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Submitted  to  the  Board  of  University  Stud- 
ies of  the  Johns  Hopkins  University  in  conformiti^ 
v/ith  the  requirements  for  the  Degree  of  Doctor  of 


Williaja  Sherv/ood  Fox 


\  ri.oi'^ 



■  ,.  -  •    t1.   History  cind  Description.  .  ,,    .  >  :•- 

In  the  yeai'  1908  the  Department  of  Classical  Archaeology 

of  the  Johns  Hopkins  University  acciuired  several  _tabellae 

def  ixionum,  popularly  known  as  ciur-se-tablets  .    The  person 

tiirough  whom  the  acquisition  v;as  ifl5,de  possil)le  was  xmable  to 

give  a  definite  assurance  as  to  their  provenience,  "but  stated 

his  belief  that  they  had  been  found  at  Pvome .   Thorough  study  of 

the  tablets  themselves  has  led  to  the  conviction  that  tiiey  did 

actually  originate  in  that  city.   This  point  will  be  fullv  dis- 

cussed  at  the  proper  time. 

The  tablets  were  in  two  distinct  divisions.   One  of  these 

consistitf  of  a  nail  .127  metres  in  lengtli,  tlie  point  of  which  was 

cloven  into  tv/o  long  sharp  splinters  each  }ialf  as  long  as  the 

whole  nail.\it  the  broad  head  were  tightly  bound  by  a  thick 

acciHHulation  of  rust  ias,ny  exceedingly  tliin  fragments  of  lead. 

On  one  side  twenty-five  lavers  could  be  counted,  and  on  the  oj^- 

posite  side  twenty-eight.    The  greatest  width  of  this  mass  of 

(1)  A  preliminary  report  of  these  was  published  by  the  pres- 
ent a,uthor  in  the  Johns  Hopkins  University  Circular,  New^  Series, 
1910,  No,  6,  pp,  7-10. 

(2)  Ch.  Ill,,  5  3. 

(3)  See  PI.  I, 

fragments  "before  it  7/as  subjected  to  the  chemical  treatment  to 
be  described  shortly,  vms  .051  and  the  Siuallest  .048  metres. 

The  other  division  of  the  tablets  consisted  of  a  promiscu- 
ous heap  of  brittle  chips  of  lead,  no  two  being  of  the  same 
shape  and  size.   In  thiigkness  the;^  varied  from  one  to  three  mil- 
limetres, and  in  area  from  one-quarter  of  a  square  centimetre  to 
thirty  or  forty  square  centimetres.  Most  of  the  fragments  ap- 
proxima.ted  the  smaller  area  Ju-St  mentioned.   On  nearly  every  one 
ivere  visible  early  Roman  ciu'sive  characters  that  had  been  in- 
cised with  a  stilus.   The  incisions  varied  considerably  in  depth 
and  distinctness,  knotiier   featiu'e  in  v/hich  there  was  a  verj'- 
marked  lack  of  uniformity  was  color.   Some  pieces  were  charac- 
terized by  the  norms,!  color  of  lead;  some  were  reddish,  some 
bluish  and  others  of  a  shade  midway  bet'ween  pm'ple  and  brown,  A 
little  handling  and  scrutiny  of  the  ma-terial  revealed  the  fact 
that  the  variations  in  thickness  and  color  bore  a  direct  and 
fairly  constant  relation  to  one  another.   This  was  invaluable  in 
the  subsequent  reconstr\iction  of  the  tablets,  as  will  be  siiov^n 
in  a  later  paragraph.  Besides  the  ground  colors  peculiar  to  the 
several  fragments  there  y/as  a  coating  of  v/hitish  powder  and  crys 
tals  covering  the  surfaces  unevenly  and  this  in  certain  places 
made  the  writing  wholly  illegible. 

For  the  joint  purpose  of  removing  the  coating  and  of  ac- 
counting for  the  brittle  condition  of  the  lead,  the  on  the 

nail  and  selected  loose  fragments  were  submitted  to  the  chem- 
ists  for  exainination.   Their  report  v/as  that  "the  layers  of  the 
tablets  have  been  changed  in  large  part  from  metallic  lead  to 
compounds  of  lead  by  the  action  of  soil  or  atmosphere  or  water. 
The  whitish  outer  coating  consists  of  a  basic  carbonate  of  lead, 
while  underneath  is  another  compound,  probably  litharge.   In 
some  instances  there  is  an  exceedingly  tliin  layer  of  unciianged 
met;illic  lead."   This  whitish  compound  is  evidently  in  pe.rt  what 
Wflnsch  in  his  description  of  the  Attic  tablets  poetically  calls 
"the  dust  of  ages". 

"r  2.  Reconstruction,       ■  „  . 
The  first  step    toward  t}ie  reconstruction  of  the  tablets 
was  to  select  the  loose  fragments  on  which  even  a  single  stroke 
of  writing  was  visible,  though  not  necessarily  decipherable.  The 
result  v/as  two  hundred  and  ten  working  fragments,  one-third  of 
which  were  very  s:iiall.   Those  set  aside  as  useless  number  appar- 
ently about  three  hundred.  Each  of  the  working  fragments  was 
deposited  in  its  own  separate  and  muabered  envelope.   The  larg- 
est were  then  deciphered  as  far  as  the  condition  of  their  siu*- 
faces  permitted  without  cleaning  by  cliejaical  means,  .and  in  the 
process  exact  facsimiles  were  drawn  on  individual  cards  niua- 

(^)   Professor  S.  F.  Acree  and  llr .   E.  K.  Marsliall,  Jr.,  of 
tlie  Jolins  HopJcins  University, 

(^  W^sch;  Richard,   Defixionum  Tabellae  Atticae,   T,Q. 
III.  3,   Praef,  I. 

bered  to  correspond  to  tiie  t^nvelopes  just  mentioned.   This  pro- 
cess supplied  an  alphabet  and  a  muuber  of  broken  lines  of  text, 
some  of  v/hich  recurred  several  times  in  slightly  varied  form. 
The  alphabet  served  as  a  key  to  the  obscujr-e  letters  in  the  smal- 
ler fragments  still  to  be  deciphered,  while  the  broken  lines 
gave  a  clue  to  the  general  sense  and  connection  of  the  writing. 
The  recurrence  of  certain  words  and  groups  of  words  suggested 
that  the  fragments  represented  not  one  tablet,  but  several, 
originally  pierced  by  one  and  the  same  nail.   The  decipherment 
of  the  sioaller  fragments  v/as  carried  on  in  the  same  manner. 

The  first  attempt  to  assemble  the  parts  in  their  original 
relation  to  one  another  was  made  only  v/hen  the  above  stage  of 
decipherment  was  completed.   Several  featm'es  served  as  guides 
in  this  restoration.   These  are  the  sense  of  tne  text,  the  uni- 
form relations  between  color  and  thickness  of  tne  lead,  the 
presence  of  outer  or  top  edges  on  a  few  fragments,  and  the  ap- 
pearance of  vaulting  on  the  reverse  side  of  a  relatively  sms.ll 
number.   On  the  other  hand,  there  were  ins-ny  obstacles  in  the  way 
of  complete  reconstruction, chief  of  vmich  xfere    the  impossibility 
of  making  use  of  the  portion  of  lead  still  on  the  spike  and  the 
similarity  of  outline  in  txie  broken  edges. 

Obviously  the  latter  difficulty  cou.ld  not  be  removed,  but 
the  i^.^'.t'A'^-  seemed  not  entirely  insurmountable.   In  the  hope  that 
a  few  fragments  migiit  be  released  from  the  nail,  the  chemists' 

aid  was  again  sought.  By  the  use  of  a  weak  solution  of  sul  - 
phijiric  acid  they  succeeded  after  several  days  in  loosening  nine- 
teen fragments,  v/hich,  however,  proved  to  be  of  little  value 
owing  to  their  mutilated  condition.   As  the  acid  was  apparently 
rendering  the  lead  too  "brittle  to  handle,  it  was  thought  wise 
to  proceed  no  further  with  the  experiment;  moreover,  it  seemed 
i'jipro"bable  that  any  fragments  saved  would  make  a  sufficient  con- 
tribution to  counterbalance  the  loss  of  so  valuable  a  relic  as 
the  nail  and  its  holdings.   But  in  spite  of  the  difficulties 
the  sense  of  the  text,  interrupted  though  it  v/as ,  soon  revealed 
the  fact  that  we  were  dealing  with  five  distinct  tablets.  With 
this  established,  the  significance  of  the  uniform  relation  be- 
tween the  color  and  the  thickness  of  the  fragments  became  ob- 
vious.  It  was  found  that  those  belonging  to  the  tablet  tsia.t 
will  henceforth  be  designated  as  Aquillia  were  very   thin  and 
alarmingly  fragile  and  of  a  piu'plish-brown  hue;  those  of  Plotius 
\.'ere  thin  and  bluish;  those  of  Vesonia  were  thick  and  reddish, 
while  those  of  Avonia  were  of  a  similar  tinge  but  somewhat  thin- 
ner; finally,  the  fragments  of  Secunda  were  thin  and  of  that 
dull  gray  shade  characteristic  of  pure  lead.   The  presence  in 
a  fev/  instances,  of  riglit,  left, or  top  edges  ma-de  it  possible 
to  locate  some  fragments  with  absolute  definiteness  to  the  right 
or  to  the  left  of  tlie  nail  or  at  the  beginning  of  the  tablet 
from  which  they  had  been  broken.  No  lov/er  edges  were  found. 

Where  writing  could  be  read  on  'both  sides  it  was  usually  easy  to 
locate  a  fraginent,  as  the  obverse  and  reverse  contexts  afforded 
a  sort  of  double  check  i'l  their  particular  zones.  After  the 
application  of  this  test  it  soon  became  apparent  that  only  three 
of  the  tablets  were  opisthographic. 

There  now  remained  two  or  three  dozen  fragments  too  thickly 
coated  with  the  deposit  of  lead  carbonate  to  be  legible.   These 
the  chemists  treated  v/ith  dilute  nitric  acid  which  after  a  very 
brief  immersion  readily  dissolved  the  carbonate  but  did  not  ap- 
preciably affect  the  body  of  the  laj'-er.   In  this  way  the  ma- 
jority of  these  fragments  were  made  decipjierable .   The  total 
nvunber  read  was  two  hundred  and  twenty,  and  all  but  sixt^^-two 
could  be  located  in  their  proper  places  with  almost  a/osolute 
certainly.   Of  this  latter  group  thirty-nine  could  b^"-  the  indi- 
cations of  color  and  tiiickness  of  the  lead  and  by  the  style  of 
handwriting  be  assigned  v/ith  some  degree  of  accuracy  to  the  sev- 
eral tablets  from  which  they  came,  but  not  to  their  original 
contexts.    ■'■-     ■   •  ■-  ^      -    -  '   ■  -        .  .  v..  . 

3.  Description  of  the  Reconstructed  Tablets. 
The  facsimiles  in  black  and  white  which  later  accompany  the 
text  of  the  ciu'se  formulae  were  made  only  after  reconstruction 
liad  been  carried  as  far  as  conditions  permitted.   Photographic 
reproductions  would  of  course  be  preferable,  but  owing  to  the 

fragmentary  character  of  the  material  it  was  found  absolutely 
impossible  to  obtain  them.   The  present  re x^r eductions  represent 
the  actual  size  of  the  original  tablets.   They  enable  one  to  es- 
timate with  fair  exactness  the  dimensions  of  the  laminae  before 
they  were  shattered.  Were  their  edges  v/it}iout  irregularities 
it  would  be  possible  to  estijoate  their  several  a.reas  to  within 
a  centimetre  or  tv/o  of  the  correct  figures,  as  the  general  out- 
lines of  the  pairs  of  opposite  edges  are  practically  parallel. 
In  the  case  of  Aquillia  the  fragments  are  too  few  to  bear 
out  this  statement;  yet,  if  an  attempt  is  xaade  to  reproduce  in 
cursiye  virriting  its  formula  as  supplemented  from  the  other  tab- 
lets, it  will  be  found  that  most  of  the  lines  of  the  text  are 
virtually  uniform  in  length.   Tovrards  tlie  end  of  the  tablet  some 
of  the  lines  gradually  become  siiorter,  but  on  reaching  their 
minimiun  length  they  return  just  as  gradually  to  their  average  di 
mension.   This  points  to  a  narrov/ing  of  tiie  lamina  at  tiiis  pa-rt. 
In  Secunda  a  fragment  from  the  lower  right  hand  corner  siiows  a 
slight  tapering  towards  the  bottom  of  the  lamina.   The  exper- 
iment of  reproducing  the  formula,  however,  in  letters  similar 
in  size  and  form  to  those  of  the  original  reveals  the  fact  tliat 
the  left  hand  edge  continues  to  the  ver''^  bottom  with  no  loarked 


deviation  from  the  straight  line. 

(fe)   Very  few  tabellae  def ixionum  are  of  greater  superficial 
area  than  these.   Cf.  Audollent  (Augustus),  Defixionum  Tabellae 
Albert  Pontemoing,  Paris,  1904,  Nos .  15  and  271. 

To  fit  the  present  recoiiStruction  to  the  broken  layers  on 
the  nail  is  quite  impossible,  nevertheless, one  can  determine 
the  original  order  by  comparing  the  character  of  the  lead  on  the 
nail  with  t?ie  well-established  character  of  the  lead  in  the  re- 
constructed tablets.   The  la^^ers  nearest  the  head  of  the  nail 


undoubtedly  belong  to  Aqijlllia;  Secunda   caiae  next,  then  Avonia, 
then  Vesonia,  and  lastly  Plotius. 

The  fragments  also  tell  us  how  tiie  lajflinae  were  originally 
folded.   On  onl;-  one  fold  that  is  visible  on  the  nail  does  v/rit- 
ing  appear  on  tlie  outer,  i.e.,  the  convex  side.   Loose  fragments 
t'nat  have  been  broken  at  the  line  of  folding  have  edges  that 
turn  slightly  in  towards  the  side  bearing  the  text.   Both  of 
these  observations  lead  to  the  inference  that  in  general  the 
tablets  were  rolled  into  cylindrical  shape  witii  the  writing  on 
the  inside  for  protection  against  abrasion  and  for  concealment 
from  prying  eyes;  for,  should  the  writing  be  injured  in  an;^  way 
the  formula  v/ould  be  of  no  effect,  or,  should  human  eyes  read  it 
counter  formulae  might  be  composed  or  other  means  resorted  to 
that  might  bring  the  evil  of  the  formula  back  like  a  boomerang 
upon  its  author.     The  nail  v/hen  driven  into  such  a  yielding 
mater ia,l  as  lead,  packed  tlie  laminae  together  and  created  very 
Cf)      Thus  designated  for  lack  of  a  better  name. 

pronounced  lines  of  folding.   Estimating  the  coLibined  length 
of  all  the  tablets  at  148.3  cm.  and  allowing  for  twenty-seven 
layers,  the  average  width  of  the  folds  was  5.5  cm.    The  widest 
fragment  is  one  belonging  to  Vesonia  (  #12)  which  measiires  8  cm. 
some  are  no  wider  than  2  cm.   Tliese  figures  seem  to  indicate 
the  two  extremes  of  v/idth,      \|,  , 

r.'  ''i^i.a  J 

^  ■'   U  ■fXA^MJ^y^.J^?^    -^hjL  4aaC^  y-  CU-»/w.«v.i^,£^ 

(Onli'-  the  more  important  "books  are  hare  liientioned.   The 
most  extensive  bioliography  is  contained  in  the  work  of 
Audollent  to  "be  found  in  the  following  list,), 

•    '•  ■  GEITRRAL  WORKS. 

DaremlDerg  et  Saglio,  Dictionnaire  des  Anticiuites  grecques  et 

roBiaines,  Paris,  1892-.   (  Sag.). 
De  Ruggier©,  E.   Dizionario  Epigrafico  di  Antichita, 

Rome,  1908- .  (Diz.  Epig.), 
KlelDS,  E.   Prosopographia  Imperii  Romani,  Saec.  I,  II,  III, 

Partes  tres,  Berlin,  1897. 
Pauly-Wissowa,  Real-Enc^'-clopadift  der  Classischen  Alter tiunswissen 

schaft,  Stuttgart,  1901-.   (Paul2'--Wissowa)  . 
Smith's  Dictionary  of  Greek  and  Roman  Anti(iuities,  3rd,  ed,, 

London,  1890.  '  - 


Audollent,  Auguste.   Defixionum  Tabellae  quotquot  innotuerunt 
tain  in  Graecis  orientis  qu&,m  in  totius  occidentis  partialis 
riraeter  Atticas  in  Corpus  Inscriptionuia  Atticarum  editas, 
Paris,  1904,  (Aud.) . 

Battle,  W,  I.   I'lagical  Curses  written  on  Lead  Tablets.   Trans- 
actions of  the  American  Philological  Association,  XXVI , 
1895.   Proceedings  of  Special  Session,  1894,  pp.  liv-lviii. 

Mttnsterberg,   Rudolf.        Zu  den  attischen  Pluchtafeln,    Oster- 

,*S  Arch. 

reieches.Inso.  inWien.  1904,  pp.  I4l  f f . 
IJiederiiiann,  M.  Remarques  sur  la  langiie  des  tablettes  d'execra- 

tion  (Melanges  De  Saussiu*e,  Paris,  1908)  pp.  71  ff. 
Olivieri,  A.   Studi  Italian!  di  Filologia  Classica,  vii,  1899, 

pp.  195-3.   (Olivieri). 
Von  Prexaerstein,  Ein  Pluchtafelchen  rnit  Lieberzauber  aus  Poetovio 

Ost.  Arch.  Inat,  in  Wien,  1906,  pp.  192  ff . 
Wtlnsch,  Richard.   Corpus  Inscriptiomua  Atticarujfl.  Appendix 

continens  Defixioniua  Tabellae  in  Attica  Regione  repertas  ^= 

Inscriptionuin  Graecariua  III   3,   Berlin,  1897.   (Wttnsch  DTA) 
Wtlnsch,  R.  Antike   Pli.ichtaf sin,  Marcus  und  Weber,  Bonn,  1907. 
Wtlnsch,  R.   Sethianische  Verfluchungstafeln  aus  Rom.     Leipzig, 

1398.   (Wttnsch,  Seth.). 
Wtlnsch,  R.   ¥eue  Fluchtafeln,  Rheinisches  Museum  ftlr  Philologie, 

1900,  pp.  62  ff.;  232  ff. 
Wtlnsch,  R.   Reviev/  of  Audollent*s  Pefixionmi  Tabellae  in  the 

Berliner  Philologische  Wochenscjirif t ,  1905,  pp.  1071-32. 
Wtlnsch,  R.   Review  of  V/alter  Rabehl,  De  Seriuone  defixioniua 

Atticartim,  Dissertation,  Berlin,  1906,  in  Berliner  Phil. 

Wochenserift,  1907,  1574  ff . 
Ziebarth,  Erich.  "Der  Pluch  im  griechischen  Recht,  Heriues, 

XXX,  pp.  57  ff . 


De-Marchi,  Attilio.   II  Culto  Private  di  Rome.  Antica,  Milan, 
1896.   (De-Marchi). 

Frazer,  J,  G.    The  Golden  Bough,   A  Study  in  Comparative  Re- 
ligion, 2  vols.,  London  and  New  York,  1911. 

Gruppe ,  0.   Griechische  Mythologie  und  Religionsgeschichte , 
2  vols.,  Munich,  1906,  in  Mtlller»s  Handbuch  series. 
(GruTjpe)  . 

Harriyon,  Jane  Ellen.   ProlegOiQena  to  the  Study  of  Greek  Re- 
ligion,  CaiAhridge  University  .Press,  2nd  ed.,  1908. 

Martjuardt-Mau.  Das  Privatleben  der  ROmer,  Part  I,  2nd.  ed., 
Leipzig,  1386.   (Hi[arquardt-M^^»««)  . 

Preller,  L,   Griechische  Mythologie,  Vierte  Auflage  bearbeitet 
von  Carl  Robert,  Berlin,  1394. 

Reseller,  W.  H.   Ausfttlirliches  Lexikon  der  Sriechischen  und 
rOmischen  Mythologie,  Leipzig,  1902.  ^Roscher,  Lex.). 

Supplements  to  the  above: - 

Epitheta  Deorum  quae  apud  Poetas  Latinas  leguntur. 

Epitheta  Deorim  qwae   apud  Poetas  Graecos  leguntuir. 

Rouse,  W.  H.  D.    Greek  Votive  Offerings,  Cambridge  University 
Press,  1902. 

Stengel,  Paul,   Die  griechischen  Kultiisaltertttiiier ,  Munich, 

1898,  in  Mttller's  Handbuch  Series. 
Stengel,  Paul.    Opferbrauclie   G^^iechen,  Tenbner,  Leipzig,  1 

1910  (Stengel,  Opf . ) 
Wessely,  C.   Griechische  Zauberpapirrus  von  Paris  uad  London 

(Denkscrirt  der  Kaiserlichen  Akademie  der  Wissenscliaf  ten  zu 

Wien  —  Philosopisch-historische  Classe,  XXXVI,  1388,  zxrelte 

Al3theilung,  pp.  27-206). 
Wessely,  C,   Neue  griechische  ZauberpapiT?i  (Denksch.  d.  K.  Akad. 

d.  ¥iss.  zu  Wien-Phil.-hist.   CI.  XLII,  1893,  96). 
Wissowa,  Georg.   Religion  und  Kultiis  der  ROmer,  Munich,  1902, 

in  MQller's  Handbuch  Series.   (Wissov/a)  . 

Brock,  Arth\ir.   QuaestiomuA  GraLnnaticoruiii,  Capita  duo,  Dorpat, 

Corssen,  W.   liber  A\issprache,  Vokalisiaus  und  Betonung  der 

Lateinischen  Sprache,  2  vols,,  2nd,  ed,,  Leipzig,  1868. 
Georges,  K,  E,    Lexicon  der  lateinischen  Wortforinen,  Leipzig, 

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Gildersleeve  (B.  L.  )  and  Lodge  (G)  .    Latin  GrajniTia.r,  3rd,  ed.^ 

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Krebs,  J.  P.    Antibarbarus  der  Lateinischen  Sprache,  5th.  ed., 

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Lindsay,  W.  M.    The  Latin  Langua,ge ,  An  Historical  Accoimt  of 

Latin  Sounds,  Stems,  and  Flexions.   Oxford,  Clarendon 

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ikographie  und  Graminatik,  XV,  1908,  pp.  129  ff. 

