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No,  32  Congress  Street; 


C  AC 


In  the  following  pages  will  be  found  the  whole,  except  a  modicum  devoted  to  Mr.  Bu- 
chanan, of  a   I  d  from  the  office  cf  the  "  Washington  Union,"  well  known  as 
rgan  of  the  ultra  Southern  Dfemoc 

"We  have  omitted  ihose  portions  relating  to  the  record  of  Mr.  Buchanan's  action  in  con- 
nection with  the  subject  of  Slavery,  for  the  sake  of  brevity,  and  because  we  considered  that 
in  Massachu  least,  the  contest  lay  bo  entirely  between  Mr.  Fillmore  and  Col.  Fre- 

mont, that  it  would  be  time  lost,  to.  go  into  Mr.  Buchanan's  history  here.  Enough  for  us 
is  it,  that  he  is  sufficiently  Southern  for  the  most  ultra  Southerner. 

Although  we  print  only  that  portion  devoted  to  the  annihilation  of  Mr.  Fillmore,  as  an 
Abolitionist,  yet  we  give  the  title  page  entire    and  the  few  opening  remark  low  dis- 

tinctly whence  the  document  emanates,  and  what  are  its  objects  ;  the  position  it  assumes 
and  attempts  to  make  good ;  and  also  the  spirit  in  which  it  proceeds,  or  would  have  it  un- 
derstood <  eds,  to  the  work  in  hand  :  and  we  give  the  peroration  because  we  could  not 
feel  that  we  wei  d  in  withholding  from  the  public  so  sublime  a  specimen  of  child- 
like .                             -     nous  comparison,  and  of  EKLAEGED  CALCULATION. 

We  must  however  most  respectfully  enter  our  protest  against  t!  'eer- 

ing,  by  comparing  the  candidates  with  Wa  .     If  Col.  Fremont  is  to  be  like  him,  be- 

cause he  was  a   -  r.  Buchau  ruse  he  has  no  children,  v  with  all 

humility  sugg  a1  no  candidate  can  her  who  ma}'  not  in  some  equally  impor- 

tant particular  resemble  the  1  .  of  his  Corxniy  j  and  we  shall  soon  have  a  calendar 
of  saints  equal  to  that  enjoyed  by  the  Catholic  Chu  If. 

We  would  m  .  erty  of  hinting  tj  c   to 

vouchsafe  to  our  much  favored  country  a  second  Washington,  the  wh  will  a      owl- 

edge  the  fact,  without  troubling  politicians  to  proclaim  and  prove  it  bj  ich  marks  m 


Whether  the  proof  of  Mr.  Fillmore's  abolitionism  in  the  annexed,  is  as  c  our 

Northern  re  its  editor  evidently  thinks  it  will  be  to  his  Southern  fr 

tion  which  e\  cide  tor  e  can  only   say  that  to  us  it  seems  clear, 

that  the  man  who  is  cond  .  by  the  fire-eaters  and  ultra-pro-slavery  men  of  the  South, 
as  an  abolitionist,  and  by  the  Abolitionists  and  disunion  fanatics  of  the  riend  of 

)ies  exactly  thtt   noble,  modi    Lt 
ch  the  eyes  of  all  true  lovers  of  their  country  may  turn  » 1th  c  hour  of 

We  wish  it  d  '  the  append!  Fre- 
mont's action,  a  i  tatter  while  in  the  Senate  of  thi  dded  by 
ourseh  forms  no  part  of  the  document  we  are  und  quote.  We  give  it, 
that  those  who  in:                      lavery  question  is  the  only  one  to  be  ,  uing 

:    >nt  is  the  onlj  and  the-  true  exponent  of  their  anti 
authentic  l-ecords  of  the  two  candidate 






•'  Notwithstanding  all  the  wrong  that  has  been  done,  not  another  slave  State  can  come  into 

the  Union,"-— Hon.  Wms  H.  Sewakd, 





Sr>  imporlant  i*  it  for  the  South  to  determine  whicli  of  th^  two  condidatps 
now  seeking  its  suffrages  has  given  the  best  evidences  of  his  fidelity  to  its 
right?,  that  we  must  examine  in  detail — 

1.  Their  recorded  antecedents  upon  the  subject  of  slavery. 

2.  The  present  position  of  each  of  these  candidates  upon  that  subject. 

3.  In  making  the  comparison  and  investigation  proposed,  we  shall  treat  the  distinguish- 
ed subjects  with  respectful  freedom.  We  intend  to  throw  no  unworthy  imputation  upon 
either.  We  concede  that  the  personal  integrity  of  each  is  unimpeachable,  and  in  no  manner 
involved  in  the  present  issue.  *  *  * 


The  earliest  authentic  avowal  of  Mr.  Fillmore's  opinion  upon  the  subject  of  slavery  is 
to  be  found  in  the  following  answer  to  a  letter  of  inquiry  addressed  to  him  by  "The  Anti- 
Sltvery  Association  of  the  County  of  Erie."  These  opinions,  we  shall  subsequently  show, 
have  never  been  disavowed  or  recanted. 

"  Buffalo,  October  17,  1S38. 

"  Sir  :  Your  communication  of  the  13th  instant,  as  chairman  of  the  committee  appointed 
by  '  The  ^inti- Slavery  Society  of  the  County  of  Krie,'  has  just  come  te  hand,  iou  so- 
licit my  answer  to  the  following  interrogatories: 

<;  1st.  Do  you  beli-ve  that  petitions  to  Congress  on  the  subject  of  slavery  and  the 
slave-trade  ought  to  be  received,  real,  and  respectlully  cunsidered  by  the  representatives 
of  the  people  ? 

''2d.  Are  you  opposed  to  the  annexation  of  Texas  to  this  Union,  under  any  circum- 
stances,   so  long  as  slaves  are  held  therein  ? 

"  3d.  Are  you  in  favor  ol  Congress  exercising  all  the  constitutional  powers  it  possesses 
to  abolish  the  internal  slave  trade  between  the  States  ? 

t:  4th-  Are  you  in  favor  of  immediate  legislation  for  the  abolition  of  slavery  in  the  Dis- 
trict of  Columbia  ? 

"Answer. — I  am  much  engaged,  and  have  no  time  to  enter  into  argument,  or  explain   at 
length  my  reasons  for  my  opinion.     I  shall  therefore  content  myself,  for  the  present,  by  an 
swenng  ALL  yonr  interrogatories    in  the  AFFIRMATIVE,  and  leave  for  some  future  oc- 
casion a  more  extended  discussion  on  the  subject. 

"I  would,  however,  take  this  occasion  to  say,  that  in  thus  frankly  giving  my  opinion,  1 
would  not  desire  to  have  it  understood  in  the  nature  of  a  pledge.  At  the  same  time  that 
I  seek  no  disguises,  but  freely  give  my  sentiments  on  any  subject  of  interest  to  those  for 
whose  suffrages  I  am  a  candidate,  I  am  opposed  to  give  any  pledge  that  shall  deprive  inc 
hereafter  of  all  discretionary  power.  My  own  character  must  be  the  guaranty  for  the  gen- 
eral 'correctness  of  my  legislative  deportment.  On  every  important  subject  I  am  boun  I  to 
deliberate  before  I  act,  and  especially  as  a  legislator — to  possess  myself  of  all  the  informa- 
tion, and  listen  to  every  argument  that  can  be  adduced  by  my  associates,  before  I  give  a 
final  vote.  If  I  stand  pledged  to  a  particular  course  of  action,  I  cease  to  be  a  respo.  sible 
agent,  but  I  become  a  mere  machine.  Should  subsequent  events  show,  beyond  all  doubt, 
that  t!ie  course  I  had  become  pledged  to  pursue  was  ruinous  to  my  constituents  and  dis- 
graceful to  myself,  I  have  no  alternative,  no  opponunity  f  .r  repentance,  and  there  is  no 
-power  to  absulve  me  from  my  obligation.  Hence  the  impropriety,  not  to  say  absurdity,  in 
my  view  of  giving  a  pledge. 

"  I  am  aware  that  you  have  not  asked  any  pledge,  and  I  believe  I  know  your  sound 
judgment  and  good  sense  too  well  to  think  you  desire  any  such  thing.  It  was,  however, 
to  prevent  any  misrepresentation  on  the  part  of  others,  that  I  have  felt  it  my  duty  to  say 
thus  much  on  this  subject. 

"  I  am,  respectfully,  your  most  obedient  servant,") 


"W.  Mills,  Esq.,  Chairman." 

It  is  proper  to  state  that  Mr.  Fillmore,  when  pressed  at  the  South,  in  the  canvass  of 
1S4S,  upon  the  monstrous  dootrines^if  this  letter,  wrote  to  Governor  Gayle,  of  Alib  ima, 
the  following  explanation  of  his  posmon  upon  the  questions  involved  in  his  reply.  We 
publish  the  Gayle  letter  in  full. 

"Albany,  July  31,  1S-IS. 

"Dear  Sir  :  I  have  your  letter  of  tne  5th  instant,  but  my  official  duties  have  been  so 
pressing  that  I  havejjeen  compelled  toneglect  myjprivate  correspondence.   I  had  also  deter- 

mined  to  write  no  letters  for  publication  bearing  upon  the  contest  in  the  approaching  can- 
vass. But,  as  you  desire  some  information  for  your  own  satisfaction,  in  regard  to  the  char- 
ges brought  against  me  from  the  South,  on  the  slave  question,  1  have  concluded  to  state 
briefly  my  position. 

"While  I  was  in  Congress,  there  was  much  agitation  on  the  right  of  petition  My  votes 
will  doubtless  be  found  lecorded  unifonnly  in  favor  of  it.  The  rule  upon  which  1  acted 
was,  that  every  citizen  presenting  a  respectful  petition  to  the  body  that  by  the  constitution 
had  the  power  to  grant  or  refuse  the  prayer  of  it,  was  entitled  to  be  heard  ;  and  therefore 
the  petition  otisht  to  be  received  and  considered.  If  right  and  reasonable,  the  prayer  of  it 
should  be  granted  ;  hut  if  wrong  or  unreasonable,  it  should  be  denied.  1  thin];  all  my  votes, 
whether  on  the  reception  of  petitions  or  the  consideration  of  resolutions,  will  be  found  consis- 
tent with   this  rule.      [£hu  iialics.  I 

"  I  have  none  of  my  congressional  documents  here,  they  beim;  at  my  former  residence  in 
Buffalo,  nor  have  I  access  to  any  papers  or  memoranda  to  refresh  mv  recollection  ;  but  I 
think  at  some  time  while  in  Congress  1  took  occasion  to  state,  in  subst-.nce,  my  views  on 
the  subject  of  slavery  in  the  States.  Whether  the  remarks  were  reported  or  not,  I  am 
tmable  to  say:  but  the  substance  was,  that  I  regarded  slavery  as  an  evil,  but  one  with  which 
the  national  government  had  nothing  to  do — that  by  the  constiiution  of  the  United  Mates, 
the  whole  power  over  that  question  was  vested  in  the  several  States  were  the  institution 
was  tolerated.  If  they  regarded  it  as  a  blessintr,  they  had  a  constitutional  right  to  enjoy 
it  ;  and  if  they  regarded  it  as  an  evii,  they  had  the  power,  and  knew  best  how  to  apply 
the  remedy.  I  did  not  conceive  that  Congress  had  any  power  over  it,  or  was  in  any  way 
responsible  for  its  continuance  in  the  several  States  wlieie  it  existed.  I  doubt  not  that  all 
my    acts,    public  and  private,  will  be  lound  in  accordance  with  this  view. 

"  I  have  the  honor  to  be,  your  obedient  servant, 


"Hon.    John  Gayle." 

In  this  response  there  are  some  errors  of  fact,  or  of  memory,  and  an  entire  failure  to 
deny  the  power  of  Congress  over  the  subject  of  slavery  in  the  District  of  Columbia  and  the 
Territories.  This  constituted  the  very  gist  of  objection  to  the  Erie  letter.  The  Gayle  let- 
ter denies  the  power  of  Congress  over  slavery  "in  the  States  where  it  existed  ;  '  nothing 
mote.  But  upon  a  review  of  this  letter,  of  his  votes,  and  subsequent  conduct  while  a  mem- 
ber of  Congress,  we  are  compelled  to  assert  that  Mr.  Fillmore  stands  recorded  and  proven, 
by  contemporaneous  testimony,  to  have  been  one  of  the  fathers  and  lotinders  of  that  aboli- 
tion agitation  which  he  now  so  much  condemns.  Trie  following  votes  will  show  that  Mr. 
Fillmore  was  mistaken  when  he  said,  in  1848,  "the  ruie  upon  which  I  acted  was,  that  ev- 
ery citizen  presenting  a  respectful  petition  to  the  body  that  by  the  constitution  had  the 
power  to  grant  or  refuse  the  prayer  of  it,  was  entitled  to  be  heard."  ;'I  think,"  he  adds, 
"all  my  votes,  whether  upon  the  reception  of  petitions  or  the  consideration  of  resolutions, 
[our  italics,]  will  be  found  consistent  with  this  rule." 

He  votes  to  receive  and  ref  r  abolition  petitions  : 

•'December  12,  1837,  Mr.  Adams  presented  a  petition  praying  the  abolition  of  the  slave 
trade  in  the  District  of  Columbia,  and"  moved  that  it  and  others  be  referred  to  the  coinmt- 
tee  on  the  District  of  Columbia,  with  instructions  to  consider  and  report  thereon.  Mr. 
Wise  moved  to  lay  that  motion  on  :he  table — yeas  and  nays  ordered  on  that  question — yeas 
1-3,  nays  70  Adams,  Fillmore,  Slade,  Giddings,  it  Co  in  the  negative  "—Cong.  Globe, 
vol-  6,  p.     19. 

"Mr.  Adams  then  presented  a  petition  for  the  abolition  of  slavery  in  the  Territories  of 
the  United  States,  and  moved  its  reference  to  the  Committee  on  Territories.  Mr.  Wise 
moved  to  lay  the  motion  on  the  table — yeas  and  nays  ordered — yeas  137,  nays  73.  Adams, 
Fillmore,  Giddings,  Slade  &  Co.  in  the  negative." — Cong.    Globe,  vol.   (J,  p.    20. 

In  this  case  the  right  of  petition  is  confounded  with  the  proposition  to  report  for  legisla- 
tive consideration.  It  is  imposible  to  assert  with  what  motive  Mr.  Fillmore  advoeaied  the 
reception  ;  but 

His  vote  against  receiving  the  Atherton  resolutions  is  more  explicit  upo?i  that  point : 

On  the  11th  December,  1838,  (Cong.  Globe,  vol.  7,  p.  23,)  Mr.  Atherton  asked  leave  to 
submit  the  following  resolutions  : 

'•  Resolved,  That  this  government  is  a  government  of  limited  powers,  and  that  by  the 
constitution  of  the  United  States,  Congress  has  no  jurisdidtion  whatever  over  the  institution 
of  slavery  in  the  several  States  of   the  confederacy. 

"  Resolved,  That  petitions  for  the  abolition  of  slavery  in  the  District  of  Columbia  and  the 
Territories  of  the  United  States,  and  against  the  removal  of  slaves  from  one  State  to  anoth- 
er, are  a  part  of  a  plan  of  operations  set  on  foot  to  effect  the  institution  of  slavery  in  the 
several  States,  and  thus  indirectly  to  destroy  that  institution  within  their  limits. 

"Resolved,  That  Congress  has  no  right  to  do  that  indirectly,  which  it  cannot  do  directly  ; 
and  that  the  agitation  ol  the  subject  ot  slavery  iu  the  District  of  Columbia  or  the  Territo- 
ries as  a  means,  and  with  a  view  of  disturbing  or  overthrowing  that  institution  in  the  sev- 
eral States,  is  against  the  true  spirit  and  meaning  of  the  constitution,  an  infringement  of 
the  right  of  the  States  affected,  and  a  breach  of  the  public  faith  upon  which  they  entered 
into  the  confederacy. 

"  Resolved,  That  the  constitution  rests  on  the  broad  principle  of  equality  among  the  mem. 
bars  of  this  confederacy,  and  that  Congress,  in  the  exercise  of  its  acknowledged  powers,  has 

no  right  to  discriminate  between  the  institutions  of  one  portion  of  the  States  and  another, 
with  a  view  of  abolishing  the  one  and  promoting  the  other. 

"  Resolved,  therefore,  That  all  attempts  on  the  part  of  Congress  to  abolish  slavery  in  the 
District  of  Columbia  or  the  Territories,  or  to  prohibit  the  removal  of  slaves  from  state  to 
state,  or  to  discriminate  between  the  institutions  of  one  portion  of  the  confederacy  and  an- 
other with  the  views  aforesaid,  are  in  violation  of  the  constitution,  destructive  of  the  funda- 
mental principle  on  which  the  union  of  these  Stat 's  rests,  and  beyond  the  jurisdiction  of 
Congress  ;  and  that  every  petition,  memorial,  resolution,  proposition,  or  paper,  touching  or 
relating  in  any  way  or  any  extent  whatever  to  slavery  as  aforesaid,  or  the  abolition  thereof, 
shall,  on  the  presentation  thereof,  without  any  further  action  thereon,  be  laid  upon  the  table 
without  being  debated,  printed,  or  referred." 

Mr.  Atherton  moved  a  suspension  of  the  ryles — yeas  and  nays  ordered — yeas  137,  nays 
66.     Adams,  Fillmore,  &  Co.,  in  the  negative. 

This  vote,  against  the  "leave  to  submit,"  is  inconsistent  with  the  principle  avowed  in  the 
Gnyle  letter;  for  even  if  he  had  determined  to  vote  against  the  resolution  upon  its  merits, 
he  was  bound  to  have  voted  for  the  reception,  because  every  citizen  "presenting  a  petition 
[or  resolution]  to  the  body  that  by  the  constitution  had  the  power  to  grant  or  refuse  the 
prayer  of  it,  ivas  entitled  to  be  heard." 

But  there  is  another  evidence  of  inaccurate  recollection,  combined  with  an  endorsement 
of  the  most  dangerous  and  abominable  doctrines,  presented  by  — 

His  vote  upon  the  case  of  the  Creole  slave  mutiny  and  murder  : 

This  case  was  presented  to  Congress  March  21,  1S42. —  See  Cong.  Globe,  vol.  11,  p.  3-12. 

The  brig  Creole,  bound  from  Richmond,  Va.,  to  New  Orleans,  was  freighted,  among 
other  things,  with  a  large  lot  of  negroes,  who  mutinied  in  a  storm,  killed  the  captain,  several 
of  the  crew  and  passengers  an  1  compelled  some  of  the  officers  of  the  vessel  to  take  her  inio 
Nassau,  \.  P.,  one  of  the  British  West  India  islands,  where  the  negroes  were  taken  care  of 
and  set  free  by  the  authorities  of  the  island.  This  case  was  the  subject  of  Congressional 
action  in  both  houses  of  Congress,  and  of  negotiation  with  Great  Britain.  The  most  intense 
feeling  was  manifested  all  over  the  Union,  and  particularly  in  the  South. 

"During  the  pendency  of  the  excitem-nt,  the  noto  ious  abolitionist,  J.  R.  Griddings, 
offered  a  set  of  resolutions,  justifying  the  negroes  in  their  mutiny  and  murder,  and  approv- 
ing of  their  course,  denying  that  said  negroes  had  violated  any  law  of  the  United  States  ; 
stating  that  they  had  incurred  no  legal  penalty,  and  are  justly  liable  to  no  punishment  ;  and 
that  all  attempts  to  regain  possession  of,  or  to  re  enslave  said  persons,  are  unauthorized  by 
the  constitution  and  prejudicial  to  the  national  honor." 

We  annex  them,  ommirting  the  first  three  ' 

"  Resolved,  That  slavery  being  an  abridgment  of  the  natural  rights  Of  man,  can  exist  only 
by  force  of  positive  municipal  law,  and  is  necessarily  confined  to  the  territorial  jurisdiction 
of  the  power  creating  it. 

"  5.  That  when  a  ship  belonging  to  the  citizens  of  any  state  of  this  Union  leaves  the  \va 
ters  and  territory  ol  such  state  and  enters  upon  the  high  seas,  the  persons  (slaves)  on  board 
cease  to  be  subject  to  the  laws  of  such  state,  and  thenceforth  are  governed  in  their  relations 
to  each  other  by,  and  are  amenable  to,  the  laws  of  the  United  States. 

"6.  That  when  the  brig  Creole,  on  her  late  passage  to  New  Orleans,  left  the  territorial 
jurisdiction  of  Virginia,  the  slave  laws  of  that  state  ceased  to  have  jurisdiction  over  the 
persons  (slaves)  on  board  said  brig,  and  such  pet  sous  become  amenable  only  to  the  laws  of 
the  United  States. 

"  7.  That  the  persons  (slaves)  on  board  said  brig,  in  resuming  their  natural  rights  of  per- 
sonal liberty,  violated  no  law  of  the  United  States"  incurred  no  legal  penalty,  and  are  justly 
Liable  to  no  punishment. 

