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Materialien  ZOF  Kunde 

des  alteren  Englisehen  Dramas 


J.  Q.  Adams,  Jr.-lTMAfA,  F.  S.  Boas-LoxDOX,  A.  Brandl-BERLIN,  R.  Brotanek- 
PRAG,  F.  I.  Carpenter-CmcAOO,  Ch.  Crawford-Loxnox,  G.  B.  Churchill- 
AMIIKRST,  W.  Creizenach-KRAKAU,  E.  Eckhardt-FREiunu;  I.  B.(  A.  Feuillerat- 
RENNES,  R.  Fischer-IxxsBRUfK,  W.  W.  Greg-Loxnox,  F.  Holthausen-Kn.i., 
J.  Hoops-HEiDELBERG,  W.  Keller- MilNSTBR)  R.  B.  Me  Kerrow-LoxDON,  G.  L. 
Kittredge-CAMURiDGE,  MASS.,  E.  Koeppel-SiKASsuiRG,  J.  Le  Gay  Brereton- 
SIDXEY,  H.  Logeman-GENT,  J.  M.  Manly-CniCAGO,  G.  Sarrazin-BRi;si  \r, 
f  L.  Proescholdt-pRiEDRiCHSPORF,  A.  Schroer-CoLX,  G.  C.  Moore  Smith- 
SHEFFIELD,  G.  Gregory  Smith-BiiLFAST,  A.  E.  H.  Swaen-AMSTLKDAM,  A.  H. 
Thorndike-NE\v-YoRK,  f  A.  Wagner-HALLE  A.  S. 



o.  6.  Professor  der  Englischon  Philolo^ic  an  dor  Universitat  Louvain 

BAND  XII  :  Jasper  Hey  wood  and  his  Translations  of  Seneca's  Troas, 
Thyestes  and  Hercules  Furens,  edited  from  the  Octavos  of  1559,  1560 
and  1561,  by  H.  de  Vocht. 






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Preis  frs  2,25;  fiir  Subscribenten  frs  1,75. 

BAND  III :  Pleasant  Dialogues  and  Dramma's  von  Tho.  Heywood  nach  der  Octav- 
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Materialien  zur   Kunde 

alteren   Englischen   Dramas 

Iflaterialien  w  Kunde 

des  alteren  Englischen  Dramas 


J.  Q.Adams,  Jr.-lTH.\CA,  F.  S.  Boas-Loxoox,  A.  Brandl-BERLlN,  R.  Brotanek- 
PRAG,  F.  I.  Carpenter-CniCAGO,  Ch.  Crawford-Loxoox,  G.  B.  Churchill- 
AMHERST,  W.  Creizenach-KRAKAU,  E.  Eckhardt-pREiBURG  I.  B.,  A.  Feuillerat- 
RI;NNES,  R.  Fischer-lNNSBRUCK,  W.  W.  Greg-Loxnox,  F.  Holthausen-KiEL, 
J.  Hoops-HiiiDELBERG,  W.  Keller-MuxsTER,  R.  B.  Me  Kerrow-LoxDON,  G.  L. 
Kittredge-CAMBRiDGE,  MASS.,  E.  Koeppel-SxRASSBURG,  J.  Le  Gay  Brereton- 
SIDXEY,  H.  Logeman-GENT,  J.  M.  Manly-CniCAGO,  G.  Sarrazin-BRESLAU, 
•',-  L.  Proescholdt-FRiEDRicusDORF,  A.  Schroer-CoLX,  G.  C.  Moore  Smith- 
SHEI;FIELD,  G.  Gregory  Smith-Bi-XFAST,  A.  E.  H.  Swaen-AMSTERDAM,  A.  H. 
Thorndike-NEW-YoRK,  t  A.  Wagner-IlALLE  A.  S. 



o.  6.  Professor  der  Englischon  Philologie  an  der  Universitat  Lonvain 













EDITED  FROM  THE  OCTAVOS  OF  i55g,  i56o  AND  i56i 

H.   DE  VOCHT. 









F  •  A  •  PESSERS 

RECTING     AND     IN     READING     THE     PROOFS     OF 
THAT     WELCOMED     ME    ON     MY     FIRST 



JASPER  HEYWOOD  ')  (Ilaywood,  Havvood,  Hewood,  Ayvo- 
dus),  the  younger  son  of  John  Heywood  2),  born  in  London 

4)  Biographical  notices  about  Jasper  Heywood  are  found  in 
J.  Bridgewater,  Concertcttio  Eccksiae  Anglicae,  Treves,  i58g,  p.  409; 
H.  Morns,  Ilistoria  Missionis  Anglicae  S.  J •,  S1  Omer,  1660,  pp.  i32-5  ; 
A.  Wood,  Athenae  Oxonienses.  London,  1691,  t.  I.  pp.  25i-2;  M.  Tan 
ner,  Societas  Jesn  Apostolortim  Imitatrix,  Prague,  1694,  p.  296  ff.  :  these 
notices  were  the  sources  for  all  subsequent  biographies  :  J.  Juven- 
cius,  Historia  Societatis  Jesu,  Rome,  1710,  pars  Y,  t.  II,  p.  223; 
D.  Bartoli,  Istoria  ddla  Compagnia  di  Gesn  :  TInghilterra,  libro  IV, 
Torino,  i825,  pp.  48-9  ;  57-64  ;  98  ff.  ;  H.  Pole}',  Father  Jasper  Hey- 
wood,  in  Records  of  the  English  Province  of  the  Sec.  of  Jesus,  vol.  I. 
London,  1877,  pp.  388-405  ;  Collectanea,  in  Records,  vol.  VII,  London, 
1882,  p.  35 1  ;  J.  Gillow,  Bibliographical  Dictionarv  of  the  English 
Catholics,  London,  1887,  vol.  Ill,  pp.  296-9;  Thompson  Cooper,  in 
Did.  of  National  Biography,  vol.  XXVI  ;  &a. 

')  Foley,in  his  second  Appendix  to  the  Collectanea  (Records, vol.Vll*, 
London,  i883)  p.  1433,  mentions  a  Father  RICHARD  HEYXVOOD,  alias 
Aitglus,  of  London,  admitted  in  to  the  Society  of  Jesus  at  S*  Andrew's 
Rome,  Sept.  i,  1572,  probably  identical  with  F.  Richard  Anglus, 
who  died  at  Loreto,  Nov.  :5,  1574.  In  the  registers  of  the  Society 
in  Rome,  where  these  entries  are  recorded,  no  mention  is  made  of 
the  family  to  whom  this  father  belonged.  Foley  supposes  that  he 
was  a  younger  brother  of  the  Fathers  Eliseus  and  Jasper  Hey- 
<vood,  but  there  is  nothing  but  a  similar  name  and  birthplace  to 
back  this  opinion.  A  Richard  Hayn'oodc  is  recorded  in  the  Register  of 
the  University  of  Oxford  (Boase,  p.  2?6)  :  '  adm.  B.  A.  i  febr.  i5&4/5  ; 


in  i535,  belonged  to  the  family  of  Sir  Thomas  More  through 
his  mother  Eliza,  daughter  of  John  Kastell  '),  and  like  his 
brother  Ellis,  he  was  nourished  from  his  tenderest  age  with 
the  sound  principles  and  thorough  learning  that  had  been 
flourishing  in  the  home-circle  of  the  great  Chancellor  2).  He 
was  for  some  time  a  page  of  honour  to  the  princess  Elisabeth, 
with  whom  his  father  was  a  favourite  in  those  days  3).  At  the 
age  of  twelve  he  was  sent  to  Oxford,  where  he  went  through 
the  regular  curriculum  of  Grammar  and  Logic,  took  the 
degree  of  Bachelor  of  Arts  in  i553,  and  that  of  Master  of  Arts 
in  i558  4).  In  i554  he  was  elected  a  Probationer-fellow  of 
Mcrton's  College  r>).  He  had  inherited  the  literary  bent  and 
the  quick,  sprightly  wit  of  his  father  ;  no  wonder  that  he  was 

det.  in  Lent ;  sup.  for  M.  A.  5  July  i56y  ;  lie.  9  July ;  inc.  14  July ;  of 
Christ  Church '.  It  may  be  that  this  Richard  Hey  wood  went  to  Rome 
and  entered  the  Society.  But  it  does  not  seem  probable  that  be  was 
the  son  of  Jobn  Hey  wood  ;  for  Pitseus  who  writes  a  short  biography 
of  the  latter  in  his  Relationum  Historicarum  de  Rebus  Anglicis  Tomus 
Primus,  Paris,  1619,  p.  753,  says  :  '  Duos  filios  habuit  Societatis  Jesu 
presbyteros,  ex  quibus  alterum  nomine  Gasparum  Romae  primum, 
deinde  Neapoli  familiariter  noui.  '  If  a  third  son  had  entered  the 
Society,  he  very  probably  would  have  known,  and  mentioned  him. 
4)  W.  Bang,  Ada  Anglo-Lovaniensia  (EngUsche  Studien,  1907,  t.  38, 
p.  284  ff.);  T.  S.  Graves,  The  Heywood  Circle  and  the  Reformation  (Mo 
dem  Philology,  vol.  X,  April  igi3) ;  A.  Wood  (Ath.  Oxon.,  vol.  I,  p.  34) 
relates  a  legend  about  a  tooth  of  Sir  Thomas  More,  which  belonged 
to  both  Ellis  and  Jasper  ;  as  each  of  them  was  loth  to  part  with  it, 
tbe  tooth  fell  asunder  and  divided  itself. 

2)  Ellis   worked  these  family  recollections   into  his  77  Moro, 
Firenze,  i556. 

3)  A  gratuity  of  3o  shillings  to  John  He}' wood  is  recorded  in  the 
Household-book  of  the  Princess  Elisabeth,  ed.  Madden,  p.  23g. 

4)  Ath.  Oxon.,  pp.  708,  715.  C.  W.  Boase,  Register  of  the  University 
of  Oxford  (Ox.  Hist.  Soc.),  Oxford,  i885,  vol.  I,  p.  221,  records  for 
Jasper  Heywood  :  '  sup.  for  B.  A.  June  i553  ;  adm.  i5  July ;  det.  i554  ; 
sup.  for  M.  A.  23  May  i558  ;  lie.  10  June  ;  inc.  u  July  ;  disp.  28  Jan. 
i558/9  ;  fellow  of  Merton  ;  fellow  of  All  Souls  '. 

5)  J.  Foster,  Alumni  Oxonienses,  vol.  II,  1500-1714  ;  s.  v. 

famous  as  an  'able  poet'  amongst  his  fellow-students,  and 
bore  the  bell  in  all  disputations  at  home  and  in  the  public 
schools  M.  But  his  father's  staunch  character  and  manly  free 
dom  from  time-service,  had  devolved  upon  the  son  with  an 
additional  dose  of  wayward  obstinacy  and  wild  singularity, 
that  was  to  paralyse  his  good  qualities  and  bring  him  in  after 
life  from  one  failure  to  another.  Nor  were  his  college  days 
quite  cloudless.  On  April,  4,  i558,  he  left  Merton  College 
after  three  admonitions  from  the  Warden  2),  but  the  reason 
of  his  departure  has  not  been  recorded.  It  may  be  that  his 
recent  election  as  Lord  of  Misrule  or  Rex  nostri  Regni  Fabarum, 
about  Christmas  of  1 557,  had  some  influence  on  his  subsequent 
behaviour  3) ;  for  he  seems  to  have  acted  his  part  of  Christmas- 
King  with  an  unprecedented  popularity,  as  one  of  his  college- 
fellows,  David  de  la  Hyde  (who  later  on  was  also  expelled 
from  Merton),  is  recorded  to  have  praised  him  as  such  before 
a  considerable  auditory  in  the  Hall  by  a  witty  and  ingenious 
discourse  entitled  '  de  Ligno  el  Foeno  ',  an  allusion  to  the  name 
of  the  hero  of  the  season.  The  authorities  of  the  College, 
however,  were  not  so  very  enthusiastic,  and  Hey  wood  was 
the  last  King  of  that  dynasty,  which  was  as  old  as  Merton 
itself  4).  Owing  to  this  resignation,  and  perhaps,  to  his  unpo 
pularity  in  later  years,  some  reports  seem  to  have  been  cur 
rent  about  his  waywardness  as  a  boy  :'),  as  is  apparent  from 

*)  Ath.  O.von.,  p.  25 1. 

2)  Ath.  Oxon  ,  p.  25 1.  G.  C.  Brodrick,  Memorials  of  Merton  College 
(Ox.  Hist.  Soc.J,  Oxford,  i885  ;  pp.  46,  261. 

3)  Th.  Warton.  History  of  English  Poetry  (ed.  Price)  1840,  vol.  Ill, 
p.  3i2- 

4)  J.  Gutch,  The  History  and  Antiquities  of  the  University  of  Oxford 
by  A.  Wood,  Oxford,  1796,  vol.  II,  p.  136-y  :  Anno  D1  i55y. 

5)  Amongst  He}7 wood's  poems  in  '  The  Paradyse  of  Daynty  Denises  ' 
ed.  1600,  one  is  inscribed  :  Alluding  his  State  to  the  Prodigal  Child 
(p.  1 1 5),  in  which  in  his  poetical  exaggeration  he  says  : 

'  the  prodigal  sonne,... 
May  now  divide  the  burthen  of  his  blame 
With  me,  whom  wretchlesse  thoughts  enticed  still 
To  tread  the  tracts  of  his  unrulv  will.  ' 

one  of  Harington's  epigrams  ')  : 

Old  Haywoods  sons  did  wax  so  wild  &  youthfull, 
It  made  their  aged  father  sad  and  wrathfull. 
A  friend  one  day,  the  elder  did  admonish 
With  threats,  as  did  his  courage  halfe  astonish, 
How  that  except  he  would  begin  to  thnue 
His  Sire  of  all  his  goods  would  him  depriue. 
For  whom,  quoth  he  ?  Eu'n  for  your  yonger  brother. 
Nay  then,  said  he,  no  feare,  if  it  be  none  other. 
My  brother's  worse  then  I,  and  till  he  mends, 
I  know  my  father  no  such  wrong  intends  ; 

Sith  both  are  bad,  to  shew  so  partiall  wrath, 
To  giue  his  yonger  vnthrift  that  he  hath. 
Still,  whatever  may  be  the  truth  or  value  of  these  reports,  it 
is  sure  that  Heywood  was  not  guilty  of  any  decidedly  bad 
demeanour  ;  for,  notwithstanding  this  compulsory  leave  of 
Merton,  Jasper  was  recommended  at  once  by  Cardinal  Pole 
to  Sir  Thomas  Pope,  who  had  just  founded  Trinity  College,  as 
'  a  polite  scholar,  an  able  disputant  and  a  steady  catholic  2) '. 
As  this  intervention  did  not  prove  successful,  he  was  elected 
in  the  same  year  to  a  fellowship  in  All  Souls  College,  where 
his  brother  had  been  from  1548  till  the  end  of  his  studies  3).  In 
this  college  he  worked  at  the  translation  of  the  three  Senecan 
tragedies  :  Troas  written  at  the  end  of  i558  4),  edited  in  i55g  ; 
Thyestes  begun  November  24,  i55g  r>),  edited  March  26,  i56o, 
and  Hercules  Furens  published  in  i56i.  In  this  year  (:56i)  he  left 
the  college,  possibly  on  account  of  the  change  of  religion  in 

J)  Epigramm.,  lib.  Ill,  Ep.  I. ;  Ath.  Oxon.,  p.  a5i,  Warton,  op.  cit., 
v.  Ill,  p.  3i2.  Eliseus  obtained  the  prebendary  of  Lichfield  in  1554, 
and  had  left  the  University  Ions  before  Jasper  resigned  his  fellow 
ship  of  Merton  :  J.  Foster,  Al.  Oxon.,  v.  II,  s.  v.  ;  DNB. 

2)  Warton,  op.  cit.,  vol.  Ill,  p.  3i2  ff. 

•'')  J.  Foster,  Alumni  Oxonienscs,  vol.  II  s.  v.  ;  Aih.  Oxoit.,  vol.  I, 
p.  406. 

")  77^,  1.  5i  ff. 

5)  TH,  1.  91  ff. 


the  English  Church  '),  and  entered  Gray's  Inn  *),  to  which 
move  his  literary  achievements  and  acquaintances  might 
have  induced  him.  He  did  not  spend  a  long  time  in  Themis' 
service,  but  like  many  of  his  countrymen  in  the  beginning 
of  Elisabeth's  reign,  he  left  England  for  religion's  sake. 

He  studied  theology  for  a  time,  probably  at  Sl  Omer,  and 
took  orders.  He  travelled  to  Rome,  and  on  May  21,  i56a,  he 
entered  the  Society  of  Jesus,  already  a  priest.  For  two  years 
he  studied  in  Rome,  after  which  he  was  sent  to  the  Jesuit 
University  of  Dillingen  in  Bavaria,  where  he  took  the  degree 
of  Doctor  of  Divinity  :!)  and  became  a  professor  of  Mathema 
tics  (i564-65),  later  on  of  Exegesis  (i 565-67),  of  Moral  Theo 
logy  and  Controversial  Questions  (i565-i577)  ')•  I'"1  ^/o  he 
pronounced  his  four  vows  and  was  finally  admitted  into 
the  Society.  He  was  a  favourite  with  William  V,  the  Duke  of 
Bavaria,  and  Egolph,  the  bishop  of  Augsbourg,  who  honoured 
him  with  their  intimate  acquaintance  and  availed  themselves 

4)  T.  S.  Graves,  in  his  The  Heywood  Circle  and  the  Reformation 
(Modern  Philol.,  vol.  X,  April  igi3),  p.  16,  supposes  that  Heywood 
left  All  Souls  in  i55g  ;  but  when  his  Hercules  Furens  was  edited,  in 
i56i,  he  was  still  in  that  college,  as  appears  from  the  title  and  the 
preface.  Cp.  C.  G.  Robertson,  All  Souls  College,  London,  1899,  p.  67. 

*}  J.  Foster.  The  Register  of  Admissions  to  Gray's  Inn,  1521-1889, 
p.  29  :  '  i56i,  fol.  529,  Jasper  Heywood  '. 

3)  I.  Agricola,  in  his  Historia  Prov.  Soc.  Jesu  Ger maniac  Superioris, 
vol.  I,  p.  86,  says  that  the  degree  of  Bachelor  of  Theology  was  con 
ferred  on  J.  Heywood  at  Dillingen  on  Sept.  i,  1564  :  the  drgree  of 
D.  D.  must  have  been  obtained  soon  after,  as  in  Nic.  Samlerus' 
De  Visibili  Monarch™  Ecclesiae,   edited  in  iSyt,  Jasper  is  recorded 
amongst  the  Doctores  S.  Theologiae  oljidetn...  exules  (edit.  Wiceburgi, 
i5g2,  p.  676).  In  i56g  he  is  called  SS.  Theologiae  Doctor  by  one  ot  his 
students,   whose  notes  of  Heywood's  lessons  are  preserved  at 

4)  B.  Duhr,  Die  Deutschen  Jesuiten  im  5°/o-Streit  des  16.  Jahrhunderts 
(Zeitschriftf.  Kath.  Theol.,  1900,  b.  XXIV),  p.  229  ;  H.  Morus,  op.  cit., 
p.  i32  ;  Th.  Specht,  Geschichte  der  ehemaligfn  Universitat  Dillingen, 
Freiburg  i.  B.,  1902,  pp.  284,  290. 


of  his  advice.  Tie  induced  the  latter  to  promulgate  some  very 
rigid  regulations  about  usury,  the  so-called  German  Contract 
and  the  5  °/o  interest,  a  subject  that  was  then  keeping  univer 
sities  and  divines,  lawyers  and  bankers  in  one  of  the  most 
eager  altercations  that  ever  had  place  ').  When  Marquard 
succeeded  Egolph  on  the  episcopal  see  (i5y5),  he  at  once 
revoked  the  declarations  of  his  predecessor  about  the  illicit- 
ness  of  the  5  ()/o  interest  and  made  regulations  more  accommo 
dating  to  circumstances.  The  discussion  grew  hotter  as  Hey- 
wood,  who  was  openly  called  the  instigator  of  Egolph's  strict 
prescriptions,  and  whose  dismissal  from  the  diocese  had  been 
requested  by  Marquard  -),  kept  stubbornly  to  his  opinions 
and  managed  to  persuade  Duke  William  to  prepare  a  law 
prohibiting  the  German  Contract.  In  the  conflict  he  not  only 
had  as  adversaries  the  greater  part  of  the  divines  and  clergy, 
but  the  members  and  superiors  of  his  own  Society.  His  prin 
cipal,  Father  Iloffaetis,  wrote  to  the  General  complaining 
very  bitterly  about  Heywood's  obstinacy,  the  cause  of  their 
unpopulaiity  in  Germany,  and  even  expressed  misgivings 
about  the  soundness  of  his  mind.  Since  i5ji  Jasper  pretended 
to  be  assaulted  day  and  night  by  the  devil,  so  that  he  had 
almost  become  unfit  for  any  work  ;  he  had  been  removed  for 
a  time  to  Augsburg,  but  without  any  good  result ;  in  1576  he 
had  been  sent  to  a  spa,  which  had  brought  some  relief.  In  a 
letter  to  the  Vicar-General  of  the  Society,  Dec.  4,  i58o, 
Hoffaeus  states  that  Heywood's  mind,  which  apart  from 
these  infernal  assaults,  did  show  dispositions  to  insanity,  had 
become  quite  bewildered  ;  that  for  a  long  time  he  had  been 

J)  Cp.  the  just  mentioned  article  of  B.  Duhr  (p.  223  if.),  who  has 
worked  on  unedited  material ;  F.  Zech,  Rigor  Moderates  Doctrinae 
Pontificiae  circa  Usuras  :  Diss.  II,  cap.  II,  sect.  VIII  :  De  Contraclu 
Germanico,  §  252-7  (Migne,  ThecL  Curs.  Compl.,  t.  XVI,  p.  973-4) ; 
E.  Van  Roey,  Le  Contractus  Gennanicus,  ou  les  controverses  sur  le  5  °\o 
au  XVIe  siecle  en  Alkmagne  (Revue  d'Histoire  Ecclesiastique,  t.  Ill),  1902, 
p.  g32  ff.  ;  Agricola,  op.  cit.,  vol.  I.  p.  244. 

z)  He  was  sent  to  Munich  :  B.  Duhr,  art-  cit.,  pp.  223,  238. 


obsessed  with  the  «  idee  fixe  »  lhat  the  Society  was  soon  to 
collapse  on  account  of  the  theories  and  Scolastic  Theology  of 
the  members.  To  make  sure  of  this  abnormal  situation  of  mind 
and  body,  the  Vicar-General  or  the  Pope  had  only  to  lead 
Heywood  up  to  this  subject,  and  ask  his  opinion  about  the 
prospects  of  the  Society,  when  he  would  certainly  impart  his 
phantastical  prophecies  with  plenty  of  words  and  tears  ')•  For 
notwithstanding  Hoffaeus'  prohibition,  Heywood  had  thought 
himself  bound  in  conscience  to  go  and  ask  the  Pope's  advice. 
Between  November  i58oand  February  i58i,  '-)  he  travelled  to 
Rome  with  letters  of  recommendation  from  the  Duke,  but  he 
was  not  well  received,  and  in  spite  of  his  appeals  to  his 
acquaintances,  like  the  cardinals  Rorromeo  and  Madruz,  he 
had  to  return  to  Bavaria  with  his  disappointment  and  to  try 
to  make  the  best  of  circumstances  that  had  become  all  but 

Fortunately  Campian  and  Persons  were  just  then  in  need 
of  missionaries  in  England,  and  Pope  Gregory  XIII  wrote  to 
Duke  William  on  May  27,  i58i  :i),  requesting  Hey  wood's 
services.  He  had  been  especially  desired  by  those  working  in 
the  English  vineyard,  as  he  was  expected  to  be  of  great  help 
on  account  of  his  renown  and  his  authority,  which  was  not 
small  in  his  country.  The  duke  granted  the  dismissal,  and 
Heywood  went  to  England  to  replace  Father  Persons,  who 
from  France  sent  him  a  letter  appointing  him  as  Vice-prefect 
of  the  English  Mission  ').  He  set  foot  on  his  native  island 
soon  after  July  i58i  r>)  and  with  Father  Holte,  who  had  come 
with  him,  he  started  work  at  once.  He  was  very  successful  :  on 

*)  B.  Duhr,  art.  cit.,  pp.  23o,  287. 

2)  Van  Roey,  art.  cit.,  p.  y3g. 

3)  B.  Duhr,  art.  cit.,  p.  239  ;  Agricola,  of>.  cit.,  v.  I,  p.  244  ff.,  quotes 
a  letter  to  the  Pope  from  Campian  requesting   Heywood,  whose 
acquaintance  he  hade  made  in  Munich  in  i58o;  Morns,  <Y>.  cit., 
pp.  :32-3,  reproduces  the  Pope's  letter. 

4)  John  Morris,  The  Troubles  of  our  Catholic  Forefathers,  2d  series, 
London,  1876,  p.  14  ff. 

5)  Th.  Fr.  Knox,  The  first  and  second  Diaries  of  the  English  College, 
Douay,  London,  1878,  p.  292. 


Nov.  17,  i582,Walsingham  was  informed  (hat  with  two  helpers 
after  a  stay  of  three  months,  he  had  converted  228  persons 
in  Staffordshire1),  and  in  a  letter  to  Dr  Allen,  April  16,  :583,  he 
congratulates  himself  as  being  the  means  of  another  miracu 
lous  draught  '-').  Still  he  had  not  been  long  in  England,  when 
by  his  imprudence  he  raised  another  altercation  which  was 
at  least  as  regrettable  as  that  of  the  German  Contract.  Some 
fast-days,  which  were  quite  peculiar  to  England,  and  had 
been  observed  there  from  the  earliest  times,  had  been  objected 
to  by  the  Marian  priests  and  those  who  had  been  trained  in 
the  seminaries  abroad.  They  maintained  that  only  those  fast- 
days  were  obligatory,  which  were  of  the  universal  Roman 
observance.  An  agreement  had  been  brought  about  by  Cam- 
pian  and  Persons,  stating  that  no  general  regulation  should 
be  made,  but  to  every  district  should  be  left  the  liberty  to 
adhere  to  the  established  customs.  On  the  entreaty  of  the 
younger  generation  of  the  clergy,  Hey  wood  called  together 
a  meeting  in  Norfolk,  i58i,  and,  made  wiser  by  his  experiment 
in  Bavaria  he  pronounced  in  favour  of  a  more  lenient  mea 
sure  3).  The  assembly,  for  the  greater  part  composed  of 
'  Seminary  priests ',  adopted  these  regulations,  but  the  older 
members  of  the  clergy  throughout  England  protested  ;  a 
debate  ensued  that  was  feared  to  become  a  schism  ;  it  para 
lysed  the  mission  for  several  years  4),  and  was  impaired  by 

J)  Cal.  of  State  Papers,  Domestic,  Elizabeth,  i58i-go,  p.  75. 

2)  Knox,  p.  35i  ;  Juvencius,  v.  V,  t.  I,  p.  223  ;  Foley,  Records,  I, 
p.  392  ff. 

3)  Cp.  '  The  poynts  agreed  upon  from  Path.  Heywood ',  in  Knox,  p.  354. 

4)  Cp.  about  that  controversy  :  Juvencius,  v.  V,  t.  II,  p.  223  ; 
E.   L.  Taunton,  History  of  the  Jesuits  in  England,   London,    1901, 
p.  i55-7  ;  Bartoli,  1.  IV,  pp.  57-64  ;  Morris,  Troubles,  p.  22  ff. ;  Records 
of  the  Engl.  Prcv.,  vol.  IV,  p.  678-84  ;  T.  G.  Law,  Historical  Sketch  of 
the  Conflicts  between  Jesuits  and  Seculars  in  the  Reign  of  Queen  Elisabeth, 
with  a  reprint  oi  Christopher  Bagshaw's  '  True  Relation  of  the  Faction 
begun  at  Wisbich  (1601)'  and  illustrative  documents,  London,  1889, 
pp.  io5-6,  112,  121 ;  J.  H.  Pollen,  The  Memoirs  of  Father  Robert  Per- 


personal  attacks,  to  which  Heywood  exposed  himself  through 
imprudence  and  inconsideration  ').  In  these  critical  circum 
stances  he  wrote  for  advice  to  Persons,  Allen  and  his  supe- 

SOHS  [reprinting  and  commenting  '  A  Storie  of  Domesticall  Difficulties, 
which  the  Englishe  Catholike  cause  and  promoters  therof  haue  had  in 
defendinge  y  same.  Anno  Jubilaei  1600.  Authore  Roberto  Personio' ], 
Cath.  Rec.  Soc.  Miscellanea,  vol.  II,  1906,  p.  176  ff. ;  Important  conside 
rations  vvich  ought  to  move  all  true  and  sound  catholikes,  who  are  not 
wholly  Jesuited,  to  acknowledge...  that  the  proceedings  of  her  Maiesty,  and 
of  the  state  with  them...  haue  bene  bothe  mild  and  mercifull.  Published  by 
sundry  of  vs  the  secular  priestes.  Newly  imprinted.  1601,  p.  19  ff., 
23  ;  W.  WjatsonJ,  A  Sparing  Discover  ie  of  our  English  Jesuits  and  of 
Fa.  Parsons  proceedings  vnder  pretence  of  promoting  the  Catholicke  faith  in 
England.  Newly  imprinted  1601  (lays  all  the  blame  of  Heywood's 
failure  on  Persons),  pp.  26,  46  ff.  ;  [R.  Parsons],  Apologia  pro  Hierar- 
chia  Ecclesiastics,  a  S.  D.  N.  Clemente  PP.  VIII.  his  aunts  apud  Anglos 
instituta,  i6ui,  p.  120  ff.  ;  [Humphrey  Ely],  Certaine  Briefe  Notes  vpon 
a  Brief  Apologie  [translation  of  the  preceding]  set  out  vnder  the  name  of 
Priestes  vnited  to  the  Archpriest,  Paris,  [i6o3],  p.  3o  ff.  This  pamphlet 
was  used  by  Bish.  Kennet  for  his  Additions  to  Mr.  Wood's  [Ath. 
Oxon.}  Account  of  Dr  Jasper  Heywood,  Jesuit,  Lansdowne  MSS.  982 
(vol.  XLV1II  of  his  Biographical  Memoranda),  f"  266.  Further  :  J..H. 
Pollen,  The  Notebook  of  John  Southcote  D.D.,  1628-36,  in  Cath.  Rec.  Soc. 
Miscellanea,  vol.  I,  London,  igo5,  p.  in  ff. 

4)  Cp.  Dr  R.  Barret's  statement  in  his  letter  to  Agazarri,  S.  J., 
August  ii,  i583  :  '  Pater  Heywood  non  satis  prudenter  se  gerit  in 
Anglia.  Nimis  multas  occasiones  dat  illis  qui  nullas  omittunt,  si 
quid  possunt  in  aliquo  vestrum  reprehendere ':  Knox,  p.  332;  Morus, 
p.  i33.  Many  bitter  criticisms  were  made  about  his  ambition,  his 
mania  of  imposing  himself  as  a  legate  a  latere,  about  his  expensive 
living  (W.  W[atson],  A  Sparing  Discovery,  p.  47),  his  coaches  and 
carriages  (Ath.  Oxon.,  p.  252  ;  Th.  Bell,  Anatomy  of  Popish  Tyranny^ 
London,  i6o3,  lib.  I,  p.  9 ;  lib.  II,  p.  z5  ;  T.  G.  Law,  pp.  xxii,  101), 
and  his  numerous  menial  (Jo.  Smith,  his  servant  called  at  the 
Douay  College,  June  14,  1584  :  Knox,  p.  201).  It  is  evident  that  these 
charges  have  been  exagerated ;  even  Persons  and  his  partisans 
denied  them  (Apologia  pro  Hierarchia  Ecclesiastica,  p.  121  ff.).  Nor  is 
it  conceivable  that  in  a  time  of  persecution,  a  man  known  as  Hey- 


riors.  No  decisive  answer  came  !).  Finally  in  May  i583,  Per 
sons  arrived  from  Spain  in  Paris,  where  he  heard  of  the 
troubles  of  the  English  Province.  After  receiving  Heywood's 
explanations  he  went  to  Rome  to  ask  the  General's  decision. 
This  decision  was  hastened  by  an  appeal  of  the  English 
catholics  through  Allen,  Aug.  6,  i583  2),  and  Heywood's  own 
request  ;  for  his  missionary  work,  that  had  been  impeded 
through  the  dispute,  became  almost  impossible  through  the 
increasing  attacks  of  gout,  and  his  concealment  was  a  growing 

At  last,  in  October  i583,  Persons  returned  from  Aquaviva 
with  letters  revoking  Heywood  and  appointing  Richard 
Weston  as  Vice-Prefect  in  England.  These  letters  were  to 
be  handed  to  them  in  a  meeting,  to  which  both  were  sum 
moned  in  Rouen  3).  Heywood  managed  to  leave  England  4), 
but  when  about  to  reach  Dieppe,  his  vessel  was  caught  in 
a  storm  and  thrown  back  on  the  English  coast.  He  at  once 
was  arrested  on  suspicion  of  being  a  priest.  That  suspicion 
soon  became  certainty  and  he  was  accordingly  sent  to  Lon 
don  and  committed  to  the  Clink,  December  9,  i583  5).  When 
he  was  going  to  be  examined  before  the  Queen's  Bench  at 
Westminster  with  four  or  five  other  priests,  he  was  separated 

wood  was,  could  go  about  and  be  driving  in  a  pompous  coach, 
surrounded  by  servants  and  attendants  like  a  papal  legate  ;  indeed, 
other  records  show  him  as  quite  dependant  on  the  mercy  of  those 
who  invited  him  to  their  house  (cp.  the  legendary  episode  related 
by  Morus,  p.  i33,  about  his  eating  meat  on  a  rogation  day). 

*)  Cp.  Heywood's  letter  to  Dr  William  Allen,  London,  April  16, 
i583  :  Knox,  p.  35i. 

*)  Bartoli,  lib.  IV,  p.  60. 

3)  Bartoli,  lib.  IV,  p.  60  ff. ;  Foley,  Records,  vol.  I,  pp.  3g6-8  ; 
Morris,  p.  84  ff. ;  Taunton,  p.  104. 

4)  J.  H.  Pollen,  The  Mem.  ofF.  R.  Persons,  p.  177. 

5)  The  official  Lists  of  Catholic  Prisoners  during  the  Reign  of  Queen  Elisa 
beth,  Part  II,  1581-1602,  in  Catholic  Record  Society  Miscellanea,  vol.  II, 
p.  232  ;  Cal.  of  State  Papers,  Domestic,  Elizabeth,  i58i-i5go,  p.  i65  : 
record  23,  dated  March  21,  1 583/4- 


from  them  and  led  to  the  Tower,  February  8,  i583/4  ').  May 
be  his  judges  wanted  to  save  him  from  the  fatal  doom  of  his 
companions  on  account  of  his  acquaintance  with  the  Queen 
and  some  of  her  ministers  ;  maybe  they  feared  the  strength 
of  his  example  and  argumentation  and  wished  to  convey  to 
the  catholics  the  impression  of  his  recantation.  At  any  rate 
everything  was  tried  to  make  him  acquiesce  to  the  desire  of 
Elisabeth,  whose  page  he  had  been.  Sir  Owen  Hopton,  the 
lieutenant  of  the  Tower  and  some  of  the  Queen's  counsel 
lors,  Cecil,  Hatton  and  Walsingham,  vainly  endeavoured  to 
make  htm  leave  his  prison  for  a  place  of  honour,  and  even  a 
bishopric  ~).  He  persevered  in  his  confession,  and  preferred  to 
endure  the  horrors  of  imprisonment,  which  were  made  worse 
by  continual  attacks  of  gout  3).  On  January  21,  1 584/5,  after 
Elisabeth's  law  by  which  every  catholic  priest  became  liable 
to  death  by  the  very  fact  that  he  was  found  in  England,  a 
great  number  of  ecclesiastical  prisoners  were  shipped  and 
sent  abroad  by  virtue  of  the  Royal  Commission  of  January 
i584/5  4).  Amongst  those  was  Hey  wood  :') ;  he  was  landed  at 

l)  J.  H.  Pollen,  Tower  Bills  (of  Sir  Owen  Hopton,  Knighte,  Lev- 
tenant  of  the  Q.  her  Maiesties'  Tower)  iSyS-iSSg,  n.  35  :  in  Catholic 
Record  Society  Miscellanea,  vol  III,  1906,  p.  17- 

-)  Morus,  p.  184  ;  Nicolaus  Sanderus,  De  Originc  ac  Progressv  Schis- 
matis  Anglicani  [augmented  by  Ed.  Rishtou],  Cologne,  1610,  pp.  412. 

3)  Cp.  the  relation  of  Father  Weston's  visit  to  Heywood  :  Mor 
ris,  Life  of  Father  Weston,  in  Troubles,  ad  series,  pp.  68-9. 

4)  State  Papers,  Domestic,  Elisabeth,  i58i-go.  p.  223  ;  Camden,  Rerttm 
Anglicarum  et  tlibernicarum  Annales  regnante  Elisabetha,  Ludg.  Bat., 
i63g,  p.  3g6.  Cp.  H.  N.  Birt,  The  Elizabethan  Religious  Settlement,  A  Study 
of  Contemporary  Documents,  London,  1907,  passim. 

r')  J.  H.  Pollen,  Tower  Bills,  n°  36,  p.  18.  From  these  accounts  of 
Sir  Owen  Hopton  it  appears  that  nine  other  priests,  that  had  been 
imprisoned  in  the  Tower,  were  dismissed  at  the  same  time  as  Hey 
wood,  which  impugns  the  statement  that  the  latter  was  released 
through  the  intercession  of  Dudley,  the  Earl  of  Warwick  :  Warton, 
v.  Ill,  p.  3i2  ;  J.  H.  Pollen,  The  Notebook  of  John  Southcote,  &a,  p.  112. 
One  of  Harington's  epigrams  (lib.  Ill,  ep.  I)  alludes  to  the  bounty 


Boulogne,  notwithstanding  his  protestations,  in  the  name  of 
his  twenty  companions  and  his  own,  against  being  exiled, 
declaring  that  they  preferred  to  be  tried  and  put  to  death, 
rather  than  to  be  expelled  from  their  country  1). 

He  first  went  to  Rheims  to  Dr  W.  Allen,  and  further  to  the 
College  of  D61e,  where  he  remained  as  simple  operarius  of  the 
Society  and  was  again  sorely  afflicted  by  the  imaginary  appa 
ritions  and  infernal  vexations  2).  In  i58g  he  proceeded  to 
Rome,  where  he  seems  to  have  complained  to  the  General 
Aquaviva  about  having  been  ill-used  by  Persons,  and  to  have 
renewed  his  criticism  and  prophecies  about  the  Society  3).  But 
as  Aquaviva  did  not  attach  much  importance  to  the  extrava 
ganza  of  the  poor  visionary,  the  latter  applied  to  the  Pope, 
who  referred  to  the  General,  with  the  result  that  Heywood  was 
sent  to  the  south  of  Italy  to  prevent  further  trouble  4).  In  the 

of  Heywood's  protector,  though  it  seems  rather  a  reminiscence  of 
David  de  la  Hyde's  Oratio  de  Ligno  et  Foeno  : 

One  neere  of  kinne  to  Heywood  by  his  birth, 
And  no  lesse  neere  in  name,  and  most  in  mirth, 
Was  once  for  his  Religion  sake  committed, 
Whose  case  a  Noble  Peere  so  lately  pitied  : 
He  sent  to  know  what  things  with  him  were  scant, 
And  offered  frankely  to  supply  his  want. 

Thankes  to  that  Lord,  said  he,  that  will  me  good, 
For  I  want  all  things  saving  Hay  and  Wood. 
J)  Sanderus,  De  Progr.  Schism.  Angl.,  pp.  433-7  ;  ibidem  :  Rishton 
[one  of  the  21  exiles],  Diarivm  Rervm  Gestarvm  in  Tvrri  Londinensi, 
p.  Ff  6,  v°  ;  Foley,  Records,  vol.  II,  pp.  106,  i3i  ff. ;  Morris,  Troubles, 
2nd  series,  p.  70  ff. ;  Bartoli,  1.  IV,  p.  98  ff. 

2)  Morus,  p.  134. 

3)  Morris,  p.  72 ;  Morus,  pp.  184,  i35  ;  B.  Duhr,  pp.  23o,  237. 

4)  W.  \V[atson],  A  Sparing  Discoverie  &a,  p.  47  (makes  of  Heywood 
a  victim  of  Persons'  vindictiveness).  J.  H.  Pollen,  Mem.  of  F.  R. 
Persons,  p.  177,  savs  that  there  is  a  long  set  of  Heywood's  complaints 
in  the  Archives  of  the  Soc.  of  Jesus  :  Anglia  Historia,  I,  118.  R.  Hos- 
pinianus,  Historia  Jesuitica  [edited  and  continued  by  L.  Lucius], 
Basle,  j63z,  p.  364,  relates  from  hearsay  that  Heywood,  who  had 


retirement  of  the  professed  house  of  Naples  '),  Hey  wood 
spent  the  last  of  his  days  ;  here  he  was  alternately  troubled  by 
bodily  suffering  and  the  never-ceasing  imaginary  apparitions, 
or  gladdened  by  fits  of  unusual  devotion  and  tears  of  unction. 
On  January  9,  1597/8  the  weary  struggler  closed  his  eyes  in 
peace  and  was  laid  to  rest  in  the  Chapel  of  the  College  2). 


Besides  the  translations  of  Troas,  Thyestes  andHercules  Furens, 
Heywood  wrote  only  very  few  literary  works.  Some  poems 
ascribed  to  him  were  edited  in  The  Paradyse  of  daynty  deuises, 
aptlv  furnished,  with  sundry  pithie  and  learned  inuentions  :  deuised 
and  written  for  the  most  part  by  M.  Edwards,  sometimes  of  her 
Maiesties  Chappel  :  the  rest  by  sundry  learned  Gentlemen,  both  of 
honor,  and  woorshippe.  viz.  S.  Barnarde.  |  E.  O.  |  L.  Vaux.  | 
D.  S.  |  lasper  Heywood.  |  F.  K.  |  M.  Bevve.  |  R.  Hill.  |  M. 
Yloop,  with  others.  Imprinted  at  London  by  Henry  Disle,  i5y6. 
Three  pieces  are  signed  with  J.  Hey  wood's  full  name  :  p.  5  : 
Easter  Day  ;  p.  6  :  Who  mlndes  to  bring  his  shippe  to  happy  shore,  / 
Must  care  to  knoh'e  the  lawes  of  wysdomes  lore ;  p.  85  :  Looke  or  you 
leape.  —  One  is  signed  I.  H.  3):  p.  85:  Beyng  troubled  in  mynde 
he(=  the  poet)  writeth  as  follows.  In  the  edition  printed  in  i58o 
by  Disle  there  is,  amongst  the  additions,  another  piece  by 

tried  to  bring  about  some  improvements  in  the  Society  by  pointing 
out  fifty-two  defects  amongst  the  members,  was  not  allowed  to  see 
his  superiors  about  these  complaints,  and  was  at  length  sent  off 
and  confined  to  the  professed  house  of  Salerne,  where  he  shortly 
afterwards  was  released  by  death. 

*)  As  already  stated,  Pitseus,  Relaticmum  Historicanim  DC  Rebus 
Auglicis  Tomits  Primus,  Paris,  ifiig,  p.  753,  in  the  biographical  notice 
of  De  loanne  Hayuodo,  says  that  he  knew  Caspar  quite  familiarly 
first  at  Rome,  and  later  on  at  Naples. 

~)  Morns,  p.  134  ;  Annuae  LitteraeSoc.  Jesu,AnniMDXCIX,  Lyons, 
1607,  p.  85. 

3)  The  style  and  tone  of  the  poems  signed  I.  H.  make  it  almost 
certain  that  they  were  written  by  J.  Heywood. 


Heywood  :  p.  91  :  Greatness  is  dangerous.  In  the  edition  of  1600 
printed  by  Ed.  Allde  for  Edward  White,  three  more  poems 
by  Heywood,  were  added  :  one  is  signed  I.  H.  :  A  wittie  and 
pleasaunt  Conceit  (p.  112)  1),  and  two  with  his  full  name  :  p.  114: 
The  Complaint  of  a  Sorrowful  Soul,  and  p.  1 15  :  Alluding  his  State  to 
the  Prodigal  Child.  These  poems  do  not  testify  to  great  literary 
power,  but  to  a  patient  effort  of  versification  and  imitation  of 
the  sententious,  moralising,  but  often  bombastic  and  tedious 
style  of  Seneca  2). 

Ritson,  in  his  Bibliographia  Poetica  (London,  1802,  p.  23o), 
assumes  that  Heywood  is  the  author  of  Greene's  Epitaph  :  Dis 
coursed  Dialogue-wise  between  Life  and  Death,  and  he  repeats 
A.  Wood's  supposition  that  he  wrote  some  lines  prefixed  to 
Kyffm's  Blessednes  of  Btytaine,  i588.  Ritson's  conclusions, 
which  have  been  quoted  recently  in  the  biography  of  the 
DNB,  are  based  on  the  fact  that  these  pieces  are  signed  with 
the  initials  I.  H.  It  is  evident  that  these  initials  cannot  be 
regarded  as  a  positive  proof.  On  the  contrary  it  follows  from 
every  detail  in  these  prefatory  poems  that  Jasper  Ileywood 
cannot  have  been  their  author.  Indeed  in  i588,  when  appeared 
M.  Kyffin's  The  Blessednes  of  Brytaine,  Or  Celebration  of  the 
Queenes  Holyday  (London),  Heywood  had  left  England.  Even 
if  he  had  been  in  England,  he  could  not  possibly  have  written 
these  two  eight-lined  stanzas  « In  commendation  of  this  worke, 
and  the  writer  »  (f.  A  2  v°);  for  in  Kyffin's  book  Popes,  Spa 
niards  and  Catholicks  are  treated  as  so  many  Cerberi,  and 
Elisabeth  is  praised  for  her  most  happy  regiment.  It  is  not 

4)  The  style  and  tone  of  the  poems  signed  I.  H.  make  it  almost 
certain  that  they  were  written  by  J.  Heywood. 

2)  Cp.  Preface  (p.  xvil  to  The  Paradise  of  Dainty  Deidces,  reprinted 
from  a  transcript  of  the  first  edition  i5y6  —  with  additional  pieces 
from  the  editions  of  i58o  and  1600  —  with  introductory  remarks  &a, 
by  Sir  Egerton  Brydges,  London,  1810.  Heywood's  Poems  were 
reprinted  as  well  in  J.  P.  Collier's  Seven  English  Poetical  Miscellanies, 
1867.  Cp.  Gillow,  Bill.  Diet,  of  Engl  Cath.,  t.  Ill,  p.  299;  Watt, 
Bibliographia  Britaimica,  vol.  Ill,  p.  493  ;  C.  Sommervogel,  Biblio- 
theque  de  la  Compagnie  de  Jesus,  tome  IV,  s.  v.  ;  &c. 


possible  that  after  having  been  imprisoned  a  year,  and  sent 
forth  from  his  country,  Heywood  should  state  in  praise  of  the 
Queen  that 

'  skilfull  Muses  notes  come  short  to  sound... 
Her  Princely  gifts,  her  lustice  mylde,  her  Peacefull  lasting 

[dayes  '. 

Neither  is  Heywood  the  editor  of  Greene's  posthumous 
Groatsworth  of  Wiite  (licensed  Sept.  20,  i5g2),  and  author  of 
the  prefatory  letter  To  Wittic  Poets,  or  Poeticall  Wittes  (f.  A  2  r° 
and  4  foil,  pages  in  the  edition  of  London,  1617)  and  Greenes 
Epitaph  (f.  G3  r°  and  2  ff.  pages),  both  signed  I.  II .  For  it 
is  certain  that  Henry  Chettle  was  the  editor  of  Groatsworth 
ofWitte;  in  the  preface  to  his  Kind-Hearts  Dreame  (licensed 
8  December,  1592)  he  states  that  the  letter  «  To  Wittie  Poets  », 
which  had  offended  some  playwrights,  was  not  his  own 
but  had  been  found  by  him  amongst  Greene's  papers  '). 
As  to  the  Epitaph  it  is  hardly  possible  that  Hey  wood,  a  stranger 
in  the  world  of  literators  in  England  of  the  last  decade  of 
the  XVI.  century,  should  have  been  able  to  compose  a  poem 
that  is  full  of  allusions  to  the  lives  of  the  playwrights  of  those 

Thomas  Tanner  in  his  Bibliotheca  Britannico-Hibernica  (Lon 
don,  i74<S,  p.  401),  conjectures  that  Heywood  translated  some 
parts  of  Virgil's  poetical  works,  judging  from  a  poem  by 
T.  B.,  prefixed  to  J.  Studley's  translation  of  Seneca's  Agamem 
non,  London,  i566  (Cp.  DNB.}.  Still  T.  B  only  says  that 
I  ley  wood  has  received  for  his  translations  from  Seneca  as 
high  a  praise  and  esteem  as  Virgil  may  have  had  or  ever 
might  have  deserved  2). 

Heywood  does  not  seem  to  have  devoted  any  more  time  to 
English  literature  after  he  left  his  country.  The  poems  of  The 

J)  Kind-Hearts  Dream,  p.  iv,  ed.  E.  F.  Rimbault,  London,  Percy 
Society,  1861.  Preface,  p.  xm.  Cp.  P.  Collier,  History  of  English  Dra 
matic  Poetry  and  Annals  of  the  Stage,  i83i,  v.  Ill,  p.  23o  ff.  ;  Preface 
by  Sir  Egerton  Bridges  to  Greene's  GroatsivorthofWit,  Lee  Priory 
Press,  i8i3  ;  DNB,  s.  v.  Green. 

J)  Ed.  Spearing,  p.  16. 


Paradyse  of  Daynty  Deuises  were  probably  written  before  he 
went  abroad,  and  were  kept  by  college-fellows  and  friends. 
He  is  said  to  have  composed  more  works  but  they  have  not 
come  to  us  ;  a  few  of  them  are  mentioned  occasionally  in  his 
biographies  or  in  the  documents  of  his  time.  Morus,  in  his 
Historia  Missionis  Anglicae  (p.  182),  states  that  he  was  well 
versed  in  Hebrew,  and  that  he  composed,  for  his  students,  an 
easy  method  to  learn  that  language  by  way  of  tables.  From 
a  letter  from  Hoffaeus,  the  German  Provincial  of  the  Jesuits, 
to  the  General  in  r58o  or  i5Si,  we  gather  that  long  before  the 
General-Congregation  of  the  Society  in  i573,  Heywood,  who 
was  then  at  Dillingen,  and  in  the  very  brunt  of  the  5  °/o  inte 
rest  controversy,  wrote  a  kind  of  pamphlet  about  that  ques 
tion.  Unknown  to  his  superiors  he  sent  it  to  Basle  to  be 
printed.  Still  the  pamphlet  was  never  published  :  probably 
Hoffaeus  got  an  inkling  of  what  Ileywood  was  preparing  and 
prohibited  the  edition  '). 

When  on  June  i5,  1667,  Cardinal  Otto  Truchsess  called 
together  a  Synod  at  Dillingen  to  propose  to  the  clergy  and 
people  the  ways  of  carrying  out  the  decisions  of  the  Council 
of  Trent,  Heywood  was  invited  to  address  the  meeting,  and  in 
the  afternoon  he  delivered  an  allocution.  At  this  Cardinal's 
death  in  i5j3,  the  Dillingen  University  held  two  funeral  ser 
vices  ;  on  the  more  solemn  one,  May  2,  i5j3,  Heywood  pro 
nounced  an  oration  during  the  Requiem  Mass  2). 

In  the  Seminary  of  Eichstatt,  Bavaria,  is  preserved  in  a 
manuscript  (N.  :35)  one  of  the  courses  of  Heywood  at  the 
Dillingen  University.  The  title  runs  :  De  seplem  Ecclesiae  Sacra- 
mentis...  a  Rev^1...  Duo  Casparo  Hayvodo,  SS.  Theologiae  Doctor -e 
anno  i56g  mense  odobris  in  academia  Dilingana  tradita  et  ad  cala- 
mum  dictata.  Scripta  Casparo  Stattmiiller  Oetingensi.  (In  4°,  ff.  i53). 
This  concludes  the  bibliographical  list  of  Heywood  to  which 

1)  B.  Duhr,  Die  Deutschen  Jesuiten  &a,  p.  23y. 

2)  Steiner,  Synodi  Dioecesis  August.,  t.  II,  p.  323  ff.;  Ada  Utiivcrsilatis 
Dil.t  I,  p   80  ;  Specht,  Geschichte  der  Univcrsitat  Dillingen.  }>p. 
Agricola,  op.  cit.,  v.  I,  p.  244. 


should  only  be  added  an  epistle  of  his,  dated  April  16,  i583, 
to  Doctor  Allen,  reprinted  by  Knox,  who  published  as  well 
the  «  Points  of  Ecclesiastical  discipline  in  England  »,  sanctioned  by 
Hey  wood  ')  and,  finally,  a  few  more  letters,  which  B.  Duhr 
and  J.  H.  Pollen  used  for  their  articles,  and  which  are  pre 
served  in  the  archives  of  the  Society  -). 


From  the  middle  of  the  XVth  century,  the  influence  of 
Seneca's  tragedies  had  been  growing  rapidly  on  the  stage- 
literature  of  western  Europe.  From  Italy,  where  it  had 
inspired  several  plays,  and  France,  where  the  tragedies  were 
first  printed  in  14^5,  it  gained  England,  where  it  was  going  to 
contribute  to  the  development  of  the  drama.  This  influence, 
which  has  been  the  object  of  many  researches  recently  :!),  was 
making  its  way,  when  Ileyvvood  was  at  the  University.  Either 
consciously,  in  imitation  of  some  of  the  Italian  translators  of 
Seneca,  or  unconsciously,  by  the  tendency  of  thought  and 
literature,  he  undertook  to  render  into  English  Troas,  the  tra 
gedy  which  pleased  him  best  (TR,  1.  91).  The  work  had  been 

J)  The  first  and  second  Diaries  &a,  pp.  35i-2,  353-5. 

2)  B.  Duhr,  art.  cit.,  passim  ;  J.  II.  Pollen,  Memoirs  of  F.  R.  Persons, 
Cath.  Rec.  Soc.  Miscellanea,  v.  II,  p.  177. 

:t)  Cp.  Crcizenach,  Gcschiclite  des  Netteren  Dramas,  Halle  a.  S.,  1901, 
t.  II.  p.  462  ff.  ;  J.  A.  Symonds,  Shakes/here's  Predecessors  (new 
edition),  London,  1906,  p.  174  ff. ;  A.  \Y.  Ward,  History  of  English 
Dramatic  Literature,  London,  1899,  vol.  I,  p.  188  ff.  ;  J.  W.  Cunliffe, 
The  Influence  of  Seneca  on  Elizabethan  Tragedy,l*ondcm,  i8g3 ;  R.  Fischer, 
Zur  Kunstentwicklung  der  Englischen  Tragodie,  Strassburg,  i8g3 ; 
J.  M.  Manly,  The  Influence  of  the  Tragedies  of  Seneca  upon  Early  Eng 
lish  Drama  (introductory  essay  to  F.  J.  Miller,  The  Tragedies  of 
Seneca),  Chicago,  1907;  J.  W.  Cunliffe,  Early  English  Classical  Tra- 
gedu's,  Oxford,  1912,  Introduction;  A.  D.  Godley,  Senecan  Tragedy 
(in  G.  S.  Gordon,  English  Literature  and  the  Classics),  Oxford,  1912. 


intended  as  a  private  exercise  (TR,  1.  88)  but,  as  was  the  case 
with  every  novice  literator  of  his  days,  it  was  against  his  will 
extorted  out  of  his  hands  '  by  request  and  frendshyp  of  those, 
to  whom  he  coulde  deny  nothing'  (TR,  1.  91  ff.). 

He  dedicated  this  first  literary  achievement  to  Queen  Eli 
sabeth,  whose  page  he  had  been,  and  of  whom  he  knew  that 
the  reading  of  Seneca  delighted  her  greatly.  She  had  herself 
translated  into  English  part  of  these  tragedies,  and  her  ren 
dering  from  Hercules  Octaeus  is  said  to  be  extant  in  the  Bodleian 
Library.  In  the  next  years  he  translated  Thyestes  and  Hercules 
Furens,  which  he  inscribed  to  two  great  men,  whose  sons  he 
had  known  at  Oxford,  the  Chancellor  of  the  University  Sir 
John  Mason,  who  seems  to  have  deserved  his  special  grati 
tude  O.arid  Sir  William  Herbert  of  Cardiff,  Earl  of  Pembroke. 
They  were  both  members  of  the  Privy  Council  of  the  Queen, 
and  the  fact  that  he  dedicated  his  translations  to  them  and 
their  royal  mistress,  seems  to  imply  that  he  had  no  special 
reasons  to  be  displeased  with  the  policy  and  measures  of 
Elisabeth  and  her  Council.  Very  probably  his  departure  from 
All  Souls  in  i56i,  which  has  often  been  ascribed  to  molesta 
tions  on  account  of  his  religious  opinions,  was  not  compulsory 
at  all  2). 

Latin  text. 

Heywood's  translations  bear  witness  of  a  careful  study  of 
Seneca's  text.  In  Thvestes,  and  especially  in  Hercules  Furens,  he 
develops  a  keen  insight  in  the  sense  of  the  Latin  original  and 
a  nice  eye  for  alterations  and  corruptions  in  the  different 
editions  :i).  Even  in  his  preface  to  Troas  he  states  that  the  tra- 

*)  Cp.  Dedicatory  poem  of  Thyestes  (TH,  1.  8  ff.). 

*)  Cp.  T.  S.  Graves,  The  Hcywood  Circle  and  the  Reformation,  p.  16 
(Modern  Philology,  volume  X,  number  4',  Chicago,  igi3. 

a)  When  in  the  editions  of  Seneca's  tragedies  there  are  two  or 
more  variants,  Heywoocl  chooses  generally  that  reading,  to  which 
preference  is  given  in  the  editions  of  the  present  day :  cp.  Her.  Fur., 


gedies  are  «  muche  corrupt  by  the  defaute  of  euill  printed 
bookes»  (11.  io5-6).  In  the  prefatory  poem  to  Thyestes,  he  makes 
Seneca  complain  that  «  the  Printers  dyd  him  wrong  »  (1.  704) 
and  the  Latin  poet  is  even  supposed  to  bring  from  Elysium 
a  copy  of  his  works  written  by  Melpomene.  He  reads  it  to 
Heywood,  who  corrects  his  own  books  accordingly,  and 
relates  that 

'  Now  Gryphyus,  Colineus  now, 
and  now  and  then  among 

He  [i.  e.  Seneca]  Aldus  blamde,  with  all  the  rest 
that  in  his  \voorks  do  mys 

Of  sence  or  verse'.  (11.  705-710). 

In  the  third  tragedy,  Hercules  Furens,  he  does  not  merely 
state  his  fastidiousness  in  reading  the  original,  but  edits  side 
by  side  with  his  translation  the  Latin  text,  which,  as  he  says 
on  the  titlepage,  is  nuper  recognita,  c~  ab  omnibus  mendis,  quibus 
antea  scatebat  sedulo  purgata.  This  text  proves  that,  as  can  be 
guessed  from  the  former  declarations,  Heywood  does  not  fol 
low  one  edition,  but  selects  his  reading  from  the  various  edi 
tions  that  were  published  in  his  time,  especially  those  by 
Isoarda  de  Saviliono  ')>  Judocus  Badius  Ascensius  '-'),  Aldus 
Manitius  ;t),  Henricus  Petrus  4}  and  Gryphius  r>).  Still  not  a 

1.  57i  :  rcpeiit  H  &  P  ;  HP  :  repetit  —  reci/nt ;  1.  566  :  tristibns  inferis 
H  &  P  ;  IIP  :  tristis  &•  inferis  --  tristibus  inferis  ;  1.  769  :  vacuam  H  & 
P  ;  HP  :  vacuus  —  i-acuam  ;  &a. 

J)  Edition  with  the  commentary  of  Gellius  Bernardinus  Marmita 
Parmensis,  Venice,  1492,  and  following  years  (represented  by  BM 
in  the  Notes). 

2)  Edition  with  the  emendations  of  Erasmus  :  Paris,  first  issue 
i5i3  (represented  by  E)',  second  issue  (represented  by  Asc)  1514. 

3)  This  edition,  which  appeared  for  the  first  time  in  iSiy,  Venice, 
has  been  repiinted  several  times,  and  has  been  used  for  most  of 
the  subsequents  editions.   It  is  represented  in  Peiper-Richter's 
textual  notes  by  a. 

4)  First  issue  in  1529,  Basle  ;  represented  by  HP. 

:'i  Lyons,  1541  and  subsequent  years  ;  marked  by  G. 

single  one  of  them  is  identical  with  the  text  which  Heywood 
reproduced  ')•  Gryphius'  edition,  for  instance,  which  is  more 
closely  followed  than  any  other,  and  was  probably  used  for 
the  summary  of  the  tragedy  and  the  list  of  personages,  differs 
in  many  cases  2).  I  have  collated  Hey  wood's  text  with  that 
of  the  latest  edition  of  Seneca's  tragedies,  by  Rudolf  Peiper 
and  Gustave  Richter  :i),  and  subjoin  the  list  of  variants  4). 
From  this  collation  it  results  that  Heywood's  readings  are 
generally  similar  to  those  of  the  interpolata  recensio  recentiorum 
codicum,  as  Peiper  and  Richter  call  it,  and  which  they  mark 
by  A  in  their  textual  notes  r>).  In  some  instances,  however, 
Heywood  has  a  variant  that  is  not  recorded  amongst  those 
quoted  by  Peiper-Richter.  In  the  majority  of  such  cases  a 
similar  reading  is  found  in  one  or  more  of  the  XVIth  century 
editions  just  referred  to.  In  others,  however,  Heywood's 
variant  differs  and  seems  to  be  a  correction  entirely  his  own 6) ; 
it  often  corresponds  to  the  reading  and  arrangement  of  text 
and  speeches  adopted  in  the  editions  of  the  present  day  7), 
which  shows  that  he  possessed  a  sound  critical  sense. 

')  Jorkers,  p.  9,  judges  from  the  fact  that  11.  129$  to  i3i3  of  Her 
cules  Pur  ens  are  spoken  by  Amphitryon  alone  in  Heywood's  trans 
lation  and  inLttcij  Anuei  Scnece  ires  Sdectiores  Tragoediae.  Nurnberg, 
1 52o  (whereas  this  speech  is  divided  in  other  editions  between 
Amphitryon  and  Hercules),  that  this  Nurnberg  reprint  was  cer 
tainly  used  by  Heywood.  Still  the  same  arrangement  is  found  in 
A,  BM  and  Asc. 

2)  F.  i.,  11.  6i3,  684-7,  863,  i295-i3o5,  &a. 

:!)  Leipzig,  1902.  Represented  in  the  Notes  by  P. 

4)  Cp.  page  3og  ft. 

5)  Cp.  their  preface,  p.  xmff. 

r>)  They  have  been  pointed  out  by  a  -j-  in  the  list  of  variants. 

")  Cp.  f.  i.,  1.  76  H  &  P  :  if>sa  dtiacera  Ms;  A,  Asc,  HP,  &a  :  ifisa 
iam  lacera  tins  ;  —  1 146  H  &  P  :  olerrat  ocuhs...  me  is  ;  old  texts  :  oberrat 
ratios...  meos.  LI.  634b-636  (HF,  11.  i295-i3oo)  Hattc  fer at  virtus...  inimi- 
cttm  feror,  are  spoken  by  Theseus  in  A ,  BM,  Asc,  HP,  G  ;  Heywood 
makes  Hercules  say  these  lines,  which  arrangement  has  been 
adopted  by  Peiper-Richter. 


The  lists  of  his  variants  arc  of  the  highest  importance  for 
the  valuation  of  his  translation  ;  I  have  recorded  his  punctua 
tion  where  it  was  of  interest,  for  in  Seneca's  sententious 
poetry,  a  seemingly  slight  change  often  causes  a  complete 
reversal  in  the  sense. 

What  has  been  said  about  the  original  of  Hercules  Fur  ens 
may  be  safely  applied  to  the  Latin  text  used  for  the  translation 
of  the  two  other  tragedies.  Their  rendering,  however,  is  com 
paratively  free,  especially  in  Troas,  which  makes  it  much  more 
difficult  to  arrive  at  a  decisive  conclusion.  As  a  rule  —  and 
unless  otherwise  stated  in  the  Notes  —  the  reading  of  the  inter- 
polata  recensio,  A,  is  translated,  though  Hey  wood  probably 
used  for  these  tragedies  the  editions  which  he  utilised  for 
Hercules  Furens.  At  any  rate  there  are  several  places  in  the 
English  rendering  that  seem  to  imply  that  Heywood  trans 
lated  from  the  text  of  Henricus  Petrus  ')  and  of  (iryphius  -'), 
as  is  pointed  out  in  the  notes  on  these  passages. 

Fidelity  to  original. 
The  merits  and  detects  of  Hey  wood's  translations  have  been 

J)  Cp.  f.  i.  777,  11.  1196,  1223-5,  1266,  £a. 

2)  Cp.  TH.  11.  1018,  1046,  &a.  On  11.  1279-81  of  Hey  wood's  trans 
lation,  Thyestes  says  : 

The  stomak  of  thy  sonne 
o  father  thou  enspyre. 
And  syster  eke,  lyke  is  the  cause  : 

In  the  Latin  original  there  are  different  variants,  11.  276-6  : 
P  animum  Daulis  inspira  parens  /  sororque  ;  causa  est  similis  : 
A        »        gnati         »        parens  /  soror  est ;  causa  est  similis  : 
DM    »        agnati        »        parens  /  soror  est :  en  causa  similis. 
Asc     »        mi  »        .gnatus :  parens :/ sororque :  causaque 

est  similis. 

HP    »        filii  »        parens.  /  sororque  causa  est  similis  : 

G        »        filio  w        parens,  /  sororque,  causa  est  similis  : 

From  this  comparison  it  appears   that  Gryphius'  text  or  one 
similar  to  it,  was  translated. 


examined  lately  in  the  different  studies  on  the  subject  •).  As 
literary  works  they  can  hardly  have  a  claim  on  our  attention, 
but  as  translations  they  are  neither  better  nor  worse  than  any 
of  the  similar  achievements  of  his  contemporaries.  Preference 
is  usually  given  to  Troas  :  it  has  been  praised  as  being  more 
literary  and  less  servile  to  Seneca's  text  than  the  two  other 
tragedies.  This  freedom,  however,  may  result  from  a  less 
perfect  knowledge  of  the  Latin  original  than  that  which  is 
evinced  in  the  case  of  Thyestes  and  Hercules  Furens.  Indeed 
in  several  difficult  places,  Heywood  does  not  seem  to  under 
stand  the  sense  of  the  Latin  text  ;  aiid  whereas  he  in  the  two 
later  translations  struggles  desperately  to  cram  into  a  couple 
of  lines  all  he  can  derive  from  the  original,  he  often  fakes  it 
more  leisurely  in  Troas.  He  translates  only  the  general  idea, 
omits  the  details,  especially  those  that  prove  trying,  and  freely 
arranges  what  follows  and  precedes  such  a  passage,  so  that  it 
should  not  have  the  appearance  of  patchwork  2).  In  his  preface 
he  explains  that  he  '  endeuored  to  kepe  touche  with  the  Lat- 
ten,  not  woorde  for  woorde  or  verse  for  verse  as  to  expound e 
it,  but  neglecting  the  placing  of  the  wordes  obserued  their 
sence '  (TR,  11.  147-50).  It  is  worth  noting,  however,  that  in 
general  the  translation  represents  the  original  'verse  for  verse' 
and  that  the  rendering  is  only  more  free  where  the  sense  of 
the  Latin  text  is  difficult,  and  does  not  seem  to  have  been 
clear  to  Heywood. 

d)  Cp.  Introduction  to  the  Spenser  Society  Reprint  of  The  Tetme 
Tragedies  of  Seneca,  1887,  by  J.  Leigh  (reproducing  Th.  Warton,  The 
History  oj  English  Poetry  (ed.  Hazlitt,  1871)  vol.  Ill,  pp.  274-7); 
J.  Cunliffe,  The  Influence  of  Seneca  on  Elizabethan  Tragedy,  London, 
1893,  p.  3  ff.  ;  A.  Ward,  History  of  English  Dramatic  Literature,  Lon 
don,  1899,  t.  I,  p.  194  ff.  ;  E.  M.  Spearing,  The  Elizabethan  '  Tame  Tra 
gedies  of  Seneca '  (in  Modern  Language  Review,  vol.  IV,  n°  4),  Cambridge, 
1909,  p.  437  ;  E.  Jockers,  Die  Englischen  Seneca-Uebersetzer  des  16. 
Jahrhunderts,  Strassburg  i/E,  1909  ;  E.  M.  Spearing,  The  Elizabethan 
Translations  of  Seneca's  Tragedies,  Cambridge,  1912. 

2)  Cp.  f.  i.,  11.  34i-4,  710-22,  972  ff-,  i347-8,  1567-8,  &a. 


Such  places,  where  he  '  swerued  from  the  trew  sence '  are 
rare  in  Thvestes  and  Hercules  Furens.  Whereas  he  added  in 
Troas  several  scenes  and  choruses,  he  appends  only  one  final 
soliloquy  to  Thyestes,  and  for  the  rest  he  keeps  so  closely  to 
the  original  —  especially  in  Hercules  Furens  —  that  he  not  only 
reproduces  the  Latin  text  verse  for  verse,  but  even  in  several 
instances  the  very  order  of  the  words  in  the  verse  ').  It  follows 
that  the  translation  —  even  that  of  Troas  generally  —  is 
remarkably  faithful.  The  only  change  he  allowed  himself  was 
the  replacing  of  periphrastic  and  allusive  appellations  by  the 
usual  names  '-').  Hey  wood  indeed  was  so  engrossed  by  his 
purpose  to  give  an  exact  idea  of  his  model  that  he  worked 
himself  quite  into  the  core  of  his  original.  Not  only  did  he 
anglicise  the  Latin  words  of  Seneca  where  he  did  not  find 
an  English  term  that  corresponded  3),  but  he  adopted  the 
sententious  style  and  inversions  and  intricate  constructions 
of  Seneca.  In  consequence  his  two  last  translations  suffer 
from  obscurity  and  entanglement. 

Heywood's  work  had  been  judged  with  severity  ;  there 
are,  however,  many  considerations  that  could  plead  for  a 
more  merciful  sentence.  Indeed  he  had  no  standard  as  to 
poetry,  verse,  or  tragedy  to  guide  him.  His  Latin  text  was 
thickset  with  misprints  and  difficulties.  His  own  translation 
has  been  known  hitherto  only  through  Newton's  careless 
reprint  of  i58i,  in  which  wrong  readings,  misprints,  and  badly 
corrected  blunders  abound,  and  in  which  punctuation  is 
little  less  than  bewildering.  Finally  these  translations  were 
the  achievement  of  his  youth  :  it  is  to  be  regretted,  that  he 
had  not  like  Neville  4)  the  advantage  of  revising  in  i58i  the 
text  of  his  rendering.  Perhaps  he  was  not  aware  that  his 
three  tragedies  were  going  to  be  reprinted  ;  it  he  had  known 

4)  F.  i.,  TH,  11.  1 138-9  ;  HF,  11.  1421-2  (Seneca,  1.  697). 
z)  F.  i.,  Troy  is  the  translation  of:  Rhoetea  litora  (Troas,  1.  108), 
Sigea  litora  (1.  141),  Dardana  moeiiia,  (1.  i35),  &a. 
3)  Latinisms  \\kejrete,  roge,  imperie,  stadie,  £a,  frequently  occur. 
«)  Cp.  Spearing,  Eliz.  Transl.,  p.  22  ff. 


and  had  leisure,  he  certainly  would  have  availed  himself  of 
the  experience  gained,  and  of  the  '  recul  '  from  the  work  of 
his  twenties,  to  rearrange  it,  and  might  have  joined  fluency 
and  literary  splendour  to  a  faithfully  accurate  imitation  of 
his  original. 

Additions  and  Changes. 

This  faithful  accuracy  of  Heywood's  translation  does  not 
imply  enslavement,  however.  He  made  indeed  one  alteration 
and  some  additions  to  the  original,  which  show  that  he  thought 
for  himself.  One  of  these  additions  proves  that  he  had  some 
sense  of  what  modern  tragedy  should  be.  As  the  plot  of  Tfoas 
is  based  on  the  apparition  of  Achilles'  Ghost,  which  has  as 
necessary  consequence  the  death  of  Polyxena  and  Astyanax, 
Hey  wood  felt  that  a  relation  of  this  vision  through  Talthybius 
was  not  sufficient  to  point  out  its  importance  in  the  play,  and 
he  makes  the  ghost  appear  in  a  new  scene  (act  II,  sc.  i)  ').  — 
As  it  was  the  translator's  principle  to  give  an  intelligible  text 
to  the  Knglish  reader,  he  replaces  the  long  enumeration  of 
towns  and  regions  of  Greece,  in  the  chorus  of  the  third  act  of 
Troas,  by  a  philosophical  outburst  on  the  vicissitudes  of  for 
tune,  borrowed  from  the  third  act  of  Phaedra,  which  is  much 
more  effective  to  the  impression  of  the  tragedy.  At  the  end  of 
the  first  act  of  the  same  play,  Hey  wood  adds  a  chorus  in 
which  he  dwells  on  the  shortness  of  life  and  the  irresistible 
tyranny  of  the  Fates,  with  the  illustrative  examples  of  Egeus, 
Pelias,  Orpheus,  Jason,  Saturnus  and  Hercules.  Probably 
because  the  chorus  to  the  second  act,  the  famous  '  Verum  esl  ? 

])  It  may  be,  however,  that  by  making  Achilles'  ghost  appear 
actually,  he  spoilt  Seneca's  design,  who  possibly  wanted  to  let 
the  responsibility  of  Astyanax'  and  Polyxena's  sentence  weigh  on 
Talthybius.  From  the  general  feeling  of  the  tragedy  (cp.  Chorus  to 
the  2d  act,  calling  into  question  the  very  existence  of  ghosts),  it 
seems  as  if  Seneca  wanted  to  impart  the  impression  that  Achilles' 
apparition  was  a  mere  invention. 


an  timidos  fabula  decipit',  (S:a.  is  far  too  general  and  moreover  too 
depressing,  I  fey  wood  augments  it  with  three  stanzas,  in  which 
he  subdues  the  baffling  effect  of  Seneca's  chorus  by  rousing 
sympathy  for  the  fate  of  Astyanax.  In  Thyestes  a  final  soliloquy 
is  added,  evidently  to  take  away  the  sad  impression  of  the 
last  scene  and  to  balance  the  sense  of  wronged  justice,  at 
least  by  an  imprecation  and  an  urgent  prayer  for  vengeance 
on  Atreus. 

These  additions  show  that  Heywood  had  fully  mastered 
the  style  and  literary  turn  of  Seneca,  for  if  it  were  not  for  the 
author's  statement  or  a  comparison  with  the  original,  they 
could  hardly  be  distinguished  from  the  text  translated.  He 
writes  the  same  sententious  verse,  pictures  similar  sensational 
scenes,  alludes  to  the  same  torments  and  sufferers  in  hell, 
makes  ghosts  appear,  and  imparts  even  the  same  impression 
of  fatalism  as  the  Roman  playwright  ').  So  thorough  is  the 
intimacy  with  Seneca's  terrifying  apparitions  and  hellish 
visions,  that  when  recalling  the  events  in  Hey  wood's  later 
career,  the  question  rises  in  one's  mind  whether  the  study  of 
the  Latin  terrorist  has  not  had  an  influence  on  him  that 
extended  far  beyond  the  period,  in  which  he  was  so  engrossed 
with  the  translation  of  these  tragedies. 

Metrical  Form. 

Heywood's  versification  is  not  very  brilliant.  His  verse  is 
uncouth,  and  especially  in  the  two  last  tragedies,  disfigured 
by  ever  recurring  botches  (as  '  to  see  ',  '  in  any  whit',  '  lyke 
wyse ',  &a.)  and  ungainly  inversions  -),  that  testify  to  a  ser 
vility  to  the  rhyming  form,  rather  than  to  a  mastery  over  it. 
He  tries  to  give  more  freedom  and  variety  to  the  monotonous 
fourteener,  which  he  uses  generally  3),  by  making  the  caesura 
occur  at  another  place  than  after  the  fourth  foot,  which  leads 

*)  Cp.  Cunliffe,  Infl.  of  Sen.,  p.  27. 

*)  Cp.  TH,  11.  238o-83. 

:t)  Cp.  Spearing,  Eli:.  Trans.,  p.  53 ff. ;  Mod.  Lang.  Rev.,  IV,  p.  45i. 


to  frequent  enjambment.  As  the  long  verse  could  not  pos 
sibly  be  printed  on  one  line  in  the  small  sized  octavos,  the 
printer  divided  them  after  the  fourth  foot.  But  as  very  often 
a  word  is  not  finished  after  the  fourth  foot,  there  are  no  end 
of  quaint  divisions,  as,  for  instance  : 

While  thou  to  Aiax  and  vlis- 

ses,  doost  thy  will  commit  1). 

To  realise  the  regular  number  of  feet,  Ileyvvood  availed 
himself  profusedly  of  all  freedoms  granted  to  poets,  as  apo 
cope  and  aphesis  2),  hiatus  3)  and  eliding  4)  ;  he  has  a  frequent 
recourse  to  slurring  •"'),  which  in  some  cases  seems  hardly 
possible  and  looks  more  like  the  use  of  anapassts  instead  of 
iambs  t;).  Still  notwithstanding  these  freedoms  there  are 
several  verses  reluctant  to  be  scanned  7),  some  of  which  were 
corrected  by  Newton  in  his  reprint  of  i58i  8). 


As  to  the  rhymes,  it  is  a  rule  with  Hey  wood  to  try  and  give 
them  an  identical  orthography  in  addition  to  the  identical 
sound  ;  these  is  spelt  thease  when  it  is  a  rhyme  to  disease  (HF, 
1.  1418)  ;  were  is  written  ware  (TR,  1.  2000)  when  rhyming  with 
care,  and  weare  (TR,  11.  1284,  1682)  when  coupled  with  beare 
andfeare.  Similar  instances  are  :  assignd  =  synde  :  mynde  (TR, 
] .  874) ;  bite  =  byght :  syghl  (TR,  1.  2417) ;  about  =  abought :  sought 
(TR,  1.  1266) ;  &a. 

!)  TR,  11.  979-80  ;  cp.  also  TR,  11.  682,  i433,  1467,  i645,  £a  ;  TH, 
1.  1283,  &a. 

2)  Hey  wood  makes  a  frequent  use  of  aphetic  forms  as  iayk,sygnde, 
byde,  masde,  &a. 

3)Cp.  TR,  1901. 

4)  Cp.  TR,  2174  ;  HF,  3ig  (elision  of  final  y). 

5)  Cp.  TR,  11.  972,  1954,  1971,  2269, 2270,  2469  ;  HF,  11.  279,  2568. 

6)  Cp.   TR,  11.  972,   i32o;J.  Schipper,  Grundriss  der  Englischen 
Metrik,  Wien,  i8g5,  II,  pp.  159-60. 

7)  F.  i.,  TR,  11.  596,  1107,  1721,  1 837. 

8)  F.  i.,  TR,  11.  596,  1721,  iq54,  2174  (?) 


Rhymes  in  [e  :]  and  [aei],  which  Victor  pronounces  to  be 
suspicious  as  Shakespearean  rhymes  '),  are  frequent  :  TR, 
11.  1064-6:  agaitie(ll:  ageane):  meane ;  TK,  11.  1634-6:  death:  savth; 
sea  rhymes  with  staye  (HF,  1.  23i5)  and  with  day  (written  dea  : 
TR,  11.  298-300,  2040-2)  ;  seaes  with  dayes  (TR,  11.  21 36-8)  and 
waves  (seayes  :  TR,  11.  2567-9)  -). 


In  the  first  edition  of  Troas,  punctuation  is  quite  bewildering. 
A  comma  is  used  to  mark  an  inversion  or  an  emphasis,  an 
opposition  or  a  metrical  pause,  as  was  usual  in  his  days  3). 
Hut  in  many  cases  where  we  should  expect  one,  it  is  omit 
ted  ')  and  frequently  it  is  inserted  in  the  wrong  place,  which 
causes  obscurity.  In  the  second  edition  of  Troas  and  Hercules 
Furens,  but  especially  in  Thyestes,  punctuation  is  marked  with 
more  regularity. 

Hey  wood's  Aim. 

It  has  been  supposed  that  these  three  translations  were 
originally  intended  for  dramatic  representation.  There  is, 
however,  hardly  any  argument  in  favour  of  this  hypothesis  "'), 
whereas  the  absence  of  any  hint  in  the  prefaces  seems  to 
imply  to  the  contrary.  Moreover,  if  Hey  wood  had  wanted  to 
translate  these  tragedies  for  the  set  purpose  of  being  acted  on 

*)  W.  Vietor,  A  Shakespeare  Phonology,  Marburg,  1906,  p.  42. 
'-)  Hair,  written  generally  hear,  rhymes  regularly  with  words  in 
[e  :]  :  teare,  chere.  Cp.  Vietor,  p.  48. 

3)  F.  i.,  TR,  11.  2526,  2424,  2499,  i65o.  Cp.  P.  Simpson,  Shakespea 
rian  Punctuation,  Oxford,  1911. 

4)  This  often  occurs  at  the  end  of  a  line,  of  course  :  cp.,  f.  i.,  TR, 
11.  ig5i-2-3-5,  1967,  1976-8. 

r>)  Cunliffe,  Infl.  of  Sen.,  p.  3.  The  apostrophe  '  Good  ladies  '  on  the 
last  line  of  the  chorus  to  act  III  of  Troas,  does  not  apply  to  the 
ladies  of  the  audience,  but  probably  to  the  ladies  of  Troy  that  form 
the  chorus.  Cp.  Notes,  TR,  1.  n6o. 


the  stage,  as  wore  in  his  days  the  Latin  plays  of  Seneca  '),  he 
probably  would  have  adopted  another  treatment  instead  of 
the  servile  rendering.  He  would  have  endeavoured  to  make 
the  sense  of  the  original  clearer,  and  would  have  appropriated 
it  to  an  English  audience,  even  though  the  latter  were  com 
posed  of  university  men. 

It  seems  more  probable  that  Hey  wood  undertook  this  trans 
lation,  as  Phaer,  Golding,  Googe,  Hlundville  and  so  many 
others  of  his  contemporaries,  because  rendering  from  Latin 
and  Greek  models  was  at  that  time  'the  choicest  kind  of  lite 
rary  productivity  '  2).  If  he  had  any  practical  purpose  it  must 
have  been  the  one  that  prompted  Erasmus  to  translate  Hecuba 
and  iphigenia  into  Latin  3),  viz.,  '  to  conduct  to  further  vnder- 
standing  the  vnripened  schollers  '  and  '  as  it  were  tech  the 
little  children  to  goe  that  yet  canne  but  creepe  '  ')•  In  this 
supposition  we  may  find  the  explanation  of  the  painful 
exactitude  with  which,  as  he  states  on  the  titlepage  of  Hercules 
Furens,  '  for  the  profit  of  young  schollers  [he]  so  faithfully 
translated  into  English  metre,  that  ye  may  se  verse  for  verse 
tourned  as  farre  as  the  phrase  of  the  english  permitteth '.  The 
reprint  of  the  Latin  text  of  this  tragedy  side  by  side  with  his 
translation  was  only  to  advance  that  purpose  ;  whereas  it 
would  have  been  superfluous  if  Heywood  had  actually 
intended  to  produce  new  plays  for  the  stage. 


The  fact  that  there  were  three  editions  of  Troas  within  a 
few  years,  proves  that  it  was  favoured  with  popularity,  and 
implies  that  Hey  wood's  work  was  useful  to  many  of  his  con- 

4)  Cp.  about  the  tragedies  of  Seneca  represented  in  Heywood's 
time  at  Cambridge,  G.  C.  Moore  Smith,  Plays  performed  in  Cambridge 
Colleges  before  i58S  (in  Fasciculus  J.  W.  Clark  dicatus),  pp.  267-270. 

2)  A.  W.  Ward,  Engl.  Dram.  Lit.,  vol.  I,  p.  188. 

3)HF,  1.  ii  ff. 

«)  HF,  1.  56  ff. ;  1.  77  ff- 


temporaries.   The  author  of  a  poem   in   recommendation  of 

Studley's  Agamemnon  '),  praises  his  translations,  and  informs  us 

I  low  wel  did...  hys  freindes  requite 

his  travayle  and  hys  payne, 
When  vnto  hym  they  haue  (as  due) 

ten  thousand  thankes  agayne 

His  verse  may  now  be  judged  ungainly  and  intricate  ;  at 
that  time  it  was  admired  as  '  smooth  and  fyled'.  He  himself 
was  looked  at  as  another  Virgil  '),  and  his  works  seem  to  have 
been  a  standard  by  which  the  authors  that  imitated  him,  were 
measured  ii).  The  long  metrical  preface  to  Thyestes  probably 
inspired  Googe's  Preface  to  the  Zodiake  of  Life  ;  the  poet  pic 
tures  himself  as  having  been  blessed  by  an  apparition  similar 
to  that  of  Hey  wood  ;  the  Muses  order  him  to  start  the  trans 
lation  of  the  Zodiake;  he,  too  pleads  his  incapacity,  argues 
that  there  are  abler  poets  in  England,  but  finally  accepts  the 
task  that  is  set  to  him  :!). 

Still  the  greatest  proof  of  the  seasonableness  of  Heywood's 
translations  is  the  fact  that  his  example  was  greedily  fol 
lowed,  and  that  within  a  few  years  six  other  tragedies  of 
Seneca  were  anglicised  by  three  young  scholars,  Neville,  Nuce 
and  Studley.  Their  work  and  that  of  Heywood  was  reprinted 
later  on  by  Thomas  Newton,  who,  rendering  the  tenth  and 
last  tragedy,  published  a  complete  edition  of  the  translated 
plays  of  Seneca  in  i58i.  Heywood  has  had  an  important 
influence  on  the  English  tragedy,  through  his  own  translation 
and  through  those  which  were  made  in  imitation  of  his  ;  for 
it  is  evident  that  the  English  rendering  was  a  help  or  even  a 
revelation  to  many  a  playwright  4).  It  is  an  acknowledged 

*}  Cp.  Spearing's  edition,  p.  16. 

2)  Cp.  T.  B.'s  poem  on  Studley,  just  mentioned;  A.  Hall's  dedica 
tor}'  loiter  to  Sir  Thomas  Cecyl,  in  his  Ten  Books  of  Homers  Iliades, 
London,  i?8i. 

3)  B.  Googe,  Eglogs,  Epytaphes  &>  Soncties,  i563,  ed.  Arbcr,  Lon 
don,  1910,  pp.  6,  7. 

4)  Cp.  Ward,  Engl.  Dram.  Lit.,  p.  189  ff. 

fact  that  Seneca's  influence  was  never  so  intense  as  during 
the  years  that  followed  either  the  first  octavos,  i56o-i565,  or 
Newton's  general  edition.  Moreover  Nashe,  in  his  famous 
letter  '  To  the  Gentlemen  Students  of  both  Universities'  prefixed  to 
Greene's  Menaphon,  (published  in  i58g),  implies  that  the  in 
fluence  of  the  translations  was  conspicuous,  when  he  writes 
that  '  English  Seneca  read  by  candle  light  yeeldes  manie  good 
sentences '. 

It  is  difficult  to  state  in  the  cases  where  there  is  an  influence 
of  Seneca  on  the  dramatic  literature  of  Elisabeth's  time, 
whether  it  has  been  caused  by  the  Latin  text  or  by  the  Eng 
lish  rendering  ;  still  there  are  some  passages  amongst  those 
that  are  quoted  by  Cunliffe  as  having  been  inspired  by  the 
Roman  playwright,  that  have  a  singular  coincidence  with 
Hey  wood's  translation.  One  of  them  is  quoted  from  Mars- 
ton's  Insaniate  Countess  (a.  V.  sc.  i)  J)  : 

What  Tana'is,  Nilus,  or  what  Tigris  swift, 

What  Rhenus  ferier  than  the  cataract,  — 

Although  Neptolis  cold,  the  waves  of  all  the  Northern  Sea, 

Should  flow  for  ever  through  these  guilty  hands, 

Yet  the  sanguine-lent  stain  would  extant  be  ! 
This    passage    is    inspired    by    Seneca's    Hercules   Furens, 
11.  1 323-i  329  : 

Quis  Tanais  aut  quis  Nilus,  aut  quis  Persica 

violentus  unda  Tigris,  aut  Rhenus  ferox 

Tagusve  Hibera  turbidus  gaza  fluens, 

abluere  dextram  poterit  ?  Arctoum  licet 

Maeotis  in  me  gelida  transfundat  mare 

et  tota  Tethys  per  meas  currat  manus, 

haerebit  altum  facinus. 

