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Enemy or Ally? 


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i East 54th St., New York **, N. Y. 


Enemy or Ally? 

by W. Macmahon Ball 

An ASIA Book 


New York 1949 


Printed in the United States of America by 
American Book-Stratford Press, New York 



type. It is in politics the equivalent of a biological sport. 
It conforms to nothing in the history of modern nations, 
whether European or Western, industrial or agrarian. Cer- 
tainly in Eastern Asia its development has been unique, 
especially in the last hundred years. Alone it quickly per- 
ceived what the impact of the West signified, perceived that 
the power of the West derived, not from superior weapons 
but from the economic and social system, mainly the techno- 
logical development, that made it possible to produce supe- 
rior weapons. Therefore, alone in Eastern Asia, so far from 
resisting Westernism, it deliberately resolved to adopt West- 
ernism and set itself determinedly to making itself over on 
the Western model production by machinery, communica- 
tion and transportation by the telegraph and telephone, 
railway and steamship, and universal education, military 
conscription and scientific research. Alone in Eastern Asia 
in recent centuries, it became a great political and military 
power and, just before its mad adventure in conquest, was 
competing on equal terms with the economically most 
advanced countries of the West. 

The adventure in conquest was suicidal as well as mad. 
For one thing, while Japan had performed almost miracu- 

vi Introduction 

lous feats ot transroruiatton, it had not yet arrived at the 
point where it could challenge the most powerful countries 
of the West with any hope of success. Its development was 
unbalanced, mainly top-heavy. It had renounced its earlier 
wisdom and spent its strength and substance in acquiring 
modern weapons before it had the social and economic 
structure that could support them, as was proved in the last 
two years of the war, when Japan became progressively more 
helpless, having the men with whom to fight but not the 
materials or the productive capacity or the technological 
capacity to provide the means with which to fight. The 
superstructure was Western and twentieth century; the 
foundation was still Eastern and eighteenth century. Fur- 
thermore, the same insensate ambition that drove it to 
conquest had aroused fear, suspicion and antagonism in the 
neighboring countries that otherwise might have been its 
natural allies. In its final hour of trial it stood helpless, 
friendless and alone. And thus it went down to defeat for 
the first time in its history, a defeat that carried humiliation, 
almost ignominy. 

Since then Japan has been not only a variant from type, 
not only unique; there is an unreality in its conduct, some- 
thing outside normal political psychology and political 
experience. It was a people of fierce warrior tradition, as 
recently as the battle for Okinawa faithful to the warrior 
rule: victory or death. It was a people of frenetic chauvinism, 
conceiving its soil and its spirit not only with patriotism 
but in exaltation. No other people had so vivid a conscious- 
ness of uniqueness, of separatism, if not actual xenophobia, 
however tacit. Then it is conquered and is occupied by the 
alien army that had crushed it, and its government taken 
over by the conquering country as completely as if it had 
been made a colony. The Emperor, till but the day before 
not only infallible but untouchable, immanent rather than 
mortally existing, calls on the enemy commander to pay his 

Introduction vii 

respects. A new constitution is written by the conqueror, 
a new polity instituted. The highest in the land are subject 
to supervision; they report for orders, receive them with 
submissiveness and depart to execute them. So far from 
being goaded by their traditional pride of blood, their 
frenetic chauvinism, to berserk outbursts for revenge, to 
shed the blood by which alone outraged honor can be 
assuaged, they revel in self-abasement. They receive their 
conquerors with cordiality, almost with affection, certainly 
with all the appearances of deference. They embrace democ- 
racy as their own. To the enemy commander they show a 
respect once reserved for the Emperor. To all appearances 
it is abandonment in masochism. 

But is it? What does it mean? How explain it? Is it genu- 
ine? Does it signify a real and lasting change in the people- 
in their attitude, spirit, values, beliefs? Is Japan now really 
adopting Westernism, as it only seemed to be in the nine- 
teenth century? Is it now taking the essence as it once 
took only the externals? Is this all just the effect of a 
psychic shock from the unprecedented experience of de- 
feator is it a genuine conversion or is it a web of deceit, 
a shrewd and subtle stratagem to lull the conqueror's fears 
and dull his aim and thus to speed his departure? Which? 
Or is it a little of all? 

These are questions the answers to which will determine 
the political configuration of Eastern Asia for the next gen- 
eration and by so much the political configuration of the 
whole world: it should not be forgotten how great was the 
interplay of Far Eastern international relations after 1935 
with the making of the European war and, still more, with 
the conduct of the European war after 1941. They are the 
questions on which Mr. Ball's analysis bears. Mr. Ball has 
been in an extraordinarily favorable position to get evidence 
throwing light on the questions, to weigh the evidence and 
to come to judgment, if only provisional judgment. Since 

viii Introduction 

1945 Jap 201 tas been g vemed b y an A 11 * 6 * 1 occupation 
authority, which is a pleasant euphemism for American 
occupation, which is a pleasant euphemism for General 
MacArthur. But officially there has been joint Allied super- 
vision, its organ being the Allied Council for Japan, func- 
tioning in Tokyo for a larger Far Eastern Commission. On 
that Council Mr. Ball served in 1946 and 1947 as representa- 
tive of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and 
India, the other members of the Council being representa- 
tives of the Soviet Union, China and the United States. He 
was thus in a position to acquire evidence at first hand, 
and, more important, being neutral in the acrimonious 
Russian-American differences over Japan, to be objective 
and to examine the evidence on its intrinsic merits. He has, 
too, the qualifications of a well-nurtured and disciplined 
mind, with no little political experience. 

The American authority has weighed the new, reborn 
and repentant Japan and found it not wanting. It has 
pronounced the new Japan democratic and therefore good. 
The Russians have looked upon Japan and seen it, as they 
see everything in which there is a touch of American influ- 
ence, as a victim and a tool of sinister American designs. 
Mr. Ball is less glowing than the American authority and 
less jaundiced than the Russians. Probably his findings are 
closer to the truth. It would be miraculous if Japan, given 
the two thousand years of its past and, more particularly, 
the last thirty years of its past, could have contrived a second 
incarnation in four years, whether as a result of its defeat 
or at the evangelical appeals of the American army which 
had just destroyed many of its cities. The democratic spirit 
comes neither by invocation nor on the persuasion of the 
bludgeon. Similarly, it would be miraculous, a satanic tour 
de force, for any country to contrive as much evil as the 
Russians impute to America everywhere. Both on theoreti- 
cal reasoning and on objective examination of the evidence, 

Introduction ix 

Mr. Ball's conclusion seems warranted: ". . . there has been 
no fundamental change in Japan's social structure or in 
the political outlook of her leaders." 

This conclusion, if indeed it be sound, is of immeasurable 
importance to America, to Eastern Asia, to the world in the 
first instance, to America above all, by reason of Mr. Ball's 
second general observation: ". . . since 1945 there has been 
a far-reaching change in the attitude of the United States 
toward Japan." For according to whether the conclusion 
is validated by the event will it be determined not only 
whether the United States has been self-cuckolded but 
whether it has laid fresh destruction for Eastern Asia, 
renewed conflict for the world. The soundness of Mr. Ball's 
second general observation will hardly be disputed, nor 
will there be denial of the reason he imputes for it: "But 
the root motive is political. It is fear of Russia and com- 
munism. America desires a strong and prosperous Japan 
as a backing against the extension of Russian influence in 
the Far East and the growth of Japanese communism." 
Much turns therefore on whether the official American judg- 
ment on Japan's reformation is sound, whether Japan really 
has become democratic. If Japan has and America then takes 
Japan to its bosom as ally and comrade-in-arms, one set of 
consequences will follow, consequences neither politically 
nor socially injurious. But if America is wrong and Japan 
is unchanged and America then takes Japan as ally and 
comrade-in-arms and Japan's strength is restored for puta- 
tive use against Russia, then another set of consequences 
will follow, consequences politically and socially cata- 
strophic. They will be serious enough for America. The 
Japanese militarist, now sick, a democratic monk would be; 
but when recovered, thanks to American illusions, he would 
be as before. America itself will suffer, for the postwar defer- 
ence to America would change to lust for revenge against 
America; American suffering, however, will be at one 

x Introduction 

remove. But the suffering of those closer to Japan will be 
beyond measure and perhaps fatal. And their wrath will in 
time be visited on America and justly visited. 

The question, Japan: Enemy or Ally?, is still open to 
examination and revised answers and a different policy and 
program. For that examination, now imperative, Mr. Ball's 
calm, fair, cool analysis is of invaluable assistance. 

Columbia University 
New York 
February 14, 1949 


judgment is a guess, and the best you can hope is that your 
guesses will be intelligent and reasonably well-informed. 
It is very easy for the Westerner in Japan to guess wrong, 
The Japanese language and the traditional Japanese reti- 
cence with foreigners make it especially hard to reach con- 
fident judgments. Yet judgments about Japan are being 
made, and they must be made. In the following chapters I 
try to record my personal judgments, or my guesses, about 
what has been happening in Japan under the Occupation, 
and to draw some inferences about the policy that the 
Allies should now follow. 

I left Australia for Tokyo in March 1946 to represent 
jointly the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and 
India on the Allied Council for Japan. I held that post 
until September 1947. From April to September 1947, I 
was concurrently head of the Australian Mission in Japan. 
I had not been to Japan before, had no specialist knowl- 
edge of the country, and had a good enough sense of my 
linguistic limitations not to attempt to learn the Japanese 
language. Yet the positions I held there gave me some spe- 
cial opportunities to observe closely the Japanese reaction 
to the defeat and the Occupation, and the American atti- 


xii Author's Preface 

tude towards the Japanese. Since leaving Japan, I have 
tried to keep in touch with the main developments there. 
In June and July of 1948 1 led a mission for the Australian 
Government to East and South East Asia. On this journey 
I was able to gain impressions of the way the leaders of 
these countries regard Japan's position and prospects. My 
short stay in China confirmed the view I have expressed in 
this book that what happens there will have an immense 
influence on what happens in Japan. 

The Australian edition of the book was published a few 
months ago in Melbourne. The present edition contains a 
new chapter on major developments in 1948. For purposes 
of reference the text of the "Johnston Committee" report 
on Japan's economic problems and the text of the recent 
American statement to the Far Eastern Commission on the 
industrial deconcentration program have also been added 
as new appendices. 

All opinions in this book are my own, but I wish to ac- 
knowledge my debt to my Australian staff through whom I 
learnt most of what I learned wisely about Japan. The 
recommendations I made to the Allied Council on Land 
Reform and on Prices and Wages were the work of my 
economic adviser, Mr. Eric Ward. 

W. M. B. 


Introduction by Nathaniel Peffer ... v 

Author's Preface ......... xi 


j Enemy or Ally? ........ . . g 

2 Allied Instruments of Control ..... 14 

3 Japanese Instruments of Control .... 43 

4 Demilitarization ......... 91 

5 "Democratization": Economic . . . . 112 

6 "Democratization' 9 : Political ..... 144 

7 Major Developments in 1948 ..... 167 

8 The Future of Japan ........ i8f 


I. The Constitution of Japan . . . 195 

//. Report of the Johnston Committee 210 

I/I. U.S. Statement on Japanese Indus- 

trial Deconcentration 
Index ............. 243 


ment in the Pacific. We want a settlement that will give 
military security to those Pacific countries which have dur- 
ing these last years been the victims of aggression; a settle- 
ment that will provide for the economic stability of East 
Asia and a rising standard of living for Asiatic peoples; a 
settlement which, if possible, will lay the basis for coopera- 
tion between the United States and the Soviet Union. 

Allied postwar aims in the Pacific were declared in their 
essential outlines in 1945, first in the Potsdam Declaration 
of July 26, and later in the Initial Post-Surrender Policy, 
which the United States Government transmitted to Gen- 
eral MacArthur on September 6. Although this policy state- 
ment was authorized only by the U. S. Government, it was 
tacitly accepted by all the Allies, and the basic policy deci- 
sion of the Far Eastern Commission, published in 1947, 
was in agreement with the American Post-Surrender Policy 
in all essentials. We were reasonably clear what we wanted 
to do in 1945. We were determined that Japan should be 
completely demilitarized. We were to foster by every means 
in our power the establishment of a responsible and demo- 
cratic government. We were determined that the Japanese 
people should enjoy the same civil and political rights that 


4 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

are possessed by the peoples of Western democracies. We 
decided to initiate economic reforms that would ultimately 
replace a feudal economy by a welfare economy. We recog- 
nized that fulfillment of these aims would involve revolu- 
tionary changes in Japan's social and economic system. 

The question which now confronts us is whether we still 
want to pursue with full earnestness the aims we pursued 
in 1945. Have changes in the world situation and in the 
balance of power changed our views about what we want 
to do with Japan? In 1945 Japan was a still-hated enemy, 
Russia was an ally. But much has happened since then. Do 
wfe still believe that Japan should be completely demili- 
tarized, or do we feel that in the changed circumstances of 
1948 we should rather consider her as a potential ally in an 
area of vast strategic importance? And do we still feel the 
same enthusiasm about fostering revolutionary changes in 
Japan's social and economic system? If our primary interest 
in Japan is military and strategic, then it may well be that 
any deep disturbance of Japan's social hierarchy might 
weaken her capacity for effective military organization. 

Our answer to these questions will depend on our view 
of the whole world situation, and much more on what we 
think about Russia than on what we think about Japan. 
The problem of Japan will become a fragment of a world 
problem. If we believe that the differences between Russia 
and the Western democracies make war between them a 
real danger, then our military interests in Japan will over- 
ride everything else. Efforts to bring about economic and 
political reforms will be subordinated to military aims. 

And if we need to re-examine carefully the aims we pro- 
claimed in 1945, it is equally important that we carefully 
reconsider the most effective methods to make the peace 
settlement effective. To what extent shall we be prepared 
to use force to ensure that Japan faithfully carries out her 
treaty obligations? What kind of sanctions do we propose 

Enemy or Ally? 5 

to establish? What type of control machinery is likely to be 
most effective? 

I believe that the answers to both sorts of question, the 
formulation of the right aims and agreement on the best 
methods, must be found in large part in our experience 
and knowledge of Japan under the Occupation. There can 
be no doubt that a political observer, both in selecting his 
facts and in drawing inferences, is influenced by his own 
political outlook. It may, therefore, be useful for me to 
begin by explaining the political outlook with which I 
have approached Japanese problems. 

My primary concern in the problems set by Japan has 
been to protect and promote the best interests of the Brit- 
ish nations, and particularly of my own country, Australia. 
I feel no need of self-consciousness in stating such an aim, 
lest it may seem narrow and nationalistic. It is right and 
necessary that the ultimate aim in international politics 
should be to produce a good life "for all the men in all the 
lands" without distinction of race and nation. Yet, when 
faced with immediate and specific tasks, it is necessary to 
have more immediate and specific goals than the welfare 
of mankind as a whole. A nationalism which recognizes the 
interdependence of all nations, which is directed towards 
peace and welfare and culture, which renounces every im- 
pulse to dominate or exploit other peoples, is the friend 
and not the enemy of internationalism. 

To Australia, where we escaped invasion and occupation 
so narrowly in 1942, whose soldiers went through long years 
of fighting or captivity in the Pacific, the first interest in 
Japan is undoubtedly a negative one: to assure by every 
possible means that she shall not regain the power to be- 
come an aggressor in the foreseeable future. This is not 
revenge, not even retribution. It is an unavoidable impulse 
of self-preservation. I was often told in Tokyo, not only by 
Japanese, but by Americans and others, that Australians 

6 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

seemed more bitter and revengeful towards the Japanese 
people than any other of the Allied peoples. I once had the 
disagreeable distinction of being described in part of the 
United States press as the "leader of the revenge school" in 
Japan. Surely it needs little reflection to recognize that a 
nation of seven million people in the Southwest Pacific is 
likely to hold more acute memories of the danger to their 
own homes in 1942 than either the people of Great Britain, 
preoccupied as they were with much nearer and greater 
dangers, or the people of the United States, which must be 
the least insecure nation in the world. 

To place the security of our country first is not to cling 
to a lasting hatred of the Japanese. In Japan, as in any coun- 
try, you will find numberless people who are honest, kind 
and generous, and you will make good personal friends. 
Yet it is a mistake to argue from the kindness and charm 
of the individual Japanese to the peacefulness and friend- 
liness of the Japanese nation as politically organized. I was 
one of those people who nearly fell into that kind of error 
in Germany after World War I. When I was in Germany 
in 1930 and 1931, 1 was deeply impressed with the honesty 
and intelligence of individual Germans I met. This made 
me very receptive to propaganda about the injustice of the 
"dictate" of Versailles, the Allied strangulation of German 
industries, and the dread of encirclement with which Ger- 
mans so sincerely plied their foreign guests. This is a very 
close parallel with what is taking place in Japan today. 
Sometimes with deliberate political intent, and usually with 
sincere conviction, the Japanese are sedulous in efforts to 
impress their Allied visitors with the pains and penalties 
of life in their overcrowded islands. They point to the 
need for Japan to get access abroad to raw materials and 
markets if economic collapse is to be avoided, and the "Red 
Fascists" on the north are not to overrun and destroy their 

Enemy or Ally? 7 

It seems to me right and natural that Allied people in 
Japan should meet and make friends with individual Japa- 
nese and listen patiently to these views. The danger is that 
we will be lulled by these new friendships, or the renewal 
of old friendships, into forgetting that often the most dan- 
gerous political organizations are made up of people who 
as individuals are generous, honest and kind. We can be 
fully alive to what is good and attractive in ordinary Japa- 
nese people without that leading us to false political con- 
clusions. In my view, the people who, within the limits of 
the Occupation, rule Japan today, belong to the same 
groups and retain the same outlook as those who ruled 
Japan before 1941. 1 hope to give some evidence for this in 
later chapters. 

Our first task, then, as I see it, is to resolve at all costs to 
prevent the resurgence of an expansionist Japan. If we can 
agree on that, we should then do all in our power to foster 
the welfare of the Japanese people. We should do this not 
merely from goodwill, but in our own interests. There can 
be no stability or peace in East Asia if there is poverty and 
turmoil inside Japan. Moreover, it may well be that in 
working out practicable methods for raising the standard 
of living of the Japanese people we shall have to revise very 
radically some of our earlier ideas about the kind of eco- 
nomic penalties we would impose after the defeat. We need 
to be very careful that in determining the level of Japanese 
industry and the kind of industries which the Japanese 
shall be permitted to develop, we make our decisions in 
terms of military security and not from motives of nation- 
alist commercial jealousies. 

Moreover, if we are genuinely concerned with the future 
welfare of the Japanese people we will recognize that there 
can be no future for them but disaster if we regard Japan, 
not as a sick society to be nursed to social and economic 
health, but as a strategic pawn in the rivalry of the Soviet 

8 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

Union and the United States, the two great world powers. 
We must always think of the peace settlement not merely 
for what it will do for Japan, but for what it will do for 
China and the countries of Southeast Asia. The Japanese 
settlement must, in a word, be part of a general Pacific set- 
tlement, and there can be no satisfactory settlement in the 
Pacific without the cooperation of the United States and 
the Soviet Union. 

There is a good deal to astonish the Allied observer in 
occupied Japan. He will find smooth order everywhere. 
He can go through the cities and the countryside with the 
same or a greater sense of security than he would at home. 
He will be met with the eager greetings of smiling chil- 
dren, the gentleness of women and, with some exceptions* 
the polite cooperation of men. If he goes to see the Im- 
perial Palace in Tokyo he will find that, like the chief 
buildings of the Allied forces, it is provided with American 
or British guards. Until late in 1947 the two greatest shrines 
in Tokyo, the Meiji, glorifying the Emperor system, and 
the Yasakuni, honoring the souls of those who have died 
for Japan in battle, were also guarded by American or 
British soldiers and out of bounds to Allied visitors. He 
will read daily in the Japanese press effusive expressions of 
gratitude to General MacArthur for his benevolence and 
of reverence for his greatness. Conversely, he will find many 
Allies tireless in expressing their enthusiasm for the Japa- 
nese. Only twelve months after the surrender it was com- 
mon to read incidents like the following. The Nippon 
Times of August 19, 1946, carried a letter from the captain 
of S.S. Henry S. Foote, which brought wheat from America 
to Japan. The letter was addressed to the Japanese people, 
and ran: 

The officers and crew of the Henry S. Foote would like to 
express their appreciation for the wonderful time that has 

Enemy or Ally? g 

been shown to them during their only too short stay in 
Shimizu. They would like to thank the Governor and the 
Chiefs of Police for going far beyond the points of duty in 
making their stay a happy and pleasant one, and they will 
leave Shimizu with a warm feeling in their hearts towards the 
Japanese people. . . . There comes a time when all good 
things must end. So we leave with the impression of a brave 
people making a brave comeback. However, the sooner we 
leave the sooner we hope to come back to Shimizu, and if we 
do not leave soon we are afraid the people of this Prefecture 
will sink the ship in this beautiful harbor with fine and beau- 
tiful presents. 

The general tone of the relationship between Americans 
and Japanese is, of course, set by General Headquarters, 
which is completely controlled by the authority and domi- 
nated by the personality of the Supreme Commander. The 
attitude of the representatives of other Allied powers in 
Japan does not always coincide with the American attitude. 
These divergencies are not very important, since Allied 
policy in Japan is in practice American policy. The Occu- 
pation is in all essentials an American occupation. The 
GHQ of SCAP (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) is an 
American organization and employs only a handful of non- 
Americans in comparatively subordinate posts. The British 
Commonwealth Occupation Force has been an important 
addition to the American military forces, but has not been 
able to play any distinctive or independent part in the 
work of the Occupation. Its Commander-in-Chief serves 
under the Commanding General of the U.S. Eighth Army, 
and, even in the area of Southern Honshu, which British 
forces occupy, the Military Government's teams, the only 
link between GHQ, SCAP, and the Japanese authorities, 
are exclusively American. It is easy to understand why this 
has come about. It was American material, American trans- 
port, and in the main American man power that defeated 
Japan. Only America had the resources to carry the main 

10 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

burden of the occupation of Japan. Nevertheless, this 
means that a study of Japan under Occupation must be 
mainly a study of the American attitude to the Japanese 
and of the Japanese reaction. 

If Allied policy in Japan is American policy, American 
policy is expressed through General MacArthur. General 
MacArthur's attitude seems to have been determined by 
three basic convictions. 

First, he believes that defeat, demilitarization and disar- 
mament, together with the loss of her Empire, make it 
impossible for Japan, in any foreseeable future, to be again 
a military danger to her neighbors. General MacArthur has 
said that Japan is destroyed as a military threat "for at least 
100 years." 

Second, General MacArthur believes that the defeat and 
the Occupation have completely changed the hearts and 
minds of the Japanese people. They have become genuine 
converts to democracy and peace. 

(Third, General MacArthur believes that, since Japanese 
democracy can only be overthrown by the "extreme Right" 
or the "extreme Left," and, since the "extreme Right" has 
been destroyed or converted, the only actual danger is the 
"extreme Left." Hence the danger of Soviet influence. It 
is, therefore, urgent, in General MacArthur's view, to help 
and strengthen a "democratized" Japan against the menace 
of Communism and the Soviet Union. It is a key strategic 
area in this world struggle/? 

General MacArthur has often expressed these views, but 
perhaps never so clearly and confidently as in his statement 
on September 2, 1946, the first anniversary of the surren- 
der in Tokyo Bay. 

They [the Japanese] suddenly felt the concentrated shock of 
total defeat. Their whole world crumbled. It was not merely 
an overthrow of their military might not merely a great defeat 
for their nation it was the collapse of a faith it was the dis- 

Enemy or Ally? 11 

integration of everything they had believed in and lived by 
and thought for. It left a complete vacuum morally, mentally 
and physically. And into this vacuum flowed the democratic 
way of lifeTTThe American combat soldier came, with his fine 
sense of serf-respect, self-confidence and self-controL They saw 
and felt his spiritual quality a spiritual quality which truly 
reflected the highest training of the American home. The 
falseness of their former teachings, the failure of their former 
leadership, and the tragedy of their past faith were infallibly 
demonstrated in actuality and realism. A spiritual revolution 
ensued almost overnight, tore asunder^ a theory and practice 
of life built upon 2000 years of history and tradition and 
legend. Idolatry for their feudalistic masters and the warrior 
caste was transformed into hatred and contempt, and the 
hatred and contempt once felt for their foe gave way to honor 
and respect. 

This revolution of the spirit among the Japanese people 
represents no thin veneer to serve the purposes of the present. 
It represents an unparalleled convulsion in the social history 
of the worZdTjrhe measure of its strength and durability lies 
in the fact tat it represents a sound idea* ... Its underlying 
concept, new to Japan, but fashioned from the enlightened 
knowledge and experience of the free men of the world, will 
remain the cornerstone to Japanese freedom unless uprooted 
and suppressed by the inroads of some conflicting ideology 
which might negative individual freedom, destroy individual 
initiative and mock individual dignity. . . . 

Should such a clash of ideologies impinge more directly 
upon the reorientation of Japanese life and thought, it would 
be no slight disadvantage to those who seek, as intended at 
Potsdam, the great middle course of moderate democracy, 
that a people, so long regimented under the philosophy of an 
extreme conservative Right, might prove easy prey to those 
seeking to impose a doctrine leading again to regimentation, 
under the philosophy of an extreme radical Left, 

If we would, in the furtherance of this task, guide the Jap- 
anese people the more firmly to reshape their lives and institu- 
tions in conformity with those social precepts and political 
standards best calculated to raise the well-being o the indi- 
vidual and to foster and preserve a peaceful society, we must 

12 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

adhere unerringly to the course now charted. . . . The goal is 
great for the strategic position of these Japanese Islands 
renders them either a powerful bulwark for peace or a danger- 
ous springboard for war.* 

On March 17, 1947, General MacArthur developed this 
theme in a talk to the Allied press. He propounded what 
became known to visitors to Japan in 1947 as the "doctrine 
of the three phases." The first phase of the Occupation 
was military. The task was to demobilize the Japanese 
fighting forces and destroy all armaments. That phase had 
been completed with brilliant success. Not only had Japan 
been demilitarized, but her people understood, perhaps 
better than any other country in the world, that war did 
not pay. The second phase was political. The task was the 
democratization of Japan. While complete democracy had 
not yet been achieved, the political results already accom- 
plished had been extremely successful. The people had 
abandoned their feudal outlook. The new constitution and 
its implementing legislation well and truly laid the foun- 
dations of democracy. It was now up to the Japanese people 
to live up to their new institutions. The third phase was 
economic. Whether this phase should be carried through 
with the same success as the earlier two phases would de- 
pend not on the efforts of the Occupation forces, but on 
the readiness of Allied Governments to recognize Japan's 
plight and take prompt and effective steps to remedy it. 
General MacArthur claimed that war was still being waged 
as bitterly against Japan as when the guns were being fired. 
Indeed, the punishment was now even more bitter. Not 
even the atom bomb was as deadly as economic strangula- 
tion, for the atom bomb kills by thousands, but economic 
strangulation by millions. And then General MacArthur 
appealed to the conscience of the Allied world to abandon 

italics.-W. M. B. 

Enemy or Ally? 1$ 

its economic warfare against Japan and grant her the aid 
she needed. 2 

The question now facing the Allies is to what extent it 
is desirable or possible to build the peace settlement with 
Japan on the convictions and attitudes that have been ex* 
pressed by the Supreme Commander during the Occupa- 
tion. The peacemakers cannot avoid these issues. 

No official transcript of General MacArthur's talk to the Press Club 
was made available, and most of the correspondents present were caught 
by surprise when he told them that he would be willing to answer 
questions on the record. The above summary of his statement is based 
on the reports of the main news agencies, though, since these were not 
wholly consistent in the quotations they ascribed to the Supreme Com- 
mander, nothing in the above statement must be regarded as a direct 



set up GHQ, SCAP (General Headquarters, Supreme 
Commander Allied Powers). This organization was divided 
into two main parts: the General Staff, to deal with purely 
military matters, and a number of Special Staff Sections, to 
deal with non-military matters. For example, the Govern- 
ment Section dealt with political and constitutional re- 
form. Economic affairs were dealt with by three related 
sections. Economic and Scientific, Natural Resources, and 
Statistical and Reports. By April 1946, when the Diplo- 
matic Section was established, there were fourteen sections 
in all. 

GHQ, SCAP, issued directives to the Japanese Govern- 
ment through the Central Liaison Office, a channel estab- 
lished for this specific purpose. Most of the members of the 
Central Liaison Office were former officials of the Japanese 
Fpreign Office. Botti the American and Japanese organiza- 
tions were in Tokyo. On the lower levels of administra- 
tion, the prefectures, cities, towns and villages, supervision 
was carried out on behalf of SCAP by the military govern- 
ment teams of the Eighth Army, stationed throughout 
Japan. It was the task of these teams to ensure that the 
directives issued by SCAP to the central government would 

Allied Instruments of Control 15 

be faithfully administered by the local government bodies. 

It may be worth while to remark on certain significant 
characteristics of the GHQ organization, particularly since 
there is some controversy on the kind of control machinery 
that should be established in Japan after the treaty. While 
General MacArthur has said that he believes all military 
forces should be withdrawn when the treaty is signed, there 
are some who believe it desirable to maintain some meas- 
ure of military control. 

Firstly, GHQ, SCAP, was essentially a military set-up, 
although its most difficult and important tasks were of a 
non-military kind. The destruction of ammunition and ar- 
maments, the supervision of demobilization, the return to 
Japan of surrendered personnel were primarily military 
undertakings, and for these tasks a military organization 
controlled by men with military training was well adapted. 
Yet the more difficult and constructive work was in the 
fields of economics, politics and education. Soldiers do not 
usually receive a professional training in these fields. For 
this reason GHQ employed throughout its political and 
educational sections a number of civilians in uniform. In- 
deed, after the first year of Occupation many of these offi- 
cers were encouraged to resume their civilian status. Yet 
the experts in political and economic questions were few 
in number and generally in subordinate positions. Mr. 
John R. Stewart, who was formerly with SCAP in Tokyo, 
has pointed out that four months after the Occupation 
began, only one officer was working on the problem of the 
Zaibatsu. The organization of the Zaibatsu industries in 
Japan is exceedingly complicated, and the project for their 
dissolution raised the nicest problems of organization, 
finance and administration. Only one officer was available 
to handle Japan's huge chemical industry. The textile 
industry, which had been the most important peacetime in- 

iQ JapanEnemy or Ally? 

dustry, was being handled by only two officers. 1 Many civil- 
ian experts in SCAP were men o great professional dis- 
tinction, but, because the tasks imposed on them were in 
most cases far too heavy, and because their findings and 
recommendations had to be "channeled" ^in accordance 
with the rules of a military organization, it was not easy for 
them to exercise the influence which their ability war- 
ranted. It was not easy, for example, for an economist who 
held a subordinate status in the military hierarchy, what- 
ever his personal distinction, to get his views passed up to 
the Chief of Staff, still less to the Supreme Commander. 
And the senior officers were soldiers, who did not always 
appreciate the significance of the advice submitted to them 
on nonmilitary questions. 

The senior officers of GHQ had not only the soldier's 
training, but the soldier's outlook. They tended to think 
of the Occupation of Japan as the final operation in a mili- 
tary campaign. Surprised by the suddenness and complete- 
ness of the Japanese surrender, pleased with the nearly uni- 
versal compliance of the Japanese with their orders, they 
tended to feel that once the actual military power of Japan 
had been destroyed their task was done. They thought in 
terms of military conflict and of strategic areas and had 
little sense of the economic and political issues. They had, 
however, retained from their wartime experience a full 
sense of the value of propaganda and tended to maintain 
throughout the Occupation the propaganda technique 
which they had adopted in the face of the enemy during 
the war. In the face of the enemy it was generally consid- 
ered sound policy to play down difficulties and failures, if 
they could not be completely concealed, and to anticipate 
and exaggerate successes. 

One of the most highly organized and efficient sections 

i John R. Stewart, Notes on the Economic Aspects of the Allied Occupa- 
tion of Japan. Institute of Pacific Relations, New York, April 1947. 

Allied Instruments of Control 17 

o SCAP was the Public Relations Section. This section 
was insatiable in its desire to publish endless praise of the 
Occupation's achievements, however fulsome in tone and 
however dubious in source. The Public Relations Section 
took pains to arrange that visitors to Japan, particularly if 
they were publicists, should be properly "orientated." 
Every precaution was taken to protect these visitors from 
coming into contact with any of the unpleasant facts of life. 
Conversely, the SCAP censorship organization attempted 
to prevent publication in Japan of any facts or comments 
which might conceivably be considered a reflection on the 
success of any aspect of the Occupation. At times the cen- 
sorship seemed to overreach itself. An interesting example 
of this occurred in October 1946. The Jiji Shimpo> an eve- 
ning newspaper which seemed to take a relatively inde- 
pendent line, published an editorial on October 11 on the 
fact that the Japanese-language publication, The Life of 
General MacArthur, had been a best-seller in Japan since 
the surrender. It warned its readers that there were some 
misguided Japanese people who expressed an adoration of 
General MacArthur which verged on idolatry. It pointed 
out that the existence of such an uncritical reverence cre- 
ated the danger that, once General MacArthur had with- 
drawn from the country, another living god might be 
searched out to take his place. And the next time it might 
be a Japanese Hitler. The article concluded: 

Among the Japanese people at large there are not lacking 
those who at one time or other called Hitler greater than 
Napoleon. Whatever the reasons, there must be still more 
people in this country who hoped for a Japanese Hitler. The 
writer who said that the Japanese should quit discussing the 
Emperor institution and let General MacArthur run the coun- 
try directly, probably represented quite a large number of 
the Japanese. Nevertheless, unless this servile attitude is 
overcome, the opportunity afforded us of standing on our own 
feet and of establishing democracy would be shamefully wasted. 

i8 JapanEnemy or Allyf 

It is only the nation that has the independence of spirit to 
resolve upon mastering its own fate that can really establish 
democracy and work it To break up the s,ooo-year-old hero- 
worshipping mentality must be the first step toward democ- 
ratization. On the other hand, it is precisely by such an estab- 
lishment of democracy that the security of the Imperial lineage 
would be assured. Whereas, if the respect for the throne de- 
pended merely on the traditional spirit of hero-worship, it 
would be easy for another hero to replace the Emperor, there 
can be no such change of heart among those who do not idolize 
the Imperial family. Under a democratic government, the real 
power is in the hands of the people. An Imperial family 
divorced from this political power becomes the object of popu- 
lar Jpve and respect. 

tChe way to express the gratitude of the Japanese people 
to General MacArthur for the wisdom with which he is 
managing postwar Japan and for his efforts to democratize 
the nation is not to worship him as a god or as a hero, but 
to cast away that very servile spirit and to gain self-respect that 
would bow the head to no one, and to take hold of the power 
of government themselves. Only thus would General Mac- 
Arthur rest content that the aims of the Occupation have been 

This article had been passed by the American censor in 
the ordinary way. On the following Saturday Nippon 
Times, the Tokyo English-language newspaper, reprinted 
it. When the first edition appeared, SCAP censorship offi- 
cers ordered the burning of the 50,000 copies containing 
the reprinted article and its removal from later editions. 

One of the greatest difficulties I found in my own efforts 
to understand the situation in Japan, and I know that this 
difficulty was shared by other Allied observers, was the ex- 
traordinary sensitiveness of senior SGAP officers to any in- 
quiries which seemed to demand a precise and objective 
reply. The senior officers seemed always to be nervous lest 
the information they provided might in some way be used 
to reflect on the achievements of GHQ. Brigadier-General 
Courtney Whitney, the Head of the Government Section, 

Allied Instruments of Control 19 

exhibited this reaction very clearly when, in reply to the 
first question asked by a member of the Allied Council, he 
reminded Council members that they had not been brought 
to Japan to pry into the Supreme Commander's armor. 

Moreover, a military organization is perforce a hierarchy. 
In structure and in atmosphere it does not seem to be well 
suited to foster democratic procedures. A military set-up, 
by its very nature, seeks to eliminate the individualism, the 
independence, the freedom of discussion and the atmos- 
phere of equality which make the fabric of democracy. I 
am well aware that it was not possible to establish in Japan 
the kind of well-trained and experienced civil administra- 
tion that would have been best adapted for the work of 
political reform and economic restoration. My comments 
are in no way a reflection on the military qualifications or 
achievements of the senior officers in SCAP. Still less are 
they a reflection on the notable work done by certain of 
the technical and scientific sections. This work has often 
been of a very high order, and it seems a pity that it could 
not have been publicized in a more sober and objective 
way. The Public Relations Section of SCAP seemed to 
place little confidence in the art of understatement. 

The Allied Council for Japan 

The United States Initial Post-Surrender Policy of Sep- 
tember 6, 1945, provided that, in the event of differences 
among the Allies, "the policy of the United States shall 
govern." This was a clear indication that the United States 
was prepared in the last analysis to accept full responsi- 
bility for the occupation of Japan. Nevertheless, in the last 
quarter of 1945 other powers which had played a part in 
the Pacific War made it dear through diplomatic channels 
that they wished to play an active, if subordinate, part in 
framing Occupation policy, and even to share in the work 

so Japan Enemy or Ally? 

of carrying it out. Mr, Molotov urged the creation of a 
Four Power Control Council. This was not acceptable to 
the United States, and, although an effort was made to 
enable all belligerents to have some say in Occupation pol- 
icy by the creation of the Far Eastern Advisory Commis- 
sion, it was emphasized that the work of this Commission 
was purely advisory. These provisional arrangements did 
not satisfy the Soviet Union and some other countries. Aus- 
tralia, in particular, was anxious to share responsibilities in 
a more active way. After some months of negotiation, the 
machinery for Allied control of Japan during the Occupa- 
tion was decided at the Moscow Conference. In the Mos- 
cow Agreement of December 27, 1945, provision was made 
to set up an Eleven Power Far Eastern Commission, with 
its headquarters at Washington, and a Four Power Allied 
Council, with headquarters in Tokyo. It was to be the re- 
sponsibility of the Far Eastern Commission to formulate 
the main lines of policy. The Allied Council was to be the 
eyes and ears of the Far Eastern Commission in Japan. The 
following were the terms of reference of the Allied Coun- 

1. There shall be established an Allied Council, with its seat 
in Tokyo, under the chairmanship of the Supreme Commander 
for the Allied Powers (or his Deputy), for the purpose of con- 
sulting with and advising the Supreme Commander in regard 
to the implementation of the Terms of Surrender, the Occu- 
pation and Control of Japan and of Directives supplementary 
thereto, and for the purpose of exercising the control author- 
ity herein granted. 

2. The membership of the Allied Council shall consist of 
the Supreme Commander (or his Deputy), who shall be Chair- 
man and United States member, a Union of Soviet Republics 
member, a Chinese member, and a member representing jointly 
the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and India. 

3. Each member shall be entitled to have an appropriate 
Staff, consisting of military and civilian advisers. 

Allied Instruments of Control si 

4. The Allied Council shall meet not less often than once 
every two weeks. 

5. The Supreme Commander shall issue all orders for the 
implementation of the Terms of Surrender, the Occupation 
and Control of Japan, and Directives supplementary thereto. 
In all cases, action will be carried out under and through the 
Supreme Commander, who is. the sole executive authority for 
the Allied Powers in Japan. He will consult and advise with 
the Council in advance of the issuance of orders on matters of 
substance, the exigencies of the situation permitting. His deci- 
sions upon these matters shall be controlling. 

6. If, regarding the implementation of policy, decisions of 
the Far Eastern Commission on questions concerning a change 
in the regime of control, fundamental changes in the Japanese 
constitution structure, and a change in the Japanese Govern- 
ment as a whole, a member of the Council disagrees with the 
Supreme Commander (or his Deputy), the Supreme Com- 
mander shall withhold the issuance of orders on these ques- 
tions pending agreement thereon in the Far Eastern Com- 

7. In cases of necessity the Supreme Commander may make 
decisions concerning the change of individual Ministers of the 
Japanese Government or concerning the filling of vacancies 
created by the resignation of individual Cabinet members after 
preliminary consultation with the representatives of the other 
Allied Powers on the Allied Council. 

The circumstances in which I myself was appointed to 
represent jointly the United Kingdom, Australia, New 
Zealand and India on the Allied Council showed a new 
and interesting development in British Commonwealth re- 
lations. Australia had originally hoped that the Allied 
Council would be made up of representatives of each of 
the eleven belligerent powers. The Soviet Union, however, 
held out for a Four Power Council. Then the United King- 
dom Government, recognizing Australia's primary inter- 
ests in the Pacific, agreed that the Australian Government 
should nominate a representative who would speak not 

32 Japan Enemy or Ally! 

only for Australia, but for the United Kingdom itself. New 
Zealand and India both supported this arrangement. 

In accepting this appointment, I went to Japan with 
high hopes that the Allied Council might be able to do 
useful work. I fully recognized the leadership of the United 
States. Moreover, as an Australian, I was deeply conscious 
that General MacArthur and his forces had, between 1942 
and 1945, created in Australia an eternal reservoir of ad- 
miration and gratitude. I recognized that, while Australia's 
interest lay primarily in the Pacific, the United States, 
Soviet Union and United Kingdom had vital interests in 
Europe and the Middle East, and that it would conse- 
quently be unreasonable to expect the Australian view to 
be adopted without modification. It was clear that the 
problems of Japan were only one segment of a world-wide 
problem. Nevertheless, the countries I represented had car- 
ried heavy burdens, made great sacrifices and faced real 
dangers throughout the Pacific campaign. In India, Burma, 
Malaya and New Guinea, in the air and on the sea, British 
Commonwealth forces had made notable contributions to 
the final victory. For these reasons, I felt that the countries 
I represented had both the right and the obligation to ex- 
press a distinctive and independent point of view on the 
control of Japan after the surrender. Respect for the 
achievements and recognition of the power of the United 
States did not, to my mind, involve die obligation to give 
in all circumstances uncritical support to United States 

The atmosphere at the opening meeting of the Council 
in April 1946 revealed in a sudden and unexpected way 
the immense difficulties to be overcome if the Council was 
to be of any constructive service. The atmosphere was heavy 
with mistrust and hostility between American Headquar- 
ters and the representative of the U.S.S.R., Lieutenant- 
General Kuzma Derevyanko. It was no secret that General 

Allied Instruments of Control 23 

MacArthur had strongly opposed the establishment of the 
Allied Council. He believed that Mr. Byrnes had made 
this concession to Russia at Moscow in a spirit of appease- 
ment, without properly considering its mischievous im- 
plications in the administration of Japan. The Soviet 
Union had not accepted the United States invitation to 
contribute to the Occupation forces, but had instead estab- 
lished a large military mission in Tokyo. The purpose and 
activities of this mission were mistrusted and feared by 
American GHQ. Senior officers in SCAP believed that 
its primary purpose was to organize a secret service in 
Japan, to support and strengthen the Japanese Communist 
Party, and to sabotage American Occupation objectives. 
General Derevyanko was the Head of the Russian Military 
Mission, as well as the Russian member on the Allied 
Council. It was, therefore, hardly to be expected that the 
United States Chairman of the Council, or the officers of 
GHQ, who attended the Council as expert witnesses, would 
take General Derevyanko into close and friendly confi- 
dence. The strained relations between the American and 
Russian members of the Council set the tone of every 

In his speech of welcome to the members of the Council 
at the opening meeting on April 3, 1946, General Mac- 
Arthur made it clear that he held the Council's powers to 
be exclusively consultative and advisory. He pointed out 
that all major directives to the Japanese Government had 
already been issued, and that these would set the lines of 
future Occupation policy. He insisted, moreover, that the 
Council should not concern itself with his past actions. He 
asked that the Council should meet in public. He said: 

The suspicion, the distrust and the hatred so often engen- 
dered by the veil of secrecy will thus be avoided, and in the 
undimmed light of public scrutiny we will, therefore, invite 
full confidence in the sincerity, the high purpose and the recti- 

24 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

tude of our aims. As Supreme Commander, I can assure you 
that I entertain no fears that such an opportunity for public 
discussion will have the slightest adverse effect upon the dis- 
charge of my responsibilities. 

Nevertheless, General MacArthur went on to warn the 
Council against "sharp and ill-conceived criticism o our 
Occupation policies," and reminded it that there were evil 
forces in the world which, for various reasons, sought to 
sabotage the success o the Occupation. General Mac- 
Arthur explained that he would normally be too busy with 
his administrative duties to act himself as chairman, and 
announced that he had appointed Major-General W. F. 
Marquat, the Head of the Economic and Scientific Section 
of SCAP as his deputy. 

On finishing his address, the Supreme Commander with- 
drew, and General Marquat, as chairman, called the meet- 
ing to order for the consideration of procedural questions, 
it having been agreed that no questions of substance would 
be raised at the first meeting. 

It was of some interest that General MacArthur, in 
describing the functions and powers of the Council, made 
no reference to the existence of the Far Eastern Commis- 
sion, and that he should have insisted that the Council's 
powers were purely advisory. It seemed to me that para- 
graph 6 of the Terms of Reference provided that the 
"control authority" of the Council mentioned in Article 
I would, in certain circumstances, be not only advisory 
but permissive. In other words, if any member of the 
Council disagreed with the Supreme Commander in the 
way he was carrying out policy decisions of the Far Eastern 
Commission on questions concerning "a change in the 
regime of control, fundamental changes in the Japanese 
constitutional structure, and a change in the Japanese 
Government as a whole," this dissent would have the effect 
o invalidating the Supreme Commander's action until 

Allied Instruments of Control 25 

the question had been considered by the Far Eastern Com- 
mission. It seemed to me that it was this provision in 
Article 6 which gave the Council its main authority. I, 
therefore, thought it remarkable that General MacArthur 
should have omitted all reference to it. 

It was not, however, until the second meeting of the 
Council, at which questions of substance were first dis- 
cussed, that SCAP's attitude towards the Council was 
revealed with unmistakable clarity and force. The first ques- 
tion on the agenda had been proposed by General Derev- 
yanko. The question was: 

According to the available information, undesirable persons, 
falling under the directive, dated January 4, 1946, in many 
cases have not yet been removed from the leading positions 
they hold. Since this fact endangers normal progress of democ- 
ratization of Japan and may negatively affect loyal realization 
by the Japanese authorities of all directive instructions of the 
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers in general, it is 
desirable that the Allied Council be informed on this matter 
as fully as possible by the appropriate representatives of the 
General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied 

The Chairman introduced Brigadier-General Courtney 
Whitney, Head of the Government Section, SCAP, to reply 
to thie Russian question. General Whitney behaved in an 
unusual way. On mounting the rostrum he clearly indi- 
cated by his manner the anger and indignation he felt 
that this question should have been asked, or at least asked 
in this particular form. He said that, since, nevertheless, 
the question had been asked, he would give a comprehen- 
sive reply, "even though it took all summer." He then 
delivered an address lasting for about three hours, although 
the relevant answer to the Russian's question could have 
been given in five or ten minutes. General Whitney spent 
the greater part of the three hours in reading slowly long 

26 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

lists of political organizations that had been banned by 
SCAP. This was the kind of information which could not 
in any sense be regarded as a genuine answer to the ques- 
tion, and it was anyway available to all members in pub- 
lished form. The published text of General Whitney's 
address gives an incomplete picture of the reactions which 
it created, partly because it gives no indication of the sar- 
castic and contemptuous tone in which he spoke, and 
partly because it omits his asides. For example, after read- 
ing a seemingly endless list of banned organizations, he 
said in an aside: "There are 30,000 members of these or- 
ganizations, and I must apologize to the Council for not 
having the names with me. That was an oversight of mine. 
If I only had them with me I should read them to you with 
the greatest pleasure." 

General Whitney's performance was a gross and ill- 
mannered affront to every member of the Council. Before 
any member had been given the opportunity to express 
any question of substance, General Whitney had come to 
the Council as the representative of General MacArthur, 
and he took control of the meeting out of the hands of the 
Chairman, General Marquat. The Chairman was in a very 
unhappy position. He had already shown himself anxious 
to be friendly and cooperative. There was no doubt of his 
desire to do all in his power to enable the Council to work 
in harmony, but the circumstances were too difficult for 
any chairman. General Marquat seemed to feel that he was 
bound to support General Whitney, but was obviously un- 
comfortable in doing so. It was inevitable that his chair- 
manship was at times confused and inconsistent. 

This second meeting of the Council was very important, 
since it really decided the Council's fate. It showed that it 
would henceforth be hardly possible for the Council to 
cooperate in any serious work if an inquiry from the 
Soviet member were always to evoke a frivolous, hostile 

Allied Instruments of Control 37 

and contemptuous reaction from the representative of the 
Supreme Commander. General Derevyanko behaved 
throughout this meeting with dignity, courtesy and re- 
straint. It might be argued that the form in which he put 
his question about the carrying out of the political purge 
was provocative, and implied the suggestion that SCAP 
had not been efficient or wholehearted in carrying out 
this program. It will be noticed, however, that the English 
of the Soviet member's question is clumsy, like many 
statements that are obviously translations from another 
language. I think it highly probable that if either the Secre- 
tary-General or the Chairman had invited General Derev- 
yanko to rephrase his question he would certainly have 
been prepared to do so. During the Council's discussion 
he declared with some feeling that in framing the question 
he had no intention of making any criticism of what had 
been done by General MacArthur, but simply pointed out 
that any undue delay in carrying out the purge would im- 
pede the progress of democratization. It was notable, 
moreover, that the Chairman did not follow the usual com- 
mittee practice of asking General Derevyanko, the pro- 
poser of the question, to open the discussion. He was not 
invited to explain his reasons for asking it, or to elaborate 
it in any way. He, with other Council members, was in- 
stead compelled to submit to listening without interrup- 
tion to General Whitney's outburst. 

This second meeting was important not only in that it 
revealed very clearly SCAP's general attitude towards the 
Council, and exacerbated so unfortunately the relations 
between the American and Soviet members, but more 
specifically because it made clear that SCAP would tend 
to regard any question, however pertinent and important, 
as an effort to secure information which might reflect on 
the accomplishments of the Supreme Commander. General 
Whitney, speaking on behalf of General MacArthur, in- 

28 Japan-Enemy or Ally? 

insisted that "the Council is not set up for the purpose 
of prying into SCAP affairs, attempting to find some 
weak point in SCAP armor, probing for something by 
which to create national sensationalism." This placed 
Council members in a dilemma. It was hardly possible to 
give "constructive advice" on any question without infor- 
mation. It was only possible to get information by asking 
questions. But it would not be possible to ask for informa- 
tion which might supplement or correct the picture of the 
Occupation being regularly provided by the Public Rela- 
tions Section. 

