Smith, Wellington W. 24 

— Dootittle & Smith 95 

— & Stackmann 91 

— & Sons, W. 8. 125 
Snowden, R. 17 
Soci6t6 hom^opathe 40 
de Somolinos, Yinda 32 
Sonnen-Apotheke 11 
de Sonza, Jos^ Maria 183 
Spencer, John 16 
Spotswood, W. F. 178 
Squires & Co., Charlea P. 78 
Stallmann & Fulton 141 
Standaert, Mr. Honore 28 
The Standard homoeop. 

Glob. manuf. 141 

Stannwood & Co., E. L. 89 
Staraja Pokrowskaja 

Apteka 40 

Stearns & Co., Fred. 105 

Steinmetz, William 8 

Stern-Apotheke 5 

Stevenson, John J. 23 

— & Carnahan 79 
Steward 22 
Stock, Georg 1 
Zum Storch 5 
Stroebe, Fried. 7 
Stroschein (homoop.Central- 

Apotheke) 3 

Stütze, E. 7 

Sudgen, 8. 24 

Sue, Mr. 34 

Sunmann, J. T. 22 

Sutter, Berthold 10 

Süss, Carl 7 

Swift & Dodds 105 

Szabados Imre 27 

Taeschner & Co. (hom.Cen- 

tral-Apotheke) 8 

Tarrant & Co. 141 

Tassain 34 

— Mr. 34 
Testaniere 34 
Thayer, Babton <fc Co. 95 
Thieme, G. 3 
St. Thomas- Apotheke 3 
Thomas, E. 15 
Thomson and Capper 14 

Thompson & Capper 18. 23. 24 
Thomson & Muth 91 

Tirrel, J. 17 

Tolmann & King 68 

Trauner'sche Apotheke 43 

Trautmann, W. 8 

Tribaudinl, Mr. 34 

Trichou, E. 36 

de Trosier, J. 25 

Tylor & Finch 141 

Uhlands homoop. Apotheke 12 

Univers.- Apotheke, Breslau 4 

— Marburg 9 

Varmi, RaflFaello 
Victoria- Apotheke 
Viander, Josef 
Vogler & Co., F. 

— Meyer & Co. 

— Son & Co., A. 

Waddington, C. E. 
Wagner, F. L. 

— A. A. 
Waite, B. 
Wakelee & Co. 
Walder. R. 
Walker & Märten 
WalUs, W. 



Walter, G. J. Wheeler 141 

Warner & Co., Wm. R. 169 
Watson & Sons, Rieh. 

H. 169 

— J. W. 25 
Weber, Ch. 36 

— Georges 36 
Webster 17 
Weeks & Potter 95 
Wegner, J. E. 40 
WiUs, Richardson & Co. 78 
Wenz, Ch. 141 
Wenzell, W. T. 5l 
Werr, J. 10 
Wewiorski, J. 27 
Westend-Apotheke 6 
Wethervill & Co. 169 
Wheeler, E. 15. 15 
Whipple & Co., Wm. W. 89 
Whitall, Tatum & Co. 141 
White & Co. 16. 22 
Wilhelm, F. 13 
Wilke & Co. 183 
Wilkerson & Co., W. N. 175 
Wild, F. 23 
Williams & Co. 15 
WUson & Co., Wm. M. 169 
Winand 30 
Witte, L. H. 150 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 


Societes. —- Vereine. — Societies. 

Wolff, Wilhelm 27 

Wortington & Co., A. F. 148 
WmDgcI-ApotbcIce 3 



Zahn & Seeger (homöop. 

Ccntral-Apothelte) 12 

Zapff, R. 7 

Zeilia & Co., J. H. 169 

Zeller, Julius 141 

Zieger & Zsehoche 13 

ZiellLe, O. 5 

4 Zimmermano, A. & M. 22 

Zumloh, H. 5 

Zynen, F. D. Vrydag 3» 

III. Sooiötes. — Vereine. — Societies. 

Academia um. 38 

Ala(ncdaCo., 48 
Albany hom. med. soc. 124 
AlleganyCo., 132 
AUegheny Co., hom. med. 

soc. 170 

Alumni assoc. univ. of 

Michigan 102 

Assoc. centr. des Hom. Beiges 29 

— Hahncmannia 38 
Atlanta hom. med. club 59 

Beaver Co., hom. med. soc. 158 
Barry and Eaton Counties, 

hom. med. coli. 102 

Boenninghausen med. club 

of Phihidelphla 169 

BostonHahnemannian assoc. 96 

— hom. med. soc. 96 

— univ. Bchoul of med. 95 
Tho British hom. soc. 22 

California State hom. med. 

80C. 51 

CaroU Dunham club 141 

Central distr. hom. med. soc 107 

— hom. assoc. of Jowa 80 

— New York hom. med. 
soc. 141 

Central- Verb, homöop. Ver. 

i. Deutschland 3 

Cercle hom. des Flandres 28. 29 
Chicago aead. of hom. phys. 

and surg. 68 

Chiron club 141 

Cincinnati hom. med soc. 148 
Cleveland hom. med. coli. 150 
Cllnical soc. of Hahnem. 

hosp. of Chicago 68 

The coli, of hom. med. and 

surg. of the univ. of 

Minnesota 111 

College of phys. and sur. 

of Michigan 102 

Columbus Clin, club 148 

Connecticut hom. med. soc. 56 

— State hom. soc. 56 

Crawford Co., hom. med. 
soc. 161 

Denver hom. club 53 

Dispensary assoc. of Boston 

univ. school of med. 95 
Dithmar'scher homoop. Ver. 7 
Dutchess Co., hom. med. soc. 142 

Eastern Ohio hom. med. soc. 154 
Erle County hom. med. soc. 95 
Brie Co., hom. med. soc. 160 
Erster homöop.Ver. zu Berlin 3 
Essex county hom. med. soc. 98 

Farrington med. club 146 

Hahnemannia, Stralsund 12 

— Centr.-Ver. f. Homoop. 13 

— Land.-Yer. f. Homöop. 

i. Württemberg 12 

Hahnemann club, Nash ville 175 

— PhiUdelphia 169 

— of St. Louis 116 
Hahnemann hosp. coli, of 

San Francisco 51 

Hahnemann med. assoc. of 

Jowa 80 

Hahnemann med. coli, and 

hosp. 68 

Hahnemann med. soo. of 

Louisiana 88 

Hahnemann med. soc. of 
' Reading 171 

Hahnemann soc. of the hom. 

hosp. coU. 150 

Hering coli, of hom. 68 

Homoop. C.-V. Deutschi. 8 
Hom. clinic. of Maryl. and 
dis. of Columbia Wa- 
shington brauch 55 
Hom. Forening for Veile 

or Omega 30 

Hom. hosp. colL 150 

— med. assoc. of Sloux 
City 83 

Hom. med. club of Qerman- 
town 169 

Hom. med. coli, of Missouri 1 16 

— med. depart. State 
univ. of Jowa 81 

Hom. lyceum of Cincinnati 148 
Hom. med. soc, Amsterdam 124 

— Binghamton 125 

— Buifalo 131 

— Chattanooga 175 

— Flushing 132 

— Jonkers 146 

— Otsego 142 

— Savannah 144 

— Saratoga Springs 144 

— Scneca 144 
Hom. med. soc of Ohio 155 

— of ehester, Delaware 
and Montgomery Count. 161 

Hom. med. soc. of Colorado 53 

— o f the County of San 
Diego 49 

Hom. med. soc. of Delaware 

and Peninsula 58 

Hom. med. soc. of Kansas 86 

— of Middle Tennesseo 175 

— of Northern N.York 141 

— ofNorthernPennsylv. 170 

— of Tennessee 175 

— of the 23 d Ward of 
Philadelphia 159 

Hom. med. soc. of Western 
Mass. 95 

Hom. med. soc. of Western 
New York 134 

Hom. med. soc. of Wichita 86 

— ofthe State ofMichig. 103 
•>. of the State ofN.Tork 141 

— of the st ate of Oregon 157 

— ofthe State of Pennsylv. 157 

— ofthe State of Pennsylv. 169 

— ofthe State ofWiscoDs. 181 
Hom. State med. soc. of Alab. 45 

— of Washington 179 
Homoop. Verein, Annaberg 1 

— BitÜngen 3 

— Boddenstedt 3 

— Bothnang 3 
•— Bremen 3 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Sociales. — Vereine. — Societies. 



Homöp. Verein Bromberg 4 

— Danncnberg 4 

— Dittclsdorf 4 

— Durlach 5 

— Ebers bach 5 

— Elberfeld 5 

— Feuerbach 5 

— (ieyersdorf 6 

— CJrimmen 6 

— Grossröhrsdorf 6 

— Ctfossschönau 6 

— Grüna 6 

— Hafen a. A. 6 

— Hartbau 7 

— Karlsruhe 7 

— Königswaldc 8 

— Kopenhagen 31 

— Kuhberg 8 

— Lenkersdorf 8 

— Lennep 8 

— I/)SSDitK 8 

— Lüttinghausen 9 

— Mildenall 9 

— Paunsdorf 10 

— Kadevormwald 10 I 

— llaveosburg 10 

— Remscheid 11 

— Itosenthnl 11 

— Uohnau 11 

— Ronsdorf 31 

— Scheibenberg 1 1 

— Sehma 11 

— iSonnborn 11 

— Steinbach 11 

— Stettin 11 

— Uelzen 12 

— Wermelsliirchen 13 

— Wernigerode 13 

— Wilferdingen 13 

— Wülfrath 13 

— ZÜUichau 13 

— für Uarby U.Umgegend 1 

— für Hamburg u.Umgeg. 5 

— fürLüneburgu-Umgeg. 9 

— für Magdeburg n.Um- 
gegend 9 

— für Mittelbarmen 2 

— für Unterbarmen 2 

— für Wachau u. Um- 
gegend 12 

— für Wachau b. Radeb. 
und Umgegend 12 

Humoop. Ver. Hahnemania 

Pforzheim 10 
Homoop.Ver. Hahnemania 

Ludwigsbnrg 9 
Homöop. Ver. Hahnemania 

Melsungen 9 
Homoop. Ver. Hahnemania 

Münster 10 

Hughes med. elub 95 


Jahr Club of N. Y. 141 

Illinois hom. assoc. 68 

Indiana inst, of hom. 75 

Institut hom. de France 36 

Instituto om. Ital. 39 

— hom. 32 

— hom. mex. 184 

Kansas City hom. med. coli. 85 

— med. eoll. 114 
Kentncity hom. med. soc. 87 

Lehigh Valley hom. med.soc. 159 
Lorain Co., hom. med. soc. 151 
Los Angeles Co., hom. 

med. soc. 47 

Lowell Hahnemann clnb 98 
Lucas Co., hom. med. soc. 148 

Maine hom. med. soc 88 
The Manchester soc. of 

hom. Phys. 23 

Maryland acad. of med. 91 

— State hom. med. soc. 91 
Massachusetts hom. med. 

soc. 95 

Med.inTest.clubof Baltimore 91 
Meissen Club of N. Y. 141 
Milwaukeo acad. of med. 181 111 
Minnesota State hom. Inst 111 
Missouri inst, of hom. 114 
Monroe Co., hom. med. soc 144 
Montgomery Co., hom. med. 

soc. 151 

National hom. med. coli. 68 
Nebraska State 
New Hampshire hom. med. 

soc 119 

New Haven hom. med. soc. 56 
New Jersey med. club 120 
New York din. club 141 

— Co., hom. med. soc. 141 

— hom. mat med. soc. 141 

— hom. Union 141 

— paedol. soc 141 
Northeastern Jowa hom. 

med. assoc 81 

Northern Ind. and South. 
Michig. hom. med. assoc. 74 

Oberbarmer homoop. Ver. 7 
Omaha hom. med. soc. 118 
Oneida Co., hom. med. soo. 142 
Onondaga Co., hom. med. 

soc. 143 

Oswego Co., hom. med. soc 145 
Oxford med. club 169 

Ozark hom. med. assoc-. 113 

Philad. Clin. soc. 1G9 

Plymouth Co., hom. med. soc. 96 
Post grad. school of hom. 169 
Proyinzial-Verb. d. homöop. 

Ver. Schlesw.-Holßt. 13 
Pulaski Co., hom. med. soc. 46 

Rhode Island hom. soc. 173 
Koek Island inst, of hom. 72 
Round table club 151 

Saginaw vall. 103 
Samuel Hahnemann 6 

Schnyilkill Co., hom. med. 

soc 171 

Schweiz. Ver. für Homoop. 

u. Gesundheitspflege 43 
Shawnee Co., hom. med. soc. 8(j 
Sociedad Hahnemannia mat. 32 

— Hahnemann 183 

— hom. 183 
Soc. des adh^rents de Thom. 

Charkow 39 

— Kieff 40 

— Odessa 40 

— Poltava 40 

— St. Petersburg 41 

— Tschernigow 42 
Soc Hahnemannia föderative 36 
Soc. med. hom. de France 30 
Soc. des med. hom. 42 
Soc. pour la propsgation de 

l'hom. 36 

Spokane hom. med. soc. 179 
State hom. med. soc. 58 

St. Louis hom. med. soc 116 
St. Paul acad. of hom. med. 112 
Summit Co., clin. soc 146 
Southern Calif. med. soc. .50 

— hom. med. coli. 91 

— tier hom. med. assoc. 132 

Texas hom. med. assoc. 176 
Topeka City hom. med. soc 86 
Trenton soc. of hom. Phys. 123 

University of Michig. hom. 

med. coli. 102 

Utah hom. med. assoc. 177 

Verb, der homoop. Ver. 

des berg. Landes 3 

Vereenig. tot bevordering 

de hom. in Nederl. 39 

Ver. für Gesundheitspflege 11 
Ver. für Homöop., Chemnitz 4 
Ver. für Homöop., Marienberg 9 
Ver. f. Homöop. u. Naturheilk. 9 
Ver. d. hom. Aerzte i. Dänem. 31 
Ver. hom. Aerzte Oesterr. 28 
Ver. hom. Aerzte d. Schweiz 43 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 


Höpitaux. — Heilanstalten. — Hospitals. 


Ver. hom. Aentc v. Ungarn 26 

Vor. jsur Errichtung eines 

liomoop. Krankenh. im 

Wuppertliale 5 

Vermont State hom med.soc. 177 

Washington hom. med. soc. 55 
— med. and sarg, club 55 
Western Michig. inst, of 

hom. 102 

West Jersey hom. med.soc. 1J4 

Women's hom. med. soc. of 

Chicago es 

WcrcesterCo., 102 

Zweiter hom5op.Ver., Berlin 3 

IV. Höpitaux et Dispensaires. — Heilanstalten und Poli- 
kliniken. — Hospitals and Dispensaries. 

Academia de med. de Tigo 33 

— med.hom.deBarcelona32 
A Ibany City hom. hosp. and 

dispensary 124 

Albany house of shelter 124 
Asylum for the reiief of 

half orphan and dest. 

child, N.Yorlc 141 

Baldwin place home for 

little Wanderers, Boston 96 
Baptist home for the aged, 

N. York 141 

Baptist hospital. Chicago 68 
Bayard hom. disp., N.York 141 
Beth. children^s Christian 

home, Philadelphia 169 
Birmingham hom. hosp. 14 
13odcmanns homöop. Inst., 

Rostock 11 

Boothby surg. hosp., Boston 96 
Bootle hom. dispensary, 

Liverpool 19 

]3ournemouth hom. disp. 15 
Boys board.home,Allegheny 157 
Brighton hom. dispensary 15 
Bristol hom. disp., Clifton 15 
Brooklyn E. O. hom. disp. 130 

— matemity and N. Y. 
State for training nurses 130 

Brooks, retreat, Plainfield 123 
}3uffalo hom. eye, ear and 

throat dispensary 131 

Buffalo hom. hospital 131 

Burroughs place brauch 95 

Calctttta hom. dispensary 44 
Central hom.disp.,Brooklyn ISO 

— hom. free hospital 
and dispensary, Chicago 68 

Chapin home for the aged, 

N. York 141 

ehester free hom. dispens. 15 
Chicago nursery and half 
orphan asylum 68 

Childr. home, Amsterdam 
N. Y. 124 

— Portland 157 
Chiidrens hom. hospital of 

PhiUidelphia 169 

Christiaa home for women, 

Allegheny 157 

Church home for babies, 

Minneapolia 111 

Cincinnati hom. free disp. 148 
City hospital (hom.), Wichita 86 
Cleveland hom. hospital 150 

— maternity home 150 
Clifton hom. hospital 15 
Clinica hom. de enfermed. 

de los niiios, Madrid 32 
Cliniqne hom., Paris 36 

— — rue du Pour St. 

Germain 25 36 

— — 41 rue de Vern., 

Paub. St Germ. 36 
Color.orph.a8yl.,AIlegheny 157 
Consultario med. quirurg. 

publ. et grat., Mexico 184 
Consumptives home, Boston 95 
Conrent of bonedict. Sist., 

Brie 160 

Cook Co., hospital hom.dept., 

Chicago 68 

Deaeoness home and hosp., 

Denver 53 

Denver hom. free dispensary 53 

— Sanatorium 53 
Devon and Cornwall hom. 

dispensary and cottage 
hospital, Plymouth 23 

Dispensaire du Dr. Gallar- 
vardin pour traitement 
des pass., vices, difauts 
de caractere et d'in- 
telligence, Lyon 34 

Dispens, du Mr. Bern, Li6ge 30 

— da Mr. van Campen- 
hont, Anvers 28 

Dispensaire Hahnemann, 

Bruxelles 29 

Dispensaire hom. du Bureau 

de bienfaisance 28 

Dispensaire hom. du Dr. 

Kruger, Nimes 34 

Dispensaire hom. libre de 

la Tille d'Anvers 28 

Dispensario del Dr. Pedro 

Zuelme, Jalapa 148 

Dispensario del instituto 

om., Milano 38 

Dispensario del instituto 

om., Napoli 38 

Dispensario del instituto 

om., Roma 33 

Dispensario del instituto 

om., Torino 39 

Dispensario hom., Barcelona 32 
Dispensary and emergcnoy 

hospital, Wasliington 55 
Dispens, of Clevel. med. coli. 150 

— of the memorial hosp. 
for women and chlidren, 
Brooklyn 130 

Dorcas inval. homs, Clevel. 150 

Dublin hom. dispensary 16 
EastOrange hom.dispensary 122 
E^stbourne hom. convales- 

cent hospital 16 

Eastbourne hom. dispensary 16 

Fabiola hospital, Oakland 48 

— infirmary, S. Antonio 176 
Faxton hospital, ÜUca 145 

Platbush hom. dispensary 132 
Piower hospital, N.York 141 
Poundling home, Chicago 68 
Pree dispensary of Ohio 
hosp. for women and 
chiidren, Cincinnati 149 
Pree med. and snrgic disp. 
for women and childr., 
Cleveland 150 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Höpitaux. — Heilanstalten. — Hospitals. 


Galea- Avenue hom. disp., 

Brooklyn 130 

Glenmary bome for women, 

Owego 142 

Good samaritan hom. disp., 

Cleveland 150 

Good samarithosp.SanDiego 50 
Good samaritan hosp. and 

asylum of St. Louis 116 
Grace hom. disp., Detroit 105 
Grace hospltal, Detroit 105 

Bahnem. coli, disp., Chicago 68 
Hahnemann convalescent 

bome, Boumemouth 15 

Hahnemann dispens., Bath 14 

Hahnemann free disp., Bath 14 

Hahnemann hosp., Chicago 68 

— LlTerpool 18 

— New York 141 
Hahnemann hospital and 

disp., Philadelphia 169 

Harnst hospital, Erie 160 

Hargens memorial Hahne- 
mann hosp., Rocbester 144 
Harlem hom. disp., N.York 141 
Hastings and St Leonardo 

dispensary 24 

Helmuth house, New York 141 
Homo for consimiptives, 

Brooklyn 130 

Home for inval., London 22 
Home for the aged poor, 

Allegheny 157 

Home for the aged poor 

conducted by little sist. 

of the poor, Pittsburgh 170 
Hom. asyL for the insane, 

Middletown 134 

Hom. disp., Allentown 158 

— Bristol 15 

— Brooklyn 130 

— Cheltenham 15 

— Hoboken 121 

— Jersey City 121 

— Oakland 148 

— Philadelphia 169 

— — 406 Fairmont av. 169 

— — 1125 N., 3d. 169 

— — 1301 Palmer 169 

— — 1317 Ridge av. 169 

— — 1336V2 N., 21 St. 169 

— — 2318 Coral 169 

— Sydney 45 
Hom. disp. for dis of women 

and child., New York 141 
Hom. fr. disp., Philadelphia 169 

— St Louis 116 

— Washington 55 

— of Wilmington 58 

— of Baltimore City 91 

Hom. hospital, Ann Arbor 102 

— Melbonrne 44 

— Mioneapolis 111 

— New Orleans 88 

— Reading 171 

— Rochester 144 
Hom. hosp. coli., Cleveland 150 
Hom. hosp. free dispensary, 

Rochester 144 

Hom. hosp. of Delaware, 

Wilmington 58 

Hom. hosp. State university 

of Jowa 81 

Hom. med. and snrgical 

hosp.and disp.,Pittsburgh 170 
Hom. med. disp., Boston 96 
Hom. med. disp. West end 

brauch, Boston 96 

Hom. med. disp , New York 141 
Lcbenswartb'sehes homöop. 

Kindcrspital, Wien 28 

Hom5op. Krankenh., Leipzig 8 

— PolikUnik, Berlin 3 

— Polikl. des Central- 
Vereins, Leipzig 8 

Hom5op. Privatspit. S. Josef, 

Begensburg 11 

Homoop. Spital, Hnnchen 9 
Homoop. Spital der barmh. 

Schwestern, Wien 28 

Hopital Hahnemann, Paris 36 
Hopital hom., Lyon 34 

Hopital hom. de la sociitö 

des m^d. hom. de St. 

PStersbourg * 42 

Hopital hom. de St Piters- 

bourg 42 

H6pital hom. de la soci^tö 

des adthSrents de Phom. 

de St. P^tersbourg 42 

Hopital hom. de ia soei^te 

des adh. de Phom., Kieff 40 
H6pital St. Jacques, Paris 36 St. Jose,Madrid 32 
Hosp. of five Points house 

of Industrie, New York 141 
Hospital of the women's 

hom. assoc, Philadelpia 169 
Hot Springs Sanitarium 45. 46 
House of the angel guard., 

Boston 96 

House of the good shepherd 

for dest. children, Utica 145 

Ingleside home and hosp., 
Bnffalo 131 

Kansas surgic. hosp., Topeka 86 
Klinik für Ifagenkrankh. 
von Dr. Feveile, Veile 31 

Laura Franklin hosp. for 

children, New York 141 
Le&f hom. eottage hospital, 

Eastburne 16 

Leuman hom., Washington 55 
Lincoln park sanit, Chicago 68 
London hom. hospital 22 

Lutze'sche HeiUtnst., Göthen 4 

Ifaine hom. hosp., Portland 89 
Mary), hom. hosp., Baltimore 91 
Massachusetts hom. hospital, 

Boston 96 

Memorial hosp. for women 

and children. Brooklyn 130 
Michig. asyl. for dangerons 

and criminal ins., Jonia 106 
Middletown State hom.hosp. 134 ' 
Milwaukec infants' home 181 
— orphaa asylum 181 

Minnesota State deaf and 

dumb asylum, Faribault 110 
Moral reform society, Boston 95 
Murdoch*s free surgio. hosp. 

for women, Boston 96 

Nalikul arrat hom. disp., 

Calcutta 44 

National hom. hospital and 

dispensary, Washington 55 
Newark orphan asylum, 

Minneapolis 111 

Newton eott hosp., Boston 96 
Newton nervine 99 

New York hom. med. coli. 

and hospital 141 

New York hom. sanitarium 141 
North hom, disp., Liverpool 18 
North of England childrens 

Sanatorium, Soutbport 24 
Northampton hom. disp. 23 

Ohio hosp. for women and 

children, Cincinnati 148 
Ophthalmie hosp., Buffalo 131 
Orph. and home for the 

Friendless, Jacksonville 58 
Orphans home, Denver 53 
Oxford hom. dispensary 23 

Phillips memorial hospital, 
Bromley 15 

Philipps memorial hospital, 
Kent 17 

Polikl. d. homöop. Central- - 
Apotheke Dr. Willmar 
Schwabe, Leipzig 8 

Private hom. disp., N.York 141 

Private hom. Institution for 
mental diseases, Boston 96 

Priv. hom. instit for ment. 
diseases, West Newton 101 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 


Journaux. — Zeitungen. — Periodicals. 

Protestant home for boy$, 

Allegheny 157 

Protest, home for destitute 

cbildren, San Antonio 176 
Protestante home for in- 

curables, Pittsburgh 170 
Protestant hospital, Toledo 155 
Protestant orphan asylum, 

New Orleans 80 

Providence hom. dispens. 173 
Pulanky county hospital, 

Little-Rock 46 

Pulte med. coli., Cinclnnati 148 

Read, and Berkshire hom. 

hospital 24 

Reading hom. dispensary 171 
Rhode Island hom. hosp., 

Providence 173 

Ridgewood sanit, Reading 171 
Rochus spital (hom. Abth.) 

Ür. V. Bakody, Budapest 26 
itosine asyl., Germantown 160 
Roxbury hom. dispensary 100 

Samaritan mission and free 
dispensary, Kansas City 85 

Stamford hall (hospital) 57 
Stevens hom. disp., N.York 141 
Still water hom. hospital, 

Hinneapolis 111 

St. Johns old ladies^ home, 

Mihvaukee 181 

St.Louis childrens^ hospital 116 
St. Luke's home and hosp., 

Utica 145 

St. Luke's hospital hom. 

dep., Jacksunville 58 

St. Martha^B sanitarium, 

Brooklyn 130 

St. Paul hom. hospital, 

Minneapulis 111 

St. Vincent hospital, Erle 160 
Surbiton hom. dispensary 25 
Sussex county hom. disp., 

West Brighton 25 

Tcmporary home of N. E., 
Boston 95 

Tompkins Square hom. disp., 
New York 141 

Torquay hom. dispensary 25 

Trenton hom. hospital 123 

Tunbridge Wells hom. hosp. 
and dispensary 25 

Unlversity hom. dispens., 
Hinneapolis 111 

Unlversity of Michigan free 
hom. disp., Ann Arbor 102 

Wards Island hosp., N.York 141 
Washburn orphan asylum, 

MinneapolLs 111 

Westborough insane hosp. 101 
West Jersey hom. disp. 

and hospital, Camden 120 
West Sidehom. disp.N.York 141 
White's private asylum for 

the insane, Sandwich 100 
Wirral hom. dispensary, 

Birkenhead 14 

Womens hom. hospital of 

Missouri, St. Louis 116 
Womans hom. hospital of 

Pennsylv., Philadelphia 169 
Worcester hom. dispensary 102 

Yorkville hom. dispensary, 
New York 141 

V. Journaux. 

Zeitungen. — Periodicals. 

AUgem. homöop. Zeltung 8 
Americain homoeopathist 141 
Annuaire hom^opath. par 

Pharm, hom. centrale 42 
Archiv für Homöopathie 5 
Argonaut 150 

Art m^dlcal 37 

Bibliotheque homSop. 


California Homoeopath 51 

Clinical reporter 116 

Clinique 68 

Criterio medico 32 

Habnemann advocate 144 

— monthly 169 
Homeopatia 184 
Homoeop. advoc. and healt 

Journal 91 

Homoeop. envoy 169 
Homoeop. journ. of obste- 

trics, gynaecandpaedol. 141 

Homoeop. league 22 

— physician 169 

Homoeop. Publishing comp. 22 

— recorder 169 

— World 22 

— Maandblad 39 
Homöop. Monatsblätter 12 
Hom&opatizeski Lezeuie 42 

— Westnik 42 

Internat, homöop. Jahrbuch 5 
Journal de la societ6 des 

medicins homSopathes 42 
Journ. of electro therapeut. 141 
Journal of ophthalmology, 

otology and laryngology 141 
Journal of orificial surgery 68 

— populairc de möd. 
hom^pathlque 37 

Leipziger populäre Zeit- 
schrift für Homöop. 8 

Maanedsskrift for Homöop. 31 
Medical advance 68 

— argus 111 

— current 68 

Medical visitor 68 

Medicin homöop. (wratsch 

homeopath) 49 

Minneapolis hom.magazlne 111 
Monthly homoeop. review 22 

New England med. gazette 96 
New Remedies 69 

North Am. Journ. of Hom. 141 
Northwest. Journ. of Hom. 81 
Omiopatia in Italia 39 

People's healt Journal 69 

Propaganda homöopathique 37 
Pulte quarterly 149 

Revue homöop. beige 29 

Revista homeopatica 31 

Rivista omiopatica 38 

Southern journ. of homoeop. 88 
Union homöopathiqne 28 

United stat. med. investigat 69 
Zeitschrift des Berl. Yer. 
homöop. Aerzte 3 

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annorum 1891-1893. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

AbdoDLinal aorta — anenrism of the — Dr. W. D. Bayley. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 2, 104. 
„ hystereetomy. Dr. W. E. Green. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 11, 989. 

„ seetions — tweiity eonseentlTe — . Dr. de Witt G. Wiloox. N. Am. Journ. of 

Hom. XXXVIII, 1, 37. 
Abdominal seetions — the sacrosanetity of — . Dr. F. A. Rockwlth. N. York Med. Times 

XTX, 7, 202. 
Abdominal snrgery. Dr. C. N. Hart. Med. Curr. VIII, 9, 886. 

„ „ — illnstrationt of eompUeated — . Dr. Ostrom. N. York Med. Times 

XVIII, 11, 321. 
Abortion. Dr. £. N. Käse. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 5. 821. 

Dr. Manning-Perkins. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVIII, 11, 512. 
Abseesses. Prof. Shesrs. Clin. Xn, 10, 445. 

^ some obsenre — . Dr. C. W. Eaton. Northv. Journ. of Hom. IV, 8, 217. 
Abseits Tom breiten Wege. Dr. Villers. Archiv f. Hom. I, 178. 

Academie de m^deeine. (La tnberenlose.) Prot Laonelongue. L'hom. pop. IV, 78, 159. 
Aceonehment — the germless — . Dr. J. B. 8. King. Med. Adv. ^VII, 4, 271. 
Acetates. Agricola. Hom. World XXVII, 334, 558. 
Acetie Aeid« Prof. Dr. Owens. Am. Hom. XVUI, 7, 109. 

„ „ — nses of — in certain forms of dlsease. Prof. Dr. Owens. N. Am. Journ. 

of Hom. XXXVII, 8, 525. 
Aelds differentiated — deblüty of — . Dr. Boerioke. Cal. Hom. IX, 4, lu2. 
Aeidnm nitri. — Ans der Praxis. — Hahnem. 1891, 11. 125. 

„ nitrienm und Argentnm nitrienm — zur Sehildernng der therapentischen 

Wirkung TOn — . Dr. Searle. AUg. hom. Zt«. 123, 3/4, 20. 
Aeidnm phosphoricum und Phosphor — therapeutische Aehnlichkeit und Verschieden- 
heit TOn -. Dr. GouUon. Allg. hom. Ztg. 126, 9/10, 69. 
Aconit — eine histor. Vergiftung resp. Heilung mit — . Dr. Mossa. Archiv f. Hom. 1, 16. 
Aconito nello sua relazione colla gola. Dr. E. J. Lee. Riv. om. XXXVI, 2, 59. 
Aconitum napellus. Dr. A. Heath. Hom. World XXVI, 304, 154. 
Actaea racemosa. Dr. J. T. Kent. Med. Adv. XXIX, 4, 308. 
Action and reaction. Hom. Phys. XI, 1, 14. 
l'Action des m^dicaments ii distance est -eile une mystiilcation t Rev. hom. beige XIX, 

lU 335. 
Acute Intestinal obstruction. Dr. R S. Breyfogle. Pac. Coast Journ. of Hom. I, 8, 297. 
Address — an — deÜTered before the Boston homoeopathic medical society, February 8, 

1898. Dr. W. Wesselhoeft N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVIII, 3, 107. 
Adenoid vegetations in the naso - pharynx, or hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil. 

Dr. M. J. Brown. Med. Arena II, 9, 281. 
Advice wanted. Dr. A. T. Noe. Hom. Phys. XL 6, 254. 
Aehnlichkeltsgesetz — das -^ und einige charakteristische Symptome. Vortrag. R. 

Reuther. Lps. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIIT, 19/20, 181 flg. 
Aerzte — die Ausbildung der — . Lps. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 19/20, 179. 
Aerztinnen — unsere künftigen — . Fort- oder Buckschritt t Corneliii Jardon. Lps. pop. 

Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIU, 3/4, 21. 
Homöopathisches Jahrbuch. Band IL 1 9» 

Digitized by LjOOQIC 

2 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Agariens masearlns. Dr. C. 8. Mack. Med. Era IX, 1, 10. 
AggraTamenti beneflci. Dr. D. G. Mc Laren. Riv. om. XXXYII, 5, 153. 
AggraTation according to time. Dr. J. H. Clarke. Hom. World XXYI, 290, 22, 
AggraTatiOüB — beneflclal — . Dr. G. Ife Laren. Med. Adv. XXYI, 2, 115. 
Ailaathns glandalosa. Dr. A. C. Cowperthwaite. Hahnem. Month. XXYIII, 8, 520. 

^ on the physiologioal aotion and therapentie uses of — . Dr. Alf. Pope. 

Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 10, 249. 
Air passages — eases of foreign bodie8 In the — . Dr. Hör. Packard. N. EngL Med. Gas. 

XXVir, 12, 571. 
Alabama ~ the Situation in — . 6. G. Lyon. Esq. South. Journ. of Hom. YIII, 2. 33. 
Alaskana. Dr. J. P. Dake. N, Engl. Med. Gaz. XXYII, 10. 485. 
Albamen, sngar or nrea \fk urine — qnantitatiTe analysis of — . Dr. H. P. Holmes. 

Med. Gurr. YIII, 10, 425. 
Albnminnria of pregnaney — the aetiology of — . Dr. T. J. Granun. Hahnem. Month. 

XXYHI, 3, 169. 
Albnminnria In ehildren. Dr. H. G. Aldrich. Hahnem. Month. XXYIII, 8, 532. 
In heart disease. Dr. Gl. Mitchell. Hahnem. Month. XXYI, 8. 531. 
: Natrnm mnr. Dr. W. L. Reed. Med. Adv. XXYI, 1, 45. 
„ — the relatlon of — to puerperal eelampsia. Dr. J. B. S. King. Med. Adr. 

XXYI, 3, 222. 
Aleoholios — mediclnes whieh preTent — from proereatlng while in a State of In- 

toxieatlon. Dr. Gallavardin. Med. Adv. XXIX, 6, 457. 
Aleoholism — acute — . Dr. W. M. Butler. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXIX, 5, 281. 

„ , — some thoughts on — and its so-ealled eure. Dr. H. N. Avery. N. York 

Med. Times XX, 2, 87. 
l'Allmentatlon qul proeure le plus de ehaleur et le plus de force museulaire, in- 

telleetuelle et morale. Dr. Gallavardin. Ghec Tauteur k Lyon. 1893. 1 £r. 
Alkalisalzen — vergleiehende Neuralanalyse von 17 — . Dr. JSger. Allg. hom. Ztg. 125, 

1/2, 4 flg. 
Allopathie approach^s to homoeopathy. Hom, League Tracts Nr. 47. 
Allopathie und Homoeopathie in der Cholerabehandlnng. Dr. Atzerodt. Archiv f. Hom. 

II, 65. 
r Allopathie — les larcins de — . Dr. Marüny. Rev. hom. beige XYII, 10, 317. 
Allopathisehe Tergiftung — wieder eine — . Dr. Goullon. Lpz. pop. Ztachr. f. Hom. XXII, 

9/10, 87. 
Allopathy ^ modern — and modern homoeopathy ; a retrospect. Dr. S. Lilienthal. N. 

Am- Journ. of Hom. XXXYIII, 1, 31. 
Alltagliehe Fälle. Hahnemannia 1892. 10, 116. 

Alte potenie — excrescenze morbose — . Dr. E. W. Sawyer. Riv. öm. XXXYII, 2, 42. 
TAlternance des medicaments — snr — . Rev. hom. beige XYII, 11, 323. 
Alternate action: Organen § 115. Dr. B. Flncke. Med. Adv. XXYIII, 3, 178. 
Alternation and attenuation. Dr. H. E. Russell. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XLL 3, 151. 

— Single remedy ts — . Dr. J. W. DilL Med. Arena II, 9, 285. 
Alumina. — Clinlcal cases: I. — II. Arniea. Dr. Wm. Cowley. Med. Adv. XXYIII. 1, 6. 
Amateur praetiee — cases from — . Hom. World XXYI, 309, 421. 

Amblyopia — calc. phos. in congenital — . Dr. J. A. Campbell. Am Hom. XIX, 20, 818. 
American Institute of homoeopathy. Dr. W. E. Leonard. Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 7, 165. 
„ „ ,, „ — forty - fourth annual Session. Hom. Phys. 

XI, 8, 300. 
American Institute of homoeopathy — die Jahresversammlung des — . Dr. Yiiiers. 

Archiv f. Hom« II, 245 flg. . 
Amerika — zur Geschichte der Homöopathie in — . Deutsch von Dr. Sulzer.* Ztschr. d. 

Berl. Y. hom. Aerxie XI. 2, 167. 
Amerikanischen Journalen — Excerpte aus — . Dr. Kröner. Ztschr. d. Berl. Y. hom. 

Aorate X, 4, 345; XI, 2, 176; 4/5, 394, 
Am falschen Ende. Prof. Dr. Jäger. Prof. Jäger's Monats bl. XI, 1, 1. 
Ammonium bromatum — eine „prachtvolle^^ Wirkung von — Dr. GouUon. Lps. pop. 

ZiBchr. f. Hom. XXII, 15/16, 113. 
Ammonium bromatum — a striking effect of — . Dr. Goullon. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 

11, 480. . 
Ammonium bromatum — en storartet Tirkning af — . Dr. Goullon. Maanedsskrifi for 

Hom. XYni, 9, 7a 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 3 

Ammoiiiuii mar. in Diarrhoe». Dr. G. C. Bucbanaii. Hom. Rec VI, 6, 275. 

ImpaUtions — on >. Prof. H. R. Chislett. Clin. XII, 1, 1. 

InMardiam Orientale — an incidental proying of ^. Dr. £. 8. Breyfogle. Pao. Coast 

Jonrn. of Hom. I, 11, 436. 
Anaesthesia with etherated air — a new method of ether adminlstration — . Dr. Hör. 

Paokard. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVII, 9, 4S4. 
Anaestheties. Dr. J. B. Gilman. Clin. XIU, 11, 543. 

„ as admlnlstered at the London homoeop. hospital. Dr. J. R. Day 

Month. Hom- Rev. XXXVI, 12, 727. 
Anae8theties — a ease in — . Wlth remarks. Dr. J. R. Day. Month. Hom. Rev, XXXVI, 

9, 544. 
Anaestheties in Labor. Hom. Phys. XI, S, 95. 

„ „ ,. Dr, L. A. Wolcott Minn. Hom. Hag. I, 8, 201. 

~ more aboat — . Dr. H. Masoo. Montb. Hom. Rev. XXXVII, 5, 286. 
„ — a plea for the selentifle U8e of — . Dr. H. L. Northrop. Hahnem. Month. 

XXVI, 6, 897. 
Anaesthetie State — the treatment of aecidents oeenring dnring the — . Dr. H. L. 

Northrop. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 11, 768. 
Anagallis arvensis. Dr. W. H. A. Fits. Med. Adv. XXVI,' 5, 358. Riv. om. XXXVU, 12, 871. 
Analeeta practica. Dr. de Keghel. L'Union Hom. VI, 4, 120. 
Analysis of one hnndred and twenty eeven cases of acne Tulgaris. Dr. J. L. Coffin. 

N. Bngl. Med. Gaz. XXVII, 12. 556. 
Analysis sheet ~ the Hahnemannian's — . Dr. A. Heath. Hom. Phys. XI, 7, 287. 

„ — « „ — . Dr. M. A. A. Wolff. Hom. Phys. XI, 5, 227. 

Analytical symptomatology — an - of the homoeop. materia medica. DDr. R. L. Thurston 

and 8. A. KimbaU. 1892. Wm. B. Libby, Boston. 
Anatomy — a study In comparatlTe — . Dr. M. K Thompson. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 4, 244. 
Anecdotal homoeopathy. Hom. League Tracts Nr. 33. 
Anemone japonica. Agricola. Hom. World XXVIII, 325, 24. 
Aneurism, eases from practice. Prof. Dr. E. Carleton. Hom. Phys. XI, 10, 380. 
Angina IndOTlci — a case of r- cured cy arsenionm. Drjice|fir. Hom. Reo. VIII, i, 19. 
-helbredelse — en — Ted hjaelp af arsenlcTjR^I^eser. Maanedsskrift 

for Hom. XX, 1, 7 flg. — — ►• 

Angina pectoris — a case of — . Dr. H. G. Glover. Clin. XII, 4, 173. 

„ — a suggestive case of — . P. Proctor. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVII, 5, 292. 
. Dr. K M. Haie. Hahnem. Montb. XXVIII, 10. 652. 
d' Angine diphth^ritiforme — guerison rapide d*un cas — . Dr. Proell. Rev. hom. beige 

XVII, 12, 369. 
Anglomata — non-arterlal — . Dr. H. F. Stevens. Clin. XII, 6, 276. 
Animals ~ homoeopathy in — Hom. Phys. XIII, 11. 545. 
Antidote gegen die hauptsächlichsten allopath. Mittel. Dr. Dahlke. Ztscbr. d. Berl. V, 

hom. Aerzte X, 1, 79. 
Antidotes. Dr. 8. Seward. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 5, 362. 

Antifebrine — poisoning by — . Dr. O. St. Bamber. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 6, 356. 
Antimonium erudum in Chorea. Dr. Marc Jousset Hom. World XXVIII, 325, 10. 
Antipyresis. L. Riess. Pae. Rec V, 4, 111. 
Antipyretics — fever : its pathology and treatment by — . Dr. H. A. Hare. Month. Hom. 

Rev. XXXV, 8, 532. 
Antipyrin. Dr. F. G. Oehme. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 7, 335. 
„ and death. Hom. Envoy II, 4, 25. 

— Prtfungsbild von — . Dr. Oehme, Lpz. pop. Ztscbr. f. Hom. XXII, 21/22, 196. 
Antipyrine — poisoning by — . Dr. E. W. Berridge. Hom. Phys. X, 2. 89. 
Antipyrinismus. Dr. Lembke. Allg. hom. Ztg. 124, 7/8, 61. 

Antisepsis — the credentials of — in obstetric practice. Dr. E. St. Bailey. South. Journ. 

of Hom. IX, 9, 387. 
Antisepsis, general speaking. Dr. T. L. Macdonald. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 8, 5.'t6. 

— a word on — . Dr. T. G. Comstock. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVII, 6, 298. 

„ — ist die ~ absolut eine condlto sine qua non fBr den Erfolg thera- 

peutischen oder chirurgischen Einschreitens! Dr. C. Bojanus sr. Ztschr. d. Berl. 
V. hom. Aerzte X, 2, 123. 
Antisepsis. A replication. Dr. G. B. Peck. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 9, 619. 
Antiseptics. Dr. Hir. Corson. N. York Med. Times XIX, 4, 105. 


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4 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliograpby. 

Antiseptik — die — . Prot Dr. Jäger. Jäger's Uonatsbl. X, 5, 91. 

Antram — cases illlnstratingr diseases of the — . Dr. 6. F. Shears. Clin. XII. 5, 312. 

Antwerp — homoeopatlijr in — . Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 12, 791. 

Anas — congrenital malposition of — . Dr. W. A. Förster. Med. Arena II, 11, 338. 

Anythingr in this! Dr. W. J. Thayer. Am. Hom. XVIII, 2, 29. 

Aortitis — clironic — . Dr. B. C. Price. Soutb. Journ. of Hom. X, 6, 769. 

Aperients — tlie rigrlit piaee of — in practice. Dr. W. C. ßeed. Uonth. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 1, 32. 

Aphasia — aphonia, lioarseness and — . Dr. W. A. Dünn. Clin. XIII, 3, 115. 

— hoarseness and — . Dr. C. 8. fitettler. Clin. XIIT, 3, 121. 
Aphonia, hoarseness and apliasia. Dr. W. A. Dann. Clin. XIII, 3, 115. 
Aphthae. Dr. J. L. Ferson. Hahnem. Uonth. XITI, 11, 753. 

Apis — inTolnntary proTing of — . Dr. R. £. Dudgeon. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 12, 787. 
„ — melliflca. Dr. W. W. Baldwln. Northw. Journ. of Hom. IV, 2, 31. 
„ „ and rhns toxicodendron. Dr. J. Wylie Anderson. Med. Curr. VII, 6, 27 5 

Apinm grareolens — riassnnto dei sintomi di ~. Dr. W. P. Wesselhoeft. Riv^. om. XXXIX, 2, 54. 

„ Tims — ■ a new proTing of ~. Dr. L. Chase. N. Engl. Med. Gar.. XXVII, 10, 468. 
Apocynnm eumabinnm. Hom. Rec. VII, 6, 241. 
Apoplexy — on cerebral — . Prof. H. B. Fellows. Clin. XIV, 2, 69. 
Appendicitis. Dr. James Lilienthal. Hom. Phys. XIII, 9, 458. 

Dr. W. B. Van Lennep. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 11, 718. 
„ : An improTed Operation. Dr. H. Cmtcher. Med. Cent I, 11, 362. 

witli report of a case. Dr. W. W. Grant. N. Tork Med. Times XX, 10, 296. 
— some remarks on — . Dr. A. Boothby. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVII, 7, 333. 
„ — tliree cases of — . Dr. S. F. Wilcox. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XLI, 3, 158. 

„ . Tlie non-operatiye measnre for its early cnre by the nse of sweet oil. 

M. O. Terry. N. York Med. Times XX, 10, 298. 
Aralla racemosa in bronehitie astbma, whooping eongh of children lencorrhoea, 
snppression of the menses, and in bronehitis, laryngitis and pnenmonia, 
accompanying or following inflnenza. Dr. R. K. Ghosh. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 
XXXVIII, 1, 11. 
.ArboriTital mediclne. Dr. R. T. Cooper. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 1, 7 flg. 
Argentnm metallicnm ; a case. Dr. J. A. Freer. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 10, 642. 
nitricnm. Med. Adv. XXX, 1, 6. 
„ „ — xnr Schildemng der therapent. Wirkung Ton acldvm nitricnm 

nnd — . Dr. W. Searle. AUg. hom. Ztg. 123, 3/4, 20. 
Argentnm nitricnm — therapentic notes on >-. Dr. Pennoyer. Clin. XIII, l, 28. 
Armoracia msticana. Meerrettig. Dr. Schlegel. Allg. hom. Ztg. 127, 21/22, 166. 
Amica. — Cllnical cases. — Dr. E. W. Berridge. Hom. World XXVII. 314, 60. 

„ — die Heilkraftigkeit der — . Dr. GouUon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIV, 1/2. 5. 
„ — medicinal shock — . Dr. W. J. Guemsey. Hom. Phys. XI, 6, 248. 

patient — an — Dr. H. W. ChampUn. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 3. 225« 
„ — scossa mediclnale — . Dr. W. J. Guemsey. Riv. om. XXXVII, 9, 282. 
Arsen — hnrtlg helbredelse af en nyrebetaendelse Ted ~. Dr. P. Lutze. Maanedsskrlft 

for Hom. XX, 2, 12. 
Arsenic — an accidental proving of — . Dr. F. Nankivell. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 

4, 271; Am. Hom. XVII, 5, 163. 
Arsenic — Cancer and — ■. Hom. Rec. VII, 1, 24. 

„ TS. Cholera. Dr. R. B. Leaoh. Med. Adv. XXIX. 5, 355. 

„ „ „ Dr. T. P. Wilson. Med. Cent. I, 10, 333. 

„ for common nse. Hom. Phys. XI, 7, 285. 

„ in domestic arts. Dr. J. T. Talbot. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 4, 184. 

- the dangers trom — in domestic fabries. Dr. J. T. Talbot. N. Eogl. Med. 
Gaz. XXVI, 3, 111. 

Arsenic in the mannfaetnres and arts. Prot E. E. Calder. N. Engl. Med Gaz. XXVI, 3, 114. 
„ poisoning. Hom. Phys. XI, 4, 169. 

a as a prophylactic in hydrophobia. Hom. Envoy II, 5, 38. 
, — svcceptibllity to — . Wm. Lamb. Hom. World XXVni, 333, 408. 
Arsenical paper — case of accidental poisoning by ~. Dr. J. Heber Smith. N. EngL 

Mfid. Gaz. XXVI, 4, 189. 
Arsenical poisoning — a case of — . Dr. J. H. Sherman. N. EngL Med. Gaz. XXVI, 4, 191, 
Arsenicnm albnm nnd Baptisia tinctoria gegen typhöse Zustände. Dr. GoqUod. Lpz. 
pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 1/2, 12. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. ■— Bibliography. 5 

Argenicnm case — an — . Dr. H. W. Cbamplin. Med. Adv. XXVII, 4, 261. 

y, , - — an — and patient. Dr. A. A. Clokey. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XLI, 10, 640. 

» €. H. cnre — an — . Dr. J. W. Parker. South. Joura. of Hom. X, 4, 693. 
n — a flymptom of — . Dr. Ella M. Tuttle. Hom. Phys. XII, 1, 29. 
Arsenik-Lahmvngren — Blei- nnd — . Dr. Mossa. Allg. hom. Ztg. 126, 9/10, 65. 
Arseniks — aber die Terbreltvngr deff— nnd seine gerlchtUeli- chemische Nachweisnng 

bei YergriftnngsfSUen. Prof. Lndwig. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. XI, 4/5, 310. 
Atassia locomotrice — nn caso clinlcl dl — . Dr. Cl. W. Butler. Riv. om. XXXYII, 6, 172. 
Artemlsia, abslnthinm and Santonininni — proTings and some of the resnlts obtalned 

from ^. Dr. D. Macfarlan. Hahnem. Month. XXYI, 4, 229. 
Arzneien — homöopathische — ^ ans allopathischen Apotheken. Dr. Muser. Lpz. pop. 

Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 3/4. 33. 
Arinelen — Beinheit der — . Dr. Kunkel. Allg. hom. Ztg. 123, 3/4, 28. 

„ — ein kleiner Beitrag cor Frage bezüglich der Beinheit der — . Apoth. Loevy. 

Archiv f. Hom. I, 1, 26. 
Arzneien — das Terordnen homöopathischer — In Speise und Trank; Dr. Gallavardin. 

AUg. hom. Ztg. 124, 11/12, 88. 
Arzneien — die Zeiten der — . Dr. Jde. AUg. hom. Ztg. 124, 21/22, 165 flg. 
Arzneimittel — ein seltsames und seltener gebravchtes homöopathisches — . Dr. pbil. 

PuhlmaoD. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 3/4, 26. 
Arzneimittel — Materialien zn der Lehre Ton der richtigen Beihenfolge der homöo- 
pathischen — . Dr. Lorbacher, Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aerste X, 1, 1. 
Arzneimittel — über die Nothwendigkelt ernevter Prüfung der — . Dr. Leeser. Allg. 

hom. Ztg. 124, 5/6, 40. 
Arzneimittellehre oder spezielle Pathologie. Dr. Kunkel. Archiv f. Hom. II, 161. 

„ — Tergleichende — in therapentischen Diagnosen, enthaltend die 

Unterschiede der ahnlichen und yerwandten Mittel. Dr. H. Gross und Prof. 

Dr. Hering. Aus dem Englischen bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Dr. Faulwasser. 

Lpz., Marggrafs hom. Offizin. 
Arzneiprüfnngen — die Forderung der nenen Wissenschaft in Bezug auf die Leitung 

TOn — . Dr. C. Wesselhoeft. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aerzte XI, 1, 23. 
Arzneiprüfnngen — die homöopathischen — und Dr. GustaT Wilhelm Gross. Dr. C. 

Schröder. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 3/4. 30. 
Arzneitabletten — mein erster Tersuch mit den homöopathischen ^. Dr. Goullon. 

Allg. hom. Ztg. 123, 15/16, 124. 
Arzte — ein Besuch beim — . Wegw. z. Ges. VI, 9/10, 529. 
Ascaris Inmbricoides, a rare case. Dr. E. 8. BaUey. CUn. XIV, 1, 33. 
Asepsis and antisepsis. Dr. James Krauss. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVIII, 10, 458. 

a and antisepsis — a plea for strlct — in priyate midwlfery practice. Dr. L. L. 

Danforth. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 10, 648. 
Asiatic cholera and its homoeopathie treatment. Dr. 6. S. Amulphy. Clin. XIII, 10, 474. 
n 1, — the mode of propagation of the — . Dr. Sam. Hahnemann. Med. Adv. 

XXIX, 5, 383. 
Asthenopia. Dr. C. W. Enos. Med. Curr. VIT, 11, 516. 

„ — the causes of — . Dr. Roosa. N. York Med. Times XIX, 9, 257. 

Asthma — gegen ^. Dr. Goullon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 19/20, 184. 

« — a few cases of -. Dr. P. B. Percy. N. EngL Med. Gaz. XXVII, 12, 566. 

s — a result of pleuritlc efliislon. Dr. Garnsey. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XLI, 2, 88. 

„ — spasmodic, iUustrated by clinical cases — . Dr. J. R. Day. Montb. Hom. 

Rev. XXXV, 6, 405. 
Asthma- PalliatiT-Mittel — ein — . Dr. phil. Puhlmann. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXn. 21/22, 203* 
Astigmatism. Dr. F. B. Kellogg. Pac. Coast Journ. of Hom. I, 9, 342. 
l' Atassia locomotrice — rimedj per — . Dr. S. Lilienthal. Riv. om. XXXYII, 8, 250. 
Atlantic city in autumn. Dr. M. D. Youngman. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 3, 153. 
Atrophy — progressive muscular — . Dr. Thos. Lowe. Clin. XIII, 2, 58. 
Atropine — the use of — In diseases of the eye. Dr. C. M. Thomas. Hahnem. Month. 

XXVIII, 3, 147. 
Atroplnvergiftung — Tier Falle Ton BilsenkrantTergiftung und ein Fall Ton — . Dr. Pröll. 

Archiv f. Hom. II, 58. 
Auch das stimmt! Prof. Dr. Jäger. Jäger^s Monatsbl. XI, 1, 12. 
Aufsatze — meine zerstreuten — . Prof. Dr. Jäger. Jäger's Monatsbl. XI, 6, 125. 
Auge — das menschliche — . Dr. Lutze. Hahnemannia XXYII, 1, 3 flg. 

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6 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

lagen — künstliche — . Dr. phil. Publmann. Lpc. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 15/16, 145. 
Angr«nentziindangr — die eitrige — der ICengebornen. Dr. G. Scbwabe. Lpz. pop. Ztsehr. 

f. Hom. XXIII, 1/2, 6. 
Aural cAtarrli — gome obserrationg on the treatment of — . Dr. C. 8. Delap. Ued. 

Arena II, 11, 340. 
Anral diseases — soand waTes in the treatment of — . Dr. H. F. Garey. South. Jonro. 

of Hom. IX, 10, 445. 
Anrnm bromidum — its nse in eertain nerrons affections —. Dr. E. M. Haie. Hahnem. 

Month. XXVI, 12, 823. 
Anmm mar. in phthisis. Dr. J. Drzewiecki. Month. Hom. Rev. XILXV, 1. 30. 
Aato-dispensation of the remedies of the new sehool of therapy — some practieal 

obserratlons of the proper character of exipients for — . Dr. F. A. Rockwith. 

N. York Med. Times XIX, 6, 172. 
Anto-Isopatbie. Prof. Dr. J&ger. Jäger^s Monatsbl. XI, 2, 36. 

, — meine bisherigen Erf abrangen aber die -. Dr. Schwärs. Allg. hom. 

Ztg. 123, 23/24. 181. 
Anto-Ison-Therapie — ein Fall cnr — . Dr. Buob. Allg. hom. Ztg. 124, 5/6, 45. 
ATona satlTa. Dr. GouUon. Allg. hom. Ztg. 126, 1/2. 6. 
„ , Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIU, 18/14. 131. 

„ „ and its indicatlons. Dr. H. £. Russell. N. Am. Jonra. of Hom. XXXVIII, 

11, 736. Hom. Reo. VII, 2, 74. 
Arena satira in sleeplessness. A. M. Hart Hom. World XXVIII, 332, 358. 
Azione alternata: Organon 9 U5. Dr. B. Fincke. Riv. om. XXXVIII, 9, 265. 
Babies — Crylng — . Hom. Envoy II, 12, 94. 

s orifleially eonsidered. Dr. H. Lindley. South. Journ. of Hom. XI, 5, 165. 
Baby foods — abont -. Dr. H. Dale. Med. Curr. VIII, 10, 456. 
Bacillinam : its caratiTe power on different diseasei^. Dr. John Young. Hom. Rec. VII, 6, 263 flg. 

» — a partial proTlng of — . Dr. R. Boocock. Hom. Rec. VII, 6, 260. 

Backache — how tO cnre — . Dr. Edward Blake. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 7, 438. 
Bacterial diseases — an aid to the diagnosls of — . F. F. Strong. N. Engl. Med. Gas. 

XXVin, 4, 186. 
Bacterial diseases -7 cnratire treatment of — . Dr. 8. Swan. Hom. Phys. XI, 6, 241. 
Bacteriological diseoTeries — the slgnifleanee of — to the homoeopathie method of 

treatment. Dr. D. P. Maddux. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 2, 81. 
Bacteriologie nnd Homöopathie ^ über die Bexiehnngen zwischen — . Dr. Kr5ner. 

Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, S/4, 26. 
Bacteriology — the Import of — to homoeopathie therapie in general. Dr. W. Y. Cowl. 

N. York Med. Times XIX, 5, 131. 
Bacteriology — the relatlon of homoeopathy to —. Dr. H. Dale. Minn. Hom. Mag. II, 3, 57. 
„ — the relations of homoeopathy to — . Dr. J. Kafka. CaL Hom. IX, 3, 65. 

, — thonghts on — . Pac. Rec. V, 9, 261. 

Bäder nnd Bade-Cnren — aber —. Dr. StifTt. Lps. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 13/14, 129. 
Bakterien als Krankheitserreger — über — . Dr. Haupt. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f.Hom. XXII, 9/10, 81 flg. 
Bakteriologie — inr Geschichte der — . Ernst Hallier. Jager's Monatsbl. XI, 5, 108. 
Balm — an accidental proTing of — of Gilead Bads. Dr. W. C. Stilson. Hom. Phys. XI, 2, 88. 
Bandage — the abdominal -. Dr. H. E. Spalding. N. Eng). Med. Gaz. XXVIII, 10, 449. 
Baptisia tinctoria — arsenicnm albam nnd — gegen typhöse Znstinde. Dr. Goullon. 

Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIt, 1/2, 12. 
Baptisia — on the physiological action and therapentic nses of — . Dr. A. C. Pope. 

Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 10, 618. 
Baptisia tinctoria. Dr. C. Wesselhoeft. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 2, 77. 
Barfnssgehen — das — . Prof. Dr. Jäger. Jager's Monatsbl. X, '9, 169. 
Barlam — an off*hand stndy of the salts of — . Dr. S. A. Jones. Hom. Rec. VI, 1, 1. 
Baryt-Salze — über die — . Dr. Brückner. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 7/8, 66. 
Baryta carbonica in noctnrnal emissions. Dr. P. Wilde. Month. Hum. Rev. XXXVI, 6, 353. 
Barytnm — merkwaardige genezing door — . Hom. Maandbl. II, 7, 31. 
Bazillen — der Kampf gegen die - . Dr. Schier. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 9/10, 79. 
Beckenstellnng - Messung Ton pathologischer — . Dr. Taube. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. 

Aerzte X, 4, 359. 
Bee stlng poison — on the medicinal nses of the ^. Dr. Fernie. Month. Hom. Rev. 

XXXV, 7, 425. Hom. Rec. VI, 5, 209. 
Beaf tea delnslon — the — . Dr. IC, B. Ward. N. York Med. Times XVIII, 10, 294. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 7 

Befruchtnngr — das Wesen der — . Dr. K. F. Jordan. Jäger^s tfonatsbl. XI, 6> 133. 

Bekehrnngen — drei — . Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 17/18, 167. 

Belladonna: A critical analysis of its symtomatology. Dr. J. Sutherland. N. Engl. Med. 

Gta. XXVI, 6, 279. 
Bemerkungen — einige — im Anschluss an Farrington's „Kllnisclie Arzneimittellelire.<< 

Dr. Dahlke. Ztschr. d. Berl. Y. hom. Aerzte XI, 1, 55. 
Beobaelitnngen ans der Praxis. Dr. Huber. Archiv f. Hom. I, 232. 
Betäuben — warnm die Menschen sich — . Dr. phil. Pahlmann. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. 

Hom. XXII, 19/20, 175. 
Betonica aqnatica ~ prorings of — . Dr. E. W. Berridge. Med. Adv. XXYIII, 3, 181. 
Better way - the — . Dr. G. W. Winterbum. Hom. World XXVII, 320, 348. Med. Adv. XXIX, 4, 257. 
Bi-chlorid of mercnry -^ a ease of poisoning from the vse of — as an antiseptlc. 

Dr. Emily M. Thurber. N. EngL Med. Gaz. XXVIII, 1, 33. 
Bicycle riding from a medieal Standpoint. Dr. Carmichael. N. York Med. Times XX, 4, 114. 
Bifida — spinal — Excision of the sac • Dr. 6. F. Shears. Clin. XIV, 8, 379. 
Biliary organs — a contribntion to the diseases of the — . Dr. Th. Kafka. N. Am. Journ. 

of Hom. XXXVni, 3, 152 flg. 
„Bilionsness*^ Dr. F. H. Orme. Med. Cent I, 8, 261. 
Bilsenkrantrergiftnng — rier Fälle Ton ^ nnd ein Fall Ton AtrepinTergiftvng. 

Dr. PrÖll. Archiv f. Hom. II, 58. 
Biochemie — theoretisches cn Dr. Schfissler's —. Dr. Qaesse. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. 

Aerzte XI, 3. 193 flg. 
Biologist — the — as practitioner. Dr. Cliff. Mitchel. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 5, 313. 
Bittermandelwasser — fiber die „narkotische^^ Wirkung des — . Dr. Taabe. Ztschr. d. 

BerL V. hom. Aerzte XI, I, 45. 
Bladder — the eure of rectal — kidney and other diseases by oriflcial methods. 

Dr. J. H. Hallock. People's Health Journ. VII, 8, 2. 
Bladder — stone in the — remoyed through the vagina. Dr. Jno. K James. Hahnem. 

Month. XXVI, 1, 33. 
Blasencatarrh — Coocionena gegen — . Hahnemannia XII, 137. 
Blatta Orientalis. Dr. D. N. Ray. Hom. Rec VI, 5, 193. 

, „ ein wichtiges Asthma - Mittel. Uebers. von Dr. Brückner. Allg. hom. 

Ztg. 124, 3/4, 22. 
Blatta Orientalis sam et vigtlgt Asthma-Mittel. Maan. f. Hom. XIX, 2, 9 flg. 
Blindhed — homopatisk hjaelp red plndselig — . Dr. GouUon. Maan. f. Hom. XIX, 5, 33. 
Bllndness caused by alcohol and tobaoco. Dr. C. H. VUas. Clin. XII, 2, 69. 
Blitikrant — das — . Dr. phil. Puhlmann. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIV, 1/2, 8. 
Blood pressure. Dr. William BaUey. N. York Med. Times XXI, 6, 170. 
Blutbildende — die — und prophylaktische Eigenschaft der Chromwasserbehandlnng 

bei venerischen Cleschwuren. Dr. E. Güntz. Archiv f. Hom. II, 375. 
Boards wanted — no examining — . Dr. H. N. Keener. Med. Cent. I, 9, 311. 
Bocaux — la federation des — . Dr. G. Sieffert. L'hom. pop. IV, 65, 292. 
Bodily heat through nerrous Impulse — the sustentationj^ of — . Dr. C. E. Laning. 

N. York Med. Times XIX, 5, 133. Clin. XII, 6, 269. 
Bohnenkaffeegenuss — fiber den — . Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 19/20, 178. 
Boenninghausen's therapeutic pocket-book — the use of — . Dr. T. F. Allen. Hom. 

Rec. VIII, 2, 55. 
Boracic aeid Tcrsus nitrate of sÜTcr. Dr. W. Simpson. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 3, 648. 
Borax. Med. Adv. XXX, 1, 1. 

, case — a — . Dr. Alf. Heath. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 5, 318. 

„ — glycerite of — in diarrhoea of Infants. Med. Curr. IX, 3. 125. 

„ — sul valore relatlTO dei slntomi con alcune osservazioni su ^. Dr. di Bonning- 

hausen. Kiv. om. XXXVII, 2, 33. 
Borderlanders — the treatment of — . Dr. S. H. Talcott. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXIX, 5. 297. 
Boycotting — medieal in belgium. Dr. Lambreghts Jr. Hom. World XXVI, 311, 487. 
Brain and nerves ~ the — . Thelr diseases and derangements. Dr. R. J. Brown. Med. 

Curr. IX, 9, 421. 
Breasts — the proper management of the — in gestation preparatory to lactation. 

Dr. J. K. Sanders. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIL 9, 594. 
Brechmittel — ein neues! — . Lpz. pop. Ztschr. t Hom. XXIII, 13/14, 125. 
Bright's Disease. Dr. H. K. Dunkley. Med. Curr. VIII, 2, 69. 

;, n can be cnred. Dr. E. G. Cook. PeopJe's Health Journ. VII, 8, 1. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

8 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Brigrht'8 Disease cured with one dose of pyrogen cmm. Dr. IMllingham. Med. Adv. 

XXVII, 5, 367. 
British homoeopathic congress. tfonth. Hom. Rev. XXXVII, 11, 643. 

n repertory — introdiictioii to the — . DDr. Drysdale and Atkin. Montb. Hom. 
Rev. X3CXV, 6, 382. 
British homoeopathic soclety. Presidential Address at the Close of Session 1890/91. Dr. R. £. 

DndgeoD. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXY, 8, 493. 
British homoeopathic soclety — the fatnre of the — . C. Knox Shaw. Month. Hom. 

Rev. XXXVI, 8, 455. 
Bronchi ~ forelgrn bodles in the — . Three cases. Dr. H. E. Spalding. N. Engl. Med^ 

Gaa. XXVIII, 3 120. 
Bronchitis In a new blrth — a case of capillary — . Dr. R. K. Valentine. N. Am. Joam. 

of Hom. XL, 4. 231. 
Bronchitis — on — and its complication in children. Dr. D. D. Wright. N. Engl. Med. 

Gaz. XXVII, 2, 72. 
Bruchband — das — der Zukunft. Dr. Neusch&fer. Allg. hom. Ztg. 125, 3/4, 27. 
Brustfellentifindnngr. Wegw. z. Ges. VI, 17/18, 564. 
Bryonia. Agrricola. Hom. World XXVII, 320, 375. 

alba. J. T. Kent Riv. om. XXXVII, 8, 227. 
„ — the action of - in Meni^re's disease. Dudley Wright. Month.^ Hom. 

Rev. XXXV, 3, 189. 
Bryonia in the constipation of seafarers. F. G. Wotton. Hom. World XXVII, 317, 213. 
„ — eine origrlnelle Benutzung von — zu Heilzwecken. Dr. Goullon. Lpz. pop. 
Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 9/10, 89. 
Bryonia gegen Kniegeschwulst. Dr. Goullon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 7/8, 72. 
„ — the physiology of the clewing motlon of — ., Dr. J. C. Morgan. Hahnenu 
Month. XXVI, 1, 31. 
Bryonia — a study of — . Dr. J. T. Kent. South. Joum. of Hom. IX, 8, 313. 
— eine Studie über — . Dr. J. T. Kent. Archiv f. Hom. I, 161. 
„ and nnx vomica. Dr. A. G. Allan. Med. Adv. XXVI, A, 278. 
Burying places — the dangers in intra-mural — . Dr. J. E. Gilman. Clin. XII, 9, 410. 
€acao — der — . Dr. phil. Puhlmann. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 21/22, 200. 
€actus grandiflorus. Hom. Rec. VII, l, 23. 

Dr. B. M. Haie. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 7, 459. 
as a Substitute for digltalis. Dr. A. K. Hills. N. York Med. Times 
XVIII, 10, 295. 
Cactus grandiflorus. Kotes from a lecture. Prof. J. T. Kent. Med. Adv. XXIX, 2. 123. 
, note da una lezione. Prof. J. T. Kent Riv. om. XXXVIII, 7,' 196. 
Caisson disease. Dr. N. C. Kemp. Clin. XIII, i, 25. 

Calcarea carbonica. ,— A warning. — Dr. R. T. Cooper. Hom. World XXVIII, 325, 11. 
fluorica. Dr. G. P. Haie. Riv. om. XXXVII, 5, 155. 
„ — ostrearum — . Dr. A. Mc Neil. Hom. Phys. XII, 3, 100. 

ostrearum — un studio su — . Dr. A. Mc Neil. Riv. om. XXXVIII, 3, 73. 
sulphurata oder hepar sulphnris calcareum, Kalkschwefelleber und Snlphur 
— therapeutischer Unterschied zwischen — . Dr. Goullon. Allg. hom. Ztg. 124, 
17/18, 137. 
Calciflcation of the aortic valves. Dr. P. R. Watts. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 10, 470. 
Calcutta homoeopathic charitable dispensary — report of the — for the year 1891/92. 

Nr. VIII. Calcutta: Printed at the Newton Press, 79, 3, Cornwallis Street. 1892. 
Calendula. Dr. R. T. Cooper. Hom. World XXVII, 315, 109 flg. 

: Its epitome. Agricola. Hom. World XXVII, 314. 71. 

Offlcinalis: Its action, espicially in cases of obstinate deafness. Dr. R. T. 

Cooper. Hom. World XXVI, 302, 63 flg. 

Calendula — an accldental proving of — . Dr. J. H. Clarke. Hom. World XXVI, 808, 355. 

and Carduus mar — notes on — . Dr. E. A. Cook. Hom. World XXVI, 304, 150. 

California — the climate of southern — in relatlon to disease. Dr. W. A. Edwards. 

Northw. Journ. of Hom. IV, 6, 167. 
Camphor bromide. Dr. T. Cooper. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 7, 447. 

in urinary diseases. Dr. J. Thornley. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 10, 647. 
Canary Islands — the — as a health resort. Dr. J. W. Hayward. Month. Hom. Rev. 

XXXVII, 1, 6. 
Cancer. Dr. J. R. Jones. Hom. World XXVII, 328, 503. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — - Bibliography. 9 

Ctncer ^ le — . Dr. H. Goullon. L^hom. pop. IV, 75, 122. 

— dn — . Dr. H. Goullon. Trad. du Dr. Chevalier. Rer. hom. beige XVIII, 1, 5. 
,. ; its etiologry and treatment. Dr. W. L. Rodmau. N. York Med. Times XXI, 9, 257. 

ease — a — . Dr. D. Ridpatb. Hom. World XXVII, 824, 542. 
„ , congumption, leprosy, smailpox and raccinatlon. Dr. Alf. Heath. Hom. World 
XXVI, 309, 404. 
Cancer evred with the high potencles. Dr. J. H. Allen. Ifed. Adv. XXVII, 5. 357; Riv. 

om. XXXVII, 12, 353. 
Cancer of the rectum. Dr. £. A. Murphy. South. Jonm. of Hom. IX, 11, 471. 

of rectum. Excision. BecoTery. Dr. J. M. Mathews. N. York Med. Times XXI, 
6, 178. 
Cancer — on the adTlsabllity of operating for — . Dr. S. F. Wicox. N. Am. Joum. of 

Hom. XXXVIII, 4. 247. 
Cancer — dn traltement dn — par la slllce. Trad. du Dr. Wuillot Rey. hom. beige 

XIX, 5, 136. 
Cancer — symmetrica! mammary — . Dr. G. A. Hall. Clin. XIII, 7, 317. 

and arsenic. Hom. Rec. VII, l, 24. 
Cancerovs uterns ^ raginal extirpation of the — . Dr. R. Ludlam. Clin. XII. 12, 560. 
Cannabis indlea. Dr. Mossa. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aerzte X, 4. 317. 

— resnlt of an overdose of — . Dr. A. L. Martin. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 

10, 718. 

Cannes et son elimat. Dr. Gruzu. Rev. hom. beige XVIII, 10, 301. 
Cantharldate of potash — the — . Hom. World XXVI, 307, 319. 
Cantharidin — das Liehreich'sche — . Dr. GonUon. AUg hom. Ztg. 123, 3/4, 29. 
Cantharis cnre — what did —1 Dr. F. Kraft. Hom. Phys. XII. 4. 157. 
Capezioli rOTesclati — an easo di — . Dr. A. Mc Neil. Riv. om. XXXVIII, 4. 115. 
Carbo Tegetabills. Dr. 8. L. Guild-Leggett. Riy. om. XXXVI, li, 348. 
Dr. J. T. Kent. Riv. om. XXXVI, 8, 227. 

„ — vn caso de — . Dr. H. W. Champhin. Riv. om. XXXVr, 2, 60. 

Carbolic acid and cholera. Dr. R. K. Ghosh. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. XXXVIII, 4, 240. 

„ in intermittent fever. Dr. R. K. Ghosh. Med. Adv. XXVI, 4, 249. 
Carbnncle. Dr. J. N. Lowe. Hom. Phys. XIII, 1, 23. 

Carcinoma — therapentics of — . Dr. Cowperthwaite. Med. Curr. VII, 10, 481. 
Cardiae tonics and stimnlants. Dr. A. K. Crawford. N. York Med. Times XX, 4, 115. 
Carditis — therapentics of aonte — . Dr. A. K. Crawford. N. York Med. Times XVIII, 

11, 329. 

Carduus marianus. Dr. Dudgeon. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 8, 164. 
Dr. H. Kunze. Hom. Phys. XI, 5, 221. 
„ „ 9 — the therapentic value of — , and turpentlne in gall stones. 

Dr. H. T. Miller. N. York Med. Times XIX, 6, 174. 
Carlsbad — a few words abont — . Dr. Th. Kafka. Hom. World XXVII, 318, 257 flg. 

„ — zwei Sinne durch — wiedergewonnen. Dr. Goullon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. 
XXIII. 11/12, 108. 
Camet d'un vleux medecin. Dr. Zed. L'hom. pop. IV, 65, 292 flg. 

Cas pratique — un — . Dr. F. Derch. Trad. du Dr. Wiullot Rev. hom. beige XX, 6, 170. 
Case — another given-np — . Dr. W. G. Mc Mahon. Am. Hom. XVII, 11, 383. 
„ — a — , and its lessons. Dr. G. E. Clark. Mion. Hom. Mag. I, 4, 81. 
„ — a remarkable — . Dr. de Laureal. South. Joum. of Hom. IX, 12, 507. 
„ — „ „ — . Dr. C. T. Riley. Med. Adv. XXVI, 5, 351. 

Cases - a few — . Dr. T. S. Hoyne. Clin. XII, 11, 505. 

, — a few suggestive — . Dr. R H. Pratt. Hahnem. Month. XXV, 7, 453. 
„ fi-om practice. Dr. G. F. Coutant. CUn. XIII, 5, 209. 

» . » — flve — . Dr. AUJson Clokby. People's Health Joara. VII, 8, 2. 

, — some acute — . Dr. S. J. Henderson. Med. Adv. XXIX. 5. 353. 
Caso peculiare — un — . Dr. Alice B. Campbell. Riv. om. XXXVII, 6, 186. 
s raro ~ un — paralisi traumatica delle estremitk destre, ceciti ed afasia. Dr. 
T. D. Stow. Riv. om. XXXIX, 1, 21. 
Cat — the Sport of the — is fatal to mise. Dr. C. Kunkel. Hom. Rec. VI, 4. 150. 
Cataiepsy — a case of — cured by ni^a. Dr. F. R WilUaras. Hahnem. Month. XXVII. 4, 245. 
Cataraet extraction, a new Operation. Dr. J. F. Green. South. Jonm. of Hom. IX, 10, 441. 
, — the medical treatment of — . Dr. Grob. Med. Curr. VIII, 1, 33. 
. — three cases of traumatic — . Dr. Beaumont. Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 1, 9. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

10 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Catarrh and its seqnels from the itandpoint of the greneral practitioner. Dr. Cope- 

land. N. Am. Jottrn. of Hom. XL, 7. 459. 
Catarrh — therapeuties of grastro-enterie — with mental aberration. Dr. Sophia Pen- 

field. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 3, 154. 
Catarrhal sore-throat ~ aeate -. Dr. Braden. South. Journ. of Hom. XT, 6, 215. 

s notes f^om an active medlcal practice. Dr. E. 8. Francia. Med. Gurr. VII, 

8, 139 flg. 
€atarro epidemico — patogenesi del — e sua cvra. Dr. V. Ifassimi. Teramo 1890. 
Ganses and effeets. Dr. C. 8. Eldridge. N. York Med. Times XYin, 12, 353. 
Canstlenms helbredende Yirkning. Dr. Goullon. Maanedsakrift f. Hom. XVII, 9, 65. 
Canstlcvm in larjrngreal alTeetions. Dr. W. W. van Baun. Hahnem. Month. XXYI, 2. 108. 
Ceanothvs case — a — . Dr. J. L. Person. Hahnem. Month. XXYIII, 11, 710. 
Cedron in neuralgla. Dr. A. 8. Alexander. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 6, 354. 
Cenchris contortrix. Dr. Steinrauf. Hom. Phys. XII, 4, 178. 
CentralnerTengygtems — die homöop. Behandlvng der Erkrankungen des — . Dr. Villers. 

Archiv II. 225. AUg. hom. Ztg. 127. 13/14. 97. 
CentralTerein Deutschlands — der homöopathische — in Stuttgart, August 1892. Dr. 

ViUers. Archiv f. Hom. I, 249. 
CentralTcreines — die JahresTcrsammlung des — 1898. Dr. Villers. Archiv f. Hom. II, 257. 
Cephalalgia. Dr. F. W. Patch. N. Engl. Med. Qas. XXVII, 6, 263. 

Cerebellum — three cases of disease of the — . Dr. Gl. Bartlett. Hahnem. Month. XXYI, 2. 97. 
Certa und Dubia in der Homöopathie. Dr. Dudgeon. Archiv f. Hom. I. 38. 
Cervical glands — the surgieal treatment of enlarged — . Dr. G. F. Shears. Clin. XIII, 

8, 373 flg. 
Cervical lacerations — some thoughts on — . Dr. C. E. Fisher. South. Journ. of Hom. 

X, 2, 599. 
Cervix — ampntation of the lacerated — versus Emmet's Operation. Dr. Ostrom. N. 

Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 4, 178. 
Cervix — laeeration of the — . Dr. W. C. Bichardson. Sonth. Journ. of Hom. X. 10. 951. 
n Tagina and perineum — the early repair of lacerations of the — . Dr. W. C. 

Bichardson. Med. Cent. I, 10, 336. 
Cervix - abrasion and ulceration of the os and —. Dr. J. 8. Martin. Am. Hom. XVII, 3, 96. 
„ uteri — dislatation of the — . Dr. J. A. Freer. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 1, 34. 
, , (I) _ laeeration of the — cured by homoeopathic treatment. Dr. Quacken- 

bush. Hom. Phys. XII, 11, 516. 
„Chair< of materia medica made usefuU. Dr. J. G. Schmitt Med. Adv. XXVIII, 4. 284. 
Characteristics — general — . Hom. Envoy II. 12, 93. 
„Characteristics«, „key notes*< and „guiding symptoms'S together with ellnlcal 

Observatlons. Dr. A. C. Clifton. Month. Hom. Bev. XXXVII, 1, 27 ffg. 
Chelidonium mi^us and hydrocele. Dr. B. K. Ghosh. Hahoem. Month. XXVI, 4, 281. 
Chemische Empfindlichkeit und Homöopathie. Dr. phil. Puhlmann. Lpz. pop. Ztsehr. f. 

Hom. XXII, 23/24, 217. 
Chicago — proceedings of the provers union and materia medica club of — . Dr. J. 

B. 8. King. Med. Adv. XXVII, 4. 279. 
Childhood — the faults of developments of — . Dr. C. S. Morley. Hahnem. Month. XXVI. 

10, 701. 
Childhood — the sexual hygiene of — . Dr. Fouion. South. Journ. of Hom. XI, 6, 233. 
Children — diseases of — . Dr. Denver. Med. Adv. XXIX, 2, 142 

, _ the — and the doctor. Dr. J. J. Shaw. N. Engl. Med. Qai. XXVI, 12, 575. 
, — physical diagnosis of diseases of — . Dr. Eloise A. Sears. N. Engl. Med. 

Gas. XXVIII, 8, 863. 
Chininum snlphuricum, a study. Dr. £. C. Price. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 12, 504. 
Chirurgia e medicina. Dr. Bonino. L'om. in It. XVIII, 27. 

Chirurgici — casi — cured omiopaticamente. Dr. Fincke. Kiv. om. XXXVII. ll, 337. 
Chirurgico — casi clinicl con intervento — . Dr. Dematteis. L'om. in It. XVIII, 15. 
Chloroform narcosis — anal dilatation in — . Dr. C. E. Fisher. South. Jonrn. of Hom. 

IX, 9, 360. 
Chloroform, in child-birth. Dr. Ballard. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 7, 290. 

, — death foUowlng administratlon of — . Dr. B. O. Phillips. N. Am. Journ. 

of Hom. XXXVIII, 8, 164. 
Chloroform in obstetrics — a plea for the more fi-equent use of — . Dr. J. F. Baldwin. 

Pac. Rec V. 4, 113. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 11 

CUoroform treatment in typhoid foTer. Dr. Hepp. Hom. Phys. XI, 4, 181. 
Cholera — die — . Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 17/18, 159 flg. 
, — the -. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 10, 581. 

s — Agiatic — and its homoeopathic treatment. Dr. Arnulphy. Clin, xni, 10, 474. 
! , — , — another remedy for — . Dr. A. K. Crawfopd. Med. Cent. I, 8, 265. 
n — , — the Prophylaxis of — . Dr. J. B. Gilman. CUn. XIII, 9, 409. 
n — n — the mode of propagation of the — . Dr. 8. Habnemann. Med. Adv. 
XXIX, 5, 383. 
Cholera — Asiat ic. Dr. Morrisson. Hom. World XXVII, 824, 551. 
n Asiatica. Dr. Ed. Furnias. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 10. 657. 
. n Is it eomingrl Dr. P. L. Hatcb. Minn. Hom. Mag. II, 1, 1. 

, — Indian — . Dr. H. N. Avery. N. York lled. Times XX, 12, 865. 
« — earbolie acid and — . Dr. R K. Ghosb. M.'Am. Joum. of Hom. XXXVIII, 4, 240. 
» — the therapeatlc treatment of — . Dr. A. K. Crawford. Clin. XIII, 10, 462. 
„ — addendum alla solnzione dell'enigma del — del Prof. Jaeger. B. Fincke. 
Riv. om. XXXIX, 1, 25. 
Cholera and its management. Dr. A. J. Prench. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVIII, li, 517. 
, — remarks on — . Dr. L. Hailock. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 11, 713. 
. — was ist diel — Prof. Dr. Jager. J&gers MonatsbL XII, 2, 27. 
» — der Kampher und die — . Prof. Dr. Jäger. Jäger's MonatsbL XI, 12, 255. 
» nnd Schnlmediiin. Prof. Dr. Jäger. Jägei's MonatsbL XI, 11, 229. 
, : its prerention and treatment. Dr. Eimer Lee. Minn. Hom. Mag. II, 8, 202. 
, — proTings and their relation to — . Dr. Cbarles Mohr. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 10, 669. 
„ — OTer de behandeling der — . Prof. Schulz. Hom. Maandbl. III, 11, 43. 
„ — die — and ihre schnelle nnd sichere Heilung durch die Homöopathie. Nach 
den neuesten und besten Erfahrungen susammengestellt. Dr. Willmar Schwabens aHomoo- 
pathiscbe Hausbibliothek«' Nr. 5. 8. Aufl. 50 Pfig. 
Cholera — de — en hare homoeopathische behandeling. Dr. Voorhoeve. Uitgegeven 
door de vereeniging tot bevordering der homoeopathie in Nederluid. Z volle. La Rivifere 
A Voorhoeve. 1893. 
Cholera — Beobachtungen lur Hamburger — . Habnemannia 3892, 10. 114. 
» — Heilung der — . Prof. Dr. Jäger. Jäger's MonatsbL XII, 2, 32. 

items. Hom. World XXVII, 323, 489. 
„ — die — ; Hassnahmen und homoop. Behandlung. Allg. hom. Ztg. 125, Extra- Nr. 
, — resultaten Tan de homoeopathische behandeling der —. Hom. MaandbL III, 

10, 40. IV, 1, 2. 
» — a Phase of — Hom. Rec. VI, 5, 205. 
• , science and quarantaine. Hom. Envoy IV, 1, 4. 
Cholera d'Hamhourg — obserTations sur l'epidemie du —. Rev. hom. beige XIX, 11, 339. 
„ morbus — traitement homoeopathique du — . Dr. van den Bergbe. L'Union bom.IV, 3, 94. 
Cholera - behandeling — beschanwingen OTcr homoeopathische leekenpraktijk en — . 

Dr. Kallenbacb. Hom. Maandbl. IV, 9, 39. 
Cholerabehandlung — Allopathie und Homöopathie in der — . Dr. Atzerodt. Arcbiv 

f. Hom. II. 65. 
Cholera-Epidemie — Nachklange zur Hamburger ~. Dr. E. A. Lutze. Hahnem. 1892, 10, 113. 
Choierafrage — zur — . AUg. hom. Ztg. 127, 11/12. 91. 
Choleragefahr — die — und das preussische Kultusministerium. Prof. Dr. Jager. Jib'er's 

MonatsbL XI, 10, 205. 
Cholera -Bäthsels ~ die Lösung des — : „Ist Cholera ansteckend t<^ Prof. Dr. Jäger. 

Jäger's MonatsbL XII, 1, 1. Allg. hom. Ztg. 126, 1/2, 1 flg. 
Cholera -Bithsels - Prof. Br. Jäger*s Lösung des — : „Ist Cholera ansteckend!« 

Dr. Haupt. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aerzte XII, 2. 163. 
Cholera-Bäthsels — meine Lösung des — Prof. Dr. Jäger. Jäger's MonatsbL XII, 9, 157 flg. 
Cholera-Bathsel — das — . Nachtrag. Prof. Dr. Jäger. Jäger's MonatsbL XII, 2, 21. 
Cholera infantum. Dr. N. C. Kemp. Clin. XII, 8. 360. 

„ n Dr. W. A. Minick. Med. Arena II, 7. 208. 

„ , Dr. A. J. Ravold. Med. Arena II, 7, 201. 

n II f entero - Colitis , or summer dlarrhoea of children. Dr. J. H. Sher- 

man. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXV, 7, 314. 
Cholera infantum. Dr. Steinrauf. Hom. Phys. XI, 12, 470. 

n Dr. M. A. Wilson. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 12, 788. 

Chorea. J. Drummond. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVII, 3, 142. 

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12 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Chorea — antimonliiiii ervdnm in — . Dr. M. Jousset. Hom. World XXYni, 885, 10. 

y, : Stramonlum. Med. Adv. XXVI, 4, 257. 
Christian leience, allopathy, homoeopatliy. Hom. Envoy III, 4, 28. 
Chromophytosis. Dr. E. Lippincott South. Joum. of Hom. X, 1, 567. 
Chronic diseases forees, or miasms. Dr. Edward Craoch. Hom. Phys. XII, 4, 130. 

„ and olmenre diseases — a study of -. Dr. C. E. Laning. Hahnem. Montb. XXVU, 7. 449. 
, diseases — some thongrhts on the flrst Tolume of the — . Dr. 8. LUientfaal. 
Am. Hom. XVII. 5. 163. 
Chronic diseases — remarks on — . E. Mahony. Hom. World XXYIII, 827, 107 flg. 

, „ cnred — cases of — alnmen in obstinate eonstipation. Dr. Tb. Skinaer. 

Med. Adv. XXVir. 4, 249. XXVIII, 4, 293. 
Chronic ecsema: Petrolenm. Dr. B. L. B. Baylies. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 2, 88. 

„ forms of disease — the superiority of hemoeopathic medical treatment in — . 

Hom. League Tracts nr. 38. 

Chronic sore throat, or follicnlar disease of the pharynx. Its local and constitvtional 

treatment , with special chapters on the art of breathingr and hy griene of the 

TOice. Dr. B. B. Sbuldbam. Seeond Edition. E. Gould A Son, London. 1 s. 6 d. 

Chronischen Krankheiten — snr Aetiologrie der — . Dr. Lorbacber. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. 

hom. Aerzte XI, 1, 1. 
Chylnria — ease of — . Dr. H. W. Tbomas. Montb. Hom. R«v. XXXV, 3, 179. 
Cicvta Tirosa — poisoning by — . Dr. Stonham. Montb. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 9, 545. 
Cina. Dr. Tb. WUdes. Hom. Pbys. XII, 4, 156. 

» — rhenmatic ferer: -. Dr. K. Farley. Med. Adv. XXVI, 2, 87. 
Cineraria maritima in catarrh — some clinical Teriflcation of — . Dr. Jobn ArscbagounL 

N. York Med. Times XIX, 6, 178. 
Cirenmcision. Dr. H. E. Russell Habnem. Montb. XXVII, 1, 28. 

, TS. dilatation. Dr. T. E. Linn. Med. Cent I, 11, 364. 

n — a Jewish — . Dr. B. Lippinoott Soutb. Joum. of Hom. X, 8, 847. 

, .. , , — . J. H. Bbaw. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVII, 8, 886. 

ClaTicle — extirpation of the -. Dr. 6. T. Sbears. Clin. XIII, 7, 326. 
Climacteric period — the cavses of snffering at the. Dr. B. F. Betts. Med. Adv. XXIX, 5, 379. 
, — signiflcant diseharges at the — in reference to diagnosis and treatment. 

Dr. L. F. Potter. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVUI, 2. 84. 
Climate cnre — the ~. Dr. T. C. Duncan. Med. Adv. XXVU, 2, 97. 
Climates of Kansas , Colorado , New • Mexico and Texas. Dr. F. W. Seward. Med. Curr. 

Vin, 2, 68. 
Clinical case - a — . Dr. E. W. Berridge. Montb. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 4, 250. 
„ — , — . Dr. B. A. Cole. Med. Curr. VIII, 3, 114. 
. , — „ — . Dr. PomplU. Med. Adv. XXVI, 2, 144. 

„ , — , — . Dr. J. W. Tbomson. Med. Adv. XXVI, 1, 22. 

„ cases. Dr. B. L. B. Baylies. Med. Adv. XXVI, 1, 53. 
Dr. R. E. Beldlng. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 5, 857. 
, r, Dr. E. W. Berridge. Hom. World XXVU, 320, 864 flg. 

„ „ Dr. T. H. Carmichael. N. York Med. Times XVIU, 11, 337. 

, with comments. Dr. B. Fincke. Med. Adv. XXVU, 6, 401. 
C. W. St. John. Med. Adv. XXVU, 1, 60. 
• « , Dr. Jronsides. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 4, 290. 

„ y, Dr. KunkeL Hom. Rec VIII, 11, 497. 

Dr. WiU. Lamb. Montb. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 10, 649. 
„ , Dr. Ledyard. Hom. Phys. XII, 1, 10. 

, „ and comments. Dr. W. E. Leonard. Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 1, 1. 

, „ - six — . Dr. P. H. Lutze. Hom. Pbys. XI, 6, 256. 

» „ Dr. Madden. Montb. Hom. Rev. XXXVI. 4, 197. 

, , and their relation to the miasms. Dr. S. Seward. Med. Adv. XXVU, 6. 439. 

» , — some — . Dr. Sarah N. Smith. Am. Hom. XVU, 2, 65. 

, y, Dr. Tomhagen. Med. Adv. XXVU, 5, 382. 

, „ — two — . Dr. Tomhagen. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 4, 258. 

. , Dr. B. H. van Deusen. Habnem. Montb. XXVI, 5, 315. 

, , in obstetrics. Dr. W. R. Welch. Clin. XII, 1, 33. 

a experienee ^ some — . Dr. J. H. Jaekson. Hom. Phys. XII, 4, 159. 
y, extracts from foreign Jovrnals. Dr. C. S. Stettier. Clin. XIV. 8, 873. 
, fiMts. Dr. E. Mahony. Med. Adv. XXVI, 2, 107. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Bibliogfraphie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 13 

Cllnical homoeopathy T8. allopathy in the sonth. Dr. Amesbury. N. Am. Joura. of 

Hom. XXXVIII, 8, 167. 
Clinical items. Agrrlcola. Hom. World XXVI. 805, 207. 

y, , Dr. J. N. Lowe, Med. Adv. XXVIII. 1, 20. 

, lectnre — a — . Prof. Hawkes. Clin. XIII, 8, 97. 

„ medioine. Dr. W. W. French. South. Jovaen, of Hom. IX, 9. 849. 

. methods and resnlts. -Dr. J. G. Gilchrist. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 9, 598. - 

« medieine. Dr. M. I). Lummis. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVI. 7, 837. 

, „ — illustratlong and gnccess in — . Dr. Ostrander. Pac Coaat Joum. 

of Hom. I, 11, 431. 
Clinical medieine of homoeopathy. Dr. W. A. Seibert. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 11, 765. 

, note. Dr. W. Lamb. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 8, 531. 

9 notes, Dr. Ascot Hom. Phys. X, 2, 66. 

» . Dr. W. H. Holcomb. South. Journ. of Hom. X, I. 543. 

„ Dr. W. H. Leonard. Med. Adv. XXVI, 2, 102. 

„ „ Dr. J. N. Lowe. Med. Adv. XXVI, 2, 105. 

„ „ Dr. G. M. Ockford. South. Joorn. of Hom. X, 12, 1030. 

, „ Dr. Sutfin. Med. Adv. XXVI, 2, 141. 

, , Hom. World XXVI, 308, 108. 

, , from Ward'8 Island hospltal. Dr. H. M. Patten. N. York Med. Times 

XIX, 3, 81 flg. 
Clinical and pathogenetlc notes. Dr. E. W. Berridge. Hom. Phys. XI, 5, 218. 

„ and therapentic notes. Dr. A. C. Clifton. . Hahnem. Month. XXXV, 12, 781 flg. 

„ Obseryations. Dr. T. D. Stow. Med. Adv. XXVII, 5, 347. 

„ reports. Dr. J. W. DiU. Med. Arena II, 11, 336. 

n n Dr. Hesse. Med. Adv. XXVII, 2, 92. 

» Stvdies. Dr. 8. M. Smith. Am. Hom. XVII, 10, 352. 

„ study — the adrantage of — . Dr. G. T. Stewart. N. York Med. Times XIX, 4, 100. 

, snggestions — a few — . Dr. R. Ludlam Jr. Clin. XIIT, 5, 212. 
Cllniclie — note — . Dr. J. T. Kent. Riv. om. XXXVI, 2, 52. 
Cliniel — casi -. Dr. J. T. Kent. Rlv. om. XXXVI, 11, 327. 

„ — casi — con commenti. Dr. Fincke. Riv. om. XXXVIII, 5, 129. 
9 — dne casi — . Dr. Parroco. Riv. om. XXXVII, 8. 225. 

» — fl » — . Phosphoins. Calcarea. Dr. Tomhagen. Riv. om. XXXVIII, 4, 121. 
Clinlcs. Dr. B. B. Nash. Med. Adv. XXVI, 2, 118. 
Cliniqne de l'höpital 8t. Jacqnes. Dr. P. Jousset. L^hom. pop. IV, 68, 37 flg. 

„ — eanserie — . Dr. Marüny. L'hom. pop. IV, 66, 16. 
CUb-food — traitement of — . Dr. C. L. Humsey. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 8, 527. 
Cocalna — sobre los pellgros de la — . M. Dufoumier. La ref. med. IL £p. T. IV, 13, 653. 
Coeaine. An accidental proving. Dr. J. H. Allen. Med. Curr. VII, 10, 473. 

, : Accidental provlng. Dr. H. A. Atwood. Med. Adv. XXVII, 6, 467. 

„ poisonlng. Dr. Galloway. Med. Arena II, 9, 289. 

„ A study. Dr. A. F. Storke. Med. Curr. VII, 11, 512. 

n — a plea for the more frequent use of — in mi^or Operations. Dr. C V. 
Viacher. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 7, 473. 
Coccnlns Indiens ^ the nervons Symptoms of — . Dr. K P. Colby. N. Engl. Med. Gas. 

XXVII, 9, 422. 
Coccns caeti in whooping eonglu Dr. N. Cash. Med. Adv. XXVI, 2. 9A. 
Coeliotomy at fabiola. Dr. J. W. Ward. Pac. Coast Joum. of Hom. I, 11, 437. 
Coenr — nn cas de maladie ehroniqne da — . Dr. Mersch. Rev. hom. beige XIX, 2, 36. 
Coffea'.cruda in ennresis. Dr. J. C. White. - Hom. Phys. XII, 1, 14. 
Colchicnm. Dr. J. T. Kent Riv. om. XXXVI, 10, 300. 

„ antnmnale. Dr. Puhlmann. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 21/22, 205. 

, : its pathogenesy as related to Cholera. Dr. J. P. Sutherland. N. Engl. Med. 
Gac. XXVII, 11, 5ia 
.Cold in the head ^ traitement for a — . Hom. Envoy II, 2, 12. 

CoUc — rapid relief of — trom aconite. Dr. St. WUde. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 11, 729. 
Colic — infantile — , why so difflcnlt to eure. Dr. E. T. Adams. Med. Adv. XXVII, 5, 377. 
CoUeges -^ the duties and responsibilities of homoeopathic — . . Dr. J. G. Talbot. 

Hahnem. Month. X^SVI, 7, 461. • 

CoUinsonia canadensis. Dr. F. S. Smith. Hom. Reo. VI, 8, 101. 
Colocynthls-Heilnng. Dr. GouUon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr f. Hom. XXIII, 21/22, 211. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

14 Bibliographie — Bibliograpliie. — Bibliography. 

Colon doucho — a new vse for the — . Ihr. A. L. Monroe. South. Jonrn. of Hom. IX, 9, 410. 
Colotomy — notes on the positlon of — as a palliatiTe Operation. G. Knox Shaw. 

Montb. Hom. Rev. XXXTII, 3, 157. 
Commentarl all* orgrano: eertecca dell' omlopatia. § 121. Dr. B. Fincke. Riv. om. 

XXXVIII. 8, 66. 
Commentarien ium Orgranon. Dr. Fincke. Archiv f. Hom. II, 129 flg. 
Commenti on dellnqnent snbscrlbers. Dr. J. Hall. Hom. Phys. XI, 8, 386. 
Commnnatlngr digease — maynetlc or psyehologrical Inflaence in —. Dr. C. E. Jarvis. 

Med. Ady. XXX, 3, 88. 
Complexlon and Constitution. Hom. Phys. XIII, 9, 462. 
Compllclrter Fall ~ ein — mit einigen eplkrltlsclien Bemorknngen. Dr. Mona. Archiv 

f. Hom. I, 226. 
Concordanee repertory ^ the — of the more eharaeterlstle symptomi of the materla 
medlea. Dr. W. D. Gentry. 1892. Second Edition. Vol. I. A. L. Chatterton & Co. New York. 
Condnrango — ein eclatanter Heilerfolg TOn — . Dr. Goullon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. £. Hom. 

XXII, 11/12, 107. 
Conf^reneei pnbllqnei aar l'homoeopathte* Rev. hom. beige XX, 6, 161. 
Conferme. Dr. W. P. Weeselhoeft. Riv, om. XXXVII, 4, 97. 
Conflns de la folle — des — . Dr. B. Schmitz. L'Union hom. VI, 8, 76. 
Conflrmatlons. Dr. W. P. Weaeelhoeft. Med. Adv. XXVI, 1, l. 
Congenital diseases. Dr. M. M. HoweUs. Am. Hom. XVII, 10, 346. 
Congr^s homoeopathlqiie International de Chicago. Dr. Lambreghts fils. Rev. hom. beige 

XX, 7, 218. 
Congr^s homoeopathlqne International a Atlantic City. L'Dnion hom. V, 4, 102. 
Congress — annnal homoeopathlc — . After twenty years and twenty years after. 

Henry Harris. Month. Hom. Rev. X2LXV, 8, 507. 
Congress — der vierte Internationale homöopathische ~. Dr. Villers. Archiv f. Hom. 1, 54. 
„ transactlons — worlds —. Dr. P. Dudley. Hom. Phys. XIII, 10, 510. 
, — der 11. - fSr Innere Medizin. Dr. Stifft AUg. hom. Ztg. 124, 17/18, 180. 
Congresses - notes of two — . Dr. 6. F. Goldsbroagh. N. Engl Med. Gaz. XXVI, ii, 508. 
Congresso omlopatlco Internaxlonale ad Atlantic City. Dr. Bonino. L'Om. io It. XVII, 24. 
ConJnnctlTltls — pnrolent — In the new bom. Dr. J. F. Beaumont Minn. Hom. Mag. II, 4, 87. 
Conlam In cataract. Dr. J. T. Talbot Hom. World XXVUI, 827, 124. 
Connalssance transatlantlque — nne nonvelle ~. Dr. J. de la Touche. L'hom. pop. IV, 71, 77. 
Constlpatlon. Dr. A. Clarke. N. York Med. Times XIX, 12, 360. 

» — the rational treatment of habltnal — . Dr. £. M. Haie. N. Am. Journ. 

of Hom. XL, 6, 840. 
Constlpatlon as affected by the coccyx. Dr. G. H.' Morrisson. Clin. XIII, 1, 18. 
Constitution — über Berfickslchtigvng der — beim Bheumatlsmas. Dr. Beeskow. 

Lps. pop. Ztechr. f. Hom. XXIII, 1/2, 11. 
Constltntlonal diseases — stndy of thermometry In - . Dr. A. K. Crawford. Clin. XII, 6, 265. 
Consnmptlon — the new eure for — by its ow n vlrvs. Dr. J. C. Burnett. Boericke & Tafel, 

Consnmptlon — tnbercnllnum In — . Dr. P. M. Cooke. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 1, 24. 
„ Dr. C. N. Hart. Clin. XII, 7, 321. 

, -^ Dr. Koeh's cnre for — . Dr. A. Heath. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 2, 88. 

» and Uqnlds. Dr. S. Lilientbal. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 2, 101. 

n cnres. Dr. Underwood. Am. Hom. XVII, 2, 56. 

— axloms. Dr. T. P. Wilaon. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVII, 6, 285. 
„" — the mlcrobe of — . Pac Rec. V, 6, 169. 
Consamptlve — the climate for the - . Dr. £. J. Clarke. Med. Curr. VIU, 10. 486. 
Consomptives — axloms tot — . Dr. D. C. Duncan. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVII, l, 15. 

„ — where shaU we send onr —I Dr. W. W. van Baun. Hahnem. Month. 

XXVI, 12, 841. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 10, 449. 
Contrast — a — . T. R. Jones. Hom. Envoy III, 1, 4. 

Contrlbntors — among the Jonrnal — . Dr. 8h. Leavitt. N. York Med. Times XXI, 5. 186 flg. 
Convert — a - to homoeopathy. Dr. J. W. Parkhill. Med. Adv. XXIX, 4, 268. 
Convnlslons. Dr. Southgate. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 10, 487. 

» Dr. M. W, Turner. N. Engl. Med. Ga^ XXVIII, 9, 408. 

„ of chlldren. Dr. J. T. Thatcher. Med. Arena II, 8, 242. 

I — a case of Infantile — treated wlth hydroeyanlc acld. Dr. A. H. Crontcber 

Hom. World XXVIU, 826, 56. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 15 

Copper — an experienee with ~. Dr. L. M. Stanton. Hom. Phys. XII, 6, 849. 

Comeal feedlng bjr endosmoslg — on — . Dr. L. B. Couch. N. York Med. Timet XIX, 8, 76. 

Correetion — a — . Dr. Pope. Uonth. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 8, 177. 

Corroborations. Dr. Craddock. Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 4, 89. 

Coryza — acute — . Dr. K. £. HinmazL Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 11, 798. 

Cose lieTl. Dr. Caleton Smith. Riv. om. XXXVII, 8, 57. 

Coagh with haemoptysis. Dr. A. Heath. Hom.. World XXYI, 306, 251. 

Coup de soleil. Dr. H. M. Carter. Am. Hom. XVII, 7, 238. 

Courts — medlcal cases in tlie — . H. A. Riley. N. York Med. Times XVIII, 10, 292. 

CoTered or uneorered. Dr. J. Dike. Hom. Phys. XII, 8, 348. 

Cow*8 milk ~ the dangen from — and how to aroid them. Dr. H. A. Qibbs. N. Engl. 

Med. Gaz. XXVI, 1, 21. 
Cranial fraetnre — eases of — with remarks and presentation bf cases. Dr. W. B. 

van Lennep. Hahnem. Month« XXVII 11, 738. 
Cremation and onr dnties as physicians in regard to it. Dr. Hillyer. N. Am. Journ. 

of-Hom. XLI, 2, 90. 
CriticisM — a — with clinical notes. Dr. F. L. Griffith. Hom. Phys. XI, 2, 67. 

» — a — on a case and its lessons. Dr. Pillsbury Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 5, 115. 
Critical cases. Dr. W. R. Amesbury. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 5, 288. 
Croens satiTns — action of — npon ears. Dr. R. T. Cooper. Hahnem. Mooth. XXVII, 6, 356. 
Croton tiglinm, a study. Dr. K C. Price. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 6, 240. 
Croup ^ diphtheritis med. — . Dr. Goulloo. Maanedsskr. f. Hom. XIX, 1, 1. 

, Dr. C. S. Kinney. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXIX, 12, 808. 

y, — sechs Mittel beim — . Dr. Mc Michael. Archiv f. Hom. II, 211. 

„ — le —. Dr. Martiny. Rev. hom. beige XIX, 4, 114. 

j, a case of — , Dr. W. E. Newton. Med. Cent. I, 10, 333. 

Croupous pneumonia — a case of — with cardiac compllcation. Dr. Arschagouni. N. York 

Med. Times XIX, 12, 364. 
Cubebs. Dr. Q. O. Sutherland. Med. Curr. IX, 3, 126. 
Cupric arsenite for after-pains. Pac. Rec. V, 6, 173. 
Cuprum arsenieosum — a proving of — . Dr. W. S. Hill. Hom. Rec. VIII, 2, 61. 

, metaUicum. Dr. J. T. Kent. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 6, 434. Riv. om. XXXVIII, 4. 105. 
Cur -^ eine psychische — . Dr. Mossa. AUg. hom. Ztg. 126, 1/2, 4. 
Cures homoeopathiqoes. Trad. du Dr. Chevalier. Rev. hom. beige XVIII, 10, 295. 
Cutaneous excrescences — non-malignant — . Dr. R. N. Warren. Am. Hom. XVII, 5, 160. 
Cyanide of mercury in diphtheria. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 12, 851. 
Cyanosis — a study of certain drugs causing — . Dr. Edw. Cranch. Hahnem. Month. 

XXVII. 10, 710. 

Cyclopaedia — the — of drug pathogenesy. Dr. J. T. Dake. Hahnem. Month. XXV, 7, 459. 

„ — on Dr. Hughes* Index to the ~. Dr. J. Drysdale. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 5, 322. 

„ — the — of drng pathogenesy. Med. Adv. XXVII, l, 46. 

Cyst — intraligamentous — of the right broad ligament. Prof. Ludlam. Clin. XII, 12, 550. 

Cystie sedimentary deposits — the treatment of prostatic calculi and — . DDr. W. E. 

Bessey and D. 8. Oliphant Hahnem. Month. XXVU, 6, 371. 
Dampfbad — das — im Hause. Dr. Mossa. Lpz. porp. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIV, 1/2, 3. 
Darmkatarrh -> akuter — ; Phosphor. Dr. Goullon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 21/22, 210. 
Dartmouth — in Justice to — ; an open letter. Dr. Gage. N. Engl. Med. Gai. XXVIII, 2, 89. 
Darwin's experiments on drosera. Dr. G. L. Freeman. N. York Med. Times XIX, 2, 44. 
Davos. Dr. Sulser. L'hom. pop. IV, 70, 66. Rev. hom. beige XVII, 9, 257. 
Dead — the unnamed ^. Dr. W. H. Holcombe. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 9, 636. 
Deafteess; its prevention by the generai practltioner. Dr. Cora Y. Hill. Minn. Hom. 

Mag. II. 2, 29. 
Death — slmulated — among animals. Fred. Knaner. Northw. Journ. of Hom. IV, 6, 166. 
Decker — reply to Dr. — Dr. C. 8. Schwenk. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 4, 241. 

„ — a response to Dr. — . Dr. C. 8. Schwenk. Bahnern. Month. XXVI, 9, 614. 
Delirio-hysterla. Dr. Mnssawwir. N. York Med. Times XX, 4. 111. 

Demoniacal possession or insanity. Dr. W. W. Dyson. N. York Med. Times XIX, 8, 228. 
Dental neuralgia — observations in — . Dr. J. M. Howe. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 5, 295. 
D^population de la France. Dr. Fabreguettes. L^hom. pop. IV, 78, 157. 
Dermatitis exfoliativa periodlcas. Dr. B. Bell Andrews. Clin. XIV, l, 37. 
Devolrs — Joies et ~. Dr. Sieffert. L'hom. pop. IV, 66, 13 flg. 
Diabetes. Dr. H. N. Lyon. Med. Adv. XXIX, 6, 449. 

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16 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Diabetes — Champagne and — . Dr. Cliff. Mitcbel. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 5, 327; 8, 565. 
„ mellitus — treatment of — bjr morphine and codein. Dr. Arsehagouni. N. York 
Med. Times XIX, 8, 234. 
Diabetes — treatment of — by eatingr pancreas. Dr. W. H. Heron. Soutb. Joum. of Hom. 

XI, 5. 163. 
Diät und homöopathische Behandlnngr, Dr. Deschere. Archiv f. Hom. I, 97. 
Diagnosis in its relation to therapentics. Dr. C. E. Laning. Habnem. MoDth. XXYI, 7, 450 flg. 
„ — a case for — Dr. Luscombe. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 12, 578. 

„ ^ diflTerential — of acute foUicular pharyngritis and diphtheritic Pharyngitis, 
with treatment. Dr. Henry N. Avery. N. York Med. Times XIX, 6, 171. 
Diagnosis — importance of a correct medical —.Dr. C. E. Tennant. Med. Curr. IX, 9, 400. 
, — notes on — . Dr. P. H. Pritchard. N. York Med. Times XXI, 9, 263. 

„ — preseriptions based npon — . Dr. E. V. Boss. Hom. Phys. XII, 8, 106. 

Diagnostieanti allopatici — i ^ e i loro calmanti. Dr. A. Mattoli. Riv. om. XXXIX, 1, 15. 
Diagnosticlans — are homoeopaths good — ! Dr. Sarah J. Millsop. Soutb. Journ. of Hom. 

VIII, 9, 818. 
Diarrhoea — anunonium mur. in — . Dr. G. C. Buchanan. Hom. Rec. VI, 6, 275. 

„ T- the homoeopathic therapenthics of — and other complaints. Dr. J. B. 
Bell. Tbird Edition. 7 s. 6 d. E. Gould & Son. London. 
Diarrhoea — phosphorns in — . Dr. A. E. Meadow. South. Journ. bf Hom. X, 1, 546. 

Northw. Journ. of Hom. IV, 6, 163. 
Diarrhoea — watery — . Dr. L. C. M'Elwee. . Med. Arena II, 7, 219. 
Diet dnring homoeopathic treatment. Dr. M. Cathis. South. Journ. of Hom. VIII, 2, 61. 
„ — essentials of — or hints on food^ in health and disease. Dr. Ruddock. Second 
Edition. 3 s. 6 d. The Homoeop, Publish. Comp. London. 
Diet and homoeopathic treatment. Dr. M. Deschere. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. XXXIX, 8, 531. 
j, — Infant ~ ts. digestire disturbances. Dr. J. W. Light. Med. Arena II, 8, 247. 
„ in relation to diseases of the alimentary canal. Dr. W. S. Hills. N. Am. Joum. 
of Hom. XL. 2, 102. 
Dietetic therapentics. N. York Med. Times XIX, 10, 298. 

, „ : Nourishment in acute disease. N. York Med. Times XX, 9, 269. 

y, treatment in health and disease. Dr. G. M. Ockford. South. Journ. of Hom. VIII, 2, 58. 
Diets the importance of — in diseases of children. Dr. Wm. Owens. N. Am. Journ. 

of Hom. XXXVIII, 10, 658. 
Diiferentialitk dei rimedj. Dr. P. P. Wells. Riv. om. XXXIX, 1, 5 flg. 
Digestion — disorders of — in their relations to mental and nerTons disease. Dr. W. M. 

Butler. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 4, 221. 
Digestive Organs — diseases of the — the primary cause of consumption and of many 

other affections. Dr. W. L. Morgan. Med. Adv. XXIX, 4, 287. 
Digestive Organs — on some fnnctional diseases of the — with their homoeopathic 

treatment. Dr. D. D. Brown. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVII, 9, 319. 
Digitaline case — a — . Dr. Burnett. Hom. World XXVI, 312, 552. 
Digitalis - an aUopathic proving of — . Dr. F. M. Martin. Med. Arena II, 9, 272. 
Dilatation - rapid — of the heart following a blow. Dr. F. L. Babcock. N. Engl. Med. 

Gaz. XXVI, 10, 474. 
Dilutions — homoeopathic — . Dr. R. Choate. Hom. Phys. XII, 2, 68. 

« — on the selections of — of medicines. Dr. A. C. Pope. Month. Hom. Rev. 
XXXVI, 2, 69. 
Dilutions — some experiences with the very high — . Dr. W. H. Holcombe. South. Journ. 

of Hom. IX, 9, 402. 
Diphtheria. Dr. H. W. Brazie. Minn. Hom. Mag. II, 9, 225. 
, Dr. N. C. Burnham. Med. Curr. VIII, 4, 158. 

„ Dr. E. M. Haie. Med. Cent. I, 10, 329. 

, . Dr. C. W. Weaver. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 11, 479. 

„ : Is homoeopathy in England a „Do Nothing 1<* Agricola. Hom. World 
XXVIII, 326, 69. 
Diphtheria — therapeutic relations of lycopodinm, lac caninuin and kali permangani- 

cum, to —. Dr. L. B. Baylies. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XLI, 10, 642. 
Diphtheria — condusions from personal experience in the treatment of — . Dr. W. H. 

Bigler. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 1, 42. 
Diphtheria — laryngeal complicatlons of — . Dr. Stella M. CJarke, Med. Curr. VIII, 9, 399. 
, — notes on — . Dr. J. R. Day. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 2, 88. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliogräphy. 17 

Dtphtheria — dlfferentlal dtagnosig of pseado-membranoiis laryn^itis and laryiigreal '- 

wlth resnlts of treatment by Intubation. Dr. K. .T.. Evans. Hahnem. Month. 

