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^^G  1  0  1990 


By  the  same  author: 



ALAN  C.  JENKINS,  f.r.g.s.. f.z.s. 





Printed  in  Chechoslovakia 

T  546 

WE  love  the  cat:  it  is  so  cosy.  Its  purr  of  contentment  is  the  voice  of  home,  redolent 
of  the  welcoming  hearth,  the  kettle  on  the  hob.  We  pity  the  dog's  servility,  its 
trusting  eyes  that  turn  its  master  into  a  demi-god  who  dispenses  food  and  exciting 
expeditions,  even  if  the  latter  are  only  through  the  local  park.  But  the  horse  evokes  other 
sentiments.  It  is  admiration  that  we  feel  for  him,  admiration  not  untinged  with  awe.  The 
horse  embodies  that  irresistible  combination  of  beauty  and  strength;  the  feminine  and  the 
masculine  are  both  contained  within  him. 

The  cat  has  earned  its  milk  by  keeping  ward  over  Man's  granaries,  though  from  time  to 
time  too  close  an  association  with  witches  has  made  it  suspect.  The  dog,  creeping  out  in  the 
dawn  of  time  to  scavenge  round  human  settlements,  adopted  Man  and  has  earned  its  keep 
by  guarding  our  flocks.  Cat  and  dog  have  been  like  fustian  servitors  who  have  become  friends 
of  the  family. 

But  the  horse  has  trod  prouder  ways  than  that.  The  horse  has  helped  to  make  history  — 
indeed,  the  history  of  the  horse  is  in  many  ways  the  history  of  Man.  Even  when  it  was 
drawing  a  plough,  no  less  than  when  it  was  smelling  the  battle  from  afar  off,  it  was  helping 
Man  to  create  the  civilisation  which  has  produced  such  a  bewildering  pattern  of  beauty  and 
cruelty,  wisdom  and  folly. 

When  most  people  think  of  the  horse  of  the  past  they  conjure  up  a  vision  of  proud  chargers 
pawing  the  earth,  mightily  clad  in  chain  mail,  with  fearsome  spikes  on  their  brows;  pon- 
derously bearing  armoured  knights  who  rode  out  to  joust  with  their  rivals  for  the  honour 
of  fair  ladies,  as  in  the  lists  in  which  Ivanhoe  fought. 


But  it  was  long  ages  before  the  horse  was  capable  even  of  carrying  a  man,  let  alone  a  warrior 
weighed  down  with  casque  and  breastplate.  In  fact,  if  we  go  far  enough  back  —  some  fifty 
million  years  —  we  find  the  ancestor  of  the  horse  an  insignificant  four-toed  creature  the  size 
of  a  hare  with  a  name  almost  as  long  as  itself,  for  the  zoologists  call  it  Hyracotherium  and 
say  that  it  roamed  the  earth  during  the  Eocene  age. 

With  time  —  and  time  indeed  is  relative,  so  that  'a  thousand  ages  are  like  an  evening  gone' 
—  this  dwarf  flourished  and  became  twice  the  size  and  acquired  a  new  name,  Mesohippus. 
A  mere  twenty  odd  million  years  ago  it  had  made  still  further  progress  and  was  now  the 
Merychippus,  a  genus  which  developed  into  the  Pliohippus  which  was  approaching  the  size 
of  a  Shetland  pony,  and  so  at  last  to  the  genuine  Equus  which  walked  on  one  toe  only,  indeed 
we  could  say  on  its  toe-nail,  for  that  is  what  its  hoof  consists  of  as  anyone  who  has  seen 
a  neglected  horse  will  realise.  In  this  it  is  unique  and  has  been  one  of  the  most  absorbing 
examples  in  evolution  and  you  can  still  see  the  link  with  the  far-off  Hyracotherium  in  the 
vestiges  of  the  toes  on  a  horse's  fore-legs. 

The  first  record  we  have  of  Man's  interest  in  horses  is  embodied  in  the  exciting  paintings  on 
the  walls  of  such  caves  as  Lascaux  in  the  Dordogne  or  Altamira  in  Spain  and  the  more  recently 
discovered  caves  of  the  Sahara.  These  remarkable  paintings  are  of  wild  horses  that  roamed 
all  over  the  vast  plains  of  Europe  and  Asia;  prehistoric  man  hunted  them  for  their  flesh  as  he 
hunted  the  bison  and  the  deer.  In  some  countries  the  taste  for  horse-flesh  still  continues  and 
in  Paris  it  is  so  accepted  that  horse  butchers  exhibit  a  special  sign  of  a  horse's  head  in  gilt. 
Nowadays  the  direct  descendants  of  those  same  wild  horses  linger  on  in  Mongolia,  an  echo 
of  the  days  when  our  ancestors  went  about  in  skins  and  stumbled  upon  such  wondrous 
discoveries  as  smelting  iron. 

Secure  in  its  swiftness,  the  horse  kept  its  freedom  for  a  long  time.  The  dog  and  the  ox 
and  the  ass  had  all  gone  into  human  bondage  long  before  the  first  horse  felt  a  man's  knees 
gripping  its  sides  and  squealed  in  fury  at  the  insult.  It  must  indeed  have  made  that  man  seem 
a  very  god  as  he  rode  astride  what  he  considered  the  most  splendid  animal  in  creation  and 
it  is  easy  to  understand  how  the  myth  of  the  Centaur,  half  man,  half  horse,  grew  up.  To  men, 
perhaps  of  the  forest,  who  had  not  yet  encountered  the  horse,  the  first  sight  of  a  mounted 
man  must  have  been  an  awe-inspiring  moment,  just  as  the  Araucanian  Indians  were  won- 
derstruck  by  the  mounted  warriors  of  Cortez  and  Pisarro  who  brought  the  horse  to  the  New 

Perhaps  the  first  literary  reference  to  the  horse  as  a  mount  capable  of  carrying  a  man  in  the 
saddle  is  to  be  found  in  the  Second  Book  of  Kings,  in  which  Rabshakeh,  envoy  of  King 
Shalmaneser  of  Assyria,  said  to  He2ekiah,  King  of  Judah,  'I  will  deliver  thee  two  thousand 
horses,  if  thou  be  able  on  thy  part  to  set  riders  upon  them.' 