The effort to get information continued throughout 
my eighteen months in Japan to be a major difficulty for 
the non-American members of the Council. These diffi- 
culties were increased in April 1946 by the issuance of a 
GHQ order that all requests for information by Council 
members should be made in writing to the Secretary- 
General, who would then send them to Diplomatic Section 
and to Gs before they passed to the particular Section pos- 
sessing the requested information. The reply, as drafted by 
this Section, was to be sent back through the same devious 
channels. In my own experience this procedure usually 
took three or four weeks to complete, even when the in- 
formation asked appeared comparatively simple and un- 
contentious. In many instances it should have been prac- 
ticable to get information by personal interview with the 
officer who possessed it in a ten minutes' talk. Such direct 
contacts were, however, sternly disfavored. 

During the early days of the Council there was a great 
deal of discussion on the number of days which it would 
be reasonable to allow the Council to consider directives 
before their issuance. General MacArthur had offered in 
the normal course to send every directive to Council mem- 
bers at least forty-eight hours before its issue. 

The Russian member persisted in his request that these 

Allied Instruments of Control 29 

directives should be made available at least five days before 
they were sent to the Japanese Government. That, in his 
view, was the minimum period necessary for their proper 
study and consideration. As time went on it became clear 
that this debate had been largely unreal, since, after April 
1946, SCAP normally controlled the work of the Japanese 
Government without issuing any important directive. The 
offices of GHQ gave two reasons for this. They claimed 
that all important aspects of the Occupation had already 
been covered by a series of major directives issued between 
September 1945 and January 1946. And they pointed out 
that, after the free elections in April, it was important, 
if the Japanese were to learn respect for the institution of 
free government, to avoid giving the impression that the 
Government and the Diet were merely the instruments of 
SCAP, instead of the expression of the people's will. Con- 
sequently, General MacArthur decided that it was wiser to 
give guidance and direction to the Japanese Government 
privately and informally rather than by directives. 

The formation of the Yoshida Government, the drafting 
of the new Constitution, and its debate by the Diet, the 
passing of the laws implementing the Constitution, the 
efforts for land reform and for the liquidation of the Zai- 
batsu all these events were of fundamental importance, 
and involved continuous guidance of the Japanese authori- 
ties by SCAP. They generally took place without the issue 
of fresh directives. Since GHQ did not inform Council 
members of the progress of its private dealings with the 
Japanese authorities, it was hard for Council members to 
know what was going on, or to make any informed con- 
tribution to the discussion of these questions. Moreover, 
when the Council was consulted by SCAP about some 
aspect of Occupation policy, its members would usually 
receive first news of this when the agenda was issued 
on the Friday before the Wednesday meeting. This would 

go Japan Enemy or Ally? 

leave only three working days for the study and considera- 
tion of what were sometimes highly complex and technical 

Land reform was the only question among those I have 
just mentioned on which SCAP consulted the Council. 
This unwillingness to consult the Council placed its mem- 
bers in a peculiar position and gave them the feeling that 
they were very remote from the source of executive 
authority. They were aware that each week SCAP was 
making major decisions in the direction and guidance 
of the Japanese authorities. A number of expert missions 
came from the United States to Japan to advise GHQ on 
various political and economic questions, on the Consti- 
tution, on food, on trade unions and labor relations and 
on the dissolution of the Zaibatsu. Council members, how- 
ever, would generally only learn of efforts towards the 
solution of these problems through the columns of the 
press, or in discreet official reports, which were usually 
published some time after the critical decisions had been 
taken. In a word, General MacArthur steadfastly declined 
to take the Allied Council into his confidence or to provide 
the means by which Council members or their staffs could 
have direct, informal day-to-day contact with officers of 

An examination of the agenda of Council meetings 
makes it hard to understand what determined SCAP's 
choice of those subjects which he submitted for advice. 
Apart from asking advice on certain highly technical ques- 
tions which the Council was not the proper or competent 
body to deal with for example, the most effective method 
of inoculating repatriates against specific contagious dis- 
easesthe Supreme Commander did invite Council opin- 
ion on certain major questions, on land reform, on methods 
for increasing coal production, and on the stabilization of 
prices and wages. Yet, when these important questions 

Allied Instruments of Control 31 

were introduced, the American Chairman, Mr. George 
Atcheson, 2 invariably tried to prevent any effective dis- 
cussion, and sought instead to extract individual state- 
ments from each of the other three Council members, and 
then close the debate. 

In these circumstances it was difficult to develop the 
kind of free discussion which might have enabled members 
to maximize agreement. The Chairman sought only the 
advice of Council members, not the advice of the Council. 
It seemed that GHQ often worked on the assumption that 
the Council was non-existent. I cannot recall any reference 
to the Council's existence or work in the Monthly Sum- 
mation of Non-Military Activities, produced by GHQ, nor 
in any other SCAP publication. The effort to avoid any 
reference to the Council's place in the Occupation set-up 
sometimes appeared trivial and a little ludicrous. For 
^xample, in May 1946 the Far Eastern Commission pub- 
lished a policy decision setting out the principles that 
should be followed in estimating Japan's need for food 
imports. This decision provided, inter alia, that the Su- 
preme Commander should act "with the advice of the 
Allied Council." The wire agencies transmitted this policy 

^It is not possible to write this record without many references to 
Ambassador George Atcheson, Jr., Head of the Diplomatic Section GHQ. 
SCAP. Mr. Atcheson replaced General Marquat as Chairman of the 
Allied Council and Deputy of the Supreme Commander in April 1946. 
He lost his life in an accident on August 15, 1947, when the aircraft on 
which he was traveling from Tokyo to Washington came down off Hawaii. 
On several occasions in Japan I was under instructions to take a line 
which diverged from official American policy, as put forward by Mr. 
Atcheson. Moreover, the personal opinions I express in this book will 
sometimes show sharp disagreement with Mr. Atcheson's statements and 
policy. These political differences in no way affected our personal rela- 
tions. During a close association over eighteen months, I formed for Mr. 
Atcheson a strong affection and very deep personal regard. He always 
acted in accordance with the highest standards of professional and public 
service. The driving power of his immense industry was a disinterested 
loyalty to his chief, to the United States, and to liberal and humanitarian 
ideals. In private life he was one of the most thoughtful and generous 
men I have ever known. 

gg JapanEnemy or Ally? 

decision in full to Japan. After it had been submitted to 
GHQ censorship, it was published verbatim in the Japa- 
nese press, except for the omission of the phrase referring 
to the Allied Council. 

On those rare occasions when the Council was asked to 
advise on important questions, and when members made 
considerable efforts to formulate careful and helpful rec- 
ommendations, it was difficult to escape the feeling that 
GHQ treated these recommendations in a light-hearted 
fashion. At a meeting in August 1946, the Chairman was 
asked whether it might not be possible for General Mac- 
Arthur to tell the Council of his reaction to some of its 
previous recommendations, and indicate the extent to 
which he had found this advice acceptable, and how far 
he had felt able to act on it. In reply, Mr. Atcheson made 
it clear that Council members should be content with the 
privilege of offering advice, and then rest assured that the 
Supreme Commander would give it the consideration it 
merited. It would be improper and impracticable for mem- 
bers to follow up their advice by inquiries whether it had 
been acceptable. Normally members would be able to dis- 
cover, by watching the course of events, the extent to 
which their advice had been incorporated in the Supreme 
Commander's decisions. Mr. Atcheson said: 

If the Supreme Commander consults and advises with the 
Council in accordance with the Terms of Reference, it doesn't 
seem to me that there is any particular question whether he 
considers the advice of the Council or not, or any reason that 
I can see, after action is taken, to prolong the discussion. 

And, if Members of the Council are dissatisfied, their recourse 
would be to make representations to their own Governments 
and to take the question up on governmental level, with a 
view to having the basic policy decision altered. 8 

To sum up SCAP's attitude towards the Allied Council: 

8 Minutes of the Allied Council. 

Allied Instruments of Control 33 

At its inception, General MacArthur's representative 
treated it with frivolous derision. General MacArthur 
omitted to consult it on many major questions. The pro- 
cedure prescribed for providing members with informa- 
tion severely limited their opportunities to give informed 
advice. The representatives of SCAP showed exceptional 
sensitiveness to any question or comment which might be 
construed as a criticism of any aspect of the Occupation. 
In these circumstances, it was inevitable that the Council 
should have been on balance a failure, and at times a fiasco. 
It provided periodical opportunities for the American and 
Russian members to give public expression to their mutual 
distrust. To that extent, Council meetings aggravated a 
relationship that was already unhappy enough. Yet I be- 
lieve the Council was able to make some useful contribu- 
tions to the Occupation. Statements and questions by 
members sometimes seemed to stimulate GHQ to activity 
in desirable directions. Indeed, I believe that on several 
important issues, e.g., land reform, coal mining, prices and 
wages, members of the Council were able to contribute 
useful and constructive advice, and that this advice affected 
the subsequent actions of both SCAP and the Japsgiese 

Since the establishment of the Allied Council was a 
serious, if largely unsuccessful, effort for Allied cooperation 
in Japan, and since, presumably, these efforts to cooperate 
will continue after the peace treaty, it may be worth while 
to try to state the main reasons for the Council's failures. 

It was the custom in GHQ circles to ascribe all, or nearly 
all, of the Council's failures to the attitude of General 
Derevyanko, the member for the U.S.S.R. For my part, 
I formed the following impressions of General Derev- 
yanko's work on the Council. I thought that he behaved 
consistently in a friendly and dignified way. I felt that on 
most occasions when he asked for information, which 

34 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

GHQ seemed reluctant to provide, his inquiries were fully 
justified, although he often presented his requests in a 
way that would have made it impracticable to meet them 
in precisely the way that he desired. For example, at the 
opening meeting the Russian member asked GHQ to pro- 
vide the Council with copies of a large number and variety 
of documents, including every single regulation and decree 
that had been issued by the Japanese since the beginning 
of the Occupation. Neither the Chinese member nor I 
was able to support General Derevyanko in the form in 
which he put his request, since it would have involved 
GHQ in the gigantic and impracticable task of making 
copies of tens of thousands of documents. General Mac- 
Arthur, in his reply to this request, pointed out that the 
physical volume of work involved would be so great that 
it was impossible for him to agree to it. This did not, how- 
ever, always deter General Derevyanko from making sim- 
ilar requests later. 

When General Derevyanko suggested at Council meet- 
ings that the aims of the Occupation were not being satis- 
factorily carried out in some particular field, he tended to 
make charges of default and failure without producing re- 
liable evidence to support them. He was often pressed by 
the American Chairman for the evidence on which he 
based his criticisms, but was generally shy of producing 
the specific information which might have given weight to 
his charges. This tendency to make general and imprecise 
criticisms produced continuous irritation among the offi- 
cers of GHQ. Moreover, General Derevyanko, like all offi- 
cial representatives of the U.S.S.R., was clearly compelled 
to work under close instructions, which allowed him the 
minimum of individual discretion. There was, conse- 
quently, a certain rigidity and lack of adaptability about 
the lines he pursued at Council meetings. Basically, how- 
ever, the reason for American hostility towards General 

Allied Instruments of Control 35 

Derevyanko was the conviction that Russia's primary in- 
terest in Japan was to discredit the achievements of SCAP 
and to sabotage American objectives. I believe there were 
good grounds for this conviction. Whether American ob- 
jectives, as pursued by SCAP, always completely conformed 
to Allied objectives, as expressed in the policy decisions 
of the Far Eastern Commission, was another question. 
There were reasons to suspect, as I shall try to show in 
later chapters, that General MacArthur's policy on eco- 
nomic questions, for example, placed an emphasis on the 
value of free competition and the dangers of socialist 
organization which would not faithfully express the view 
of the United Kingdom Government or those of some 
other Allied Government. 

The basic mistrust between the American and Russian 
members cast its shadow over every moment of the Coun- 
cil's work. It meant that it was hardly possible to examine 
any question on its merits. There were no problems o 
Japan: every problem of Japan came to be considered for 
its effects on Russian-American relations. 

A second important reason for the difficulties and fail- 
ures of the Council was that its deliberations were always 
open to the press. General MacArthur had been particu- 
larly anxious that the Council should work in open session. 
At the opening meeting, I had put forward a modification 
of this proposal. I had urged that there should be two 
kinds of Council meeting. Normal discussions, which 
might often involve detailed and technical proposals, 
would be held in private. This would enable members to 
talk more freely and modify in the light of discussion their 
initial attitudes in an effort to reach agreement. To pro 
vide the press with a ball-to-ball description of these de- 
bates might be dangerous, since a newspaper reporter, in 
order to meet his deadline, might often report the state- 
ment which a member made early in the discussion, when 

36 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

this would not accurately express that member's final view- 
point. I agreed that it was desirable for the press to be 
admitted to meetings at regular intervals. My idea was 
that at these public meetings members would be able to 
state their definite views on agenda questions and give 
their reasons for them. This proposal that we should have 
both private and public meetings was supported by the 
Council. Unfortunately, however, this scheme came to 
grief after only one private meeting had been held, in 
April 1946. The Chairman felt that certain confidential 
material discussed at this meeting had been improperly 
disclosed to the press, and, therefore, declined to hold any 
more private meetings. 

The presence of the press at all Council meetings pro- 
duced a number of unfortunate consequences. The press 
corps in Tokyo included a number of able and objective 
journalists. Yet the atmosphere in which it worked seemed 
to be hostile to the writing, or, at least, the publication of 
balanced and objective reports. 4 The reporters tended to 
fall into two sharply divided groups, the supporters and 
the critics of General MacArthur. General MacArthur's 
journalist supporters tended to show that undivided and 
uncritical loyalty which is so desirable in the attitude of a 
soldier to his commanding officer in wartime. This group 
maintained intimate relations with the Public Relations 
Section of GHQ, and Public Relations officers went to 
great pains to provide them with the sort of background 
information that supported their convictions. The second 

I had personal knowledge of several cases in which GHQ went to 
extraordinary lengths, by threats or inducements, to suppress news reports 
that were critical of certain aspects of the Occupation. GHQ was satisfied 
with nothing less than unqualified praise of SCAP policy and achieve- 
ments. Every effort was made to remove offending correspondents if the 
pressures applied in Tokyo foiled to bring them into line. GHQ did not 
seem to recognize any inconsistency between these practices and its fre- 
quent exhortations to the Japanese to emulate the democracies in estab- 
lishing a free and independent press. 

Allied Instruments of Control 37 

group contained some who felt an emotional antipathy 
to General MacArthur, and some who, on Left-wing ideo- 
logical grounds, were anxious to expose what they con- 
sidered to be the undesirable conservative tendencies in 
SCAP's political and economic outlook. The prevailing 
tension between the U.S. and Russia unhappily provided 
both groups with excellent opportunities to pursue their 
different missions. It did not foster the detached and ob- 
jective view. It meant that any differences of viewpoint 
between Council members, however minor in substance, 
or however quiet in tone, tended to be. reported as a 
dramatic clash between the American and Russian mem- 
bers. This feature of reporting in Japan was described 
by Mr. Lauterbach in the October 1946 issue of Front 
Pag the journal of the American Newspaper Guild. 
Some of his comments may be worth reporting: 

Many correspondents must still depend on the graces of the 
Army even for living necessities. For ethical or other reasons, 
they believe they owe General MacArthur's administration the 
same uncritical loyalty which they owed him as a wartime 
commander. . . . 

Sources are more unreliable than usual. In Japan nearly all 
journalists, politicians and intellectuals are anxious to show 
how pro-American they are by tipping U.S. correspondents to 
stories or supplying factual information. 

Home Office cables reiterate that the U.S. versus Russia stories 
make the headlines. It would be superhuman of the men as- 
signed to the Orient if they did not dig around for a good 
Russian-American squabble or an angle that slammed the 
Soviets. 5 

6 From the standpoint of the British member of the Allied Council, it 
was unfortunate that the reporting of the Occupation to the outside world 
was left almost wholly to American journalists. The United Kingdom 
and British Dominions were, of course, themselves entirely responsible for 
this failure to send their own representatives to cover Japan. In May 1946 
there were 70 Allied correspondents in Japan. This included the repre- 
sentatives of news agencies, newspapers, and radio organizations. Fifty-six 
were Americans, seven from all parts of the British Commonwealth and 
Empire, and the remaining seven came from other Allied countries. The 

38 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

I have myself from time to time become unwittingly 
involved in what sections of the press presented as serious 
conflict with the American member. On one particular 
occasion at the seventeenth meeting, on October 16, 1946, 
a number of newspapers gave great prominence to what 
was described as a "clash" between Mr. Atcheson and me, 
and headlined the "outburst" by me which had precipi- 
tated the dash. It may be of interest to give, as well as I 
am able, an objective account of what actually occurred 
at this meeting. 

The meeting had proceeded for nearly two hours when 
Mr. Atcheson took exception to General Derevyanko's 
references to the election of April 10. He claimed that the 
general election "demonstrated to the people of the world 
a free, honest and orderly election, such as few, if any, 
of the Western democracies could boast to a more com- 
plete degree." Mr. Atcheson said: 

I may say that I often wonder at the continued allegations 
and charges against the Japanese authorities in connection 
with their efforts under the Occupation. They seem never in 
this Council to receive credit for the good work they do. 

Developing this theme, he went on to say: 

In fact, the time has come when Japanese aims have become 
virtually identical with Allied aims. 

B3.C., the London Times, the Daily Telegraph and the Manchester 
Guardian all relied for their news on American wire agencies and news- 
papers, or on American journalists in Japan who sometimes sent them 
supplementary material. There were then two Australian journalists hi 
Japan, but the Australian Broadcasting Commission had no representa- 
tives. When the new arrangement between Reuters and AA.P. came into 
effect at the end of 1946, the situation was considerably improved. An 
Australian was appointed to represent both associations. I am not want- 
ing to suggest that American reporting is in any way inferior to British 
reporting. Yet the British Commonwealth has its own distinctive interests 
in Japan, and it seemed to me unfortunate that British newspaper readers 
should have had to rely mainly on the picture of Japan presented by 
Americans for American consumption. 

Allied Instruments of Control 39 

He ended his statement with an invitation to other mem- 
bers to make comments. I now quote the following ex- 
changes from the verbatim minutes: 

MR. BALL: Mr. Chairman, I should just like to say that I 
agree wholly with you that the Members of this Council should 
try to be just and objective in their assessment of developments 
here. I would also like to go on record as saying that I would 
not, without very careful further consideration, be able to 
identify myself with your expressions of cordiality and con- 
fidence towards the present Japanese Government 

THE CHAIRMAN: I am sorry, I didn't hear your last words. 

MR. BALL: I should not like to identify myself with your ex- 
pressions of cordiality and confidence towards the present Japa- 
nese Government. 

THE CHAIRMAN: I do not think, Mr. Ball, that you will find 
in the record that I have made any expressions of cordiality or 
confidence in the present Government. I made a plea for rec- 
ognition of merit where merit exists. 

MR. BALL: I should only be very glad, indeed, to join with 
you, Mr. Chairman, in any recognition of merit where merit 

THE CHAIRMAN: Does the spokesman for the British Com- 
monwealth imply that no merit exists in connection with the 
conduct of the elections or other activities of the Japanese 

MR. BALL: I think that the Member for the United States 
has expressed the view that the Members of this Council are 
reluctant to express appreciation of the good work of the Japa- 
nese Government where it does good work. And I think I have 
noticed in the last few months, when any Member of this 
Council has raised questions which might possibly be construed 
as a critidsm of the Japanese Government, that the United 
States Member has been very quick and eager to defend the 
work of the Japanese. All I am wanting to say, today, Mr. 
Chairman, is that I should not wish to identify myself with the 
attitude that you have expressed until, or unless, I have re- 
ceived much fuller evidence, much more complete information, 
about the actual course of affairs in Japan today. 

In making my comments, I had several things in mind. 

40 Japans-Enemy or Ally? 

First and foremost, I did not believe it to be true that the 
aims and ideals of the Japanese Government were virtually 
identical with Allied aims. If such a statement by the 
representative of the Supreme Commander of the Allied 
Powers had been accepted in silence by other members 
of the Council, it might have been inferred that this 
silence implied agreement. Moreover, if it were true that 
Japanese aims had become virtually identical with Allied 
aims, it would be difficult to justify continued Allied 
occupation and control. 

In referring to the cordiality and confidence which Mr. 
Atcheson had expressed in his references to the Japanese 
Government and people, I had in mind not only state- 
ments made by Mr. Atcheson in the Council, but other 
statements made by General MacArthur and his senior 
officers during the preceding few months which, in my 
view, gave the Japanese people and the world a greatly 
exaggerated impression of the progress made in the devel- 
opment of democracy in Japan. The most notable state- 
ment was that made by General MacArthur on September 
2, the first anniversary of the surrender. 

Nevertheless, Mr. Atcheson had himself, on several 
occasion^ in the Council, expressed a sympathy and sup- 
port for the Japanese Government which appeared to me 
not wholly warranted. 

I first noticed this tendency at the seventh meeting 
(June 17) when Mr. Atcheson, after pointing out that the 
land reform program submitted by the Japanese Govern- 
ment on March 15 was "inadequate," went on to say that 
he believed that the Government had, nevertheless, pre- 
sented this program "in a sincere spirit" In my view, this 
particular program was evasive and insincere, and in- 
dicated that the Japanese Government was anxious to 
frustrate rather than to fulfill the purposes of the SCAP 
directive on land reform. It, therefore, seemed to me sur- 

Allied Instruments of Control 41 

prising that Mr. Atcheson should have felt it desirable 
to commend the Japanese Government for its "sincere 

When, at the eleventh meeting (August 7), I had asked 
Mr. Atcheson whether he considered the Japanese Gov- 
ernment a suitable body to be entrusted with the carrying 
out of the purge directive, he had shown some impatience 
at my question and had remarked that it was easy enough 
to criticize the Japanese Government when it was "not in 
much of a position to defend itself 

At the thirteenth meeting (August 21), while explain- 
ing the reasons for advocating the "unofficial" extension 
of the Council membership, Mr. Atcheson had said that 
the Japanese people were "in the spirit of a team," "seek- 
ing the same goal" as the Allies. 

At the sixteenth meeting (September 2), Mr. Atcheson 
had referred to the dissolution of the Commission for the 
Investigation of the Causes of the War and the Defeat. 
He showed regret that this Commission had been dis- 
solved. He said the Japanese Government had dissolved it 
on its own initiative, as a result of the criticism directed 
against it by the Soviet member and me, and "in order to 
avoid further misrepresentation of its purposes." 

Since the early days of the Council, the Chinese mem- 
ber and I had been reluctant to place items on the agenda, 
even in the form of questions, since it was dear that GHQ 
was extremely sensitive and resentful about any question 
or comment which might be construed as a criticism of 
General MacArthur or his officers. For my part, I felt that 
on many occasions it was highly desirable to ask certain 
questions on the Council about the progress of the Occu- 
pation, but I avoided doing so for fear that in presenting 
these questions I might become involved in the charge of 
aiming criticism at General MacArthur. The situation had 
now developed that Mr. Atcheson seemed to feel nearly, 

42 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

if not quite, as sensitive about criticism of the Japanese 
Government as he would have felt about criticism of 
SCAP. This made it difficult, if not impossible, for Council 
members to take part in any objective examination of 
Occupation policy without becoming involved in a clash 
with Mr. Atcheson. 

These, then, were the three main reasons why the Amer- 
ican and other members found it difficult to make the 
Council a cooperative and constructive body: the hostility 
between the United States and Russian members, the 
attendance of the press at all meetings, and the extraor- 
dinary sensibility to criticism shown by GHQ, 


The Emperor 

Japan there was much debate and considerable disagree- 
ment in Allied circles about what should be done with the 
Emperor after defeat. One school of thought, pointing out 
the dangerous fusion in the Emperor's person of Japanese 
tribal idolatry and aggressive militarism, claimed that the 
Emperor system must be forthwith abolished if the danger 
of Japanese imperialism was to be removed. Some went 
further and urged that Hirohito be tried as a war criminal. 
The second school of thought claimed that if the Allies 
retained the Emperor it would be possible to exploit his 
prestige with the Japanese people to our advantage. Some 
members of this school claimed tlftt the Emperor had, in 
any case, always been a mere figurehead and that it would 
be unrealistic to saddle him with responsibility for Japan's 
aggression or for the conduct of the Japanese fighting 
forces during the campaigns. 

The second school of thought won the day. I believe 
that, looking back, the conclusion is ineluctable that the 
retention of the Emperor was fully justified. The prompti- 
tude and completeness of the Japanese surrender in every 
theater of war undoubtedly saved the lives of tens of 
thousands of Allied soldiers. Since the surrender, the com- 


44 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

pliance of the Japanese Government and people with the 
orders of their conquerors must be attributed at bottom 
to the Emperor's authority. After due credit has been 
given to General MacArthur's firm benevolence, and the 
generally high standard of behavior of the Occupation 
troops, the extraordinary smoothness of the Occupation 
stems ultimately from the Emperor's will. 

I believe, therefore, that the decision to retain the 
Emperor was wise, and I think that General MacArthur's 
attitude towards the Emperor has shown just the right 
mixture of tact and firmness. Yet it is important to remem- 
ber that our tacit support of the Emperor system and of 
Hirohito means a price to be paid and risks to be run. 
Without vigilance to minimize that price and guard 
against these risks, the consequences of our policy may 
seriously threaten the aims of the Occupation. 

Memories are short, and it is worth while to recall that 
the issue of the Emperor system was the pivot of the sur- 
render negotiations. In these negotiations it became clear 
that the Japanese Government was prepared to sacrifice 
almost everything but the Emperor. In the Potsdam Dec- 
laration, issued July 26, 1945, it was laid down in Article 
6 that "there must be eliminated for all time the author- 
ity and influence of those who have deceived and misled 
the people of Japan into embarking on world conquest." 
This is apparently the one provision that the Japanese 
Government was prepared seriously to contest. In its quali- 
fied reply to the Potsdam Declaration of August 10, the 
Japanese Government declared that it was ready to accept 
the terms of the joint declaration "with the understanding 
that the said declaration does not comprise any demand 
which prejudices the prerogative of His Majesty as a 
sovereign ruler." Mr. Byrnes, on behalf of the Govern- 
ments of the United States, United Kingdom, U.S.S.R. and 
China, sent a reply on August 1 1, which in effect accepted 

Japanese Instruments of Control 45 

the Japanese Government's condition, since this reply 
specifically referred to the Emperor as the authority that 
would be required to ensure that the Government of 
Japan and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters 
should carry out the provisions of the Potsdam Declara- 
tion. It is true that Mr. Byrnes's reply insisted that from 
the moment of surrender the authority of the Emperor 
should be subject to the Supreme Commander of the Al- 
lied Powers, and that the ultimate form of government in 
Japan should be established by the freely-expressed will 
of the Japanese people. There is little doubt, however, 
that the Japanese Government and people regarded Mr. 
Byrnes's reply as an expression of Allied willingness to 
retain the Emperor system in Japan. 

Some weeks later, when the Premier, Prince Higashi- 
Kuni, described to the Japanese people the circumstances 
in which the final decision to end the war had been taken* 
he said: "It was decided to accept the terms of the Potsdam 
Declaration, with the understanding that this did not com- 
prise any demand that would prejudice the prerogatives of 
His Majesty as sovereign. The war of Greater East Asia 
has thus been brought to an end." 

The Imperial Rescript, in which Hirohito broke the 
news to his subjects that the war had ended, was a remark- 
able document: 

To our good and loyal subjects: 

After pondering deeply the general trends of the world and 
the actual conditions obtaining in our Empire today, we have 
decided to effect a settlement of the present situation by re- 
sorting to an extraordinary measure. 

We have ordered our Government to communicate to the 
Governments of the United States, Great Britain, China and 
the Soviet Union that our Empire accepts the provisions of 
their Joint Declaration. 

To strive for the common prosperity and happiness of all 
nations, as well as the security and well-being of our subjects, 

46 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

is the solemn obligation which has been handed down by our 
Imperial Ancestors, and which we lay dose to heart. Indeed, 
we declared war on America and Britain out of our sincere 
desire to ensure Japan's self-preservation and the stabilization 
of East Asia, it being far from our thought either to infringe 
upon the sovereignty of other nations or to embark upon ter- 
ritorial aggrandizement. But now the war has lasted for nearly 
four years. Despite the best that has been done by everyone- 
the gallant fighting of military and naval forces, the diligence 
and assiduity of our servants of the State, and the devoted serv- 
ice of our one hundred million people, the war situation has 
developed not necessarily to Japan's advantage, while the gen- 
eral trends of the world have all turned against her interest 
Moreover, the enemy has begun to employ a new and most 
cruel bomb, the power of which to do damage is indeed incal- 
culable, taking the toll of many innocent lives. Should we con- 
tinue to fight, it would not only result in an ultimate collapse 
and obliteration of the Japanese nation, but, also, it would 
lead to the total extinction of human civilization. Such being 
the case, how are we to save the millions of our subjects, or to 
atone ourselves before the hallowed spirits of our Imperial 
Ancestors? This is the reason why we have ordered the accept- 
ance of the provisions of the Joint Declaration of the Powers. 

We cannot but express the deepest Sense of regret to our 
Allied nations of East Asia, who have consistently cooperated 
with the Empire towards the emancipation of East Asia. The 
thought of those officers and men, as well as others who have 
fallen in the fields of battle, those who died at their post of 
duty, or those who met with untimely death, and all their be- 
reaved families, pains our heart night and day. The welfare of 
the wounded and the war sufferers, and of those who have lost 
their homes and livelihood are the objects of our profound 
solicitude. The hardships and sufferings to which our nation 
is to be subjected hereafter will be certainly great We are 
keenly aware of the innermost feelings of all ye, our subjects. 
However, it is according to the dictate of time and fate that we 
have resolved to pave the way for a grand peace for all the gen- 
erations to come by enduring the unendurable and suffering 
what is insufferable. 

Having been able to safeguard and maintain the structure 
of the Imperial State, we are always with ye, our good and 

Japanese Instruments of Control 47 

loyal subjects, relying upon your sincerity and integrity. Be- 
ware most strictly of any outbursts of emotion which may en- 
gender needless complications, or any fraternal contention and 
strife which may create confusion, lead ye astray and cause ye 
to lose the confidence of the world. Let the entire nation con- 
tinue as one family from generation to generation, ever firm in 
its faith of the imperishableness of its sacred land, and mind- 
ful of its heavy burden of responsibilities, and the long road 
before it. Unite your total strength to be devoted to the con- 
struction for tie future. Cultivate the ways of rectitude; foster 
nobility of spirit; and work with resolution, so as ye may en- 
hance the innate glory of the Imperial State and keep pace 
with the progress of the world. 

This is perhaps the most significant statement of the 
real attitude of the Emperor and the Japanese Govern- 
ment after the defeat of Japan became certain. It was 
made before the American forces landed in Japan, and 
when the Emperor consequently retained some degree of 
freedom. In my own view, the weeks between the day 
when the Japanese Government decided to surrender and 
the day on which the Occupation forces landed were of 
incalculable historical importance. It is my firm belief, 
though I cannot produce documentary evidence to support 
it, that during this brief breathing space the rulers of 
Japan quietly agreed upon the strategy and tactics they 
would follow during the Occupation period. There were 
to be two keynotes of this strategy: complete outward com- 
pliance with the orders of the conquerors, combined with 
lasting spiritual resistance to the conqueror's will. 

Whether or not this version of happenings at the time 
of the surrender is accepted, the Rescript contains within 
itself considerable interest. It will be noticed that it makes 
no reference to surrender. The Emperor has merely de- 
cided to "effect a settlement of the present situation." In 
conducting this course, the Emperor is striving for "the 
common prosperity and happiness of all nations." There 

4 8 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

follows a strangely brazen attempt to justify Japan's aggres- 
sion. The Emperor declared war from his "sincere desire 
to ensure Japan's self-preservation and the stabilization 
of East Asia." There is no suggestion that Japan has been 
forced to the point of unconditional surrender. Rather the 
"war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan's 
advantage." The Emperor expressed his deep sense of 
regret to the nations of East Asia that were forced to ally 
themselves with Japan, since they had "consistently co- 
operated with the. Empire towards the emancipation of 
East Asia." And, lastly, there is the statement that the 
acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration enables Japan "to 
safeguard and maintain the structure of the Imperial 

In my view, the Emperor expressed in this Rescript 
more of his real mind than it has been opportune for him 
to express since the arrival of the Occupation forces. The 
Rescript gives no hint of any change of heart or mind. 

The public debate continues on whether Hirohito can 
justly be regarded as guilty of the kind of crimes for which 
Japan's political and military leaders were tried by the 
International Military Tribunal for the Far East. This 
jguestion hinges on whether we believe that before and 
during the war the Emperor's political position in Japan 
prevented him from exercising any effective influence over 
his advisers. It seems to me clear that he did exercise some 
real influence, though it seems nearly impossible for the 
foreign observer to know what degree of influence he was 
able to exercise on particular occasions. I think it is sig- 
nificant that the wartime rulers of Japan should be so 
insistent that the Emperor was free of all responsibility 
for aggression. Yet a careful reading of the diaries of 
Prince Konoye and of the Marquis Kido, and of the evi- 
dence in defense of General Tojo, seems to me to provide 
dear evidence that the Emperor was a party, though some- 

Mate Japanese Instruments of Control 49 

times a reluctant and subordinate party, to actions which 
are now considered as war crimes. It may be true that at 
the critical meetings in the last quarter of 1941 the Em- 
peror always sought to break the deadlock with the United 
States by diplomatic negotiation rather than by resort to 
arms. Yet he allowed himself to be swayed by his advisers, 
and thereafter contributed to the efforts of the Govern- 
ment to work the Japanese people up into a fighting mood. 
While there may be little evidence that he played a posi- 
tive role in the decision to make war, failure to act is some- 
times as culpable as positive action. 

If Allied public opinion today accepts the thesis that the 
Emperor was a helpless pawn in 1941, 1 think it is difficult 
to give him credit for the part he played in bringing about 
Japan's surrender. There is a tendency among some people 
to insist that the Allies should feel great gratitude to the 
Emperor for having brought the war to an end at a time 
which saved the lives of numberless Allied soldiers. Un- 
doubtedly this is the response which the Emperor and his 
friends wish to produce. It seems to me quite inconsistent 
with the available facts. 1 

1 1 believe that the real part played by the Emperor before and during 
the war has been accurately described by Mr. T. A. Bisson in the following 
passages: "As to the Emperor's influence with respect to aggression and 
territorial aggrandizement, no elaboration need be made. He supplies the 
tribal ideology which knits the coalition together, with its unrivaled 
motivation of the 'sacred mission' of a 'master race/ The aggressive 
instincts of Japan's dominant groups are buttressed by a divine impera- 
tive: to extend the "benevolent sway* of the Emperor over previously 
unfavored regions. Under these conditions, with an Imperial influence 
tending invariably in a given direction, the effort sometimes made to 
pass off the Emperor as a puppet without political responsibility of any 
kind, or as an institution which can be directed towards good ends, hardly 
merits serious consideration. To regard the Emperor system as something 
which is by nature politically neutral and can be used for good or ill, as 
if it were some inanimate object like a pistol, in which inhere no social 
values, but which takes on such significance only when it is used, is a 
gross misunderstanding of its history. In the complexities of Japanese 
social development the institution of the Emperor has inevitably given the 
Japanese State structure a certain bias which has predisposed it to the side 
of reaction." Pacific Affairs, December, 1944. P- 399- 

go Japan-Enemy or Ally? 

The Emperor system in Japan has been a dynamic 
fusion o patriotism and religion or, to put it more bluntly, 
of tribal ideology and superstition. The task of the Allies 
was to purge this system of militarism and feudalism, and, 
so far as possible, of superstition. If the Emperor were to 
be retained it was essential that he be humanized. The god 
was to become a man, the sovereign a symbol, the warrior 
a man of peace. This was an ambitious project, yet there 
was some historical evidence to suggest that it might be 
feasible. Sir George Sansom has pointed out that, despite 
the halo of sanctity that is supposed to have surrounded 
the Emperor from earliest times, no nation has treated its 
titular rulers so cavalierly as the Japanese. The history of 
Japan is strewn with emperors forced to abdicate, emperors 
exiled and emperors slain. Between the eighth and the 
nineteenth centuries even the religious functions of the 
emperors made little impact on the life of the nation. 

The kind of emperor worship we have witnessed in 
Japan during the last decades is a modern product. After 
the restoration of 1868 the rulers of Japan made tireless 
efforts to inculcate in the Japanese people the belief in 
imperial divinity as the first article of faith. During the 
life of the Emperor Meiji his rescripts were treated as holy 
writ. In schools and public offices there was compulsory 
worship of his portrait In moments of national crisis the 
leading statesmen and generals did obeisance to the im- 
perial ancestors at the Shrine of Ise. This elaborate build- 
up of the Son of Heaven, with his divine mission to rule 
the world, was greatly aided by Japan's victories in war 
and by the spectacular development of her industries and 
increase in her wealth. The defeat of China in 1895, with 
the annexation of Formosa; the defeat of Russia in 1905, 
with the annexation of Korea, fostered the myth of imperial 
invincibility. Yet these were all very recent developments 
in the long history of Japan* It was hoped that the over- 

Japanese Instruments of Control 51 

whelming defeat of Japan in 1945 would, in destroying the 
myth of invincibility, make it possible to destroy the asso- 
ciated myths. 

It was, therefore, natural that observers in Allied coun- 
tries should have attached great importance to Hirohito's 
message to the people on New Year's Day, 1946, when he 
"voluntarily" renounced divinity. The Emperor said: 

The ties between us and the people have always stood upon 
mutual trust and affection. They do not depend upon mere 
religion and myths. They are not predicated on the false as- 
sumption that the Emperor is divine, and that the Japanese 
people are superior to other races and fated to rule the world. 

The new Constitution provides that the Emperor's 
powers shall be reduced to those of a constitutional mon- 
arch. This is, undoubtedly, a revolutionary change in 
Japan's constitutional structure. The Meiji Constitution 
was the gift of the Emperor to his people. Under the Meiji 
Constitution the Emperor was the absolute sovereign. It 
was only possible to amend it at the Emperor's initiative, 
and it was perhaps, therefore, not surprising that it was 
never amended. The following articles illustrate the place 
this Constitution gave the Emperor. "The Emperor is 
sacred and inviolable" (Article 3). "The Emperor is Head 
of the Empire, combining in himself the rights of sov- 
ereignty and exercising them according to the provisions 
of the present Constitution" (Article 4). "The Emperor 
gives sanction to the laws and orders ... to be promulgated 
and executed" (Article 6). The prerogatives of the Em- 
peror as the Supreme Commander of the Army and Navy 
were defined in Articles 11 and 12. Although no mention 
was made there of the way in which that prerogative was 
to be exercised, the general burden of the Constitution 
and the authoritative commentaries on it showed that 
there was no intention to place the control of the armed 

52 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

forces under the civilian government. This was one of the 
most dangerous features of this Constitution of 1889. 

The new Constitution makes a complete change in the 
Emperor's status and powers. It provides that he can act 
only on the advice of the Cabinet, which is, in turn, re- 
sponsible to a Diet elected by universal suffrage. "The 
Emperor shall be symbol of the state and of the unity of 
the people, deriving his position from the sovereign will 
of the people" (Article i). "The Emperor shall perform 
only such acts in matters of state as are provided for in 
this Constitution, and he shall not have powers related to 
government" (Article 4). The few functions left to the 
Emperor by the new Constitution are formal and cere- 
monial. This is the purpose of the distinction between 
"acts in matters of state" and "powers related to the gov- 
ernment"; he may perform such "acts in matters of state" 
as the Constitution provides, but "all powers related to the 
government are denied him." 

The nature of the debate on the draft Constitution, in 
both the House of Representatives and the House of Peers, 
indicated that many Diet Members were deeply perturbed 
at the way in which the draft sought to undermine the 
Emperor system. There was no feature of the new Consti- 
tution which aroused anything like the same interest or 
concern. Tokujiro Kanamori, the Minister of State in 
charge of the Constitutional debate, found himself in 
constant difficulties. His last line of defense in the face 
of conservative critics was the curious argument that, 
because the Emperor and the people were really one 
and always had been, sovereignty continued to reside in 
the Emperor, as well as the people, for the two were one 
and inseparable. 

Whether ,the new Constitution brings about a real, and 
not merely a temporary, legal change in the Emperor's 
position depends at bottom upon the seriousness with 

Japanese Instruments of Control 53 

which the Japanese people regard this document. The 
draft which the Japanese Government presented to the 
Diet bore all the marks of Western political ideas and a 
very strong American influence. There was no doubt that 
most educated Japanese regarded it as alien to the Japanese 
spirit. Premier Yoshida repeatedly warned the Diet that 
it was essential to adopt the Government's draft "in the 
exigencies of the present international situation" and "be- 
cause of the feelings of the Allied countries." He begged 
the Diet to remember that "the Japanese Government, 
because of its present position, is subject to restrictions on 
its policies." He insisted that the new Constitution did 
not, despite appearances, mean a sharp break with the past. 
It was not to be assumed that it brought democracy to 
Japan for the first time. The charter oaths of the Emperor 
Meiji fully expressed the spirit of democracy. The new 
Constitution simply expressed it in a new form. Above all, 
it did not mean any change in the "national character," 
and the national character meant that the Emperor, who 
comes of the imperial line, "unbroken for ages eternal," 
still forms the center of the unity of the people. 

I think it was significant that the day the Japanese Gov- 
ernment chose for inaugurating the Constitution, which 
was to strip the Emperor of all political power and 
separate religion from the state, was Meiji Day, and that 
the Emperor's first act that day was to report on this strange 
event to his ancestors at the three main shrines in the 
Palace precincts. Later a great rally of citizens was or- 
ganized on the Imperial Plaza. After the crowd had lis- 
tened below the Palace to speeches by political leaders 
explaining the significance of the new Constitution, the 
national anthem was sung. Suddenly the imperial carriage 
was seen crossing the bridge over the moat. The Emperor 
was arriving. The crowd shouted itself hoarse in a fever 
of devotion. Allied newspapermen present told me they 

g 4 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

had never heard such banzais since the death charges of 
the war. When, after two minutes, the Emperor withdrew, 
the crowd surged after him, treading many underfoot in 
their excitement. Priests beat their drums to ward off evil 
spirits. For hours afterwards the crowd filed over the dais 
for the honor of treading where the Emperor had trod. 

Since early 1946, the Emperor has visited a number of 
prefectures outside Tokyo. He usually appears in slightly 
threadbare civilian clothes, and moves about in a shy way, 
as though he were perpetually startled. The reports of his 
exchanges with the common people seem to the Westerner 
to be strangely drab and meaningless. Yet these appear- 
ances have aroused turbulent and overwhelming popular 
enthusiasm. It is often necessary for the Occupation forces 
to come to the aid of the Japanese police to protect the 
Emperor from the consequences of his subjects' reverence. 
In whatever way open to him, Hirohito seems anxious to 
foster and maintain a sense of national unity and tradition 
amongst the Japanese people. It is the custom each year 
for him to prescribe a subject for a poem for the Imperial 
New Year Poetry Competition. For the New Year of 1946 
the subject selected was "Snow on the Pine." The people 
were thereby invited to contemplate the tree they loved 
so much, the tree which bends under the winter's burden 
of snow, but never breaks. The Emperor himself wrote a 
verse appealing to the people to emulate the pine tree. 

It is difficult for the foreign observer to assess the im- 
pact of these changes in the position and habits of the 
Emperor on the minds of the Japanese people. So far as 
I could discover, when the Emperor disclaimed divinity, 
this created an immense impression in Allied countries 
but hardly any impression in Japan. Experts on Japan 
have pointed out that divinity means something quite dif- 
ferent to the Japanese from what it means to Westerners. 
Moreover, the educated Japanese never took the doctrine 

Japanese Instruments of Control 55 

of imperial divinity with literal seriousness. It is well to 
remember that in Japan it is considered good form for a 
public speaker to end his address, no matter how eloquent 
and able it may have been, with an apology to his audience 
for having wearied it with so many stupid ideas, presented 
in such halting and stumbling words. It is, therefore, pos- 
sible that many Japanese regarded the Emperor's dis- 
claimer as a superlative example of the self-deprecatory 
statement that is part of good manners in Japan. 

It is my strong impression, despite all efforts at democ- 
ratization, that the Emperor is still the political sovereign 
and still the Son of Heaven in the hearts and minds of 
the overwhelming majority of the Japanese people. I 
think it probable that his real political power is even 
stronger than before the war. He is all the Japanese people 
have to hold on to. They have lost their empire and their 
fighting forces. The wartime political leaders are dis- 
credited by failure. The Emperor alone remains. He is the 
divine ruler, who preserves their national unity and who 
will restore that leadership among nations that has been 
temporarily lost through the blundering of their generals 
and the overwhelming material resources of the United 

The Japanese are an adaptable people, with a great 
facility for compromise. It may be that they will come to 
think of the Emperor in much the same way as the British 
people have come to think about the King. But an attempt 
to graft a Western concept on an Eastern mind is a ticklish 
operation. I think it useful to remember the circumstances 
in which the Emperor was restored to dignity and power 
in 1868. The Satsumo and Choshu dans engineered the 
restoration and set out to persuade the people that the 
Emperor was divine and infallible, because they felt that 
this was the most likely means by which they could assert 
and maintain supremacy over other rival dans. The Em- 

5 6 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

peror system was to be the facade behind which they ruled 
Japan. We need to be wary today lest those conservative 
groups that are so anxious to protect the Emperor system 
are not merely hoping to exploit the Emperor's new 
human and democratic attributes in the same way that the 
Satsumo and Choshu clans tried to exploit the Emperor 
Meiji's divine attributes. A feudal system could hardly 
have a more acceptable front than a human and democratic 

Cabinet and Parliament 

If the new Constitution strips the Emperor of all po- 
litical authority, it is in order to give to a Cabinet respon- 
sible to a freely elected Diet supreme executive power. 
It is through the Japanese Government that General Mac- 
Arthur has ruled Japan, and it is likely to remain an 
indispensable instrument of Allied control after the peace 
settlement. A great deal will, therefore, depend on the 
political outlook and capacity for leadership and organiza- 
tion possessed by Japan's leaders. 

In this chapter I shall discuss only the Yoshida and 
Katayama Governments. They have been the product of 
free Parliamentary elections. The earlier post-surrender 
Governments had been too obviously tainted by their war- 
time inheritance to be adaptable to political life under the 

The election of April 10, 1946, was a notable event. 
SCAP had already produced striking changes in the po- 
litical scene. The Great Japan Political Association, which 
claimed 377 out of 466 Members of the House of Repre- 
sentatives at the time of the surrender, had been dissolved 
in August 1945, The "Purge Directive" of January 4, 
1946, had ordered the abolition of all ultra-nationalist 
societies, and had debarred about 200,000 persons from 

Japanese Instruments of Control 57 

public life. Consequently, only about 50 Members of the 
former House of Representatives were able to stand in the 
election of April 1946. The more conservative parties were 
particularly hard hit by the purge. Meanwhile the Com- 
munists had been freed from prison and the Communist 
Party was given full freedom to organize and campaign. 
Women had been given the vote and the right to stand 
for Parliament. The voting age had been reduced from 
25 to 20. In all these circumstances, it was natural that 
the election should have aroused world-wide interest. Yet 
polling day was remarkably free from excitement or 
drama. The impression I formed in the polling booths I 
visited in Tokyo was of quietness and order. Men and 
women moved through the booths in endless lines and 
seemed to be performing a drab routine according to in- 
structions. The Emperor and General MacArthur wanted 
them to vote, and so, of course, they voted. I saw no 
faces shining with a sense of exhilaration at this new free- 
dom. Yet the conditions of polling were undoubtedly quite 
new. There were no police or officials to exercise open 
intimidation. No charges of improper pressure on the 
voters were brought to SGAP's notice by any parties or 
defeated candidates. It would be unrealistic to suppose that 
there were no such pressures. But this was, nevertheless, 
certainly the freest election in Japan's history. 

Voting was not compulsory, yet polling was heavy by 
American or British standards 78.5 per cent of the men, 
67.1 per cent of the women enrolled. The election pro- 
duced a House of Representatives with the following dis- 
tribution of parties: Liberals, 140; Progressives, 93; Social 
Democrats, 92; Cooperatives, 14; Communists, 5; Minor 
Parties, 38; Independents, 8*. The Liberals and Progres- . 
sives, despite their names, were the most conservative 
parties in Japan. Neither party was either liberal or pro- 
gressive by British or American standards. The differences 

58 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

between these Right-wing parties were mainly due to 
group and personal rivalries. The Social Democrats avow 
socialist objectives. The party is sharply divided into Right 
and Left wing. About three-quarters of the Social Demo- 
crat members of Parliament belong to the Right wing, and 
seemingly regard socialism as part of the theory, rather 
than the practice, of politics. Nearly all the Independents, 
and most of the members of the minor parties, could be 
safely classed as conservative. Hence, despite the increase 
in the number of Social Democrats from 17 to 92, free 
elections produced a Diet that was fundamentally con- 
servative. This was recognized by SCAP, which summarized 
the election results as follows: 

In general terms the basic issue may be discerned between 
the older political forces, chiefly represented by the Progressive 
and Liberal parties, and the new element, represented by the 
Socialists and Communists. All parties recognized the need for 
change. The Progressives and Liberals would limit the scope 
and temper, while the Socialists and Communists would move 
more rapidly towards fundamental reforms. Seen in this light, 
the election represents a victory, possibly temporary, for the 
more conservative forces in Japanese civilian life. 2 

After six weeks of party maneuvering, the Yoshida Cabi- 
net was installed on May 22, based on a coalition of Lib- 
erals and Progressives. Mr. Shiguru Yoshida was an out- 
standing member of the Japanese group of intellectuals 
commonly described before the war as "liberals." There 
was a widespread absence of enthusiasm for the new Cabi- 
net. Most of its members were aging and weary men (their 
average age was 61), retrieved from obscurity because more 
able and vivid figures were either unwilling to accept re- 
sponsibility at this time or had been debarred from office 
by the purge directive. It soon became apparent that this 
Government could hardly provide the united leadership, 

* Summary of Non-Military Actwitiw, April 1946. 

Japanese Instruments of Control 59 

initiative and vitality so badly needed to remake Japan. 
Yet nothing in the election appeals of the Liberal or Pro- 
gressive parties had foreshadowed quite how nerveless and 
hesitant, nor quite how conservative the Yoshida Cabinet 
would prove to be. 

The basic weakness in the Yoshida Government's policy 
was that it was unwilling or unable to impose direct con- 
trols over productive resources. At the end of the war Japa- 
nese industry was in a run-down condition. Capital equip- 
ment had deteriorated through lack of maintenance and 
some had been destroyed in air raids. Production of key 
raw materials had been falling for two years. It was essen- 
tial that capital equipment should be reconstructed and 
repaired and the output of basic raw materials revived, as 
the necessary basis for any permanent recovery. This was 
particularly so in the coal industry, where mines and plant 
had been badly overworked. Transport equipment, such 
as railway rolling stock, was also in a poor state. Industrial 
efficiency generally was at a low ebb. 

