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Ali H03> 


Coüisf^f^ii^ ce-?-1^ mi-mo, 

A- 2^/3 

k« f037 

^fP'^' f<Xnu /y ^ /^o<,4, CU-Ud-^ 


38 Ath-^rbon Close, .^hurding-- 
Che] tenham/Glos. 

Mr. Pariser 
158 School Street 
Belniont/M=.= s. 02178 

iJear I'lr .Paiiser , 

my cousin i.rnst Kitzin^'er, Oxford, h 

GL b1 5 SE 

Kni?-].=.nd 16 Jan. 1984. 


as h^^iven me your new 

address. He tells me that he has shown you one of my Jaffe fnmily 

trees some time airo 

nd that you have discovered a connection with 

your family on one pajse. r.rnst, does not tetnember where and how, 

you will not remember either. If 
tails. - I am writinfr topday, becsupe 
J-iffe fr ^ ' 


you do, please let me havede- 
a I'lrs.i-.osemarie Kyv.eck, 

om Berlin, now living in Minneapolis wants to find out more 

aüout her descent. So far, I have established the names 

for her t'l 

and dates 

andparents Adolf Jaffe and his wife Fanny, nee Josef owitz 

who hailed from the province Pose 

in Berlin and are buried ir 

tut also lived in Ister life 

eissensee. Mrs.Kyweck mentions in one 

of her letters that her prandmother ' s sister married a Pariser and 
1 wonder whether you know about a possible c 

evidence i have, I still dare 
kin into my compilation 

onnection'.' v.itli the 
not enter "rs.Kyweck and her next-of- 
because 1 have more than one Adolf Jaffe 

y neea 

and cii.not be sure which of them is her Grandfather. 1 real] 
the names and dates for her preat-grandparents. 

orry to trouble you, but now and asain one is lucky by 

trying a chance-in-a milli 

on approach. 

iours sincerely, 

j^nclosure : 

2 international reily coupons 
for youi answer. 

ÖLi>^ \ 



@ Second (old 




Additional message area 

f^l, l^^ iqg^ 

y^^^CUu ^oöt^,e/^v<Vp 

'D /u^n^ s to^-OM."^ (^OL^ Aö^u^ ^^ /^^^ ^ 

Sfocki-OA/^ Ca. ^^loy. 

J.E. Jaffe 

;iru. V.H. Petei-3, 

24 Vi, Lancaster :;)rlve, 


CA. 55207, 


38 Athßrtoo Close, 

Glos. GL51 5SB 

19th March, 1984 

Dear Mrs. Faters, 

I öLi sorry to disa; point you - T hxve not compiled a r,ueha;tm 
family tree und an only related to tliem throuRh ntiri'iage. .'y father, 
Georj,- Jaffe'3 elder sister, Olara Jai'.fe, (1849-1921) munäed ür. Ked. 
Eduard lIueliBam (1840-1692) in I87I in Berlin. aOils means that only the 
descendants of Dr. Ked. liduard Kuehsam and his wife, Clara iiiehsam nee 
Jaffe, axe on mj' fomily tree, which does not helji you, 

I su^Gest that you vrite tot- Mr. rottfried Eeuhaas (he may call 
himself 'Eewhouse'), 376 Hi."hland Avenue, upper Kontelair, New Jersey O7043, 
who is a direct Kuehsam descendant and Jias written a family troe on them 
as far as 1 loiow. You can tell him that I gave you his aciuiess and X'Ciiiiad 
him that he King me up in 1979 when he was in this country. r^r, F-dtt'rd 
Muehsani's rrandson, Clerald ihiehsam, ond his vfife, 3iana, told Vir. leuhaus 
aoout me. Like you, he was under the misconception th-at I was s, memljer of 
th(3 Kuehsan fpjiiily. 

X)o you mean to eay you have a fcmily tree of the JUintorowioz, 
coin« hack to 1455" 5he two Jaffe families whose pedigrees I coiripiled, h:!.ve 
their orisin in Posen (now Poznan, loland.) and »;ere relateu through ruiirriaße 
to tiie Kantorowicz of Posen. I liave never seer» the Kantorowicx pedigree. 
But your fatlier liay not have been a descendant of the Posen hranch, Ae far 
as I know there were other hraiieliea of tin; Kantorov;ics, for iiistrjicc in 

Üy the way, the Leo Baeek Institute, 129 East 75rd Street, IJew York, 
N.Y. 10021, h. s several Huehsain trees in its ai-chivec, '?hej' »nMl 
Bend you ydiotocopiss at^inst a fee if you nek thea). 'ftit contaci Gottfried 
r.euhauE f-u-st. 

V/lth best v.'ishes. 

Yours sincerely. 

- 15 

(continued from p. 5) 




b. about 

1830 in 

m. Louis 

Jaffe , 


engaged February 1852. His f irst wifj, 
see 5.3. on p. 6 of the Miloslaw Jaffes 
family tree. Emma, ^the daughter of 
Dr. med. Ludwig Jaffe, Mathildes first 
cousin, was Louis Jaffes second wife. 
See £.2.2.3. on page 4-. DOUBLE LINK?! 





(D Second lold 

00 I 



Addjijonal message area 



kjtUP^' (^^ Ottt iLpf- ai,,U>, i-C^t Vö^^ htyo- 

In^o^U p^tA^^ 8--i Aj^ ni^e-L,f 6 ^-cw 

hvc&A.c'^ "^ G' ^^T$^l^ oti f<;^ C(L<3' Bo^<: ^-'^y;' 

Mj^Q.l'e.l . '^■^ /M'2''<'^'^>Ae<^'2^ ^ ^4o H^a-I- Q<Piu,e ^ 
(Xf QU-^^ ^ ^U^Cc, ^(■'-nc-^'^e M<3^i^5 el-US' 

J.E. Jaffe 

58 Atherton Close, 


Cheltenham, Glos. 
GL51 5SB 

9th April, 1984 

Mrs. Vera Peters, 
24 W. Lancaster Dr., 
Cal. 95207 

Bear Mrs. Peters, 

Many thanks for your letter of 29±h March, Your prompt reply shows 
me that you axe genuinely interested in family research which is nice. 
Of course, I am very interested to hear that both you and your hushand 
have their origin/Posen. I hope that you have written to Mr. Keuhaus in 
the meantime and that he was able to help you with the Muehsam family. 
I have the descendants of Dr. Eduard Muehsam and his wife Claxa, nee Jaffe, 
on my family tree up to the present day, in case you needed tliem. I can 
also give you the address of Louise IftsKk Tiktin, nee Muehsam - 428 Glenferrie 
Road, Kooyong, Victoria 3144, Australia - who is a cousin of mine. She 
has not written a family tree but she is one of those people who knows 
half the world, and jU interested in family history. However, I have to 
warn you that some members of the Muehsam family are very antagonistic 
against family trees, for instance Louise Tiktin's brother, Rudi Muehsam, 
who lives in New York. So don't approach him I 

I am writing this letter on the back of page 30 of my family tree, 
and I also enclose a photocopy of page 12, From these two pa,;es you will 
Bee that I have the people you mention in your letter, with all their 
details up to the present day, on my tree. I'm sure these tv/o pages will 
refresh your memory. It v/ould be interesting to find out whether these 
Jaffes were not only intimate friends of your ancestors, but also related. 
I shouldn't be surprised if they were related somehow. I enclose page 30 
because you will see that Anna Kronthal 's mother, Marie, was nee 
KantorBiowicz. I le^ve it to you to find out v/hether this is your or your 
husband's line or the 'other' Kantorowioz of Posen you mention in your 

Naturally I would be most interested if you could kindly send me a 
copy of the Kantorowioz family tree. As you can see I take my work 

The name of Georg Jaffe's wife was Margarethe, nee Wolff, as you 
will see on page 12, and the name of Bernhard* Jaffe's wife in Montreal is/ 
Irma Haohs. I didn't enclose the Montreal Bemhard's page because you 
seem to know him and his sister, Lily Saalheimer, best. I exch:'n/:e letters 
frequently with the Montreal Bernhard, he calls our correspondence "the air- 
mail romance". In case you wanted to write to him here is his aldress - 
4760 Roslyn Avenue, Montreal, Quebec H3V.' 2L2, Canada. He is a raconteur, 
but not interested in dates. V/e are creat friends, but only by letter. 

I hope to hear from you a;,ain and that you are 
with your Meuhsani research. 

etting on alright 

With kindest regards. 

Yours sincerely, 

CrUV^fX PoirA'^'^ 

G2 1^ ß^ÜMyr^-t-^ Jl^- 

<s>t,-C'Fe— ^'^-'^ '/t d'-C . 



QiHJ^^ 7^4^,^ ßrr6*-utj- 
Ur£ ^U^^&U!) u^jU. T&fe^ilT 

^fKiC h\, affile- l^irr^ D-t H/hl /9&f J^A/f-/t , Q^7?jHf)-/oy 

i^o-M, ht-t/u^t-rt-^ ^4-&-ir>^^ , ^ /j'i^w- /^Y-^ /j.^^ ^ü-^^-Aa 

CyCy..r-r<n-Dp^L<^- i^so^ l-u^ ^^-f A'i.jLur-ijLJl 0<-^ >^ .-i-AZ/ 
Of /] ^j / ■ / I I -/ ^ ^^ Cf9^y^7>/9\ 

J.Ü.Jefre 19- Pecember ^97i^. 

38, Atherton'Close 


Olieltenham GL b1 b SB 


Dear Oliver, 

l'ihny thiiijka for youi nice lj*:ter cf 26. ^.7^^. 
I am so aeli.,htod to htar tLst you irteyested 
in our i-Jimily tree. Unrcrt unoj tely , it looks as if 
both .your ana jour Peer v.ere not, 
because ttey did rot ar^sv/er my letters to them. 
I M-oLe to your fctiier aua Peer on ü3-''''-72, s&king 
them various queacions. I v.onder vliether you could 
help me by ceiidlrif tl.ein a note, asl-ing them in my 
name to ari.:'.vex my lottere immediately. 

X am getting on with the family tree all right, 
but, oi course, I get stuck- vhen peopl« Tail to 
arisi'ier. V;üile I was; doing the I'ough capy of the 
family tree, it occurred to aie that it would make 
it more interesting if I added the prof easions, de- 
gree.<5, titles, etc. of the descendants. Of course, 
as concise l y as possible - there is not much room 
for ciecails. 