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Etude  de  Philologie  Historique,  Paris,  1899.    (Moiil)  . 
?Jeue,  Friedrich,   Foruienlehre  der  :lateinischen  Sprache,  4  vols.^ 

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Reisig,  C.  K.   Lateinische  Syntax  neu  arbeitet  von  J.  H, 
;\.': -,  Sclunalz  und  Dr.  G.  Landgraf,  Berlin,  .1888. 

Schneider,  E.   Dialecti  Latinae  Priscae  et  Paliscae:  Ejceiapla 
Selecta.   Part  I,  of  Dialectoruin  Italicariua  Aeui  Vetus- 
tioris  Exeiapla  Selecta,  Vol.  I,  Leipzig,  1886. 
(Schneider) . 

Schuchardt,   H.        Der  Vokalisiaus  des  Vulgar  late  ins,  3  vols. 
Leipzig,  1866. 

Schulze,  Wilhelia.    Zvur   Geschichte  lateinischer  Eigennaaen, 
Berlin,  1904.    (Schulze). 
Stolz  (P)  and  Schios-lz  (J.  H.  ).   Lateinische  Grauirnatik,  Laut  — 
und  Pormenlehre,  Syntax  und  Stilistik,  4th.  ed . ,  in 
Muller's  Handbuch  series,  Munich,  1910.   (Stolz-Sclimalz)  . 


Thesaiu'us  Linguae  Latinae,  Leipzig,    (Thes.  Ling,  Lat,). 

'"ii    WOlfflin,  Tiber  die  a-llitterlrenden  Verbindungen  der  latein- 

ischen  Sirache,  in  Sitzungsberichte  d.  K,  bay.  Akad.  1881, 

II,  pp.  1  ff. 


Cagnat,  R.   Coiirs  d'Epigraphie  Latine,  Paris,  1898. 

L » Anne  e  Et  i  £;;r aph  i  que ,  Pa.r  i  s  . 
Carnoy,  A.   Le  Latin  d'Espagne  d'apres  les  Inscriptions,  2nd. 

ed.,  Misch  and  Tliron,  Bru_x:elles,  1906. 
Corpus   Inscriptionum  Latinaruw,  Vols.   I-XV,  Berlin,  (CIL)  . 
Diehl,  Ernst.   Vulgar lateinischen  Insclorif ten,  llarcus  und 

Weber,   Bonn,  1910. 
Diehl,  E.    Pompeiaaische  Wand ins chr if ten  und  Verwandtes, 

Marcus  und  Weber,  Bonn,  1910, 
Diehl,  E.   Altlateinische  Inschriften,  Marcus  und  Weber,  Bonn, 

'  E<|,>j i^i^ftls  'Aa;;^x.oKcY,l^>j  ^     ^^q?,  col.  19ff. 
HtJbner,  E.    Exeiapla  Scripturae  Epigraphicae  Latinae, 

Berlin,  1885. 
Pirson,  Jules.   La  Langue  des  Inscriptions  latines  de  la 

Gaul a ,  Bruxelles,  1901. 

Ritschl,  p.    Opuscnla  Philologica,   5  vols,,  Leipzig,  1878, 
(Hitschl,  Opus.) . 

■R.'t5cM.  f- 


^Priscae  Latinitatis  Moniuaenta  Epigraphicvo,        (Ritaohl, 

7/essely,    C.   Sciirifttafeln  zxir  Alteren  Lateinischen  Palaeographie, 
Leipzig,    1898. 



IncliTdes  letters  lost  through  fracture 
of  the  lead . 

(^  )  Includes  letters  omitted  through  the 

erroi-  of  the  scrite. 



^  /.  Plotixxs. 

Lead   tablet  31.6   X  11.3   cm.  without  writing   on   the  reverse 
A  preliminary   transcription  with  restoration  p\iblished   in   The 
Johns  Hopkins   Circular,    New  Series,    1910,   No.   6,    pp.   8-9, 

■bona'pulCiira   proser^jina    .    lut  .  nis'uxsor 
seiue»ine»  saluiain  deicere'  oportet* 

eripias«3aluteia*c lorein'uires'  uirtutes* 

ploti*  tradas* uiro*  tuo*  ni'possit'cogitationibno 

5"    sueis* hoc*  vita illunc*  ^ 

febri*  quartan.e*  t nae" cottidia ,ae 

quas* uct 

eu.  .cant usq 

■  .  .s«  eripia nc*  uictiiaam 

/ 0      tibi*  trad rpi e*me 

proserpin u.e^m eruosisiat  dicere 

oportet^rne rcessitiiii'canen 

tricepitem*viui cor^eripiat*  polliciarss 

illi*  te»datiu'\im  t .es'uictimas 
/5'         palraa. ,  .  .rica.*  por  .um»nigriua* 
hoc«  s-ei*  pe  .  .  .cerit 

m r 

(1)   Although  Aquillia  by  virtue  of  its  occupancy  of  the  first 
position  on  the  nail  shoiild  be  considered  first,  we  are  forced 

ciim»  compote'fe  .  .  .is*do    tibi*cap., 

ploti'auon. .... ,oserpina*s 

20        do    tibi'fron ti*  proserpina*sa,luia 

dCttb.    sii ploti*proserpin. 

salvia  do    s  "plo , . 

proserpina* sa . 

ploti*  pr  oser s 

25        la"bra»  or m  lin.t^aiia* 

dentes   p...,.ni   dicere*po;33it* 

ploti\i3*q.uid at*  colluui'iiiiieros  :,    v..' 

"bracchia'd.git ssit*  aliquit*  t    ■•  '  k,:' '" 

se»adintare  .  .  ,c cinera*  cor* 

30        pulinones'n. sentique*  quit* 

sibi*  doleat .tina*  venter* urn. lieu. 

latera    .i   p . . .it'dormi  re« scapulas 

ni»poss.  .    s.nus'doruiire*  uisciiiJi* 

sacriJin* ne i»  possit*  urina:a»f acere» 
35   natis^anxun  ...ina*  genua 

......tibias  pe 

......  s«  ungis*  ni»  po tare*  ... 

.  .rt  .te»  seiue  , ,  .  ,3*  seiue*  paruiua 

scrip quoiuodo*  quicqu.  . 

40   legitim*  seic 

ego  ploti*  ti  ....  .ado*inando 
to  consider  it  last  owing  to  its  fragmentary  condition, 

ut*  tradas    nse*  februarlo 

.cillunc*inal e'exset 

.  .  .e^disperd das'ni'  possit 

45         ..... .s   ulliua ere* 

Text   supplemented  from  the    other   tablets. 

Bona  pulchra  Proserpina,  ^HLutOnis   vx:sor, 

seine  me   RaliiiaiQ  deicere   oportet, 

eriidas   salutem,    corpus,    collorem,    ui^es,    viirtutes 

Ploti.      Tradas  Tpiutoni   uiro    ti'o,      ITi   possit   cogitati 
5  sueis  hoc   uitare.      Tradas    illunc  ^ 

febri   (lUivrtariaJe,    ttertialnae,    cottidiah!ae , 

quas   cuna  illo   luctent,    deluctent;    illimc. 

euincant,  'uincant',    uscvue   diiai  ariiniam 

eiijs   eripiapt.     Q-iare   hanc  uictiioain 
10        tibi    trado,   Proserpina,    seiiie  me, 

Proserpina,    seinie  inle  Aclleruos        dicere 

r  1 

oportet.      He  mittas  arcessitum  canem 

tricepitem,    qui  Plot ij  cor  eripiat.      Polliciar 

illi   te   datiirvim  tres   u.ictimas ^ 

15        palmals,    caricab|,   jiorlctxua  nigruia 

f     -I  r  1 

hoc  sei   petrfecerit  ante  mensem' 

r  "^  r  1 

IJtartium.   Haec,   Proserpina  Saluia,    tibi   dabo' 

ciun  compote   feceris.     Do   tioi   capiUt 

r  -j  r  -T 

Ploti  Auoniae,     Prpseriuna  Saluiaj, 

20        do    tioi   rroniteii  Pldti ,      Proserpina  Saluia, 

do  rti|b|i|  siJ^ercilie]  Ploti.      ProEerrin,ia| 

Saluia,    do  'titi   palpetra'S   PlofeiJ. 

Proseri'ina  Saluia,   do    titi   iiupillasi 

Ploti.      Proserpina  Saluia,   do    tibi   nare's, 

?.5        labra,    oriculas,    nasuin,    linkliam, 

dentes  Ploti,    ni   dicere   i-ossit 

Plotius   quid   sibi   doleat;    colli'jr»,    i^uieros, 
I.  -- 

bracchia. ,    dajgitps,    ni  p^ssit  alitiuit 
se  adiutare:  ^.elcfeus,    iocinera,    cor, 

30        pulmones,    ni   possit   senti^r'e)  quit 

sibi   doleat;  'intesitina,    uenter,    iu£p]Lici3)s|, 
latera,  fnji   ppsskt   dormire:    scapulas, 
Mi   possp-tj  s^nus   doriuire :    uiscum 
sacriun,    nei   posait   urinajn  f a^cere  : 

35        natis,   aniufl,    feifiina,    genua, 

[crura],    tibias,    pejdes,    talos,    plantas, 
digitcjs,    ungis,    ni    polssit   stare  [siia 
uilrt|.i]te.      Seiue  (i^luls,    seiue   paruuia 
scripftum  fiieritj,    quomodo   quicqulid' 

40        legitimfe    scripsit,    niandauit,    seic 
ego  Ploti    tipi    trjado,   mando. 

vt    tradas ,  fme.ndes   ine'nse   PebrDari/o 
e/cillimc.     Male   perdat,   mal'e   exset, 
iniale   disperdat,     Mandes,    tradas,    ni   possit 
45       ;ampli\.is    ulliim  kaensem  aspidere, 

uidere,    contemplare 

^   %,      Avonia. 

Letid   tablet   29  X  11,3    cm.,   vath  writing  across    the   back 
about  midway  between   the   iipj'er  and  lower  edges, 

.  .    ■        ■..,,..  -A^  .       ..  .  ,.  ,'  „ 

•■  '■         .ona'pu roserT'.iria*  pl\Jtoni  ,  x  ■. 

.xsor*£eii)e  «  deicere*  oportet* 

eripias*  Sciln  . . ,  .corp. .    colorei!i*\:ires* 

xar til tes   at?,  .ia.adas'plutoni* 
5  uiro   tuo onibus's  ........ 

quicqui  ,    xdt 

febri   qiiart .  .ae*t 

qn&s   cruii*illa    .\icten 

euincant •uinca 

10        eius*eripiant«  .  .are   Iianc*  luctiirian 

....    trado    .a»*  me 

.  .  .  .erriina»se eruosiam  dicere 

.  .  .rtet*  Lie 'in cessitiun'cane  , 

te s   cor   eripiat 

15         urxun*  tres«  r;ictim. . 

palioB-s'carica .grum»lioc«  sei» 

perfecerit*  an marti\.iiii*haec 

....ia   tibi'dabo   ci; .  •compoteui'feceris 

do    tibi   caput   a,uon...s   pr . .  .rpina'saluie.*  d. 
20        tibi«frontem  auonla oserpina»saluia 

do    tibi*  £T;percilia    . . .  .  .aes«  proserpina 
.Ixiia*  do*  tibi  'palije  . .  ,s*  proserpi  . . 

alu.a'do    ,  .bi»  jiupillas    ..onia.  .s 

.  ,uia*do» t . . .    oric\;la. .  .  .bra    . . . . .  .nasun 

25        .  .ntes*liguaM«auon e«  possit 

.  .nia*ciT3id«  s  .bi    s 

.acchia* digito possit* ali. .. . 

se   adivitare»i)ec nera»cor 

puliAones'ni* quit' sentire* 

30        quit'sibi'dolea ina^uenter* 

luablicus*  f;cap\'.l . .    latera'ni*  po  . .  . .»iuscuia  sac.iun'ni   possi, 
urinajri»f .  .  .re    . .  .  .s*  f  eiriina  • 

anT3in»gen a»tibias*pedes 

35        tctlos    .la tos«  ungis*  ni* 

..ssit    su te   seiue 

plus*  .  .  .  .e   p..u\un    ....ptiun 

fuerit*quomodo«ciuicqii.i me  * 

Kcripsit«iiiandau  . .  .  .eic'ego*  .  .  .niam 

40        tibi* trade  man..    ut*tradas 

.erisi   f  ebrxiario  . , xs  . . 

The  remainder   of   the   formula   is    continued  on   the   back   of 
the    tablet,    the  vvriting  running    in    the    opposite   direction   to 
that   on   tlie   face. 

male*  disperd. . . . .nd adas 

nei'po.s.t.  ampl i , , ull . . 
men. em  aspicere»\a  . . , . 

45   contemplare . 

■■  .  ;  ^      .     ■  .   .  r  •  - 

Text   siJppleinented   from  the    other    ta^blets. 


r  T  ^  ''  ^    •  .  ■  ■  ■  ' 

Bona  inilchra  Proserpina  Plutonis 

ijxsor,    seiue  me  deicere    oportet, 

eripias    salntem,    corpus,    colorem,   vires, 

idrtxites  Aiionlicve',      Tradas  Pliitoni 


r  71  r  1 

5  uiro   tiio,      Ivi   possit   cogitationibus   Stieis   hod 

qiiicquM  vitare.  Protinvs  tradas  illanc! 
felDri  cii3artlar]ae,  tertianae,  cottidianaej, 
quas  cum  ilia  3juc tent,  deluctent;  illanc] 
euincant,    uincant,    usque   dum  animejaj 

10        eius  eripiant.    JQuare  lianc   uictima-ia 
[tibii  trado,  iProserpina,    seiije  me, 

Proserpina,    seiue  me  Acheriiosiam  dicere 

r     T  r:  1  r 

ioportet.      Me  mittas  arcessatum  canem 

tricipltein,    qui  Auoniaeis   cor  eripiat  . 

15       jPollicearis    illi    te   datx^rum  t.res   uictiinasj 

r                    T 
palmas ,    crtricaB,    porcum  nigrum hoc   sei 

perfecerit  ante   laensem]  Martivna.      Haec, 
|Salii!ia,    tibi   dabo,    ctanl  compotein  feceris . 
Do    titi   caput  Auonia.e's.      Proserpina  Salxiia,    doj 
20        tibi  frontem  Auoniaes .      Proserpina  Saluia, 
do   tibi    supercilia  Auoni,aes .      Proserpina 

jSaJluia,    do   tibi   palpebras  Auoniaes.      Proserpina 

1    ri      T'  "!  r  1    r-    '" 

Saluife,  do  tibi  pupillas  'AvioniaeiS ,  Proserpina 

Saluia,  do  tibi  oriculas,  laWa,  nares,  nasui/i, 
25   identes,  liguain  Auoniaes,  ni  dicere  possit 

Auonia  quid,   sjibi  doleat;  colluin,  tuner os , 

[bracchia,  digitols,  ni  possit  aliuuid' 

se  adiutare :  pectus  iocinerB.,  cor, 

pulmones,  ni  possit  quit  sentire 
30   quit  sibi  doleat:  intestina,  uenter, 

r  r     ] 

umblicus,  scapulas,  l£itera,  ni  possitj 
dornire:  t(isciyn.  sacriuo,  ni  possit 
urinam  facere;  natis,  femina, 
anuia,  genua,  cr\ira,  tibias,  pedes, 
35   talos,  plantae ,  digitos,  ungis ,  ni 
jossit  stare  sua  uirt\<te.   Seiue 
plus,  seiuie  pMuum  ^crijiittun 
fuerit,  quomodo  quicquld  legitime 

scripsit,  mandauit,  seic  ego  Auoniajn 

r  ^1 
40   tibi  trado  ras,n^o,  ut  tradas  illanc 

mensi  Pebruario .   Male  perdat,  male  exs'eatf, 

(On   t}ie   reverse) 
male   disr^erdJat .      I\iland^s,    tr'adas  • 
nei   pos'si't  ainpli[isl  ull^un] 

r  -, 

iiiensem  aspicere,    vudere, 

45        contemplare. 

li  ct 

^  3.      Vesonia., 

Lead  tablet  50.3  J  11.5   cm,   v/ith  v/riting   on   the  reverse 
midway  between   tlie    ends. 


bona'pulch a»plutoniE»  nxsor 

seine*  rae«  s  .  .uia e»  oportet*  eripit^s* 

.sali?tem*c ,  rp\is   coloreia»uires«iiirtiites 

rnaxiins,e«  uesoniae*  tra. .  .  .pint on, 
5  uiro    ...    ni' poss  . . . .  .gitationibus"  s\A. . . . . . . 

quicq tinu . .  tra 

f  ebri*  cixi anae 

quas»ciim   illa*luc 

eu.ncant»uincan, .  ,sque»d\).m«aniDQa. . 
10        e...   eripiant*  q. .  .e«hanc»uictiina. , 

tibi*  trad.*p ue«me»pros  ..■..., 

sei\je*iae dicere'oporte  .... 

mitta m'canem  tr .  .ep. . . . 

qui e   cor'er .  ,iat 

15        polli turum'tres   iiictiKia.s 

palm \im*  nigrum 

hoc'sei    ,erf te'iriense'i/iartiiun* 

ha.c  ti cum» compote  , 

fece . ,s»do  tibi*  ca . . . ,max,m,e*uesoniae 

20       p pina  s.lui.   do'tibi   frontem 

ina.imae ae»  j.roserpina   s 

do   titi*  sijper esoniBes'i'.roserpina 

saluia*  do   tibi*  palpetras'iiaxiioa.e'ijesoni  . , 

proserpina   saluia'do'tibi'pupillas'uesoniae 
25        jiroserpina*  saluia*  do   tibi*  eric  las*  Ic.bras" 

nares*  nasiam*lingua*dentes»inaxiina.e 

iiesoniae*  nei*  dicere*  pes  sit*  maxima/ 

uesonia,*  ciiiid*  sibi'  doleat*  colliim* 

timeros  bra. ....  .digitos*  ni*  possit*aliq 

30        se....utar inera*  cor 

piiliAone t*  sentire'ciuit 

doleat»  i  . .  .St . . .  .uenter'unb. .... 

scapulae ni 

uiscu n .rina. 

35   face 

genua... bie. a  pedes 

talos s*\ingis«  ni* 

possit*  sta tute*  seiue»plus» 

seiue*par m  fuerit* 

40   quomod scripsit 

man ax .  .am 


The  remainder  of  the  formula  is  continued  on  the  reverse  of 

the  tablet,  the  v.-riting  rimning  in  tlie  same  direction  as  that 
on  the  face , 


trado  m nc* 

jiiensi   fehrxiar male* 

45        male*  per  da  t.* 

male'disp.rdat*  tr  .da.8 

ni«  rossit ,  .mpliu,   ullmn* 



Text   supplemented  from  the    other   tablets. 
Bona  pulci^ra  Proserpina  Plntonis   \ucsor, 
seine   ne   ^^iiiam  dicere    oportet,    eripias 

salutem  qojrpus,    colorem,   uires,    uirtutes 

f    1  r  1 

Msjcimae  Vesoniae.      Tradasi  Plutonil 

5  uiro  jtuol.      lii   possit   coigitationihxjs   siieis  hocj 

quicrmid  iiitare,      ProitinuBj  traidas| 

febri   quiartanae,    tertilanae ,  ^cottidianae, 

quas   cxnn.  ilia  liictent,    eluctent;    illanc^, 

exij^ncant,    uincanit,    i5Bq\;e   dvm.  animajm] 
10        elus!  eripiant,      Qxiar^e  hanc  uictimajaj 

tibi    tradOj,   Proserrdna,    seine  me,   Prosjerpinal 

seine  me  /AcherusiaiQ]  dicere  oportejt.  MeJ 
Kiittals  arcessiti;!m  canem  trici  e  pa  tern}, 
qui  jMaxima.e  Vesonia'e   cor  eriWiat , 

r  1 

15        Poll  i'c  ear  is    illi   te   datiiri^m  tres   r.ictinjas--- 

palma  s ,    c  ar  i  c  a  s ,  p  or  cxna  n  i  gr nm 

hoc  sei  'jierfecerit  an'te  mense  L/lartXT^in, 
Hae|c,  Saliiija,  tilbi  dabo'  cum  corripoteinj 
feceris.      Do   tibi   ca|p\it  I^feixlikns.e   Vesonia.e, 

20       Proserpina  SaliiiW,    do   tibi   frontein 

Maixlmae  iVesoniae,     Proserpina  Ss.liiiaJ, 
do   tibi   supericilia  wesoniaes,      Proserpina 
Saluia,    do   tibi   palpetras  Ms.ximB.e  Vesoniaej. 
Proserpina  Sa.luia,    do    tibi   pDjullas  Vesoniae 

25        Proserpina  Saluia,    do   tibi    oriclas,    labras , 
nares,    nasuin,    lingua,    dentes   Ijlaxiin&.e 
Vesoniae,    nei   dicere   possit  lulaxiine, 
Vesonia   (i^jid   sibi   doleat:    colliua, 
uineros,    bracchia',    digitos,    ni   possit  aliquit 

30        se  ladiiutai'e:    pectus,    ioclinera,    cor, 

pulnones,    ni   possit   sentire   qxiit   sibi 
doleat:    i'ntestina],    uenter,    i;aablicus|, 
scapulae  ,  I  latera',    ni   possit   dorrairej: 
uisctija  sacriufi   ,   ni   possit  ijrinain 

35        facere:    natis,    anuti,    feminaj. 

genua,  ■  ti'bia^'s,    cri.ira,    pedes, 

"  J         L  -• 

r-  1 

talos ,  'r^Ei-ri'tc-s ,    digitos,    ungis,    ni 

possit   sttlre   sua  uirtute.      Seiiie   plvis 

r  1 

seine   parinma  scriptiim  fxierit, 

40        quomodo   citiicciiiid   legitime    scripsit, 

ma-ndauit,    seic   ego  Ma.ximB.ia 

Vesonia.m,    Proserpina,    titi 

(On   the  reverse) . 

trade,   iTiando,    ut   tradas    illainc 
inensi  Pebriiar'io.     Male],   male, 
45        h^ale   perdat,  ^a,le   §xi^^e*5 

male   disperdat.        Tradas, 
ni   possit  ampli\/s  iilliun 
iiiensem  aspicere,    uidere, 

J  ^J 

r  1 

4  4  Secunda. 