Especially  in  the  translation  of  11.  1326-7,  there  is  a  simi 
larity  between  Marston's  text  and  that  of  Heywood's  transla 
tion  which  can  hardly  be  accounted  for,  unless  by  admitting 
that  Marston  used  the  English  rendering.  The  latter  runs  (I 

l)  Cunliffe,  Infl,  oj  Sen.,  pp.  106-7. 


put  in  Italics  the  words  that  seem  identical  with  those  of  the 
passages  quoted)  : 

What  Tanais,  or  what  Nilus  els, 

or  with  his  persyan  waue 
what  Tigris  violent  of  strearne, 

or  what  fierce  Rhenus  flood, 
Or  Tagus  troublesome  that  flowes 

with  Jbers  treasures  good 
May  my  right  hande  now  wash  from  gylt  ? 

although  Maeotis  collde 
The  wanes  of  all  the  Northen  seae 

on  me  shed  out  now  wollde, 
And  all  the  water  thereof  shoolde 

now  passe  by  my  two  handes, 

Yet  will  the  mischiefe  deepe  remayne.  (11.  2532-44). 
A  passage  in  Gorboduc,  V,  i,  64,  65  l)  : 

So  giddie  are  the  common  peoples  mindes, 
So  glad  of  chaunge,  more  wauering  than  the  sea. 
may  be  translated  from  Hercules  Furens,  1.  170  : 

fluctuque  magis  mobile  vulgus, 
but    may   be   inspired   as   well    by    Heywood's   rendering 


And  commons  more  vnconstant  then  the  sea  2}. 
Many  of  the  passages,  which  Cunliffe  quotes  from  the  Mis- 
fortunes  of  Arthur  as  being  tributary  to  Seneca,  show  an  evi 
dent  conformity  with  the  English  translation.  I  cite  as  instance 
(Dodsley,  vol.  IV,  pp.  285-286)  :!)  : 

CON.    But  whoso  seeks  true  praise  and  just  renown, 

Would  rather  seek  their  praising  hearts  than  tongues. 
MOR.  True  praise  may  happen  to.  the  basest  groom  : 
A  forced  praise  to  none  but  to  a  prince. 

*)  Cunliffe,  Infl.  of  Sen.,  p.  49. 

2)  Cp.  as  well  a  passage  from  Greene's  Selima,  quoted  by  Cun 
liffe,  Infl.  of  Sen.,  p.  64,  with  Thyestcs,  11.  204-218,  and  Heywood's 
translation,  11.  n38-n66. 

3)  Cunliffe,  Infl.  of  Sen.,  p.  146. 


The  original  of  this  passage  is  Thyestes,  11.  209-212  : 
(SAT.)  at  qui  favoris  gloriam  veri  petit, 

animo  magis  quam  voce  laudari  volet. 
ATR.    Laus  vera  et  humili  saepe  contingit  vivo, 

non  nisi  potenti  falsa. 

Heywood's  translation  corresponds  almost  literally  with  the 
text  of  the  Misfortunes  of  Arthur  ;  moreover  voce  and  animo  are 
translated  by  the  same  concrete  symbols,  tongues  and  hearts, 
which  cannot  be  a  mere  fortuity  (11.  1147-53)  : 
But  who  in  deede  the  glory  seekes 

of  fauour  true  tobtayne, 
He  rather  wolde  with  harts  of  eche 
be  pravsde,  then  tongues  of  all. 
Atre.  The  truer  prayse  full  ofte  hathe  hapte 

to  meaner  men  to  fall  : 
The  false  but  vnto  mightie  man. 

It  is  worth  while  comparing  the  following  passages  of  the 
same  play,  in  which  a  similitude  with  the  translation  of  Sene 
ca's  tragedies  is  obvious  ;  from  that  comparison  it  ensues  that 
the  author  of  this  tragedy  used  Heywood's  translation  along 
with,  and  maybe,  instead  of  the  Latin  original  : 

Cunlifle  Dodsley  First  words  Seneca  Heywood 

pp.iSo  264   Let  mischiefs  &>a.     T/iyestes,  11.  26-32    TH,  832-46 

(espec.  840-2; 

i3i    264  Go  to,  &>a.  \  __._. 

265  Attempts*. 

1 37   270  Who  then  can 

ever  &>a.     Here.  Fur.,  865-8  HF,  1723-5 

i3g   2/3  Thine  (death)  (§•>«.     Here.  Fur.,  870-4   HF,  1728-32 

148  291  Yea,  worse  S-a.         Tkyestes,  5j2  77/,  1791 

149  292  He  either  (§•>#.  Thyestes,  2o3-4       TH,n35-j 
149  2g5  A  troubled 

head  c^a.     Thyestes,  418-20      TH,i5o6-8 
149   299   XoplaceisleftcS'fl.     Troas,  433-4  TR,  1197-8 

Troas  was  imprinted  in  i55g  in  London  by  Richard  Tottyll, 


the  printer  for  the  Lawcourts,  at  the  sign  of  « the  Hand  and 
Starre  »  in  Fleetstreet  ').  It  was  a  small  octavo,  in  five  quires 
of  eight  leaves  and  one  of  four  leaves,  signatures  [A]s  B8  Cs 
D8  E*  F'  ;  folio  [A]  i  v°  and  both  sides  of  F,  being  blank. 
The  text  is  printed  in  a  small  black-letter,  the  Dedicatory 
Epistle  to  Queen  Elisabeth  and  the  running  titles  in  Italics  ; 
the  heading  of  the  different  acts  and  scenes  in  Roman  types. 
The  book  cannot  be  called  a  model  of  care  and  accuracy,  for 
there  is  neither  regularity  in  the  spelling,  nor  in  the  punc 
tuation,  and  the  misprints  are  very  numerous  indeed.  Pro 
bably  the  author  was  bitterly  criticised  on  that  account,  as 
in  his  next  literary  achievement,  Thyestes,  he  writes  a  long 
preface  wherein  he  avails  himself  of  the  occasion  to  answer 
the  charge  and  lay  a  great  part  of  the  blame  on  the  printer, 
comparing  himself  to  Seneca,  whose  tragedies  also  were 
wronged  by  the  editors  (TH,  11.  3i5-382). 

The  only  known  copy  of  this  edition  belongs  to  the  British 
Museum  (press-mark:  238.1.27);  it  is  bound  in  red  leather 
and  is  one  of  the  books  of  George  III.'s  library.  It  has  been 
reprinted  in  this  volume,  and  it  is  represented  in  the  Textual 
Notes  by  A. 

Richard  Tottyll  reprinted  Troas  a  second  time  in  i55g. 
Indeed  in  his  Preface  to  Thyestes,  written  at  the  end  of  that 
year,  Heywood  states  that,  shortly  after  his  Troas  had  been 
corrected  by  him  and  printed,  Tottyll  wanted  to  reprint  it, 
and  corrupted  all ;  so  that  he  declared  that  never  any  work  of 
his  should  come  again  to  «  sygne  of  Hande  and  Starre  ». 
(TH,  11.  33y-358).  From  what  Heywood  says,  it  appears  that 
this  second  edition  was  undertaken  without  the  author's 
knowledge.  That  explains  why  the  printer  tried  to  make  it  as 
similar  as  possible  to  the  first ;  indeed  it  never  was  mentioned 
as  a  different  edition.  A  copy  of  it  is  in  the  British  Museum 
(no  other  is  known  to  be  extant)  where  it  has  the  press-mark 

0  Ames,  p.  8:3. 


G.  9440  ])-  It  is  represented  here  by  B.  Of  course  a  collation 
of  the  two  texts  shows  that  there  are  numberless  variants 
between  them  in  spelling  and  punctuation  (see  Textual  Notes, 
pp.  296-802),  but  though  at  first  sight  the  print  and  disposition 
seems  quite  identical,  we  have  not  here  two  copies  —  one 
corrected  and  one  uncorrected  —  of  one  edition,  but  two 
really  distinct  editions.  Indeed  the  titles  of  A  and  B  when 
compared  show  differences  (cp.  the  reproduction  on  pp.  L-LI  : 
11.  1,6  and  8,  and  the  kind  of  ornament  under  1.  9  in  B) ;  the 
disposition  of  the  lines  of  the  letter  to  Elisabeth  varies  :  1.  12 
to  3o  (one  line  more  in  B),  1.  66  to  70  ;  the  same  has  to  be  said 
of  1.  i5o  to  162  of  l\\e  Preface;  there  is  a  different  syllabication  in 
11.  100,  119,  i32,  146  ;  the  word  FINIS  is  added  in  B  between 
11.  2569  and  2570  ;  a  different  ornamental  initial  letter  is  used 
for  lines  4i5  and  5i7  ;  B  makes  a  more  frequent  use  of  the 
sign  CT  ',  the  running  title  varies  constantly  ;  the  capital  letters 
indicating  the  names  of  the  personages  for  scenical  directions 
are  generally  spaced  in  B,  very  rarely  in  A  ;  the  frequent  use 
of  w's  of  the  lower  case  at  the  beginning  of  the  odd  verses  on 
pp.  10,  n,  i3,  39  and  43,  &a.  in  A  shows  a  want  of  upper  case 
types,  whilst  B  has  everywhere  a  capital  W  ;  on  the  contrary 
on  p.  n,  5o  &a.  several  small  w's  are  used  in  B  where  A  has 
capital  letters  ;  further  a  lower  case  '  a '  is  used  about  thirty 
times  on  pp.  ig-So  in  A,  where  B  has  the  upper  case  type. 
All  these  typographical  differences  in  addition  to  Heywood's 
statement  are  sufficient  proofs  that  A  and  B  are  indeed  copies 
of  two  distinct  editions. 

It  is  evident  from  a  comparison  of  these  texts  that  B  is 
subsequent  to  A.  Indeed  a  great  number  of  evident  misprints 
of  A  are  corrected  in  B.  This  does  not  apply  merely  to 
mistakes  of  the  printer,  such  as  inverted  letters  and  types 
that  are  arranged  in  a  wrong  order,  or  substituted  for  others, 
so  that  the  words  as  they  stand  have  no  sense  :  f.  i.,  1.  270 
SFNECA  A  :  SENECA  B  ;  3ii  ftame  A  :  flame  B  ;  419  Ana 

l)  This  copy  belonged  to  Hearne  and  Grenville. 


A  :  And  B  ;  594  rToiane  A  :  Troianc  B  ;  976  gladdde  A  : 
gladde  B  ;  &a.  Many  other  mistakes,  for  which  the  author 
is  responsible, have  been  corrected;  such  are,  amongst  others  : 
1.  233  thrust  A  :  thurst  B  ;  55y  Frayltie  A  :  Fraile  B  ;  642  we 
A  :  me  B  ;  860  Pryames  A  :  Pyrrus  B  ;  2o32  honour  hongur  A  : 
honour  B  ;  2042  by  A  :  thy  B  ')•  Moreover  the  punctuation 
in  B  is  much  more  accurate,  so  that  it  proves  that  B  is 
almost  a  revised  reprint  of  A.  It  is  true  that  on  the  other  hand 
amongst  the  variants,  most  of  which  are  mere  orthographical 
equivalents,  there  are  some  misprints  of  B.  Still  they  are  very- 
few  ;  about  one  dozen  of  them  are  evident  mistakes  of  the 
printer  2).  Apart  from  these  unavoidable  blunders,  there  are 
three  more  important  and  conscious  alterations  of  the  text  of 
A  that  are  not  decided  changes  for  the  better  ;  they  are  : 
1.  1 1 56  stayne  A  :  stray ne  B  ;  1610  been  A  :  be  B  ;  2362  he  A  : 
be  B.  Still  it  may  be  questioned  whether  they  are  changes  for 
the  worse  ;  for  the  first  and  last  of  these  three  readings  of  B 
are  as  plausible  as  those  of  A,  and  the  second  merely  substi 
tutes  an  older  form  to  one  that  was  more  current  in  Hey  wood's 

Now,  in  his  preface  to  Thyestes,  the  translator  owns  that  in 
Troas  there  were  '  mo  fautes,  then  lynes '  and  accepts  the  blame 
on  that  head.  But  though  he  confesses  that  '  of  some  '  he  was 
'  the  author '  and  '  fawtes  to  many  made  [himjselfe  when  [he] 
that  booke  lette  pas  Out  of  [his]  handes ',  yet  he  excuses  him 
self  '  of  other  some  '.  Indeed  he  says  that  when  Tottyll 
'renewed  the  print'  of  Troas,  the  latter  'corrupted  all',  so 
that '  scant  a  sentence  tie  we  Now  flythe  abroade  as  [he]  it 
wrote  '  and  that  he  '  espyde...  fowrescore  greater  fautes  then 
[his  own]  in  fortie  leaues '  (TH,  11.  3i5-35o).  All  this  savours 
much  of  a  very  clumsy  apology.  Indeed  since  Heywood  him 
self  admits  that  many  faults  escaped  him  the  first  time  that 
Troas  was  printed,  when  he  himself  perused  the  proofs,  it  is 

J)  Cp.  Textual  Notes,  pp.  295-302. 

2)  Cp.  11.  42,  123,  197,  4i3,  811,  911,  919,  1107,  1720,  1768,  1781. 


evident  that  A,  by  far  the  more  careless  of  the  two  issues,  was 
the  edition  for  which  he  was  answerable.  For  if  A  had  been 
the  second  and  deteriorated  edition  of  his  tragedy,  he  cer 
tainly  would  have  struck  another  tone,  and  would  have  come 
down  without  mercy  on  Tottyll  for  having  edited  a  slovenly 
reprint,  for  which  he  would  have  declined  all  responsibility. 
The  printer  evidently  touched  a  sore  point  by  correcting  the 
mistakes  of  A,  and  Hey  wood  feeling  that  the  fault  was  entirely 
his  own,  was  glad  enough  to  find  a  few  misprints  in  the 
second  issue,  and  raised  a  pretended  outcry  probably  against 
the  orthographical  alterations  where  he  complained  that 'scant 
a  sentence  trewe  Now  flythe  abroade  as  [he]  it  wrote '. 

A  careful  examination  of  the  two  copies  A  and  B  from  a 
typographical  point  of  view  corroborates  that  plea  for  the 
precedence  of  A.  It  is  quite  evident  that  many  pages  of  B 
have  been  printed  from  the  forms  that  had  been  used  for  A, 
and  of  which  the  types  had  not  been  distributed,  though  the 
greater  number  of  pages  are  of  a  different  composition.  Such 
identical  forms  were  used  for  ff.  Di  v,  Da  r,  D3  v,  D^.  r,  D5  v, 
D6  r,  D-J  v,  D8  r,  and  for  most  of  the  pages  of  quires  E  and 
F.  Indeed  a  close  comparison  of  f.  i.  pp.  54-55,  58,62, 70, 72-78, 
75,  &a.  in  A  and  B,  shows  that  there  is  in  both  the  same  dis 
position  of  the  types  and  the  same  spacing  between  the  words 
so  that  the  lines  have  mathematically  the  same  length  ;  the 
same  forms  of  capital  T  ((£•  and  :£)  are  used  for  the  same 
words.  Moreover  some  typographical  irregularities  occur  in 
both  A  and  B.  For  instance  on  page  55  a  small  '  w',  that  is 
different  from  the  '  w '  of  the  ordinary  type,  and  does  not  stand 
in  a  line  with  the  other  letters,  is  used  in  both  copies  for  the 
same  words  ;  on  p.  58, 1.  i683,  the  '  e  '  of  '  saued  '  stands  about 
two  millimeters  above  the  line  in  B  and  in  A  ;  the  full  stop 
after  '  fall '  of  1.  1740  is  a  little  above  the  line  in  both  copies, 
and  the  bottom  dot  of  the  colon  after  '  men '  on  line  2o65  is 
equally  badly  printed.  These  and  many  more  similar  details 
prove  that  for  several  pages  of  B  the  form  was  utilised  that 
had  been  set  up  for  A  ;  several  misprints  of  A  were  even 
reproduced  in  B  :  f.  i.  p.  62,  1.  1808  :  rhyrde;  p.  70,  1.  2067  : 
df ;  p.  75,  1.  2227  :  kiug;  &a.  Now,  in  many  cases  the  faults  of 


A  are  corrected  in  B,  which  evidently  proves  that  B  was  the 
second  —  and  revised  —  edition.  A  good  instance  may  be  de 
rived  from  fol.  E:j  r  (p.  69)  ')  :  from  1.  2011  to  2029  the  compo 
sition  in  both  copies  is  quite  identical  —  same  spacing,  same 
length  of  lines,  same  types,  same  disposition.  But  on  1.  2021 
'  Gresians '  of  A  is  corrected  into  '  Grecians '  in  B; '  should  '  of 
line  2027  into  '  shouldst ' ;  '  Giecyan  '  into  '  Grecyan '  (1.  ->o3i) ; 
'honour  hongur'  into  'honour'  (1.  2082);  '  The '  into  'the' 
(1.  2084)  ;  '  by '  into  '  thy'  (1.  2042).  In  the  last  lines  of  this 
page  a  few  '  e  '  s.  a  stop  and  a  colon  were  added,  so  that  from 
line  2o3o  to  2042  the  composition  is  disarranged  a  little,  though 
it  evidently  shows  that  (he  form  that  was  used  for  B,  was  ori 
ginally  the  same  as  that  of  A.  These  corrections  and  emenda 
tions  are  a  conclusive  proof  of  the  precedence  of  that  edition, 
which  was  thus  rectified.  (On  p.  68,  only  the  word  '  policie  ' 
of  A  is  changed  into  '  pollecye '  in  B,  probably  under  the 
influence  of  its  rhyme  '  dye  '). 

The  fact  that  these  forms  of  the  first  edition  were  still 
available,  proves  that  the  second  issue  was  not  edited  long 
after  the  first ;  which  agrees  with  what  Heywood  says  in  his 
preface  to  Thyestes,  that  '  yet  ere  long  '  the  print  of  his  Troas 
was  renewed  (TH,  1.  342). 

A  third  edition,  C,  of  Troas  was  printed  by  Thomas  Powell 
for  G.  Bucke.  The  title  is  set  in  a  compartment,  and  is  re 
produced  on  p.  LII.  The  colophon  is  wanting  ;  the  signa 
tures  are  A8  B8  C8  D8  E8  and  F4  ;  folios  AI  v  and  F4  r  and  v 
are  blank.  The  letter  to  the  Queen  and  the  running  titles 
are  printed  in  Italics,  the  names  of  the  personages  in  Roman 
type,  and  the  text  itself  in  a  black-letter  of  a  smaller  size 
than  that  of  A  2).  Line  for  line  and  page  for  page,  the 

*)  Cp.  the  reproduction  of  pp.  68  and  69  in  A  and  B,  at  the  end  of 
this  Introduction. 

2)  Powell,  who  printed  this  Troas,  was  a  kind  of  manager  of  Tho 
mas  Berthelet  before  1 555  and  soems  to  have  had  a  superintendency 
in  his  printing  office  after  that  date.  Ames  (pp.  465,  874),  adds  that 
some  books  were  printed  in  Berthelet's  house,  with  his  types  and 
marks.  It  is  worth  mentioning  that  many  of  the  initial  letters  of  this 


dispositions  of  Tottyll's  editions  are  reproduced,  with  the 
only  exception  of  the  preface  To  the  readers,  in  which  the  lines 
are  differently  arranged,  so  that  the  last  words  of  a  page  in  A 
are  on  the  first  line  of  the  following  page  in  C.  The  text  of  this 
third  edition  is  evidently  reprinted  from  the  first ;  indeed  most 
of  the  mistakes  of  A,  that  are  not  mere  misprints,  have  been 
reproduced,  as  appears  from  a  collation,  f.  i.,  of  11. 233,  55y,  860, 
2021,  2027,  2o32  (honour  hongur  A,  honour  B,  honour  honger 
C)  l).  The  corrections  of  B  were  not  made  use  of  for  this  edi 
tion.  To  be  true,  some  of  the  evident  misprints  of  A,  that 
had  been  rectified  in  B,  are  also  corrected  here  (f.  i.  11.  270, 
3ii,  327,  419,  493,  &a),  but  these  blunders  were  too  obvious  to 
escape  notice,  and  even  such  iaults  were  put  right,  as  occur 
on  pages  which  were  printed  from  the  same  forms  in  A  and 
B,  and  were  not  corrected  in  the  latter  (f.  i.  11.  1808:  rhyrde 
AB  :  thirde  C  —  2227,  2286,  2298,  &a.). 

This  third  edition  bears  no  date.  The  DNB  ascribes  it  to 
i563.  It  is  very  probable  that  it  was  published  soon  after  i56o. 
Bucke,  for  whom  Powell  printed  it,  took  up  his  freedom  in 
the  Company  of  Stationers  on  September  i3th,  i56o  and 
started  printing  in  i562-i563.  About  that  time  he  is  mentioned 
in  the  Stationers'  Registers  for  being  licensed  to  print  The 
Historve  of  Leonerde  Arytine,  and  he  began  taking  apprentices 
in  i563  2).  It  seems  as  if  Bucke  edited  this  Troas  in  the  very 
beginning  of  his  business  career,  otherwise  he  would  not  have 
had  recourse  to  a  printer.  It  is  not  likely  that  Heywood  had 
a  hand  in  it,  for  he  certainly  would  have  corrected  many  of 
the  faults  that  had  escaped  him  in  his  own  edition.  Probably 
he  had  left  England  when  it  appeared. 

One  copy  of  this  issue  (C1)  belongs  to  the  British  Museum: 

edition  of  Troas  are  identical  with  those  used  for  Thyestes,  printed 
at  '  the  hous  late  Thomas  Berthelettes  '  (f.  i.,  the  '  I '  of  TR,  1.  11 
and  TH,  1.  91  ;  '  W  of  TH,  1.  i765  and  TR,  11.  273,  749). 

!)  Cp.  Textual  Notes,  pp.  296-302. 

z)  E.  Arber,  Transcript  of  the  Registers  of  the  Company  of  Stationers  of 
London,  1554-1640,  vol.  I,  pp.  197,  210 ;  E.  Arber,  List  of  London 
Publishers,  Birmingham,  1890,  p.  8,  McKerrow,  A  Dictionary  of 


C.  84.  a.  9.  2.  It  is  bound  in  one  volume  with  Neville's 
and  Siudlcy's  Medea  and  Agamemnon.  Another  copy  (C2)  belongs 
to  the  Britwell  Court  Library  :  36.  A.  21  ')•  This  copy  was 
formerly  bound  in  one  volume  with  Hcyvvood's  Hercules 
Furens  (i)  and  Thyestes  (2),  Troas  being  the  third  ;  as  the  cover 
had  come  off  they  were  pulled  apart.  I  have  not  found  any 
discrepancies  between  these  two  copies. 

On  the  26th  of  March  i56o  Thyestes  came  from  the  press  that 
had  belonged  to  Thomas  Berthelet,  and  was  possibly  worked 
under  the  superintendence  of  Thomas  Powell  2).  It  is  printed 
in  a  small  octavo  size,  comprising  seven  quires  of  four  double 
leaves,  signatures:  *8  Ws  A8  B8  Cs  Ds  Es.  Fol.  *  i  v  and  leaves 
E7  and  E8  are  blank.  The  dedicatory  letter  and  prefaces  as 
well  as  the  text  are  printed  in  a  small  black-letter  ;  the 
running  titles  are  in  Italics  ;  the  headings  of  acts  and  scenes 
and  the  names  of  the  personages  in  the  scenical  directions,  in 
Roman  type.  The  title,  reproduced  on  p.  LIU,  is  adorned  with 
a  rich  compartment  having  the  date  i534  in  the  bottom  bor 
der,  which  compartment  was  used  for  several  books  printed 
by  Berthelet,  f.  i.  Elyot's  Castle  of  Health  (1542?)  3).  The 
annoyance  caused  to  Heywood  by  the  two  editions  of  Troas 
seems  to  have  benefited  him,  for  Thyestes  is  printed  with  very 
great  care  :  misprints  are  comparatively  scarce  ;  the  ortho 
graphy  is  nearly  uniform  and  the  punctuation,  which  is  in  a 
bewildering  state  in  Troas,  is  quite  normal. 

Printers  and  Booksellers  1557-1640,  London,  1910,  p.  54.  Bucke  was 
a  bookseller  from  i56o  to  1567. 

*)  My  best  thanks  are  due  to  Mr.  S.  R.  Christie  Miller  who 
granted,  and  to  his  librarian  Mr.  H.  Colman  who  obtained  permis 
sion  for  me  to  collate  my  transcripts  and  reprints  with  the  copies 
of  the  rich  Library  at  Britwell  Court. 

*)  Ames,  pp.  465,  874. 

3)  The  same  compartment  was  used  for  Richard  Taverner's 
Adagics,  printed  by  Richard  Kele  in  i552,  at  least  the  top  border 
and  the  two  side  borders  are  identical.  The  bottom  border  with  the 
date  '  1534  '  has  been  replaced  by  one  bearing  the  printer's  initials. 
Cp.  Hand-lists  of  English  Printers,  London,  190$. 


One  copy  (A1)  of  this  edition,  which  is  reproduced  in  this 
volume,  is  preserved  in  the  British  Museum  :  press-mark, 
C.  34.  a.  8.  2  ;  it  is  bound  in  red  leather,  together  with  Hercules 
Furens.  Another  copy  (A2)  belongs  to  the  same  library  :  it  is 
bound  in  green  leather  and  was  one  of  Grenville's  books  : 
press-mark,  G.  9246.  A  third  copy  (A:!)  is  in  the  Britwell  Court 
collection  :  36.  A.  19.  These  three  copies  differ  only  in  a  very 
few  details,  recorded  in  the  Textual  Notes,  11.  747,  ig58  and  235i. 

Hercules  Fitrcus  was  printed  in  i56i  by  Henry  Sutton, 
'  dwelling  in  paternoster  rowe  at  the  signe  of  the  Blacke  Boy', 
as  appears  from  the  colophon  which  is  followed  by  the  prin 
ter's  mark  —  two  boys  playing  in  a  landscape.  The  title, 
reproduced  on  p.  i.iv,  is  double,  one  in  Latin  and  another  in 
English.  The  size  is  a  small  octavo,  and  it  contains  one  quire 
of  four  leaves  A,  and  eleven  of  eight  leaves  :  B  C  D  E  F 
G  H  I  K  L  M.  The  title  is  on  f.  AI  recto.  On  ff.  AI  v  to  A4  v 
is  printed  a  dedicatory  epistle  to  Lord  Herbert  in  a  big  black- 
letter  ;  on  p.  BI  r  is  printed  the  Argument  in  a  small  black-let 
ter,  and  on  f.  MiS  v  the  colophon  with  the  printer's  mark. 
The  other  leaves  are  taken  up  by  the  two  texts  of  the  tragedy, 
the  Latin  text  being  reprinted  in  Roman  types  on  the  verso 
sides.  On  the  recto  sides,  and  opposite  to  each  line  of  the  ori 
ginal,  is  Heyvvood's  translation,  set  up  in  black-letter,  the 
names  of  the  personages  and  the  titles  of  acts  and  scenes  in 
Roman  types.  The  printer  has  made  a  mistake  in  putting  the 
form  that  should  have  been  on  f.  D4  recto  on  the  place*  of 
f.  DO  recto  and  vice  versa,  so  that  the  English  text  has  to  be 
read  in  this  order  :  D3  r,  D,;  r,  D5  r,  D4  r,  D7  r,  &a.  The  Latin 
text  follows  quite  regularly  1).  This  third  tragedy  is  less  care 
fully  printed  than  Thyestes ;  there  are  again  many  misprints 
and  inaccuracies,  nor  is  the  Latin  original  without  faults. 

The  text  in  this  volume  is  reprinted  from  a  copy  (A1)  pre- 

*)  In  the  reprint  of  this  volume  these  pages  have  been  replaced 
in  the  regular  order. 


served  in  the  British  Museum  :  press-mark,  C.  84.  a.  8.1  (n°  2 
being  Thyestes).  A  second  copy  (A2)  in  the  same  library  (press 
mark,  a38.  1.  26)  belonged  to  George  III.  and  is  rather  dirty 
and  badly  cropped.  A  third  copy  (A:t)  is  at  Britwell  Court, 
36.  A.  18.  The  differences  between  these  copies  are  merely 
typographical  and  are  recorded  in  the  Textual  Notes  (p.  3o5), 
11.  144,  1199,  i327,  1708,  1712,  1964,  2002,  2325,  2553. 

Thomas  Newton  reprinted  Hey  wood's  translations  with 
those  of  the  seven  other  tragedies  by  Seneca  —  Oedipus  by 
A.  Neville,  Hyppolytus,  Medea,  Agamemnon,  and  Hercules  Oetacus 
by  John  Studley  ').  Octavia  by  T.  Nuce,  and  Thebais  by  him 
self  —  and  edited  them  as  Seneca  His  Tenne  Tragedies,  translated 
into  Englysh.  London,  Thomas  Marsh,  i5Si.  Troas  was  re 
printed  from  the  third  edition,  C,  as  clearly  appears  from  the 
variants  recorded  in  the  Textual  Notes,  p.  35o  ff.  (Newton's  re 
prints  =  N).  Indeed,  though  some  of  the  evident  misprints  of 
C  are  corrected,  all  the  readings  and  the  punctuation  that  are 
special  to  this  edition  are  found  in  Newton's  Tenne  Tragedies: 
cp.  f.  i.,  11.  720,  1837,  2242,  2270,  2277,  2497.  From  the  variants 
it  appears  that  the  text  of  Hey  wood  has  been  reproduced  very 
carelessly.  Passages  that  are  difficult  in  the  octavos  of  i55g-6i 
are  quite  incomprehensible  in  the  quarto  of  i58i  through 
bewildering  misprints,  words  that  were  omitted,  and  an 
almost  anarchical  punctuation.  Many  of  the  inaccuracies  and 
shortcomings  with  which  Heywood  has  been  charged  are 
due  without  any  doubt  to  Newton's  negligence. 


The  present  reprint  is  intended  to  be  as  exact  a  reproduc 
tion  of  the  texts  of  the  octavos  as  was  in  the  printer's  power 
and  in  mine. 

*)  Two  of  Studley's  translations  have  been  recently  edited  in  these 
Materialist,  v.  XXXVIII,  by  M.  E.  Spearing. 


The  black-letter  had  to  be  replaced  by  Roman  type  and  the 
differences  between  long  and  short  s,  to  be  given  up.  Moreover 
some  forms  peculiar  to  the  black-letter  type  (especially  in 
Thyestes),  as  the  two  r's,  the  ligatures  of  oo,  de  and  ct,  and  a 
special  form  of  final  s  resembling  the  Greek  £,  could  not  be 
kept.  But  for  these  exceptio'ns,  the  three  octavos  have  been 
reproduced  exactly  with  their  orthography,  punctuation, 
running  titles,  signatures,  catchwords,  turned  letters,  &a.  The 
different  headings  of  prefaces,  acts  and  scenes  have  been  imi 
tated  as  closely  as  possible,  and  some  black-letter  types  of 
a  bigger  size  that  occur  in  the  text,  have  been  replaced  by  a 
different  Roman  letter. 

I  draw  the  attention  to  a  few  misprints  in  the  text  for  which 
I  humbly  apologise.  I  detected  them  when  comparing  the 
present  reprints  with  the  original  texts  of  London  and  of 
Britwell  Court. 



1.    5o3  :  ha.ndes,(  comma  doubtful)  read  handes, 

1248  :  hcare,  »     heare. 

i53o:trye.  »    trye, 

1810:  Astyanax.  »    Astyanax 

2218: 1  haue  »     J  haue 


1.    i83:his  »    this 

1 517:  whylt  »    wylt 

1572:  in  »     is 
2191  \read  :  What  causes  haue  from  certaine 

race  conspierde. 

23 14:  about  read  about 

2424  :  wyllyngy  »     wyllyngly 


1.  n57:y  »     y 

i6oo:amonS  »    among 


(p.  3o6)  HF,  1.  1327:  to  tell,  read  to  tell, 



die  of  the  mo  fl  gram  and  prudent 
autbor  Lucius,  Anneus^Scncca, 
epttrulcD  Croas,irtrb  Diners  ano 
fnn&jyc  aODieions  to  rftc  fame* 

Cngitfljc  bp 

Dtcnt  tn 

priutlegio  *J  imfti- 

Title-page  of  TROAS,  first  edition  (A) 
(British  Museum,  238.  1.  27) 

die  of  the  moft  gratte  and  prudent 
author  Lucius,  AnneuSjScncca, 
ciuuulco  .€roaa,tuttb  Diuerr  ano 
funDipe  aoDtctons  to  tljf  fame* 
j^etolp  fct  foztb  tne 
jafpcr  ^c 

f  Ciw. 

Title-page  of  TROAS,  second  edition  (B) 
(British  Museum,  G.  9440) 



ie  oft  be  roq/l  g 
flnfe  pjutrru  aatljo  j  Lucius 

Anneus,  Seneca, 

Troaj  ,  tdi(t)  Oi  tiers  «  fans 

ctol^  Tct  foojtt)  in  <£nt 



Title-page  of  TROAS,  third  edition  (C) 
(British  Museum,  C.  34.  a.  9.  2). 



S>nma  r ntitulrfi  ^Thps 

C)eD  bp  llafprr  tecps 

Trllotoc  of 
*UI  aifolne 


t  onDon  in  ^Ittctttttt 
in  ttjr  houg 

tljt  lettcB  . 
Anno  .1  f  6e. 

Title-page  of  THYESTES 
(British  Museum,  C.  34.  a.  8.  2). 


ucii      nnei 

necxTragcdiaprimaqua:  infcti- 

bicurHcrcuus  tuicnsmiperrccognita,  &  «t> 

omnibus  mendis,quibus  antea  fcarebar  ledn« 

lo  purgata,  &  in  (ludiofar  luuentutit  vtiliutr, 

ie  Afiglicom  metrum  tanta  fide  conuc  rfa,  vt  c»raeo 

fro  carmine  quoad  Anglica  lingua  patiator 

prnc  redditum  videat. 

vodum  Oxooiecfem. 


ftfOft  Of  Luc  jus  Anncus  Seneca, 

ftlff  tullD  Hercules  furcns,neto  Ip  pf  rbfcD  and 

of  ail  fciultes  iu!;ef  eo  f  it  D»D  befo:e  abounc  Du' 

ligerirflp  coiricreD>3MD  foi  ti;e  profit  of  poung 

fdjoHei0  fo  fair^fullp  rrandatrb  into  Gn^ 

giify  merre,thac  pe  map  fc  Uer  fc  foi  berfe 

foarneo  as  far  re  a*  rfoc  pU:afc  of  rtjccti 


*    inlDjrfQjB. 

Title-page  of  HERCULES  FURENS. 
(British  Museum,  C.  34.  a.  8.  i) 


e  THE  SI  XT  T<RA  GE 

die  of  the  mostgraue  and  prudent 
author  Lucius,  Anneus,  Seneca, 

entitulefc   Gtoas,  \vltb    biuers  anD 
aftfticions  to  tbe  same. 

i)    art    tint  I)    in    <jrii£ili«ljf    I'o 
Jasper    f)fi;moob    »tu- 
iifHt    in    ^rrn- 

Anno  domini. 
i  589. 

€E  C?^«  priuilcgio  ad  impri- 
mcndum  solum. 

c    TO    THE    MOST    HIGH 

and   verteouse   princesse,  Elyzabeth   by    the   grace 
of  god  Q  uecne  of  England,   Fraunce,   and 

Ireland  defender  of  the  faith  her  highncs 
5  most  humble  and  obedient  subiecte 

Jasper  Heywood  studient  in 
the  vniucrsite  of  Ox 
ford  wissheth  helth 

welth,  Jionour, 
10  6-  felicitie. 

F  cdsideration  of  your 
graces  goodnes  toward 
vs  all  your  louing  sub- 
iectes  whych  flytng 
i5  fame  by  mowthes  oj 

men  resowndes  had  not 
fully  in  me  repressed  a  I 
drcade  of  reprehension 
(Most  noble  princesse  and  my  drad  soiieraigne 
20  Lady)  If  the  ivisdome  that  God  at  these  yeres  in 
your  highnes  hath  planted,  had  not  seemde  to 
me  a  strong  defence  against  all  byt  of  shameles 
arrogdce  (reproche  wherof  flong  with  disdain - 
full  ivordes  from  ireful  togues,  as  adders  stinges 


[4]  The  epistle. 

25  should  strike  me)  fynally  if  the  learning  with 
which  GOD  hath  endued  your  maiestye  had 
not  ben  to  me  a  comfortable  persuasion  of  your 
gracious  fanour  towarde  the  simple  gift  and 
dntie  of  a  scholer,  I  would  not  haue  incurred 

3o  so  daungerous  note  of  presumption,  in  attemp 
ting  a  subject  to  hys  princesse,  a  simple  scholer 
to  so  excellently  learned,  a  rashe  yong  man  to  so 
noble  a  Q  ueene  by  none  other  signe  to  signifie 
allegeance  and  dntie  toward  your  highnes  saue 

35  by  writing  :  when  oft  times  is  the  Pen  the  onely 
accuser  in  some  pointes  of  hym  that  therwith 
doth  endite.  But  now,  to  se  (most  gracious  Lady) 
that  thing  come  to  passe  which  to  the  honour  of 
him  and  for  the  welth  of  vs  god  hath  ordained, 

40  a  Princesse  to  raigne  oner  vs,  such  one,  to  whom 
great  fredomc  is  for  vs  to  serue,  what  ioy  may 
serue  to  triumphe  at  that  blissefull  day,  or  what 
should  we  spare  with  pen  to  preacJie  abrode  that 
inward  gladnes  of  hart  that  flowetJi  from  the 

45  brestcs  of  vs  your  most  louing  subiects  ?  beseching 
god  that  it  may  please  hym  to  graunt  your  grace 
long  and  prosperous  gouernance  of  the  imperyal 
crowne  of  Englande.STlien  well  understanding 
how  greatly  your  highnes  is  delighted  in  the 


The  epistle.  [5] 

5o  swetc  sappe  of  fine  and  pure,  writers,  I  hanc 
here  presumed  to  offer  vuto  you  such  a  simple 
new  \ercs  gift  as  neitJicr  presenteth  golde  nor 
perle,  but  dntie  &  good  will  of  a  scholler,  a  piece 
of  Seneca  translated  into  Englishe  which  I  the 

55  rather  enterprise  to  giuc  to  your  highnes,  as 
well  for  that  I  thought  it  should  not  be  vnplea- 
sant  for  your  grace  to  se  some  part  of  so  excellent 
an  author  in  your  owne  to;>g  (the  reading  of 
whom  in  I  a  ten  I  vnderstande  dcligJites  greatly 

60  your  maicsty)  as  also  for  that  none  may  be  a  bet 
ter  iudge  of  my  doinges  herein,  then  who  best 
vnderstandeth  my  author  :  and  the  authorise 
of  your  graces  fauour  towarde  thys  my  little 
worke,  may  be  to  me  a  sure  defence  and  shielde 

65  against  the  sting  of  reprehending    togues.    Which 

I     most     humbly    beseching    your     highnes    cnde. 

with   prayer    to   god    to    scnde    vs    long   the 

fruition   of  so   excellent 

and  gracious    a 

70  Ladie. 

C  To  the  readers. 


Lthough     (gentle     Reader)     thou 
mayst    perhaps    thinke    me    arro 
gant,   for  that  J    onely   among   so 
75  1V  I  many    fine    wittes,    and    towardly 

youth,  (with  which  England  this 
day  florisheth)  haue  enterprised 
to  set  forth  in  englishe,  thys  present  piece  ,  of 
the  flowre  of  all  writers  Seneca,  as  who  saye 
80  not  fearingwhat  grauer  heddes  might  iudge  of 
me,  in  attepting  so  harde  a  thyng,  yet  vpon  wel 
pondering  what  next  ensueth,  J  trust  both  thy 
selfe  shalt  clere  thyne  owne  suspicion,  and  thy 
chaunged  opinion,  shal  iudge  of  me  more  right- 
85  full  sentence.  For  neyther  haue  J  taken  thys 
worke  first  in  hand,  as  once  enteding  it  shoulde 
come  to  light  (of  well  doing  whereof  J  vtterly 
dispayred)  and  being  done  but  for  mine  owne 
priuate  excercyse,  J  am  in  mine  opinion  herein 
90  blameles,  thoughe  J  haue  (to  proue  my  selfe) 
pryuatly  taken  y  part  which  pleased  me  best, 
of  so  excellent  an  aucthor,  for  better  is  time  spet 
in  the  best  then  other,  and  at  first  to  attempt  the 
hardest  writers,  shal  make  a  man  more  prompt, 
96  to  translate  the  easyer  with  more  facilitie.  But 
now  sins  by  request,  and  frendshyp  of  those,  to 
whom  J  coulde  deny  nothing,  this  woorke  a- 
gainst  my  will,  extorted  is  out  of  my  handes,  J 
nodes  must  craue  thy  pacience  in  reading,  and 
TOO  facilitie  of  iudgement  :  when  thou  shalt  aparat- 
ly  see,  my  witles  lacke  of  learning,  praying 
the  to  consyder.  how  harde  a  thyng  it  is  for  me, 
to  touche  at  full  in  all  poyntes,  the  aucthoures 


The  preface,  [7] 

minde,    (being   in   many   places   very   harde  and 

io5  doubtfull  and  the  worke  muche  corrupt  by  the 
defautc  of  euill  printed  bookes)  and  also  how 
farre  about)  my  powre,  to  keepe  that  grace,  and 
maiestye  of  style,  that  Seneca  doth,  when  both 
so  excellent  a  writer,  hath  past  the  reache  of  all 

no  imitacion,  and  also  thys  our  englishe  toong  (as 
many  thinke  and  J  here  fynde)  is  farre  vn- 
able,  to  compare  with  the  latten,  but  thou 
(good  reader)  if  J  in  any  place,  haue  swerued 
from  the  trew  sence.  or  not  kept  the  royaltie  of 

Il5  speach,  meetc  for  a  tragedy,  impute  the  tone  to 
my  youth  :  and  lack  of  iugement,  the  other  to  my 
lacke  of  eloquence.  Now  as  concerning  sondry 
places  augmented  and  some  altered  in  thys  my 
translacion.  Fyrst  forasmuch  as  thys  worke  se- 

120  med  vnto  me,  in  some  places  vnperfytte  (whe 
ther  left  so  of  the  authour  or  part  of  it  lost  as 
tyme  deuoureth  all  thynges  J  wotte  not)  J 
haue  (where  J  thought  good,)  wyth  addicyon 
of  mine  owne  pen,  supplied  the  want  of  some 

125  thynges,  as  the  fyrst  Chorus,  after  the  fyrst 
act  beginning  thus.  O  ye  to  whom  &c.  Also 
in  the  second  acte.  J  haue  added  the  speche  of 
Achilles  spright,  rysing  from  hell  to  require  the 
sacrifice  of  Polixena  beginning  in  this  wise, 

i3o  Forsaking  now  &c.  Againe  the  three  last  sta- 
ues  of  the  Chorus  after  the  same  acte,  and  as 
for  the  third  Chorus  which  in  Seneca  begyn- 
neth  thus,  Que  vocal  sedes  ?  For  as  much,  as  no 
thing  is  therin  but  a  heaped  nouinbre  of  farre  & 

135  strange  countreies,  consydering  with  my  selfe,  y 


[d]  The  preface, 

the    names    of  so   many   vnknowne   countreyes, 
mountaines,   desertes,   and  woodes  should  haue 
no  grace  in  the  englishe  tonge,  but  be  a  straunge 
and   vnpleasaunt   thing   to   the    readers,   (except 
140  J    should    expounde    the   histories   of  eche   one, 
which  would  be  farre  to  tedious)  J  haue  in  the 
place   therof.  made  a   nother   beginning  in  thys 
maner.     O    Joue    that    leadst     &c.     whych    al- 
teracyon  may  be  borne  withall,  seeing  that  the 
145  Corus  is  no  part  of  the  substance  of  the  matter. 
Jn    the    rest    J    haue    for  my   sclender  learning, 
endeuored  to  kepe  touche  with  the  Latten,  not 
woorde  for  woorde  or  verse  for  verse  as  to  ex 
pounde    it,    but    neglecting    the    placing   of  the 
i5o  vvordes   obserued   their  sence.    Take  ientle  rea 
der    this    in    good   worth,    wyth   all   hys  fautes. 
fauour    my    first    beginninges,    and    amende   ra 
ther  with  good  will,  such  thynges  as  herein  are 
amis,  then  to  depraue  or  discommende  my  la- 
i55      bour  and  paynes,   for  the  fautes,  seing  that 
J   haue  herein,  but  onely  made  way  to 
other  that  can  farre  better  do  thys 
or   like,    desyring  them   that   as 

they  can,   so  they    woulde. 
160  Fare  well  getle  reader, 

&  accept  my  good 

The  preface  to  the  tragedye. 

,  He  ten  yearcs  siege  of  Troy ,  who  list  to  here 
i65  I         rr       And  of  thafiaires,  that  there  befell  in  fight 
Reacle  ye  the  workes,  y  long  sins  written  were 
Of  all  thassautes  and  of  that  latest  night, 
When  Turrets  tops,  in  Troy  they  biased  bright 
Good  clerkes  they  were,  that  haue  it  written  well 
170  As  for  thys  worke,  no  worde  therof  doth  tell. 

But  dares  Phrygian,  well  can  all  reporte 
With  dictis  eke  of  Crete  in  grekishe  tong 
And  Homere  telles,  to  Troy  the  Greekes  resort 
Jn   scanned   verse,    and    Maro   hath   it   song 
175  Eche  one  in  writ  hath  pend  a  story  long 

Who  doubles  of  ought,  and  casteth  care  to  knowe 
These  antique  authors,  shall  the  story  showe. 

The  ruines  twaine  of  Troy,  the  cause  of  eche 
The  glittering  helmes,  in  fielde  Ihe  banners  spred 
180  Achilles  yres,  and  Hectors  fightes  they  teache 
There  may  the  iestes  of  many  a  knight  be  red, 
Patroclus,  Pyrrhus,  Aiax.  Diomed, 
With  Troylus,  Parys,  many  other  more, 
That  day  by  day,  there  fought  in  field  full  sore. 

i85      And  how  the  Grekes  at  ende  an  engine  made 
A  hugye  horse  where  many  a  warlike  knight. 
Enclosed  was,  the  Troianes  to  inuade 
With  Synons  craft,  when  Greek  es  had  fained  flight 
while  close  they  lay,  at  Tenedos  from  sight, 

190  Or  how  Eneas  els  as  other  say, 

and  false  Antenor  did  the  towne  betray. 


[ID]  The  preface. 

But  as  for  me.  J  nought  therof  endight, 
Mine  author  hath  not  all  that  story  pend, 
My  pen  hys  wordes  in  englishe  must  resight, 
ig5  Of  latest  woes  that  fell  on  Troy  at  ende, 
what  finall  fates  the  cruell  gods  could  sende. 
And  how  the  Grekes  when  Troy  was  burnt,  gan  wreake 
Theyr  ire  on  Troians,  therof  shall  J  speake. 

Not  J  with  speare  who  pearced  was  in  fielde, 
200  Whose  throte  there  cut,  or  head  ycorued  was, 

Ne  bloodshed  blowes,  that  rent  both  targe  and  shielde 

Shall  J  resight.  all  that  J  ouer  pas. 

The  worke  J  wright,  more  wofull  is  alas, 

For  J  the  mothers  teares  must  here  complaine, 
2o5  And  blood  of  babes,  that  giltles  haue  been  slaine. 

And  such  as  yet,  coulde  neuer  weapon  wrest, 
But  on  the  lappe  are  woont  to  dandled  be, 
Ne  yet  forgotten  had  the  mothers  brest, 
How  greekes  them  slew,  alas  here  shall  ye  se, 
210  To  make  reporte  therof,  ay  woe  is  me, 
My  song  is  mischiefe,  murder  miserye. 
And  hereof  speakes,  thys  dolfull  tragedye. 

Thou  fury  fell,  that  from  thy  deepest  den 
Couldest  cause  thys  wrath  of  hell,  on  Troy  to  lyght, 
2i5  That  workest  woe,  guyde  thou  my  hand  and  pen, 
Jn  weepyng  verse  of  sobbes  and  sighes  to  wright, 
As  doth  mine  aucthor  them  bewaile  aryght, 
Helpe  wofull  Muse  for  me  besemeth  well 
Of  others  teares,  with  weepyng  iye  to  tell. 


The  preface.  [ll] 

220      When  battred  were  to  grounde  the  towres  of  Troye 
Jn  writ  as  auncient  authors  do  resight, 
And  Greekes  againe  repayrde  to  seas  with  ioye, 
Up  ryseth  here  from  hell  Achilles  spright. 
Vengeance  he  craues  with  blood  his  death  to  quight. 

225  Whom  Parys  had  in  Phebus  temple  slaine, 
with  guile  betrapt  for  loue  of  Polyxeyne. 

And  wrathe  of  hell  there  is  none  other  price 
That  may  asswage  :  but  blood  of  her  alone 
Polyxena  he  craues  for  sacrifice, 
23o  With  threatninges  on  the  grecians  many  one 
Except  they  shed  her  blood  before  they  gone. 
The  sprightes  the  hell,  and  depest  pittes  byneathe, 
O  virgin  dere,  alas,  do  thrust  thy  deathe. 

And  Hectors  sonne,  Astyanax,  alas, 
235  Pore  seely  foole  hys  mothers  onely  ioye, 

Js  iudge  to  die  by  sentense  of  Calchas 

Alas  the  while,  to  death  is  led  the  boye, 

And  tumbled  downe  from  Turrets  tops  in  Troy. 

What  ruthfull  teares  may  serue  to  wayle  the  woe, 
240  Of  Hectors  wife  that  doth  her  childe  forgoe 

Her  pinching  pang  of  harte,  who  may  expresse, 
But  such  as  of  like  woes,  haue  borne  a  parte  ? 
Or  who  bewayle  her  ruthfull  heuinesse 
That  neuer  yet  hath  felt  therof  the  smart  ? 
2^5  Full  well  they  wote  the  woes  of  heauy  hart. 
What  is  to  leese  a  babe  from  mothers  brest, 
They  know  that  are  in  such  a  case  distrest. 


[12]  Troas 

Fyrst  how  the  Quene  lamentes  the  fall  of  Troy. 
As  hath  myne  author  done,  J  shall  it  wright 
25o  Next  how  from  Hectors  wife  they  led  the  boy. 
To  dye,  and  her  complaintes  J  shall  resight, 
The  May  dens  death  then  must  J  last,  endyght. 
Now  who  that  list  the  Quenes  complaint  to  heare. 
Jn  following  verse,  it  shall  forthwith  appeare. 

The  speakers  in  this  tragedie. 

Hecuba  Queene  of  Troy. 

A  company  of  women, 

The  spright  of  Achilles. 

Talthybius,  a  Grecian. 
260  Agamemnon,  Kyngof  Grekes. 




265  An  olde  man  Troian. 




The  messenger. 


The  first  acte 


"|  Ho  so  in  pompe  of  prowde  estate, 
'     or  kingdome  sets  delight : 
275  ;  Or  who  that  ioyes  in  princes  court 

to  beare  the  sway  of  might. 
'  Ne  dredes  the  fates  which  from  aboue 

the  wauering  gods  downe  flingcs : 
But  fast  affiaunce  fixed  hath, 
280      in  fraile  and  fickle  thinges  : 
Let  him  in  me  both  see  the  face, 

of  fortunes  flattring  ioye  : 
And  eke  respect  the  ruthfull  cnde, 

of  the  (O  ruinous  Troye) 
285  For  neuer  gaue  she  plainer  proofe, 

then  thys  ye  present  se  : 
How  fraile  and  brittle  is  thestate, 

of  pride  and  high  degre. 
The  flowre  of  flowring  Asia,  loe 
290      whose  fame  the  heauens  resounde, 
The  worthy  woorke  of  gods  aboue, 

is  batered  downe  to  grounde. 
And  whose  assautes  they  sought  afarre, 

from  west  with  banners  spredde, 
2g5  where  Tanais  colde  her  branches  seuen. 

abrode  the  worlde  doth  shedde. 
With  hugye  host  and  from  the  east, 

where  springes  the  newest  dea, 
Where  Luke  warme  Tygris  chanell  runs, 
3oo      and  metes  the  ruddy  sea. 


[14]  Troas 

And  which  from  wandering  lande  of  Scythe, 

the  bande  of  widowes  sought : 
with  fire  and  sworde  thus  battred  be, 

her  turrets  downe  to  nought. 
3o5  The  walles  but  late  of  high  renowne. 

loe  here  their  ruinous  fall  : 
The  buildings  burne  and  flashing  flame, 

sr/epes  through  the  palays  all. 
Thus  euery  house  full  hye  it  smokes, 
3io      of  olde  Assaracks  lande  : 

Ne  yet  the  ftame  witholdes  from  spoyle, 

the  gredy  victours  hande. 
The  surging  smoke  the  asure  skye, 

and  light  hath  hid  away  : 
3i5  And  (as  with  clowde  beset)  troyes  as- 

shes  staynes  the  dusky  day. 
Through  pearst  with  ire  and  gredy  of  hart, 

the  victor  from  a  farre. 
Doth  vewe  the  long  assauted  Troy, 
32O      the  gayne  often  yeres  warre. 
And  eke  the  miseries  therof, 

abhorres  to  looke  vpon, 
An  though  he  see  it  yet  scant  himselfe, 

beleues  it  might  be  won, 
325  The  spoyles  therof  wyth  gredy  hand. 

they  snatche  and  beare  away  : 
A  thousand  shippes  would  not  receine 

a  boorde  :  so  huge  a  pray. 
The  yrefull  might  J  doe  protest, 
33o      of  goddes  aduerse  to  me, 

My  contries  dust,  and  Troiane  king, 
J  call  to  witnes  thee. 


of  Seneca.  [i5| 

Whom  Troy  now  hides  and  vnderneth 

the  stones,  arte  ouer  trode  : 
335  With  all  the  gods  that  guyde  thy  ghost, 

and  Troy  that  lately  stode. 
And  you  also  ye  flocking  ghostes, 

of  all  my  children  dere  : 
Ye  lesser  sprightes  :  what  euer  ill, 
340      hath  hapned  to  vs  here. 

What  euer  Phebus  waterishe  face, 

in  fury  hath  foresayde  : 
At  raging  rise  from  seas,  when  erste, 

the  monstres  had  him  frayde. 
345  Jn  childbed  bandes  J  saw  it  yore, 

and  wist  it  should  be  so  : 
And  J  in  vaine  before  Cassan 
dra  tolde  it  long  ago. 
Not  false  Ulysses  kindled  hath 
35o      these  fires,  nor  none  of  his  : 
Not  yet  deceitfull  Sinons  craft, 

that  hath  byn  cause  of  thys. 
My  fire  it  is  wherwith  ye  burne, 

and  Parys  is  the  brande  : 
355  That  smoketh  in  thy  towres  (O  Troy) 

the  flowre  of  Phrygian  lande. 
But  ay  alas  vnhappy  age, 

why  doste  thou  yet  so  sore, 
Bewaile  thy  contries  fatallfall. 
36o      thou  knewest  it  long  before. 
Beholde  thy  last  calamites, 

and  them  bewayle  with  teares  : 
Account  as  olde  Troies  oueiturne  : 
and  past  by  many  yeares. 

J  sawe 

[16]  Troas 

365  J  saw  the  slaughter  of  the  king, 

and  how  he  lost  his  life  : 
By  thawlters  side  (more  mischief  was) 

with  stroke  of  Pyrrhus  knife. 
When  in  his  hand  he  wounde  his  lockes, 
370      and  drew  the  king  to  grounde  : 
And  hid  to  hiltes  his  wicked  sworde, 

in  depe  and  dedly  wownde. 
Which  when  the  gored  king  had  toke, 

as  willing  to  be  slayne, 
3y5  Out  of  the  olde  mans  throte  he  drew, 

his  bloody  blade  agayne. 
Not  pitie  of  hys  yeres,  alas, 

in  mans  extremest  age  : 
From  slaughter  might  hys  hand  withhold, 
38o      ne  yet  his  yre  asswage. 

The  gods  are  witnes  of  the  same 

and  eke  the  sacrifies, 
That  in  hys  kingdome  holden  was, 

that  flat  on  grounde  now  lies. 
385  The  father  of  so  many  kinges 

Pryam  ot  auncient  name, 
Untombed  lieth  and  wants  in  blase 

of  Troy  :  hys  funerall  flame. 
Ne  yet  the  gods  are  wreakt,  but  loe 
3go      hys  sonnes  and  daughters  all, 

Such  lordes  they  serue  as  doth  by  chance 

of  lot,  to  them  befall. 
Whom  shall  J  follow  now  lor  pray  ? 

or  where  shall  J  be  led  ? 
3g5  There  is  perhaps  among  the  grekes, 
that  Hectors  wife  will  wed. 


of  Seneca.  [17] 

Some  man  desyres  Helenus  spouse 

some  would  Antcnors  haue, 
And  in  the  grekes  there  wantes  not  some 
400      that  would  Cassandra  craue. 
But  J  alas  most  wofull  wight, 

whom  no  man  sekes  to  chusc, 
J  am  the  onely  refuge  left, 

and  me  they  cleane  refuse, 
405  Ye  carefull  captiue  company 

why  stints  your  wofull  crye  ? 
Beate  on  your  brestes  and  piteouslye 

complayne  with  voyce  so  hye, 
As  mete  may  be  for  Troyes  estate, 
410      let  your  complaintes  rebounde 

Jn  tops  of  treese  :  and  cause  the  hils, 
to  ring  with  terible  sounde. 

The  second  sceane. 

The  women.  Hecuba 



Ot  folke  vnapt,  nor  new  to  wepe  (o  Queene) 
thouwilstto  wayle,  by  practise  are  we  taught 
For  all  these  yerrs,  in  such  case  haue  we  bene 
since  first  the  Troian  guest,  Amyclas  sought : 
Ana  saylde  the  seas,  that  ledde  him  on  his  way 
420      with  sacred  ship,  to  Cibell  dedicate 

From  whence  he  brought,  his  vnrepyning  pray, 

the  cause  alas,  of  all  this  dyre  debate 
Ten  times  now  hid,  the  hils  of  Jdey  bee, 

with  snow  of  siluer  hewe,  all  ouer  layde. 
425  And  bared  is,  for  Troian  roges  eche  tree, 

ten  times  in  feelde,  the  haruest  man  afrayde, 

J3.  I.  The 

[l8]  Troas 

The  sp}^kes  of  corne  hath  reapt,  since  neuer  day 

his  wayling  wantes,  new  cause  renewes  our  \vo. 
Lift  vp  thy  hand,  (o  Quene)  crye  well  away  : 
480      we  follow  thee,  we  are  wel  taught  therto. 
HEC.     Ye  faithful  fellowes  of  your  casualtie 

Untye  thattyre,  that  on  your  heades  ye  weare, 
And  as  behoueth  state  of  misery, 

let  fall  about  your  woful  neckes,  your  heare. 
435  In  dust  of  Troy,  rub  al  your  armes  about, 

in  slacker  wede,  and  let  your  brestes  be  tyde 
Downe  to  your  bellies,  let  your  limmes  lye  out, 

for  what  wedlocke  should  you  your  bosomes  hyde  ? 
Your  garmentes  loose,  and  haue  in  readines 
440      your  furious  handes,  vpon  your  brestes  to  knocke 
This  habite  wel  besemeth  our  distrcs 

it  pleaseth  me,  J  know  the  Troian  flocke 
Renew  agayn  your  long  accustomed  cryes 

and  more  then  earst,  lament  your  miseries. 
446  We  bcwayle  Hector. 

WO.     C  Our  heare  v/e  haue  vntide,  now  euery  chone 
All  rent  for  sorowes  of  our  cursed  cace 

our  lockes  out  spreades,  the  knots  we  haue  vndone 
And  in  these  ashes  stayned  is  our  face. 
45o  HEC.     C  Fil  vp  your  handes  &  make  therof  no  spare, 

for  this  yet  lawfull  is,  from  Troy  to  take, 
Let  downe  your  garmentes  from  your  shoulders  bare 

and  sufire  not  your  clamour  so  to  slake. 
Your  naked  breastes  wait  for  your  handes  to  smight 
455      now  dolour  depe,  now  sorow,  shew  thy  might 
Make  al  the  coastes  that  compas  Troy  about 
witnesse  the  sound,  ofall  your  careful  crye 
Cause  from  the  caues,  the  Eccho  to  cast  out 


of  Seneca  [19] 

Rebounding  voyce  of  al  your  misery  : 
4^0      not  as  she  wontes,  the  latter  woord  to  sound 
But  al  your  woe,  from  farre  let  it  rebounde 
Let  al  the  seas  it  heare,  and  eke  the  land 
Spare  not  your  brestes  with  heauy  stroke  to  stryke 

beate  ye  your  selues,  eche  one  with  cruel  hand 
365  For  yet  your  wonted  cryc  doth  me  not  like 

We  bewayle  Hector. 
\VO.    C  Our  naked  armes,  thus  here  we  rent  for  thee, 

and  bluddy  shoulders,  (Hector)  thus  we  teare  : 
Thus  with  our  fistes,  our  heades  lo  beaten  be 
470      and  al  for  thee,  behold  we  hale  our  heare. 
Our  dugges  alas,  with  mothers  handes  be  tome 
and  where  the  fleshe  is  wounded  round  about 
Which  for  thy  sake,  we  rent  thy  death  to  morne 

the  flowing  streames  of  blud,  they  spring  therout, 
475  Thy  countreys  shore,  and  destinies  delaye, 

and  thou  to  weeried  Troians  wast  an  ayde. 
A  wall  thou  wast,  and  on  thy  shoulders  Troy 
ten  yeres  it  stode  :  on  thee  alone  it  stayde, 
With  thee  it  fell  :  and  fatall  day  alas 
480      of  Hector  both,  and  Troy  but  one  there  was. 

HEC.     C  Enough  hath  hector  :  turne  your  plaint  &  mone 

and  shed  your  teares  for  Pryame  euery  chone. 
WO.     f[  Receiue  our  plaintes,  Olord  of  Phrigian  land, 

and  old  twise  captiue  king,  receiue  our  fcare, 
485  Whyle  thou  wert  king,  Troy  hurtles  then  could  stand 
though  shaken  twyse,  with  Grecian  sword  it  weare, 
And  twyse  did  shot  of  Hercles  quyuer  beare  : 

at  latter  los  of  Hecubes  sonnes  all 
and  roges  for  kinges,  that  high  on  pyles  we  reare  : 
490      thou  father  shutst  our  latest  funerall. 

».  it.  And 

[20]  Troas 

And  beaten  downe,  to  Joue  for  sacrifies. 

like  liueles  blocke,  in  Troye  thy  carkas  lies. 
HEC.     C  Yet  turne  ye  once  your  treares,  another  way 

my  Pryames  death,  should  not  lamented  be 
4g5  O  Troianes  all,  full  happy  is  Pryame  say, 

for  free  from  bondage,  downe  descended  he, 
To  the  lowest  ghostes  :  and  neuer  shall  sustayne 

his  captiue  necke,  with  Greekes  to  yoked  be 
He  neuer  shall,  beholde  the  Atrides  twayne 
5oo      nor  false  Ulysses  euer  shall  he  sec, 

Not  he  a  pray,  lor  Grekes  to  tryumphe  at 

his  neck  shall  subiect,  to  their  conquestes  beare 
Ne  gyue  his  handes,  to  tye  behind  his  backe 

that  to  the  rule  of  scepters  wonted  weare 
5o5  Nor  folowing  Agamemnons  chare,  in  bande 

shall  he  be  pompe,  to  proude  Mycenas  lande. 
WO.         C  Full  happy  Pryame  is,  eche  one  we  say 

that  tooke  with  him  his  kingdome,  then  that  stoode 
Now  safe  in  shade,  he  sekes  the  wandring  wray 
5io      and  treades  the  pathes  of  all  Elizius  woode, 
And  in  the  blessed  sprites,  full  happie  he, 

againe  there  sekes,  to  mete  with  Hectors  ghoste, 
Happy  Pryame,  happy  who  so  may  see, 

his  kingdome  all,  at  ones  with  him  be  loste. 

5i5  ^.Chorus  added  to  the  tragedy 

by  the  translatour. 


Yeto  whom,  the  lord  of  land  and  seas, 

of  lyfe  and  death,  hath  grauted  here  the  powre 

Lay  down  your  lofty  lookes,  your  pryde  appeas 
the  crowned  k!ng,  fleeth  not  his  fatall  howre. 


of  Seneca.  [21] 

Who  so  thou  be,  that  leadst  thy  land  alone 

thy  life  was  limite,  from  thy  mothers  wombe, 
Not  purple  robe,  not  glorious  glittring  throne, 

ne  crownc  of  golde,  rcdemes  the  from  the  tombc 
525  A  king  he  was,  that  wayting  for  the  vayle, 
of  him  that  slew,  the  Minotaure  in  fight  : 
Begylde  with  blackenes,  of  the  wonted  sayle 

in  seas  him  sonke,  and  of  his  name  they  hight. 
So  he  that  \vilde,  to  win  the  golden  spoyle 
53o      and  first  with  ship,  by  seas  to  scke  rcnowne, 
Jn  lesser  wauc.  at  length  to  death  gan  boyle, 

and  thus  the  daughters,  brought  their  father  downe, 
Whose songes,  the  woodes  hath  drawen,  and  riuersheld, 

and  byrdes  to  heare  his  notes,  did  theyrs  forsake, 
535  Jn  peece  meale  throwne,  amid  the  Thracian  feelde, 

without  rcturne  hath  sought  the  Stigiau  lake. 
They  sit  aboue,  that  hold  our  life  in  line, 

and  what  we  suffre,  downe  they  fling  from  hye 
No  carke,  no  care,  that  euer  may  vntwine 
540      the  thrids,  that  wouen  are  aboue  the  skye, 
As  witnest  he,  that  somtime  kyng  of  Greece, 

had  Jason  thought,  in  drenching  sees  to  drowne 
Who  scapte  both  death,  and  gaynde  the  golden  fleece, 
whom  fates  aduaunce,ther  may  no  povvre  pluck  downe 
545  Tne  highest  god,  somtime  that  Saturne  hight 

his  fall  him  taught  to  credit  their  decryes 
The  rule  of  heauens  :  he  lost  it  by  their  might 

and  Joue  his  sonne,  now  turnes  the  rolling  skyes. 
Who  weneth  here  to  win  eternall  welth, 
55o      let  him  behold  this  present  perfit  proofe, 

And  learne,  the  secrete  steppe,  of  chaunces  stelth, 
most  nere  alas,  when  most  it  semes  aloofe. 

S3.  Hi.  In 

[22]  Troas 

Jn  slipper  ioy,  let  no  man  put  his  trust 

let  none  dispayre,  that  heauy  happes  hath  past 
555  The  swete  with  sowre,  she  mingleth  as  she  lust 

whose  doubtfull  web,  pretendeth  nought  to  last. 
Frayltie  is  the  thrid,  that  Clothoes  rocke  hath  sponne, 
now  from  the  distaffe  drawne,  now  knapt  in  twayne 
With  al  the  world,  at  length  his  e  d  he  wonne, 
56o      whose  works  haue  wrought,  his  name  sholdgret  remain 
and  he,  whose  trauelles,  twelue,  his  name  display, 

that  feared  nought,  the  force  of  worldly  hurt, 
Jn  fine  alas  hath  found  his  fatall  day, 

and  dyed  with  smart  of  Dianyraes  shurt, 
565  Jfprowes  might  eternitie  procure, 

then  Pryame  yet  should  Hue  in  lyking  lust 
Ay  portly  pompe  of  pride,  thou  art  vnsure 

lo  learne  by  him,  o  kinges  ye  are  but  dust, 
and  Hecuba  that  waileth  now  in  care, 
570      that  was  so  late  of  high  estate  aQueene 
a  mirrour  is,  to  teache  you  what  you  are 

your  wauering  welth,  o  princes,  here  is  scene. 
Whom  dawne  of  day,  hath  seen  in  high  estate 

before  sonnes  set,  alas  hath  had  his  fall 
5y5  The  cradelles  rocke,  apointes  the  lyfe  his  date 
from  setled  ioy,  to  sodayn  funera.ll. 

The  second  acte. 

The  sprite  oj  A  chilles  added  to  the  tra- 
gedie  by  the  translatour. 


The  first  sceane.  [23] 

1  Orsaking  now  the  places  tenebrous, 
„       j  and  drpe  dennes  of  thinfernal  regione 
,  From  all  the  shadowes  of  elisions 

i  That  wander  there  the  pathes  full  many  one. 

585  Lo,  here  am  J  returned  all  alone, 

The  same  Achill  whose  feerce  and  heany  hand 
Of  all  the  world,  no  wight  might  yet  withstand. 

What  man  so  stout  of  all  the  Grecians  host, 
That  hath  not  somtime  craued  Achilles  aide, 
5go  and  in  the  Troians,  who  of  prowes  most 

That  hath  not  fearde  to  see  my  banners  splayde 
Achilles  lo,  hath  made  them  all  afrayde. 
and  in  the  Grekes  hath  been  a  piller  post, 
That  sturdy  stode  against  the  rToiane  host. 

5g5      Where  J  haue  lackte,  the  Grecians  went  to  wracke 
Troy  hath  proude  what  Achilles  sword  could  do 
Where  J  haue  come  the  Troianes  fled  a  backe, 
Retiring  fast  from  field  their  walles  vnto, 
No  man  that  might  Achilles  stroke  fordo, 

600  J  dealt  such  stripes  amid  the  Troian  route, 

That  with  their  blood  J  stainde  the  fieldes  about. 

Mighty  Memnon,  that  with  his  Persian  bande, 
Would  Pryames  part  with  all  his  might  mayntayne 
Lo  now  he  lythe  and  knoweth  Achilles  hand 
6o5  amid  the  field  is  Troylus  also  slayne. 

Ye  Hector  great,  whom  Troy  accounted  playne 
The  flowre  of  chiualry  that  might  be  found, 
all  of  Achilles  had  their  mortall  wound, 

X.  Itfi.  But 

[24]  Troas 

But  Paris  lo,  such  was  his  false  disceite, 

610  Pretending  manage  of  Polyxeine, 
Behind  the  aulter  lay  for  me  in  wayte 
Where  J  vnwares  haue  falne  into  the  trayne 
And  in  Appolloes  church  he  hath  me  slaine 
Wherof  the  hell  will  now  iust  vengeance  haue, 

6i5  And  here  agayne,  J  come  my  right  to  craue. 

The  depe  Auerne  my  rage  may  not  sustayne 
Nor  beare  the  angers  of  Achilles  spright 
From  Acheront,  J  rent  the  soyle  in  twayne 
and  through  the  ground,  J  grate  again  to  sight 
620  Hell  could  not  hide  Achilles  from  the  light, 
Vengeans  and  blood  doth  Orcus  pit  require, 
To  quench  the  furies  of  Achilles  yro. 

The  hatefull  land,  that  worse  then  Tartare  is 
and  burning  thrust  excedes  of  Tantalus, 
626  J  here  beholde  againe,  and  Troye  is  this 
O,  trauell  worse,  then  stone  of  Sisyphus 
and  paynes  that  passe  the  panges  of  Tityus 
To  light  more  lothsome  furie  hath  me  sent 
Then  hooked  whele,  that  Jxions  fleshe  doth  rent. 

63o      Remembred  is  alowe  where  spretes  do  dwell 
The  wicked  slaughter  wrought  by  wyly  way, 
Not  yet  reuenged  hath  the  depest  hell, 
Achilles  blood  on  them  that  did  him  slay 
But  now  of  vengeans  comes  the  yrefull  day 

635  and  darkest  demies  of  Tartare  from  beneath 

Conspire  the  fates  :  of  them  that  wrought  my  death. 


of  Seneca.  [28] 

Now  mischief,  murder,  wrath  ot"  hell  drawth  nere 
and  dyre  Phlegethon  flood  doth  blood  require 
Achilles  death  shalbe  reuenged  here 
640  With  slaughter  such  as    Stygian  lakes  desyre 
Her  daughters  blood  shall  slake  the  sprites  yre, 
Whose  sonne  we  slew. wherof  doth  yet  remayne, 
The  wrath  beneath,  and  hell  shalbe  theyr  payne. 

From  burning  lakes  the  furies  wrath  J  threate, 
646  and  fyer  that  nought  but  streames  of  blood  may  slake 
The  rage  of  wynde  and  seas  these  shippes  shal  beate, 
and  Ditis  depe  on  you  shal  vengeans  take, 
The  sprites  crye  out,  the  earth  and  seas  do  quake 
The  poole  of  Styx,  vngrateful  Grckes  it  seath, 
65o  With  slaughtred  blood  reuenge  Achilles  death. 

The  soile  doth  shake  to  beare  my  heauy  foote 
and  fearth  agayn  the  sceptours  of  my  hand 
The  poales  with  stroke  of  thunderclap  ring  out 
The  doubtful  starres  amid  their  course  do  stand, 
655  and  fearful  Phebus  hides  his  biasing  brand. 

The  trembling  lakes  agaynst  their  course  do  flyte, 
For  dreade  and  terrur  of  Achilles  spryte. 

Great  is  the  raunsom,  ought  of  dewe  to  me, 
Wherwith  ye  must  the  sprites,  and  hell  appease, 
660  Polyxena  shal  sacrifised  be, 

Upon  my  tombe,  their  yreful  wrath  to  please, 
and  with  her  blood,  ye  shal  asswage  the  sease 
Your  ships  may  not  returne  to  Greece  againe 
Til  on  my  tombe  Polyxena  be  slayne. 


'26]  Troas 

665      And  for  that  she  should  then  haue  been  my  wyfe, 
J  will  that  Pyrrhus  render  her  to  me, 
and  in  such  solemne  sort  byreeue  her  lyfe, 
as  ye  are  wont  the  weddinges  for  to  see, 
So  shall  the  wrath  of  hell  appeased  be, 

670  Nought  els  but  this  may  satisfye  our  yre, 
Her  will  J  haue,  and  her  J  you  require. 

The  second  sceane. 

Talthybiiis.      Chorus. 
Las  how  long  the  lingring  greekes 


in  heauen  do  make  delay, 
^         When  either  war  by  seas  they  seeke 
or  home  to  pas  their  way. 

CHO.     C  Why  shew  what  cause  doth  hold  your  ships? 

and  Grecian  nauie  stayes, 
680  Declare  if  any  of  the  gods 

haue  stopt  your  homeward  wayes. 
TAL.     C  My  mynd  is  masde  my  trembling  sinnewes 

quake  and  are  afearde, 
For  straunger  newes  of  trueth  then  these 
685      J  thinke  wer  neuer  hearde. 
Lo  J  my  self  haue  plainly  scene, 

in  dawning  of  the  day, 
When  Phebus  fyrst  gan  to  approche, 

and  dryue  the  starres  away. 
690  The  earth  all  shaken  sodeynly 
and  from  the  hollow  ground, 
My  thought  J  heard  with  roring  crye 
a  depe  and  dreadful  sound. 


of  Seneca.  [27] 

That  shoke  the  woods  and  all  the  treese 
695       rong  out  with  thunder  stroke, 

From  Jda  hilles  downe  fell  the  stones 

the  mountayn  tops  wer  broake. 
and  not  the  earth  hath  only  quakte 

but  all  the  sea  likewise, 
700  Achilles  presence  felt  and  knewe 

and  high  the  surges  ryse, 
The  clouen  ground  Erebus  pitts 

then  shewed  and  depest  dennes, 
That  downe  to  Goddes  that  guyde  beneath, 
7o5      the  way  appearde  from  hence. 

Then  shoke  the  tombe  from  whence  anon 

in  flame  of  fyrie  light, 
appeareth  from  the  hollow  caues 

Achilles  noble  spright. 
710  as  wonted  he  his  Thracian  armes 

and  banners  to  disploye 
and  welde  his  weighty  weapons  well, 

against  thassautes  of  Troye. 
The  same  Achilles  semed  he  than 
7i5      that  he  was  wont  to  be 

amid  the  hostes,  and  easely  could 

J  know,  that  this  was  he. 
With  carkas  slayne  in  furious  fight 

that  stopt  and  filde  eche  flood, 
720  and  who  by  slaughter  of  his  hand 

made  Xanthus  runne  with  blood 
as  when  in  chariote  high  he  sate 

with  lofty  stomacke  stought. 
While  Hector  both  and  Troy  at  once 
725      he  drew  the  walles  abought. 


[28J  Troas 

alowde  he  cryde  and  euery  coaste, 

rang  with  Achilles  sound 
and  thus  with  hollow  voyce  he  spake, 

from  bottome  of  the  ground. 
780  The  grekes  shal  not  with  little  price 

redeine  Achilles  yre, 
A  princely  raunsome  must  they  geue, 

for  so  the  fates  require. 
Unto  my  ashes  Polyxene, 
735      spoused  shal  here  be  slaine, 

By  Pyrrhus  hand,  and  all  my  tombe 

her  blood  shal  ouerstayne. 
This  sayd,  he  straight  sanke  downe  agayne 

to  Plutoes  depe  regione, 
740  The  earth  then  closde  the  hollow  caues 

were  vanished  and  gone. 
Therwith  the  wether  waxed  clere, 

the  raging  windes  did  slake, 
The  iombling  seas  began  to  rest, 
745      and  al  the  tempest  brake. 

The  third  sceane. 

Pyrrhus.        Agamemnon. 

,Hattyme  our  sayles  we  should  haue  spred, 
75o   J  B  B     vpon  Sygeon  seas, 

With  swift  returne  from  long  delay, 
to  seke  our  homeward  wayes. 



of  Seneca  [29] 

Achilles  rose  whose  onely  hand, 
hath  geuen  grekes  the  spoyle. 
755  Of  Troia  sore  annoyde  by  him 

and  leueld  with  the  soyle. 
With  spede  requighting  hys  abode 

and  former  long  delaye, 
At  Scyros  yle  and  Lesbos  both, 
760       amid  the  Egeon  sea. 

Till  he  came  here  in  doubte  it  stoode, 

of  fall  or  sure  estate 
Then  though  ye  hast  to  graunt  his  will 

ye  shall  it  geue  to  late. 
765  Now  haue  the  other  captaynes  all, 

the  pryce  of  their  manhood, 
What  els  rewarde  for  his  prowes, 

then  her  all  onely  blood  ? 
Are  his  desertes  thinke  you  but  light, 
770      that  when  he  might  haue  fled, 
And  passing  Pelyus  yeres  in  peace, 

a  quyet  life  haue  led. 
Detected  yet  his  mothers  craftes, 

forsooke  his  womans  wede, 
775  And  with  his  weapons  proued  himselfe, 

a  manly  man  in  dede  ? 
The  king  of  Mysya  Tek-phus 

that  would  the  grekes  withstand, 
Coming  to  Troy  forbidding  vs, 
780      the  passage  of  his  land. 

To  late  repenting  to  have  felt, 

Achilles  heauy  stroke, 
Was  glad  to  craue  his  health  agayne, 
where  he  his  hurt  had  toke. 


[3o]  Troas 

785  For  when  his  sore  might  not  be  salued 

as  tolde  Appolo  plaine, 
Except  the  speare  that  gaue  the  hurt 

restored  helpe  agayne. 
Achilles  plasters  cured  his  cuttes 
790      and  saued  the  king  aliue 

His  hand  both  might  and  mercy  knew 

to  slay  and  then  reuiue. 
When  Thebes  fell  :  Eetion  saw  it 

and  might  it  not  withstand, 
7Q5  The  captiue  king  could  nought  redres 

the  ruine  of  his  land. 
Lyrnesus  little  likewyse  felt 
his  hand  and  downe  it  fill, 
With  ruine  ouerturned  lyke 
800      from  top  of  haughty  hill, 
and  taken  Bryseis  land  it  is 

and  prisoner  is  she  caught 
The  cause  of  stryfe  betwene  the  kinges 

is  Chryses  come  to  naught. 
8o5  Tenedos  yle  wel  knowne  by  fame 

and  fertile  soyle  he  tooke 
That  fostreth  fatte  the  Thracian  flockes 

and  sacred  Cilia  shooke. 
What  bootes  to  blase  the  brute  of  him 
810      whom  trompe  of  fame  doth  shew, 

Through  all  the  coastes  where  Caicus  flood 

with  swelling  streame  doth  flow  ? 
The  ruthfull  ruine  of  theese  realmes 

so  many  townes  bette  downe, 
8l5  another  man  would  glory  count 
and  worthy  great  renowne. 


ofSeneca  [3iJ 

But  thus  my  father  made  his  way 

and  these  his  iourneys  are, 
And  battayles  many  one  he  fought. 
820      whyle  warre  he  doth  prepare. 

As  whisht  J  ma}r  his  merit(  s  more 
%       shall  yet  not  this  remayne. 

Well  knowen  and  counted  prayse  enoughe 

that  he  hath  Hector  slayne  ? 
825  During  whose  life  the  Grecians  all 

might  neuer  take  the  towne 
My  father  only  vanquish!  Troye 
and  you  haue  pluckt  it  downe, 
Reioyse  J  may  your  parentes  prayse 
83o      and  brute  abrode  his  actes 
Jt  semeth  the  soon  to  folow  well 

his  noble  fathers  actes, 
Jn  sight  of  Pryame  Hector  slayne 

and  Memnon  both  they  laye. 
835  With  heauy  cheere  his  parentes  waylde 

to  mourne  his  dying  day. 
Himselfe  abhorde  his  handy  vvorke 

in  fight  that  had  them  slayne 
The  sonnes  of  Coddcs  Achilles  knewe 
840      wer  borne  to  dye  agayne. 

The  woman  Quoene  of  Amasons 

that  greeude  the  Greekes  fnll  sore 
Js  turnde  to  flight  then  ceast  out  feare 

we  drade  their  bowes  no  more. 
845  Jf  ye  well  way  his  worthines 

Achilles  ought  to  haue 
Though  he  from  Argos  or  Myce- 
nas  would  a  virgin  craue. 


[32]  Troas 

Doubte  ye  herein  ?  allow  ye  not 
85o      that  streight  his  will  be  doon. 
And  count  ye  cruel  Pryames  blood 

to  geue  to  Peleus  sonne  ? 
For  Helens  sake  your  own  childes  blood, 

appeasde  Dyanaes  yre, 
855  A  wonted  thing  and  done  ere  this, 

it  is  that  J  requyre. 
AG.     C  The  onely  faulte  of  youth  it  is 

not  to  refrayne  his  rage, 
The  fathers  blood  already  sturres, 
860      in  Pryames  wanton  age 

Somtime  Achilles  grieuous  checkes 

J  bare  with  pacient  hart, 
The  more  thou  mayst  the  more  thou  oughtste, 

to  suffre  in  good  part. 
865  Whereto  would  ye  with  slaughtred  blood 

a  noble  spirite  stayne  ? 
Thinke  what  is  mete  the  grekes  to  doo 

and  troians  to  sustayne. 
The  pi  oude  estate  of  tiranye 
870      may  neuer  long  endure. 

The  king  that  rules  with  modest  ineane 

of  safetie  may  be  sure. 
The  higher  steppe  of  princely  state 

that  fortune  hath  vs  synde, 
875  The  more  behouthe  a  happy  man 

humilitie  of  mynde, 
And  dreade  the  chaunge  that  chauuce  may  bring 

whose  gyftes  so  sone  be  loste 
And  chiefly  then  to  feare  the  gods, 
880      whyle  they  the  fauour  most. 

In  bea- 

of  Seneca.  [33] 

Jn  beating  downe  that  warre  hath  wonne, 

by  proofe  J  haue  ben  taught, 
What  pompe  and  pride,  in  twinke  of  Jye, 

may  fall  and  come  to  naught. 
885  Troye  made  me  fierce  and  proude  of  minde, 

Troy  makes  me  frayde  with  all  : 
The  Greekes  now  stande  where  Troy  late  foil, 

eche  thing  may  haue  his  fall. 
Sometime  J  graunt  J  did  my  selfe, 
890      and  sceptors  proudly  beare, 

The  thing  that  might  aduaunce  my  harte, 

makes  me  the  more  to  feare. 
Thou  Priame  perfite  proofe  presentst, 

thou  art  to  me  eftsones  : 
8g5  A  cause  of  pride,  a  glas  of  feare, 

a  mirrour  for  the  nones. 
Should  J  account,  the  sceptors  owght, 

but  glorious  vanitie? 
Much  like  the  borowed  brayded  here, 
900      the  face  to  bewtefie. 

One  sodaine  chaunce  may  turne  to  naught. 

and  maime  the  might  of  men, 
With  fewer  then  a  thousande  shippes, 

and  yeres  in  les  then  ten. 
go5  Not  she  that  guides  the  slipper  whele, 

of  fate  :  doth  so  delayc  : 
That  she  to  all  possession  grauntes, 

often  yeres  setled  staye. 
With  leaue  of  Greece  J  will  confesse, 
910      J  would  haue  wonne  the  towne, 
But  not  with  ruine  thus  extreme, 
to  se  it  beaten  downe. 

C.  f.  But 

[34]  Troas 

But  loe  the  battel  made  by  night 

and  rage  of  feruent  minde, 
9i5  Could  not  abyde  the  brideling  bitte 

that  reason  had  assinde. 
The  happy  sword  once  staynde  with  blood 

vnsacyable  is, 

And  in  the  darke  the  feruent  rage 
920      doth  strike  the  more  amis. 

Now  are  we  wreake  on  Troy  to  much 

let  all  that  may  remaine. 
A  virgin  borne  of  princes  blood 

for  offring  to  be  slaine 
Q25  And  geuen  be,  to  staine  the  tombe 

and  ashes  of  the  (led, 
And  vnder  name  of  wedlocke  se 

the  giltles  blood  be  shed, 
J  will  not  graunt  :  for  mine  should  bee 
93o      therof  both  faute  and  blame, 
Who  when  he  may  forbiddeth  not 

offence  :  doth  will  the  same. 
PYR.     CAnd  shall  hys  sprightes  haue  no  rewarde 

their  angers  to  appayse  ? 
g35  AG.     Yes  very  great,  for  all  the  worlde 

shall  celebrate  hys  prayse. 
And  landes  vnknowne  that  neuer  saw 

the  man  so  praisde  by  fame, 
Shall  here  and  keepe  for  many  yeres, 
940      the  glory  of  his  name. 

Jf  bloodshed  vayle  hys  ashes  ought 

strike  of  an  oxes  hed, 
And  let  no  blood  that  may  be  cause 
of  mothers  teares  be  shed 


of  Seneca.  [35] 

945  What  furious  fransye  may  this  be 

that  doth  your  wyll  so  leade, 
This  earnest  carefull  sute  to  make 

in  trauaile  for  the  deade  ? 
Let  not  such  enuy  towarde  your  fa- 
g5o      ther  in  yeur  hart  remaine, 

That  for  hys  sacrifice  ye  woulde 

procure  an  others  payne. 
PYR.    C  Proude  tyrant  while  prosperitie 

thy  stomacke  doth  aduaunce, 
g55  And  cowardly  wretch  that  shrinks  for  fere 

in  case  of  fearefull  chaunce. 
Js  yet  againe  thy  brest  enflamde, 

with  brande  of  venus  might? 
Wilt  thou  alone  so  oft  depriue 
960      Achilles  of  hys  right? 

Thys  hand  shall  giue  the  sacrifice 

the  which  if  thou  withstande. 
A  greater  slaughter  shall  J  make, 

and  worthy  Pyrrhus  hande. 
965  And  now  to  long  from  princes  slaugh 
ter  doth  m}r  hande  abide, 
And  meete  it  were  that  Polyxeine 

were  layde  by  Priames  syde. 
AG.          J  nought  deny  but  Pyrrhus  chiefe 
970      renowne  :  in  warre  is  this, 

That  Priam  slaine  wyth  cruell  sworde, 

to  your  father  humbled  is. 
PYR.   C  My  fathers  foes  we  haue  them  knowne, 

submit  themselues  humblye, 
975  And  Pryam  presently  ye  wotte, 
was  gladdde  to  craue  mercye. 

a.  it.  But 

[36]  Tcoas 

But  them  for  feare  not  stout  to  rule, 

lyest  close  from  foes  vp  shit  : 
While  thou  to  Aiax  and  vlis- 
980      ses,  dooste  thy  will  commit. 

AG.     C  But  nedes  J  must  and  will  confesse 

your  father  dyd  not  feare  : 
When  burnt  our  fleete  with  Hectors  brandes, 

and  Greekes  they  slawghtred  weare. 
g85  While  loytring  then  a  loofe  he  lay, 

vnmindefull  of  the  fight. 
Jn  steade  of  armes  with  scratche  of  quill, 

hys  sownding  harpe  to  smight. 
P  Y  R.     C  Great  Hector  then  despising  the 
990      Achilles  songes  dyd  feare  : 

And  thessale  shippes  in  greatest  drede, 

in  quiet  peace  yet  weare. 
A  G.     C  For  why  aloofe  the  thessale  fleete, 

they  lay  from  Troians  handes, 
995  And  well  your  father  might  haue  rest, 

he  felt  not  Hectors  brandes, 
PYR.     C  Well  semes  a  noble  king  to  giue 

an  other  king  reliefe, 

A  G    C  Whie  hast  thou  then  a  worthie  king 
1000      berieued  of  hys  lyefe  ? 

PYR.    €[  A  point  of  mercie  sometime  is, 

what  Hues  in  care  to  kill. 
A  G.       C  But  now  your  mercie  moueth  you 

a  virgins  death  to  will. 
loo5  PYR.        C  Account  ye  cruell  now  her  death 

whose  sacrifice  J  craue. 
Your  own  dere  daughter  once  ye  know, 
your  selfe  to  thaulters  gaue. 


ofSeneneca.  [3y] 

A  G.     Nought  els  could  saue  the  Grekes  from  seas, 
1010      but  thonlie  blood  of  her  : 

A  king  before  his  children  ought, 

his  countrey  to  prefer. 
PYR.     C  The  law  doth  spare  no  captiues  blood 

nor  wilthe  their  death  to  staye. 
ioi5  A  G.     C  That  which  the  law  doth  not  forbid, 

yet  shame  doth  ofte  say  nay. 
PYR.     €E  The  conquerour  what  thing  he  lyst, 

may  lawfully  fulfill. 

A  G.    C  So  much  the  les  he  ought  to  lyst, 
1020      that  may  do  what  he  will. 

PYR.     €E  Thus  boast  ye  these  as  though  in  all 

ye  onely  bare  the  stroke  : 
When  Pyrrhus  loosed  hath  the  greekes, 

from  bonde  of  ten  yeres  yoke. 