Such a program required the mobilization of all avail- 
able resources, and would only have been possible with the 
strictest control over the distribution of raw materials, the 
rationing of major consumption goods and the prohibition 
of unessential production. On the financial side, balanced 
budget, high taxation and control over wages and prices 
would have been necessary. It was a case of husbanding 
Japan's scarce resources for the rebuilding of its industrial 
machine. Individual initiative was weak. There was, there- 
fore, a strong case for the Government's taking over the 
control of certain basic industries, not necessarily perma- 
nently, to mobilize resources for their reconstruction where 
ordinary commercial incentives might have been too weak 
and uncertain a motive. 

For the first two or three months after the surrender the 
Government's authority was weak, and little in the way of 

60 Japans-Enemy or Ally? 

firm control could have been expected. Early in 1946, how- 
ever, especially after the general election, conditions were 
more favorable, and an attempt might have been made to 
exert firm control to avert the dissipation of valuable re- 
sources in production which would not contribute to per- 
manent recovery, and to provide a basis for effective finan- 
cial controls. 

The Yoshida Government, however, did not take this 
opportunity, but placed its faith in the operation of ordi- 
nary commercial incentives within a framework of limited 
and weakly-applied controls and in its own financial policy, 
The effect of this policy was to provoke inflation and to 
delay industrial reconstruction by allowing resources to be 
drawn away from the basic and essential consumption goods 
industries to unessential production. 

The Yoshida Government's policy mainly expressed the 
economic philosophy of Mr. Tanzan Ishibashi, the Finance 
Minister, who was a firm believer in free enterprise, and 
appeared to put complete trust in the adequacy of the 
profit motive in all circumstances. 

Meanwhile, the American economists in GHQ were in 
private becoming increasingly alarmed at the Japanese Gov- 
ernment's incapacity to control the worsening economic 
situation. Yet in public the representatives of GHQ con- 
tinued to compliment the Yoshida Government on its as- 
pirations and achievements. However, by March 1947, after 
the Yoshida Cabinet had for ten months been showing that 
it had neither the will nor capacity to do what was necesr 
sary, General MacArthur staged a personal intervention of 
a surprising and significant kind. On March sa he wrote to 
Mr. Yoshida; at the Allied Council meeting of April 2 he 
not only asked for advice ou the best way to stabilize wages 
and prices, his Chief of Staff, Major-General Paul Mueller, 
sent a Minute to the Council, which elaborated the thesis 

Japanese Instruments of Control 61 

of the MacArthur letter, and Dr. Sherwood Fine, the senior 
economist in GHQ, gave the Council his views of the eco- 
nomic situation and what the Government should do to 
meet it. 

General MacArthur's letter was courteous and restrained, 
but made it quite clear that GHQ was deeply dissatisfied 
with the Japanese Government's failure to take essential 
steps to protect and restore the economy. After discussing 
food as an example of the need for more effective Govern- 
ment action, the letter went on: 

At this time I wish to call to your attention Directive No. 3, 
which I issued to the Imperial Japanese Government on Sep- 
tember 22, 1945. This directive made it the responsibility of 
the Japanese Government to maintain a firm control over 
wages and prices, and to initiate and maintain a strict ration- 
ing program for essential commodities in short supply, as well 
as to ensure that such commodities are equally distributed. It 
is imperative that the Japanese Government carry out this re- 
sponsibility to the Japanese people. The Allied Powers, of 
course, are under no obligation to maintain, or to have main- 
tained, any particular standard of living in Japan, nor is there 
any responsibility to import foodstuffs to meet deficits arising 
from the failure of Japan to assure the just and efficient dis- 
tribution of its own food supplies. 

The food problem, though basic to the peaceful reconstruct 
tion of Japan, is not an isolated phenomenon, but is on the 
contrary only one part of the over-all problem of economic 
stabilization which includes the additional factors of increased 
production of raw materials and industrial products, stabilized 
wages and prices, maximum exports, and sound public finance. 
By the same token, black marketing of food and failure to 
realize full collections are only two manifestations of general 
maldistribution. These problems are so inextricably interwoven 
that it is not practical to think in terms of a solution for one 
independent of the others. What is required is an integrated 
approach across the entire economic front Accordingly, it is 
essential that the Japanese Government, through the Economic 
Stabilization Board, which was created for this purpose, take 
early and vigorous steps to develop and implement the inte- 

62 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

grated series of economic and financial controls which the cur- 
rent situation demands. 3 These economic objectives are na- 
tional in scope, transcending the special interests of any group, 
and, therefore, should be non-partisan. Unless determined 
measures are undertaken at once by the Japanese Government, 
the inflationary condition of the economy, together with its 
attendant maldistribution of food and other necessities, will 
become increasingly serious, industrial recovery will be fur- 
ther retarded, and the achievement of the social and political 
objectives, toward which the Japanese people have made such 
an encouraging start, will be endangered. 

The social and economic welfare of Japan will depend largely 
on Japan's own efforts in the redirection of its human and nat- 
ural resources to peaceful living, and upon competent public 
administration of democratic and effective economic controls. 
Aid to Japan cannot be expected upon a scale sufficiently great 
to overcome maldistribution and inflation within Japan. Out- 
side assistance is contingent upon full utilization of indigenous 
resources, which is entirely a responsibility of the Japanese 

In explaining the situation to the Allied Council, Dr. 
Fine expressed more bluntly GHQ's dissatisfaction. He 
said, inter alia: 

As indicated in our partial staff study, we are not without 
experience in trying to effectuate economic controls with the 
Japanese Government responsible for implementation. How- 
ever, we are forthright in admitting that we are quite dissatis- 
fied with the results realized. 4 

The overt intervention by General MacArthur and senior 
officers of GHQ was significant for two reasons: it was a 
public statement of SCAP's dissatisfaction with its main 

My Italics.-W. M. B. 

* Minutes of Allied Council for Japan, sgth Meeting, p. 15. It was 
at this meeting of the Allied Council that, after giving my fullest support 
to the line taken in General MacArthur's letter, I said that the Chief of 
Staffs Minute was "a most disquieting record of continuous failure." 
The context should have made it quite dear that I was referring to the 
continuous failure of the Japanese Government, not the continuous failure 
of General MacArthur, as reported in a section of the press. 

Japanese Instruments of Control 63 

and indispensable instrument for pursuing the aim of the 
Occupation the Japanese Government; and it was an un- 
equivocal statement of SCAFs belief that in the existing 
situation it was essential that "free enterprise" 'should be 
replaced by a directed economy. 

It may be worth while to speculate why SCAP delayed 
so long in rebuking the Yoshida Government for its inac- 
tivity and instructing it to take firm and comprehensive 
control measures. One reason may have been the tendency, 
which I repeatedly noticed, of the senior soldiers in GHQ 
to try to shield the Supreme Commander from gaining offi- 
cial knowledge of what was unpleasant. Being untrained 
themselves in economics or public administration, these 
officers may have failed to appreciate the seriousness of the 
economic trends, and, therefore, failed to give due weight 
to the warnings of those civilian subordinates who were 
well aware of what was going on. It may have been, too, 
that General MacArthur was reluctant to instruct the Japa- 
nese authorities to carry out the sort of policy that would 
be difficult to harmonize with his own "individualist" out- 
look on economic questions, even though the controls he 
directed were only to meet a temporary emergency. Finally, 
it was normally the considered policy of SCAP to avoid 
publicity in putting pressure on the Japanese Government. 

To make a sound appraisal of the Allies' chosen instru- 
mentthe Japanese Government it is very important to 
remember SCAP's deliberate decision, after the issue of the 
basic directives in the first months of the Occupation, nor- 
mally to guide and control the Japanese authorities behind 
closed doors. To forget this may mislead us seriously, for 
we may assume that a number of liberal and reform meas- 
ures sprang from Japanese initiative, not from the advice 
or direction of GHQ. And this would often give us a false 
picture of the outlook and aspirations of Japan's political 
leaders. We should appreciate the solid and disinterested 

64 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

reason that made General MacArthur decide to do good 
by stealth. One of his primary tasks was to educate the 
Japanese in the habits of responsible government. That 
meant they must respect the authority of their freely-elected 
Parliament and the Cabinet responsible to it. The Gov- 
ernment would almost certainly lose face if the people 
came to regard it merely as a body set up to take orders 
from SCAP. Moreover, if the Government's policies were 
ostensibly the expression of its own will it might be ex- 
pected to make greater efforts to administer them efficiently 
than if they were publicly recognized as SCAP decisions. 
Lastly, some future Japanese Government might find it 
easier to repudiate the reforms during the Occupation if 
they could be stigmatized as the mere imposition of the 
conquerors' will. For all these reasons, SCAP's direction 
of the Japanese has normally been carried out secretly. 
GHQ officers have tried to persuade and induce, rather 
than compel. Yet the Japanese have recognized that Gen- 
eral MacArthur has force in reserve, and they have, there- 
fore, shown sensible compliance. Explicit disagreement or 
overt opposition have been excluded from the tactics of 

When all has been said in favor of private pressure against 
public compulsion, it is a technique possessing certain dis- 
advantages and dangers. SCAP's hand is never completely 
concealed. The Japanese political leaders know what hap 
pens and they tend to discuss freely in private, sometimes 
with resigned good humor, sometimes with bitterness, their 
subservience to "requests" of GHQ. The sense of respon- 
sibility which General MacArthur has been trying hard to 
inculcate does not seem to develop. Instead die Japanese 
atutu4e is, "Well, let's leave it to SGAP. SCAP will de- 
cide anyhow, so let us not worry too much about it at 

Japanese Instruments of Control 65 

During the course of a Diet session the officers of GHQ 
would industriously work out drafts of desirable legisla- 
tion in many fields. As the session wrangled along its 
course, it would be observed that the tempo of legislation 
was slow. There would be insistent prodding by GHQ. 
And in response the Diet would "process" at breakneck 
speed a series of measures which sometimes bore in every 
line the mark of American authorship. Once these meas- 
ures had been made law, the Japanese Government tended 
to feel that it could relax again. Perhaps it realized that 
it is not legislation, but administration, that gives life to 
a law. 

The chief danger of the policy of concealing SCAT 
pressure is that it may seriously mislead some Allied peace 
makers in their decisions on the sort of controls that 
should be established after the settlement. Anyone who 
relied exclusively on the official reports of the activities 
of the Japanese Government and Diet under the Occupa- 
tion would have immense difficulty in reaching a true 
view of the outlook of these bodies. In conformity with 
the policy of concealed pressure, these reports record a 
number of liberal and reform measures in a way that 
implies they were spontaneous. "After a free and compre- 
hensive debate the House of Representatives, by almost 
unanimous vote, adopted the following amendment to the 
Bill." Or, "Despite its previous disagreements, the Cabinet 
at yesterday's meeting reached complete agreement on the 
measures it should take." 

It is perhaps not desirable to give prominence to specific 
instances, but anyone officially associated with the Occupa- 
tion knows that on many important occasions the "una- 
nimity" in the Diet or the "final agreement" in the 
Cabinet was the simple result of a firm instruction issued 
privately by SCAP, sometimes on his own initiative and 

66 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

sometimes in carrying out an explicit directive from 

It may be thought that, in emphasizing the difficulties' 
that have faced SCAP, and that are likely to face the 
future Allied control body, in working through a Japanese 
Government, I am failing to give due credit to Japanese 
cooperation or to recognize the liberal-mindedness of 
some of Japan's postwar leaders. I try to avoid that error 
of judgment. I met and had very happy social relations 
with Mr. Yoshida and some of his senior colleagues. Mr. 
Yoshida himself has a fine record of resistance to the 
"militarists." I am sure that he and his close associates 
sincerely desire good relations with the United States and 
British Commonwealth. I can express my feelings towards 
the significance of men like Mr. Yoshida and Mr. Ashida 
and Mr. Katayama and their "liberal" trend by quoting 
three passages from a chapter entitled "Japanese Liberals" 
from Japan in Defeat: 5 

(i) Perhaps in every country motives of patriotism come first. 
It is probably wrong to speak of, say, a French statesman as a 
friend of England; he is, first and foremost, a French states- 
man, but one who is susceptible to the argument that good 
relations with Britain are conducive to the interests of France. 
This is true in a far higher degree in Japan, since patriotism 
is for the Japanese a religion in itself. A European statesman 
is aware of the brotherhood of man, of the principles of right 
and wrong, universal in their application, and has an abstract 
sense of justice, before which all men are alike. He may not 
always act upon these principles. He may turn them to the 
patriotic end in view, but he is aware of them and influenced 
by them the whole time. The Japanese, on the other hand, 
have little conception of right and wrong as standards by which 
the conduct of all mankind is judged; to them whatever con- 
duces to the greater glory of Japan is right. The Japanese 
statesman is, therefore, unencumbered by the scruples which 

Japan in Defeat. Report by a Chatham House Study Group. Oxford 
University Press, N. Y. and London, 1945, 

Japanese Instruments of Control 67 

beset European statesmen. He comes direct to the point and 
means to achieve the end are justified, provided they show 
some probability of success. 

(2) The decade following the last war, therefore, saw the 
emergence in Japan of democratically-minded statesmen. Such 
statesmen were picked for their sincere advocacy of democracy 
by the committees behind the scenes, and, in particular, by the 
Genro, in order to try out this experiment. The scene to be 
presented to the world was to be in conformity with the pre- 
vailing democratic lines. The facade was to be democratic; the 
interior was, at the same time, to remain true to Japanese tra- 
ditional conceptions. The politicians themselves were probably 
sincere, but they were manipulated and never did they sink 
the aims of Japan in visions of the brotherhood of man or the 
comity of nations. They attempted to see how democracy would 
work; they attempted to probe the possibilities of peaceful 
penetration, as opposed to military aggression. 

(3) It is highly probable that the Japanese will dress their 
window at least partially in democratic fashion. Liberal ele- 
ments will be of use; they will be used. Their influence will 
not be as individuals, but as instruments. Once again this will 
not necessarily imply a change of heart, but only a change of 
dress. The frock coat will replace the military tunic, but the 
body will remain the same. 

It would be a mistake to assume that all, or most, 
Japanese postwar political leaders are liberals. Indeed, the 
election of April 1946 and the formation of the Yoshida 
Cabinet both revealed how men who were previously as- 
sociated with the militarists still held powerful places in 
Japan's politics. In these free elections, Ichiro Hatoyama, 
the President of the Liberal Party, received a greater 
plurality of votes than any other candidate, and his party 
became the leading party in the new Diet. Shidehara, the 
retiring Prime Minister, decided to recommend Hatoyama 
as the new Prime Minister, and Hatoyama accordingly had 
a preliminary audience with the Emperor. But already 
some pertinacious Allied newspapermen had been investi- 
gating Hatoyama's antecedents. Their reports prompted 

68 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

GHQ to make enquiries and then to disqualify Hatoyama 
from public life. 6 

It was surely interesting that a man with Hatoyama's 
record should have been the most successful candidate and 
most successful party leader at the first free elections in 

After his disqualification, Hatoyama continued to take 

*The directive barring Hatoyama, dated May 3, gave the reason for 
his removal as follows: 

"i. Under the memorandum of January 4, 1946, 'Removal and Exclusion 
of Undesirable Personnel from Public Office' (SCAPIN 550), the Japanese 
Government was directed to disqualify any candidate for the Diet who 
had deceived and misled the people of Japan within the spirit and letter 
of that directive. 

"s. After the election on April 10, 1946, the Central Liaison Office was 
informed that the eligibility of one Ichiro Hatoyama (member-elect of the 
House of Representatives from the First Electoral District, Tokyo), to hold 
any public office being open to doubt in the light of evidence published 
subsequent to his screening by the Japanese Government, it was expected 
that his eligibility would be re-examined by the Government forthwith. 

"3. The Japanese Government, having failed to act on its own respon- 
sibility, the* Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers has determined 
the facts relative to Hatoyama's eligibility and finds that he is an un- 
desirable person within the meaning of paragraphs i and 5 of Category 
G,' Appendix 'A/ SCAPIN 550, in that: 

"a. As Chief Secretary of the Tanaka Cabinet from 1927 to 1929, he 
necessarily shares responsibility for the formulation and promulgation 
without Diet approval of amendments to the so-called Peace Preservation 
Law, which made that law the Government's chief legal instrument for 
the suppression of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, and made 
possible the denunciation, terrorization, seizure and imprisonment of tens 
of thousands of adherents to minority doctrines advocating political, eco- 
nomic and social reform, thereby preventing the development of effective 
opposition to the Japanese militaristic regime. 

"b. As Minister of Education from December 1931 to March 1934, he 
was responsible for stifling freedom of speech in the schools by means 
of mass dismissals and arrests of teachers suspected of 'Leftist' leanings 
or 'dangerous thoughts/ The dismissal, in May 1933, of Professor Taki- 
gawa from the faculty of Kyoto University on Hatoyama's personal order 
is a flagrant illustration of his contempt for the liberal tradition of aca- 
demic freedom, and gave momentum to the spiritual mobilization of 
Japan, which, under the aegis of the military and economic cliques, led 
the nation eventually into war. 

"c. Not only did Hatoyama participate in thus weaving the pattern of 
ruthlesa suppression of freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and free- 
dom of thought, but he also participated in the forced dissolution ol 
former-labor bodies. In addition, his endorsement of totalitarianism, 
specifically in its application to the regimentation and control of labor, 

Japanese Instruments of Control 69 

an active "unofficial" interest in politics and consulted 
privately with Cabinet Members. 

When Mr. Yoshida was forming his Cabinet he asked 
Chuzo Iwata to be Minister for Justice and Shiroshi Nasu 
Minister of Agriculture. SCAP barred both men for their 
past militarist activities. It was not until many months 
later that several other of Yoshida's Cabinet colleagues 
were dismissed from office under the Purge Directive, 

is a matter of record. His recommendation that 'it would be well* to 
transplant Hitlerite anti-labor devices to Japan reveals his innate antipathy 
to the democratic principle of the right of labor freely to organize and 
to bargain collectively through representatives of its own choice. It is a 
familiar technique of the totalitarian dictatorship, wherever situated, what- 
ever be its formal name, and however be it disguised, first to weaken and 
then to suppress the freedom of individuals to organize for mutual benefit. 
Whatever lip service Hatoyama may have rendered to the cause of par- 
liamentarianism, his sponsorship of the doctrine of regimentation of labor 
identifies him as a tool of the ultranationalistic interest which engineered 
the reorganization of Japan on a totalitarian economic basis, as a pre- 
requisite to its wars of aggression. 

"d. By words and deeds, he has consistently supported Japan's acts of 
aggression. In July, 1957, he traveled to America and Western Europe as 
personal emissary of the then Prime Minister Konoye to justify Japan's 
expansionist program. While abroad, he negotiated economic arrange- 
ments for supporting the war against China and the subsequent exploita- 
tion of that country after subjugation. With duplicity, Hatoyama told 
the British Prime Minister in 1937 that 'China cannot survive unless 
controlled by Japan,' and that the primary motive behind Japan's inter- 
vention in China involved the 'happiness of the Chinese people.' 

"e. Hatoyama has posed as an anti-militarist. But in a formal address, 
mailed to his constituents during the 194* election, in which he set forth 
his political credo, Hatoyama upheld the doctrine of territorial expansion 
by means of war, referred to the attack on Pearl Harbor as 'fortunately 
... a great victory/ stated as a fact that the true cause of the Manchuria 
and China 'incidents' was the anti-Japanese sentiment (in China) instigated 
by England and America, ridiculed those who in 19*8 **<* *9*9 had 
criticized the Tanaka Cabinet, boasted that that Cabinet had liquidated 
the [previous] weak-kneed diplomacy toward England and America/ and 
gloated that 'today the world policy drafted by the Tanaka Cabinet is 
steadily being realized.' This identification of himself with the notorious 
Tanaka policy of world conquest, whether genuine or merely opportun- 
istic, in and of itself brands Hatoyama as one of those who deceived and 
misled the people of Japan into militaristic misadventure. 

"4. Accordingly, in view of these and other considerations not herein 
recited, the Imperial Japanese Government is directed to bar Ichiro Hato- 
yama from membership in the Diet and to exclude him from Government 
service, pursuant to SCAPIN 550," GJELQ, Summation, May 1946. 

fjo Japan Enemy or Ally? 

including Yoshinara Kawai, Minister for Education; 
Tanzan Ishibashi, Minister of Finance; Keinosuke Zen, 
Head of the Economic Stabilization Board; and Tsunesiro 
Hiratsuka, Minister for Transportation. The Democratic 
Party, which replaced the Progressive Party in March 
1947, and later came into the Katayama Coalition Gov- 
ernment, met a serious reverse in the first weeks of its 
life when several of its most influential leaders were 
barred under the purge. The new party was formed on 
March 31, and by the end of April half of its Supreme 
Committee had been disqualified under the purge for 
their past activities or associations. The purgees were 
Yoshinari Kawai, Ken Inukai, Wataru Narahashi, and the 
Secretary-General, Takeshiga Ishigure. It may well be 
that the purge has sometimes been used by the Japanese 
screening committees for party purposes, and that some 
of the purged politicians have records no worse than those 
who have escaped disqualification. Some of the purgees 
may have come to regret their past policies. It is still 
significant that so many prominent political leaders of 
the Occupation period should be considered by GHQ or 
the Japanese Government's Screening Committee dis- 
qualified from public office owing to their past ultra- 
nationalistic or militarist activities. This strongly suggests 
that the historical continuity of the Japanese political out- 
look has not been broken. And it must be remembered 
that these men who have been purged have not been 
imprisoned or exiled. They usually remain active and 
influential behind the scenes. In Japan most important 
political decisions are made behind the scenes. 

The Katayama Government 

By the end of 1946 it was becoming clear that the 
authority of the Yoshida Government had become pre- 

Japanese Instruments of Control 71 

carious. It was the target for new assaults from three 
directions: from the political parties in Opposition, from 
the trade unions, and from the press. 

Until December 17, 1946, the Social Democrats, the 
leading Opposition party, with 99 House seats, maintained 
a tacit truce with the two Government parties. The 
liberals (with 148 seats) and the Progressives (with 111) 
had an absolute majority in a House of 464 members, 
but they, nevertheless, seemed to rely greatly on the tem- 
porary immunity the Social Democrats had granted them. 
However, the Social Democrats brought the truce to an 
abrupt end on December 17, when their leaders in Parlia- 
ment launched a no-confidence motion that was synchro- 
nized with street demonstrations demanding the immediate 
resignation of the Cabinet. The Social Democrats' attacks on 
Yoshida have been eagerly supported by the Cooperative" 
Democrats, with 45 House seats. 

In a New Year's Day broadcast, Yoshida expressed the 
view that labor disputes were fomented by lawless and 
irresponsible union leaders; that Japan could not survive 
without help; and that the Allies would hardly desire to 
continue to help an economy disrupted by strikes. This 
broadcast exacerbated the union resentment against the 
Premier and his Cabinet, and this resentment was built 
up into the threat of the "general" strike on February i. 

The more influential newspapers, which appeared to 
reflect moderate opinion, rapidly became more critical 
of the Yoshida Government. In a Nippon Times editorial 
it was stated that Yoshida's New Year's Day broadcast was 
"bound to enrage the labor elements" and that "the trend 
of the Yoshida Government to wage battle from a de- 
cidedly conservative position, therefore, seems unmistak- 
able" (January 9). The Mainichi, the Asahi, and the 
Tokyo Shimbun, with other papers, had been attacking 

72 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

the Yoshida Cabinet for its impotence and incapacity, its 
lack of good faith and its conservatism. 

Faced with this widespread hostility, Yoshida made 
repeated attempts to broaden the base of his support. In 
particular, he attempted, with the persistent private en- 
couragement of GHQ, to form a coalition with the Social 
Democrats. The last effort to get Social Democrat col- 
laboration failed on January 29. The Social Democrats 
insisted on the resignation of Ishibashi, the Finance 
Minister, as the first prerequisite for a coalition. Yoshida 
refused to sacrifice Ishibashi. The following day, January 
30, Mainichi made the following comment on this situa- 

It is clear that the position of the Finance Minister now is 
next in importance to that of the Premier, and it is only nat- 
ural that this post should become an important issue. But the 
fact that the final key to the political situation should now rest 
with the question of the Finance Minister* cannot fully be ex- 
plained merely by saying that his post is important. The prob- 
lem goes deeper than that. Why are the Liberals and Progres- 
sives ready to defend a Finance Minister, even at the risk of 
inviting a political crisis? And why are the Socialists concen- 
trating their attack on that one point? 

To put the matter in a nutshell, the struggle now going on 
is an offensive and resistance between the class that is profiting 
from the present inflation and the one that is suffering from 
it. This is the crux of the matter. We see no need of expound- 
ing a theory of inflation here, but it should be noticed that in- 
flation is decidedly profitable for capitalists and decidedly dam- 
aging to the working class. But it is clear that the main props 
of the Yoshida Cabinet are the capitalist class. From such a 
point of view, Finance Minister Ishibashi is the god of the 
dass that is profiting from the inflation. 

On January 31 Mr. Yoshida announced a Cabinet re- 
shuffle, which was primarily a shift further to the Right 
Meanwhile trade union militance had reached its highest 
point in the plan for a "general strike" on February i. It 

Japanese Instruments of Control 73 

seemed that some four million workers might be involved. 
This project was killed by General MacArthur's direct 
order. But nothing could give life or power to the Gov- 
ernment. Then, on February 7, General MacArthur wrote 
to Mr. Yoshida that there should be a fresh general elec- 
tion soon after the close of the Diet session. 

April 1947 was a month of elections. The Japanese 
people went to the polls four times during the month: to 
elect local governors, mayors and village chiefs; to elect 
the new national House of Councilors, which was to 
replace the House of Peers; to elect local legislators, and 
to elect a hew House of Representatives. Naturally most 
interest centered on this last election. 7 

Its most striking feature was the success of the Social 
Democratic Party, which increased its members from 98 
to 143, and became the first party in the House. Four 
weeks later Mr. Tetsu Katayama was elected Prime 
Minister by the Diet, and by June i after five weeks of 
party maneuvering formed a coalition Cabinet, based on 
the support of the Democrats and the People's Coopera- 

General MacArthur made two significant comments on 
these events. On April 27 he issued a statement on the 
general result of the elections. He pointed out that they 
were the last in preparation for the new Constitution, 
which reflected "one of the great spiritual reformations 
of mankind." He went on to say: 

7 Election of House of Representatives, April 25, 1947: 

Gain or Loss 

Social Democrats 145 +45 

Liberals - 13* 8 

Democrats (former Progressives) 126 19 

People's Cooperatives ..., 5 1 3* 

Communists ...., 4 2 

Minor Parties ' 18 +14 

Independents 12 -j- 3 

Total 466 

74 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

The basic issue before tie electorate was a selection between 
political philosophies. That of the totalitarian extreme Right 
had already been discredited and rejected for its responsibility 
for war and defeat and long suppression of the rights and 
liberties of the masses. On the other hand, that of the extreme 
Left, the Communistic philosophy, was still the issue, with its 
leaders strongly bidding for the popular support. Since the in- 
ception of the Occupation, when thousands of its adherents 
were freed from the stern suppression of prison cells, this phi- 
losophy and its leaders had been given the fullest liberty and 
freedom of political action in open and fair competition with 
democratic forces and beliefs. It thus had its full chance, and 
on the merits has failed. The Japanese people have firmly and 
decisively rejected its leadership and overwhelmingly have 
chosen a moderate course, sufficiently centered from either ex- 
treme to ensure the preservation of freedom and the enhance- 
ment of individual dignity. 8 

On May 24 the Supreme Commander made the follow- 
ing comment on Mr. Katayama's election as Prime 

It is significant, too, from a broad international viewpoint 
that three great Oriental countries now have men who embrace 
the Christian faith at the head of their Governments Chiang 
Kai-shek, in China, Manuel Roxas, in the Philippines, and 
Tetsu Katayama, in Japan. 

It bespeaks the steady advance of this sacred concept, estab- 
lishes with clarity and conviction that the peoples of the East 
and West can find common agreement in the spirituality of the 
human mind and offers hope for the ultimate erection of an 
invincible spiritual barrier against the infiltration of ideologies, 
which seek by suppression the way to power and advancement. 
This is human progress. 9 

^Summation of Non-Military Activities in Japan, April 1947. It seems 
likely that one of the reasons why the Communist Party lost some electoral 
support was that at this time the Truman doctrine was arousing intense 
interest in Japan. The opponents of Communism took every opportunity 
to drive it home that Japan could only expect American aid to the extent 
that she was a bulwark against the spread of Communism from East Asia. 
* Summation of Non-Military Activities in Japan, May 1947. 

Japanese Instruments of Control 75 

The Katayama Government not only had the sympathy 
and moral support of SCAP, but at the beginning ap- 
peared to have a wide support among the people. Yet it 
was already clear, on its formation, that it would not be 
able to carry out a socialist policy, and that it was doubtful 
whether it would be able to set up and enforce the 
economic control measures so urgently needed. 

Despite the electoral success of the Social Democrats, 
they were heavily outnumbered in the Diet. They held 
only one-quarter of the seats, and clearly conservative 
groups outnumbered them two to one. Indeed, the Social 
Democrats were in a minority of one in the Cabinet itself, 
in which they had eight members, the Democrats seven, 
and the Cooperatives two. Moreover, the other elections 
of April, particularly those for the executive heads of local 
governing bodies, had generally been conservative vic- 
tories, though in the local elections conservative candi- 
dates often ran as "independents." This meant that any 
radical control measures which the National Government 
might launch would be administered throughout the pre- 
fectures, cities and villages by officials who, in the 
majority, were conservatives and bureaucrats. 

In any case, the circumstances in which the Katayama 
Government was formed seemed to preclude it from the 
outset from effecting the firm and comprehensive controls 
which SCAP had told Mr. Yoshida were essential. Mr. 
Katayama was only able to scrape a Cabinet together by 
publicly jettisoning most of the radical and distinctive 
planks of his party. The Liberal Party had refused to 
support him unless he excluded all Left-wing members 
not merely from the Government, but from the party. 
Mr. Katayama was not able to agree to that, for, although 
the Left-wingers were perhaps less than a quarter of the 
Social Democrats' Diet strength, they gave the party its 
plurality. He did exclude them from the Cabinet. 

tjQ Japan Enemy or Ally? 

On May 12 the Social Democrats had adopted a six- 
point program to which both wings subscribed. It pro- 
vided for a "state-controlled economy" and "democratic 
state control of vital key industries." It was noteworthy 
that it did not include the suspension of interest on state 
bonds or the freezing of the new yen, two measures which 
the party had previously sponsored. The Social Democrats 
were clearly prepared to compromise in the effort to lead 
a Government. The Cooperatives responded by urging 
that key industries should be state-controlled "only when 
necessary." The Democrats supported the Cooperatives in 
this. Under pressure, the Social Democrats compromised 
further. They explained that the key industries to be 
controlled included only coal, steel, fertilizer, shipping 
and electric power. They had no intention of nationaliz- 
ing banking or insurance, or of putting them under state 
management. At last, in a desperate effort to get leader- 
ship in a Coalition Cabinet, the Social Democrats agreed 
with the Liberals, Democrats and Cooperatives to a ten- 
point "policy agreement." The Social Democrats agreed 
that there should be state management of key industries 
"only when necessary to effect a concentrated industrial 
policy for increasing production," that there should be 
financial controls "only when necessary," that the new 
yen would not be frozen or blocked, and that interest 
payments on war bonds should not be suspended. It will 
be seen that the Social Democrats had to water down their 
policy to an extent that made it hardly distinguishable 
from the policy of their conservative opponents. It was 
more like capitulation than compromise. 

The subsequent history of the Katayama Government 
is easily understandable if these circumstances of its origin 
are borne in mind. The story of its frustrated efforts to 
control critical materials, the black market and inflation 
is again a story of how projects, begun in compromise, 

Japanese Instruments of Control 77 

ended with capitulation. Perhaps the history of the Tem- 
porary Coal Mines Control Bill gave the clearest proof 
that the Katayama Government was powerless to do what 
it originally set out to do, and what, to many non-political 
observers, it seemed necessary to do if Japan were not to 
come near to economic collapse. 

. During the Occupation the shortage of coal has held up 
the whole program of industrial recovery. Coal was nearly 
as important to the Japanese as food. To increase produc- 
tion was a primary and urgent task for the Katayama 
Government. It realized this, for, on June i, it announced 
its intention to put the coal industry immediately under 
state control as an emergency measure. After long wran- 
gling between the, three Government parties, and major 
concessions by the Social Democrats, the Cabinet reached 
agreement on a Draft Bill on August 10. But this met 
with stiff opposition from the mine owners, who suc- 
ceeded in forcing several amendments protecting their 
interest. At last, the BUI was brought down on September 
25 and at once referred to the House of Representatives 
Mine Industry Committee, made up of nine Social Demo- 
crats, nine Democrats, eight Liberals, two Cooperatives, 
one member of the Dai Ichi Club, and one of the Farm- 
ers' Party. The conservatives had a big majority on this 
Committee, and it was not surprising that it rejected the 
whole measure. The Government then attempted to by- 
pass the Committee by referring the Bill back to the 
House. The debate there produced repeated disturbances, 
described by the Japanese press as "pandemonium" and 
"hooliganism." The pandemonium produced further 
amendments, and the Bill was passed by the House of 
Representatives on November 25 and the House of Coun- 
cilors on December 8. But it was not to come into opera- 
tion for six months, and the Social Democrats had agreed 
to so many amendments, pressed on them by their con- 

7 g JapanEnemy or Ally? 

servative colleagues, all directed to weaken the control 
provisions, that its final passage seemed pointless. A 
Nippon Times leading article seemed to size up the situa- 
tion accurately: 

In name it provides for state control of the coal mines. In 
fact, however, it has been so watered down as to mean practi- 
cally nothing. From the very first the Social Democrats, de- 
spairing of getting any legislation passed which would establish 
full Governmental control over the coal industry, drew up a 
Bill full of compromises designed to win the adhesion of the 
Democratic Party. But the inability of the Democrats to make 
up their minds caused the Social Democrats to seek to lure 
them with more and more concessions, until, as the result of 
the deals of the last few days, the Bill has reached a form in 
which virtually nothing remains of its original characteristics. 10 

The struggle over coal control set the general pattern 
of the Social Democrats' difficulties. The conservative 
parties always called the last tune. These parties depended 
for their support on the classes who were profiting by the 
inflation. The wage and salary earners that had voted for 
the Social Democrats, in the hope that they would improve 
their lot, became steadily disillusioned. It was, therefore, 
not surprising that, by the end of 1947, the Katayama 
Government found itself in a precarious position. Mr. 
Katayama's dismissal of Rikizo Hirano from his post of 
Minister for Agriculture and Forestry widened a split 
within the party. On January 6, 1947, sixteen Right-wing 
members of the Diet left the Social Democratic Party. 
This threatened the party plurality in the Diet. Mean- 
while, the Asahi Public Opinion Poll for December 
showed that the Katayama Government was rapidly losing 
popular support. Of those polled, only 15.9 per cent 
supported the Government, while 53.1 per cent opposed 
it, and 31 per cent were undecided. In its early days the 

M Nippon Times, November 15, 1947. 

Japanese Instruments of Control 79 

Government had had the support of over 50 per cent of 
those who took part in these polls. 11 

In this discussion of the Yoshida and Katayama Gov- 
ernments, I have been attempting to show the immense 
difficulties that faced SGAP, in using them as instruments 
of social-economic reform. Th Yoshida Government was 
unwilling, and the Katayama Government unable, to take 
any decisive steps to transform a feudal economy into a 
welfare economy. 

The Diet 

Though the Diet has staged some able debates, it has 
in general been a confused and ineffective body. The 
initiative has always been in GHQ, SCAT, or in the 
Cabinet, and Parliament has mainly been a disquieting 
mirror of party and personal feuds, with feverish bouts 
of "processing" measures, which it has not seriously 
examined or debated. Again, to quote from a leading 
article from the Nippon Times: ** 

Barely meeting its midnight deadline Tuesday night with no 
more than one minute to spare, the first Diet session to be held 
under the new Constitution has finally brought its long de- 
liberations to a dose. For those who axe interested in records, 
this Diet session stands out as a notable historical event. Not 
only was it the first Diet to be held under the new Constitu- 
tion, its session was the longest in the Parliamentary history of 
the nation. It disposed of more than 130 Bills, the largest num- 
ber of Bills to be acted upon by any Diet in Japanese history. 
It received more petitions than any previous Diet It passed the 
largest budget in the history of the nation. It engaged in more 
extended debate, necessitating more voluminous records of its 
proceedings, than any other Diet in the nation's history. 

But these records, while interesting, are not the most signifi- 
cant facts about this session of the Diet To the average citizen, 

11 The Katayama Government resigned on February 10, 1948, 
^Nippon Times, December ij, 1947. 

g Japan Enemy or Ally? 

despite all the "firsts" and other records, this Diet has left the 
impression of unprecedented disorderliness and ineffectiveness. 
Although the Diet passed a record number of Bills, the over- 
whelming proportion of the Bills was presented by the Cabinet 
and did not initiate with the Diet itself. It is true that the 
Cabinet was slow in presenting many of these Bills, but the 
Diet was even more dilatory in handling them; and, after 
seemingly interminable and futile wrangling, they were then 
hurriedly rammed through at the eleventh hour under Gov- 
ernment pressure. 

Even more distressing is the fact that for several days virtual 
pandemonium prevailed in the Diet chambers, when there 
should have been dignified and enlightening deliberation. Even 
in the less disorderly meetings, the frequent noisy heckling 
made it apparent that many of the Diet Members considered 
the Diet as a place for partisan demonstrations, rather than a 
place for deliberating on the highest affairs of the nation as a 
whole. The disorderliness of the Diet session, which received 
much unfavorable publicity, both at home and abroad, has left 
the average citizen with the impression that the new Diet, if not 
an outright failure, is at least nothing to be particularly proud 
of. Some may even have doubts, judging from this perform- 
ance, as to whether Japan is really capable of operating demo- 
cratic political institutions successfully. 

The article goes on to list achievements to the Diet's 
credit, and concludes: 

All in all, therefore, the achievements of the first Diet session 
must be considered as being more than reasonably creditable. 
There is much that should be improved about the Diet, but 
the Diet certainly does not present itself as a hopeless problem. 
It is to be hoped that the Diet, which has now technically gone 
into its second or regular session, will profitably make use of 
the past extraordinary session as a point of departure for prog- 
ress and improvement. 

It is doubtful, however, whether the Diet, or the 
Cabinet, is the repository in fact, and not only in form, 
of political power. It seems more likely that the real hold- 
ers of power in Japan today keep behind the scenes as 

Japanese Instruments of Control 81 

far as possible. In the last quarter of 1947, just after I had 
left Japan, a great press publicity was given to "revela- 
tions" about the existence of a "hidden government/' 
which worked behind a "black curtain." It seemed to me 
unfortunate that these stories should have been so highly 
dramatized and taken the form of a "revelation." They 
can only have been that to superficial observers who had 
been led to believe that, under the Occupation, the 
Japanese people had suddenly abandoned habits ingrained 
for hundreds of years. 

In Japan, more than in most countries, the most im- 
portant deliberations and decisions take place behind 
the scenes. In Japan, as in all countries suffering from 
acute shortages and inflation, groups of black marketeers 
seek to exploit others without scruple. To do this effec- 
tively on a national scale considerable organization is 
necessary. It is also highly desirable, if the black mar- 
keteers are to prosper, that every effort be made to corrupt 
politicians and public servants. Japan is not the only 
country in which this sort of thing happens; it is simply 
that the social habits of the Japanese provide an atmos- 
phere that fosters this sort of extralegal or illegal organiza- 
tion. The oyabun-kobun system is a very old and basic 
feature of Japanese life. It was inevitable that GHQ 
should find it an obstacle to "democratization." That 
presumably explains why Colonel Kades, Deputy-Chief 
of the Government Section of GHQ, decided in October 
1947 to try to arouse public opinion against the oyabun- 
kobun system. Colonel Kades is reported to have said that 
every Japanese political party received most of its funds 
from secret organizations. A more detailed description 
of GHQ's concern with this system was published on 
November 27, 1947. Mr. Howard Handleman, the Far 
East Bureau Manager of International News Service, 
reported, inter alia: 

gg Japan Enemy or Ally? 

SCAP officials' meeting on September 12 reported the fol- 
lowing instances of oyabun-kobun activity: 

"Industry Division. Oyabun activity has disrupted produc- 
tion and hampered distribution of critical industrial materials 
into black-market works. The black market provides much of 
the funds on which the system exists. Oyabun have sent their 
men into the coal mines of Kyushu to terrorize miners on the 
job. Oyabun organize construction companies, obtain contracts 
for Occupation work and buy construction materials from 
themselves at inflated black-market prices. The Government 

"Anti-Trust and Cartels Division. Oyabun hold monopo- 
listic control in the field of construction and among stall ven- 
dors. In Tokyo alone there are 45,000 street stall vendors, all 
of whom must pay exorbitant rents, dues, service charges and 
even official city taxes to the oyabun. Most street stalls are on 
public sidewalks, owned by the city, but the vendors must pay 
rent to the oyabun. The division said information has been 
obtained showing connection between the oyabun in this field 
and certain of the political parties; that ranking oyabun. have 
run for public office in large numbers of cases; that the oyabun- 
kobun system extends into all types of construction, transpor- 
tation and other industries. 

"Collect Taxes. Finance Division: Oyabun collect taxes for 
the Government. Officially they receive two per cent of their 
collections. Unofficially they receive much more, as they pay 
the Government on an estimate basis, which assumes that only 
half the street stalls, for instance, operate each day. 

"Government Section. 'Our investigation indicates extra- 
governmental controls are exercised by a number of political 
oyabun upon the National Government, both in the Diet and 
in the Ministries, and also upon local governments/ 

"Labor Division. In 1946 American authorities found 20,000 
enslaved Japanese working coal mines in Hokkaido, under 
guard day and night. Under American prodding, the slave-labor 
gangs were broken up. Labor Division said, 'Apart from the 
slave-labor system, the oyabun control the black-market rice 
aad use it as an economic weapon to force new kobun to join 
and organize and remain out of any labor union. 1 

"Eighth Army Procurement.-'The cost of Occupation [to 
the Japanese Government] has been increased materially, due 

Japanese Instruments of Control 83 

to the fact that no inquiry has been made into the cost o pro- 
curement of materials by the contractor/ It is dear, it was 
repeated, that no inquiry was made, because of the link between 
the gangsters, turned contractors, and the political bosses, who 
get both economic support and the votes of the kobun by their 
work with the contracting oyabun. 

"Stevedore Monopoly. Transportation Section: It was found 
that every port in Japan has a stevedore monopoly, organized 
by oyabun. 

"Natural Resources Section. Both on land and sea the 
oyabun-kobun relationship is the rule. Landlords customarily 
were the oyabun, who controlled village politics and the all- 
important agricultural society, which controlled fertilizer, ra- 
tioning and marketing. The land reform law, designed to limit 
the area of any farm to the amount the owner and his family 
can cultivate, has tended to break the system on the farm, al- 
though it is still strong. Oyabun-controlled associations hold 
wide fishing rights, forcing individual fishermen into the in- 
ferior kobun position. 

"Public Safety Division, G-2. Gangs in the cities are divided 
into three groups gamblers, strong-arm men and street-stall 
associations. 'The police are severely hampered by the fact that 
the kobun are often well armed, and because political pressure 
often prevents effective police action. Furthermore, the police 
are involved, being paid off by the system. In many cases, the 
only way that the police can arrest a criminal at large in an 
area controlled by an oyabun is to ask the oyabun to turn over 
the criminal. Detailed investigations indicate the oyabun-kobun 
system extends into politics, controls black market activities, 
controls the price of every-day commodities, controls the flow 
of goods through regular channels, and performs local govern- 
mental functions in the issuance of licences and the collection 
of taxes. 18 

I think it impossible for Allied officers in Japan to assess 
with any accuracy the strength and significance of "under- 
ground" organization. There are too few officers with a 
mastery of the language to make possible the study o 
more than a few small patches of Japanese life. There is 

18 Nippon Times, November 27, 1947. 

8 4 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

the traditional reluctance of Japanese, however friendly, 
to take foreigners into their confidence on "purely 
Japanese" questions. 

The military government teams are more closely in 
touch with what is actually happening in the prefectures 
and villages of Japan than any other group of Occupation 
officers. GHQ must rely mainly on their reports for its 
knowledge of how the directives issued in Tokyo affect 
the lives of ordinary people. These teams contain many 
intelligent and enthusiastic people, and in some areas they 
are doing good and notable work. But in number and in 
training the military government teams, through no fault 
of their own, find themselves quite unequal to their task. 
Military government has a total strength of about 3,500 
Americans. That means that each American military 
government officer or enlisted man is responsible for the 
surveillance and supervision of over 30,000 Japanese. Few 
of these officers have more than a nodding acquaintance 
with the language, and most teams, therefore, rely on local 
Japanese for all interpretation and translation. This places 
an extraordinarily heavy strain on the interpreter's 
loyalty to his American employers. It would not be surpris- 
ing if patriotism and the ties that bind him to his relatives 
and local leaders sometimes produced an elastic linguistic 
conscience. Most members of the military government 
teams have had little or no previous experience in prob- 
lems of government, and there is a very high rate of turn- 
over in their ranks. During 1946 the rate of replacement 
was reported to be about 90 per cent. 

In these circumstances, it is clear that "revelations" 
about the Japanese underground are exceedingly hard to 
check with any precision. It must, however, be accepted 
that powerful underground organizations exist, and that 
tteir activities enormously complicate Allied efforts to 
control Japan through the established Japanese Govern- 

Japanese Instruments of Control 85 

ment. For the Government's power is everywhere limited 
by these "hidden" forces. 

The Bureaucracy 

In the political life of Japan, from the Restoration of 
1868 until the surrender of 1945, power was never the 
monopoly of a single group or organization. There was 
nothing, even in the war years, to parallel the one-party 
rule that existed in Germany under the Nazis or Italy 
under the Fascists. Final decisions in Japan were the 
product of the prevailing distribution of power between 
four groups the armed forces, loosely called the mili- 
tarists; the big business interests, the Zaibatsu; the 
political parties; and the bureaucrats. The Emperor was 
the fulcrum round which these groups revolved. Changes 
in policy could be traced to shifts in the continuously 
changing balance of these four bodies. 

The Tojo period was one in which the militarist group 
enjoyed unusual strength, but, even at the height of his 
power, Tojo was compelled to make concessions to the 
other three elements, temporarily subordinate in the 
national coalition. The place of the bureaucrats in this 
four-power system was always strong. The Japanese public 
service has often been likened to a feudal guild for its 
exclusiveness and for the iron discipline it exercised over 
its members. Its responsibility to its political heads was 
generally nominal; it had its own policy, directed to 
strengthening its own entrenched interests; its senior 
members usually held key Cabinet posts, where they 
jostled for position with the other three groups. 14 

General MacArthur was aware that this feudal state 
machine, if left to itself, could sabotage all reforms. Its 
old rivals had fallen on evil days. The militarists were 

i* See the excellent article, "Japan as a Political Organism,' 9 by T. A. 
Bisson, Pacific Affvirs, Vol. XVH, No. 4. 

86 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

largely discredited and their organizations dissolved. The 
Zaibatsu was forced to lie low. The political parties were 
rent with discords. This might be the great opportunity 
for the bureaucrats to achieve unchallenged predomi- 
nance. And, in fact, I think, of all the four former groups, 
the bureaucrats have undoubtedly had most success in re- 
taining their power. It could hardly have been otherwise. 
It is true that the purge has skimmed off most of those 
senior public servants who had blatantly and overtly 
supported Japan's ultra-nationalism and aggression. But 
the purged officials are only a small percentage of the 
public service. The whole process of government would 
have been brought to a standstill if the purge had been 
applied too drastically. 15 

GHQ has sponsored ambitious and comprehensive 
measures for the reform of the bureaucratic system; 
among them is the decision to abolish the Home Ministry 
and decentralize administration. Some of these measures 
have already been "processed" by the Diet and are now 
law. But the Japanese have the gift of postponing, for 
"regrettable, unavoidable and unforeseen circumstances," 
the carrying out of these reforms. And they have a gift 
for "democratizing" an institution by changing its name 
and reshuffling its personnel without changing its nature. 
Hence the real reform of the public service is likely to 
be one of the toughest tasks of the future. 


To sum up these reflections on the Japanese instru- 
ments of Occupation policy: It was decided that we should 

December 10, 1947, the Japanese Government announced that 
the public service purge could be regarded for all practical purposes as 
completed by December 7. Central and local screening committees had 
exsumned the records of 663,989 officials and "designated 6,965 as falling 
under the purge directive." (Nippon Times, December 11, 1947) 

Japanese Instruments of Control 87 

use the Emperor and the Japanese administrative ma- 
chinery and, mqst important, that SCAP should control 
Japan, not by direct military government, but through 
the Japanese Cabinet Since April 1946, the Cabinet has 
had the majority support of a Diet elected by universal 
suffrage. But both free elections in April 1946 and April 
1947 have produced strong conservative majorities. The 
conservative parties have won their support from the in- 
dustrialists and businessmen, from farmers and fishermen, 
from the black marketeers and from those who have assets 
to sell. These are the people profiting from the inflation. 
Such people stubbornly resist the introduction of eco- 
nomic controls which would deprive them of their chance 
to exploit the present situation. It is easy to say that 
General MacArthur should force the Japanese Govern- 
ment to adopt the control measures necessary for economic 
efficiency and social justice. But no Japanese Government 
has been able or willing to put such measures into effect. 

The decision to work through a freely-elected Japanese 
Government has been the main key to the Occupation. 
It is likely to be equally important after the peace settle- 
ment. It may, therefore, be worth while to examine the 
implications of this decision more carefully. These im- 
plications can be brought out clearly by considering the 
problem that has faced SCAP, in its efforts to provide food 
for Japan. 