Lead  tablet  30.4  X  16,5  cm.  witli  writing  on  the  reverse 
beginning  at  the  lower  end,  ITo thing  of  this  tablet  is  preserved 
to  the  left  of  tlie  longitudinal  axis, 


, seine*  lae" 

0  .rpus 

ir t i  ti'a  .as  • 

us*  Bu.  .s'hoC 

5     tan.e 

s  c\i uctent* 

uin nt*  usque* 

s  . .  .ipia re'hanc  • 

tra seiue*ue* 

10    dicere* 


pia. . . .lliciarus 



15         iricf  tibi* 

is*  do»  t i c i* 

a*  do*  tibi 

luia  do   titi" 

liiicJ?  do   tioi* 

20         do   tibi'  jiupillas* 

.ares*  la  bra 


quid  .... 

acch. ,  .dig possit* 

25        ect nera.* 

sit*  sen quit* 

nter ....  .iimblicus* 

cap  .las*  ni 

m*  sacriim 

30         f num 

u as*  pedes       .., .  . 

(On   tlie   reverse )  . 

,q. . t* legitime 

'3  70  tl 


seic   ego 

titii    trado 

=    .llun. .m.nsi     .      , 

........0  inal . .  .erd.t*  male 

40         ..,.,...,.. rd . r  m. das 

nf  m.  .  .  .m  aspicere 

"ftxt   suppleiaented   froai  the    other   tahlets. 
j3ona  pulchra  Proserfjina  Plutonis   ijxsor,    seine  me 
[Sa-luiat'i  dicere    oportet,    eripias    salutemj,    c'dlrpus , 

[colorem,    uires,    ijjir twites    ji  ,      TraJdjas 

jPlutoni   uiro    tuo .      lU   possit   cogitationimis   sileils   he 

5          Iquicciuid  -uitare.        Tradas   illunc   feori   qiiai^tarQe , 
jtertianae,    cottidianae,    quas   cum  illo   ijuctent, 
eluctent;    illunc  euinjcant,    uincalnt,   usque 
\dma  anijoam  eiiis  ler^ipiant,      Qu&lre   ha,nc 
luictimam  tibi   traldo,   Proserpina,    seiue  me, 

10       iProserpina,    seiue  me  Acherusiajnj  dicere 
[oportet.      Me  mittas   arcessitu-'u  caiaem 

|tricipite:a,    ajjii    i    cor   erijpiajt.        Pop-liciarus 

lilli -tQ  daturiun  tres   uictijna,s- -  -palmas  , 
Icaricas,    porciun  nigrum lioc   sei   perfecerit 

15      fante  mensem  liar tiitin.      Haec,    Proserpjina,    tibi 
^dabo,    CiJin  compotem  f eceris  .      Do    tibi 

caput    i.   Proserpina  SaliiJIa,    do   tibi 

'frontem i.      Proserpina  Saluia,    do   tibi 

jSupercilia    .i.      Proserpina   Saluia,    do    tibi 

20      fpalpebras    .i.      Proserpina  Saluia],    do   tibi   pitpillas 

u  _l 

r i.      Proserpina  Saluia,    do    tibi   n'ares  ,    labra, 

joric\ilas,    linguaxn,    dentes,    nasiua 

r.  ...  =  ,i,    ni   dicere   possit    ....i\i^  quid  Isibi   doLLeat; 

jcollijim,    u^-neros,    bracohia,'  diglitos,    ni^  possit 
25        aliquid  se  adiutare:    plectkis,    iociteiera, 

[cor,    pulmones,    ni   possit   senrtirej  quit 

[sibi  doleat:      intestina,    uenter,    uinblicus, 

latera,    ni   possit  dor  mire:    f  acapu^Jas ,    ni 

[possit   sa-nus   dormire :      uiscitm  sacrujn, 
30      jni  possit   urinaia  fg-cere :      natis,    anvim, 

ifeniina,    genua,    crura,    tibjuas,    pedes, 

(On   the  reverse), 

't8-los,    plantas,    digitos,    ungis,    ni 
'possit   stare   sua  uir|tu|te.      Sei'ue 
[plus,:  seiue   pa-rum  scrip^ 
35        fuerit,    quoinodo   quicquit   legitime 

jscripsit,   inandauitj,    seic  ego 

r. rj  tibi    trado , 

flaando,    ut    tradas    jjlluiJcI  iijefrisi 
pebruario.     Male   derc^t,   ina.le 
40       jexseat,   male   disperdjdt.        Mandes,    traldas, 
fni  possit  amplius   lilliya  inensam  aspicere, 
[uidere,    contemplarej. 

^  5,  Aquillia. 

Lead  tablet  27  X  15.4  cm.  v/ithout  writing  on  the  reverse 

.proser . .  .a'  pi xsor  ae  .  ,  . 

.  ,  ,  . .ere ias*  s  .  .utem 

ae'  aqu 

pos .ationibus  .... 

5 11a  .  ,  .  .elari   qua  .  .ana  . 


.ncant*  u  .....  , 

re   hanc 

,  tra s  e  iue  me 

10         , m'dic 


,  trice 


.pi'os 0   t .  .1 .  . . 

.  .  .  .serpin d  . .  .  .bi   su 

20         ; ros .pilla 

o    t 

2  b 





f  .  .  . 

•  >•>•••  t  •  1  •  B*  Cyii  . 


•  %BX'&     SUci  .  . 

.  .psi. 

seixje   par\i. 

.  . .  .riptiun.  ...... 


•  das  11.  ,  ,  , 

.  .  .  .erd.  .  .  . 

Text   supplemented   from  the    other   tablets. 

P  "7  r     1  ^  ''■  r. 

•|Bona  piilchra',  Proserpina  ?l\itonis   lucsor,    se[iue 

me  Saluiam  dicere  oportet,  eripias  ^llutem, 

corpiis,    colorem,    uires,    uirtutes    , . .  .  jae  Aqulllii 

Tradas   Plutoni   uiro    tuo .      ITi'  posisit   cogitationibus  [sueis 
5        hoc   Liuicquid  uitare.      Trada.i^    uLlanc   febri   cii;a5rtkna[e , 
tertianae,    cottidianae,    quas    ciun  ilia  luctent, 
eluctent;    illanc   euincant,    uincant, 
usque   dum  animaia  eius   eripiant.      Quaire   hanc 
uictimam  tib^  trado,   Proserpinaj,    seiue  me, 



Proseri:)ina,    seiue  me  Acherusiajm  dioere    oportet, 

Ate  Mittas  arcessituiQ  caneioj  tricejpitem, 

qui    ae  Aquilliae   cor  eripia.t.      Polli^ciarus 

te   datiwum  tres   uictixns,s---palincJs ,    carica.s, 
porcuia  nigrum hoc   sei  perfecerit  ante  xnensex/i 

15        Martiiua.     Haec,    Proserpina  Pal^iia,    tibi   dabo,    cum 
compotem  feceris.     Do   tibi   caput    . . , ,  .ae 

Aquilliael.     Proser2)ina  Saluici,    do   tabji  prontem ae 

Aquilliae.      Pro'serpink  Saluif2,    djo   tijbi   siijiercilia 

. .  . .  .ae  Aquilliae.      Proserpina  Saluia,    do    tibi   palpebras 

20         ae  AquilD.iae.      Proserpimi  Saliiia,    do    tibi   piljiillals 

ae  Aquilliae.      Proserpina  Saluia,    do    tabi   nares, 

labra,    oriculas,    nasxun,    linguam,    dentes    ae 

Aquilliae,    ni   dicere   possit    a  Aquillia   quid 

sibi   doleat:    collum,    luaeros,   brtt,cchia,    digitos, 

25        ni   possit  aliquid   se   ddiiitaf-e:    pectiis, 

cor,    iocinera,    pulmones,ini   possit   sentire 
quid   sibi   doleat:    intiestina,    uenter,    \unblic\is. 

latera,    ni  possit  dorjuire :    scapulas,    ni 
possit   Sana  doraiire:    uisjciiia  IsadrvLm, 

30      'ni   -nossit  lurinaia  facere:    fiemina. , 

natis,    aniu/i,    genua,    tibials,    crura,    pedes, 
talos,   plantas,    digiltos,  [ungis,    ni   possit 
stare   sua'uirtute,      Seiue   plus.', 
seiue   I'^ariixun  s<Sriptiun  fuerit, 

35        quoiaodo   quicquid  legitime   scripsi't, 

inandauit,    seic   ego  Aquilliain  tibi    trade, 
mando,    ut    trsildas ,    inp,ndes    illanc   mensi 
Pebruario .      Ifele   perdat,   ma.le   exseat,   male 
disperdjat.     Ifendes,    tradas ,    ni   possit  amplius 

40       ullum  mensem  aspicere,    uidere,    contemplare. 

Transcription  of  fragments  which  ca.nnot  b( 
assigned   to   their   original  places. 

(a)      Probably  belonging   to  Plotius 
120  129 

1  a  ri 

2  a 

(Id)      Prolaably  belonging   to  Avonia. 

1  se 

2  ra 

(c)   Probably  belonging  to  Secunda. 
52  (Obv.)    52  (Rev.)      87        128        131 
1  o  ti         V.  .        .ru       r .  .a 



(d)      Probably  belonging   to  Aquillia 
54c  56  58  95 

In  ..      [Pro^erpfnaj     ep.,.ii. 





157  (Obv.) 


1  170 

1  ..s(?) 









































m   (?) 


c . 



2  r,       e  s 

3  r 

195      196       199       201        293       204 

1    r       ia       ti       m      rpo|ss&.tj      m 

(e)  Fragments  which  cannot  be  assigned  to  any  t-^Meir, 
59       89       98      112      127 










































a.  . . 

^       u 













Commentary  on  Plotius  #1 . 

■  1.    Bona IOCS  or .  ■       The  manner  of  addressing 

tiie  doity  in  a  def ixio  v/as  deemed  of  the  iitiuost  importance. 
Care  was  taken  to  specify  beyond  all  doubt  the  exact  deit^^  in- 
voked, 30  that  the  petition  laight  not  fail  to  reach  its  des- 
tination; and  to  use  suitable  lang\iage  ao  as  to  avoid  giving 
offence.   Ordinarily,  tiie  laost  familiar  xveuae    of  the  deity  was 
thought  sufficient;  biit  often  the  composers  of  the  formulae  in 
tlieir  desire  to  be  more  explicit  were  led  to  employ  many  ex- 
clusive and  flattering  epitliets.   A.s  a  rule,  8,mong  both  Greeks 
and  Romans  the  invocation  of  Proserpina  (  1^0041)  /^^TttoiVik  ^ 

was  veT-j   simple  (Cf.  V/tlnsch  DTA  101;  102  a,  b;  103  a).   The 
Romans,  preferring  other  deities,  Yevj   seldom  appealed  to  her. 
The  formula  Dea  Ataecina  Turibrig  Proserpina  per  tuam  lAaJes - 
tatem  (Aud.  1?.?,)    and  that  of  the  Johns  Hopkins  tablets  are  un- 
usual for  their  length.   This  conception  of  the  power  of  Pro- 
serpina is  qiute  Homeric,  for  H^omer  rejjresents  her  as  the  con- 
sort of  Kades  who  along  with  her  luj.sband  puts  into  effect  the 
cuj'ses  of  men  upon  tiie  souls  of  the  dead  (Cf.  Jl.  IX,  457,  569 
Od.  X,  494;  XI,  ?.?.6\    385-6;  634-5).   The  epithets  bona   pul- 
chra  suggest  Greek  and  Roman  poetry  rather  tiian  magic;  e.g., 
pulclira  (Virg.  Aen.  VI,  142 )  ;  T^t  o/  M.otW'nS    (Horn.  H.  II, 

493);  casta  (m»  VI,  402;  Sil.  Ttal.  XIII,  546);  ^icocima.  (Ovid. 

t   / 

Met.  V,  507};o^y^y^    (Hora.  Od.  XI,  386);   coniumc  ?lutonia 

(Prudent,  con.  Sym.  I,  367);  dominam  Pit is  (Virg,  Aen,  VI, 
397)  ;  vi^(J>'.j  'A(i>o^/  (Eurip,  Ale.  746).  Bona  is  found  only  in 
our  tablets.  Otlier  deities  coia;uonly  invoked  are  Pluto,  Dis 
Pater,  Mercurius,  Terra  Mater,  Ceres  and  Hecate,  Praxidicae 
and  Ge .  In  late  times  we  actually  find  the  God  of  tiie  Jews 
regarded  as  an  infernal  deity  and  addressed  as  XkoO  (Aud.  241, 
23-27).  Often,  on  the  other  liand,  no  deity  at  all  v/as  ad- 
dressed (uf.  Wttnsoh,  DTA  67;  77). 

uxsor.   cf.  exset  ^3.      .    The  use  of  xs  for  simple 
X  is  no  evidence  of  date.   It  is  a  phenomenon  that  appears  in 
all  classes  of  composition  and  ranges  from  the  S.C.  de  Bacch. 
of  136  B.C.  at  least  to  tJ-ie  second  century'  of  the  Empire. 
Alongside  this  spelling  is  read  Maxima  with  simple  x  in  every 
instance  in  Vesonia.   This  lack  of  uniformity  is  very   common 
and  mB,y  be  observed  even  in  such  carefully  prepa-red  documents 
as  the  Moni;uaent\im  Ancyramua;  e.g.,  sexsiens  (III,  24);  ex- 
stinxeram  ( VI ,  13 ) . 

2.     deicere .     oo  Avonia  2;  elsewhere  dicere .    Simila.rly 
seiue  10-11;  38  (bis);  sei  16   ;   w»-w^U^v-a,  ^  ''c\^il^  W^fi^^.iP'^r^^p^f^ 

^^'^'   seic  -  .  40;   sue  is  .  .  5;  nei   .  34;  but  _ni  elsewhere  in 
this  liand  (.  .  4,  26,  20,  30,  27,  44,  46);  and  die  ere  -   26. 
See  the  other  four  tablets.   These  forms  are  archaic  (Lindsay, 
p.  243;  Loiiim.  pp.  129  ff.j   Stolz-Schinalz,  p.  31;  Georges  s. 
verba)  and  h£„ve  therefore  a  very  decided  bearing  on  the  date 
of  oiir  tablets;  see  Ch,  III,   <^  ^'      ^°^"  seiue  see  And,  196, 
3  *  GIL  X  1604;   GIL  I   197,3  ;  200,  31;  203,  3.   Simple 
sei  appears  jauch  laore  cojjunonly  tlian  seine ;  see  note  on  16. 
Deicere  and  inflections  are  not  rare;  e.g.,  Plant.  Poen,  474; 
GIL   I   1007;  198,  32;  205, col.  2,  28. 

Seiue., .oportet .   Cf,  10-11.   Similarly  seiue  qt:io 

alio  noraine  uoltis  adpellare  (And.  129  .))  ;   Pis  pater  Veiouis 
Manes,  sine  quo  alio  nomine  f as  es t  _n^inare  (ivIacrobius^III , 
9,  10).   In  this  manner  of  address  the  magus  is  seeking  for  :, 
the  name  that  will  bind  the  deity  to  perform  his  reai^est  to 
the  last  word  {cf.  Gruppe,  pp.  883  ff.;  Frazer,  Golden  Bough, 
ed.  1911;  p.  225;  Wtinych,  Rhein.  Mus .  LV,  81).   In  tlie  spliere 
of  religion  a  similar  manner  of  address  is  employed,  but  its 
purpose  is  to  propitiate,  not  to  bind  (cf.  Prazer,  i.e.   and 
Hor.  Sat,  II,  6,  20;  To.    Carm.   Saec.  14-15;  Aesch.  Agam.  160  f f ^ 

Shorey  on  Hor,  Carxu.  15;   Milton,   P.  L,  III,  7). 

Selue.  S_iue  or  seu  {■=uel  si)  is  rare  and  old-fashioned 
(cf.  Reisig  ^  256),  See  Pers .  I,  67;  Prop.  IV,  6,  81;  Tit. 
1,6,  21.      ^<^     ^^r^pi^pH  .  ,   .„ 

,  Like  siue . . . .siue  ,  seu  seu   it  generally  follows 

the  logical  const •■•uct ion. 

me.     Here  and  in  10,  11,  12  we  read  the  only  reference 
to  the  person  in  whose  interest  tlie  cijrse  has  been  written. 
In  trado  (10,  41),  laando  (41)  and  in  the  frequently  repeated 
formula  do  tihi  (17-24)  the  reference  is  implied.  But  nowhere 
is  the  person  mentioned  hy  najae   for  fear  of  xnagic  vengeance 
and  of  the  penalties  ii.aposed  by  law  on  tliose  detected  in  re- 
sorting to  def  ixionea  against  tlieir  fellows  (cf.  Aud ,  p.xliv. 
ff.).   Ilames  are  found  as  a  riile  only  in  amp-tor;^  tablets  (cf. 
lb.  p.  xlv.  note  1) , 

Paluiain.       An  epithet  of  Proserpina  hitherto  unattested. 
It  seems  to  be  connected  in  thougiit  with  the  petition  eripias 

salutem,  v/hich  iimaediately  follows,   There  is  one  instance 
where  Salvia  is  used  in  the  religious  sphere  as  here,  viz., 
nauia  Saluia  employed  in  the  cult  of  the  Magna  Itater  (CIL  VI, 
494).   In  tv/'o  other  instances  religious  associations  are  im- 
plied: aquae  SaJuiae,  the  name  of  the  Roman  fountain,  a.nd  Urbs 
Saluia  in  Picenum  whose  patron  divinity  was  Sal\is  (CIL   IX 
5530  T=.  6078   ).    Por  the  etymology  of  Saluia  consult  Schulze, 
p.  471.    Saluis,  is  apparently  a  transla.tion  of  Su^rt,  j«<   a 
common  Greek  epithet  of  Proserpina;  e.g.,  V^o%       CS.o„ij«,  S.<w/c/yoo<5 
(Paus.  Ill   15,  2);  ^■*l  i^  X»3»]/   ^C  2:<^rtf3^»r   A<:<<X<='y(rii/'  ol   */y/cl(^$ 
(lb.  VIII,  31,  1);  Vi?7rw5  a^otTs  "^V  ^i^Ttiiv./   yi/i^flt/ws  T^  (pa^v^   /«,oV7r*^6  , 

^ogs  378-0).  On  coins  of  Cyzikus  is  read  Koavt  .^cxjTti^f^ 
(Cf.  Ivlacdonald,  Greek  Coins  in  the  Hunterian  Collection,  II, 
pp.  265-266,   Glasgow,  /?o  /  ). 

3.    erinias  .     ITot  found  elsev/here  in  the  def  ixiones  in 
this  connection;  cf.,  however,  auferas  (Aud.  250  a  4;  288  b  5; 
289  b  6;.  16)  a.nd  apsxima.tis ,  desiuoatis,  consumatis  (250  a  23-24). 

Salutem.       Cf .  ualetudines  (Aud.  135  a  9  j  cf .  195 
3-7);  b'yU^i^    (sic)   (41,  19). 

corpus .   Also  Olivieri  I.    These  are  the  only  cases 
vdiere  the  body  is  specified  in  the  Latin  tablets;  but  (T^^Mot 
appeyjr's  often  in  the  Greek,  e.g.,  Aud.  41  a  9  and  b  16  j  Wttnsch 
74,   3. 

t     colorem,    Cf.  Aud.  190,  5,   ££2:iP>'S ,  colorein  —  an  al- 
literation found  only  here. 

uires .    Cf .  note  on  eripias   3.  ' 

uirtutes.      Cf .  38.    This  is  v/ithout  parallel  in 
other  Latin  tablets.   But  the  Greek  afford  uiany  similar  ex- 
pressions; e.g.,  ^<^i\z^^t      ^^^•'"  ''■^^     cus/a^^,^    Ki    7^y     ^\k^^.. 

(Aud.  22,  7);  'Tuvt.){tri     u,oi r i>jV  /VJ^i/.^ r>jV  iio^KU-i*^ 

(38,  19-21).    Mai^i.  Tvo  ^'i'paMA^ 

Contrast  uirtus .  .  .  .nee  er ipi ,  nee  surripi  potest  unquam  (Cic. 
Parad.  VI  sub  fin.).   For  the  a,lliteration  cf.  uirtutem 
uiriuaa  (Q,.  Curt.  IX  7,29);  uirtutem  uiresque  (Tac.  Hist.  III. 
13);  also  Apul .  Met.  IV  8;  Plaut .  Amph.  191. 

The  condemnation  of  the  victim  in  this  line  is  plainly 
general  and  anticipates  the  detailed  specifications  to  follow. 
The  writer  is  fearful  of  omitting  some  item  that  would  Ciiuse 
the  curse  to  fail  in  its  all-eiiibracing  effects.   Salutem  re- 

fers  in  general  to  the  condition  of  the  victim,  corpus  to  the 
entire  material  f  ra^ne ,  _colorei:a  to  its  appearance,  and  uires 
and  uirtutes  together  its  faculties. 

The  absence  of  the  conjunction  e_t  will  be  noticed;  in 

fact,  no  examile  of  either  e_t  or  que  is  foimd  in  any  of  our 

tablets.   Asyndeton  is  an  occa,sional  characteristic  of  the 
curse  formulae  in  general.   In  the  Greek  formulae  it  is  much 
more  frequent  than  in  the  Latin.   In  the  earlier  tablets  from 
Latium  (Aud.  13?;-1:^9)  e_t  is  more  rarely  found  than  it  is  later. 
Asyndeton  is  archaic  and  is  characteristic  of  religious  formu- 
lae; :aagic  follows  religion.   (Cf.  Stol/.-Sclimal/. ,  p.  f^85). 