IO25  AG.     C  Hath  Scyros  yle  such  stomaks  bred  ? 
PYR.        C  No  bretherns  wrath  it  knowes. 
AG.    C  Beset  about  it  is  with  waue. 
PYR.      €L  The  seas  :  it  do  enclose. 
Thyestes  noble  stock  J  knowe, 
io2o      and  Atreus  eke  full  well, 

And  of  the  bretherns  dire  debate. 

perpetuall  faine  doth  tell. 
AG.     C  And  thou  a  bastarde  of  a  mayde, 

deflowred  priuely. 
lo35  Whom  (then  a  boy)  Achilles  gate, 

in  filthy  letchery. 
PYR.     C  The  same  Achill  that  doth  posses, 

the  raigne  of  goddes  aboue, 
With  Thetys  seas  :  with  Eacus  sprightes, 
1040      the  starred  heauen  with  Joue. 

C.  ill.  The 

[38]  Troas 

AG.     C  The  same  Achilles  that  was  slaine, 

by  stroke  of  parys  hande 
PYR.     C  The  same  Achilles,  whom  no  god, 

durst  euer  yet  withstande 
1045  AG     C  The  stoutest  man  J  rather  would, 

hys  chekes  he  should  refraine, 
J  could  them  tame,  but  all  your  bragges, 

J  can  full  well  sustaine. 
For  euen  the  captiues  spares  my  sworde  : 
io5o      let  Calchas  called  be. 

Jf  destenies  require  her  blood, 

J  wyll  therto  agre. 
Calchas  whose  counsell  rulde  our  shippes, 

and  nauy  hyther  brought, 
io55  Unlokst  the  poale  and  hast  by  arte, 

the  secretes  therof  sought. 
To  whom  the  bowrelles  of  the  beast, 

to  whom  the  thunder  clap, 
And  biasing  starre  with  flaming  traine, 
1060      betokeneth  what  shall  hap. 

Whose  wordes  with  deerest  price  J  bought, 

now  tell  vs  by  what  meane, 
The  will  of  Gods  agreeth  that  we 

returne  to  Greece  againe. 
io65  CAL.     C  The  fates  apoint  the  Grekes  to  bye 

theyr  waies  with  wonted  price, 
And  with  what  cost  ye  came  to  Troy, 

ye  shall  repayre  to  Greece 
With  blood  ye  came,  with  blood  ye  must, 
1070      from  hence   returne   againe, 
And  where  Achilles  ashes  lyeth, 
the  virgin  shall  be  slaine, 


of  Seneca.  [3gj 

Jn  semely  sort  ot  habite,  such 

as  maydens  wont  ye  se, 
1075  Of  Thessalie,  or  Mycenas  els, 

what  time  they  wedded  be. 
With  Pyrrhus  hand  she  shall  be  slaine, 

of  right  it  shalbe  so. 
And  meete  it  is  that  he  the  sonne, 
1080      his  fathers  right  should  do. 

But  not  this  only  stayeth  our  shippes, 

our  sayles  may  not  be  spred, 
Before  a  worthier  blood  then  thine, 

(Polixena)  be  shed. 

io85  which  thirst  the  tates,  for  Priames  ne 
phew,  Hectors  little  boye  : 
The  grekes  shall  tumble  hedlong  downe, 

from  hyghest  towre  in  Troy. 
Let  him  there  die,  this  only  way 
1090      ye  shall  the  gods  appeas, 

Then  spread  your  thousand  sayles  with  ioy, 

ye  nede  not  feare  the  seas. 


MAy  thys  be  true  or  doth  the  fable  fayne, 
When  corps  is  dead  the  sprite  to  Hue  as  yet  ? 
when  death  our  iyes  with  heauy  hand  doth  straine 
And  fatall  day  our  leames  of  light  hath  shet, 
And  in  the  tombe,  our  ashes  once  be  set, 
Hath  not  the  soule  likewise  his  funerall, 
iioo  But  still  alas  do  wretches  Hue  in  thrall  ? 

Or  els  doth  all  at  once  together  dye  ? 
And  may  no  part  his  fatall  howre  delay. 

C.  till.  But 

[40]  Troas 

But  with  the  breath  the  soule  from  hence  doth  flie  ? 
Amid  the  cloudes  to  vanish  quite  away, 
no5  As  dankye  shade  fleeth  from  the  poale  by  day  ? 
And  may  no  iot.e  escape  from  destenie, 
When  once  the  brande  hath  burnde  the  bodye  ? 

What  euer  then  the  ryse  of  some  may  see, 
And  what  the  weste  that  setts  the  sonne  doth  knowe, 
i no  Jn  all  Neptunus  raigne  what  euer  bee, 
That  restles  seas  doe  washe  and  ouer  flow, 
with  purple  waues  still  tombling  to  and  fro. 
Age  shall  consume  :  eche  thing  that  liuthe  shall  die, 
With  swifter  race  then  Pegasus  doth  flie. 

in5      And  with  what  whyrle,  the  twise  sixe  signes  do  flie, 
With  course  as  swift,  as  rectoure  of  the  spheares, 
Doth  guide  those  glistring  globes  eternallie, 
And  Hecate  her  chaunged  homes  repeares, 
So  drauthe  on  deathe,  and  life  of  eche  thing  weares, 

1120  And  neuer  may  the  man,  retourne  to  sight, 

That  once  hath  felt  the  stroke  of  Parcas  might. 

For  as  the  fume  that  from  the  fire  doth  pas, 
With  tourne  of  hande,  doth  vanishe  out  of  sight 
And  swifter  then  the  northen  boreas, 
1 125  With  whirling  blaste  and  storme  of  raging  might, 
Driuthe  far  away  and  puttes  the  cloudes  to  flyght, 
So  fleeth  the  spright  that  rules  our  life  away, 
And  nothing  taryeih  after  dying  day. 

Swift  is  the  race  we  ronne,  at  hand  the  marke, 
n?o  Laye  downe  your  hope,  that  weight  here  ought  to  wyn, 


of  Seneca.  [41] 

And  who  dredes  ought,  cast  of  thy  carefull  carke, 
Wilt  thou  it  wotte  what  state  thou  shalt  be  in, 
When  deade  thou  arte  ?  as  thou  hadst  neuer  bin. 
For  gredy  time  it  doth  deuour  vs  all, 
it35  The  worlde  it  swayes  to  Chaos  heape  to  fall. 

Death'  hurtes  the  corps  and  spareth  not  the  spright, 
And  as  for  all  the  dennes  of  Tenare  deepe, 
With  Cerberus  kingdome  darke  that  knowes  no  lyght, 
And  streightest  gates  that  he  there  sits  to  keepe, 
1140  They  fansyes  are,  that  followe  folke  by  sleepe 
Such  rumours  vayne,  but  fayned  lies  they  are, 
And  fables,  lyke  the  dreames  in  heauy  care. 

These  three   staues   following   are 
added   by   the   translatour. 

1145      O  dreadfull  day  :  alas  the  sory  time, 

Js  come  of  all  the  mothers  ruthfull  wo, 

Astianax,  alas  thy  iatall  line, 

Of  life  is  worne,  to  death  straight  shalt  thou  go, 

The  sisters  haue  decreed  it  should  be  so, 
Il5o  There  may  no  force  alas  escape  their  hande, 

The  mighty  Joue  their  will  may  not  withstande. 

To  see  the  mother,  her  tender  childe  forsake. 
What  ientle  hart  that  may  from  teares  refraine, 
Or  who  so  fierce  that  would  not  pittie  take, 
Ii55  To  see  alas  the  giltles  infant  slaine. 

For  sory  hart  the  teares  mine  iyes  do  staine, 
To  thinke  what  sorowe  shall  her  hart  oppresse, 
Her  little  chylde  to  leese  remedylesse, 


[42]  Troas 

The  double  cares  of  Hectors  wife  to  wayle, 
1160  Good  Ladies  haue  your  teares  in  reddines, 

And  you  with  whom  should  pitie  most  preuaile. 
Rue  on  her  greefe  :  bewaile  her  heauines, 
With  sobbing  hart,  lament  her  deepe  distres 
When  she  with  teares.  shall  take  leaue  of  her  soon, 
Ii65  And  now  (good  ladies)  here  what  shall  be  doon. 

The  tMrde  acte. 

Andromacha.  Senex. 


Las  ye  carefull  company 
1170  why  hale  ye  thus  your  heares  ? 

Why  beate  you  so  your  boyling  brestes 

and  staine  your  iyes  with  teares  ? 
The  fall  of  Troy  is  new  to  you 

but  vnto  me  not  so, 
1175  J  haue  foresene  this  carefull  case 

ere  thys  time  long  ago 
When  fierce  Achilles  Hector  slewe 

and  drew  the  corps  abought 
Then  then  me  thought  J  wist  it  well, 
1180      that  Troy  should  come  to  nought. 
Jn  sorowes  sonke,  J  sensles  am 

and  wrapt  alas  in  woe, 
But  soone  except  thys  babe  me  helde, 

to  Hector  would  J  goe. 
Ii85  Thys  seely  foole  my  stomack  tames 

amyd  my  miserye, 

And  in  the  houre  of  heauiest  happes, 
p  ermittes  me  not  to  dye, 


of  Seneca.  [48] 

Thys  onely  cause  constraynth  me  yet 
iigo      the  Gods  for  him  to  pray, 

with  trackt  of  time  prolonges  my  payne, 

delayes  my  dying  daye. 
He  takes  fro  me  the  lacke  of  feare 

the  onely  frute  of  yll. 
Iig5  For  while  he  Hues  yet  haue  J  lefte 

wherol  to  feare  me  styll. 
No  place  is  left  for  better  chaunce, 

with  woorse  we  are  opprest : 
To  feare  alas  and  se  no  hope, 
1200      is  worste  of  all  the  rest. 

SEN.     C  What  sodaine  feare  thus  moues  your  minde, 
and  vexeth  you  so  sore  ?  0 

ANDR.     C  Still  stil  alas  of  one  mishap 

there  ryseth  more  and  more. 
I2o5  Not  yet  the  dolefull  destenyes 

of  Troy  become  to  ende 
SEN.     C  And  what  more  grieuous  chaunces  yet 

prepare  the  gods  to  sende  ? 
SEN.    C  The  caues  and  dens  of  hell  be  rent 
1210      for  Troians  greater  feare, 

And  from  the  bottomes  of  theyr  tombes 

the  hidden  sprightes  appeare. 
May  none  but  Greekes  alone  from  hell 

returne  to  lyfe  agayne  ? 
I2i5  Would  god  the  fates  would  finishe  soone 

the  sorowes  J  sustaine. 
Death  thankfull  were,  a  common  care 

The  Troians  all  oppres, 
But  me  alas  amaseth  moste 
1220      the  fearefull  heauines. 


[44]  Troas 

That  all  astonied  am  for  dreade, 

and  horrour  of  the  sight  : 
That  in  my  sleepe  appearde  to  me, 

by  dreame  this  latter  night. 
1225  SEN.       Declare  what  sightes  your  dreame  hath  showed 

and  tell  what  doth  you  feare. 
AX  DR.        C  Two  partes  of  all  the  silent  night, 

almost  then  passed  weare. 
And  then  the  clere  seuen  clustred  beames 
I23o      of  starres  :  were  fallen  to  rest. 

And  first  the  slepe  so  long  vnknowne 

my  weried  iyes  opprest. 
Jf  this  be  slepe  the  astonied  mase, 
t       of  minde  in  heauy  moode, 
1235  When  sodenly  before  mine  iyes, 
the  spright  of  Hector  stoode. 
Not  like  as  he  the  Greekes  was  wont 

to  battaile  to  require 
Or  when  amid  the  Grecians  shippes, 
1240      he  threw  the  brandes  of  fyre. 

Nor  such  as  raging  on  the  Grekes, 

with  slaughtring  stroke  had  slaine, 
And  bare  in  dede  the  spoiles  of  him 

that  did  Achilles  fayne. 
1245  His  countenance  not  now  so  bright. 

Nor  of  so  liuely  chere, 
But  sad  and  heauy  like  to  owres, 

and  cladde  with  vglie  heare, 
Jt  did  me  good  to  se  him  though, 
I25o      when  shaking  then  his  bed  : 

Shake  of  thy  slepe  in  hast  he  sayd, 
and  quickly  leaue  thy  bed. 


of  Seneca.  [48] 

Conuey  into  some  secret  place, 

our  sonne,  O  faithfull  wife, 
1255  Thys  onely  hope  there  is  to  helpe, 

finde  meane  to  saue  his  life. 
Leaue  of  thy  piteous  teares  he  sayde 

doost  thou  yet  waile  for  Troy  ? 
Would  god  it  lay  on  grownde  full  flatte, 
1260      so  ye  might  saue  the  boy. 

Up  stirre  he  sayd  thy  selfe  in  hast, 

conueye  him  priuelie, 
Saue  if  ye  may  the  tender  blood. 

of  Hectors  progenie. 
1265  Then  straight  in  trembling  feare  J  \vakte 

and  roulde  mine  iyes  abought 
Forgetting  long  my  childe,  pore  wretche, 

and  after  Hector  sought. 
But  straight  alas,  J  wist  not  how 
1270      the  spright  away  did  passe, 
And  me  forsoke  before  J  coulde, 

my  husbande  once  embrasse. 
O  childe  :  O  noble  fathers  broode 

and  Troians  only  ioye, 
1275  O  worthy  seede  of  thauncient  bloode. 

and  beaten  house  of  Troye. 
O  ymage  of  thy  father  loe, 

thou  liuely  bearst  his  face, 
Thys  countenance,  loe  my  Hector  had, 
1280      and  euen  such  was  his  pace. 
The  pitche  of  all  his  body  such, 

his  handes  thus  would  he  beare. 
His  shoulders  hygh,  his  thretning  browes, 
eueu  such  as  thine  they  weare. 

O  sonne 

[46]  Troas 

1285  O  sonne  :  begotte  to  late  for  Troye 

but  borne  to  soone  for  me, 
Shall  euer  tyme  yet  come  againe 

and  happy  day  may  be, 
That  thou  mayst  once  reuenge,  and  builde 
1290      againe  the  towres  of  Troye, 

And  to  the  towne  and  Troians  bothe 

restore  theyr  name  with  ioye  ? 
But  why  do],  forgetting  state 

of  present  desteny, 
I2g5  So  great  thinges  wishe  ?  enough  for  cap- 

tiues  is  to  liue  onely. 
Alas  what  priuye  place  is  left 

my  little  childe  to  hyde  ? 
What  seate  so  secret  may  be  founde 
i3oo      where  thou  mayste  safely  bide  ? 

The  towre  that  with  the  walles  of  gods 

so  valiaunt  was  of  might, 
Through  all  the  worlde  so  notable 

so  flourishing  to  sight, 
i3o5  Js  turnde  to  dust  :  and  fire  hath  all 

consumde  that  was  in  Troye, 
Of  all  the  towne  not  so  much  now 

is  left  to  hyde  the  boye. 
What  place  were  best  to  choose  for  guyle 
i3io      the  holly  tombe  is  heere, 

That  thenmies  sworde  will  spare  to  spoile 

where  lythe  my  husbande  deere. 
Which  costly  worke  hys  father  buylte 

kyng  Pryame  lyberall, 
i3i5  And  it  vp  raysde  v/ith  charges  great, 
for  Hectors  funerall. 


of  Seneca.  [47] 

Herein  the  bones  and  ashes  bothe 

of  Hector  loe  they  lye, 
Best  is  that  J  commit  the  sonne 
i32O      to  hys  fathers  custodye. 

A  colde  and  fearefull  swet  doth  ronne, 

through  out  my  membres  all, 
Alas  J  carefull  wretche  do  feare, 

what  chaunce  may  the  befall. 
i3s5  SEN.    €L  Hide  him  away  :  this  onely  way 

hath  saued  many  more, 
To  make  the  enmies  to  beleue, 
that  they  were  deade  before. 
He  wilbe  sought  :  scant  any  hope 
i33o      remaineth  of  safenes, 

The  payse  of  his  nobilitie 
doth  him  so  sore  oppres, 
AN  DR.    C  What  way  were  best  to  worke  :  that  none 

our  doinges  might  bewray  ? 
i335  SEN.     C  Let  none  beare  witnes  what  ye  doe 

remoue  them  all  away. 
ANDR.     C  What  if  the  enmies  aske  me  :  where 

Astianax  doth  remaine  ? 

SEN.     C  Then  shall  ye  boldely  aunswere  make 
1340      that  he  in  Troy  was  slaine. 

ANDR.    C  What  shall  it  helpe  to  haue  him  hyd? 

at  length  they  will  him  finde. 
SEN.    C  At  first  the  enmies  rage  is  fierce 

delay  doth  slake  hys  minde. 
i3^5  ANDR.     C  But  what  preuailes,  since  free  from  feare 

we  can  him  neuer  hyde  ? 

SEN.    C  Let  yet  the  wretche  take  hys  defence 
more  careles  there  to  byde. 


[48]  Troas 

A  N  D  R.     C  What  lande  vnkno  wne  out  of  the  way 
i35o      what  vn frequented  place, 

May  kepe  thee  safe  ?  who  aydes  our  feare  ? 

who  shall  defende  our  case  ? 
Hector  Hector,  that  euermore 

thy  frendes  didst  well  defende, 
i355  Now  chiefly  ayde  thy  wife  and  childe 

and  vs  some  succour  sende. 
Take  charge  to  kepe  and  couer  close 

the  treasures  of  thy  wife, 
And  in  thy  ashes  hyde  thy  soon 
i36o      preserue  in  tombe  his  life. 

Draw  nere  my  childe  vnto  the  tombe 

why  fliest  thou  backward  so  ? 
Thou  takest  great  scorne  to  lurke  in  dens 

thy  noble  hart  J  knowe. 
i365  J  see  thou  art  ashamde  to  feare 
shake  of  thy  princely  minde, 
And  beare  thy  breste  as  thee  behoues 

as  chaunce  hath  thee  assinde. 
Beholde  our  case  :  and  see  what  flocke 
1370      remayneth  now  of  Troy 

The  tombe  :  J  wofull  captiue  wretche 

and  thou  a  sely  boye. 
But  yelde  we  must  to  sory  fates 

thy  chaunce  must  breake  thy  breste, 
l375  Go  to  :  creepe  vnderneath,  thy  fa 
thers  holy  seates  to  reste. 
Jf  ought  the  fates,  may  wretches  helpe 

thou  hast  thy  sauegarde  there. 
Jf  not  :  all  ready  then  pore  foole 
i38o      thou  hast  thy  sepulchere. 


of  Seneca  [49] 

SEN.     The  tombc  hym  closely  hydes  :  hut  lest 

your  feare  should  him  betrayc, 
Let  him  here  lye,  and  farre  from  hence, 

goe  ye  some  other  waye. 
1385  ANDR.    C  The  les  he  feares  that  feares  at  hande 

and  yet  if  nede  be  so, 
Jf  ye  thinke  meete  a  little  hens 

for  safetie  let  vs  go. 

SEN.    C  A  little  whyle  kepe  sylence  now 
1390      refrayne  your  playnt  and  cryc, 

His  cursed  foote  now  hycher  moues 

the  lord  of  Cephalye. 
AN.    C  Now  open  earth,  and  thou  my  spouse 

from  Styx  rent  vp  the  grounde, 
1395  Deepe  in  thy  bosome  hyde  my  sonne, 

that  he  may  not  be  founde. 
Ulysses  comes  with  doutfull  pace 

and  chaunged  countenaunce 
He  knittes  in  hart  deceitfull  craft 
1400      for  some  more  greuous  chaunce. 

ULY.     C  Though  J  be  made  the  messenger 

of  heauy  newes  to  you, 
This  one  thing  first  J  shall  desyre 

that  ye  take  thys  for  true. 
1405  That  though  the  wordes  come  from  my  mouth, 

and  J  my  message  tell, 
Of  trueth  yet  are  they  none  of  myne 

ye  may  beleue  me  well. 
Jt  is  ihe  woorde  of  all  the  Greekes 
1410      and  they  the  authors  bee, 

Whom  Hectors  blood  doth  yet  forbyd 
theyr  countreys  for  to  see. 

2>.  i.  Our 

[So]  Troas 

Our  carefull  trust  of  peace  vnsure 

doth  styll  the  Grekes  detayne , 
1415  And  euermore  our  doutfull  feare, 

yet  draweth  vs  backe  agayne. 
And  suffreth  not  our  weried  handes, 

our  weapons  to  forsake, 
Jn  chylde  yet  of  Andromacha, 
14:20      Whyle  Troians  comfort  take, 

AN.    C  And  sayth  your  Augure  Calchas  so  ? 
ULYS.        C  Though  Calchas  nothyng  sayde 
Yet  Hector  telles  it  vs  hymselfe, 
Of  whose  seede  are  we  frayde. 
1425  The  woorthy  blood  of  noble  men 

oftimes  we  see  it  playne, 
Doth  after  in  theyr  heyres  succede 

and  quickely  sprynges  agayne. 
For  so  the  horneles  yongling  yet, 
1480      of  h}'gh  and  sturdy  beste, 

With  lofty  necke,  and  braunched  browe, 

doth  shortly  rule  the  rest. 
The  tender  twig,  that  of  the  lop 
ped  stocke  doth  yet  rcmaync, 
1435  To  matche  the  tree  that  bare  the  boughe, 

in  tyme  startes  vp  agayne. 
With  equall  toppe  to  former  wood, 

the  rowme  it  doth  supplye, 
And  spreddes  on  soyle  alowe  the  shade, 
1440      to  heauen  hys  braunches  hye. 

Thus  of  one  sparke  by  chaunce  yet  left 

it  happeneth  so  full  oft. 
The  fyre  hath  quickely  caught  his  force 
and  rlamthe  agayne  aloft, 


of  Seneca  |5l] 

1445  So  feare  we  yet  least  Hectors  blood, 

might  rise  ere  it  be  long, 
Feare  castes  in  all  thextremitie 

and  oft  interprets  wrong. 
Jf  ye  respeckte  our  case,  ye  may 
I45o      not  blame  these  olde  souldiars 

Though  after  yeres  &  monthes  twise  flue, 

they  feare  againe  the  wars. 
And  other  trauailes,  dreading  Troye, 

not  yet  to  be  well  woon, 
1^55  A  great  thing  doth  the  Grecians  moue, 

the  feare  of  Hectors  soon. 
Ryd  vs  of  feare,  this  stayeth  our  fleete, 

and  pluckes  them  backe  againe, 
And  in  the  hauen  our  nauie  stickes, 
1460      till  Hectors  blood  be  slaine. 

Count  mee  not  feerce  for  that  by  fates 

J  Hectors  sonne  require, 
For  J  as  well  if  chaunce  it  woulde 

Orestes  should  desire. 
1465  But  sins  that  nedes  it  must  be  so, 

beare  it  with  pacient  hart, 
And  suffre  that  which  Agamem 
non,  suffred  in  good  part. 

AN.  €E  Alas  my  childe  would  god  thou  werte, 

1470      yet  in  thy  mothers  hande, 

And  that  J  knewe  what  destenies, 

the  helde,  or  in  what  lande. 
For  neuer  should  the  mothers  faith, 

her  tender  childe  forsake, 
1475  Though  through  my  brest  the  enmies  all, 
their  cruell  weapons  strake. 

2>.  ii.  Nor 

[52]  Troas 

Nor  though  the  Greekes,  with  pinching  bandes 

of  yron  :  my  handes  had  bounde, 
Or  els  in  feruent  flame  of  fyre 
1480      besette  my  body  rounde. 

But  now  my  little  chylde  (poore  wretche) 

alas  where  might  he  bee  ? 
Alas  what  cruell  destenye, 

what  chaunce  hath  hapt  to  thee  ? 
1485  Art  thou  yet  rangeing  in  the  feeldes 

and  wandrest  there  abrode  ? 
Or  smothered  els  in  dusty  smoke 

of  Troy  :  or  ouertrode  ? 
Or  haue  the  Greekes  thee  slayne  alas 
1490      and  laught  to  see  thy  blood  ? 

Or  tome  art  thou  with  Jawes  ofbeastes 

or  cast  to  fowles  for  foode  ? 
ULY.     C  Dissemble  not,  hard  is  for  thee 

Ulysses  to  disceiue, 
1495  J  can  full  well  the  mothers  craftes 

and  subteltie  perceiue. 
The  policy  of  Goddesses, 

Ulysses  hath  vndoon, 
Set  all  these  fayned  woordes  asyde, 
i5oo      tell  me  where  is  thy  soon  ? 

AN  DR.    €E  Where  is  Hector  :  where  all  the  rest  ? 

that  had  with  Troy  their  fall  ? 
Where  Pryamus  ?  you  aske  for  one 

but  J  require  of  all. 
:5o5  ULY.     C  Thou  shalt  constrayned  be  to  tell 

the  thyng  thou  doost  denye. 
AN.     <L  A  happy  chaunce  wer  death,  to  her 
that  doth  desyre  to  dye, 


of  Seneca .  [53] 

ULY.     €L  Who  most  desyres  to  dye  :  would  t'ay- 
i5lo      nest  line  when  death  drawthe  on, 

These  noble  wordes  with  present  feare 

of  death  :  would  soone  be  gon. 
ANDR'     C  Ulysses  if  ye  v/ill  constrayne 

Andromacha  with  feare, 
i5i5  Threten  my  lyfe,  for  now  to  dye 

my  chiefe  desyre  it  weare 
ULY.     C  With  strypes,  with  fyre,  tormenting  death 

we  will  the  trueth  out  wrest, 
And  dolour  shall  thee  force,  to  tell 
i52O      the  secretes  of  thy  brcst. 

And  what  thy  hart  hath  deepest  hyd 

for  payne  thou  shalt  expres 
Oftymcs  thextremitie  preuayles, 

much  more  then  ientlenes. 
i525  ANDR.  C  Set  me  in  midst  of  burning  flame, 

with  \voundes  my  body  rent, 
Use  all  the  meanes  of  crueltie, 

that  ye  may  all  inuent. 
Proue  me  with  thyrst,  and  hunger  both, 
i53o      and  euery  torment  trye. 

Pearce  through  my  sides  with  burning  yrons, 

in  prison  let  me  lye. 
Spare  not  the  woorst  ye  can  deuyse 

(if  ought  be  worse  then  this) 
1 535  Yet  neuer  geat  ye  more  of  me 

J  wot  not  where  he  is, 
ULY.    C  Jt  is  but  vayne  to  hyde  the  thing 

that  straight  ye  will  deteckte, 
No  feares  may  moue  the  mothers  hart, 
1540      she  doth  them  all  neglecte. 

T5>.  Hi.  This 

[84]  Troas 

This  tender  loue  ye  beare  your  childe, 

wherin  ye  stande  so  stoute, 
So  muche  more  circumspectly  warnthe, 

the  Greekes  to  looke  aboute. 
1545  Least  after  ten  yeres  trackte  of  time, 

and  battaile  borne  so  farre, 
Some  one  should  liue  that  on  our  chil 
dren,  might  renew  the  warre. 
As  for  my  selfe,  what  Calchas  sayeth, 
i55o      J  would  not  feare  at  all. 

But  on  Telemachus  J  dreade, 

the  smarte  of  warres  woulde  fall. 
AN.     C  Now  will  J  make  Ulysses  gladde, 

and  all  the  Greekes  also, 
1 555  Needes  must  thou  wofull  wretch  confesse, 

declare  thy  hidden  wo. 
Reioyce  ye  sonnes  of  Atreus, 

there  is  no  cause  of  dred. 
Be  glad  Ulysses  tell  the  Greekes, 
]56o      that  Hectors  sonne  is  ded. 

ULY.     €E  By  what  assurance  prouest  thou  that  ? 

How  shall  we  credite  the  ? 
AN.     C  What  euer  thing  the  enmies  hand, 

may  threaten,  happe  to  me 
1 565  Let  spedy  fates  me  slaye  forthwith, 

and  earth  me  hide  at  ones, 
And  after  death  from  tombe  againe, 

remoue  yet  Hectors  bones, 
Except  my  soon  already  now, 
i5yo      do  rest  among  the  ded, 
And  that  except  Astyanax, 
into  his  tombe  be  led. 


of  Seneca.  [55] 

ULY.  C  Then  fully  are  the  fates  fulfil  do 

with  Hectors  childes  disceace  : 
i575  Now  shall  J  beare  the  Grecians  worde, 

of  sure  and  ccrtaine  peace. 
Ulysses  why  what  doost  thou  now  ? 

the  Greekes  will  euery  chone, 
Beleue  thy  wordes  :  whom  creditste  thou  ? 
i58o      the  mothers  tale  alone. 

Thinkst  thou  for  sauegarde  ofher  chylde 

the  mother  will  not  lie  ? 
And  dread  the  more  the  worse  mischaunce, 

to  gyue  her  sonne  to  dye  ? 
i585  Her  faith  she  bindes  with  bonde  of  othc, 

the  trueth  to  verifie, 
What  thing  is  more  of  weight  to  feare, 

then  so  to  sweare  and  lye  ? 
Now  call  thy  craftes  togither  all, 
i5go      bestirre  thy  wits  and  minde, 
And  show  thy  selfe  Ulysses  now, 

the  truthe  herin  to  finde. 
Searche  well  the  mothers  minde  :  beholde 

she  weepes  and  waileth  out, 
i5g5  And  here  and  there  with  doutlull  pace, 

she  rangeth  all  about. 
Her  careful  eares  she  doth  applie, 

to  harken  what  J  say, 
More  fraide  she  seemes  then  sorowfull, 
1600      Now  worke  some  wilye  way. 

For  now  most  nede  of  wit  there  is, 

and  crafty  pollecie, 
Yet  once  againe  by  other  meanes, 
J  will  the  mother  trie. 

S>.  UK.  Thou 

[56]  Troas 

i6o5  Thou  wretched  woman  mayst  reioyce, 

that  dead  he  is  :  alas 
More  dolefull  death  by  desteny 

for  him  decreed  ther  was. 
From  Turrets  top  to  haue  been  cast 
1610      and  cruelly  been  slaync. 

Which  only  towre  of  all  the  rest, 

doth  yet  in  Troy  remayne. 
AN  DR.     C  My  spright  failth  me,  my  limmes  do  quake, 

feare  doth  my  wittes  confound, 
i6i5  And  as  the  yce  congeales  with  frost. 

my  blood  with  colde  is  bound. 
ULYS.     €L  She  trembleth  lo  :  this  way,  this  way 

J  will  the  trueth  out  wrest, 
The  mothers  feare  detecteth  all 
1620      the  secretes  of  her  brest. 

J  will  renew  her  feare  :  goe  sears 

bestyrre  ye  spedely, 
To  seke  this  enmy  of  the  Grekes, 

where  euer  that  he  lye. 
l625  Well  done,  he  will  be  found  at  length, 

go  to,  still  seke  hym  out, 
Now  shallhe  dye  :  what  dost  thou  feare  ? 

why  dost  thou  looke  about? 

ANDR.        C  Would  god  that  any  cause  ther  were, 
i63o      yet  left  that  might  me  fray, 
My  hart  at  last  now  all  is  lost, 

hath  laycle  all  feare  away. 
ULYS.        C  Sins  that  your  chyld  now  hath  ye  say 

already  suffred  death, 

l635  And  with  his  blood  we  may  not  pourge 
the  hostes  as  Calchas  sayth. 


of  Seneca.  [87] 

Our  flele  passe  not  (as  well  inspired, 

doth  Calchas  prophecy) 
Tyll  Hectors  ashes  cast  abrode, 
1640      The  waues  may  pacify, 

And  tombe  be  rent,  now  sins  the  boy 

hath  scapt  his  desteny. 
Nedes  must  we  breake  this  holy  tombe 

where  Hectors  ashes  lye. 

i645  AN  DR.        C  What  shall  J  do  ?  my  mynd  distrac 
ted,  is  with  double  feare, 
On  thone  my  sonne,  on  thother  syde 

my  husbandes  ashes  deare. 
Alas  which  part,  should  moue  me  most, 
i65o      the  cruell  goddes  J  call, 

To  witnes  with  me  in  the  truth, 

and  ghostes  that  guyde  thee  all. 
Hector,  that  nothing  in  my  soon 

is  els  that  pleaseth  me, 
i655  But  thou  alone,  god  graunt  him  lyfe, 

he  might  resemble  the, 
Shall  Hectors  ashes  drowned  be  ? 

byde  J  such  cruelty, 
To  see  hys  bones  cast  in  the  seas  ? 
1660      yet  let  Astianax  dye, 

And  canst  thou  wretched  mother  byde, 

thine  owne  chyldes  death  to  see  ? 
And  suffre  from  the  hye  towres  top 

that  hedlong  throwne  he  be  ? 
i665  J  can,  and  will  take  in  good  part, 

his  death  and  cruell  payne, 
So  that  my  Hector  after  death, 
be  not  remoued  agayne. 


[58]  Troas 

The  boye  that  life  and  senses  hathe 
1670      may  feele  hys  payne  and  dye, 

But  Hector  loe  hys  deathe  hathe  plaste, 

at  rest  in  tombe  to  lye. 
What  doost  thou  stay  ?  determyne  which 

thou  wilt  preserue  of  twayne. 
1675  Art  thou  in  doubte  ?  saue  thys  :  loe  here 

thy  Hector  dothe  remayne. 
Bothe  Hectors  be,  thone  quick  of  spright 

and  drawing  toward  hys  strengthe 
And  one  that  may  perhaps  reuenge 
1680      hys  fathers  deathe  at  lengthe. 
Alas  J  can  not  saue  them  bothe 

J  thinke  that  best  it  weare, 
That  of  the  twayne  J  saued  hym, 
that  dothe  the  Grecyans  feare. 
1685  U  L  Y.    C  Jt  shalbe  done  that  Calchas  woordes 

to  vs  dothe  Prophecye, 
And  nowe  shall  all  thys  sumpteous  woorke 

be  throwne  downe  vtterlye. 

AN.     C  That  once  ye  solde?      U  L.      C  J   will  it  all 
1690      from  toppe  to  bottom  rende 

A  N  D  R.        C  The  fayth  of  Godds  J  call  vppon 

Achilles  vs  defende. 
And  Pyrrhus  ayde  thy  fathers  ryght 
U  L  Y.    C  Thys  tombe  abrode  shall  lye 
160,5  A  N  D  R.    CO  mischiefe,  neuer  durst  the  Greekes 

showe  yet  suche  crueltye. 
Ye  strayne  the  Temples,  and  the  Godds 

that  moste  haue  fauorde  you, 
The  deade  ye  spare  not,  on  theyr  tombes 
1700      your  furye  rageth  now. 

J  will 

of  Seneca.  [89] 

J  will  theyr  weapons  all  resist 
my  selfe  wyth  naked  h.inde, 
The  yre  of  harte  shall  geeue  me  strength, 

theyr  armoure  to  withstande. 
I7o5  As  fierce  as  dyd  the  Amasones 

beate  downe  the  Greekes  in  fight, 
And  Menas  once  enspyrde  with  God, 

in  sacryfice  dothe  smyght  : 
With  speare  in  hande,  and  while  with  iu- 
1710      rious  pace  she  treades  the  grounde, 
And  woode  as  one  in  rage  :  she  strikes 

and  feelythe  not  the  wounde  : 
So  wyll  J  ronne  on  midste  of  them 

and  on  theyr  weapons  dye, 
1715  And  in  defence  of  Hectors  tombe, 

among  hys  asshes  lye. 
U  L  Y.     C  Cease  ye  ?  dothe  rage  and  fury  vayne 

of  woman  moue  ye  ought, 
Dispatch  with  speede  what  J  commaunde, 
1720      and  plucke  downe  all  to  nought. 

A  N  D  R.     C  Slay  me  rather  here  with  swoorde 

ridde  me  out  of  the  waye, 
Breake  vp  the  deepe  Auerne,  and  ryd 

my  destenies  delaye. 
1725  Ryse  Hector  and  byset  thy  foes 

breake  thou  Ulysses  yre, 
A  spright  arte  good  enough  for  hym, 

beholde  he  casteth  fyre. 
And  weapon  shakes  with  mighty  hande 
I73o      do  ye  not  Greekes  hym  see  ? 

Or  els  dothe  Hectors  spright  appeare 
but  onely  vnto  me  ? 


[60]  Troas 

ULY.    Down  quight  withall.   AN.   What  wilt  thou  suf 
fer  both  thy  sonne  be  slayne, 
1735  And  after  death  thy  husbandes  bones 

to  be  remoued  againe  ? 
Perhaps  thou  mayst  with  prayer  yet 

appease  the  Grecians  all, 
Els  down  to  ground  the  holly  tombe 
1740      of  Hector,  straight  shall  fall. 

Let  rather  dye  the  chyld  poore  wretch 

and  let  the  Grekes  him  kyll, 
Then  father  and  the  sonne  should  cause 

the  tone  the  others  yll. 
1745  Ulysses,  at  thy  knees  J  fall, 
and  humbly  aske  mercy, 
These  handes  that  no  mans  feete  els  knew, 

fyrst  at  thy  fete  they  lye, 
Take  pitie  on  the  mothers  case, 
I75o      and  sorowes  of  my  brest, 

Uouchsafe  my  prayers  to  receiue, 

and  graunt  me  my  request. 
And  by  how  much  the  more  the  goddes 

haue  the  aduaunced  hye, 
1755  More  easely  strike  the  poore  estate, 

of  wretched  misery. 
God  graunt  the  chast  bed  of  thy  god 
ly  wyfe  Penelope, 
May  the  receiue,  and  so  agayne 
1760      Laerta  may  the  see. 

And  that  thy  sonne  Telemachus, 

may  mete  thee  ioyfully, 
His  graundsers  yeres,  and  fathers  witte, 
to  passe  full  happely. 


of  Seneca  [6ij 

1765  Take  pittie  on  the  mothers  teares, 

her  little  child  to  saue, 
He  is  my  onely  comfort  left 

and  thonely  ioy  J  haue. 
ULY.  C  Bring  furth  thy  sonne  and  aske. 

1770  The  second  sceane. 


Ome  hyther  child  out  of  thy  dens  to  me 

thy  wretched  mothers  lamentable  store, 
This  babe  Ulysses,  loe  this  babe  is  he, 
1775  |_  that  stayeth  your  ships,  &  feareth  you  so  sore. 

Submit  thy  self  my  soon  with  humble  hand, 

and  worship  flatte  on  ground,  thy  maisters  feete, 
Think  it  no  shame,  as  now  the  case  doth  stand 
the  thing  that  fortune  wilth  a  wretch  is  mete. 
1780  Forget  thy  worthy  stocke  of  kingly  kynd. 

thinke  not  on  Pryames  great  nobilite, 
And  put  thy  fathet  Hector  from  thy  mynd, 

such  as  thy  fortune  let  thy  stomake  be. 
Behaue  thy  selfe  as  captiue,  bend  thy  knee, 
1785      and  though  thy  grief  pearce  not  thy  tender  yeares, 
Yet  learne  to  wayle  thy  wretched  state  by  me, 

and  take  ensample  at  thy  mothers  teares. 
Once  Troye  hath  seen  the  weping  of  a  chylde, 
When  little  Pryame  turnde  Alcides  threates, 
1790  And  he  to  whom  all  beastes  in  strength  did  yelde, 

that  made  hys  way  from  hell,  and  brake  theyr  gates 
His  little  enmics  teares  yet  ouercame, 
Pryame  (he  said)  receiue  thy  liberty, 


[62]  Troas 

Jn  seate  of  honor  keepe  thy  kingly  name, 

1795      but  yet  thy  sceptors  rule  more  faythfullye. 

Loe  such  the  conquest  was  of  Hercules 

of  him  yet  learne  your  hartes  to  mollifye. 
Do  onely  Hercles  cruell  weapons  please 
and  may  no  ende  be  of  your  crueltye  ? 
1800  No  lesse  then  Pryame  kneeles  to  thee  this  boy 

that  lyeth  and  asketh  onely  life  of  thee. 
As  for  the  rule  and  gouernaunce  of  Troy 

where  euer  fortune  will  there  let  it  bee. 

Take  mercy  on  the  mothers  ruthfull  teares 

i8o5      that  with  theyr  streames  my  cheekes  do  ouerflowe 

And  spare  thys  giltles  infants  tender  yeares 

that  humbly  falleth  at  thy  feete  so  lowe. 

The  rhyrde  sceane. 

Vlysses.  Andromacha. 

1810  Astyanax. 

F  treuthe  the  mothers  greate  sorow, 

dothe  moue  my  hart  full  sore. 
I  But  yet  the  mothers  of  the  Greekes, 

j     of  neede  must  moue  me  more. 

i8i5  To  whom  thys  boye  may  cause  in  tyme 

a  greate  calamytie. 
ANDR.    C  may  euer  he  the  burnt  ruynes 

of  Troy  reedifie  ? 

And  shall  these  handes  in  time  to  come, 
1820      ercckt  the  towne  agayne  ? 

Jf  thys  be  thonely  helpe  we  haue, 
there  dothe  no  hope  remayne 

For  Troy 

of  Seneca  [63J 

For  Troy,  we  stand  not  now  in  case 

to  cause  your  feare  of  mynde, 
i825  Doth  ought  auaile  hys  fathers  force, 

or  stock  of  noble  kinde  ? 
Hys  fathers  harte  abated  was. 

he  drawne  the  walles  abought. 
Thus  euell  happs,  the  haughtiest  hart 
i83o      at  length  they  bryng  to  nought. 

Jf  ye  will  needes  oppresse  a  wretche 
what  thyng  more  greeuous  weare. 
Then  on  hys  noble  necke  he  shoulde 

the  yoke  of  bondage  beare  ? 
1835  To  serue  in  life,  doth  any  man 

thys  to  a  king  deny  ? 
U  L  Y.      C  Not  Ulysses  wylth  hys  deathe 

but  Calchas  Prophecy 
A  N  D  R.        O  false  inuentor  of  disceyte 
1840      and  heynous  crueltye, 

By  manhode  of  whose  hand  in  warre, 

no  man  dyd  euer  dye. 
But  by  disceite  and  craltye  trayne 
of  mynde  that  mischefe  seekes, 
1846  Before  thys  tyme  full  many  one 

deade  is  :  ye  of  the  Greekes. 
The  Prophets  woordes  and  giltlesse  gods 

sayste  thou  my  sonne  requyre  ? 
Naye  :  mischiefe  of  thy  breste  it  is 
i85o      thou  dooste  hys  death  desyre. 

Thou  night  souldier,  and  stought  of  harte 

a  little  chylde  to  slaye, 
Thys  enterpryse  thou  takste  alone 
and  that  by  open  daye. 


[64]  Troas 

i855  ULY.    C  Ulysses  manhode  well  to  Greekes 

to  much  to  you  is  knowne, 
J  may  not  spend  the  tyme  in  wordes, 

our  nauy  wil  be  gone. 
AN.     C  A  little  stay,  while  J  my  last 
1860      farewell  geue  to  my  chyld 

And  haue  with  oft  embracing  him, 

my  gredy  sorowes  filde. 
ULY.     C  Thy  greuons  sorowes  to  redresse, 

would  god  it  lay  in  me, 
i865  But  at  thy  will  to  take  delaye 

of  time,  J  graunt  it  thee. 
Now  take  thy  last  leaue  of  thy  sonne, 

and  fill  thy  self  with  teares, 
Oft  tymes  the  weping  of  the  eyes, 
1870      the  inward  grief  out  weares. 

AN  DR.     C  O  deere,  o  swete,  thy  mothers  pledge, 

farewell  my  only  ioy, 
Farewell  the  flowre  of  honour  left 

of  beaten  house  of  Troy. 
1875  O  Troians  last  calamitie 

and  feare  to  Grecians  part 
Farewell  thy  mothers  only  hope, 

and  vayne  comfort  of  hart. 
Oft  wisht  J  thee  thy  fathers  strength, 
1880      and  half  thy  graundsyres  yeres, 

But  all  for  nought,  the  Goddes  haue  all 

dispoynted  our  desyres. 
Thou  neuer  shalt  in  regall  court 

thy  sceptors  take  in  hand 
1885  Nor  to  thy  people  geue  decreese 
nor  leade  with  law  thy  land. 


of  Seneca.  [65] 

Nor  yet  thyne  enmyes  oucrcome 

by  might  of  handy  stroke, 
Nor  sende  the  conquerd  nacyons  all 
1890      vnder  thy  seruyle  yoke. 

Thou  neuer  shalt  beate  downe  in  fight 

and  Grekes  with  sworde  pursewe, 
Nor  at  thy  Charyot  Pyrrhus  pluckc 

as  Achylles  Hector  drcwe. 
lSg5  And  neuer  shall  these  tender  handes 

thy  weapons  welde  and  wreste, 
Thou  neuer  shalte  in  woddes  pursue 

the  wylde  and  mighty  beaste. 
Nor  as  accustomde  is  by  guyse 
1900      and  sacryfice  in  Trove, 

With  measure  swifte  :  bet\vene  the  aul- 

ters  shalte  thou  dauncc  with  ioye. 
O  greeuous  kynde  of  cruell  deathe 

that  dothe  remayne  for  thee, 
icp5  More  wo  full  thyng  then  Hectors  deathe 

the  walles  of  Trove  shall  see. 
ULYS.      C  Now  breake  of  all  thy  mothers  teares 

J  may  no  more  tyme  spende, 
The  greuous  sorowes  of  thy  harte 
1910      will  neuer  make  an  ende. 

A  N  D  R.      f[  Ulysses  spare  as  yet  my  teares 

and  graunte  a  while  delaye, 
To  close  hys  eyes  yet  with  my  hands 

ere  he  departe  awaye. 
igi5  Thou  dyest  but  yong  :  yet  fearde  thou  arte 

thy  Troy  doth  wayte  for  thee, 
Goe  noble  hart  thou  shalt  agayne 
the  noble  Troians  sec. 

J6.  i.  ASTY. 

[66]  Tcoas 

AS.      C  Helpe  me  mother  PAN.      C  Alas  my  childe 
1920      why  takste  thou  holde  by  me  ? 

Jn  vayne  thou  calste  where  helpe  none  is 

J  can  not  succoure  thee. 
As  when  the  little  tender  beaste 

that  heares  the  Lyon  crye, 
IQ25  Strayght  ibr  defence  he  seekes  hys  dam 

and  crowching  downe  dothe  lye. 
The  cruell  beaste  when  once  remo- 

ued  is  the  dam  awaye, 
Jn  greedy  iawe  with  rauening  bit 
1980       doth  snatch  the  tender  praye. 

So  straight  the  enmies  will  thee  take 

and  from  my  syde  the  Beare. 
Keceyue  my  kisse  and  teares  poore  chylde 

receyue  my  rented  heare. 
ig35  Departe  thou  hence  now  full  of  me 

and  to  thy  father  goe, 
Salute  my  Hector  in  my  name 

and  tell  him  of  my  woe. 
Complayne  thy  mothers  griefe  to  hym 
1940       if  former  cares  may  moue, 

The  spryghtes  :  and  that  in  funerall  flame 

they  leese  not  all  theyr  lone. 
O  crewell  Hector  suffrest  thou 

thy  wife  to  be  opprest  ? 
1945  With  bonde  of  Grecyans  heauy  yoke 

and  lyest  thou  still  at  rest  ? 
Achylles  rose  :  take  here  agayne 

my  teares  and  rented  heare, 
And  (all  that  J  haue  lefte  to  sende) 
ig5o      thys  kisse  thy  father  beare. 


of  Seneca.  [67] 

Thy  coate  yet  for  my  comfort  leaue 

the  tombe  hath  touched  it 
Ji  of  hys  ashes  ought  here  lye 

J  will  seke  it  ciiery  whit. 
ig55  U  L  Y.     C  There  is  no  measure  of  thy  teares 

J  may  no  lenger  staye 
Deferre  no  farder  our  returne 

breake  of  our  shipps  delaye. 

Chorus  altered  liy  the  translater. 

Joue  thnt  leadst  the  lampes  of  fyre 

and  dekst  with  flamyng  starres  the  sky 
Why  is  it  euer  thy  desyre 

to  care  theyr  course  so  orderly  ? 
That  now  the  frost  the  leaues  hath  worne 
icj65       and  now  the  spryng  dothe  cloath  the  tree, 
Now  fyry  Leo  rypes  the  Corne 

and  still  the  soyle  shoulde  changed  be  ? 
But  why  arte  thou  that  all  dooste  guide 

betwene  whose  handes  the  poales  do  swaye 
1970  And  at  whose  v/ill  the  Orbes  do  slide 

careles  of  mans  estate  alwaye? 
Regarding  not  the  good  mans  case, 

nor  caring  how  to  hurte  the  ill 
Chaunce  beareth  rule  in  euery  place, 
1975       and  turneth  mans  estate  at  will. 

She  geues  the  wrong  the  vpper  hande 

the  better  parte  she  dothe  oppresse, 
She  makes  the  highest  lowe  to  stande 

her  kyngdome  all  is  orderlesse. 
1980  ()  parfitte  proofe  of  her  frayltie, 

the  princely  towres  of  Troye  bet  downe 

B.  ii.  The 



The  flowre  of  Asya  here  ye  see 

with  turne  of  hande  quight  oucrthrowne 
The  ruthfull  ende  of  Hectors  sonne 
1985      whome  to  his  death  the  Greekes  haue  led 
Hys  fatall  howre  is  come  and  gonne 

and  by  thys  tyme  the  childe  is  ded 
Yet  still  alas  more  cares  encrease, 

o  Troians  dolefull  destenye, 
1990  Fast  dothe  approche  the  maydes  decease 

and  now  Polyxena  shall  dye. 

The  fourth  ackte. 

Helena.        Andromacha. 




Hat  euer  wofull  wedding  yet, 

were  cause  of  funerall, 
Of  wailing,  teares,  blood,  slaughter  els 

or  other  mischiefs  all, 
A  worthy  matche  for  Helena, 

and  meete  for  me  it  ware, 
My  wedding  torche  hath  byn  the  cause, 

of  all  the  Troians  care. 

J  am  constrainde  to  hurt  them  yet, 

after  their  ouerthrowe 
2Oo5  The  false  and  fained  manages, 

of  Pyrrhus  must  J  showe. 
And  gene  the  maide  the  Greekes  attire 

and  by  my  policie, 
Shall  Parys  sister  be  betraide, 
2010      and  by  disceit  shall  dye. 


ofSeneneca.  [69] 

But  let  her  be  beguiled  thus, 
the  les  should  be  her  paine 
If  that  vnware,  without  the  feare 
of  death  :  she  myght  be  slaine. 
20i5  What  ceasest  thou  the  will  of  Greekes, 

and  message  to  fulfill  ? 
Of  hurt  constrainde  the  faute  returnthe 

to  thauthor  of  the  ill. 
O  noble  virgin  of  the  fa- 
2020      mous  house  :  and  stocke  of  Troy, 
To  thee,  the  Gresians  haue  me  sent 

I  bring  the  newes  of  ioy. 
The  gods  rue  on  thy  afflicted  state, 

more  mercifull  they  be, 
2025  A  great  and  happy  manage  loe, 

they  haue  preparde  for  the. 
Thou  neuer  should  if  Troy  had  stoode, 

so  nobly  wedded  be, 
Nor  Priame  neuer  couldjpreferre, 
2o3o      the  to  so  hye  degree. 

Whom  flowre  of  all  the  Giecyan  name, 

the  prince  of  honour  hongur  hie, 
That  beares  the  scepters  ouer  all, 

The  lande  of  Thessalie, 
2O35  Doth  in  the  law  of  wedlocke  chose 

and  for  his  wife  require, 
To  sacred  rightes  of  lawfull  bed, 

doth  Pyrrhus  thee  desire 
Loe  Thetys  great  with  all  the  rest, 
2040      of  gods  that  guide  by  sea, 

Eche  one  shall  thee  account  as  theyrs, 
and  ioy  by  wedding  dea. 

£.  iii.  And 

[70]  Troas 

And  Pelcus  shall  thce  daughter  call, 

when  thou  arte  Pyrrhus  wife, 
2045  And  Nereus  shall  account  thee  hys 

the  space  of  all  thy  life. 
Put  of  thy  mourning  garment  now, 

thys  regall  vesture  weare 
Forget  henceforth  thy  captiue  state, 
2o5o      and  semely  broyde  thy  hearc. 
Thy  fall  hath  lift  thee  higher  vp, 
and  doth  thee  more  aduauncc, 
Oft  to  be  taken  in  the  warre, 

doth  bring  the  better  chaunce. 
2055  AN.     f[  This  ill  the  Troians  neuer  knew 

in  all  their  grieles  and  paine, 
Before  this  time  ye  neuer  made, 

vs  to  reioyce  in  vaine. 
Troye  towres  geue  light,  o  semely  tyme 
2060      for  mariage  to  be  made 

\Yho  woulde  refuse  the  wedding  daye 

that  Helayne  dothe  perswade  ? 
The  Plague  and  Ruine  of  eche  parte 

beholde  doste  thou  not  see, 
2o65  These  tombes  of  noble  men  :  and  how 

theyr  boanes  here  scattered  bee  ? 
Thy  brydebed  hath  bene  cause  df  thys 

for  thee  all  these  be  ded, 
For  thee  the  blood  of  Asya  bothe 
2070      and  Europe  hath  bene  shed. 

When  thou  in  ioy  and  pleasure  bothe 

the  righting  folke  from  farre, 
Haste  veude  :  in  doubte  to  whom  to  wishe 
the  glory  of  the  warre. 


ofSenencca.  [71] 

2075  Goe  to  prepare  the  maryages 

what  neede  the  torrhis  light  ? 
Be  holde  the  towres  of  Troy  do  shyne 

with  brandes  that  blase  full  bright. 
O  Troians  all  set  to  your  handes, 
2080      thys  wedlock  celebrate  : 

Lament  thys  day  with  wofull  cry 

and  teares  in  seemely  rate. 
H  E  L  E.     C  Though  care  do  cause  the  want  of  wit 

and  reasons  rule  denye, 
2085  And  heauy  hap  dothe  oftimes  hate 

hys  mates  in  myserye, 
Yet  J  before  moste  hatefull  iudge 

dare  well  defende  my  parte, 
That  J  of  all  your  grieuous  cares 
2090      sustayne  the  greatest  smarte. 
Andromacha  for  Hector  weepes, 

for  Priame  Hecuba, 
For  onely  Parys  priuely 

bewayleth  Helena. 
2og5  A  harde  and  grieuous  thing  it  is 

captiuitie  to  beare, 
Jn  Troy  that  yoke  J  suffred  long 

a  prisoner  whole  ten  yeare. 
Turnde  are  the  fates,  Troy  beaten  downe, 
2100      to  Greece  J  must  repeare, 

The  natiue  countrey  to  haue  loste 

is  ill,  but  woorse  to  feare. 
For  dreade  thereof  you  neede  not  care 

your  euilles  all  be  paste, 
2lo5  On  me  both  partes  will  vengeauce  take 
all  lightes  to  me  at  laste. 

«.  till.  Whom 

[72]  Troas 

Whom  cche  man  prysoncr  takes  God  wott 

she  standes  in  slipper  staye, 
And  me  not  captiue  made  by  lotte 
2  no       yet  Parys  led  awayc 

J  haue  bene  cause  of  all  these  warres 
and  then  your  woes  were  wrought, 
When  fyrst  your  shippes  the  Spartane  seas 

and  land  of  Grecia  sought. 
2li5  But  if  the  Goddesse  wilde  it  so 

that  J  theyr  praye  shoulde  be, 
And  for  revvarde  to  her  beautyes  iudge 

she  had  appoynted  me, 
Then  pardon  Parys  :  thinke  thys  thynge 
2120       in  wrathfull  iudge  dothe  lye, 
The  sentence  Menelaus  geucs 

and  he  thys  case  shall  (rye. 
Now  turne  thy  plaintes  Andromacha, 

and  weepe  for  Polyxeyne, 
2125  mine  iyes  for  sorowes  of  my  hart, 

theyr  teares  may  not  refreyne. 
AN.     C  Alas  what  care  makes  Heleyne  weepe  ? 

What  griefe  doth  she  lament? 
Declare  what  craftcs  Ulisses  castes, 
2i3o       what  mischief  hath  he  sent  ? 

Shall  she  from  heyght  of  Jdey  hill 

be  hedlong  tombled  downe  ? 
Or  els  out  of  the  turrets  toppe 

in  Troy,  shall  she  be  throwne  ? 
2i35  Or  will  they  cast  her  from  the  cliues, 

into  Sygcon  seaes  ? 
In  bottome  of  the  surging  waues, 
to  ende  her  ruthfull  dayes  ? 


of  Seneca. 

Show  what  thy  countnance  hides,  &  tell 
2140      the  secretes  of  thy  brest  : 

Some  woes  in  Pyrrhus  wedding  are 

farre  woorse  then  all  the  rest. 
Goe  to,  geue  sentense  on  the  inayde, 

pronounce  her  destenye  : 
2145  Delude  no  lenger  our  mishaps, 

we  are  preparde  to  dye. 
HEL.     C  Would  god  thexpounder  of  the  gods 

would  geue  his  dome  so  right  : 
That  J  also  on  poynt  of  sworde 
2i5o      myght  leese  the  lothsome  light. 
Or  at  Achilles  tombe,  with  stroke 

of  Pyrrhus  hand  be  slayne  : 
And  beare  a  part  of  all  thy  fates 

O  wretched  Polyxcyne. 
2l55  Whom  yet  Achilles  wooth  to  wed, 

and  where  his  asshes  lie, 
Requireth  that  thy  blood  be  shed, 

and  at  his  tombe  to  die. 
AN.     C  Beholde  loe,  how  her  noble  minde 
2160      of  death  doth  gladly  heare, 

She  decks  her  selfe :  her  regall  weede, 

in  semely  wise  to  weare, 
And  to  her  hed  she  settes  her  hande, 

the  broyded  heare  to  lay, 
2l65  To  wed  she  thought  it  death  :  to  dye, 

she  thinkes  a  wedding  day. 
But  helpe,  alas,  my  mother  sowndes, 

to  heare  her  daughters  death, 
Arise  :  plucke  vp  your  hart  and  take, 
2170      againe  the  panting  breath. 


[74]  Troas 

Alack  good  mother  how  slender  stay, 

that  doth  thy  life  sustaine  ? 
A  little  thing  shall  happye  thee. 

thou  arte  almost  past  thy  payne. 
2175  Her  brethe  returnes  :  she  doth  reuiue, 

her  limmes  their  life  do  take. 
So  se  when  wretches  faine  would  die, 

how  death  doth  them  forsake. 
H  E  C.       C  Doth  yet  Achilles  Hue  alas, 
2180      to  worke  the  Troians  spight  ? 
Doth  he  rebell  agaynst  vs  yet  ? 

O  hande  of  Parys  light. 
The  very  tombe  and  asshes  loe, 

yet  thirsteth  lor  our  blood, 
2i85  A  happy  heape  of  childern  late, 

on  euery  side  me  stood. 
Jt  weried  me  to  deale  the  mo 
thers  kisse  among  them  all 
The  rest  are  lost  and  this  alone, 
2190      now  doth  me  mother  call. 
Thou  only  childe  of  Hecuba, 

a  comfort  left  to  mee, 
A  stayer  of  my  sory  state, 

and  shall  J  row  leese  thee  ? 
2ig5  Departe  O  wretched  soule,  and  from 

this  carefull  carcas  flye, 
And  ease  me  of  such  ruthfull  fates, 

to  se  my  daughter  dye. 
My  weping  wettes,  alas  my  eyes, 
2200      and  staines  them  ouer  all, 

Aud  down  my  cheekes  the  sodein  streames 
and  showres  of  tearesdofall. 


of  Seneca.  [7$] 

But  thou  dere  doughter  mayst  be  gladde 

Cassandra  woulde  reioyce, 
22o5  Or  Hectors  wife  thus  wed  to  bee 

if  they  might  haue  theyr  choyce. 
A  N.    CWe  are  the  wretchis  Hecuba 

in  cursed  case  we  stande, 
Whom  strayght  the  shippe  shall  tosse  by  seas 
2210      into  a  foreine  lande. 

But  as  lor  Heleyns  grieues  be  gone 

and  turned  to  the  best, 
She  shall  agayne  her  natiue  con- 
trey  see  :  and  Hue  at  rest. 
22i5  H  E  L  E.      CYe  woulde  the  more  enuy  my  state 

if  ye  might  knowe  your  owne, 
A  N.     CAnd  grouthe  there  yet  more  griefe  to  me 

that  erste  I  haue  not  knowne  ? 
H  E  L  E.    CSuch  maisters  must  ye  serue  as  doth 
2220      by  chaunce  of  lotts  befall 

AN  DR.     €EWhose  seruant  am  J  then  become 

whome  shall  J  maister  call  ? 
H  E  L  E.     €LBy  lotte  ye  fall  to  Pyrrhus  hands 

you  are  hys  prysoner. 
2225  A  N  D  R.    CCassandra  is  happye  :  fury  saues 

perhaps  and  Phebus  her. 
H  E  L  E.    CChefe  kiug  of  Greekes  Cassandra  keepes 

and  hys  captiue  is  shee 
H  E  C.     CJs  any  one  among  them  all 
223o      that  prysoner  woulde  haue  me  ? 

H  E  L  E.     CYou  chaunsed  to  Ulysses  are 

hys  pray  ye  are  become. 
H  E  C.     CAlas  what  cruell,  dyre  and  yre- 
full  dealer  of  the  dome. 


[76]  Troas 

2235  what  god  vniust  doth  so  deuide, 

the  captiues  to  their  lordes  ? 
What  greuous  arbiter  is  he  ? 

that  to  such  choyse  accordes, 
What  cruell  hand  to  wretched  folke, 
2240      so  euill  fates  hath  caste  ? 
who  hath  among  Achilles  ar 
mour,  Hectors  mother  plaste  ? 
Now  am  J  captiue  and  beset, 

with  all  calamitee. 
2245  My  bondage  greeues  me  not,  but  him 

to  serue  it  shameth  mee. 
He  that  Achilles  spoyles  hath  woon, 

shall  Hectors  also  haue  : 
Shall  barraine  lancle  enclosde  with  seas, 
225o      receyue  my  boanes  in  graue  ? 

Leade  me  Ulysses  where  thou  wilt, 

leade  me,  J  make  no  stay, 
My  maister  J,  and  me  my  fates, 

shall  follow  euery  way. 
2255  Let  neuer  calme  come  to  the  seas, 

but  let  them  rage  with  winde, 
Come  fire  and  sword,  myne  own  mischauce 

and  Priames  let  me  finde. 
Jn  meane  time  haps  this  deepe  distres 
2260      my  cares  can  know  no  calme  : 
J  ran  the  race  with  Priamus 

but  he  hath  woon  the  Palme. 
But  Pyrrhus  comes  with  swiftened  pace 

and  thretning  browes  doth  wrest. 
2265  What  stayest  thou  Pyrrhus  ?  strike  thy  sworde 
now  through  this  wofull  brest. 


of  Seneca.  [77] 

And  both  at  ones  the  parents  of 

thy  fathers  wyfe  now  slay, 
Murderer  of  age,  lykes  thee  her  blood  ? 
2270      he  drawth  my  daughter  awaye. 

Defile  the  gods  and  staine  the  sprightes, 

of  hell  with  slaughtred  blood, 
To  aske  your  mercye  what  auayles  ? 

our  praiers  do  no  good. 
2275  The  vengeance  aske  J  on  your  ships, 

that  it  the  gods  may  pleas, 
According  to  this  sacrifice. 

to  guide  you  on  the  seas. 
This  wishe  J  to  your  thousand  sayles, 
2280      Gods  wrath  light  on  them  all, 
Euen  to  the  ship  that  beareth  me, 

what  euer  maybefall. 


A  Comfort  is  to  mans  calamitie 
A  dolefull  flocke  of  felowes  in  distres. 
And  swete  to  him  that  morurnes  in  miseric, 
To  heare  them  wayle  whom  sorowes  like  oppres 
Jn  depest  care  his  griefe  him  bytes  the  les, 
That  his  estate  bewailes  not  all  alone, 
2290  But  seeth  with  him  the  teares  of  many  one. 

For  still  it  is  the  chefe  delight  in  woe, 
And  ioy  ofthem  that  sonke  in  sorowes  are, 
To  see  lyke  fates  by-fall  to  many  moe, 
That  may  take  parte  of  all  their  wofull  fare. 
22g5  And  not  alone  to  be  opprest  with  care. 

Ther  is  no  wight  :  of  woe  that  doth  complayne, 
when  al  the  rest  do  like  mischaunce  sustaine. 


[78]  Troas 

Jn  all  this  world  it"  happy  man  were  none, 
None  (though  he  were)  would  thinke  hymself  a  wretche, 
23oo  Let  once  the  rytche  with  heapes  of  gold  be  gone, 
whose  hundred  hed  his  pastours  ouerretche, 
Then  would  the  poore  mans  hart  begyn  to  stretche 
There  is  no  wretche  whose  lyfe  him  doth  displease 
But  in  respect  of  those  that  liue  at  ease. 

23o5       Swete  is  to  hym  that  standes  in  depe  distres, 
To  see  no  man  in  ioyfull  plight  to  be, 
Whose  only  vessell,  wynd  and  vvaue  oppres, 
Full  sore  hys  chaunce  bewayles  and  wepeth  he, 
That  with  his  owne  none  others  wracke  doth  se 

23io  When  he  alone  makthe  shipwrak  on  the  sande 
And  naked  falles  to  long  desyred  lande. 

A  thousand  sayle  who  seeth  to  drenche  in  seas 
with  better  will  the  storme  hath  ouerpast 
His  heauy  hap  doth  him  the  lesse  displease, 
23i5  When  broken  boardes  abrode  be  many  cast 

And  shypwrackt  shyppes  to  shore  they  flit  full  fast, 
With  doubled  waues  when  stopped  is  the  flood, 
With  heape  of  them  that  there  haue  lost  theyr  good. 

Full  sore  dyd  Phryxus  Hellens  losse  complayne, 
232O  What  tyme  the  leader  of  hys  flocke  of  shepe, 
Upon  hys  backe  alone  he  bare  them  twayne, 
And  wet  hys  golden  lockes  amyd  the  depe. 
Jn  piteous  playnt  alas  he  gan  to  wepe 
The  death  of  her  it  dyd  hym  depe  displease, 
2325  That  shypwrak  made  amyd  the  drenchyng  seas. 


of  Seneca.  [79] 

And  piteous  was  the  playnt  and  heauy  moode 
Of  wofull  Pyrrha  and  eke  Deucalion, 
That  nought  hehelde  about  them  but  the  floode, 
When  they  of  all  mankynde  were  left  alone 
233o  Amyd  the  seas  full  sore  they  made  theyr  mone 
To  see  themselues  thus  left  alyue  in  woe 
When  neyther  land  they  saw  nor  fellowes  moe. 

Anon  these  plavnts,  and  Troianes  teares  shall  quaile, 
And  here  and  there  the  shyppe  them  tosse  by  seas 
2335  When  trompets  sounde  shall  warne  to  hoyse  vp  sayle 

And  through  the  waues  with  wynd  to  seke  theyr  wayes  : 

Then  shall  these  captiues  goe  to  ende  theyr  dayes 

Jn  land  vnknowne  :  when  once  with  hasty  ore 

The  drenching  depe  they  take  and  shonne  the  shore. 

2340      What  state  of  mynde  shall  then  in  wretches  be, 
\Vhen  shore  shall  synke  from  syght  and  seas  aryse  ? 
When  Jdey  hyll  to  lurke  aloofe  they  see  ? 
Then  poynt  with  hand  from  farre  where  Troia  lyse, 
Shall  chyld  and  mother  :  talking  in  thys  wyse  : 

2345  Loe  yonder  Troye,  where  smoke  it  fumeth  hye, 
By  this  the  Troianes,  shall  theyr  countrey  spye. 

The  fifth  acte. 


Messenger.  Andromacha. 


Dyre,  fierce,  wretched,  horrible, 
o  cruel  fates  accurste, 

A  o  cruel  lates  accurste, 

I  Of  Mars  hys  ten  yeres  bloodshed  blowes. 

the  wofulst  and  the  wurste. 
A  las  which  should  I  fyrst  bewayle  ? 
2355      thy  cares  Andromacha  ? 

Ore  els 

[8o]  Troas 

Or  els  lament  the  wretched  age 

of  wofull  Hecuba  ? 
HEC     What  euer  mans  calamities 

ye  wayle,  for  mine  it  is 
23C.)  J  beare  the  smart  of  all  their  woes, 

eche  other  feeles  but  hys. 
Who  euer  he,  J  am  the  wretche 

all  happes  to  me  at  last. 

M  E  S.     Slaine  is  the  mayde,  and  from  the  walles 
2365      of  Troy  :  the  childe  is  cast. 

But  both,  (as  them  became)  they  toke 

their  death,  with  stomack  stout. 
ANDR.     Declare  the  double  slaughters  then, 

and  tell  the  whole  throughout. 
23;o  M  E  S.     C  One  towre  of  all  the  rest  ye  knowe, 

doth  yet  in  Troy  remaine, 
Where  Pryam  wonted  was  to  sit, 

and  vewe  the  armyes  twaine. 
His  little  Nephew  eke  with  him 
23y5      to  leade  and  from  a  farre, 

His  fathers  fightes  with  fyre  and  swoorde 

to  showe,  and  feates  of  warre. 
This  towre,  somtime  well  knowne  by  fame, 

and  Troians  honor  most. 
238o  Js  now  with  captaines  of  the  Greekes, 

beset  on  euery  coaste. 
With  swift  recourse  and  from  the  shippes, 

in  clustred  heapes  anone. 
Both  tagge  and  ragge,  they  ronne  to  gase, 
2385      what  thing  should  there  be  done. 

Some  clime  the  hilles,  to  seeke  a  place, 
where  they  might  see  it  best, 


of  Seneca  [8l] 

Some  on  the  rockes  a  tiptoe  stande, 

to  ouerlooke  the  rest. 

23rp  Some  on  theyr  temples  weare  the  Pyne, 
some  beeche,  some  crownes  of  baye, 
For  garlandes  torne  is  euery  tree, 

that  standeth  in  theyr  waye. 
Some  from  the  highest  mowntaynes  top, 
23(j5      aloofe  beholdeth  all 

Some  scale  the  buyldings  halfe  yburnte, 

and  some  the  ruynous  wall 
Ye  some  there  weare  (o  mischiefe  loe) 

that  for  the  more  despyght, 
2400  The  tombe  of  Hector  sitts  vpon, 

beholders  of  the  sight. 
With  pryncely  pace  Ulysses  then, 
past  through  the  preasyd  bande 
Of  Greekes,  kyng  Pryames  little  Ne- 
2406       phew,  leadyng  by  the  handc. 
The  chylde  with  vnrepining  gate 

past  through  hys  enmyes  handes, 
Up  toward  the  walles,  and  as  anone 

in  turretts  top  he  standes, 
2410  From  thence  adowne,  hys  loftyc  lookes 

he  cast  on  euery  parte, 
The  neerer  death  more  free  from  care 

he  seemde,  and  fcare  of  harte. 
Amyd  hys  foes,  hys  stomake  swelles, 

and  fierce  he  was  to  syght, 
Like  Tygers  whelpe,  that  threats  in  vaine 

with  toothlesse  chap  to  byght. 
Alas,  for  pittye  then  eche  one, 
rew  on  hys  tender  yeares, 

*.  i.  And 

[82]  Troas 

2420  And  all  the  rowte  that  present  were, 

for  him  they  shed  theyr  teares. 
Yea  not  Ulysses  them  restraynde, 

but  tricklyng  downe  they  fall, 
And  onely  he,  wept  not,  (poore  foole,) 
2425      whome  they  bewayled  all. 

But  whyle  on  Gods  Ulysses  callde, 

and  Calchas  woords  expounde, 
Jn  midste  of  Pryames  land  alas, 

the  childe  leapte  downe  to  grounde. 
2430  AN.      C  What  ere  well  Colchus  coulde  or  scythe 

such  slaughter  take  in  hande  ? 

Or  by  the  shore  of  Caspyan  sea, 

what  barbarous  lawles  lande  ? 

Busyrides  to  thaulters  yet, 

2435      no  infantes  bloode  hath  shed  : 

Nor  neuer  yet  were  children  slayne, 

for  feaste  of  Dyomed. 
Who  shall  alas  in  tombe  thee  laye, 

or  hyde  thy  limmes  againe  ? 
2440  M  E  S.     C  What  lymmes  fro  such  a  hecllong  fall, 

coulde  in  a  chylde  remayne  ? 
Hys  bodyes  payse,  throwne  downe  to  grounde, 

hathe  battred  all  hys  boanes, 
Hys  face,  hys  noble  fathers  markes, 
2445      are  spoylde  agaynst  the  stoanes. 
Hys  necke  vnioynted  is  :  hys  hed 

so  dashte  with  flint  stone  stroake, 
That  scattred  is  the  brayne  aboute, 

the  sculle  is  all  to  broake. 
245o  Thus  lieth  he  now  dismembred  corps, 
deiormde,  and  all  to  rent. 


of  Seneca.  [83 J 

A  N  D  R.      Loe  herein  doth  he  yet  likewise, 

hys  father  represent. 

M  E  S.      What  tyme  the  chylde,  had  hedlong  ialne 
2455      thus  from  the  wallesof  Troye, 

And  all  the  Greekes  them  selues  bewaylde, 

the  slaughter  of  the  boye, 
Yet  streyght  returne  they  backe,  and  at 

Achilles  tombe  agayne 
2460  The  second  mischiele  goe  to  woorke, 

the  deathe  of  Polyxeyne 
This  tombe  the  waues  of  surging  seas, 

beset  the  vtter  syde, 
The  other  parte  the  feeldes  encloase 
2465       aboute,  and  pastours  wyde. 
Jn  vale  enuyroned  with  hilles, 
that  rounde  aboute  do  ryse, 
A  sloape  on  heyght  erected  are 

the  bankes,  in  theater  wyse. 
2470  By  all  the  shore  then  swarme  the  Greekes, 

and  thyck  on  heapes  they  prease  : 
Some  hoape  that  by  her  death  ,  they  shall 

theyr  shippes  delay  release. 
Some  other  ioye,  theyr  enmies  stocke 
2475      thus  beaten  downe  to  bee  : 

A  greate  parte  of  the  people,  bothe 

the  slaughter  hate  and  see. 
The  Troians  eke,  no  lesse  frequent 

theyr  owne  calamyties, 
2480  And  all  aftrayde,  behelde  the  last 

of  all  theyr  myseryes. 
When  fyrste  proceedyd  torches  bryght 
as  guise  of  wedlock  is. 

f .  It.  And 

[84]  Troas 

And  author  therof  led  the  way 
2485      the  lady  Tyndaris. 

Such  wedlocke  (pray  the  Troians  then) 

god  send  Hermyona* 
And  would  god  to  her  husband  so, 

restorde  wcr  Helena. 
2490  Feare  masde  eche  parre,  but  Polyxene, 

her  bashefull  looke  downe  cast  : 
And  more  then  erste  her  glyttring  eyes, 

and  beawty  shynde  at  last. 
As  swetest  seines  then  Phebus  light, 
2495       when  downe  his  beames  do  sway, 

When  starres  agayne,  with  night  at  hand, 

oppresse  the  doutfull  day. 
Astonied  much  the  people  were, 

and  all,  they  her  commende. 
2600  And  nowe  much  more  then  euer  earst, 

they  praysde  her,  at  her  ende. 
Some  with  her  beauty  moued  were, 

some  with  her  tender  yeares  : 
Some  to  behold  the  turnes  of  chaunce, 
25o5       and  how  eche  thyng  thus  weares. 

But  most  them  moues  her  valiant  mynd, 

and  lofty  stomake  hye, 
So  strong,  so  stout,  so  ready  of  heart, 

and  well  preparde  to  dye. 
25io  Thus  passe  they  furth,  and  bolde,  before 

kyng  Pyrrhus  gothe  the  mayde, 
They  pittie  her,  they  meruell  her, 

theyr  heartes  wer  all  afrayde. 
As  soone  as  then,  the  hard  hyll  top, 
25i5      (where  dye  she  should)  they  trode, 


of  Seneca.  [85] 

And  hye  vppon  his  fathers  tombe, 

the  youthfull  Pyrrhus  stode. 
The  manly  mayde  she  neuer  shronke, 

one  foote,  nor  backwards  drewe 
25ao  But  boldely  turnes  to  meete  the  stroke, 

with  stoute  vnchanged  hewe 
Her  corage  moues  eerie  one,  and  loe 

a  strange  thing  monstrouse  lyke, 
That  Pyrrhus  euen  himself  stoode  styll, 
2525       for  dreade,  and  durst  not  stryke. 
But  as  he  had,  his  glittering  sworde, 

in  her  to  hilts  vp  doon, 
The  purple  blood,  at  mortall  wounde, 

then  gusshing  out  it  spoon. 
253o  Ne  yet  her  corage  her  forsooke, 
when  dyeng  in  that  stownde, 
She  fell  as  therthe  should  her  reuenge, 

with  Jreful  rage  to  grownde. 
Echo  people  wept  :  the  Troians  fyrst, 
2535       with  preuye  fearefull  crye, 

The  Grecians  eke,  eche  one  bewaylde, 

her  death,  apparantly. 
This  order  had  the  sacrifice, 

her  blood  the  tombe  vp  droonke, 
2540  No  drop  remaynth  aboue  the  grounde, 

but  downe  forthwith  it  soonke. 
HEC.      Now  go,  now  go  ye  Grekes,  &  now, 

repayre  ye  safelie  home, 
With  careles  ships,  and  hoysed  sayles, 
2545      Now  cut  the  sallt  sea  fome. 

The  childe  and  virgin,  both  be  slaine, 
your  battelsfinysht  are. 

r.  Hi.  Alas 

[86]  Troas 

Alas  where  shall  J  end  my  age  ? 

or  whether  beare  my  care  ? 
255o  Shall  J  my  dawghter,  or  my  ne 
phew  ?  or  my  husband  mone  ? 
My  contrey  els,  or  all  at  once  ? 

or  els  my  selfe  alone  ? 
My  wishe  is  deathe,  that  children  both 
2555       and  virgins  fiersly  takes 

Where  euer  crewell  death  dothe  haste 

to  stryke,  it  me  forsakes. 
Amyd  the  enmies  weapons  all, 

amyd  bothe  sworde  and  fyre, 
256o  All  night  sought  for,  thou  fleeste  from  me, 

that  do  thee  moste  desyre. 
Not  flame  of  fyre,  not  fall  of  towre, 

nor  cruell  enmyes  hande, 
Hath  ryd  my  life  :  how  neere  alas, 
2565      coulde  death  to  Pryame  stande  ? 

M  E  S.         C  Now  captiues  all,  with  swyft  recourse 

repayre  ye  to  the  seayes, 
Now  spreade  the  ships,  theyr  sayles  abroade, 

and  foorthe  they  seeke  theyr  wayes. 

2570  «r  Imprinted  at  London  in  Fletestrete 

within  Temple  barre,  at  the  signe  of  the 
hand  and  starre,  by  Ri 
chard  Tottyll. 

Cum  priuilegio  ad  impri- 
mendum  solum. 

T  R  A  G  E  D  I  E  OF 
$eneca   entituleo    £b£= 
eetes  faftbfully 
sbeo  bv  Jasper  1F3e 
\vooD  fellowe  of 

in  ©jforoc. 


Xonoon  in  3Fletc0trctc 

in  tbe  bone  late 


Anno,     i  5  6  o  . 
26.  die  Martij. 

To  the  right  honorable  syr 

John  Mason  knight  one  of  the  Queenes 

majesties  priuie  counsaile,  his  daily  ora 
tor  Jasper  Hey  wood  wysheth 
5  health  with  encrease  of 

honour  and 

»      S  bounden  brest  dothe  beare  the  poorest  wyght, 
A        that  dutie  dothe  in  tryflyng  token  scndc, 
io  /^JL  As  he  that  dothe  with  plenteous  present  quyght, 

Of  prouder  pryce,  and  glyttryng  golde  his  frendc. 
\Yho  so  repaythe  with  moneys  mightie  masse, 

the  good  that  he  at  others  hands  hath  founde, 
Remembraunce  of  the  benefyte  dothe  passe, 
1 5      he  thynks  him  selfe  to  hym  no  longer  bounde. 

The  poore,  whose  powre  may  not  with  pryce  repaye, 

the  great  good  gyfts  that  he  receyude  before, 
With  thankfull  thought  yet  gogyn  gyfte  dothe  swaye, 

aboue  the  payse  of  pearle  and  golde  great  store. 
20  Jf  puisaunt  prynce  at  poore  mans  hande  onse  tooke 

A  radishe  roote,  and  was  therwith  content, 
Your  honor  then  J  pray,  this  little  booke 
to  take  in  woorthe,  that  J  to  you  present. 

*  ii  Whiche 

[92]  The  Epistle 

Whiche  though  it  selfe  a  volume  be  but  small, 

25      yet  greater  gyft  it  geues  then  weene  ye  myght, 

Though  it  a  barrayne  booke  be  throughout  all 

full  fruteles,  yet  not  faythles  sygne  in  syght 
Jt  showes  of  him  that  for  your  honour  prayes, 

(as  deedes  of  yours  of  him  deserued  haue,) 
3o  That  god  aboue  prolong  your  happie  dayes, 

and  make  the  skyes  your  seate  soone  after  graue. 


cThe  translatour 

to  the  booke. 

IHou  lytle  booke  my  messenger  must  be, 
That  must  from  me  to  wight  of  honour  goe, 
Behaue  thee  humbly,  bende  to  him  thy  knee, 
and  thee  to  hym  in  lowly  maner  showe. 
But  dooe  thou  not  thy  selfe  to  him  present, 

When  with  afifayres  thou  shalt  him  troubled  see, 
40  Thou  shalt  perhapps,  so  woorthely  be  shent, 

and  with  reproofe  he  thus  will  say  to  thee. 
So  prowdly  thus  presume  how  darest  thou, 

at  suche  a  tyme  so  rashely  to  appeare  ? 
With  thyngs  of  waight  thou  scest  me  burdned  nowe, 
46      J  maie  not  yet  to  tryfles  geue  myne  eare. 
Spie  well  thy  tyme,  when  thou  him  seest  alone, 

an  ydle  houre  for  the  shalbe  moste  meete, 
Then  steppe  thou  tborth,  in  sight  of  him  anone, 

and  as  behoues,  his  honor  humbly  greete. 
5o  But  now  take  heede  what  J  to  the  shall  tell, 
and  all  by  roate  this  lesson  take  with  thee, 
Jn  euery  thyng  thy  selfe  to  order  well 

in  syght  of  hym,  geeue  eare  and  learne  of  mee. 
Fyrst,  what  or  whence  thou  art  if  he  woulde  wyt, 
55      then  see  that  thou  thy  tytle  to  him  showe, 
Tell  hym  thy  name  is  in  thy  forhed  wryt, 

by  whiche  he  shall  bothe  thee  and  me  well  knowe. 

*  fit  Then 

[94 1  The  translatour 

Then  when  he  hath  once  lookte  vpon  thy  name, 

yf  yet  he  shall  neglect  to  reade  the  rest, 
fx>  Or  if  he  chyde  and  say  thou  arte  to  blame, 

with  trifles  suche  to  haue  him  so  opprest  : 
Beseche  him  yet  therof  to  pardon  thce, 

syns  thou  arte  but  thy  masters  messengere, 
Excuse  thy  selfe  and  laie  the  faute  in  mee, 
()5       at  whose  commaundment  thus  thou  comste  in  there. 
Jf  my  presumpcion  then  accuse  he  do, 

if  deede  so  rasshe  of  myne  he  do  reproue, 
That  J  thee  dare  attempt  to  send  him  to, 

beware  thou  speake  nothyng  for  my  behoue. 
70  Nor  do  thou  not  excuse  my  faute  in  ought, 
but  rather  yet  confesse  to  him  the  same, 
And  saie  there  maie  a  fawte  in  me  be  thought, 
whiche  to  excuse  it  doubleth  but  the  blame. 
Yet  with  my  boldenes  him  beseche  to  beare, 
7?       and  pardon  geue  to  this  my  enterpryse, 
A  woorthy  thyng  in  wight  of  honour  weare, 
a  present  poore  to  take  in  thankfull  wyse. 
For  tell  him  though  thou  slender  volume  be, 
vngreeyng  gyfte  for  state  of  honour  guest, 
So  Yet  dooste  thou  signe  of  dutie  bringe  with  the, 
and  pledge  thou  arte  of  truly  bounden  brest. 
And  thou  for  him  arte  come  for  to  confesse, 
his  headman  bounde  to  be  for  his  desart, 
And  how  to  him  he  graunts  he  owthe  no  lesse, 
85      nor  geeues  no  more,  but  note  of  thankfull  hart. 


to  the  booke.  [98] 

Jn  all  the  rest  that  he  to  thee  shall  say, 
thy  wyt  shall  serue  an  answere  well  to  make. 

Thou  hast  thyne  errande,  get  thee  hens  away, 
the  gods  thee  speede,  to  them  J  thee  betake. 


The  preface. 

T  was  the  i'owre  and  twentith  dale 

of  latest  monthe  saue  one 
Of  all  the  yere  :  when  flowre  and  frute 

from  fielde  and  tree  were  gone, 
And  sadder  season  suche  ensewde 

as  dulls  the  doleful!  sprights 
And  Muse  of  men  that  woonted  were 

to  wander  in  delights  : 

And  weather  suche  there  was,  as  well 
100      became  the  pensyue  pen 

With  sory  style  of  woes  to  wryte 

and  eke  of  mischiefe,  when 
Aurora  blusht  with  ruddie  checkes, 

to  waile  the  death  agayne 
io5  Of  Phoebus  soon  :  whom  thunderbolt 

of  mightie  Joue  had  slayne  : 
And  cloudes  from  highe  began  to  throwe 

their  dreary  teares  adowne, 
And  Uenus  from  the  skyes  aboue 
no      on  fryday  fowle  to  frowne  : 

When  (as  at  booke  with  mased  Muse 

J  satte  and  pensiue  thought 
Deepe  drownde  in  dumps  of  drousines 
as  chaunge  of  weather  wrought,) 

J  felt 

The  Preface.  [97] 

Il5  J  felt  howc  Morpheus  hound  my  browes 

and  eke  my  Temples  strooke, 
That  downe  J  soonke  my  heauy  head 

and  sleapt  vppon  my  booke. 
Then  dreamde  J  thus,  that  by  my  syde 
120      me  thought  J  sawe  one  stande 

That  downe  to  grounde  in  scarlet  gowne 

was  dight,  and  in  his  hande 
A  booke  he  bare  :  and  on  his  head 

of  Bayes  a  Garland  greene  : 
125  Full  graue  he  was,  well  stept  in  yeres 

and  comly  to  be  scene. 
His  eyes  like  Christall  shiende  :  his  breathe 

full  sweete,  his  face  full  fyne, 
Jt  seemde  he  had  byn  lodged  long, 
i3o      among  the  Muses  nyne. 

Good  syr  (q;  J)  J  you  beseche 
(since  that  ye  seeme  to  me 
By  your  attyre  some  worthie  wight) 

it  may  your  pleasure  be, 
i35  To  tell  me  what  and  whens  ye  are. 

wherat  a  whyle  he  stayde 
Beholdyng  me  :  anone  he  spake, 

and  thus  (me  thought)  he  sayde. 
Spayne  was  (q;  he)  my  natiue  soyle  : 
140      a  man  of  woorthie  fame 

Sometime  J  was  in  former  age, 
and  Seneca  my  name. 

*  v  The 

[98]  The  Preface. 

The  name  of  Senec  when  J  hearde 

then  scantly  could  J  speake  : 
145  J  was  so  gladde  that  from  mine  eyes 

the  teares  began  to  breake 
For  ioy  :  and  with  what  wordes  J  shoulde 

salute  him,  J  ne  wyst. 
J  him  enbrast  :  his  handes,  his  feete, 
i5o      and  face  full  ofte  J  kyst. 

And  as  at  lengthe  my  tricklyng  teares 

me  thought  J  might  refrayne, 
O  blisfull  daye  (q;  J,)  wherin 

returned  is  agayne 
i55  So  worthie  wight  :  O  happie  houre, 

that  liefer  is  to  me 
Then  life  :  wherin  it  happs  me  so, 

that  J  should  Senec  see. 
Arte  thou  the  same,  that  whilom  dydst 
160      thy  Tragedies  endight 

With  woondrous  wit  and  regall  stile  ? 

O  long  desyred  sight. 
And  lyuste  thou  yet  (q;  J)  in  deede  ? 

and  arte  thou  come  agayne 
i65  To  talke  and  dwell  as  thou  wert  wont 

with  men  ?  and  to  remayne 
Jn  this  our  age  ?  J  lyue  (  q;  he  ) 

and  neuer  shall  J  die  : 
The  woorks  J  wrote  shall  still  preserue 
170      my  name  in  memorie 


The  Preface.  [99] 

From  age  to  age  :  and  nowe  agayne 

J  will  reuiue  the  same, 
And  here  J  come  to  seeke  some  one 

that  might  renewe  my  name, 
175  And  make  me  speake  in  straunger  speeche 

and  sette  my  woorks  to  sight, 
And  skanne  my  verse  in  other  tongue 

then  J  was  woont  to  wright. 
A  young  man  well  J  wotte  there  is 
1 80      in  thyle  of  Brytannie, 

(That  from  the  rest  of  all  the  \vorlde 

aloofe  in  seas  doth  lie) 
That  once  his  labour  tooke  in  hande  : 

him  wolde  J  meete  full  fayne, 
l85  To  craue  that  in  the  rest  of  all 

my  woorks  he  wolde  take  payne 
To  toyle,  as  he  in  Troas  did. 

is  that  your  wyll  (quoth  J  ? ) 
J  blusht,  and  sayd  the  same  you  seeke, 
190      loe,  here  J  stande  you  by. 

Ji  thou  (q;  he)  be  whome  J  seeke, 

if  glorie  ought  thee  moue 
Of  myne  to  come  in  after  age, 

if  Senecs  name  thou  loue 
ig5  Aliue  to  keepe,  J  thee  beseeche 

agayne  to  take  thy  pen, 
Jn  miter  of  thy  mother  tongue 
to  geue  to  sight  of  men 


tioo]  The  Preface. 