When I arrived in Japan in April 1946, this food ques- 
tion appeared to be the major problem facing GHQ and 
the Japanese Government. It was repeatedly stated that 
millions of Japanese were faced with the threat of starva- 
tion between April and September. On April 27, 1946, 
the Economic ?md Scientific Section of GHQ issued a 
report in which it estimated that for the five months, 
May-September, there would be only enough indigenous 
food to give the rationed population (about 44 million), 

88 Japan tinemy or Ally? 

from both official and unofficial sources, an average of 
471 calories a day. Yet it was believed necessary to provide 
a minimum of 1,550 calories a day to prevent disease and 
unrest, which would endanger the Occupation forces and 
frustrate the purposes of the Occupation. On the basis 
of these estimates, SCAP requested authority to import 
2,600,000 tons of food in rice equivalents. The Japanese 
Government had asked for imports of over three million 

In actuality, because of world shortages, only about 
600,000 tons of rice equivalents were imported from May 
through October. This was less than one-quarter of the 
quantity SCAP had requested. But it seems clear that 
throughout this period the average consumption by the 
rationed population was between 1,500 and 1,800 calories 
a day. The greatest shortage was in August and Tokyo 
was one of the most poorly supplied areas, yet a SCAP 
report, "Food Situation During the First Year of the 
Occupation," estimated that average consumption in 
Tokyo in August was 1,828 calories a day. 

This food question shows clearly the three great dif- 
ficulties and dangers produced by SCAP's dependence 
on the Japanese Government. First, GHQ has to rely on 
the Japanese Government for its information. Japanese 
official statistics are notoriously inaccurate. This is partly 
due to inefficiency, but in many cases there are excellent 
reasons for deliberate concealment or falsehood. There 
was a strong temptation to farmers to underestimate their 
production, since whatever stocks they could hold back after 
delivering their quota to the Government could be eaten 
l>y their own families, used for barter, or sold at very 
high black-market' prices. There was a strong temptation 
for the Government to underestimate home production, 
TO the effort to get large imports. And GHQ was forced 
to work ofc the Japanese figures, because, at least in 1946, 

Japanese Instruments of Control 89 

it did not have the resources to make any effective in- 
dependent survey of the indigenous food available. 

By 1947 the small, but very efficient, Natural Resources 
Section of GHQ was in a much better position to detect 
falsities in Japanese reports, but was still dependent on 
these reports in many ways. The colossal errors in die 
SCAP estimate of the food situation in 1946 remain an 
outstanding example of the risks involved in relying on 
Japanese official information. 

Second, the food question shows the frustrations in- 
volved in depending on the Japanese Government's ad- 
ministrative machinery. In 1946 there was enough home- 
produced food in Japan to avert any starvation if the food 
produced had been properly collected and equitably dis- 
tributed. It would be foolish to expect full efficiency and 
justice. Japan is not the only country with a black market, 
or where farmers try to evade Government controls. Yet 
this maldistribution of the available food was so gross that 
it was hard to credit the Japanese Government with even 
a reasonable minimum of efficiency and earnestness in its 
food administration. 

Thirdly, when SCAP, in its desire to avert disease and 
unrest, due to food shortages, imported food from the 
United States for distribution by the Japanese Govern- 
ment, it was unavoidable that it should thereby give 
political aid to the conservative forces on whidi the 
Government relied for its existence. Food shortages irre- 
spective of the cause produce political unrest. The mass 
demonstrations in Tokyo in May 1946 were clamors by 
city wage-earners for more food.. The distribution of im- 
ported food helped the Government to avoid some of the 
political penalties of its own inefficiency. Food is a po- 
litical weapon. We must have an established authority for 
the control of Japan, If we decide that this authority shall 
be a duly-elected Japanese Government, then we must 

go Japan Enemy or Ally? 

protect that Government's authority. And if, for whatever 
reasons, the Government depends on conservative forces 
for its continuance, we cannot support the Government 
against 'lawlessness" without thereby indirectly support- 
ing the conservatives against their political opponents. 


ing privately with an American general about Australia 
and Japan. He was anxious to know, for one thing, why 
Australia seemed to be having difficulty in providing 
Japan with the quantities and types of wool she had asked 
for. I was trying to explain Australia's difficulties, when 
my friend cut in sharply. "When, for Pete's sake, will you 
seven million Australians realize the importance of hav- 
ing seventy million allies in this country?" The general's 
views were dear-cut and logical. He felt that Australia 
was thinking and acting as though it were still 1945, not 
1947. He deplored the two years' time lag. In 1945 Japan 
was a hated and still-dangerous enemy. In 1947 it was the 
general belief that there was only one enemy, the Soviet 
Union. He could not quite understand Australia's slow- 
ness in adapting herself to the changed situation. 

I believe that we must face the question the general put 
if we are to be realistic about security in the Pacific. We 
must be clear whether we still hold to the objectives we 
stated in 1945, or whether, in the light of the changing 
situation, we want to amend or abandon them. What pre- 
cisely do we mean by the demilitarization of Japan, and 
what exactly do we want to do about it? This question 
has three sides. First, physical or material demilitariza- 


g2 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

tion, which includes the demobilization of the Japanese 
armed forces and the destruction or removal of arms and 
ammunition. Second, economic demilitarization, depriv- 
ing Japan of primary and secondary war industries. It is 
clear, for example, that during the iggo's the feverish de- 
velopment of the steel and shipbuilding industries was 
mainly for war purposes, and unnecessary to provide the 
peaceful needs of the Japanese people. Third, there is the 
problem of moral or psychological disarmament. Do we 
want a Japan that is not merely temporarily unable to 
make war, but also permanently unwilling to make war? 

Physical Demilitarization 

We seemed to be quite clear about what we wanted in 
1945. In the Potsdam Declaration it was agreed in para- 
graph 9 that "The Japanese military forces, after being 
completely disarmed, shall be permitted to return to their 
homes with the opportunity to lead peaceful and produc- 
tive lives." In the United States Initial Post-Surrender 
Directive it was provided in Part I (b) that "Japan will be 
completely disarmed and demilitarized . . ." and in Part 
III that "Disarmament and demilitarization are the pri- 
mary tasks of the Military Occupation and shall be car- 
ried out promptly and with determination. . . . Japan is 
not to have an army, navy, air force, secret police organi- 
zation or any civil aviation. Japan's ground, air and naval 
forces shall be disarmed and disbanded, and the Japanese 
Imperial General Headquarters, the General Staff and all 
secret police organizations shall be dissolved. Military and 
naval material, military and naval vessels and military 
aud naval installations, and military, naval and civilian 
aircraft shall be surrendered and shall be disposed of as 
required by the Supreme Commander." Let me first give 
my impressions of the progress of this program. 

Demilitarization 93 


The demobilization of the Japanese fighting forces has 
on the whole been carried out very smoothly and effi- 
ciently by the Japanese High Command. This work was 
at first entrusted to the First (Army) and Second (Navy) 
Demilitarization Ministries. Early in 1946 it was seem- 
ingly felt that the retention of these Ministries was un- 
desirable, even though their ostensible purpose was now 
restricted to demobilization. In June 1946 they were re- 
placed by a Demobilization Board, with Mr. Shidehara, a 
civilian, as head. The Demobilization Board, however, 
was divided into two bureaus. The first was headed by 
Yoshio Kamitsuki, the former First Mobilization Vice- 
Minister, and the second by Vice-Admiral Minoru Maedo. 
In October 1947 SCAP made a further change in this or- 
ganization. The Second, or Navy, Bureau was abolished, 
since the demobilization of sailors had been Virtually 
completed, and the work of the First Bureau was trans- 
ferred to the Welfare Ministry. 

These organizational changes were an interesting ex- 
ample of the way in which it was so readily assumed dur- 
ing the Occupation that a change of name meant a 
change of nature. It has been pointed out in several meet- 
ings of the Allied Council by General Derevyanko that 
the officers in charge of demobilization were former high- 
ranking General Staff officers. These officers seemed to 
carry on their work unperturbed by the changes in the 
names of their organizations. It was natural and inevitable 
that SCAP should rely on senior staff officers to demobi- 
lize the Japanese fighting forces. I think it highly prob- 
able, nevertheless, that the admirals and generals who 
demobilized their forces so smoothly will have taken every 
care to ensure that immobilization may be carried out with 
equal smoothness, if this should become practicable or 

g^ Japan Enemy or Ally? 

necessary. Some of the members of these demobilization 
bureaus were under suspicion for war crimes, and many, 
if not all, consistently sabotaged the efforts of Allied pros- 
ecutors to pick up war crimes suspects. It may have indi- 
cated some uneasiness in SCAP about the activities of the 
demobilization bureaus that, in directing the abolition of 
the Second Bureau, SCAP ordered the Japanese Govern- 
ment to "undertake a complete and comprehensive study 
and survey ... of all boards, bureaus and agencies of the 
Japanese Government now engaged in, or charged with, 
responsibility for demobilization, repatriation, investiga- 
tion or research of matters pertaining to the war or per- 
sons serving or connected with Japanese military organi- 

During 1946 it was reported that the destruction of 
Japanese arms and ammunition had been completed. 
There can be little doubt that this work was carried out 
effectively insofar as it was directed to destroying Japan's 
actual military resources. It has since become clear, however, 
that the Japanese authorities have astutely evaded SCAP di- 
rectives on the disposal of large quantities of army stores. 
It was only in November 1947 that GHQ officers became 
aware of the secret disposal, through illegal channels, of 
something like 100 billion yen worth of war goods which 
had been accumulated during the war in Osaka arsenal, Ja- 
pan's largest war goods depot. This discovery was given 
great prominence in the Japanese press, and was described 
as "the biggest scandal in Japanese history." It is further 
evidence of the way in which GHQ, through shortage of 
skilled personnel, was unable to keep itself informed 
about the actual course of events in Japan. 

Demobilization was closely linked with repatriation. At 
the time of the surrender there were more than three mil- 
lion servicemen, and another three million Japanese civil- 
ians, abroad. The repatriation of these people was carried 

Demilitarization 95 

out with great promptitude and efficiency. The United 
States provided the ships, and they were mainly operated 
by the Japanese. I would fully concur with the official 
claim that this repatriation has been one of the most effi- 
cient mass migration movements ever organized. There 
has, however, been one major difficulty. Russia seemed 
very reluctant to release .the Japanese, nearly a million in 
number, whom they held in custody in North Korea, 
Manchuria and Eastern Siberia. This provided fuel for 
bitter exchanges in the Allied Council between the Amer- 
ican and Russian members. However, in December 1946, 
Russia agreed to send these people home at the rate of 
50,000 each month. This undertaking seemed to be car- 
ried out satisfactorily until December 1947, when Russia 
announced that it would be necessary to suspend repatri- 
ation for about four months, owing to the climatic con- 
ditions in the northern ports. The Soviet authorities 
reminded SCAT of a clause in the agreement of December 
1946, by which both parties reserved the right tempo- 
rarily to suspend repatriation if unforeseen circumstances 

It was inevitable that the Soviet announcement should 
have aroused SCAP's indignation and suspicion. SCAP 
pointed out that in the winter months of 1946-47 Russia 
had apparently not experienced the same climatic diffi- 
culties in carrying out the program. General MacArthur 
offered to send ice-breakers to the Soviet's northern ports 
to make a path for the repatriation ships, and alterna- 
tively suggested that the repatriates might be brought to 
warm-water ports. He pointed out that there were still 
more than 800,000 Japanese in Soviet-controlled areas, 
and he undertook to provide the means for bringing them 
back to Japan in five months. This offer was coldly re- 
ceived by the Soviet representative in Tokyo. 

This repatriation question is actively exacerbating 

o6 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

American-Russian relations. SCAP officers claim, and, I 
believe, on good evidence, that the Soviet authorities are 
trying to indoctrinate selected groups of Japanese in their 
custody with militant Communist convictions, in the hope 
that when they return home they will sow the seeds of 
Communism throughout Japan. In an effort to meet and 
control this movement, GHQ has called in the help of 
former members of the Kempeitai and Japanese secret 
police to help them in "processing" repatriates. Naturally, 
the Japanese Government is gratified that American au- 
thorities should value the collaboration of their own ex- 
perts in maintaining a common front against Communist 
infiltration. The Japanese are well aware that, while 
American Intelligence Officers concentrated their atten- 
tion during the early months of the Occupation on the 
investigation of Japanese suspected of militarism or ultra- 
nationalism, by 1947 these officers were almost wholly pre- 
occupied with the investigation of Communist activities. 

Economic Demobilization and Reparations 

In Paragraph XI of the Potsdam Declaration it was 
provided that "Japan shall be permitted to maintain such 
industries as will sustain her economy and permit the ex- 
action of just reparations in kind, but not those which 
would enable her to rearm for war." In the Initial Post- 
Surrender Policy the economic demilitarization of Japan 
was laid down in Part IV: 

The existing economic basis of Japanese military strength 
must be destroyed and not be permitted to revive. 

Therefore, a program will be enforced containing the fol- 
lowing elements, among others: the immediate cessation and 
future prohibition of production of all goods designed for the 
equipment, maintenance or use of any military force or estab- 
lishment; the imposition of a ban upon any specialized facili- 
ties for the production or repair of implements of war, includ- 

Demilitarization 97 

ing naval vessels and all forms of aircraft; the institution of a 
system of inspection and control over selected elements in Japa- 
nese economic activity to prevent concealed or disguised mili- 
tary preparations; the elimination in Japan of those selected 
industries or branches of production whose chief value to Japan 
is in preparing for war; the prohibition of specialized research 
and instruction directed to the development of warmaking 
powers; and the limitation of the size and character of Japan's 
heavy industries to its future peaceful requirements, and re- 
striction of Japanese merchant shipping to the extent required 
to accomplish the objectives of demilitarization. The eventual 
disposition of those existing production facilities within Japan, 
which are to be eliminated in accord with this program, as be- 
tween conversion to other uses, transfer abroad, and scrapping, 
will be determined after inventory. Pending decision, facilities 
readily convertible for civilian production should not be de- 
stroyed, except in emergency situations. 

The Far Eastern Commission's Basic Post-Surrender 
Policy, published June 19, 1947, gives substantial support 
to the aims of 1945. 

This program presented the Allies with several nice 
problems. At what level should the Japanese economy be 
sustained? What would be a reasonable standard of living 
for the Japanese people? How were their needs to be bal- 
anced against just claims for reparations? How far was it 
possible to separate the industries necessary to provide 
peaceful needs from those that were mainly concerned 
with the provision of war potential? 

The answers we give to these questions will depend 
mainly not on judgments of facts, but on judgments of 
value. They will be the product of our underlying moral 
and political attitudes. Should we try to sustain Japan's 
economy at a level that will only allow Japanese to exist, 
or at a level that will enable Japan to make important 
contributions to the economic development of East and 
Southeast Asia? And how are we to balance the needs of 
the Japanese against the needs of the Chinese or Siamese? 

g 8 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

What the Japanese need will depend on what we want 
them to do. If they are to staff "the workshop of East 
Asia" they will need much more than if they are merely 
to have a subsistence economy. The role we assign to Japan 
will depend in turn on how we think our own national in- 
terests can best be served in the Far East. 

Until the end of 1945 Allied thinking about economic 
disarmament and reparations was greatly influenced by 
wartime emotions. It seemed just and desirable to transfer 
a number of Japan's industrial plants, particularly in pri- 
mary and secondary war industries, to the countries which 
her armies had devastated. This would serve the double 
purpose of disarming Japan and helping restore the 
damaged economies of countries like China and the 
Philippines. It was in this atmosphere that the Pauley 
Reparations Commission carried out its work in Japan in 
November-December, 1945. After a quick survey of Japa- 
nese industry, Mr. Pauley recommended a comprehensive 
program of interim reparations removals, including the 

(1) Half the capacity for manufacturing machine tools. 

(2) All equipment in army and naval arsenals, in the air- 
craft industry, in ball- and roller-bearing industries and 
in plants making aircraft engines. 

(3) All equipment and accessories in 20 shipyards, if not 
needed to repair shipping essential to the Occupation. 

(4) All steel capacity over 2.5 million tons a year. 

(5) Half of coal-burning electric plants. 

(6) All contact-process sulphuric acid plants, four large sol- 
vay process soda-ash plants, and 20 out of 41 large modern 
plants for caustic soda. 

(7) All capacity for producing magnesium and alumina and 
for reducing alumina to aluminum (except facilities for 
processing scrap) and all finishing mills. 

These recommendations were carefully studied by the 
Far Eastern Commission. Its deliberations produced two 

Demilitarization gg 

main sets of policy decisions. First, it reached an agree- 
ment on certain questions of principle. It agreed that the 
peaceful needs of Japan should be defined as the level of 
production necessary to give the standard of living that 
was enjoyed by the Japanese people during the years 
1930-34. It designated 1950 as the year in which the Japa- 
nese might reasonably be expected to recover this stand- 
ard. The FEG went on to lay down rules for selecting in- 
terim reparations. First preference was to be given to 
primary and secondary war industries. Priority should be 
given to plants owned by Zaibatsu concerns. In this way, 
reparations and economic disarmament would help to 
contribute to SCAP's program for domestic economic re- 
form. Secondly, the FEC prescribed the maximum pro- 
duction levels which the Japanese should be permitted to 
retain in certain key industries. 1 Its findings were a good 
deal more generous to Japan than Mr. Pauley's earlier 
recommendations. Mr. Patdey recommended that Japan's 
steel production should be limited to 2i/ millions tons a 
year. The FEC would allow 31^ million tons. Mr. Pauley 
provided for a Japanese merchant fleet of one and a half 
million tons gross tonnage. The FEC raised this to three 
million tons. Mr. Pauley would have prohibited the pro- 
duction of aluminum, magnesium and ball and roller 
bearings. He would have allowed 12,500 tons of nitric 
acid to be produced each year. The FEC recommended 
a nitric acid production limit of 30,000 tons a year, and 
provided for the manufacture of limited quantities of 
aluminum, magnesium and ball and roller bearings. The 
FEC has carried on its deliberations under increasing pres- 
sure from the United States to scale down reparations. 
In 1947 Mr. Clifford S. Strike took over the study of 

i Activities of the Far Eastern Commission. Report by the Secretary- 
General. U. S. Department of State, Far Eastern Series 24, Washington, 

100 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

the reparations question, under the auspices of the United 
States War Department. It is clear that Mr. Strike decided 
that the FEC had not gone nearly far enough in its down- 
ward revision of Mr. Pauley's recommendations. "We 
must," he has written, "in my judgment, immediately 
take steps to repeal those rulings of the Far Eastern Com- 
mission which make it impossible for Japan to become a 
self-supporting nation." 2 

It is not necessary to review reparations discussions in 
greater detail to recognize that the dominant trend has 
been to scale them down to the minimum, perhaps to 
abandon them altogether. The United States has taken 
the lead in this movement, sometimes in opposition to 
protracted resistance by other Allies. During the last 
twelve months authoritative statements about reparations 
in American official circles in Tokyo and Washington 
have all pressed the case for their reduction or abolition. 
It is pointed out that, since th$ whole world is economi- 
cally interdependent, the real job of the victors is to re- 
store the economies of the defeated countries, in order 
that they may be able once again to make their distinctive 
contributions to the economic welfare of the world. In 
the case of Japan, it is pointed out that much of the in- 
dustrial equipment coveted as reparations is obsolescent 
by Western standards and would hamper rather than help 
those Allied countries anxious to develop or extend their 
industries efficiently. It is pointed out that the removal of 
heavy industries is uneconomic and impracticable, partly 
because of the physical difficulties in their transfer and 
partly because they are so closely geared to associated in- 
dustries that it is impossible to regard them as independ- 
ent and transferable units. The countries that clamor 
most insistently for heavy industries are usually those that 
lack the highly-organized industrial context which gives 
a The American Magazine, September 1947. 

Demilitarization 101 

these industries their economic value. It is usually con- 
ceded that the light industries, such as textiles, are much 
easier to transfer. They are not so dependent on associated 
industries, and demand less technical experience for their 
successful operation. Moreover, they produce with relative 
ease and simplicity the kind of consumption goods so 
sorely needed by the countries of East Asia. Yet American 
official opinion produces powerful arguments against the 
transfer of these industries. It is pointed out that only by 
an early restoration of the exports of these industries can 
Japan earn the foreign exchange necessary to buy food 
and raw materials. It is to these industries that the Amer- 
ican taxpayer must look first if he is eager that Japan 
should .repay as soon as possible her heavy bills for Amer- 
ican food and commodity goods. To strip Japan of her 
light industries would be to deprive her of the chance to 
become solvent. Lastly, it is argued that, if we are deeply 
concerned with the needs of those East Asian countries 
that suffered so much from Japan's aggression, the most 
effective way to help them is to enable the Japanese to 
provide the things they need. If Manchuria and China 
and Korea will send food and raw materials to Japan, 
Japan will be able to provide them with the consumption 
goods much more rapidly than they could hope to do for 
themselves. It is as Asia's workshop that Japan can help 
Asia most. On all these counts, then, the case for repara- 
tions and for the economic disarmament of Japan should 
be reconsidered. 

It would be foolish to make too hasty and critical a re- 
action to this trend in American opinion. It certainly 
represents a significant change in American foreign policy. 
In 1945 the great emphasis was on reparations and dis- 
armament. Today the trend is to subordinate both to the 
restoration of Japan's prosperity. 

The first reason for this change is the steady worsening 

102 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

of Soviet-American relations during the last two years. 
The second reason is the changes which have taken place 
in America's relations with China during the same period, 
In 1945 the Soviet Union was still an ally. Today the 
whole world is divided by the clash of interests and poli- 
cies between America and Russia. America's growing fear 
of Russia makes her increasingly anxious to find strong 
and faithful allies. In East Asia, as in Europe, the end of 
the war produced an immense increase in Russia's stra- 
tegical strength. Not only were her frontiers pushed east- 
wards in Sakhalin and the Kuriles, but her influence in 
Mongolia, Manchuria and North China steadily increased. 
In Korea, the Russian and American forces glower at each 
other across the g8th parallel. In these circumstances the 
United States has never had greater need for a good neigh- 
bor in the Far East. In 1945 it was hoped that China 
would form this "point of stability/' but China has been 
a tragic disappointment. Not all of America's direct aid to 
China, nor the indirect aid given through such organiza- 
tions as UNRRA; not all the diplomatic power of General 
Marshall, whose vast projects were underwritten by Mr. 
Truman; neither warnings nor inducements prevailed to 
give China economic stability or political unity. And so 
China has been replaced by Japan as the power which, 
with American support, is assigned the task of stabilizing 
the Far East. Seldom can a defeated nation have had such 
an important role allotted to it so soon after its defeat. 

These are issues which involve the whole world and not 
only the Far East. In relation to Japan they call forth 
some important observations. 

It should be clearly recognized that Japan's present eco- 
nomic difficulties are mainly the result of the failures of 
her own Government. In comparison with other defeated 
nations, like Germany, and, indeed, in comparison with 
many nations that were nominally victors in World War 

Demilitarization 103 

II, Japan's economic position since the surrender has been 
fortunate. Even during 1946 she produced enough food 
in her home islands to avert starvation. If a small number 
of Japanese died from starvation in 1946, that was not be- 
cause there was not enough food in Japan to save them, 
but because the Japanese Government has been unable or 
unwilling to prevent it being recklessly consumed in the 
first few months after harvest by people with unlimited 
money to spend. The food crisis of the Occupation has 
been mainly a crisis of distribution, not of production. 
Other commodities have been equally mismanaged. At the 
surrender Japan had considerable stores of consumer-foods 
and industrial materials, but a big proportion of these 
were illegally transferred by Army and Navy heads into 
the hands of the Zaibatsu, who proceeded to sell them on 
the black market. 8 At the same time, industrial produc- 
tion remained at about 30 per cent of the prewar level. 
This failure to produce is attributed by Japanese indus- 
trialists to uncertainty about reparations and the prospects 
of importing raw materials. But these uncertainties do 
little to explain the general inertia and the failure to use 
industrial capacity and unemployed labor in the indus- 
tries unaffected by reparations. Japan's failure to make a 
determined attempt to restore her economy cannot be ex- 
plained in purely economic terms. Comparisons with other 
countries make that clear. 

There is an apparent contrast between the countries of West- 
ern Europe (including Italy, also a former enemy, subject to 
reparations), which came out of World War II with great 
physical destruction, and in the course of little more than one 
year restored their industrial production to between two-thirds 
and four-fifths of the prewar levels, and Japan, whose indus- 
tries have been operating for months at around 30 per cent of 
their 1931-33 level, despite their more limited damage. In a 

3 Cf. T. A. Bisson's "Reparations and Reform in Japan," Far Eastern 
Survey, December 17, 1947. 

Japan Enemy or Ally? 

world economy dominated by coal shortages, it is significant 
to note that on the basis of prewar levelsa one-half supply 
of coal in Western European countries is maintaining a two- 
thirds or four-fifths level of industrial production, whereas 
Japanese industries operate at less than one-third level, despite 
a two-thirds or larger supply of coal. 4 

In the face of this hoarding and black-marketing of 
scarce commodities, and of the hold-up of industrial pro- 
duction, Japan's Governments have persisted with reck- 
less budgetary policies which have greatly aggravated the 

This is the background against which we should try to 
assess the Japanese complaints about the overwhelming 
burden of Occupation costs, and the pleas for foreign 
loans and credits. The Japanese Government has shown a 
singular unwillingness to undertake the kind of internal 
reforms which might have added strength to its appeals 
for external aid. 

For my part, I am unable to escape the conclusion that 
the economic and financial policy of the Japanese Govern- 
ment has been carefully calculated to frustrate the Allied 
aims of 1945. The facade of cooperation and compliance 
is part of this policy. The Japanese political leaders had 
studied carefully the stratagems pursued by Germany after 
World War I. Overt resistance was ruled out, but short of 
that they were determined to make it difficult for the Al- 
lies to collect more than token reparations, and to make 
it unpolitic for them to persist with the program of eco- 
nomic disarmament. It was a risky game to play because, 
although inflation brought great immediate profit to some, 
it held the risk of producing a total economic disaster. But 
Japanese leaders have come increasingly to count on the 
United States to protect them from that disaster. They 
have come to feel sure that America's fear of Russia would 

4 Frank M. Tamagna, Politics and Economics in Far Eastern Reconstruc- 
tion. Institute of Paciac Relations, Paper No. 5, New York, 1947. 

Demilitarization 105 

force her to prevent economic collapse in Japan. The 
Japanese came to feel that they were indispensable to the 
United States, and could, therefore, put a high price on 
their indispensability. 

It would seem that Japan's leaders have been very suc- 
cessful. General MacArthur's declaration of March 1947, 
that they must be saved from "economic strangulation" by 
the Allies, was a sign-board to victory. Mr.Clifford Strike's 
conclusions and the reported proposal that Congress 
would be asked in 1948 for a grant of 500 million dollars 
for Japan's industrial and trade recovery, together with a 
larger relief appropriation, suggested that General Mac- 
Arthur's projects for Japan's restoration will be carried out. 
It is important to recognize that the Japan now asking 
so successfully that reparations be reduced to a minimum, 
that the cost of Occupation should be pruned, that the im- 
plications of economic disarmament be re-examined, that 
foreign loans and credits should be given her, is in all fun- 
damentals the same Japan that we knew between 1931 and 
1945- Can we be sure that, in emphasizing the role of in- 
dustrial leadership for which Japan is equipped, and in 
helping establish her as the "workshop of East Asia," and as 
the "point of stability in the Far East," we are not helping 
her to re-establish that economic imperialism which in the 
war years we spent so much blood and treasure in an effort 
to destroy? It would be strange if the Allies, under United 
States leadership, were now to help Japan achieve those 
ambitions which she failed to achieve by force of arms. 

I am not arguing that Japan should be kept economically 
weak. It is true that an economically healthy Japan, even 
a prosperous Japan, is essential to the economic health of 
East Asia. It is true that access to overseas markets and raw 
materials is essential to Japan's economic health, and that 
the restoration of Japan's foreign trade will depend, in its 
early stages, on substantial foreign credits. All this is agreed. 

10 6 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

The crucial question is whether, in existing circumstances, 
there is any reasonable assurance that Allied economic aid 
will restore economic health to Japan. Is it not more likely 
that Allied concessions and credits will be used, not for the 
welfare of the Japanese people, but that the old guard, 
which still controls Japan's economy, will use its new re- 
sources to do what it formerly did: maintain a semi-feudal- 
ism at home and extend an economic imperialism abroad? 
Unless internal reform is made the condition of external 
aid, it is likely not only to fail in its avowed economic pur- 
pose, but to enable Japan's rulers to frustrate economic and 
social reforms. If SCAP has not been able to prevent the 
old and the new Zaibatsu from flagrantly misappropriating 
available resources for selfish and sectional advantage dur- 
ing the Occupation, what precautions are the Allies taking 
to prevent continued misappropriation when the Occupa- 
tion is over? That is why it is dangerous to make economic 
concessions and grant economic aid unless this policy is 
tightly geared with an effective program of economic and 
social reform. Otherwise what purports to be economic aid 
to the Japanese people may be a disguised subsidy to Japa- 
nese reactionaries. 

Moral Demilitarization 

The psychological atmosphere in Japan everywhere sug- 
gests that the armed forces are not dead, but dormant. The 
Japanese are acutely aware of the hostility between the 
United States and Russia. This clash of interests between 
the two Great Powers sets the tone of everything that hap- 
pens in Japan. The restoration of the Japanese fighting 
forces in some form or other is sympathetically discussed at 
Allied social gatherings, and this is well known to the Japa- 
nese. It was, therefore, not surprising that early in 1947 the 

Demilitarization 107 

Japanese Foreign Office informally sounded out Allied rep- 
resentatives on the prospects of being allowed a standing 
army of 100,000 men and a small air force. It is sometimes 
said that the Japanese have come to hate war and their war 
leaders. I think it would be more correct to say that they 
hate losing a war, and are glad to repudiate the particular 
military leaders they blame for the defeat It was an Eng- 
lishman, Jeremy Bentham, who said that vice was a mis- 
calculation of chances. The Japanese today disown Hideki 
Tojo and his friends, not for being militarists, but for their 
blundering miscalculation of chances. 

It would probably be false to assume that Japan's present 
leaders desire another war. They have too fresh a memory 
of the risks. Yet they are eager to exploit the atmosphere of 
war, and in particular the American fear and suspicion of 
Russia and Communism. It is often remarked that Japan, 
under the Occupation, has become very pro-American. I do 
not believe that the Japanese at bottom are either pro- 
American or pro-Russian. They are pro-Japanese. In the 
present situation it is elementary common sense to play 
along with the United States. Two years ago the primary 
political intention was to please General MacArthur, in 
the hope that Japan might thereby achieve a gentle and 
short Occupation. In the last two years the emphasis has 
changed, but not the aim. The primary political purpose 
today is to qualify for American aid in terms of the Truman 
doctrine. A senior Japanese diplomat summed up the situ- 
ation this way: "Well, we Japanese have been fighting 
Communism in our part of the world since 1931, and it is 
nice to know that the United States is now awake up to the 
importance of helping us in the job/' 

It will be recalled that in the new Constitution Japan 
renounces forever resort to war and abolishes forever her 
armed forces. 

10 g Japan Enemy or Ally? 

In its preamble the Japanese Constitution declares: 

Desiring peace for all time and fully conscious of the high 
ideals controlling human relationships now stirring mankind, 
we have determined to rely for our security and survival upon 
the justice and good faith of the peace-loving peoples of the 

And Article IX of the Constitution reads: 

War, as a sovereign right of the nation, and the threat or use 
of force, is forever renounced as a means of settling disputes 
with other nations. 

The maintenance of land, sea and air forces, as well as other 
war potential, will never be authorized. The right of belliger- 
ency of the state will never be recognized. 

There are two interesting questions to ask about these 
parts of the Constitution: What do the Japanese feel about 
them, and what do Americans, as the representatives of the 
Allies, feel about them? 

I think there can be no doubt about what the Japanese 
feel. They do not take this renunciation of war and of 
armed forces with the least seriousness. During my stay in 
Japan I noticed three phases of response when, in talking 
to influential Japanese, I sought their reactions. In April 
or May of 1946 the reaction was usually coy and pious. "We 
rely for our safety on the high ideals of the United Na- 
tions." Some months later the reaction changed: "Well, it 
was made clear to us that we could not have any armed 
forces, and that we would win favor by Voluntarily' re- 
nouncing them. That seemed the sensible thing to do." And 
the last phase I noticed showed another change of empha- 
sis. "Japan is of such vital strategic importance to the 
United States that we can rely on the Americans to defend 
us. It is, therefore, unnecessary for us to have our own 
armed forces. Of course, if the United States would wish 

Demilitarization log 

us to share the burden of defending this area, we should be 
glad to do so, provided we are granted the means." 

From reports I have had since I left Japan it seems that 
the Japanese attitude towards demilitarization and pacifism 
has continued to harden. I think the spirit in which Tojo 
and his fellow prisoners presented their defense before the 
International Military Tribunal for the Far East, and the 
Japanese reactions to these defense pleas, strongly suggest 
that Japanese penitence is not deep or durable. One of the 
most interesting sidelights on Japanese psychology under 
the Occupation is the way in which the major war crime 
suspects have gradually been regaining a place in public 
esteem. At the opening of the major war trial in mid-1946, 
the general tendency among the Japanese I met was to disr 
own the accused. The Japanese were still shocked by defeat, 
and it may have been a natural impulse of self-defense to 
offer up the Tojo group as scapegoats. But as time went on 
and relations between America and Russia grew worse, 
Japanese were not so eager to repudiate their former war 
leaders. Had not those leaders after all been waging a war 
against Communism in the Far East since 1931? No doubt, 
it was wrong and foolish of them to go to war with the 
United States, but if the United States at that time failed 
to appreciate the menace of Communism in East Asia, it 
was hard for Japan's leaders to avoid war. That was the 
trend of Japanese talk. 

It was, therefore, not surprising that Tojo's defense 
seemed to win a respectful response throughout Japan, 
however reticent in expression. The Nippon Times, which 
has close, if unofficial, links with the Japanese Foreign 
Office, gave ten columns of its four-page issue on December 
27, 1947, to reporting Tojo's statement. The six leading 
Japanese-language dailies in Tokyo gave most of the front 
page to the Tojo story and played up his contention that 
the war had been one of self-defense forced on Japan. None 

110 Japan-Enemy or Ally? 

of these papers brought out the angle emphasized by most 
Allied reporters: that Tojo's affidavit was reminiscent of 
Japan's wartime propaganda. Tojo took little trouble to 
conceal the note of quiet defiance. He said, inter alia: 

May I reiterate that the policy of Japan, and certainly the 
choice of her duly-constituted officials of state, involved neither 
aggression nor exploitation. Step by step . . . our country finally 
was brought face to face with stark reality, and to us, who at 
that period were weighted with the duty of deciding the fate 
of our nation, a war of self -existence was our only alternative. 
... I believe firmly and will contend to the last that it was a 
war of self-defense and in no manner a violation of presently- 
acknowledged international law. 

I believe that that faithfully expresses the beliefs still 
held by at least ninety per cent of the Japanese people. 

For some time the Japanese Foreign Office has had senior 
officers engaged in formulating Japan's aims at the Peace 
Conference. Towards the end of 1947 a Foreign Office doc- 
ument fell into the hands of the press. This document 
suggested that the northern Kuriles, which were given to 
the U.S.S.R. as part of the Yalta Agreement, should be 
claimed by the United Nations and put under trusteeship. 
The document did not disclose whether Japan's eagerness 
to join the United Nations as soon as the Treaty comes 
into force was partly due to a desire to qualify as the trus- 
tee for this area. The document went on to indicate that 
Japan should resist by all means in her power the setting 
up of any Allied Supervisory Commission to ensure the ful- 
fillment of the Treaty. If some Allied Commission were 
unavoidable, Japan was to push for a council of the heads 
of the diplomatic services of the Big Four, and the func- 
tions of this council were, if possible, to be limited to "ob- 
servation." Japan should ask for a merchant marine of four 
million tons and some aircraft for "control patrol work." 
Most significant of all, it was urged that SCAP directives 

Demilitarization in 

issued during the Occupation should, when the Treaty 
comes into force, become null and void, and Japanese legis- 
lation giving effect to these directives should be subject to 
repeal in the ordinary way. 

It is not possible to know whether the policy set forth in 
this Foreign Office document had been examined and ac- 
cepted by the Japanese Government or whether it repre- 
sented merely a list of proposals prepared by senior offi- 
cials. Apparently GHQ wished to play down the document. 
It was reported that General MacArthur had not seen it 
and did not propose to read it. 5 Nevertheless, it gives an 
interesting glimpse of how some members of the "purged" 
bureaucracy feel about the Occupation and the peace set- 

* Nippon Times, December 14, 1947. 


Rural Land Reform 

be the first and most important step in any program for the 
economic and spiritual emancipation of the Japanese 
people. Nearly half of the Japanese people live in farm 
households. Their importance lies not only in their num- 
bers, but in the fact that they represent what is most back- 
ward in Japanese society. Much more than any other class, 
they show the spirit and the habits of feudalism. No de- 
mocracy can be built on a foundation of agricultural serf- 

It is true that at the surrender the farmers found them- 
selves in a peculiarly favorable position. Their homes had 
not been destroyed and the countryside was undamaged. 
They had always been able to keep enough of the food they 
grew to feed themselves, and after the surrender the Gov- 
ernment was unable or unwilling to enforce rice deliveries. 
So the fanners ate their fill and still managed to sell a pro- 
portion of their produce on the black market at fabulous 
prices. It was a curious reversal of the traditional situation. 
But it had all the marks of being temporary, since every 
ton of food imported weakened the fanner's bargaining 
position, and it was to be expected that in any restoration 
of Japan's foreign trade, food imports would play a promi- 


"Democratization": Economic 113 

nent part. Moreover, the shortages of fertilizers, implements 
and consumer goods emphasized the artificial and precari- 
ous nature of this wave of comparative prosperity. Yet this 
period of high food prices did enable many owner-fanners 
to reduce or pay off immense burdens of debt, and it did 
give the more successful tenant farmers their first oppor- 
tunity to buy land for themselves, if any could be made 
available at something like "normal" prewar values. It was 
a situation which in no way reduced the need for rural 
reform, but rather presented a favorable opportunity for 
the launching of a comprehensive program. 

It was against this background that SCAP issued a direc- 
tive on December 9, 1945, ordering the Japanese Govern- 
ment "to exterminate those pernicious ills which have long 
blighted the agrarian structure of a land where almost half 
the total population is engaged in husbandry." The direc- 
tive went on to state that one of the "more malevolent" of 
those ills was that "more than three-fourths of the farmers 
in Japan are either partially or totally tenants, paying rentals 
amounting to half or more of their annual crops." 

SCAP, therefore, ordered the Japanese Government to 
submit on or before March 15, 1946, a program of rural 
land reform which would do four things: (i) It was to pro- 
vide for the transfer of the land owned by absentee owners 
to local residents who would themselves work the land. A 
great deal of agricultural land had fallen into the hands of 
businessmen, money lenders and others as a result of farm- 
ers' bankruptcy. SCAP wanted to restore the ownership 
of farms to farmers. (2) It was to provide means by which 
the tenants could buy land from non-operating owners at 
equitable rates. (3) It was to provide a method by which 
tenants could pay by small annual installments commen- 
surate with their incomes. (4) It was to provide methods 
for prohibiting tenant buyers from being forced back into 
a tenancy status. 

H4 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

It should be kept in mind that there were four groups 
directly involved in this program. Absentee owners were 
those who lived outside the district and played no pan in 
cultivation. "Non-operating" owners were those who lived 
in the district, but were "non-operating" to the extent that 
they left the cultivation of part or all of their land to ten- 
ants. Owner-tenants were those who worked as tenants for 
a landlord, in addition to working their own small parcels 
of land. Lastly, there were the "pure" or landless tenants. 

In obedience to the SCAP directive, the Japanese Gov- 
ernment duly submitted its reform program. Its proposals 
were submitted by SCAP for the advice of the Allied Coun- 
cil. I expressed the view that these proposals were very 
unsatisfactory and would fail to fulfill the aims of the 
SCAP directive for the following reasons: 

(a) The average limit of five cho of tenant-cultivated 
land allowed per landowner was too high and would mean 
Chat 70 per cent or more of tenant land would not be avail- 
able for purchase by tenants. 

(b) The provision whereby "farm lands which, though 
being possessed by non-operators at present, are expected 
to be operated by the owner in the near future" would be 
excluded from transfer, would allow landlords a convenient 
means of defeating the reform. 

(c) The proposed machinery of transfer of tenant land 
was cumbersome and against the interests of tenants. Direct 
negotiation between landlord and tenant favored the land- 
lord, while the Local Rural Land Commission seemed to 
be weighted heavily in favor of the landlords' interests. 
The composition of Prefectural Rural Land Commissions 
was described in vague terms, and there was no evidence 
that the tenants' interests would be safeguarded at this 
level either. 

(d) The expectation of the Japanese Government that 
70 per cent^pf the purchase funds would be provided by 

"Democratization": Economic 115 

the Government and 30 per cent by the tenants might mean 
that tenants who could afford to provide 30 per cent of the 
purchase price would be given preference over tenants who, 
though capable farmers, were unable to make this deposit. 

(e) No provision was made for periodical reappraise- 
ment of the obligations of buyers to protect them against 
insolvency through falling land values. 

(f) The subsidies of 220 yen per tan of paddy fields and 
130 yen per tan of upland fields seemed to raise the total 
purchase price of lands too high. These prices would be 
nearly 100 per cent above prewar levels. 

(g) Outright purchase would require heavy credit ad- 
vances, which were undesirable in existing conditions of 
inflation, unbalanced budgets and monetary instability. 

(h) A period of five years for the acquisition of the lands 
seemed to be unnecessarily long. 

(i) No adequate provision was made for the checking of 
excessive rents or for written tenancy contracts specifying 
rent payable and length of tenure. 1 

I went on to submit to the Allied Council a ten-point 
program for rural land reform. The program was as fol- 

i. The maximum average area of tenant-cultivated land 
which any non-operating landowner may own should be 
reduced to one cho (2.45 acres). 

The maximum area of tenant-cultivated land which may 
be owned by any non-operating landowner determines prin- 
cipally the area of land which shall be subject to purchase 
by tenants. To illustrate this point, the following figures 
are estimates of the maximum amount of land which would 
be available for transfer with different areas of tenant land 
owned by non-operating landowners. They are rough esti- 
mates, since the data available will not permit very accu- 

i Minutes of Allied Council for Japan, Sixth Meeting. 

n6 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

rate calculations. In practice the area actually realized 
would almost certainly be less than these estimates. 

Estimated area of 
Average maximum land available for 

land owned by transfer from Land available for Percentage 

non-operating non-operating transfer from ab- Total area available - 



sentee landowners 

for transfer 

tenant 1 


(ooo cho) 

(ooo cho) 

(ooo cho) 





















A maximum of one cho of tenant land for non-operating 
landowners would probably make nearly 70 per cent of all 
tenant land available for sale. The Japanese Government's 
plan would free only 30 per cent or less. I suggest that one 
cho would, on the average, provide a living for a Japanese 
family. I feel it would be precipitous to advocate the aboli- 
tion of tenancy, and so long as tenants remain it is impor- 
tant that they should have the right to work on an area 
large enough to maintain a family. 

2. The maximum area which any landowner may own 
should be three cho, on the average, for the Islands of 
Honshu, Kyushu and Shikoku and 12 cho for Hokkaido. 

Only about 3 per cent of farms in Japan are three cho 
and over, so that restriction of ownership to this area 
would not cause fragmentation of the unit of cultivation 
to the detriment of efficiency. On the other hand, the rela- 
tively small number of landowners (about 71^ per cent of 
the total) who own three cho and over possess together 
nearly 50 per cent of all cultivated land. Stipulation of a 
maximum area of three cho would probably assure the 
transference of approximately 1,000,000 cho and prevent 
(in addition to legislative prohibition to be proposed later) 
owners of large estates from expelling their tenants and 

"Democratization"; Economic 

nominally working their estates themselves to avoid com- 
pulsory transfer. 

3. Tenants should be limited to the purchase of family 
maintenance units of land. 

The size of the family maintenance unit would vary from 
district to district, but probably would not exceed one cho 
on the average. Restriction of purchases to such units 
would enable the maximum number of tenants to purchase 
land. The number of pure tenants in Japan is approxi- 
mately 1,400,000, and a transference of 65 per cent of ten- 
ant lands would provide sufficient land to absorb all of 
these at an average holding of one cho per family, and still 
leave approximately 400,000 cho for distribution among 

4. A Land Acquisition Board should be established to 
administer the land transfer program. It should be under 
the chairmanship of the Minister for Agriculture and For- 
estry, and include equal representation of landowners and 
tenants. Prefectural and local Land Commissioners, repre- 
senting equally the interests of landowners and tenants, 
should be appointed to administer the program at prefec- 
tural and local levels. 

Under the above proposal the local commissions would 
determine, subject to the ultimate approval of the Land 
Acquisition Board, the land to be made available for trans- 
fer in each locality and would receive application for land 
from tenants. There would be no direct negotiations be- 
tween landlords and tenants. 

5. The Land Acquisition Board should purchase land 
for resale to tenants. The purchase price should be paid 
in Government bonds, to be redeemed periodically over 
a period of 24 years, as repayments are made by tenants, 

1 1 8 Japan Enemy or A lly? 

but with provisions for earlier redemption if circumstances 
are favorable. 

Purchase, of land by the Government for resale to ten- 
ants through the Local Land Commissions would provide 
the best means of ensuring that the tenant received land 
under fair conditions and at the official price. Payment to 
landowners over a number of years would prevent an 
undue expansion of credit, which would be undesirable 
while monetary instability continues. It might be con- 
venient at a later date to redeem all bonds before maturity. 

6. Tenants purchasing land should be protected against 
the consequences of any future fall in land values by peri- 
odical reappraisements of their commitments. 

Falling land values, subsequent to purchase, have 
quently caused the failure of land settlement and purchase 
schemes. In the absence of provision for the adjustment of 
debts, tenant purchasers are likely to be forced into in- 

7. The provisions of the program should be applied to 
the land situation, as at December 8, 1945, and all subse- 
quent sales of land and substitution of nominal owner op- 
eration for tenant cultivation should not be recognized. 

A provision of this nature is necessary to prevent land- 
lords from evading the reform by "dummy" sales, and 
nominally reducing their tenant land before the program 
is put into effect. 

8. The time in which the transfer is to take place should 
be reduced from five years to three years. 

It should be possible to carry through the acquisition of 
the land from landowners within three years. 

"Democratization": Economic ng 

9. Consolidation of holdings should be carried on, as far 
as possible, at the same time as the transfer of land from 
landlords to tenants. 

Many farms in Japan are composed of small scattered 
pieces of land. Such fragmentation of areas is a major bar- 
rier to more efficient working of farms. With the transfer 
of a large amount of land through Government bodies, an 
excellent opportunity for consolidation of holdings is pro- 
vided. Where necessary, tenants should be encouraged to 
purchase consolidated areas. 

10. Provision should be made for rent ceiling and writ- 
ten tenancy contracts guaranteeing security of tenure to 
tenants and rights in any improvements they make. 

It is envisaged that 30 per cent or more of existing ten- 
ant lands will remain as such, and it is, therefore, impor- 
tant that conditions of tenancy should be improved. 

This program was warmly supported by the Chinese 
member, who moved some minor amendments which were 
useful and acceptable, particularly an amendment reducing 
the time limit for transfer from three to two years. The 
Russian member also expressed his support for my pro- 
gram, though he went on to make certain supplementary 
proposals, some of which were inconsistent with mine. Gen- 
eral Derevyanko proposed, for example, that compensation 
for land acquired should be paid on a decreasing scale, so 
that a landlord with a large area of land would receive the 
full rate of payment for the first three cho of alienated 
land, half rates for the fourth, fifth and sixth cho, and after 
that nothing at all. This last feature of the Russian mem- 
ber's plan was strongly opposed by the American member 
on the ground that it involved confiscation. He claimed it 

120 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

essential that SCAP should not countenance any abroga- 
tion of the rights of private property. 2 

In October 1946 the Diet passed two Government bills 
which included most of the substance and much of the 
detail of the ten-point program I had submitted to the 
Allied Council, though only, I believe, under persistent 
pressure from GHQ. This legislation provides compulsory 
means to enable about two million tenants, or three-quar- 
ters of all fanners, to acquire the land they work. It also 
seeks to improve conditions of tenancy for the remaining 

Absentee landlords must sell all their land; non-operat- 
ing landlords living in the local community must sell all 
land in excess of one cho, except in Hokkaido, where they 
may keep four cho. (Farming in Hokkaido is largely pas- 
toral, and land values are only about a quarter, on the 
average, of what they are in the other three islands.) Farm- 
ers who work their own land are limited to the average 
ownership of three cho (12 cho in Hokkaido), plus the one 
cho allowed non-operating landlords. This means that the 
average fanner cannot own more than ten acres: 7^ 
worked by himself and family, and 21^, which he may 
lease to tenants. 

Land is to be bought at a fixed price, and tenants may 
buy by installments over 30 years, at 3.2 per cent interest. 
The annual installments, plus taxes and other ownership 
obligations, are not to exceed one-third of the value of the 
crop of the purchased land. 

Considered as reform legislation, the Land Reform Acts 
are generally very satisfactory. There may be some loop 
holes, such as the provision that an owner-operator may be 
allowed to have more than three cho if he can show that a 
reduction of the area worked by himself and family would 

Minutes of AlUed Council of Japan, Sixth, Seventh and 

"Democratization": Economic 131 

be likely to reduce the productiveness of the land. The real 
test of the reforms, however, will be in the way they are 
administered by the Local Land Commissions, set up to 
supervise the transfers. There are some 10,000 of these 
commissions, made up of elected representatives of ten- 
ants, owner-operators and landlords, in the proportion 
5:2:3. There are two stages in the process of transferring 
the land to the tenants. First, the "surplus" land is bought 
by the Government, acting through the local commissions, 
and then this land, after efforts at consolidating small strips, 
is resold to the tenants. Considerable progress has been 
made with the first stage, and GHQ officials anticipated 
that during the first quarter of 1948 resales to tenants 
would be possible on a big scale, and that the whole pro- 
gram of transfer would be completed by the end of 1948, 

It is too soon to measure the success of the program. 
There has been plenty of evidence of the landlord's resist- 
ance. From the date of the surrender, landlords, anticipating 
reform measures, tried to dispossess tenants and distribute 
the land they worked among relatives and friends. From 
August 15, 1945, to June 10, 1946, there were 23,809 dis- 
putes arising out of landlords' demands for the return of 
tenant farms. In the Local Land Commissions at the end of 
1946 there was evidence of improper pressure by landlords 
iri a number of areas. In October 1947 a group of landlords 
on Tochigi Prefecture contested the constitutionality of 
the Land Reform Acts. Yet in some districts the commis- 
sions appear to be working with enthusiasm and efficiency 
in their effort to meet the needs of eager buyers. 