4.    Ploti .    Prom  ..  .  19  we  learn  that  this  Plotius  was  the 
slave  of  Avonia,  one  of  the  victims  involved  in  these  tablets. 
The  gens  Plautia  or  Plotia  was  a  vell-knovm  plebeian  gens  few 
of  whose  laeabers  ever  attained  to  distinction.   0  for  au  was  <a 
feature  of  ru.stic  Latin  and  of  the  vulgar  Latin  of  the  streets 
of  Rome.    That  the  demagogue  Clodius  changed  his  name  to  this 
form  from  Olaudius  to  win  public  favor  is  notorious.   TTnder 
plebian  influence  Plautius  became  Plotius .    In  oriculas  .  . 

25   v/e  have  a  change  froM  auriculas  due  to  the  Serine  general 
causes  (cf.  Lindsais  pP  •  40-41;  Stolz-Sclii-ialz ,  pp.  79-30). 
This  manner  of  spelling  is  one  anong  ms.ny   indications  that  in 
these  tablets  we  have  to  do  with  the  lowest  classes  of  the  pop 
ulation.    In  Aud.,  215,  10  appears  tlie  name  Plotius  Kerines . 
,..    The  najne  of  the  victim  (cf .  note  on  1)  was  regarded  as 
the  most  important  part  of  the  formula,  for  among  tjie  ancients 
tJie  name  was  looked  on  as  the  person  himself.   To  the 
curse  fully  effective  the  name  hs.d  to  be  written  vfith  the  ut- 
most clearness;  hut  compare  Wttn^h  DTA  55;  77;  88;  95  and 
praef ,  17.   Sometimes  the  was  itself  defixed,  as  'nve^bcn 
^J-oO  ro     iVo/^x    (Aud.  22,  40;  and  cf.2^23;  26,  28;  3^,  26; 
Wttnsch  DTA  57,  20).    To  jjrevent  the  goddess  mistaking  an- 
other Plotius  for  the  intended  victim  his  social  status  is 

mentioned  in  1.  19 -Ploti  Auoniae .    In  ancient  medicine  the 

patient's  ne.ros   was  occasionally  regarded  as  a  value.hle  adjunct 
in  effecting  a  cure;  e.g.,  de  sanguine  ipso  ljuj  fl^it  nomen 
eius  in  fronte  scribe,  c\ti  medendum  est  (li/larc.  X  33 ;  cf.  XIV 
68).  ^..  . 

Usually  the  dat.  is  used  with  eripere;  the  gen.  is  em- 
phatic: e.g.,  non  pecuniam  modo,  uerim^etiam  hominis  Pr°PA^'i^^ 
sangxunem  uitamci\ie  eripere^  cona.tur   (Cic.  Pro.  Q,uin.  11). 
Cf .  Ploti    13  where  the  gen.  preceding  is  even  more  empliatic 

Tradas  Plutonl .      There  are  many  different  f  orimaae 
deuotoriae  emplo3''ed  and  these  vary  according  to  whether  a  de- 
ity is  asked  to  consign  tjie  victims  to  the  lower  regions  or 
wliether  the  ai'.thor  of  t}ie  c\?rse  does  so  di-r^ectly  without  such 
an  appeal.   The  verlo  trado  is  used,  as  it  happens,  in  both 
cases;  e.g.,  trade  Plutoni  (Aud.   140,  7)  with  an  appeal  to 
tiie  god,  and  _trad_o  (.  .  2)  v/here  tiie  curser  performs  the  action 
himself  symholically .    In  the  former  class  are  o"bligare  (247; 
251;  253;  268);  deligar;e  217  "b6);  alligare  (217  Td  6;  277; 
279);  and  many  others.   In  Greek  are  '^t'^•,  ItKr^oCTr,    TT^  jo^O /<^/^'<^/ 
and  many  others.    For  complete  lists  cf.  Aud,  Tnd,  pp,474  ff. 
and  Wtlnsch  DTA  Ind,   pp.  48-49. 

4-5,   ^Ti  .  ,  ,  , .  ,sueis  .   Ni  and  nei  are   .Jjyforms  of  ne 
(cf.  under  nei  34).   ITi  possit  follov/ed  by  an  infinitive  oc- 
curs very  frequently  (26,  28,  30,  32,  33,  34,  37,  44)  in  a 
great  variety  of  connections.   Both  ne ,  non  and  ut  non  are 
comi-rion  in  other  Latin  tahellae  (cf.  Aud.  Ind.  p.  480),   Thus 

we  read  ne  uiribus  suis possint  (Aud.  251,  14-15),   The 

Greek  equivalent  constantly  recurring  is  /a-vj   or  <•  ^x  u*^  with 
a  subjunctive  Of  <)  c/»^aito<K/  in  a  final  clause,  as  in  Aud,  234, 
1;.  19,  45,  60-61;  and  38,  23-:M,    T.he  imperative  of  the  3rd 
person  Vv-ith  U-vi  ,  the  neeirest  equivalent  cf  the  Latin  subjimc- 

tive  v/ith  n£.  arrears  but  rarely;  as   /a.-^  "b u  ^ oi<r & uJQ^^/   (349 
a  12-13). 

cogitationibus .     Not  "thoughts"  but  "devices",  For 
this  msxiner'   of  completing  a  word  at  the  end  of  a  line  see  fac- 
similes of  Plotius  13  and  Vesonia  29;  cf.   Aud.  190,  9.  11. 

5..   sue 

is.   For  spelling  see  note  on  2   and  Ch.  Ill,   p  4 

Cf.  natels  sueis  (CIL  VI,  15676);  uoteis  sue is  (X  3757);  in- 
fereis  (Aud,  199,  6).        •  -.   ' 

hoc  uitare.    That  tiie  victim  ma.y  not  escape  tlie  doom 
prepared  is  the  v/ish  implied  in  everi^  Gurs6-f  ormula ;  here  only,, 
apparently,  is  it  explicitly  expressed.   Koc  sumiJiarizes ;  cf. 
hoc  op  to :  mor  iare  jna.1  i  s  exempl  i  s  cr  uc  ia  tus  etipse  nee  te  mmc 
liceat  qxxo   me  priua.sti  lumen  uidere  et  tu  des  poenas . . . 
{]:Tot,  degli  Scavi  1900,  p,  578,  no,  35). 

jLllunc .     To  read  e_(c)cillimc  as  in  .  .  43 ,  would  over- 
crowd the  space    (cf,  ITeue  II,  429).    Illiinc  belongs  exclu- 
sively to  the  vu^-gar  sphere  and  among  the  authors  is  confined 
v/it/i  rare  exceptions  to  Plautus  and  Terence;  e.g.,  Plaut .  Cvir- 
cul.  590;  Trin.  520;  Persa  738;  I,lerc.  272.   Belonging  as  it 
undoubtedly  does  to  the  sphere  of  conversation  it  is  but  rare- 
ly foiind  in  in.scriptions :  illunc  (OIL   IV,  1691);  illuc  =i 
illud  (2013) . 

6.    febri .cottidianae .   Of  tertianae  only  the  initial 

letter  and  the  last  tiiree  letters  are  legible;  the  jresence  of 
quartanae  and  cottidianae  makes  it  eas;-  to  complete  the  word. 
Of  cottidianae  the  second  _t  is  out  faintly  written. 

To  consign  an  enemy  to  the  various  inanif estations  of  ma- 
laria wa.s  coioinon  to  Greek  and  Roms.n  alike,  e.g.,  patiatur__fe- 
bris  frigus  tortionis  pallor  is  sudores  _obr  i  p  i  la.tionis  meridi- 
anas  serutinas  noctiirnais  (Aud.  140,  8-11  =Wttnsch,  Seth.  1); 

tercianas  guar  tana  (Olivieri  IV  );  K<\(     S^^k^     k^t     K^^' 

-fjU-iiKfT      /coidjj;(ct^4/KWc  TuatJCj       (Aud.  74,  6;  75,  10-12);  cf . 
51   1-2,      -'^lA-'i.x-'iv.A.i    '^-'..'it-A^i^i   j\-^-^rp^''r'n,-^  l\ 


no   other  Latin   tablet    is   fe^bris    cottidiana  mentioned. 

Cf,,  however,  Terence,  Hec.  357.  J'or  the  prevalence  of  ma- 
laria in  ancient  Greece,  see  Jones,  W,  H.  S,,  llalaria  and 
Greek  History,  pp.  41,  63;  and  in  a,ncient  Italy  see  Jones, 
Ross,  Elliott,  Malaria,  chapter  entitled  "In  Ancient  Italy", 
Of  the  ancient  nedical  aiithorities  on  the,  see  Hip- 
pocrates, Epid.  I.  24-25  (pp.  200,  201  Kflhlev/ein)  ;  Celsu£ 
III      3,    13,    14,    15;    and   cf.    elato,    Tiinaeua      06   A.        ?or    tiie 

picriodic   fevers   as    demons,    see   Kyiims    of   the  Atharva-Veda 

(Blooiiifield)    I   25;    V     22;    711      116;    and  cf.    Cic.   ::.I^.      Ill, 


25;  r^e  Leg.  II   11. 

cottidianae .    Correctly  spelled  thus:   cf .  Burger 
under  cottidie  in  Thes.  Ling.  Lat.,  and  Buechler,  Carm.  Epig, 
231,  3  note. 

c  ^        a 

"^  •  quas .    The  accusative  for  the  nomina,tive;  of.  oV  =   os 

(Aud.  159  a  53);  interjiiuibiis  as  inter  quos  (106,  6). 

illo.   After  illunc  5  one  would  expect  illoc,  and  sim- 
ilarly iliac  in  Avonia  8  and  Vesonia  8;  b\jt  in  these  two  in- 
stances v/e  actually  find  ilia.   B^^  analog^'-  we  tjierefore  res-d 
illo  in  this  line. 

luctent.    ThiB  vvord  is  restored  b;-  a  coinparison  of  all 
tlie  tablets.   The  active  lucto  ie  found  almost  entirely  among 
the  old  v/riters  according  to  Priscian  VII J  5,  25  p.  797.  X. 
Luctant  is  read  in  ITon.  p.  472  from  Ennius  IX  339;   l\>ctauimv-S 
and  luctat  in  lb.  p.  468  from  Plaut.   Vid.  Fr .  IX  and  Terence, 
Heci.  :.  G29;  deluctauit  (or  according  to  isola.ted  LISS .  deluctaiii) 
from  Plaut.   Trin.  839;:  luctare  in  Varro  Deldng.  Lat.  V  |,e,  61. 
Only  three  instance?^  appear  later  tlian  the  Rep\?blic  and  those 
are  all  compoirnds  Vvith  re-;  reluctabat  (Apul.  I.Tet.  IV  20  p. 
281);  ^eljJctabant  (lb.  VII   5  p.  455);  a  passive  re  luctat  is 
rebus  (Claudian,  De  Raptu  Pros.   I   42).    It  will  be  observed 
that  these  post-Rej.ublicEfn  examples  belong  to  an  £(,uthor  or  to 
a  department  vdiere  one  is  not  surprised  to  find  arc}iaic  dic- 
tion.  Luctent  vvould  seem  to  be  zin   evidence  of  the  date  of  the 
tablets  (cf.  ch.  Ill,  <^  4). 

deliictent.    At  this  point  occi^.rH  the  onlj-  e>;tensive 
lac\ma  coiaiaon  to  all  the  tablets;  hence,  conjecture  is  the 
only  means  ava^ilable  for  t}ie  restoration  of  the  original  text. 
On  the  analogy  of  the  grouping  of  cognates  or  synonyms,  as  in 
6,  8,  41,  42,  43-44,  45-46;  in  Aiid .  250  a  and  h  (  quoted  in 
note  on  eripias  3);  also  in  Aud,  16  X  4,  8,  10,  11,  12,  13; 
deluctent  would  "be  very  apt  in  this  connection,   For  tlie  use 
of  delucto  cf.  the  the  i)revious  note,  reluctent  reserrrdes  the 
English  idiom  "to  fight  it  out  vritli  a  person,"   It  v;ould  ii£,ve 
"been  hard  for  t/.e  author  of  the  tti-hlets  to  clioose  other  verbs 
that  Vvould  as  vividly  descrilie  t}ie  shivers  and  deliriuJn  of 
malarial  fever  as  do  l\JCten_t  and  de^luctent,   Cf .  Osier,  The 
Principles  and  the  Practice  of  Medicine,  pp,  16,  17, 

illunc.    As  cum  illo  could  not  accompany  euincant 
uincant,  the  direct  o"bject  must  he  assuiaed.    The  omission  of 
et  is  in  ha,rwony  v/itli  the  prevailing  asyndeton,   Piirther,  tlie 
nujriDer  of  letters  in  the  conjectured  words  would  give  the  en- 
tire line  an  average  length. 

8,    ]iS(.iue  dum.    Cf,  usque  d'ui'i  per  me  tihi  licuerit,   (Cic 
in  Verr.  Ill,  5);   Plaut,  Men.  728, 

animajm,    Cf ,  pertransBeas  lip.niinain  et  ispirl txua  (And, 
250  a  17-18);  also  "b  13  and  Olivieri  III.    In  the  Greek  tab- 
letfi  ^^){n     is  frequently  used  in  such  a  connection  and  oc- 
casionally along  v,it}i  it  are  other  words  connoting  the  im- 
material part  of  man,  as  TTi^tOu-x      V«/)(ijk  dfo(K»(M^      paov  ^ri*^ 
aii*rQy^riv     $ot^s/  (Aud,  41,  9-10).    The  expression  deriando 

ut  facici,s  illujn  MorUium  (300  b  3-6)  embodies  the  same  senti- 
ment in  other  words. 

9.    uictiioam.  the  word  refers  to  an  animal  a.s  in 
14   and  Ovid,  Am.  Ill   13,  16  (see  Wissowa,  H..-.  d.  'PX...,   p. 
347),  but  here  it  refers  to  a  lauos.n  being.   Similarly  Hqstia. 
in  Aud.  138  v/here  a  v/ome.n  is  the  victim.   Cf .  uictima,  (Aud. 
243,  28).    Both  words  are  rare  in  defixiones. 

11.   Achernoaiam.   Ach-  rat}ier  than  ac-:  cf.  pulc^jr'a  1  and 
bracchia  28.    The  syllable  i^  not  jireserved  in  any  of  the 
tablets.   The  -_uo-  neems  to  be  an  inadvertent  metatliesis  of 
the  vowels  of  the  diphthong  in    'A)^c  o  <acro-/os  .   por  inser- 

ticn  of  -iaui  of.  And,  49,  3,  4;  li>  and  50,  5,  8  and  see  note 
on  cogitct-tlonilius  4, 

Just  as  Salvlam  2  anticipates  eripias  sali'.tem  3,  so 
Acheruosiaic  anticipates  the  smmnons  of  Cer'oerus  12-13.   This 
is  a  nev/  epitliet  of  Proserpina;  cf,  Ptygia  (Stat.,  Theb .  IV 
526-527);  infer na  (Verg.  Aen.  VI   138  and  CIL  X  7576/;  oj^  viArific 

^toS    (Sopjx.  Oed.  Col.  1548).    Cerheriis  eenerally  appears 
as  the  watch-dog  of  the  house  of  Pluto  and  Proserpina,  as  in 
Apul.  Met.  VI   19;  Verg.  Aen.  VI   400;  Hes.  Theog.  76  7  ff. 
Sometimes  he  is  definitely  located  in  the  region  of  Acheron  , 
as  in  Stat.  Theh.  VIII   513  ff.;  Ovid.  Met.  VII   409  ff;  Sil. 
Ital,  III   35;  Pomp,  Mela  I   19 ,  7 ;  and  Acheron  often  stands 
for  t}ie  entire  region  of  Hades  as  pars  pro  toto;  e.g.,  Plaut. 
Most.  499.  509;  Poen.  344:   see  Preller,  Gr.  Myth,  I   p.  8l7. 
Acheron  is  mentioned  only  once  elsev/here  in  the  defixiones, 
Aud.  250  a  11. 

12     mi_t_tas .   ITo  trace  of  a  letter  after  -a-  is  found  in 
any  of  tlie  liands,  yet  it  is  natiur'al  to  suppose  tliat  the  vei-b 
v/e  require  liere  is  coordinate  vvitli  eripias   3;  the  only  pos- 
sible alternative  is  to  assume  mittam,  hut  this,  of  course. 

would  not  suit  the  context, 

^^  *        Me  pro  Liihi   clicebaiit_^  antiquj.    (Pestus,    j  ,1(=;1)  ; 
cf,    templa   tescaque  me   Ita   sun to    (Varro  De   Ling.   Lat.   VII      2, 
8);    ITd,     De  R.  p..      Ill      16,   2;    ccciperes    tute      /  eam^    ama^re 
et   :ae_ires   consi;lt\ufi  iixale    (Plaut.   Baccli.      565);      113,   684; 
si   quid  lae   fuerit  hiunanitus    (Ennius      125)      v/ith  v/idch  compare 
si   quid  miVi^  ]fUme,nitus  accidisset    (Cic.   Phil,   I      4^10).      See 
Stolz-Schjji£.lz     p.   216;    ITeue   II      352;      Lindsay,    422;   Reicl-ir.rdt, 
N.   Jahrh.    ftVi^  cl   Phil.    139,    110   ff. 

12-13.        canem  tricipiteio.  Certerxis   if.    often  referred, 

to  vitlio\it   explicit  mention  of  his   name:    e.g.,    forma, que    tri- 
fauci  lersonat   inaoinnis   leicrimosae    ianitor  t^J^f.e    (Sil,   Ital,II 
551);    tricipitem  ediucit,    H^'-dra  generatum,    canem.  (_Cic.    Tusc. 
Disp,      II      9j,        Otlier   descriptive    compo\mds    of  a    similar   Ciia,r- 
acter   occur:    tergeminr.s    (Prop*  .•  f,:!- ^^^  ,    IV   7,    52;    Ovid  Tr .    IV      7, 
16);    tr if or mis    (Statius   Theh .    II      53-54).        Among   the  Latin 
taoellae   defixionum   t}iere    is   discovered   no    other  reference    of 
any   sort    to   Cer oer\is ;    Tout   in   tlie   Greek   (Aud.   74,   a   5;    75     a  0- 
10)    the   epitliet    d>u\x^     is   apjlied   to   liim  twice.      Tha,t   Cer- 
beriis   does   not  figm^e  more   frequently   in   the    tacellaie   is 

strange,    in  vievi   of   ias    importance    in  i'i£,gic&l   operations    in 
general    (cf .   P.osciier,   Lex.    under  Ker"beros      p.   1134)  .      Siiidas 
cites    Tot  k.^P'r\yoS  as   an  epithet   do\'btless   iJiea.nt    to  axi-ly 

to   Cer-oeriis .        Under   -Kof^M    the   same   ciutliOr  v.rites:        c/ /^i    "tt^o 

.  .   IS,  Triceat'tfem  rxtn'e. ipitcw .     The  mistake   of  vv-riting  e_ 

for    i,    is  a  very  coimrion  phenomenon   in  the    inscriptions;    but 
exact   jiarallels    to    the   present   case   are   very  rare :    conieciant 
(CIL     I   198,    50);    accepient    (V  f^731,    ?1)  ;    arceptorem  (in  Greek 
script)  !=  accipj. trem   (Aud.      270,    3).        Without   doubt   the   pop- 
ular pronunciation   sometimes   retained   tlie  £  of    the    nom.    triceps 
tiii'ou.ghout   tlie   oblicue    cases;    hence    the   error   in   ortliography . 
In   the   popular   sjelling   of  many  words    there  v/as   a   confvision   of 
e   and    i    (cf.   Lindsay,    p.   P,?-9). 

Ploti  This   is    conjectured   on   the  analogy  of 

JAuonia^s    in  Avonia      14.        In   this   and   the    corresponding  pas- 
sages   in    the    otlier   tablets    one  would   expect   eit}ier  eius    or   the 
name    of   the   victim  in   the   genitive.      The   vs,rying   length   of   the 
lacunae   corresponds  with   the   varying  length  of   the   respective 
names . 

cof.   Cf.  ?.9 ,        Ceroerus  v/as  regarded  as  a  devoiu.-'er  of 

huoB.n   flesh;  cf.  qui  lascera  saeuo  spargis  nostra   (  hiunana) 

?  / 

cani  (Lucari,  Phars.  VI   702-3);  ooju.ri(r irjV     (Plesiod,  Theog. 

311)-         £(r6>(tt  ^^^       ^^     X'^'trjTl        TTt/XluJK         t/<  TeO-^tl^  to«'r<K 

(lb.    772);    PhilochoruB,    Fr.      46,   Mttller. 

pollicjgj'izs.  g  pollicearls  .  Vulgar   confr-sion   of  £  and 

i,    especie^lly  in  unaccented   syllanles,   v/as   very   coL-mion.      Simi- 
larly     (h)a'Dias    (Aud.   228  a(^ ;    b6):    (h)£.biat    (270,    8-9);    ualiat 
(223   al6);    pariat  (CIL  I   197,    10).        In  all    these    instances  J. 
for   e  precedes  a  as    in  polliciarus ;    but   it   is   found  before 
other  vowels   as   v/ell,    e.g.      abiegnieis    (I    577,    col.   2,1). 

Likewise   imaccented    i  and  v.  v/ere    confused   ov/ing   to    the 
similarity   of   the   sounds    they  represented        (cf.   Lindsay     pp. 
25   ff.;    Stolz-Scluo&.lz,    p.    67).        The   error   is   most   frequentlj'- 
fou.nd   in   superlative   endings    (cf.   Q,\iiritil.      Inst.   I      4.    8  — 
medius  ^st^ciuidan    u>  et   i    littergue   somzs,   PPITt_  eni^i_i>Pt>»i^ 
diciaus   aut   optumtua;    and  Brock,    Quaest.   Gram.,    p.   72);    b\?t   it 
is   also   fo\md    in   other  parts    of   si:ieech   tlian  adjectives,    as 
utariits    (CIL      I    126  7  =  IX     604);    spatiariis    (I    1220   -   IX      1837); 
figarus    (IV     2082);    Caesarus    (I      685);    Caesaru    (696);    Gas  torus 
(197,    17);    hominus    (200,    .     .      60,    63).      According   to  Stolz- 
Schmalz    (p.    199)    this    is   an  early  plienoi'ienon. 