My  other  woorks  :  wherby  thou  shalt 
200      deserue  of  them  and  mee, 

No  litle  thancks  :  When  they  them  selues 

my  Tragedies  shall  see 
Jn  Englishe  verse,  that  neuer  yet 

coulde  latine  vnderstande. 
205  With  my  renowne  perhapps  thy  name 

shall  flie  throughout  this  lande, 
And  those  that  yet  thee  neuer  knewe 

shall  thee  bothe  loue  and  prayse, 
And  say  God  graunt  this  yong  man  well 
210      to  lyue  full  many  dayes, 

And  many  happy  houres  to  see 

in  life  :  and  after  graue, 
Rest,  ioy,  and  blisse  eternally 

aboue  the  skies  to  haue, 
2i5  That  so  translated  hath  these  bookes. 

to  him  (quoth  J)  agayne 
(Jf  any  be  that  so  with  thanks 
accepts  a  yong  mans  payne) 
J  wishe  great  good  :  but  well  J  wotte 
220      the  hatefull  cursed  broocle 

Farre  greater  is,  that  are  long  syns 

sproong  vp  of  Zoylus  bloode. 
That  Red  heard,  black  mouthd,  squint  eyed  wretche 

hath  cowched  euery  wheare, 
225  Jn  corner  close  some  Jmpe  of  his 
that  sitts  to  see  and  heare 


The  Preface.  [101] 

What  eche  man  clothe,  and  eche  man  blames. 

nor  onse  we  may  him  see 
Come  face  to  face,  but  we  once  gone 
23o      then  stoutly  stepps  out  hee  : 

And  all  he  carpes  that  there  he  fyndes 

ere  halfe  he  reade  to  ende, 
And  what  he  vnderstandes  not,  blames, 

though  nought  he  can  amende. 
235  But  were  it  so  that  suche  were  none, 

how  may  these  youthfull  dayes 
Of  mine,  in  thyng  so  hard  as  this 

deserue  of  other  prayse? 
A  labour  long  (quoth  J)  it  is 
240      that  riper  age  doothe  craue  : 

And  who  shall  trauaile  in  thy  bookes, 

more  Judgement  ought  to  haue 
Then  J  :  whose  greener  yeares  therby 

no  thanks  may  hope  to  wynne. 
246  Thou  seest  dame  Nature  yet  hath  sette 

No  heares  vppon  my  chynne. 
Craue  this  therfore  of  grauer  age, 

and  men  of  greater  skill. 
Full  many  be  that  better  can, 
25o      and  some  perhapps  that  will. 
But  yf  thy  will  be  rather  bent, 

a  yong  mans  witt  to  proue, 
And  thinkst  that  elder  lerned  men 
perhaps  it  shall  behoue, 


[io2]  The  Preface. 

255  Jn  woorks  of  waight  to  spende  theyr  tyme, 

goe  where  Mineruaes  men, 
And  finest  witts  doe  svvarme  :  whome  she 

hath  taught  to  passe  with  pen. 
Jn  Lyncolnes  Jnne  and  Temples  twayne, 
260      Grayes  Jnne  and  other  mo, 

Thou  shalt  them  fynde  whose  paynfull  pen 

thy  verse  shall  florishe  so, 
That  Melpomen  thou  wouldst  well  weene 

had  taught  them  for  to  wrright, 
265  And  all  their  woorks  with  stately  style, 

and  goodly  grace  t'  endight. 
There  shalt  thou  se  the  selfe  same  Northe, 

whose  woorke  his  witte  displayes, 
And  Dyall  dothe  of  Princes  paynte, 
270      and  preache  abroade  his  prayse. 

There  Sackuyldes  Sonetts  sweetely  sauste 

and  featly  fyned  bee, 
There  Nortons  ditties  do  delight, 

there  Yeluertons  doo  flee 
275  Well  pewrde  with  pen  :  suche  yong  men  three, 

as  weene  thou  mightst  agayne, 
To  be  begotte  as  Pallas  was, 
of  myghtie  Joue  his  brayne. 
There  heare  thou  shalt  a  great  reporte, 
280      of  Baldwyns  worthie  name, 

Whose  Myrrour  dothe  of  Magistrates, 
proclayme  eternall  fame. 


The  Preface.  [io3] 

And  there  the  gentle  Blunduille  is 

by  name  and  eke  by  k)'nde, 
285  Of  \vhome  \ve  K-arne  by  Plutarchcs  lore, 

what  frute  by  Foes  to  ivnde. 
There  Bauande  bydcs,  that  turnde  his  toyle 

a  Common  \velthe  to  frame, 
And  greater  grace  in  Englyshe  geues, 
i>()0      to  woorthy  authors  name. 

There  Googe  a  gratefull  gaynes  hath  gotte, 

reporte  that  runneth  ryfe, 
\\'ho  crooked  Compasse  clothe  describe, 

and  Zodiake  of  lyfe. 
295  And  yet  great  nombre  more,  whose  names 

yl'J  shoulde  now  resight, 
A  ten  tymes  greater  woorke  then  thine, 

J  should  be  forste  to  wright. 
A  prynccly  place  in  Parnasse  hill, 
3oo      for  these  there  is  prepardc, 

\Yhere  crowne  ot'glittryng  glorie  hangs, 

for  them  a  ryght  rewarde. 
Wheras  the  lappes  of  Ladies  nyne, 

shall  dewly  them  defende, 
3o5  That  haue  preparde  the  Lawrell  leatc, 

about  theyr  hedds  to  bende. 
And  where  theyr  Penns  shall  hang  full  hie, 

and  fame  that  erst  was  hyd, 
Abrode  in  Brutus  realme  shall  flie, 
3lo      as  late  theyr  volumes  dyd. 


[104]  The  Preface. 

These  are  the  witts  that  can  display 

thy  Tragedies  all  ten, 
Repleate  with  sugred  sentence  sweete, 

and  practise  of  the  pen. 
3i5  My  selfe,  J  must  confesse,  J  haue 

to  muche  alreadie  doon 
Aboue  my  reache,  when  rashly  one?. 

with  Troas  J  begoon  : 
And  more  presumtle  to  take  in  hande 
32O      then  well  J  brought  to  ende, 
And  litle  volume  with  mo  fautes, 

then  lynes  abrode  to  sende. 
And  of  that  woorke  what  men  reporte, 

Jn  faythe  J  neuer  wist. 
3a5  But  well  J  wotte,  it  may  be  thought 

so  yll,  that  litle  lyst 
J  haue  to  dooe  the  like  :  Wherof 
though  myne  be  all  the  blame, 
And  all  to  me  imputed  is, 
33o      that  passeth  in  my  name  : 
Yet  as  of  some  J  will  confesse 

that  J  the  author  was, 
And  fawtes  to  many  made  my  selfe 

when  J  that  booke  lette  pas 
335  Out  of  my  handes  :  so  must  J  me 

excuse,  of  other  some. 
For  when  to  sygne  of  Hande  and  Starre 
J  chaunced  fyrst  to  come, 


The  Preface.  [io5] 

To  Printers  hands  J  gauc  the  workc  : 
340      by  whome  J  had  suchc  wrong, 

That  though  my  selfe  perusde  their  prooues 

the  fyrst  tyme,  yet  ere  long 
When  J  was  gone,  they  wolde  agayne 

the  print  therof  renewe, 
345  Corrupted  all  :  in  suche  a  sorte, 

that  scant  a  sentence  tre\ve 
Now  flythe  abroade  as  J  it  wrote, 
which  thyng  when  J  had  tryde, 
And  fowrescore  greater  tautes  then  myne 
35o      in  fortie  leaues  espyde, 

Small  thanks  (q;  J)  for  suche  a  woorke 

wolde  Senec  geue  to  me, 
Jf  he  were  yet  a  lyue,  and  shoulde 

perhapps  it  chaunce  to  see. 
355  And  to  the  printer  thus  J  sayde  : 

within  these  doores  of  thyne, 
J  make  a  vowe  shall  neuer  more 

come  any  worke  of  myne. 
My  trend e  (q;  Senec  therwithall) 
36o      no  meruayle  therof  ys  : 

They  haue  my  selfe  so  wronged  ofte, 

And  many  things  amys 
Are  doon  by  them  in  all  my  woorks. 

suche  fautes  in  euery  booke 
365  Of  myne  they  make,  (as  well  he  may 
it  fynde  that  lyst  to  looke,) 

<¥  That 

[io61  The  Preface. 

That  sense  and  latin,  verse  and  all 

they  violate  and  breake, 
And  ofte  what  J  yet  neuer  ment 
370      they  me  enforce  to  speake. 
Jt  is  the  negligence  of  them, 

and  partly  lacke  of  skill 
That  dooth  the  woorks  with  paynes  well  pend 

lull  ofte  disgrace  and  spill. 
3y5  But  as  for  that  be  nought  abasht  : 

the  wise  will  well  it  waye, 
And  learned  men  shall  soone  discerne 

thy  fautes  from  his,  and  saye, 
Loe  here  the  Printer  dooth  him  wrong, 
38o      as  easy  is  to  trye  : 

And  slaunder  dooth  the  authors  name, 

and  lewdly  him  belye. 
But  wrhere  thy  yeares  thou  sayst  lacke  sky  11, 

mysdoute  thou  not  (quoth  he.) 
385  J  wil  my  selfe  in  these  atiayres, 

a  helper  be  to  thee. 
Eche  Poetts  tale  J  will  expounde 

and  other  places  harde. 

Thou  shalt  (nodoubte)  lynde  some,  that  will 
3go      thy  labour  wrell  regarde. 

And  therwithall,  oh  lorde  he  sayde, 

now  him  J  thinke  vppone, 

That  here  but  late  to  litle  liude, 

and  now  from  hens  is  gone. 


The  Preface.  [107] 

3g5  Whose  vcrtues  rare  in  age  so  grccne 

bewrayde  a  worthy  wight, 
And  towardnesse  tryde  of  tender  tymc, 

how  louely  lampe  of  light 
He  woulde  haue  byn,  if  God  had  spaerde 
400      his  dayes,  tyll  suche  tyme,  whan 
That  elder  age  had  abled  him, 

by  grouthe  to  grauer  man. 
How  thankfull  thyng  thinkst  thou  (quoth  he) 

woulde  this  to  him  haue  beene, 
4o5  Jf  geuen  to  his  name  he  might 

a  woorke  of  thine  haue  seene, 
Whome  duryng  life  he  fauourde  so  ? 

but  that  may  neuer  be  : 
For  gone  he  is,  (alas  the  while) 
410      thou  shalt  him  neuer  see, 

Where  breathyng  bodyes  dwell  agayne  : 

nor  neuer  shalt  thou  more, 
Eftsones  with  him  of  learnyng  talke, 

as  thou  werte  woont  before. 
4i5  Yet  wayle  no  more  for  him  (he  sayde) 

for  he  farre  better  is. 
His  seate  he  hath  obtayned  nowe, 

among  the  starrs  in  blis. 
And  castyng  brighter  beanies  about, 
420      then  Phoebus  golden  glede, 

Aboue  the  skies  he  lyues  with  Joue, 
an  other  Ganymede  : 

Ait  Jn 

[io8]  The  Preface. 

Jn  better  place  then  Aquarie. 

suche  grace  did  God  him  gyue. 
425  But  though  the  sonne  be  gone,  yet  here 

dothe  yet  the  father  lyue. 
And  long  might  he  this  lyfe  enioye 

in  helthe,  and  great  encrease 
Of  honour  and  of  vertue  bothe, 
480    Tyll  God  his  soule  release 

From  corps  to  skyes  :  with  right  rewarde 

to  recompense  him  there, 
For  truthe  and  trusty  seruice  doon, 

to  prince  and  contrey  here. 
435  His  goodnes  loe  thy  selfe  hast  felte 

(q;  he)  and  that  of  late, 
When  he  thee  fayled  not  to  helpe, 

and  succour  thyne  estate. 
To  him  it  shall  beseeme  thee  well 
440      some  token  for  to  showe, 

That  of  thy  dutie  whiche  thou  dooste 

for  his  deserts  him  owe 
Thou  myndfull  arte,  and  how  thou  dooste 

thy  diligence  applie, 
445  To  thanke  as  powre  may  serue,  and  with 

thy  pen  to  sygnifie, 
A  gratefull  mynde.  And  though  to  light 

so  litle  trifle  bee, 

To  geue  to  him  that  hath  so  muche 
45o      alredie  doone  for  thee, 


The  Preface.  [109] 

Yet  syns  thou  canst  none  otherwyse 

his  honour  yet  requight, 
Nor  yet  thy  yeares  doe  thee  permit 
more  waightie  woorkes  to  wright, 
455  This  Christmas  tyme  thou  mayste  doe  well 

a  peece  therof  to  ende, 
And  many  thanks  in  volume  small, 

as  thee  becomes  to  sende. 
And  tell  him  how  for  his  estate, 
460      thou  dooste  thy  praiers  make  : 
And  him  in  dayly  vowes  of  thine, 

to  God  aboue  betake. 
But  for  because  the  Prynters  all 

haue  greatly  wronged  mee, 
4&5  To  ease  thee  of  thy  paynes  therin, 

see  what  J  bryng  to  thee. 
He  sayde  :  and  therwithall,  began 

to  ope  the  gylded  booke 
Whiche  erst  J  tolde  he  bare  in  hand 
470      and  thervpon  to  looke. 

The  leaues  within  were  fyne  to  feele, 

and  fayre  to  looke  vppone, 
As  they  with  syluer  had  byn  sleaktc, 

full  cleare  to  see  they  shone. 
475  Yet  farre  the  letters  did  eche  one 

exceede  the  leaues  in  sight, 
More  glorious  then  the  glittryng  golde, 
and  in  the  Jye  more  bright. 

A)  iii  The 

[no]  The  Preface. 

The  featly  framed  lyncs  throughout 
480      in  meetest  maner  stando, 

More  worthy  worke  it  was,  then  might 

be  made  by  mortall  hande. 
Therwith  me  thought  a  sauour  sweete 

J  felt,  so  fresshc  that  was, 
4<S5  That  bedds  of  purple  vyoletts, 

and  Roses  farre  did  pas. 
No  princes  perfume  like  to  it, 

in  chamber  of  estate  : 
J  wistc  it  was  some  thyng  diuine, 
490       did  me  so  recreate. 

J  felt  my  selfe  refresshed  muche, 
well  quickned  were  my  witts, 
And  often  tymes  of  pleasure  great 

J  had  so  ioyfull  titts, 
4()5  That  wakyng  now  J  will  confesse, 

you  may  beleeue  me  well, 
Great  hoorde  of  golde  J  wolde  refuse 

in  suche  delights  to  dwell, 
As  in  that  dreame  J  had.  anone, 
5oo       me  thought  J  asked  him, 

What  booke  it  was  he  bare  in  hand, 

that  showde  and  smelde  so  trim. 
These  are  (q;  he)  the  Tragedies 

in  deede  of  Seneca, 

5o5  The  Muse  her  selfe  them  truly  writ, 
that  hight  Melpomena. 


The  Preface.  [in] 

Jn  Parnase  princely  palaice  highe, 

she  garnisshed  this  booke, 
The  Ladies  haue  of  Helicon 
5io      great  ioy  theron  to  looke  : 

When  walkyng  in  theyr  aleys  sweete 
the  flowres  so  fresshe  they  treade, 
And  in  the  midst  of  them  me  place, 

my  Tragedies  to  reade. 
5i5  These  leaues  that  iyne  as  veluet  feele, 

and  parchement  like  in  sight, 
Of  feate  fyne  Fawnes  they  are  the  skyns, 

suche  as  no  mortall  wight 
May  come  vnto  :  but  with  the  which 
52O      the  muses  woont  to  playe, 

Jn  gardens  still  with  grasse  full  greene, 

that  garnisht  are  full  gaye. 
There  fostred  are  these  litle  beasts, 

and  fed  with  Muses  mylke, 
525  Their  whitest  hands  and  feete  they  lycke, 

with  tongue  as  softe  as  sylke. 
Theyr  heare  not  suche  as  haue  the  hearde, 

of  other  common  Deare, 
But  silken  skyns  of  purple  hewe, 
53o      lyke  veluet  fyne  they  weare. 
With  proper  featly  framed  feete, 

about  the  arbours  greene 
They  trippe  and  daunce  before  these  dames, 
full  seemely  to  be  scene  : 

#>  liii  And 

ii2]  The  Preface. 

535  And  then  theyr  golden  homes  adownc 

in  Ladies  lappes  they  la)', 
A  Create  delight  those  systers  nyne, 
hauc  with  these  Fawnes  to  play. 
Of  skyns  of  them  this  parchment  loe 
540       that  shy  nes  so  fay  re  they  make, 

When  ought  they  woulde  with  hande  of  theyrs, 

to  written  booke  betake. 
This  gorgeous  glyttryng  golden  Jnke, 

so  precious  thyng  to  see, 
545  Geue  eare  and  whcrof  made  it  is, 

J  shall  declare  to  thee. 
Fayre  trees  amyd  theyr  Paradise, 

there  are  of  euery  kynde, 

Where  euery  frute  that  boughe  bryngs  foorthe, 
55o      a  man  may  euer  fynde. 

And  deynties  suche  as  princes  wont, 

with  proudest  price  to  bie, 
Great  plentie  therof  may  be  scene, 

hang  there  on  branches  hie. 
555  The  Plumme,  the  Peare,  the  Fygge,  the  Date, 

Powngarnet  wants  not  theare, 
The  Orynge  and  the  Olyue  tree, 

full  plenteously  dee  beare. 
Ye  there  the  golden  Apples  hang, 
56o      whiche  once  a  thyng  muche  worthe 
To  ioye  the  weddyng  day  of  Joue, 
the  soyle  it  selfe  brought  forthe. 


Thepreiace.  [n3] 

There  Daphne  stands  transformde  to  tree, 

that  greene  is  styll  to  sight, 
565  That  was  sometyme  the  loued  Nymphe 

so  fayre,  of  Phoebus  bright. 
Not  farre  from  frute  so  rytche,  that  once 

did  wakyng  dragon  keepe 
Dothe  Alyrrha  stande,  with  wofull  teares 
570      that  yet  dothe  wayle  and  weepe. 
Her  teares  congealed  hard  to  gumme, 

that  sauour  sweete  dothe  cast, 
Jt  is  that  makes  to  leafe  so  fyne, 

this  Jnke  to  cleaue  so  fast. 
5j5  But  with  what  water  is  this  Jnke 

thus  made,  now  learne  (quoth  hee) 
The  secrets  of  the  sacred  mounte, 

J  wyll  declare  to  thee. 
Aboue  the  rest  a  Cedre  hyghe, 
58o      of  haughtie  toppe  there  growes 

With  bendyng  braunches  farre  abrode, 

on  soyle  that  shadowe  showes. 
Jn  toppe  wherof  do  hang  full  hie, 

the  pennes  of  poetts  olde, 
585  And  posyes  purtred  for  theyr  prayse, 

in  letters  all  of  golde. 
Jn  shade  wherof  a  banquet  house 

there  stands  of  great  delight, 
For  Muses  ioyes,  the  walls  are  made 
5go       of  marble  fayre  in  sight 

*  V  Foure 

[H4J  The  Preface. 

Fowre  square  :  an  Juery  turret  stands 

at  euery  corner  hye, 
The  nookes  and  toppes  doth  beaten  golde, 

and  amell  ouerlye. 

5g5  Jn  fulgent  seate  clothe  fleeyng  fame, 
there  syt  full  hyghe  from  grounde, 
And  prayse  of  Pallas  poets  sends 

to  starres  with  trumpetts  sounde. 
The  gate  therof  so  strong  and  sure, 
fxx>      it  neede  no  watche  nor  warde 
A  woondrous  woorke  it  is  to  see, 

of  Adamant  full  harde. 
With  nyne  sure  locks  wherof  of  one 

eche  ladye  kepes  the  kaye, 
6o5  That  none  of  them  may  come  therin 

when  other  are  awaye. 
The  floore  within  with  emrawds  greene,, 

ys  paued  fayre  and  feate, 
The  boorde  and  benches  rovvnde  about, 
610      are  made  of  pure  blacke  geate. 
The  lute,  the  harpe,  the  cytheron, 

the  shaulme,  the  shagbut  eke, 
The  vyall  and  the  vyrginall, 
no  musyke  there  to  seeke. 
6i5  About  the  walls  more  woorthy  woorke 

then  made  by  mortall  hande, 
The  poetts  paynted  pyctures  all 
in  seemely  order  stande  : 


The  preface.  [nS] 

With  colours  suche  so  lyuely  layde, 
620      that  at  that  sight  J  weene, 

Apelles  pensyle  woulde  beare  backe, 

abashed  to  be  scene. 
There  Homere,  Guide,  Horace  eke 

full  featlye  purtred  bee, 
6a5  And  there  not  in  the  lowest  place, 

they  haue  described  mee. 
There   Virgyle,    Lucane,   Palingene, 

and  rest  of  poetts  all 

Do  stande,  and  there  from  this  daie  foorthe, 
63o      full  many  other  shall. 

For  now  that  house  by  manye  yardes, 

enlarged  out  they  haue, 
Wherby  they  myght  in  wyder  wall 

the  Jmages  engraue, 
635  And  paynte  the  pyctures  more  at  large, 

of  hundreds,  englysshe  men, 
That  geeue  theyr  tongue  a  greatter  grace, 

by  pure  and  paynfull  pen. 
Jn  mydst  of  all  this  woorthy  woorke, 
640      there  runns  a  pleasant  spryng, 
That  is  of  all  the  paradyse, 
the  most  delycious  thyng. 
That  rounde  about  encloased  is, 

with  wall  of  Jasper  stone  : 
645  The  ladies  let  no  wight  therin, 
but  euen  them  selues  alone, 


The  Preface. 

The  water  shynes  lyke  golde  in  syght, 

and  swetest  is  to  smell, 
Full  often  tymes  they  bathe  them  selues, 
65o      within  that  blysfull  well. 

With  water  thereof  they  this  Jnke 
haue  made  that  wryt  this  booke, 
And  lycenst  me  to  bryng  it  downe, 

for  thee  theron  to  looke. 
655  Thou  maist  beleeue  it  trewly  wrote, 

and  trust  in  euery  whit 
For  here  hathe  neuer  prynters  presse 

made  faute,  nor  neuer  yet, 
Came  errour  here  by  mysse  of  man. 
660      in  sacred  seate  on  hye, 

They  haue  it  wryt,  in  all  whose  woorks, 

theyr  pen  can  make  no  lye. 
This  booke  shall  greatly  thee  auayle, 

to  see  how  Prynters  mys, 
665  Jn  all  my  woorkes,  and  all  theyr  fautes, 

thou  mayste  correcte  by  thys. 
And  more  then  that,  this  golden  spryng, 

with  whiche  J  haue  the  tolde 
This  ynke  so  bryght  thus  made  to  bee, 
670      suche  propertee  dothe  holde, 
That  who  therof  the  sauour  feeles, 

his  wytts  shall  quickned  bee, 
And  spryghts  reuyude  in  woondrous  wyse, 
as  now  it  happs  to  thee. 


The  Preface.  [117! 

675  Come  on  thertbre  whyle  helpe  thou  haste 

he  sayde,  and  therwithall 
Euen  at  Thyestes  chaunced  fyrst, 

the  leaues  abrode  to  fall. 
Euen  here  (q;  he)  yf  it  the  please 
680      begyn,  now  take  thy  pen 

Moste  dyre  debates  descrybe,  of  all 

that  euer  chaunst  to  men. 
And  whiche  the  godds  abhorde  to  see.    \ 

The  summe  of  all  the  stryfe 
685  Nov/  harken  to.  Thyestes  kepes 

his  brother  Atreus  wyfe, 
And  ramme  with  golden  fleece  :  but  yet 

dothe  Atreus  frendship  fayne 
With  him,  tyll  l.yme  for  fathers  foode 
690      he  hathe  his  children  slayne, 

And  dishes  drest.  he  sayde,  and  then 

begun  to  reade  the  booke  : 
J  satte  attent,  and  therupon 

J  iyxed  fast  my  looke. 
60,5  Fyrst  how  the  furye  draue  the  spryght 

of  Tantalus  from  hell 
I^To  styrre  the  stryfe,  J  harde  hym  reade, 

and  all  expounde  full  well. 
Full  many  pleasant  poetts  tales 
700      that  dyd  me  please  J  harde, 
And  euermore  to  booke  so  fayre, 
J  had  a  great  regarde. 


.ii 8]  The  Preface. 

Wherby  J  sawe  how  often  tymes 

the  Printers  dyd  him  wrong. 
705  Now  Gryphyus,  Colineus  now, 

and  now  and  then  among 
He  Aldus  blamde,  with  all  the  rest 

that  in  his  woorks  do  rcys 
Of  sence  or  verse  :  and  styll  my  booke, 
710      J  did  correcte  by  hys. 

The  god  of  sleepe  had  harde  all  this, 

when  tyme  for  him  it  was, 
To  denns  of  slumber  whence  he  came, 

agayne  awaie  to  pas. 
7i5  The  kercher  bounde  about  my  browes, 

dypt  all  in  Lymbo  lake, 
He  stray ght  vnknyt,  away  he  fleeth, 

and  J  begoon  to  wake. 
When  rownde  J  rollde  mine  eyes  about, 
720      and  sawe  my  selfe  alone, 

Jn  vayne  J  Senec  Senec  cryde, 

the  Poete  now  was  gone. 
For  woe  wherof  J  gan  to  weepe, 

O  godds  (quoth  J)  vnkynde, 
725  Ye  are  to  blame  with  shapes  so  vayne 

our  mortall  eyes  to  blynde. 
What  goodly  gaync  get  you  therby, 

ye  shoulde  vs  so  beguvle, 
And  fantsies  feede  with  ioyes,  that  last 
73o       alas  to  lyttle  whyle  ? 

J  Mor- 

The  Preface.  [119] 

J  Morpheus  curst  a  thousandc  tymes, 

that  he  had  made  me  sleepe 
At  all,  or  ells  that  he  me  wolde, 

in  dreame  no  longer  keepe. 
735  And  neuer  were  my  ioyes  so  greate, 

in  sleepe  so  sweete  before, 
But  now  as  greeuous  was  my  woe, 

alas  and  ten  tymes  more, 
My  selfe  without  the  poete  there, 
740      thus  lefte  alone  to  see, 

And  all  delights  of  former  dreame, 

thus  vanysshed  to  bee. 
Somtyme  J  curst,  somtyme  J  cryde, 

lyke  wight  that  waxed  woode, 
745  Or  Panther  of  hir  pray  depryude, 

or  Tygre  of  her  broode. 
A  thousande  tymes  my  colour  goes, 

and  comes  as  ofte  agayne, 
About  J  walkte,  J  might  no  where, 
760      in  quyet  rest  remayne. 

Jn  woondrous  wyse  J  vexed  was, 

that  neuer  man  J  weene 
So  soone,  might  after  late  delights, 

in  suche  a  pangue  be  scene. 
755  O  thou  Meg3era  then  J  sayde, 

if  might  of  thyne  it  bee, 

Wherwith  thou  Tantall  droauste  from  hell,  ' 
that  thus  dysturbeth  mee, 


[i 20]  The  Preface. 

Enspyre  my  pen  :  with  pensyuenes 
760      this  Tragedie  t'  endyght, 

And  as  so  dredfull  thyng  beseemes, 

with  dolefull  style  to  wryght. 
This  sayde,  J  felte  the  furies  force 

enflame  me  more  and  more, 
765  And  ten  tymes  more  now  chafte  J  was, 

then  euer  yet  before. 
My  heare  stoode  vp,  J  waxed  woode, 

my  synewes  all  dyd  shake, 
And  as  the  furye  had  me  vext, 
770      my  teethe  began  to  ake. 

And  thus  enflamde  with  force  of  hir, 

J  sayde  it  shoulde  be  doon, 
And  downe  J  sate  with  pen  in  hande, 

and  thus  my  verse  begoon. 

775  The  speakers. 

Tantalus.  Megaera. 

Atreus.  Seruant. 

Thyestes.  Philistenes. 

Messenger.  Chorus. 

78o          THYESTES      OF 

The  fyrst  Acte. 

Tantalus.      Megsera. 




Hat  furye  fell  enforceth  me 

to  flee  thunhappie  seate. 
That  gape  and  gaspew  greedy  iawe, 

the  fleeyng  foode  to  eate  ? 
What  god  to  Tantalus  the  bowres 

where  breathyng  bodies  dwell 
Doth  showe  agayne?  is  ought  found 

then  burning  thurst  of  hell  '(worse 

Jn  lakes  alowe  ?  or  yet  worse  plague 

then  hunger  is  there  one, 
Jn  vayne  that  euer  gapes  for  foode  ? 
7g5      shall  Sisyphus  his  stone, 

That  slypper  restles  rollyng  payse 

vpon  my  backe  be  borne  ? 
Or  shall  my  lymms  with  swyfter  swynge 

of  whirlyng  wheele  be  torne  ? 
800  Or  shall  my  paynes  be  Tityus  pangs 

thencreasyng  lyuer  styll, 
Whose  growyng  gutts  the  gnawyng  grypes 
and  fylthie  foules  doe  fyll  ? 

S  That 

[122]  llujestes 

That  styll  by  night  repayres  the  panche 
8o5      that  was  deuowrde  by  dale, 

And  wondrows  wombe  vnwasted  lythe 

a  new  prepared  praie. 
What  yll  arn  J  appoynted  for  ? 

O  cruell  iudge  of  sprights, 
810  Who  so  thou  be  that  torments  newe 

among  the  soules  delights 
Styll  to  dyspose,  adde  what  thou  canst 

to  all  my  deadly  woe, 
That  keper  euen  of  dungeon  darke 
8i5      wolde  sore  abhorre  to  knoe, 
Or  hell  it  selfe  it  quake  to  see  : 
for  dreade  wherof  lykewyse 
J  tremble  woulde,  that  plague  seeke  out  : 

Loe  nowe  there  dothe  aryse 
820  My  broode,  that  shall  in  mischiefe  farre 

the  grandsiers  gylt  out  goe, 
And  gyltles  make  :  that  fyrst  shall  dare 

vnuentred  ylls  to  doe. 
What  euer  place  remaineth  yet 
826       of  all  this  wycked  lande, 
J  will  fyll  vp  :  and  neuer  once 

while  Pelops  house  dothe  stande 
Shall  Minos  idle  be.    Meg.    goe  foorth 

thou  detestable  spright, 
83o  And  vexe  the  godds  of  wycked  house 
with  rage  of  furies  might. 


of  Seneca.  fi23J 

Let  them  contende  with  all  offence, 

by  turnes  and  one  by  one 
Let  swoordes  be  drawen :  and  meane  of  ire 
835      procure  there  maie  be  none, 

Nor  shame  :  let  furie  blynde  enflame 

their  myndes  and  wrathfull  wyll, 
Let  yet  the  parents  rage  endure, 

and  longer  lastyng  yll, 
840  Through  childerns  childern  spreade  :  nor  yet 

let  any  leysure  be 
The  former  fawte  to  hate,  but  styll 

more  mischiefe  newe  to  see, 
Nor  one  in  one  :  but  ere  the  gylt 
845       with  vengeance  be  acquyt, 

Encrease  the  cryme  :  from  brethern  proude 

let  rule  of  kyngdome  flyt, 
To  runagates  :  and  swaruyng  state 

of  all  vnstable  things, 
85o  Let  it  by  doubtfull  dome  be  toste, 

betwene  thuncertayne  kyngs. 
Let  mightie  fall  to  miserie, 

and  myser  clymc  to  myght, 
Let  chaunce  turne  thempyre  vp  so  downe 
855      both  geue  and  take  the  ryght. 
The  banyshed  for  gylt,  whan  god 

restore  theyr  countrey  shall, 
Let  them  to  mischiefe  fall  a  freshe  : 
as  hateiull  then  to  all, 

a  ii  As 

[124]  'Vhyestes 

860  As  to  them  selues  :  let  Jre  thinke  nought 

vnlawfull  to  be  doon. 
Let  brother  dreade  the  brothers  wrathe, 

and  father  feare  the  soon, 
And  eke  the  soon  his  parents  powre. 
865      let  babes  be  murdered  yll, 

But  woorse  begotte  :  her  spouse  betrapt 

in  treasons  trayne  to  kyll, 
Let  hatefull  wyfe  awayte.  and  let 

them  beare  through  seas  their  warre, 
870  Let  bloodshed  lye  the  lands  about 

and  euery  feelde  afarre  : 
And  ouer  conqueryng  captaynes  greate, 

of  countreys  farre  to  see, 
Let  luste  tryumphe  :  in  vvycked  house 
8;5      let  whoordome  counted  be 

The  lightst  offense  :  let  trust  that  in 

the  breasts  of  brethern  breedes, 
And  truthe  be  gone  :  let  not  from  sight 

of  your  so  heynous  deedes 
880  The  heauens  be  hyd,  about  the  poale 

when  shyne  the  starres  on  hye, 
And  flames  with  woonted  beanies  of  light 

doe  decke  the  paynted  skye. 
Let  darkest  night  be  made,  and  let 
885      the  daye  the  heauens  forsake. 

Dysturbe  the  godds  of  wycked  house, 
hate,  slaughter,  murder  make. 


of  Seneca.  [126] 

Fyll  up  the  house  of  Tantalus 

with  mischieues  and  debates. 
890  Adorned  be  the  pyllers  hyghe, 

with  baye  and  let  the  gates 
Be  garnysht  greene  :  and  woorthie  there 

for  thy  returne  to  syght, 
Be  kyndled  lyre  :  let  myschicfe  doone 
8()5      in  Thracia  onse,  there  lyght 

More  manyfolde.  wherfore  dothe  yet 

the  vncles  hande  delaie  ? 
Dothe  yet  Tyestes  not  bewayle 

his  childerns  fatall  daye  ? 
QUO  Shall  he  not  fynde  them  where  with  heate 

of  tyres  that  vnder  glowe 
The  cawdern  boyles  ?  their  lymms  eche  one 

a  peeces  let  them  goe 
Dysperste  :  let  fathers  fires,  with  blood 
go5       of  childern  fvled  bee  : 

Let  deynties  suche  be  dreste  :  it  is 

no  myschiefe  newe  to  thee, 
To  banquet  so  :  beholde,  this  daie 

we  haue  to  the  releaste, 
910  And  hunger  starued  wombe  of  thyne 

we  sende  to  suche  a  feaste. 
With  fowlest  foode  thy  famyne  fyll, 

let  bloode  in  wyne  be  drownde, 
And  droonke  in  syght  of  thee  :  loe  nowe 
gi5      suche  dyshes  haue  J  founde, 

a  ifi  As 

[126]  Thyesles 

As  thou  wouldst  shonne.  stale  whither  doste 

thou  hedlong  waie  no\vc  take  ? 
Tan.  To  pooles  and  floods  of  hell  agayne, 

and  styll  declynyng  lake, 
920  And  flight  of  tree  full  fraight  with  fruite 

that  from  the  lyppes  dothe  flee, 
To  dungeon  darke  of  hatefull  hell 

Let  leefull  be  for  mee 
To  goe  :  or  if  to  light  be  thought 
Q25       the  paynes  that  there  J  haue, 

Remoue  me  from  those  lakes  agayne  : 

in  mydst  of  worser  wane 
Of  Phleghethon  to  stande,  in  seas 

of  fyre  besette  to  be. 
q3o  Who  so  beneath  thy  poynted  paynes 

by  destenies  decree 
Dooste  styll  endure,  who  so  thou  be 

that  vnderliest  alowe 
The  hollowe  dtnne,  or  ruyne  who 
935      that  fearcs  and  ouerthrowe 
Of  fallyng  hyil,  or  cruell  cryes 
that  sounde  in  caues  of  hell 
Of  greedy  roaryng  lyons  throates, 

or  flocke  of  furies  fell 
940  Who  quakes  to  knowe,  or  who  the  brands 

of  fyre,  in  dyrest  payne 
Halfe  burnte  throwes  of,  harke  to  the  voice 
of  Tantalus  :  agayne 


of  Seneca.  LI27] 

That  hastes  to  hell,  and  (whom  the  truthe 
945       hath  taught)  beleue  well  mee 

Loue  well  your  paynes,  they  are  but  small. 

when  shall  my  happe  so  bee 
To  flee  the  lyght  ?  Meg.  disturbe  thou  fyrst 

this  house  \\ith  clyre  discorde  : 
g5o  Debates  and  battels  bryng  with  thee, 

and  of  th'  unhappie  swoorde 
Jll  loue  to  kynges  :  the  cruell  brest 

stryke  through  and  hatefull  harte, 
With  tumulte  madde.     Tan.    To  suffre  paynes 
g55      it  seemeth  well  my  parte, 

Not  woes  to  woorke  :  J  am  sent  foorth 

lyke  vapour  dyre  to  ryse, 
That  breakes  the  ground,  or  poyson  lyke 

the  plague,  in  wondrowse  wyse 
960  That  slaughter  makes,  shall  J  to  suche 

detested  crymcs,  applye 
My  nephewes  hartes  ?  o  parents  greate 

of  godds  aboue  the  skye, 
And  myne,  (though  shamde  J  be  to  graunte,) 
965       although  with  greatter  payne 

My  tounge  be  vexte,  yet  this  to  speake 

J  maie  no  whit  refrayne, 
Nor  holde  my  peace  :  J  warne  you  this, 

leaste  sacred  hand  with  hloode 
970  Of  slaughter  dyre,  or  fransie  fell 
of  frantyke  furie  woode 

H  Hit  The 

[i28]  Iliyestes 

The  aulters  stayne,  J  will  resyste  : 

And  garde  suche  gylt  awaye. 
With  strypes  why  dooste  thou  me  affryght  ? 
t)/5       why  threatst  thou  me  to  iraye 

Those  crallyng  snakes  ?  or  famyne  fyxt 

in  emptie  wombe,  wherfore 
Dooste  thou  reuyue  ?  nowe  fryes  within 

with  thyrst  enkyndlcd  sore 
980  My  hart  :  and  in  the  bowels  burnte, 

the  boylyng  flames  doe  glowe. 
Meg.  J  followe  thee  :  through  all  this  house 

nowe  rage  and  furie  throwe. 
Let  them  be  dryuen  so,  and  so 
985      let  eyther  thyrst  to  see 

Eche  others  blood,  full  well  hathe  felte 

the  cummyng  in  of  thee 
This  house  :  and  all  with  wycked  touche 

of  the  begun  to  quake. 
990  Enough  it  is.  repayre  agayne 
to  denns  and  lothsome  lake, 
Of  floode  well  knowne.  the  sadder  soyle 

with  heauy  foote  of  thyne 
Agreeued  is.  seeste  thou  from  spryngs 
ggS      howe  waters  doe  decline 

And  inwarde  synke  ?  or  howe  the  bankes 

lye  voyde  by  droughtie  heate  ? 
And  whotter  blast  of  fyrie  wynde 
the  fewer  cloudes  dothe  beate  ? 


of  Seneca. 

1000  The  treese  be  spoyllde,  and  naked  stande 

to  sight  in  withred  woodds, 
The  barayne  bowes  whose  frates  are  fled  : 

the  lande  betweene  the  floodds, 
With  surge  of  seas  on  either  syde 
K>o5       that  woonted  to  resounde, 
And  neerer  foordes  to  separate 
somtime  with  lesser  grounde, 
Nowe  broader  spredde,  it  heareth  howe 

aloofe  the  waters  ryse. 
1010  Now  Lerna  turnes  agaynst  the  streame, 

Phoronides  lykewyse, 
His  poares  be  stoppte.  with  customde  course 

Alpheus  driues  not  still, 
His  hollie  waues.  the  tremblyng  topps 
ioi5      of  highe  Citrueron  hill, 

They  stande  not  sure  :  from  height  adowne 

they  shake  theyr  sylucr  snowe, 
And  noble  feeldes  of  Argos  feare, 

theyr  former  drought  to  knowe. 
1020  Yea  Titan  doubles  him  selfe,  to  rolle 

the  worlde  his  woonted  waye, 

And  driue  by  force  to  former  course 

The  backwarde  drawyng  daye. 

a  v>  Cho- 

[i3o]  Thyestes 


IO25  f  i   ^His  Argos  towne  if  any  God  be  founde, 

and  Pisey  bowres  that  famous  yet  remaine, 
Or  kyngdomes  els  to  loue  of  Corinths  grounde, 
the  double  hauens,  or  soondred  seas  in  twayne, 
Jf  any  loue  Taygetus  his  snowes, 
io3o      (by  winter  whiche  when  they  on  hills  be  cast, 
By  Boreas  blasts  that  from  Sarmatia  blowes, 

with  yerely  breathe  the  sommer  melts  as  fast,) 
Where  cleere  Alpheus  roons,  with  floude  so  colde, 
By  plaies  well  knowne  that  there  olimpiks  hight  : 
io35  Let  pleasant  powre  of  his  from  hense  withholde 

suche  turnes  of  strife,  that  here  they  may  not  light  : 
Nor  nephew  woorse  then  grandsier  spryng  from  vs, 

or  dyrer  deedes  delight  the  yonger  age. 
Let  wicked  stocke  of  thyrstie  Tantalus, 
1040      at  lengthe  leaue  of,  and  wery  be  of  rage. 

Enoughe  is  doone,  and  nought  preuailde  the  iust, 
or  wrong  :  betrayde  is  Myrtilus  and  drownde, 
That  did  betray  his  dame  :  and  with  lyke  trust 

borne  as  he  bare,  himselfe  hath  made  renounde 
1045  With  changed  name  the  sea  :  and  better  knowne 

to  mariners  therof  no  fable  is. 
On  wicked  swoorde  the  litle  infant  throwne, 
as  ran  the  childe  to  take  his  fathers  kis, 


of  Seneca.  fi3i] 

Unripe  tor  thaulters  offryng  fell  downe  deade  : 
io5o      and  with  thy  hand  (o  Tantalus)  was  rent, 

With  suche  a  meate  for  gods  thy  boordes  to  spreade. 

eternall  famine  for  suche  foode  is  sent, 
And  thyrst  :  nor  for  those  deyntie  meates  vnmilde, 

might  meeter  payne  apoynted  euer  bee. 
io55  With  emptie  thronte  stands  Tantalus  beguilde, 

aboue  thy  wicked  hed  there  leanes  to  thee, 
Then  Phineys  fowles  in  flight  a  swifter  praie. 
with  burdned  bowes  declinde  on  euery  syde, 
And  of  his  fruites  all  bent  to  beare  the  swaie, 
1060      the  tree  deludes  the  gapes  of  hunger  wyde. 

Though  he  full  greedie,  feede  theron  woulde  faine, 

so  ofte  disceyude  neglects  to  touche  them  yet  : 
He  turnes  his  eyes,  his  iawes  he  doth  refrayne, 

and  famine  fixt  in  closed  gumms  doth  shet. 
1065  But  then  eche  branche  his  plenteous  ritches  all, 

letts  lower  downe  :  and  apples  from  on  hie 
With  lyther  leaues  they  flatter  like  to  fall, 

and  famine  styrre  :  in  vayne  that  bidds  to  trie 
His  hands  :  whiche  when  he  hathe  rought  foorthe  anone 
1070      to  be  beguilde,  in  higher  ayre  agayne 

The  haruest  hangs,  and  fickle  fruite  is  gone. 

then  thirst  him  greeues  no  lesse  then  hungers  payne  : 
Wherwith  when  kindled  is  his  boylyng  blood 

lyke  fyre,  the  wretche  the  waues  to  him  dothe  call, 
1075  That  meete  his  mouthe  :  whiche  straight  the  fleeyng  flood 
withdrawes,  and  from  the  dried  foorde  doth  fall  : 


fi32]  Thyestes 

And  him  forsakes  that  ibllowes  them.  He  drinkes 
the  duste  so  deepe  of  gulphe  that  from  him  shrinkes. 

The   seconde   Acte. 

1080  Atreus.         Seruant. 



Dastarde,  cowrde,  o  wretche,  and  (which( 

the  greatest  yet  of  all 
To  tyrants  checke,  J  counte  that  maye 

in  waightie  thyngs  befall,) 
O  vnreuenged  :  after  gilts 

so  greate,  and  brothers  guyle, 
And  truthe  trode  downe,  dooste  thou  prouoke 

with  vayne  complaynts  the  whyle 
Thy  wrathe  ?  alredie  nowe  to  rage 
logo      all  Argos  towne  through  out 
Jn  armour  ought  of  thine,  and  all 

the  double  seas  about 
Thy  fleete  to  ryde  :  nowe  all  the  feeldes 

with  feruent  flames  of  thyne, 
log5  And  townes  to  flasshe  it  well  beseemde  : 

and  euery  where  to  shyne, 
The  bright  drawne  sworde  :  all  vnder  foote 

of  horse  let  euerie  syde 
Of  Argos  lande  resounde  :  and  let 
Iioo      the  woods  not  serue  to  hyde 


of  Seneca.  \ I 33] 

Our  foes,  nor  yet  in  haughtie  toppe 

of  hills  and  mountaynes  hie, 
The  builded  towres.  The  people  all 

let  them  to  battayle  crie, 
Iio5  And  cleere  forsake  Mycenas  towne. 

who  so  his  hatefull  hed 
Hydes  and  defends,  with  slaughter  dyre 

let  bloud  of  him  be  shed. 
This  pryncely  Pelops  palaice  proudc 
Ilio      and  bowres  of  highe  renowne, 
On  me  so  on  my  brother  too, 
let  them  be  beaten  downe. 
Goe  to,  do  that  whiche  neuer  shall 

no  after  age  allowe, 
in5  Nor  none  it  whisht :  some  mischefe  greate 

there  must  be  ventred  nowe, 
Bothe  fierce  and  bloudie  :  suche  as  woldc 

my  brother  rather  long 
To  haue  byn  his.  Thou  neuer  dooste 
1 1 20      enoughe  reuenge  the  wrong, 

Except  thou  passe.  And  feercer  facte 

what  may  be  doone  so  dyre, 
That  his  exceedes  ?  doothe  euer  he 

lay  downe  his  hatefull  yre  ? 
1 125  Doothe  euer  he  the  modest  meane 

in  tyme  of  welthe  regarde  ? 
Or  quiet  in  aduersitee  ? 
J  knowe  his  nature  harde 


[134]  Thyestes 

Untractable,  that  broke  may  be, 
n3o      but  neuer  will  it  bende. 

For  whiche  ere  he  prepare  him  selfe, 

or  force  to  fight  entende, 
Set  fyrst  on  him  :  least  while  J  rest 

he  should  on  me  arise. 
Ii35  He  will  destroy  or  be  destroyde, 

in  midst  the  mischiefe  lies, 
Preparde  to  him  that  takes  it  first. 

Ser.  Doothe  fame  of  people  nought 
Aduerse  thee  feare  ?  Atre.  The  greatest  good 
1140      of  kyngdome  may  be  thought, 

That  still  the  people  are  constraynde 

theyr  princes  deedes  as  well 
To  praise,  as  them  to  suffer  all. 

Ser.  Whome  feare  dothe  so  compell 
1146  To  prayse,  the  same  his  foes  to  be, 

doothe  feare  enforce  agayne  : 
But  who  in  deede  the  glory  seekes 

of  fauour  true  tobtayne, 
He  rather  wolde  with  harts  of  echc 
n5o      be  praysde,  then  tongues  of  all. 

Atre.  The  truer  prayse  full  ofte  hathe  hapte 

to  meaner  men  to  fall  : 
The  false  but  vnto  mightie  man. 

what  nill  they,  let  them  wyll. 
n55  Ser.  Let  first  the  kyng  will  honest  thyngs, 
and  none  the  same  dare  nyll. 


of  Seneca.  []35] 

Atre.  Where  leefull  are  to  him  that  rules 

hut  honest  thyngs  alone, 
There  raygnes  the  kyng  by  others  leaue. 
1160      Ser.  And  where  that  shame  is  none, 
Nor  care  of  right,  faythe,  pietie, 

nor  holmes  none  staythe, 
That  kyngdome  swarues.     Atre.     Suche  holines, 

suche  pietie,  and  faythe, 
Il65  Are  priuate  goods  :  let  kyngs  run  on 

in  that  that  likes  their  will. 
Ser.  The  brothers  hurt  a  myschiefe  counte, 

though  he  be  neare  so  ill. 
Atre.  Jt  is  but  right  to  doe  to  him, 
1170      that  wrong  to  brother  were. 

What  heynous  hurt  hathe  his  offense 

let  passe  to  proue  ?  or  where 
Relraynde  the  gilt  ?  my  spouse  he  stale 

away  for  lecherie, 
1175  And  raygne  by  stelthe  :  the  auncient  note 

and  sygne  of  imperie, 
By  fraude  he  gotte  :  my  house  by  fraude 

to  vexe  he  neuer  ceaste. 
Jn  Pelops  house  there  fostred  is 
ilcSo      a  noble  worthy  beaste, 

The  close  kept  Ramme  :  the  goodly  guide 

of  ritche  and  fayrest  flockes. 
By  whome  through  out  on  euery  syde 
depend  a  downe  the  lockes 


[l36]  ^hyestes 

n85  Of  glittryng  golde,  with  fleece  of  whiche 

the  new  kyngs  woonted  weare 
Of  Tantalls  stocke  their  sceptors  guilt 

and  mace  of  might  to  beare. 
Of  this  the  owner  raigneth  he  : 
1190      with  him  of  house  so  gret 

The  fortune  fleethe  :  this  sacred  Rame 

a  loofe  in  saftie  shet, 
Jn  secret  meade  is  wonte  to  grase, 

whiche  stone  on  euery  syde 
ligS  With  rockie  wall  encloseth  rounde 

the  fatall  beast  to  hyde. 
This  beast  (aduentryng  mischiefe  great; 

adioynyng  yet  for  praie 
My  spoused  mate,  the  traytour  false 
1200      hathe  hens  conuayde  awaie. 

From  hens  the  wrongs  of  mutuall  hate, 

and  mischefe  all  vp  sprong  : 
Jn  exile  wandred  he,  through  out 

my  kyngdomes  all  a  long  : 
I2o5  No  parte  of  myne  remayneth  safe 

to  me,  from  traynes  of  his. 
My  feerce  deflourde,  and  loyaltie 

of  empyre  broken  is  : 
My  house  all  vext,  my  bloud  in  doubte, 
I2IO      and  nought  that  trust  is  in, 

But  brother  foe.  What  staiest  thou  yet  ? 
at  lengthe  loe  now  begin. 


of  Seneca.  [187] 

Take  hart  of  Tantalus  to  thee, 

to  Pelops  cast  thine  eye  : 
I2T5  To  suche  examples  well  beseemes, 

J  should  my  hands  applye. 
Tell  thou  whiche  way  were  best  to  bryng 

that  cruell  hed  to  deathe. 

Ser.  Through  perste  with  swoorde  let  him  be  slaine 
1220      and  yelde  his  hatefull  breathe. 

Atre.  Thou  speakst  oi'thende  :  but  J  him  wolde 

oppressc  with  greter  payne. 
Let  tyrants  vexe  with  torment  more  : 

shoulde  eucr  in  my  rayne 
1225  Be  gentle  deathe  ?     Ser.      Dothe  pietie 

in  thee  preuaile  no  whit  ? 
Atre.     Departe  thou  hens  all  pietie, 

if  in  this  house  as  yet 
Thou  euer  werte  :  and  no\v  let  all 
i23o      the  rlocke  of  furies  dyre, 

And  full  of  strife  Erinnys  come, 

and  double  brands  of  lyre 
Megaera  shakyng  :  for  not  yet 

enough  with  furie  greate 
1235  And  rage  dothe  burne  my  boylyng  brest : 

it  ought  to  be  repleate, 
With  monster  more.        Ser.   What  mischefe  new 

dooste  thou  in  rage  prouide  ? 
Atre.  Not  suche  a  one  as  may  the  meane 
1240      of  woonted  greefe  abide. 

X  No 

[i38|  Thyestes 

No  gilt  will  J  forbeare,  nor  none 

may  be  enoughe  despight. 
Ser.  What  sworde  ?  Atr.  To  litle  that.  Ser.  what  fire  ? 

Atre.  And  that  is  yet  to  light. 
1245  Ser.  What  weapon  then  shall  sorow  suche 

fynde  fit  to  woorke  thy  wyll  ? 
Atre.  Thyestes  selfe.     Ser.  Then  yre  it  self 

yet  thats  a  greater  yll. 

Atr.    J  graunte  :  a  tomblyng  tumulte  quakes,  within 
1260      my  bosomes  loe, 

And  rounde  it  rolles  :  J  moued  am 

and  wote  not  whervnto. 
But  drawcn  J  am  :  from  botome  deepe 

the  roryng  soyle  dothe  crie 
1255  The  day  so  fayre  with  thounder  soundes, 

and  house  as  all  from  hie 
Were  rent,  from  roofe,  and  rafters  craks  : 

and    lares  turnde    abought 
Haue  wryde  theyr  s}^ght  :  so  beete,  so  beete, 
1260      let  mischiefe  suche  be  sought, 

As  ye  O  gods  wolde  feare.     Ser.     What  thyng 

seekste  thou  to  bryng  to  pas  ? 
J  note  what  greater  thyng  my  inynde, 

and  more  then  woont  it  was 
1265  Aboue  the  reatche  that  men  are  woont 

to  woorke,  begyns  to  swell  : 
And  staythe  with  slouthfull  hands.  What  thyng 
it  is  J  can  not  tell  : 


of  Seneca. 

But  great  it  is.  Beete  so,  my  mynde 
1270      now  in  this  feate  proceede, 
For  Atreus  and  Thvestes  bothe, 

it  were  a  worthy  deede. 
Let  eche  of  vs  the  crime  commit. 

The  Thracian  house  did  se 
12/5  Suche  wicked  tables  once  :  J  graunte 

the  mischiefe  great  to  be, 
But  done  ere  this  :  some  greater  gilt 

and  mischiefe  more,  let  yre 
Fynde  out.  The  stomak  of  thy  sonne 
1280       o  father  thou  enspyre, 

And  syster  eke,  lyke  is  the  cause  : 

assist  me  with  your  powre, 
And  dryue  my  hande  :  let  gredy  pa 
rents  all  his  babes  deuowre, 
1285  And  glad  to  rent  his  children  be  : 

and  on  their  lyms  to  feede. 
Enough,  and  well  it  is  deuysde  : 

this  pleaseth  me  in  deede. 
Jn  meane  time  where  is  he  ?  so  long 
1290      and  innocent  wherfore 

Dooth  Atreus  walke  ?  before  myne  eyes 

alredie  more  and  more 
The  shade  of  suche  a  slaughter  walkes  : 

the  want  of  children  cast, 
I2(j5  Jn  lathers  iawes.  But  why  my  mynde, 
yet  dreadst  thou  so  at  last, 

33  ii  And 

[140]  TYhyestes 

And  fayntst  before  thou  enterprise  ? 

it  must  be  doone,  let  be. 
That  whiche  in  all  this  mischefe  is 
l3oo      the  greatest  gilt  to  se, 

Let  him  commit.      Ser.     but  what  disceyte 

may  we  for  him  prepare, 
Wherby  betrapt  he  may  be  drawen, 

to  fall  into  the  snare  ? 
i3o5  He  wotes  full  well  we  are  his  foes. 

Atre.  He  coulde  not  taken  be, 
Except  him  selfe  woulde  take  :  but  now 

my  kyngdomes  hopeth  he. 
For  hope  of  this  he  wolde  not  feare 
i3io      to  meete  the  mightie  Joue, 

Though  him  he  thretned  to  destroy, 

with  lightnyng  from  aboue. 
For  hope  of  this  to  passe  the  threats 

of  waues  he  will  not  fayle, 
i3i5  Nor  dread  no  whit  by  doubteull  shelues, 

of  Lybike  seas  to  sayle. 
For  hope  of  this  (whiche  thyng  he  dothe 

the  woorst  of  all  beleeue,) 
He  will  his  brother  see.     Ser.    Who  shall 
i32o      of  peace  the  promise  geeue  ? 

Whome  wyll  he  trust  ?    Atre.     His  euill  hope 

will  soone  beleue  it  well. 
Yet  to  my  sons  the  charge  which  they 
shall  to  theyr  vnkle  tell,' 


of  Seneca.  [141] 

i325  We  will  commit  :  that  home  he  woulde 

from  exyle  come  againe, 
And  miseries  for  kyngdome  chaunge, 

and  ouer  Argos  raygne 
A  kyng  of  halfe  :  and  though  to  harde 
i33o      of  hart  our  prayers  all 

Him  self  despise,  his  children  yet 
nought  wotyng  what  may  fall, 
With  trauels  tierde,  and  apte  to  be 

entysde  from  miserie, 
i335  Requests  will  moue  :  on  thone  syde  his 

desyre  oi  Jmperie, 
On  thother  syde  his  pouertie, 

and  labour  harde  to  see, 
Wyll  him  subdue  and  make  to  yelde, 
1340      although  full  stoute  he  bee. 

Ser.      His  trauells  now  the  time  hath  made 

to  seeme  to  him  but  small. 
Atre.    Not  so  :  lor  day  by  day  the  greefe 

of  yll  encreaseth  all. 
1345  Tys  light  to  suffer  miseries, 
but  heuy'them  t'  endure. 
Ser.  Yet  other  messengers  to  sende, 

in  suche  affayres  procure. 
Atre.     The  yonger  sorte  the  worse  precepts 
l35o      do  easelie  harken  to. 

Ser.     What  thyng  against  their  vnkle  now, 
you  them  enstrukte  to  do, 

» iii  Perhaps 

[142]  "Vhyestes 

Perhaps  with  you  to  worke  the  like, 

they  will  not  be  a  dred. 
1 355  Suche  mischieie  wrought  hath  ofte  returnde 

vpon   the    workers     hed. 
Atre.  Though  neuer  man  to  them  the  wayes 

of  guile  and  gilt  haue  taught, 
Yet  kyngdome  will.  Fearst  thou  they  shoulde 
l36o      be  made  by  counscll  naught  ? 

They  are  so  borne.  That  whiche  thou  calste 

a  cruell  enterpryse, 
And  dyrely  deemest  doone  to  be, 

and  wickedly  likewyse, 
i365  Perhaps  is  wrought  against  me  there. 

Ser.    And  shall  your  soons  of  this 
Disceyte  beware  that  worke  you  will  ? 

no  secretnes  there  is 
Jn  theyr  so  greene  and  tender  yeres  : 
1370       they  will  your  traynes  disclose. 

Atre.  A  priuie  counsell  cloase  to  keepe, 

is  learnde  with  many  woes. 
Ser.  And  will  ye  them,  by  whome  ye  woulde 

he  shoulde  beguiled  bee, 
i375  Them  selues  beguilde  ?    At.    Nay  let  the  bothe 

from  faute  and  blame  be  free. 
For  what  shall  neede  in  mischiefes  suche 

as  J  to  woorke  entende, 
To  myngle  them  ?  let  all  my  hate 
i38o      by  me  alone  take  ende. 


of  Seneca. 

Thou  leauste  thy  purpose  yll  my  minde  : 

yf  thou  thine  owne  forbeare, 
Thou  sparest  him.  Wherfore  of  this 

let  Agamemnon  heare 
i385  Be  minister  :  and  client  eke 
of  mine  for  suche  a  deede, 
Let  Menelaus  present  be  : 

truthe  of  thuncertaine  seede, 
By  suche  a  pracktise  may  be  tride  : 
i3go      if  it  refuse  they  shall, 

Nor  of  debate  will  bearers  be, 

if  the}"  him  vnkle  call, 
He  is  their  father  :  let  them  goe. 
but  muche  the  fearfull  face 
i3g5  Bewrayes  it  selfe  :  euen  him  that  faynes 
the  secret  wayghtie  case, 
Dothe  ofte  betray  :  let  them  therfore 

not  know,  how  greate  a  guyle 
They  goe  about.  And  thou  these  thyngs 
1400      in  secret  keepe  the  whyle. 

Ser.    J  neede  not  warned  be,  for  these 

within  my  bosome  deepe, 
Bothe  faythe,  and  feare,  but  chiefely  faythe, 
dothe  shet  and  closely  keepe. 

X  iiii  Chorus 

[  1 44-1  'Yhyestes 

1405  ty  Chorus. 

THe  noble  house  at  lengthe  of  highe  renowne, 
the  famous  stocke  of  auncient  Jnachus, 
Appeasde  and  layde  the  threats  of  brethern  downe. 
but  now  what  furie  styrrs  and  dryues  you  thus, 
1410  Eche  one  to  thyrst  the  others  bloud  agayne, 
or  get  by  gylt  the  golden  mace  in  hande  ? 
Ye  litle  wote  that  so  desyre  to  raygne, 

in  what  estate  or  place  dothe  kyngdome  stande. 
Not  ritches  make  a  kyng  or  highe  renowne, 
I4i5       not  garnisht  weede  with  purple  Tyrian  die, 

Not  loftie  lookes,  or  head  encloasde  with  crowne, 
not  glittryng  beames  with  golde  and  turretts  hie. 
A  kyng  he  is,  that  feare  hath  layde  asyde, 

and  all  affects  that  in  the  brest  are  bred  : 
1420  Whome  impotent  ambition  dothe  not  guyde, 

nor  fickle  fauour  hathe  of  people  led. 
Nor  all  that  west  in  metalls  mynes  hath  founde, 

or  chanell  cleere  of  golden  Tagus  showes, 
Nor  all  the  grayne  that  thrasshed  is  on  grounde, 
1425      that  with  the  heate  of  libyk  haruest  glowes. 

Nor  whome  the  flasshe  of  lightnyng  flame  shall  beate, 

nor  eastern  wynde  that  smites  vppon  the  seas, 
Nor  swellyng  surge  with  rage  of  wynde  repleate, 
or  greedie  gulphe  of  Adria  displease. 


of  Seneca. 

1430  Whome  not  the  pricke  of  souldiers  sharpest  speare, 

or  poynted  pyke  in  hand  hath  made  to  rue, 
Nor  whome  the  glympse  of  swoorde  myght  cause  to  feare, 

or  bright  drawen  blade  of  glyttryng  steele  subdue. 
Who  in  the  seate  of  saftie  setts  his  feete, 
1435      beholdes  all  happs  how  vnder  him  they  lye, 
And  gladlie  runs  his  latall  daie  to  mecte, 

nor  ought  complaynes  or  grudgeth  for  to  dye. 
Though  present  were  the  prynces  euery  chone, 

the  scattered  Dakes  to  chase  that  woonted  be, 
1440  That  shynyng  seas  beset  with  precious  stone, 

and  red  sea  coastes  doe  holde,  lyke  bloude  to  see  : 
Or  they  which  els  the  Caspian  mountaynes  hye, 

from  Sarmats  strong  with  all  theyr  power  withholde  : 
Or  he  that  on  the  floude  of  Danubye, 
1445      in  frost  a  foote  to  trauayle  dare  be  bolde  : 
Or  Seres  in  what  euer  place  they  lye, 

rcnounde  with  lleece  that  there  of  sylke  dothe  sprvng, 
They  neuer  myght  the  truthe  hereof  denye, 
it  is  the  mynde  that  onely  makes  a  kyng. 
I45o  There  is  no  neede  of  sturdie  steedes  in  warre, 

no  neede  with  armes  or  arrowes  els  to  fyght, 
That  Parthus  woonts  with  bo  we  to  fling  from  farre, 

while  from  the  feelde  he  falsely  fayneth  flight. 
Nor  yet  to  siege  no  neede  it  is  to  brynge, 
1455      great  goons  in  carts  to  ouerthro  we  the  wall, 
That  from  far  of  the  yr  battryng  pellettes  slyng. 
a  kyng  he  is  that  feareth  nought  at  all. 

JB  v  Eche 

[146]  ^hyestes 

Eche  man  him  selfe  this  kyngdome  geeues  at  hande. 

let  who  so  lyst  with  myghtie  mace  to  raygne, 
1460  Jn  tyckle  toppe  of  court  delyght  to  stande. 
let  me  the  sweete  and  quiet  rest  obtayne. 
So  sette  in  place  obscure  and  lowe  degree, 

of  pleasaunt  rest  J  shall  the  sweetnes  knoe. 
My  lyfe  vnknowne  to  them  that  noble  be, 
1465      shall  in  the  steppe  of  secret  sylence  goe. 
Thus  when  my  daies  at  length  are  ouerpast, 

and  tyme  without  all  troublous  tumulte  spent, 
An  aged  man  J  shall  departe  at  last, 

Jn  meane  estate,  to  dye  full  well  content. 
1470  But  greuous  is  to  him  the  deathe,  that  when 

so  farre  abrode  the  bruyte  of  him  is  blowne, 
That  knowne  he  is  to  muche  to  other  men  : 
departeth  yet  vnto  him  selfe  vnknowne. 

The   thyrde   Acte. 
1475  Thyestes.         Phylisthenes. 


Y  countrey  bowres  so  long  wysht  for, 

and  Argos  rytches  all, 
Cheefe  good  that  vnto  banysht  men, 

and  mysers  maie  befall, 

1480  The  touche  of  soyle  where  borne  J  was, 

and  godds  of  natyue  lande, 
(Jf  godds  they  be,)  and  sacred  towres 
J  see  of  Cyclops  hande  : 


of  Seneca.  t!4?] 

That  represent  then  all  mans  woorke, 
1485      a  greater  maiestie. 

Renowned  stadies  to  my  youth, 

where  noble  sometytne  J 
Haue  not  so  seelde  as  onse,  the  palme 

in  lathers  charyot  woon. 
1490  All  Argos  now  to  meete  with  me, 

and  people  fast  will  roon  : 
But  Atreus  to.  yet  rather  leade 

in  woods  agayne  thy  flight, 
And  bushes  thicke,  and  hyd  among 
1493      the  brutyshe  beastes  from  sight, 

Lyke  lyfe  to  theyrs  :  where  splendent  pompe 

of  court  and  princely  pryde, 
May  not  with  flattryng  fulgent  face, 

allure  thine  eyes  asyde. 
i5oo  With  whom  the  kyngdome  geuen  is, 

beholde,  and  well  regarde, 
Beset  but  late  with  suche  mishaps, 

as  all  men  counte  full  harde, 
J  stoute  and  ioyfull  was  :  but  now 
i5<>5       agayne  thus  into  feare 

J  am  returnde.  my  mynde  mysdoutes, 

and  backeward  seekes  to  beare 
My  bodye  hens  :  and  forthe  J  drawe 

my  pase  agaynst  my  wyll. 

i5io  Phy.  With  slouthfull  steppe  (what  meaneth  this  ?) 
my  father  standeth  still, 


[148]  Thyestes 

And  turnes  his  face  and  holdes  him  selfe, 

in  doute  what  thyng  to  do. 

Thy.     What  thyng  (my  mynde)  consyderst  thou  ? 
f  5i5      or  els  so  long  wherto 

Dooste  thou  so  easy  counsayle  wrest  ? 

whylt  thou  to  thynges  vnsure 
Thy  brother  and  the  kyngdome  trust  ? 

fearst  thou  those  ils  tendure 
i520  Now  ouercome,  and  mielder  made  ? 

and  trauayls  dooste  thou  flee 
That  well  were  plaste  ?  it  the  auayles, 

a  myser  now  to  bee. 
Turne  hens  thy  pace  while  leefull  is, 
i525       and  keepe  thee  from  his  hande. 

Phyl.  What  cause  the  dryues  (o  father  deere) 

thus  from  thy  natiue  lande, 
Now  seene  to  shrynke  ?  what  makes  thee  thus 

from  thyngs  so  good  at  last 
i53o  Withdrawe  thy  selfe  ?  thy  brother  comes 

whose  ires  be  ouerpast, 
And  halfe  the  kyngdome  geues,  and  of 

the  house  Dylacerate, 
Repayres  the  partes  :  and  thee  restores 
i535      agayne  to  former  state. 

Thyest.  The  cause  of  feare  that  J  know  not, 

thou  dooste  requyre  to  heare. 
J  see  nothyng  that  makes  me  dread, 
and  yet  J  greatly  feare. 

J  woulde 

of  Seneca. 

1640  J  woulde  goe  on,  but  yet  my  lymms 

with  weery  leggs  doe  slacke  : 
And  other  waie  then  J  woulde  passe, 

J  am  withholden  backe. 
So  ofte  the  shippe  that  driuen  is 
1645      with  winde  and  eke  with  ore, 

The  swellyng  surge  resistyng  bothe, 

beates  backe  vpon  the  shore. 
Phyl.  Vet  ouercome  what  euer  stayes, 

and  thus  doth  let  your  mynde, 
l55o  And  see  what  are  at  your  returne, 

preparde  for  you  to  fynde. 
You  may  o  father  raigne.      Thy.     J  male 

but  then  when  die  J  mought. 

Ph.  Cheefe  thing  is  powre.    Th.    nought  worth  at  all, 
i555      if  thou  desyre  it  nought. 

Phyl.  You  shall  it  to  your  children  leaue. 
Thy.      the  kyngdome  takes  not  twayne. 
Phy.  Who  maie  be  happie,  rather  wolde 

he  myser  yet  remayne  ? 
i56o  Thy.  Beleue  me  well,  with  titles  false 

the  greate  thyngs  vs  delight  : 
And  heuye  happs  in  vayne  are  fearde. 

while  high  J  stoode  in  sight, 
J  neuer  stynted  then  to  quake, 
i565       and  selfe  same  swoorde  to  feare, 

That  hanged  by  myne  owne  syde  was. 
Oh  how  great  good  it  were, 


[l5oj  'Vhyestes 

With  none  to  striue,  but  careles  foode 

to  eate  and  rest  to  knowe  ? 
i57o  The  greater  gylts  they  enter  not 

in  cotage  sette  alowe  : 
And  safer  foode  in  fed  vpon, 

at  narrowe  boorcle  alwaye, 
While  droonke  in  golde  the  poyson  is  : 
l575       by  proofe  well  taught  J  saye, 
That  euyll  happs  before  the  good 

to  loue  it  lykes  my  wyll. 
Of  haughtie  house  that  stands  alofte 

in  tickle  toppe  of  hyll, 
i58o  And  swayes  asyde,  the  citee  lowe 

neede  neuer  be  affryght  : 
Nor  in  the  toppe  of  roofe  aboue, 

there  shynes  no  Juery  bright, 
Nor  watcheman  none  defendes  my  sleepes 
1 585      by  night,  or  gardes  my  rest  : 

With  fleete  J  fyshe  not,  nor  the  seas 

J  haue  not  backwarde  prest, 
Nor  turnde  to  flight  with  builded  wall  : 

nor  wicked  belly  J 
i5go  With  taxes  of  the  people  fedde  : 

nor  parcell  none  doth  ly, 
Of  grounde  of  mine  beyonde  the  Getes  : 

and  Parthians  farre  about  : 
Nor  worshiped  with  francansence 
i5g5      J  am,  nor  (Joue  shette  out) 


of  Seneca. 

My  Aulters  decked  are  :  nor  none 

in  toppe  of  house  doth  stande 
Jn  garden  treese,  nor  kyndled  yet 
with  helpe  of  eche  mans  hande, 
1600  The  bathes  dooe  smoke  :  nor  yet  are  dayes 

in  slouthfnll  slumbers  led, 
Nor  nightes  paste  loorth  in  watche  and  wine, 

without  the  rest  of  bed. 
We  nothyng  feare,  the  house  is  safe 
i6o5      without  the  hydden  knyfe, 

And  poore  estate  the  sweetenes  feeles, 

of  rest  and  quyet  lyfe. 
Create  kyngdome  is  to  be  content, 

without  the  same  to  lyue. 
1610  Phy.  Yet  shoulde  it  not  refused  be, 

if  god  the  kyngdome  gyue. 
Thy.  Not  yet  desyerd  it  ought  to  be. 

Phy.  your  brother  bydds  you  rayne. 
Thy.  Bydds  he  ?  the  more  is  to  be  fearde  : 
:6l5      there  lurketh  there  some  trayne. 
Phy.  From  whens  it  fell,  yet  pietie 

is  woonte  to  turne  at  lengthe  : 
And  loue  vnfaynde,  repayres  agayne 

his  erste  omitted  strengthe. 
1620  Thy.  Dothe  Atreus  then  his  brother  loue  ? 

eche  Ursa  fyrst  on  hye, 
The  seas  shall  washe,  and  swellyng  surge 
of  seas  of  Sicylye 


[i52J  Thyestes 

Shall  rest  and  all  asswaged  be, 
i()25       and  corne  to  rypenes  growe 
Jn  botome  of  Jonian  seas, 

and  darkest  night  shall  showe 
And  spreade  the  light  about  the  soyle  : 

the  waters  with  the  fyre, 
i63o  The  lyfe  with  death,  the  wynde  with  seas, 

shall  frendshyp  fyrst  requyre, 
And  be  at  league.    Pliy.    of  what  deceite 

are  you  so  dreadfull  here  ? 
Thy,  Of  euery  chone  :  what  ende  at  length 
i635      myght  J  prouide  of  feare  ? 
Jn  all  he  can  he  hateth  me. 

Phy.  to  you  what  hurt  can  he  ? 
Thy.      As  for  my  selfe  J  nothyng  dread  : 

you  lyttle  babes  make  me 
1(340  Afrayde  of  him.    Pliy.    dreadc  ye  to  be 

beguylde  when  caught  ye  are  ? 
To  late  it  is  to  shoon  the  trayne 

in  myddle  of  the  snare. 
But  goe  we  on,  this  (father)  is 
1646      to  you  my  last  request. 

Thy.  J  followe  you.  J  leade  you  not. 

Phy.  god  turne  it  to  the  best, 
That  well  deuysed  is  for  good, 

passe  foorth  with  cherefull  pace. 


of  Seneca.  [i53] 

io5o  The   isecunde  See  a  ne. 

Atreus.       Thyesjes. 


Ntrapt  in  trayne  the  beast  is  caught 

and  in  the  snare  clothe  fall  : 
Bothe  him,  and  eke  of  hated  stocke 


ith  him  the  ofspryng  all, 

About  the  fathers  syde  J  see  : 
and  now  in  safetie  stands 

And  surest  ground  my  wrathfull  hate: 
nowe  comes  into  my  hands 

1660  At  length  Thyestes  :  ye  he  comes 

and  all  at  ones  to  me. 
J  scant  refrayne  my  selfe,  and  scant 

may  anger  brydled  be. 

So  when  the  bloodhounde  seekes  the  beast, 
i665      by  steppe  and  quycke  of  sent 

Drawes  in  the  leame,  and  pace  by  pace 

to  wynde  the  wayes  he  went, 
With  nose  to  soyle  dothe  hunt, 

while  he  the  boare  aloofe  hath  founde 
1670  Far  re  of  by  sent,  he  yet  refraynes 
and  wanders  throuh  the  grounde 

a  With 

[184]  ^hyestes 

With  sylent  mouth  :  but  when  at  hand 

he  once  perceiues  the  praye, 
With  al  the  strength  he  hath  he  striues, 
1675      with  voyce  and  calls  awaye 

His  lyngring  maister,  and  from  him 

by  force  out  breaketh  he. 
WThen  Jre  dothe  hope  the  present  blood, 

it  may  not  hydden  be. 
1680  Yet  let  it  hydden  be.  beholde, 

with  vglye  heare  to  syght 
How  yrkesomely  defourmde  with  fylthe 

his  fowlest  face  is  dyght, 
How  lothsome  lyes  his  bearde  vnkempt  : 
i685      but  let  us  frendship  fayne. 

To  see  my  brother  me  delights  : 

geue  now  to  me  agayne 
Embrasyng  long  desyred  for  : 

what  euer  stryfe  there  was 
1690  Before  this  time  betwene  vs  twayne, 

forget  and  let  it  pas  : 
Fro  this  daie  foorth  let  brothers  loue, 

let  blood,  and  lawe  of  kynde 
Regarded  be,  let  all  debate 
i6o,5      be  slakte  in  eythers  mynde. 

Thy.  J  coulde  excuse  my  selfe,  except 

thou  werte  as  now  thou  arte. 
But  (  Atreus  )  now  J  graunte,  the  faute 
was  myne  in  euery  parte  : 


of  Seneca. 

1700  And  J  offended  haue  in  all. 

my  cause  the  worse  to  bee, 
Your  this  daies  kindnes  makes  :  in  deede 

a  gyltie  wight  is  hoe, 
That  wolde  so  good  a  brother  hurt 
17^5       as  you,  in  any  whyt. 

But  nowe  with  teares  J  must  entrcate, 

and  fyrst  J  me  submit. 
These  hands  that  at  thy  iecte  doe  lye, 

doe  thee  beseeche  and  praye, 
1710  That  yre  and  hate  be  layde  asyde, 

and  from  thy  bosome  maye 
Be  scraped  out  :  and  cleere  forgot. 

for  pledges  take  thou  theese 
O  brother  deere,  these  gyltles  babes. 
1716       Atf.  thy  hands  yet  from  my  kneese 
Remoue,  and  rather  me  to  take 

in  armes,  vppon  me  fall. 
And  ye  o  aydes  of  elders  age, 

ye  lyttle  infants  all, 
1720  Me  clyppe  and  colle  about  the  neckc  : 

this  fowle  attyre  forsake, 
And  spare  myne  eyes  that  pitie  it, 

and  fresher  vesture  take 
Lyke  myne  to  see.  and  you  with  ioye, 
1725      the  halfe  of  emperie 

Deere  brother  take  :  the  greater  prayse 
shall  come  to  me  therby, 

C  it  Our 

[i561  'Vhyestes 

Our  lathers  seate  to  yelcle  to  you, 

and  brother  to  releeuc. 
I73o  To  haue  a  k)-ngdome  is  but  chaunce, 

but  vertue  it  to  geeuc. 
Thy.  A  iust  rewarde  for  suche  deserts, 

the  godds  (o  brother  deare) 
Repay e  to  the  :  but  on  my  hed 
1735       a  regall  crowne  to  weare, 

My  lothsome  iyfe  dcnyes  :  and  farre 

dothe  from  the  sceptor  flee 
My  hande  vnhappie  :  in  the  mydst 

let  leefull  be  for  mee 
1740  Of  men  to  lurke1   Atre.   this  kindome  can 

with  twayne  full  well  agree. 
Thy.  What  euer  is  (o  brother)  yours, 

J  count  it  myne  to  bee. 

Atr.  Who  wolde  dame  fortunes  gyfts  refuse, 
1745      if  she  him  rayse  to  raygne  ? 

Thy.  The  gyfts  of  hir  eche  man  it  wotes, 

how  soone  they  passe  agayne. 
Atre.  ye  me  depryue  of  glory  greate, 

except  ye  th'empyre  take. 
1760  Thy.  You  haue  your  prayse  in  offryng  it, 

and  J  it  to  forsake. 
And  full  perswaded  to  refuse 
the  kyngdome,   am  J   still. 
Atre.  Except  your  part  ye  will  susteine 
1755      myne  owne  forsake  J  will. 

J  take 

of  Seneca.  [187] 

Thy.  J  take  it  then,  and  heart1  J  will 

the  name  thereof  alone  : 
The  ryghts  and  armes,  as  well  as  myne 

they  shall  be  yours  eche  one. 
1760  Atre.  The  regall  crowne  as  you  besemes 

vppon  your  hed  then  take  : 
And  J  thappointed  sacrifice 

for  godds,  will  now  goe  make. 



1765  |  Okie  any  man  it  weene  ?  that  cruell  wyght 

Atreus,  of  mynde  so  impotent  to  see 
Was  soone  astonied  with  his  brothers  syght. 

no  greater  force  then  pietee  may  be  : 
Where  kynred  is  not,  lastcth  euery  threate, 
1770      whom  true  loue  holdes,  it  holdes  eternallye. 
The  wrathe  but  late  with  causes  kyndled  greate 

all  fauour  brake,  and  dyd  to  battayle  crye, 
Whan  horsemen  did  resounde  on  euery  syde, 

the  swoordes  eche  where,  then  glystred  more  and  more : 
1775  Which  ragyng  Mars  with  often  stroke  dyd  guyde 
the  fresher  bloud  to  shedde  yet  thyrstyng  sore. 
But  loue  the  sworde  agaynst  theyr  wills  doth  swage, 

and  them  to  peace  perswades  with  hand  in  hand. 
So  sodeyne  rest,  amyd  so  greate  a  rage 
1780      what  god  hath  made  ?  throughout  Mycenas  lande 

C  lii  The 

[i58]  Thyestes 

The  harnes  clynkt,  but  late  of  cyuill  stryfe  : 

and  for  theyr  babes  dyd  fcarefull  mothers  quake, 
Her  armed  spouse  to  lecse  muche  fearde  the  wyfe, 

when  swoorde  was  made  the  scabberde  to  forsake, 
1785  That  now  by  rest  with  rust  was  ouergrowne. 

some  to  repayre  the  walles  that  dyd  decaye, 
And  some  to  strength  the  towres  halfe  ouerthrowne, 

and  some  the  gates  wyth  gyns  of  yrne  to  staye 
Full  busie  were,  and  dreadfull  watche  by  nyght 
I7(X)      from  turret  highe  dyd  ouerlooke  the  towne. 
Woorse  is  then  warre  it  selfe  the  feare  of  fyght. 

now  are  the  threats  of  cruell  swoorde  layde  downe, 
And  now  the  rumor  whistts  of  battayles  sowne, 

the  noyse  of  crooked  trumpet  sylent  lyes, 
I7q5  And  quiete  peace  returnes  to  ioyfull  towne. 

so  when  the  waues  of  swelling  surge  aryse, 
While  Corns  wynde  the  Brutian  seas  doth  smight, 

and  Scylla  soundes  from  hollowe  caues  within, 
And  shipmen  are  with  waftyng  waues  affryght, 
1800      Charybdis  casts  that  erst  it  had  droonke  in  : 
And  Cyclops  fierce  his  father  yet  dothe  dred, 

in  Aetna  banke  that  feruent  is  with  heates, 
Leste  quenched  be  with  waues  that  ouershed 

the  lyre  that  from  eternall  fornace  beates  : 
i8o5  And  poore  Laertes  thirkes  his  kyngdomes  all 

may  drowned  be,  and  Jthaca  doth  quake  : 
Jf  once  the  force  of  wyndes  begyn  to  fall, 
the  sea  lythe  downe  more  mylde  then  standyng  lake. 


of  Seneca. 

The  deepe,  where  shipps  so  wyde  full  dreadfull  were 
1810      to  passe,  with  sayles  on  eyther  syde  out  spred 
Now  fallne  adowne,  the  lesser  boate  dothe  beare  : 

and  leysure  is  to  vewe  the  fyshes  ded 
Euen  there,  where  late  with  tempest  bette  vppone 

the  shaken  Cyclades  were  with  seas  agast. 
i8l5  No  state  endures,  the  payne  and  pleasure,  one 

to  other  yeldes,  and  ioyes  be  sonest  past. 
One  howre  setts  vp  the  thynges  that  lowest  bee. 
he  that  the  crownes  to  prynces  dothe  deuyde, 
Whom  people  please  with  bendyng  of  the  knee, 
1820      and  at  whose  becke  theyr  battayles  laye  asyde 
The  Meades,  and  Jndians  eke  to   Phebus  nye, 

and  Dakes  that  Parthians  doe  with  horsemen  threate, 
Hym  selfe  yet  holdes  his  sceptors  doutfullye, 

and  men  of  myght  he  feares  and  chaunces  greate 
i825  (That  eche  estate  may  turne)  and  doutfull  howre. 

o  ye,  whom  lorde  of  lande  and  waters  wyde, 
Of  lyfe  and  death  graunts  here  to  haue  the  powre, 

laye  ye  your  proude  and  lofty  lookes  asyde  : 
What  your  inferiour  feares  of  you  amys, 
i83o      that  your  superiour  threats  to  you  agayne. 
To  greater  kyng,  eche  kyng  a  subiect  is. 

whom  dawne  of  da}'  hath  scene  in  pryde  to  raygne, 
Hym  ouerthrowne  hath  scene  the  euenyng  late, 
let  none  reioyce  to  muche  that  good  hath  got, 
l835  Let  none  dispaire  of  best  in  worst  estate. 

for  Clothoe  myngles  all,  and  sufireth  not 

C  tiii  Fortune 


Fortune  to  stande  :  but  fates  about  clothe  dryue. 

suche  friendship  fynde  with  godds  yet  no  man  might, 
That  he  the  morowe  might  be  sure  to  lyue. 
1840      the  god  our  things  all  tost  and  turned  quight 
Holies  with  a  whirl e  wvnde. 

The    fourth  Acte. 

Messenger.         Chorus. 

~!  Hat  whirhvinde  mai  me  hedlong  driue 


and  vp  in  ayre  me  flyng, 

And  wrappe  in  darkest  cloude,wherby 
W  it  might  so  heynous  thyng, 

Take  from  mine  eyes?  6  wicked  house 

that  euen  of  Pclops  ought 
i85o  And  Tantalus  abhorred  be. 

Gho.  what  new  thing  hast  thou  brought? 
Mess.  What  lande  is  this?  lythe  Sparta  here, 

and  Argos,  that  hath  bred 
So  wycked  brethern  ?  and  the  grounde 
l855      of  Corinth  liyng  spred 

Betwene  the  seas  ?  or  Jster  ells 

where  woont  to  take  their  flight, 
Are  people  wylde  ?  or  that  whiche  woonts 
with  snowe  to  shyne  so  bright 


of  Seneca.  [161] 

1860  Hircana  lande  ?  or  els  do  here 

the  wandryng  Scythians  dwell  ? 
Gho.  \Yhat  monstrous  mischofe  is  this  place 

then  giltie  of?  that  tell, 
And  this  declare  to  vs  at  large 
i865      what  euer  be  the  ill. 

Mess  Jf  once  my  minde  may  stay  it  sell', 

and  quakyng  limms  J   will. 
But  yet  of  suche  a  cruell  deede 

before  mine  eyes  the  feare 
1870  And  Jmage  walkes  :  ye  ragyng  stormes 

now  far  from  hens  me  beare 
And  to  that  place  me  driue,  to  whiche 

now  driuen  is  the  day 

Thus  drawen  from  hens.     Gh.    Our  mindes  ye  holde 
1875      yet  still  in  doubtfull  stay. 
Tell  what  it  is  ye  so  abhorre. 

The  author  therof  showe. 
J  aske  not  who,  but  which  of  them  : 

that  quickly  let  vs  knowe. 
1880  Mess.  Jn  Pelopps  Turret  highe,  a  parte 

there  is  of  palaice  wyde 
That  towarde  the  southe  erected  leanes, 

of  whiche  the  vtter  syde 
With  equall  toppe  to  mountayne  stands, 
1885       and  on  the  citie  lies, 

And  people  proude  agaynst  theyr  prince 
yf  once  the  traytours  rise 

£  v  Hath 

[162]  Thyesies 

Hath  vnderneathe  his  battryng  stroke  : 

there  shines  the  place  in  sight 
1890  Where  woont  the  people  to  frequent, 

whose  golden  beames  so  bright 
The  noble  spotted  pillers  graye, 

of  marble  dooe  supporte. 
Within  this  place  well  knowen  to  men, 
i8g5      where  they  so  ofte  resorte, 
To  many  other  roomes  about 
the  noble  courte  dothe  goe. 
The  priuie  Palaice  vnderlieth 

in  secret  place  aloe, 
iqoo  With  ditche  full  deepe  that  dothe  enclose 

the  woode  of  priuetee, 
And  hidden  partes  of  kyngdome  olde  : 

where  neuer  grew  no  tree 
That  cherefull  bowes  is  woont  to  beare, 
iop5      with  knife  or  lopped  be, 

But  Taxe,  and  Cypresse,  and  with  tree 

of  Holme  full  blacke  to  se 
Dothe  becke  and  bende  the  woode  so  darke  : 

alofte  aboue  all  theese 
1910  The  higher  oke  dothe  ouerlooke, 

surmountyng  all  the  treese. 
From  hens  with  lucke  the  raygne  to  take, 

accustomde  are  the  kyngs, 
From  hens  in  danger  ayde  to  aske, 
1915      and  doome  in  doubt  full  thyngs. 


of  Seneca.  [i63| 

To  this  affixed  are  the  gilts, 

the  soundyng  Trumpetts  bright, 
The  Chariots  broke,  and  spoyles  of  sea 

that  now  Myrtoon  hight, 
1920  There  hang"  the  wheeles  once  won  by  crafte 

of  falser  axell  tree, 
And  euery  other  conquests  note  : 

here  leefull  is  to  see 
The  Phrygyan  tyre  of  Pelops  hed  : 
l<)25       the  spoyle  of  enmies  heere, 

And  of  Barbarian  triumphe  lefte, 

the  paynted  gorgeous  geere. 
A  lotlvsome  spryng  stands  vnder  shade, 

and  slouthfull  course  dothe  take, 
K)3o  With  water  blacke  :  euen  such  as  is, 

of  Yrksome  Stygian  lake 
Tlie  vgly  waue,  wherby  are  \voont, 

to  sweare  the  goddes  on  hie. 
Here  all  the  night  the  grisly  ghosts 
IQ35       and  gods  of  death  to  crie 

The  fame  reportes  :  with  clinkvng  chaynes 

resoundes  the  woode  eche  where, 
The  sprights  crie  out  :  and  euery  thyng 

that  dredfull  is  to  heare, 
1940  May  there  be  seene  :  of  vgly  shapes 

from  olde  Sepulchres  sent 
A  fearfull  flocke  dothe  wander  there, 
and  in  that  place  frequent 


[164]  Thyestes 

Woorse  thyngs  then  euer  yet  were  knowne  : 
1945      ye  all  the  wood  full  ofte 

With  flame  is  woont  to  flasshe,  and  all 

the  higher  trees  alofte 
Without  a  fyre  dooe  burne  :  and  ofte 

the  wood  besyde  all  this 
ig5o  With  triple  barkyng  roares  at  once  : 

full  ofte  the  palaice  is 
Affright  with  shapes,  nor  light  of  day 

may  once  the  terrour  quell. 
Eternall  night  dothe  holde  the  place, 
ig55      and  darknes  there  of  hell 

Jn  mid  day  raignes  :  from  hens  to  them 

that  pray,  out  of  the  grounde 
The  certayne  answers  geuen  are, 
what  time  with  dredfull  sounde 
1960  From  secret  place  the  fates  be  tolde; 

and  dongeon  roares  within 
While  of  the  God  breakes  out  the  voice  : 

wherto  when  entred  in 
Fierce  Atreus  was,  that  did  with  him 
ig65      his  brothers  children  trayle, 
Dekt  are  the  aulters  :  who  (alas) 

may  it  enoughe  bewayle  ? 
Behynde  the  infants  backs  anone 

he  knyt  their  noble  hands, 
1970  And  eke  their  heauie  heds  about 
he  bounde  with  purple  bands  : 


of  Seneca.  I i65J 

There  wanted  there  no  Frankensence, 

nor  yet  the  holy  wine, 
Nor  knife  to  cut  the  sacrifice, 
1975      besprinkt  with  leuens  fine. 
Kept  is  in  all  the  order  due, 

least  suche  a  mischieie  grette 
Should  not  be  ordred  well.    Ghor.    who  dothe 

his  hande  on  swoorde  then  sette  ? 
1980  Mess.  He  is  him  selfe  the  preest,  and  he 

him  selfe  the  dedly  verse 
With  praier  dyre  from  feruent  mouthe 

dothe  syng  and  ofte  reherse. 
And  he  at  thaulters  stands  him  selfe, 
1986      he  them  assygnde  to  die 

Dothe  handle,  and  in  order  set, 

and  to  the  knife  applie, 
He  lights  the  fyres,  no  rights  were  lefte 

of  sacryfice  vndone. 
1990  The  woode  then  quakte,  and  all  at  ones 

from  trembly ng  grounde  anone 
The  Palaice  beckte,  in  doubte  whiche  way 

the  payse  therof  woulde  fall, 
And  shakyng  as  in  waues  it  stood e  : 
1995      from  thayre  and  therwithall 

A  blasyng  starre  that  foulest  trayne 

drewe  after  him  dothe  goe  : 
The  wynes  that  in  the  fyres  were  cast, 
with  changed  licour  floe, 


I"  1 6  6]  Thyestes 

2000  And  turne  to  bloud  :  and  twysc  or  thryse 

thattyre  fell  from  his  bed, 
The  Juerie  bright  in  Temples  secmdc 

to  wcepe  and  teares  to  shed. 
The  sights  amasdc  all  other  men, 
2005      but  stedfasl  yet  alway 

Of  mynde,  vnmoued  Atreus  stands, 

and  euen  the  godds  dothe  fray 
That  threaten  him,  and  all  delay 

forsaken  by  and  bye 
2010  To  thaulters  turnes,  and  therwithall 

a  syde  he  lookes  awryc. 
As  hungrie  tygre  woonts  that  dothc 

in  gangey  woods  remayne 
With  doubtfull  pace  to  range  and  roaine 
20l5       betweene  the  bullocks  twaync, 
Of  eyther  praye  full  couetous, 

and  yet  vncertayne  where 
She  fyrst  may  bite,  and  roryng  throatc 

now  turnes  the  tone  to  teare 
2020  And  then  to  thother  straight  returnes, 

and  doubtfull  famine  holdes  : 
So  Atreus  dire,  betwene  the  babes 

dothe  stand  and  them  beholdes 
On  whome  he  poyntes  to  slake  his  yre  : 
2025      fyrst  slaughter  where  to  make, 

He  doubtes  :  or  whome  he  shoulde  agayne 
for  seconde  offryng  take. 


of  Seneca.  [167] 

Yet  skylls  it  nought,  but  yet  he  doubles, 

and  suche  a  crueltie 
2o3o  Jt  him  deligths  to  order  well. 