"S.  Thatall  attempts  to  regain  possession  of,  or  to  re-enslave  said  persons,  are  unauthor- 
ized by  the  constitution  and  laws  of  the  United  States,  and  are  incompatible  with  our  nation- 
al honor. 

"  9.  That  all  attempts  to  exert  our  national  influence  in  favor  of  the  coastwise  slave- 
trade,  or  to  place  this  nation  in  the  attitude  of  maintaining  a  commerce  in  human  beings, 
are  subversive  of  the  rights  and  injurious  to  the  teachings  and  interests  of  the  free  States, 
are  unauthorized  by  the  constitution,  and  prejudicial  to  our  national  character. 

A  motion  was  made  that  the  resolutions  do  lie  on  the  table  —  yeas  52,  nays  125, — Mr. 
Fillmore  &  Co.  voting  in  the  negative.  This  could  not  be  considered  a  test  vote  :  many 
members  who  were  oppossd  to  the  resolutions  voted  against  the  motion,  in  order  to  kill  them 
by  a  direct  vote.     Mr.  Fillmore's  views;  however,  will  appear  by  what  followed. 

Mr.  John  Minor  Botts,  on  the  same  day,  olfered  the  following  preamble  and  resolution  : 

"  Whereas  the  Hon.  Joshua  B.  Giddings  has  this  day  presented  to  this  House  a  series  of 
resolutions  touching  the  most  important  interests  connected  with  a  large  portion  of  the  Un- 
ion, now  a  subject  of  negotiation  between  the  United  States  and  Great  Britain,  of  the  most 
delicate  nature,  the  result  ofwhieh  may  eventually  involve  those  nations  in  war;  and  whereas 
it  is  the  duty  of  every  good  citizen  to  discountenance  all  efforts  to  create  excitement,  dis- 
satisfaction, and  division  among  the  people  of  the  United  States  at  such  a  time,  under  such 
circumstances  ;  and  whereas  mutiny  and  murder  are  therein  justified  and  approved,  in 
terms  shocking  to  all  sense  of  law,  order,  and  humanity  ;  therefore, 

'■  Resolved,--Tha.t  this  House  holds  the  conduct  of  the  said  member  as  altogether  unwar- 

ranted    and    unwarrantable,    and  deserving  the  severe  condemnation  of  the  people  of  this 
Country,  and  of  this  l>o<ly  in  particular." 

On  these  resolutions  a  motion  was  made  to  suspend  the  rules  —  yeas  128,  nays  68.  Fill- 
more voted  nay,  with  Adams,  Giddings,  and  Slade.  Two-thirds  not  voting  in  the  affirma- 
tive,  the  rules  were  not  suspended. 

The  call  for  resolutions  still  resting  with  the  State  of  Ohio,  Mr.  Weller  oil'-red  Mr  Bott's 
resolution  as  his  own.  In  the  discussion  which  then  tool<  place,  Mr.  Fillmore  appeared  as 
the  speeial  apologist  and  defender  of  his  confrere,  Giddings,  who  secins  to  have  been  as 
closely  allied  to  him  in  feelinas  as  we    have  shown  him  to  have  been  in  vote3. 

Mr.  Adams  then  moved  to  lay  the  whole  subject  on  the  table — yeas  70,  nays  125 — Adams, 
Fillmore.  &  Co.  in  the  allirmative.  The  direct  vote  was  then  taken  on  the  resolution  cen- 
suring«s — yeas.125,  nays  69 — Fillmore  &  Co  in  the  negative.  The  vote  was  next 
taken  on  the  preamble — yeas  119,  nays  66 — Fillmore  &  Co.  again  in  the  negative. —  Con. 
Globe,  vol    11,  pp   345-  6. 

On  the  1 3th  December,  Mr.  Wise  asked  leave  to  submit  the  following  resoludons.  as  pro- 
positions containing  his  sentiments,  and  what  he  believed  to  be  the  real  sentiments  of  the 
whole  South  : 

•'  I.  Resolved,  That  Congress  has  no  power  to  abolish  slavery  in  the  District  of  Colum- 
bia, or  in  the  Territories-  ol'  the  United  States  ;  whether  such  power  in  the  said  District  be 
exercised  '  as  a  means  or  with  the  view  of  disturbing  and  overthrowing  slavery  in  the 
States  ,  or   not. 

"  2.  Resolved,  That  Congress  has  no  power  to  abolish  the  slave  trade  or  prbhibi*  th»  re- 
moval of  slaves  between  the  Stales  and  the  District  of  Columbia  or  Territories  of  the  Unit- 
ed States. 

"3.  Resolved,  That  Congress  cannot  receive  or  consider  petitions  foi  the  exorcise  of  any 
power  whatever  over  the  subject  of  slaveiy  which  Congress  does  not    possess. 

''4.  Resolved,  That  the  laws  of  Congress  alone  govern  in  prescribing  and  regulating  the 
mode  and  manner  in  which  fugitive  slaves  shad  be  apprehended,  and  their  rights  to  free- 
dom held  in  the  non  slaveholding  States,  District  of  Columbia,  and  Territories;  and  the 
mode  and  manner  in  which  they  shall  be  restored  or  delivered  to  their  owners  in  the  slave 

"5.  Resolved,  That  Congress  has  no  power  to  impose  upon  any  State  the  abolition  of 
slavery  in  its  limits,  as  a  condition  of  admission  imo]jthis  Union 

"  6.  R  solved,  That  the  citizens  of  the  slaveholding  Stit-.s  of  this  Union  have  the  con- 
stitutional right  voluntarily  to  take  their  slaves  to  or  through  a  no  1-slaveholding  State,  and 
to  sojourn  or  remain  temporarily  with  such  slaves  in  the  sain  >.,  and  the  slaves  arc  not  there- 
by ipso  facto  emmcipated  ;  and  the  general  government  is  constitutionally  bound  to  protect 
the  rights  of  slaveholding  States  ;  and  the  laws  of  non-slaveholding  States  in  conflict  with 
the  laws  of  Congress  providing  such  protection  are  null  and  void  " 

Several  members  said    '•  Object  to  them." 

Mr.  Rives  did  so;  and  Mr.  Wise  moved  a  suspension  of  the  rules  calling  fir  the  yeas  and 
navs  ;  which  being  ordered,  were — yeas,  1  IS,  pays  90 — Fillmore  in  the  negative. —  See  Con. 
Globe1  p.  33  ;  House  Jour.,  p.  799- 

So  the  motion  to  suspend  was  decidediin  the  negative. 

On  the  13th  December,   1S3S,  Mr.  Slade  asked  leave  to  submit  the  following  resolutions  : 

"  Whereas  there  exists,  and  is  canied  on  between  the  ports  in  the  District  of  Columbia 
and  other  ports  of  the  United  States,  and  under  the  sanction  of  the  laws  thereof,  a  trade 
in  human  beings,  whereby  thousands  of  them  are  annually  sold  and'  transported  from  said 
District  to  distant  parts  of  the  country,  in  vessels  belonging  to  citizens  of  the  United  States  ; 
and,  whereas  such  trade  involves  an  outrageous  violation  of  human  rights,  is  a  disgrace  to 
the  country  by  whose  laws  it  is  sanctioned,  and  calls  for  the  immediate  interpret  ition  of 
legislative  authority  for  its  suppression  ;  therefore,  to  the  end  that  all  obstacles  to  the  con- 
sideration of  this  subject  maybe  removed,  and  a  remedy  for  the  evil  speedily  provided. 

"  Resolved,  That  so  much  of  the  tilth  of  the  resolu:ions  on  the  subject  ofslavery,  passed 
by  this  House  on  the  llthand  12th  of  the  present  month,  as  relates  to  the  '  reino'.  al  of  slaves 
from  State  to  State,'  and  prohibits  the  action  of  the  House  on  'every  petition,  memorial, 
resolution    P'Oposition,  or  paper  touching'  the  same,  be,  and  hereby  is    rescinded." 

Objection  being  made,  Mr  S.  moved  a  suspension  of  the  rules,  and  demanded  the  yeas 
and  nays  ;  which  being  ordered,  were — yeas  35,  nays  157 — Mr.  Fillmore  voting  in   the    af- 


So  the  House  refused  to  suspend  the  rules. — See  Con.  Globe,  p   99;   House   Jour.  p.  75. 

On  the  3 1  st  December,  1S39.  1st  Session,  26th  Congress,  Mr.  Coles  moved  a  suspension  of 
the  rules,  for  the  purpose  of  offering  the  following  losolution  . 

llResolved.  That  every  petition,  memoiial,  resolution,  proposition,  or  paper,  touching  or 
relating  in  any  way,  or  to  any  extent  whatever,  to  the  abolition  of  si  ivery  in  the  States  of 
this  Union,  or  either  of  them,  or  in  the  District  of  Columbia,  or  in  the  Territories  of  the 
United  S-ates,  or  either  of  them,  or  the  removal  of  slaves  from  one  State  to  another,  shad  I, 
op  the  presentation  thereof  without  any  further  action  thereon,  be  laid  upon  tiic  table  with- 
out being  debited,  printed,  or  referred." 

Upon  which  the  yeas  and  nays  were  called,  and  were — yeas  87,  nays  81 — Mr.  Fillmore  in 
the  negative- — See  Con.  Globe,  p.   93  House  Jour.,  p.  153. 


On  the  1.3th  January,  1840,  Mr.  Lincoln,  of  Massachusetts,  presented  petitions  praying 
for  tho  abolition  of  slavery  and  the  slave  trade  in  the  District  of  Columbia,  and  in  the  Ter- 
ritories of  the  United  States. 

Mr.  Cave  Johnson  moved  to  lay  the  question  rf  reception  on  the  table  ;  which  was  de- 
cided in  the  affirmative— yeas  131, 'nays  85 — Mr.  Fillmore  voting  in  the  negative. —  See  Con- 
Globe,  p.  1 19  ;   House  Jour.,  p.  204. 

To  show  the  excitement  prevailins^upon  the  discussio  ,  of  these  questions,  a  certain  Mr. 
Peck  (an  abolitionist)  thus  taunted  those  northern  men  who  voted  for  sectional  harmony, 
when  the  vote  was  about  being  taken  on  laying  Mr.  Cole's  resolution  on  the  table  :  "Now 
come  up,  von  southern  slaves   and  show  yourselves." 

On  all  occasions  upon  this  •-   bjeot,  we  hndiMr.  Fillmore  voting  with  Mr-  Peck. 

On  the  -2Sth,  the  laraous  21st  rule  was  adopted,  as  follows  : 

"  That  no  petition,  memorial,  resolution,  or  other  paper  praying  the  abolition  of  slavery 
in  the  District  of  Colambia,  or  any  State  or  Territory,  or  the  slave  trade  between  the  States 
or  Territories  of  the  United  States  in  which  it  now  exists,  shall  be  received  by  this  House, 
or  entertained  in  any  way  whatever." 

The  question  was  taken  on  its  adoption,  and  decided  in  the  affirmative — yeas    111,    nays 
10S— Fillmore  in  the  negMtive. —  Con.  Globe,  p.  151  ;  House  Jvur.,  p.  5J41. 

On  the  30th  of  December,  1S30,  a  resolution  was  offered  by  Mr.  Wise,  declaring  that  the 
petitions  for  the  abolition  of  slavery  in  the  District  of  Columbia,  in  the  Territories,  or  of  the 
slave  Trade  between  the  States,  should  be  objected  to  without  debate. 

Mr.  Wise  said  if  he  thought  there  would  be  any  objection  to  the  passage  of  the  resolution; 
he  would  call  for  the  yeas  and  nays. 

Mr.  Fillmore  rose  and  said,  he  objected. 

The  vote  on  motion  to  suspend  the  rules  stood — yeas  109,  nays  77.  Adams,  Fillmore  & 
Co.  in  the  negative  — Cong.  Globe,  vol.  8,  p.  897. 

On  the  23d  of  December,  1S40,  Mr.  James,  of  Pennsylvania,  asked  leave  to  present  a  pe- 
tition from  an  anti-sla.ery  society  of  his  State.  He  also  moved  a  suspension  of  the  rules  to 
enable  him  to  present  it.  Mr.  Johnson  moved  to  lay  the  motion  to  suspend  on  the  table — > 
veas  99,  nays  53.  Adams,  Giddings,  Fillmore  &  Co.  voting  in  the  negative.—  Cong. 
'Globe,  vol.  9,  p.  51. 

On  the  same  day  Mr.  Rice  submitted  a  series  of  resolutions,  denying  the  right  of  Congress 
to  interfere  with  slavery  in  the  District  of  Columbia,  in  the  Territories,  or  with  the  slave 
trade  between  the  States,  and  resolving  not  to  consider  any  petition,  &c.;  for  that  purpose  ; 
motion  to  suspend  the  vote  stood — yeas  106,  nays  82.  Adams,  Fillmore  &  Co.  in  the  neg- 

On  the  14th,  Mr.  Thompson,  of  South  Carolina,  moved  a  suspension  of  the  rules  to  ena- 
ble him  to  offer  the  following  resolutions  : 

Resolvtd,  That  upon  the  presentation  of  any  memorial  or  petition  praying  for  the  abolitioa 
of  shivery  or  the  slave  trade  in  any  District,  Territory,  or  State  of  the  Union,  and  upon  the 
presentation  of  any  resolution  or  paper,  shall  be  considered  as  objected  to,  and  the  question 
of  its  reception  shall  be  laid  upon  the  table,  without  debate  or  further  action  thereon. 

The  question  was  taken  on  the  motion  to  suspend  the  rules,  and  decided  in  the  negative  ; 
yeas  123,  nays  77  ;  there  not  being  two-thirds  voting  in  the  affirmative.  Fillmore  in  the 
negative. — (See  Congressional  Globe,  page  121  ;  House  Journal,  page  206.) 

March  30,  1840,  Air.  Marvin,  of  New  York  presented  a  petition  to  rescind  the  rule  reject- 
ing abolition  petitions.  Motion  to  lay  it  on  the  table — yeas  84,  nays  49.  Fillmore,  Adams 
&  Co.  in  the  negative. —  Cong.  Globe,  vol   8,  p.  295. 

There  is  yet  a  further  evidence  that  Mr.  Fillmore's  impartiality  consisted  rather  in  his  re- 
collections than  in  his  votes. 

On  December,  9,  1840,  Mr.  Adams  offered  the  following  resolution: 

Resolved,  That  the  standing  rule  of  this  House,  No.  21,  adopted  on  the  28th  of  January 
last,  be,  and  the  same  is  hereby  rescinded. 

Mr.  Jenifer,  of  Maryland,  moved  to  lay  the  resolution  on  the  table. 

After  some  conversation  on  the  subject,  the  yeas  and  nays  on  the  motion  to  lay  on  the  ta- 
ble were  then  ordered,  and  being  taken,  resulted  as  follows:  yeas  82,  nays' 38.  Amongst 
the  nays  are — Adams,  Fillmore,  Slade,  Peck,  and  51  others. 

So  the  resolution  was  laid  on  the  table.  (Sea  Cong.  Globe,  page  12  ;  House  Journal, 
page  S. ) 

On  the  21st  January,  1541,  Mr  Adams  presented  and  moved  the  reference  of  a  petition, 
asking  the  abolition  of  slavery  in  the  District  of  Columbia,  and  in  the  Territories.;  also,  that 
no  new  Territory  tolerating  slavery  may  be  admitted  into  the  Union. 

Mr.  Conner  moved  to  lay  that  portion  of  the  petition  which  came  under  the  standing  rule 
on  the  table. 

Mr.  Adams  asked  how  that  was  to  be  done,  for  the  petition  must  then  necessarily  be  cut 
in  two. 

Mr.  Warren,  of  Georgia,  observed  that,  if  the  petitioners  thought  proper  to  attach  objeo 
tionable  matter,  not  receivable  by  the  House,  to  their  petition^  they  ought  not  to  complain 
if  the  whole  was  rejected.     He  therefore  moved  the  rejection  of  the  whole. 

That  portion  of  the  petition  coming  under  the  rule  having  been  laid  on  the  table  sub  si- 
lent io. 

Mr  Black,  of  Georgia,  moved  to  reconsider  the  vote,  for  the  purpose,  in  case  it  should  be 
reconsidered,  of  moving  the  rejection  of  the  whole,  as  he  contended  that  no  part  of  it  ought 
to  have  been  received. 

On  that  motion  Mr.  Adams  demanded  the  yeas  and  nays,  which  were  offered,  and  de- 
cided by  yeas  and  nays  as  follows  :  yeas  103,  nays  51.  Fillmore  in  the  negative.  (See 
Congressional  Globe,  page  116;  House  Journal,  page  202.) 

So  the  vote  was  reconsidered  After  some  further  conversation,  the  hour  having  expired, 
the  House  proceeded  to  the  orders  of  the  day. 

On  the  7th  January,  1S42,  2d  session  27th  Congress,  Mr.  Giddings,  of  Ohio,  presented  a 
memorial  from  certain  legal  voters  of  Lenox,  in  the  county  of  Ashtabula,  and  State  of  Ohio, 
praying  Congress  to  repeal  the  laws  regulating  or  sanctioning  the  holding  or  transportation 
of  persons  as  slaves  in  vessels  of  the  United  States  sailing  coastwise  from  one  State  to  an- 
other ;  and  to  pass  laws  protecting  the  rights  of  all  persons  claimed  or  held  as  slaves  who 
may  be  con-titutionally  entitled  to  their  freedom  by  going  to  sea,  with  the  consent  of  their 
masters,  beyond  the  jurisdiction  of  the  State  in  which  they  are  legally  held  to  he  slaves. 

Mr.  W.  Cost  Johnson  objected  to  the  reception  of  the  petition,  as  prohibited  by  a  ride  of 
the  House  in  relation  to  petitions  for  the  abolition  of  slavery. 

Mr.  Wise  supported  the  objection,  strenuously  insisting  that  the  memorial  amounted  to  a 
prayer  for  the  abolition  of  slavery  on  board  any  American  vessel,  whether  public  or  private, 
in  which  a  slave  was  carried  three  leagues  out  to  sea — a  new  shape  of  the  abolition  ques- 
tion, and  one  that  went  beyond  anything  heretofore  attempted.  He  held  that  the  deck  of 
an  American  ship  was  a  portion  of  the  Territory  of  the  United  States,  let  her  be  in  what 
part  of  the  world  she  might. 

Mr.  Campbell,  of  Soutli  Carolina,  moved  to  lay  the  question  of  reception,  raised  by  Mr. 
Johnson,  on  the  table,  which  also  eanies  the  petition  with  it. 

On  this  motion  the  yeas  and  nays  were  taken,  and  resulted  as  follows  :  veas  104,  nays  86, 
Fillmore  in  the  negative.     (See  Congressional  Globe,  page  105  ;   House  Journal,  134.) 

And  upon  the  same  day  a  petition  to  repeal  the  rule  excluding  abolition  petitions  was  of- 
fered. Upon  a  motion  to  lay  it  upon  the  table,  the  vote  stood — yeas  99,  nays  89.  Messrs. 
Adams,  Giddings,  Fillmore  &  Co.,  voting  in  the  negative.  [Congressional  Globe,  vol.  11, 
page  105.) 

January  IS,  1842,  Mr.  Henry  offered  a  petition  to  repeal  the  rule  excluding  abolition  peti- 
tions Mr.  Campbell  moved  to  lay  the  petition  on  the  table — yeas  93,  nays  75.  Messrs. 
Adams,  Giddings,  Fillmore  &  Co.,  voting  in  the  negative.  (Congressional  Globe,  vol  11, 
page  143.) 

On  the  14th  of  June,  1841.  the  vote  was  taken  upon  the  motion  to  reconsider  the  vote 
striking  the  rule  excluding  abolition  petitions  from  the  rules  of  the  House — yeas  106,  nays 
104.  Messrs.  Adams,  Giddings,  Fjllmore  &  Co.,  voting  in  the  negative.  (Congressional 
Globe,  vol.  10.  page  51.) 

On  the  5th  June,  1841,  the  main  question  was  put  upon  Mr.  Adams'  resolution,  to  repeal 
the  rule  excluding  abolition  petitions — yeas  106,  nays  110.  Messrs-  Adams,  Giddings,  Fill- 
more &  Co.,  voting  in  the  affirmative.      (Congressional  Globe,  vol.  10,  page  56. 

January  4,  1842,  a  motion  was  made  to  lay  Mr.  Adams'  abolition  petition  on  the  table — 
yeas  115,  nays  84.  Messrs.  Adams,  Giddings  Fillmore  &  Co.,  voting  no.  The  speaker 
then  announced  that  there  were  many  other  similar  peti  ions  not  disposed  of.  Mr.  Gamble 
moved  that  they  all  lie  on  the  table — yeas  1U3,  nays  87.  Messrs.  Adams.  Giddings,  Fill- 
more &  Co.,  voting  in  the  negative.     (Congressional  Globe,  vol    11,  pages  90   91.) 