?or   t}ie  lOBTLuer   of   completing   the   word   cf ,    the    note    on 
cogitationl"bus   4. 

14,        tres   uictimas.        Here   vActimB.s   refers    to   other    tlian 
human  heings    (cf.    note    on  ulctimam     9).      Doubtless    the    tiiree 
victims    or   offerings   emiirierated   in    the   next   line   are   to  "be 
given   one    to   each  movth  of   the   hell-hoimd,    thus    leaving   no 
part   of   hira  unpropi  tiated .      Are-rt   from  the    special   reason  for 
tliree   offerings    in    this   case,    the   mi:aerical   trinity   is   a   prom- 
inent  feature   of   nearly  all    cha,rm-f ormulg.e  e,nd   incantations. 
(Cf.    Shakes], eare  ,   i-Iacbetli  I      3;    IV,    1.) 

15.        palmas .  ITeither  dates   nor   tlie    otlier   tv/o   offerings 

are   recorded   as    ever  having  been  given   to   Cerberus.      Nor   is 
there   elsewhere   any  iaemtion   of  dates   as   gifts    to  Proserpina   or 
Demeter.      Por  association   of   figs,    and  dates    cf.   hie   m;x,   hie 
mixta  est  rugosis_  Cc>^ica   j^almis    (Ovid,   Met.   VIII      674);    quid 
Ltolt  palma.   sib  I  rugosaque   carica    (lb.   Fasti      I      185). 

caricas  .    Carlca  -^s.  ficTis  Ce.rlca.  iVuit -offerings  wero 
characteristic  of  tlie  Demeter-Proaerpina  worsidp  (Stengel,  Gr. 
Kult.,  p.  91;  It.  qpf.,  p. 167;  Pans.  IX,  19,  4;  VIJJ,  37,  4; 
42,.  5).   The  fig  v/as  the  special  friiit  of  the  chthonic  cults 
in  general  (Gnippe,  p.  790)  ,  A  wilo  fig  jia.rked  the  ple.ce 
\;here  Plvto  went  down  with  Proserpina  (Palis.  I   38);  cf.  Pans, 
I   37,  2. 

porcvm  nigruiQ,   Por  \iictiica  ajidied  to  a  pig  as  here 
see  Ovid.   Am.,'  Ill   15,  16.   The  sv/ine  was  characteristic  of 
t}ie  chthonic  worship  in  general  and  of  that  of  Demeter  -  Pro- 
serpina in  particular  (cf,  Gruppe,  p.  1178,  note  2;  p.  38; 
Ovid.   Pasti  I   349,  466;  SerV.  ad  Aen.  Ill   118;  Ifecr.  Sat. 
Ill   11,  10;   Varro,  Pe  R.P..   IV,  9;  Hyg.  Pab,  CCL  XVII. 
Altliough  not  always  given,  black  victims  were  preferred  by  tlie 
chthonic  divinities  (Stengel,  Opf .  p.  188;  Dittenberger ,  Syll . 
615,  25;  Zosimus,  Hist.  Nou.  II  1;  CIL  XI   1420;  III   9,  11; 
Val.  Max.  II   4,5);  ^3^'  '^^      Toc'r)  vX^eoU^j     )(o/.o,s   .^5 

iOiOc,  fc  >cc£.A°</^'«  (Eph.  Epig.  1891,  134,  11); 

cf .  also  Wissovi/a,  -   .        ■   P«  3478,   The  same  is  true  of 
male  victims  (Stengel,  Opf.  p.  192;  Dittenberger ,  Syll .  615, 
17);  [IT j?fJ<r%.<f)oVo^     ){o>^tv       c<J^rc«^«     (Ziehe^i,  Leg.  Sacr. 

It  will  liave  been  observed  that  these  offerings  are  of 

t}"ie   kind  given   to   Deineter  and  Proserpina.      For   the 
food   of  CerlDerx^s   see   note    on  13;    occasionally  he  \7as   ple.cated 
with  a  honey-cake,    as   in  Verg.   Aew.    VI      417   ff.;   Apul .      Met. 
VI.      19  passim;    cf.   Griippe ,    p.    407,    notes   4,5. 

16.        hoc   sei   perfeceri_t:      Sc_.   CerTDerps .     A  siuula.r  promise 
of   a   sacrifice    in   the   event   of    the   petition  "being  granted  "by 
the   divinity   is   found   in  Wttnsch  LTA     109,    6-7:     M<iCv7\JS     Kotkwi 
TT^^ke^vTos      e^'xyycA/ac     Ourui  ,         p^j,   ^y^g    spelling   of   se_i,    see   note 
on  2.      It   is   read   also    in   CIL      I   33;    196)   28;      571;    603;    IV,     ' 
64;    1196;    P.430;    4971;    4972;    Plaut.   Men.   239,    241,   and   else- 
v/here .      It   is   not   found   in  any   ot?ier  Latin   tabella. 

16-17,        ante  mensem  Ifertiiaia.      Time   limits   for   the   inception 
and    the   consv^mmation   of   the    curse   are    often   imposed.      Cf .  £i 
possit  amplius   idling  mensem  aspicere    (44-45);    pridie    idijs 
ianuaria.s   siaie    idus    (Atid.   248  h   5-7)^      i-o^^oUc^tM.^     (252,    44). 
Par   commoner   tlian   the   reference    to  months   are  references    to 
moments,    hours,    days,    nights,   v/eeks,    years  ,^s  a"b  liac    (h)ora,   ah 

hoc   nocte    (140,    11  =»  V/ttnsch,    Setli.    1);    (.£    enk.    '>f>j      ok     u.ou.iv'To 
(231,    PA);    intra  anrujmi  itw-Sm   :=;:  istv-m   {1?.9  "b   12-13);    perd\TCas 

_ad  domus   Tartareas intra,  dies    sept ejm)    (250  X,    13-14); 

ti<,     i/ioa/ToV         (189   b   7)  ;  r^  u,<./3o/      (174,    23).      In   one   formula 

tlie   effect   of   tiie    curse   is   expected   to  be   valid  for  all    time, 

V    -  - 

as     ^-T]  / //■  tot/cv/^    (V     ou.(ri    TiuTTc^s  =  detineatixr   in   omne   tempus 

(231,      11-12).  ;  •     :'•  ■-■-:  ■/  / 

17-18.   haec  . . .  .feceris  .   Cf .  note  on  }ioc  sei  perfecerit 
16,  K   Roman  prayer  \7ar.  frequently  a  ca\itious  CjUid  pre  quo; 
e.g.,  Bellona,  si  hodie  nobis  uictoriam  duis,  ast  ego  tibi 
templrm  aoueo  (Livy  X  19,  17);  cf.  lb.  I  12,  4;  XXII  10,  2  ff. 
CIL  III  1933;  Laing  (G.  5".),  Cla.ssical  Philology,  VI   2,  pp. 
180  ff. 

17,    Pr OS erpina  Saluia .    Saluia  onl;^  can  be  read  in 
Avonia  18  and  Vesonia  18,  but  a  very  djfstinct  r  together  with 
the  demands  by  the  length  of  the  line  compel  us  to  rec^d 
here  Proserpina  as  well  as  Saluia. 

18.   compote (m)  .    The  v/eak  pronunciation  of  m  in  Latin 

is  v/ell-knovm  (cf.  Lindsa.y  pp.  60-62;  Stolz-Scliina,!?, ,  p. 156). 
In  the  tabellag  m  is  often  dropj/ed  before  vov-els  and  consonants 
alike,  as  colore (m)  f icnra.(m)  caput  (And.  190,  5);  fronte(m) 
super cil_i  (135  a6);  Sergia(in)  Glj^cinna(m)   (139,  18);  ui ta ( m) 
ualetudin(em)  (195,  3).  See  Aud,  Ind.  539  ff.   In  Avonia  18  xre 
read  coiapo tern  f ecerig ;  "but  in  Vesonia  17  laense  L'lartiiun. 

^'^J^P^??^  "?   E"ie  compoten  i;oti,  as  in  insequere,  et  uoti 
postmodo  compos  erlsl  (Ovid,  Ars  Azaa.t.  I   486);  Nunc  me  t\oti 
compotem  facis  (Seneca,  Hipp.   718), 

do  tibi.   Do  appears  only  here  in  the  tabellae, 

caput.   Also  in  Aud.  134  a7 ;  135  a3 ;   190,  6.   Cf . 
r/»'^)(5S  Kt^xA-f^K  £V/<ty>^Aov  imoruj-rrcv      (419..  16-17)  ;-^"V  fcc^xX^^'v 
(Wttnsch  DTA  89   a3).    In  all  other  than  t}ie  Johns  Hop>:ins  tab- 
lets the  ne,ti^ral  order  of  the  enumeration  of  the  parts  is  fol- 
lov/ed  very  imperfectly. 

19,   ?lo_t i_  Aux)niae .   Sc.  Seruj .    It  is  quite  possible  that  ilie 
original  was  Auoniaes ,  as  in  Avonia  14,  19,  20,  21,  22,  23. 
The  word  geruus  in  such  a  case  as  this  might  be  v/ritten  in 
full  or  in  abbreviated  form,  or  it  might  be  oi.iitted  altogether 

as  here.   In  the  x;asc.._  Ai-r e t_i na  (CIL  XI   6700-1)  the  usage 
varies;  "but  in  the  tesserae  c o n s \;l_a r e s  (I  7l7-776h)  seruus  is 
omitted,   Cf .  llarqiiardt  -  Mau,  Privatleben  d,  Rfiin.   I  pp.  20- 
21,  and  p.. 21,  note  1,  -^  • 

20,   frontem.   collus  os  "bucas  dentes  laTpJas  mentus  oclos 
fro  n  t  e_  sn-per'c  i  1  i  (Aud,  135  a^^  ;  cf,  134;  cere"bru  frute  s\;pe^ei'|'i' ^ 
OS  nasii  me tu  bucas  (190,  7)  ,   The  nearest  approach  to  this  in 
Greek  is  -rrpoT-toTrov'    (V/tlnsch  DTA  171,  3  and  4laL  16-17). 

21.   super  cilia.   For  example,  See  previous  note;  a<^^\/s    (A"- 
41,  17;  and  Wttnsch,  DTA  89a  10). 

22-23.    palpehras,  pupill£i,s.    ITov/here  else  tli;;,n  in  these 
tablets,  apparentl;^,  are  these  parts  of  the  eye  enumerated. 
The  eye  a,s  a  whole,  however,  is  frequently  mentioned,  e,g,, 
among  the  Latin  tablets,  134  a8;  135   al .  6;  b2 ;  Olivieri  I; 
also  see  note  on  frontem  20.    Among  tlie  Greek  occur:  o^O^cX/t^o'^^ 
(Aud.  49,    =14.  le);"^^   ou^LyT(x   (241,  13-14;  242,  57-58). 
Cf.  ni aspicere,  uidere,^  contemplare     .(44-45). 

24-26.    nares dentes.    The  order  of  the  parts  dif^- 

fers  iroiii  this  in  Avonia  24-25,  Vesonia  25-26,  Seciuida  21-22; 
the  order  in  Aquillia  is  conject\i_rHl.  The  sudden  grouping  of 
the  reiiiaining  i^arts  of  the  head  after  the  extended  and  fjnelv 
detailed  enu^neration  of  the  preceding  parts  is  plainly  re- 
sorted to  for  the  sake  of  brevity,  in  Aud.  135  a  •■"■rv'  b  all 
the  parts  of  the  body  are  grouped  in  the  one  appeal  with  lit- 
tle regard  for  order. 

24.    nares.   Pound  only  here  in  the  Latin  tablets;  but 
M'UKT'^ot^         (Aud.  41  a  17), 

25,    labra ,   Por  example,  see  note  on  front  era  20;  cf , 
Aud,  190,  8  a,nd  labra s  in  Vesonia  25, 

o^riculas.    The  sense  of  hearing  is  referred  to  biit 
rarely  in  the  tabellae  and  t/ien  by  the  verb  I'atlier  tha.n  by  the 
noun,   Cf .  nee  frenis  audire  possint  (Aud.  275,  29-30);  nee 
frenis  audiant  (280,  15;  281,  15;  282  a25)  ;  also  i^KoKS 
(41,  17), 

Por  spelling  of  oric\ilas  :=;  auriculas  cf ,  note  on  Plotl ,  4 

Vesonia  25   £^ives    the   syncopated  form  ^iclas  .     Auricula   is  a 
popular  diiainutive   of  auris.        Cf .   Orata  genus   piscis   arPQA" 
laUw  a  colore   auri,    ^uod  rustic!   oriun  dice"bant ,  jit  auriciilas, 
oriculas    (Pestus,   p.   182,    13-15  under   orata). 

nasiufl.  For  exainple  ,    see   note    on  frontem  20;      and   cf. 

caput   olaus  at  olfactiis    (134  a7).        The   nose  and  nostrils  are 
in  no   other    tablets  mentioned   together. 

linguam.        The    tongue    is   ^re-ry  freuuently  defixed;    as 
licua    (Aud,    134     1d2)  ;    alligo   deligo   ling^ias    (217     a4)  ;    adligate 
linguas    (218,    6-7);     ^iriimicoruja  meoru:n_ling\ias  j^.duersus   iiie 
obmutescant    (222     bS-S)  ;    ligo   oligo    (aiobligo)    linguas    illcfq 
medias  extremas   noixissiaias   ne   quit   possint  respondere   contra 
(219      a  2-8)  ;  /<  «-T'>t  y  o^^to y\^TiKv^       (Aud.   47,    7-9)  ; 

KocTa^O  y\Z7rfK.y      k<^)     y/^^/^w         (49^   o^   4,   5^   7^   o-    n, 

12,    15);'Si^ro((     /^lovucrfois,      y\u^<rrkv  (81  a  ^-^)  \  l<<x.7oS iZ 

r^v         y\>^~T^\y  (Wttnsch,   DTA     49;    50)  ;  f/' 7*    i^tWt, 

(96,  3-16).   The  faculty  of  speech  is  defixed  in  various  other 
ways  also;  e.g.,  os  _bucas  dentes  lahias  (Aud.   135   a5) ;  crus 
OS  pedes  (^4);  os  nasu  metu  "bucas  labra  uer'ou  (190,  7-8); 

o  ^  ^ecX  /U,oi/i       A.«/      0-/oA4«<         (49,    16);    ....      (pi  a^ujQ-o<^  (o^- 
It      T«.       ^cf/jLtuy^       Wcivroui/^        (15,    24);    Tre<,aot\^/ii,rL 

r°<3      9!>u;K»ci (oo^    37.    24,    21;    25,    6-7);         7ro<  o«xKc<- it  ^t 

^...Tous     \cy  oi/S   (32,  24-25);  /CxT<x-au;  k"^/      koyo^i   Aj</   toy, 

26.    dentes .   os  Ijucas  dentes  labias  (Aud .  135   a5) 
manus  detes  oclos  bracia  Co  1-2);   odio»^T«5    (41,  10) 

26-27.   ni  dicere  possit  Plotius  quid  sibi  doleat» 
Pinal,  not  optative,  expressing  the  purpose  in  defixing  the 
utterance  of  Plotius  in  24-26.   Similarly  ligo  oligo  (^obligo) 
linguas  illoro  medias  extrenias  nouissiins-s  ne  quit  respondere 
£ontr_a  (Aud.  219  a  2-8) ;  k<KT \  K  o ,  i^  1  (Tc^Ti.        ^-^f   y  K^trr^c^ 

3'or  construction  of  q-aid.  sibi  doleat  see  scio  ego  quid  doleat 
mihi  (Plant.  Mil,  Glor.  1325).  I  find  no  other  exaiaple  of 
the   indirect   question   in   the   def ixiones    • 

27-23.        collum,    waeros ,   'bracchia,    digitos.        Objects 
of   do    tibi      24.      In   this   group  are   deiixed    the  :neiabers    on 
which  a  :/ian  depends  .aost   for  assistance;    hence,    the   pixrpose 
of  ni  possit  aliquit   se  ad iu tare ,    20-29. 

£ollTxn.        Cf.    collus    (Aud.   135     a5);    colu   (190,    9); 

iHneros,        Cf,    colli  iocur  jujnej-os    cor    (Aud,   190,    9); 
sjcaplas   TilneriiiQ  neruias    (135     a7)  ;        kct-T^y  aoi  d>oC  

bracchia.    In  no   other    tablet    is    the  v-'ord   spelled   thus; 
cf,,    hov/ever,   manus   dicitos   bracias   unci  s  ^    (Aud.   135      a2 ) ; 
rnamis   detes    oclos Joracia^uenter   (b   1-2);    190,    10;    3/>«.)^/c'v^£S 

(74,  13;  see  previous  note),    Ilcinus  is  strangely  ouittad  from 
tiie   list  in  o\w    tablets,  though,  it  is  found  elsewhere,  as 
135  a2;  "b  1;  190,  11;  247,  9.   X^r^ei  (or  Xj.7o<xs     )  frequent- 
ly occxu's  in  Greek  tablets;  e.g.,  (234,  57;  240,  40;  47,  2; 
4,  6.  3);   (64,  8.  10).    For  bearing  of  the  aspirate  ch  in 
brae  Cilia  on  the  date  of  the  tablets  see  ch.  III.    <^  4. 

digit  OS.   Cf,  brace  ia  digitcs  inam^s  (And.  190,  10-11) 
135  a2 .   Por  digiti  (pedim)  see  Plotius   37, 

aliquit.   So  quit  30,   According  to  the  inscriptions 
_t  for  d  v/ei,s  very   cojinuon  in  all  parts  of  the  Romy.n  world  and  at 
all  periods.   It  belongs  to  the  vulgar  sphere,    Cf.  quit 
(Aud.  219   a6;  303   I   3;  II   4 .  6 ;  IV .  1 .  2 ;  VI   2;  GIL  V. 
3415);   aliquit  (IX  5660;  XII   915). 

28-29.  ru  possit__se  adiutare ,  Exact  parallels  are 
not  to  be  found;  but  cf.  Ct  i^<^  oj  e)  ty  i^y^oc/j  o(^^o-rj  G^jTc  J^s 
■7ro/-«r->^T«.  (Aud,   161,  28-31  =  WtSnsch 

Setii.   22;  Aud.  159a  44-45;  b27-29;  160,  15-16,  38-39;  88-39}; 

I^^ovIt^xJS  v^'ov/3   TTofL      (Wttnsch  DTA  98,  5); 

Aud.  164,  23;  If'S,  22-23;  166,  12^  32.   The  Latin  defixiones 
offer  no  parallel^ 

29-30.   pectus  1  DC inera  cof  pulinone^s.   Objects  of  do 
tioi  24.   Here  are  defixed  the  organs  which  were  regarded  as 
the  seat  of  the  senses;  hence  the  force  of  n i__p o s s it  sen t jr e 
quit  sihi  doleat  30-31. 

pectus .   Although  only  -_c-  shoves  liare,  there  is  no 
doubt  about  t}  ^  reading,  in  view  of  Avonia  28  s.nd  Secunda  25. 
Cf.   natis  UDi-Licus  pectus  laaLiilas  (Aud.  135  a4)  ;  uenter 
mamila  pectus  osu  (b2-3);  pectoris  ....cor  ....  (l4Zb9); 
/54,x)(io/o^S    r-l^^.s       o-ly^^X^^  (74,  13-14); 

tcc<<'^6oi/S  -.-  Tly^Qos  (75,  b  1-2),   Por  pectus  as  the 

seat  of  perception-oculis  pectoris  a^liquid  liaurire  (Ovid,  Met, 
XV  63);  also  quint.  X  7,  15.  '  •   •'  '  - 

Sj.o\  c inera.   The  first  syllable  is  lacking  in  all  our 
tablets  and  must  be  supplied  ^q^   conjectiu'e.   The  only  exaitiple 
in  the  defixiones  is  iociu'  (Aud.  190,  9)  and  in  this  sphere 

iocinera  rather  than  iecinora  is  almost  certainly  required. 

Por  the  great  variety  of  orthography  and  inflection  of  this 

word  see  ITeue  I  pp.  337-339.   In  the  Greek  defixiones  o^rn^^  cce^n^ 

as  in  Aud.  42  b3 ;  156,  A2;   252,  3-9;  253,  15.   Por  iociir 

(or  iecur)  as  seat  of  the  affections  and  passions  cf .  non 

ancilla  tuiun  iecur  uloeret  ulla  pu-erue.    (Hor.  Epist.  I   18, 

72);  also  It.  Odes  I,  13,  4:  Jiiv.  T   45 . 

cor .  See  note  on  cor  13.   Cf.  iocur  vjneros  .      cor 

fulmones  itestinas  vetre  (Aud.   190,  9-10);  250  a24;   270,  11. 
19;  oc/Ve^o-,^    ^o^V    /(cio^f^u'  (41,  10  -  11); 

42  h3;  51,  3;  Wtlnsch  ])TA  89  h7;  93  a4;  b3 .    Por  cor  as  the 
seat  of  understanding  see  quicquaia  sapere  corde  (Plaut,  llil, 
Qlor.   336);  Cic.  Phil.  Ill  6,  16. 

pulmones .    So  fulmones  -  piilmones  (Aud.   190,  9); 
TT^'^t^A'OVXs   /(H/«''/vv    -TjTrtK/i  (42  /)3); 

(T-t^U-tK        TTvt'^       Ufv)(yty      d/a<"»^e/a./   ^Jo^">7ff-/^'    (41  a9 ) 
73,  5. 

30  -31.   ni  possit  sent ire  quit  sibi  doleat .   For 
sentire  the  original  has  sentique .   Of.  A.vonia  29-30;  Vesonia 
31-32.    For  construction  of  quit  s^ibi  doleat  see  note  on 
26-27,   Here  qui t  ^"but  quid  27;  see  also  under  aliquit  28. 
The  saiae  word  even  in  the  same  co!aj)osition  is  soraetimes  spelt 
v/ith  both  d  and  t;  e.g.,  apud  (Arid.  139,  4)  and  aput  (9). 