Ghor.    Whome  take  he  fyrst  to  die  ? 
Mess.    First  place,  least  in  him  thinke  ye  might 

no  piete  to  remayne 
To  grandsier  dedicated  is, 
2o35       iyrst  Tantalus  is  slayne. 

Ghor.    With  what  a  minde  and  countnaunce,  coulde 

the  boye  his  death  sustayne  ? 
Mess.    All  careles  of  him  selfe  he  stoode, 

nor  once  he  woulde  in  vayne 
2040  His  prayers  leese.  But  Atreus  fierce 

the  swoorde  in  him  at  last 
Jn  deepe  and  deadly  wounde  dothe  hide 

to  hilts,  and  gripyng  fast 
His  throate  in  hand,  he  thrust  him  throughe. 
2046       The  swoorde  then  drawne  awaye 
When  long  the  body  had  vphelde 

it  selfe  in  doubtfull  staye, 
Whiche  way  to  fall,  at  bngthe  vppon 

the  vnkle  downe  it  falles. 
2o5o  And  then  to  thaulters  cruellie 

Philisthenes  he  tralles, 
And  on  his  brother  throwes  :  and  strayght 

his  necke  of  cutteth  hee. 
The  carcase  hedlong  falles  to  grounde  : 
2o55      apiteous  thyng  to  see, 


[168]  Tfiycstes 

The  mournyng  bed,  with  murmure  yet 

vncertayne  dothe  complayne. 
Ghor.    What  after  double  deathe  dothc  he 

and  slaughter  then  of  twayne  ? 
2060  Spares  he  the  childe  ?  or  gilt  on  gilt 

agayne  yet  heapeth  he  ? 
Mess.    As  long  maend  Lyon  feerce  amid 

the   wood   of  Armenie, 
The  droue  pursues  and  conquest  makes 
2o65       of  slaughter  many  one, 

Though  now  defiled  be  his  iav/es 
with  bloude,  and  hunger  gone 
Yet  slaketh  not  his  Jrefull  rage, 
with  bloud  of  bulles  so  greate, 
2070  But  slouthfull  now,  with  weery  toothe 

the  lesser  calues  dothe  threate  : 
None  other  wyse  dothe  Atreus  rage, 

and  swels  with  anger  straynde, 
And  holdyng  now  the  sworde  in  hande 
2075      with  double  slaughter  staynde, 
Regardyng  not  where  fell  his  rage, 

with  cursed  hand  vnmilde 
He  strake  it  through  his  body  quight  : 

at  bosome  of  the  childe 
2080  The  blade  gothe  in,  and  at  the  backe 

agayne  out  went  the  same. 
He  falles,  and  quenchyng  with  his  bloud 
the  aulters  sacred  flame, 


of  Seneca.  [169! 

Of  either  wounde  at  lengthe  he  dieth. 
*#5       Glior.      O  heynous  hatefull  acte. 

Mess.  Abhorre  ye  this  ?  ye  heare  not  yet 

the  ende  of  all  the  facte, 
There  followes  more.    GllO.    A  fiercer  thyng, 

or  worse  then  this  to  see 
2090  Could  nature  beare  ?  Me.    why  thinke  ye  this 

of  gilt  the  ende  to  bee  ? 
Jt  is  but  parte.    Clio,    what  coulde  he  more  ? 

to  cruell  beasts  he  cast 
Perhapps  their  bodies  to  be  torne, 
2og5       and  kept  from  lyres  at  last. 

Mess.  Woulde  god  he  had  :  that  neuer  tombe 

the  deade  might  ouerhyde, 
Nor  flames  dissolue,  though  them  for  foode 

to  fowles  in  pastures  wyde 
2KX)  He  had  out  throwen,  or  them  for  pray 

to  cruell  beasts  woulde  flyng. 
That  whiche  the  worste  was  wont  to  be, 

were  heere  a  wisshed  thyng, 
That  them  theyr  father  sawe  vutombde. 
2lo5      but  oh  more  cursed  crime 
Uncredible,  the  whiche  denie 

wyll  men  of  after  time  : 
From  bosomes  yet  alyue  out  drawne 

the  tremblyng  bowells  shake, 
21 10  The  vaynes  yet  breathe,  the  fearefull  harte 
dothe  yet  bothe  pante  and  quake  : 

D  But 

[170]  'Vhyestes 

But  he  the  stryngs  dothe  turne  in  hande, 

and  destenies  beholde, 
And  of  the  gutts  the  sygnes  eche  one 
2li5       dothe  vewe  not  fully  colde. 

When  him  the  sacrifice  had  pleasde, 

his  diligence  he  putts 
To  dresse  his  brothers  banquet  now  : 

and  streyght  a  soonder  cutts 
2120  The  bodies  into  quarters  all, 
and  by  the  stoompes  anone 
The  shoulders  wide,  and  brawnes  of  armes, 

he  strikes  of  euery  chone. 
He  laies  abrode  theyr  naked  lymms, 
2125       and  cutts  away  the  bones  : 

The  only  heds  he  keepes,  and  hands 

to  him  comitted  ones. 
Some  of  the  gutts  are  broachte,  and  in 

the  fyres  that  burne  ful  sloe 
2l3o  They  droppe  :  the  boylyng  liccour  some 

dothe  tomble  to  and  froe 
Jn  moornyng  cawdern  :  from  the  flesshe 

that  ouerstands  alofte 
The  fyre  dothe  flie,  and  scatter  out, 
2l35       and  into  chimney  ofte 

Up  heapt  agayne,  and  there  constraynde 

by  force  to  tary  yet 
Unwillyng  burnes  :  the  lyuer  makes 
great  noy»e  vppon  the  spit, 


of  Seneca.  [171] 

2140  Nor  easely  \vote  J,  if  the  flcsshe, 

or  flames  they  be  that  cry, 
But  crie  they  doe  :  the  lyre  like  pitche 

it  fumeth  by  and  by  : 
Nor  yet  the  smoke  it  selfe  so  sadde, 
2145      like  filthy  miste  in  sight 
Ascendeth  vp  as  woont  it  is, 
nor  takes  his  way  vpright, 
But  euen  the  Goddes  and  house  it  dothc 

with  filthie  fume  defyle. 
2i5o  O  pacient  Phoebus  though  from  hence 

thou  backward  flee  the  whyle, 
And  in  the  midst  of  heauen  aboue 
dooste  drowne  the  broken  day, 
Thou  fleeste  to  late  :  the  father  eates 
2i55      his  children  well  away, 

And  lymms  to  whiche  he  onse  gaue  lyfe, 

with  cursed  iawe  dothe  teare. 
He  shynes  with  oyntment  shed  full  sweete 

all  rounde  aboute  his  heare, 
2160  Replete  with  vvyne  :  and  often  times 

so  cursed  kynde  of  food 
His  mouth  hath  helde  that  would  not  downe. 

but  yet  this  one  thyng  good 
Jn  all  thy  ylls  (Thyestes)  is, 
2105      that  them  thou  dooste  not  knoe. 
And  yet  shall  that  not  long  endure, 
though  Titan  backward  goe 

D  ii  And 

[172]  ^hyestes. 

And  chariots  turne  against  him  selfe, 

to  meetc  the  waies  he  went, 
2170  And  heauie  night  so  heynous  deede 

to  keepe  from  sight  be  sent, 
And  out  of  time  from  east  arise, 

so  foule  a  facte  to  hide, 
Yet  shall  the  whole  at  lengthe  be  seene 
2175      thy  ills  shall  all  be  spide. 

<#  Chorus. 

Hiche  way  O  prince  of  lands  and  godds  on  hie, 

Wat  whose  vprise  eftsones  of  shadowde  night 
All  bcwtie  flecthe,  which  way  turnstthou  awrie  ? 
2180  and  drawste  y  day  in  midst  of  heauen  to  flight? 

Why  dooste  thou  (Phebus)  hide  from  vs  ihy  sight  ? 

not  yet  the  watche  that  later  howre  bryngs  in, 
Dothe  Uesper  warne  the  starrs  to  kindle  light. 
not  yet  dothe  turne  of  Hespers  wheele  begin 
2i85  To  loase  thy  chare  his  well  deserued  way. 

the  Trumpet  thirde  not  yet  hath  blowen  his  blaste 
While  towarde  the  night  begins  to  yelde  the  day. 

great  woonder  hath  of  sodayne  suppers  haste 
The  Ploweman,  yet  whose  oxen  are  vntierde. 
2190      from  woonted  course  of  heauen  what  drawesthee  backe? 
What  causes  haue  from  certainc  race  conspierde 
to  turne  thy  horse  ?  do  yet  from  dongeon  blacke 


of  Seneca.  [178] 

Of  hollowe  Hell,  the  conquerde  Gyants  proue 

a  fresshe  assaute  ?  dothe  Tityus  yet  assay 
2ig5  With  trenched  hart  and  wounded  wombe  to  moue 

the  former  yrcs  ?  or  from  the  hill  away 
Hath  now  Typhoeus  wounde  his  syde  by  might  ? 

is  vp  to  heauen  the  way  erected  hie 
Of  phlegrey  foes  by  mountaynes  set  vpright  ? 
2200      and  now  dothe  Ossa  Pelion  ouerlie  ? 

The  woonted  turnes  are  gone  of  day  and  night. 

the  rise  of  sun,  nor  fall  shalbe  no  more. 
Aurora  dewysh  mother  of  the  light 

that  \\oonts  to  sendo  the  horses  out  before, 
22o5  Dothe  wonder  muche  agayne  returnde  to  see 

her  dawnyng  light  :  she  wotts  not  how  to  ease 
The  wery  wheeles,  nor  manes  that  smokyng  bee 
of  horse  with  sweate,  to  bathe  amyd  the  seas. 
Him  selfe  vnwoonted  there  to  lodge  lykewyse, 
2210      dothe  settyng  Sun  againe  the  mornyng  see, 
And  now  commaundes  the  darknes  vp  to  ryse, 

before  the  night  to  come  prepared  bee. 
About  the  poale  yet  glowthe  no  fyre  in  sight  : 

nor  light  of  Moone  the  shades  dothe  comfort  yet. 
22l5  What  so  it  be,  God  graunt  it  be  the  night. 

our  harts  dooe  quake  with  feare  oppressed  gret, 
And  dredfull  are  least  heauen  and  erthe  and  all 

with  fatall  mine  shaken  shall  decay  : 
And  least  on  gods  agayne,  and  men  shall  fall 
2220       disfigurde  Chaos  :  and  the  land  away 

T5>  fit  The 

[174]  Thycstes 

The  seas,  and  tyres,  and  of  the  glorious  skise 

the  wandryng  lampes,  least  nature  yet  shall  hide. 
Now  shall  no  more  with  blase  of  his  vprise, 

the  lorde  of  starres  that  leades  the  worlde  so  wide, 
2225  Of  Sommer  bothe  and  winter  gyue  the  markes. 

nor  yet  the  Moone  with  Phaebus  flames  that  burnes, 
Shall  take  from  vs  by  night  the  dredfull  carkes, 

with  swyfter  course  or  passe  her  brothers  turnes, 
\Yhile  compasse  lesse  she  fetts  in  crooked  race  : 
223o      the  Gods  on  heapes  shall  out  of  order  fall 
And  eche  with  other  myngled  be  in  place. 

the  wried  way  of  holly  planetts  all, 
\Yith  pathe  a  sloape  that  dothe  deuide  the  Zones, 

that beares  the  sygnes  and  yeares  in  course  dothe  bryng, 
2235  Shall  see  the  starres  with  him  fall  downe  at  ones. 

and  he  that  fyrst  not  yet  with  gentle  spryng, 
The  temperate  gale  dothe  geue  to  sayles,  the  Ramme 

shall  hedlong  fall  a  downe  to  seas  agayne, 
Through  whiche  he  once  with  fearfull  hellen  swamme. 
2240      next  him  the  Bulle  that  dothe  with  home  sustayne 
The  systers  seuen,  with  him  shall  ouerturne 

the  twyns,  and  armes  of  crooked  cancer  all. 
The  Lyon  whot,  (that  woonts  the  soyle  to  burne) 

of  Hercules,  agayne  from  heauen  shall  fall. 
2245  To  lands  once  lefte  the  virgin  shalbe  throwne, 

and  leuelde  payse  of  balance  sway  alowe, 
And  drawre  with  them  the  styngyng  Scorpion  downe. 
so  likewyse  he  that  holdes  in  Thessale  bowe 


His  swifte  well  fethred  arrovves  Chiron  olde, 
225o      shall  breake  the  same  and  eke  shall  leese  his  shotte. 
And  Capricorne  that  brynges  the  winter  colde 
shall  ouerturne,  and  breake  thy  water  potte 
Who  so  thou  be  :  and  downe  with  thee  to  grounde, 

the  last  of  all  the  signes  shall  Pisces  fall. 
2255  And  monsters  eke  in  seas  yet  neuer  drounde, 

the  water  gulphe  shall  ouer  whelme  them  all. 
And  he  whiche  dothe  betwene  eche  Ursa  glyde, 

lyke  crooked  floode,  the  slipper  serpent  twynde  : 
And  lesser  Beare  by  greater  Dragons  syde, 
2260      full  colde  with  frost  congealed  harde  by  kynde, 
And  carter  dulle  that  slosvlie  guides  his  waync, 

vnstable  shall  bootes  fall  from  hie. 
We  are  thought  meete  of  all  men  whom  agayne, 

should  hugy  heape  of  Chaos  oner  lie, 
2265  And  worlde  oppresse  with  ouer  turned  mas. 

the  latest  age  now  falleth  vs  vppon. 
With  euill  happe  we  are  begotte  alas, 

if  wretches  we  haue  lost  the  sight  of  son, 
Or  him  by  faught  enforced  haue  to  rlie. 
2270      let  our  complaynts  yet  goe,  and  feare  be  past  : 
He  greedy  is  of  lyfe,  that  will  not  die 
when  all  the  worlde  shall  ende  with  him  at  last. 

5)  iiit  The 

[176]  ^hyestes 

The    fifth    Acte. 
Atreus  alone. 

2275  !  Owe  equall  with  the  starrs  J  goe, 

beyoncle  eche  other  wight, 
with haughtie  hed  the  heauens  aboue, 


and  highest  Poale  J  smight. 
The  kyngdome  now  &  seate  J  holde, 

2280  where  once  my  father  raynde. 

J  now  let  goe  the  godds  :  for  all 

my  will  J  haue  obtaynde. 
Enoughe  and  well,  ye  euen  enoughe 

for  me  J  am  acquit. 
2285  But  whie  enoughe  ?  J  will  proceede, 

and  fyll  the  father  yet 
With  bloud  of  his  :  least  any  shame 

should  me  restrayne  at  all, 
The  day  is  gone  :  goe  to  therfore, 
2290      while  thee  the  heauen  dothe  call. 

Wolde  god  J  coulde  agaynst  their  wills 

yet  holde  the  gods  that  flee, 
And  of  reuengyng  disshe,  constrayne 

them  witnesses  to  be  : 
2295  But  yet  fwhiche  well  enoughe  is  wrought,) 

let  it  the  father  see. 
Jn  spight  of  all  the  drowned  day, 
J  wyll  remoue  from  thee 


of  Seneca.  [177] 

The  darkenes  all,  in  shade  whereof 
23oo      doe  lurkc  thy  myseries. 

And  guest  at  suche  a  banquet  now 

to  long  he  careles  lies, 
With  mery  face  :  now  eate  and  dronkc 

enough  he  hath  :  at  laste 
23o5  Tys  best  him  selfe  shoulde  know  his  ylls. 

ye  seruaunts  all,  in  haste 
Undoe  the  temple  doores  :  and  let 

the  house  be  open  all  : 
Fayne  wolde  J  see,  when  looke  vppon 
23io      his  childrens  heds  he  shall 

What  countenance  he  then  wolde  make. 

or  in  what  woordes  breake  out 
Wolde  fyrst  his  greefe,  or  how  wolde  quake 

his  bodie  rounde  about 
23i5  With  spright  amased  sore  :  of  all 
my  woorke  the  fruite  were  this. 
J  wolde  him  not  a  myser  see, 

but  whyle  so  made  he  is. 
Beholde  the  temple  opened  now, 
2320      dothe  shyne  with  many  a  lyght  : 
Jn  glyttryng  gold  and  purple  seate 

he  sytts  him  selfe  vpryght, 
And  staiyng  vp  his  heauy  head 
with  wine,  vpon  his  hande, 
2325  He  belcheth  out.  now  cheefe  of  godds, 
in  highest  place  J  stande, 

T5>  V  And 

[i  7  8]  Wiyesies 

And  kyng  of  kyngs  :  J  haue  my  wyshe 

and  more  then  J  coulde  thynke  : 
He  fylled  is,  he  nowe  the  wyne 
233o      in  syluer  boll  dothe  drynke. 

And  spare  it  not,  there  yet  remaynes, 

a  woorser  draught  for  thee 
That  sproong  out  of  the  bodyes  late 

of  sacrifyces  three, 
2335  Whiche  wyne  shall  hyde  :  let  therwithall 

the  boordes  be  taken  vp. 
The  father  (myngled  with  the  wyne) 

his  childrens  blood  shall  sup, 
That  woulde  haue  droonke  ofinyne. 
2340      beholde,  he  now  begyns  to  strayne 
His  voyce  and  syngs,  nor  yet  for  ioye 

his  mynde  he  may  refrayne. 

The    seconde    Sceane 
Thyestes   alone 


2845   ^-^  beaten  bosomes  dullde  so  longe  with  woe, 

laie  downe  your  cares,  at  length  your  greues  relet : 
Let  sorowe  passe,  and  all  your  dreade  let  goe, 
and  fellowe  eke  of  fearefull  banyshment, 
Sad  pouertie,  and  yll  in  myserye 

235o      the  shame  of  cares,  more  whense  thy  fall  thou  haste, 
Then  whether,  skylls.  greate  happe  to  him,  from  hye 
that  falles,  it  is  in  suretee  to  be  plaste 


of  Seneca.  [1)9] 

Beneth.  and  great  it  is  to  him  agayne 

that  prest  with   storme,  of  euylls  feeles  the  smart, 
2355  Of  kyngdome  loste  the  payses  to  sustayne 

with  necke  vnbowde  :  nor  yet  deiect  of  harte 
Nor  ouercome,  his  heauy  happs  alwayes 

to  beare  vpryght.  but  now  of  carefull  carkes 
Shake  of  the  showres,  and  of  thy  wretched  dayes 
236o      awaye  with  all  the  myserable  markes. 

To  ioy  full  state  returne  thy  cheerefull  face. 

put  fro  thy  mynde  the  olde  Thyestes  hence. 
Jt  is  the  woont  of  wight  in  wofull  case, 
in  state  of  ioy  to  haue  no  confydence. 
2365  Though  better  happs  to  them  returned  be, 

thafflicted  yet  to  ioy  it  yrketh  sore. 
Why  calste  thou  me  abacke,  and  hyndrest  me 

this  happie  daie  to  celebrate  ?  wherfore 
Bydst  thou  me  (sorowe)  weepe  without  a  cause  ? 
2370      who  doth  me  let  with  flowers  so  freshe  and  gaye 
To  decke  my  heares  ?  it  letts,  and  me  withdrawes. 

downe  from  my  head  the  roses  fall  awaye  : 
My  moysted  heare  with  oyntment  ouer  all, 

with  sodeyne  mase  stands  vp  in  woondrows  wyse. 
23y5  From  face  that  wolde  not  weepe  the  streames  do  fall. 

and  howlyng  cryes  amyd  my  woordes  aryse. 
My  sorowe  yet  thaccustomde  teares  dothe  loue. 
and  \vretches  styll  delight  to  weepe  and  crye. 
Unpleasant  playntes  it  pleaseth  them  to  moue  : 
238o      and  florysht  faire  it  lykes  with  Tyrian  dye 


[l8o]  Vhyestes 

Theyr  robes  to  rent  :  to  wayle  it  lykes  them  styll. 

for  sorowe,  sends  (in  sygne  that  woes  drawe  nye) 
The  minde,  that  wotts  before  of  after  yll. 

the  sturdye  stormes  the  shipmen  ouerlye, 
2385  When  voyde  of  wynde  thasswaged  seas  doe  rest. 

what  tumult  yet  or  countenaunce  to  see 
Makste  thou  mad  man  ?  at  lengthe  a  trustfull  brest 

to  brother  geeue,  what  euer  now  it  bee, 
Causeles,  or  ells  to  late  thou  arte  a  dred. 
23go      J  wretche  woulde  not  so  feare,  but  yet  me  drawes 
A  tremblynge  terrour  :  downe  mync  eyes  do  shed 

theyr  sodeyne  teares,  and  yet  J  know  no  cawse. 
Js  it  a  greefe,  or  feare  ?  or  ells  hath  teares 

great  ioy  it  selfe  ? 

The     thyrde     Sceane. 
Atreus.  Thyestes. 

Et  vs  this  daie  with  one  consent 

(o  brother)  celebrate. 
This  day  my  steptors  may  confyrme 
2400  ^  ancj  stablyshe  my  estate, 

And  faythfull  bonde  of  peace  and  loue 

betwene  vs  ratyfye. 

Thy-    Enough  with  meate  and  eke  with  wyne, 
now  satysfyde  am  J. 


of  Seneca.  [181] 

2406  But  yet  of  all  my  ioyes  it  were 

a  greate  encrease  to  mee, 
Jf  now  about  my  sydc  J  might 

my  little  children  see. 

Atr.    Beleue  that  here  euen  in  thyne  armes 
2410      thy  children  present  bee. 

For  here  they  are,  and  shalbe  here, 

no  parte  of  them  fro  thee 
Shall  be  withhelde  :  theyr  loued  lookes 

now  geue  to  the  J  wyll, 
2415  And  with  the  heape  of  all  his  babes, 

the  father  fully  fyll. 
Thou  shalt  be  glutted,  feare  thou  not  : 

they  with  my  boyes  as  yet 
The  ioytul  sacrifyces  make 
2420      at  boorde  where  children  sit. 

They  shalbe  calkle  :  the  frendly  cuppe 

nowe  take  of  curtesy 
With  wyne  vptylde.  Thy.    of  brothers  feast 

J  take  full  wyllyngy 
2425  The  fynall  gyfte,  shed  some  to  gods 

of  this  our  fathers  lande, 
Then  let  the  rest  be  droonke.  whats  this  ? 

in  no  wyse  wyll  my  hande 
Obeye  :  the  payse  increaseth  sore, 
2430      and  downe  n^ne  arme  dothe  swaye. 
And  from  my  lypps  the  waftyng  wyne 
it  selfe  dothe  flie  awaie, 


fl82j  Thyestes 

And  in  deceiued  mouthe,  about 
my  iawes  it  runneth  rounde  : 
2435  The  table  to,  it  selfe  dothe  shake, 

and  leape  Irom  tremblyng  grounde. 
Scant  burnes  the  lyre  :  the  ayre  it  selie 

with  heauy  chere  to  sight 
Forsooke  of  sunne  amased  is 
2440      betwene  the  daye  and  night. 

What  meaneth  this  ?  yet  more  and  more 

of  backewarde  beaten  skye 
The  compasse  falles  :  and  thicker  myst 

the  worlde  doth  ouerlye 
2445  Then  blackest  darkenes,  and  the  night 

in  night  it  selfe  dothe  hyde. 
All  starrs  be  fledde  :  what  so  it  bee, 

my  brother  god  prouyde 
And  soons  to  spare  :  the  gods  so  graunte 
2460      that  all  this  tempest  fall 

On  this  vyle  head,  but  now  restore 

to  me  my  children  all. 
Atr.    J  will,  and  neuer  daye  agayne 

shall  them  from  the  withdrawe. 
2455  Thy.   What  tumulte  tumbleth  so  my  gutts, 

and  dothe  my  bowells  gnawe  ? 
What  quakes  within  ?  with  heauy  payse 

J  feele  my  selfe  opprest, 
And  with  an  other  voyce  then  myne 
2460      bewayles  my  dolefull  brest. 


of  Seneca.  [i83] 

Come  neere  my  soons,  for  you  now  dooth 

th'  unhappie  father  call  : 
Come  neere,  for  you  once  seene,  this  greefe 

wolde  soone  asswage  and  fall. 
2465  Whence  murmure  they  ?  At.    with  fathers  armes 

embrace  them  quickely  nowe, 
For  here  they  are  loe  come  to  thee  : 
dooste  thou  thy  children  knowe  ? 
Thy.    J  know  my  brother  :  suche  a  gylt 
2470      yet  canst  thou  suffre  well 

6  earth  to  beare  ?  nor  yet  from  hens 

to  Stygian   lake   of  hell 
Dooste  thou  bothe  drowne  thy  selfe  and  vs  ? 

nor  yet  with  broken  grounde 
2475  Dooste  thou  these  kyngdomes  and  theyr  kyng 

with  Chaos  rude  confounde  ? 
Nor  yet  vprentyng  from  the  soyle 

the  bowres  of  wicked  lande 
Dooste  thou  Mycenas  ouerturne  ? 
2480      with  Tantalus  to  stande, 

And  auncyters  of  ours,  if  there 

in  hell  be  any  one. 
Now  ought  we  bothe.  now  from  the  frames 

on  eyther  syde  anone 
2486  Of  grounde,  all  here  and  there  rent  vp, 

out  of  thy  bosome  deepe 
Thy  dens  and  dungeons  set  abrode, 
and  vs  enclosed  keepe, 


[184]  Thyestes 

Jn  botome  lowe  of  Acheront  : 
2490      aboue  our  hedds  alofte 

Let  wander  all  the  gyltie  ghosts, 

with  burnyng  frete  full  oftc 
Let  fyry  Phlegethon  that  dryues 

his  sands  bothe  to  and  froe, 
2495  To  our  confusion  ouerroon, 

and  vyolently  floe. 
O  slouthfull  soyle  vnshaken  payse, 

vnmoued  yet  arte  thou  ? 
The  gods  are  fled.   Atr.    but  take  to  thee 
25oo      with  ioy  thy  chyldren  now, 

And  rather  them  embrace  :  at  length 

thy  chyldren  all,  of  thee 
So  long  wysht  for,  (for  no  delaye 

there  standeth  now  in  mee,) 
25o5  Enioye  and  kysse,  embracyng  armes 

deuyde  thou  vnto  three. 
Thv.   Js  this  thy  league  ?  may  this  thy  loue 

and  fayth  of  brother  bee  ? 
And  dooste  thou  so  repose  thy  hate  ? 
2Dio      the  father  dothe  not  crane 

His  soons  aliue  (whiche  might  haue  bene 

without  the  gylt.,)  to  haue  : 
And  eke  without  thy  hate,  but  this 

dothe  brother  brother  pray  : 
25i5  That  them  he  may  entoombe,  restore, 
whom  see  thou  shalt  straight  way 


of  Seneca.  [i85| 

Be  burnt  :  the  father  nought  requyres, 

of  the  that  haue  he  shall, 
But  soone  forgoe.   Atr.   what  euer  partc 
2520      yet  of  thy  children  all 

Kemaynes,  here  shalt  them  haue  :  and  what 

remayneth  not,  thou  haste. 
Thy.  Lye  they  in  feeldes,  a  ioode  out  floong 

for  fleeyng  foules  to  waste  ? 
2525  Or  are  they  kept  a  praye,  for  wylde 

and  brutyshe  beasts  to  eate  ? 
Atr.   Thou  hast  deuourde  thy  soons,   and  lyldc 

thy  selfe  with  wicked  meate. 
Thy.  Oh  this  is  it  that  shamde  the  godds  : 
253o      and  day  from  hens  dyd  dryue 

Turnde  backe  to  easte.  alas  J  wretch 

what  waylynges  may  J  gyue  ? 
Or  what  complayntes  ?  what  wofull  woordes 

may  be  enough  for  mee  ? 
2535  Theyr  heades  cutte  of,  and  hands  of  torne, 

J  from  their  bodies  see, 
And  wrenched  feete  from  broken  thyghes, 

J  here  beholde  agayne. 
Tys  this  that  greedy  father  coulde 
2540      not  suffrc  to  sustayne. 

Jn  belly  rolle  my  bowels  rounde, 

and  closed  cryme  so  gret 
Without  a  passage  stryucs  within, 
and  seekes  awaye  to  get. 

£  Thy 

[i86]  Thyestes 

2645  Thy  svvoorde  (o  brother)  lende  to  me  : 

muche  of  my  blood  alas 
Jt  hathe  :  let  vs  therwith  make  way 

for  all  my  soons  to  pas. 
Js  yet  the  swoorcle  fro  me  withhelde  ? 
255o      thy  selfe  thy  bosom es  teare. 

And  let  thy  brests  resounde  with  strokes  : 

yet  wretche  thy  hand  forbeare, 
And  spare  the  deade.  who  euer  sawe 

suche  mischiefe  put  in  proofe  ? 
2555  What  rude  Heniochus,  that  dwells 

by  ragged  coaste  aloofe, 
Of  Caucasus  vnapt  for  men  ? 

or  feare  to  Athens,  who 
Procustes  wylde  ?  the  father  J 
256o      oppresse  my  children  do 

And  am  opprest,  is  any  meane 

of  gylt  or  mischiefe  yet  ? 
Atr.  A  meane  in  myschiefe  ought  to  be, 

when  gylt  thou  dooste  commyt, 
2565  Not  when  thou  quytst  :  for  yet  euen  this, 

to  lytle  seemes  to  me. 
The  blood  yet  warme  euen  from  the  wounde 

J  shoulde  in  sight  of  thee 
Euen  in  thy  iawes  haue  shed,  that  thou 
2570      the  bloud  of  them  mightst  drynke 
That  lyued  yet  :  but  whyle  to  muche 
to  haste  my  hate  J  thynke, 


of  Seneca.  [187] 

My  wrathe  beguyled  is.  my  selfe 

with  swoorde  the  woundes  them  gaue, 
25y5  J  strake  them  downe,  the  sacred  fyres 

with  slaughter  vowde  J  haue 
Well  pleasde,  the  carcase  cuttyng  then 

and  lyueles  lymms  on  grounde 
J  haue  in  little  parcelles  chopt, 
258o      and  some  of  them  J  drownde 

Jn  boylyng  cawderns,  some  to  fyres 

that  burnte  full  slowe  J  putte, 
And  made  to  droppe  :  their  synewes  all 

and  lymms  atoo  J  cutte 
2585  Euen  yet  alyue,  and  on  the  spytte 

that  thrust  was  through  the  same 
J  harde  the  lyuer  wayle  and  crie, 

and  with  my  hand  the  flame 
J  ofte  kept  in  :  but  euery  whit 
25go      the  father  might  of  this 

Haue  better  doone,  but  now  my  wrathe 

to  lyghtly  ended  is. 
He  rent  his  soons  with  wycked  gumme, 

him  selfe  yet  wotyng  nought, 
25g5  Nor  they  therof.   Thy.   6  ye,  encloasde 

with  bendyng  banks  abought 
All  seas  me  heare,  and  to  this  gylt 

ye  godds  now  harken  well 
What  euer  place  ye  fledde  are  to  : 
2600      heare  all  ye  sprights  of  hell, 

£  (I  And 

[i88J  Thi/estes 

And  here  ye  lands,  and  night  so  darke, 

that  them  dooste  ouerlye 
With  clowde  so  blacke,  to  my  complaynts 

do  thou  thy  selfe  applye. 
26o5  To  thee  now  lefte  J  am,  thou  dooste 

alone  me  myser  see, 
And  thou  arte  lefte  without  thy  starres  : 

J  wyll  not  make  for  mee 
Peticions  yet.  nor  ought  for  me 
2610      requyre,  may  ought  yet  bee 

That  me  shoulde  vayle  ?  for  you  shall  all 

my  wyshes  now  foresee. 
Thou  guyder  great  of  skies  aboue, 

and  prynce  of  hyghest  myght, 
26i5  Of  heauenly  place,  now  all  with  cloudes 

full  horrible  to  syght, 
Enwrappe  the  worlde,  and  let  the  wyndes 

on  euery  syde  breake  out, 
And  sende  the  dredfull  thunder  clappe, 
2620      through  all  the  worlde  about. 

Not  with  what  hand  thou  gyltles  house 

and  vndeserued  wall 
With  lesser  bolte  arte  wonte  to  beate, 

but  with  the  whiche  did  fall 
2625  The  three  vpheaped  mountaynes  once, 

and  whiche  to  hylls  in  height 
Stoode  equall  \7p,  the  gyants  huge  : 
throwe  out  suche  weapons  streight, 


of  Seneca.  [189] 

And  flyng  thy  fyres,  and  therwithall 
263o      reuengc  the  drowned  daye. 

Let  flee  thy  flames,  the  lyght  thus  lost 

and  hyd  from  heauen  awaye, 
With  flashes  fyll  :  the  cause,  (least  long 

thou  shouldst  doute  whom  to  hit,) 
2635  Of  eche  of  vs  is  yll  :  if  not 

at  least  let  myne  be  it, 
Mee  stryke  :  with  tryple  edged  toole 

thy  brande  of  flamyng  tyre 
Beate  through  this  brest  :  if  father  J 
2640      my  children  do  desyre 

To  lay  in  lombe,  or  corpses  cast 

to  lyre  as  dothe  behoue, 
J  must  be  burnt  :  if  nothyng  now 
the  gods  to  wrath  maie  moue, 
2645  Nor  powre  from  skyes  with  thunder  bolte 

none  strykes  the  wycked  men, 
Let  yet  eternall  night  remayne, 
and  hyde  with  darkenes  then 
The  worlde  about  :  J  (Titan)  nought 
2600      com  play ne,  as  now  it  stands, 

Jf  still  thou  hyde  thee  thus  awaye. 

Atr.    now  prayse  J  well  my  handes, 
Now  gotte  J  haue  the  palme  :  J  had 

bene  ouercome  of  thee, 
2655  Except  thou  sorowdst  so  :  but  now 
euen  children  borne  to  me 

[190]  Thyestes 

J  counte,  and  now  of  brydebed  chaste 

the  fayth  J  do  repeare. 
Thy.  Jn  what  offended  haue  my  soons  ? 
2660      Atr.  Jn  that,  that  thyne  they  weare. 

Thy.  Setst  thou  the  soons  for  fathers  foode  ? 

Atr.  J  doe,  and  (whiche  is  best) 
The  certayne  soons  ?   Thy.    the  gods  that  guyde 

all  infantes,  J  protest. 
2665  Atr.  what  wedlocke  gods?   Til.    who  wolde  the  gylt 

with  gylt  so  quyght  agayne  ? 
Atr.  J  knowe  thy  greefe,  preuented  now 
with  wrong,  thou  dooste  complayne  : 
Nor  this  thee  yrkes,  that  fedde  thou  arte 
2670      with  foode  of  cursed  kynde, 

But  thnt  thou  hadst  not  it  preparde  : 

for  so  it  was  thy  mynde, 
Suche  meates  as  these  to  sette  before 

thy  brother  wotyng  naught, 
2675  And  by  the  mothers  helpe,  to  haue 

lykewyse  my  children  caught, 
And  them  with  suche  lyke  deathe  to  slave  : 

this  one  thing  letted  thee, 

Thou  thoughtst  them  thyne.   Thy.    the  gods  shall  all 
2680      of  this  reuengers  bee  : 

And  vnto  them  for  vengeance  due, 

my  vowes  thee  render  shall. 
Atr.  But  vext  to  be  J  thee  the  whyle, 
geeue  to  thy  children  all. 


of  Seneca.  [191] 

2685  The  fourth  Sceane, 

Added  to  the  Tragedy 
by  the  Translatour. 

Thyestes  alone. 


!  Kyng  of  Dytis  dungeon  darke, 
~  and  grysly  ghosts  of  hell, 

I  That  in  the  deepe  and  dredfull  denns, 
of  blackest  Tartare  dwell, 

Where  leane  and  pale  diseases  lye 

where  feare  and  famyne  are, 
26g5  Where  discorde  stands  with  bleedyng  browes, 

where  euery  kynde  of  care, 
Where  furies  fight  in  bedds  of  steele, 

and  heares  of  crallyng  snakes, 
Where  Gorgon  grymme,  where  Harpies  are, 
2700      and  lothsome  Lymbo  lakes, 

Where  most  prodigious  vglye  thynges, 

the  hollowe  hell  dothe  hyde, 
Jf  yet  a  monster  more  mysshapte 

then  all  that  there  doe  byde, 
2705  That  makes  his  broode  his  cursed  foode, 

ye  all  abhorre  to  see, 
Nor  yet  the  deepe  Auerne  it  selfe, 
may  byde  to  couer  me, 

J6  ttti  Nor 

[192]  Thyestes 

Nor  grysly  gates  of  Plutoes  place, 
2710      yet  dare  them  selues  to  spredde, 

Nor  gapyng  grounde  to  swallowe  him, 
whome  godds  and  day  haue  fledde  : 
Yet  breake  ye  out  from  cursed  seates, 

and  here  remayne  with  me, 
2715  Ye  neede  not  now  to  be  affrayde, 

the  ayre  and  heauen  to  se. 
Nor  tryple  headid  Cerberus, 
thou  needst  not  be  affright, 
The  day  vnknowne  to  thee  to  see, 
2720      or  els  the  lothsome  light. 

They  bothe  be  fledde  :  and  now  clothe  dwell 

none  other  countnaunce  heere, 
Then  dothe  bencathe  the  fowlest  face, 

of  hatefull  hell  appeere. 
2725  Come  see  a  meetest  matche  for  thee, 

a  more  then  monstrous  wombe, 
That  is  of  his  vnhappie  broode, 

become  a  cursed  tombe. 
Flocke  here  ye  fowlest  feendes  of  hell, 
273o      and  thou  O  grandsier  greate, 

Come  see  the  glutted  gutts  of  mine, 

with  suche  a  kynde  of  meate, 
As  thou  didst  once  for  godds  prepare. 

let  torments  all  of  hell 
2735  Now  fall  vppon  this  hatefull  hed, 
that  hathe  deserude  them  well. 


of  Seneca. 

Ye  all  be  plagued  wrongfully, 
your  gylts  be  small,  in  sight 
Of  myne,  and  meete  it  were  your  pangs 
2740      on  me  alone  should  light. 

Now  thou  O  grandsier  giltles  arte, 

and  meeter  were  for  me, 
With  fleeyng  floud  to  be  beguilde, 

and  frute  of  fickle  tree. 
2745  Thou  slewst  thy  son,  but  J  my  sons, 

alas  haue  made  my  meate. 
J  coulde  thy  famyne  better  beare, 

my  panche  is  now  repleate 
With  foode  :  and  with  my  children  three, 
2750      my  belly  is  extent. 

O  filthy  fowles  and  gnawyng  gripes, 

that  Tityus  bosome  rent 
Beholde  a  fitter  pray  for  you, 

to  fill  your  selues  vppone 
2755  Then  are  the  growyng  gutts  of  him  : 

foure  wombes  enwrapt  in  one. 
This  panche  at  ones  shall  fill  you  all  : 

yf  ye  abhorre  the  foode, 
Nor  may  your  selues  abide  to  bathe, 
2760      in  suche  a  cursed  bloode  : 

Yet  lend  to  me  your  clinchyng  clawes, 

your  pray  a  while  forbeare, 
And  with  your  tallons  suffer  me, 
this  monstrous  mawe  to  teare. 

£  v  Or 

[194]  "Vhyestes 

2/65  Or  whirlyng  wheeles,  with  swynge  of  whiche 

Jxion  still  is  rolde, 
Your  hookes  vppon  this  glutted  gorge, 

woulde  catche  a  surer  holde. 
Thou  filthy  floud  of  Lymbo  lake, 
277°      and  Stygian  poole  so  dyre, 

From  choaked  chanell  belche  abrode. 

thou  ferfull  freate  of  fyre, 
Spue  out  thy  flames  O  Phlegethon  : 

and  ouer  shed  the  grounde. 
2775  With  vomite  of  thy  fyrye  streame, 

let  me  and  earth  be  drownde. 
Breake  vp  thou  soyle  from  botome  deepe, 

and  geue  thou  roome  to  hell, 
That  night,  where  day,  that  ghosts,  were  gods 
2780      were  woont  to  raigne,  may  dwell. 

Why  gapste  thou  not  ?    Why  do  you  not 

O  gates  of  hell  vnfolde  ? 
Why  do  ye  thus  thynfernall  feendes, 

so  long  from  hens  withholde  ? 
2785  Are  3rou  likewyse  affrayde  to  see,  and 

knowe  so  wretched  wight, 
From  whome  the  godds  haue  wryde  theyr  lookes, 

and  turned  are  to  flight  ? 
O  hatefull  hed,  whom  heauen  and  hell, 
2790      haue  shoonde  and  lefte  alone, 

The  Sun,  the  Starrs,  the  light,  the  day, 
the  Godds,  the  ghosts  be  gone. 


of  Seneca.  [198] 

Yet  turnc  agayne  ye  Skyes  a  whyle, 

ere  quight  ye  goe  fro  me, 
2795  Take  vengeance  fyrst  on  him,  whose  faultc 

enforceth  you  to  flee. 
Jf  needes  ye  must  your  flight  prepare, 

and  may  no  lenger  bydc, 
But  rolle  ye  must  with  you  foorthwith, 
2800      the  Goddes  and  Sun  a  syde, 

Yet  slowly  flee  :  that  J  at  lengthe, 

may  you  yet  ouertake, 
While  wandryng  wayes  J  after  you, 

and  speedy  iorney  make. 
2806  By  seas,  by  lands,  by  woods,  by  rocks, 

in  darke  J  wander  shall  : 
And  on  your  wrathe,  for  right  rewardc 

to  due  deserts,  wyll  call, 
ye  scape  not  fro  me  so  ye  Godds, 
2810       still  after  you  J  goe, 

And  vengeance  aske  on  wicked  wight, 

your  thunder  bolte  to  throe. 




Xon&on    in    ffletestrete,    in 

tbe    bouse   late    Cbomag 


Cum  priuilegio  ad  impri- 
mendum  solum. 

ANNO.     M.  D.  L  X. 

Lucii   Annei  Se- 

necae  Tragedia  primaquae  inscri- 

bitur  Hercules  iurcns  nuper  rccognita,  &  ab 

omnibus  mendis,  quibus  antea  scatebat  sedu- 

lo  purgata,  &  in  studiosrr,  iuuentutis  vtilitate, 

in  Anglicuin  metrum  tanta  fide  conuersa,  vt  carmen 

pro  carmine  quoad  Anglica  lingua  patiatur 

pene  redditum  vidcas. 

Per  lasperum  Heyvvodum  Oxoniensem. 

gedie   of   Lucius  Anneus  Seneca, 

intitulet)  Hercules  fur  ens,  nc\vlv>  pervseO  anO 

of  all  faultes  wbereof  it  M&  before  abound  bi= 

ligentlvi  corrccte&,  anb  for  tbc  profit  of  eoun0 

ecbollers  so  faitbfullv?  translated  into  J6n* 

0li0b  metre,  tbat  se  mav?  se  verse  for  verse 

tonrned  as  farre  as  tbe  pbrase  of  tbc  en 

flliab  permittetb 

36g  Jasper  H^evwood  studient 
in  Ovford. 

«    TO    THE     RIGHTE 

honorable   Syr   William    Harbert   of  the 

honorable  order  of  the  garter  knight, 

Lorde    Harbert    of    Cardyffe,    Earle 

5    of  Penbrocke  &  one  of  the  Quee- 

nes  maiesties  most  honorable  Pry- 

uie  councell,  his  daylye  Oratour 

Jasper     Heywood    wissheth 

prosperous      health      with 

10  encrease  of  honour  and 



He  most  excellent 
and   famous    lear 
ned  clearke  Eras 
mus    of  Roteroda 
among     so    many 

[earned      volumes      whiche      he 


in    hys    lyfe    tyme    wrote,    with 

such    excellency,    that    they    yet 

20  do   and    euer    shal    preserue    the 

name    and    renowne    of  so    wor- 



thye  a  man,  ouen  lor  that  ou- 
lye  thyng  woon  not  the  least 
praise  among  learned  m<\  nor 

25  deserued  least  thanke  of  poste- 
ritie,  that  he  so  well  and  true- 
lye  translated  onto  of  (Ireeke 
into  latin  two'o  tragedies  of 
Euripides,  whereof  the  one 

3o  is  named  Hecuba,  &  the  other 
Iplligillia.  For  as  all  men  that 
can  iudge  of  that  work,  must 
needes  highly  commend  h'm 
that  hathe  so  lernedly  done  it 

35  so  muste  all  studientes  of  the 
(ireeke  tongue  needes  render 
him  great  thAkes,  that  hath 
opened  the  such  a  gate  therto 
Whf1  J  therfore  (most  hono- 

40  rablc  Karle)  considered  wyth 
A  ii  my 


my  selfe  that  suche  a  man  of 
whome  the  worlde  yet  after 
his  deth  resowndes,  disdaind 
not  sometyme  to  leaue  euen 

45  the  studye  of  the  diuine  scrip 
tures  to  turn  his  pen  a  while 
to  the  profite  and  furtherace 
of  youth,  J  thought  it  not  re- 
pugnitt  to  my  duty  if  J  shold 

5o  also  for  a,  time  set  a  side  y  bo- 
kes  of  old  Philosophers,  Ari 
stotle  and  Plato,  and  once  en- 
deuour  to  shew  my  selfe  so  lo- 
uing  to  my  countreye,  as  to 

55  helpe  for  the  small  talet  that 
god  hath  geue  me,  to  conduct 
by  som  meanes  to  further  vn 
derstfidig  the  vnripened  schol 
lers  of  this  realm,  to  whom  J 



60  thought  it  shoulde  be  no  lesse 
thankful  for  me  to  enterprete 
som  latyn  work  into  this  our 
owne  tongue,  then  for  Eras 
mus  in  Latyn  to  expounde 

65  the  Greeke,  to  them  that  are 
already  good  and  perfite  lati- 
nistes.  Neither  coulde  J  satis- 
fie  my  self,  til  J  had  through 
oute  thys  whole  tragedye  of 

70  Seneca  a  graue  and  wise  wri 
ter  so  trauailed  that  J  had  in 
englysh  geuen  verse  for  verse, 
(as  far  as  the  englysh  tongue 
permitts)  and  word  for  word 

75  wyth  the  latyn  :  whereby  J 
might  both  make  some  tryal 
of  my  self,  and  as  it  were  tech 
the  little  children  to  goe  that 

A.  iii 


yet    canne    but    creepe.    Whiche 

so  tiling  Avhen  J  had  l)roughte 
to  passe,  \  fully  finished  thys 
little  worke,  J  thought  with 
my  self  how  gretly  it  mighte 
auail  me,  to  haue  the  author! 

85  tie  of  som  noble  ma,  my  shield 
against  the  sling  of  euil  togs. 
\vherfore  when  J  considered 
that  your  honor  so  gretly  fa- 
uoured  lerrrig,  that  ye  vouch- 

()o  safed  to  sod  vnto  the  vnitiersi 
tic  of  oxford,  of  which  J  am  a 
mf'bre,  your  derest  &  eldest  son 
my  lord  Henry  whom  J  haue 
there  well  knowen,  and  so  to 

()5  trade  him  in  time  of  teder  ye- 
res,  that  hys  riper  age,  might 
hothe  geue  your  honor  cause 


to  ioy  i  liirn  &  vs  to  thak  your 
honor  for  him,  J  haue  presu- 

100  mod  vpu  hope  of  pardo  formi 
boldnesse,  y  rather  for  his  sake 
to  dedicate  this  simple  worke 
vnto  your  honour,  as  well  to 
signifie  the  poore  good  wyll 

io5  of  a  scholler,  as  also  to  render 
to  your  honor  most  huble  tha 
kes,  that  it  hath  plesed  so  ho 
norable  an  Erie  to  honor  our 
vniuersitie  of  Oxforde,  with 

no  the  presece  o  f  such  a  vug  lord 
so  worthye  a  Gentlema.  The 
whiche  my  attempt  J  truste 
your  honour  wil  for  this  the 
rather  pardo,  that  although 

n5  this  simple  woorke,  which  J 
here  offer  he  farre  vn  worthy 



to  l)e  of  your  honor  receiued, 
yet  is  it  a  meete  gift  for  me  to 
present  :  who  as  J  am  a  schol 

120  lor,  so  ca  J  geue  nothing  hut 
a  schollcrs  gifte,  namelye  the 
practise  of  my  pen,  the  which 
hesechii'g  your  honour  none 
otherwise  to  accept  the  Christ 

125  accepted  the  two  mites  whi- 
che  the  poore  woma  oflfred  in 
the  teple,  J  end  with  praier  to 
hym,  for  the  prosperous  con 
tinuance  and  encrease  of  your 

i3o  lordshippes  honorable  estate 
and  dignitic. 


[20$  I 

The  Argument  of  this  Tragedy. 

Uno  the  wife  and  sister  of  Jupiter, 
1 35     ^j|  hatyng  his  bastarde  broode,  cometh 
down    from  heauen,   complaining   of 
all  his  iniuries  done  to  her,  deuising 
also  by  what  despite  she  maye  vexe  his  base 
sonne  Hercules.  And  hauyng  by  experience 
140  proued,  no  toiles  to  be  too  hard  for  him,  h'n- 
deth  the  meanes  to  make  his  owne  hand  his 
owne  vengeance.  Hercules  therfore  retur 
ning  now  from  hell  (from  whens  he  was  en 
ioyned  to  fet  Cerberus  )  And  findynge  that 
145  the  tyrant  Lycus  had  inuaded  his  countrey, 
destroieth  the  tyrant.  For  the  which  victorie 
as  he  sacrinceth  to  his  goddes,  wrathefull 
Juno  strikes  him  into  a  sodain  fransy  :  wher 
with  he  beynge  sore  vexed,  thynkyng  to  slea 
i5o  the  children  and  wife  of  Lycus,  in  stede  of 
them,  killeth  his  owne  wife  and  children  in 
his  madnesse.  This  doone  he  sleapeth.  Juno 
restoreth  to  hym  agayne  his  wittes.  He  be- 
yng  wakte,  seing  his  wife  and  children  slain 
i55  by  his  owne  hande,  at  laste  also  woulde  kyll 

C  The  speakers. 
J  uno  Lycus 

Chorus  Hercules 

160  Megara  Theseus 



[206]          Hercul.  fur.  of  Sen. 

Iimo  alone. 

i65      A     Syster  of  the  thunderer, 

(for  nowe  that  name  alone 
remaynes  to  me)  Joue  euermore 
as  though  deuorste  and  gone, 
And  temples  of  the  hyghest  ayre 
170      as  wydowe  shunned  haue, 
And  beaten  out  of  skyes  aboue 

the  place  to  harlots  gaue. 
J  muste  goe  dwell  beneathe  on  grounde, 

for  hoores  doo  holde  the  skye. 
175  From  hens  the  beare  in  parte  aboue 

of ycye  poale  full  hye, 
A  haughty  starre  the  greekysh  shypps 

by  seas  dothe  guyde  about. 
Fro  this  way,  whes  at  spryng  tyme  warme 
180      the  daye  is  loased  out, 

Europaes  bearer  through  the  waues 

of  Tyria  shynes  full  bright. 
From  thens,  their  stormy  fearefull  flocke 
to  shypps,  and  seas  affright, 

36  2  The 

Hercul.  Fur.  of  Sen.  [207] 

185  The  wandryng  daughters  here  and  there 

of  Atlas  vpwarde  swaye. 
With  staryng  bushe  of  heare  from  hens 

Orion  gods  dothe  fraye  : 
'  And  Perseus  eke  his  glyttryng  starres 
up      of  golden  glosse  hathe  heere. 

From  hens  the  twynns  of  Tyndars  stocke 

doe  shyne,  a  sygne  fall  clere  : 
And  at  whos-2  byrth  fyrst  stoode  the  grounde 

that  erste  went  too  and  fro. 
ig5  Nor  onely  Bacchus  nowe  hymselle, 

or  Bacchus  mother  lo, 
Haue  clymbde  to  gods  :  least  any  parte 

shoulde  from  rebuke  be  free, 
The  skyes  the  Gnossian  strumpets  crounes 
200      doe  beare  in  spight  of  mee. 

But  J  of  ollde  contempts  complayne  : 

me,  one  dire,  fierce,  and  shrewde 
Thebana  lande,  with  wicked  broode 

of  Joues  base  daughters  strewde, 
2o5  Howe  ofte  hath  it  a  stepdame  made  ? 

though  vp  to  heauen  shoulde  rise, 
The  conqueryng  drabbe  Alcmena  nowe, 
and  holde  my  place  in  skies, 
And  eke  her  sonnc  to  promysde  starres 
210    obtayne  the  woorthye  waye, 

At  byrthe  of  whome  the  staying  worlde 
so  long  deferrde  the  daye, 

*   3  Aud 

[2o8]          Hercul.  Fur.  of  Sen. 

And  Phoebus  slowe  from  mornyng  sea 

begoon  to  glyster  bryght, 
2i5  Commaunded  long  in  th'ocean  waues 

to  hyde  his  drowned  lyght  : 
Yet  shall  my  hates  not  leaue  them  so. 

a  wrathfull  kyndlyng  rage 
His  mynde  in  madnesse  shall  styrre  vp, 
220       and  yre  that  maye  not  swage 

Shall  euermore  (all  peace  layde  dov/ne) 

wage  warres  eternally. 
What  warrs  ?  what  euer  hydous  thyng 

the  earthe  his  ennemy 
225  Begetts,  or  what  soeuer  sea, 

or  ayre  hath  brought  to  syght 
Bothe  dredfull,  dire,  and  pestylent, 

of  cruell  fiercest  myght, 
Tis  tierde,  and  taemde  :  he  passeth  all, 
23o      and  name  by  ylls  dothe  rayse, 

And  all  my  wrathe  he  dothe  enioye  : 

and  to  his  greatter  prayse 
He  turnes  my  hates  :  whyle  tedyous  toyles 

to  muche  J  hym  beehest, 
235  He  proues  what  father  hym  begot, 
bothe  thens,  where  lyght  opprest 
Hath  sea,  and  where  it  showde  agayne, 

where  Titan  daye  dothe  trayne, 
And  with  his  brande  approchyng  neere 
240      dothe  dye  those  Aethiops  twayne, 

»    4  his 

Hercul.  fur.  of  Seneca.  [209] 

His  strengthe  vntamde  is  honoured  : 

and  god  eche  where  is  he 
No\ve  calde  in  world,  and  nowe  more  store 

of  monsters  want  to  me, 
240  And  labour  lesse  to  Hercles  is 

t'accomplyshe  all  my  vvyll, 
Then  me  to  bydde  :  at  ease  he  doothe 

myne  impedes  fulfyll. 
What  cruell  hestes  of  tyraunt  nowe 
25o      so  fierce  a  yong  man  mayo 

preuayle  to  hurte  ?  for  loe  he  beares 

for  weapons  nowe  awaye 
What  once  he  fearde,  and  put  to  flyght  : 

he  armed  comes  at  syde 
255  With  lyon  fierce,  and  Hydra  bothe  : 

nor  lande  sumseth  wyde, 
But  broake  he  hath  the  thresholde  lo 

of  that  infernall  Joue, 

And  spoyles  with  hym  of  conquerde  kyng 
260      he  drawes  to  godds  aboue. 

But  thats  but  lyght,  broke  is  the  league 

of  sprightes  that  there  doo  d\vell. 
J  sawe  my  selfe,  J  sawe  hym  loe 

(the  nyght  nowe  gone  of  hell, 
265  And  Ditis  taemde)  throwe  out  abroade 

before  his  fathers  syght 
His  brothers  spoyles.  Why  drawes  he  not 
oppreste  and  bounde  by  myght 

J3    5  hym 

[2ioJ    Hercul.  fur.  oi  Seneca. 

Hymselfe  in  chaynes  that  equall  thynges 
270    to  Joue  by  lotte  dooth  holde  ? 
And  beare  the  rule  of  captyue  hell, 

and  waye  to  Styx  vnfolde  ? 
Up  opened  is  from  lowest  ghosts 
the  backewarde  waye  to  skye, 
275  And  sacred  secrets  of  dire  deathe 

in  open  syght  doo  lye. 
But  he  (the  dredfull  denne  of  sprights 

broake  vp)  full  fierce  and  stout 
Euen  ouer  me  doothe  triumphe  lo, 
280      and  with  prowde  hande  about 

The  foule  black  dogge  by  Grekishe  townes 

he  leades  from  hell  a  waye. 
When  scene  was  vgly  Cerberus 

J  sawe  the  fadyng  daye, 
285  And  fearefull  soon  :  euen  me  lykewyse 

a  tremblyng  dreade  oppreste, 
And  lookyng  on  the  fylthy  necks 

of  conquerde  monstrous  beaste, 
J  feared  muche  myne  owne  behests. 
290      but  lyght  thyngs  J  complayne, 

For  heauen  J  maye  be  frayde,  least  he 

may  get  the  hyghest  rayne, 
That  lowest  woon.  the  sceptors  Irom 
his  father  wyll  he  take, 
2g5  Nor  he  to  starrs  (as  Bacchus  dyd) 
his  waye  wyll  gently  make  : 


Hercul.  fur.   of  Seneca.  [211] 

The  wave  with  ruync  wyll  he  seeke, 

and  he  in  empty  skyes 
\\'yll  reygne  alone,  with  force  displayde 
3u>      his  haughtye  harte  doothe  ryse, 
And  he,  that  heauen  it  selfe,  by  force 

of  his  myght  gotten  bee, 
ft  bearvng  learnde  :  quight  vndernethe 

the  worlde  his  headsette  he, 
3o5  Nor  ones  his  shoulders  bowde,  the  payse 

of  suche  a  myghty  mas  : 
And  mydst  of  heauen  on  Hercles  necke 

alone  lo  settled  was. 
His  necke  vnwryde  the  starrs  aboue 
3io      and  skies  dyd  onelye  stave  : 

And  me  lykewyse  oppressyng  hym, 

to  Gods  he  seekes  the  waye. 
Goe  Jre,  goe  on,  and  beate  hym  downe 

that  greate  thyngts  doothe  inuent, 
3i5  Matche  thou  with  hym,  and  with  thy  hands 

nowe  thou  thy  selt'e  hym  rent. 
Suche  hates  why  dooste  thou  meditate? 

Lette  all  wylde  beastes  nowe  go  : 
And  weary  Eurystheus  nowe  be  free 
320       from  geeuyng  charges  mo. 

The  Titans  daryng  once  of  Joue 

to  breake  the  imperye 
Sende  out  :  lette  loase  the  dcnne  abroade 
of  mounte  of  Sicilye. 


[2i 2 1          Hercul.  fur.  of  Seneca. 

325  The  Doricke  lande  that  with  the  turne 

of  gyant  quakes  afrayde, 
Let  it  bryng  foorthe  the  dredefull  neckes 

of  monster  vnderlayde. 
Let  yet  the  haughty  moone  aboue 
33o        some  other  beastes  beeget. 

But  these  he  ouercame.  seekst  thou 

a  matche  t'  Alcides  yet  ? 
Thers  none,  except  hymselte  :  let  hym 

agaynst  hym  selfe  rebell. 
335  Let  present  bee  from  bottome  deepe 

vpraysde  of  lowest  hell 
Th'  Eumenides,  let  flamyng  lockes 

of  theyrs  the  fyres  out  flyng, 
And  furious  handes  beestowe  about 
340      the  stroakes  of  vypers  styng. 

Goe  nowe  full  prowde,  and  skale  the  skyes 

to  seates  of  godds  make  wave. 
Nowe  must  thy  battels  waged  be, 
full  cleere  loe  shynes  the  daye. 
345  Despise  mas  works  :  thinksty  fierce  wight 

that  hell  and  soules  alowe 
Thou  haste  escapte  ?  naye  here  J  wyll 

an  other  hell  the  showe. 
Jn  deepe  myste  hyd  J  wyll  call  vp 
35o      frome  bottome  lowe  of  hell 

Beyonde  the  waves  of  gylty  ghostes 
debatefull  goddesse  fell. 

Wher  e 

Hercul.  iur.  of  Sen.  [21 3] 

where  as  the  roaryng  dredfull  denne 

resoundes  with  cries  about, 
355  From  deepest  bonde  of  Ditis  raigne 

beneathe  J  will  fette  out, 
what  so  is  lefte.  Let  hatefull  hurte 

nowe  come  in  anger  woode, 
And  fierce  impietie  embrewe 
36o      hym  selfe  with  his  owne  bloode, 
And  errour  eke,  and  fury  armde 

agaynste  it  selfe  to  fyght. 
This  meane,  this  meane,  let  wrath  of  myne 

nowe  vse  to  shewe  my  myght. 
365  Begyn  ye  seruantes  nowe  of  hell  : 

the  feruent  burnyng  tree 
Of  pyne  shake  vp  :  and  sette  with  snakes 

her  dredfull  flocke  to  see 
Lette  nowe  MegcGra  bryng  to  syght  : 
3yo      and  with  her  mournefull  hande 
for  burnyng  roage  bryng  out  of  hell 

a  huge  and  direfull  brande. 
Doo  this,  require  you  vengeance  due, 

and  paynes  of  hell  his  spoyle, 
375  Stryke  through  his  breaste  :  let  fiercer  flame 

within  his  bosome  boyle, 
Then  whiche  in  Aetna  fornace  beates 

so  furiousely  to  see. 
That  madde  of  mynde  and  witles  may 
38o      Alcides  dryuen  bee 

<I  with 

[2i4l          Hercul.   fur.   of    Sen. 

With  fury  great  through  pearced  quight, 

my  selfe  must  fyrst  of  all 
Be  madde.  Wherfore  dothe  Juno  yet 

not  in  to  ragyng  fall  ? 
385  Mee,  mee,  ye  Furies,  systers  three 

throwne  quight  out  of  my  wyt 
Tosse  fyrst,  yf  any  thyng  to  doo 

J  doo  endeuour  yet 

For  stepdame  meete  :  let  now  my  hates 
390          be  turnde  an  other  way. 

Let  hym  (returnde)  his  babes  beholde 

in  safetie,  J  you  praye, 
And  strong  of  hande  come  home  :  J  haue 

nowe  found  the  day  at  length, 
3g5  Jn  whiche  may  greatly  me  auayle 
the  hated  Hercles  strengthe. 
Bothe  me,  and  eke  hym  selfe  let  hym 

subdue,  and  wyshe  to  dye 
Returnde  from  hell,  yea  let  it  here 
400          be  my  commoditye, 

That  he  of  Joue  begotten  is  : 

here  present  wyll  J  stande, 
And  that  his  shafts  goe  streight  from  bowe, 

J  wyll  directe  his  hande  : 
4o5  The  mad  mans  weapons  wyll  J  guyde, 

Euen  Hercles  fyghtyng  lo 
At  length  Jle  ayde.  This  gylt  once  doone 
then  leefull  is  that  so 

-i  C     2  his 

Hercul.  Fur.  of  Sen.  [2i5J 

His  lather  may  admytte  to  skyes 
410      those  gyltie  handes  of  his. 


The  fadig  stars  now  shine  but  seeld  in  sight 
in  stipye  skye,  night  ouercome  with  day, 
Plucks  T  her  fires,  while  sprog  again  is  light 

4i5  y  dai  star  draws  y  clere  so  beams  their  way. 
The  ycye  sygne  of  haughty  poale  agaync, 
with  seue  starrs  markt  y  beares  of  Arcady, 
Do  call  the  light  with  ouerturned  wayne. 
with  marble  hors  now  drawn  his  way  to  hy 

420  Doth  Titan  toppe  of  Oetha  ouerspred. 

the  bushes  bright  that  now  with  beries  bee 
Of  Thebes  strewd,  by  day  do  blush  full  red. 
and  to  returne  dothe  Phoebus  syster  flee. 
Now  labor  hard  begyns,  and  euery  kynde 

426  of  cares  it  stirrs,  the  shepeherd  doth  vnfolde 
His  flocks  vnped,  do  grase  their  fode  to  findc 
&  nipps  y  grasse,  with  hoary  frost  ful  colde. 
At  will  dothe  play  in  open  medowe  fayre, 
y  calfe,  whose  brow  did  dam  yet  neuer  teare 

43o  The  empty  kyne  their  vdders  doo  repayre. 
&  light  with  course  vncertayn,  here  &  there, 
Jn  grasse  full  soft  the  wanton  kid  he  flyngs. 
in  top  of  bow  doth  sit  with  chauntyng  song, 
And  to  the  son  new  rose  to  sprede  her  wyngs 

435  bcstirrs  herself,    her  mournfull  nests  amog 

C     3  The 

[2 1 6]  Hercul.  Fur.  of  Sen. 

The  nightingale  :  &  doth  with  birdes  about 
confuse  resound,  with  murmure  myxed  rife 
To  witnes  day.  his  sailes  to  wynds  sette  out 
the  shipman  doth  comit  in  doute  of  lyfe, 

440  While  gale  of  wid  y  slack  sails  fils  ful  strait 
he  leanyng  ouer  hollowe  rocks  dothe  lye, 
And  eyther  his  beegiled  hookes  dothe  bayte, 
or  els  beholds  and  feeles  the  pray  from  hye 
with  paysed  hande. 

445  The  treblyng  fishe  he  feeles  with  lyne  extet. 
this  hope  to  them  to  whom  of  hurtlesse  life, 
Js  quiet  rest,  and  with  his  owne  content, 
and  lytle,  house,  suche  hope  in  fieldes  is  rife. 
The  troublus  hopes  w  rollig  whirlwid  gret 

460  &  dredful  feares,  their  waies  in  cities  kepe. 
He  proude  repaire  to  prince  in  regall  seate, 
&  harde  court  gates  without  the  rest  of  slepe 
Esteemes,  and  endles  happynes  to  holde 
doth  gather  goods,  for  tresure  gaping  more, 

455  And  is  full  poore  amyd  his  heaped  golde. 
the  peoples  fauour  him  (astonied  sore) 
And  comons  more  vnconstant  then  the  sea, 
with  blast  of  vain  renoun  lifts  vp  ful  proud. 
He  sellyng  at  the  braulyng  barre  his  plea, 

460  full  wicked,  setts  his  yres  &  scolldyng  lowde 
And  woords  to  sale  .  a  fewe  hath  known  of  al 
the  careles  rest,  who  mindful  howr  doth  flitte 
Swyft  age  away,  the  tyme  that  neuer  shall 
returne  again  do  hold  .  while  fates  permitte, 

C  4  At 

Hercul.    lur.   of  Seneca.  [217] 

465  At  quiet  lyue  :  the  life  ful  quickly  glides 

with  hastned  course,  &  with  the  winged  day 
The  whele  is  turnd  of  yere  y  hedlog  slides, 
the  sisters  hard  performe  their  tasks  alway, 
Nor  mai  againvntwist  their  threds  ons  spo 

470  yet  mankynde  lo  vnsure  what  waye  to  take 
To  mete  the  greedy  destenies  dothe  ron, 
and  willyngly  we   seeke  the    Stygian  lake. 
To  muche  Alcides  thou  with  stomack  stout 
the  sory  sprights  of  hell  dooste  haste  to  see. 

475  with  course  prefixt  the  fates  ar  broght  about 
to  none  once  warnd  to  come,  may  respyte  be 
To  none  to  passe  their  once  appointed  day. 
thetombe  all  people  calde  by  death  doth  hide 
Let  glory  him  by  many  landes  away 

480  display,  &  fame  throughout  all  cities  \\ide 
Full  bablyng  praise,  &  cue  with  skye  to  stad 
auaunce,  &  Starrs  :  let  hym  in  chariot  bright 
Full  haughty  goe  :  let  me  my  natiue  land 
in  safe  &  secret  house  kepe  close  fro  sight. 

486  To  restful  men  hoare  age  by  cours  doth  fal, 
and  lowe  in  place,  yet  safe,  &  sure  doth  lye 
The  poore  and  base  estate  of  cottage  small  : 
the  prowder  pope  of  mynd  doth  fall  fro  hye. 
But  sad  here  comes  with  losed  locks  of  hear 

490  loe  Megara,  with  lyttle  cumpanye, 

And  slow  by  age  draws  Hercles  father  nere 


[2 1 8]  Hercul.  fur.  of  Seneca. 


A  C  T  E  . 

4<)5  Guyder  great  of  heauen,  and  of 

the  worlde  o  iudge  full  hye, 
Yet  now  at  length  apoynt  a  meane 

of  carefull  myserye, 
And  ende  of  our  calamitie. 
5oo      to  me  yet  neuer  daye 

Hath  carelesse  shynde,  the  ende  of  one 

affliction  paste  awaye 
Begynnyng  of  an  other  is  : 

an  other  ennemye 
5o5  Js  foorthwith  fownde,  before  that  he 

his   ioyfull   famylye 
Retourne  vnto,  an  other  fyght 

he  taketh  by  behest  : 
Nor  any  respite  gyuen  ys 
5io      to  hym  nor  quiet  rest, 

But  whyle  that  he  commaunded  is  : 

strayght  hym  pursueth  shee 
The  hatefull  Juno.  Was  yet  once 

from  toyle  and  labour  free 
5i5  His  infantes  age  ?  the  monsters  lo 
he  vanquysht  hathe  and  slayne, 
Before  he  knew  what  monsters  ment. 
The  skaled  serpents  twayne 


Hercul.  fur.  of  Seneca.  [219! 

Theyr  double  neckes  drew  on  toward  hym, 
52O      agaynst  the  whyche  to  ryse, 

The  infant  crepte  to  meete  with  them, 

the  serpentes  glyttryng  eyes 
Lyke  fyre,  with  quiet  carelesse  brest 

he  lookyng  fast  vppon, 
525  With  coutnance  cleere,  hard  wrested  knots 

of  them  he  caught  anon  : 
And  stranglyng  then  the  swellyng  throates 

of  them  with  tender  hande, 
To  Hydra  prelude  made,  the  beaste 
53o      so  swyfte  of  Maenale  lande, 

That  with  muche  golde  bare  vp  fnll  bryght 

his  beautified  heade, 
Js  caught  in  course  .  of  Nemey  woode 

lykewyse  the  greatest  dreade 
535  The  lyon  prest  with  Hercles  armes 

hath  roarde  with  dreadfull  crye. 
What  shoulde  J  speake  of  stables  dyre 

of  steedes  oi  Bystonye  ? 
Or  kyng  caste  out  hym  selfe  for  foode 
540          his  horses  fierce  to  fyll  ? 

And  bristled  beast  in  thicke  topps  woont 

of  Eryrnanthus  hyll, 
The  boare  of  M;enalye,  the  woodds 

of  Arcady  to  shake  ? 
545  And  bull  that  dyd  no  lyttle  dreade 
to  hundred  peoples  make  ? 


[22o]          Hercul.  fur.  of  Seneca. 

Among  the  flocks  of  Hesper  lande 

that  hens  farre  distant  bee, 
The  shepherde  of  Cartesian  coast 
55o      of  tryple  shape  to  sec 

Js  slayne,  and  dryuen  is  the  praye 

from  farthest  parte  of  weaste, 
Cith86ron  quakte  when  by  hym  past 

to  sea  the  well  knowne  beast. 
555  He  beeyng  byd  to  make  by  coastes 

of  sommer  sonne  his  waye, 
And  parched  landes  whche  sore  with  heate 

dooth  boyle  the  myddell  daye, 
The  mountayns  brake  on  eyther  syde 
5f>o      and  rampiers  all  vndoon, 

Euen  vnto  swyfte  and  ragyng  sea 

hathe  made  a  waye  to  roon. 
Then  entryng  in  of  plenteous  wood 

the  pleasant  gardeyns  gaye, 
565  The  wakyng  dragons  golden  spoyles 

with  hym  he  brought  awaj^e. 
The  Lerna  monsters  numerous  yll 

what  neede  to  tell  haue  J  ? 
Hath  he  not  hym  with  fyre  at  lengthe 
570      subdewde,  and  taught  to  dye  ? 

And  which  were  woont  with  wyngs  abrode 

to  hyde  the  daye  from  syght, 
Kuen  from  the  cloudes  he  sought  and  draue 
the  Stymphale  byrdes  to  flyght. 


Hercul.   fur.   of  Sen.  [221] 

575  Not  hym  subdewde  who  euer  lyes 

in  bedde  vnmatcht  at  nyght 
The  wyddowe  queene  of  them  that  toke 

to  Thermodont  their  flyght. 
Nor  handes  that  well  durst  enterprise 
58o      his  noble  trauayles  all 

The  fylthy  labour  made  to  shrynke 

of  foule  Augias  hall. 
What  vayle  all  these  ?  he  wants  the  worlde 

whyche  ofte  defended  he. 
585  And  th'erthe  well  knowes  the  woorker  ol 

his  quietnes  to  be 
Away  from  earthe  :  the  prosperous  gvlt 

that  beareth  happy  swaye, 
Js  vertue  callde,  and  now  the  good 
5qo      to  wycked  doo  obaye. 

The  ryght  doth  stande  in  myght  of  armes, 

feare  treadeth  downe  the  lawe. 
Before  my  face  with  cruell  hande 

euen  presently  J  sawe 
5g5  Reuengers  of  theyr  fathers  reygne 

the  sonnes  with  swoorde  downe  cast, 
And  of  the  noble  Cadmus  eke 

hymselfe  the  ofspryng  last 
Then  slayne  :  J  sawe  his  regall  crowne 
600      at  once  from  hym  awaye 

With  head  byreft.  Who  Thebes  alas 
enough  bewayle  nowe  maye  ? 

I>  The 

[22 2j  Hercu.  fur.  of  Sen. 

The  fertile  lande  of  godds,  what  lorde 

nowe  quakes  it  for  to  knowe  ? 
f>o5  Out  of  the  fieldes  of  whiche  somtyme, 

and  fruitefull  bosome  lowe, 
The  youth  vpsprong  with  sworde  in  hand 

preparde  to  battell  stoode  : 
And  walls  of  whiche  Amphion  one 
610      of  myghty  Joue  his  broode, 

Hath  buylt  with  sowndyng  melody 

in  drawyng  to  the  stones  : 
To  towne  of  whome  the  parent  cheefe 

of  Godds  not  onely  ones 
6i5  Heauen  beyng  left  hath  come,  this  lande 

that  godds  aboue  alway 
Receyude,  &  whiche  hath  made  them  godds, 

and  (leefull  beete  to  say) 

Perhapps  shall  make,  with  lothsome  yoake 
620          of  bondage  is  preste  downe. 
O  Cadmus  stocke,  and  citezens 

of  olde  Amphions  towne, 
Wherto  are  ye  nowe  fallne  ?  dreade  ye 

a  cowardly  exul  thus, 
625  His  coastes  to  dwell  in  lackyng,  and 

to  ours  iniurious  ? 
Who  through  the  worlde  pursues  the  gyllts 

and  wrong  by  sea  and  lande, 
And  cruell  sceptors  broken  hath 
63o      with  iuste  and  ryghtfull  hande, 

2>    2  Nowe 

Hercul.  Fur.  of  Sen.  [223] 

Nowe  absent  serues,  and  what  he  easde 

in  other  doothe  sustayne  : 
And  nowe  doth  bannysht  Lycus  holcle 

of  Hercles  Thebes  the  rayne. 
635  Yet  shall  he  not  :  he  shall  come  home, 
And  hym  with  vengeaunce  quight, 
And  sodayne  ryse  to  Starrs  :  he  wyll 
Soone  fynde  the  vvaye  to  lyght, 
Or  make  it  ells,  returne  thou  safe, 
640          repayre  to  thyne  in  haste  : 

And  conquerour  to  conquerde  house 

yet  come  agayne  at  laste. 
Ryse  vp  my  spouse,  and  darknesse  deepe 

repellde  of  helly  shade 
645  Breake  vp  with  hande,  yf  no  way  may 

for  thee  kept  backe  bee  made, 
And  passage  be  shette  vp,  returne 

with  worlde  vprent  by  myght. 
And  what  soeuer  lythe  possest 
65o      byneathe  in  darkest  nyght, 

Sende  out  with  thee.  as  when  the  topps 

of  haughty  hylles  vndoon 
A  hedlong  passage  makyng  through 

for  hasty  floude  to  roon 
655  Thou  somtyme  stoodst,  wha  w  great  might 

of  thyne  asunder  broake 
The  Tempye  woods  wyde  open  laye  : 
and  beaten  with  thy  stroake 

3>  3  The 

[224!  Hercu.    fur.    of  Sen. 

The  mownt,  now  here,  now  ther  fel  downe  : 
660      and  rampier  rente  of  staye, 
The  ragyng  brooke  of  Thessaly 

dyd  roon  a  newe  fownde  waye. 
Thy  parentes  so,  thy  soons,  thy  lande 

repayryng  home  to  see, 
665  Breake  out,  and  lowest  bonde  of  thyngs 

out  bryngyng  thens  with  thee, 
And  what  soeuer  greedy  age 

in  all  these  long  yeares  race 
Hath  hyd,  shewe  foorth,  &  ghosts  that  haue 
670      forgotte  theyr  former  case, 

And  people  vp  before  thee  dryue 

that  fearefull  are  of  lyght. 
Unworthy  spoyles  for  thee  they  are, 

yf  thou  but  bryng  to  syght 
675  What  bydden  is.  great  things,  but  farre 

to  muche  J  speake  for  me, 
Unwotyng  of  myne  owne  estate. 

when  shall  J  happe  to  see, 
The  day  when  thee,  and  thy  ryght  hande, 
680          J  maye  embrace  agayne, 

And  slowe  returnes,  nor  yet  of  me 

once  myndefull,  may  complayne  ? 
To  thee  for  this  O  guyde  of  godds, 

vntamed  bulls  shall  bryng 
685  Theyr  hundred  neckes  :  to  thee  O  queene 
of  frutes  on  earthe  that  spryng 


Hercul.  fur.   of  Seneca.  [228] 

Jle  gyue  the  secret  sacriiyce  : 

to  thee  with  muche  fayth  loe 
Long  fyre  brandes  at  Eleusis  towne 
690          full  sylent  wyll  J  throe. 

Then  to  my  brethern  shall  J  thynke 

to  bee  restoarde  agayne 
Theyr  sowles,  and  eke  hymselle  alyue 

and  guydyng  of  his  rayne 
6g5  My  father  for  to  flouryshe  yet. 

yf  any  greater  myght 
Doo  kepe  thee  shette,  we  followe  thee  : 

with  thy  returne  to  syght 
Defende  vs  all,  or  els  to  hell 
700       drawe  downe  vs  all  to  thee. 

Thou  shalt  vs  drawe,  no  god  shall  rayse 

vs  vp  that  broken  bee. 


M  E  G  A  R  A  . 


yo5    ^-^  Faythfull  fellowe  of  our  bloude, 

with  chaste  true  faythfulnes 
The  bridebed  keeping,  and  the  sonns 
of  haughty  Hercules, 
Conceyue  in  mynde  some  better  thyngs, 
710      and  take  good  harte  to  thee  : 
He  wyll  come  home,  as  after  all 
his  labours  woonteth  hee, 


[226]  Hercu.    sur.    of  Sen. 

Of  more  renowne.    MEG.   what  wretches  do 

moste  chiefly  wyshe  of  all, 
7i5  They  soone  beleue.  AM  Nay  what  thei  feare 

to  muche  least  it  may  fall, 
They  thynke  it  neuer  may  bee  shoonde, 

nor  rydde  by  remedy. 
MEG.    Beleefe  is  ready  styll  to  dreade 
720          the  woorser  myserye. 

Depe  drownde,  &  whellmde,  &  farthermore 

with  all  the  worlde  full  lowe 
Oppressed  downe,  what  waye  hath  he 

to  lyght  agayne  to  goe  ? 
725  AM.    What  way  J  pray  you  had  he  then 

when  through  the  burnyng  coste, 
And  tumblyng  after  maner  of 
the  troubled  sea  vp  toste 
He  went  by  sands  :  and  freate  that  twysc 
73o      with  ebbe  away  doothe  slyppe, 
And  twyse  vpflowe  :  and  when  alone 

with  his  forsaken  shyppe, 
Fast  caught  he  stucke  in  shallowe  foordes 

of  shelfye  Syrtes  sande, 
735  And  (nowe  his  shyppe  on  grounde)  dyd  passe 

through  seas  a  foote  to  lande? 
MEG.    Jniurious  fortune  vertue  most 

of  men  moste  stoute  and  strong 
Doothe  seldome  spare  :  no  man  alyue 
740      Hymselfe  in  safetie  long 


Hercul.  fur.  of  Seneca.  [227] 

To  peryls  great  and  daungers  may 

so  often  tymes  out  caste. 
Whome  chaunce  doothe  often  ouerslippe, 

the  same  yt  fyndes  at  laste. 
745  But  cruell  loe,  and  greeuous  threats 

euen  bearyng  in  his  face, 
And  suche  as  he  of  stomacke  ys, 

doothe  come  euen  suche  of  pace, 
Prowde  Lycus  who  the  sceptors  shakes 
75o      in  hande  of  other  kyng, 

The  plentuous  places  of  the  towne 

of  Thebes  gouernyng, 
And  euery  thyng  aboute  the  whyche 

with  fertyle  soyle  dooth  goe 
755  Sloape  Phocis,  and  what  euer  doothe 

Jsmenus  ouerfloe, 
What  euer  thyng  Cithaeron  seethe 

with  haughty  toppe  and  hye, 
And  slender  Jsthmos  yle,  the  whyche 
760      betweene  two  seas  dooth  lye. 

Lycus  ,      Megara  , 

Ot  J  of  natiue  countrey  bowres 

Possesse  the  auncient  ryght 
765  Unworthy  hey  re,  nor  yet  to  me 

are  noble  men  of  myght, 


[228J  Hercu.  fur.  oi  Sen. 

The  grandfathers,  nor  stocke  renownde 

with  titles  hye  of  name, 
But  noble  vertue  :  who  so  boastes 
770      of  kynred  whence  he  came, 

Of  others  vertue  makes  his  vawnte. 

but  gotte  with  fearefull  hande 
My  sceptors  are  obtaynde  :  in  swoorde 

dothe  all  my  safety  stande. 
775  What  thee  thou  wottst  agaynst  the  wyll 

of  cytesyns  to  get, 
The  bryght  drawne  sworde  must  it  defende. 

in  forayne  countrey  set 
No  stable  kyngdome  is.  But  one 
780      my  pompe  and  princely  myght 
May  ratifye,  once  ioynde  to  me 
with  regall  torche  full  bryght, 
And  chambers  Megara  :  of  stocke 

of  suche  nobilitee 
785  Let  vpstarte  state  of  myne  take  shape. 

J  doo  not  thynke  that  shee 
Refuse  it  wyll,  or  in  the  bedde 

with  me  despyse  to  lye. 
But  yf  with  proude  vnbrydled  mynde 
790          shee  stubberne  doo  denye, 

Then  quyght  J  purpose  to  destroye 

the  house  of  Hercules. 
The  hate  of  men  wyll  then  my  pryde, 
and  peoples  speache  oppres. 


Hercul.   fur.   of  Sen.  [229] 

7g5  Chicle  knacke  of  kyngdome  is  to  bearc 

Thy  subiects  hates  eche  one. 
Lets  proue  her  then,  chaunce  gyuen  hath 

To  vs  a  place  alone. 
For  she  her  head  in  tblde  of  vayle 
800      full  saddc  and  wo  fully 

Enwrapt,  the  gods  that  are  her  guydes 

for  succour  stands  faste  by, 
And  at  the  syde  of  her  doothe  leane 

Alcides  father  trewe. 
8o5  MEG.  What  thyng  dothe  this  destroier  of 

our  stockc,  agayne  a  ncwe 
Prepare?  what  proueth  he  ?   LY.    O  queene 

That  name  renowned  hye 
And  title  takste  of  regall  stocke, 
810      full  gentle  and  easyly 

A  lyttle  while  receyue  and  heare 
my  woords  with  pacient  eare. 
Jf  alwayes  men  eternall  hates 

shoulde  one  to  th'other  beare, 
8i5  And  rage  beegoon,  out  of  the  harte 

shoulde  neuer  fall  awaye, 
But  th'happy  still  shoulde  armour  holde 

th'unhappye  styll  obnye, 
Then  shall  the  battayles  nothyng  leaue  : 
820      with  wyde  fieldes  then  the  lande 
Shall  lye  vntyllde,  with  vnderlayde 
to  housen  I'yry  brande 

£  Then 

[>3o]  Hercul.    fur.    of  Sen. 

Then  ashes  deepe  shall  oucrwhelme 

the  buried  people  all. 
825  Expedient  is  to  conquerour 

to  wyshe  that  peace  befall  : 
To  conquerde  needefull.  partener  of 

the  kyngdome  come  to  me  : 
Letts  ioyn  our  mynds,  take  here  this  pledge 
83o  of  fay  the  and  truthe  to  thee  : 

My  ryght  hand  touchc.  Why  whishtest  thou 

with  cruell  face  and  moode  ? 
MEG.  Shoulde  J  abyde,  that  J  the  hande 

sprinkte  with  my  fathers  bloode, 
835  Shoulde  touche  and  double  death  enbrewde 

of  bothe  my  bretherne  ?  naye 
Fyrst  shall  sonne  ryse  extinguish*1  quyght, 

And  weste  shall  bryng  the  daye  : 
Fyrst  failhfull  peace  betweenc  the  snowes 
840      and  fyres  there  shall  bee  tryde, 
And  Scylla  shall  t'Ausonius  fyrste 

ioyne  his  Sicilyan  syde, 
And  fyrst,  the  flecyng  floude  that  with 
swyfte  turnes  of  course  doothe  flowe 
846  Euripus  with  Euboik  waue 

shall  stand  full  styll  and  slowe. 
My  father  th'empire,  brethern,  howsc, 

Thou  haste  me  cleare  berefte 
My  countrey  to  :  what  may  bee  more  ? 
85o      one  thyng  to  me  is  lefte, 

J6   2  Then 

Hercul.    Fur.    of  Sen.  [281 

Then  brother,  lather,  kyngdome,  house, 

that  deerer  is  to  me 
The  hate  of  thee  :  the  whyche  to  me 

with  people  tor  to  bee 
855  Jn  commune,  woe  J  am  :  howe  greate 

ys  myne  allonely  parte  ? 
Rule  on  lull  proude,  beare  vp  lull  hyc 

thy  sprights  and  haughty  harte  : 
Yet  god  the  prowde  behynde  theyr  backes 
860      dothe  Ibllowe  them  to  \vreake. 

J   knoxve  the  Thebane  kyngdomes.  What 

shoulde  J  the  mothers  speake, 
Bothe  suffryng,  and  aduentryng  gylts  ? 

what  double  myschefe  donne  ? 
865  And  myxed  name  of  spouse  at  once, 

of  father  and  of  sonne  ? 
What  bretherns  double  tents  ?  or  what 

as  many  roages  also  ? 
The  mother  prowde  of  Tantalls  broode 
870          congealde  in  mournyng  lo, 

And  sory  stone  yet  flowes  with  teares 

in  Phrygian  Sipylye. 
Hymselfe  lykewyse  erectyng  vp 

his  skaled  head  awrye, 
875  Euen  Cadmus  measuryng  throughout 

th'JUyrian  landes  in  flyght, 
Behynde  hym  lefte  of  body  drawne 
long  slymye  marks  in  syght. 