Chariot-horses,  both  for  sport  and  warfare,  had  been  in  use  for  much  longer,  even  as  far 
back  as  the  ninth  century  B.  c,  while  later  on,  chariot  races  were  a  regular  feature  of  Greek 
and  Roman  games,  a  sport  that  has  its  modern  counterpart  in  the  trotting-races  held  in  the 
Soviet  Union  and  the  United  States  of  America.  Boudicca  (Boadicea),  Queen  of  the  Iceni, 
springs  to  mind  at  the  mention  of  chariots,  in  which  she  and  her  woad-painted  tribesmen 
descended  upon  Londinium  in  the  last  savage  revolt  of  the  Britons  against  the  Roman 

But  cavalry  as  such  was  a  later  development  and  it  was  in  the  East  that  its  use  was  first 
employed  on  a  large  scale.  The  Golden  Hordes  of  Genghis  Khan  in  the  twelfth  century  and 
the  warriors  of  Tamurlane  two  hundred  years  later,  were  mounted  on  swift,  agile,  shaggy 
Mongolian  ponies,  from  which,  with  bow  and  arrow,  they  fought  a  highly  mobile  campaign 
in  a  manner  small  boys  associate  with  Red  Indians. 

But  in  Europe  it  was  only  in  the  seventeenth  century  that  cavalry  became  an  accepted 
branch  of  warfare.  Most  people  think  of  Oliver  Cromwell  as  a  politician,  even  a  dictator.  It  is 
largely  forgotten  that  he  was  a  brilliant  general  in  his  own  right  and  it  was  he  who  first 
perceived  the  value  of  cavalry  as  a  devastating  massed  blow  once  the  enemy  had  begun  to 
waver.  Some  military  authorities  even  say  that  Cromwell's  use  of  his  cavalry  at  Marston 
Moor  and  Naseby  was  the  pattern  for  Napoleon's  victory  at  Jena. 

The  horse  has  indeed  stamped  its  imprint  upon  the  pages  of  history. 

The  development  of  the  horse,  as  distinct  from  its  evolution,  was,  from  Man's  point  of  view, 
also  a  lengthy  process  even  though  measured  in  generations  rather  than  eons.  Hundreds  of 
years  passed  before  men  began  consciously  to  breed  a  finer  horse  and  develop  distinct  breeds. 
Early  Man  would  have  been  more  familiar  with  the  rugged  little  pony  of  the  Dartmoor  crags 
or  that  nimble,  foam-maned  mount  which  the  gardiens  of  the  Camargue  ride  when  they  tend 
the  black  bulls  than  with  the  massive  Suffolk  Punches  whose  cumbrous  hooves  trampled  the 
soil  in  later  ages  or  the  fiery  Arab  whose  proud  eye  and  curving  nostril  is  the  essence  of 
equine  majesty. 

In  England,  William  the  Conqueror  was  one  of  the  first  to  take  an  interest  in  improving 
the  horse.  He  introduced  Spanish  horses  to  the  country  and  forbade  the  use  of  the  horse  in 

ploughing.  The  horse  was  considered  too  noble  for  such  menial  work,  for  which  the  humble 
ox  was  more  fitted.  In  order  to  obtain  a  horse  capable  of  carrying  knights  clad  in  all  the 
ironmongery  of  the  day  (a  ton  and  a  half  of  it  sometimes).  King  John  imported  Flemish 
stallions  into  the  country;  and  successive  kings,  whatever  their  other  follies,  were  wise  enough 
to  appreciate  the  incalculable  value  of  the  horse  in  the  service  of  Man:  indeed,  did  not  one  of 
them  on  a  notable  occasion  vainly  offer  his  kingdom  in  exchange  for  a  horse? 

But  as  for  the  English  'thoroughbred'  (a  term  which  has  become  current  usage  in  so  many 
walks  of  life  and  also  so  many  languages),  the  most  important  events  undoubtedly  took  place 
at  the  beginning  of  the  eighteenth  century  when  three  famous  Arab  stallions  were  imported, 
namely  the  Byerley  Turk,  the  Darley  Arabian,  and  the  Godolphin  Arab.  Oldest  and  most 
beautiful  of  all  breeds,  the  Arab  is  the  king  of  horses.  Its  Arabic  name  of  'Kehilan'  means 
indeed  thoroughbred  and  for  thousands  of  years  the  Arabs  of  the  desert  jealously  guarded 
its  reputation  and  its  pedigree.  It  is  from  such  stock  that  many  of  the  horses  that  hit  the 
headlines  today  are  descended. 

But  whether  pedigree  or  piebald,  pony  or  charger,  the  horse  has  been  Man's  constant  compan- 
ion. It  has  helped  to  shape  great  empires;  it  has  helped  man  to  win  his  daily  bread.  It  has 
provided  him  with  sport  and  relaxation,  from  the  armoured  knight  tilting  at  the  quintain  to 
the  hard-riding  squire  crashing  his  way  over  the  hedges.  It  has  taken  Man  on  his  pilgrimages, 
as  in  the  days  of  Chaucer;  it  has  borne  him  to  his  last  resting-place  in  the  grave. 

Man  has  ridden  the  horse  through  the  ages  on  his  marvellous  quest  in  search  of  the  Truth; 
now  he  has  dismounted  and  goes  forward  in  his  machines  which,  like  Frankenstein's  monster, 
threaten  to  become  the  master.  Is  it  old-fashioned  to  wonder  sometimes  if  the  pace  of  the 
horse  was  not  a  pleasanter  gait? 


The  author  and  publishers  wish  to  thank  the  following  for  permission  to  use  copyright  material: 
Major  J.  L.  S.  Andrews,  The  King's  Troop,  Royal  Horse  Artillery,  London  N.  W.  8,  plate  34; 
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Thanks  are  also  due  to  the  following  for  permission  to  make  certain  quotations  in  the  text:  The 
Hon.  V.  SackviUe-West,  author  of  'The  Land';  Mr  Maurice  Hindus  and  Messrs  William  Collins, 
author  and  publishers  respectively  of  'The  Cossacks';  Messrs  Longmans,  Green  and  Co.  Ltd,  pub- 
lishers of 'The  English  Heritage'  series;  the  Society  of  Authors  as  the  Literary  Representative  of  the 
Trustees  of  the  Estate  of  the  late  A.  E.  Housman,  and  Messrs  Jonathan  Cape  Ltd,  pubhshersof 
A.  E.  Housman's  'Collected  Poems'. 