XXVUI, 2, 112. 
Dipbtheria — a ease of — of tbe throat and larynx. Dr. O. 8. HaiDes. Hahnem. Montb 

XXVI, 5, 311. 
Diphtberla — a diatrlbe on — . Dr. J. Hedenberg. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVIII, 11, 499. 
„ — some Bngrg6Bti0n8 on the diagnoai» and treatment of — . Dr. W. H. Hol- 

combe. Soutb. Joum. of Hom. VIII, 9, 811* 
Diphtheria — on tbe cause of — . Dr. O. E. Janney. South. Joum. of Hom. X, 8, 836. 

„ — reeent experience in the treatment of — . Dr. W. J. Martin. Hahnem. 

Month. XXVII, 9, 615. 
Diphtheria — treatment of — . Dr. J. H. Sherman. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVII, 10, 474. 
f, — notes on the medical and gpeneral management of — . Dr. L. Q. Spaulding 

Med. Arena II, 11, 332. 
Diphtherie — Bepertorinm zur Behandlung der ~. Dr. Guemsey. Archiv t Hom. II, 292, 324. 
, — eine hochgradige — des Bacheng vnd der Mundhöhle im Orelsenalter. 

Dr. J. Kafka. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aerzte X, 1. 74. 
Diphtherie — zur homöopathischen Behandlung der ^. Dr. Moser. Allg. hom. Ztg 

122, 26/26, 197. 
Diphtherie — Heilung der — durch (Quecksilber - Sublimat. l>t. WisUcenus. Ztschr. d. 

Berl. V. hom. Aerzte X, 1, 85. 
Diphtherie in Kiel — Mittheilungen über die — . Allg. hom. Ztg. 125, 9/10. 77. 
Diphtherie — quelques remarques a propos du traitement de la — . Dr. Martiny. Rev. 

hom. beige XVIII, 7, 218. 
Diphtherie -Behandlung — zur Frage einer erfolgreichen — . Lps. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. 

XXII, 7/8. 62. 
Diphtheriemittel — ein neues wirksames — . Dr. Moser. Allg. hom. Ztg. 126, 7/8, 56. 
Diphtherie-Statistik. Dr. Sulzer. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aerzte X. 4, 363. 
Diphtheritlc croup — a plea for early Operation in — . Dr. R. K. Valentine. Hahnem. 

Month. XXVIII, 8. 522. 
Diphtheritlc Pharyngitis — dlfferentlal diagnosls of acute fOlllcular Pharyngitis and ->. 

Dr. H. N. Avery. N. York Med. Times XIX, 6, 171. 
Diphtheritis - Behandlung — eine traurige üeberraschung auf dem 6eblete der — . 

Dr. GouUon. Hahnem. 1892, 1, 6. 
Diphtheritis-Behandlung — zur Frage einer erfolgreichen — . Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. 

XXII, 7/8, 62. 
Diphtheritis-Debatte — eine — . Dr. v. Ssontagh. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aente XI, 

4/5, 851. 
Diphtheritis-Frage ~ Versuch einer Antwort auf die brennende — . Hahnem. XXVII, 1, 1. 
Discipllnargewalt und wirthschaftliche Verhaltnisse der Aerzte. Hahnem. 1892, 5, 53. 
Disease — the neurotic dement in the treatment of ^. Geo. Norman. Month. Hom. 

Rev. XXXVI, 12, 737. 
Disease „Per Se*< — never the — . Dr. A. H. Tompkins. Hom. Phys. XI, 4, 177. 
Diseases — a study of the cases of — and how to treat infectous diseases. Prof. 

Heuppe. Am. Hom. XVII, 12, 419. 
Disinfection — on — . Dr. Behring. Pac. Rec V, 8, 230. 

, of infectious evacuatlons. Dr. Wildermann. Pac. Rec V, 4, 108. 

Dismenorrhoea — neurotic forms of — . Dr. Sarah I. Lee. N. Am« Joum. of Hom. XXXVIII, 

11, 729. 
Dismenorrhoea — fallopian — . Dr« J. C. Morgan. N. Am. Jouro. of Hom. XXXVIII, 11, 713. 

„ con anemia. Dr. W. P. Wesselhoeft. Riv. om, XXXVII, 1, 17. 

Dispensalre homoeopathlque — notice sur le — du bureau de bienfaisance d'Anvers 

par le Dr. Lambreghts, Als. Ann^e 1892. Anvers, imprim. de )« Montagne. 
Dispensary practice compared with private practice. Dr. Adeline B. Church. N. EngL 

Med. Gaz. XXVIII, 4, 173. 
Diuretin — experlence with -. Dr. E. M. Haie. Med. Adv. XXVI, 4, 290. 
Doctor — the — . Dr. W. A. Smith. Med. Curr. VIII, 11, 476. 
Dosage — homoeopathic — . Dr. W. E. Leonard. Med. Curr. VIII, 7, 803. 

n — pathogenetic ~ in its relatlon to therapeutics. Dr. E. C. Price. South. Journ. 

of Hom. IX, 9, 392. 
Dose — eures with the Single — . Dr. J. R. Haynes. Med. Adv. XXVII, 5, 337; Hom. Phys. 

XI, 11, 427. 
Homöopathisches Jahrbuch. Band II. 2 a 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

18 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Dose qveitlOB — oii the ^ wlth espeelal referenee to tlie SOth dilntion. Wm. Lamb. 

MoDtb. Hom. Rev. XXXVI. 7, 414. 
Dose-freqneney law — the — . Dr. R. T. Cooper. Hom. World XXVIII, 327, 114. 
Dosei in relatlon to organle leslons. Dr. H. M. Dearbom. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XXXVIII, 1, 18. 
Doses — a study of — . Dr. Sharp. R«f. med. ir. Ep. T. V, 1 flg. 

n — essai snr la r^p^tition des — . Dr. V. L. Simon. L'bom. pop. IV, 78, 164. 
Dosologia omiopatlca. Dr. Boniao. L'om. in It. XV, 36. 
Drawin; the line. Dr. H. C. French. Hom. Phys. XII, 7, 313. 
Dreissiirste Poteni — etwas über die - . Habnem. 1891, 8, 25. 
Dress, its relatlon to health. Dr. 8. W. Dodds. People's Health Journ. VII, 8, 7 flg. 
Drosera rotvndlfolla as a prophylactic in phthlsis pvlmonalis. Dr. Serrand. Hom. Rec. 

VI. 4, 153. 
Druckpunkte — Referat fiber die Terwendnng der — nach Dr. Weihe« Dr. Villers. 

Archiv f. Hom. II, 164. 
Drnekpnnkt-Therapie — noch einmal die — . Dr. Lorbacher. Allg. hom. Ztg. 126, 15/16, 119. 
Drvgr aetion withont drn; presence -- ean there be — 1 Hom. Phy«. XII, 1, 24. 
Drugr pathoyenesy'' —. the „cyclopaedia of — . Dr. Hughes. Menth. Hom. Rev. 

Drngr pathogenesy — Short papers on — and homoeotherapevtics. Dr. B. A. Meatby. 

Menth. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 6, 360. 
Drngr-pietnre — what Is a legritimate —I Dr. M. W. van Denburg. Habnem. Menth. 

XXVIII, 11, 711. 
Drngr-prOTingr — the — of the fntnre. Dr. R. Hughes. Habnem. Menth. XXVI, 7, 441. 

„ — the demands of Modern sclence in the work of — . Dr. C. Wesselhoeft 

N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXIX, 8, 515. 
Drvgr-pi^Tlnff* — report of the eommlttee on — . Dr. A. W. Woodward. Habnem. Menth. 

XXVU, 8, 541. 
Drngr-proTinirs of the fntnre. Med. Adv. XXVII, 1, 50. 
Drugs — notes on — . Agrrieola. Hom. World XXVI, 302, 72. 

« — have ~ a primär j and secondary aetion! Dr. W. W. French. South. Journ. of 

Hom. X, 5, 707. 
Drngrs — the probables homoeopathie nses of nnproven — are we Jnstlfled in nsingr 

them! Dr. K M. Haie. Habnem. Month. XXVI. 8, 525. 
Dmgs — three negrlected ~. Dr. W. E. Leonard. Nortbw. Journ. of Hom. IV, 3, 67. 
Drnnkeness, Is It cnrablel Dr. F. E. Constans. N. York Med. Times XX, 2, 35. 
Dnbia — Certa nnd — in der Homöopathie. Dr. Dndgeon. Archiv f. Hom. I. SS. 
Duboisia myoporides — a prOTingr of — . Dr. H. D. Gould. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVI, 2, 64. 
Dndgeon — a reply to Dr. -. Dr. 8. A. KimbaU. Med. Adv. XXVI, i, 66. 
Dnrata dl aiione, e antidotl dei prineipall rimedi. Dr. F. H. Lutse. Riv. om. XXXVI, 

10, 289 flg. 
Dwellingrs — heating and lighting of -. Dr. M. H. Waters. Med. Curr. VIII, 7, 293. 
Dynamiiation - difOcnlties in the doetrine of -<-. Dr. N. W. Rand. N. Engl. Med. Gas. 

XXVII, 11, 511. 
Dysmenorrhöen ~ membranons — . Dr. H. C. Aldricb. Med* Curr. VIII, 4, 148. 

„ — the mentality of ^. Dr. Millie J. Chapman. South. Journ. of Hom. 

X, 1, 552. 
Dysmenorrhöen. Dr. G. F. Forbes« N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVI, 5, 231. 
Dyspepsia wlth salty taste. Dr. J. Kafka« Hom. Phys. XI, 3. 130. 

. — importance of — . Dr. H M. Patton. N. York Med. Times XXI, 7, 209. 

« — the — of inflaney. Dr. A. E. Sansom. N. York Med. Times XIX, 2, 83. 

Dyspepsie — nochmals die — nnd Ihre Behandlung. Lpz. pop. Ztsebr. f. Hom. XXIII, 

11/12, 102. 
Dystokia — an nnpromislng ease of ~. Dr. F. C. Bunn. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XXXVIII, 1, 31. 
Dystokia — a new procednre In — . Dr. J. W. ThomsoD. Hom. Phys. XI, 6, 246. 
Dysnria and Incontinence — the sonnd in — . Dr. Alf. Heath. Habnem. Menth. XXVII, 6, 413. 
Ear cases ~ Ave — . Dr. S. F. Brown. Minn. Hom. Mag. II, 2, 41. 

Ear disease — high dilntion and — . Dr. R. T. Cooper. Menth. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 3, 171. 
« — how to study the diseases of the — . Prof. Watry. Clin. XIII. 1, 1. 
» and scalp — the — their sympathles. Dr. R. T. Cooper. Menth. Hom. Rev.'xxXV. 

10, 641« 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 19 

Earlf homoeopathie bibliography in America. Dr. J. W. Coolidge. Hahnem. Ifonth. 

XXVI, 2. 83. 
Earrings — about the wearing of —. Dr. Yillers. Hom. Rec. VII, 2, 58. 
EeeMmy — ky«!«»« aad poMtteal — . Dr. T. P. Wilson. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. XU, 

2, 92. 
Ecsema impetiginosvm, fra praksis. — Et Tilfaelde af eezem — . Dr. Billig. Maan. for 

Hom. XIX, 12, 90. 
Exaena. Dr. W. W. French. South. Jonrn. of Hom. VIII, 2, 44. 
A. T. Noe. Med. Adv. XXVI, 8. 201. 
, Dr. 8. Seward. Med. Adv. XXVII, 6, 427. Riv. om. XXXVII, 12, 358. 

„ — acute papillär — . Dr. D. Caalkins. South. Joum. of Hom. X, 7, 805. 
„ capitis. Dr. Lizxie Gray Gutherz. South. Joum. of Hom. X, 4, 691. 
, eured by ijcopodium. Hom. World XXVII, 819, 310. 

grapkites* Dr. J. U. Woods. Med. Adv. XXVI, 1, 51. 
y, and lupus — eases of — . R. S. Stephcnson. Hom. World XXVIII, 833, 395. 
, 9g Impiis — Tilfaelde af — . R. S. Stephenson. Maan. for Hom. XX, 10, 75. 
, aa a Seqnel of the elimacterlc period. Dr. R. C. Stettier. CUn. XIV, 4, 174. 
Edaeatioii — soine thonghta on medical —. Dr. T. G. Comstoek. South. Joum. of Hom. 

X, 4, 666. 
Edacation — addreai ob the naethods of medical. — Shall It be by lectnres or 

recitationg. Dr. T. G. Cometock. N. Engl. Med. Ga«. XXVII, 7, 830. 
Edacation - physical. Dr. E. Hitehcock. N. York Med. Times XIX, 6, 166. 

, — homoeopathie medical — . Dr. W. B. Leonard. Hahnem. Montb. XXVI, 5, 

290 flg. 
Education — medical -. Dr. F. H. Orme. N. EngL Med. Gas. XXVII, 7, 320. 

„ — , _ and practice in the State of New York. Dr. H. M. Paine. 

N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI. 9. 425. 
Education — medical — some thonghts on — . Dr. T. P. Wilson. South Journ. of Hom. 

IX, 10, 423. 
Education — higher medical -. Dr. E. H. Wolcott. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 

6, 341. 
Eiweiss — Torläuflge Mittheilung, betrelTend die AnsfSUung Ton — . Dr. Sulzer. Ztschr. 

d. Berl. V. hom. Aerste XI, 6, 473. 
Electric current — the use of the — in diseases of women. Dr. E. W. Young. Pac. 

Coast Journ. of Hom. I, 8, 295. 
Electric current — on the resistance of the human body to the — . E. L. Pope. Montb. 

Hom. Kev. XXXVII, 1, 22. 
Electrical condition of the human body — a note on the elfect of mercnry on the — . 

Dr. J. H. Clarke. Hom. World XXVI, 305, 223. 
Electricity In paralysis — the expulsion of latent animal — . Dr. W. S. 8. Young. Med. 

Adv. XXVIII, 5. 375. 
Electricity — laparotomy ts. — in the treatment of damaged nterine appendages. 

Dr. Ostrom. N. York Med. Times XIX, 3, 70. 
Electricity in nerTons diseases — the sphere of usefulness of — . Dr. J. T. O'Connor. 

Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 11, 713. 
Electricity as a therapeutic ageut in the treatment of some nerTOus diseases. Dr. J. 

M. Kershaw. South. Journ. of Hom. VIII, 1, 12. 
Electricity — the use of — in the remoTal of hairs and other facial blemishes. Dr. 

P. W. Elljott. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVIII, 2, 79. 
Electro-homoeopathy. Dr. £. H. Holbrook. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 6, 761. 

y, Dt. Steinrauf. Hom. Phys. XIII, 7, 399. 

Electrolysis in remo?ing halr and blemlsh from the body. Dr. E. Everett. N. York Med. 

Times XVIII, 12, 368. 
Electrotherapeutische Studien Ton Dr. Sperling - Berlin. Dr. Weil. AUg. hom. Ztg. 124, 

17/18, 133. 
Elephantiasus arabum. Dr. R. Boocock. Am. Hom. XVII, 5, 173. 
Elephantiasis — on — . Knox-Shaw. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 1, 45. 
Elettro-magnetismo. Dr. B. Fincke. Riv. om. XXXVI, 7, 219. 
Emasculation again. Dr. C. Wesselhoeft N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 7, 447. 

; or „What*s in a name<< I Dr. C. Wesselhoeft N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVII, 5, 223. 
Embryology. Dr. A. Given. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 3, 641. 
Emicrania guarita cou una dose di lachesis cm. Dr. E. Rushmore. Riv. om. XXXVII, 11, 349. 

2 a* 

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20 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Emphysema of skln. 1 rare cMe. Dr. Arschagonni. N. York Med. Times XX, 1. 14. 
Emplrieism — rational practiee — practlce nnder gnldanee of law. Dr. C. 8. Mack. 

N. Am. Joum. of Hom. XL, 1, 1. 
Empirieigm — practloal. Dr. S. N. Watson. Habnem. Month. XXVII, 7, 496. 
Eneephalocele — a new Operation for Its eure. Dr. 8. B. Parsons. Sonth. Journ. of Hom. 

IX, 11, 463. 
Enchondroma of the naso-pharynx. Dr. H. F. Ivins. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 6, 391. 
Endocarditis. Dr. S. M. Fowler. Med. Adv. XXX, 3, 65. 

„ infectlosa and its homoeopathlc treatment. Dr. S. Lilienthal. N. Am. Journ. 

of Hom. XXXVIII, 6, 860. 
EndoeerTlcitis and Endometritis — treatment of — Dr. 8. W. Brayton. N. Am. Journ. 

of Hom. XXXIX, 12, 809. 
Endometritis puerperalis. Dr. 8. Lilienthal. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 4, 235. 

„ — the snrgieal treatment of chronic — . Dr. W. E. Green. 8outh. Joum. 

of Hom. X, 1, 551. 
English Cholera — a rapldly fatal case of — . W. 8. Cox. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVII, 9, 543. 
EnlMTged prostate — the treatment of — . Dr. W. E. Bessey. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 4, 225. 
Enteric fOTcr — the medlclnal treatment of — . Dr. R Fomias. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 8, 473. 
Enteritis -- chronic. Dr. Julia F. Haywood. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XLI, 9, 565. 

— membranons — . Dr. Julia F. Haywood. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 9, 601. 
, — a report of a case of membranons—, with comments npon its pathology. 
Dr. J. R. Cocke. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVII, 11, 505. 
Enterotomy. Dr. F. P. Green. Med. Gent I, 11, 363. 
Entgegnung. Dr. G5hrum. AUg. hom. Ztg. 124, 13/14, 111. 

^ _ jBur — . Dr. Haupt. AUg. hom. Ztg. 124, 15/16, 118. 

, Dr. Sehwarx. AUg. hom. Ztg. 124, 17/18, 139. 

Enuresis Nocturna. Dr. Bradshaw. Hom. World XXVII, 316, 154. 

, y, — über — . Dr. GouUon. AUg. hom. Ztg. 125, 1/2, 9. 

Epidemie Bemedies. Dr. M. Deschere. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XLI, 10, 635. 
Epidemiologischen Gesellschaft — Bericht über die 1. GeneralTcrsammlnng der — , zu 

Stuttgart am 8. August 1892. Dr. Gohrum. AUg. hom. Ztg. 125, 9/10, 73. 
Epidemiologischen Gesellschaft — Bericht über die 2. WeihnachtsTcrsammlung der — , 
zu Frankfurt a. M. am 27. Dezember 1892. Dr. Gohrum. AUg. hom. Ztg. 126. 3/4, 20. 
Epilepsie — sur le traltement de 1'—. Dr. G. Sieffert. L'hom. pop. IV, 65, 293. 
Epilepsy. Dr. D. C. Mc Laren. Hom. Phys. XII, 3, 108. Med. Adv. XXVII, 5. 852. 
„ . Hom. Phys. XI, 5, 203. 

„ cured by cuprum 12. Dr. W. M. Houston. Med. Adv. XXIX, 5, 342. 

„ — a case of — . Dr. 8. A. KimbaU. Med. Adv. XXVI. 1, 9. 

„ — a case of — . Dr. J. N. TUden. N. York Med. Times XIX, 8, 80. 

, — oenanthe croeata. Dr. H. W. Paige. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 3, 149. 

„ and rana bufo. Dr. Brückner. Hom. Reo. VII, 4, 15L 

, — the treatment of —. Dr. Clarenee Bartlett Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 10, 679. 

„ and trephining. Dr. G. F. Shears. CUn. XII, 6, 280. 

Epileptics — the treatment of — Dr. C. S. Mack. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 7, 471. 
Epilessla — un caso di — . Dr. 8. A. KimbaU. Riv. om. XXXVII, 3, 76. 
Epiplocele — a case of — . Dr. J. Utley. N. Engl Med. Gaz. XXVI, 1, 9. 
Epistaxis — on ^. Dr. C. Rosenthal. Pac Rec. V, 8, 228. 
Epithelioma of the backs excislon. Skln • Grafting. Dr. G. F. Shears. CUn. XII, 1, 24. 

y, „ „ laryngo -Pharynx. Dr. W. A. Dünn. Clin. XII, 1, 33. 

Epochs in medicine. Dr. J. C. Wood. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 8, 479; N. Engl. Med. Gaz. 

XXVII, 6. 270. 
Epochs in medicine. Hom. League Tract Nr. 44. 
Erblindung — homöopathische Hilfe bei plötzlicher — . Dr. GouUon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. 

f. Hom, XXIII, 9/10, 87. 
Ergotismus — über neuropsyclilsche Störungen bei chronischem —. Prof. Bechterew. 

Archiv f. Hom. II, 878. 
Erinnerungen aus meinem ärztlichen Leben. Dr. Pr511. Archiv f. Hom. II, 143, 332. 
Ern&hrungsstSrungen — über — , mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Dyspepsie. 

Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 5/6, 41. 
Ernia. Dr. W. Steinrauf. Riv. om. XXXVIII, 3, 93. 

„ incarcerata femorale gnarlta con alte potenze. Dr. Jul. C. Schmitt. Riv. om. 
XXXVI, 11, 324. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 21 

Error! fktall. Dr. J. H. Jackson. Riv. om. XXXVII. 5, 139. 

Ernctations — BUBpension and snppretsloii of — . Dr. S. Lilienthal. Hahn«m. Month. XXVI, 

4. 252. 
Ernptiong — Ineurable — of the fk«e, and their relation to eommon acnrf. Dr. Edward 

Blake. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVIII, 1, 9. 
Eruptions tb. eonsiimptioii — snppressed. Dr. M. L. Morgan. Med. Adtr. XXVI, 4, 27S. 
Erysipelas. Dr. a M. Pease. Med. Adtr. XXVI, 2, 121. 

j, — fk«lal — . Dr. M. Hammond. South. Journ. of Hom. XI, 6, 221. 

habitaale. Dr. Mossa. Hom. Rec YIII, 2. 69. 
L'erislp^le a reohntea. Dr. 6. Sieffert. L^hom. pop. IV, 67, 33. 
ErythroxjlOB eoea and some of Its ellnleal therapentle nses. Dr. R. K. Ghosh. Hom. 

Rec. VI, 1, 15 ilg. 
Esperimentl — lo Btndio dcgll — . Dr. J. T. Kent. Riv. om. XXXVII, 1, 8. 
Essays. Dr. Burnett Doli. 2. 50. Hahnem. Publisb. House, Philadelphia. 
L'estomac - catarrhe ehronlqne de — . ülc^re. Dr. L. Sentin. Rev. hom. beige XVIII, 

11, 828. 
itat8-€niB — Phomeopathle anx — . Dr. BalmouMleres. L^hom. pop. IV, 75, 126. 
Ether — a death from - . Dr. J. Kraass. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVn, 4, 165. 
„Ether case«* — that — eonsldered. Dr. Q. W. Winterbum. Med. Gas. XXVII, 5, 236. 
Ethleal adTertlaing. Pac. Rec. V, 8, 248. 

Evphorbivm ofllcinale and erjstpelaB. Dr. R. K. Gbosh. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 11. 778. 
Evphrasia ofAdnalis — Torlfleations. Dr. Ci. N. Payne. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. XL, 1, 18. 
Enstls, Florida, as a sanatorlnm. S>t, T. J. WilUamson. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 12, 1045. 
Ewald, Professor, über kleine Dosen. Archiv f. Hom. II, 849. 
Exalgln — Warnung TOr dem — . Dr. Goullon. AUg. hom. Ztg. 122, 25/26, 201. 
Exalgine. Hom. World XXVI, 812, 554. 

Examination of the heart. Dr. N. W. Rand. N. Engl Med. Gas. XXVI. 11, 526. 
Examiners in FennsylTania — shonld there be a Single board of medieal ~. Hom. 

Envoy IV, 2, 12. 
Examining boards — allopatbie — . Prof. 8. 8. Daris. South. Journ. of Hom. VIII, 2, 39. 
Exophthalmlc goitre — a ollnical study. Dr. E. H. Onnell. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 

11. 718. 

Exopbtbalmie goitre. Dr. E. H. Linnell. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. XL, Special Edition, 12. 
ExophthahnoB — anomalons — . Dr. A. K. Crawford. CUn. XII, 6, 283. 
Expedients. Dr. F. H. Huron. Med. Curr. VIII, 7. 308. 
Experience — on doetor's — . Med. Gurr. VIII, 12, 586. 

Experienees, mostly personal, with Tarions medicines. Hom. World XXVI, 305, 203. 
Explanation — a word of — . Dr. C. Wctselhoeft. Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 6, 137. 
Extemally — therapentle hints for the nse of remedies — . Hom. Envoy III, 3, 21. 
Eye diseases — how to treat — . Dr. A. G. Allan. Med. Adv. XXVII, 6, 444. 

, Problems — some — . Dr. A. G. AUan. Med. Adv. XXVin, 6, 415. 

„ — a treatise on dieseases of the — . Dr. H. 0. Angell. Sixth Edition. E. Gould & Son, 
Eye — the materia medica of the — . Dr. H. Croskey. Am. Hom. XIX, 16, 255. 

, — a pecuUar case of injnry to the — . Dr. W. P. Powler. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. 
XL, 8. 533. 

, ~ the — in its relation to ftonctional nerTons distnrbances. Dr. G. C. Jeffery. N. York 
Med. Times XIX, 12, 357. Med. Cent. I, 10. 339. 
Eye — penetrating wonnds of the — . Dr. D. A. Mo Lachlan. Med. Cent. 9, 309. 

, diseases the importance of diagnosis in ~. Dr. F. D. Smythe. Med. Gurr. VII, 10, 476. 

, Operations — a report of -. Dr. C. H. Vilas. Clin. XII, 10, 461. 
Eyes — praetieal treatise on diseases of the — among ehildren. Dr. H. H. Grippen. 

Am. Hom. XVII. 1. 26. 
Eyes — some hints on the- —. Dr. J. W. Smith. Med. Curr. VIII, 7, 289. 

, — the eare of the — of the new-born habe. Dr. T. M. Steward. South. Journ. of 
Hom. X, 1, 562. 
Eyes — rellex tronbles f^om the — . Dr. T. P. .Wilson. South. Journ. of Hom. XI, 6, 229. 
Eye-strain -^ rellex nenroses from — . Dr. A. B. Norton. N. EngL Med. Gaz. XXVII, 

12, 559. 

Face presentation — a case of — . DDr. Smith and Leavitt. Clin XIII, 5, 204. 
Facts, not theories. Dr. J. Dever. Hom. Phys. XII, 1, 19. 

, TS. theories* Dr. G. B.:Durrie. N. York Med. Times XXI, 7. 20a 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

22 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Faeulty of medicine — the — at Mnnieh. Dr. W. T. Parker. N. York Med. Times XXI, 

8. 239. 
Failures — a few of my — . Dr. A. K. P. Harvey. Am. Hom. XIX, 18. 288. 

« — the necessity of reeording onr — as well as onr gnecesseg. Dr. E. M. 

Madden. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 3, 172. 
Fallopian tubeg — eongenital defeets of the — that reqnlre their remo?al. Dr. Ostrom. 

X. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII. 6, 383. 
Family practlce; or simple dlrections in homoeopathic domostie medicine. Compiled 

firom the Standard medlcal works of Jahr , Hnll , Hempel , Bryant, Haie etc. 

2 8. 6 d. B. Gould & Son, London. 
Faradie cnrrent — the — in gynaecological practice. Dr. L. W. Keading. Habnem. 

Month. XXVII, 11, 791. 
Faradie current — the nse of the — in gynaeeology. Dr. Flora A. Brewster. Med. Cent. 

I, 9, 298. 
Fasting^ Pac. Rec V, 4, 105. 

Fanlwasser, Gross' yergleichende Arxnelmittellehre. Archiv f. Hom. II, 87. 

Fears — morbid — and imperati?e coneeptlons — their homoeopathic treatment. Dr. J. 

T. O'Connor. N. Am. Jonrn. of Höm. XXXIX, 12, 773. 
Febbre intermlttente — dne easi dl — . Dr. G. Pompili. Riv. om. XXXVI, 10, 304. 
Feet — care of the — . Dr. Hugh Patton. N. York Med. Times XX, 8, 238. 
Femme — l'hygi^ne de la — . Dr. Monin. L^hom. pup. IV. 75, 127. 
Femar — f^aetnre of — . Dr. T. D. Stow. Hom. Phys. XII, 7, 297. 

, , , the — in a chlld TwelTe Months Old. Dr. N. R. Perkins. N. Engl. 

Med. Gas. XXVII, 10, 484. 
Femur — f^aotnre of the shaft of the — . Dr. C. R. Hunt. N. Engl. Med. Gac. XXVII, 

II, 530. 

Ferments — the digestive — . Dr. Eccles. N. York Med. Times XIX, 11, 321. 
Ferrie snlphate — rhenmatlsm etc. Agrlcola. Hom. World XXVII, 320, 374. 
Ferram metallicnm. Dr. J. T. Kent. Med. Adv. XXIX, 4, 249. 

, , Dr. J. £. Thatcher. South. Journ. of Hom. XI, 6, 205. 

a phosphoricum. Maanedsskrift for Hom. XIX, 8, 60. 
Fettleibige - Diät für -. Wegw. %, Ges. VI, 21/22, 577. 
Fever - a case of — . Dr. A. L. Ruffe. Med. Adv. XXIX, 6, 455. 
Fevers — eontined — . Dr. A. E. Meadow. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 7, 286. 

» — don't feed — . Dr. J. H. Whitman. South. Journ. of Hom. VIII, 9, 320. 
Fibrold tnmors — the treatment of -, by electriclty. Dr. R. Lndlam jr. Clin. XII. 1, 38. 
FIbroids — how galvanlsm beneflts In the treatment of — . Dr. Jennic W. Newell. 

N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 2, 89. 
Ficns Indien and itt provlng. Dr. Banerjee. South, of Hom. X. 6, 754. 
Fleberbehandlnng — sur — . Prof. Dr. Jäger. Jäger's Monatsbl. IX, 7, 144. 
First honrs of life — the — . Dr. G. W. Winterbum. Hom. World XXVII. 318, 247 flg. 

Med. Adv. XXVIII, 6, 401. 
First-hand and second-hand. Dr. Hughes. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, l, 27. 
Flssnre of the anns. Dr. T. L. Adams. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 2, 106. 
Fistnla — notes of sallvary ~. Dr. C. H. Blaekley. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVII, 3, 150. 
„ — a Suggestion in the Operation for vesico • vaginal ~. Dr. E. R. Corson. 

N. York Med. Times XIX, 4, 111. 
Fistnla In ano — a case of — . Dr. A. M. Cash. Hom. World XXVI, 304, 149. 

— practical points on — . Dr. P. W. Halsey. N. Engl. Med. Gax. XXVI, 5, 225. 
Fistulae — a case of vaginal and recto-vaginal — . Cause — Operation — eure. Dr. 

Thos. Lowe. Med. Curr. IX, 9, 411. 
Flesk and milk supply — our public — in relation to hygiene. J. S. Hurndall. Month. 

Hom. Rev. XXXV, 4, 217. 
Florida — the cUmate of — . Dr. E. M. Haie. N. York Med. Times XX, 1, 11. Northw. 

Journ. of Hom. IV, 2, 36. 
Florida — the cllmate of — for invallds. Dr. R M. Haie. Med. Curr. VIII, 8, 115. 
Flnoric add in varicosls. Dr. Alf. Heath. Med. Adv. XXVII, 5. 376. 
Foetal heart sonnds — the diagnosis of sex by the — . Dr. F. H. Honberger. Clin. 

XIII, 5, 201. 
Foetus — maternal impressions npon the — . Dr. M. A. Bacon. Med. Curr. IX, 2, 72. 
Foins — la fl^bre des — . Dr. G. Sieffert. L^hom. pop. IV, 75, 121. 
Follicnlar tonsHlltls. Dr. Alf. Wanstall. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 4, 224. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 23 

Foolg these mortals be<* — „What '. Dr. E. Lippineott. Med. Cnrr. VIII, 9, 877. 
FrogtanfAll nach TerletKim^eii —deutet Jeder — auf BlntTer^iftiiiigt Dr. Mossa. Lps. 

pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII. 11/12, 99. 
Foreep8 and sabseqnent anasarea — dellrery by — . Dr. J. Hall. Hom Pbys. XII, 3. 112. 

Med. Adr. XXVIII, «, 106. 
Forceps and oceiplto - posterior posltions — the — . Dr. E. H. Woleott. N. Am. Joum. 

of Hom. XLI, 1, 15. 
Formica rnfla e sabserlea. Dr. Cigliano. L'om. in It. XV, 46. 
Formnla — a homoeopathic —, Dr. C. H. Evans. Med. Gurr. VIII, 11, 501. 
Fortsehritt — gebemmter — oder befSrderter Bicksehritt. Dr. F. Katsch. Allg. hom. 

Ztg. 194. 1SA4, 98. 
Fortschritte der Homöopathie is Bassland. Dr. Bojanus sen. Archiv f. Hom. I, 222. 
Fraetnre firom mnscnlar actlon. Dr. C. J. Steele. Med. Curr. IX, S, 124. 

, — an nnusnal case of —. Dr. F. A. Gardner. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVIII, 4, 185. 
Fractvred bones — non-nnion of — . Dr. J. M. Selfridge. Pac Coast Joum. of Hom. I, 

11, 421. 
Fractttres — the best treatment for eertain — . Dr. Harr Willis. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. 

XXXVIII. 4, 243. 
Free dispensary abnses. Theod. L. Chase. Hahnem. Montiu XXVII, 2, 90. 
Freedom In medieal matters. Dr. S. H. Talcott. Med. Adv. XXVI, 4, 268. 
Fnmnevlosis. Dr. A. G. Drury. Pac. Reo. V, 8, 283. 

FnssgeschwAre — gegen chronische ^. Dr. Goullon. Lpi. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 8/4, 31. 
OallaTardin's psychic medieine. Med. Adv. XXX. 8, 181. 

Gallensteinen ^ der Kohinor nnter den — . Dr. E. A. Lutse. Hahnem. 1892, 2, 17. 
Gallensteinkrankheiten — über die AbortiTtherapie der — . Dr. Mossa. Allg. hom. Ztg. 

124, 5/6, 45. 
GalTanism in gynaecology — the qnestion of — . Dr. E. 8. Bailey. Clin. XII, 7, 811. 

„ . the treatment of the prostatic Urethra. H. D. Bishop. N. York Med. 

Times XX, 6, 175. 
Gangrena foUoiring the sting of an insect. Dr. N. R. Perkins. N. Engl. Med. Gas. 

XXVII, 8, 893. 
Gangrene — tranmatic — ; a case firom practice. Dr. A. M. Duffield. South. Journ. of 

Hom. X, 11, 991. 
Gargles and gargling — on — . Dr. Drayton. N. York Med. Times XIX, 11, 831. 
Gastein. Dr. Pr511. Archiv- f. Hom. II, 310. 

, — a stay in -. Dr. O. Hansen. Hom. World, XXVI, 806, 248. 
Gastralgia. Dr. J. F. Willard. Med. Curr. IX, 9, 415. 

y, cured by dioscorea. Dr. G. G. Shelton. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 6, 379. 

Gastrie haemorrhage. Prof. C. £. Laning. Clin. XII, 12, 533. 
Gastritis — acute — , Ileo-eolitis and Colitis in infknts and children. Dr. J. P. Clobb, 

Clin. XII, 8. 849. 
Gastro hysterotomy ts. the modifled Porro - Operation. Dr. C. G. Hlgbee. South. Journ. 

of Hom. IX, 9, 390. 
Gaudeamus igitur. Dr. W. T. Helmuth. Am. Hom. XVII, 11, 384. 
Gedächtnissabnahme in Folge TOn Giftwirkung. Dr. Jousset. I«ps. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. 

XXII, 15/16, 148. 
GefiLsse — die Erkrankungen der — . Dr. P. Joutset. Allg. hom. Ztg. 127, 21/22, 170. 
Gegnerisches. Prof. Dr. Jäger. Jiger's Monatsbl. X, 6, 111. 
GeheimnissToUe Krankheit — eine — . Hahnem. 1892, 2, 18. 
Gehorgange — die Entfernung Ton Fremdkörpern aus dem äusseren — . Dr.phil. Puhlmann. 

Lpx. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 5/6, 46. 
Geistigen Stornngen — Hyoscyamin nnd Hyoscin bei nerrösen und — . Dr. E. M. Haie. 

Archiv f. Hom. I, 291. 
Gelsemlum. Dr. W. B. Leonard. Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 12, 320. 

. and chelidoninm. Dr. J. T. Kent. N. York Med. Times XIX, 2, 45. 

. ~ the Grippe Symptoms of — . Dr. Ch. W. Smith. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XXXVIII, 6, 349. 
Gelsemium headache — a pecullar — and a Terlflcation of a few Symptoms of this 

drug. Dr. J. L. Cardoeo. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. XL, 9, 590. 
Gelsemium in headache. Dr. A. C. Jones. South. Joum. of Hom. VIII, 2, 47. 
Gemfithssymptome — die — in ihrer Bedeutung für die Mitteldiagnose. Dr. Lorbacher. 

Allg. hom. Ztg. 123. 7/8, 49. 

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24 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

General Fleld — notes form the — . Dr. W. £. Green. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 6, 232. 
GeneraÜTe ergans - dlgeases of the female — . Dr. W. L. Read. Med. Gurr. IX, 9, 434. 
Oenesinf eener tnbercnlenae hertenontsteking. Hom. Haandbl. IV,. 10, 45. 
GenUs epldemlcus. Dr. A. Weibe jr. AUg. hom. Ztg. 124, 3/4. 19. Hom. Rec VII, 4, 155. 
n » — Über die Art niid Weise der Kinwlrknng des — . Dr. Leeser. 

AUg. hom. Ztg. 125, 9/10. 68. 
Germ theorf of disease — the — . Dr. W. P. BaU. Am. Hom. XVIII. 8. 129. 
Germany — a letter from — . Dr. Hör. Packard. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVI, 9, 489. 

, — farther notes from — . Dr. W. WesselhoefU N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVI, 12, 564. 

Germieides — snrgerj wlthoat — . Dr. C. S. Durand. Med. Adv. XXVI, 4, 288. 
Gerster's Aufsati, Homöopathie und Suggestion — einige Bemerkungen zn — . Dr. Lor- 

baeher. Allg. hom. Ztg. 124, 17/18, 182. 
Geraar Tor besmetting door angst. Hom. Maandbl. IV, 4, 19. 
Gieht — znm Kapitel der — . Dr. Th. Kafka. Allg. hom. Ztg. 124, 21/22, 172 flg. 
Glanders. Dr. J. T. Martin. Med. Adv. XXIX. 1, 28. 

, — a case of — . Dr. J. T. Martin. Pac. Coast Journ. of Hom. I, 11. 433. 

Glandes d'animaux inject^es hypodermlqnement — snr l'aetion des extralts des — . 

Rev. hom. beige XIX, 11, 345. 
Glaaeoma — malpractiee in acute — . Dr. Harold Wilson. Hahnem. Menth. XXVII, 7, 479. 
, ~ a case of — . Dr. A. Q. AUan. Hom. Phys. XIII, 1, 5. 

n — the danger of mistaking -, for Iritis. Dr. C. C. Boyle. N. Am. Journ. of 
Hom. XXXVIII. 6, 369. 
Gleanings. Dr. F. H. Lutae. Hom. Phys. XIII, 7, 366 flg. 
Gleich und Aehnlich. Wegw. %. Gea. V, 21/22. 473. 

Glonoin — a witness for ->. T. 6. Wootton. Hom. World XXVII, 324, 555. 
Glonoine. Dr. J. T. Kent. Med. Adv. XXVI, 5, 321. 

, — experiments irith — . Dr. W. E. Leonard. Mlnn. Hom. Mag. I, 4, 88. Hom. 

World XXVIII. 383. 410. 
Glonoinum. Dr. J. T. Kent. Riv. om. XXXVIl, 4, 107. 
Glottis — spasm of the — ; Tcrlflcation of Cinchona. Dr. B. Carleton. Med. Adv. 

XXVI, 1, 50. 
Glycoione — Important Information regarding — . Med. Gurr. IX. 3, 123. 
Goitre: a case. Dr. Q. J. Searle. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVII. 10, 480. 
, and pregnancy. Dr. R. Ludlam jr. Clin, xni, 7, 829. 

„ — results of 12 extirpatlons and enucleatious of —. Dr. W. H. Heron. South. 
Journ. of Hom. XI, 6, 229. 
Goldes — Idinlscher Beitrag aur Heilwirkung des — . Dr. Goullon. AJlg. hom. Ztg. 124, 

25/26, 210. 
Goldschwefel -Tabletten. Dr. Gtouüon. Lps. pop. Ztschr. t Hom. XXII, 21/22, 203. 
Gonorrea recente ^ il trattamento mtlnlero deUa — , e la giusta omlopatla. Dr. T. 

Skinner. Riv. om. XXXVIl, 7, «19. 
Gonorrhoen — some of the anomalies of ~. Dr. H. N. Avery.* N. York Med. Times XIX, 9, 2ö9, 
Gonorrhoen whit shot - gun treatment. Dr. C. M. Boger. Hom. Phys. XI, 10, 400. 
, again. Dr. J. Dever. Hom. Phys. XI, 4, 173. 

, and homoeopathy. Dr. R. Farley. Hom. Phys. XI, 1, 80. 

, „ , Dr. 8. A. KlmbaU. Hom. Phys. XI. 1, 3L 

n , » Dr. J. C. White. Hom. Phys. XI, 2. 88. 

, , , ; a defence of Dr. T. F. Allen. Dr. J. C. White. Hom. 

Phys. XI, 1, 25. 
Gonorrhoen and straight homoeopathy. Dr. Th. Skinner. Hom. Phys. XI, 3, 106. 
Gonorrhoe — Behandlung der — nach neueren Methoden. Dr. E. Gnnts. Archiv f. 

Hom. II, 375. 
Gonorrhoe — zur homöopathischen Behandlung der — unter Berücksichtigung der 
neueren pathologischen Anschauungen. Dr. Goullon. Allg. hom. Ztg. 123. 8/4, 21. 
Gonorrhoe — die — und ihre Behandlung rom bakteriologischen Standpunkte. Dr. 

Haupt. Ztschr. d. BerL V. hom. Aente XI, 2, 140. 
Gout. Dr. 8. M. Cate. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 5, 265. 

„ — how Edi^n treats it. Dr. Variot. Pac. Rec. V. 9, 262, 
Gottty subject — the Irretable mncous membrane of the — . Dr. J. G. Backloy. Month. 

Hom. Rev. XXXV, 5. 289. 
GoTemment — eivll — and the healers of the sich. Dr. J. P. Dake. South. Journ. of 
Hom. IX, 7, 268. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 25 

Gran§. Dr. F. 8. Davis. Hom. Phys. XI, 1, 38. 
Oraphlteg. Dr. H. Crutcber. Med. Adv. XXVI, 5, 352. 

, — eine avfTftllende Wirkung tob — . Dr. Goullon. Lpz. pop. Ztochr. f. Hom. 

XXII, 11/12, 107. 
Graphites. Dr. J. T. Kent. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 6, 241. 

— CMe of eure by -. Dr. G. PrSU. Hom. World XXVIII, 327, 107. 
• — Pgorlnnm. Dr. Steinrauf. South. Jonrn. of Hom. XI, 6, 231. 

Ciray matter — the «ae of — In the atvdy of materla medlca. Dr. A. jL. Monroe. South. 

Journ. of Hom. X, 3, 633. 
Orlp, — influence of — npov the feminine eonstltntlon. Dr. Louise F. Bryson. N. York 

Med. Times XX, 1, 13. 
Grippe — eases of Insanlty foUowlng la — . Dr. Q. Allen. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIIl, 
11, 718. 
ff — the perniclons Inflnenee of la - , OTer eardlac affections. Dr. B. S. Arnnlphy. 

Clin. XIII, 7, 301. 
„ — snmmary of the experlences of flfty physicians in the recent epldemle of 

la — . Dr. Batcbelder. N. Bngl. Med. Gas. XXVII, 5, 231. 
y, ocnlar Symptoms aeeompanylng la — . Dr. W. H. Bigler. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 

4, 247. 
y, — a reriew of the late epldemle of la — In Chicago. Dr. W. A. Dünn. Hahnem. 

Montb. XXVI, 6, 894. 
» — laryngeal seqnellae of la — . Dr. W. A. Dünn. Northw. Journ. of Hom. IV, 8, 237. 

— what is la —1 Dr. S. L. Eaton. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVII, 10, 469. 
„ — la ~. Dr. E. Fornias. Hahnem. Month. XXVin. 1, 23. 
» — la — , Its aetlology. Dr. J. A. Gaan. Am. Hom. XVIII, 1, 17. 
, — a eomparlson of the present epidemic of la — , whlt that of last year. 

Dr. J. E. Gilman. CUn. XII, 4, 163. 
ff — the preralllng form of la — Dr. J. L. Green. Clin. XIII, 2, 63. 
ff — la — . Dr. E. Quernsey. N. York Med. Times XIX, % 42. 
ff fCTCr — . Dr. B. M. Haie. Am. Hom. XVIII, 7, 108. 
ff — la — . Dr. J. R. Horner. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 5, 298. 
ff — a sequela of la — . Dr. W. H. Kirkland. Am. Hom. XVIII, 1, 16. 
ff — the therapentlcs of la — . J. W. Le Senr. Am. Hom. XVIII, 4, 59. 
ff agaln — la — . Dr. Steinrauf. Hom. Phys. XI. 3, 122. 
ff — la — . Am. Hom. XVIII, 8, 124. 
Growths — local orlgln of mallgnant — . Dr. F. S. Fulton. N. Am. Journ. of Hum. XFi, 

2, 65 flg. 
Gnalacol plperazlne, a new remedy in the treatment of tuberculosls. Dr. W. T. Parker. 

N. York Med. Times XXI, 5, 131 flg. 
Guarlglone dl un lalco. A. O. Ansidei. Riv. om. XXXVI, 11, 847. 
Gnarlglonl con nna dose unlca. Dr. J. R. Haynes. Riv. om. XXXVII, 10, 308. 

ff colla dose unlca. Dr. J. R. Haynes. Riv. om. XXXVIIl, 5, 151. 

Gymnastlcs — medlcal — . Dr. H. G. Hanchett. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIIl, 1, 26. 

ff — swedlsh educatlonal — . Dr. C. 8. Mack. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL. 9, 609. 

Gynäkologische Erfolge auf homöopathlsehem Wege. Dr. Goullon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. 

Hom. XXII, 18/14, 130. 
Gynaecologlcal ahnses. Dr. B. F. Betts. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 9, 606. 

ff cllnlc , unlTersity of Michigan. Dr. J. C. Wood. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XXXVIIl, 10, 671. 
Gynaecologlcal Landmarks. Am. Hom. XVIII, 10, 156. 

ff llteratnre — a reTlew of recent — . Dr. G. R. Southwick. N. Engl. Med. 

Gas. XXVI, 2, 71. 
Gynaecologlcal practlce — difficnltles of successfnll — . Dr. C. G. Highbee. South. Journ. 

of Hom. IX, 9, 372. 
Gynaecologlcal surgery — a clinlcal lecture on — ; cauliflower degeneration of the 

OTary. Prof. Ludlam. CUn. XII, 2, 61. 
Gynaecologlcal surgery. Prof. Ludlam. CUn. XII, 5. 202. 

ff « — the proper limitations of — . Prof. Ludlam; Clin. XII, 7, 

301; 9, 393. 
Gynaecologlcal snrgery. Prof. Ludlam. Clin. XII, 11, 495; XIII, 6, 249; 10, 452. 

ff ff — tme conaerratism in ^. Dr. Ludlam. N. York Med. Times 

XX, 5, 144. 

Digitized by VjOOQiC 

26 Bibliographie. — BibliogTaphie. — Bibliography. 

Oynaeeological snrgery — a few rare eases in — . Dr. C. Stettier. Clin. XIII. 6, 275. 

„ unlearnlng. Dr. C. C. Kohning. Am. Hom. XVIII, 8, 127. 

Oynaecology — medieal — . Dr. H. C. Aldrich. Minn. Hom. Mag. II, 1, 6. 

, — the questlott of galTanlsm in — . Dr. E. 8. Bailey. Clin. XII, 7, 311. 

, and Obstestries. Dr. P. M. Cookc. Med. Curr. VIII, 9, 881. 

„ — honesty in the pratice of — . Dr. W. C. Dako. South. Journ. of Hom. 

IX, 9, 368. 
tiynaecology -- snrgical — . Prof. Ludlam. Clin. XII, 4. 157. 

, -• the hygienie aspect of — . Dr. Sarah J. Milshop. South. Journ. of Hom. 

VIII, 1, 8 
Qynaecology — homoeopathy in ~. Dr. L. A. Phillips. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XLI, 8, 493. 

Med. Cent. I, 8, 268. 
tiynaecology — mental sypmtoms and nterine rellexes in — . Dr. R E. Snyder. N. Am. 

Journ. ef Hom. XLI, 8, 507. 
tiynaecology — progress in — . Dr. G. R. Southwick. X. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVII, 8, 127. 

, and Journals. Dr. E. F. Storke. Med. Curr. VII, 12, 553. 

Haematemesis« Dr. D. H. Crawford. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 8, 834. 
Haematoma and absccss of the septnm narinm and a new tube for nasal Intubation. 

Dr. C. E. TeetB. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XLI, 3, 152. 
Haematnria. Dr. E. W. Bordman. Med. Curr. VII, 2, 75. 

. Dr. F. B. Doughty. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 3, 174. 

, — treatment of — . Dr. C. Mitchell. Hahnem. Month. XXVIU, 2, 81. 

Haemophilia — a case of — . Dr. W. M. Butler. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 4, 225. 
Haemoptisis ; a soqnel of la grippe. Dr. J. P. Webster. Med. Curr. VII, 12. 572. 
Haemorrhage — a case of cerebral — . Dr. G. A« Hall. Clin. XIII, 7, 309. 

„ — post-partnm ^. Dr. E. G. Freyermuth. Med. Curr. VII, 10, 467. 

Hämorrhoidalleiden — etwas fiber — . Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 15/16, 144. 
Haemorrhoids. Dr. E. E. Case. Med. Adv. XXIX, 5, 343. 

, Dr. E. G. Tuttle. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 7, 470. 

„ _ on — . Dr. Mc Kechnie. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 3, 181. Am. Hom. 

XVII, 5, 176. 
Haemorrhoids — the homoeopathic therapentics of — . Dr. W. J. Guernsey. Second cdi- 

tion. Doli. 1. Boericke & Tafel, Philadelphia. 
Hahnemann — Friedrich —. Dr. Dudgeon. Hom. World XXVI. 306, 265; 308, 347; 310, 447. 

• nno schizzo intorno ad — e a sua moglie dal portafoglio dl una che 11 
conobbe. Elena Berkley. Kiv. om. XXXVII, 9, 268. 

Hahnemann — the life of -. Dr. T. L. Bradford. Hom. Reo. VIII, 8, 337 flg. 

„ -^ slanderoBS biography of — . Dr. T. L. Bradford. Med. Cent. I, 10, 326. 

„ — hospital, New York. Dr. C. T. Cadwell. N. York Med. Times XIX, 3, 77. 

» — letters from — to bis nephew Trinius. Dr. Dudgeon. IJom. World XXXVI, 

304, 151. 
Hahnemann — letters from —. Dr. Dudgeon. Hom. World XXXVI, 302, 74. 

, — , of -. Dr. Dudgeon. Hom. World XXXVI, 303, 116. 

• — Paracelsus und Dr. Katsch. Dr. B. Fincke. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. bom. Aerstc 
XI, 3, 210. 

Hahnemann — regole posoliche di — . Dr. B. Flneke. Riv. om. XXXVII, 10, 300. 

, medieal coUege ^ the — and hospital of Chicago. Dr. Alf. Heath. Hom. 

World XXVI, 311, 509. 
Hahnemann practiced medicine — how — . Dr. H. P. Holmes. Med. Adv. XXIX, 6, 458. 
, — a Short sketch of the life work of Samuel — . Dr. A. Komdoerfer. Hahnem. 

Month. XXVII, 9, 600. 
Hahnemann — Samuel ~. E. Legour^. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 1, 37. 

, Hering and Swan: Pastenr and Koch. Dr. S. LiUonthal. Hahnem. Month. 

XXVI, 2, 91. Ref. med. II. Ep. T. V, 2, 61. 
Hahnemann — 11 metodo di — . Ad. Lippe. Riv. om. XXXVII, 4, 125. 

the enthnsiast. Dr. W. F. Morgan. N. York Med. Times XX, 3, 76. 
, e Koch. Dr. G. Pompili. Riv. om. XXXVI. 7, 193. 

— some mistakes (1) of — . Dr. R. N.Tooker. N. York Med. Times XVIII, 10, 289. 
Hahnemann — a statue to — . Dr. C. Wesseihoeft. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVIII, 1, 12. 

„ TS. committeeman. Hom. Rec. VI, 2, 54. 

Hahnemannian associatiou — draft of a declaratlon of the international — . Hom. Phys. 
Xn, 11, 495. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliog:raphie. — Bibliography. 27 

Halinemannlau dont's. Dr. J. B. G. Custis. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 2, 81. 

eure — a — . Dr. E. W. Berridge. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 1, 28. 
, eures. Dr. E. W. Berridge. Hom. World XXVI, 290, 16; 302, 67; 305. 209; 

307, 298; 808, 345; 309. 411; 810. 451; 812, 549; Med. Adv. XXX. 1, 11. 
Hahnemanniaii eure — a — . Dr. E. W. Berridge. Med. Adv. XXVI, 2, 91. 
Hahnemanniano ~ splrlto — . Dr. J. A. Biegler. Biv. om. XXXVI. 9. 282. 
Hahnemannians — among the — . Dr. E. G. Rankin. N. York Med. Times XX, 8, 239. 
Hahnemuiii's — dem Andenken — -. (Pestrede.) R. Keather. Lpcpop. Ztscbr. f. Hom. XXII, 

17/18, 156 flg. 
Hahnemann's method. Dr. A. Lippe. Med. Adv. XXVI, 1, 75. 

pOBOloglcal rnleg. Dr. B. Fincke. Med. Adv. XXVII, 2, 106. 
Hamamelis rlrgiana — einige Bemerkungen über — . Dr. Bree. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. bom. 

Aerzte X, 2, 118. 
Hamamelis — elinical eonformations of some of the clinieal Symptoms of — . Dr. H. 

D. Schenck. Mahnern. Menth. XXVI, 3. 157. 
Harrogate — the mineral waters at — . Dr. A. Roberts. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVII, 5, 272. 
Haus-Thierarzt — Dr. Hfibner's illnstrirter homoopathisclier — . 9. Aufl. 3 M. Verlag 

der bomöop. Central-Apotheke von Täschner & Co.. Leipzig. 
Hautkrankheiten. Wegw. z. Ges. VI, 18/14, 548. 
Hay fever - a case of - . Dr. H. C. AUen. Am. Hom. XVII, 1, 30. 
„ „ — a revlew of the subject of — . Dr. W. D. Thomas. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 
8, 834. 
He did not know it all. Dr. W. S. S. Young. Med. Adv. XXVII, 5, 385. 
Headaehe. Dr. W. B. Graft. Am. Hom. XVII, 5. 157. 

, in ei^ildren — some notes — upon — . Gerard Smith. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XLI. 10, 621. 
Headache — chronic — : sepia. Med. Adv. XXVI, 5. 364. 

a cured with natrum mur. 30 th. Dr. E. Lippincott South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 8. 322. 

y, and eye-strain. Dr. Th. M. Stewart. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII. 6, 352. 

— menstrual -. Dr. F. P. Glazier. N. Engl Med. Gaz. XXVII, 3, 117. 
Headaches: their canses and treatmeat. Dr. E. B. Sbuldman. Second edition. 1 s. £. 

Gould ft äon, London. , 

Headaches due to nasal causes. Dr. E. L. Mann. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 4. 237. 
« from eye-strain. Dr. D. A. Strickler. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 1, 28. 

, location of pai|i in — an important faetor in the determinatlon of tho 

natnre of the ametropia — . Dr. J. H. Payne. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVIII. 2, 72. 
Headaches — pecullar — . Dr. 8. T. Shannon. South. Journ. of Hom. XI, 6, 208. 
Healing process — the — is positive. Dr. B. Fincke. Med. Adv. XXX, 8, 189. 
Hearing — general eonsiderations on the hygiene of— . Dr. H. H. Grippen. South. Journ. 

of Hom. X, 1, 564. 
Heart disease and pregnancy. Dr. B. S. Arnnlphy. Glin. XIV, 9, 405. 

, foUowing a blow — rapid dllatation of the — . Dr. F. L. Babcock. N. Engl. Med. 
Gaz. XXVI, 10. 474. 
Heart murmars — non-ralrular — . Dr. H. Gonkling. Med. Adv. XXIX, 1, 1. 

, acute dllatation of the — . Dr. J. W. Dowling. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 4, 229. 
« lectures on diseases of the — . Dr. E. M. Haie. Third edition with a repertory. 
16 s. 6 d. E. Gould & Son. London. 
Heart disease — albuminuria in — . Dr. Gliff. MitcheU. Hahnem. Month. XXVI. 8, 531. 
. » — prognosis in organic — . Dr. J. M. Schley. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XLI, 

2, 65. 
Heart — dlsturbance — fkinctional — . Dr. J. H. Sherman. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 10, 473. 
y, — some practical observatlons concerning examlnations of the -. Dr. E. U. 
Snader. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 1, 8. 
Heart disease ~ the oecasional dependence of unusnal Symptoms upon tho preseiicc of — . 