J6   3  All 

[232]  Hercul.    Fur.   of    Sen. 

All  these  examples  wayte  for  thee  : 
880      rule  thou  as  lykes  thy  wyll, 

Whyle   thee   our   kyngdoms  woonted  fates 

doo  call  and  ofte  hapte  yll. 
LY.   Goe  to,  these  fierce  and  furious  woords 

thou  woman  madde  refrayne  : 
885  And  imperies  of  princes  learne 

of  Hercles  to  sustayne. 
Though  J  the  sceptors  gotten  by 

the  force  of  warre  doo  beare 
Jn  conquryng  hande,  and  all  doo  rule 
890          without  the  lawe  his  feare 

Whiche  armes  subdue,  a  fewe  words  yet 

to  thee  nowe  speake  J  shall 
For  this  my  cause  :  thy  father  dyd 

in  blouddy  battayle  fall  : 
8g5  Thy  bretherne  fell  :  the  weapons  keepe 

no  measurable  staye. 
For  neyther  easyly  tempred  bee, 

nor  yet  repressed  maye 

The  drawne  swoordes  yre  :  the  battels  doth 
900      the  bloude  delyght  out  shed. 

But  he  yet  for  his  kyngdome  fought, 

we  all  togyther  led 
With  wycked  luste  :  yet  th'ende  of  warre 

ys  nowe  compHiyned  loe, 
cp5  And  not  the  cawse.  but  nowe  let  all 
remembrance  therof  goe  : 

£   4  when 

Hercul.  fur.  of  Seneca.          [233] 

When  conquerour  hath  weapons  left, 

the  conquerds  parte  shoulde  bee 
To  leaue  his  hates.  Not  J  that  thou 
gio          with  lowly  bended  knee 

Me  raignyng  worshyp  shouldst,  require  : 

Euen  this  dooth  me  delight, 
That  thou  thy  myseries  doost  beare 
with  mynde  so  stoute  vpright. 
Ql5  Thou  for  a  kyng  a  spouse  arte  meete, 

letts  ioyne  our  bedds  anone. 
MEG.   A  treblng  cold  doth  run  throughout 

my  bloudlesse  lyms  eche  one. 
What  heinous  thing  comes  to  myne  eares  ? 
920      J  fearde  not  then  at  all, 

When  (all  peace  broake)  the  noyse  of  war  re 

dyd  by  the  citie  wall 
Resounde  about,  J  bare  all  that 

vnfearefully  to  see, 
925  J  feare  the  weddyng  chambers  :  nowe 

J  captyue  seeme  to  mee. 
Let  heauy  chaynes  my  body  greeue, 

and  eke  with  hunger  long 
Let  lyngryng  death  be  slowly  brought, 
g3o      yet  shall  no  force  full  strong 

My  truthe  subdue  :  for  euen  thyne  owne 

Alcides  wyll  J  dye. 

LY.   Doth  then  thy  husband  drownd  in  hell 
geue  thee  this  stomacke  hye  ? 


[234]  Hercul.   fur.   of  Soneca. 

g35  MEG.  Thehells  alowe  he  toucht,  that  he 

The  heyght  agayne  myght  get. 
LY.  The  heauy  payse  oppresseth  hym 

Of  all  the  earthe  full  great. 
MEG.  He  with  no  burdeyn  shall  be  prest, 
940      that  heauen  it  selfe  sustaynde. 

LV.  Thou  shalt  be  forst.   ME.   He  wots  not  how 

to  dye,  that  is  constraynde. 
LY.  Speake,  what  may  rather  J  prepare 

then  weddyng  newe  for  thee 

945  More  royall  gyft  ?    MEG.     Thyne   owne  death 

or  ells  the  death  of  mee.  (els, 

LY.  Thon  shalt  mad  woman  dye.    MEG.  J  shal 

then  to  my  husbande  go. 
LY.  More  then  my  sceptors  is  to  thee 
g5o      a  seruant loued  so  ? 

MEG.  Howe  many  hath  this  seruant  slayne 

of  kyngs  with  handye  stroake  ? 
LY.  Why  dothe  he  yet  a  kyng  then  seme, 

and  styll  sustayne  his  yoake  ? 
955  MEG.  Take  once  away  the  harde  behests, 

whats  vertue  then  at  laste  ? 
LY.  Dooste  thou  it  vertue  counte,  to  bee 

to  beasts,  and  monsters  caste  ? 
MEG.    Tis  vertues  part,  to  tame  the  thyngs, 
960      that  all  men  quake  to  knowe. 

LY.       Hym   great    thyngs   braggyng,    darknes 
of  tartare  presse  full  lowe.  (deepe 


Hercul.  fur.  of  Seneca.  [235 1 

ME.  There  neuer  may  fro  grownd  to  stars 

an  easye  passage  be. 
g65  LY.  Of  whom  begot,  the  housen  then 

of  godds  through  pearceth  he  ? 
AM.    O  wretched  wyfe  of  Hercles  great, 

thy  woords  a  whyle  now  spare. 
My  parte  it  is,  the  father  of 
970      Alcides  to  declare, 

And  his  true  stockc.  yet  after  all 

of  man  so  stoute  as  this 
So  famous  deedes,  and  after  all 

Appeasde  with  hande  of  his 
975  What  euer  Titan  rysen  vp, 
Doothe  see,  orels  at  fall, 
And  after  all  these  monsters  taemde, 

and  Phlegrey  sprynkled  all 
With  wycked  blonde,  and  after  godds 
980      defended  all  on  hye, 

Js  not  his  father  yet  well  knowne  ? 

Or  Joue  doo  we  beelye  ? 
Beleeue  it  yet  by  Junoes  hate. 

LY.  why  dooste  thou  sclawnder  Joue  ? 
985  No  mortall  kynred  euer  maye 

bee  myxte  with  heauen  aboue. 
AM.  To  many  of  the  godds  in  skyes 

is  this  a  common  trade. 
LY.  But  were  they  euer  seruantes  yet, 
990      before  they  godds  were  made  ? 


[23 6J          Hercul.  fur.  of  Seneca. 

AM.    Of  Dclos  yle  the  shepherde  loe 

the  flocks  ofPhcrcy  fed. 
LY.    But  through  all  coasts  he  wandred  not 

abroade  as  banyshecl. 

Q()5  AM.    \Vhome  straying  mother  fyrst  brought 
in  wandryng  lande  to  syght.  (foorth 

LY.  Yet  Phoebus  dyd  no  monsters  feare, 

or  beasts  of  cruell  myght. 
AM.  First  dragon  with  his  blood  embrewde 
iom^  the  shafts  of  Phoebus  loe. 

Howe  greeuous  ylls  cucn  yet  full  yong 

he  bare,  doo  vow  not  knoe  ? 
Fro  mothers  wombe  the  babe  out  throwne 

with  lyghtnyng  flame  from  hye, 
ioo5  Fuen  next  his  lyghtnyng  father  stoode 

foorthwith  aboue  in  skye. 
What  ?  he  hym  selfe  that  guydes  the  starrs, 

and  shakes  the  cloudcs  at  wyll, 
Dyd  not  that  infant  lurke  in  denne 
lolo       of  hollowe  caued  hyll  ? 

The  byrthes  so  great  full  troublous  price 

to  haue  loe  allways  ought  : 
And  euer  to  be  borne  a  God, 

with  coste  full  greate  is  bought. 
ioi5  LY.  Whome  thou  a  myser  seeste,  thou  mayst 

Knowe  hym  a  man  to  bee. 
AM.  A  myser  hym  denye  ye  maye, 
whome  stoute  of  harte  ye  see. 


Hercu.  fur.  of  Sen.  [287] 

Lv.  Call  we  hym  stoute,  from  shoulders  hye 
1020      of  whom  the  lyon  throwne 

A  gyfte  for  mayden  made,  and  eke 

his  clubbe  from   hande   fell   downe, 
And  paynted  syde  with  purple  vveede 

dyd  shyne  that  he  dyd  weare  ? 
IO25  Or  may  we  hym  call  stoute  of  harte, 

whose  staryng  lockes  of  heare 
\Yith  ointmet  flowde?  who  hfids  renownde 

and  knowne  by  prayses  hye 
To  sownde  vnmeete  for  any  man 
io3o       of  tymber  dyd  applye, 

With  barbarous  mytar  cloasyng  in 

his  forhed  rownde  about  ? 
AM  The  tender  Bacchus  dyd  not  blushe 

abroade  to  haue  layde  out 
lo35  His  brayded  heares,  nor  yet  with  hande 

full  softe  the  Thyrsus  lyght 
For  to  haue  shooke,  what  tyme  that  he 

with  pace  vnstoute  in  syght 
His  long  traynde  barbarous  garmet  drew 
1040      with  golde  full  fayre  to  see. 
Styll  vertue  after  many  woorkes 
is  woont  releaste  to  bee. 
LY.  Of  this  the  house  of  Euritus 

destroyde  doothe  wytnesse  beare, 
1046  And  virgins  flockes  that  brutyshly 
by  hym  oppressed  weare. 

r          NO 

[238]         Hercul.   fur.   of  Sen. 

No  Juno  dyd  commawnde  hym  this, 

Nor  none  Eurystheus  loe. 
But  these  in  deede  his  owne  woorks  are. 
io5o      AM.  Yet  all  ye  doo  not  knoe. 
His  woorke  it  is  with  weapons  of 

his  owne  hande  vanquyshed 
Bothe  Eryx,  and  to  Eryx  ioynde 

Anteus  Lybian  ded  : 
io55  And  aultars  whiche  with  slaughter  of 

the  straungers  flowyng  fast, 
Busyris  well  deserued  bloode 

lykewyse  haue  droonke  at  last. 
His  deede  it  is,  that  he  that  met 
1060  the  wownde,  and  swoorde  is  slayne 
Constraynde  to  suffre  deathe  before 

those  other  Geryons  twayne. 
Nor  one  allonely  Geryon  dothe 

with  one  hande  conquerde  lye. 
io65  Thow  shalt  among  these  be  :  whych  yet 

with  none  adulterye 
Haue  wedlocke  hurte.    LY.    What  is  to  Joue 

to  kyng  is  leefull  thyng  : 
To  Joue  thou  gauste  a  wyfe,  thou  shalt 
1070      nowe  geue  one  to  a  kyng. 

And  euen  of  thee  shee  shall  it  learne 

to  bee  a  thyng  not  newe, 
Her  husband  euen  approuyng  it 
the  better  man  t'  ensewe. 

r    2  But 

Hercu.    sur.   of  Sen.  [289] 

1075  But  yf  she  stubberne  to  be  matcht 

with  me  denye  it  styll, 
Then  euen  by  force  a  noble  chylde 

Of  her  beget  J  wyll. 

MEG.  O  Creons  ghosts,  and  all  ye  godds 
1080      ol  th'  howse  of  Labdacus, 

And  weddyng  torches  blasyng  bryght, 

of  wycked  Oedipus, 
To  this  my  weddyng  geue  ye  nowe 

our  woonted  destenies. 
ioS5  Now,  now  ye  bloody  daughters  all 

of  Egyptes  kyng  lykewyse, 
Ree  here  whose  hands  defyled  are 
with  so  muche  bloude  out  spy  It  : 
One  daughter  lacks  of  Danaus, 
Kxp          J  wyll  fyll  vp  the  gylt. 

Lv.  Because  that  stubburnely  thou  dooest 

refuse  my  weddyng  so, 
And  fearste  a  kyng,  thou  shalt  know  what 

the  sceptors  nowe  maye  do. 
logS  Enbrace  thyne  aultars,  yet  no  god 

shall  euer  take  away 
Thee  from  my  handes  :  no  not  although 

with  worlde  vpturned,  may 
Alcides  victor  yet  agayne 
1 100      to  gods  aboue  returne. 

The  woods  on  heapes  togyther  cast, 
let  all  their  temples  burne 

f  3  Euen 

[240)  Hercul.  Fur.  of  Sen. 

Kuen  throwne  vpon  theyr  heds  :  his  wyfe, 

and  all  his  flocke  at  laste 
no5  With  vnderlayed  fyre,  let  one 

wood  pyle  consume  and  waste. 
AM.  This  only  bowne  J  father  of 

Alcides  aske  of  thee, 
Whiche  well  may  me  beseeme  to  crane, 
1 1 10          that  J  fyrst  slayne  may  bee. 

LV.  Who  all  appoynts  with  present  deathe 

to  haue  theyr  punyshment, 
He  tyrant  wotts  not  how  to  bee  : 
more  sundry  greeues  inuent. 
Hi5  Restrayne  the  wretched  man  from  death, 

commaunde  that  th'  happy  dye. 
J,  whyle  with  beames  preparde  to  burne 

the  pyle  encreaseth  hye, 
Wyll  hym  with  vowyng  sacrifyce 
1 120      that  rules  the  seas  entreate. 

AM.  Oh  chiefest  powre  of  godds,  and  oh 

of  heauenly  thyngs  so  great 
The  guyde,  and  parent  eke,  with  whose 

throwne  thunderboltes  doo  shake 
1 125  All  thyngs  humane  throughout  the  worlde, 

of  kyng  so  cruell  slake 
The  wycked  hande  :  but  why  doo  J 

to  godds  in  vayne  thus  cr}re  ? 
Where  euer  thou  be  heare  me  soon. 
Il3o        why  starte  so  sodaynlye 


Hercu.  fur.  of  Sen.  [241] 

The  temples  thus  with  mouyng  shakte  ? 

Why  roareth  out  the  grownde  ? 
The  noyse  of  hell  from  bottome  deepe 

byneathe  hath  made  a  sownde  : 
Ii35  We  herde  are,  loe  it  is  the  sownde 

of  Hercules  his  pace. 


Q  fortune  hatyng  men  of  stoutest  brest, 
howe  yll  rewards  dost  thou  to  good  deuyde  ? 

1140  Kurystheus  raynes  at  home  in  easye  rest, 
Alcmenaes  sonne  in  euery  battayle  tryde, 
To  mosters  turns  his  hand  y  skies  did  stay  : 
and  cruell  neckes  cuts  of  of  hydous  snake, 
And  apples  bryngs  fro  systers  mokt  away, 

1145  whe  once  to  slepe  his  watcheful  eies  betake, 
Did  dragon  set  ryche  fruite  to  ouersee. 
he  past  the  Scythia  bowres  y  stray  abroade, 
And  those  that  in  their  coutreis  strangers  be 
and  hardened  top  of  frosen  freat  he  troade, 

il5o  And  sylent  sea  with  banks  ful  dume  about, 
the  waters  hard  wat  ther  their  floods  to  flo. 
And  where  before  y  ships  full  sails  spred  out 
is  worne  a  pathe  for  Sarmates  wyld  to  go. 
The  sea  doth  stand  to  moue  in  course  again, 

Ii55  now  apt  to  beare  the  ship,  now  horsmen  bold 
The  quene  y  there  doth  oner  wydows  rayn, 
y  girds  her  wobe  \v  girth  of  glittryng  gold, 


[242]          Hercul.  fur.  of  Seneca. 

Her  noble  spoile  from  body  drawne  hath  she 
cSt  shield,  &  bands  of  brest  as  white  as  snowe, 

1160  Acknowlegyng  the  conquerour   with   knee, 
w  what  hope  drawne  to  hedlog  hell  alowe, 
So  bolde  to  passe  the  vnreturned  wayes 
sawst  thou   Proserpines  rayne  of  Sicylye  ? 
With  southern  wid,  or  western  ther  no  seas 

n65  aryse  with  waue  and  swellyng  surges  hye. 
Not  there  of  Tyndars  stocke  y  double  brood 
two  Starrs  the  feareful  ships  do  aide  &  guide, 
with  gulph  ful  blak  doth  stad  y  slothful  flood 
and  whe  pale  deth  with  gredy  teeth  so  wide 

1170  Unnubred  natios  hath  set  down  to  sprights 
with  one  boate  man  all  ouer  feryed  bee. 
God  graut  thou  maist  of  hel  subdue  y  rights 
And  vnreuoked  webs  of  systers  three. 
There  kyng  of  many  people  raigneth  hee, 

1175  who  whe  thou  didst  w  Nestors  Pylos  fight, 
Pestiferous  hads  applide  to  matche  w  thee 
&  weapon  bare  with  triple  mace  of  might  : 
And  prickt  with  litle  wound  he  fled  awaye, 
and  lorde  of  death  hymselfe  did  feare  to  dye. 

1180  Breake  fate  by  force  :  &let  the  syght  of  daye 
to  sory  sprights  of  hell  apparent  lye, 
and  porche  vnpast  shew  way  to  gods  aboue. 
the  cruel  lords  of  sprights  with  plesant  song 
Andhuble  bown  ful  wel  could  Orphe9moue 

n85  while  he  Eurydicen  them  craues  among. 


Hercu.   fur.   of  Sen.  [243! 

The  art  y  drew  woods,  byrds,  &  stones  at  wil 
which  made  delay  to  llouds  of  flitting  flight 
At  soud  wherof  the  sauage  beasts  stood  styll 
with  tunes  vnwot  doth  ghosts  of  hel  delight 

1 190  And  cleerer  dothe  resounde  in  darker  place  : 
iS:  wepe  with  teares  did  gods  of  cruell  brest  : 
And  they  which  fautes  with  to  seuere  a  face 
do  seeke,  &  former  gylt  of  ghosts  out  wrest : 
The    Thracian    daughters    wails    Kurydice. 

Iiy5  for  her  the  iudges  weeping  sitte  also. 

We  coquerd  ar,  chief  kyng  of  death  said  the 
to  godds  (but  vnder  this  codition)  goe, 
Behynd  thy  husbands  back  kepe  y  thy  way, 
looke  thon  not  backe  thy  wyle  before  to  see, 

1200  Tha  the  to  sight  of  gods  hath  brought  y  day 
and  gate  of  Spartane  Tsenare  present  bee. 
Loue  hates  delay,  nor  coulde  abyde  so  long, 
his  gyfte,  he  loste,  while  he  desires  the  syght. 
The  place  y  coulde  be  thus  subdewd  w  song 

I2o5  that  place  may  soone  be  ouercom  by  myght. 


Comfortable  guyde  of  lyght, 
1210     fflj]^        and  honour  of  the  skye, 

That  copassyng  both  hemyspheres 
with  flamyng  charyot  hye 


[244]          Hercul.   fur.   of  Seneca. 

Thy  radiant  head  to  ioyfull  landes 

about  the  worlde  doste  bryng, 

I2i5  Thou  Phoebus  pardon  geue  to  me, 

yf  any  vnlawfull  thyng 
Thyne  eyes  haue  scene  :  (commanded)  J 

haue  here  to  lyght  out  fette 
The  secretes  of  the  worlde  :  and  thow 
1220      of  heauen  o  guyder  grette, 

And  parent  eke,  in  flashe  out  throwne 

of  lyghtnyng  hyde  thy  syght. 
And  thou  that  gouernest  the  seas 

with  seconde  sceptors  myght, 
1225  To  bottome  synke  of  deepest  waues  : 

who  so  from  hye  dothe  see, 
And  dreadyng  yet  with  cowntnance  newe 

the  erthe  defylde  to  bee, 
Let  hym  from  hens  turne  backe  his  syght, 
I23o      and  face  to  heauen  vpholde, 

These  mostrous  syghts  to  shoon  :  let  t\vain 

this  mischiefe  great  beholde, 
He  who  it  brought,  and  she  that  badde. 

for  paynefull  toyles  to  me, 
1235  And  labours  long,  not  all  the  earthe 

thowght  wyde  ynough  may  be 
For  Junoes  hate  :  thyngs  vncome  to 

of  all  men  J  dyd  see, 
Unknowne  to  sonne,  and  spaces  wyde 
1240      that  darke  and  shadefull  bee 


Hercu.   fur.   of  Sen.  [246! 

Whiche  woorser  poale  geeues  dyrer  Joue 

to  raigne  and  rule  thervn. 
And  yet  }-f  thyrde  place  pleasyd  more 

for  me  to  enter  yn, 
J  there  coulde  raigne.  the  Chaos  of 

eternall  nyght  of  hell, 
And  woorse  then  nyght,  the  dole-full  godds 

J  haue  that  there  doo  dwell, 
And  fates  subdude,  the  deathe  contcmnde 
i25o      J  am  returnde  to  lyght. 

What  yet  remaynes  ?  J  sawe  and  showde 

the  spryghts  of  hell  to  syght  : 
Appoynte,  yf  ought  be  more,  doste  thou 

my  hands  so  long  permyt 
1255  Juno  to  ceasse  ?  what  thyng  bydst  thou 

to  be  subdued  yet? 
But  why  doo  cruell  sowldyars  holde 

the  holy  temples  wvde  ? 
And  dreade  of  armour  sac-red  porche 
I2(x)      beset  on  euery  syde  ? 

Amphitryon,  Hercules, 

Oo  eyther  ells  my  great  desyres 
I    I     delude  and  mocke  myne  eyes  ? 
1265          Or  hath  the  tamer  of  the  worlde 
and  greekes  renowne  lykewyse, 

<3  For 

[246]          Hercul.    fur.    of    Sen. 

Forsooke  the  silent  howse,  besette 

with  cloude  full  sadde  to  see  ? 
Js  this  my  sonne  ?  my  membres  loe 
1270      for  ioy  amased  bee. 

Oh  sonne,  the  sure,  and  sauegarde  late 

of  Thebes  in  mysery, 
See  J  thy  bodye  true  in  deede  ? 

or  els  deceyude  am  j 
1275  Mockt  with  thy  spright  ?  art  thou  the  same  ? 

these  brawnes  of  armes  J  knowe, 
And  shoulders,  and  thy  noble  handes 

From  body  hye  that  growe. 
HER.   Whens   (father)   happs  this   vglynes, 
1280      And  why  in  mournyng  cladde 

Js  thus  my  wyfe  ?  ho  we  happs  it  that 

with  fylthe  so  fowle  bestadde 
My  chyldren  are  ?  what  myserye 

doothe  thus  my  howse  oppresse  ? 
1285  AM.   Thy  father  in  lawe  is  slayne  :  the  kyng- 

clome  Lycus  doothe  possesse. 
Thy  sonnes,  thy  parent,  and  thy  wyfe 

to  deathe  pursueth  he. 

HER.   Ungratefull  land,  clothe  no  man  come 
1290      that  will  an  ayder  be 

Of  Hercles  howse  ?  and  this  behelde 

so  greate  and  heynous  wrong 
Hath  th'ayded  worlde  ?  but  why  weare  J 
the  daye  in  playnt  so  long  ? 

<B    2  Let 

Hercu.  sur.  of  Sen.  [247] 

I2g5  Let  th'enmy  dye  :  and  this  renowne 

let  strengthe  obtayne  in  haste, 
And  of  Alcides  enmyes  all 
let  Lycus  be  the  laste. 
J  dryuen  am  to  goe  to  shedde 
i3oo      the  blood  of  enmye  out. 

Watche  Theseu,  that  no    sodayne    strength 

beeset  vs  heere  about. 
Me  warres  requyre.  enbracyng  yet 

deferre  O  father  deare, 
i3o5  And  wyfe  deferre  them  :  Lycus  shall 

to  hell  this  message  beare 
That]  am  no  we  returnde.   THE.    Shake  of 

O  queene  out  of  thyne  eyes 
This  weepyng  face,  and  thou  sens  that 
i3io      thy  sonne  is  safe  lykewyse 

Thy  droppyng  teares  refrayne  :  yf  yet 

J  Mercies  euer  knewe, 
Then  Lycus  shall  for  Creon  pave 

the  paynes  to  hym  full  dewe. 
i3i5  Tis  lyght,  he  shall  :  he  doothe  :  and  thats 

to  lyght,  he  hathe  it  doone. 
AM.  Now  god  that  can  them  bring  to  passe, 

speede  well  our  wyshes  soone, 
And  come  to  helpe  our  weary  woes. 
i32o       C)  noble  harted  mate 

Of  my  stoute  sonne,  of  his  renowne 
declare  vs  all  the  rate  : 

<3    3  How 

[24.8J  Hercul.    Fur.    of  Sen. 

Howe  long  a  waye  doothe  leade  to  place 

where  sory  sprights  doo  dwell, 
1325  And  howe  the  harde  and  heauy  bonds 

the  dogge  hathe  borne  of  hell. 
THE.  The  deedes  y  doost  constrayne  to  tell, 

that  euen  to  mynde  secure 
Are  drcdfull  yet  and  horryble, 
i33o      scant  yet  the  truste  is  sure 
Of  vitall  ayre,  sore  blunted  is 
the  sharpnesse  of  my  syght, 
And  dulled  eyes  doo  scant  sustayne 

to  see  th'  vnwoonted  lyght. 
1 335  AM.  Yet  Theseus  throwghly  ouercome 

what  euer  feare  remaynes 
Jn  bosome  ddepe,  nor  doo  thou  not 

of  best  frute  of  thy  paynes 
Beguylde  thy  selfe.  What  thyng  hath  once 
1340      to  surfre  beene  a  care, 

To  haue  remembred  it  is  sweete. 

those  dredfull  happs  declare. 
THE.  All  ryght  of  worlde,  and  thee  lykewise 

J  pray  that  bearste  the  rayne 
13^5  Jn  kyngdome  wyde,  and  thee,  for  whoine 

All  rownde  about  in  vayne 
Thy  mother  throughout  ^Etna  sowght, 

that  secret  thyngs  alowe 
And  hydde  in  grownde,  it  freely  may 
i35o      bee  lawfull  for  to  showe. 

<3    4  The 

Hercu.  fur.  of  Sen.  [249! 

The  Spartane  lande  a  noble  toppe 

of  hyll  aduaunceth  hye, 
Where  Taenarus  with   woodes   full  thycke 

the  sea  dootho  ouerlvi'. 
1 355  The  house  of  hatefull  Ditis  here 

his  mowthe  doothe  open  sotte, 
And  rocke  of  hyll  aboue  doothe  gape, 

and  with  a  dennc  full  grettc 
A  huge  and  gapyng  clefte  of  grownde 
i36o      with  iawes  full  wyde  doothe  lye, 
And  way  full  broade  to  people  all 

dothe  spreddc  to  passe  therby. 
Not  straight  with  darkenes  dothe  bcgynnc 

The  way  that  blyndes  the  syght. 
i365  A  lyttle  lyngiyng  bryghtnes  lo 

behynde  of  late  lefte  lyght, 
And  doubtfull  glyttryng  yet  of  sonno 

afflicted  falles  alowe, 
And  mocks  the  syght  :  suche  lyght  is  \voont 

/ndoubtedly  to  showe 
The  dawne  of  day,  or  twylyght  els 

at  edge  of  euenyng  tyde. 
From  hens  to  hollowe  places  voydc 

Are  loaste  the  spaces  wyde, 
To  whiche  needes  peryshe  must  all  kynde 

of  men  that  once  are  throwne. 
Nor  it  a  labour  is  to  goe, 

the  waye  it  selfe  leades  downe. 


[25o|          Hercul.    fur.    of   Seneca. 

As  ofte  the  shypps  ngaynst  theyr  wyllos 
J.tfx>       clothe  tosse  the  swellyng  surge, 

So  downewarde  dothe  that  hedlong  way, 

and  greedy  Chaos  vrge  : 
And  backe  agayne  to  drawe  thy  pace 

thee  neuer  doo  permytte 
i385  The  sprights  who  what  they  catch  hold  fast. 

alowe  within  cloothe  flytte 
Jn  chcinell  wyde  with  sylent  foorde 

the  quiet  lake  oflethe. 

And  cares  dothe  rydde  :  and  that  there  may 
i3o/>       to  scape  agayne  from  deathe 

Xo  meane  be  made,  with  many  turnes 

and  wr}*ndyngs  eucry  waye 
Isoldes  in  his  floode.  in  suche  sorte  as 

with  \\-aue  vnsure  doothe  play 
i3g5  Marauder  wandryng  vp  and  downe, 

And  yeldes  hymselfe  vnto, 
And  dowbtfull  stands,  yf  he  toward  banke, 

or  backe  to  spryng  may  go. 
The  foule  and  fylthy  poole  to  see 
1400  of  slowe  Cocytus  lyes. 

On  th'one  the  grype,  on  th'other  syde 

the  mournefull  howlet  cryes, 
And  sadde  lucke  of  th'unhappy  Strix 

lykew}rse  resoundeth  there. 
1405  Full  vglye  lye  in  shady  bowes 

blacke  lockes  of  lothsome  heare, 


Hercu.  fur.  of  Sen.  |25i~| 

Where  Taxus  tree  dothe  ouerlcane, 
whiche  holdeth  slouthfull  sleepe, 
And  hunger  sadde  \vith  famysht  iawe 
1410      that  lyes  his  place  to  keepe, 

And  shame  to  late  doth  hyde  his  face 

that  knowes  what  crimes  it  hathe, 
Bothe  feare,  and  quakyng,  funerall, 

and  frettyng  ragyng  wrathe, 
I4l5  And  mournyng  dyre  dothe  followe  on, 

and  tremblyng  pale  disease, 
And  boystrous  battailes  set  with  swoordr  : 

and  hydde  beyonde  all  theaso 
Dothe  slouthfull  age  his  lyngryng  pace 
1420      healpe  foorth  with  stafie  in  hande. 
AM.   Of  corne  and  wyne  in  hell  alowe 

is  any  fertile  lande  ? 
THE  No  ioyful  meades  do  there  bring  foorth 

with  face  so  greene  and  fayre, 
1425  Nor  yet  with  gentyll  Zephyrus 

wagges  ripened  corne  in  th'ayre. 
Nor  any  tree  hath  there  suche  bowes 

as  doe  bryng  apples  out. 
The  barrayne  compasse  of  deepe  soyle 
I43o      full  fylthye  lyes  about, 

And  withred  with  eternall  drought 

the  lothsome  lande  dothe  waste 
And  bonde  full  sadde  of  thyngs,  and  of 
the  worllde  the  places  laste  : 


[252]        Hercul.    fur.    of   Seneca. 

1435  The  ay  re  vnmoued  stands,  and  nyght 

sytts  there  full  darke  to  see 
Jn  slouthfull  worlde,  all  thynges  by  dreade 

full  horrible  there  bee. 
And  euen  farrc  worse  then  deathe  it  selfe, 
1440      is  place  where  deathe  doothe  byde. 

AM.    "What?  he  that  doth  those  places  darke 

with  regall  sceptor  gwyde, 
Jn  what  se:ite  sette,  dot  he  he  dispose 

and  rule  those  peoples  light? 
1445  THE.   A  place  there  is  in  turnc  obscure 

of  Tartarus  from  syght, 
Which  myst  full  thicke  with  feareful  shade 

doothe  holde  and  ouergoe. 
From  hens  a  double  parted  streame 
1460       from  one  wellspryng  doothe  floe  : 

The  tone,  muche  lyke  a  standyng  poole 

(by  this  the  godds  doo  sweare) 
The  whiche  the  sacred  Stygian  lake 

with  silent  floude  doothe  beare  : 
1455  The  tother  fierce  with  tumulte  great 

is  dra wen  hys  course  to  goe, 
And  Acheron  with  ragyng  floode 

the  stones  dryues  to  and  froe 
Unsaylable.  with  double  foorde 
1460       is  rounoe  about  besette 

Agaynst  it  Ditis  palayce  dyre, 
and  mansyon  howse  full  grctte 


Hercu.  fur.  of  Sen.  [253] 

Jn  shadefull  woode  is  couered  : 

from  wide  denne  here  the  posts 
1465  And  thresholds  of  the  tyrant  hang, 

this  is  the  walke  of  ghosts  : 
This  of  his  kyngdomeis  the  gate  : 

a  felde  about  it  goes, 

\Yhere  syttyng  with  a  countnaunce  proude 
1470          abroade  he  doothe  dispose 
Newe  sowles.  a  cruell  maiestie 

is  in  the  god  to  knowe  : 
A  frownyng  forhead,  whyche  yet  of 

his  brethren  beares  the  showe, 
1475  And  so  great  stocke  :  there  is  in  hym 

of  Joue  the  very  face, 
But  when  he  lyghtens  :  and  great  parte 

of  cruell  kvngdomes  place, 
Js  he  hymselfe  the  lorde  therof  : 
[480      the  syght  of  who  me  dothe  feare, 

What  euer  thyng  is  fearde.    AM.    Js  fame 

in  this  poynt  trewe,  that  there 
Suche  rygours  are,  and  gyltie  ghosts 

of  men  that  there  remayne 
1485  Forgetfull  of  theyr  former  faute, 

haue  their  deserued  payne  ? 
Who  is  the  rector  there  of  ryght, 

and  Judge  of  equitye  ? 
THE.   Not  onely  one  extorter  out 
1490          of  fautes  in  seate  sette  hye 

t>  The 

[2541  Hercu.     fur.    Sen. 

The  iudgements  late  to  tremblyng  sowles 

doothe  there  by  lotte  awarde  : 
Jn  one  appointed  Judgement  place 

is  Gnossian  Minos  harde, 
1496  And  in  an  other  Radamanthe  : 

This  cryme  doothe  Aeac  heare. 
What  eche  man  ones  hath  doone,  he  feeles  : 

and  guylt  to  th'author  theare 
Returnes,  and  th'hurtfull  with  their  owne 
i5oo          example  punnysht  bee. 

The  bluddy  cruell  captaynes  J 

in  pryson  shette  dyd  see, 
And  backe  of  tyrant  impotent 

euen  with  hys  peoples  hande 
i5o5  All  torne  and  cutte.  what  man  of  myght 

with  fauour  leades  his  lande, 
And  of  his  owne  lyfe  lorde  reserues 

his  hurtlesse  handes  to  good, 
And  gently  doothe  his  empyre  guyde 
i5lo        without  the  thyrst  of  blood, 

And  spares  his  sowle,  he  hauyng  long 

ledde  foorthe  the  lyngryng  dayes 
Of  happy  age,  at  lengthe  to  heauen 
doothe  eyther  fynde  the  wayes, 
i5i5  Or  ioyfull  happy  places  ells 
of  fayre  Elysius  woode. 
Thou  then  that  here  muste  be  a  iudge 
abstayne  from  man  his  bloode, 

t)     2  Who 

Hercu.  fur.  of  Sen.  [255] 

Who  so  thou  bee  that  raygnest  kyng  : 
i520      our  gyltes  are  there  acquytte 

Jn  greater  wyse.  AM.   Doothe  any  place 

prescript  of  lymite  shytte 
The  gyltie  ghosts,  and  as  the  fame 

reportes,  dothe  cruell  payne 
i525  The  wycked  men  make  tame  that  in 

eternall  bondes  remayne? 
THE.  Jxion  rollde  on  whyrlyng  wheele 

is  tost  and  turned  hye  : 
l.Tppon  the  necke  of  Sisyphus 
i53o      the  myghty  stone  dooth  lye. 

Amyd  the  lake  with  thyrsty  iawes 

ollde  Tantalus  theryn 
Pursues  the  waues,  the  water  streame 

doothe  wette  and  washe  his  chyn, 
1 535  And  when  to  hym  no  we  ofte  deceyude 

it  doothe  yet  promyse  make, 
Straight  flytts  the  Hood  :  the  frute  at  mowth 

his  famyne  doothe  forsake. 
Eternall  foode  to  fleeyng  fowle 
1540      doothe  Tityus  harte  geue  styll  : 

And  Danaus  daughters  doo  in  vayne 

theyr  water  vessells  fyll. 
The  wycked  Cadmus  daughters  all 

go  ragyng  euery  waye  : 
And  there  doothe  greedy  rauenyng  byrde 
the  Phiney  tables  frlye. 

*    3  Am. 

[256]  Hercul.    Fur.    of  Sen. 

AM.   Nowe  of  my  sonne  declare  to  me 

the  noble  woorthy  fyght. 
Bryngs  he  his  wyllyng  vnkles  gyfte, 
i55o      or  Plutoes  spoyles  to  syght  ? 

THE.  A  dyre  and  dredfull  stone  there  ys 

the  slouthfull  foordes  fast  bye, 
Where  sluggysh  freate  with  waue  astoond 

full  dull  and  slowe  doothe  lye  : 
1 555  This  lake  a  dredfull  fellowe  keepes 

bothe  of  attyre  and  syght, 
And  quakyng  ghosts  doothe  ouer  beare 

An  aged  vgly  wyght  : 
His  bearde  vnkempt,  his  bosome  fowle 
i56o      deformde  in  fylthy  wyse 

A  knotte  byndes  in,  full  lothesome  stande 

in  head  his  hollowe  eyes  : 
He  fery  man  doothe  steare  aboute 

his  boate  with  his  long  ore. 
i565  He  dryuyng  nowe  his  lyghtned  shippe 

of  burden  towarde  the  shore, 
Repaires  to  waues  :  and  then  his  way 

Alcides  doothe  requyre, 
The  flocke  of  ghosts  all  geuyng  place  : 
1570      Alowde  cries  Charon  dyre, 

What  way  attemptest  thou  so  bolde  ? 

thy  hastenyng  pace  here  staye. 
But  natheles  Alcmenaes  sonne 
abydyng  no  delaye, 

t>     4  Euen 

Hercu.   fur.  of  Sen.  [267] 

Euen  with  his  owne  poale  bette  he  doothe 

lull  tame  the  shypman  make, 
And  clymes  the  shippe  :  the  barke  that  could 

lull  many  peoples  take, 
Dyd  yelde  to  one  :  he  satte,  the  boate 
i58o      more  heauy  lyke  to  breake 

With  shyueryng  ioyntes  on  eythersyde 

the  lethey  floode  doothe  leake. 
Then  tremble  all  the  monsters  huge, 

the  Centaures  fierce  of  myght, 
l5iS5  And    Lapythes,    kyndled    with   muche    wyne 

to  war  res  and  blouddy  fyght. 
The  lowest  chanelles  seekyng  out 

of  Stygian  poole  a  downe, 
His  lerney  labour  sore  affright 
l5go          his  fertyle  heddes  doothe  drowne. 
Of  greedy  Ditis  after  this 

doothe  then  the  house  appere. 
The  fierce  and  cruell  Stygian  dogge 

doothe  fraye  the  spirites  there, 
i5y5  The  whiche  with  great  and  roaryng  sounde 

his  hedds  vpshakyng  three, 
The  kyngdome  keepes.  his  vgly  head 

with  fylthe  full  fowle  to  see 
The  serpentes  lycke  :  his  heares  be  fowle 
1600      with  vypers  sette  amonS, 

And  at  his  crooked  wrested  tayle 
doothe  hysse  a  dragon  longe  : 


[258]          Hercul.    fur.   of   Seneca. 

Like  yre  to  snape.  when  hym  he  wyst 

his  pace  that  way  to  take, 
i(x>5  His  bristle  heares  he  lyfteth  vp 
with  fierce  vp  bended  snake  : 
And  sownde  sent  out  he  soone  perceyues 

in  his  applyed  eare, 

Who  euen  the  sprights  is  woont  to  sent. 
1610      as  soone  as  stoode  more  neare 

The  sonne  of  Joue,  the  doubtfull  dogge 

strayte  couched  downe  in  denne, 
And  eche  of  them  dyd  feare.  beholde 

with  dolefull  barkyng  then 
i6i5  The  places  dumme  he  makes  a  dred, 

the  threatnyng  serpent  stoute 
Through  all  the  fieldes  aboute  dooth  hysse  : 

the  bawlyng  noyse  sent  out 
Of  dredfull  voyce  from  triple  mouthe, 
1620      euen  spryghts  that  happy  bee 

Dothe  make  afrayde.  from  lefte  syde  then 

strayte  way  vndoeth  hee 
The  cruell  iawes,  and  lyons  head 

once  slayne  in  Cleon  fielde 
i625  Agaynst  hym  setts,  and  couer  doothe 

hymselfe  with  myghty  shielde. 
And  bearyng  in  his  conqueryng  hande 

a  sturdy  clubbe  of  oke, 
Nowe  here,  nowe  there  he  rolleth  hym 
i63o        about  with  often  stroke  : 


Hercu.   fur.   of  Sen.  [289] 

His  strypes  he  doubles  :  he  subdewde 

his  threatcs  asswaged  all, 
And  all  his  heds  the  weery  dogge 

at  once  full  lovve  lette  tall, 
i635  And  quight  out  of  the  denne  he  rledde. 

full  greatly  feared  (sette 
Jn  regall  throne)  bothe  kyng  and  queene, 

and  badde  hym  to  bee  fette. 
And  me  lykewyse  they  gaue  for  gytte 
1640          to  Hercles  crauyng  me. 

The  monsters  heauy  neckes  with  hande 

then  stroakyng  downe  all  three, 
Jn  lynked  chayne  he  byndeth  faste  : 

forgettyng  then  his  strengthe 
1645  The  dogge  the  watchefull  keeper  of 
the  kyngdome  darke,  at  lengthe 
Laythe  downe  his  eares  full  sore  arfrayde  : 

and  sut'fryng  to  be  ledde, 
And  eke  acknowleging  his  lorde, 
ib5o          folowyng  with  lowly  hedde, 

With  tayle  that  snakes  theron  doothe  beare 

he  bothe  his  sydes  doothe  smyght. 
But  after  that  to  Tsenare  mouthe 

we  came,  and  clearenes  bryght 
i655  Had  strooke  his  eyes  of  lyght  vnknowne, 

good  stomacke  yet  agayne 
He  takes  althowgh  onse  ouercome, 
and  now  the  heauye  chayne 


l26o|          Hercul.  fur.   of  Seneca. 

He  ragyng  shakes  :  he  had  almost 
1660          his  leader  pluckt  from  place, 

And  hedlong  backwarde  drawne  to  hell, 

and  moued  from  his  pace. 
And  euen  to  my  handes  Hercles  then 

his  eies  dyd  backewarde  caste, 
1665  We  bothe  with  double  ioyned  strengthe 

the  dogge  out  drawne  at  laste 
For  anger  woode,  and  battells  yet 

attemptyng  all  in  vayne, 
Brought  vp  to  worlde.  as  soone  as  he 
1670      the  cleere  ayre  sawe  agayne, 

And  spaces  pure  of  bryght  fayre  poale 

had  once  behelde  with  eye, 
The  nyght  arose  :  his  syght  to  grownde 

he  turned  by  and  by, 
1675  Caste  downe  his  eyes,  and  hatefull  daye 

foorthwith  he  put  to  flyght, 
And  backewarde  turnde  away  his  lookc, 

And  streyght  with  all  hys  myght 
To  th'erthe  he  falles  :  and  vnderneathe 
1680      the  shade  of  Hercles  then 

He  hyd  his  head,  therwith  there  came 

a  great  resorte  of  men 
With  clamour  gladde,  that  dyd  the  bay 

about  theyr  forhedds  bryng  : 
i685  And  of  the  noble  Hercules 
deserued  prayses  syng. 




Hercu.   fur.   of  Sen.  [261] 


Urysthe^born  w  swiftned  birth  in  hast, 
did  bid  to  bottom  of  the  worlde  to  go  : 

1690     I      /This  oncly  lackte  of  labours  all  at  last, 
to  spoyle  the  kyng  of  thyrdc  estate  also. 
The  dongeons  darke  to  enter  ventred  he, 
wher  as  y  way  to  sprights  far  of  doth  bryng 
Full  sadde,  &  woode  so  blacke  &  feard  to  be  : 

i6g5  but  full  with  flock  full  great  him  followyng. 
As  great  a  prease  as  flocke  in  cities  streetes, 
to  see  the  playes  of  Theatre  newe  wrought  : 
As  great  as  at  Eleus  thundrer  meetes, 
whe  somcr  fift  y  sacred  game  hath  brought  : 

1700  As  gret  as  whe  comes  houre  of  loger  night, 
and  willyng  quiet  sleepes  to  bee  extent, 
Holds  equal   Libra   Phoebus    chariots    light, 
a  sorte  the  secrete  Ceres  doo  frequent, 
And  fro  theyr  howsen  left  doo  hast  to  cum, 

I7o5  the  Atticke  priestes  the  nyght  to  celebrate  : 
Such  heape  is  chast  beneth  by  fields  so  dum. 
with  age  ful  slow  som  taking  forth  their  gate 
Full  sad,  and  fvlld  with  life  so  long  now  led  : 
some  yet  do  runne  the  race  of  better  yeares, 

1710  The  virgins  yet  vnioynde  to  spowses  bed, 

&  yonglings  eke  on  who  grow  yet  no  heares 

3  And 

[262  j  Hercul.    fur.    of    Sen. 

And  infat  lately  taught  his  mothers  name. 
To  these  alone,  (that  thei  y  les  might  feare) 
Js  granted  night  to  ease  w  ibreborne  flame. 

I7l5  the  rest  full  sad  by  darke  doo  wander  theare  : 
As  is  our  inynde,  when  ones  away  is  fled 
the  lyght,  when  eche  man  sory  feeles  to  bee 
Depe  ouerwhelmd  with  all  the  erth  his  hed. 
thyck  Chaos  stands,  &  darknes  fowle  to  see, 

1720  And  colour  yll  of  nyght,  and  slouthfull  state 
of  silent  world,  and  diuers  clowdes  abowt. 
Let  hoary  age  vs  thyther  bryng  full  late, 
no  ma  comes  late  to  that,  whence  neuer  out, 
Who  once  he  is  come,  turne  agayn  he  may. 

1725  to  hast  the  hard  and  heuy  fate  what  vayles  ? 
This  wadring  heape  in  wide  lads  far  away, 
shall  go  to  ghosts  :  &  al  shall  geue  their  sayles 
To  slowe  Cocytus.  all  is  to  thee  enclynde, 
both  what  the  fall,  and  rise  of  sonne  doth  see  : 
Spare  vs  that  cum,  to  the  we  deth  ar  signde  : 
though  thou  be  slow,  our  selfs  yet  hast  do  we. 
Fyrst  houre,  y  gaue  the  lyfe,  it  loast  againe. 

|O  Thebes  is  come  the  ioyfull  daye, 
your  aulters  touche  ye  humbyllye, 
1735  The  fatte  fayre  sacrifices  slaye. 

may cles  myxte  with  men  in  cumpanye 
Let  them  in  solemne  flocks  goe  royle  : 
and  nowe  with  yoake  layde  downe  let  cease 
The  tyllcrs  of  the  fertyle  soyle. 

3   2  Mude 


Hercu.  fur.  of  Sen.  [263] 

1740  Made  is  with  handc  of  Hercles  peace 

betweene  the  morne  and  Hespers  glade, 

And  where  sonne  holdyng  myddle  seate, 

dothe  make  the  bodyes  caste  no  shade. 

What  euer  grownde  is  ouerweate 
1745  with  compasse  long  of  seas  abowght, 

Alcides  labour  taemde  full  well. 

he  ouer  foordes  of  Tartare  browght 

Returnde  appeased  beeyng  hell. 

there  is  remaynyng  nowe  no  feare, 
I75o  Nought  lyes  beyonde  the  hell  to  see. 

O  preest  thy  staryng  lockes  of  heare 

wrappe  in  with  loued  poplar  tree. 

V  The  fourthe  Acte. 

Hercules,    Theseus,   Amphi- 
1755  try  on,  Megara, 

Jth  my    reuegyng  right  hand  slayn 

nowe  Lycus  loe  the  grownde 
'with  groueling  face  hath  smit  :  the 
soeuer  fellow  fownde  (who 

1760  Of  tyrant  was,  partaker  of 

his  pay nes  dyd  also  lye. 
Nowe  to  my  father  sacryfyce 

and  godds  victor  wyll  J , 
And  aulters  that  deserue  it,  with 
1765  slayne  offryngs  reuerence. 

Thee,  thee  O  mate  of  all  my  toyles 
J  praye  and  my  defence 

$3  O 

[264]  Hercul.    Fur.    of  Sen. 

O  warrefull  Pallas,  in  whose  lefte  hande 

thy  cleare  shielde  Aegis  shakes 
1770  Fierce  thretes,  w  head  that  eche  thyng  stone 

that  lookes  vpon  it  makes. 
Let  tamer  of  Lycurgus  nowe, 

and  of  redde  sea  be  heare, 
That  poynte  of  speare  with  yuye  greene 
17/5          in  hande  doothe  couerde  beare  : 

And  two  godds  powre,  bothe  Phoebus,  and 

his  syster  too  J  praye, 
The  syster  meeter  for  her  shaftes, 

but  he  on  th'  harpe  to  playe  : 
1780  And  what  soeuer  brother  ells 

of  myne  doothe  dwell  in  skye, 
Xot  of  my  stepdame  brother,  bryng 

ye  hyther  by  and  by 
Your  plentuous  flockes,  what  euer  haue 
1785       all  th'  Jndians  frutes  browght  owt, 
And  what  sweete  odours  th'  Arabickes 

doo  gette  in  trees  abowt, 
To  th'  aultars  bryng  :  lette  vapour  iatte 

and  fume  smoke  vp  full  hye, 
1790  Let  rownde  abowt  the  poplar  tree 

my  heares  nowe  bewtifye. 
Let  th'  olyue  bowe  thee  hyde  with  braunche 

accustomde  in  our  lande 
Theseu  :  for  foorthwith  reuerence 
1795      the  thundrer,  shall  my  hande. 

3    4  The- 

Hercu.   fur.  of  Sen.  [26SJ 

THE.    O  godds  the  buylders  of  the  towne, 

and  whiche  of  dragon  fell, 
The  wylde  woods  denns,   and  noble  wanes 

lykewyse  of  Dirces  well, 
1800  And  Tyrian  house  enhabite  eke 

of  straunger  wandryng  kvng. 
HER.    Caste  into  fyres  the  frankencense. 

AM.    Sonne  fyrste  thy  handes    flowyng 
with  blouddy  slaughter,  and  the  deathe 
i8o5       of  enmye  puryfye. 

HER.    Would  god  the  blood  of  hatefull  hed 

Euen  vnto  godds  on  hye 
J  myght  out  shedde,  for  lycour  loe 

more  acceptable  none 
1810  Myght  th'  aulters  stayne  :  nor  sacrifice 

more  ample  any  one 
Nor  yet  more  plentyfull  may  bee 
To  Joue  aboue  downe  caste, 
Then  kyng  vniust.   AM.    Desyre  that  nowe 
i8l5       thy  father  ende  at  laste 

Thy  labours  all  :  lette  quyetnesse 

At  lengthe  yet  gyuen  bee, 
And  rest  to  weery  folke.    HER.  J  wyll 

the  prayers  make,  for  mee 
1820  And  Joue  full  meete.  yn  his  due  place 

Lette  stande  the  haughty  skye, 
And  lande,  and  ayre,  and  lette  the  starres 
dryue  foorthe  eternallye 


[266 1          Hercul.  fur.  of  SenecaL 

Their  course  vnstayde  :  let  restfull  peace 
1825      keepe  nations  quietlye, 

Let  labour  of  the  hurtlesse  lande 

all  yron  nowe  occupye, 
And  swoordes  lye  hydde  :  let  tempest  none 

full  vyolent  and  dyre 
l83o  Disturbe  the  sea  :  let  from  the  skyes 

no  flashe  of  lyghtnyng    tyre 
Fall  downe  whyle  Joue  full  angry  is  : 

nor  yet  with  wynter  snowe 
Encreased  floode  the  grownde  vpturnde 
i835      and  fieldes  quight  ouerthrowe. 

Let  poysons  cease  :  and  from  hensfoorth 

let  vp  from  grownde  aryse 
No  greeuous  herbe  with  hurtfull  sappe  : 

nor  fierce  and  fell  lykewyse 
1840  Let  tyrantes  raygne  :  but  vf  to  syght 

some  other  mischiefe  bryng 
The  grownde  yet  shall,  let  it  make  haste  : 

and  any  monstrous  thyng 
Jf  it  prepare,  let  yt  bee  myne. 
1845          but  what  meanes  this  ?  myd  daye 
The  darknes  haue  encloasde  abowt, 

lo  Phoebus  gothe  his  waye 
With  face  obscure  withowt  a  clowde. 

who  dryues  the  daye  to  flyght, 
i85o  And  turnes  to  east  ?  from  ^whence  doth  now 
his  dusky  hed  the  nyght 


Hercu.   fur.   of  vSen.  [267] 

Unknown  bryng  forth  ?  whece  fyl  the  poale 

so  many  rownde  about 
Of  daytyme  starres  ?  lo  here  beholde 
i855      my  labour  fyrst  full  stoute 

Not  in  the  lowest  parte  of  hoauen 

the  lyon  shyneth  bryght, 
And  leniently  dothe  rage  with  yre, 

And  byttes  prepares  to  fyght. 
1860  Euen  now  loe  he  some  starre  wyl  take  : 

with  mouthe  full  wydc  to  see 
He  thretnyng  stands,  and  tyres  out  blowes 

and  mane  vp  rustleth  he 
Shakyng  with  necke.  the  haruest  sadde 
1865      of  shape,    what  euer   thyng, 
And  what  soeuer  wynter  collde 
in  frosen  tyme  doothe  bryng, 
He  with  one  rage  wyll  ouerpasse, 

of  spryng  tyme  bull  he  wyll 
1870  Bothe  seeke,  and  breake  the  neckes  at  once. 

A.M.  What  is  this  sodayne  yll  ? 
Thy  cruell  cowntnance  whether  sonne 

Doste  thou  caste  here  and  there  ? 
And  seeste  with  troubled  daselde  syght 
l8/5       false  shape  of  heauen  appere  ? 

HER.  The  land  is  taemde,  the  swellyng  seas 

theyr  surges  dyd  asswage, 
The  kyngdomes  lowe  of  hell  lykewyse 
haue  telte  and  knowne  my  rage, 


[268]  Hercul.  fur.  of  Seneca. 

1880  Yet  heauen  is  free,  a  labour  meete 

for  Hercules  to  prone. 
To  spaces  hygh  J  wyll  bee  borne 

of  hawghty e  skyes  abdue  : 
Let  th'ayre  be  skaelde,  my  father  dooth 
i885          me  promyse  starrs  t'obtayne. 
What  yf  he  it  denyde  ?  all  th'earthe 

can  Hercles  not  contayne, 
And  geeues  at  length  to  godds.  me  calls 

of  owne  accorde  beholde 
1890  The  whole  assembly  of  the  godds, 

and  dooth  theyr  gates  vnfolde, 
Whyle  one  forbydds.  receyuste  thou  me, 

and  openest  thou  the  skye, 
Or  els  the  gate  of  stubborne  heauen 
I8g5       drawe  after  me  doo  J  ? 

Do  J  yet  doubte  ?  J  euen  the  bondes 

from  Saturne  wyll  vndoe, 
And  euen  agaynst  the  kyngdome  prowde 

of  wycked  father  loe, 
1900  My  grandsyre  loase.  let  Titans  nowe 

prepare  agayne  theyr  fyght 
With  me  theyr  captayne  ragyng  :  stones 

with  woodes  J  wyll  downe  smyght, 
And   hye   hylles   topps  with  Centaures  full 
igo5      in  ryght  hande  wyll  J  take. 

With  double  mountayne  nowe  J  wyll 
a  stayre  to  godds  vp  make. 


Hercu.  fur.  of  Sen.  [269] 

Let  Chiron  vnder  Ossa  see 

his  Pelion  mowntayne  grette  : 
1910  Olympus  vp  to  heauen  aboue 
in  thyrde  degree  then  sette 
Shall  come  it  selfe,  or  ells  bee  caste. 

AM.    Put  farre  awaye  from  thee 
The  thowghts  that  owght  not  to  be  spoake  : 
iqi5       of  mynde  vnsownde  to  see, 

But  yet  full  great,  the  furyows  rage 

asswage  and  laye  awaye. 
HER.    What  meaneth  this  ?  the  gyantes  doe 

pestiferous  annes  assaye, 
K)20  And  Tityus  from  the  sprights  is  fledde, 

and  bearyng  torne  to  see 
And  empty  bosome,  lo  howe  neere 

to  heauen  it  selfe  stoode  nee  ? 
Cythseron  falles,  the  mountayne  hye 
IQ25       Pallene  shakes  for  feare, 

And  torne  are  Tempe.  he  the  toppes 

of  Pindus  cawght  hathe  here, 
And  Oethen  he,  some  dredfull  thyng 

threatnyng  doothe  rage  abowt 
ig3o  Erinnys  bryngyng   flames   :  with  strypes 

she  soundes  nowe  shaken  out, 
And  burned  brandes  in  funeralls, 

loe  yet  more  neare  and  neare 
Throwes  in  my  face  :  fearce  Tisyphone 
1935      with  head  and  vgly  heare 

1C  With 

[270]  Hercu.    fur.    of    Sen. 

With  serpents  sette,  nowe  after  dogge 

fet  owt  with  Hercles  hande, 
That  emptye  gate  she  hathe  shette  vp, 

with  bolte  of  fyry  brande. 
1940  But  loe  the  stocke  of  enmiows  kyng 

doothe  hydden  yet  remayne, 
The  wycked  Lycus  seede  :  but  to 

your  hatefull  father  slayne 

Euen  nowe  this  ryght  hande  shall  you  sende 
1945      let  nowe  his  arrowes  lyght 

My  bowe  owt  shoote  :  it  seemes  the  shaftes 

to  goe  with  suche  a  flyght 
Of  Hercles.    AM.    Whether  doothe  the   rage 

and  fury  blynde  yet  goe  ? 
ig5o  His  myghty  bowe  he  drewe  with  homes 

togyther  dryuen  loe, 
And  quyuer  loaste  :  great  noyese  makes 

with  vyolence  sente  owt 
The  shafte,  and  quyght  the  weapon  flewe 
ig55      his  myddle  necke  throwghowt, 

The  wownd  yet  left.    HER.    His  other  broode 

J  ouerthrowe  wyll  quyght, 
And  corners  all.  What  stay  J  yet  ? 

to  me  a  greater  lyght 
1960  Remaynes  then  all  Mycenes  loe, 
that  rockye  stones  shoulde  all 
Of  Cyclops  beeyng  ouertnrnde 
with  hande  of  myne,  downe  fall. 

*    2  Let 

Hercu.   fur.   of  S>en.  [271] 

Let  shake  bothe  here:  and  there  the  house, 
iq65       with  all  stayes  ouerthrowne, 

Let  breake  the  poasts  :  and  quight  let  shnnke 

the  shaken  pyller  downe  : 
Let  all  the  palayce  fall  at  once. 

J  here  yet  hydden  see 
1970  The  sonne  of  wycked  father.    AM.    Loe 

his  flattryng  handes  to  thee 
Applyeng  to  thy  knees  doothe  craue 

his  Me  with  pytcous  mone. 
()  wycked  gylte,  full  sadde,  and  eke 
1975       abhorde  to  looke  vppone, 

His  humble  ryght  hande  caught  he  hath, 

and  ragyng  rowndc  abowt 
Him  rolled  twyse,  or  thryse  hath  cast. 

his  head  resoundeth  owt, 
1980  The  sprynkled  howses  with  the  brayne 

of  hym  throwne  owt  are  wet. 
But  shee  poore  wretche  her  lyttle  sonne 

in  bosome  hydyng  yet 
Loe  Megara,  lyke  one  in  rage 
ig85          doothe  from  the  corners  flee. 

HER.   Thowgh  runnagate  in  bosome  ol 

the  thundrer  hydde  thou  bee, 
This  ryght  hande  shall  from  euery  where 

Thee  seeke,  and  bryng  to  syght. 
1990  AM.    wher  goest  thow  wretch  ?  what  lurkyng 
seekste  thou  to  take,  or  flyght  ?         Menns, 
*   3  No 

[272]  Hercul.  Fur.    of  Sen. 

No  place  of  sauegarde  ys  yf  once 

bee  He  rcles  styrde  with  yre  : 
But  doo  thou  rather  hym  enbrace, 
irg5       and  wi  th  thy  meeke  desyre 

Assaye  t'  asswage  hym.    MEG.    Husbande  spare 

vs  J  beseeche  thee  nowe, 
And  knowe  thy  Megara,  this  sonne 

thy  cowntenaunce  doothe  showe, 
2000  And  bodyes  pytche  :  beholdst  thow  howe 

his  hands  vp  lyfteth  hee  ? 
HER.   J  holde  my  stepdame  :  followe  o  n 

dewe  penawnce  paye  to  mee, 
And  bownden  Joue  from  fylthy  bonde 
2oo5          delyuer  free  awaye  : 

But  J  before  the  mother  wyll 

this  lyttell  monster  slaye. 
MEG.   Thou  mad  man  whither  goest  thow? 

wylte  thou  thyne  owne  bloode  sheade  ? 
2010  AM,  Th'infant  with  fathers  fyry  face 

astonnyde  all  for  dreade, 
Dyed  euen  before  the  wownde  :  his  feare 

hath  tooke  away  his  lyfe. 
And  nowe  lykewyse  his  heauy  clubbe 
20 1 5          is  shaken  towarde  his  wyfe  : 

He  broaken  hath  the  bones,  her  head 

from  blocklyke  bodye  gone 
Js  quight,  nor  any  where  it  stayes. 
darste  thow  this  looke  vppone 

*     4  To 

Hercu.  fur.  of  Sen.  [273 J 

2020  To  long  lyude  age  ?  yf  mournyng  doo 

thee  greue,  thou  hast  then  loe 
The  deathe  preparde.  Doo  thou  thy  breast 

vppon  his  weapons  throe, 
Or  ells  this  clubbe  with  slaughter  staynde 
^025       of  monsters  slayne  that  bee, 

Nowe  hyther  turne.  thy  parent  i'alse, 

vnfytte  for  name  of  thee 
Ryd  hens  away,  least  he  shoulde  be 

to  thy  renowne  a  let. 
2o3o  THE.   Which  waie  y  father  toward  thy  death 

dooste  thow  thy  selfe  caste  yet  ? 
Or  whyther  goest  thou  madde  man  ?  flee, 

and  lye  thow  cloasely  hyd, 
And  yet  from  handes  of  Hercules 
2035          this   onely   myschiefe    ryd. 

HER.  Tis  well,  the  howse  of  shameful  kyng 

ys  nowe  quyght  ouerthrowne. 
To  thee  O  spowse  of  greattest  Joue 

J  haue  loe  beaten  downe 
2040  This  offred  rlocke  :  J  gladly  haue 

fulfyllde  my  wyshes  all 
Full  meete  for  thee,  and  Argos  nowe 

geeue  other  offryngs  shall. 
AM.  Thow  hast  not  sonne  yet  al  performde, 
2045       fyll  vp  the  sacrifyse. 

Loe  th'offryng  doothe    at    th'aultars    stande, 
it  waytes  thy  hande  lykewyse 


[274]        Hercul.    fur.    of   Seneca. 

With  necke  full  prone  :  J  gyue  my  selfe, 

J  roon,  J  followe  loe. 
2o5o  Mee  sacrifyce.  what  meaneth  this  ? 

his  eyes  rolle  to  and  froe, 
And  heauynesse  doothe  dull  his  syght. 

see  J  of  Hercules 

The  tremblyng  hands  ?  down  falles  his  face 
2o55      to  sleepe  and  quietnes, 

And  weery  necke  with  bowed  head 

full  faste  doothe  downewarde  shrynke, 
With  bended  knee  :  nowe  all  at  once 

he  downe  to  grownde  doothe  synke, 
2060  As  in  the  woodes  wylde  asshe  cut  downe, 

or  bulwarke  for  to  make 
A  hauen  in  seas.  Lyuste  thow  ?  or  els 

to  deathe  doothe  thee  betake 
The  selfe  same  rage,  that  hath  sent  all 
2065          thy  famylye  to  deathe  ? 

Jt  is  but  sleepe,  for  to  and  froe 

doothe  goe  and  come  his  breatbe. 
Let  tyme  bee  had  of  quietnesse, 
that  thus  by  sleepe  and  reste 
2070  Create  force  of  his  disease  subdewde, 

may  ease  his  greeued  breste. 

Remoue  his  weapons  seruantes,  least 

he  madde  gette  them  agayne. 



Hercu.     fur.    of    Sen.  [278] 

2075  Y  Et  th'ayre  coplain,  cS;  eke  y  parent  great 
J_Jot'  haughty  sky,  &  fertile  lad  throughout, 
And  wadryng  waue  of  euer  mouing  treate. 
And  thow  before  the  all,  which  lands  about 
And  train  of  sea  thy  beams  abroad  dost  throe 

2080  with  glyttryng  face,  &  makst  y  night  to  flee, 
O  feruent  Titan  :  bothe  thy  settyngs  loe 
and  rysyng,  hath  Alcides  scene  with  thee  : 
&  known  likewise  he  hath  thy  howse  twayn. 
from  so  great  yls  release  ye  nowe  his  brest, 

2o85  O  godds  release  :  to  better  turne  agayne 

his  ryghter  mynde.  and  thow  O  tamer  best 
O  sleepe  of  toyles,  the  quietnesse  of  mynde, 
of  all  the  lyfe  of  man  the  better  parte, 
O  of  thy  mother  astrey  wynged  kynde, 

2090  of  hard  and  pinyng  death  that  brother  arte, 
With  truth  mingling  the  false,  of  after  state 
The  sure,  but  eke  the  worste  foreteller  yet  : 
O  father  of  all  thynges,  of  lyfe  the  gate, 
Of  light  the  rest,  of  nyght  and  felowe  fytte, 

2og5  that  comst  to  kyng,  and  seruant  equallye, 
And  gentlye  cherysshest  who  weerye  bee, 
All  mankynde  loe  that  dredfull  is  to  dye, 
thou  doost  costrain  log  deth  to  learn  by  thee. 
keepe  him  fast  bound  w  heauy  slepe  opprest, 

2100  Let  slober  depe  his  limmes  vntamed  bynde, 
Nor  sooner  leaue  his  vnryght  ragyng  brest, 
The  former  mid  his  course  again  may  fynd. 


[276]          Hercul.  fur.   of  Seneca. 

Lo  layd  on  groud  w  lull  fierce  hart  yet  styll 
His  cruell  sleepes  he  turnes  :  and  not  yet  is 

2io5  The  plague  subdewde  of  so  great  raging  yll  : 
And  on  great  clubbe  the  weery  head  of  his 
He  woont  to  lay,  dothe  seeke  y  staffe  to  fynde 
With  empty  hand,  his  armes  ovvt  castig  yet 
withmouing  vayn  :  nor  yet  all  rage  of  mynde 

21 10  he  hath  laid  down  :  but,  as  w  southwind  gret 
The  waue  once  vext,  yet  after  kepeth  styll 
his  ragyng  long,  &  though  the  wind  now  be 
Asswaged,  swells,  shake  of  these  madde  &  yll 
tossyngs  of  mynde,  returne  let  pietee, 

2li5  And  vertue  to  the  man,  ells  let  be  so 

his  mynd  with  mouing  mad  tost  euery  way  : 
Let  errour  blynde,  where  it  begoon  hath,  go. 
for  nowght  els  now  but  only  madnes  may 
Thee  gyltlesse  make  :  in  next  estate  it  stands 

2120  to  hurtles  hands,  thy  mischief  not  to  knowe. 
Now  strooken  let  with  Hercules  his  hands 
thy  bosoms  soud  :  thyne  armes  3^  world  alow 
wer  wot  to  bear,  let  greuo9  strips  now  smite 
with  coquryng  had  :  &  loude  coplainig  cries 

2125  Let  th'aire  now  here  :  let  of  dark  pole  &  night 
the  quene  them  heare,  &  who  ful  fiersely  lyes 
That  bears  his  necks  in  mighty  chains  fast 
low  lurking  Cerberus  in  depest  caue.  (boud, 
Let  Chaos  all  with  clamour  sad  resound, 

2i3o  and  of  broade  sea  wide  open  wafting  waue. 


Hercul.   fur.  of  Sen.  [277] 

And  th'ayre  that  felt  thy  weapos  better  yet, 
But  felt  them  thowgh. 

The  brestes  with  so  greate  yls  as  these  beset, 
with  litle  stroake  they  must  not  beaten  be. 

2i35  Let  kyngdoms  three  soud  \\  one  plait  &  cry, 
and  thow  neckes  honowr,  cS;  defence  to  se, 
His  arrowe  strong  long  hanged  vp  on  hye, 
&  quiuers  light,  y  cruel  strypes  now  smyght 
on  his  firce  back,  his  shoulders  strog  &  stowt 

2140  let  oken  clubbe  now  stryke,  &  poaste  of  might 
w  knots  full  harde  his  brests  loade  al  about, 
let  eucn  his  weapos  so  greate  woes  coplain. 
Not  you  poore  babes  mates  of  your  fathers 
w  cruel  woud  reneging  kings  agai  :  (praise, 

2145  not  you  your  lims  in  argos  barriars  plaies, 
Are  taught  to  turn  w  wepo  strog  to  smight, 
&  strog  of  had  :  yet  eue  now  daring  loe 
the  weapon  of  the  Scythian  quiucr  light 
With  steady  hand  to  paise  set  out  fro  bowe, 

2i5o  and  stags  td  perse  y  saue  the  selues  by  flyght, 
and  backes  not  yet  full  maend  of  cruel  beast. 
To  Stygia  hauens  goe  ye  of  shade  &  night, 
goe  hurtles  souls,  who  mischief  hath  opprest 
Euen  in  first  porche  of  lyfe  but  lately  hadde, 

2l55  And  fathers  furye.  goe  vnhappy  kynde 
O  little  chyldren,  by  the  way  full  sadde 
Of  iourneye  knowne. 
Goe,  see  the  angrye  kyngs. 

1  The 


[278]       Hercul.  fur.  of  Sen. 

c  The  fyfthe  Acte. 

2160     Hercules,  Amphitryon, 

Hat  place  is  this  ?  what  region  ? 

or  of  the  worlde  what  coaste  ? 
Where  am  J  ?  vnder  ryse  of  sonne, 
2l65  or  bonde  els  vttermoste 

Of  th'ycy  beare  ?  or  els  doothe  here 

of  sea  of  Hesperye 
The  fardest  grownde  appojaite  a  bonde 

for  th'ocean  sea  to  lye  ? 
2170  What  ayre  drawe  we  ?  to  weery  wyght 

what  grownde  is  vndersette  ? 
Of  truthe  we  are  returnde  from  hell, 
whence  in  my  howse  downe  bette 
vSee  J  these  bloudy  bodyes  ?  hath 
2175       not  yet  my  mynde  of  cast 

Thinfernall  shapes  ?  but  after  yet 

returne  from  hell  at  last 
Yet  wander  dooth  that  helly  he  ape 

before  myne  eyes  to  see  ? 
2180  J  am  ashamde  to  grawnte,  J  quake, 

J  knowe  not  what  to  mee, 
J  can  not  tell  what  greuous  yll 

my  mynde  before  dooth  knowe. 
Where  is  my  parent  ?  where  is  shee 
_>i85       with  goodly  chyldrens  showe 

TL     2  My 

Hercul.    Fur.    of  Sen.  [.279] 

My  noble  hartye  stomakt  spowse  ? 
why  dothe  my  lefte  syde  lacke 
The  lyons  spoyle  ?  whiche  waye  is  gone 

the  couer  of  my  backe  ? 
2190  And  selfe  same  bed  full  softe  for  sleepe 

of  Hercules  also  ? 
Where  are  my  shaftes  ?  where  ys  my  bo  we  ? 

Them  from  me  lyuing  who 
Cowlde  plucke  awaye  ?  who  taken  hathe 
2ig5          the  spoyles  so  greate  as  thes  ? 
And  who  was  he  that  fearyd  not 

euen  sleepe  of  Hercules  ? 
To  see  my  conquerour  me  lykes, 

yt  lykes  me  hym  to  knowe  : 
2200  Ryse  victor  vp.  what  newe  sonne  hath 

my  lather  gotten  nowe 
Heauen  beeynge  left  ?  at  byrthe  of  whome 

myght  euer  stayed  bee 
A  longer  nyght,  then  was  in  myne  ? 
22o5          what  myschiefe  do  J  see  ? 

My  chyldren  loe  do  lye  on  grownde 
with  bloodie  slawghter  slayne  : 
My  wyfe  is  kyllde  :  what  Lycus  dothe 

the  kyngedome  yet  obtayne  ? 
22 10  Who  durst  so  hey  nous  gyltes  as  these 

At  Thebes  take  in  hande 
When  Hercles  is  returnde  ?  who  so 
Jsmenus  waters  lande, 

»      3  Who 

[280]  Hercul.  fur.  of  Sen. 

Who  so  Acteons  fieldes,  or  who 
22i5  with  dowble  seas  beset 

The  shaken  Pelops  kyngdomes  doste 

of  Dardan  dwell  on  yet, 
Healpe  me  :  of  cruell  slawghter  showe 

who  may  the  author  bee. 
2220  Let  rage  my  yre  on  all  :  my  foe 

he  ys,  who  so  to  mee 
Showes  not  my  foe.  doste  thou  yet  hydd 

Alcides  victour  lye  ? 

Come  foorthe,  euen  whether  thovv  reuenge 
2225          the  cruell  chariots  hye 

Of  bloudy  Thracian  kyng,  or  yf 

thow  Geryons  catell  quyght, 
Or  lordes  of  Libya,  no  delaye 
there  ys  with  thee  to  fyght. 
223o  Beholde  J  naked  stande,  althowgh 

euen  with  wy  weapons  loe 
Thow  me  vnarmed  sette  vppon. 

wherfore  fleeth  Theseus  soe 
And  eke  my  father  from  my  syght  ? 
2235      theyr  faces  why  hyde  they  ? 

Deferre  your  weepyngs,  and  who  dyd 

my  wyfe  and  chyldren  sley 
Thus  all  at  ones,  me  tell.  Wherfore 
O  father  doest  thow  whushte  ? 
2240  But  tell  thow  Theseu,  but  Theseu 
with  thy  accustomde  truste. 

%    4  Echc 

Hercul.   fur.  of  Seneca.  [2X1] 

Eche  of  them  sylent  hydes  awaye 
their  bashcfull  cowntnawnces, 
And  pryuelye  they  shedde  their  teares. 
2246      Jn  so  greatc  yls  as  thes, 

Of  what  owghte  we  ashamde  to  bee  ? 

dothe  ruler  yet  of  myght 
Of  Argos  towne,  or  hatefull  bande 

Of  sowldyars  apte  to  fyght 
225o  Of  Lycus  dyinge,  vs  oppresse 

with  such  calamytec  ? 
By  prayse  of  all  my  noble  actes 

J  do  desyre  of  thee 
O  father,  and  of  thy  great  name 
2255          approude  to  me  alwaye 

The  prosperous  powre,  declare  to  me, 

who  dyd  my  housholde  slaye  ? 
Whose  praye  laye  J  ?  A.  Let  thus  thync  yls 

in  sylence  ouerpas. 
2260  HE.   That  J  shoulde  vnrcuenged  bee  ? 

AM.    Reuenge  ofte  hurtfull  was. 
HE.   Dyd  euer  man  so  greuows  ylles 

without  reuenge  sustayne  ? 
A.   Whos'euer  greater  feard.     H.   Then  these, 
2265          O  father  yet  agayne 

May  any  greater  thing,  or  els 

More  greuows  feared  bee  ? 
AM.  How  greate  a  parte  is  it  thow  wotst, 
Of  thy  calamitee  ? 


[282]  Hercul.   fur.   of  Sen. 

2270  HER.    Take  mercy  father,  lo  J  lyfte 

to  thee  my  humble  handes. 
What  meaneth  this  ?  my  hand  fleeth  backe, 

some  priuye  gylte  here  standes. 
Whece  corns  this  blood  ?  or  what  doth  mean 
2275  flowyng  with  deathe  of  chyllcle 

The  shafte,  enbrewde  with  slawghter  once 

of  Lerney  monster  kyllde  ? 
J  see  my  weapons  nowe,  the  hande 

J  seeke  no  more  to  wyt. 
2280  Whose  hand  could  bend  this  bow  but  myne  ? 

or  what  ryght  arme  but  yt 
Coulde  stryng  the  bowe,  that  vnto  me 

Euen  scantely  doothe  obaye  ? 
To  you  J  tourne  :  O  father  deere, 
2285          is  thys  my  gylte  J  praye  ? 

They  healde  theyr  peace  :  it  is  myne  owne. 

AM.    Thy  greeuous  woe  is  there, 
The  cryme  thy  stepdames  :  this  myschawnce 

no  fawte  of  thyne  hath  here. 
2290  HER.  From  euery  part  now  father  throwe 

in  wrathe  thy  thunders  myght, 
And  of  thy  sonne  forgetfull  nowe, 

with  cruell  hande  requyght 
At  least  thy  nephewes  :  let  the  worlde 
22g5          that  beares  the  starres  sownde  owt, 
And  let  bothe  th'  one  and  th'other  poale, 
flyng  downe  thy  flames  abowt  : 


Hercul.  fur.  of  Seneca.  [283J 

And  let  the  bankes  of  Caspian  sea 

my  bownden  bodye  teare, 
23oo  And  greedye  ibwle.  Wherefore  doe  of 

Prometheus  heare 
The  rockes  ?  with  huge  and  hawtyc  toppe 

let  now  prepared  bee, 

Bothe  feedyng  beastes  and  fowles,  the  syde 
23o5          Of  Cawcas  torne  to  see, 

And  bare  of  woods,  the  yle  that  bryclge 

Of  Scythe  that  thereby  standes 
Symplegas  ioynes,  bothe  here  and  there 

Let  it  my  bounden  handes 
23io  Stretch  out  abroade  :  and  when  with  course 

returnde  accustomdlye 
They  shall  togyther  dryue,  and  shall 

the  rockes  tosse  vp  to  skyc 
With  bankes  togyther  beyng  thruste, 
23i5          and  eke  the  myddle  seaye, 

Let  me  betwene  the  mountaynes  lye 

vnquiet  restlesse  staye. 
But  buyldynge  vp  with  woode  throwen  o  i 

a  heaped  pyle  on  hye, 
232O  My  body  thus  with  wycked  bloude 

besprynkt,  why  burne  not  J  ? 
So,  so  yt  must  bee  doone  :  to  hell 

J  Hercles  wyll  restore. 
AM.    Not  yet  his  harte  astonyde  lackes 
2325          his  ragyng  tumulte  sore, 

B  u 

[284]  Hercu..    fur.   of  Sen. 

But  wraths  hath  turncle  :  and  which  of  rage 

ys  propertie  and  yrc 
Agaynst  him  sellfe  he  rageth  now. 

HER.    The  furies  places  dyre 
233o  And  dongeon  deepe  of  sprights  yn  hell 

and  place  of  tormentrrye 
To  gylty  ghosts,  and  banishment 

yf  any  yet  doo  lye 
Beyonde  Erebus,  yet  vnknowen 
2335      to  Cerberus  and  mee, 

There  hyde  me  grownde  :  to  farthest  bonde 

of  Tartarus  to  see 
To  tarye  there  Jle  goe.  O  breste 

of  iri37ne  to  fierce  and  stowte  : 
2340  Who  vow  my  chyldren  thus  disperste 

through  all  my  house  abowte, 
Maye  \vorthyly  enowghe  bewayle  ? 

in  all  my  euylls  yet 

This  countnaunce  harde,  can  neuer  wepe. 
2346          a  swoorde  nowe  hyther  set, 

My  shaftes  reatche  hyther,  hyther  reatche 

my  myghty  clubbe  also  : 
To  thee  my  weapons  breake  J  will, 

to  thee  my  sonne,  atwo 
235o  Jle  knappe  my  bowes,  and  eke  my  clubbe 

this  blocke  of  heauye  wayght, 
Shall  to  thy  spryghts  bee  burned  loe  : 
this  selfe  same  quyuer  frayght 


Hercul.   fur.   of  Sen.  [288] 

With  Lernoy  shaftes,  to  funerall 
2355      of  thyne  shall  likewise  go. 

Let  all  my  weapons  penawnce  paye, 

and  yow  vnhappye  to 
Euen  with  my  weapons  burne  J  wil, 

O  stendames  handes  of  myne. 
236o  Th.  who  euer  yet  to  Jgnorauncc 

hath  geuen  name  of  cryme  ? 
Her   Full  oftentymes  dyd  errour  greiitc 

the  place  of  gylt  obtayne. 
Th.    Tys  neede  to  be  a  Hercles  nowe, 
2365      this  heape  of  ill  sustayne. 

Her.    Not  so  hath  shame  yet  geuen  place 

with  furyc  drowned  quight  : 
But  peoples  all  J  rather  shoulde 

dryue  from  my  wycked  sight. 
2370  My  weapons,  weapons  Theseus, 

J  quickly  craue  to  mee 
withdrawen  to  be  restoard  agayne  : 

if  sownde  my  mynde  now  bee, 
Restore  to  me  my  weapons  :  if 
23;5      yet  last  my  rage  of  mynde, 

Then  father  flee  :  for  J  the  waye 
to  death  my  selfe  shall  fynde. 
Am.    By  sacred  hollye  kynreds  rights, 

by  force  and  duetie  all 
238o  O  f  bothe  my  names,  yf  eyther  mee 
thy  brynger  vp  thou  call, 

A  Or 

[286]  Her  oil.   fur.    of   Sen. 

Or  parent  ells,  and  Cwhiche  of  good 

men  reuerenced  are) 
By  these  hoare  heares,  J  thee  beseche 
2385      my  desert  age  yet  spare, 

Aud  werye  yeares  :  of  howse  falne  downe 

the  one  alonely  staye, 
One  onely  lyght  to  me,  with  ylles 

afflicted  euery  waye 
23go  Reserue  thy  selfe  :  yet  neuer  hath 

there  hapned  once  of  thee 
Frute  of  thy  toyles. :  styll  eyther  J 

the  dowtfull  seae  to  see 
Or  monsters  fearde  :  who  euer  yet 
23g5      hathe  bene  a  cruell  kyng 

Jn  all  the  worlde,  to  ghosts  alowe, 

aud  aulters  both  hurtyng, 
Of  me  ys  fearde  :  the  father  of 

thee  absent  styll,  to  haue 
2400  The  frute,  the  towching,  and  the  sight, 

of  thee  at  length  J  craue. 
He.    wherfore  J  longer  shoulde  sustaine 

my  lyfe  yet  in  this  lyght, 
And  lynger  here  no  cause  there  is  : 
2406      all  good  lost  haue  J  quight, 

My  mynde,  my  weapons,  my  renowne, 

my  wyfe,  my  sonnes,  my  handes, 
And  furye  to.  no  man  may  heale 
and  loase  from  gyltye  bandes 


Hercul.   fur.   of  Sen.  [287! 

2410  My  mynde  delyellde  :  needes  must  with  deth, 

be  healde  so  heinous  yll. 
Th.  wilt  thou  thy  father  slay  ?  He.  Least  J 

should  doe  it  dye  J  will. 
Th.    Before  thy  fathers  face  ?  He.  J  taught 
2416      hym  mischiefe  for  to  se. 

Th.   Thy  deedes  markyng  rather  that  should 

of  all  remembred  be, 
Of  this  one  onely  cryme  J  doe 

a  pardon  of  thee  craue. 
2420  Her.    Shall  he  geue  pardon  to  hym  selfe, 

that  to  none  els  it  gaue  ? 
J  beeyng  bidden  prayse  deserud, 

this  deede  mine  owne  dothe  proue. 
Helpe  father  now.  if  eyther  els 
2425      thy  pietye  thee  moue, 

Or  els  my  heauy  fate,  or  els 

the  honour  and  renowne 
Of  stained  strength  :  my  weapons  bryng, 

let  fortune  be  throwen  downe 
2480  with  my  right  hande.    Th.  The  praiers  which 

thy  father  makes  to  thee 
Are  stronge  enough,  but  yet  likewise 

with  wepyng  loe  of  me 
Be  moued  yet  :  aryse  thou  vp, 
2435       and  with  thy  wonted  myght 

Subdue  thyne  yls  :  now  suche  a  mynde 
vnmeete  to  beare  vpright 


[288J  Hercul.    fur.    of    Sen. 

No  euyll  hap,  receyue  agayne  : 
loe  now  with  manhode  gret 
2440  Thou  must  preuayle,  euen  Hercules 

sorbyd  with  yre  to  fret. 
HE.    Alyue,  J  hurte  :  but  yf  J  dye, 

J  take  the  gylt  also. 
J  hast  to  rydde  the  worllde  of  cryme, 
2445       euen  now  before  me  lo 

A  wycked  monster,  cruell,  and 

vntamed,  fierce  and  stoute 
Dothe  wander  :  now  with  thy  ryght  hande 

begyn  to  goe  aboute 
2460  A  greate  affayre,  yea  more  then  all 

thy  twise  syx  labours  long. 
Yet  stayste  thou  wretche,  that  late  agaynste 

the  children  waste  so  strong, 
And  fearefull  mother  ?  now  excepte 
2455      restoarde  my  weapons  be, 

Of  Thracian   Pindus  eyther   J 
wyll  teare  downe  euery  tree, 
and  Bacchus  hollye  woods,  and  toppes 

of  mount  Cythaeron  hye 
2460  Burne  with  my  selfe.  and  all  at  once 

with  all  their  housen  J 
And  with  the  Lordes  thereof  the  roofes, 

with  goddes  of  Thebes  all 
The  Thebane  temples  euen  vppon 
2465      my  bodye  will  lette  fall  : 


Hercul.  fur.  of  Sen.  [289] 

And  wyll  be  hyd  in  towne  vpturnde  : 

if  to  my  shoulders  might 
The  walles  themselues  all  cast  thereon 

shall  fall  a  burden  lyght, 
2470  And  couerde  with  seuen  gates  J  shall 

not  be  enough  opprest, 
Then  all  the  wayght  whereon  the  worlde 

in  middle  parte  doth  rest, 
And  partes  the  Gods,  vpon  my  hed 
2475      Jle  turne  and  ouerthroe. 

My  weapons  geeue.   Am.   This  word  is  mete 

for  Hercles  father  loe. 
With  this  same  arrowe  slayne  beholde 

thy  sonne  is  tomblcd  downe, 
2480  This  weapon  cruell  Juno  lo 

from  handes  of  thyne  hath  throwne, 
This  same  will  J  now  vse.  loe  see 

how  leapes  with  feare  affright 
My  wretched  hart,  and  how  it  doth 
2485      my  carefull  body  smight. 

The  shafte  is  set  there  to,  thou  shalt 

a  mischiefe  loe  do  now 
Both  willing  it,  and  wotting  :  tell, 
what  thing  commaundest  thou  ? 
2490  J  nothing  craue,  my  dolour  loe 

in  safetie  standeth  now. 
To  kepe  my  sonne  aliue  to  me 
that  onely  do  canst  thou 

o  Theseu, 

[290)  Hercul.    fur.   of  Sen. 

o  Thcseu,  yet  J  haue  not  scapte, 
2495      greatst  feare  that  happen  can. 
Thou  canst  me  not  a  myser  make, 

thou  maist  a  happy  man. 
So  order  euery  thyng  thou  dooste, 

as  all  thy  cause  in  hande, 
25oo  And  fame  thou  mayst  well  know  in  strayght 

and  doutfull  case  to  stande  : 
Thou  liust,  or  dyest  :  thys  slender  sowle 

that  lyght  is  hense  to  flee, 
weryed  with  age,  and  no  lesse  bet 
25o5      with  greuous  yls  to  see, 

Jn  mouthe  J  holde.  so  slowly e  to 

a  father  with  suche  staye 
Dothe  any  man  geue  lyle  ?  J  wyll 

no  longer  byde  delaye, 
25io  The  dedlye  sworde  throughout  my  brest 

to  stryke  J  will  applye, 
Here,  here  the  gylt  of  Hercules 

euen  sownde  of  mynde  shall  lye. 
Her.  Forbeare  O  father  now,  forbeare, 
25l5      withdrawe  thy  hande  agayne. 

My  manhode  yeelde,  thy  fathers  wyll, 

and  Jmperye  sustayne. 
To  Hercles  labours  now  lykewyse, 

let  this  one  labour  goe, 
252O  Let  me  yet  lyue.  lyfte  vp  from  grounde 
thafflicted  lyinmes  with  woe, 

o  Theseu 

Hercul.  fur.   of  Sen.  [291] 

o  Theseu  of  my  parent  :  for 

from  godly  touche  doth  fle 
My  wicked  hande.    Am.   J  gladly  doe 
25^5      this  hande  embrace  to  me. 

By  this  J  beeyng  stayed  will  goe, 

this  mouing  to  my  brest 
Jle  slake  my  woes.    Her.    what  place  shal  J 

seeke  roonagate  for  rest  ? 
253o  Where  shall  J  hyde  my  selfe  ?  or  in 

what  lande  my  selfe  engraue  ? 
What  Tanais,  or  what  Nilus  els, 

or  with  his  persyan  waue 
what  Tigris  violent  of  streame, 
2535       or  what  fierce  Rhenus  flood, 

Or  Tagus  troublesome  that  flowes 

with  Jbers  treasures  good 
May  my  right  hande  now  wash  from  gylt  ? 

although  MiOotis  collde 
2540  The  wanes  of  all  the  Xorthen  seae 

on  me  shed  out  now  wollde, 
And  al  the  water  thereof  shoolde 

now  passe  by  my  two  handes, 
Yet  will  the  mischiefe  deepe  remaync. 
2545      Alas  into  what  landes 

wilt  thou  o  wicked  man  resorte  ? 

to  East,  or  westerne  coste  ? 
Eche  where  well  knowen,  all  place  J  haue 
of  banishmente  quight  loste 


[292]  Hercul.   fur  of   Sen. 

255o  Fro  me  the  worlde  doth  flee  abacke, 

the  starres  that  sydelyng  roon 
Do  backwarde  dryue  their  turned  course, 

euen  Cerberus  the  soon 
mith  better  countnaunce  did  beholde. 
2555      o  faythfull  frende  J  saye 

o  Theseu,  seeke  some  lurkyng  place, 

farre  hence,  out  of  the  waye. 
O  thou  awarder  of  mens  gyltes 

what  euer  iudge  thou  be 
256o  That  hurtefull  men  doest  loue,  repaye 

a  worthy  thanke  to  me  : 
And  my  desertes.  J  thee  beseeche, 

to  ghostes  of  hell  agayne 
Sende  me  that  ones  escaped  them  : 
2565       and  subiect  to  thy  rayne 

Restore  me  yet  to  those  thy  bandes. 

that  place  shall  me  well  hyde  : 
And  yet  euen  that  place  knowes  me  well. 