On  the  21st  January,  Mr.  Adams  presented  a  petition  from  a  number  of  citizens  of  Mas- 
sachusetts, stating  that  by  law  no  foreigner  of  color  can  now  become  a  citizen  of  tire  United 
States,  and  hold  real  estate  therein  ;  and  praying  that  the  naturalization  laws  may  be  so 
amended  as  to  permit  free  colored  foreigners  to  become  citizens  of  the  United  States,  and  to 
hold  real  estate. 

Mr.  Wise  raised  the  question  of  reception  on  the  above  petition,  and  moved  to  lay  that 
question  on  the  table. 

Mr.  Calhoun,  of  Massachusetts,  asked  the  yeas  and  nays,  wdiich  were  ordered,  and  being 
taken,  resulted  as  follows  :  yeas  1 15,  nays  68.  Fillmore  in  the  negative.  (See  Congres- 
sional Globe,  page  158  ;  House  Journal,  259  ) 

On  the  12th  December,  1842,  2d  session,  27th  Congress,  Mr.  Adams  called  up  his  resolu- 
tion, rescinding  the  21st  rule. 

Mr.  Wm.  Cost  Johnson  said,  if  the  resolution  of  the  gentleman  from  Massachusetts  was 
thus  to  obstruct  the  public  business,  he  would  move  that  it  be  laid  upon  the  table. 

The  yeas  and  nays  being  ordered,  resulted  as  follows:  yeas  lu6,  nays  102.  Fillmore  in 
the  negative.     (See  Congicssional  Globe,  page  42  ;  House  Journal,  page  38  ) 

He  votes  to  receive  the  resolutions  of  Mr.  Slade,  pronouncing  the  sale  of  slaves  in  the  Dis- 
trict of  Columbia  piracy.  On  the  3d  day  of  January,  1843,  Mr.  Slade  moved  the  following 
preamble  and  resolutions  : 

"  Whereas,  by  a  law  of  the  United  States,  framed  on  the  ]5th  May,  1S27,  the  foreign 
glave  trade  is  declared  to  be  piracy,  and  is  made  punishable  by  death  j  and  whereas  there 
is,  and  lias  loi.g  been,  carried  on  in  the  District  of  Columbia,  within  siyht  of  the  balls  of  the 


two  houses  of  Congress,  and  the  residence  of  (he  Chief  Executive  Magistrate  of  the  nation, 
a  trade  in  men  involving  all  thp  principles  of  outrage  on  human  rights  which  characterize 
the  foreign  stave  trade,  and  whidi  r.ave  drawn  upon  it  the  maledictions  of  the  civilized 
world,  and  stigmatized  those  enga'-rerl  in  it  as  the  enemies  of  the  race  ;  and  whereas  the 
trade  thus  exi^tin.:  in  this  District  is  aggravated  in  enorm  ty  by  reason  of  its  being  carried 
on  in  the  heart  o  a  nation  whose  institutions  are  based  upon  the  principle  that  all  men  are 
created  equal,  and  whose  laws  have  in  effect  proclaimed  its  g'-eat  and  superlative  iniquity  ; 
aggravat  d,  moreover,  by  its  outrage  on  the  sensibilities  of  a  Christian  commnmtv,  by  sun- 
dering t' e  tie's  of  Christian  brotherhood,  and  by  the  anguish  of  its  remorsel^s  violation  of 
all  the  do  n  stiq  relations,  rendered  the  more  deep  and  enduring  by  the  hallowing  influence 
of  the  Christian  re  i  ion  upon  those  relations  and  by  the  increase  of  stret  f»th  which  it  gives 
to  the  domestic  affections  :  and  whereas  this  trade  in  human  beings  is  carrie.l  on  under  the 
authority  oil  iws  enacted  by  the  Congress  of  the  United  States,  thereby  invohitm  the  peo- 
ple of  a]!  the  S'ates  in  its  guilt  and  di-grace — a  guilt  and  disjr^ce  enhanced  bv  the  consid- 
eration that  those  laws  are  a  Virtual  usurpation  of  power,  the  Constitution  of  the  United 
States  baviqg  conferred  upon  Congress  no  right  to  establish   the  relation  of  slavery,  or  to 


resolved,"'  &<:.,  Stc. 

On  motion  to  suspend  the  rules  so  as  to  receive  the  preamble  and  resolution,  the  vote 
stood  yens  7  3,  nays  109  ;  Messrs.  A  lams  Fillmore,  Giddings,  Slade,  &c  ,  voting  in  the  af- 
firmative.—  Congressio7ial  Globe,  vol.  15,  p.  106. 

He  votes  to  receive  a  resolution  r  p  •  ling  the  territorial  law  of  Fiorida  prohibiting  the  im- 
mi_  ration  of  free  negroes  into  that  Territory. 

Again:  on  the  3rd  January,  1813,  Mr.  Morgan  presented  a  resolution  instructing  the 
Commi'tee  on  Territories  to  inquire  into  the  expediency  of  repealing  an  act  passed  by  the 
territorial  legislature1  oif  Florida,  entitled  "An  act  to  prevent  the  future  migration  or  emi- 
gration of  free  negroes  and  mulattoes  into  si  id  Territory,"  or  to  so  much  thereof  as  im- 
posed a  capitation  tax  on  such  of  them  as  may  enter  said  Territory,  fend  authorizes  their 
sale  for  ninety  years  for  the  non-payment  qf  said  tax. 

Black  moved  to  lay  the  resolution  on  the  table — yeas  113,  noes  90.  Fillmore  voted  in 
the  negative. 

On  the  22d  of  February,  Briggs,  of  .Massachusetts,  asked  leave  to  submit  the  following 
resolution  : 

Whereas,  all  lawc  passed  by  the  governor  and  legislative  council  of  Florida  are  in  full 
forte  until  disapproved  of  by  Congress,   therefore — 

Resolved.  That  the  Committee  on  the  Judiciary  be  instructed  forthwith  to  report  the  fol- 
lowing b'll  : 

Be  it  enacted  by  the  Senate  and  House  of  Representatives  of  the  United  Slates  of  America 
in  Congress  assembled,  That  an  act  parsed  by  the  governor  and  legislative  council  of  the 
Territory  of  Flora  I  i,  approved  by  the  sii  1  governor  on  the  5th  March,  1842;  entitled  "  An 
act  to  prevent  the  future  migration  of  f  ee  negroes  or  mulattoes  to  this  Territory  and  for 
other  purposes"  be,  and  the  same  is  hereby  disapproved,  and  shall  henceforth  be  of  no 

Briggs  asked  a  suspension  of  the  rules- — yeas  66,  nays  105.  Fillmore  yea,  in  favor  of 
Briggs — Cong.   Globe,  vo\.  12,  p.  337. 

On  the  3d  January,  1843,  Mr.  Moigan  presented  a  resolution  instructing  the  Committee 
on  the  Territories  to  inquire  into  the  expediency  of  repealing  an  act  passed  by  the  territo- 
rial legislature  of  Florida  entitled  "  An  act  to  prevent  the  future  migration  or  emigration  of 
free  negroes  and  mulattoes  into  said  Territory,"  or  so  much  thereof  as  imposes  a  capitation 
tax  on  such  of  them  as  may  enter  said  Territory,  and  authorizes  their  sale  for  ninety-nine 
years  for  non-pay  in  nt  of  said  tax. 

Mr.  Black  moved  to  lay  the  resolution  on  the  table. 

Mr.  James  called  for  the  yeas  and  nays,  which  were  ordered,  and  being  taken,  resulted 
in  yeas  113,  nays  80.  Fillmore  in  the  negative.  (See  Congressional  Globe  p.  Iu7  ;  House 
Journal,  p.  111. 

On  tire  23d  February,  Mr.  Briggs,  of  Massachusetts,  asked  leave  to  submit  the  following 
resolution  : 

Whereas,  all  laws  passed  by  the  governor  and  legislative  council  of  Florida  are  in  full 
force  until  disapproved  by  Congress,  therefore — 

Resolved,  That  the  Committee  on  the  Judiciary  be  instructed,  forthwith,  to  report  the 
fodowing  bill  : 

Be  it  enacted  by  the  Senate  and  House  of  Representatives  of  the  United  States  of  America 
in  Congress  assembled,  That  an  act  passed  by  the  governor  and  legislative  council  o4  the 
Territory  of  Florida,  approved  by  the  said  governor  on  the  5th  of  March,  1^45,  entitled 
"  An  act  to  prevent  the  future  migration  of  free  negroes  or  mulattoes  to  this  Territory,  and 
for  other  pur  poses,"  be,  and  the  same  is  hereby,  disapproved,  and  shall  henceforth  be  of  no 

Mr   Merriwether,  of  Georgia,  objected  to  the  reception  of  the  resolution. 

Mr.  Briggs  moved  a  suspension  of  the  rules. 

Mr.  Fillmore  believed  that  the  subject  had  been  referred  to  the  Committee  on  the  Judi- 
ciary, and  he  wished  to  know  whether  they  had  reported  on  it. 


The  Si  rik-T  sni  btrisy  had  n<>t.     This  re*»ll»tk>«  WW;  *0    <!>  "r't  them    Jo  report  forthwith. 
The  Teas  and  nays  tw»e  ordered  "ti  the  sus  >en9i  n  of  tin-  nil  '&. 

The  question  was  'hen  taken  on  the  motion  of  Mr.  Biig'S  ro  suspend .  tlio  rules,  audit 
was  decided  in  the  negative — \ eas  P6,   nir-   104 

yr„.,_.\Ies«rs.  \i!:ira*.  Filhnore,  Slide,  and  64  others.  (Sea  Congrrsfonal  Glohc,  p. 
337;    House  Journal,  p.  13JM 

Upon  an  examination  of  the  "ari  us  vot  s  wlii.'li  we  have  presetted,  it  will  he  found  that 
M--.  Fillmore  voted  in  every  ease  to  teceiv  •  any  petit  on  or  resohitinn  the.  p  iyej  or  pur  pope 
ofwlneh  was  the  feholitiofi  ofslhvery,  -ml  ag»«»st  that  rnrbt,  in  all  c  s  3  |n  which  the 
payer  or  purpose  was  adverse  to  aholiii  n.  An  it-is  a£  tin  pase,  ,SP  far  H*  we  know  or 
believe  in  every  vote  ho  eve-  "ivo  upon,  the  sulgeet  He  voted  for  the  reception  of;  the 
abolition  petitions  present  ad  by  Mr.  hil  ms>nnd  Mr.  James.oCIV'  nsylvaniaj  butjwhen  Mr. 
Atherton  asked  leave  to  prese*t  resfcluitions  condemnatory  of  abolition  and  of  agitation  j  he 
voted  dgainat  their  reception. 

He  voted  for  considering  the  resolutions  of  Mr.  Giddings  approving  the  conduct  of  the 
slaves  in  the  Creole  case,  an  I  voted  again&f.  the  reception  pf  the  resolution  of  Mr.  Botts  de- 
claring the  Creole  slaves  guilty  of  mutiny 'arid  murder,  an'  Mr.  Giddin  s  tlfeir  advocate, 
"  deserving  the  severe  condemnation  of  die  people  of  the  coentry  and  of  Congress  in  par- 
ticular." He  voted  for  the  consideration  of  a  resolution  to  repeal  a  law  evelndiu-  f  ee 
negroes  fom  the  Terriov  of  Florida.  He  voted  to  conside-  an  aboliti  n  p  tition  otl" ■■red 
by  Mr.  Mann,  of  \-  w  Yn k.  bathe  voted  against  a  resolution  to  suspend  the  rujes  to  allow 
Mr.  Rice  to  introduce  a  resolution  denying  the  power  of  Cong  ess  on  the  su  j  el  of  si  ivory 
in  the  District  of  Columbia,  or  in  the  Territories,  or  with  the  slave  tr»ue  b  tween  the 
States,  and  resolving  not  to  consider  any  petition  for  that  purpose,  and  also  '-amsta  simi- 
lar one  offered  by  Mr.  Thompson,  of  South  Carolina. 

From  this  argument  and  statement  of  fact  it  must  be  obvious  that  the  1  tt  ■>■  of  Mr.  Fill- 
more to  the  "  anti-slaverv  society  of  Erie"  subsists  in  fall  fore,  wholly  nn  -ontradicted  or 
unexplained  by  him,  and  should  be  held  as  a  just  exposition  of  bw  pre  sent  opinions  upon 
the  questions  involved  in  that  correspondence.  We  may,  however,  refer  ,n  •■  readers  to  an 
aide  ail  I  elaborate  editorial  review  of  that  letter,  whieh  appeared  in  the  Union  new.-p  >per 
of  September,  184S.  Itis  only  necessary  to  do  so  to  come  to  the  same  cot  iclu  ion  with  the 
writer  of  that  article,  that  the  reply  o!  Mr.  Fillmore  '  leaves  all  his  p.asj  p  of.-ssions.  his 
past  votes,  and  his  signature  of  the  abolition  society's  platform  [together  vnrecanled  and 

But  Mr.  Fillmore  voted  in  company  with  a  batch  of  the  most  notorious  abolitionists 
against  all  the  resolutions  offered  by  Mr.  Atherton,  avid  those  votes  show  I'"  more  conclu- 
sively   than    any    professions   can    do    the  true    principles     hell  by    him    on  this  ittipo  tant 


The  resolutions  of  Mr.  Atherton.  it  will  be  remembered,  ufefre  the  eonnte  pot  of  those  in- 
troduced a  few  weeks  later  in  the  Senate  by  Mr.  Calhoun,  vote  for  bv  Mr.  Fhichanan,  and 
were  deemed,  at  that  day,  a  lair  exposition  and  compromise  of  principle  between  the  two 
sect  ons  upon  the  controverted  powers  of  Congress. 

The  first  of  these  resolutions  was  adoptee!  almost  unanirnon-ly,  few  claim-  I  for  Congress 
the  right  to  legislate  upon  slavery  in  the  States.  On  the  resolution  (that  the  petitioners  for 
the  abolition  of  slavery  in  the  District  of  Columbia  and  against  the  removal  of  slaves  from 
one  slave  State  to  another  were  intended  to  destroy  the  institution  of  slavery)  the  vote 
stood — yeas  136,  nays  o5.      Adams,  Fillmore.   Slade,  Gildings  &   Co.,  i  i  th-  n  -uati-  e. 

On  the  first  branch  ofthe  3  1  resolution  (that  Congress  bad  no  tight  todo  that  indireetly 
which  it  cannot  do  directly)  the  vote  stood — yeas  173,  nays  t'j-5.  Adams,  Fillmore,  Slade, 
Giddings  &  Co.,  in  the  negative. 

On  the  second  branch  (that  the  agitation  of  the  question  in  the  District  of  Columbia  s  a 
means  of  overthrowing  the  institution  of  slavery  in  the  several  States  is  contrary  to  the 
spirit  of  the  Constitution,  an  infringement  ofthe  rights  ofthe  States,  and  a  breach  ofthe 
confederate  southi  the  vote  stood — yeas  Did,  nays  40  Adams,  Fillmore,  SI ade,  Giddings 
&  Co.,  in  the  negative. 

On  the  first  branch  ofthe  4th  resolution  (that  the  Constitution  rests  upon  the  broad  prin- 
ciple of  equality  among  the  members  ofthe  confederacy)  the  vote  stood — yeas  b'J  nays  26. 
Fillmore  and  Gildings  in  the  affirmative. 

On  the  second  branch  ofthe  4th  resolution,  to  wit  :  "  That  Cong  ess,  in  the  exercise  ofits 
acknowledged  power,  has  no  right  to  tlisei  inmate  between  the  ln-titmio  s  of  on  ■  portion 
of  the  States  and  another  with  a  view  of  ah  dishing  the  one  and  promoting  the  other,"  die 
vote  htoo  ' — yeas  174,  nays  24.  Adams,  Fillmore,  Giddings,  Slade,  Truman  Suiith  &  C§., 
voting  in  the  negative. 

On  the  first  branch  ofthe  5th  resolution  the  vote  stood — yeas  146,  nays  52.  Adams,  Fill- 
more, Giddings,  Slade  &  Co. ,  in  the  negative. 

On  the  second  branch  ol  the  5th  resolution  (tabling  abolition  petiti  ns  and  resolutions 
without  other  notice)  the  vote  stood — yeas  166,  nays  2v  Adams,  Fillmore,  Slade,  Gid- 
dings &  Co.,  in  the  negative. —  See  Cong.  Globe,  vol.  7,  jip  27    2a 

But,  upon  a  question  of  so  much  importance,  it  is  our  duty,  at  the  expense. of  tim-  and 
patience,  to  demonstrate  completely  the  charge  that  Mr.  Fillmore  was  one  of  Ike  first  and 
mostformidable  authors  of  the  slavery  agitation! 


The  session  of  lS36-'7  seems  to  have  been  the  commencement  of  an  effort,  on  the  part 
of  the  abolitionists,  to  connect  their  nefarious  schemes  with  the  political  operations  of  the 
country.  A  powerful  endeavor  was  made  by  Adams,  Giddings,  Slade,  and  other*,  10 
create  an  excitement  against  the  southern  States,  by  charging  them  with  a  violation  of  the 
right  of  petiiioti.  The  struggle  was  fierce  and  exciting,  but  it  was  decisive  against  the  agi- 
tators Congress  determined  to  exclude  all  reference  to  a  question  so  dangerous  and  excit- 
ing in  its  character.  Bin  the  fire  then  kindled  has  never  gone  out,  it  has  burned  more  or 
less  fiercely  as  any  casual  collision  between  the  sectional  interests  has  furnish  >d  fuel. 

We  shall  therefore  recur  to  the  events  of  the  26th  December,  J&37,  a  •day  which  Mr. 
Wise  hns  called  "the  darkest  in  a  congressional  service  cf  eleven  years. "  Our  narrative 
will  be  compiled  from  the  pages  of  that  observant  and  caustic  historian,  Thomas  H.  Benton, 
who  will  not  let  the  dust  of  oblivion  cover  the  sins  of  contemporaneous  inconsistency.  Our 
object  in  recalling  this  important  historical  era  is  to  show  that  Mr.  Fiilmore  was  responsi- 
ble for  his  share  of  the  original  mischief  wrought  by  the  agitators  to  whom  we  have  ad- 


The  immediate  occasion  of  this  contest  was  the  pertinacious  effort  of  Mr.  Slade,  of  Ver- 
mont, to  make  the  presentation  of  abolition  petitions  the  ground  of  agitation  anil  action 
against. the  institution  of  slavery  in  the  southern  States.  Mr.  Slade  had  moved  to  refer  the 
resolutions  presented  by  him  to  a  select  committee,  with  instructions  to  report  upon  them. 
Upon  making  this  motion,  he  commenced  a  violent  assault  upon  the  institution  of  slavery. 
Mr.  Rhett,  of  South  Carolina,  interposed,  to  warn  him  of  the  consequences  of  such  an  in- 
flammatory harangue.  Mr.  Slade  refused  to  desist,  and  was  interrupted  by  a  motion,  made 
by  Mr.  Dawson,  ol  Georgia,  for  an  adjournment.  The  Speaker  [an  upright  and  impartial 
southern  man]  ruled  this  motion  out  of  order 

Mr.  Slade  was  proceeding  to  discuss  the  question,  "  What  was  slavery  ?"  Mr.  Dawson 
again  asked  him  to  yive  way  for  an  adjournment,  which  was  refused.  "  A  visible  commo- 
tion began  to  pervade  the  house — members  rising,  clustering  together,  and  talking  with 
animation."  Mr.  Slade  continued,  and  was  about  reading  a  judicial  opinion  of  one  of  the 
southern  States,  defining  a  slave  to  be  a  chattel,  when  Mr.  Wise  called  him  to  order  for 
irrelevancy.  "  The  question  being  upon  the  abolition  of  slavery  in  the  District,  and  the  ar- 
gument upon  the  legality  of  slave  title  in  a  State."  The  Speaker  decided  that  it  was  not  in 
order  to  discuss  the  subject  of  slavery  in  the  States.  Mr.  Slade  contended  that  he  read  the 
decision  as  he  might  have  done  that  of  an  English  court.  Mr.  Robinson,  of  Virginia,  moved 
an  adjournment.  The  speaker  decided  the  motion  out  of  order,  and  Mr.  Slade  refused  to 
yield  the  floor,  and  continued  his  speech.  Mr.  Slade  proceeded  at  great  length,  when  Mr. 
Petrikin,  of  Pennsylvania,  called  him  to  order.  '1  he  chair  did  not  sustain  the  cail.  Mr. 
Slade  went  on  quoting  from  the  Declaration  of  Independence  and  the  constitutions  of  the 
several  States,  and  had  got  to  that  of  Virginia,  when  Mr.  Wise  called  him.  to  order  for  read- 
ing papers  without  the  leave  of  the  house.  The  speaker  then  said  that  no  paper  objected  to 
could  be  read  without  the  leave  of  the  house. 