About yourself I put so far: 
Dr. Oliver Torben lortrier (-I.D. (Degree HcGill, 

i'iontreai ) . 
Will >ou f^ease improve on that, i.e. let ne 
have tte correct Nc Gill deo;ree. Any letters 
behind your name? And can you describe in a few 
words whnt you are doing now? Do you si.ecialise 
in so3iething. if you think that what I put down, 
is sufficient, say so, please. 

In case 1 could not get an answer from your father 
and your brother Peer, can you tell me: 

1) your father's profession in one v.ord. Business 
men? Does not sound riyht? 

2) Pleane in the same way aa for yourself degrees 
and letters behind tiie naxe for your brothers 
Peer and Christopher. For Peer I put: 

Dr. Peer Fortner, Physicist (Mc Gill T^-^cree) 
and for Christopher: Lawyer (Degree Mc Gill). 

Please improve on that, if you can. Vhat is 

Peer doin;;; now? University career? 

3fou see, Oliver, the degrees, titles, etc. 
vary in different countries vjhich makes my task; 
rathei' difficult. I pave you an example: in 
this country I would put after Christopher's 
name: M.A. (Jur) Mc Gill and he would be a 
solicitor here and not a lawyer as in U.y.A. 
and Canada. 
3) I expect Vincent Prager in Montreal would 

have the same letters behind his name as 
Christopher as he also studied Law at Mc Gill. 



38, Atherton Close 


Cheltenham GL 51 5 SB 

2^. Jan. 1973- 

Dear Oliver, 

I wonder what happened. I wrote you a letter 
on 19. December 1972, asking for some more information, 
but I have not had an answer from you. I hope that you 
received my letter all right. I cannot wait much lon- 
ger, as the family tree is nearing its completion. 
On the other hand, it would be a pity if it went out 
sketchy as far as your own family is concerned. I had 
written to your father and Peer on 23.11.72., but had 
no reply from either of them. So I had counted on your 
co-operation, as you seemed very keen. About yourself 
I put so far: 

Oliver Torben Portner M.D. (Degree McGill, Montreal 

1 expect it would be wrong to put Dr. in front of 
your name which is followed by M.D.? Please let me 
know whether you have any other letters behind your 
name apart from M.D. Also describe in a few words 
what you are doing now. Do you specialise in anything? 
If you think that what I put down is sufficient, say 
so, please. - I have, of course, your own date of 
birth and all the necessary dates for your wife and 

2 boys. But I need as for yourself degrees and 
letters behind the name for your brothers Peer and 
Christopher and also I want to know what they are 
both doing now. For Peer I put: "Peer Portner, 

Mc Gill Degree, Physicist. That is not good enough. 
I still have not got the dates for his second wife 
Dorothy nor her maidenname, resp. name of 1st 
marriage. I also want to know her place of birth. 
As for your .-elf it io probably wrong to pat Dr. 
before Peer's name if I bring the degrees after his 
name. You see, in every country it is different. 
What is Peer doing now? University career? 

For Christopher I wrote down: Lawyer (Degree 
Mc Gill). Can you Improve on that or is it all right. 
Is McGill called university of MoGill? 

I expect Peer has got a Ph.D. from Mc Gill. 

Thank you, Oliver. I my letter of 19t|i December 
I also gave you the address of an Ottawa relative 
of ours who would be pleased to meet you. 
Ernest Martin Appt.1111, 3IOO Carling Ave. 

Ottawa K 2B, 6J6, Canada. 
1 cannot think why your father does not answer. 

The compiling of the family tree is far more 
difficult than I had expected. I am getting on 
all right, but it is hard work, "f course, it is 
disappointing, if people do not co-operate, but, on 
the whole, the response was good. 

All the very best to you and your family 




1867 1 1967 


Dr. & Mrs. O. T. Portner 
624 Gaines Drive 
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 
KU 7W6 







.-\_ _- .^j .;■-■ Sii^'r CANADA 




I £.^,..; ■>!.. ^, 

I 5 r Mh^'diz-^^.. 




D^, öcT. P^r\TX^I\ 

1 I Tlw.^j' 


u^- C'^'^^S *'J-<-*> 

-Tl^l l^ U^^ ^-p uU , c^di ^ / 

OLI/ef\ ^e^T//^/^ 

(^-e^-r /vWt< 

2 7 M^ 73-^ 






I Z-v-*^,,^ 

Par avion 


Royal MqI 






'.'» Dr\oiiver T. P o r t n e^r ^ 

,«Ä i --^ — _. - 

,-ftfß,.^03, 1725 Riverside Drive 

'■ l i'" ^ ■ 

P,,«*^ a\w a , Ont.K')G 0b6. 



J3 a d a 


Sender's name and address 

^g KrHjTTAyev <^u> sf 


Postcode QrLS"! £ ^^ 

An aerogramme should not contain any enclosure * 

To open slit here 

J.E. Jaffe 

Dr. Oliver Portner 
Apt. 503 

1725 Riverside Drive 
Ottswa, Ontario K1G 0E6 

38 Atherton Close 


Cheltenham/Glos . 

GL 51 5 SB 


11 Jan. 1983. 

Dear Oliver, 

your aunt Ann gave me your address and told me 
that you divorced and are married again. Please the 
following details for my updated version of the family tree: 

1) Date and Place of divorce 3oiOt)vii9«l , Ormv.n+,c/H>m3>/9" 

2) Date and PlsEce of second marriage tX^g^ iWi. .'orm^^c^h-n^^ 
3)Pull name (including middlename) for your second wife 

^) her date and place of birth ^G Prffi.. llH 
5>) her profession: oAtHü F>^ei>,c S<^6^7>rJ ' 
6) Your profession: 0/i.nH) p/hei},c. sccAs-£»as 

ffust write your answer behind the question, put this 
airmailer into an envelope and return it to me. Ihis is 
the quickest and easiest way for both of us. 
Thank you very much. 
All the best for 1983, 

^^Löü>v ^s'ss 1°-^'^ / 

V^ ^0 Ü4J- 

.^\L^ IL "/---''> l^<>^' 


-U^.jH^ Ci_ <* < ' ' ' 



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PHONE: 01 -455 3608 



LONDON N.W.1 1. 

p^cM^ < , /o^^^ h^ 


J'ii. Jaffe 

Mrs. Kachel C.Posner •i^>i-»~>K-ru^£/cx»^ 

Ben-Zion Ctreet 226 



58, Atherton Close 



GL bl 5 SB 

England 6 January 1981. 

Dear Kachel, 

thank you very much for .your letter of 28 N0V.1900 and the en- 
closed £ 10.00 for your copy. I shall try to be as short as possible 
as 1 am rather ceak (Bronchitis) and supposed to be in bed with anti- 
biotics. I should like you to help me by explaining to your brothers 
and sisters the situation, i-specially to Judith, jLt back f%m London] 
I had rushed an Lmco-t ile-Copy to her during her stay in tnaland at 
your fahter's request, the same copy as 1 sint to you, even eU^b?ly 
.vn^'^^T^"'^!.*^ because I had already corrected the few minor errors 
?Snn^?^n^'-^n^^ §§^"t^k ^'^^ ^° "'®^" i"""^' letter and added something ver^ 
important on p.29. I had a letter from Judith this morning, writtin 

i° 1^ nn'^'i"''^' 2°^7! ^" "^^'"' s'"'« thanks me for her copy, encloses the 
^10.00 towards the costs and says 'that she left her cipy behind 
because she would prefer the yellow ring-book I used for your father's 
copy. I am disappointed that Judith did not take her copy back home 
for the sake Cf the "Emco-i.ile" . It took me a whole day to precare it 
and 1 carried it to the post office myself in the pouring rain^for 
her to. get it m time before the X-mae letter rush. 

Wou]d you very kindly tell Judith: 
1; that gnu., Lan, havte your copy in the hmco-r ile and not in the 
yellow ring-book, as. she seems to think.. : , / ; . - "^ 

2) that I ciiose the Emco-File on purpose, becauVe one^ caii' take the 
whole copy out and have as many photocopies made off t as one likes 

onl ctn aUd'pIiei'%rfL' ?"'•/'" ""^'" = " '^"^"' "^^ "«^ Revised onll! 
uiic Ldn aua. pages, as the family grows, etc. 

3) As long as the research goes on, it is snxaoe to present the familv 

J; -L'l { Tri:» "r""'""°"«-"" -™ 

year;?See p 29 on JudifM.rv''^ ago. after senrcbggg for him for many 
^) iou wtu alk wh y 1 did nTv%?r ^" ^^ondon, inste,3d of Jerusalem.^ 
research is comnl^Pf^H t h?^ !? ! "^^^ sending copies out unteil the 

aU^^^f^'L^^t"!n^e^rh^ad^^lLe^^°?^i 'dl'n ITt^'.^stMr, ^--'^^-- 

boundt^ifposslblf printed' Jir^^lti^^-te^version should be properly 
T^ T H„ p"t.t=iuxe printed. At the moment it would be fo]lv to rin it 

to carry"on Vn.^r\'°""" °^ "^ "° '"°^^- ''"^ ^o workf JL win naCe 
branch in' ^^^^^^i" ^°" "« right to be curious about the JaffI 

Th=^: number of outstanding personalities. 

ihank you for correcting minor 
call her "tzion". ^hich is right? 
No, I h9vle 

i-hili'pp'a Jup 

doknot Mow b 

if LV^Lfon"?Thic°h'il rig°t?"'°^^- '^'^"^ ''^"'' "^*--"' 

ot yet found the name of Prof .Philipp' s mother. 
V r^^i-h a L/ Y/eJ^e, collected by somebody, miprht reveal i"^ 
>vnot^,<^6o„ h^w^^get hold of the book. Staat sbibfiothekRerliiv 



- 25 - 

(continued from p. 10) 

\ / 
£. Paul BrXehl 

in Berlin 

/ C-armei Court, 
Ljiouceiter iuaeaen6, 
U.ondon. NW1 1 9AD 


1^ l/^&xdi 


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i:?.Maerz 1981. 