This  was  the  horse  our  cavemen  ancestors  knew.  Its  primeval  antecedents  are  apparent  in  its 
appearance.  It  is  a  horse,  yet  somehow  not  quite  a  horse  and,  indeed,  Lydekker,  the  great 
naturalist,  described  it  as  'being  intermediate  in  character  between  the  horse  on  the  one  hand 
and  the  kiang  and  onager  on  the  other'. 

Swift,  agile,  hardy,  it  is  the  only  true  wild  horse  that  survives.  In  ever-decreasing  numbers 
it  grazes  the  remote  steppes  of  Mongolia.  It  is  known  as  Prejevalski's  Horse  after  the  Russian 
explorer  who  'discovered'  it  during  the  last  century. 

Another  early  horse.  In  fact,  the  first  horse  that  many  of  us  encounter.  The  rocking  horse  in 
the  nursery  is  often  a  child's  first  memory.  He  may  not  run  in  the  3.30,  but  'Dobbin  Grey' 
('He  could  amble.  He  could  trot.  All  around  the  chimney-pot')  has  run  many  a  thrilling  race 
in  childish  imagination. 

But  for  many  of  us,  our  first  encounter  with  all  the  excitement  and  beauty  of  the  horse  is  at 
the  circus,  with  its  magic  fairyland  of  red-nosed  clowns  and  acrobats  and  tinsel  ladies  riding 
bareback.  The  use  of  performing  animals  for  entertainment  is  a  controversial  issue,  but 
nobody  could  suggest  that  these  Danish  Knabstrupps  at  Olympia  are  in  any  way  browbeaten. 
The  circus  in  this  country  originates  from  a  dashing  sergeant-major  of  Dragoons,  Philip 
Astley.  Tired  of  regimental  drills  and  ceremonials,  he  took  to  bareback  riding,  found  it  paid, 
and  built  up  a  circus  that  was  patronised  by  kings  and  princes  from  all  over  Europe.  In  their 
novels,  both  Dickens  and  Thackeray  describe  visits  to  Astley's  which  stood  on  a  site  in 
Lambeth  facing  Westminster  Bridge. 

Whether  it  is  the  rocking  horse  or  the  circus  that  sparks  off  the  idea,  many  a  child  dreams  of 
a  pony  of  its  own.  The  increasing  popularity  of  riding  for  children  is  shown  by  the  fact  that 
the  Pony  Club  has  become  the  largest  horse  association  in  the  world,  with  branches  in 
countries  as  far  apart  as  the  United  States  and  India. 

But  if  Henry  VIII  had  had  his  way,  at  any  rate  in  England,  there  would  have  been  no 
ponies  to  ride;  for  in  order  to  improve  the  quality  of  the  English  horse  he  forbade  the  keeping 
of  horses  under  fifteen  hands,  or  'little  stand  horses  and  nags  of  small  stature',  as  he  called 
them,  and  ordered  any  wild  ones  to  be  rounded  up  and  killed.  It  is  only  because  some  of 
these  escaped  to  wilder  places,  such  as  Dartmoor  and  Exmoor  and  the  Welsh  hills,  that  any 
of  our  native  breeds  of  pony  survive  today. 

In  cities  and  towns  the  trouble  is  that 
very  often  the  only  horses  to  be  seen 
are  in  the  form  of  statues.  Many 
people  will  recognise  this  fiery  group 
of  Queen  Boudicca  (Boadicea)  and 
her  daughters  who  led  the  British 
tribes  in  revolt  against  the  Roman 
legions.  The  ancient  Britons  were 
expert  charioteers  and  used  their  wiry 
ponies  with  immense  skill,  though  it 
is  doubtful  whether  their  horses  were 
quite  as  sleek  and  handsome  as  the 
sculptor  has  portrayed  them  here. 

The  beauty  and  majesty  of  the  horse  has  been  a  source  of  inspiration  to  the  artist  throughout 
the  ages.  From  the  stone-carved  hunting  scenes  of  the  Assyrians  to  the  majestic  canvases 
of  Velasquez  he  has  striven  to  express  his  admiration  for  this  animal  that  has  meant  so  much 
to  mankind. 

r  '-Pi  ^ 

*..,  * 

Apart  from  statues  there  are  always  the  Mounted  Police  with  their  wise,  patient  horses  whose 
equanimity  no  amount  of  din  or  confusion,  including  brass  bands  and  fireworks,  can  disturb. 
Brought  to  a  perfection  of  control  by  months  of  arduous  training  at  Imber  Court,  these 
magnificent  horses  help  to  handle  vast  crowds  firmly  but  gently.  There  are  still  199  horses 
in  the  Mounted  Branch  of  the  Metropolitan  Police,  while  the  next  largest  mounted  force  in 
the  country  is  in  Lancashire,  which  has  twenty-six.  It  costs  about  £  1 2  5  a  year  to  keep  a  police 
horse  in  fodder,  bedding,  shoeing,  stable  equipment  and  veterinary  attention. 

But  the  horse  has  always  served  man  as  an  individual,  not  mankind  in  general,  and  it  did  not 
concern  him  whether  he  kept  the  Queen's  Peace  or  helped  to  make  hazardous  the  King's 
Highway.  One  of  the  most  renowned  horses  in  history  was  Black  Bess,  reputed  to  have 
carried  Dick  Turpin  on  his  legendary  ride  to  York. 

Forerunners  of  the  Mounted  Police  were  the  Bow  Street  'Horse  Patroles',  which  were 
composed  of  ex-Dragoons  who  wore  a  uniform  of  a  leathern  hat,  blue  coat  with  yellow 
buttons,  blue  trousers,  and  the  same  scarlet  waistcoat  that  the  Bow  Street  Runners  wore. 
They  were  armed  to  the  teeth  with  cutlasses,  pistols  and  truncheons,  and  were  splendidly 
mounted;  as  indeed  they  had  to  be  in  dealing  with  such  desperadoes  as  'Sixteen-String'  Jack 
Rann,  a  highwayman  who  was  eventually  dragged  off  to  gaol  wearing  'darbies'  weighing 
upwards  of  42  lbs.  The  roads  between  Hounslow  and  Blackheath  were  a  terror  for  the 
traveller  and  the  Horse  Patroles  came  on  beat  between  five  and  seven  o'clock  every  evening 
at  a  distance  of  five  miles  from  London,  and  patrolled  the  roads  until  midnight,  for  which 
their  weekly  wage  was  twenty-eight  shillings. 