Mr.    Wise  then  said  that  the  gentleman  had  wantonly  discussed  the  abstract  question  of 

slavery,  going  back  to  the  very  first  day  of  its  creation,  instead  of  slavery    as  it   now  existed 

in  the  District,  and  the  powers  and  duties  of  Congress  in  relation  to  it.     He  was  now  reading 

the  State  constitutions  to  show  that  as    it    existed  in    the   States   it  was  against  them,  and 

gainst  the  laws  of  God  and  man.     This  was  out  of  order." 

Mr.  Slade  explained,  and  argued  in  vindication  of  his  course  ;  he  was  about  to  read  a 
memorial  of  Dr.  Franklin,  and  an  opinion  of  Mr.  Madison  upon  the  subject  of  slavery, 
when  Mr.  Griffin,  of  South  Carolina,  objected  to  the  reading.  Mr.  Slade,  without  asking 
the  permission  of  the  House,  which  he  knew  would  not  be  granted,  proposed  that  the  clerk 
should  read  the  document.  To  this  the  speaker  objected,  that  it  was  equally  out  ol  order 
for  the  clerk  to  read.  Mr.  Griffin  withdrew  the  objection,  and  Mr.  Slade  proceeded  to 
read  the  papers  and  comment  upon  them.  He  was  about  to  return  to  the  state  of  opinion 
in  Virginia  upon  the  subject  of  slavery  before  Dr.  Franklin's  memorial.  Mr-  Rhett  in- 
quired. ''What  the  opinions  of  Virginia  fifty  years  since  had  to  do  with  the  case  ?"  The 
Speaker  was  about  to  reply,  when  Mr.  Wise  tose,  and  with  much  warmth,  said  :  "He  has 
discussed  the  whole  abstract  subject  of  slavery — of  slavery  in  Virginia — of  slavery  in  my 
own  district,  and  1  now  ask  all  of  my  colleagues  to  retire  with  me  from  this  hall."  Mr. 
Slade  reminded  the  Speaker  that  he  had  not  yielded  the  floor,  but  his  progress  was  inter- 
rupted by  the  condition  of  the  House  and  the  exclamations  of  members.  Amongst  them 
Mr.  Halsey,  of  Georgia,  was  heard  calling  on  the  delegates  from  that  State  to  withdraw 
with  him  ;  while  Mr.  Rhett  was  heard  proclaiming  that  the  members  from  South  Caroli- 
na had  already  consulted  together  and  appointed  a  meeiing  at  three  o'clock,  in  the  com- 
mittee room  of  the  District  ol  Colmbuia.  Here  the  Speaker  succeeded  in  getting  the  floor, 
and  stating  the  question  to  be  on  granting  leave  to  the  member  from  Vermont  to  read  cer- 
tain papers,  the  reading  of  which  had  been  objected  to.  Many  members  rose,  all  addressing 
the  chair  at   the  same  time,  and  the  general  scene  of  noise  and  confusion  continued. 

"Mr.  Rhett  succeeded  in  raising  his  voice  above  the    roar  of  the  tempest    which   waged 


in  the  House,  ami  invited  the  entire  delegation  from  all  the  slave  States  to  retire  from 
the  hall  forthwith,  and  meet  in  the  committee  room  of  the  District  of  Columbia." 

The  Speaker  rose  to  a  personal  explanation,  and  succeeded  in  recapitulating  his  decis- 
ions and  vindicated  their  correctness.  "Had  it  been  in  his  power,"  he  said,  "to  restrain 
the  discussion,  he  should  have  done  so.     But  it  was  not." 

Mr.  Slade  continuing,  said  the  paper  he  was  about  to  read  was  one  of  the  Continental 
Congress  of  1774.  The  Speaker  was  about  to  put  the  question  of  leave,  when  Mr.  Cost 
Johnson  inquired  if  it  "would  be  in  order  to  force  the  member  from  Vermont  to  stop  ?" 
The  impartial  chair  said  in  despair  that  it  could  not  be  done.  The  indomitable  Slide  pro* 
ceeded  in  triumph.  "Then  Mr.  MeHay,  of  North  Carolina, a  clear,  cool-headed,  sagacious 
man,  interposed  the  objection  that  headed  Mr.  Slade."  The  rule  of  the  House  required 
that  when  a  member  was  called  to  order,  he  should  take  his  seat;  and,  if  deeiiled  to  be 
out  of  order,  he  should  not  be  allowed  to  speak  again  without  the  leave  of  the  House. 
Mr.  McKav  stated  the  point  of  order,  and  said  that  he  now  objected  to  Mr.  Slade:s  pro- 
ceeding. "Redoubled  noise  and  confusion  ensued — a  crowd  of  members  rising  and  speak- 
ing at  once,  they  at  last  yielded  to  the  noise  and  confusion  of  the  Speaker's  hammer,  and 
his  apparent  desire  to  read  something  from  a  book — recognized  to  be  the  Manual — which 
he  he!  1  in  his  hand,  he  at  last  succeeded  in  reporting  the  rule  referred  to  by  Mr.  McKay, 
and  sustaining  his  motion.  Mr.  Slade  endeavored  to  proceed.  The  Speaker  directed  him 
to  take  his  seat  until  the  question  of  leave  should  be  put.  Then  Mr.  Slade — still  keepiug 
on  his  feet — a^ked  leave  to  proceed  in  order.  On  that  question  Mr.  Allen,  of  Vermont, 
asked  the  ayes  and  nays.  Mr.  Rencher,  of  North  Carolina,  moved  an  adjournment.  Mr. 
Adams  and  others  demanded  the  ayes  and  noes  upon  this  motion.  They  were  called,  and 
resulted  1UG  &\es,  63  noes — some  fifty   or  sixty  members  having  withdrawn. 

"This  opposition  to  adjournment,"  nays  the  historian,  "was  one  of  the  worst  features  in 
this  unhappy  day's  work — the  only  effect  of  keeping  the  House  together  being  to  increase 
irritation,  and  multiply  the  chances  of  an  outbreak,  from  the  beginning  southern  mem- 
bers had  voted  to  adjourn,  but  were  prevented  from  succeeding  by  the  tenacity  with  which 
Mr.  Slade  kept  possession  of  the  floor  ;  and  now,  at  last,  when  it  was  time  to  adjourn,  any 
way — when  the  House  was  in  a  condition  in  which  no  good  could  be  expected,  and  great 
harm  might  be  apprehended — there  were  sixty- three  members  wilLng  to  continue  it  in  ses- 
sion. When  the  adjournment  passed,  Mr.  Campbell  stood  up  in  a  chair,  and,  calling  for 
the  attention  of  members,  invited  all  of  the  southern  delegations  to  attend  the  meeting  then 
being  held  in  the  committee-room  of  the  Distiiet  of  Columbia. 

"Members  from  the  slaveholding  States  had  impaired  to  the  appointment,  agitated  by 
various  passions.  We  give  a  report  of  the  propositions,  presented  from  a  letter  written  by 
Mr.  Rhett  : 

"In  a  private  and  friendly  letter  to  the  editor  of  the  Charleston  Mercury,  amongst  other 
events  accompanying  the  memorable  secession  of  the  southern  members  from  the  hall  of 
the  House  of  Representatives,  1  stated  to  him  that  I  had  prepared  two  resolutions,  drawn 
as  amendments  to  the  motion  of  the  member  from  Vermont,  whilst  he  was  discussing  the 
institution  of  slavery  in  the  South,  'declaring  that  the  constitution  having  failed  to  protect 
the  South  in  the  peaceable  possession  and  enjoyment  of  their  rights  and  peculiar  institu- 
tions, it  was  expedient  that  the  Union  should  be  dissolved  ;  and  the  other,  appointing  a 
committee  of  two  members  from  each  State,  to  report  upon  the  best  means  of  peaceably 
dissolving  it.  They  were  intended  as  amendments  to  a  motion,  to  refer  with  instructions 
to  report  a  bill,  abolishing  sUvery  in  the  District  of  Columbia.  I  expected  them  to  share 
the  fate  which  inevitably  awaited  the  original  motion  so  soon  as  the  floor  could  have  been 
obtained,  viz  :  to  be  laid  upon  the  table.  My  design  in  presenting  them  was,  to  place 
before  Congress  and  the  people  what,  m  my  opinion,  was  the  true  issue  upon  this  great  and 
vital  question  ;  and  to  point  out  the  course  of  policy  by  which  it  should  be  met  by  the 
southern  States.' 

"But  extreme  counsels  did  not  prevail.  There  were-members  present  who  well  consid- 
ered that,  although  the  provocation  was  great  and  the  number  voting  for  such  a  fire-brand 
motion  was  deplorably  large,  yet  it  was  but  little  more  than  the  one-fourth  of  the  House 
and  decidedly  less  than  one  hall  of  the  members  from  the  free  States  ;  so  that,  even  if  left 
to  the  free  State  vote  alone,  the  motion  would  have  been  rejected.  But  the  motion  itself 
and  the  manner  in  which  it  was  supported,  was  most  reprehensible — necessarily  leading  to 
disorder  in  the  House,  the  destruction  of  its  harmony  and  capacity  for  useful  legislation 
tending  to  a  sectional  segregation  of  the  members,  the  alienation  of  feeling  between  the 
North  and  the  South,  and  alarm  to  all  the  slaveholding  States.  The  evil  required  a  remedy- 
but  not  the  remedy  of  breaking  up  the  Union  ;  but  one  which  might  prevent  the  like  in 
future,  while  administering  a  rebuke  upon  the  past.  That  remedy  was  found  in  adopting 
a  proposition  to  be  offered  to  the  House,  which,  if  agreed  to,  would  close  the  door  against 
any  discussion  upon  abolition  petitions  in  future,  and  assimilate  the  proceeding  o(  the  House 
in  that  particular,  to  those  of  the  Senate.  This  proposition  was  put  into  the  hands  of  Mr. 
Patton.  of  Virginia,  to  be  offered  as  an  amendment  to  the  rules  at  the  opening  of  the  House 
the  next  morning.     It  was  in  these  words  : 

''Resolved,  That  all  petitions,  memorials,  and    papers  touching   the  aboln  TO    of  slavery 
the  buying,  selling,  or  transferring  of  slaves,  in  any    State,    District,    or  Territory  of  the 


United  States,  be  laid  on 'he  table  without  being  deba'ed,  printed,  read,  or  referred,  and 
thai  no  m  ther  ac  ion  wha'ever  shall  b-  had  the  con 

"Accordingly,  at  the  op  niti^  of  the  House,  Mr.  Patton  asked  leave  to  submit  the,  follow- 
ing resolution — which  was  rea  I  for  information.  Mr  Adams  objected  to  the  grant  of  leave. 
Mr.  Patton  then  moved  a  suspension  of  the  rides,  which  motion  required  two-thirds  to 
sustain  it;  and  unless  ob'ained,  this  salutary  remedy  for  an  alarming  evil  (which  was  al- 
ready in  force  in  the  Senate)  could  not  be  offered.  It  was  a  test  motion,  and  on  which  the 
opponents  of  abolition  agitation  in  the  House  required  all  their  .-trength  ;  for,  unless  two 
to  one  they  were  defeated.  Happily  the  two  to  one  were  ready,  and  on  taking  the  yeas 
and  nays,  demanded  by  an  abolition  member,  to  keep  hisfri.  n  is  to  the  track,  and  to  hold 
the  ftee  State  anti-abolitioi  ists  to  their  responsibiity  at  home,)  the  result  stood  135  yeas  to 
60  nays — the  full   iwo  thirds  and  fifteen  over. 

"This  was  one  of  the  most  important  votes  ever  delivered  m  the  House.  Upon  its  issue 
depended  the  quiet  of  the  House  on  one  hand  or  on  the  other  the  renewal  and  peipetua- 
tion  of  the  scenes  of  the  day  before — ending  in  breaking  up  all  deliberation  and  all  nation- 
al legislation.  It  was  successful,  and  that  critical  step  being  safely  over,  I  tie  passage  of  the 
res  Union  was  secured — the  free  State  fri  ndly  vote  being  itself  sufficient  to  curry  it  ;  but, 
although  the  passage  of  ttite  resolution  was  secured,  yet  resistance  to  it  continued.  Mr. 
Pation  rose  to  recommend  his  resolution  as  a  peace  ottering,  and  to  prevent  fuither  agna- 
tion by  demanding  the  previous  question. 

"Then  followed  a  scene  of  disorder,  which  thus  appears  in  the  Register  of  Debates  : 

"  Mr.  Adams  rose  and  said,  Mr.  Speaker,  theirentleman  p.ecedes  his  resolution — [Loud 
cries  of  Order  !  orcer  !  from  all  pans  of  the  hall  !j  Mr.  A.  He  preceded  it  with  remarks — 
[Order  !  order  !j 

'•  The  Chair  reminded  the  gentleman  that  it  was  out  of  order  to  address  the  House  after 
the  demand  for  the  previous  question. 

"  Mr.  Adams.  I  ask  the  House — [Continued  dies  of  order  !'  which  completely  drowned 
the  honorable  member's  voice.'] 

"  Order  having  been  restored,  the  next  question  was,  '  Is  the  demand  for  the  previous 
question  seconded  ;'  which  seconding  would  consist  of  a  majority  of  the  whole  House  ; 
-which,  on  a  division,  quickly  showed  itself.  Then  came  the  further  question,  'Shall  the 
main  question  be  now  put  V  on  which  the  yeas  and  nays  were  demanded  and  takeu  ;  and 
ended  in  a  repetition  of  the  vote  of  the  same  63  agains't  it.  The  main  question  was  then 
put  and  carried  ;  but  again,  on  nays  and  yeas,  to  hold  free  State  members  to  their  respon- 
sibility ;  showing  the  same  bo  in  the  negative. 

"  Thus  was  stifled,  and  in  future  prevented  in  the  House,  the  inflammatory  debates  on 
these  disturbing  petitions.  It  was  the  great,  session  of  their  presentation,  being  olfered  by 
hundreds  and  signed  by  hundreds  of  thousands  of  persons — many  of  them  wuim  n,  who 
forgot  their  sex  and  their  duties  to  mingle  with  such  inflammatory  work  ;  some  of  them 
clergymen,  who  forgot  their  mission  of  peace  to  stir  op  strife  among  those  who  should  be 
brethren.  Of  the  pertinacious  63,  who  backed  Mr.  Slade  throughout,  the  most  notable  were 
Mr.  Adams,  who  had  been  President  of  the  United  States  ;Mr.  r  illmure  who  became  so  ; 
and  others.  It  was  a  portentous  contest.  The  motion  of  Mr.  Slade  was,  not  for  an  in- 
quiry into  the  expediency  of  abolishing  slavery  in  the  District  of  Columbia,  (a  motion  in 
itself  sufficiently  inflammatory,)  but  to  get  the  command  of  the  House  to  bring  in  a  bill  for 
that  purpose — which  would  be  a  decision  of  the  question.     His  motion  failed." 

"Amongst  the  pertinacious  sixty-three,"  says  Mr.  Benton,  "who  backed  Mr.  Slade 
throughout,  the  most  notable  were  Adams,  whe  had  been  President  of  the  United  States, 
Mr.  Fillmore,  who  became  so,"  and  others. 

"  It  was  a  portentous  contest.  The  motion  of  Mr.' Slade  was  not  for  an  inquiry  into  the 
expediency  of  abolishing  slavery  in  the  District  of  Columbia,  (a  motion  in  itself  sufficiently 
inflammatory,)  but  to  get  command  of  the  House  to  bring  in  a  bill  Jor  that  purpose,  which 
would  be  a  decision  of  the  question. — Benton's  Thirty  Yeais'  View,  chap  26,  vol.  'J.. 

Such  is  the  description  of  a  scene  which  has  no  parallel  for  prolonged  and  angry  excite- 
ment, and  for  turbulence,  since  the  irruption  of  the  '•  poissardes"  into  the  convention  of 
Paris.  We  have  given  the  details  from  the  knowledge  arid  observation  of  a  narrator.  This 
was  the  beginning  of  excitement  upon  this  subject.  It  originated  in  the  effort  of  a  faction  to 
make  the  rules  of  deliberation  the  vehicles  of  injustice  and  insult.  It  was  called  "  the  most 
angry  and  portentous  degate  which  had  yet  taken  place  in  Congress  ;"  and  now,  Millard 
l<  illmore,  one  of  the  chief  actors  in  these  disgraceful  scenes,  claims  high  exemption  from 
the  frailties  and  responsibilities  of  faction  and  fanaticism  !  Heads  homilies  upon  decorum 
to  those  who  are  at  this  day  reaping  the  tares  and  thorns  of  a  controversy  sown  by  his  own 
hand  :  and  with  an  air  of  pious  astonishment,  exclaims  : 

"  Where  are  we  now  ?  Alas  !  threatened  at  home  with  civil  war,  and  from  abroad  with 
a  rupture  of  our  peaceful  relations.  If  the  present  Executive  and  his  supporters  have,  with 
good  intentions  and  honest  hearts,  made  a.  mistake,  (in  the  repeal  of  the  Missouri  compro- 
mise. I  hope  God  may  forgive  them  as  1  do. 

"  It  is  for  you  to  say  whether  the  present  agitation  which  distracts  the  country  and 
threatens  us  with  civil  war,  has  not  been  recklessly  and  ivo?itonly  produced  by  the  adoption 
of  a  measure  to  aid  in  personal  advancement  rather  thanin  any  public  good" 

*  *  *  *  *  #  ##&#  * 


"  He  deplored  the  sectional  policy  that  had  been  adopted  by  important  political  parties  at 

the  present  time,  and  could  only  place  his  trust  in  the  sterling  patriotism  and  sound  sense  of 

the  people,  to  avert  the  calamines  which  sectional  agitation   nm-t  entail  upon  a  country.     • 

#  #  #         The  blame,  therefore,  it  appears  to  me,  with  all  due  deference 

is  chiefly  chargeable  to  those  who  originated  the  nieusiue. " 

Then  he  adds  : 

"  I  am  unwilling  to  believe  that  those  who  are  engaged  in  this  strife  can  foresee  the  con- 
sequences of  their  own  acts.  Why  should  not  the  golden  rule  which  our  Saviour  has 
presribed  for  our  intercourse  with  each  other,  he  applied  to  the  intercourse  between  these 
fraternal  States  ?  Let  us  do  unto  them  as  we  would  that  they  should  do  unto  us  in  like 

He  pities  his  successors  : 

"  He  regretted  extremely  that  those  who  succeeded  him  in  the  administration  had  thought 
proper,  bv  disturbing  existing  compromises,  to  re-open  the  wounds  so  recently  healed,  and 
again  to  shike  the  country  from  the  centre  to  the  circumference  with  the  same  deploroble 
agitation.  (Loud  applause  )  The  disturbance  of  a  compromise  that  had  existed  for  more 
than  thirty  years,  he  deeply  deplored.  (Cominued  applause.)  The  evils  it  had  entailed 
upon  the  country  were  known  to  all,  and  he  could  only  hope  that  the  authors  of  those  evils 
had  not  foreseen  the  consequences  of  their  policy." 

Have  the  annals  of  political  hypocrisy  anything  to  compare  with  this  inconsistency  be- 
tween the  recorded  legislative  actions  of  Mr.  Fillmore,  and  this  severe  reproach  upon  others 
who  are  now  suffering  the  consequences  of  his  own  example  ? 

Messrs.  Fjlmore,  Adams,  Slade,  Giddings  &  Co.,  had  organized  an  attempt  to  force  the 
dSscussion  of  slavery  upon  Congress.  They  would  suffer  no  adjournment.  They  opposed 
every  attempt  to  stop  the  streams  of  abuse  directed  upon  the  peaceful  and  astonished  mem- 
bers from  the  North.  They  pressed  the  offensive  subject  untd  they  caused  the  first  act  of 
representative  secession  which  had  ever  taken  place  in  this  country.  Well  might  Mr. 
Wise,  himself  a  prominent  actor  in  those  scenes,  receive  with  indignation  the  very  swift 
testimony  of  Mr.  Stewart — afterwards  one  of  Mr  Fillmore's  cabinet — who  volunteered  to 
prove  that  Mr."Fillmore  was  one  of  the  soundest  'and  best  friends  of  the  South. 

In  a  letter  written  by  Mr.  Wise  to  Mr.  Alfred  of  Augusta,  Va.,  dated  July  29,  1S4S,  he 
says  :  -  *  ~=-si         > 

"  I,  too,  served  Mr.  Fihnore  much  longer  than  Mr.  Stuat  did  in  Congress,  and  I  was 
intimately  acquainted  with  his  speei  lies  and. votes  in  the  House  of  Representatives  on  the 
subject  of  slaveiy,  and  of  its  abolition,  in  all  its  forms  ;  and  I  do  not  hesitate  on  my  own 
personal  knowledge  and  responsibility,  to  pronounce  the  charge  of  abolitionism  against  Mr. 
Fillmoie  true.  1  appeal  to  the  journals  of  the  House,  for  the  whole  period  of  Mr.  Fillmore's 
service  in  Congress,  to  prove  that,  if  he  is  not  an  abolitionist,  John  Quincy  Adams  was  not; 
Giddings  was  not  He  voted  with  them  and  against  the  South,  on  every  question  of  slavery 
or  abolition  without  an  exception  within  my  knowledge  or  recollection.  The  darkest  day 
I  erer  saw,  during  eleven  years'  experience,  from  1S33  to  1844,  in  the  House,  was  on  the 
20th  of  December,  1837,  which  we  have  already  explained,  on  the  occasion  on  which  Mr. 
Slade  discussed  the  question  of  slavery  in  the  States." 