Dr. E. R. Snader. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 10, 703. 
Heart — on the coexistenee of phthisis pulmonalis and valvulär disease of the — . 

Dr. E. R. Snader. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 11, 745. 
Heat in labor — moist — . Dr. R. S. Tenney. Clin. XII, 1, 35. 

Hebammen und Geburtshelfer — die Tielthnerei der — . Wegw. z. Ges. VI. 15/16, 553. 
Heilinstinkt. Dr. phil. Puhlmann. Prof. Jäger's Monatsbl. X, 10, 197. 
Heilknnst — über die Grenzen der -. Dr. Haedicke. Allg. hom. Ztg. 123, 25/26.1196. 
n ^ » n 1, y, —' Geh. Ratb Leyden. Archiv f. Hom. I, 116. 

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28 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Hellkunst — Aber die Grenzen der — . Prof. Nothnagel. AJIg. hom. Ztg. 123, 19/20, 150. 
, — „ n a » — . Prof- Nothnagel- Villers. Archiv f. Hom. I, 27. 

, und Scholastik. Prof. Dr. Jäger. Jäger's Monatsbl. X, 5, 85 flg. 

Hellmethode — eine neue — . Dr. M. Vogel. J&ger^s Monatsbl. X, 10, 189. 
Heilmittel — die zeitweilig herrschenden — . Dr. Göbrum. Allg. hom. Ztg. 125, 7/8, 60 flg. 
Heilung — die — der Syphilis und Diphtheritis mit kohlensaurem BroniTrasser. Dr. E. 

Güntz. Archiv f. Hom. II, 375. 
Heilwirkungen. Hahnem. 1892, 1, 18 flg. 

, — dauernde —. Dr. Lorbacher. Allg. hom. Ztg. 124, 7/8, 57 flg. 

Hellwirkungen einiger homöopathischer Arzneien — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der — . 

Dr. Zwingenberg. Ztschr. d. BerJ. V. hom. Aerzte XI, 2, 155. 
Helmathliche Arzneikunde. Dr. Schier. Allg. hom. Ztg. 125, 15/16, 118. 

„ , und natürliche Dosis. Allg. hom. Ztg. 126, 1/2, 6 flg. 

Heiserkeit — gegen — . Dr. Gonllon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 9/10, 90. 
Helbredelse af carier 1 laaret. Dr. Pr51I. Maanedsskr. f. Hom. XVIII, 3, 23. 
, Ted colocynthis. Dr. GouUon. Maanedsskr. f. Hom. XIX, 12, 94. 

n n condurango. Dr. Pröll. Maanedsskr. f. Hom. XVIII, 11, 81. 

Helbredelser — rarlge — . Dr. Lorbacher. Maanedsskr. f. Hom. XIX, 3, 20. 
Helleborus niger — the nerTOus Symptoms of ~. Dr. E. P. Colby. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. 

XXVIl, 7, 344. 
Helonlas dlolca — a clinical study of -. Dr. S. Griiath. Hahnem. Month. XXVJI, 11, 799. 
. , ^ some uses of — , macrotin and cauUophyllin. Dr. C. J. Steelc. Med. 

Curr. IX, 2, 66. 
Hemorrhage — cases of chronic passire ~ treated by intra-uterine Injectlons. Dr. E. 

M. Haie. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 11, 994. 
Hemorrhage — on a certain form of post-partum — . Dr. Wesselhoeft. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. 

XXVI, 11, 514. 
Hemorrhage — pudendal — . Dr. W. 8. White. Med. Era IX, 1, 12. 
Hemorrholds — on ^. Dr. Mc Kechnie. Hom. World XXVI, 302, 55. 
Heracleum lanatum in epllepsy. Dr. H. N. Avery. N. York Med. Timos XIX, 8, 232. 
Heredity of disease — the » and suggestions for its extinctlon. Dr. J. M. Moore. 

Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVII, 2, 85; 5, 262; 10, 620. 
Heredity modlfled by education. Dr. J. M. Moore. Hom. World XXVIII, 328, 154. 
Hernia. Dr. Steinrauf. Hom. Phys. XII, 3, 91. 

„ — strangulated — . Dr. Harr Willis. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXIX, 12, 823. 
» — eure of strangulated — wlthout Operation. Dr. J. E. Jones. Med. Era 
IX, 1, 14. 
Hernia — reduction of strangulated — by aspiration. Dr. Homer Clark. N. Am. Journ. 

of Hom. XLI, 3, 162. 
Herpes. Prof. H. V. Haibert. Clin. XIV, 3, 110. 

„ zoster — some cUnical cases. Dr. E. M. Young. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 12, 1044. 
Herzkrankheiten - Spongia bei — . Dr. Brückner. Archiv f. Hom. I, 181. 

n — die Therapie der — . Dr. Körner. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aerzte 

XI, 6, 448; XII, 1, 1 flg. 
Herzmuskels — über Kräftigungsmittel des — in erschöpfenden Krankheiten. Dr. Kayser. 

Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII. 9/10, 89. 
Hiccough. Dr. Steinrauf. Hom. Phys. XI. I, 24. 
High altitude as a faetor in the eure of disease. Dr. E. F. Storke. N. Am. Journ. of 

Hom. XLI, 1, 12. 
High dilutions and ear disease. Dr. R. T. Cooper. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 3, 171. 
„ potencles. Dr. W. A. YingUng. Med. Adv. XXVI, 4, 254. 
„ , — morbid growths. Dr. E. W. Sawyer. Med. 4dv. XXVI, 2, 88. 

„ „ — some eures with —. Dr. D. O. Jones. Hom. World XXVI, 806, 249. 

„ „ — proTlngs and clinical obserTations wlth —. Dr. M. Macfarlan. Hom. 

Phys. XIII, 9, 468. 
Higher medical education. Dr. W. R. Dunham. N. York Med. Times XX, 4» 102. 
Highest potency — the — . Dr. S. Swan. Med. Adv. XXX, 1, 11. 

Hlnts and Suggestion to young physicians. Dr. H. E. Beebe. Am. Hom. XVII, 2, 59. 
Hip-Jolnt — dlslocation of the — caused by inflammatory rheumatlsm. Dr. A. E. 

Neumeister. Med. Arena II, 8, 241. 
Historique du conllit, qui eclata k Anvers ä Toccasion de P Etablissement d'un dispen- 
salre hom^opathique. Dr. Lambreghts Als. Rev. hom. b«Ige XVIII, 7, 196. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 29 

History of the Germ theory of dlseM«. Dr. C. V. Viseber. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 6, 880. 
, homoeopathy in Germany. Dr. A. Villers. North Am. Journ. of Hom. XLI, 10, 615. 
History — a small contrlbutlon to — . Dr. C. B. Gilbert. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, lO, 661. 
HoarseneBS and aphasla. Dr. C. S. Stettier. Clin. XIII, 8, 121. 

, • , — aphonia — . Dr. W. A. Dünn. Clin. XIII, 3, 115. 

Hobby - ridders — professional — . Dr. J. B. Mann. Med. Curr. VII, 4, 157. 
Hoehpotensen — einige Heiinngen mit — . Dr. Villers. Archiv f. Hom. II, 22. 
Hohrrohren — der Gebraneh Ton — bei Schwerhörigen. Dr. pbil. Puhlmann. Lpz. pop. 

Ztschr. t Hom. XXII, 19/20, 181. 
L'homeopathie et I*allopathie eomparees. Dr. Flasschoen. Ronbaix - Paris , Imprimerie 

Achille S^nöcaut. 1891. 
Homöopathie et magnetisme. A. Bu^. L'hom. pop. IV, 77, 151. 
L'homeopathie — le pillage de — . Dr. J. Daudel. L'hom. pop. IV, 65, 289. 
, ä AnTers. Dr. Martiny. Rev. bom. beige XVIII, 7, 198. 

„ a la portee de tont le monde. Dr. T. Oriard. J. B. Bailliere & Fils, Paris. 

„ dans la medeeine ofßeielle. Dr. Paine. Trad. du Dr. Chevalier. Rev. hom. 

beige XIX. 172. 
D'homeopathie — petit Jonrnal -. Dr. Sieifert L'hom. pop. IV, 66, 19. 
Homoeopath — Am I a — 1 Dr. W. W. French. South. Jouru. of Hom. IX. 6, 244. 
„ geworden — wie bist Dn — 1 Dr. GouIIon. Hahnem. 1892, 8, 28. 

, wnrde — wie ich — . Dr. Kablert. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 15/16, 144. 

, — how I beeame a —. Dr. J. Schmitt. Med. Adv. XXVII. 4, 241. 

Homoeopathe — comment on doTient — . Dr. A. Teste. 8. Edition. J. B. Balliere & 

Pils, Paris. 
Homöopathens historie — smaa biograflske Bidrag til — . Dr. Lorbacher. Maanedsskr. 

f. Hom. XVIII. 8, 17. 
Homoeopathic bibliography of the €nited States f^om the year 1825 to the year 1891 

IneluslTe. Dr. T. L. Bradfurd. Boerioke & Tafel, Philadelphia. 
Homoeopathic dilutions. Dr. S. M. Fowler. Hom. Phys. XII, 2, 67. 

» medicine Tersns allopathie knife. Dr. J. H. Clark. Hom. World XXVII, 

324, 554. 
Homoeopathic news — the defence of — . Hom. Rec VII, 4, 145. 

„ physician — the — and books of reference. Dr. J. W. Hayward. Month. 

Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 11, 650. 
Homoeopathic physician — the oldest — . Dr. L. B. Wells. Hom. Phys. XII, 8. 118. 

j, Terifleations — current — . Dr. S. D. Johnson. Med. Gurr. VII, 11, 518. 

Homöopathie als Lehre nnd Irrnng — die — . Stenographische Aufzeichnung der 
Debatten fiber den Tortrag des Dr. E« Carrick. Dr. C. Bojanus sen. Ztschr. d. 
Berl. V. hom. Aeitte X, 4, 267. 
Homöopathie In der Natur. Dr. Dahlke. Ztschr. d. BerL V. hom. Aerzte X, 4, 888. 

„ — die — und der Suggestionismus. Olfener Brief an Dr. Gerster. 

Dr. Fuchs. Allg. hom. Ztg. 124, 21/22, 167. 
Homöopathie — die — nnd der Suggestlonismns. Dr. Gerster. Allg. hom. Ztg. 125, S/4, 24. 
„ — und Biochemie. Dr. H&dicke. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 8/4, 33. 

— die — im belgischen Senat. Dr. H&dicke. Allg. hom. Ztg. 123, 11/12, 81. 
„ — die — in Belgien. Dr. H&dicke. Allg. hom. Ztg. 124, 25,^26, 197. 

— die — in Indien. Dr. H&dicke. Allg. hom. Ztg. 123, 11/12, 93. 

„ — die — im preussisehen Herrenhause. £r . ^ Hoho\vs |t,v. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. 

f. Hom. XXII, 15/16, 139. 
Homöopathie und Molekulartheorie. Dr. Schier. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 13/14, 119. 
„ „ sonstige Heilmethoden, vom natürlichen Standpunkte aus betrachtet. 

Dr. Schier. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 1/2, 3 flg. 
Homöopathie und Cholera. Zur Beurtheilung , Verhütung nnd erfolgreichen Behand- 
lung der Seuche. Dr. E. Schlegel. 50 Pf. Selbstverlag. 
Homöopathie in Württemberg — zur Geschichte der — . Dr. E. Schlegel. Allg. hom. 

Ztg. 126, 1/2, 9. 
Homöopathie — rar theoretischen Begründung der — . Dr. E. Schlegel. Ztschr. d. Berl. 

V. hom. Aerzte X, 1, 15. 
Homöopathie und Weltanschauung. Dr. E. Schlegel. 60 Pf. Verlag von Franz Pietzcker, 

Homöopathie in Württemberg — die — während der Jahre 1892 und 1898. Dr. v. Sick. 

Allg. hom. Ztg. 127, 21/22, 161. 

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30 Bil)liographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Homöopathie in Württemberg -^ Bickbliek auf die Entwiekelnng der — . Ur. ▼. Sick. 

Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aente XI. 6, 411. 
Homöopathie und Tagespreue. Habnem. 1892, 7, .74. 

„ — de erkenning der — . Hom. Maandbl. IV, 8, 85. 

, — de grondgtellingen der — . Hom. Maandbl. II, 2, 8. 

Homoeopathie — de Infloed der — op de entidkkeling der geneeskande. Hom. Maandbl. 

III, 5-7. 
HomoMpathie — de toekomat der ». H«m. ICaandbL lY, 8, S6. 

^ _ de — all weteuehap. Hoou MaandU. III,. 2. 5 ig. 

Homdopattea i IsdlMu Dr. Haedieke. Maanedeakr. f. Hom. XYIII, 12, 89. 
Homoopattena hlatorle — smaa biographlske Bldrag til — . Dr. Lorbaeber. Maanedsakr. 

f. Hom. XVII. 10. 75; XVIII. 2, 15. 
Homoeopathiqae — formolaire --^. Quid« patkagte^iqae aavel pe«r tratter Mi-meme 

les malaÜMk Dr. VrotthLaeman. %, edition. 6 fr. J. B. BaiUlere A Kls, Paria. 
Homöopathische Behaadlmig der BrkmAwige» dea CanitrriAarTemf «tmaa. Dr. VUlera. 

Archiv f. Hom. II. 225. 
Homoopathigcho Heilangon. Dr. Dahlke. Ztschr. d. Rerl. V. hom. Aerzte X, 3, 204. 

, Stationen In BerUner Krankenhausern. Dr. Seckt. Lps. pop. Ztscbr. I. 

Hom. XXII, 13/14, 123. 

Homöopathische Zoitang — wozu noch eine deutsche — 1 Dr. Villers. Archiv f. Hom. 1, 1. 

Homöopathischen Centralvereins Deutschlands — die 66. Generalversammlung des — 

zu Stuttgart am 9. und 10. August 1892. Dr. 8tifft. Allg. bom. Ztg. 125. 9/10, 65. 

Homöopathischen Chronik von Alt - Berlin — ans der — . Dr. Seckt. Lpz. pop. Ztscbr. f. 

Hom. XXII, 17/18, 160. 
Homöopathisk Statistik til Koleraens Behandling. Maancdsskr. f. Hom. XIX, 10, 79. 
Homoeopathists — the family — or piain direetions for the treatment of disease. Dr. 

E. B. BDoldbam. £. Gould & 8on, London. 
Homoeopathists — the praetleal relations of ^ to the Germ theorj. Dr. G. B. Peck. 

Hahnem. Month. XXVII. 7, 483. 
|lomoeopath*s faith — the grounds of a — . Dr. Jones. 30 cts. Hahnem. Pablish. House, 

Homoeopaths — the — and their attitude; a rejoinder. Dr. C. J. Lopez. Soutb. Jouro. 

of Hom. IX, 6, 229. 
Homoeopaths — why are we — I Dr. W. Le Fevre. Soutb. Jonm. of Hom. VIII, 9, 325. 
Homoeopathy a true scienee. Dr. J. H. Allen. Hom. Phys. XII, 10, 41& 

. — the benettcianee of ~. Dr. R. Choase. Hom. Phys. XII. 7, 311. 

, — eoncerning — . Dr. H. Dunsford. Hom. Envoy I, 12. 92. 

„ — the inUnence of — on recent medieal literature and practica. Dr. 

C. Gatchell. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXIX. 8, 501. 
Honioeopathy vs. allopathy. Dr. A. L. Geddes. Med. Adv. XXVII, 4, 2.54. 
- futnre of — . Dr. H. C. Gibbs. Am. Hom. XVIII, 7. 114. 
, — lecture apon — . Dr. W. S. Hatfield. Hom. Phys. XI, 2, 52. 

, Dr. H. P. Holmes. Hom. World XXVI, 808, 341. 

, — neither history nor. Dr. 8. A. Jones. Med. Adv. XXIX, 5, 371. 

— the future of — . Dr. T. Y. Kinne. Am. Hom. XVII. 11, 873. 
, in its relatiottsship to constitutional predispositions to disease. Dr. A. 

Korodoerfer. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 10. 681. 
Homoeopatby — the rights and daties of — . Dr. F. P. Lewis. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XXXVIII, 11, 701. 
Homoeopatby vs. empiricism. Dr. C. S. Mack. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII. 7, 452. 
s — the scientific and physieal of :-. Dr. A. F. Moore. N. Engl. Med. (>az. 

XXVII. 2, 67. Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 5. 109. 
Homoeopatby of Hahnemann — the —. Dr. A. R. Morgan. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 6. 454. 
, — the study of — . Dr. J. C. Morgan. Med. Adv. XXX. 8, 184. 

„ ; its present relation to the old school. Dr. Hör. Packard. N. Engl. Med. 

Gaz. XXVI, 5, 234. 
Homoeopatby — the scienee of — . W. B. Picken. With an introduotion by John H. Clarke. 
M. D. London, Homoeop. Publishing Company. 12 Warwlck Lane, Paternoster Row, E. C. 
Homoeopatby — the scienee of — . Dr. W. 6. Picken. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVII. 7. 313. 

Hom. World XXVI, 311, 490 flg. 
Honioeopathy, its principle, method and future. Dr. A. C. Pope. Fourth edition. 1 s. 
E. Gould & Son, London. 

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Bibliog:raphie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 31 

Homo«opathy of Hahnemann — the — . M. J. Rhees. Med. Adv. XXVI. 3, 214. 

„ in America — the pro^ess of — . Dr. G. W. Roberts. Month. Hom. Rev. 

XXXVII, 3, 153. 

Homoeopathy — onr dnties to — at tlie present time. Dr. H. D. Schenok. N. Am. Joum. 

of Hom. XL, 2. 94. 
Homoeopathy — tr'acts ob — . I>r. Sharp. 75 cts. Hahnem. Pubiish. House, Philadelphia. 
: What ig itl What has it accomplished } Dr. C. E. Stark. N. Engl. Med. 

Gaa. XXVII, 8, 373. 
Homoeopathy — the he^inningr of — . Dr. E. F. Storke. Med. Curr. VII, 6, 254. 

, or isopathy — ig it — ! Dr. 8. Swan. Hom. Phys. XI, 11, 425 flg. 

„ — its whells of pro^regs. Dr. J. T. Talbot. Am. Hom. XVIII. 3. 85. 

» — the Position of — of to-day. Dr. C. Wesselboeft. So«th. Joum. of Hom. 

VIII, 9, 821. 
Homoeopathy — gome gtray noteg on ~. Stanley Wilde. Hom. World XXVI, 311, 511. 

n — ingtrnetion in the true prlneipleg of — . Hom. Phys. XI, 2, 49. 

y, the rational gygtem of medicine. Hom. Leaguo Tract W. 41. 

„ - the gelenee of — . Hom. World XXVI, 312, 529. 

Homoeogig, dag wiggei|gchaftliche Prineip der Homöopathie. Dr. Fincke. Archiv f. 

Hom. I, 126. 
Hogpital Hamhnr^ — noteg on the New City — . Dr. J. H. Mc Clelland. Hahnem. Month. 

XXVJ, 11, 759. 
Hogpital — the — ghould preeede the eoUefre. Dr. F. H. Orme. N. York Med. Times 

XX, 4, 106. South. Joum. of Hom. X. 4, 668. 
Hogpital — eageg treated at the London homoeopathic — . Dr. Th. Skinner. Hom. World 

XXVI, 802. 62. 
Hogpital WoriL on Ward*g Igland. Dr. G. T. Stewart N. York Med. Times XIX, 10, 293. 
— Ward'g Igland — . Dr. G. T. Stewart. N. York Med. Timea XXI, 6, 175 flg. 
, i Leipsig ^ heretning om det homoopathigiLe — . Dr. Btifft. Maanedsskr. t 

Hom. XVII, 8. 61. 
Hogpital i Leipzig — f^a det homoop. — Dr. Stifi't Maanedsskr. f. Hom. XX, 9, 69 flg. 
Hot Spring waterg ~ the ^. Dr. J. B. Brooks. South. Joum. of Hom. VIII, 2, 50. 
How the powerg of drngg were determined. Hom. League Tract Nr. 80. 
Humerug — gnbcoraeoid dltloeation of the — . Dr. F. W. Honan. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XXXVIII, 2, 111. 

Hnnyadi water — a place for — in the lying in Chamber. Dr. Willella Howe. Clin. 

XII, 5, 215. 
Hydatidg of the ÜTer. Dr. H. ▼. Blusits. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 4, 217 flg. 
Hydrargyrnm gozojodolicnm — über — . Hühnern. 1891, 11, 122. 

Hydragtig canadengig and itg alkaloidg. Dr. E. M. Haie. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. 
XL, 2, 91. 
„ » extemal ugeg of — . Dr. Baneijee. Hom. Rec. VI, 5, 212. 

„ Tg. phthigig. Dr. A. J. Palmer. Am. Hom. XVII, 1, 15. 

Hydronephrogig. Dr. J. 8. Barnard. South. Journ. of Hom. XI, 6, 224. 
Hydropathy an adjarant. Dr. T. Simpson. Hom. World XXVI, dlo, 442. 
Hydrophobia. Dr. H. F. Smiley. Med. Adv. XXIX, 5, 859. 

R . — argenic ag a prophylaetic in ^. Hom. Bnvoy II, 5, 38. 

Hydropg artlcuU. Dr. T. G. Edwards. South. Journ. of Hom. XI, 5, 164. 
„ nagaltg. Dr. H. E. Spalding. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 5. 217. 
Hygiene. Itg relation to homoeopathy and the coming doctor. Dr. Dargitz. N. Am. 

Joum. of Hom. XXXVIII, 10, 668. 
Hygiene — gome thonghtg on — . Dr. W. W. Clapp. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 7, 292. 
» . Dr. J. Hood. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 8, 842. 

, of camp life — the —. Henry Sherry. N. York Med. Times XX, 6, 176. 
Hygiene alimentalre. L'hom. pop. IV, 68, 42 flg. 
Hyogcin — Hyogcyamin nnd — bei nerrogen und geigtigen Störungen. Dr. E. M. Haie. 

Archiv f. Hom. I, 291. 
Hyogcyamine and hyogclne in nerroug and mental digordorg. Dr. E. M. Haie. Hahnem. 

Month. XXVII, 5, 290. Hom. World XXVII. 320, 377. 
Hyogeyamug. Agricola. Hom. World XXVI, 310, 460. 

. Dr. J. T. Kent. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 5, 21. Rlv. om. XXXVII, 6. 165. 
r, . Note da una lesione. Dr. J. T. Kent. Riv. om. XXXVIII, 2, 46. 

, — Teriftcationg of — . Dr. S. Seward. Med. Adv. XXVII, 5, 355. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

32 Bibliograpliie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Hyperaemla — a ease of cerebral — , oeenring durlng the menopaase. Dr. W. D. Thomas. 

Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 2, 94. 
Hypericum symptoma — Terlflcations of a few — . Dr. E. T. Adams. Med. Adv. XXVIIT, 2, 90. 
„ — notes on — . Dr. £. P. Colby. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVIII, 8, ISl. 

, — perfoliatam. Dr. A. C. Pope. Hom. Bec. VII, 4, 168. 

. perforatvm — on the physlological actlon and theräpentlc nses of — . 

Dr. A. C. Pope. Month. Hom. Bev. XXXVI, 5, 868. Hom. Bec. VII. 5, 223. South. 

Journ. of Hom. X. 3, 637. 
Hypermetropia of chlldren. Dr. D. W. Beebe. Med. Curr. VIII, 3, 109. 
Hypertrophy of the tarblnated bodles. Dr. W. A. Dünn. Med. Bra VIII, 11, 326. 

, — elfeets and treatment of — , of the lingual tonsil and a case of ampn- 

tation of the epiglottis. Dr. C. E. Tects. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL. 5, 310. 
Hypnotism as a theräpentlc agent ; its relations to forensie medieine. DDr. Albert 

Pick and F. H. Pritchard. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXV, 7, 315. 
Hypodermic injections of morpMo - atropine in strangulated hernia. Dr. F. H. 

Pritchard. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 11, 735. 
Hysterectomy — supra-Taginal — . FoUowed by integtinal Perforation and artittcml 

anu8 , with a descriptlon of two new apparatuses. Dr. W. T. Helmuth. N. Am. 

Journ. of Hom. XXXIX, 12, 816. 
Hysterectomy — a new ^. Dr. G. B. Southwick. Med. Cent. I, 11, 357. 
Hysteria — report of a case of — . Dr. Bmily A. Bruce. K. EngL Med. Gas. XXVIII, 9, 422. 
y, — the ocular phenomena in — . Dr. F. P. Lewis. Clin. XIV, 10, 460. 
„ — a case of — simulating tetany and girlng rise to an erroneons diagnosis 

of pleurisy. Dr. J. T. O'Connor. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 4, 217. 
Hysterla — trophic distnrbances in — . Pac. Bec. V, 9, 257. 
Hysterie — über männliche — . Dr. Kranz sen. Allg. hom. Ztg. 123, 15/16, 120. 
Hystero-Epilepsie — über. Dr. Windelband. Ztschr. d. BerL V. hom. Aente XI, 3, 23a 
Jaborandi in nansea and Tomiting of pregnancy. Dr. M. A. Cuttis. Med. Cent. 1, 11. 365. 
Jager — Prof. Dr. — in Stuttgart. Dr. phiL Puhlmann. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 

9/10, 84. 
Jahrhundert — ein halbes — im Dienste der Medizin. Dr. Dudgeon. Archiv f. Hom. U, 1. 
Japanese medieine ^ a glance at — ancient and modern. Dr. W. T. Helmuth. N. Am. 

Journ. of Hom. XLI, 3, 129. 
Jaw — excision of Upper — . Dr. W. T. Helmuth. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 6, 381. 
Ichthyol. Dr. F. D. Brooks. Med. Curr. IX, 2, 82. 
Idiopathic symmetrical gangrene ~ on —. Dr. C. W. Hayward. Month. Hom. Bev. XXXV, 

2, 107 ; 4, 256. 
Idiosyncrasy, predisposition and isopathy. Dr. H. P. Holmes. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 1, 24. 
Idrocefaloide: nn caso e sue lezloni. Dr. G. E. Clark. Biv. om. XXXVII, 7, 212. 
Idrofobia. Dr. B. Fincke. Biv. om. XXXVI, 8, 249. 
Jenichen'schen Hochpotenzen — die Zubereitung der — . Dr. H. Fischer. Allg. hom. Ztg. 

124, 15/16, 114. 
Iliae fossa — Inllammation of the right — and their surgical treatment. Dr. W. B. 

van Lennep. Hahnem. Month. XXVI 9. 638. 
Illustration — eine klinische — lu meiner Abhandlung: „^as das menschliche Ge- 
hirn Tertragen kann<*. Dr. Goullon. Lps. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 1/2, 9. 
Immunität und Giftfestigkeit. Dr. Lorbacher. Allg. hom. Ztg. 126, 8/4, 25. 
impffrage — sur — • Hahnem. 1892, 5, 50 flg. 
Impfting<^ — Auszug aus „Geschichte und Krankheitslehre der -> von Prof. E. Crook- 

shank. A. Zöpprits. Hom. Monatsbl. XVI, 2, 18. 
impotenco from la grippe. Dr. A. B. F. Grob. Med. Curr. Vin, 12. 580. 

„ — perverted appetlte and — . Dr. C. M. Boger. Hom. Phys. XII, 3, 116. 

„In corpore sano'^ Hom. Bec. VII, 1, 1. 
In re dowllng. Dr. W. T. Helmuth. Am. Hom. XVIII, 8, 128. 
Inconsistency — homoeopathic — . Dr. A. G. Allan. Med. Adv. XXVII, 6, 451. 
Incurable cases curod. Dr. G. W. Winterburn. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 7, 454. Med. Adv. 

XXIX, 5, 329. 
Indexes and repertories. Dr. T. F. Allen. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXIX, 8, 537. 
Indexing. Dr. G. E. Wire. Med. Curr. VIII, 12. 542. 
India — letter from — . C. 8. Durand. Med. Adv. XXVI, 3, 220. 
Indicated remedy — is the — an all - suffident t Dr. W. B. Bentley. Hom. Phys. XII, 

7, 303. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 33 

Indikationen — die — f&r die in den letzten Jaliren In die Interne Therapie nen ein- 

gef&lirten Mittel. Dr. Windelband. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aerzte X, 1, 40. 
Indigestion in infants. Dr. N. Cash. Med. Adv. XXVII. 5, 321. 

Inebriate — what ean be dono for the — 1 Dr. E. G. Rankin. N. York Med. Times XIX, 7, 196. 
Infant — esgentialg in early caro of the — . Dr. Anna B. Taylor. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. 

XXVIII, 10, 416. 
Infant feeding. Gerard Smith. Monih. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 11, 698. 

„ , in disease. Dr. G. P. Dunham. N. Eng. Med. Gaz. XXVII, 12, 582. 

» — Bome adrances in the early care of the — Dr. J. Hedenberg. N. Engl. Med. 
Gaz. XXVIII, 9, 399. 
Infantile diseages — diet in — . Dr. G. F. Hand. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 1, 28. 
Infants and cliildren — the diseases of — and thelr homoeopathie and general treat- 
ment. Dr. Rnddock. Fifth ödition. Uniform with „Tbe Lady's Manual". 3 8. 6 d. 
The Homoeop. Publishing House, London. 
Inlluenee of homoeopathy — the — . Hom. Envoy II, 9, 70. 
Inflnenza. Dr. Ronino. L'om. in It. XVII, 22. 

„ Dr. W. H. Holcombe. South. Journ. of Hom. VIII, 1, 1. 

, — exceptional cases of —. Dr. A. H. Back. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 7, 403. 

L' inflnenza. Dr. Daudel. Dhom. pop. IV, 72, 90. 
Influenza — über die — . Dr. Gisevius. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aerzte XII, 2, 71. 

, — eye and ear complieations of epidemic ^. Dr. W. R. King. Habnem. Month. 

XXVII, 1, 54. 
Influenza — epidemies — the — in New Zealand. Dr. W. Lamb. Month. hom. Rev. 

XXXVI, 6, 339. 
Influenza — the nerrous and mental disturbanees of — . DDr. L. Kirn and S. Lilienthal. 

N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 10, 651. 
Influenza — epidemic — in Woreester. Dr. C. L. Nichols. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVIII, l, 38. 
„ — I'^pidemie d' — de 1891—1892. Dr. B. Schmitz. L'union hom. VI, 2, 33. 

» — a few remarks on a complieation of — . Stanley Wilde. Hom. World XXVII, 

315, 102. 
Influenza. Hom. World XXVI, 312, 536. 
, — die — . Habnem. XII, 133. 

„ — homoeopathische behandeling der — . Hom. Maandbl. III, 1, 2. 

Influenza -Mittel. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 1/2, 10. 
Ingrowing toe nail. Dr. S. F. Brown. Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 1, 5. 
Inner head Symptoms — repertory of — . Dr. S. F. Shannon. Med. Adv. XXX, 8, IIL 
Inoeulation — on the relation of — to homoeopathy. Dr. M. O. Terry. Habnem. Month. 

XXVI, 8, 146. 
Inqniry — an -. Dr. Lucy C. Hill. N. Engl. Med Gaz. XXVIII, 3, 129. 
Insane — the care of the — . Dr. C. Spencer Kinney. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XLI, 9, 568. 
„ — homoeopathy and the — . Dr. N. E. Paine. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVII, 9, 409. 
„ — ittfluence of music on the — . Dr. C. S. Kinney. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 3, 152. 
Insanity — a remarkable case of tranmatie — . Dr. W. M. Butler. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XXXIX, 12, 799. 
Insomnla. Dr. M, Deschere. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXVIII, 1, 1. 
„ . M. J. Findley. Northw. Journ. of Hom. IV, 6, 164. 

„ — a rare case of — . Dr. Lizzie Gray Gutberz. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 7, 284. 

Insufflcieney — mitral — Dr. C. £. Laning. Habnem. Month. XXVIII, 10, 662. 
Insular sclerosls. Dr. W. H. Jenney. Med. Arena II, 9, 277. 
InstructiTe Lesson — a — . Dr. J. H. Jackson. Hom. Phys. XI, 1, 21. 
Interessante Falle. WassiJy. Archiv f. Hom. I, 238. 

Intermittents — how I treat — . Dj. H. R. Stout South. Journ. of Hom. VIII, 2, 48. 
Intermittent - suppressed — . Dr. W. O. Cheeseman. Med. Adv. XXV, 6, 440. 

„ fever — the therapeuties of — . Dr. H. C. Allen. Second edition. E. Gould & 

Son, London. 
Intermittent fever. Dr. E. E. Case. Med. Adv. XXIX, 5, 346. 

„ fevers — qulnlne in pernieious — . Dr. 8. W. Cohen. Med. Adv. XXVI, 4, 285. 

„ fever at the SOuth. Dr. H. Crutcher. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 10, 431. 

n r, two cases of — treated with hall biehromicum. . Dr. J. B. Garrison. 

N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXIX, 5, 286. 
International Hahnemannian association — the — . Dr. J. B. 8. King. Med. Adv. XXIX» 
2, 101. 

Homöopathisches Jahrbuch. Band JI. 3 a 

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34 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliograph3\ 

International Hahnemannlan assoclatlon — the — . Med. Adv. XXX, 9 flg. 

„ DU — the transactlons of the — . Dr. J. W. Thom- 

son. Hom. Phys. XI, 3, 131. 
International homoeopathlc congrress — address to the — . Dr. R. E. Dudgeon. Hahnom. 

Month. XXVI, 7, 482. 
International homoeopathlc congrress. Hom. Phys. XI, 8. 306. 

j, r, Convention — the fourth qulnquennlal — . Hahnem. Month. 

XXVI, 8, 546. 
Interroffatlons born of fallnre. Dr. J. B. Rand. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 7, 341. 

„ — more — . Dr. C. W. Moody. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 11, 530. 

Interstltlal nephritls — a new Tarlety of — . Dr. J. Arschagounl. N. York Med. Times 

XIX, 7, 207. 
Intestinal Obstructlon. Dr. T. E. Linn. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 9, 362. 

n , — case of — . Dr. A. Schloemllch. Med. Cent. I, 9, 304. 

» . — rectal Injectlons and — . R. K. Ghosh. Hom. Rec. VIII, 9, 405. 

n snrgery — notes on — . Dr. W. B. van Lennep. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 12, 817. 

Intestlnes — Operation on the — . Dr. W. D. Poster. Med. Arena II, 9, 267. 
Intoxlcatlon — chronic — from the habitaal use of the essences, as wermnth, 

abslnth etc. Dr. S. Lilientbal. Hom. Phys. XI. 12, 466. 
Introdnctory lectnre. Prof. J. E. Gilman. Clin. XIII, 10, 489. 
InTloed der Homoeopathie — de — op de outvrikkeling der geneeskunde. Hom. Maandbl. 

lU, 6, 23; 10, 39. 
Jodide of «odlnm — a record of an overdose — . Dr. E. C. Priee. South. Journ. of Hom. 

XI, 6, 211. 
Jodine — the homoeopathlc nses of — . Dr. R. Hughes. Med. Era IX, 1, 4. 
Jodlne — tincture of — an antldote to the blte of Tenomous serpents. Dr. E. F. Brown. 

Hom. Rec. VII, 5, 193. 
Johanniskraut — das — . Dr. Mossa. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 11/12, 104. 
Joles et dCTOlrs. Dr. Sieffert. L'hom. pop. IV, 66, 13 flg. 

Jottlngs from practice in the old country. Dr. R. S. Cooper. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 1, 36. 
« , active practice in old England. Dr. R. S. Cooper. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 

2, 102; 9, 624. 
Journalen — aus amerikanischen — . Dr. Sulzer. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aersto XII, 1, 20. 
Journanx homeopathiqnes d'Amerique — revue des — . Dr. Lambreghts fils. Rev. hom. 

beige XIX, 6, 167. 
Ipecac. in nterlne haemorrhages. Dr. J. R. Haynes. Hom. Phys. XII, 6, 251. 
Ipecacnanha in nterlne haemorrhages. Dr. J. R. Haynes. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 1. 47. 
„ — znr Charakteristik der — . Dr. Mossa. Arohiv f. Hom. I, 44 flg. 

„ and some of Its characteristlcs. Dr. Mossa. Hom. Rec. VII, 2, 60 flg. 

„ in intermlttent fever. Dr. Mossa. Hom. Reo. VII, 4, 147. 

Ipecacnanha • Hellnngen. Dr. Goullon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 11/12, 106. 
Irldectomy sclssors — mensert-heinlsch — , an old Instrument, that is still new to-day. 

Dr. F. A. Rockwith. N. York Med. Times XIX, 5, 134. 
Iridium and palladium — cllnical notes on — . M. Laboucher. N. York Med. Times XX, 

8, 243. 
Iritis — modifled method for treatment of hypertrophic — . Dr. L. W. Jordan. Med. 

Curr. VIII, 12, 538. 
Iritis — two cases of — . Dr. A. G. Allan. Med. Adv. XXVII, 5, 341. Riv. om. XXXVIII, 

7, 200. 
Irritable mucons membrane — the — , of the gonty subject. Dr. J. G. Blackley. Am. 

Hom. XVII, 7, 248. 
Is koorts een ziektet Hom. Maandbl. I, 9, 37. 

Ischias — Bepertorium zur Behandlung der — . Dr. Ide. Archiv f. Hom. I, 209. 
Isopathic and other pathological prescribing. Hom. Phys. XI, .5, 192. 
L'isopatia nella scuola flsico - chemica introdatta in Berlino dal Dott. Bob. Koch. 

Dr. B. Fincke. Riv. om. XXXVI, 9, 265. 
Isopathie — die Entdeckungen Koch's und die — . Dr . Roho vs k j^^ Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. 

Hom. XXII, 1/2, 1. "'""" 

Isopathie. Prof. Dr. Jager. Jager^s Monatsbl. X, 8, 145. 

— Mittheilung über — . Prof. Jäger. Allg. hom. Ztg. 123, 23/24, 182. 
Isopathy. Dr. J. T. Gray. Med. Adv. XXX, 1, 8. 

„ In the physico - chemical school. Dr. B. Fincke. Med. Ad. XXVI, 1, 56. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 35 

Isterismo — alenn« relMloul dl — . Dr. J. M. Dutton. Riv. om. XXXYII, 5, U2. 

It pays to wait. Dr. Le Blond. Med. Adv. XXIX, 4, 270. 

Jurispradenee — medlcal — . H. A. Riley. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 10, 665; 

XL, 6, 376. 
Jurispradenee — medlcal — . D. A. Storer. N. York Med. Times XX, 1, 8 flg. 
Kalender — der homöopathisclie — der Centralapotheke In St. Petersburg. v.Secken- 

dorflf. Archiv f. Hom. II, 271. 
Kall blehromlcum. Dr. M. A. Custis. Hom. Reo. YIII, 10, 449. 

, „ — the back Symptoms of — . Dr. J. L. Koffat. N. Am. Journ. of 

Hom. XL, 7, 437. 
Kall blehromlcum — die Bückensymptome von — . Dr. J. L. Moflfat. Archiv f. Hom. I, 356. 
, carbonlcum. Dr. J. T. Kent. Med. Adv. XXVII, 1, 30. 

, „ Dr. J. T. Kent. Uebersetzt von Dr. Hesse. Archiv f. Hom. I, 11. 

Dr. J. T. Kent. Riv. om. XXXVII, 7, 201. 

— cUnlcal eases — . Dr. E. W. Berridge. Hom. World XXVII, 316, 157. 
„ „ — the back Symptoms of — . Dr. J. L. Moffat. N. Am. Journ. XXVII. 

6, 370. 
Kall chlorlcum. Dr. C. S. Mack. Hahnem. Montb. XXVI, 6, 366. 

, , — a study. Dr. E. C. Price. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 3, 633. 

y, , Hom. World XXVII, 315, 115. 

„ phosphoricum. Dr. B. Finc&e. Med. Adv. XXVII, 3, 183. 

— characterlstlcs of — . Dr. B. E. Gase. Med. Ad. XXVII, 2, 126. 

— cUnlcal Teriflcatlons of — . Dr. E. E. Gase. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 3, 191. 
„ , — provlng of — . Dr. H. C. Allen. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 3, 194. 

„ salts — a comparlson of the — . Dr. C. 8. Winters. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXIX, 

12, 804. 
Kalmla. Dr. F. Gladwin. Med. Adv. XXVI, 4, 305. 

„ — poisonlng by — . Dr. A. E. Meadow. South. Journ. of Hom. VIII, 1, 4. 

„ — the rheumatlsm of — . Dr. Lilienthal. Hom. Phys. XI, 4, 176. 
Karakter der homöopathische behandellng — het — . Hom. Maandbi. II, 3, 11. 
Karlsbad — spezifische Wirkungen von -. Dr. Th. Kafka. Allg. hom. Ztg. 123, 9/10, 73 fl. 

„ — a Visit to — . Dr. H. E. Beebe. Am. Hom. XVil, 6, 200. 

Katalepsie — ein Fall von — , gehellt durch N%ja. Dr. Haddonfield. Archiv f. Hom. II, 336. 
Katarrhs von 10 Jähriger Daner — Hellung eines — . Dr. GouUon. Hahnem. 1892, 8, 85. 
Kerion: lllnstrated by a case. Dr. J. L. Goffin. N. Engl. Med. Ga». XXVII, 6, 261. 
Kerrvllle for consumptlves. Dr. G. R. Parsons. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 3, 645. 
Keuchhusten — der — , und seine Heilung mit den neueren Mitteln der Homöopathie. 

Dr. Cruwell. Hahnem. 1892, 9, 102 flg. 
Key notes. Agrlcola. Hom. World XXVIII, 332, 334 flg. 

, Dr. 8. Swan. Hom. Phys. XII, 4, 163. 

Keystone pointers. Hom. Rec. VI, 3, 103. 
Kldney — mlsplaced — , movable kldney, floatlng kldney. Dr. J. H. Henry. South. Journ. 

of Hom. X, 8, 840. 
Kldney — two cases of movable — , treated by nephrorrhaphy. Dr. G. F. Shears. Clin. 

XII, 1, 17. 
Kldneys and digestive organs — the dlfferential diagnosls of the diseases of the — . 

Prof. Laning. GUn. XII. 3, 101 flg. N. York Med. Times XIX, 3, 65 flg. 
Kldneys — dlsease of the — ; nephrJtls. Dr. E. M. Haie. Med. Gurr. iX, 9, 409. 
Kieselerde — einiges über die — . Dr. Windelb&nd. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aerzte 

XII, ], 41. 
Kllmatologisches. Dr. Sulzer. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aerzte XI, 4/5, 385. 
Klinischer Fall — ein — . Dr. Berridge. Archiv f. Hom. II, 47. 
Klinische Fälle. Dr. Brückner. Archiv f. Hom. I, 151. 

Knee — surgery of the — . Dr. F. G. Bunn. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 11, 734. 
Knee-Jolnt vs. resectlon — eraslon of the — . Dr. H. Packard. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 

3, 145. 
Kneipp — la cura — . Dr. Jahn. L'om. in It. XVI, 21. 

Knelpp's Hansapotheke. Dr. Mossa. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 7/8, 67. 
Knelpp'sche Kur — die — . Dr. Jahn. Ztschr. d. BerL V. hom. Aerzte X, 3, 235. 
Knlght — a new — , of the lancet and bllster. Dr. Harvey Dale. Med. Gurr. VIII, 1, 17. 
Knotchen-Ausschlag — pernlclöser — . Dr. GouUon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 

9/10, 88. 

3 a* 

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36 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Koch — 11 probablle arTenlre della llnfa —, Dr. Bonlno. L'om. in It« XV, 81. 
„ and pasteur — the reeent dlscorerles of — , ag lUostratlng the law of slmllari. 

W. Deane Batcher. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 3, 145. 
, and eonsiunption. Prof. A. K. Crawford. Clin. XII, 1, 10. 
„ and bis diseOTery. Dr. C. GUbert Hom. Phys. XI, 5, 202. 
, . , H. P. Holmes. Med. Adr. XXVI, S, 178. 

« — resaltats da traltment de — , dans la pbtbisle pnlmonalre. Dr. Lambreghts. 

Rev. hom. beige XVII, 19, 289. 
„ controyersy — bomoeopatby In relatlon to tbe — . Dr. C. F. Nichols. Med. Adv. 

XXVII, 4, 264. 
y, j la tlsU. Dr. Nogu6 Roea. Ref. med. II. Bp. T. V, 2, 51. 
„ und die Isopatbie — die Entdeckungen des debeimratbs Prof. Dr. — . Dr. J. 

Rohowsky. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 1/2, 1. 
y, — aperen aar le traltment de — . Dr. Seutin. Rev. bom. beige XVII, 10, 298. 
y, — Bobert — et l'bomeopatbie. Dr. G. Sieffert. L'hom. pop. IV, 71, 73. 
„ eontroTersy — tbe — . Pac. Rec. V, 8, 225. 
„ treatment — the — . Hom. World XXVI, 290, 21. 
Kocb's baellll, agaln: an open letter. Dr. J. P. Rand. N. Engl. ITed. Gas. XXVI, 5, 228. 
„ „ — personal obserTatlons of — . Dr. J. P. Rand. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVI, 

3, 126. 
, discOTOry. Dr. J. A. Biegler. Med. Adv. XXVI, 3, 182. 
„ „ and bomoeopatby. Dr. Martiny. Calif. Hom. IX, 2, 89. 

„ „ Agaln. Dr. W. J. Thayer. Am. Hom. XVII, 3. 91. 

„ geneesmlddel tegen tnbercalosa. Hom. Maandbl. II, 1, 2. 
y, HeilTerfabren. Prof. Dr. Jiger. Jager's Monatsbl. X, 6, 110. 
„ lympb, its seerecy and Its resnlts. Dr. Louise Fiske Bryson. N. York Med. 

Times XIX, 2, 88. 
y, lympb — on — , and bomoeopatby ts. mlerobes. Dr. W. M. Decker. N. Am. 

Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII. 10, 637. 
„ lympb In surgical cases — resalts of tbe Injectlons of — . Dr. 8. F. Wilcox. 

N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 6, 386. 
„ lympb-cnre for eonsnmptlon , from a bomoeopatbie Standpoint. Dr. Cardozo 

N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXIX, 5, 806. 
n Lympbe. Prof. Dr. Jäger. Jäger^s Monatsbl. X, 1, 1. 

y, — meine Flugblätter In Saeben — . Prof. Dr. Jager. Jager's Monatsbl. X 1. 10. 
„ remedy — some reflexions concerning — . Dr. W. Wesselboeft. N. Engl. Med. 

Gaa. XXVI, 2, 65. 
„ remedy. Dr. H. C. Clapp. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 3, 124. 
„ discOTery. Med. Curr. VII, 2, 76. 

„ geneesmlddel — nog eens Prof. — . Hom. Maandbl. II, 2, 7. 
„ lympb and Swan's tnbercullnum. Hom. Phys. XI, 6, 238. 
„ tubereuline — tuberculose en — . Hom. Maandbl. II, 7, 29. 
Kocb'scbe HeilTerfabren — nocb einmal das — . Hahnem. XXVII, 2, 13. 
Kocb'Bcben Lympbe — Beiträge zur — . Dr. H&dioke. AUg. hom. Ztg. 123, 19/20, 158. 

„ Tuberculose - Impfung — die Ergebnisse der — . Prof. Dr. Jager. JSger^s 

Monatsbl. X, 7, 129. 
Koebin-Wirknngen. J^r. Roj^ow^^lybi, Lpc. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 5/6, 41. 
Kocbsalzgenuss und Cbolera. Hahnem. 1892, 9, 98. 
Koffle — de — . Hom. MaandbL II, 8, 13. 
Koleraen. Maanedsskr. for Hom. XIX, 10, 74. 
Koleraens Bebandling — Bemerkninger om —. Dr. Hesse. Maanedskr. for Bom. XIX, 

11, 84 flg. 
Kopfscbmerz — rbeumatlscber — . Dr. Goullon. Lps. pop. Ztschr. L Hom. XXII, 5/6, 49. 
Kopf sebm erzen. Dr. Mc Michael. Archiv f. Hom. I, 261 flg. 

Kost — gemiscbte — und flelseblose Kost. Dr. Vogel. Jager's Monatsbl. XI, 9, 187. 
Krampfaderbrucb — gegen — . Dr. Goullon. Hahnem. 1892, 4, 42. 
Krankengescbichte des Herrn Grafen D. t. S. Hahnem. XXVII, 1, 6 flg. 

, — eine Interessante — . Wassely. AUg. hom. Ztg. 125, 23/24, 188. 

, ' eine kurze — . Dr. KunkeL AUg. hom. Ztg. 124, 9/10, 78. 

y, — eine sonderbare — . Dr. HSdicke. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 

13/14, 127. 
Krankengescblebten. Dr. ViUers. Archiv f. Hom. II, 150. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 37 

Krankengescliiehteii aus Olim'ii Zelten — drei — . Dr. Bojanns. Archiv f. Hom. I, 172. 

— einige ^. Dr. Korner. Lp«, pop. Ztsehr. f. Hom. XXIII, 17/18, 165. 

Krankenhäuser — ein zeitgemasses Wort iiber die — . Dr. E. A. Lutse. Hahnem. 1892, 8, 85. 

Krankenhavse in Leipsig — ans dem homoopathisciien — . Marie Rentsch. Lpz. pop. 

Ztsclir. f. Hom. XXII, 1/2. 11. 
Krankenhauses in St. Petersburg — znr Geschichte der Erbanung eines homöo- 
pathischen — . V. Seckendorff. Archiv f. Hom. II, 339. 
Krebs — TOm — . Dr. GouUon. Lps. pop. Ztsehr. f. Hom. XXII, 5/6, 43 flg. 
Kreosote. Dr. MUtoo Powal. Med. Adr. XXVIII, 4, 287. 
Kreosotnm. Dr. Milton Powel. Riv. om. XXXVIII, 3. 81. 
Kritik — noch eine — . Prof. Dr. Jager. Jäger*s Monatsbl. XI, 10, 210. 
Krötengift — das — Prof. Dr. Jäger. Jäger^s Monatsbl. XI, 9, 185. 
Kronisk ledde-rheumatlsme. Maanedsskr. for Hom. XYII, 9, 69. 
Konstmadige Toeding ran Jonge hinderen — oyer — . Hom. Maandbl. I, 9, 88. 
Labour — dangerons points in the progress of ~. i)r. N. E. Janney. Bahoem. Month. 

XXVI, 5, 295. 
Labonr — the fourth stage of — . Dr. Q. W. Winterbum. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 11, 747 J 

Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 11, 277. 
Lac-canlnnm case — a — . Dr. R. Choate. Hom. Phys. XII, 4, 166. 

„ , — a study of — . Dr. D. C. Perkins. Hom. Phys. XI, 2, 84. 

Lac canlnum by olfactlon — proTlng of — . Dr. M. F. Taft Med. Adv. XXVIII, 2, 144. 
Lachesis and Whiskey. Dr. J. A. Biegler. Med. Adv. XXVII, 5, 392. 
in Chorea. Dr. W. A. Barr. Med. Gurr. VIII, 9, 403. 
in a case of snake bite. Dr. B. Fincke. Med. Adv. XXVI, 4, 260. 
„ nnd N^Ja trlpudians. Dr. phil. Pohlmann. Lpz. pop. Ztsehr. f. Hom. XXII, 5/6, 46. 

„ , Ijcopodinm and snlphnr compared. Dr. P. E. Triem. Northw. Journ. of Hom. 

IV, 8, 223. 
Lachesis in blood poisoning. Hom. Rec. VII, 3, 109. 

„ in a case of the bee • sting. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 1, 30. 
Laehrymal duct — strlcture of the — . Dr. C. C. Boyle. N. York Med. Times XIX, 12, 363. 
Lactatiou — the propers condnct of — . Dr. Harvey Dale. Med. Gurr. IX, 9, 406. 
Lächerliche — das — In der Homöopathie. Dr. Lembke. Archiv f. Hom. I, 57. 
Lalimann's Pflanzenmilch. Dr. Gohrum. Allg. hom. Ztg. 127, 19/20, 148. 
Laienthnm nnd wissenschaftliche Medizin. Lps. pop. Ztsehr. f. Hom. XXIII, 13/14, 121. 
Langsaam, maar zeker. Hom. Maandbl. III, 1, 1. 
Lanolin. Prof. Dr. Jiger. Jiger's Monatsbl. X, 5, 92. 

, and agnine — In affections of the skin. Dr. H. M. Dearbom. N. Am. Journ. 

of Hom. XXXVIII, 7, 433. 
Laparotomles — dednction from forty-seyen — . Dr. J. M. Lee. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XXXVIII, 6, 377. 
Laparotomy. Dr. W. G. Riehardson. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 9, 369. 

„ — a fortunate — . Dr. G. B. Walton. Sonth. Journ. of Hom. IX, 9, 376. 

Lapis albus. Dr. G. WhiUng. Med. Adv. XXVI, 1, 41. Rlv. om. XXXVII, 4, 120. 
Lappa offlcinalis — proTings of — . Dr. S. A. Jones. Hom. Ree. VIII, 2. 49. Archiv f. 

Hom. II, 121 flg. 
Lappa offlcinalis — an empirical hlstory of — . Hom. Rec. VIII, 1, 1. 
Lard — neutral — . Dr. J. B. 8. King. Med. Adv. XXIX, 4, 267. 
Large doses — homoeopathy in — , from allopathic hands. Dr. J. P. Dake. N. Engl. 

Med. Gas. XXVIII, 11. 504. 
Laryngeal congh — the pathology of — . Dr. W. A. Dünn. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 10, 709. 
Laryngeal oedema with spontaneous eure. Dr. W. A. Dünn. Clin. XII, 11, 15. 

y, tubercnlosis. Prof. G. G. Fellows. Glin. XIV, 4, 155. 

Laryngitis — tnbercular — uuder the laryngoscope. Dr. D. G. Woodvine. N. Engl. Med. 

Gas. XXVin, 3, 124. 
Larynx — the medical treatment of diseases of the — . Prof. W. A. Dann. Glin. XII, 

3, 108. 
Larynx — three clores in the — . Dr. D. G. Woodvine. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVII, 1, 10. 
Lateral curratures — the therapeutle value of remedial gymnastlcs In the treatment 

of — . Dr. Henrtc Sparre. Med. Gnrr. VIII, 11, 487. 
Laurocerasus *» — fearfnl aggrayatlou eaused by — . Dr. Geo. Wigg. Hom. Phys. XII, 1, 80. 
Lansltzer Aerzte — Versammlung der — . Dr. Villers. Archiv f. Hom. II, 289. 
Law — Is our practlee gulded by - 1 Dr. W. A. Pierce. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 6, 447. 

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38 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Law — medlclne and the — . H. A. ßiley. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXIX, 5, 303. 
y, — the — regnlatlng the practica of medlcine in Minnesota. Dr. D. A. Strickler. 

Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 12, 305. 
n of eure — the philosophy of the homoeopathic — , and the arantage to the 
dentist of a correct knowledge of its application. Dr. Ch. H. Taft. Med. Adv. 
XXIX, 4, 275. 
Layman wisdom — „nt allquid flat" and — . Dr. C. C. J. Wachendorf. Pac. Coast Journ. 

of Hom. I, 9. 347. 
Leaders in medieal progress — the dntles and responsibilities of homoeopathic Col- 
leges as -. Dr. J. T. Talbot. N. Engl. Med. Gm. XXVI, 7, 327. 
lieber — die Krankheiten der — . Dr. Münninghoff. . AUg. hom. Ztg. 123, 11/12. 88 flg. 
Lectnre — notes de — . Dr. C. Planqnart. Rev. hom. beige XX, 6, 179. 
Ledum: veriflcations. Dr. R. B. Jonstone. Med. Adv. XXVI, 5. 362. 

„ palnstre. Dr. R. B. Jonstone. Riv. om. XXXVII, 10, 813. 
Left to right and from right — a coUection of Symptoms going from — . Dr. J. Dike. 

Hom. Phys. XI, 3. 107. 
Leg — Compound fracture of the — . Dr. T. D. Stow. Hom. Phys. XIII, 1, 31. 
Legislation — medical — . Dr. J. W. Lockhart. Med. Adv. XXIX, 4, 294. 
, — , — . Dr. C. H. Oakes. Hom. Phys. XI, 9, 34a 

„ — „ — . Dr. H. R. Stout. South. Journ. of Hom. VIII, 1, 15. 

Lens — removal of the — for relief of high degree myopia. Dr. H. C. French. Cri. 

Hom. IX. 2, 41. 
Lepra and not syringomyelia nor Morvan's disease. Dr. Arschagoum. N. York Med. 

Times XX, 9, 267. 
Leprosy — suggestive notes about — . John Drummond. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 4, 268. 
» — the danger this city is constantly exposed to from unrecognized cases 
of — . Dr. J. M. Schley. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 1, 6. 
Leprosy — Syphilis — vaceination. Dr. Th. Wildes. Med. Curr. VII, 3, 121 flg. 

, and vaceination. Hom. Envoy II, 3, 21. 
Lesefrnchte aus dem alten Archiv. Dr. Villers. Archiv f. Hom. II, 124. 
Llatrls spicata. Dr. A. E. White. Minn. Hom. Mag. II. 1, 3. 

., „ — a note on ->. Dr. S. A. Jones. Minn. Hom. Mag. II, 2, 43. 

Lidt on haemorrhoidallidelser. Maanedsskr. for. Hom. XVIII, 10, 73. 
Life in the cell. Dr. J. A. Carmichael. N. York Med. Times XXT, 5, 134 flg. 
, Dr. B. F. Palmer. N. York Med. Times XX, 7, 203. 