Sometimes  horses  themselves  have  to  be  rounded  up,  as  well  as  men  —  though  for  different 
reasons.  In  the  vast  spaces  of  the  Australian  outback  the  'brumbies'  roam.  These  are  not 
genuinely  wild  horses  although  they  pass  much  of  their  life  in  complete  freedom,  with  only 
the  kangaroos  and  the  dingoes  for  company.  Many  of  the  brumby  herds  date  from  the  days 
of  the  1 8  5 1  Gold  Rush  when  men,  seized  by  the  fever  for  quick  riches,  abandoned  everything, 
leaving  their  stock  to  fend  for  itself.  Now  on  the  skyline  a  man  comes  to  threaten  the  freedom 
of  some  of  the  brumbies. 



Now  the  round-up  is  in  full  swing.  Full  tilt  the  wild  horses  are  driven  towards  the  distant 
corrals  where  they  will  start  a  very  different  life. 

In  view  of  the  fact  that  so  much  of  Australia  is  ideally  suited  for  horse  breeding,  it  is  strange 
to  think  that  the  horse  was  unknown  there  until  it  was  introduced  by  western  man  at  the 
end  of  the  eighteenth  century. 

The  Australian  'waler',  a  mixture  of  Dutch,  Spanish,  Arab  and  English  breeds,  is  a  fine 
saddle  horse  and  a  bold  jumper.  At  one  time  it  held  the  record  for  the  world's  highest  ridden 
jump,  eight  feet  four  inches. 

All  over  the  world  the  round-up  goes  on,  for  man  is  eager  to  exploit  the  animal  which  has 
rendered  him  more  service  than  any  other.  The  Cossacks  have  for  centuries  been  renowned 
horsemen  and  even  during  the  last  war,  in  which  aircraft  and  tanks  predominated,  Cossack 
Cavalry  often  struck  terror  into  the  enemy.  This  drove  of  horses  is  being  rounded  up  on 
a  Collective  farm  in  the  Caucasus. 

Maurice  Hindus  once  wrote:  'One  of  the  Cossack's  great  loves  was  the  horse.  He  fondled 
it,  flattered  it,  whistled  to  it,  sang  to  it,  bestowed  on  it  his  deepest  solicitude,  his  tenderest 
words.  It  was  his  comrade  in  arms,  it  carried  him  to  faraway  lands  and  battlefields.' 

All  but  one  or  two  of  these  horses  are  honey-coloured  palominos.  Proud  will  be  the  men  who 
riac  them.  Australian  range-riders  are  second  to  none  in  their  prowess. 

When  the  round-up  is  complete  and  the  gates  of  the  stockade  have  been  slammed,  then  comes 
the  moment  of  indignity.  The  horse  attains  the  zenith  of  its  powers  in  the  service  of  man, 
but  first  it  has  to  be  broken  to  the  will  of  man  and  it  fights  desperately  for  the  freedom  it  has 
left  behind.  It  is  odd  that  the  English,  with  their  long  love  for  horses,  should  use  the  term 
horse-breaking,  for  what  we  really  mean  is  horse-making.  In  Chile  they  speak  of  'horse- 

-ft-  ^ 

Gradually  the  horse  comes  to  recognise  the  authority  of  man  and  is  content  to  do  his  bidding. 
His  training  does  not  necessarily  start  when  he  is  young;  for  some  types  of  work  horses  are 
between  five  and  seven  years  of  age  before  any  attempt  is  made  to  school  them.  This  is 
a  scene  in  the  basic  training  of  a  new  horse  (which  may  have  cost  up  to  £200)  in  the  Mounted 
Police.  First  he  learns  to  obey  verbal  instructions  and  then  the  rein. 

The  horse  is  the  servant  of  man,  but  nothing  could  be  less  servile  than  the  proud  alertness 
with  which  he  surveys  the  world.  'His  neigh  is  like  the  bidding  of  a  monarch  and  his  coun- 
tenance enforces  homage'  (Henry  V). 

1^^^^^^      Jf-?^ 




p^       1    Jr 





Pride  indeed  is  manifest  in  every  movement  of  the  horse.  The  arched  necks  of  this  Russian 
troika  are  redolent  of  strength  and  beauty.  The  troika  is  essentially  a  Russian  form  of  driving 
and  the  word  derives  from  the  number  of  horses  involved,  namely,  three.  A  troika  can  draw 
either  a  wheeled  vehicle  or  a  sleigh  and  readers  of  Tolstoy's  'War  and  Peace'  will  remember 

Natasha's  exciting  ride  when  she  went  to  visit  the  Melyukovs.  'Bang,  bang!  went  the  first 
sledge  over  a  cradle-hole  in  the  snow  of  the  road,  and  each  of  the  other  sledges  jolted  in  the 
same  way,  and  rudely  breaking  the  frostbound  stillness  the  troikas  began  to  speed  along  the 
road  one  after  the  other.' 






The  first  thing  that  springs  to  mind  when  we  think  of  horses  is  work.  Though  the  tractor 
is  becoming  more  and  more  predominant  there  are  still  parts  of  the  country  where  horses 
help  man  to  win  his  daily  bread.  Yet  it  was  many  centuries  before  the  horse  was  used  as  a  farm 
animal.  In  the  Domesday  Book  the  ox  is  the  only  draught  animal  mentioned  in  connection 
with  the  plough;  not  until  the  twelfth  century  was  the  horse  yoked  with  oxen  for  that  pur- 
pose. Possibly  one  reason  for  the  increased  use  of  the  horse  was  the  'yellow  plague',  which, 
in  the  middle  ages,  devastated  domestic  animals,  particularly  cattle. 

'Is  my  team  ploughing. 
That  I  was  used  to  drive. 
And  hear  the  harness  jingle. 
When  I  was  man  alive?' 