Mr    Fillmore'  Fxccutive  record  upon  the  subject  of  slavery  : 

Whilst  in  the  executive  chair,    Mr.  Fillmore  sought  no   opportunity  to  extend  our  Terri- 
torial possessions  or  commercial  relations  towards  the  South.      He  had  been  opposed  to  the 
annexation  of  Texas.     He  occupied  himself  very  vigilantly  in  maintaining  the  laws  against 
fillibusters — laws  in  themselves  very  salutary  and  proper  to  be  enforced. 
Opposition  to  Texas  annexation: 

In  J  ?44  he  was  an  ardent  opposer  of  Texas  annexation. 

At  a  mass  meeting  in  the  State  of  New  York  In  1S-I4,  Mr.  Fillmore  made  a  speech  from 
a  booth  reared  under  a  banner  on  which  were  painted,  in  ridicule,  General  Jackson  and 
James  K.  Polk,  the  latter  mounted  by  a  negro  !  who  carried  a  small  flag  bearing  the  name  of 

His  course  in  1S47  : 

In  1847  he  headed  the  ticket  of  his  party  in  New  York,  the  basis  of  whose  organization 
consisted  of  the  following  resolution  : 

Resolved — That  while  the  Whig  freemen  of  New  York,  represented  in  this  convention, 
will  faithfully  adhere  to  all  the  compromises  of  the  constitution,  and  jealously  maintain  all 
the  reserved  rights  of  the  States,  they  declare — since  the  crisis  has  arrived  when  the  ques- 
tion must  be  met — their  uncompromising  hostility  to  the  extension  of  shivery  into  any 
territory  now  free  which  may  be  hereafter  acquired  by  any  action  ol  the  government  of  our 
Union  " 

A  Fillmore  paper,  speaking  afterwards  of  this  resolution  and  the  result,  said  : 
"  On  the    strength    mainly  of   that  resolve — of  its  rejection  by  the    Democracy,    and  its 
hearty  adoption  by    the  Wings — the  State  went  Whig  in  the  election  that  followed  by  some 
thirty  thousand  majority.     MILLARD  FILLMORE  headed  the  Whig  Ticket." 

The  Address,  issued  in  support  of  the  resolution  and  of  Mr.  Fillmore,  was  furious  in  Its 
denunciation  of  slave  extension,  saying  that  : 

*'  The  flag  of  our  victorious    legion  is  to  be  desecrated  from  its  holy  character  of  ii  ert 
and  emancipation  into  an  errand  of  bondage  and  slavery." 


"  We  protest  in  the  name  of  the  rights  of  man  and  of  liberty,  against  tne  further  exten- 
sion of  slavery  in  North  America," 

During  the  canvass  of  1847,  at  Rochester,  in  the  State  of  New  York,  Mr.  Fillmore  made 
a  speec^m  Minerva  Hall  against  "  the  aggression  of  slave  power."  The  greater  part  of 
the  speech  was  upon  the  encroachments  of  slavery  ;  upon  the  monopoly  which  the  south- 
ern O'ioaichy,  a  nest  of  250,000  slaveholders,  had  enjoyed  in  all  the  offices  of  trust  in  the 
Union  :  how  many  Presidents  from  the  South,  how  few  from  the  North.  He  commented 
on  the  same  disproportion  of  judges,  foreign  ministers,  Speakers  of  the  House,  members  of 
the  cabinet,  &c,  with  ungracious  flings  at  what  he  alleged  to  be  southern  arrogance  and 

In  1851  he  negotiated  the  Central  American  treaty  with  Great  Britain.  Under  this  we 
guaranteed  that  power  in  all  her  possesions  aud  pretensions,  renounced  any  possibility  of 
acquiring  territory  ourselves  in  that  quarter,  bound  ourselves  to  divide  with  her  any  rights 
of  transit  we  might  acquire,  engaged  to  maintain  the  peace  of  the  isthmus,  and  by  this 
"  entangling  alliance,"  placed  a  barrier  to  southern  progress,  more  effectual  than  all  the 
fleets  and  armies  of  Europe.  This  unfortunate  convention  was  founded  in  a  false  admira- 
tion of  British  power,  and  was  either  a  covert  attempt  to  injure  the  South,  or  a  weak 
elmlitior.  of  magnanimous  vanity.  England  already  held  the  monopoly  of  the  isthmus 
between  the  Mediterranean  and  the  Red  Sea.  She  offered  us  no  reciprocity  in  its  use.  We 
were  just  acquiring  territory  on  the  Pacific  ;  we  were  on  the  eve  of  acquiring  commer- 
cial communications  which  must  give  our  marriners  and  marchants  infinite  advantages  over 
theii  competitors.  The  treaty  of  Mr.  Fillmore  has  entangled  us  in  a  co-partnership  and  a 
eo  protectoiate,  which  has  been  a  fruitful  source  of  dispute  between  the  contracting 
powers.  The  obscurity  of  its  language  has  occasioned  questions  of  personal  veracity 
among  our  own  statesmen,  and  with  the  ministers  of  England.  A  convention  intended  to 
keep  the  peace  of  the  isthmus  has  nearly  involved  in  war  two  peaceful  continents.  But  it 
has  stopped  the  progress  of  the  republic  in  that  direction,  and  we  shall  never  be  relieved 
from  its  embarrassments  until  notice  shall  be  given  of  our  purpose  to  abrogate  it. 


The  proclivities  of  Mr.  Fillmore  are  perhaps  as  obvious  from  his  nominations  to  office, 
whilst  in  the  executive  chair,  as  from  his  votes  in  Congress,  or  his  known  opinions  pub- 
licly expressed  elsewhere. 

The  Hon.  S.  A.  Smith  of  Tennessee,  having  "been  asked  by  the  Hon.  Mr.  Shaw  for  some 
information  about  the  character  of  Mr.  Fillmore's  appointments,  replies  in  a  letter,  from 
which  we  make  the  following  extracts  : 

He  says  that  he  has  been  led — 

"  To  examine  carefully  the  political,  or  rather  sectional  views  of  the  appointees  of  Mr. 
Fillmore  during  his  Presidential  term. 

This  has  been  a  work  of  no  little  labor  and  required  some  time,  which  accounts  for  the 
delay  in  answering  youi  letter 

Upon  this  investigation  I  find  the  following  facts  : 

1.  Every  man  appointed  to  any  important  office  by  Mr,  Fillmore  while  President,  whose 
residence  was  north  of  Mason  &  Dixon's  line,  including  three  members  of  the  cabinet,  was 
a  Freesoiler,  and  in  favor  of  the  "  Wilmot  Proviso." 

2.  One  of  the  leading  members  of  his  cabinet,  the  Hon.  Thomas  Corwin,  of  Ohio,  Secre- 
tary of  the  Treasury,  was  a  prominent  Abolitionist, 

3  Every  one  of  the  appointees  before  referred  to,  who  had  taken  any  position  on  the 
slavery  question,  was  known  at  the  time  of  his  appointment,  to  be  in  favor  of  the  prohibition 
of  slavery  in  the  Territories. 

4.  Most  of  those  from  the  same  section  retained  in  office  by  Mr.  Fillmore,  who  had  pre- 
viously been  appointed  by  President  Taylor,  were  Freesoilers  or  Wilmot  Piovisoists." 

From  this  report  it  would  seem,    that,  to    have  been  an  advocate  of  the  Wilmot  provisc; 
constituted  no  valid  objection  in  the  mind  of  Mr.  Fillmore  to  appointment  to  office. 
Pardon  by  Mr.  Fillmore  of  Daniel  Dayton    and  Edward    Sayres,  parties    convicted  in  the 

criminal  court  of  the  District  of  Columbia,  of  enticing  away  and    transporting  seventy- 
three  slaves  from  said  District. 

As  a  practical  illustration  of  the  views  of  Mr.  Fillmore  in  relation  to  slavery  in  the  Dis- 
trict of  Columbia,  and  the  rights  of  slaveholders  generally,  we  submit  the  following  facts  ; 
in  the  year  184S  the  city  of  Washington  was  startled  by  the  announcement  that  a  very 
large  number  of  its  slave  population  had  nbsconded  upon  the  same  night.  Suspicion  was 
directeed  against  a  par.icular  vessel  which  had  left  the  port  of  Washington  ;  it  was  pur- 
sued and  overtaken.  "  and  concealed  under  hatches  were  found  seventy  three  slaves  belong- 
ing  to  citizens  of  the  District  of  Columbia  and  of  the  States  of  Maryland  and  Virginia.  The 
vessel  was  in  charge  of  three  white  men  from  the  north.  The  slaves  and  kidnappers  were 
brought  back  to  the  city  and  placed  in  prison. 

The  following  recordshows  the  action  of  the  criminal  court  in  the  case  : 

Criminal  Court^of  the  District  of  Columbia,  for  the  county  of  Washington. 

March  term,  1840.  ■ 


United  States    )      May  8.   Convicted  of  transporting  slaves  in  73  cases,  and  sentenced  by 
vs.  >  the  court  in  each  case  to  pay  a  line  of  $>l  10  and  costs,  one  half  of  the  line 

Daniel  Drayton.    )  to  the  owner  of  the  slave,  according  to  the  act  of  Mid.  of  17'J6,  ch.  67.     , 
Ordered  to  be  committed  to  the  jail  of  Washington  county  till  lines  and  costs  are  paid. 
Same    number  of  cases  vs.    Edward  Sayers,   and  fined   ftlUO  and  cost  in  each,  and  com- 
mitted as  above.  * 

Test  :  JOHN  A.  SMITH.  Clerk. 

Under  this  law  of  Maryland,  in  force  in  the  District  of  Columbia,  the  penalty  is  a  fine  not 
exceeding  two  hundred  dollars,  with  imprisonment  in  the  county  jail  as  the  alternative  of 
non  payment.  This  act  was  passed  in  1796,  and  was  then  deemed  sufficient  to  prevent 
such  offences,  but  we  feel  assured  there  is  no  a  slave  State  in  .which  the  commission  of 
such  a  crime  does  not  now  subject  the  offender  to  imprisonment  in  the  penitentiary  at  hard 
labor  for  many  years.  It  will  be  seen  that  the  court  did  not  impose  the  maximum  fine  in 
either  case,  one  half  of  which,  under  the  express  terms  of  the  law,  enured  to  the  owners  of 
the  slaves,  and  the  other  to  the  '•'  commissioners  of  tin  county."  The  costs  belonged  to  the 
United  States,  by  whom  all  the  expenses  of  the  prosecution  had  been  paid.  Before  we  exhibit 
the  record,  to  show  under  whose  authority  these  men  were  discharged,  we  ask  our  readers 
to  consider  their  offence  and  its  consequences.  It  was  not  the  transportation  of  a  single  or  a 
few  slaves,  the  number  was  seventy-three.  From  the  confessions  of  one  of  the  parties,  it 
was  proven  that  money  was  the  motive  on  their  part,  and  that  the  whole  scheme  was  under 
the  management  of  northern  abolitionists,  and  doubtless  was  one  of  those  ''underground 
railways"  now  so  boastfully  spoken  of. 

Joshua  R.  Giddings,  of  Ohio,  immediately  upon  the  imprisonment  of  the  offenders,  visited 
them  at  the  jail,  and  showed  by  his  conduct  that  he  rejoiced  in  their  act.  Horace  Mann, 
member  of  Congress  from  Massachusetts,  and  of  equal  notoriety  as'an  abolitionist,  was  one 
of  their  counsel,  and  during  the  trial  actually  denied  the  legality  of  slavery  in  the  District  of 
Columbia.  What  were  the  consequences  ?  let  us  enumerate  them  :  the  invasion  of  private 
rights  and  the  violation  of  public  law,  accompanied  with  very  considerable  expense  to  the 
individual  owners,  and  much  more  to  the  United  States  ;  the  disturbance  of  the  peace  of  the 
seat  of  government  whilst  Congress  was  in  session;  for  the  indignation,  of  the  citizens  of 
Washington,  exasperated  by  previous  losses,  and  now  by  this  wholesale  robbery  broke  out 
into  an  angry  mob.  This  danger  proved  so  threatening,  that  special  meetings  of  the  muni- 
cipal authorities  were  held,  and  the  President  of  the  United  States,  Mr.  Polk,  held  consulta- 
tion with  them  as  to  the  best  means  of  preserving  the  peace  of  the  Capital.  The  excite- 
ment, however,  did  not  end  here,  but  was  introduced  into  the  halls  of  Congress  ;  by  Mr. 
Hale,  of  New  Hampshire,  into  the  Senate,  and  by  Mr.  Palfrey,  of  Massachusetts,  into  the 
House  of  Representatives,  the  result  of  which  was  an  angry  debate,  with  an  increase  of 
sectional  strife  and  hostility.  In  proof  of  these^statements  see  the  National  Intelligencer  and 
Union  from  April  18,  1S4S,  et  seg 


^Criminal   Court  of  the  District  of  Columbia  for  the  county  of  Washington. 

United  States  vs.  Daniel  Drayton. 

August  12,  1S52. — Discharged  from  jail  by  the  President  of  the  United  States,  Millard 

Same  vs.  Edward  Sayers. 
Also  discharged,  at  the  same  time,  by  the  President. 

Test :  JOHN  A.  SMITH,  Clerk. 

This  pardon  discriminated  between  the  release  from  imprisonment,  and  the  payment  of 
the  fine  and  costs,  leaving  them  to  be  recovered  by  civil  process.  This  discrimination  was 
a  mere  evasion  and  mockery  of  justice.  How  idle  it  would  have  been  for  southern  slave- 
holders to  have  followed  these  parties  north  for  any  such  purpose  ;  the  United  States  has 
never  recovered,  or  attempted  to  recover,  one  dollar  of  costs,  in  reinbursement  of  the  expen- 
ses of  prosecution  paid  out  of  the  common  treasury,  and  the  owners  of  the  slaves  (a  portion 
only  having  released  their  interest  in  the  funds)  have  never  received  the  expenses  of  their 

Upon  these  points  we  quote  the  following  extracts  from  the  opinion  of  John  J.  Critten 
den,  given  in  April,  1852,  and  then  Atterney  General,  to  whom  the  President,  Mr.  Fillmore, 
submitted  the  question  of  his  constitutional  power  to  pardon  Drayton  and  Sayers.  The  re- 
port wiU  be  found  in  volume  5,  Opinions  of  Attorneys  General,  published  by  R.  Farnham, 
page  536,  Mr,  Crittenden  says  :  "  To  convert  the  power  of  mercy  and  grace  by  pardon  into 
a  power  releasing  and  acquitting  or  abrogating  private  vested  rights  would  be  a  distortion 
<?f  the  power  from  its  true  meaning,  spirit,  and  purpose."  Again  he  says,  page  542  :  "I 
cannot  advise  that  your  power  of  pardon  as  President  of  the  United  States  extends  to  any 
portion  of  the  several  fines  imposed  by  the  judgments  against  Drayton  and  Sayers.  The  im- 
prisonment   is  to  compel  payment  of  the  lines,    and  is  not    to  be    released   by    the  power  of 



granting  pardons  any  more  than  the  fines   themselves.     They   were  released  from  imprison- 
ment without  the  payment  of  a  single  dollar  of  the  fines  or  costs. 

Admitting,    however,  the  power  of  the  President,  let  us  consider  the    act  of  Mr.    Fillmore 
in  its  relation  to  those  communities  whose  rights  had   been  outraged,  and  especially  the  in- 
terests and  sensibilities    of  the   south  generally.     It  is  the  rule  of  the  President  of  the  United 
States,  as  doubtless  of  the  State  executives,  when  invoked  to  exercise  the  pardoning  power, 
to  learn  the  views  of  those  officially  connnected  with  the  case  under  advisement,  and  also  of 
the  community  against  whom  the  offence  had  been  committed.     In  this  case,  Mr.  Fillmore, 
contrary  to    his* own  custom,  and  although   the  application  for  pardon  had  been  before  him 
for  several  months,  neither  sought  nor   received    any    statement   of  the  facts,  or  any  opinion 
from,  Philip  Barton   Key,  Esq.,  who,  as   district  attorney,    conducted    the  prosecution,  and 
was  therefore  the  most  suitable  person  to  advise  him,  or  from  Philip  R.  Fendall,  Esq.,  who, 
at   the  time    of  the   pardon  held  that  office.     There  was  no  recommendation    from    Judge 
Crawford  or  the  Jury  who  tried  the  cases.     There  was  no  consultation  with  either  of  the  two 
gentlemen,  Messrs.  Walter  Lenox  and  John  W.  Maury,  Esqs.,  who  held  the  office  of  mayor 
of  the  city  of  Washington  during  the  pendency  of  the  application,  or  even  notification  of  it  to 
them.     If  such  notification  had  been  given,  earnest  remonstrances  would  have  been  laid  be- 
fore the  President  from  the  mayor  of  the  city  and  the  municipal  authorities,   "  and  from  the 
citizens  generally,  who  were  even  more  astonished  at  the  announcement  of  the  pardon  than 
they  had  been  when  the  slaves  were  first  carried  off  !"     So  unexpected  was  this  pardon,  and 
so  hurried  the  departure  of  these  offenders,  that  not  only  had  the  citizens  of  Washington  no 
chance  to  remonstrate,  but  the  State  of  Virginia  had  no  opportunity   to  interpose  her  execu- 
tive   requisition   for  them,   a  portion  of  the   stolen  slaves  having   belonged    to  her  citizens. 
Since  the  occurrence  of  this  outrage,  and  the    free  escape    of  the  criminals,  the  State  of  Vir- 
ginia ha?  felt  herself  called  upon  to  prohibit  the  hiring  of  slaves  in  the  District  of  Columbia. 
Under  such  circumstances,  the  exercise   of  the  pardoning  power,  in  the  forcible  language  of 
Mr.    Crittenden,  becomes  "a  distortion  of  the    power   from  its  true  meaning,  spirit,    and 

The  only  apology  offered  for  Mr.  Fillmore  is  that  he  yielded  to    his  sentiments  of  human- 
ity ;  but    was  it  a  case  which  justly  appealed  to  his  pity  ?     These  men  had  been   in  prison 
between  three  and  four  years,  but  this  confinement  was  in  the  county  jail  without  labor,  in 
pleasant  apartments,  with  wholesome  food  and  the  privilege  ol  books  and  papers.     Average 
the  duration  of  the  imprisonment  and  the  number  of  slaves,  it  is  much   less    than  a  month  in 
each  case.     Under  the  laws  of  this  District  the  larceny  of  any  article  under  the  value  of  five 
dollars  is  punishable,  and  often  punished,   with    imprisonment    in  the  county  jail  for  twelve 
months,  and  tlfe  larceny  of  articlesof  the  value  of  five  dollars  and  upwards  subjects  the  of- 
fendeis  to  imprisonment  in  the  penitentiary  at  hard  labor  for  one  to  three  years.      Regarded, 
then,  as  a  mere  question  of  property,  it  is  manifest  from    this   contrast  that  the  punishment 
was  wholly  inadequate  and  a  mockery  of  equal  justice.     Again  :  how  many  far  more  meri- 
torious  cases  were  then  languishing  in    the  District  penitentiary,  the  victims  of  ignorance 
and  poverty.     It  is  said,  were  these  men    to  reman  in  jail  for   their  lifetime  ?     We  answer 
no,  but  for  such  time  as  was  reasonably  proportionable  to  their  offence.     Can  it  be  presumed 
that  Mr.  Fillmore's  successor  would  be  less  humane  ? 

The  pardoning  power  is  not  to  be  exercised  from  feelings  of  pity  at  the  expense  of  duty 
and  great  public  considerations.  If  so,  our  prisons  will  soon  be  emptied  and  convictions 
but  idle  forms.  We  regret  to  believe  that  it  was  not  sympathy  for  any  sufferings  of  these 
men,  but  with  the  act  they  had  committed,  as  subsequent  circumstances  will  show. 