Liebe Anna-Luise heider, 

i^ass ich doch noch einmal die Gelegenheit haben wuerde, 
Ihnen "i'ieine Ahnen" mit den Randbemerkungen Ihrer Tante "l^ascha" 
und deren Original-Begleitbrief zukommen zu lassen, schien mir 
unmoeglich. Wo und wie sollte ich tie finden? Wie bie. sehen, hat 
■i-hre l'ante ihren Brief und das Uokument im Jahre 1962 an einen 
entfernten Verwandten von mir pesnndt, einen Dr. ing. Richard Jaf f e , 
der in Lugano in der i^chweiz pelebt hat und dort im gleichen Jahr 
1962 gestorben ist. fc.r hat sich auch mit Familienforschung be= 
schaeftigt und seine Witwe bat mich im ffahre 1975 nach Lugano zu 
kommen und seinen "achlass zu ordnen. D-^bei fand ich "'''eine Ahnen" 
und hob das ochrif tstueok auf, bis es nun endlich an die lict^tij^^ 
Adresse kommt. Ich habe eine ganze >eit gebraucht, bis ich herausge= 
funden habe, dass Fritz Keuburger es nicht nur fuer Sie geschrieben 
bat, sondern -^hnen seine eigenen Worte in den "und legt, tine selt- 
same Idee, ürst wenn man dahinter kommt, dass Sie es cind, die ueber 
ihre Vorfahren spricht, stimmen die Angaben ueber die letzteren. 
'■arkus tlias Jaffe, Salomon Jaffe, Bernhard Jaffe - ;- ie werden sie 
alle auf meinem Stammbaum finden. Nicht stimmt, dass dieJaffes 

erct 1920 nach dem ersten Weltkrieg Posen verlassen haben, öie sind 
schon um die Jahrhundertwende nach ^'erlin uebergesiedelt . 

Leider brin, t das ochrif tstueck wenig Tatsachen - it sounds 
rather pompous to my ear - und ich bezweifle, dass es "hren eigenen 
»jedanken und ii-mpf indungen Ausdruck verleiht, iiocl:- kann der wirkliche 
Schreiber Di'. Fritz Neuburger geahnt haben, was ihm bevorstand. V^'l 
Unheil ist seitdem er das geschrieben hat, in der Welt passiert. 

Ich war ueberrascht am Telephon von Ihnen zu hoeren, dass Sie 
das Schriftstueck nie gesehen haben, daran ist wohl auch der Holo= 
caust schuld. 

■^itte lasen Sie mich umgehend wissen, dass dieser -^rief gut 
bei ihnen angekommen ist. Ich hoffe, dass ich die l-lorida-Adresse 
am Telephon richtig verstanden habe, sie klingt so merkwuerdig. 
cchrciben Sie sie noch einmal deutlich und geben sie mir auch die 
Adresse in Jriovidence und auch die Adressen ihrer Soehne. bin Index 
mueeste angefertigt werden, damit sich die i^achkommen gegenseitig 
erreichen koennen. i'lit welchen ihrer Angehoerigen stehen Sie noch in 

Viele üruesse von Inrer 


Mrs. Anna-Louise heider 
1900 North bast 28 Terrace 
Pompano Beach 
ilorioa 155062 
U.S. A, 

'Dear Mrs.heider (spelling?), 

what a nice surprise to find 
not know whether you are interest 
axe you will like to hear that 1 
pedigree of those descendants of 
branch belongs, it comprises atou 
humanly possible; only^some of th 
dants of Bernhard Jaffe, Posen (1 
Xo-day i only enclose those pages 
be able to fill in the remaining 
to send you a photostatic copy of 
your pages are sufficiently accur 

p. ^2: I air. not quite sure about t 
and Karl may be in the v.ion 
any details about themV Lud 
to Dr. Bernard Jaffe, üwitze 
no dates for them available 
missing exact^birth- and de 
Bernhard Jaffe and his wife 

38, Atherton Close 



GL 51 b SB 


1^ March 1981. 

you after a 
ed in family 
have compile 
habbi Mordec 
t 110 pages 
e pages, dea 
824-i88b) St 

of which i 
gaps. Of cou 

the whole f 
ate to be in 

he order of 
g places. Do 
wig died as 
rland, in hi 

Can you 
athdates on 
Bertha Fine 

11 thepe years. I do 
history, but if you 
d a well-researched 
ai Jaffe to whom your 
and is as complete as 
ling with the descen- 
ill need improving, 
think that you might 
rse, 1 shall be pleased 
amily tree as soon as 

the 7 brothers. Ludwig 

you happen to know 
a child, Karl, according! 
s twenties. But i have 
fill in some of the 
p. 12, staitinp with 

P' ?0: Have you anything to add to this page which is very incomplete'! 
Until 1 know more about Bernhard fcrnst J. and his son Peter, 
■■■ have difficulty with numbering the pages. Bernhard trnst 
J. could have married a^rain in U.>i.A. have had children with 
his second wife, "is son Peter car, have married, too, have had 
a family. 

p. 3^ and 63 : These are the pages, concerning your own family and you 
should not have much difficulty in correcting and 
supplementing them_. For each person I need: full name 
(including middlenames) , date and place of birth, 
date and place of death, äUiüXiihaXji husband's or wife's 
full name, date and place of marriage, wife's maiden- 
name, date and place of wife's birth, resp. death, 
(lease fill in the gaps on p. 51 afid 65. What does your 
grandfather's initial "t" stand for.' I am not sure 
whether Lir .med .i^aete Maunsell married in 1958 or 1939. 
-flease full details as described above for yourself, 
your husband, your 2 sons Allan and Jeffrey, their 
wives and their chilaren up to the present day so that 
I can let your children and their families have new 
pages. Do not worry about the genealogical numbers in 
front of each name. 1 have written, to Harald Thormaehlen 

Vvould you very kindly answer this letter and return ^1 tne<<2''' 
pages as soon as possible. I lost precious time, owinj' to illness, 
and only returned recently from hospital, it also took me much longer 
to trace your branch than all the other many descendants. The latter 
are impatiently waiting for their copies, but it would be foolish 
to have more photocopies done before putting your pages right. I 
should like to finish my work before it is too Ipte. My general 
health and ray eyesight are failing, oniy my head still works re- 

Bo''you näppen to know the address of Lieselotte «^affein isew lork 

with kind regards and many thanks, „ ■ -, 
_^ , ■ I , ^ Yours sincerely. 

Mrs. Rudolf ReiJer 

1900 N. E. 28 Terrace 

rompano Deacn, rlorida 33062 

March 30, 1981 

Dear Johanna Jaffe, 

I can't tell you how very touched I am by your letter 
and your call. I regret to have let you wait an extra 
week to tell you that I received your lettera, but our 
arrival in Florida had to be postponed and we only got 
here yesterday. I am rushing to confirm your letter, be- 
cause I realize that you are anxious to know that it 
arrived and you understood me well when I gave you my 
address here. My Providence address is: 

266 Wayland Avenue 

Providence. Rhode Island 02906, 
but as I told you we most likely will move to Florida 
permanently in December. In the meantime, I hope, we 
will hear from each other and I can keep you posted. 
The address here will remain the same, I am quite certain. 

You must be a remarkable person! I hope to learn more 
about you in the future. You mentioned that you had not 
been too well, but I sincerely hope that by the arrival 
of this letter you are feeling better. You sounded 
wonderful over the phone. Unbelievable that you reached 
me, we just had returned from a trip to Florida and the 
Midwest the day before and were gone for 3 months. Fate??? 

I have spoken to Harold Thorm^ehlen in the meantime 
when he had just received your letter. I will call him 
over the weekend when it is best to reach him and dis- 
cuss your note to me with him. After that I will mail 
it back to you. I am worried that I can not be of too 
much help. You see, I spent most of my young life with 
my father and only saw my mother again after Hitler 
had come into poweri she was living at that time in 
Frankfurt. I visited my grandmother and aunt Kascha in 

Berlin, even stayed with them for a few months, 
but the part of the fajnlly that I remembered was 
my grandmother"s sister Louise Simon, her daughter, 
etc/. I hope that between Harald and myself we can 
answer a few of.^our questions. I am grateful for 
the "Ahnen? written by Fritz Neubuerger and certain- 
ly would have loved to have Part I. My father's 
2. wife still lives in Holland and 1 will ask her 
also for help in filling oul the gap. She is 
coming to visit in a couple of months' and I certainly 
will discuss it with her. I will in the meantime 
write to her about you etc. but she makes me wait 
for answers very long, so I will not promise you 
anything sooner than after her arrival here. She 
has a wonderful memory. At second thought 1 will 
give you her address: 

Mrs. Magdalene Heijman-nosenbaum 

De Koningshof Flat 38 

Utrechts eweg 62 

6866 CM- Heelsum 

You mighi wanf to |et in touch with her directly. 
In the meantime I will also write to her this week. 

Again many thanks for your letter. 1 will mail 
everything back within one week and hope to reach 
Harald by then. He is the only person that I ajft in 
touch with; however I have not seen him in years. 
Our sons are very excited about your work and anxious 
to hear about their "Ahnen". ^ 

The older son is: Alan Evan Raider 

11306 Huckleberry Path 
Columbia, Maryland 210'j4. 

His wife's name is Linda (Dallas), they have one 

child Suzanne. He is an attorney at law. 

our second son is : 

Jeffrey Isaac Reider 
5860 Forest Lane 
Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 

Mrs. Rudolf Reider 

1900 N. E. 28 Terrace 

rompano Deacn, rlorida 33062 

His wife Is Sherri (Perk) and they have one 
daughter Mallorey. 

Jeffrey is In his last year of residency at the 
hospital in Indianapolis and might move away in 
1982 when he goes into priiate practice as a 
radiologist . 

We Kill be in Florida until the end of April and 
then go back to Providence. I am looking forward 
to hear from you, I would like to know more about 
your life. 