„ — some new physiological views. Dr. B. F. Palmcr. N. York Med. Times XX, 9, 295. 
^ Insurance decision — an interesting and important — . H. A. Riley. N. York 

Med. Times XX, 3, 74. 
„ — the flrst hours of — . Dr. G. W. Winterburn. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 6, 401. 
Lights — „Old — newly snufTed". Dr. A. S. Hayden. Am. Hom. XVIII, 4, 60. 
Like prevents like. Dr. Peter Diederich. Med. Arena II, 11, 331. 
Likes — should — be treated by likesl Dr. A. E. Hawkes. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVII. 

10. 586. 
LiUenthal — Dr. Samuel — . Hom. Rec. VI, 6, 244. 
Lillum tigrinum. Prof. Kent. Uebers. v. Dr. Hesse. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aerate XI, 

3, 243. 
Lilinm tigrinnm. Dr. phil. Puhlmann. Lpz. pop. Ztshr. f. Hom. XXII, 5/6, 48. 
Lines — on what — should we work 1 Dr. N. W. van Denburg. N. Am. Journ. of Honm. 

XXXVIII, 11, 732. 
Literarische Erscheinungen. Dr. Villers. Archiv f. Hom. II, 87; 309; 360. 
Literature — homoeopathic — . Dr. Eugene F. Storke. Med. Curr. VIII, 3, 122. 
Lithotrity. Dr. W. E. Green. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 9, 358. 
Liver — primary Cancer of the — . Dr. H. H. Baxter. Am. Hom. XVII, 6, 198. 

„ — the greater diseases of the — : Jaundice, gallstones, enlargements, tumonrs 
and Cancer and their treatment. Dr. J. Compton Burnett. 60 cents. Boericke A 
Tafel, Philadelphia. 
Loco plant, or craay weed. Dr. T. B. Cosack. Pac. Coast Journ. of Hom. I, 9, 345. 

, weed — the — . Dr. Burt F. Storke. Med. Curr. VIII, 4, 155. 
London homoeopathic hospital — the — . Forthy-third annual report for the year 
ended March 81 st 1898. W. M. Hutchings, Printer, Hutton Street, Whitefriars, Lon- 
don E. C. 1893. 
„Loppa<< della materia medica resa ntile. Dr. J. G. Schmitt. Riv. om. XXXVIII, 4, 112. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 39 

Lueky colncldence or science, whlchl Dr. A. R. MorgaQ. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 4, 380. 
Liingr — the »thletic — . Dr. T. C. Duncan. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 6, 878. 
LungesTlndsoten , deus diagnose, prognose og therapi. Dr. Schier. Maanedsskr. for Hom. 

XX, 8, 57 flg. 
Lungs, heart and kldneys — dlNeases of the — . Dr. N. S. Davis. F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia. 
, — a ease of vlceration of the — . Dr. G. J. Waggoner. Hom. Phys. XII, 3, 114. 
„ — on eonsamptloii and tnbercnlosis of the — ; their diagnosis, eanses, preren- 

tions and general treatment. Dr. Ruddock. Second Edition. 1 s. 6 d. Homoeop. 

Publish. Comp., London. 
LupvB — a case of — cnred by rhus tox. Dr. S. E. Burchfield. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 4, 297. 
Lnther über Krankheiten nnd Aerzte. Dr. Lembke. Allg. hom. Ztg. 123, 3/4, 25. 
Lyeopodinm Ix. Dr. S. E. Cbapman. Med. Adv. XXVI, 4, 292. 

Ix. Agaiu. Dr. 8. E. Chapman. Med. Adv. XXVI, 1, 63. 
„ Symptoms — on certain alleged — . Dr. R. E. Dudgeon. Mouth. Hom. Rev. 

XXXV, 1, 42. 
Lyeopodinm eure — a — . Dr. H. GouIIon. Translated by Dr. S. Lilienthal. Hom. Phys. XI, 244. 
in cystitis. Dr. H. Qoullon. Hom. Reo. VI, 4, 155. 
„ : a proving. Dr. George Herring. Hom. World XXVI, 309, 424. 

, — ans der Praxis: Heilungen durch — . Dr. Hesse. AUg. hom. Ztg. 123, 

21/22, 163. 
Lyeopodinm — eures by — . Dr. Hesse. Translated by Dr. A. Mc Neil. Hom. Phys. XII, 

8, 360. 
Lyeopodinm elavatnm. Dr. A. Korndörfer. Deutsch von Dr. Sulzer. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. 

Aerzte X, 4, 308. 
Lyeopodinm in an epidemic of diphtheria. Dr. F. H. Pritchard. Med. Adv. XXXIX, 4. 296. 
Lyssa — some queer Symptoms of — . Dr. Proeil. Hom. Phys. XI, 6, 245. 
Madarosis — a case of — . "Whith eure by internal medication. Dr. John H. Payne. N. 

Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVII, 10, 479. 
Magen — der — , seine Function und seine hauptsächlichsten Krankheiten. Dr. W. A. 

Haupt. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. /. Hom. XXIII, 18/14, 126 flg. 
Magenkrampf. Dr. GouUon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 3/4, 32. 
„Magenschmerzen, gebessert durch Essen*' — einiges fiber das Symptom : — . Dr. Taube. 

Ztschr. d. V. hom. Aerzte XII, 2, 85. 
Magnesia muriatica and natrum mur. — a study of — . Dr. E. A. Phillips. N. Engl. Med. 

Gaz. XXVI, 6, 270. 
Magnesia phosphoricft nach Prüfung und Krankengeschichten. Dr. Hesse. Ztschr. d. Berl. 

V, hom. Aertze XI, 6, 430. 
Magnetisme et hypnotisme. L'Abb6 de Meissas. L^hom. pop. IV, 74, 112 flg. 
Mahnruf — ein sonderbarer — . Dr. Lembke. Allg. hom. Ztg. 124, 7/8, 60. 
Malaria — a nniqne case of — . Dr. G. H. Wilkins. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVII, 2, 58. 

„ — new investigations on the origin of — . Pac. Reo. V, 9, 262. 
Malarial fcTer in the sacraments Talley. Dr. James T. Martin. Hom. Phys. XII, 6, 239. 
fevers — some questions about the treatment of — . Dr. Geo. B. Best. Hahnem. 

Month. XXVI, 1, 25. 
Male sexual organs. A repertory to some clinicals. Dr. F. G. Oehme. N. York Med. 

Times XX, 7, 197. 
Malpractice cases — two interesting — . H. A. Riley. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 12, 831. 
Malt and cod-liver oll Compound — the physiological action and clinical results ob- 

tained with — . Dr. J. R. Cocke. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVIII, 2, 86. 
Mania. Dr. G. W. Sherbino. Hom. Phys. X, 2, 82. 
Manual ^- a new — of homoeopathic practice. Hulls Jahr. Edited by F. G. Sneeling. 

Sixth Amer. edition. With an appendix of the new remedies, by C. J. Hempel. 45 s. 

E. Gjuld & Son, London. 
Manuel — th«^ lady's — of homoeopathic treatment in the Tarions derangements inci- 

dent to her sex. Dr. Ruddock. NInth edition. 3 s. 6 d. Homoeop. Publish. Comp. 
Manuel de therapeutique homeopathique. Pour servir de guide au 11t du malade et 

a Tetude de la matlere medicale pure. Dr. C. de Boenninghausen. Traduit par 

le Dr. D. Roth. 7 fr. J. B. Bailliere & Fils, Paris. 
Marasmus. Dr. S. F. Shannon. Med. Curr. VllI, 1, 44. 

in children. Dr. F. H. Hohnberger. Clin. XII, 8, 374. 

Marienbad in der Saison 1891. Dr. Kisch. Archiv f. Hom. I, 146. 

„ n „ „ 1892. Dr. Kisch. Archiv f. Hom. II, 19. 

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40 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. -— Bibliography. 

Hasem — Belladonna and Tactams stlb. im Yerlaufe der — . Dr. GouUon. Lps. pop. 

Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 23/24, 220. 
Hassane — oevlar — . Dr. C. 6. Fellows. CUn. XII, 2, 73. 

y, — the vse of — and nerre gymnastlcs In ehorea and spinal Irritation. Dr. If . 
S. Purdy. N. Am. Jonrn. of Hom. XXXVIIl, 11, 721. 
Mastitis and partnrition during tfplioid fever. Dr. Sarah J. Millsop. Clin. XIV, 1, 39. 
Hateria medica. Dr. G. W. Bowen. Med. Cnrr. Till. 7, 286. 
Dr. P. H. Huron. Am. Hom. XVII, 1. 23. 
, , Dr. J. G. Maloolm. Med. Arena II. 7. 213. 

» y, Dr. L. B. Wells. Med. Adv. XXVI, 8, 169. 

„ „ (Kali biehromicum). Deutsch von Dr. Snlier. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. 

Aenete XI, 1, 64. 
Materia medica primer — a — . Dr. T. F. Allen. DoU. 2,50. Boericke ft Tafel, Philadelphia. 
, ^ — a primer of — for practltloners of homoeopathj . Dr. T. F. Allen. 

14 8. E. Gould & Son, London. 
Hateria medica — prlml stvdl di — . Dr. Bonino. L'om. in it. XIX, 12. 

, , — a fragment from Dr. PiedTache's studj of the — . Dr. H. H. Grippen. 

South. Joum. of Hom. X, 6, 757. 
Hateria medica — reliability in —. Dr. J. P. Dake. Habnem. Month. XXVII. 1, 1. 
„ „ melange. Dr. W. R Dewey. Med. Cent I. 11, 366. 

„ , — the pariflcation and yeriflcation of the homoeopathic — . Dr. P. 

Diederich. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 5, 704. 
Hateria medica — clinical — . Dr. E. A. Farrlngton. Second edition. SO s. £. Gould A 

Son, London. 
Hateria medica homoeopathica — defects and limitations of the — . Dr. D. A. Gorton. 

N. York Med. Times XIX, 8, 225. 
Hateria medica — the dependence of homoeopathy apon its — . Dr. J. C. Guernsey. 

Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 11, 788. 
Hateria medica and special therapeutics of the new remedies. Dr. E. M. Haie. Fifth 

edition. E. Gould & Son, London. 

Hateria medica and therapeutics. Dr. C. J. Hempel. Third edition. E. Gould & Soo, London. 

, „ ^ Condensed — . Dr. C. Hering. Third edition. E. Gould & Son. London. 

, „ — gniding Symptoms of onr — Dr. C. Hering. E. Gould & Son, London. 

„ y, — the gniding Symptoms of the — . Dr. C. Hering. VoL X. Published 

by the estate of Constantine Hering, Philadelphia. 

Hateria medica — introductlon to the study of — . Dr. W. B. Hinsdale. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 

5, 380. 
Hateria medica — the Airther improTement of onr — . Dr. H. Hughes. Month. Hom. Bev. 

XXXVII, 10, 612. 
Hateria medica — the teachlng of — . Dr. R. Hughes. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVII, 10, 455; 

N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 7, 483. 
Hateria medica — Unterrieht In der — . Dr. Hughes. Arcliiv f. Hom. II, 116. 

y, „ — the — and modern Beseareh. Dr. O. E. Janney. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 

8, 513. 
Hateria medica — the — not weakened by revislon. Dr. O. E. Janney. Hahnem. Month. 

XXVII, 1, 3. 
Hateria medica — rcTlsion of the — . Dr. Edw. Janney. Hom. Kec. VI, 2, 61. 

„ y, — tk plea for a better knowledge of — . Dr. G. H. T. Johnson. Med. 

Arena II, 8, 238. 
Hateria medica — a plea for onr — . Dr. S. A. Jones. Med. Adv. XXVI I, 2, 95. 
„ , — note sulle — . Dr. Kent. Riv. om. XXXVI, 10, 313. 

„ » — a compendium of — therapeutics and repertory of the digestlre 

Organs. Dr. A. R. Mo Michael. Doli. 6. Boericke & Tafel, Philadelphia. 
Hateria medica — a practical — . Dr. A. R. Mc Michael. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. XXXIX, 

5, 278; Hom. Rec. VI, 4, 146. 
Hateria medica — remarks on the — . E. Mahony. Hom. World XXVIII, 334, 444. 

. , — reeonstructed — put to practical test. Dr. R. Mifflin. South. Joum. 

of Hom. IX, 9, 405. 
Hateria medica outlines — some — . Dr. E. V. Moffat. Am. Hom. XVII, 6, 212. 

n „ — conflrmatlons of the -. Dr. P. W. Patch. Med. Adv. XXVI, 4, 295. 

n s — ft Pl^ft for perfestlng onr — . Dr. G. Shepard. South. Journ. of Hom. 

VIII, 2, 58. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 41 

Materla medlea — reflections on onr — . Dr. Dean T. Smith. South. Jouni. of Hom. X, 

4, 674. 
Materia medlea — a plea for the -. Dr. H. R. Stout. South. Jouni. of Hom. YIII, 9. 297. 
„ „ reTlsion — principle in — . Dr. J. P. Sutherlaod. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XL, 8, 513. 
Hateria medlea — an analjrtieal symptomatology of the homoeopathlc — . DDr. R. L. 

Tburston and 8. A. Kimball. Boston, by the authors. 
Materla medica — a manoal of elementary — . G. S. V. Wills. London, Simpkin. 
reTislon. Dr. W. A. Yingling. Med. Adv. XXVII, 4, 273. 
study. Dr. W. A. Yingling. Hom. Phys. XI, 10, 887. 
, „ ^ and original method of arranglng homoeopathie — . Dr. M. W. van 

Denburg. Med. Adv. XXVII, 1. 62. 
Materla medlea — pharmacy and proyers in — . Dr. M. W. van Denburg. Am. Hom. XVII, 

12, 410. 
Materla medica — our — or erery doctor hls own book - maker. Dr. C. Wesselhoeft. 

N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVIH, 2. 67. 
Materla medlea — a new and scientlfle — based on pure pathogenesy. By the medlcal 

InTest. elnb. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 2, 73. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 8. 829. 
Materla medlea — a new and gclentiflo — ; Aconitum napellns. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 

6, 345. 
Materla nradlca — be thonghtt — how shovld homoeopathie — . Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 

9, 577. 
Materia medica — the pecvliar features of the homoeopathie — . Hom. League Tracts nr. 34. 
Maternal Impressions. Dr. M. J. Bleim. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 9, 614. 
Maternity. Dr. T. S. Verdi. Doli. 2. Hahnem. Pnbl. House, Philadelphia. 
Matl^re medicale homeopathique — traite de — . Comprenant les pathogön^aies du trait^ 

de matifere mödicale pure et du traitö des maladies chroniques. Par Sam. Hahnemann. 

Traduit sur les dernieres iditions allemandes par Drs. Löon Simon et V. P. Lion Simon. 

32 fr. J. B. Bailüöre et Pils, Paris. 
MaxiUa — anglo-sarcoma of the snperior — . Dr. G. F. Shears. Clin. XII, 11, 511. 
Maxlllary sinus — acute catarrh of the — . Dr. W. A. Dann. Clin. XII, 5, 208. 
Measles — the epidemlc of ^, in Dnnedin, N. Z. Wm. Lamb. Hom. World XXVIII, 

334, 440. 
Medlcal chemlstry — a laboratory conrse In — . Dr. E. H. Porter. D. Appleton & Co., 

New York. 
Medlcal dictlonary — an lllnstrated encyclopaedlc — . Dr. F. P. Foster. Vol. III. D. 

Appleton & Co., New York. 
Medical ethicn : a physiclan's duty to his patlent. Dr. B. W. James. Med. Cent. I, 

9, 307. 
» InTestlgatlon club of Baltimore — the work of the — . Dr. E. C. Price. South. 

Journ. of Hom. VIII, 9, 303. 
Medical Jurlsprndence and toxlcology — a manual of — . Dr. H. C. Chapman. W. B. 

Saunders, Philadelphia. 
Medical notes and comments. Dr. D. A. Gorton. N. York Med. Times XVIII, 12, 357. 
« persecntion in British Columbia. Dr. John Hall. Hom. Phys. XI, 7, 275. 
„ pi'ofession — the dnpable character of the — , and the public at large. Dr. 

M. O. Terry. N. York Med. Times XX, 12, 370. 
Medlcal Sclence. Hom. World XXVI, 290, 8. 

„ Student — the fltting of the — . Dr. S. G. A. Braun. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XL, 12 794. 
Midlcamentation homeopathique psychlque — de la — . Dr. B. Schmitz. L^union hom. 

VI, 1, 1 flg. 
Medlcamenti movo e loro appllcazionl in rapporto coll'omlopatla. Dr. Bonino. L^om. 

in It. XVIII, 22. 
Medlcamenti — la relazlone dei — coUa grarldanza. Dr. L. H. Evans. Riv. om. XXXVII, 

6, 180. 
Medlcamento cnratlTO — del — per 11 Dr. P. P. Wells. Dr. C. C. Smith. Riv. om. 

XXXVI, 2, 47, 
M^dlcaments hom^opathlqnes — administratlon des — . Dr. Galiavardin. I/hom. pop. IV, 

77, 149. 
Medlcaments homeopathlques — contribntion a l*etude de la succession rationelle 

des — . Dr. Lorbacher. L'hom. pop. IV, 70, 68; Dr. Sieffert L'hom. pop. IV, 68, 44. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

42 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Medieaments — de quelques — pen nsltes et de quelques appllcatlons nouyelles de 

medicaments bien connus. Dr. Cyrille Plaoquart. ßev. hom. beige XVII, 12, 371. 
Medieln — zwei Vrtheile fiber die reformlrte ~. Dr. Haedicke. Atlg. hom. Ztg. 124, 3/4, 27. 
Medieinal-reformatorische Streif liehter. Dr. Altois. Hahnem. 1891, 1, 5 flg. 
Hedicine — two decades in — . Dr. T. H. Hudson. Med. Adv. XXIX, 6, 421 ; South, of Hom. 

IX, 10, 424. 
Medlolne t. surgery. Dr. J. S. Hurndall. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 5, 278; Hom. World 

XXVII, 317, 207. 
Hedicine practiqne — elements de — . Contenant le traitement de chaque maladie. 

Dr. P. Jousset Deuxieme edition. 15 Fr. J. B. Bailliere & Fils. Paris. 
Hedicine — a new pronouncing dictionary of - . Dr. J. M. Keating and H. Hamilton. 

W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia. 
Hedicine the CTolutlon of — . Dr. W. H. Leonard. Med. Adv. XXVII. 4, 256. 

» — the higher education and — . Dr. C. L. Nichols. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVIII, 4, 155. 
Hedicine homeopathique dornest! qne. Par le Dr. C. Hering. Septi^me edition augment^es 

d'instructions snr les medicaments nonreaux. Dr. L^on »Imon. 1891. J. B. Bail- 
liere & Fils. Paris. 
Hedicine — which is scientific — ! A comparison of allopatby and homoeopathy 

based on a study of arsenic. Dr. M. W. van Denborg. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 

9, 585 flg. 
Hedlcines — the administration of homoeopathic — in foods and trinhs.« Dr. Galla- 

vardin. Hom. World XXVII, 324, 538. 
Hedicines little used — comments upon some — ; also u pon the unusual uses of some 

well-lLnown remedies. Dr. W. C. Goodno. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 1, Iflg. 
Hedico — il vero — . Dr. W. A. Yingling. Riv. om. XXXVII, 10, 289. 
Hedico-Legal cases. H. A. Riley. N. York Med. Times XIX, 10, 292. 
, notes. H. A. Riley. N. York Med. Times XIX, 12, 355. 
Hedorrhinum. Dr. Geo. H. Clark. Hom. Phys. XII, 11, 499. 

Dr. J. R Jekill. Riv. om. XXXVI, 12, 373; XXXVIII, 7. 209. 
Dr. Th. Wildes. Hom. Phys. XII, 2. 70; Riv. om. XXXVIII, 9, 269. 
Heine Hauspraxis 1802. Dr. E. Schlegel. Archiv f. Hom. II. 360. 
Helancholia. Dr. P. F. Barbour. N. York Med. Times XXI, 8, 228. 

Dr. Alice F. Nivison. Med. Curr. VII, 5, 205. 
Helanotic sarcoma of the nares — a case of — . Dr. J. G. Shallcross. Hahnem. Month. 

XXVII, 1, 24. 
Hembranous cronp. Dr. A. (i. Bedbe. Med. Cent. I, 9, 303. 

r> y, Dr. P. Follett. Med. Cent. I, 8, 262. 

H^mento therapeutiqne. Dr. P. Jousset. L'hom. pop. IV, 66, 15 flg. 
Heninglte — nn cas de — . Traduct du Dr. Chevalier. Rev. hom. beige XIX, 2, 33. 
Heningitis — an interesting case of cerebro-spinal — with recoTorj. Dr. J. H. Clark. 

N. York Med. Times XIX, 7, 205. 
Heningitis cured — tubercuiar -. Dr. Alf. Hearh. Med. Adv. XXVI, 5, 380. 
Heningo-Cerebritis, suppurativa. Dr. T. L. Mac Donald. South. Jonrn. of Hom. IX, 6, 233. 
Hental troubles — high pressure and—. Dr. A. J. CJivens. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 12, 505, 
Hercure — le — et la syphllis. Dr. Martiny. Rev. hom. beige XVII, 8, 225. 
Hercurisme et Syphilis. Dr. Gailliard. L'union hom. V. 2, 41. 

Hercurius corr. in dysentery. Dr. T. J, Houghton. South. Journ. of Hom. iX, 7, 283. 
Hercury — the value of — in the treatment of primary sores. Dr. J. Drummond. Month. 

Hom. Rev. XXX Vi, 8, 469. 
Herkzettel — ein homöopathischer — . (Dr. Schwerdt) Lps. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 5/6, 51. 
Hetacarpal bone — osteoma of the third — . Dt. G. F. Shears. Clin. XIII, 4, 158. 
Uetastases du psoriasis — des — . Dr. Martiny. Rev. hom. beige XIX, 6, 174. 
Hetastasis - a case of — . Dr. W. Steinrauf. Hom. Phys. XII, 4, 172. 
Hetastatic Carcinoma of the spinal cord. Dr. H. F. Stevens. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XXXVIII, 1, 45. 
Hethode homeo - organo - dynamique et dynamogenique du Prof. Brown - Sequard — de 

la — . Dr. Flasschoen. Paris, J. Bailliere & Fils, 1893. 
Hethods of homoeopathy — the two — . Dr. J. F. Bruner. Med. Adv. XXIX, 2, 126. 

» in medical teaching — a plea for better — . D. W. T. Talbot. N. Engl. Med. 

Gaz. XXVII, 7, 327. 
Hetrorrhagia — a case of — cured by germanium maculatum. Dr. H. C. Aldrich. N. Am. 

Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 10, 656. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 43 

Metrite ehroniqve goutteuse. Dr. Seatin. Rev. hom. beige XVIII, 10, 293. 

Metritis — the treatment of ehronic — especlally of endometrltls wlth intra-uterine 

eheniical galyauo cavterizatlons. Dr. G. Apostoli. Geo. S. Davis, Detroit, Mich. 
Michigan — consumption in — . Dr. M. Veenboer. Med. Curr. VIII, 9, 406. 
MIcrobes — the — . Dr. A. Cartai. Pac. Rec. V, 9, 258. 

r, Dr. 8. M. Fowler. South. Jonrn. of Hom. VIII, 2, 53. 

, Dr. F. C. Stewart. Med. Curr. VIII, 7, 281. 

MIcroscope — the — In eünleal medlelne. Dr. H. N. Lyon. Clin. XII, 9, 414. 

„ — the — in diagnosis and prognosis. Dr. A. F. Morre. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. 

XXVI, 10, 485. 
Mieroscopical teohnology. Dr. Lantzins-Beninga. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVII, 7, 339. 
Hiddie ear — chronic pnrulent inflammation of the — . Prof. G. C. Fellows. Clin. XII, 10, 457. 
„ ear diseases Jodine in — localljr in Tapor, internally as constitntional treat* 

ment. Dr. L. W. Jordan. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 7, 91. 
Hiddie ear - acute snppurative inflammation of the — . Dr. A. E. Perkins. N. Engl. 

Med. Gaz. XXVI. 9, 422. 
Hiddie ear — chronic snppnration of the — and its treatment. Dr. T. M. Stewart Med. 

Curr. VIII, 7, 297. 
Hiddie ear — Inflation of the — and its abvse. Dr. T. M. Stewart Med. Curr. VII, 2, 70. 
Hidwifery — the moderne — . What she shonld do. Dr. H. Sherry. N. York Med. Times 

XX, 3, 78. 
Hidwifery — OTery-day — . Dr. F. A. Churchill. Pac. Coast Journ. of Hom. I, 8, 300. 

, — coasideration of the legal statvs of — in the State of New York. Dr. F. 

P. Lewis. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 4, 227. 
Hidwifery — the science and art of — . Dr. W. T. Lusk. D. Appleton & Co., New York. 
, — antiseptic — . Dr. G. B. Peck. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 1, 561. 

„ — on the relation of homoeopathy to antiseptic — . Dr. Q. W. Winterbum. 

Hom. World XXVII, 323, 493; Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 9, 221; Med. Adv. XXVIII. 2, 145. 
Hiliartnberculose — acute — der Harnblase im Anschlnss an eine chronische Lnngen- 

tnbercnlose. Dr. Stifft. AUg. hom. Ztg. 125, 3/4, 21. 
Hiracolo — piü che un — ! 1 Dr. A. MattioU. Riv. om. XXXVI, 12. 353. 
Hiscarriage — two case of indnced — with comments. Dr. E. R. Corson. N. York Med. 

Times XIX, 5, 136. 
Hiscarriage rational treatment of — . Dr. G. H. Clark. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 1, 45. 
Hission — onr — . Dr. H. W. Roby. Northw. Journ. of Hom. IV, 3, 66. 
Histakes — the tliree — . Dr. A. R. Morgan. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 9, 355. 
Hittel der Neuzeit — über ^esen und Ursprung einiger — . Dr. Goullon. Hahnem. 1892. 

12. 137. 
Hittels — die ^ahl des homöopathischen — . Dr. Hesse. Allg. hom. Ztg. 127, 19/^20, 145. 
HIxed milk ts. one cow's milk in the feedings of infants. Dr. J. P. Rand. N. Am. 

Journ. of Hom. XL, 12, 797. 
Hodern household medicine, a gnide to the mode of recognition and the rational 

treatment of diseases and emergencies incidental to daily lifo. Dr. C. R. Fieury. 

3th ed. 5 s. London, E. Gould & Son. 
Hodethorheiten — gesundheitsschädliche — . Hahnem. 1891, 8 flg. 
Holar gestation. Dr. J. P. Webster. Med. Curr. IX. 2, 71. 
Honobromacetanilide — the remarkable toxic effects of a small dose of — . Dr. J. M. 

Schley. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 4. 217. 
Honstrosity — a — . Dr. H. A. Gibbs. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 9, 436. 

n — a pseudencephalic — . Dr. B. H. Ogden. Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 11, 281. 

Horbid growths — cancerousl Dr. J. A. Gann. Am. Hom. XVIII, 6, 192. 
Horbid histology — a text-book of — R. Boyce. D. Appleton & Co., N. York. 
Höre light. Dr. Frank Kralt Med. Curr. VIII, 3, 103. 
Horituri lalutamns. Dr. T. L. Bradford. Hom. Rec. VIII, 2, 56. 
Horphia habit — the — . Hom. Phys. XII, 3, 119. 
Horphinismus — fiber — . Hahnem. 1892. 1. 5. 

Hother happy — keep the — . Dr. E. Rushmore. Med. Adv. XXVII, 5, 383. 
Hothers and daughters. Dr. T. 8. Verdi. Doli. 1,50. Hahnem. Publ. House, Philadelphia. 
Hotion — proper sphere of — as a remedy. Dr. G. H. Patchen. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XLI, 9, 552. 
HucouB membraae — the rectal — as a means of preTonting infection in Operations 

about the anus. Dr. W. B. van Lennep. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XLI, 1, 37. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

44 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

flamme — über die Braunseliwelger — . Dr. P. Lutze. Habnem. 1893, 1, 4. 

Mump« — deafliess m a seqael to — . Dr. H. P. Bellows. N. Engl. Med. 6az. XXVIII, 4, 171. 

— a rare eise of — . Dr. E. M. Haie. Hom. World XXVII, 319. 293. 
HoBCvlar asthenopla. Dr. A.. B. Norton. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 7, 439. 
Myxoedema. Dr. Ellen L. Keith. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVni, 8, 374. 
Nameg of remedies. Pac. Rec. V, 4. 111. 

Nasal catarrh — arseniou« svlphlde. As, 8«. Agricola. Hom. World XXVIII, 325. 15. 
, , — in Minnesota — the preTaiHng type of — . Dr. C. E. Thayer. Mino. 

Hom. Mag. I. 8. 194. 
Nasal septvm — deformities of the — , and their treatment. Dr. J. Townsend. N. Am. 

Jonrn. of Hom. XL. 9, 612. 
Nasal sargery — eonserratism in —. Dr. E. L. Mann. Mino. Hom. Mag. II, 4, 85. 
Naso-pharyngreal catarrh — the eure of — , when regrarded as a Symptom of disease. 

Dr. G. B. Rice. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVIII, 2, 59. 
Naso-pharynx — the resnlts of svrglcal treatment of the — , for the relief of mlddle 

ear inflammations. Dr. T. M. Stewart. South. Jouro. of Hom. IX, 10, 442. 
Natrnm mvriaticam In selatica lumbago. Hom. Rec. VIII. 9, 410. 

„ phosphorfcnm in spermatorrhoea. H. D. Chakravarti. Med. Adv. XXVI. 3. 221. 
„ „ Dr. Cowperthwalte. Hahnem. Montb. XXVI, 6, 373. 

Dr. W. A. Dewey. Med. Arena II, 9, 276. 
n sulphnricum. Dr. J. T. Kent. South. Journ. of Hom. X. 1, 549. 
Dr. J. T. Kent. Archiv f. Hom. I. 294. 
Natrnms with some comparlsons — a few Symptoms of the —. Dr. W. Mc George. 

Habnem. Month. XXVI, 12, 836. 
Natur- und Menschenleben — aus — . Prof. Dr. Jäger. Jiger's Monatsbl. XII, 9, 163. 
Neck of femnr — hints on diagnosis and treatment of fractnres of the — . Dr. J. A. 

Steele. Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 7. 189. 
Nephritis and unyeldlng affections of obscure pathology ~ the Importanee of suspec- 
tlng a possible relation of cause and effect betwcen chronic diflnise — . Dr.W. 
A. Haman. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 1, 16. 
Nephritis — suppuratlTO — . Dr. L. D. Rogers. Clin. XIII, 6, 262. 
Nephrorrhaphy, wlth a report of two Operations for movable kldney. Dr. S. F. Wilcox. 

N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 2, 106. 
Nerre tronbles — the neurologlst on — . A. SellgmuUer. Northvr. Jonm. of Hom. 

IV, 8, 240. 
Neryosen und geistigen Störungen — Hyoscyamin und Hyoscin bei — . Dr. E. M. Haie. 

Archiv f. Hom. I, 291. 
NerTOns diseases — text-booli of — . Dr. C. L. Dana. W. Wood & Co., New York. 

invallds — the feedlng of -. Dr. E. C. Mann. N. York Med. Times XX, 10, 295. 

„ matter, What is it! Dr. J. A. Carmichael. N. York Med. Times XX, 1, 1 flg. 

„ System — diseases of the — . Dr. J. K. Bauduy. J. B. LippineoU & Co., Philadelphia. 

„ „ ~ „ » » — . Dr. J. A. Ormerod. Blakiston, Son & Co., Philadelphia. 

y, „ — the diseases of the — • A text-book for physicians and students. 

Dr. Ludwig Hirt. Translated by Aug. Hoch, M. D., assisted by Frank R. Smith, M. D. 

Appleton &■ Co., New York. 

NerTons System — neglect of the Sympathie — , in dlagnosis. Dr. C. 8. Eldridge. N. York 

Med. Times XIX, 5, 129. 
Neue Arzneimittel — Aber. Lpz. pop. Ztsehr. f. Hom. XXIII, 11/12, 101. 
„ Erfahrungen über die Behandlungen der Syphilis und <{ueck8llberkrankhelten. 
Dr. E Güntz. Archiv f. Hom. II, 375. 
Neural analysis. Dr. B. Fincke. Hom. Phys. XII, 10, 424. 

„ „ as a applied to testing the high potencies upon the human organism. 

Dr. Bl. Fincke. Med. Adv. XXX, 3, 35. 
Neuralgia. Dr. E. E. Case. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XLI, 11, 696. 

Neuralgia — faclal — , cured by splgelia. Dr. W. M. Houston. Med. Adv. XXIX, 2, 144. 
„ — a case of — . Dr. W. E. Spencer. Med. Cent. I, 11, 366. 

„ — a seTore case of — . Dr. Szontagb. Hom. Phys. XI, 2, 76. 

Neurasthenia and Its organic counterparts. Dr. W. D. Bayley. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 

11, 736. 
Neurasthenia wlth morbid fears. Dr. E. P. Colby. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVIII, 9, 419. 

« y, reference to cases — . Dr. T. G. Comstook. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XL, 8. 536. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 45 

Nenrasthenla. Dr. D. A. Gorton. N. York Med. Times XX, 8, 230. 

» — physleü adjaraiits In —. Dr. D. B. Whittier. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XLI, 8, 488. 
KenrMthenie, tympanose stomaeaie, dilatatlon de restomac. Dr. Crlquelon. Rot. hom 

beige XYIII, 11, 324. 
Nearasthenle — la — . Dr. G. Sieffert. L'hom. pop. IV, 76, 184. 
Hearltls — a ease of retro-balbar — . Dr. C. C. Boyle. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 

5, 302. 
Nenro-retlnitls — caae of — , cared by Dubolsia. Dr. C. C. Boyle. N. York Med. Times 

XIX, 4, 110. 
Nevrotie condltions daring gestation. Prof. Dr. G. Royal. Northw. Journ. of Hom. IV, 6, 157. 
Neyralgies — de l^opportunlsme dans le traltement des — . Dr. Vao Blaeren. Rev.hom. 

beige XVII, 8, 240. 
New art of healing — the — , or the relation betvreen the princlples of Tolce prodnctlon 

and liealth. J. P. Sandlands. Marsball brothers, London. 
New York homoeopathie nnion. Dr. L. M. Stanton. Hom. Pbys. XI, 7, 277 flg. 
New Zealand — notes on the elimatology and preyalent diseases of —, Dr. J. M. Moore. 

Menth. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 10, 629 flg. 
Nicotine polsonlng - a ease of — . Dr. G. P. Sword. N. Engl. Med. Gw. XXVII, 1, 17. 
Nierenleiden. Wegw. t. Ges. V. 23/24, 483; Vf. 1/2, 501. 

„Night and the doetor". Dr. J. D. Hayward. Menth. Hom. Rev. XXXVl, 6, 331. 
Nlghtmare — a physleian's — . Dr. J. K Coeke. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVIII, 10, 475. 
Nil nOTum snb sole. Dr. W. A. Haupt AUg. hom. Ztg. 123, 23/24, 185. 
Nipples — a ease of InTerted — . Dr. A. M'Neil. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 2, 98. 
Nitrie acid in acute mania and Syphilis. Dr. G. 8. Adams. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXiV, 4, 198. 
, , — and nitrate of sllTcr — illnstratlTe cases of the therapeutic spheres 

of — . Dr. W. S. Searle. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 4, 213. 
Nogle sygehlstorier. Dr. Kömer. Maanedsskr. f. Hom. XIX, 9, 65. 
Nomination d^flnitiTO des m^decins du dispensalre homeopathlqne k AnTcrs. Rev. hom. 

beige XVIII, 7, 216. 
Nose — foreign body in the — . Dr. H. F. Fisher. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 7, 289. 
y, — mncons polypns of the — . Dr. J. N. Tailor. Hahnem. Menth. XXVII, 9, 607. 
, ~ Stenosis of the -. Dr. D. G. Woodvine. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVII, 8, 388. 
„ — and throat — diseases of the — : a text-book for stndents and practltloners. 

Dr. H. F. Ivins. The F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia and London. 
Nose and throat — a treatise on diseases on the —. Dr. F. H. Bosworth. W. Wood & Co., 

New York. 
Nosebleed — habitnal — . Dr. Wilh. Roth. N. York Med. Times XXI, 8, 235. 
Nosode cases. J. T. Tapley. Hom. Phys. XII, 11, 520. 
Nosodes — my experience with a few — . Dr. John Hall. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 1, 22. 

Hom. World XXVI, 303, 112. 
Notes from the general fleld. Dr. W. E. Green. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 7, 263. 
„Notes clinieal and pathological«. Dr. T. E. Purdom. Menth. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 1, 29 flg. 
Notes by the way. Dr. Ussher. Hom. World XXVI, 311, 508; XXVII, 319, 300. 
Note book - cases from — . Dr. L. Whiting. Med. Adv. XXVI, 1, 38. 
Nouveau mannel de medecine veterinaire homeopathique. 1892. F. A. Günther et J. 

Prost-Lacuzon. 4 fr. J. B. Bailiiere & Fils, Paris. 
Nnggets. Dr. C. C. Smith. Hom. Phys. XI, 1, 16; 4, 175 flg. 

Dr. C. C. Smith's — . Dr. 8. Lilienthal. Hom. Phys. XI, 2, 66. 
Nnrse — the trained — Dr. H. M. Lewis. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 1, 15. 
Knrsing in the home. Dr. Anna M. L. Furber. People's Health Journal VII, 9, 7. 

— pecnliar - . Dr. J. ütley. N. Engl. Med. Gaa. XXVII, 8, 112. 
, — a text-book of — . C. 8. Weeks-Shaw. D. Appleton & Co., New York. 
Nux moschata — an involuntary provlng of — . Dr. Ayres. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 2, 93. 
, Tomica — altbewahrte Hilfe von — . Dr. GouUon. Lpz pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 

21/'22, 210. 
Nnx YOmica. Dr. Gonllon. Maanedsskr. f. Hom. XX, 1, 4. 

„ , Dr. J. T. Kent. Med. Adv. XXVI, 3, 161. Riv. om. XXXVII, 3, 65. 

» „ «0 in labor. Dr. W. A. YingUng. Hom. Phys. XI, 2, 72. 

n „ ~ prOTlngs of -. Hom. World XXVII, 314, 75. 

Nymphomanies — des —. Dr. B. Schmitz. L'union hom. VI, 3, 73. 
Obserration clinique. Dr. Criquelion. Rev. hom. beige XIX, 3, 65. 

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46 Bibliographie — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Obseryations of a poUee snrgeon. Dr. J. H. Clark. N. York Med. Times XIX, 3, 72. 

„ , „ trayeller. Dr. Wesselhoeft. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXYI, 10, 462. 

Obstetrlcal annoyanceii. Dr. E. H. Woleott. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 3, 145. 
„ dlalogne — an — . Dr. Sunny South. Med. Curr. VII, 10, 478 flg. 

„ experieaee — some — . Dr. Clara C. Plimpton. South. Jouro. of Hom. X, 11, 1006. 

Obstetrlcal practlee — In aseptic or antlseptle treatment called for In — , vrhen ander 

the eare of homöeopathlc physicians! Dr. J. N. Mitchell. Hahnem. Menth. 

XXVI, 9, 630. 
Obstetrlcal qaestlons and answers — flfty — . Prof. Leavitt. Clin. XIII, 6, 267. 
Obstetric crlses — on snrgical procedure and homoeopathic therapentlcs In certala — . 

Q. H. Burford, M. B. Month. Hom. Re^. XXXIV, 7, 389. 
Obstetric practlee — notes on — . S. P. Alexander. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVII, 2. 76. 
Obstetrlcs — remlniscences of Mexlcan — . Dr. E. L. Beaumont. Med. Cent I, 9, 300. 
„ — a System of — ; based upon a translatlon from the french of Anyard. 

Dr. C. M. Beebe. J. B. Flint & Co., New York. 
Obstetrlcs — a nniqne ease In — . Dr. W. B. Clarke. Med. Curr. VII, li, 509. 

„ — and the dlsorders pecnllar to women and yonng chlldren — the appllca- 

tlon of the princlples and practlee of homoeopathy to — . Dr. H. N. Guernsey. 

E. Gould & Son, London. 
Obstetrlcs -^ forty years' experience In — . Dr. M. Hammond. South. Journ. of Hom. 

X, 7, 798. 
Obstetrlcs — a mannal of — . Dr. A. F. A. King. Lea Bros & Co., Philadelphia. 

„ — the sclence and art of — . Dr. S. Leavitt. Gross & Delbridge, Chicago 

„ — some cllnlcal cases In — . Dr. H. J. Suttle. Mee. Curr. IX, 2, 69. 

Obstruction — a case of — . Dr. J. Drysdale. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 1, 1. 

, — three cases of acute Intestinal — . Dr. J. C. Wood. Hahnem. Month. 

XXVI, 11, 745. 
Occaslonal papers. Dr. S. Morrison. E. Gould & Son, London. 
Occipito-sacro-lllac posltlons. Dr. E. C. Price. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 9, 381. 

„ n n — thlrty • one cases of — or forehead • npward positlon. Dr. E. C. 

Price. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 11, 999 flg. 
Octaye (Septenary) — the — In natare and In man as the key to psychology. Dr. J. 

D. Bück. Med. Cent. I. 8, 267. 
Ocnlar dlagnosis. Dr. C. H. Vilas. Clin. XII. 7, 293. 

„ muscles — reflex dlstnrbance arlslng from the - wlth eure. Dr. J. H. Payne. 

N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVII, 2. 56. 
Ocular sympathy. Dr. F. D. Smythe. Med. Curr. VII, 12, 550; VlII, 12, 523. 
Oedema glottidis — acute — . Dr. B. H. Ogden. Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 8, 197. 

„ of the glottis — a case of hyper-acute — . Dr. B. 8. Arnulphy. Clin. XIII, 4, 162. 
L^oell et de son hygl^ne — de l'educatlon de — . Dr. Parenteau. L^hom. pop. IV. 78, 161. 
Oenanthe crocata mod epilepsle. Dr. Brückner. Maan. f. Hom. XVII, 8, 59. 
Oesophagus — treatment of cicatricial strlcture of the — . Dr. W. E. Green. South. 

Journ. of Hom. X, 3, 631. 
Oesophagus — report of a case of dental plate In the — ; oesöphagotomy ; death. 

Dr, J. D. Hayward. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVII, 10, 609. 
Oftalmia scrofolosa — nlceraxlone della corttea — guarlta dairomlopatia senza cura 

locale. Dr. B. B. BayUes. Riv. om. XXXVIII, 2, 60. 
Ohm's law and Its practical applicatlon to electro - therapentlcs. Dr. H. N. Winton. 

N. York Med. Times XVIII, 11, 335. 
Ohrenbrausen — gegen — . Dr. Goullon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 9/10, 88. 
Ohrenlelden. Dr. Houghton. Archiv f. Hom. II, 272. 
Ohrenzwaiig und Zahnschmerzen — gegen — . Dr. Goullon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. 

XXIII, 11/12, 107. 
Ollye-oll In gall-stone collc. Hom. Rec. VI, 6, 250. 
Omiopatia — fllosofla practica dell'— . Dr. B. Fincke. Riv. om. XXXVII, 7, 197. 

— dl un errore mortale perl 1'—. Dr. G. Pompili. Riv. om. XXXVII, 6, 161. 
One dose — on value. Dr. R. T. Cooper. Hom. World XXVIII, 326, 64. 
Onosmodlum vlrglnlanum — Indicatlons for Its employment contrasted with Symp- 
toms calllng for plcrlc acid and physostlgma. Dr. E« Linnell. N. Am. Journ. of 

Hom. XL, 2, 86. 
Onosmodlum Tlrglnlanum. Dr. W. A. YingUng. Hom. Phys. XIU, 7, 358. 
Open letter — an — , from Paris. Dr. Myra de Normandie. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 6, 264. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 47 

Operations npon the fltee, wlth notes of ilfty coniieeatlTe eases. Dr. A. H. Powers. 

N. Engl. Med. Gm. XXVIU. 11, 620. 
Operazioni ehlrnrgiche — eenno 8«lle — . Dr. Dematteis. L^om. in It XYII, 20. 
Ophthalmia neonatornm. Dr. G. H. Clark. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 1, 55. 

„ . and Its treatment. Dr. 8. lilienthal. Hom. Phys. XI, 10, 402. 

— 8Crofaloa8 — . Dr. J. A. Biegler. Med. Adv. XXVIJ, 5. 389. 
Ophthalmie diseases and therapeutlcs. Dr. A. B. Norton. Boericke & Tafel, Philadelphia. 
„ surgery. Dr. E. J. Bisseil. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. XLI, 9, 576. 

therapeutles - the study of — . Dr. F. P. Lewis. Habncm. Montb. XXVI, 9, 597. 
, Dr. E. H. Llnnell. N. Am. Joarn. of Hom. XLI, 11. 703. 

„ , Dr. G. 8. Norton. Second ediiion, with introduction by Prof. Allen. 

12 s. 6 d. E. Gonld & 8on, London. • ■ 

Ophthalmology and otology. Dr. H. C. French. Cal. Hom. IX, 1, 7. 

„ „ kindred speclalltles — the relatlons of — , to the general practlce 

of medieine. Dr. H. C. Frencb. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 9, 602. 
Ophthalmology — text-book of — . Dr. E. Fuchs. Translation by A. Duane. D. Appleton 

& Co., New York. 
Ophthalmology and otology — report of the bureau of — . Dr. C. H. Vilas. Clin. 

XII, 2, 69. 
Oplnlon — a mere difference in — . Dr. 8. Lilienthal. Am. Hom. XVIII, 10, 154. 
Opium — ellnleal lecture on — . Dr. H. C. Wood. N. York Med. Times XVIII, 10, 295. 
, — Insonnla dl — . Dr. C. N. Payne. Riv. om. XXXVI, 8, 252. 
„ — effect — an — or a colncidencel Dr. J. B. S. King. Med. Adv. XXVII, 2, 112. 
Organie extracts In the treatment of disease. Dr. G. L. Freemann. N. York Med. Times 

XXI, 7, 199. 
Organization ^ some thoughts eoneernlng medleal — . Dr. M. Christine. Hahnem. Month. 

XXVII, 10, 693. 
Organe — eommentarj all' — • Illnstrazione pratica della legge omlopatlca col mag- 

nete. Dr. B. Fincke. Riv. om. XXXVIII, 7, 193. 
Organen | 16. Dr. A. G. Allan. Hom. Phys. XTI, 10, 430; Archiv f. Hom. II. 173. 

— a lecture on the -. Dr. J. H. Clarke. Hom. World XXVIII. 334, 451. 

„ — commentarles on the — . Dr. B. Fincke. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 4, 241. Hom. 
Phys. XII, 6, 246. 
Organen — Commentarlen zum ^. Dr. B. Fincke. Archiv f. Hom. I. 284; II, 129 flg. 
„ — translator's preface from the translatlon of the — . Dr. B. Fincke. Hom. 
Phys. XIII, 1, 46. 
Organon — lecture upon the llrst three paragraphs of the — . Dr. W. H. Hatfield. Hom. 

Phys. XI, 4, 150. 
Organon — the flrst paragraphe of the — . Dr. A. Layman. Hom. Phys. XII, 7, 312. 

— thoughts from the — . Dr. B. Mahony. Hom. World XXVII, 317, 200 flg. 
y, references — a case wlth — . Dr. E. E. Heininger. Med. Adv. XXiX, 3, 245. 

— section 16 of the — . Dr. E. M. Santee. Med. Adv. XXIX, 4, 300. 
Orlflclal surgery. Dr. E. H. Pratt Med. Curr. VII. 10, 461 flg. 

„ „ — cases in — . Dr. P. M. Cooke. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 2, 113. 

„ „ and consumptlon. Dr. W. E. Prilchard. Med. Curr. VIII, 4. 171. 

„ „ — some Problems in — . Dr. D. T. Smith. South. Journ. of Hom. 

IX. 9, 408. 
Orlflclal surgery — two cases of — . Dr. J. F. Steyner. N. Engl. Med. Gaa. XXVI, 4, 181. 
, work — thoronghness In — . Dr. D. T. Smith. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 4, 679. 
„Orme<< and hls troubles. Dr. J. S. Hurndall. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 6, 356. Hom. 

World XXVII, 318, 260. 
Orthodox sehool — Hahnemann^s doctrlnes triumphant in the ~. Hom. World XXVI, 

310, 439. 
L'ortle, plante allmentaire pour Thomme. A. Barot L^hom. pop. IV, 72, 92. 
Osteitis. Dr. Auringer. Med. Curr. VIII, 12, 533. 

Otalgla and otorrhoea. Dr. J. E. Mann. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 8. 323. 
title braln abscess. Dr. C. M. Thomas. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 3, 177. 
Otitis interna, leicht Terkannt bei Säuglingen. Dr. Mossa. Allg. hom. Ztg. 126, 

25/26, 194. 
Otorrhoea In chlldren. Dr. A. A. Klein. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVIT, 3, 118. 
OTarlan eyst — large strangulated -, acute Peritonitis — abdominal — section re- 
COTery. Dr. R A. Neatby. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 5, 274. 

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48 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. -— Bibliography. 

OTarlui diieMe evred without Operation. Dr. Artirar Roberts. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXYII, 

10, 619. 
Orarian neuralgla. Dr. lAaie Gray Guthers. Sonth. Joam. of Hom. IX, 9, 374. 
Oyarlea — malattla ~y gvarita sensa operazlone. Dr. Arthur Roberts. Riv. om. XXXDE. 2. 59. 
OrarloB — repertory of the Symptoms of the — . Dr. C. M. Boger. Hom. Phys. XIII, 

10, 494. 
OTarles — surgieal Operations npon the — . Hom. Phys. XI. 4, 143. 
OTarlotomles — two — , with aapromised termlnatlons. Dr. J. G. GUchrist. Med. Cent. 

I. 10, 337. 
Ofariotomy and Its menstroal resnlts. Dr. H. F. Biggar. Med. Adv. XXYII, 6, 466. 

. at the London homoeopathlc hospltaL Dr. G. H. Burford. Menth. Hom. 

Kev. XXXV, 3, 188. 
Oyariotomy and hysterectomy for an enormovs abdominal tnmonr, recoTery. K A. Hall 

and 6. Barford. Montb. Hom. Ray. XXXYI, 6, 345. 
OTarltls — chronic ^. Dr. H. G. Bayless. South. Jonm. of Hom. X, 4, 685. 
OTersight — lias It been an - 1 Dr. M. W. van Denburg. Hahnem. Menth. XXVII, 3, 145. 
Orer - Taecinatlon — the — -, of ehlldern. Dr. H. £. RnsseU. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. 

XXXVIII, 3, 173. 
Oxalnrle nenroses. Dr. E. P. Colby. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVni, 8, 358. 
Oxygen and its therapentie indleatlon. Dr. H. E. Russell. Hahnem. Menth. XXVII, 4. 237. 
Oyster-shell in caneer — ealclned — . Hom. World XXVI, 290, 19. 

Osaena - chronic nasal catarrh and — . DDr. Boericke and Devey. Hom. Envoy II, 3, 20. 
Ozena — tratamiento del — . Ref. med. IL Ep. T. V, l, 25. 
Ozone for chronic conyhs. Dr. F. F. Warner. Hahnem. Montb. XXVIII, 9, 608. 
Paediatry — the homoeopath's dnty in — . Dr. M. Deschere. N. Am. Jonm. of Hom. XXXIX, 

12, 811. 
Palns of the head (A comparatlTC study). Dr. A. R. Mc Michael. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. 

XL, 9, 633. 
PalliatlTC — la medecine — . Dr. Martiny. ReT. hom. beige XIX, 4, 97. 
Palpating the abdomen where no abdominal growth was snspeeted — what I haTe 

fonnd in — . Dr. J. R. Cocke. N. Engl. Med. Gax. XXVIII, l, 13. 
Pamphlets : 1. The better way. 2. On the relation of homoeopathy to antiseptic mid- 

wifery. 8. The perluaenm in its relation to normal labor. Dr. G. W. Winterbum. 
Paracelsns and Hahnemann. Dr. B. Fincke. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 5, 324. 
Paraffin and petrolenm. Dr. J. H. Clarke. Hom. World XXVI, 307, 311. 
Paralysis — varions forms of hysterical or fhnctional — . H. C. Bastian. H. K. Lewis, 

Paralysis — a case of psevdo-hypertrophle — . Dr. M. Cahis. Hom. World XXVIII, 

334, 439. 
Paralysis in women — general — . Dr. W, O. Mann. N. EngL Med. Gas. XXVIII, 10, 467. 
„ — electrlcal reactions In — . Dr. G. H. Martin. Cal. Hom. IX, 1, 4. 

» following labor — a case of pressure — . Dr. A. E. Perkins. New. Engl. Med. 

Ga«. XXVIII, 8, 361. 
Parasite — a pecnliar intestinal — • The report of a case. Dr. J. A. Freer. N. Am. 

Journ. of Hom. XLI, 3, 154. 
Parenchymatovs metamorphosls of the kidneys — acute — . Dr. W. A. Haman. Hahnem. 

Menth. XXVI, 12, 809. 
Paresis — general -. Dr. G. O. Welch. N. Engl Med. Gaz. XXVI, 1, 14. 
Paris green — a case of poisonlng by ->. Dr. J. 8. Bishop. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 4, 193. 
Paronychia and nitrle acid. Dr. Gentzke. Hom. Reo. VII, 2, 69. 

„ — bone felon. Dr. H. Lindley. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 12, 510. 

Parotld — malignant tumours of the — . Dr. G. E. Shears. Clin. XIV, 3. 125. 
Partum bandage — post — . Dr. J. A. Carson. Northw. Journ. of Hom. IV, 3, 64. 
Parturient bed — the — . Dr. Alice A. Goodrich. Northw. Joum. of Hom. IV, 3, 65. 

„ women — twenty-four hours wlth. Dr. J. Dever. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 2, 96. 

Passiflora. Hom. Rec. VII, 1, 22. 

„ gegen Trunksucht und Horphlumsucht. Dr. Brückner. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. 

Hom. XXVII, 1/2, 12. 
Passiflora Incarnata. Dr. G. C. Buchanan. Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 4, 89. 
„ , Dr. W. E. Daniels. Hom. Rec VII, 2, 75. 

„ inearnati — some experlence with — . Hom. Rec. VI, 4. 158. 

Pasteur — 11 giubeleo dl -. Dr. K. Kruger. Riv. om. XXXVIII, 9, 257. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 49 

PathogeDesy — Dr. Haghes' paper apon the proposed Index to the eyelopaedl» of 

drag — . Dr. C. 8. Maek. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 8, 621. 
Pathogrenetle pleture — the — . Dr. B. Fincke. Hom. Phys. XI, 7. 280. 
Pathologie»! preserlblng. Dr. F. Kraft. Am. Hom. XVIII, 9, 139. 

r, , Dr. G. J. Waggoner. Med. Adv. XXVin, 1, 66. 

Pathologie — Arsneimittellehre oder speelelle ~. Dr. Knnkel. Archiv f. Hom. II, 161. 
Pathology — the atudy of general ~. Prof. Arnulphy. Clin. XII. 11, 485. 
, — geographleal. Dr. A. Davidson. D. Appleton A Co., New York. 

, — Btadles in — . Dr. H. N. Lyon. Clin. XIII. 8, 368 flg. 

, in reUtion to homoeopathlc therapenties. Dr. Wm. Owens. N. Am. Journ. 

of Hom. XL, 12, 779. 
Pathology ~ apeeial — and diagnOBtles, wlth therapeatie hints. Dr. C. G. Baue. Third 

edition. 40 s. 
Patient — an allopathie — . Hom. Envoy II. 12, 92. 
Peau — maladle de la — . Rev. hom. beige. XVII, ll, 332. 
Peenliar eaee — a — Dr. P. W. Sotithworth, Cal. Hom. IX 3, 70. 
Pedriaties — final examination In — Prof. J. B. Cobb. Clin. XII, 4. 167. 
Pelrie abeeu — .laparotomy for — . Dr. F. P. Green. Soath. Journ. of Hom. X, 1. 553. 
, diseases — the valne of remedies in — before resorting to sargery. Dr. Sarah 

T. Coe. Med. Era XI. 1, 15. 
Pelrie dlsorders in ivomen — the responslbility of the physiean in the treatment of 

Obscnre — . Dr. B. F. Betts. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XLL, 1, 19. 
Pelrie haematoeele. Dr. E. G. Condon. Soutb. Journ. of Hom. IX. 10, 438. 
Pemphygns — a rare case of — . Dr. Jessie E. Shears. Clin. XIV, 8, 384. 
Penile gangrene — a case, wlth photographs. Dr. A. C. Jones. Habnem. Month. XXVI, 

6. 377. 

Pepsin — hoiv physicians prescribe — . Dr. R. G. Eecles. N. York Med. Times XXI, 

7, 209 flg. 

Pericardite algue avec ^panchement. Dr. Jean de Wee. Rev. bom. beige XIX, 3, 83. 
Perichondrltls of the largynx — acute — . Prof. W. A. Dann. CUn. XIII, 9, 349. 
Perinaeiim after partlal laceration — a neiv Operation for the preservatlon of the — 

Dr. K de Baun. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XLI, 9, 586. 
Perinaenm — the Aap Operation for lacerated ~. Dr. H. J. Ostrom. N. Am. Journ. of 

Hom. XL, 7, 468. 
Perinaeam — the — in Its relatlon to normal labonr. Dr. G. W. Winteibum. Month 

Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 9. 532. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 6, 364. Med. Adv. XXIX. 2, 89. 
Perineal laceration — prevention of — Dr. G. M. Christine Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 

3, 164. 
Perineal laceratlons — a modiflcation in the techniqne of Operations for the repair of 

eomplete — . Dr. W. B. van Lennep. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 3, 166. 
Perineorrhaphy — Immedlate — . Dr. F. H. Honberger. Clin. XIII, 5, 197. 
.Perinenm — eomplete laceration of the — . Dr. F. P. Green. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 

12, 511. 
Perinenm — laceration of the — . Dr. L. S. Grosvenor. Soath. Journ. of Hom. X, 3, 645. 
n — the repair of the ruptnred ^. Dr. H. J Ostrom. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. 