2>\    -  3<L.    intestina  uenter  umblicus  latera.   Objects 
of  do  tibi  24.   The  parts  here  defixed  represent  the  front 
and  sides  of  tiie  body,  and  scapulars  32  the  back.   A  rna.n 
sleeps  reclining  on  sides,  front  or  back;  hence  the  pertinency 
of  ni  possit  dorinire  32;  and  ni  possit  sanus  dormire  33  (on 
"vvhich  see  note),  '       '•' 

intestina.   Cf.  corjfulinones  itestinas  uetre  (Aud.  190, 
10);  uiscera  interania  (250  a24)  ;  €^T(.c<k  (75  b  2); 

i/7roy«!r73/o«^     (74,  14  -  15). 

iienter .    Here  v;e  should  expect  uentrem,  as  in  Aud . 
190,  10,  V;}i3re  we  read  uetre.   But  the  use  of  the  word  as  a 


neuter  is  not  ^:)ci,ralleled;  e.g.,  Aud.  135  a3 ,  8;  b2 ,  3,  5. 
There  is  no  other  authority  for  the  neuter  th£!,n  this  very  lim- 
ited vulgar  usage.    In  Greek  v/a  find   A'o/\/o(V  (42   "'04); 

crTou.xyfci/  (74,  14);  TijV  yxTTtao,  (WtSnsch,  DTA  89  a4)  . 
Proai  the  point  of  view  of  anatomy  uente_r  was  a.s  loosely  used 
as  is  oxn'  English  word  belly,    Cf .  note  on  intestina. 

umblicus.    The  reading  of  the  final  _s  in  Scciuida  27 
establishes  the  original  text  v/itiiout  a  aoubt.   As  in  the  ca,se 
of  uenter  a  limir.ed  vulgar  usage  i-s  the  sole  authority  for  it^; 
use  as  a  neuter;  e.g.,  lunl  i  cus  (Aud.  135  a4)  ;   b6  ;  cf . 
ublicu  (  [^Cj  }  1)  ,    By  the  ancients  the  navel  was  regarded  as  the 
middle  point  of  the  bod;'-;  e.g.,  corporis  centrum  medium 
natm^aliter  est  umbilicus  (Vitruv.   Ill   1,  3);  cf,  hov/ever, 
Varro,  De  Ling.   Lat.  VII   17.   See  Gruppe ,  pp.  723  ff. 

la  t  era .    So  latus  (Avid,   134  b6 )  ;  laixis  -  lat  us 
(b  1),    The  plural  is  not  found  elsewhere  in  the  tabellae. 
The  Greek  equivsilent  is  found  no\;liere  in  the  Greek  tabellae 

3^' •  ni  possit   dormire ,        Cf,   ni   possit   dorinire 

33,        Similarly  cKft^  .77-orriVp/  ?eyaw.f(-/)^(Avid .   267,    19    -  20); 

ot/6 Vo^     6>o/]u,/a(^     ("bis)    (270,    4-7);      auferas   soiimiua, 

non  doriaiat  I^Iaurusaiis    (250  a4-5);      cf,   265  a8-9;    266,    7j 
i/TT/os       c/ '  o(  TTttrTIc)       ■y\uku  Qyju.0%     ou.iKot.~r  u>\/    (Arist.    C\^u.<i.^  yor-4)^ 
Shakespeare,   lalacljeth,    I     3,        The    sentiment   is   not  expressed 
an"^Avhere    in   tlie   Greek   tablets. 

s capiilas .        Cf.    scapulae    in  Vesonie.  33.     Elsewhere    in 
the  tabellae    only   in  Aud.      135     a7  ^jYi^^tb   s capias    is   read. 
Cf,     a^7o^ot/o/       v'ZiTov      u/roy<x(rro  »<3v^  (74,    I4- 

15),        Sca,piilae  v/a,s   sometimes   used  for   tergum,   as   pa,rs   pro 
toto;    e,g,,   _s_capixlas  prae'pere   uerberious    (Seneca,   De   Ira, III 
12);    cf.   Plaut.   Cas.   955-6;    True.   793;    Ter.   Phor .    76. 

33,  ni  possit  sanus  dormire.        In  ^amxs    there   is 

spa.ce  between  z_  find   n  for   one   letter  only  which  must  be   a   in 
this   connection..        "Go    that  he  nici,y   not   sleep  a   liea,ltjiy  sleep". 
This   doubtless  refers    to   the  deliriiun  of   the   fevers    (cf , 
Celsus   1113.13,    14,    15)  , 

33  -34.   uisciun  sacrum.   Object  of  do  tibi  24.   The 
connection  with  nei  possit  virinam  facere  is  obvious.   Usually 
not  uiscus   -i  (or  per  imps  uisciim  -i) ,  but  uiscus  -eris ;  the 
word  is  most  corniaonly  used  in  the  plu_r'al.   Visciis  ra:  uterus_ 
in  ITeiiies.   Cyyi.   124,  132;  Quint.  X  3,  4;  U)p  .  Dig.  XI. VIII 
8,  8;  ^   testes ^Petr.  CXIX,  20;  Plin.  IT.  H.  XX  13,  51  ^142. 
Referring  to  the  epithet   <-ex)«/   in  a^ov         oTttoi/" 
(cf.  OS  sacrum)  the  Thes.  Gr.  Ling,   offers  this  among  other 
suggestions  a.s  to  its  origin  -  "qjiod  in  ea  aliquid  sacri 
arcanique  insit".    In  uiscera  interania  (Aud.  250  a24)  the 
word  is  u.sed  in  a  general  sense  only;  onl:^  here  and  in  our* 
tablets  is  it  found  in  the  def ixiones .   Cf .  cunus  (Aud,  135 
b6);   c^/^o7cv^       (42  b5);    T^/^[ovJ   (74^  17); 

Tx's   yfui\ks  .  .  • To^s         Kir&o^/s  (Wttnsch  DTA   77 

bl-2;  5-6). 

34 .   nei  po  s  sit  urinain  facere  .   Cf .  s_i  in  lee  to 

•••  uJ-inam  faciat;  (UJp.  Dig.  XXI   1,  14);   Coluja.  VI   30, 
3.  4;   Pliny,  IT.  II.  VIII,  68.       The  only  parallel  to  this  is 
where  the  uisica  «  uesica  is  cursed  in  Aud.  190,  11  . 

nei  .    Appears  only  here  and  Avonia  43  and  Vesonia  ?.l , 
This  is  an  old  form  of  the  classical  ne  (Lindsay,  p.  244). 
For  its  hearing  on  the  date  of  the  tablets  see  ch.  Ill,  <^   4, 
See  also  notes  on  serve,  deicere  2  ,  and  ni  4. 

35  -  37,  natis  ungis .   Objects  of  do  tibi  24. 

gi  pos si t  stare  37   shows  the  irmnediate  jnirpose  in  dftfixiag 
the  parts  of  tlie  legs . 

natls.    Elsewhere  among  tlie  tabellae  only  in  Aud.  135 
a4  —  pedes  femus  uenter  natis  uinlicxjs  ;  for  other  e:xai-'iples  set 
Cat.  XXXI J 3   7;  Hor.  Pip.   VIII   5;   Juvenal  VI   612.    Cf. 
ungis  37.   On  the  si-elling  see  Lindsay,  p.  404  and  Neue  I, 
p.  383  ff.    In  the  Greek  tablets  we  find  TT 'i  u) K,  t  c t/' 
(Aud.  42   b5)  ;  TTJ-J/^Tx    (75  b2 )  ;  T^^        "^fe'v)  *?j  *^ 
(Wttnsch,  DTA   89) . 

anvun.   Pound  only  here. 

femina.    Cf .  femena  cenua  crura  talos  planta  ticidos 

9£(j    nO 

if  I       .r 

xi  ,:.o:.ui?tin 

(Aud,  190,  11);  femus  (135  a3);  jur\^o\/S  (42  b5;  74, 

16)  .   Only  in  these  passages  from  tlie  tabellae  are  the  thighs 

defixed.   For  tlie  inflections  of  femus  see  Neue  I,  pp*  834ff, 

genua.    Only  liere  and  Aud.  190,  12  where  it  is  spelled 


36.    cr\ya .      -a  (Aucnia  34;  Vesonia  36);   -u- 
(Secunda  31);  cru  -  (Aquillia  31).   Simileirly  cr^u^a   (Aud, 
190,  12;  see  note  on  femina.)  ;  crus  only  (135  e^8)  ;  £riii8  os 
pedes  (b4).     In  the  Greek  occur:  A  <*Toc^  >^  ^«Ti   Tx  '^KiKy 

(241,  12);  of,  239,  46-48;  240,  55-60.   Only  in  the  above 
passages  are  tlie  legs  defined. 

tibials .  Only  here  and  in    kv-^A^^S  (Aud,  42 

b6)  is  this  part  of  the  leg  mentioned  in  a  curse. 


pedes.    pedes  femu^  (Aud.  a3);  cms  os_  pedes  frontes 

uncis  dicitos  (b  4-5);  247,  12;  250  bl2 ;  252,  41  (Greek 

script)3  TTo'^'^^        *     (15,  19;  47,  2  .  6.8;  49,  3.  13. 

16).    The  feet  of  both  men  and  horses  are  very  frequently 

defixed  in  latin  and  Greek  tabellae  alike. 

talcs.    Occurs  elsewhere  only  in  Aud.   190,  12  (see 
note  on  femina)  »,   Tx    Tcjiu^o^  (15,  20)  is  tlie  only  in- 

stance in  the  Greek  tablets. 

plantas .    In  Avonia  35  after  uaos  is  read  -  la- 
The  next  i>art  of  the  leg  in  order  is  plant  a ,  &s   in  crura  ta 
planta.  ticidos  (Aud.  190,  12-13)  the  only  other  i^^ssage  in 

the  de f i X i o n e s  v/here  fAie   vvord  is  found.   No  ^P 


The  heel   is   defixed   once    onl;'  in   the   Greek:  ^y]/aoOS 

T7^u«kro\/ Kv)y^o(S        "TTT^^i^acs  (Aud,    42.  b6 )  . 

37.   d_igitos.    The  toes  are  rarely  defixed;  .ticid_o£ 
(Aud.  190,  13   on  which  see  previous  note)  and  ^^^^  ttoc^coi^ 
0 <x.  f^  T>j\  o  u  5  (42   b7)  are  the  only  ex- 

amples . 

It     v^--    «'Vi.j 

(*.<^.    i^tnovi. 


ungis.    Uncls  (pediun)  occiirs  in  Aud,  135  b5  (see  note 
on  pedes);  in  &?,   uncis  =  ungues  los.nuuin,  as  prolDably   oi<t//^s 
(42  bl5  and  75  bl ) .   For  ace.  in  -is  see  note  on  natis  35. 
In  pronunciation  there  wfis  a  tendency  to  laa^ke   gu  sourid  like 
simple  g,  as  seen  here  and  in  ^^ntari^^      (CIL  I,  1065}; 
ungentario  (1268);  exsenyiiua  -  exsajriguluic  (Aud.  '^51,  col.  2, 
13);  see  Lindsay,  p.  301;  Stolz-Schmal!'. ,  p.  109  . 

37-38.    ni  possit  stare  sua  j;irtute.   The  following 
are  the  readings  for  uirtute;  j:jrt-te  (Plotius  3^;  -•  -— te 
(Avonia  36);  ---tute  (Vesonia  38);  ---tu--  (^Seounda  32).   The 
word  is  here  the  etiuivalent  of  uiribus ,  as  in  geiua  uirtute 
est  te  unde  hospitio  accipitja  (Plaut.  Mil.  Glor.   676); 
uir tus  in  inf irmi tate  perf i£i tur  (Vulg.  II   Cor.  12,  9)  where 
uirtus  translates  ^c/      ;  cf.  Vuxg.  Ps .   85,  8. 
There  is  no  exact  jiarallel  of  ni^  poss_it__s_tare  elsewhere  among 
the  defixiones,  we  may  regard  as  quasi-parallels  the 
oft-repeated  wishes  expressed  by  cadat  or  cadant  resi-ecting 
both  horses  and  drivers  i-ientioned  in  tablets  272-284  of 
Audollent's  collection. 

3ni;t  0  9*1  a  9-^ 

38  -  43  .   ^eiu^  plus  ecilliinc  .    These  lines 

sliov*  that  this  formula  belongs  to  the  very  limited  class  of 
counter-charms.   In  Audollent's  collection  there  are  only  two; 

39,    scriptvm_fuerit ,  Sc,  a  Plotio;  cf ,  s_cripsi_t 
mands.TU t  (sc.  Plotius)  40,  Scri'bo  as  used  here  is  a  literal 
transl&,tion  of    \  ^<=<<i>uo  -^^  }<<To^y o^  <i>tyO 

which  are  freui-.ently  employed  as  synonjTHS  of  TJu   and 
A^Ta'^«2      ,  as  in  Aud,  4  a7  ff.  and  14  (see  previous 
note);  A;  a  Tet  y  a?  x  ^  c*)   eay«  'Tp'^ktv       ^  .  T,  A  . 
(47,4);   hL  \TKy,'ficf><*J  ^Jxyo^^«^   X^^"^^ 

rro^<<s       k.-r.\.   (  ^^.^^.  also  67,  5;  74;  75;  76;  84,  5.  9; 
87.   Describe  (or  perhaps  ascribo)  is  used  in  this  sense  in 
134  aB,  £cjribo  is  therefore  in  this  passage  a  synonym  of 
defig^o,  trado,  do,  c ommendo ,  l^igo  and  its  compounds,  ma,ndo, 
or  any  other  verbs  of  defixing. 

39  -  40,   qijioiaodo mandai; it ;  £fic ma.ndo .  "In 

what  manner  he  (Plotius)  has  according  to  the  laws  of  irjagic 
coaiiosed  anv  curse  (against  me)  and  entrusted  it  to  v/riting; 
in  like  nanner  do  I  consign  and  entrust  him  to  thee."   Cf, 
the  previous  note.   There  is  a  very  close  parallel  structural- 
ly in  Aud.  139,  1-6:   £uomodo  mortuos  q\u  istic  jsepultus  est 
nee  loqui  nee  sermonare  potest,  seic  Rhodine  . . .  .mor tua.  s it 
nee  loqui  nee  sermonare_ possit .   Cf.  98,  2;  111-112,  5-19. 
The  same  construction  is  found  in  Greek:  e.g.,  Aud.  241,  15-lC 
WOnsch,  DTA  107,  contains  two  clauses  guarding  against  ti^e 
roachinations  of  the  victims  hostile  to  the  writer  or  inspirer 
of  the  tablet. 

39.    quicquid  =::  aliquid;   cf.   tu  ,  si  quid  eri^.  de 
c^eteris,  (sc.  scribe)  de_  Bruto_  utique  quidquid^  See  Stolj;- 
Schmali:,  p.  626;   Wolff lin  Sitzb.  E.  Acad.  1882,  p.  446  ff. 
The  word  is  used  similc.rl;''  in  Avonia  6  and  Vesonia  6. 

40,   ^  legitime .    That  the  ri'les  of  def  ixiones  v/ere 
known  as  leges  is  shown  by    uti  vos  eas deuotas 


^^.•t  r-fv."     '.  1, 

consecrfitasciije  habeat_is  ollis^^legiloijs  qiabus  Cjuand o qx-ie  sunt 
maxime  hostes  deuoti  (Macr,  Sat,  III   9,  10).  Nomen  delatvim 
(Aud,  196)   is  legal  pliraseology. 

mandaiiit,   SimilEirly  mado  (Aud,  195,  7;  297,  4);  .c 
demand o  (268,  2;  286   b2;  290  b2 ;  291  a"^;  cocuaendo  (190,  1. 
139,  12). 

seic .   See  under  sei\je ,  del  cere  1,  2.   This  rare  spel- 
ling of  sic  occurs  also  in  Aud.  139,  3.  9  s=.  GIL  I   818. 

41.   Ploti  .   This  must  be  for  Plotium;  cf.  .Auoniaja  in 
Avonia  39  where  the  context  is  parallel.   The  Latin  tabellae 
contain  Many  instances  of  the  omission  of  final   -m  after  -u; 
e.g.,  Crispu  (Aud.  219  a  10);  eximii-  (Greek  script)  (241,  10); 
ilu  -  illjum  (219  al);  lucru  (135  a9)  ;  tauru  (247,  ;6.18); 
but  nowhere  do  I  find  an  instance  where  tlie  entire  syllable 
-■um  is  dropped. 

trado  niando,   cf,  tradas^  mandes  42;  mandes  tradas   44; 
aspicere  uidere  contemplare   45-46.   Only  in  ovr  tablets  are 
these  words  found  side  "by  side.    This  acciuaulation  of  syn- 
cni'-ras  is  chfirexteristic  of  def  ixi  ones ;  also  of  early  prayer - 
formulae  (Stolz-Schroalz,  p.  669).    '■  -         ■  '.■   •  i  ■ 

42.    mense  jFebruar io .    But  x^nsj.  in  Avonis,  41; 
Vesonia  44;  Secunda  38.    Cf.  16-17;  45  and  Ch.  IIJ,'^  4. 

43    e^cillunc.   _e—   is  conjectural.  What  is  probably 

the  upper  half  of  a  £  appears  irmaedici.tely  before  -i_llunc  and 

too  close  to  it  to  belong  to  another  word,  Eetvreen  the  £  e,nd 

the  original  left-hand  edge  there  is  room  for  one  more  letter 

and  one  only.   The  word  seems  to  be  a  hitherto  ^mat tested 

collateral  form  of  eccilluxa  wit?i  one  £  omitted.   But  this  is 

not  surprising  as  the  non-gemination  of  £  and  other  consona.nts 

is  very  coLimon  in  the  tabellae  and  in  vulgar  inscriptions  in 

general;  e.g.,  b u c ( c ) a s  (Aud.  135  a5) ;   oc ( c ) idas  (286   b6 .  0; 

"  (Ap«/.  Met. 
287);   Suc(c)es(s)a  (227,  3).  We  read  eccille  a  y^LIII   513); 

eccilli  (lb.  L7XIV  550);  eccilliun  (piaut.  Merc.  435;  Persa 

09  £i^ 

It-   e'to' 

247.  59?.    ( ec ilium  P)j  Pseud.   911;  Trin.  622  (e_ciri.via  P)  ^ 
Curciil.  278/,  Ecclllunc  woi'.ld  be  a  combination  of  ecce  4-  ille + 
ce  (cf.  _illunc    5);  one  or  other  of  the  demonstrative  con- 
stituents, therefore,  is  superfluous.   Since  redunde^nc;^  is 
one  of  the  coninonest  characteristics  of  plebeian  speech,  we 
shall  have  to  account  for  e^c(.c)  illunc  on  the  ground  of  the 
plebeian  origin  of  the  tablets.    Cf.  Krebs ,  I   p|>.  441-2; 
Neue  II  p.987. 

43-44.   male  disperdat .   Here  is  another  ac- 

ci^jiulation  of  synoninns  as  in  7^  8,  40.  41.  4?.  ^    44.  45-46. 
The  effect  is  something  like  the  English  "Itay  he  most  misers- 
ably  perish."  Probably  in  populg-r  speech  these  three  verbs 
were  used  intercliangeably  to  signify  "to  perish."   Per  da  t  and 
disperdat  seem  to  owe  their  intransitive  use  in  this  passage 
to  the  analogy  of  per e o ,  as  per d i amsper de am  for  i^eream  in 
Plaut.  Poen,  684.   The  presence  of  exse(a) t  in  this  sa,me 
sentence  would    the  parallel  between  per  do  a,s  e.n   intrans- 
itive and  pereq  very  close. 

exse(a)t.    The  omission  of  a  is  probably  a  lapsus 

itili.   Cf.  exiat  at  exeat  (Aud.  250  bi5)  . 

44.   laandes.    The  readings  for  this  are:  --nd--(Avonia 
42)  J  m----'    (Secunda   40).   Mande^  is  the  orilj-  word  tJia.t 
satisfies  all  conditions.   After  me^de^s,  tradas  supply  ^Ijamc 
as  in  4. 

44  _  46.    ni  possit contempaare  .   "So  that  he  ma.: 

not  see  another  month  more," 

46.   uidere,  contemplare .   That  only  these  two  words 
stand  in  the  last  line  is  evident  from  indications  that  the 
tahlet  tapers  suddenly  at  the  lower  edge.   In  tixe  facsimile  it 
can  he  noticed  that  the  v,riting  of  the  last  tiiree  or  four   - 
lines  is  crowded. 

CemH-ietttAcy  en       AvoniA 

?,,      deicere.   Cf.  Ploti\:.s  ?, . 

4,   ■Auonlae .    The  lacuna  is  not  le.rge  enough  to  per- 
mit reading  ?t  Greek  genitive  as  in  14 »  19.  21,  22.  23,  25. 

This  v*oma,n  is  the  owner  of  Plotius,  the  victim  xaentioned 
in  the  tablet  Just  annotated  (cf.  Plotius  19).   More  clcselv 
than  this  we  cannot  identify  her.    She  "belonged  to  the  ple- 
heian  gens^  Auonia  (or  Aonia )  most  of  whose  rej-resentatives 
were  located  in  Roiae,  as  the  inscriptions  show  (see  Thes . 
Ling.  Lat.  under  Auonius  (Aonius)  and  Ch.  Ill,  ^   3).   Gen, 
not  tAjlt.:  cf.  Plotius  4, 

5.   hoc .    In  no  s^urviving  lortion  of  any  of  the  tablets  does 
one  read  hoc  and  qui c quid  together.   In  this  passage,  as  in 
Vesonia  5,  there  is  c-jnple  room  both  to  complete  sue  is  and  to 
read  hoc  in  the  same  line.   In  Secunda  4  hoc  is  the  final  wore, 
of  the  line  and  guicguid  must  be  read  in  order  to  give  the 
next  line  an  average  length.   That  qj'i^.ci^'id  is  not  found  in 
Plotius  is  probably  d\ie  to  the  error  of  the  copyist. 

6.   q\il_cqul_[d]  .   Here  ctn  adverbial  ace;  Cf,  Plotiiis 
39  and  note. 