With best regards and good wishes, 


Linda Dallas 
b. May 3, 191^9 

Sherri Perk 

b. April 28, 195/1 

iUrs. Kudolpk Keider 

1900 N. E. 28 Terrace 

rompano Deach, Morida 33062 

den 5- April 

Liebe Johanna Jai"fe, 

"ie haben inzwischen schon von Haurald Thormaehlen gehoert, 
denn ich telefonierte mit ihm gestern, um eventuell das 
Eine oder Andere herauszufinden, aber leider scheinen wir 
Beide Ihnen nicht viel helfen zu koennen. Das hat bestimmt 
mit den Umstaenden (geschiedene Eltern) und däJi^Hitlerregie- 
rung, die uns voneinander gerissen hat, zu tun. Ich bin 
sehr interessiert und hoffe, dass ich mehr noch von Ihnen 
hoeren werde. In der Zwischenzeit habe ich selbst an 
Magdalene Heijraan in Holland geschrieben, damit sie mir 
oder Ihnen vielleicht doch noch etwas mitteilen koennte. 
Sobald ich etwas hoere, werde Ich es Ihnen schreiben. 

Ich freue michratuerlich, dass ich "meine Ahnen" von Fritz 
Neubuerger erhalten habe, aber wenn loh dieses Papier' lese 
mit den Bemerkungen "das Deutschtum zu bewahren" werde ich 
doch sehr traurig, denn dieser Patriotismus hat ihnen ihr 
Leben gekostet. Leider konnten wir nichts an der Situation 
aendern und es bleibt eine Tragoedie. 


ite 12 Ihres Schreibens. Ich habe auch keine Ahnung 
von den 7 Jaffe Bruedern. 

Seite 30. Leider die gleiche Antwort. Harald hat in New York 
versucht, eventuell Peter Jaffe aufzutreiben, aber auch er- 

Seite 31. Dr. Max Joffe married to 

Elsbeth, die in London starb, ich glaube 
ungefaehr im Jahre 196?. Sie wurde wohl 
Else genannt, aber ich glaube der Name war 
Elsbeth. Wdnn ich mich nicht irre, habe ich 
vielleicht noch weitere Informationen in 
Providence liegen, aber das kann ich erslÄ 
nach meiner Rueckkehr dort nachsuchen. D^^ 
ist wohl nicht vor Mitte Mai. 

Jetzt zu meiner Mutter, Geburtsdatum haben Sie ja 
schon. Mein Vater war Dr. Arthur Heyman, (medicine) 
geboren: 8/23/I892, gestorben am 3. Haerz 1958. (ich 
moechte auch das Jahr nochmal nachsehen um mich zu 
vergewissern, denn es koennte auch 1959 sein. Er starb 
in Arnhem, Holland. 

Von Kr, Fritz Neubuerger kann ich Ihnen heute keine Aus- 
kunft geben, aber eventuell kann Magdalene Heijman be- 
hilflich sein. Ich habe ihr eine Zeroxcopie gemacht. 

Anna tuise Heyman 
b. July 30, I9I8 in Posen 
Married to Rudolf Beider QctSf'er 6, 1948 
Rudolf Reider b. July 30th,ifi' Odessa (Russia) 
Descendants: Alan Evan Reider ^^•^. ^ 

jb. July 31, 19it9 in New Ycrk, '^■V' • 
lii. Linda Dallas J-ö. October 20, I973 JIZ? 
child Suzanna Dallas Reider ^ ^k . 
^ "b. December 1, I978 in Columbia. Maryland 

Dr. Jeffrey Isaac Reider 

b. Majj 12, 1952 in Providence. Rhode Island 
m. Sherri Ann Perk June 15,1975 
child Mallory Paige Reider . ^ , 

b August ?7 TQfin ^" IndianaJoHs , Ind. 
You probably^fiave^"!* f'^' ^^^° 

still more questions, feel free to 
ask and I will try my best to answer them quickly. 
With best regards,^^_^_^^^^^^_^ ^^^_^ 

By air mail Air letter 
Par avion Aerogramme 



Sender's name and address 


Postcode &lS{ b" 6/3 

, "An air letter should not contain any enclosure 


To open s' 

Jiaster "onday, 20.4.1981, 

•"ear Anna Luise, 

thank you for both your letters. Unf ortun;5tely , you have 
not answered all the questions you can answer, I do not mean those 
which you can only look up when back in Providence or after having 
heard from ''Ts. Heijman in Holland. Time is running out, so 
please answer by return of post the following questions: 

1) Was your mother tva born on the 3rd or the 13thV I am not 
sure whether -'• understood you rightly over the telephone. 
I put the 13th. Correct? /J£_ X)^ . i>^(>- 

2) Where and when did your parents marryV l^Vl " ?0<>"e<''- 

3) Where was your father born? (^ eL'^ <-i^ ICi rcl^i^^ /Cfi'l'HA>^'j 

4) WKKü:iSX Whether he died 1958 or 1959 you can only let me know _ 
after your return to Providence, I understand. l-^X?' 

5) When were your pareWtis divorced? ('^ l'^ f-^ H (^ (ttuLj, 

6) When and whereto did you yourself emigrate? /Vjo-tJ^t^^ ^^ '1^1 

7) Where did you marry Budolf, you give me the date, but tot the 

pji'a^t^^'^ "^Cr-o'C^Q- place. 

8) -"-s it correct that you and Kudolf were born on the same day, 
30th July, though, of course, in a different year? Or is it 
a slip of the pen? You put for both of you 30th;i July. C/-C-S 

9) Where did Linda and Alan marry? You Rive only the date .J- /« W.V4 
V So « •'^ I'i- 9 '^^y^rü'f > ^ < 

10) Where was Linda born? You give only the„date. , ^i-. ij-t-c ^tff^ i-'-'^^-r^ 

11) Had Linda no middlenameV i^^lc^ UhdU )>cjl-La^ 

12) Inhere did Jeffrey and Sherri marry? You give only the date., 

13) Where was Sherri born? You give only the date. " ' 1 

Please answer these questions on t his letter, not on a separate 
paper, and return it to me immediately, -'•t makes it easier for 
you and myself. 

No time for more to-day. i have to work very hard 
^digree readjw« I have to be as accurate as possible, 

because lots of people will copy my mistakes. 
I always insist on everybody giving me the infor- 
mation he or she can give. There are plenty un- 
answerable problems owing to the Holocaust, oo 
please do not think I am too fussy. 

With kindest regards, in haste, 
Yours sincerely. 

April 28, 1981 

Dear Ms. Jaffe, 

your letter just reached us here, one day before our 
departure for Providence. This is a long ride and we do 
not get to Providence before the 2. of May, making 
a short stop at out son, Alan's home. I am rushing 
to answer your letter. I filled out whatever 1 could. 
Since my parents divorced when I was only one year 
old, I can not tell you more definite dates than I 
indicated. 1 was not in contact with my mother until 
I was about Ik years old, actually 15 years and we 
never discussed the past. 

I also have spoken to Magdalene Heijman, she could 
not give me any more information and told me that all 
the papers that she had were discarded when she moved 
into small quarters. . 

In case you can not make out my writing where I had 
little space to fill in, I want to repeat: 
#10 Linda was born in South Orange, New Jersey 
11 Her correct namewas Helen Linda Dallas, so 

her middlename is Linda (she does not use Helen, 
most likely does not like it) 
12, Sherri and Jeffrey got married in Mystic, Connecticut 
13- Sherri was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. 
I hope this will take care of your questions. 
I am also rushing, please understand. If there is 
anything Bxi else you would like to know, please 
write now to i266 Way land Avenue, Providence. R.I. o2906 
where we should be on and off for the next 6 months. 

ay 20, 1981 

Sear Johanna Jaffe, 

I had promised you to tiy to get some dates after 
our return to Providence. Here is it. 

Dr. Arthur Heyman died March 3, 1959 

Dr. Kate Maunsell died May a'*, 1972 

Dr. Fritz Neubuerger's birth date was June 29, 1891 

These are the information I could find in some of 
my papers. Sorry I can not help you more. 

Hope you are well and your work is progressing 
satl sf ac torily . 

With best regards. 




266 (UAYLJiNb .\ueNue, pRouibeNce, r. i. 02906 


Q ni e i-ic 


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LoiH k\hc4esC ^cyrc^'^^. 


I hee ye 

H Y' 


^-Ooocü <J^cäJ' (Uu-PÖLi 

^iL^UiL Jl-^ I'^SI 


266 cuA.YLA.Nb AueNue, pKouibence, r. i. 02906 

September 16, I98I 

Dear Miss Jjiffe, 

I can't tell you how delighted I was to receive 
the Jaffe Family Tree yesterday. It is something I 
will always value and it will only grow in importance 
to my children and their fzunily, I appreciate the 
effort that this undertaking was and we shall always 
enjoy the fruits of your labor. 

My best wishes to you and many thanks again. 
Sincerely Yours, 

^^Uxj^ Üaj^p ^^OU-J-'ÖU 

^ PAj^aUu >^^d-<J-V^yr^ 

< ^^J3t -y-^ C'-x.^ 


o^-i-»i,. 'At-v? Lo^UXjC^ 




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/' S - ieÄ' -^^- ^ Ay- ^^-v-^ ^K.....^.^ 

J\l{li. cRuaoLf cRluLi.1 

1900 J\l. £. 2Stfi ÜEriaci 

Ü^omjiano !B^ac^, SLoiiAa 33062 

February 24, 1982 

Dear Ms. Jaffe, 

I received your printed matter yesterday and 
want to thank you for the additional Information. 
I hope you are well and happy with your work. 
The newspapers reported a cold winter In England, 
but I hope it did not bother you too mj(!uch. 
The w4ather in most of our States has been 
brutal j we were very lucky to have been here, 
where it has been very nice all winter long. 
We will be back In Providence around May and 
might be moving down here by the end of the 
year. But it Is not definite yet. - My husband 
is still working and his office is in Boston 
and before this has not been moved, we will 
be partly up North. 

The veiy best to you. 
Sincerely , 

^&J!jUuJl PUU^ CSijUi^JU 

Ms. J. E. Jeffe 

38 Atherton Close 


Cheltenham Glos. G I5I 5SB 




(2) Second told 





Additional message area 

March 8, 1983 

Dear Ms. Jaffe, 

I was very pleased and want to thank you for sending me the 
additional pages for the Family Tree. You guessed it right, we are 

at the moment in Florida, but plan to return to Providence by the 

end of April. However, we hope that we will move permanently to 
this location in the near future depending on my husband closing 

his business. 