A.  E.  Housman:  A  Shropshire  Lad 

In  the  days  of  William  the  Conqueror  it  was  forbidden  by  law  to  use  the  horse  for  ploughing. 
The  horse  was  considered  too  noble  for  such  menial  work;  even  in  Victoria's  reign  oxen 
could  still  be  seen  dragging  the  plough. 




^1*1  • 

i^:^MI-  . 


All  over  the  world  the  horse  toils  in  the  fields.  Even  in  Denmark,  with  its  intensive  farming, 
horse  teams  haul  the  combines  when  the  oats  are  harvested.  There  are  more  than  half  a  mil- 
lion horses  in  this  small  country. 

'Leave  the  cut  swath  all  day;  and  air  by  rake 
Next  morning  and,  if  weather  still  be  set. 
Gather  to  cocks  for  carting,  but  should  wet 
Flatten  the  cocks,  then  shall  you  tedd  and  shake 
Again  when  sun  return  .  .  .' 

V.  Sackville  West:  The  Land 



In  France  particularly  farmers  cling  to  the  horse  in  preference  to  the  machine  and  their  sturdy 
Percherons  render  tireless  work  in  the  rich  plains  of  the  French  Middle  West,  the  granary 
of  France.  The  Percheron,  which  was  developed  in  a  district  of  Eastern  Normandy  kxiown 
as  La  Perche,  is  perhaps  the  most  popular  and  famous  heavy  draught  horse  in  existence. 
It  is  exceptionally  short  legged  but  at  the  same  time  surprisingly  active  and  is  docile  enough 
to  be  easily  handled. 

The  service  the  horse  gives  to  man  is  as  varied  as  it  is  ungrudging.  In  the  forests  we  find 
them  at  work  hauling  the  timber  which  plays  such  an  essential  part  in  our  lives. 

Even  'snaking'  home  a  solitary  log  for  the  family  hearth  is  useful.  Here  a  Vermont  farmer, 
in  the  north  east  of  the  United  States,  fills  in  the  idle  winter  days  by  cleaning  up  windfalls 
from  his  land.  The  horse  he  uses  for  his  farm  chores  is  primarily  of  the  native  Vermont  breed 
known  as  the  Morgan.  Short  and  stocky,  about  14  hands,  and  1,000  lbs  in  weight,  the 
Morgan  is  an  exceptionally  strong  work  horse. 

Maple  syrup  is  a  useful  sideline  for  Vermont  farmers  and  here  a  team  of  Morgans  hauls  the 
maple-sap  to  the  farm  sugarhouse  for  processing. 

More  logs  to  be  hauled  and  this  time  near  the  Arctic  Circle.  Here  hardy  Finnish  horses  drag 
sledge  loads  of  timber,  the  'green  gold'  of  Finland,  to  the  saw  mill.  As  one  would  expect, 
the  medium-si2ed  Finnish  horses  are  as  tough  as  their  masters  and  agile  as  well.  Yet  they  are 
used  almost  exclusively  for  draught  purposes  and  the  sight  of  a  mounted  man  in  Finland  is 
larer  than  snowflakes  at  Midsummer. 

And  when  the  logs  have  been  sawn  into  standards  the  horses  haul  them  to  the  rail-head  .  . 
where  the  iron  horse  takes  over. 

t.«A.    «is«-i»«k^ 



Unusual  jobs  are  all  in  the  day's  work  for  the  horse.  At  one  time  many  lifeboats  were  hauled 
to  and  from  the  sea  by  teams  of  Shire  horses  such  as  these.  Many  a  seaman's  life  may  have 
depended  on  equine  speed  and  strength.  Some  of  these  'Lifeboat  Horses'  used  to  recognise 
the  maroon  which  was  fired  to  summon  the  Lifeboat  crew.  Long  after  its  retirement  one  of  the 
horses  which  regularly  helped  to  haul  the  Hoylake  Lifeboat  heard  a  maroon  fired  one  day 
when  it  was  working  in  the  neighbouring  fields.  It  immediately  became  very  excited  and 
made  for  the  boathouse.  In  its  eagerness  it  had  a  heart  attack  and  dropped  down  dead. 

Almost  alone  in  the  cities,  where  the  stink  and  din  of  motor  traffic  prevails,  a  few  brewers 
still  maintain  with  pride  their  magnificent  teams  of  dray  horses.  The  slow-moving  but 
immensely  powerful  Shire  horse  is  capable  of  drawing  a  weight  of  five  tons.  It  is  probably 
descended  from  the  so-called  Great  Horse  of  England  which  was  bred  to  carry  armoured 
knights  who  were  probably  wearing  as  much  as  a  ton  and  a  half  of  armour. 

The  usual  idea  of  the  shepherd  is  of 
a  lonely  figure  leaning  on  his  crook 
watching  his  flock.  But  in  the  Welsh 
hills  the  shepherds  often  take  to 
horseback  to  round  up  their  sheep 
and  bring  them  down  for  shearing. 
Wales  has  produced  some  excellent 
horses,  notably  the  Welsh  Cob  which 
has  been  used  to  up-grade  trotting 
horses  in  various  countries,  while 
the  little  Welsh  Mountain  Pony  has 
earned  a  reputation  for  courage, 
strength  and  intelligence,  whether  as 
a  child's  mount  or  as  a  pit  pony. 

On  the  other  side  of  the  world,  ten  thousand  miles  away,  Australian  farmers  mount  their 
horses  to  bring  the  cattle  in  for  inspection.  The  gray  mare  looking  on  has  not  lost  her  rider 
but  has  come  along  of  her  own  accord  for  the  fun  of  it. 


But  there  was  no  fun  in  war:  yet,  faithful  to  man,  the  horse  bore  him  even  unto  death.  The 
motto  of  the  horse  through  the  ages  might  well  have  been  'Theirs  not  to  reason  why  .  .  .' 
The  charge  of  the  Light  Brigade  at  Balaclava,  caused  as  it  was  by  the  reckless  folly  of  com- 
manding officers,  was  one  of  the  most  stirring  and  valiant  cavalry  actions  in  history.  Of  it 

a  French  general  made  his  famous  remark,  'C'est  magnifique,  mais  ce  n'est  pas  la  guerre. ' 
Horses  and  men  were  decimated  to  a  tragic  extent,  as  this  picture  of  the  roll  call  after  the 
action  shows. 