The difficulties and delays in carrying out the program 
may sometimes be due not to the obduracy of the owners, 
but the inertia of the tenants. A proportion of tenants may 
feel that the legislated reforms in the tenancy system re- 
duce the relative advantages of ownership. The new laws 
lay down that rents are henceforward to be paid in cash, 

122 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

not in kind, and in accordance with written contracts, in- 
stead of the verbal contracts which previously gave the land- 
lords too great a sense of security. Moreover, the new rent 
ceilings, fixed by law, reduce the old rates by about half; 
rent is limited to 25 per cent of the value of the crop on 
paddy fields (wet cultivation) and 15 per cent of its value 
on upland fields (dry cultivation). 8 

It would be foolish to hope for too much from these re- 
form measures, even if they are carried out according to 
plan. By enabling a tenant to become an owner-farmer you 
improve his condition by increasing his rights, particularly 
his right to a larger share of what he produces. But you do 
not necessarily increase the volume or value of his prod- 
ucts. It is often said that farming is very efficient in Japan. 
This is true in the sense that the Japanese are expert in 
getting the maximum product from a given area. But the 
meticulous exploitation of every cultivable square yard is 
only carried on by the reckless expenditure of human labor. 
The basic problem of Japanese agriculture is economic- 
there is so little land and so much labor. At present more 
than two-thirds of the farms of Japan are of less than two 
and a half acres in area, and more than one-third of less 
than one and one-quarter acres. The average farm house- 
hold is made up of about three adult farm workers, plus 
old people and children. The only permanent way to re- 
lieve the poverty and overcrowding of Japanese farms is to 

The Diet passed legislation in November 1947 to dissolve the wartime 
Agricultural Control Associations and enable farmers whether owners or 
tenants-to form their own Cooperative Associations along democratic lines. 
This legislation was described by Lt.-Col. H. G. Schenck, Chief of the 
Natural Resources Section, GHQ, as of "far-reaching significance to the 
farmers of Japan" and "the second great step toward agrarian reform." 
Cpi Schenck declared that the Agricultural Control Associations, being 
dissolved, had been "a vicious monopoly, exercising dictatorial control over 
every Sphere of the agricultural economy." The new law would "restore 
to farmers the power to determine the destinies of their economic efforts 
through associations voluntarily organized and completely farmer-con- 
trolled," Nippon Times, November 9, 1947. 

"Democratization": Economic 123 

reduce the number of farmers. An increasing number must 
be absorbed in secondary and tertiary industries. This 
would make possible a consolidation of farm holdings, an 
increase in their size, and the introduction of more modern 
and mechanized agriculture. This would, in turn, imply 
the development of Japan's foreign trade and considerable 
food imports. It is only along these lines that Japanese 
farmers can hope to achieve the material basis for civilized 

The Dissolution of the Zaibatsu 

The term Zaibatsu, meaning literally "money group/* 
is sometimes restricted to the four great business organiza- 
tions Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo and Yasuda but usu- 
ally it is extended to include other leading families and 
combines, sometimes called the "lesser Zaibatsu." * In this 
chapter I use the term in this inclusive sense. 

Before the surrender there was a good deal of difference 
of opinion among Western experts on Japan about what 
should be done with the Zaibatsu. There was an impressive 
body of opinion in Britain which opposed any plan to 
break up the Zaibatsu organizations. It was urged that the 
extreme concentration of economic power which these con- 
cerns represented was an integral feature of Japan's pecul- 
iar economic development, and that it would not be pos- 
sible to destroy the Zaibatsu organization and leadership 
without dislocating the whole economy. It was claimed that 
the Zaibatsu represented the "moderate" forces, and that 
they had shown themselves often to be in strong opposition 
to the militarists. They stood for economic expansion, not 
for territorial aggression. Moreover, if Japan's peaceful 

* Following its investigation of the "Big Four/' SGAP called for informa- 
tion on the assets of ten "lesser Zaibatsu" families Rikawa, Asano, Furu- 
kawa, Kawasaki, Matsushita, Nakajima, Nomura, Okochi, Okura and 

124 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

economy were to be restored, she could not dispense with 
the managerial ability of the Zaibatsu leaders. 

Nevertheless, in 1945, the opposing school of thought got 
its view officially accepted. The Initial Post-Surrender 
Policy instructed General MacArthur "to favor a program 
for the dissolution of the large industrial and banking com- 
binations, which had exercised control of a great part of 
Japan's trade and industry." 

There were several reasons for this 1945 decision to dis- 
solve the Zaibatsu. It was felt that during the war years the 
Zaibatsu and the militarists had been rivals rather than 
enemies. They had differed not so much, if at all, in their 
national objectives; their differences had mainly been on 
strategy and tactics. The Zaibatsu could, consequently, not 
be cleared of war responsibility. It was felt that the con- 
tinued concentration of economic authority in a few hands 
was an essential feature of a totalitarian and expansionist 
policy. To tolerate its perpetuation would be to leave in- 
tact the industrial basis of Japanese militarism. Moreover, 
the continued concentration of wealth and power seemed 
inconsistent with the principles of democracy and social 
justice. This motive was reinforced by the traditional 
American aversion to trusts and monopolies. The aim wa& 
not to destroy or weaken the institution of private prop- 
erty, but to protect and enlarge it by ensuring that its o\m- 
ership should be more widely and equitably distributed. 

I shall not attempt to recount in any technical detail the 
vicissitudes of SCAP's dissolution program. I shall limit 
myself to describing the main lines of policy, to describing 
the difficulties in its formulation and supervision, and 
pointing to the problem still to be solved if, as now seems, 
questionable, the Allies still want the program to be com- 

The Zaibatsu exercised their power mainly through hold- 
ing companies, which held securities in subsidiaries in 

"Democratization": Economic 125 

nearly all branches of industry and commerce. The first 
task, therefore, was to dissolve these holding companies. 
This was a project of baffling complexity. The first essen- 
tial was full information about the ramifications of the 
Zaibatsu organization. GHQ did not possess this informa- 
tion, and, even if it had, it did not possess the trained staff 
capable of mastering it. SCAP, therefore, approached the 
task with understandable caution. It was suggested that the 
Zaibatsu themselves, in consultation with the Japanese 
Government, should work out a scheme for their own de- 
struction and submit it to SCAP for approval. This proce- 
dure was followed. The first schemes put forward did not 
satisfy GHQ, which put pressure on the Zaibatsu to submit 
something more radical. In response, the Yasuda Holding 
Company formulated a plan on behalf of the "Big Four." 
SCAP approved this plan, and in an important directive of 
November 6, 1945, instructed the Japanese Government 
to supervise its operation. The Government was to set up 
a Holding Company Liquidation Commission. This Com- 
mission was to take over the securities held by those hold- 
ing companies designated for dissolution, beginning with 
Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Yasuda and Sumitomo. These holding 
companies were then to be dissolved. The securities were 
to be sold to the public under conditions intended to pre- 
vent individuals or families from obtaining controlling 
blocks. In liquidating the Zaibatsu assets, the Commission 
was to safeguard the interest of small shareholders, and the 
employees of the companies were to be given preference in 
the sale of the shares. The Zaibatsu owners of the securities 
were to be paid compensation in Government bonds, non- 
maturing and non-negotiable for at least ten years, to the 
selling value of the securities, less the costs of dissolution. 
There was a good deal of delay in getting this program 
started. SCAP rejected as inadequate the first draft of the 
Imperial Ordinance, No. 233, creating the Liquidation 

Japan Enemy or Ally? 

Commission. After revision, it was finally approved by 
SCAP in a directive of July 23, 1946. The Liquidation 
Commission held its inaugural meeting on August 27, 1946. 

There are certain features of this program, and of the 
machinery for carrying it out, which raise doubt whether 
its declared objectives can be achieved. 

The first need, as I have already mentioned, is that Allied 
supervisors should possess comprehensive and accurate in- 
formation, not only on the anfractuosities of Zaibatsu or- 
ganization, but on the financial and commercial situation 
of perhaps thousands of companies. The Liquidation Com- 
mission, for example, must seek to determine the "fair 
value" of Zaibatsu-owned shares in the holding companies, 
To do this, it must be able to appraise the assets, liabilities 
and earnings of the subsidiaries. In September 1947 the 
subsidiaries of the holding companies already marked for 
dissolution numbered more than 1,200. Independent in- 
vestigation of the affairs of all these companies is out of the 
question. Hence the Liquidation Commission and SCAP 
officers must mainly rely on reports from the companies 
themselves, which must have great temptation, as well as 
great opportunity, to sidetrack inquiries. 

It is important, moreover, that the program .for dissolu- 
tion was formulated by the best brains the Zaibatsu could 
muster, men of great industrial and political experience. 
These Zaibatsu leaders were accustomed to criticism from 
the militarists on the one hand and from radicals on the 
other. They had become expert in meeting it and in de- 
fending their position against rivals and revolutionaries. 
They would have been well aware of the anti-trust feeling 
in the United States, and, as defeat drew near, it would be 
surprising if they did not work out plans for meeting Allied 
efforts to overthrow them. 

It is perhaps equally important that the responsibility 
for controlling the firms and families whose assets have been 
frozen rests with the Japanese Government. SCAP officers 

"Democratization": Economic 127 

"hope" that the Government is doing this faithfully and 
efficiently. The Japanese Governments since the surrender 
have relied for their support on the most conservative 
forces in Japanese society. The Government's record in at- 
tempting to carry out effective controls in other sections of 
the economy does not encourage confidence in its eager- 
ness or competence to control the Zaibatsu. On the techni- 
cal side, Japanese official auditing and accounting is no- 
toriously loose. 

The character and outlook of the members of the Liqui- 
dation Commission is a crucial factor. I do not pretend to 
any firsthand knowledge of this. It is interesting, though, 
that Susayama, the chairman, was employed by Yasuda from 
1926 to 1931, and that he was later president of the Indus- 
trial Bank of Japan, a "national policy" concern now dis- 
solved. 8 Moda, the liaison officer with GHQ, was formerly 
head of the Mitsui interests in the United States. I was 
sometimes told, without supporting evidence, that the 
Liquidation Commission was purely an Occupation-period 
front for the Zaibatsu, whose interests it was carefully pro- 
tecting. On the other side, the GHQ officers directly con- 
cerned claimed that the Commission was doing an honest 
and courageous job. Only the future can provide conclusive 
evidence either way. 

SCAP recognized that the strong family ties among the 
Zaibatsu might provide unofficial chains of control after 
the official chains had been broken. In an attempt to meet 
this danger, the Japanese Government was ordered to ex- 
clude from policy-making positions in holding companies 
and their subsidiaries "blood relatives to the third degree" 

The Japanese Government at first proposed Mauji lijuma as chairman. 
He was not acceptable to SCAP. This was not surprising, in view of his 
published statement: "It is a great mistake to say that the Zaibatsu 
must be destroyed." lijuma was later purged for having, by writings and 
in other ways, shown himself an active supporter of military aggression. 
Summation of Non-military Activities, July, 1946. 

The significant thing was that the Japanese- Government should have 
considered lijuma a suitable chairman for the Liquidation Commission. 

JapanEnemy or Ally? 

of those officials who had been purged. The intention of 
this regulation is clear, but it is doubtful whether it will 
be effective. The executives in Zaibatsu concerns may re- 
main under the personal influence or domination of the 
Zaibatsu families. This is all the more likely if the young 
men feel that their elders are only in temporary eclipse. 
I had personal knowledge while in Japan of some "purged" 
presidents who continued to direct their companies from 
their homes, where their former subordinates would re- 
spectfully gather daily to make their reports and get in- 

Such considerations illustrate the difficulties in the way 
of destroying the Zaibatsu power. But perhaps the greatest 
obstacle lies not in the resistance of the Zaibatsu, but in 
the general economic conditions in Japan. It is one thing 
for the Liquidation Commission to take over Zaibatsu hold- 
ings; it is another thing to find some useful way to dispose 
of them. It must be remembered that the positive aim of 
the program is to disperse ownership. The difficulty is to 
find suitable people who can buy the Zaibatsu securities. 
Inflation increases inequalities of wealth in favor of prop- 
erty owners and businessmen at the expense of wage and 
salary earners. Wage and salary earners have been forced 
to use their savings, where they existed, to meet their cur- 
rent needs. It is true that large incomes are being made in 
commerce, and on the black market, but it is hardly useful 
or desirable to take special steps to transfer economic power 
from an old to a new Zaibatsu. If it is not possible to dis- 
tribute these securities widely among the "little men," the 
program will fail in its positive purpose. I know of nothing 
pointing to a solution of this major problem. 6 

The Zaibatsu holdings might be made available to foreign investors. 
Mr. Edward C. Welsh, Chief of SCAP's Anti-Cartel and Trust Division, 
has pointed out that foreign investments would produce firmer prices for 
Zaibatsu stock and bring technological and other advantages to the 
Japanese economy. Nippon Times, October 5, 1947. 

"Democratization": Economic 129 

There are some indications that the United States Gov- 
ernment will not press for the completion of the Zaibatsu 
program. On December 27, 1948, Mr. Robert Lovett, 
Under-Secretary of State, told a news conference that the 
Government was restudying the whole Zaibatsu picture, 
with a view to revising its views on future ownership and 
control, in the light of the fact that Japanese wartime con- 
trol of these concerns had already been broken, and, in 
that respect, the Occupation aim had been achieved. 

On January 6, 1948, Mr. K. C. Royall, U.S. Under- 
secretary of the Army, developed this line. He pointed out 
that in 1945 the main American interest was to prevent any 
possible future Japanese aggression. The well-being of 
Japan, or her strength as a nation, was a secondary consid- 
eration. But, since then, Mr. Royall pointed out, new con- 
ditions have arisen in world politics. Hence the need to 
re-examine America's attitude towards Japan. These 
changes have produced "an inevitable area of conflict 
between the original concept of broad demilitarization and 
the new purpose of building a self-supporting nation." 
Mr. Royall went on to say that: 

at some stage extreme deconcentration of industry, while 
further impairing the ability to make war, may, at the same 
time, destroy manufacturing efficiency of Japanese industry 
may, therefore, postpone the day when Japan can become 

Another border-line situation between demilitarization and 
economic recovery is presented in the case of personnel. The 
men who were the most active in building up and running 
Japan's war machine militarily and industrially were often- 
the ablest and most successful leaders of that country, and 
their services would in many instances contribute to the eco- 
nomic recovery of Japan. 

It is noteworthy that Mr. Royall spoke on the assump- 
tion that the earlier program for land reform and the dis- 

1S o JapanEnemy or Ally? 

solution of the Zaibatsu were completed, or in process of 
completion. "Land reform," he said, "would be completed 
by the end of 1948"; the power of the Zaibatsu "has now 
been virtually abolished." 7 

Mr. Royall's speech helps explain why SCAP did not 
intervene to prevent the Diet from watering down the pro- 
visions of the Economic Power Decentralization Bill in 
December 1947. This Bill, as originally drafted, was to have 
been complementary to the measures for dissolving the 

The change in the U.S. attitude is, no doubt, largely due 
to a clearer perception of the real difficulties in the way of 
carrying out the original program. It appears also to reflect 
an anxiety, in the light of the international situation, not 
to destroy too impetuously the "stabilizing" influences in 
Japan's economy. There has lately been some criticism 
from Allied business circles that SCAP has been too severe 
and too radical in pushing measures for the reform of Japa- 
nese economic institutions. 


I believe that the two most significant features of the sit- 
uation at the end of 1947 were, first, the steadily returning 
confidence of the wealthy and powerful Japanese, whose 
interests SCAP's economic reforms appeared to threaten, 
and, second, a marked drop in the reformist impetus of 

The returning confidence of the conservative group 
began to find expression about the time of the announce- 
ment of the Truman doctrine. It was well expressed in a 
leading article in the Oriental Economist of March 29, 

*Tbe full text of Mr. RoyalTs speech was printed in Nippon Times, 
January 17, 1948. 

"Democratization": Economic 131 

In Greece and Turkey, Leftist and Rightist influences are 
being pitted against each other, with the former having an 
apparent edge over the latter. The situation in Japan is differ- 
ent. It is true that Leftist influence has begun to manifest 
itself through a phenomenal development of the labor move- 
ment, and its advance may become further accentuated if 
Japan's economic conditions worsen. For all that, the Leftist 
influence in Japan at present is still small and insignificant, 
compared with the overwhelming superiority of the Rightist 
influence. Such Rightist influence has not shown itself on the 
surface, although its dormant power is considered enough to 
overwhelm the Leftist influence once the weight of the Occu- 
pation forces is removed. The deep-rooted ideas of imperialism 
and militaristic patriotism, cultivated for years since the Meiji 
Restoration, and strengthened, during the ten-odd years fol- 
lowing the Manchuria Incident, are not easily wiped away. 
Those adhering to such ideas are believed to be far larger in 
number than those upholding Leftist ideas and ideologies. 

The loss of drive in GHQ's reform program has not been 
clear-cut and consistent, but the trend from 1945-48 is 
unmistakable. The program SCAP outlined in 1945 and 
early in 1946 would, if completed, produce fundamental 
changes in Japan's economic organization, and a great shift 
in the balance of economic powers. Indeed, if only the two 
measures discussed in this chapter land reform and the 
dissolution of the Zaibatsu were to be carried out thor- 
oughly, they would amount to a social-economic revolu- 
tion. There were officials in GHQ who planned and worked 
for this sort of revolution, and these Americans had the 
sincere support of a small group of Japanese radicals. But 
the senior officers in SCAP did not always share the re- 
formist enthusiasms of their subordinates. General Mac- 
Arthur's purpose in directing reform measures seems to 
spring mainly from the desire to eliminate those features 
of Japan's economy that are inconsistent with the philos- 
ophy of American individualism. He tends to equate what 
is un-American and what is undemocratic. Land reform 

Japan Enemy or Ally? 

was a blow at feudalism; the Zaibatsu program a blow at 
monopoly: both un-American concepts. But further than 
that General MacArthur seems reluctant to go. It is tni e 
that he has from time to time directed the Japanese Gov- 
ernment to enforce certain economic controls, but he is 
usually careful to express the view that controls are in 
themselves evil, and only necessary as temporary and ex- 
ceptional measures. This attitude came out clearly in his 
message to the Japanese people on New Year's Day, 1948: 

So long as your needs continue to be greater than your 
productive capacity, controls upon your internal economy will 
be essential, lest the weaker segments of your population 
perish. Such controls must, however, only be temporary, and 
subject to ultimate removal in favor of free enterprise. 

Economically, Allied policy has required the breaking open 
of that system which in the past has permitted the major part 
of the commerce and industry and natural resources of your 
country to be owned and controlled by a minority of feudal 
families and exploited for their exclusive benefit. The world 
has probably never seen a counterpart to so abnormal an eco- 
nomic system. 

It permitted exploitation of the many for the sole benefit 
of the few. The integration of these few with government was 
complete and their influence upon governmental policies in- 
ordinate, and set the course which ultimately led to war and 
destruction. It was, indeed, so complete a monopoly as to be, 
in effect, a form of socialism in private hands. Only through 
its dissolution could the way be cleared for the emergence of 
an economy conducive to the well-being of all the people- 
an economy embodying the principle of private capitalism, 
based upon free competitive enterprise; an economy which 
long experience has demonstrated alone provides the maxi- 
mum incentive to the development of those fundamental re- 
quirements to human progress: individual initiative and indi- 
vidual energy. 

General MacArthur here gave dogmatic expression to 
the widespread American view that individualism in eco- 
nomics is inseparable from democracy in politics. This 

"Democratization": Economic 133 

view inevitably breeds reluctance to sponsor any measures 
which smack of a controlled economy or of socialism. In 
expressing it, General MacArthur officially aligned himself 
against the declared policy of the Japanese Social Demo- 
cratic Party, and of the Prime Minister, Mr. Katayama. 

I am not suggesting that controls are necessarily reforms, 
nor that "socialism" is intrinsically superior to "individ- 
ualism." It remains true that in several Allied countries, 
including the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zea- 
land, there are freely-elected Governments which believe 
that a controlled economy is consistent with democracy, 
and may, in certain economic circumstances, be necessary 
for democracy to survive. It is, therefore, interesting that 
General MacArthur, in his capacity as Supreme Commander 
for the Allied Powers, should warn the people of Japan 
that a regime of "private capitalism, based upon free com- 
petitive enterprise," is indispensable to their well-being. 

The Short-Term Problem of Stabilizing 
Wage-Price Relationships 

In the preceding paragraphs I have confined myself to 
a discussion of fundamental long-term economic reforms. 
Yet during the Occupation Japan's primary need has been 
for urgent short-term measures. General MacArthur con- 
sulted the Allied Council about these measures in April 
1947, when he asked for its views on the stabilization of 
wage-price relationships. I expressed the view that the 
actual problem was mainly political, not economic; not to 
discover the sort of controls needed, but to find a Japanese 
government with the will and authority to impose them. 
Since, however, the Supreme Commander appeared to 
wish for fairly detailed recommendations in economic and 
administrative terms, I submitted the following analysis 
and recommendations. 

Japan Enemy or Ally? 


Office of the Member representing jointly the United 
Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and India 


Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations 

(i) The destruction and wastage of war and the dislocations 
of defeat present the Japanese Government with a series of 
major economic problems. 

(ii) Japan today is faced with a twofold task. First, to restore 
capital equipment for the production of peacetime goods, and, 
second, to ensure that the goods produced are justly distrib- 
uted. Efficiency and social justice must be the keynotes of eco- 
nomic policy. 

(iii) Inflation must be stopped. It has produced inefficiency, 
since available resources have been wasted in non-essential 
uses. It has caused injustice by throwing the main burden of 
sacrifice on wage and salary earners, while other sections of 
the community have profited. 

(iv) While the immediate cause of inflation is the un- 
balanced budget, a more fundamental cause is the failure to 
make price control effective by strict control over the distribu- 
tion of raw materials and consumer goods. 

(v) The control of raw materials must be enforced to make 
price control effective and to ensure that materials are reserved 
for essential uses. It should be based on a permit system. 
Permits should be necessary for both the purchase and trans- 
port of controlled materials. Records for Government inspec- 
tion of movements of controlled materials should be kept by 
suppliers, merchants, carriers and users. 

(vi) Rationing of essential consumer goods is necessary to 
ensure just distribution and should be controlled by a coupon 

(vii) Prices should be fixed to restrict profits to a minimum. 
Control of prices to prevent profiteering is more important 
than fixing a particular level of money wages, since, in the 
present circumstances of Japan's economy, increases in wages 
staply raise costs and prices and do not increase real wages. 

(viii) Provided profiteering is eliminated by price control, 
wages should be pegged as an additional safeguard against 

"Democratization": Economic 135 

excessive increases in costs and prices. These pegged rates 
should, however, be periodically reviewed and raised as pro- 
duction efficiency increases. 

(ix) Every effort must be made to ensure that Government 
revenue keeps pace with expenditure. Taxes should be based 
on current income. Returns of business and professional in- 
comes should be made at intervals of less than one year, if 
possible each quarter, so that taxes may be adjusted to current 

(x) Government expenditure should be pruned to eliminate 
all but the most essential items. Accounts submitted by Gov- 
ernment contractors should be carefully audited to prevent 
excessive charges. 

The Nature of the Problem 

1. This problem is an integral part of the question of 
over-all economic policy for Japan in its present stage and 
I propose to deal with it in that setting, leading up to spe- 
cific recommendations. 

2. The basic problem facing Japan today is to find just 
and efficient means of restoring her capital equipment in 
peacetime industries, and in such forms for direct use of 
her people as housing, hospitals and schools. Restoration 
of peacetime industries is essential to lay a basis for in- 
creased production. Without increased production there is 
no possibility of any permanent increase in living stand- 
ards in Japan. But restoration of physical capital is the 
necessary first step. 

3. Reconstruction involves sacrifices because production 
in Japan is at present at such a low level that only the bar- 
est essential needs of consumers can be met, if any margin 
is to be left for the building up of capital assets. Produc- 
tion is so low that, even if no margin were left for recon- 
struction, living standards in Japan would be much lower 
than the people have been accustomed to. But even this 
level could only be maintained temporarily, since it would 

Japan Enemy or Ally? 

have to be attained at the expense o a further wastage of 
capital assets, and would result in reduced production later 
on. Such a trend has actually taken place in Japan since 
the surrender. Production recovered fairly rapidly, particu- 
larly in consumer goods, until the middle of 1946, then 
became stagnant, and finally appears to have fallen in re- 
cent months. Valuable stocks of raw material were wasted 
in non-essential production instead of being reserved for 
essential reconstruction. Such dissipation of resources must 
be stopped if extreme hardship is to be avoided. The in- 
evitable restriction of living standards can be minimized 
if only essential goods are produced. 

4. Because of the sacrifices involved, the means adopted 
must be just, so that the burden does not fall mainly on a 
limited section of the population. To date, the restriction 
of consumption, made inevitable by the wastage of the war 
and such reconstruction as has already been carried out, 
has been accomplished by inflation. This is the most unjust 
means, since the burden falls mainly on wage and salary 
earners, whose incomes lag behind prices and whose sav- 
ings depreciate in value. On the other hand, some sections 
of the population have benefited from a situation in which 
all should have borne the sacrifices involved. Inflation 
profiteers not only make large gains, but find it relatively 
easy to preserve them against taxation, since taxes on busi- 
ness income and property are based on income and valua- 
tion at least one year before the tax is paid. By this time 
the currency has depreciated and payment is a relatively 
slight matter. Tax evasion is also relatively easy with this 
kind of income. The tendency, therefore, is to shift the 
burden on to a limited section of the population and make 
the distribution of wealth more uneven. 

5. The means adopted must also be efficient, so that re- 
sources may be devoted to the most essential purposes and 
the period of restricted living standards made as short as 

"Democratization": Economic 137 

possible. So far, the absence of effective controls over the 
distribution of resources, and the consequent inflation, have 
resulted in a severe lowering of living standards for some 
sections of the population, but have not caused the re- 
sources accumulated in other hands to be devoted to essen- 
tial reconstruction. Instead, scarce raw materials have been 
wasted in non-essential production and building. 

6. Therefore, if justice and efficiency in reconstruction, 
and a more equal distribution of wealth and economic op- 
portunity in Japan are to be achieved, the present infla- 
tionary trend must be halted. 

Basic Factors in the Inflation 

7. The principal immediate cause of the present infla- 
tion has been the unbalanced budget and the finance of 
the deficit by bonds and treasury bills taken up by the 
Bank of Japan. So long as this continues, in the situation of 
scarcity such as prevails in Japan today, there is no possi- 
bility of achieving stability of prices and wages. The budget 
cannot be balanced, however, by mere arithmetic. There 
is an intimate and mutually dependent relationship be- 
tween the budget deficit, prices and wages. The budget 
largely reflects other factors which produce inflationary 
pressures. The basic factors are mainly: 

(a) A shortage of commodities, leading to 

(b) Scarcity prices and profiteering; 

(c) Rising wage rates, in an attempt to keep up with 

(d) Higher costs and higher prices because of higher 
wage rates; 

(e) Increased Government expenditure because of higher 
prices and wages; 

(f) Failure of revenue to keep up with Government ex- 
penditure because of lag in tax assessments and tax 

JapanEnemy or Ally? 

(g) A budget deficit, financed by the central bank, be- 
cause of the unwillingness of the public to take up 
Government loans while currency is depreciating; 

(h) Increase in currency and money incomes throughout 
the community. 

All of these mutually dependent factors form the "vicious 

8. The nature of the solution, as I see it, can best be 
illustrated by dealing with each of these factors and asso- 
ciated topics in turn. 

Shortage of Commodities 

9. The shortage of commodities can only be overcome 
when Japanese industry is restored. This is the main pur- 
pose of the policy being outlined here. 

Scarcity Prices and Profiteering 

10. Scarcity prices arise because the supply of essential 
commodities is much below the demand produced by cus- 
tomary standards of living. Scarcity prices enable large 
profits to be made by certain classes of manufacturers, 
farmers, merchants and speculators, because prices received 
are much above cost of production or buying prices. The 
aim in this case should be to restrict prices to levels which 
cover, on the average, cost of production, plus a minimum 
profit. Suppliers and speculators should not be permitted 
to make exorbitant profits at the expense of the rest of the 
community. This involves fixing official prices and enforc- 
ing controls over the use of raw materials and the rationing 
of consumer goods. Controls and rationing must be effec- 
tive to restrict the amount of raw materials and finished 
goods which manufacturers and consumers may purchase. 
Otherwise competitive bidding arises, prices break through 

"Democratization": Economic 139 

the ceiling, and the fair distribution of available supplies, 
which is possible through rationing, is destroyed. 

Control and Rationing 

11. The following I consider to be the essential princi- 
ples of an effective system for the control of raw materials 
and the rationing of consumer goods: 

(a) Materials should be sold only -against a permit or 
allocation certificate, issued by the controlling author- 
ity, and stating, at least, the quantity authorized and 
the purpose for which the materials are to be used. 

(b) Manufacturers should keep an order-book, showing 
persons or corporations to whom materials have been 
sold, the quantities sold in each case, and the num- 
bers of the respective permits or allocation certificates. 
Such books should be inspected regularly by officials 
of the controlling authority. 

(c) Materials subject to control should not be trans- 
ported by rail, sea or road unless the allocation cer- 
tificate is produced. The carrier should keep a record, 
for inspection, of the names of consignees and the 
numbers of the appropriate allocation certificates. 

(d) Merchants should not be permitted to buy controlled 
raw materials for stock, but only for specific orders 
covered by allocation certificates. 

(e) Rationing of consumer goods should be based on a 
coupon system, the value of coupons being based on 
the ratio between essential requirements and the 
supply available. 

12. The above principles are not intended to constitute 
a complete plan for the control and rationing of raw mate- 
rials and consumer goods. There are obviously other prin- 
ciples and rules which can only be formulated by those 
dosely in touch with actual administration. I do feel, how- 
ever, that the principles I have listed should be a part of 
any scheme for effective economic control in Japan today. 

140 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

13. Strict enforcement of such controls can prevent one 
of the major causes of instabilityscarcity prices and elimi- 
nate the major injustices and wastages of the situation 
which has existed since the surrender. It is the major step 
to be taken if economic stability and a fair sharing of sac- 
rifices are to be achieved. 

Wage Rates 

14. Wage rates occupy a particularly important position 
in the Japanese economy today. Since the price level in 
Japan is not influenced by world prices, it is determined 
solely by local factors, and of these the basic factor is wage 
rates. A change in wage rates influences the price of prac- 
tically all goods and services. So long as wages increase 
prices increase also, provided, perhaps, there is no increase 
in the efficiency of production at the same time through 
other factors. Unless there is an increase in production, 
scarcity, or black-market, prices will increase as wages in- 
crease, because workers have more money to spend with 
only the same amount of goods to buy, and "official" prices 
will increase also, because increased wage rates will mean 
increased production costs. If "official" prices are not in- 
creased, more goods will probably go through illegal chan- 
nels, at black-market prices. Real wages cannot be increased, 
in these circumstances, simply by raising money wages, 
because wages and prices are so closely linked. 

15. The maximum real wages, in the present situation, 
can be obtained by eliminating scarcity prices by the means 
outlined in the preceding paragraphs. The excess profit 
which the seller at present obtains from scarcity prices is 
thereby transferred to the consumer. Because of the close 
link between wages and prices, no useful purpose is likely 
to be served by attempts to determine a money wage which 
will secure a certain desired minimum standard of living. 

"Democratization": Economic 141 

Such estimates can only be made on the basis of existing 
prices, and if, for example, it is decided that money wages 
should be raised to obtain a higher real wage, the result 
will be not a higher real wage, but higher prices and the 
same real wage. Unless there is an increase in production 
and a lowering of unit costs, no increase in money wages, 
in Japan today is likely to result in higher real wages. 
There may, of course, be room for adjustment of wages in 
some trades, relative to others, but not a general rise. 

16. The essential measure, therefore, is to eliminate 
scarcity prices and profiteering by controls and rationing. 
By this means wage and salary earners may obtain the maxi- 
mum possible share of consumer goods. 

17. Elimination of scarcity prices will not by itself, how- 
ever, prevent a rising price level, except insofar as it re- 
duces the pressure for wage increases. If wage increases are 
still substantial, prices will continue to rise, though the 
rise will be controlled, and it will be difficult to avoid 
budget deficits. Wage earners will not necessarily suffer, so 
long as price control is effective, but those on incomes which 
rise more slowly, such as salaried workers, will. In order to- 
secure complete stability of prices, therefore, it would be 
necessary to peg wages, after controlled prices have been 
fixed and made effective. After wages have been pegged,, 
or "frozen," they should be reviewed periodically, say, 
every six months, and allowed to rise in accordance with 
any increases in productive efficiency. As production in- 
creases, efficiency should rise, and, in these circumstances, 
increases in wage rates need not necessarily result in higher 
costs and prices. The essential condition is that controlled 
prices, closely related to costs of production, should be 

18. Wage rates, however, should only be pegged after 
price control has been made effective and the wage earner 
can obtain his needs at official prices. Otherwise it would. 

i 4 2 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

be unjust to control the incomes of one class, while another 
was allowed to make excessive profits. 

19. As it was pointed out in the Partial Staff Study on 
this question, the wage structure in Japan is extremely 
complex. A revision of the structure to standardize at least 
the relationships between basic pay and supplementary al- 
lowances would be necessary before an effective system of 
wage regulation could be applied. Regulation of the basic 
wage only should be necessary and the wage system so de- 
signed that other payments would be adjusted automati- 
.cally to any movements in the basic wage. 

Government Revenue 

20. Budget deficits are difficult to avoid when prices are 
rising, because revenue tends to lag behind expenditure. 
In these circumstances taxes should be levied as much as 
possible on current earnings and deducted at the source. 
This is relatively easy to do with wages and salaries, but 
the problem is complicated with business and professional 
incomes. However, it is essential in Japan today that pro- 
gressive income tax should be effectively levied on business 
and professional incomes. This is necessary to prevent large 
budget deficits, and to prevent the injustice of one class 
being taxed heavily and another class escaping its due 
share. Until prices are stabilized, therefore, extreme efforts 
should be made to tax business and professional incomes 
on the basis of current earnings. To make this possible, tax 
returns for these types of incomes should be made more 
frequently than annually. Quarterly might be taken as the 

ipfmrmmri period, 

Government Expenditure 

21. Government expenditure should be reduced to the 
minimum level consistent with the proper exercise of the 

"Democratization": Economic 143 

Government's functions. All items should be scrutinized to 
eliminate all but the most essential expenditure. In par- 
ticular, accounts submitted by contractors for Government 
work should be thoroughly checked to eliminate inflated 
charges. The principal determinant of Government ex- 
penditure, however, will be the extent to which other con- 
trols, outlined above, have been made effective. This, and 
the effectiveness of tax collection, will determine whether 
the budget can be balanced and finance by bonds and treas- 
ury bills avoided. 


April 14, 1947 



is built on a belief in the individual. The rights of the in- 
dividual are its starting-point; the self-realization of the 
individual is its goal. The insistence that the individual 
must be always the center of political gravity is a compara- 
tively recent development in the history of the West. In 
Britain the idea made its way steadily from the seventeenth 
to the nineteenth centuries; in France and in the United 
States it achieved explosive expression in the last quarter 
of the eighteenth century. The French and the Americans 
then put the idea on paper in a way the British had appar- 
ently never thought of doing. In the Virginian Declaration 
of Rights of June 12, 1776, the American Declaration of 
Independence of July 4, 1776, and in the French Declara- 
tion of the Rights of Man and of Citizens of 1889, we have 
the basic texts of this modern Western faith. 

This democracy is not only a body of ideas: it is also the 
expression of these ideas in distinctive laws and institu- 
tions. The primary idea is that the individual has inalien- 
able rights the right to liberty, the right to equality, and 
the right to pursue happiness. But protection of these rights 
depends on the adoption of a certain method of govern- 
ment and of a certain body of basic laws. The general right 
to equality, for example, involves the political right to an 


"Democratization": Political 145 

equal and universal franchise, and the civil right to equal- 
ity before the courts. Since all men are equal in their rights, 
political power must no longer depend on birth or wealth 
or age or sex: it must rest equally with all the people. In 
practice this will mean representative government, con- 
trolled by the will of the majority. Yet democracy is much 
more than majority rule. It is rule by a majority under 
conditions to which the minority consent. Both majority 
and minority must enjoy the same political and civil rights. 
Otherwise the rule of the majority might be the worst 
tyranny of all. 

These ideas and institutions that we call democracy have 
become accepted in countries like Britain, France and the 
United States as a result of certain internal changes which 
brought about a redistribution of economic and political 
power. Democracy was the spontaneous and indigenous ex- 
pression of a process of social development. It was organic 
to a particular stage of national growth. Nevertheless, the 
converts to democracy, like most converts, generally be- 
lieved that their new faith was not only the way to salva- 
tion for Englishmen, or Frenchmen, or Americans, at a 
particular stage of their history, but the true faith of all 
mankind. It was easy to overlook here an important dis- 
tinction. It is one thing to believe that political progress is 
always and everywhere marked by a growth of respect for 
the individual, and increased provisions for his develop- 
ment; it is another thing to believe that the particular laws 
or institutions which further individual development in 
Britain in the nineteenth century, or America in the twen- 
tieth century, will necessarily serve the same purpose in all 
places at all times. For, if laws and institutions are to be 
good, they must be related not only to their final purpose, 
but to prevailing circumstances. They are means to an end, 
not ends in themselves. 

No one with these ideas in mind could believe it an easy 

146 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

thing for its conquerors to bring democracy to Japan. It 
would not be easy to win assent to the idea of equality in 
a nation saturated with inequalities. There were the un- 
equal rights of the sexes, learned from infancy. In Japan a 
mother will call out to her small daughter, who has barely 
learned to walk, to keep behind her brother as they go 
along the road. There were the unequal rights of age. 
There is no word for brother or sister in Japanese: only 
words for elder brother or younger brother, elder sister or 
younger sister. There were the inequalities of birth, with 
the Emperor descended, "in a line unbroken from ages 
eternal/' at the sacred pinnacle. Even the inequalities of 
wealth still a prominent feature of Western democracies- 
tended in Japan to have a stable and inevitable character, 
owing to the tradition of feudalism in the countryside, and 
to the marriage of the Zaibatsu with the nobility. The Im- 
perial family was a major Zaibatsu concern. Throughout 
the national life, in the capital, in every prefecture, and 
village and household, authority belonged to an established 
hierarchy, and, at least with the Emperor and the head of 
the household, this hierarchy was sanctified by religion. 

Such was the problem set for the Allies. In the circum- 
stances, it was not surprising that there was some uncer- 
tainty and perhaps some inconsistency in the formulation 
of our objectives. In the Potsdam Declaration it was pro- 
vided, in paragraph 10: 

The Japanese Government shall remove all obstacles to the 
revival and strengthening of democratic tendencies among the 
Japanese people. Freedom of speech, of religion and of 
thought, as well as respect for the fundamental human rights, 
shall be established. 

And in paragraph 12: 

The Occupying forces of the Allies shall withdraw from 
Japan as soon as there has been established, in accordance 

"Democratization": Political 147 

with the freely-expressed will of the Japanese people, a peace- 
fully-inclined and responsible Government 

The Initial Post-Surrender Policy elaborated this. 1 
It would seem that at Potsdam and in Washington it was 
recognized that, if democratic reforms were to be demo- 
cratic in fact, and not only in form, they would have to 
represent the "freely-expressed will of the Japanese people." 
These reforms were to be "permitted," "encouraged," 
"favored," and the use of these words would suggest that 
the Allied authorities were to foster, but not to force, the 
reforms. Yet certain rights "shall" be established, certain 
laws "shall" be abrogated and repealed, the legal system 
"shall" be reformed. 

The Allies faced the eternal dilemma. We wanted good 
laws and institutions to be the free choice of the Japanese 
people, but we also wanted to make sure that, in any case, 
they were given good laws and institutions. If Japan, at 
the surrender, had been a nation in which a politically- 
conscious and freedom-loving majority was enslaved by a 
ruling minority, our problem would have been compara- 
tively simple. Once we had overthrown the "militarists," 
demobilized the army and cleansed the police force, the 
oppressed masses could have claimed their inheritance. But 
the situation was not like that. The enslavement, as we re- 
garded it, of the Japanese people was not the product of 
police coercion. The police only dealt with a tiny minority 
of "dangerous thinkers." It was the product of long years 

iPart HI, Political.-"Laws, decrees and regulations which establish 
discriminations on ground of race, nationality, creed or political opinion 
shall be abrogated; those which conflict with the objectives and policies 
outlined in this document shall be repealed, suspended or amended as 
required; and agencies charged specifically with their enforcement shall 
be abolished or appropriately modified. Persons unjustly confined ^by 
Japanese authority on political grounds shall be released. The judicial, 
legal and police systems shall be reformed as soon as practicable . . . 
and, thereafter, shall be progressively influenced, to protect individual 
liberties and civil rights." 

148 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

of conditioning by teachers, parents and rulers. Hence the 
Allies were faced not only with the opposition of the minor- 
ity, whose privileges were threatened, but with the political 
inertia of the majority, the product of subservience and 
superstition. What, then, were we to do? Were we to wait, 
in hope and patience, until education opened the eyes of 
the people and made them demand their democratic rights? 
That might mean a very long wait. Or were we to insist 
firmly, despite official opposition and popular inertia, on a 
number of revolutionary changes in laws and institutions 
to make them consistent with those of the Western de- 
mocracies? 2 

We decided on this second course. There were, perhaps, 
two main reasons. Laws and institutions are not only die 
external expression of ideas; there is constant interaction 
between them. Men make institutions, and the institutions 
tend to remake men. If the Japanese people were given 
democratic institutions which represented their real inter- 
ests, they might come to learn their value. Perhaps the best 
way to get them to care for democratic rights was to give 
them to them, so that they could the more quickly come to 
appreciate them. More important, it was felt that these 
reforms would provide the indispensable conditions for 
the growth of a spontaneous liberal movement in Japan. It 
was recognized that the liberal forces in Japanese politics 
were not powerful, and if they were to increase their in- 
fluence they would need full freedom to organize and to 
propagate their beliefs. They could only do this under a 
new constitution and a new body of laws. 

The new Constitution is the basic feature of the reform 
program. This document has been very widely explained 
and discussed in recent periodicals, and the text is printed 

a For an interesting analysis of the different problems that faced the 
Allied Occupation in Germany, see W. Friedmann's The Allied Military 
Government of Germany, Chapter VII, 

"Democratization": Political 149 

as an appendix to this study. I shall not, therefore, attempt 
to discuss its details. It gives the Japanese people the kind 
of representative institutions and the kind of civil rights 
that have been established in Western democracies. It trans- 
fers sovereignty from the Emperor to the people. It strips 
the Emperor of all political authority by providing that he 
can only act on the advice of the Cabinet. It makes the 
Cabinet fully responsible to Parliament. Parliament is di- 
rectly elected by the people on the basis of equal and uni- 
versal adult franchise. The judiciary is made independent 
of the executive, and the Supreme Court has power to "de- 
termine the constitutionality of any law, order, regulation 
or official act." The Constitution includes, in Chapter III, 
a Bill of Rights: 

All of the people shall be respected as individuals. Their 
right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness shall, to 
the extent that it does not interfere with the public welfare, 
be the supreme consideration in legislation and in other Gov- 
ernment affairs. (Article 13.) 

All the people are equal under the law, and there shall be 
no discrimination in political, economic or social relations 
because of race, creed, sex, social status or family origin. 
(Article 14.) 

Specific articles protect freedom of thought, freedom of 
religion, freedom of assembly and association, and academic 

T^he Meiji Constitution also purported to protect indi- 
vidual rights, but only "within the limits of the law." This 
meant that it was possible to abrogate these rights at any 
time by ordinary legislation or Imperial Decree. The new 
Constitution provides that these rights can only be limited 
by considerations of public welfare. It would presumably 
rest with the Supreme Court to decide whether legislation 
restricting these rights was justified by such consideration. 

It would be unreal to analyze the text of the new Con- 

150 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

stitution too narrowly. It may exhibit some technical de- 
fects, but there can be no doubt that, taken as a whole, it 
gives the Japanese people the apparatus of government and 
the civil and political rights that mark the Western democ- 
racy. The circumstances in which the Constitution was 
adopted, and the way the Japanese feel about it, is much 
more important than its verbal content. 

The Allied peoples now generally know what the Japa- 
nese people knew from the beginning: that the Constitu- 
tion is essentially an American product. General MacAr- 
thur's first efforts to persuade Japan's political leaders to 
make a radical constitutional revision were unsuccessful. 
In the last quarter of 1945 Prince Konoye, "at the com- 
mand of the Emperor," set up a committee under Toji 
Matsumoto to recommend revisions. The work of this com- 
mittee failed to satisfy SCAP, mainly because it so strongly 
resisted any serious reduction in the Emperor's powers. 
General MacArthur, consequently, decided that the real 
work had to be done in his headquarters, if it were to be 
done at all. The draft which the Japanese Government 
published in March 1947 was a Japanese translation of the 
document written in English in GHQ. It bore in every 
line, in its ideas and wording, the marks of its origin. The 
ideas had been expressed in almost the same words in 1776, 
though, in order to leave a niche for the Emperor in an 
American type of political system, it was necessary to in- 
clude the British idea of a constitutional monarch. 

I have already referred to the Japanese reaction to this 
alien gift. 8 The ordinary people were quite disinterested. 
The political leaders, compelled by circumstance to father 
this unwanted child, did not succeed in concealing their 
real feelings. It was the responsibility of Mr. Yoshida, then 
Prime Minister, and Mr. Kanamori, the Minister of State, 
in charge of constitutional revision, to ensure that the Gov- 
*See Chapter n. 

"Democratization": Political 151 

eminent draft, already publicly applauded by General 
MacArthur, should be passed by the Diet without substan- 
tial amendment. It was a heavy and distasteful responsi- 
bility. Mr. Yoshida repeatedly reminded the Diet that the 
new Constitution was required by Japan's acceptance of 
the Potsdam Declaration, and by the "present international 
exigencies," which deprived the Japanese Government of 
its freedom in these questions. He argued that the change 
from the Meiji Constitution was not really so great as might 
appear on the surface. Mr. Kanamori put emphasis on this 
issue of historical continuity. He repeatedly insisted that 
the "national policy" was in no way changed by the new 
Constitution, though later, under pressure, he wrapped 
this thesis in ambiguity. The official translation of Mr. 
Kanamori's final commentary on the Government draft is 
a good example of this ambiguity and evasiveness, from 
which I quote the following paragraphs: 

Popular sovereignty should be considered a change in recog- 
nition of the people. Inadvertently speaking, the idea of 
popular sovereignty is not an entirely new one. The fun- 
damental will of the nation was heretofore decided upon 
along this line, as seen in history. Sovereignty should be con- 
sidered the very source of national will. However, in the past 
we failed to realize this fact, because of too much emphasis on 
mysterious myths regarding the origin of our country. Now 
this veil has been lifted and actualities have been made dear. 
It should be considered, therefore, that popular sovereignty 
is no more than a change in the recognition of the people. 

Position of Emperor in system in which veil of mysticism 
has been Z/ted. Heretofore, the Emperor was considered as 
having the ability to function as the very source of national 
will, and, in consequence, certain mysterious characteristics 
were attached to his position. However, the fact that the Em- 
peror has such a mysterious character is impossible. The source 
of national will should lie within the entire populace. There- 
fore, the new Constitution stipulates that the position of the 
Emperor is based on the general will of the Japanese people. 

Japan Enemy or Ally? 

Thus a drastic change has been made in the people's recogni- 
tion of the position of the Emperor. The change in itself is not 
essential, but its effects are important. A definite change in 
such spiritual matters is virtually an essential one. However, 
a calm examination of the matter should show that no essen- 
tial change has been made, except for the clarification, along 
national lines, of the heretofore vague conception of the posi- 
tion of the Emperor. It is from this point of view that I main- 
tain that the Emperor is a symbol of Japan, instead of the 
source of our national will. 

Symbolic position of Emperor in accord with his intrinsic 
character. The position of the Emperor as a national symbol 
should be interpreted to mean that the Emperor has a legal 
position through which any one of the people can conceive 
of Japan as a nation in thinking of him. In addition, it is 
stipulated in the new Constitution that the Emperor is the 
symbol of national unity. The reason the words "national 
unity" are introduced in it should be to correct the past 
evil that individuals, who ultimately form a nation, were all 
too rarely recognized because of too much importance at- 
tached to the nation as a whole. The nation being clearly stipu- 
lated as a gathering of individuals, I do not believe that the 
Emperor's position as a symbol of the nation is without 
foundation, because fundamentally he has an intrinsic char- 
acter as a national symbol. 

The idea that Japan, as a body of the Japanese people, 
may be conceived more clearly in thinking of the Emperor, 
should be based on the fact that he constitutes the center of 
national adoration. True, emblems and the national flag are 
also symbols. However, the difference in significance between 
the symbol, essential to the Emperor's position, and such 
artificially-attached ones, should be clearly realized. 

I have quoted this statement at some length because it 
is such a superb expression of the Government's equivoca- 
tion. Yet it seems to me that the least equivocal parts of the 
statement are those in which Kanamori insists that no es- 
sential change has been made either in the national char- 
acter or in the position of the Emperor. 

In these circumstances it is the more important that so 

"Democratization": Political 153 

much of the Constitution is rather a declaration of prin- 
ciples than a statement of legally-enforceable rights. "All 

people shall have the right and the obligation to work 

Children shall not be exploited" (Article 27). It is also 
important that a constitution which guarantees the eternal 
enjoyment of so many rights can itself be amended with 
exceptional ease. Amendment only requires a two-thirds 
vote of both Houses of the Diet and confirmation by simple 
majority at a referendum. This feature of the Constitution 
would seem to stultify a major purpose of constitutional 
reform, to protect the rights of those liberal and radical 
groups still in a minority in Japan. In principle, the pres- 
ent Diet could pass amendments against all resistance of 
the Social Democrats, and, assuming no major change in 
electoral feeling, should have no difficulty in getting its 
amendments confirmed by a simple majority of tie people. 

The new Constitution is inconsistent with a great body 
of Japanese law, particularly with many of the provisions 
of the Civil and Criminal Codes. During the last year there 
has been a spate of implementing legislation, but the full 
program of revision necessary to bring other laws into line 
with the Constitution may take some years. Meanwhile, 
some parts of the Constitution will remain ineffective. 