I hope you had a good winter and that you are feeling well. 
You have my full admiration for your accomplishment. 

Thank you again. With kindest regards, I am 


(UjjuJ^ \U-LL^ tjlj^ 

'^ J8 Atherton Clos-e 

^in/>-^^ ' 

GL 'j'\ i, SB 

18 Aue.15'8i5. 

iJear Rfiche] 

so far, 1 n;ve not leceived trn- £ c'^Riü you f.-iu vou would -end 

been alwaj^s ih^|^^t^tteiaän9vra-T^ITiS4l%^?Wi] k.^ 2 9 iy U e *-i i^ n q 

•Vs jcu can see fron t-h-e 

„,. i , . ^ - jiD'Tniy in the riae-rockpt, I sm/verv 
ntorested in the question of oescent froir haubi «o rdecai. '/ V,is is 
t\e kina pi reep~rch I (-n '<n^i- ,i-r i-^r- . .. i ,,, i . ^h ,4 ,-, i.- ^^ ^^^ 

i-Mrest-tTewsTis tirsöorr.e and n!:-5kes you rxither unpopular. 

siPter Liora 

'When did V.altri 

enclosed y GUI; .?i?p"y^n^sV enlrv : 

c cliilcjen .should be 
?vp suffered over the 
pW"'^ ^•^■g'^'ii^' - ivoi ce? 



ana Jizcf'sk would 

If your sister Juaith and your brothers Arveb 
ri copy, te]l them to s'et in touch v,ith rre. 

With every pood wish foi the en Lire family Krub-kal, 

Kours sircerely. 

'te^isnax Sum^j aix-,«^ ^.^^ joj qs-p« pood ^x.Aa yqi« 



95.6 in 

WO'- BJOfT Ja^dfä a.jdqquj inoj 3bi( 

•J6jncJodnn .i3i!i«j no/C so^tui pue 
i^t oq ijqmjou aogari ■ir..J-i.-.r,yy -r 
ST 3X-- - — '~ 


aq ^^^J'Ji 'qrJni^ aqT xnoAi^j" jno^"sx 
I auoqd dqq aoAO aw pi;oq tiox 

|jTt ST 'swarj 

'II U'urtJa J ,.(0 i Ü a 3 ai 

y A ^.^u. rfi to d.n JT jl)4 ciüjj aas Ubo nojC sy 

psAtaoax qou aA-!u 

"fPoU-3nv ,•}(, 

3Ö' < ur TO 


asoxo uoqjaqqy g^; 
-j!ui-^^4-r6^-2<-2% ^.-^aralinaj: nß-s--Siiete^«^äelÄeT 

MuiT aa 
I. 'Jej oü ■ 
aqoöij xearf 

Mm. Rudolf Reider 
1900 N. E. 26ih Terrace, Pompano Beoeh, Fl. 33052 


December 16 , I985 


Dear Ms. Jaffe, 

I was so happy to hear from you, and I am rushing to 
answer your questions and give you the necessary infor- 
mation . 

Alan and Linda had a son, Robert Dallas Reider, . / 
born — on-9etober 22, 1984 in Columbia, Kd. ^ 

Jeffrey and Sherrl had a son Nicholas Alexander Reider 
bom November 5, igSi^ in Indianapolis, Ind. 

No other changes, except that we are living now in 
Florida permanently. 

You did a wonderful job, and we are so happy with 
your edition of the family history. 

I also would like to take this opportunity to wish you 
a good and healthy 1986. I am sorry to hear about your 
eye trouble, but I assjime that with age we have to 
expect a lot of changes. I hope though that you feel 
allright otherwise. 

What can I tell you about myself? Happily married for 
37 years. Ky husband is still working as a consultant, 
which is good for him since he does not have any hobby/ 
Our children are fine, and we have reason to be very 
proud of them. The grandchildren are a pleasure, and we 
try to see them periodically. 


Summers are pretty hot here, and we managed to be away 
during the hot months. Took a trip with friends to the 
Canadian Rookies, also to the Carolinas to spend time 
with Alan and his family. The end of August we went to 
Europe and I visited my father's 2nd wife in HolHand ^b 
where I also have a half brother. 

This is a busy time of the year. I hope the mall will 

not take too long and you receive the desired Information. 

Kindest regards, 


JyCuu-e, ^ß^-H* UUj/x' 

r\rs. Werner Keis 

2233 rarKside Urive 

Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 


Dear Miss Jaffa, 

I am sorry for the delay in answering your letter 

of 28.8, 76. The name and dates of my granddaughter 

are as follows. 

Aimee Simone Heilbrunn.born April 19th 1978 

in Chicago, 111. U.S.A. 

There is no other news in our family to report. 

You might have heard of the engagement of our son, 

but thot has been desolväd in the meantime. 

I hope you 5,re well and ready to face the winter. 

Autumn is a levley season here, but this year it is 

starting to get cool rather earjy. We fega another 

grim vjinter. 

With best regards. 

Yours sinderely. 

See the U.S.A... vacation land of the world! 

.2233 Parkside Dr. Park Ridge, 111. 60068 










Miss J.E. Jaffa 
38, Atherton Close 

n. Cheltenham (Glos.) 


GL 51 5 SB 


eaje aßessaiu leuojüppv 

Park Ridge, 7.8.81 

IJ>^ Miss Jatfi, 

For almost a year it has been on rcy mind to v;rite to ^ou, but as 
you can see, never actually foand the time to do i^. 
The reason for wrttig this letter, is to inform you thr,t l^^at year 
our daughter gRve bifth to a little boy.: 

Benjamin Reis Heilbrunn 
born August 22. 1980 
in Chicago 111. 

r:rw|j|ing up very nicely . 
Our son is still single, very busy in the medical fi^id 
I don't know if anyone informed you that „e lost our dear aunt Mna 
m borengo this past ''^aroh 17th. 

'^hls wonderful person is greatly missed, as she gave so much to all 
who knew and loved her. I know th^t you two got along very well 
^ you will have good memories of aunt Nina, staying with her in 
^ lovely house and Garden. 

I hope that you are kee^üng well enjoying the summer-time. 

With kind regards. 

Sincerely Yours, 










Ifc. ^.S€ 

A^^ lwtv>-^' 

<y^dB7^ Yf^ 


,^ fi,> (^.. u^Y ^. 





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Ftrniprvdiw 5«9 33 30 
PosUdiadckento: Bsriln Nr. 214 00 
Bankvarblndung: MSI-34-147 

112 BERLiN-wüissENSEE. den 17.7.1905 

H«rbart-eaum.StraBa 45 


irnold Raisii9r 

Highview House 21ra Close 
Eullingliam Neur llewjnarket 
ouff olle CB3 9UR / England 


»^ehr geehrter Herr ^eiciier! 

auf Ihr "jchraiben vom 2C.:.1985 j^eben ' Urnen nach- 
'.tshend ae von I-linen i:jev;"jaschten in^j-oon bslcaant: 

:iGdv;i£ Hei^iior ^ab. 1:". 7.1G61 - ^sst. 16.12.1916 

boiäec-.tzt Abt. U IV - Lrb.2'>4-o 
Grab-iir. 49535 

«^'.l'.;ine Reisaer ^eb. 16L 9.1069 - ^-est. 18. 2.1017 
.'Vbt. U 17 - Erb. 254o 
&rab-Nr. 5oo85 

iiirgarete Roisner „eb. 21. 7.1854 - gest. 9. 6.1932 
Abt. ü IV - Erb. 2340 
Grab-Un. 85259 

--exiTiette Reisner geb. 4,. 4.1037 - gest. 22. 8.1913 
geb. Jaffa Abt. U 'IV - 3rb. 234o. 

Lin Adolph Raisner ist in unserer oterbskartei nicht 

HocKuchtungsvoll ! 
Jüdisch.j G-eiaeinde Berlin 

Frl«dMp«»>i - '<*«• ^ 








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— Sf^lMseoj: 




Shurdlngton, ^ 0ct.198§^ 
Misslnp: Details on the encloaed pap:e 5c 


Where in the province Posen did Adolph and Henriette live before 

tbe;y or she iL&ved to Berlin? 

Date arid place of marriage Adolph-Henriette? 

Date and place of birth and deati for Adolph Reisner? 

Any idea of his profession? 

Place of birth for SieRmund and exact date of his birth in 18S>7 

and his death in 1902? Siegmund 's mlddlename? 

Exact date and place of marriage Siegmund-Mary? You have the marriage 


From where in Germany did Siegmund emigrate to London in the 1880 'e? 

Date and place of birth and death for Mary Jermyn Colam are missing. 

Your own raiudlename is missing, also your profession. If business- 
man, please a little more specialised. Why did your marriage take 
place at the Chapel of Lady Marg.'s? Have you or your v;ife a degree? 
Is the date and place of birth for your wife correct? 

Had Julian a middlename? His place of birth is missing. 

Has his wife Jessie a middlename? Is or was she a teacher? It does 

not follow clearly from the details you gave me. Jessie's exact 

date of birth, please. 

Do their children Catherine, Anne and Alasdalr have middlenames? 

For all three of them the place of birth is missing. 

On one of my own notes you added "Newcastle", but I am not sure 

whether wewcaistle is Julian's birthplace or the place where he lives 

and works now. flay be, the children were born in Newcastle. 

Has Colin a middlename? I am not sure that his date of birth (22 Aug.) 
is correct. It is not clear on your sketch. Colin 's place of birth 
is missing. 

Exact date and place of birth for his ex-wife Jennifer? Her profession 
The place of birth for Nicole and Timothy is missing. 

Place of birth for Adolph and Henriette 's 3 daughters Hedwig, nalwlne 
and Marj^arete. If you answer me my question where Adolph and Hen- 
riette lived before they moved to Berlin and if you can find out 
when they SßH or the widowed Henriette moved to Berlin, it would 
give a clue to Siegmund's and his 3 sisters' place of birth. May 
the marriage certificate 31egmund-Mary helps? 

Dear Mr.Eeisner, 

Please check carefully the above details on the enclosed copy 
of page 5c, correct and add where necessary and return the page to 
me. Thank you. 