The  horse  has  indeed  stamped  its  imprint  on  the  pages  of  history.  It  has  helped  to  overthrow 
dictators  and  to  establish  great  empires.  The  victories  of  Napoleon  were  dependent  to  a  consid- 
erable degree  on  his  use  of  cavalry  which,  he  declared,  was  'equally  effective  at  the  beginning, 
in  the  middle,  and  at  the  end  of  a  battle'.  His  own  defeat  at  Waterloo  was  hastened  by  the 
charge  of  the  Scots  Greys. 

Nowadays,  perhaps  fortunately,  the  use  of  horses  in  battle  is  a  thing  of  the  past.  One  of  the 
few  remaining  Cavalry  Units,  the  King's  Troop,  is  used  for  ceremonial  purposes. 

'  ■v^M'T 

i  \ 


Another  stirring  sight 
no  longer  to  be  seen  is 
the  horse-drawn  fire- 
engine  that  went  career- 
ing through  the  streets 
at  break-neck  speed, 
whooped  on  by  small 

Famed  in  song  and  verse  and  story  as  a  mighty  man,  the  smith  was  once  an  essential  character 
of  the  English  scene.  Now,  alas!  he  is  rarely  encountered,  a  fact  which  runs  parallel  to  the 
diminishing  use  of  the  horse. 

'What  more  exciting  than  the  roar  of  the  blast',  wrote  Stanley  Baldwin  in  The  English 
Heritage;  'and  even  now  I  can  still  feel  the  thrill  which  stirred  my  small  heart  when  I  was 
allowed  to  work  the  big  bellows  .  .  .  How  exciting,  too,  the  smell  of  the  smithy!  The  curious 
acrid  smell  of  water  thrown  on  the  red  hot  iron,  the  warm  steam  of  the  cart  horses,  the 

burning  hoof  when  the 
shoe  was  being  fitted. 
And  how  I  admired 
when  the  smith  himself 
hit  the  shoe  by  accident 
against  his  palm  and 
nothing  happened  but 
the  sizzling  noise  of 
burnt  horn  and  an  ex- 
clamation of  justifiable 
dissatisfaction  at  his 
own  clumsy  workman- 
ship. How  I  longed  to 
have  a  homy  hand!' 


'♦     '^v 

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i'     Mi[' 

All  work  and  no  play  is  good  for  neither  man  nor  horse.  Among  the  most  eagerly  awaited 
events  of  the  farmers'  year  are  the  point-to-point  races  organised  by  different  hunts.  The 
heyday  of  steeple-chasing  was  in  the  eighteenth  and  early  nineteenth  centuries  when  hard- 
riding  squires  rode  hell-for-leather  across  country,  using  surrounding  church  steeples  as 
their  landmarks. 

Hunting  nowadays  would  be  non-existent  were  it  not  for  the  support  of  farmers.  Not  only 
is  it  across  their  land  that  the  hunt  takes  place  but  it  is  also  the  farmers  themselves  who  are 
its  keenest  supporters. 

'  "I  means",  said  Mr  Jorrocks,  "you'll  be  desperation  fond  of  'unting?" 

'  "Fond  o'  huntin'!"  replied  James  Pigg.  "O  faith  is  I  —  there's  nout  like  huntin'.  "  ' 

Many  a  farm  horse,  ridden  by  many  a  farmer,  has  been  entered  in  the  toughest,  most  famous 
steeplechase  in  the  world,  the  Grand  National.  Becher's  Brook  and  Valentine's  are  household 
words  to  people  who  would  hardly  know  one  end  of  a  horse  from  another.  The  first  real 
Grand  National  or  'The  Great  Steeplechase'  as  it  was  known,  was  run  in  1859  ^^^  "^^^  '^°^ 
by  a  horse  named  Lottery,  ridden  by  James  Mason.  One  of  the  greatest  steeplechasers  ever 
was  the  famous  Golden  Miller  which,  in  addition  to  winning  the  Grand  National  in  1934 
(in  9  minutes  2o|  seconds,  despite  the  fact  that  it  was  carrying  twelve  stone  two  pounds), 
carried  off  the  prize  in  twenty-eight  other  races,  including  the  Cheltenham  Gold  Cup  for 
five  successive  years. 

The  English  have  for 
long  been  famous  for 
their  devotion  to  horses 
and  their  experience  in 
breeding.  As  far  as  the 
English  thoroughbred 
is  concerned  the  most 
important  event  un- 
doubtedly took  place  at 
the  beginning  of  the 
eighteenth  century  when 
three  famous  Arab  stal- 
lions were  imported, 
namely,  the  Byerley 
Turk,  the  Darley  Arab- 
ian, and  the  Godol- 
phin  Arab.  It  is  now  we 
who  export  breeding 
stock,  and  buyers  from 
all  over  the  world  at- 
tend the  bloodstock 
sales  at  Newmarket. 
There  is  money  in  it, 
and  this  chestnut  foal 
by  Fair  Trial  out  of 
Monsoon  was  sold  to 
an  American  buyer  for 
19,000  guineas,  the 
largest  sum  ever  paid 
for  a  foal  at  an  auction 
in  this  country. 

There's  hard  work  in 
it,  too,  and  the  training 
of  a  racehorse  is  a  skilled 
and  delicate  job. 



And  the  culmination  of  it  all  is  the  Derby,  the  most  famous  race  in  the  world.  Racing  has 
been  called  the  Sport  of  Kings,  but  though  kings  become  fewer  and  fewer,  the  popularity 
of  racing  continues,  right  down  to  the  humblest  errand-boy  who  chances  his  'two  bob 
each  way*. 


In  many  countries,  notably  the  Soviet  Union  and  the  United  States,  trotting  races  are  more 
popular  than  ordinary  riding  races.  They  are  a  link  with  the  chariot  races  that  took  place 
in  Greek  and  Roman  arenas  two  thousand  and  more  years  ago.  In  the  Soviet  Union  the 
'hippodromes'  (as  the  racetracks  are  correctly  known)  are  part  of  the  State  measures  taken 
to  develop  pedigree  breeding.  It  is  forbidden  to  use  horses  of  non-pedigree  stock  or  those 
which  have  inherited  faults  such  as  stringhalt. 