XXVI. 1, 11. 
Peritonaenm — the anatomy of the — . Dr. F. Dexter. D. Appleton & Co., New York. 
Peritoneal snrgery in women - a conservatiTe Tiew of — . Dr. R. Lndlam. N. York 

Med. Times XX, 1, 3. 
Perityphlitis cnred — a case of — . Dr. 8. A. Kimball. Med. Adv. XXVII, 5, 361. 
Pessary — a case of retained — . Dr. C. A. Ayers. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 1, 56. 
Petroleo — el — , y el epiteUoma. La ref. med. II. Ep. T. IV, 13, 668. 
Petroleum. Dr. J. T. Kent. Riv. om. XXXVI, 7. 199. 

, — contribntion to the pathogenesis of — . Dr. J. C. Bnrnett. Hom. World 

XXVI, 308, 353. 
Phanton tnmonr. Dr. J. G. Gilchrist. Northw. Journ. of Hom. IV, 2. 30. 
Pharmacie — .einige Wunsche in der homöopathischen — . Dr. Sontherland. Archiv f. 

Hom. XXVI, I, 87. 
Pharmacopoea — the American homoeopathic — . Dr. J. T. O'Connor. Fourth edition. 
Pharmacy — notes on — . Dr. Southerland. N. Engl. Med. Gai. XXVII, 4, 172. 
, of tinctnres — the — . A. J. Tafel. Hom. liec. VI, 6. 241. 

, and therapenties — progress in — Pac. Reo. V, 6, 170 flg. 
Homöopathisches Jahrbuch. Band II. 4 a 

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50 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Pharmakoloirle und klinische Therapie — elnlgres »as Prof. Dr. SemmoU's Tor- 

lesangen fiber experimentelle. — . Dr. Schier. Lps. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 

21/22, 208. 
Pharyngeal mnscles — an affection of the — , foUowlng tonslllitls and resembling 

post-diphtheritic paralysis. Dr. R H. yaa Deusen. Hahnem. Montb. XXVI, 1. 22. 
Pharynx and larynx — some of the eommoner disease of the —. Dudley Wrigtb. Montb. 

Hom. Rev. XXXV, 2, 73. Am. Hom. XVII, 3, 97. 
Philosophlzing on the homoeopathlc law — on — . Dr. M. W. van Deobarg. Hahnem. 

Montb. XXVII, 6, 353. 
Phlegmon of the flngers and hand. Dr. C. S. Winters. N. Am. Jouro. of Hom. XL. 8, 547. 
Phosphore — le -. Dr. Martiny. Rev. bom. beige XVII, 11, 321. 
Phoaphorie acld — the diarrhea of — . Dr. W. Boerioke. Am. Hom. XVIII, 8, 124. 

„ „ — therapenties of — • Hydrastis T8. phthlsls. Dr. A. J. Palmer. N. 

York Med. Times XIX, 3, 82. 
Phosphorns in pnrpnra haemorrhagica. Dr. A. S. Alexander. Montb. Hom. Kev. XXXVII, 

5. 267. 
Phosphorns — an aggraratlon front — . Dr. A. L. Fisber. Med. Adv. XXVII, 4, 260. 

„ in la grlppe — sphere of — . Dr. G. F. Forbes. N. Engl Med. Gai. XXVII, 4, 170. 

„ in consnmption. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 1, 64. 

Phthisie algne — la — . Dr. Martiny. Rev. bom. beige XIX, 6. 161. 

s pttlmonaire — homeopathle Involontalre ä propos da traitement de la —. 

Rev. hom. beige XX, 6, 173. 
Phthisig — some qnestlons anent — . ^ Dr. H. G. Hancbett. N. York Med. Times XVIII, 

12, 366. 
Phthisls — laryngeal — , and its treatment. Dr. Charles E. Teets. N. Am. Joum. of 

Hom. XLI, 10, 628. 
Phthisls — the treatment of — , based on its nervons or reflex origln« Dr. M. O. 

Terry. N. York Med. Times XXI, 7, 205. 
Phthisls pnl. — some cases of — . Dr. 8. LUientbal. Hom. Pbys. XII, 7, 293. 

» pnlmonalis as a seqnel of measles. Dr. W. J. Martin. Hahnem. Montb. XXVIII. 

11, 729. 
Phthisls pnlmonalis in children — the premonitory Symptoms of --. Dr. H. E. Russell. 

N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 6, 875. 
Phthisls pnlmonalis — a digest of — . Dr. F. W. Hart N. York Med. Times XVIII, 

11, 332. 
Phthisls pulmonum — homoeopathy and — . Dr. Lilientbal. GaL Hom. IX, 2. 33. 
Physleal dlagnosis — lessons In — . Dr. Loomis. Will. Wood & Co., New York. 

„ „ : a gnide to methods of cUnleal Investlgation. DDr. G. A. Gibion 

and W. Russell. D. Appleton & Co., New York. 
Physleal training to educatlon In general — relatlon of — . Dr. L. Gulick. N. York 

Med. Times XIX, 6, 168. 
Physleian — some relations of the — , to prerentiTe medicine. Dr. M. Leak N. Am. 

Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 1, 15. 
Physleian — the true — . Dr. W. A. Yingling. Med. Adv. XXXII, 2, 81, 

„ himself — book on the — , and things that eoneern hls reputation and 

success. Dr. D. W. Catbell. F. A. Davis & Co., Philadelphia and London. 
Physicians Tisiting — the homoeopathlc — list and poeket-repertory. Dr. R. Faulkner. 

Boericke & Tafel, Pbiladelpbia. 
Physles — the medical Talue of — . Prof. T. C. Duncan. Med. Cnrr. IX, 9, 431. 

, — on the practieal appUeatlon of — , to therapenties. C. H. Wasehborn. N. 

York Med. Times XIX, 10, 290. 
Physiological materia medica. Dr. W. A. Burt Fourth edition. 40 s. £. Gould & Son, 

Physiology to dietetics — the relatlon of — . Dr. H. Cbandlee. Sonth. Jcnrn. of Hom. 

XI, 6, 222. 
Phytolaeca herries. Dr. R. Boocock. Hom. Rec. VII, 1, 8. 
Piocola annotasione. Riv. om. XXXVII, 1. 26. 
Picric acld. Dr. C. A. Reger. Med. Adv. XXVI, 5, 356. 
Piericum acidnm. Dr. C. A. Reger. Riv. om. XXXVII. 12, 368. 

, „ — nno studio SU ~. Dr. F. Hooker. Riv. om. XXXVI, 8, 243. 

Piles , pockets and prolapsus an! treatment of Intractables cases of — , by electro- 

Tibration. Dr. E. Blake. Am. Hom. XVIII, 7, 111. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Bibliographie. — Bibliog^raphie. — Bibliography. 51 

Plloe»rpiiittm — two ages of —. Dr. J. C. Wood. Med. Cent I, 9, 301. 
Piper methjstleam (Kata-Kat»). Dr. B. M. Haie. Am. Hom. XYII. 2, 5S. 
Plaeent» — adherent »nd retoined — . Dr. F. Hooker. Med. Adr. XXYII, 6. 463. 

, praeri«: • «Me. Dr. Anunda C. Bray. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXTIII, 11. 510. 

. , — my sixth CMe of — . Dr. E. Carleton. Med. Adr. XXVIII, 1. 44. 

« , — a neir metbod of treatment for — . Dr. Q. R. Sontbwlck. N. Engl. 

Med. Gas. XXYIII, 11, 506. 
Plaeent» praeTi» — two omob of — . Month. Hom. Rot. XXXYI, 5, 281. 
Planta — british nediclnal — . Dr. A. Heath. Hom. Phys. XI. 1, 19 flg.; XII, 1, 16 flg. 
Platiaa in dlsmenorrhoea. Dr. W. T. Laird. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. XXXyill. 5, 296. 
Pleural efftaslons In ehlldren. Dr. B. A. Neatby. Montb. Hom. Rev. XXXYI, 1, 17 flg. 
Plenrlsy — the treatment of — . Month. Hom. Rev. XXXYI. 12. 709. 
PUmbam — a prOTlngr of — . Dr. F. F. Me Kinstry. Habnem. Montb. XXYII, 10, 714. 

, — a fatal prOTing of -. Dr. J. M. Moore. Hom. World XX YI. 312. 552. 

Pnenmonia eoniMunieable — is — . Dr. H. N. Avery. Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 1, 7. 

, — a«ate bilious — . Dr. C. H. Bollea. Northw. Joum. of Hom. lY, 6, 159. 

— sndden death in -. Dr. A. K. Crawford. Med. Curr. Yin. .5. 200. 
, — bomoeopatbj in — . Dr. H. Crutcher. Med. Adv. XXY. 6. 436. 

n — experienee irlth — . Dr. J. Derer. Hom. Phys. XI, 10, 404. 

— tirelre remedies In — . Dr. W. A. Dewey. South. Journ. of Hom. X. 2, 583. 
, — on a rare eomplieation of — . J. W. ElUs. Montb. Hom. Rer. XXXYI, 6, 84& 

— the treatment of ~. Dr. R Gnemsey. N. York Med. Times XYIII, 11, 330. 
, — the eondition of the heart In — . Dr. B. M. Haie. Habnem. Montb. XXYI, 3 137. 

and its treatment. Dr. A. K. HiUs. N. York Med. Times XIX, 4, 97. 
„ — abstraet of a paper on the pathology of — . Dr. A. F. Irwin. Minn. Hom. 

Mag. II. 1. 4. 
Pnenmonia irith haemorrhage from the lung. Dr. W. E. Ledyard. Med. Adr. XXYIII, l, 17. 

— eatarrhal -. Dr. A. 6. LeUnd. Med. Curr. YII, 12, 562. 
*. ~ eronpons — . Dr. A. G. Leland. Med. Curr. YII, 12, 560. 

„ — , — . Dr. S. Morrlsson. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXY, 2. 95. 

„ — on the treatment of — . Dr. A. C. Pope. Month. Hom. Rer. XXXYI, 3, 141. 

, with plenrlsy — a case of — showlng effeet of wlthdrawal of food. Dr. IL 

F. Secousb. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. XXXYIII, 4, 223. 
Pnenmonia — two eases of adynamie — . Dr. M. C. Shibley. Clin. XIII. 9, 897. 

, — the treatment of — , allopathic and homoeopathie. Hom. League Tractsnr. 40. 

Pnenmonite ernpale — nn easo di — . Dr. Bonino. L^om. in It. XYII, 17. 
, — esperiensa coUa — Dr. J. Derer. Rir. om. XXXYIII, 4, 126. 

„ een emorragla dal pnlmone. Dr. W. E. Ledyard. Rir. om. XXXYIII. 3, a5. 

Poek« mannal — a — or repertory of homoeopathic medieine. Dr. A. Bryant. Third 

edition. 7 s. 6 d. K Gould A Son, London. 
Poeken — die — und ein Schnts- nnd Heilmittel dagegen. Dr. Derenter. 3. Aufl. 1 Mk. 
Pocket pharmaey — the — with therapentie index. Dr. J. Aulde. D. Appleson & Co., New York. 
Podophyllln and mercnric Chloride in diarrhoea. Dr. A. K. Hills. N, York Med. Times 

XYIII, 11, 334. 
Pols — les petits — . Dr. E. Lemoine. L^hom. pop. lY, 76. 140. 
Poliklinik — snr 60 Jihrigen Jnbelfeier der homöopathischen ~. Dr. Lorbacber. Allg. 

hom. Ztg. 125, 9/10, 75. 
Polipi nasali gnariti con una dose di anrum m. 50 m. Dr. J. R. Haynes. Rir. om. 

XXXIX, 2, 57. 
Polypns — nasal — . Dr. M. Hammond. Sonth. Journ. of Hom. X, 12, 1029. 
Porges'schen Stiftung ffir Homöopathen — Statuten der Dr. — . Allg. hom. Ztg. 123, 

25/26, 194. 
Portal Obstmetion and its relation to disorders of the uterns and its associated 

Organs. Dr. EmUy A. Brace. N. Engl. Med. Ga«. XXYII, 12. 573. 
Positive therapentics and homoeopathy. Dr. H. H. Crippen. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 2, 591. 
Potassinm Metasnlphite. Agricola. Hom. World XXYII, 823. 512. 

« chlorate — a case of poisoning by ~. Dr. E. Kirkland. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. 

XXYIII, 10, 447. 
Poteneies — my experienee with ~. Dr. F. U Daris. Med. Adv. XXYI, 3, 190. 

, the difference of aetion in different — . Kunja Lal Saba. Hom. Rec. YI, 2, 59. 
, " — Hahnemann's medicines vs, ,^High — . Dr. R. E. Dudgeon. Montb. Hom. 
Rev. XXXYI, 4, 215. 

4 a* 

Digitized by LjOOQIC 

52 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Poteneies — prorlnir« and ellnical obseirationB wlth hi^h ~. Dr. M. Macfalan. Uom. 

Phyg. XI, 12, 449; XU, 2, 50 flg. 
PotenelM — klgh r. loir. Dr. A. S. Alexander. Month. Hom. Ber. XXXVI, 3, 156. 
Poteacy. Dr. If. W. van Denburg. Soatb. Jotim. of Hom. X, 12. 1031. 
PotentlsAtion phjslolOffieal prOTen. Prof. Jäger. Translated by Dr. B. Fineke. Hom. Pbys. 

XII, 6. 228 flg.; XIII, 1, 37 flg. 

PotentlsfttioD. Dr. E. W. Boardman. Med. Cnrr. YIII, 4. 174. 

Potentlzsazione — la - prorat» flsiologrieameiita. Dr. Jäger. Biv. om. XXXVIII. 2, 33. 

PoteBze — eonferma ellniea delle alte — . Dr. B. L. B. Baylies. Riv. om. XXXVI II, 7. 214. 

, eaai eliniel ed alte — . Dr D. A. Pellegrino. Rlv. om. XXXVII. 7, 193. 
Potensirwn« — die — ProL Dr. Jäger. Allg. hom. Ztg. 124, 11/12, 81 flg. 
PoteBzinm^SMasehine — eine amerikanisehe — . Dr. Steadel. Allg, hom. Ztg. 124, 25/'36, 209. 
PotenxirvngBskala nach Dr. Wessellioft. Archiv f. Hom. II. 254. 
PatbOfl foetida. Dr. W. M. CampbeU. Hom. Kec. VI. 2, 59. 
„Pott's disease'S in the cervieo- dorsal region — the mechanieal treatment of — . Dr. 

S. F. Wilcox. N. Am. Joarn. of Hom. XL, 6, 388. 
Praetieal medical and phjrsiologleal ehemiitry — mannal of ~. C. E. Pellew. D. Apple- 
ton ft Co., New York. 
Praetieal patholOgj. Dr. G. 8. Wboodhead. J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia. 

, points from the transaetions of 1890. Hom. Rec. VI, 1, 19. 

« qnestions — six — . Dr. F. H. Orme. South. Jonm. of Hom. IX. 9, 353. 

Praetice — eases trom — . Dr. Hesse. TransUited by A. Me Neil, M. D. Hom. Phys. 

XIII, 10, 503. 

Praetice — some eases trom —. T. R. Jones. Hom. World XXVI, 305, 200. 

, — eases trom. — . Dr. Lorbacher. Hom. Phys. XI, 5, 224. 

, — , , — . Dr. Rnshmore. Med. Adv. XXVI, 2, 85.- 

, — , , — . Dr. 8. Swan. Med. Curr. VII, 3. 141 flg. 

, — , , — . Dr. Mary C. Shibley. Clin. XIV, 1, 34. 

, — the keynotes of medieal — . Dr. C. Gatchell. Fourth edltion. 10 8. £. Gould 
A 8on, London. 
Praetice — the little things in -. Dr. F. Kraft. South. Joum. of Honu VIII, 9, 317. 

, Of medieine — a text - book of the -. Dr. R. C. M. Page. W. Wood & Co., 
New York. 
Praetitioners — general and special — . Dr. W. H. Winslow. Hahnm. Month. XXVI, 12. 815. 
Praktiske Tink. Dr. Th. Brückner. Maanedskr. for Hom. XVIII, 1, 6. 
Pratiehe — note — . Dr. Bonino. L'om. in It. XVII, 23. • 

Pratiqne — la — de Phomeopathie simpllflee. Signes et natnre des maladies — tralte- 
ment homeopathiqne — prophylaxie — mode d*administration des m^dieaments 

— HOins anx malades et anx convalescents. Dr. Espanet. Troisieme Mition. 4 fr. 
J. B. Bailliöre & Fils, Paris. 

Praxis — ans meiner — . Dr. Baltxer. Archiv f. Hom. II, 318. 

, — Kleinigkeiten ans der — . Dr. Beeskow. Lps. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 21/22, 198. 

» — ans der ~. Dr. GouUon. Allg. hom. Ztg. 124, 3/4, 28. 

, — « , — . Dr. Hesse. AUg. hom. Ztg. 124, 9/10, 77. 

n — > » eigenen — . Dr. Hesse. Archiv f. Hom. I, 84 flg. 

, amerikanischer Collegen — ans der — . Dr. Hesse. AUg. hom. Ztg. 124, 7/8. 59 flg. 
Archiv, f. Hom. I, 19 flg. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aerzte XI, 2, 172. 
Praxis — ans der — . Dr. Kunkel. Allg. hom. Ztg. 125, 7/B, 57. Archiv t Hom. I, 4; 

II, 264, 364. 
Praxis — ftra ^. Dr. Lorbacber. Maanedskr. for Hom. XVIII. 3, 20. 

— Alltagliches ans der — . Wasiily. Allg. hom. Ztg. 126, 7/8, 53. 

Pregnancy — some diseases preventing and complicating — . Dr. H. C. Aldrich. Minn. 

Hom. Mag. II. 8, 197. 
Pregnancy — the diagnosis and treatment of extra-nterine — , in its later stage. Dr. 

T. J. Gramm. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 8, 567. 
Pregnancy — the nse of the hand in the diagnosis of ^. Dr. 8. Leavitt. Clin. XIV, 2, 79. 
, on the circnlation — elfeets of — . Dr. E. D. Perklns. Med. Curr. VII, 12. 567. 

Pregnant women prior to eonllnement — the treatment of ~. Dr. C. 8. Walker. N. 

Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 3, 143. 
Preliminary experiments with eedron. Dr. T. F. Allen. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 6, 337. 
Premi^res notlons d'hom^opathie ä l'nsage des familles. Dr. A. CUude. Troisiem« 

ödlüon. ,1,50 fr. J. B. BalU^re & Fils, Paris. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 53 

Pre-nat»l medicatlon. Dr. MilUe J. Cbapman. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XTJ, 9, 557. 
Preserlbe — it Is hazardous to — irlthout • dU^oslet Dr. W. M. Decker. N. York 

Med. Times XVIII, 12, 362. 
Preseriblng — • brlef comparison of the prerailUiig methods of — . Dr. M. Bdgerton. 

Am. Hom. XVIII, 11, 171. 
Prescriptlons fnil — some reMOii§ Jfhj onr — . Dr. S. G. Hermuio. Med. Cent. I, 10, 327. 
President'» address. Dr. W. P. Mac Cracken. CUn. XII, 7, 306. 

„ annael address. Dr. J. C. Gaemsey. Hahncm. Month. XXVIII, 10, 670. 

Presldential address — the regalatlon of marrlage by law. Dr. W. M. Fiske. N. Am. 

Journ. of Hom. XL, 11, 705. 
PreTentlon and cnre. Dr. J. W. Dowling Jr. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 2, 106. 
„ of disea^ie. Dr. A. F. Macomber. North w. Journ. of Hom. IV, 6, 161. 

, of infectlons diseases. Am. Hom. XVIII, 8, 127. 

PreTentlre medicine. Dr. D. Warren. Med. Curr. VIII, 10, 447. 

» , — hints on — in rontine praetiee. Dr. C. Mc Dowell. N, Am. 

Journ. of Hom. XL, 8, 165. 
PreTision. Dr. J. T. Talbot. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 2, 68. 
Principal nses — the — of the sixteen most important, and fonrteen snpplementary 

homoeopathic medleines. Compiled from the Standard Medical Works of Jahr, Hnll, 

Hempel, Bryant, Haie etc. 2 8. 6 d. E. Gould & Son, London. 
Princlpiis obsta. Dr. B. Fineke. Med. Adv. XXVI, 5, 325. 

Prineiples inrolTed in the law of cnre. Dr. W. E. Ledyard. Hom. Phys. XIII, 11, 515. 
PriTate repertories. Dr. W. A. Yingling. Hom. Phys. XI, 3, 124. 
Proceedingr of the twenty-seTonth annnal Session of the homoeopathic medical society 

of the State of Ohio. Edited by R. B. House, M. D., secretary. 
Proctitis — chronic — . Prof. G. A. Hall. Clin. XIII, 3, 106. 

„ — „ —. Treatment. Prof. G. A. Hall. Clin. XIII, 5, 193. 
Profllaxia antirabica. La ref. med. II, Ep. T. V, i, 4. 
Prognosis in pregnancy and labor when complications of eardiac lesions — a study 

of the — . Dr. J. N. Mitchell. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 10, 699. 
Progress — onr — and onr aims. Dr. S. H. Ramsbotham. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 10, 

598. E. Gould & Son, London. 
Promiscnons cases in gynaecology and surgery. Dr. H. Willis. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XL, 12, 801. 
Propagatorer — to homoeopatiske — . Maanedskr. for Hom. XIX, 7, 51. 
Prophylactics — homoeopathic remedles as — , and homoeopathic constitntlonel treat- 
ment. Dr. P. Diederich. N. Am. Hom. of Hom. XXXVIII, 7, 453. 
Prophylaktische Methode — eine — . Dr. H. Gohrum. Allg. hom. Ztg. 125, 13/14, 104. 
Prophylaxis, or anticipatlTe treatment. Dr. G. W. Bowen. Am. Hom. XVII, 5, 168. 
Prostate — inflammation of the — and its treatment.' Dr. H. V. Haibert. Clin. XII, 8, 341. 
Prostatic calenli and cystic sedimentary deposits — the treatment of — . DDr. W. E. 

Bessey and D. O. Oiiphant. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 6, 371. 
„Prostatism" in women. Translated by Dr. R. Ludlam jr. Clin. XIl, 9, 420. 
ProTings — a proposed handed reference book. W. T. Ord. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVII, 

9, 532. 
Prorings and Teriflcations — some — . Dr. F. O. Pease. Hom. Phys. XII, 11, 503. 
, — a few ftragmentary — . Dr. E. V. Voss. Hom. World XXVIII, 325, 22. 

Prufnng ron Arsneistoffen — welche Ansprache stellt die moderne Wissenschaft bei 

der —1 Dr. Wesselhoeft. Archiv f. Hom. I, 183. 
Prurigo. Dr. R. W. Mifflin. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 8, 848. 

: Snlphnr. Dr. T. D. Stow. Med. Adv. XXVI, 2, 136. 
Pruritus — a case of — ; Operation — recovery. Dr. J. P. Bothfeld. N. Engl. Med. Ga«. 

XXVII, 6, 267. 
Pseudo-cyesis — two casses of — . Dr. W. R. Amesbury. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 12, 824. 
Psora: sua rera deflnizione. Dr. Geo. H. Clark. Riv. om. XXXVII, 9, 261. 
Psoric miasm — thougts on the — . Dr. J. Dever. Med. Adv. XXIX, 2, 116. Hom. Phys. 

XII, 10, 456. 
Psorinum — some clinical thougts on — . Dr. A. L. Monroe. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 

11. 988. 
Psorinum in chronic disease. Dr. A. L. Ruffe. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 4, 298. 
Psychiatry and the homoeopathic medical Colleges. Dr. N. E. Paine. N. Am. Journ. of 

Hom. XLI, 11, 988. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

54 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Psychic paralygls -^ • ease of — . Dr. G. 8. Adams. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVIII, R, .%6. 
Psychologie»! mediclno. — The Inflaenee of the mlnd In the cftasation »nd eare of 

dlseMe. Dr. W. W. Dyson. N. York Med. Times XIX, 1, 5. 
Psyehology »nd Its relations to homoeopathy. Dr. JnUa Ford. Med. c'nrr. YIII, 2, 76. 
„ — praetieal — , in Its relatlon to pathogenesy. Dr. E. C. Price. Am. Uom. 

XIX, 18, 284. 
Psyehometry — manual of — ; the dawn of a new elTlUzation. Dr. J. B. Buehaoan. 

Publisbed by the author. 
Psyeho-physieal in similia similibus enrantnr — a note on the — . Dr. T. J. (jray. 

Med. Adv. XXVIII, 5, 337. 
Ptomaines - the -, infeetions disease. Prof. Bruee. CUn. XIII, 10, 45; XIV, 2, 73. 

, V. C. Vaughan Pac. Ree. V, 4, 106. 

Pnblic — homoeopathy and its duty to the — . Dr. B. F. Baily. Med. Cent. I, 9, 306. 
Pnerperal alhnmlnuria wlthoat conTvlsions — three eases of — . Dr. J. J. Shaw. N. 

Engl. Med. Gas. XXVII, 10, 492. 
Pnerperal eouTolsions — a case of — . Dr. V. H. Hallmanns. Sontb. Joum. of Hom. 

IX, 12, 512. 
Puerperal conTulsions — a ease of — . Dr. J. H. Sberman. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVIII, 

11, 515. 
Puerperal eonTulsions — report of a case of ~. Dr. G. E. Tytler. N. Am. Journ. of 

Hom. XXXVIII, 2, 97. 
Puerperal dlsorders — the rational treatment of certaln — . Dr. G. B. Peek. Habnem. 

Montb. XXVIII, 9, 602. 
Puerperal eclampsia. Dr, M. Ellen Keller. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 12, 1036. 

„ „ — a case of aetual and a case of threatened — . Dr. E. A. Mur- 

dock. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVIII, 3, 114. 
Puerperal mania. Dr. J. P. Webster. Med. Curr. VII, 12, .558. 

, mortaliy. Dr. G. B. Peek. South. Joum. of Hom. IX, 9, 385. 

> pelTie Peritonitis. Dr. C. 8. Pratt. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVIII, 10, 470. 

„ State — the management of the — , in relation to uterine displacemei^ts» 

Dr. C R. South wick. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. VII, 8, 519. 
Puerperales — folies — . Dr. B. Scbmits. I/union hom. VI, 3, 65. 
Puerperality as modifled by pre-existing^ infeetions diseases. Dr. Prioloau. Clin. XIII, 

10, 485. 
Pulmonary diseases — sanitary and general care in the treatment of — . Dr. N. G. 

Bnrnbam. Med. Curr. VIII, 10. 429. 
Pulsatilla dans la ncTralgie dentaire. Caracteristiqne de ~. Dr. V. Amulpby. L^bom. 

pop. IV, 65, 292. 
Pulsatilla in erratic temperatnres. Dr. B. F. Bailay. Habnem. Month. XXVI, 5, 317. 

» — irill — , control erratic temperaturel Dr. J. C. Guemsey. Hahnem. Montb. 

XXVI, 2, 107. 
PulsatiUa — due easi di — . Dr. P. W. Patch. Riv. om. XXXVII. 6, 188. 

, Wegw. J5. Gesundb. V, 19/20, 471. 

Pnmiline — on the therapeutic nses of ~. Dr. H. NankiveU. Month. Hom. Rcv. XXXIV, 

7, 385. 
Punishment — the cruelty of capital — . Dr. C. Wesselhoefi. N. Engl. Med. Gai. XXVI, 

9, 480. 
Pupilage — priTate -. Dr. H. E. Spalding. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVII. 7. 823. 
Purpura haemorrhagica — a case of — . Dr. W. W. Clapp. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 7, 282. 
Pyoktanine — on — . Brandenbei^. Pac. Ree. V, 4, 112. 
Pyretology. Dr. E. Fomlas. Habnem. Month. XXVII, 1, 37. 
Pyrogen. Dr. H. C. Allen. Med. Adv. XXVI, 1, 36. 
Pyrogenesis. Dr. S. N. Watson. Habnem. Montb. XXVIII, 9. 582. 
Pyrogeninm — a proTing of — . Dr. R. Boocock. Hom. Ree. VI. 2, 56; VII, 5, 196. 
Qnaeks — an experienee with a couple of — . Dr. E. Stewenson. Cal. Hom. IX, 3, 68. 
Quador patogenetieo — il — . Dr. B. Finke. Rir. om. XXXVII, 9. 264. 
Quains Clements of anatomy. Vol. I, Part 1: Tbe spinal cord and brain, by Prof. Schafer. 

Longmans, London. 
Quäle h la Tcra caratteristica 1 Dr. D. W. Clausen. Rir. om. XXXVI, 8, 240. 
Quecksilberkrankheiten — Gefahren der — , bei Syphilis und gleichseitigem Diabetes. 

Dr. E. Gfints. Archiv f. Hom. II, 375. 
Questions answered — a feir — . Dr. C. Wesselboeft. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVII, 9, 420. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 55 

<2olBiiio — the brain dangers of — . Dr. W. B. CUrke. Am. Hom. XVII, 5, 164. 
— poieonlng by — . Med. Adv. XXVI, 5, 983. 
, — In the Bonth. Dr. Q. W. Sherbine. Med. Adv. XXVI, 1, 61. 
„ ; Bome of its UBes and nbaseB. Dr. A. K. Hills. N. York Med. Times XIX, 11, 332. 
„<jal2 enae<* — • — . Dr. E. J. HaU. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVII, 1. 13. 
Rabies — hyglenio eare of ~. Dr. W. W. Clapp. South. Jonrn. of Hom. IX, 11, 482. 
Badins and nlna — ft*aetttre of — a ease, with treatment. Dr. E. G. Grahn. Am. Hom* 

XVII, 3, 93. 
Rage — la — . Dr. DaodeL L*hom. pop. IV, 73, 101 flg. 
Banula and poljrpns. Dr. W. H. Ponnds. Hom. Reo. VI, 6, 248. 
Bastenberg — StaUbad — In Thftringen. Dr. Bohowsky . Allg. bom. Ztg. 124. 

21/22, 174. 
Bathgeber — homoopathiseher — für Nlebtarzte. Dr. Deventer. 6 Mk. 
BeaBon whjr — the — . Dr. 8. Swan. Hom. Pbys. XI. 4. 161. 
BeehtsBtrelt — irieder ein — l Dr. Jiger. Jiger's Monatsbl. XI, 9, 192. 
Beeognition — the — of women in the profesBion. Dr. T. D. Stow. Hom. Pbys. XI, 

4, 179. 
Beeord — a remarkable — . Dr. N. Natting. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. XXXVIII, 6, 373. 
BeeoTeries — two noteworthy — . Dr. F. W. Edwards. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XX VIII, 10, 473. 
Becrndeseenee — the — of leprosy and its eansation. W. Tebb. Swan SoDoeDschelo, 

Beetal flngs — nse of — . Dr. L. G. van Scoyoe. Med. Areoa II, 8, 244. 
Beetum, anns and sigmoid flexnre — a treatise on diseases of the — . Dr. J. M. Matthews. 

D. Appifiton & Co., New York. 
Beferat ans Dr. Clarhe's homoeopathie irorld. Dr. Moss«. Archiv f. Hom. I, 175. 
Beüeetory refleetions. Am. Hom. XVII, 3, 93. 
Beflex — a eonrions — . C. J. WUkinson. Month. Hom. Rer. XXXV, 5, 331. 

, nerTOttsness — a ease of ~. Dr. T. S. Barnhill. Am. Hom. XVII, 10, 849. 
, tinnitns« Dr. A. A. Klein. N. Engl. Med. Gbk. XXVIII, 9. 426. 
Befraetion — errors of — . Dr. W. A. Phillips. South. Jonrn. of Hom. X, 3, 647. 
Reichs - Impfgesetzes TOm 8. April 1874 — snr Ansftthrnng des Deutschen — . Dr. C. 

Schröder. Lps. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 1/2, 3. 
Beiehs-SenehengesetK - snm — . Prof. Jüger's MonatobL XU, 8, 41 flg. 
„Beinheif der Arsneien — ein kleiner Beitrag inr Frage bezfigüeh der — . Loevy. 

Archiv f. Hom. I, 26. 
Bejoinder. Dr. E. H. Pratt. Med. Cent I, 9, 296 flg. 
Belations ~ the — of the new sehool to the old. Dr. W. C. Dake. South. Joum. of Hom. 

X, 4, 668. 
BeliabiUty — the — of Symptoms in the concordance repertory. Dr. W. D. Gentry. 

Med. Cnrr. VII, 10, 458. Am. Hom. XVII, 11, 385. 
Bemarhs on the extreme attennation of homoeopathie medicines. Dr. S. Hahnemann. 

Med. Adv. XXIX, 2, 418. 
Bemedies — the care of homoeopathie — . Dr. C. F. Ellis. South. Journ. of Hom. VIII, 

9, 310. 

Bemedies — what are the ^% Dr. K. Farley. Hom. Pbys. XI. 10, 393 flg. 

, — Dr. Heath's plan for stndylng — . Dr. A. Heath. Hom. Phys. XI, 4, 178. 
„ for alternating diseases. Dr. S. Lilienthal. Hom. Pbys. XI, 7, 284. 
« — materials for the right seqnence of homoeopathie — . Dr. S. Lilienthal. Am. 
Hom. XVII, 10, 344. 
Bemedies — a few observationB on some neglected — . Dr. S. W. Rutledge. Med. Curr. 

VIII, 12, 256. 
Bemedies — two little-knoirn -. Hom. World XXVI, 302, 69. 
Bemedy — the individaality in the -. Dr. C. S. Schwenk. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 

10, 658. 

Bemedy — the sped of the — . Dr. A. Mc Neil. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 1, 18. 

Bemoral of an eight and three-qnarters ponnd flbroid tnmor from a pregnant uterus. 

DDr. J. Hedenberg and Horace Packard. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXV, 7, 306. 
Benal colie -> Berberis rnlg. Dr. 8. W. Cohen. Hom. Phys. XI, 11. 431. 
» diseases of children. Dr. A. R. F. Grob. Med. Curr. VIII, 2, 83. 
„ snrgery — a contribntion to the study of — . Dr. W. T. Helmuth. N. Am. Journ. 
of Hom. XXXVIII, 11, 738. 
RepertorJ — Puso dei — , nel prescrivere. Dr. H. P. Holmes. Riv. om. XXXVIIL 2, 50. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

56 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Repertorien — Tabellen nnd — . Dr. P. P. Allen. Archiv f. Hom. I, 2»0. 
Repertories. Dr. E. B. Gase. N. Am. Joarn. of Hom. XL, 1, 20. 

„ — on the ase of — . Dr. 8. E. Cbapman. Med. Adv. XXIX, 2, 153. 

, — conoernlngr — . Dr. E. M. Haie. Hahn. Month. XXY, 7, 449. 

„ — the ase of — , in flndingr the homoeopathie remedj. Dr. B. P. Holmes. 

Hom. Phys. XII, 2, 36. 
Repertories — the use of — , in preseribingr. Dr. H. P. Holmes. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 1, 1. 
» — i> , , — . A criticism. Dr. F. Kraft. Hahn. Month. XXVII, 6, 36G. 

n and repertorj making. Dr. J. T. O'Connor. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 6, 345. 

, — the nse of — . Hom. Phys. XII, 2. 62. 

Repertory of Tisions. Dr. H. 0. Morrow. Med. Adv. XXVII, 2, 114. 
„ Dr. H. C. Morrow. Med. Adv. XXVI, 3, 217. 

X how to Qse a — . Hom. Phys. XI, 1, 9. 

Repetition of the dose. Dr. A. O. Allan. Med. Adv. XXVI, 3. 191. 

, — the qaestion of — . Dr. H. Crutoher. Hom. Phys. VIII, 7, 396. 

Respiration — traitement homeopathiqne des maladies des organs de la — . Dr. Charge. 

Deuxieme Edition. 6 fr. J. B. BaUIi^re & Fils, Paris. 
Rest. Dr. E. Guernsey. N. Toric Med. Times XIX, 7, 193. 
» as a therapentie agent in chronic pulmonary tubercnlosis. Dr. v. Rucic. N. York 
Med. Times XXI, 7, 203. 
Restcnre — the — for the irrong patient. Dr. B. L. Reynolds. Clin. XIII, 7, 321. 
Retina — detachement of the — . Dr. C. C. Howard. Hom. Phys. XU, 1, 23. 

, — distacco della — . Dr. C. C. Howard. Riv. om. XXXVIII, 5, 149. 
Retroflection with flxatlon of the nterns cnred by massage. Dr, E. S. Bailey. Clin. 

XIV, 1, 32. 
Review — a — , of thirty-seven year's practice of homoeopathy, mainly In relation 
to „The tivo paths<< and „The dose^S Dr. A. C. Clifton. Month. Hom. Rev. 
XXXVI, 1, 1. 
Revolution — the — in mediclne. Hom. League Tracts nr. 32. 
Rhachitis. Dr. R. N. Cooker. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XLI, 11, 683. 
Rheumatic fever with extreme hyperpyrexia. Dr. J. D. Hayward. Month. Hom. Rev. 

XXXV, 10, 643. 
Rheumatischer Kopfächmerx; Bryonia. Dr. Goullon. Leips. pop. Ztscbr. f. Hom. XXII, 

5/6, 49. 
Rhenmatism — acute articular — . Dr. A. R. F. Grob. Med. Curr. VIII, 5, 206. 

„ — the heart in — . Dr. E. H. Packer. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVI, 10, 476. 

Rheumatismus — Calcarea carbonica gegen — • Blutarmer. Dr. Goullon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. 

f. Hom. XXII, 13/14, 131. 
Rheumatismus — eine wunderbare Heilung von — . Hahncm. 1892, 6, 63. 
Rhinitis — treatment of hypertrophic — . Dr. C. £. Teets. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XLI, 2, 75. 
Rhinoliths. Dr. H. N. Lyon. Clin. XIII, 2, 68. 
Rhinology and laryngology — an inaugural address. Dr. H. F. Ivins. Hahnem. Montb. 

XXVIII, 8, 539. 
Rhinology — special cases in — . Dr. W. A. Dünn. Clin. XII, 12, 568. 
Rhus poisoning — how to eure — . Dr. C. H. Evans. Hom. Phys. XIII, 10, 509. 

j, , — an obscure case of — with loss of sight for scTenteen years ; eure. 

Dr. F. U Potter. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVI, 10, 482, 
Rhus radicans. Agrieola. Hom. World XXVI, 290, 20. 

„ species — the toxic — and some of their specific antidotes. Dr. H. N. Avery. 
N. York Med. Times XIX, 7. 204. 
Rhus toxicodendron — are — and rhus radicans essentiaUy the samel Dr. J. R. Haynes. 

Med. Curr. VIII, 4, 177. 
Rhus toxicodendron — note da nn discorso estemporaneo su — . Prof. J. T. Kent Riv. 

om. XXXVI, 12. 356. 
Rhus toxicodendron — experlence with — . Dr. F. W. Patch. Med. Adv. XXVII, 6, 458. 
, , ; a case. Dr. E. V. Ross. Hom. World XXVI, 304, 153. 

« »in intra- and extra-thoracic disorders. Dr. E. R. Snader. Hahnem. 

Month. XXVI, 1, 16. 
Rhus toxicodendron — pharmaceutisches — . Dr. W. Sorge. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aenrte 

XI, 6, 467. 
Rhus toxicodendron — poisoning by — . Dr. W. A. YingUng. Hom. Phys. XI, 11, 438. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 57 

Rlios toxicodendron. Wegw. s. Gesundb. V, 23/24, 486. 

, rerifleatloii. Med. Adv. XXIX, 1, 20. 
Bhus-Hellniigr. Habnem. 1892, 12. ISO. 
Bieger'sehen Dlphtherltisheilmittel lu halten ~ wm ist Ton dem — I Dr. Moser. Hom. 

Monatabi. XYI, 1, 5. 
Bingworm: its eonstitatlonal natare and eure. Dr. J. C. Burnett. Humoeop. Fublishing 

Comp., London. Med. Adv. XXIX, 5, 860. 
Bobella. Dr. de Forest Baker. Hahnem. Montb. XXVII, 9, 613. 
Biickbllck — ein — . Lps. pop. Ztocbr. f. Hom. XXIII. 1/2, 1. 
Bfiekenmarkskrankheiten. Wegw. s. Gesundb. VI. 15/16. 554. 

Bfiekensymptome — die — Ton Kali Biehromieum. Dr. J. L. Moflat Archiv f. Hom. I, 356. 
Bnmex crispus. Dr. Schier. Lps. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 7/8, 72. 
Bassie — Henri Krohn, la m^decine reform^e en — . Dr. Kömer. Prof. Jäger^s Monatsbl. 

XI, 3, 64. 
Bo88land — ang — . Dr. BoJanuB sen. Ztoehr. d. Berl. Y. hom. Aerste XI, 4/5. 329. 

„ — Fortgehritte der Homöopathie in ~. Dr. Bojanua sen. Archiv f. Hom. I, 222. 
Sabal serrnlata ~ provingr of ~. Dr. E. W. Berridge. Hom. World XXVII. 318, 277. 
n „ — a partial proring of — . Dr. R. Boocoek. Hom. Kec. YII, 1, 10. 

, « Dr. £. M.Haie. Hom. World XXYII, 321, 402; South. Jonm. of Hom. X, 4, 676. 

„ „ Dr. W. S. Mullins. Hom. Reo. VI, 6, 260. Am. Hom. XYII. 10, 338. 

Sachs.- Anhalt. Tereina homSop. Aerste — die HerbstTersammlnng des — in Dresden. 

Dr. H&dicke. AUg. hom. Ztg. 128, 19/20. 146. 
Sachs.-Anhalt. Terein homöop. Aerste — die FrihJahrsTersammlang des — . Dr. Hädiclce. 

Allg. hom. Ztg. 124, 21/22, 162. 
Sachs.- Anhalt. Vereins homoop. Aerste — die Teraammlungen des — im Jahre 189ä. 

Dr. YiUers. Archiv f. Hom. I, 296. 
Salol — antonr da - . Dr. Martiny. Rev. hom. beige XIX, 10, 289. 

, — concerning the tnrning point of — . Dr. Martiny. Minn. Hom. Mag. II, 3, Gl. 
Salpingitis and ovaritis — aseending -. Prof. Lndlam. Clin. XIII, 9. 364. 
Sambncns in an unnsnal case of sweting. Dr. J. C. White. Hom. Fhys. XII. 3, 115. 
Sanicnla aqna. Dr. F. W. Patch. Med. Adv. XXVIII. 3. 161. 

„ — more of — . Dr. J. Q. GundlaelL. Med. Adv. XXYI, 2, 97. 
Sanitation. Dr. J. C. Cummings. Hahoem. Montb. XXYII, 6, 385. 

. on the farms. Dr. W. B. Hinsdale. Am. Hom. XYII, 10, 340. 

Sapraemia and satnrnism. Dr. Edward Blake. Montb. Hom. Rev. XXXYI, 7. 389. 
Sarcoma and Carcinoma. Dr. W. T. Helmuth. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXYIII. 7, 458. 
, cnred withont snrgical treatment. Dr. Tb. Skinner. Med. Adv. XX VI. 2. 81. 
, di grosso volnme in nn bambino, gnarita sensa cnra locale n^ chirnrgica. 

Dr. Tb. Skinner. Riv. om. XXXYII, 1, 11. 
Scald — a case of severe — , ivith extensive destrnction of the skin — grafting of flog's 

skin. Becovery. Dr. R. S. J. Perry. Hahnem. Montb. XXYII, 3, 159. 
Scale — the — employed in making dilntions and tritnrations. Dr. C. Wesselhoeft. N. 

Engl. Med. Gas. XXVII. 8. 361. 
Scarlatina. Dr. H. F. SkUes. Clin. XIII. 1. 15. 

Scarlatinal dropsy — post — . Dr. 8. M. Fowler. Med. Adv. XXY. 6. 437. 
Scarlet fever — innnction in — . Dr. W. M. Dako. South. Journ. of Hom. X. 4, 672. 
Scattered gems. Dr. E. Fornias. Med. Adv. XXYII, 1, 16. 
School — the ethlcal basis of the separate existenee of the homoeopathlc — . Dr. Asa 

8. Couch. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXYIII, 7, 421. 
Schools of the United States — the homoeopathic medical — . Dr. Alf. Heath. Hom. 

World XXYI, 310, 443 flg.; XXYII, 314, 59 flg. 
Schfissler's — the twelve tissue remedies of — . DDr. Boericke and Dewey. 12 s. 6 d. 

2d edition. E. Gould ft Son, London. 3tb edition, Boericke & Tafel, Philadelphia. 

(2,50 Doli.) 
Schfissler's tissne remedies — some experiences with — . Dr. Stanley Wilde. Montb. Hom. 

Rev. XXXYI, 2, 99 ; VII, 2, 77. 
Schntsimpftangen — fiber ~. Dr. Korner. Ztachr. d. Berl. V. bom. Aerzte X, 2, 91. 
Schwefel — wodurch und worauf wirkt der — I Dr. Mossa. Nach Prot Schula-Greiftwald. 

Allg. hom. Ztg. 125, 23/24, 178. 
Schwerhörigkeit — acute — . Dr. Goullon. Ztschr. d. BerL Y. hom. Aerzte XI, 1, 10. 

„ — unerwartet günstiger Erfolg bei chronischer — . Dr. Foullon. Lpz. 

pop. Ztachr. f. Hom. XXIII, 11/12, 109. 

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58 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Sehirlodel — gegen ^. Dr. r^oullon. Hahnem. 1892, 12, 141. 
Schwlndfueht. Dr. Gonllon. Lps. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 3/4, 31. 

. — die Erblichkeit der — . W. List. Jiger's Monatsbl. X, 6, 114. 

SehwindsnehtsbehandluBg — die neue — . Dr. C. Burnett. Hom. Monatsbl. XVI, 3. 34. 
Seiatie» — notes on — . Dr. B. Simmons. Hom. Phys. XII, 3, 83 flg. Hom. Envoy, III, 3, 21. 
Science and old medicine contrnsted. Dr. T. F. Pomeroy. Hom. Phys. XI, 12. 457. 
Sciences — the similia, law, among the ~. Dr. E. R. Eggleston. Am. Hom. XVII, 6, 305. 
Soientlflo medicine in its relation to homoeopathy. Dr. Tb. Bakody. Translatod from 

the German by Dr. R. F. Baaer. 50 e. Boerieke A Tafel, Philadelphia. 
Scientific prescrlbing. Dr. E. Craneh. Habnem. Mooth. XXVIII, 11, 705. 

» treatment of disease — the — by the „scientific'* school of medicine. Dr. 

T. R. Jones. Hom. World XXVI, 807, 305. 
Scienza umane — la — . Dr. A. Colombo. Kiv. om. XXXVII, 1, 22. 
Sderosis — a case of mnltiple cerebro- spinal — . Dr. A. P. WUliamson. Hahnem. M onth. 

XXVI, 10, 714. 
Score years and ten — remedies for three — with eases. Dr. T. 8. Heyne. Hom. Envoy 

II, 10. 76. 
Scrotnms — tale of two — . Dr. H. Dale. Am. Hom. XIX, 16, 154. 
Seborrhoea of Unna — persistent dandrnff, acne , and the — . Dr. E. Biake. Med. Era 

IX, 1, 8. 
Section — caesarean — . Dr. H. WilUs. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. XXXIX, 12. 825} XL, 3, 169. 
Sections — forty-scTen consecutire abdominal — . Dr. J. M. Lee N. Am. Jonrn. of Hom. 

XXXIX, 8, 549. 
Socnndines after miscarriage — long retention of — . Dr. 8h. Leavitt Med. Cent. 

I, 9, 302. 
Seekrankheit — Coccnlns gegen — . Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 19/20, 185. 
Selection — the — of the homoeopathic remedy. Dr. T. F. Allen. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. 

XLI, 8, 479. 
Senile catarakt. Dr. A. Given. South. Joum. of Hom. IX. 12, 513. 

n „ — a case of — treated homoeopathically. Dr. Wm. Kamb. N. Am. 

Joum. of Hom. XL, 6, 874. 
Senile catarakt — the homoeopathic treatment of incipient — with tabnlated resnlts 

of one hnndred cases. Dr. A. B. Norton. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. XXXIX, 12, 786. 
Sensations of cold. Hom. Phys. XII, 4, 143. 
Sepia — a case from laj practiee — . W. Bellerby. Hom. World XXVII, 324. 557. 

, — a facial emption treated with — . Dr. A. H. Croucher. Hom. World XXVIII, 

332, 844. 
Sepia in sterility. Dr. A. Heath. Med. Adv. XXVI. 4, 272. 

„ — Heilungen dnrch — . Dr. KunkeL Allg. hom. Ztg. 123, 11/12, 93; 19/20, 154. 

n cases. Dr. Kunkel. Hom. Reo. VII, 1, 26. 

n im Besonderen — rortreff liehe Wirkung einiger Mittel nnd der — . Ztschr. d. 

Berl. V. hom. Aente XI, 6, 468. 
Sepsis, satnrnism and thelr congeners. Dr. E. Blake. London. 
Septic fcTer. Dr. A. N. Plerce. 8onth. Journ. of Hom. IX, 7, 280. 
Septicaemia — puerperal — . Dr. G. M. Christine. Hahnem. Menth. XXVI r, 3, 167. 
Sequela — la — . Dr. 8. L. (J. Leggett. Rlv. om. XXXVII, 5, 156. 
Serpent poisons — therapeutics of the — . Dr. J. H. Clarke. Homoeop. Publ. Comp. 1893, 

Serpent fenom — the physiologlcal action and therapeutic uses of — . Dr. A. C. Pope. 

Menth. Hom. Rer. XXXV, 5, 301 flg. 
Sernm-therapie — die — . Dr. phil. Puhlmann. Lps. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 15/16, 141. 
Sewage poisoning, its causes and eure. Dr. E. T. Black«. E. A F. N. 8pon. London. 
Sexual — diseases some remarks concerning the homoeopathic treatment of skin and — , 

with cases ftrom my practiee. Dr. O. Hansen. Hom. World XXVIII. 332, 345 flg. 
Sexual Irritation. Dr. H. M. Patton. N. York Med. Times XXI. 5, 137. 

, , — infantile -. Dr. D. T. Smith. Med. Cent. I. 8. 265. 

Shock. Dr. F. G. Oehme. Hahnem. Menth. XXVIII, 10, 669. 
Slck headache cared with one dose of lachesis cm. Dr. E. Rosbmore. Hom. Pbys. 

XII, 2, 64. 
Sicosi dl Hahnemann — la — . Dr. A. Me Neil. Riv om. XXXVI, 9, 286 ; XXXVII, 3, 91. 
Sigmoid flexure — malignant tumor of the — . Dr. J. M. Matthews. N. York Med. Times 

XXI, 8, 237. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 59 

8i9D of the tlnes — the — . Dr. C. A. Walsh. N. York Med. Times XXI, 8. 225. 
Silieea: Itt enratlT« Mtlon In the treatment of alT«oUur abscess. Dr. C.H. Taft. Med. 

Adv. XXVIII, 5. 348 ; XXIX, 6, 409. 
Sllicea. Prof. J. T. Kent. RIv. om. XXXVII. 11, 321. 

, — some eliaieal obserTationg of the nse of — . ' Dr. J. Lewis Jr. Med. Curr. 

IX, 2, 84. 
Nilicea, alllnm cepa and rnmex — eures by — . Dr. C. Mc V. Tobey. Mino. Uom. Mag. 

I, 12. 824. 
Hllicea-Wlrkungr. Dr. QouUon. Lpi. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 15/16, 144. 

, , — modlllilrte —. Dr. Gonllon. Ztschr. f. Hom. 21/22, 197. 

Similia a nnlrersal law — is — 1 Dr. J. R. Haynes. Hom. Pbys. XII, 10, 448. 
„Simllibns an su^gestis^'t — ein Bftckbllek auf die ControTene. Dr. J. Fuchs. Allg. 

hom. Ztg. 125, 15/16, 121. 
SlmilllmnM*— 11 — : potensa; ripetisione. Dr. J. Emmons. Riv. om. XXXVIII, 4, 125. 

„ — the — . Dr. A. P. Hanchett. Nortbw. Joom. of Hom. IV, 8, 235. 

Sind wir berechtigt, nngeprfifte Mittel bei der homSopathlsehen BehandUng an ge- 

branehen! Dr. Haie. Archiv f. Hom. II, 353. 
Single remedj in the praetiee of medicine. Dr. A. 8. Alexander. Month. Hom. Kov. 

XXXV, 7, 441. 
Sintomi ellniei — rerifleazloni e — . Dr. 0. M. Pease. Riv. om. XXXVI, 7, 215. 

, trlTiali — 11 ralore dei — . Riv. om. XXXVIII, 2, 57. 
Sinnses and flstnlae enratlve — to what extent are — , withont operative procednres. 

Dr. M. O. Terry. N. Yorlc Med. Times XIX. 5, 138. 
Skiascopy. Dr. H. C. French. Cal. Hom. IX, 8, 72. 

Skin — some Symptoms pertalnlng to the — gleaned f^om the encyolopaedla of drng 
pathogenesy. Dr. J. L. Coffin. N. Engt. Med. Gas. XXVII, 3, 108 flg. 
„ — some polnts in the loeal treatment of alfeetlons of the — . Dr. H. M. Doarbom. 

N. Am. Jonm. of Hom. XL, special edition, 9. 
„ grafting (ellnleal). Dr. W. E. Green. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 12, 1032. 
„ cllnie — the - in the Hahnemann hoapltal of Chicago for 1892/98. Dr. H. V. 

Haibert. Clin. XIV, 4, 161. 
„ dlsease ~ a ease of — ; pedicnlns earposis. Dr. J. HalL Hom. Phys. XI, 10, 406. 
, diseases — a handbook of — . Dr. J. R. Kippax. Fourtb edition. 10 s. E. Gould & 

Son, London. 
„ — the diseases of the — . Dr. G. C. Ransom. Lea Bros A Co., Philadelphia. 
, — health of the — . Dr. Sbuldham. 50 c. Hahnem. Pabl. Co., Philadelphia. 
, — an introdnetlon to the study of diseases of the — . P. H. P. Smith. Churchill, 

„ diseases in ehildren. Hom. Envoy III, 9, 68. 
Skull — injuries to the — . Dr. H. M. Lewis. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXIX, 5, 314. 
Sleep in ehildem — distnrbanees of — . Dr. E. A. Neatby. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXIV, 7, 399. 
Sleeplessness — remedles for — . Hom. Envoy II, 5, 36. 
Sliding Aap - the snperiority of the — , over skln grafting. Dr. M. O. Terry. N. York 

Med. Times XIX, 7, 201. 
Smallpox — very virulent — . Am. Hom. XVIII, 6, 96. 

n Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVII, 3, 129. 

Soja -Bohne — die — . Lps. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 7/8, 70. 

Solanum earolinense In epilepsy. Dr. N. E. Paine. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVI, 4, 196. 
Solidago Tirgo-aurea. Dr. A. E. White. Hom. Ree. VI, 4. 145. 
Somnal — notes npon — , the new hypnotie. Pac Rec. V, 6, 172. 
Somnambulism — bryonia. Dr. M. C. Violet. Med. Curr. VII, 2. 78. 
Speeial diagnosis and homoeopathic treatment of diseases. Dr. de Suszara- Verdi. 

DoIL 3. 50. Boerlcke ft Tafel. Philadelphia. 
Special report npon the same — a — . Dr. H. N. Lyon. Clin. XII, li, 515. 
Specialist — the — , in medicine. Dr. J. P. Rand. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVIII, i, 25. 
, do to be saved — what mnst the — . Dr. S. C. Delap. Med. Arena II, 8, 251. 
y, to euch other — the relations of the general practitloner and the — . Dr. 
G. 8. Norton. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVin, 2, 74. 
Specialties In medicine — the value of — . Dr. F. P. Lewis. N. Am. Journ. for Hom. 

XU, 9, 543. 
Specific — on the selection of the homoeopathic — . Dr. A. C. Pope. Month. Hom. Rev. 
XXXVII, 11, 649. 

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60 Bibliographie. — Bibliogi*aphie. — Bibliography. 

8peeiflc8 In medlelne. Dr. W^ D. Gentry. Med. Curr. VIII, 11. 472. 

Spectnl-Analyse » die -, im Dienste der Homöopathie. Dr. E. A. Latze. Habnem* 

1891, 4. 40. 
Spermatorrhoe». Dr. C. MitchelL Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 9, 610. 
Sphilicter stretdüag — anal —. Dr. Fiske. N. Am. Jonrn. of Hom. XL, 3, 167. 
Spider blte — a — . Dr. A. M. Duffield. N. EngL Med. Gas. XXYII, 1, 9. 
Splgelia. Wegw. a. Gesundh. VI, 9/10, 536. 

» nicht half — iro nnd wamm — . Dr. Gonllon. Lpi. pop. Ztscbr. f. Hom. 

XXII, 7/8, 71. 
Spinal cord be prodneed by OTerdosingr with qninlne — ean orj^anic disease of the — I 
Dr. W. M. Batler. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 1, 23. 
n disease — early dia^osis of — . Dr. H. H. Leavitt Minn. Hom. Mag. I, li, 283. 
„ nerTes — the — . Dr. R. L. 8now. Clin. XIII, 4, 165. 