6.  r£ot.iai!s.  This  is  oonjectvred  on  the  basis  of  ---tinr  -, 
tlie  rei-vding  in  Vesonia  6;  without  it  the  line  v/ould  fall  short 
of  average  length.   It  does  not  ccciu-  in  the  other  tliree  tab- 
lets.  Should  vfe   attempt  to  read  it  into  Sectmda  5  and  Aquil- 
lia  6,  it  would  be  necessary  to  wait  quiccitud,  as  these  two 
lines  will  not  permit  the  ciddition  of  two  words  each. 

j^llanc ,    Ace.  feiti.  reqiiired  here,  as  in  8.  40  and 
Vesonia  8.  43.   Cf.  illanc  Aqxullia  5  and  illunc  Plotius  5. 

14.   Auoniaes.   So  ^uonia  IP,  20,    21,  ?,2  .  23.  25  and 
Vesonia  22,   Greek  genitives,  as  might  be  expecteo.  in  a  sphere 
of  conpiosition  introduced  into  Rome  t]riroi:gh  the  Greeks,  are  of 
frequent  occurrence  in  the  Lectin  tabellae :  e.g.,  Plotiaes 
(Aud,  134  ao);  Teneries,  Venerioses  (129  8,6.-8);   Aselles  (140, 
5,  14,  15,  18);   SeTrT,^£s  ^   Septimes  (270,  13), 

18.    Sal  Ilia  .   Here  vje  cannot  read  Pr  o  s  e  r  p  ina  Sal  w  ia 
in  Plotius  17, 

corapotem.   Cf .  compote  in  Plotius  18 

1,25.    liguam.    Cf.  liguas  (And.  219  ai2-13);  ligiia 
(303  I  2,    4);  II.  2.  5;  V  6;  VI   5.   The  omission  of  the  n 
is  probable'-  not  a  JiSj)_S3^s  -^-^A j-j- *    ^^'^  rather  a  faithful  represen 
tation  of  a  vulgar  pronunciation;  for  we  know  that  before 
guttuj:*al  and  dental  mutes  n  was  frequently  dropped  (cf .  Lind- 
say, p.  66),   Even  in  the  Monumentum  Anc;.-raniuii  apjiears  pro 
U.icias  -  prouincias  in  one  passage  (V  11  Monimsen)  , 

31-32.   Ni_  p o s s i t^  d or liiir e  is  not  repeated  in  Plotius 
and  also  lacks  the  adjective  sana. 

40.    illanc.   On  the  analogy  of  e(c)cillunc  (Plotius 
43)  we  sliould  expect  ecc illanc,  but  space  forbids  so  long  a 

41.        mens  1 .        But  raense  Plotiijs   42,      See  Lindsay,    p, 
390;    Stolz-Schmalz,    p.   210. 

43.        ^ei«        Cf.   Plotius   34. 

4,   Maximae  Vesoniae.   This  name  is  not  found  once  in 
all  the  inscriptions  containing  the  names  of  mexalDers  of  the 
gens  Vesonia.   In  all  the  Roiafm  inscrirtions  of  this  class 
only  fouj"  women  are  mentioned:  Vesonia  L .  1  .  Callutuche 
(sic)  (CIL  VI   6136);  Vesonia  Proba  (20638);   Vesonia  L.J.. 
Athenais  (28623);   Vesonia  Cn.  f.  Procula  (28624).   The  fact 
that  in  Maxima  Vesonia  the  individual  name  is  written  as  a 
praenomen  is  of  prime  importance  in  dating  the  tablets  (cf. 
Ch.  Ill,  <7>  4);  for  range  of  the  gens  Vesonia  see  ch.  IT  J  <^3 - 

6,   protinus .   Only tinu-  can  "be  rejid;  the  reiixiin- 

der  of  the  v  ord  is  conjectur'ed.   If  the  victim  v/ere  to  "be 
handed  over  forth^¥ith  to  the  fevers,  the  granting  of  the  wish 
by  the  end  of  February  would  practically  be  c.ssui'ed. 

13.   ifli.t.ta[s]  .   In  Avonia  13  m-  only.   The  second 
person  is  siiggested  "by  tr a  [dag]  4,   and  polligla^rxis]  15  (suj^' 
plied  from  Plotivs  13).         ,.    '•■   .  ,-   '<■ 

13.    Saluia.   Not  Proserpina  Saluia,  as  in  Plotius   17. 

22.   Vesoniaes.   Onl;''  one  Greek  genitive  in  Vesonia; 
cf.,  however,  note  on  Avonia   14, 

23,   palpetras,   ra  palpebras ,   Fotmd  only  in  this  tab: 
let;  either  a  vulgar  form  or  due  to  a  lapsus  stili. 

25.    oriclas.  Vulgar  form  of  auriculas;   cf ,  note  on 
Plotius   25.   Similarly  cornicula  oeccime  cornicla  (Mohl,  p. 
161);  oculos ,  o^os  (Aud.  135  a6 ;  ^2);    scapulas,  scaplas  (135 
a7).   See  Lindsay,  pp.  170  ff.;  Stolz-Schmalz,  pp,  170-171, 


labras,   ITowhere  else  than  in  this  tatlet  is  the  word 
thus  inflected.   Labra  iias  here   been  vifrongly  regc>.rded  as  a 
noun  of  the  first  declension.  We  have  other  instances  of  co:;- 
f  us  ion  of  gender  and  inflection:  e.g.,  uenterszuentrem  32; 
uiscuja=-ui3cus  34  ;  iunblicus=um"bilicuBi  32  .   Cf .  notes  on 

26.  lingixa.  Per  drojjping  of  final  m  cf,  note  on 
compote,  in  Plotius  18.  S imilarly  1  i cuasl ia^ua  (134  b2  ) ; 
flcura=figura  (190,  6);  filia  (228  a4)  . 

27.    nei,    Cf.  note  on  Plotius  34, 

33.   scapulae .   The  writer  of  the  tablet  probabl;/  for- 
got tjiat  the  series  of  nouns  in  pectus  ........  .umblicus  30-32 

v/ere  actually  accusatives,  tho\igh  also  nom.  in  form. 

ni  possit  dormire,   Cf .  note  on  Avonia  31-32 

42,   Proserpina,  tibi,   Tibi  alone  is  read  in  the  oth- 

er  taolets,  but  here  it  will  not  suffice,  as  a  nvuaber  of  il- 
legible strokes  show  that  much  more  than  t^ibi  was  written. 
Proserpina  is  conjectured.   A.ltho\igh  \mique  in  this  context 
of  the  formulae  it  suits  perfectl2^  and  fills  the  space  avail- 

43.    illanc.   Cf.  note  on  Avonia  40, 

44.    There  is  space  between  Februario  and  male  for 
another  male.  We  read  it  against  the  single  appearance  of 
male  in  the  other  tablets  in  this  context,  because  it  is  con- 
trary to  the  custom  of  these  tablets  to  leave  so  large  a  space 
absolutely  blank,  .  . •- -     ■: 

(^f>niiMer\Zb^y\l     o't    becicnct*.  . 

3 i_.        That  triis  is  a  genitive  singular  of  a 

man's  nsjae   we  know  for  a  certainty  from  illunc  in  1,  38,    It 
is  thus  parallel  witli  Ploti  in  Plotius  4.   The  length  of  this 
and  other  lines  where  the  victim's  naxae  occurs  regula-rly  in 
the  formula  indicates  pretty  clearly  that  as  a  rule  onl;'  the 
gentiliciim  is  employed. 

15,    The  length  of  the  line  does  not  allov;  one  to 
read  Saluia  before  Proserpina;  .-aoreover,  nov/here  in  all  the 
formulae  is  that  order  observed. 

23,  ....ius,   Assimied  on  the  basis  of  the  gen,  in  i  in  3. 

28-29,   ni  possit  dormire;  scapiilas^.   The  mistake  of 
Plot  ius  is  repeated  iiere.    Sanus  must  be  read. 

35.   quici-iuit .   Only  here  can  the  last  letter  be  made 
out.   It  may  be  that  t  was  written  si/allarly  in  all  the  othei 
tablets;  nevertheless,  in    them  v/e  have  assiuaed  the  regular 
ending  in  d. 

37,   The  mere  nomen  is  too  short  for  the  lacuna,  Prob- 
aJ^ly-   the  original  ¥/as  either  a  phrase  like  Ploti  Auoniae  in 
Plotius  19  or  consisted  of  praenoaien  and  nomen  together. 

,ae  Aquilliae.   That  we  are  here  dealing  with 

a  woman's  name  consisting  of  an  individual  name  and  nomen  is 
certain  from  tJie  letters  visible  and  from  the  context.   We  as- 
sixme    the  order  just  iaentioned  on  the  analogy  of  Maxima,  Vesonia, 
yet   v/e  cf^nnot  deny  tiiat  Aqu...  may  belong  to  an  individual 
name  such  as  Aquila  or  Aquilina;  of.  CIL  VI   l2P,5o-4.    The 
nomen, Aqiiillia, is  by  far  the  coi.imonest  of  those  beginning  in 
Aqu.,  and  in  the  los.jority  of  instances  where  it  is  found  in 
inscriptions  from  the  city  of  Rome  (the  place  of  origin  of  the 
tablets)  it  is  spelled  v/itl-x  two  I's;  see  Thes,  Ling,  Lat. 
under  Aquillius  (or  Aquilius) ,  Nearly  all  of  the  women  of 
this  gens  mentioned  in  the  Roman  inscriptions  are  freedwomen, 

5.   q\acquid  ,   Cf .  note  on  Avonia  6j  quia  quid  is  bet- 
ter attested  than  protinus 

15,   Proserpina.    The  line  is  too  short  unless  the 
reading  of  Plotius  17  be  assiuned, 

27,   (Suit  or  quid  must  be  read  in  this  position  loy   rea- 
son of  the  -nt-  of  intestina  being  ijnmediately  beneatji  pulmones 
of  the  next  line  above;  otherwise  there  will  be  a  gap  unac- 
counted for. 

36,  Aquilliaja.   The  length  of  the  line  indicates  tiiat 
one  part  of  the  name'  only  is  employed  here  as  in  Vesonia  22,24. 

'  ,>^  1 .   Palaeography  of  the  Tablets. 

All  five  tablets  represent  a  type  of  ciirsive  script  not  far 
removed  from  the  early  capital.   When  this  type  is  coinpared  v/ith 
the  handwritings  of  other  periods  tliat  are  broi'ght  together  in 
Plate  VIII,  its  primitive  character  becomes  still  raore  evident, 
even  after  due  allowance  is  made  for  conspiciious  differences 
tiiat  must  result  when  v;ax  or  papyrus  is  substituted  for  lead. 
Beneath  all  these  variations  due  to  liiaterial  the  typical  hand 
of  a  period  is  clearly  visible. 

Papyrus  presented  the  easiest  surface  for  writing,  as  the 
freedom  and  frequency  of  long  curved  strokes  testify;  moreover, 
it  allowed  the  writing-point  to  turn  at  a  sliarp  angle  from  a 
down-stroke  to  a,n  up-stroke  witnout  being  lifted;  3,s  in  S^  in 
col.  III.   On  lead, free  cujr'ves  are  fev/  in  mmber  and  up-strokes 
are  very  v/eak.   The  sliglit  angular  up-tiirns  to  be  noticed  on 
E,  I,  P,  T,  especially  in  the  Johns  Hop-kins  tablets,  are  not, 
strictly  speaking,  up-strokes,  but  &re   s.ccidents  due  to  careless 
lifting  of  t}ie  stilus  for  tlie  next  dovm-stroke.  Writing  on  lead 
of  all  periods  sho\/s  how  difficult  it  was  for  the  writer  to  con- 
trol his  stilus  at  a  sharp  tur*n,  or  in  describing  more  tha.n  a 
very   sma.ll  arc  of  a  circle.   As  a  rule,  v/hen  the  standard  form 
of  letter  called  for  a  large  arc  the  writer  sketched  it  in  a 
broadly  angular  fashion  b^^  lifting  his  stilus  two  or  three  times  . 

The  number  and  form  of  the  strokes  varied  with  the  relative 
hardness  of  the  lead.   Kometiines  wlxere  one  would  expect  a  curved 
stroke,  the  stilus  has  suddenly  shot  forv/ard  over  an  unusually 
hard  or  glazed  spot  in  the  jaetal  and  engraved  £i  long  straight 
stroke.   At  other  times  the  point  has  met  a  Jiard  granule  of 
stone  v/ith  the  result  that  what  was  intended  to  be  a  straight 
line  lias  become  a  cxur've .   The  style  of  v/riting  on  wax  is  about 
midway  between  tha,t  on  papyrus  and  that  on  leud;  that  is  to 
say,  it  is  marked  b;'  only  an  average  nvjaber  of  curves  and  up- 
strokes.  The  graffiti  of  Pompeii  were  written  on  the  most  un- 
yielding of  all  the  ina.terials  chosen  to  receive  v/riting.   In 
them  up-strokes  are  almost  wholly  wanting  anu  it  ir.  evident 
that  ciirvea  were  impossible  except  on  a  very   large  scale,  for 
the  granular  surface  of  the  vi/alls  offered  too  great  a  resist- 
ance to  the  metal  point.   The  writing  of  the  graffiti  is  even 
more  cramped  and  angular  than  any  found  on  lead.   But,  beneath 
all  these  differences  due  to  the  materials  the  typical  iia.nds 
of  the  various  periods  can  be  distinguished.   Applying  this 
conclusion  specifically  to  our  tablets,  we  find  tlia.t  with  all 
th«ir  peculiarities  of  handwriting  tuey  nevertjieless  «hov/,  even 
wit/iou.t  the  detailed  analysis  wnich  follows,  tjieir  close  kin- 
ship with  all  OMTHive   v/riting  of  tlie  first  century  B.  C.  on 
lead ,  papyrus ,  wax  or  wall . 

In  o\Ar  tablets  A  is  the  variable  letter  of  the  entire 

alphaoet.   Stripped  of  its  eccentricities  it  reduces  itself 

to  four  tvpes /\   //s  A  /N   •    These  are  older  forLns 

than  a  very  large  niufilDei*  of  those  found  in  the  Pompeian  wax- 
tatlets  and  are  apparantl;'-  about  contemporary  with  those  in 
colvjnns  I,  II,  Hi,  IV.    But  other  letters  are  more  conclusive 
for  date  than  this.   (Cf.  the  tables  in  Cagnat,  Cours  d»Epi- 
graphie  Latine,  3rd,  ed.,  p.  3). 

S  resolves  itself  into  two  types.   One  is  iiia,nifestly  a  copy 
of  the  capita.l,  a.s  in  the  first  line  of  Plotius  -dAid.   Vesonia, 
where  for  obvious  reasons  all  the  letters  are  written  with  much 

more  than  ordinary  care.   The  other  type  -- •  p  is  shown 

by  a  comparison  v'ith  the  letter  in  other  alphabets  to  be  con- 
fined to  handwriting  of  the  first  century  B.  C.    The  concave 
upper  portion  of  the  right -liand  stroke  differentiates  it  from 

the  later  ciu'sive  form cK which  is  easily  mistaken  for 

a  Jj  .   But  the  early  form  cannot  be  so  mistaken.    This  let- 
ter therefore  points  with  considert/ule  probability  to  the  first 
centi.u^y  B.  C.  as  the  period  to  vdiich  our  tablets  belong. 

C  varies  Just  as  we  should  expect  a  ".urve  to  do  on  this  ma- 
terial.  The  form  with  two  strokes  seen  in  columns  III--Z,  does 
not  occiu'  in  our  tiiblets,  and,  as  it  is  found  on  lead  onl;r  in 
tiie  later  period,  it  jaa;^  }ia,ve  been  developed  on  pa.pi'T'us  . 

D  clings  closely  to  the  capital  in  form,  1  1    .   Save 

in  one  or  tv/o  instances,  and  tiiose  accidental,  tlie  left-hand 

stroke  is  i^eriiendicu.lar ,  v/hile  tJie  right-hand  stroke  extends 
in  a  regular  ciirve  fron  a  joint  to  the  left  of  and  above  the 
other  stroke  to  c^  point  to  the  right  of  and  helov/  it,  thus  de- 
scribing a  quadrant.   The  lainus^ule  d  is  formed  by  converting 
the  left-hand  stroke  into  a  loop  and  tl.e   right  into  a  straight 
line  which  gradually  a.ssiiaied  tlie  perpendiciilar .   This  letter, 
therefore,  is  a  good  indicator  of  jieriod.        •,  .  „ 

.E  and  F  are  xmif  ormly  |  j     and  I  I   ,  and  are  of  no  value  in 
dating,  as  consultation  of  the  tables  will  .siiow. 

G  in  almost  uniformly  C^^  ,  its  variations  being  accidental. 
This  points  to  a  date  at  least  as  early  as  the  Pompeian  wax-tab- 

H  exiiibits  consistently  the  pure  capital  form.   All  of  its 
lines  are  practically  straight,  and  siiov/  none  of  the  minuscule 
tendency  seen  even  as  early  as  the  handwritings  of  columns  III 
and  IV,   This  letter  :(ia.i'   be  classed  with  B  and  D  for  purposes 
of  dating.         "   .    . 

I   varies  greatly  in  height,  hvt    tliere  is  no  connection  be- 
tween this  variation  and  the  quantity  of  the  vowel, 

K  appears  nowhere  in  the  tablets. 

As  a  rule  the  lov/er  stroke  of  L  rises  above  the  horizontal. 
In  late  handwriting  the  tendency  was  for  it.  to  drop.   In  col- 
Uiwri  I   v/e  must  understand  a  faint  up-stroke  or  an  attempt  at  an 
up-stroke  baulked  b^'  tiie  unyielding  surface  of  tiie  v/all,  im- 

mediately  preceding  the  visilale  dov/n-stroke .   The  process  of 
making  this  kind  of  L   is  seen  v/ith  great  distinctness  in  inany 
instances  in  all  oiir  talalets.    ■  ^' ■ "  '      .  -u. 

M  generall;/-  a.ppears  in  the  capital  form  v;ith  stich  laodi- 
fications  as  the  material  would  cause.   In  three  tablets  a.n  oc- 
casional  Mil    is  noted.      ■■■'"''■         '  - '-      ■■■■■  ■ '    '■' 

]:T  shows  natiiral  variations  of  the  capital  only.   This 
letter  and  M  are  of  no  service  in  determining  date. 

The  two-stroked  0  -  ()  ,  (^  —  which  is  found  in  oTxr  tab- 
lets, is  norjiia.l  for  all  periods.    The  letter  form  itiay  he  at- 
tributed to  haste  rather  than  to  .'n3,terial. 

The  loop  of  F  is  never   written;  the  letter  is  always  (  . 
This  would  point  to  a  period  prior  to  tlie  second  century  A.  D. 

Of  Q   our  tablets  give  only  the  cursive  form, ''~X  — 

never   the  modified  capital,  C)    .   Both  forms  are  early, 

as  Plate  VIII  shov/s . 

R   is  as  a  rule  a  hastily  written  capital,  but  sometimes 
shades  off  towards  the  p\irely  cursive  form  without  full;'  at- 
taining it, 

S   is  uniformly  my,de  with  only  one  stroke.   It  seems  to  be 
a  little  earlier  tiian  the  forms  of  S  in  coluinns  III  I'.nd  IV. 

T,  V,  and  X  fail  to  exhibit  any  notewortiiy  peculiarities. 

Y  and  X  do  not  occiir. 

In  none  of  the  five  tablets  is  a  ligatm^e  employed.  This 

is  cliari^cteristic  of  the  defixiones  and  doubtless  results  from 
the  desire  to  make  the  v/ords  complete.    The  Sethian  tablets 
are  an  exoerition  to  the  rule  (cf.  Wttnsch,  Seth.  pp.  53,  55), 
but  even  here  the  ligatures  are  fev/  and  siiaj-.le. 

In  nearly  every  instance  the  v/ords  are  clearly  divided 
from  one  another  oy   points  situated  a  little  above  the  line. 
Although  unnecessary,  this  kind  of  punctuation  is  frequentlir 
observed  even  at  the  end  of  a  line.   On  the  other  liand,  the 
tv/o  vvords  of  the  oft-repeated  phrase  do  tibi  a,re  seldom  di- 
vided.  Wider  spacing  bet-./een  words  than  between  letters  of 
the  same  Vv^ord  also  helps  to  distinguish  the  different  words. 
Among  the  palaeographical  peculiarities  of  the  tablets 
ma;'  be  classed  the  syllabic  division  of  words  at  the  end  of  a 
line,  as  in  Plotius  4,  13,  and  Vesonia  29.   Very  similar  is 
the  method  of  correcting  an  omission,  as  in  Plotius  11. 

<^    2 .  dumber  of  ?Iands . 
The  handwriting  of  the  several  tablets  is  .almost  our 
sole  criterion  for  determining  the  probable  number  of  hands 
employed  in  their  production.   Examination  shows  ti-iat  the  same 
iiand  wrote  Avonia,  Vesonia,  Plotius  and  Aquillia,  although  the 
script  is  not  absolutely  uniform.   Avonia  and  Vesonia  differ 

very  little  from  one  another.   They  are  ca.refiiily  and  evenly 
written  tiirougiiout .   Piotxas  and  Aquillia,  on  the  contrary, 
manifest  a  great  lack  of  care.   The  notable  variation  in  size, 
slant,  and  alignment  of  t}ie  letters  indicates  a  certain  aifiount 
of  iiaste.   The  hand,  however,  is  the  same  (cf ,  with  Avonia  and 
Vesonia,  e.g.,  Plotius  25-42,  a  passage  written  with  more  than 
us\;al  care;  and  with  Aquillia,  tlie  most  careless  part  of  Plo- 
tius, namely,  10-15). 

The  relation  of  Secunda  is  loy   no  means  as  easy  to  deter- 
mine.  Only  a  small  portion  of  the  tablet  has  siir-vived.   It 
shows  fewer  free  curves  and  tov-'ar-ds  the  end  degenerates  to  a 
mere  scrawl.   Nevertheless,  taken  as  a  whole,  the  hand  is  ev- 
idently the  sa,me  as  before.   It  is  true  that  the  writing  is 
very   much  larger,  but  it  was  quite  possible  for  a  man  to  s,dopt 
a  nev«  size  of  iiandv/ritlng  in  beginning  a  new  tablet  or  a  r.ew 
page^  as  is  shown  by  the  enlarged  hand  uniformly  maintained  for 
seven  lines  on  tli.e  reverse  of  Vesonia.   A  comparison  of  this 
with  t}ie  best  writing  of  Secunda  ma.kes  it  plain  that  the  two 
handv.-ri  tings  are  of  equal  proj  crtions_^  and,  moreover,  exliibit 
in  aliaost  every  point  the  same  c'liaracteristics .  With  tliis  con- 
clusion compare  the  remark  of  Wttnsch:    "Lie  Hand  eines  Zau- 

berer  ist  auch  tiberall  da  im  Spiele,  wo  ein  Fund  melirere  Tafeln 

mit  demselben  ausffQir lichen  magischen  Apparat  vereingt .  .  .  ." 