Great  attention  has  been  paid  in  Russia  to  breeding  trotters,  the  most  famous  of  these  being 
the  Orlov  breed,  named  after  a  Russian  nobleman  of  the  eighteenth  century.  The  Orlov 
trotter  has  a  pleasing  sprightly  action  and  is  a  fast  runner.  The  record  holder  was  the  mare 
Utekha  which  covered  6,400  metres  in  8  minutes  5  5  seconds.  In  winter  trotters  race  on  an 
ice  track,  wearing  special  shoes  with  sharp  crampons. 

Polo  originated  in  China,  spread  to  India  and,  as  'Hockey  on  horseback',  was  brought  to 
England  by  the  loth  Hussars  in  about  1 870.  The  Hussars  had  seen  with  admiration  the  game 
being  played  by  the  Manipuries,  one  of  the  Frontier  hill  tribes,  who  rode  tough  little  ponies 
only  1 1  or  1 2  hands.  Nowadays  a  rather  larger  pony  of  about  1 5  hands  is  used,  but  it  remains 
one  of  the  wiriest,  gamest  and  most  intelligent  of  animals,  which  enjoys  the  game  as  much  as 
its  rider  does. 

As  in  many  other  games,  English  enthusiasm  for  polo  has  resulted  in  its  becoming  popular 
in  many  countries.  Consequently  polo  ponies  are  great  travellers.  Teams  from  the  Argentine 
come  to  Cowdray  Park;  English  teams  visit  the  United  States.  The  polo  ponies  in  these 
pictures  have  travelled  by  air  from  Baghdad. 

But  strength  counts  as  well  as  speed.  What  could  portray  the  power  of  the  norse  better  than 
this  Jutland  stallion,  a  type  of  horse  used  extensively  in  Denmark. 

A  match  for  it  in  strength  is  the  Clydesdale,  a  magnificent  breed  which  combines  weight,  size 
and  activity.  Upgraded  by  the  introduction  of  Flemish  stallions,  the  Clydesdale  was  developed 
in  Lanarkshire  in  the  mid-eighteenth  century.  One  of  its  outstanding  characteristics  is  that 
it  has  quality  and  strength  without  being  gross  and  bulky  in  appearance,  and  this  is  well 
exemplified  by  these  two  stallions  from  an  Ulster  farm. 

But  again  the  Percheron.  For  wherever  draught  horses  are  discussed  the  name  of  Percheron 
is  bound  to  crop  up.  This  superb  breed  became  well  known  in  Britain  during  the  first  world 
war,  when  Enghsh  farmers'  sons,  going  on  leave,  spread  reports  of  its  splendid  qualities. 
More  than  three  thousand  pure-bred  Percherons  have  been  registered  in  this  country  and  the 
breed  is  to  be  found  all  over  the  British  Dominions. 

Clearly  this  Ardennes  foal  was  born  on  a  Saturday 
and  it  will  have  to  work  hard  for  its  living. 



■TO#.;"    ->^'^W 


We  think  of  the  Soviet  Union  as  a  land  of  tractors,  but  draught  horses  still  have  much  to  do 
on  the  collective  farms.  Several  foreign  breeds,  such  as  the  Brabancon,  Ardennes  and  Clydes- 
dale, have  been  used  in  evolving  a  Russian  hea\7  draught  horse,  but  there  is  also  a  native 
heavy  breed  known  as  the  Beetewk. 

But  strength  and  toughness  isn't  the  monopoly  of  the  big  'uns.  Here  is  Manchado,  one  of 
the  toughest  ponies  ever.  This  was  one  of  the  pair  of  horses  with  which  the  late  A.  F.  Tschif- 
feley  made  his  famous  ride  across  two  continents  from  Chile  to  New  York.  Manchado  was 
already  sixteen  years  old  at  the  beginning  of  this  epic  adventure  through  tropical  jungle 
and  parching  desert. 

A  woman's  crowning  glory  is  her  hair;  many  a  woman  would  be  proud  of  tresses  Uke  these. 

But  the  horse  possesses  other  attributes  than  beauty,  strength  or  speed.  The  essence  of  wild 
savagery  is  manifest  in  these  fighting  stallions.  Nor  is  this  the  only  surprising  feature  of  the 
horse.  Who  would  expect  it  to  produce  milk,  even  as  the  humble  cow  does?  Yet  the  Kirghiz 
tribesmen  of  Central  Asia  milk  their  mares  daily  and  from  the  fermented  liquid  make  an 
alcoholic  drink  known  as  kumiss.  Equally  surprising  is  the  fact  that  horses  are  not  always 
simple  grass-eaters.  In  the  region  of  the  Persian  Gulf,  for  example,  dates  and  fish  are  common 
fare  for  them,  while  the  Tanghan  horses  of  Tibet  are  often  given  pig's  blood  and  raw  liver. 


\.i    -^ 



In  every  quarter  of  the  world  the  horse 
serves  Man;  even  on  the  edge  of  the 
Arctic.  The  Icelandic  pony  can  claim  to 
be  one  of  the  purest  breeds  in  Europe. 
It  was  first  introduced  into  Iceland  by 
Viking  settlers  more  than  a  thousand 
years  ago  and  during  the  last  800  years 
no  other  horses  or  ponies  have  been 
imported  into  the  country.  The  Ice- 
lander is  strong,  healthy  and  pretty  and 
is  one  of  the  very  few  breeds  of  horse 
acclimatised  to  Arctic  conditions.  Cap- 
tain Scott  used  Icelandic  ponies  during 
his  ill-fated  expedition  to  the  South 
Pole.  In  Iceland  pony-trekking  is  a  very 
popular  sport  and  these  hardy,  willing 
little  animals  are  ideally  suited  to  it. 
During  the  winter  the  ponies  stay  out 
in  all  weathers  and  fend  completely  for 


In  the  Far  West,  as  in  the  Far  North,  the  horse  works  with  man.  The  fine  horses  of  the  Royal 
Canadian  Mounted  Police  are  as  famous  as  the  Mounties  themselves. 