„ System — the elinleal anatomy and physiology of the — . Dr. O. L. Smith. Clin. 
XIII, 11, 525. 
Splne — earrature of the — . Dr. A. M'Neil. Med. Adv. XXUI, 2, 128. 
Splint — further experlence with a new — . Dr. G. H. Earl. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVIII, 

9, 418. 
Splint and pflaster Jaeket — a eombined hip — . Dr. G. W. Roberts. N. Am. Jonrn. uf 

Hom. XL, special edition, 13. 
Spongla. Wegv. z. Gesnndh. VI, 9/10, 536. 

„ bei Herzkrankheiten. Dr. Brückner. Archiv f. Hom. I. 181. 

n offlolnalls and spongria piüustrls (badlaga) compared. Dr. J. L. Cardozo. 

N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XXXVIII, 6, 366. 
Sqailla In anasarca. Dr. J. D. Back. South. Journ. of Hom. X, 1, 544. 
Stannnm — its raponr —. A^ieola. Hom. World XXVII, 321, 400. 

Dr. Th. Kafka. Nach Dr. 8. P. Shannon. Allg. hom. Ztg. 127, 19/20, 150. 
Staphlsagrla — a study of delphlnlnm. Dr. E. Blake. Hom. Rec. VI, 4, 169. 
Statlstics — comparatlfe — , of homoeopathic and allopathic treatment. Dt. C. H 

Hadley. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 3, 175. 
Stenosis — oerrieal — , as related to dysmenorrhea. Dr. T. J. Putnam. N. Engl, Med. 

Gaz. XXVI, 12, 570. 
Steppin g stone — the — , to homoeopathy and health. Dr. Ruddock. i s. 6 d. Twelfth 

edition. Homoep. Publ. Co., London. 
Sterllized milk — a note on — . Dr. J. H. Sherman. N. Engl. Med. Ga». XXVI, 11. 533. 
Stertor and its control by the lateral position. Dr. F. H. Pritchard. Hahnem. Month. 

XXVIII, 9, 619. 
Sticta pnlmonaria. Dr. C. C. Smith. Riv. om. XXXVII, 4, 112. 
Stimnlants — the nse and abnse of — . Dr. J. H. Clark. N. York Med. Times XIX, 

12, 353. 
Stitichezza — nn caso rlmarcheTole dl — . Dr. J. B. Elliot. Riv. om. XXXVI, 7, 210. 
Störungen des physischen Clleichgewlchts — über kiinstliche — . Vortrag Prof Dr. Th. 

Meynert. Monatsbl. d. wissensch, Clubs in Wien XII, 6, 58. 
Stomach — dilatlon of the — , colocynth 80 and the faradlc current. Dr. H. W. 

Champlin. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 5, 376. 
Stomach — dlsturbances of the — . Dr. Millie J. Chapman. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 9, 604. 
» trouble — fasting and dietlng as auxillarles in cases of — . Dr. W. B. Webb. 
Med. Curr. VII, 6, 261. 
Stomatitis materna. Dr. A. L. Blackwood. Clin. XIII, 5, 207. 
Storla elinica. Dr. Held. L'om. in It. XV, 24 

, deU'omiopatla nell'Umbrla — nna paglna dl — . Dr. G. Pompili. Riv. om. 
XXXVIII, 4, 97. 
Straln as a faotor in the productlon of pulmonary phthisls. Dr. W. C. Goodno. Hahnem. 

Month. XXVI, 11, 753. 
Stramonium. Dr. phil. Puhlmann. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 19/20, 184. 
n : a partlal proving. Dr. W. E. Leonard. Med. Adv. XXVI, 4. 287. 

„ — a few notes on — . Dr. F. Kraft. Am. Hom. XVII, 10, 353. 

„ case — a — . R. Stuart Stephenson. Hom. World XXVI, 310, 441. 

Strange case — a — . Hom. Reo. VI, 6, 256. 

Strangulation : Intnssuseeption. Dr. W. H. Leonard. Med. Adv. XXIX, 4, 299. 
Strlngimento nretrale. Dr. W. G. BrowneU. Riv. om. XXXVII, 3, 89. 
Strophantns, Coffeine etc. Dr. H. C. Wood. N. York Med. Times XXI, 5, 129'. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 61 

Strychnine — the thenpeatles of — . Dr. T. D. Nicholson. Month. Hom. Kot. XXXVI, 

6, 325 flg. 
Strychnlnam — paralyzlng »ctloii of — . Med. Adv. XXYI. 5, 884. 
Stodent — how best to fit the medlcal — for hif work. Dr. R. F. Licorisb. N. Am. 

Journ. of Hom. XL, 9, 577. 
Study of medlcine — how to begin the — . Dr. O. E. Janney. Sontb. Jonrn. of Hom. 

X, 8, 850. 
Stnpldity earable. Ephraim Schultae. Med. Adv. XXVI, 3, 199. 
Sturmhttt — der — and der Fingerhut. Dr. phiL Puhlmann. Lps. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. 

XXIII, 15/16, 147. 
SnbJeetlTe Symptoms. Dr. H. H. Ghaodler. South. Journ. of Hom. VIII, 9, 299. 
„Sabstitntion eTil<< — the — . Hom. Envoy II, 8, 61. 

Svb-inToltttion- — massAge in nterine — . Dr. E. 8. Bailey. CUn. XIV, 1, 32. 
Sndden-Death and heart failnre. Dr. B. S. Arn; Iphy. Clin. XII. 5, 221. 
Sngar in nrine — note on qnantitatiTe estimation of — . Dr. C. Mitchell. Med. Cent. 

I, 9. 309. 
Sngar in the nrine — relatire falne of the prineipal tests for — . Dr. J. B. 8. King. 

Med. Adv. XXVI, 5, 329. 
Suggestion und Homöopathie — nochmals — . Dr. Pfiinder. Allg. hom. Ztg. 124, 15/16, 116. 
Suggestione — la — e l'omiopatia. Dr.- Bonino. L'om. in It. XVIII, 20. 
Soggestionismus — der — und die Homöopathie. Dr. Gerster. Allg. hom. Ztg. 124, 

7/8, 54. 
Snggestions to patlents. Dr. W. A. Yingling. Boericke & Tafel, Philadelphia. 
Sulfonale — recent Uterature on — . Dr. F. H. Pritchard. N. YorlL Med. Times XX, 8, 240. 
Snlphonal — a study of the actlon of — Dr. C. Bartlett. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 5, 293. 
, Dr. C. Bartlett. Archiv f. Hom. I, 331. 

, Hom. World XXVI, 312, 553. 

, homoeopathically eonsidered. Dr. F. P. Jeoks. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 

4, 201. 
Sulphur — elinical cases: — . Dr. E. W. Berridge. Hom. World XXVII, 318, 272. 
, nella malinconia. Dr. J. M. Dutton. Riv. om. XXXVII, 1, 28. 
„ — Obstruktion. Dr. Goullon. Maanedskr. for Hom. XVIII, 11, 82. 
„ — a eUnical case: — . Dr. F. Hooker. Med. Adv. XXVII, 1, 28. 
, case — a — . Dr. J. B. 8. King. Med. Adv. XXIX, 5, 335. 
„ — un eolpo nel centro con — . Dr. 8. LUienthal. Riv. om. XXXVII, 8, 253. 
Sulphur -Hartleibigkeit — die — . Dr. Goullon. Lps. pop. Ztsch. f. Hom. XXII, 17/18, 164. 
•Sulphur-Heilnngen mittels Hoehpotenzen. Dr. Goullon. Hahnem. 1892, 6, 64 flg. 
Sun spots, magnetle inflnence and disease. Dr. Adam Miller. Med. Curr. VIII, 9, 408. 
Sunday leetnre — a -. Dr. W. T. Helmnth. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVII, 5, 211. 
Suppressed disease. Dr. W. E. Waddell. Med. Adv. XXIX, 359. 

„ diseases and their homoeopathic treatment. Dr. J. H. Allen. South. Journ. 

of Hom. X, 7, 788. 
Suppression ts. eure. Dr. H. Crntcher. Suuth. Journ. of Hom. X, 12, 1028. 

„ of the natural manifestations of the disoased organism. Med. Adv. 

XXVII, 1, 37. 
Suppuration — surgloal treatment of threatoning — . Dr. T. L. Macdonald. South. Journ. 

of Hom. X, 3, 627. 
Snr-Allmentation. Dr. W. H. Holsberg. Hom. Envoy II, 4, 28. 
Surdite verbal ou larcin. Traduction du Dr. Chevalier. Rev. hom. beige XIX, 5, 133. 
Sure eures. Hom. Envoy II, 5, 37. 

Surgeon saved his mother — how a — . Dr. Escnlapias. N. York Med. Times XIX, 3, 75. 
, ~ original practical papers and notes of especlal Talue to the — a resume. 
Dr. M. O. Terry. N. York Med. Times XX, 3, 80. 
Surgery — homoeopathic — . Dr. (J. W. Anderson. Med. Curr. VIII, 9, 392. 

„ and homoeopathy. Dr. G. H. Bnrford. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 8, 303. 
„ and homoeopathic therapeutics — the reclprocal relations between - , as ex- 
emplifled in pelflc lesions. Dr. G. H. Burford. Montb. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 10, 651. 
Surgery — an American text - book of — for practitloners and students. Dr. C. H. 

Burnett. W. B. Sannders, Philadelphia. 
Snrgery and therapeutics. Dr. J. D. George. Am. Hom. XVII, 6, 196. 

, — orifleial — and chronic disease. Dr. 8. G. Godsball. Hahnem. Month. XXVlil, 
9, 613. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

62 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Snrgrery — aocidents and failares In orlflelal — . Dr. W. £. Green. Med. Er« VIII, 

11, 329. 
Snrgery — cllnieal notes In — . Dr. W. E. Green. South. Joum. of Hom. X, 3, 623. 
» — dont's in nrethral — . Dr. W. E. Green. South. Joum. of Hom. YIII, 1, 5.^* 
„ an important faetor In bomoeopathy in the «lonth. Dr. F. Hines. Soutb. Journ. 
of Hom. IX, 7, 267. 
Snrgery Ta. medicine. Dr. J. W. Means. Med. Adv. XXIX, 2, 119. 
. „ — abdominal — in the Massaehnsetrs homoeopathic hospital. Dr. H. Packard. 
N. Engl. Med. Ga*. XXVII. 8, 879. 
Snrgery — the report of the bnrean of — . Dr. G. P. Shears. Clin. II. 1, 17. 

„ — the philoaophical relation of homoeopathy to — . Dr. T. D. Stow. Hom. 
Phys. XII, 11, 488. 
Snrgery — a contribntion to plastie — . Dr. W. B. van Lennep. Hahnem. Month. XX VIII, 

10, 641. 
Snrgery — too mnch — . Dr. M. Yarnall. N. York Med. Times XIX, 2, 43. 
Snrgical — a brief retrospeet of matters — . Dr. T. D. Stow. Hom. Phys. XI, 5, 206. 
„ bag — a nevr — . Dr. W. B. van Lennep. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, S, 172. 
„ ease ~ a — , cnred by homoeopathy. Dr. W. E. Ledyard. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 2, 134. 
Snrgical eases treated homoeopathleally. Dr. B. Pincke. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 3, 215. 
y, „ homoeopathleally cnred. Dr. E, B. Guile. Med. Adv. XXIX, 1, 22. 

n y, Dr. G. A. Hau. CUn. XIII, 9, 403. 

» „ (80-called) cnred homoeopathleally. Dr. W. £. Ledyard. Hom. Phys. 

XIII, 1, 17. 
Snrgical cases. Dr. E. Mahony. Hom. Phys. XIII, 1, 24. 

, , treated homoeopathleally. Dr. W. L. Reed. Hom. Phys. XIII, 1, 9. 

, , Dr. J. H. Thompson. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 11, 759. 

, , Dr. J. A. Tomhagen. Hom. Phys. XIII, 1, 84. 

» clinic — Prof. Ino. £. James* — . Dr. H. L. Northmp. Hahnem. Month. 
XXVI, 3, L50. 
Snrgical clinic — tiro cases from — . Dr. J. K. Sanders. Am. Hom. XVII, 2, 69. 
„ . — the — . Prof. Shears. CUn. XIII, 11, 617; XIV, 1, 16. 

, olinics — the —, of the Kassachnsett's homoeop. hospital, serrice of Horace 
Pachard, H. D. Dr. J. B. Briggs. N. Engl. Med. Qaz. XXVI, 1, 28 flg. 
Snrgical conserfatism. Dr. A. G. Beebe. Med. Cent. I, 10, 334. 

„ diseases. Dr. J. C. Nottingham. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 10, 675. 
» , — the — , of wOmen. Dr. Cornelia 8. Stettier. Clin. XIV, 8, 116. 

„ kidney ~ a case of — , irlth mptnre into the peritoneal cafity. Dr. Arschagouni. 
N. York Med. Times XX, 2, 43. 
Snrgical notes. Dr. Sturtevant. Med. Adv. XXVIII 2, 126. 

„ — Bandom — . Dr. R. 8, J. Perry. Med. Curr. VII, 4, 161. 
„ pathology — the Clements of — . Dr. J. Q. QilcIlriBt. Northw. Journ. of Hom. 
IV, 2, 38; 8, 224. 
Snrgical practlce — a feir cases in • . Dr. T. D. Stow. Hom. Phys. XI, 5, 210. 

, sayings. Dr. T. L. Mac Donald. South. Joum. of Hom. IX, 11, 469; X, 2, 597; 
8, 846; XI, 6, 226. 
Snrgical therapenties. Dr. L. B. WeUs. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 2, 115. 

, tnbercnlosis. Dr. O. W. Roberts. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. XL, 4, 233. 
Swedenborg and medicine. Dr. C. 8. Mack. Hom. Phys. XII, 3, 118. 
Sycosis Hahnemannii. Dr. A. Mc Neu. Med. Adv. XXVI, 2, 117. 

„ -- introdnction of —, Dr. W. M. Johnson. Med. Ad. XXX, 3, 74. 
„ — some Symptoms of —, Dr. G. H. Clark. Hom. Phys. XII, 10, 451. 
Sygdom — en — , nden navn. Dr. GouUon. Maanedskr. for Hom. XVII, 9, 73. 
Sygehistorie — en besynderling ->. Dr. Haedicke. Maanedskr. for Hom. XVIII. 9, 65. 

„ — en interessant — . Dr. Wassily. Maanedskr. for Hom. XX, 2, 14. 

Sygehistorier. Dr. O. Hansen. Maanedskr. for Hom. XVIIl, 2, 13. 

, — fem — . Dr. GouUon. Maanedskr. for Hom. XVIII, 1, 1. 

» — to — . Maanedskr. for Hom. XIX, 7, 49. 

„ Maanedskr. for Hom. XX, 1, 3; 8, 68. 

Syikoma ment — drei Fälle TOn — . Dr. Kunkel. Archiv f. Hom. I, 82. 
Sympathetic nerfons Systems — the cerebro spinal and — , and the trne explanation 
Of the modus operandi of therapentic agents. Dr. K. J. Brown. Med. Curr. 
VIII, 5, 209. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 63 

Symphjgeotomy. Dr. C. M. Baldwin. Pae. CoMt Joura. of Hom. I, 9, 339. 

n Prof. Pinard. Translatod by Dr. J. M. Mitchell. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 

4, 852. 
Symphyseotomy — a — the flrst in BTew England. Dr. H. Paclcard. Med. Cent I, 9. 295. 
Symptomatle enres. Dr. J. Kaflca. Hom. Rec. VIII, 11, 504. 
Rymptonatologj of ehronle dlaorders — eomments on the — . Dr. C. 8. Bldridge. N. 

Yoric Med. Times XX, 5, 135. 
Symptdme aingnller - de l'importanee d'nn — . Dr. Lippe. L'nnion hom. Y, 2, 33. 
HymptOMe — anneUaggebende — . Dr. Moesa. Hom. Monaiabl. XYI, 1, 3. 
Symptomen — snfSllige Anriosehnng Ton — . Dr. Kennedy. Archiv f. Hom. I, 70. 
Symptoms of a feir remedies ~ peeuüar ~. Dr. J. V. Allen. Med. Adv. XXVI, 1, 27. 
» <S pathologieal prescriMng, — „relatife falne of — . Dr. C. B. Gilbert N. 

Am. Joum. of Hom. XXXVIII, 2, 93. 
Symptoms and the dose — primary and secondary — . Dr. C. B. Gilbert Hom. Phys. 

XI, 2, 60. 
Symptoms — the Talne of gniding -. Dr. W. J. Hawices. Med. Adv. XXVIII. 6, 419. 
, — some eonflrmed ~. Dr. J. R. Haynes. Hom. Phys. XI, 5, 214. 

— a feir eonflrmed —. Dr. J. R. Haynes. Med. Adv. XXVI, 2, 98. 
, — Hahnemanns three rnles eoneerning the rank of — . Dr. C. Hering. Med. 

Adr. XXVIII, 6. 427. 
Symptoms remoTed by remedies durlng treatment of eases. Dr. A. L. Kennedy. Hom. 

Phys. XI. 11. 419. 
Symptoms — repertory of peeullar — . Dr. 8. F. Shannon. Med. Adv. XXX, 8, 129. 

, in selecting the remedy — the relatife Talne of ~. Dr. R. L. Tburston. Med. 

Adv. XXVI, 3. 280. 
Symptoms — primary and secondary — . Dr. M. W. Vandenburg. Hom. Phys. XI, 3, 116. 

„ in perspective. Month. Hom. Hev. XXXVII, 5, 257. 

SynOTltis — ease of — ; enred. Dr. C. H. Thomas. South. Jonm. of Hom. X, 8, 838. 
Syphilinnm. Dr. C. B. Gilbert. Hom. Phys. XI, 1; 24. 

Dr. Th. Wildes. Hom. Phys. XI, 7, 267; 9. 359. 

— eases treated with — . Dr. B. G. Clarlc. Hom. World XXVI. 307, 295. 
. , . - esperimenti di — . Dr. 8. Swan. Rlv. om. XXXVI, 10, 315. 

Syphilis — on some new drngs employed in the therapentie of skin affeetions and 
particnlarly in — as snbstitnte to Jodoform. Dr. Arschagonni. N. Yoric Med. 
Times XIX, 5, 140. 
Syphilis — retrospeetive diagnosls of hereditary — . Dr. Louise Fiske Bryson. 

„ in aneient and pre-historie times. Dr. P. Buret. F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. 
„ and their treatment — some of the secondary lesions of — . Dr. J. L. Coffin. 
N. £ngl. Med. XXVI. 11, 518. 
Syphilis — treatment of — . Dr. Charles Dake. N. York Med. Times XX, 10. 294. 
, and the nerrons System. W. R. Govers. Chnrchill, London. 
, — the treatment of — . Dr. K. M. Gramm. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 4. 239. 
, — of the month and thront , with treatment. Dr. H. W. Palge. N. Am. Journ. 
of Hom. XLI, 1. 1. 
Syphilis - a case of — . Dr. M. Preston. Med. Adv. XXVI. 2, 124. 

, — Dr. Preston^s case of — . Hom. Phys. XI, 1, 36. 
Syringomyelia. Dr. M. J. Hoffmann. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 6, 246. 
System — a — of genito - nrinary diseases, syphilology and dermatology. Dr. P. A. 

Morrow. D. Appleton & Co., New York. 
Tabellen nnd Bepertorien. Dr. T. F. Allen. Archiv f. Hom. I, 230. 

Tabes dorsalis — la mediclne des ecoles et le — . Dr. Martiny. Rev. hom. beige XVIII, ll, 321. 
Tait's Operation; complicated by a dlseased appendix. Dr. W. J. Winn. N. Engl. Med. 

Gas. XXVII, 2, 82. 
Taking eold. Hom. Envoy II, 6, 44. 

9 „ (the cause of half onr diseases) ; its natnre, canses, prevention and eure. 

Dr. J. H. Hayward. 7th edition. 1 s. 6 d. . £. Qoald & Son, London. 
Tannin poisoning. Hom. Phys. XII. 2, 66. 

Tansy poisoning — a case of — . Dr. H. Lindley. Hahnem. Month. XXVn, 4, 249. 
Tape worm. Dr. W. O. Clark. Northw. Joum. of Hom. IV, 6, 162. 
Tarmkatar — aknt — ; Phosphor. Dr. Goullon. Maanedskr. f. Hom. XX, 1, 6. 

„ ~ Bidrag til Behandlingen af den almindellge — . Dr. Goullon. Maan. f. 

Hom. XVII, 9, 71. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

64 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Taste — a eaae of perTerted aense of — with other reflex phenomena. J. R. Coek«. 

N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 12. 569. 
Teachingr — the — of homoeopathy In the Colleges. Dr. E. F. Brady. Hom. Phys. 

XI, 1, 39. 
Tellarlnm. Dr. Kafka jr. Arehir f. Hom. I, 154. 

. Dr. G. G. Sbelton. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. XXXVIII, 3, 141. 

Tendo aehillis — antnringr the — • Dr. de Witt G. Wilcox. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XLI. 2, 97. 
Teneta of homoeopathy — what are thel — . Dr. M. W. van Denburg. N. Am. Journ. of 

Hom. XL, 3, 160. 
Terebinthina. Dr. O. S. Bamber. Med. Adv. XXVI. 1, 74. 
Tertiary Syphilis — the actlon of Jodide of potasslnm In — . Dr. C. K. Sbaw. Am. Hom. 

XVII, 12, 414. 
Terngllk. Hom. Maandbl. III, 12, 47. 
Testlcle — chronic enlargements of — ; wlth comments by B. Flncke. Dr. S. H. Wash- 

burn. Med. Adv. XXV, 6, 456. 
Tetanos — de la gnerlson da — da trlsmns et de reclampsle des femmes encelntes ou 

en ooaches. Rev. hom. beige XIX, 1, 8. 
Tetanas foUowlng an abortlon at the thlrd month. Dr. Martha A. Canfield. N. Am. Journ. 

of Hom. XL, 7, 465. 
Tetanas and Trlsmas and der Eklampsie der Gebarenden and Schwangeren — aur 

homöopathischen Heilang des — . Wenzl Hey berger. Allg. hom. Ztg. 124, 7/8, 49. 
Tencrlam in leacorrhoea and bllndness ftom opaeity (t) of the cornea. Dr. R. K. Ghosh. 

Hom. Rec. VI, 3. 97. 
Texas — the ellmate of San Antonio and Soathwest — , for palmonary InTalids. Dr. C. 

E. Fisber. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 10, 446. 
Text-Book — a — of materla medlca and therapeatlcs characteristlcs , analytlcal and 

comparatlTe. Dr. A. C. Cowperthwaite. 35 s. £. Gould & 8on. London. 
Text - Book — a — of modern medlclne and sargery on homoeopathle prlnciples. Dr. 

Ruddock. 25 s. Homoeop. PubL Comp., London. 
Thee — der — . Dr. phil. Puhlmann. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 7/8, 67. 
Therapentlc effeets and mode of preparation -^ Its lobelia. T. G. Vawdrey. Montb. Hom. 

Rev. XXXVII, 1, 31. 
Therapentlc hlnts. Hom. Envoy II, 10, 76; III, 2, 13; 5, 37; IV, 1, 6. 
„ and other hlnds. Hom. Envoy IV, 7, 55. 

y, key. Dr. J. D. Johnson. 16 th edition. 9 s. £. Gould & Son, London. 

Therapeatlcs — ellmate as a factor in ^. Dr. E. Guernsey. N. York Med. Times XIX, 

10, 289. 
Therapeatlcs — carrent progress In old-shool — . Dr. W. R Leonard. Med. Curr. VII, 

2, 79 flg. 
Therapeatlcs — homoeopathle — , and Hahnemann's materla medlca. Dr. 8. Lilientbal. 

Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 6, 361. 
Therapeatlcs — homoeopathle — . Dr. S. Lilienthal. Third edition. 35 s. E. Gould & Son, 

Therapeatlcs — an illastractlon of law in — . Dr. S. A. Jones. Minn. Hom. Mag. II, 

10, 253. 
Therapeatlcs — lectare on -. Belladonna. Dr. H. C, Wood. N. York Med. Times 

XXI, 6, 161. 
Therapeatlcs — mannal of — . Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 11, 721. 

, — prospectlTC — . Dr. R. G. Ecclea. N. York Times XIX, 1, 1. 

— retrOspectlTC — . Dr. A. K. Hills. N. York Med. Times XIX, 1, 14. 
, — the revlTal In — . Dr. W. E. Leonard. Med. Cent. I, 10, 325. 

Therapentlqae — mannel de — selon la methode de Hahnemann. Dr. R. Hughes. Traduit 

de l'anglais par le docteur J. G. Meneville. 6 fr. J. B. Bailüere & Fils, Paria. 
Therapeutisches. Dr. Dahlke. Ztschr. des Berl. V. hom. Aerste XI, 1, 75; 3, 249; XII, 1, 51. 
Thlerrersach — der — . Prof. Jäger's MonatsbL X, 4, 65. 
Thlapsl barsa pastorls. Hom. Rec. VII, 1, 12. 
Thoracic abscess. Dr. J. A. Wakeman. Med. Adv. XXVII, 4, 262. 

„ palns wlth pseado - plearisy — a cUnlcal lectare on — and also those of a 

rhenmatold type. Prof. Arnulphy. Clin. XII, 2, 53. 
Thoracoplasty. Dr. H. 8. Biggar. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. XLI, 10, 646. 
Thoaghts from page 461, October carrent. Dr. J. W. Parker. Med. Curr. VIII, 11, 503. 

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Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 65 

Threads — r©d — . Dr. Z. S. MUler. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 11, 742. 

Thre© a-typlcal cases. Dr. G. H. Burford. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 12, 772. 

Throat — loeal treatment of di8ea8«8 of the — . Dr. Wm. Simpson. Pac. Coast Joura. 

of Ilom. I, 8, 303. 
Thuja. Dr. (7. Herring. Hom. World XXVI, 308. 354. Hom. Rec. VI, 5. 212. z. Gesundh. VI, 21/22, 581. 
, in eoneamption. Dr. 8. Ulientlial. Calif. Hom. IX, 2, 37. 
„ in eezema folloi? Ing Taecinatlon. Dr. T. G. Stonham. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 1, 48. 

in haemorrholds. Med. Adv. XXVII, 6, 468. 
Thyroid giand — th© — . Dr. H. N. Avery. N. York Med. Times XX, 10, 292. 

» — a ease of eystte d©f©n©ration of th©— • Sae©88fBll r©moTaI. Dr. M. O. Terry. 

N. Am. Joum. of Hom. XXXVIII, 5, 319. 
Tibia and flbnla — Compound fractnr© of th© — : a cas©. Dr. N. W. Rand. N. Engl. 

Med. Gaz. XXVII, 2. 65. 
,,Tic doulour©ux<<. Dr. F. Kraft. Med. Adv. XXIX, 1, 17. Archiv f. Hom. I, 329. 
Tinctur«n — di© ll©r8tellnngr d©r — . Tafel. Archiv f. Hom. I, 90. 

Tinctur©8 — pr©paration of hOmo©opathic — . Dr. L. Sherman. Med. Curr. VIII, 4, 151. 
Tinea Tersicolor. Dr. J. B. Kindley. Med. Curr. VIII, 2, 89. 
Ti88u© r©m©di©B - ciinical n8©8 of th© — . Dr. A. L. Monroe. South. Joum. of Hom. 

IX, 9, 899. 
Tissn© r©ni©di©8 — in di8©a8e8 of childr©n. Hom. Rec. VI, 5, 206. 

y, y, — r©p©rtory of inn©r h©ad 8ymptoni8 of th© — . Dr. 8. E. Shannon. Med. 

Curr. VIII, 11 498; IX, 2, 75. 
Ti88n©8 — foreign bodi©B in th© ^. Dr. J. T. Talbot. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVIII, 2, 65. 
To err is human, to forglT© diTin©. Dr. ß. Pincke. Hom. Phys. XI, 8, 337. 
Tobacco and tobaeco UBlng. Dr. T. G. Roberts. Peoplc's Health Journ. VII, 8, 1 ; 9, 1. 
Toller Hund© — g©gen d©n Bi88 —. Dr. Goullon. Lps. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 

17/18, 165. 
Tollwnth. Wegw. z. Gesundh. VI, 1/2, 500. 
Tonsillotomy. Dr. J. Townsend. . Am. Journ. of Hom. XL, 5, 305. 

„ — COmplication8 of — . Dr. Seheppegrell. Med. Adv. XXX, 8, 168. 

Tonsils — chronic hypertrophy of th© ~. Dr. C. Crisand. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 

6; 2GG. 
Tonslls — th© treatment of chronic ©nlarg©m©nt of th© — , by m©anB of th© galvano- 

cantery. D. Wright. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 11, 729. 
Toothach© and homoeopathy. Dr. F. L. Griffith. Med. Adv. XXIX, 6, 447. 
Toxaemia after ©nemata — 8©ptic — . G. H. Burford, M. B. Clin. XII, 8, 376. 
Toxicity of the extract of fillx ma8. Dr. 8. Lilienthal. Am. Hom. XVII, 12, 408. 
Tracheolomy — a cas© of nn8ucces8ful — . Dr. H. W. Paige. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XLI. 8, 504. 
Tracheotomy — is — advlBabl© in cronp and diphthcria. Dr. H. E. Russell. N. Am. 

Journ. of Hom. XL, 2, 100. 
Tracheotomy and th© m©rcnrial Tapor — an opinlon a8 to the cOmparative m©rlt8 

of — . Dr. G. C. JeflFery. N. York Med. Times XIX, 1, 7. 
Tragikomi8che8. Dr. Goullon. Hahnem. 1891. 10, 111. 
Tran8action8 of th© American in8titute of homoeopathy. Session of 1892. Dr. Pemberton 

Transactions of the homoeopathic medical society of the state of New York for the 

year 1891. Dr. J. L. Moffat. Edited by the author. 
Transactions — emplre State — . Hom. Rec. VII, 3, 103. 

„ of the international homoeopathic congress and of the American Insti- 

tute of homoeopathy 1891. Edited by Dr. Pemberton Dudley. Sherman & Co., 

„Transfer treatmenf — the — and Suggestion. C. L. Tuekey. Month. Hom. Rev. 

XXXV, 4, 264. 
Transfusion and Infusion, arterlal and T©nous. Dr. W. H. Bishop. N. Am. Journ. of Hom. 

XLI, 11, 714. 
Traumatlc paralysis of th© right ©xtremities, blindness and aphasla — a rar© cas© — . 

Dr. T. D. Stow. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 2. 119. 
Traumatlsm — a case of — . Dr. G. A. Hermance. Hom. Phys. XII, 3, 107. 

as a factor in disease. Dr. F. A, Warner. N. York Med. Gaz. XXVII, 11,527. 
„ — a severe case of — . Dr.. J. H. Allen. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 2, 111. 

Homöopathisches Jahrbuch. Band 11. 5 R 

Digitized by LjOOQIC 

66 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

TraiiiiiHliHiii — somo of th© nervous condltlons followlng — . Dr. E. 1». Colby. N. Kn-J. 

Med. Gas. XXVI, 10, 477. 
Tranmatismo — dne casi di — ; symphltnni e ledum. Dr. 8. M. Fowler. Kiv. om. XXXVUI. 

9, 281. 
Troatment after Operations — on the contlnnance of constitational — . Dr. J. Hall. 

Med. Adv. XXVIII, 2. 131. 
Tresors. Dr. Carleton Smith. L'hom. pop. IV, 69, 54 flg. 
Tripod — the medioal — . Prof. C. E. I^ning. Clin. XIII, 6, 245. 

Trismns and flatulent collc — two cases — . W. Donaldson. Hom. World XXVI, 305, 202. 
Tritnrations — the pharmacy of — . Dr. J. W. Clapp. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 

9, 415. 
Tryllemiddel — et homoeopatisk — . Maanedskr. for Hom. XIX, 9, 71 flg. 
Tnberkelheilnng. Dr. Kayser. Lpz. pop. Ztsclir. /. Hom. XXII, 15/16, 142. 
Tnberele bacilH — farther obserrations of — ; the lesson of one hnndred cases. Dr. 

J. P. Rand. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVII, 9, 429. 
Tnberele baciUi — on the diagnostic Talue of — . Dr. H. C. Clapp. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. 

XXVI, 4. 173. 
Tnberenlar meningitls in children — the early recognition — . Dr. Belle L. Reynolds. 

Clin. XIII, 1, 23. 
Tnbercnlin — aknt Tubercnlose helbredet med — . Dr. Kirn. Maanedskr. for Hom. 

XVIII, 10, 79. 
Tnbercnlin — Behandlung der Tuberculose mit — . Dr. Gohrum. Allg. hom. Ztg. 123, 

23/24, 178. 
Tnbercnlin — zur Behandlung mit — . Dr. Simon. Allg. hom. Ztg. 125, 3/4, 28. 
„ — zur Heilwirkung des — . Dr. Kunkel. Archiv f. Hom. I, 65. 

„ — zum Koch'schen — . Dr. GouUon. Allg. hom. Ztg. 123, 15/16, 124. 

Tubercnline de Koch — Thomeopathicite du traitement des maladies tuberculoses par 

la — . Dr. Gailliard. L'union hom. V, 2, 50. 
Tnberculinum. Dr. Alf. Heath. Hom. World XXVI, 310, 461. 

, H. — a case of consumption cnred niainly by — . Dr. J. H. Clarke. 

Hom. World XXVIII, 328, 152 
Tnberculinum — cnratiye eifects of — . Dr. Kunkel. Hom. Itec Vir, 3, 117. 

„ — Kochli - a pathogenesis. Dr. J. H. Clarke. Hom. World XXVI, 

304, 155 flg. 
Tuberculose. Hom. Maandbl. II, 4, 17. 

, __!»_. Dr. J. Daudel. L'hom. pop. IV, 66, 17 flg. 

„ — Yolksmittel gegen — . Prof. Jäger^s Monatsbl. X, 4, 67. 

Tnberenlosebehandlnng — die Koch'sche — . Dr. Korner. ZtscUr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aerzte 

X, 3, 161. 
Tuberculosis. Dr. W. J. Eddy. N. York Med. Times XX, 1, 5. 
. Dr. W. F. KnoU. Med. Era VIII, 11, 323. 

y, of bonos and Joints. Dr. N. Senn. F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. 

„ Of Joints — resection of knee-Joint. Dr. T. E. Linn. South. Journ. of 

Hom. X, 1, 555. 
Tuberculosis of the Joints can be cnred by medical treatment — stx cases treated 

showing that — . Dr. W. L. Morgan. Med. Adv. XXTX, 4. 285. 
Tuberculosis of the knec -Joint. Dr. H. ä. Knovles. Med. Arena II, 9. 283. 

„ — pulmonary — , and pulmonary phthisis. Dr. H. N. Avery. N. York 

Med. Times XIX, 4, 102. 
Tuberkulinwirknng — Oscar Hertwig's Deutung der — , als Ausgangspunkt einer Er- 
klärung für die Wirkungsweise homöopathischer Arzneigaben. Dr. GouUon. 

Allg. hom. Ztg. 123, 7/8, 52. 
Tuberkulose — die Behandlung der — , nach Dr. Koch. Dr. Sulzer. Ztschr. d. Berl. Y. 

hom. Aerzte X, 1, 89. 
Tumor of breast in a man cnred with thuja. Dr. J. H. Clarke. Hom. World XXVIII, 

333, 393. 
Tumor of the brest — treatment of two cases of - , by electricity. Dr. W. L. Jackson. 

N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVIII, 1, 22 
Tumor — a — with sarcophytic fermentatlon. Dr. T. U Mc Donald. Hahnem. Month. 

XXVI, 11, 756. 
Tnuionrs by medicines — cnrabillty of — . Dr. J. C. Burnett. Doli. 1. 25. London. 
Twenty years of homoeopathy. Hom. League Tracts nr. 37. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 67 

Tnlit pregnaiicy — » ciiNe of — , Kiiunlating libroid tnmor. Dr. L. Martin. Med. Adv. 

XXVllI. 1, 58. Hom. Fhys. XII, 4, 149. 
Two „pathies" — the — . A dlalogrue. Hom. Lcaguc Tracts nr. 39. 
Tjrpho-maUria. Dr. J. Derer. Med. Adv. XXIX. 5, 340. 
Typho-malarial feTer. Dr. J. C. Daily. South. Joarn. of Hom. X. 5, 710. 
Typhöse Zastinde — arsenienm albnm and baptlsia tinetoria gegen — . Dr. Goullon. 

Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 1/2, 12. 
Typhoid feyer. Hom. Envoy II, 4, 28. 

, , Dr. E. Fornias. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 6, 390. 

, , Dr. D. A. Gorton. N. York Med. Times XIX, 8, 233. 

, Dr. T. K. Jones. Hom. World XXVIII, 326, 70. 
, , — aborting -. Dr. T. C. Duncan. Med. Curr. VIII, 11, 504. 

„ , - , — . Dr. J. Lewis. Med. Curr. VIII. 12, 525. 

„ n — a case of — . Dr. G. R. Southwick. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVI I, 4, 159. 

« „ — case of severe — , Jngolated by pyrogeninm. Dr. J. C. Burnett. Hom. 

World XXVI, 305, 197. 
Typhoid fever — a case of — , wlth a seqnel. Dr. C. Harrington. N. York Med. Times 

XXI, 5, 138. 
Typhoid fever — the preventlon of — . Dr. Sarah J. Milshop. South. Journ. of Hom. IX, 

11, 481. 
Typhoid fever — secale cornntum in — . Dr. T. S. Hoyne. Med. Curr. IX, 2, 79. 
Typhoide — rapport snr la llevre — . Prof. Brouardel. L'hom. pop. IV, 74, 114. 
Typhus. Wegw. %. Gesundh. VI. 9/10, .533. 
Hebel — ein unheilbares und ein heilbares — . Dr. Goullon. Lpz. pop. Ztsclir. f. Hom. 

XXIII, 3/4, 31. 
Ueble (üerOche — wie wehrt sich der Körper gegen —I Prof. Dr. Jfiger. JSger's 

Monutabl. XI, 8. 
I^lcer of the coruea enred by chininnm muriatieum* Dr. A. G. Warner. N. Am. Journ. 
of Hom. XLI, 1, 18. 
„ — gastric — . Dr. H. W. Thomas. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 12, 757. 
, — a case of gastric — . Dr. S. L. Eaton. Med. Adv. XXV III, 1, 13. 
„ — the eure of gastric — . Dr. F. P. Warner. N. York Med. Times XIX, 10, 297. 
. of nine years' stauding cnred. Dr. E. Uusbmore. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 2, 122. 
Ungeprüfte Mittel — sind wir berechtigt, bei der homöopathischen Behandlung — , 

KU gebrauchen! Dr. Haie. Archiv f. Hom. 11, 353. 
Ungläubigen — für die -. Dr. Goullon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII. 17/18, 1G9. 
Universitäten — wie auf — , die lernende Jugend fiber Homöopathie aufgeklart wird. 

Dr. Bojanus sen. Archiv f. Hom. I, 24. 
University — the world's — . Dr. E. Guemsey. N. York Med. Times XXI, 7, 193. 
Unterleibsleiden der Frauen. Wegw. c. Ges. V, 21/22, 477. 
Untcrschenlielgeschwüre — fiber die Behandlung der — . Dr. Goullon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. 

f. Hom. XXII, 19/20, 179. 
Unterschenlielgeschwure — zur Verhütung der — . Dr. Goullon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. 

XXIII, 9/10, 89. 
Upper- respiratory -tract diseases by the prevention of acute attaclis — the certain 

curing of — . Dr. J. Rodes. Pac. Coast Journ. of Hom. I, 9, 340. 
Ureters — a case of stricture of both ~. Double pyelo-nephritls. Cystotomy, death 

eiglit days after Operation. Dr. L. P. Potter. N. Engl. Med. (Jaz. XXVI II. i, 36. 
Urethra — .strlctnres of the — , oompllcated by vesical calculus. Prof. G. F. shears. 

Clin. XIII, 2, 49. 
Urethral curuncle. Prof. E. S. Bailey. Clin. XIII, 3, 110. 

, lesions — some observatlons on the mechanlcal treatment of — . Dr. P. M. 
Cooke. Med. Curr. VIII, 1, 40. 
Urethral medication in the male. Dr. C. A. Pauly. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, G, 404. 
Urethritis, specific and non-speclfic — . Prof. H. V, Haibert. Clin. XIV, 9, 3i)9 flg. 
Urinary apparatus — diseases of the — . Phlegmasie alTections. Dr. J. W. s. Guley. 

D. Appleton & Co., New York. 
Urinary flstula cured by Sabal serrulata. Dr. D. N. Ray. Hom. Hec. VIT, 6, 2GG. 
Urin« — blood in the — , diagnosis and treatment. Dr. C. Mitchell. Hahnem. Month. 
XX Vi II. 1, 1. 

— a guide to the clinlcal exanilnatfon of the - . F. H. Wippip. Damrell & Upham, 

5 a* 

Digitized by LjOOQIC 

68 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

Urine — the micro-chemistry of the — . Dr. H. N. Lyon. Clin. XII, 6, 245. 

Urines — sur IMncontinence noctnrne des — . Dr. Martiny. Rev. hom. beige XIX, 5, 129. 

Urticaria. Dr. R. W. Mifflin. Kouth. Joum. of Hom. X, 7, 807. 

„ — a pecttliar cause of — Rowland Wilde. Menth. Hom. Rev. XXXVII, 9, 545. 

— repertory of — . Dr. W. J. Guernsey. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 2, 142. 
„ — „ „ — . Dr. J. M. Ward. Am. Hom. XVII, 1, 28. 

Usefulness — a miracle of — . Dr. J. B. S. King. Med. Carr. VII, 3, 118. 
Uteri — procidentia -, and hypertropliy of tlie cerrix. Dr. T. J. Gramm. Hahnem. 
Month. XXVII, 11, 774 
erine cancer — the early diagnosis of — . Dr. E. 8. Bailey. Clin. XII, 12, 559. 
r, discharges — the bacteriology of — . Dr. E. 8. Bailey. Clin. XIV, 1, 22. 
„ diseases — a plea for the faradic battery In the treatment of — . Dr. Jencie 
W. NeweU. N. Am. Jonrn. of Hom. XXXVIII, 11, 724. 
Uterine disorders — local management of — . Dr. W. A. Edmonds. South. Joarn. of Hom. 

X, 11, 996. 
Uterine displaeements — causes of — . Dr. E. M. Howard. Hahnem. Month. XXVI, 1, 10. 
g flbroids — the treatment of -, by electricity. Dr. L. W. Reading. Hahnem. 
Month. XXVI, 9, 620. 
Uterine haemorrhage ~ repertory of — . Dr. J. V. Allen. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 1, 51. 

„ j, — onr remedies In — . Dr. A. C. Cowperthwaite. Northw. Joum. of 

Hom. IV, 2, 29. 
Uterine haemorrhages. Dr. R. E. Hinman. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 9, 609. 
, lesions — on — . E. A. Cook. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 7, 406. 
, therapentlcs — local ^. Dr. W. C. Rlchardson. 8outh. Journ. of Hom. VIII, 1, 6. 
Utero ~ enra degli spostamenti delP — , senxa i^uto meceanico. Dr. Kent. Riv. om. 

XXXIV, 9, 257. 

Uterus — a case of Inversion of the — . Dr. W. Ho'sberg. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 5,329. 

„ — über homöopathische Behandlung der Lagenveränderungen des — , ohne 

mechanische Beihilfe. Prof. Kent. Uebersctst von Dr. Hesse. Allg. hom. Ztg. 124, 

5/6, 43. 

, — a radical eure for retro-displacements of the — . Dr. F. F. Lohman. Hahnem. 

Month. XXVII, 3, 156. 
j, and vagina — the mieroscope in the diagnosis of the malignant diseases of 

the — . H. N. Lyon. Clin. XII, 12, 554. 
„ — hydatldiform moles of the — , irith an lllnstratiTe case. Dr. J. M. Moore. 

Month. Hom. Rev. XXXV, 7, 453. 
„ — the operative treatment of Cancer of the — . Dr. H. J. Ostrom. N. York Med. 

Times XIX, 1, 10. 
„ — a case of double — with right haematometra. Dr. H. Packard. N. Engl. 
Med. Gaz. XXVI, 7, 345. 
Uterus — Behandlung von Lageveränderungen der — , und seiner Adnexa. Dr. F. W. 

Patch. Archiv f. Hom. I, 300. 
Yaccinatlon — some thougts about — . Dr. G. H. Clark. Hom. Envoy II, 8, 60. 
, — truth and error in — . Dr. Stuart Close. Hom. Phys. XII, 11, 468. 

„ — dangers of — . Dr. W. J. Guernsey. Med. Adv. XXX, 10, 226. 

, - value of — . Dr. F. M. Gustin. Med. Adv. XXX. 10, 215. 

y, and homoeopathy. Dr. H. Hitchcock. Hom. Phys. XII, 11, 476. 

, — is — a curse to the Human racel Dr. C. A. Walters. Am. Hom. XVIII, 

6. 95. Hom. Phys. XII, 11, 485. 
Yaccinatlon unconstitutional — Is the act compelling — t J. T. M. Wyatt Hom. Phys. 

XII, 11, 478. 
Yaccinatlon — discussion on — . Hom. Phys. XII, 11, 482. 
Yaecinazione e omlopatica. Dr. H. Hitchcock. Riv. om. XXXVIII, 9, 283. 
Yaccinla — generalised — . B. Thomas. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVII, 5, 295. 
Yaccinium and Yarlolinnm. Dr. J. Hall. Hom. Phys. XIII, 7, 392; 10, 510. 
Yade mecum — the homoeopathic — , of modern medlcine and surgery. Dr. Ruddoek. 
New and cheapar ediiion. 5 s. Homoeop. Publ. Comp., London. Ninth editlon, with 
„cllnical directory^^. 10 s. 6 d. Homoeop. Publ. Comp., London. 
Vagina — atresla of the -. Dr. F. R. Hill. Pac. Coast Joum. of Hom. I, 9, 337 

„ and Uterus — a double — . Dr. E. M. Mc Ceney. Med. Adv. XXVIII, 1, 65. 
Vaginal hysterectomy. Dr. J. M. Lee. N. Am. Joum. of Hom. XLI, 8, 610. 
Valvulär diseases of married women. Dr. II. C. Clapp. N. Engl. Med. Gaz. XXVI, 10, 467. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 69 

YalTulee du coenr — les maladles des — soiit-elles enrablesl Rev. Iiom. beige XVII, 

11, 346. 
YanTOra — note prese a — . Dr. Bonino. L'om. in It. XVI, 17. 
Taricoeele. Dr. W. S. Smith. N. Engl. Med. Qaz. XXVIII, 8, 367. 

, by excision — the treatment of — . Dr. G. F. Shears. Clin. XIII, 4, 154. 

Varieose Teins to the hand eansed by piano-playlng. Dr. Q. F. Shears. Clin. XIII, 4, 157* 
Yarige helbredelser. Dr. Lorbaeher. Maanedskr. for Hom. XIX, 4, 25. 
Variola — Small pox -. Dr. R. Conrad. South. Joum. of Hom. VIII, 2, 55. 
„ and Taccinia. Dr. R. E. Dudgeon. Month. Hom. Rev. XXXVI, 1, 26. 
Yarioliunm alto eome profllattleo e come rimedio. Dr. B. Fincke. Riv. om. XXXVI, 8, 225. 
Vehikel -Frage in der Homöopathie — znr — . Dr. R. Stendel. Allg. hom. Ztg. 125, 

23/24, 185. 
Venereal dlgeases. Dr. L. P. Foster. Hom. Phys. XI, 5, 219. 

, , — homoeopathy in — . Stephan Yeldham. 41b edition. 3 8. 6 d. E. 

(jould A Son, London. 
Veneree — malattie — . Dr. J. Dever. Riv. om. XXXVII, 10, 315. 
Venesection in apoplexi. Dr. £. J. Fräser. Callf. Hom. IX, 1, 1. 
Vera Tia — U — . Riv. om. XXXVI, 12. 377. 
Verbasenm thapsus and noetnrnal ennreBls. Dr. R. K. Ghosh. Hom. World XXVI, 

306, 252. 
VerdQunnngen — die homöopathlsehen — , und die Moleknlartheorie. Dr. Siilzcr. 

Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aerzte X, 2, 139. 
Vereins der homoopathlsehen Aerzte l^firttembergB — Bericht fiber die 5. «lahres- 

Tersammlnng des — , in Stattgart am 25. Oktober 1898. Dr. GÖhmm. Allg. 

hom. Ztg. 127, 21/22, 163. 
Verglf fingen — opmerkingen orer — . Hom. Maandbl. III, 4, 15 flg. 
Vergleichende Arsnelmlttellehre — die — . DDr. H. Gross und C. Hering. Aus dem 

Englischen bearb. u. heransgeg. von San.-Rath Dr. Faulwasser. MarggraCs homöop. 

Officin, Leipxig. 
Verifleations. Dr. F. W. Patch. Med. Adv. XXVI, 5, 365. 

Dr. G. W. Sherbino. Med. Adv. XXVI, 2, 127. 

— clinleal -. Dr. G F. Dunham. Hom. Phys. XI, 5, 220. 

— „ — . Dr. G. W. Serbin o. Hom. Phys. XI. 2. 69. 

„ in a fatal dlsease. Dr. F. M. Gove. Pac. Coast Joum. of Hom. I, 11, 429. 

„ of remedies — some — . Dr. H. M. Bunting. Hahnem. Month. XXVIII, 9, 627. 

of similia ~ some. Dr. D. H. Dean. Hom. Phys. XI, 3, 102. 
Vermiformis — when shall vre remove the appendlx - 1 Dr. J. W. Hayward. N. Engl. 

Med. Gaz. XXVIII, 4, 175. 
Verkehr — der — , mit stark wirkenden Arzneien. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 

17/18, 155. 
Verkehrswege — die übersinnlichen — . Jobs. Spanuth. Prof. Jäger's Monatsbl. X, 10, 

200 flg. 
Verkehrte Ansichten. Dr. GouUon. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 13/14. 123. 
Yermiform appendlx — Infiammation of the — , wlth resnltlng Peritonitis. Dr. Jos 

Lewis Jr. Med. Gurr. VII, 12, 564. 
Verreibnngen — die Pharmacie der — . Dr. W. Clapp. Archiv f. Hom. I, 118. 
Verstopping — over — . Hom. Maandbl. III, 1, 3. 
Vertebral earies In children — on the treatment of — . Dr. 0. E. Janncy. South. Journ. 

of Hom. IX, 10, 434. 
Veterlnary practiee — homoeopathy in — . Hom. League Tracts nr. 43. 

„ remedies — new mannsl of homoeopathic — . Dr. Schaefer. Doli. 2. H ahne- 

mann Publ. House, Philadelphia. 
Vetknren. Hom. Maandbl. IV, 9, 41. 

Vibrometer — the — , in catarrhal deafhess. Dr. A. B. Norton. Med. Cent. I, 10, 342. 
Victory, — a signiflcant — . Dr. C. E. Fisher. Minn. Hom. Mag. I, 9, 231. 
Viele Hunde sind des Hasen Tod. Dr. Bojanus sen. Archiv f. Hom. I, 102. 
Ylenna hospitai notes. Dr. Eloise A. Sears, x^. Engl. Med. (iaz. XXVI, 6, 276. 
Vis medicatrlx natnrae — Hahnemann*s Stellung zur - . Dr. Mossa. Ztschr. d. Berl. 

V. hom. Aerzte XI, 4/5, 372. 
Vision — cnrlous ease of double and eccentric — , cured by two doses of snlphur €. M. 

Dr. Th. Sklnner. Hom. Phys. XIII, 7, 304. 
Vital foree deflned — the -. Dr. E. Bayard. ilom. Phys. XII, 2, 63. 

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70 Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 

\ital forco deflned — the — . Dr. M. W. Vandenbnrg. Hom. Phys. XII, 3, 118. 
YolkMenchen — die — , Ihre Bedeutung, Entstehung, Verhütung und Heilung. Hahncm. 

1892, 1, 1 flg. 
Yomiting In pregnancy — the vaiue of posttion as applied for the relief of obstinate — . 

Dr. H. Sherry. Med. Gurr. IX, 3, 121. 
Vulva — small irritable growths of the — . Dr. 8. M. Perkins. N. Engl. Med. Gm. 

XXVIII, 4, 184. 
Waarheid — de — zal zegevieren. Hom. Maandbl. IV, 1, 1. 

Wahrheit — der — zur Ehre. M. Nitzsche. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXIII, 7/8, 64. 
Was it phthisisl — consnmption eure — . Dr. E. Rasbmore. Med. Adv. XXVII, (>, 41G. 
Wasted energy. Pac. Rec V, 8, 227. 
Water. A. A. Cunningham. Cal. Hom. IX, 4, 97. 
Watery diarrhea. Dr. L. C. M^Elwee. Med. Arena II, 7, 219. 
Ways in medieine — the two — . Hom. League Tracts nr. 35. 
WealL — the care of — , or prematnrely born infants. Dr. G. V. Sonthwick. N. Engl. 

Med. Gaz. XXV, 7, 310. 
Weihe — Beferat über die Verwendung der Druckpunkte nach — . Dr. Villers. Archiv 

f. Hom. II, 164. 
Welhe*sche Methode — die — Dr. Gohrum. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. A erste X, 1, 56. 

„ » — » — vor der Centralvereinsversammlung in Bonn. Dr. (iohrum. 

AUg. hom. Ztg. 127, 23/24, 178. 
Weihe'sche Methode — die Beferate über die — , auf der Fruhjahrsversammlnng des 

Sachs.-Anh. Vereins homöop. Aerzte. Dr. Göhrum. Allg. hom. Ztg. 126, 25/26, 19.5. 
Welhe^sche Heilmethode — die — , und die Homöopathie. Dr. Gohrum. Allg. hom. 

Ztg. 124. 5/6, 37, 
Welhe'sehe Methode ^ steht die — , innerhalb der Homöopathie 1 Dr. Lceser. Allg. 

hom. Ztg. 127, 11/12, 81. 
Weihe'sehen Heilmethode — Bfickbllck auf die geschichtliche Entwlckelnng der — . 

Dr. Lceser. Allg. hom. Ztg. 124, 5/6, 33. 
Weihe'schen Methode — zur Erlernung der — . Dr. Gohrum. Allg. hom. Ztg. 127, 

23/24, 180. 
Weihe^Bchen Methode — der Nutzen der — , für die Kenntniss der Arzneimittellehre. 

Dr. Leeser. Allg. hom. Ztg. 126, 7/8, 49. 
Werkzaamherd - de — , van kleine giften. Hom. Maandbl. II l, 3, 11. 
Wetteransagen und Mondvfechsel. Prof. Dr. Jäger. Jager's Monatsbl. XII, 7, 117. 
What is homoeopathyl A new exposition of a great truth. Dr. W. H. Holcombe. 

15 c. Boericke & Tafel, Philadelphia. 
Whooping cough — a case of — , complicated wlth convulslon. Dr. J. R. Day. Month. 

Hom. Rev. XXXIV, 7, 396. 
Wie auf Universitäten die lernende Jugend über Homöopathie aufgeklärt vflrd. Dr. 

Bojanus sen. Archiv f. Hom. I, 24. 
Wiederkäuen — das — beim Menschen. Dr. Bojanus sen. Ztschr. d. Berl. V. hom. Aerzte 

XI, 2, 93. 
WiJ gaan vooruit. Hom. Maandbl. II, 1, 1. 

Wissenschaftlichen Begründung der Homöopathie — zur — . Wcgw. z. Ges. V, 19/20, 465. 
„ Biehtnngen in der heutigen Medizin — ein Bück auf die — . Dr. 

L. Jankau. Archiv f. Hom. II, 375. 
Wolier kommt es, dass so vrenig medizinisch Gebildete, speziell Aerzte, zur Homöo- 
pathie sich bekennen I Dr. Schier. Lpz. pop. Ztschr. f. Hom. XXII, 1/2, 6. 
Wohlthäter — ein verkannter — . Prof. Dr. Jäger. W, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart. 
Wolle — Hautjucken in der — . Prof. Dr. Jäger. Jäger's Monatsbl. XI, 1, 13. 
Woman — beauty, health and strength for every — . Dr. Moss. Doli. 2. Huhnemann. 

Publ. House, Philadelphia. 
Women — diseases of — . Dr. J. N. Lowe. Med. Ad. XXVIII, 2 100. 

, — hints on the diseases of —. Dr. H. J. Suttle. Med. Gurr. VIII, 1, 14. 

n — the common diseases of — . Dr. Ruddock. l s. 6 d. Homoeop. Publ. Comp., 

Women — the medlcal diseases of — . Miss Green. Clin. XIII, 1, 9. 

, — the medical, surgical and hygienic treatment of diseases of — . Dr. E. M. 

Haie. Second edition. 12 s. 6 d R Gould & Son, London. 
Women in medieine. Dr. Mlllio J. Chapman. Hahnem. Month. XXVII, 3, 150. 
, — the treatment of — , in conflnement. Hom. Phys. XI, 2, 73. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Bibliographie. — Bibliographie. — Bibliography. 71 

Wondbeliand«liDg — homoeopathle en — . Ilom. Maandbl. IV, 2, 7 flg. 

^Vonnds in large velns — closnre of — . Dr. W. B. van Lenoop. Hahnem. Hontb. XXYIII, 

9, 593. 
>Voxiil Dr. Goullon. Allg. hom. Ztg. 123, 23/24, 189. 

r, 1 Dr. Kunkel. Allg. bom. Ztg. 123, 25/26. 207. 

, noch eine deutsche homöopathische Zeitnngrl Dr. Yillcrs. Archiv f. Hom. I, 1. 
Wünsche — einige — , in der homöopathischen Pharmacie. Dr. Southerland. Archiv f. 