If the new body of laws are to give a larger measure of 
freedom to the Japanese people, much will depend on how 
they are administered by local authorities. It is not very 
useful for the Diet in Tokyo, under SCAP direction, to 
remake the Civil and Criminal Codes unless this legislative 
reform at the center produces a new spirit and kind of 
behavior among the policemen and municipal clerks in the 
towns of Hokkaido and Kyusha. SCAP has fully recognized 
the need for the reform of local government, reform "at 
the grass roots." There have been two main lines of re- 
form, provision for the direct popular election of local 
legislators and executives, and a comprehensive program 

154 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

of decentralization. The first local election under the new 
system took place in April 1947. The results were disap- 
pointing, since, in most cases, the people elected the old 
guard of bureaucrats who had previously held office by 
appointment of the National Government. Hence the first 
result of the electoral reform of local government was to 
give conservatives and bureaucrats an authority and pres- 
tige they had never had before. They could now claim that 
their power rested on the free consent of the local people, 
not on the favor of the Home Ministry. The second line of 
reform, decentralization, hoped to correct the evils that 
flowed so heavily in the past from "Tokyo control." Until 
the Occupation, all high officials in local government, down 
to the policeman and school teacher in the smallest village, 
were appointed by the Home Ministry. This extreme cen- 
tralization was an effective technique for drilling the na- 
tion for war. It produced uniformity and discipline, and 
ensured that the patterns drawn in Tokyo would be firmly 
stamped on every farm and village in Japan. SCAP recog- 
nized, rightly and wisely, that if the Japanese were to learn 
to govern themselves, they could learn best in the local 
community, where problems were comparatively simple 
and where people were in intimate daily contact with their 
local officials. The devolution of powers from national to 
local bodies would not only increase the ordinary people's 
sense of responsibility and give them experience in the 
ways of democracy; it would forestall the return of national 
regimentation in the interests of militarism. 

There was great weight behind SCAP's reasoning. The 
ultimate objective was right. Yet the decentralization pro- 
gram tended to clash with other aims. During the Occupa- 
tion reforms have necessarily been initiated at the center 
in Tokyo, and it is hard to see how they can be effectively 
carried out throughout the islands without central direc- 
tion and authority. It may, in principle, be a good thing to 
foster a particularist and self-dependent spirit in the pre- 

"Democratization": Political 155 

features, but these distinctive tendencies may mean major 
deviations from Occupation policy. It is good to have a 
variety in secondary issues, but on the primary issues we 
cannot afford local dissent. SCAP is pitifully short of man 
power; it is easier to exercise authority at one central point 
than at an immense number of local centers. In my own 
view, some form of Allied control of Japan will be neces- 
sary for many years. We can be sure there will be a great 
shortage of man power for this. In these circumstances, I 
feel that some of the present measures of decentralization 
are probably premature, however necessary to the achieve- 
ment of our final aims. It is necessary to remember that 
the towns and villages are the strongholds of feudalism and 
superstition in Japan. To weaken the opportunities for 
education and control from the center may merely enable 
backward rural communities to live on, undisturbed by 
the stream of ideas that SCAP has brought to Tokyo. 

In this discussion of political reform, I do not want to 
suggest that the new legal structure has made no change 
in political habits. I believe that the legal provision of new 
political and civil rights is supremely important. But its 
importance lies in what it makes possible for the future, 
rather than in what has been achieved until now. The hope 
of progress is that liberal and progressive Japanese will use 
their new freedom to produce a real change in the eco- 
nomic and social structure. In the last analysis these changes 
can only be made by the Japanese themselves. They now 
possess the legal right to make them. But it is doubtful 
whether the legal right is enough unless Allied economic 
and political policy creates the extralegal conditions favor- 
able to fundamental change. 

Trade Unions 

It is perhaps possible to get an idea of how much and 
how little the possession of legal rights can help to produce 

156 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

economic and social results by briefly considering the situ- 
ation of the Japanese trade unions. 

The Initial Post-Surrender Policy laid down that "en- 
couragement should be given and favor shown to the devel- 
opment of organization in labor ... on a democratic basis." 
Trade unions had never been deeply rooted in Japan. A 
few unions showed bursts of activity in the twenties and 
early thirties, but the idea of union organization was alien 
to the great majority of Japanese workers. From the mid- 
dle thirties unions were ruthlessly suppressed in prepara- 
tion for war. During the war labor was organized by the 
Government in two labor fronts or industrial armies. 

Under pressure from SCAP, these wartime organizations 
were dissolved on September 30, 1945. On October 4 the 
directive which ordered the removal of all restraints, on 
political and civil liberties opened the way for the forma- 
tion of trade unions. The Labor Union Law, passed on 
December 21, 1945, gave specific rights to the unions the 
right to organize, to bargain and to strike. This Law was 
a great advance on any prewar labor legislation in Japan. 

(Nevertheless, when the Diet passed the Labor Rela- 
tions Adjustment Law nine months later, on September 
20, 1946, it put restrictions on the right of government 
workers to strike, and public utility workers, very broadly 
defined, were prohibited from striking for thirty days after 
appealing for mediation.) 

With these new legal opportunities, and under eager 
encouragement from GHQ officials, trade unions had 
a mushroom growth. A year after the surrender more than 
18,000 unions, representing four million members, had 
been registered. The local unions are mostly organized in 
national industrial unions, which are in turn grouped in 
three federations the Congress of Industrial Organiza- 
tions, the General Federation of Labor Unions and a new 
and small All-Japan Council of Trade Unions. 

"Democratization": Political 157 

It is sometimes claimed that this huge and rapid growth 
of union organization is evidence of the speed with which 
Japan has been "democratized." I think it would be pre- 
mature to make this inference. It is much easier to count 
the number of trade unions than to assess their achieve- 
ments. They have been faced with two major and related 
issues during the Occupation: First, to what extent should 
union action be restricted by the needs of the Occupation 
forces, and, second, should "political" strikes be permitted, 
and not only those directed towards the improvement of 
economic conditions in a particular industry. 

It is clear that any strike which affected public utilities 
and seriously inconvenienced a large section of the Japa- 
nese people would automatically inconvenience Allied 
forces and perhaps impede them in their work. I remem- 
ber well the inconvenience I felt personally when a strike 
in the electrical industry meant that my Tokyo house was 
blacked out at intervals for some weeks, since we drew 
light and power from a Japanese main. Sometimes the 
consequences were much more serious than this, for it was 
not always practicable for the strikers to give Allied people 
immunity from actions that were aimed against their own 
employers or their own Government. It would make a 
military occupation a little ridiculous if the occupiers were 
to be deprived, from time to time, of lighting, heating, 
communications and transport. That was the first check 
on union militance, and it was very hard to remove in the 

The more serious restriction on union activities was that 
GHQ and the Japanese Government took the line that the 
right to strike did not include the "political" strike, since 
this did not properly fall within the trade union field. The 
Far Eastern Commission has agreed that Japanese unions 
"should be allowed to take part in political activities and 

Japan Enemy or Ally? 

to support political parties." 4 Yet in the preceding para- 
graph of the same policy decision the Far Eastern Com- 
mission provides that strikes may be prohibited "only when 
the Occupation authorities consider that such stoppages 
would directly prejudice the objectives or needs of die 
Occupation." This leaves wide discretion to General Mac- 
Arthur and brings us back to the questions discussed in 
Chapter II. The Japanese Government is SCAP's main 
instrument for controlling Japan. Strikes, which under- 
mine the authority of the Government, automatically im- 
pair SCAP's authority. It is not surprising that General 
MacArthur should discountenance or prohibit this type of 

On the other side, it must be recognized that if strikes 
which seek to influence government policy are labeled 
"political" and, therefore, banned, it will hardly be pos- 
sible for industrial unions to use the strike weapon effec- 
tively. It is impossible to separate politics and economics 
in this way. In most countries today, certainly in Japan, 
the unionist's economic conditions are mainly determined 
by political policy. It is the Government, not his employer, 
that has the last word on his standard of living. The criti- 
cal problem for Japanese unionists has been to try to 
make wage increases keep pace with price increases. Nomi- 
nal wage increases are useless. But it is Government policy, 
and not his employer's policy, that mainly determines the 
price level. In June 1947 the official prices for foodstuffs 
in Japan were more than three times higher than in June 
1946. Black-market prices were up to twenty times higher 
than official prices. Families spent about three-quarters of 
their income" on food, and during some months about 
three-quarters of this expenditure was on the black market 
In this race of prices and wages, the wages failed to keep 

* Far Eastern Commission policy decision, December 6, 1946. Principles 
for Japanese Trade Unions, pars. 5, 6. 

"Democratization": Political 159 

the prices in sight. Here was the real source of industrial 
unrest. It was a situation which could only be dealt with 
by political action on a national scale. Only the "political" 
strike could put pressure on the Government, and the 
Government action alone could achieve the desired eco- 
nomic ends. 

Trade union militance reached its highest point at the 
end of January 1947, in the plan for the February i "gen- 
eral" strike. On January 28 about 400,000 Tokyo workers 
took part in a mass demonstration to demand the immedi- 
ate overthrow of the Yoshida Government. It was esti- 
mated that about 2,600,000 workers in government and 
public services would strike. A number of national trade 
unions outside the public services declared that they would 
strike in sympathy, so that on the morning of January 31 
it seemed that something like four million workers would 
be involved. 

The government workers demanded something like a 
threefold increase in wages, in a desperate pursuit of prices. 
It was hard to see how the Government could possibly 
have agreed to these demands, and it was certain that, even 
had it done so, the strikers would have won only an illu- 
sory relief, while inflation continued. 

The "general" strike was killed at 2:30 p.m., Tokyo 
time, on January 31, when General MacArthur issued the 
following statement: 

Under the authority vested in me as Supreme Commander 
for the Allied Powers, I have informed the labor leaders, whose 
unions have federated for the purpose of conducting a general 
strike, that I will not permit the use of so deadly a social 
weapon in the present impoverished and emaciated condition 
of Japan, and have accordingly directed them to desist from 
the furtherance of such action. 

It is with greatest reluctance that I have deemed it necessary 
to intervene to this extent in the issues now pending. I have 
done so only to forestall the fatal impact upon an already 

160 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

gravely threatened public welfare. Japanese society today oper- 
ates under the limitations of war defeat and Allied Occupa- 
tion. Its cities are laid waste, its industries are almost at a 
standstill, and the great masses of its people are on little more 
than a starvation diet. 

A general strike, crippling transportation and communica- 
tions, would prevent the movement of food to feed the people 
and of coal to sustain essential utilities, and would stop such 
industry as is still functioning. The paralysis which inevitably 
would result might reduce large masses of the Japanese people 
to the point of actual starvation, and would produce dreadful 
consequences upon every Japanese home, regardless of social 
strata or direct interest in the basic issue. Even now, to pre- 
vent actual starvation in Japan, the people of the United States 
are releasing to them quantities of their own scarce food re- 

The persons involved in the threatened general strike are 
but a small minority of the Japanese people. Yet this minority 
might well plunge the great masses into a 'disaster not unlike 
that produced in the immediate past by the minority which 
led Japan into the destruction of war. This, in turn, would 
impose upon the Allied Powers the unhappy decision of 
whether to leave the Japanese people to the fate thus recklessly 
imposed by a minority, or to cover the consequences by pour- 
ing into Japan, at the expense of their own meager resources, 
infinitely greater quantities of food and other supplies to sus- 
tain life than otherwise would be required. In the circum- 
stances, I could hardly request the Allied peoples to assume 
this additional burden. 

While I have taken this measure as one of dire emergency, 
I do not intend to restrict the freedom of action heretofore 
given labor in the achievement of legitimate objectives. Nor 
do I intend in any way to compromise or influence the basic 
social issues involved. These are matters of evolution which 
time and circumstances may well orient without disaster as 
Japan gradually emerges from its present distress. 

It will be noticed in General MacArthur's statement 
that he gave his instructions direct to union leaders, not 
through the Japanese Government; that the emphasis was 
on the needs of the Japanese people, not on the needs of 

"Democratization": Political 161 

the Occupation; that, in General MacArthur's view, the 
movement behind the strike came from a small and un- 
representative minority, and that Allied assistance to Japan 
could hardly be expected unless Japanese trade unions 
refrained from planning this kind of strike. 

In the following months a number of trade unionists 
told me that the officers of GHQ and of the Military Gov- 
ernment teams privately advised them that certain pro- 
jected "local" strikes would fall under General Mac- 
Arthur's prohibition of the "general" strike. I was not 
able to check these reports. However, for whatever reasons, 
after February i, 1947, there was a very marked reduction 
in the number of strikes or projected strikes. 

Trade union activity has presented General MacArthur 
with a major problem of "democratization." Every strike 
dislocates industry and holds up the production of those 
goods and services Japan needs so urgently. They may 
thereby put heavier burdens on the American taxpayer. 
Moreover, a successful strike raises the prestige of the 
"militant" unionists. At least some of these leaders are 
Communists. It is, therefore, understandable that SCAP 
should seek to discourage the use of the strike weapon. 
Yet we need to remember that the strike has traditionally 
been the unionists' most effective weapon. In the circum- 
stances, it is unlikely that trade unions in Japan will dis- 
play vigor and aggressiveness, despite the immense in- 
crease in their nominal membership. 

The Purge 

The Potsdam Declaration laid down, in paragraph 6, 
that "there must be eliminated for all time the authority 
and influence of those who have deceived and misled the 
people of Japan into embarking on world conquest." The 
United States Government greatly elaborated and ex- 

162 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

tended this general program. It directed General Mac- 
Arthur to "prohibit the retention in, or selection for, posi- 
tions of important responsibility or influence in industry 
finance, commerce or agriculture of all persons who have 
been active exponents of militant nationalism or aggres- 
sion, and of any who do not direct future Japanese eco- 
nomic effort solely towards peaceful ends." In the absence 
of evidence to the contrary, he was directed to "assume 
that any persons who have held positions of high respon- 
sibility since 1937 in industry, finance, commerce and agri- 
culture, have been active exponents of militant national- 
ism and aggression." 

This was a very comprehensive program, and SCAP 
has been carrying it out, or rather directing the Japanese 
Government to carry it out, since the first weeks of the 
Occupation. In October 1945 steps were taken to purge 
the police force and the teaching profession. On January 
4, 1946, SCAP issued the since-famous "Purge Directive," 
which was to make a clean sweep of all militant and ultra- 
nationalist organizations and exclude from public office 
all people who, either from the positions they held or the 
views they had expressed, were active and influential in the 
practice or preaching of militarism or ultra-nationalism. 6 
The term "public office" applied to all public servants of 
the Chokunin rank or its equivalent. The Chokunin is the 
second highest rank in the public service. The directive 
had immediate and spectacular consequences for the elec- 

* Removal from office was automatic for all persons who: 

i. Have held important posts in ultra-nationalistic, terroristic or secret 
patriotic societies; in the Imperial Rule Assistance Association or the 
Political Association of Great Japan, or any of their affiliates; 

a. Have held important posts in financial and development organiza- 
tions involved in Japanese overseas exploitation; 

$. Have held important offices in occupied territories; 

4. Have been members of the top military organizations; 

5. Have ever been commissioned officers in the regular army or navy, 
or in the special volunteer reserve; 

6. Have been connected in any capacity, civilian or military, with any 

"Democratization": Political 163 

tion of April 1946. Only about fifty Diet members were 
eligible as candidates. The Progressive Party found that 
about 200 of its 272 Diet members would be barred from 
running again. Altogether it is estimated that the purge 
directive excluded about 200,000 persons from public 


Exactly twelve months later, on January 4, 1947, the 
Japanese Government, under SCAP direction, launched 
the "purge extension." The new scope of the purge was 
laid down in Imperial Ordinances, Nos. i, 2 and 3, and 
in the Cabinet and Home Ministry Ordinance, No. i, of 
1947. The idea was to extend the purge to all local govern- 
ment executives and legislators, and to all persons in re- 
sponsible positions in business and publishing. It also 
embraced the chief officeholders of political parties. On 
paper this made the purge policy extremely drastic and 
comprehensive. It meant, for example, that all who had 
held senior executive positions between July 7, 1937, and 
September 2, 1945, in the biggest businesses were to be 
automatically dismissed. 

It was not surprising that this vast extension should 
have aroused dismay and resentment among Japan's lead- 
ers, and that this was reflected in some criticism in the 
United States. 6 

military or naval police, or with any secret intelligence organizations; 

7. Have held important positions in the Ministry of War or Ministry 
of Navy. 

And the following were to be excluded from office: 

i. Any person who has denounced or contributed to the seizure of 
opponents of the militaristic regime; 

a. Any person who has instigated or perpetuated an act of violence 
against opponents of the militaristic regime; 

3. Any person who has played an active and predominant governmental 
part in the Japanese program of aggression, or who by speech, writing 
or action has shown himself to be an active exponent of militant national- 
ism and aggression. 

6 Particularly in an article in Newsweek, January ay, 1947. On January 
31 General MacArthur replied to this criticism. See Summation of Non- 
Military Activities, January 1947, pp. 35'3 6 - 

164 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

Yet the new ambitious program does not seem to have 
been carried out according to plan, and there are many 
indications, including the statement by Mr. Royall 
(quoted on pp. 129-30) that the United States Government 
feels that GHQ was rather too enthusiastic about purging 
forgetful that conditions and viewpoints had changed since 
the purge policy had been first formulated in 1945. A mere 
reading of the provisions of the purge directive or or- 
dinances would, therefore, give a misleading impression 
of the actual course of events. 

What results would it be reasonable to expect from 
the purge, and what results have, in fact, been achieved? 7 

The responsibility for carrying out the purge rests with 
the Japanese Government. The huge task of screening 
hundreds of thousands of people was beyond GHQ's re- 
sources. In earlier chapters I have tried to show that the 
Japanese Government has relied for its support on the 
most conservative forces in Japan. I have argued that its 
policy has been the silent sabotage of the Allied objectives 
of 1945. 1 think, therefore, that it would be naive to expect 
the Government to carry out the purge in good faith. It is 
hard to see how it could possibly have done so when so 
many Cabinet Members, at least up to the middle of 1947, 
themselves fell under the purge, as a consequence of be- 
lated scrutinies of their past records. 

If SCAP's forced reliance on the Japanese Government 
has been the main practical difficulty, there were other 
difficulties rooted deeper in Japan's character and history. 
A purge assumes that it is possible to separate the sheep 
from the goats; the "moderates" and "liberals" from the 
"undesirables," the innocent followers from the wicked 
leaders. No such dichotomy is possible in Japan. The 

* In the five months following the "purge extension" the Central 
Screening Committee examined the records of 20,648 persons, including 
those in business and publishing. Of these, 341 were removed from office 
and 817 excluded from office; Le., less than *y per cent. 

"Democratization": Political 165 

nation is exceptionally homogeneous. Indoctrination in the 
ways of nationalism and war has permeated every stratum 
of society. You cannot change the outlook of a group-of a 
party, or a school, or a business by dismissing its leaders. 
The new leaders will carry on the old tradition, though 
with great circumspection under the exigencies of the Oc- 
cupation. I am aware that this generalization needs quali- 
fication. There were real liberals and revolutionaries in 
Japan, mostly in jail. But they were too few and inexperi- 
enced in executive responsibility to assume leadership. In 
any case, it is doubtful whether SCAP would have encour- 
aged their ambitions, since their past experiences had 
driven so many of them to the "extreme Left." The root 
problem of the purge is that it cannot be consistent with- 
out overreaching itself. You cannot purge a whole nation. 

I have said that you do not change the outlook of a 
group by dismissing its leaders. But, in practice, when you 
purge the leaders, you do not destroy their personal leader- 
ship. You merely deprive them of titular authority. It is 
impossible, in a country like Japan, where most important 
decisions are made at "unofficial" meetings and in family 
councils, to deprive leaders of their power by removing 
them from office. There may be dangers in creating an 
embittered group of able men from whom you have 
stripped privilege but not power. 

Perhaps the most important question today is not 
whether the purge has succeeded, but whether the United 
States now wishes it to succeed. The plain fact is that 
American aims in Japan today are different from what 
they were at the surrender. The ideas behind the purge, 
certainly those behind the "purge extension," are an over- 
lap from 1945. This comes out most clearly in connection 
with the economic purge. Since the middle thirties the 
privately-owned industries of Japan have all been organ- 
ized for war. For various historical reasons, the control 

166 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

of these industries has been highly centralized. All senior 
executives were, in a sense, involved in "monopolistic" or 
"militarist" enterprises. If, in accordance with the purge 
extension, they are to be removed from all positions of 
influence, this will deprive Japan of the managerial skill 
that would seem indispensable if she is to become the 
"workshop of East Asia" and a safe field for American 
loans and credits. There are many signs that Americans 
realize this, 8 and Japanese leaders have been quick to 
exploit this situation. In December 1947 the Japanese 
Government was able to announce that the purge was "vir- 
tually complete." 

* Cf. statement by Mr. Royall, pp. 129-30. 


Japan, and events in Japan, have surprised some observers. 
Yet the most recent developments were clearly foreshadowed 
during 1947. In 1947 the United States authorities were 
reticent and tentative about amending or reversing the 
Allied policies of 1945; during 1948 the new American 
policy has been crystallized, publicized and developed. 

America now aims to help Japan regain her prewar 
position as the workshop of East Asia. She seeks to do this 
in four main ways. First, she wants to permit Japan to 
retain industrial plants which the Allies had previously 
intended to remove as reparations. Second, she wants to 
give Japan direct financial help to restore her secondary 
industries, to re-equip her plants, to secure overseas raw 
materials and overseas markets. Third, America wants to 
restore to the large Japanese business groups many of the 
freedoms of which SCAP had earlier intended to deprive 
them. And, fourth, she wants to contract some of the new 
freedoms which SCAP had previously given to Japanese 
trade unions. 

It was Mr. Kenneth Royall, Secretary of the Department 
of the Army, who on January 6, 1948, first gave a dear 
indication of the new trend of American policy. 1 In Chap- 

i See above, p. 129. 

168 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

ter 5 I have already discussed the main features of his 
statement. Subsequent events were clearly foreshadowed 
when he said, "We are not averse to modifying programs 
in the interests of our broad objectives. A bill recently 
submitted to the Japanese Diet setting up procedure for 
deconcentration of excessive economic power was changed 
before the final enactment changed with a view of giving 
added weight to the economic needs of Japan." 

The report, commonly called the Strike Report, made 
for the United States Department of the Army by Overseas 
Consultants Incorporated, confirmed the new trend of 
influential American opinion. 2 The report contains a good 
deal of technical detail, but its main theme is clear and 
simple. In assessing Japan's economic needs it takes 1953 
as its "target" year. It is concerned to discover the means 
by which Japan might regain by 1953 the living standards 
she enjoyed in the years 1931-1937. It estimates that by 
1953 Japan's population will have risen to 85,800,000 and 
that the non-farm population, that is, the proportion of 
the population that does not grow its own food, will be 
60 per cent higher than in the early thirties. Japan has lost 
all her invisible income from foreign sources, the interest 
and dividends on foreign investments, returns from ser- 
vices abroad and from her overseas shipping services. The 
market for Japan's one important raw material export, raw 
silk, has been greatly reduced by the competition of nylon 
and improved rayon fabrics. Hence, the Strike Report con- 
tinues, Japan's future exports must be almost wholly manu- 
factured goods, and, in view of the reduction of her income 
from other sources, she must export a much greater 
volume of these in 1953 than in the 1930*5, if she is to 
maintain her increased population at the former level. But 
she can do this only if she has the factories to do it. She 

2 See the official summary issued by the Department of the Army, Wash- 
ington, March s, 1948. 

Major Developments in 1948 169 

consequently needs more and not less industrial capacity 
than she has at present. The Strike Report concludes: "Re- 
moval of productive facilities (except primary war facili- 
ties) which can be effectively used in Japan would hurt 
world production; would reduce the likelihood of her be- 
coming self-supporting, and in any case increase the time 
required for accomplishing this objective; would be expen- 
sive to the American taxpayer, and, in our opinion, would 
not be in the best interests of the claimant nations." 

The Strike Report was followed by an even more 
authoritative statement by Mr. W. H. Draper, Under- 
secretary of the United States Department of the Army, to 
a press conference in Tokyo on March 26. Mr. Draper said 
that the United States would give Japan extensive financial 
aid to become self-supporting, and that the United States 
wanted to permit Japan as high an industrial level as pos- 
sible without threatening peace. Mr. Draper took with him 
to Japan an advisory group of prominent American busi- 
nessmen (including Mr. Paul Hoffman) under the chair- 
manship of Mr. Percy H. Johnston. Mr. Johnston's influen- 
tial group urged in its report that the United States should, 
in its own interest, now assist in the industrial recovery 
of Japan. It repeated the Strike recommendation that any 
equipment which could help this recovery should be left 
in Japan. It emphasized the importance of encouraging 
Japan to increase its merchant shipping both by new build- 
ing and by chartering available bottoms. Finally, the John- 
ston group warmly supported the program sponsored by 
the Army and the State Department, which would call for 
the provision of $220,000,000 over twelve months for aid- 
ing the recovery of Japan, Korea, and the Ryukyu Islands. 8 

8 Press release issued by Mr. Johnston, April 6, 1948. For the text of the 
report of the Committee, issued in Washington by the Department of the 
Army on May 19, 1948, see Appendix II below, pp. 211-38. For an appraisal 
of the Strike and Johnston reports see Jerome B. Cohen's article, Japan: 
Reform vs. Recovery," Far Eastern Survey, June 23, 1948- 

170 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

Meanwhile General MacArthur has continued to re- 
shape Occupation methods. In particular he restated his 
attitude towards trade unions and towards the Zaibatsu. 
In a letter dated July 22, to Mr. Ashida, the Japanese 
Prime Minister, General MacArthur dealt with the "exist- 
ing inadequacies" in the National Public Service Law. 4 He 
urged that the law be amended to prohibit strikes and, in 
effect, any collective bargaining by public servants or work- 
ers in government industries. He distinguished sharply 
between "employee relationships in government and labor 
relations in private industry." To allow government work- 
ers the right to collective bargaining, with the reserve 
power to strike, would be to subordinate the interests of 
the whole community to those of a section, to undermine 
popular sovereignty, and put the Government's authority 
at the mercy of a militant minority controlling a trade 
union. Hence government workers could not be given the 
same freedom as workers in private industry. At the same 
time General MacArthur emphasized that it was the re- 
sponsibility of the Government to ensure that its workers 
were granted fair and proper conditions. They must con- 
tinue to enjoy the right to express their views and griev- 
ances, individually or collectively, but must be deprived of 
the right to push their claims by the threat to cease work. 
General MacArthur's letter produced the immediate res- 
ignations of the chief of his Labor Division, Mr. James E. 
Killen, and of the deputy-chief, Mr. Paul Stanchfield. In 
announcing his resignation Mr. Killen said, "I cannot 
adjust myself to the new SCAP policy which denies the 
right of collective bargaining to the legally constituted 
unions of government employers." 5 Commenting on this 
statement Mr. Elaine Hoover, the chief of SCAP's Civil 

< The full text of the letter was published in the Nippon Times, July 24, 
Stars and Stripes, August 3, 1948. 

Major Developments in 1948 171 

Service Division, said that it was "complete nonsense." Mr. 
Hoover stated that General MacArthur had been forced to 
intervene to forestall "a paralyzing strike of Government 
workers announced for August 7, which in Japan's impov- 
erished condition would have resulted in starvation and 
disaster to large sections of the Japanese people." General 
MacArthur's letter was designed "to bring the relationship 
of government and public servants in complete consonance 
with American policy and practice." 6 

Meanwhile, on July 31, the Japanese Cabinet issued an 
order to implement the principles set out in General Mac- 
Arthur's letter. The order stated that the Government did 
not recognize the right of the workers to conduct collective 
bargaining on an equal basis; that the existing labor con- 
tracts would be considered invalidated and that conse- 
quently the labor-government consultative council would 
be dissolved. This order aroused bitter opposition from the 
trade unions and left-wing political leaders. But it was 
made clear that any violation would be treated as direct 
defiance of the Supreme Commander, so that, despite 
earlier threats, the unions made no serious resistance. 
There was, however, a good deal of "job desertion" by 
government workers. It was reported that during August, 
1,963 government railway and communications workers 
deserted their jobs; that 400 of these had been arrested, 
and warrants issued for the arrest of 515 others. 7 On 
September 10 Mr. Charles L. Kades warned the trade 
unions that Article 61 of the Criminal Code provided that 
anyone who instigated another to commit a crime should 
himself be considered a principal, and this applied to the 
instigation of strikes among government workers. 

The revision of the National Public Service Law has 
been the occasion of the most serious conflict yet to develop 

Nippon Times, August 5, 1948. 
f Nippon Times, September a, 1948. 

Japan-Enemy or Ally? 

between the trade unions and the Japanese Government. 
General MacArthur's insistence that essential public serv- 
ices should not be interrupted can be fully appreciated, for 
the reasons explained earlier. 8 Yet it may be noticed in 
passing that government workers in Japan are a much 
larger class than public servants in most capitalist coun- 
tries, since they in.clude workers in a number of public 
utilities like the railways; that government wages and sal- 
aries have generally lagged a good deal behind those paid 
in private industries; and that no satisfactory methods of 
conciliation and arbitration have yet been established. For 
all these reasons General MacArthur's stand, and the con- 
sequent actions of the Japanese Government, have been a 
serious set-back to a very large and important group of 
wage and salary earners. It may be that a number of the 
government workers' unions have come under the influence 
of a Communist minority, but in Japan, as in other Eastern 
countries, Communists appear to have won influence owing 
to the lack of unity among those with more moderate 
views. Often the Communists have seemed to be the only 
people with enough courage and determination to accept 
the responsibilities of leadership. And insofar as Commu- 
nist leadership aims at tangible improvements in the 
worker's living standards, it has genuine mass support, 
whatever ulterior motives its leaders may cherish. It is 
unlikely that the enforcement of an amended public serv- 
ice law which weakens the bargaining power of the govern- 
ment workers will improve the quality of their work, un- 
less positive steps are taken simultaneously to remove the 
causes of their strongest discontents. 

The present SCAP tendency to contract rights earlier 
given to workers' organizations goes hand in hand with a 
tendency to permit big business to continue to enjoy free- 
doms which SCAP had previously planned to restrict. I 

See Chapter VI, pp. 159-60. 

Major Developments in 1948 173 

have referred to Mr. Royall's statement that the Economic 
Power Deconcentration Act of December 1947 had been 
amended after submission to the Diet in the effort to avoid 
the disruption of efficient business organizations. During 
1948 SCAP showed increasing reluctance to interfere with 
the prewar organization of big business. It should be re- 
corded that SCAP officials maintain that there has been no 
basic change, still less reversal, of the original Occupation 
policy on the deconcentration of industrial control. This 
may be legally correct, since the principles laid down in 
the Deconcentration Act were shaped in very general terms, 
which allowed great latitude of interpretation. What seems 
certain is that during 1948 SCAP, in applying the decon- 
centration principles, has reversed the earlier expectations 
of Japanese big business, and removed many of its fears. 
The sense of relief has been freely expressed in the Japa- 
nese press. At the beginning of July it was announced that 
70 per cent of the 325 companies earlier designated as "ex- 
cessive concentration" would, after examination, not be 
required to undergo any structural changes. The five great 
banks, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Teikoku, Sanwa and Yasuda, 
were reprieved early in August. Mr. Edward C. Welsh, 
chief of the SCAP Anti-Trust and Cartels Division, pointed 
out that some large concentrations had not been broken 
up since they had "the efficiency advantage of large-scale 
production or well-integrated operations." 9 

On September 11 the SCAP Deconcentration Review 
Board laid down four new basic principles which seemed 
to mark a further retreat from earlier objectives. 10 For 
example, the Board laid down that the mere possession of 
non-related lines of business did not bring a company 
within the scope of the deconcentration law; that the claim 
that a large company restricted competition must be based 

9 Nippon Times, July i, 1948. 

10 Nippon Times, September is, 1948. 

JapanEnemy or Ally? 

on evidence of "concrete facts"; that the Liquidation Com- 
mission must no longer take the initiative in ordering a 
company to reorganize, but deal only with reorganization 
plans submitted by the company itself. The announce- 
ment of these basic principles obliged the Liquidation 
Commission to re-examine the position of a number of 
large companies previously ordered to reorganize. 

It should be remembered that the plans for the decon- 
centration of business control were intended to comple- 
ment the plans for the redistribution of ownership, which 
was to have been achieved by the liquidation of large hold- 
ing companies. But difficulty is still being experienced in 
reselling the securities which the Liquidation Commission 
took over from the holding companies. It had been planned 
to sell them to the public in a way that would disperse 
ownership and prevent individuals or families from acquir- 
ing controlling blocks. 11 Altogether there are many reasons 
why the Zaibatsu should be now throwing oft the deeper 
anxieties they felt during the early stages ot the Occupa- 

The most significant official indication of the new Amer- 
ican attitude came on December 9 when the United States 
member of the Far Eastern Commission announced that 
his Government was formally abandoning its earlier pro- 
posals for industrial deconcentration in Japan, as embodied 
in the well-known, controversial plan known as FEC 230, 
submitted some nineteen months earlier but never offi- 
cially ratified. In announcing the decision, 12 the Ameri- 
can member maintained that the deconcentration plan had 
now become unnecessary mainly because of SCAP's success 
in carrying out a program of reorganization of industrial 
ownership and control and because of the Japanese Gov- 
ernment's enactment of an anti-trust law. He emphasized 

u See p. 125. 

For text see Appendix HI below, pp. 239-43. 

Major Developments in 194% 175 

that this did not mean that the deconcentration program 
had been completed but that there was no longer any need 
for the development of a policy on the subject. 

It is hardly possible to assess the significance of these 
changes in United States policy, nor to speculate on their 
likely results, without considering other salient features of 
the Japanese scene in 1948. To get a clear picture it is 
necessary to consider not only what is changed and what 
unchanged in American policy, but what is changed and 
what is unchanged in Japan. 

On the third anniversary of the Japanese surrender in 
Tokyo Bay, General MacArthur made an encouraging 
statement he had made two years before. 18 He said, inter 
alia, "There need be no fear concerning the future pattern 
of Japanese life, for the Japanese people have fully demon- 
strated both their will and their capacity to absorb into 
their own culture sound ideas, well tested in the crucible 
of Western experience, in lieu of those concepts responsive 
to the myths and legends which have so handicapped their 
task. And today those practical weapons needed to repel 
the totalitarian advance liberty, dignity and opportunity 
now safely rest in every Japanese hand, and the nation has 
thereby become an asset upon which the free world can 
confidently count." 

Some observers were doubtful, however, how far three 
years of occupation had produced fundamental change in 
the Japanese outlook. Mr. Russell Brines, chief of the 
Tokyo bureau of the Associated Press, wrote, "Headquar- 
ters has dropped its previous contention that democracy 
has arrived. Now the phrase is 'wait and see/ " 

There is no doubt that important progress has been 
made in some fields. Perhaps the most notable success has 
been the carrying out of the land reform program. This 
program aroused strong opposition from the landowners, 

ia See pp. 10-12. 

1^6 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

and in its early stages seemed to have poor prospect of 
success. 14 During 1948, however, very rapid progress was 
made. The Land Reform Laws had provided that the 
Japanese Government should buy from the landowners 
about 80 per cent of the fields cultivated by tenants, an area 
o about five million acres, and resell this land to the ten- 
ants. According to Mr. W. I. Ladejinsky, an American au- 
thority on Japan's rural economy, the Government had 
bought the whole of the land marked for transfer, and 
resold three-quarters of it to tenants, by the end of July 
1948. 15 This is a remarkable achievement. It is due, in my 
view, chiefly to the exceptionally high quality of the ex- 
perts in the SCAT Natural Resources Section responsible 
for formulating and enforcing the reform. It does not 
detract from the greatness of the achievement to point out 
that whether the reform measures bring permanent benefit 
to the farmers will depend on the future policy of the 
Japanese Government. A future conservative government, 
if freed from SCAT control, would be able, if it desired, 
to frustrate the purposes of the reform in a variety of ways. 

Other features of the Japanese scene, as revealed in 1948, 
are less pleasant. It seems that the series of ambitious and 
comprehensive reforms which SCAP has imposed on the 
political and industrial structure have generally failed to 
gain Japanese support. 

Despite the new Constitution and the electoral reforms, 
political life has been disrupted by a series of major "scan- 
dals." Perhaps the most spectacular was the Showa Denko 
case, which finally brought about the fall of the Ashida 
Cabinet in October, after nine months of uneasy and bar- 
ren office. Investigations showed that the Government, 
through its Reconstruction Finance Bank, had granted the 

14 See pp. 112-23. Also Andrew J. Grad, "Land Reform in Japan," Pacific 
Affairs, June 1948, and William J. Gilmartin and W. I. Ladejinsky, "The 
Promise of Agrarian Reform in Japan," Foreign Affairs, January 1948. 

w Nippon Times, July 29, 1948. 

Major Developments in 1948 177 

Showa Denko Company a loan of nearly 3,000 million yen. 
This was about two-thirds of the total sum the Govern- 
ment was authorized to lend the fertilizer industry, although 
the Showa Denko produces only about 15 percent of the 
national output. A number of leading politicians, public 
servants and businessmen, including leaders of the three 
parties who formed the Ashida Government coalition, 
were later charged with bribery and corruption, and on 
December 8 Dr. Ashida was jailed pending a trial, In the 
Arms Disposal case it was shown that the Japanese authori- 
ties were able to account for only 10 percent of the war 
stores handed back to them by SCAP for civilian disposal. 
In the Coal Mines case a number of coal owners were 
charged with spending large sums to bribe members of 
Parliament to oppose the Katayama Government's Bill for 
the public control of the coal mines. 16 

There is also evidence that state prosecutors and the 
courts have in some cases been influenced by political pres- 
sure, which includes the pressure of the bureaucracy. On 
July 6 Mr. Frank E. Hays, of the SCAP Government Sec- 
tion, warned that "an insidious effort to undermine the 
procurators who are loyal to the interests of the people by 
the bureaucratic clique which does not consider itself to be 
the servant of the people still continues and must be 
crushed." Mr. Hays went on to say that the purge had left 
untouched the legal and political bosses, "who adminis- 
tered one law for the rich and powerful and another for 
the poor and weak." 17 As I pointed out earlier, the Japa- 
nese bureaucracy has almost certainly succeeded better 
than any of the other old ruling groups in retaining its 
power. 18 The senior classes of the public service seem still 
to be dominated by a clique of graduates of Tokyo Im- 
perial University. 

In relations between capital and labor there seems also 
is See pp. 77-8. Nippon Times, July 7, 1948. " See p. 86. 

JapanEnemy or Ally? 

to have been a general failure to act in accordance with 
either the letter or the spirit of the new "democratic" regu- 
lations. A Japanese Labor Ministry survey recorded that in 
the February-June period of 1948 there were 122,095 viola- 
tions of the Labor Standards Law. There was considerable 
discussion in the Japanese press of the reasons for these 
defaults. The general press opinion seemed to be that they 
were due partly to ignorance and partly to an inability of 
both wage-earners and employers to free themselves from 
ingrained feudal sentiments. Employers seemed to feel no 
obligation to shoulder new responsibilities where they 
could evade them, and workers were generally subservient 
and submissive even when they realized that their employ- 
ers were breaking the new regulations. 

To sum up, Japanese domestic developments during 
1948 provide, in my view, further evidence that earlier 
claims that a social and spiritual revolution had occurred 
in Japan were inconsistent with the available facts. There 
has been no appreciable change in the basic social and 
mental habits of the Japanese people. 

The policy of the Soviet Union and of the Japanese Com- 
munist Party has, however, changed significantly in the last 
quarter of the year. General Derevyanko, my former col- 
league on the Allied Council, returned to Tokyo on Sep- 
tember i. General Derevyanko had been the official head 
of the Soviet Mission in Japan since the surrender, but he 
had been away a good deal. At the end of 1945 he was 
recalled to Moscow because, according to Mr. Stalin's re- 
port to Mr. Byrnes, General MacArthur had been treating 
him like a "piece of furniture" and refusing to let him 
share in framing Occupation policy. Derevyanko was re- 
called again in August 1947 and it was generally believed 
in Tokyo that he would not return. Since his return home 
he has been active in the struggle between Russia and 
America for the loyalty of the Japanese people. The Soviet 

Major Developments in 1948 179 

Mission has strongly protested against the SCAP restric- 
tions on the rights of trade unionists, and ardently sup- 
ported radical trade union leadership. The Japanese Com- 
munist Party simultaneously issued a call for an early peace 
treaty with Japan, a reversal of its previous policy. It pro- 
tested against the American intention to develop Japan as 
a military base, and asked for an immediate withdrawal of 
Occupation forces. It urged a peace settlement which would 
give Japan "full independence without any obligations 
impairing her sovereignty," and asked for the return of 
adjacent islands "which could be considered nationally 
and historically as belonging to Japan." On September 25 
the Soviet representative on the Far Eastern Commission, 
Ambassador Panyushkin, announced Russia's desire for an 
early peace treaty. He urged, moreover, that no limits 
should be set to the expansion of Japan's peace-time indus- 
try, nor of Japanese exports, since this would help the 
physical well-being of the Japanese people. There should, 
however, be careful control to prevent the development of 
war industries, and this control should be enforced "by 
those powers most interested in prevention of Japanese 
aggression." 19 

I can only speculate on the reasons for this change in 
Soviet policy, but I think it is possible to speculate with 
some confidence. Until lately the Soviet had hoped to 
increase her influence in Japan despite the American Occu- 
pation, and, partly indeed, because of the Occupation. The 
early Occupation policy was to give full freedom to all 
political organizations and trade unions. Leftist leaders, 
including the most active Communists, were freed from 
prison or allowed to return to Japan from exile. The 
Communists hoped to use their new freedom to organize 

"This Soviet proposal was rejected on December 9 by the Far Eastern 
Commission by a vote of ten to one, mainly on the ground that the plan 
was either superfluous because of present policies of the Commission or 
because it raised issues which could only be decided in a peace treaty. 

x8o JapanEnemy or Ally? 

a social revolution along party lines. The very slow rate of 
economic recovery; the inflation, which embittered the 
wage and salary earners; the earlier SCAP resolve to weaken 
the hold of big business on Japan's economy; all these 
factors seemed to make an atmosphere that, as Lenin would 
have said, was "friendly to revolution." But the picture 
rapidly changed. The United States showed increasing de- 
termination to hold fast to her controlling position in 
Japan. She had resolved that Japan should be rebuilt, on 
the basis of private capitalism, as the workshop of East 
Asia. Meanwhile the American Army has been building 
large modern airfields in Japan, capable of taking the 
heaviest types of long-range bombers, and has been arming 
Occupation aircraft. American economic aid had enabled 
conservative Japanese governments to postpone or avert 
the worst political and economic consequences of their 
own sabotage and inefficiency. Faced with these develop- 
ments the Soviet Union apparently began to fear that it 
was fast losing position in its struggle to control Japan. It 
seems therefore to have radically revised its tactics. 

Meanwhile the old guard in Japan is jubilant at receiv- 
ing American backing for suppressing its own radicals and 
militants. It hopes for great things from being taken into 
American partnership in the fight against Communism 
and Russia. The militant radical groups are becoming in- 
creasingly sullen and resentful, though they still shrink 
from overt defiance of the Occupation. And the ordinary 
people of Japan, who have learnt in the desolate wastes of 
their ruined cities what to expect from war, carry on with 
dumb fatalism, wondering whether it will now be long 
before some new terror enflames their skies. 


marize my argument and show its main implications for 
future Allied policy in Japan. 

My argument rests on two basic propositions. First, since 
1945 there has been a far-reaching change in the attitude 
of the United States towards Japan. The hated enemy has 
become the coveted ally. Second, during the same period 
there has been no fundamental change in Japan's social 
structure or in the political outlook of her leaders. 

In 1945 America wanted to demilitarize and democratize 
Japan. Demilitarization meant not merely the elimination 
of armaments and armed forces, but the attempt to edu- 
cate the Japanese to renounce war as an instrument of 
national policy. Democratization was not to be restricted 
to law and politics, but to involve revolutionary changes 
in Japan's social and economic structure. Japan was to be 
"permitted to maintain such industries as will sustain her 
economy and permit the exaction of just reparations in 
kind, but not those that would enable her to re-arm for 



But that was in 1945. Since then, as I have tried to 
show, much has happened to bring solace to Japan's rulers. 
The United States has tried to persuade the other Allies 

i Potsdam Declaration. 


Japan Enemy or Ally? 

that reparation claims should be reduced to the minimum, 
if not abandoned. The Allies, in response to American 
persuasion, have greatly raised the levels of permitted pro- 
duction in secondary war-industries, such as steel, alum- 
inum, magnesium and shipbuilding. Washington has. 
quietly put the brake on the "democratization" program, 
particularly on the purge and the dissolution of the Zai- 
batsu. On the positive side, American policy aims at estab- 
lishing Japan as the "workshop of East Asia." American 
loans and credits are being provided for the restoration of 
Japanese industry and foreign trade. 2 There is no secret 
about the reasons for America's changed outlook. There 
is the simple and understandable wish to make Japan self- 
supporting and not a permanent burden on the American 
taxpayer. But the root motive is political. It is fear of 
Russia and Communism. America desires a strong and 
prosperous Japan as a backing against the extension of 
Russian influence in the Far East and the growth of 
Japanese Communism. 

American policy in Japan is a regional expansion of 
her world policy. This policy crystallized in the first half 
of 1947. It was authoritatively formulated in the Truman 
Doctrine on March 12 and the Marshall Plan on June 5. 

It was partly because the United Kingdom was so rapidly 
reducing her foreign commitments that America felt 

2 The change in United States policy in Japan runs parallel to its 
change in Germany; e.g., in the Allied agreement of March 28, 1946, 
Germany was to be permitted a level of production about 55 per cent 
of her 1938 output. In the Anglo-American agreement of August 28, 
1 947' Germany is to be allowed to produce 80 per cent of her 1958 output, 
or the equivalent of her 1936 output. The United States recognizes that 
in Japan, as in Germany, economic recovery is not possible without the 
.restoration of industrial production. According to Professor Edward D. 
Mason, "the shift in American opinion away from economic disarmament 
and toward a substantial measure of economic rehabilitation in Germany 
is the result o a growing conviction that economic disarmament is both 
ineffective and unnecessary." American Policy Toward Germany, Foreign 
Policy Report, November i, 1947, Foreign Policy Association, New York. 

The Future of Japan 183 

obliged to assume many new responsibilities abroad. It 
was not until February 24, 1947, that the British Ambassa- 
dor told the United States Government that Britain would 
be unable to go on giving economic help to Greece and 
Turkey after March 31, or to maintain British forces in 
Greece much after that. The United States felt the im- 
mediate need to sustain the interests Britain had been 
supporting in the Eastern Mediterranean against Soviet 
encroachment. This led to the appeal to Congress for 
"emergency aid" to Greece and Turkey, and the formula- 
tion of the Truman Doctrine. 

In the Far East the transfer of responsibility from Brit- 
ish to American hands was more gradual and aroused less 
public attention, but the same process was taking place. 
The strength of the British Commonwealth Occupation 
Force was steadily reduced, and an Occupation, which had 
from the beginning been predominantly American, tended 
to become exclusively American. There is a tendency in 
some quarters in the British Commonwealth to present 
the extension of American influence in Europe and the 
East as an American effort to "push out" the British. This 
is not only unjust and ungenerous, but inconsistent with 
the historical record. It was only when the British with- 
drew that the Americans moved in. Naturally, some Amer- 
ican circles feel satisfaction in the consequent extension of 
American power and prestige. If non-Americans keep the 
circumstances in mind, and also remember their long im- 
patience with America's past isolationist policy, they would 
be chary of criticizing too quickly the present foreign 
policy of the United States. The United States Govern- 
ment, with less experience than Britain in the conduct 
of foreign relations, with a shortage of experienced officers, 
and with a public opinion still capricious on world ques- 
tions, is resolved to add to her foreign burdens those that 
Britain has laid down. 

184 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

In these circumstances, British observers should try to 
avoid "sniping" at the efforts of the United States. It is 
still important, I believe, that we should not endorse them 
uncritically. It seems to me that the soundness of America's 
policy today depends in great part on the emphasis that is 
put upon its different aspects. American policy is some- 
times expressed in a negative and military form, some- 
times in a positive and social-economic form. The program 
of aid for Turkey was exclusively for military expenditure, 
and it was quite clear that Turkey's defenses were being 
strengthened only against Russia. The aid for Greece was 
partly military defense against Communist threats from 
across the frontiers and from Greek "guerillas," and partly 
economic, to promote the welfare of the Greek people. 
The projected aid for Japan is, at least ostensibly, purely 
economic and positive, since Japan is disarmed. In an- 
nouncing his proposals of aid for Europe, Mr. Marshall 
tried to avoid the negative and military, and emphasize 
the positive and economic aspects. "Our policy," he said, 
"is not directed against any country or doctrine, but 
against hunger, desperation and chaos." It aimed at "the 
revival of a working economy in the world, so as to permit 
the emergence of political and social conditions in which 
free institutions can exist." 8 

The basic drive behind American policy, whether in 
Europe, the Middle East or the Far East, is resistance to 
Russia and Communism. Yet a great deal, perhaps every- 
thing, depends on the strategy of this resistance. If the 
emphasis is consistently placed on the welfare and free- 
dom of the ordinary people of the countries "threatened" 
by Communism, and if every precaution is taken to ensure 
that this objective will in practice be realized, American 

*For an excellent summary of American aid programs, see American 
Policy Toward Greece, by Winifred Hadsell. Foreign Policy Report, 
September i, 1947, Foreign Policy Association, New York. 

The Future of Japan 185 

policy will win the widest acceptance in countries outside 
the Soviet orbit, and have the best prospects of success. 

Insofar as America's plans to restore Japan's economic 
strength give good promise of raising the living standards 
and enlarging the freedom of the Japanese people, they 
should be fully supported. Yet there are great dangers that, 
in the present situation, American aid will not only fail 
in its positive purpose, but have dangerous consequences. 
American aid to Japan with whatever supplementary con- 
tributions other Allies are prepared to make will be given 
through the Japanese Government. I have reiterated that 
the Japanese Government represents the most conservative 
forces in Japan, that its pre-surrender outlook is un- 
changed, despite its gesture of cooperation with SCAP 
authority. It is hardly possible for a Japanese Government 
of different character to emerge in the near future. It is 
my thesis that since the surrender the Japanese Govern- 
ment, in response to the pressure groups that control it, 
has sabotaged economic recovery in the effort to frustrate 
the Allied aims of 1945, and that it has done this with 
frivolous indifference to the sufferings it has brought to 
the mass of the Japanese people. I can see no grounds for 
the belief that such a Government will want to use Amer- 
ican aid to construct a welfare economy and enlarge the 
liberties of the working people. It seems nearly certain 
that it will try to use its new resources to consolidate the 
power and privilege of the ruling groups. 