What  renders  the  conduct  of  Mr.  Fillmore  more  inexplicable  is  the  fact  that  it  was  dur- 
ing his  own  presidential  term,  and  before  the  granting  of  this  pardon,  that  a  similar  offence 
was  committed  in  the  city  of  Washington.  In  the  year  1S50  one  William  S.  Chaplin,  a  no- 
torious abolitionist,  enticed  several  slaves  to  abscond  from  the  city.  Three  of  them  belonged 
to  Messrs.  Tombs  and  Stepnens,  then  sojourning  at  the  seat  of  government  in  the  discharge 
of  tlieir  duttes  as  representatives  from  the  State  of  Georgia.  Chaplin  provided  a  carriage 
for  the  purpose,  armed  himself  and  slaves.  When  intercepted  he  made  a  desperate  resist- 
ance, as  also  the  slaves  at  his  instigation,  firing  repeatedly  uponthe  officers.  Chaplain 
gave  bail  in  the  sum  of.$6,000,  forfeited  it  and  npon  his  return  home  was  applauded  as  a 
hero.  It  was  his  boast  that  the  slaves  were  the  property  of  southern  members  of  Congress. 
This  aggravated  attack  upon  the  rights  of  slaveholders  was  staring  Mr.  Filhnore  in  the 
face  when  he  paidoned  Drayton  and  Sayers. 
We  give  the  record  : 

Criminal  Court  of  the  District  of  Columbia  for  Washington  county. 

March  term,  1S51. 

Ukited  States,    )  Indicted  for  the  larceny  of  slaves  in  two  cases.     Recognizance  in  the 

vs.                \  sum  of  $3,000    in  each  case.     Recognizance   forfeited   and   cases 

Wm.  L.  Chaplin,  )  still  pending  and  undecided.              ^ 

Test  :  JNO.  A.  SMITH,   Clerk.    \ 

You  will  then  ask,  fellow-citizens  of  the  south,  at  whose  especial  instance  was  this  par- 
don granttd  ?     We  answer  from  the  record,  Charles  Sumner,  senator  from  Massachusetts. 


On  file  in  the  State  Department  will  be  found  a  long  and  elaborate  petition  and  argument 
by  him  in  favor  ofthis  pardon.  He  received  it  himself,  and  bore  it  triumphantly,  in  com- 
pany with  the  marshal,  to  ihe  jail.  It  is  now  paraded  as  one  of  his  brightest  achieve- 
ments, as  will  be  sen  by  reference  to  page  48  of  a  work  published  by  Tieknor  &  Fields, 
Boston,  entitled  "Recent  Speeches  and  Addresses,  by  Charles  Sumner."  It  is  there 
stated  "  that  this  case  (that  of  Dayton  and  Sayers)  excited  particular  interest.  "  On  invi- 
tation of  Mr.  Fillmore,  Mr.  Sumner  laid  before  him  the  following  paper.  Shortly  after- 
waul  the  pardon  was  granted," 

We  cannot  for  bear    tomention   the  singular  aud  painful  fact,  that  whilst  the  paidon  was 
refused  belore  the  meeting  of  the  Whig  convention  of  1852,  yet  that  it  was    granted  at  the 
instance  of  Charles  Sumner,  subsequent  to  the    action    of  that   convention.     We    ask  the 
question,  ought  Mr.  Sumner's  interposition  have  weighed  a  feather  ;  but,  on  the    contrary 
should  not  his  interference  have  admonished  Mr.  Fillmore  of  the  necessity  of  eaution.   Yet 
the  President  fails  to  consult  with  those  who  have  been    aggrieved,  and    grants  the   pardon 
"  shortly  after  Mr.  Sumner's  argument."     It  seems  to  us  that  Mr.  Fillmore  having  acquaint- 
ed himself  with  all  the  facts  of  the  case,  with  the  view*    of  the    people   whose   rights    had 
been  invaded,  and  weighed  well  the  enormity  4f  the  offence  in  all  its  consequences,  should 
have  answered  Mr.  Sumnar  in  this  wise  :  "  I  cannot  grant  this   pardon    ;  it  should  oidy  be 
granted  with  the  knowledge  and  approval  of  the  authorities,  iegal  and    municipal,    of    the 
city  of  Washington,  and  of  some  considerable  portion  of  the  community  whose  rights  have 
been  invaded  and  peace  disturbed.     There  are  numberless  cases  in  the  penitentiary  and  jail 
of  this  District  more  deserving  of  Executive  clemency  ;  if  these  men  have  committed  this 
wholesale  robbery  of  their  own  motion  for  gain,  they  must  expiate  it    by    suitable   punish- 
ment.    My  successors  can  interpose  at  a  proper  time  torelease   them.     If  they    were    the 
agents  and  dupes  of  abolition  societies,  let  their  employers,  from  their  abundance,  pay  the 
fines   and  cost:-,    or    some    portion  thereof,  as  a  just  restitution  to  the  United  States  and  the 
owners.     If  their  employersiwill  not  save  them  harmless,  let  their  dupes  expose  the  plotters 
of  this  nefarious  scheme,  and  they  shall   be  discharged.     Again,  this   is  a  national    matter, 
Congress  and  the  country  are  convulsed  by  this  sectioual  strife.     Since    the   commission  of 
this  offence,  the  servants  of  representatives  in  Congress  have    been  stolen    away    and  the 
rights  of  sovereign  States  thereby  violated.     Until    this  spirit  of   fanaticism  which  so  flag- 
rantly tramples  upon  private  rights  and  the  public  peace  is  allayed,  I  cannot,  by  any  act 
of  mine,  give  it  the  slightest   countenance  ;  but,  on  the    contrary,  must    rebuke    it.     Such 
criminals,  with  such  abettors,  must  be  held  as  hostages  for  the  public  peace."     Such,  how- 
ever, was  not  his  langnage  or  his  action  ;  but  a  few    months  before    the   expiration   of  his 
term,  and  with  the  retirement  of  private  life  before  him,  Mr.  Filimore  co-operates  with  Mr. 
Sumner,  and,  in  fact,  gratifies  thfs  bitter  enemy  and  wholesale  rcviler  of  the    south    by  the  . 
consummation  of  this  outrage.     How  opposite    Mr.    Fillmore's    course  to  the  south,  to  the 
cordial  and  consistent  friendship  of  Mr.  Buchanan  alike  in  sunshiue  and  storm! 



We  will  now  briefly  recapitulate  the  acts  of  these  two  competing  statesmen,  that  our 
southern  readers  may  determine  at  a  glance  upon  which  of  them  the  south  can  best  rely  for 
safety  and  justice. 

Mr.  Fillmore  was  wiliing  that  Congress  should  receive  petitions  to  abolish  slavery  in  the 
Distiict  of  Columbia,  and  in  the  Territories,  and  praying  that  no  other  slave  State  might 
ever  be  admitted  into  the  Union. 

He  was  not  willing  that  resolutions  condemnatory  of  those  principles   should  be    offered. 

He  has  expressed  the  opinions  that  Congress  has  power  to  abolish  slavery  in  the  District 
of  Columbia,  and  that  it  may  prehibit  the  removal  of  slaves  from  one  slave  State  to  another. 

He  voted  that  the  agitation  of  slavery,  with  the  purpose  of  abolition  in  the  States,  is  not 
against  the  Constitution  ;  not  an  infringement  of  the  right  of  the  States  ;  and  not  a  breach 
of  confederate  faith. 

He  voted  that  Congress  may  discriminate  between  the  institutions  of  the  different  States, 
with  a  view  to  abolish  those  of  some  States,  and  to  promote  those  of  others. 

To  declare  slaves  free,  who  had  gone  to  sea  with  the  consent  of  their  masters,  and  to 
protect  them  in  their  freedom. 

To  repeal  all  laws  aud  constitutional  provisions  by  whtch  the  federal  government  is  bouiid 
to  prefect  the  institution  of  slavery. 

Against  the  admission  of  any  new  State  into  the  Union  whose  constitution  tolerates  sla- 

Against  the  annexation  of  Texas,  solely  on  the  ground  that  slavery  existed  in  that  coun- 

To  abolish  slavery  mthe  District  of  Columbia,  though  the  whole  people  of  the  District 
cher.shad  the  institution    and  never  petitioned  for  its  abolition. 

'1  o  prohibit  the  buying  and  selling  of  slaves  in  the  District  and  other  Territories  of  the 

He  supported  by  his  vote  petitions  to  Congress  to  repeal  the  act  of  the  Territory  of  Flor- 
ida, to  prevent  migration  of  free  negroes  to  the  Territory. 


He  voted  in  favor  of  petitions  to  naturalize  and  make  American  citizens  of  negroes  from 
every  quirter  of  the  earth  !  • 

He  voted  in  favor  of  petitions  to  receive  negro  ambassadors  from  the  black  republic  of 

Such  was  the  course  of  Millard  Fillmore  in  Congress. 

He    negotiated  a    treaty  by    which  the  Republic  renounces  any  right  to  acquire  any  ex- 
elusive  rights  of  transit  across  the  IsiLmus  of  Central    America,    or  any  Territory   in    that 

He  signed  the  compromise  measures  of  1S50,  without  approving  them  all. 

He  enforeed  the  fugitive  slave  law. 

He  remitted  the  fines  and  discharged  the  recognizance  of  certain  abolitionists  who  had 
kidnapped  seventy. three  slaves  at  one  time  from  the  District  of  Columbia. 

This  exercise  of  the  pardoning  power  was  not  upen  the  petition  of  the  people  of  the 
District  of  Columbia,  whose  rights  had  been  violated,  but  upon  the  arguments  and  personal 
soli  nations  of  that  most  notorious  enemy  of  the  south — Senator  Charles  Sumner,  of  Mas- 
sachusetts !  on  behalf  of  petitioners,  none  of  whom  resided  in  th»  Distsict   of  Columbia. 

He  has  expressed  the  opinion  that  the  Missouri  restriction  should  never  have  been  repeal- 
ed. His  friends  in  Congress  have  voted  for  the  restoration  of  those  restrictions.  He  is 
bound  by  his  antecedent  declarations  of  principle  to  approve  any  constitutional  and  formai 
legislation-  Thereupon,  it  is  asserred  as  a  demonstration,  that  Millard  Fillmoke  will,  if 
elected  President,  approve  the  repeal  of  the  Kanzas  act,  the  chief  object  of  the  Black  Re- 

We  have  shown  that  the  whole  legislative  action  of  Mr.  Fillmore,  whilst  in  Congress,  as 
well  as  his  diplomatic  measures  afterwards,  were  hostile  to  the  institution  of  slavery  and 
to  the  territorial  expansion  of  the  south.  But,  compelled  by  the  want  of  any  authentic 
declaration  of  his  intentions  in  respect  to  the  existing  regulation  on  the  subject  of  slavery, 
groping  in  the  dark  for  the  means  of  ascertaining  the  chances  of  escape  from  a  position  of 
rational  danger,  we  are  compelled  to  the  only  rule  acknowledged  by  himself  and  friends, 
and  infer  his  future  course  from  his  past,  although  we  have  just  seen  that  this  rule  would 
make  him  the  most  dangerous  nominee  now  before  the  people.  But  his  friends  insist  that 
he  shall  not  be  judged  by  his  earlier  record,  but  by  the  more  recent  acts  of  his  executive  ad- 
ministration. Let  us,  then,  suspend  the  rule,  and  examine  the  subject  with  the  impartiality 
its  importance  demands. 


From  a  deliberate  examination  of  the  text  and  spirit  of  the  several  measures  which  com- 
posed the  compromise,  from  the 'circumstances  which  surrounded  and  succeeded  it,  and 
from  thg  principles  upon  which  Mr.  Fillmore  administered  the  government,  we  are  obliged 
to  infer — 

(PS  1.  That  those  who  supported  the  compromise  do  not  acknowledge  an  obligation  to  sustain 
the  Kansas  act. 

2.  That,  according  to  his  avowed  principles  of  Executive  action,  Mr.  Fillmore  is  under 
positive  obligations  to  approve  the  repeal  of  the  right  of  Kansas  to  admis?ion  as  a  slave 
State,  the  restoration  of  the  Missouri  compromise,  and  even  the  repeal  of  so  much  of  the 
eomp.ronvse  of  1850  as  may  be  still  within  the  reach  of  legislation. 

We  presume  it  will  not  be  denied  that  Mr.  Fillmore,  when  elected  Vice  President,  stood 
on  the  platform  and  was  bound  by  the  public  pledges  of  General  Taylor. 

Amongst  the  questions  most  distinctively  in  issue  in  the  election  of  15-18,  was  the  proper 
nature,  limitation,  and  application  of  the  Executive  veto.  Many  questions  were  put  to 
General  Taylor  which  he  declined\to*answer,upon  the  ground  that  he  did  not  choose  to  re- 
spond to  any  special  inquiry,  or  to  prejudge  important  questions.  But  upon  the  powers  of 
the  veto,  he  responded  frankly  and  unequivocally.  In  his  letter  of  February,  1S4S,  to  Cap- 
tain Allison,  he  said  : 

"  Second.  The  veto  power.  The  power  given  bv  the  constitution  to  the  executive  to  in- 
terpose Ins  veto,  is  a  high  conservative  power,  bu\  in  my  opinion,  should  never  be  exer- 
cised except  in  cases  of  clear  violation  of  the  constitution,  or  manifest  haste  and  want  of 
consideration  by  Congress.  Indeed,  I  have  thought  that,  for  many  years  past,  the  known 
opinions  and  w-ishes  of  the  executive  have  exercised  undue  and  injurions  influence  upon  the 
egislative  departntent  of  the  government  ;  and  for  this  cause  I  have  thought  our  system 
was  in  danger  of  undergoing  a  great  change  from  its  true  theory.  The  personal  opinions  of 
the  individual  who  may  happen  to  occupy  the  executive  chair  ought  not  to  control  the  ac- 
tion of  Congress  upon  questions  of  domestic  policy  ;  nor  ought  his  objections  to  be  inter- 
posed where  questions  of  constitutional  power  have  been  settled  by  the  various  departments 
of  government,  and  acquiesced  in  by  the  people."  * 

To  explain  his  application  of  this  doctrine,  he  adds  : 

"  Third.  Upon  the  subject  of  the  tarhf,  the  currency,  the  improvement  of  our  great  high, 
ways,  rivers,  lakes,  and  harbors,  the  will  of  the  people,  as  e-piessed  through  their  repre- 
sentatives in  Congress,  ought  to  be  respected  and  carried  JUt  by  the  executive." 

It  is  a  strong  indication  of  the  severe  disclaimer  of  power  made  by  this  gallant  veteran, 


that  thousm  no  avowed  himself  in  favor  of  the  increase  enumeratad  in  the  third  section  of 
his  letter,  he-doea  not  propose  to  bestow  upon  them  executive  approval  because  they  accord 
with  his  own  principles,  but  because  their  enactment  by  Congress  will  enforce  ''  the  will  of 
the  people"  as  expressed  "  through  their  representatives  ;  "  we  repeat,  it  must  have  follow- 
ed from  this  principle,  that  if  simdai  measures  had  been  repealed,  he  must  with  equal  facil- 
ity have  approved  the  legislation. 

But  som.1  persons  at  that  day,  as  at  this,  f-lt  an  anxiety  to  know  what  course  General 
Taylor  would  take  in  the  event  Congrers  should,  by  the  adoption  of  the  VVilmot  proviso, 
exclude  any  new  slave  States. 

In  February,  1S4S,  Mr.  B.  M.  McConk^y  addressed  the  following  question  : 

"  Should  you  become  President  of  the  United  States,  would  you  veto  an  act  of  Congress 
which  should  prohibit  slavery  or  involuntary  servitude  forever,  except  for  crime,  in  all  the 
Territories  of  the  United  States  where  it  does  not  now  exist  1  " 

To  this  General  Taylor  made  the  followingreply  : 

"  In  reply  to  your  inquiries,  I  have  to  inform  you  that  I  have  laid  it  down  as  a  principle  ; 
not  to  aive  my  opinions  upon,  or  prejudge  in  any  way  the  various  questions  of  policy  now 
at  issue  between  the  political  parties  of  the  country,  not  to  promise  what  I  would  or  would 
not  do,  were  I  elected  to  the  presidency  of  the  United  States  ;  and  that,  in  the  cases  pre- 
sented in  your  letter,  I  regret  to  add,  I  see  no  reason  lor  departing  from  this  principle." 

In  his  inaugural  address  General  Taylor  faithfully  complies  witli  his  assurance  to  Cap- 
tain Allis  m.     He  says  : 

"It  shall  be  my  study  to  recommend  such  constitutional  measures  to  Congress  as  may  be 
necessary  and  proper  to  secure  encouragement  and  protection  tb  the  great  interests  of  agri- 
culture, commerce,  and  manufacture,  to  improve  our  rivers  and  harbors,  to  provide  for  the 
speedy  extinguishment  of  the  public  debt,  to  enforce  a  strict  accountability  on  the  part  of 
all  officers  of  the  sinvernment,  and  the  utmost  economy  in  all  public  expenditures.  But  it  is 
for  the  wisdom  of  Congress  itself,  in  wlich  all  legislative  powers  are  vested  by  the  consti- 
tution, to  regulate  these  and  other  mitters  of  domestic  policy.  1  shall  look  with  confidence 
to  the  enlightened  patriotism  of  that  boly  to  adopt  such  measures  of  conciliation  as  may 
harmonize  conflicting  interests  and  tend  to  perpetuate  that  Union,  which  should  be  the  par- 
amount object  of  our  hopes  and  affections.  In  any  action  calculated  to  promote  an  object 
so  near  the  heart  of  every  one  who  truly  loves  his  country,  I  will  zealously  unite  with  the 
co-ordinate  branches  of  the  government." 

In  his  only  annual  message  he  renews  the  same  declaration  : 

"  Our  government  is  one  of  limited  powers,  and  its  successful  administration  eminently 
depends  on  the  confinement  of  each  of  its  co-ordinate  branches  within  its  own  appropriate 
sphere.  The  first  section  of  the  constitution  ordains  that  '  all  legislative  powers  therein 
granted  shall  be  vested  in  a  Congress  of  the  United  States,  which  shall  consist  of  a  senate 
and  house  of  representatives."  Tire  Executive  has  authority  to  recommend  (not  to  dictate) 
measures  to  Congress.  Having  performed  that  duty,  the  executive  department  of  the  go- 
vernment cannot  rightfully  control  the  decision  of  Congress  on  any  subject  of  legislation 
until  that  decision  shall  have  been  officially  suimitted  to  the  President  for  approval.  The 
check  provided  by  the  constitution  in  the  clause  conferring  the  qualified  veto  will  never  be 
exercised  by  me,  except  in  the  cases  contemplated  by  the  fathers  of  the  republic.  I  view 
it  as  an  extreme  measure,  to  be  resorted  to  only  in  extraordinary  cases — as  where  it  may- 
become  necessary  to  defend  the  Executive  against  the  encroachments  of  the  legislat:ve 
power,  or  to  prevent  hasty  and  inconsiderate  or  unconstitutional  legislation.  By  cautiously 
confining  this  remedy  within  the  sphere  prescribed  to  it  in  the  contemporaneous  exposi- 
tions of  the  framers  of  the  constitution,  the  will  of  the  people,  legitimately  expressed  on  all 
subjects  of  legislation,  through  their  constitutional  organs,  the  senators  and  representatives 
of  the  United  States,  will  have  its  full  effect.  As  indispensable  to  the  preservation  of  our 
system  of  self-government,  the  independence  of  the  representatives  of  the  States  and  the 
people  is  guaranteed  by  the  constitution  ;  and  they  owe  no  responsibility  to  any  human 
power  but  their  constituents.  By  holding  the  representative  responsible  only  to  the  peo- 
ple, and  exempting  him  from  all  other  influences,  we  elevate  the  character  of  the  constituent, 
and  quicken  his  sense  of  responsibility  to  his  country.  It  is  under  these  circumstances  only 
that  the  elector  can  feel  that,  in  the  choice  of  a  law-maker,  he  is  himself  trulya  component 
part  of  the  sovereign  power  of  the  nation.  With  equal  care  we  should  study  to  defend  the 
rights  of  the  executive  and  judicial  departments.  Oifr  government  can  only  be  preserved 
in  its  purity  by  the  suppression  and  entire  elimination  of  every  claim  or  tendency  of  one 
co-ordinate  branch  to  encroachment  upon  another.  With  the  strict  observance  of  this  rule, 
and  the  other  injunctions  of  the  constitution  ;  with  a  sedulous  inculcation  of  that  respect 
and  love  for  the  Union  of  the  States  which  our  fathers  cherished  and  enjoined  upon  their 
children  ;  and  with  the  aid  of  that  overruling  Providence  which  has  so  long  ?nd  so  kindly 
guarded  our  liberties  and  institutions,  we  may  reasonably  expect  to  transmit  them,  with 
their  innumerable  blessings,  to  the  remotest  posterity." 


That  Mr.  Fillmore  adopted  the  doctrine  announced  by  General  Taylor,  is  to'be  seen  by 
the  following  extracts  from  his  message  :  ■  • 

"  Upon  you,  fellow-citizens,  as  the  representatives  of  the  States,  and  the  people,  is 
wisely  devolved  the  legislative  power.  I  shall  comply  with  my  duty,  in  laying  before  you, 
from  time  to  time,  any  information  calculated  to  enable  you  to  discharge  your  high  and  res- 
ponsible trust,  for  the  benefit  of  our  common  constituents. 