Th.  Our  lande  for  thee  doth  byde. 
2570  There  Mars,   his  hand  acquit  agayne 

and  made  from  slaughter  free 
Restoarde  to  armour  :  loe  that  lande 

(Alcides)  calles  for  thee, 
which  wontes  to  quight  the  gods,  and  proue 
2575      them  Jnnocent  to  be. 



London   by  Henrye    Sutton 
dwelling   in  pater  noster 
258o       rovve  at  the  signe  of  the 
blacxe   Boy. 

ANNO    DOMINI.    M.  D.  LXI. 


For  the  copies  referred  to,  see  Introduction  under  Texts. 

The  following  notes  give  only  those  variant  readings  between  the  different 
editions,  and  the  copies  of  one  edition,  which  are  of  a  certain  importance,  as 
otherwise  the  length  of  these  lists  would  be  little  short  of  the  texts  them 
selves.  In  consequence  I  have  not  recorded  any  discrepancies  between 
the  text  of  the  Quarto  of  1581  (N)  and  that  of  the  three  octavos  (A)  which 
are  reproduced  here,  except  when  they  are  interesting  either  for  the  spelling 
or  the  intelligence  of  the  tragedy  ;  punctuation  could  not  be  taken  into 
account  as  it  would  have  led  too  far.  —  In  the  collation  of  the  octavo 
editions  (A,  B,  C)  and  the  various  copies  of  one  issue  (A1,  A-,  A;t  £a.),  a 
different  punctuation  is  recorded  when  it  may  lead  to  a  different  under 
standing.  No  notice  is  taken  of  running  titles,  nor  of  catchwords.  As  the 
discrepancies  in  the  spelling  are  too  numerous,  I  do  not  mention  those  that 
are  of  almost  no  importance,  or  those  which  recur  indiscriminately  in  the 
various  copies  and  are  not  carried  through  systematically  in  either  of  them  ')• 
Such  are  i  —  y  (which,  whych)  ;  an  =  aun  (allegiance,  alkgeauncc) ;  e  =  ee  and 
o  =  oo  in  open  syllables  (mete,  meete  ;  pore,  foore)  ;  s  =  ce  (.WHS,  since) ;  «  =  ue,  eu, 
ew  (truth,  trueth,  treuth,  tretvth) ;  words  with  or  without  final  e  (whiche,  which  ; 
thre,  three;  onely,  only);  double  consonants  after  closed  syllable  (fttl,  full; 
wittes,  wits;  ackte,  acte  ;  heddes,  heds);  y  £  1  for  that  and  the  ;  au  —  an>,  sometimes 
aul  (fautes,  fawtes,  faultes) ;  contractions  intended  by  the  author,  printed  in 
full  elsewhere  (thassautes,  shalbe) ;  words  with  or  without  capital  letters 
(jfreful,  yreful).  Moreover  some  forms  that  very  often  recur  have  been 
recorded  once  for  all  :  son,  soon,  soone,  sonne  ;  —  blood,  blcud ;  —  bewty,  beawtie, 
beauwtie,  beauty  ;  —  doutful,  doubtful ;  —  author,  aucthor  :  —  iye,  eye  ;  —  giue, 
geue  ;  —  hear,  hayre,  hair  ;  —  sodeyne,  sodayne  ;  —  words,  'd'oordes,  and  such  like. 
Of  the  special  spelling  which  is  given  to  words  when  used  for  the  rhyme, 
mention  is  made  in  the  Introduction.  Evident  misprints  in  other  texts  than 
the  three  which  are  reprinted  here,  have  not  been  taken  notice  of. 

For  the  editions  A  and  B  of  Troas.  a  more  detailed  treatment  has  been 
adopted  :  misprints,  catchwords  and  punctuation  are  recorded  to  bring 
out  more  clearly  the  relationship  between  them. 

For  the  first  page  of  Trcas  (1.  1-24)  a  nearly  complete  list  ot  differences 
between  A,U  and  c  has  been  given  as  a  specimen. 

i)  Should  such  a  discrepancy  occur  in  the  reading  of  an  edition,  which  for  the  point 
on  which  the  attention  is  called,  is  identical  with  the  variant  quoted  in  these  lists,  the 
capital  letter  representing  that  edition  is  put  within  a  parenthesis. 



In  N  the  title  runs  (fol.  c>5  (d)  recto)  : 



&  prudet  Author   LVCIVS   ANNOYS  SENECA, 

entituled   TROAS,   with  diuers   and 

sundrye   Additions   to   the  same, 

by   IASPER   HEY- 


1.  1-70  wanting  in  x 

1  MOST]  AB  :  MOSTE  c 

2  verteouse]  AB  :  verteous  c 

3  god]  AC  :  God  B 

5  subiectc]  AC  :  subiect  B 
8  wisshi'th]  AC  :  ivisheth  B 

1 1  corideration]  AC  :  cosideratio  B 

12  tf0ttW6?]  AB  :  towards  c 
14  ivhych]  AC  :  zc'/MfA  B 

flyeng}  A  :_/fo«g-  B  \fiiyng  r 

1 6  resowndes]  AB  :  resoundes  c 

17  a/]  AB  :  rt//  c 

19  MosfJ  AB  :  Moste  c 

20  wisdome]  AC  :  wisedome  B 

23_/?0H£]  AC  \Jlo01lg  B 

24  »>«/"«/]  A  :  *>•«/«//  BC 

33  ^  ueene]  ornamental  form  of 
capital  Q  ;  hence  the  space. 

42  blissejull]  AC  :  Mis  full  B 
49  greatly]  AC  :  gretlye  B 

52  yeres]  AC  :  yeares  B 

53  rfK/ftf]  AB 

bo  bet]  read  i^- 

,   7i  readers  AC  :  Readers  B  ;  Rea 
der  x 

78  forth]  AB  :  foorth  c 

80  fearingwhat]  A  :  fearing,  what 
t  B;  fearjaige  what  c 

91  y]  AB  :  the  ex 
102  consyder.]  A  :  consyder,  B(C), 

which  read 

io5  worke]  AB  :  woorke  c 
no  toong]  AB  :  tong  c 
114  sence.]  A  :  sence,  BC,  which  read 
i:5  speach]  AB  :  speche  c 
1 16  iugement]  A    :    iudgment    B  ; 

Judgement  c 

119  forasmuch  |  A  :  for  as  much  B 
123  thought]  AC  :  thonght  B 
127  acte.]  A  :  ackt,  B  ;  act  c 
129  wise,]  similar  indentation  in  A  &  B 
1 38  the  englishe]  A(C)  :  thinglishe  B 
140  expounde]  ABN  :  eypounde  c 

144  the]  missing  in  c  &  N 

145  Corus]  ABC  :  Chorus  N 

146  sclender]  ABC  :  slender  x 
148  woorde]  A  :  worde  c 

i5o  ientle]  AC  :  Jentill  B 

1.  i5i  worth]  AB  :  woorth  c 
160  Fare]  AB  :  Farre  c 
:63  The  preface  to  the  tragedye] 

A(Bc):The  Argument  \ 
164  yearesj  A  :  yeres  BC 

171  dares]  ABC 

172  dictis]  A  :  Dyctis  B;  dicties  c 

(c  doubtful  in  c1  &  c") 
179  fieldc  the]  Au:ficldes  c  (»wthe) 
182  Pyrrhus]  AC  :  Pirhus  \\ 

Aiax.j  A  :  Aiax,  BC 
186  knight.]  AB  :  knight,  < 

188  Greek  es]  r.  Greekes 

189  while]  A  :  While  BC 

191  and]  AB  :  And  c 

192  me.]  AB  :  me,  c 

194  wordes]  AC  :  woordes  B 

196  what]  A  :  What  BC 
gods]  AB  :  god  CN 
sende.]  AC  :  send,  B 

197  gan]  AC  :  gau  B 

199  fielde]  AC  :  feelde  B 

201  bloodshed]  A  :  bloudshed  BC  — 
c  regularly  writes  bloud,  where 
A,  and  generally  B,  has  blood. 

2o3  worke]  AC  :  woorke  B 

211  mischiefe]  AC  :  mischefe  B 
miserye.]  \(c)  :  myserye,  B 

2i3  thy]  ABC  :  the  N 

219  iye]  AC  :  eie  B 

233  thrust]  ACN  :  thurst  B,  which  read 

236  iudge]  A:iugde  c:iudgde  3x,w.r. 

240  forgoe]  A  :  —  .  CN  ;  —  ?  B,  w.  r. 
f.  A  G,  v,  runn.  title :  Troas]  A  :  The 
Preface.  BC 

248  Troy.]  A  :  Troy,  BC 

25o  boy.]  AC  :  boy  B 

253  heare.j  AB  :  heare,  c 

255  The  speakers  £•«]  ABC  :  The 
Speakers  names.  N 

258  The  spright  of  Achilles]  in  x 
at  the  end  of  the  list. 

1.  269  The  messenger]  \w    :  XVX- 

CIVS  x 

270  SFNECA]  A  :  SENECA  BCN 
287  thestatej  AB  :  the  state  ex 
292  batered]  ACX  :  batred  B 
295  seuen.]  A  :  seuen,  i» 
299  Luke  warm]  AW  :  Lukewarm  N 
chanell]  A  :  chanel  B  :  clianull 

c  ;  channoll  N 

3o5  renowne.]  AB  :  renowne  c 
3n  flame]  A  :  flame  BCX.  u'.  r. 

317  pearst]  AC  :  perst  B 

318  a  farre.]  ABC  :  r.  afarre 
323  An]  ABC  :  And  x 

323  The  comma  should  be  placed  after 

it,  instead  of  after  himselfe  : 
though  he  see  it,  yet  scant 
himselfe  beleues  &-a. 

324  it]  omitted  in  x 

325  hand.]  A  :  — ,  (B)C 

327  receine]  A  :  receiue  BCX.  w.  r. 

33i  contries]  AC  :  coutraies  B 

335  thy]  ABC  :  the  N 

35g  fatallfall]  A  :  fatall  fall  BCX 

36i  calamites]  A  :  calamities  BCX 

364  catchword  sawe]  ABC: 

372  dedly]  A  :  deadly  BC 

404  refuse,]  AC  :  refuse.  B 

405  company]  AC  :  cumpany  n 
407  brestesl  AC  :  breastes  B 

412  terible]  ABCX 

413  second]  A  :  scecond  n 

414  women]  ,\BC  :  Woman,  \ 

416  taught]  AC  :  toughte  B 
419  Ana]  A  :  And  BCX,  w.  r. 
422  debate]  ABC  :  read  — . 
425  roges]  ABC  :  rages  N 
432  heades]  A<   :  heds  B 

439  readines]  AC  :  redines  B 

440  knocke]  AC  :  knock,  n.  w.  r. 
445  Hector]  AC  :  Hectour  B 
447  cace]  ABCN* 

1.  4  58  catchword  Rebonn-j  \  :  Reboun- 


460  wontes]  AC  :  woontes  i; 
462  heare]  AC  :  here  n 

464  eche]  AC  :  each  is 

465  like]  AC  :  like.  B,  u.  r. 
468  bluddy]  A(B)  :  blouddy  CN 
483Olord]  A  :  O  lord  »(<•) 

484  receiue]  AC  '•  receaue  r, 

feare]  ACN  :  teare  u,w.  r. 
487  quyuer]  A(CN)  :  quiuers  B,W.  r. 

(cf>.  lat.  pharetras) 
493  treares]  A  :  teares  BCN,  w.  r. 
497  ghostes]  ABC  :  Ghoste  x 
517  Veto]  A  :  Ye  to  BCN 
524  tombe]  A  :  — .  B  ;  —  :  ex 
527  Begylde  |  A(C  )  :  Beguilde  B 
537  aboue]  AC  :  oboue  u 

541  witnest]  ABC  :  witnes  N 

542  sees] AB  :  seas  c 

548  sonne]  AC  :  soone  B  (this  diffe 
rence  in  reading  in  A  <£•  B  very 
often  recurs) 

55i  steppe]  ABC  :  stoppe  N 
557  Frayltie]  A'CN)  :  fraile  B,  iv.  r. 

thrid]  AB  :  third  c  ;  thride  x 
564  shurt,]  AC  :  shurte.  B,  m.  r . 
571  are]  read  —  : 

5y5  apoint  es]  A  :  apointes  BC,  K.  r. 
676  sodayn]  AC  :  sodeyne  B 
583  elisious]  ABC  :  illusions  N 
591  fearde]  AB  :  ferde  c 
594  rToiane  1  A  :  Troiane  BCN 
596  hath    provide]    AB(C)   :  proued 

hath  x 

Goo  dealt]  AC  :  delt  B 
6o3  his]  AB  :  omitted  in  c  and  x 

618  soyle]  AB  :  spoyle  ex 

619  through]  ABC  :  though  N 
grate]  The  e  is  not  clearly  printed. 

625  this]  AC  :  this,  B 

1.  (»3u  spretesj  A  :  sprites  BC 
034  comes]  AB  :  come  CN 

636  fates]  AB  :  fautes  CN 

637  mischief]  AC  :  mischefe  B 
63g  here]  ACN  :  heare  B 

642  we]  ACX  :  me  B,  w.  r. 

647  vengeans]  A  :  vngeans  B 

657  terrur]  AB  :  terrour  ex 

675  heauen]  AC  :  hauen  Bx.fc'.f .  (lat. 

692  My]  r.  Me 

heard]  AC  :  herd  B  ;  hard  N 
6g5  stroke]  AC  :  stroake  B 
708  appeareth]  ACN  :  Appeared  B 

711  banners]  AC  :  baners  B 

712  weighty]  AC  :  waightye  B 
717  he.]  AC  :  he,  B,  w.  r. 

720  by]  AB  :  omitted  in  c  :  replaced  by 

with  in  N 

721  runne]  AC  :  roon  B 

723  stought.  |  AC  :  stought,  B,  w.  r. 

740  closde]  AC  :  cloasde  B 

752  wayes.]  AC  :  wayes,  B,  w.  r. 

758  delaye]  A(C)  :  deleae  B 

772  led.]  AB  :  led,  c 

780  land.]  read  -,  of  : 

788  agayne.]  A(C)  :  agayne,  B 

810  shew]  AC  :  showe  BX 
8n  Through]  AC  :  Trough  B 

811  Caicus]  AC  :  Cayicus  B 
819  fought.]  AC  :  fought  BN 

821  whisht]  AB  :  wisht  CN 

822  remayne.]  AC  :  remayne,  B  (r. 

neither  stop  nor  comma) 
832  actes]  AC  :  factcs  B(N),  a',  r.  (lat. 


836  mourne]  AC  :  moorne  B 
83g  Coddes]  AC  :  Godds  B(N),  w.  r. 

842  fnll]  A  :  full  c  ;  full  B(N),  u'-  r. 

843  out]  A  :  our  BCX,  w.  r. 
845  way]  ABC  :  waigh  N 


1.  85g  already]  AC  :  all  ready  n 
860  Pryames]  ACN  :  Pyrrus  B,  w.  r. 
863  oughtste,]  AC  :  without  comma  in 

B,  w.  r. 

874  synde]  AB(C)  :  signd  N 
877  chauuce]  read  chaunce  (HC) 
894  eftsones  :]  read  without  colon 
899  here]  ABC  :  hayre  x 
901  naught.]  AC  :  naught,  BX 
911  extreme]  AC  :  exrreme  B 
916  assinde]  A(B)C  :  assignd  x 
919  feruent]  AC  :  fernent  u 
921  wreakej  AC  :  wreakt  BN,  w.  r. 

to]  ABC  :  so  N 
944  shed]  read  shed.  (N) 
948  trauaile]  A(C)  :  traueill  B 
g55  fere]  AC  :  feare  BN 
961  giue]  AB  :  geue  c 
967  were]  AC  :  weare  B 

969  nought]  ABC  :  not  x 

970  renowne  :]  read  without  colon 

976  gladdde]  A  :  gladde  B  ;  glad  ex 
f.  C.  ii.  v°  ,  Running  title  •  TcOdS] 

>.  Troas 

977  thon]  A  :  thou  BCX,  w.  r. 

978  foes]  the  i  is  not  clearly  printed, 

985  a  loofe]  read  aloofe. 

986  fight.]  read  fight, 

993  why]  AC  :  why  :  B,  which  read 
996  brandes,]  A  :  brandes.  BCN 
998  reliefe.J  AB  :  reliefe.  ex 
f.  C.  iii.  r°  :  runn.  tit.  Seneneca]  A  : 

Seneca  B. 

1009  Nought]  AB  :  Naught  ex 

1028  seas  :]  read  without  colon 

io3i  debate.]  AB  =  — ,  CN  ;  prob.  r. 

without  stop  or  comma 
io3z  faine]  A  :  fame  BCN,  w.  r. 
io3g  Eacus]  AB  :  Cacus  c  ;  JEacus  x 
1044  withstande]  AB  :  — .  CN,  w.  r. 
1046  chekes]  A:cheks  B;  checkes  CN 

1.  io55  Unlokst]  .\B(  :  Unlookst  N 

1064  againe]  AC  :  ageane  B  (to  rhyme 

with  meane 

1065  bye]  AB  :  bie  c ;  buy  x 

1068  Greece]  AC  :  Griece  n  (to  rhyme 

with  price) 

1084  shed.]  ABC  :  shed,  N,  ?,'.  r. 
1 102  delay.]  AC  :  delay,  B 
1104  Amid]  AB  :  And  c  ;  And  eke  x 
quite]  AC  :  quight  B 

1 107  hath]  AC  :  hah  is 

1 108  some]  A  :  sonne  B  (w.r.);  sunne 


ii  1 1  restles]  AC  :  reastles  B 

1 1 12  fro.]  AC  :  fro,  B,  w.  r. 

1119  eche]  AC  :  eache  B 

1124  northen]  ABC  :  northren  x 

1128  taryeih]  A  :  taryeth  B(C)N,  w.  r. 

n3o  \veight]  ABC  :  wayte  N 

11 36  Death']  in  \  inverted  stop,  put  in 
bv  mistake 

1140  fansyes]  A(C)  :  fantsyes  B  ;  fan 
cies  N 

n5i  The]  ABC  :  There  N 

n52  forsake.]  A  :  forsake,  BC.  w  r. 

1 1 56  staine]  ACN  (w.  r.  :  cp.  I.  1172) : 
strayne  B 

1 1 58  remedylesse,]  read  — . 

1 1 60  reddines]  AC  :  redines  u  ;  rea- 

dines  N 

1161  preuaile.]  read  — , 

1164  teares.]  A  :  teares,  uc,  w.  r. 

1 166  acte]  AC  :  ackte  u 

1181  sonke]  AC  :  soonke  B 
1198  woorsel  ABC  :  worst  x 
1204  aud]  A  :  read  and  (BCN) 
1206  become]  AC  :  be  come  BN.  w.  r. 
1209  SEN.]  A  :  ANDR.  BCN,  w.  r. 
1212  appeare]  AB  :  appere  c 
1214  returne]  AC  :  retourne  B 
1218  The]  A  :  read  the  (BC) 


1.  1220  heauines.J  read — , 
1246  Nor]  AC  :  read  nor  (B) 
1248  heare,]  AD  :  heare.  c,  w.  r. 
1263  blood.]  A  :  blood,  B(C),  ft',  r. 
1275  bloode.]  AB(CNJ  :  read  — , 
1282  beare.]  AC  :  beare,  B 
1284  eueu]  A  :  euen  BCX 
1 337  where]  AC  :  wheare  r. 
1348  more]  ABC  :  me  x 
1354  frendes]  AC  :  freendes  i: 
1 3yo  Troy]  read  Troy  :  (cp.  latin) 
1372  sely]  AC  :  seely  BX 
i38i  lest]  A  :  least  BC 
i3g5  my]  ABC  :  thy  x 
1397  doutfull]  AB  :  doubtfull  CN 
1404  true.]  r.  prob.  —  :  or,  (as  in  B) 
1409  ihe]  A  :  read  the  (BCN) 
1420  Whyle]  A  :  read  whyle  (BC) 

take,]  A  :  take.  BC,  w.  r. 
1424  Of]  AB  :  of  c 
1426  oftimes]  AC  :  oftetirnes  B 
1438  rowme]  AC  :  rome  B 
1442  oft.]  ABCN  :  read  oft, 
1444  aloft,]  A  :  aloft.  BCX,  K.  r. 
1452  wars.]  ABCN  :  rairfwars, 

1468  them]  ABC  :  vs  x 

1469  werte,]  ABC  :  prob.  without  com 

ma  (x) 

1491  ofbeastes]  AB  :  of  beastes  < 
1 5o  i  Hector  :]  AC  :  Hector  ?  BX,  w.  r. 

rest  ?]  AC  :  reste  B(X),  w.  r. 
i5o8  dye,]  A  :  dye.  BC,  w.  r. 
i5io  on,]  AC  :  on.  B,  w.  r. 
i5i3  ANDR'l  A  :  ANDR.  B,  w.  r. 
i5i6  weare]  A  :  weare.  BC,  w.  r. 
1 522  expres]AC  :  expres.  B,  w-  r. 

1 535  geat]  A  :  get  BCX 

1536  is,]  AC  :  is.  B,  w.  r. 

i538  deteckte,]  AC  :  — .  B,  w.  r. 
i55g  Ulysses]  ABC  :  read  —  :  or, 
1 562  How]  AB  :  how  c 

1.  i58i  ofher]  AB  :  of  her  c,  w.  r. 
1589  togither]  AB  :  together  c;  to- 

geather  x 
1600  Now]  AB  :  now  c,  w>  r. 

1609  been]  A  :  byn  B  ;  ben  c 

1610  been]  AC  :  be  B 
slayne.]  read  slayne, 

160  frost.]  AC  :  frost,  B,  w.  r. 

1621  sears]  AB  :  sirs  ex 

1627  shallhe]  A  :  shall  he  BC 

i636  sayth.]  A(B)C  :  read  sayth, 

1642  desteny.]  A(C)  :  destenye.B,  w.r. 

1649  most,  |  AC  :  most.  B 

i652  all.]  read -All, 

i656  the,]  A  :  the.  B  ;  thee  :  CN 

i658  byde]  A(BC)  :  hide  N 

1660  dye,]  A(C)  :  dye.  B 

1690  rende]  AB  :  rende.  C(N) 

1693  ryght]  AB(C;  :  ryght.  x,  w.  r. 

1694  lye]  AB  :  lye  :  (C)N  ;  read  — . 

1 720  plucke]  A  :  dlucke  B  (p  upside 


1721  Slay]  ABC  :  O  slay  x,  w.  prob.  r. 

1722  of]  ABC  :  missing  in  x 
1725  byset]  AB  :  beset  CN 

1734  sonne]  AC  :  soon  B  :  sonnes  N 
1742  kyll,J  AC  :  kill.  B 
1748  lye,]  A(C)  :  lie.  u 
1763  graundsers]  AC  :  grawndsers 
B  ;  graundsires  N 

1768  and  thonely]  AC  :  aud  th  only  B 

1769  furth]  A  :  forth  BCN 
1772  thy]  AB  :  the  ex 

1781  nobilite]  AC  :  nobiltte  B 

1782  fathet]  A  :  father  BCN,  w.  r. 
1785  yeares]  AB  :  yeres  c 

1789  When]  A  :  when  BC 
1791  gates]  AC  :  gates  :  B 

1808  rhyrdej  AB  :  thirde  C(N),  w.  r. 
1817  may]  AB  :  May  c,  w.  r. 
1822  remayne!  (no  stop)  AB(C)N 


1   1827  was.]  AB  :  was,  ex 

i832  weare.]  prob.  read  without  stop 

1837  wylthl  AB  :  with  CN 

1 838  Prophecy]  AB  :  Prophecy,  c, 

w.  r. 

i85i  stoughtl  ABC  :  stout  x 
i854  catchw.  ULY]  A  :  ULY.  B 
i856  knowne,]  AC  :  knone   :   n  (to 

rhyme  n-ith  gone) 

1 86 1  embracing]  AC  :  enbraryng  B 

1880  graundsyresl  A(C):  gransyresn 

yeres]  AC  :  yieres  B  (to  rhyme 

with  desyeres  B) 
1905  thvng]  ABC  :  thinges  x 
igi5  arte]  read  prob.  —  : 
f.  E.  i.  i-«,  running  title  :  TcOdS  \  .\  : 

Troas  Bc 

ig3z  Bearel  ABC  :  read  prob.  beare  x 

1934  hearel  ABC  :  hayre  x  (which 
reading  regularly  occurs) 

1944  opprest  ?]  the  '  ? '  should  prob.  be 
put  at  the  end  of  the  line  follo 
wing  :  ...yoke  ? 

1957  farderi  ABC  :  further  N 

i95g /0>)  A  :    byvc,  w.  r. 

translater  .\c  :  translator  \>, 

iy65  cloath;  ABC  :  close  N 

1969  poales  do]  ABC  :  poale  doth  N 

f.  E.  ii.  v°,  running  title  :  Tcoas]  A  : 

Troas  BC 

1987  ded]  AB  :  ded  :  c  :  read  prob.  ded. 

1992  ackte]  AB  :  acte  c 

2000  ware,]  ABC  :  read  prob.  ware. 

2008  policiel  AC  :  pollecye  B 

/.  E.  iii.  r",  runn.  title  :Senerteca]  A  : 

Seneca  B 

2016  message]  ABC  :  messuage  N 
2018  thauthor]  ABC  :  th'auter  N 

2021  Gresians]  AC  :  Grecians  BX 
sent]  prob.  read  sent  : 

2022  the]  A  :  thee  BCN 

2027  should]  ACX  :  shouldst  B,  w.  r. 

1.  2o3i  Giecyan]  A  :  Grecya 
2032  honour   hongur]  A   :   honour 
honger  c  ;  honour  [only]  BN. 
w.  r. 

2034  The]  A  :  the  BC,  a1.  ;'. 
2o38  desire]  AC  :  desire,  n,  ?.-.  ;-. 
2042  by]  ACN  :  thy  B,  w.  r. 

deal  ABC  :  day  N 
2060  made]  read  — . 
2o63  Ruine]  AB  :  Rune  c 

2066  boanesl  ABC  :  bones  N 

2067  df  ]  AB  :  of  ex,  w.  r. 
2073  veude]  ABC  :  viewde  N 

f.  E.  iiii.  r«,  running  title  •  Seneneca \ 

A  :  Seneca  B 

2076  torchis]  AB  :  torches  c 

2077  Be  holde]  AB  :  Beholde  c,  iv.  r. 
2o85  oftimes]  ABC  :  ofttimes  x 
2096  beare,]  possibly  beare  ?  (cp.  latin) 
2io5  vengeaucel  A:vengeance  BCX, 

iv.  r. 

21 10  awaye]  AB  :  away,  ex 
2125  mine]  AB  :  Mine  c,  w.  r. 
2145  lengerl  ABC  :  longer  N 
2i5i  stroke]  ABC  :  stroake  x 
2160  heare,]  read  prob.  —  ;  or  . 
2164  lay,]  read  prob.  —  ;  or  . 
2174  thy]  ABC  :  omitted  in  x 
2184  blood,]  read  prob.  —. 
2188  a\\]prob.  read  &\\  : 

2201  AudJ  A  :  And  BCX,  w.  r. 

2202  of]  ABC  :  af  x 

2210  foreine]  ABC  :  forraine  x 
2216  owne,]  read  — . 

2220  befall]  read  — . 

2221  become]  read  prob.  —  ? 

2227  kiug]  AB  :  king  CN,  w.  r. 

2228  shee]  AB  :  she.  c,  w.  r. 

2237  he  ?]  the  '  ? '  would  be  better  placed 
at  the  end  of  line  following  : 

2242  mother]  AB  :  mothers  CN 


1.  2270  drawthj  AB  :  draw  CN 
2277  sacrifice.]  AB  :  — ,  CN,  w.  r. 
2282  maybefallj  AB  :  may  befall  CN, 
w.  r. 

2286  morurnes]  AB  :  mournes  CN, 

w.  r. 

2287  oppres]  prob.  read  — . 

2286-7  the  last  e  of "miserie  and  the  s 
of  oppres  are  not  clearly 

2293  byfall]  ABC  :  by  fall  N 

2294  fare.]  AB  :  fare,  ex,  w.  r. 
2296  Ther]  AC  :  There  B 
2298  this]  AB  :  this  ex.  w.  r. 
23oi  hed]  ABC  :  head  x 

^302  stretche]  prob.  read  — .  or  : 
23o6  be,]  prob.  read  —  ;  or  . 
23 10  makthe]  ABC  :  makes  N 
23i3  ouerpast]  pynb.  read  —  ;  or  : 
23ig  Phryxusl  ABC  :  Pirrhus  x 
2343  lyse]  AB  :  lise  c  ;  lies  N 
J348  Messenger.]  ABC  :  Nuncius,  x 

(in  follow,  scene  :  Nun.  instead 

235o  Dyre,]  comma  not  clearly  printed 

in  A,  nor  in  B. 
^352  blowes.l  AB  :  blowes,  c,  w.  r. 

2353  wurste]  ABC  :  worst  x 

2354  A  las]  AB  :  Alas  c 

2355  catcliK.  Ore  els]  A  :  Or  els  B  ; 

no  catchw.  in  r 
2358  HEC]  A  :  HEC.  BC 
235g  is]  AB  :  is.  c,  w.  r. 
2362  he]  ACN  :  be  B 
23y3  twaine.]  prob.  read  —  :  or, 
2379  most.]  AC  :  moste,  B,  w.  r. 
2383  anone.l  AC  :  anone,  B,  w.  r. 

2396  yburnte]  AB  :  iburnt  ex 

2395  aU\u\ 

2397  wall]  ) 

2398  weare]  AB  :  were  c 

1.  2403  preasyd]  AB  :  preased  CN 

2429  gro  unde]  A  :  grounde,  BC,  w.  r. 

2430  Colchus]  ABC  :  Calchas  N 
scythe]  AB  :  scithe  c  ;  scith  x 

2442  grou  nde]  A  :  grounde  BC,  w.  r. 
2454  had]  ABC  :  hath  x 

falne]  ABC 

2461  Polyxeyne]  read  prob.  —. 
2482  proceed3'd]  AB  :  proceeded  c 
2487  Hermyona1]  A  :  —  :  B  (iv.  r.) ; 
— .  c 

2489  restorde]  ABC  :  restoarde  x 

2490  parre]  A  :  parte  BC(N),  w.  r. 

2492  ersteJ  ABC  :  earste  N  (cp.  I.  25oo) 

2493  last.]  prob.  read  — ,  or  : 
2497  oppresse]  AB  :  opprest  CN 
2499  commende.]  AC  :  no  stop  in  B, 

w.prob.  r. 
25o8  ready]  AC  :  redy  B 

heart]  AC  :  hart  BN  (id.  on  L  25 1 3) 
25io  furth]  AC  :  forth  it 
25 1 3  wer]  AC  :  were  BN 
2517  stode.]  prob.  read  — , 
252i  hewe]  ABC: — ,  x.  In  A  there  is  a 

little  black  mark  after  hewe  ; 

still  it  does  not  seem  to  be  a  stop, 

though  we  should  expect  one  here. 
2533  Jreful]  ABC  :  ireful  x,  w.  r. 
2536  eke,  eche]  ABC  :  eake,  cache  N 
2541  soonke]  AB  :  sooke  c  ;  sonke  N 
2547  battelsfinysht]  A  :  battels    fi- 

nysht  B(C). 

2555  takes]  brob.  read  —. 
2567  seayes]    ABC    (to    rhyme    with 

wayes) :  saies  x 
256g  between  this  line  and  2$ 70  :  in  B 

Finis  (black-letter) 
2570-5  not  in  c  :  instead  of  these  lines  : 

FI N  IS  (Roman  capital  letters}; 

id.  in  N  :  p.  118  (Q8)  verso. 



In  x  the  title  runs  (fol.  21  (D5)  recto)  : 



tuled  Thyestes,  faithfully  Englished 

by  Jasper  Heywood  Felow 

of  Alsolne  Colledge  in 


1.  1-744  n°t  ''n  N  :  instead  : 

The  Argument  of  this  Tragedie. 

Megaera  one  of  the  Hellish  furies  raising  vp  Tantalus  fro  Hell,  incited 
him  to  set  mortall  hatred  betwene  his  two  nephewes  Thiestes,  & 
Atreus  being  brothers,  and  raining  as  Kinges  ouer  Mycenae  by 
enterchangeable  turnes,  that  is  to  witte  Thiestes  to  raine  the  one 
yere,  and  Atreus  the  other.  Now  Atreus  enraged  with  furie  against 
his  brother  partly  for  defiling  and  deflouring  his  wife  ^Erope  by 
pollicie,  and  partly  for  taking  from  him  a  Ram  with  a  golden  fleese, 
practised  with  his  seruftt  how  to  be  reueged  of  his  brother.  This 
Atreus  therfore  disseblig  a  reconciliation  &  inuiting  Thyestes  to 
Mycenae  secretly  &  vnknowe  to  him,  set  before  hi  at  a  banquet  the 
flesh  of  his  own  childre  to  eate.  Afterward  Atreus  hauig  also  geue 
to  his  said  brother  y  bloud  of  his  childre  in  a  goblet  to  drinke,  did 
lastly  comaiid  the  heads  also  to  be  brought  in,  at  the  doleful  sight 
wherof  Thiestes  greatly  lameting  knowTg  y  he  had  eate  his  owne 
childre,  was  wonderfully  anguished.  But  Atreus  for  that  he  had 
thusreuenged  himselfe,  toke  therin  great  pleasure  and  delectation. 

201  Wheni  r.  when  1. 775  The  speakers]  A  :  The  names 

399  spaerdei  ,\  of  the  Speakers  N 

43o  Tyll]  r.  ty  11  778  Thyestes]  A  :  in  N,  as  often  through- 
480  maner]  r.  miner  (?)  out  the  tragedy  :  Thiestes 

552  bie]  i.  e.  buy  (to  rhyme  with  hie)  780-2  come  before  The  names  of  the 
590  catchword  Foure]  /.  5gi  :  Fowre  Speakers.  &a  in  N  (fol.  21 v°) 

682  men.]  r.  men,  848  runagates]  A  :  runnagates  x 

745  hir]  cp.  /.  746  :  her  854  vp  so  downe]  A  :  vpsydowne  N 

747  tymes]  AJA3  :  Jymes  A-  868  awayte.]  A  :  awayte,  N 

754  panguel  A  898  Tyestesl  A  :  Thyestes  N 


1.    928  Phleghethon]  A  :  Phlegethon  N 
g5i  unhappie]  A  :  r.  vnhappie. 
987  cumming]  A  :  comming  N 

997  droughtie]  A  :  drughty  N 

998  whottei  ]  A  :  hoatter  x 
1006  separate]  A  :  seperat  x 
1028  soondred ;  A  :  sundred  x 

io33  roons]  A  :  runnes  N  (these  rea 
dings  recur  regularly) 

1048  childe]  A  :  chide  x 

1078  gulphe]  A  :  gulfe  x 

io83  counte]  A  :  in  N,  as  generally, 

1 100  woods]  A  :  woundes  N 

1149  harts]  A  :  hates  x 

1184  a  downe]  r.  adowne 

1207  feerce]  A  feere  N,  w.  prob.  r. 

1249  within]  this  word  should  be  placed 
on  the  following  line,  being  part 
of  the  second  half  of  the  four 
teen  er- 

1255  thounder]  A  :  thunder  N 

1237  craksl  A  :  crakes  N 

i->5g  beete]  A  :  bee'te  x;  id,  /.i26g,cSvi 

1265  Aboue]  A  :  N  puts  here  :  Atre. 

1284  pa-rents  |  AN  :  read  prob.  :  pa 
rent  (cp.  I.  1285  :  his) 

1285  rent]  AX  :  read  prob.  rend 
i3i5  doubteull]  A  :  read  doubtfull 


1 325  home]  A  :  whom  N 
1414  make]  A  :  makes  x 
1424  thrasshed]  A  :  thresshed  x 
1452  bo  we]  A  :  read  bowe  (x) 

1455  goons]  A  :  Guns  N 
ouerthro  we]  A  :  read  ouer- 

throwe  (N) 

1456  the  yr]  A  :  read  theyr  (N) 
1483  Cyclops]  A  :  Cycolps  N 
i5o6  returndel  A  :  returne  x 

i5og  pase]  A  :  pace  x  (/.  1524)  (cp. 
plaste  :  /.  i5z2). 

1.  1 533  Dylaceratel  AX  :  r.  dylacerate 
1 594  francansence]  A  :  frankinsen- 

ce  x 
i634  Thy,]  r.  Thy. 

1646  you.]  the  stop  is  not  quite  distinct  in 
any  of  the  three  copies  of  A  ;  it 
might  be  a  comma  ;  in  x  :  you. 

i665  sent]  AX  (id.  on  line  1670) 

1671  throuh]  A  :  r.  through  (x) 

1688  Embrasyng]  A  :  embracing  x 

1703  gyltiel  A  :  guiltie  x 

1708  feete]  A  :  seete   x 

1740  lurke']  A  :  r.  lurke. 

kindome]  A  :  r.  kingdome  (x) 

1748  ye]  r.  Ye 

1768  no]  A  :  Mo  x 

1782  mothers]  A  :  mother  N 

1801  Cyclops]  A  :  Cyclpos  x 

i8o5  Laertes]  A 

181 1  bearej  b  not  quite  clearly  printed 
in  the  copies  of  A.  :  x  :  beare 

1919  Myrtoon]  A  :  Myrtoon  x 

ig3i  Yrksome]  A  :  read  yrksome  (x) 

ig53  once]  A  :  on  x 

ig56  mid  day]  AN 

ig58  geuen]  A1  :  in  A-  and  A:!  :  geuer. 
This  fault  must  have  been  cor 
rected  during  the  printing  pro 
cess  :  the  n  of  A1  is  a  little  below 
the  line,  geuen»  and  seems  to 
have  been  shuffled  in  afterwards ; 
the  r  in  \~  and  A3  is  quite  in  a 
line  with  the  other  types, 

2oi3  gangey]  AN 

2030  deligths]  A  :  r.  delights  (x) 

2031  Whome]  r.  whome 
take]  AN  (r.  takes  ?) 

2o55  apiteous]  A  :  r.  a  piteous  (N) 

2062  maend]  A  :  maynd  x 

2104  vutombde]  A  :  r.  vntombde  (N) 

2134  scatter]  A  :  skatter  x 

2199  phlegrey]  AN 


1.  2233  a  sloapeJ  AN 

223g  hellen]  \  :  Hellen  x 

2243  whot]  A  :  boat  x 

2252  thy]  A  :  the  N 

2256  whelme]  the  first  e  is  not  clearly 
printed  in  A1  nor  in  A'-'. 

2269  faught]  A  :  fraught  x 

2t5i  wether,  \the  comma  is  not  quite 
distinct  in  A1  and  \A ;  it  is  in 
A'-'.  In  N  there  is  no  comma. 

2356  delect]  A  :  detect  x 

238g  a  dred]  AN 

2399  steptors]  A  :  r.  sceptors  (x) 

2481  auncyters]  AX 

2584  atoo]  A  :  a  two  x 

2600  heare]  A  :  here  x 

.  2658  repearel  A  :  repayre  x 
2660  Jn]  A  :  r.  in 
2663  soons  ?]  A  (N  :  sonne.) 
2677  deathe]  A  :  omitted  in  x 
2691  denns]  A  (final  s  not  quite  dis 
tinct)  :  denne  x 
2698  crallyng]  A  :  craullng  x 
2/o3  mysshapte]  A  :  myshapte  N 
2709  Plutoes]  A  :  Putoes  x 
2717  headid]  A  :  headed  x 
2739  pangs]  A  (final  s  not  quite  dis 
tinct)  :  pange  x 
2772  ferfull]  A  :  fearefull  x 
2779  were]  A  :  r.  where  (N) 
2813  FINIS]  in  x,/0/.39(F  7)  verso  : 
1.  2814-2820  arc  omitted. 


1.  i-i3a  not  in  x,  inhere  //•  F.  begins 
with  I.  1 33  (fol.  i  (B1)  recto)  : 
the  title  is  put  at  the  end  of  the 

57  vn]  r.  vn- 

58  schol]  r.  schol- 
70  wril  r.  wri- 

84  authoril  r.  authori- 
90  vniuersi]  r.  vniuersi- 

100  formi]  r.  for  mi  (r.  my) 

106  tha]  r.  tha- 

no  o  f]  r.  of 

144  Cerberus]  between  this  word  and 
the  bracket,  there  is  a  little  black 
mark  in  A1  and  A:*  (not  in  A.2) ; 
possibly  it  is  a  badly  printed  stop, 
zvhich  would  account  for  the  capi 
tal  A  of  And :  N  has  neither  stop 
here,  nor  capital  letter  :  and 

1.  147  goddes]  A  :  goddesse  x 
148  fransy]  A  :  frensy  N 
167  romaynes]  r.  Remaynes 
174  hoores]  A  :  whoores  x 
184  catchword  The]  e  badly  printed. 
192  mil]  A  :  r.  full  (x) 
212  catchw.  Aud]  :  r.  And 
218  kyndlyng]  A  :  kyndled  x 
229  taemde]  A  :  tarn'  d  x 
25i  preuaile]  r.  Preuaile 
262  sprightes]  A  :  in  x,  as  regularly, 

sprites  (id.  quight  A  :  cjuite 

x  :  f.  i.  I.  3o3,  c~rt.)- 
285  soon]  A  :  in  x,  asgenerallv,  sunne 
3o2  gotten]  A  :  gotted  x 
3o5  payse]  A  :  prayse  N 
3io  s  kies]  A  :  r.  skies 
33i  seekst]  A  :  Seekes  x 
343  waged!  A  :  wages  N 


1.  352  catchw.  Whcr  e]  :  r.  Where 
353  where!  A  :  r.  Where 
35y  what]  :  r.  What 
359  embrewe]  A  :  imbrew  N  (variant 

recurring  almost  regularly) 
371  for]  A  :  r.  For 

roage]  A  :  rage  x 
4i5  clere  so]  A  :  cleresome  N 
426  do  grase]  AN 
433  bow]  A  :  boughe  N 
438  wynds]  A  :  wynde  N 
441  rocks]  A  :  rocke  x 
448  lytle,]  A  :  prob.  read  without  com 

464  hold.]  A  :  prob.  read  comma  or  co 

lon  ;  N  :  hold  : 

465  lyue)  A  :  the  e  is  smudged. 

469  againvntwist]  A  :  r.  again  vu- 

twist  (N) 

spo]  A  :  prob.  read  spo.  (x) 
478  hide]  A  :  read  hide. 

490  cumpanye]  A  :  company  x 

491  nerel  A  :  read  nrre.  (N.  neare) 
497  apoynt]    A    :    x,    as    generally, 


5i8  The]  :  r.  the 
53 1  fnll]  A  :  r.  full  (x) 
553  Cithaeron]  A  :  Citheton  x 
557  whche]  A  :  r.  whiche  (x) 
588  beareth]  A^V*  :  be  areth  A- 
625  in]  AN  :  prob.  read  in, 
707  sonns]  A  :  sonne  x 
/".  D6  r°,  running  title  '•  SUF.J  read  fur. 
7i5  AM]  A  :  r.  AM. 
727  Aud]  A  :  read  And 
764  Possesse]  A  :  read  possesse 
790  stubberne]  A  :  stuvburne  x 
806  a  newe]  A  :  r.  anewe  (N) 
843  fleeyng]  A  :  fleetyng  N 
848  Thou]  A  :  r.  thou 
873  erect3'ng]  A  :  erected  x 
882  haptel  A  :  hap  N 

1.  889  conquryng]  A  :  conquering  x 
890  feare]  A  :  feare.  x,  w.  r. 
906  catch,  when]  A  :  r.  When 
912  Euen]  A  :  r.  euen 
917  treblng]  :  A  :  r.  trebling  (x) 

935  Thehells]  A  :  r.  The  hells  (x) 

936  The]  A  :  r.  the 
938  Of]  A  :  r.  of 

947  Thon]  A  :  r.  Thou  (x) 

999  AM.]  the  stop  is  clearly  printed 

in  A1,  not  in  A",   and  faintly 

in  A3. 

1016  Knowe]  A  :  r.  knowe 
io33  AM]  A  :  r.  AM. 
1060  this  line  should  be  indented. 
io63  allonely]  A  :  all  onely  x 
/.  F3,  running  title  :  SUr.J  r.  fur. 
1078  Of]  A  :  r.  of 
1129  be]  A  :  r.  prob.  be, 
n5i  flo]  A  :  sloe  x 
1180  1  etl  A  :  r.  let 
1186-7-8  Prob.  want  of  space  prevented 

a  comma  being  put  at  the  end 

of  each  of  these  lines, 
1199  thon]  A1  :  in  \z  and  A3  thou 
1236  thowght]  A  :  thought  x 
1238  of]  A  :  missing  in  N 
1293  weare]  A  :  were  x 
f.  G3  r°,  running  title  :  SUf]  r.  fur. 
1 323  a  waye]  A  :  a  wave  x 
1327  to  tell.]  A>A3  :  in  A.~  t  o  tell  (no 


1405  vglye  lye]  A  :  vglily  x 
1414  and]  A  :  r.  and 
i423  THE]  A  :  r.  THE. 

1442  gwyde]  A  :  guide  x 

1443  dot  he]  A  :  r.  dothe 
1460  rounoe]  A  :  r.  rounde 

1467  kyngdomeis]  A  :  r.  kyngdome 


1486  their]  A  :  there  x 
1504  peop  les]  A  :  r.  peoples 


1.  1 523  shy  tie]  some  dirt  in  the  ligature 
sh  almost  gives  it  the  appea 
rance  o/'fh  :  N  shit 

i563  fery]  A  :  Feary  x 

i5y3  natheles]  A  :  in  x  :  Nathales 
with  capital  N  :  this  word  is 
printed,  in  a  black-letter  text, 
with  Roman  types,  like  all  pro  per 
names,  and  must  have  been 
mistaken  as  such. 

1609  sent]  AN  :  i.  e.  scent 

i633  weery]  A  :  weary  x 

1646  kyngdome]  d  is  clearly  printed 
in  A',  not  in  A~,  nor  in  A3. 

i058  heauye]  A  :  happy  x 

1699  somer]  AN 

1704  cum]  A  :  comme  N  (similar 
variant  in  I.  ij3o) 

1708  so]  A1  A3  :  s  -indistinct  in  A2 

1712  name.]  A'A2  :  name'  A:! 

1755  Megara,]  r.  Megara. 

1807  Euen]  r.  euen 

1819  the]  A  :  thee  x 

1820  yn  his]  A  :  in  this  N 
i835  fieldes]  A  :  field  x 
1871  What]  r.  what  (?) 
1874  daselde]  A  :  daseld  N 
1879  catchw.  yet  ]  A  :  r.  Yet 

1 883  abdue]  A  :  aboue  N,  w.  r. 
1889  owne]  A  (lat-  ultro)  :  one  x 
1894  stubborne]  A  :  stubburne  N 
1940  enmiows]  A  enmious  x 
1962  ouertnrnde]  A  :  read  ouerturn- 

de  (x) 
1964  here  :  ]  A2  :  here,  A1  here  ;  A:! 

here,  x 
1986  runnagate]  A  :  runagate  x 

1989  Thee]  r.  thee 

1990  wher]  r.  Wher 

1993  He  rclesl  A  :  r.  Hercles 

1.  1990  wi  th]  A  :  r.  with 
2002  o  n]  A1  :  in  A2  and  A3  on,  (the  com 
ma  must  have  fallen  out  during 
the  printing  process   and  the 
types  separated) 

2010  Am,]  r.  Am. 

2o3o  y]  A  :  the  x  :  read  prob.  y  (?) 
2067  breatbe]  A  :  Y.  breathe  (x) 
2089  astrey]  A  :  Astrey  x  (lat-  As- 

2096  weerye]  A  :  wearye  x  (similar 

variant  in  L  2106,  2170,  &>a) 
2io3  Lo]  A  (cp.  catchw-)  :  Loe  x 
2io5  subclewde]  A  :  subdude  x 

2108  hand]  A  :  handes  x 

2109  withmouing]  A  :  r.  withmouing 
2122  bosoms]  :  A  :  bosome  N 

y]  A : the  N 
alow]  A  :  allow  x 
ji23  strips]  A  :   strypes  x 

2124  coquryng]  A  :  r.  coqueryng  (x) 

2125  here]  A  :  heare  x 

2148  weapon]  A  :  weapons  x 

2149  set]  A  :  set  x 

2150  td]  A  :  read  to 

2177  returne]  A  :  returnd  N 

2ig3  Them]  A  :  r.  them  (x  :  then) 

2196  fearyd]  A  :  feared  N 

2203  euer]  AX  :  prob.  read  euen 

22 1 5  this  line  should  have  been  indented. 

2222  hydd]  A  :  hide  x 

223i  wy]  A  :  read  my  (x) 

2284  tourne]  A  :  turne  x 

2286  healde]  A  :  held  x 

2289  fawte]  A  :  fait  x 

2302  hawtye]  A  :  haughty  x 

2303  pr  epared]  A  :  r.  prepared 
23ii  accustomdlye]  A  :  accustomd' 

23 1 4  togyther]  A  :  togeather  x 


1.  2325  catchw.  B  u]  A1  :  Bu  in  .\" ;  But 
in  A3  ( The  types  must  have  fal 
len  out  during  the  printing  pro 

2326  wraths]  :  wrath  N 

233 1  tormentrrye]  A  :  r.  tormentrye 

235i  heauye]  final  e  not  very  distinct 
in  A1 

236o  who]  A  :  r.  Who 

2362  Her]  A  :  r.  Her. 

23y2  withdrawen]  A  :  r-  with  capital 

W  (Withdraw  x) 
238o  O  f]  A  :  read  Of 
2386  Audi  A  :  read  And 
2390  hath]  A1  A:i  :  in  \~  ha  th 
2394  monsters]  A  :  r.  monsters 
23g6  alowe]  A  :  allow  x 
23gy  aud]  A  :  read  and 
23g8  th  el  A  :  read  the 
2402  wherfore]  A  :  read  with  capital  W 
2409 loase] A  :  lose  x 

ratchet'.  :  my]  A  :  r,  M\ 
•.'.411  heinous]  A  :  hainous  N 
2412  wiltl  A  :  read  with  capital  W 
2430  with]  A  :  id. 

2438  euyll]  e  indistinct  in  A:I 
2441  sorbydl  A  :  readfoibyd  (x) 

1.  2457  euery]  first  e  indistinct  in  A1  and 

A:!,  clear  in  A2 
2458  and]  A  :  read  And 
2494  o  Thcseu]  A  :  read  O  Theseu 
25oo  straight]  A  :  st  is  smudged. 
25o2  thys]  A   :  t  rather  faint  in  the 

three  copies  of  A 
25og  byde]  :  bid  x 

25 1 3  euen]  A  :  n  is  doubtful  and  might 

be  a  u. 

25 14  Her.]  stop  faint   in  A1  and  A3, 

clear  in  A'' 

2529  roonagate]  A  :  ronnagate  x 
2534  what]  A  :  rend  What 
2542  shoolde]  A  :  shoulde  x 

2553  soon]  A1  :  A2  and  A:i  have  soona 

2554  mith]  A  :  read  With 
beholdel  first  e  indistinct  in  the 

three  copies  of  A  :  the  same  has  to 
be  said  of  the  first  e  o/frende 
on  the  next  line  2555. 
2565  t  o]  A  :  read  to 
2568  Aud]  A  :  read  And 
2574  which]  A  :  read  Which 
2676  Instead  of  FINIS  and  the  colo 
phon,  N  has  the  title  :  (folio  20 
(04)  verso] : 

Tragedy  e    of    Seneca,    called    Her 
cules  furens,  translated  into  En- 
glishe  by  lasper  Heywood  stu- 
dente  in  Oxenforde. 


As  mentioned  in  the  Introduction,  Heywood  published  the 
Latin  text  of  this  tragedy  opposite  to  his  translation.  This 
text  enlightens  us  about  the  editions  of  Seneca  he  used,  and 
the  way  he  availed  himself  of  them  for  his  English  rendering. 

The  following  list  is  the  result  of  a  collation  of  his  text 
with  that  which  appears  in  L.  ANNAEI  SENECAE  TRA- 
GOEDIAE,  recensuerunt  Rudolphus  Peiper  et  Gustavus 
Richter (Leipzig,  MCMII).  Mere  differences  in  spellingare  not 
recorded  (f.  i.  harena,  Hibera  —  arena,  Ibera ;  caelum  —  coelum  ; 
incluta  —  inclyta ;  sue  —  suae ;  immo  —  imo ;  summissum  —  sub- 
missum ;  carus —  charus  ;  auctor  —  author,  &>a).  Punctuation  is 
not  taken  into  account  except  when  the  difference  involves 
a  change  in  the  sense. 

The  first  figures  refer  to  the  lines  in  Heywood's  translation  ; 
the  second  to  those  of  Peiper-Richter's  text.  H  denotes  the 
Latin  text  given  by  Heywood  ;  P  that  by  Peiper-Richter  : 
Finally  for  every  variant  the  signs  of  the  different  codices 
(A,  E,  ^,  "»,  &a)  have  been  added  which,  according  to  the 
textual  notes  in  Peiper-Richter's  edition  (from  which  I  quote 
them),  have  the  same  reading  as  Heywood's.  When  the  lat- 
ter's  variant  is  not  recorded  in  their  notes,  I  quote  (within 
brackets)  the  XVIth  century  editions  where  it  occurs  :  BM  = 
edition  with  comment,  of  Gellius  BernardinusMarmita,  Venice, 
1492 ;  E  =  Erasmus  edition,  Paris,  i5i3 ;  Asc.  =  Judocus  Badius 
Asctnsius'  edition,  Paris,  :5i4  ;  HP  =  Henricus  Petrus  edition, 
Basle,  1541  ;  G  =  Gryphius  edition,  Lyons,  1541.  (See  Intro 
duction}.  Readings  which  seem  quite  particular  to  Heywood 
have  been  pointed  out  by  a  +• 

1.  162-3-4    i  IVNOjP :  ACTVS  PRIMVS.  IVNO.  sola. 

Trimetri  lambici.  H 
187         12  ferro  minax  hinc  terret]P  :  fera  coma  hinc 

exterret  H  A  E- 


1.  190 


aureus]  P  :  aureas  H 




tellus    nuribus  a  !    sparsa]   P   : 


sparsa  tellus  II 




escendat]  P  :  ascendat  H 





ortus]  P  :  ortu  H 




Ouae]  P  :  Quid  H 




36-37    patrem    probavi,   gloriae  feci 


qua  Sol  reducens  quaque  deponens  diem]  P 

Patrem  probavit.  inde,  qua  lucem 


A  per  it  queTethys,  qua  ferens  Titan  diem  H   AE3 



tinguit]  P  :  tingit  II 




Aethiopas]  P  :  Aethiopes  H 





lovi]  P  :  Ioui?H 



terna]  P  :  tetra  H 





experto]  P  :  expense  H 




meli  usque]  P  :  mediusque  H 




tulit]  P  :  tulit  :  H 



prementem  :]  P  premente,  H 




pete,]  P  :  pete-  II 


between  v.  89  and  90  : 

Mouenda  iam  suntbella,clarescit  dies.  H 




quam  munit]  P  :  qua  mugit  II 





citae]  P  :  incitae  H 




vitiatae]  P  :  violatae  II 




vobis]  P  :  nobis  H 




furis]  P  :  furit  H 




vota]  P  :  iam  odia  H 




vicit  :]  P  :  pariter,  H 




manu]  P  manum  H 


123-4  P  :  1.  123  is  placed  in  H  beti^een  89  and  go; 

I.  124  is  omitted.  A 

411  CHORVS]  P  :  CHORVS.  Anapaestici  et 

ultimus  lambicus.  H 
417        i3o  Arcados]  P  :  Arcades  H  ^ 

420  i33  summa...  Oeta]  P  :  summum  ...  Oethan  H    ^ 

421  i34  Bacchis]  P  :  baccis  H  <J> 
426       i38  domos.]  P  :  domes  H 


425       i3g  Pastor]  P  :  Pastor,  II 
480        143  reparant]  P  :  reperant  H  (prob.  misprint] 
436        i5o  circa]  P  :  circum  II  A 

From  1.  \5oto  i53,  and  further  on  lines  160-1-2, 
and  174/0  179,  the  disposition  of  the  verses  differs 
in  P  and  H,  the  second  half -verse  of  a  line  in  P 
being  the  first  half-verse  of  the  following  line  in  H . 
448       161  domus  ;  ]  P  :  domus,  H 
448-9     162  spes  immanis]  P  :  spes  et  in  agris. 

Turbine  magno  spes  sollicitae  H  ^A 

453        1 66  hie...  beatas]  P  :  ac...  beatus  H  (HP,  G) 

455       1 68  auroj  P  :  auro  est  II  (HP] 

475        1 88  tempore  Parcae.]  P  :  ordine  Parcae,  H         AE:J 
492-4  betw.  204-205  AMPHITRYON  MEGARA  LY- 
GARA.  Trimetri  lambici.  H  (Asc,  PIP,  G) 
5oq       212  vacat]  P  :  datur  H  A 
5 12        21 3  a  primo]  P  :  apprime  II  AE2 
52i        218  reptabat]  P  :  reptavit  H                                    A 
5^3        219  lumine]  P  :  pectore  H                                      A 
535-6    225  pressus  1.  gemuit]  P  :  Gemuit  1.  pressus  H     A 
538        226  gregis]  P  :  gregis  ?  H                                         E 
53g        227  datum,]  P  :  datum  ?  H 

544       229  Arcadia]  P  :  Arcadica  II  (HP) 

543        229  suem,]  P  :  suem  ?  H 

549        232  Tartesii]  P  :  Cartesii  II  AT 

55g-6o  237  ac  rupto]  P  :  abrupto  H  u> 

56i        238  latam]  P  :  etiam  H  (et  iam  A)  (Asc,  HP) 

567-8    241  quid  ?]  P  :  quid  H 

malum,]  P  :  malum  ?  H 

570  242  mori,]  P  :  mori  ?  H  E 

571  243  pinnis]  P  :  pennis  H 
573-4    244  petit] P  :  petiit  H 

»  »     Stymphalidas  ?]  P  :  Stymphalidas.  H 

582       248  Augeil  P  :  Augiae  H 
587       25 1  tristes]  P  :  telris  II  (evidently  a  misprint  for 

terris  (=  EA) ;  in  transL  :  earthe) 
6o3-4    25g  tremis]  P  :  tremit  H  AE3 


1.  621-2  268  atque  Ophionium  genus]  P  :  ciuis 

atque  Amphionis  H  (in  EA  cinis)  (Asc) 

623  269  reccidistis]  P  :  decidistis  H  <J/ 

626  270  gravem.]  P  :  gravem  ?  H 

629  272  confringit]  P  :  confregit  H  A 

63i-2  273  fieri]  P  :  fern  H  ty 

640  277  precor]  P  :  tuis  H  A 

643  279  MEG.]  P  :  omitted  in   H  where  the  preceding 

verses  are  spoken  bv  Megara  (in  P  and  in  A  by 
Amphitryon}  (Asc,  HP,  G) 

644  »    dispulsas]  P  :  depulsas  H  A 
645-6  280  retro]  P  :  vetito  H  A 
647  281  clusum]  P  :  clausum  H  AT 
666  290  efferens]  P  :  afferens  H                          (Asc,  HP) 
685-6  3oo  potens]  P  :  parens  H  <\> 

688  3oi  muta]  P  :  multa  H  A 

689  3o2  Eleusin]  P  :  Eleusi  H  (Asc,  HP) 

690  »     iactabit]  P  :  iactabo  H  A 
703-4  betw.  3o8-9  AMPHITRYON.  MEGARA.  Tri- 

metri  lambici.  H  41 

717  3i5  moveri]  P  :  amoveri  H  A 

719  3i6  prona  &a.]  P  :  Meg.  Prona  &*a.  H  A 

721  3i7  MEG.]  P  :  omitted  in  H  A 

729  32i  adit]  P  :  abiit  H  AE2 

736  324  pedes.]  P  :  pedes?  H 

761  332  LYC.]  P  :  omitted  in  H  A 
756  334  Ismenos]  P  :  Ismenus  H 
761-2  betw.  336  &  337  LYCVS.  MEGARA.  AMPHI 
TRYON.  Trimetri  lambici.  H  A 
7g5-6  353  posse  invidiam]  P  :  posse  te  invidiam  H  fy 
797  354  fors]  P  :  sors  H  + 
800  355  tristi]  P  :  tristis  H  A^ 
8i3-4  362  gerant]  P  :  agant  H                                 (Asc,  HP] 

828  36g  regno]  P  :  regni  H  (Asc) 

829  370  sociemur]  P  :  sociemus  H  AE2 
847  38o  patrium]  P  :  patriam  H  to 
864  387  nefas]  P  :  nefas?  H 


866       388  nati  patris]  P  :  nati  &  patris  H  <HP) 

873       3ga  subrigens]  P  :  surrigens  H 

880       395  libetj  P  :  lubet  H 

893-4    402  pater?]  P  :  pater  :  H 

8g5       403  fratres?]  P  :  fratres  :  H 

902-3    407  acti  ?]  P  :  acti  :  H 

918       414  exanguis]  P  :  exangues  H  A 

925       418  tremesco]  P  :  tremisco  II  A^E-' 

943-4    427  Effarepotius,quodnovisthalamisparem]  P  : 

Effare,  thalamis  quod  novis  potius  parem  1 1    to 
949-5o  43o  Sceptrone  nostro  famulus  estpotiortibi  ?]  P  : 

Sceptroquenostropotiorest famulus tibi?  H  E^A 
g5i-2    43i  neci.]  P  :  neci  ?  H 

965-6    438  sperat]  P  :  penetrat  H  A 

969-70  440  partes  meae  sunt]  P  :  partes  meae  hae 

sunt  H  A 

982       446  lovem  :]  P  :  lovem  ?  H 
995-6    453  terra  mater  errante  edidit  ?]  P  :  terrae 

mater  erranti  edidit.  H  -f- 

997-8    454  Num  monstra  saeva...  feras  ?]  P  :  Non 

monstra,  saevas...  feras.  H  A 

iooz-5    456  LYC.]  &  /.  457  AMPH.]  P  :  omitted  in  H  to 

looi       456  mala  ?]  P  :  mala.  H 

1009  460  non]  P  :  Num  H  (HP) 

1010  »     Idaeae]  P  :  exesae  H  A 
1027       469  nardo,]  P  :  nardo  ?  H 

io5g-6o  485  invius]  P  :  obvius  H  to 

1061-62  486  integer  Cycnus]  P  :  ante  Geryonas  H         At 
1061          »    pati]  P  :  pati.  H 
1089       5oo  dest]  P  :  deest  H 
1114       5i2  inroga]  P  :  irroga  H 

1 120       5i5  colam]  P  :  rogem  H  A 

1 1 35       523  est  estj  P  :  en  est  H  A 

1137       betw.  523-524  CHORVS]  P  :  CHORVS.  Chor- 

iambici  seu  asclepiadaei.  H 

ii5a       538  tenderent]  P  :  tenderant  H  A 

1168       554  pigro]  P  :  nigro  H  <*> 


1.  1 177  -563  tergemina]  P  :  ter  gemina  TI 

1194  577  placed  in  H  after  line  58o  A 

1204  5go  carmine]  P  :  cantibus  H  A 

1206-8  betw.  verses  Sgi-2  HERCVLES]  P  :  ACTVS 

TERTIVS.  HERCVLES.  Trimetri  lam- 

bici.  H 

!2i3-4  694  inlustre  latis]  P  :  illustre  laetis  H  A 

1216  5g5  inlicitum]  P  :  illicitum  H 

1219  597  arcana]  P  :  secreta  H  A 

1249  612  vidi]  P  :  vici  H  w 

1253-4  614  iam  diu]  P  :  tarn  diu  H  A 

1255  6i5  quae]  P  :  quid  H  A 

1261-2  betw.  617-618  AMPHITRYON  &c.]  P  :  in  H 

is  added  :  Trimetri  lambici. 

1266  622  at]  P  :  &  II  to 

1273-4  623  teneone  in  auras  editumanvanafruorJP: 

Verum  ne  cerno  corpus?  an  fallor  tua  H  AT 

1286  629  posseditLycus,]P:Lycuspossidet.H  (Asc,HP) 

i3oo  634  nostia]  P  :  hostis  H  (o 

i3i9  646  lassis]  P  :  lapsis  H  ^ 

i337  654  alto  in  pectore]  P  :  alto  pectore  H  A 

i33g  656  quae]  P  :  quod  II  (Asc,  HP) 

1346  65g  inrita]  P  :  irrita  II 

1 347  660  Enna]  P  :  Aetna  H  co 
1369-70  671  nocte  sic  mixta]  P  :  tale  non  dubie  H  A 
i375  674  penetrat]  P  :  pereat  H  w 
i38i-2  677  aer  urguet]  P  :  agger  urget  H  (HP) 
1 387  679  immensi  sinus]  P  :  immenso  sinu  H  A 

1 387  680  placido]  P  :  Tacito  H  (BM) 

1 394  683  incertis]  P  :  incerta  H  A 

1 394  684  undis]  P  :  unda  H  A 

1410  691  iacet]  P  :  iacens  H  co 

H3i  702  situ]  P  ;  siti  H  + 

1441  707  Quid]  P  :  Quid  ?  H 

1471  722  recentes]  P  :  recentes.  H 

1471-2  722  dei.]  P  :  deo  :  H  A 

1480  726  aspectus]  P  :  aspectum  II  A 


1.  1483-4  728  sera]  P  :  saeva  H  -f- 

1494  y33  aditur]  P  :  auditur  H  A 

i5i5  744  loca,]  P  :  loca.  H 

i5i7  745  futurus.]  P  :  futurus  H 

1 520  747  vestra]  P  :  nostra  H 

i523  748  nocentes  ?]  P  nocentes,  H 

1 52Q  75 1  Sysiphia]  P  :  Sysiphea  H  o> 

i534  753  alluit]  P  :  abluit  H  AE 

i537-8  755  unda  in  ore  ;  p.]  P  :  unda  :  in  ore  p.  H  + 

1540  756  Tityos]  P  :  Tityus  H  AT 

1541-2  757  gerunt]  P  :  ferunt  H  A 

i553-4  763  stupent  ubi  undae  P  :  stupente  ubi  unda  H  A 

1 557  765  vectat]  P  :  gestat  H  u> 

i56i-2  767  lucent]  P  :  squalent  H  E 

i563-4  768  longo  portitor  conto]  P  :  conto  portitor 

longo  H  A 

1567  770  umbras]  P  :  undas  H  A 

i58i-2  777  titubanti]  P  :  titubante  H  (A  :  titubato)  (HP) 

1 583  778  victa]  P  :  vasta  H  A 

i586  779  in]  P  :  ad  H  (omit,  in  A)  (Asc) 

i5qg  786  colubrae,]  P  :  colubri  :  H  (Asc,  HP) 

1607-8  790  subrecta]  P  :  subiecta  H  A 

i6i3  793  leviterque]  P  :  Et  uterque  II  <•» 

i625-6  799  tegit,]  P  :  clepit.  H  A 

1627-8  800  gerens.]  P  :  gerens,  H 

i656  814  novus]  P  :  bonos  H  A 

1660  816  victorem]  P  :  vectorem  II  (HP) 

1670  821  diem]  P  :  aethera,  H  A 

1680  826  Herculeas]  P  :  Herculea  H  A 

1680  827  umbras]  P  :  umbra  H  A 

1687  betw.Bzg  83o  CHORVS]  P  :  in  H  is  added  : 

Sapphici  Hendecasyllabi. 

1692  834  es]  P  :  est  H  A 

1694  836  nigra    metuenda  silva,]  P  :  sylva  me- 

tuenda  nigra  :  H  A 

1698  840  ruit]  P  :  coit  H  a 

1705  842  nocti]  P  :  noctis,  H  A 


1.  1707       849  graditur]  P  :  gradiens  H  A 

1716       858  vobis]  P  :  nobis  H  AE 

1718       860  terra  ?]  P  :  terra.  H 

1721        863  vacuaeque]  P  :  variaeque  H  (HP,  E) 

1732        874  carpit]  P  :  carpsit  H  A 

betw.  1732-3    874-5 :  in  H  is  added  :  Choriambici  Glyco- 

nii  versus. 

1744         886  alluitur]  P  :  abluitur  H  A 

i753-5      betw-  894-895  HERC.  &a.]  P  :  in  H  :  ACTVS 




1795  914  manus,]  P  :  manus.  H 

1796  gi5  tu  conditores]P:Th[es].DiiconditoresH  A 
1798         916  Zethi]  P  :  Cethi  H 

1798-9  916  nobilis  Dircen  aquae]  P  :  nobiiis  Dir- 

ces  aquas  H  A 

1 800- 1  917  regisadvenae]P:regisquiadvenaeH  (Asc,HP) 

1800  917  coles]  P  :  colis  H  A 

1802  918  date]  P  :  Here.  Date  H  A 

:863  948  rutila]  P  :  rutilat  H  A 

1864  949  iactans]  P  :  iactans.  H 

1873  953  refers]  P  :  refers  ?  H 

1893  963  polum  ?]  P  :  polum,  H 

1896  965  dubitatur  etiam  ?  vincla]  P  :  dubitatur  ? 

etiam  vincla  H  -f- 

1919  976  pestiferimovent.]  P:pestiferamovent,  H  A 

1920  977  profugit umbras]  P:profugit&  umbras  H  (HP) 
1920  977  Tityos]  P  :  Tityus  H  A 
1925  979  Pellene]  P  :  Pallene  H  A 

1928  981  Oeten]  P  :  Oethen  H 

1929  981  Mimans.]  P  :  minans  H  EA 
ig3o         982  Erinys]  P  :  Erinnys  :  H 

1945  989  levis]  P  :  leves  H  A 

1948-9  991  impegit]  P  :  inuergit  H  A 

1962  997  Cyclopia]  P  :  Cyclopea  H  AE 

1964-5  999  valva  deiecto]  P  :  aula,  disiecto  H  wA 


1.  1967  iooo  culmen]  P  :  columen  H  A 

1968  looi  perlucet]  P  :  procumbat  H  A 

1976  ioo5  dextra]  P  :  dextram  H  (Asc) 

1979  1007  sonuit]  P  :  sonat  H  (Asa 

1980  1007  disperse]  P  :  dispersa  H  (Asc) 
1990  1012  latebram]  P  :  latebras  H  A 
2001  1017  tendat]  P  :  tendit  H  -)- 
2006-7  1020  occidat]  P  :  auferam  H  A 
2012-3  1023  eripuit]  P  :  rapuit  H  A 
2024-5  1029  istuc  caede  nostrorum  inlitumj  P  :  istum 

caede  monstrorum  illitum  H  to 

2o3o        io32  quo  te  ipse,  senior,  obvium  &>a.}  P  :  Th[esJ . 

Quo  te  ipse  genitor  obvium  d^a.  H  A 

2o5a        1043  hebetat  ?]  P  :  hebetat.  H 
2059        1045  labat ;]  P  :  labat,  H 

2061-2     1047  portum]  P  :  portus  H  A 

2062        1048  vivis]  P  :  vivis  ?  H 

2069        io5i  gravi]  P  :  gravis  H  A 

2074        betw.  io53   and  io54  CHORVS]   P  :  in  H  is 

added  :  Anapaestici,  Adonii  duo. 
2077        io56  unda,]  P  :  unda.  H 
2087        1066  malorum]  P  :  laborum  H  (HP,  E) 

2089  1068  o  matris]  P  :  o  omitted  in  H  co 

2090  1069  languide]  P  :  languidae  H 

Lines  io65-io66  ;  1086-1094;  noo-no5; 
1116-1119;  n33-ii34;  i  i35-n36  are  divided 
otherwise  in  H  :  the  second  half-verse  of 
a  line  in  P  being  the  first  half -verse  of 
the  following  line  in  H .  The  lines  in  H  are 
not  printed  in  the  arrangement  of  the  text 
in  P,  but  in  the  order  indicated  by  the 
figures  placed  by  the  side  of  the  lines. 

After  I.  1074  in  H  comes  line  1077  :  placidus  fessurn  &>a.    A 
2098        1076  noctem  :]  P  :  mortem  H  to 

2096       1077  fove]  P  :  foves  H  (HP) 

2109        1089  omnis]  P  :  omnes  H  A 

2110-1     1090  vexata]  P  :  vexato  H  + 


1.  2i3o  1109  lateque]  P  :  latique  H  w 

2131  mo  medius]  P  :  melius  H  A 

2132  mi  senserat  aer.]  P  :  senserat,  aether.  A 
2i38  1117  graves]  P  :  leves  H  A 
2144  1 123  saevos]  P  :  saevo  H                              (Asc,HP) 
2148  1127  Scythicis  leve  corytis]  P  :  Scythici  leve 

coryti  H  A 

2i5i  n3o  iubatae]  P  :  iubatae.  H 

2i55  1134  furor,]  P  :  furor.  H 

2i56-7  n36  laboris,]  P  :  laboris.  H 

ai5g-6i  behv.  line  1187  &  ii38  HERO.  &>a\  P  :  ACTVS 
TRYON.  THESEVS.  Trimetri  lam- 
bici.  H 

2162  u38  locus,...  regio,]  P  :  locus  ?...  regio  ?...  H 

2173  1143  ad  domum]  P  :  domo  H  w 

2184  1149  es,]  P  :  est  H  A 

2188-9  n5i  abit...  meum]  P  :  abiit...  meum?  H 

2199  1 1 56  libet]  P  :  libet  :  H 

2200  n57  virtus]  P  :  victor.  H  A 
2202  n58  relicto,]  P  :  relicto  ?  H 

2202  n58  cuius  in  fetu]  P  :  cuius  incestu  H  A 

2204  iiSg  nostra.]  P  :  nostra  ?  H 

2209  1161  obtinet]  P  :  obtinet  ?  H 

2220  1167  omnis]  P  :  omnes  H  A 

2227  1170  Geryonae]  P  :  Geryonis  H  A 

2238  1176  omnis]  P  •'  omnes  H  A 

2247  1 1 80  impotens]  P  :  potens  H  A 

2256  1 1 85  fare.]  P  :  fare,  H 

2272  1193  refugit.]  P  :  refugit,  H 

2276-7  1195  leto?...  nece]  P  :  leto,...  nece  ?  H 

2278-9  1196  nostra.]  P  :  nostra,  H 

2280  1197  quis]  P  :  Quae  H  (Asc,  HP) 

2280  1197  flectere]  P  :  flectere  ?  H 

2282-3  1198  rite  cedentem]  P  :  vix  recedentem  H          AE 

2286  1 200  tacuere  ?]  P  :  tacuere  :  H 

2292-3  I2o3  oblite  nostri  vindica  sera  manu]  P :  oblite 

nati,  vindica  saeva  manu  H  + 

1.  23o2-3  1208  vacat  cur]  P  :  paretur  H  A 

23i5  1214  medium]  P  :  &  medium  H  (Asc) 

2324-5  1219  attonito  carens]  P  :  attonitum  caret  H  A 

2336  1225  hoc]  P  :  hue  II  A 

2345  1229  arcum]  P  :  ensem  H  to 

235o  1232  at]  P  :  ac  H  A 

2356  1235  poenas.]  P  :  poenas,  H 

236o  i23y  AMPH.  ..usquam..]P:Th[es].  ..vnquam..H  A 

236o-i  1237  addidit]  P  :  indidit  H  (HP) 

2364  i239  AMI-H.]  P  :  Th[es].  H  A 

2394-5  1254  furit]  P  :  fuit  H  (HP) 

2396-7  1255  aut]  P  :  &  H  + 

2400  1267  f.tuitactumque]  P  :f.  tui,contactum&H  (Asc) 

2412  1263  parentem.]  P  :  parentem  ?  H 

2412  1263  j  A 

2414  1264      AMPH.]  P  :  Th[es].  H  A 

2416  1265   '  (Asc) 

2418-9  1266  pete]  P  :  peto  H  A 

2428  1270  violatum]  P  :  violatae  H  A 

2444  1279  propero-]  P  :  propero,  H 

2445  1279  iamdudum]  P  :  iamque  dudum  H  (Asc) 
2452  1283  ignava]  P  :  ignave  H  to 

2454  1284  pavidasque    matres]    P   :   pavidamque 

matrem  H  E 

2455  1284  dantur]  P  :  dentur  H  A 
2460-1  1287  cremabo,  aut  tota]  P:  cremabo.  Tota  H  EA 
2466  1290  versa]  P  :  eversa  H  E 
2472-3  1293  quod   mundi   sedet]   P   :    qua  mundus 

sedet  H  A 

2476  1295  AMPH.  Reddo    arma.   HERC.    Vox  (S-a.] 

P  :  (Here.)  Redde  arma.  Am.  Vox  &a.  H  A 

2480  1297  AMPH.]  P  :  not  in  H,  where  the  speech  of 

Amphitryon   continues    (front  I-   I2Q5)    to 

line  1314.  A 

2481  1297  immisit  tuis.]  P  :  emisit  tuis,  H  A 
2482-3  1298  HERC.  —  AMPH.]  P  :  omitted  in  H  A^ 
2485  1299  pectusque]  P  :  corpusque  H  to 


1.  2486-7  l3oo  HERC.  —  AMPH.]  P  :  omitted  in  H  A 

2488-9  i3oi  HERC.]  P  :  omitted  in  H  Aw 

2490  i3o2  AMPH.]  P  :  omitted  in  H  A'\> 

2494-5  i3o4  eripere  nee  tu    ;    maximum  &>a,]  P   : 

Theseu,  ipse  necdum  maximum  &a.  H     A 

25O4-5  iSog  fessam]  P  :  quassam  H  A 

25io-i  i3i2  laetare!  ferropectusimpresso  induam  :]  P 

letale ferrum pectus impressum  induam,  H  Aw 

2526-7  i32o  aegro]  P  :  ergo  H  (ego  A)  (HP) 

2530  i322  recondam]  P  :  recondam  ?  H 

2531  i322  obruar]  P  :  obruam  H  A 
2558-9  i336  quoniamque]  P  :  Quicunque  H          (Asc,  HP) 
2566  1340  constitue]  P  :  restitue  H  co 


To  avoid  confusion,  the  capital  '  A  '  is  printed  in  Roman  type 
in  the  following  pages  when  it  refers  to  the  editions  of  the 
three  tragedies  translated  by  Heywood  that  are  reproduced  in 
this  volume.  When  it  represents  the  vulgaris  lectio  of  the  latin 
original  (Peiper-Richter's  A),  it  is  printed  in  Italic  type  'A  '. 


171-2.  dares  Phrygian...  dictis  of  Crete]  About  these  histori 
cal  swindlers  and  their  vogue  in  the  Middle-ages,  cp.  J.  Dun- 
lop,  The  Historv  of  Fiction,  ch.  vi  (ed.  Liebrecht,  Berlin,  i85i); 
Ebert,  Geschichte  der  Literatur  des  Mittelalters  im  Abendlandc 
(Leipzig  1889),  t.  I,  p.  609  ;  Sandys,  History  of  Classical  Scholar 
ship,  Cambridge  1906  t.  I.  p.  647  ;  Collilieux,  Dictys  et  Dares 
(Grenoble,  1886) ;  &a. 

176.  casteth  care  to  know]  to  cast  is  probably  used  here  in 
the  same  sense  as  in  to  cast  love,  favour,  a  fancy  to  &a.  The 
expression  is  not  mentioned  in  the  NED. 

181.  iestes]  —  gestes,  deeds,  exploits.  NED. 

186.  hugye]  obsolete  form  of  huge  ;  NED.  Cp.  TH.  1.  2264. 

197.  gan]  aphetic  form  of  began  :  cp.  1.  53i  ;  TH.  1.  723. 

200.  ycorued]  another  past  participle  with  the  old  prefix 
occurs  on  1.  2896  :  yburnte. 

221.  resight]  =  recite,  to  relate,  narrate,  describe.  NED. 

23i.  they  gone]  3d  pers.  plur.  of  present  tense  in  -«  of  to  go  ; 
NED ;  cp.  The  Enterlude  of  Youth,  (edit.  Bang-M°  Kerrow)  v.  654. 

233.  thrust]  evidently  a  misprint  for  thurst,  as  B  reads.  - 
thurst  is  used  here  transitively  ;  cp.  line  io85. 

246.  leese]  =  lose.  NED.  Cp.  1.  1942,  2i5o  &a. 


293-4-  And  whose  assautes  they  sought  afarre  &>a.}  different 
from  the  Latin  :  ad  cuius  arma  venit  &a  (1.  8). 

298.  dea]  this  form  of  day  is  not  recorded  in  NED. ;  it  shows 
the  influence  of  the  spelling  of  its  rhyme  sea  (1.  3oo).  Cp.  1.  2042. 

3oi-2.  And  which...  sought  :]  Seneca  writes  :  et  quae  [i.  e., 
Penthesilea]  vagosvicina  prospiciens  Scvthas  /  tip  am  catervis  Ponti- 
cam  viduisferit  (1.  12,  i3). 

3i6.  troyes  ashes  staynes]  staynes  =  plural  form  in  -s  of  the 
3rd  p.  of  the  pres.  tense.  The  plural  form  in  -s  or  -th  (Cp.  1.  533) 
often  occurs  here.  Cp.  J  Knecht,  Kongruenz  zwischen  Subject  und 
Pradikat,  1911,  p.  49  ff. 

341-4.  What  euer...  frayde]  Heywood  does  not  seem  to  have 
understood  the  Latin  (1.  34-5) :  quaecumque  Phoebas  [i.  e.,  Cassan 
dra]  ore  lymphato  furens  /  credi  deo  [i.  e.  Phoebo]  vetante  praedixit 
mala,  &c.  He  must  have  read  Phoebus  instead  of  Phcebas ;  in 
that  case  ore  lymphato  had  to  be  explained  as  «  through  Cassan 
dra,  »  as  is  clearly  shown  in  1.  347.  Heywood  probably  added 
lines  343  and  344  to  make  up  for  the  allusions  of  Seneca  which 
he  did  not  catch. 

35o.  nor  none  of  his]  cp.  Latin  :  aut  Ithaci  comes  /  nocturnus,  i.e. 
Diomedes  (1.  38-g). 

354.  Parys  is  the  brande  :]  Heywood's  addition. 

3g3.  Whom  shall  J  &>a.]  cp.  lectio  A  :  praeda  quern  vilis 
sequar?(\.  58). 

401-4.  But]  alas  cS>0.]  the  Latin  text  is  quite  different :  (1.  62) 
mea  sors  timetur,  sola  sum  Danais  metus. 

410-2.  let  your  complaintes  &»#]  the  original  has  here  : 
iamdudum  sonet  /  fatalis  Ide,  iudicis  diri  domus  (1.  65,  66),  which 
allusion  to  Paris  has  been  replaced  by  a  poor  development  of 

425.  roges]  word  formed  evidenty  from  the  Latin  rogum  = 
pyre.  The  oldest  instance  in  NED.  is  from  1661  (Hickeringill). 
It  is  not  impossible  that  roge  should  be  a  word  of  Heywood's 
coining.  Newton  spells  rages.  It  occurs  agam  in  HF,  1.  371  : 
for  burnyng  roage  bryng  out  of  hell  &c.  :  (in  X  again  rage)  ;  and 
1.  868  :  roage  (N).  The  Latin  word  rogus  is  further  translated  in 
HF  by  wood  pyle  on  11.  1106,  1118,  and  by  funeral  I  on  11.  ig32 
and  2354. 


426.  in  feelde]  I. at.  :  Sigeis...  campis  (1.  y5). 

435.  In  dust  of  Troy  <s»a.]  Heyw.  has  read  1.  86-9  of  the  Latin 
with  a  punctuation  altogether  different  from  any  of  the  copies : 
tepido  Troiae  pulvere  turfies 
paret  exertos  turba  lacertos 
veste  remissa,  substringe  sinus 
liter oque  tenus^  pateant  artus^  &a. 

substringe  sinus  uteroque  tenus  =  let  your  brestes  be  tyde  Downe  to 
your  bellies]  brtstes  has  probably  the  sense  of  breast-cloth,  part  of 
the  dress  that  covers  the  chest,  which,  here,  has  to  be  let  down 
and  tied  about  the  waist,  instead  of  about  the  neck,  so  that 
the  breast  and  shoulders  should  be  bare  :  cp.  1.  462,  454.  —  In 
NED.  this  sense  is  recorded  :  Breast  =  c)  the  part  of  a  gar 
ment  or  a  piece  of  armour  covering  the  breast  (one  instance 
is  quoted  in  the  sense  of  '  garment '  •'  i83o  Beruffled  breasts 
and  wrists  were  the  order  of  the  day).  Cp.  Menard-Sauvageot, 
Vie  privee  des  Anciens,  vol.  Ill,  p.  148  ff. 

489.  Your  garmentes  loose]  Lat. :  cingat  tunicas  palla  solutas  ( 

449.  these  ashes]  Lat.  (1. 102) :  cinis  fervidus  (cp.  Seneca,  1.86). 

453.  And  sufire  not  your  clamour  so  to  slake]  quite  different 
is  the  Latin  :  (var.  A)  utr unique  tegat  (in  P  :  imumque  tegit)  suffulta 
latus(\.  io5). 

457.  careful]  care  (and  its  derivatives,  careless,  careful)  is  fre 
quently  used  in  these  tragedies,  and  has  always  the  sense  of 
'  trouble,  anxiety,  sorrow,  mourning,  grief. 

484.  feare]  read  teare,  as  in  B ;  Lat.  :  fletus  (\.  i33). 

622.  limite]  obs.  form  of  past  part,  of  to  limit.  NED. 

533.  whose  songs...  hath  drawen]  hath,  plural  form  in  -th  : 
Cp.  1.  3i6. 

53g.  carke]  synonym  of  care  ;  cp.  note  on  line  467. 

555.  as  she  lust]  Hey  wood  drops  here  the  ending  of  the  3rd  p. 
sing,  probably  to  make  the  word  rhyme  with  trust  (1.  553). 
Cp.  Knecht,  p.  141. 

557.  Frayltie  is  the  thrid]  B  corrects :  Fraile  is  the  thrid  (thread). 
.  5gi.  splayde]  aphetic  form  oi  display  de. 

599.  fordo]  =  to  render  powerless,  counteract,  neutralize. 


619.  I  grate  again  to  sight]  I  am  at  a  loss  to  explain  the  word 
grate,  which  is  reproduced  in  all  the  editions.  I  suppose  that 
it  is  a  misprint  for  gate,  p.  t.  of  to  get  (Cp.  1.  io35)  =  to  succeed 
in  coming  or  going  :  /  gate,  I  came  again  to  sight,  to  the  world. 

642.  we]  evidently  misprint  for  me,  as  B  reads. 

656.  flyte]  flyte  =  to  flite,  to  contend,  to  wrangle,  to  strife 
against.  NED. 

658.  Great  is  the  ransome  ought  of  due  to  me]  ought  =  owed. 
NED.  Cp.  Tho.  Heywood,  Pleasant  Dialogues  and  Drammas, 
edit.  W.  Bang,  v.  8227. 

684-5.  For  straunger  &>a.\  cp.  Latin  (1-  169)  :  maiora  veris  mon- 
stra  (vix  capiuntfidem)  vidi  &a.  None  the  old  editions  have  the 
brackets,  and  all  put  a  stop  after  fidem. 

704.  to  Goddes  that  guyde  beneath]  the  original  reads  :  ad 
superos,  i.  e.,  those  who  live  on  the  earth  above  (1.  179). 

710-22.  as  wonted  he  &c.]  this  passage  is  a  very  defective 
rendering  of  lines  182-7  >  Heywood  did  not  understand  these 
allusions  to  Achilles'  exploits. 

718.  carkas  slaine]  the  plural  carkas  (cp.  Latin  :  corporibus, 
1.  1 86)  has  no  ending,  as  the  next  word  begins  with  5. 

729.  of  the  ground]  the  three  lines  quoting  Achilles'  speech, 
(1.  191 -3)  ite,  ite  inertes,  &a.,  have  not  been  translated. 

745.  and  al  the  tempest  brake]  Latin  (1.  202)  : 

Tritonum  ab  alto  cecinit  hymenaeum  chorus- 

753.  Achilles  rose]  the  original  has  excidit  Achilles  (\.  204), 
which  Heywood  interpreted  in  the  sense  of  the  apparition  of 
his  ghost,  prob.  under  the  influence  of  the  two  preceding  scenes. 

771.  Pelyus  yeres]  cp.  Latin  :  Pylii  senis  annos,  viz.  Nestor, 
King  of  Pylos.  Heywood  mistook  the  Pylian  King  for  Peleus 
or  Pelias. 

781-92.  To  late  &>c.}  These  lines  are  a  lengthened,  but  a  very 
poor  rendering  of  1.  217-18  :  rudem  cruore  regio  dextram  imbuit  / 
fortemque  eandem  sensit  et  mitem  manum. 

798.  fill]  =  fell,  p.  t.  of  to  fall.  NED. 

799.  Lyrnesus...fill  /  With  ruine  ouerturned  lyke  /  from  top 
of  haughty  hill]  Lat.  :  clade  subversa  est  pari  /  apposita  celso . . .  iugo 
(1.  220-221)  :  lyke  should  not  be  joined  to  what  follows  (as 

Jockers  supposes,  p.  3o),  but  to  what  precedes  :  with  lyke  ruine 
ouer turned  &a. 

809-1 2.  What  bootes  <£»«.]  in  the  original :  quid  quas  alluit  /  verm's 
Caycus  gurgitem  attollens  aquis  ?  (1.  227-8). 

814.  bette]  (occurring  often  :  sometimes  written  bet]  p.  p.  of 
to  beat.  NED. 