There is another immediate danger, perhaps less easy 
to recognize. It is the difficulty of reconciling the Amer- 
ican faith in individualism with a sound program for 
Japan's economic reconstruction. It is possible for the 
United States, because of its immense wealth, to resist the 
kind of controls in economic life which other countries 
have adopted, and still maintain an endurable or, by com- 
parison with some other countries, a comfortable standard 

i86 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

of living for its poorest* classes. Other countries cannot 
afford the wastes, or tolerate the inequalities, which such a 
full measure of individualism invariably involves. Outside, 
the United States it is widely accepted that a considerable 
measure of political control in the economic field is neces- 
sary or desirable. The degree and kind of control can only 
be decided in terms of changing situations. It is not an 
ideological battle between "individualists" and "socialists," 
in which the belligerents hurl nineteenth-century epithets 
at each other. It is a practical problem of administration 
whether, in a particular country at a particular time, there 
should be public control of, say, the coal industry, and, if 
so, what particular technique of control will produce the 
best balance of economic welfare and personal freedom. 
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (Mr. Atlee) 
has recently described current British policy, not as diluted 
individualism, or diluted socialism, but as a positive effort 
to synthesize security and freedom. Such an approach 
avoids the rigidity of both "socialism" and "individual- 
ism." To those who hold this view, Russian policy smacks 
of the "ektreme Left" and American policy of the "extreme 

I have already referred to General MacArthur's insis- 
tence that Japan must establish democracy through private 
capitalism, under a regime of free competitive enterprise. 
If that continues to be Allied policy in Japan, it must, 
in my view, mean depression and want for the Japanese 
masses, though perhaps with great wealth for the few. It 
will perpetuate the sort of social and economic conditions 
that favor the spread of Communism. It is perhaps not 
surprising that Communists in Japan are at present so re- 
strained in their activities. They are confident that time 
is on their side. 

I believe there is another great danger, though less im- 
mediate, in the present American policy towards Japan. 

The Future of Japan 187 

It is that in helping Japan rebuild her industrial strength 
and restore her foreign trade, the United States will en- 
able Japan to establish an industrial and economic su- 
premacy in East Asia which her leaders will once again 
exploit for political purposes. Economic penetration is 
the first step; political domination the second. 

Japanese industrial technique will be vastly improved 
by the lessons learned from the Americans during the Oc- 
cupation. And not only in industry, transport and science, 
but in medicine, hygiene and public health, the Japanese 
are avidly absorbing American know-how. We can expect 
that she will establish a long lead over other Asiatic coun- 
tries in all these fields. Moreover, Japan's future trade 
opportunities seem likely to depend increasingly on the 
development of heavy and medium industries; that is, 
in secondary war industries. Silk exports will continue to 
diminish, owing to the competition of nylon and rayon. 
The exports of textiles will almost certainly become of 
less relative importance in Japan's trade, since other Asiatic 
countries are eager and able to manufacture these goods. It 
is, therefore, in the heavy and medium industries that 
Japan's best prospects lie. These should assure her a domi- 
nating position in the economy of East Asia. 

It may be argued that there are no dangers in such a 
prospect since Japan's leaders have learned to renounce 
war, and will, in any case, be without the means to wage 
it. I can see no reason why Japan will be less likely in 
the 1950*5 than in the iggo's to want to use war as an 
instrument of national policy. Imperialism and militarism 
may well be the inevitable expression of the sort of eco- 
nomic and social system that still stands in Japan. It is true 
that at present Japan is disarmed. But we should remem- 
ber that disarmament has meant the destruction of the 
weapons with which Japan fought the last war. It is not 
easy to be sure which weapons will be most useful if there 

i88 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

is another war. It will, therefore, be harder to continue to 
prevent rearmament, and this difficulty will be increased 
if Japan develops a great variety of manufacturing in- 

It may be true that, so long as the United States main- 
tains her present strategic interests in the Far East, she 
can easily forestall any hint of future Japanese aggression. 
Yet the maintenance of American military and political 
control in this area is likely to remain a considerable call 
on American resources, with trivial commercial compensa- 
tion. We cannot be sure that America will be prepared to 
maintain these commitments indefinitely. An economic 
depression in the United States might make Congress want 
to reduce commitments abroad. Lastly, what happens in 
Japan will depend in a hundred ways on what happens 
in China. 

In face of these manifold uncertainties, I believe it is 
rash and dangerous to assume that Japan cannot in the 
foreseeable future again become a danger to her neighbors. 

For all these reasons, I think the first task for the peace- 
makers is to establish firm safeguards against the renewal 
of Japan's military power. I have referred to the proposal 
that Japan should be permitted a small army, perhaps 
100,000, for "police duties/' This proposal should be firmly 
rejected. While a small, lightly-equipped army might not 
in itself be a danger to any of Japan's neighbors, the pro- 
hibition of every sort of military formation is psycho- 
logically important. The army of 100,000 men permitted 
Germany after World War I became a rallying point for 
the revival of German militarism. We should not forget 
that experience. 

If the earlier plans for Japan's economic disarmament 
are to be radically changed in the interests of her indus- 
trial development, it is the more important that there 
should be thorough and continuous Allied supervision of 

The Future of Japan 189 

Japan's imports, with the purpose of ensuring that the 
import of raw materials, which might be used for war, 
are no greater than necessary for the current output of 
civilian products. This determination of the quantity and 
quality of imports needed for Japan's peacetime industry 
is a highly technical task and full of difficulties. What is 
important to recognize is that the greater the quantity and 
variety of imports permitted, the greater the need for 
Allied controls. It should go without saying that all arms 
manufacture should be prohibited. 

There is one other condition which the Allies should 
resolve to enforce. While any real reform in Japan's social 
and economic life must come from the Japanese them- 
selves, this is only possible if the Japanese reformers con- 
tinue to enjoy the political and civil rights granted them 
under the Occupation. I recognize that it would be im- 
practicable, indeed impossible, to ensure that these rights 
should be faithfully honored by every bureaucrat and 
policeman in Japan. There are powerful forces which will 
seek to abridge or destroy them. Yet it should be possible 
for the Allied control authority to ensure, at the minimum, 
that all political parties shall remain free to pursue then- 
aims with freedom of speech and assembly, and that radical 
leaders shall not be imprisoned for dangerous thoughts. 

If the Allies resolve to do these two things to prevent 
any form of rearmament and to sustain the "bill of rights" 
it will be a great deal, and it is probably all that can be 
effectively done. 

There is some temptation for those who feel strongly 
about the need for social and economic changes to urge 
that the Allies should force the Japanese to make these 
changes. This temptation should be resisted. The extent 
to which the Allies will be able to use physical force in 
Japan after the Treaty will be very limited, and the terms 
of the Treaty should be consistent with these limitations. 

igo Japan Enemy or Ally? 

It is undesirable to extract -undertakings from Japan as 
part of the peace -settlement, unless we have the will and 
the resources to ensure that they will be carried out. That 
would mean a devaluation of the whole settlement. In 
practice the military enforcement of the Treaty will de- 
pend on air power, based on Okinawa; sea power, deployed 
in the Far East; and, possibly, on a token occupation force 
inside Japan. It would be unreal to expect American war-" 
ships to blockade the ports, or American aircraft to bomb 
the cities of Japan, because the Japanese Government had 
defaulted in some program of domestic reform. Moreover, 
with every month that passes there will be an increasing 
Allied reluctance to revert to "bayonet control." In any 
case, reforms are unlikely to succeed in their purpose if 
imposed by outside physical force. 

There is a big difference between physical coercion 
and economic inducement. Japan's economy is specially 
dependent on the outside world. She cannot restore her 
industries or regain her foreign trade without consider- 
able outside aid by loans or credits, and her subsequent 
failure or success will depend on access to foreign markets 
and raw materials. Since the surrender, all of Japan's 
foreign trade has been carried out under the supervision 
of SCAP, to ensure that it would only be of a kind that 
would promote the objectives of the Occupation. The re- 
cent tendency is to encourage a return to "normal" foreign 
trading and finance, that is, to restore these activities to 
private firms working under the usual commercial incen- 
tives. The kind and quantity of financial aid tends to be 
determined by purely business considerations, without re- 
gard for its social and political implications. This is likely 
to result in a great strengthening of the position of the old 
or the new Zaibatsu and retard economic reforms. I have 
pointed out in an earlier chapter how food imports from 
the United States in 1946 enabled the Yoshida Govern- 

The Future of Japan 191 

ment to avoid, or postpone, the political penalties of its 
failures. When the Occupation is over, the same sort of 
process is likely to take place on a much greater scale. 

I think there is only one way to avoid this and that is 
for the Allies to insist that economic and financial aid 
will be always contingent on the Japanese Government's 
domestic policy. The flow of external aid should be closely 
geared to the rate of internal reform. I am arguing, if you 
will, for the use of economic sanctions. And the aim of 
these sanctions should be not only negative, to prevent 
the establishment of war industries, but positive, to press 
for fulfillment of the economic and social reforms initiated 
under the Occupation. If this plan were to be adopted, it 
would mean that all of Japan's foreign trade and finance 
would be controlled by agreement of the Allied Govern- 
ments. Private concerns would only be permitted to oper- 
ate in accordance with the terms decided by the Allied 

To carry out these controls it will be necessary to set up 
an Allied control body in Japan. 

It is probably undesirable to decide in advance the 
precise period for which control will be necessary, since 
that will depend on the progress of domestic reforms, and 
particular controls should be relaxed or lifted when the 
Japanese give evidence that they are no longer needed. 
It seems probable, nevertheless, that strong controls will 
be necessary for at least a generation, or, say, twenty-five 
years. It is hard to believe that the re-education of the 
Japanese and the consolidation of new leadership could be 
achieved in a shorter period. 

The first essential, if the Allied control body is to suc- 
ceed, is that it should have the unqualified right to in- 
spect and investigate anything happening in Japan. It 
would normally work through a group of expert commit- 
tees, each concerned with a particular section of Japanese 

192 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

activity. Each committee would keep the control body 
continuously informed about what is happening in its 
own domain. 

It has been suggested that the Allied body should be 
made up of the diplomatic representatives in Japan of 
the Allied Powers. This idea should be firmly rejected. 
It is a diplomatic tradition that embassies and legations 
should spend a great part of their time and energy in 
conscientiously entertaining one another, and, after the 
Treaty, Allied diplomats in Japan will almost certainly 
resume cordial official relations with the members of the 
Japanese Government. In these circumstances, it would be 
unreasonable to expect the diplomats to display the vig- 
ilance and firmness necessary for the success of the Allied 
body. The people responsible for controlling Japanese 
authorities should be free from the inhibitions of protocol. 

The administration of the control machinery should 
be wholly American, if the United States is ready to under- 
take that responsibility. For some time at least America 
will be preponderant in Japan, and there would be in- 
soluble problems of discipline and loyalty in the effort 
to give non-Americans executive positions in a predomi- 
nantly American administration, particularly if the non- 
Americans should be Russians. The policy of the American 
administration should be controlled by an Allied body. 
There is much debate whether this commission should 
represent the four Powers, with its decisions subject to 
veto, or eleven Powers, with decisions taken by a two- 
thirds majority. The Soviet Union wants the first, the 
United States the second. The British Commonwealth 
countries involved, and other Allies, support the United 
States view. 

There is, on principle, a very strong claim that all the 
nations who played an active part in the Pacific war should 
have a share in the postwar control of Japan. But the im- 

The Future of Japan 193 

portant issue is not whether there should be a four- or an 
eleven-Power Council, but whether the Great Powers 
should have the right of veto. 

The strong Anglo-Saxon opposition to the veto in inter- 
national councils is, at bottom, opposition to Russia's right 
to veto. A good deal of nonsense has been written about 
the veto. It is pointed out that it is inconsistent with demo- 
cratic principles and so forth. Such criticism overlooks the 
basic fact that the condition of democracy in any country 
is that all groups should feel a fundamental identity of 
interests. When the groups in a community are united on 
primary issues they can agree to settle their secondary 
differences by a majority vote. But this basis of agreement 
does not exist, or, at least, it is not recognized, between 
Russia and the Western nations. It is, therefore, useless to 
concentrate attention on the veto as though it were a thing 
in itself intrinsically evil. The evil thing is the disunity 
between Russia and the Western world. In urging Russia 
to surrender the veto, the Western Powers are asking her 
to agree that the decisions of a majority of nations should 
be treated as the decisions of all the nations; that the 
Western Powers, by majority agreement, express the con- 
science of the world. I think the Western Powers are 
hardly likely to succeed in this. 

I am not here concerned with the distribution of moral 
responsibility for this clash between Russia and the West 
I am aware of the stubborn and provocative, the almost 
paranoiac, character of Russia's recent diplomacy. The 
Soviet Union's suppression of freedom of thought wherever 
its influence extends is the negation of all that is best in 
Western civilization. At the same time, I doubt whether 
Western civilization, and all that is good in it, can survive 
a third world war. That means that the first task of West- 
ern statesmanship today is to learn how to live in peace 
with Russia. 

194 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

The situation in Japan is one part of that world-wide 
problem. It is, therefore, supremely important that the 
West should work with Russia in making the peace settle- 
ment and in the subsequent control of Japan. Russia's 
diplomatic intransigence may make the United States and 
the British Commonwealth despair of cooperation, and go 
ahead without her. In that event, it is particularly im- 
portant for us to remember that we do not eliminate 
Russia's influence in Japan by dispensing with the presence 
of a Russian representative in Allied councils there. In 
race, in culture, in economic interest, Japan is part of East 
Asia. In Manchuria, China and Korea there are millions 
of people living in misery, now stirred, however dimly, 
with the resolve to win for themselves a better life. It is 
these deeper social forces that will decide the future of the 
Far East and of Japan, not the number of Allied troops, 
whether American, British or Russian, that are stationed 
there. In a word, if we want Japan as our ally, the way to 
succeed is not by subsidizing reactionary governments, or 
resuming trade relations with a disguised Zaibatsu, but by 
giving firm friendship and effective help to the Japanese 
people. At present the Japanese masses lack political con- 
sciousness and experienced leaders; they are still sunk in 
the past. But when they are without food or clothing or 
shelter, they want radical change. Those who help them 
achieve this change will be their friends; those who resist 
the change will be their enemies. 


We, the Japanese people, acting through our duly elected 
representatives in the National Diet, determined that we 
shall secure for ourselves and our posterity the fruits of 
peaceful cooperation with all nations and the blessings of 
liberty throughout this land, and resolved that never again 
shall we be visited with the horrors of war through the 
action of government, do proclaim that sovereign power 
resides with the people and do firmly establish this Con- 
stitution. Government is a sacred trust of the people, the 
authority for which is derived from the people, the powers 
of which are exercised by the representatives of the peo- 
ple, and the benefits of which are enjoyed by the people. 
This is a universal principle of mankind upon which this 
Constitution is founded. We reject and revoke all constitu- 
tions, laws, ordinances, and rescripts in conflict herewith. 

We, the Japanese people, desire peace for all time and 
are deeply conscious of the high ideals controlling human 
relationship, and we have determined to preserve our se- 
curity and existence, trusting in the justice and faith of the 
peace-loving peoples of the world. We desire to occupy an 
honored place in an international society striving for the 

iText from Publication 2836, Par Eastern Series 22, U. S. Bept. of 
State, Wash., D. C., 1947. The Constitution of Japan was promulgated 
on November 3, 1946, and became effective on May 3, 1947. 


196 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

preservation of peace, and the banishment of tyranny and 
slavery, oppression and intolerance for all time from the 
earth. We recognize that all peoples of the world have the 
right to live in peace, free from fear and want. 

We believe that no nation is responsible to itself alone, 
but that laws of political morality are universal; and that 
obedience to such laws is incumbent upon all nations who 
would sustain their own sovereignty and justify their sov- 
ereign relationship with other nations. 

We, the Japanese people, pledge our national honor to 
accomplish these high ideals and purposes with all our 


Article /. The Emperor shall be the symbol of the State and 
of the unity of the people, deriving his position from the will 
of the people with whom resides sovereign power. 

Article 2. The Imperial Throne shall be dynastic and suc- 
ceeded to in accordance with the Imperial House Law passed 
by the Diet. 

Article 5. The advice and approval of the Cabinet shall be 
required for all acts of the Emperor in matters of state, and 
the Cabinet shall be responsible therefor. 

Article 4. The Emperor shall perform only such acts in mat- 
ters of state as are provided for in this Constitution and he 
shall not have powers related to government. 

The Emperor may delegate the performance of his acts in 
matters of state as may be provided by law. 

Article 5. When, in accordance with the Imperial House 
Law, a Regency is established, the Regent shall perform his 
acts in matters of state in the Emperor's name. In this case, 
paragraph one of the preceding article will be applicable. 

Article 6. The Emperor shall appoint the Prime Minister 
as designated by the Diet. 

The Emperor shall appoint the Chief Judge of the Supreme 
Court as designated by the Cabinet. 

Article 7. The Emperor, with the advice and approval of 
the Cabinet, shall perform the following acts in matters of 
state on behalf of the people: 


Promulgation of amendments of the constitution, laws, 
cabinet orders and treaties. 

Convocation of the Diet. 

Dissolution of the House of Representatives. 

Proclamation of general election of members of the Diet 

Attestation of the appointment and dismissal of Ministers 
of State and other officials as provided for by law, and 
of full powers and credentials of Ambassadors and 

Attestation of general and special amnesty, commutation 
of punishment, reprieve, and restoration of rights. 

Awarding of honors. 

Attestation of instruments of ratification and other diplo- 
matic documents as provided for by law. 

Receiving foreign ambassadors and ministers. 

Performance of ceremonial functions. 
Article 8. No property can be given to, or received by, the 
Imperial House, nor can any gifts be made therefrom, without 
the authorization of the Diet. 


Article 9. Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based 
on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce 
war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use 
of force as means of settling international disputes. 

In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, 
land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will 
never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state 
will not be recognized. 

Article 10. The conditions necessary for being a Japanese 
national shall be determined by law. 

Article n. The people shall not be prevented from enjoying 
any of the fundamental human rights. These fundamental 
human rights guaranteed to the people by this Constitution 
shall be conferred upon the people of this and future genera- 
tions as eternal and inviolate rights. 

Article 22. The freedoms and rights guaranteed to the 
people by this Constitution shall be maintained by the con- 
stant endeavor of the people, who shall refrain from any abuse 
of these freedoms and rights and shall always be responsible 
for utilizing them for the public welfare. 

JapanEnemy or Ally? 

Article 13. All of the people shall be respected as indi- 
viduals. Their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of hap- 
piness shall, to the extent that it does not interfere with the 
public welfare, be the supreme consideration in legislation 
and in other governmental affairs. 

Article 14. All of the people are equal under the law and 
there shall be no discrimination in political, economic or social 
relations, because of race, creed, sex, social status or family 

Peers and peerage shall not be recognized. 

No privilege shall accompany any award of honor, decora- 
tion or any distinction, nor shall any such award be valid be- 
yond the lifetime of the individual who now holds or hereafter 
may receive it. 

Article 75. The people have the inalienable right to choose 
their public officials and to dismiss them. 

All public officials are servants of the whole community and 
not of any group thereof. 

Universal adult suffrage is guaranteed with regard to the 
election of public officials. 

In all elections, secrecy of the ballot shall not be violated 
A voter shall not be answerable, publicly or privately, for the 
choice he has made. 

Article 16. Every person shall have the right of peaceful 
petition for the redress of damage, for the removal of public 
officials, for the enactment, repeal or amendment of laws, 
ordinances or regulations and for other matters; nor shall 
any person be in any way discriminated against for sponsoring 
such a petition. 

Article 17. Every person may sue for redress as provided by 
law from the State or a public entity, in case he has suffered 
damage through illegal act of any public official. 

Article 18. No person shall be held in bondage of any kind 
Involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime, is pro- 

Article 19. Freedom of thought and conscience shall not be 

Article 20. Freedom of religion is guaranteed to all. No re- 
ligious organization shall receive any privileges from the State, 
nor exercise any political authority. 

No person shall be compelled to take part in any religious 
act, celebration, rite or practice. 


The State and its organs shall refrain from religious educa- 
tion or any other religious activity. 

Article 21. Freedom of assembly and association as well as 
speech, press and all other forms of expression are guaranteed. 

No censorship shall be maintained, nor shall the secrecy of 
any means of communication be violated. 

Article 22. Every person shall have freedom to choose and 
change his residence and to choose his occupation to the extent 
that it does not interfere with the public welfare. 

Freedom of all persons to move to a foreign country and to 
divest themselves of their nationality shall be inviolate. 

Article 25. Academic freedom is guaranteed. 

Article 24. Marriage shall be based only on the mutual 
consent of both sexes and it shall be maintained through 
mutual cooperation with the equal rights of husband and 
wife as a basis. 

With regard to choice of spouse, property rights, inheritance, 
choice of domicile, divorce and other matters pertaining to 
marriage and the family, laws shall be enacted from the stand- 
point of individual dignity and the essential equality of the 

Article 25. All people shall have the right to maintain the 
minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living. 

In all spheres of life, the State shall use its endeavors for the 
promotion and extension of social welfare and security, and of 
public health. 

Article 26. All people shall have the right to receive an 
equal education correspondent to their ability, as provided by 

All people shall be obligated to have all boys and girls under 
their protection receive ordinary education as provided for 
by law. Such compulsory education shall be free. 

Article 27. All people shall have the right and the obliga- 
tion to work. 

Standards for wages, hours, rest and other working condi- 
tions shall be fixed by law. 

Children shall not be exploited. 

Article 28. The right of workers to organize and to bargain 
and act collectively is guaranteed. 

Article 29. The right to own or to hold property is in- 

aoo Japan Enemy or Ally? 

Property rights shall be defined by law, in conformity with 
the public welfare. 

Private property may be taken for public use upon just 
compensation therefor. 

Article 30. The people shall be liable to taxation as pro- 
vided by law. 

Article 31. No person shall be deprived of life or liberty, 
nor shall any other criminal penalty be imposed, except ac- 
cording to procedure established by law. 

Article 32. No person shall be denied the right of access to 
the courts. 

Article 33. No person shall be apprehended except upon 
warrant issued by a competent judicial officer which specifies 
the offense with which the person is charged, unless he is 
apprehended, the offense being committed. 

Article 34. No person shall be arrested or detained without 
being at once informed of the charges against him or without 
the immediate privilege of counsel; nor shall he be detained 
without adequate cause; and upon demand of any person 
such cause must be immediately shown in open court in his 
presence and the presence of his counsel. 

Article 35. The right of all persons to be secure in their 
homes, papers and effects against entries, searches and seizures 
shall not be impaired except upon warrant issued for adequate 
cause and particularly describing the place to be searched and 
things to be seized, or except as provided by Article 33. 

Each search or seizure shall be made upon separate warrant 
issued by a competent judicial officer. 

Article 36. The infliction of torture by any public officer 
and cruel punishments are absolutely forbidden. 

Article 37. In all criminal cases the accused shall enjoy the 
right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial tribunal. 

He shall be permitted full opportunity to examine all wit- 
nesses, and he shall have the right of compulsory process for 
obtaining witnesses on his behalf at public expense. 

At all times the accused shall have the assistance of com- 
petent counsel who shall, if the accused is unable to secure the 
same by his own efforts, be assigned to his use by the State. 

Article 38. No person shall be compelled to testify against 

Confession made under compulsion, torture or threat, or 

Appendices 201 

after prolonged arrest or detention shall not be admitted in 

No person shall be convicted or punished in cases where 
the only proof against him is his own confession. 

Article 39. No person shall be held criminally liable for an 
act which was lawful at the time it was committed, or of 
which he has been acquitted, nor shall he be placed in double 

Article 40. Any person, in case he is acquitted after he has 
been arrested or detained, may sue the State for redress as 
provided by law. 


Article 41. The Diet shall be the highest organ of state 
power, and shall be the sole law-making organ of the State. 

Article 42. The Diet shall consist of two Houses, namely the 
House of Representatives and the House of Councillors. 

Article 43. Both Houses shall consist of elected members, 
representative of all the people. 

The number of the members of each House shall be fixed 
by law. 

Article 44. The qualifications of members of both Houses 
and their electors shall be fixed by law. However, there shall 
be no discrimination because of race, creed, sex, social status, 
family origin, education, property or income. 

Article 45. The term of office of members of the House of 
Representatives shall be four years. However, the term shall be 
terminated before the full term is up in case the House of 
Representatives is dissolved. 

Article 46. The term of office of members of the House of 
Councillors shall be six years, and election for half the mem- 
bers shall take place every three years. 

Article 47. Electoral districts, method of voting and other 
matters pertaining to the method of election of members of 
both Houses shall be fixed by law. 

Article 48. No person shall be permitted to be a member of 
both Houses simultaneously. 

Article 49. Members of both Houses shall receive appropri- 
ate annual payment from the national treasury ha accordance 

with law. 

Article 50. Except in cases provided by law, members of 
both Houses shall be exempt from apprehension while the 

202 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

Diet is in session, and any members apprehended before the 
opening of the session shall be freed during the term of the ses- 
sion upon demand of the House. 

Article 51. Members of both Houses shall not be held liable 
outside the House for speeches, debates or votes cast inside 
the House. 

Article 52. An ordinary session of the Diet shall be convoked 
once per year. 

Article 5^. The Cabinet may determine to convoke extraor- 
dinary sessions of the Diet. When a quarter or more of the 
total members of either House makes the demand, the Cabinet 
must determine on such convocation. 

Article $4. When the House of Representatives is dissolved, 
there must be a general election of members of the House of 
Representatives within forty (40) days from the date of dis- 
solution, and the Diet must be convoked within thirty (30) 
days from the date of the election. 

When the House of Representatives is dissolved, the House 
of Councillors is closed at the same time. However, the Cabinet 
may in time of national emergency convoke the House of 
Councillors in emergency session. 

Measures taken at such session as mentioned in the proviso 
of the preceding paragraph shall be provisional and shall 
become null and void unless agreed to by the House of Rep- 
resentatives within a period of ten (10) days after the opening 
of the next session of the Diet. 

Article 55. Each House shall judge disputes related to quali- 
fications of its members. However, in order to deny a seat to 
any member, it is necessary to pass a resolution by a majority 
of two-thirds or more of the members present. 

Article 56. Business cannot be transacted in either House 
unless one-third or more of total membership is present. 

All matters shall be decided, in each House, by a majority 
of those present, except as elsewhere provided in the Constitu- 
tion, and in case of a tie, the presiding officer shall decide the 

Article 57. Deliberation in each House shall be public. 
However, a secret meeting may be held where a majority of 
two-thirds or more of those members present passes a resolu- 
tion therefor. 

Each House shall keep a record of proceedings. This record 
shall be published and given general circulation, excepting 

Appendices 203 

such parts of proceedings of secret session as may be deemed 
to require secrecy. 

Upon demand of one-fifth or more of the members present, 
votes of the members on any matter shall be recorded in the 

Article 58. Each House shall select its own president and 
other officials. 

Each House shall establish its rules pertaining to meetings, 
proceedings and internal discipline, and may punish members 
for disorderly conduct. However, in order to expel a member, 
a majority of two-thirds or more of those members present 
must pass a resolution thereon. 

Article 59. A bill becomes a law on passage by both Houses, 
except as otherwise provided by the Constitution. 

A bill which is passed by the House of Representatives, and 
upon which the House of Councillors makes a decision differ- 
ent from that of the House of Representatives, becomes a law 
when passed a second time by the House of Representatives 
by a majority of two-thirds or more of the members present. 

The provision of the preceding paragraph does not preclude 
the House of Representatives from calling for the meeting of a 
joint committee of both Houses, provided for by law. 

Failure by the House of Councillors to take final action 
within sixty (60) days after receipt of a bill passed by the 
House of Representatives, time in recess excepted, may be 
determined by the House of Representatives to constitute a 
rejection of the said bill by the House of Councillors. 

Article 60. The budget must first be submitted to the House 
of Representatives. 

Upon consideration of the budget, when the House of 
Councillors makes a decision different from that of the House 
of Representatives, and when no agreement can be reached 
even through a joint committee of both Houses, provided for 
by law, or in the case of failure by the House of Councillors 
to take final action within thirty (30) days, the period of 
recess excluded, after the receipt of the budget passed by the 
House of Representatives, the decision of the House of Repre- 
sentatives shall be the decision of the Diet. 

Article 61. The second paragraph of the preceding article 
applies also to the Diet approval required for the conclusion 
of treaties. . . 

Article 62. Each House may conduct investigations in rela- 

204 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

tion to government, and may demand the presence and testi- 
mony of witnesses, and the production of records. 

Article 63. The Prime Minister and other Ministers of 
State may, at any time, appear in either House for the pur- 
pose of speaking on bills, regardless of whether they are mem- 
bers of the House or not. They must appear when their pres- 
ence is required in order to give answers or explanations. 

Article 64. The Diet shall set up an impeachment court 
from among the members of both Houses for the purpose of 
trying those judges against whom removal proceedings have 
been instituted. 

Matters relating to impeachment shall be provided by law. 


Article 6$. Executive power shall be vested in the Cabinet. 

Article 66. The Cabinet shall consist of the Prime Minister, 
who shall be its head, and other Ministers of State, as pro- 
vided for by law. 

The Prime Minister and other Ministers of State must be 

The Cabinet, in the exercise of executive power, shall be 
collectively responsible to the Diet. 

Article 6y. The Prime Minister shall be designated from 
among the members of the Diet by a resolution of the Diet. 
This designation shall precede all other business. 

If the House of Representatives and the House of Coun- 
cillors disagree and if no agreement can be reached even 
through a joint committee of both Houses, provided for by 
law, or the House of Councillors fails to make designation 
within ten (10) days, exclusive of the period of recess, after 
the House of Representatives has made designation, the de- 
cision of the House of Representatives shall be the decision 
of the Diet. 

Article 68. The Prime Minister shall appoint the Ministers 
of State. However, a majority of their number must be chosen 
from among the members of the Diet. 

The Prime Minister may remove the Ministers of State as 
he chooses. 

Article 69. If the House of Representatives passes a non- 
confidence resolution, or rejects a confidence resolution, the 
Cabinet shall resign en masse, unless the House of Representa- 
tives is dissolved within ten (10) days. 

Appendices 205 

Article 70. When there is a vacancy in the post of Prime 
Minister, or upon the first convocation of the Diet after a 
general election of members of the House of Representatives, 
the Cabinet shall resign en masse. 

Article Ji. In the cases mentioned in the two preceding 
articles, the Cabinet shall continue its functions until the time 
when a new Prime Minister is appointed. 

Article 72. The Prime Minister, representing the Cabinet, 
submits bills, reports on general national affairs and foreign 
relations to the Diet and exercises control and supervision over 
various administrative branches. 

Article 75. The Cabinet, in addition to other general admin- 
istrative functions, shall perform the following functions: 
Administer the law faithfully; conduct affairs of state. 
Manage foreign affairs. 

Conclude treaties. However, it shall obtain prior or, de- 
pending on circumstances, subsequent approval of the 
Administer the civil service, in accordance with standards 

established by law. 

Prepare the budget, and present it to the Diet 
Enact cabinet orders in order to execute the provisions 
of this Constitution and of the law. However, it cannot 
include penal provisions in such cabinet orders unless 
authorized by such law. 
Decide on general amnesty, special amnesty, commutation 

of punishment, reprieve, and restoration of rights. 
Article 74. All laws and cabinet orders shall be signed by 
the competent Minister of State and countersigned by the 
Prime Minister. 

Article 75. The Ministers of State, during their tenure of 
office, shall not be subject to legal action without the consent 
of the Prime Minister. However, the right to take that action 
is not impaired hereby. 


Article 76. The whole judicial power is vested in a Supreme 

Court and in such inferior courts as are established by law. 

No extraordinary tribunal shall be established, nor shall 

any oigan or agency of the Executive be given final judicial 

judges shall be independent in the exercise of their 

2o6 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

conscience and shall be bound only by this Constitution and 
the laws. 

Article 77. The Supreme Court is vested with the rule- 
making power under which it determines the rules of pro- 
cedure and of practice, and of matters relating to attorneys, 
the internal discipline of the courts and the administration 
of judicial affairs. 

Public procurators shall be subject to the rule-making power 
of the Supreme Court. 

The Supreme Court may delegate the power to make rules 
for inferior courts to such courts. 

Article j8. Judges shall not be removed except by public 
impeachment unless judicially declared mentally or physically 
incompetent to perform official duties. No disciplinary action 
against judges shall be administered by any executive organ 
or agency. 

Article 7^. The Supreme Court shall consist of a Chief 
Judge and such number of judges as may be determined by 
law; all such judges excepting the Chief Judge shall be ap- 
pointed by the Cabinet. 

The appointment of the judges of the Supreme Court shall 
be reviewed by the people at the first general election of mem- 
bers of the House of Representatives following their appoint- 
ment, and shall be reviewed again at the first general election 
of members of the House of Representatives after a lapse of 
ten (10) years, and in the same manner thereafter. 

In cases mentioned in the foregoing paragraph, when the 
majority of the voters favors the dismissal of a judge, he shall 
be dismissed. 

Matters pertaining to review shall be prescribed by law. 

The judges of the Supreme Court shall be retired upon the 
attainment of the age as fixed by law. 

All such judges shall receive, at regular stated intervals, 
adequate compensation which shall not be decreased during 
their terms of office. 

Article 80. The judges of the inferior courts shall be 
appointed by the Cabinet from a list of persons nominated by 
the Supreme Court All such judges shall hold office for a term 
of ten (10) years with privilege of reappointment, provided 
that they shall be retired upon the attainment of the age 
as fixed by law. 

The judges of the inferior courts shall receive, at regular 

Appendices 207 

stated intervals, adequate compensation which shall not be 
decreased during their terms of office. 

Article 81. The Supreme Court is the court of last resort 
with power to determine the constitutionality of any law, 
order, regulation or official act. 

Article 82. Trials shall be conducted and judgment declared 

Where a court unanimously determines publicity to be 
dangerous to public order or morals, a trial may be conducted 
privately, but trials of political offenses, offenses involving the 
press or cases wherein the rights of people as guaranteed in 
Chapter III of this Constitution are in question shall always 
be conducted publicly. 


Article 83. The power to administer national finances shall 
be exercised as the Diet shall determine. 

Article 84. No new taxes shall be imposed or existing ones 
modified except by law or under such conditions as law may 

Article 8$. No money shall be expended, nor shall the State 
obligate itself, except as authorized by the Diet 

Article 86. The Cabinet shall prepare and submit to the 
Diet for its consideration and decision a budget for each fiscal 

Article 87. In order to provide for unforeseen deficiencies in 
the budget, a reserve fund may be authorized by the Diet to 
be expended upon the responsibility of the Cabinet. 

The Cabinet must get subsequent approval of the Diet for 
all payments from the reserve fund. 

Article 88. All property of the Imperial Household shall 
belong to the State. All expenses of the Imperial Household 
shall be appropriated by the Diet in the budget. 

Article 89. No public money or other property shall be 
expended or appropriated for the use, benefit or maintenance 
of any religious institution or association, or for any charitable, 
educational or benevolent enterprises not under the control of 
public authority. 

Article 90. Final accounts of the expenditures and revenues 
of the State shall be audited annually by a Board of Audit 
and submitted by the Cabinet to the Diet, together with the 
statement of audit, during the fiscal year immediately follow- 
ing the period covered. 

so8 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

The organization and competency of the Board of Audit 
shall be determined by law. 

Article 91. At regular intervals and at least annually the 
Cabinet shall report to the Diet and the people on the state 
of national finances. 


Article 92. Regulations concerning organization and opera- 
tions of local public entities shall be fixed by law in accord- 
ance with the principle of local autonomy. 

Article 95. The local public entities shall establish assem- 
blies as their deliberative organs, in accordance with law. 

The chief executive officers of all local public entities, the 
members of their assemblies, and such other local officials as 
may be determined by law shall be elected by direct popular 
vote within their several communities. 

Article 94. Local public entities shall have the right to 
manage their property, affairs and administration and to enact 
their own regulations within law. 

Article 95. A special law, applicable only to one local public 
entity, cannot be enacted by the Diet without the consent of 
the majority of the voters of the local public entity concerned, 
obtained in accordance with law. 


Article 96. Amendments to this Constitution shall be in- 
itiated by the Diet, through a concurring vote of two-thirds 
or more of all the members of each House and shall thereupon 
be submitted to the people for ratification, which shall require 
the affirmative vote of a majority of all votes cast thereon, at 
a special referendum or at such election as the Diet shall 

Amendments when so ratified shall immediately be promul- 
gated by the Emperor in the name of the people, as an integral 
part of this Constitution. 


Article gj. The fundamental human rights by this Consti- 
tution guaranteed to the people of Japan are fruits of the age- 
old struggle of man to be free; they have survived the many 

Appendices 209 

exacting tests for durability and are conferred upon this and 
future generations in trust, to be held for all time inviolate. 

Article 98. This Constitution shall be the supreme law of 
the nation and no law, ordinance, imperial rescript or other 
act of government, or part thereof, contrary to the provisions 
hereof, shall have legsd force or validity. 

The treaties concluded by Japan and established laws of 
nations shall be faithfully observed, 

Article 99. The Emperor or the Regent as well as Ministers 
of State, members of the Diet, judges, and all other public 
officials have the obligation to respect and uphold this Con- 


Article 100. This Constitution shall be enforced as from the 
day when the period of six months will have elapsed counting 
from the day of its promulgation. 

The enactment of laws necessary for the enforcement of this 
Constitution, the election of members of the House of Coun- 
cillors and the procedure for the convocation of the Diet and 
other preparatory procedures necessary for the enforcement of 
this Constitution may be executed before the day prescribed 
in the preceding paragraph. 

Article 101. If the House of Councillors is not constituted 
before the effective date of this Constitution, the House of 
Representatives shall function as the Diet until such time 
as the House of Councillors shall be constituted. 

Article 102. The term of office for half the members of the 
House of Councillors serving in the first term under this 
Constitution shall be three years. Members falling under this 
category shall be determined in accordance with law. 

Article 103. The Ministers of State, members of the House 
of Representatives and judges in office on the effective date 
of this Constitution, and all other public officials who occupy 
positions corresponding to such positions as are recognized 
by this Constitution shall not forfeit their positions auto- 
matically on account of the enforcement of this Constitution 
unless otherwise specified by law. When, however, successors 
are elected or appointed under the provisions of this Consti- 
tution, they shall forfeit their positions as a matter of course. 



Japan's prewar social and economic policy was developed to 
serve political and military purposes. Growth in population 
continued without regard to the limited resources of the four 
islands which are the homeland of Japan. A large part of 
Japanese working effort, capital and resources were absorbed 
in the maintenance of armed forces and the construction of 
arms plants. Part of the rest was used to develop railways, 
mines, factories and other sources of supply in the conquered 
lands Formosa, Korea, Manchuria and North China. Industry 
was forced to conform to military needs and purposes and 
became subject to government orders. 

Economic development within Japan and peacetime needs 
suffered; much of the effort, capital and resources that might 
have served to improve industry and agriculture within Japan 
proper were diverted. The stocks of gold, foreign exchange and 
raw materials were expended in the same effort. Japan sup- 
ported her expanding population by getting food, raw mate- 
rials and the product of controlled labor from the countries 
brought under its domination. 

In short, Japan's economic life was shaped to fit its attempt 
to become the dominating center of Asia and of the whole 

i Released by the Department of the Army, Washington, May 19, 1948. 
The Report is prefaced by a Summary and concludes with a few para- 
graphs of notes on Korea, which are here omitted; otherwise it is repro- 
duced verbatim. 



Pacific world. The working lives and prospects of the Japanese 
people crowded on the home islands were put on the gaming 
table of expansion and war. This reckless gamble was lost. 

Defeat left Japan a ruined nation. The conquered empire 
was lost; with it, the great investments which Japan had made. 
Within Japan proper, there was great destruction of houses, 
cities and factories. The merchant fleet, by means of which 
Japan carried on its trade, was also lost. Remaining inven- 
tories of raw materials, especially imported raw materials, such 
as oil, cotton, wool, coking coal, rubber and salt were small. 
Farm lands were neglected and supplies of fertilizer, seeds and 
tools insufficient. Food production within Japan was insuffi- 
cient to supply even a minimum subsistence for the increased 
population; for, besides a rate of growth of about one million 
per year, some five or six million Japanese were returned from 
the lost territories. Coal production within Japan was com- 
pletely inadequate for mi'Trimum needs of power, fuel and 

Finances of the government were in disorder. The financial 
situation of many banks and corporations was shattered be- 
cause of the loss of assets abroad, war destruction, or deprecia- 
tion of properties. 

Such were the consequences of Japan's gamble in the use of 
force as a way of building a satisfactory economic life. Such 
is the situation which the Japanese people of today have 

It is needless to emphasize the great measure of sober under- 
standing, hard work, endurance and patient cooperation that 
will be necessary to correct it. In judging the Japanese effort 
to do so, it should be borne in mind that success or failure will 
not lie entirely within Japan's control. Peace and productive 
progress in the outside world, especially in the rest of Asia, 
will make Japan's task easier; a continuation of international 
dissension and world-wide shortages of goods will make Japan's 
task harder. 

The American Government has accepted and is discharging 
broad responsibilities as the occupying power. It has sustained 
order without which the effort of recovery could not go on. 
It has encouraged the adoption of a new basis of government 
in which individual energies and abilities may find greater 
growth and opportunity. It has prevented starvation and 

2 1 2 Japan Enemy or A lly? 

disease, making more generous appropriations for such essen- 
tials as food, oil, fertilizers and seeds than any victor has ever 
before given any conquered enemy. It is aiding the Japanese 
people in their effort to adjust their economy to the circum- 
stances that confront them. Congress is now being asked to 
consider a program for providing Japan an essential minimum 
of supplies, particularly raw materials, required to make prog- 
ress toward self-support. This would be a new departure in 
American policy in Japan. It is based on a common sense 
approach: Some branches of Japanese industry could be mak- 
ing goods that other countries need if these industries had the 
raw materials; but Japan cannot pay for them now; we could 
finance them; Japanese industry could convert them into fin- 
ished goods; by selling part of these goods abroad it could get 
the dollars to pay for the raw materials; the rest of the product 
could remain in Japan where it is badly needed. 

This program should be carried forward by the American 
Government. The accepted responsibility has been to maintain 
order, to stimulate reform, to prevent disease and unrest Now 
we should concentrate upon the ways of revival and provide 
certain minimum essentials without which Japan cannot be- 
come self-supporting. 

The first economic need of Japan is increased production. 
The production of domestic industrial raw materials and fab- 
ricated goods now is less than 45 per cent of what it was during 
the years 1930-1934. Exchange of Japan's fabricated products 
for such raw materials as oil of the Dutch East Indies, iron ore 
of North China, sugar of Formosa, wool of Australia, rubber 
of the Malay States, rice of Indo-China, all have almost ceased 
for the time being. Domestic cereal production takes care of 
only 80 per cent of Japan's current need. Fishing, the other 
main source of food in Japan, is only half what it was; the 
Japanese fishing fleet is reduced and unable to fish in many 
waters hitherto open to it. 

The Committee, therefore, looked into the present obstacles 
to production to discern the means by which they could be 
lessened. There are many deterrents and each affects the rest 
But for the purpose of examination, they may be divided into 
two main groups. One of these may be called physical, the 
other institutional. 

The three main deficiencies in the physical means available 

Appendices 213 

to Japan are:, (i) lack of essential raw materials, (2) the bad 
condition of many existing factories, (3) the poor state of trans- 
port. The deterrent effect of each of these upon production is 
evident, but it may be useful to illustrate each briefly. 

1. Because of a shortage of coking coal even such parts of 
the Japanese steel industry as are in physical condition to oper- 
ate, cannot do so fully. Cotton looms and spindles stood idle 
because of lack of raw cotton until the United States provided 
some. Without enough wood pulp, the rayon mills must re- 
main largely without work; without enough hides, the shoe 
and leather industries cannot resume satisfactorily; without 
rubber, all branches of industry making vehicles suffer; with- 
out enough salt, operations of the chemical industries cannot 
provide the chemicals needed by other branches of manufac- 
ture; without enough oil, machines cannot be lubricated, ships 
cannot run, trucks cannot carry products from place to place. 

The existing shortage of raw materials today is keeping 
Japan's production much below its potentialities. Despite all 
the other existing defects of the Japanese economic situation, 
a marked improvement will result if and when raw material 
supplies are more adequate. Processed and sold abroad, they 
could provide the financial means for successive steps forward; 
in contrast unless these raw materials are secured, trade will be 
very small and Japan cannot avoid a long period of suffering 
and dependency. 

An increase in the production of all raw materials that can 
be produced within Japan (such as coal, copper, brick, cement 
and wood products) should be the first order of Japanese busi- 
ness. There should be, as far as possible, an adaptation of the 
Japanese economy and life to the use of local materials, since 
even if trade grows rapidly, available imports are almost sure 
to be less than the total needs of a fully employed Japan. 

2. During the war, and since, equipment in many important 
industries, suffered war damage, fell into disrepair, or had vital 
parts broken or vital machinery removed. For example, the 
present initial output of aluminum is handicapped by the 
state of the lining of the furnaces; coal production is much 
lower than it would be if the machinery at the mines were in 
good shape. Next to the acquisition of raw materials, the re- 
pair and modernization of such plants and equipment offers 
the best and quickest contribution to recovery. 

214 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

3. Production is suffering many delays and interruptions be- 
cause of the poor state of the railways and railway equipment 
and lowered operating efficiency. Also contributing is the extra 
burden placed upon the railways by the dearth of coastwise 
shipping. Many branches of industry in the Tokyo region, for 
example, recently were forced to suspend operation because of 
the failure of charcoal shipments to arrive from other parts of 
Japan; much cut timber is lying in the forests of Hokkaido, 
waiting to be taken away; movement of badly needed iron 
pyrites to the fertilizer plants has been delayed. 

These physical deficiencies can be overcome gradually as 
Japan makes fuller use of its natural resources, improves its 
methods of production and rebuilds trade with the outside 

Despite all physical limitations, production could even now 
be at a higher level, were it not for other deterrent influences 
affecting adversely the desire to produce, work, plan and in- 
vest. These mount up to a lack of reasonable assurance of re- 
ward and incentive. The whole production effort is taking 
place in an atmosphere of uncertainty, which affects workers, 
managers and owners. It is causing production and effort to be 
reduced, fitful and unsteady. This uncertainty must be elimi- 

The Committee has studied its several causes attentively. 
Some are the direct and unavoidable consequences of the war 
and war settlements. Important enterprises in Japan suffered 
great losses through war damage, cessation of arms production 
or when their property outside Japan was lost. Their financial 
bases have been weakened or destroyed and their organization 
disrupted. The necessary financial reorganization of these en- 
terprises should be carried out rapidly. 

The threat of removal for reparations hangs over much of 
Japan's industry, especially heavy industry. Owners and direc- 
tors who fear that their property may be taken from them will 
not exert themselves to bring that property back into produc- 
tion or to use it fully. It is, therefore, imperative that decision 
be reached promptly as to which excess Japanese plants and 
equipment are to be subject to removal as reparations and that 
the rest be given assurance that they will remain untouched. 

Another element of uncertainty derives from the changes 
being effected in the control of Japanese industry. A very large 

Appendices 215 

part of Japanese industry before the war was dominated either 
by the government or by private monopolistic groups. Many of 
the principal enterprises established in conquered countries 
such as Formosa or Manchuria were creatures of the govern- 
ment. A great part of Japanese industry, trade, shipping, and 
banking were under the control of a few small family groups 
collectively known as the "Zaibatsu." These and other interests 
were linked together in many and dose associations and groups 
to regulate production and control competition. 

Japan has a well established social structure and code of eco- 
nomic rights and duties, especially as between workers and 
employers, quite different from that prevailing in the United 
States. Some important industries, for example, carry out stages 
of their production in thousands of small family workshops; 
the organized handling of their products was customary and 
in some ways useful. It was customary for some industries to 
continue employment and wage payments to all employees, 
whether there was work for them or not; and wages were 
graded according to the personal and family needs of the work- 
ers. These and other customary practices naturally led to lim- 
itations on the intensity of competition. Such customs and prac- 
tices cannot and should not be violently disregarded or abruptly 
terminated and must be borne in mind when judging agree- 
ments among employers. 

But the practices of combinations, monopoly and concen- 
trated control in Japan went far beyond arrangements required 
to utilize the family workshops or maintain customary social 
protection. As already observed, a small number of family 
groups, through holding companies and controlled banks, 
owned and directed a large part of all Japanese industry, ship- 
ping and finance. In various basic fields such as steel and 
paper, one company controlled 80 per cent or over of all pro- 
duction, maintaining a suppressive monopoly. Such excess con- 
centration of power and. ownership had bad economic, political 
and social effects. They could, and sometimes did, dominate 
the government. They could be inefficient and still survive. 
They could and did repress the emergence of business ability. 
This concentration of control lent itself to easy domination 
over production for aggressive war. 

For these reasons the Japanese Government, under the Allied 
policy, is seeking to diffuse the ownership and control of Japan's 

2 1 6 Japan Enemy or A lly? 

productive plants more widely and to develop greater competi- 
tion. This policy should, after the adjustments have been made, 
bring greater and more effective production if care is taken in 
carrying out the necessary measures of reorganization. But dur- 
ing the process of deconcentration, which is now going on, un- 
certainty is inevitable and may now be holding back produc- 
tion in .some fields, since existing managements do not know 
how to plan. 

The period of uncertainty caused by this economic reform 
should be made short and the area of uncertainty lessened as 
rapidly as possible. The possible disturbing effects should be 
allayed by care not to hurt production, and by limiting re- 
organization to the minimum necessary to insure reasonable 
competition. This we understand is the intention of the occu- 
pation authorities and is further assured by their establishment 
of an American review board to see that deconcentration plans 
do not adversely affect production and the broad program to 
achieve economic recovery. Care must also be taken that break- 
ing up of the Zaibatsu monopolies does not lead to the growth 
of governmental monopolies. 

Such are some of the elements of uncertainty bearing on the 
conduct of business enterprise. There is another of a general 
character the serious inflation prevailing in Japan. Prices of 
essentials (food, clothing, housing, fuel and light) are about 
four times higher than they were at the beginning of 1946, de- 
spite official controls and subsidies. The increase in prices and 
the general level of costs of production would be much higher 
still if the American government had not, under the relief pro- 
gram, supplied large amounts of essential products such as 
food, fertilizer, seeds and oil. These have made it possible to 
prevent prices of food and other consumer goods and of goods 
used in production from rising so greatly as to destroy trust in 
the value of money. Paper money outstanding has increased 
many more times than the volume of goods; in 1939 it was less 
than four billion yen, at the end of the war it was about 55 
billion yen, and in March 1948 it was about 220 billion yen. 