(1)   Seth.   p.  76,  note  1. 

There  are,  on  ti.e  other  }ifc.nd,  Bevere.l  featvires  of  the 
foriiuilae  which  tend  to  divide  the  tablets  into  gro\;ps  in  a 
striking  v/ay  and  v;hich  laB.y   }i&,ve  some  connection  with  the  ques- 
tion now  under  discussion.   In  Avonia  and  Vesonia  we  find 
_scapulas  (or  scajulae)  in  its  natural  iiosition;  Loth  prota-oly 
have  protinus  and  neither  repeats  the  expression  nl  possit  d_or  - 
mire.   On  the  other  liand,  Plotius,  Aquillia  and  Secunda,  show^ 
out  of  its  logical  position,  omit  protini;s ,  and  repeat  ni  pos- 
sit dormlre  wit};  the  addition  of  sanus  or  saria , as  the  case  ujay 

These  discrepancies  find  their  most  plausible  explana- 
tion in  the  assi52iption  that  the  author  first  wrote  Avonia  and 
Vesonia,  when  he  w8.s  freslt  and  unwearied,  for  they  exjiibit  the 
best  handv/riting  and  contain  fewest  errors;  that  he  next  wrote 
PlotiTis  and  Aeiuillia  (or  in  reverse  order),  omitting  pr  o  t  i  nus , 
misplacing  scapulas,  repeating  n i  possit  d ormi r e ,  and  at  the 
same  time  allowing  the  writing  to  degenerate  somev/mt;  and  th^t" 
last  of  a,ll  he  wrote  Secunda,  where  the  mistakes  of  Plotius  and 
Aquiilig.  are  repeated  a.nd  the  increasingly  careless  writing 
manifests  the  writer's  weariness  in  a  long  task  and  his  grow- 
ing impatience  a.s  he  e.pproached  the  end. 

A  3.   Provenience. 

Positive  testimony  is  la.cking  to  sliow  exactly  wLere  the 
Johns  Hopkins  tablets  were  v/ritten,  lovt  the  appeai-ance  of  the 
noiaina  gentilie.,  Vesoriia  and  Avonia ,  and  the  peculie.r  cast  of 
the  formulae .  all  jioint  to  Rome. 

The  gens  Vesonia,  as  vfas  pointed  oi;t  in  the  coiniiien tarp- 
on Vesonic.. ,  v/as  known  over  a  wide  i^egion  of  the  Roma.n  \7orld. 
The  name  is  found  once  in  a  Spanish  inscription  (CIL   II  1509; 

eleven  times  in  Campania  and  vicinity  (IV  273;  830;  3471; 

(3477;  347B;  3480;  3481;  3482;  4512);   4012;  4678;  5918;  X  170; 

901;  3091  his);  six  times  in  Ap\ilia  and  Samniiim  (IX  898   ; 
2020;  2021  bis;  2421  bis);  once  in  Worthern  Italy  (V  961); 
twelve  times  in  Rome  (VI  6136;  10407;  20638  ter;^28622;  28623 
bis;  28624;  XV  3688);  once  in  Gallia  ITarbonensis  (JII  5690- 
128).    In  brief,  the  najae  is  foimd  by  far  the  most  frequently 
in  Central  Italy.  .  ,   ^ 

In  the  second  place  a  jeculiar  cast  of  the  formulae 
links  them  with  formulae  the  jjrovenience  of  v/hich  is  certain, 
Porxaulae  written  in  one  locality  are,  as  a  riue ,  very  similar 
in  most  i)articulars ;  v/hile  there  uib^i'   be  ms.ny  individual  differ- 
ences in  spelling  and  in  the  order  of  the  expressions  employed  , 
yet  there  still  remain  the  ea.r-m&-rks  of  the  local  school  of 
magi,   Por  example;  formulae  from  Cyi^rus  have  such  strong  mu- 
tual resemblances  that  these,  in  the  absence  of  other  evidences, 
(3)   Numbers  in  brackets  refer  to  one  individual. 

would  "be  sufficient  to  identify  a  tablet  from  that  island; 

(6)        (7) 
and  the  saine  is  true  of  tlie  tablets  froiii  Carth&^ge,  Pladri'xietvun, 

and  fourth  century  Rome ,    The  lautual  resemblsLnces  a.iiiong  formu- 
lae iroifl  other  localities  are  less  iJiarked,  but  are  nevertheie-ss 

(9)  (10) 

far  from  being  ima.ginar'";^;  e.g.,  the  Cnidian  a.nd  the  Attic 

formulae.     In  addition  to  these  there  is  a  group  of  th-ree 

tablets  from  Latium  whose  formulae  not  only  resemble  one  an- 
other, but  are  very  similar  to  the  formulae  of  our  tablets. 
The  feati^re  cominon  to  all  is  the  painfully  detailed  list  of 
bodily'  iiiejabers  of  tlie  several  victims  concerned.   This   is 
found  to  some  extent  in  other  gro\ips,  but  in  none  but  the 
grou.p  from  Latiiun  does  it  receive  such  careful  attention.  Au- 

dollent  assigns  all  three  tablets  to  the  second  century  of  the 

Cliristian  era,   a  period  at  two  centuries  letter  tiian 

that  in  v/hich  our  tablets  originated.   But  the  chronology'-  of 

t}iese  tablets  has  less  bearing  in  the  present  connection  tiis.n 

the  fact  that  all  possess  in  coimnon  a  characteristic  feature 

which  stamps  them  as  a  local  grox-'p.   It  seems  therefore  likely 

(5)  Cf.    Aud.   22-57. 

(6)  Cf.   Aud.    234-242. 

(7)  Aud.    272-274;    275-284;    2B6-291;    292-294. 

(8)  Cf.   Aud.    159-187. 

(9)  Aud.      1-13. 

(10)  Wttnsch  DTA   64-73. 

(11)  Cf.      Aud.    p.   xlv. 
(11a)  Aud.    134,    135,    190. 

(12)  Cf.   Aud.      Indices,    p.    556;    ■         Schneider,    no.   389. 

that  our  tablets  represent  an  ea.rl'"'  type  of  which  the  later 

formr.lae  a,re  degenerate  offsjiring. 

Ktill  cleo.rer  and  uiore  definite  indications  are  fur- 
nished by  the  range  of  the  gens  Auonia  which  is  known  only 
from  epigraphical  sci;rces.   The  naiae  (including  the  form 
Aonia)  occurs  in  thirty-six  inscriptions  fron  Rome,  in  tl"iree 
from  Old  Lati\ufl,arid  in  onl;-  five  from  all  ether  localities  to- 
gether. (Cf.  Thes.  Ling.  lat.  u.nder  Auoniiis  and  Aonius)  .   Its 
presence  in  our  tablets  points  with  strong  probability  to  the 
conclusion  that  they  were  v.T-itten  in  Rome. 

The  only  evidence  bearing  on  the  date  to  which  the  tab- 
lets should  be  assigned  is  that  furnisiied  by  the  text  itself, 


especially  the  type  of  the  alphabet,  the  jsise  of  the  aspirate 

ch,  of  ei  for  i,  of  lucto  for  the  deponent  luctor,  and  finally 

the  order  of  words  in  the  name  Maxima.  Vesonia. 

^      The  alphabet  has  been  so  fully  discussed  in  ^  /    tliat 

only  a  summary  of  its  special  features  needs  to  be  given  here. 

The  letters  may  be  divided  into  tiiree  grades  according  to 

their  importance  in  this  connection.   First, there  are  those 

letters  that  have  practically  no  value  -  C,  F,,  P,  I,  M,  N,  0, 

Q,,  T,  V,  X;      second,  those  that  indicate  the  time  within  cer- 

(13)   "Dissentire  praecipue  defixiones  fateor  quae  locis 
aetateque  separatae  a  diuersissimis  exaratae  sunt  hominibus, 
duii  contra  arta  quadam  adfinitate  ne  dican  cognations  fere  co- 
niunguntur  quae  conscriptae  simul  fuerunt;  diuisos  nihilominus 
regione  quanouam  re  et  tempore  proximos  titulos  aut  contra  loco 
uicinos  aetate  longinquos  non  miraberis  oinnino  non  consonare." 

tcvin  'broad  limits  -  A,  G,  L,  P,  R;  B.nd   third,  those  thcit  de- 
termine the  period  within  comparatively  narrow  limits  - 
B,  D,  H,  S.      .  ^   .....   • 

The  letters  of  the  second  group  a.lone  v/arrant  the  asser- 
tion that  our  tablets  are  earlier  than  the  v/ax  tablets  of 
Dacia;  but  tliose  of  tiie  third  group  set  the  limit  back  fullj- 
a  century.   In  fact  tliey  probably  anteda.te  tlie  hands  represent" 
ed  in  coliunns  III  and  IV  of  Plate  VIII  and  at  the  same  time 
ffill  betv/een  the  j-eriods  represented  by  the  hands  in  columns 
I  and  II.   B  and  H  are  particule.rly  decisive  letters.  Alpha- 
betical peculiarities,  therefore,  not  only  fix  the  terminus  ad 
quern  at  100  A,  I),,  but  point  to  tiie  period  betvfeen  75  e.nd 
25  B.  C. 

The  use  of  tlie  aspirate  ch  in  pulchra  and  bracchia  sets 

the  terminus  a  quo  not  earlier  tlian  105,  and,  in  all  probabil- 

ity  not  earlier  t};an  75  B.  C;  for  only  one  example  of  an  as- 
pirated consonant  is  noted  j;rior  to  the  jieriod  105-95.    The 

phenomenon  flvictuates  bet\7een  95  and  55,  but  after  the  latter 

date  is  practically  constant. 

The  phenomenon  of  £i  for  T  appears  in  our  tablets  in 

sei,  seiue,  seic,  sue  is ,  nei  ,^deicere  ,   The  first  foi;.r  words 

appear  imiformly  thus,  but  the  le,st  two  appear  generally  as 

(14)  e.l.L.  I  541;  VI,  331. 

(15)  Ritschl,   Opus.  IV,  p.  765;   Schneider,  p.  131. 

ni  and  dicer e .    The  absence  of  ne  is  notev^orthy. 

In  the  depa.rtment  of  def  ixiones ,  ever;-  tablet  where  thais 
spelling  is  foimd  is  assigned  to  tlie  first  century,  B.  C, 
The  following  v/ords  occur:  eimferis   (Aud,  137,  1);  infereis 
(199,  6);  nisei  (197,  3;  sei\;e  (196,  3);  g ue i  (139,  11);  seic 
(139,  3;  9);  tihei  (139,  13).    In  his  note  on  i.nfere^i£  Audol- 
lent  accounts  the  spelling  as  one  of  the  reasons  for  assigning 
the  tablet  in  which  it  is  found  to  the  first  century,  B.  C. 

Beside  this  v/e  place  the  testimony  of  the  Poinpeian  pri- 
vate inscriptions  v/hich  likewise  belong  to  the  vulgar  sphere, 

Fere  Loimnatzsch  has  collected  the  instances  tliat  manifestly 

belong  to  the  Empire  and  finds  only  eighteen,   "This,"  he 
says,  "beside  the  great  mass  of  extant  inscriptions  is  s,  van- 
ishingly  sma.ll  number."   His  final  conclusion  (p.  137)  em- 
bracing official  and  private  inscriptions  together  is,tlis-t  the 
use  of  _ei  for  _i  in  the  inscriptions  of  the  Empire  is  limited 
to  a  few  quite  definite  instances,  especially  the  plural  end- 
ings of  the  second  declenaionj  and,  though  frecnient  at  the  be- 
ginning of  the  Empire,  it  soon  declines  to  the  extent  of  prac- 
tically disappearing,  except  in  a  few  fossilized  words,  as 
he i c ,  sei,  seiue,  seic, 

So  far  then  as  sueis,  sei,  seiue,  seic  and  nei  are  con- 
cerned t};ere  is  nothing  to  sijggest  a  period  earlier  timn  the 

(10)   pp.  132-133. 

reign  of  Augustus,  "but  de  a  cere  and  nei  occiu'ring  tliree  times 

each  as  against  die ere  six  times  and  ni  fourteen  times  point 

iDack  to  a  period  of  transition.   In  accuratelv  dated  inscrip- 

tions  deicere  dies  out  with  the  Lex  Ix'.lia  Municii^alis   of  45 

3.  C,  where  v;e  find  only  deicet  (    8)  and  deicere  (  ,110)  as 
compared  witli  many  occurrences  of  the  later  form.   In  tliis  in- 
scription ni  is  found  once  {.   ^l3b)  and  niue  once  (  ,131);  nei 
and  neiue  ten  times  all  told,  vmile  exc^Biples  of  ne  and  neue 
are  too  numerous  to  count.   These  facts,  too,  point  to  a  peri- 
od of  transition  fvnd  to  the  decided  predominance  of  ne  and  di- 

~(20)  ~" 
cere  over  tlie  earlier  forms.   In  the  Cenotaphia  Pisana,  of  13 

A.  D,,  nei  and  neiue  heA'e  disappeared  and  only  ne ,  neue ,  and 
ni,  niue_  remain,  while  the  Momentum  Anc;rramua  of  the  next  year 


shows  only  ne ,  Douotless  had  the  Pisan^^heen  luider  Imperial 

direction  the  forms  ni  and  niiie  would  not  appee^red  at  al3  ^ 

Now  Ritschl  ha-s  observed  that  _ni  occupied  a  middle  position  in 

time  between  nei  and  ne .    In  other  words,  ne  was  the  form  em- 
ployed almcr>t  exclusively  in  the  fifth  century  of  the  city; 
then  nei  appeared, foil  owed  closely  by  ni.   In  the  seventh  cen- 
tury the  tliree  forms  are  used  side  by  side;  but  in  the  eighth, 
ni  forms  drop  out,  nei  forms  appear  but  seldom,  and  ne  forms 
become  established  as  the  standard.   The  almost  exclvisive  use 
of  ni_  in  Our  tablets  is,  therefore,  clear  warrant  for  assign-. 

(19)  CIL  I,  206,         '       (22)   Cf.   Lommatisch. 

(20)  CIL,  XI,  1420-1, 

(21)  Opus.   II,  pp.  624  ff. 

ing   tliem  to   a  period  not   ffir  reiaoved  fro;/i  the  Lex  lulia,  Mu- 
nicipalis,    sa.y,    not   later   tlian  25  B.C. 

The   use   of  lucto   in   the   active   voice   jioints  v/ith  consid- 
erable  proba,bility   to    the   first   century  B.C.        The   latest  ap- 
pearance   of  lucto  uncompo\mded   is   a   in   the   Be  Lingua 

(25)  (24) 

Latina   of  Varro  which  was  v»-ritten  before   43   B.C.  Only   tlie 

compound  re lucto  appears  after   the   end   of   the  Republic  and 
that   only   tiiree    times   e^nd   xmder   circ^unstances  where  v/e   should 
expect   to   find  archaic   diction.  The   testimony   of  Priscian 

relaitive    to   the   antiquity  of   the  active   lucto   is    tJrjat   it  \7a,s 

used   only  by    the   very  eaxlj"  authors.        In   ovr   tablets,    there- 
fore,  we   have    one    of   the   latest  recorded   excuaples    of   this    verb 

v/hich  disappears   from  extant   literattire   before    40  B.C. 

Momiasen,    in  a  note    on  CIL   I,    1063,    makes    this   reiiiark; 

"Insunt   in  hoc   cum  quibusdam  notis   altioris   a-ntiqui tatis   ut 

sunt   noraen  pi'-opriujn  muliebre   primo   loco   I'ositum   (ilarta  Postu- 

mia,    Saluia  Seruia)    et   orthographica   quaedfuu  (liberteis,   meeis 

Antiocus)".      0^^r   tablets   exiiibit   the   first   of   these  phenomena 

in   the   name   Itojcima  Vesonia,    and  possibly   in  Aquillia.        It   is 

(23)  V   10,  61. 

(24)  See  Scha,nz,  ROmische  Litteratiirgesciiichte ,  3rd.  ed., 
VIII,  1,  II,  p.  441. 

(25)  "Prae terea  pliu'ima  i nueniuntvtr  apud  iietusti ssimos  , 
quae  c o n tr a  _c o ns ue t u dinem  uel  acti uam_  pro  passiua  \xel   passiuam 
pro  actiua  habent  terminationem,  ut . . .  .lucto  pro  luctoi-*. ..." 
VIII"  5,  25.  k. 

(26)  Cf.   note  on  Plotius  7  .j  and  ITeue  III  53. 
(26a)   See  Aquillia  3. 

,  rT9sr">rcV 

well  known  that  in  the  earlier  Reptiblic  a  daughter's  name 

was  up  of  her  father's  gentiliciuja  and  an  individual  mime 

used  as  a  praenomen;  e.g.,  Secunde,  Valeria.,  Lfe.xsvaaa  Sadria, 

Prima  Poinpeia.   This  praenomen  was  not  ahlDreviated  like  the 

masculine  praenomen ,  but  was  written  in  full.   Its  use  was, 

however,  optionctl  and  resembled  in  tliat  respect  the  masculine 

cognomen.  In  the  later  Republic  it  beccune  customary  to  drop 

the  praenomen  a,l together  and  employ  simply  the  gentile  name, 

e.g.,  .Antonia,  Caesonia,  Calpurnia,  Cornelia,  lulia.  About 

the  end  of  the  Republic  tlie  cijstom  changed  again  e.nd  the  indi- 


vidual   names  \/ere    once   inore   used,    not  as   praenoml^,    hov/ever, 

but  as   cognomina;    e.g.   Vitellia  Rufilla,    Caecilia  iletella. 

~~  ~~ " 728") "" 

This  became  the  establis}ied  custom  for  the  Empire,    How  the 

name  Ifaxima  Vesonia  belongs  to  the  older  type  while  Auonis. 
conforms  either  to  the  optional  method  of  aropping  the  prae- 
nomen in  the  earlier  period  or  to  iim   customary  usage  of  a 
somewhat  later  period.   The  mixed  doubtless  indicates  a 
period  of  transition,  which  must  be  placed  several  years  es.r- 
lier  tiian  25  B.C.   and  probo/ol;'-  even  earlier  tiian  the  year  40. 
At  all  events  our  tablets  are  earlier  than  Aud .  130  (   CIL   I 
818)  which  is  dated  50  -  10  B.C.;  there  we  read  Sergia  Gly- 

(27)  Of',   Lto-rquardt-Maaiasee,  p.  17,  which  we  have  substan- 
tially translated. 

(28)  See  also  llau  in  Pauly-Wissowa  under  cognomen,  IV, 

p.  229. 

cXt^e   Bdi   ni 

In  short,  all  the  lines  of  evidence  point  clee-rl;'-  to  the 
first  centxrry  B.C.  as  tlie  period  in  v/hich  the  Johns  Hopkins 
ta'blets  were  v/ritten.   The  character  of  the  alphabet  employed 
and  the  use  of  ei  for  i   sliovv  tiiat  tl-iey  are  not  later  than  25 
B.C.,  and  the  appearance  of  the  aspirate  ch  indicates  a  time 
not  :auch  ea.rlier  than  75  B.C.    The  axtive  lucto  coiud  scarce- 
ly  have  appeared  "orjfoFQ  40  B.C.,  nor  is  it  likely  that  the 
naiaes  LTaxiLoa  Vesonia  and  Avonia  coxild  have  oeen  used  together 

hat  date.   We  are  therefore  Justified  in  concluding 
that  the  ta'blets  were  written  in  the  month  of  Pehruary  (as  the 
formulae  state)  during  a  year  of  the  period  betv/een  75  and 
40  B.C.,  the  actual  date  probably  being  nearer  to  40  tlian 
to  75. 


William  Sherwood  Fox  was  born  in  Throopsville ,  N.  Y.,  June 
17,  1378.   His  elejientary  and  High  School  educittion  was  re- 
ceived in  Erie  and  Pittsburg,  Pa,,  and  Toronto,  Canada,   In 
1396  he  entered  McMaster  Universitv  of  the  last  named  citj'-, 
where  for  four  years  he  pursued  the  special  coivrsea   in  the 
classical  languages.  He  there  obtained  the  degree  of  Bachelor 
of  Arts  in  1900  and  five  years  later  tha.t   of  Ms-ster  of  Arts 
(extra-mural).   In  the  autiunn  of  1900  he  was  appointed  Profes- 
sor of  Latin  and  Greek  in  Brandon  College,  Brandon,  3/Ianitoba, 
which  position  he  held  until  1909.   During  this  period  he  was 
granted  two  years'  leave  of  absence  for  tiie  pxxrpose  of  further 
study.   The  first  year,  1902-03,  was  spent  in  the  University 
of  Geneva,  Switzerlaiid,  and  Athens,  Greece;  and  the  follov/ing 
year  in  Johns  Hopkins  University,  At  the  termination  of  his 
residence  in  Brandon  in  1909  he  resuraed  his  studies  in  Johns 
Hopkins,  selecting  as  his  subjects  Classical  Arcliaeology, 
Greek  and  Latin,   For  the  year  1909-10  he  was  Fellow  by  Coiuf- 
tosy,  and  for  1910-11  University  Fellow  in  the  department  of 
Classical  Arclxaeology . 

Ackn0'»7led£^ients  are  due  to  Professor  H,  L.  Wilson  at  whose 
suggestion  the  j^resent  subject  was  undertaken,  ana  to  Professors 
B.L .Gildersleeve,  K.F, Smith,  D.M.Robinson,  C .W.E .Miller ,  W.P. 
Mustard  for  their  invaluable  advice  and  assistance.   Their  un- 
failing courtesy  and  joan;''  kind  attentions  will  alv/a;^s  be  most 
gratefully  rej.iembered . 



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