Hom. I, 87. 
Zahnarztliches. Dr. Goullon. Lpz. pop. Ztscbr. f. Hom. XXIII, 5/6, 50. 
Zahnschmerzen. Lpx. pop. Ztscbr. f. Hom. XXIH, 11/12, 108. 

Zaabermittel — ein homöopathisches — . Dr. Bnickucr. Allg. hom. Ztg. 125, 9/10, 78. 
Zeitung — wozu noch eine deutsche homöopathische — t Dr. Villcrs. Archiv f. Hom. 1, 1. 
Zinc in hydrocephalns — action of — . Dr. G. F. Forbes. N. Engl. Med. Gas. XXVIII, 

' 9, 415. 
Zincum aceticnm bei typischen Cephalalgien. Dr. Mossa. Allg. hom. Ztg. 123, 5/6, 35. 
Zopf — der - , der hängt ihm hinten. Dr. Bojanus sen. Archiv f. Hom. I, 214. 
Zu Tiel Ehre. Dr. Goullon. Hohncm. 1891, 11. 123. 
Zufällige Auslöschung ron Symptomen. Dr. Kennedy. Archiv f. Hom. I, 70. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Nomina auiorum. 




Adams, K. T. 






20. 53 

— G. 8. 

45. 54 




25. 49 

- T. L. 


Baldwin, C. M. 





37. 47 



— J. P. 


Biggar, H. P. 


Aldricb 2. 

18. 26. 42. 52 

— W. W. 


— H. 8. 


Alexander, A. S 

10. 50. 52. 59 




16. 25 

— 8. P. 






Allan 8. 21. 24. 32. 34. 47. 46 



Bishop, H. D. 


Allen, G. 





— J. 8. 


- H. C. 

27. 33. 35. 54 




— W. H. 


- J. H. 9. 

13. 30. 61. 65 





— J. V. 

63. 68 



Blacke. E. T. 


— T. P. 7. 

32. 40. 52. 56. 



Blackley, J. G. 


58. 63 











Blake 6. 21. 



53. 60 


13. 15. 53 
















7. 39 








50. 57 

Anzidei, A. 0. 






32. 48 





Bojanus 3. 



57. 67. 

Arnulphy 5.11 

. 2'. 27. 46. 49. 




54. 61. 64 

Bayley 1. 44. 







15. 16. 20. 34. 

Baylies 12. 




Bonino 10. 14. 



30. 41. 

38. 62. 63 

Beaumont, E. L. 




Ol. 69 



- J. P. 


Boocock 6. 



54. 57 

Ateorodt, ü. 

2. 11 

Bechterew, Prof. 






Beebe, A. G. 



Bordman, E. W. 


A uringor 


- C. M. 




Avery 2. 11. 16. 

17. 24. 23. 51. 

— D. W. 




56. 65. 66 

— H. E. 




40. 53 

Ayere, C. A. 













37. 45 


16. 27 




26. 29 

Backley, J. G. 















27. 35. 



— W. 






Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Nomina antornin. 














5. 9. 60 






50. 61 




1. 3 

Chapman, H. C. 






— M. J. 

53. CO. 70 


12. 14. 58 

Brooks, P. D. 


— 8. E. 

39. 56 

Crawford 9. 11 14. 26. 36. 51 

— J. B. 


— L. 

4. 23 


21. 27. 40. 51 







Brown, D. D. 






- K F. 






— M. J. 


Choase, K. 




— R. J. 




16. 37 



— 8. F. 




47. 49. 58 



— W. G. 


Churcb, A. B. 


Crutcher 4. 25 

. 33. 51. 56. 61 

Bruce. R A. 







Brückner 6. 7. 20. 

28, 46. 48. 

Clapp, H. C. 

36. 66. 68 






— J. W. 

66. 69 

Custls, J. B. G. 




— W. W. 

31. 54. 55 

— M. A. 




Clark, B. Q. 




- 0. E. 

9. 32 

Dahlke 3 

. 7. 29. 30. 64 




— G. H. 42 

. 43. 47. 53. 62 



Buchanan 3 




- J. H. 29 

. 4C 

. 46. 60. 68 

Dake, J. P. 

2. 37 

Buek, Ä. H. 


— W. 0. 


— J. T. 

15. 24. 40 

- J. D. 



Clarke, A. 


— W. C. 

26. 55. 63 

Bue, A. 


— E. J. 


— W. M. 



18. 35 

— J.H. 2.8 


. 48. 58. 66 


6. 35. 37. 58 



— 8. 11. 






— W. B. 

46. 55 















Burford 46. 

48. 61. 



10. 13. 56 


29. 33. 55. 66 

Bumett 14. 16. 21. 

38. 49. 


Clokby, A. 









Davis, P. L. 







— F. S. 






— N. 8. 


Bart, W. A. 


Cocke 20. 


45. 48. 64 


16. 35. 70 





35. 59. 63 



Butler, C. W. 



33. 35 


18. 37. .59 

— W. M. 2. 16 

26. 33 


Colby 13. 28. 


44. 48. 66 

Do Baun 





36. 52 






6. 59 




3. 19. 44 


10. 47 







Campbell A. B. 






— J. A. 





16. 20. 33 48 

- W. M. 





51. 55 



Cook, E. A. 

8. 68 

Dever 21. 24. 48. 51 53. 67. 69 





- E. G. 


De Wee 

7. 49 



24. 51 

Cooke, P. M. 


26. 47. 67 

Dewcy, W. A. 

44. 51 

Carmichael, J. A. 

38. 44 



— W. E. 


- T. H. 


Coolidge, J W. 






Cooper, B. T. 4. 8. 15. 18 28. 46 


38. 40. 53 






15. 38 



Corson, E. R. 



2. 13 

Case 26. 33 




— H. 




Cash. A. M. 






— N. 



Couch, A. S. 






— L. B. 









27. 53 












11. 38. 42 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 


Nomina antoram. 












15. 46 





54. 57 

Gramm, E. M. 






— T. J. 

2. 52. 68 

Dudgeon 4. S. 0. 


18. 26. 

Foster, F 



Grant, W. W. 




39. 51 

— L. 







14. 65 

- W. 



Green. F. P. 

9. 20. 49 


23. 60 


10. 57 

- J. L. 




Fowler, 8. M. 20. 29. 43. 57. 66 

~ W. E. 1 

20. 24. 38. 45. 

Duncan 12. 



50. 67 

— W. 



46 59. 62 



33. 69 



Griffith, F. L. 

15. 65 





- 8. 


Dünn 4. 20. 25 



37. 41. 


15. 47 



32. 55. .56 

49. 56 



10. 48 


5. 69 



French, A. 

7. 11 




24. 32 

— H. 




47. 59 





— W. 




19. 29 

Gonts, E. 


24. 44. 54 


35. 61 



Guernsey. E. 25.53 

. 56. 64. 67 


15. 54 


47. 59 

- H. N. 

— J. C. 

40. 53. 54 





— W. J. 

4. 26. 68 

EatoD, C. W. 


Guild, Lcggctt 


— 8. L. 

25. 67 







49. 64 


42. 66 






2. 5. 41 



Edwards, F. W. 






— T. ü. 



25. 43 








19. 33. 48 






10. 44 






19. 60 





Ellis, C. F. 




Haedickc 27. 2 \ 

— J. W. 



14. 55. 

60. 61 


5. 11. .% 










29. 61 



53. .59. 67 

Evans, C. H. 



Hale,E. M. 3. 

5. 8. 14. 16. 17. 

— H. J. 


GlbbF, H. 


15. 43 

18. 22. 23. 25 


28. 31. 35. 

- L. H. 


— H. 





. 51. 56. ,57 





36. 63 

Hall, E. J. 
- G. A. 

55. 68 
9. 26. .53 





48. 49. 62 

— John 14.23 41. 45. 59. (Mi 



24. 55. 



. 8. 


25. 34 












19. 58 

Hailock. J. H. 


Faul Wasser 




— L. 


Fellows, C. (J. 


40. 43 





- H. B. 





44. 48 






21. 46 





— H. G. 

25. .50 

Flncke 2.G.10 


20. 28. 37. 53. 69. 70 






23. 58. 63 

47. 48. 49. 53 

. 54. 62 

. 65. 69 


42. 60 









Fishor, A. L. 





45. 67 



— E. E. 


64. 69 



Hart, A. M. 


- H. F. 


Goullon 1 

. 2. 4. 5. 6 

7. 8. 9. 10. 

— C. N. 

1. 14 



60. 63 

13. 14. 




23. 24. 

— F. W. 




25. 28. 

29. 32. 34. 35. 

36. 37. 





39. 40. 


46. 52. 56. 57. 

Hatfield, W. H. 




58. 59. 



63. 65. 66. 

— W. 8. 


Follet, P. 



69. 71 



20. 89. 45 



50. 71 



Hawkes, A. E. 


Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Nomina autorum. 





Hawkes. W. 




21. 40 







Haynes 17. 


34. 56. 59. 63 

Jackson. .1. H. 

12. 21. 33 

Kirkland. E. 


Hayward, C. 



- W. L. 


— W. H. 


— J. D. 

45. 46. 56. 

Jäger 2. 4. .5. 6 

. 11 

22. 2;J. 28. 


33. 66. 

- J. H. 


84. 36. 37. 44. 52. 

.55. 58. 64. 



- J. W. 

8. 69 

66. 67. 70 


47. .55 







Heath 1.3.' 


14. 15. 18. 22. 

James, B. W. 




26. 42. 


55. 57. 58. 66 

— J. E. 





17. 33. 

Janncy, N. F.. 


Koerner 28. 

37. 45. 57. 66 



— O. E. 

17. 40. 61. 69 





32. 55. 57. 61 




26. 30. 39 





Kraft 9. 49. 

.52. 56. 60. 65 




.5. 34 




16 35 


21. 65 


5. 21 






2. 6 


5. 40. 63. 69 









Kunkel 5.9.12. 

36. 49. 52. .58. 



Johnson, 0. H. 



62. 66. 71 


16. 24 

— J. D. 






— 8. D. 


Hesse 13. 36. 38. 39. 43. 52. 68 

— W. M. 












Jones, A. C. 


Lamb 4. 

12. 18. .3.3. 41 


23. 25 

- D. O. 



14. 28. 34 

HUI, C. Y. 


— J. K. 


- jr. 


— F. R. 


— 8. A. 

Laning 7. 12. IC 


— L. C. 


— T. R. 

52. 67 



— W. S. 


Jordan, L. W. 

3. 4. 34. 43 

Lantzius, Beuinga 43 


8. 51.. 55. 64 

Joussct, M. 

3. 12 





- P. 

13. 23. 42 










1.5. 68 






40. 57 



Lcavill, H. H. 


Hitchcock, E 


— 8. 

14. 46. .52. ,58 

— H. 


Kafka, J. 


17. 18. 63 

TiC Blond 




- T. 7. 9. 


35. (JO. 64 


12. .51. 62 





Leo, J. M. 

^7. 58. 68 





— 8. J. 


Holcombc 13. 15 16. 17.33.70 




3. 5. 24. 70 

Holmes 26. 


32. 36. 55. 56 



Le Fevre 



61. 68 


28. 66 










22. 49 

Keener . 






de Keghcl 



3. 37. 39 


50. 51. 61 









Leonard, W. (}. 

2. 12. 17. 18. 


42. 46 



19. 23. 

24. 42. 60. 64 


20. 44 



— W. H. 

13. 60 

Howard. C. C. 


Kent 1. 8. 9. 13. 15 

21. 22. 23. 

Lo Senr 


— G. M. 


24. 25. 31. 35. 38 

40. 44. 45. 

Lewis, F. P. 

30. 32. 47. .59 

Howe, J. M. 


49. 56 

— H. M. 

45. 59. 

- W. 




- J. J. 

59. 67. 69 





20. 24. 49 




9. 58. 67 

King, A. F. A. 






— J. B. S. 1 


33. 37. 47. 





61. 68 

Lilienthal, J. 



18. 22. 34. 40. 64 

— W. R. 


— S. 2.12. 

14. 20. 21. 26. 





33. 34. 35. 4.5. 

47. 50. 55. 61. 


22. 47 



64. 65. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 


Nomina autorum. 





48. 63 


16. 43 




12. 34. 66 


16. 22. 35 


19. 32 

49. 5>> 


21. 46. 47 




13. 16 


26. 27. 63 




3. 39. 58 


12. 23. 27 




43. 46 




40. 53 


15. 53 



Miller, A. 






- H. J. 




Lorbacher 5. Vi 

. 18. 23 28. 29. 

- Z.T. 



7. 19. 

3L 52 



. 5L 52. 69 





Lone, J. N. 

9. 13. 70 


16. 26. 67 



— T, 

5. 22 



Ostrom 1. 10. 

19. 22 

49. 68 

Ludlam 9. 13 

. 15. 22. 24. 25. 

Mitchell. C. 

1. 7. 

16. 27. 60. 



16. 49 

26. 49. 57 

61. 67 



- J. N. 

46. 58 

Packard 2. 3. 24 30. 35. 55. 62. 




5. 17. 57 

63. 68 



Moflfat, E. V. 






— J. L. 

35. 57. 65 



Lutae, £. A. 


23. 37. 60 






— P. H. 

18. 24 



Paine, H. M. 


— P. 

4. 44 



25. 53. 65 

- N. B. 


53. 59 

Lyon, G. G. 




Palmer, A. J. 

31. 50 

— H.N. 

Moore, A. P. 

30. 43 

— B. P. 


— J. M. 


45. 51. 68 



Mac Ceney 


Morgan, A. R. 

30. 39. 43 

Parker, J. W. 

5. 64 

Mac CleUand 


- J. C. 

8. 17. 30 

— W. T. 

22. 25 

Mac Cracken 


- W. L. 

16. 21. 66 



Mac Donald 

5. 42. 61. 62. 66 





Mac Dowell 


Morrlsson, G. 



Parsons, G. R. 


Mac Eimer 


— S. 

46. 51 

- 8. B. 


Mac Farlan, D. 



56. 63 

Patch 40. 54 

. 56. 57. 68. 69 

— M. 

28. 52 




Mac George 


35. 47. 55. 

57. 63. 69. 70. 71 


13. 18. 

22. 58 

MacL 2. 20. 25. 30. 35. 49. 62 



Payne, C. N. 

21. 47 

Mac Kechnie 

26. 28 



- J. H. 


39. 46 

Mac Lachlan 




Pease, P. 0. 


Mac Laren 

2. 20 



— G. M. 

21. 59 

Mac Michael 


36. 40. 48 

von Musits 



3. 30. 

43. 54 

Mao Neil 










12. 22 

Nankivell, P. 






- H. 






40. 47. 62 









47. 51. 59 

Perkinn, A. E. 

43. 48 

Mann, E. C. 

27. 44 



— D. C. 


— E. L. 




- R D. 


— J. E. 




— N. R. 

22. 23 

— W. 0. 


Nichols, C. F. 


— S. M. 


Maoni Dg-Perkin8 


— C. L. 

33. 42 


57. 62 

Martin, A. L. 

9. 67 





- P. M. 




Phillips, K A. 


— G. H. 




— L. A. 


— J. E. 




— R. 0. 


— J. S. 




~ W. A. 


— J. T. 

24. 39 

de Normandie 

, Myra 46 



— W. J. 

17. 50 


3. 62 



Martiny 2. 13. 


17. 29. 36. 

Norton, A. B. 


44. 47. f.8 

Pierce, A. N. 


42. 48. 


57. 63. 68 

— G. 8. 


— W. A. 















9. 55. 58 




38. 42 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Nomina antorum. 















Skinner 12 


31. 57. 69 


12. 22. 26. 46. 60 

Rushmore 19.43.5 

Smith, C. C. 


41. 45. 66 

Pope 2. C. 15 

Russell 2. 6. 

12. 50. 65 

— c. w. 


58. 59 



— D. T. 

41. 47. 58 



— P. S. 



12. 66. 67 

Sanders. J. 


- G. 

27. 33 





- J. H. 






- J. W. 





2. 28 

— R H. P. 


Pratt, C. S. 



54. 69 

- 0. L. 


- E. H. 



27. 31 

— S. M. 






— 8. N. 


Price 4. 10. 

15. 17. 34. 35. 41. 

Schier 6. 28. 2fl 

. 39. 57. 70 

- W. A. 


46. 54 


4. 29. 42 

— w. s. 





27 38. 43 








21. 46 

— W. B. 




20. 29. 38 


27. .56 



Schmit« 14. 


41. 45. 54 



ProU 3. 


5. 55 



Prost- LacuzoE 






Puhlmann 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 13. 23. 


6. 11 



29. 32. 37. 38. 58. 60. 61. 64 


6. 20 






15. 55 

Southwick 25. 


32. 51. 54. 



Searle, W. S. 

4. 45 

67. 70 




10. 69 

South w-orth 


von Seckendorff 

35. 37 


6. 8. 31. 54 

















Rand, J. P. 

34. 36. 43. 59. 66 





— N. W. 

18. 21. 05 




15. 45 


27. 33 









Öteele, C. J. 

23. 28 




21. 36. 42 

- J. A. 




Seward, P. W. 


Steinrauf 10. 


19. 20. 25. 

Kay, J. 


— S. 

3. 19. 31 

28. 42 


22. 68 




19. 60 


2. 4. 24. 62 

Shannon 27. 


39. 60. 63 

Stettier 4. 12 


26. 29. 62 




18. 31 


52. 69 



Shaw, C. K. 

14. 19. 64 


3. 42 


1. 27 

- J. H. 





56. 66 

— J. J. 


Stewart, P. C. 




Shear8,CJ.F. 4 

- G. T. 

13. 31 


10. 37. 68 

41. 42. 48. 62. 67. 69 

— T. M. 


27. 43. 44 



— J. E. 




Kiess, L. 



23. 64 

Stifft 6. 


30. 31. 43 

Uiley, H. A. 

38. 39. 42 





Roberts, A. 



39. 55. 69 


12. 65 

— G. W. 

31. 60. 62 

Sherman, J. H. 





— L. 


Storke, A. F. 





31. 43. 70 

— B. P. 



1. 6. 34 


50. 52 

— E. P. 


28. 31. 38 




12. 27. 59 


33. 38. 41 



von Sick 

29. 30 

Stow 13. 22. 38. 53. 55. 62. 65 





27. 38 


2. 29. 34. 36. 55 

36. 41. 45 













41. 42. 66 

Sulzer 2.15.17. 

ron Ruck 


Simpson, T. 





33. 39. 60. 70 

— W. 

7. 65 

Sutherland, J. P. 7. 13. 15. 41 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 


Nomina antornm. 





4(5. 70 

Van der Berglie 


— J. C. 

13. 24. 57 

Swan 6. 28. 31. 

35. 52. 55. 63 

Van Denburg 18. 3S. 41. 42. 48. 

— W. 8. 







64. 70 



von Szontagh 

17. 44 

Van Densen 

12. 40 



Van Lennep 32. 34. 43. 49. 62. 71 




49. 65 





Taft, C. H. 

38. 59 



Wilcox, D. Q. 

1. 64 

— M. F. 



41. 43 

— 8. F. 

4. 9. 

36. 44. 52 


33. 45 




46, 47 

Wilde, F. 


Talbot, J. T. 4. 

14. 31. 38. 65 

Villers 1.2.10 



19. 28. 

- R. 


— W. T. 


29. 30. 36. 37. 38. 57. 70. 71 

— 8. 

13. 33. 57 

Talcott, J. 









28. 86 


38. 43 


6. 7. 89 










50. 56 














39. 49 

Willlamson, A. 



Terry 4. .33. 41. 50. .59. 61 



- T. J. 








28. 53. 58 







Thayer, C. E. 




Wilson, H. 


- W. J. 

4. 36 



— M. A. 


Thomas, B. 




— T. P. 

4. 14. 19. 21 

- C. H. 


Warner, A. G. 



32. 33. 35 

— C. M. 

5. 47 

— F. A. 




— H. W. 

12. 67 

— F. F. 




. 22. 32. 37. 

— W. D. 

27. 32 

— F. P. 



43. 48. 49 

Thompson, J. H. 


Ward, E. B. 




— M. K. 


— J. W. 





12. 34 

Warren, ü. 






— R. N. 


Wolcott, E. H. 

19. 23. 46 



Washborn, C. H. 


- L. A. 



41. 63 

— 8. H. 









52. 62 

Wood, IL C. 

47. 60. 64 





— J. C. 


25. 46. .' 


12. 13. 62 








20. .54 








37. 45 

de la Touche 











8. 24 





43. 54 


8. .50. 65 



Wecks -Shaw 




Tuttle. E. M. 




- E. G. 








Welch, G. 0. 




— W. R 


Yingling 2. 8. 41 . 42. 45. 46. .50. 



Wells, L. B. 

40. 62 

.53. 56. 61 



Wesselhoeft, C. 



18. 19. 

— E. W. 

19. 2S 


20. 45 

21. 26. 



54. 57 

— W. 8. 8. 

19. 27 

— W. 


24. 36 




8. 17 

— W. P. 


14. 17 

Van Baun 






Van Blaeren 


White, A. E. 

38. 59 




Druck von ^^JÜifto ^ß^ilpiÄ jp Dresden. 

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: ■^^■: 


Carl Grruner's 

Homöopathische Officin. 

Gegründet 1834. 

Aeltestes Möopatliisclies HeüizM- and Eiport-Iiescliän. 

Dresden^ Georgenthor. 

En gros. ^ En detail. 

Beste und billigste Bezugsquelle für 

Mutter-Tincturen und Potenzen, 

Haus-, Reise-, Taschen- und Thier -Apotheken, 


Spezial- Artikel der Firma, unerreicht an Güte und Schönheit. 

— — - Hensels Tonicum, ^--^^^ 

Streukügrel in 12 Grössen, 

Comprimirte Milchzucker-Tabletts zum Befeuchten mit Medi- 
Dieselben sind überaus bequem, praktisch u. sicher in der Dosirung. 

Carl Grnner's homöopath. Gesundheits-KaflFee^ 

CarlGruner's yerbessert. Slalz-Gesundheits-Kaffee. 

Das beste und vorzüglichste derartige Präparat. 

Direkt importirte amerikanische Essenzen u. Hoch-Potenzen 

von Böricke und Tafel in Philadelphia. 

Dispensatorien und Einrichtungen 

für Aerzte und Apotheker in allen Grössen und Ausführungen. 

Homöopathische Glaser, Korke und Utensilien 

in reichster Auswahl. 

Eigene buchhändlerische Abtheilung 

zum Bezüge sämmtlicher Werke der Homöopathischen Literatur 
des In- und Auslandes. 

Illustrirte Preisverzeichnisse versenden wir auf Verlangen 
gratis und franco« 





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I' I 





Wilhelm Baensch ^ 

K. S. Hofverlagsbuehhandlung in Dresden. 

Soeben wurde vollendet: 

Die Pflanzen 


Homöopathischen Arzneischatzes. 


Medieiniseh Botanisch 


Dr. von Villers. 

F. von Thümen. 

Auf sechzig Bogen Text sind 1050 zu homöopathischen 
Arzneien verwendete Pflanzen botanisch und medieiniseh 
beschrieben und diesen zweihundert Tafeln naturgetreu 
colorirte Abbildungen beigegeben worden. 

Das Werk hat in keinem Lande der Welt, was gediegenen 
geistigen Inhalt, vorzügliches Colorit, billigen Preis und 
dabei vornehme Ausstattung betrifft, einen Wettbetrieb zu 

Zu beziehen in sechzig Iiieferungen ä M. 1.50 


voUständig in drei Bänden M. 90. — . 


Drei Einbanddecken dazu M. 6.- 




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Wohlriechendes, desinficirendes Wasch- und Verstaubungswasser gegen An- 
steclcungs-Krankheiten als: Cholera, Influenza, Typhus, Kinderkrankheiten etc. 

Dieses Antisepdcum in Form einer bl&tenreichen Eau de Cologne, wegen seiner voll- 
standigen Unschädlichkeit gans besonders geeignet zur Verwendung im Haasbalt, ist nach den 
Herren Prof. Rossbacb in Breslau, Dr. Chamberland im Institut Pasteur in Paris und 
anderen als unbedingt keimtodtend anzusehen. Es verzehrt die in einem Räume beBndlicbe 
unreine Luft sammt den darin befindlichen schlechten Geruchserregem und erzeugt darin in kürzester 
Zeit eine frische Lebenslnft anstatt wie ähnliche Präparate einer schlechten Luft einen mehr oder 
weniger durchdringenden Ueruch beizumischen. 

Wir machen besonders die Herren Aerzte und Vorsteher von Heilanstalten auf unser Präparat 
aufmerksam unter Zasicherung besonderer Vergünstigungen und stellen gern Probeflaschen gratis 
zur Verfügung. Von unseren vielen Anerkennungsschreiben bringen wir folgende drei zum Abdruck : 

Die Firma Mehlig & Co. hat mich ersucht, 
ihr zu bescheinigen, dass in ihrem antiseptischen 
Wasch- und Verstäubungswasser „Sphinx" sich 
keinerlei gesundheitsschädliche Bestandtheile be- 
finden. Nach Einsicht in die mir vorgelegten 
Fabrikationsrecepte bescheinige ich der Firma 
Mehlig A Co., dass in ihrem antiseptischen 
Wasch- und Verstäubungswasser „Sphinx" nnr 
solche Antiseptica aufgenommen sind, welche 
auch in der noth wendigen Concentration keinerlei 
Gesundheitsschädigung verursachen können. 

Dresden -Altstadt, den 21. Januar 1893. 

(gez.) Dr. Alexander Villers. 

Wilh. Mehlig & Co., Koetitz, Post Coswig i. S. 

Nachdem uns Ihr „Antisepticum- Sphinx" 
ausserordentlich gute Dienste geleistet hat 
während der Krankheit meines Mannes, erbitte 
ich abermalige Zusendung eines Kistchens ent- 
haltend 6 FlaFchen. 

Ihr „Antisepticum-Sphinx" ist erstaunlich 
wirkungsvoll, indem es überraschend schnell alle 
schlechten Gerüche entfernt, ohne — wie es bei 
anderen Parfüms zu sein pflegt — diese nur über- 
täubt, so z. B. hat es in kurzer Zeit den in dem 

Krankenzimmer verbreiteten schlechten Geruch 
genommen, als einmal hier Nachts der Theekessel 
auf der Nachtlampe Glanzruss angesetzt hatte. 
Schloss Gauernitz, 6. Januar 1894. 
(gez.) Helene, Prinzessin Ton Schonbnrg- 
geb. Gräfin Stolberg -Wernigerode. 

Wilh. Mehlig & Co., Koetitz. Post Coswig i. 8. 

Ganz entzückt von der Wirkung Ihres , Anti- 
septicum - Sphinx" beauftragt mich die Frau 
Gräfin von Strachwitz geb. Gräfin Blücher auf 
Schloss Petervritz bei F^ankenstein Ihnen dieses 
mitzutheilen , sowie dass die Räume, in denen 
Diphtheritis geherrscht und welche in Folge aller 
darauf vorgenommenen Desinfections-.Anstrich-, 
Maler- und Putz - Arbeiten , ungeachtet alles 
Lüftens und Einheizens einen unerträglichen 
Geruch hartnäckigst beibehielten, in kürzester 
Zeit durch Verstäuben Ihres „Antiseptlcum- 
Sphinx" von allem schlechten Geruch befreit 
worden sind, und bittet die Frau Gräfin um Zu- 
sendung weiterer 12 Flaschen. 

Schloss Peterwitz, 25. April 1894. 

(gez.) H. Ahrendts. 

Preis des Antisepticum-Sphinx i/i Fl. M. 1.50, Kistchen ä 6 Fl. M. 8.50. 

Zu gleicher Zeit empfehlen wir eine ausgezeichnete 

EcLXJL de Colog'nie 

(im Geruch der „Echten") bis zu seiner Einführung, als Mehllgs „Beelame Ean de ColOgne'^ 
für 75 Pfg. per »/i Fl. und M. 4.50 per Kistchen ä 6 Fl. 

Wo keine Wiederverkäufer, direkte Bestellungen hoflichst erbeten. 

Ü^ Bngros und Export. $ Besondere Begünstigungen. "^M 

Hochachtungsvoll Wilh. Mehlig & Co. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Oigaretteii -Fabrik 

„Samson"(T.Marweg) Dresden 

empfiehlt ihre 

Tabake und Cägaretten. 

Die besten Marken: Lechitia, Rex, Yanina, Herald. 
Wen! Auoli Cigaretten ohne Papier. Wen! 

— — Fin de si^cle — 

aussohllesslich aus türkischem Tabak in Einlage und Deckblatt. 

Zu haben in Dresden bei: 

Heinhold, Wilsdrufferstrasse, Moebins, Moritzstrasse, „Kiosk*' E. Bisse (Böhmischer 



=^ Appetitlich — "wirksam — 'wohlschmeckend sind 

Confitnres digestives et laxatiyes, Digestive and laxatiye lozenges. 

K?«vo\Ä\.s T?L«VÄT \mwv 

Abführende Frncht-Konfltttren für Kinder nnd Erwachsene. 

Aerztlich warm empfohlen bei 

Sehaehtel 80 ^, eimeln 15 ^. 

in fast allen Apotheken. 


Kongestionen, Leberleiden, 


und Verdannnggl 

Migräne, Magen- 


Für Wiederverkauf er hoher Rabatt! Lohnender Handverkauf s-Artikel! 

Nur echt, wenn von Apotheker G. Kanoldt Nachfolger in Gotha. 'Sl^ 


Die homöopathische Officin der 


Otto Schneider, Dresden 

empfiehlt Freunden des homöopathischen Heilverfahrens ihre mit der grössten 

Sorgfalt bereiteten Arzneien und Hausapotheken, wie auch Hausarzneibücher 

und Lehrbücher über das Wesen der Homöopathie. Genaueste Ausführung 

der Aufträge bei billigster Bereclinung wird zugesichert. 

•5!M <> ! isl^ ! ♦:> ! <> ! •:> :*i\> l »:> ! •: !^ ! *i> 1 o 1 ^> !>::M ♦:> 1 •:> ! >: ^ t ♦:> ! •:> ! »s> ! *«>!•{> 


(NaturheilanStalt) auf „weisser mrsch" bei Dresden. 

^ Das ganze Jahr geöffnet, ^ 

Aufnahme aller geeigneten Kranken, ausser Geisteskranken und Epi- 
leptischen. Specielle Ausbildung der vielerorts vernachlässigten Gebiete, 
als: Frauenkrankheiten 9 Nasenkrankheiten (i^i^ßre Erschütterungs- 
massage), komplizirte Nervenleiden. Besuchsziffer des letzten Jahres: 
800 Kurgäste. — Prospekte kostenfrei. — Zur Belehrung empfohlen: 
Dr, Lahmann^s neuste Schrift: «Die diätetische Blntentmfschnng 
als Grundursache aller Krankheiten.^ II. Aufl. Otto Spamer, 
Leipzig. Preis geb. 1,80 Mk. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

-C-H — 

Ours is the oldest and the largest 
Homoeopathic House in America. The busi- 
ness was established in the year 1835; at present 
it embraces eight large and completely equipped 
pharmacies in the cities of Philadelphia, New -York, 

Chicago, Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Cincinnati. 
The products of our house have received prize 
medals and awards at five IntematicMial 
Exhibitions, the last medals 
being from the Colum- 
bian Exhibition at 

No other 
American Homoeopathic Pharmacy 
has received International prize medals 
and awards. We publish nearly all the leading 
text-books of Homoeopathy by American Authors. 
A free catalogue of our books will be mailed to any 

one on receipt of request. 
Our monthly Journal the Homoeopathic Recorder 
($ l.oo per annum) is devoted especially to promoting the 
knowledge of new and old remedies. 

Our missionary Journal the Homoeopathic Envoy 
(published monthly at 25 cents per annum) is one of the 
most successful Homoeopathic Journals ever published. 
Sample copies of Recorder and Eavoy mailed free on 

Address all Communications to 

Boericke & Tafel 

1011 Arcli St., Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. 


Digitized by VjOOQIC 

= Preisgekrönt mit der Grossen goldenen IMedaille Neapel 1892. = 

Kranken Genesung. 

Gegründet 177S, 

aesetzllcli gescMtzt. 

Gesunden Heil. 

GegHlndet 1775, 

Weinhold!s Universal- Balsam. 

Bestes Mittel , äusserlich angewandt bei Wnnden, Qnetsohunffen, Ver- 
renkungen, Rheumatismns, Gioht. Innerlich bei Appetitlosigkeit, Magen- 
krampf, Hals-, Brnst- und Unterleibsleiden etc. Bestes Sohntmittel gegen 
Cholera, überhaupt ansteckenden Krankheiten. 
^— ^» Preis pro Flasche 50 F%. ^— ^» 

WeinJioWs Blutreinigungs-Pulver. 

Preis pro Schachtel 1 Mark. 

Erhältlich in den Apotheken nur eoht mit obiger Sohntsmarke. 

Prospecte gratis und 
franco von 


Thermometer ftir Aente, vm Baden etc., Alcoholometer, Areometer, irrmomet<r ete. |H 


Clinical and cbemical 


and of wood, metal, glas. 

Hydrometers, tilass 

Human Eyes, Sample 


Test Tabes, Trop conn- 

ters, Syringes etc. 
TVooden bosces. 

Sp^cialit^s : 

Therm, pour m^eclns et 

pour usage chimique. 
Therm, en bois, mfttal, 


AlcoholomMres, Areo- 


Tenx en verre pour 


Flaeons et Tubes bom^o- 

path. et pour ^cbantillons. 

EprouTettes, Seringnes 


Hom.riasehen-8trenkngel-Cylinder, Beageniglaser, 8pritien,CHa«aiigen,Tropiigl8ier etc. 


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Man lasse sich durch Inserate, welche wie Strohfeuer zum 
Himmel schlagen, nicht verblüffen! 
•X- Radicale Entfernung der — ^ — 


nur bei Anwendung durch 

Siegel's HEtilmeraugeii - Tod 

(Scbutxmarke vom 8. März 1883). 

AerztUch anerkannt u. einzig prämiirt mit der Silbernen 
Medaille von der Jury Deutscher Heilgehülfen. 1 Kruke 
M. —.75, franco nach allen Ländern M. 1.—. Käuflich in 
allen Apotheken, Drogen- und Toiletten-Geschäften. 

August Siegel in Genthin 

Erfinder und alleiniger Fabrikant des ,,HOhneraugen-Tod'^ 
General -Yerkanf 

für Dänemark: Schwanen -Apotheke in Kopenhagen, 
„ Stidl. Schweden: Löwen -Apotheke in Malraö, 
„ Nördl. Schweden: Instruct.-Apotheke „Nordstern" in 

„ Norwegen: Waldemar Schioldhorg in Christiania. 

ZengBisfl, ▼OB TikUflendeB eins! 

Wismar, 4. Januar 1894. 
Ihr Huhnerangen-Tod ist TOrzlifflieh ! 

von Ttadorff, Corvetten-Capitän a. D. 

\\ w w w \\ \\ \\ 

\\ w \\ w \\ 


essrs. Alfred Heath & Co. 

Wholesale and Export. Homoeopathic Chemists. 
4t 114 Ebury Street, London. *»****♦** 

Special makers of high potencies, -^ New aftd rare 




— £:stctl>lished 1860. J::. 

Vielfach von Aerzten für Kranke und 
Reconvaleacenten empfohlen 
liefert prompt und 

* 'Cti-e*^ 







Ricardo Weger 

Malaga, 4 oalle de las oapuoinos. 

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Ziehung schon nächste Woche. Keine Proniessen. 


Geduld und Ausdauer führen zum Ziel 
Auf einen Hieb fällt kein Baum! 


in NAUEN bei Berlin. 
Ueberall erlaubte Prämienverloosungen. 

Haupts^e'wmne : 

V4 Million u. s. w. 

Ziehungen fast täglich. Jedes Loos gewinnt, also keine 
Nieten. -— Auch alle anderen dort erlaubten Lotterien billigst. 
— Pläne u. Frospecte bitte sofort umsonst zu verlangen. — 
Auf die Nummer 41 166 fiel kürzlich der grÖsste Hauptgewinn 
mit 50000 Mark in meine bekannte GlttekscoUecte. 



Philadelphia Pa. 

Medical and surgical Diseases 

of women, 
With private hospital treatfnent 

Office hours untü 11 a.m. 

Die seit 47 Jahren bestehende 

Lntzesche Heilanstalt 

gewährt das ganze Jahr hindurch 
allen nicht bettlägerigen Kranken 
Pension zu massigen Preisen bei 
homöopathischer Behandlung. — Mit 
dieser verbunden ist eine im Anstalts- 
garten gelegene Badeanstalt, in der 
die Kranken Römisch-Irische u. alle 
Arten von Douche- u. Wannenbädern 
gemessen können, letztere mit und 

ohne arzneiliche Zusätze. 
Dr. med. Paul Lutze, leitender Arzt. 


West Newton, Mass., U. S. A. 

Dr. N.Emmons Paine (formerly Supt. of theWest- 
borougb Insane Hospilal) will rcceive into bis 
home a limited number of patients witb nervous 
or mental diseases. Tbis private bospital con- 
sists of two buildings, one for nervous diseases, 
vrhere are treated eures of neurastbenia,hysteria 
aod otber disorders by means of tbe Rest Treat- 
ment, bydrotberapy, electricity, etc; wbile tbe 
otber buildiDg is reserved for tbe various forms 
of insanity. Everytbing is of tbe bigbcst cba- 
racter; ourses are experienced; food is tbe best; 
surroundings pleasant; land comprise twelve 
acres; situated a half mile from Station of 
Boston & Albany Kall road, and ninc milcs 
from Boston. 

Piir Magen-, 
Hen-, Unter- 
leibs-, Nerven- 
leiden, Säfte- 



heiten etc. 



Prospect frei. 


\k iGi 



Dr. Kies' Di&- 
tetische Kuren, 

nebst Erörte- 
rungen über 


BacHstr. 8. 

Kur etc. 8. Aufl. 

Preis 2 Mark 

durcb jede 

sowie direct. 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 

Cigaretten-Fabrik ,Xanthi^ 
<|r(|K|;^K|; DRESDEN #v|K^)#v|)#^ 

empfiehlt ihre hier fabrizirten russ. Cigaretten von vor- 

zflglicher Qualität zu billigsten Preisen. Die Fabrikate 

erfreuen sich der grössten Beliebtheit in hohen u. höchsten 

Kreisen. Preiscourant auf Verlangen gratis. 

'^^Ä HERM. POHNEKT '^r.^r 

Goldene Medaille Bandagist und Orthopäd. Silberne Medaille 

London 1893. Anfertigung und Lager von ^^^^ l^^»- 

kÜMtliehtn Armen und Beintn, ^^ Gumnii-Waareil, 

orthopädisch. Apparaten ^^K Gummi- Strümpfen, Luft -Kissen 
Brnchoandagen, Geradehaltern, ^^HH etc. et<^ 

Leibbinden ^^T chirurgischen Instrumenten, 

in ganz vorzüglicher Ansführung. sowie sammtL Artikel zur Krankenpflege 

Antlseptisclie HolzwoU-Oesandheitsbinden für Damen. 

Vollständige Garantie für grundsolide und zweckmässige Arbeit. 

zunächst der Pragerstr. ©M^ÄSÖSSSI*^ ^m zunächst der Pragerstr. 

(früher grosse Brüdergasse). 

^ > > ' h ISre (Amt I) Fernspreoher (Amt I) 1576. ^. < K ^ 

Melniker Roth- und Weissweine 

— n^zi nur Eigenbau zi^zi — 


lie H. F Aasi LoMc'sclie fManlirectioii 

in Unter-Befkovic b. Melnik 

(Königreich Böhmen). 

Preis-Courante auf Verlangen franco u. gratis. 

Extrafeinste Korke 

für den Gebrauch in der Homöopathie. In allen Welt- 

theilen als ausgezeichnetst hochprima bekannt und be- 

vorzug-t gekauft, liefert zu civilen Preisen 

die Korlc- Fabrik 

Proben stehen gern ^^^ Merkel, 

ZU Diensten. „ , . ,^ , , , v 

Rasohau i./Erzgeb. (Sachsen). 

Digitized by VjOOQIC 


18, Rue Vignon, Paris (France) 
Wül appear at the end of the year 1894. 




edited by 

Fran^ois CARTIER, M. D. Paris, France 

' riiysician of l'hopital Saint-JarqaoB, of Paris 
Laureat e of the Faculty of Madecine of Paris 

Ancien Interne of the Paris Hospitals 
Member of the French homoeopathic Society 

Honorary Member of the Hom. Med. Society 

of the County of Philadelphia 

CorrespondinfT Member of the Hom. Med. Society 

of the County of New-York 
Member of the Society of Materia Medica of New-York 
Posl-Oraduate ofHahnemann College of Philadelphia 


Diseases 0/ ihe digestive organ : Dr Timothy 
Field Allen, Professor of Materia medica and 
Therapcuties in the New-York Hom. Med. College 
and Hospital; formerly Dean of the New>Yoik 
Hom. Med. College; Author of the Encyclo- 
pedla and the Handbook of Mat. Med. and 

Diseases ofthe circulatory system : Dr Pierre 
JoQBSet, Physician of Phöpital Saint-Jacques, of 
Paris ; Professor of Pathology and medical clinic ; 
Editor of V Art Medical and of numerons homoeo- 
pathic publicatiohs ; Ancien Interne lanreate of 
the Paris Hospitals (Gold Medal). 

Ophtalmology: Dr A. B. Norton, Physician 
and surgeoo of the New-York ophtalmic hospital 
and College; Author of the ophtalmic diseases 
and therapeutics. 

Diseases of ihe lungs: Dr Lion Simon, 
Physician of the Habnemann hospital of Paris; 
formerly President of the French homoeopathic 

Mental and nervous diseases: Dr Seiden 
Talcott, Medical Superintendent of the Middlc- 
town State homoeopathic Hospital ; Professor of 
mental diseases in the New-York Hom. Med. 

Childreh's diseases: Dr Alphonse Teste, 
Author of the Children's diseases, and of la 
syst^matisation pratique de la maticrc medicalc 
hom^opathique, etc., etc. 

Otohgy : Dr Henry C.Honghton, Senior Aural 
surgeon to the New-York ophtalmic hospital, 
Professor of Clinical otology in the New-York 
Hom. College ; Author of the lefttures on Ciioical 

Surgery : D. W. B. Van Lennep (?) of Phila- 

Oenito - urinary diseases : Dr. Alezander 
Villers, Dresden. 

Skin diseases: Dr. C. Bnrford, London. 

(Each year, the list of the associate editors "auill change) 
assisted by 

Physicians speclally attending to the translating department of Oerman, French, 
Spanish, Italian, Bnssian, etc. 

The universal homoeopathic Annual will form a large volume in quarto'of about 500 pages, 
aud will be divided into two parts: 

I. Materia Uedica: This part will contain the description of the new homoeopathic 
rcmcdies, and the newly discovered properties or the confirmations of Symptoms alrea'dy known of 
old remedies quoted in all the Journals of the current year. The list of the medicaments will 
foUow in alphabetical order. 

All poison or substance studled physiologically by allopaths will also enter into this first part. 

II. Therapeutics: As in all works on therapeutics, the diseasd must be studied beforc 
the remedy, hence, there will be for each malady a summary of the works of the year on the 
auatomy, physiology, pathological anatomy of the orgao, and on the etiology, symptomatology, 
prognosis and diagnosis of each disease. 

An annual being a review as complete as possible of all that has been published in a year, 
the natural consequence of such a publication is that many errors are set forth: it is the defective 
point of all annuals. So, we think that our homoeopathic colleagues who would subscribe to this 
Annual would be glad to find as an introduction to each chapter of Pathology the valuable opinion 
of Professors or prominent Physicians on the works of the current year. The criticism is also 
the part that the associate editors of the Universal homoeopathic Annual have kindly accepted. 

With that purpose, the Universal homoeopathic Annual will choose every year its associate 
Editors among the greatest authorities of our homoeopathic school in both continents. 

JPrice: Tlir^ee T>ollai:*s. 

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Seit 10 Jahren als die vorzüglichste 

Säuglingsnahrung )^^V; 

, und kranken Kindern bewährt 


Dringend empfohlen bei erwachsenen 

Kranken, Magenleidenden, Blutarmen, 


Vollmer & Co. 

Altona (Holstein). 




der Frauenmilch gleich in 
Zusammensetzung, Nähr- 
werth und Verdaulichkeit. 

peptonisirty haltbar. 

Käuflich in Apotheken 

in Vi Büchsen M. 2.50, 
„ V2 „ « 1.30. 


extrafeine Qualitäten k M. 3.— bis M. 8.— 

= Homöop. Gläser = 

für 2V21 5) '^'Va, 10 etc. Gramm Inhalt, rein 

Schachteln ^SrÄrGÄ^- 
SSS#©S Pulverschachteln S#®S©S» 

mit Druck, offerirt 

JE7. JP. MWahmann, JSarvnen 

Fabrik-Lager in sämmtl. Gebrauchsartikeln für die Homöopathie. 

3*10,1. in>A,T3^^^iO*iri.j..T:i,*i3*iO*'IZ'*iO*0*iJi*i^^ 

C. Fr. Hausmann, St. Gallen 

!= Homöopathische Apotheke = 

empfiehlt sich zur Anfertigung homöopathischer Arzneien. Be- 
zugsquelle für alle homöopathischen Mittel 9 homöopathische 
Apotheken in Etui- und Cassettenform. 
Prompter Versandt nach dem In- und Auslande. 

^ > ** ■♦" Billige Preise. "<■ • ^ '^ — 

j.»,—,» — 4.F^i»— 4« — .?.FTit»oi*^ — *^tf. — 4« — *^r3r^*-T-n4«r 

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2 Ehrendiplome. * 7 Goldene Medaillen. * 4 Silberne Medaillen, 

Homöopathische Central -Apotheke 

oegi^ndei Bgpijn Q., Jerusalemepstp. 30. ^^SSSf ' 

Homöopathische ArzneiiDittel. — Verdünnungen. 
Verreibungen. — Streukligelchen. - Homöopathi- 
sche Haus- u. Reiseapotheken. — Thierapotheken. 
Lehrbücher etc. etc. 

Engros. -^ Preislisten gratis. --#- Export. 

2 Diplomes d'honn enr. * 7 m6daille^ d'or. * 4 midailles d'argent. 

Pharmacie Centrale Homeopathique 

^«slf Berlin C, Jerusalemerstr. 30. %^i^^ 

Mödicaments Homöopathiques. — Dilutions. — 
Triturations. - Globules. - Pharmacies portatives 
de poche et de voyage. — Pharmacies v6t6rinaires. 
Livres d'instruotion et manuels d'homöopathie. 

Prix courants gratis et franos de port. 

o^Ä/ocyÄ/ircyjz/os/zExportation dans tous les pays du GlobeM)2/2?/ocy»/ccy22/c 
ziiz: I>r. J. LeTvinsoIin. zzzi 

2 Prizes. * 7 Gold medals. ^ 4 Silver medals. 

Central Homoeopathic Pharmacy 

^Tsalf Berlin C, Jerusalemerstr. 30. ^Tst^!^ 

Homoeopathic Medicines. — Dilutions. — Tritu- 
rations. — Globules. - Homoeopathic house and 
travelling dispensary cases. - Veterinary dispen- 
saries. Instructions books etc. etc. 

Whole sale. ~#^ Price-listes gratis. "^ Export. 

3ZZI Dr. J. I^eTvinsolm. zuz: 

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= Empfehlenswerte Werke für die HaiisbiMiothet. = 



Fünfte f gänzlich neubearheitete und vermehrte Auflage. Mit ungefähr 10,000 Abbil- 
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Pillenmaschine (System Kilian, 
bereits über 250 St. im Betrieb). 

Pastillenmaschine 60 St. ä Druck. 

Komprimirmaschine 20 — 42 St. 
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Cachoupressen für Dampfbetrieb, 

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maschinen für Hand- u. Dampf- 
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Tlie engraving is fVom an 1 
instant aneoua photograph i 
of a man ascending a ladder. 1 1 
He han Iwo artifidal legR 
subBtituting his natural | 
ones, which were crushed i 
by a railroad accident and ] 
Bubsequently amputated. ^ , 
With his rubber feet he is v 
able to ascend or descund ^, 
a ladder, balance himself i 
on tho runirs, and have liis 
hands at libei-ty. He ran 
earn a good day's wages at 
the bcnrh. He can walk and 
minglewitli persons without 
betraying IiIh loss ; in fa<rt, 
he is restored to hia former 
seif for all practical pur- 

WitU the old method» of 
complicntud ankl^oints an 
undertaking of this kiiid 
would be at his peril, but 
with the rabber feet he can 
vciitarc into all sorts of 
Operations with safely. 

By a copyrigt formula 
fürnished by us on request, 
applirants can supply us 
with all the data necesvary 
to secure fit and satisfactory 
results white they remain 
at home. One lialf the legs 
and aniis fbrnished by us 
are made from mcasure« 
ments and profiles without 
nur seeing the wearers. 
Fit always guaranteed. 

We will be pleascd to send, ftree of rliarge, to 
anyoiie interested, a book on the subject of arti- 
ficial limbs, prioted in any of the following laugu- 
ageR : English, French, Spanish or Gerraan. 

Address : 
A. A. MARKS, 701 Broadway, New York, U. 8. A. 


loinooBatli. Central-ABOtlelß „zmn rota Krelisßf 

des S. Mittelbach in Wien I, 

Hoher Markt Nr. 8, Palais Sina 

empfiehlt ihre aufs Sorgfältigste bereiteten Medicamente. Von 
derselben können bezogen werden: 

1. Alle homöopathischen Medicamente: a) in ür- 
tincturen, b) in Verdünnungen von i bis 30 Potenzen, c) in 
Hochpotenzen, d) ia Verreibungen, e) in Kügelchen, 
sowie f) sämmtliche zum äusserlichen Gebrauch dienenden 

2. Homöopathische Haus-, Reise-, Taschen- und 
Thier-Apotheken in hübschen, soliden und sehr prak- 
tisch eingerichteten Kästen und Etuis, von verschiedenen 

3. Alle sonstigen in das Gebiet der Homöopathie 
einschlagenden Artikel. 

4. Homöopathische Bücher. 

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M M » >»« »♦♦ ♦♦» ♦>♦ «»> ♦>♦ >♦> >«» >♦* »< 

An die deutschen Hausfrauen! 

Jede Hausfrau, die ihre Freude daran hat, einen schönen, dauerhaften, 
jedem Haushalt zur Zierde gereichenden Leinen- und Wäsche -Vorrath 
zu besitzen, wende sich an die Geschäftsstelle des 

Thüringer Weber-Vereins zu Gotha, 

die von dem zur Unterstützung der armen Hausweber gebildeten Comitd 
ins Leben gerufen worden ist. Mit der Freude an einem stattlichen Linnen- 
schatze erwirbt sich die Hausfrau zugleich das Verdienst, zur Linderung 
des in der Handweberei herrschenden Nothstandes beigetragen zu haben. 
Für die Echtheit und Dauerhaftigkeit der von dem Vereine bezogenen 
Waaren wird jede gewünschte Bürgschaft geleistet. Auch sind die Preise 
angesichts der Solidität der Handarbeit keineswegs hoch. So kosten: 

Abffepasste Handtücher 

Qual. I, reinleinen weiss (125 cm lang, 45 cm breit) per Stück M. 1.—, 

7» -l-l? n n n >i « « «^i 

, m, „ halbroh „ „ „ „ —.75. 

Feine reinleinene Servietten, 70 cm □ per Dtz. M. 12.—. 

Reinleinenes feines Tuch 

Qual, n, zu Betttüchem und Hemden , 80 cm breit per Meter M. — .90, 

„ II, „ „ 160 „ n n n n l-^^* 

Meinleinenes hochfeines Tuch 

Qualität I, zu Betttüchem und Hemden, 80 cm breit per Meter M. 1.—, 

« I, » „ 160 „ „ „ „ „ 2.10. 

Weissleinenes Bettzeug 70 cm breit per Meter M. 1.20, sehr sohöne Muster. 

Buntes Bettzeug 70 cm breit per Meter M. — .70. 

Tischtücher 140 cm breit per Meter M. 2.30. 

Weissleinene Taschentücher 

50 und 62 cm Q per Dtz. M. 5.— bis M. 10.—. 


reinleinen, roth gestreift 65 cm □ per Dtz. M. 6.50, 

„ nur mit rother Kante, „ „ , „ „ „ 6. — . 

Weisse Staubtücher 63 cm □ per Dtz. M. 4. — . 

Beinleinene altthüringische Tischdecken 

mit Sprüchen, Namen und Fransen (die Sprüche und Namen können vor- 
geschrieben werden) 
Grösse 140 cm Q per Stück M. 15.-, 98 cm Q per Stück M. 9.—, 
mit Luther, der Wartburg und Fransen, 135 cm □ per Stück M. 18.—, 
nur mit der Wartburg „ „ „ „ „ „ 12.—. 

Gestreiften Bettbarchent, feine Waare, 70 cm breit per Meter M. — .75. 

Bothen Bettbarchent . . . „ « « » » » « >» —.80. 

Guten Drell, 

blau und grau gestreift, 100 cm breit, per Meter M. 1.20. 

Halbwollenen Stoff 

zu Frauenröcken und Kleidern, 90 cm breit per Meter M. — .55 bis M. — .60. 


zu Hemden, 73—75 cm breit, feine Waare, per Meter M. —.55 bis M. —.75. 

Fertige Kanten- Unterröcke M. 2. — , schwere Waare 2.50 per Stück. 

h> »»i ##• •#• ##• M # » M #»» ##t # # # < ^ » CJ 
| > # M » »»» » M »»I »I» »»» »»» » M M » »»# »d 

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l Expedition des Homöopathischen Archives * 

Expedition des Homöopathischen Archives 

Archiv für Homöopathie 

geleitet von 

Dr. Alexander Villers. 

Monatlich 1 Heft von 2 Druckbogen Stärke oder jährlich 
1 Band. 

Mark lO.— . 

- .^«s>- - 

!i: Das 

Archiv für Homöopathie 

soll dem Arzte einen U eberblick gewähren über Alles, 
was die internationale homöopathische Literatur Neues 
und Beachtenswerthes bringt, soweit es echt homöo- 
pathisch; dem gebildeten Laien die Kenntniss der i| 
Homöopathie verschaffen, welche ihn in den Stand 

* setzt, diese von ihm bevorzugte Heilmethode auch zu « 

* begreifen und zu vertheidigen gegenüber seiner Um- 

* gebung. * 

* ^^ * 

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Fabrik diätetischer und medizinisch -diätetischer Präparate 

J. Paul Liebe 


14 Medaillen TA D t? O T"\ T7 "NT begründet 

nnd Diplome. JJ KU O JJ Ü iN . 1866. 

fi Liebe's lösliche Leguminose ^^^J^it die Nähr^ 

M 2 stone cellmosefrei 

[|j und anfgeschloBsen, Eiweiss peptonisirt, Stärke part. dextrinirt, 
^^ giebt daher dünnflüssige mnndende Snppe. Dosen ä, 4, Vi u. Va Ko. 
Mark 9, 2.25 u. 1.25. Empfohlen durch Prof. Dr. Fürbringer, 
Direktor d. inneren Abtheil. d. Krankenhaus.Friedrichshain-Berlin. 

Leguminosen-Chocolade u. -Cacao ^^\i<^ f% 

2 erstere feine 

Normalspeise , letzterer bei Magen- und Darmleiden bekömmlich. 
Tafel Mark 1.—, Dose Mark 1.50. 

MälzexträCt '•^^ oonoentrirt, zufolge Verarbeitung protein- 

reichsten ßohmateriales (confr.: Professor 

Märker, Halle) zuverlässig das Beste auf diesem Gebiete. 

MalzextraCt-Pulver, «ohaumig, looker und aromatisch, 
: selbst in kleinen Dosen schleim- 
lösend und diesfalls ohne Einfluss auf die Verdauung. 

MalzextraCt- Bonbons, echte; bekömmliches wohl- 

1 schmeckendes Hustenmittel; 

Dosen 25 Pf., Beutel 20 und 40 Pf. 

Rost -Maltin« ^^^g^l^i ^^^ Malzextract-Schaum, von wür- 

! zigem Geschmack; weil entwässert, unter 

Wärme und weil rein, ohne Nachtheil für die Verdauung schleim- 
lösend. Dosen 30 Pf., IV2 Liter-Gläser Mark 2.50. 

Liebe's Nahrungsmittel in löslich» Form» 

Dieses bekannte Extract der Liebig'schen Suppe, in Verbindung 
mit dem Soxhlet -Apparat angewendet, wird nach wie vor reiner 
Milch bei künstlicher Ernährung des Säuglings vorgezogen (confr. 
Professor Escherich). Flaschen zu Mark 1.—. 

Liebe's SagradaWein. Weln-FMdextract von Cascara 

2 sagrada von 1,15 spec. Gewicht 

mit 42 7o Extractivstoffen (1 che -= 1 g frischer Rinde), veranlasst 
ohne Beschwerden oder Nachtheile vermehrte Peristaltik, wobei 
normale, breiige, seltener flüssige Stühle eintreten, regelt die Ver- 
dauung langdauernd, ist haltbar, länger, auch für Kinder ver- 
wendbar. Flaschen zu 350, 210, 130 g Mark 2.25, 1.50, 1.—. 

PeÜSinWein» ^^ppelt concentnrt, bei Verdauungsstörun§:en 

S- 1 schnellwirkend, lieblich -aromatisch, schleim- 

frei, haltbar. Flasche ä 340 und 160 g Mark 2.50 und 1.50. 

Durch die Apotheken zu beziehen. — - Muster kostenfrei ab Fabrik. 

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