1 pieced your information together, and the result is page 5c. 
The only thing X omitted as far as I now is to mention that >our 
aunt Margarete was a schoolteacher, because I wanted all your family 
on one page which (resented technical difficulties. 

lou will notice that t based my dates for Siegmund's 3 sisters 
on the information given to you by the cemetery in East-Berlin. This 
does not mean that in my opinion thei:p information is always ri^ht. 
Stran.:ely §nouKh,^the Weispensee adrrinistration eave me for Henriette 
aeisner, nee Jaffe a different rnravenumber than they r:;ave you, but 
the same dates of her birth and death. X expect you will agree that 
it is not worthwhile finding out where the mistake lies. I think It 
is sufficiently proved by now that the Henriette on my Jaffe family 
tree was your grandmother. It strikes me as odd that V.ei?sensee in 
their letter to you gives the grave numbers for Henriette 's 3 daugh- 
ters, but not for herself. 

V.ith kind regards 

Yours sincerely. 








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Tt jAPTfe 

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A.cJic«-jCoiAii(li /" 

,eoe^- ct "Va^ 


l^iM/^- /yim^ ti)y^ 

- 5c - 

(continued from p.i>) 

4.10. Henriette «iaffi 

b, H April lb?? LaDtoffiichel, Provlu Porf-n, G'^inf»;^ 

d.22 Aug. 1913 Jt-orlln, buried ^'.:Fen?ee, ALt. U IV- 

bxb* -2^40 
v.. Adolpli Koisnerv uK^TCiiant 

'' ' - L 

/«f.lo.l. wie, raund Kei.-ner. tortile impoiter \ 

L . ^„ iHu? (emi-r. to London es » j'Oua^^ aaa in the IdüO'rJ 


A.IO.-I.I. Arnold i.eiRn.>r , ^^^ ' ^^^^^^<^^/iBJj^; "t"^^ 
/ b. -10 üec. 1400 London U,lbf/i^^¥ U//E^\\ 

1«. ^' 

m. Alice Mny <Tf 

m. Alice Mny .Tonninp's on 10 iebr.lS.'iP in i.-xford, 

Chanel Lady «iflrfftret -öBiKss 
1;.12 rta;7 1909 Blackluirj Cin-xps-r' W-ju., 


/•♦. 10. 1.1.1. Julian Hoinner, tpricüci u^.^j... xi.tne./)" 
' b.11 aept.19^3 4'0/i(^^'^ 

a. Joa=icV--Cct,t, tcc-chcr, .>:i2y, 3.197I 
93 ^ in K llm-irnock , .-coUland 

" I ^ 

^ b.>i fi dv/'t ^s^-^y ^'"'^ 

^.1Q. 1.1. 1.2. Aunc ciLic: 

b.2V "?•? 1 
^. 10.1. 'i. '1.0, Aiardnir 1 ■ : ; .. 

b.22 J-.. 0. ^■■■r.^Xp.mBB'-ti 

•;.10.1.';.2. Colin Iieinner, 

^(JA^O»" i'-^'S AU:^. 19'H 


w /7/ r^' 'f^fe« / A'ö- s/ö'&A 

.Tor Pif«r no?6 Leet(.»T on ''2 -^ul^ 19''' 

-livorceJ: iv.i> 

/4, 10.1.1. 2.1. ,.'looln Jene hel'vu' i- ,^ 
b.22 .0^.19/5 LV/ziOC/^ Timothy Ja:«»« -..isnei 

b.22 Jan. lyyb ße.'O/^h^^ 
4.1v.2. a son, died .young 

4.10.;.. uodwig Kei»at!r,b.1:?.y.1ö61 d. 16,12.1916 Berlin, ^ot rrnrr. 

i.10.4. r.,iiwine "" ,b.10.y.1f?69 d.Lli. 2.1917 

^.lO.i», .-iar: iareca " ,b.21.7,1HC4 d. 9. 6.19:52 " 

-vll 3 jiist .rs fjuriod no their mothar üaarieSte r, nie J-ffi 
berlin-f ei3.,enneo, •jt.U IV- <-l;,. -•'O, r.vr. n., no. tai4<.;>3V:;'O0«VS^b'^.| 




SburdlDgton, ^ Jan. 1966 

Dear Mr. 

Thank you for your I'^tter of Deo. 9th 19B5. This ia to say 
that I shall be aEdmltted to hospital for an operation the day 
after to-morrow and that I cannot have copies done for your 
son Colin. Hay I suggest that I keep your second cheque of 
? 1.50, 38 both cheques, amountln to a total of £ iJ.OO, do not 
even cover my postal expenses during the period of our correspon- 

You are right in thinkinR that I do not belong to your Grand- 
mother's branch of the family, ÜJT course, X knoxv Prof .Michael 
Jaffe of Cambridge; he is a descendant of the British branch, 
his grandfather was Sir Otto Jaffe of Belfast with iiiliom I had 
dinner as far back as 1927, discussing family tree matters. In 
Who's Who you can find details about this fumily. 

I wish you and »"*rs.Reisner a happy new year. 

iours siiicerely. 


P. 0. BOX 79^8 


Miss J,E. JAFFE 
38 Atherton Close 


Dear Miss Jaffe: 

Some time ago, I saw your request for Information from descendents of 
the JAFFE family in the AUFBAU. I then wrote to my cousin Dov Kolath, who is 
through his mother (Betty Lewy Kolath) one of the innumerable descendents of 
R, Mordechai Jafe, and whose ancestry is well known to me. I gave him 
your address, and he might have cd ntacted you already. If not, I could offer 
you the table of my Segall Family set which shows all the descendents of Batty,^^ 
and Dov Kolath. '^ 

Just today I ran into another JAFFE family member. I do believe 
that all of them are in fact from the same family, but I could be wrong, I have 
done genealogical research on and off for fifty-one years now, and in recent years 
have seen a good deal of documents and records of other families, so I am have 
some background in the field. 

This Jaffe.-: family miember is CLARA(JAFF9 MÜHSAM, 
The only date I have is that in 1871, she married EDUARD MUEHSAM, a well-known 
physician who lived 1848-1897. She is not mentioned in the extensive list of 
descendents of R. Mordechai Jaffe, which is given^y Moritz Stern in his exhaustive 
Der Schweriner Oberrabbiner Mordechai Jaffe, seif^ Ahnen und seine Nachkommen. 
(Berlin, 1933). 

'If you have any information about CLARA JAFFE, I should fee most 
obliged for your sending it to me. Please use the enclosed international reply 

Mgst sincerely yours 


//iohn Henr 


PS: I guess you know Mr. Abraham Jaffe ,1 Nachmanistreet, Tel Aviv, with whom I 
correspondeded in 1976, He is a direct descendent,but of the Hamburg line, not 
the Schweriner Jaffe. So his descent must be from a collateral ancestor of the rabbi's. 
Perhaps he has been in touch with you, too. 

38 Atberton Close 


Chel tenhqm/ülos. 

GL b1 5 3B 

England I7 March 198:-. 

J.E. Jsffe 

Mr. John Henry Richter 
P.O.Box 7978 

Ann Arbor, Michigfsn ^8107 
U. S. A. 

Dear Mr. Richter, 

thank yoa for your letter jf March 5 and the revly coupons, 
you are lucky: Clari? Muehsam, nee Jaff^ , was my father's sisLer. 
V.e sre members 01 the Miloslaw Jßffe family who later lived in the 
citj of Posen, until they moved to Berlin. I'his exi-leinr, why you 
cannot' find Clara J. in Moritz Stern's booklet which deals with the 
Schverinor, resp. Hamburg line. The enclosed excerpts from my family 
trees wil] give you details about her dates, etc. 

I wish you were right in assuming that all Jnffe families tr'3ce 
their origin back to Habbi Wordechai Lewush. Some of them only 
adopted this surname in the first half of the 19th century. My great- 
greatprandfatner signed his i^ast Kill, written in I8I5, JacobJehuda 
ben Cbajiai, tut 1 cannot explain why he was also known is Lewin 
Hirsch Jaffe. 

Fo^^many years, I have tried unsuccessfully to find a connect- 
ion between the Schwerin line and m.y own fai-nily. Others have tried 
before me, amonfr their my aunt Clara Huehpam who corresponded on this 
subject with Jacob Jaffe (1859-1926), (.14 on «oritz Stern's lifit 
in 1905/06. In 1928, ray sister and I stayed in ijondon and had dinner 
at the bouse of Sir Otto Jaffe with whom we had excbsnped letters 
from Berlin in order to establish a link between our two families. 
As you know. Sir Otto Jaffe (18^6 Hamburg-1929 London), p. 12 of tne 
list, was a direct descendant of Eabbi Mordechei Lewust. V.e discussed 
the matter personally on this occasion, but again without success. 

I compiled in the last ten years two family trees, one on the 
Miloslew Jaffes (my own family) which has still plenty of »aps, as 
far as the early ancestors are concerned, --ind another on a different 
Posen Jaffe family, claiming to be direct descendants of Rabbi 
Mordechai Lewush. I cannot prove it, because there is a generation 
gap of over one hundred years between the Lewush and their first 
documented ancestor Elias Meier Jaffe of Lissa. I call tlieir family 
tree "One Line of the Rabbi I'lordechai Jafe Pedigree". Contrary to , 
that of the Miloslaw Jaffes, it has hardly any gaps. Both family 
trees I have broufcht up-to-date, not an easy task, owin^; to the 
Holocaust. All mj work is deposited in the archives of the Leo Baeck 
Institute, New York. By the way, I have been able to establish beyond 
doubt several links betvieen the two Posen Jaffe families I am 

How aid you find Clara Muehsam and why do you want to know ; 
more about her? No, I have not heard from Dov Kolath, nor am I in 
touch with Mr. Abraham Jaffe in Tel-AViv. Two different "Herbert 
Jaffes", both livint- in UöA. , nith their roots in the province of 
Posen, contacted me after reading the ad. in the Aufbau. ::-o far, I 
find it impossiböe to fit either of tnem into the Miloslaw tree, 
because they know too little about their past. The name Se^all sound? 
familiar, probably from Berlin times, but I cannot remember. 