This inflated price situation means that employees of fac- 
tories and offices and farmers, whose money income has vastly 
increased but who cannot buy many of the things they want, 
live anxious lives. Their real return for work ceases to be re- 
lated to effort and becomes subject to chance and sudden 


change. This discourages steady effort, diverts activities and 
products to the black market where shrewdness and selfishness 
count more than usefulness. It penalizes integrity and rewards 
chicanery. Similarly, the managers of business, large and small, 
often cannot tell whether they are making a profit or loss. Costs 
become uncertain and long-term contracts impossible. Business 
becomes dependent on the government or banks for working 
capital. Interest rates become so high that only those who know 
they can sell at an advanced price can borrow. Goods are 
hoarded. The costs of government are forced up, revenues lag, 
deficits grow, and the inflation and its demoralizing effects are 

It has become imperative that the course of extreme inflation 
within Japan be arrested. Moderate general price increases may 
sometimes stimulate production; and relative increases in par- 
ticular prices may stimulate the production of goods particu- 
larly needed. But the price situation and trend in Japan is now 
retarding industrial production and causing widespread anxiety 
for the future. 

The Japanese Government, encouraged and supported by 
the American occupation authorities is making strenuous efforts 
to curb the inflation and not without success in certain strategic 
elements of the problem. Collection of foodstuffs has been much 
better than before; the rationing system has become more effec- 
tive; coal production has been substantially increased; tax col- 
lections have improved and the will to restrain public spending 
has strengthened. These are encouraging signs. 

The Japanese people must adjust their supply of monetary 
means of payment to their supply of goods. This can only be 
done by ceasing to add to their supply of money and increas- 
ing their supply of goods. Neither can be done entirely by 
gentle means; each group, section and part of Japanese life will 
have to reconcile itself to getting along with little until there 
is more to share. There must be a government strong enough 
to stand out against those who will not do so voluntarily. 

Basically, the inflation is the result of the scarcity of goods. 
But it has been cumulatively increased by meeting government 
deficits by additions to the volume of currency. Even under the 
present straitened circumstances the attainment of a balanced 
budget, or substantial progress toward that goal, should be pos- 
sible. The vast outlay previously carried by the Japanese Gov- 

JapanEnemy or Ally? 

ernment for military purposes is now saved although this is 
partially offset by necessary occupation costs. Nonetheless, the 
attainment of a budget balance will require the most stubborn 
will, great political courage on the part of the government, and 
great patience on the part of the Japanese people. 

No matter how determined an effort may be made to limit 
the supply of money, it is certain to fail unless Japanese pro- 
duction grows. Reference has already been made to certain de- 
terrents to this urgently needed increase in production. There 
are still others to which attention might well be directed. 

The output of workers in various branches of industry and 
mining is lower than before the war. This is due in large part 
to defective tools, interruptions in the supply of raw materials, 
inadequate food, housing and clothing. Output will probably 
increase when and as these conditions are improved. But in 
some measure it appears to be caused by lessening of effort and 
hindering rules or terms of work. Such tendencies appear when- 
ever, as now, there is fear of lack of work to go around. 

It is essential that the Japanese workers should during this 
period of strain and scarcity labor hard and well, as they have 
in the past. Japan needs their product, both to supply tite do- 
mestic market and to provide the means of trade. To rebuild 
the required volume of trade, Japanese industries will have to 
meet external competition, and find their way into foreign 
markets by offering goods on attractive terms. The alternatives 
are for the Japanese people to endure an even lower standard 
of living on their crowded islands, or to be permanently de- 
pendent on outside charity. 

Resumption of Japanese trade will be affected by the atti- 
tudes and policies of other countries, their willingness to per- 
mit Japanese shipping to carry a reasonable tonnage, and rec- 
ognition that discrimination against Japanese trade would not 
be in the long-range interests of world trade and prosperity. 
Again, if production and trade of other foreign countries in- 
creases, Japan's prospects will benefit; if they lag, Japan's task 
of regaining balance and stability will be the harder. Recipro- 
cally, an improvement in Japan's production and trade will 
aid other countries if they make use of Japanese goods and 

The return of tranquility and settled political conditions in 
those other Asiatic countries which are among Japan's natural 


customers would help greatly. An increase in total world sup- 
plies of raw materials would help Japan by encouraging other 
countries to enter into trade agreements with Japan and by 
reducing the prices of needed materials. So also Japan's exports 
sales would be aided if the present world-wide dollar shortage 
is alleviated. For this reason the European Recovery Program 
should benefit Japan as well as the countries directly helped. 

In essence, it may be said that the three connected problems 
that Japan must solve are: (i) to increase production, (2) to 
end inflation, and (3) to develop trade. All will take time and 
all originated in a condition of disturbance and scarcity. The 
means of production are scarce. It is therefore necessary that 
they be put to the best use, that available supplies of tools, 
parts and raw materials be allocated to those who can make 
them yield* most, and that food and consumers goods be fairly 
and honestly shared. 

This justifies the controls now being exercised by the gov- 
ernment over the supply and use of such goods. But it places 
upon the Japanese people and government the duty and bur- 
den of seeing that the controls are intelligently and honestly 

Controls on prices are also necessary for the present to 
combat the inflation and to promote the general welfare. Again 
they call for moderation and patient acceptance by all. Con- 
stant pressure by wage-earners for higher money wages will 
either force constantly rising prices or require larger and 
larger government subsidies. Unjustified demands by producers 
of industrial goods for higher prices will intensify pressure for 
higher wages and increase social unrest Cost-price relation- 
ships in industry must give producers some incentive but no 
excess gain. They cannot be expected to operate at a loss, as 
some are doing at present; but they cannot expect to rebuild 
their business or fortunes quickly in this time of scarcity. 

The same comment applies to the farmers of Japan. Before 
the war and before the reforms encouraged by the occupying 
authorities they were an oppressed group within Japan. Mak- 
ing up about 45 per cent of the Japanese people, they received 
little more than 10 per cent of the national income. Now they 
are comparatively much better off; it is roughly estimated that 
they receive nearly 35 per cent of the reduced national income. 
It is of first importance that they (i) continue to increase food 

2 go JapanEnemy or Ally? 

production, (2) deliver their products into regular channels, 
and (3) recognize that higher prices for the food they produce 
will only increase inflation. 

Trade unions in Japan are being given a chance to prove 
that they can protect the interest of employees without frustrat- 
ing production. Business under government control is being 
given a chance to prove that it can gradually reconstruct a 
self-supporting and socially satisfying situation on the ruins of 
war. Each is dependent on the other and both must accept 
governmental controls on their private desires as long as they 
are necessary. As scarcities diminish, these controls should be 
relaxed or removed. They are, it is to be hoped, only tempo- 
rary aids on the road to the establishment of a free enterprise 

Our Committee, in its studies of the Japanese economy, has 
assumed that peace will continue, that the cooperative rela- 
tionship between the Japanese and the occupation authorities 
will be maintained, and that Far Eastern countries, along with 
other areas of the world, will gradually recover from the dis- 
location and shortages caused by the war. Discussion and spe- 
cific recommendations dealing with the various subjects to 
which the Committee addressed itself follow. 


To achieve economic recovery, Japan must secure a far 
greater volume of raw materials than at present. It can, by 
careful planning and effort increase the supply of a limited 
group of raw materials found within Japan: bituminous coal, 
copper, lumber and other building materials. But most of the 
products required by industry are not found within Japan. 
These are too numerous fully to list: textile fiber and wood- 
pulp for its cotton and rayon industries; iron ore, manganese 
and coking coal for her iron and steel industry; bauxite for 
the aluminum industry; rubber, tin, zinc, lead for the manu- 
facture of vehicles, farm tools and machines; salt and other 
chemicals for her fertilizer plants; copra for soap-making; oil 
for the whole of her economy. To secure these Japan must 
begin to trade again with the rest of the world on a large scale. 
Hardly less important is Japan's need for certain essential 
parts and components for its industrial plants, which Japan 


will have to import until its own industries are repaired and 

The relatively meager revival of Japanese foreign trade has 
until now been largely dependent upon raw materials and 
supplies made available by the United States. Failure to press 
vigorously for restoration of foreign trade would prolong the 
expensive necessity of underwriting Japanese deficits. 

SCAP has estimated that under favorable conditions and 
with reasonable aid from the United States, a balance between 
exports and imports should be attainable by 1953. 

It has been estimated that Japan will require about 
1 1,575,000,000 of exports each year (at current prices) to pay 
for essential imports of food and raw materials (and necessary 
invisible imports) to maintain a tolerable food ration and 
standard of living at home. A balance of payments could, of 
course, be maintained with lower exports and imports, but at 
the cost of a lowered and perhaps unbearable standard of 
living in Japan. An increase of at least eight to nine times 
1947 exports is necessary to meet the goal set. Under favorable 
circumstances of world and Japanese trade the Committee con- 
siders that this goal may be attainable, although the realization 
of these estimates is obviously subject to many uncertainties 
both in Japanese and in world-wide economic and political 

During 1947, imports into Japan were $526,130,000 and ex- 
ports were $173,568,000. Approximately 25% of the imports 
were financed by foreign exchange created by the sale of Japa- 
nese exports, the balance being the value of relief supplies 
procured with United States appropriated funds. It will be 
seen, therefore, that the most strenuous efforts will have to be 
employed to reach the 1953 targets. The Committee makes the 
following comments and suggestions which, if successfully car- 
ried out, should assist materially toward this end. It recognizes 
fully that the occupation authorities have been striving to 
overcome many of the obstacles involved. 

First, Japan's merchant fleet should be substantially en- 
larged. Out of 5.75 million gross tons of steel vessels over 1,000 
gross tons before the war, there are now afloat in the hands of 
the Japanese 1.15 million gross tons of serviceable or repairable 
vessels. Since a large number of these vessels are necessarily 
engaged in domestic coastwise services, the reduction in vessels 

222 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

available for overseas foreign trade has been greater than the 
overall 80 per cent loss indicated by this tonnage comparison. 
Even if given every opportunity to increase merchant ship- 
ping, by building, purchasing and bareboat chartering, it will 
be many years before Japan's merchant tonnage can be reason- 
ably adequate for its needs. 

Prevailing costs of transporting goods to Japan are extremely 
high. For instance, salt, which sells at $3.00 f.o.b. Mediter- 
ranean port, costs $14.00 additional to land in Japan. Iron ore, 
at $7.00 f.o.b. Hainan, costs $9.25 additional to land in Japan. 
Coking coal,* at $12.00 f.o.b. Canada, involves a freight charge 
of $14.00 to $16.00 to deliver in Japan. The Japanese have 
always been effective ship operators and builders. Their ship- 
building and ship operating costs have been low as compared 
with other countries. They have the know-how and the man- 
power. To the extent that they are able to employ domestic 
shipping and shipbuilding facilities, they will be enabled to 
reduce their substantial need for foreign exchange now re- 
quired for shipping services. 

Japan has valuable facilities for the construction of ships of 
all sizes. Present restrictions on building vessels of six thousand 
gross tons and more should be lifted to permit building for 
their own use and on contract for foreign buyers. There are 
indications that such orders would be available to them. 

The argument has been made that Japan's shipping should 
be limited because of its war potential. However, Japan's army, 
navy and air force have been abolished so there should be 
little fear of future Japanese aggression from the mere exist- 
ence of a merchant fleet Also, it has been historically the 
American position, and generally recognized by maritime 
nations, that world trade and the long-range interests of all 
nations are best served when the high seas are open to all. 
Purely competitive considerations do not, in our opinion, 
justify a prohibition that would prevent the Japanese from 
developing tie necessary merchant shipping to assist in balanc- 
ing their foreign trade. 

Second, the Committee recognizes that by reason of the eco- 
nomic upheaval stemming from war, Japan will, of necessity, 
be forced to seek export business throughout the world. Be- 
sides textiles, it is capable of producing modern machinery 
and metal products of diversified character. Chemicals, rubber 


products, pottery, toys and handicraft all are potential exports. 
Where its products are fairly competitive and it uses fair 
methods of marketing, they should be admitted to the world's 

It is important to the Japanese (and to the American tax- 
payer) that we use our influence to overcome the understand- 
able trade discriminations which are practiced against Japan, 
especially in markets in which they have heretofore enjoyed 
large trade. In the judgment of the Committee the countries 
involved are impairing their own well-being by refusing to 
trade with Japan and are retarding the reactivation of a poten- 
tially valuable economic asset for the benefit of all Asiatic 
countries. We, in the United States, have been called upon to 
overcome deep and justifiable resentment in our attitude 
toward Japan. Neighboring nations have much to gain by the 
adoption of a new and more receptive attitude. The reciprocal 
advantages ensuing are unmistakable. 

Third, our financial assistance to both China and Japan can 
be most productively employed if active trade between them 
is resumed. However, China is not at present trading any 
important volume of goods with Japan. Many raw materials 
can be sold by China to good advantage in Japan; in turn, 
Japan has many commodities and facilities which China needs. 
United States trade policy is emphatically in accord with this 
philosophy. The European Recovery Plan is based upon it. 

Fourth, it would be advantageous if Japan could obtain the 
foods it imports from nearby sources as in the past, rather than 
from the more expensive dollar areas as at present. Perhaps 
this cannot be arranged immediately, but, as these neighboring 
countries move toward more normal production, restoration of 
these trade patterns should be possible. This will be helpful 
to both the Far Eastern and American economies. 

Fifth, the Committee recognizes that, in a scarcity economy 
requiring equitable allocations of available raw materials and 
other products, government must continue to play an impor- 
tant supervisory role over trade. However, the restrictions and 
red tape now required by the Japanese authorities are un- 
doubtedly hampering trade. Although the Committee has 
been informed that both the Japanese Government and the 
occupation authorities are taking steps to simplify and stream- 
line the methods of handling business transactions, it urges 

Japan Enemy or Ally? 

that this be done quickly and thoroughly. Direct business con- 
tracts between buyers and sellers should be encouraged. Liqui- 
dation of the Foreign Trade Kodans (government buying and 
selling monopolies) as soon as the acute need for raw material 
allocations ends, and limitation of the operations of Boeki Cho 
(government foreign trade agency) to the minimum, seem to 
be well advised. 

It is also desirable to establish direct contact between Japa- 
nese businessmen and their potential customers by permitting 
the movement of Japanese nationals to foreign markets. 

Sixth, all export possibilities must be stimulated. As has been 
already stated Japan historically has always been a processing 
nation which purchased raw materials abroad, manufactured 
them in Japan and sold a major portion of the finished prod- 
ucts abroad to pay for its necessary imports of raw materials 
and food. This economic pattern has been even more true of 
Japan than of Great Britain or Western Germany, and must 
be revived on a large scale for Japan to live. 

Prior to the war textile products constituted 60 per cent of 
Japan's exports. The remaining 40 per cent comprised mainly 
machinery, metal products, chemicals, rubber products, pot- 
tery, toys and handicraft articles. 

The cotton textile industry represents a vital force in the 
creation of a healthier Japanese economy. There is a present 
demand for its products, but great difficulties have been expe- 
rienced recently in making foreign sales in dollars because of 
the world-wide dollar scarcity. Under existing circumstances, 
attention should be given to three-way transactions, such as 
shipment of cotton from the United States to Japan, manu- 
factured textiles from Japan to the Netherlands East Indies 
and tin from there to the United States in an amount sufficient 
to repay the cost of the raw cotton. Normally, the cotton indus- 
try is highly competitive; to operate successfully, Japan must 
be in a position to adjust its marketing practices td this reality. 

The Commodity Credit Corporation contract for the manu- 
facture and sale of cotton yarn and goods produced from raw 
cotton supplied by it has not yet been liquidated. All possi- 
bilities of sale must be vigorously pursued. The large potential 
United States market should not be excluded from this effort. 
The possible volume of Japanese cotton textiles that might be 
offered for sale in the United States would be only an insignifi- 

Appendices 225 

cant percentage of United States production and constitutes 
no threat to American producers as long as present fair mer- 
chandising methods are pursued. 

It is obvious that unless a sufficient portion of the textiles 
manufactured from American cotton to repay the cost of the 
raw cotton is sold for dollars or for some commodity or cur- 
rency which can be converted into dollars, Japan will be 
unable to buy American cotton. Historically the Japanese used 
a large percentage of American cotton and it is of great inter- 
est to American cotton growers that this problem be solved 
realistically so that the large potential Japanese market not 
be lost. 

We endorse the cotton credit now pending in the Congress; 
it should include only sufficient limitations requiring direct or 
indirect dollar sales of goods to assure repayment of the credit. 
Japan should be permitted to accept sterling for that portion 
of fabric and yarn sales not needed for dollar repayment, pur- 
chasing therewith necessary imports from sterling areas. Japan's 
textile manufacturers are at present unable to employ the 
hedging facilities of the cotton futures markets, and this dis- 
advantage should be overcome as soon as possible. 

The expanded use of the woolen and worsted facilities of 
Japan can produce substantial benefits and should be en- 

The rayon industry has been dependent in large measure 
upon domestic pulp supply. Arrangements have been recently 
completed for a substantial tonnage of Swedish pulp, with 
which it is hoped to improve the quality and quantity of rayon 
production. Inasmuch as Japan has no facilities to supply rayon 
yarn in cone form, it is limited to skein packaging. This fact, 
plus the fact of the comparatively inferior quality of the Japa- 
nese product, puts it at a disadvantage in world markets, more 
especially in countries equipped with high-speed processing 
facilities. While the export of rayon yarn is desirable, too 
much early hope should not be built up in this direction. The 
relatively low price of rayon staple fiber throughout the world 
and the fact that the Japanese product is not favored because 
of its poor quality do not encourage the belief that they can 
quickly develop large export demand. Therefore, in the judg- 
ment of the Committee, rayon yarn and staple fiber produc- 
tion should be planned with primary emphasis on spinning 

226 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

and weaving these rayon products in Japan. A large percentage 
of this fabric production should be readily salable in this form 
to foreign buyers. 

Raw silk and silk products were one of Japan's chief prewar 
trade assets. Export sales of raw silk for i935~39 ranged be- 
tween 400,000 and 500,000 bales annually and those of silk 
fabrics ranged between 75 and 125 million yards annually. 
From the surrender to the end of December 1947 (over two 
years) only 44,210 bales and 12.5 million yards were sold. Since 
January i, 1948, with more realistic pricing and sales policies* 
26,000 bales and approximately 5.2 million yards were moved. 

Before the war, and increasingly during the war and since, 
silk has lost favor. Growing nylon and rayon competition has 
been largely responsible for this decline. 

The Japanese are using all their ingenuity to overcome some 
of the technical difficulties which the use of silk involves in 
competition with other fibers. It is likely that the situation is 
now at its worst and that gradual improvement both in raw 
silk and silk fabric sales will be experienced. 

In addition to gradually increasing textile exports, it is 
planned to expand largely export sales of machinery and metal 
products, ceramics, minerals, chemicals, drugs, handicraft, toys, 
processed fish, and paper and wood products. 

Fundamental to any successful export program is control of 
inflation, which is dealt with in another section of this report, 
and the supply of the necessary imported raw materials to get 
the program under way. 

We find a difficult circle of circumstances in the Japanese 
productive economy. Insufficient necessary raw materials result 
in insufficient production; insufficient production results in 
insufficient exports; insufficient exports result in insufficient 
foreign exchange to pay for the necessary raw materials. Until 
this cirde is broken Japan's economy will remain prostrate and 
dependent upon a food dole such as the United States is pres- 
ently supplying. The best way to break the circle is by supply- 
ing sufficient dollar exchange to enable Japan to purchase the 
initial foreign raw materials. 


Reparations policy toward Japan has been in the process of 
development since tie surrender in August 1945. Reports of 


the Pauley Committee, the National Engineers Council, the 
Special Committee on Japanese Reparations (Strike Report), 
the Economic Analysis of the State Department, reparations 
studies of SCAP, studies made by the members of the Far 
Eastern Commission and finally the comprehensive report of 
Overseas Consultants, Inc., all of which have contributed to a 
better understanding and clarification of the problem. 

These reports differ in many respects, yet all are in agree- 
ment on these two premises: 

(1) Japan's industries must be so demilitarized as to 
prevent it ever again becoming a threat to the 
peace of the world. 

(2) Japan should be left sufficient industrial capacity 
so that it will have an opportunity to develop an 
economy which will provide a tolerable standard 
of living. 

In seeking to determine the amount and character of indus- 
trial plants required to meet the objective stated in (2) above, 
various estimates were offered. The earlier estimates differed so 
widely that the occupying authorities decided that there was 
need for an all-inclusive and detailed analysis of the Japanese 
plant and its potential. Consequently, in June 1947, Overseas 
Consultants, Inc., an organization of eleven distinguished in- 
dustrial engineering and appraisal companies, was formed and 
engaged by the Secretary of War to make such an analysis. 

Its report, presented on February 26, 1948, consisted of two 
major sections described as follows in a letter of transmittal: 

"Section A presents designations of those plants and 
facilities which should be retained and those which 
should be made available for reparations under terms 
of State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee 236/43, 
together with estimates of the value of the facilities 
available for reparations. These designations were 
based upon a literal interpretation of original instruc- 
tions, as amended, establishing the productive capaci- 
ties in certain industries to be retained in Japan, 
outlined in State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee 
n this section we express no opinions in re- 

Japan Enemy or Ally? 

gard to the adequacy of such retained capacities for 
achieving a self-sustaining civilian economy. 

"In Section B, we make recommendations and name 
plants and productive capacities which, in our opin- 
ion, should be retained. These are the results of a 
study of economic conditions in Japan, made by our 
representatives, based upon data made available to us 
by the Economic and Scientific Section, (hereinafter 
referred to as ESS), the Natural Resources Section 
and other divisions of SCAP, and by various Japanese 
agencies, and upon our analysis of basic requirements 
of food, clothing and raw materials, the need for 
rehabilitation of industrial plants and utilities, and 
the restoration of areas damaged during the war." 

The report of Overseas Consultants, Inc., in effect advised 
against the removal of productive facilities (except primary 
war facilities) which might effectively be used in Japan; this 
view was derived from the judgment that, only if Japan was 
permitted to retain all facilities that might contribute to its 
production and potential trade, could it by its own efforts 
maintain a satisfactory minimum standard of living. 

The value to the recipients of the industrial reparations 
which would result from the new formula recommended by 
Overseas Consultants, Inc., would be disappointingly small in 
contrast to that which has been requested and expected by 
some of the Allied Powers. It must be remembered that much 
of the industrial plant within Japan was either destroyed or 
badly damaged by the war and that actual productive excess, 
except in a very few fields, is correspondingly small. In our 
opinion, even if the Allied Powers received all the reparations 
requested from the home islands of Japan, they would gain 
little because experience has shown that the costs involved in 
moving plants and equipment from a conquered nation and 
reestablishing them in a victorious nation are high and that 
the ultimate usefulness and value of such plants are small, 
being poorly adapted to needs of the new owners. World War I 
experience proved that reparations paid out of current produc- 
tion were illusory and most difficult to collect; World War II 


is proving that reparations paid in the form of plant equip- 
ment are also of dubious value. 

Japan did have one form of assets of real value as repara- 
tions. These assets were investments throughout the world and 
particularly in Japanese territories and protectorates. They 
have a value of many billions of dollars. Both Soviet Russia 
and China have benefited from the billions in assets, undam- 
aged by war, which Japan invested in Sakhalin, Manchuria, 
North China and Formosa. 

The cost in lives and treasure to bring about the surrender 
of Japan was enormous. The United States bore a heavy share 
of that cost. Since victory was achieved, military government 
and relief costs have been borne almost entirely by the United 
States. Until the new Japan, shorn of its empire, can become 
self-supporting it will continue to be a burden. The loss of 
plants, equipment or machine tools needed to help Japan 
achieve a self-supporting basis would result in an increased 
necessity for the United States to make up the deficiency or 
lessen the chances of attaining economic solvency. Under such 
circumstances, reparations become a direct charge on the 
United States. 

The United States is also paying a high price for delay in 
the settlement of the reparations question. As long as uncer- 
tainty prevails as to what is to be taken as reparations it is 
impossible to plan intelligently for the rehabilitation of Japan's 
industry. The Congress of the United States is considering an 
appropriation of some $144,000,000 for the economic revival 
of Japan, in addition to nearly $400,000,000 for general relief 
purposes for the fiscal year of 1948-1949. Accordingly, an early 
definitive and authoritative action on reparations problems is 
imperative; the success of the entire recovery program will be 
affected thereby. 

During the past two and one-half years, the Far Eastern 
Commission has agreed to but few policies affecting certain 
phases of the reparations program. An "advanced delivery pro- 
gram" was adopted by the United States to provide foreign 
nations with some badly needed equipment. To this date this 
program has made available 19,032 machine tools and 3423 
pieces of laboratory testing and measuring equipment 

The Committee has given careful consideration to studies 

Japan Enemy or Ally? 

and recommendations made by the various groups heretofore, 
and, after carefully considering on-the-scene data, recommends 

(i) External assets formerly owned by Japan be for- 
mally released to the countries holding jurisdic- 
tion over the territories in which these assets were 
located at the time of the Japanese surrender. 

(*) There be made available as reparations from the 
home islands of Japan the machinery and indus- 
trial equipment in all government-owned arsenals 
except for (a) such equipment as is deemed neces- 
sary by SCAP for the Japanese economy or for 
occupation use, and (b) such non-armament facil- 
ities (fertilizer, fuel, oil storage, etc.) as were 
exempted from the interim reparation program 
by the FEC policy decision of 13 May 1946. 

(3) There be made available for reparations certain 
other plants and equipment in amounts as listed 
by industries at the end of this section. 

(4) These recommendations be made effective at the 
earliest possible moment by appropriate direc- 
tives to SCAP, which directives should include 
(a) percentage shares of the total to be allotted to 
each FEC nation or a limiting date prior to which 
those nations should settle the division between 
them of the total available items, (b) a limiting 
date for the acceptance by each nation of the items 
allocated to it, and (c) a statement that these 
directives supersede all previous directives on the 
same subject 

(5) No industrial equipment in addition to that in- 
cluded in these recommendations be made avail- 
able for reparations: Provided, however, that 
SCAP should be authorized to substitute for any 
item specified in those recommendations any 
other item of equivalent productive capacity. 

If the above recommendations for a final reparations settle- 
ment are carried out, the amount of plant equipment and the 
number of machine tools available for reparations will be 

Appendices 231 

reduced below the level recommended by Overseas Consult- 
ants, Inc. Our major purpose in recommending this reduction 
is to retain for the rehabilitation of Japan's peacetime industry 
a substantial number of machine tools of modern design. Only 
by retaining such tools can the peace-time industry of Japan 
quickly be rehabilitated on an efficient basis. In view of the 
developments of the last two years and the continuing deficit 
economy, there is, in our opinion, a cumulative urgency for 
the rapid rehabilitation of Japan's industry. 

Paramount to all other considerations is the need for prompt 
and final action. Further delay in the settlement of the repara- 
tion problem will not help the claimant nations and will hurt 
Japan greatly. 



Nitric Acid 
Synthetic Rubber 
Aluminum and Mag- 
nesium Fabricating 
Magnesium Reduction 

Sub total 
Primary War Facilities 


Annual Capacity 

Metric tons 82,000 
Metric tons 
Gross tons 

Metric tons 
Metric tons 




19)9 Yen 









Nora: Only those primary war facilities in government owned arsenals 
should be made available for reparations. Those facilities within the gov- 
ernment owned arsenals designated by the Supreme Commander for the 
Allied Powers, as essential for the rehabilitation of Japan's industrial econ- 
omy, should be exempted. 


The present situation in Japan as to capital needs is some- 
what obscured by the uncertainty about reparations. However, 
assuming a reasonable and prompt settlement of that problem, 
Japan would retain sufficient industrial plant and machine 
tools for the production of a volume of most products needed 
to meet internal needs and provide a surplus for export. A 
very different situation prevails as to working capital. Most 

Japan Enemy or Ally? 

Japanese concerns, both industrial and marketing, because of 
operating losses and inflation, are hampered by a dire lack of 
funds to purchase raw materials, to replenish inventories and 
for similar purposes. This is a problem chiefly of foreign cur- 
rency needs which could best be met by equity investment 
Unfortunately, almost no new foreign investment is permitted 
in Japan at the present time. 

Foreign private commercial representatives have recently 
been authorized by SCAP to enter Japan to seek restitution of 
prewar holdings and to engage in export-import trade. They 
may now work out arrangements under which raw materials 
are shipped into Japan and finished products shipped out, the 
object being to provide an opportunity for profit both to its 
suppliers of raw materials and the Japanese economy. They 
may also send in management or technical personnel for dis- 
cussion with Japanese firms in which investments might be 
made later, and supply these firms with a knowledge of modern 
management methods and technical know-how. 

SCAP has been considering proposals which would permit 
foreign nationals to engage, on a non-discriminatory basis with 
Japanese nationals in foreign trade with the Boeki Cho (the 
Japanese Government foreign trade agency), and in those spe- 
cific business activities in Japan which positively aid in Japa- 
nese economic rehabilitation or provide a source of foreign 
exchange for Japan or are otherwise in furtherance of occupa- 
tion objectives. 

Any acquisitions of business property from Japanese na- 
tionals should be permitted under adequate supervision and 
only if the Japanese Government certified that the acquisition 
was not made under conditions of fraud, duress or undue 
influence attributable in any way to the occupation. Conver- 
sion of yen return on investment into foreign currencies would, 
under existing circumstances, be permitted only under special 
SCAP license, but it is not proposed that such permission be 
granted for the time being. 

Your Committee recommends that the Department of the 
Army and SCAP approve proposals of this type. 

Various obstacles to foreign private investment remain which 
must be removed before any substantial flow of such invest- 
ment can be anticipated. The absence of a peace treaty is one 
of the most difficult of these. Prior to the completion of a 

Appendices 233 

treaty or thereupon if the Japanese Government desires to 
attract large scale foreign private investment, its laws and 
policies should, in our judgment, provide: 

(1) Protection of foreign investments from confisca- 
tion and discriminatory taxation. 

(2) Reasonable freedom of export of dividends and 

(3) A tax structure which would permit the earning 
and payment of reasonable profits. 

(4) Permission to foreign nationals to control enter- 
prises proportionately to their investments. 

While the United States Government is supplying with its 
funds the necessary food and other imports, it is obviously too 
early to consider granting permission to export foreign ex- 

As a practical matter, the first important inflow of foreign 
capital may well be for factoring purposes under which im- 
ported raw materials and inventories would be financed. Capi- 
tal of this type has contributed most importantly to building 
up of new industries in the United States and elsewhere. If 
investment funds used for factoring earn a satisfactory return, 
that fact would serve to acquaint investors with the potentiali- 
ties of the Japanese economy and encourage the making of 
funds available in increasing volume and later lead to invest- 
ment and equity financing. 


The Japanese Government has failed to balance its budget 
since the fiscal year 1930-31. The more serious excess of expend- 
itures over revenues began to appear in the fiscal year 1937-38 
and reached a peak in the fiscal year i945~4 6 hen expendi- 
tures approximated six and one-half times revenues. 

The unbalanced state of the Japanese budget is an integral 
part of the inflationary processes which dominate the economy 
today. The origin of the inflation goes back to wartime excesses 
and distortions. By .the summer of 1945 prices had risen to 
about fifteen times prewar levels. The economic collapse of 
Japan immediately following the surrender powerfully stimu- 
lated this inflation. When the American forces arrived in 

j>34 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

September 1945, the economy was highly disorganized. Produc- 
tion was almost at a standstill, the distribution process had 
broken down and governmental machinery, including the tax 
collection organization, was disrupted. The task of restoring 
order in all these fields devolved upon the occupation forces, 
but it was some little time before the necessary measures began 
to have some effect. Thus, inflationary pressure continued to 
grow in strength and by February 1948, prices were more than 
seven times the September, 1945, levels. 

As a consequence of this immense rise in prices and the 
growth of government outlay (partly for extraordinary ter- 
mination of the war purposes) the budget deficit has been 
great. It has been met by the issuance of currency, which has 
in turn carried the inflation forward. 

SCAP has been fully aware of the desirability and necessity 
of achieving a balanced budget. Five principal factors have 
interfered with the achievement of this objective. 

(1) The number of personnel employed in national 
and local government enterprises, at continu- 
ously mounting money wages, has approximately 
doubled since 1945. Reemployment of former 
employees released from the armed forces and 
employment of repatriates from the colonial pos- 
sessions account for much of this increase. 

(2) Increasing subsidies have been paid to agriculture 
and industry, directly and indirectly, for the pur- 
pose of holding down prices and the cost of living 
and assuring the masses of poor Japanese of 
minimum essentials. Similarly, the services of 
government enterprises, such as transportation 
and conununications, are rendered at prices 
which fail to provide sufficient income to meet 
expenses. This also is a subsidy but in different 

(3) Taxes have not been satisfactorily collected be- 
cause of an inefficient and antagonistic tax col- 
lecting agency and failure of the authorities to 
force those who file income tax returns (as op- 
posed to those wage-earners whose taxes are with- 
held) to report their full incomes. 

Appendices $35 

(4) The usual lag exists in obtaining increased tax 
revenues to meet rising costs accompanying the 
inflationary spiral. 

(5) Occupation costs have constituted a substantial 
percentage of total governmental expenditures. 

The Committee recommends that: 

(1) Efforts should be continued to establish a bal- 
anced budget at the earliest possible moment. 

(2) The Japanese should be encouraged to take ad- 
vantage of every opportunity rapidly to reduce 
governmental expenditures. 

(5) The occupation authorities should continue their 
efforts to reduce occupation costs. 

(4) Controlled prices should be adjusted, as expedi- 
tiously as possible, to costs of production. Many 
basic industries now operating with losses are 
being supported by subsidies and government 
loans. Continuation of such subsidies is justified . 
only to the extent that they are essential during 
this period of scarcity to keep living costs from 
rising to a point which would cause further 

While, normally controls hamper recovery and 
should be eliminated, the Committee recognizes 
that the existing scarcities make their continua- 
tion necessary for those few commodities basic to 
the existence of the great majority of the Japa- 
nese people. This applies particularly to the 
allocations of scarce raw materials and the ration- 
ing of food. 

Cost of services rendered by most government 
enterprises should be established on a basis which 
will permit them to cover expenses. 

So long as price controls are retained, wage 
controls are essential. 

(5) Military teams should continue vigorously to 
insure that Japanese tax collecting forces main- 
tain and augment collection of taxes. These 
efforts recently have shown marked success. 

(6) Greater effort by the Japanese should be made to 

236 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

reach the undisclosed income undoubtedly pres- 
ent among those groups who file their own tax 
returns and do not have their taxes withheld at 
the source. Substantial profits made in black 
market operations largely escape their fair share 
of tax burden. 

The Committee recognizes that the present foreign exchange 
situation is unsatisfactory and that a definitive exchange rate 
is badly needed. Judgment as to the appropriate solution is 
difficult, not only because of its inherent nature, but also 
because of the advisability of relating American foreign ex- 
change policy in Japan to American policy in general. It is 
understood that the United States Government and SCAP are 
at present considering the questions involved. 

The Committee, therefore, limits itself to recommending 
generally that: 

(1) Policy should be directed toward the establish- 
ment of a definitive exchange rate as soon as 
monetary and economic conditions become suffi- 
ciently stable, which in the Committee's opinion 
is not yet the case. 

(2) Foreign trade, now carried on almost exclusively 
by the Japanese Government, should be returned 
to private channels as soon as feasible, recogniz- 
ing that this cannot be fully accomplished until 
an effective commercial exchange rate has been 

($) The present rate of fifty yen to the dollar, known 
as the "military exchange rate," should be modi- 
fied to reflect more nearly the relative purchasing 
power of the yen, and its use should be extended 
to buyers of yen for educational and missionary 
purposes, for private and personal remittances, 
for authorized yen expenditures of foreign enter- 
prises doing business in Japan, and to new for- 
eign capital which may desire to make authorized 
investments in Japan. It is recognized that such 
a modification in rate involves various important 
governmental financial policies and that the posi- 


tion of the Washington authorities, including the 
Treasury Department, is not known to the Com- 


The Committee is confident that Japan's economic difficul- 
tiesgreat as they are at present are manageable; that Japan 
can in due course find the ways and means to sustain its people 
by peaceful pursuits at levels equivalent to those which pre- 
vailed in the past; and that the Japanese people are capable 
of making an orderly transition to a more democratic kind of 
life and economy. 

The task will be hard and the required effort and talent 
great; Japanese self-help is demanded to work out their own 
salvation. Continuation of support and guidance by the Ameri- 
can occupying authorities is essential; willingness of other 
countries in the Pacific area to permit Japan to resume trading 
and shipping activities is hardly less so. 

Our recommendations result mainly from our interest in 
seeing a revival of economic activity which can contribute to 
the revival of the Far Eastern area and provide the Japanese 
people with a tolerable livelihood, workmen in Japan and 
elsewhere with employment, business interests with fairly 
earned profits while diminishing as rapidly as possible the 
burdens that have fallen upon the United States. 

The program of the Department of the Army, approved by 
the Department of State, provides the key to increased produc- 
tion by making available the initial imported raw materials 
required to augment production quickly and to restore trade 
relations. It is indispensable to reviving the economy so that 
the burden on the American taxpayer for providing the bare 
essentials to prevent "disease and unrest" may be decreased 
at an early date and, eventually, eliminated. 

We express our conviction that a recovering and hopeful 
Japan will be more inclined to be a good neighbor and to 
contribute its share to the general welfare of the world and 
to the maintenance of peace. 

Accordingly, the Committee recommends prompt enactment 
by the Congress of pending bills carrying out this recovery 



Some months ago, my Government suspended its participa- 
tion in discussions in the Far Eastern Commission of a United 
States policy proposal which was then under active considera- 
tion in the Commission. This proposal, designated as FEC 230, 
presented an extremely detailed plan for the implementation 
of a general policy which already had been stated in existing 
directives to the Supreme Commander. That policy, which 
called for the dissolution of certain Japanese combines and a 
widening in the distribution of the income and ownership of 
Japanese industry, was then and continues to be, in the view 
of my Government, a fundamental objective of the Occupa- 

The action of the United States in suspending consideration 
of its proposal, however, has led to certain questions among 
the members of this Commission and among the Japanese 
people. The purpose of this statement is to clarify the position 
of the United States with respect to FEC 230. 

Since the very first weeks of the Occupation, the Supreme 
Commander has devoted a considerable part of the time and 
resources of his staff to the problem of reorganizing the finan- 
cial and industrial institutions of Japan. This program which 
has been based upon the Post Surrender Directive issued De- 
cember 6, 1945 and on the Far Eastern Commission's own 

i Presented by General Frank McCoy, United States Member, to the Far 
Eastern Commission, Washington, December 9, 1948. 


Appendices 239 

Basic Post-Surrender Policy for Japan, was designed to make 
possible the early development of democratic and peacefully- 
inclined economic institutions in Japan. To bring about that 
result, plans were immediately developed and put into effect 
to dissolve the control of Japanese finances and industry which 
rested in the hands of a few powerful Japanese families. 

As a part of this program, the Supreme Commander directed 
the Japanese Government to adopt various laws and to create 
certain governmental bodies charged with the responsibility of 
undertaking a major reorganization of the ownership and con- 
trol of Japanese industry. In the brief span of three years sub- 
stantial progress has been made by these bodies. The assets of 
the fifty-six persons who comprised the heads of the ten major 
zaibatsu families and the assets of the eighty-three holding 
companies controlled by these persons have been acquired by 
the Government and are in process of being sold to the Jap- 
anese public. A much larger number of companies have been 
compelled to divest themselves of holdings in and control over 
smaller enterprises. Such control was exercised through inter- 
corporate stockholdings, interlocking directorates and similar 
devices. Contractual arrangements to which these Japanese 
enterprises were parties which had the effect of placing the 
control of production or trade in the hands of such enter- 
prises have been declared void. The innumerable Control As- 
sociations through which Japanese enterprises exercised their 
collective authority are being liquidated. Action is being taken 
and is well-advanced toward reorganization of former savings 
banks, trust companies and governmental banking institutions, 
making possible the emergence of a significant number of new 
commercial banks, to compete with and supplement the few 
large banking combines which formerly dominated Japanese 
credit sources. Finally, some scores of Japanese companies 
whose present state may constitute a threat to competitive en- 
terprise are being scrutinized, one by one. Where necessary, 
these combines will be subjected to such reorganization as may 
be required to remove the existing threat 

To insure that the dispersion of economic control which is 
developing from these measures will not likely be reversed in 
the years to come, substantial revisions have been effected in 
the basic economic legislation of Japan. To begin with, an 
Antitrust Law has been adopted and a Fair Trade Commission 

240 Japan Enemy or Ally? 

set up to enforce the Law. In general, the Law seeks to restrain 
the development of new combines, excessively large or power- 
ful, by outlawing agreements which restrain production or 
trade, by placing limitations upon intercorporate stockhold- 
ings, interlocking directorates, and similar devices for the con- 
centration of corporate control, and by setting up procedures 
and penalties for the enforcement of these provisions. Other 
legislation now requires Japanese corporations to make con- 
siderably more information available to their stockholders and 
the public than heretofore has been the case and generally 
requires the management of corporations to adhere to much 
higher standards of public responsibility in the managements 
of their enterprise. 

Moreover, many existing laws which tended to centralize the 
control of Japanese industry within a small group have been 
abrogated outright. Others have been modified drastically. The 
Fair Trade Commission and other Government agencies are 
analyzing still other Japanese laws to eliminate provisions 
which confer special privilege or tend to restrain or eliminate 
competition. Various laws relating to the conduct of Japanese 
banking have been placed under particularly careful scrutiny. 
One of the principal objectives of the revision of Japanese 
banking laws is to create a climate in which the undesirable 
prewar concentration of Japanese credit in a few hands could 
not recur. 

In all this, the Japanese Government has demonstrated a 
commendable ability to comprehend Allied objectives and has 
cooperatively fulfilled its obligations. The Japanese Fair Trade 
Commission has prosecuted a significant series of cases against 
Japanese businessmen who were violating one provision or 
another of the statutes which seek to prevent new concentra- 
tions of Japanese industry. The Japanese Holding Company 
Liquidation Commission has made a careful study of the 
structure of the larger Japanese combines and, in close coopera- 
tion with the Supreme Commander, is currently developing 
plans for such reorganization of these combines as may be 

As the occupation and the economic situation have devel- 
oped, there has been a corresponding evolution in the decon- 
centration program. For example, it has proved possible and 
desirable to dissolve most of the wartime control associations. 

Appendices 341 

As new sources of credit have been created through the con- 
version of other financial institutions to commercial banks, it 
has been possible to reconsider the need for the actual dissolu- 
tion, once believed necessary, of Japan's biggest banks which 
under earlier circumstances had dominated the credit struc- 
tures of Japan. 

With the daily growth of indication that the Japanese pro- 
pose to enforce their fair trade laws vigorously and effectively, 
it has been possible to reconsider the standards to be used in 
the dissolution of some of the combines still existing. These 
changes in emphasis have been responsive to changing circum- 
stances and have represented relatively minor alterations in 
a program which basically remains unchanged. That program, 
adhering to the broad purposes of the directive of the Far 
Eastern Commission, seeks to achieve in Japan an economic 
climate conducive to the development of a democratic society. 
It seeks to prevent the resurgence of economic power in the 
hands of a few who recognize no responsibility to the Japanese 
people or the world at large. 

When the United States suspended its participation in the 
discussion of FEC 230 in the Far Eastern Commission, that 
decision was based upon the growing realization that the guid- 
ance for the Supreme Commander and the Japanese envisaged 
therein had largely been overtaken by events. The major 
points of procedure set out in that document already had been 
implemented in Japan. Other details believed necessary to the 
accomplishing of the major objectives either had been faith- 
fully adopted or had become unnecessary or inappropriate. 
Useful as the paper might have been at an earlier stage of the 
Occupation, that usefulness no longer appeared to exist. 

That the paper has become outmoded in so brief a period 
is a singular tribute to SCAP and the Japanese Government. 
Procedures which it was thought would take years to carry out 
in many cases have been accomplished in a matter of months. 
Major technical obstacles have been overcome and the demon- 
strated determination of the Supreme Commander to carry 
the program through has elicited a gratifying degree of coop- 
eration from the Japanese themselves. Accordingly, upon a 
careful re-survey of the deconcentration program now well 
advanced in Japan, the United States now believes that, as a 
practical matter, there is no need to lay down policies for the 

242 JapanEnemy or Ally? 

guidance of the Supreme Commander with respect to any re- 
maining significant aspect of the program. Indeed, to do so in 
the outmoded terms in which FEC 230 is cast might well do 
more harm to the program than good. Hence, the United 
States has withdrawn its support of FEC 230 as a proposal 
upon which the Far Eastern Commission could act with benefit 
to the Occupation. 

This does not mean that the deconcentration program has 
been completed. Considerable amounts of securities still re- 
main in the hands of the Government and must be disposed of. 
Ingenuity and vigor must be brought to this task. Existing 
banking legislation will undoubtedly be elaborated and re- 
fined in consonance with the objectives of this program. Those 
remaining Japanese combines whose existence may constitute 
a threat to competitive enterprise will, where necessary, be 
reorganized as required to remove such threat. But these pro- 
grams no longer call for the development of policy. They call 
largely for a practical application of judgment, energy and 
enterprise in implementing a program whose philosophy and 
objectives are dearly understood by the Supreme Commander 
and the Japanese Government, as they have already convinc- 
ingly demonstrated. 


Ailied aims, changes since 1945, 3, 4; 
U.S. Initial Post-Surrender Policy, 
92, 96-7, 124, 147. 156; U.S. policy 
in 1948, 99-106, 128-30, 165-6, 167- 
88; U.S. Statement on Japanese 
industrial deconcentration, text of, 
Appendix III, 238-43 

Allied Council for Japan, circum- 
stances in which established, 19- 
23; terms of reference, 20-1 

Arms Disposal Case, 177 

Ashida, Hitoshi, 66, 177 

Atcheson, George, 3in v 32, 38-42 

Australia, aims in Japan, 5-6, 91 

Brines, Russell, 175 

British Commonwealth Occupation 

Force (B.C.OJF.), 9 
Bureaucracy, 85-6, 110-11, 177 
Byrnes, James F., 23, 44-5 

Censorship, 17-19, 36 

Central Liaison Office (Japanese), 14 

Coal Mines Case, 177 

Coal Problem, 77-9, 177 

Communist Party (Japanese), posi- 
tion of, 179; see also Elections 

Constitution, 51-3, 108-9, 1 49'5S; 
text of, Appendix I, 195-209 

Demilitarization, 91-2, 177, 187-9 
Demobilization, 93-6 
Derevyanko, Kuzma, 23, 25-7, 33-5* 

Draper, W. H., 169 

Economic conditions and policies, 
12-13^59-62, 93-6, 190-1, 168-9 

Economic Power Deconcentration 
Act, 173 

Elections, 56-8, 73-4, 87 

Emperor, The, 43-56, 146, 151-2 

Far Eastern Commission, 20-1, 97- 

100, 157-8 

Fine, Sherwood, 61, 62 
Food situation, 87-90 
Foreign Office (Japanese), 14, 110-11 

Germany, parallels with Japan, 6 
GHQ, SCAP, 9, 14-19; Civil Service 

Division, 170; Labor Division, 170; 

National Resources Section, 176; 

Public Relations Section, 17-19 
Government employees, right to 

strike of, 170-2 

Handleman, Howard, 81 
Hatoyama, Ichiro, 67-9 
Hays, Frank E., 177 
"Hidden government," 80-4 
Hirano, Rikizo, 78 
Hiratsuka, Tsunesiro, 70 
Hoover, Blaine, 170-1 

lijuma, Mauji, 127*1. 

244 Index 

Inukai, Ren, 70 
Ishibashi, Tanzan, 60, 70, 72 
Ishigure, Takeshige, 70 
Iwata, Chuzo, 69 

Johnston, Percy H. f 169 
Johnston Report, 169; text of, Ap- 
pendix II, 810-38 

Rades, Charles L., 171 
Kanamori, Tokujiro, 150-7 
Katayama, Tetsu, 66, 133 
Ratayama Government, 70-9 
Rawai, Yoshinari, 70 
Rillen, James ., 170 
Ronoye, Fumimaro, 150 

Labor Standards Law, 178 
Land reform, 112-23, 1 75-fi 
Liberals, 66-8 

Liquidation Commission, 127, 174 
Local government, 153-5 
Lovett, Robert, 129 

MacArthur, General Douglas, and 
Allied Council for Japan, 22-5, 
27-33; Australian attitude to- 
wards, 22; and Big Business, 173-4; 
and Constitution, 150; and eco- 
nomic policy, 59-63, 131-3, 186; 
and Emperor, 44; his three basic 
convictions, 10-13; Japanese atti- 
tude towards, 8, 17-18; and Rata- 
yama Government, 73-5; and 
press, 35-9; and the Purge, 163; 
on third anniversary of surrender, 
174; and trade unions, 156-61, 170, 
172; and Yoshida Government, 

Mason, Edward D., 182 

Marshall Plan, 182-5 

Marquat, W. F., 24, 26, 3111. 

Matsumoto, Toji, 150 

Military Government teams, 14, 84 

Moscow Declaration, 20 

Narahashi, Wataru, 70 
Nasu, Shiroshi, 69 

National Public Service Law, 172 

H.N. -:1 - - , j 

Oyabun-kobun system, 80-3 

Pauley Commission, 98-100 

Peace Settlement, 3-8, 110-11, 188-94 

Potsdam Declaration, 3, 44-6, 48, 91, 

96, 146-7, 161 

Press and Radio (see also Censor- 
ship), 35-9 
Purge, 56, 161-6, 177 

Reparations, 98-106 
Repatriation, 94-6 
Royall, Renneth C., 129-30, 167-8* 

Schenck, H. G., i22n. 

Showa Denko Case, 176 

Strike, Clifford S., 99-100, 105, 168-9 

Strike Report, 168-9 

Tojo, Hideki, 107-10 
Trade unions, 71, 72-3, 155-61, 171 
Truman Doctrine, 7471., 107, 130-1, 

ILS. Statement on Japanese indus- 
trial deconcentration, text of, Ap- 
pendix IH, 238-42 

U.S.S.R., and Allied Council for 
Japan, 19-21, 33-5; and Allied 
policy, 178-80; and Peace Confer- 
ence, 193-4; and repatriation of 
Japanese, 95; US. attitude to- 
wards, 10, 22-3 

Wages (and Prices), 133-43 
, War, Japanese attitude towards, 167- > 
V, m 

War Crimes, 48-9 

Welsh, Edward C v 12871., 173 

Whitney, Courtney, 18-19, *5' 8 

Yoshida, Shigeru, 53, 58, 66, 72, 150-1 
Yoshida Government, 58-72 

Zaibatsu, 15-16, 123-30, 173-4 
Zen, Reinosuke, 70