817-8.  thus  my  father  &a.]  the  contrast  of  the  original 
between  iter  (1.  282)  and  gloria  ac  sutnmum  decus  (1.  23 1)  has  not 
been  felt  by  the  translator. 

821.  whisht]  to  tvhisl  or  whisht  —  to  be  silent  (Nares],  to  silence 
(Hall) ;  here  probably  used  (as  in  TH,  1.  iii5>  in  trans,  sense 
of  '  to  conceal,  to  keep  a  thing  a  secret '.  In  the  other  cases, 
whisht  or  whusht  has  the  sense  of  '  to  be  silent '  :  TH,  1.  1798  ; 
HF,  1.83i,  2239. 

829.  Reioyse  J  may  your  parentes  prayse]  your  is  not  to 
be  taken  here  in  the  ordinary  sense  of '  tuus ',  (in  this  instance  : 
Agamemnon's),  for  that  would  imply  a  contradiction,  not  only 
with  the  Latin,  but  even  with  the  preceding  and  following 
lines  ;  your  seems  rather  to  be  used  here  indefinitely  :  J  may 
reioyse  the  prayse  of your  parent,  i.  e.  one  mav  be  proud  of ones  father  ; 
cp.  Latin  :  inclitas  laudes  iuvat  I  et  facta  magni  clara  genitoris  sequi 
(1.  236-7)  cp.  Franz,  Shakespeare-Grammatik,  2d  edit.  §  325.  It  may 
be  a  misprint  as  well  for  our. 

832.  actes]  veadfactes(B);  cp.  Latin  facta  ;  besides  the  word 
has  to  be  a  rhyme  to  actes  (1.  83o). 

845.  way]  i.  e.  weigh  ;  Lat.  aestimas  (\.  244). 

860.  Pryames]  evidently  a  mistake  for  Pvrr/ius,  as  B  cor 
rected  ;  Lat.  :  Pyrrhum.  The  Latin  text  is  not  rendered  accura 
tely  :  1.  859-6o:  The  fathers  blood  already  sturres,  in  [Pyrrhus]  wan 
ton  age  :  1.  25 1-2  :  aetatis  alios  fervor  hie  primus  rapit,  /  Pyrrhum 

874.  synde]  aphetic  form  of  assyndc,  assigned.  Cp.  1.  916,  i368. 

896.  a  mirrour  for  the  nones]  not  in  Latin  ;for  the  nones,  i.  e. 
nonce,  particular  purpose.  NED. 

899-900.  the  borowed  brayded  here  [*'.  e.,  hair],  the  face  to 
bewtefie]  Seneca's  text  reads  :  /also  comam  /  vinclo  decentem  ? 
fy  reads  tegentem  (1.  272-3). 


go5.  slipper]  =  slippery,  difficult  to  stand  upon.  NED. 
Cp.  TH,  1.  796. 

913-920.  But  loe  &>a.)  Heywood  has  not  kept  quite  close  to 
the  Latin  (1.  280-285),  though  the  general  sense  is  adhered  to. 

941.  vayle]  aphetic  form  of  avayle. 

949.  Let  not  such  enuy  towarde  your  father  in  your  hart 
remaine]  farfetched  rendering  for  :  detrahe  invidiam  tuo  /  odiumque 
patri  (1.  299-300). 

965.  princes  slaughter]  Seneca  has  :  (l.Sog)  caede...regia,\'\z.of 
Agamemnon  himself,  whom  Pyrrhus  threatens  to  slay,  as  he 
did  Priam,  who  is  said  to  crave  for  a  companion  :  paremque 
[caedem]  poscit  Priamus,  (\.  3io).  Heywood  thought  that  the 
threat  was  levelled  at  Priam's  daughter  :  1.  967-8  :  And  mcete  it 
were  that  Polyxeine  were  layde  by  Priames  syde. 

972.  to  your  father  humbled  is]  the  translator  does  not  seem 
to  have  understood  the  Latin  text  :  Priamus...  supplex  pater nus 
(1.  3i3)  :  '  You  have  killed  with  cruel  sword  that  Priam,  who 
had  been  a  suppliant  of  your  father  (when  he  came  to  request 
Hector's  corpse),  and  had  been  spared  by  him' !  What  follows, 
suffers  from  that  misunderstanding  :  1.  973  :  My  fathers  foes  we 
have  them  knowne,  submit  themselves  humbly  e,  —  Latin  :  Supplices 
nostri patris I  hostesque  eosdem  novimus  (1.  3i3-3i4)  :  —  viz.,  Achilles 
spared  Priam  as  a  suppliant,  I  slew  him  as  a  foe.  L.  976-6 
And  Pry  am  presently...  was  gladde  to  crave  mercy  e  :  Latin  :  Pria 
mus  tamen  /  praesens  rogavit  (1.  3i4-i5)  :  Priam  had  the  courage  to 
come  himself  and  ask,  but  you,  Agamemnon,  gravi  pavidus 
metu,  I  nee  ad  rogandumfortis,  Aiacipreces  /  Ithacoque  mandas  clausus 
atque  hostem  tremens.  Which  arguing  loses  all  its  strength  in  the 
rendering  :  1.  977-80  :  But  thou  for  feare  not  stout  to  rule  [nee  ad 
rogandumfortis  !]  lyest  close  ft  om  foes  [/]  vp  skit :  While  thou  to  Aiax 
and  vlisses,  dooste  thy  will  commit. 

1007-10.  Your  own  <~fl.]  added  by  Heywood  to  make  the 
allusion  clearer. 

1028.  the  seas  :  it  do  enclose]  the  Latin  text  is  totally 
different  :  (1.  340) :  Nempe  cognati  maris  :  Thetis,  namely,  was 
Achilles'  mother. 

io35.  then  a  boy]  the  Latin  is  much  more  pungent  :  nondum 


viro  (1.  348)  i.  e.  when  Achilles  was  living  as  Pyrrha  ad  Lyco- 
medes'  court.  —  gate]  p.  t.  of  to  get,  to  beget,  to  procreate.  NED. 

1045-8.  The  stoutest  &a.}  rather  ambiguous  rendering  of 
1.  349-5o  :  Compescere  equidem  verba  et  audacem  malo  Ipoteram  domare. 

1067-70.  And  with  what  cost  &>c.]  these  three  lines  are  added 
by  Hey  wood. 

io85.  thirst]  used  transitively.  Cp.  1.  a33. 

1096.  death  our  iyes...  doth  straine]  in  Latin  :  coniun.v  oculis 
imposuit  manum  (1.  373). 

1097.  leames]  learn  =  light,  ray,  gleam  of  light,  brightness, 
gleam  ;  also^.  ;  NED  ;  our  leames  of  light,  prob.  has  the  sense 
of  our  lights,  i.  e.,  our  power  of  vision,  our  eyes  :  cp.  Latin  : 
supremusque  dies  solibus  obstitit  (1.  374). 

no5.  as  dankye  &>a.]  added  by  Heyw.  —  danky]  =  dankish, 
somewhat  dank,  dampish.  The  oldest  instance  of  this  word 
recorded  in  NED  is  from  1796.  T.  Nuce  uses  it  in  his  Octauia  : 
sooner  shall...  fyer  drye  With  dankish  pooles  agree  and  watrye 
fenne  (Newton,  Tenne  Tragedies,  f.  1673,  1.  32). 

1 1 20-1.  And  neuer  may  &>a.]  the  Latin  text  which  Hey  wood 
used,  had  a  stop  after  fata  (as  all  the  old  editions) :  1.  3go  :  Hoc 
omnes  petimus  fata  ;  nee  amplius  /  iuratos  &a.  Peiper-Richter  has  : 
hoc  omnes  petimus  fata  nee  amplius,  /  iuratos  &a. 

1124.  northen]  obsolete  form  of  northern.  NED. 

n3o.  that  weight  here  ought  to  wyn]  weight  =  wait  :  that 
expect  to  win  aught  here  :  Lat.  avidi. 

n32.  Wilt  thou  it  wotte  &>a.]  in  the  old  editions  (and  Hey- 
wood's  translation)  lines  407  and  408,  quaeris  quo  &a.,  are  placed 
between  lines  399  and  400. 

n56.  staine]  in  A  ;  in  B  straine ;  the  reading  of  A  is  to  be 
preferred  :  cp.  1.  1172  :  Why...  staine  your  iyes  with  teares  ? 
Shak.,  Rich,  the  Sec.,  Ill,  i,  14  :  staind  the  beauty  of  a  fair 
queen's  cheeks  With  tears. 

1160.  Good  ladies]  —  1.  n65.  (good  ladies)  here  &-a.}  i.  e.  the 
Women  of  Troy,  who  sang  the  Chorus  of  the  first  Act,  and 
now  stimulate  each  other,  especially  the  mothers  (1.  1161),  to 
sympathise  with  Andromacha,  who  addresses  them  in  line 
1 169  :  ye  carefull  company,  &a.  (Lat.  :  maesta  Phrygiac  turbo).  Cun- 


liffe  thinks  that  they  are  the  ladies  of  the  audience  (Infl.  p.  3). 

1172.  with  teares  P]  here  the  translation  of  a  few  words  of  the 
original  is  wanting  :  levia  perpessae  sumus,  /  siflenda  patimur  '1.  41  1- 
412)  and  the  following  lines  (412-415)  are  shortened  into  the 
lines  1175-78  of  the  translation. 

i:85.  Seely]  -silly.  NED. 

1194.  yll]  i,  e.  woe  :  Lat.  :  malorum. 

1217.  Death  thankfull  were]  the  Latin  :  certe  aequa  mors  est 
(1.  484),  is  a  continuation  of  the  parenthesis,  in  which  Andro- 
macha   asks   why   o\\\y   Greeks  can   return  from    Hades  to 
frighten  their  foes.  Heywood  took  it  as  a  wish  for  death  from 
Andromacha,  which  necessitated  the  addition  of  the  transi 
tional  lines  i2i5-6. 

1218.  oppres]  the  subject  is  a  common  care. 

1272.  embrasse]  =  embrase  (the  form  with  two  ss  is  not 
recorded  in  NED). 

1284.  ...they  weare.]  a  line  of  the  original  has  not  been  trans 
lated  :  cervice  fusam  dissipans  iacta  comam  (1.  468). 

1324.  chaunce]  cp.  Latin  :  omen...  feralis  loci  (I.  488). 

1347-8.  Let  yet  the  wretche  take  hys  defence  more  careles 
there  to  byde]  is  totally  different  from  the  original  (1.  497)  : 
Miser  occupet  praestdia,  securus  legat.  Cp.  Miller  :  '  In  danger,  haste 
to  shelter  where  ye  may;  In  safety,  choose'.  —  In  the  preceding 
dialogue,  lines  1325-48,  Heywood  follows  the  division  of  the 
text  between  Andromacha  and  the  Old  Man,  as  it  is  given  in 
the  old  editions,  and  is  indicated  for  A  in  Peiper's  notes. 

i358.  treasures]  Latin  \fmtum  ;1.  5oi). 

1447.  Feare  castes  in  all  thextremitie  and  oft  interprets 
wrong]  in  the  original  :  est  quidem  iniustus  dolor  jrerum  aestimator 
(1.  545-6). 

1458.  them]  referring  to  fleete,  considered  as  a  plural  :  cp. 
1.  1637  :  Our  flete  passe  not  &a.  (N.  changes  them  into  vs).  Knecht, 
Die  Kongruenz,  &a.,  pp.  36,  37,  41. 

i553.  Xow  will  6-a.]  the  word  Invita  of  the  original  has  not 
been  translated  (1.  594). 

i565-6.  Let  spedy  &>a.]  the  original  represents  this  death  as 


a  boon  :  me  fata  mature  exitu  /  facilique  solvant  ac  tneo  condant  solo 

i567-68.  And  after  death  <s»a.]  the  Latin  text  has  a  different 
meaning  :  et  patria  tellus  Hectorem  leviter  premat  (\.  602).  In  Seneca 
these  two  events,  Andromacha's  death  and  burial  on  Troyan 
ground,  and  Hector's  rest  in  his  grave,  are  made  dependent 
on  the  truth  of  the  assertion  about  the  boy  :  ut  luce  cassus  (in 
the  old  texts)  inter  extinctos  iacet  (1.  6o3)  Heywood  has  quite  mis 
understood  this  :  he  sees  an  imprecation  in  the  two  events, 
which  he  represents  as  calamitous,  whilst  they  are  intended 
as  fortunate  and  wished  for  in  the  original. 

i58i-4.  Thinkst  thou  <§•>#.]  the  original  text  has  a  wholly  difte- 
rent  purport  :  fingit  an  quisquam  hoc  parens  ?  /  Nee  abominandae 
mortis  auspicium  pavet  ?  /  Auspicia  metuunt  qui  nihil  mains  timent 
(1.  608-10). 

1587-8.  What  thing  is  &>a.]  in  consequence  of  the  misunder 
standing  of  the  preceding  lines,  the  original  has  not  been 
exactly  rendered  here  :  it  runs  :  si  peierat,  timere  quid  gravius 
potestl  (\.  612). 

i5o,2.thetruthe  herin  to  finde]  cp.  Latin  :  veritas  numquam  latet 
(A  and  old  texts  ;  Peiper  :  per  it)  1.  614. 

1603-4.  Yet  once  &a]  judging  by  the  succession  of  the  ideas, 
these  two  lines  have  to  serve  as  the  translation  of  1.  619  :  Alios 
parentes  alloqui  in  luctu  deed;  but  in  that  case  Heywood  must 
have  either  totally  misunderstood  the  original,  or  rendered 
a  text  with  a  different  reading.  In  his  translation  these  lines  are 
not  addressed  to  Andromacha,  nor  is  there  that  opposition 
between  them  and  the  following  verses  :  Thou  wretched  &a. 
(1.  i6o5-6),  which  is  found  in  the  Latin  tragedy. 

1621.  sears]  prob.  sirs,  used  in  addressing  people  below  the 
degree  of  the  speaker  :  Shak.-Lex.,  NED.  The  corresponding 
term  is  wanting  in  the  original ;  in  the  commentary  of  the  old 
editions,  terms  like  ministri,  famuli,  comiies  are  suggested.  The 
edition  C  and  Newton  read  sirs.  Cp.  1.  1768  :  graundsers  ABC, 
graundsires  N. 

i625.  Well  done,  &»#.]  In  the  original  Ulysses  feigns  to 
have  found  to  boy  to  try  the  mother  :  bene  est :  tenetur.  perge, 
festina,  attrahe  —  (1.  63o). 


1628.  ...looke  about  ?]  The  original  lays  here  one  sentence 
more  in  Ulysses'  mouth  to  exasperate  Andromacha  :  iam  certe 
pent  (I.  63i). 

i633.  now  hath  ye  say]  possibly  we  should  read  as  ye  say, 
or  it  may  be  that  the  words  ye  say  have  to  be  joined  to  Sins  : 
Sins  ye  say  that  &c. 

1687,  Our  flete  passe  not]  cp.  1.  1458. 

1661.  byde]  =  abyde  (cp.  TH,  1.  2708). 

1 685.  Jt  shalbe  c^a.]  Heywood  omits  the  translation  of  : 
Responsa  per  again  :  (1.  663  J. 

1699-1700.  The  deade  <~a]  the  original  text  says  quite  the 
opposite  :  busta  transier at  furor  (1.  670). 

1723.  Breake  vpcB^a]  Hey  wood's  original  probably  read  here  : 
reuelle  Auemum,  (cp.  Asc,  HP),  instead  of  repellor,  heu  me,  or 
rep  elk  Avernum;  this  reading  is  not  recorded  by  Peiper  (1.  681). 

1733.  Down  quight  withall.]  probably  Heywood's  text  read 
like  Ascensius'  :  Eruite  cuncta  funditus  (Peiper  :  Funditus  cuncta 
eruain  ;  —  A  :  f.  c.  erne  :  1.  685). 

1755.  More  easely  strike,..]  Seneca  :  [eo]  mitius...preme  (1. 696) ; 
easely  =  mildly,  lightly,  gently.  NED. 

1756.  ...misery.]  Heywood  leaves  one  line  of  the  original 
untranslated  :  miser o  datur  quodciiinque,  fortunae  datur  (1.  697). 

1759.  and  so  agayne  &a.]  cp.  Latin  :  annosque,  dum  te  recipit, 
cxtendat  suos  /  Laerta  (1.  699-700). 

1773.  store]  in  the  original  •  furtum. 

1775.  feareth]  to  fear  =  (transit.)  to  frighten,  to  inflict  fear  to. 

1804-7.  Take  mercy  &>a.]  added  by  Heywood. 

i856.  to  you]  in  the  original  :  Phry gibus  1.  758). 

1882.  dispoynted]  =  disappoynted. 

1896.  welde]  =  wield. 

igo3-4-  O  greeuous  &=a.}  cp.  Latin  :  o  morte  dira  tristius  leti 
genus !  (var.  w,  Asc,  HP,  &a.)  (1.  783). 

1945.  ...  Grecyans  heavy  yoke]  Heywood's  text  read  here 
Graio...  iugo  (as  the  variant  •}  in  Peiper,  and  HP  :  1-  804). 

ig56.  lenger]  this  older  form  of  the  comparative  occurs  again 
on  line  2145. 


igSg.  Chorus  altered  by  the  translater}  Heywood  does  not  trans 
late  Seneca's  Chorus  to  the  third  act  of  Troades,  «  as  nothing 
is  therin  but  a  heaped  noumbre  of  farre  &  strange  countreies  » 
which  should  only  «  be  a  straunge  and  vnpleasaunt  thing 
to  the  readers"  as  he  explains  in  his  Preface  (1.  i3i-i45).  On 
lines  1960  to  1979  he  has  translated  instead,  the  third  Chorus 
of  Seneca's  Phaedra  (lines  g5g  to  980),  which,  as  it  bemoans 
the  blind  ruling  of  Fortune,  is  much  more  in  harmony  with 
the  general  feeling  of  this  tragedy  :  this  «  altered  chorus  »  is 
indeed  a  fitter  transition  to  the  next  scenes  than  the  geo 
graphical  digression;  lines  1980  to  1991,  of  course,  are  added 
to  the  translation  from  Phaedra,  to  adapt  the  abstract  philo 
sophical  considerations  to  the  present  circumstances  and 
prepare  the  opening  of  the  fourth  act. 

1963.  to  care  theyr  course]  to  care,  trans.  —  to  take  care  of, 
to  guard,  to  preserve  their  course.  NED  (the  oldest  quotation 
for  this  sense  is  from  1628). 

20i3.  vnware]  =  vnwarily  (Middle  E.). 

2o32.  honour  hongur]  probably  the  word  hongur,  which  had  to 
be  corrected,  was  left  by  mistake  in  the  printer's  form  after  the 
right  word  honour  had  been  put  in.  The  edition  C  did  not 
notice  that  mistake  and  merely  corrected  hongur  into  honger. 

2042.  by]  evidently  a  misprint  for  thy,  as  B  reads. 

dea]  =  day,  spelt  that  way  under  the  influence  of  its  rhyme 
sea  (I.  2040).  Cp.l.  298. 

2o5i.  hath  lift]  p.  part,  without  ending,  as  the  verb  ends  in  t. 
Cp.  Franz,  Shak.-Gram.,  p.  i55. 

2057-8.  ye  neuer  made,  <§>a.]  the  Latin  gaudere  (1.  889)  has  an 
abstract  and  general  sense  : '  Hitherto  we  were  not  compelled 
to  pretend  to  be  happy' ;  Heywood  misunderstands  it  as  being 
said  only  —  probably  ironically  —  of  the  joy  that  came  to 
Troy  through  Helena. 

2103-4.  For  dreade  c~a.]  the  Latin  text  is  different  :  vos  levat 
tanti  mali  /  comitatus  (1.  913-4). 

2107-10.  Whome  eche  &>a.]  the  corresponding  passage  in 
Seneca,  in  which  Helena  alludes  to  the  fate  of  the  Troyan 
princesses  and  her  own,  evidently  has  not  been  understood 


at  all  :  quani  quisqne  famulam  traheret  incerto  diu  /  casu  pependit :  me 
meus  traxit  [E  :  trahit]  statini  /  sine  sorte  dominus.  (1.  giS-iy). 

21 12.  and  then  c^a.]  here  the  translation  of  a  few  words  of 
the  original  is  wanting  :  tantaeque  Teucris  cladis  ?  (1.  918]. 

2116.  theyr]  =  of  the  Troyans  ;  theyr  refers  to  your  shippes 
(\.  21 13) ;  the  Latin  text  is  much  clearer  :  sin  rapta  Phrvgiis  praeda 
remigibus  fui  (1.  920). 

2119.  Then  pardon  Parys]  Cp.  the  variant  of  <•>  :  ignosce 
Paridi  (Peiper  :  ignosce  raptae)  1.  922. 

2141.  Some  woes  <•>»#.]  the  Latin  is  different :  leviora  malasunt 
cuncta,  quam  Priami  gener  \  Hecubaeque  Pyrrhus.  (1.  934-5). 

2i58.  and  at  his  tombe  to  die]  (he  original  reads  here  :  campo 
maritiis  ut  sit  Elysio,  iubet.  (1.  944). 

2167.  sowndes]  to  sound  —  to  swoon.  Hall. 

2173-4.  A  little  thing  &a.]  The  Latin  text  speaks  of  Hecuba 
here  in  the  third  person  :  minimum  est  quod  Hecubam  facere 
felicem  potest  (1.  g53). 

2211-4.  But  as  for  Heleyns  &a.]  the  text  of  Seneca  :  hanc  cara 
tellus  scdibus  patriis  ieget  (1.  971)  refers  evidently  to  Polyxena  ; 
Heywood  mistook  it  as  said  of  Helena  ;  hence  the  want  of 
contrast  between  these  lines  and  the  four  that  precede.  In  the 
next  line, 

22i5.  my  (state)]  should  consequently  be  her  •  indeed  this 
line,  as  it  stands,  contradicts  what  Helena  just  has  said  on 
lines  2087  to  2122. 

223i-2.  You  chaunsed  to  Ulysses  are  /  hys  pray  ye  are 
become]  the  translation  does  not  by  tar  exhaust  the  Latin  : 
Ithaco  obtigisti  praeda  nolenti  brevis  (1.  980} . 

2259-62.  Jn  meane  time  &°a.]  these  verses  are  the  translation 
of  one  of  the  most  difficult  passages  of  the  tragedy  :  Peiper's 
text  reads  (1.  997)  :  Dumque  ista  [i.  e.  mala  peroptata  Ulyssi] 
veniant,  interim  hoc  poenae  [Ulyssi]  loco  est :  (1.  998)  sortem  occupavi, 
praemium  eripui  tibi  [i.  e.  loco  pulchrae  adolescentulae,  vetula 
tibi  sorte  adjudicatur].  In  the  old  editions  (A,  Asc,  HP,  &a.) 
haec  poena  of  1.  997  is  taken  in  the  sense  of  poena  Hecubae  :  i.  e. 
servitutis,  and  1.  998  runs  :  sortem  occupavi  [i.  e.  praeveni  sortem 
Ulyssi  meis  imprecationibus  :  sed  ipse]  praemium  eripuit  mihi 


[i.  e.,  eripuit  mini  mortem  quam  vellem].  Many  more  explana 
tions  have  been  given  of  this  passage.  Heywood  has  inter 
preted  it  in  his  own  way  :  he  has  before  his  mind  line  2258, 
where  Hecuba  wishes  to  Ulysses  her  own  and  Priam's  mis 
chance  :  Dum  ista  veniant  interim  :  In  meane  time  haps  this  deepe 
distress  :  haec  poena  in  loco  est :  my  cares  can  know  no  calm  :  I  am 
miserable,  yes,  as  miserable  as  Priam ;  indeed, sortem  occupavit  = 
I  ran  the  race  with  Priamus  for  misery  and  misfortune  :  but  he 
has  won  the  palm,  he  died  first :  praemium  eripuit  mi/it.  The  words 
praemium  and  occupare  must  have  brought  I  ley  wood  to  this 
translation,  the  more  so  as  Hecuba  a  few  lines  further  beseeches 
Pyrrhus  to  kill  her  (1.  2265). 

2288.  his  griefe  him  bytes  the  les]  the  old  editions  (A, 
Asc,  HP)  read  here  lentius  luctus  lachrimaeque  mordent  (\.  ion). 
Peiper  has  lenius  luctus  &a.  Heywood  translated  lenius,  which 
shows  that  he  was  judicious  in  reading  his  text. 

23oi.  whose  hundred  hed  &*a.}  in  the  original :  removete  cen 
tum  I  rura  qui  scindunt  opulenta  bubus  (1.  1020-1). 

2335.  hoyse]  obsolete  form  of  hoist.  NED.  Cp.  1.  2544. 

2362.  Whoeuer  he,  J  am  the  wretche]  prob.  the  reading  of  B  : 
Whoeuer  be,  I  am  &c-,  is  to  be  preferred.  Cp  :  Latin  :  quisquis  est 
Hecubae  est  miser  (1.  1062). 

2368.  ...double  slaughters  then]  between  this  verse  and  the 
next  should  have  been  translated  these  words  of  the  original  : 
gaudet  magnus  aerumnas  dolor  [in  A  and  old  editions  •'  gaudet  animus 
aerunmas  meas  or  meus]  /  tractare  iotas  (1.  1066-7). 

2390-4.  Some  on  theyr  (§•>#.]  instead  of  carrying  about  bran 
ches  otPyne  and  beeche  and  baye,  Seneca  makes  them  sit  in  these 
different  trees  :  hunc  pinus,  ilium  laurus,  hunc  fagus  gerit  /  ei  iota 
populo  silva  suspense  tremit  (1.  io82-3). 

23g5.  some...  beholdeth]  —  1.  2400.  some  there  weare... 
that...  The  tombe  of  Hector  sitts  vpon]  on  these  lines  occur 
the  three  different  forms  of  the  3d  pers.  plur.  of  the  present 
tense  after  the  same  subject  some.  Cp.  11.  3i6  and  533. 

2403.  preasyd]  prease,  obsol.  form  of  press.  NED  (Cp.  1.  2471). 

2406.  gate]  =  gait.  NED. 

2430.  scythe]  in  the  original  :  sedis  incertae  Scytha  (1.  1104). 


2442.  payse]  =peise,  obsol .  for  weight  (vulg.  Latin  pesum).NED. 
Palsgrave  :  Peyce  a  weyght  —  peys,  s.  m.  (p.  a53a). 

2449.  all  to  broake]  all  to  =  entirely.  NED.  (Cp.  1.  2461). 

2490.  masde]  aphaetic  form  of  amasde. 

2523.  monstrouse  lyke]  monstrouse  has  here  the  sense  of  the 
Latin  monstrum  (1.  1154)  =  prodigious,  wonderful.  NED. 

2,5zg.  out  it  spoon]  to  spin  •=  to  issue  in  a  thread  or  small 
current  :  Cp  :  Henry  7,  IV,  II,  10  :  That  their  hot  blood  may  spin 
in  English  eyes.  Shak.-Lex. 

2531.  stowndej  stound=  moment,  short  time.  Hall.  Cp.  Every 
man  (ed.  Greg,  M 'aterialien ,  IV)  1.  633. 

2532.  as  therthe  should  her  reuenge]  cp.  Latin  :  ut  Achilli 
gravem  j  factura  terram  (1.  n58-9). 

2537.  apparantly]  =  evidently,  conspicuously  (NED)  ;  cp. 
Latin  clarius  (1.  1161). 

2540.  remaynth]  possibly  intended  as  a  p.  t.,  as  it  stands 
between  droonke  and  soonke. 

2544.  careles]  =  free  from  anxiety,  apprehension.  NED. 
Lat.  :  secura  (1.  1167). 

2549.  care]  =  sadness  :  Latin  :  lacrimas(\.  1168). 

2564*5.  how  neere  alas  &>a.]  cp.  Latin  :  quam  prope  a  Priamo  steti 
(1. 1177);  instead  of  reading  steti,  like  Peiper  and  Asc,  Hey  wood 
read  stetit  ('},  HP). 


2.  John  Mason]  Sir  John  Mason,  i5o3-i566,  was  chancellor 
of  the  Oxford  University  when  Heywood  dedicated  this 
volume  to  him.  In  the  Preface  a  few  grateful  lines  are  conse 
crated  to  the  memory  of  his  son  (11.  391-424).  It  appears  from 
what  is  said,  that  this  promising  boy  had  been  studying  at 
Oxford  l,  and  had  been  intimately  acquainted  with  Heywood, 
who  states  that  he  dedicates  his  Thyestes  to  the  father  since 
he  cannot  inscribe  it  to  the  son  (11.  425-6).  Indeed  his  friend 
died  very  young  (cp.  '  in  age  so  greene  ',  '  tender  tyme'  \\.3g5, 
Sgy)  and,  according  to  the  bombastic  verse,  went  to  '  lyue  with 
Joue,  an  other  Ganymede  Jn  better  place  then  Aquarie  '.  He 
is  not  recorded  in  his  father's  biographies,  except  from  the 
mention  which  is  made  of  him  in  this  Preface  (Cp.  DNB  ;  Cor- 
ser,  Collectanea,  IV,  2i3,  219). 

18.  gogyn  gyfte  <£>#.]  gogyn,  an  obsolete  form  of  gudgeon, 
NED,  is  probably  used  here  as  an  adjective  :  a  gift  consist 
ing  of  a  gudgeon,  or  that  is  not  worth  much  more  than  a 

*)  In  the  Register  oj  the  University  of  Oxford,  edited  by  C.  W.  Boase 
(Ox ford  Hist.  Soc.,  Oxford.  i885,  vol.  I,  p.  221),  a  certain  John  Mason 
is  mentioned  as  having  been  admitted  for  the  degree  of  BCL  on 
January  i6th  1542/3.  No  mention  is  made  of  his  family.  It  results, 
however,  from  a  comparison  with  the  events  in  Sir  John  Mason's 
life,  that  the  latter  could  not  have  had  a  son  who  about  1543  was 
of  age  to  be  admitted  to  that  degree.  Moreover  it  would  have  been 
hardly  likely  that  Heywood,  who  was  not  sent  to  Oxford  before 
1547,  should  have  known  him.  It  is  much  more  probable  that  the  two 
youths  were  of  an  age  or  thereabout.  Nor  is  it  surprising  that  Sir 
John's  son  is  not  mentioned  in  the  Registers  of  the  Oxford  Univer 
sity,  for  neither  does  Heywood's  name  appear  before  i553, 
though  he  had  been  studying  there  since  1547. 


dothe  swaye]  sway  =  to  incline  to  one  side,  to  weigh  dowri 
(one  of  the  scales  of  a  balance)  ;  this  word  is  used  in  the  same 
sense  on  1.  2246  :  the  virgin  shalbe  throwm,  and  leuelde  payse  of 
balance  stvay  alowe,  And  drawe  with  them  the...  Scorpion  downe  (Lat. 
iustaeque  cadent  ponder  a  Librae  I  secumque  trahent  Scorpion  :  1.  858-g). 
Consequently  the  sense  of  this  passage  is  :  the  poor  man  who 
has  nothing  to  repay  the  great  gifts  bestowed  on  him,  yet 
dothe  swaye,  gives  weight  to,  a  gudgeon  given  as  a  present, 
with  (by)  his  thankfull  thought,  so  that  it  surpasses  the  payse  of 
pearle  and  golde  (1.  19). 

20.  Jf  puisaunt  prynce  (£>.]  Heywood  alludes  to  one  of  the 
jests  of  the  Tales,  and  quicke  answer es  (i535)  :  Of  kynge  Lowes  of 
France,  and  the  husbandman,  xxiij  (Shakespeare  Jest-books,  I,  p.  84), 
which  is  the  translation  of  one  of  the  anecdotes  of  Erasmus' 
Colloquy  Convivium  Fabulosum  (Opera  Omnia,  edit.  Lugd.,  I, 
762,  D). 

79.  vngreeyng]  composed  of  vn  and  the  aphetic  form  of 

no.  Uenus  [began].,  on  fryday  fowle  to  frowne]  the  24th  of 
November  i55g,  when  Heywood  began  his  translation  of 
Thyestes  (cp.  11.  91-2),  was  a  Friday  ;  from  his  preface  we  gather 
that  it  was  in  the  morning  '  when  Aurora  blusht  with  ruddie 
cheekes'  (1.  io3)  and  that  the  weather  was  rainy  :  hence  Venus, 
the  morning  star,  is  said  to  have  begun  to  frowne  fowle  from  the 
skyes  aboue  on  fryday.  Heywood  in  pointing  out  Venus '  sad 
influence  on  Friday,  probably  was  inspired  by  a  few  verses 
of  the  Canterbury  Tales.  In  TheNonne  Preestes  Tale,  the  slaughter 
of  Chauntecleer  is  said  to  have  happened  on  Venus'  day, 
whereas  this  goddess  ought  to  have  prevented  every  harm  to 
her  '  servant'.  Chaucer  ridiculised  in  these  mock-heroic  verses 
the  bombastic  style  of  one  of  Geoffrey  de  Vinsauf  s  poems 
(Nova  Poetria)  on  the  death  of  Richard  I,  who  also  died  on  a 
Friday  : 

O  Veneris  lacrimosa  dies !  O  sydus  amarum  ! 
Ilia  dies  tua  nox  fuit,  et  Venus  ilia  venenum, 
(Skeat,  Complete  Works  of  Geoffrey  Chaucer,  v.  V,  p.  25y  :  1.  4537). 

125.  well  stept  in  years]  probably  an  English  adaptation  of 
the  Latin  progressus  aetate. 


127-  shiende]  another  instance  of  this  weak  p.  t.  occurs  in 
HF,  1.  5oi.  —  Cp-  Palsgrave  :  p.  703,  b  :  His  victoriouse  actes 
shyned  thorowe  all  the  worlde. 

197.  miter]  =  meter.  NED. 

224.  hath  cowched]  =  has  laid,  placed,  put.  NED. 

258.  passe]  =  to  excel,  to  be  very  extraordinary.  NED. 

25g.  Jn  Lyncolnes  Jnne  d>»a.]  Several  of  the  prominent  lite- 
rators  about  i56o  were  at  the  Inns  of  Court.  Sir  Thomas 
Sackville  and  Thomas  Norton  were  barristers  at  the  Inner 
Temple  ;  William  Bavand  was  a  student  at  the  Middle  Tem 
ple;  Sir  Thomas  North  at  Lincolns  Inn,  and  Sir  Christopher 
Yelverton  at  Gray's  Inn.  Heywood  entered  the  latter  in  i56i. 
Cp.  J.  W.  Cunliffe,  Early  English  Classical  Tragedies,  Oxford 
1912  ;  p.  Ixiii,  ff. 

274.  Yeluerton]  though  named  in  a  breath  with  Sackville 
and  Norton,  Sir  Christopher  Yelverton  (i535  ?-i6i2)  is  hardly 
known  as  a  lilerator.  DNB.  From  Cunliffe,  E.  E.  Class.  Trag., 
p.  169,  it  appears  that  he  wrote  the  epilogue  to  Gasgoigne's 
Jocasta,  which  was  acted  at  Gray's  Inn,  i566. 

275.  pewred]  =  pured,  refined.  NED. 

280.  Baldwyn]  the  editor  of  the  Mirror  of  Magistrates.  The 
first  edition  appeared  in  i559,  and  seems  to  have  roused  Iley- 
wood's  admiration  (Cp.  Cambridge  Hist,  of  Engl.  Lit-,  \.  Ill, 
p.  192,  ft). 

283.  Blunduille]  Thomas  Blundeville  (cp.DNB)  wrote  Three 
Treatises,  no  less  pleasant  than  necessary  for  all  men  to  reade  ;  whereof 
the  one  is  called,  The  Learned  Prince ;  the  other,  The  Fruites  of  Foes  ; 
the  thyrde,  The  Porte  of  Rest.  London  i56i,  40.  (Cp.  Watt,  Bibl. 
Brit.,  I,  p.  124).  Heywood  alludes  to  the  second  of  these  trea 
tises  (1.  286),  which  seems  to  have  been  inspired  by  Plutarch's 
De  Utilitate  Capienda  ex  Inimicis.  As  this  preface  was  .written  at 
the  latest  in  March  i56o,  Blundville's  Fruites  must  have  had  an 
earlier  edition  than  that  of  i56i,  or  have  been  in  circulation  in 

287.  Bauande]  William  Bavand  or  Bavaund  (fl.  i55g  :  DNB) 
edited  a  Translation  of  the  Work  of  Joannes  Ferrarius  Montanus, 
touchy nge  the  Good  Orderynge  of  a  Commonweale,  &a.  London,  i55g, 
4*".  Cp.  Watt,  Bibl.  Brit.,  1,  p.  85. 


291.  Googe]  According  to  the  Notes  of  the  Life  and  Writings 
of  Barnabe  Googe,  prefixed  to  his  Eglogs,  Epytaphes,  and  Sonettes, 
i563,  edited  by  Edward  Arber  (London,  1910  :  p.  6),  there 
is  an  entry  in  the  Stationers  Registers  (J.  P.  Collier,  Extracts, 
&a,  I.  26,  Ed.  1848)  of  April  or  May  i56o  for  the  '  printing  of 
a  boke  called  pallengenius  '  that  is  to  say  The  First  thre  Bokes 
of  the  most  Christian  poet  Marcellus  Palingenius  called  THE  ZODIAKE 
OF  LIFE,  translated  out  of  Latin  into  Englysh  by  Barnabe  Googe 
(In  i56i  appeared  a  second  edition  containing  «The  firste  syxe 
Bokes  »  ;  cp.  Watt,  Bibliotheca  Britannica,  1. 1,  p.  426).  It  is  said  in 
this  Preface  to  Thyestes,  that  Googe  «  a  gratefull  gaynes  hath 
gotte...  Who  crooked  Compasse  dothe  describe  »  ;  that  implies 
that  The  Zodiake  of  Life,  which  probably  had  not  been  printed 
when  these  lines  were  written,  had  been  circulating  in 
manuscript.  It  is  not  surprising  that  Heywood  should  know 
all  the  works  in  which  the  young  literators  of  the  Inns  were 
engaged.  Probably  he  was  no  stranger  amongst  them  :  nor 
will  they  have  failed  to  welcome  the  son  ot  the  favourite  poet 
of  kings  and  queens  and  the  translator  of  Troas,  who  perhaps 
paid  his  footing  by  these  laudatory  verses.  (Cp.  similar  com 
mendatory  lines  prefixed  to  Googe's  Zodiake,  in  Eglogs  &a., 
ed.  Arber,  p.  8,  and  to  John  Studley's  Agamemnon  by  T.  B. 
London  i5j6,  ed.  Spearing,  p.  16. 

291.  a  gratefull  gaynes]  probably  read  gayne. 

3:8.  Troas  &a]  for  the  history  of  the  two  editions  of  this 
tragedy,  see  Introduction. 

420.  glede]  glede  (or  gleed)  =  a  live  coal  ;  spark  of  fire  ;  light. 

428.  Aquarie]  according  to  Eratosthenes  and  the  Alexan 
drian  Astronomers,  Ganymede  was  placed  amongst  the  con 
stellations,  and  became  the  Aquarius  or  Waterbearer  of  the 
Zodiac.  Cp.  Hyginus,  Poeticon  Astronomical,  ed.  Solingae,  i53g, 
fol.  d.  iii  verso ;  Fabulae,  cap.  ccxxiv  ;  Palingenius,  Zodiacus 
Vitae,  Liber  XL 

556.  Powngarnet]  —  pomegranate.  NED. 

585.  purtred]  =  purtreyed,  portrayed,  drawn.  Cp.  1.  624. 

594.  amell]  aphetic  form  of  enamel. 


606.  other  are]  the  verb  is  plural  as  the  meaning  of  other  is 
plural.  Knecht,  p.  3g  ff. 

611.  cytheron]  =  instrument  of  the  guitar  kind,  but  strung 
with  wire  and  played  with  a  quill.  NED. 

612.  shaulme]  =  shawme  ;  Old  Fr.  chalemie.  NED. 
shagbut]  =  sackbut ;  Old  Fr.  saquebute.  NED. 

613.  vyall]  =  viol. 

627.  Palingene]  Marcellus  Palingenius,  pseudonym  of  Pie- 
tro  Angelo  Manzolli,  wrote  the  Zodiacus  Vitae,  hoc  est  de  Homi- 
nis  Vita,  Studio  ac  Moribus  (Venice  c.  i53i),  which  was  highly 
popular  in  England.  Cp.  1.  291. 

644.  Jasper  stone]  perhaps  this  special  stone  was  chosen  to 
serve  as  a  paronomasia  on  the  translator's  name. 

yo5.  Gryphyus]  Sebastian  Gryphius  [Grypheus],  the  famous 
Lyons  printer,  edited  Seneca's  tragedies  in  i536  and  reprinted 
them  many  a  time  in  the  following  years  (Panzer,  Annales 
Typogr  aphid,  Nuremberg,  i8o3  :  vol.  VI,  pp.  367,799). 

Colineus]  Simon  de  Colines  (Colinaeus)  printer  in  Paris, 
edited  in  i534  Seneca's  works  after  Erasmus'  emendations. 
(Bibliotheca  Erasmiana,  t.  II,  p.  5o). 

707.  Aldus]  Manitius,  Venice,  published  the  famous  Aldine  or 
Avantine  edition  of  Seneca's  tragedies  (i5i7),  which  approaches 
nearesttothe  'genuinam  recensionis  uolgariscondicionem'and 
was  the  foundation  of  most  of  the  subsequent  editions.  (Cp. 
Peiper-Richter's  edition  of  Seneca's  Tragoediae,  Leipzig  1867). 

801.  thencreasyng  lyuer  styll]  Heywood  read  like  A   (as 
generally)  :  semper  accrescens  iecur  (P  :  specu  vasto  patens  (1.  9). 

802.  grypes]  =  vultures.  NED. 

806-7.  And  wondrows  c^a]  Latin  :  plenum  recenti  pabulum 
monstro  iacet  (1.  12). 

823.  vnuentred]  =  vnuentured.  Cp.  1.  1116. 

834.  meaneof  ire]  meatie  —  moderation  ;  cp.  Lat :  ne  sit  irarum 
modus  (1.  26). 

900.  fynde]  =  go  and  fetch. 

where]  has  here  the  sense  of  when,  now  that :  Lat.  :  iam.., 
spumante  aeno  (A  :  \.  59-60). 

9o5.  fyled]  aphetic  form  of  defyled. 

920.  fraight]  =  fraught. 


923.  leefull]  =  lawfull,  right,  just.  NED.  This  word  often 
occurs  in  TH  andHF. 

954-6.  To  sufire  paynes  &a.]  the  contrast  of  the  original  is 
lost  :  Me  pati  pcenas  decet,  /  non  essc  pcenam  (1.  86-7). 

962.  parents]  in  the  Latin  text  the  singular  is  used  :  magne 
divorum  parens  (1.  90). 

976.  crallyng  snakes]  Lat.  :  tortos...  angues  (1-  96) ;  to  crall  =  to 
bend,  to  twist,  to  curl.  NED.  Cp.  1.  2698. 

992.  the  sadder  soyle]  Latin  :  maestae  ...  terrae(\.  106).  In  this 
instance  and  many  times  in  the  next  lines  a  Latin  positive  is 
rendered  by  an  English  comparative  :  1.  998  :  whotter  =  igneus; 
1.999  '-fewer=  raras ;  1.  1006  :  neerer  fonrdes  =  vicina...  vada; 
1.  1007  :  lesser  grounde  =  gracili...  terra  ;  &a. 

998.  whotter]  =  hotter.  NED. 

1006.  foordes]  this  word  has  the  sense  of  the  Latin  vada 
(1.  1 1 3),  i.  e.  sea,  main  (in  the  NED  this  sense  is  recorded  as 

1008.  now  broader  spredde]  Latin  :  latus  A  (P  :  tutus  :  1.  114). 

1018.  And  noble  feeldes  of  Argos  feare,  theyr  former  drought 
to  knowe]  the  original  reads  in  P,  BM  &  HP  :  timentque 
veterem  nobilis  Argi  sitim  (1.  119)  :  in  Asc  it  runs  :  timentque 
veterem  nobiles  agri  sitim,  though  the  notes  to  this  passage  explain 
the  reading  :  Argi  nobiles  :  famosi.  Gryphius'  text  has  agri  sitim, 
but  gives  as  variant  in  the  margin  Argi  sitim.  Heyvvood  has 
combined  both  readings  Argi  and  agri,  which  seems  to  imply 
that  he  worked  on  Gryphius'  text,  or  at  least  compared  it  with 
other  editions. 

io32.  yerely  breathe]  Lat. :  veliferis. . .  Etesiis  (G :  veliferi  :  1 . 129) 

1043.  his  dame]  Heywood  read  here  :  deceptor  dominae  (A  : 
domim)  Myrtilus,  whereas  P  has  domini  (1.  140). 

1046.  mariners]  Lat.  :  navibus  (1.  143) ;  G  and  Asc  have  the 
variant  navitis,  which  Heywood  adopted. 

1069.  rought]  obsolete  p.  p.  of  to  reach.  NED. 

1076.  the  dried  foorde]  foorde  has  again  the  sense  of  the 
Latin  vadum  (cp-  1-  1006  ;  HF,  1.  1469)  :  in  this  instance  it 
means,  as  in  the  original  :  sterili...  vado  (1.  173)  '  the  channel, 
the  bottom  of  the  water,  the  shoal ',  almost  as  much  as 
'  beach  '  (This  sense  is  not  recorded  in  the  NED). 


1 1 14.  allowe]  =  to  laud,  to  praise;  NED]  Lat.  :probet(\.  192). 

1 182.  entende]  =  intend.  NED. 

u38-g.  Doothe  fame  of  people  nought  /  Aduerse  thee  feare?] 
may  serve  as  an  instance  of  Heywood's  literal  renderings  :  the 
original  reads  :  Fama  te  populi  nihil  /  adversa  terret  ?  (1.  204-5). 

feare]  evidently  used  in  the  sense  of  '  to  frighten,  to  cast  fear 
on '(Lat.  :  terret).  NED. 

1168.  neare]  =  ne'er,  never.  NED. 

1171-2.  What  heynous  &>a.j  Hcywood  chose,  instead  of  the 
usual  reading  (P,  G,  Asc,  &a)  :  quid...  crimine,  one  which  is 
given  in  the  margin  of  HP  :  quod...  crimen  (1.  221). 

H0.  fatall  beast]  Hey  wood  read  :  fatale  sa.veo  pecus  (HP], 
instead  of  fatale  sacro  (A  ;  in  P  :  sax  to)  pascuum  (1.  233). 

1197.  aduentryng]  =  aduenturyng.  NED. 

I2o3.  wandred  he]  the  old  editions  read  :  erravit;  P  :  erravi 
(1.  237). 

1206.  trayncs]  (Lat.    :   insidiis  :  1.  a38^  =  deceit,   treachery, 
snare.  Hall.  Cp.  11.  i3jo,  i6i5,  1642,  &a. 

1207.  My  feerce  deflourde]  Latin  :  corrupla  lOtn'uti.i'  (1.  i3gi ; 
N  reads  feere  ==-•  consort,  spouse,  husband  or  wife.  The  reading 
o'f  A,  feerce,  must  be  a  misprint  for  feere. 

1223-5.  Let  tyrants  c~>a.]  Hey  wood  read  and  divided  the  cor 
responding  lines  of  the  original  like  HP :  perimat  tyranmis  :  lenis 
in  regno  meo  /  mors  impetretur  ?  (1.  247-8). 

1263.  ]  note  &>a.\  These  words  are  spoken  by  Atreus  and 
should  be  preceded  by  the  scenical  entry  Atr.,  which  was 
probably  overlooked  by  the  printer.  N  has  put  it  before  the 
first  word  of  line  1265. 

]  note]  =  I  know  not;  cp.  Chaucer,  (f.  i.)  Legend  of  Good 
Women,  1.  2660  ;  Palsgrave  :  I  note,  or  I  ne  wote  (Lydgate)  Je  tie 
scay  (p.  645,  a). 

my  mynde]  Hey  wood  read  animus  (HP,  Asc,  iS:a  ;  in  P  : 
aninto  :  1.  267). 

1266.  to  swell]  P  :  tumet ;  A,  Asc  :  timet.  Hey  wood  read  iumet ; 
both  readings  are  recorded  in  HP  (1.  268). 

1283.  pa-rents]  the  corresponding  word  in  the  original  is 
singular  :  in  the  old  editions  :  parens  :  in  P  :  pater  (1.277). 


1288-9.  this  pleaseth  &a.]  Heywood  read  according  to  the 
punctuation  of  the  old  editions  :  hie  placet  pcenae  modus-  /  tantis- 
per  ubinam  est  ?  (1.  279-80). 

i333-  trauels]  =  troubles,  hardships  :  Lat. :  malis(\.  3oi).  Cp. 
line  1841  :  trauells  and  1.  i52i  :  trauayls  :  Lat.  :  aerumnas  (1.  3o5 
and  426). 

1335.  Requests  will  moue]  =  Heywood  read  :  preccs  movebunt: 
a,  Asc,  HP  (P  :  prece  commovebunt ;  A  :  precommov ebunt ;  1.  3o2). 

1336.  Jmperie]  =  empery,  authority,   command,  dominion, 
sovereignty.  NED.  Cp.  HF,  1.  aSiy. 

i36o.  naught]  (Lat.  :  mali)  =  bad. 

1367.  beware]  probably  we  should  read  be  ware  =  be  aware  of 
this  disceite,  &a. ;  Latin  :  scient  (1.  3i6).  —  Heywood  follows 
A  and  the  old  editions,  where  lines  3i7  and  3i8  are  spoken  by 
SAT(elles),  Atreus'  answer  beginning  with  line  319. 

i383.  him]  Lat.  :  illi :  A,  Asc,  HP,  &a.  ;  P  :  Hits  (1.  3a5). 

1414.  not  ritches  make]  niches  is  regularly  followed  by  a 
plural  verb  in  A ;  N  writes  makes.  Cp.  Knecht,  pp.  39-42. 

1419.  affects]  =  disposition,  temper,  natural  tendency.  NED. 
Lat.  :  diri  mala  pectoris  (1.  349). 

1444.  the  floude  of  Danubye]  Lat.  :  Danubium  licet :  A,  Asc, 
HP ;  P  :  Danuvii  vadum  (1.  376;. 

1455.  great  goons  (N  '•  Guns)  in  carts]  Lat  '.admotis...  machinis 
(1.  385-6). 

1460.  tyckle]  =  unsteady,  uncertain,  inconstant  :  Palsgr.  ; 
Hall. ;  Shak.-Lcx.  Cp.  1.  1579. 

1475.  PHYLISTHENES]  in  A  and  the  old  editions,  Phylistenes 
takes  the  part  which  in  P  is  given  to  TANTALVS,  whilst 
PLISTHENES  is  mentioned  as  [actor]  TACITVS. 

1479.  mysers]  myser  =  miserable,  wretched  person  ;NED; 
this  word  often  occurs  in  Heywood's  plays  :  cp.  11.  i523,  i55g 
2317  ;  HF,  11.  ioi5,  1017,  &a. 

1486.  stadies]  a  Latinism  for  '  racecourse  ' ;  Hall.  In  the 
original  :  stadia  (1.  409). 

1488.  seelde]  =  selde,  seldom.  NED. 

1498.  flattryng  fulgent  face]  fulgent :  prob.  a  latinism  of  Hey 
wood's  coining  for  '  glittering  ' ;  Lat.  :  ful gore...  f also  (\.  4i5). 


iSocri.  With  whom  ...regarde]  probably  Heywrood  read  : 
Cum  quo  (A~,  Asc.}  datur  spectabis,  (Asc  :  spcctabilis.}  et  tandem 
(A~,  Asc.]  aspice.  In  P  :  cum  quod  datur  spectabis,  ct  dantem  aspice. 
(1.  416'. 

i566.  That  hanged...  was]  weak  the  trans,  sense. NED. 

1569-71-  ...  to  knowe  ?  The  greater  &-a.]  Heywood  follows 
here  Ascs  reading,  who  has:...  securas  dapes  ?  I  Humi  jacentem 
scelera  non  intrant  casam.  (1.  45o-5i).  P  (as  HP  and  other  texts) 
reads :...  securas  dapes  I  Jiumi  iacentcm:  scelera  non  intrant  casas,  (HP : 
casam, ). 

1572.  and  safer  foode]  the  Latin  text  has  no  comparative  : 
tutusque...  cibus  (1.  452). 

1578-81.  Of  haughtic  house  c~«.]  Hey  wood  did  not  under 
stand  in  this  passage  (1.  455-6)  Seneca's  allusion  to  Valerius 

1641.  when  caught  ye  are]  Heywood  rend  :  captus,  variant 
of  Asc,  HP,  &a.  (P  :  cautus  :  1.  486).  -  In  the  old  editions  the 
next  lines,  487-8  :  Serum  est...  testor  tamen,  are  spoken  by 
Thyestes'  son.  as  in  Hey  wood's  translation,  1.  1642-5.  In  P 
they  are  Thyestes'  part. 

1645.  request]  Heywood  read  :  kcc  Jiortamen  est  (cp.  A,  Asc, 
PIP,  &a.'J.  P  :  hoc  testor  tamen  (1.  488). 

1 660.  leame]  (Lat.  loro)  -   lyam,  lytne,  a  leash  for  hounds.  NED. 

1720.  clyppe  and  colle]  — -  embrace,  hug,  kiss.  NED. 

17240.  Lyke  myne  cS-fl.]  Hey  wood  read  with  A  and  the  old 
texts  :  quales  mei  sunt :  lactusque  frater  imperil  (1-  526). 

1788.  gyns  of  yrne]  gyns,  aphetic  form  of  engyncs  mechani 
cal  contrivance  or  device  ;  NED  ;  Lat.  :ferreis...clauslris(\-  56g). 

1793.  battaylcs  sowne]  soun  —  sound,  noise.  Hall  Lat.  :  litui 
strepentis  (1.  575). 

1824.  and  men  of  myght  he  feares  diva.]  probably  Heywood 
read  with  Asc  :  &>  moventes  /  Cuncta  dynastas :  mcluitquc  casus  &.c. 
P  reads  :  cuncta  divinat;  A, HP  :  cuncta  divitias  il.  604-5). 

1 858.  people  wylde]  Lat.  :  Alaais  (1.  63o). 

1878.  1  aske  not  who]  singular,  as  in  the  Latin  text  :  non 
qnacro  qiiis  sit  (1.  640). 

10,21.  falser  axell  tree]  Latin  :  falsisaxibus(\.  661) ;  cp.  11.992, 



ig52.  Affright]  p.  p.  without  ending  :  cp.  TR.  1.  2o5i. 

1954.  ...the  place]  Hey  wood  seems  to  have  read  loco  instead 
of  luco  (1.  678) ;  this  reading  is  nowhere  recorded. 

igSS.  darknes..  of  hell]  Lat.  superstitio  inferum  (1.  678). 

1975.  besprinkt  with  leuens  fine]  leuens  =  '  leaven,  ferment ', 
is  used  here  to  render  salsa...  mola  (1.  688),  i.  e.,  mola  ex  hordeo 
&  sale  confecta  :  qua  frontem  victimae,  focum,  &  cultros 
aspergere  mods  erat ;  hinc  immolare  l}.  Possibly  the  fact  that  the 
mola  was  made  of  salted  meal,  induced  Heywood  to  use  the 
word  leuens,  which  is  not  recorded  in  this  special  sense. 

1988.  He  lights  the  fyres]  Heywood  translated  the  variant  of 
Asc,  HP,  &a.  :  accendit  ipse  (P  :  attendit  ipse  :  1.  6g5). 

2Oi3.  in  gangey  woods]  Latin  :  silvis...  in  Gangeticis  (1.  707). 

2024.  poyntes]  apheticform  of  '  appoyntes  ',  i.e.  determines, 
intends.  NED. 

2o3i.  Whome  take  he]  take,  3d  p.  sing-  of  present  tense  with 
out  ending  ;  cp.  TR,  1.  555  ;  Knecht,  p.  141. 

2o5i.  tralles]  =  trawls. 

2086-8-  ye  heare  not  yet...  more]  Heywood  translated  the 
reading  of  A  '•  hactenus  non  stat  nefas,  j  plus  est-  (P  :  hactenus  si 
stat  nefas,  /  plus  est  •  1.  744-5). 

2121.  stoompes]  —  stumps,  rumps,  trunks- 

2 1 35.  chimney]  =  nreplace,hearth;  NED;  Lat.:  focos  (1.  768). 

2136.  Up  heapt]  =  accumulating  ;  Lat.  :  regestus  (1.  769). 
2141.  that  cry]  Heywood  translated  the  variant  of  A  :  an 

flammat  gemant  (P  :  an  flammae  magis  :  1.  771). 

2177.  prince]  Latin  :  parens  (1.  789). 

2i85.  chare]  =  chariot,  car.  NED. 

2ig5.  trenched]  =  cut.  Shak.-Lex.,  Hall.  Latin  :  pectorejosso  : 
Asc  ;  in  P,  A,  HP,  &a.  :fesso  (1.  807). 

2204.  to  sende  the  horses  out]  in  the  original :  dec  traders  fre- 
nos  (1.  816). 

2228.  with  swyfter  course  or  passe  her  brothers  turnes]  or 
should  be  placed  at  the  beginning  of  the  verse ;  cp.  Latin  :  v in- 
ceique  suifratris  habenas,  /  curvo  brevius  limite  currens  (11.  841-2). 

d)  Cp.  Th.  Farnabius'  notes  on  Seneca's  Tragoediae,  edition  of 
P.  Scriverius  &  A.  Thysius  :  Lugd.  Batav.,  i65i. 


2229.  she  fetts]  =  she  fetches.  NED. 

2a3o.  the  Gods]  Seneca's  text  has  :  turba  deorum  (1.  848),  i.  e. 
the  constellations. 

2260.  by  kyndej  =  by  nature  :  these  words  are  an  unnecessary 
complement  to  harde  :  Latin  \frigida  duro  Cynosura  gelu  (1.  872). 

2264.  hugy]  =  obsolete  form  of  huge ;  cp.  TR,  11.  186,  297. 

2269.  faught]  =  fault.  NED. 

23o5.  Tys  best  &a.]  Latin  :  sobrio  tanla  ad  mala  j  opus  est 
Thyeste  (11.  900-1). 

2336.  let...  theboordes  be  taken  vp]  =let  the  feast  be  finis 
hed  ;  cp.  Latin  :  mensa  cludatur  (1.  916).  Cp.  1.  2420  :  they...  at 
boorde  ...  sit  :  Latin  :  iucunda  mensae  sacra...  colunt  (1.  981). 

a35i.  whether]  —  whither,  where  to. 

238o-i.  and  florysht  &>a.]  inversion  for  :  it  tykes  [them}  to 
rent  theyr  robes  florysht  faire  with  Tynan  dye  :  cp.  the  Latin  text  : 
libet  et  Tyrio  saturas  ostro  /  rumpere  vestes  (11.  g55-6). 

2382-3.  for  sorowe,  &>a.}  another  inversion  that  makes  the 
sense  almost  unintelligible  :for  the  minde,  that  ivotts  before  of  after 
yll,  sends  sorowe  in  sygne  that  woes  draive  nye.  Nor  is  the  original 
accurately  rendered  :  Mitiii  Indus  signa  futuri  /  mens,  ante  sui 
Praesaga  mali  (11.  957-8). 

2448.  my  brother  &>a.]  read  :  god  prouyde  to  spare  my  brother 
and  soons  ;  Lat.  :fratn  precor  /  gnatisque  parcat(\.  995-6). 

2492.  burnyng  frete]  this  word,  which  in  the  NED  is  only 
recorded  in  the  sense  of  'strait' (=  fret,  a  breach  or  passage 
made  by  the  sea),  has  evidently  been  anglicised  (possibly  by 
Hey  wood  himself)  from  the  Latin  f return  in  the  sense  of 
'  current,  impetuous  torrent ' ;  cp.  the  original  :  ardenti  freto 
(1.  1017).  It  is  used  in  the  same  sense  on  1.  2772  :  thou  ferfull 
freate  offyre,...  O  Phlegethon.  In  HF  it  is  used  in  the  sense  of 
'  sea,  sound  '  on  11.  729,  1149,  2077,  — and  for  the  river  Styx 
on  1.  i553. 

25oi-2.  And  rather  &>a.]  these  verses  are  the  translation  of  a 
line  which  in  A  and  the  old  texts  comes  between  11.  1021  and 
1022  of  Peiper's  edition  :  Recipe  hosce  citius  :  liberis  tandem  tuis  / 
Diu  expetitis,  &a. 

^565.  quytst]  aphetic  form  ofrequyist :  cp.  1.  2666  quyght ;  HF, 
1.  2227  quyght. 


25y5.  strake]  one  of  the  older  forms  ol  the  p.  t.  of  to  strike. 

2584.  atoo]  =  away  from  each  other,  apart,  asunder.  NED. 
Newton  reads  a  two. 

2649.  The  worldej  Hey  wood  translated  the  variant  of  A  and 
the  old  texts  :  secla  or  secula  (P  :  scelera  :  \.  1095). 

2665.  what  wedlocke  gods  ?]  i.  e.,  why  not  call  on  the  gods 
of  wedlock,  instead  of  on  the  gods  of  infancy  (1.  2664)  : 
Lat.  :  Quin  coniugales  ?  (1.  Tio3). 

2698.  crallyng]  =  crawling  (Cp.  1.  976]. 

2708.  byde]  aphetic  form  of  abvde. 


2.  Syr  William  Harbert,  &>a.]  Sir  William  Herbert,  first 
Earl  of  Pembroke  of  the  second  creation  (i5oi?-i5yo),  one  of 
the  first  and  greatest  supporters  of  Elisabeth,  was  most  pow 
erful  in  the  beginning  of  her  reign.  At  the  time  this  tragedy 
was  dedicated  to  him,  he  was  recovering  from  a  disease  at 
his  house  in  Ilendon;  he  fell  ill  in  July  i56o  and  it  was  late 
in  i56i  before  he  attended  again  the  Queen's  Privy  Council. 
Cp.  DNB. 

29.  Euripides  &a.]  Cp,  Euripidis  Hecuba  et  Iphigenia  :  latinae 
factae  Erasmo  Rot.  inter prete.  (Parisiis)  ex  offic.  Ascensiana, 
id.  sept.  i5o6.  —  Erasmi  Op.  Om.,  I,  1127. 

g3.  my  Lord  Henry,  &a]  Henry  Herbert,  second  Earl  of 
Pembroke  (i534?-i6oi),  was  the  elder  son  of  William  Herbert, 
first  Earl.  Cp.  DNB.  He  studied  at  Petei house,  Cambridge, 
under  Whitgift  (DNB).  Still  from  what  is  said  here,  and  from 
Hey  wood's  statement  that  he  had  well  known  him  at  Oxford, 
where  his  father  had  sent  him  to  be  educated,  it  follows  that 
he  had  been  for  some  time  at  that  University.  There  is, 
however,  no  mention  of  him  in  the  records.  On  September  27, 
i5g2,  while  the  queen  was  a  guest  of  the  University  of  Oxford, 
Henry  Herbert  was  created  Master  of  Arts  1). 

i33.  THE  ARGUMENT  &a]  This  summary  bears  some  resem 
blance  with  the  Argttmcntum  prefixed  to  this  tragedy  in 
H.  Petrus'  and  Gryphius  editions. 

217.  Yet  shall  my  hates  not  leaue  them  so]  them,  i.  e.  Her 
cules  and  Alcmena  ;  the  original  does  not  make  this  distinct 
mention  :  non  sic  abibunt  odia  (1.  27). 

218-20.  a  wrathfull  &a]  In  the  Latin  text  it  is  not  Hercules 

*)  Cp.  A  Wood,  Athen.  Ox.,  p.  769. 


but  Juno  herself,  who  is  going  to  be  stirred  up  by  madness  : 
vivaces  aget  j  violentus  iras  animus  &a  (11.  27-8;. 

229.  tierde]  ^=  tired,  broken  by  fatigue,  wearied  out ;  cp. 
Latin  :  fractum  (1.  33). 

248.  impedes]  —  emperies,  used  in  the  sense  of  orders,  behests, 
commands.  According  to  the  NED,  this  sense  of  impery  is  rare, 
and  only  this  passage  is  quoted  as  instance.  Evidently  the 
word  derived  this  meaning  from  the  influence  of  the  Latin 
iinperium:  laetus  imperia  e.vcipit  (\.  42).  Cp.  TH,  1.  i336. 

271-2.  And  beare  the  rule  &>a.]  In  the  translation  these 
words  refer  to  Pluto  ;  in  the  original  to  Hercules  :  cur  non... 
Ereboque  capto  potitur,  et  retegit  Styga  (1.  64). 

366-7-  the  feruent  burnyng  tree  Of  pyne]  the  Latin  text 
reads  :  ardtniem...  pinuin  (11.  100-1)  =  torch  of  pine. 

368.  her  dredful  flocke  to  see]  the  words  to  see  are  only  used 
to  make  up  the  rhyme  ;  they  occur  very  frequently  in  these 
tragedies  :  cp.  11.  378,  55o,  &a. 

374.  of  hell  his  spoyle]  cp.  Latin  :  violatae  Stvgis  (1.  104). 

4i3.  stipye]  =  steepy  ;  in  the  original  :  prono  (\.  125). 

4i5.  clere  so  beams]  X  writes  cleresome  beames,  which  is 
evidently  a  mistake,  nor  does  any  word  like  cleresome  exist. 
Cp.  Spearing,  p.  71. 

419.  hors]  plural ;  Lat.  :  eqttis  (1.  i32).  NED.  Franz,  Shak.- 
Gramm.,  p.  i83. 

419.  marble]  this  marble  is  used  as  the  translation  of  the 
Latin  caeruleis  (1.  182)  :  and  consequently  has  the  sense  of 
'  dark  green,  dark  or  sombre  blue  '.  Cp.  Spearing,  p.  62  ; 
Shakespeare,  Othello,  Hi,  3,  461  ;  Cymbeline,  v.  4,  87  and  120. 
This  sense  is  not  recorded  in  the  NED  ;  some  of  the  instances 
quoted  there  under  the  sense  of  '  mottled,  dappled  ',  may 
possibly  have  to  be  explained  in  this  meaning. 

426.  His  flocks  vnped,  do  grase  &>a,]  between  vnped  and  do,  the 
relative  has  been  omitted,  hence  the  comma ;  cp.  P.  Simpson, 
Shakespearian  Punctuation,  p.  54. 

427.  nipps]  this  word  refers  to  shepeherd  and  means  '  cuts  off '. 
-  The   Latin  text  is  somewhat  different  :  aperitque  domos  / 

Pastor,  gelida  cana  pruina  /  grege  dimisso  pabula  carpit  (1.  i38-4o). 


Some  editors  have  explained  this  passage  in  the  sense  which 
Hey  wood  has  given  to  it  :  Dicit  Seneca,  pastorem  grege  in 
pascua  jam  dimisso,  manu  sua  quoque  pabula  legisse,  eidem 
pecori  futura  usui  noctu  :  taie  quid  factitari  solitum  ostendit 
Longus  Sophista  in  Pastoralibus  (Janus  Gruterus'  Notae,  edit. 
Leyden  1620). 

429.  whose  brow  did  dam  yet  neuer  teare]  in  the  original  : 
nondum  rupta  fronte  iuvencus(\.  142).  Heywood  probably  alludes 
to  the  habit  of  a  calf,  when  it  feels  its  horns  growing,  of  rub 
bing  its  head  against  its  dam,  the  mother  cow,  with  which  it 
is  placed  in  the  open  medowe. 

45i-453.  He  proude  &a]  The  opposition  of  the  original  be 
tween  ille...  and  hie  (1.  164-166)  has  not  been  rendered. 

577-8.  of  them  &a]  in  Latin  only  gentis...  Thermodoontiae 
(1.  246),  which  had  to  be  spun  out  in  the  translation  to  fill 
up  the  verse  and  make  a  rhyme  to  nyght. 

583.  vayle]  aphetic  form  of  avayle. 

612.  in  drawyng  to  the  stones]  Lat.  trahens:  1.  263.  — 
To,  adverb,  has  the  sense  of  '  together,  in  order  '. 

644.  helly]  =  of  hell,  infernal.  This  adjective  occurs  again 
on  1.  2178.  NED. 

671.  people]  the  Latin  term  is  plural  :  populos  (1.  2g3). 

681.  nor  yet  of  me  once  myndefull]  these  words  apply  to 
the  «  returnes  »  of  Hercules,  who  does  not  seem  to  think  of 
Megara  :  Lat.  :  reditusque  lentos,  nee  mei  memores,  querar  ?  (1.  298). 

749.  who  the  sceptors  shakes  in  hande  of  other  kyng]  Hey 
wood  seems  to  have  imitated  here  even  the  inversions  of  the 
original  :  aliena  dextra  sceptra  concutiens  Lvcus  (1.  33i). 

75i.  plentuous]  =  plenteous.  NED. 

759.  slender  Isthmos  yle]  Lat.  :  Isthmos  exilis  d.  336)  Hey 
wood  seems  to  have  mistaken  Isthmos  for  an  island. 

778.  in  forayne  countrey  set]  the  Latin  text  is  quite  different : 
alieno  in  loco  (1.  344),  i.  e.,  which  has  been  usurped,  is  not  held 
by  the  right  possessor. 

793-4.  The  hate  of  men  &>a.}  rather  ambiguous  rendering  of 
1.  352  :  invidia  factum  ac  sermo  popularis  premet  ?  =  and  what  if 
(or  :  and  let)  the  hate  and  the  talk  of  the  people  reprove  the 
fact !  (Heywood  translated  factum  by  my  pryde). 


822.  housen]  (his  plural  form  in  en  occurs  again  on  lines  g65, 
1704,  2o83  (howse)  and  2461  ;  Heywood  makes  use  of  the 
form  in  s  as  well  :  howses  (1.  1980). 

875.  measuryng  throughout]  literal  translation  of  the  Latin 
permensus(\.  3g3). 

890.  without  the  lawe  his  feare]  there  are  a  few  instances  in 
these  tragedies  of  this  old  form  of  the  Sax.  Gen.,  which  was 
not  uncommon  in  the  xvith  century ;  cp.  1.  374 :  of  hell  his  spoyle ; 
1.  i5i8  '.abstaynefrom  man  his  bloode.  Franz,  Shak.-Gramm.,  p.  291. 

899-900.  the  battels  doth  the  blonde  delyght  out  shed]  ob 
scure  rendering  of  bella  delectat  cruor  (1.  4o5),  i.e.  the  outshed 
blonde  doth  delyght  (=  enjoys  greatly,  makes  delightful)  the 

936.  The  heyght]  the  Latin  word  is  more  definite  :  super  a 
(1.  423)  =  the  heavens. 

g52.  slayne..  with  handy e  stroake]  Lat.  :  tradidit...  neci. 
(1.  43i). 

g56.  vertue]  has  here  the  sense  of  the  Latin  virtus,  valour 
courage,  strength. 

961.  darknes]  seems  to  be  plural  :  cp.  line  962  :  presse :  Latin  : 
Tenebrae...  Tartareae(\.  436)  Cp.  carkas,  TR,  718. 

988.  a  common  trade]  cp.  Latin  :  causa,  i.  e.  the  origin, 
(1.  449)- 

io3o.  tymber]  =  timbrel  :  Palsgrave,  p.  65q,  b ;  Lat.  :  tym- 
pani  (1.  470). 

io33.  tender]  =  youthful  :  Lat.  :  tener  (1.  472). 

1059.  he  that  met  &>a]  one  of  the  three  Geryons  :  the  original 
of  this  passage  in  the  old  texts  and  Heywood's,  is  quite  dif 
ferent  from  the  modern  version. 

1129.  soon]  =  son  :  cp.  Lat.  :  nate(\.  620). 

1144.  from  systers  mokt]  mokt  =  deceived,  deluded  ;  NED. 
Lat  :  deceptis(\.  53o).  Cp.  1.  1264,  1275. 

1190.  in  darker  place]  cp.  Latin  :  surdis...  in  locis  (1.  576); 
dark  seems  to  have  here  the  sense  of  gloomy,  silent. 

1237.  thyngs  vncome  to]  litteral  translation  of  inaccessa  (1. 606). 

1241.  dyrer  Joue]  Lat.  :  diro...  Jovi  (1.  608). 

1255.  ceasse]  =  cease  from  action,  take  rest  :  NED  :  in  the 
Latin  text  the  same  word  is  used  :  cessare  (1.  6i5). 


1282.  bestadde]  =  beset ;  NED  ;  Latin  :  obsiti'l.  627). 

i3i5-6.  Tis  lyght,  he  shall  :  he  cloothe  :  and  thats  to  lyght, 
lie  hathe  it  doonej  in  the  original  :  lentum  est,  dabit :  dat ;  hoc 
(jnot/ue  est  lentum  :  dedit  (1.  644^.  Lyg/it  -----  lite,  obs.  for  '  delay,  tar 
diness  '.  NED. 

i33g.  Beguylde]  read  Beguyle  ;  the  form  '  Beguylde '  is  not 
recorded  in  NED,  and  must  be  an  error  of  the  author  or  the 

1343.  All  ryght  of  worlde]  literal  translation  of  :  I^as  omne 
mundi  (1-  658). 

1374.  Are  loaste]  =  are  loosed,  are  broadened :  Lat.  :  laxan- 
tur  d.  673).  The  same  form  occurs  on  1.  ig52  :  loaste  :  Lat. 
solvit  (1.  gg3). 

1432.  waste]  (/  waste.  Je  gaste,  je  consume.  Pals.,  772,  a)  =  to 
be  wasting,  waste  itself  :  Lat.  squalet  (1.  701). 

1433.  bonde]  =  bound,  limit  (this  word  often  occurs  in  the 
following  verses) ;  Lat.  finis  (1.  708). 

1459.  with  double  foorde]  literal  translation  of  duplici  vado 
(1.  716).  Here,  as  on  11.  i552  and  1747,  joorde  has  the  sense  of 
the  Latin  vaditm,  i.  e.  «  shallow  river,  shoal  ».  Cp.  TH,  11.  1006, 

1477-9.  and  great  parte  of  cruel!  kyngdomes  place  Js  he 
hymcelfe  the  lorde  therof]  ambiguous  rendering  of  11.  726-6  : 
magna  pars  regni  trucis  /  est  ipse  dominus  :  i.  e.  he  himself  is  the 
greatest  terror  of  this  place. 

1494.  is  harde]  =  is  hearde  :  Lat.  :  auditur  \\.  733). 

i5o2.  shette]  shet  =  shut  (inf.  :  shytte :  1.  1622) ;  NED  ;  this 
form  often  occurs  in  these  tragedies. 

1607.  of  his  owne  lyfe  lorde]  Lat  :  dominusque  vitae  (1.  740). 
Many  of  the  old  commentators  explained  vitae,  as  vitae  suae 
(Asc)  ;  it  is  nowadays  only  explained  as  vitae  subditorum. 

075.  bette]  —  beaten.  NED. 

i6o3.  Like  yre  to  shape]  literally  translated  from  :  par  ira 
formae  (1.  788). 

1609.  sent]  =  scent  :  cp.  Lat.  sentire  (1.  791). 

1696.  prease]  (Palsgrave,  p.  258,  a)  =  press,  throng,  crowd. 
NED.  Cp.  TR,  1.  24o3. 


lyoS.  sorte]  =  set,  crowd,  company  (not  taken  in  a  bad  sense 
as  it  is  in  Shakespeare ;  cp.  Shak.-Lex.}. 

1782.  it  least  againe]  in  Latin  :  carpit  (1.  874;. 

1784.  humbyllye]  =  humbly. 

1787.  royle]  =  to  go  about,  to  roam  or  rove  about,  to  play  ; 
NED  ;  in  Latin  :  agitent  (1.  879). 

1940.  enmiows]  =  hostile,  unfriendly.  NED. 

ig58.  and  corners  all]  cp.  Latin  :  omnesque  latebras  (1.  996). 

2040-1.  J  gladly  haue  fulfyllde  my  wyshes  all]  Latin  :  vota 
persolvi  libens  (1.  1087) . 

2089.  astrey]  Lat  :  Astraeae  (1.  1068). 

2123.  strips]  =  stripes  ;  in  the  original  :  verbera  (1.  no3).  Cp. 
1.  2i38. 

2145.  argos  barriars  plaies]  Lat  :  Argiva...  palaestra  (1.  1124). 

2149.  paise]  =  peise,  weigh  :  Latin  :  librare  (1.  1128). 

2324.  astonyde]  =  bewildered,  dismayed.  NED. 

235o.  knappe]  =  break;  cp.  Latin  :  rumpemus  (1.  1232). 

2436-8.  a  mynde  vnmeete  to  beare  vpright  No  euyll  hap] 
literal  rendering  of  the  double  negation  of  the  original  :  nulli 
imparem  /  animum  malo  resume  (1.  1275-6). 

253i.  engraue]  =  bury,  entomb. 


aduentryng  :  TH,  1 197 
affects  :  TH,  1419 
to  allowe  :  TH,  1114 
all  to  :  TR,  2449 
amell :  TH,  594 
apparantly  :  TR,  253y 
astonyde  :  HF,  2824 
atoo :  TH,  2584 
bestadde  :  HF,  1282 
bette  (p.  p.]  :  TR,  814 
bonde :  HF,  i433 
boordes  :  TH,  2336 
byde  :  TR,  1661 
care  :  TR,  467,  254g 
to  care  :  TR,  ig63 
carke  :  TR,  53g 
to  cast  care  :  TR,  176 
to  ceasse  :  HF,  1255 
chare  :  TH,  2186 
chimney  :  TH,  21 35 
to  clyppe  :  TH,  1720 
to  colle  :  TH,  1720 
cowched :  TH,  224 
to  crall :  TH,  976 
cytheron  :  TH,  611 
dam  :  HF,  429 
dankye:  TR,  no5 
dark  :  HF,  1190 
dea  :  TR,  298 
dispoynted  :  TR,  1882 
easely  :  TR,  ij55 
to  embrasse  :  TR,  1272 
to  engraue  :  HF,  253i 

enmiows  :  HF,  1940 

to  entende  :  TH,  n32 

faught :  TH,  2269 

to  fear  :  I\R,  1775 

feere  (feerce) :  TH,  1207 

to  fett  :  TH,  2229 

fill  (p.  t.) :  TR,  798 

flyte  :  TR,  656 

foorde  :  TH,  1006, 1076 ;  HF,  1459 

fordo  :  TR,  5gg 

fraight :  TH,  920 

frete  :  TH,  2492 

fulgent :  TH,  1498 

fyled  :  TH,  9o5 

gan  (p.  t.) :  TR,  197 

gate  (p.  t.) :  77?,  io35 

gate  :  TR,  2406 

glede  :  TH,  420 

gogyn  :  TH,  18 

gone  (^r«.  t.) :  TR,  z3i 

grate  (/>.  /.) :  27?,  619 

grype  :  TH,  802 

gyns  :  TH,  1788 

handye  :  HF,  g52 

helly  :  HF,  644 

housen  (plur.) :  HF,  822 

to  hoyse  :  TR,  2335 

hugye :  TR,  186 

humbyllye  :  HF,  1734 

iestes  :  TR,  181 

yll:  77?,  1194 

imperie  :  TH,  i336  ;  HF,  248 

to  knappe  :  HF,  235o 


leame :  TH,  1666 

leames  :  TR,  1097 

to  leese  :  TR,  246 

leeful :  TH,  923 

lenger  :  TR,  i956 

leuens  :  TH,  ig;5 

loast  (p.  p.) :  HF,  1374 

lyght :  HF,  i3i5 

marble  :  HF,  419 

masde  (p.  p.):  TR,  2490 

meane  :  TH,  834 

miter  :  TH,  197 

mokt,  mockt :  HF,  1144 

monstrouse  :  77?,  2523 

myser  :  TH,  1479 

naught :  TH,  i36o 

neare  (never):  TH,  1168 

nones  :  TR,  896 

northen  :  TR,  1124 

I  note  :  TH,  1263 

ought :  77?,  658 

paise  :  TR,  2442  ;  HF,  2149 

to  passe  :  TH,  208 

pewred  :  TH,  2?5 

plentuous  :  HF,  751 

powngarnet :  TH,  556 

poyntes  :  TH,  2024 

purtred  (p.  p.)  :  TH,  585 

prease:  TR,  24o3 ;  HF,  1696 

to  quyte,  quyght :  TH,  2565 

to  rcsight:  TR,  221 

roge :  77?,  425 

rought  (p.  p.) :  TH,  1069 

to  royle  :  HF,  1737 

sear  :  TR,  1621 

seelde  :  TH,  1488 

seely  :  TR,  n85 

sent :  HF,  1609 

shagbut:  TH,  612 

shaulme  :  TH,  612 

shette  (£.  />.) :  HF,  002 
slipper :  TR,  905 
sorte  :  .ffF,  1703 
to  sownd  :  TR,  2167 
sowne  :  TH,  1793 
to  spin  :  TR,  2529 
splayde  :  TR,  5gi 
stadies  :  TH,  1486 
stip)-e  :  HF,  413 
stoompe  :  TH,  2121 
stownde  :  TR,  253 1 
strake  (p.  t.) :  TH,  z5j5 
strips  :  HF,  212$ 
to  sway  :  TH,  18 
synde  (p.p.)  :  TR,  874 
tender  :  HF,  io33 
to  thirst :  TR,  233 
tierde  :  HF,  229 
to  trail :  TH,  2o5i 
trauels:  TH,  i333 
trayne  :  TH,  1206 
trenched :  TH,  219$ 
tyckle :  TH,  1460 
tymber  :  HF,  io3o 
vayle  :  Tfl,  941 
vertue  :  HF,  g56 
vngreeyng :  TH,  79 
vnuentred :  TH,  823 
vnware  :  TR,  201 3 
vyall:  TH,  6i3 
waste :  HF,  1432 
way  :  TR,  845 
to  weight:  Tft,  ii3o 
to  welde:  TR,  1896 
whether:  TH,  235 1 
whisht,  whist:  272,  821 
whotter :  TH,  998 
yburnte  :  TR,  23g6 
ycorued  :  TR,  200 


A  first  edition  respectively  of  the  translations  of  Troas, 

Thyestes  and  Hercules  Fur  ens,  reproduced  in  this  volume. 

A  Interpolata  recensio  recentiorum  codicum  of  Seneca's  Tra- 

goediae.  Cp.  Introduction. 

Asc  Judocus  Badius  Ascensius'  edition  of  Seneca's  Tra- 

goediae,  Paris,  1514. 

B  second  edition  of  Heywood's  Troas. 

BM  Isoarda  de  Saviliono's  edition  of  Seneca's  Tragoediae, 

Venice,  1492. 

C  third  edition  of  Heywood's  Troas. 

Cunliffe  The  Influence  of  Seneca  on  Elizabethan  Tragedv,  London, 

DNB  Dictionary  of  National  Biography. 

G  Gryphius'  edition  of  Seneca's  Tragoediae,  Lyons,  1541. 

Hall.  Halliwell,  Dictionary  of  Archaic  and  Provincial  Words, 

London,  1901. 

Ill-  Hercules  Furens  translated  by  Hey  wood. 

HP  Henricus  Petrus'  edition  of  Seneca's  Tragoediae,  Basle, 


Jockers  Die  Englischen  Seneca-Uebersetzer  des  16.  Jahrhundcrts, 
Strassburg,  1909 

Knecht          Kongruenz  zwischen  Subjekt  und  Pradikat,  1911. 

Materialien  W.  Bang's  Materialien  zur  Kunde  des  aelteren  Englischen 

Miller  The  tragedies  of  Seneca,  Chicago,  1907. 

N  Newton,  Seneca  his  Tenne  Tragedies,  London,  i58i. 

Nares  Glossary,  London,  1888. 

NED  New  English  Dictionary. 

P,  Peiper  Peiper-Richter's  edition  of  Seneca's  Tragocdiae,  Leip 
zig,  1902. 

Palsgrave       L' Eclair cissement  de  la  Langue  Fran  false  (Paris  i852). 

Shak.-Lex.     Schmidt,  Shakespeare-Lexicon. 

Spearing  The  Elizabethan  Translations  of  Seneca's  Tragedies,  Cam 
bridge,  1912. 

Til  Heywood's  translation  of  Thyestes. 

TR  »  »  »  Troas. 

BAND  XXIII  :  John  Fordo;  Dramatischc  Wtrke  in  Neudruck  hcrausgegfbe  n 
von  W.  l>.m;_;.  ICister  liand.  \Iiieini-ineinleitrndei;  :  <lc's  Contri 

bution  to  the  Decadence  of  the  Drama  von  S.  P.  Sherman  und  einem  Neu- 
drurk  von  Dekkers  Penny- Wise,  Pound-Foolish.  XIX,  210  pp.  Preis 
frs  22,5o  ;  fur  Subscribenten  frs  18,00.  

BAND  XXIV  :  Everyman,  reprinted  by  W.  W.  Greg  from  the  edition  by  John 
Skot  in  the  possession  of  Mr.  A.  H.'Huth.  VIII,  32  pp.  Preis  frs  2,25  ;  fiir 
Subscribenten  frs  1,73. 

BAND  XXV  :  Bales  Kynge  Johan  nach  dcr  Handschrift  in  der  Chatsworth  Collection 
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enten  frs  100.00. 

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fiir  Subscribenten  frs  4,50. 

BAND  XXVII  :  Die  Dialekt-  und  Ausldndertypen  des  alter  en  Englischen  Dramas, 
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BAND  XXXVII  :  John  Mason's  The  Turke,  edited  from  the  Quartos  of  1610 
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benten  frs  8.  

BAND  XXXVIII  :  Studley's  Translations  of  Seneca's  Agamemnon  and  Medea,  edited 
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Die  Materialien  zur  Kunde  des  alteren  Englischen  Dramas 
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Denjenigen  Universitatslehrern,  die  einzelne  Biinde  der  Mate 
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dien,  Sprach-,  Theater-  uiul  Litei  atur-geschichtliche  Arbeiten  etc.) 

Iin'Drnck  befinden  sich  und  verden  bald  erschewcv  : 

J.  LF.  CJAY  BRERETON,  Lust's  Dominion  (1657). 

('.  ( '\< AWi'OixD,  A  Concordance  to  the  Works  of  Marlowe. 

F.  E.  SCHMID,  The  Tragedy  of  Julia  Agrippa  the  Roman  Empress  : 
By  Thomas  May,  i63g,  1654. 

J.  Q.  ADAMS,  Adrasta,  i635. 

A.  WAGNER,  Marlowe's1  Massacre  at  Paris. 

W.  BANG,  Jonson's  Dramen  nach  der  Folio  1616  (Band  VII,  3). 

W.  BANG,  Neudrucke  der  vor  1616  erschienenen  Quartoausgaben 
von  Jonson's  Dramen. 

W.  BANG,  John  Fordes  Dramatische  Werke  nach  den  Original- 
quartos  herausgegeben. 

Diefolgenden  Bdnde  vjenien  u.  a.  enthalten  : 

CH.  CRAWFORD,  A  Concordance  to  the  1616  Folio  of  Jonson's  Works. 
R.  B.  Me  KERROW,  A  List  of  Modern  Editions  and  Reprints  of 

English  Plays  written  before  1643. 

W.BANG,Udall-Studien  (dariii  u.  a.  seine  Flouresfor  LatineSpekynge, 
die  Ubersetzung  von  Erasmi  Rot.  Apophthegmes,  Versuch 
eines  Nachweises,  dass  Udall  die  Respublica  und  die 
Historic  of  lacob  and  Esau  geschrieben  hat). 

R.  BROTANEK,  Die  altesten  Denkmaler  der  Schottischen  Dramatik 

(Dunbar,  Jakob  VI.,  Philotus,W.  Clarke's  Marciano.etc.). 

A.  DE  MAN,  Joannis  Palsgravii  Londoniensis  Ecphrasis  Anglica  in 

'*;•.  Comoediam  Acolasti  (1540). 
P.BURVENICH,  Jonson's  Barthol.  Fair. 
A.BERtRANG/Terenz'  Andria  in  den  Englischen  Ubersetzungen  des 

1 5.  und  16.  Jahrhunderts. 
E.  SIEPER,  Marlowe's  Edward  II. 

ARTHUR  M.  CHARLES,  Brandon's  Virtuous  Octavia  (i5g8). 
CH.  BOLEN,  Guy  of  Warwick  (Q  1661). 

W.  BANG  und -R.  BROTANEK,  Die  Maskenspiele  des  Thorn.  Nabbes. 
J.  RiTTER  und  J.  ZUCK,  H.  Killigrew's  The  Conspiracy  (Pallantus 

and  Eudora). 

W.  BA'NG  und  W.  W.  GREG,  Bale's  Dram.  Werke. 
A.  FEUILLERAT,  Everie  Woman  in  her  Humor  (1609). 
M.  ROSLER  und  R.  BROTANEK,  Nebuchadnezzars  Fierie  Furnace 

nach  MS.  Harl.  7578. 

E.  BENSLY,  Rob.  Burton's  Philosophaster  (1606). 
W.  W.  GREG,  Actor-Lists,  i583-i642. 

W.  W.  GREG,  Character  Index  to  the  English  Drama  to  1642. 
A.  FEUILLERAT,  Documents  concerning  the  Revels  at  Court  tei 
Edward  VI  and  Mary,  from  the  Loseley  MSS  iri-'t 
possession  of  W.  More  Molyneux,  Esq. 
J.  LE  GAY  BRERETON,  Marlowe  :  Notes  for  a  Bibliography. 
J.  VAN  DE  WYER,  The  Wisdome  of  Doctor  Dodypoll ;  The  BlqQcli 
Banquet ;  The  Knave  in  Graine  New  Va/fipt 
The  History  of  the  Triall  of  Chevalry. 


Prix  pour  les  souscripteurs       ....        *4.oo  fr.      10.20  M. 
Prix  pour  les  non  souscripteurs       .        .        .        so.oo  fr.      *4.ooM. 

PR  Seneca,  Lucius  Annaeus 
2294  Jasper  Heywood  and  his 

H3Z8  translations  of  Seneca's 

1 559a  Troas