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We  take  the  Red  Indian  and  his  horse  for  granted,  yet  it  was  only  in  the  sixteenth  centun,' 
that  the  Spanish  Conquistadores  introduced  the  horse  into  the  American  continent. 

In  the  wildest  parts  of  the  world  the  horse  ventures  with  the  prospector.  The  horse  has  been 
the  companion  of  man  on  some  of  his  greatest  adventures  in  search  of  wealth. 



From  the  Arctic  to  the 
Tropics  the  horse  is  to 
be  found  wherever  man 
needs  him.  These  Per- 
cheron  brood  mares  are 
the  pride  of  a  South 
African  ranch. 

And  these  gaily  capar- 
isoned horses  are  the 
pride  of  Shehu  warriors 
in  Northern  Nigeria. 

From    the    thorough- 
bred .  . . 


...  to  the  pony  without 
a  pedigree  . . . 

From    the    farmer's 
workaday  mount .  .  . 

...  to  the  Champion  . 

he  is  Man's  friend. 

[n  any  language 

...  In  Man's  pleasure  ...  as  in 
this  riding  party  setting  out 
into  the  Sun  N'alley  of  Idaho  .  .  . 

or  this  sledge  load  of  Canadians  on  their  way  to  the  ski-slopes. 

110411' i** 

These  circus  Arabs  and  their  compani 

irc  rhc  pride  of  tnc  ring. 

But  what  are  those  striped  horses?  Wild 
cousins  of  the  horse,  the  zebras  still 
roam  the  African  veldt  in  their  hun- 
dreds, though  once  it  was  in  their 
thousands.  Another  species  of  zebra, 
the  quagga,  was  ruthlessly  hunted  by 
the  Boer  farmers  until  the  last  of  what 
had  once  been  numbered  in  millions 
disappeared,  one  of  the  worst  examples 
of  man's  thoughtless  greed,  on  a  level 
with  his  treatment  of  the  American 

It  is  not  impossible  to  train  the  zebra 
and  fifty  years  ago  a  pair  of  the  animals 
could  be  seen  drawing  a  carriage  in 
Hyde  Park. 

Another  cousin,  the  Wild  Ass,  still 
roams  the  arid  brush  of  Somaliland  and 
Ethiopia.  A  handsome,  strong,  bluish- 
grey  animal,  standing  as  much  as 
twelve  hands  at  the  withers,  it  is  swift 
and  graceful.  Even  bigger  is  the  Asiatic 
Wild  Ass,  the  Kiang,  which  still  exists 
in  Tibet  and  Mongolia,  sometimes  in 
the  hills  as  much  as  16,000  feet  above 

The  humble  domestic  donkey  goes 
on  bearing  its  load  through  the 
ages .  .  .  even  on  the  road  to 
Samarkand,  as  in  this  picture. 
Overworked,  derided,  the  donkey 
yet  made  one  journey  more  glo- 
rious than  any  its  more  glamorous 
cousin,  the  horse,  ever  carried  out. 

'Tell  ye  the  daughter  of  Sion, 
Behold,  thy  King  cometh  unto  thee. 
Meek,  and  sitting  upon  an  ass  . . .' 

Freedom  to  worship  in  their  own  way  was  the  compelling  motive  that  took  many  of  the  early 
settlers  to  America.  Here  their  descendants  ride  to  church  in  horse-drawn  buggies  whose 
style  has  not  changed  for  many  generations. 

And  here  other  Americans  go  visiting  friends  in  an  equally  old-fashioned  'surrey'. 




^r>  -r     ,fr-L'^ 


Ride  him,  cowboy! 

As  all  small  boys  know,  no  book  about  horses  would  be  complete  without  a  cowboy  or  two. 
One  of  the  most  colourful  cowboy  shows  is  the  Calgary  Stampede.  It  begins  with  a  three- 
mile-long  parade  of  some  3,000  participants,  including  red-coated  Mounties,  honest-to- 
goodness  cowpunchers,  Stoney,  Sarcee,  and  Blackfoot  Indian  chiefs,  braves,  squaws  and 
papooses  in  their  native  dress,  twenty  brass  bands,  pioneers  and  old-timers.  An  unforgettable 
sight,  full  of  fun  and  colour,  this  parade  reminds  Canadians  of  their  picturesque  heritage  — 
and  also  of  the  part  the  horse  has  played  in  their  history. 

r  ^?- 


And  if  there  are  still  small  boys  in  these  enUghtened  days  who  don't  know  how  to  tighten 
the  cinch  on  the  saddle  of  a  cow-pony,  here's  how  it's  done. 

It  goes  without  saying 
that  cattle-rustlers  have 
got  to  come  into  the 
picture  as  weU. 

But  it  isn't  only  in  the  Wild  West  that  cowboys  are  to  be  found.  In  the  south  of  France,  in  the 
marshy  estuary  of  the  Rhone,  known  as  the  Camargue,  'gardiens'  or  cowboys  have  tended  the 
black  bulls  for  many  centuries,  in  fact  long  before  the  ranges  of  Texas  or  Arizona  echoed 
with  the  thud  of  horses'  hooves. 

A  'gardien'  in  the  Camargue  district  of  France 

. . .  Avhere  the  'Jeux  des  Gardiens'  is  a  big  event. 

It's  not  surprising  that  such  a  striking  character  as  the  horse  should  have  found  his  way  into 
films.  Many  are  the  parts  he  has  been  called  upon  to  play  .  .  .  from  the  hold-up,  as  in  'Robbery 
under  Arms'  .  .  . 

to  the  romance,  such  as  'The  Gypsy  and  the  Gentler 

.4^.    , 


or  the  drama,  such  as  'The  Throne  of  Blood',  a  Japanese  version  of  Macbeth. 

Not  content  with  being  a  film  star,  the  horse  has  broken  into  television  as  well,  as  in  this 
B.  B.  C.  production  of  'Precious  Bane'. 

Altogether,  the  horse  has  a  pretty  full  life 
glad  to  amble  off  for  a  drink  .  .  . 

and  at  the  end  of  the  day's  work  he  is  quite 

and  a  rest  in  the  fields  with  his  companions. 

But  it's  not  long  before  he's  in  the  shafts  again. 

And  here  he  takes  a  bow  for  all  the  applause  he  certainly  deserves.