Yours sincerely, 

Gaj'misch-Partenk. , 30.11.82 

Liebe Miss Jaffe, 

haben Sie vielen Dank für Ihre freundlichen Zeilen vom 24.11. 
Nicht nur Ihr Name, sondern ai ch Ihre intensive Tätigkeit für die 
Farailienf orschung sind mir nicht nur durch Luise Tiktin, sondern 
auch. wie Sie richtig erwähnten^ durch Anthony Portner sehr wohl be- 
kannt. Er war es, der uns nach seinem letzten Besuch hier ' otokopien 
desjenigen Teiles des Stammbaums geschickt hat, irldem Franz Mühsam 
und meine Prau Friedel vorkommen. 

Da ich mit meinen Eltern im gleichen Haus in der Bayreuther oGr.45, 
und sogar auf derselben Etage gewohnt habe, ergab es sich, daß ich 
mit Franz trotz unserem Alte±sunterschied .''ut befreundet und auch 
Gast bei seiner Hochzeit im Jahr 1925 war. Einige aus der j-roßen 
Veri,\?andtschait habe ich schon damals kennengelernt und mit vielen 
aus diesem Kreis stehe ich heute noch in sehr herzlichen Beziehungen 
und in laufendem Briefwechsel. Viele haben uns hier besucht, oder 
wir haben uns an anderen Plätzen mit ihnen getroffen. Luise und Hudi 
waren in äer zweiten Woche des I- onats Juli eini e Jage hier in Garmisch 
was für mich eine große j'reude und durch viele gemeinsam.e Erinnerlangen 
auch ein Trost in meiner Einsamkeit var. Rudi habe ich Ende Oktober 
noch einmal kurz in München getroffen, von wo er, von Wien kommend, 
nach Nei; York zurückflog. 

Kun zu Ihrer Frage: Zwar hat Friedel mir immer und immer wieder aus 
der Familie und vergangenen Zeiten erzählt, jedoch existieren leider 
keinerlei Aufzeichnungen oder Briefe, denn Friedel ist nach Franz' 
Tod in Berlin dreimal ausgebombt worden! Ich bedauere dies für Ihre 
Forschungen natürlich sehr. Dagegen kann ich Ihnen sagen, daß Franz 
am 25. Januar 19'4-J, gestorben ist, nachdem er drei Tage vorher, als 
er im Rahmen der berüchtigten Sonderaktion Brunner hatte abgeholt 
werden sollen, seinem Leben durch Einnahme von dreißig Veronal - 
Tabeltten ein Ende gemacht hatte. Friedel hat nicht nur dieses tra- 
gische Schicksal durchmachen müssän, sondern auch miterlebt, wie 

die nichiiemigrierten Verwandten und Freunde der Reihe nach abgeholt 
wurden und teils ebenfalls Selbstmord begangen haben. Solange es mtg- 
lich war, hat sie den Bt troff enen in die Lager ge chrieben und Pä|c- 
chen geschickt , bis jeweils die vorgedruckten Katten eintrj.fen, daß 
die Betreffenden verstorben seien. V/as von diesen Unterlagen noch 
vorhanden war, hat Friedel den jeweiligen nächsten Angeri örigen 

riedeis V/oJmuiKj/ gelegenen Krankenhaus und starb Ende Nov. 
Juli 1949 haben wir dann geheiratet 1 IJir v.'aren also 

Ich habe I-'riedel durch einen schier un :laubli hen Zufall v;ieder 

getroffen: im Frühjahr 194? habe ich sie in einem überfüllten 

Berliner U-Bahn-Zur" an ihrer Stimme erkannt, obwohl sie mehrere 

Keter von entfernt und für mich zunächst nicht sichtbar war. 

Sie gab mir ihre Adresse, und ich habe sie n ch eini,:-en V/ochen be- 
sucht. T^ T T ■ J. „ 

Damals lag meine erste Frau schon seit Monaten in einem 
nahe bei Friedens V/oJin 
19^7. Ende 

fast 33 Jahre glüfcLich miteinander vereint bis zu ihrem am 27.5.82 
erfolgten Tode. Sie hatte nach einem Schlaganfall zwei Monate be- 
wußtlos im Krankenhaus gelegen. Ich bin am 12.8. 1899 geboren , habe 
von 1917 bis 1926 in. der Bayreuther Sta^e gelebt. «ir haben bis 
Anfang August 1950 in Berlin-Zehlendorf gew.hnt , dann sieben Jahre 
in Hannover, 10 Jahre in Hamburg und sind Anfang April 1967 hierher 
gezogen. ^F 

Sobald es meine Kräfte erlauben, und ich etwas geeignetes gefunden 
habe, vve.cde ich wohl nach Berlin oder Hamburg in ein Senioren-V.'ohnheim 
ziehen. So, jetzt wissen Sie auch etwas über meinen bzw. i'Tiedels 

und meineift. gemeinsamen Lebenslauf' . Wie ich gesehen habe^ sind"wir 
wohl im gleichen Alter . Um so mehr bewundere ich Ihre unermüdliche 
Aktivität in der Familienforschung. Ich würde so etwas nicht mehr 
leisten können, habe auch diesen Brief in die Maschine diktiert. 

Indem ich Ihnen ein gutes Jahr 19ö3 und weitere Fortschritte in 
Ihrer Arbeit v;ünsche , bin ich mit vielen Grüßen 



Tfnkers Farm, 
Steel Cross. 


TN6 2SS 

28th May, 1979. 

J. E. Jaffe, Esq., 

38 Atherton Close, 




Dear Mr. Jaffe, 

Thank you for your letter of 30th April, 1979. 
on 1st November, 1892 in Frankfurt am Main. 
1979 in Hampstead, London, y 

Mrs. Paula Jaffe was born 
She died on 28th February, 

I do not, at present, have the date and place of the death of Otto Jaffe, 
her late husband, but I have to go through all the family papers shortly, 
and if I find details I shall forward them to you. At the same time, if 
I find any old photographs that nobody else claims, I shall forward one to 

Yours sincerely, 



liukeiB Farm 
öteel CioES 

Denr nr.l omnej, 

58, Atbertoo Close 
Shurctio,. ton 
Gl b1 i- ÖB 
3rd June 1979. 

J&l'fe'e da 
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relevant material 
oinp: through 

anything; the 
bove all, I 
to's fatlier 

addresses of /«niter hasenclever, 
clever. New York City, please 

Looking forward to hearing from you. 

Yours sincerely. 

t .6, -L shall, of course, refund any expenses. 


Kr .H.C. Koran e,y 
Tinkers Form 
bteel CroBS 
Sussex TN6 2Stl 

üenr Mr . r.omne.y , 

j>S, Atbertoii Close 
Cbel tenham/Glos . 
GL >1 i. SB 
^.narch 1960. 

I h:ive not iiüard from you since 28th May -i9/'9 wben you told 

me that you v.'Ou"l< 

look tliroush Otto and Paula Jaffes family papers 

shortly and let me h;:ve any 

iclairaed material. 

am just ty|. 

infc- tl.e final version of my Jaffa pedigree .ir 

case you kept anytninp for cio , plcaane nena it ir.iir;edi3tely , becau.:e 
now »jould be my lest chance to use it. 

Yourc airicerely , 


Tinkers Farm. 
Steel Cross. 


TN6 2SS 

7th March, I98O. 

Mrs Johanna E. Jaffe, 
38 Atherton Close, 
Gloucestershire GLgl 5SB 

Dear Mrs Jaffe, 

Thank you for your letter of the 
5th March, I980. 

There is still a considerable number of 
family papers which have to be sifted and for the moment 
I have had to concentrate on obtaining a Grant of Probate 
and paying legacies due under the Will. 

I was quite willing to let you have some 
papers in due course, but I note that you are just typing 
the final version of your Jaffe pedigree and that any 
information from me now would be the last chance to use it. 

Yours sincerely. 





iiear Mr.komney, 

Thank you for your letter of 
that the material is stilü avsilabl 
accens to it in the near future. On 
toins vitcil clues which are still m 
Joffe pedigree. Through the holocau 
branches of thif; faoily have lost t 
difficult. But I Icnow thr.t the near 
Jeffe (.for instance their nephew Pr 
ciBte my v/ork. 1 am also in contact 
sister-in-law of haula Jaffe. I hav 
finish my work as socn as possible, 
my general health and my eyesight a 
"ave you any helpful suggest 
ycur address or somewhere else? I h 
in Fordcombe nr.Tunbridge /.el'ts vho 
also spend a few davs in London oow 
tire me now-a-dayg. Any chnnce of y 
I can look through it iiere before r 
to keep it. All my own genealogical 
and, of couree, al.= o to members cf 


38, Atherton Close 
Cheltenham/Glos . 
Gl >1 ^ SB 
12. March 1980. 

/th Marc 
e . My pr 
ly I can 
issing i 
st the d 
ouch whi 
est rela 
of .Freae 

with '"'r 
e a pers 

re faili 
ions'.'' 4^ 
ave frie 
(n 1 viei 

and aga 
ou sendi 
eturni ng 

I. he f'-rrd 

h -19Ö0. I am 
oblem is how 

judge whethe 
n connection 
escendants of 
ch makes my r 
tives of Otto 
rick J. in Ca 
s. ''argarete 
onal reason f 
still a schol 

e the family 
nds in i-ast-G 
t on rare occ 
in, but trips 
üfT me the trat 
it to you? I 
go to variou 
lies concerue 
you, Yours «i 

r i 





as ! 



d to hear 

t con- 
fa my 

e various 
arch more 
d Paula 
a) appre- 
'^ent, the 
wanting to 
at over 80, 

ers at 
stead an4 
ons. I 

this kind 
al so that 

not want 

s a 
ncerely , 


Tinkers Farm, 
Steel Cross. 


TN6 2SS 

13th March, I980. 

Mrs J.E. Jaffe, 

38 Atherton Close, 



Gloucestershire Gl 3I 5 SB. 

Dear Mrs Jaffe, 

Thank you for your letter of the 12th March, I980. 

You are very welcome to inspect the papers here 
but I am not very happy about forwarding family papers. 
Perhaps you or a friend of yours could inspect the papers 

With best wishes, 

Yours sincerely. 


J.£,. Jaffe 

36 Atherton Close 


Chel tenham/Glof . 

Gl >-l ^ 3B 

30tl-i Mfiich 198C. 