"  My  opinions  will  be  frankly  expressed  upon  the  leading  subjects  of  legislation  ;  and  if, 
which  I  do  not  anticipate,  any  act  should  pass  the  two  houses  of  Congress,  which  should 
appear  to  me  unconstitutional,  or  an  encroachment  of  the  just  powers  of  other  departments, 
or  with  provisions  hastily  adopted,  and  likely  to  produce  consequences  injurious  and  un- 
foreseen, I  should  not  shrink  from  the  duty  of  returning  it  to  you,  with  my  reasons  for  your 
further  consideration.  Beyond  the  due  performance  of  these  constitutional  obligations, 
both  my  respect  for  the  legislature  and  my  sense  of  propriety  will  restrain  me  from  any 
attempt  to  control  or  influence  your  proceedings.  With  you  is  the  power,  the  honor,  and 
the  responsibility  of  the  legislation  of  the  country. 

"  The  government  of  the  United  States  is  a  limited  Government.  It  is  confined  to  the 
exercise  of  powers  expressly  granted,  and  such  others  as  may  be  necesssary  for  carrying 
those  powers  into  effect  :  and  it  is  at  all  times  an  especial  duty  to  guard  against  any  in- 
fringement on  the  just  rights  of  the  States.  Over  the  objects  and  subjects  intrusted  to 
Congress,  its  legislative  authority  is  supreme." 

The  principle  laid  down  by  these  Statesman  was  well  considered  by  them,  and  was 
much  looked  to  by  the  country.  Both  were  Whigs.  The  radical  difference  between  the 
Democratic  and  Whig  parties  upon  the  proper  exercise  of  the  veto  power  was  this  :  The 
first  regarded  the  executive  as  a  substantive  department,  representing  the  people,  and  under 
obligations  to  administer  the  government  according  to  certain  principles  of  constitutionality 
and  expediency  required  by  the  people  to  be  embodied  in  the  laws  and  public  policy.  The 
seccnd  only  inquired  into  the  constitutional  capacity  of  Congress  to  exercise  a  given  power 
— saw  that  the  method  of  exercise  was  formal  and  free  from  irregularity,  and  then  left  the 
expediency  of  all  constitutional  legislation  to  be  judged  of,  and  the  responsibilities  to  be 
borne  by  Congress. 

General  Taylor  defined  this  principle  as  restricting  the  exercise  of  the  veto  power  to 
causes  which  present  "  a  clear  violation  of  the  constitution,  or  shovy  manifest  haste  or  want 
of  consideration  by  Congress." 

Mr.  Fillmore,  in  his  inaugural,  says  : 

"  If  any  act  should  pass  the  two  houses  of  Congress  which  should  appear  to  me  uncon- 
stitutional, or  an  encroachment  on  the  just  powers  of  other  departments,  or  with  provisions 
hastily  adopted,  and  likely  to  produce  consequences  injurious  and  unforeseen,  I  should  not 
shrink  from  the  duty  of  returning  ij  to  you  with  my  reasons  for  your  further  consideration. 
Beyond  the  due  performance  of  these  constitutional  obligations,  both  my  respect  for  the 
legislature  and  my  sense  of  propriety  will  restrain  me  from  any  attempt  to  control  or  in- 
fluence your  proceedings.  With  you  is  the  power,  the  honor,  and  the  responsibility  of  le- 

Mr.  Fillmore's  approval  of  the  Compromise  '  of  1850  was  perfectly 
consistent  with  their  principles.  It  is  true,  that  with  a  lapse  of  memory  only  equal  to  that 
which  forgot  his  discrimination  in  favor  of  abolition  petitions,  he  had  virtually  claimed  the 
Compromise  of  1850  as  the  act  of  his  administration.  But  there  was  no  such  belief  at  the 
date  of  the  passage  of  these  measures.  He  did  not  even  recommend  their  passage.  The 
conservative  statesmen  of  the  Union  did  not  "  rally  around  his  administration."  They  had 
passed  the  measures  after  months  of  weary  and  exciting  strife.  "The  power,  the  honor, 
the  responsibility"  of  "this  legislation"  was  theirs,  not  his.  -  i 

Jf  hy  he  signed  the  fugitive-slave  law  : 

But  we  will  let  him  explain  for  himself,  and  then  the  reader  can  decide  whether  he  is  en- 
titled to  credit  for  the  act. 

We  will  quote  from  a  speech  delivered  by  him  in  Louisville,  Kentucky,  on  his  southern 
tour,  in  1854.     The  Louisville  Journal  is  our  authority.     He  said  : 

"  The  fugitive  slave  law  had  some  provisions  in  it  to  which  I  (Fillmore)  had  some  OB- 
JECTIONS. I  regretted  the  necessity  of  its  being  passed  at  all.  When  the  bill  came  to  me 
from  the  two  Houses,  I  examined  it  in  the  midst  of  hurry,  confusion,  and  difficulties,  and  a 
doubt  came  up  in  my  mind  whether  it  was  not  unconstitutional  as  denying  the  7-ight  of 
habeas  corpns  to  the  fugitive  slave,  which  doubt  I  submitted  to  the  Attorney  General,  (Mr. 


Crittenden),   and  on  being  assured  by  him  that   the  law  was  not  a  violation  of  the  constitu- 
tion, I  therefore  gave  my  sanction  to  the  bill." 

Hence,  according  to  Mr.  'Fillmore's  own  candid  declaration  before  an  audience  of  his 
own  southern  friends,  he  doubted  the  constitutionality  of  the  measure.  He  was  opposed  to 
it  because  it  did  not  provide  a  jury  trial  (as  proposed  b\  Giddings  &  Co.)  to  the  absconding 
slave  ;  and  only  signed  it  when  assured  by  Mr.  Crittenden  that  "  it  was  not  a  violation  of 
the  constitution."  John  J.  Crittenden,  then,  and  not  Millard  Fillmore,  is  entitled  to  the 
credit  of  the  assent  of  the  Executive  for  signing  the  fugitive-slave  law. 

Testimony  of  Andrew  J.  Donelson  : 

To  prove  what  we  here  assert,  we  will  introduce  as  a  witness  Mr.  Fillmore's  associate  on 
the  Know-nothing  ticket — no  less  a  personage  than  Andrew  J.  Donelson. 

In  1851,  Donelson,  through  the  columns  of  the  Washington  Union,  said  : 

"  As  to  the  assertion  that  the  administration  (of  Fillmore)  is  entitled  to  the  credit  of 
standing  up  to  the  measures  of  the  compromise  in  good  faith,  it  is  too  ridiculous  to  require 
a  denial,  and  too  preposterous  to  demand  refutation.  Every  free  white  citizen,  who  is  not 
an  infant,  idiot,  or  lunatic,  or  wofully  forgetful,  knows  that  it  is  idterly  and  entirely  without 
foundation.  All  the  measures  of  the  compromise,  except  the  fugitive  slave  law,  were  self- 
enacting.  As  to  that  law,  Mr.  Fillmore  was  unwilling  to  permit  it  to  become  a  law  before 
he  consulted  Mr.  Crittenden  on  the  subject — a  fact  which  the  Republic  (his  organ)  mention- 
ed at  the  time  in  order  to  justify  Mr.  Fillmore  before  his  northern  higher-law  friends  for  not 
returning  the  bill  with  his  objections." 

Judge  Conklin's  testimony  : 

Judge  Conklin,  of  New  York,  a  friend  of  Millard  Fillmore,  and  his  minister  to  Mexico, in  < 
a  late  speech  made  the  following  apology  for  him  for  signing  the  fugitive-slave  law  : 

"  Of  this  gentleman  I  have  to  say  a  few  words  that  are  due  alike  to  him  and  to  myself. 
The  friendly  relations  that  have  long  subsisted  between  us  ;  the  high  opinion  I  entertain  of 
his  patriotism,  integrity,  and  talents  ;  the  confidence  he  saw  fit  to  repose  in  me,  and  the 
■great  personal  kindness  I  received  at  his  hands  while  he  filled  the  Presidential  office,  all 
conspire  to  render  it  painful  to  me  to  withhold  my  support  from  him  ;  and  had  he  been 
brought  forward  under  other  auspices,  as  I  cherished  a  vague  hope  he  might  be,  it  would 
haveafforded  me  a  corresponding  degree  of  satisfaction  to  yield  him  that  support. 

"  I  am  aware  of  the  persistent,  and  I  doubt  not,  to  some  extent,  successful  industry  with 
which  for  years  he  has  been  exhibited  by  those  who  had  formed  a  different  estimate  of  his 
character,  in  an  attitude  that,  if  I  had  believed  it  to  be  just,  would  have  rendered  it  incon- 
sistent in  me,  holding  the  principles  I  do  relative  to  slavery,  to  favor  his  elevation  to  the 
Presidency  under  any  circumstances.  But  in  imputing  to  him  a  willingness  to  extend  and 
fortify  slavery  J  am  persuaded  his  assailants  have  done  him  injustice. 

"  I  believe,  on  the  contrary,  that  he  still  holds  slavery  in  the  abstract,  as  he  is  known  for- 
merly to  have  done,  in  as  great  abhorrence  as  they  do.  The  evidence  constantly  cited  to 
justify  this  charge  is  the  fact  of  his  having  affixed  his  signature  to  the  fugitive  slave  bill. 
The  alternative  was  to  interpose  his  veto.  But  no  one  had  a  right  to  expect  ham.  to  do 
this,  for  he  had  no  right  himself  to  do  it.  Either  from  doubt  about  its  constitutionality,  or 
from  deference  to  the  opinion  of  those  who  questioned  it,  he  did  appoint  the  usual  precau- 
tion of  submitting  the  bill  to  the  examination  of  the  Attorney  General,  and  asking  his 
opinion  of  its  constitutionality.  To  have  vetoed  it  under  the  very  extraordinary  circum- 
stances of  the  case,  would  have  been,  to  say  the  least,  a  palpable  violation  of  the  constitu- 
tion. No  enlightened  man  who  understands  the  subject  can  doubt  this,  and  no  such  man 
can  have  been  sincere  in  casting  censure  upon  Mr.  Fillmore  for  adopting  the  opposite  alter- 

Testimony  of  another  friend : 

The  New  Albany  Tribune,  the  leading  Fillmore  organ  in  Indiana,  says  : 
"  Mr.  Fillmore  gave  his  official  sanction  to  the  fugitive  slave  bill,  because  we  (the  Free- 
soilers)  could  not  have  got  other  laivs  on  which  our  hearts  were  set,  that  we  have  got  had 
not  that  law  been  passed  also,  and  because  in  doing  so  he  was  but  carrying  out  one  of  the 
great  principles  of  the  party  which  elected  him — that  the  personal  opinions  of  the  executive 
on  mere  questions  of  policy  ought  never  to  be  brought  into  conflict  with  the  will  of  the  peo- 
ple's representatives  hy  an  arbitrary  exercise  of  the  veto  power. 

In  his  recent  speech  at  Albany,  he  says  : 


"  You  all  know  that  when  I  was  called  to  the  executive  chair  by  a  bereavement  which 
shrouded  the  nation  in  mourning,  that  the  country  was  unfortunately  agitated  from  one  end 
to  the  other  upon  the  all-exciting  subject  of  slavery.  It  was  then,  sir,  that  I  felt  it  my  duty 
to  rise  above  every  sectional  prejudice,  and  look  to  the  welfare  of  the  whole  nation.  (Ap- 
plause.) I  was  compelled  to  a  certain  extent  to  overcome  long  cherished  prejudices,  and 
disregard  party  claims.  (Great  and  prolonged  applause.)  But  in  doing  this,  sir,  I  did  no 
more  than  was  done  by  many  abler  and  better  men  than  myself.  I  was  by  no  means  the 
sole  instrument,  under  Providence,  in  harmonizing  these  difficulties.  (Applause.)  There 
wereat  that  time  noble,  independent,  high-souled  men  in  both  houses  of  Congress,  belonging 
to  both  the  great  political  parties  of  the  country,  Whigs  and  Democrats,  who  spumed  the 
dictation  of  selfish  party  leaders,  and  rallied  around  my  administration,  in  support  of  the 
great  measures  which  restored  peace  to  an  agitated  and  distracted  country."    (Cheers.) 

In  his  speech  at  Rochester,  he  modifies  his  claim  to  the  merit  of  having  carried  the  com- 
promise of  1850  as  a  measure  of  his  administration,  admits  that  they  were  not  all  he  could 
have  desired,  and  condemns  the  repeal  of  the  Missouri  restriction  : 

"  But  the  truth  was,  that  many  noble  patriots,  Whigs  and  Democrats,  in  both  houses  of 
Congress,  rallied  around  and  sustained  the  administration  in  that  trying  t  me,  and  to  them 
was  chiefly  due  the  merit  of  settling  that  exciting  controversy.  Those  measures,  usually 
railed  the  Compromise  Measures  of  1850,  were  not  in  all  respects  what  I  could  have  de- 
sired, but  they  were  the  best  that  could  be  obtained,  after  a  protracted  discussion,  that  shook 
the  republic  to  its  very  foundation,  and  I  felt  bound  to  give  them  my  official  approval.  Not 
only  this,  but  perceiving  there  was  a  disposition  to  renew  the  agitaton  at  the  next  session, 
I  took  the  responsibility  of  declaring,  in  substance,  in  my  annual  message,  that  I  regarded 
these  measures  as  a  '  final  settlement  of  this  question,  and  that  the  laws  thus  passed  ought 
to  be  maintained  until  time  and  experience  should  demonstrate  the  necessity  of  modifica- 
tion or  repeal." 

"  I  then  thought  that  this  exciting  subject  was  at  rest,  and  that  there  would  be  no  further 
occasion  to  introduce  it  into  the  legislation  of  Congress.  Territorial  governments  had  been 
provided  for  ail  the  territory  except  that  covered  by  the  Missouri  Compromise,  and  I  had 
no  suspicion  that  that  was  to  be  disturbed.  I  have  no  hesitation  in  saying,  what  most  of 
you  know  already,  that  I  was  decidedly  opposed  to  the  repeal  of  that  Compromise.  Good 
faith,  as  well  as  the  peace  of  the  country,  seemed  to  require,  that  a  Compromise  which  had 
stood  for  more  than  thirty  years  should  not  be  wantonly  disturbed.  These  were  my  senti- 
ments then  fully  and  freely  expressed,  verbally  and  in  writing,  to  all  my  friends,  north  and 
south,  who  solicited  my  opinion.  This  repeal  seems  to  have  been  a  Pandora's  box,  out  of 
which  have  issued  all  the  political  evils  that  now  afflict  the  country,  scarcely  leaving  a  hope 

*  But,  we  ask  our  readers  to  apply  this  principle  of  executive  action  to  the  state  of  cir- 
cumstances that  surround  us.  "  The  will  of  the  people  has  been  expressed,  through  their 
representatives,"  in  the  Kansas-Nebraska  act.  Suppose  the  will  of  the  people  shall  be  ex- 
pressed through  the  same  medium  in  favor  of  its  repeal  :  can  Mr.  Fillmore  hesitate  to  ap- 
prove that  repeal  ?  He  must  do  so,  or  repudiate  the  most  prominent  principle  of  his  ad- 
ministration P  Representing  a  state  of  executive  neutrality,  he  is  bound  to  apply  the  sig- 
nature of  the  State  as  if  it  were  but  its  seal  to  authenticate  the  constitutional  and  formal 
perfection  of  its  laws. 

We  have  shown  that,  even  if  it  be  assumed  that  the  Kansas  act  was  a  legitimate  conse- 
quence and  corollary  of  the  compromise  of  1850,  as  it  obviously  is,  and  as  is  contended  by 
those  who  introduced  that  act,  and  by  the  whole  Domocratic  part}',  Mr.  Fillmore  would  be 
compelled,  on  principle,  to  sign  a  bill  for  its  repeal. 

But,  unhappily,  there  is  no  such  universal  admission  of  the  legitimate  consistency  of  the 
Kansas  act  with  the  compromise.  If  there  was,  there  could  be  no  dispute,  for  the  same 
approval  which  sustained  the  compromise  would  extend  to  the  Kansas  act. 

The  question  on  trial  before  the  American  people  is,  Whether  the  Kansas  act  is  a  legiti- 
mate consequence  growing  out  of  and  perfecting  the  compromise  of  1850,  or  whether  it  is  a 
*  flagrant  disturbance  or  violation  of  that  measure  ?  Tried  by  the  test  of  contemporaneous 
construction,  we  find  that  a  large  portion  of  those  who  advocated  the  compromise  now  op- 
pose the  Kansas  act.  Mr.  Fillmore  himself  has  condemned  the  "  disturbance  of  the  Mis- 
souri compromise."  He,  therefore,  does  not  consider  the  Kansas  act  oensistent  with  the 
compromise  of  1850,  and  would  sanction  its   repeal.     Here  are  his  words  upon  the  subject : 

"  Territorial  governments  had  been  provided  for  all  the  territory  except  covered  by 
the  Missouri  Compromise,  and  I  had  no  suspicion  that  that  was  to  be  disturbed.  I  have  no 
hesitation  in  saying,  what  most  of  you  know  already,  that  I  was  decidedly  opposed  to  the 
disturbance  of  that  Compromise.  This  repeal  seems  to  have  been  the  Pandora's  box  out  of 


which  have  issued  all  the  political  evils  that  now  affect  the  country,  scarcely   leaving   a 
hope  behind." 

There  can  be,  then,  no  !o'_ried  doubt  that  Mr.  Fillmore  disapproves  the  repeal  of  the  Mis- 
souri restrictions,  and  would  restore  them  ;  nor  that,  if  the  Kansas  act  be  repealed  in 
whole  or  in  part,  he  would  oppose  it.  To  elect  him  President,  is  to  concede  all  that  the 
Black  Republicans  desire.  They  would  carry  out  their  nefarious  legislation  without  obsta- 
cle, and  all  the  fruits  obtained  by  an  intense  struggle  of  nearly  two  years  would  be  lost  to 
you,  for  even  your  enemies  would  triumph  :  the  first  and  greatest  step  in  the^r  plan  would 
have  been  achieved,  and  the  decree  -would  be  registered  in  indelible  letters,  "  No  more 
slave  States  in  the  Union." 

Tlie  Fillmore  leaders  openly  advoca  c  Ihe  restoration  of  the  Missouri  restrictions. 

The  rigid  refusal  on  the  part  of  Mr.  Fillmore  to  make  an  avowal  of  his  intentions  in  re- 
lation to  the  present  questions  pending  before  the  country,  compels  us  to  add  other  evi- 
dences daily  presenting  themselves  that  Mr.  Fillmore  will,"  if  elected,  sign  a  bill  to  restore 
the  Missouri  restrictions,and  thus  virtually  repeal  that  section  of  the  Kansas  act  which  gives 
that  State  the  right  of  admission  into  the  Union  as  a  slave  State. 

This  position  is  identical  with  that  occupied  by  Black  Republican  party,  and  will  compel 
Mr.  Fillmore,  if  elected  to  carry  out  so  much  of  their  platform  as  relates  to  slavery. 

But  to  the  collateral  evidences  of  Mr,  Fillmore's  purposes  : 

For  some  time  indication  had  been  given  that  Mr.  Fillmore  favored  a  restoration  of  an- 
tecedent legislation  upon  the  subject  of  slaverv. 

The  Hon.  Bayard  Clark,  of  New  York,  a  warm  friend  of  Mr.  Fillmore,  on  the  24th  of 
July  openly  avowed  his  opposition  to  popery  and  slavery  as  "  twin  demons,"  and  pledged 
himself  before  God  to  an  equal  and  uncompromising  war  against  both.  He  denounced  the 
enactment  of  the  Kansas  act,  and  declared  himself  in  favor  of  a  restoration  of  the  Mis- 
souri restriction. 

About  the  same  date,  Hon.  Mr.  Dunn,  of  Indiana,  appointed  State  elector  by  the  Fill- 
more convention  announced  a  similar  opinion  in  favor  of  the  restoration.  Speaking  of  the 
Missouri  restriction,  Mr.  Dunn  said  : 

"  He  was  now  persuaded  that  there -would  be  no  effort  made  to  effect  its  restoration.  He 
believed  that  there  would  be  no  peace  in  the  country  until  it  should  restored,  either  in  sub- 
stance or  in  fact.  The  prohibition  of  slavery  within  the  territories  of  Kansas  and  Nebraska, 
was  a  thing  to  be  done,  or  there  would  never  be  peace.  He  spoke  this,  not  in  a  spirit  of 
taunt  or  of  threat,  but  as  a  sober  truth.  .  Alluding  to  Kansas,  he  declared  that  until 
question  was  settled,,  the  appropriation  bills  should  never  pass  by  his  vote.  He 
that  _  would  never  give  a  dollar  for  any  purpose  until  the  great  question  of 
individnal  safety  connected  with  Kansas  affairs  was  settled.  (Cries  of  '  Good,  good.')  That 
was  the  only  way  in  which  to  insure  compliance — stop  the  wheels  of  government." 