WjS. Hr.H.C.Romne.y 
Tinkers i^aim 
oteel Crops 

Dear Mr .RcmnGj , 

ti.ank you for allowinfn mo bo look tnrougf! the family 

papers aC your pJdress. Do I remember <.;orrecLl,y that you 

will be away froir ISth April to 'I'j^th «ay l^tJOV T'nis means 
have to cotne eitnei tne v eek after J^nSter or 
secoaa half of Mw.y . Would /«ednesday, 9th April 
10th April suit you, provided 1 can pet trans- 
-j=ibe suits ray Forc'corrfce friendp? t>r v/ould you 

i'rt^fer che second half of May'.' f lease 

ca;'e, 1 would rinK you up beforehand. 

X enclo.-e a few relevant 

chat i vüuld 
l.-itor on the 
or Thursday, 
i.'Ort and tne 

let iPP know. In any 

pop-es of my v.'oi k on v<hicli 
I marked these metrbers of the family Jaffe to whicli Utbo 
and Paula Jaife. belomred for wbora I need more information. 
Only I myself can judge whether the paj..ers in your possession 
contain anytbirjfJ: that v.ill help me in my 
return the enclosed ^ pages. 

with bejit wishes, 

louri: sincerely. 

research. Kindly 




^,"-VKi£t \.s 


Tinkers Farm. 
Steel Cross. 


TN6 2SS 


' u^~<-^ 

fl r^R "°"^ ^^°"* Philipp ■--= mother's death date on p. 3. 1 nnt 
21.^.18—, meaning, of course 21.rebruary 18 something ard not -[«1« 
I wouJd be a verj inefficient chronolopist if Hould put on?v th^?;.^ 
two numbers of a certain ve-r into a family,- tr.^^v ^ 1 2 ■^ **^^ ^^^^ 
on ,our letter to me ,8/.V/S0.T.l t l^^H Tlli/r.oTo thL^f ^"°^ 
would have to write 1980. - I only know for sure th«r).T?= = • ^ ? K 

hoit'l kn i^'t, ^ ? ernestine s mother i^üÄXMiifedXM died on 21.iebr. 
feSU i i^BöS £kgt is £88 mmm^ to explain by letter vou will L. 
to come ar^d visit me. 1 should think that she dfed on 21 2 18^1 af^f^ 
the birth of her second child i^rnestine on 20.2'l821 frne^lfiis 
birthdate - have documentsted, I left her mother-rrt^h^^r^ f! 
because I usually avoid writing down datL vMnh ? t o^^'^eath open, 

But as you misunderstood the "18" I sha^l now put IBPrand ?°="-^^f «t««^ , 

add'J""""."" ^?"" =°Py-2^-2-^82^.0n Judith's ^opyit^mstbe'al^r ° 
added, whei it P-oes to Jerusalem eventually I hon» ^htl , I ■.. 
Dring it back after his stay in i-ondon In it^ y^lr. p f u^^^ "^^^ 
before'"? ^^°^°-'^^-^- altLations'and add ionTari^^^i'^L'ed' 
S:^thL^n tLf^t™-n\-nu\°?fy^L^and^-°t':"^ ^^ n^^J^llst one 

more copies. '}\°no"rtha°r'bu't I'am'no.'" 1^^^^^°- ^^^her ordered 6 
done don'e at thrmomenf when 1 am'a ° hl°brfnk°of'rm"'°'' photocopies 
concerning the 7 Jaffl brother- an^^h^f^^ ® '"^J"^ break-through 
this to 0-?dith a'nd iL%^".°K.TbrotLrs:.MxIllSf '• "^^^^ ^^^^^^" 

because X^L^°^°!rLd'°Ln^rtr.'.^^^^Ce1 l^^L^^*!^ ^.^^^^ f^^"^' 
queries, please ask. again, if there are any 

With best wishes for you, Judith and the rest of the family, 

iours sincerely, 

IS'-^'^. (^S^l 

dbwi^'^ ''^-JJM- .-^U^Ufi^ - ^■'^ 

Dr. jur. BERNARD F. V. JAFFg 7000 s.uitgort«) (Z„ff.„h=„>,„) 

Ehrenvorsitzender des Aufiichrsrotes Hellmuth-Hirth-StroOa 42 

de. Telefon {0717) 82 11 
Standard Elektrik Lorenz AG p - 

CH 4103 Bottmingen BL 

Flurweg 13 

Telefon (0041 61) 355706 

4 * 

•, :.^ -/•^'■i ^'- .-, . . 

■ " J? *■' • -i!^ --^ -- ■i;;c&^'':i --:i -7"':;-i.:. V^ ■■-; -.,^ ;>j 


... •.-■.;■</' '°^ .i/ ;' C -''" -'- '^ -M;,- xJ-J^r'_, -S'^ 

■ _ -. __:: _.. .£.'':&i;-J. '■'^-'J --s -i'. . .'-L ""-^'-J .v^b 'Zl- -i'.i^' -.-.f 

; .,i. -^'y- .■*=^' 

I ^th' ~=^ "Uj' tu "^ :,•;.- ^1:^1 ^■^'s'-J'--^- •£? =-^i. 4 X 1 ^3.^ i.-^ ,:foV., ., " 




. « !- ... 
yl'n^ yl^^f^ ?•- -is .■-:;? - ./'-'^t?^ -i . -c':«>i -- -.. o --I/, •. => 

. '' -■: :•' - ■= .. .J .:, .^, i.:' .- 


■=^ . . 3 - - Ö 3 

' 'J ■ - * ' -^ 


^ o - ' : ," 

■ ' ; "- ■ 

J - . 

' ' " - ' '" ■■ ' ■ - 

t/>;-= <--,, .*i ^-3 J m'.^-^ ^,; , /^ -1 

• T.-y ^7.'-, , 




N^ Jj-e/ J/i~^^>t^^:^i/t^-^-^'<>^ O^-T^^^^^ 


^^r)i ■-yi'tl-^ 







<j /-yi- 



V-^^ -^'o OL^^'^ noi '^-^ ey <z.<''-<r; 

^, -2^^ '^'^^ 

D ^ -tJj- tt^^/- -^^ ^^^'-^'.J^ ^^ -^^ Jl^^^ 



L /9C,f^i:-T'-c- 


J.ü. Jaffe 

Profersor Erich Fothe 

41^ V.p.ahConaw Avenue 

Ann Arbor, MicMgn.- 4-?104 


38, Atbeitor. Close 



GL 51 5 iE 

i-DÄland 8th June I90O. 

bear Prolessor hoti.e, 

Mrs. Charlotte Stone, bcutb Ne^^fjirie, Vermont, U.-S.A. bss 
klnal:y e.iver. me j'O'jr a'ioresfi »nd I i'Onder, •.-.■hetl'.er yoü can 
rjelp rr.e. 1 an. writinp .-.nis on Ick bacic 01' p.1£ or tbe i>evJipree 
Ol cerui.i--ira Oaffe, PoReu vbo had seve.-; sons and one daagiiter, 
MiafchilJe, chs joan';est caild. Ae 50U kiiow, one of bf.e sons, 
i<r. Jur. Joseph Jaffe, w:ja -jcüi- iriother'e Xitöt hu.soj.-id. Aould 
^vou kiüclj teil 11.8 a,-ite end L-l"ce of ^rur mothfr'«- (anna Kronthal's) 
üenth ai;d' also check vhetber I crot uer dste of biith In Po.sen 
riphtf iid che npve anj children with ^r.jur. JoEefh Jaffe V 
j)o »ou hapLen to know tl.e ex'.'.ct o&te of birth for fir. Joseph 
end" hi" näte ond rl^ice of dee.tV'Y'.vher flici .^our n^other laprry 
your father JuFtizrat nr.>'ilbelr' I'OtheV Did Dr. Joseph marry again? 

I nave anotnex;iai; pxoblen), conceriiine p. 12 which, 
as .you can see foi voaxselX, is fs^llj. l'x . i^r. Jo.-eph Jaffe 
vas' not the second haobind of Ccr;tlo^te fltone's mcther i.inmy 
Hai.enclever, out s Pr . r.e d . Joreph Jaffc v;ho belonped to a 
dilfeifi.t fniBily. There sre other iiiistokes on p. 12, for ir.jt&nce 
E.P.'l ..-i.y. I coKO to tie coiiciucicn tltt ihere must be s xix-up 
of tv n .iifferer, t Fosen Jaffe fpir.iliee, ef^oh of which, by a 
strangle coinciaence, hjd .uinong its cnildren 4 sous by the name 
of Jof3eph, ticLard, Ludivi;;;. aijd Oeorc, 

You could holp me solv£ t'-.i. lidole ly tellin'?, n.e all you 
know SLOut the 6 brotnern of Dr.^ur . Josevh Jaffe. unf ortunsitely , 
1 have only oe.en »Die to trace the aesxenuonts of Bernhard Jaffee 
only daufhter flgthilde ap to t.-.e ^-leseot aay, who, o'^inK to the 
holocaust, lo = ü toacn wlcb 'jI:". tnoir fiir^ivinp: rel-'tives. 

I s^hould be so i^iateful for -any aet^il you know at,out 
r.einh.^i'u JaCfe's 7 ^iotis, coniv?iKln<?, tnr ir porsonoj )i#e.s, 
ur-bes of üij-'tn arid death, wives, chilaren. 1 Krov. s ereet deal 
about Lhei-.e Lrothers, xor-t cf their, v ere v,eil-knov.[i ...^rsonalities, 
(Moritz a politician, Joserh and Richard vjrlter.?, Moritz 
vsxitef] a book, too. ptc), bijt thpir private life end t!;eir 
d ten pre unknown to me. 

J- nope th,=it :,ou Kill forpive ir.e lox 
is tne onl.v Incorrect psRe on an oti)eiv;ise 
naboi horaecai Jaffe pediftree, comprising ' 

'iVith "1 finy thinks '".Ci-j bcjt v;j':!iea. 

P.S. 1 have read with preat pleasure 
Anna Kronthal 's book on her 
youth in Posen. 

spciOciCMiig you. 
104 j.^.'jges. 


iours sincerely, 

Johanna Eve Jaffe 

borr. in Posen in 1899] 


(continued from p. 28) 


Lotte Hasenclever 
b.29. 5.1909 in Berlin 