On  the  29th  of  July  the  suggestion  of  Mr.  Dunn  "  to  stop  the  wheels  of  government'' 
was  adopted  by  an  amendment  to  the  army  appropriation  bill,  depriving  the  army  of  ail 
pay,  unless  the  acts  of  the  Kansas  legislature  should  be  repealed  by  Congress.  Here  is  the 
amendment  :  -» 

"  And  provided,  nevertheless,  That  no  part  of  the  military  force  of  the  United  State? 
herein  provided  for  shall  be  employed  in  aid  of  the  enforcement  of  the  enactments  by  the 
alleged  legislative  assembly  of  the"  Territory  of  Kansas,  resently  assembled  at  Shawnee 
Mission,  until  Congress  shall  have  enacted  either  that  it  was  or  "was  not  a  valid  legislative 
assembly,  chosen,  in  conformity  with  the  organic  law,  by  the  people  of  the  said  Territory  ; 
Andprovided,  That,  until  Congress  shall  have  passed  upon  the  validity  of  said  legislative 
assembly  of  Kansas,  it  shall  be  the  duty  of  the  President  to  use  the  military  force  in  said 
Territory  to  preserve  the  peace,  suppress  insurrection,  repel  invasion,  and  protect  persons 
and  property  therein  and  upon  the  national  highways,  in  the  State  of  Missouri  or  elsewhere 
from  unlawful  seizure  and  searches. 

"  And  he  it  further  provided,  That  the  President  is  required  to  disarm  the  present  organ- 
ized militia  of  the  Territory  of  Kansas,  to  recall  all  the  United  States  arms  therein  distrib- 
uted, and  to  prevent  armed  men  from  going  into  said  Territory  to  disturb  the  public  peace 
or  aid  in  the  enforcement  or  resistance  of  real  or  pretended  laws." 

Upon  the  adoption  of  this  amendment  the  vote  was  yeas  91,  nays  86.  Amongst  those 
who  voted  for  the  amendment  were  Messrs.  Dunn,  Harrison,  and  Moore.  The  _  vote  of 
these  friends  of  Mr.  Fillmore,  if  cast  against  the  amendment,  would  have  defeated  it. 

On  the  same  day,  however,  all  doubt  of  the  position  of  the  northern  friends  of  Mr.  Fill- 


more  was  put  at  rest  by  the  adoption  by  the  House  of  Representatives  of  a  substitute  for 
the  Kansas  act,  offered  by  Mr.  Dunn,  of  Indiana,  repealing  the  right  of  Kansas  to  admis- 
sion as  a  slave  State,  and  restoring  the  Missouri  restriction.  Upon  the  passage  of  this  bill, 
Messrs.  Dunn,  Edwards,  Haven,  Harrison,  and  Moore,  northern  members,  and  friends  of 
Mr.  Fillmore,  voted  in  the  affirmative.  Messrs.  Valk,  (a  south  Carolinian  by  birth,)  and 
Mr.  Broom,  of  Pennsylvania,  northern  friends  of  Mr.  Fillmore,  voted  in  the  negative.  This 
determines,  then,  the  position  of  that  section  of  the  party,  and  establishes  the  probability 
that  Mr.  Fillmore  will  sign  a  bill  repealing  the  Kansas  act. 

Mr.  Buchanan  the  only  man  who  can  quiet  the  agitations 

With  respect  to  the  opinions  of  Mr.  Buchanan  there  is  no  doubt.  He  is  bound  by  his 
principles,  by  his  past  acts  and  present  pledges,  to  maintain  the  equality  of  the  southern 
States  and  the  admission  of  future  slaves  into  the  Union.  He  will  veto  any  bill  to  restore 
the  odious  Missouri  restriction.  He  will  veto  any  bill  to  repeal  the  right  of  Kansas  to  ad- 
mission into  the  Union  as  a  slave  State.  He  will  acquire  more  territory,  if  necessary,  to 
accommodate  peacefully  the  great  conflicting  interests.  He  will  separate  these  angry  foes, 
oot  by  ideal  lines  and  unequal  privileges,  but  by  giving  the  right  to  each  to  enter  upon  and 
occupy  ample  and  abundant  territory.  This  will  secure  the  development  of  each  in  a  di- 
rection and  in  a  region  separate,  distent,  and  where  they  can  never  again  come  in  collision. 

Mr.  Buchanan  has  many  advantages  over  any  competitor  in  effecting  this  great  object. 
He  has  the  confidence  of  the  people  as  a  man  of  moderation  and  integrity.  He  has,  like 
the  earlier  fathers  of  the  republic,  a  matured  fame  ;  his  only  object  is  to  preserve  it  from 
stain  or  diminution.  He  will  only  serve  a  single  term.  Like  Washington,  Madison,  and 
Jackson,  Mr.  Buchanan  is  childless.  God  has  denied  these  benefactors  children,  "  that  a 
nation  might  call  them  father."  Content,  therefore,  with  the -exalted  honors  conferred  upon 
them  by  a  grateful  country,  they  have  never  had  the  ordinary  motive  to  perpetuate  in  their 
own  posterity  the  influence  and  consideration  which  have  been  bestowed  upon  them. 

With  all  these  motives,  then,  to  be  contented,  we  may  expeet  that,  at  the  end  of  his  official 
term,  Mr.  Buchanan,  having  quieted  the  sectional  strife  which  threatened  to  destroy  the 
Union ;  having  established  and  consolidated  a  policy  which  shall  secure  us  respect  abroad 
and  peace  at  home  ;  having  completed  the  circle  of  his  country's  honor  and  filled  the  mea- 
sure of  his  own  renown,  this  faithful  servant  of  the  people  and  guardian  of  the  constitution 
will  fold  around  him  the  robes  of  self-approval,  and,  retiring  forever  from  the  servioe  of  the 
republic,  will  say,  with  the  best  of  the  Roman  rulers,  "  My  countrymen  !  if  I  have  acted 
well  my  part,  give  me  your  applause." 



Bark  Pona  case  : 

On  Wednesday,  Sept.  11,  1850,  the  day  after  Mr.  Fremont  took  his  seat  as  a  senator, 
Mr.  Underwood  called  up  the  bill  for  the  relief  of  the  American  Colonization  Society,  stat- 
ing that  the  claim  had  been  favorably  reported  on  two  years  before. 

Mr.  Turney  asked  for  the  reading  of  the  report. 

The  report  sets  forth  that  a  liberal  construction  of  the  act  of  Congress  of  March  3,  1S19, 
would  require  that  the  Government  should  provide  for  the  support  of  those  recaptured 
Africans  for  a  reasonable  time  after  they  had  been  landed  in  Liberia,  and  that  it  is  beneath 
the  dignity  of  the  Government  to  devolve  this  duty  upon  the  Society.  The  petition  of 
the  executive  committee  of  the  Society,  which  the  committee  incorporated  in  their  report, 
states  that  on  the  16th  of  December,  1845,  the  United  States  ship  Yorktown,  Commodore 
Bell,  landed  at  Manovia,  in  Liberia  from  the  slaver  Pons,  seven  hundred  and  fifty  recap- 
tured Africans,  "  in  charge  of  the  agent  of  the  United  States  for  recaptured  Africans,  in  a 
naked,  starving,  and  dying  condition,"  all  of  them  except  twenty-one,  being  under  the  age 
of  twenty-one. 

The  United  States  made  no  provision  for  their  support,after  they  were  landed.  By  the  con- 
struction given  to  the  act  of  1819  by  President  Monroe,  the  United  States  were  bound  to 
support  these  recaptives,  but  by  a  narrower  construction  given  to  the  act,  subsequently  a 
contrary  course  was  pursued,  and  the  Government  was  considered  to  have  disdharged  its 
duties  under  the  act  on  landing  them  in  Liberia.  In  the  support,  education,  &c,  of  the 
seven  hundred  and  fifty  persons,  a  large  expense  was  devolved  upon  the  Society,  which  they 
ask  shall  now  be  refunded  to  them  *****  | 


These  services  were  not  required  to  be  performed  by  the  Society,  under  their  constitution, 
but  the  alternative  was  for  these  recaptured  Africans  to  starve  and  die,  and  the  Society 
therefore  cheerful  y  took  charge  of  them,  relying  upon  the  Government  of  the  United  States 
to  refund  the  cost  "to  them. 

After  some  discussion  and  amendment  the  question  was  taken  on  the  engrossment  of  the 
bill  for  a  thud  reading,  and  resulted — yeas  29,  nays  16. —  Vide  Congressional  Globe,  vol. 
24,  part  2,  page  1805. 

Among  the  nays  were  Messrs.  Atchison,  Butler  and  Fremont. 

Sept.  12.  The  Senate  having  under  consideration  the  bill  for  the  suppression  of  the  slave 
trade  in  the  District  of  Columbia,  Mr.  Seward  offered  a  substitute  doing  away  with  slavery 
forever  in  the  District  of  Columbia,  and  appropriating  S290.000  to  pay  the  damages  to 
owners,  provided  the  people  of  the  District  at  an  election  to  be  holden  for  that  purpose, 
should  accept  the  bill,  if  not,  the  bill  to  le  null  and  void. 

The  substitute  was  lost  by  a  large  ma  ority,  and  among  the  nays  were  Messrs.  Atchison, 
Fremnot  &  Co. —  Congressional  Globe,  vol".  1,  part  2,  page  1810. 

September  18.  The  bill  punishing  persons  for  enticing  slaves  from  the  District  of  Colum- 
bia, having  been  read  a  second  time,  and  considered  as  in  committee  of  the  whole,  Mr. 
Hale  moved  that  the  bill  be  committed  to  the  District  of  Columbia,  with  instructions  to 
amend  it  so  as  to  abolish  slavery  in  the  District  of  Columbia.  '  Lost  by  a  large  majority 
among  the  nays  Atchison,  Fremont  &  Co. — See  Congressional  Globe,  vol.  21,  part  2, 
page  1850. 

The  Fugitive  Slave  Latv — The  Great  li Republican"  Gun  forever 
Spiked  —  Mr.  Fillmore  fully  Vindicated  and  more  than  Vindicated 
hj  the  united  Testimony  of  his  Adversaries.  \ 

It  is  well  known  to  the  whole  country  that  in  all  the  Northern  States,  the  vehemence  and 


vituperation  with  which  Mr.  Fillmore  has  been  assailed,  rests  upon  the  single  and  solitary 
reason  that  he  signed  the  Fugitive  Slave  Law. 

It  has  been  in  vain  that  his  friends  have  accumulated  fact  on  fact,  that  they  have  piled 
argument  on  argument  to  prove  that  Mr.  Fillmore  is  wise,  moderate,  firm  and  patriotic, — 
all  this  was  supposed  to  be  neutralized  by  the  fact  that  he  signed  the  Fugitive  Slave  Law. 
It  has  been  in  vain  that  we  have  pointed  to  the  virtues  which  adorn  his  private  life,  we  have 
still  been  met  witl  the  perpetually  iterated  assertion  that  he  signed  the  Fugitive 
Slave  Law.  When  we  have  explained  the  reasons  and  necessity  for  this  act,  his  enemies 
have  turned  a  deaf  ear  to  all  our  statements,  and  exclaimed,  as  if  it  involved  a  sentence  of 
final  and  irreversible  condemnation,  "  he  signed  the  Fugitive  Slave  Law."  Read  the  pa- 
pers conducted  by  his  traducers,  and  it  is  the  Fugitive  Slave  Law,  and  the  Fugitive  Slave 
Law,  and  the  Fugitive  Law.  It  has  been  in  vain  that  we  have  pointed  to  the  Constitution, 
which  requires  that  fugitives  shall  be  delivered  up  on  the  claim  of  their  owners ;  it  has  been 
in  vain  that  we  have  pointed  to  the  example  of  Washington  who  signed  a  Fugitive  Slave 
Law,  which  forbade  hospitality  to  the  negro,  and  withheld  from  him  trial  by  jury;  it  has 
been  in  vain  that  we  have  quoted  the  opinions  of  able  jurists  and  constitutional  lawyers  who 
belong  to  the  Republican  party,  like  Judges  McLean  and  Conkling;  it  has  been  in  vain  that 
we  have  pointed  to  the  doctrine  formerly  held  by  the  Whig  party,  to  which  Mr.  Fillmore 
belonged,  respecting  the  use  of  the  veto  power.  All  these  arguments  have  been  met  by 
crazy  declamation  on  the  awful  atrocity  of  signing  the  Fugitive  Slave  Law. 

The  time  has  now  come  when  all  this  vituperation  will  be  silenced  and  put  to  shame.  Mr. 
Fillmore  stands  justified  before  the  country  not  merely  by  the  united  testimony,  but  by  the 
united  example  of  his  most  reckless  and  virulent  enemies.  "  Actions  which  speak  louder 
than  words,"  declare  that  the  Black  Republican  party,  in  spite  of  all  their  bitter  vituperation 
against  Mr.  Fillmore,  Jiave  themselves  passed  the  very  same  Fugitive  Slave  Laic  which  they 
condemn  him  for  signing,  and  have  applied  it  tvhere  it  was  not  required  by  the  Constitution. 
A  few  brief  quotations  and  a  simple  statement  of  tacts,  will  carry  conviction  even  to  those 
who  have  been  argument-proof  before. 

First,  we  ask  attention  to  the  following  : 

•'  No  person  held  to  service  in  one  State  under  the  Laws  thereof,  escaping  into  another  , 
shall,  in  consequence  of  any  law  or  regulation  therein,  be  discharged  from  such  service  or 
labor,  but  shall  be  delivered  up  on  claim  of  the  party  to  whom  such  service  or  labor  may  be 
due." — U.  S.  Constitution,  Art.  IV.  Section  2. 

It  will  be  seen  that  this  provision  of-  the  Constitution  relates  only  to  a  slave  escaping  into 
a  State,  and  makes  no  requirement  respecting  fugitives  in  the  territories.  When,  therefore, 
a  fugitive  slave  law  is  extended  over  the  territories,  it  is  not  as  in  the  case  of  the  States, 
because  the  Constitution  positively  commands  it.  Bearing  this  in  mind,  read  the  extract  from 
an  act  which  passed  the  House  of  Representatives  on  the  29th  of  July,  18.3(3,  by  a  vote  of 
88  yeas  to  74  nays  ;  seventy-six  of  the  eighty-eight  yeas  being  given  by  members  of  the  Re- 
publican party.     The  part  which  we  quote  is  known  as  Dunn's  amendment : 

Provided,  however,  That  any  person  lawfully  held  to  service  in  said  Territories  shall  not 
be  discharged  from  such  service  by  such,  repeal  and  revival  jpf  said  eigyth  section,  if  such  per- 
son shall  be  permanently  removed  from  such  Territory  or  Territories  prior  to  the  first  day  of 
January,  eighteen  hundred  and  fifty-eight ;  and  any  child  or  children  born  in  either 
OF  SAID  territories,  of  any  female  lawfully  held  to  service,  if  in  like  manner  re- 

^  And  provided  further,  THAT  ANY  PERSON  LAWFULLY  HELD  TO  SERVICE 

It  is  only  necessary  to  subjoin  the  names  of  the  Republican  members  of  the  House,  by 
whose  votes  this  waspassed,  and  the  nail  is  driven  and  clinched.     Here  they  are : 

Charles'  J.  Albright,  Ohio  ;  John  Allison,  Penn. ;  Lucian  Barbous,  Lid.  ;  Samuel  P.  Ben- 
son, Me. :  Philemon  Bliss,  Ohio ,  Samuel  C.  Bradshaw,  Penn. ;  Samuel  Brenton,  Ind. ; 
James  Buffinton,  Mass. ;  James  H.  Campbell,  Penn. ;  Lewis  D.  Campbell,  Ohio  ;  Calvin  C. 
Chaffee,  Mass. ;  Schuyler  Colfax,  Ind. ;  Linus  B.  Comins,  Mass.  ;  John  Covode,  Penn.  ; 
William  Cumback,  Ind.;    William  S.  Damrell,  Mass.;  Sidney   Dean,  Conn.;  Jonn  Dick, 


Pcnn. ;  Edward  Dodd,  New  York  ;  Nathaniel  B.  Duvfce,  R.  I. }  John  R.  Eddie,  Penn.  ; 
J.  Reaee  Emrie,  Ohio  ,  Thomas  T.  Flagler,  N.  Y. ;  Joshua  It.  Giddings,  Oliio  ;  William  A. 
Gilbert,  N.  Y. ;  Amos  P.  Granger,  N.  Y, ;  Galusha  A.  Grow,  Penn.;  Robert  B.  Hall, 
Mass.  ;  Aaron  Horlon,  Ohio;  David  P.  Holloway,  Inch;  Thomas  R.  Norton,  N.  Y. ;  Valen- 
tine B.  Norton,  Ohio.  ;  Jonas  A.  HughstonJ  N.  Y.  ;  William  H.  Kelsey,  N.  Y. ;  Rums  H. 
King,  N.  Y. ,  Chauncey  L.  Knapp,  Mass. ;  Ebenpzer  Knowlton,  Me.  ;  James  Knox,  111.  ; 
Jahn  C.  Kunkel,  Orasmus  B.  Matterson,  N.  Y. ;  Killian  Miller,  N.  Y.  ;  Edwin  B.  Morgan, 
N.  Y.  ;  Justin  S.  Morrill,  Vt.  ;  Matthias  H.  Nichols,  Ohio  ;  Jesse  0.  Norton.  Ill  ;  Andrew 
Oliver,  N.  Y. ;  John  M.  Parker,  N.  Y.  ;  Guy  R.  Pelton,  N.  Y.  ;  John  J.  Perry,  Me.  ;  John 
U.  Pettit,  Ind.  ;  Benjamin  Pringle,  N.  Y. ;  Samuel  A.  Purviance,  Penn. ;  David  Ritchie, 
Penn. ;  Alvah  Sabin,  Vt. ;  Russel  Sage,  N.  Y. ;  William  R.  Sapp.  Ohio  ;  John  Sherman, 
Ohio  ;  George  A.  Simmons,  N.  Y. ;  Francis  E.  Spinner,  N.  Y.  ;  Benjamin  Stanton,  Ohio. ; 
James  S.  T.  "Stranahan,  N.  Y.  ;  Mason  W.  Tappan,  N.  H. ;  Benjamin  B.  Thurston,  R.  I. ; 
Lemuel  Todd,  Penn.  ;  Mark  Trafton,  Mass. ;  Edward  Wade,  Ohio  ;  Abram  Wakeman,  N. 
Y. ;  David  S.  Walbridge,  Mich. ;  Henry  Waldron,  Mich. ;  Cadwalader  C.  Washburne,  Wis. ; 
Elihu  B.  Washburne,  111. ;  Israe-  Washburn,  Jr.,  Me.  ;  Cooper  K.  Watson,  Ohio  ;  William 
W.  Welch,  John  M.  Wood,  Me.  ;  Joan  Woodruff,  Conn. ;  James  H.  Woodsworth,  111. 


fe  t  fe  & 




At  the  time  of  writing  the  article  which  we  republish,  it  had  escaped  our  notice  that  all 
the  Republican  members  of  the  Senate  had  likewise  voted  for  the  fugitive  slave  law.  We 
have  before  us  a  record  of  the  proceedings  in  the  Senate  on  the  2d  of  July,  1856.  A  ter- 
ritorial bill  for  Kansas  being  under  consideration,  Mr.  Collamer,  a  Republican  Senator  from 
Vermont,  offered  an  amendment  in  the  following  words,  as  an  aditional  section  to  the  bill  : 

"Aid  be  it  further  enacted,  That  until  the  people  of  said  Territory  shall  form  a  constitu- 
tion and  State  government,  and  be  admitted  into  the  Union  under  the  provisions  of  this 
act,  there  shall  be  neither  skvery.nor  involuntary  servitude  in  said  Territory,  otherwise  than 
in  punishment  of  crimes  whereof  the  party  shall  have  been  fully  convicted  :  Provided,  al- 
ways, That  any  person  escaping  into  the  same  from  whom  labor  or  service  is  law- 

The  yeas  and  nays  were  ordered  on  this  amendment ;  and  being  taken  resulted  as  follows  : 

YEAS — Messrs.  Bell  of  .Yew  Hampshire,  Collamer,  Fessenden,  Foot,  Foster,  HALE, 
SEWARD,  Trumbull,  WADE,  and  WILSON— 10. 

NAYS — Messrs.  Bayard,  Bell,  of  Tennessee,  Benjamin,  Biggs,  Bigler,  Bright,  Brodhead, 
Brown,  Cass,  Clay,  Clayton,  Crittenden,  Dodge,  Douglas,  Evans,  Fitzpatrick,  Geyer,  Hunt- 
er, Iverson,  Johnson,  Jones,  of  Iowa,  Mallory,  Mason,  Pratt,  Pugh,  Reid,  Sebastian,  Slidell, 
Stuart,  Thompsofi,  of  Kentucky,  Toombsj  Toucey,  Weller,  Wright  and  Yulee — 4.3. 

It  will  be  seen  that  all  the  Republican  members  of  the  Senate  voted  for  the  fugitive  slave 
law,  which  one  of  their  own  members  had  moved  as  an  amendment  to  a  bill!